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Full text of "Bible defence of slavery : or, The origin, history, and fortunes of the Negro race, as deduced from history, both sacred and profane, their natural relations--moral, mental, and physical--to the other races of mankind, compared and illustrated--their future destiny predicted, etc."

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A.\\\'"-  //A 


Johanna  T,   Baltmsaitls 

>is  recovering. 


I  HOME  I^c.  29.-Nine  ambassadors 
'  Accredited  to  the  Holy  See  have  pre- 
sented the  respects  of  the  diplomatic 
.corps  and  wished  the  Pope  a  Merry 
^^Jhristmas  and  Happy  New  Year. 
'  The  ambassador  from  Brazil,  who 
ils  the  dean  of  the  corps,  first  pre- 
•  sented  his  respects  and  was  followed 
by  plenipoteaiiaries  from  Poland, 
.Germany.  E^ce.  Peru-,  Chile,  Co- 
fioinbia,  B^j^tt.-M^Spa^"- 


Subscription  Record 

Jan.  and  Feb.,  1905 41,320 

Jan,  and  Feb.,  1904 33,401 


The   Abolitionist   Should    Have   Been 
Hanged  and  Quartered. 

Kev.  GeoWe  I>angdon,  ot  "NTorth  Caro- 
lina, in  1831),  Avrote  to  the  editor  of 
Zion  Watchnlan,  «n  anti-slavery  publica- 
tion: "I,  sirl  would  as  soop  be  found  in 
the  ranks  of\he  banditti  as  numbered 
Avith  Arthur  Tlppan,  and  his  wanton  co- 
adjutors. Nothing  is  more  appalling 
to  my  feelings  IH  a  man,  contrary  to  my 
principles  aS  a  (Aristian,  and  repugnant 
to  my  soul  as  a  Ainister,  than  the  insid- 
ious proceedings  m  such  nien" — (aboli- 
tionists). ( 

Augusta,  Oa.,  C^^nicle:  "He  (Amos 
")re»9er)  shoiPd  b'T^?hung  as  high  ag 
aeaven,  to  rot  oii  {he  gibbet,  until  .1,^ 
wind  whistled  throu^  his  bones.  Th( 
of  th,e  wlioia  souta  should  be  deat:.h 

cx^  of 

t  «leath, 

















REMOVAL  OF  THE  FREE  BLACKS,     , , .  ;      ;' 


OF  BOTH  RACES.  '  -     • 

BY  REV.  W.  S.  BROWN,  M.D., 

OF   GLASGOW,    KT.  .  ,  ,  , 




WILLIS    A.    BUSH. 


Kntered,  according  to  act  of  Congress,  on  the  24th  of  February,  1851,  by 

REV.  W.  S.  BROWN,  M.  D., 

In  the  aork's  OfSce  of  the  United  States  District  of  Kentucky, 




In  presenting  the  following  woHj^  to  the  American 
public,  no  apologies  are  offered.  We  live  under  a 
Government  which  tolerates  liberty  of  thought  and 
freedom  of  the  press,  and  in  this  expression  of  our 
honest  views  and  feelings  upon  a  subject  relating  to  the 
general  welfare  of  the  country,  we  are  but  exercising 
a  right  which  belongs  to  every  American  citizen. 
Observation  and  experience  Jias  taught  us,  that  no  man's 
opinions  and  principles  gain  favor  with  the  world  by 
empty  apologies  and  useless  excuses;  but,  that  they  are 
generally  received  or  rejected,  as  they  should  be, 
according  as  they  possess  merit  or  demerit.  It  is  a 
pleasing  reflection,  that  the  age  of  proscription  for 
opinion's  sake,  is  past,  we  trust,  never  again  to  return ; 
and  that  the  unrestricted  interchange  of  thought  and 
sentiment,  which  is  permitted  by  the   liberal   genius   of 


our  free  institutions,  has  been  productive  of  the  most 
glorious  results — as  the  rapid  spread  of  civilization  and 
Christianity,  the  general  diffusion  of  light  and  know^ledge, 
and  the  wonderful  developments  and  triumphs  of  science 
and  art,  in  this  our  day  and  generation,  clearly  demon- 
strate. Let  the  work  progress — let  the  little  stone  cut 
from  the  mountain's  brow,  continue  to  roll  onward, 
gathering  strength  with  its  progress — the  result  will  be 
the  full  development  of  the  illimitable  powei's  of  the 
human  mind,  and  a  final  consummation  of  all  the  glorious 
events  contemplated  in  the  redemption  of  the  world. 

The  question,  "  Is  slavery,  as  it  exists  in  the  United 
States,  justifiable  V*  is  one  which,  at  least,  admits  of 
discussion.  If  it  be  in  harmony  with  the  immutable 
principles  of  truth  and  justice,  and  not  a  *'  crime  against 
humanity,"  and  a  libel  upon  our  holy  religion,  let  it  be  so 
understood  and  practised  by  our  honest  citizens,  whose 
highest  ambition  consists  in  faithfully  serving  God,  and 
living  in  obedience  to  the  laws  of  the  country.  If  not, 
let  the  converse  be  established,  and  some  judicious  and 
practicable  system  of  emancipation  and  removal  provided ; 
and  we  maintain,  without  the  fear  of  successful  refutation, 
that  a  majority  of  the  enlightened  slaveholders  of  the 
United  States,  with  characteristic  promptitude  and 
Christian  philanthropy,  will  liberate  their  slaves,  and 
contribute  to  their  removal  and  future  support  and  pro- 
tection. All  that  is  wanted  in  the  final  adjustment  of  this 
"vexed   question,"   is    light   and    knowledge — a  fair   and 


candid  interchange  of  thoughts  and  opinions — a  faithful 
und  true  exposition  of  the  principles  involved  in  the 
relation  of  master  and  slave.  Convince  tlie  slaveholder 
that  this  relation  is  incompatible  with  Christianity  and 
republicanism — he  stands  ready  to  abandon  it,  regardless 
of  the  sacrifice.  His  mind  is  not  sealed  against  the 
impressive  teaching  of  truth  and  reason,  nor  his  heart 
seared  against  the  moving  influences  of  pure  benevolence 
and  true  Christian  charity.  But,  hitherto,  the  agitation  of 
this  question  has  been  altogether  one-sided,  and  confines 
mainly  to  those  in  whose  action  upon  this  subject,  neither 
right,  reason,  nor  justice,  were  involved.  They  have 
been  justly  regarded  as  busy-bodies,  and  disturbers  of  the 
public  peace.  The  question,  like  the  institution  itself,  is 
purely  of  a  sectional  or  local  character,  involving  only  the 
interests  of  the  citizens  of  those  States  where  slavery 
exists.  For  it  to  be  discussed  and  agitated,  and  the 
motives  and  characters  of  the  slaveholder  to  be  assailed 
and  calumniated  by  the  citizens  of  other  States  is  illiberal 
and  anti-republican,  and  savours  of  ignorance  and 
corruption,  or  of  both  combined.  But,  nevertheless,  this 
unnatural  warfare  against  truth  and  justice,  against  law 
and  liberty,  has  been  continued,  until  the  peace  and 
prosperity  of  a  great  nation  are  much  disturbed,  and  our 
glorious  Confederacy  well  nigh  dissolved ;  until  many  of 
our  best  citizens  and  purest  patriots  have  began  almost 
to  call  in  question  the  honesty  of  the  honored  dead — the 
Fathers  of  the  Republic ;  and  to  look  with  distrust  and 

ri  PUULISHER's    PllEFACfc 

suspicion  upon  those  time-honored  in^itutions  which 
have  comnnaiided  ihe  Vvorld's  adtniratioii,  and  by  which 
are  secured  to  us  tlie  richest  blessings  &f  Civil  &a6 
religious  liberty.  Is  it  not  time,  then,  that  the  South 
should  begin  to  defend  herself  against  the  aggressions  of 
these  time-serving  votaries  of  error  and  fanaticism,  and 
show  to  the  World  that  her  peculiar  policy  and  ihstitutidns 
are  in  harmony  with  the  genius  of  republicanism,  and  the 
spirit  of  true  Christianity  1  Believing  that  such  is  hei* 
true  policy,  and  that  this  proposition  is  much  mote 
consistent  and  reasonable,  as  Weil  as  more  easily 
established  than  its  converse,  we  have  been  induced  to 
give  publicity  to  the  folloW'ing  pages  ifi  Vindication  6£ 
Southern  rigkU  and  institutions. 

Although  We  believe  ihat  the  iustitiitioh  of  slavery 
received  ''  the  saiiction  of  the  Almighty  in  the  Patriarchal 
age;"  ''that  it  was  incol'pot-ated  ilito  the  only  national 
constitution  w^hich  ever  emanated  hum  God  •/'  ••  that  ilS 
legality  was  recognistcd,  and  its  lelafive  duties  regulated 
by  our  Saviour,  when  upon  earth  ;"  that  it  was  established 
in  wisdom,  and  has  beet)  wisely  cMitiiiued  through  alJ 
ages,  and  handed  down  to  us  in  merCV ;  afid  that  the 
I  elation  of  master  and  servant  harmonizes  strictly  with 
the  best  interests  of  the  inferior  or  African  race  in 
particular,  in  securii)g  to  him  that  protectiotl  and  support 
which  his  native  imbecility  of  intellect  di.sf^ualifies  him 
from  securing  for  himself;  yet  do  we  most  cordially 
reprobate    any    abuse    of    the    reltitifill     by    the    superio'' 


power,  or  any  undue  exercise  of  authority,  by  the  master 
over  the  slave— holding  it  to  be  an  unwavering,  uncom- 
promising truth,  that  a  fearful  retribution  is  in  reservation 
for  all  the  violators  of  the  wisely-established  decrees  of 
God,  in  this  respect.  There  are  certain  obligations  and 
duties  which  every  master  owes  to  his  slave,  that  are  as 
binding  and  indispensable  as  are  the  duties  and  obligations 
which  be  owes  to  his  God,  his  country,  or  himself.  These 
discharged,  in  accordance  with  the  will  of  high  Heaven, 
and  the  mere  fact  of  being  a  slaveholder  will  not,  in  our 
humble  judgment,  debar  a  man  from  an  entrance  into 
that  "house  not  made  with  hands,  eternal  in  the  heavens." 
Our  individual  views  on  the  subject  of  a  national 
system  of  colonization,  as  applicable  to  the  free  black 
population  of  the  United  States,  may  be  regarded,  at  first 
sight,  perhaps,  as  somewhat  novel,  and  wanting  in  the 
essential  qualities  of  age  and  precedent,  or  experience ; 
but  the  reader  may  rest  assured,  that  they  have  been 
submitted  to  the  inspection  of  many  of  our  prominent 
citizens  and  leading  statesmen,  and  have  received  their 
unqualified  approval,  without  exception.  The  existence 
of  free  blacks  in  any  community,  whether  free  or  slave, 
is  universally  admitted  to  be  an  evil  of  no  minor 
consideration.  Their  removal,  therefore,  is  a  matter 
deeply  affecting  the  interests  and  well-being  of  both  races. 
Their  present  number  and  natural  increase,  places  this 
beyond  the  reach  of  individual  enterprise.  The  resources 
of  the  general   government   must,  theref(,»re,  be  brought 

viii  publisher's  preface. 

into  requisition  in  the  removal  of  this,  as  well  as  any 
other  evil  of  a  general  or  national  character.  How  this 
may  be  done  in  this  case,  in  a  manner  harmonizing  with 
the  true  interests  of  both  races,  is  a  theme  certainly  not 
unworthy  the  candid  consideration  of  any  American 

In  the  work  of  Mr.  Priest,  on  the  subject  of  "  Slavery, 
as  it  relates  to  the  Negro,  or  African  Race,  Examined 
in  the  Light  of  Circumstances,  History,  and  the  Holy 
Scriptures;  with  an  Account  of  the  Black  Man's 
Color,  Causes  of  his  State  of  Servitude,  and  Traces 
of  his  Character,  as  well  in  Ancient  as  in  Modern  Times, 
with  Strictures  on  Abolitionism,"  the  reader  may 
confidently  expect  to  find  a  work  of  great  research  and 
ability — one  of  deep  interest,  and  well  worthy  his  candid 
perusal.  The  author  has  sought,  in  the  oracles  of  God, 
in  authentic  history,  and  in  the  analogies  of  nature,  the  key 
to  the  mystery  of  the  degradation,  through  the  unchronicled 
ages  of  the  past,  of  the  negro  race.  The  fact  of  the 
inferiority  and  consequent  subordination  of  the  black  race 
to  the  white,  being  in  accordance  with  the  will  of  the 
Supreme  Ruler  of  the  universe,  is  not  like  a  mathematical 
problem,  susceptible  of  absolute  demonstration;  yet  we 
think  the  readers  of  this  work  will  acknowledge  that  the 
author  has  let  in  a  flood  of  light  upon  this  deeply 
interesting  subject,  through  the  mist  in  which  ignorance 
and  misguided  sympathy  has  enveloped  it.  Himself  a 
Northern    man,  prejudiced,  as   he    admits,    in    his   early 


education,  against  the  institution,  the  conclusion  at  which 
he  arrives,  supported  as  they  are  by  the  most  powerful 
train  of  reasoning,  cannot  fail  to  check  the  suicidal 
progress  of  that  pseudo-philanthropy,  yclept  "  modern 


Than  a  knowledge  of  the  races  and  nations  of  men,  who 
have  peopled  the  globe  since  it  was  created,  there  can  be 
no  subject  more  interesting.  With  a  view  to  an  elucidation 
of  this  description,  wc  present  the  work  before  us,  in  which 
an  attempt  is  made  to  give,  in  some  measure,  a  history  of  the 
origin,  character,  and  fortunes,  of  the  negro  portion  of 

In  pursuit  of  this  object  we  hope  there  needs  no  apology, 
because  we  have  found  it  necessary  to  resort  to  the  Holy 
Scriptures  for  much  important  information  which  relates  to 
our  design,  as  it  is  well  known  that  those  parts  of  that  book 
which  were  written  by  Moses  are  the  eldest  writings  of  the 
numan  race  now  extant,  and  relate  to  the  very  first  opera- 
tions of  the  human  race  after  the  flood.  As  corroboratory 
of  the  developments  of  that  miraculous  book,  we  have  also 
resorted  to  ancient  and  modern  history,  to  travels,  narra- 
tives, &c.,  which  go  to  aid  us  in  the  research. 

As  to  the  origin  of  the  negro  man,  we  have,  in  our  cogi- 
tations, recollected  several  curious  opinions  relative  to  the 
subject,  which  we  have  thought  proper  to  present,  on  account 
of  their  wild  and  extravagant  character,  as  follows: 

Some  have  queried,  whether  the  mother  of  the^rs^  negro 
man  might  not  have  been  frightened  by  some  hideous  black 
monster  of  the  antediluvian  woods — as  in  the  first  ages  of 
the  world  there  were  many  terrible  beasts  of  the  wilderness 
roaming  about,  whose  races  are  now  extinct.  There  is  one 
creature  which  existed  then,  and  is  not  yet  extinct,  whose 
appearance,  in  its  native  haunts,  is  very  frightful  to  behold; 
and  this  is  the  black  ourang-outang,  of  which  animal  there 
are  individuals  known  to  have  attained  the  enormous  height 



of  seven  feet,  covered  entirely  with  shining  black  hair. 
The  strange  effects  of  fright  on  the  offspring  of  mothers,  is 
a  well  known  phenomenon  in  the  physiological  history  of 
man.  Thus,  as  some  have  supposed,  the  negro  race  was 
produced,  forming  an  entire  new  class  of  human  beings,  and 
distinguished  from  the  nature,  color,  and  character  of  the 
parents,  by  a  fright  of  the  mother. 

Others  have  seemed  to  believe,  that,  in  the_  very  first  ages 
of  the  planet,  and  long  before  the  creation  of  Adam,  there 
existed  a  race  of  animals,  having  a  resemblance  to  man,  as 
has  the  ourang-outang,  but  of  gigantic  stature,  as  well  as 
power,  dwelling  in  communion  with  other  beasts  and  mon- 
sters of  that  time.  From  this  family  of  animals,  it  has  been 
supposed  that  the  negro  race  was  derived,  and  brought  for- 
ward by  the  continual  mutations  of  nature,  passing  from 
one  change  to  another  in  pursuit  of  maturity,  with  all  things 
else,  arriving  at  last  to  their  highest  point,  as  exhibited  in  the 
presence  of  the  black  or  negro  nations. 

It  has  also  been  believed,  that,  at  a  very  early  period  of 
time,  some  community  of  men  have  been  so  situated,  in  rela- 
tion to  climate,  food,  and  other  circumstances,  as  to  have 
been  changed  from  their  original  stamp  of  complexion  and 
character,  to  that  of  perfect  blacks,  thus  originating  the 
negro  family  of  man. 

Some  have  imagined,  that  the  origin  of  the  race  was  a 
disease  of  the  skin,  which,  being  of  an  incurable  nature, 
formed  at  length  a  radical  character,  and  thus  produced 
this  people. 

Many  have  believed,  that  there  was  at  Jirst  as  many,/»- 
tkers  and  mothers  created  as  there  are  now  different  races  of 
men,  from  whom  have  descended  the  red,  the  white,  the 
black,  the  brown,  and  the  yellow  tribes  of  the  human  race, 
discarding  the  account  given  in  the  Scriptures  of  there  hav- 
ing been  but  one  pair  of  human  beings  created. 


Others  have  imagined,  that  the  mark  set  upon  Cain  by 
the  Divine  Power,  for  the  crime  of  homicide^  was  that  of 
jet,  which  not  only  changed  the  color  of  his  body,  but  ex 
tended  to  the  blood  and  the  whole  of  his  physical  being, 
thus  originating  the  negro  race,  a  remnant  of  which  they 
suppose,  by  means  of  some  craft,  or  rather  outrode  the  flood, 
anchoring  on  some  lofty  mountain,  subsisting  on  the  float- 
ing carcasses  of  the  drowned  animals  till  the  earth  was  dried 

Thus  many  have  mused  on  the  subject  of  the  origin  of 
the  negro  race.  But  we  reject  all  these  schemes  as  the 
baseless  hallucinations  of  vissionaries,  even  the  mooted  and 
equally  absurb  problem  that  climate,  or  any  other  contin- 
gency, became  the  origin  of  that  people,  and  affirm  that  a 
cause  of  an  entire  different  description  from  all  these  gave 
birth  to  the  race,  an  account  of  which  we  shall  give  in  the 

As  to  the  mental  character  of  the  black  nations,  consid- 
ered collectively, We  have  found  them,  in  all  ages,  since 
their  appearance  on  the  earth,  of  but  small  account  when 
compared  with  the  other  races  of  men,  the  red  and  whitf. 

In  publishing  our  opinions,  as  presented  in  this  work,  we 
have  been  moved  thereto,  by  the  operations  of  conflicting 
principles,  as  held  by  abolitionists  and  anti-abolitionists, 
throughout  the  entire  United  States,  believing  that  light 
was  necessary,  in  order  to  learn  the  truth  respecting  the 
people  in  question,  namely,  the  negro  race. 

We  are  also  anxious  to  ascertain  the  cause  of  this  class 
of  .mankind  being  enslaved,  in  the  low  and  degraded  sense 
of  the  word. 

As  to  the  history  of  the  black  portion  of  the  human  race 
it  has  occupied  the  pens  of  more  writers  than  one ;  on  which 
account  we  feel  that  we  are  not  alone  in  this  attempt,  and, 
also,  that  we  have  advanced  some  new^  and  not  uninteresting, 

opinions,  with  respect  to  the  time  and  the  occasion  of  the 
production  of  the  first  negro  man. 

Together  with  an  account  of  the  origin  of  this  people, 
we  have  not  forgotten  to  inquire  something  respecting  the 
native  mental  abilities  of  the  race,  and  whether  created 
equal  in  that  and  other  particulars  with  other  men.  We 
have,  also,  had  something  to  say  about  exalting  them  in  this 
Country  to  political  and  social  equality  with  the  other  citi- 
zens of  the  United  States,  and  whether,  were  the  whites  and 
blacks  to  become  amalgamat-sd,  it  would  be  a  desirable  ob- 
ject, with  many  other  matters  of  interest. 

We  have  found  the  history  of  this  race  somewhat  of  a 
difficult  character  to  describe,  as  it  is  far  more  hidden  and 
pbscure  than  the  history  of  either  the  red  or  white  race ;  yet 
we  believe  that  some  progress,  in  this  respect,  is  made  in 
the  work. 

Thus,  with  but  few  prefatory  remarks,  we  submit  our 
opinions,  believing  that  which  we  have  advanced  to  be  in- 
dubitable, however  repugnant  to  the  conceptions  of  many, 
who  fancy  they  see  in  the  negro's  mind  the  germs  of  a 
prodigious  mental  power,  notwithstanding  all  the  evidence 
to  the  contrary,  which  has  witnessed  against  them  for  thous- 
ands of  years,  show^ing  that  a  pall  of  darkness  and  obscuri- 
ty, not  occasioned  by  the  acts  or  the  influence  of  the  othei 
races,  has  rested  on  the  whole  being  of  this  people,  induced 
jy  a  higher  power  than  that  of  man. 

As  was  the  deep,  when  nature  first  was  made, 
And  earth's  foundations  in  the  waters  laid — 
When  darkness  reign'd,  the  realm  of  ancient  night, 
When  God  sent  forth  his  Word,  and  there  was  light; 
So  is  the  race  of  Ham,  a  darkling  sea, 
Which  now  invites  the  truth,  that  light  may  be, 
O'er  which,  if  wo  have  sent  a  single  ray. 
Then  have  we  gain'd  our  aim,  and  look  for  day. 






Complexion  of  the  Parents  of  the  Human  Race;  Kind  of  earth 
Man  was«made  of;  Power  of  the  Hebrew  Language  in  giving 
Names;  Adam  and  Eve  both  called  Adam  by  the  Creator;  Com- 
plexion of  the  Antediluvians;  Curious  Chronology  of  the  Holy 
Seed,  from  Adam  to  Jacob,  the  immediate  Head  of  the  Jewish 
Tribes;  The  opinions  of  some  that  Adam  was  created  black,  re- 
futed; Personal  Appearance  of  Adam  and  Eve,  in  Paradise,  be- 
fore tiie  Fall;  Witn  many  other  Curious  Matters, 15 


Origin  of  the  Negro  Race;  Argument  to  ascertain  this;  Causes  of 
the  CTeat  varieties  of  Human  Complexion;  Doctrine  of  Climates 
?md  Local  Causes  to  produce  such  varieties  refuted;  Impossibility 
of  Human  Parents  producing  any  other  complexion  than  their 
own  without  a  miracle;  Proofs  that  white,  black  and  red  men  are 
found  in  the  hottest  regions  of  the  globe,  and  have  been  thus  in 
the  same  latitudes  for  thousands  of  years;  No  Negroes  on  the 
earth  till  many  hundred  years  after  Adam's  creation;  The  pre- 
cise time  of  their  origin ,  when  and  where;  No  climate  forms,  or 
causes  the  origin  of  human  characters;  Birth  of  the  first  white 
man,  when  and  where;  No  white  man  on  the  earth  till  many 
hundred  years  after  Adam's  creation;  Argument  to  ascertain  this; 
The  Hebrew  Language  that  of  Adam,  as  well  as  of  Noah  and 
the  Patriarchs;  Meaning  of  the  word  Ham;  Of  Japheth  and 
Shem, ;  Reasons  why  God  produced  men  of  different  constitutions 
and  colors  than  had  the  first  man;  With  many  other  curious  mat- 
ters,  25 


Adaptation  of  men  and  anir-jals  to  the  countries  and  circumstances 
of^ their  being;  Early  setilements  of  the  first  nations  after  tho 
flood;  Three  races  of  mer,  blnck,  red  and  white,  in  the  family  of 
Noah;  Great  difference  between  the  formations  of  the  bodies  of 
white  men  and  negroes;  reasons  why  the  skulls  of  black  men  are 
thicker  than  those  of  the  whites;  TJiese  differences  noticed  by  an- 
cient Historians;  Negroes  not  as  liable  to  infectious  diseases  as 




white  men;  interesting  notice  by  Herodotus,  respecting  the  heads 
of  negro  men;  Curious  formation  of  their  feet;  Reasons  why 
Extraordinary  fact  respecting  tlie  Negro's  skin  being  filled  with 
mvriads  of  little  cups  of  water;  The  reasons  why;  With  many 
other  curious  matters, 47 


Proof  of  the  existence  of  the  Negro  race  too  near  the  time  of  Noah, 
and  in  his  neighborhood,  to  allow  of  the  doctrine  of  climate  to 
have  been  the  cause  of  this;  Remarks  of  David  in  the  Book  of 
Psalms,  on  this  subject;  In  the  Book  of  Chronicles  on  this  sub- 
ject; In  the  Book  of  Genesis  on  this  subject;  Names  of  all  the  sons 
of  Ham,  the  first  Negro;  The  countries  they  settled,  after  the  ruin 
of  the  Tower  of  Nimrod;  respecting  the  color  of  the  Egyptians; 
Herodotus's  account  of  this  matter,  as  well  as  of  the  color  of  all 
Africans  of  his  age;  Proofs  that  they  were  always  black,  from 
the  very  beginning  of  their  existence;  Curious  account  of  the 
wife  of  lypses:  Proofs  of  her  being  a  Negress,  and  of  the  race  of 

Ham ;  Statement  of  the  prophet  Jeremiah,  that  Ethiopians  wer* 
black;  If  the  three  sons  of  Noah  were  all  of  the  same  complex 
ion,  then  follow  certain  results,  fatal  to  the  veracity  of  the  Scrip- 
tures; Hercules;  Was  Nimrod  the  grandson  of  Noah,  and  the 
origin  of  all  the  fabled  Herculeses  of  all  the  early  nations;  Soma 
curious  traditions  of  African  autliority,  respecting  their  own  ori- 
gin; With  many  other  curious  matters, 54 


The  three  sons  of  Noah,  all  bom  more  than  a  hundred  years  before 
the  Flood,  aided  in  building  the  Ark;  Reasons  why  the  Divine 
Being  produced  two  new  races  of  men  different  from  Adam, 
Change  of  the  climates  of  the  Globe  effected  by  the  Flood;  Beauty 
of  the  earth  before  the  Flood;  Wife  of  Ham^and  the  wives  of  the 
other  sons  of  Noah ;  Who  they  were;  Respecting  straight-haired 

"nolack  men;  Ih^ cause.  Ham,  their  father  having  been  wooUy- 
headed;  Egyptian  mummies;  One  man  only  between  Noah  and 
Adam;  Landing  of  the  Ark  on  a  mountain;  Noah  descends; 
Plants  a  vineyard;  Drinks  new  wine;  Falls  asleep;  Ham'a  con- 
duct on  the  occasion;  Noah's  curse  of  the  whole  race  of  Ham; 
Description  of  Mount  Ararat;  The  first  tents  of  Noah;  Early 
settlements  at  the  foot  of  the  mountain;  Plate  of  the  family  of 
Noah,  showing  the  different  complexions  of  his  sons;  Arguments 
and  reasons  against  the  amalgamation  of  the  races  at  first;  Argu- 
that  Noah's  curse  of  Ham  was  God's  judicial  decree  that 

slavery  was  tlius  entailed  upon  the  Negro  race;  Character  of  Ham, 
from  his  youth  till  the  curse;  Argument  that  the  curse  was  i  ot  a 
aoere  prophesy,  but  a  decree  judicial 76 


Proofs)  from  the  Scriptures,  that  the  curse  of  Noah  upon  the  race  of 
Hum,  as  a.  judicial  act,  is  indorsed  bj  the  law  of  Moses;  Compar- 
ative view  of  all  the  orders  oFservants  among  tKe'Tews,  as  the 
hired  Hebrew  servant,  the  bought  Hebrew  servant,  the  loluntary 
Hebrew  servant,  and  the  Negro  or  Canaanite  slave;  Remarks  on 
the  subject  of  the  strangers,  of  whom' ilie  Jews  might  take  usury, 
and  of  whom  they  might  not  take  usury;  Respecting  who  the 
strangers  were,  who  they  should  not  enslave,  or  use  as  bondmen; 
A  seeming  contradiction  in  the  law  on  this  subject  reconciled; 
Perpetual  slaves  to  be  bought  of  the  Negro  heathen  of  old  Ca- 
naan, as  directed  by  the  law;  tjtricturcs  on  Abolitionist  opinions, 
respecting  tlie  meaning  of  the  law  relative  to  servants;  Chajacter 
of  Noah  and  Lot  rescued  from  abolitionist  aspersions;  Strictures 
on  the  opinions  of  abolitionists,  respecting  the  word  buv,  as  ap- 
plied to  U\e  purchase  of  b  ndmen,  in  tlie  law  of  Moses,  with  other 
matters  of  tlieir  setting  forth;  Difference  between  the  condition  of 
Hebrew  servants  and  their  Canaanite  slaves,  with  respect  to  the 
jubilees,  and  other  matters;  Proofs  that  the  Hebrews  bought  and 
sold  Negro  slaves  under  the  sanction  of  the  law — even  going  to 
Africa  for  that  purpose;  Enslaving  of  the  persons  of  the  AmaJek- 
ites  under  the  eye  of  Moses;  slaves^of  ^he  Pa.triarchs  bought, with 
money;  A  curious  query  of  aBolitiomsts  answered;  With  many 
other  matters, 106 


Arguments  and  positions  of  abolitionists  favoring  a  belief  that  the 
Scriptures  recognize  the  negro  man  as  being  equal  with  the  other 
races,  in  point  of  blood  and  otherwise,  refuted;  Mark  of  Cain; 
What  it  was;  No  black  men  or  negroes  before  the  flood  except 

,  one;  Difference  between  the  secreting  power  of  the  blood  of  white 
and  negro  men;  Evidences  that  the  Supreme  Being  puts  a  higher 
estimate  on  white  than  on  black,  as  colors  or  complexions;  Con- 
sent to  this  difference  by  the  blacks  themselves,  though  incident- 
ally given,  according  to  tlie  accounts  of  travelers  in  Africa;  A 
curious  argument  of  abolitionists  in  favor  of  negro  equality  re- 
plied to,  with  many  other  interesting  matters, 160 


Moral  and  civil  character  of  the  negro  race;  Acts  of  the  negro  Sod- 
omites; Their  lewdness,  tfec;  Proofs  from  many  authors  respect- 
ing their  amours  with  dumb  beasts;  As  well  from  the  Scriptures; 
Of  this  the  Ciinaanites  were  guilty;  as  well  as  the  Egyptians; 
Moses's  testimony  to  tliis .  Herodotus's  testimony  from  his  own 
©bser nations  when  in  Egypt;  Ga/e*'*  testimony,  Soimini's  tealti- 

C/5  *>   •Oooxt 






mony;  Testimony  of  the  Prophet  Ezekiel*  Curious  sexual  forma 
tion  of  the  regro  race;  Lewd  customs  of  tlie  ancient  Egyptians 
about  their  temples,  as  seen  by  Herodotus;  Some  traits  of  char- 
acter among  the  negroes  of  all  countries  at  the  present  time,  in 
America,  and  everywhere;  Dreadful  practices  of  the  women  of 
Egypt;  Writer's  apology  for  plain  Avnting  on  raatt«rs  of  this  de- 

'^Icription;  Proofs  that  Jezebel  and  all  her  priests  were  black,  with 
some  account  of  her  character  as  a  negress  and  a  wanton; .  account 
of  automaton  images  made  for  lewd  purposes  by  the  women  of 
those  times;  Pictures  and  images  of  the  Canaanit<is;  Influence  of 
these  doings  of  the  negroes  of  those  a^es  on  the  Hebrews;  Curious 
reason  of  the  Jewish  Rabbi  wljy  the  dogs  would  not  eat  the  head 

l^and  hands  of  Jezebel;  Horrid  customs  of  the  African  negroes; 
-^  Respecting  the  marriages  of  their  young  women,  as  related  by 

iP  Herodotus;  Corresponding  character  of  the  Africans  nuw  in  these 
particulars,  as  related  by  travelers;  Rolliu's  testimony  to  tlie 
same  thing, 174 



Pretended  mental  equality  of  the  negro  race  with  white  men  re- 
futed, as  held  by  aoolitionists;  Comparative  view  of  the  races,  as 
to  their  doings  m  the  world;  Proofs  that  the  ancient  Egyptians, 
nor  any  of  the  negro  nations,  were  not  the  authors  of  either  arts 
«r  sciences;  Proofs  that  the  arts  and  sciences,  comprehending  a 
knowledge  of  letters,  were  known  before  the  flood,  and  in  the 
house  of  Noah,  and  by  the  first  patriarchs ■  Curious  discoveries 
made  in  the  foundations  of  the  tower  of  Babel  by  Sir  Robert 
Ker  Porter;  A  knowledge  of  letters  since  the  floofl  derived  from 
the  first  patriarchs,  and  not  from  the  Phoenician  bla<;ks;  but  little 
advances  made  in  architecture  by  the  first  Egyptians,  till  after 
Solomon;  The  pyramids  built  by  the  shepherd  kings,  a  race  of 
copper-colored  men  of  the  blood  of  Shem,  and  not  by  the  blacks 
of  Egypt;  For  thousands  of  years  the  tribes  of  Africa  have  made 
no  advances  in  civilization;  The  reasons  of  this;  Works  of  the 
Canaanites,  as  it  related  to  architecture,  derived  from  the  Eu- 
phrates, or  the  example  of  the  Shemites,  and  tlie  people  of  Ja- 
pheth;  During  the  whole  history  of  negro  Carthage,  they  made  no 
advances  in  literature;  Rapine,  plunder,  and  dealing  in  slaves, 
being  their  trade;  Architectuml  works  of  the  races  of  Shem  and 
Japheth  long  before  the  tower  was  built,  or  the  negroes  exit  to 
Africa;  Near  resemblance  of  the  Simia  race  as  tlie  ourang-outang, 
and  many  of  the  Africans;  Respecting  their  appetites;  Cannibal- 
ism, Ac.,  in  all  ages;  Insensibilities  of  the  negroes  to  bodily  pain; 
Meanness  of  the  negro  spirit;  Their  cruelties  to  their  .slaves;  With 
Bauy  other  curious  matters, . .     . . ;   .  3U3 



The  subject  of  the  amalgamation  of  the  white  and  negro  races  ex- 
amined; which  event,  by  some  men,  seems  to  be  greatly  desired; 
The  voice  of  God,  in  nature,  against  it;  Horrid  results,  were  the 
amalgamation  of  the  races  to  become  universal;  Lowering  of  the 
present  standard  of  the  powers  of  the  liuman  mind;  Changes  in 
the  physical  formation  of  the  human  body,  as  extant  in  the  na- 
tions of  white  men,  in  their  approximation  to  the  form  of  the 
ourang-outang,  through  the  influence  of  negro  amalgamation* 
Deterioration  of  the  mental  image  of  God,  as  given  to  the  keep- 
ing of  the  white  race;  Negroes'  brains  found  to  be  less  in  neight 
and  measure  than  the  white  man's;  Dodging  of  abolitionists  on 
this  question;  Anticipations  of  some  men  that  amalgamation  will 
finally  become  universal,  so  as  to  put  down  slavery  in  this  way. 
Slavery  among  the  African  negroes  before  they  knew  white  men; 
Stealing  each  other;  Murdering  of  children  among  them;  Many 
facts  respecting  the  near  approach  of  various  negro  tribes  to  the 
form  pf  the  ourang-outang;  Indifference  to  pain,  when  under  sur- 
gical operations;  Corresponding  insensibility  of  the  mind,  with 
respect  to  the  moral  feelings  of  the  heart,  as  well  as  to  the  suflfer- 
ings  of  others;  Cruelty  to  the  aged  and  the  sick;  Pretended  ob- 
sequiousness of  some  abolitionists  to  negroes,  with  a  view,  as 
Uiey  say,  to  their  exaltation;  J^atural  enmity  between  negroes 
and  -white  men, 250 


btquiries  wbeth^  the  statements  of  Noah,  respecting  the  race  of 
I  tfapheth,  or  the  white  nations,  enslaving  the  descendants  of  Ham, 

have  been  fulfilled,  and  are  now  in  progress  to  that  effect;  Num- 
ber of  the  sons  of  Japheth;  Their  great  power;  Countries  they 
settled  at  first;  Nations  now  known  of  that  progeny;  First  cities 
built  by  them,  which  was  earlier  than  any  of  the  others;  Descrip- 
tion of  the  first  operations  of  men  near  Ararat,  during  Noah's 
lifetime  after  the  flood;  Respecting  Melchisedek,  who  he  was, 
which  is  in  connection  with  tne  subject;  Travels  of  Shem  among 
the  first  settlements;  Worship  of  Baal,  or  the  fly  god,  now  among 
the  Africans;  Nimrod  and  the  wild  beasts,  with  a  plate;  Skem, 
the  son  of  Noah,  was  Melchisedek    Setons,  the  first  city  of  man- 

kind  after  the  floods  built  by  the  whites;  First  instances  on  a 
g^eat  scale  of  white  men  enslaving  the  race  of  Ham  in  ancirnt 
times,  and  respecting  its  continuance;  Certainty  of  the  fulfillment 

of  God's  decrees,  and  the  veracity  of  the  Scriptures;  Strictures 
on  the  opinions  of  abolitionists;  'Their  opposition  to  the  Bible  if 
it  upholds  slavery;  Views  of  St.  Paul  respecting  negro  slavery,  as 
Bet  forth  in  the  New  Testamcr!t7-Vast  niuubers  of  slaves  in  the 
Homan  empire  in  St.  Paul's  time;  Their  dreadful  condition;  Cu- 
rious opinion  ©f  abolitionists,  as  a  reason  why  Christ  did  not  re- 
prove slavery;  Nimrod  and  the  tower,  with  other  matters, .  •    .  272 



Inquiries  whether  the  Scriptures  have,  either  in  the  Old  or  "Sew 
Testaments,  abolished  slavery,  as  abolitionists  assert  that  they 
have;  Query,  if  they  never  sanctioned  it,  how  could  they  abolish 
it?  The  famous  passage  of  Isaiah,  chap.  Iviii,  on  which  aboli- 
tionists found  their  argument  in  favor  of  the  scriptural  abolish- 
ment of  slavery,  examined,  and  found  to  have  no  allusion  to  the 
subject;  all  the  Jews,  their  elders,  nobles  and  kings,  enslaved  the 
race  unreproved;  Reproofs  of  the  prophets,  for  the  Jews  enslaving 
their  own  people  beyond  the  jubilees,  but  not  the  negroes;  The 
famous  passage  of  Exod.  xxi,  16,  which  respects  the  stealing  of  a 
man  to  enslave,  or  to  sell  him,  examined,  and  found  to  have  no 
allusion  to  negroes,  while  abolitionists  assert  that  it  does;  Isaiah's 
opinion  respecting  the  Jews  enslaving  their  enemies,  chap,  xiv,  2; 
Abolition  argument  against-  slavery,  founded  on  the  law  of  love 
toward  ouj  neighbor,  replied  to;  Abolition  argument,  charging 
the  institution  of  negro  slavery  with  an  attempt  to  usurp  the  sov- 
ereignty of  God  over  the  touis  of  slaves,  replied  to, 320 


'•  A  further  exhibition  of  the  opinions  and  doings  of  abolitionists  in 

I  America;  Consequences,  if  they  carry  their  plans  into  effect;  Sym 

j  pathy  is  the  lever  by  which  they  operate;  Men  should  beware 

;  how  they  array  themselves  against  the  decrees  of  God;  Mysterious 

\  providences  of  God  toward  man;  Proposal  to  abolitionists,  by 

J  the  author,  to  assail  other  mysterious  providences  of  God,  as  well 

f  as  the  one  which  respects  negro  servitude;  Reckless  opinions  of 

i  abolitionists  respecting  the  southern  states;  Effects  of  freeing  the 

!  negroes  in  the  British  West  India  Islands;  Effects,  were  the  slavea 

I  of  the  southern  states  freed  all  at  once;  Proofs  respecting  the  in- 
sincerity of  English  philanthropy  toward  enslaved  negroes,  and 

'■  of  their  non-reliance  upon  the  labor  of  freed  slaves;  Proofs  of  a 

I  suspicion  that  English  vessels  are  now  engaged  in  getting  slaves 

i  from  the  interior  of  Africa,  as  formerly;  Consequences,  should 

i  the  Union  become  divided  on  the  slave  question;  Great  posses- 

;  sions  and  power  of  the  English  all  round  America;  Their  de- 
signs; Intended  possession  of  the  Oregon  territory;  Cruelties  of 

j  the  English  in  India,  where  they  have  conquered;  Coalescing  of 

i  American  abolitionists  with  the  English,  on  the  subject  of  Amer- 

i  ican  negro  slavery,  as  shown  in  their  speeches  in  London,  with 

I  many  other  matters, 350 


Replies  to  various  abolition  Questions  proposed  to  the  author;  Cir- 
cumstances in  which  men  find  themselves  possessed  of  slaves  be- 
yond their  control,  which  is  held  to  be  God's  providence  in  *•- 


evaing  negro  slarery,  in  agreement  with  his  decree  by  Noah;  Dif- 
ference of  negro  sensibilities  from  that  of  the  whites,  on  being 
.separated  from  wives  and  children,  proven  by  facts;  Argument 
of  abolitionists  in  favor  of  negro  equality,  founded  on  God's 
having  given  the  rule  of  all  animals,  as  much  to  the  blacks  as  to 
the  whites,  replied  to;  Ham  and  Nimrod's  opposition  to  the  re- 
ligion of  Noah,  founded  on  their  hatred  to  him,  on  account  of  the 
curse,  who  originated  idolatry  in  the  world;  None  but  negroes  en- 
eaged  in  the  project  of  the  tower;  Happiness  and  well-being  of 
uie  negro  race  seem  to  lie  in  the  direction  of  the  white  man's  con- 
trol; Fates  of  all  the  ancient  negro  kingdoms;  Different  estimate 
of  Uie  negro,  respecting  human  liberty  and  its  uses,  from  the 
white  man;  The  races  set  out,  after  the  flood,  with  equal  oppor- 
tunities, but  who  has  won  the  prize  ?  Practical  undervaluing  of 
the  negro  character  by  abolitionists;  A  curious  position  of  abo- 
litionists, which  supposes  the  /tiring  out  of  the  race  of  Ham 
to  the  other  races  would  fulfiU  Noah's  curse,  replied  to;  a  certain 
great  objection  of  abolitionists  to  slavery,  which  charges  owners 
of  slaves  of  giving  them  no  wages,  replied  to;  The  patriarch,  nor 

did  the  Jew,  pay  slaves  any  wages  as  hired  men,  with  man' 

other  matters, 3' 



That  the  Gospel  doctrines  and  their  tendencies  is  against  negro  slav 
eiy,  as  asserted  by  abolitionists,  shown  to  be  a  mistake;  Exami- 
nation of  the  golden  rule  of  our  Savior,  in  relation  to  this  matter; 
That  the  condition  of  slaves  among  the  Jews  was  a  condition  of 
comparative  comfort,  as  is  asserted  by  abolitionists,  refuted; 
Care  of  slaves,  as  far  back  in  time  as  the  days  of  Job  and  Mra- 
ham ;  The  subject  of  judicial  law  and  the  law  of  love  examined, 
in  relation  to  negro  slavery,  and  are  found  to  harmonize;  The 
great  and  stronghold  of  abolitionism  in  support  of  negro  equali- 
ty, and  the  propriety  of  amalgamation  by  marriages,  founded  on 
Ood's  striking  Miriam,  the  sigter  of  Moses,  with  leprosy,  because 
she  found  fault  with  her  brother  for  having  married  an  Ethiopian 
woman,  overturned  and  shown  to  be  blasphemous;  Curious  fact 
of  the  blood  of  the  negro  race  being  guarded  against,  as  affecting 
the  blood  of  the  line  through  which  the  Messiah  was  to  come; 
First  preaching  of  the  Gospel  directed  to  the  countries  inhabited 
by  white  men,  not  negroes;  This  was  done  afterward;  All  the 
present  arts  of  the  world  nearly  of  white  men's  invention,  not  ne- 
groes', with  many  other  deeply  interesting  subjects, 396 



Complexion  of  the  Parents  of  the  Human  Race — Kind  of  Earth 
Man  was  made  of — Power  of  the  Hebrew  Language  in  giving 
Names — Adam  and  Eve  both  called  .Adam  by  the  Creator — Com- 
plexion of  the  Antediluvians — Curious  Chronology  of  the  Holy 
Seed,  from  Adam  to  Jacob,  the  immediate  Head  of  the  Jewish 
Tribes — The  opinions  of  some  that  Adam  was  created  black,  re- 
futed— Personal  Appearance  of  Adam  and  Eve,  in  Paradise,  before 
the  Fall — With  many  other  curious  matters, 

That  we  may  elucidate  the  subjects  alluded  to 
on  the  title  page  of  this  work,  it  is  of  importance  to 
ascend  very  high  toward  the  beginning  of  time  in 
this  investigation,  even  up  to  the  creation  of  the  first 
human  pair.  By  this  method,  and  this  only,  do  we 
hope  to  arrive  at  length  to  a  knowledge  of  the  desir- 
ed objects. 

To  ascertain  the  true  origin  of  the  Negro,  or  Afri- 
can race,  at  the  very  threshold  of  the  work,  is  ex- 
ceedingly appropriate,  as,  without  such  a  discovery, 
we  shall  appear  to  wander  where  no  light  shines  to 
illume  the  way,  amidst  the  mazes  of  ancient  times. 

How  often  do  we  hear  questions  like  the  following? 
From  whence  came  the  Ethiopian,  or  black  man? 


Who  was  his  father?  Did  he  spring  from  Adam,  oi 
some  other  race  ?  Can  it  be,  that  from  one  and  the 
same  source,  the  white,  black  and  red  portions  of 
mankind  proceeded,  with  all  the  hues  and  shades 
of  complexion  which  mark  the  human  race?  If  so, 
is  it  not  exceedingly  mysterious  that  there  is  not  now, 
nor  never  has  been,  the  occurrence  of  a.  variety  so 
marked  and  distinctive,  as  is  black,  white  and  red, 
proceeding  from  the  same  parents  naturallyl  Surely, 
if  nature,  in  the  beginning,  or  in  the  first  ages,  pro- 
duced from  the  same  origin  different  races  of  men,  as 
to  their  complexions  and  physical  constitutions,  she 
ought  to  produce  the  same,  in  these  later  ages,  in 
order  to  be  consistent  with  herself  in  this  particular, 
as  she  is  known  to  be  in  all  others.  These  are 
questions  the  first  to  arise,  whenever  this  subject 
is  referred  to,  by  the  inquisitive  and  the  lovers  of 

But  as  we  pass  in  the  prosecution  of  the  work,  we 
hope  to  answer  the  above  queries,  and  show  the 
reader  the  true  origin  of  the  negro  race,  as  well  as 
that  of  the  others,  the  white  and  red — there  having 
been,  in  reality,  but  these  three  on  the  earth,  as  the 
yellow  and  the  brown^  with  all  the  other  shades,  are 
but  derived  from  an  amalgamation  of  the  three  oth- 
ers, which  were  prior  and  radical,  as  we  shall  show 
in  due  order. 

On  this  subject,  nature,  or  rather  God  in  nature, 
has  instructed  us,  that  without  the  intervention  of 
Divine  power,  there  could,  and  never  would  have 
been,  but  one  general  complexion  of  the  people  of 
the  globe,  and  that  one  complexion  would  have  been 



like  the  first  parents,  whatever  that  complexion  was. 
If  the  first  two  of  human  kind  were  created  white, 
they  could  never  have  been  the  parents  of  hlack  and 
red  men.  If  they  were  created  red,  they  could  nev- 
er have  been  the  parents  of  black  and  white  men.  If 
they  were  created  hlack,  they  could  never  have  been 
the  parents  of  white  and  red  men,  as  they  could  nat- 
urally procreate  only  their  own  complexion. 

Since  the  creation  of  man  upon  the  earth,  there 
never  was  produced  from  the  same  parents  a  variety 
of  complexion  (except  in  the  case  of  the  Albino's  pro- 
duction, which  is  now  considered  to  be  only  the  ef- 
fect of  disease);  this  particular,  the  producing  of 
varieties,  is  a  trait  of  the  nafure  of  beasts,  but  not  of 
man,  who,  in  this  particular,  are  more  fixed,  being 
created  in  a  way  which  has  set  him  above  the  winds 
and  the  weather,  as  it  relates  to  his  physical  being. 

Here  it  is  proper  to  inquire  what  then  was  the  com- 
plexion of  the  two  first  of  the  human  race,  Adam  and 
Rve,  and  the  antediluvian  world,  their  oftspring? 

In  relation  to  this  extremely  curious,  as  well  as 
interesting  subject,  we  shall  refer  first  to  a  very  an 
cient,  and  a  very  learned  historian,  namely,  Flavius 
JosEPHus,  who  says,  in  his  work  on  the  Antiquities 
of  the  Jews,  Book  i,  p.  12,  that  Adam,  the  first  man, 
was  created  r£^d.  The  following  are  his  words: 
"God  took  dust  from  the  ground  and  formed  man, 
and  inserted  in  him  a  spirit  and  a  soul.  This  man 
was  called  Adam,  which,  in  the  Hebrew  tongue,  sig- 
nifies one  that  is  red,  because  he  was  formed  of  red 
earth,  compounded  together,  for  of  that  kind  is  vir- 
gin or  true  earth. 


The  kind  of  earth  which  Josephus  calls  virgin^oi 
pure  earth,  was^  no  doubt,  of  a  very  peculiar  charac- 
ter and  appearance,  or  he  would  not  have  called  it 
pure  or  virgin  earth,  in  distinction  from  all  the  other 
earths  of  the  globe,  of  which  it  is  said,  that  there 
are  nine.  How  this  man  came  by  a  knowledge  of 
this  circumstance,  we  cannot  tell,  except  he  derived 
it  from  the  term  Adam^  or  from  a  tradition  of  the  pa- 
triarchs arising  out  of  that  circumstance,  his  creation 
from  red  earth,  and  handed  down  from  the  house  of 

For  this  very  reason,  doubtless,  it  was  written  by 
Moses,  Gen.  v,  2,  that  God  called  the  two  parents  of 
the  human  race  by  but  one  name,  which  was  that  of 
Adam,  in  which  name  was  comprehended,  as  well 
their  natures  as  their  complexion.  God  did  not  give 
the  first  woman  the  name  of  Eve  ;  it  was  Adam  who 
did  this,  when  he  saw  that  she  was  to  become  the 
mother  of  all  the  human  race.  Adam  was  the  name 
which  God  gave  to  the  woman  as  well  as  to  the  man 
dX  first ^  as  shown  above  from  the  text  of  Moses. 

This  circumstance  should  not  be  allowed  to  pass 
till  it  shall  have  made  its  due  impression  upon  the 
mind  of  the  reader,  which  is  as  follows :  " Jfa/e  and 
female  created  He  them ;  and  blessed  them,  and  call- 
ed their  name  Adam,  in  the  day  when  they  were 

In  accordance  with  this  statement  of  Josephus,  in 
rendering  a  reason  why  God  called  the  two  first  hu 
man  beings  by  but  one  name,  and  that  name  being 
Adam,  or  the  red  man  and  woman,  we  find  that  the 
Hebrew  language  estabhshes  that  the  words  Adam^ 


Adamah,  Adatni,  and   Admah,  have  all  a   similar 

First — Adam,  as  above,  signifies  earthy  man,  red; 
second — Adamah,  signifies  red  earth,  or  blood ; 
third — Adami,  signifies  my  man  red,  earthy,  human; 
fourth — Admah,  signifies  earthy,  red,  or  bloody ;  all 
of  which  words  are  of  the  same  class,  and  spring 
from  the  same  root,  which  was  Adam,  signifying  red, 
or  copper  color.- 

From  a  view  of  this  fact,  it  is  difficult  to  account 
for  the  reason  of  the  name  of  the  first  man  and  wo- 
man, unless  they  were  created  red,  instead  of  white 
or  black,  as  it  is  well  known  that  the  Hebrew  lan- 
guage is  governed  in  its  power  of  naming  visible  ex- 
istences, as  of  animals,  fowls,  fishes,  <fcc.,  by  their 
appearances  or  natures,  and  frequently  by  both,  as 
in  the  case  of  the  name  Adam,  which  not  only  repre 
sented  the  hue  of  his  skin,  but  that  also  of  his  Intel 
lechial  existence  or  human  nature. 

Trius  this  Jewish  historian,  as  well  as  the  genius 
of  the  Hebrew  language,  furnishes  us  with  a  clue, 
like  the  golden  thread  in  the  labyrinth  of  the  subter- 
ranean palace  of  ancient  Thebes,  leading  to  the 
right  conclusion  on  this  subject,  namely,  that  Adam, 
with  all  the  antediluvian  race,  were  red,  or  a  copper 
colored  people. 

But  on  this  subject  there  is  other  testimony  corrob- 
orative of  the  above,  though  but  incidentally  afford- 
ed, and  yet  is  of  the  highest  possible  authority.  This 
evidence  is  found  in  the  writings  of  Moses,  in  the 
book  of  Genesis,  chapters  five  and  eleven.  In  this 
book  is  written,  by  a  competent  hand,  a  brief,  yet 


perfect,  history  of  the  cosmogony  of  the  earth,  as 
well  as  a  narrative  of  the  births  and  deaths  of  the 
patriarchs,  from  the  beginning  to  the  time  in  which 
he  hved,  a  lapse  of  years  consisting  of  2553,  and 
about  1481  years  before  the  birth  of  Josephus,  who 
was  a  mere  lad  at  the  time  of  Christ's  crucifixion. 

This  incidental  evidence,  in  relation  to  the  belief 
that  Adam  was  created  red,  is  afforded  by  Moses,  in 
tracing  the  genealogical  descent  of  one  of  the  sons 
of  Adam,  namely,  that  of  Seth,  from  his  fathej 
down  to  the  patriarch  Jacob,  who  was  the  immediate 
progenitor  of  the  twelve  tribes  of  the  house  of  Israel. 

Now,  as  the  Jews  are  red,  or  a  dark  copper  colored 
race,  in  their  pure  and  unamalgamated  condition, 
aids  in  proving  that  Adam  was  also  of  the  same  com- 
plexion, because  Seth,  an  invmediate  son  of  Adam  and 
Eve,  was  the  direct  progenitor  of  the  Hebrew,  or 
Jewish  people,  commonly  called  the  lineage  of  the 
holy  seed.  See  Genesis,  as  above  alluded  to,  v  and 
xi ;  also,  chapters  xxi,  xxv  and  xxxv,  where  the  true 
genealogy  of  that  race  is  traced  out,  coming  down 
from  Adam  to  Noah,  then  from  Noah  to  Abraham, 
and  from  thence  to  Jacobs  the  head  of  the  twelve 
tribes  of  the  Jews. 

To  please  the  curious,  we  will  give  an  extract  from 
those  chapters  of  the  book  of  Gen.  v,  xi,  xxi,  xxv, 
xxxv,  respecting  this  genealogy,  which  is  as  follows: 

Seth,  the  son  of  Adam,  was  the  father  of  Enos, 
who  was  the  father  of  Cainan,  who  was  the  father 
of  Mahalaleel,  who  was  the  father  of  Jared,  who 
was  the  father  of  Enoch,  who  was  the  father  of 
Methuselah,  who  was  the  father  of  Immech,  who 


was  the  father  of  Noah,  who  was  the  father  of  Shem, 
who  wasj  the  father  of  Arphaxad,  who  was  the 
father  of  Salah,  who  was  the  father  of  Eber,  who 
was  the  father  of  Peleg,  who  was  the  father  of  Reu, 
who  was  the  father  of  Serug,  who  was  the  father 
of  Nahor,  who  was  the  father  of  Terah,  who  was 
the  father  of  Abraham,  who  was  the  father  of  Isaac, 
who  was  the  father  of  Jacob,  who  was  the  father  of 
the  twelve  tribes  of  Israel.  Thus  the  genealogy 
of  the  descent  of  the  Jews  is  made  out,  and  as  it  is 
well  known  that  the  Jews,  in  their  pure  and  unamal- 
gamated  state,  aie  red-i  or  coj)per  colored,  we  prove, 
by  this  fact,  in  conneciion  with  the  foregoing  evi- 
dence, that  the  antediluvians,  with  the  father  of  the 
human  race,  weie  red  men  and  women. 

But,  if  it  is  necessary  to  add  any  otlier  cn'cum- 
stance,  corroborative  of  the  above  conclusion,  we 
may  mention  that  the  Arabs,  or  Ishmaelites,  are  red, 
or  copper  colored,  as  well  as  the  Jews,  and  aie  alike 
the  descendants  of  Abraham,  who  was  of  the  race  of 
tSheffi,  as  above  shown,  one  of  the  sons  of  Noah. 

In  the  existence  of  the  Arabs,  we  have  a  tangible 
and  an  abiding  evidence,  that  the  Jews  were  a  people 
who  were  copper  colored,  as  the  Arabs  are  brethren 
of  the  Jews,  and  have  never  mixed  their  blood  with 
that  of  other  people  as  mucii  as  the  Jews  have.  The 
reason  why  they  have  not,  is  the  peculiar  location  of 
their  country,  it  being  situated  along  the  eastern 
coast  of  the  Red  Sea  in  Asia  Minor,  and  is  an  almost 
unapproachable  desert  of  sand,  in  the  very  heart  of 
Arabia,  where,  from  the  remotest  ages,  they  have 
subsisted  in  wandering  hordes,  living,  many  of  their 


tribes,  wholly  by  rapine  and  plunder,  amalgamating 
but  little  with  other  nations,  who  have  been  deterred 
from  conquering  the  country  by  the  horrid  desert  and 
storms  of  flying  sand,  so  that  they  have  remained  a 
distinct  aboriginal  people  from  the  age  of  Abraham 
and  Ishmael,  the  son  of  Abraham,  in  the  very  face 
of  all  the  surrounding  countries,  the  same  in  every 

Thus,  from  the  foregoing  facts,  we  believe  it  is 
made  clear  that  the  complexion  of  Adam,  Eve,  and 
the  antediluvians,  was  neither  black  nor  white,  but 
red  only. 

Some,  however,  and  persons  of  high  reputation, 
too,  have  imagined  that  Adam  was  created  black,  and 
that  his  descendants  have,  in  many  cases  and  coun- 
tries, been  changed  into  other  hues  and  complexions 
by  the  action  of  the  elements.  But  had  this  been 
the  fact,  Adam  would  not  have  been  called  Adam ; 
some  other  word  or  appellation  would  have  been  his 
name,  as  we  shall  further  show  bye  and  bye. 

In  relation  to  this  subject,  should  the  reader  desire 
to  know  why  we  have  followed  the  line  or  genealo- 
gy of  Seth,  the  third  son  of  Adam,  when  the  Scrip- 
tures speak  of  two  other  sons,  and  Jewish  history 
of  at  least  thirty,  and  of  as  many  daughters,  why, 
therefore,  select  this  Setli  in  preference  to  all  the 
others?  The  aiiswer  is,  the  descendants  of  all  the 
Other  sons  were  lost  in  the  flood,  there  remaining 
even  of  this  lineage,  the  family  of  Seth,  but  one 
thread,  and  this  was  Noah;  there  was,  therefore,  no 
other  genealogy  to  trace. 

Most  people  in  Christian  countries  have  imbibed 


the  opinion  that  Adam,  Eve,  the  antediluvians,  the 
Jews,  the  old  propliets  and  patriarchs,  were  all  white 
men,  most  assuredly;  but  this  is  a  mistake,  as  is  ev- 
ident from  the  foregoing.  Adam,  therefore,  in  his 
primitive  condition,  before  he  had  fallen,  and  covered 
his  limbs  with  clothing,  was  a  glorious  personage  to 
look  upon — being  of  a  bright  ruddy  red,  like  an  image 
of  gigantic  size,  formed  of  native  copper,  instinct 
with  life  and  motion.  Thus,  when  he  moved  in  the 
groves  of  Paradise,  he  glowed  in  the  sun's  rays  like 
some  celestial  being,  gathering  from  the  down  bend- 
ing limbs  of  the  trees  the  ripe  but  newly  created 
fruit.  Such  was  Eve,  also,  his  heaven-made  bride, 
though  less  in  stature  and  more  delicately  shaped. 
From  her  head,  formed  so  as  no  Greek  could  sculp- 
ture the  Parian  marble,  there  fell  a  silken  shower, 
the  black  and  glossy  tresses  of  her  hair  (like  the 
glory  of  the  heads  of  angels,  as  written  by  St.  Paul), 
far  below  her  sylph-like  waist,  enshrouding  all  her 
person  as  with  a  robe,  in  the  gleamy  tissues  of  atten- 
uated jet,  while  through  this,  as  the  winds  softly 
whispered  and  played  therewith,  was  seen  the  bright 
and  fulgent  limbs  of  the  first  of  woman  kind.  Every 
motion  of  her  agile  form  showed  her  to  be  the  imme- 
diate work  of  God,  while  the  red  flush  of  health,  and 
immortal  vigor,  mantled  her  bosom  and  whole  per- 
son, like  the  deep  tints  of  the  early  sun,  flashing 
athwart  the  disc  of  a  cloud,  varying  every  moment 
as  she  changed  her  attitudes,  and  as  the  various  pas- 
sions of  her  sinless  soul  mingled  and  flowed  through 
her  being. 

But  Adam  was  of  a  mightier  cast;  all  the  powers 


"  of  his  body  and  mind   being  more  dauntless   dnd 
masculine,  decision  and  force  sat  enthroned  on  his 
j  face,  beamed  in  his  eye,  and  was  redolent  on  every 

i  limb,  well  fitted  and  formed  to  become  the  head  of 

the  newly  made  world,  and  the  race  of  gigantic  na- 
tions of  the  antediluvians,  whose  lives  reached  for 
many  ages — the  vast  amount  of  nearly  a  thousand 
years.  Such  was  the  first  man  and  woman  of  the 
human  race,  but  were  somewhat  changed  by  the  en- 
trance of  sin,  which  not  only  affected  the  hearts  and 
natures  of  Adam  and  Eve  and  their  race,  but  tinged 
the  beauty  of  their  complexion,  changmg  it  from  a 
bright  florid  red  to  the  dark  hue  of  common  copper, 
and  awfully  agreed  with  the  still  darker  passions  of 
their  fallen  souls,  who,  in  this  image,  brought  forth 
their  progeny  red  in  complexion,  and  beclouded  in 

Thus  God  ordained,  and  this  was  surely  right, 
That  the  first  niau  should  not  be  bliick  nor  white, 
But  of  a  copper  hue,  a  gloomy  red, 
Half  way  Detween  the  two,  our  Drimal  head. 



Origin  of  the  Negro  Race — Argument  to  ascertain  this — Causes  of 
the  great  varieties  of  Human  Complexion — Doctrine  of  Climates, 
and  Local  Causes  to  produce  such  varieties  refuted — Impossibility 
of  Human  Parents  producing  any  other  complexion  than  their 
own  without  a  miracle — Proofs  that  white,  black  and  red  men  ara 
found  in  the  hottest  regions  of  the  globe,  and  have  been  thus  in 
the  same  lattitudes  for  thousands  of  years — No  Negroes  on  the 
earth  till  many  hundred  years  after  Adam's  creation — The  precise 
time  of  their  Origin,  when  and  where — No  climate  forms,  or  causes 
the  origin  of  human  characters — Birth  of  the  first  white  man, 
when  and  where — No  white  man  on  the  earth  till  many  hundred 
years  after  Adam's  creation — Argument  to  ascertain  this — The 
Hebrew  Language  that  of  Adam,  as  well  as  of  Noah  and  the 
Patriarchs — Meaning  of  the  word  Ham — Of  Japhet  and  Shem— 
Reasons  why  God  produced  men  of  different  constitutions  and  col- 
ors than  had  the  first  man — With  many  other  curious  matters. 

Having  thus  ascertained,  as  we  believe,  the  color 
nf  the  first  human  beings,  the  question  naturally 
rises  here,  how  there  came  into  existence  other  per- 
sons of  our  race,  with  different  complexions,  such 
as  a  jet  black,  and  the  snowy  white,  vastly  varying 
from  the  original  red. 

It  has  long  since  been  counted  the  extreme  of  fol- 
ly to  suppose  that  complexions,  so  far  removed  in 
likeness,  as  are  black  and  white,  to  have  been  pro- 
duced by  climate,  location,  manner  of  living,  or  any 
such  thing,  as  many  have  believed. 

This  opinion,  that  of  the  power  of  mere  circum- 
stances to  produce  the  entire  characters,  both  of  com- 



plexions  and  formation  of  the  bodies  of  the  different  | 

races  of  men,  is  now  given  up  as  an  error  by  the  I 

philosophy  of  the  age.    This  acknowledgnaent  stands  I 

recorded  on  the  pages  of  our  Encyclopaedias  and 
literary  works  of  the  time.  These  declare,  after  due 
examination  and  argument,  that  the  coldest  regions 
of  the  earth  have  not  m,aterialty  changed  the  color 
of  the  skin,  formation  of  the  body  and  limbs,  oi 
character  of  the  hair  of  the  heads  of  the  different 
races  of  men. 

Though  the  African  negro  man  may  have  dwell 
ever  so  many  ages  in  the  coldest  regions  of  the  earth, 
yet  he  is  a  black  man  stilly  with  his  peculiar  forma- 
tion of  body^  and  more  peculiar  hair,  which  is  gene- 
rally a  perfect  wool,  there  has  been  effected  no  ma- 
terial change  by  any  such  causes. 

The  same  is  equally  true,  as  it  relates  to  the  white 
man,  who,  though  dwelling  in  the  lowest  latitudes 
of  the  south,  near  and  on  the  very  equator,  for  ever 
so  many  ages,  is  not  changed  in  shape,  the  charac- 
ter of  the  hair  of  his  head,  nor  materially  in  his 
complexion.  The  children  of  white  parents,  born 
in  these  burning  climes,  are  the  very  same  as  when  : 

born  in  cold  countries.     There  is  no  difference,  ' 

It  is  true,  however,  that  the  skin  of  such  persons, 
when  exposed  to  the  air  and  the  rays  of  the  sun,  un-  ', 

dergo  a  change  called  tanning,  but  this  circumstance  I 

proves  nothing  in  favor  of  a  radical  or  material  and  : 

final  change  from  white  to  black ;  because  this  tan-  j 

ning  is  always  more  or  less  removed  by  a  change  \ 

from  a  hot  to  a  colder  climate.  j, 

The  same  fixedness  of  character  attaches  to  the 


red  or  copper  nations  over  the  whole  earth,  as  neither 
frigid,  torrid,  or  temperate  climates  have  any  effect 
on  their  complexion ;  they  remain  forever  the  same. 
In  the  formation  of  their  bodies,  the  color,  length, 
and  straightness  of  the  hair  of  their  heads,  there  is 
no  material  difference,  whatever  their  modes  of  liv- 
ing may  be,  or  wherever  they  may  have  dwelt.  The 
Indians  of  the  cold  regions  of  the  north,  or  of  the 
high  cold  latitudes  of  the  south  beyond  the  equator, 
are  as  dark  and  tawny  as  they  are  in  the  temperate 
and  hot  climates. 

It  is  the  same  with  the  Arabs  of  the  Red  Sea,  on 
the  northern  as  well  as  on  the  southern  side,  in  Af- 
rica, Yes;  this  complexion,  the  copper  color,  the 
original  and  first  hue  of  the  human  race,  holding  a 
grade  between  black  and  white,  is  as  strongly  fixed 
in  the  blood  of  that  race  as  is  the  black  and  white 
in  the  blood  of  the  other  two  races. 

In  proof  of  this  doctrine,  the  changeless  character 
of  those  three  radical  and  first  complexions,  irrespec- 
tive oi  all  contingencies,  we  notice  that  on  the  eastern 
coast  of  Africa,  in  latitude  five  degrees  north,  have 
been  found  jet  black,  copper  colored  and  white  inhab- 
itants. This  part  of  Africa  is  called  the  Magadoxa 
kingdom.  The  whites  found  in  those  regions,  are 
supposed  to  be  the  descendants  of  the  ancient  Ro- 
mans, who  once  had  great  possessions  in  Africa,  af- 
ter the  fall  of  Carthage,  which  took  place  B.  C.  about 
140  years.  The  Greeks,  also,  from  earliest  time, 
were  settlers  more  or  less  in  Africa. 

This  fact,  that  of  white  inhabitants  being  found 
resident  in  that  negro  country,  is  stated  by  John  Lea, 


who  wrote  a  history  of  ancient  Africa  in  the  Arabic 
language. — Morse  Uni.  Geo.,  Vol.  ii,  pp.  754  and  781. 

Procopius,  a  Greek  historian,  of  the  sixth  century, 
1200  years  ago,  speaks  of  a  race  of  fair  complexion- 
ed  people  with  ruddy  countenances  and  yellow  hair, 
who  dwelt  far  within  the  Lyhian  country,  which  is 
a  region  of  Africa,  south  and  west  of  ancient  Egypt, 
who,  it  is  likely,  were  of  Greek  and  Roman  origin 

The  same  people  were  found  by  Dr.  Thomas 
Shaw,  the  antiquary,  who  wrote  in  the  17th  century, 
and  says,  that  they  retained  their  fair  complexions 
and  yellow  hair,  although  a  lapse  of  more  than  a 
thousand  years  had  transpired  from  the  time  of  Pro- 
copius, and  that  of  Dr.  Shaw.  The  latitude  of  their 
country  is  between  10  and  12  degrees  south  of  the 
equator. — Amer.  Enc,  Vol.  viii,  part  2,  p.  668.  "  In 
Abyssinia,  which  is  a  region  of  Africa,"  says  the  Uni- 
versal Traveler,  page  467,  "  there  are  found  a  popu- 
lation of  many  tribes  of  various  colors,  as  black,  cop- 
per color,  and  white,  or  nearly  so."  How  is  this? 
why  does  not  the  climate  make  them  all  black  alike, 
if  the  black  color  of  the  negro  is  the  work  of  climate 
alone  ?  But  nothing  is  more  false  than  such  an  opin- 

That  time  cannot  obliterate  the  distinctive  traces 
of  national  or  original  character  stamped  on  the  first 
races  of  men,  was  the  opinion  of  the  Rev.  Michael 
Russell,  LL.  D.,  author  of  Views  of  Ancient  and 
Modern  Egypt,  Palestine  or  the  Holy  Land.  He 
6ays,  in  regard  to  the  people  of  Ethiopia,  who  are  now, 
and  have  been  for  more  than  2300  years,  a  mixed 


people,  mixed  with  the  Arabs,  a  copper  colored  race, 
and  though,  by  their  language,  it  is  impossible  to  dis 
tinguish  one  from  the  other,  yet  by  their  physiologi- 
cal qualities  m  features  and/o?'?w,  they  are  easily  dis- 
tinguished from  the  Arab  blood,  however  intimate 
the  mixture  might  be,  which  no  length  of  time  can 
obliterate — the  negro  blood  appearing  as  palpable  as 
it  does  when  mixed  with  the  whites. 

This  author,  everywhere  in  his  work,  respecting 
the  ancient  people  of  Egypt,  and  the  other  countries 
of  Africa,  carefully  distinguishes  the  negro  man,  or 
race,  from  the  other  dark  races  and  tribes  not  having 
the  woolly  head,  and  the  other  characteristics  of  that 
family  of  man. 

As  to  the  other  dark  races  of  the  earth,  not  mixed 
with  negro  blood,  we  have  but  little  to  do  in  this 
work ;  our  Avhole  or  chief  aim  being  to  illustrate,  as 
well  as  we  can,  whatsoever  properly  belongs  to  the 
origin,  character  and  fortunes  of  the  people  known  as 
the  real  negro  men. 

On  this  subject,  the  highly  popular  lectures  on 
physiology,  by  Professor  Lawrence,  maintain  that 
the  longest  series  of  ages  are  found  incapable  oi 
changing  the  negro  race  from  their  blackness,  what- 
ever the  climate  may  be. — See  Lawrence's  Lectures^ 
p.  257,  and  many  other  parts  of  the  work.  , 

This  being  true,  of  which  we  cannot  doubt,  it  is 
shown,  and  even  demonstrated,  that  at  some  ancient 
period  of  time,  this  color  must  have  had  its  origin 
without  owing  it  to  the  influence  of  climate,  and  was 
so  radically  fixed  by  some  competent  power,  in  the 
blood  and  existence  of  the  parent  of  the  negro  race, 


that  no  lapse  of  ages,  climate  or  other  circumstances, 
are  found  capable  of  bleaching  from  the  blood  and 
skin  of  the  race;  of  which  power  we  shall  treat  in 
due  order. 

To  prove  this  doctrine,  Professor  Lawrence,  in  the 
above  cited  work  of  his,  adduces  in  opposition  to 
those  who  endeavor  to  maintain  the  effect  of  climate 
and  circumstances  in  procUicing  the  negro  race,  in- 
stances where  the  different  complexions  of  the  fam 
ily  of  man  have  not  been  occasioned  by  such  causes 
All  the  north  of  Africa,  he  says,  is  occupied  by  a  race 
agreeing  nearly  in  character  with  the  Celts  of  Eti- 
rope,  who  are  of  the  whites,  the  ancestors  of  all  the 
present  nations  of  that  country,  as  well  as  of  the  An- 
glo Americans.  In  the  year  420  of  the  Christian  era, 
there  were  thousands  of  the  Vandals,  white  men  of 
the  ancient  German  race,  who,  after  overrunning  all 
Italy,  went  even  int.i  Africa  under  the  direction  of 
their  king,  Genderie,  where  they  conquered  and  to- 
tally destroyed  the  abori2:inal  race,  and  erected  a 
kingdom  of  their  own,  which  endured  nearly  400 
years,  being  destroyed  at  last  by  the  Arabs.  Of  this 
race  of  white  men  there  still  are  thousands  yet  re- 
maining in  Africa,  as  well  as  of  the  more  'ancient 
■  Greeks  and  Romans,  who,  during  thousands  of  years, 

i  have  not  become  negroes,  except  by  amalgamation. 

He  (Lawrence)  states  also,  that  the  islands  of  the 
Indian  Ocean,  as  well  as  those  of  the  Pacific,  are  peo- 
pled by  two  distinct  races    of  men.     One  of  these 
f  races  is  of  a  slender  construction,  the  hair  curled  and 

I  woolly,  the  stature  short,  the  disposition  barbarous 

[■  and  cruel,  fleeing  whh  terror  from  every  approach  of 


civilization.  The  other  race  is  more  like  the  Indians, 
being  of  a  fairer  skin,  more  humane  and  civilized,  as 
well  as  intellectual. 

The  blacks,  or  woolly  heads,  says  Lawrence,  of 
these  islands  are  the  real  aborigines,  while  the  other 
race  is  of  a  later  date,  from  whose  presence  the  more 
ancient  negro  man  retires  into  the  interior  and  moun- 
tainous districts.  It  is  the  same  in  the  island  Mada- 
gascar, as  there  also  are  found  two  races.  One  is  of 
an  olive  complexion  with  dark,  long  hair,  but  the 
other,  the  true  negro,  as  black  as  night. 

On  the  island  of  Sumatra,  which  is  situated  under 
d  vertical  sun,  where  no  part  of  the  year  affords  any 
abatement  of  the  heat,  except  by  the  winds  and  rains, 
are  found  people  of  quite  fair  complexions,  as  well  as 
the  real  n€gro.  In  this  very  island,  continues  Law- 
rence, the  descendants  of  Europeans,  after  the  lapse 
of  ages,  are  as  fair  as  those  born  in  the  country  of 
their  parents;  but  the  negroes  brought  there  from 
Guinea,  in  Africa,  continue  as  deeply  black  as  when 
first  carried  to  the  island,  as  they  do  everywhere  else. 
But  on  a  subject  so  plain  and  self-evident,  as  is  th-e 
fact  of  the  changelesr;  character  of  the  negro  complex- 
ion, it  would  appear  almost  superfluous  to  advance 
arguments,  or  to  quote  ancient  or  modern  authorities 
in  its  support,  when,  at  the  present  time,  and  every- 
where before  our  eyes,  occular  demonstration  is  af- 
forded, that  neither  the  color  nor  character  of  that 
people  changes ;  and  from  which,  we  at  once  infer 
that  the  origin  of  this  complexion  could  not  have 
been  effected  by  climate. 

In  the  appearance  of  the  negro  race  on  the  conti- 


nent  of  America,  has  there  one  lineament  of  counte« 
nance,  or  trait  of  bodily  formation,  taken  place  during 
he  350  years  or  more  since  the  first  settlements, 
which  promises  even  an  approximation  of  a  final 
change  to  white?  Is  the  wool  of  such  individuals, 
as  have  not  amalgamated  with  the  whites  and  Indi- 
ans, a  whit  less  woolly  than  it  was  when  they  were 
first  brought  to  this  country? 
I  If  it  were  a  true  doctrine  that  climate  acts  with  a 

force  so  powerful  on  the  complexions  and  formations 
I  of  the  human  body,  as  to  change  the  African  race  to 

I  whiteness  in  the  northern  countries,  is  it  not  to  be 

i  dreaded  by  all,  except  abolitionists^  that  the  fair  skin- 

ned Americans  and  Europeans  (who  are  now  flock-  [ 

I  ing  to  Africa,  where,  no  doubt,  many  of  them  will  | 

\  remain  forever)  may,  in  process  of  time,  and  the  op-  I 

I  eration  of  circumstances,  be  all  changed  in  their  pos- 

!  lerity,  to  good  and  substantial  black  men  and  women  ;  I 

for  if  the  climate  of  the  north  whitens  the  blacks, 
I  the  climate  of  the  south  must  blacken  the  whites : 

\  surely  it  is  a  rule  that  will  work  both  ways  if  it 

I  works  at  all.     But  of  all  this  there  need  be  no  dread,  as 

1  all  former  experience  contradicts  such  a  catastrophe. 

'  If,  then,  the  three  standing  original,  radical,  and  | 

1  primeval    complexions   of   the    human   race,   red, 

I  BLACK,  and  WHITE,  were  not  produced  by  climate,  ' 

I  nor  other  natural  circumstances,  how,  then,  were  they  \ 

j  produced  ?     In  relation  to  the  red^  we  have  already 

i  shown  the  origin  of  that  color,  which  was  given  to 

i  Adam  in  his  creation ;    it  remains  therefore  to  be 

j  shown  how  the  other  two,  the  white,  and  especially 

the  black,  had  their  beginning. 


It  was  with  this  question  that  we  set  out  at  the  corri' 
mencement  of  this  section,  which  we  proceed  to  an- 
swer as  follows : 

God,  who  made  all  things,  and  endowed  all  ani- 
mated nature  with  the  strange  and  unexplained  pow- 
er of  propagation,  superintended  the  formation  of 
two  of  the  sons  of  Noah,  in  the  womb  of  their  mother, 
in  an  extraordinary  and  supernatural  manner,  giving 
to  these  two  children  such  forms  of  bodies,  constitu- 
tions of  natures,  and  complexions  of  skin,  as  suited 
his  will.  Those  two  sons  were  Japheth  and  Ham 
Japheth  He  caused  to  be  born  white,  differing  from 
the  color  of  his  parents,  while  He  caused  Ham  to  be 
born  black,  a  color  still  further  removed  from  the  red 
hue  of  his  parents  than  was  white,  events  and  pro- 
ducts wholly  contrary  to  nature,  in  the  particular  of 
animal  generation,  as  relates  to  the  human  race.  It 
was,  therefore,  by  the  miraculous  intervention  of  the 
Divine  power  that  the  black  and  white  man  have 
been  produced,  equally  as  much  as  was  the  creation 
of  the  color  of  the  first  man,  the  Creator  giving  him 
a  complexion,  arbitrarily,  that  pleased  the  Divine  will. 

This  solution  of  the  mystery  of  the  origm  of  the 
negro's  color,  we  trust,  will  be  acceptable,  as  there 
appears  in  the  wide  field  of  conjecture  and  inves- 
tigation, no  other  paths  that  lead  to  light  but  this. 
The  mind,  therefore,  seems  hemmed  in,  and  driven 
to  this  conclusion  by  the  arm  of  resistless  necessity, 
referring  the  cause  of  the  negro's  color  to  the  arbitra- 
ry will  and  wisdom  of  God,  rather  than  to  the  feebler 
and  ineffectual  power  of  contingencies. 

But  lest  the  reader  may  not  be  as  well  satisfied  as 


the  writer  is,  that  in  the  above  described  manner,  the 
negro  race  had  their  origin,  we  shall  pass  to  other 
evidences  of  the  alledged  fact.  Should  we  omit  to 
do  this,  we  may  be  accused  of  relying  too  securely 
upon  what  may  be  termed  inferential  testimony,  as 
set  forth  on  the  above  pages ;  it  is  our  duty,  therefore, 
now,  to  labor  in  search  of  direct  evidence  to  the  point, 
though,  in  fact,  the  former  to  the  writer  seems  fully 

It  will  not  be  forgotten,  that  we  have  said  above, 
that  Ham,  one  of  the  sons  of  Noah,  was  born  black, 
with  all  the  peculiarities  of  the  true  woolly  headed 
negro  man,  by  the  direction  of  the  Divine  power,  and 
contrary  to  the  common  dictation  of  nature.  To  prove 
this,  we  shall  commence  with  an  account  of  a  cir- 
cumstance, which,  at  first  sight,  may  appear  of  but 
small  moment,  in  relation  to  the  point  desired  to  be 
proved.  The  circumstance  we  now  allude  to,  is  the 
name  which  was  given  to  the  youngest  son  of  Noah, 
the  father  of  the  negro  race,  at  his  birth,  and  that 
name  was  Ham. 

But,  says  one,  how  can  a  name,  a  mere  name,  as- 
sist us  in  this  pursuit?  We  answer,  that  the  word 
Ham,  in  the  language  of  Noah,  which  was  the  pure 
and  most  ancient  Hebrew,  signified  any  thing  that 
had  become  black;  it  was  the  word  for  black,  what- 
ever the  cause  of  the  color  might  have  been,  the 
same  as  the  word  black,  means  black  in  the  English 

The  language  spoken  by  Noah,  is  acknowledged 
on  all  hands,  in  all  ages,  to  jiave  been  the  true  Ante- 
diluvian Adamic  or  Hebrew  language. 


But  if  this  is  supposed  to  be  unlikely,  on  account 
of  the  spreading  out  of  the  children  of  Adam  in  their 
posterity,  over,  no  doubt,  the  whole  earthy  before  the 
flood,  and  that  from  ntJiessity ^  the  language  of  Adam 
and  his  immediate  house,  must  have  undergone 
changes  during  so  many  ages,  as  was  contained  in 
1656  years  from  the  creation  till  the  flood ;  yet  there 
are  no  doubts  to  be  entertained,  that  the  language 
of  Adam  was  continued  in  the  line  of  Seth,  which 
is  termed  the  holy  seed^  or  the  life  of  the  Patriarchs 
down  to  Noah,  and  from  thence  to  Jacob,  the  father 
of  the  Jews. 

Unless  this  was  the  fact,  it  were  difficult  to  ascer- 
tain how  the  record,  or  history  of  the  creation,  the 
maimers  of  the  antediluvians,  the  names  and  the 
ages  of  the  Patriarchs,  in  the  line  of  Seth  down  to 
Noah,  with  the  deeds  and  acts  of  many  persons  who 
hved  before  the  deluge,  could  have  been  known  to 
Moses,  and  from  him  been  transmitted  to  all  ages 
and  nations  since  the^/-ea^  flood.  That  the  accounts 
now  alluded  to,  were  not  delivered  to  Moses  by  di- 
rect inspiration,  is  shown  by  there  having  been  a 
knowledge  of  these  things  in  the  family  of  Noah,  and 
of  course  among  the  descendants  of  his  house,  all 
along  from  the  time  of  the  flood,  descending  from 
Patriarch  to  Patriarch,  down  to  Abraham,  and  from 
thence  to  Moses  ;  that  writer  only  embodying  anew 
in  a  book,  from  older  written  and  traditionary  ac- 
counts, a  history  of  facts,  brought  down  from  beyond 
the  flood  by  the  progeny  and  lineage  of  Seth,  the 
third  son  of  Adam,  written  in  the  Adamic  language. 

That  information  of  all  these  things  was  possessed 


by  Noah,  and  the  succeeding  Patriarchs  of  the  line 
of  Shem,  the  eldest  son  of  Noah,  is  evident  from  Mo- 
ses's own  account,  as  he  everywhere  refers  to  the 
fact  of  Noah,  his  children  and  the  Patriarchs,  even 
down  to  Abraham,  having  a  knowledge  of  the  true 
God.  It  cannot  be  well  overlooked  by  the  careful 
reader,  how  well  Abraham  and  Melchisedec  under- 
stood the  will  of  God,  and  the  history  of  past  ages, 
as  referred  to  by  Moses's  own  account,  in  his  book  of 
Genesis,  consequently,  could  not  have  been  just  then 
made  known  to  him  by  the  Divine  inspiration  when 
he  wrote  that  book. 

We  hope  no  one  will  be  offended  at  this,  our  opin- 
ion, for  the  whole  book  of  Genesis  is  full  of  refer- 
ences, to  the  knowledge  of  the  ancients,  of  the  line 
of  iSeth,  Noah,  Abraham,  Melchisedec,  and  the  other 
Patriarchs  before  his  own  time. 

In  relation  to  this  opinion,  that  of  Moses  having 
derived  his  history  of  the  creation,  and  of  the  proge- 
ny of  Seth,  from  written  records,  we  shall  have  oc- 
casion, in  the  course  of  the  work,  to  make  still  more 
clear,  as  we  are  able  to  demonstrate  that  the  fine 
arts,  with  literature  and  science,  as  well  as  agri- 
culture and  mechanism,  were  cultivated  before  the 

We  have  said,  that  the  word  Ham,  in  the  original 
Hebrew,  or  Noachian  language,  was  the  word  for 
that  which  was  black;  in  proof  of  this  affirmation, 
see  Adam  Clark's  comment  on  the  meaning  of  the 
word  Ham,  Gen.  x,  1,  who  there  says,  that  Ham  sig- 
nified that  which  was  black. 

In  further  proof  of  this  position,  we  adduce  the 


fact  that  the  word  Ham,  in  the  Coptic  language, 
which  was  spoken  by  the  pure  and  early,  or  first 
F'jgyptians,  was  the  word  for  black.  Now,  as  Meza- 
rim,  or  Mezar,  one  of  the  sons  of  Ham,  first  of  all, 
after  the  flood,  led  a  colony  to  the  vale  of  the  Nile, 
in  Africa,  but  a  little  south  of  Judea,  which  river 
empties  into  the  Mediterranean,  near  where  the  city 
of  Alexandria  was  built  by  Alexander  the  Great.  It 
is  certain,  therefore,  that  the  language  of  this  Mezar, 
and  his  immediate  descendants,  must  have  been  the 
same,  with  the  language  of  his  father,  who  was  Ham, 
and  of  his  grandfather,  Noah,  who  were  the  people 
.si7tw  called  the  Copts  of  Egypt. 

That  Mfizarim,  tirst  of  all,  settled  the  vale  of  the 
Nile,  is  admitted  by  Greek  and  Roman,  as  well  as 
by  Jew  and  Egyptian,  in  every  age.  The  earliest 
Egyptians,  says  Josephus,  were  called  Mezarites,  and 
the  country  where  they  dwelt,  Mezar,  as  well  as  one 
of  their  ^rs^  cities  was  called  Memphis — nanjes  and 
appellations  derived  from  the  name  of  the  first  set- 
tler, or  head  of  the  family,  who  led  a  party,  clan,  or 
colony,  to  the  slimy  flats  of  the  Nile,  before  any  oth- 
er people  after  the  flood. 

Josephus,  when  speaking  of  this  Mezarim,,  calls 
him  Xhejirst  king  of  Memphis,  which,  as  above  sup- 
posed, was  the  first  city  of  ancient  Egypt  (book  viii, 
p.  19),  and,  therefore,  might  well  be  alluded  to  as  the 
first  king  of  the  country. 

But  how  does  this  fact  assist  us  in  finding  out  the 
meaning  of  the  word  Ham,  in  the  Noachian  lan- 
guage? It  aids  us  as  follows:  the  frst  Egyptians 
were  called  Copts,  and  have  been  thus  denominated 


in  every  age.  Now,  if  this  people,  who  were  primi 
tive  in  Egypt,  and  but  just  from  the  Ark  and  the 
tower  of  Babel,  used  the  word  Ha7n,  to  point  out 
that  which  was  black,  it  proves  that  the  same  word 
was  made  use  of,  for  the  same  purpose  in  the  family 
of  Noah,  among  the  Chaldeans  by  Abraham,  and  of 
necessity  was  used  for  the  same  purpose  by  Moses, 
when  he  embodied  the  ancient  history  of  his  ances- 
try, in  the  book  of  Genesis,  as  that  work  was  written 
by  him  in  the  Hebrew  language. 

To  show  that  the  Noachian  language,  and  the  lan- 
guage of  the  first  Egyptians,  or  Copts,  was  the  same 
in  the  time  of  Abraham,  we  have  only  to  call  to  mind 
that,  when  the  Patriarch  went  to  Egypt  out  of  Ca- 
naan (to  which  country  he  had  but  lately  arrived 
from  Chaldea),  whither  he  went  on  account  of  a  great 
famine,  there  was  no  difficulty  in  his  oral  communi- 
cations with  the  people  of  that  country.  This,  there- 
fore, proves  that  the  language  of  Egypt,  in  the  time 
of  Abraham,  was  still  the  Hebrew  language,  and  was 
the  same  which  Mezarim,  the  son  of  Ham,,  learned 
of  his  father  and  grandfather,  Noah.  The  Egyp- 
tians, therefore,  in  the  use  of  the  word  Ham,  to  de- 
note any  thing  that  was  black,  acknowledge  that  their 
great  progenitor  was  called  black  in  the  house  of  his 
own  father. 

It  is  well  known  that  the  Hebrew,  or  Adamic  lan- 
guage, gave  names  to  things  and  existences,  in  com- 
pliance with  the  appearance  and  nature  of  things  to 
be  named,  as  we  have  before  remarked.  It  was  this 
circumstance,  or  the  dictating  power  of  the  Hebrew 
language,  which  governed,  when  Adam  gave  names 


to  all  the  animals  brought  before  him  at  the  time  of 
ihe  creation ;  when,  as  yet,  he  had  heard  no  sound 
of  human  voice,  except  his  own,  to  copy  after,  yet  he 
went  on,  without  embarrassment,  naming  them  ac- 
cording to  the  sensation  produced  in  his  mind  when 
he  looked  at,  and  had  considered  the  creature  to  be 
named.  Under  this  very  influence,  which  governed 
in  the  construction  of  the  Hebrew  language,  Adam 
gave  a  name  to  the  first  woman,  whom  he  called 
Eve,  because  she  was  to  become  the  mother  of  all 

The  word  Eve,  in  the  Hebrew,  signifies  life,  en- 
livening, nourisher  of  life,  producing  and  preserving 
human  life.  These  qualities  and  powers  of  the  first 
woman  were  intuitively  and  instantly  understood 
by  Adam,  when  he  had  looked  upon  her,  who  then 
named  her  according  to  her  nature,  which  language, 
like  its  author,  who  was  God,  had  infused  into  it  his 
own  image,  which  was  truth — accordingly,  when 
Adam  gave  the  names  of  all  things,  the  language 
spoke  the  truth. 

In  agreement  with  this^  it  is  well  known  that  every 
name,  of  every  being,  thing,  or  existence,  has  its  spe- 
cific meaning  in  the  Hebrew,  and,  in  this  respect,  it 
is  different  from  all  other  languages  of  the  globe. 
Let  any  one  reflect  a  moment  on  this  subject,  and 
see  if  he  can  find,  especially  when  examining  the 
names  of  men  in  the  English,  whether  they  have 
any  specific  meaning  beyond  a  mere  name. 

On  this  very  account,  the  power  of  the  Hebrew 
language,  in  dictating  the  names  of  things  or  beings, 
the  parents  of  Ham  could  not  well  have  named  that 


child  anything  else  but  Ham^  and  keep  within  the 
bounds  of  the  dialect  of  their  language. 

But,  in  addition  to  what  is  already  said  respecting 
the  Hebrew  word  JEZam,  we  may  remark  that  it  was, 
in  some  sense,  also  prophetic  of  Ham's  character  and 
fortunes  in  his  own  life,  and  the  fortunes  of  his  race, 
as  the  word  not  only  signified  black  in  its  literal 
sense,  but  pointed  out  the  very  disposition  of  his 
mind.  The  word,  doubtless,  has  more  meanings 
than  we  are  now  acquainted  with — two  of  which, 
however,  beside  the  first,  we  find  are  heat  or  violence 
of  temper,  exceedingly  prone  to  acts  of  ferocity  and 
cruelty,  involving  murder,  war,  butcheries,  and  even 
cannibalism,  including  beastly  lusts,  and  lascivious- 
ness  in  its  worst  feature,  going  beyond  the  force  of 
these  passions,  as  possessed  in  common  by  the  other 
races  of  men.  Second,  the  word  signifies  deceit,  dis- 
honesty, treachery,  low-mindedness,  and  malice. 

What  a  group  of  horrors  are  here,  couched  in  the 
word  Ham,  all  agreeing,  in  a  most  surprising  man- 
ner, with  the  color  of  Ham's  skin,  as  well  as  with 
his  real  character  as  a  mati,  during  his  own  life,  as 
well  as  with  that  of  his  race,  even  now. 

Thus  far,  we  have  shown  that  the  very  name  of 
this  youngest  son  of  Noah,  is  an  evidence  of  no 
small  account;  that  he  was  born  a  negro,  with  all 
the  physical,  moral,  and  constitutional  traits,  which 
mark  and  distinguish  that  race  of  men  horn  the  oth- 
er two  races. 

The  birth  of  those  two  sons,  Japheth  and  Ham, 
being  thus  miraculously  produced,  there  is  no  doubt 
but  that  Noah,  as  a  prophet,  saw,  in  the  births  of 

KOKKTWrb,   OF  THE    NEGRO  RACE.  41 

tneso  ctiildren,  me  hand  and  design  of  the  Creator. 
He  bad  alrp^^^y  been  mlormed,  in  some  supernatural 
W2y,  Jind,  dcubvlcss,  by  the  appearance  or  ministra- 
tion i»f  angels,  that  in  about  100  years  from  the  births 
of  his  three  sons,  the  glote  was  to  be  destroyed  by 
water,  on  which  account  he  had  ah'eady  been  at 
work  twenty  years  in  carr5Aing  forward  the  erection 
of  the  ark,  when  Shem,  Ham  and  Japheth  were  born. 

As  a  philosopher  and  a  prophet,  Noah  foresaw,  in 
the  ruin  of  the  earth  by  water,  that  its  mild,  healthy, 
and  pristine  climates  would  undergo  a  horrid  change; 
and  of  necessity  inhabitants  of  different  characters, 
constitutions  and  complexions,  would  be  wanted  to 
people  it;  on  which  account  he  bore  patiently,  for  the 
sake  of  the  Divine  purposes,  the  misfortune  of  the 
strange  and  monstrous  production  of  his  wife,  in  the 
oirth  of  Ham,  the  first  negro.  For  this  reason,  God 
produced  the  two  new  races. 

In  reference  to  the  foregoing  arguments,  which  re- 
spect the  cause  of  Ham's  name,  we  notice  that  after 
the  flood,  when  children  were  added  to  his  family, 
the  same  circumstance,  their  complexion,  seems  to 
have  exerted  an  influence  on  their  names  also. 
CusH  was  orie  of  the  sons  of  Ham,  which  word  also 
had  a  reference  to  that  which  was  black.  Cush, 
Cushan,  Cushi,  and  Chu-Shan-Rish-A-Thaim,  are 
all  of  the  same  or  relative  import,  and  especially  the 
word  "Cushanrishathaim,  signifies  Ethiopian  black- 
ness, as  well  as  the  blackness  of  iniquity. 

On  this  very  account,  the  ancient  country  of  Ethi- 
opia, situated  in  Africa,  in  the  region  of  the  head 
.waters  of  the  Nile,  which  was  settled  first  of  all  by 


the  family  of  Cush,  was  called  Cushan,  as  well  as 
Ethiopia,  or  the  country  of  the  blacks. 

The.  meaning  of  the  word  Ethiope.  which  is  also 
a  Hebrew  word,  signifies  blackness,  a  name  given  to 
the  country,  on  account  of  the  color  of  its  first  in- 

Even  the  word  negro,  is  derived  from  the  Hebrew 
word  Niger,  and  signifies  black.  Niger,  is  a  great 
river  of  Africa,  and  was  thus  originally  named,  on 
account  of  black  men  having  first  settled  the  coun- 
tries of  that  river ;  and  hence  arose  from  earliest  time 
the  word  negro,  and  applied  to  the  race  of  Ham,  and 
no  other  people. 

Canaan  was  the  name  of  another  of  the  son«  of 
Ham.  But  this  word  signified  a  trader  or  merchant,^ 
and  seems  to  have  pointed  out  the  pursuits  of  his 
progeny,^  rather  than  their  color.  It  was  from  this 
son  that  the  Phoenicians,  Tyrians  and  Zidonians, 
with  all  the  tribes  of  the  land  of  Canaan  which  was 
PhoBnicia  itself^  proceeded,  who  were  a  trading  sea- 
faring and  mercantile  race. 

There  was,  however,  a  place  in  this  country  of  Ca- 
naan, or  Palestine,  a  district  that  was  called  Chusi, 
inhabited  no  doubt  by  a  colony  or  family  of  the  race 
of  Cush. 

The  word  Canaan,  therefore,  appears  to  have  been 
prophetically  given,  to  that  son  of  Ham,  pointing  to 
the  pursuits,  rather  than  any  ether  peculiarity  of  that 
branch  of  Ham's  race. 

The  word  Japheth,  is  a  Hebrew  w©rd,  and  was  giv- 
en as  a  name  to  one  of  the  sons  of  Noah,  which  also 
had  its  prophetic  meaning,  and  pointed  out  the  for- 


tunes  of  Japheth's  race,  which  was  to  consist  of  great 
enterprise,  enlargment  and  renown  in  the  world ;  one 
who  was  to  excel,  and  even  to  rule  over  the  races  of 
his  two  brothers;  which  as  we  shall  show  in  due  or- 
der, has  been  wonderfully  fulfilled.  But  there  is  an- 
other meaning  in  the  word  Japheth^  which  is  of  im- 
mense importance  to  the  doctrine  set  forth  in  this 
work,  viz.,  that  Japheth  was  born  a  white  man,  as  well 
as  Ham  with  a  contrary  hue,  proving  to  a  demonstra- 
tion, if  we  may  be  allowed  to  use  so  strong  a  term, 
that  in  the  family  of  Noah  the  two  complexions  had 
their  real  origin. 

This  peculiar  meaning  is  found  in  the  translation 
of  the  word  Japheth,  by  the  Rev.  James  Creighton, 
A.  B.,  a  most  accomplished  Hebraist,  in  his  Dictionary 
of  the  Scripture,  proper  names,"  p.  162.  This  great 
linguist  states  that  one  of  the  meanings  of  the  word 
Japheth  is  fair,  or  white,  which  cannot  be  said  of 
black,  as  black  is  not  fair.  From  this  translation  we 
learn  that  Japheth  was  a  fair  white  man,  on  whose 
face  and  form  there  was  stamped  in  the  eye  of  his 
father,  the  sure  sign  of  great  intellectual  endowments 
betokening  renown,  enlargement  and  rule  among 
men,  wherefore,  he  could  give  him  no  other  name, 
than  the  important  word  Japheth,  or  the /air  and  rud- 
dy white  son,  his  fortunes  remaining  to  be  fulfilled 
in  the  course  of  time,  while  his  father,  acted  upon 
by  the  great  beauty  of  this  child,  gave  him  his  name 
and  blessed  him,  as  the  progenitor  of  a  race  who 
were  to  fill  the  worLi  with  their  glory  and  their 
numbers,  as  is  now  the  fact,  before  the  eyes  of 
all  men,  for  the  white  man,  and  the  white  woman, 


are  paramount  in  all  the  improvements  of  the 

Shem,  was  the  name  of  another  of  the  sons  of  No- 
ah; which  word  also  had  its  meaning,  and  was  re- 
nown^ praise  or  greatness,  prophetically  pointing  out 
the  character  of  his  race,  but  doubtless  more  partic- 
ularly, the  renown  of  the  genealogy  of  the  holy  seed, 
or  line  of  the  Patriarchs,  Prophets,  the  Jews,  and  of 
Jesus  Christ,  who  came  of  the  line  of  Shem.  On 
these  accounts,  the  renown  of  the  house  of  Sham, 
has  been  great  in  all  the  earth. 

The  Jews  have,  in  every  age,  been  a  wonderful 
people,  who  were  produced  by  miracle  as  in  the  birth 
of  Isaac,  when  his  parents  were  too  old  to  have  chil- 
dren, and  have  been  preserved  by  power,  equally 
miraculous,  carrying  out  and  maintaining  the  signi- 
fications of  the  word  Shem,  which  was  the  name  of 
their  great  progenitor. 

In  the  opinion,  that  there  was,  somewhere,  in  an- 
cient ages,  three  distinct  colors  of  the  human  family, 
we  are  by  no  means  alone  or  singular.  This  was 
the  opinion  of  the  very  celebrated  philosopher.  Dr. 
Mitchell,,  late  of  New- York,  which  opinion  he  publish- 
ed, with  many  curious  matters  to  the  world. 

But  Dr.  Mitchell  has  not  told  us  at  what  perioc?  of 
time,  these  complexions  had  their  commencement, 
whether  in  the  family  of  the  first  man,  or  at  some 
other  period — or  whether  there  was  created  three  dis- 
tinct fathers  to  the  human  race,  as  many  men  do  now 
believe,  and  probably  was  the  opinion  of  Mitchell. 

Professor  Lawrence,  whose  volume  of  Lectures 
on  Physiology  we  have  already  quoted,  is  of  this 


opinion,  see  p,  257,  who  wholly  disallows  the  power 
of  climates  to  cause  the  color  of  the  aboriginal  ne- 
gro ;  but,  like  Dr.  Mitchell,  fails  to  inform  us  how  that, 
or  the  other  complexions,  had  their  beginning.  He 
seems,  however,  to  have  felt  that  as  he  was  giving  an 
opinion  on  the  subject  of  human  complexions,  and 
that  if  climates  could  not  have  been  the  cause,  he 
was,  therefore,  in  reason,  bound  to  say  something  re- 
specting the  origin  of  the  negro's  black  skin.  The 
cause  of  this  he  rather  thinks,  was  some  ancient  dis- 
ease  of  the  surface  of  the  bodies  of  a  tribe  of  people, 
which,  by  long  continuance,  became  so  fixed  in  their 
nature,  that  it  formed  a  permanent  and  national  char- 
acter, as  now  seen  in  all  the  world,  of  the  negro  race. 

But  from  this  opinion  we  dissent,  as  diseases  do 
not  work  their  own  cure,  and  still  retain  the  very  ev- 
idence of  that  disease,  which  is  the  black  of  the  negro's 
skin.  It  is  allowed  that  the  negro  tribes,  of  all  men, 
are  the  most  healthy,  their  limbs  strong  and  agile,  their 
skins  smooth,  soft  and  silky — long  lived  and  free 
from  diseases ;  which  facts  but  poorly  accord  with 
the  idea  of  a  diseased  skin  and,  of  necessity,  diseas- 
ed blood. 

But  we  are  fully  satisfied,  that  the  two  complexions, 
black  and  white,  as  they  appertain  to  the  human 
race,  had  their  origin  in  the  family  of  Noah,  as  we 
have  contended  on  the  foregoing  pages.  Such  a 
cause  is,  to  the  writer's  understanding,  far  more  rea- 
sonable than  any  other  problem,  that  as  yet  has  been 
imagined;  such  as  the  climates,  a  diseased  state  of 
Ihe  skin,  or  a  father  distinct  from  the  father  of  the 
other  races,  as  many  have  believed. 


But  as  we  have  much  to  say  in  the  following  sec- 
tion, relative  to  the  same  subject,  though  traversed 
in  the  light  of  other  evidence,  we  shall  here  close 
the  present  chapter. 

Thus  now  from  Adam's  blood,  in  Heaven's  sight, 
Two  other  bloods  were  made,  as  blaek  and  white. 
From  whom,  as  from  two  springs,  two  torrents  r»U 
Of  tribes  and  nations,  to  the  final  go«d. 



Adaptation  of  men  and  animals,  to  the  countries  and  circumstances 
of  their  being — Early  settlements  of  the  first  nations  after  the 
Flood — Three  races  of  men,  black,  red  and  white,  in  the  family  of 
Noah — Great  difference  between  the  formations  of  the  bodies  of 
white  men  and  negroes — Reasons  why  the  skulls  of  black  men  are 
thicker  than  those  of  the  whitf.-^ — These  differences  noticed  by  an- 
cient Historians — Negroes  not  as  liable  to  infectious  diseases  as 
white  men — Interesting  notice  by  Herodotus,  respecting  the  heads 
of  Negro  men — Curious  formation  of  their  feel — Reasons  why — 
Extraordinary  fact  respecting  the  Negro's  skin  being  filled  with 
myriads  of  little  cups  of  water — The  reasons  why — With  many 
other  curious  matters. 

Adaptation  of  men  or  animals  as  to  their  loca- 
tion, regarding  their  physical  powers,  propensities 
and  appetites,  favoring  their  comforts  and  well  being, 
is  a  gi-and  law  of  God  in  natm-e.  The  polar  bear  has 
his  dwelling  amid  mountains  of  snow  and  ice,  the 
elephant  on  the  burning  plains  of  the  equator,  the 
eagle  in  the  heaven  above,  and  the  fishes  in  the  depths 
of  the  ocean  and  other  waters  of  the  globe,  where 
each  creature,  though  occupying  conditions  and  lo- 
cations diametrically  opposed  in  nature,  rest  and  re- 
joice in  their  places. 

Among  men  reckoned  in  classes,  as  belonging  to 
distinct  families  or  nations,  the  earth  has  also  been 
divided  by  the  operation  of  the  Divine  hand,  and 
suited  to  their  several  natures.  To  the  white  race, 
the  descendants  of  Japhet,  the  northern  regions  of 


the  earth  were  given.  To  Shem  and  his  descendants, 
the  red  or  copper  colored  race,  the  middle  regions  or 
temperate  cUme,  north  of  the  equator,  was  allotted. 
But  to  Ham  and  his  race  was  given  the  burning  south. 

The  red  race,  we  perceive,  like  their  complexion, 
occupied  a  middle  region  between  the  two,  the  blacks 
and  the  whites. 

This  providence  was  in  exact  conformity  with 
their  several  physical  characters  and  constitmions, 
as  well  as  a  remarkable  adaptation  to  their  respective 
complexions,  the  blacks  in  the  south,  the  red  men  in 
the  middle,  and  the  whites  in  the  stormy  regions  of 
the  cold  and  snowy  north. 

If  there  was  not  a  Divine  hand  in  all  this,  why 
did  it  not  happen  that  the  white  race  should  go  south, 
and  the  blacks  to  the  north?  or  why  did  not  the 
three  races,  red,  white  and  black,  mingle  irrespective- 
ly at  first  in  the  various  climes,  which  most  assured- 
ly was  not  the  case,  each  division  of  the  three  sources 
of  mankind  studiously  keeping  themselves  apart 
ai  a  great  measure,  and,  doubtless,  far  more  so  in  the 
first  ages? 

But  how  is  it  shown  that  the  hot  countries  of  the 
earth  are  adapted  to  the  comforts  of  the  negro  race 
more  than  to  the  whites,  or  rather  that  the  negro  race 
was  formed  suitable  to  the  countries  they  were  to 
people?  It  is  shown  from  their  formation.  The 
bones  of  the  negro's  head  are  vastly  different  from 
those  of  the  white  man's,  consisting  in  the  difference 
there  is  in  their  respective  thickness ;  the  former  be- 
mg  made  far  stronger,  thicker,  harder  and  more  com- 
pact in  relation  to  the  sutures,  or  seams  of  the  skuil 


In  the  white  man's  head,  the  sutures  are  jwore 
loosely  united  than  the  negro's,  which  is  nearly  as 
firmly  knit  together  as  if  there  were  no  sutures  at 
all,  or  as  if  the  head  was  but  one  continued  bojie. 

This  being  allowed,  it  yet  remains,  says  one,  to 
show  the  advantage  of  a  thick  skull  in  a  hot  coun- 
try over  a  thin  one.  This,  as  we  apprehend,  is  eas- 
ily done,  as  the  great  thickness  of  the  skull  bone  is 
an  admirable  defense  of  the  brain  against  the  sun- 
stroke.  Were  it  not  for  this,  that  portion  of  the  ne- 
gro population,  who  live  almost  contmually  in  the 
open  air  beneath  the  fervor  of  a  tropical  sun,  would 
soon  be  totally  cut  off,  as  it  is  well  known  that  the 
whites  cannot  endure  this  kind  of  exposure  without 
great  danger,  as  many  lose  their  lives  this  way,  al- 
though their  heads  are  covered  with  a  hat,  a  turbt^n, 
or  some  such  defense.  But  the  negro  is  never  afiiict- 
ed  in  this  way  by  the  sun ;  no,  not  even  their  cnil- 
dren,  though  they  are  continually  wandering  oit  the 
wilds  and  in  the  deserts,  bare-headed  and  naked,' 

But,  says  the  querest,  do  not  the  skull  bones  of  4he 
whites  increase  in  thickness  in  hot  countries,  therepy 
showing  that  it  is  the  climate  which  does  thi.?,.  and 
that  originally,  the  heads  of  all  men  were  ^like.;-  and 
thus  proving  that  the  climates  give  complexions,  as 
well  as  formations,  to  all  the  human  family?., Our 
answer  is,  that  no  such  phenomenon  as  the  thickt'n- 
ing  of  the  heads  of  white  men,  who  have  lived  .thuii- 
sands  of  years  in  their  posterities,  in  Africa,  hat?  ;eyer 
been  known  to  happen.  ■••-^ 

Man  is  a  distinct  creature  from  animals,  or  d'amb 
beasts,  nnd  is  not  affected,  as  they  are,  by  circumstanees 


and  climates ;  God  has  not  produced  his  image, 
or  likeness,  after  so  mutable  a  fashion,  as  that  the  el- 
ements should  have  power  to  change  it.  But,  says 
one,  is  it  the  bodi/,  then,  which  was  made  in  the  like- 
ness of  God?  Oh  no,  it  was  the  mind  ;  but  as  the 
form  of  the  head,  no  doubt,  gives  form  to  the  mind, 
or,  in  other  words,  controls  its  powers  by  contraction 
or'  expansion,  it  would  follow,  that  if  climate  can 
change  man's  shape  and  color  as  it  does  dumb  ani- 
mans,  then,  also,  it  can  change  the  powers  of  the  hu- 
man mind  from  its  original  stamp  ;  and  thus  the  true 
image  of  God  in  man,  as  given  to  Adam  and  his 
blood,  would  become  another  creature,  and  some  other 
likeness,  which  idea  is  abhorrent  to  the  relation  which 
exists  between  the  Creator  and  his  own  image,  in 

Can  any  thing,  therefore,  be  more  evident,  than  that 
God  has  given  the  negro  his  thick  skull  for  this  par- 

*  ticular  reason  ? 

■  This  curious  difference  between  the  heads  of  the 
two  races,  was,  even  in  ancient  times,  a  matter  of 
wonder;  for  Herodotus,  who  lived  450  years  B.  C, 
and  traveled  much  in  the  different  countries  of  Asia 
and  Africa,  has  mentioned  it  in  book  3d,  of  his  travels, 
p.- 12,  and  says,  that  when  in  Egypt,  the  people  show- 
ed him  a  place  where  a  great  battle  was  once  fought 
between  the  Egyptians  and  the  Persians,  and  the 
bones  of  the  slain,  on  both  sides.  The  following  are 
his  Words :  «  By  the  people  inhabiting  the  place  where 
this  battle  was  fought,  a  very  surprising  thing  was 
pointed  out  to  my  attention.  The  bones  of  those  who 
fell  in  the  engagement,  were  soon  afterward  collected 


and  separated  into  heaps.  It  was  observed  of  the 
Persians,  that  their  heads  were  so  extremely  soft,  as 
to  yield  to  the  slightest  impression,  even  of  a  pebble  ; 
those  of  the  Egyptians,  on  the  contrary,  were  so  firm, 
that  the  blow  of  a  large  stone  could  hardly  break 

Thus  we  see,  that  the  same  circumstance — that  of 
the  great  thickness  of  the  negro's  head — was  always, 
as  it  is  now,  a  formation  suited  to  their  condition. 

The  peculiar  form  of  the  negro's /oo/  goes,  also,  to 
estabhsh  the  doctrine  of  adaptation.  This  peculi^ 
arity  consists  in  the  great  length  and  width  of  that 
limb,  the  extraordinary  protrusion  of  the  heel  back- 
ward, placing  the  leg  nearly  in  the  middle  of  the  foot 
in  many  instances.  This  circumstance  is  also  favor- 
able to  them  in  passing  over  deep  miry  and  sandy 
places,  morasses  and  swampy  grounds,  which  trait, 
it  is  said,  characterizes  much  of  the  wilds  of  Africa. 

This  circumstance — the  great  size  of  the  negro's 
foot,  is  noticed  by  Pliny,  a  Roman  Historian. 

In  the  production  of  the  negro's  skin,  there  is  a 
circumstance  no  less  curious  and  admirable  than  are 
the  other  two  peculiarities;  and  this  is  the  placing, 
by  the  Divine  hand,  in  the  cutaneous  covering  of 
'their  bodies,  myriads  of  little  cups  of  pellucid  water 
mingled  with  the  capillary  vessels.  By  this  means, 
the  sun's  rays  are  thrown  off,  as  they  are  from  the 
face  of  the  waters  of  lakes,  seas  and  rivers,  or  the 
dew  drops  of  the  ground,  by  which  that  cool  and 
moist  condition  of  the  surface  of  the  negro's  body  is 
produced — but  this  is  not  so  with  the  white  man. 

On  this  account,  the  prevalence  of  these  water  cells, 


or  particles,  in  the  skin  of  the  African,  they  are  less 
capable  of  enduring  the  cold  than  a  white  man,  whose 
skin  is  not  thus  formed.  In  cold  countries,  the  ne- 
gro trembles  and  withers  in  the  blast,  while  the  white 
man  rejoices  in  the  tempest  and  the  snow ;  but  in  the 
hot  regions,  the  former  stretches  forth  his  limbs,  his 
eyes  sparkle,  and  his  whole  person  becomes  alive  with 
activity  and  force,  while  the  latter  is  enfeebled,  flies 
to  some  shade,  and  faints  from  the  effect  of  the  heat. 

The  great  thickness  of  the  skull  of  the  African 
seems  to  be  a  matter  of  exultation  to  the  race,  as  in 
this  way  they  are  furnished  with  a  powerful  weapon, 
both  of  attack  and  defense,  as  one  blow  of  this  dread 
ful  bone  against  the  head  or  body  of  a  white  man,  or 
of  themselves,  is  found  to  be  decisive,  and  sometimes 
even  fatal.  Instances  are  known  among  this  people 
who,  to  show  their  power  in  this  way,  have  actually 
driven  their  heads  through  a  common  board  fence, 
when  the  splinters,  closing  round  the  neck,  held  them 
fast,  where  they  must  have  died,  had  they  not  been 
cut  out  by  some  friendly  hand. 

The  great  thickness  and  hardness  of  the  heads  of 
this  people — the  African  race — is,  in  another  respect, 
a  singular  providence  in  their  favor,  as  a  defense 
against  the  blows  of  angry  masters,  in  a  state  of  ser- 
vitude— it  being  almost  impossible  to  break  their  skulls 
even  with  a  club. 

There  is  still  another  particular  in  which  they  are 
favored  by  the  Divine  goodness,  and  this  is,  not  be- 
mg  as  subject  to  some  diseases — such  as  the  yellow 
fever,  fever  and  ague,  and  bilious  complaints — as  are 
white  men,  and  in  also  being  generally  longer  lived. 


From  the  foregoing,  and  from  the  fact  that  the  ne- 
gro race  have,  in  all  ages,  flourished  most  in  the  hot 
countries  of  the  earth,  as  in  Africa,  and  the  tropical 
islands,  it  is  evident,  therefore,  that  they  were  formed 
and  fitted  for  their  place  and  condition  on  the  globe. 
If  this  be  true,  then  we  have  made  out  our  position, 
which  is,  that  God  formed  and  adapted  every  creature 
to  the  country  and  elements  suited  to  their  natures, 
so  as  to  compete  with  difficulties,  and  to  enjoy  their 
being  ;  wherefore,  from  the  facts  of  the  case  agreeing 
with  this  opinion,  the  negro  was  created  as  he  is,  and 
has  not  been  produced  and  modeled  by  circumstances 
and  accidents. 

The  earth  was  made,  and  hung  amid  the  air, 
A  fabric  great  and  huge,  yet  wondrous  fair, 
On  which  was  placed  all  things,  tliat  walk  or  fly. 
And  eacli  mdapted  to  its  destiny. 



Proof  of  the  existence  of  the  Negro  race  too  near  the  time  of  Noah, 
and  in  his  neighborhood,  to  allow  of  the  doctrine  of  climate 
to  have  been  the  cause  of  this — Remarks  of  David  in  the  Book  ol 
Psalms,  on  this  subject — In  the  Book  of  Chronicles  on  this  sub- 
ject—In the  Book  of  Genesis  on  this  subject — Names  of  all  the 
sons  of  Ham,  the  first  Negro — The  countries  they  settled,  after  the 
ruin  of  the  Tower  of  Nimrod — Respecting  the  color  of  the  Egyp- 
tians; Herodotus's  account  of  this  matter,  as  well  as  of  the  color  of 
all  Africans  in  his  age — Proofs  that  they  were  always  black,  from 
the  very  beginning  of  their  existence — Curious  account  of  the 
wife  of  Moses — Proofs  of  her  being  a  Negress,  and  of  the  race 
of  Ham — Statement  of  the  prophet  Jeremiah,  that  Ethiopians 
were  black — If  the  three  sons  of  Noah  were  all  of  the  same  com- 
plexion, then  follow  certain  results,  fatal  to  the  veracity  of  the 
Scriptures — Hercules — Was  Nimrod  the  grandson  of  Noah,  and 
the  origin  of  all  the  fabled  Herculesre  of  all  the  early  nations- 
Some  curious  traditions  of  African  authority,  respecting  tlieir  own 
origin — With  many  other  curious  matters. 

In  the  labor  of  this  section  of  the  work,  we  shall 
endeavor  to  show  that  the  negro  race  was  known  as 
such  from  the  remotest  ages,  and  very  near  to  the 
time  of  Noah.  If  we  make  this  out,  it  will  operate 
against  the  opinion  which  many  entertain,  namely, 
that  climate  has  produced  the  black  man.  Although 
we  have  shown  in  the  argument  of  the  second  sec- 
tion of  these  pages,  from  the  force  of  the  Hebrew 
language,  in  giving  the  names  of  Noah's  sons,  espe- 
cially Japheth  and  Ham,  and  thus  made  out  the  ex- 
istence of  the  first  black  man,  yet  there  may  be  many 


who  7oill  not  be  satisfied  with  this  mode  of  investi- 
gation. On  this  account,  we  deem  it  necessary  to 
examine  the  matter  in  another  hght,  which  is  to 
show  that  there  was  such  a  race,  and  such  a  people, 
as  negroes,  actually  known  as  such  too  near  the  time 
of  Noah  to  admit  of  the  operation  of  climate  to  that 
effect.  But  if  we  allow  that  the  climate  did  actual- 
ly so  operate  upon  the  primitive  people,  it  will  amount 
to  a  great  wonder  why  it  did  not  operate  on  all  alike 
in  the  same  place  and  country;  and  thus  there  would 
have  been  in  the  world,  during  the  age  nearest  to 
Noah,  and  in  his  own  time  about  the  ark,  nothing 
but  a  negro  population,  himself,  his  wife,  Japheth 
and  his  son's  wives,  among  the  number.  King  Da- 
vid, in  the  105th  Psalm,  says  that  Egypt  was  the 
land  of  Ham.  This  was  said  more  than  1000  years 
B.  C.  David  was  not  ignorant  that  Mezarim,  the 
son  of  Ham,  settled  Egypt,  nor  was  he  ignorant  of 
their  color  or  character,  as  he  knew  that  Ham  was 
called  Ham  because  he  was  black,  the  Hebrew  being 
his  vernacular  tongue. 

In  1st  Chron.  iv,  40,  there  is  an  account  of  a  peo- 
ple, called  the  people  of  Hani,  who  were  then  living 
in  Canaan,  at  a  place  called  Gedor.  To  this  place 
a  warlike  company  of  one  of  the  tribes  of  the  Jews 
went  and  cut  the  people  off,  because,  as  the  text 
reads,  they  found  in  that  place  "fat  pasture  and  good, 
and  the  land  was  wide  and  quiet  and  peaceable,  for 
they  of  Ham  had  dwelt  there  of  old."  From  this 
peculiar  phraseology, /or  they  of  Ham  having  dwelt 
there  of  old,  we  see  at  once  that  the  meaning  is,  they 
had  dwelt  there  from  the  beginning,  or  that  they 


were  the  primitive  inhabitants,  as  indeed  was  the 
fact — Canaan,  their  father,  having  first  of  all,  after 
the  flood,  settled  Canaan. 

As  far  back  in  time  as  the  Patriarch  Abraham,  we 
are  able  to  show  that  the  Hamites  dwelt  in  Canaan. 
See  23d  chap,  of  Gen.,  where  there  is  a  circumstan- 
tial account  of  Abraham  buying  a  burying  place,  on 
the  occasion  of  the  death  of  Sarah,  his  wife,  from 
the  children  of  Heth.  But  who  were  the  children  of 
Heth?  We  answer,  they  were  the  descendants  of 
Canaan,  one  of  the  sons  of  Ham.  To  prove  this,  see 
1  Chron.  i,  13,  where  it  is  said  that  Canaan  begat 
Zidon  his  first  born,  and  Heth.  It  was  of  this  man's 
children  that  Abraham  bought  the  burying  place. 

This  was  1872  years  B.  C,  and  but  four  hundred 
and  seventy-six  years  after  the  flood.  Heth,  there- 
fore, was  the  great  grandson  of  Noah,  being  the  son 
of  Canaan,  who  was  the  son  of  Ham,  and  Ham  was 
tire  son  of  Noah,  making  this  Heth  Noah's  great 

But  there  were  other  tribes  and  families,  the  off- 
spring of  Canaan,  who  dwelt  in  that  country  in  the 
time  of  Abraham,  as  the  Jebusite,  Amorite,  Girgahite, 
Hivite,  the  Arkite,  and  the  Levite,  as  the  Zidonians, 
Tyrians,  and  many  others  of  the  race  of  Ham.  This 
is  the  reason  why  it  is  said,  as  we  have  quoted  above, 
from  1  Chron.  iv,  40,  that  they  of  Ham  dwelt  in  that 
country  of  old,  that  is,  in  the  days  or  time  of  Abra- 
ham, and,  of  necessity,  from  a  more  ancient  date,  as 
Abraham  found  this  people  inhabiting  the  country  at 
the  time  he  came  there  first  of  all  from  Ur,  of  Chal- 
dea,  beyond  the  river  Euphrates  in  the  east,  which, 


of  necessity,  makes  them,  after  the  flood,  the  first  or 
the  primitive  race  of  Canaan.  But  if  the  people  of 
that  age,  so  near  the  time  of  the  flood,  were  all  of 
the  same  complexion,  as  abolitionists  suppose,  the 
climate  not  yet  having  had  time  to  make  the  great 
changes  since  made,  how  was  it,  or  by  what  means 
did  they  know  in  those  ages,  that  they  of  Ham  had 
dwelt  there  of  oldl  Surely  this  would  have  been  im- 
possible, unless  they  were  in  some  way  strongly 
marked  and  distinguished  from  the  other  two  races 
of  Noah,  so  that  they  were  readily  known  wherever 
they  were  seen,  and  that  distinction  must  have  been 
their  black  complexion,  as  we  are  not  authorized  to 
suppose  any  other,  nor  this  either. 

The  names  of  the  four  sons  of  Ham,  according  to 
the  first  book  of  Chron..  chap,  i,  and  the  Jewish  An- 
tiquities by  Josephus,  chap,  vi,  p.  21,  were  Phut, 
Mezarim,  Cush,  and  Canaan,  four  in  number. 
Canaan,  it  appears  from  these  authorities,  settled  in 
the  southern  parts  of  Asia,  along  the  Persian  gulf, 
and  the  eastern  parts  of  the  northern  side  of  the  Med- 
iterranean, as  well  as  all  the  back  country,  or  moun- 
tainous regions  of  old  Phoenicia,  afterward  called 
Palestine,  comprehending  the  country  of  Jerusalem, 
and  quite  down  to  the  isthmus  of  Suez,  a  strip  of 
country  situate  between  the  ends  of  the  Red  Sea 
and  the  Mediterranean,  which  divides  Asia  Minor 
from  Africa.  This  was  a  mighty  region  of  country, 
over  which  the  descendants  of  Canaan  spread  them- 
selves, more  or  less,  immediately  alter  the  dispersion 
from  the  great  tower. 

There  can  be  no  doubt,  however,  but  there  may 


have  been  among  them  many  individuals  of  the  oth- 
er houses  of  the  Hamethian  race,  as  there  was  no 
great  reason  why  there  might  not  have  been  such  in- 
stances, seeing  they  were  all  one  people ;  but  yet  the 
bulk  of  the  first  settlers  of  those  regions,  were  of  the 
family  of  Canaan. 

CusH  and  his  father,  Ham,  with  the  mighty  Nim- 
rod,  after  the  confusion  of  their  language,  at  the  tow- 
er of  Babel,  traveled,  doubtless  by  water,  down  the 
Euphrates  to  the  Persian  Gulf,  as  it  is  now  called, 
the  first  name  being  unknown-,  and  from  thence  by 
water  coasted  along  the  Arabian  sea,  which  is  a 
branch  or  bay  of  the  Indian  ocean,  and  onward  till 
they  came  to  the  strait  of  Babelmandel,  a  narrow 
place  of  water  where  the  Red  Sea  unites  with  the, 
ocean,  the  southern  side  of  which  strait  is  Africa,  and 
is  near  the  region  of  the  head  of  the  Nile,  where 
Cush  and  his  fellows  settled  and  laid  the  foundation 
of  the  Ethiopian  empire,  which  continued  in  som- 
sense  to  be  known  on  the  page  of  history,  even  ^n 
the  time  of  Christ,  when  all  traces  of  them,  as  a 
people,  in  the  form  of  a  kingdom  or  government,  was 

Phut,  or  Put,  as  it  is  spelled  in  the  Scriptures, 
went  also  to  Africa.  But  as  his  region  of  coloniza- 
tion was.  even  west  of  Egypt,  in  the  interior  of  Afri- 
ca, they  must  have  gone  the  whole  distance  by  land, 
across  the  isthmus  of  Suez,  and  laid  the  foundation 
of  the  Lybian  empire. 

Mezarim,  it  seems,  took  the  same  course  with  his 
clan  or  family,  passing  over  the  isthmiis,  and  settled 
on  the  slimy  flats  of  the  Nile,  where  that  river  unites 

FORTUNES,  OK   ;'!;):    N  ;c;ro  race.  59 

with  the  Mediterranean,  following  up  the  river  on 
both  sides,  filling,  in  the  process  of  a  few  years,  the 
vast  vale  of  that  mighty  river,  for  hundreds  of  miles, 
with  their  multitudes,  commencing  in  this  way  the 
famous  Egyptian  empire. 

Thus  the  sons  of  Ham  settled  themselves,  after 
their  famous  attempt  to  build  the  tower,  which  they 
intended,  under  the  administration  of  the  ferocious 
Nimrod,  as  the  nucleus  of  a  kingdom  of  idolatry, 
and  for  another  purpose,  of  which  we  shall  speak  in 
the  proper  place.  But  how  long  it  was  before  these 
brothers,  with  their  respective  tribes,  clans,  or  houses, 
found  the  countries  we  have  spoken  of,  and  settled 
there,  and  how  much  they  suffered  from  fatigue,  hun- 
ger, wild  beasts,  and  the  various  incidents  of  such 
an  enterprise  and  journeyings,  through  untrodden 
wilds,  and  unnavigated  waters,  after  they  left  the 
plains  of  the  Euphrates  and  the  tower,  who  can  tell  ? 
But  that  they  did  settle  these  countries,  and  were  the 
first  of  mankind  to  do  so,  after  the  flood,  is  true  and 

Next,  and  in  order  to  ascertain  whether  these  peo- 
ple were  blacky  we  shall  follow  Mezarim,  who  settled 
Egypt  along  the  Nile,  and  Canaan,  who  settled  old 
Phoenicia,  or  the  Holy  Land,  since  so  called.  Should 
we  be  successful  in  estabhshing  the  fact,. from  cir- 
cumstances in  history,  and  the  Holy  Scriptures,  that 
they  were  negroes  or  black  men,  then  we  shall  cer 
tainly  make  good  our  first  position,  namely,  that 
Ham  was  created  a  negro  man,  and  that  all  his  pos- 
terity are,  and  have  been,  from  necessity,  of  the  same 
character,  as  we  have  heard  of  no  miracle,  which 


has  rescued  them  from  that  complexion,  thoiigh  il 
was  a  miracle  which  made  them  so  at  first. 

Herodotus  was  a  famous  Grecian  historian,  who 
by  the  learned  is  denominated  the  father  of  history. 
This  celebrated  author  was  born  nearly  500  years 
B.  C,  and  traveled  much  in  Africa,  for  the  purpose 
of  obtaining  a  knowledge  of  the  nations,  manners 
and  customs  of  that  part  of  the  world.  This  man 
says  expressly,  that  the  Egyptians,  with  several  na- 
tions contiguous  in  the  interior  of  Africa,  were  black, 
having  curled  or  woolly  hair.  See  his  works,  chap. 
Ivii,  p.  88. 

On  the  authority  of  this  statement  of  Herodotus, 
Volney,  a  celebrated  French  writer,  remarks  that  the 
people  of  those  countries,  Egypt,  Lybia,  and  Ethio- 
pia, were  real  negroes  of  the  same  species,  with  all 
the  nations  of  Africa.  Is  not  this  statement  of  the 
Grecian  traveler  to  the  point,  proving  that  the  people 
of  Egypt  and  Africa,  nearly  500  years  B.  C,  were 
negroes  with  black  skins,  and  woolly  heads ;  and  if 
thus,  at  that  period,  how  is  it  to  be  shown  that  they 
were  not  always  so  ? 

This  statement  of  Herodotus,  which  respects  the 
people,  or  descendants  of  Ham,  is  corroborated  by  a 
narrative,  recorded  in  Josephus's  Antiquities  of  the 
Jews,  chap,  xi,  p.  68,  which  relates  to  the  descend- 
ants of  Canaan,  who  were  dwelling  in  that  country 
in  the  time  of  Moses.  This  account  of  Josephus, 
goes  to  establish  the  same  point,  namely,  that  the 
race  of  Ham  was  always  black.  When  Moses,  says 
Josephus,  fled  from  Egypt,  on  account  of  his  having, 
in  defense  of  a  Hebrew,  one  of  his  own  nation,  killed 


an  Egyptian,  and  had  come  into  the  country  of 
Midian,  having  fled  across  the  isthmus  of  Suez,  and 
a  part  of  the  desert  of  Arabia,  in  order  to  avoid  the 
highways,  for  fear  of  the  pursuers  sent  out  after  him 
by  the  orders  of  Pharaoh,  found  a  well  of  water,  and 
having  drank  of  the  same,  retired  a  little  way  from 
it,  and  sat  down  beneath  a  shade  to  rest.  Now  while 
resting,  there  came  in  sight  a  company  of  young  wo- 
men, seven  in  number,  all  the  daughters  of  one  man, 
Jethro  or  Reuel  by  name.  These  young  women  were 
shepherdesses,  and  had  the  care  of  their  father's 
herds,  who  was  a  great  man,  even  a  priest  of  the 
neighborhood  where  he  lived.  Now  when  the  girls 
had  come  from  the  way  of  the  wilderness,  near  the 
foot  of  Mount  Horeb,  and  had  arrived  at  the  well, 
drawn  the  water,  and  were  about  to  refresh  their 
flocks,  there  cnme  also,  from  another  direction,  a  num- 
ber of  men  called  Troglodytes,  who  also  had  the  care 
of  flocks.  These  men,  it  appears,  were  so  barbarous 
and  unfeeling  as  to  take  away  by  force  the  water 
which  the  young  women  had  drawn,  compelling 
them  to  labor  in  vain. 

But  Moses,  from  his  resting  place,  had  seen  the  be- 
havior of  these  men,  and  heard  the  outcry  of  the  girls, 
hastened  to  the  spot ;  and  being  a  man  of  great  mus- 
cular power  and  majesty  of  countenance,  rebuked  the 
savages  and  drove  them  away,  as  they  were  over- 
awed and  frightened,  when  the  young  women  ad- 
vanced and  watered  their  charge. 

Now  the  daughters  of  Jethro  were  so  delighted 
with  the  beauty  and  gallant  bearing  of  the  stranger, 
that  when  they  had  taken  their  flocks  to  the  fold 


they  related  to  their  father  the  whole  affair,  in  such 
terms  of  rapture,  that  induned  the  kind  hearted  priest 
immediately  to  send  out  runners  in  the  direction  of 
the  well,  althong-h  it  was  then  ver2:ing  toward  the 
twilight  of  the  evening,  in  search  of  the  man.  In 
this  hospitable  undertaking  they  soon  succeeded, 
bringing  in  Moses  to  the  tents  of  Jethro,  the  shepherd 

Here  the  young  women  renewed  their  admiration 
of  their  hero,  while  their  kind  father  made  him  wel- 
come to  his  dwelling  for  thp  night.  But  such  were 
the  elegance  and  manners  of  Moses,  and  his  wisdom 
of  conversation,  that  the  good  hearted  host  soon  in- 
vited the  stranger  to  make  his  house  his  home  as 
lon^  as  it  might  please  him. 

Moses,  finding  the  place  afforded  him  all  the  secu- 
rity he  desired  to  screen  him  from  the  pursuit  of  his 
enemies,  entered  into  a  contract  \tith  this  priest  of 
Midian,  and  became  a  shepherd,  instead  of  the  heir 
apparent  to  the  throne  of  Egypt,  by  virtue  of  being 
patronized  by  the  daughter  of  Pharaoh  from  his 

It  does  not  appear  that  Jethro  had  any  sons,  all  his 
children  being  daughters,  from  among  whom  Moses, 
in  a  short  time,  took  a  wife,  dwelling  there  with  his 
father-in-law  many  years. 

Concerning  this  Jethro  or  Reiiel,  as  Josephus  calls 
liim,  the  Midianite,  to  vv'hose  family  Moses  became 
allied  in  marriage,  Abul  Fnra-jus,  an  Arabian  writer, 
quoted  by  Adam  Clarlc,  in  lis  commentary  on  the 
character  of  this  very  man,  in  the  book  of  Exodus, 
says  that  the  girl  Saphur)/.  or  as  it  is  written  in  the 


Scripture,  Zipporah,  was  the  black  daughter  of  Reuel, 
or  Jethro,  which  is  all  one,  as  he  had  several  names. 
If  she  was  a  black  woman,  then  were  her  sisters  also 
black,  as  well  as  her  father  and  mother,  who  were 
real  negroes,  the  descendants  of  Ham,  or  Abul  Fara- 
jus  would  not  have  said  that  she  was  a  black  woman. 
But  if  this  is  not  satisfactory,  we  are  able  to  prove 
she  was  a  black  person  by  a  higher  authority,  and 
will,  if  we  do  so,  powerfully  corroborate  the  state- 
ment and  veracily  of  Fara-jus,  the  Arabian  historian, 
whom  Clark  has  honored  by  a  reference  to  his  work. 
On  this  subject,  see  the  book  of  Numbers,  chapter 
xii,  1,  where  the  circumstance  of  Moses  having  mar- 
ried the  daughther  of  Jethro  is  spoken  of  as  follows : 
^'  And  Miriam,  and  Aaron  spoke  against  Moses  be- 
cause of  the  Ethiopian  woman,  whom  he  had  mar- 
ried ;  for  he  had  married  an  Ethiopian  womanP 
\  Now,  as  the  word  Ethiopian,  or  Ethiop,  is  a  He- 

I  brew  word,  signifying  that  which  is  black,  as  well  as 

the  word  Ham,  we  learn  at  once  that  Miriam  and 
Aaron,  the  brother  and  sister  of  Moses,  found  fault 
with  him  for  marrying  a  black  woman,  one  of  the 
cursed  race ;  or,  as  Dr.  Clark  has  written  it,  on  this 
very  subject,  in  the  Hebrew,  "  ha  isha  ha  cu^shith,^^ 
]  or  that  woman,  the  Cushite,  who,  it   appears,  was 

j  recognized  by  Aaron  and  Miriam  as  a  descendant  of 

I  the  family  of  Cush,  one  of  the  sons  of  Ham,  the  first 

negro  of  the  human  race. 
j  Moses  was  well  acquainted  with  the  country  to 

)  which  the  family  of  Cush  removed  after  the  confu- 

i  sion  of  the  tower,  and  speaks  of  it  in  Gen.  ii,  13 : 

,]  "  And  the  name  of  the  third  river  is  Gihon,  the  same 


is  it  that  encompasseth  the  whole  land  of  Ethiopia.''^ 
Now,  why  did  Moses  call  that  country  Ethiopia, 
through  which  the  river  Gihon  flowed?  It  was  be- 
cause a  black  race  of  inhabitants  first  of  all  peopled  it ; 
for  the  word  Ethiopia,  in  the  Hebrew  of  Moses,  as 
well  as  the  words  Ham,  Cush,  &c.,  signified  black, 
the  country  having  no  name  prior  to  its  settlement  by 
the  family  of  Cush,  the  son  of  Ham,  and,  of  conse- 
quence, the  name  which  distinguished  the  first  set- 
tlers would  become  the  name  of  their  country. 

But  notwithstanding  Moses  has  called  the  country 
Ethiopia,  yet  it  was  also  called  in  the  earliest  times 
Cushan,  and  the  people  Chuseans,  after  Cush,  its  first 
king  and  settler,  both  of  which  words  signify  that  which 
is  black.  Ethiopia,  as  a  country,  is  a  world  of  green 
foliage  and  flowers,  furnishing  no  grounds  for  the 
word  Ethiopia  to  become  its  name,  on  which  account 
it  remains  that  its  first  inhabitants  must  have  occa- 
sioned its  name  by  their  own  peculiar  nationality  of 

That  an  Ethiopian  was  black,  is  stated  by  Jere- 
miah xiii,  23,  as  follows :  "  Can  the  Ethiopian  change 
his  skin,  or  the  leopard  his  spots  ?"  which  was  the 
same  as  if  he  had  said,  can  a  black  man  change  his 
skin,  or  a  leopard  his  spots  ?  as  the  word  Ethiopian 
was  one  of  the  words  in  the  Hebrew  for  that  which 
was  black.  From  this  statement  of  Jeremiah,  as  weO 
as  from  all  the  other  evidences,  we  learn  that  the 
whole  race  of  Ham,  the  Egyptians,  the  Lybians,  the 
Ethiopians  and  the  Canaanites,  were  all  so  many 
black  nations.  The  prophet  even  makes  use  of  this 
fact,  the  blackness  of  the  Ethiopian's  skin,  as  an  em- 


blem  of  the  depravity  and  wickedness  of  the  Jews, 
which,  he  insinuates,  they  could  not  change,  because 
they  had  become  so  accustomed  to  do  evil,  any  more 
than  the  Ethiopian  could  change  the  blackness  of  his 

Thus  we  have,  as  we  believe,  made  out  that  there 
was  in  the  very  outset  of  time,  after  the  flood,  a  race 
of  black  people,  who  were  made  thus,  not  by  climate 
or  any  other  accident  or  contingency,  but  by  the  ar- 
bitrary power  of  God,  to  suit  his  own  pleasure  in  car- 
rying out  his  designs  respecting  the  people  of  the 
globe.  The  genuine  Cushite,  says  Richard  Watson, 
was  woolly  headed. — Historical  Dictionary,  p.  282. 
This  being  a  fact,  proves  the  races  of  the  other  negro 
brothers  to  have  been  of  the  same  character  as  a  peo- 
ple, and  yet  for  a  certain  reason,  of  which  we  shall 
speak  hereafter,  from  the  same  people  straight-haired 
black  men  were  produced. 

Possibly,  by  this  time,  it  may  be  imagined  that  so 
much  labor,  bestowed  to  prove  that  an  Ethiopian  is 
black,  is  not  called  for,  as  all  men  know  they  are. 

To  this  we  reply,  that  the  question  is  not  whetlu  i 
an  Ethiopian  is  black  at  the  present  time,  but  whei!  <  ! 
they  were  anciently  so — as  there  are  many  whi!  I  '  - 
lieve  that  the  black  nations  of  the  earth  have  btci'.. 
thus  by  the  force  of  circumstances,  such  as  clini.i' 
food,  manner  of  living,  &c.  Such  persons  hold  tii..; 
the  people  now  called  Africans  were  anciently  iIk- 
same  as  the  people  oi  Shem  and  Japheth,  whaicvti 
their  complexions  were;  but  we  think  we  huvt 
abundantly  shown  the  entire  contrary. 

If  this  were  not  true,  it  would  be  impossible  to  un 


derstand  a  very  remarkable  prophesy  of  Noah,  and 
equally  impossible  to  learn  where  to  apply  that  pro- 
phesy, and  whether  it  has  been,  or  is  yet  to  be,  ful- 
filled, which  relates  to  the  descendants  of  Ham^  of 
which,  in  its  place,  we  shall  give  all  due  attention. 

If  the  three  sons  of  Noah  were  all  of  one  complex- 
ion, and  their  posterities  the  same  for  many  ages,  or 
till  the  climates  had  time  to  make  some  white,  some 
red,  and  some  black,  it  would  be  impossible  to  know 
the  races  apart ;  as  some  of  the  descendants  of  Shem 
may  have  been  changed  into  negroes,  and  some  of 
the  race  of  Ham  may  have  been  made  into  white  or 
red  men,  and  thus,  by  the  operation  of  the  climates,  a 
state  of  irretrievable  confusion  been  produced,  as  to 
the  identities  of  the  respective  races.  From  this  view, 
it  is  not  difficult  to  see  that  the  extraordinary  prophe- 
sies of  Noah,  respecting  the  races  of  his  three  sons,  is 
of  necessity  defeated,  and  rendered  impossible  to  be 
traced,  or  investigated  in  relation  to  their  being  ful- 
filled, and  thus  the  veracity  of  God  thrown  back  into 
the  mysteries  of  his  acts,  which  have  never  been  re- 
vealed: such  is  one  of  the  horrible  results  of  the  clim- 
ate argument,  in  relation  to  the  complexions  of  the 
human  race. 

It  is,  therefore,  highly  important  to  find  out  who 
the  race  and  descendants  of  Ham  are,  so  as  to  know 
where  to  apply  the  foreknowledge  of  God,  as  express- 
ed by  Noah,  Genesis  ix,  25 — 27,  in  relation  to  that 
race,  as  well  as  to  the  others.  On  this  account,  we 
shall  pursue  the  subject  a  little  further,  and  but  a 
little,  lest  we  may  weary  the  reader  with  too  much 
of  one  thing. 


That  the  Egyptians  were  the  aboiiginal  people  of 
Egypt,  is  maintained  with  considerable  labor  by  i/e- 
rodohis,  as  well  as  Josephus,  who  say  that  Menes 
was  their ^r5^  king,  and  the  man  who  built  Memphis, 
the  first  and  eldest  city  of  Egypt. 

He  says  that  when  this  Menes,  with  his  company, 
came  to  the  vale  of  the  Nile,  in  Africa,  that  the  whole 
country  was  one  entire  bog,  except  a  place  where 
Thebes  was  afterward  built,  which  was  higher 
ground.  Of  this  there  can  be  no  doubt,  when  it  is 
remembered,  that  every  year  the  Nile  overflowed  the 
whole  vale  of  Egypt,  which  extended  in  length  some 
hundreds  of  miles,  and  was  on  an  average  about  fifty 
miles  wide.  Now,  as  this  immense  alluvial  was 
thickly  overgrown  with  trees,  grass  and  herbage, 
which  had  been  accumulating  from  the  subsiding 
of  the  flood,  unchecked  or  removed,  there  is  no  reason 
why  it  should  not  have  been,  as  Herodotus  says  it 
was,  a  continued  bog,  the  waters  of  which  had  never 
been  drained  off"  by  ditches  and  canals,  as  it  after- 
ward was  by  the  first  settlers  and  their  posterity. 

Herodotus  also  says,  that  the  Egyptians  maintained 
that  they  themselves  were  the  most  ancient  people 
of  the  human  race,  and  that  from  them  even  the 
Greeks  borrowed  their  knowledge  of  the  gods. — See 
that  autho7-^s  work,  vol.  i,  book  2,  p.  173,  175,  184 

Who  was  Menes^  their  first  king,  but  Mezarim, 
the  son  of  Ham,  who,  indeed,  according  to  Josephus, 
did  first  of  all  settle  on  the  Nile,  in  Africa,  there  being 
none  before  him,  which  would  justify  their  holding 
themselves,  as  in  after  ages,  to  be  the  first  of  man- 
kind in  that  country.    Respecting   the  Egyptians, 


Herodotus  says,  also,  that  Hercules  was  one  of  their 
gods,  who  was  second  only  to  Pan  (the  Creator) 
himself,  in  their  estimation,  and  that  from  the  Egyp- 
tians the  Greeks  borrowed  a  knowledge  of  this  god, 
p.  204,  vol.  i. 

This  Hercules  was,  no  doubt,  the  famous  Nimrod, 
founder  of  the  tower  of  Babel,  whom  the  Egyptians 
had  deified,  as  Herodotus  relates,  and  that  his  parents 
were  Egyptians.  All  this  the  Grecian  traveler 
learned  of  the  Egyptians,  as  he  knew  nothing  of  the 
story  of  the  Hebrew  history,  as  written  by  Moses, 
that  work  having  been  translated  mto  the  Grecian 
language  not  till  a  hundred  and  fifty  years,  or  so, 
after  the  time  of  Herodotus.  This  pretense  of  the 
Egyptians,  about  their  bemg  the  first  people  of  the 
human  race,  was  but  a  pretense  arising  out  of  a  vain 
desire  to  be  thus  esteemed  ;  the  very  thing  to  which 
several  others  of  the  ancient  nations  have  aspired, 
namely,  the  Greeks,  as  well  as  the  people  of  China 
and  the  ancient  nations  of  America. 

As  to  Nimrod,  the  hero  of  Babel,  being  the  great 
type  of  all  the  Herculeses  of  the  ancient  nations, 
there  can  be  no  doubt ;  for  the  legends  of  every 
country  who  have  claimed  him  to  be  a  god,  represent 
him  as  always  being  armed  with  a  club  of  enormous 
size,  with  which  he  slew  the  monsters  of  the  earth- 
dreadful  serpents,  wild  beasts,  &,c.  In  this  very 
character  the  Bible  represents  him ;  see  Gen.  x,  8,  9, 
where  it  is  written,  that  he  was  a  mighty  hunter,  be- 
fore the  Lord,  which  the  Jewish  rabbis  interpret  of 
his  slaying  wild  beasts,  which  at  that  time  greatly 
infested  the  country  of  the  Euphrates,  where  he  lived. 


before  he  and  Cush,  his  father,  and  Ham,  his  grand- 
father, went  to  Africa  and  founded  Ethiopia. 

To  find  out  the  true  origin  of  the  god  Hercules, 
Herodotus,  the  Greek,  made  a  voyage  from  his  own 
country,  which  was  on  the  eastern  side  of  the  Medi- 
terranean, near  to  Italy,  west  of  Greece,  to  the  great 
city  of  Tyre,  which  was  on  the  extreme  eastern  end 
of  the  Mediterranean,  the  capital  of  old  Phoenicia,  or 
old  Canaan.  The  reason  why  this  man  took  so  much 
pains  on  this  subject,  was  to  see  whether  his  coun- 
trymen were  right,  in  their  claim  of  Hercules  to  be 
their  own  natural  god,  and  not  derived  from  some 
other  people. 

When  he  had  arrived  there,  he  soon  found  in  the  city 
of  Tyre  a  temple  dedicated  to  Hercules.  The  next 
thing  for  him  to  learn  was,  how  long  ago  it  had  been 
built.  He,  therefore,  inquired  of  the  priests  how  old 
the  temple  was.  They  replied  that  it  had  stood  there 
ever  since  the  building  of  the  city,  which  was  more 
than  two  thousand  years.  This  would  go  back  in 
time,  fiom  the  period  when  Herodotus  went  to  Tyre 
(which  was  about  450  B.  C),  quite  up  to  the  era  and 
birth  of  Nimrod,  which  was  about  one  hundred  and 
twenty  years  after  the  flood. 

•From  this  fact,  Herodotus  was  convinced  that 
Hercules  was  truly  a  Tyrian,  or  a  negro  god,  who 
was  also  the  god  of  the  Egyptians,  the  Ethiopians, 
and  Lybians,  as  well  as  of  ancient  Babylon,  of  which 
empire  Nimrod  was  the  founder,  although  it  passed 
into  other  hands  in  process  of  time. 

We  have  said  above  that  Nimrod,  the  grandson  of 
Ham,  was  a  negro,  and  ^fter  his  death  became  a 


negro  god  by  deification,  after  the  manner  of  the  an- 
cients ;  for  Herodotus  expressly  says,  vol.  i,  book  ii, 
p.  246,  that  the  Colchins  and  Egyptians,  who  were 
all  one  with  the  Tyrians,  Zidonians,  Ethiopians  and 
Lybians,  were  black,  and  had  short  curling  hair.  If 
such  men  were  not  negroes  of  the  true  stamp,  we 
know  not  who  are,  and,  also,  that  they  were  the 
children  of  Ham,  or  they  had  no  progenitors  at  all. 

Herodotus  says  that,  when  he  was  in  Africa,  some 
men  of  Cyrene  told  him  that  they  had  been  as  fai 
into  the  interior  as  the  temple  of  Jupiter  Atnmon, 
that  they  had  conversed  with  Estarchus,  the  king 
of  Ammonia,  who  told  them  that  the  Lybian  race, 
dwelling  still  further  within  the  interior,  and  west  of 
Ammonia,  and  far  west  of  Egypt,  were  all  blacks. 
This  writer  also  says,  that  the  whole  country  south 
of  Jupiter  Ammon  (or  the  sheep  god)  was  inhabited 
by  blacks. 

The  reader  will  not  forget  that  all  this  country  of 
Lybia  was  settled  by  Phut,  the  son  of  Ham,  and 
was  the  remains  of  the  Lybian  empire,  making  it  in 
dubitably  certain  that  the  ancestors  of  the  race,  as 
cending  up  to  the  first  black  man,  through  every 
tribe  and  nation,  were  of  the  same  kind  of  people. 

In  support  of  the  foregoing,  or  rather,  in  support 
of  the  doctrine  of  the  three  original  complexions  of 
the  sons  of  Noah,  we  give  the  following,  which  is  a 
tradition  of  the  ancient  Marabouts,  or  negro  priests 
of  Africa.  This  tradition  says,  after  the  death  of  the 
great  king,  who  came  through  the  waters  when  the 
sea  overflowed  the  world,  that  his  three  sons — one  of 
whom  was  whHe,  the  other  red  and  the  third  black- 

F<.'liTUNE?,  OF  THE   NEGUO  RACE.  71 

agreed  among  themselves  to  divide  the  property 
which  v/as  left  them  by  their  father,  in  an  equal  and 
equitable  manner.  When  they  had  assorted  the 
goods,  the  cattle,  the  gold,  silver  and  precious  stones, 
they  sat  down  to  smoke  a  friendly  pipe,  saying  that 
next  morning  each  one  should  take  his  own  and  de 
part  where  he  pleased. 

But  the  white  brother  slept  only  a  short  time,  when 
he  arose,  seized  upon  all  that  was  most  valuable  and 
disappeared.  A  little  while  after,  the  red  brother 
awoke,  having  the  same  design,  but  finding  that  the 
white  brother  had  gone,  and  with  him  all  that  was 
most  valuable,  he  seized  upon  the  residue  and  fled 
also,  leaving  behind  only  a  few  ragged  garments, 
some  pipes,  tobacco,  millet  seed  and  rice.  In  the 
morning,  when  the  sun  was  pretty  well  up,  the  black 
brother,  having  had  his  sleep  to  the  full,  arose  also, 
and  finding  all  was  gone  he  become  sad  and  sullen, 
while  he  sat  down  to  smoke  one  of  the  pipes. — An 
quetiVs  History^  vol.  vi,  p.  117. 

This  curious  fact,  it  seems,  has  somehow  spread 
very  far  into  the  world  and  been  handed  in  a  very 
extraordinary  manner  down  through  many  ages;  for 
the  very  Indians  of  America  have  a  tradition  of  the 
same  thing,  namely,  that  the  Great  Spirit  created 
three  kinds  of  men,  with  three  distinct  complexions, 
who  were  the  fathers  of  all  the  human  race.  This 
tradition  was  brought  to  light  by  the  following  cir- 

When  the  Floridas  were  at  first  erected  into  a  ter- 
ritory of  the  United  States,  one  of  the  earliest  deeds 
of  the  Governor,  William  P.  Duval,  was  directed  to 


the  instruction  and  civilization  of  the  natives.  For 
this  purpose  he  called  a  meeting  of  the  chiefs,  in 
which  he  informed  them  of  the  wish  of  their  great 
Father  at  Washington,  that  they  should  have  schools 
and  teachers  among  them,  and  that  their  children 
should  be  instructed  like  the  children  of  white  men. 
The  chiefs  listened  with  their  customary  silence  and 
decorum  to  a  long  speech,  setting  forth  the  advantages 
that  would  accrue  to  them  from  this  measure ;  and 
when  he  had  concluded  they  begged  the  interval  of 
a  day  to  deliberate  on  it. 

On  the  following  day  a  solemn  convocation  was 
held,  at  which  one  of  the  chiefs  addressed  the  gov- 
ernor, in  the  name  of  all  the  rest.  My  brother,  said 
he,  we  have  been  thinking  over  the  proposition  of 
om-  great  father  at  Washington,  to  send  teachers  and 
set  up  schools  among  us.  We  are  very  thankful  for 
the  interest  he  takes  in  our  welfare ;  but,  after  much 
deliberation,  we  have  concluded  to  decline  his  ofl'er. 
What  will  do  very  well  for  white  men,  will  not  do 
for  red  men.  I  know  you  white  men  say  we  all  com« 
from  the  same  father  and  mother,  but  you  are  mis- 
taken. We  have  a  tradition  handed  down  from  our 
forefathers,  and  we  believe  it,  that  the  Great  Spirit, 
when  he  undertook  to  make  men,  made  the  black 
man — it  was  his  first  attempt  and  pretty  well  for  a 
beginning ;  but  he  soon  saw  he  had  bungled :  so  he 
determined  to  try  his  hand  again.  He  did  so,  and 
made  the  red  man.  He  liked  him  much  better  than 
the  black  man,  but  still  he  was  not  exactly  what  he 
wanted.  So  he  tried  once  more,  and  made  the  white 
man,  and  then  he  was  satisfied. 



You  see,  therefore,  that  you  were  made  last,  and 
that  is  the  reason  I  call  you.  my  youngest  brother. 
Now,  when  the  Great  Spirit  had  made  the  three  men, 
he  called  them  together  and  showed  them  three  boxes. 
The  first  box  was  filled  with  books  and  maps  and 
papers;  the  second,  with  bows  and  arrows,  knives 
and  tomahawks;  the  third,  with  spades,  axes,  hoes 
and  hammers.  These,  my  sons,  said  he,  are  the 
means  by  which  you  are  to  live ;  choose  among  them 
according  to  your  fancy. 

The  white  man,  being  the  favorite,  had  the  first 
choice.  He  passed  by  the  box  of  working  tools  with- 
out notice ;  but  when  he  came  to  the  weapons  of  war 
and  hunting,  he  stopped  and  looked  hard  at  them. 
The  red  man  trembled,  for  he  had  set  his  heart  upon 
that  box.  The  white  man,  however,  after  looking 
upon  It  tor  a  moment,  passed  on  and  chose  the  box 
of  books  and  papers.  The  red  man's  turn  came 
next,  and  you  may  be  sure  he  seized  with  joy  upon 
the  bows,  and  arrows  and  tomahawks.  As  to  the 
black  man,  he  had  no  choice  left  but  to  put  up  with 
the  box  of  tools. 

From  this  it  is  clear  that  the  Great  Spirit  intended 
the  white  man  should  learn  to  read  and  write;  to 
understand  all  about  the  moon  and  stars,  and  to 
make  every  thing,  even  rum  and  whisky.  That 
the  red  man  should  be  a  first  rate  hunter  and  a 
mighty  warrior,  but  he  was  not  to  learn  any  thing 
from  books,  as  the  Great  Spirit  had  not  given  him 
any ;  nor  was  he  to  make  whisky  nor  rum,  lest  he 
should  kill  himself  with  drinking.  As  to  the  black 
man,  as  he  had  nothing  but  working  tools,  it  was 


clear  he  was  to  work  for  the  white  and  red  man, 
which  he  has  ever  continued  to  do. 

But  still  further,  in  agreement  with  the  opinion  of 
there  having  been  in  the  outset  of  time,  after  thfi 
flood,  three  different  human  complexions  amorig  men; 
we  learn  that  there  has  been  discavered,  within  a  few 
years,  by  a  traveler,  some  very  curious  paintings,  in 
the  subterranean  chambers  of  the  dead,  beneath  the 
ruins  of  on-e  of  the  ancient  cities  of  Egypt.  These 
paintings  were  found  executed  on  the  walls  of  thfr 
royal  sepulchers,  and  delineated  three  races  of  men, 
distinguished  by  their  complexions,  their  forms  and 
the  signs  of  their  grades  in  society.  As  to  their  com- 
plexionsy  they  were  white^  red  and  hlaek.  The  white 
men  were  placed  in  such  attitudes  as  denoted  them 
to  have  been  legislators  or  lawgivers ;  the  red  men 
as  warriors,  with  the  instruments  of  war  and  slaugh- 
ter  in  their  hands;  the  hlack  men,  as  servants  or 
slaves,  with  the  tools  of  husbandry  in  their  grasp* 
These  paintings  were  so  curiously  and  perfectly 
executed,  that,  at  the  time  of  their  late  discovery, 
ihey  were  as  bright  and  vivid  as  if  but  newly 
painted.^ — Heme's  Historical  Researches  in  Africa^ 
vol.  ii,  p.  90. 

Thus  we  have,  as  we  believe,  made  out  that  the 
negro  race  were  known,  as  they  are  now  known,  to 
have  been  black,  with  woolly  heads,  too  near  the 
time  of  the  flood  to  admit  of  the  operation  of  the 
climates  to  have  done  so  strange  a  work  as  to  have 
changed  mankind  from  some  other  hue  to  that  of 
black,  and  therefore  shows  that  they  were  thus 
created,  as  before  arguedv 


We  shall,  therefore,  close  this  section  and  pass  to 
other  matters,  which  concern  the  fortunes  of  the  chil- 
dren of  Ham. 

What  God  has  done,  remains  stedfast  and  true 
,  Nature  leaps  not  its  bounds,  to  products  new. 
But  always  is  the  same,  without  a  change, 
In  men  or  trees,  through  nature's  mighty  range; 
What  tho'  a.  bear  is  white,  in  Arctic  snows, 
And  black,  in  warmer  climes  where  blooms  the 
Yet  'tis  a  bear  in  nature,  shape  and  gmU, 
And  cannot  be  a  fox,  at  any  rate. 



The  three  sons  of  Noah,  all  born  more  than  a  hundred  years  before 
the  Flood,  aided  in  building  the  Ark — Reasons  why  the  Divine 
Being  produced  two  new  races  of  men  different  from  Adam — 
Change  of  the  climates  of  the  Globe  effected  by  the  Flood— Beauty 
of  the  earth  before  the  Flood — ^Wife  of  Ham  and  the  wives  of  the 
other  sons  of  Noah — Who  they  were — Respecting  straight-haired 
black  men — The  cause,  Ham,  their  father,  having  been  woolly 
headed — Egyptian  mummies — One  man  only  between  Noah  and 
Adam — Landing  of  the  Ark  on  a  mountain — Noah  descends — 

'  Plants  a  vineyard — Drinks  new  wine— Falls  asleep — Ham's  con- 
duct on  the  occasion — Noah's  curse  of  the  whole  race  of  Ham- 
Description  of  Mount  Ararat — The  first  tents  of  Noah — Early 
settlements  at  the  foot  of  the  mountain — Plate  of  the  Family  of 
Noah,  showing  the  different  complexions  of  his  sons — Arguments 
and  reasons  against  the  amalgamation  of  the  races  at  first- — 
Arguments  that  Noah's  eurse  of  Ham  was  God's  judicial  decree 
that  slavery  was  thus  entailed  upon  the  Negro  race — Character 
of  Ham,  from  his  youth  til!  the  eurse — Argument  that  the  eurte 
was  not  a  mere  prophesy,  but  a  decree  jiidicial. 

The  three  sons  of  Noah,  Shem,  Ham  and  Japheth, 
who  were  all  born  about  a  hundred  years  before  the 
flood,  came  and  assisted  their  father  in  building  the  ark, 
as  soon  as  they  were  old  enough.  These  three  sons 
were,  no  doubt,  produced,  at  least  two  of  them,  Ham 
and  Japheth,  with  constitutions  differing  from  each 
other,  as  much  as  they  differed  in  appearance,  with 
a  strict  reference  to  the  changes  the  earth  was  to  un- 
dergo, by  the  effects  of  the  universal  deluge. 

The  Divine  Being  knew  that  when  the  flood  should 


come  and  destroy  the  earth,  by  the  violence  and  ope- 
rations of  the  waters,  that  the  cUmates  would  be 
greatly  changed  from  what  they  had  been  from  the 
creation.  This  effect  was  to  be  produced  by  the  un- 
covering of  vast  regions  of  the  subterraneous  seas, 
which  was  done  when  the  fountains  of  the  great  deep 
were  broken  up  (see  Gen.  vii,  11);  for  in  proportion 
as  the  water  came  up  the  land  went  down,  which 
would  produce,  when  the  waters  should  retire  (on 
account  of  more  of  this  element  remaining  exposed 
to  the  air  than  was  the  case  before  the  flood),  an  un- 
healthy varying  humidity  over  the  whole  earth. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  but  the  original  beauty  and 
arrangement  of  the  countries  of  the  globe  have  been 
greatly  deranged  by  the  rending  currents  of  the 
overwhelming  waters,  the  falling  in  of  entire  reigions 
of  the  original  surface,  occasioned  by  the  quivering 
of  the  earth,  as  doubtless  it  was  shaken  by  the  Divine 
Power  for  that  very  purpose.  By  this  means  the 
coverings  of  the  great  deep  were  removed,  and  went 
down  to  the  bottom  of  the  seas. 

Prior  to  the  flood,  it  is  our  belief  that  the  whole 
surface  of  the  earth  was  so  united  by  J  and  as  not  to 
be  separated  by  water,  except  mere  rivers,  small 
lakes  and  streams,  when  both  men  and  animals  could 
and  did  pass,  without  interruption,  quite  around  it. 
Instead  of  Jive  oceans,  which  now  nearly  swallow  up 
the  whole  earth  (one-fourth  only  excepted),  there  was 
every  where  beautiful  lakes,  great  and  small  "ivers, 
both  salt  and  fresh,  with  brooks  and  fountams,  so 
arranged  as  to  beautify  and  adorn  the  whole,  as  well 
as  accommodate  every  species  of  animal  existence 


m  tl^e  most  happy  and  convenient  manner — making 
it  the  abode  of  men  and  nations,  where  sickness  and 
death,  even  after  the  fall,  couLd  scarcely  enter,  ex- 
cept by  violence. 

One-half  of  the  primitive  earth's  surface  was  water, 
and  the  other  land;  but  the  two  elements  were  so 
mingled  and  arranged  as  that  the  exhalations,  by  the 
action  of  the  sun's  rays,  produced  a  happy  and  an 
equal  humidity  of  rains  and  dews,  thus  securing  an 
equilibrium  of  temperature,  health,  and  the  growth  of 
all  things  suitable  for  food,  within  the  arctic  and  the 
antarctic  circles.  But  when  the  flood  came,  it  tore  by 
its  currents,  shook  and  dissolved  the  beautiful  earth, 
to  a  mass  of  entire  chaos,  as  it  was  when  it  was  first 
created,  and  before  the  water  and  the  earthy  matter 
were  separated,  by  the  Divine  Power,^  primevally. 
Many  regions  of  the  ancient  earth,  where  dwelt  the 
first  nations,  between  Adam  and  the  flood,  now  lie 
buried  beneath  the  weltering  waves  of  seas  and  oceans. 

This  change  of  the  ancient  surface  from  land  to  a 
disproportionate  quantum  of  water,  produced,  as  al- 
ready said,  an  entire  alteration  of  the  primitive  cli- 
mates, causing  a  corresponding  revolution,  in  the  pro- 
ducts of  the  earth,  on  which  men  and  animals  were 
to  subsist,  unfavorable  to  health  and  long  life;  thus 
aiding  in  the  abridgment  of  the  age  of  man,  from 
five,  six,  seven,  eight,  and  even  nine  hundred  years, 
down  to  the  pitiful  amount  of  '^  three  score  years  and 
ten,''  or  a  little  over,  as  it  sometimes  happens. 

On  this  very  account,  the  change  of  the  earth's 
^r^^  climates  from  a  steady,  even  temperament;  to 
those  of  a  more  changeable  character,  impregnated 


with  nery  air  in  one  region,  and  damp  cold  fogs  in 
another,  the  fumes  of  stagnant  morasses  and  waters, 
with  pestilential  winds  commingling  and  pouring 
their  death  dealing  influences  over  almost  every  coun- 
try; God  saw  proper,  in  view  of  all  this,  to  produce 
two  new  races  of  men,  who  were  adapted  in  their  for- 
mation, size,  color  and  constitutions,  to  this  new  state 
of  things  which  was  to  take  place  by  means  of  the 

If  such  was  not  the  reason  for  the  Divine  proced- 
ure, in  producing  the  two  new  races,  then  it  is  hidden 
from  mortal  research,  and  belongs  to  the  unrevealed 
history  of  the  councils  of  Heaven,  or,  at  any  rate,  it 
is  hidden  from  the  penetration  of  the  writer.  From 
the  account  in  the  Book  of  Genesis,  we  find  that  the 
sons -of  Noah  had  taken  them  wives  but  a  little  be- 
fore the  flood,  as  we  learn  they  bad  no  children  till 
after  they  had  made  the  voyage  of  that  shoreless 
ocean,  and  the  ark  had  rested  on  the  mountain  Ara- 
rat, in  Armenia  of  Asia  Minor.  The  wives  they 
married,  as  to  blood  and  complexion,  were  the  same 
with  all  the  antediluvians,  red  or  copper  colored  wo- 
men, as  there  were  no  others  to  marry. 

Japheth  being  a  blue  eyed  white  man,  and  Ham 
a  woolly  headed,  black  eyed  black  man,  their  chil- 
dren, of  necessity,  would  be  of  a  mixed  character  in 
some  cases,  and  in  others  there  would  be  the  likeness 
sometimes  of  one  parent,  and  sometimes  the  likeness 
of  the  other.  Had  the  wife  of  Ham  been  as  black 
and  woolly  headed  as  he  was  himself,  then  their 
race  would  hav«  been  without  any  marked  variation, 
always  woolly  headed,  both  male  and  female,  forever 


as  nature^  without  the  intervention  of  a  miracle,  does 
not  leap  out  of  her  courses  in  any  of  God's  works. 

But  as  in  the  race  of  the  white  man,  there  are 
found  black  eyed  and  black  headed  individuals, 
with  what  is  called  a  dark  complexion,  even  in  white 
families,  we  believe  that  this  is  the  result  of  the  blood 
nf  Japheth's  wife,  who  was  copper  colored,  being  mix- 
ed with  his.  who  was  a  blue  eyed  white  man.  The 
same  is  the  effect  now,  when  the  whites  mix  with  the 
Indians:  or  the  Arabs,  Hindoos,  or  the  people  of  the 
East  Indies,  some  of  the  offspring  have  fair  and 
white  complexions,  with  lio^ht  blue  eyes  and  auburn 
hair,  as  well  as  often  white,  and  even  red  hair,  while 
others  are  much  darker,  with  jet  colored  hair,  and 
eyes  of  the  same  description.  In  process  of  time, 
the  influence  of  the  male  blood  of  the  white  man  will 
run  out  entirely  the  influence  of  the  female  blood  as 
to  complexion,  if  no  further  mixing  takes  place, 
there  remaining  no  trace  of  it,  except  in  the  hair  and 
the  eyes,  which  is  known  to  be  true. 

The  same  rule  operates  in  the  case  of  the  negro 
man  when  his  blood  is  mixed  with  Indian  blood, 
the  power  of  the  Tnale  overcomes  and  runs  out  ili.- 
female,  in  relation  to  her  color,  causing  the  offspring 
to  become  thoroughly  negro,  if  there  is  no  further 
mixmg  as  to  complexion,  while  the  hair  and  contour 
of  the  face  will  continue  to  be  in  imitation  of  the 
mother  in  many  instances,  but  in  many  more  it  will 
be  like  the  father;  this  is  also  known  to  be  true. 

This,  in  onr  opinion,  was  the  way  the  marriage 
of  Ham  with  the  antediluvian  girl  operated,  and  thus 
in  the  first  ages,  and  as  is  now  the  case,  there  was 


pt^duced  the' wo(5^y4i(gaaM,and  the  straight  haired 
■  n^^fo,  such  as  were^iwifte-oftW  Egyptians,  the  Ethi- 
opians, the  LybiaMs  i^nd  thfe  Ca:H^ajnites,  with  the 
Carthagenians,.^^nd  many  of|  the  Africans  at  the 
present  tirn^^biiSt  all  puret'ne^cies.  -      \ 

Frgpr.thisiact,  there  cah  sca|cely  be  a^doubt,  that 
t^c  early  n^ons  took  advanta^fe  of  tikis''  trait  of  na- 
ture's operations,  by  mixing  the^  blood  of  such  males 
and  females,  as'had  not  the  woolly  head,  together,  on  ac- 
count of,  rfieir  beinSfar  more: comely  to  look  upon, 
avoiding  wholly,  ff  generally,  the  negroes  of  the 
othef  des.cripti^,  which  was  perfectly  natural,  and 
-^^n  commendable,  j 

.^'^In.Xhis  way  there  was  produced,  and  ever  has  been, 
f^wo  races  of^feladc-OT^negT'Ometi.  'l^he  straight  hair- 
ed negro  has  ever  been  found  to  be  more  intellectual, 
enterprizing  and  comely  to  look  upon  than  the  other 
race,  who,  from  earliest  time,  have  been  made 
slaves  of.  The  woollyJieads  have  always,  as  a  peo- 
ple, been  less  inclined  to'improvement,  either  physi- 
cally or  mentally.  By  this  means,  it  is  seen  that  the 
two  races  had  early  a  mighty  barrier  placed  between 
them,  so  that  when  a  woolly  head  married  with  a 
straight  haired  black  person,  it  was  held  as  great  a 
disgrace  for  the  straight  haired  one,  as  it  is  now, 
when  the  whites  amalgamate  with  the  blacks. 

This  race  of  negroes  are  found  to  have  heads  shap- 
ed more  after  the  Caucasian,  or  European  model, 
which  was  derived  from  the  blood  of  Ham's  antedi- 
luvian wife  :  while  the  other  race  of  negroes,  having 
from  affinity  of  looks,  feelings,  propensities,  and  mor- 
al abilities,  clave  to  each  other  in  marriage,  or  sexual 


union,  they  have  therefore  propagated,  and  perfected 
a  progeny  like  themselves,  wholly  inferior  to  all  the 
other  people  of  the  human  race,  who  were  never  the 
authors  of  any  thing  great  on  the  earth,  no  not  even 
as  imitators  of  others,  except  now  and  then  an  indi- 

With  this  view,  we  see  how  it  has  happened  that 
when  an  Egyptian  mummy  is  found,  who  represents 
the  leading  class  of  those  ages  in  that  country,  they 
have  almost  always  straight  hair,  which  circumstance 
has  puzzled  physiologists  and  the  antiquary  not  a 
little.  This  fact,  however,  changes  not  their  charac- 
ter as  to  their  origin,  for  they  are  truly  the  descend- 
ants of  Ham,  as  are  the  other  sort  of  negroes,  but 
simply  accounts  for  acts  done  by  the  race,  which  seem 
above  themselves,  if  they  were  nothing  more  nor  bet- 
ter, intellectually,  than  the  woolly  heads  are  at  the 
present  day.  Neither  does  it  change  their  condition, 
in  relation  to  the  purposes  of  the  Divine  providence 
respecting  them,  as  they  are  referred  to  by  direct 
prophesy,  in  a  very  particular  manner,  as  we  shall 
soon  be  compelled  to  show. 

Thus  we  have  made  a  few  remarks  on  the  subjec. 
of  the  wives  of  Ham  and  Japheth,  because  we  have 
often  heard  the  inquiry  made,  who  did  Ham  marry 
for  a  wife,  if  he  was  the  first  and  only  black  person 
on  the  earth  when  he  took  him  a  wife,  and  brought 
her  through  the  flood  in  the  ark? 

Thus  we  have  passed  through,  in  a  brief  manner, 
several  interesting  topics.  But  we  are  now  compell- 
ed to  approach  another  subject,  which,  to  many  minds 
at  the  present  day,  is  a  stumbling  block  of  no  small 


magnitiide;  and  this  is  the  awful  curse  of  the  holy 
and  righteous  Noah,  the  patriarchal  prophet  of  God, 
the  only  person  who  was  found  to  be  righteous  of  all 
the  antediluvian  race  living  in  his  time ;  see  Gen.  vii, 
1.  Noah  was  born  but  one  hundred  and  seventy- 
eight  years  after  the  death  of  Adam,  whose  father 
was  the  Patriarch  Lamech,  born  one  hundred  and 
eighty-two  years  before  Adam's  death,  there  being 
but  one  intermediate  Patriarch  between  Noah  and 
Adam ;  of  necessity,  therefore,  how  intimate  must  the 
mind  of  Noah  have  been  with  all  that  appertained  to 
the  knowledge  of  God  and  his  providences  from  the 
beginning  till  his  own  time,  and  how  capable  he  must 
have  been  of  instructing  his  own  house  in  true 
knowledge,  as  well  as  the  arts  after  the  flood,  as  he 
lived  three  hundred  and  fifty  years  after  that  event. 

It  was  from  the  lips  of  this  man  that  the  everlast- 
ing God  chose  to  announce  the  curse  or  malediction 
of  servitude  and  slavery  upon  Ham  and  his  race,  as 
it  is  written.  Gen.  ix,  25 — 27. 

The  reason  of  this  terrible  malediction  of  Noah 
upon  his  son  Ham  should  be  carefully  sought  after, 
or  we  may  be  led  to  accuse  ere  we  may  be  aware  of 
it.  Such  a  proceeding  as  being  captious  amdunjust, 
which  would  be  a  lamentable  circumstance  to  discov- 
er in  the  character  of  a  man,  who  is  named  in  Scrip- 
ture as  one  among  five  of  the  holiest  of  the  prophets, 
namely,  Daniel,  Job,  Moses,  Samuel  and  Noah,  see 
Ezek.  xiv,  14,  and  Jer.  xv,  1,  and  the  holiest  man 
upon  the  earth  just  prior  to  the  flood. 

It  appears  from  the  Scripture,  that  immediately 
after  the  subsiding  of  the  waters  of  the  deluge,  and 


the  ark  had  grounded  on  a  small  flat,  or  space  of 
land,  between  the  fingers  of  Mount  Ararat,  which 
fingers,  or  points,  commence  to  divide  at  an  altitude 
of  about  three  miles  above  the  common  level  of  the 
earth,  at  the  base  of  the  mountain :  we  say  it  appears 
that  Noah,  as  soon  as  the  country  had  become  drain- 
ed of  the  waters,  descended  from  the  great  ship  of 
the  flood  down  the  mountain  to  the  more  level  grounds 
of  the  country.  On  the  side  he  went  down,  the 
mountain  slopes  off  from  the  flat  above  named  (which 
is  about  half  a  mile  in  width. — Porter),  in  a  gradual 
manner,  till  lost  in  the  country  beyond,  while  on  all 
the  other  sides  it  is  a  horrible  series  of  ledges,  per- 
pendicular clifis,  and  benches  of  everlasting  stones 
and  rocks,  going  up  from  the  base  of  the  mountains 
to  the  extreme  points  of  the  fingers,  above  spoken  of, 
to  the  prodigious  height  of  five  and  a  half  miles,  where 
they  are  covered  with  unmelted  snows  of  all  ages 
since  the  flood. 

Fifteen  cubits  and  upward  did  the  waters  of  that 
deluge  rise,  even  above  the  extreme  points  of  the  fin 
gers  of  this  mountain.     See  Gen.  vii,  19,  20. 

How  dreadful  was  this!     What  a  horrible  abyss, 

Where  the  winds,  and  the  lightning  and  thunder, 

Went  down  in  the  deep !     Where  ocean  waves  sleep. 

And  rent  the  vast  deluge  asunder. 

Here  rested  alone  old  Neptune's  salt  throne 

On  the  face  of  the  watery  star, 

Around  which,  in  glee,  the  fish  of  the  sea 

Played  joyous  in  circles  afar. 

His  horses  stood  near,  in  their  pride,  without  fear 

O'er  the  deluge's  wide  waters  to  roam, 

Where  at  his  nod  they  went  forth  with  the  god. 

And  paw'd  with  their  feet  the  white  foam. 


For  a  particular  description  of  Mount  Ararat,  and 
the  vast  plains  which  lie  at  its  base,  in  a  semicircu- 
lar form,  extending  as  far  as  the  eye  can  reach,  as  well 
as  an  account  of  the  tradition  of  the  natives,  who  are 
Mohammedans,  respecting  the  great  ship  of  the  moun- 
tain, see  Sir  Robert  Ker  Porter's  Travels  in  that  coun- 
try, ancient  Tartary,  Persia  and  Chaldea.  This  vessel, 
the  great  ship  of  the  mountain,  or  the  ark  of  Noah^ 
according  to  Dr.  Arbuthnot's  computation,  was  equal 
HI  its  tonnage  to  a  fleet  of  eighty-one  ships  of  a  thou- 
sand tons  each,  and  sixty-two  tons  over,  which  was 
sufficient  to  carry  all  the  Scriptures  state  it  did,  and 
considerable  to  spare. 

From  this  lofty  mountain  range,  Noah  descended 
with  his  family,  wiiich,  besides  himself,  consisted  of 
only  seven  persons,  who,  as  soon  as  he  had  found  a 
place  that  suited  him,  settled  there,  and  in  a  short 
time  became  a  husbandman,  or,  in  other  words,  a  farm- 
er. The  pi  nee  he  selected,  was  doubtless,  in  the  great 
vale  which  stretches  out  southeasterly  from  the  foot 
of  the  mountain,  where  the  ark  grounded,  some 
twenty  miles,  presenting  to  the  eye  an  ocean  of  green 
foliage,  which  had  but  newly  grown,  after  the  reced- 
mg  of  the  waters,  and  presented  to  the  voyagers  a 
r-dpturous  sight,  who,  for  a  year  had  been  shut  up  in 
the  ark  from  the  light  of  the  sun,  and  for  another 
year,  no  doubt,  or  even  more,  had  remained  on  the 
mountain  for  the  earth  to  dry,  their  descent,  therefore, 
down  to  the  green  earth,  was  a  joyous  journey  of 
some  eight  or  ten  miles  only. 

It  was  from  some  cleft  of  this  mountain,  which 
was  in  latitude  35°  north,  that  the  dove  found  the 


green  olive  leaf,  she  plucked  and  brought  to  a  wm 
dow  of  the  ark,  when  she  had  been  sent  out  the 
second  time.  It  was  on  that  mountain  where  all  the 
animals,  saved  in  the  ark,  were  let  loose,  to  roam  in 
the  forests,  except  such  as  were  domesticated.  There 
was  heard  the  loud  roaring  of  the  lion,  reverberating 
among  the  ledges  of  Mount  Ararat,  the  bleat  of  the 
timid  deer,  the  goat  and  the  sheep.  From  this  place 
behemoth,  the  unicorn,  or  rhinoceros,  the  elephant, 
the  camel,  the  giraffe,  the  wild  ass,  the  fleet  and 
beautiful  horse,  were  turned  loose,  with  all  the  hosts 
of  the  ark,  each  rejoicing,  according  to  their  natures, 
in  their  recovered  liberties. 

It  was  from  this  range  of  Mountain  grandeur,  that 
the  shrill  scream  of  the  great  eagle  of  the  antedilu- 
vian world  was  heard,  as  he  with  his  mate  circled 
the  dizzy  heights  of  that  tallest  of  the  Armenian  hills. 
Here  were  the  notes  of  the  first  birds,  after  the  flood, 
carolled  forth,  who  were  the  parents  of  all  the  feath- 
ered race  of  the  globe,  except  the  fowls  of  the  waters. 

But  lest  we  digress  too  far  in  our  imaginings,  we 
will  return  again  to  Noah  and  his  family,  who  had 
become  agriculturists,  as  we  have  before  said.  Among 
other  pursuits  of  husbandry,  Noah  planted  on  his 
land  a  vineyard,  the  seeds  of  which  he  brought,  no 
doubt,  together  with  all  other  seeds  of  use  to  man, 
from  beyond  the  flood. 

It  is  very  probable,  that  this  first  settlement  of  the 
Patriarch  was  made  near  the  head  waters  of  the 
Euphrates,  as  that  river  has  its  origin  in  the  Ararat 
range  of  mountains,  and  runs  in  a  south-easterly  di- 
rection, emptying  into  the  Persian  gulf,  by  several 


mouths,  which  gulf  is  but  a  bay  of  the  Eastern,  or 
Indian,  ocean. 

There,  at  the  head  waters  of  that  river,  in  a  warm 
and  genial  chme,  which  compares  with  about  the 
middle  of  North  Carohna,  surrounded  by  the  beauti- 
ful scenery  of  the  country,  having  the  awful  heights 
of  Ararat  in  full  view,  the  home  of  the  ark,  the  last 
relic  of  the  maritime  architecture  of  the  first  ages  of 
the  earth,  at  rest  in  its  glory ;  here  it  was  that  Noah 
set  up  his  tents  and  began  his  labors,  assisted  by  his 
sons  and  their  wives.     [See  plate.] 

At  this  place,  from  necessity,  his  sons  must  have 
remained,  at  least,  fifty  years,  till  the  children  born 
in  the  respective  families  were  grown  up,  and  others 
born  of  these,  and  grown  also,  marrying  with  their 
own  respective  families,  as  did  the  children  of  Adam, 
at  the  beginning. 

It  cannot  be  supposed  for  a  moment,  that  Noah 
would  allow  the  three  distinct  complexions,  or  races, 
of  his  family  to  mingle  or  amalgamate,  for  he  knew 
it  was  God  who  had  produced,  for  a  wise  purpose, 
these  very  characters ;  amalgamation,  therefore,  would 
certainly  have  destroyed  what  God  so  evidently  had 
ordained  and  caused  to  exist.  The  amazing  fact  of 
the  existence  of  the  three  complexions,  of  his  own 
sons,  by  the  same  mother,  was  to  Noah  a  sufiicient 
reason,  even  without  a  Divine  revelation  on  the  sub- 
ject, that  these  were  to  be  kept  sacredly  asunder,  and 
pure  from  each  other's  blood  forever.  That  this 
view  of  the  subject  was  held  as  binding  upon  these 
families  for  many  ages,  we  have  no  doubts — each 
dreading  to  break  over  a  barrier  which  the  Creator 


had  evidently  placed  between  them  ;  amalgamation, 
therefore,  during  the  three  hundred  and  fifty  years  of 
Noah's  life  after  th-^  flood,  it  is  not  likely  often  hap- 
pened among  th'- 

But  from  the  e  ,  ae  fruitfulness  of  these  families, 
there  were  prodii  i,  by  the  time  fifty  years  had 
gone  by,  great  miiltiiudes  of  men,  women  and  chil- 
dren, spreading  ou;  .a  all  directions  around  the  pa 
triarch  Noah,  their  common  father ;  who,  in  cultivat- 
ing the  ground  and  fighting  the  wild  beasts,  which 
by  this  time  had  filled  the  wilderness,  presented  a 
great  company  of  gigantic  forest  adventurers.  These 
adventurers,  in  pursuing  the  game  of  the  wilds,  in 
all  directions,  for  the  sake  of  their  flesh  for  food,  and 
their  skins  for  clothing,  would  naturally  fall  in  with 
other  tracts  of  arable  lands,  streams,  lakes,  brooks, 
and  rivers;  along  the  banks  of  which,  wonderful 
discoveries  of  flowry  vales  and  mountains  would  be 
made.  Broad  savannas,  abounding  with  all  kinds  of 
beasts  and  fowls — the  waters  with  fishes,  and  the 
wilderness  with  berries,  fruits,  roots  and  esculent 
herbs.  Nuts  of  all  trees,  spices,  gums,  aromatics  and 
balms,  frankincense,  myrrh,  cinnamon,  and  odors, 
wild  honey,  grapes  and  flowry  regions  with  perpetu- 
al verdure,  could  but  captivate  the  hearts  of  these 
pioneers  of  the  wilds  of  the  Euphrates  and  Tigris. 

The  news  of  such  discoveries  being  continually 
reported  through  the  settlements,  excited  the  forma- 
tion of  new  companies,  who,  planting  other  neighbor- 
hoods in  all  directions,  soon  to  the  delighted  eyes  of 
Noah  and  his  sons,  occupied  a  large  district,  with 
multitudes  of  white^  red,  and  black  inhabitants ;  who 


were  pushing  forward  the  respective  interests  of 
their  clans,  or  families,  with  all  the  zeal  of  a  mighty 
host  of  new  country  adventurers,  dressed,  both  men 
and  women,  as  well  as  children,  in  the  shaggy  skins 
of  such  animals  as  they  could  overcome  and  destroy. 

But  lest  we  should  wander  too  far,  on  account  of 
the  exuberance  of  the  subject,  we  will  return  to  the 
chief  matter  in  hand,  and  this  is  the  case  of  Ham 
and  his  people.  In  order  to  do  this,  we  shall  find  it 
necessary  to  return  again  to  the  dwelling  of  Noah, 
and  his  plantation,  at  the  time  when,  as  yet,  his  sons 
and  their  families  had  not  gone  from  thence,  in  quest 
of  new  places  of  settlement.  In  doing  this,  we  will 
not  forget  the  vineyard^  which  Noah  planted  first  of 
all,  after  the  resting  of  the  ark,  and  his  removal  oul 
of  it,  down  the  mountain  Ararat,  from  which,  in  its 
season,  he  gathered  the  grapes,  and  pressing  out  the 
juice  of  the  same,  drank,  and  became  inebriated,  or 
inclined  to  sleep — as  we  disallow  of  his  being  wicked- 
ly drunk  at  all. 

That  he  was  thus  affected,  is  not  much  to  be  won- 
dered at,  as  Noah  was,  at  the  time  of  this  occurrence, 
more  than  six  hundred  years  old,  when  the  weak- 
ness of  old  age  must  have  began  to  unstring  the  iron 
nerves  of  antediluvian  origin,  such  as  characterized 
all  the  people  before  the  flood.  Now,  during  the  ef- 
fect of  the  wine,  which  doubtless  was  in  its  unfer- 
mented  condition,  like  the  new  juice  of  apples,  Noah 
fell  asleep,  as  any  old  man  would  have  done,  after 
drinking  so  invigorating  a  draught.  This  took 
place  in  his  tent,  when,  during  the  sleep,  from  some 
involuntary  motion  of  his  limbs,  his  robe,  mantle,  oi 


garment,  which  it  appears  was  but  loosely  cast  about 
him,  became  deranged,  and  fell  from  his  person,  while 
in  a  recumbent  and  unconscious  condition,  there  alone 
in  his  repose. 

Why,  or  on  what  account.  Ham  came  to  intrude 
on  the  sacredness  of  his  father's  rest,  is  not  known ; 
but  so  it  was.  At  this  juncture,  the  two  other  sons 
of  Noah,  Japheth  and  Shem,  were  not  far  off;  for, 
when  Ham  had  been  within  the  tent,  and  had  seen 
the  condition  of  his  father,  he  was  noticed  by  them 
to  rush  out  in  a  state  of  very  great  excitement,  yel 
ling  and  exploding  with  laughter.  But  as  soon  as 
the  fit  had  somewhat  abated,  Shem  and  Japheth 
made  inquiry,  respecting  the  cause  of  so  much  mirth 
and  uproar,  when  they  were  seized  with  a  fearful 
consternation  of  mind,  and  finding  a  garment  of 
sufficient  size,  they  extended  it  between  their  per- 
sons, and  went  backward  into  the  tent,  when  they 
spread  it  over  their  father,  and  retired  in  silence.  See 
Gen.  ix,  23. 

The  delicate  and  thoughtful  manner  in  which  the 
two  brothers  treated  their  father,  on  this  distressing 
occasion,  is  sufficient  evidence  of  their  views  of  the 
awful  conduct  of  Ham,  showing  that  they  considered 
what  he  had  done  was  a  crime  of  the  deepest  dye; 
a  transaction,  if  perpetrated  at  the  present  time,  would 
mark  the  actor  as  a  character  of  the  basest  and  low- 
est kind. 

But  if  the  two  brothers,  Shem  and  Japheth,  were 
shocked  at  the  behavior  of  Ham,  what  were  the  feel- 
ings of  his  father,  when  he  came  to  know  the  fact? 
From  what  followed,  we  learn  that  the  Patriarch  was 


deeply  grieved  on  account  of  the  reckless  impiety  of 
Ham,  as  well  as  offended  on  his  own  personal  behalf; 
for,  on  calling  this  son  before  him,  Noah  said,  by  the 
spirit  of  Prophesy,  words  too  terrible  to  fall  from 
a  parents  lips,  without  a  reason  entirely  resistless. 
The  words  which  he  pronounced,  and  was  moved 
thereto  by  the  third  person  of  the  Trinity,  the  Holy 
Ghost,  contained  in  them  a  curse,  a  dreadful  curse, 
which  not  only  covered  the  person  and  fortunes  of 
Ham,  but  that  of  his  whole  posterity  also,  to  the  very 
end  of  time,  for  aught  that  appears  to  the  contrary 

For  an  account  of  this  appalling  anathema,  see 
Genesis  ix,  24-27,  as  follows:  ^^And  Noah  awoke 
from  his  wine,  and  knew  what  his  yonnger  son 
had  done  unto  him:  and  he  said,  cursed  be  Ca- 
naan (Ham);  a  servant  of  servants  shall  he  be 
unto  his  brethren.  And  he  said,  blessed  be  the  Lord 
God  of  Shem  ;  and  Canaan  [Ham)  shall  be  his  ser- 
vant. God  shall  enlarge  Japheth,  and  he  shall 
dwell  in  the  tents  of  Shem  ;  and  Canaan  (Ham,)  shall 
be  his  servant.'''' 

But  lest  the  reader  should  become  perplexed,  re- 
pecting  the  application  of  this  anathema,  on  account 
of  the  text  above  referred  to  being,  in  the  English, 
'^'^ cursed  Canaan^''  instead  of  '■'•cursed  Ham,"  as  it 
should  have  been  translated ;  we  state  that  the  Ara- 
bic copy  of  the  book  of  Genesis,  which  is  a  language 
of  equal  authority  with  the  Hebrew,  and  originally 
the  very  same,  reads  "  cursed  Ham^^  the  father  of 
Canaan,  a  servant  of  servants  shall  he  be  unto  his 

In  this  sense  it  has  ever  been  understood  by  all 


commentators,  in  every  age,  on  the  sacred  writings. 
Bishop  Newton  thus  understood  the  passage,  who 
also  refers  the  reader  to  the  Arabic  Bible  for  the  true 
readmg,  as  does  Adam  Clark. 

Newton  maintains,  page  19,  at  considerable  length, 
that  the  curse  of  Noah  upon  Ham,  had  a  general 
and  an  interminable  application  to  the  whole  Hamite 
race,  in  placing  them  under  a  'peculiar  hability  of 
being  enslaved  by  the  races  of  the  two  other  brothers. 

Were  not  the  above  opinion  the  truth  on  that  point, 
it  would  be  a  difficult  matter  to  view  the  Divine  pro- 
cedure in  that  case  otherwise  than  unjust;  for  why 
should  Canaan,  who  was  the  youngest  son  of  Ham, 
be  selected  from  among  the  four  to  be  cursed,  and 
laid  under  a  peculiar  liability  to  be  enslaved  in  his 
posterity,  more  than  the  other  three  brothers,  for  the 
act  of  their  father.  But  when  that  Scripture  is  read 
and  understood,  as  the  Arabic  records  and  under- 
stands it,  the  subject  becomes  plain,  simple,  and 
straight  before  us.  Ham  is  the  man  who  is  denounced 
with  his  posterity,  who  were  to  become  the  slaves  of 
the  posterities  of  the  two  other  races,  and  among 
themselves  ;  for  the  text  says,  they  should  be  the 
"servants  q/"  servants,"  as  well  as  the  servants  of  the 
hired  servants  of  the  other  races,  as  is  the  fact  in  all 
countries,  and  has  ever  been  thus. 

It  is  not  our  opinion  that  for  this  one  act  of  Ham 
that  dreadful  curse  fell  upon  him  and  his  race.  It 
was  not  for  that  one  act  alone,  but  on  account  of  his 
whole  character  and  nature  (which  one  act  was,  how- 
ever, in  awful  keeping  with  his  previous  life),  thai 
the  curse  of  slavery  was  entailed  on  his  race. 



1  That  the  character  of  Ham's  hfe,  up  to  the  time 

1  when  he  committed  that  unchaste,  unfihal,  and  un- 

'  holy  deed,  had  been  but  a  continued  scene  of  sin  and 

outrage,  is  strongly  intimated  in  the  words  made  use 
I  of  by  Noah,  when   he   denounced  him,  and   said 

.1  ^^cursed  Hamj'^  not  cursed  be  Ham,  as  the  English 

'  translators  have  rendered  it,  supplying  the  word  be, 

as  if  he  had  not  been  thus  prior  to  that  time.     The 
word  be  is  not  in  the  original,  nor  is  it  needed  in  the 
English  translation. 
j  The  words,  cursed  Ham,  therefore,  signify,  in  the 

i  Hebrew,  that  he  had  been  always  a  bad  person,  even 

]  from  childhood ;  for  let  it  not  be  forgotten  that  Ham, 

I  at  the  very  time  he  did  that  act,  was  more  than  a 

hundred  years  old.  All  the  powers  of  his  mind  were 
as  matured  then  as  they  ever  could  be;  the  deed, 
therefore,  was  but  a  trait  of  the  gigantic  negro's  gene- 
ral life  and  character.  Had  Ham,  on  discovering  the 
condition  of  his  patriarchal  father  in  his  sleep,  retired 
j  abashed  and  sorrowful,  and  had  kept  the  thing  to 

himself,  or  had  related  what  had  taken  place  with 
downcast  eyes  and  real  mortification,  it  would  have 
been  the  evidence  of  the  good  intentions  and  pious 
state  of  his  heart  and  temperament  of  mind,  as  well 
as,  in  a  degree,  would  have  argued  well  in  relation  to 
I  his  former  character.     The  curse,  therefore,  against 

Ham  and  his  race  was  not  sent  out  on  the  account 
of  that  one  sin  only.  But  as  the  deed  was  heinous, 
and  withal  was  in  unison  with  his  whole  life,  charac- 
ter and  constitutional  make,  prior  to  that  deed,  the 
curse,  which  had  slumbered  long,  was  let  ijose  upon 
him  and  his  posterity,  as  a  general  thing,  placing 


them  under  the  ban  of  slavery,  on  account  of  his  and 
their  foreseen  characters. 

Noah  did  not  and  could  not,  as  a  holy  and  good 
man,  have  pronounced  that  curse  in  a  vindictive  and 
furious  manner  upon  Ham.  No,^  this  he  did  not  do ; 
it  was  very  far  from  being  thus.  When  the  great 
Patriarch  was  moved  upon  by  the  Holy  Ghost  to 
speak  as  he  did  on  that  occasion,  we  have  no  doubt 
but  he  did  it  with  real  pain  and  sorrow  of  heart,  and 
yet  it  must  be  done,  as  it  was  dictated  by  the  influ- 
ence of  the  EternaVs  tnandate. 

Might  we  be  allowed  to  imagine  the  state  of  Noah's 
feelings  on  that  occasion,  and  also  to  give  words  to 
those  feelings,  they  would  be  as  follows :  "  Oh  Ham, 
my  son,  it  is  not  for  this  one  deed  alone  which  you 
have  just  committed  that  I  have,  by  God's  command, 
thus  condemned  you  and  your  race ;  but  the  Lord 
has  shown  me  that  all  your  descendants  will,  more 
or  less,  be  like  yon,  their  father,  on  which  account  it 
is  determined  by  the  Creator  that  you  and  your  peo- 
ple are  to  occupy  the  lowest  condition  of  all  the  fam- 
ilies among  mankind,  and  even  be  enslaved  as  brute 
beasts,  going  down  in  the  scale  of  human  society, 
beyond  and  below  the  ordinary  exigencies  of  mortal 
existence,  arising  out  of  war,  revolutions  and  con- 
flicts, for  you  will  and  must  be,  both  in  times  of 
peace  and  war,  a  despised,  a  degraded  and  an  op- 
pressed race." 

God,  therefore,  foreseeing  the  end  from  the  begin- 
ning, saw  good  to  direct  the  mind  of  Noah,  who  was 
a  prophet,  to  declare  to  the  world  what  should  come 
to  pass  concerning  all  his  sons,  as  well  as  Ham^  ic 


the  most  specific  and  particular  manner.  By  this 
procedure,  God  has  set  up,  as  it  were,  way  marks  and 
data,  b)'-  which,  in  after  ages,  men  should  come  to 
see,  know  and  believe  in  the  veracity  of  his  word,  as 
spoken  by  his  prophets,  on  account  of  the  fidjillment 
of  the  same,  in  every  iota  thereof,  not  only  m  relation 
to  the  destinies  of  Noah's  three  sons,  but  in  all  things 

On  the  subject  of  a  child's  treating  its  parents  with 
ijitended  disrespect,  see  the  opinion  of  God  himself, 
Deut,  xxvii,  16,  who,  in  that  place  says,  "cursed  be 
he  that  setteth  light  by  his  father  or  his  mother,  and 
all  the  people  shall  say  amen."  This  sin,  the  treat- 
ing a  father  or  mother  disrespectfully,  was,  by  the 
law  of  Moses,  punished  with  death.  See  Deut.  xxi, 
18 — 21.  Consequently,  according  to  this  law.  Ham 
was  morally  worthy  of  death. 

But  lest  the  reader  may  suspect  that  this  terrible 
character  of  Ham  is  almost  if  not  entirely  imaginary, 
we  shall,  as  promised  some  pages  above,  give  the 
history  of  that  deed  of  his  from  the  pen  of  Josephus. 
See  Jewish  Antiquities,  chap,  vi,  book  i,  p.  22,  as  fol 
lows  :  "  When  after  the  deluge  the  earth  was  settled 
in  its  former  condition,  Noah  set  about  its  cultivation; 
and  when  he  had  planted  it  with  vines,  and  when 
the  fruit  was  ripe  and  he  had  gathered  the  grapes  in 
the  season,  and  the  wine  was  ready  for  use,  he  offer- 
ed a  sacrifice  and  feasted,  and  being  inebriated  fell 
asleep  and  lay  naked  in  an  unseemly  manner.  When 
Ham,  his  youngest  son,  saw  this,  he  came  laughing 
and  showed  him  to  his  brothers." 

From  this  evidence,  the  fact  of  Ham  having  treated 


his  father  with  great  disrespect  and  wicked  levity,  is 
fairly  made  out,  and  therefore  deserves  the  character 
we  have  described  as  his,  and  the  punishment  award- 
ed to  him  and  his  race,  both  judicial  and  as  a  result 
of  his  and  their  natures. 

But  says  one,  we  have  always  held  that  this  curse 
of  Noah,  as  it  is  called,  upon  the  negro  race,  was  a 
kind  of  immeaning  rhapsody  of  the  father  of  Ham, 
and  long  ago  became  obsolete  and  perfectly  nugatory./ 
To  unhinge,  therefore,  a  notion  so  fraught  with  light- 
ness and  falsehood,  we  exhibit  the  following,  from 
the  pen  of  inspiration,  and  having  a  strong  relation 
in  kind  and  character,  so  far  as  relates  to  the  curs^ 
of  God,  or  denunciations  of  the  Highest,  which  he 
has  seen  fit  to  publish  in  the  annals  of  truth — the 
Holy  Scriptures,  we  bring  them  to  view  as  parallels 
to  the  case  of  the  denunciation  of  Ham,  believing  as 
fully  in  their  perfect  accomplishment  as  we  do  in 
that  of  the  curse  of  Noah  upon  Ham  and  his  race. 

The  first  case  of  the  kind  which  occurs  on  the 
sacred  page,  is  found  Gen.  iii,  14,  and  reads  as  follows : 
"And  the  Lord  God  said  unto  the  serpent.  Because 
thou  hast  done  this,  thou  art  cursed  above  all  cattle, 
and  above  every  beast  of  the  field :  upon  thy  belly 
shalt  thou  go,  and  dust  shalt  thou  eat  all  the  days  of 
thy  life."  This  curse  on  the  serpent,  which  was  ul- 
rored  more  than  sixteen  hundred  years  before  the 
curse  of  Noah  upon  Ham  and  his  race,  has  lost  noth- 
ing of  its  force  and  true  meaning,  though  vastly  more 
ancient  and  prolix  in  its  interpretation,  as  commonly 

A  second  case,  in  the  character  of  a  curse,  is  found 


in  the  same  chapter,  as  above,  at  the  17th  verse,  re- 
specting the  ground,  which,  on  account  of  Adam's 
sin,  in  hearkening  to  his  wife's  counsel,  was  cursed, 
so  that  it  is  supposed  to  have  been  far  less  prolific, 
from  the  time  of  that  sin  to  the  flood,  and  from  the 
flood  to  this  day,  than  it  would  otherwise  have  been 
had  it  not  been  thus  cursed  by  the  Supreme  Being. 
The  exact  form  or  words  of  this  curse  are  as  follows: 
^'^  Cursed  is  the  ground  for  thy  sake,  in  sorrow  shalt 
tho7i  eat  of  it  all  the  days  of  thy  life."  Has  this 
curse  failed  of  being  continually  fulfilled  in  all 
ages,  though  vastly  more  ancient  than  the  curse  of 
Noah  upon  his  son  Ham — and  were  all  equally 

No  man  discredits  the  complete  accomplishment 
of  the  patriarch  .lacob's  predictions  respecting  the  for- 
tunes of  his  twelve  sons,  in  their  posterities.  See 
Gen.  xlix,  from  the  3d  to  the  27th  verse  inclusive, 
where  the  wonderful  and  specific  history  of  that  pro- 
phet's foresight  is  related. 

Add  to  the  above  the  terrible  curses  of  God,  by  the 
mouth  of  Moses,  upon  the  whole  Hebrew  or  Jewish 
tribes,  if  they  forsook  the  law,  which  in  process  of 
time  the^A  did:  and  how  awfully  and  perfectly  those 
curses  were  fulfilled,  all  men  know.  For  a  history 
of  those  curses  or  judicial  acts  of  God,  see  the  entire 
chapter,  the  28th  of  Deuteronomy.  Now,  with  all 
this  before  our  eyes  and  impressed  upon  our  belief, 
are  we  to  undervalue  the  same  kind  of  inspiration 
because  it  is  found  to  aflect  a  subject  on  which  same 
men  have  made  up  their  minds  not  to  believe,  name- 
ly, the  curse  of  Noah,  or  God's  judicial  act  upon  Hani, 


and  his  foresight  of  the  slavery  of  that  race,  as  shown 
to  Noah,  and  say  it  was  never  thus  intended? 

The  appointment  of  this  race  of  men  to  servitude 
and  slavery  was  a  judicial  act  of  God,  or,  in  other 
words,  was  a  divine  judgment.  There  are  three  evi- 
dences of  this,  which  are  as  follows : 

First — The  fact  of  their  being  created  or  produced 
in  a  lower  order  of  intellectuality  than  either  of  the 
other  races  (as  we  shall  prove  in  due  order),  their 
forms,  natures  or  passions  agreeing  therewith,  is  evi- 
dence of  the  preordination  of  their  fate  as  slaves  on 
the  earth,  as  none  but  God  could  have  done  or  deter- 
mined this  thing. 

Second — The  announcement  of  God  by  the  mouth 
of  Noah,  relative  to  the  whole  race  of  Ham,  pointing 
out  in  so  many  words,  in  the  clearest  and  most  spe- 
cific manner,  that  they  were  adjudged  to  slavery,  as 
we  have  already  shown  from  the  book  of  Genesis, 
agreeing  with  the  first  witness  as  above,  namely, 
that  they  were  foreordained,  and  appointed  to  the 
condition  they  hold  among  men  by  the  divine  Mind, 
solely  on  account  of  the  foreseen  character  they  would 
sustain  as  a  race,  who,  therefore,  were  thus  judicially 
put  beneath  the  supervision  of  the  other  races. 

Third — The  great  and  everywhere  pervading  fact 
of  their  degraded  condition,  both  now  and  in  all  time, 
more  or  less,  is  the  very  climax-witness  that,  in  the 
above  conclusion,  we  are  not  mistaken — namely,  that 
the  negro  race,  as  a  people,  are  judicially  given  over  to 
a  state  or  peculiar  liability  of  being  enslaved  by  the 
other  races. 

^V]Ly  the  Supreme  Being  saw  fit  to  create  or  to 


produce  such  a  race  thus  low  in  the  scale  of  human 
existence,  and  at  the  same  time  foreseeing  their  char- 
acter and  consequent  condition  on  the  earth,  is  more 
than  can  be  known  by  human  research,  and,  of  neces- 
sity, is  therefore  none  of  our  business.  It  might  as 
well  be  inquired,  why  God  made  the  world  at  all  and 
peopled  it  by  the  two  first  of  our  race,  seeing  he  fore- 
saw all  they  would  do  in  opposition  to  his  will  and 
benevolent  designs.  Such  inquiries  are  probably 
beyond  our  depth  of  investigation,  while /ac/5  are  not 
thus  hidden  from  us,  and  one  of  the  great  facts  of  God's 
jurisprudence  among  men  appears  to  be  ihe  judicial 
appointment  of  the  black  race  to  slavery. 

Here  it  is  proper  for  us  to  state,  that  many  persons, 
with  all  abolitionists,  believe  that  what  Noah  said  on 
that  occasion  was  merely  prophetic  and  ?io/ judicial. 
If  prophetic  merely,  then  it  would  follow  that  the 
slavery  of  the  negro  race  was  by  Noah  foretold,  the 
same  as  other  wicked  acts  of  men  were  foretold  by 
the  prophets,  but  not,  therefore,  sanctioned  by  the 
Holy  Spirit.  This  view  of  theirs,  however,  will  not 
bear  thus  to  be  softened  down,  on  account  of  the  fear- 
ful word  "c?«*.9et/,"  which  raises  it  above  the  ordinary 
foresight  of  the  prophets,  respecting  the  wicked  acts 
of  men,  and  makes  it  a  direct  decree. 

It  is  written  in  the  Scriptures,  ^^ cursed  is  every 
one  that  hangeth  on  a  tree,"  Gal.  iii,  13,  and  ^'■cursed 
is  every  one  who  loveth  not  tlie  Lord  Jesus  Christ." 
Are  not  these  recorded  as  judicial,  and,  on  account 
of  the  word  cursed,  amount  to  far  more  than  a  mere 
prophesy  ? 

So,  also,  as  relates  t3  the  announcement  of  Noah, 



the  word  cursed  being  the  governing  idea,  relating  to 
negro  slavery,  makes  it  a  judicial  decree,  which  in- 
volves more  than  a  mere  prophesy,  placing  its  fulfill- 
ment beyond  the  fortuitous  or  contingent  acts  of  men. 

The  whole  three  verses  of  Noah's  curse  on  the  race 
of  Ham  is  delivered  in  the  inipei'ative  mood,  making 
their  accomplishment  sure,  above  and  beyond  all 
contingencies.  That  a  day  of  final  judgment  is  to 
come,  is  not  more  strongly  and  decidedly  set  down 
by  the  inspired  writer  than  is  the  doom  of  the  negro 
race  in  the  particular  of  servitude,  and  will  not  be 
more  certainly  fulfilled  than  has  been  and  is  now  ful- 
filling the  word  of  the  Lord  by  Noah. 

On  the  subject  of  judicial  curses,  see  Deuteronomy, 
the  27th  and  28th  chapters,  in  which  there  are  no 
less  than  sixteen  such  decrees  or  curses,  all  of  which, 
however,  were  conditionally  suspended  over  the 
heads  of  the  twelve  tribes.  If  they  would  obey  the 
law,  then  blessings  should  be  their  portion,  but  if  they 
transgressed  in  the  particulars  mentioned  in  those 
sixteen  verses  above  alluded  to,  then  they  were 
cursed,  and  judicially  so. 

Some  of  those  curses  are  as  follows — see  the  15th, 
16th,  17th,  18th,  and  l9th  verses  of  the  28th  chap- 
ter of  Deut. :  "But  it  shall  come  to  pass,  if  thou 
wilt  not  hearken  unto  the  voice  of  the  Lord  thy  God, 
to  observe  to  do  all  his  commandments  and  his  stat- 
utes which  I  command  thee  this  day,  that  all  these 
Classes  shall  come  upon  thee,  and  overtake  thee. 
Cursed  shalt  thou  be  in  the  city,  and  cursed  shalt 
thou  be  in  the  field.  Cursed  shall  be  thy  basket 
and  thy  store.    Cursed  shall  be  the  fruit  of  thy  bf  tdy, 

FORTUNES,  OF    THE    NEGRO    RACE.  101 

and  the  fruit  of  thy  land,  the  increase  of  thy  kine 
and  the  flocks  of  thy  sheep.  Cursed  sbalt  thou  be 
when  thou  comest  in,  and  cursed  shalt  thou  be 
when  thou  goest  out." 

Now,  who  will  deny  but  the  above  curses  were  ju- 
diclally  pronounced,  though  conditionally.  But  in 
the  curse  of  Noah,  which  was  by  the  authority  of  the 
same  God,  there  was  no  condition  at  all,  it  was  a  di- 
rect curse,  without  remedy,  palliation,  or  chance  of 
escape.  How  is  it  possible,  therefore,  for  any  one 
to  maintain  that  the  curse  of  Noah  on  the  race  of 
Ham  was  not  a  6o?irt^rfe  judicial  decree,  not  a  mere 
propliesy,  the  fulfillment  of  which  should  happen 
contingently;  but  a  decree  which  should  be  fulfilled, 
irrespective  of  contingencies,  in  an  arbitrary  and  ex- 
ecutive manner. 

Thus  we  believe  that  sufficient  evidence  appears 
from  the  Scriptures,  of  the  judicial  appointment  of 
that  people  to  servitude.  In  view  of  this  belief,  and 
of  that  fact,  the  inquiry  naturally  arises  here,  wheth-  is  a  sin  to  enslave  a  negro.  To  this  we  are 
compelled,  even  against  our  sympathies  and  precon- 
ceived opinions  arising  out  of  our  education,  to  an- 
swer no,  it  is  no  sin  in  principle  ;  the  manner  hi  which 
it  may  be  done  may  be  sinful,  as  it  is  in  our  power  to 
abuse  any  and  all  the  privileges  put  in  our  hands  by 
the  Divine  Being. 

We  are  driven  to  the  above  conclusion  by  sheer 
logical  violence,  and  as  follows: 

If  God  appointed  the  race  of  Ham  judicially  to 
slavery,  and  it  were  a  heinous  sin  to  enslave  one,  or 
al.  the  race,  b,w  then  is  the  appointment  of  God  to 


•go  into  effect?  The  reader  can  but  see,  as  well  as 
feel,  the  dilemma.  The  judicial  acts  of  God  do 
never  involve  the  actual  commission  of  sin  any  more 
than  his  works,  or  acts  of  mercy  and  benevolence— 
It  is  the  way  we  use  such  acts,  as  they  relate  to  men 
that  sin  arises,  and  not  out  of  the  acts  of  God  them- 
selves, as  the  primary  and  moving  principle  of  sin. 
If  the  actor,  in  his  doings  in  this  life,  is  aware  that 
he  is  an  instrument  in  the  hands  of  the  Divine  Provi- 
dence of  fulfilling,  or  carrying  into  effect  a  divine 
judgment,  he  is  only  to  be  careful  how,  and  in  what 
spirit,  he  does  the  thing,  lest  he  should  be  found 
acting  as  of  himself,  and  independent  of  God,  mak- 
ing the  execution  of  the  Divine  will  his  own  vin- 
dictive, arbitrary,  or  thoughtless  work:  such  a  course 
is  sin. 

The  destruction  of  the  old  Canaanites,  by  the  Jews, 
was  a  judicial  act  of  God,  who  straightly  command- 
ed them,  by  the  ministration  of  Moses  (see  Deut. 
vii,  2),  that  they  should  not  spare  them,  nor  show 
mercy  or  pity  toward  them ;  and  yet  they  were  not 
to  be  wantonly  cruel  or  murderous,  as  if  they  were 
acting  entirely  from  mere  fury  and  love  of  butchery. 
That  dreadful  affair,  the  exterminating  decree  of  God 
against  the  negroes  of  old  Canaan,  was  not  by  the 
will  of  man,  but  of  God  ;  the  instruments,  therefore, 
were  not  to  sin  in  its  execution  by  deeds  of  iiseless 
eruelty  and  ferocity ;  if  they  did.  then  such  acts  were 

God  does  never  sanction  sin,  nor  call  for  the  com- 
mission of  moral  evil  to  forward  any  of  his  purposes ; 
wherefore  we  come  to  the  conclusion,  that  it  is  not 


sinful  to  en:?lave  the  negro  race,  providing  it  is  done 
in  a  tender,  fatherly  and  thoughtful  manner,  having 
the  fear  of  God  before  our  eyes,  in  a  transaction  of 
the  kind,  doing  no  violence  to  the  bodies  or  minds 
of  such  persons  as  slaves  or  servants,  beyond  proper 
and  necessary  correction. 

This  is  as  easly  accomplished  as  is  the  government 
of  a  family,  in  the  ordinary  sense  of  the  word,  or  the 
good  men  of  old  could  not  have  done  it,  as  they  most 
assuredly  did,  upon  which  we  shall  treat  in  due  or- 
der. It  is  the  abuses  of  the  institution  of  negro  sla- 
very, which  have  recently,  by  the  Divine  Providence, 
aroused  the  sympathies  of  men,  but  not  the  principle 
itself^  as  God  cannot  resist  his  own  determinations. 

There  is  no  man  except  infidels,  and  those  who 
are  tinctured  with  principles  of  the  infidel  character, 
who  for  a  moment  doubts  the  judicial  decision  of 
God  in  relation  to  murderers,  as  announced  to  Noah, 
and  all  mankind  through  him.  This  act  of  God  is 
found  on  the  page  of  the  Divine  record,  in  the  same 
chapter  with  the  act  respecting  the  negro  race,  name 
ly,  the  ixth,  at  the  5th  and  6th  verses,  as  follows: 
"And  surely  your  blood  of  your  lives  will  I  require 
*  *  *  at  the  hand  of  man  :  at  the  hand  of  every 
man's  brother  will  I  require  the  life  of  man.  Whoso 
sheddeth  man's  blood  (by  murder),  by  mati  shall  his 
blood  be  shed:  for  in  the  image  of  God  made  he 
man !" 

This  judicial  act  was  announced,  not  to  the  ears 
of  the  half  civilized  and  barbarous  Jews,  as  so7ne 
men  speak,  when  the  law  of  Moses  was  given,  but 
to  the  wise  and  enlightened  house  of  Noah,  about 


eight  hundred  years  before  the  law  of  Moses;  it 
was,  therefore,  the  adjudication  of  God,  at  the  head 
of  time,  to  all  the  nations  who  might  arise  on  the 
earth  to  the  end  of  the  world,  respecting  murderers. 
This  passage  is  allowed  by  all  to  be  judicial^  but 
not  the  other  by  many,  though  by  the  same  authority, 
and  equally  specifically  noted  down,  and  without  any 

This  judicial  act  of  God  is  responded  to  in  the  ten 
commandments,  where  it  is  written,  "  thou  shalt  not 
kill,"  or,  in  other  words,  thou  shalt  not  murder ;  not 
meaning,  as  many  contend,  that  a  murderer  must 
not  be  killed — not  even  by  a  public  execution.  So 
also  is  the  act  of  God,  in  relation  to  the  judical  con- 
demnation of  the  race  of  Ham,  equally  responded  to 
in  the  ten  commandment,  or  law  of  Moses,  where 
it  is  written,  "  thou  shalt  not  covet  thy  neighbor's 
man  servant  (or  slave),  nor  his  maid  servant,"  or  fe- 
male slave,  as  it  is  in  the  original.  If  the  servants, 
or  slaves,  alluded  to  in  that  commandment,  which 
is  the  tenth  and  last,  were  not  therein  recognized  as 
property ^  how  could  a  slave  be  a  subject  of  covetoiis- 
ness  as  well  as  an  ox,  or  an  ass,  creatures  no  one  de- 
nies but  were  property,  which  are  classed  together  in 
that  command,  and  referred  to  in  the  same  light  equal- 
ly, as  being  property,  and  as  objects  that  might  be 
coveted  as  such. 

Thus  far  we  have  treated  on  the  curse  of  Noah 
against  Ham,  or,  in  other  words,  upon  the  judicial 
act  of  God,  in  relation  to  that  people.  Our  next  en- 
deavor will,  therefore,  be  to  ascertain  whether  this 
judgment  was  acted  upon,  recognized  or  sanctioned 


by  the  next  dispensation  following  that  of  the  Patri- 
archs, namely,  the  law  of  Moses  and  his  successors — 
the  prophets,  kings,  nobles  and  elders  of  the  Jewish 
government — as  was  all  the  other  judicial  acts  of 
God,  jprior  to  the  law. 

Thus  Ham,  the  sooty  monarch  of  his  race, 
Adjudg'd  of  Heaven  to  fill  a  servant's  place, 
Sits  regal  on  his  throne,  in  frowning  ire, 
The  king  of  slaves,  their  patriarch  and  sire, 
Whose  state  of  servitude  can  never  cease. 
Till  the  end  of  time  shall  bring  the  grand  releua. 



Proofs  from  the  Scriptures,  that  the  cur$e  of  Noah  upon  the  race  ot 
Ham,  as  a  judicial  act,  is  indorsed  by  the  law  of  Moses — Compar- 
ative view  of  all  the  orders  of  servants  among  the  Jews,  as  the 
hired  Hebrew  servant,  the  bought  Hebrew  servant,  the  voluntary 
Hebrew  servant,  and  the  Negro  or  Cancbanite  slave — Remarks  on 
the  subject  of  the  strangers,  of  whom  the  Jews  might  lake  usu- 
ry, and  of  whom  they  might  not  take  usury — Respecting  who 
the  strangers  were,  who  they  should  not  enslave,  or  use  as  bond- 
men— A  seeming  contradiction  in  the  law  on  this  subject  recon- 
ciled— Perpetual  slaves  to  be  bought  of  the  Negro  heathen  ©f  old 
Canaan,  as  directed  by  the  law — Strictures  on  Abolitionist  opin- 
ions, respecting  the  meaning  of  the  law  relative  to  servants — Char- 
acter of  Noah  and  Lot  rescued  from  abolitionist  aspersions — Stric- 
tures on  the  opinions  of  abolitionists,  respecting  the  word  buy,  as 
applied  to  the  purchase  of  bondmen,  in  the  law  of  Moses,  with 
other  matters  of  their  setting  forth — Difference  between  the  con- 
dition of  HrbretD  servants  and  their  Canaanite  slaves,  with  respect 
to  the  jiibilees,  and  other  matters — Proofs  that  the  Hebrews  bought 
and  sold  Negro  slaves  under  the  sanction  of  the  law;  even  going 
to  Africa  for  that  purpose — Enslaving  of  the  persons  of  the  Amal- 
ekites  under  the  eye  of  Moses — Slaves  of  the  patriarchs  bought 
with  money — A  curious  query  of  abolitionists  answered,  with 
many  other  matters. 

As  remarked  al  the  close  of  the  foregoing  section, 
It  will  be  our  endeavor  in  the  following  to  ascertain 
whether,  in  the  law  of  Moses,  the  jiidiciaj  act  of 
God  against  the  race  of  Ham,  as  announced  by  Noah, 
was  indorsed,  and  acted  upon  accordingly,  by  the 

To  do  this,  it  will  not  be  necessary  to  prove,  in  this 


«?ection,  that  the  inhabitants  of  Canaan,  whom  the 
Jews  were  to  destroy,  were  of  the  genealogy  of  Ham, 
including  the  whole  gg^n  nations  of  that  country, 
and  were  the  direct  descendants  of  this  man  through 
Canaan,  a  son  of  his,  as  all  this  has  been  done  in 
the  fourth  section  of  the  work,  and  elsewhere. 

On  this  account,  our  labor  is  therefore  straight  be- 
fore us,  namely,  to  ascertain  whether,  in  the  law  of 
Moses,  the  curse  of  Noah  against  Ham  and  his  people, 
is  actually  recognized,  indorsed,  and  acted  upon  as 
judicial,  in  relation  to  their  enslavement,  in  the  strict 
and  literal  sense  of  the  word. 

In  a  certain  chapter  of  the  book  of  Leviticus,  name- 
ly, the  xxvth,  are  found  sundry  directions  embodied  in 
the  law  of  Sinai,  respecting  servants  of  various  kinds. 
Here  it  is  found  written,  that  any  Hebrew  having 
bought,  not  hired,  a  Hebrew  servant,  should  not  be 
oppressed,  or  ruled  over  with  rigor,  as  they  would  rule 
over  or  oppress  a  bondman,  not  derived  from  the  He- 
brew stock. 

From  the  35th  to  the  46th  verse  inclusive,  of  the 
above  named  chapter,  it  is  written  as  follows,  except 
the  words  included  in  brackets,  which  are  inserted 
to  carry  out,  and  to  distinguish  the  true  meaning,  and 
to  prevent  confusion : 

"And  if  thy  brother  [a  Hebrew,  one  of  the  twelve 
tribes]  be  waxen  poor,  and  fall  into  decay  with  thee 
\or  in  thy  midst\  then  thou  shalt  relieve  him,  yea, 
though  he  be  a  stranger  [far  from  his  own  tribe\  or 
a  sojourner  [one  who  had  come  from,  another  tribe\, 
that  he  may  live  with  thee.  Take  thou  no  usury  of 
him,  or  increase,  but  fear  thy  God  [in  this  thing] 


tha^  thy  brother  [a  Hebrew,  or  of  the  Hebrew  bloody 
not  a  negro']  may  live  with  thee.  Thou  shalt  not 
give  him  [that  is,  a  Hebrew  brother,  one  of  the  tribes] 
thy  money  upon  usury,  nor  lend  him  thy  victuals  for 
increase.  And  if  thy  brother  [not  a  Hamite],  that 
ilwelleth  by  thee,  be  waxen  poor,  and  he  be  soldunto 
Jhee  [on  any  account],  thou  shalt  not  compel  him  to 
serve  as  a  bond  servant:  but  as  a  hired  servant,  and 
as  a  [Hebrew  brother,  one  of  the  tribes]  sojourner,  he 
shall  be  with  thee,  and  serve  thee  unto  the  year  of 
jubilee  ;  and  then  shall  he  depart  from  thee  [that  is, 
if  he  desire  to  do  so],  both  he  and  his  children  [if  he 
has  any]  with  him,  and  shall  return  unto  his  own 
family  [or  tribe],  and  unto  the  possession  of  his  fath- 
ers shall  he  return ;  for  they  are  my  servants,  which 
I  brought  out  of  the  land  of  Egypt:  they  shall  not 
be  sold  as  bondmen.  Thou  shalt  not  rule  over 
him  [or  such  an  one]  with  rigor  [as  you  may  over  a 
bond  slave],  but  shalt  fear  thy  God  [in  this  particu- 

From  the  above,  it  is  clear  that  by  the  term  broth- 
er, no  other  character  is  specified  as  being  entitled 
to  the  above  named  privileges,  as  paupers,  of  whom 
no  usury  was  to  be  taken  for  money  or  victuals,  but 
a  regular  Hebrew,  or  one  of  the  twelve  tribes.  This 
is  made  clear  by  the  qualifying  words  of  the  account, 
which  says,  ^^for  they  are  m,y  servants,  which  I 
brought  out  of  the  la7id  of  Egypt:''  Now  God 
brought  no  Canaanites  or  negroes  out  of  Egypt, 
they  were  wholly  of  the  twelve  tribes  of  the  He- 

Thus  we  see  that  Moses  marked  out  in  the  law  the 



3  difference  there  was  between  bond   servants,  hired 

I  servants,  and  servants  of  the  Hebrew  tribes^  who 

]  might  be  sold,  on  account  of  their  poverty. 

I  But  in  the  law  there  are  other  strangers  alluded  to, 

1  who  were  neither  of  any  of  the  twelve  tribes,  nor  of 

I  the  Canaanite  race,  of  whom  the  Hebrews   might 

I  take  usury  of  money  or  victuals  (Deut.  xxiii,  20),  but 

I  could  not  legally  make  bond  men  of  them. 

These  were  the  race  of  Shem,  and  not  of  the  twelve 
tribe  community,  who  were  dwelling  in  the  surround- 
ing countries.  Of  such  there  were  many  in  the  time  of 
Moses,  as  well  as  during  the  whole  existence  of  the  Jew- 
ish people,  as  a  kingdom  or  government,  who,  in  the  laWj 
I  are  never  called  heathen,  as  were  all  the  negro  race. 

I  There  were  the  descendants  of  Lot,  Abraham's 

I  half  brother.     There  were  the  children  of  Katiira^ 

born  to  Abraham  long  before  the  birth  of  Isaac,  who, 
when  they  were  grown  up  and  married,  were  sent 
eastward  with  their  inheritances.  See  Gen.  xxv,  from 
j  the  1st  to  the  6th  verse  inclusive.     By  this  first  mar- 

I  riage,  Abraham  had  no  less  than  six  sons,  who,  ac- 

cording to  the  history  of  them  given  in  the  above 
trait  in  the  Book  of  Genesis,  were  the  fathers  of  mul- 
titudes, all  of  whom  settled  eastward  of  Chalden,  and 
;  took  place  before  God  commanded  Abraham  to  leave 

I  his  father's  house  in  Haran  in  old  Chaldea,  east  of 

the  river  Euphrates,  in  order  to  go  to  the  country  of 
i  Canaan,  far  to  the  south-west.     We  come  to  this  con- 

elusion,  respecting  Abraham,  from  the  necessity  of 
the  case,  for  Abraham  was,  at  the  death  of  Sarah,  one 
hundred  and  thirty-seven  years  old,  as  he  was  ten 
years  older  than  his  wife,  who  died  at  the  age  of  one 


hundred  and  twenty-seven.  Gen.  xxiii,  1.  Of  neces- 
sity, therefore  Abraham's  wife  Katui  a  was  his  first 
wife,  who  he  had  married  in  hisyouih,  and  was  dead 
when  he  took  Sarah,  and  came  to  Canaan,  on  which 
account  his  great  age,  that  of  otie  hundred  and  thir- 
ty-seven years,  he  could  not  have  been  the  father  of 
the  above  named  six  sons  after  ihe  death  of  Sarah, 
as  the  order  of  the  history  ni  Genesis  xxv  seems  to  in- 
timate, which  is  a  mistake  of  the  Hebrew  copyists,  and 
compilers  of  the  ancient  Scriptures. 

Tlien  there  was  Ishmael,  the  son  of  Hagar,  the 
Egyptian  bond  servant  of  Sarah,  born  to  Abraham, 
of  whom  came  many  nations  now  known,  as  in  an- 
cient times,  as  Arabs  or  Ishmaelites.  '1  hese  were 
also  the  descendants  of  Esau,  the  brsther  ot'  Jacob, 
who  were  known  as  the  Idunieans.  There  \i%xQ  the 
descendants  of  Laban,  the  Syrian,  a  n-ear  relation  of 
Abraham,  all  of  whon),  together  with  those  above 
named,  amounted  to  millions  in  the  time  of  the  giv- 
ing of  the  law,  and  during  the  nationality  of  the 
Jews,  who  were  the  strangers  alhided  to,  of  whom 
the  Hebrews  might  take  usuryi,  or  interest,  for  lent 
victuals  or  lent  inoney,  as  it  is  specifically  stated  in 
Deut.  xxiii,  20,  but  not  of  their  brethren^  which  ap- 
pellation brother  always  meant  a  member  of  the  great 
confederacy  of  the  twelve  tribes,  and  nobody  else. 
That  this  was  the  case  res{)ecting  the  term  strangers, 
we  have  the  favoring  opinion  of  Adam  < '  arke,  in  his 
remark's  on  the  2  Chron.  xv,  9.  'i'he  text  reads  as 
follows:  "  And  he  (Asa)  «^athered  all  Judah  and  Ben- 
jamin, and  {\\fi  strangers  with  iliQwionioi  Ephraini, 
Manassah  and  iSimeon.'^ 


From  this  it  is  clear  that  members  of  the  twelve 
tribes  were  called  strangers^  if  dwelling  at  a  distance 
from  Judea,  or  the  capital,  who  were  not  to  be  charg- 
ed with  usury  on  any  account,  while  other  strangers 
should  be.  Of  their  brethren,  therefore,  they  could 
not  take  usury,  but  of  all  strangers  they  might,  wheth- 
er black,  white  or  red. 

But  of  no  stranger  did  the  law  of  Moses  allow 
bo?id  men  or  bond  maids  to  be  made,  except  of  the 
negro  or  Haniite  race,  for  to  that  people  alone  did  the 
curse  of  servitude  refer,  which  fact  was  as  well 
known  to  Moses  as  to  God,  and  all  the  Hebrew  tribes, 
as  well  as  to  the  people  of  Ham  themselves,  with  all 
other  nations. 

That  the  law  of  Moses  did  not  allow  of  any 
stranger  being  oppressed  in  the  matter  of  slavery, 
who  were  not  of  the  race  of  Ham,  is  shown.  Exodus 
xxii,  21,  where  it  is  written,  "thou  shalt  neither  vex 
a  stranger  nor  oppress  him  :  for  ye  were  strangers  in 
the  land  of  Egypt."  Arid  yet  for  the  very  purpose 
of  oppressing  and  vexing  the  negro  Canaanites,  the 
Jews  were  sent  into  the  land  of  Canaan,  by  which  it 
is  most  evident,  that  the  term  stranger  in  the  law 
did  not  apply  to  that  people,  the  Canaanites,  in  the 
palliative  or  merciful  sense. 

But  how  is  this  1  says  one  ;  the  text  just  now  quo- 
ted out  of  Exodus  xxii,  21,  straightly  says,  that  no 
stranger  should  be  oppressed  nor  vexed,  and  yet,  from 
Levit.  XXV,  45,  it  appears  that  strangers  might  be 
sold  and  bought  for  slaves  or  bondmen;  is  not  this  a 
plain  contradiction,  one  text  forbidding  the  oppression 
of  a  stranger?  and  another  allowing  it,  and  both  pas- 


sages  written  in  the  same  law,  and  apparently  about 
the  same  thing. 

The  following  is  the  solution,  or,  as  it  appears  to 
the  mind  of  the  writer,  there  is  no  solution  at  all  to 
these  seemingly  contradictory  scriptures. 

When  Moses  in  the  law,  and  at  the  25th  division 
or  chapter  of  the  part  called  Leviticus^  had  made  an 
end  of  his  remarks  and  directions  about  various  kinds 
of  servants,  with  other  matters,  introduced  a  new 
subject  (see  verse  44),  namely,  that  of  unqualified 
slavery,  or  of  bond  servants,  which  he  commences  as 
follows :  "  Both  thy  bondmen  and  thy  bondmaids 
which  thou  shalt  have,  shall  be  of  the  heathen  that 
are  round  about  you ;  of  them  shall  ye  buy,  bond- 
men a7id  bondm,aids" 

In  this  passage  it  is  clear,  that  the  law  of  Moses 
peremptorily  directed,  that  all  their  perpetual  slaves, 
or  bond  servants,  should  be  procured  from  among  the 
heathen  negro  race,  the  very  people  to  whom  the  curse 
of  Noah  referred,  and  are  always  referred  to  as  hea- 
thens,  whether  Canaanites,  Egyptians,  Lybians  or 
Ethiopians,  all  of  whom  are  referred  to  as  heathen, 
in  the  most  emphatic  sense  of  the  word,  in  the  law. 

The  terms  gentile  and  heathen,  as  used  in  the 
Scriptures,  seems  always  to  be  of  synonymous  import; 
but  in  the  law  of  Moses  it  would  appear  that  the 
word  heathen  designated  solely  the  people  of  Canaan, 
and  the  other  branches  of  the  negro  race.  The  term 
gentile  is  not  found  in  any  of  the  books  of  the  law 
of  Moses,  properly  so  called;  for  the  book  of  Genesis 
is  not  to  be  numbered  as  any  part  of  the  law  or  code 
of  that  legislator.     The  law  does  not  properly  com- 


mence  until  the  book  of  Exodus,  and  runs  through  the 
remaining /owr,  commonly  called  the  books  of  Moses. 

On  account  of  the  absence  of  the  word  or  term 
gentile,  in  the  books  of  the  law,  properly  so  called 
(for  the  book  of  Genesis  is  but  a  narrative  or  history 
of  the  first  ages  of  the  earth,  and  no  part  of  the  law), 
we  conclude  that  the  word  heathen,  as  used  in  the 
law  by  Moses,  referred  solely  to  the  Canaanites,  and 
to  their  race,  the  blacks  or  negroes  in  general.  We 
are  the  more  confirmed  in  this  opinion,  because  Mo- 
ses himself  calls  the  people  of  Japheth,  who  were 
white  men,  gentiles.     See  Genesis  x,  5. 

In  that  chapter,  namely,  the  10th,  Moses  has  given 
an  account  of  three  races  of  men,  the  sons  of  Noah, 
and  what  they  were  called  as  nations.  In  this  ac- 
count, which  is  the  eldest  of  all  history,  at  the  5th 
verse  of  the  chapter  above  named,  the  descendants 
of  Japheth  are  called  gentiles,  in  distinction  from 
the  other  two  races,  those  of  Shem  and  Ham. 

In  after  ages,  however,  the  terms  gentile  and  hea- 
then seem  to  have  become  synonymous,  as  referring 
to  all  the  people  of  the  globe,  except  the  Jews.  But 
in  the  law  the  word  gentile  does  not  occur.  The 
word  heathen,  therefore,  as  used  by  Moses,  referred 
exclusively  at  that  time  to  the  negro  race,  and  to  no 
other  people:  this  opinion  cannot  be  refuted. 

The  term  heathen  therefore  as  used  in  the  law,  re- 
ferred entirely  to  the  race  of  Ham,  who  had  been  judi 
cial  1  y  condemned  to  a  condition  of  servitude,  more  i  han 
eight  hundred  years- before  the  giving  of  the  law,  by 
the  mouth  of  Noah,  the  medium  of  the  Holy  Ghost. 

The  law  was  given  from  Mount  Sinai,  which  was 


southwaid  from  Canaan.  Now  Moses  said  in  the 
law,  that  when  they  (the  Jews),  should  come  into  that 
country^  that  of  the  heathen  round  about  them,  they 
should  make  hondmen,  or  slaves  of  the  people  in 
those  regions ;  and  as  there  were  no  other  people  in- 
habiting old  Canaan  but  the  negroes  of  the  race  of 
Ham,  it  is  certain  that  by  the  term  heathen^  no  other 
people  were  alluded  to. 

In  the  time  of  St.  Paul,  the  term  gentile  (as  in 
the  days  of  Noah,  see  Gen.  x,  5)  referred  to  the  na- 
tions of  the  white  race;  as  it  is  written  by  that  apos- 
tle, in  several  of  his  letters  to  the  churches,  that  he 
was  the  apostle  of  the  gentiles.  Can  it  be  shown 
that  Paul  ever  preached  to  a  negro  people  at  all?  If 
not,  then  it  follows  that  the  word  gentile,  still  refer- 
red to  white  men,  in  his  time,  as  to  Greeks,  Romans, 
Gauls,  Italians,  Spaniards,  and  other  nations  of  the 
north,  but  never  to  the  negro  race. 

The  strangers,  therefore,  to  whom  Moses  alluded 
in  Levit.  xxv,  45,  were  the  people  of  Ham,  in  all 
countries,  whether  Canaan,  Egypt,  Ethiopia,  Lybia, 
or  any  other  country  or  place  inhabited  by  negroes. 

This  distinction  is  made  still  more  clear  by  St.  Luke 
xxi,  24,  where  the  power  which  was  finally  to  de- 
stroy Jerusalem,  is  called  "  the  gentiles, ^^  who,  it  is  wcli 
known,  were  the  Romans,  an  empire  of  white  men. 
This  is  further  proven  from  the  statement  of  that 
apostle,  in  Acts  xxviii,  28,  who,  while  at  Rome,  was  a 
prisoner.  In  that  passage  it  is  said  that  as  the  Jews 
rejected  the  gospel,  that  he  should  turn  to  the  gerir 
tiles,  and  that  they  would  receive  it.  Paul  was  then 
in  the  very  heart  of  the  Roman  or  gentile  states, 


and,  therefore,  of  necessity,  proves  tliat  the  term  sig- 
nified no  other  race,  but  that  of  the  whites. 

This  verse,  therefore,  the  45th,  of  the  25th  of  Le- 
viticus, must  be  considered  as  the  context  or  guide, 
in  relation  to  the  word  stranger  on  this  subject;  con- 
sequently, in  verse  the  46th,  the  one  which  follows 
the  text  above  quoted,  is  qualijied  by  the  first.  It 
so,  then  the  word  stranger,  there  used,  refers  not  to 
any  of  the  Shemite  or  Japhethic  races,  but  only  to 
the  heathen  race  of  Ham. 

With  tJiis  view,  all  is  made  right,  the  stranger  of 
Exodus  xxii,  21,  signifying  all  people  not  of  the  ne- 
gro race;  while  the  stranger  of  Leviticus  xxv,  45, 
refers  to  all  negroes,  or  people  of  Ham,  though  not 
strictly  Canaanites,  as,  doubtless,  there  were  among 
the  Canaanites  always,  more  or  less,  people,  families, 
and  even  whole  tribes,  of  the  other  families  of  Ham's 
Uneage,  such  as  Egyptians,  Lybians  and  Ethiopians, 
who  might  properly  be  denominated  strangers  in 
Canaan,  or  heathens  of  those  descents  from  other 
countries  than  those  of  Canaan.  Thus  we  have  re- 
conciled the  two  contradicting  passages,  as  we  be- 
lieve, in  the  estimation  of  all  candid  men. 

Having  thus  cleared  up  a  difficulty  in  the  law  of 
Moses,  which  has  misled  many  a  fierce  abolition 
writer,  and  probably  others,  we  pass  to  the  main  sub- 
ject, that  of  ascertaining  whether  the  law  of  Moses 
did  indorse  and  inculcate  the  doctrine  of  the  curse 
of  Noah  upon  the  children  of  Ham,  which  we  affirm 
was  the  fact.  The  proof  of  this  is  direct  and  unequiv- 
ocal, furnished  from  the  law  of  that  great  legislator 
of  the  Jews,  Moses,  who  was  the  immediate  agent 


of  Jehovah  himself  to  that  people.  See  Lcvit.  xxv, 
from  the  44th  to  the  46th  verse  inclusive,  which  reads 
as  follows : 

"  Both  thy  bond  men  and  thy  bond  maids  which 
thou  shalt  have,  shall  be  of  the  heathen  that  are  round 
about ;  of  them  shall  ye  buy  [not  hire]  bond  men  and 
bond  maids.  Moreover,  of  the  children  of  the  stran- 
gers [that  is,  the  children  of  negroes,  foreign  to  Ca- 
naan, who  might  be  dwelling  among  the  Canaanites], 
that  do  [or  may]  sojourn  with  you,  of  them  shall  ye 
buy  [children],  and  of  their  families  that  are  with 
you,  which  they  beget  [or  might  beget]  in  your  land 
[Canaan,  after  the  Jews  should  possess  it],  and  they 
shall  be  your  possession.  And  ye  shall  take  them  as 
an  inheritance  for  your  children  after  you,  to  inherit 
them  as  a  possession :  they  shall  be  your  bond  men 
forever  V^ 

Was  this  buying  the  children  of  the  heathen  Ca- 
naanites, and  using  them  as  bond  men  and  bond 
maids,  or,  in  other  words,  as  slaves,  nothing,  after  all, 
but  a  privilege  granted  by  Moses  to  the  Hebrews  of 
hiring  them — as  is  pretended  by  abolitionists,  in  or- 
der to  get  rid  of  the  force  of  those  passages  of  the  law 
in  support  of  the  enslaving  the  negro  race  1 

But  men  as  wise  as  any  of  these,  even  Clarke 
and  Benson,  in  their  renowned  commentaries  of  the 
Scriptures,  have  not  gainsaid  their  meaning  in  this 
particular:  these  champions  of  knowledge,  though 
English  abolitionist,  pass  entirely  over  those  extraor- 
dinary passages  without  one  solitary  remark.  This 
strange  omission  is,  in  our  opinion,  as  much  as  if  they 
had  said  that  the  fact  of  the  indorsement  of  the  law 


of  Moses  upon  the  curse  of  Noah,  in  relation  to  the 
people  of  Ham,  is  here  incontrovertibly  made  out,  on 
which  account,  they  were  not  bold  enough,  though 
abolitionists,  to  contradict  that  decision  of  heaven. 

How  is  it  that  Adam  Clarke,  who  was  the  most 
learned  man  in  Christendom,  and  a  man  who  has 
criticised,  wisely  and  profoundly,  on  almost  every 
verse  of  the  Holy  Scriptures,  and  particularly  on  those 
involving  the  most  difficult  subjects,  should  have  thus 
passed  silently  over  this  remarkable  trait  in  the  book 
of  the  law?  Had  he  considered  that  portion  of  the 
holy  text  above  his  comprehension,  or  beyond  the 
reach  of  human  understanding,  and  as  containing 
matter  too  obscure  for  the  lights  of  science  and  criti- 
cism to  penetrate,  he  would  have  said  as  much ;  but 
this  he  has  not  done. 

Other  commentators,  however,  have  not  thus  with- 
lield  their  opinions  on  these  passages,  although  the 
doctrine  contained  in  them  is  exceedingly  repulsive 
to  the  minds  of  many.  Among  such  as  have  ven- 
tured an  opinion  is  Dr.  John  Gill,  a  Baptist  common 
tator  on  the  Holy  Scriptures,  of  great  learning,  who 
wrote  before  the  times  of  abolitionism.  This  divine 
has  boldly  asserted,  as  every  unprejudiced  reader 
would  do,  that  the  Hebrews,  in  those  three  famous 
verses  of  the  law,  were  allowed  to  have  real  bond 
men,  or  slaves.  The  following  are  his  words  on  the 
46th  verse  of  the  25th  chapter  of  Leviticus,  which 
reads:  "And  ye  shall  take  them  as  an  inheritance 
for  yoiu:  children  after  you."  Such  servants  "they 
might  leave  at  their  death  to  be  inherited,  as  they 
did  their  estates  and  lands;   for  such  servants  are 


(says  Gill)  esteemed  by  the  Jews  to  be  like  immove- 
able property,  as  fields,  vineyards,  &c.,  to  inherit 
them  for  a  possession  as  their  property,  like  any  thing 
else  that  was  bequeathed  to  them,  as  negroes  now 
are  in  our  plantations  abroad :  they  were  to  be  their 
bond  men  for  ever,  and  not  to  be  released  at  the  year 
of  Jubilee." 

The  above  is  a  true  comment;  for  in  every  age 
the  Jews,  as  well  as  the  more  ancient  Hebrews,  theii 
ancestors,  have  reckoned  their  bond  slaves  as  prop- 
erty ;  and  thus  every  commentator,  in  every  age  and 
language,  upon  the  Holy  Scriptures,  have  determined, 
except  of  late,  as  in  the  persons  of  all  abolitionists. 

Respecting  the  opinions  and  speculations  of  some 
of  these  men,  who  are  the  leaders  of  the  party,  and 
agitators  of  the  subject  of  negro  emancipation  in 
America,  we  give  the  following  as  their  views  of  the 
meaning  of  the  law  of  Moses,  as  it  regards  bond 

See  a  series  of  pamphlets,  entitled  "The  Bible 
against  Slavery,"  1838.  This  writer  dashes  boldly 
into  the  matter,  and  at  once  settles  the  subject  for 
ever.  Of  this  work,  see  a  note,  page  9,  4th  edition, 
which  reads  as  follows:  "  The  Bible  record  oil  actions 
is  no  comment  on  their  moral  character.  It  vouches 
for  them  as  mere  facts,  not  as  virtues.  It  records 
without  rebuke,  Noah's  drunkenness.  Lot's  incest, 
and  the  lies  of  Jacob  and  his  mother,  not  only  single 
acts,  but  usages,  such  as  polygamy  and  concubinage; 
all  these  are  entered  on  the  divine  record  without 
censure.  Is  that  sile7it  entry  God's  mdorsement? 
Because  the  Bible,  in  its  catalogue  of  human  actions, 

I'OiiTUNUS.   OP  THE    NEGRO  RACE.  119 

does  not  stamp  on  every  crime  its  name  and  number, 
and  write — this  is  a  crime,  does  that  wash  out  its 
guilt  and  bleach  it  into  a  virtue?" 

The  writer  of  the  note  above  alhided  to  is  combat- 
ing the  behef  which  has  always  been  entertained  from 
the  reading  of  the  passages  in  the  25th  of  Leviticus, 
as  above  quoted,  that  the  Hebrews  m,ight,  if  they 
would,  enslave  the  people  of  old  Canaan,  and  endeav 
ors  to  give  them  another  meaning.  He  informs  the 
reader,  in  that  note,  that  the  statements  of  Moses,  on 
the  subject  of  slavery,  as  they  related  to  the  race  of 
Ham,  were  nothing  but  a  record  of  crimes,  written 
against  his  countrymen  for  thus  enslaving  the  Cana^n- 
ites — and  this  is  the  opinion  of  all  abolitionists. 

He  allows,  it  is  true,  that  Moses  did  not  6/ame  the 
Hebrews  for  enslaving  the  Canaanites  and  the  stran- 
gers of  the  Hamite  race  dwelling  among  them,  but 
that  he  made  an  entry  in  the  book  of  the  law  of  that 
dreadful  sin ;  but  that  entry  was  not  an  approval — it 
was  a  record  only  of  the  crime. 

The  above  is  a  most  singular  opinion,  and  has  as 
much  of  the  dust  of  sophistry  in  its  composition  as 
any  written  remarks  we  have  ever  met  with.  To 
perceive  this,  we  have  only  to  recollect  that  when 
that  permissive  trait  of  the  law  of  Moses  was  given, 
was  more  than  forty  years  before  the  Jews  got  pos- 
session of  the  country  of  Canaan;  how,  therefore, 
could  the  remarks  of  Moses,  which  are  found  in  Lev. 
XXV,  44 — 46,  be  a  record  of  the  crime  of  slavery, 
when  the  thing  alluded  to,  prospectively,  had  not  as 
yet  been  done  by  forty  years  or  more.  After  the 
giving  of  the  law  from  Mount  Sinai,  it  was  more  thai) 



forty  years  before  the  Hebrews,  under  the  conduct  of 
Joshua,  went  through  the  river  Jordan  into  the  prom- 
ised land. 

Those  famous  passages,  therefore,  are  not  a  record 
of  what  had  been  done  aheady,  but  of  what  might 
be  done  when  they  should  come  to  possess  the  coun 
try  of  old  Canaan ;  avoid  this  conclusion  he  that  can. 

But  further,  we  shall  show  the  marks  of  a  reckless 
hand,  as  detailed  in  the  pamphlet  above  alluded  to, 
where  the  Scriptures  are  shown  up,  as  affording  no 
reproof  for  certain  wicked  actions  of  certain  wicked 
men,  as  held  by  abolitionists,  such  as  Noah  in  his 
drimkenness,  Lot  in  his  incest,  and  the  lies  of  Jacob 
and  his  mother,  as  well  as  the  polygamy  of  the  pa- 
triarchs ;  all  of  which  are  entered  as  a  mere  record 
without  censure,  says  this  writer. 

But  such  is  not  the  fact;  for  the  Scriptures  say 
that  no  drunkard  can  inherit  the  kingdom  of  heaven, 
1  Cor.  vi,  9,  ]0,  nor  incestuous  person  or  fornicator. 
In  Deut.  xxi,  20,  it  is  said,  that  if  a  son  was  a  *  *  *  * 
drunkard,  he  should  be  stoned  to  death.  This  is  a 
reproof  of  those  crimes  with  a  vengeance. 

We  could  multiply,  even  from  the  Old  Testament, 
reproofs  for  sins  of  the  kinds  above  named. 

As  to  'polygamy,  the  Scriptures  do  no  where  say 
that  a  man  might  have  more  than  one  wife,  neither 
m  the  Old  nor  the  New  Testament.  By  the  Savior, 
it  is  strictly  or  impliedly  forbidden.  Matt,  xix,  5 — 8; 
and  was  it  not  the  Savior,  Jesus  Christ,  who  gave  the 
law  from  Sinai  to  Moses  and  the  Jews?  Is  it  hkely, 
therefore,  that  Christ  in  the  law  would  allow  polyg- 
amy by  a  direct  precept,  when  he  has  said,  in  the 


verses  above  quoted,  that  from  the  beginning  it  was 
not  so? 

It  is  true,  however,  that  Moses,  in  the  law,  did 
suppose  (Deut.  xxi,  15)  the  case  of  a  man  having  two 
wives,  and  has  there  prescribed  certain  regulations 
respecting  the  children  of  such  wives,  but  does  not, 
in  so  many  words,  any  where  say  that  his  people 
might  have  more  wives  than  one  at  a  time,  nor  had 
Moses  himself  ever  but  one  wife.  It  is  true,  also, 
that  he  gave  a  power  to  the  Jews  to  put  away  a  wife 
by  divorce,  who  did  not  please  them ;  but  even  this  al- 
lowance was  done  out  of  mercy  to  the  woman ;  for  on 
this  very  subject  Jesus  Christ  said  that  Moses  allowed 
it  to  be  done  on  account  of  the  hardness  of  their 
hearts,  or  cruelty  to  their  wives :  but  from  the  begin- 
ning it  was  not  true  that  a  man  might  have  a  plu- 
rality of  wives.  On  this  subject,  the  Savior  founds 
his  argument  against  polygamy,  namely,  that  Grod, 
or  himself,  who  was  God,  in  the  beginning  made  them 
male  and  female,  and  married  them  to  each  other, 
adding,  that  as  God  had  put  them  together  by  mar- 
riage, that  no  man  could,  legally  or  morally,  put  them 
asunder,  except  for  but  one  cause  only.  Are  we, 
therefore,  to  imagine  that  the  author  of  both  codes  of 
law,  the  Gospel  and  the  Pentateuch,  would  thus  con- 
tradict his  own  eternal  views  of  morahty?  Accord- 
ingly, there  is  found  no  such  admission  in  the  law 
of  Moses,  but  exactly  the  contrary. 

It  is  true,  however,  that  polygamy  was  practiced 
to  a  great  extent  during  all  the  ages  of  the  Jewish 
history ;  but  the  writer  of  these  pages  is  not  prepared 
to  say  that  the  law  of  God  allowed  it,  or  that  the 


I  Scriptures,  even  of  the  Old  Testament,  have  not  re- 

I  proved  it,  but  otherwise  ;  for  it  is  written  by  Nehe- 

'  miah,  xiii,  26,  that  Solomon,  who  had  many  wives, 

I  sinned  against  God  and  his  own  soul  by  doing  so. 

!  This  passage   we  consider  a  direct  censure  of  the 

j  practice,  as  well  as  the  remarks  of  the  Savior,  in 

Matt,  xix,  5,  who  said  that  it  was  not  so  from  the 
i  beginning,  and,  consequently,  could  not  have  been 

I  allowed  in  the  old  law.     See  Deut.  xvii,  17,  where  it 

is  written,  that  when  the  people  of  the  Hebrews  should 
I  come  to  possess  the  country  of  Canaan,  and  they 

!  should  desire  a  king,  one  from  among  their  brethren 

of  the  twelve  tribes,  he  was  not  to  multiply  wives. 
Two  is  a  multiplication  of  one.  More  wives  than 
one,  therefore,  was  forbidden  by  the  law  of  Moses, 
and  although  that  good  trait  of  the  law  was  never  so 
!  much  violated  in  that  respect  by  all  the  Jews  under 

I  heaven  in  those  ages,  yet  this  does  not  make  it  out 

I  that  the  Scriptures  allowed  polygamy,  or  did  not  re- 

prove the  practice  as  a  sin. 

But  the  author  of  the  note  above  alluded  to  ap- 
pears willing  to  have  it  pass  that  the  Scriptures  do 
not  reprove  sin,  especially  in  the  Old  Testament, 
even  though  the  sins  were  drunkenness,  polygamy, 
incest  and  lying,  but  merely  speaks  of  them  as  a 
simple  entry  or  record  of  such  deeds  and  acts.  This 
mighty  stretch  of  opinion  is  introduced  in  order  that 
the  reader  may  be  led  to  believe  that  when  Moses, 
in  the  law,  has  said  that  the  Hebrews  should  buy 
their  bond  men  of  the  heathen,  has  only  made  a  re- 
cord of  that  great  crime  in  this  particular.  To  carry 
out  and  to  impress  this  belief,  the  author  of  that 


series  of  pamphlets  and  of  the  note  in  question,  does 
not  hesitate  to  call  Noah  a  drunkard,  and  Lot  an 
incestuous  person — two  men,  among  ^?;e,  of  the  most 
holy  named  on  the  pages  of  the  divine  oracles. 

But  as  it  relates  to  these  two  men,  Noah  and  Lot, 
we  maintain  that  they  were  not  sinners  in  the  alledged 
transactions.  Noah,  as  we  have  said  before,  was  an 
aged  man,  being  over  six^imndred  years  old  when  he 
drank  the  wine  spoken  of  by  Moses,  Ger^.  ix,  21 ;  its 
effects,  therefore,  were  undoubtedly  wholly  unfore- 
seen by  him,  as  by  that  time  the  iron  nerves  of  his 
youth  and  maturer  years  were  beginning  to  be  re- 
duced by  weakness  and  the  disabilities  of  age.  A 
very  little  wine,  therefore,  might  have  disposed  him 
to  sleep,  a  condition  far  enough  from  a  debauch,  or 
an  intended  wreckless  inebriation :  if  so,  then  he  was 
no  sinner  in  that  affair,  nor  does  the  Scriptures  inti- 
mate any  such  thing. 

Had  Noah  been  wickedly  intoxicated,  is  it  likely 
that  the  Holy  Ghost  would  have  communed  with  and 
mspired  him,  respecting  the  fortunes  of  mankind, 
who  were  to  descend  from  his  three  sons,  whose  every 
word,  on  that  occasion,  Heaven  had  seen  fit  to  fulfill  ? 

Neither  was  Lot  a  sinner,  in  the  affair  of  his 
daughters ;  for  the  Scriptures  plainly  state  (Gen.  xix, 
33-35),  that  when  his  daughters  appoached  him  in 
an  improper  way,  he  perceived  it  not,  when  they  lay 
down  with  him,  nor  when  they  arose.  There  was 
no  sin,  therefore,  in  that  transaction,  on  the  part  of 
Lot,  as  his  mind  did  not  consent  to  the  deed,  nor  his 
perceptions  take  cognizance  of  the  act.     As  to  his 


drinking  too  much  on  that  occasion,  there  can  be  no 
doubt  but  his  daughters  contrived  some  way  to  de- 
ceive him,  by  mixing  wine  with  his  food,  or  drink  of 
water,  till  he  became  senseless. 

As  to  the  case  of  Jacob,  in  the  matter  of  his  lying 

to  his  father,  when  he  said  that  Aejwas  the  man  Esau, 

this  was  far  enough  from  being  a  good  act,  but  was 

actually  a  wicked  one. 

But  was  not  this  sin  reproved  during  the  night,  in 

\  which  he  slept  on  the  mountain,  at  which  time  he  was 

tf  A  •'VV'X     converted  to  God  by  the  operation  of  the  Holy  Ghost, 

when  he  had  the  dream  of  the  celestial  ladder,  and 

when  he  awoke  and  said:  "6rorf  is  in  this  place,  and 

I  knew  it  not  J'     Gen.  xxviii,  16. 

I  Surely,  this  account  is  something  more  than  a 

mere  silent  entry  of  the  sin  of  lying,  as  it  is  a  tacit 

i  record  at  least  of  the  reproof,  for  how  could  it  be 

I  pardoned  except  reproved  and  repented  of?   And  be- 

1  sides,  do  not  the  Divine  oracles  every  where  reprove 

all  liars,  and  in  the  New  Testament  threaten  them 

with  hell  fire? 

Thus  briefly  have  we  endeavored  to  rescue  the 
character  of  the  Bible,  and  the  characters  of  two 
good  and  holy  men,  Noah  and  Lot,  from  the  asper- 
sions of  a  lawless  pen — which  pen,  for  no  other  pur- 
pose in  the  world,  than  by  any  means  to  getvit  to  be 
believed  that  Moses  did  not,  in  the  law,  allow  of  di- 
rect slavery,  has  been  willing  thus  to  write,  and  to 
mystify  the  minds  of  readers,  attempting  to  show 
that  Moses,  in  all  that  he  has  said  on  the  subject  of 
slavery,  has  merely  made  a  record  of  the  crime,  with- 
out reproof;  though,  as  it  happened,  the  crime  was 



not  perpetrated  till  some  forty  years  or  more  after  the 
record  was  made,  as  above  remarked. 

But  we  pass  from  this  to  another  particular  opin- 
ion of  the  author  of  "The  Bible  against  Slavery." 
See  No.  6  of  this  series  of  pamphlets,  year  1838,  p. 
17,  and  onward  to  the  end  of  the  chapter,  where  the 
word  BUY,  as  used  by  Moses,  in  relation  to  the  He- 
brews making  slaves  of  the  Canaanites  by  purchase, 
is  shown  by  that  writer,  according  to  his  mode  of 
reasoning,  to  mean,  after  all,  nothing  but  to  hire,  in- 
stead of  buy.  Vast  pains  are  taken  by  the  writer  of 
that  work  to  show  that  because  the  word  bui/  is 
sometimes  used  in  the  Scripture  phraseology  in  ap- 
plication to  some  things  which  could  not  be  sold,  as 
wisdom,  &c.,  that  therefore,  the  word  buy,  as  used 
by  Moses,  when  he  said  the  Hebrews  might  buy  the 
children  of  the  heathen  negroes  for  slaves,  did  not 
mean  purchase,  but  rather  signified  a  reciprocal  con- 
tract, entered  into  between  the  parents  of  such  chil- 
dren and  adult  persons  thus  bought,  and  was,  there- 
fore, but  a  conditional  bargain  after  all,  which,  if  no* 
fulfilled  on  the  part  of  the  buyer,  rendered  the  bar- 
gain null  and  void. 

Could  this  position  be  fairly  sustained,  the  fact  of 
real  slavery,  as  supposed  to  have  been  practiced 
among  the  Hebrews,  by  the  authority  of  their  law^ 
would  cease  to  exist;  but  thus  Moses  does  not  state 
the  case.  In  relation  to  bondmen,  there  was  no  con- 
dition, except  that  if  a  master  should  in  anger  smite 
out  a  tooth  or  an  eye  of  his  servant,  then  he  might  go 
free  for  his  tooth  or  his  eye's  sake,  but  there  was  no 
other  condition  by  which  he  could  go  free,  in  the  ey« 


of  tha.t  law,  or  be  absolved  from  the  condition  of  a 
slave  or  legal  property. 

If  they  were  but  once  bought,  they  became  per- 
petual slaves,  to  be  inherited  by  the  heirs  of  those 
who  bought  them,  and  of  necessity  liable  to  be  sold 
again,  whenever  the  owner  should  please  to  do  so. 
This  is  the  full,  complete  and  unambiguous  meaning 
of  the  46th  verse  of  the  xxvth  of  Leviticus,  and  all 
the  parallel  places  in  the  book  of  the  law.  Thus 
reads  the  passage :  '■'■And  ye  shall  take  them,  as  an 
inheritance  for  your  children  after  you,  to  inherit  for 
a  possession  ;  they  shall  be  your  bondmen  forever!" 

The  words  inherit  and  possession  are  here  used  in 
the  same  property-sense  in  no  wise  differing  from 
their  use,  when  spoken  in  the  promise  of  God  to  Abra- 
ham, Isaac,  Jacob  and  the  Hebrews,  respecting  the 
possession  of  the  land  of  Canaan,,  which  w^as  to  be 
their  real  inheritance  and  possession  forever,  as  soon 
as  the  time  should  come  when  they  should  enter 
upon  it  by  conquest.  This  was  all  in  futurity 
when  promised,  as  it  respected  the  land  of  the  Canaan- 
ites ;  so  also  was  the  promise  of  the  bodies  of  the 
inhabitants  for  slaves — one  was  equally  as  much  a 
promise  as  was  the  other— of  such  as  should  not  be 
slain  in  the  subjugation  of  the  country :  there  was  no 

Now,  to  carry  out  this  notion  of  the  above  men- 
tioned pamphlets  on  the  idea  of  the  word  buy,  oi 
possession,  being  no  more  than  the  word  hire  or  con- 
tract, then  the  pjoruised  possession  of  the  country  of 
i;anaan  would,  after  all,  amount  to  nolJiing  more  than 
»o  '•ent  it,  while  <»he  fee  simple  would  have  still  re- 


fliained  in  the  hands  of  the  Canaanites,  who,  instead 
of  being  slaves,  and  the  possession  o€  the  Hebrews, 
would  in  reality  have  been  the  lords  of  the  Hebrews. 

The  promise  of  the  country  of  Canaan  to  the  prog- 
eny of  Abraham  by  Isaac,  is  multiplied  in  the  old 
Scriptures  almost  without  end,  in  the  words  inherit- 
ance^ possession,  <fec.  Were  those  words  making 
out  those  promises  used  in  a  delusive  or  uncertain 
sense,  as  if  the  possession  of  that  country  by  the 
Hebrews,  depended  on  the  acquiescetice  of  the  Ca- 
naanites ;  but  if  not,  then  are  the  same  words  as  used 
by  Moses  in  the  law,  giving  the  persons  of  the  Ca- 
naanites to  be  an  inheritance  and  di.  possession  oi  xYie 
same  force  and  meaning  that  they  are  when  used  in 
relation  to  the  land,  notwithstanding  the  dodging  of 
abolition  writers  about  the  words  buy  and  sell. 

If  the  sense  of  this  word,  buy,  in  its  most  ordinary 
meaning,  is  turned  aside  in  its  application  to  the  case 
in  hand,  then  in  a  moment  a  multitude  of  the  Scrip- 
ture history  of  transactions  between  buyers  and  sel- 
lers, are  rendered  uncertain  and  doubtful.  To  give 
a  few  cases  in  prosecution  of  the  idea,  as  follows : 

The  sons  of  Jacob  went  to  Egypt  to  buy  corn  for 
their  families — Gen.  xlii,  2.  Jacob  bought  a  field  of 
the  Shechemites,  in  the  land  of  Canaan,  long  before 
the  time  of  Moses,  for  a  hundred  pieces  of  money- 
Gen,  xxxiii,  18, 19.  There  also  was  the  case  of  Jo- 
seph, who  was  sold  to  the  Ishmaelites,  for  twenty 
pieces  of  silver — Gen.  xxxvii,  28 ;  who  was  again 
sold  to  Potiphar,  in  Egypt — Gen.  xxxix,  1. 

In  process  of  time,  this  Joseph  bought  all  the  land 
of  Egypt,  from  the  Egyptians,  for  the  Icing,  on  ac- 


count  of  the  famine — Geii.  xlvii,  20.  In  all  these 
cases  the  usucfl  terms  of  buy  and  sell  as  commonly 
applied  in  traffic,  are  resorted  to,  although  one  of 
these  cases  was  the  sale  of  the  body  and  person  of  a 
man,  namely,  Joseph,  or  the  thing  bought,  the  same 
as  any  other  goods  or  chattels. 

During  this  famine,  Joseph  not  only  bought  all  the 
land  of  Egypt,  but  he  also  bought  the  Egyptians 
themselves,  men,  women  and  children,  for  corn. 

Respecting  the  case  of  the  Egyptians,  we  will  give 
the  whole  account,  that  the  reader  may  judge  wheth- 
er Joseph  did  actually  buy  the  Egyptians  as  a  man 
would  buy  any  thing  else.  See  Gen.  xlvii,  from  the 
15th  to  the  26th  verse  inclusive. 

And  when  money  failed  in  all  the  land  of  Egypt, 
all  the  Egyptians  came  to  Joseph,  and  said:  give  us 
corn,  for  why  should  we  die  in  thy  presence,  for  the 
money  faileth.  And  Joseph  said,  give  your  cattle, 
and  I  will  give  you  food  for  your  cattle  if  money 
fail  [was  not  this  a  goods  and  chattels  bargain?]. 
And  they  brought  their  cattle  unto  Joseph,  and  Jo- 
seph gave  them  bread  in  exchange  for  horses,  and 
for  flocks,  and  for  the  cattle  of  the  herds,  and  for  the 
asses — and  he  bought  with  bread  all  the  cattle  that 

But  to  this  account,  Josephus  adds,  that  with  the 
cattle  Joseph  bought  all  their  slaves.  From  this  fact, 
it  appears  that  the  Egyptians  had  slaves,  and  that 
they  sold  them  to  Joseph,  who  did  not  refuse  to  buy 
them,  which,  had  it  been  a  sin  to  do  so,  as  abolition- 
ists contend,  he  would  not  have  done  it,  famine  or  no 

FORTUNES,  OF  THE  >EGRO  RACE.       129 

J3ut  the  story  is  not  yet  finished ;  for  when  the 
year  was  at  an  end,  and  their  bread  was  gone,  for 
which  they  had  given  their  cattle  and  slaves,  they 
came  unto  Joseph  and  said,  "  We  will  not  hide  it, 
how  that  our  money  is  spent,  also  thou  hast  our  herds 
of  cattle ;  there  is  not  aught  left  in  the  sight  of  our 
lord  but  our  bodies  and  our  lands.  Wherefore  shall 
we  die  before  thine  eyes,  both  loe  and  our  lands ;  buy 
us  and  our  land  for  bread,  and  we  and  our  land  will 
be  servants  [slaves]  unto  Pharaoh.  And  Joseph 
bought  all  the  land  of  Egypt,  for  the  Egyptians  sold 
every  man  his  iield,  because  the  famine  prevailed 
over  them,  so  that  the  land  became  Pharaoh's  ;  and 
as  for  the  people,  he  removed  them  to  cities,  from  one 
end  of  the  borders  of  Egypt  even  to  the  other  end 
thereof,"  having  a  right  to  do  this  in  virtue  of  his 
purchase  of  iheir  bodies. 

Surely  this  was  a  bona  fide  contract,  equally  so 
with  any  other  bargain,  where  the  money  is  paid  for 
the  thing  bought.  And  why  should  not  this  have 
been  so,  as  there  is  no  doubt  but  the  king's  money, 
during  the  seven  years  of  plenty,  had  bought,  by  the 
management  of  Joseph,  all  the  grain  the  Egyptians 
had  to  spare,  which  he  laid  up  in  the  granaries  of  the 

This  grain,  therefore,  was  the  property  of  the  king, 
and  it  could  not  be  parted  with  without  an  equiva- 
lent, and  that  equivalent  was  had  in  money ^  cattle, 
slaves,  land,  and  finally  the  bodies  of  the  Egyptians 
themselves,  by  which  means  they  became  even  the 
slaves  of  Pharaoh. 

But  out  of  that  condition,  the  generosity  of  their 


king,  at  the  suggestion  of  his  chief  minister,  Joseph 
the  Hebrew,  delivered  them  by  making  them  an  of- 
fer. This  offer  was,  that  they  should  receive  seed  at 
his  hand,  and  should  sow  the  land  with  that  seed, 
and  should  forever  thereafter  give  to  Pharaoh  one- 
fifth  of  the  increase  as  the  price  of  their  redemption. 
That  this  was  a  generous  offer,  and  one  which  they 
might  think  themselves  happy  to  have  made  to  them, 
is  shown  from  the  remarks  of  Joseph  on  the  occasion, 
which  were  as  follows — Gen.  xlvii,  23,  "  Then  Jo- 
seph said  unto  the  people,  behold  I  have  bought  you 
this  day,  and  your  land  for  Pharaoh :  lo  !  here  is  seed, 
and  ye  shall  sow  the  land.  And  it  shall  come  to 
pass,  in  the  increase,  that  you  shall  give  \he  fifth  un- 
to Pharaoh,  and  four  parts  shall  be  your  own  for  the 
seed  of  the  field,  and  for  your  food,  and  for  your 
household,  and  for  food  for  your  little  ones." 

Was  this  a  reciprocal  agreement  between  Pharaoh 
and  the  people  1 — never.  It  was  a  case  of  the  most 
perfect  dictation  on  the  part  of  the  owner  of  the  peo- 
ple, in  which,  for  a  return  of  the  money  that  had 
been  laid  out  for  grain  during  the  seven  years'  fam- 
ine, Pharaoh  said  I  will  have  one-fifth  of  the  increase 
of  the  land  for  ever  (which  in  all  time  before  was 
not  the  case)  as  an  equivalent  for  my  money  and  its 

But  what  said  the  Egyptians  to  this  mandate  7 
Did  they  higgle  at  it,  as  men  will  do  in  making  bar- 
gains, when  the  parties  are  independent  of  each  other? 
No,  they  did  not,  as  there  was  no  alternative ;  but 
replied,  as  the  most  abject  suppliants,  "7%om  hast 
saved  our  lives;  let  us  find  grace  in  the  sight  of  our 


lord,  and  we  will  be  Pharaoh's  servants."  Here  the 
people  were  set  free  from  absolute  slavery,  and  exalt- 
ed to  the  character  of  vassals,  or  renters  of  the  land, 
which  Avas  not  their  condition  prior  to  the  famine — 
the  revenues  of  the  government  having  been  collected 
in  some  other  way. 

If  it  were  a  true  solution  of  the  matter  that  the 
word  bu'i/  signified,  in  ancient  times,  and  in  the  He- 
brew language,  the  law  of  Moses,  <fec.,  no  more  than 
to  hire,  excluding  a  third  person  in  such  a  transac- 
tion, then  it  would  follow  that  the  corn  which  the 
sons  of  Jacob  bought  in  Egypt  was  only  hired;  the 
parcel  of  land  bought  by  Jacob  of  the  Shechemites, 
for  a  certain  price  in  silver,  was  only  hired;  the  cave 
bought  by  Abraham  of  the  children  of  Heth  for  a 
place  of  burial,  fpr  so  much  money  by  weight,  was 
only  hired;  when  Joseph  was  sold  by  his  brethren 
to  the  Midianites,  who  bought  him  for  twenty  pieces 
of  silver,  it  was  nothing,  after  all,  but  hiring  him  out 
to  those  merchants. 

Were  this  the  true  sense  of  the  Scriptural  word 
bui/,  then,  indeed,  as  the  abolitionists  contend  in  their 
writings,  all  the  bondmen  of  the  negro  race  of  old 
Canaan  were  but  so  many  hired  men  and  hired  maids 
to  the  Hebrews.  As  to  the  word  bu7/,  in  all  lan- 
guages, no  matter  how  it  is  spoken,  or  how  it  sounds, 
the  true  and  highest  meaning  of  the  word  signifies 
to  purchase  any  thing  human  beings  traffic  in. 
No  matter  what  the  article  is,  as  the  power  of  cus- 
tom is  able  to  make  any  thing  an  article  of  trade 
which  is  tangible — a  human  being,  an  ox,  or  a  piece 
of  land.      After  this,  its  first,  highest  and  radical 

132       .  ORIGIN,  CHARACTER,  AND 

meaning,  there  are  a  number  of  other  matters  to 
which  the  word  buy  can  be  applied,  and  are  called 
its  accommodated,  or  secondary  uses  or  meanings. 
For  instance,  a  person's  education  macy  cost  much 
money,  and  yet,  as  education  is  not  a  tangible  thing, 
it  cannot  he  sold;  and  still  it  maybe  said  that  educa- 
tion was  bought,  even  with  money.  But  this  is  not 
strictly  and  literally  true  after  all,  as  all  the  money 
in  the  world  cannot  buy  a  man  an  education ;  it  is 
to  be  obtained  only  by  intellectual  exertions  and  in- 
dividual study.  In  a  case  like  this,  therefore,  the 
words  buy  and  bought  are  used  only  in  their  second 
ary,  figurative,  or  accommodated  uses. 

In  this  way  it  is  said  in  Scripture,  that  men  should 
buy  wisdom  and  sell  it  not ;  that  is,  do  not  make  an 
unwise  or  a  foolish  use  of  wisdoip,  or  cast  it  not 
away.  In  relation  to  the  means  of  man's  salvation, 
it  is  said  that  we  are  bought  with  a  price,  but  not 
with  money;  and  yet  we  are  actually  bought  from 
immediate  death,  and  eternal  non-existence,  in  the 
loins  of  Adam  when  he  fell,  by  the  blood  of  the  prom- 
ised Messiah,  prospectively  shed  for  the  race  of  man 
before  the  world  was  made;  or  we  should  never 
have  had  any  existence  at  all,  Adam  and  Eve  alone 

The  practice  of  the  Jews,  in  paying  to  the  priest- 
hood of  their  worship  redemption  money  for  their 
souls  (see  Numbers  xviii,  15,  and  iii,  45,  51),  was  in 
some  sense,  no  doubt,  a  typical  thing — alluding  to 
the  need  every  man  has  of  a  Redeemer's  blood, \o 
save  his  soul,  and  was  also  given  in  support  of  the 
worsh'p  of  the  altar,  where  Jehovah  was  adored. 


JS*)w,  what  though  money  was  paid  in  this  and  the 
other  cases,  as  mentioned  above,  yet  there  was  no 
transaction  of  the  trafficking  character,  as  is  the  fact 
when  men  buy  and  sell  articles  of  tangible  natures, 
the  words  buy,  bought  and  sell  being  used  here  only 
in  their  secondary,  accommodated  or  emblematical 
senses,  and  applied  to  moral  or  abstract  subjects,  and 
not  to  things  tangible. 

According  to  the  law  of  Moses,  just  referred  to,  the 
first  born  of  all  the  Hebrews  was  to  be  redeemed  with 
money,  which  went  to  support  the  priesthood.  Out 
sf  this  fact,  or  from  this  fact,  abolitionists,  in  their 
writings,  luill  have  it,  that  if  the  word  buy^  as  used 
in  Leviticus,  25th  chapter,  related  to  the  purchase 
of  bondmen  from  among  the  heathen  Canaanites,  by 
which  they  became  property,  that  it  ought  to  have 
the  same  meaning  in  the  case  of  the  redemption  of 
the  first  born  among  the  Hebrews,  because  they  were 
redeemed  with  money,  and  were,  therefore,  as  m,uch 
bought  as  were  the  bondmeji  alluded  to  in  Leviticas, 
and,  of  necessity,  were  equally  an  article  of  property. 

But  all  this  reasoning  of  theirs  is  but  nonsense,  of 
the  poorest  description — a  mere  shuffling  of  mixed  up 
and  confused  ideas.  This  is  apparent  when  we 
come  to  know  who  it  was  that  were  required , thus  to 
redeem  the  first  born  children  at  the  hand  of  the 
priest.  It  was  the  parents  who  were  required  to  do 
this,  who  could  not,  and  did  not  thereby  increase 
their  right  to  their  own  children ;  neither  could  the 
priest  seize  and  sell  such  children  as  were  not  thus 
redeemed ;  it  was  a  sin  of  omission,  to  be  punished 
by  the  Divine  hand,  and  not  by  man,  if  the  money 


was  not  paid  at  the  altar,  for  their  souls^  typical  re- 

Because  the  parents  were  required  thiis  to  redeem 
their  children,  in  reference  to  God  and  the  blood  of 
the  to  be  crucified  Messiah,  who  was  to  come,  therein 
acknowledging  that  they  were  bought  prospectiveli/, 
by  the  anticipated  death  of  Christ,  could  in  no  pos- 
sible way  make  bought  slaves  of  such  children,  nor 
increase  the  natural  or  moral  right  the  parents  had 
to  their  ofispring  as  Hebrews.  Therefore,  a  parity 
of  reasoning,  as  argued  by  abolitionists,  cannot  apply 
to  the  argument,  as  it  respects  the  actual  purchase 
of  slaves,  or  to  the  word  buy,  as  if  this  word  could 
be  tortured  into  the  word  redeem,  as  used  in  relation 
to  the  first  born  among  the  Hebrews.  For  argu- 
ments of  this  description,  see  "  The  Bible  against 
iSlaver?/,"  No.  6,  year  1838.  page  18,  and  onward. 

It  is  asserted  by  abolitionists,  that  between  the 
bui/er  and  the  person  bought,  as  spoken  of,  Leviticus 
xnv,  whether  it  related  to  Hebrew  servants,  or  to  bond 
servants,  bought  of  the  heathen  Canaanites,  that  there 
was  a  mutual  stipulating  between  the  parties — the 
bui/er  and  the  person  bought.  But  this  is  not  true ; 
as  no  Hebrew  person  who  was  sold  for  debt,  for  theft, 
or  for  any  other  legal  reason,  had  a  word  to  say  on 
the  subject,  as  dictating  the  sale.  For  it  was  the  laio 
which  sold  the  man  or  the  woman,  and  not  theTTir 
selves;  it  was  the  law  that  did  this,  as  it  would  sell, 
by  the  means  of  an  auctioneer,  any  article  of  property 
now-a-days  at  auction ;  there  was  no  other  way  to 
sell  a  delinquent  debtor  or  a  criminal.  How,  there- 
fore, could  the  delinquent  stipulate  at  all  in  the  matter? 



There  is  a  case,  however,  stated  in  this  same  chap- 
ter, the  25th  of  Leviticus,  occupying  from  the  47th  to 
the  55th  verse  inclusive,  where  it  is  shown  that  a 
poor  Hebrew  might  sell  himself  to  his  rich  neighbor, 
in  which,  n  a  doubt,  there  was,  of  necessity,  and  also 
of  propriety,  a  stipulating  of  terms  on  the  part  of  the 
man  sellin;;  himself  and  the  man  who  might  buy 
him :  this  case  we  cannot  see  differed  any  way  from 
a  man  hiring  himself  out  till  such  time  as  his  wages 
should  pay  the  debt,  or  to  the  end  of  his  life,  if  he 
would,  as  have  many,  in  all  ages.  But  if  by  any 
means  he  could  redeem  himself,  or  if  his  relations 
could  redeem  him,  then  they  or  he  might  do  so,  even 
though  the  time  agreed  on  was  not  yet  expired. 
But  what  has  this  case  to  do,  or  indeed  any  case  of  the 
Hebrew  servitude,  with  the  case  of  Canaanitish  hondr 
men  7  We  answer — nothing  at  all,  in  any  possible 
way,  so  far  as  the  law  has  any  thing  to  say  about  it. 

In  relation  to  servants  of  the  Hebrew  character,  in 
the  law  of  Moses,  there  were  many  mitigating  cir- 
cumstances ;  but  as  to  the  negro  or  Canaanite  bond- 
man there  was  none,  as  it  related  to  compensation  in 
the  light  of  wages,  or  of  promised  freedom  [except  the 
eye  and  tooth  case] :  not  even  the  jubilees  could  reach 
their  condition,  as  their  state  of  servitude  was  to  be 
for  ever,  from  generation  to  generation — they  were  to 
be  the  everlasting  possession  or  property  of  the  He- 
brews^ their  masters,  to  be  disposed  of  by  will,  by 
sales,  by  gifts,  or  in  any  such  way. 

There  is,  in  the  law  of  Moses,  a  very  great  distinc- 
tion made  between  the  stranger  servant,  the  bought 
Hebrew  servant,  the  hired  Hebrew  servant,  and  the 


bond  servant  of  the  Canaanites,  as  was  proper ;  for  all 
the  other  kinds  of  servants  were,  in  some  way,  of  the 
Hebrew  or  Abrahamic  lineage,  descended  through 
various  channels  from  the  blood  of  Shem,  as  before 
shown ;  who  were  not  to  be  oppressed  as  slaves  and 
ruled  over  with  rigor,  in  that  particular,  as  were  the 
ho7id  servants  of  the  Canaanitish  or  negro  race. 

But,  says  one  who  may  be  opposed  to  the  views 
of  the  writer  of  this  book,  did  not  the  great  jubilee  ot 
the  Jews,  which  took  place  every  fiftieth  year,  set  all 
slaves  free?  And  does  not  the  law  positively  refer  to 
the  case  of  bondmen  of  the  Canaanitish  description, 
who  were  slaves  among  the  Hebrews?  To  this  we 
answer,  that  the  great  jubilee  had  nothing  to  do  with 
slaves  or  their  liberties,  in  any  way  whatever.  Our 
reasons  for  this  belief  we  shall  give  as  soon  as  we 
have  read  the  law  on  the  subject  of  the  great  jubilee 
and  its  immunities.  .  See  Leviticus  xxv,  8 — 10,  13, 
as  follows : 

"And  thou  shalt  number  seven  sabbaths  of  years 
unto  thee,  seven  times  seven  years,  and  the  space  of 
seven  sabbaths  of  years  shall  be  unto  thee  forty  and 
nine  years.  Then  shalt  thou  cause  the  trumpet  of 
the  jubilee  to  sound  on  the  tenth  day  of  the  seventh 
moiitli ;  in  the  day  of  atonement  shall  ye  make  the 
trumpet  sound  throughout  all  your  land.  And  ye 
shall  hallow  the  fiftieth  year  and  proclaim  liberty, 
throughout  all  the  land,  unto  all  the  inhabitants 
thereof:  it  shall  be  a  jubilee  unto  you;  and  ye  shall 
return  every  man  unto  his  family.  In  the  3^ear  of 
this  jubilee,  ye  shall  return  every  man  to  his  posses- 


That  this  great  jubilee  did  not  refer  to  the  case  of 
slaves  or  bond  servants,  we  learn  from  the  fact  that 
slaves  had  no  possessions  in  the  country  at  all ;  and 
as  the  HebrcAvs,  at  the  time  the  law  vvas  given,  were 
instructed,  in  the  very  decalogue  itself,  to  destroy 
and  dispossess  all  the  Canaanites  of  their  country, 
when  they  should  begin  to  enter  upon  it,  by  war  and 
conquest,  how,  therefore,  could  the  jubilee,  in  its 
phraseology,  have  had  the  least  allusion  to  that  peo- 
ple, in  their  favor?  The  supposition  is  wholly  un- 

But  to  the  Hebrews,  one  and  all,  who  should  sell 
or  lose  their  family  possession  of  land,  the  jubilee 
should  be  their  great  emancipator  and  restorer  of 
their  rights.  This,  and  nothing  but  this,  was  the 
liberty  proclaimed  to  all  the  inhabitants,  as  reads  the 
10th  verse  above  quoted,  which  is  qualified  or  ex- 
plained in  the  13th,  and  relates  only  to  land,  and  the 
impoverished  Hebrews  who  were  to  return  ^^ every 
man  to  his  possession^  But  the  Canaanites,  in  the 
view  of  the  law,  had  no  possession  in  the  land  of 
Canaan  at  all,  nor  families  in  the  eyes  of  the  law. 
How,  therefore,  can  it  be  supposed  that  the  immuni- 
ties of  the  greater  jubilee  could  reach  the  case  of  any 
other  race  than  the  Hebrews  themselves  ?  Overturn 
this  conclusion  he  that  cati. 

Thus,  as  we  believe,  the  passage  on  which  aboli- 
tionists rely  so  securely  for  the  freedom  of  Canaanit- 
ish  bondmen  in  the  law,  every  great  jubilee,  is  fairly 
taken  out  of  their  hands,  and  that  by  absolute  logical 
demonstration.  In  relation  to  this  matter,  abolition- 
ists have  cast  much  dust  of  sophistry  into  the  great 


arcanum  of  public  opinion  and  belief,  arguing  and 
contending  that  the  institutions  of  Moses  made  no 
differencG  between  the  condition  of  Hebrew  servants 
and  the  negro  bond  men  of  the  Canaanitish  descrip- 
tion ;  and  have  striven  to  cover  the  latter  with  the  | 
immunities  and  privileges  of  the  former,  as  if  there  I 
really  was  no  difference  intended  in  that  law. 

The  rigor,  so  often  alluded  to  in  the  law  of  Moses^ 
which  might  be  exercised  upon  bond  servants  of  the  [ 

Canaanitish  or  heathen  race,  but  not  on  servants  of 
the  Hebrews,  we  do  not  understand  to  have  consist- 
ed of  personal  abuse  or  torture,  either  by  hunger,^ 
stripes,  mutilations,  or  improper  exposures  of  life  or 
limb ;  for  the  law  forbade  this,  where  it  is  written, 
that  if  a  master  knocked  out  a  tooth,  or  an  eye  of  hi» 
servant,  he  should  go  free  on  those  accounts,  as  is 
stated  in  Exodus  xxi,  26,  27 ;  and  yet  it  is  written  in 
the  same  chapter,  namely,  the  xxi,  at  the  20th  and 
22d  verses,  that  "if  a  man  smite  his  (man)  servant, 
or  his  (maid)  servant,  with  a  rod,  and  he  (or  she)  die 
under  his  hand,  he  shall  surely  be  punished.  Not- 
withstanding, if  he  (or  she)  continue  a  day  or  two,  he 
shall  not  be  punished,  for  he  was  his  money. 

From  this  text,  it  is  almost  impossible  to  deny  that  [ 

the  law  did  but  little  in  defense  of  the  personal  and  j: 

physical  happiness  of  bond  servants  among  the  He- 
brews ;  there  is  no  way  to  avoid  this  conclusion,  as 
the  texts  to  this  point,  either  direct  or  indirect,  are 

But  no  such  treatment  is  allowed  of  in  the  law  to- 
ward Hebrew  servants,  as  it  is  strictly  forbiddeJi  to 
oppress  them,  or  to  rule  over  them  with  rigor  in  any 


way,  because  they  were  brethren  to  their  masters, 
and  not  to  be  treated  as  hired  men. 

The  bondman  was  unknown  in  law ;  he  had  no  civ- 
il rights,  no  voice  in  community — could  not  be  a  wit- 
ness in  courts  of  law  or  religion— could  not  implead 
the  master  in  cases  of  abuse  or  disagreement,  but 
was  wholly  at  the  will  of  his  owner.  But  such 
was  not  the  case  with  the  Hebrew  servants — as  their 
condition  of  servitude  did  not  disenfranchize  them  as 
citizens,  in  any  degree  whatever,  as  they  were  not  to 
be  oppressed  as  bond  servants  might  be.  This,  as 
above,  was  the  rigor  which  was  not,  and  could  not, 
be  brought  to  bear  upon  any  other  class  of  servants 
among  the  Hebrews,  but  the  Hamite  race  alone,  ac- 
cording to  the  law  of  Moses  and  tiie  curse  of  Noah. 

As  to  any  national  privilege,  of  which  a  bond  serv- 
ant might  partake  among  the  Hebrews,  there  was 
but  o?ie,  and  this  was  in  the  matter  of  religion.  A 
bond  servant  being  circumcised,  might  eat  of  the  pass- 
over,  the  sign  of  the  common  salvation  of  man  ;  but 
in  other  respects  this  circumstance  did  not  benefit 
the  slaves  any  more  than  their  embracing  Christian- 
ity in  the  days  of  the  apostles  benefited  them,  as  to 
their  temporal  condition  ;  upon  which  we  shall  treat 
in  due  time  before  we  close  these  pages.  In  relation 
to  this  point,  see  Exodus  xii,  44,  45,  "  But  every 
man's  servant  that  is  bought  with  money ^  when  thou 
hast  circumcised  him,  then  shall  he  eat  thereof;"  that 
isj  he  might  eat  of  the  passover,  and  that  was  all  that 
was  in  his  favor,  except  rest  on  the  sabbath  day,  the 
same  as  the  cattle. 

As  to  the  Hebrews  trafficking  in  the  pale  and  pur- 


chase  of  slaves,  it  is  contended  by  abolitionists  that 
they  did  not,  and  that  no  sale  of  the  kind  can  be 
found  in, the  Scriptures.  On  this  account,  therefore, 
they  assume  that  such  transactions  were  abhorrent 
to  the  genius  of  the  law  and  religion  of  Moses.  But 
to  refute  this  notion,  we  have  only  to  refer  to  Exo- 
dus xxi,  7 — 11,  where,,  in  a  certain  case,  which 
the  reader  can  examine  for  himself,  it  is  said  that 
a  man  who  might  buy  a  maid  servant  of  a  He- 
brew father,  and  if  she  did  not  please  him  (the  pur- 
chaser), then  he  might  let  her  be  redeemed,  to  get  his 
money  again  which  she  had  cost  him ;  but  "  to  sell 
her  unto  a  strange  nation  he  shall  have  no  power." 

Now,  fi-om  the  very  prohibition  itself,  we  infer  that 
the  practice  of  the  Hebrews  selling  the  poor  of  their 
own  people  to  other  nations,  was  in  vogue  at  the 
time  of  the  giving  of  the  law,  and  even  while  they 
were  yet  in  Egypt ;  but  in  the  new  law  given  from 
Sinai,  this  was  forbidden.  If  this  was  not  the  case, 
would  God,  by  the  hand  of  Moses,  have  instituted 
laws  against  practices  and  abuses,  which  did  not  and 
could  never  exist.  Therefore,  as  God  foreknew  that 
as  soon  as  the  Hebrews  should  get  possession  of  the 
country  of  Canaan,  they  would  deal  in  the  purchase 
and  sale  of  the  Canaanites,  according  to  the  law 
he  was  then  giving  them  by  the  hand  of  Moses, 
be  straightly  forbade  them  to  indulge  in  this  thing 
toward  their  brethren,  the  Hebrews,  saying  that 
they  should  not  sell  each  other  to  a  strange  nation 
as  they  might  the  Canaanites,  while  he  left  no 
such  mandate  on  record  respecting  the  people  of 
Ham,  who  were  then  the  aborigines  of  old  Canaan, 


whither  for  war  and  conquest  the  twelve  tribes  were 

Moses  and  the  tribes  were  yet  in  the  desert  when 
the  law  was  given,  which  said,  on  the  subject  of  ser- 
vants, by  way  of  anticipation,  that  when  they  should 
come  into  the  promised  land,  and  should  have  ser- 
vants of  their  own  blood,  and  should  deal  in  selling 
them  among  themselves  (as  it  appears  they  did  from 
Exodus  xxi,  7),  that  they  should  make  a  distinction 
between  Hebrew  servants  and  servants  of  the  Cana- 
anitish  description ;  the  former,  they  might  deal  in 
among  themselves  only  in  the  way  the  law  directed, 
but  the  latter  they  might  sell  to  whom  they  would, 
to  strange  nations  and  all :  there  should,  in  this  re- 
spect, be  no  prohibition,  as  there  was,  and  should  be, 
in  the  other — the  Hebrew  servants. 

The  selling  of  bondmen,  by  and  among  the  He- 
brews, appears  from  another  clause  in  the  law  of  Mo- 
ses, and  is  of  similar  import  with  the  one  just  now 
cited  ;  it  prohibited  their  dealing  in  slaves  or  servants 
of  their  own  blood  in  the  same  way  they  might  deal 
in  slaves  of  the  negro  character.  See  Leviticus  xxv, 
42,  as  follows  :  "  For  they  (the  Hebrews)  are  my  ser- 
vants which  I  brought  forth  out  of  the  land  of  Egypt: 
they  shall  not  be  sold  as  bond  men,"  or  as  absolute 

By  this  mode  of  phraseology,  what  else  can  be  un- 
derstood than  that  while  the  Hebrews  were  forbidden 
to  sell  their  own  blood  as  hondm^n  out  of  the  coun 
try,  they  might,  however,  buy  and  sell  heathen  ne- 
gro men  for  hond  men,  and  thus  traffic  in  them  as  an 
article  of  trade  or  commerce.     Surely  the  practice  is 


tacitly^  if  not  emphaticall7,  admitted  in  the  clause  just 
above  quoted  out  of  the  law  of  God. 

But  to  make  the  fact  still  more  clear,  namely,  that 
the  Jews  did  actually  deal  in  slaves  of  the  negro  race, 
see  the  Book  of  Joel,  third  chapter,  where  it  is  shown 
that  because  the  Tyrians,  Zidotiians^  and  people  of 
Palestine^  who  were  of  the  same  race  with  those  just 
named^  being  all  Hamites  of  old  Canaan,  had  abused 
the  Hebrews  while  captives  among  them  at  a  certain 
time,  by  ridicule,  and  by  selling  their  little  ones  at 
drinking  houses  iov  iirime,  and  at  houses  of  ill-fame 
for  tlie  of  riot  and  lewdness,  ihvA  they  should 
themselves  be  sold  by  the  Jews  in  their  turn,  as  a  ree- 
ompejise,  or  as  a  judgment  on  their  own  heads,  foj 
having  done  jo  great  a  deed  of  wickedness. 

But,  says  on(?,  if  it  was  wicked  for  the  people  of 
Tyre  and  Zidonia  to  sell  the  little  children  of  the 
Jews,  why  was  it  not  just  as  wicked  for  the  Jews  to 
sell  the  Zidonians,  and  the  people  of  Canaan  ?  To 
solve  this  question,  you  must  ask  the  determining 
councils  and  judgments  of  God,  which,  on  this  sub- 
ject, are  all  set  down  in  the  great  record  of  his  doings 
toward  that  race  of  men,  namely,  the  Scriptures,  and 
are  his  judicial  acts  concerning  them. 

The  passages  in  the  Book  of  Joel,  above  alluded 
to,  read  as  follows  :  "  For,  behold  in  those  days,  and 
in  that  time,  when  I  shall  bring  again  the  captivity 
oi  Judah  and  Jerusalem,  I  will  also  gaihej-  all  nations, 
and  will  bring  them  down  into  the  valley  of  Jehosa- 
phat  (or  the  field  of  battle),  and  will  plead  witli  them 
there,  for  my  people  and  my  heritage  Israel,  whom 
they  [the  Tyrians  and  Zidonians]  have   scattered 



among  the  nations,  and  parted  my  land.  And  they 
have  cast  lots  for  my  people,  and  have  given  a  boy 
for  an  harlot,  and  sold  a  girl  for  wine,  that  they 
might  ddnk.  Yea,  and  what  have  ye  to  do  with  me, 
O  Tyie  and  Zidon,  and  all  the  coast  of  Palestine  ? 
will  ye  render  me  a  recompense?  and  if  ye  recom- 
pense (yet)  swiftly  and  speedily  will  I  relm'n  your 
recompense  upon  your  own  head:  because  ye  have 
taken  my  silver  and  my  gold,  and  have  carried  them 
into  your  temples,  my  goodly  pleasant  things:  the 
children  also  of  Judah,  and  the  children  of  Jerusalem, 
have  ye  sold  unto  the  Grecians  [a  great  way  to  the 
west],  that  ye  might  remove  them  far  from  their 
border.  Behold,  I  will  raise  them  out  of  the  place, 
whither  ye  have  sold  them,  and  will  return  your  rec- 
ompense [or  doings]  upon  your  own  heads.  And  I 
will  sell  your  sons  and  your  daughters  into  the  hands 
of  the  children  of  Judah,  and  they  shall  sell  them 
to  the  Saheans,  a  people  far  off;  for  the  Lord  hath 
spoken  it." 

Here  it  is  certainly  stated  that  the  Jews  might, 
and  actually  should,  sell  the  people  of  Palestine,  who 
were  of  the  race  of  Ham,  the  heathen  negroes  of  old 
Canaan,  which  was  fulfilled  as  follows :  The  Jews 
had  been  made  in  great  numbers  prisoners  of  war, 
and  carried  away  into  captivity  by  the  Tyrians  prior 
to  the  time  of  Joel  the  Prophet,  and  were  sold  to  the 
Grecians,  who  dwelt  about  the  western  end  of  the 
Mediterranean,  now  known  as  Spain  and  Italy,  far 
west  of  Judea,  but  were  released  by  Alexander  the 
Great,  who  was  a  Greek,  and  by  his  successors,  when 
they  returned  again  to  Judea.     But  when  this  great 


warrior  had  made  a  conquest  of  Tyre^  which  the 
reader  will  not  forget  was  a  Canaanitish  city  and 
kingdom,  he  reduced  all  the  lower  orders  of  the  peo- 
ple to  a  state  of  slavery,  men,  women,  and  children, 
amounting  to  30,000  at  one  time,  who  were  sold  on 
the  spot  to  whosoever  would  buy  them.  And  besides 
this,  when  Artaxerxes-Ochus  destroyed  Zidon,  anoth- 
er city  of  old  Canaan,  and  had  reduced  the  captives 
to  be  sold  as  slaves,  the  Jews,  as  Joel  had  foretold, 
were  present,  and  bought  as  many  as  they  could,  and 
sold  them  again  to  the  Saheans,  a  people  dwelling 
far  to  the  east  of  old  Phoenicia  or  Palestine,  in  Arabia- 
deserta,  bordering  on  the  sea  of  Arabia,  which  is  an 
arm  or  bay  of  the  Indian  ocean,  a  distance  of  full  600 
miles  from  Zidonia,  their  native  country,  among 
which  people  they  are  slaves  to  this  day,  as  also  in 
both  Indies,  Hindostan,  and  '\n  all  Asia. 

Here  we  see  the  Jews,  by  ^he  direct  providence  of 
God,  in  the  fulfillment  of  the  prophesy  of  Joel,  as 
well  as  in  accordance  with  the  law  of  Moses,  and  the 
curse  of  Noah,  speculating  in  the  'poi-rchase  and  sale 
of  vast  droves  of  the  negroes  of  Tyre  and  Zidon,  as 
is  often  done,  now-a-days,  with  the  S5^n?e  race  of  peo- 
ple in  the  United  States,  and  parts  of  Europe,  not- 
withstanding the  recent  agreement  amono;  the  pow- 
ers of  Christendom,  making  it  piracy  to  do  so ;  so 
careful  is  the  Divine  veracity  of  its  own  hon^r. 

Is  this  account,  as  above  given,  from  ^he  Holy 
Scriptures,  respecting  the  buying  and  selling  cf  the 
progeny  of  Ham  by  the  Jews,  to  be  looked  upon  as 
"  a  mere  silent  entry, ^^  made  by  the  prophet  Joel,  of 
the  wicked  deeds  and  acts  of  those  Jews,  as  abolition- 


ists  would'say  it  was,  when  both  prophesy  and  Prov- 
idence, as  well  as  the  direct  mandate  of  God  on  the 
subject,  are  all  seen  engaged  together  to  accomplish 
it,  and  it  was  accomplished  ? 

But,  says  one,  what  was  the  mandate  of  God  on 
the  subject  above  alluded  to  1  It  was  this  :  God  said 
by  the  mouth  of  Joel,  one  of  his  prophets,  that  the 
Jews,  should  absolutely  sell  the  blacks  of  old  Tyre 
to  the  Sabeans  (red  men),  and  they  did  it  according- 
ly as  God  had  determined  they  should. 

Who,  after  reading  and  considering  these  cases,  as 
presented  on  the  pages  above,  will  still  object,  and 
say,  that  in  the  Scriptures  there  is  no  account  found, 
where  a  Hebrew,  Jew,  or  Israelite,  sold  again  the 
slave  that  he  had  bought. 

But  in  pursuit  of  the  same  subject,  namely,  that 
the  Jews  did  traffic  in  slaves,  we  are  able  to  prove 
that  Solomon,  the  wisest  king  who  ever  sat  on  a 
throne,  the  great  and  good  monarch  of  the  twelve 
tribes,  actually  carried  on  a  regular  trade  in  slaves 
from  countries  very  far  from  Judea,  where  he  resided, 
as  well  also  as  in  Canaan,  or  the  Holy  Land. 

In  proof  of  this,  see  Antiquities  of  the  Jews,  by 
Josephus,  book  8,  chapter  7,  page  293,  as  follows; 
"  King  Solomon  had  many  ships  that  lay  upon  the 
sea  of  Tarsus  (the  Red  Sea) ;  these  he  commanded 
to  carry  out  all  sorts  of  merchandise  unto  the  re- 
motest nations,  by  the  sale  of  which,  silver  and 
gold  were  brought  to  the  king,  and  a  great  quantity 
of  ivory,  apes,  and  Ethiopians ;  and  they  finished 
their  voyage,  going  and  returning,  in  three  years' 


Joseph  US  is  not  alone  in  this,  for  the  Rabbi  say  the 
same  thing,  that  is,  that  the  ships  of  Solomon  went 
to  Africa  (Clarke),  and  as  he  possessed  many  thou- 
sands of  black  slaves  of  the  Canaanite  character, 
what,  in  his  mind,  could  therefore  arise,  as  an,  objec- 
tion to  his  adding  to  the  number  of  the  same  race  of 
men,  though  procured  from  a  distant  country,  or  the 
places  of  their  nativity.  2  Chron.  ix,  21.  In  the 
wars  the  Jews  had  with  the  Ethiopians  and  Lybians, 
from  Africa,  as  in  the  case  of  Asa^  one  of  the  kings 
of  Judah,  about  900  years  B.  C.  See  2  Chronicles, 
chap.  xiv.  In  that  war,  Zerah,  the  black  king  of 
Ethiopia,  had  a  million  of  men,  with  whom  he  in- 
vaded Judea,  and  was  wholly  defeated  by  Asa,  for 
God  fought  the  battle.  All  the  prisoners  of  this  in- 
comprehensible host  were  taken  and  held  as  slaves, 
which  was  the  usage  of  war  in  those  times. 

But  if  the  word  Ethiopian^  as  used  by  Josephus, 
to  the  mind  of  any  reader,  should  not  exactly  prove 
that  negroes  or  black  men  were  alluded  to  by  him, 
we  will  state  that  the  American  folio  edition  of  Jo- 
sephus says  negroes,  instead  of  Ethiopians,  which,  in 
reality,  are  but  two  words  meaning  the  same  thing; 
making  it  clear,  beyond  all  controversy,  that  Solo- 
mon did  trade  in  negroes  bought  in  foreign  countries, 
from  those  who  had  them  to  sell,  or  Josephus  is  no 

But  the  authenticity  of  Josephus  cannot  be  doubt- 
ed, in  relation  to  the  voyages  spoken  of  by  that  his- 
torian, for  the  account  is  corroborated  by  the  Scrip- 
tures :  see  1  Kings  x,  22,  where  those  voyages  are 
specifically  described.    And  besides  this  traffic  of  his 


from  foreign  countries,  the  land  of  Ophir,  &c.,  Solo- 
mon made  slaves  of  tens  of  thousands  of  the  blacks 
of  old  Canaan,  while  building  the  temple,  his  own 
house,  and  Tadmor  in  the  desert,  the  store  cities,  and 
Hamath,  the  upper  and  lower  Beihoran,  fenced  cities, 
with  walls,  gates,  and  bars,  as  well  as  Belath,  all 
great  and  magnificent  works,  of  immense  cost  and 
labor,  the  ruins  of  which  are  seen  at  the  present  day, 
especially  those  of  Tadmor  of  the  desert. 

Solomon  was  not  ignorant  of  the  judicial  act  of 
God,  as  made  known  by  the  mouth  of  Noah,  respect- 
ing the  descendants  of  Ham,  nor  of  the  law  of  Mo- 
ses, which  indorsed  that  judicial  enactment  by  the 
ministry  of  angels,  respecting  the  people  of  the  blacks, 
in  their  exposedness  to,  and  fitness  for,  slavery.  He 
was  not  ignorant  of  Joshua's  opinion  on  the  same  sub- 
ject, as  expressed  when  that  renowned  warrior  told 
the  Gibeonites,  who  were  one  of  the  tribes  of  the  race 
of  Ham,  in  Canaan,  that  they  were  cursed,  and  never 
to  be  freed  from  being  bondmen  or  slaves. 

That  king  Solomon  had  slaves  in  abundance,  is 
written  by  his  own  hand,  which  writing  is  still  ex- 
tant,.and  that  he  bought  them  is  also  stated  by  him, 
and  that  from  the  slaves  thus  bought,  or  otherwise 
procured  in  the  negro  countries,  he  raised  others,  as 
do  the  owners  of  slaves  at  the  present  time. 

For  the  proof  of  the  above,  see  Ecclesiastes  ii,  7,  as 
follows :  "  I  got  me  servants  and  maidens,  and  had 
servants  born  in  my  house." 

Now,  Solomon  was  a  preacher,  or  a  minister  of 
rehgion,  as  well  as  a  king,  as  he  calls  himself  thus 
in  chap,  i,  verse  1,  of  Eccl.,  and  if  such  a  man  had 


slaves  of  the  negro  race  (as  to  enslave  any  other  peo- 
ple was  not  tolerated  by  their  law),  why  is  it  that 
ministers  of  rehgion  at  the  present  time  may  not  also 
have  them  if  they  desire  it?  The  possession  of  prop- 
erty was  never  abrogated  to  the  Jews  by  the  edicts 
of  the  Gospel,  and  as  slaves,  were  esteemed  property 
by  them  in  every  age  of  their  existence ;  the  abro- 
gating power  of  the  new  dispensation,  therefore,  had 
no  more  to  do  with  the  slave  question  then^  nor  now, 
than  it  had  with  any  property,  or  any  other  subject 
not  embraced  in  the  ritual  of  the  Jewish  religion; 
this  is  the  very  reason  why  St.  Paul,  nor  any  of  the 
writers  of  the  New  Testament,  no,  not  even  Christ 
himself,  did  not  meddle  with  that  subject,  otherwise 
than  to  admonish,  or  command,  that  masters  of 
slaves  should  treat  them  with  kindness. 

In  the  above  scripture  it  is  seen  that  Solomon 
speaks  of  his  possessions  of  cattle  and  slaves,  all  in 
one  verse,  in  no  way  varying  either  the  sense  or  the 
phraseology,  making  no  distinction,  but  amalgamates 
them  together  as  an  item  in  the  amount  of  his  pro- 
digious wealth. 

But  not  only  Solomon  procured  slaves  from  Africa, 
but  all  the  kings  of  the  East,  the  Chaldeans,  the 
Medes,  Persians,  Assyrians,  Arabians,  (fcc,  which  is 
intimated  in  the  xixth  and  xxth  chapters  of  Isaiah,  as 
follows :  "In  that  day  shall  there  be  a  highway  out  of 
Egypt  to  Assyria,  and  the  Assyrian  shall  come  into 
Egypt,  and  the  Egyptian  into  Assyria ;  and  the  Egyp- 
tians shall  serve  with  the  Assyrians."  In  this  verse 
their  state  of  slavery  is  more  than  intimated,  which 
they  were  to  endure  among  the  Assyrians  as  slaves. 


But  in  the  xxth  chapter,  verses  3  and  4,  the  fact  of 
(heir  being  enslaved  by  those  eastern  powers  is  plain- 
ly stated,  as  follows:  "And  the  Lord  said.  Like  as 
my  servant  Isaiah  hath  walked  naked  and  barefoot 
three  years  for  a  sign  and  a  wonder  upon  Egypt  and 
upon  Ethiopia;  so  shall  the  king  of  Assyria  lead  away 
the  Egyptians  prisoners,  and  the  Ethiopians  cap- 
tives^ young  and  old,  naked  and  barefoot,  even  with 
their  buttocks  ujicovered  to  the  shame  of  Egypt." 

Thus  we  see  that  in  all  ages,  Africa  has  been,  the 
great  breeding  house  of  slaves  for  all  mankind,  for 
at  this  day  all  Asia  is  full  of  negro  slaves,  the  de- 
scendants of  the  slaves  of  those  first  ages,  procured 
from  old  Canaan  and  Africa. 

For  an  account  of  the  almost  countless  number  of 
Canaanitish  bondmen  employed  in  the  works  of  Sol- 
omon, see  book  of  Joshua  ix,  23,  and  2  Chron.  ii, 
17,  l-S. ,  See  also  1  Kings  ix,  20-22,  for  an  account 
of  the  bo7id  service,  levied  by  Solomon  upon  the 
Afnorites,  Hivites,  Perizzites,  Hittites  and  Jebitsites, 
who  were  all  of  the  black  race  of  the  Canaanites,  the 
iSons  of  Ham. 

According  to  Josephus,  book  viii,  p.  21,  Solomon 
took  the  tribute  due  to  him  from  a  certain  district  of 
old  Canaan  situate  between  Lybanus  and  the  city 
Ametha,  in  slaves^  so  many  a  year;  these  were  the 
blacks  of  that  country. 

It  appears,  therefore,  that  Solomon  considered  it 
right  to  enslave  and  oppress  in  this  respect,  the  race 
of  Ham  wherever  he  could  find  them,  whether  in  old 
Canaan,  Africa,  or  any  where  else,  except  he  was  in 
league  or  compact,  by  treaty,  as  appears  to  have  been 


the  case  between  him  and  Hiram,  the  king  of  Tyre, 
at  that  particular  time,  and  in  that  district  over  which 
he  then  reigned. 

Now,  for  all  this,  we  do  not  find  that  Solomon  was 
reproved,  as  he  was  for  some  other  acts  of  his  life; 
there  arises,  therefore,  from  this  fact,  namely,  that  of 
his  not  being  reproved  for  enslaving  the  negro  race, 
a  strong  evidence  that  the  Jews,  their  kings,  priests, 
prophets,  elders,  patriarchs,  rulers  and  people,  held  it 
to  be  right,  and  in  perfect  harmony  with  the  law  of 
Moses,  to  enslave  that  race  wherever  they  existed, 
except  in  cases  of  compacts  or  treaties,  as  in  the  case 
of  Tyre,  and  the  king  of  Egypt,  with  whom  Solo- 
mon had  leagues  of  amity,  for  the  time  being. 

No  nation  of  the  globe  has  equalled  the  Jews,  in 
the  enslaving  of  the  negi-o  nations  (except  the  negroes 
themselves),  for  even  Moses  assisted  in  reducing  one 
of  the  fiercest  of  the  nations  who  opposed  him  and 
the  Hebrews  in  their  progress  toward  the  land  of  Ca- 
naan, to  personal  and  literal  slavery ;  these  were  the 
Amalekites,  dwelling  on  the  wilderness  side  of  Ca- 
naan, toward  Egypt  on  the  south.  « 

This  was  done  after  the  famous  battle  fought  be- 
tween the  Hebrews  and  the  Amalekites,  over  which 
Moses  presided,  when  Hur  and  Aaron  supported  his 
arms,  as  he  held  out  toward  the  contending  armies 
from  the  top  of  the  mountain,  the  fatal  spear — see 
Exod.  xvii,  12.  The  prisoners  then  taken  in  that 
conflict  were  reduced  to  personal  slavery,  and  that 
under  the  eye  and  approval  of  Moses ;  which,  had  it 
been  wrong,  or  a  sin,  would  then  and  there  have 
been  rebuked,  as  God  allowed  of  no  heinous  or  pub- 


lie  crime  in  the  camp  of  the  Hebrews,  to  go  unpun- 
ished and  reproved  on  the  spot. 

But  how  is  it  proved  that  Moses  did  this,  seeing 
the  Bible  does  not  mention  the  circumstance?  It  is 
proven  by  Josephus.  See  his  Jewish  Antiquities, 
book  iii,  chap,  ii,  p.  85,  who  there  says,  that  the  vic- 
tory then  won,  "  was  the  occasion  of  their  (the  He- 
brews) prosperity,  not  only  for  the  present,  but  for 
future  ages  also ;  for  they  not  only  made  slaves  of 
the  bodies  of  their  enemies,  but  effectually  damped 
their  minds,  and  after  the  battle,  the  Hebrews  be- 
came terrible  to  all  that  dwelt  round  about  them." 

Even  the  temple  of  God  had  its  slaves  of  the  negro 
and  Canaanitish  race,  who  were  called  the  Nethin- 
ims  or  slaves  of  the  temple,  says  Dr.  Clarke,  who 
were  the  descendants  of  the  Gibeonites,  condemned 
to  that  condition  by  Joshua.  See  1  Chron.  ix,  2. 
That  the  Jews  made  bo?id  slaves  of  such  of  the  Ca- 
naanites  as  they  took  in  war,  is  shown  1st  Chron.  v, 
from  the  18th  to  the  22d  verse  inclusive,  where  the 
history  of  a  great  battle  is  related,  that  took  place  be- 
tween the  Israelites  and  a  people  of  old  Canaan, 
called  Hongarites,  of  whom  they  made  100,000  pris- 
oners. These  prisoners,  says  Clarke  in  his  com- 
ment on  the  place,  were  made  slaves  of,  and  not  slain 
in  the  war. 

From  1  Kings  ii,  39,  40,  it  appears  that  private 
citizens,  of  the  city  of  David,  had  slaves  of  the  black 
or  negro  race,  who  were  Canaan ites.  The  place 
reads  as  follows:  "And  it  came  to  pass  at  the  end 
of  three  years  [in  the  time  of  king  David],  that  two 
servants  of  [oiie\  Sliiniei  ran  away  [out  of  Judea] 


unto  Achish,  son  of  Macha,  king  of  Gath.  And  they 
told  Shimei,  saying,  behold  thy  servants  be  in  Gath. 
And  Shimei  arose  and  saddled  his  ass,  and  went  to 
Gath,  to  Achish,  to  seek  his  servants  from  Gath." 

That  these  two  servants  were  of  the  negro  race,  is 
shown  by  their  running  away  to  Gath,  as  Gath  was 
inhabited  by  Philistines,  a  branch  of  the  house  or 
race  of  Mezarim,  a  son  of  Ham,  and  founder  of  the 
first  settlement  of  lower  Egypt.  These  Philistines, 
it  appears,  had  not  as  yet,  though  in  the  days  of  Da- 
vid, been  cut  off  by  the  wars  of  the  Jews.  It  was, 
therefore,  natural  for  the  two  slaves  of  the  wealthy 
Shimei  to  fly  for  protection  to  a  people  of  their  own 
color  and  nation.  Had  those  servants  been  of  the 
Hebrew  blood  and  entitled  to  their  freedom  at  the 
jubilee,  which  happened  at  the  end  of  every  six 
years,  they  never  would  have  fled  from  their  own 
people  and  country  to  a  negro  heathen  people.  If 
these  servants  of  Shimei  had  not  been  slaves,  in  the 
property  sense  of  the  word,  but  merely  hired  men,  as 
abolitionists  contend  all  servants  were,  then  were  they 
free  men,  and  had  no  need  of  running  away  out  of 
the  country  from  their  owner;  neither  could  Shimei 
have  demanded  and  took  them  away  from  Gath,  as 
he  did,  had  they  not  been  slaves,  for  at  this  time  there 
was  no  war  between  the  Jews  and  the  people  of  Gath. 
They  were,  therefore,  slaves  and  of  the  race  of  Ham, 
in  the  proper  sense  of  the  word. 

There  is  no  subject  upon  which  the  Scriptures 
have  spoken  that  is  more  circumstantial  and  plain 
than  that  of  individual  slavery,  in  relation  to  the  de- 
scendants of  the  blood  of  Ham.     First  of  all,  and 


more  tlian  four  hundred  years  before  the  giving  of 
the  law  by  Moses,  at  the  very  time  when  God  made 
a  covenant  with  Abraham  respecting  the  promised 
Messiah,  the  sign  of  which  was  circumcision,  we  find 
the  buying  of  slaves,  even  by  Abraham,  incidentally 
alluded  to.  See  Gen.  xvii,  13,  23,  as  follows:  "He 
tiiat  is  born  in  thy  house,  and  he  that  is  bought  with 
money,  must  needs  be  circumcised;  and  Abraham 
took  Ishmael  his  son.  and  all  that  were  born  in  his 
house,  and  all  that  were  bought  with  his  money^ 
every  male  among  the  men  of  Abraham's  house 
[slaves  and  all],  and  circumcised  the  flesh  of  their 
foreskin,  in  the  self  same  day,  as  God  had  said  to 

In  Exodus  xii,  44,  the  buying  of  slaves  is  also  in- 
cidentally mentioned  as  follows:  "But  every  man 
servant  that  is  bought  for  money ^  when  thou  hast  cir- 
cumcised him,  then  shall  he  eat  thereof,"  that  is,  of 
the  passover.  But  that  such  servants  as  were  bought 
with  money,  as  above  spoken  of,  were  not  so  many 
hired  men,  as  abolitionists  seem  to  believe,  appears 
from  the*  next  verse,  the  45th,  following  the  above 
quotation,  which  reads  thus :  "  A  foreigner,  'and  a 
fined  servant,  shall  not  eat  thereof" 

From  this  statement  it  is  clear,  therefore,  that  a 
bond  slave  was  not  considered  as  a  hired  man.  Is 
not  this  decisive  respecting  the  difference  between 
the  two  characters? 

At  the  time  when  God  made  this  covenant  with 

Abraham,  he  was  dwelling  at  a  place  called  Bethel 

(G«n.  xiii,  3),  which  was  in  the  very  midst  of  the 

Canaanite   country:    of  whom,  therefore,  could  he 



have  bought  his  bondmen,  except  of  the  black  peo- 
ple of  Canaan,  who  at  that  time  possessed  the  coun- 
try, as  the  original  inhabitants.  It  is  likely,  also, 
that  many  of  his  slaves  were  brought  with  him  from 
Egypt,  on  his  return  from  that  country,  to  which  he 
and  Lot  had  fled  some  years  before,  on  account  of  a 
great  famine  in  the  country  of  Canaan  (Gen.  x,  12). 
as  at  the  time  he  was  rich  in  silver,  gold,  cattle  and 

In  these  countries,  Egypt  and  Canaan,  there  were 
at  this  time  no  other  people  but  the  aboriginal  ne 
groes;  the  people,  afterward  known  as  Ishmaelites, 
or  Arabs,  did  not  then  exist,  nor  had  the  white  na- 
tions of  men  penetrated  those  countries  from  the 
north,  where  they  first  settled  after  the  flood.  The 
servants  or  slaves  of  Abraham,  therefore,  were  of  the 
negro  race,  and  them  only. 

Abraham  was  not  ignorant  of  the  fiat  of  Noah,  in 
relation  to  that  people,  nor  of  their  naturally  low  cast 
of  mind:  on  which  account  he  felt  for  them,  and 
bought  as  many  as  he  could  out  of  pity,  as  under  his 
protection  they  were  much  more  happy  than  in  a  state 
of  freedom. 

From  Gen.  xxvi,  13,  14,  we  learn  that  Isaac,  the 
son  of  Abraham,  had  a  vast  host  of  slaves  at  the  time 
he  dwelt  in  Gerah,  among  the  Philistines,  who  were, 
as  before  said,  a  branch  of  the  family  of  Egypt. 
The  account  is  as  follows :  "  And  the  man  [Isaac] 
waxed  great,  and  went  forward  and  grew  until  he 
became  very  great ;  for  he  had  possessions  of  flocks, 
and  possessions  of  herds,  and  great  store  of  servants, 
and  the  Philistines  envied  him."     In  this  'rait  of  the 


patriarchal  history,  respecting  their  wealth,  it  seems 
that  their  slave  property  is  mentioned,  and  mixed  up 
with  the  inventory,  the  same  as  is  the  account  of 
flocks  and  herds,  making  no  difference  between  them. 

From  the  reasoning  of  Adam  Clarke  on  the  mean- 
ing of  the  word  servant,  it  appears  that  the  term  slave 
is  the  highest  possible  idea  the  word  conveys,  while 
the  word  servant  is  but  a  secondary,  an  accommo- 
dated, or  lower  application  and  meaning  of  the  term. 
See  his  comment  on  the  1st  chapter  of  the  Romans, 
page  36,  where  he  insists  that  to  be  the  servant  of 
Jesus  Christ  was,  as  St.  Paul  has  said,  to  be  his  slave 
or  property,  and  that  he  had  no  right  to  himself,  or 
any  of  the  powers  of  soul  or  body — all  belonging  to 
his  master,  Jesus  Christ. 

This,  therefore,  establishes  that  the  term,  bond  ser- 
vant, as  used  every  where  in  the  Bible,  signifies  a 
bond  slave,  and  not  a  hired  servant,  or  a  servant  of 
any  other  kind,  but  slave  in  the  true  property  sense 
of  the  word.  And  who  is  the  man  who  can  gainsay 
the  criticisms  of  Dr.  Adam  Clarke  on  the  ancient  lan- 
guages, especially  the  Hebrew  and  Greek?  Slavery, 
and  the  possession  of  slaves,  in  all  Patriarchal,  Jew- 
ish and  Christian  history,  as  given  in  the  Bible,  was 
as  popular  as  was  the  possession  of  property  of  any 
other  kind. 

That  the  great  store  of  servants  possessed  by  Isaac, 
the  son  of  Abraham,  when  he  lived  in  Gerar,  among 
the  Philistines  (south  toward  Egypt  and  not  a  great 
way  from  the  place  where,  in  after  ages,  the  temple 
was  built),  were  slaves  of  the  negro  race,  is  shown  from 
the  fact,  that  the  people  of  Canaan,  Egypt.  Philistia 


(fee,  were  blacks  at  that  time.  The  servants  or 
slaves,  therefore,  which  Isaac  had,  must  have  been 
of  that  race.  At  that  time  there  were  no  Ishmaelites, 
no  Edomites,  no  Moabifes,  no  Ammonites — no  de- 
scendants of  Abraham,,  Lot,  Jacob  or  Esau,  of  any 
account;  all  these  families,  at  the  time  of  Jacob's 
flourishing,  were  but  young,  like  himself,  and,  of  ne- 
cessity, were  at  that  time  but  few  in  number ;  even 
in  his  own  family  there  were  but  two  sons,  Jacob  and 
Esau.  From  this  it  follows,  therefore,  that  the 
slaves  he  had  were  somehow  procured  from  among 
the  people  where  he  sojourned  and  got  his  great 
wealth.  This,  to  the  writer,  appears  as  absolute  de- 

Of  the  same  race  were  the  servants  who  were  given 
to  Abraham  by  king  Abimelech,  of  Gerar,  long  before 
tne  birth  of  Isaac.  See  Gen.  xx,  14,  where  there  is 
an  account  of  the  great  fear  that  king  fell  into  on  ac- 
count of  his  love  to  Sarai,  Abraham's  wife.  But  God 
showed  him,  in  a  dream,  that  he  must  not  touch  her, 
or  himself,  with  all  his  house,  should  die.  Now, 
when  Abimelech  had  seen  God  in  this  dream,  and 
had  been  directed  what  to  do,  it  is  written,  in  the 
chapter  above  quoted,  that  he  made  great  presents 
to  Abraham  of  sheep,  oxen,  men  and  women  servants, 
besides  a  thousand  pieces  of  silver. 

Now,  if  the  servants  who  were  given  by  Abimelech 
to  Abraham,  together  with  the  sheep  and  oxen,  were 
not  property  slaves,  how  could  he  have  done  it ;  or 
how  could  the  righteous  man,  Abraham,  have  re- 
ceived them,  and  thus  take  away  their  liberty,  if  they 
had  any,  except  he  considered  it  right  to  enslave 


them?     But  Abimelech  did  thus  give  them,  together 
with  the  herds,  and  Abraham  did  thus  receive  them. 

Had  these  servants,  thus  transferred,  no  relation  to 
leave,  no  affinities  of  kindred,  from  whom  they  were 
parted  by  the  inexorable  Abimelech  and  Abraham,  m 
whose  ears  the  loud  and  heart-rending  cries  of  sons, 
grandmothers  and  babes,  sounded  as  sweet  music? 
No  doubt  but  they  had ;  just  as  much  as  is  often  the 
case  among  the  negro  families  of  the  south,  in  Amet 
ica  and  elsewhere,  when  they  are  sold  or  transferred; 
and  yet  Abraham  took  them — that  righteous  man  of 
God  and  a  holy  prophet.  What  would  the  abolition- 
ists have  said,  if  they  had  been  there?  Oh,  ye 
powers,  how  they  would  have  spouted  forth  words 
of  mighty  eloquence,  stamped  with  their  feet  and 
banged  about  with  their  fists,  looked  red  in  the  face, 
stretched  up  their  length  in  altitude,  frowned,  grin- 
ned and  shook  their  heads,  as  they  do  novv-a-days, 
when  holding  forth  abolitionism — and  particularly 
when  paid  for  it  by  the  year,  some  six  or  eight  hun- 
dred dollars. 

Respecting  the  servants  of  Abraham,  especially 
those  that  were  bought  with  his  money,  they  were 
of  the  same  race ;  for  the  same  reason  as  above,  there 
being  no  other  people  at  the  time  in  old  Canaan  but 
the  blacks  of  the  country,  for  Abraham  was  a  for- 
eigner, a  Chaldean  from  beyond  the  Euphrates,  east. 
But  after  the  lapse  of  some  four  or  five  hundred 
years,  going  down  to  the  time  of  Moses,  and  the  wars 
of  Canaan,  then  these  descendants  of  the  blood  of 
Abraham,  besides  the  Jews,  had  become  mnumerable. 

Abolitionists,  in  order  to  make  sport  of  the  opinion, 


that  the  Jews,  when  they  had  got  possession  of  Ca- 
naan, made  slaves  of  the  people  instead  of  hiring 
them,  ask,  with  a  leer,  how  they  did  it.  They  wish 
to  know  if  they  took  an  armed  band,  with  ropes  and 
shackles,  so  as  to  tie  them  when  they  were  caught, 
and  thus  compel  them  to  slavery. 

But  of  this  query  there  is  no  need;  for  Moses,  long 
before  they  had  possession  of  Canaan,  pointed  out 
how  this  was  to  be  done,  especially  hi  times  o{ peace, 
for  the  Jews  were  not  always  at  war  with  the  Ca- 
naanites.  See  Levit.  xxv,  45,  where  the  mode  of 
getting  slaves  is  alluded  to,  as  follows:  '-Moreover, 
of  the  children  of  the  strangers  that  do  sojourn  among 
you,  oi  them  shall  ye  buy,  and  of  \h.e\x  families  that 
are  with  you,  which  they  begat  [or  may  beget}  in 
your  land,  and  they  shall  be  your  possession." 

Here  the  difficuUy  vanishes,  and  with  it  the  imag- 
ined armed  band,  ropes  and  shackles  of  abolitionism, 
as  there  could  be  no  need  of  tying  children,  whom 
they  might  buy  of  such  Canaanitish  families  as  would 
be  willing  to  sell  them.  It  is  well  known  that  the 
negroes  of  all  ages  have  been  in  the  practice  of  sell- 
ing their  own  children,  when  pressed  by  want,  as 
they  now  do  nearly  all  over  Africa — who  also  en- 
slave myriads  of  their  ow7i  people  by  force,  as  we 
shall  show  in  the  course  of  the  work. 

As  to  the  race  inland  in  Canaan,  they  were  never 
entirely  exterminated  by  the  Jews,  as  there  were  al- 
ways remnants  of  tribes  left  in  the  land,  who  con- 
tinued during  the  whole  Jewish  history,  from  Moses 
until  they  were  destroyed  by  the  Romans — a  lapse  of 
more  than  fifteen  hundred  years.   There  was  always, 


therefore,  abundant  opportunity  for  the  Jews  to  pur- 
chase children  of  the  people  of  that  cast  for  slaves, 
as  Moses  had  told  them  in  the  law  should  be  their 

Having,  as  proposed  in  the  commencement  of  this 
section,  shown  that  the  law  of  Moses  did  indorse  and 
sanction  the  enslaving  of  the  race  of  Ham,  as  de- 
nounced by  Noah,  and  that  the  Hebrews,  through 
the  whole  Jewish  history,  acted  toward  them  on  that 
principle,  we  pass  to  other  matters  respecting  the  race. 
One  of  those  matters  will  consist  of  an  inquiry, 
whether  God  created  the  race  of  Ham,  equal  with  the 
descendants  of  the  other  sons  of  Noah,  in  point  of 
native  intellectuality,  and  especially,  with  those  of 
Japheth,  the  white  race. 

From  Noah's  lips  went  forth  the  dire  account. 
Which  echoed  on  the  top  of  Sinai's  mount 
That  God  judicially  decreed  by  name 
The  race  of  Ham  for  slaves — th'  lambent  flame, 
Gave  out  a  voice,  all  holy — not  a  flaw. 
And  there  indorsed  the  same  in  Hebrew  law. 
Now  let  no  erring  man  deride  the  stroke, 
Fotjudgmeni  is  God's  ttrmnge  and  fearful  work. 

[kaiah  xxTiii,  26. 



Arguments  and  positions  of  abolitionists  favoring  a  belief  that  the 
Scriptures  recognize  the  negro  man  as  being  equal  with  the  other 
races,  in  point  of  blood  and  otherwise,  refuted — Mark  of  Cain— 
What  it  was — No  black  men  or  negroes  before  the  flood  except 
one — Difference  between  the  secreting  power  of  the  blood  of  white 
and  negro  men — Evidences  that  the  Supreme  Being  puts  a  high- 
er estimate  on  white  than  on  black,  as  colors  or  complexiona— 
Consent  to  this  difference  by  the  blacks  themselves,  though  inci- 
dentally given,  according  to  the  accounts  of  travelers  in  Africa — 
A  curious  argument  cf  abolitionists  in  favor  of  negro  equality 
replied  to,  with  many  other  interesting  matters. 

In  this  division  of  the  work  we  shall  examine  a 
passage  of  Scripture,  upon  which  abolitionists  build 
their  theory  of  the  negro's  natural  and  mental  equal- 
ity with  white  men.  This  passage  of  Holy  Writ, 
upon  which  hangs  the  claimed  excellence  of  that 
race,  is  written  in  the  book  of  Acts  xvii,  26,  as  fol- 
lows :  "  God  hath  made  of  one  Mood  all  nations  of 
men,  to  dwell  on  all  the  face  of  the  earth,  and  hath 
determined  the  times  afore  appointed,  and  the  hounds 
of  their  habitations.^^ 

The  arguments  drawn  from  the  Scripture  by  abo- 
litionists, run  thus : 

In  the  veins  of  Adam,  the  first  man  and  great  fa- 
ther of  all  mankind,  the  blood  of  the  negro  race,  as 
well  as  the  blood  of  the  other  races,  flowed  free  and 
full,  on  which  account  his  equality  with  all  other 
people  is  clearly  made  out,  as  they  believe. 


But  to  this  opinion,  we  reply  that  there  was  never 
any  negro  blood  in  the  veins  of  Adam,  nor  blood 
which  produced  the  black  or  African  race,  naturally  ; 
whoever  believes  there  was,  will  find  it  necessary  to 
prove,  that  there  were  black  men  in  the  very  family 
of  Adam,  and  that  they  continued  on  down  the  course 
of  time,  as  part  and  parcel  of  the  antediluvian  popu- 
lation, till  the  flood  ;  which  it  is  not  possible  to  prove. 

Should  we  allow  that  Cain's  mark  which  was  set 
upon  him  by  the  Divine  power,  was  that  of  a  black 
skin,  this  would  not  prove  that  it  was  derived  from 
Adam's  veins,  but  from  a  curse  rather. 

The  mark,  however,  as  held  by  the  Jews,  was  not 
any  affection  of  the  skin  of  Cain,  but  an  affection  of 
the  nerves,  by  which  means  he  became  a  jiarabjtic, 
or  trembler  ;  hence  he  was  called  Nod,  the  vagabond 
or  the  trembler,  which  also  gave  the  same  name  to 
the  country  whither  he  fled,  from  the  face  of  his  fa- 
ther's family.  If  that  mark  was  a  black  skin,  yet 
this  could  not  affect  the  children  of  Cain,  unless,  to- 
gether with  that  mark,  his  nature  and  constitution 
was  also  changed,  so  that  his  race  could  partake  with 
him  of  that  curse.  But  were  we  to  allow  this,  so  as 
to  make  out  the  being  of  negroes  before  the  flood,  yet 
they  could  not  be  the  progenitors  of  the  ^present  ne- 
groes of  the  earth,  as  all  Cain's  race,  with  all  the  oth- 
er races  were  lost  in  the  flood.  On  this  account,  we 
are  the  more  confirmed  in  the  belief,  that  the  first  ne- 
gro of  the  earth  was  Ham,  a  son  of  Noah,  and  that 
Cain  and  his  people,  were  no  more  negroes  or  black 
men  than  Adam  was. 

If  then,  the  blood  of  Adam  did  not  produce  a  vari- 


egated  multitude  of  human  beings  in  relation  to  their 
complexions,  differing  as  widely  from  each  other  as 
do  black  and  white,  then  the  blood  of  the  white  and 
the  hlack  man,  did  not  flow  in  the  veins  of  Adam,  as 
such,  or  in  this  variegated  condition,  so  as  to  produce 
by  natural  generation,  blacky  white,  and  red,  with  all 
the  hues  of  the  human  race  intermixedly,  like  cattle 
or  the  fowls  of  the  air. 

Adam's  blood,  as  the  text  reads,  was  but  one  blood 
only,  not  many  bloods.  This  one  blood  could  pro- 
duce of  itself,  naturally,  but  one  general  character  of 
human  beings  ;  this  we  think,  is  an  incontrovertible 
position,  proved  true  in  the  experience  of  all  ages,  by 
the  progenies  of  the  different  races  which  now  exist. 

This  was  certainly  the  opinion  of  St.  Luke,  who 
was  a  physician,  and  of  course  a  learned  man — a 
philosopher,  who  wrote  the  famous  passage  above  al- 
luded to,  as  well  as  the  whole  book  in  which  that 
passage  is  found  ;  for  he  calls  the  blood  of  Adam  in 
that  scripture,  one  blood  and  no  more. 

Of  this  one  blood  God  made  the  two  other  bloods, 
as  we  have  shown  on  the  first  pages  ot  this  work. 
Into  these  two  new  bloods,  God  infused,  or  created, 
two  seci'eting  principles  ;  one  depositing  between  the 
outer  and  secondary  skin  of  the  body  of  one  of  these 
men  a  white  mucus,  causing  the  skin  of  that  man  to 
be  white,  and  between  the  outer  and  inner  skin  of  the 
other  a  black  mucus,  causing  that  man  to  be  black. 

That  such  is  the  fact  now,  is  well  known  to  phys- 
iologists, who  admit  that  these  mucuses  cause  the 
difference  in  the  colors  of  all  the  human  complexions. 
Did  all  these  mucuses  float  between  the  inner  and 


outward  skin  of  Adam  ?  If  so,  then  he  was  a  very 
mottled  looking  object  indeed,  being  red,  black,  and 
white,  confusedly  mixed  together. 

The  creation,  or  infusing  of  this  secreting  principle 
into  the  blood  of  Japheth  and  Ham  was  miraculous, 
and  no  more  difficult  for  the  performance  of  the  Di- 
vine hand  than  was  the  creation  of  the  nmcus,  which 
gave  the  r^  d  color  to  Adam's  skin  at  first. 

That  a  variety  of  nations  has  been  made  out  of 
that  one  first  blood,  is  the  very  thing  the  writer,  St. 
Luke,  means,  when  he  says,,  that  God  made  of  one 
blood  all  nations,  &c.  He  does  not  say  that  all  na- 
tions, all  colors  and  kinds  of  people  existed  primarily 
in  that  first  blood  of  Adam,  but  that  out  of,  or  fronij 
that  blood  the  other  bloods  have  been  produced. 

From  that  scripture,  therefore,  as  we  deem,  the 
equality  of  the  negro  race  with  the  white  race  is  not 
made  out ;  as  the  color,  formation,  woolly  hair,  thick 
skull,  pointed  posteriors,  large  foot,  pouting  lips, 
wide  and  flatted  nose,  low  forehead,  hollow  and  com- 
pressed temples,  narrow  monkey  shaped  waist,  wide 
chest,  angular  shaped  legs,  were  not,  and  could  not 
have  been,  the  direct  and  natural  propagation  of 
Adam's  blood. 

But,  says  one,  if  it  was  God  who  made  this  change 
in  the  blood  of  Adam,  when  he  formed  those  two 
sons,  Japheth  and  Ham,  so  that,  contrary  to  nature, 
Noah  and  his  wife  became  the  parents  of  two  races 
of  men  entirely  diverse  from  themselves,  how  is  it 
that  the  negro  man  is  not  equally  honorable  with  the 
white  man,  seeing  it  was  God  who  was  the  author 
of  this  curious  miracle  1 


It  is  made  out  that  he  is  not  equal,  not  only  from 
the  everywhere  staring  fact  of  the  actual  difference 
there  is  between  the  white  and  black  races,  but  also 
from  the  ability  of  the  Creator  to  make  of  one  blood 
as  many  nations  of  men  as  he  would,  some  to  honor, 
and  some  to  dishonor,  exercising  his  power  arbitrari- 
ly, as  does  the  potter  over  the  same  lump  of  clay: 
Romans  ix,  20,  21. 

Thus  has  God  seen  fit  to  do  in  the  creation  of  the 
two  races  of  men,  the  negroes  and  the  whites ;  one 
is  degraded  by  natural  tendencies,  with  a  curse  or  a 
judicial  decree  to  announce  it,  and  the  other  with  a 
blessing,  equally  judicial,  both  being  dictated  by  the 
Holy  Ghost  from  the  lips  of  Noah. 

As  to  the  intrinsic  superiority  of  a  white  complex- 
ion over  that  of  black,  there  is  no  question ;  for,  by 
the  common  consent  of  all  ages  among  men,  and  even 
of  God  himself  in  heaven,  there  has  been  bestowed  on 
white  the  most  honorable  distinction.  White  has 
become  the  emblem  of  moral  purity  and  truth,  not 
only  on  earth,  but  in  eternity  also,  as  it  is  said  of  the 
saints,  that  they  shall  walk  with  the  Lamb  in  white^ 
not  in  black  (Rev.  iii,  4,  5),  and  be  clothed  in  white 
raiment.  When  Christ,  the  Lamb  that  was  slain,  ap- 
peared to  John,  the  beloved  disciple,  on  the  isle  of 
Patmos,  it  was  in  the  splendor  of  white.  See  Rev.  i, 
14:  "His  head  and  his  hairs  were  white  like  wool,  as 
white  as  snow."  The  same  is  said  by  Daniel,  to  whom 
this  same  glorious  being  appeared,  some  five  hundred 
years  before  his  appearance  to  St.  John.  See  book 
of  Daniel,  chap,  vii,  9,  as  follows:  "I  beheld  till  the 
thrones  [of  earth]  were  cast  down,  and  the  Ancient  of 


days  [God  Almighty]  did  sit,  whose  garment  was 
lohite  as  snoio^  and  the  hair  of  his  head  hke  the  jmre 
wool,"  being  excessively  white.  In  this  same  char- 
ac!er,  as  to  appearance,  he  was  seen  on  the  top  of  a 
high  mountain  when  transfigured,  as  stated  by  Mat- 
thew, chap,  xvii,  2,  where  it  is  said,  that  his  face 
shone  as  the  sun,  and  that  his  raiment  was  as  white 
as  the  light.  In  Rev.  xx,  11,  the  very  throne  of  God 
in  heaven  is  said  to  be  white,  as  follows:  "And  I 
saw  a  great  white  throne,  and  him  that  sat  on  it,  from 
whose  face  the  earth  and  the  heaven  [firmament]  fled 

The  Savior  of  mnnkind,  though  born  of  a  Jew- 
ish copper  colored  woman,  was  nevertheless  a  white 
man.  This  complexion,  which  characterized  the 
body  of  God  incarnate,  was  such  as  pleased  him,  or  he 
would  not  thus  have  appeared.  The  proof  that  he 
was  a  white  man,  is  derived  from  a  letter,  written  by 
a  Roman  Senator  from  Judea,  in  the  time  of  Augus- 
tus Caesar,  to  Rome.  In  that  letter,  which  is  now 
extant,  the  man  Jesus  Christ  is  said  to  have  been  a 
man  of  surpassing  beauty,  having  a  bright  fair  com- 
plexion, with  hair  of  the  color  of  a  ripe^Z6er^  which 
is  inclining  to  the  yellow  or  golden  color.  His  eyes 
were  of  the  hazel  or  blue  cast ;  his  forehead  high, 
smooth,  and  broad.  His  stature  tall  and  exceeding- 
ly graceful,  every  motion  and  attitude  bore  the  stamp 
of  perfection,  over  all  of  which  there  was  an  in- 
describable sweetness,  as  well  as  of  resistless  com- 

If  the  hair  of  his  head  was  light  colored,  and  his 
eyes  of  a  blueish  hazel,  then  he  must  have  been  of  a 


white  complexion,  as  no  copper  colored  Jew,  Arab,  oi 
Indian,  ever  have  such  hair,  or  such  eyes. 

This  being  true,  it  adds  another  proof  that,  in  the 
estimation  of  the  Creator,  the  white  complexion,  such 
as  is  possessed  by  the  race  of  Japheth,  is  more  valu- 
able than  black  or  red,  or  the  Son  of  God  would  not 
have  chosen  a  body  thus  complexioned  to  make  his 
appearance  as  the  second  Adam,  or  the  Lord  from 

Are  not  these  instances  sufficient  to  establish  the 
point,  that  white  has  obtained  the  most  honorable  dis- 
tinction, both  in  heaven  and  on  earth,  over  that  of 
black.  Could  this  be  so,  were  there  not  intrinsically 
something  more  valuable  and  pleasing  to  the  Divine 
Being,  in  the  fulgence  oi  whiteness,  than  is  in  its  op- 
posite, which  is  black. 

White  is  the  sign  of  life  and  being ;  for,  previous 
to  the  existence  of  all  created  things  over  the  whole 
face,  as  well  as  throughout  the  whole  space  of  bound- 
less, shoreless,  fathomless,  interminable  eternity,  there 
was  relatively  nothing  but  one  ocean  of  the  black- 
ness of  darkness.  Light,  which  is  white,  was  there- 
fore the  first  sign  of  created  being,  and  is  a  fit  simili- 
tude of  the  uncreated  God,  of  whom  it  is  said  that 
God  is  light.    John  i,  5. 

Black,  in  all  ages,  has  been  the  sign  of  every 
hateful  thing.  If  a  man  is  uncommonly  wicked,  he  is 
said  to  be  a  hlack  hearted  wretch,  as  a  traitor,  a  liar, 
a  thief,  a  murderer,  &:c.  Sackcloth  of  hair,  so  often 
alluded  to  in  the  Scriptures,  was  a  cloth  that  was 
black,  and  was  referred  to  as  the  sign  of  mourning, 
judgment,  and  death.     Hell,  itself,  which  is  situated 

1  ORTUKKS,   OF  THE   MCGllO  RACE,  167 

somewhere  in  thf  vast  womb  of  eternal  night,  out- 
side, and  beyond  the  whole  universe  of  God,  so  far 
off  from  the  pale  of  creation,  and  the  space  occupiec^ 
now  by  the  great  family  of  suns  and  worlds,  which 
may  yet  be  taken  up  by  succeeding  creations  to  all 
eternity,  is  spoken  of  as  being  "  the  blackness  of  dark- 
ness ;"  Jude  13.  In  second  Peter,  the  same  place, 
hell,  is  again  referred  to  as  being  a  j)lace  of  darkness, 
where  the  angels,  who  kept  not  their  Jirst  estate,  are 
bound  in  chains  (or  depths)  of  darkness,  and  are  re- 
served to  judgment. 

To  the  opinion  of  the  superiority  of  white  over 
black,  the  negroes  themselves  subscribe  in  the  fact 
of  their  always  and  every  where  insisting  that  they 
ought  to  be  called  colored  people,  and  not  a  black 
people,  as  they  esteem  it  extremely  degrading  to  be 
called  negroes,  or  black  people. 

But,  says  one,  this  kind  of  involuntary  confession 
of  the  blacks,  respecting  the  disagi'eeableness  of  their 
color,  arises  out  of  their  bemg  in  countries  where  all 
power,  influence,  wealth,  rule,  government,  &c.,  are 
in  the  hands  of  the  whites ;  but  turn  the  tables,  and 
step  over  to  Africa,  if  you  please,  where  you  will  find 
the  negro  man  in  his  native  glory,  walking  abroad 
in  his  primeval  independence,  having  not  a  dream 
in  the  visions  of  his  soul  that  a  black  skin  is  not  a 
handsome  and  becoming  complexion.  We  will  step 
over  to  Africa,  as  the  thing  is  easily  done,  and  see 
whether  it  is  really  so,  by  making  inquiries  of  trav- 
elers, who  have  made  themselves  familiar  with  their 
manners  and  customs,  their  loves  and  antipathies. 

As  being  pertinent  to  this  subject,  we  shall  make  a 


few  extracts  from  Damberger's  Travels  in  Africa. 
This  man  is  a  good  witness,  as  he  was  many  years 
in  the  interior  of  that  country,  having  ran  away  from 
a  Dutch  military  garrison,  at  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope, 
and  fled  into  the  interior,  hiding  himself  among  the 
Caffres.  of  whom  he  learned  the  language  of  the  ne- 
gro nations. 

From  thence,  after  a  long  time,  he  traveled  by 
piece  meal,  alone,  and  always  nearly  naked,  the  whole 
length  of  Africa,  full  four  thousand  miles,  commenc- 
ing at  the  Cape,  and  coming  out  at  Morocco,  near 
Santa  Cruz,  being  sixteen  years  in  performing  the 
journey,  passing  over  sixty  degrees  of  the  globe, 
keeping  along  on  the  western  side  of  the  continent, 
at  no  great  distance  from  the  sea.  This  journey  of 
Damberger  was  commenced  in  1781,  over  sixty  years 
ago,  and  ended  in  1797.  This  work  may  be  seen  in 
the-State  Library  at  Albany,  New  York. 

During  this  journey,  Damberger  fell  in  with  a 
tribe,  or  nation,  by  themselves,  called  Mattamans, 
with  whose  chief  he  remained  some  days  to  rest. 
This  negro  king  was  a  powerful  man  as  to  bone  and 
muscle,  but  went  about  entirely  naked,  as  did  all  his 
people,  except  a  slender  covering  of  the  waist.  A 
little  distance  from  the  residence  of  this  chief,  there 
was  a  son  of  his,  whither  Damberger  was  desired  to 
accompany  the  king  on  a  visit.  This  son  had  two 
little  daughters,  one  about  nine,  and  the  other  seven 
years  old,  who,  on  beholding  the  white  man  as  he 
drew  near  with  their  grandfather,  came  running  to 
meet  them.  But  instead  of  remaining  to  be  carress- 
ed  by  their  grandfather,  they  immediately  left  him, 


and  clung  to  the  white  man,  though  a  stranger,  leap- 
ing and  playing  about,  and  crying  out  with  great 
glee  and  satisfaction,  "  Yo  no  colo,  yo  no  cola  /"  that 
is,  pretty  white  man,  pretty  white  man.  See  Datn- 
berger^s  Travels^  vol.  i,  p.  175. 

This  was  the  voice  of  nature  speaking  with  the 
tongues  of  these  children,  in  approval  of  the  white 
man's  complexion  over  their  own,  the  same  as  they 
would  have  done  on  finding  a  pretty  flower,  a  tree 
laden  with  berries,  or  any  thing  that  was  pleasing  to 
their  sight. 

The  same  kind  of  preference  of  many  of  the  tribes, 
among  whom  he  wandered,  was  shown  to  Bamber- 
ger, as  well  by  the  men  as  the  women,  who  would 
gather  round  him,  calling  him  handsome  because  he 
was  white.  Some  would,  in  the  most  imreserved 
manner,  lift  his  garments  which  he  wore  about  his 
waist,  and  examine  the  sign  of  his  sex  with  cries  of 
approval,  desiring  a  union  of  his  blood  with  theirs. 
Vol.  i,  p.  99,  128. 

By  one  of  the  tribes  this  man  fell  in  with,  who 
were  called  Kxnonians,  he  was  scrutinized  more 
closely  than  common,  in  relation  to  the  idea  above 
alluded  to,  and  leing  highly  approved  of,  on  account 
of  his  great  beauty  and  whiteness  of  complexion, 
they  were  strongly  minded  to  detain  him  against  his 
will,  for  the  improvement  of  their  race  by  amalgam- 
ation. On  this  account  he  made  his  escape  by  stealth, 
being  assisted  by  a  young  negress  of  the  tribe.  Vol. 
li,  p.  103. 

Thus  Bamberger  was  received  wherever  he  went 
among  the  black  nations  of  Africa.  To  the  eve  of 


civilization,  this  poor  runaway  from  the  garrison  of 
the  Cape  must  have  been  a  frightful  looking  being, 
as  he  was  nearly  naked,  his  skin  sunburnt  and  scaly. 
His  hair  and  beard  grown  to  a  most  hideous  length, 
poor  and  emaciated  in  person,  and  yet  with  all 
these  disadvantages,  the  negroes,  men  and  women, 
and  even  the  children,  were  delighted  with  his  beauty 

When,  for  the  first  time,  a  child  of  the  white  race 
sees  a  negro  man,  it  is  always  frightened  by  the  hor- 
ible  apparition.  Even  to  a  man,  or  any  person  of 
adult  years,  the  first  sight  of  a  black  human  being, 
gives  them  a  shock,  or  a  feeling  of  the  most  singulai 
character,  mixed  up  of  pity,  disgust  and  wonder,  not 
experienced  by  negroes,  on  seeing  a  white  liuman  be 
ing  for  the  first  time. 

This  admiration  of  the  blacks,  bestowed  upon  the 
white  nations  and  individuals,  is  the  involuntary 
voice  and  approval  of  nature,  which  speaks  always 
the  truth,  far  enough  removed  from  the  influence  of 

When  the  famous  traveler,  Mungo  Park,  was  in 
Africa,  and  having  occasion  to  ascertain,  in  a  certain 
place,  the  altitude  of  the  sun,  it  was  noticed  that  a 
powerful  young  negro  man,  as  to  size,  a  prince,  as 
they  said  he  was,  but  naked,  paid  very  close  atten- 
tion to  the  arrangement  of  the  instrument,  the  quad- 
rant in  particular,  and  saw  that  they  were  doing 
something  about  the  sun,  when  he  cried  out  in  evi- 
dent iistress  of  mind,  "  black  man  nothing:'  Law- 
rence's Lectures,  p.  420. 

Here,  probably  for  the  first  time  in  his  life,  a 
thought  respecting  his  race  being  black  and  degraded, 


arose  in  his  mind,  occasioned  by  a  comparison  of 
himself  and  people  with  the  white  men  then  before 
him,  who  appeared  able  even  to  measure  that  flam- 
ing globe  of  seeming  fire,  the  sun,  which  had  glared 
for  ages  along  the  highway  of  the  heavens,  and  the 
thought  alarmed  him ;  so  that  in  his  native  tongue  he 
exclaimed,  "  black  man  nothing," 

Another  evidence  in  support  of  the  belief,  that  a 
white  skin  is  preferred  by  the  negro  race,  is  afforded 
in  the  fact  that,  among  the  kings  and  petty  chiefs  of 
the  Africans,  a  female  who  may  chance  not  to  be  as 
black  as  common,  is  more  highly  prized  as  a  beauty, 
and  considered  an  acquisition  of  immense  importance. 
In  every  part  of  the  world,  it  is  a  matter  of  boasting 
with  negro  men  and  women,  if  they  can  show  that 
they  have  white  blood  mixed  with  theirs ;  or  if  they 
can  get  them.selves  united  in  consanguinity  with  the 
white  race ;  this  is  the  same  also  among  the  Indians. 
It  is  a  very  rare  thing,  if  it  ever  happens  at  all,  for  a 
negro  man  or  woman  to  boast  of  the  purity  of  their 
African  blood,  or  of  the  intensity  of  the  blackness  of 
their  bodies,  or  woolliness  of  their  hair,  while  the  con- 
trary is  the  fact,  as  they  are  rejoiced  at  any  de- 
parture in  their  progeny  from  the  baleful  hue,  wheth- 
er among  white  nations  or  in  the  wilds  of  Africa. 
Were  it  not  for  this  trait  in  the  character  of  their 
being,  namely,  their  dissatisfaction  with  their  forma- 
tion and  complexion,  there  would  be  still  greater 
reason  to  judge  them  as  wanting  in  natural  intel- 

There  is  another  position  which  the  pleaders  of 
negro  equality  and  excellence  urge  with  great  impet- 


uosity,  from  which  they  infer  that  the  God  oi'  tlie  hu- 
man race  never  intended  their  enslavement.  This 
position  arises  out  of  the  circumstance  of  the  Crea- 
tor having  given  to  man  in  Adam,  the  control,  rule 
and  government,  over  all  the  animal  creation,  in  their 
subjugation ;  making  thereby  all  nations  and  all 
races  of  men  lords  alike  in  this  particular,  as  is  seen 
to  have  been  the  case.  Gen.  i,  26,  and  ix,  2.  The 
first  was  said  when  God  was  about  to  make  man, 
as  in  the  first  quotation.  The  second  was  said,  as 
in  the  last  quotation,  after  the  flood,  to  Noah  and 
his  family. 

As  to  the  amount  of  the  ^r*^  scripture,  it  can  have 
no  application  to  the  negro's  case  at  all,  in  making 
them  lords  in  that  particular,  equal  with  white  men, 
over  the  animals  of  the  earth,  as  during  all  the  ages 
of  the  antediluvian  world,  there  was  not  a  negro  on 
the  earth,  except  Ham,  the  son  of  Noah. 

As  to  the  amount  of  the  second  scripture,  in  rela- 
tion to  the  negro  race,  we  do  not  in  the  least  deny 
their  equal  lordship  with  white  men,  over  all  the  an- 
imals of  the  globe ;  but  we  deny  that  their  equality 
can  be  made  out  of  premises  so  smaU.  Because  God 
has  given  to  the  race  of  Ham  some  equal  privilege 
with  the  race  of  Japheth,  is  he,  therefore,  in  all  re- 
spects his  equal  ?  Though  the  negro  race  have  an 
equal  right  to  the  elements  of  nature,  as  have  all  an- 
imals, yet  this  cannot,  and  does  not,  elevate  the  stand- 
ard of  their  capacities. 

The  same  God  who  gave  to  man,  both  black  and 
white  alike,  the  equal  natural  lordship  of  animals, 
has  also,  of  his  own  gopd  pleasure,  placed  the  uegrQ 


race  within  the  control  of  his  superior,  which  is  as  cer- 
tainly said  in  so  many  words,  by  Noah,  as  that  it  is 
said  that  God  in  the  beginning  made  the  heavens  and 
the  earth. 

The  position  is  too  far  fetched,  too  circuitous  and 
winding,  to  bear  the  straight  forward  light  of  truth, 
as  all  experience  and  observation  in  all  ages,  prove 
their  inequality  and  mental  inferiority  with  white 
men,  even  themselves  being  judges,  as  they  never 
have  claimed  so  high  a  standing  as  a  people,  that  we 
are  aware  of. 

Having  thus  passed  through  the  inquiry,  respecting 
the  original  equality  of  the  negro  race  with  the  rest 
of  mankind,  as  claimed  for  them  by  abolitionists,  on 
the  ground  of  the  one  hlood  argument,  derived  from 
the  book  of  Acts,  and  the  fact  of  the  negro's  equal 
lordship  over  animals,  we  pass  to  an  examination,  in 
some  degree,  of  their  general,  as  well  as  particular 
and  personal  character,  during  which  it  will  more 
and  more  appear,  that  they  are  not^  have  never  been, 
and  can  never  be,  the  equals  of  white  men  in  almost 
all  the  mental  powers  and  capacities  of  human  na- 
ture, and  that  they  were  thus  produced  by  the  Divine 

As  o'er  their  limbs  a  claud  of  darkness  lowers, 
So  hangs  a  mental  gloom  upon  their  powers: 
The  ray  Divine  gives  not  so  fair  a  flame. 
Nor  shows  as  much  the  glory  of  God's  name. 
As  on  the  white  man's  brow,  his  soul,  his  face. 
Is  seen  to  shine— so  pleased  creative  grace- 
Yet  who  is  he  that  boasts,  for  can  the  clay 
Have  glorying  thoughts  or  proud  words  to  say  t 



Moral  and  civil  character  of  tbie  negro  race — Acts  of  the  negro 
Sodomites — Their  lewdness,  &c. — Proofs  from  many  authors  re- 
specting their  amours  with  dumb  beasts — As  well  from  the  Scrip- 
tares — Of  this  the  Canaanites  were  guilty — As  well  as  the  Egyp- 
tians— Moses's  testimony  to  this — Herodotus's  testimony  from 
his  own  observations  when  in  Egypt — Gales^s  testimony — Son- 
nini'a  testimony — Testimony  of  the  Prophet  Hzekiel — Curious 
sexual  formation  of  the  negro  race — Lewd  customs  of  the  ancient 
Egyptians  about  their  temples,  as  seen  by  Herodotus — Same  traits 
of  character  among  the  negroes  of  all  countries  at  the  present 
time,  in  America,  and  every  where — Dreadful  practices  of  the 
women  of  Egypt — Writer's  apology  for  plain  writing  on  matters 
of  this  description — Proofs  that  Jezebel  and  all  her  priests  were 
black,  with  some  account  »f  her  character  as  a  negress  and  a 
wanton — Account  of  automaton  images  made  for  lewd  purposes 
by  the  women  of  those  times — Pictures  and  images  of  the  Ca- 
naanites — Influence  of  these  doings  of  the  negroes  of  those  ages 
on  the  Hebrews — Curious  reason  of  the  Jewish  Rabbi  why  the  dogs 
woHld  not  eat  the  head  and  hands  of  Jezebel — Horrid  customs  of 
the  African  negroes — Respecting  the  marriages  of  their  young 
women,  as  related  by  Herodotus — Corresponding  character  of 
the  Africans  now  in  these  particulars,  as  related  by  travelers— 
Rollin's  testimony  to  the  same  thing. 

Afi  a  justification  of  the  severity  of  God  against 
the  race  of  Ham,  we  shall  now  give  some  account 
of  their  character,  who,  as  will  appear,  are,  and  have 
always  been,  the  faithful  disciples,  and  imitators  oi 
their  lascivious  and  degraded  father.  It  is  not  to  be 
doubted  that  Ham,  notwithstanding  the  goodness  of 
his  two  brothers,  Shera,  and  Japheth,  and  his  right* 


patriarch  father,  was  as  wicked  as  any  of  the 
antediluvians,  who  were  destroyed  in  the  flood.  But 
for  the  sake  of  the  Divine  Providence,  carrying  into 
€ifect  his  plan  of  inhabiting  the  hot  regions  of  the 
earth,  after  the  flood,  with  a  suitable  race  of  men,  who, 
in  their  constitutions  and  animal  appetites,  should  be 
fitted  to  the  climate,  &c.,  as  before  argued,  this  pro- 
genitor of  all  the  Africans  was  taken  in  and  preserved 
in  the  Ark,  with  the  rest  of  Noah's  family. 

A  vivid,  as  well  as  a  frightful  trait  of  the  charac 
ter  of  this  whole  people,  the  races  of  Mezarim,  Cush, 
Phut,  and  Canaan,  the  four  sons  of  Ham,  is  shown 
in  the  actions  of  the  Sodomites,  in  the  days  of  Lot, 
the  half  brother  of  Abraham. 

The  Sodomites  were  the  same  people  with  the 
Oanaanites,  living  along  the  great  vale  of  the  river 
Jordan,  which  bounded  the  land  of  Canaan  on  the 
east  toward  Syria.  The  occasion  on  which  their  pe- 
culiar character  and  general  behavior  was  manifested, 
is  familiar  to  every  reader  of  the  Scriptures^,  see  Gen. 
xix,  written  by  the  hand  of  Moses,  in  substance  as 
follows : 

On  a  certain  day,  as  the  sun  was  going  down, 
there  came  toward  the  city  of  Sodom  two  young 
men,  who,  as  Josephus  says,  were  very  beautiful 
and  tall.  They  appeared  as  if  weary,  but  manifest- 
ed no  inclination  to  enter  the  gates  of  the  place,  or 
any  house  wherein  to  rest.  But  Lot,  who  lived 
there,  happening  just  then  to  be  reclining  on  a  seat 
at  the  gate,  which  was  near  to  his  dwelling  within, 
saw  the  strangers,  and  immediately  rising  up,  invited 
them  to  accompany  him  to  his  house,  and  to  tarry 



with   him   till   morning,   of  which   they   accepted,, 
though  apparently  in  a  reluctant  manner. 

Now  as  soon  as  it  was  dark,  the  men  of  that  part 
of  the  city  assailed  the  dwelling  of  Lot,  demanding 
that  the  two  strangers  should  be  brought  out  into 
the  street,  that  they  might  "  know  them,"  as  theysaid. 
This  peculiar  term  to ^^know  them"  was  fraught  with 
a  meaning,  of  which  hell  and  all  its  inhabitants 
would  have  been  ashamed,  had  they  heard  it.  To 
the  demand  however,  Lot  objected  with  great  vehe- 
mence, saying,  "  I  pray  you,  do  not  so  wickedly." 

On  hearing  this,  they  became  enraged  at  Lot, 
when  they  said  they  would  deal  worse  with  him 
than  with  the  strangers,  because  he  had,  as  they 
pietended.  set  himself  up  as  a  judge  among  them. 
Here  they  made  a  rush,  crying  out.  sta7id  back,  in- 
tending to  seize  Lot,  and  to  drag  him  into  the  stree; 
where  they  meant  to  abuse  him,  in  the  sam*^  vva» 
they  intended  to  abuse  the  two  young  men. 

But  on  the  instant  when  their  rage  had  gone  up 
in  the  scale  of  fury  to  its  highest  altitude,  and  whep 
their  fingers  were  nerved  with  the  deep  energies  of 
^Satanic  violence,  ready  to  grasp  their  victims,  the  two 
young  men,  the  strangers  who  stood  just  within,  put 
forth  their  hands,  and  pulled  Lot  into  the  house, 
when  they  shut  the  door.  But  as  the  Sodomites 
pressed  on,  to  break  down  the  door  of  Lot's  house, 
l>ehold  they  were  shrouded  in  a  deep,  thick  darkness, 
so  that  they  groped  about  miserably,  not  knowing 
where  they  were,  or  what  they  should  do,  for  they 
had  been  struck  in  the  midst  of  their  fury,  by  an  in- 
lasible  power,  with  blindness. 


In  this  horrid  condition  they  spent  the  night,  see- 
ing  nothing  till  morning,  when  their  eyes  were  open- 
ed, and  they  saw  the  heavens  teeming  with  glaring 
meteors  of  flame,  which  chased  each  other,  as  in 
sport,  while  others  seemed  to  stand  still,  looking 
down  on  the  devoted  region  below,  as  if  they  were 
endowed  with  thoughts,  and  were  watching  the  pro- 
gress of  Lot's  escape  to  the  mountains,  beyond  the 
I  plain. 

I  When  this  was  accomplished,  and  Lot  and  his 

family  were  safe,  then  began  the  work  of  wrath,  as 

if  the  lightnings  of  the  elements  from  the  four  winds 

of  heaven  kept  holyday,  and  yet  were  obedient  to 

the  beck  of  an  awful  hand,  which  far  up  in  the 

j  gloomy  concave  was  seen  in  flaming  red,  pointing 

j  them  to  their  courses.     Then  fell  a  tempest  of  fire, 

{  mingled  with  burning  brimstone,  from  the  Lord,  out 

j  of  Heaven,  destroying  not  only  the  great  vale  of  Sod- 

i  om,  but  five  cities,  with  hamlets  and  villages  innu- 

!  merable.     So  violent  and  fierce  was  the  fire,  that  it 

I  devoured  the  very  ground  in  all  that  region,  as  it  was 

j  composed  much  of  a  bituminous  strata,  to  a  great 

j  depth,  in  which  the  Jordan  flowed  and  formed  the 

j  Dead  Sea. 

1  Thus  disappeared,  at  one  bufiet  of  the  Almighty 

I  hand,  many  ten  thousands  of  the  lewd  race  of  Ham, 

in  a  way  the  most  horrible  to  think  of     There  must 

have  been  some  extraordinary  reason  for  severity  so 

amazing,  as  it  was  far  more  dreadful  in  its  ajjplica- 

I  Hon,  than  either  the  curse  of  Noah,  the  exterminating 

!  decree  against  the  Canaanites  in  the  law  of  Moses^ 

or  their  doom  to  perpetual  slavery* 



Lewdness,  of  the  most  hideous  description,  was 
the  crime  of  which  they  were  guiUy,  blended  with 
idolatry  in  their  adoration  of  the  gods,  who  were 
carved  out  of  wood,  painted,  and  otherwise  made,  so 
as  to  represent  the  wild  passions  of  lascivious  desires, 
in  both  male  and  female  forms.  This  was  the  char- 
acter of  all  the  Hamethian  race  in  old  Canaan, 
Egypt,  and  every  where,  but  more  especially  in  Sod- 
om, who  seem  to  have  outdone  all  competitors,  for 
they  gave  themselves  entirely  over,  without  the  least 
reserve,  even  going  after  ^'- strange  Jlesh"  which  sig- 
nified dumb  beasts  [see  St.  Jude,  verse  7],  as  well  as 
man  after  man. 

For  many  particulars  of  the  practices  of  the  negro 
nations  of  these  ages,  see  xviiith  and  xxth  chapters 
of  Leviticus,  where  it  is  shown  that  they  outraged 
n^all  order  and  decency  of  human  society,  making  no 
difierence  between  sisters,  mothers,  neighbors,  wives, 
men,  and  animals,  in  their  amours  and  sexual  com- 

Should  the  reader  desire  to  know  the  truth  on  this 
subject,  he  will  do  well  to  examine  the  Scriptures 
above  alluded  to,  where  the  crimes  of  these  nations 
are  set  down  in  horrible  array.  To  show  this,  we 
will  make  a  brief  quotation  from  the  xviiith  of  Le- 
viticus, 22-24,  as  follows :  "  Thou  shalt  not  lie  with 
mankind,  as  with  womankind:  it  is  abomination. 
Neither  shalt  thou  lie  with  any  beast,  to  defile  thy- 
self therewith ;  neither  shall  any  woman  stand  before 
a  beast,  to  lie  down  thereto :  it  is  confusion.  Defile 
not  yourselves  in  any  of  these  things  :  for  in  all  these 
the  nations  are  defiled  which  I  cast  out  before  you." 


Now,  what  nations  did  God  cast  out  of  Canaan? 
The  answer  is,  he  cast  out  seven  mighty  negro  na- 
tions, who  were  more  powerful,  and  greater  in  num- 
bers, than  were  the  Jews,  all  of  whom,  as  said  by 
Moses,  were  guilty  of  all  the  appalling  deeds,  set 
down  in  order  in  the  two  chapters  above  referred  to. 
That  such  practices  did  prevail  among  the  people  of 
Ham,  is  stated  not  only  by  Moses,  in  his  time,  but 
Herodotus,  the  most  ancient  of  the  Greek  historians, 
says  the  same  thing  respecting  the  negroes  of  his  age^ 
The  statements  of  this  author  are  to  be  relied  on, 
says  Adam  Clarke,  in  his  commentary  on  one  of  the 
same  chapters  we  have  referred  the  reader  to  as 
above,  namely,  the  xxth  of  Leviticus,  verse  16. 

Herodotus  says  that  he  saw,  when  he  was  in  Egypt, 
with  his  own  eyes,  an  Egyptian  woman  accompany- , 
ing  with  a  he-goat,  in  the  very  streets  of  the  city  sho 
lived  in.  The  time  when  Herodotus  traveled  in 
Egypt  and  other  parts  of  Africa,  was  some  450  year& 
B.  C,  and  more  than  a  thousand  from  the  time  of 
Moses,  which  proves  the  incurable  proneness  of  thai 
people,  the  negro  race,  to  the  most  extraordinary  and 
shameful  abuses  of  human  nature. 

Dr.  Clarke  says,  in  his  comment  on  Exod.  xxii,  19, 
that  it  is  certain,  from  an  account  in  SonninVs  trav- 
els in  Egypt,  that  lying  with  dumb  beasts  is  practiced 
even  now,  as  well  as  in  the  time  of  Moses.  The 
goat,  in  the  New  Testament,  see  Math,  xxv,  33,  is 
used  as  the  symbol  of  all  sinners.  On  this  symbol, 
says  Clarke,  "the  goat  i.^  naturally  quarrelsome,  las- 
civious, and  excessively  ill-scented,  and  was  consid- 
ered a  fit  syniboi  of  all  riotous,  profane,  and  impure 


men."  How  very  similar,  according  to  the  above, 
were  these  two  characters,  the  goat  and  the  negro7 
They  were  aUke  in  passions,  in  propensities,  and  in 
their  smell,  both  disagreeable  to  excess. 

Gale,  the  traveler,  says  the  same  thing  of  the 
Egyptians ;  who  gives  a  description  of  a  case  of  the 
kind,  which  he  saw  transacted  between  a  he-goat 
and  an  Egyptian  woman.  Bochart  gives  many  ex- 
amples of  this  character  in  his  work.  Says  Adam 
Clarke,  vol.  ii.  Coll.  641 :  Moses,  Joshua,  and  the 
Jews,  have  been  accused  of  excessive  cruelty,  while 
prosecuting  their  wars  against  the  Canaanites,  in  the 
destruction  of  not  only  men,  but  helpless  women  and 
children.  But  let  such  persons  as  are  offended  on 
account  of  the  rigor  of  the  Jews  against  the  Canaan 
ites,  become  acquainted  with  the  true  character  of 
those  nations,  as  well  the  women  as  the  men,  and  they 
will  not  hesitate  to  justify  God,  who  commanded 
their  entire  extermination,  and  those  who  execute 
those  commands. 

Were  there  a  district  of  country  within  the  pale  of 
Christendom,  inhabited  by  blacks,  or  any  other  people, 
who  were  guilty  of  such  things  as 'Moses,  Herodotus, 
Gale,  Bochart,  and  many  others  say  they  were,  there 
would  be  an  immediate  rush  of  mankind,  of  all  or- 
ders, infidel  and  Christian,  to  cut  them  off,  and  to  ob- 
literate every  vestige  of  a  people,  so  polluted  in  their 
propensities  and  deeds,  from  the  face  of  the  earth. 

The  prophet  Ezekiel's  account  of  the  negroes  of 
Egypt  and  Canaan  [chap,  xvi,  26,  27],  corroborates 
all  that  is  said  above,  where  he  speaks  of  them  as 
beini;  ^^ great  of  flesh,"  whose  mischievous  manners 


had  corrupted  the  women  of  the  Jews  to  such  a  de- 
-ore  that  many  of  them  had  made  themselves  images 
of  men,  in  imitation  of  the  Egyptian  images,  and 
committed  fornication  with  them,  hterally. 

Tlie  meaning  of  the  words,  '■'■great  of  Jlesh,^^  as 
used  by  the  prophet  Ezekiel,  in  reference  to  the 
Egyptian  negroes,  is  said  by  an  ancient  writer,  says 
Adam  Clarke,  in  his  comment  on  that  place  in  Eze- 
Iciel,  in  Latin,  -^Bene  vasti  longa  mensura  incognita 
iierviy  and  applied  strictly  to  the  negro  nations  on 
that  particular,  as  also  it  does  at  the  present  time. 

In  chapter  xxiii  of  that  prophet,  8,  20,  21,  27,  it  is 
stated  that  all  the  lewd  abominations  practiced  by 
the  Jews,  in  his  time,  which  was  about  600  years  B. 
C,  were  brought  from  Egypt,  and  learned  of  the 
Egyptians,  whose  flesh,  says  Ezekiel  (verse  20),  was 
as  the  flesh  of  asses^  and  their  issue  as  the  issue  of 
horses  ;  so  gross,  fierce,  and  brutal  were  they,  in  their 
love  of  disorderly  practices.  But  what  do  the  Scrip- 
tures mean  in  the  above  phraseology,  respecting  the 
Egyptians,  namely,  that  their  Jiesh  was  as  the  flesh 
of  asses  ?  Simply  as  follows  :  that  between  the  sexu- 
al members  of  the  negro  man  and  the  brute  called  an 
ass,  there  v/as  but  little  difference  as  to  elongation 
and  magnitude. 

If  the  passage  is  not  thus  understood,  then  it  will 
follow  that  the  Egyptian  negroes,  and  consequently 
the  whole  negro  race,  are  not  human;  for  the  proph- 
et plainly  says,  that  their  flesh  was  as  the  flesh  of 
asses ;  and  asses  are  not  human.  To  allow  them, 
therefore,  a  place  among  the  species  called  man,  w^ 
t)  re  compelled  to  admit  that  interpretation. 


This  very  singular  account  respecting  the  pecuhai 
formation  of  the  black  race,  as  given  by  that  prophet, 
is  corroborated  by  Herodotus,  the  Greek,  who  says, 
chapters  xlviii  and  xlix,  pages  85,  87,  that  the  images 
of  the  sexual  sign  of  the  male  of  the  human  race,  as 
carried  about  the  streets  of  Egypt,  in  the  precincts 
of  their  temples,  on  certain  festival  days,  were  gen- 
erally a  cubit  in  length.  Now,  the  ancient  cubit  was 
from  eighteen  to  twenty-one  inches ;  and  why  this  im- 
itation was  carried  about  on  the  days  of  their  religious 
celebrations,  Herodotus  says  he  was  not  at  liberty  to 

This  was  said  by  Herodotus  out  of  fear,  perhaps, 
of  the  priests  of  those  temples.  Were  we  to  venture 
an  opinion  respecting  what  he  would  have  said,  had 
he  been  at  liberty,  it  would  have  been  that  they  wor- 
shiped, by  aid  of  that  kind  of  image,  the  procrea- 
tive  principle,  by  which  means  all  animal  life  is  pro- 
duced. The  instrument  of  which,  from  analagous 
reasoning,  according  to  Egyptian  theology,  might 
properly,  therefore,  be  adored,  a  god  well  suited  to 
the  worship  of  Sodomites. 

As  it  respects  the  crime  of  Ham,  the  youngest 
son  of  Noah,  Gen.  ix,  22-24,  it  is  believed  by  some, 
and  not  without  reason,  that  it  did  not  consist  alone 
in  the  seeing  his  father's  nakedness,  as  a  man,  but 
rather  in  the  abuse  and  actual  violation  of  his  own 

This  opinion  is  strengthened  by  a  passage  found 
in  Levit.  xviii,  8,  as  follows  :  "The  nakedness  of  thy 
father's  i/;7/i  shalt  thou  not  uncover :  it  is  thy /a^/ter'a 
nakedness."    On  account  of  this  passage,  it  has  been 

OF  THE  m:gjio  race. 


believed  tluU  the  crime  of  Ham  did  not  consist  alone 
of  seeing  his  father  in  an  improper  manner,  but 
rather  of  his  own  mother,  the  wife  of  Noah,  and  of 
violating  her. 

If  this  was  so,  how  much  more  horrible,  therefore, 
appears  the  character  of  Ham,  and  how  much  more 
deserving  the  curse,  which  was  laid  upon  him  and 
his  race,  of  whom  it  was  foreseen  that  they  would  be 
hke  this,  their  lewd  ancestor. 

All  Egypt,  the  Sodomites,  the  Canaanite  nations, 
with  all  the  negro  heathen  countries,  practiced  these 
outrages  upon  good  order  (as  stated  by  Moses,  see 
Levit.  xviii,  3,  and  chap,  xx,  23),  without  shame  or 
remorse,  as  if,  indeed,  they  considered  themselves  as 
being  no  better  than  the  cattle  of  the  fields. 

For  these  things,  as  foreseen,  they  were  adjudged 
judicially,  together  with  Ham,  as  an  inferior  race  of 
men,  and  could  never  be  elevated  on  account  of  their 

The  baleful  fire  of  unchaste  amour  rages  through 
the  negro's  blood  more  fiercely  than  in  the  blood  of 
any  other  people,  inflaming  their  imaginations  with 
corresponding  images  and  ideas,  on  which  account 
they  are  a  people  who  are  suspected  of  being  but  lit- 
tle acquainted  with  the  virtue  of  chastity,  and  of  re- 
garding very  little  the  marriage  oath.  In  all  the 
southern  regions  it  is  thus  ;  promiscuous  intercourse 
of  the  sexes  every  where  prevails  among  the  blacks. 
This  state  of  things  is  attested  to  by  abolitionists 
themselves,  in  relation  to  the  negroes  of  the  southern 

For  the  proof  of  this,  see  "  The  Bible  against  Slav 



ery,"  No.  6,  1838,  page  63,  in  a  note,  as  follows: 
"  To  the  female  character  among  the  black  popula- 
tion, we  cannot  allude  but  with  feelings  of  the  bitter- 
est shame.  A  similar  condition  of  moral  pollution 
and  titter  disregard  of  a  pure  and  virtuous  reputa- 
tion, is  to  be  found  onli/  without  the  pale  of  Christen- 
dom.-' The  same  is  said  by  the  Rev.  James  A. 
Thome,  as  recorded  in  the  pamphlet  above  alluded 
to,  in  a  note,  page  3,  and  was  part  of  a  set  speech, 
delivered  in  New  York,  May,  1834,  as  follows :  "  I 
would  not  have  you  fail  to  understand  (says  Mr. 
Thorne)  that  this  is  a  general  evil.  What  I  now 
say,  I  say  from  deliberate  conviction  of  its  truth,  that 
the  whole  states  are  Sodoms,  and  almost  every  fami- 
ly is  a  brothel  I  refer  to  the  inmates  of  the  kitchens, 
not  to  the  whites." 

But  all  this  is  told  and  published  to  the  world  by 
abolitionists,  with  the  view  of  having  it  understood 
that  this  awful  and  ruinous  propensity  of  the  negroes, 
as  well  as  the  practice,  is  wholly  owing  to  the  insti 
tutions  of  slavery.  This,  however,  is  not  true  ;  for 
they  have  been  always  thus.  From  the  very  days 
of  Ham,  their  father,  down  through  their  whole  his- 
tory, whether  in  a  civilized  or  savage  state,  whether 
in  the  wilds  of  Africa,  the  islands  of  the  sea,  whether 
enslaved  or  free,  it  was  always  so  with  them. 

That  one  passion  conquers  all,  and  will  conquer 
every  mortal  endeavor  to  -elevate  the  race  much 
above  their  present  level.  There  is  but  one  power 
that  can  help  them,  and  this  is  the  power  which  res- 
cued the  man  of  Capernaum  from  the  dominion  of 
an  "unclean  devil,"  Luke  iv,  33,  that   alone   can 


change  this  trait  of  the  black  man's  character.  But 
ahhongh  we  admit,  as  in  the  above  sentence,  that 
there  is  a  redeeming  power,  which,  if  sought  imto 
by  the  negro  man,  can  and  will  heal  him  of  that  in 
firmity ;  yet,  as  we  are  informed,  this  very  sin  infects 
even  the  sanctuary  of  religion  in  the  south  among 
the  negroes. 

For  a  proof  of  this,  see  a  paper  entitled  the  '■'■Col- 
ored American!!''  published  in  New  York,  by  Charles 
Ray,  No.  9,  Spruce  street.  The  date  of  the  paper  is 
March  7,  1840.  This  paper  is  devoted  to  abolition 
purposes,  in  which  is  the  following  account  of  the 
travels  of  a  certain  minister  of  the  gospel,  by  the 
name  of  S.  Hoes,  through  the  southern  country. 
This  man,  on  arriving  at  the  city  of  New  Orleans, 
visited,  one  evening,  a  negro  religious  mxceting,  over 
which  a  white  preacher  presided.  The  congregation 
consisted  of  some  eight  hundred  colored  persons. 
Many  of  them  seemed  to  be  intelligent  in  their  ap- 
pearance. Their  decorum  in  the  church,  and  atten- 
tion to  the  sermon,  waa  worthy  of  all  imitation. 
They  sung  with  great  devotion  and  melody.  Their 
piety,  the  minister  said,  was  generally  uniform  and 
consistent,  with  but  one  exception.  And  what  was 
that  exception,  think  ye?  it  was  promiscuous  inter- 
course between  the  sexes,  which  the  pastor  said  was 
their  formidable  sin,  and  of  which  they  were  guilty 
to  an  alarming  degree,  and  was  common  throughout 
all  that  country,  among  the  blacks. 

In  this  fact  is  seen  how  powerful  an  influence  lewd- 
ness exerts  over  the  degraded  and  low-minded  rpirits 
of  the  African  race,  yiflding  themselves  up  to  mere 


sensuality  and  devilishness,  to  the  exclusion  of  aL 
true  virtue  and  elevation  of  soul.  In  their  real  char- 
acter, though  reared  up  under  the  influence  of  the 
holy  religion  of  Christ,  we  see,  as  in  the  case  above 
named,  no  difference  between  them  and  the  people 
of  Egypt — lewdness  being  predominant  in  their  char- 
acters, and  an  indifference  to  the  regulations  of  vir- 
tuous principles. 

We  consider  that  such  things  committed  by  the 
members  of  Christian  societies  are,  if  possible,  far 
worse  than  the  same  acts  performed  by  the  Egyp- 
tians, who  were  under  the  influence  of  a  religion 
which  favored  and  encouraged  the  gratification  of 
sense  in  this  particular.  But  it  is  all  one ;  for  it  was 
the  lewd  propensities  of  that  race  of  mankind,  which 
moved  their  ancestors,  in  the  days  of  Ham  and  Nim- 
rodj  to  invent  and  institute  the  rites  of  paganism, 
which  favored,  and  even  insisted,  that  the  gratifica- 
tion of  that  one  passion  was  a  cardinal  virtue,  and 
pleasing  to  the  gods :  wherefore,  in  both  cases, 
whether  under  the  supervision  of  the  pagan  or  the 
Christian  religion,  the  character  of  the  race  appears 
to  be  the  same — their  nature  predominates,  and  that 

Herodotus  says,  that  the  women  of  Egypt  would 
approach  the  images  of  the  male  character,  of  then 
own  manufacturing,  in  the  open  streets,  while  multi- 
tudes were  looking  on,  and  capering  to  the  sound  of 
music,  mixed  with  deep  yells  of  revelry,  while  these 
rites  of  Bacchus  were  being  accomplished.  Were 
we  to  give  a  literal  account  of  these  images,  and  the 
automaton  machinery  by  which  the  obscene  shaped 


■  god  <vas  made  to  imitate  life  and  motion,  it  would 
not  fail  to  offend ;  we  therefore  desist,  fearing  that  we 
have  already  said  too  much  ;  and  yet  the  truth  should 
not  be  hidden  on  matters  of  this  description  more 
than  on  others,  and  especially  when  the  manners  and 
religions  of  the  ancients  of  mankind  are  concerned. 
In  such  cases,  if  timidity  is  allowed  to  conquer  truth, 
how  is  truth  to  be  known  ?  Even  the  Scriptures  do 
not  hesitate  to  state  facts  of  the  worst  description, 
relative  to  the  negro  race,  and  in  language  of  the 
most  honest  character ;  we  therefore  feel  that  duty, 
in  relation  to  the  truth,  respecting  the  aim  of  this 
work,  must,  and  ought  to  prevail.  Moreover,  if  a 
writer  is  not  allowed  plainly  to  state  facts,  in  the  best 
manner  he  can,  on  subjects  of  this  kind,  which  re- 
late to  the  history  of  the  human  race  in  the  early 
times  of  the  globe,  and  respecting  the  religion  of 
those  ages,  how  is  virtue  and  vice  to  be  contrasted? 
How  is  the  religion  of  God  incarnate  to  be  exhibited, 
as  being  infinitely  better  in  its  influences  upon  our 
race,  except  by  comparison  and  the  exhibition  of 
facts  ? 

Jezebel,  the  worst  woman  ever  heard  of  in  the 
annals  of  mankind,  the  wife  of  Ahah,  one  of  the 
kings  of  Israel^  not  of  Judea,  was  a  negro  woman, 
the  daughter  of  Ethball,  king  of  Zidonia.  The 
Zidonians  were  of  the  same  race  with  the  Tyrians, 
so  often  spoken  of  in  the  Scriptures  as  being  the  in- 
habitants of  Tyre  and  Zidon.  Sidonius  was  one 
of  the  sons  of  Canaan,  who  was  the  son  of  Ham, 
and,  according  to  Josephus,  built  the  city  Sidonius, 
or  Zidon,  which  was  thus  named  after  and  in  honor 


of  its  founder.  This  city  was  adjacent  to  the  king- 
dom of  Israel,  of  which  Ethball,  the  father  of  Jezebel, 
the  wife  of  Ahab,  was  king,  and  proves  Jezebel  to 
have  been  a  negress  ;  because  her  father  was  a  king 
of  a  negro  people,  descended  from  Ham  by  the  line- 
age of  Canaan,  and  Canaan's  son,  Sidonius. 

That  this  Ethball,  the  father  of  Jezebel,  was  king 
of  Sidon  at  the  time  Ahab  was  king  of  Israel,  is 
shown  from  1  Kings  xvi, 31,  which  reads  as  follows: 
"And  it  came  to  pass,  as  if  it  had  been  a  light  thing 
for  him  [Ahab]  to  walk  in  the  sins  of  Jeroboam,  the 
son  of  Nebat,  that  he  took  to  wife  Jezebel,  the  daugh- 
ter of  Ethball,  king  of  Zidon,  and  went  and  served 
Baal,  and  worshiped  him." 

Baal  was  one  of  the  gods  of  the  negro  Canaan- 
ites,  but  what  his  shape  was  is  not  known.  Jezebel 
being  a  heathen  of  the  worst  description,  anST  a  wo- 
man  of  great  impudence  and  boldness  of  character, 
as  well  as  exceedingly  beautiful,  as  a  negress,  capti- 
vated the  vitiated  imagination  of  Ahab  by  her  wiles 
and  fascinations,  and  became  queen  of  the  kingdom 
of  Israel.  Having  achieved  this,  and  united  the 
house  of  her  father  with  the  renowned  race  of  the 
Jews,  she  became  anxious  that  her  gods  and  religion 
should  be  honored  by  the  king,  her  husband,  and  his 
people,  thinking  thereby  to  increase  the  glory  of  her 
father's  house  and  kingdom,  which  had  been  shorn 
down,  and  eclipsed  of  its  ancient  extent  and  great- 
ness by  the  wars  and  victories  of  the  Jews  during 
many  hundred  years,  as  well  as  to  extend  the  fame 
of  her  lascivious  and  darling  religion.. 

In  order  to  accomplish  this,  she  had  temples  built 


with  the  consent  of  the  king,  her  husband,  in  which 
were  celebrated  the  intoxicating  rites  of  prostitution 
by  the  ministry  of  a  great  muUitude  of  pagan  priests 
of  her  own  country.  As  connected  with  the  celebra- 
tion of  the  rites  of  the  Zidonian  religion,  she  caused 
certain  images  to  be  manufactured  in  the  form  of 
Priapuses,  which  were  fabled  monsters,  bred  in  the 
brains  of  an  idolatrous  priesthood,  having  the  human 
shape  from  the  waist  upward ;  below  the  waist  there 
was  the  form  of  a  bull,  or  a  he-goat — with  othei 
members — the  shame  of  heathenism.  By  wiles  of 
this  description,  she  seduced  Ahab  the  king,  and  with 
hi?n  vast  multitudes  of  the  subjects  of  his  kingdom, 
the  Israelites,  to  the  worship  of  the  Zidonian  Ve7ius 
sometimes  called,  in  the  Scriptures,  Astarta. 

She  persuaded  her  husband  to  build  a  house,  or  a 
great  temple,  in  a  forest,  where  she  had  an  image 
made  of  a  standing  tree,  fashioned  after  the  likeness 
above  described — a  priapus,  as  the  Jewish  Rabbi  re- 
late. This  image  was  consecrated  by  her  ministers 
as  the  tutelar  divinity,  or  guardian  of  the  woods  and 
vineyards.  That  idol  was  like  one  that  was  made 
and  worshiped  by  another  woman  of  those  times, 
v/ho  was  of  the  same  principles  with  Jezebel.  This 
woman's  name  was  Maacha^  who  was  th^  queen 
mother  of  Asa,  one  of  the  kings  of  Judah,  who  reign- 
ed but  a  little  time  before  Ahab  was  king  of  Israel. 
She  was  doubtless  an  acquaintance  of  Jezebel,  being 
an  adult  woman  when  Jezebel  was  but  young,  or  be- 
fore she  was  married  to  Ahab. 

Respecting  this  image  made  by  Maacha,  the  moth- 
er of  Asa,  Rabbi  Solomon,  a  Jewish  commentator 


on  tiie  writings  of  the  Old  Testament,  say  s  the  idal  1 

or  image  of  queen  Maacha  was  a  horrible  statue,  j 

made  in  a  state  of  entire  nakedness,  with  the  sign  I 

of  the  masculine  sex  of  great  proportions,  which  she 
admired  daily,  in  the  sight  of  all  men,  as  a  religious  \ 

rite,  like  the  Egyptian  women,  to  her  public  shame,  \ 

at  which  the  people  laughed  and  wondered.  See  I 
Kings  XV,  11-13,  on  this  subject,  as  follows:  "And 
Asa  did  that  which  was  right  in  the  eyes  of  the  Lord, 
as  did  David.     He  took  away  the  Sodomites  out  of  j 

the  land,  and  removed  all  the  idols  his  father  had  ! 

made.  And  he  also  removed  Maacha,  his  mother, 
even  he?-  he  removed  from  being  queeu,  because  she 
had  made  an  idol  in  a  grove  ;  and  Asa  destroyed  the 
idol,  and  burnt  it  by  the  brook  Kidron." 

Adam  Clarke,  in  commenting  on  this  passage,  as 
above,  says  that  the  image  spoken  of  there  was  a 
Priapus,  a  creature  half  man  and  half  bull,  or  half 
lie-goat,  or  some  other  dumb  beast ;  and  that  it  was 
worshiped  with  lewd  rites,  which  agrees  with  the 
statements  of  Rabbi  Solomon,  in  the  essence  of  the 
thing,  though  the  language  of  Claike  is  not  so  bold 
on  the  subject  as  is  the  communication  of  Rabbi 

It  is  evident,  from  the  Sciiptures  and  ancient  his- 
tory, that  the  whole  land  of  old  Canaan,  and  the  ne- 
gro countries  elsewhere,  such  a  Egypt,  Lybia,  Ethio- 
pia, and  all  Africa  besides,  were  filled  with  the  s^igns, 
paintings,  and  pictures  of  lewdness,  as  well  as  with 
sculptured  and  molten  images,  of  both  male  and  fe- 
male human  beings,  and  of  monsters,  half  human 
and  half  animal,  especially  among  the  nations  of  Ca- 



naan.  Pv  such  means,  the  grosser  passions  of  hu- 
man nature  were  continually  excited  to  disorder,  vio- 
lence, and  confusion.  Out  of  this  influence  arose  all 
kinds  of  extravagant  behavior,  tending  to  the  cor- 
ruption of  the  manners  of  mankind. 

That  such  loas  the  fact  in  Canaan,  is  shown  from 
Numbers  xxxiii.  51,  52,  where  Moses  is  charged  by 
the  Divine  power,  as  follows:  ''Speak  unto  the  chil- 
dren of  Israel,  and  say  unto  them  :  When  ye  are 
passed  over  Jordan  into  the  land  of  Canaan,  iJien  ye 
shall  drive  out  all  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  land  from 
before  you,  and  destroy  all  their  pictures,  and  all 
their  Qiiolten  images^  and  quite  pluck  down  all  their 
high  places."  From  this  scripture  there  can  be  no 
doubt  but  the  images,  as  well  as  the  pictures,  there 
alluded  to,  were  all  of  a  piece  ;  having  been  so  fash- 
ioned as  to  exhibit  sights  of  the  most  obscene  descrip- 
tion, placed  in  their  houses  by  the  way  side,  and 
even  in  their  religious  temples  or  houses  of  worship, 
presenting  every  where  before  the  eyes  of  the  people, 
male  and  female,  young  and  old,  the  objects  of  their 
adoration  and  delight. 

Such  a  state  of  things  was  entirely  resistless  in 
their  influence,  especially  on  the  negro  population, 
and  but  barely  overcome  by  the  severities  and  high 
inducements  of  a  sjnritual,  and  more  refined,  reason- 
able, and  mental  religion,  which  was  that  of  the 
Jews.  It  was  the  impure  and  seducing  rites,  as  well 
as  the  pictures  and  images  of  the  pagan  worship  of 
all  the  negro  countries  in  Africa,  as  well  as  the  rem- 
nants of  the  Canaanitish  tribes,  who  yet  remained  in 
the  land  of  Judea,  or  old  Palestine,  which  so  often 



misled  the  people  of  the  twelve  tribes  from  truth,  and 
the  right  ways  of  the  Hebrew  religion.  And  al- 
though at  the  time  we  are  now  speaking  of,  it  was 
over  thirteen  hundred  years  from  the  date  of  the 
curse  of  Noah,  yet  we  find  the  abandoned  race  of 
Ham,  holding  on  their  way  of  wickedness,  their  orig- 
inal character,  every  where  combating  the  virtuous 
and  self-denying  religion  of  Moses. 

The  negro  nations  of  those  ages,  appear  to  have 
acted  as  bad  as  they  could,  and  to  have  injured  man- 
kind in  morals  all  that  was  possible,  as  if  they  were 
indeed  revenging  themselves  on  God,  because  of  the 
curse  of  Noah,  as  Nimrod,  the  grand-son  of  Ham, 
threatened  to  do,  because  he  drowned  the  world  [as 
Joseph  us  says,  book  1,  chap,  iv,  p.  19],  and  was  par- 
ticularly acted  out,  by  Jezebel  and  her  great  multi- 
tude of  negro  priests  and  votaries,  in  the  midst  of 
the  Jewish  tribes. 

But  this  Jezebel  came  finally  to  a  fearful  end ;  for 
when  Jehu  came  to  the  throne  of  Israel,  and  imme- 
diately after  the  death  of  Ahab,  he  caused  her  to  be 
cast  headlong  from  the  window  of  an  upper  room  of 
the  palace,  out  of  which  she  but  a  moment  before 
had  looked,  having  tired  her  head  and  painted  her 
face  to  disguise  her  negro  complexion,  and  if  possi- 
ble thereby  to  seduce  the  new  king,  Jehu.  But  in 
this  she  failed.  In  that  horrid  fall,  she  was  so 
bruised  and  broken,  that  she  lay  as  one  that  was 
dead,  when  the  furious  Jehu  rode  over  her  with  his 
war  horse,  stamping  her  down  on  the  pavements, 
where  she  expired,  wallowing  in  her  own  blood.   • 

Immediately,  as  it  had  been  foretold  by  Elijah,  the 


Prophet,  fifteen  years  before  [1  Kings  xxi,  23j,  the 
dogs  came  and  devoured  her,  all  but  her  feet,  the 
palms  of  her  hands,  and  her  head :  see  2  Kings,  ix, 
35.  On  this  subject,  respecting  the  parts  of  her  body 
which  the  dogs  refused  to  eat,  the  Jewish  Rabbi  have 
made,  says  Adam  Clarke,  some  very  singular  re- 
marks, from  which  we  gather  a  few  particulars  rel- 
ative to  the  private  character  of  this  queen  of  prosti- 
tutes, as  follows : 

The  reason  [say  these  Jewish  Rabbi]  the  dogs  left 
the  parts  of  her  body  spoken  of  above,  was  because, 
in  her  festal  dances  in  the  house  of  her  gods,  which 
was  built  in  a  grove,  she  used  to  get  down  on  all 
fours,  in  imitation  of  a  beast,  and  in  this  attitude 
would  caper  and  leap  about,  being  disrobed,  while 
the  multitude  of  her  priests  and  the  worshipers  look- 
ed <jn.  During  such  performances,  she  would  move 
her  head  from  one  side  to  the  other,  in  a  gay  and 
wanton  manner,  for  a  purpose  not  proper  to  describe. 
She  was  no  doubt  [says  Adam  Clarke]  guilty  of  the 
foulest  actions,  almost  too  bad  to  be  believed. 

The  temple  of  Baal,  in  the  grove  which  Ahab  built 
for  his  negro  queen,  was  occupied  by  no  less  than 
four  hundred  and  fifty  priests,  and  the  ^ewz^/^Ze,  anoth- 
er vast  building,  but  not  in  the  woods,  was  occupied 
by  four  hundred  more — amounting  in  all  to  eight  hun- 
dred and  fifty  lusty  negro  ministers,  of  the  whorish 
religion  of  the  Zidonians,  the  people  of  Jezebel. 
This  great  multitude  of  priestly  dignitaries  were  all 
put  to  the  sword,  at  the  suggestion  of  the  Prophet  Eli- 
jah, under  the  authority  of  Ahab,  as  the  law  of  Mo- 
ses required  respecting  idolaters,  at  the  time  of  the 


noted  debate  on  theology  between  Elijah  and  the 
Baaliles,  when  God  himself  answered  by  fire  to  end 
the  dispute.     See  1  Kings  xviii,  38. 

That  those  priests  of  Baal  were  black  men,  is 
shown  not  only  from  their  having  been  of  the  same 
people  with  Jezebel,  but  also  from  the  appellation 
given  them  by  the  Jews,  who  called  them  in  derision 
{cemarivi,  from  camar),  the  black  priests  of  Baal. 
See  Clarke's  comment  on  2  Kings,  xxiii,  5.  That 
those  priests  of  Baal,  called  by  the  Targums,  caniar, 
or  the  black  priests,  were  not  thus  called  on  account 
of  their  wearing  black  vestments,  as  Dr.  Clarke  has 
supposed,  but  because  they  were  actually  of  black 
complexions — as  it  is  well  known  that  in  all  ages 
among  pagan  nations  of  the  old  world,  the  priests  of- 
ficiating at  their  altars  of  sacrifice,  were  always  dress- 
ed in  white — in  imitation,  no  doubt,  of  the  priests  of 
the  Hebrews — which  was  a  sign  of  purity,  dignity, 
and  holiness. 

It  follows,  therefore,  that  the  Jews  called  them 
black  priests  of  Baal,  because  they  were  black,  and 
for  no  other  reason.  In  this  chapter,  just  quoted,  if 
the  reader  desire  it,  he  can  find  the  names  of  several 
of  the  negro  gods  of  those  ages,  and  also  in  1  Kings 
xi,  5,  7,  whose  horrid  worship  infested  the  whole  of 
mankind  ;  as  it  was  from  this  people  a  knowledge  of 
idolatry  was  derived,  to  the  whole  Greek  and  Ro- 
man world,  as  well  as  in  the  most  early  times  imme- 
diately after  the  flood,  to  the  myriads  of  the  Indies, 
and  to  the  Jews  and  other  nations  of  the  earth. 

SuccoTH  Benoth,  a  Hebrew  phrase,  meaning 
tents  of  prostitutes,  was  the  name  of  one  of  the  negro 


gods,  long  before  the  time  of  Christ,  which  name  sig- 
nified the  "  tabernacle  of  the  daughters,"  or  of  the 
young  virgins,  at  whose  temple  they  were  inducted 
into  the  rites  and  mysteries  practiced  in  the  worship 
of  these  obscenely  formed  images,  by  the  prostitution 
of  their  persons. 

Herodotus  gives  the  following  account  of  the 
Succoth-Benoth  rites.  Every  young  woman  of  the 
country,  where  the  image  was  adored,  was  obliged, 
while  yet  a  virgin,  to  visit  the  temple  once,  where  she 
was  to  be  humbled,  by  the  first  man  who  should 
chance  to  fancy  her. 

From  these  accounts  it  does  appear,  that  the  black 
nations  of  those  ages,  waged  a  universal  and  a  per- 
petual war  upon  chastity,  seeming  to  have  been  de- 
termined to  expel  from  the  face  of  the  earth,  all  ideas 
of  such  a  thing.  To  eflect  this,  they  bent  all  the 
powers  of  civil  and  religious  influence  against  it, 
making  the  possession  thereof  a  crime,  to  be  punish- 
ed with  death,  inasmuch  as  they  who  refused  or  neg- 
lected to  be  thus  humbled,  at  the  temple,  and  in 
the  presence  of  the  idol,  were  counted  guilty  of  her- 
esy, and  were  held  as  infidels  and  contemners  of  the 

Herodotus  further  says,  that  in  his  own  time,  B.  C. 
450,  there  was  a  city  in  Numidla,  which  was  on  the 
upper  regions  of  the  Nile,  in  Africa,  that  was  called 
Siccavenia,  a  name  signifying  prostitution,  to  which 
the  young  women  were  compelled  to  resort  by  law, 
to  earn  their  m.arriage  dower.  This  custom,  says 
Herodotus,  was  brought  fr^m  Phojnicia,  which  was 
the  country  of  old  Canaan,  peopled  as  we  have  often 


said  before,  from  the  very  beginning  after  the  flood, 
by  negro  nations. 

JosEPHUs,  in  his  Antiquities  of  tb.e  Jews,  speaks  of 
the  madness  of  the  Egyptians  after  women,  in  the 
place  where  he  relates  the  story  of  Abraham's  going 
down  to  Egypt  with  his  wifeSarai:  Gen.  xii,  10,  20. 
By  this  it  is  seen  that  in  those  ancient  ages,  strangers 
of  other  nations  and  distant  parts  of  the  earth,  consid- 
ered it  a  dangerous  thing  to  travel  in  Egypt  in  com- 
pany with  women.  So  notorious  were  they  in  this 
particular,  even  among  themselves,  that  when  the 
rich  and  noble  lost  by  death,  any/emaZe  relative  who 
had  been  reputed  as  handsome  and  pleasing  to  look 
upon,  when  living,  they  dare  not  send  the  body  to 
the  embalmers  until  they  had  been  dead  several  days, 
lest  their  persons  should  become  the  objects  of  viola- 
tion. See  Clarke's  comment  on  Gen.  1,  2.  Is  there 
any  thing  which  can  be  imagined  by  the  human 
mind,  more  awful  and  repulsive  than  the  above  trait, 
of  far  more  than  brutal  depravity. 

When  Herodotus  traveled  in  Africa,  among  the 
various  tribes  of  Egypt,  Lybia,  and  Ethiopia,  he  says 
that  he  found  the  negro  inhabitants  living  like  ani- 
mals, with  respect  to  chastity.  The  following  are 
his  words  on  the  subject :  "Among  all  these  nations 
whom  I  have  specified,  the  communication  between 
the  sexes  is  like  that  of  the  beasts — open  and  unre- 
strained." Was  this  induced  by  slavery,  as  aboli- 
tionists say  it  is  in  America  ? 

That  those  nations  of  whom  he  speaks  were  really 
the  negroes  of  Africa,  Herodotus  says  they  were  all 
of  the  same  complexion  with  the  Ethiopians,  being 


extremely  black  and  curly  headed.  At  their  mar- 
riages, it  is  a  custom  every  where  among  them,  says 
the  same  author,  for  all  the  guests  to  enjoy  the  bride, 
the  first  night,  who  bring  accordingly  suitable  pres- 
ents, by  which  means  they  commence  their  family 
capacity,  or  house-keeping.  In  one  tribe,  he  found 
it  a  custom  for  the  wives  to  make  use  of  a  certain 
mark,  or  sign  on  their  hmbs,  to  denote  the  number 
of  times  they  had  favored  other  gallants  than  the 
lawful  one  after  marriage;  the  husband  valuing 
them  according  to  the  number  of  these  tokens,  as 
they  were  the  evidences  of  their  wives'  popular  per- 
sonal charms. 

This  is  a  dreadful  picture  of  the  negro  race,  in  that 
one  particular,  and  were  it  not  for  the  restraints  of  the 
Christian  religion,  and  the  salutary  laws  enacted  un- 
der its  influence  in  America,  and  other  countries  in 
Christendom,  they,  as  a  people,  if  left  to  themselves, 
would  be  guilty  of  the  same  things  as  anciently,  for 
their  natures  are  ever  the  same. 

Another  tribe,  of  whom  this  Grecian  author  speaks, 
who  lived  in  the  same  unrestrained  manner,  in  Afri- 
ca, assembled  every  three  moons  in  a  grand  conclave, 
v/hen  all  the  children  born  during  that  term  of  time, 
were  examined  as  to  their  looks,  countenances,  and 
shapes ;  and  the  men  they  most  resembled  were 
obliged  to  father  and  take  care  of  them,  there  being 
no  other  way  to  ascertain  the  parents  of  their  chil* 
dren.     Herodotus,  pages  170,  23.5,  236,  237. 

It  is  intimated  by  Livy,  vol.  1,  book  xxi,  p.  369, 
that  the  Carthagenian  generals  were  guilty  of  the 
practice  of  Sodomy,  and  that  even  Haimihal,  who 


in  hiS  youth  was  very  handsome  for  a  black  man, 
participated  in  the  same  horrible  custom. 

It  is  said,  respecting  the  negroes  of  the  West  India 
Islands,  who  are  all  of  African  descent,  that  they  con- 
sider any  restraint  laid  on  their  promiscuous  sexual 
intercourse,  a  hardship  of  the  most  grievous  and  op- 
pressive nature,  seeming  to  center  all  their  happiness 
in  enjoyments  of  that  description.  From  this  fact, 
it  seems  that  from  the  time  of  Herodotus,  which  is 
more  than  two  thousand  years  ago,  the  negro  race, 
whether  in  Africa  or  the  West  Indies,  whether  under 
the  influence  of  unrestrained  paganism,  or  the  heal- 
ing balm  of  Christianity,  are  ever  the  same  gross, 
brutal,  fierce,  sensual  and  devilish  chracters,  as  a 
people,  in  reference  to  sexual  commerce. 

Bamberger's  account  of  the  Africans,  who  we  have 
before  quoted  in  this  work,  accords  with  all  we  have 
said  above,  from  whom  we  take  the  following  in  ad- 
dition. This  man  says  that  he  fell  in  with  a  tribe, 
who  lived  beyond  the  limits  of  the  Caff'rees,  who 
were  called  by  themselves,  Miihotians.  While  with 
this  tribe,  as  he  and  a  negro  man,  the  son-in-law  of 
the  chief  of  the  krall,  and  with  whom  he  then  was 
remaining,  were  busy  in  gathering  dry  wood,  in  the 
edge  of  a  wilderness,  the  former  made  Bamberger  a 
proposal  of  Sodomy.  But  as  Bamberger  refused,  the 
African  nearly  murdered  him,  being  a  much  stronger 
man,  and  yet  Bamberger  made  his  escape  from  the 
woolly-headed  monster.  While  at  this  krall,  the  old 
chief,  the  father-in-law  of  the  negro  above  spoken  of, 
took  Bamberger,  on  a  certain  day,  with  him  to  an- 
other pa'-*  of  the  same  wilderness,  where  he  was 

1  FOR'l'UNES,  OF  I'llE    NEGRO  RACE.  199 

shown  a  heap  of  sand  and  earth  several  feet  high. 
On  opening  this  heap,  as  directed  by  the  chief,  he 
j  found  the  bodies  of  five  luhite  men,  who  had  been 

I  killed  by  stabbing.     He  soon  learned  of  the  old  man, 

:  that  the  five  men  had  belonged  to  the  crew  of  a  ves- 

sel which  had  but  recently  been  wrecked  on  the 
'  coast  of  the  Atlantic,  and  who  had  been  carried  in- 

•  land  by  a  party  of  blacks,  belonging  to  the  Muhotian 

j  tribe.     This  tribe  had  been  set  upon  by  a  party  of 

i  Kantorians,  in  order  to  take  the  prisoners  out  of  their 

I  hands,  for  the  express  purpose  of  practicing  Sodomy 

'  upon  them,  becai^se  they  were  whiie,  and,  in  the  eyes 

of  those  miserable  beings,  exceedingl  y  handsome.  But 
in  the  aflray,  the  white  men  were  all  killed,  and  bu- 
lled there  in  the  sand,  rather  than  submit  to  be  thus 
degraded  in  their  own  eyes.  During  this  talk  with 
the  filthy  old  chief,  Bamberger  told  him  about  the 
abuse  he  had  received  from  his  son-in-law,  because 
he  would  not  submit  to  the  sam.e  thing ;  at  which  the 
old  child  of  darkness  and  paganism  only  laughed 
most  heartily,  as  at  an  occurrence  of  the  most  trivial 
character.     Vol.  i,  p.  146. 

After  this,  as  Bamberger  was  prosecuting  his  dread- 
ful journey,  over  jagged  mountains  and  dreary  plains 
of  sand  and  morasses,  he  fell  into  the  hands  of  a 
♦  tribe  called  Klojiians,  whose  king  was  an  absolute 
despot ;  having  the  power  to  appropriate  to  liis  own 
use  whatever  he  pleased,  and  of  whom  his  subjects 
dare  not  complain.  Whenever  he  would,  he  took 
;  the  wives  and  daughters  of  his  people,  who  were 

i  very  numei-ous,  to  his  own  couch,  so  that  he  had 

eight  hundred  women  subject  to  his  pleasure.     The 


place  of  his  district  or  region  of  dwelling,  was  in  the 
caves  of  certain  mountains,  called  the  Kong  moun- 
iaiiis,  and  adjacent  to  the  river  Niger,  not  a  great  dis- 
tance from  the  Atlantic,  which  empties  into  thai 
ocean  at  Liberia,  in  north  lat.  6°.     Vol.  ii,  p.  103. 

Roll  IN  says,  that  abominable  lewdness,  as  stated 
by  Tragus  Pompeius,  a  Roman  historian,  was  the 
great  and  predominant  vice  of  all  Africa.  Vol.  i,  p. 
375.  On  a  subject  like  this,  or  any  other,  touching 
the  character  of  the  natives  of  Africa,  the  Romans 
had  the  most  unbounded  opportunity  to  know  them 
in  those  ages,  because  they  had  a  great  empire  in  that 
country,  which  they  wrested  out  of  the  hands  of  the 
Carthagenians,  who  had  conquered  the  country  some 
hundred  years  before,  who  were  also  a  black  people 
from  Phoenicia,  of  whom  we  shall  have  something  to 
remark  hereafter. 

The  facts  set  forth  in  this  section  of  the  work,  are, 
after  all,  but  little  items  in  the  ocean  of  evidence  that 
might  be  adduced,  proving  this  people,  the  race  of 
Ham,  to  be  a  people  who,  in  all  ages,  have  been  more 
sensual  and  animal  in  their  inclinations,  than  are  the 
races  of  either  the  red  or  white  man  ;  which  fact  is 
an  evidence  of  no  small  magnitude,  of  their  real  and 
universal  mental  inferiority. 

This  remark,  we  know,  may  be  considered  as  se- 
vere, and  yet  we  do  not  see  how  we  can  make  any 
abatement,  except  to  say  that,  happily,  there  have 
been,  in  all  ages,  individuals  of  the  ne^ro  race,  both 
as  it  relates  to  talent  of  the  medium  scale,  and 
amiableness  of  character,  who  should  be  excepted 
from  the  great  mass  of  the  countless  myriads  of  the 


blacks,  as  good  men,  and  ornaments  to  society  where 
they  lived. 

Having  thns  far  in  this  section,  taken  some  notice 
of  the  national  and  personal  character  of  the  Ethio 
pian  race,  we  shall  change  the  subject,  in  order  to 
make  some  inqunies  respecting  their  mental  abilities, 
without  aiming  to  disparage  them  in  the  least  degree 
wrongfully,  being  desirous  only  to  ascertain  the  truth 
respecting  them. 

If  the  Supreme  Being  has  seen  fit  to  endow  this 
race  with  a  less  quantum  of  intellectual  faculties,  and 
with  less  attractive  powers  and  persons,  in  all  re- 
spects, than  he  has  the  white  race — what  then  ?  are 
we,  therefore,  to  undervalue  them  on  this  account? 
We  think  not,  as  all  God's  works  are  good  and  proper 
in  their  proper  places,  but  not  out  of  them.  In  this 
way,  and  in  no  other,  shall  we  be  able  to  appreciate 
the  wonderful  harmony  of  nature,  by  which  is  dem- 
onstrated both  the  power  and  wisdom  of  the  Creator, 
in  ordering  the  affairs  of  the  universe,  and  the  inhabi- 
tants of  the  globe. 

It  is  impossible  to  extract  from  substances,  more 
than  is  contained  in  the  nature  of  such  substances, 
or  to  elevate  by  its  own  weight,  water  above  its  ori- 
gin or  fountain  head.  So  of  the  negro  race,  though 
fondled  and  petted  by  abolitionists,  yet  this  will 
amount  to  nothing,  except  an  exhibition  of  the  ne- 
gro's real  natural  imbecilities  of  mind,  and  the  need 
he  is  in  of  help,  as  the  great  conservative  powers  by 
which  the  white  race  have  elevated  themselves  are 
not  given  to  the  people  of  the  race  of  Ham.  But  for 
not  cultivating  the  one  talent,  which  was  given  them 


by  the  Creator,  they  are  placed  under  the  ban  of  a 
judicial  decree,»exactly  suited  to  their  moral  charafl^ 
ters  on  the  earth. 

As  erst  before  the  flood  when  Satan  reigned, 
The  earth  with  violence  and  deat}>  was  stained  j 
The  waters  therefore  came,  and  swept  away 
The  whole  blasphemous  host  of  vile  array. 
So,  in  the  land  o(  Ham,  old  Canaan's  coast, 
Where  Sodomy  and  crime  were  black  men's  boast. 
The  vengeful  arm  of  Gnd — the  Jewish  sword-— 
Prove  them  headlong  out,  both  tribe  and  horde. 



Pretended  mental  equality  of  the  negro  race  with  white  men  refut- 
ed, as  held  by  abolitionits — Comparative  vifew  of  the  races,  as  to 
their  doings  in  the  world — Proofs  that  the  ancient  Egyptians,  nor 
any  of  the  negro  nations,  were  not  the  authors  of  either  arts  or  sci- 
ences— Proofs  that  the  arts  and  sciences,  comprehending  a  knowl- 
edge of  letters,  were  known  before  the  flood,  and  in  the  house  of 
Noah,  and  by  the  first  patriarchs — Curious  discoveries  made  in 
the  foundations  of  the  tower  of  Babel  by  Sir  Robert  Ker  Porter— 
A  knowledge  of  letters  since  the  flood  derived  from  the  first  pa- 
triarchs, and  not  from  the  Phosnician  blacks — But  little  advances 
made  in  architecture  by  the  first  Egyptians,  till  after  Solomon — 
The  pyramids  built  by  the  shepherd  kings,  a  race  of  copper  color- 
ed men  of  the  blood  of  Shem,  and  not  by  the  blacks  of  Egypt — 
For  thousands  of  years  the  tribes  of  Africa  have  made  no  advances 
in  civilization — The  reasons  of  this — Works  of  the  Canaanites,  aa 
it  related  to  architecture,  derived  from  the  Euphrates,  or  the  ex 
ample  of  the  Shemites,  and  the  people  of  Japheth — During  the 
whole  history  of  negro  Carthage,  they  made  no  advances  in 
literature — Rapine,  plunder,  and  dealing  in  slaves,  being  their 
trade — Architectural  works  of  the  races  of  Shem  and  Japheth 
long  before  the  tower  was  built,  or  the  negroes  exit  to  Africa- 
Near  resemblance  of  the  Simla  race  as  the  ourang-outang,  and 
many  of  the  Africans — Respecting  their  appetites — Cannibalism, 
&c.,  in  all, ages — Insensibilities  of  the  negroes  to  bodily  pain — 
Meanness  of  the  negro  spirit — Their  cruelties  to  their  slaves — With 
many  other  curious  matters. 

The  labor  of  the  following  pages  which  shall  oc- 
cupy this  section,  will  be  to  ascertain  whether  the  ne- 
gro race,  properly  so  distinguished,  in  an  unamalgam- 
ated  character,  ai;e  naturally  equal  with  the  other 


races  of  men,  the  red  and  the  white,  in  point  of  intel- 
lectual faculties.  That  they  really  are  thus  equal,  is 
vehemently  contended  for  by  all  abolitionists  of  both 
Europe  and  America,  some  even  holding  them  supe- 
rior, while  anti-aholitionists  resist  this  opinion  as  a 
fallacy.  An  appeal  to  direct,  and  also  to  circumstan- 
tial evidence,  in  relation  to  the  subject,  is  the  only 
way  to  decide  it. 

Abolitionists  are  sure  that  the  only  reason  of  their 
present  amazing  inferiority  arises  wholly  from  the 
influence  of  the  treatment  of  the  white  nations  to- 
ward them.  Remove  this  say  they,  educate  them, 
and  give  them  a  fair  chance  in  the  world,  then  it  will 
soon  be  seen,  that^  as  a  people,  they  are  equally  tal- 
ented with  the  other  races  of  the  human  family. 

But  here,  at  the  very  outset  of  the  inquiry,  it  is  de- 
sirable to  ascertain  how  it  came  to  pass  that  it  was 
not  the  negro  man  who  aspired  to  the  paramount  con- 
dition, now  and  always  enjoyed  by  the  white  race. 
If  the  people  of  Ham  were  originally  equal,  as  to 
mental  faculties,  with  the  other  races,  how  came  they 
in  their  present  degraded  condition?  How  has  it 
happened  that  the  negro  race  has  not  attained  in  the 
world  to  the  very  same  condition  the  white  race  now 
occupy,  and  the  whites  fallen  into  the  condition  of 
the  blacks,  seeing  they  are,  as  is  contended,  equal 
with  each  other  1  or,  if  this  is  true,  why  are  they  BOt 
alike  ?  There  must  be  some  great  reason  for  this. 
It  is  asserted  by  abolitionists,  that  the  negro  race  were, 
in  the  first  ages  after  the  flood,  the  authors  of  all  the 
arts  and  sciences  which  obtained  in  ancient  Egypt, 
and  that  from  these  arose,  as  from  a  germ,  the  pres- 


ent  lights  of  mankind.  If  this  was  true,  we  ask  how 
they,  the  authors,  in  their  posterity,  have  lost  that  en- 
viable position  1  How  has  it  come  to  pass  that  the 
same  power  which  prompted  them  to  so  many,  and 
to  so  great  improvements,  has  not  been  able  to  sus- 
tain itself?  Could  this  be  shown  to  have  been  a  fact, 
respecting  the  negro  race,  it  would  prove  an  anoma- 
ly indeed,  and  yet  would  secure  but  little  in  their  fa- 
vor, on  account  of  the  horrid  retrograde  they  have 
made  in  the  world. 

But  we  affirm  that  they  were  not  the  authors  of 
either  arts  or  sciences,  as  understood  in  those  times, 
which,  according  to  history,  as  well  as  the  scriptures, 
were  cultivated  in  ancient  Africa.  We  sustain  this 
affirmation,  by  showing  that  the  Egyptians,  and  all 
other  people  of  those  ages,  received  and  carried  with 
them  a  knowledge  of  the  arts  and  sciences,  as  under- 
stood at  that  era  of  the  world,  from  the  house  of 

That  letters  were  known  in  the  house  of  Noah  is 
absolutely  certain,  deduced  from  many  circumstances, 
and  of  necessity  to  all  the  people,  or  to  heads  of  tribes 
and  communities  for  the  first  few  hundred  years,  im- 
mediately after  the  flood.  One  of  these  circum- 
stances, or  evidences,  arises  from  the  late  discoveries 
made  in  the  foundations  of  the  ancient  tower  of  Be- 
lus,  or  Babel,  as  it  is  commonly  called,  as  well  as 
from  the  architectural  works  of  the  people  of  Shem 
and  Japheth  before  the  tower  was  built. 

Sir  Robert  Ker  Porter,  under  the  patronage  of  the 
government  of  England,  went  to  the  country  of  an- 
cient Persia,  Tartary,  Armenia,  Chaldea,  and  Baby- 

206  OuiGlN,  CHARACTER,  AND 

Ion  on  the  Euphrates,  in  the  years  1820  and  1823,  on 
a  tour  of  antiquarian  discovery.  While  on  the  Eu- 
phrates, he  found,  as  reported  in  his  work,  the  an- 
cient site  of  the  temple  of  Belus,  or  tower  of  Babel, 
the  same  spoken  of  by  Moses  in  the  book  of  Genesis, 
which  was  built  by  Nimrod  the  Grandson  of  Ham. 
[See  Plate],  At  the  spot  where  the  tower  stood, 
which  was  built  only  about  one  hundred  years  after 
the  flood,  he  found  a  vast  heap  of  rubbish,  forming  a 
great  mound,  or  elevation,  overgrown  with  brambles. 

Being  desirous  of  examining  the  interior  of  this 
mighty  mound,  he  procured  the  aid  of  several  of  the 
people  living  there,  to  dig  along  its  skirts,  when  there 
was  found,  at  some  little  depth,  the  original  brick, 
formfng  the  upper  stratas  of  the  foundation  of  the 
structure.  The  bricks  thus  discovered  were  about 
one  foot  square  by  three  inches  thick,  and  were  cov- 
ered on  both  sides  with  arrow-headed  characters, 
having,  in  many  respects,  a  resemblance  to  the  pres- 
ent Hebrew  letters. 

They  were  not  hieroglyphics,  or  the  pictures  of 
creatures  or  things,  but  were  evidently  letters,  or 
signs  of  ideas,  placed  in  due  order,  as  letters  are  now 
arranged,  running  in  parallel  lines  across  the  bricks. 
There  were  instances,  however,  where  those  charac-  | 

tcrs  were  set  in  perpendicular  lines,  or  at  right  angles  j 

v/ith  the  others.     That  they  were  letters,  is  as  evi-  i 

dent  as  that  any  of  the  ancient  characters  of  the  He-  | 

brew,  Greek,  Persian,  or  Chinese  languages,  are  let-  [ 

ters.  '  i 

On  these  bricks  was  written,  no  doubt,  the  history  r 

of  the  tower,  and  the  reasons  of  its  being  erected,  th€  j 


Story  of  the  flood,  the  ark,  and  of  the  nations  before 
the  flood,  the  original  creation,  <fec.  It  appears  that 
the  letters  were  formed  on  the  insides  of  the  molds 
in  which  the  bricks  were  made,  the  characters  being 
raised  out  above  the  general  level  of  the  face  of  the 
mold,  so  that  when  impressed  on  the  clay  before  it 
was  dried  for  burning,  would  cause  fac  similes  in  the 
face  of  the  brick,  and  thus  be  preserved  from  being 
broken  when  laid  in  great  masses  on  top  of  each  oth- 
er. It  may  have  been,  however,  that  the  letters  were 
made  by  merely  pressing  down  on  each  brick,  as  it 
came  from  a  smooth  moid,  the  type  of  a  letter  carved 
out  of  wood,  and  thus  produce  the  same  effect  as  if 
cast  in  a  mold. 

Specimens  of  these  letters  may  be  seen  in  the  work 
alluded  to  above,  in  great  numbers,  and  are  worthy 
of  the  attention  of  the  curious.  The  work  is  in  the 
State  Library. 

That  letters  were  known  before  the  flood,  appears 
also  from  the  fact  that  music  was  taught  and  under- 
stood among  the  antediluvians:  see  Gen.  iv,  21, 
where  it  is  said  that  one  Jubalj  a  descendant  of  the 
family  of  Cain,  was  the  father  [instructor]  of  all 
such  as  handled  the  harp  and  the  organ.  If  music 
was  taught,  then  of  necessity  they  must  have  had  a 
knowledge  of  characters  of  a  competent  description, 
by  the  means  of  which  they  recorded  their  music,  or 
the  science  could  not  have  been  alluded  to,  as  it  is  by 
Moses.  If  musical  characters  were  then  m  use,  of 
which  there  can  be  no  doubt,  then,  of  necessity,  let- 
ters were  also  in  use,  or  the  rules  of  such  as  taught 
music  could  not  have   been  systematically  accom- 


plished.  Music  being  thus  understood  by  the  antedi- 
luvians, it  is  an  evidence  that  they  possessed  a  high 
condition  of  refinement,  as  a  general  knowledge  of 
this  accomplishment  is  considered  the  ne  plus  ultra 
of  good  breeding  in  refined  society  of  every  age.  To 
carry  out  this  belief,  we  are  aided  by  Moses  in  anoth- 
er respect,  who  says,  Gen.  iv,  22,  that  the  people  of 
that  age,  going  back  to  the  hfetime  of  Adam,  had  a 
I  knowledge  of  the  manufacture  of  6ra55  and  iron,  and 

j  that  they  were  also  agriculturists,  as  well  as  shep- 

j  herds  and  herdsmen.     It  is  said  by  the  Jewish  Rabbi 

j  that  letters  and  writing  were  invented  by  *S'e^^,  the 

third  son  of  Adam. —  Watson^s  Theological  Diction- 
j  ary,  p.  856. 

,  With  the  knowledge  of  such  things,  can  it  be  pos- 

I  sible  that  the  antediluvians  were  not  a  civilized,  la- 

j  boring,  trading,  agricultural,  mechanical,  commercial, 

{  and  scientific  race?     However  many  tribes,  nations, 

I  kingdoms,  and  governments,  they  may  have  been 

I  divided  into  around  the  whole  globe,  yet  a  knowl- 

j  edge  of  such  refinements  is  stated  by  Moses  to  have 

I  certainly  been  in  their  possession.     Of  all  this,  is  it 

j  possible  that  Noah,  being  born  six  hundred  years  be- 

1  fore  the  flood,  could  have  been  ignorant,  seeing  he 

i  was  a  good  man,  and  improved  his  mind,  therefore, 

^1  in  every  possible  way. 

i  Could  he  have  planned  and  built  the  ark  without 

J  a  knowledge  of  geometry,  which  also  supposes  the 

;'  existence  and  use  of  arithmetical  characters  ?     Ham, 

Nimrod,  and  his  coadjutors,  must  have  had  a  knowl- 
edge oi  geometry,  as  well  as  oi  letters,  or  they  could 
not  have  projected,  nor  have  built  the  tower,  and  the 


great  cities  Erech,  Acad,  and  Calneh,  in  the  land  of 
Shiiiar,  on  the  river  Euphrates,  as  Moses  says  they 
did.     Gen.  x,  10. 

From  whom  did  Abraham,  who  was  born  only 
two  hundred  and  ninety-two  years  after  the  flood,  de- 
rive a  knowledge  of  arithmetic  and  astronomy,  if  not 
from  the  house  of  Noah  ?  That  Abraham  had  this 
knowledge  is  stated  by  Josephus,  in  his  book  of  Jew- 
ish Antiquities,  If  Abraham  had  this  knowledge, 
then  it  is  clear  that  the  Syrians,  of  which  people 
Abraham  was  a  member,  also  possessed  it,  who,  with 
all  the  first  nations  immediately  after  the  flood,  de- 
rived it,  as  well  as  all  other  knowledge,  from  the 
house  and  members  of  the  family  of  Noah,  who 
brought  it  with  them  from  beyond  the  flood  in  writ- 
ten characters. 

That  Abraham  was  an  educated  man,  is  evident 
from  the  character  he  sustained  among  his  country- 
men, the  Chaldeans,  or  the  ancient  Syrians,  and  as 
the  head  and  patriarch  of  the  Hebrew  or  Jewish  peo- 
ple, as  well  as  from  the  business  which  he  transacted 
with  the  Egyptians,  Canaanites,  and  other  countries 
of  that  age.  If  Abraham,  then,  was  an  educated  man, 
and  v/as  versed  in  all  the  learning  of  that  age,  which 
was  cultivated  by  the  Chaldeans,  who,  doubtless,  at 
that  era,  and  upward,  toward  the  age  of  the  ending 
of  the  flood,  was  composed  of  both  white  and  red 
men,  till  such  times  as  they  were  separated  to  their 
respective  regions  ;  then  were  also  the  patriarchs,  who 
were  before  Abraham's  time,  such  as  Arphaxad,  Sa- 
lah,  Eber,  Peleg,  Reu,  Serng,  Nahor,  and  Terah,  the 
father  of  Abraham,  as  well  as  Shem,  who  was  Mel 


chiscdek,  and  the  progenitor  of  all  the  patriarchs 
above  named. 

From  this  state  of  the  case,  it  is  not  hard  to  con- 
ceive that  the  Egyptian  and  Canaanite  negroes,  who 
were  the  very  first  people  of  those  countries,  received 
all  their  knowledge  of  letters,  of  agriculture,  of  ge- 
ometry, arithmetic,  and  astronomy,  from  the  great 
and  common  source,  the  house  of  Noah,  and  the  suc- 
ceeding patriarchs.  The  opinion,  therefore,  that  the 
Phoenician  negroes  were  the  inventors  of  letters  is  no 

What  though  Cadmus,  an  Egyptian,  as  it  is  said, 
carried  the  knowledge  of  letters  into  Greece  first  of 
all,  at  a  very  remote  age,  which  we  shall  not  dispute, 
yet  this  does  not  prove  that  the  Egyptians  invented 
them,  as  Cadmus,  with  the  rest  of  his  countrymen, 
derived  that  knowledge  from  the  common  source — 
the  family  of  Noah.  Whether  this  Cadmus,  who  is 
celebrated  as  the  author  of  letters  among  the  ancient 
Greeks,  and  the  succeeding  ages  of  the  world,  was  a 
Phoenician  or  an  Egyptian  negro,  is  far  from  being 
certain  ;  for  we  learn  from  Josephus's  Jewish  Antiq- 
uities, book  8,  that  one  of  the  sons  of  Ishmael,  the 
son  of  Abraham,  was  named  Cadmus,  and  was  as 
likely  to  have  been  the  Cadmus  of  ancient  history, 
who  carried  letters  into  Greece,  as  any  other  man. 

As  to  architecture  of  the  magnificent  and  exquidte 
descriptions,  the  Egyptians  made  but  little  advances 
till  the  age  of  Solomon,  previous  to  which  time  their 
buildings  were  of  the  most  common  order,  made  of 
brick,  both  bui  rit  and  dried ;  even  the  cities  of  the 
time  of  Joseph  were  of  this  description,  useful  and 


spacious,  but  not  approaching  to  the  magnificent. 
In  all  Africa,  says  the  "  Universal  Traveler,"  page 
499,  there  does  not  now  exist  among  the  negroes  any 
architecture,  above  that  of  mere  huts  made  of  stakes 
driven  in  the  ground,  and  plastered  inside  and  out ; 
of  this  description  are  their  best  buildings,  shaped  like 
bee-hives,  conically.  The  rest  are  mere  dens  made 
of  mud  and  sticks,  or  holes  in  the  ground.  These 
are  the  descendants  of  the  mighty  Egyptians,  the 
Lybians,  and  Ethiopians,  whose  lofty  temples  once 
filled  Africa,  if  we  are  to  believe  abolitionists  ;  but  it 
is  all  an  error ;  they  were  the  authors  of  the  architect- 
ural works  of  those  ages  no  further  than  as  slaves 
and  laborers.  The  pyramids,  which  were  built  of 
hewn  stone,  was  not  the  work  of  the  woolly  heads  of 
Egypt,  but  of  the  shepherd  kings  called  Cuthea,  from 
Arabia  and  the  Persian  Gulf,  north  of  Egypt,  who 
held,  by  conquest,  for  more  than  two  hundred  years, 
the  kingdoms  of  Egypt,  during  which  time  they  en- 
slaved the  wliole  mass  of  the  aboriginal  people,  when 
the  pyramids,  and  many  other  great  works,  were 
built  by  slaves,  at  the  dictation  of  the  Hyc-sos,  or 
shepherd  kings. —  Watson. 

This  was  done  prior  to  the  time  of  Joseph's  being 
sold  into  Egypt,  The  Hyc-sos  kings  were  of  the 
Abrahamic  race,  being  descendants  of  his  sons  by 
Keturah  (see  Gen.  xxv),  who,  settling  eastward  from 
Chaldea,  where  Abraham  lived  before  he  went  to  Ca- 
naan, expelled  the  children  of  Ham,  or  the  Cushites, 
from  the  country,  who,  first  of  all,  after  the  fall  of 
the  tower,  settled  there,  on  which  account  the  country 
was  alluded  to  by  Moses  (Gen.  ii,  13),  by  the  name  of 


Ethiopia,  through  which  the  Gihon  flowed.  This 
people,  being  thus  expelled,  went  to  Africa,  and 
founded  another  kingdom,  which  also  was  called 

Now,  on  this  account,  the  Hyc-sos  race  were  called 
Cushite  Shepherds,  namely,  because  they  had  con- 
quered and  dwelt  in  the  country  of  the  expelled  Cush- 
ite race,  who  were  of  the  house  of  Ham.  These 
were  the  people  who  conquered  Egypt  at  so  early  a 
period,  and  built  the  great  works  of  that  country 
above  named. 

The  Cushites,  as  stated  by  Richard  Watson,  in  his 
Historical  Dictionary,  p.  282,  were  driven  out  of  their 
Asiatic  possessions,  along  the  gulf  of  Persia,  and 
along  the  northern  side  of  the  Red  Sea,  by  the  Ish- 
maelites  and  the  Midianites,  both  of  the  lineage  of 

The  descendants  of  Abraham  were  always  prone  to 
rearing  vast  herds  of  cattle,  by  which  means,  in  a 
great  measure,  they  acquired  wealth  and  power. 
Such  were  the  shepherd  kings,  who,  for  a  time,  tyr- 
ranized  over  Egypt,  as  above  shown.  It  was  for  this 
very  reason,  that  all  shepherds  were  an  abomination 
to  the  Egyptians,  in  the  days  of  Joseph,  the  Hebrew, 
as  stated  Gen.  xlvi,  34,  for  they  remembered  the  cruel- 
ties of  the  red  skinned  shepherd  kings. 

From  all  points,  therefore,  it  is  evident,  that  the 
original  negroes  of  the  Nile,  the  swarthy  woolly 
heads  of  the  race  of  Ham,  did  not  profit  by  a  knowl- 
edge of  letters,  or  any  other  knowledge  of  the  house 
of  Noah,  above  mere  agriculture,  till  such  times  as 
other  races  of  men,  such  as  Ishmaelites,  Midianites, 


and  Chaldeans,  all  of  the  race  of  Shem  and  Abraham, 
had  begun  to  mingle  with  them:  so  that  by  the  time 
of  Saul^  David,  and  Solomon,  the  character  of  Egypt 
in  relation  to  enterprise,  had  become  vastly  changed 
from  her  ancient  stupidity;  from  whence  we  date 
what  may  be  denominated  the  architectural  age  of 

At  a  very  early  period,  thousands  of  the  Ishmaelite 
race  settled  in  Africa,  by  invasion,  along  the  head 
waters  of  the  Nile,  in  Ethiopia,  mingling  more  and 
more  through  Egypt,  down  toward  the  mouths  of  that 
river ;  this  is  a  matter  of  history.  Watson,  282. 
This  is  evident  also  from  the  mummies  brought  from 
that  country,  which  were  doubtless  embalmed  as  long 
ago  as  in  the  days  of  David  and  Solomon,  and  per- 
haps as  far  back  as  when  the  Hebrews  were  in 
Egypt ;  all  of  which,  except  now  and  then  onb,  are 
not -of  the  ngj:^ro  race,  but  of  a  red  or  copper  colored 
people,  with  long  straight  hair,  and  other  character- 
istics not  belonging  to  the  genuine  Cushite,  or  race  of 

From  this  circumstance,  it  is  shown  that  the  ruling 
people  of  Egypt,  in  those  ages,  were  not  the  native 
negroes,  as  none  but  the  more  wealthy  were  able  to 
bear  the  expense  of  embalming  their  dead.  "  That 
a  rare  (says  Professor  Lawrence,  p.  294)  ever  devoted, 
within  the  period  embraced  by  authentic  history,  to 
slavery,  or  to  an  existence  not  much  better,  and  pos- 
sessing, under  the  most  favorable  circumstances,  only 
the  rudiments  of  the  common  arts,  and  the  most  im- 
perfect social  institutions,  should  have  occupied,  in  re- 
motest  antiquity,    undertakings  which  astonish  us 


even  now  by  their  grandeur,  and  prove  so  great  a 
progress  in  civilization  and  social  life,  in  arts  and 
sciences — that  they  should  have  subsequently  lost  all 
this  surprising  jirogress^  and  never  have  exhibited  the 
smallest  approximation  to  such  a  pre-eminence  in  any 
other  instance,  is  a  fact  extremely  difficult  to  explain." 

The  negroes  of  Africa,  who  are  the  descendants  of 
the  Egyptians,  the  Lybians,  and  the  Ethiopians,  all 
the  same  people,  the  race  of  Ham,  the  first  negroes, 
for  thousands  of  years,  have  made  no  advances  in 
letters,  or  in  any  way  approximating  thereto ;  as  in 
all  Africa,  among  the  negro  tribes  and  kingdoms,  not 
di  gleam  of  the  light  of  science,  the  precursor  of  which 
is  the  invention  of  letters,  has  appeared.  Not  a  hie- 
roglyphic or  symbol — no  kind  of  painting,  or  even 
knots  tied  in  a  string,  as  in  Peru,  called  quipos,  to 
denote  numbers,  has  appeared  in  all  the  vast  regions, 
of  Southern  Africa. 

How  is  this  ?  what  has  induced  this  amazing  stu- 
pidity of  the  native  negro?  In  the  annals  of  no  peo- 
ple of  the  whole  earth,  can  there  be  found  evidence 
of  so  profound  a  st^le  of  ignorance  and  apathy,  with 
respect  to  a  desire  -of  improvement,  as  among  this 
people,  for  they  have  not  exceeded  the  beasts  of  the 
wilderness,  where  they  dwell,  who  follow  the  mere 
instincts  of  their  natures. 

But  in  the  northern  parts  of  Africa,  on  account  of 
the  mixture  of  the  other  races  with  that  of  the  negro 
blood,  there  has  arisen  more  or  less  improvement  in 
agriculture  and  government,  which  has  elevated  the 
negro  blood  a  little  above  their  native  dead  level  ol 
their  degraded  natures. 


What  though  the  negroes  of  Canaan  built  many 
towns  and  cities  in  their  country,  such  as  Jebiis,  Tyre, 
Zidon.  Gath^  Hamath^  Jericho,  with  many  others, 
which  Joshua  and  his  warriors  found  extremely  dif- 
ficult to  destroy?  And  although  before  their  settle- 
ment in  Canaan,  they  built  the  tower  of  Babel,  the 
cities  of  Acad,  Erech,  and  Calneh,  in  the  land  of 
iS/miar,  on  the  Euphrates ;  yet  all  this,  and  especial- 
ly the  cities  last  named,  which  were  built  by  the  ne- 
groes, before  they  settled  in  Canaan,  and  before  the 
confusion  of  their  language,  we  attribute  to  the  first 
impetus  of  knowledge,  derived  from  the  house  of 
Noah,  and  kept  alive  by  surrounding  circumstances, 
the  exertions  of  other  nations — the  Shemites  and  the 
children  of  Japheth.  But  when  finally  overcome  and 
subdued  by  the  superior  policies  of  the  other  races, 
the  negro  man  not  possessing  in  himself  the  great 
conservative  powers,  which  are  the  grand  source  of 
all  exertions  and  human  independence,  fell,  natural- 
ly by  degrees,  back  into  their  native  insufficiency  of 
mind ;  the  end  of  which  is  misery,  ignorance,  bar- 
barism and  slavery. 

During  the  age  of  their  first  prosperity,  had  they 
cultivated  such  mental  faculties  as  they  had,  instead 
of  indulging  in  all  kinds  of  animal  luxuries,  crimes, 
murders,  tyranny,  lewdness,  and  horrid  idolatries, 
they  would  not  have  gone  down  as  they  have.  That 
such  was  the  fact,  respecting  them,  is  strongly  sup- 
ported by  the  history  of  Carthage,  whose  empire  was 
coeval  with  the  latter  ages  of  Canaan,  and  with  the 
very  time  of  the  glory  of  Egypt.  This  negro  king- 
dom, during  its  whole  exisfonce,  which  was  from  the 


age  of  Ahab,  one  of  the  kings  of  Israel,  till  destroyed 
by  the  Romans,  under  Scipio,  about  140  years  B.  C, 
made  no  advances  in  literature.  On  this  subject, 
Rollin  says,  p.  238,  that  during  all  the  ages  of  their 
existence,  which  was  about  seven  hundred  years,  they 
did  not  produce  but  four  literary  men,  while  the 
Greeks  and  the  Romans,  we  will  add,  during  the  same 
space  of  time,  filled  the  world  with  their  sages,  phi- 
losophers, and  seats  of  learning,  as  well  as  with  theii 
manufactories,  trade  and  commerce. 

The  great  ambition  of  the  negro  Carthagenians 
was  war,  plunder,  rapine,  and  cruelty ;  excluding, 
even  by  edicts^  the  encouragement  of  letters  and 
learning.  Wherever  the  Greeks  or  Romans  carried 
their  conquests,  they  strove  to  better  the  condition  of 
conquered  countries,  but  the  Carthagenians  turned 
all  to  a  howling  wilderness  ;  or  at  least  did  not  at- 
tempt to  better  the  character  of  the  subdued  nations. 
The  reason  why  the  Carthagenians  discouraged  liter- 
ature by  law,  says  Rollin,  was,  as  they  asserted,  that 
it  assisted  men  to  become  rogues,  and  to  overreach 
each  other. 

But  this  was  not  the  reason  ;  it  was  because  of 
their  innate  dislike  to  mental  study  and  research,  as 
a  people  ;  seeking  only  after  animal  gratification,  see- 
ing no  beauty  or  advantage  in  a  knowledge  of  the 
mysteries  of  the  arts  and  sciences,  as  did  the  other 
races,  especially  the  descendants  ofJapheth.  This 
is  the  grand  reason  why  the  first  negro  nations  went 
backward  rather  than  forward  from  their  original  op- 
portunities, namely,  their  not  having  appreciated  the 
value  and  worth  of  letters,  moral  improvement,  the 

FORTUNES,  OF  THE   ^'FGHO   KA'  E.  217 

science  of  social  gtrvernn.snt,  virtue,  i;:c. :  and  yet 
we  are  told  that  the  nejro  man  invented  letters  at 
first ;  an  idea  easily  refuted,  by  a  rsference  to  the  fact, 
that  letters  and  learning  were  nnders^ood  in  the  house 
of  Noah  lon^  before  Ham  was  born. 

In  relation  to  their  commonly  accredited  knowledge 
of  the  art  of  building,  or  of  architecture,  in  Egypt, 
is  entirely  preposterous.  "  With  our  present  knowl 
edge  (says  Lawrence,  page  296)  of  the  capacity  of 
negro  men,  and  our  knowledge  of  the  state  in  which 
the  lohole  race  has  remained  for  full  twenty  centuries, 
can  we  deem  it  possible  that  the"  should  have  achiev- 
ed such  prodigies  ?"  That  the  negro  man  in  those 
ages  did,  unaided  by  the  talents  of  others,  invent  and 
carry  out,  by  his  own  mental  energies,  the  great  works 
of  Egypt  and  Carthage,  we  wholly  deny,  and  aver 
that  it  cannot  be  proven. 

That  the  knowledge  of  architecture,  and  many  of 
the  other  arts,  as  well  as  sciences,  were  as  well  un- 
derstood, if  not  better,  by  the  Chaldeans^  who  were 
of  the  race  of  Shem,  and  coeval  with  the  negroes  of 
the  tower  of  Babel,  which  was  long  prior  to  the  set- 
tlements of  Egypt  or  Ethiopia,  is  evident  from  the 
notices  respecting  them,  found  in  the  writings  of  Mo- 
ses in  the  book  of  Genesis.  The  settlements  of  Shem 
and  Japheth,  about  the  regions  of  the  head  waters 
of  the  Euphrates  and  Tigris,  in  ancient  Persia  (so 
named  long  afterward)  and  Armenia,  were  made  all 
a  hundred  years  before  the  children  of  Ham  went 
either  to  Canaan  or  Egypt. 

It  is  true,  however,  that  Ham  and  his  people  went 
down  the  Euphrates  to  the  vale  of  Shinar,  where,  in 


about  fifty  years  after  his  leaving  the  country  of  the 
ark,  with  his  family,  they  built  the  tower.  But  as 
soon  as  that  undertaking  was  frustrated  by  the  Di- 
vine power,  in  the  confusion  of  their  language,  they 
immediately  spread  out  in  all  directions :  some  going 
westward  to  the  unknown  region  of  the  country  call- 
ed, afterward,  Canaan  Phoenicia ;  some  southward, 
along  the  Persian  Gulf,  in  Arabia,  and  the  Red  Sea, 
as  well  as  still  further  south  into  Egypt,  while  some 
went  south-east,  along  the  Indian  Ocean,  toward  the 
country  now  known  as  Hindostan  ;  and  others  re- 
mained, no  doubt,  in  the  same  country,  along  the 
Euphrates,  quite  down  to  the  sea.  Here  they  had  to 
begin  anew  in  all  their  respective  regions. 

But  during  all  this  time,  the  children  of  Shem  and 
Japheth,  with  the  patriarchs  born  soon  after  the  flood, 
were  going  forward  with  their  pursuits,  and  actually 
built  the  great  cities  of  Rehoboth,  Calah,  and  Resen, 
Genesis  x,  11,  12,  even  before  the  time  of  the  build- 
ing of  the  tower  of  Babel  by  the  negroes,  as  the  chil- 
dren of  Shem  and  Japheth  had  nothing  to  do  with 
that  exploit. 

The  numbers  and  the  names  of  some  of  the  patri- 
archs, born  prior  to  the  dispersion  of  the  blacks  from 
the  project  of  the  tower,  are  as  follows :  Arphaxad, 
Salah,  Eber,  and  Peleg,  besides  four  other  sons  of 
Shem,  younger  than  Arphaxad,  whose  names  were 
jEllam,  Ashur,  Lud,  and  Amram;  who  were  each, 
and  all  of  them,  the  fathers  of  vast  multitudes,  over 
whom  the  mighty  and  princely  Melchisedek,  or  Shem, 
the  son  of  Noah,  reigned  as  a  priest.  In  this  man 
were  concentrated,  by  the  providence  and  appoint- 


ment  of  God,  the  regal  and  sacerdotal  dignities, 
as  well  as  a  knowledge  of  all  past  ages,  as  he 
was  born  more  than  a  hundred  years  before  the 

Is  it  a  snpposable  case,  that  the  races  of  Shem  and 
Japheth,  under  such  a  supervision  as  that  of  Noah 
and  Melchisedek,  were  idle,  and  accomplished  noth- 
ing, during  all  the  time  the  negroes  were  busy  on  the 
great  flats  of  Shinar,  and  in  the  building  of  the  tow 
er?  The  reader  will  recollect  that  Noah  lived,  aftei 
the  flood,  three  hundred  and  fifty  years,  and  Shem 
five  hundred  years ;  so  that  during  a  hundred  years 
or  more,  prior  to  the  negroes'  settlements  of  Canaan 
and  Africa,  these  two  great  men,  as  well  as  the  four 
other  patriarchs,  first  above  named,  were  as  energet- 
ically at  work  in  their  settlements,  east  and  north, 
as  were  the  negroes  in  theirs,  and  that,  too,  without 
a  loss  of  time,  as  was  the  case  with  the  blacks  ;  for 
they  lost  all  the  time  spent  in  the  vale  of  Shinar,  be- 
fore they  were  dispersed,  amounting  to  more  than  a 
hundred  years. 

That  the  race  of  Shem,  under  the  advices  and 
knowledge  of  himself  and  his  father  Noah,  and  con- 
comitant patriarchs,  had  actually  grown  numerous, 
and  attained  to  power  at  a  very  early  period,  is  evi- 
dent from  the  xivth  chapter  of  Genesis.  In  the  his- 
tory contained  in  that  chapter,  Moses  gives  an  ac- 
count of  a  war  waged  and  carried  on  between  cer- 
tain kings  of  the  land  of  Shinar,  whose  countries  lay 
along  and  beyond  the  river  Euphrates,  who  were  the 
children  of  Shem,  and  certain  kings  of  Canaan,  ne- 
groes, and  of  the  vale  of  Sodom,  whose  kingdoms  lay 


along  and  near  the  river  Jordan,  places  and  govern- 
ments about  three  hundred  miles  apart. 

The  names  of  the  kings  of  Shinar,  who  engaged 
m  this  war,  were  Amraphel,  king  of  Shinar;  Arioch, 
king  of  Ellasar;  Chedorlaomar,  king  of  El  am;  and 
Tidal,  king  of  nations.  This  war  happened  in  the 
days  of  Abraham,  about  two  hundred  and  fifty  years 
after  the  dispersion  from  the  tower,  and  about  three 
hundred  and  seventy  after  the  flood,  when  Abraham 
was  about  eighty  years  old. 

These  confederate  kings,  from  the  Euphrates,  were 
powerful,  as  we  see  they  had  held  in  vassalage,  for 
some  twelve  years,  certain  districts  of  the  country  of 
Sodom,  on  the  river  Jordan,  east  of  the  country  of 
old  Canaan,  although  so  far  from  the  seats  of  the  re- 
spective thrones.  But  the  kingdoms  of  Sodom  re- 
belled from  under  the  rule  of  those  eastern  kings.  On 
this  account,  the  five  kings  of  the  Euphrates,  with 
their  troops,  came  the  great  distance  of  full  three  hun- 
dred miles  overland,  to  reduce  the  people  to  their  vas- 
salage again. 

But  the  sooty  monarchs  of  Sodom,  five  in  number, 
whose  names  are  as  follows,  Bera,  king  of  Sodom; 
Birsha,  king  of  Gomorrah ;  Shinab,  king  of  Admah  ; 
Shemeber,  king  of  Zeboim ;  and  Bela,  king  of  Zoar, 
mustered  their  troops  and  resisted  their  oppressors, 
but  were  beaten,  with  a  terrible  overthrow,  in  which 
defeat  Lot,  the  half  brother  of  Abraham,  and  all  he 
had,  was  carried  away.  Thus  we  learn,  from  the 
pen  of  Moses,  how  great  the  empire  of  those  east- 
ern monarchs  was,  extending  west,  even  to  Jordan, 
covering,  at  that  time,  more  or  less  of  the  country  of 


old  Canaan,  while  to  the  east  there  was  nothing  be- 
yond them  but  the  wilds  of  India  and  Hindostan. 

Thus  far  we  have  presented  this  trait  of  ancient 
history,  merely  to  show,  that  at  the  very  time  when 
the  Egyptians  had  been  settled  in  the  vale  of  the  Nile, 
only  about  two  hundred  and  fifty  years  from  the 
time  of  the  dispersion  from  Babel,  there  was  then  a 
mighty  empire  much  further  advanced  in  the  arts 
and  sciences  (than  were  the  Egyptians)  in  the  coun- 
try of  Euphrates  ;  which  had  its  commencement  long 
before  even  the  building  of  Babel,  and  had  spread  on- 
ward toward  the  region  now  called  China,  to  a  great 
distance,  and  had  been  advancing  for  more  than  a 
hundred  years  before  the  negroes  of  the  tower,  or  any 
part  of  them,  had  found  their  way  to  the  Nile,  or  to 
the  mountains  of  Canaan. 

In  this  eastern  empire,  there  were  no  less  than 
eight  great  cities  named  by  Moses,  which  were 
Babel,  Erech,  Acad,  and  Calneh,  built  by  the  people 
of  Ham,  under  Nimrod,  before  the  confusion  of  their 
language;  and  then  there  were  Nineveh,  Rehoboth, 
Calah,  and  Resen,  built  by  the  people  of  Shem,  quite 
as  early  as  were  the  others  by  the  people  of  Ham, 
who  were  dispossessed  of  them,  and  driven  out  of  the 
country,  by  the  Shemite  race,  into  Africa.  From  this 
view,  it  is  seen  at  once  that  the  arts,  as  understood  in 
that  age,  were  known  in  the  land  of  Shinar,  Armenia, 
and  the  east,  long  prior  to  the  advancement  of  the 
Canaanites,  the  Ethiopians,  the  Lybians,  and  the 
Egyptians,  derived  from  the  house  of  Noah,  and  fos- 
tered by  the  patriarchs  of  the  Shemite  and  Japhetic 



That  Abraham,  the  great  progenitor  oi  many  of 
the  nations  of  the  eastern  world,  was  a  learned  man, 
is  asserted  in  the  writings  of  several  of  the  early 
Chaldean  historians,  as  stated  by  Josephus,  book  1. 
Berosseus,  a  Chaldean  historian,  speaks  of  this 
Abraham,  the  Syrian,  as  being  wonderfully  versed 
in  a  knowledge  of  the  heavenly  bodies,  or  in  astron- 
omy. Hecatus,  another  Chaldean  writer,  celebrates 
the  greatness  and  the  learning  of  the  man  Abraham, 
who,  as  Josephus  relates,  composed  a  book,  setting 
forlh  the  life  of  Abraham,  by  which  means  his  name 
war  well  known  to  the  ancient  writers  of  India  and 
Hir  dostan.  To  this  Adam  Clarke  sets  his  seal,  who 
says,  that  in  the  oriental  writings  in  the  Sanscrit  lan- 
guage, frequent  allusion  is  made  to  Abraham,  as  weH 
as  to  Solomon  be7i-Doud ;  or,  in  other  words,  to  Solo- 
mon, the  son  of  David.     * 

It  is  said  by  Josephus,  that  Abraham  carried  with 
him  to  Egypt  a  knowledge  of  arithmetic;  which  is 
borne  out  in  the  fact  of  his  seed,  both  the  Hebrews 
and  the  Ishmaelites.  always  being  in  the  possession 
of  the  science  of  figures.  And  from  whom  did  Abra- 
ham receive  this  knowledge,  but  from  S/iem,  or  Mel- 
chisedek,  the  son  of  Noah,  which  came  fiom  beyond 
the  flood  I 

How  is  it,  therefore,  that  literary  men  of  the  lattei 
ages  have  seemed  to  look  for  the  origin  of  the  arts 
and  sciences  no  higher  than  to  the  sooty  cities  of 
Egypt  or  Phoenicia,  with  all  this  evidence  before 
them,  as  if  the  negro  man  must  have  been  the  first 
and  only  discoverers  of  all  that  is  excellent  in  the 
earth,  especially  when  it  is  known  that  this  race  ho-Mt- 


never  of  themselves,  as  negroes,  patronized  letters 
much  in  the  world. 

Is  it  a  credible  thing  that  God,  who  committed  to 
the  race  of  Shem,  in  the  persons  of  the  patriarchs  of 
that  line,  the  hghts  of  immortality,  did  not  also  com- 
mit to  the  same  characters  and  race,  the  lights  of  the 
arts  and  sciences,  seeing  that  a  knowledge  of  these 
very  powers  were  necessary  to  the  carrying  out  of 
the  very  plans  of  the  Deity,  by  the  means  of  a  branch 
of  this  race  of  men,  the  Shemites? 

Professor  Lawrence,  a  man  who  ranks  among  the 
first  men  of  the  age,  contends  in  his  lectures,  that  as 
all  the  black  nations  of  the  globe  are  in  a  low  and 
miserable  condition;  and  that,  as  they  have  been 
thus  for  thousands  of  years,  therefore  they  are  cor- 
respondingly low  and  miserable  in  their  faculties, 
and  is  the  very  reason  why  they  submit  to  slavery. 
He  deems  the  mora/  and  intellectual  character  of  the 
negro  race,  decidedly  inferior  to  that  of  the  white 
race,  and  that  this  condition  arises  out  of  his  ana- 
tomical organization — p.  428.  Than  that  this  is  so, 
there  is  no  truth  more  self-evident,  and  yet  there  are 
found  even  among  white  men  and  women,  and  of 
such  as  lay  claim  to  high  distinction  in  society,  those 
who  do  not  hesitate  to  aver,  that  there  is  no  good 
reason  why  an  amalgamation  of  white  and  black 
blood  should  not  take  place. 

Without  reciting  in  this  place  all  the  physical  pe- 
culiarities of  the  shape,  color,  and  character  of  the 
negro  race,  it  may  suffice  to  remark,  that  when  the 
two  races  come  in  contact,  and  the  thoughts  of  amal- 
gamation crosses  the  mind  of  a  white,  it  is  accom- 


panied  with  a  chill  of  the  soul,  which  is  nothing  else 
but  the  voice  of  God  in  nature  against  it.  The  sym- 
pathies when  called  upon,  in  this  respect,  to  coalesce 
with  a  creature  of  another  cast  and  constitution,  cry 
out  and  flee  with  afiright,  as  if  pursued  by  some  hor- 
rid phantom  of  darkness;  surely,  God  never  intend- 
ed any  such  jumbling  up  of  his  original  work,  as 
amalgamation  proposes. 

As  to  the  natural  manners  of  the  negro  race,  there 
is  between  them  and  the  other  races,  a  deeply  mark- 
ed difference  in  relation  to  the  risible  faculty.  The 
continual  readiness  of  the  African  to  burst  into  loud 
and  boisterous  fits  of  laughter,  increasing  even  to 
yells,  with  but  little  or  no  cause  to  excite  it,  is  a  trait 
entirely  peculiar  to  that  people.  This  peculiarity, 
which  so  attaches  to  the  very  being  of  the  negro 
race  was  equally  possessed  by  Ham,  the  first  negro, 
as  appears  in  his  treatment  of  the  patriarch  Noah,  in 
the  hour  of  his  sleep,  as  we  have  already  shown 
from  Josephus. 

There  is  another  circumstance  in  the  physical  be- 
ing of  many  of  the  African  race,  of  which  we  al- 
most decline  to  speak,  and  this  is  the  strange  and 
unaccountable  circumstance  of  their  near  approach 
in  their  shapes,  to  that  of  the  wild  man  of  the  woods, 
the  ourang-outang. 

If  it  was  consistent  in  the  Divine  economy  to  pro- 
duce a  black  race  of  men,  as  in  the  person  of  Ham, 
suited  in  their  constitutional  make,  to  people  the  hot 
regions  of  the  earth,  why  need  they,  therefore,  in  so 
many  instances,  be  formed  so  much  like  the  animal 
above  alluded  to?    Could  not  the  African  have  been 


produced  black,  with  all  the  peculiar  temperaments 
of  body  and  mind,  without  their  having  been  formed 
so  much  like  that  strange  looking  creature,  to  the 
black  man's  deep  dislike,  as  well  as  to  the  surprise  of 
all  who  have  seen  any  of  that  kind  of  animal  ? 

The  ourang-outang  is  a  most  extraordinary  crea- 
ture, not  only  on  account  of  its  near  approach  to  the 
form  of  many  of  the  African  race,  but  also  from  its 
almost  human  actions,  great  size,  and  greater  strength. 
Some  individuals  of  the  species,  which  have  been 
t.aken,  have  measured  full  seven  feet  in  height,  and 
were  otherwise  as  largely  proportioned.  Such  an 
one  was  caught  on  the  northern  coast  of  the  island 
Sumatra,  in  the  Indian  Ocean,  which  was  a  real 
giant.  The  account  given  by  Dr.  Clark  Abel,  re- 
specting the  capture  and  size  of  this  extraordinary 
animal,  is  as  follows:  "When  first  observed,  the 
creature  seemed  to  be  much  fatigued,  as  if  he  were 
resting  from  a  long  and  arduous  journey  His  legs, 
nearly  to  the  knees,  were  covered  with  mud,  showing 
that  he  had  passed  a  region  of  country  of  a  boggy  or 
miry  character,  and  was  resting  in  the  broad  forks  of 
a  tree,  when  first  seen  by  the  hunters,  near  the  shores 
of  the  island.  As  the  boat's  crew  approached  the  land, 
the  monster  appeared  to  be  aware  of  its  danger,  and 
that  a  single  tree,  whereon  it  was  resting,  did  not  af- 
ford adequate  means  of  safety.  It,  therefore,  descend- 
ed, and  escaping  to  a  small  clump  of  forest  trees,  at 
some  distance,  whither  it  was  now  pursued  by  the 
hunters,  seemed  to  feel  itself  more  secure.  But  as 
the  hunters  came  up,  they  let  off  their  guns,  five  at 
the  first  shot,  the  balls  of  which  all  took  effect.     On 


feeling  itself  wounded,  the  wonderful  animal  left  the 
tree  on  which  it  was  resting  for  the  moment,  and 
bounded  with  great  activity  and  force,  from  one  tree 
to  another,  so  that  for  a  time  it  seemed  to  bid  defiance 
to  the  hunters  to  overtake  it.  At  length,  however, 
its  exertions  grew  fainter,  and  leaning  against  a  limb, 
it  vomited  blood,  being  then  some  feet  up  among  the 
limbs  of  the  tree,  in  which  it  was  putting  its  trust. 
The  powder  of  the  party  being  now  exhausted,  as 
they  had  been  on  the  hunt  for  a  long  time  that  day,  be- 
fore they  fell  in  with  this  rencontre,  they  were  obliged 
to  cut  the  trees  down  with  their  axes  in  order  to  be 
able  to  strike  it  with  their  spears.  The  animal  was 
soon  cut  down,  but  as  the  tree  fell,  what  was  their 
surprise  to  see  the  wild  man  spring  with  great  activ- 
ity into  the  boughs  of  another,  thus  effecting  its 
escape  with  seemingly  unabated  vigor.  They  now 
fell  to  cutting  down  all  the  trees  of  the  place,  which 
consisted  of  but  a  small  clump,  as  they  were  deter- 
mined to  capture  it  by  a  conflict  on  the  ground.  This 
plan  was  accomplished,  and  the  last  tree  brought  the 
animal  in  immediate  conflict  with  its  enemies.  Here 
they  plied  their  spears  on  every  side,  as  the  bleeding 
animal  bounded  hither  and  thither  amidst  its  foes, 
without  seeming  desirous  of  attacking  any  of  them. 
But  as  it  was  overcome  by  many  wounds,  and  nearly 
in  a  dying  state,  it  suddenly  seized  hold  of  a  spear, 
the  handle  of  which  no  man  could  break,  and  snap- 
ped it  asunder,  as  if  it  were  but  a  dry  twig.  Its 
strength,  however,  they  now  saw  was  beginning  to 
fail  from  a  loss  of  blood ;  when  in  its  agony,  it  would 
clap  its  hands  on  the  wounds  and  look  so  pitiful  at 


its  tormentors,  that  the  men  began  to  have  doubts  as 
to  the  nature  of  the  deed  they  were  perpetrating,  so 
much  were  its  actions  Uke  a  human  being  in  distress. 
But  soon  it  fainted,  and  fell  down  on  the  grass  qui- 
escent, and  was  dead.  On  measuring  the  strange 
creature,  it  was  found  to  be  seven  feet  in  length,  and 
looked,  while  alive,  and  bounding  from  one  tree  to 
another,  like  a  monster  of  a  man,  entirely  naked,  but 
overgrown  with  a  thick  coat  of  black,  shiny  hair,  of 
about  three  inches  long,  except  on  the  forehead  and 
face.  Its  chin  was  fringed  with  a  beard,  which  curl- 
ed neatly  on  each  side.  Its  arms  were  long — much 
longer  than  are  a  man's  arms — while  the  legs  were  in 
proportion  shorter,  presenting  a  body  of  great  size 
and  power.  The  chest  was  broad  and  expanded, 
while  the  waist  was  quite  slender,  as  are  all  the 
monkey  tribes.  The  posteriors  were  pointed  and  nar- 
row, which  trait  of  form  is  also  that  of  the  African 
negroes.  Upon  the  whole,  says  Dr.  Abel,  it  was  a 
wonderful  creature  to  behold,  and  more  about  it  to  ex- 
cite surprise  than  fear." 

Mr.  Shaw,  the  Wesleyan  missionary  in  South  Af- 
rica, says,  that  he  has  seen  a  whole  troop  of  baboons 
on  the  mountains,  who  would  not  only  scream,  caper, 
and  frolic  at  sight  of  their  company,  but  would  actu- 
ally laugh. — Page  79  of  his  Memorials, 

The  existence  of  this  animal,  the  ourang-outang, 
is  a  great  phenomenon  in  the  world  of  beasts,  on  ac- 
count of  its  near  approach  to  human  beings,  and  es- 
pecially to  that  of  the  negro  race,  both  in  form  and 
capacities.  The  extreme  scarcity  of  the  creature  in 
the  world  is  not  the  least  circumstance  of  its  singu- 


larity,  for  it  is  found  only  in  one  or  two  districts  of 
the  whole  globe,  and  those  are  in  Africa ;  we  mean 
the  large  class  of  the  animal.  Because  there  is  a 
palpable  similarity  in  many  particulars  between  the 
negro  race,  and  the  extraordinary  animal  above  de 
scribed,  we  by  no  means  insinuate,  what  many  seem 
to  believe,  namely,  that  they  are  a  connecting  link 
between  the  ourang-outang  and  the  white  man ;  as 
this  is  utterly  impossible,  on  account  of  Ham's  par 
rentage,  and  because  there  is  no  such  thing  as  a  gra- 
dation from  brute  natures  to  that  of  the  human ;  foi 
man  stands  alone,  being  the  image  of  God,  and  his 
only  image  on  the  planet.  Our  remarks,  therefore, 
as  above,  and  those  which  are  to  follow,  are  intended 
only  to  prove  the  natural  and  innocent  fact  of  the  ne- 
groes' mental  and  physical  existence  as  actually  in- 
ferior to  the  whites.  In  connection  with  this  view, 
we  shall  notice  the  very  curious  circumstance  of  the 
difference  there  is  between  the /la^wre  of  a  negro's ^esA, 
and  that  of  the  white  man,  the  knowledge  of  which 
is  afforded  by  the  appetites  of  certain  animals.  The 
shark,  the  lion,  tiger,  and  leopard,  prefer  the  flesh  ot 
the  negro  to  that  of  white  men.  This  is  found  to  be 
true  as  to  the  shark,  when  the  two  races  bathe  to- 
gether in  waters  inhabited  by  that  voracious  fish ;  it 
always  selects  the  blacks,  as  an  article  of  food  suited 
to  its  taste,  rather  than  the  whites,  rejecting  the  lat- 
ter to  the  last.  It  is  the  same  when  white  men  and 
negroes  hunt  the  animals  of  the  forest,  above  men- 
tioned, together  in  Africa,  those  monsters  always  se- 
lecting the  blacks  as  their  prey,  when  it  is  as  easy 
for  them  to  take  one  as  the  other.     Were  we  to  ren 


der  a  reason  for  this  curious  preference,  we  should 
say  that  it  is  on  account  of  the  strong  odor  of  the  ne- 
gro's body,  which,  to  the  smell  and  taste,  is  more  in- 
viting than  the  white  man's  flesh,  as  is  the  smell  and 
taste  of  the  horse  and  the  ass  to  those  carnivorous 
creatures.  In  conformity  to  this  fact,  that  of  the 
strong  odor  of  the  negro's  body,  they  can  digest  food 
of  a  much  coarser  and  stronger  character  than  white 
men  can,  such  as  the  shark,  the  crocodile,  the  rhinoc- 
eros, the  elephant,  the  hippopotamus,  tigers,  hyasnas, 
dogs,  lions,  panthers,  and  serpents  of  every  descrip- 
tion, with  the  greatest  ease  and  relish.  All  these  are 
rejected  by  the  white  man,  as  abhorrent  to  his  na- 
ture, tastes,  and  powers  of  digestion,  except  in  cases 
(if  strong  necessity  itnd  starvation.  The  horrid  and 
heart-appalling  practice  of  cannibalism,  has,  in  all 
ages,  attached  more  to  the  African  race  than  to  any 
other  people  of  the  earth.  In  the  country  of  Egypt, 
according  to  Baron  Humboldt,  as  late  as  the  thir- 
teenth century,  five  hundred  years  ago,  this  dread- 
ful practice  prevailed,  even  among  the  higher  orders 
of  the  people,  as  well  as  the  lower,  so  that  extraordi- 
nary traps  and  snares  were  resorted  to,  in  order  U 
catch  each  other  for  food,  as  they  would  any  other 
animal.  He  says,  that  physicians  were  often  sent  for, 
under  a  pretense  of  ilhiess,  when  they  who  sent  for 
them  would  kill  and  devour  the  physician,  having 
arranged  the  plan  how  to  deceive  and  destroy  them 
before  their  arrival.  The  large  island  Sumatra,  in 
the  Indian  Ocean,  is  peopled  by  blacks  of  the  negro 
description,  who,  formerly,  if  not  now,  devoured  all 
persons  among  them,  condemned  to  death  for  crimes 


committed  against  their  laws.  The  manner  of  such 
executions  was  as  follows.  The  criminal  was  tied 
naked  to  a  post  firmly  fixed  in  the  ground,  while 
the  executioners  stood  around  the  fatal  spot  with 
knives  in  their  hands,  who,  when  the  sign,  for  them 
to  begin  was  given,  fell  on,  in  a  regular  manner,  in 
the  sight  of  thousands,  cutting  away  such  parts  of 
the  body  as  their  respective  fancies  and  appetites 
made  choice  of,  eating  the  quivering  flesh  in  its  blood, 
with  pepper  and  salt,  while  the  poor  wretch  Was 
howling  and  writhing  with  pain,  as  his  devourers,  all 
negroes  like  himself,  were  chewing  and  swallowing 
him  down  before  his  own  eyes  with  gestures  of  great 
delight  and  satisfaction. — Masonic  Record^  p.  123, 
No.  1, 1830.  In  New  Holland,  there  are,  or  were^  sev- 
eral tribes  of  negroes,  who  have  very  large  heads  and 
mouths.  Their  heads,  in  form,  resemble  the  head  of 
the  ourang-outang.  They  are  entirely  covered  with 
black  hair  or  wool,  are  very  limited  in  their  intellect- 
ual powers,  but  are  extremely  dexterous  in  climbing 
trees,  precipices,  and  rocky  places,  in  which  particu- 
lar they  greatly  resemble  the  apes  and  baboons  of  Af- 
rica. They  are  exceedingly  black,  and  have  mouths 
much  wider  than  any  other  people  of  the  human  race. 
They  eat  all  kinds  of  reptiles,  as  bugs,  worms,  and 
serpents,  with  every  decayed  and  filthy  thmg ;  but 
whether  they  are  cannibals  we  are  not  informed. 
Nearly  the  same  is  said  of  the  na^i?;e5  of  Australasia, 
who  are  small  in  stature,  ill  shaped,  and  among  the 
most  degraded  and  barbarous  of  the  whole  human 
race,  going  entirely  naked,  with  their  bodies  smeared 
over  like  the  Hottentot's^  with  oil  and  filth,  having  no 

FORTLXliS,  OK  'i  ilK    .N^UliO   RACE.  231 

religion,  or  idea  of  a  God,  no  government,  and  none 
of  the  comforts  of  civilized  life,  though  occupying 
a  country  rich  in  every  natural  advantage  of  tht 
globe. — Small's  Geo.,  p.  296.  Were  ever  white  mer. 
so  lo\v  as  this? 

Oil  the  island  called  Van  Dieman's  Land,  in  the 
Southern  Ocean,  lat.  42°,  which  is  adjacent  to  New 
Holland,  there  is,  according  to  Captain  Graiifs  ac- 
count, a  tribe  of  negroes  extremely  black  and  woolly, 
whose  whole  formation  is  frightfully  like  the  ourang- 
outang,  being,  as  to  stature,  many  of  them  full  six 
feet  hiffh,  and  powerfully  built,  who  are  far  stronger 
than  other  men  of  their  size,  and  very  ferocious. 
These  negroes  eat  human  flesh  as  freely  as  they  do 
any  other  meat,  making  no  difference,  one  way  or  an- 
other, in  the  light  of  its  being  better  or  worse  than 
the  flesh  of  other  creatures.  They  sleep  in  the  open 
air,  although  the  country  is  far  from  being  hot,  as  it 
is  in  lat.  42°  south,  and  full  as  cold  as  is  the  climate 
of  New  York,  in  both  winter  and  summer;  and  yet 
they  sleep  in  the  open  air  on  the  ground,  and  in  the 
trees,  like  the  wild  tenants  of  the  heavens  and  the 
earth,  huddling  in  caves  and  holes  in  the  winter,  as 
well  as  they  can. 

The  negroes  of  the  Norfolk,  or  New  Hebrides  Isl- 
ands, in  the  Pacific  Ocean,  make  use  of  human  flesh 
and  count  it  as  a  great  luxury — a  banquet  of  the 
highest  order. — Malte-Brun,  p.  620.  In  the  island 
Mallicola,  in  the  Indian  Ocean,  according  to  the 
above  author,  is  a  race  or  tribe  of  negroes,  who,  it  is 
said,  may  almost  be  regarded  as  a  kind  of  apes  or 
baboons;  as  they  have  long  flat  noses,  narrow  fore- 


heads,  high  cheek  bones,  under  jaws  which  protrude 
bej^ond  what  is  common  to  Africans,  very  low  of 
stature,  and  every  way  entirely  horrible  to  look  upon, 
on  account  of  their  extraordinary  approximation  to 
the  shapes  and  attitudes  of  ourang-outangs. 

The  negroes  of  Solomon's  Islands,  in  the  Pacific 
Ocean,  south  latitude  10°,  are  exceedingly  black  and 
cruel;  whose  chiefs  will  kill  a  man,  for  happening  to 
cross  their  shadow,  so  despotic  and  fierce  are  they  in 
their  anger.  They  wear  around  their  bodies,  as  or- 
naments, strings  of  human  teeth,  and  other  tokens  of 
ferocity  and  murderous  practices.  These  negroes  are 
cannibals  of  the  worst  description,  living  on  human 
flesh,  in  preference  to  all  other  kinds  of  meat,  which 
they  procure  by  wars  among  themselves,  and  from 
shipwrecked  vessels,  which  are  cast  by  tempests  on 
these  inhospitable  and  bloody  shores. 

But  from  whence  came  the  negroes  of  those  islands 
of  the  Pacific  Ocean,  so  far  removed  from  Africa, 
their  native  country?  We  believe  them  to  be  descend- 
ants of  the  Cushites,  who  settled,  first  of  all,  and  be- 
fore they  went  to  Africa,  along  the  Persian  Gulf,  and 
the  Eastern  Ocean,  from  whence  they  got  on  to  these 
islands,  by  various  means,  where  they  have  remained 
from  that  period  till  the  present.  The  islands  of 
New  Hebrides,  New  Holland,  Yan  Dieman,  New 
Zealand,  and  Solomon's  Islands,  with  many  others, 
which  are  inhabited  by  negroes,  lie  all  along  adja- 
cent to  the  coasts  of  Asia,  so  that  they  were  easily 
reached  by  these  first  settlers,  of  the  Ethiopia  of  that 
country,  before  they  were  conquered  and  driven  out  of 
It  by  the  Shemites,  as  before  stated. 


There  is  no  other  way  to  account  for  the  appear- 
ance of  the  blacks  on  those  islands,  who  have  ever 
been  acknowledo'ed  as  the  aboriginal  or  native  people, 
other  races  mixing  among  them  subsequently.  This 
fact,  also,  establishes  that  the  negro  race  were  always 
as  they  are,  and  that  those  negro  islanders  are  the 
descendants  of  the  Asiatic  Cushites,  who  now  are 
cannibals,  and  have  been  thus  in  all  time.  From 
this  same  stock  of  black  men,  the  Cushites  of  the 
days  of  Noah,  descended  the  myriads  of  the  negro 
race,  found  mixed  through  all  the  nations  of  the 
great  eastern  world,  as  China,  the  Indies,  Hindostan, 
&c.,  among  whom  they  are  slaves,  as  in  all  other 
parts  of  the  earth,  carrying  out  the  curse  of  Noah. 
On  the  continent  of  Africa,  there  is  in  the  interior  a 
tribe  of  negroes,  called  Eboes,  whose  features  won- 
derfully resemble  baboons,  like  those  on  the  island 
Mallicola,  particularly  in  the  great  elongation  of  the 
under  jaw;  these  are  likewise  cannibals. — Morse's 
Geo.,  p.  785. 

Mr.  Vaugill,  an  American,  who  traveled  in  Africa, 
having  penetrated  some  way  into  the  interior,  among 
the  Gango  negroes,  came  to  a  pretty  large  settlement, 
where  he  found  a  kind  of  market  place,  to  which  the 
inhabitants  resorted  to  buy  and  sell  such  things  as 
they  dealt  in.  Here  Mr.  Vaugill  found  an  abundance 
of  human  legs  and  thighs,  hanging  on  pegs  driven 
into  the  trees  and  their  huts,  for  sale,  the  same  as 
meat  is  exposed  in  the  markets  of  civilized  countries. 

In  another  district  of  Africa,  csdled  Dertcin,  situated 
on  the  shore  of  a  river,  where  a  schooner,  command- 
ed by  one  Captain  Dunninger,  had  anchored  for  the 


purpose  of  hunting,  dwelt  a  tribe,  or  nation,  of  ne- 
groes, but  what  their  name  was  is  not  recorded.  At 
this  place,  a  part  of  the  crew  went  on  shore,  where 
there  was  a  thick  wood,  in  quest  of  game.  For  some 
reason  or  other,  perhaps  fear,  they  kept  pretty  near 
together,  while  they  were  looking  about  in  the  un- 
known woods,  when  they  were  suddenly  set  upon  by 
a  I'jirge  party  of  negroes,  concealed  in  the  grass,  and 
notwithstanding  the  guns  of  the  schooner^s  party, 
were  at  once  overpowered,  being  frightened,  as  the 
negroes  rose  up  immediately  about,  and  under  their 
very  feet. 

They  were  instantly  killed  with  clubs,  except  one 
or  two,  who  being  a  little  apart  from  the  main  com- 
pany, fled  to  the  vessel  with  the  news.  As  soon  as 
possible,  the  residue  of  the  crew  hastened  to  the  spot, 
well  armed,  where  they  found  nothing  but  the  blood 
and  entrails  of  the  victims,  for  their  bodies  had  dis- 
appeared, carried  away,  as  they  believed,  to  be  used 
as  food  for  the  murderers. 

•  A  race  of  negroes  once  inhabited  a  large  district 
of  country,  about  and  beyond  the  heads  of  the  Nile, 
in  Abyssinia,  far  south  of  the  equator,  called  Giogas, 
who  once  overran  a  great  country  in  Africa,  in  the  re- 
gion known  as  Upper  Egypt,  supporting  themselves,. 
as  they  went,  by  killing  and  eating  the  inhabitants, 
as  they  would  so  many  cattle  in  an  enemy's  country. 
They  finally  seized  upon  a  district  which  lies  south 
of  Angolia,  bordering  on  the  great  Sahara,  or  sand 
desert,  where  they  finally  settled,  and  were  living 
when  the  Christian  missionaries  found  them.  When- 
ever tliese  people,  who  were  the  terror  of  the  surround- 


ing  tribes,  went  out  on  marauding  excursions  to  plun- 
der and  capture  their  own  race,  as  has  been  the  cus- 
tom of  all  Africa,  in  all  ages,  they  always  selected 
from  among  their  female  slaves  as  many  as  they 
judged  necessary  for  tlieir  support  on  their  way, 
whom  they  killed  as  they  went,  for  food,  having  used 
them  as  their  wives  till  the  time  of  butchering  them 
came. — Edinburgh  Enc,  vol.  ii,  p.  185. 

Is  it  possible  to  conceive  of  any  condition  in  hu- 
man life  so  utterly  horrible — so  far  removed  from  the 
common  sympathies  and  moral  feelings  of  humani- 
ty— so  deeply  damned  as  were  this  community  of  ne- 
groes? And  yet  their  character  was  but  in  perfect 
keeping,  more  or  less,  with  every  horde,  tribe,  and 
nation,  of  the  race,  whether  we  go  back  to  the  first 
ages  of  their  being  in  Asia  and  Africa,  or  look  at  them 
after  the  lapse  of  thousands  of  years,  and  as  they  are 
now,  in  their  own  untaught  character,  as  found  in 
the  islands,  woods,  and  mountains,  of  their  blood-stain- 
ed country. 

The  Rev.  Mr.  Brown,  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal 
Church  in  Africa,  related,  when  on  a  recent  visit  to 
America,  some  appalling  accounts  of  cannibalism,  as 
seen  and  known  by  himself.  He  related  that  he  had 
seen  some  ten  or  a  dozen  men  buy  a  prisoner  from  a 
tribe  who  had  taken  him  in  battle,  and,  tying  his 
hands  behind  his  back,  fell  upon  nim  with  knives, 
cutting  off  pieces  of  his  body  as  the  victim  went,  who 
filled  the  air  with  yells  and  cries  for  mercy,  till  he 
fell  down  from  a  loss  of  blood,  when  he  was  entirely 
devoured,  except  the  bones.  The  Rev.  Barnabas 
ShaiD,  a  Wesleyan  Missionary,  in  his  Memorials  of 


South  Africa,  says — but,  as  we  deem  it,  rather  reluc- 
tantly— that  the  Bechanan  negroes  are  sometimes 
cannibals. — Page  56. 

That  this  trait  of  negro  depravity  and  appetite  was 
as  much  in  vogue  amon^  them  in  the  country  of  old 
Canaan,  even  prior  to  the  time  of  Moses,  and  the 
conquest  of  those  nations  by  the  Hebrews,  as  it  was 
in  ancient  Africa,  or  any  of  the  adjacent  islands  at 
any  time,  appears  from  some  remarks  in  the  writings 
ascribed  to  Solomon,  on  this  very  subject.  It  is  said 
of  Solomon,  in  the  Scriptures,  that  he  was  a  wise 
man,  and,  of  necessity,  a  well  read  man,  or  he  could 
not  have  been  wise.  Solomon  was,  no  doubt,  ac- 
quainted with  the  history  and  manners  of  the  ancient 
nations  of  the  country  over  which  he  reigned,  and 
who,  in  part,  had  been  conquered  by  his  own  arms. 
He  had  access  to  the  writings  of  all  former  ages,  even 
those  of  Noah  and  Melchisedek,  as  well  as  of  the 
other  patriarchs.  On  these  accounts,  we  may  rely 
upon  what  he  has  said  on  the  subject  of  negro  can- 
nibalism in  the  book  of  Wisdom,  as  set  forth  in  thfe 
Apocrypha,  chap,  xii,  as  follows :  "  For  it  was  thy 
will  (O  Lord)  to  destroy,  by  the  hands  of  our  fathers 
[the  Hebrews],  both  those  old  inhabitants  of  thy  holy 
land  [Canaan],  whom  thou  hatest,  for  doing  most 
odious  works  of  witchcrafts  and  wicked  sacrifices, 
and  also  those  merciless  murderers  of  children,  and 
devourers  of  man^s  flesh,  and  the  feasts  of  blood, 
with  their  priests,  out  of  the  midst  of  their  idolatrous 
crew,  and  the  parents  that  killed,  with  their  own 
hands,  babes  destitute  of  help." 

Respecting  these  ancient  nations  of  Canaan,  the 


seed  'of  Ham,  Solomon  further  states,  in  the  same 
chapter,  as  above,  as  follows:  "But  executing  thy 
judgment  upon  them  by  little  and  little,  thou  gavest 
them  place  of  repentance,  not  being  ignorant  that 
they  were  a  naughty  generation,  and  that  their  ma- 
lice was  bred  in  them,  and  that  their  cogitation 
would  never  be  changed  ;  for  it  was  a  "  cursed  seed  " 
from  the  beginning. 

Here,  allusion  is  made  by  Solomon  to  the  curse 
of  Noah,  and  to  the  decree  of  God  against  the  race, 
in  the  words  they  were  a  "cursed  seed"  from  the  be- 
ginning, that  is  from  the  birth  of  Ham,  and  that 
their  malice  was  bred  in  them.  Concerning  this 
people,  Solomon  further  saith,  in  chapter  14 :  "  More- 
over, this  was  not  enough  for  them  that  erred  in  the 
knowledge  of  God  ;  but  whereas  they  lived  in  great 
ignorance,  those  so  great  plagues  called  they  peace. 
For  whilst  they  killed  their  children  in  sacrifice^  or 
used  secret  ceremonies,  or  made  revellings  of  strange 
rites;  they  kept  neither  lives  nor  marriages  any  longer 
undefiled ;  but  either  one  slew  another  treacherously 
or  grieved  him  by  adultery,  so  that  there  reigned  in 
all  men  (of  those  nations),  without  exception,  blood, 
man-slaughter,  theft,  dissimulation,  corruption,  un- 
faithfulness, tumults  and  perjury." 

This  account  of  the  character  of  the  ancient  and 
first  negroes  of  Canaan,  as  given  by  Solomon  in  the 
book  of  Wisdom,  is  corroborated  in  relation  to  canni- 
balism, by  the  sacred  text  itself,  and  therefore  is  es- 
tablished against  them  beyond  all  doubt.  See  book 
of  Numbers,  xiii,  23,  where  there  is  an  account  of 
the  spies,  who  were  sent  into  the  mountains  and 


country  ^f  Canaan,  to  see  what  kind  of  people  dwelt 
there;  who  reported  of  them,  when  they  returned, 
that  they  were  monsters,  not  only  in  stature^  but  in 
practice,  for  they  said,  ^^  they  eat  up  the  inhabitants.^^ 
That  is,  they  weie  cannibals,  which  frightened  the 
spies  nearly  out  of  their  wits. 

The  Cartha-iuians  sacrificed  infants  to  their  gods, 
as  well  as  adult  persons.  At  one  time,  says  Rollin, 
Vol.  i,  pages  255  and  272,  they  burnt  two  hundred 
babies,  and  three  hundred  grown  j)ersoijs.  But 
whether  they  eat  them  after  they  w^ere  roasted,  is  not 
related  by  the  historian.  This  dreadfnl  practice  they 
carried  with  them,  from  old  Phoenicia  or  the  land  of 
Canaan,  as  the  black  nations  of  Carthage  were  de- 
rived from  the  blacks  of  Canaan,  page  275  of  the 
above  author. 

"J'his  is  a  dreadful  picture  of  the  ferocity  of  those 
early  negro  nations,  who,  it  appears,  not  only  wor- 
shiped the  devil,  practiced  witchcrafts  and  sorcery, 
disregarded  the  marriage  rites,  murdered,  swore  false, 
practiced  all  kinds  of  dissimulation,  but  in  addition 
to  all  this,  they  woidJ  kill  and  eat  their  own  children, 
or  any  of  the  weaker  inhabitants,  the  aged,  the  in- 
firm, prisoners,  &c. — all  these  they  would  devour  as 
an  article  of  food. 

The  times  alluded  to  by  Solomon,  in  the  book  of 
Wisdom,  and  by  the  book  of  Numbers,  as  above 
quoted,  was  some  fifteen  and  nineteen  hundred  years 
B.  C.  Comparing  these  facts  with  the  staiements  of 
Herodotus  on  the  same  subject  (see  below),  we  learn 
that  the  negro  race,  more  or  Jess,  have  always  been  ad- 
dicted to  cannibalism,  from  the  very  begianing  till 


the  present  time.  The  following  is  from  the  pen  of 
Herodotus,  the  eldest  of  the  Greek  historians  (see  his 
work  as  translated,  p.  170),  where  it  is  recorded  re- 
specting the  Lyhian  negroes:  "If  any  man  among 
them  appeared  to  be  diseased,  his  nearest  connections 
put  him  to  death  immediately,  alledging  in  excuse 
that  sickness  would  waste  and  injure  his  flesh. 
They  pay  no  regard  to  his  assertion,  that  he  is  not 
really  ill,  but  without  the  least  compunction,  deprive 
him  of  his  life,"  and  then  devour  him  when  cooked. 

From  the  time  of  Moses  to  the  time  of  Herodotus, 
was  a  lapse  of  more  than  one  thousand  years.  From 
the  time  of  Herodotus  to  the  time  of  the  thirteenth 
century  of  the  Christian  era,  when,  according  to 
Baron  Humboldt  and  other  good  authorities,  canni- 
balism was  entirely  universal  in  Egypt,  among  the 
negro  class  of  the  people,  was  a  lapse  of  some  fif- 
teen hundred  3'ears;  and  from  the  thirteenth  century 
to  the  present  time,  is  some  four  hundred  more ; 
amounting  in  all  to  full  three  thousand  years  of  the 
history  of  that  race,  in  which  they  have  been,  irre- 
spective of  civilization,  actually  more  or  less  in  the 
practice  of  the  dreadful  crime  of  eating  human  flesh, 
as  an  article  of  food ;  not  from  necessity,  nor  on  ac- 
count of  the  requirements  of  their  religion,  but  whol- 
ly from  the  common  desire  of  that  kind  of  food,  the 
same  as  dogs  or  any  other  carnivorous  animal. 

It  was  but  a  few  years  since,  1839,  that  a  part  of 
the  crew  of  the  vessel  Colonel  Crocket,  which  sailed 
from  Newburgh,  N.  Y.,  to  Africa,  was  devoured  by 
the  negro  cannibals,  on  the  Delago  river,  inland  about 
a  hundred  miles,  while  engaged  on  a  hunting  excur- 


sion  in  the  woods  of  that  river.  For  all  the  particu- 
lars of  that  horrid  affair,  see  the  paper  entitled  "The 
New  World,"  March  13,  1841. 

On  comparing  the  white  nations  in  any,  or  all  the 
ages  of  the  earth,  with  the  tribes,  hordes,  and  nations 
of  the  aboriginal  blacks,  it  is  not  possible,  however 
far  removed  from  the  lights  and  influences  of  the 
true  religion,  to  find  such  evidences  of  absolute  men- 
tal and  practical  degradation,  as  is  found  over  the 
whole  earth,  among  the  negro  race,  whether  in  a  civ- 
ilized or  a  savage  state.  It  is  impossible  to  find,  in 
the  history  of  any  of  the  white  nations,  since  the 
flood  of  Noah,  a  community  who  were  absolutely 
without  any  knowledge  of  a  God,  of  law  and  order, 
self-government,  &c.,  as  we  find  in  all  the  history  of 
the  savage  parts  of  the  negro  race.  Is  there  on  the 
page  of  universal  history,  whether  written  or  tradi- 
tionary, any  account  of  white  men  going  entirely  na- 
ked in  the  woods  all  their  lives ;  their  women  and 
their  children  having  no  dwellings  better  than  a  cave, 
a  hollow  tree,  or  a  hut  made  of  twigs,  or  some  frag- 
ile substance ;  without  order,  laws,  religion,  or  any 
kind  of  refinements  whatever?— no  knowledge  of 
agriculture  or  of  improvements  in  any  way  beyond  a 
wooden  spear,  a  bow  and  arrows,  or  some  such  im- 
plement? In  such  a  condition,  millions  of  the  negro 
race  ;u  e  found  in  all  ages  of  the  world,  as  well  as  at 
the  present  time ;  but  never  the  white  race.  Is  not 
this  fact  an  evidence  of  the  radical  and  abiding  dif- 
ference there  is  between  the  races— the  blacks  and 
the  whites — in  relation  to  mind  ?  In  America,  how- 
ever, it  is  very  common  for  som-e  people  to  charge  the 


low  and  degraded  condition  of  ihe  iiegio  race,  to  the 
account  of  the  domineering  manners  of  the  whitesover 
them;  but  we  presume  they  will  not  do  so  in  relation 
to  the  foregoing  accounts,  as  the  white  man's  influence 
is  unknown  in  their  ancient  or  modern  barbarous  con- 
dition ;  on  this  account,  such  persons  will  be  com- 
pelled, even  against  their  own  wilL^,  to  place  the 
cause  to  the  right  account — which  is  the  negro's  own 
natural  imbecilities. 

It  is  utterly  impossible  to  reduce  the  whites  by  any 
process  whatever  to  so  low  a  condition,  as  is  found 
to  be  the  universal  state  of  the  negro  race,  on  account 
of  the  possession  of  superior  mental  faculties,  moral 
feelings,  reason,  reflections,  sympathies,  and  all  the 
train  of  qualifications,  constituting  the  image  of  God, 
as  alluded  to,  Gen.  i,  27.  But  these  qualifications, 
and  this  image,  are  possessed  by  the  negro  race  in  a 
less  degree,  which  corresponds  exactly  with  the  dif- 
ference there  is  between  the  color,  forms  and  attitudes 
of  the  two  races. 

In  further  illustration  of  this  fact,  it  is  said  by 
physicians,  who  have  made  the  tropical  diseases 
their  study,  that  the  negro  sleeps  sound  in  every  dis- 
ease, nor  does  diuy  inental  disturbances  ever  keep  them 
awake.  They  bear  surgical  operations  mi^ch  better 
than  whites;  and  what  would  be  the  cause  of  insup- 
portable pain  to  a  white,  a  negro  would  almost  dis- 
regard. I  have,  says  Dr.  Mosely,  amputated  the  legs 
of  many  negroes,  who  have  held  the  upper  part  of 
the  limb  themselves,  alone. — Lawrence's  Lectures, 
p.  402. 

And  as  corroboratory  of  this  fact,  we  see  it  stated 


in  the  speech  of  Dr.  Browning,  in  the  great  abolition 
convention  at  London,  that  when  he  was  in  Egypt, 
a  hlack  man,  who  was  a  soldier,  and  who  was  wound- 
ed in  the  leg,  found  it  necessary  to  have  the  limb 
amputated.  This  was  done  by  a  surgeon  named 
Clot  Bey,  and  when  he  expressed  his  surprise  at  not 
hearing  any  exclamation  of  pain,  his  answer  was, 
"  Do  you  think  that  a  black  man  can  bear  pain  no 
better  than  the  white  man  can  ?" — Pennsylvanian 
Freeman,  August  6,  1840. 

This  circumstance,  however,  is  made  use  of  by  ne- 
gro admirers  as  an  evidence  of  the  great  fortitude  of 
their  natures,  and  strength  of  mind.  But  this  notion 
is  overthrown  in  the  fact  of  their  want  of  courage 
in  the  hour  of  terror  and  danger^  and  of  perseverance 
in  great  undertakings.  It  is  true  that  the  race  is  fe- 
rocious, but  ferocity  is  neither  an  evidence  of  courage, 
fortitude,  nor  of  mind^  but  is  rather  a  trait  of  their 
nervous  insensihility,  agreeing  with  the  fact  above 

The  distinction  of  color,  between  white  and  black, 
is  not  more  striking  than  is  the  difference  between 
the  moral  feelings  and  mental  endowments  of  the 
two  races.  They  indulge  almost  universally  in  dis- 
gusting debauchery  and  sensuality,  displaying  every 
where  a  gross  indifference  to  the  mental  pains  and 
pleasures  of  others.  Insensibility  to  order  and  met- 
aphysical harmony,  with  an  entire  want  of  what  is 
comprehended  under  the  idea  of  elevated  sentiment, 
manly  virtue  and  moral  feeling,  is  characteristic  of 
the  race ;  these  traits  and  virtues  attach  more  prom- 
inently to  the  whites,  which  cannot  be  denied  by  any 


but  fanatics,  the  profoundly  ignorant  and  self-tlinded 

There  are  districts  of  country  in  Africa,  and  espe- 
cially along  the  Atlas  mountains,  in  which  apes  and 
baboons  are  so  abundant,  that  in  many  of  the  mud 
hut  towns  of  the  negro  natives,  these  animals  live  all 
together,  as  if  they  were  members  of  the  same  com- 
munity.— Heme's  Researches^  Vol.  i,  p.  37.  Herod- 
otus speaKs  of  a  tribe  of  negroes  in  Africa,  who  were 
so  profoundly  ignorant,  that  they  had  no  names  by 
which  they  could  distinguish  each  other  ;  their  mem- 
ories, respecting  the  looks  of  individuals,  being  their 
only  guide  when  they  met,  the  same  as  dogs  after  they 
get  acquainted. 

In  no  age,  and  under  no  circumstances,  is  it  possi- 
ble to  ascertain,  among  any  tribes,  nations,  or  com- 
munities of  the  whites,  so  much  misery  and  meanness, 
so  much  wretchedness  and  bestiality,  as  is  found 
among  the  negroes,  not  of  America,  but  of  Africa, 
among  the  aboriginal  people.  Neither  is  it  possible 
to  ascertain  from  the  page  of  history,  under  the  most 
favoring  circumstances,  that  the  negro  race  have  ever 
risen  to  a  comparable  height  with  the  white  nations 
in  the  sciences,  or  even  in  the  most  necessary  arts. 
•  The  ancient  negroes  of  Egypt,  Ethiopia,  Lybia, 
and  Phoenicia,  had  no  knowledge  of  water 'power,  as 
being  applicable  to  propel  machinery,  nor  of  machin- 
ery itself.  They  knew  nothing  of  the  architectiu'al 
arch.  They  had  no  knowledge  of  the  mighty  prin- 
ciple of  steam,  nor  of  gunpowder — nothing  of  the 
magnetic  needle,  the  clock  or  time-piece.  They  knew 
nothing  respecting  anatomy  and  the  circulation  of 


the  blood  in  the  human  body,  or  in  animals.  They 
had  no  knowledge  of  the  art  of  printing,  nor  of  the 
iron  plow-share,  with  hundreds  of  implements,  and 
manufactures  now  understood,  and  in  use  in  the 
world  among  white  nations. 

Well,  what  of  all  that,  says  one ;  neither  were  any 
of  these  things  known  or  understood  by  any  body 
else,  black  or  white,  in  those  times.  Granted ;  but 
how  came  it  to  pass,  we  ask,  that,  in  the  process  of 
ages,  the  negro  man,  or  race,  has  never  discovered 
any  of  these  things,  while  the  white  man  has  found 
out  and  invented  them  all  ?  It  is  true  that  the  Scrip- 
tures intimate  that  the  Egyptians  were  a  very  wise 
people,  by  saying  that  Moses  was  learned  in  all  the 
wisdom  of  the  Egyptians ;  Acts  vii,  22.  But  what 
was  this  wisdom  after  all,  but  a  mass  of  superstition 
and  nonsense,  respecting  their  idolatrous  religion,  a 
world  of  stuff,  which  Moses  despised  and  rejected. 
Respecting  their  wisdom,  the  Jewish  Rabbi  hold, 
says  Dr.  Clarke,  that  it  consisted  in  the  arts  of  necro- 
mancy and  magic,  with  which  Moses,  of  necessity^ 
was  well  acquainted,  having  been  brought  up  in  the 
court  of  Pharaoh,  as  heir  apparent  to  the  throne ;  but 
he  condemned  the  whole  as  false  wisdom  and  vain 
philosophy,  derived  from  the  heresies  of  the  tower,  as 
from  a  germ  engendered  in  the  polluted  hearts  of 
Ham  and  Nimrod,  the  great  fathers  of  negro  idolatry 
in  the  world. 

In  closing  this  section,  we  give  the  opinion  of  Rol- 
lin,  as  it  respects  the  innate  strength  of  the  negro's 
piind  and  courage,  in  substance  as  follows:  The 
Carthagenians  had  mean  and  "groveling  souls"  as 


when  they  were  victorious  in  battle,  they  were  al- 
ways cruel  ai)d  ferocious  to  the  prisoners;  but  when 
defeated  themselves,  they  would  cringe  down  like 
fiightened  dogs,  losing  all  courage  and  hope.  This 
was  the  true  character  of  the  famous  Carthagenians 
in  all  their  wars,  and  history  of  their  existence. —  Vol. 
I  p.  255. 

During  the  first  Punic  or  Phoenician  war,  toward 
the  close  of  that  contest,  the  Carthagenians  were 
obliged  to  procure  a  general  to  lead  their  armies,  and 
conduct  their  forces  against  the  Romans,  from  the 
Greeks^  as  among  themselves  there  were  none  who 
could  cope  with  the  victorious  Regidus.  The  general 
they  procured  was  the  famous  J^antippiis,  a  I^ace- 
demonian,  who,  when  he  had  taken  the  command  of 
the  sooty  legions,  soon  became  the  victor,  even  tak- 
ing the  Roman  commander  prisoner,  as  well  as  de- 
feating his  forces,  when  a  peace  between  the  two 
powers  ensued. 

Does  this  fact  go  to  exhibit  the  black  men  of  Car- 
thage, whether  woolly  headed  or  straight  haired,  as 
being  equal,  in  point  of  talent,  with  white  men,  when 
they  were  compelled  to  employ  a  ivhite  general,  a 
Greek,  to  compete  with,  and  conquer,  the  Romans  at 
that  time,  or  to  submit  to  ruin? — Whelpley^s  Com- 
pend  of  History,  p.  165. 

But  how  did  the  Carthagenians  requite  the  brave 
white  general,  for  his  acts  of  valor  and  friendship  ? 
By  murdering  him,  for  fear  that  it  should  be  known 
that  a  white  man  had  assisted  them,  and  was  the 
cause  of  their  good  fortune.  This  fact  shows  also, 
as  Rollin  has  spoken  of  them,  namely,  that  they 


were  mean  and  groveling  of  soul.  On  that  famous 
occasion,  it  is  said  by  the  above  historian  [vol.  i,  p. 
285],  that  when  the  Carthagenians  saw  how  much 
supe!  ior  the  abiHties  of  Zantippns  were  to  their  own 
generals,  in  manoeuvering  the  troops  in  battle,  they 
were  struck  with  astonishment,  and  said  that  the 
ablest  generals  of  Carthage  knew  nothing  in  compar- 
ison with  this  Greek.  As  to  the  natural  courage 
(which  is  but  another  term  for  superior  abilities)  of 
the  Roman  white  men,  and  the  black  Carthagenians, 
there  was  no  comparison  ;  as  the  former,  though  often 
defeated,  were  never  discouraged;  while  the  latter 
fell  into  despair  at  the  very  omens  of  defeat. — Rollin, 
vol,  i,  p.  297.  This  author  further  saith,  vol.  i,  page 
356,  that  whenever  the  Carthagenians  got  a  victory 
over  the  Romans,  their  white  opponents,  they  would 
butcher,  crucify^  and  tear  the  prisoners  to  death ;  but 
that,  on  the  contrary,  when  the  Romans  got  a  victory, 
they  were  lenient  and  humane.  This  fact,  to  Hanni- 
bal, was  a  very  strange  thing,  which  his  mind  could 
not  readily  comprehend.  Mercy  to  a  defeated  ene- 
my, was,  to  the  Carthagenians,  a  solveless  problem, 
while  in  the  minds  of  the  Romans  it  was  a  virtue  of 
the  highest  order.  That  such  dispositions  as  these  are 
the  innate  character  of  the  negro  race,  is  further 
shown  from  the  fallowing:  In  Western  Africa,  it  is 
noiD  a  custom  of  the  king  of  Dahomey,  annually  to 
assemble  all  the  chiefs  and  nobles  of  his  kingdom,  in 
order  to  aid  him  in  the  ceremony  of  watering  the 
graves  of  his  ancestors  with  blood.  On  such  occa- 
sions, hun  ireds  of  human  beings  were  butchered,  con- 
sisting of  prisoners,  of  criminals,  and  also  of  many 



seized  promiscuously  by  lawless  violence  from  among 
the  crowed,  who  suspected  no  evil.  At  any  time 
when  the  king  wishes  to  send  a  message  to  his  de- 
ceased relation  in  another  world,  he  delivers  the  er- 
rand to  some  one  standing  near,  and  then  strikes  off 
his  head,  that  he  may  go  and  carry  it.  The  roofs 
of  the  huts  of  this  king's  place  of  residence  are  orna- 
mented all  over,  as  are  also  the  pavements  before  the 
doors  of  his  huts,  with  the  jaw  bones  and  sculls  of 
human  beings. 

In  Western  Africa,  there  is  another  kindom,  called 
Ashantee^  whose  king  is  far  more  a  tyrant  than  the 
king  of  Dahomey.  When  the  English  Commission- 
ers, not  many  years  since,  had  arrived  at  the  capital, 
which  was  but  a  wilderness  of  low  and  conical  huts ; 
it  was  at  a  time  when  the  annual  man  butchery- 
took  place,  for  the  sake  of  the  dead.  The  following 
is  the  account  as  published  —  Universal  Traveler ^ 
page  420: 

"  During  their  stay,  the  Commissioners  witnessed 
scenes  so  dreadful,  that  it  seemed  to  sink  the  Ashan- 
tee  character  even  heloio  the  ordinary  level  of  savage 
life.  The  custom  of  human  sacrifices  is  practiced 
here,  on  a  scale  still  more  tremendous  than  at  Daho- 
mey. The  king  had  lately  sacrificed,  on  the  grave 
of  his  mother,  three  thousand  victims,  and  at  the 
death  of  the  late  sovereign,  his  predecessor,  the  sacri- 
fice was  continued  weekly,  for  three  months.  *  *  * 
On  these  occasions,  the  Caboceers  and  princes,  in 
order  to  court  the  royal  favor,  would  often  rush  out 
from  the  presence  of  the  king,  and  the  first  man  they 
met  they  would  dj-ag   to  the  sacrifice.     While  this 


business  lasts,  it  is,  therefore,  with  trembling  steps, 
that  any  one  crosses  the  king's  threshold ;  and  when 
compelled  to  do  so,  they  rush  along  with  the  utmost 
speed  (as  if  they  were  passing  the  gates  of  hell), 
dreading  every  moment  the  murderous  grasp,  from 
which  there  is  no  escape." 

Here  there  was  a  sacrifice  of  two  thousand  four 
hundred  lives  of  slaves,  in  the  short  space  of  three 
months.  At  such  a  rate  as  that,  a  custom  of  this  de- 
scription would,  in  a  century,  during  the  reign  of,  say 
but  four  kings,  allowing  them  an  average  reign  of 
twenty-five  years,  destroy  the  lives  of  two  hundred 
and  forty  thousand  slaves,  as  it  is  the  slave  of  the 
Ashantees  who  have  thus  to  suffer.  Is  American 
slavery  any  thing  like  this^  as  now  extant  in  the  ne- 
gro's own  happy  land,  as  abolitionists  would  have 
men  believe  it  is  ? 

What  other  people  but  this  race,  the  Hamites,  have 
been  found  on  the  earth  since  the  creation  of  man, 
who  are  so  foolish  and  cruel,  when  they  have  power 
and  opportunity?  Had  there  been  no  other  race  cre- 
ated on  the  earth,  long  ago  the  whole  world  would 
have  been  but  one  great  slaughter-house,  in  which  no 
light  of  science,  religion,  government,  or  the  useful 
arts,  would  ever  have  been  heard  of;  as  all  these 
blessings  are  of  other  origin  than  the  negro  man. 

As  it  was  then,  in  the  ages  of  Carthage,  so  it  is  now, 
and  ever  has  been  thus :  the  negro,  when  in  power, 
plays  the  tiger,  glorying  in  deeds  of  blood  and  terror; 
but  when  in  subjection,  he  cringes  with  stupid  fear, 
yielding  his  neck  easily  to  the  yoke  and  condition  of 
slavery.     If  Hannibal  was  a  great  general,  or  rather 

FORTUNI.S,   OF  TIIK   N1;GR0   RAPK.  249 

a  successful  one,  we  think  we  need  not  fear  lo  assert 
that  what  he  was,  he  owed  to  the  superior  talents  of 
two  white  men,  Lacedemonians,  namely,  Sobsius 
and  Philemius,  one  of  whom  was  his  teacher^  and 
the  other  a  counsellor,  who  always  attended  him  in 
his  warlike  expeditions. — RoUin,  vol.  i,  p.  375. 

There  were  others  of  the  Africans,  as  Masinissa 
and  Jiiha^  kings  who  reigned  in  the  interior  of  Afri- 
ca, in  the  time  of  the  Carthagenians,  of  whom  it  is 
said  that  they  were  great  men,  who,  as  well  as  Han 
nibal,  received  their  education  of  i^Ai^e  teachers — the 

In  conclusion,  therefore,  from  a  view  of  the  pre- 
ceding facts,  we  are  compelled  to  hold  that  it  is  abso- 
lutely certain,  taking  the  whole  history  of  both  races, 
the  whites  and  blacks,  into  the  account,  that  the  latter 
are  absolutely  unequal  and  lower  in  mental  abilities, 
and  do  not  possess,  naturally^  the  stamina  of  im- 
provement as  do  the  former;  and  that  this  difference 
is  attributable  alone  to  the  wisdom  of  God,  in  the 
creation  of  the  negro  race,  in  the  blood  and  being  of 
Ham,  their  father ;  on  which  account  it  is  as  utterly 
impossible  to  elevate  them  to  an  equality  with  the 
whites,  as  it  is  to  take  away  the  blackness  of  their 

As  sure  as  day  is  fairer  to  the  sight 
Than  dreary  darkness  in  the  hour  of  night — 
Or  wood,  less  dazzling  in  the  sun's  bright  glare. 
Than  Ophir's  sands  of  gold  and  rabies  are : 
So  sure  it  is,  as  sure  as  truth  is  great, 
The  blacks  have  got,  than  whites,  a  thicker  pau>. 
But  if  this  thought  displease,  as  not  refin'd, 
We  can  but  add,  therefore — they  have  less  miniL 



The  Bubject  of  the  amalgamation  of  the  white  and  negro  races  ex- 
amined; which  event,  by  some  men,  seems  to  be  greatly 'desired— 
The  voice  of  God,  in  nature,  against  it — Horrid  results,  were  tha 
amalgamation  of  the  races  to  become  universal — Lowering  of  the 
present  standard  of  the  powers  of  the  human  mind — Changes  in 
the  physical  formation  of  the  human  body,  as  extant  in  the  na- 
tions of  white  men,  in  their  approximation  to  the  form  of  the 
ourang-outang,  through  the  influence  of  negro  amalgamation — 
Deterioration  of  the  mental  image  of  God,  as  given  to  the  keeping 
of  the  white  race — Negroes'  brains  found  to  be  lest  in  weight  and 
metiiure  than  the  white  man's — Dodging  of  abolitionists  on  thi^ 
question — Anticipations  of  some  men  that  amalgamation  will  final- 
ly become  universiil,  so  as  to  put  down  slavery  in  this  way — Slav- 
ery among  the  African  negroes  before  they  knew  white  men — 
Stealing  each  other — Murdering  of  children  among  them — Many 
facts  respecting  the  near  approach  of  various  negro  tribes  to  the 
form  of  the  ourang-outang — Indifference  to  pain,  when  under  sur- 
gical operations — Corresponding-  insensibility  of  the  mind,  with 
respect  to  the  moral  feelings  of  the  heart,  as  well  as  to  the  suffer- 
ings of  others — Cruelty  to  the  aged  and  the  sick — Pretended 
obsequiousness  of  some  abolitionists  to  negroes,  with  a  view, 
as  they  say,  to  their  exaltation — Natural  enmity  between  ne- 
groes  and  white  men. 

Having,  in  the  preceding  section,  treated  on  the 
mental  inequality  of  the  negro  man,  compared  with 
white  men,  we  shall  now  pass  to  the  subject  of  amal- 
gamating the  two  races,  a  thing  which,  in  the  minds 
of  some  persons,  greatly  to  be  desired,  as  in  that  way 
a  universal  equality  would  be  made  out. 

That  the  amalgamation  of  the  two  colois,  black 


and  white,  were  not  designed  by  the  Creator,  is  evi- 
dent from  the  very  existence  of  those  two  complex- 
ions. Had  God  been  pleased  to  view  the  whole  hu- 
man race  as  possessing  but  one  hue  of  complexion, 
he  never  would  have  produced  more  than  that  owe, 
whether  it  might  have  been  black,  white,  or  red,  or 
any  other  color,  as  green  or  blue.  But  if  it  is  said 
that  the  amalgamation  of  the  races  would  be  proper, 
and  not  displeasing  to  the  Supreme  Being,  then  it 
will  follow  that  he  is  not  displeased  with  the  overturn, 
subversion,  and  adulteration  of  the  works  of  his  own 
hands  or  powei,  and  the  ruin  oi  first  principles  im- 
planted in  the  forms  and  colors  of  things  created. 

That  there  should  be  in  nature  distinctions  of  this 
character  is  essential  to  ordei*.,  to  beauty,  and  classi- 
fication. Without  this  trait  of  the  Divine  operations, 
all  nature  would  be  but  one  universal  blot,  a  vast 
compound  of  sameness.  The  earth  would  have  no 
charms.  There  would  be  no  distinction  of  color  be- 
tween land  and  water.  The  green  grass  of  the 
meadows  and  mountains,  the  leaves  and  floAvers  of 
all  forests,  the  tints  and  hues  of  all  minerals,  the  col- 
ors of  various  animals,  as  well  as  of  the  human  race, 
would  become  blended  and  confused  in  one  great 
chaotic  mass,  so  far  as  colors  are  concerned,  in  the 
existence  of  things.  Had  not  God,  therefore,  have 
seen  that  all  beings  of  animal  natures,  and  all  sub- 
stances which  make  out  the  multitudinous  amount 
of  earth's  productions  and  inhabitants,  should  be  dis- 
tinguished for  the  sake  of  order,  identification,  and 
beauty,  by  a  countless  train  of  tints,  hues,  and  colors, 
it  would  not  have  been  thus  produced. 


It  is,  therefore,  from  this  view,  at  once  evident, 
that  as  God  did  make  the  two  complexions  of  black 
and  white  originally,  which  characterize  two  races 
of  men,  that  it  is,  therefore,  no  less  a  sin  than  sacri- 
lege to  amalgamate  them,  thereby  destroying  God's 
work,  and  supplying  the  ruin  with  adulterations. 
But  when  it  is  considered  that  there  are  connected 
with  those  two  complexions,  two  races  of  men  dif- 
ering  as  much  in  their  mental  faculties  as  they 
do  in  color  and  formation,  and  that  these  mental 
faculties,  colors  and  formations,  depend,  for  their 
continuance,  upon  the  preservation  of  their  respect- 
ive attributes  in  those  particulars,  it  furnishes  a 
mighty  reason  why  the  whites  and  blacks  should  not 
mingle  races,  and  thereby  sin  against  God  in  the  mu- 
tilation of  the  original  order. 

If  by  amalgating  the  two  races,  the  native  intel- 
lectuality of  the  whites  becomes  deteriorated,  the 
reason  why  so  monstrous  an  innovation  on  the  rights 
of  God  should  not  be  committed,  is  still  more  glaring. 
Is  it  wise,  for  the  sake  of  elevating  the  negro  race, 
to  make  so  great  a  sacrifice  as  the  destruction  of  the 
white  man  from  the  earth  ?  If  so,  let  them  amalgam- 
ate, the  road  is  open  and  broad.  Against  such  a 
course,  on  the  part  of  the  African,  we  have  heard  of 
no  objections,  and  but  little  from  abolitionists. 

Were  the  races  universally,  by  amalgamation,  to 
mingle,  the  effect  would  be  the  destruction  to  both 
colors,  the  black  and  white,  and  a  new  one,  which 
God  never  created,  take  the  place  of  the  others,  and 
this  would  be  a  dingy  yellow,  called  the  Mulatto. 
The  present  heaven-approved  form  and  complexion 


of  the  white  race  would  be  handed  to  posterity, 
through  the  dark  medium  of  negro  blood,  stained,  ob- 
scured and  confused.  Their  complexion  would  be 
but  half  white,  the  covering  of  their  heads  neither 
wool  nor  hair,  their  noses  flattened  and  made  wider, 
their  mouths  vastly  extended,  the  temples  narrowed 
and  sunken,  the  forehead  lowered  and  slanted  back- 
ward, the  contour  of  the  head  elongated,  monkey 
like,  the  eyes  eclipsed  of  intelligence  and  made  glos- 
sy like  the  eyes  of  animals,  the  under  jaw  protruded, 
the  teeth  set  laterally,  the  waist  narrowed,  the  chest 
widened,  the  posteriors  pointed  and  lifted  up,  the  foot 
enlarged  and  made  spongy  on  the  outer  sides,  the 
heel  set  backward,  the  calf  of  the  leg  taken  away, 
the  shin  bone  made  convex,  the  skull  thickened,  the 
lips  pouted  forward,  the  cheek  bones  lifted  up,  and 
the  whole  external  of  the  progeny  become  changed, 
and  merged  in  Egyptian  darkness.  But  the  above 
changes  are  not  all  the  horrors  which  amalgamation 
produces ;  as  the  passions  and  mental  faculties  be- 
come remodeled  and  changed  to  other  characters,  as 
presented  in  the  mulatto  race  of  negroes. 

There  is  an  increased  disposition  to  untameabie 
and  unrestrained  lewdness,  to  treachery,  to  insensi- 
bility of  feeling,  to  a  want  of  high  and  manly  senti- 
ment. There  is  seen  in  this  character,  as  in  the 
real  black,  a  proneness  to  loud  and  senseless  laughter, 
an  extraordinary  desire  to  whistle  and  sing,  especially 
when  in  circumstances  of  labor  and  servitude.  The 
fancies  of  the  mind  undergo  a  change  also,  in  relation 
to  colors,  as  the  negro's  eye  is  powerfully  attracted 
by  the  red  and  yellow,  in  the  decorations  of  theii 


bodies.  The  powers  of  appetite  are  also  increased 
so  that  several  kinds  of  food,  abhorrent  to  a  white 
mail's  palate,  comes  not  amiss,  as  is  seeu  among  the 
wild  people  of  Africa,  whether  black,  brown  or  yel- 
low The  feeling  of  love  foy  children,  in  the  Ught 
of  a  desire  of  their  mental  improvement,  as  is  man- 
ifested by  the  white  race,  in  a  great  measure,  ceases 
to  exist,  and  in  its  place  springs  up  a  happy  indif- 
erence  on  this  important  matter.  All  this^  and  much 
more  than  we  have  words  to  express,  as  seen  in  t^e 
whole  negro  character,  would  be  the  fearful  result 
of  lowering  the  standard  of  the  human  mind,  as  now 
possessed  by  the  whites,  by  amalgamating  the  blood 
of  the  races.  That  such  would  be  the  consequence 
is  as  sure  as  is  cause  and  effect ;  for  it  is  a  physiot- 
logical  fact,  that  the  brain  of  all  uegroes  is  less  in 
size  and  weight  than  the  brain  of  white  men  by  more 
than  one-eighth.  This  is  Iqiown  by  actual  examina- 
tions of  the  heads  of  the  two  races. — >See  Biughmn 
on  the  Brain,  p.  21. 

In  connection  with  this  appalhng  truth,  it  is  lound 
also  that  the  arms  of  the  negro  race  are  longer  than 
the  arms  of  the  whites,  holding  a  midway  relation 
between  white  men  and  monkeys  in  this  particular. 
This  was  found  to  be  so  by  Dr,  White,  who  meas- 
ured the  arms  of  nearly  fifty  negro  skeletons,  and  in 
all  cases  were  found  to  have  longer  arms  than  whites 
of  the  same  height  of  person. — See  Lawrences  Lec- 
tures on  the  History  of  Man,  p.  350, 

The  whole  character  of  the  ilesh  of  the  negro  i^ce, 
as  Weil  as  their  nerves,  seems  to  be  of  a  coarser  char- 
acter, less  fine  and  dchcate  than  is  the  flesh    and 


nerves  of  the  white  race.  The  skin  of  their  bodies  is 
thicker  and  heavier  than  is  the  whites,  especially 
about  the  head.  Respecting  the  females  of  the  Af- 
rican race,  it  is  said  that  their  breasts  grow  to 
monstrous  sizes,  hanging  down  even  below  their 
waists. — Lawrence^s  Lectures^  p.  359.  This  would 
be  a  beautiful  trait  of  symmetry  to  be  added  to  the  fe- 
male portion  of  the  whites,  were  the  amalgamation  of 
the  races  to  become  universal. 

It  is  said^  by  those  skilled  in  surgical  operations 
and  dissections  of  the  human  body,  that  the  flesh  of 
negroes,  from  the  outside  to  the  bone,  is  of  a  darker 
color,  as  well  as  the  blood,  than  the  flesh  and  blood 
of  white  men.  And  why  should  not  this  be  so,  as 
the  character,  or  animal,  if  we  may  so  speak,  is 
wholly  a  diflerent  creature  from  the  white  human 
animal  ?  In  relation  to  the  lower  orders  of  animals, 
is  it  not  true  that  there  is  a  great  diflerence  in  the 
texture  and  nature  of  their ^e^A  in  many  particulars? 
This  is  known  to  the  most  unobserving,  and  why 
should  it  be  wondered  at,  when  we  assert  that  the 
same  rule  or  circumstance  exists  between  white  men 
and  negroes,  and  quite  as  much  as  their  looks  in- 

Amalgamation  with  them,  therefore,  proposes  not 
only  the  blackening  of  the  skin,  but  of  the  blood  and 
flesh,  even  to  the  bone,  as  well  as  the  deterioration 
of  the  mental  faculties  of  the  progeny  of  the  whites. 
It  is  stated  by  Herodotus,  that  the  very  semen  of  the 
African  negro,  in  his  Lime,  was  black,  which  is  equal- 
ly true  at  the  present — or  at  least  it  is  of  a  dark  blue- 
ish  tinge,  of  which  any  man  may  convince  himself, 


if  he  is  deeply  desirous  of  physiological  information. 
Would  not  such  a  course  be  a  species  of  blasphemy ^ 
by  despising  the  image  of  God,  which  is  intellectual 
ity^  given  to  the  keeping  of  the  white  race,  more  than 
to  the  blacks  ?  To  cast  away,  therefore,  any  portion 
of  this  image  or  likeness  of  God,  would  be  a  deed 
too  horrible  for  contemplation. 

Any  mingling  of  the  blood  of  the  blacks  with  the 
whites,  is  considered  by  Professor  Lawrence,  a  dete- 
rioration of  the  mental  powers  of  the  progeny  produc- 
ed. But,  says  one  (an  admirer  of  the  negro  race), 
it  has  never  entered  the  heart  of  abolitionism  to  justify 
or  aid  in  the  actual  amalgamation  of  the  two  races ; 
we  have  only  plead  for,  aided  and  abetted  the  doc- 
trine of,  the  negroes'  natural  and  perfect  equality  with 
white  men,  as  to  their  right  to  freedom  and  equality, 
with  regard  to  slavery,  their  mental  faculties  and 
claim  of  political  elevation  in  human  society. 

Very  well,  this  you  have  done,  as  all  the  world 
knows.  But  what  is  the  tendency  of  such  a  doc- 
trine ?  Is  it  not  the  high  road  to  amalgamation?  If 
the  negro  race  in  Christendom,  are  elevated  to  a  par- 
allel politically  with  white  men,  will  they  not, 
therefore,  with  this  elevation  (were  it  to  be  effected), 
become  eligible  to  political  offices ;  and  thus  establish 
the  'princi'ple  on  which  the  election  of  negro  magis- 
trates, judges,  legislators  and  governors,  with  any 
and  all  the  offices  of  the  civilized  world,  could  be 
effected?  Let  this  principle  of  political  equality  be- 
come once  established  in  relation  to  the  blacks,  would 
not  the  odium  of  marriages  between  the  races  be 
greatly  lessened?     Would  not  facilities  be  afforded 


to  the  negro  race  of  mingling  on  equal  terms  with 
the  whites,  in  relation  to  all  the  immunities  of  soci- 
ety ?  If  so,  then  would  there  not  be  removed  out 
of  the  way,  in  the  estimation  of  millions,  one  great 
obstacle  to  amalgamation  by  marriages  between  the 
races?  What  propriety,  therefore,  is  there  in  the 
pretense  of  some  abolitionists,  that  they  by  no  means 
plead  for  amalgamation,  while  they  approve  of  prin- 
ciples and  acts,  which  have  for  their  certain  result, 
the  amalgamation  of  black  and  white,  in  one  great 
and  common  community. 

But  as  dreadful  as  is  the  contemplation  of  such  a 
state  of  human  society,  there  are  thousands  in  the 
United  States,  who,  in  the  fierceness  of  their  zeal, 
for  the  negroes'  7nere  liberty,  would  happily  forego 
the  loss  of  half  their  mental  powers,  and  their  white 
complexion  to  boot,  if  they  could  but  bring  about 
this  famous  equality,  and  thus  make  an  end  of  sla- 

In  various  conversations  which  the  writer  has  had 
with  violent  abolitionists,  we  have  inquired  of  them, 
whether,  in  order  to  carry  out  their  belief  of  the  negroes' 
absolute  equality  with  white  men,  they  were  willing 
that  a  son  or  a  daughter  of  theirs,  should  be  united 
with  them  in  marriage?  To  this  question,  we  could 
seldom  receive  a  direct  answer,  either  yes  or  no,  but 
were  generally  met  by  equivocation,  as  follows : 
"Pray,  sir,  is  there  any  law,  human  or  divine,  against 
such  marriages  ?" 

H^re  we  would  urge  all  the  dissimilarities  of  the 
two  races,  in  their  faculties,  passions,  appetites,  for- 
mation, color,  looks,  and  smelly  again  repeating  the 


question — would  you  be  willing  that  a  son  or  a  daugh- 
ter of  yours  should  marry  a  negro? — but  receiving 
almost  always  the  same  shuffling  reply.  By  this 
course  of  theirs,  we  became,  as  often  as  conversation 
of  the  kind  occurred,  convinced  that  these  very  per- 
sons abhorred  the  unnatural  connection;  and  yet 
they  would  not  yield  the  point,  for  fear  of  being  com- 
pelled to  acknowledge  their  real  belief  in  the  fact  of 
their  absolute  inferiority.  Yes,  we  have  often  heard 
abolitionists  remark,  that  the  time  will  come,  when 
all  mankind  will  be  of  one  color,  and  that  will  be 
the  yellow  or  brown,  as  that  the  good  work  of  amal- 
gamation of  negroes  and  white  men,  was  going  rap-  j 
idly  on  in  the  world ;  and  this  they  said  with  a  kind  j 
of  joyful  anticipation,  as  if  by  that  means,  negro  } 
slavery  would  at  last  be  abolished  in  the  world.  Thus  ! 
it  is  evident,  that  when  a  man,  or  party  of  men,  be-  \ 
come  firmly  seated  on  a  hobby  horse,  its  speed  is  j 
never  known  to  slack,  till  the  ruin  of  horse  and  I 
rider  is  efiected.  But  although  abolitionists  affect  to  ! 
deny  that  they  are  favorable  to  an  amalgamation  of  I 
the  whites  and  blacks,  this  is  contradicted  in  the  ' 
speech  of  Wendell  Phillips,  in  the  great  London 
Abolition  Convention,  as  follows:  "When  he  went 
to  America,  and  told  them  that  he  had  seen  the  white  \ 
man  and  black  man  walk  arm  in  arm,  he  should  not  j 
be  believed.  He  wished  to  have  it  recorded  by  the  1 
British  press,  that  the  colored  man  was  to  be  receiv- 
ed in  tne  same  manner  as  the  white." — Pennsylvania 
Freeman,  August  6,  1840,  No.  204. 

The  doctrme  is  also  approved  of  by  Dr.  Brownmg, 
who  was  a  member  of  the  London  Abolition  Conven- 


tion;  see  liis  speech  in  the  "Pennsylvania  Freeman," 
August  6,  1840,  No.  204,  as  follows:  "There  was 
one  circumstance  (he  said)  connected  with  the  East 
(meaning  the  Mohammedan  countries),  that  was  pe- 
culiarly interesting,  and  that  was,  that  there  they 
knew  of  no  distinction  of  color;  they  had  no  nobili- 
ty of  skin.  White  men,  of  the  highest  rank,  married 
black  wome7i,  and  black  men  frequently  occupied  the 
highest  social  and  official  situations." 

Oh,  how  happy  a  thing  it  would  be,  in  the  estima- 
tion of  this  man,  would  the  Americans  only  pattern 
after  the  Mohammedan,  in  this  thing,  and  thus  cou- 
found  the  two  colors,  black  and  white,  and  sin  against 
God,  who  made  the  difference,  not  to  be  mingled,  but 
to  be  forever  separate. 

But  as  to  the  abohshment  of  negro  slavery  on  such 
grounds  as  that,  it  can  never  be  accomplished ;  for 
the  history  of  the  negro  nations,  from  the  earliest 
ages  down  to  the  present  time,  furnishes  abundant 
proof  that  they  have  enslaved  their  own  race  as  much, 
and  far  more  cruelly,  than  either  of  the  other  races, 
the  red  man  or  the  white. 

To  prove  this,  we  adduce  the  following  on  that 
point:  Strabo,  an  ancient  historian,  says  that  the 
Egyptians  worked  the  machinery  by  which  the  wa- 
ters of  the  Nile  were  elevated,  in  time  of  drought,  to 
irrigate  their  lands,  by  slaves  instead  of  oxen.  To 
each  of  such  machines,  there  were  attached  one  hun- 
dred and  fifty  slaves  of  their  own  color. — Rollin,  vol. 
i,  p.  133. 

The  Carthagenians,  a  negro  people  in  Africa,  who 
at  first  were  a  colony  from  Phoenicia,  or  old  Canaan. 


had  vast  hordes  of  slaves  of  their  own  color,  whom 
they  not  only  compelled  to  do  their  labor,  but  also, 
in  great  numbers,  sacrificed  them  annually  to  their 
gods  as  burnt  oiFerings. — Rollin,  vol.  i,  p.  223.  Han- 
no,  an  opulent  citizen  of  Carthage,  though  a  black 
man  himself,  had  twenty  thousand  slaves,  by  which 
means,  at  one  time,  he  attempted  to  usurp  the  govern- 
ment of  his  country,  but  was  killed  in  the  attempt. 
Rollin,  vol.  i,  p.  266. 

But,  in  later  times,  we  find,  among  the  negro  tribes 
of  Africa,  the  same  practice.  Damberger,  the  Ger- 
man traveler,  in  Africa,  says,  vol.  ii,  pages  151  and 
152,  that  the  kings  or  great  chiefs  of  the  tribe  called 
Ba-ha-ras,  who  lived  on  the  river  Gambia,  or  Niger, 
had  his  subjects  in  such  a  condition  of  vassalage, 
that  he  sold  them  as  slaves,  whenever  he  would,  not 
only  victims  taken  in  war,  but  of  his  own  tribe  and 

Another  nation  he  passed  through,  called  Haouffas, 
who  always  sold  their  children,  when  young,  to  other 
tribes,  in  order  to  avoid  the  trouble  of  taking  care  of 
them  in  their  infancy,  and  then  supplied  their  place 
by  stealing  such  as  were  grown  larger,  to  prevent 
their  own  tribe  from  running  out. — Damherger^  vol. 
ii,  p.  158.  The  king  of  the  same  tribe  above  named, 
practiced  selling  all  his  wives  for  slaves,  at  such 
times  as  he  became  weary  of  their  company,  obtain- 
ing new  ones  from  among  his  own  subjects,  whether 
already  the  wives  of  other  men  or  not. 

One  tribe  he  found,  who  killed  all  their  female 
children,  but  saved  the  males,  stealing  their  wives 
from  other  tribes,  or  taking  them  in  battle.     This 


rribe  were  called  Kan-torrians,  and  inhabited  a  tract 
of  country  on  the  river  Tumba,  north  of  the  Caffrees 
or  Hottentot  region. — Dmnberger,  vol.  i,  p.  150.  This 
author  further  states,  vol.  i,  p.  173,  in  a  note,  that  all 
the  tribes  he  fell  in  with,  except  the  Caffrees,  dealt  in 
slaves  among  themselves. 

These  slaves  they  acquired  in  their  wars,  not  in- 
stigated by  white  men,  but  by  themselves,  as  they 
are  seldom  at  peace  with  each  other,  and  have  not 
been  in  all  past  ages.  Professor  Russell  says,  p.  44, 
of  his  work,  that  o?ie  of  the  chiefs  of  lower  Nubia,  liv- 
ing at  a  place  called  Derr,  had  an  army  of  three  thous- 
and natives,  all  slaves,  procured  from  the  slave  deal- 
ers of  Dongola,  a  tribe  dwelling  further  in  the  inte- 
rior than  the  Nubians,  above  named.  With  these, 
this  tiger-man  ravaged  and  plundered  distant  tribes, 
killing  and  capturing  all  who  came  in  his  way. 
Derr,  his  place  of  residence,  was  considered  the  capi- 
tal of  lower  Nubia,  consisting,  as  to  its  architecture, 
of  vast  numbers  of  viiid  huts,  in  which  dwelt  the 
slaves  of  this  horrible  negro  king,  rolling  naked  in 
mud  when  it  rained,  and  in  dust,  ashes,  and  creeping 
things,  when  it  was  dry.  M.  Cailbe,  in  1S24,  made 
a  hazardous  journey  to  the  famous  negro  city,  Tim- 
hucto,  quite  in  the  central  part  of  Africa,  who  says 
that  the  people  are  negroes  of  the  Kissour  tribe,  and 
that  their  chiefs  have  all  their  work  done  by  slaves, 
who  are  compelled  to  live  separate  from  their  mas- 
ters, though  they  are  all  of  one  color,  and  one  kind 
of  people.  This  famous  city  is  also  but  a  strag- 
gling, disorderly  mass  of  mud  huts  and  dried 
grass,  filled  to   overflowing  with  wretched,  naked 



men   and  women. — Family  Magazine,  pages   82 
and  83. 

Why  vahed  roam,  thon  negro  man,  in  Afric's  horrid  wild, 
O'er  monntains  high,  and  valleys  deep,  like  a  poor  homeless  cliildl 
The  beasts  that  dwell  amid  the  woods,  are  happier  far  than  you— 
For  they  have  coa  s  of  fur  and  hair,  to  guard  from  rain  and  dew. 
Your  soil  gives  forth  the  native  flax,  and  other  means  of  dress- 
Why  roam,  like  troops  of  monkeys  wild,  o'er  all  the  wilderness  1 
Is  not  your  land  both  deep  and  rich,  to  yield  each  year  anew 
The  annual  crop,  would  yon  but  plant,  as  otlier  nations  do  ? 
Why  dwell  in  huts  of  grass  and  mud,  and  caves,  and  hollow  trees, 
Drench'd  by  the  rains  in  summer  times,  and  in  the  winter  freeze  ? 
Is  there  not  stone  and  rock,  and  forests  deep  and  green, 
^rom  which  good  houses  you  might  build,  your  naked  limbs  to  screen  I 
Yoiu  monntains  give  the  min'ral  beds  of  iron  and  steel  their  birth, 
Of  whici.  the  plow  and  axe  are  made,  to  cultivate  the  earth. 
The  diamono  snarkles  on  your  hilh,  their  depths  yield  golden  ore, 
By  which  manklnu  ?orich  themselves,  and  generate  all  power. 
Wliy  roam,  therefore,  tnou  negro  man,  like  beasts  of  blood  and  prey, 
Naked  and  starv'd,  no  house  or  home,  like  a  lost  child  astray  ? 
Ah,  mighty  white  man,  ask  thou  </(;«— poor  negro  have  no  trade  ; 
He  sees  no  flar,  no  stone,  or  tree,  from  which  such  things  are  made  ! 
He  does  not  know  that  gold  and  trade,  with  labor  infinite. 
Has  brush'd  away  from  nature's  face  the  gloom  of  ancient  night. 
His  pate  is  thick,  his  brain  is  small,  deep  buried  up  in  wool — 
He  does  not  f.noir,  as  white  men  do,  but  lives  and  dies  a  fool. 
Oh,  white  man,  take  us  from  ourselves,  our  huts,  our  holes,  our  caves  ! 
Oh,  feed  and  clothe  us,  teach  us  too,  and  we  will  be  your  slaves  ! 
For  thus  it  was  from  earliest  time,  as  we  have  heard  decreed, 
That  Ham  should  serve  all  other  men,  and  never  can  be  freed. 

Gen.  ix,  25 ;  Joshua  ix,  23. 

There  was  a  missionary,  who  recently  hved  in 
West  Africa,  at  a  place  called  Monrovia,  namely,  Dr. 
Goheen,  who  has  published  to  the  world,  in  a  paper 
entitled  Liberator,  that  slavery  in  the  United  States, 
in  its  worst  form,  even  under  the  lash,  is  not  as  bad 
as  slavery  is  in  Africa.  He  says,  it  is  a  well  known 
truth,  that  nine-tenths  of  the  population  are  in  a  state 
of  personal  slavery.  The  females  are  sold  at  an 
early  a^e,  to  be,  as  soon  as  grown  up,  beasts  of  bur- 
den, or  wives,  as  their  negro  owners  may  require. 
The  kings  and  chiefs  of  that  country,  he  says,  drive 
their  own  people  in  droves  to  the  sea,  where  they  sell 
their  own  blood  and  color  by  thousands,  to  whosoever 

.OHTUNliS,   01-    THE    JNKGRO  RACE.  263 

will  buy  them.  Thus  it  lias  always  been  in  Africa, 
ages  before  the  European  white  man  knew  any  thing 
about  the  slave  trade.  Even  the  famous,  and  par- 
tially civilized,  Carthagenians  used  to  obtain  vast 
numbers  of  slaves  from  a  region  of  country  in  Africa, 
inhabited  by  a  people  called  Goromantes,  a  powerful 
tribe  of  the  interior,  who  made  it  their  chief  business 
to  catch  the  people  of  their  own  color,  to  sell  to  the 
Carthagenians. — Hernis  Researches  in  Africa^  vol. 
ii,  p.  231.  .  This  was  done  ages  before  the  era  of 
Christianity,  and,  of  necessity,  could  not  have  been 
instigated  by  European  white  men. 

Crawford,  in  his  Indian  Archipelago,  vol.  i,  pages 
18-20,  states,  that  there  are,  in  those  islands,  two  races 
of  blacks.  One  of  those  races  is  not  as  black  as  the 
other,  and  have  straight  or  long  hair,  while  the  other 
race  is  of  a  jet  black,  with  woolly  heads.  The 
straight  haired  race,  he  says,  hold  the  woolly  heads 
in  the  utmost  contempt,  making  slaves  of  them  where- 
ever  they  can  be  caught.  The  woolly  heads  are  con- 
stantly found  in  a  savage  and  more  wild  condition 
than  the  other  race,  making  no  improvements,  but 
cleaving  entirely  to  a  state  of  nature,  going  naked, 
and  living  wholly  on  the  produce  of  the  wilderness. 
Thus  it  is  made  clear,  in  the  above  facts,  that  though 
all  mankind  were  tinged  by  the  negro  blood,  as  some 
abolitionists  desire,  yet  would  not  slavery  be  abolish- 
ed, as  the  negro  man  has  ever  been  found  as  ready 
to  enslave  his  own  race  as  are  the  other  iiations  of 
the  earth,  no  matter  whether  in  a  civilized  or  a  bar 
barous  state.  This  is  the  people — the  woolly  heads 
of  Africa,  the  most  degraded  of  the  human  race,  who 


are  even  thus  esteemed  by  the  brown  kind  of  negroes, 
having  straight  hair,  in  the  same  countries — that  ab- 
olitionists desire  to  elevate,  politically,  to  an  equality 
with  white  men,  and,  of  necessity,  to  become  amal- 
gamated with  them,  by  fellowship  in  marriages,  and 
the  other  immunities  of  white  society.  The  negro 
race  do  not,  and  never  were  possessed  of  the  common 
sympathies  of  human  nature  for  their  fellows  in 
trouble,  but  treat  such  circumstances  as  a  thing  of  no 
account.  It  is  a  well  known  fact,  that  when  a  slave 
is  punished  for  a  misdemeanor,  and  cries  out  under 
the  operation,  it  excites  laughter  among  them,  instead 
of  tears.  They  are  not  a  race  of  people  of  sufficient 
sympathies  or  feeling  to  care  much  about  their  own 
sufferings,  or  their  condition  of  slavery,  as  a  great 
whole,  beyond  their  own  individual  being,  and,  in 
millions  of  cases,  not  even  then — thinking  nothing  of 
the  odium  of  being  a  slave,  so  long  as  comfort  and 
protection  is  in  their  individual  pessession.  Was  not 
this  trait  of  their  character  exemplified  in  the  two 
slaves  of  the  Hon.  Henry  Clay,  when  on  a  trip  to 
Canada,  some  few  years  since  ?  While  there,  the  two 
slaves  were  told  by  the  people,  that,  as  they  were  on 
English  ground,  they  were  /ree,  and  were  urged  with 
great  vehemence  to  avail  themselves  of  the  happy 
circumstance  in  their  favor,  but  to  no  purpose.  The 
blacks  replied,  that  they  loved  their  master,  and 
would  not  leave  him,  and  actually  returned  with  him 
to  the  south,  and  to  their  condition  of  servitude  again. 
Many  such  instances  have  taken  place. 

This  principle  of  indifference  to  the  happiness  of 
their  fellows,  is  shown,  not  only  in  the  history  of  the 



cruelties  practiced  in  Africa,  by  the  chiefs,  upon  the 
slaves,  but  also  by  the  cruelties  of  the  southern  slaves 
toward  each  other,  as  manifested  by  the  actions  of 
the  negro  slave  drivers.  In  such  cases  as  when  an 
owner  of  slaves  happens  to  advance  some  more  active 
and  intelligent  negro  to  overlook  the  labors  of  a  gang, 
the  whip  is  seen  to  be  in  lively  exercise,  as  well  as 
the  tongue.     This  is  passing  strange! 

In  further  proof  of  this  indifference  of  the  blacks, 
respecting  human  suffering,  we  quote  the  following 
from  Barnabas  Shaw's  Memorials  of  South  Africa, 
published  at  the  Methodist  Episcopal  book-room,  in 
New-York,  1841.  This  author  states,  page  37,  that 
the  Namacqua  negroes  always  leave  their  ag-ed  pa- 
rents and  the  sick  to  fall  a  prey  to  the  wild  beasts,  or  to 
die  of  hunger,  whenever  they  remove  from  one  hab- 
itation to  another.  This  tribe  is  a  branch  of  the  Hot- 
tentot family,  who  are  descended,  as  is  believed,  from 
the  ancient  Egyptians.  The  bushmari  negroes  are 
guilty  of  dreadful  acts  of  cruelty  toward  each  other, 
when  in  a  helpless  condition.  They  have  no  feel- 
ings, says  Mr.  Shaw,  pages  42,  43,  56,  toward  babes, 
the  sick,  or  their  own  aged  parents,  making  even  a 
boast  of  it.  They  will  kill  their  children  on  the  most 
trifling  occasion,  if  not  shaped  to  suit  them.  If  pur- 
sued by  an  enemy,  they  will  kill  the  aged:  or  if  very 
hungry,  they  will  eat  human  flesh.^  The  Caffree  ne- 
groes of  that  country,  he  says,  page  53,  carry  their 
sick  into  the  woods  to  die  alone,  or  to  be  devoured 
by  serpents,  wild  beasts,  or  cast  into  some  pit  or  hole, 
unheeded  and  forsaken.  Mothers,  one  would  think, 
would  love  and  protect  their  babes,  as  even  this  vir- 


tue  is  found  instinctively  possessed  even  by  dumb 
beasts ;  and  yet  we  are  told  by  Mr.  Shaw,  in  his  work, 
p.  56,  that  a  woman  of  the  Bechuan  tribe,  offered  to 
sell  her  child  to  him  for  some  glass  beads,  who  said 
that  she  loved  her  child,  but  that  she  loved  beads  far 
better.  On  the  least  occasion,  says  Mr.  Shaw,  pagfe 
58,  they  will  kill  their  wives  as  they  would  a  trouble- 
some dog. 

Insensibility  to  pain,  remarks  this  author,  p.  61,  is 
one  of  the  negro  faculties ;  as  they  seem  not  to  feel 
when  even  cut  to  pieces,  nor  do  they  care  for  their 
fsUows  when  seen  in  the  greatest  distress. 

With  a  view  to  all  these  things,  and  many  more 
disgusting  particulars,  which  the  reader's  discernment 
will  not  fail  to  suggest,^,  how  is  it  possible  that  any 
white  man  on  the  face  of  the  earth  can  be  found,  who 
in  his  heart  is  willing  to  have  the  races  become  one 
oy  amalgamation?  To  the  writer,  such  a  desire 
seems  to  be  a  kind  of  monstrosity,  a  hideous  night- 
mare, a  frightful  incubus,  chattering  and  grinning  on 
the  bosom  of  the  soul,  driven  on,  and  on,  as  by  a 
devil  in  mockery,  for  the  crime  of  believing  in,  and 
desiring  the  union  of,  white  blood  with  black. 

There  are  not  wanting  under  this  baleful  influence, 
cases  in  the  land,  even  among  the  refined  and  opu- 
lent, who  have  lent  and  are  lending  their  influence  to 
the  ultra  objects  of  abolitionism;  and  also,  who 
have  bowed  down  themselves  in  the  sight  of  the 
Heavens  and  the  earth,  to  the  very  dust,  in  compli- 
ance to  negroes,  desiring  thereby  to  have  it  believed 
that  they  do  most  heartily  espouse  the  notion  of  the 
black   men's   intellectual  equality  with  themselves. 


And  then,  with  effronterjr  enough  to  look  a  tiger  out 
of  countenance,  have  braved  the  common  and  popu- 
lar indignation,  forming  a  mighty  contrast  between 
their  apparent  humility  and  lowly  deference  of  the 
negro,  and  their  dauntless  impudence  toward  those 
*who  cannot,  for  the  sake  of  the  image  of  God,  sub- 
scribe to  this  blasphemy  against  nature. 

We  are  acquainted  with  occurrences  of  this  de- 
scription, when  a  negro  man  has  been  petted,  caressed, 
and  almost  seemingly  adored,  by  proud,  scornful  and 
aristocratic  white  men,  who,  taking  the  negro  by  the 
arm  with  affected  politeness  and  attention,  have  led 
and  escorted  the  black  to  the  best  seat  in  a  superb 
carriage,  and  from  thence  in  pomp  and  array,  to  a 
place  of  public  entertainment.  Yes,  we  have  under- 
stood, that,  in  the  city  of  New  York,  there  was  a  cer- 
tain opulent  gentleman,  who,  under  the  frightful 
ir*fluence  of  the  negro  abolition  mania,  went  so  far 
with  the  horrible  phrenzy,  as  to  force  negroes  upon 
the  notice  and  attention  of  his  daughters,  in  his  own 
house,  and  thus  insult  his  own  blood,  and  that  of  the 
whole  white  part  of  creation. 

Can  such  doings  be  sincere?  We  have  no  confi- 
dence in  the  sincerity  of  such  professions.  The  very 
pretenders  feel  appalled  at  heart,  and  loathe  the  un- 
natural approximation ;  yes,  the  very  negroes  them- 
selves know  better,  and  laugh  at  the  hypocrisy  and 
nonsense  of  the  whole  farago;  but,  nevertheless, 
they  are  willing  to  be  petted,  as  long  as  the  con- 
spirators against  the  order  of  God  in  the  creation 
may  be  under  the  influence  of  this  extraordinary 
political  spasra,  which  will  endure  just  as  long  and 


no  longer,  than  when  their  political  object  is  attained 
or  lost. 

If,  indeed,  the  negro  race  are  worthy  the  attention 
bestowed  upon  them  at  the  present  time,  how  is  it 
that  they  do  not  put  forth  the  arm  of  mental  power, 
and  convince  mankind  that  their  abolition  friends  are 
worthily  bestowing  their  energies  for  their  benefit? 
How  is  it  that  the  people  and  government  of  San 
Domingo,  who  are  now  free  and  politically  indepen- 
dent, have  never  petitioned  the  different  governments 
of  Christendom,  who  have  slaves,  for  the  elevation 
of  their  race  by  education  ?  How  is  it  that  they, 
who  were  able  to  massacre  their  masters,  and  to  plun- 
der their  houses,  ravish  their  wives  and  daughters, 
and  to  riot  till  glutted  in  rapine  and  plunder,  have 
not  poured  out  their  eloquence  on  the  ear  of  mankind, 
arising  out  of  the  rich  fund  of  their  mental  powers, 
and  wrouglit  upon  their  sympathies,  deluged  the 
world  with  arguments,  heaped  up  like  mountains  in 
favor  of  the  negro  race — thus  putting  the  nations  and 
countries  to  the  blush  at  the  thought  of  enslaving 
a  people  so  high  minded  and  patriotic,  so  noble  and 
pure  in  principle,  a  race  possessed  of  the  sweetest 
and  liveliest  moral  powers  and  feeling,  each  man  of 
them  longing  and  desiring  the  improvement  of  his 
people  more,  far  more,  than  his  own  individual  hap- 
piness ?  But  this  they  have  not  done,  and  we  have 
doubts  whether  they  even  care  much  about  it,  in  the 
patriotic  sense  of  the  word.  Nay,  the  very  papers 
which  are  published  in  America  for  their  especial 
advancement,  are,  in  a  great  measure,  if  not  wholly, 
got  up  and  supported  by  white  men.     How  is  this 'I 


If  they  are  a  race  of  oppressed  human  beings,  whc 
are  worthy  of  a  better  fate,  and  are  grieving  and 
struggling  to  rise  to  common  equality,  how  is  it  that 
the  whole  labor  of  the  attempt  is  exerted  by  another 
race  of  people  than  themselves  ? 

Were  the  negro  population  of  the  southern  states 
of  the  Union  elevated  to  political  equality  with  white 
men,  and  the  doctrine  of  amalgamation  allowed, 
which  would  be  the  certain  consequence  of  such 
equality,  would  such  a  change  in  their  favor  secure 
contentment  ?  our  answer  is,  wo,  it  would  not,  except 
they  could  have  the  exclusive  rule.  In  their  very 
being  the  God  of  nature  has  raised  up  a  barrier 
between  the  two  races,  which  cannot  be  passed  with- 
out incurring  consequences  of  the  most  revolting 

To  set  the  negroes  free  in  all  America,  and  to  be- 
stow upon  them  political  equality,  while,  at  the  same 
time  amalgamation  should  be  penally  resisted  by 
death  or  perpetual  imprisonment  to  both  parties,  there 
would  arise  out  of  such  a  state  of  the  case  all  the 
horrors  of  hatred  and  confusion,  violence  and  assas- 
sinations, that  can  be  conceived  of.  There  is  a  nat- 
ural dislike  of  the  races  toward  each  other,  on  which 
account,  were  the  negroes  made  politically  free,  with- 
out the  privilege  of  intermarrying  with  the  whites, 
there  would  soon  arise  quarrels  and  discontent ;  as 
the  possession  of  mere  political  liberty,  without  all 
the  other  immunities  of  white  society,  would  not  and 
could  not  satisfy  them.  Nothing  short  of  the  most  in- 
tense attention  could  prevent  jealousies  on  their  part ; 
nor  even  this^  as  the  knowledge  of  their  own  inferiority 

270  OiilGIN,   CHARACTER,   AND 

would  always  promote  that  passion,  even  where,  on 
the  part  of  the  white  man,  there  should  be  no  intention 
to  grieve  or  to  give  causes  of  discontent.  The  races 
are  two  kinds  of  men,  constituted  entirely  diiFerent, 
in  both  body  and  soul ;  on  which  account  there  can 
be  no  union  or  fellowship  between  the  two,  on  the 
ground  of  common  equality,  except  by  amalgamation ; 
which  would  be,  were  such  a  tiling  to  come  to  pass, 
a  universal  retrograde  from  the  moral  imas^e  of  God 
toward  the  condition  of  brutes;  inasmuch  as  that  the 
mtellectuality  of  the  white  race  would  be  destroyed 
from  off  the  earth,  and  merged  in  the  thick  skulls  of 
the  negroes. 

There  has  been,  from  the  earliest  time,  a  decided 
dislike  existing  between  the  two  races,  so  much  so, 
that  the  fact  has  not  escaped  the  notice  of  the  ancient 
historian.  Between  the  Romans  and  Carthagenians 
there  was  eternal  hatred  and  war ;  and  it  is  the  same 
at  the  present  time  in  feeling  every  where,  as  the 
negro  knows  his  own  inferiority,  and  therefore  hateSj 
in  his  heart,  the  white  man,  because  of  the  difference, 
and  wishes  to  have  the  upper  hand. 

There  is  but  one  way  to  settle  this  great  difficulty 
between  the  races,  which  is,  to  make  the  whole  fam- 
ily of  man,  of  but  one  color,  as  it  was  at  first,  and 
of  but  one  general  character,  as  to  intellect.  But 
thus  God  has  not  seen  fit  to  do,  in  relation  to  this 
matter ;  he,  therefore,  who  goes  about  to  mix  and 
confound  that  wiiich  God  has  set  apart  by  an  in- 
dellible  mark,  is  a  disorganizer  and  is  worthy  of 
transportation  from  this  earth  to  some  place  without 
the  pale  of  the  universe,  where   he   could   cogitate 


alone  the  beauties  of  negro  amalgamation  with  the 
blood  of  white  men. 

As  when  a  black'ning  cloud  obscures  the  light,  / 

And  turns  the  beauteous  day  half  way  to  night — 
Or  as  some  deviVs  hand  on  ruin  set, 
Should  dip  all  flowers  in  a  dye  of  jet: 
'Twould  be  like  him  who  pleads,  oh,  foul  disgrace, 
To  stain  with  negro  blood  the  white  man's  face ! 
And  worse  than  this,  more  drear,  more  hell-refined, 
He'd  sink  in  darkness  deep  the  moral  mind — 
And  say  all  bloods  are  equal,  all,  all  one  state, 
And  thus  would  mingle  that  which  God  did  separate. 
Would  with  Japhet's  bletsing  of  the  great  "  /am," 
Smbue,  confound  and  mix,  the  cune  of  Ham. 



Inquiries  whether  the  statements  of  Noah,  respecting  the  race  of  Ja- 
pheth,  or  the  white  nations,  enslaving  the  descendants  of  Ham, 
have  been  fulfilled,  and  are  now  in  progress  to  that  effect — Num- 
ber of  the  sons  of  Japheth — Their  great  power — Countries  they 
settled  at  first — Nations  now  known  of  that  progeny — First  cities 
built  by  them,  which  was  earlier  than  any  of  the  others — Descrip- 
tion of  the  first  operations  of  men  near  Ararat,  during  Noah'a 
life-time  after  the  flood — Respecting  Melchisedek,  who  he  was, 
which  is  in  connection  with  the  subject — Travels  of  Shem  among 
the  first  settlements — "W  orship  of  Baal,  or  the  fly  god,  now  among 
the  Africans — Nimrod  and  the  wild  beasts,  with  a  plate — Shem, 
the  son  of  Noah,  was  Melchisedek — Seyons,  the  first  city  of  man- 
kind after  the  flood,  built  by  the  whites — First  instances  on  a  great 
scale  of  white  men  enslaving  the  race  of  Ham  in  ancient  times, 
and  respecting  its  continuance — Certainty  of  the  fulfillment  of 
God's  decrees,  and  the  veracity  of  the  Scriptures — Strictures  on 
the  opinions  of  abolitionists — Their  opposition  to  the  Bible  if  it 
upholds  slavery — Views  of  St.  Paul  respecting  negro  slavery,  as 
set  forth  in  the  New  Testament — Vast  Numbers  of  slaves  in  the 
Roman  empire  in  St.  Paul's  time — Their  dreadful  condition — Cu- 
rious opinion  of  abolitionists,  as  a  reason  why  Christ  did  not  re- 
prove slavery — Nimrod  and  the  tower,  with  other  matters. 

Having  in  the  previous  and  last  section,  treated  on 
some  of  the  horrors  of  amalgamating  the  white  and 
black  races,  we  come  now  to  inquire  whether  the 
prophecy  of  Noah,  commonly  called  the  curse  of 
Noah,  upon  Ham  and  his  progeny,  has  been  fulfilled, 
in  relation  to  the  part  Japheth  and  his  rac^  were  to 
perform  toward  enslaving  them,  as  well  as  the  part 
Shem  and  his  progeny  were  to  accomplish,  in  fulfiil' 


ment  of  the  same  thing.  That  such  an  event  was 
to  take  place,  is  as  certainly  specified  in  that  decree, 
as  that  the  race  of  Shem  should  in  part  fulfill  it,  as 
is  seen  they  did,  during  the  whole  history  of  the  He- 
brew race,  and  are  now  fulfilling  it,  in  all  parts  of 
the  earth,  where  the  descendants  of  Shem  and  Ham 
are  found.  It  should  be  recollected  that  JaphetJi's 
race  had  nothing  to  do  in  the  conquest  of  the  great 
negro  country  called  Canaan,  PhcEnicia,  Palestine,  oi 
the  Holy  Land.  Those  wars  were  carried  on  wholly 
by  the  Jews,  continuing  from  the  days  of  Moses,  to 
the  time  Judea  became  a  part  of  the  Roman  empire, 
but  a  little  while  before  Christ. 

During  all  these  ages,  the  progeny  of  Japheth  were 
peopling  the  regions  of  the  north  around  the  Caspian 
and  Black  Seas,  Georgia,  Circassia,  Astracan,  Tarta- 
ly,  &.C.,  north,  and  west  and  northwest,  now  called 
the  countries  of  Europe:  as  Turkey,  Austria,  Prussia, 
Russia,  France,  Italy,  Spain,  Sweden,  Germany,  and 
the  islands  of  the  north  Atlantic;  the  Divine  Provi- 
dence reserving  the  later  ages,  for  the  fulfillment  of 
that  part  of  his  decree,  which  was  to  be  performed 
by  Japheth  toward  the  race  of  Ham. 

Japheth,  the  great  ancestor  of  all  the  white  na- 
tions of  the  earth,  was  the  father  of  seven  sons,  whose 
names,  according  to  1  Chron.,  1st  chap.,  and  Jose- 
phus's  Antiquities  of  the  Jews,  were  Gomer,  Magog, 
Madai,  Javan,  Tubal,  Meshech  and  Tiras;  all  of 
whom  had  also  many  sons,  who,  branching  off  in 
their  several  posterities  in  the  regions  above  named, 
became  the  heads  of  a  multitude  of  nations  of  white 
men,  and,  in  the  course  of  time,  of  multitudes  of 



languages.  Moses  gives  the  same  account  as  above, 
Gen.  X.,  from  the  1st  to  the  5th  verse  inclusive,  and 
adds,  that  by  these  the  descendants  of  Japheth  "  were 
the  isles  of  the  Gentiles  (or  Japhethites),  divided  in 
their  lands,  every  one  after  his  tongue,  after  theil 
families,  in  their  nations." 

From  GoMER,  the  first  son,  came  the  ancient  Go- 
merites  or  Galatians,  to  whom  St.  Paul  wrote  two  of 
his  epistles,  a  people  dwelling  far  north  of  Judea, 
about  the  Euxine  Sea,  on  the  very  eastern  borders  of 

From  Magog,  the  second  son,  came  the  Magogites, 
whom  the  Greeks  in  their  histories  of  the  nations 
coeval  with  themselves,  call  Scythians  or  leather 
dressers,  whose  region  of  country  was  along  the  bor- 
ders of  Tartary,  including  Bucharia,  and  probably 
Tartary  itself,  who  were  the  great  ancestors  of  many 
of  the  white  nations  of  Europe  and  America. 

From  Madai  and  Javan,  the  third  and  fourth  sons, 
came  the  Medes  and  Persians,  of  ancient  times,  whose 
country  lay  between  the  Gulf  of  Persia  and  the  Cas- 
pian Sea,  as  well  as  further  east. 

From  Tubal,  the  fifth  son,  came  the  Tubalites, 
Iberians  or  Celts,  ancestors  of  several  of  the  nations 
of  Europe  also,  as  the  French,  Italians,  Spanish  and 
Portugese,  and  the  early  Greeks  of  the  Archipelago. 

From  Meshech,  the  sixth  son,  came  the  Capado- 
cians,  or  ancient  Germans  and  Russians,  with  all  that 
variety  of  nations  and  languages. 

From  TiRAs,  the  seventh  son,  came  the  ancient 
Thracians,  whose  places  of  settlements  were  about 
the  western  and  northern  coasts  and  islands  of  the 


Mediterranean.  All  these  nations,  however,  in  the 
earliest  time,  and  much  more  in  succeeding  ages,  es- 
pecially in  the  regions  of  Europe,  were  mingled  by 
amalgamation,  as  was  right  and  natural,  being  all 
the  descendants  of  the  same  ancestor,  Japheth,  a  son 
of  Noah. 

One  of  their  great  cities,  that  is  of  the  Thracians, 
was  the  famous  Troy,  which,  in  the  time  of  David, 
B.  C.  1100,  was  in  its  glory,  and  stood  inland  from 
the  Mediterranean  about  twelve  miles  north,  on  a 
rising  ground,  and  in  that  age  was  the  capital  of  iheir 
country.  The  latitude  of  ancient  Troy,  or  Troja,  was 
40°  north,  and  longitude  16°,  more  than  a  thousand 
miles  east  of  Turkey,  on  the  promontory  of  Asia 
Minor  near  where  Tyre  was  afterward  built.  Here  it  was 
that  Dardanus,  one  of  the  immedite  descendants  of 
Tiras,  the  seventh  son  of  Japheth,  the  grand-son 
of  Noah,  founded  the  city  of  Troy,  which  at  first 
was  called  Dardania,  as  Dardanus  was  its  first  king. 
Afterward  it  was  called  Troja,  or  Troy,  from  Tros, 
the  grand-son  of  Dardanus.  After  this  it  was  called 
Ilium,  from  llus,  the  son  of  Tros. 

This  region  was  among  the  earliest  settlements 
of  the  sons  of  Japheth,  and  especially  of  that  branch 
who  were  the  ancestors  of  the  ancient  Greeks,  who 
had  migrated  westward  from  the  sources  of  the  Eu- 
phrates, in  the  region  of  the  Black  Sea,  where  the 
ark  rested,  quite  to  the  northern  coast  of  the  Medi- 
terranean in  the  country  of  Italy,  so  called  from  the 
word  Ilium,  the  name  of  ancient  Troy.  From  this 
branch  of  the  house  of  Japheth,  by  the  lineage  of 
Tiras,  descended  also  the    Latins,  the   progenitors 


of  the  ancient  Romans,  whose  history  is  well  known 
to  the  world. 

Thus  we  see,  how  immense  were  the  countries  of 
the  white  race,  as  well  as  the  greatness  of  their  pow- 
er. Alexander  the  Great  was  a  Greek,  and  a  white 
man,  who  conquered,  as  it  is  said,  the  world,  and  wept 
because  there  was  nothing  more  to  conquer. 

By  this  view,  we  see  that  God  carried  forward,  in 
the  very  first  ages,  the  fortunes  of  Japheth,  in  that  of 
his  race,  to  great  power,  as  he  had  said  by  the  mouth 
of  Noah  should  be  accomplished ;  which  was,  that 
he  would  enlarge  Japheth,  until  he  should  dwell  in 
the  tents  of  iShem,  and  hold  the  descendants  of  Ham 
as  slaves  (Gen.  ix,  27,  where  both  these  events  are 
foretold  and  decreed). 

But,  before  we  proceed  further  to  show  the  fulfill- 
ment of  Noah's  prophesy,  in  relation  to  Ham's  race 
being  enslaved  bj'-  the  whites  of  Japheth's  progeny, 
and  of  his  dwelling  in  the  tents  or  countries  of  Shem, 
we  shall  indulge  our  pen  in  giving  some  probable  ac- 
count of  Noah  and  Shem,  after  the  annunciation  of 
the  decrees  respecting  all  Noah's  sons  during  their 
lives.  There  can  be  no  doubt  but  Noah  remained 
where  he  first  settled,  after  leaving  the  place  of  the 
resting  of  the  ark,  on  account  of  his  great  age,  and 
the  improvements  made  there  on  his  first  plantation, 
by  the  aid  of  his  sons  and  grandsons,  before  they  be- 
gan to  leave  the  paternal  home,  for  the  sake  of  their 
respective  families. 

That  Noah  became  a  farmer,  is  shown  by  a  remark 
of  Moses,  Gen.  ix,  20,  who  there  says  that  Noah  be- 
gan to  be  a  husbandman.     Here  it  was,  not  far  from 


the  eastern  end  of  the  Black  Sea,  in  latitude  40°  north, 
and  longitude  40°  east,  being  about  three  thousand 
miles  from  the  island  of  England,  in  a  south-easterly 
direction,  that  Noah  dweU.  Were  one  to  go  from 
England  to  the  south-eastern  end  of  the  Black  Sea,  he 
would  pass,  in  following  a  straight  line  from  London, 
through  the  straits  of  Dover,  and  the  countries  of 
Brussel,  Germany,  Austria,  Turkey,  and  nearly  the 
whole  length  of  the  Black  Sea,  before  he  would  ar- 
rive at  the  region  of  country  where  Noah  lived  after 
the  flood.  Here  it  was  that  his  children,  and  children's 
children,  even  to  the  tenth  generation,  visited  him 
during  the  three  hundred  and  fifty  years  that  he  lived, 
after  the  flood;  as  it  was  at  this  place  that  an  altar 
to  the  living  God  was  erected,  to  which  that  part  of 
his  children,  the  descendants  of  Shera  and  Japheth, 
resorted,  who  adhered  to  the  religion  of  Noah,  while 
Ham  and  his  race  turned  recreant  and  followed  the 
idolatry  of  Nimrod. 

Among  the  foremost  of  the  sons  of  Noah,  was  Shem. 
who  atfained  to  such  a  height  of  religious  purity,  that 
he  became,  not  only  by  the  Divine  sanction  as  well 
as  by  his  birthright,  God's  only  high-priest,  in  those 
ages,  consisting  of  five  hundred  years ;  from  whose 
lips  the  primitive  people  received  a  knowledge  of  the 
true  religion  ;  who,  spreading  out  in  all  directions  in 
process  of  time,  over  the  whole  world,  carried  with 
them  this  knowledge,  out  of  which  has  arisen  all  the 
various  ideas  of  supernatural  religion  which  nowpre- 
vail  over  the  globe,  but  distorted  and  foreign  to  the 
original  truth. 

We  have  said  above,  that  Shem,  the  son  of  Noah, 


became  God's  high-priest,  for  it  was  Shem  who  was 
the  real  Melchisedek,  the  righteous  king  of  Salem, 
who  is  spoken  of  by  Moses,  Gen.  xiv ;  by  David, 
Psalms  ex,  4,  and  by  St.  Paul,  Hebrews  vii,  1.  This 
man,  the  son  of  Noah,  Shem  by  7iame,  and  Melchise- 
dek by  appellation^  was,  of  all  men  who  have  lived 
since  the  flood,  the  best  qualified  to  instruct  the  peo- 
ple of  those  first  ages,  during  the  five  hundred  years 
of  his  life  after  the  flood.  As  he  was  born  more  than 
a  hundred  years  before  the  flood,  he  must  have 
acquired  a  vast  amount  of  antediluvian  knowledge, 
as  well  as  unbounded  influence  among  the  then 
young  tribes  and  nations,  of  that  part  of  the  world, 
after  the  flood.  He  could  tell  them  all  about  the  insti- 
tutions, arts,  agriculture,  commerce,  science,  and 
the  extent  of  the  antediluvian  population;  with  every 
particular  respecting  the  location  of  the  garden  of  para- 
dise, the  tree  of  life,  the  tree  of  knowledge,  the  creature 
cafled  the  serpent;  the  size  and  stature  of  Adam,  and 
of  men  in  general;  the  forerunners,  or  supernatural 
signs,  of  the  flood ;  the  opinions  of  the  people  about  it, 
and  respecting  his  father's  building  the  ark  ;  where 
the  ark  was  built,  and  what  course  it  was  borne  on 
the  waters  ;  the  circumstance  of  Enoch's  translation  ; 
what  the  promise  of  the  seed  of  the  woman  meant ; 
his  opinion  of  the  Messiah,  as  well  as  of  the  power 
which  caused  the  serpent  to  speak,  and  use  articulate 
sounds,  or  language;  and  whether  Adam,  as  Jewish 
tradition  relates,  prophesied  of  the  ruin  of  the  world 
by  water  first,  and  then  by  fire  at  last ;  with  thousands 
.  of  other  amazingly  interesting  matters. 

Shem,  or  Melchisedek,  over-lived  his  father  Noah 

FORTUNES,  OF    THE    N^GRO    RACE.  279 

one  hundred  and  fifty  years  ;  and  the  patriarch  Abra- 
ham, nearly  fifty;  and,  of  consequence,  was  acquaint- 
ed with  Isaac,  the  son  of  Abraham.  From  this  man 
all  the  patriarchs,  from  Arphaxad  down  to  Isaac,  com- 
prehending five  hundred  years,  received  a  knowl- 
edge of  the  true  God,  and  the  religion  of  Adam,  Seth, 
Enoch,  and  all  the  patriarchs  before  the  flood,  down 
to  Isaac,  from  whom  Jacob,  the  son  of  Isaac,  derived 
the  same,  and  transmitted  it  to  the  twelve  tribes  of 
the  Jews,  his  sons. 

Noah  was  acquainted,  and  was  contemporary,  with 
Abraham  sixty-four  years  before  he,  with  his  father, 
Terah,  left  the  country  of  Ur,  in  Chaldea,  east  of  the 
Euphrates,  and  went  to  Haran,  in  Canaan,  the  coun- 
try of  the  Hamites.  He  was  also  contemporary  with 
all  the  patriarchs  born  between  the  flood  and  the  time 
Abraham  was  sixty-four  years  old ;  which  was  ten 
generations.  He  was  contemporary  with  Arphaxad^ 
the  son  of  Shem,  and  his  family — with  iSalaA,  the  son 
of  Arphaxad,  and  his  family — with  Eber,  the  son  of 
Salah,  and  his  family — with  Peleg,  the  son  of  Eber, 
and  his  family — with  Reu,  the  son  of  Peleg,  and  his 
family — with  JSeriig,  the  son  of  Reu,  and  his  family — 
with  Nahor,  the  son  of  Serug,  and  his  family — with 
Terah,  the  son  of  Nahor,  and  his  family — with  Abror 
ham,  the  son  of  Terah,  and  his  family — before  his 
marriage  with  Sarah,  while  Katura,  the  first  wife  of 
Abraham,  was  alive,  and  probably  until  his  marriage 
with  his  last  wife,  Sarah.  Thus  Noah  reached  the 
sixty-fourth  year  of  Abraham's  life,  three  hundred 
and  fifty  years  after  the  flood. 

But  Shem  goes  <n  with  the  acquaintance  of  his 


house,  Japheth's  and  Ham's,  one  hundred  and  fifty 
years  further  down  the  course  of  time,  over-living 
Abraham,  and  reaching  to  nearly  fifty  years  of  the 
life  of  Isaac,  and  nearly,  or  quite,  down  to  the  birth  of 
Jacob  and  Esau ;  for  Isaac  was  married  to  Rebecca, 
ten  years  before  the  death  of  Shem,  or  Melchisedek. 
But,  says  one,  could  Noah  and  Shem  visit  so  many 
thousands  and  tens  of  thousands  of  their  progeny,  in 
order  to  become  acquainted  with  those  early  tribes  of 
men,  and  communicate  to  them  useful  knowledge, 
such  as  we  have  alluded  to  above  ?  The  answer  is, 
they  could  not,  nor  was  there  any  necessity  of  such 
a  thing;  as  there  was  a  much  easier  way,  and  this 
was,  that  all  the  patriarchs  of  those  ages,  and  their 
children,  would,  and  no  doubt  did,  out  of  love  and 
respect  to  Noah,  as  well  as  out  of  love  to  the  first 
altar  raised  to  the  worship  of  God,  where  his  voice 
had  been  heard  audibly,  blessing  Noah  and  his  house. 
Gen.  ix.  The  ark  and  this  altar,  as  well  as  the  per- 
son of  Noah,  'would,  and  no  doubt  did,  attract  some 
out  of  love,  and  thousands  out  of  curiosity,  to  visit  so 
noted  a  place,  and  so  great  a  man  as  was  Melchise- 
dek, the  priest  of  the  house  of  Noah,  and  the  first 
races  of  men  after  the  flood.  On  these  accounts,  there 
can  be  no  doubt  but  the  residence  of  Noah  was  the 
grand  resort  of  all. his  progeny,  except  Ham's,  during 
those  ages,  till  his  death  ;  and  of  caravan  after  cara- 
van from  every  direction,  consisting  of  camels,  drom^ 
edaries,  horses,  asses,  elephants  and  oxen,  laden  with 
riders,  food  for  themselves  on  the  way,  and  gifts  for 
Noah  and  the  altar,  over  which  the  princely  Shem 
presided,  as  the  high-priest  of  God.     But  Ham  and 


liis  p  •sterity  rebelled  against  the  religion  of  Noah 
and  Shern,  and  the  other  patriarchs,  under  the  rule 
of  the  tei-rible  Nimrod,  tlie  grandson  of  Ham  and 
son  of  Cush — rsimrod  being  the  black  king  of  Babel, 
who  was  the  first  sovereign  and  tyrant  of  the  age,  as 
well  as  the  abettor  of  idolatry.  On  this  account,  it 
is  not  likely  that  the  descendants  of  Ham,  nor  Ham 
himself,  would  visit  Noah,  as  they  remembered  the 
curse^  and  their  doom  to  servitude  to  be  accomplished 
sooner  or  later. 

In  accordance  with  this  conjecture,  founded  on 
Jewish  tradition,  namely,  that  Nimrod  headed  the 
great  rebellion  of  his  time  against  Noah  and  Shem's 
religion,  we  relate  the  following:  The  Hottentot  ne- 
groes of  Africa,  who,  as  contended  by  Barroios,  page 
281,  are  the  descendants  of  the  ancient  Egyptians, 
and  who  (see  Cook's  Voyages,  page  103)  refuse  to 
worship  the  greatest  of  the  gods,  whom  they  call 
Goun-ya  Taquoa^  or  the  God  of  gods,  because,  as 
they  allege,  he  cursed  their  parents  for  a  certain  very 
great  sin.  In  this  reason  of  theirs,  for  not  worship- 
ing that  great  God,  is  there  not  a  direct  and  plain  tra- 
ditionary allusion  to  the  curse  of  Noah,  and  in  that 
curse  the  decree  of  God  against  Ham  and  the  negro 
race,  which  took  place  in  the  affair  of  Ham's  seeing 
his  father  in  his  repose.  That  the  Hottentots  are  de- 
scended from  the  negroes  of  Egypt  and  Canaan,  is 
evident  from  their  great  veneration  of  a  certainly,  or 
hug,  which  is  of  a  bright  gold  color,  and  which  they 
worship  in  ecstasies  as  a  god.  Baalzabub,  or  a  certain 
^y,  of  old  Canaan,  was  worshiped  by  the  Canaan- 
is  t 


Peculiar  traits  of  religion,  like  the  one  just  noticed 
are  strong  evidences  of  the  lineage  of  a  people,  as  re- 
ligious impressions  and  usages  are  the  last  to  be  ob- 
literated of  any  other  human  impressions.  Thus  it 
is  evident,  that,  from  the  days  of  Nimrod,  tlie  great 
rebel  against  God  and  his  religion,  down  to  the  Hot- 
tentots, as  well  as  among  all  the  negro  tribes  of  Afri- 
ca, there  has  been  a  marked  opposition  to  the  virtuous 
religion  of  Noah,  m,ore  than  has  marked  the  opposi- 
tion of  all  the  other  nations  of  the  earth  put  together. 
And,  as  a  further  proof  that  Nimrod  alone,  wiih  his 
house,  family,  and  tribes,  were  the  projectors  and 
builders  of  Babel,  we  notice  that  Moses  says,  Gen.  x, 
10,  that  Babel,  with  other  cities,  was  the  beginning 
oi  his  kingdom.  If,  then,  5a/>e^  was  the  beginning 
of  Nimrod^s  kingdom,  ihen,  of  necessity,  it  was  noJ 
the  possession  nor  the  dwelling  of  either  the  other 
sons  of  Noah,  but  that  of  Nimrod  alone,  as  the  text 
reads.  According  to  the  reading  of  a  part  of  the 
eleventh  chapter  of  Genesis,  it  would  seem  that  all  the 
people  of  the  house  of  Noah  were  engaged  in  the 
project  and  building  of  Babel.  But  this  was  not  so, 
as  the  scheme  was  for  the  advancement  of  idolatry, 
a  scheme  in  which  Noah  and  Shem  could  have  had 
no  hand.  The  confusion  of  the  language,  therefore, 
was  confined  to  the  people  who  were  engaged  on  the 
tower,  and  to  none  else ;  the  house  of  Noah,  Shem, 
and  Japheth,  remaining,  as  to  this  matter,  as  they 
were  ;  and  even  the  negroes  may  have  easily,  after 
Uieir  dispersion,  have  recovered  their  mother  tongue, 
as  the  confusion  was  tniraculonSj  and  meant  only  to 
affect  their  speech  for  the  time  being-,  not  forming 


thereby  any  ricjc  languages;  which  is  evident  from 
the  fact  that  Abraham,  ihe  Hebrew,  some  hundreds 
of  years  after  this  occurrence,  had  no  difficuUy  in 
conversing  with  the  Egyptians,  one  branch  of  the 
house  oi  Ham,  at  tiie  time  he  and  his  wife  went  to 
Egypt,  on  account  of  the  famine  in  the  land  of  Ca- 
naan, of  which  we  have  before  spoken. 

This  people,  therefore,  in  the  time  of  Nimrod,  did 
not  visit  Noah,  as  by  this  means  they  would  have 
been  better  instructed;  it  was,  therefore,  the  policy  of 
Nimrod  and  his  coadjutors,  to  draw  a  line  of  separa- 
tion between  his  people  and  those  who  adhered  to  the 
religion  of  Noah.  The  tomb  of  Noah  is,  no  doubt, 
at  the  identical  spot  where  that^r^^  altar  was  erect- 
ed, and  where  his  wife  was  also  buried,  not  far  from 
the  foot  of  Mount  Ararat.  Nimrod,  as  is  stated  in  the 
book  of  Genesis,  was  a  leading  hunter,  and  above  all 
men  was  the  most  powerful,  fearing  no  wild  beast 
that  roamed  the  forest.  On  this  account,  no  doubt, 
it  was  that  he  derived  his  great  popularity  among  the 
people  of  his  race;  as  in  every  age,  especially  among 
semi-barbarians  and  savages,  the  gigantic  and  fierce 
have  become  the  objects  of  veneration,  and  of  deifi- 
cation after  death.  In  this  way,  Nimrod  became  the 
first  Hercules,  always  represented  as  being  clothed  in 
the  shaggy  skin  of  some  monster  he  had  slain,  as 
well  as  bearing  in  his  hand  an  enormous  club,  with 
which  he  slew  all  animals  that  came  in  his  way — 
[See  plate]. 

The  reader  may  desire  to  know  why  we  assume 
that  Shem  was  the  Melchisedek  of  the  Scriptures, 
and  the  man  who  blessed  Abraham  as  he  came  vie- 


torious  from  the  battle  with  the  kings  who  had  recon- 
quered the  Sodomites.  We  assume  it,  first,  because 
the  Jewish  Rabbi  say  that  he  was  Shem,  the  son  of 
Noah,  and  certainly  they  had  the  means  of  knowing. 
And,  second,  because  no  other  man  had  a  right  to  the 
priesthood  of  Noah's  house  but  Shem,  as  it  was  his 
by  birthright,  or  by  the  gift  of  God,  as  he  was  the  an- 
cestor of  Jesus  Christ,  according  to  the  flesh. 

During  the  five  hundred  years  of  Shem's  life,  after 
the  flood,  he,  no  doubt,  visited  all  the  settlements 
which  were  made  by  his  own  sons,  the  sons  of  Ham, 
as  well  as  those  of  Japheth,  giving  them  instruction 
in  religion,  the  arts,  agriculture,  astronomy,  geometry, 
letters,  and  arithmetic ;  as  all  these  were  known,  un- 
derstood, and  practiced,  before  the  flood ;  and  Shem 
was  born  more  than  a  hundred  years  before  that 
event.  He  had  time  to  visit  Mezarim  in  Egypt, 
Cush  in  Ethiopia  and  Asia,  Phut  in  Lybia,  and  Ca- 
naan in  old  Phoenicia,  or  the  Holy  Land.  He  had 
also  time  to  visit  the  earlier  settlements  of  Japheth, 
who  had  wandered  westward  in  Europe,  as  well  as 
far  north  of  Ararat,  and  to  communicate  to  the  white 
tribes  of  his  brother  the  same  great  things  he  had  to 
all  the  others. 

With  this  view  of  the  character  of  Melchisedek,  or 
Shem,  the  son  of  Noah,  it  is  no  wonder  that  St.  Paul, 
a  man  of  immense  literary  acquirements,  should  say 
as  he  did,  Hebrews  vii,  4 :  "  Now  consider  how  great 
this  man  was,  unto  whom  even  the  patriarch  Abra- 
ham gave  the  tenth  of  the  spoil ;"  calling  him  better 
than  Abraham,  in  point  of  eminence;  placing  him 
above  all  other  men  on  the  earth,  on  account  of  his 


wisdom,  goodness  and  great  age — for  at  the  time  he 
blessed  Abraham,  on  his  return  from  the  battle  with 
the  kings  of  Shinar,  he  was  five  hundred  and  fifty- 
two  years  old,  and  lived  after  that  ninety-eight  years. 

No  doubt,  therefore,  but  that  he  often  visited  the 
city  Seyons,  which  was  built  by  the  house  of  Ja- 
pheth  immediately  after  the  flood,  and  was  located 
north  of  ancient  Persia,  near  the  southern  end  of  the 
Caspian  Sea,  in  the  very  neighborhood  of  Mount  Ara- 
rat ;  and  was  doubtless  the  great  mart  of  trade  to  the 
first  settlements  of  the  children  of  Japheth,  along  the 
coasts  of  that  sea,  and  the  rivers  which  run  into  it. 
Javan,  the  same  whom  we  have  mentioned  in  con- 
junction with  Madi,  ancestors  of  the  Medes  and  Per- 
sians, both  sons  of  Japheth,  and  the  founders  of  the 
city  /Sei/otis,  which  was  built  two  hundred  and 
thirty-three  years  before  the  birth  of  Abraham,  and 
but  fifty-nine  years  after  the  flood. — Rollin,  vol.  ii, 
page  222. 

From  this  fact,  there  can  be  no  doubt  but  the  race 
of  Japheth,  were  the  builders  of  many  other  cities, 
towns  and  villages,  as  well  as  Seyons.  They  were 
the  builders  of  ancient  Troy,  in  Greece,  and  of  Gy- 
rene, in  African  Lyhia,  all  great  cities,  and  many  hun- 
dred miles  asunder  from  each  other. 

Here  we  see,  that  if  the  children  oi  Japheth  at 
that  early  period,  occupied  the  space  between  the  Cas- 
pian and  the  Black  Seas,  and  Greece  along  the  Med- 
iterranean, which  is  now  known  as  Turkey  in  Europe, 
how  great  an  empire  or  country  they  were  spread 
over,  by  which  we  perceive  the  hand  of  Providence 
in  their  greatness,  preparing  them  to  fulfill  the  things 


wliicli  were  Ibretold  by  Noah  ihey  were  to  accomplisli 
toward  the  races  of  Shem  and  Ham 

This  jSei/ofis,  fouinied  by  Javan^  o\.e  &i  the  sons 
of  Japheth,  was,  therefore^  the  first  and  eldest  city  ; 

of  mankind  after  the  flood  in  all  probabiUty,.  as  it 
stood   much   nearer  to  Ararat,  the   place  i/f  Noah's  |, 

dwelhnu  and  the  Ark,  than  did  the  cities  of  Ham, 
fL}rther  down  the  Euphrates,  in  the  country  of  Shiuar,  ; 

Babel  and  Babylon.  It  appears  that  wlute  men,  the 
descendants  of  Japheth,  actually,  in  the  very  first  ages,  i 

found  their  way  into  the  lieart  oi  Africa,  as  a  colony, 
and  built  the  city  of  Cyrene,  the  capital  of  negro 
Lybia. —  Watson^s  Historical  Dictionary,  p.  584. 
This  was  a  Grecian  colony.  If,  then,  the  Lybian 
negroes  were  indebted  to  white  men  for  the  origin  i 

of  their  capital  city  in  those  early  times,  how  much 
may  not  the  ancient  Egyptians  have  been  also  indebt- 
ed from  the  same  source  i 

Thus  we  are  prepared  to  notice  the  first  instance, 
on  the  page  of  history,  of  the  beginning  of  the  ac 
complislnnent  of  the  prophecy  of  Noah,  respecting  the 
rule  and  predominance  of  Japheth  over  the  races  oi 
Shem  and  Ham.  This  began  to  take  place,  as  noticed 
on  the  page  of  history,  on  a  great  scale,  not  till  about  ; 

twelve  hundred  years  at'ter  the  curse  of  Noah,  and 
about  the  same  length  of  time  B.  C.  1  his  we  derive 
from  Herodotus,  chapter  ii,  p.  254,  who  says  titat  the 
Greeks  in  the  time  of  Troy,  full  twelve  hundred 
years  before  the  time  of  Christ,  liad  black  slaves. 
Then  after  this,  it  is  seen  that  ihey  were  greatly  en- 
slaved by  the  Greeks,  in  the  times  o'  Philip,  of  Mac-  , 
edon  and  his  son,  Alexander  the  Grant. 


The  countries  Alexander  subjected  to  his  arms, 
was  the  old  Assyrian  empire,  who  were  of  the  race 
of  Shem,  settled  along  on  the  Euphrates,  sometimes 
called  Chaldea.  He  went  quite  to  Jerusalem,  south, 
and  even  to  Egypt.  He  also  made  war  upon,  and 
reduced  to  personal  slavery,  in  the  literal  sense  of  the 
word,  such  of  the  Canaanites,  as  had,  after  the  times 
of  David  and  Solomon,  taken  root  again  in  old  Pal- 
estine or  the  Holy  Land.  In  this  country  he  destroy- 
ed the  city  of  Tyre,  one  of  the  eldest  cities  of  ancient 
Phcenicia,  in  the  country  of  Canaan,  which  neither 
David  nor  Solomon  molested,  on  account  of  Hiram, 
its  king,  and  sold  the  people,  both  high  and  low  for 

At  that  time,  the  Jews  bought  thousands  of  the  ne- 
groes of  Tyre,  and  sold  them  again  to  the  iSabedns, 
a  people  of  Arabia,  as  was  foretold  should  take  place 
by  the  prophet  Joel,  This  people,  the  old  Canaanites 
or  citizens  of  Tyre,  and  its  country,  after  being  thus 
entirely  broken  up  and  sold  as  slaves,  multiplied 
greatly  in  the  Grecian  countries,  as  they  do  always 
in  all  countries  in  a  state  of  servitude,  but  were  ev- 
erywhere held  as  slaves  by  the  white  men  of  those 
times,  being  bought  and  sold  the  same  as  they  are 
now  in  the  southern  States. 

But  this  was  not  all ;  for  the  Romans,  who  were 
also  the  descendants  of  Japheth,  as  well  as  all  the  ■ 
Grecian  tribes  and  nations,  bought  and  sold  negroes, 
even  down  to  the  time  of  the  apostles,  and  for  many 
ages  after,  by  thousands  and  millions.  And  when 
the  Romans  were  swallowed  up  by  the  northern  na- 
tions, the  same  as  the  Romans  had  done  to  the  Greeks 


and  other  countries,  those  same  northern  hordes,  who 
were  the  descendants  of  Japheth,  continued  the  prac- 
tice of  enslaving  black  men,  all  these  revolutions  of 
countries,  states,  empires  and  kingdoms,  making  no 
difference  in  this  particular,  with  the  doomed  race. 
Such  as  the  Greeks  did  not  conquer  and  enslave,  the 
Romans  did;  for  it  was  they,  in  the  victories  of  Scip- 
io,  who  destroyed  the  vast  empire  of  butchering 
Carthage  in  Africa,  a  colony  at  first,  from  the  land  of 
negro  Canaan,  who,  under  Dido,  a  female,  about  the 
time  of  Ahab,  some  seven  hundred  years  B.  C, 
pitched  their  tents  on  the  African  side  of  the  Medi- 

Of  the  millions  of  this  confused  empire,  hundreds 
of  thousands  were  sold,  the  descendants  of  whom 
were  held  in  perpetual  bondage,  as  personal  slaves, 
during  the  existence  of  the  Roman  government.  And 
after  that  event,  the  fall  of  the  Roman  empire  by  the 
sword  of  the  northern  nations,  who  were  also  the  de- 
scendants of  Japheth,  except  the  Huns,  the  negroes 
of  Carthage,  as  well  as  all  the  race,  who  had  been 
enslaved  by  Greek  or  Roman,  still,  in  their  posterity, 
remained  slaves  among  the  mingled  tribes,  revolu- 
tions, convulsions  and  the  overturn  of  empires,  ma- 
king no  difference  with  their  fate. 

After  this  the  Turks,  who  are  the  descendants  of 
/apAe^A,  conquered  all  the  regions  of  the  east,  includ- 
ed in  Asia  Minor,  as  Judea,  and  the  rest  of  old  Ca- 
naan, Persia,  Syria,  Armenia,  &c.;  so  that  the  negro 
race,  who  yet  remained  in  their  ancient  country,  were 
still  further  reduced  to  personal  slavery  till  none  were 
left  free, — Neioton  on  the  Prophecies,  page  18      But 


the  subject  of  the  fulfillment  of  Noah's  prophecy,  or 
the  decree  of  God,  respecting  the  slavery  of  the  race 
of  Ham  by  Japheth,  or  the  white  race,  stops  not  here ; 
for  all  the  nations  of  Europe  and  Asia  Minor,  from 
the  days  of  Alexander  the  Great,  more  or  less,  have 
sought  after  the  negro  for  a  slave,  even  in  their  na- 
tive haunts,  in  Africa  and  the  islands. 

America,  too,  has  done  this  in  both  hemispheres, 
ever  since  its  discovery  by  Columbus,  so  that  the 
race  of  Japheth,  though  dwelling  on  the  utmost 
bounds  of  the  earth,  and  divided  by  seas  and  oceans, 
have,  under  the  direction  of  the  providence  of  the  God 
who  decreed  the  negroes'  enslavement  by  the  whites 
of  Japheth's  race,  fulfilled  that  decree.  Thus  we 
see  that  no  decree  of  God  falls  to  the  ground,  and 
never  will,  as  we  have  said  at  the  beginning  of 
the  section,  though  God  had  reserved  the  latter  ages 
of  the  earth  to  carry  it  into  effect.  That  this  is  so, 
let  no  man  glory  or  rejoice,  lest  he  be  found  glorying 
in  the  judgments  of  the  Creator,  which,  as  saith  the 
Scripture,  are  his  strange  work,  and  thus  seem  to 
take  upon  himself  the  awful  responsibilities  of  award- 
ing to  nations  and  individuals  judgments  which  are 
above  us. 

Let  him,  therefore,  who  shall  enslave  any  of  the 
negro  race,  do  it  with  reverence,  as  it  was  God  who 
has  made  the  white  man  to  diflfer  from  the  black, 
and  appointed  the  destinies,  as  well  as  the  bounds 
of  our  habitations,  and  permitted,  in  the  latter  ages 
of  the  earth,  the  children  of  Japheth  to  enslave  the 
people  of  Ham,  as  well  as  he  did  the  descendants  of 
Shem  in  the  first  ages,  both  cases  being  necessary  to 


the  veracity  of  the  Scriptures  on  that  identical  sub- 
ject. What  society  of  men,  or  combination  of  indi- 
viduals, therefore,  can  turn  aside  or  abohsh  the  steady 
and  determined  course  of  God's  will!  for  we  have 
every  where  held  in  this  work,  that  the  subjugation 
of  the  race  to  servitude  was  judicial,  and  not  fortui- 
tous, but  was  secured  in  the  very  formation  of  their 
bodies,  brains,  mental  powers,  moral  character  of 
their  passions  and  color  of  their  skin,  as  well  as  by 
a  written  decree,  and  will  be  judged  at  the  last  day 
according  to  what  they  have  received,  and  not  ac- 
cording to  that  which  they  have  7iot  received.  But 
notwithstanding  the  absolute  importance  that  all  the 
prophecies  of  Scripture  should  be  as  much 
as  another,  yet  abolitionists,  in  their  furious  zeal  for 
the  cause  of  the  negro  race,  make  very  light  of  the 
curse  of  Noah,  in  the  particular  of  the  negro's  desti- 
ny, and  of  that  part  of  the  law  of  Moses,  which  re- 
lates to  the  same  thing,  treating  them  as  of  very 
uncertain  application,  as  well  as  of  very  little  force 
at  the  present  time,  merely  on  account  of  their  very 
great  antiquity. 

To  prove  that  this  is  true  respecting  them,  as  we 
suppose  them  to  be  unanimous  in  their  published 
opinions  on  the  subject,  we  shall  quote  a  few  remarks 
from  one  of  their  news  prints,  entitled,  "  The  Friend 
of  Ma7i,"  published  at  Utica,  Jan.  15,  1839,  under 
the  head — "  The  Facts  of  Slavery  as  they  Are,"  as 
follows:  "Remember  (says  the  writer),  we  are  now 
inquiring  after  facts,  not  theories :  the  facts  of  our 
own  age  and  nation,  not  those  of  a  dim  antiquity,  or 
of  a  distant  region.     We  bring  into  the  court  (m'^n- 


ing  before  the  public)  the  facts  belonging  to  this  trial, 
not  the  facts  of  a  cause  that  was  tried,  and  decided 
and  awarded,  two  or  three  thousand  years  ago." 
From  the  above  quotation  of  abolitionist  effusions,  is 
it  not  certain  that  the  writer  of  the  above  remarks, 
in  order  to  turn  aside  the  force  of  the  Bible,  on  the 
subject  of  negro  slavery  therein  recognized,  has  aim- 
ed a  deadly  shaft  from  the  quiver  of  his  reckless  im- 
agination, at  the  sacred  and  venerated  institutions  of 
Moses,  b}'"  the  insidious  words  ^Hwo  or  three  thousand 
years  ago;  and  another  at  the  decree  of  God,  set 
forth  by  Noah,  in  the  phrase  '■^dim  antiquity"  The 
whole  of  the  article,  as  above,  was  intended  as  a  slur 
upon  such  as  resort  to  the  Scripture  to  prove  that  the 
servitude  of  the  negro  race  is  therein  allowed  and 

To  the  perception  of  the  writer  of  this  work,  the 
author  of  the  ^^dim  antiquity'''  idea  might  as  well 
have  written,  that  "although  Noah  did  pronounce 
the  will  and  decree  of  God,  in  placing  the  race  of  his 
son  Ham  under  the  ban  of  servitude  to  the  races  of 
both  his  other  sons,  Shem  and  Japheth,  that  it  is  now^ 
in  these  enlightened  times,  entirely  antiquated;  as 
that  was  but  a  transaction  of  '  dim  ant'iquity T''  Sup- 
pose we  were  to  apply  this  mode  of  comment  to  some 
other  subjects  of  Scripture — say,  for  instance,  to  the 
promise  of  the  Messiah  made  to  Eve  at  the  time  when 
she  had  fallen  from  her  innocence,  by  tampering  with 
the  devil  in  the  disguise  of  a  serpent,  Gen.  iii,  15, 
called,  in  that  place,  the  seed  of  the  woman,  which  is 
\he  first  and  eldest  promise,  as  well  as  prophecy,  rel- 
ative to  that  character,  which  is  found  in  the  Bible, 


and  should  say  respecting  it — Oh,  it  is  too  far  back 
in  time  to  be  allowed  any  influence  now-a-days,  as 
it  is  but  a  saying  of  "ditn  antiquity"  and  cannot, 
therefore,  apply  to  these  times  off  acts,  superior  knowl- 
edge and  light !  And  were  we  to  apply  this  method 
of  comment  to  the  ten  commandments  of  the  deca- 
logue, which  are  of  the  same  date  with  the  grant  of 
Moses  (Levit.xxv)  to  the  Hebrews,  to  buy  and  enslave 
the  negroes  of  Canaan,  and  should  insinuate  that 
they,  too,  are  but  some  words  spoken  two  or  three 
thousand  years  ago,  and  on  that  account  had  lost 
their  obligatory  force,  we  should  be  ranked  with  those 
who  can  abuse  and  pervert  the  Scriptures  to  suit  the 
times  and  purposes  of  wicked  and  foolish  men. 

Yes,  so  hardened,  bold  and  impudent  have  many 
of  the  members  of  that  fearful  combination,  the  abo- 
lition society  grown,  that  they  disallow  that  the  Holy 
Ghost  inspired  Noah  at  all,  at  the  time  he  pronounced 
the  doom  of  slavery  upon  the  race  of  Ham,  because 
they  say  it  is  preposterous  to  believe  that  God  would 
commune  with  such  a  man  as  Noah,  when  he  had 
but  just  awaked  from  a  sleep  of  drunken  inebriation. 
But  the  reader  will  remember  our  vindication  of  No- 
ah's character  on  that  occasion,  in  a  former  page,  and 
should  never  forget,  that,  notwithstanding  this  slander 
of  abolitionists  upon  that  holy  man,  for  whose  right- 
eousness the  ark  was  commanded  to  be  built,  and 
mankind  preserved  in  it,  the  Almighty  has  seen  fit 
to  fulfill  and  carry  out,  in  facts,  every  iota  of  that 
decree  as  then  announced,  not  only  as  it  relates  to 
Ham  and  his  people  but  also  to  Shem  and  Japheth. 

To  discourage  a  belief  in  the  minds  of  the  people 


that  the  Holy  Scriptures  justify  the  servitude  of  the 
negro  race,  writers  and  lecturers  of  the  above  descrip- 
tion have  sacrilegiously  dared  to  lay  violent  hands 
on  a  high  and  venerated  circumstance  of  the  Bible, 
namely,  that  of  its  antiquity ;  as  if  a  subject  and 
doctrine,  which  has  become  aged,  is,  therefore,  of  no 
more  influence  ;  and  in  this  way  they  endeavor  to  dis- 
arm those  particular  passages  of  the  sacred  Word, 
which  relate  to  this  subject,  and  thus  open  the  door 
for  infidels  to  laugh  at  Christianity  and  its  adherents, 
because  they  refuse  to  receive  only  such  portions  of 
the  precepts  of  that  Book  as  suit  their  interested  opin- 
ions, instead  of  the  whole.  But  this  kind  of  insinua- 
tion against  those  who  believe  the  Bible  justifies  ne- 
gro servitude,  is  equally  against  St.  Paul,  as  well  as 
the  prophets,  on  that  subject ;  for  if  we  find  that 
great  judge  of  both  law  and  gospel,  sustaining  Mo- 
ses and  the  Jews  in  this  thing,  he,  too,  as  well  as 
those  who  were  before  him,  who  believed  as  he 
seems  to  have  believed  on  this  subject,  must  be  con- 
demned as  sinners  by  abolitionists  ;  for,  be  it  known, 
that  they  would  rather  stamp  the  Bible  into  the  mire 
of  the  earti ',  than  to  receive  that  opinion,  so  high  have 
they  set  their  dogmatizing  feelings  above  all  that  is 
sacred  and  true. 

A  specimen  of  the  recklessness  of  the  spirit  of  abo- 
litionism, is  seen  like  tissue  spinning  from  some  open- 
ing crevice  in  the  earth,  which  covers  a  subterranean 
lake  of  fire,  in  the  speech  of  Mr.  G.  Bradburn,  of 
Massachusetts,  in  the  great  London  Abolition  Conven- 
tion, as  follows:  "But  then  it  was  said,  that  slavery 
was  advocated  and  enforced  in  the  Bible.    Now,  if  it 


were  so,  with  all  the  veneration  he  had  for  that  holy 
Book,  if  it  were  shown  to  him  that  it  sanctioned  the 
traffic  in  human  flesh,  he  would  throw  it  from  him, 
and  learn  again  his  religion  and  philosophy  from  the 
flowers  of  the  fields." — Pennsylvania  Freeman,  No. 
204,  August  6,  1840.  From  this  it  is  clear,  that  the 
Bible  is  of  no  account  with  this  society,  if  it  happens 
not  to  coincide  with  the  course  of  abolitionism. 

But,  says  one,  does  St.  Paul,  in  his  writings  of  the 
New  Testament,  anywhere  seem  to  sanction  the  en- 
slaving of  black  men?  We  will  hear  what  he  has 
said,  and  then  judge.  See  1  Cor.  xx,  21,  where  both 
the  fact  of  negro  slavery  and  its  legal  righteousness 
are  as  plainly,  though  incidentally,  stated,  as  it  is 
in  G  'n.  ix,  25,  Levit.  xxv,  44-46,  or  any  other  doc- 
trine of  the  Scriptures,  elsewhere.  In  the  aVve 
scripture,  St.  Paul,  in  making  some  remarks  on  the 
condition  of  the  different  classes  of  men,  who  were 
converted  to  Christianity  under  his  as  well  as  the 
preaching  of  the  other  ministers  of  the  gospel,  says, 
that  on  account  of  their  being  converted  to  the  faith 
of  Christ,  no  man  was  to  forsake  his  business  or  call- 
ing, but  was  to  remain  as  he  was,  in  such  a  particu- 
lar; showing,  thereby,  that  Christianity  did  not  con- 
template the  breaking  up  of  the  civil  relations  of  the 
country,  even  as  they  were  then  in  operation  among 
the  people.  To  make  this  point  clear,  he  seizes  upon 
an  ext'^eme  case  of  human  calling,  which  was  that 
oi  slavery ^  and  urges  that  such  a  one  was  to  expect 
no  change  in  his  temporal  affairs,  on  account  of  his 
faith  in  Christ.  With  a  view  to  impress  this  very 
principle  on  the  minds  of  all  men  in  that  age,  he 



says,  in  the  above  cited  chapter  of  1  Cor.:  "Let 
every  man  abide  in  the  same  calHng  [or  business] 
wherein  he  was  called  [or  converted].  Art  thou  call- 
ed, being  a  servant  [or  slave],  care  not  for  it ;  but  if 
thou  mayest  be  made  free  [personally],  use  it  rather. 
For  he  that  is  called,  being  a  servant  [or  slave],  is  the 
Lord's  free  man."  That  the  character  here  referred 
to  by  St.  Paul,  was  an  absolute  slave  or  bondman,  is 
made  clear  by  the  words  "  if  thou  mayest  he  made 
free^''  as  such  language  could  refer  to  no  other  than 
to  slaves,  as  all  others  were  politically  free. 

On  the  alcove  statements  of  St.  Paul,  Adam  Clarke 
has  written  as  follows,  though  an  abolitionist  of  a 
most  determined  character :  "Art  thou  converted  to 
Christ  while  thou  art  a  slave,  the  property  of  another 
person,  and  bought  [not  hired]  with  his  money, 'care 
not  for  it^  this  will  not  injure  thy  Christian  condi- 
tion ;  but  if  thou  canst  obtain  thy  liberty,  ^use  it 
rather'' — prefer  such  a  state  for  the  sake  of  freedom, 
and  the  temporal  advantage  connected  with  it.  The 
man  who,  being  a  slave,  and  is  converted  to  the  Chris- 
tian faith,  is  the  Lord's  free  man — his  condition  as 
a  slave  does  not  vitiate  any  of  the  privileges  to  which 
he  is  entitled  as  a  Christian.  It  is  likely  that  some 
of  the  slaves  at  Corinth,  who  had  been  converted  to 
Christianity,  had  been  led  to  suppose  that  their  Chris- 
tian privileges  absolved  them  from  the  necessity  of 
continuing  slaves,  or  at  least  brought  them  on  a  level 
with  their  Christian  masters.  A  spirit  of  this  kind 
might  have  led  to  confusion,  and  to  insubordination, 
and  brought  a  just  scandal  upon  the  church.  It 
was,  therefore,  a  very  proper  subject  for  tlie  apostle 


to  interfere  in,  and  to  his  authority  the  persons  con- 
cerned would,  doubtless,  respectfully  bow." 

At  this  point,  we  wish  to  draw  a  certain  conclusion, 
which  is  afforded  in  the  above  passages  in  the  text 
of  St.  Paul,  and  this  is  it :  If  the  conversion  of  the 
soul  of  a  slave  to  God,  through  faith  in  Jesus  Christ, 
did  not,  and  could  not,  release  him  from  personal  slav- 
ery, in  St.  Paul's  time,  how  much  less,  therefore, 
could  the  mere  circumcision  of  a  negro's  foreskin,  in 
the  times  of  the  Jews,  which  was  no  conversion  of 
the  soul,  absolve  such  an  one  from  a  condition  of 
slavery  and  servitude.  For  a  bondman  to  become 
circumcised,  say  the  defenders  of  abolitionism,  under 
the  laws  of  Moses,  made  him  a  member  of  the  He- 
brew church  or  nation,  on  which  account,  they  con 
tend  that  at  the  jubilees  all  such  bondmen  went  free, 
the  same  as  did  all  other  Hebrew  servants.  But  the 
above  statements  of  St.  Paul,  cut  off  all  probability 
of  any  such  thing  in  their  favor,  under  the  Jewish 
law ;  for  if  the  conversion  of  the  soul  could  not  as- 
sist in  such  a  case,  under  the  auspices  of  Christianity, 
how  could  a  mere  cut  in  the  flesh  of  the  foreskin  of 
a  negro  Canaanite  aid  him  in  a  release  from  slavery, 
and  exalt  him  to  freedom  without  a  direct  and  express 
law  on  the  subject?  there  was  no  such  law  in  their 
favor  in  the  Mosaic  code,  but  there  was  one  to  the 

We  cannot  well  pass  on  in  the  subject  till  we  have 
referred  the  reader  to  one  or  two  very  singular  re- 
marks of  Adam  Clarke,  in  the  above  comment  of  his, 
on  the  subject  of  personal  slavery,  seeing  he  was  an 
abolitionist:  "It  is  likely  (he  says)  that  some  of  the 

t?'ORTUNt;s,  OF  THE   NEGRO   RACE.  297 

-slaves  at  Corinth,  who  had  been  converted  to  Christ- 
ianity, had  been  led  to  suppose  that  their  Christian 
character  absolved  them  from  slavery.  A  spirit  of 
this  kind  (says  Clarke)  might  have  led  to  confusion 
and  to  insubordination^  and  brought  a  just  scandal 
on  the  church."  How  different  is  this  language  of 
the  wisest  man  of  these  later  ages,  from  the  lan- 
guage of  the  abolitionists  of  the  present  time,  who, 
m  the  most  dauntless  braggadocia  and  fierce  manner, 
condemn  to  the  flames  of  an  eternal  hell  all  such  men 
as  own  negro  slaves — who  defy  all  the  powers  of 
government  and  teach  the  doctrine,  that,  on  account 
of^  any  possible  results,  whether  murder,  insurrection, 
a  division  of  the  Union,  insubordination,  good  order, 
civil  war  or  loss  of  our  country,  are  no  reasons  against 
nor  matters  of  any  moment,  when  compared  with  the 
inestimable  liberty  of  negro  men  in  this  country ! 
But  so  did  not  Adam  Clarke  believe  nor  teach,  neith- 
er did  St,  Paul,  as  they  had  respect  to  the  established 
order  of  things,  and  did  not  wish  to  encourage  insur- 
rection, murder  and  disorganization,  as  do  abolition- 
ists in  their  ultra  doctrines. 

But  the  above  quotation,  from  St.  Paul's  writings 
in  the  New  Testament,  on  this  particular  subject,  is 
not  all  that  he  has  said ;  see  Ephesians  vi,  5,  as  fol- 
lows: "Servants  [that  is  slaves]  be  obedient  to  them 
that  are  your  masters,  according  to  the  Jlesh,  with  fear 
and  trembling,  in  singleness  of  heart,  as  unto  Christ." 
This  is  a  most  remarkable  statement,  as  it  recognizes 
the  doctrine  of  negro  slavery,  the  master  as  well  as 
the  slave,  a  state  of  surveillance  and  lowly  submis- 
sion to  such  masters,  and  enjoining  obedience  to  b« 


paid,  even  to  trembling  and  fear^  with  absolute  sit 
gleness  of  heart,  as  unto  Christ. 

This  language  and  doctrine  is  very  different  from 
that  of  the  abolitionists  of  the  present  time,  who  say 
that  a  negro  slave  does  right,  in  order  to  get  away 
from  his  master,  to  steal  his  master's  horse,  his  money, 
or  any  thing-  else,  or  to  steal  trom  others  on  the  road, 
any  thing  to  aid  his  flight  for  liberty.  On  this  sub- 
ject, who  now  is  wrong,  St.  Paul,  the  Holy  Ghost, 
Adam  Clarke,  or  the  abolitionists  of  America  and 
elsewhere,  who  have  mighty  deeds  yet  to  achieve  in 
the  line  of  politics,  bottomed  on  their  negro  sympa- 

That  the  servants  alluded  to  by  St.  Paul,  in  the 
verse  above  quoted,  referred  to  bondmen  or  absolute 
slaves,  is  clear,  from  the  eighth  verse  of  the  same, 
Eph.  vi,  8,  which  reads  as  follows:  "Knowing  that 
whatsoever  good  thing  any  man  doeth,  the  same 
shall  he  receive  of  the  Lord,  whether  he  be  bond  or 
free^  On  this  verse  Dr.  Clarke  says,  that  the  word 
bond,  therein  used,  means  a  slave^  or  one  bought  with 

Agaiii,  ill  his  letter  to  a  Grecian  convert  to  Chris- 
tianity, whose  name  was  Philemon,  a  citizen  of  Col- 
osse,  a  white  man,  as  the  Greeks  were  white,  he 
wrote  respecting  a  slave  who  had  run  away  from 
Philemon  and  had  come  to  Rome,  where  Paul  then 
was.  This  slave's  name  was  Onessimus,  who,  for 
some  reason  or  other,  had  run  away,  and,  happening 
to  hear  the  great  orator  St.  Paul  preach,  became  a 
convert  to  his  principles,  respecting  Christianity  and 
its  author. 

FORTUNES,   OF    THE    Nw^:UKO    RACE.  299 

In  that  letter  to  the  slave's  master,  at  verses  10, 
11  and  12,  he  says,  "I  beseech  [not  command]  thee 
for  my  son  Onessimus,  whom  I  have  begotten  [in  the 
faith]  in  my  bonds,  who,  in  times  past,  was  to  thee 
unprofitable  [that  is,  he  had  been  a  bad  slave],  but 
now  profitable  to  thee  and  to  me:  whom  I  have  sent 
again,  thou,  therefore,  receive  him  that  is  my  own 

On  the  words,  as  above  used  by  St.  Paul,  ^'•whom 
T have  sent  ngahiP  Dr.  Clarke  says,  the  Christian 
soligion  never  cancels  any  civil  relations:  a  slave  on 
being  converted  and  becoming  a  free  man  in  Christ, 
has  no  right  to  claim,  on  that  account,  emancipation 
from  the  service  of  his  maater.  Justice,  therefore, 
required  St.  Paul  to  send  Onessimus  back  to  his 
master.  He  further  says  on  this  case,  "there  is  no 
reason  to  believe  that  Onessimus  was  of  the  kindred 
of  Philemon,  and  that  we  must  take  the  term  Jlesh, 
as  used  in  the  sixteenth  verse  of  that  letter  as  a  refer- 
ence, made  by  Paul,  to  the  purchase  right  Philemon 
had  in  Onessimus;  he  was  a  part  of  his  property  as 
a  slave :"  this  was  his  condition. 

Slavery  is  a  civil  regulation  in  this  country,  which 
abolitionists  are  aiming  to  overthrow  by  applying 
the  Scripture  principle  of  benevolence.  But  as  St. 
Paul  has  not  thus  attacked  slavery,  who  are  theso 
that  take  it  upon  them  to  do  this,  in  the  face  of  the 
Christian  religion  and  the  laws  of  the  Union? 

From  the  facts  of  the  case  of  this  slave,  it  is  self- 
evident,  that  his  being  sent  back  to  his  master  again, 
was  owing  to  the  influence  of  the  Christian  religion; 
as,  under  its  sanction,  neither  the  convert  nor  the 



minister  could,  therefore,  for  a  moment  withhold  the 
claims  of  justice  in  this  particular. 

Oh,  but,  says  a  wide  awake  abolitionist,  to  be  sure 
the  Christian  religion  allows  of  no  injustice,  and  on 
that  very  account  that  slave  should  have  been  set 
free,  as  there  is  no  greater  injustice  this  side  of  the 
grave  than  to  enslave  a  negro  man.  St.  Paul,  how- 
ever, has  seen  fit  to  judge  differently,  and  has  given 
a  verdict  in  favor  of  the  master.  Had  St.  Paul  have 
viewed  the  case,  as  an  abolitionist  would  have  view- 
ed it,  he  would  not  have  sent  the  man  again  to  his 
master,  he  would  have  told  him  to  remain  free  where 
he  was,  or  to  go  whither  he  would.  But  as  a  judge 
in  the  house  of  God,  he  exerted  his  authority  in  the 
case,  and  sent  the  slave  again  to  his  owner,  on  pure- 
ly moral  principles,  and  no  other,  or  he  would  not 
have  meddled  with  it  at  all,  as  indeed  he  had  no  right 
on  any  other  ground.  But  some  contend,  and  have 
even  determined,  that,  because  St.  Paul  said,  at  the 
sixteenth  verse  of  his  letter  to  Philemon,  that  when 
Onessimus  the  slave  should  arrive  at  the  house  of 
his  owner,  his  master  was  not  to  receive  him  as  a 
servant,  '■'■hut  above  a  servant,  a  brother  beloved" — 
that  he  was,  therefore,  manumitted,  by  the  authority 
of  the  apostle,  and  from  this,  they  claim  that  slav- 
ery was  thus  abolished  forever  out  of  the  Christian 

But  such  a  conclusion  will  not  answer,  as  it  is  not 
responded  to  by  other  passsages  on  the  same  sub- 
ject— and,  besides,  the  entire  contrary  appears  from 
the  same  apostle's  writings.  The  slave  Onessimus, 
had  become  a  Christian,  and,  in  this  particular,  he 


was  exalted  to  an  equality  with  his  master,  if  that 
master  was,  in  fact,  a  Christian  at  heart,  as  God  is 
no  respecter  of  the  souls  of  men,  giving  grace  to  all 
alike,  when  he  is  sought  unto,  by  black  or  white. 
This  fact  had  elevated  that  slave  far  above  his  form- 
er character  as  a  sinner,  and  a  very  bad  and  unprof- 
itable slave,  as  Paul  says  he  had  been ;  yet,  his  tewr 
poral  condition  remained  unchanged,  the  same  as 

On  that  verse,  the  sixteenth,  in  virtue  of  which 
some  men  claim  the  abolishment  of  slavery  by  the 
authority  of  Christianity,  Dr.  Clarke  remarks,  that 
St.  Paul  said  as  much,  and  no  more,  than  to  say  to 
Philemon :  "Do  not  receive  Onessimus  merely  as  a 
slave,  nor  treat  him  according  to  that  condition,  as 
before  times,  but  as  a  brother,  a  genuine  Christian, 
and  as  a  person  particularly  dear  to  Paul."  In  all  this, 
Adam  Clarke,  though  an  abolitionist,  could  see  no 
release  of  this  man  from  his  temporal  bondage,  from 
anything  that  appears  in  the  text. 

That  St.  Paul  sanctioned  any  such  doctrine,  as  the 
manumitting  of  bond  slaves,  because  they  happened 
to  become  converted,  does  not  appear,  while  the  con- 
trary is  abundant,  which  we  are  able  further  to  pro- 
duce, from  the  text  of  the  New  Testament,  and 
of  Paul's  own  writings.  See  Timothy  vi,  1 — 4: 
"Let  as  many  servants  as  are  under  the  yoke,  count 
their  masters  worthy  of  all  honor,  that  the  name  of 
God  be  not  blasphemed.  And  they  that  have  believ- 
ing masters,  let  them  not  despise  them,  but  rather  do 
service,  because  they  are  faithful  and  beloved  partak- 
ers of  the  benefits:  these  things  teach  and  exhort. 


If  any  man  teach  otherwise,  and  consent  not  to  whole- 
some words,  even  the  words  of  onr  Lord  Jesns  Christ 
and  the  doctrine,  which  is  according  to  Godhness,  he 
is  proud,  knowing  nothing,  but  doting  about  ques 
tions  and  strife  of  words." 

On  the  subject  of  this  i^art^  St.  Paul's  remarks  in 
that  letter  to  Timothy,  Adam  Clarke  says,  that  the 
word  servant^  in  that  place,  signifies  slave^  and  the 
word  yoke,  the  state  of  slavery  or  bondage.  From 
this,  we  prove  the  real  existence  of  slavery  in  the 
Christian  church,  in  the  very  time  of  its  organizers 
and  founders,  and,  had  it  been  any  where  abolished, 
that  critic  of  critics,  Adam  Clarke,  would  have  found 
it  out,  and  would  have  marked  the  place  in  the  most 
pointed  manner ;  but  it  is  not  to  be  found  in  the 
whole  Bible,  which  we  shall  further  show  in  due 

In  the  above  cited  chapter,  6lh  of  Timothy,  at  the 
3d  verse,  there  are  found  some  very  remarkable  allu- 
sions to  the  subject  of  slavery,  which  we  cannot  pass 
over,  and  are  as  follows:  "If  any  man  (says  St.  Paul) 
teach  otherwise,  and  consents  not  to  wholesome 
words,  even  to  the  words  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ.. 
and  the  doctrine  which  is  accoixling  to  godliness,  he 
is  proud  [ignorant],  knowing  nothing."  Now  to  what 
words  of  Jesus  Christ  does  St.  Paul  allude,  which 
he  applies  to  the  ease  of  slaves?  See  John  viii,  35, 
36.  "And  the  servant  abideth  not  in  the  house  for- 
ever, but  the  son  abideth  ever.  If  the  son,  therefore, 
shall  make  you  free,  ye  shall  be  free  indeed."  In 
these  two  verses  of  the  Gospel  by  St.  John,  there  is 
B manifest  allusion  to  ihe  fact  and  condition  of  slaves. 

{    ; 


Of  this  fact,  the  Savior  took  occasion  to  illustrate^  by 
way  of  similitude,  the  condition  of  a  wicked  man, 
who  is  the  slave  of  sin,  and  to  show  that  as  a  son, 
who  was  the  heir  in  a  house,  could  set  a  bond  slave 
free,  if  that  son  was  of  the  proper  age.  So,  he,  the 
Son  of  God,  can  set  the  enslaved  soul  free  from  sin, 
when  he  would  be  free  indeed. 

In  this  allusion  of  the  Savior,  we  do  not  find  the 
fact  of  slavery  reproved,  but  merely  alluded  to,  as  a 
thing  or  a  usage  then  existing,  and,  therefore,  recog- 
nized as  a  practice,  not  in  itself  sinful,  if  practiced 
right  and  mercifully.  If  this  sentiment  is  not  correct, 
we  are  at  a  sad  loss  to  justify  the  Savior's  allusion 
to  a  circumstance  so  wicked,  as  abolitionists  believe 
it  is,  without  reproving  it.  On  these  very  remark- 
able words  of  our  Savior,  and  St.  Paul's  allusion  to 
them,  Adam  Clarke  has  written  the  following:  "Now 
the  slave  abideth  not  in  the  family,  as  if  Jesus  had 
said :  and  now  that  I  aii;i  speaking  of  slaves,  I  will 
add  one  thing  more,  viz  :  a  slave  has  no  right  to  any 
part  of  the  inheritance  in  the  family  to  which  he  be- 
longs, but  the  son,  the  legitimate  son,  has  a  right:  he 
can  make  any  servant  free,  though  no  slave  can  do 
this,  because,  we  will  add,  one  piece  of  property  can 
not  assist  another  piece  of  property,  as  they  are  le- 
gally powerless." 

It  is  very  likely,  that,  in  the  time  of  St.  Paul,  there 
was  agitated  the  question  of  manumitting  slaves, 
and  that  it  occasioned  trouble  and  unfriendly  surmis- 
ings,  as  to  the  designs  of  the  new  religion — the 
Gospel.  Paul,  therefore,  came  out  in  severe  terms 
against  all  such    accusing  them  of   doting   about 



questions,  and  strife  of  words,  and  of  being  proud, 
or  ignorant,  knowing  nothing.  As  much  as  if  he  had 
said,  you  are  ignorant  of  the  determination  of  God 
from  the  beginning,  on  this  very  subject,  even  in  the 
times  of  Noah,  Moses  and  the  prophets;  read,  and 
you  will  learn  that  the  race  of  Ham  are  judicially 
placed  under  the  ban  of  servitude.  On  this  very 
subject,  and  this  passage  of  St.  Paul,  Dr.  Clarke  has 
written  thus:  "It  appears  that  there  were  teachers  of 
a  diiferent  kind  in  the  church  at  that  time,  a  sort  of 
religious  levelers,  who  preached  that  the  converted 
slave  had  as  much  right  to  the  master's  service  as 
the  master  had  to  his.  Teachers  of  this  kind  have 
been  in  vogue,  long  since  the  days  of  St.  Paul  and 

This  is  a  true  statement;  for,  if  Adam  Clarke  were 
now  alive,  he  would  find  thousands  of  just  such 
levelers  in  America  and  England,  who  declare  that 
the  Scriptures  make  no  dif^rence  between  the  inter- 
ests of  slaves  and  the  interests  of  their  masters.  To 
prove  this,  we  refer  the  reader  to  an  abolitionist  pam- 
phlet entitled  "  The  Bible  against  Slavery,^'  No.  6, 
p.  25,  1838,  where  the  writer  labors  hard  to  show 
that  the  Mosaic  system  of  law  made  no  difference 
between  the  master  and  the  slave,  in  relation  to  their 
natural  freedom,  or  optional  powers,  avowing  that 
the  Mosaic  system  was  framed  as  much  to  advance 
the  interest,  and  gratify  the  wishes  of  servants,  as  it 
was  their  masters.  This  statement  of  theirs,  as  above, 
is  not  true,  even  in  relation  to  a  Hebrew  servant ;  for, 
whenever  a  Hebrew  was  made  a  slave,  on  account 
of  debt  or  crimes,  it  was  done  by  force  of  law^  in 


which  neither  his  comfort,  will,  or  interests, 
considered  in  a  pecuniary  light,  further  than  that 
was  to  be  treated  as  a  hired  man,  till  his  debts  were 
paid  or  the  crime  expiated.  How  much  less,  there- 
fore, were  there  mitigating  circumstances  in  the  case 
of  the  negro,  or  Canaanite  slave,  who  Avere  deemed 
to  be  lawful  subjects  of  oppression,  except  their  daily- 
food  and  rest  on  Sabbath  days?  Although  Hebrew 
servants  and  criminal  delinquents  went  always  free, 
at  the  times  of  the  little  jubilees,  as  provided  by  the 
law,  yet  there  was  one  case  in  which  even  a  Hebrew 
servant  could  not  avail  himself  of  this  emancipating 

To  prove  this,  we  have  only  to  refer  to  Exod.  xxi, 
5,  6,  which  reads  as  follows:  "And  if  the  servant  [a 
Heijrew]  shall  plainly  say,  I  love  iny  master,  my  wife 
[who  was  born  a  slave],  and  my  children,  I  will  not 
go  out  free.  Then  his  master  shall  bring  him  unto 
the  judges  ;  he  shall  also  bring  him  unto  the  door,  or 
unto  the  door  post,  and  his  master  [with  his  own 
hands]  shall  bore  [or  drill]  his  ear  through  with  an 
awl,  and  he  shall  serve  him  for  ever."  This  awful 
sentence  of  a  total  loss  of  liberty  was  thus  passed  up* 
on  a  Hebrew  servant,  because  he  despised  his  natu- 
ral privileges,  for  reasons  of  his  own — choosing  rather 
to  be  a  slave  during  his  natural  life,  than  to  leave 
the  service  of  his  master  and  be  free  !  How  much 
less,  therefore,  could  the  jubilees  reach  the  case  of  one 
of  the  accursed  race,  who  was  not  of  the  Hebrew 
blood,  nor  of  the  blood  of  Japheth  !  From  this  fact, 
we  perceive  how  entirely  reckless  of  truth  abolition- 
ists are,  who  set  up  claims  in  favor  of  the  race  of  Ca- 

306  ORIcrlW,  CHARACTER,  AWto 

naan  aiid  Ham,  as  servants,  which  the  law  of  Mosew 
did  not  accord  even  to  servants  of  the  Hebrew  blood 
Such  a  position  as  this,  in  favor  of  Canaanite  slaves, 
would  have  placed  them  in  far  better  circumstances 
than  were  the  unfortunate  servants  of  their  own  race ; 
a  thing  which  fully  contradicts  the  express  statements 
of  the  law  of  Moses  on  that  very  subject ;  for,  in  that 
law,  Hebrew  servants,  who  were  made  thus  by  being 
sold,  were  to  be  treated 'as  they  would  treat  hired 
men,  and  not  like  bondmen. 

At  the  very  time  when  Christianity  was  being  set 
forth  and  established  in  Judea  and  the  surrounding 
countries,  by  the  Savior,  his  disciples  and  the  apos- 
tles, after  the  crucifixion,  the  custom  of  owning  and 
dealing  in  slaves,  greatly  prevailed  in  all  the  Roman 
empire,  and  yet  we  do  not  find  this  practice  once  re- 
ferred to,  by  way  of  reproof,  in  the  New  Testament, 
How  strange,  if  it  was  looked  upon  by  those  moral 
benefactors  of  the  human  race,  as  some  seem  to  look 
upon  it  now!  But,  as  a  reason  for  this  strange  omis- 
sion, it  is  said,  by  abolitionists,  that,  although  at  the 
time  Christianity  was  introduced  into  the  world, 
slavery  was  every  where  prevalent,  yet  Christ,  nor  his 
heralds,  did  not  see  fit  to  rebuke  the  sin,  because  it 
would  have  operated  against  the  Gospel. — Encyclo- 
pcBdia,  Edinburgh  edition,  under  the  head  of  Slav- 
ery, their  opinion  is  found. 

Here  we  pause  with  astonishment,  and  inquire 
whether  the  above  reason  for  that  omission  is  the  best 
they  can  think  of?  If  it  is,  then  it  follows  that  God 
incarnate,  in  the  economy  of  his  church  on  earth,  is 
thereby  represented  as  succumbing  to  what  abolition- 


ists  say  is  a  great  sin,  merely  because  th*^  sin  was 
a  deeply  rooted  and  popular  sin,  and  to  have  de- 
nounced it,  would  have  occasioned  the  Gospel  to  have 
been  evil  spoken  of,  as  aiming  at  a  civil  revolution. 
Tell  il  not  in  Gath,  among  the  negroes  lest  they 
should  show  their  ivory ;  nor  in  Christian  countries, 
lest  skeptical  men  might  deride  so  pueiile  a  captain, 
as  the  miserable  idea  would  make  the  great  Savior 
to  be. 

This  opinion,  found  in  the  work  above  alluded  to, 
is  the  most  singular  and  monstrous  that  we  have  ever 
fallen  in  with  among  the  written  principles  of  men, 
as  it  represents  Jesus  Christ,  who  reigns  in  his  own 
house — the  church — and  in  the  world  as  its  creator, 
as  being  under  fear,  lest,  were  he  to  have  reproved 
a  certain  great  and  popular  sin,  it  would  have  injured 
the  cause  of  religion  in  the  world,  and  especially  in 
Judea  and  the  Roman  dependencies.  His  business 
on  earth  was  to  reprove  sins  of  every  name  and  na- 
ture, and  to  introduce  principles,  which,  in  their  ef- 
fect, should  establish  all  righteousness,  without  fear 
of  opposition  from  the  ignorance,  the  prejudices  and 
cupidity  of  men.  The  prophets  were  not  afraid  to 
reprove  sin,  whether  personal  or  national,  though 
they  lost  their  lives  by  it.  How  much  more,  there- 
fore, would  not  the  inspirer  of  the  prophets  reprove 
sin,  who  was  in  Christ,  without  measure  ?  This  is  a 
hard  point  for  abolitionism  to  weather ;  for  if  the 
founder  of  the  Christian  religion,  in  the  very  midst 
of  the  commission  of  the  sin  complained  of,  did  not 
reprove  it,  who  are  abolitionists,  that  they  should? 
Are  they  Tnore  righteous  than  the  master?     Is  it  not 


308  ORIGIN,   :  aARACTER,  AND 

.enough,  if  the  servant  be  as  his  master?  Were  it 
not  far  more  wise  to  believe  that  God,  in  Christ,  had 
respect  to  his  own  determinations  on  the  subject  of 
negro  slavery,  as  signified  to  Noah,  to  Moses,  and  to 
the  Hebrews,  which  was  not  to  be  abolished,  even 
by  the  benign  influences  of  the  Gospel? 

In  proof  that  the  Greeks  and  Romans,  as  above  in- 
timated, had  vast  numbers  of  slaves,  we  show  from 
"Adamses  Roman  Antiquities,"  page  38.  At  Rome, 
he  says,  there  was  a  market-place,  which  was  devot- 
ed wholly  to  the  sale  and  purchase  of  slaves.  They 
were  commonly  exposed  naked,  and  having  around 
their  necks  a  scroll,  on  which  was  written  an  account 
of  their  good  qualities.  From  the  sale  of  slaves  arose 
the  principal  part  of  the  enormous  wealth  of  Croesus. 
In  the  times  of  the  Roman  republic,  the  owners  were 
allowed  to  put  their  slaves  to  death  when  they  would, 
or  to  torture  them  by  all  manner  of  cruelties.  By 
the  Roman  law-makers,  slaves  were  esteemed  the 
same  as  other  property ;  they  were  not  allowed  as 
witnesses  in  any  court,  ecclesiastical  or  civil :  it  was 
the  same,  also,  among  the  Hebrews,  under  the  force 
of  the  Mosaic  legislation,  as  well  as  among  all  other 
nations,  tongues  and  people. 

Some  of  the  Romans,  says  both  Seneca  and  Plini^, 
had  whole  legions  of  slaves,  and  otheis  even  twenty 
thousand.  The  Romans,  according  to  Straho,  says 
Rollin,  Vol.  I,  page  232,  worked  their  g  "(Id  mines  in 
Spain  by  slaves.  This  author  says,  that,  in  his  times, 
as  many  as  forty  thousand  slaves  were  employed  an- 
nually in  the  mines,  who,  by  continued  scourging, 
were  caused  to  labor  beyond  their  strength,  day  and 


nightj  by  which  means  they  generally  all  perished 
I  under  ground.     But  against  all  personal  cruelties  ex- 

!  ercised  by  parents,  guardians  and  masters,  upon  their 

j  children,  their  apprentices,  hired  servants,  or  slaves, 

as  well  as  dumb  animals,  God's  law,  as  well  as  his 
I  gospel,  is  peremptory ;    and  although  the  various 

I  classes,  as  above  mentioned,  are,  by  the  law  of  God, 

i  put  under  rule,  yet  does  it  not  authorize  wanton  bar- 

I  barity,  but  enjoins  mercy,  moderation,  patience  and 

{  justice,  toward  them. 

j  The  slaves  of  the  Romans,  in  the  times  of  Christ 

I  and  the  apostles,  as  well  as  of  the  Greeks,  then  min- 

gled in  the  Roman  empire,  were  of  the  conquered 
I  negro  Carthaginians  of  Africa,  who  were  reduced  to 

I  vassalage,  as  well  as  to  personal  slavery,  about  one 

I  hundred  years  B.  C. — Rollifi,  Vol.  I,  page  237.  Herod- 

j  otus  says,  chap.  2,  page  254,  that  the  Greeks,  in  the 

time  of  Troy,  full  twelve  hundred  years  B.  C,  had 
black  slaves,  as  before  noticed.  This  being  true,  it  ap- 
pears at  once  that  the  race  of  Japheth,  from  the  earli- 
est times,  had  practiced  enslaving  the  descendants  of 
Ham,  as  well  as  the  race  of  Shem,  as  God  had  deter- 
mined from  the  beginning. 

Thus  we  see,  that  in  the  times  of  the  apostles,  as 
well  as  in  all  ages  before,  going  up  to  the  flood,  that 
the  world  was  filled  with  negro  slaves,  wherever  the 
races  of  Shem  and  Japheth  were  found.  Now,  if  the 
practice,  in  principle,  was  a  sin,  and  seeing  it  must 
have  fallen  under  their  notice  in  all  places,  how  is  it 
that  no  deunciations  are  found  in  the  New  Testament 
against  it  ?  But  instead  of  St.  Paul's  reproving  the 
practice,  we  find  him  even  sending  a  slave  back  to 


his  master,  whom  he  had  found  in  Rome.  Paul 
knew  the  slave,  and  when  he  was  converted,  and  he 
had  ascertained  that  he  was  a  runaway  from  Colos- 
se,  and  that  he  belonged  to  Philemon,  a  friend  of 
his,  and  a  member  of  the  church,  he  immediately 
wrote  a  letter,  gave  it  to  the  slave,  and  directed  him 
to  return  again  to  his  master,  Philemon.  Had  not 
this  slave  been  converted  to  Christianity,  he  never 
would  have  obeyed  St.  Paul  in  this  matter,  nor  would 
he  have  troubled  himself  about  it.  But,  as  the  slave 
was  now,  by  his  association  with  the  members  of  the 
church,  thrown  under  the  care  of  the  apostle,  it  was 
proper  for  that  great  minister  of  the  faith  to  take  the 
matter  in  hand,  as  justice  demanded  the  return  of 
the  servant  to  his  master  and  owner  again ;  to  which 
the  slave  willingly  consented  for  righteousness's  sake, 
as  he  had  become  obedient  to  the  word  of  God.  Had 
St.  Paul  had  any  particular  objection  to  the  j)rinciple 
of  slavery,  as  applied  to  the  descendants  of  Hani,  now 
was  the  time  for  him  to  have  stated  it,  and  in  lan- 
guage the  most  unequivocal,  such  as  the  scribes  of 
abolitionism,  now-a-days,  would  have  written  on  the 
occasion,  which  would  have  been  pretty  strong,  no 
doubt ;  but  of  such  objections,  we  hear  not  a  word 
from  the  pen  of  that  apostle. 

At  this  point  of  our  remarks,  we  have  a  most  dole- 
ful circumstance  to  present,  which,  according  to  the 
views  of  abolitionists,  must  have  been  a  glaring 
breach,  even  of  the  law  of  Moses,  as  well  as  of  the 
benevolent  intentions  of  the  Gospel.  This  circum- 
stance, or  deed  of  misdemeanor,  is  found  to  have  been 
perpetrated  by  St.  Paul  himself,  and  related  to  the 

iORTUNES,  OF  THE  NEGRO  RACE.      311 

case  of  the  slave  Onessimus,  as  above  referred  to.  In 
Dent,  xxiii,  15,  16,  it  is  written:  "Thou  shalt  not 
deUver  unto  his  master  the  servant  which  is  escaped 
from  his  master  unto  thee :  he  shall  dwell  with  thee, 
even  among  you  in  that  place  which  he  shall  choose, 
in  one  of  thy  gates :  thou  shalt  not  oppress  him ;"  and 
vet  St.  Paul  was  the  man  who  sent  the  runaway 
servant  to  his  master  again.  Oh,  what  a  sinner  was 
he,  according  to  abolitionism!  From  this  fact,  or 
transaction  of  St.  Paul,  we  learn  two  things  :  one  of 
which  is,  that  he  did  not  do  wrong  in  that  case ;  and 
the  other  is,  that  the  slave  was  a  negro,  or  descendant 
of  Ham.  We  prove  that  the  slave  was  not  a  Hebrew 
or  of  the  blood  of  Shem,  from  the  very  fact  of  Paul's 
sending  him  back  to  his  master;  as  he  knew  that 
the  law  of  Moses  forbade  the  sending  of  runaway 
Hebrew  servants  again  to  their  masters,  as  above 
shown  by  the  law  itself  Had  the  servant  been  a 
Hebrew,  it  would  have  been  unlawful  for  Phile- 
mon to  have  had  Onessimus  at  all  as  a  slave; 
for  the  law  of  Moses  did  not  give  delinquent  He- 
brews, or  any  of  the  blood  of  Shem,  to  the  Greeks 
or  white  men,  for  slaves,  as  it  did  the  negro  race; 
and  for  this  very  reason,  the  slave  Onessimus  must 
have  been  a  Canaanite,  or  one  of  the  race  of 

From  the  very  passage  above  quoted,  Deut.  xxiii, 
15,  16,  abolitionists  claim  that  it  is  wrong  to  send  a 
runaway  slave  again  to  his  master,  in  this  country; 
but  the  apostle  acted  otherwise,  which  he  could  not 
have  done  had  the  slave  been  either  a  red  or  a  white 
man — as  the  enslaving  of  those  races  have  not  the 


Di-^ane  sanction,  nor  were  they  ever  accursed  in  the 
sense  the  race  of  Ham  was. 

The  intention  of  that  law,  as  understood  by  the 
Hebrews  of  Moses's  time,  as  well  as  in  all  succeeding 
ages,  was,  that  it  was  but  a  mere  direction  how  they 
were  to  treat  the  case  of  runaway  servants  from  the 
neighboring  nations,  who,  in  flying  from  their  mas- 
ters, whether  Edomites,  Moabites,  Ammonites,  Arabs, 
or  from  any  of  the  nations  of  the  Abrahamic  or  Shem- 
ite  blood,  to  the  Hebrews,  were  to  be  protected,  and 
not  sent  again  to  their  masters. 

As  a  reason  for  this,  it  should  be  recollected  that 
all  those  nations  were  of  the  Shemite  or  Abrahamic 
blood,  and  could  not  be  permanently  enslaved  by  any 
Jew ;  and  if  any  servant  of  this  description  of  blood 
saw  fit  to  leave  their  country  and  master  and  fly  to 
the  Hebrews,  and  take  sanctuary  under  the  banner 
of  their  God,  they  were  not  to  be  molested  and  sent 
again  to  their  masters,  to  whom,  no  doubt,  they  had 
been  slaves.  They  were  to  dwell  wherever  they 
might  choose,  entering  into  any  business  in  their 
power,  within  the  range  of  the  twelve  tribes.  Such 
runaway  servants  were  not  to  be  oppressed.  By  this 
very  clause  of  the  text,  "  thou  shalt  not  oppress  him," 
it  is  distinctly  shown,  that  this  kind  of  servants,  thtts 
favored,  were  no  Canaanites,  or  any  of  that  race,  as 
the  law  of  Moses  did  allow  of  the  oppression  of  that 
class  of  men  in  the  matter  of  absolute  slavery.  And 
further,  it  is  shown,  that  the  kind  of  servants  alluded 
to  in  that  trait  of  the  law,  were  not  of  the  Hamite 
race,  by  the  supposed  circumstance  of  their  running 
away  from  their  masters  to  the  Hebrews— the  last 


country  oii  the  earth  to  which  a  negro  would  run,  as 
among  that  people  they  could  expect  nothmg  but  op- 
pression, as  it  was  one  of  the  very  laws  of  the  He- 
brews, to  enslave  all  the  people  of  that  character, 
wherever  they  could  find  them. 

Neither  can  it  be  supposed  that  the  trait  in  ques- 
tion alluded  to  Canaanite,  or  black  bondmen,  who 
might  run  away  from  one  Hebrew  master  to  another 
Hebrew,  as,  in  that  way,  if  they  were  not  to  be  re- 
turned nor  molested,  the  slaves  of  the  whole  twelve 
tribes,  in  a  trice,  at  any  time,  could  have  freed  them- 
selves. For  if  a  slave  of  the  negro  character  saw  fit 
to  run  away  from  his  Hebrew  master,  to  another  of 
the  same  description,  at  once  he  was  free;  for  the 
law  forbade  any  one  molesting  a  runaway  servant. 
On  this  very  account,  the  reader  can  but  see,  that  no 
such  servant  as  a  Canaanite,  could  be  alluded  to  by 
that  trait  of  the  law  of  Moses  which  forbade  the  re- 
turning of  a  runaway  servant. 

Again,  if  we  say  that  this  trait  of  the  law  related 
to  Hebrew  servants,  who  had  become  thus  on  account 
of  poverty,  or  any  other  lawful  cause,  and  had  been 
brought  under  the  provision  of  the  law,  in  such  cases 
made  and  provided ;  if  we  say  that  these  were  the 
kind  of  servants  who  were  not  to  be  returned,  if  any 
such  ran  away  from  the  Hebrew  masters,  then  it  is 
not  hard  to  see  how  wide  a  door  for  the  commission 
ot  frauds  would,  by  the  very  law  itself,  have  been 
opened  against  the  secular  business  and  interests  of 
the  whole  twelve  tribes. 

But  how  7  say-!  the  reader.  As  follows,  is  oui-  an- 
swex.  Suppose  'ourself  a  Hebrew,  and  living  now 


in  old  Canaan,  and  that,  to-day.  you  have  bought  » 
man  of  yoiu-  tribe,  who  had  been  offered  for  sale,  on 
account  of  debts  or  crimes,  and  paid,  perhaps,  five 
hundred  shekels  of  silver  for  him,  and  to-morrow  he 
runs  away,  going  no  further  than  to  the  next  neigh- 
bor's, where^  according  to  the  law,  your  servant  is  no; 
to  be  molested  or  returned — what  do  3^ou  losel  Why. 
you  lose  your  five  hundred  shekels  of  silver^  and  the 
man  goes  free,  cheating  both  the  law  and  the  pur- 

Tliere  is  no  way,  therefore,  to  understand  the  ap- 
plication of  that  particular  trait  of  the  law  found  m 
Deut,  xxiii,  15,  16,  but  to  suppose  the  servants  there 
alluded  to,  pointed  out  the  servants  of  the  surround- 
ing nations,  not  of  the  Hamite  race.  This  is  evident- 
from  the  very  peculiar  phraseology  of  the  law  itself 
which  addresses  the  whole  twelve  tribes  as  being  but 
one  person,  as  follows :  "  Thoit  shalt  not  deliver  unto 
his  master  the  servant  which  is  escaped  from  his 
master  unto  thee  ;  he  shall  dwell  with  thee^  even 
among  yoii^  in  that  place  which  he  shall  choose  in 
one  of  thy  gates."  In  this  passage,  it  is  seen  that  the 
law  made  but  one  person  of  the  whole  twelve  tribes, 
by  using  the  terms,  thou,  they  and  thee^  in  relation  to 
them,  and  also  showing  that  the  runaway  servants 
there  alluded  to,  were  such  as  should  come  to  them 
from  beyond  the  bounds  of  the  twelve  tribes. 

That  scripture,  therefore,  had  no  application  to 
either  a  Hebrew  servant,  or  to  a  bought  slave  of  the 
Canaanite  race,  as  a  regulation  of  that  sort,  touching 
the  legal  interests  of  the  owners,  would  have  filled 
tlie  whole  land  of  Judea  with  confusion ;  as  whoeve? 


I  might  have  bought  a  servant  according  to  the  law, 

1  was  immediately  exposed,  by  the  same  law,  to  lose 

'  his  money — a  regulation  to  which  no  community 

\  would  submit  in  any  age. 

Thus  we  have  shown,  that  St.  Paul  understood 
I  what  he  did,  when  he  sent  again  the  slave  of  Phile- 

i  mon  to  his  owner,  from  Rome,  in  Italy,  to  Colosse,  a 

i  city  in  Asia  Minor,  and  belonging  to  the  Romans  at 

that  time  by  conquest,  as  did  all  the  countries  of  those 
regions  in  the  time  of  St.  Paul,  Had  Onessimus  been 
a  white  man,  or  an  individual  of  the  race  of  Abra- 
ham, St.  Paul  never  would  have  arrested  him  as  a 
I  slave,  to  return  to  his  master,  except  the  man  was  in 

I  debt  to  Philemon — as  no  other  race  but  that  of  Ham, 

was  ever  judicially  doomed  by  the  Creator  to  abso- 
lute slavery ;  and  this  was  as  well  known  to  St.  Paul, 
I  as  it  is  to  all  who  read  the  Bible  with  a  view  to  un- 

j  derstand  this  thing. 

I  Surely,  had  the  apostle  felt  about  the  ensJavmg  of 

Ham's  race,  as  many  seem  to  feel  now-a-days,  he 
would  not  only  have  told  the  slave  to  run  for  it,  and 
to  steal  a  horse,  or  anything  else  to  aid  his  flight — as 
do  abolitionists — but  would  have  made  the  subject 
the  occasion  of  a  special  treatise  to  the  churches,  as 
he  did  other  matters  of  great  importance,  and  would 
have  denounced  it  as  a  horrible  sin  against  God  and 
human  nature.  Had  not  the  notion  among  the  con- 
verted slaves  been  entertained  that  their  religion  made 
them  equal  with,  and  as  free  as  were  their  masters, 
it  is  not  likely  that  we  should  ever  have  heard  a  word 
on  the  subject  from  the  pen  of  St,  Paul,  more  than 
from  the  other  writers  of  the  New  Testament.     But, 


as  he  was  well  acquainted  with  the  matter  in  tne  Old 
Testament,  and  as  the  question  did  arise  in  the 
churches,  he  found  it  necessary,  while  in  pursuit  of 
other  matters,  in  his  letters,  to  write  on  this  subject 
also,  and  in  a  very  pointed  manner.  Wherefore,  he 
said  to  bondmen,  that  they  should  be  content  with 
their  condition,  careing  nothing  for  it.  See  1st  Cor. 
vii,  21.  He  said,  also,  to  their  masters,  that  they 
should  treat  their  slaves  well,  even  forbearing  to 
threaten  them,  as  they  were  to  remember  that  they, 
also,  had  a  master  in  heaven.  See  Eph.  vi,  9,  and 
Coloss.  iv,  1. 

At  the  very  time  St.  Paul  was  traveling  in  the  va- 
rious countries  of  the  Roman  empire,  the  condition 
of  slaves,  says  Adam  Clarke  (see  his  comment  on 
Coloss.  iv,  1),  "among  both  Greeks  and  Romans,  was 
wretched  in  the  extreme :  they  could  appeal  to  no 
law,  and  could  neither  expect  justice  nor  equity. 
The  apostle,  therefore,  informs  those  proprietors  of 
slaves,  that  they  should  act  toward  them  according 
to  justice  and  equity ;  for  God,  their  master,  required 
this,  and  would  at  last  call  them  to  an  account  for 
their  conduct  in  this  respect.  To  this  we  will  add, 
that  God  will  also  call  all  others  to  an  account,  who 
abuse  their  bondmen,  as  well  as  those  to  whom  the 
apostle  addressed  himself  at  that  time,  whether  in 
America,  Asia,  or  Europe,  as  the  institution  is  one  of 
the  greatest  responsibility,  and,  under  the  supervision 
of  the  white  man,  consequences  and  results  of  incal- 
culable amount. 

It  does  not  appear  that  they  were  admonished  to 
manumit  slaves,  but  were  charged  only  to  use  them 


well,  and  to  be  kind  to  them  as  such.  To  the  slaves, 
he  said,  instead  of  telling  them  to  kill  their  masters, 
and  to  run  away  to  some  other  country,  and  thus  be- 
come free,  that  they  should  be  content,  and  obey 
their  masters  with  fear  and  trembling,  as  unto  Christ. 

But  this  is  not  the  way  abolitionists  talk  on  that 
siibject;  their  speeches  are  all  inflammatory,  calcu- 
lated to  rouse  the  mind  of  slaves,  and  every  body 
else,  to  vengeance,  war  and  murder,  instead  of  pro- 
moting patience^  as  did  St.  Paul  under  the  same  cir- 

By  abolitionists,  it  is  most  vehemently  contended, 
that  the  curse  of  Noah  upon  the  race  of  Ham,  was 
but  a  mere  prophecy,  like  all  the  other  prophecies  of 
the  Scriptures,  which  foretell  the  good  or  bad  actions 
of  men  and  nations.  But,  if  this  be  the  true  and  on- 
ly way  of  interpreting  that  passage,  it  may  then  be 
inquired,  of  what  use  the  word  cursed  is  to  the  an- 
nouncement? Could  not  the  communication  have 
been  set  forth  in  softer  language?  Was  it  not  enough 
that  they  were  to  become  enslaved,  without  adding 
the  degrading  word,  cursed  7  Surely,  the  misfor- 
tunes of  men  or  nations  cannot  thus  degrade  them, 
as  it  is  not  considered  sinful  to  suffer — especially  the 
innocent.  On  this  view,  it  is  impossible  to  look  up- 
on that  dreadful  word  in  any  other  light,  than  as  su- 
pernumerary and  injurious  to  the  party  concerned, 
and,  besides,  as  also  false ;  for  it  cannot  be  shown 
that  misfortunes  render  any  class  of  sufferers  cursed. 

But  the  word  of  God,  as  in  this  and  all  other  parts 
of  the  Scriptures,  do  not  convey  false  ideas,  but  true 
and  immutable  ones.     It  follows,  therefore,  that  the 


word  cursed,  as  used  in  relation  to  the  destinies  of 
the  negro  race,  were  used  in  tlie  imperative  and  ju- 
dicial sense— not  prophetically.  In  these  passages, 
Gen.,  ix,  25,  26,  27,  the  jx^rson  v/ho  violated  the 
privacy  of  Noah  in  his  repose,  is  alluded  to  as  being 
then,  at  the  very  time  the  deed  was  done,  a  cursed 
character,  and,  in  him,  all  his  race.     In  the  text,  as  \ 

it  is  translated,  the  words,  cursed  be  Ham,  is  an  im-  \ 

precation  on  the  head  of  Ham   and  his  progeny,  all  [ 

identified,  then  and  there,  in  his  persan.     But,  as  it  i 

reads  in  the  original,  cursed  Ham,  without  the  be —  [ 

which  is  a  supplied  word— it  makes  Ham  to  have  [ 

been  then,  at  that  very  time,  a  cursed  man,  and  in  '  j 

him,  all  his  race,  in  relation  ta  slavery,  excluding  al-  i 

together  any  such  notion  as  the  passages  being  a  ; 

mere  prophesy.  i 

But,  says  an  objector,  was  it  not  prophesied  that  \ 

Jesus  Christ  was  to  come  into  the  world,  and  that  he  - 

should  be  put  to  death  by  loicked  hands  7  We  an- 
swer, yes  ;  and  add,  moreover,  that  it  was  not  only 
prophesied  of,  but  was  judicially'  determined,  that  he 
should  come  into  the  world  to  die  for  siimers ;  and 
had  there  never  been  any  wicked  hands  to  put  him 
to  death,  yet  must  he  have  died  in  some  other  way,  or 
there  could  have  been  no  atonement.  It  was  a  decree 
of  God,  an  \ne\x\Qydih\e  judicial  act,  that  Christ  should 
die,  because  he  became  the  surety  of  those  who  were 
condemned  to  death  and  damnation ;  it  did  not  depend, 
therefore,  on  contingencies  prim,arily,  but  secondari- 
ly only.  Respecting  the  curse,  or  judicial  act  of  God. 
against  the  race  of  Ham,  we  apprehend  that  it  is  to 
be  viev/ed  in  the  same  light   as  to  its  fulfillment, 


whether  there  should  be  found  on  the  earth  so  much 
as  one  wicked  man  or  not,  from  the  days  of  Noah  to' 
the  end  of  the  world ;  yet  the  race  of  Ham  were  ta 
De  servants  and  slaves,  or  the  decree  would  have  fail- 
ed of  its  accomplishment,  as  God  saw  fit  to  determine 
concerning  them. 

Having  now  finished  our  inquiry,  respecting  the 
fulfillment  of  Noah's  prophecy,  in  the  enslavement  of 
the  descendants  of  Ham  by  the  race  of  Japheth,  and 
of  his  dwelling  in  the  tents  or  countries  ot  Shem,  as 
the  Turks,  who  are  of  the  race  of  Japheth,  are  now 
doing,  and  of  his  supplanting  the  American  Indians  : 
we  pass  to  an  examination  of  certain  passages  of  the 
Scriptures,  where  abolitionists  seem  to  think  they 
have  found  out  that  negro  slavery  was  abolished  as 
far  back  in  time  as  the  days  of  Isaiah,  the  prophet, 
some  seven  hundred  years  before  Christ. 

Whatever  God  has  said,  and  in  his  Word  decreed, 

Tlie  same  shall  come  to  pass  in  very  deed: 

As  thus  'tis  seen,  though  many  men  will  rave 

Ham,  to  the  race  of  Japheth,  it  a  slave. 

So,  in  the  tents  of  Shem,  the  white  man  reigns 

O'er  all  Judea's  hills  and  Persia's  plains. 

To  him,  (the  Gentile  race),  of  God,  was  given 

The  Gospel — the  last  great  gift  of  Heaven. 

When  Paul,  at  Rome,  turned  from  the  Jewiih  strife, 

A.nd  gave  to  Gentiles  there  the  word  of  life; 

Take  the  mighty  boon,  and  rise  to  high  estate, 

Thou  white  man,  o*er  the  earth  and  Hell's  dark  gate; 

Supplant  the  black  and  red  man,  bear  the  sway, 

And  reign  till  time  shall  bring  the  judgment  day. 




Inquiries  whether  the  Scriptures  have,  either  in  the  Old  or  New  i 

Testaments,  abolished  slavery,  as  abolitionists  assert  that  they  I 

have — Query,  if  they  never  sanctioned  it,  how  could  they  abolish  I 

it? — The  famous  passage  of  Isaiah,  chap.  Iviii,  on  which  abolitioa-  ( 

ists  found  their  argument  in  favor  of  the  scriptural  abolishment  | 

of  slavery,  examined,  and  found   to  have  no  allusion  to  the  sub-  f 

ject — All  the  Jews,  their  elders,  nobles  and  kings,  enslaved  the  \ 

race  unreproved — ■Reproofs  of  the  prophets,  for  the  Jews  enslaving  j 

their  own  people  beyond  the  jubilees,  but  not  the  negroes — The  '( 

''amous  passage  of  Exod.  xxi,  16,  which  respects  the  stealing  of  a  \ 

man  tc  enslave,  or   to  sell  him,  examined,  and  found  to  have  no  j 

allusion  to  negroes,  while  abolitionists  assert  that  it  does — Isaiahls  \ 

Opinion  respecting  the  Jews  enslaving  their  enemies,  chap.  xiv.  3 —  | 

Abolition  argument  against  slavery,  founded  on  the  law  of  love  \ 

toward   our  neighbor,  replied  to — Abolition  argument,  charging  "  [ 

the  institution  of  negro  slavery  with  an  attempt  to  usurp  the  tov~  { 

ereignty  of  God  over  the  so%ds  of  slaves,  replied  to  \ 

That  the  Scriptures  have  aboHshed  negro  slavery  \ 

and  disallowed  of  the  principle  itself,  is  contended  \ 

by  abolitionists,  who  boldly  aver  that  they  do  not,  in  | 

any  case  or  instance,  justify  it,  but  every  where  con-  ] 

demn  and  reprobate  the  practice,  as  well  as  the  prin-  ; 

ciple.     But  whether  this  is  true,  the  reader  has  al-  ■ 

ready  seen,  if  he  has  read  the  preceding  pages  with  ' 
but  common  attention. 

But,  as  to  the  Scriptures  having  abolished  negro 

slavery,  we  inquire  where  the  passage  or  portions  of  ■. 
that  book  can  be  found,  which  have  done  this ;  and 

which  of  the  prophets,  kings,  patriarchs,  judges,  oi  ', 


apostles,  have  thus  determined  this  matter?  As  to 
information  of  this  description,  says  an  abohtionist, 
we  are  able  at  once  to  gratify  the  inquirer,  showing 
the  place,  chapter  and  verses,  and  press  them  upon 
the  reader's  consideration,  as  they  are  extremely  3X- 
pressive  and  explicit,  flowing  from  ;he  pen  of  inspira- 
tion in  tones  of  thunder,  condemning  the  awful  sin  of 
negro  slavery.  See  Isaiah  Iviii,  6  and  7,  as  follows: 
"Is  not  this  the  fast  that  I  have  chosen  (namely), 
to  loose  the  bonds  of  wickedness,  to  undo  the  heavy 
burdens,  and  to  let  the  oppressed  go  free,  and  that 
they  break  every  yoke.  Is  it  not  to  deal  thy  bread 
to  the  hungry,  and  that  thou  bring  the  poor  that  are 
cast  out,  to  thy  house :  when  thou  seest  the  naked, 
cover  him  :  and  that  thou  hide  not  thyself  from  thine 
own  flesh?"  These  passages  of  Holy  Writ  are,  in- 
deed, very  plain,  and,  to  the  careless  reader,  seem  to 
make  an  end  of  the  matter,  inasmuch  as  they  re- 
quire that  every  yoke  should  be  broken,  the  heavy 
BURDENS  taken  off",  and  the  oppressed  set  free. 

But,  dear  reader,  do  not  become  vexed  when  we 
affirm,  that  although  the  passages  above  cited  are 
very  plain  in  their  mode  of  expression,  yet  they  do 
not,  in  any  sense  of  the  word,  apply  to  the  case  in 
hand,  or  to  the  subject  of  negro  slavery,  as  practiced 
in  the  time  of  Isaiah,  or  any  other  age.  We  affirm 
this,  on  account  of  three  good  and  sufficient  reasons, 
as  follows: 

1st.  Consistency  among  the  writers  of  the  Holy 
Scriptures,  who  were  inspired  by  the  immutable  God 
on  the  same  subjects,  forbids  the  Delief  that  they  should 
clash.     If  Moses,  by  so  many  direct  statements  as 


are  found  in  Levit,  xxv,  44 — 46,  allowed  the  He- 
brews to  enslave  the  Canaanites  and  other  negro  tribes, 
are  we  to  suppose  that  Isaiah,  under  the  same  inspi- 
ration and  law  that  Moses  was,  would  contradict 
this  ?  This  trait  of  Hebrew  national  custom,  name- 
ly, that  of  enslaving  the  blacks,  had  obtained  from 
the  days  of  Moses  till  the  time  of  Isaiah,  a  lapse  of 
full  nine  hundred  years,  and  by  the  authority  of  the 
law,  without  reproof  or  restraint,  as  we  have  shown. 
Is  it  to  be  supposed  that  Isaiah  would  disregard  all 
this,  and  deliberately  write  a  new  code  on  this  sub- 
ject, in  exact  competition  with  the  very  law  to  which 
he  himself  subscribed,  and  by  which  he]  as  well  as 
every  other  Hebrew,  was  then  governed?  Had  not 
Isaiah  read,  a  thousand  times,  what  Moses  had  said 
in  Exod.  xxiii,  32,  respecting  the  Canaanites,  name- 
ly, that  the  Hebrews,  when  they  should  come  to  pos- 
sess the  country  of  Canaan,  were  to  make  no  cove- 
nants of  amity  or  peace  with  the  inhabitants,  but 
were  utterly  to  despise,  ruin  and  destroy  them?  Had 
he  not  read  the  same  thing  in  Deut.  vii,  2,  which  di- 
rected the  twelve  tribes  to  smite  and  utterly  destroy 
those  nations,  making  no  compacts  with  them  at  all? 
The  passage  in  Deut.  vii,  2,  reads  as  follows :  "And 
when  the  Lord  thy  God  shall  deliver  them  [the  Ca- 
naanites] before  thee,  thou  shalt  smite  them  and  ut- 
terly destroy  them:  thou  shalt  make  no  covenant 
with  them,  nor  show  mercy  unto  them."  Is  it  like- 
ly, therefore,  that  the  Holy  Ghost  would  contradict, 
by  the  pen  of  Isaiah,  that  which  he  had  directed  to 
be  written  in  the  law  of  Moses,  and  at  a  time,  too, 
when  that  law  was  the  ultimo  of  legislation  to  all  the 



tribes  of  the  Jews,  and  governed  the  prophets,  as  well 
as  the  people '?  Is  it  likely,  under  circumstances  of 
this  description,  that  Isaiah  would  say  to  the  subjects 
of  his  charge,  let  the  Canaanite  slaves  go  free;  take 
every  burden  from  their  backs,  and  break  every  yoke 
from  their  necks,  and  that  will  be  the  last  which  will 
please  the  Lord  ?  Can  the  reader  fail  to  feel  the  force 
of  this  first  reason? 

2d.  The  absolute  silence  of  the  New  Testament, 
in  not  condemning  the  practice  of  enslaving  the  ne- 
gro race  ;  and,  further,  its  absolute  recognition  of  the 
practice,  and  that  favorably  agreeing  both  with  the 
curse  of  Noah  and  the  law  of  Moses  on  this  subject. 
The  favorable  recognitions  of  the  New  Testament  on 
this  matter,  are  found  in  the  writings  of  St.  Paul,  who 
understood  the  whole  subject  as  well  as  any  other 
writer  of  the  Scriptures,  and,  doubtless,  much  belter. 
The  places  in  St.  Paul's  writings,  which  recognize 
negro  slavery,  are,  Tiius  ii,  9  ;  Ephesians  vi,  6,  8 ; 
Colossians  iv,  1,  and  iii,  22;  also  Philefnon,  as  well 
as  other  passages  of  the  New  Testament,  all  of  which, 
says  Dr.  Clarke,  refer  to  absolute  slaves,  in  the  prop- 
erty sense  of  the  word. 

That  the  slaves  of  Rome  were  Africans,  is  proved 
from  the  fact,  that  when  prisoners  were  brought  from 
Africa,  they  were  always  sold  for  slaves.  At  one 
time  only,  by  one  of  their  generals,  namely,  Reg-ulus, 
there  were  brought  to  Rome  twenty  thousand  African 
negroes,  who  were  all  sold  into  the  bondage  of  slav- 
ery.— Rolliji,  Vol.  I,  p.  283.  If  so  many  were  cap- 
tured at  one  time,  by  but  one  man,  how  many  may 
we  not  suppose  were  thus  taken  and  sold  during  all 


the  wars  of  both  Greece  and  Rome  against  Africa, 
during  several  ages?  Myriads,  no  doubt;  and  all 
this  known  as  well  to  St.  Paul,  and  all  the  New  Tes- 
tament writers,  as  to  the  whole  world  of  Asia,  in  those 

If  it  were  true,  as  abolitionists  imagine  it  is,  that 
the  Holy  Ghost  inspired  Isaiah  to  write  against  ne- 
gro slavery,  as  then  practiced  in  his  time  upon  the 
Canaanites,  the  Philistines,  the  Lybians,  the  Egyp- 
tians, the  Ethiopians,  and  any  of  the  Hamite  race ; 
how  is  it  that  he  did  not  also  inspire  St.  Paul  to  write 
in  the  same  way,  and  in  words  as  plain  as  Isaiah  has 
written,  according  to  the  perceptions  of  abolitionists, 
especially  when  the  apostle  was  engaged  in  writing 
on  the  very  subject  of  negro  slavery,  practiced  by 
members  of  the  Christian  churches,  in  the  various 
countries  of  the  Roman  empire,  and  which  churches 
he  had  planted  by  his  own  ministry?  had  the  Holy 
Ghost  become  less  liberal  toward  the  negro  race  in 
St.  Paul's  time,  than  in  the  time  of  Isaiah? 

Nay,  nay ;  St.  Paul,  Isaiah,  Moses,  Noah,  Abraham, 
Lot,  the  patriarchs,  prophets,  judges,  elders,  kings, 
rulers  and  people  of  the  Jews,  according  to  the  whole 
tenor  of  the  Bible,  as  well  as  express  statements  and 
admissions,  whenever  they  touch  on  that  subject, 
namely,  the  subject  of  negro  servitude,  allowed  this 
practice  without  rebuke,  as  to  the  principle,  admon- 
ishing, however,  owners  only,  in  matters  of  treating 
them  well  and  in  a  merciful  manner.  Can  the  read- 
er fail  to  feel  the  force  of  this  second  reason? 

3d.  Isaiah's  real  meaning,  as  conveyed  in  the  pas- 
sages to  which  we  are  arguing,  is  our  third  reason 


for  disallowing  that  he  referred  to  the  negro  race  at 
all,  and  shall  contend  that  his  remarks  and  reproofs, 
referred  to  snch  Hebrews  as  held  their  own  brethren 
ill  slavery,  beyond  the  stipulations  of  the  law  of  Mo- 
ses, and  to  such  only.  The  law  of  Moses  allowed  of 
the  sale  of  Hebrew  debtors,  to  pay  their  debts,  as 
well  as  of  children,  owned  by  poor  Hebrew  pa- 
rents, and  also  of  criminals,  as  thieves,  <fcc.  See  Lev. 
XXV,  39,  47,  48,  50,  and  Exo.  xxi,  7,  2,  and  xxii, 
3,  where  all  these  cases  are  set  down. 

But  the  wicked  Jews,  in  the  time  of  Isaiah,  as  well 
as  at  many  other  times,  broke  over  the  boundaries 
of  that  law,  by  keeping  their  own  brethren^  thus  sold 
and  bought  beyond  the  years  of  release,  and  the  Ju- 
bilees makinor  of  them  perpetual  slaves,  both  parents 
and  their  children,  as  they  did  the  Canaanites.  In 
case  a  Hebreio  was  sold  to  a  Hebrew,  the  law  of  Mo- 
ses strictly  forbade  their  being  oppressed,  us  bondmen 
were,  enjoining  it  upon  those  who  bought  theiw, 
to  treat  them  as  they  would  a  hired  man.  See 
Levit.  XXV,  39,  40,  and  many  other  passages  to  the 
same  effect.  And  besides  this,  they  were  command- 
ed to  furnish  them  liberally  out  of  the  threshing 
floor  and  the  wine  press,  and  tht  ir  flocks,  at  the  times 
of  their  release,  or  at  the  Jubilees,  so  as  to  enable 
ihem  to  begin  the  world  anew.  See  Deut.  xv,  14, 
which  immunities  were  never  extended  to  aCanaan- 
ite  slave. 

But  all  this  in  the  time  of  Isaiah,  was  deeply  aad 
horribly  infringed  upon,  wherefore,  Isaiah  told  them, 
the  Jews,  that  their  fasts  and  other  acts  of  worship, 
coul4  not  be  accepted  of  God,  while  injustice  to  their 



own  blood  and  brethren  was  at  all  prevalent  among 
them,  in  holding  the  poor  Hebrews  in  perpetual  bond- 
age, contrary  to  the  law  on  that  very  subject  made 
and  provided.  To  make  it  clear  that  the  reproof  of 
Isaiah  on  that  occasion,  and  in  those  passages,  related 
wholly,  solely  and  exclusively,  to  abused  and  enslav- 
ed Hebrews  and  their  masters,  we  have  only  to  ob- 
serve, that  the  last  clause  of  the  seventh  verse  of  the 
reproof,  is  confined  to  Hebrews,  in  the  use  of  the 
terms,  "  thine  own  Jlesh^  The  whole  passage  reads 
as  follows — see  Isaiah  Iviii,  7:  "Is  it  not  to  deal  thy 
bread  to  the  hungry,  and  that  thou  bring  the  poor 
that  are  cast  out  to  thy  house ;  when  thou  seest  the 
naked,  that  thou  cover  him;  and  that  thou  hide  not 
thyself  from  thine  own  fiesh.^'' 

Surely,  the  negroes  of  Canaan,  or  of  any  other 
country,  were  not  considered  by  Isaiah,  to  be  of  the 
same  flesh  with  that  of  the  Jews,  as  they  are  never 
called  in  the  Scriptures,  the  brethren  of  the  Hebrews, 
their  kindred,  their  own  flesh,  &;c.,  but  alwa}  s  hea- 
then. Respecting  the  jiesh  of  the  negro  race,  Eze- 
kiel  xxiii,  20,  says  that  it  was  like  the  flesh  of  Asses, 
and  yet  abolitionists  say  that  negro  flesh  is  as  g-ood 
as  their  flesh  is,  and  every  way  equal ;  we  wish  them 
much  joy  of  their  relations. 

The  Canaanites,  therefore,  who  were  among  the 
Jews  as  perpetual  bondmen,  were  not  the  persons 
alluded  to  in  that  reproof  of  Isaiah,  and  those  who 
ought  to  have  been  set  free  by  their  Hebrew  mas- 

But,  if  the  reader  is  not  yet  satisfied  that  we  arc 
right  in  the  above  construction  and  application  in 

FORTUNES,  OF  THE  NEGRO  R4CE.       327 

those  passages  in  Isaiah,  we  will  bring  a  parallel  case 
out  of  the  Scriptures,  by  which  the  position  is  fur- 
ther supported  if  need  be.  This  parallel  case  took 
place  long  after  Isaiah's  time,  in  the  era  of  Nehemiah 
and  his  associates,  when  they  were  rebuilding  the 
walls  of  Jerusalem,  which  had  been  destroyed  by 
Nebuchadnezzar,  about  seventy  years  before,  when 
the  Jews  were  carried  away  into  captivity  the  first 
time.  At  that  time  it  appears  that  many  of  the  peo- 
ple of  the  Jews  had  sold  their  children,  to  their  more 
wealthy  brethren,  for  money  to  pay  the  taxes  while 
in  captivity,  and  for  bread  and  victuals  for  their  fam- 
ilies, which  occasioned  great  trouble  and  complaints 
among  the  people  on  their  return  to  Judea. 

We  will  give  the  account  as  it  stands  in  the  book 
of  Nehemiah,  chapter  v,  1 — 5,  as  follows:  "And 
there  was  a  great  cry  of  the  people,  and  of  their  wives 
against  their  brethren,  the  Jews.  For  there  were 
(some)  that  said:  we, our  sons  and  our  daughters  are 
many ;  therefore,  we  take  up  corn  for  them,  that  we 
may  eat  and  live.  Some,  also,  there  were,  that  said: 
we  have  mortgaged  our  lands,  vineyards  and  houses, 
that  we  might  buy  [not  hire]  corn,  because  of  the 
dearth.  There  were,  also,  that  said :  we  have  bor- 
rowed money  for  the  king's  tribute,  and  that  upon  our 
lands  and  vineyards :  yet,  now  our  flesh  is  as  the 
flesh  of  our  brethren,  our  children  as  their  children: 
and,  lo,  we  bring  into  bondage  our  sons  and  our 
daughters  to  be  servants  [or  slaves],  and  some  of  our 
daughters  are  bought  into  bondage  already ;  neither 
is  it  in  our  power  to  redeem  them,  for  other  men  have 
our  lands  and  our  vineyards." 


When  Nehemiah  had  ascertained  that  this  dread- 
ful charge  was  true,  it  is  said,  in  verses  6  and  7  ot 
the  above  chapter,  that  he  was  very  angry,  and  that 
lie  set  a  great  company  against  those  who  had  been 
guilty  of  this  thing,  and  caused  the  offenders  against 
the  law  of  Moses,  in  that  particular,  to  release,  not 
only  the  child  re  ,  ri-v  had  bought,  but  the  lands,  also, 
according  to  the  law  of  the  greater  Jubilee,  which 
they  had  kept,  through  avarice,  beyond  the  prescrib- 
ed limits,  committing  robbery  in  relation  to  the  lands, 
as  well  as  making  hondmen  of  their  brother's  children, 
their  own  flesh  and  blood. 

This  was  a  case  which  was  exactly  parallel  to  that 
which  was  reproved  by  Isaiah,  applying  in  this,  as 
in  that,  entirely  to  the  blood  of  the  Jewish  tribes, 
who  are  in  Nehemiah,  as  in  Isaiah,  called  brethren, 
and  the  same  flesh,  one  with  another,  as  a  people. 

In  pursuit  of  the  same  point,  namely,  to  maintain 
that  Isaiah,  in  the  famous  fifty-eighth  chapter  of  that 
prophet,  did  not  abrogate  negi-o  or  Canaanite  slavery, 
but  Hebrew  slavery  only,  we  refer  the  reader  to  an- 
other parallel  case,  found  in  the  book  of  Jeremiah, 
chapter  xxxiv,  from  the  eighth  to  the  seventeenth 
verse  inclusive,  which  took  place  between  the  time 
of  Isaiah  and  Nehemiah. 

This  prophet,  namely,  Jeremiah,  foretold  to  the 
Jews,  that  Nebuchadnezzar  should  come  and  fight 
against  Jerusalem,  and  the  whole  country,  burn  the 
temple,  and  carry  away  the  people  to  old  Chaldea, 
prisoners  of  war,  and  thus  ruin  their  nation — and 
this  should  be  done  on  account  of  one  particular  sin, 
which,  it  appears,  was  the  heinous  one  of  enslaving 


their  own  poor  brethren,  a  crime  which  was  a  great 
besetment  of  the  rich  Jews,  in  all  ages  of  their  his- 

On  liearing  from  the  lips  of  Jeremiah  this  awful 
denunciation,  king  Zedekiah,  who  then  reigned,  im- 
mediately brought  the  men  who  had  been  guilty  of 
this  enormity  together,  and  required  of  them,  by 
agreement^  that  they  should  then  release,  every  man 
his  Hebrew  servant.  This  was  done  in  the  hope  that 
God  would  pardon  the  nation  of  this  thing,  and 
withhold  the  king  of  Babylon  from  coming  upon 
them,  with  his  mighty  hosts,  as  Jeremiah  had  said 
he  would. 

The  account  reads  as  follows:  "This  is  the  word 
that  came  unto  Jeremiah  from  the  Lord,  after  that 
the  king  Zedekiah  had  made  a  covenant  with  all 
the  people  which  were  at  Jerusalem,  to  proclaim  lib- 
erty unto  them,  that  every  man  should  let  his  man 
servant,  and  every  man  his  maid,  being  a  Hebrew 
or  a  Hebrewess,  go  free  ;  that  none  should  serve  him- 
self of  them,  to  wit,  of  a  Jew,  his  brother^  Now, 
when  the  princess,  and  all  the  people  which  had  en 
tered  into  the  covenant,  heard  that  every  one  should 
let  his  man  servant,  and  every  one  his  maid  servant, 
go  fiee;  that  none  should  serve  themselves  of  them 
[their  brethren]  any  more ;  then  they  obeyed  and  let 
them  go.  But  afterward  they  turned  and  caused 
the  servants  and  the  handmaids  whom  they  had  let 
go  free,  to  return,  and  brought  them  into  subjection 
for  servants  and  for  handmaids  [again].  Therefore, 
the  word  of  the  Lord  came,  saying,  thus  saith  the 
Lord  God  of  Israel :  I  made  a  covenant  with  you/ 


fathers,  in  ihe  day  that  I  brought  iliem  forth  O'Ut  of 
the  land  of  Egypt,  out  of  the  house  of  bondage^  say- 
ing, at  the  end  of  six  years,  let  ye  go,  every  man  his 
brother^  a  Hebrew,  which  hath  been  sold  unto  thee  ; 
and,  when  he  hath  served  thee  six  years,  thou  sbalt 
let  him  ^ofree  from  thee:  but  your  fathers  barkened 
not  unto  me,  neither  inclined  their  ear.  And  ye  were 
noro  turned,  and  had  done  right  in  my  sight,  in  pro- 
claiming liberty,  every  man  to  his  neighbor,  and  ye 
made  a  covenant  before  me,  in  the  house  which  is 
called  by  my  name,  Byt  ye  turned  [back  from  this], 
and  polluted  my  name,  and  caused  every  man  his 
servant,  and  every  man  his  maid,  whom  ye  had  set 
at  liberty  at  their  pleasure,  to  return,  and  brought 
them  into  subjection,  to  be  unto  you  for  servants  and 
for  handmaids.  Therefore,  thus  saith  the  Lord:  ye 
have  not  hearkened  unto  me  in  proclaiming  liberty, 
every  one  to  his  brother,  and  every  man  to  his  neigh- 
bor [bein^  a  Jew],  behold  ;  I  proclaim  a  liberty  for 
you,  saith  the  Lord,  to  the  sword,  to  the  'pestilence 
and  to  famine  ;  and  I  will  make  you  to  be  removed 
into  all  the  kingdoms  of  the  earth." 

This  horrid  fate  was  to  come  upon  them,  for  the 
sole  reason,  that  they  had,  wickedly  and  unjustly, 
contrary  to  the  law  of  Moses,  enslaved  their  poor 
brethren,  the  Hebrews.  In  all  this,  there  is  no  allu- 
sion to  negro  slaves  of  the  Canaanitish  character,  for, 
in  the  three  accounts,  as  jiiven  by  Isaiah,  Jeremiah 
and  Nehemiah,  there  is  not  one  allusion  of  the  kind ; 
all  their  remarks  being  guardedly  confined  to  the 
sin  of  enslaving  their  own  race  beyond  the  permission 
of  their  law. 


If,  in  this  direful  charge,  the  prophet  Jeremiah  did 
include  negro  slaves  as  a  part  of  the  sin  of  his  peo- 
ple in  this  matter,  how  is  it  that  he  is  so  extremely 
particular,  as  over  and  over  again,  to  name  Hebrew 
bondmen  and  maids,  and,  not  so  much  as  once  to 
mention  slaves  of  the  other  description,  who  were 
of  the  heathen  of  that  country? 

It  is,  therefore,  indubitably  certain,  that  the  proph- 
et has  avoided  charging  the  Jews  with  sin,  on  account 
of  their  enslaving  the  Canaanites  perpetually,  but 
only  for  enslaving  the  Hebrews  beyond  the  term  of 
six  years  at  a  time.  To  fix  this  on  the  mind  of  the 
reader,  we  select  the  ninth  verse  of  the  thirty-fourth 
chapter  of  Jeremiah,  and  again  present  it  as  evidence 
sufficient  of  the  fact,  that  negro  slaves  were  not  in- 
cluded in  the  immunities  of  Hebrew  servants,  with 
regard  to  their  being  set  free  at  the  time  of  the  Jubi- 
lees, or  any  other  time  whatever. 

The  pagsage  reads  as  follows:  "That  every  man 
should  let  his  man  servant,  and  every  man  his  maid 
servant,  being  a  Hebrew^  or  a  Hebrewess,  go  free ; 
that  none  should  serve  himself  of  them,  to  wit  of  a 
Jew,  his  brother" 

To  this,  agree  both  Isaiah  and  Nehemiah,  using 
the  same  lang^uage  in  effect,  every  where  pointing 
out  the  Jew  blood,  which  was  not  to  be  enslaved, 
leaving  the  negro  race  under  the  disabilities  of 
their  doom,  as  found  in  the  book  of  Genesis  and  the 

In  all  these  accounts,  there  is  not  a  word  said 
against  the  Jews  enslaving  their  own  brethren,  if 
they   did   it  according  to  the  letter   of  their   law, 


and  for  proper  reasons ;  while,  in  the  strongest  terms  i 

of  reprobation,  they  do,  as  do  all  the  Scriptures,  con-  i 

demn  and  threaten  every  Jew  with  punishment,  who  ; 

should  dare  to  go  beyond  in  that  matter.     If,  then,  \ 

Isaiah,  nor  none  of  the  prophets  have  abolished  even  ; 
Hebrew  slavery,  as  it  was  ordained  in  their  law,  how 

much  less,  therefore,  have  they  abolished  negro  slav-  \ 

ery,  which,  as  well  as  th^  other^  was  according  to  ! 

that  law,  the  Hebrew  being  bounded  by  six  years,  I 

while  the  Hamite  slave  was  a  slave  forever.  \ 

The  uproar,  therefore,  which  abolitionists  make  over  i 
this  passage  of  Isaiah,  in  favor  of  Canaanitish  or  negro 
slaves,  is  but  an  uproar  and  sophistry,  in  which  they 
extend  the  immunities  of  Hebrew  servants  to  the  con- 
dition of  the  negro  slave,  which  is  false,  and  they 

know  it ;  or,  at  least,  their  leaders  do.  I 

As  it  respects  the  feelings  and  opinions  of  the  ! 

prophet  Isaiah  on  the  subject  of  slavery,  we  have  a  | 

very  singular  account  to  give  in  this  place.     From  | 

this  account,  it  is  certain  that  he  held  it  to  be  right  ? 

for  the  Jews  to  enslave  any  people  who  were  their  | 

enemies,  or  who  had  held  them  in  captivity,  whether  ■ 

negro  or  red  man.     To  prove  this,  see  Isaiah  xiv,  2,  ( 

as  follows :  "And  the  people  [the  Jews]  shall  take  | 

them  and  bring  them  to  their  place  [Judea],  and  the  j 

house  of  Israel  shall  possess  them  in  the  land  of  the  I 

Lord  [Judea],  for  servants  and  handmaids :  and  they  | 

shall  take  them  captives  whose  captives  they  were ;  i 
they  shall  rule  over  their  oppressors." 

In  this  case,  the  people  who  had  held  captive  the 
Jews,  were  the  Chaldeans,  who,  in  process  of  time, 
SQQiier  or  later,  were  to  be  rul^d  over  and  oppiessecl 


I  by  the  Jews,  even  t»  personal  slavery.     We  do  not 

notice  this  case  as  having  any  bearing  on  the  negro 
question,  but  merely  to  show,  that  the  views  of  Isaiah 
were  not  so  abhorrent  to  the  slavery  of  men,  who 
j  were  not  Hebrews,  as  some  seem  to  believe ;  but 

]  shows  that  he  acquiesced  in  the  retributive  judgments 

j  of  God,  even  to  the  enslaving  of  the  bodies  of  men 

j  who  had  oppressed  the  Jews,  his  brethren.     If,  then, 

I  Isaiah  could  thus  approve  of  the  enslaving  of  the  red 

I  men  of  Babylon,  how  much  more  the  negro  race  of 

I  that  age,  who  were  denounced  in  the  curse  of  Noah 

and  the  law  of  Moses  ?  Even  the  priests  of  the 
house  of  Aaron — the  very  ministers  of  the  sanctua- 
ry— were  allowed,  by  the  law  of  God,  to  have  slaves, 
bought  with  their  money.  See  Levit.  xxii,  11 :  '■^BiU 
if  the  priest  buy  any  soul  with  his  money,  he  shall 
eat  of  it ;"  that  is,  the  slave  thus  bought  might  eat 
of  the  food  of  the  family  of  the  priest.  From  this 
scripture,  it  is  as  clear  as  truth,  that  the  prophets, 
priests,  elders,  kings  and  nobles,  of  the  twelve  tribes, 
were  allowed,  by  the  law  of  God,  to  have  property 
in  man,  the  same  as  they  could  have  property  in  any 
other  thing  or  creature,  providing  they  were  not  of 
the  race  of  their  brethren,  the  Hebrews,  but  of  the 
heathen  of  the  negro  race — as  we  do  not  learn  from 
the  Divine  Oracles,  that  any  other  people  could  be 
lawfully  or  morally  enslaved,  irrespective  of  war  and 
other  contingencies.  But  there  is  another  scripture, 
besides  the  one  we  have  just  replied  to,  in  Isaiah, 
upon  which  abolitionists  claim  the  abolishment  of  ne- 
gro slavery.  This  scripture  is  found  in  Exod.  xxi, 
16,  and  reads  as  follows:  "  He  that  steals  a  man  and 


selleih  him,  or  if  he  be  found  in  his  handy  he  shall 
surely  be  put  to  deaths 

Does  not  this  passage  of  Holy  Writ,  says  one,  put 
an  end  to  the  subject?  Does  not  abolitionism  tri- 
umph here?  Is  not  this  enough  to  terrify  any  man, 
who  regards  the  Bible,  from  stealing  away  the  poor 
Africans  from  their  homes  of  happiness  and  peace,  or 
from  pu)-chasing  such  as  are  thus  stolen  from  those 
who  steal,  purchase,  or  capture  them  in  their  own 
cotmtry?  We  answer,  wo;  as  we  do  not  perceive 
that  this  reniaik  of  Moses  m  the  law  has  the  least 
possible  bearing  on  the  subject.  It  was  not  to  the 
stealing,  cuptiuing.  or  enslaving  of  the  negroes  of  Ca- 
naan, or  any  oilier  country,  that  Moses  referred,  in 
that  passage  of  prohibitory  law.  And,  as  it  respects 
the  land  of  Canaan  and  the  negro  nations  of  that 
country,  are  we  to  suppose  that  God^  who  was  about 
to  give  the  whole  land  to  the  Hebrews,  with  all  its 
inhabitants,  to  kill  and  destroy,  that  they  were  to  ab- 
stain from  taking  them  by  stealthy  as  well  as  by  open 
attack  2  Should  we  suppose  this,  it  would  be  the 
same  as  to  suppose  the  issuing  of  an  order  to  let  the 
Canaanites  alone,  which  would  defeat  the  very  object 
of  the  war — which  was  the  entire  overthrow  of  all 
those  nations,  seven  in  number,  great  and  powerful, 
far  beyond  the  forces  of  the  Hebrews. 

But,  says  one,  if  the  passage  had  no  allusion  to  ne- 
gro stealing,  to  what,  then,  did  it  allude,  as  intended 
by  Moses,  and  understood  by  the  tribes?  We  an- 
swer, it  was  intended  to  prevent  one  Hebrew  iVom 
stealing,  capturing  and  selling  another  Hebrew,  Isra- 
elite, or  Jew,  or  causing  any  individual  of  theiy  na- 


tion  to  go  into  captivity  oi  bondage  of  any  kind,  as 
did  the  brethren  of  Joseph,  who  stole  him,  and  then 
sold  him  to  the  Ishmaelites.  That  the  passage  means 
this,  and  nothing  else,  is  shown  and  determined  by 
a  parallel  text  in  the  same  law,  and  on  the  same 
subject.  See  Deut.  xxiv,  7,  as  follows:  "If  a  man 
be  found  stealing  any  of  his  brethren  of  the  children 
of  Israel,  and  maketh  merchandize  of  him,  or  selleth 
him,  then  that  thief  shall  die,  and  thou  shalt  put  evil 
away  from  among  you." 

Thus  we  see  that  the  former  passage,  as  explain- 
ed by  the  latter,  has  nothing  to  do  with  what  is  call- 
ed negro  stealing,  either  in  old  Canaan,  Africa,  or 
any  where  else :  it  referred  wholly,  solely  and  prima- 
rily, to  the  people  of  the  Jews,  protecting  themselves 
from  themselves,  in  this  particular  matter;  for,  as 
strange  as  it  may  appear,  the  Hebrews  were  very 
much  prone  to  the  stealing  of  men  of  their  own  blood 
and  race,  for  slaves,  and  to  sell  them  to  strangers.  A 
severe  law,  therefore,  was  necessary  to  restrain  them 
from  the  perpetration  of  this  crime  against  themselves. 
But,  if  it  is  still  insisted  upon  by  any  one,  that  the 
first  quoted  passage  on  this  subject  did  relate  to  Ca- 
naanite  men,  as  well  as  to  Hebrew  men,  then  such 
persons  are  compelled  to  believe  that  God  both  al- 
lowed of  the  destruction  and  the  -protection  of  the 
Canaanites  at  the  same  time — rather  a  crooked  posi- 
tion for  a  Hebrew  to  understand  just  then,  when  they 
were  on  the  eve  of  a  war  of  extermination,  as  it  re- 
garded the  CanEianites,  commanded  and  directed  by 
God  himself. 

Could  it  have  been  any  worse  for  a  Hebrew,  at  that 


time,  to  steal,  take,  capture  and  enslave  a  Canaanite 
negro,  than  it  was  to  kill  him?  To  kill  and  exter- 
minate them,  showing  them  no  mercy,  was  the  direct 
and  pointed  command  of  God,  as  we  have  before 
shown,  Deut.  vii,  2.  Under  so  large  a  license  as  this, 
the  man  is  a  fool  who  will  pretend  that  stealing  and 
enslaving  the  negro  Canaanites  was  prohibited  by 
those  passages,  as  above  presented  ;  especially  when 
the  law  of  Moses,  in  Levit.  xxv,  44 — 46,  directly  and 
pointedly  allowed  the  Hebrews  to  make  bondmen  of 
that  people,  and  to  use  them  as  s\dk\es  forever. 

To  this  very  law  of  Moses,  which  forbade  all  He- 
brews stealing  any  individual  of  their  own  race,  St. 
Paul  alludes  in  1  Timothy  i,  10,  where  it  is  writ- 
ten, that  the  law  was  not  made  against  the  righteous, 
but  against  the  wicked,  Tnen  stealers,  &.c.  Now,  if 
we  have  shown,  as  above,  that  the  passage  in  the 
law  of  Moses  extended  no  further  than  to  the  prohib- 
ition of  Hebrews  stealing  persons  of  their  own  blood 
or  race,  as  included  in  the  twelve  tribes,  we  are  not 
at  liberty  to  suppose  that  St.  Paul  meant  any  thing 
more,  as  there  was  no  other  law  for  him  to  allude  to, 
as  extant,  when  he  wrote  to  Timothy,  and  when  he 
made  the  remark  about  man  stealing. 

But,  says  one,  to  enslave  a  negro  man  is  agamst 
♦he  i7itent  of  the  law  of  Moses,  inasmuch  as  St.  Paul 
has  said,  Romans  xiii,  8,  and  Gal.  v,  14,  that  love  to 
our  neighbor  is  the/MZj^Z^m^of  the  law;  how,  there- 
fore, can  any  one  love,  in  the  true  and  holy  sense  of 
i  the  word,  who  enslaves  a  black  man.     This  is  an- 

f  swered  as  follows :  "  God  having  judicially  appoint- 

ed that  race  to  servitude,  the  law  of  love  cannot  ab- 


rogate  it,  any  more  than  the  law  of  love  can  abrogate 
several  other  particulars  of  judicial  appointment. 
Such  as,  it  is  appointed  unto  men  that  they  should 
die ;  the  woman  was  condemned  to  be  ruled  over  by 
her  husband  ;  the  earth  was  cursed,  in  relation  to  its 
fruitfulness ;  the  wicked  dead  are  sent  to  hell ;  the 
earth  is  doomed  to  be  burnt  up ;  and  many  more 
things  which  might  be  adduced  as  being  determined 
judicially ;  all  of  which  the  law  of  love  cannot  reach 
nor  abrogate.  It  is  idle,  therefore,  to  urge  an  argu- 
ment on  such  ground  as  that ;  for  God's  determina 
tions  and  decrees  are  not  frustrated  by  his  benevo 
lence,  else  there  were  an  end  to  his  government.  To 
strengthen  this  position,  if  need  be,  we  may  mention 
that  Abraham,  Job,  Lot,  and  thousands  of  the  holy 
men  of  old,  as  well  as  modern,  had  vast  multitudes 
of  black  slaves.  Were  none  of  these  lovers  of  God 
and  their  neighbors,  in  the  true  and  holy  sense  of  the 
word  ? 

At  the  time  Moses  wrote  the  famous  passage  of 
Deut.  xxiv,  7,  saying  to  the  Hebrews,  that  if  any  man 
among  them  was  found  out  in  having  stolen  any  of 
their  brethren,  the  Israelites,  and  of  having  sold  them, 
that  such  a  one  should  be  put  to  death.  What  a 
pity  it  is,  that  there  was  not,  at  the  time,  a  thorough- 
going abolitionist  at  the  elbow  of  Moses,  to  have  just 
popped  the  idea  respecting  the  strict  necessity  there 
was,  of  inserting  simply  a  word  or  two  in  favor  of 
the  negroes,  and  to  read  as  follows :  If  any  man  be 
found  stealing  any  black  or  negro  person  of  the  race 
of  Ham,  whom  Noah  cursed,  from  this  time  to  the 
end  of  the  world,  and  maketh  merchandize  of  them, 


j  then  that  thief  should  be  put  to  death.    Such  a  clause 

j  would  have  done  the  business  exactly.     Oh,  what  a 

I  pity !  what  a  pity  that  abolitionism  could  not  have 

j  had  a  hand  in  the  councils  of  Heaven  about  that 

i  time,  as  well  as  when  St.  Paul  wrote  to  Philemon  and 

j  Timothy  on  the  subject  of  negro  slavery.     But  there 

1  is  still  another  passage  of  Holy  Writ  to  be  examined, 

which,  at  first  sight,  seems  to  make  pointedly  against 
the  doctrine  of  enslaving  the  blacks,  and  is  quoted 
j  triumphantly  by  abolitionists,  as  of  sufficient  weight 

and  authority  to  crush  and  abolish  forever,  a  belief 
in  the  propriety  and  rectitude  of  compelling  the  servi- 
tude of  the  negro  race,  as  being  founded  in  the  Scrip- 

The  passage  alluded  to  is  found  in  Rev.  xviii,  13, 
and  accuses  some  combination  or  anti-Christian  es- 
tablishment, called  "Babylon  the  Great,"  of  deal- 
ing in  slaves  and  the  souls  of  men,  which  crime,  to- 
gether with  others,  called  for  the  wrath  of  God  to  be 
poured  out  upon  it.  But  it  is  our  opinion,  that  this 
passage  of  Scripture  has  no  more  to  do  with  the  ques- 
tion of  negro  slavery,  in  the  literal  and  personal  sense 
of  the  word,  than  the  other  passages  of  the  Bible  al- 
ready alluded  to,  unless  it  can  be  shown  that  some 
great  combination  of  men,  called  ^''Babylon  the  great" 
which  existed  in  the  time  of  St.  John,  did  actually 
.  deal  in  slaves,  which  we  believe  will  be  rather  diffi- 
cult to  make  out. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  but  this  power,  which  is 
called  by  St.  John,  ^'■Babylon  the  great,"  is  to  be  un- 
derstood spiritually,  and  as  characterizing,  oy  the 
spirit  of  prophesy,  some   dreadful   heresy  or  anti- 


Christian  combination,  which  was  to  arise  in  the 
world.  This  Babylon  is  many  times  referred  to  in 
the  book  of  Revelation,  as  in  chapters  xiv,  8,  xviii, 
1,  xvi,  19,  and  is,  doubtless,  the  same  power  which  is 
called.  Rev.  xi,  8,  Sodom  and  Egypt,  and  Rev.  xvii, 
5,  "Mystery,  Babylon  the  great,  the  mother  of  harlots 
and  abominations  of  the  earth;"  and  by  St.  Paul,  2 
Thes.  ii,  '■'■That  man  of  sin^'  who  should  wonderful- 
ly exalt  himself  by  lying  wonders,  and  should  sit  in 
the  teinple  of  God — the  church — showing  himself  that 
he  is  God:  who  this  dreadful  power  was,  the  reader 
may  easily  conjecture. 

Now,  this  is  the  power,  therefore,  who  is  accused 
of  dealing  in  slaves — not  literally,  but  spiritually — in 
misleading  the  mind,  and,  of  necessity,  the  body,  in 
matters  of  veligious  faith. 

That  scripture,  therefore,  no  doubt,  should  be  un- 
derstood, not  of  slavery  in  the  common  sense  of  the 
word,  but  rather  of  its  moral,  spiritual  and  religious 
meaning,  as  operating  on  the  minds  of  men  adherent 
to  this  "  great  Babylon  "  combination,  who  practiced 
deceit,  ecclesiastical  conjurations,  &.C.,  so  that  the 
souls  and  bodies  of  men  were  thereby  sold  to  the 
devil,  in  leading  them,  from  the  paths  of  truth  and 
righteousness,  in  relation  to  love  and  obedience  to 
God  and  his  commandments. 

This  is  the  way,  as  we  believe,  this  "  great  Baby- 
lon'''' dealt  in  the  bodies  and  souls  of  men.  It  is  not 
uncommon  for  the  Scriptures  to  speak  of  great  offend- 
ers as  having  sold  themselves  to  work  wickedness,  as 
in  the  case  of  Ahab  and  many  others.  After  the 
same  manner  of  reasoning,  therefore,  as  it  respects 


this  '•'•great  Bahylon^''  who  dealt  in  slaves  and  the 
souls  of  men,  it  is  to  be  understood,  wholly  and  en- 
tirely of  the  souls  and  bodies  of  her  membership ,  who 
she  had  bought  with  her  religious  merchandize,  as 
specified  in  that  chapter,  namely,  the  18th  of  Reve- 

On  that  account,  the  wrath  of  God  was  to  be  pour- 
ed out  on  this  ^'^ great  Babylon^''  namely,  for  enslav- 
ing the  SQuJs^  and,  of  necessity,  the  bodies  of  men, 
holdiiig  them  under  command,  to  do  the  bidding  of 
this  ^^  great  Babylon"  contrary  to  the  word  of  God, 
thereby  affecting  the  real  and  more  valuable  liberties 
of  both  soul  and  body,  in  time  and  eternity. 

We  are  compelled  to  take  this  course  of  explaining 
that  text  of  St.  John,  lest  we  should  be  found  arraign- 
ing two  writers  of  the  New  Testament  against  each 
other  on  the  same  subject,  namely,  of  negro  slavery ; 
for  St.  John  knew  full  well  all  that  St.  Paul  had  said 
on  that  subject. 

Thus,  we  think,  we  have  rescued  that  passage  of 
the  Revelator,  as  well  as  the  text  of  Isaiah,  out  of  the 
hands  of  abolitionists,  who,  by  subverting  them  from 
their  true  and  original  meaning,  endeavor  to  make  it 
appear  that  the  Scriptures  have  long  ago  abolished 
negro  slavery,  which  is  false,  either  in  so  many  words^ 
or  in  spirit. 

But  abolitionists  advance  other  doctrines  and  opin- 
ions, besides  wresting  the  Scriptures  on  the  subject 
of  negro  servitude,  which  they  publish  to  the  world 
m  their  harangues,  books,  papers  and  pamphlets,  cal- 
culated to  mislead  the  minds  of  men  on  the  subject  at 
issue.    They  say  that  the  principle  of  enslavmg 


black  men,  whether  done  in  ihis  or  any  other  age,  in 
this  or  any  other  country,  "  is  a  system  of  unhmited 
spiritual  despotism,  and  places  masters  in  the  seat 
of  God,  or  rather  above  God,  in  respect  to  the  slaves 
under  their  control.  It  is  (they  say)  contrary  to  the 
sovereignty  of  God,  over  each  and  every  individual, 
who  is  held  as  a  slave.  It  does  not  recognize  the 
right  of  the  slave  to  obey  God — to  follow  the  dictates 
of  his  own  conscience — to  fultill  the  station  of  a  mor- 
al being — to  act  as  a  free  agent,  accountable  to  the 
Judge  and  Father  of  all — to  the  Supreme  God,  who 
says,  all  souls  are  mine— the  slave  system  in  eifect, 
says,  tJiis  soul  is  wine,  not  thine  ;  it  belongs  to  an 
earthly  master,  and  thou,  its  creator,  hast  no  right  to 
command  its  obedience."  For  all  this,  see  ^'■lyiend 
of  Man,''  a  paper  dated  Jan.  L5,  1839,  Utica,  N.  Y. 

On  the  whole  face  of  the  above  charge,  not  only 
against  American  slavery,  but  slavery  in  any  coun- 
try or  age,  it  is  seen  at  a  glance,  that  the  blow  falls 
as  heavily  on  the  institutions  of  Moses,  the  practice 
of  the  patriarchs,  prophets,  elders,  kings  and  people, 
not  only  of  the  Jews,  but  the  Christian  church  also, 
even  in  the  times  of  the  apostles,  as  it  is  intended  to 
lall  on  American  slavery— the  principle  being  the 
chief  thing  aimed  at. 

For  if  the  law  of  that  great  legislator,  Moses,  allow- 
ed of  the  enslaving  of  the  Canaanites  for  /i/e,  and 
also  during  all  their  generations — which  we  have 
shown  was  a  fact-^then  all  the  Hebrews,  the  patri- 
archs, Jews  and  prophets,  who  acted  on  that  law,  are, 
by  abolitionists,  made  to  have  been  as  bad  as  they 
Bay  American  slaveholders  are,  placing  them  all  in 


one  company,  and  denouncing  them  as  a  set  of  vil« 
lains,  fit  only  for  the  lowest  abodes  of  damnation  it- 
self. For,  abolitionists  condemn  slavery  of  every 
grade  and  description,  to  all  intents  and  purposes,  in 
all  times,  ages  and  nations,  let  it  have  been  practiced 
or  sanctioned  by  whomsoever  it  may  have  been — and 
this  they  do  in  the  very  face  of  God,  who,  through 
Noah,  Moses,  the  prophets  and  the  law,  did  not  only 
allow  of  restrictive  slavery,  in  relation  to  the  He- 
brews, but  also  oi  irrestrictive  slavery,  in  relation  to 
the  whole  race  of  Ham,  throughout  all  ages,  or  to  the 
end  of  the  present  constitution  of  the  earth. 

But,  abolitionists,  in  order  to  get  rid  of  the  fact  of 
Bible  slavery,  as  recognized  in  the  law  of  Moses,  and 
applied  to  the  negro  race,  have  argued  much,  and 
labored  hard  to  show  that  the  Canaanites,  who  were 
bought  by  the  Hebrews  for  bondmen  and  bondmaids, 
always  bought  them  of  themselves,  and  never  of  an- 
other, as  if  they  were  the  property  of  somebody  be- 
sides themselves,  and  with  this  they  find  no  fault, 
being  perfectly  contented  with  the  idea  that  a  negro 
Canaanite,  should,  if  he  liked,  ^eZZAim^eZ/— that  was 
all  right. 

But  this  idea,  we  consider  a  most  singular  position 
for  an  abolitionist  to  take,  as  they  pronounce  all  kinds 
of  slavery  and  slave  selling  or  buying  most  cursed, 
and  without  authority,  either  from  God  or  man ;  and 
yet  a  man  may  sell  himself,  even  for  life.  How  is 
this  ?  Is  there  no  paradox  here  ?  If  a  man  sells  him- 
self, is  he  not  sold?  Is  he  not  as  much  a  slave  as  if 
somebody  else  sold  him  ?  This  position  of  abolition- 
ists, which,  by  a  strange  refinement,  struggles  to  get 


rid  of  the  plain  letter  of  the  law  of  Moses,  about  He- 
brews being  allowed  to  buy  slaves  of  the  heathen 
round  about  them,  establishes  the  very  thing  they 
are  trying  to  annihilate,  which  is  negro  slavery ;  for, 
if  the  Canaanites  could,  without  sin,  sell  themselves 
for  bondmen,  then,  the  Canaanites  sold  slaves  and 
the  Hebrews  bought  them,  the  persons  who  did  it 
making  no  difference  as  to  the  principle  of  the  act; 
it  was  the  thing  done,  which  made  out  the  fact,  not 
the  modus  operandi;  so  that  even  this  very  curious 
refinement  of  abolitionists,  on  the  meaning  of  that 
trait  in  the  law  of  Moses,  has  not  rescued  the  point 
at  issue  from  the  hand  of  those  who  believe  the  Bible 
sanctions  the  unqualified  servitude  of  the  negro  race, 
but  establishes  it. 

But  this  position  of  abolitionists  is  but  a  fiction, 
a  mere  ruse,  which,  at  once,  can  be  shown  to  be 
nothing  else,  by  a  reference  to  the  law  itself,  on  this 
very  subject,  and  points  out  the  children,  or  the  in- 
fants of  the  Canaanites,  as  the  objects  of  Hebrew 
slave  purchasers.  See  Levit.  xxv,  45,  which  reads 
as  follows  :  "  Moreover,  of  the  children  of  the  stran- 
gers that  do  sojourn  among  you,  of  them  shall  you 
buy  [bondmen],  and  of  their  families  that  are  with 
you,  and  they  shall  be  your  possession."  If,  then,  it 
were  the  children  the  Hebrews  were  to  buy  of  the 
Canaanites,  is  it  to  be  supposed  that  children  had 
either  the  right  or  the  ability  to  sell  themselves  ?  Is 
it  not  far  more  reasonable  to  believe  that  the  parents 
of  such  children  were  resorted  to  in  such  cases  ?  As 
to  the  policy  of  such  a  regulation  of  Moses,  relative 
to  the  purchase  of  slaves,  it  is  evident  at  a  glance 


SiS  childreii  could  be  more  easily  managed,  and  brought 
up  to  the  liking  of  the  master  than  could  the  adults. 
A  desire  in  the  mind  of  the  slave  to  run  away  would 
be  much  lessened  by  the  process  of  domestication, 
and  a  natural  love  of  those  who  supplied  their  wants. 

But,  says  one,  if  the  Canaanites  were  given  to  be 
destroyed  by  the  Hebrews,  even  to  entire  extermina- 
ation,  how  is  it  that  Moses  should  say,  iti  the  law, 
any  thing  about  buying  their  children  for  slaves,  see- 
ing they  could  go  and  take  as  many  as  they  wanted 
by  force,  just  when  they  would?  We  answer  this, 
by  saying  that  the  Hebrews  did  not  fully  obey  the 
commands  of  Moses  on  this  subject  as  they  should 
have  done;  on  which  account,  there  were,  always, 
during  the  whole  reign  of  the  Jews  in  that  country, 
many  of  the  Canaanite  tribes  living  among  them, 
with  whom  the  Jews  were  not  always  at  war.  Now, 
in  a  case  like  this,  if  the  Hebrews  wanted  slaves  of 
the  perpetual  bondman  character,  they  would  rather, 
no  doubt,  go  and  buy  them  of  such  as  had  them  to 
sell  in  a  peaceable  way. 

With  a  view  to  such  circumstances,  Moses  directed 
them  to  buy  the  children  of  the  Canaanites,  as 
among  the  Hebrews  there  were  always  found  parents 
in  abundance  of  the  negro  race,  who  would  sell  theii 
children  for  slaves,  as  readily  as  they  do  now  in  Af- 
rica. There  can  be  no  doubt,  therefore,  but  the  He- 
brews, many  of  them  under  the  sanction  of  that 
clause  of  the  law  of  Moses,  got  their  lining  by  thus 
buying  children,  and  selling  them  again  in  Judea 
and  elsewhere;  for,  let  it  be  observed,  that  this  law 
IS  not  qualified,  as  to  its  extent,  in  carrying  on  th« 


traffic.  Tlien,  again,  there  were,  no  doubt,  thousands 
of  opportunities  for  the  Hebrews,  who  wanted  slaves 
of  the  negro  character,  to  buy  them  of  Hebrews  who 
had  more  than  they  wanted,  of  such  as  were  born 
in  their  own  famiUes,  of  parents  who  had  been  ta- 
ken prisoners  in  the  wars  of  the  country,  between 
the  C.maanites  and  Hebrews. 

From  these  views,  we  see  no  great  difficulty  in  the 
way  of  the  Hebrews  procuring  as  many  slaves  as 
they  wanted,  without  raising  a  hostile  troop,  carrying 
ropes,  and  rushing  upon  the  Canaanite  families,  in 
times  of  peace,  to  get  bondmen  of  this  description, 
as  there  was,  doubtless,  an  abundance  of  them  born 
continually,  throughout  ail  their  tribes,  of  such  as 
were  already  slaves,  and  had  been,  from  the  begin- 
ning of  the  Hebrews'  conquest  of  the  country,  who 
had  been  held  as  perpetual  bondmen  in  virtue  of  the 
law  of  Moses,  which  said  that  ihey  should  be  for  a 
possession  for  them  and  their  children  forever.  But 
in  relation  to  the  charge  of  abolitionists,  that  Ameri- 
can slavery  is  a  system  of  spiritual  despotism,  it  is 
not  true,  on  account  of  the  thing  being  impossible 
and  contrary  to  the  nature  of  the  human  soul,  as  a 
master  can  have  no  power  over  the  volitions  of  the 
spirit.  Power  or  dominion  over  the  soul  of  a  slave, 
beyond  the  mere  commands  of  a  master,  in  matters 
of  labor,  was  never  desired  by  any  slaveholder,  as 
thought,  mind  or  spirit,  cannot  perform  manual  labor, 
which  is  all  that  is  required  of  a  slave,  and  this  the 
body  must  perform,  if  it  is  performed  at  all.  It  is 
true,  however,  that  the  mind  can  be  persecuted,  abused, 
grieved  and  distressed,  and  that  mind  retain  its  free- 



doin  of  range  and  action,  loving,  hating  and  believing 
as  it  ivill,  after  all. 

The  charge,  therefore,  that  the  principle  of  slav- 
ery, is  a  principle  which  aims  at  a  usurpation  of  the 
rights  of  God  over  the  human  soul,  is  as  false  as  it 
is  monstrous  and  impossible.  God,  who  created  the 
African  race,  and,  in  their  formation,  both  of  body 
and  mind,  appointed  them  to  slavery  and  servitude, 
would  not  have  implanted  in  the  desire  of  the  other 
races  who  are  allowed  to  enslave  them,  such  an  ene- 
my to  his  sovereignty,  as  a  desire  to  enslave  the  soul, 
and  to  take  it  out  of  the  hands  of  the  Creator,  as  abo- 
litionists say  slavery  does;  this,  God  has  never  done; 
neither  was  it  ever  desired  by  any  man  who  has 
owned  a  slave;  as  an  acqui'-ement  of  stick  a  de 
Bcription,  could  be  of  no  earthly  service  to  any  one. 

Was  the  spirit  or  desire  which  prompted  Abraham, 
Lot,  Job,  Moses  and  Washington,  with  milhons  of 
other  good  men,  in  those  ages  as  well  as  in  America, 
to  have  slaves  or  bondmen,  as  a  possession,  which 
they  bought  with  their  money,  a  spirit  which  aimed 
at  the  usurpation  of  God's  government  over  i\  e  souls 
of  such  bondmen — we  are  compelled  to  say  no,  or 
such  a  permit  would  never  have  been  found  in  the 
law  of  Moses,  nor  the  practice  passed  by  without  re- 
proof in  the  New  Testament. 

There  is  no  such  law  in  the  codes  of  the  slave 
holding  states,  that  has  a  word  to  say  about  the  soulSj 
minds  or  spirits  of  the  slaves,  as  relates  to  the  coer- 
sion  of  that  free  principle.  The  charge,  therefore, 
as  advanced  by  abolitionists  against  the  slavery  sys- 
tem, is  but  a  flare  up — a  flourish  extra,  a  mere  scin* 

*   n 

FORTUNKS;   OF  'lllK    NKGRO  RACE.  347 

tiliation  of  a  fiery  pen,  as  wielded  by  some  extraor- 
dinary spasm  of  eloquence.  If  any  of  the  laws  of 
the  slave-holding  states  are  so  framed  as  to  incapac- 
itate the  slaves,  in  relation  to  proper  marriages,  and 
thus  prevent  a  state  of  things  highly  beneficial  to 
all  orders  of  society,  they  ought  to  be  abolished  and 
others  enacted  in  their  place,  compelling  such  mar- 
riages as  love  or  fancy  among  the  slaves  might  dictate, 
however  much  their  lewd  propensities  might  contra- 
dict; surely,  a  course  like  this,  were  better,  far,  for 
the  interests  of  masters,  as  well  as  slaves,  than  pro- 
miscuous intercourse. 

If  God  has  placed  the  negro  race  under  servitude, 
that  is  of  itself  degrading  enough,  without  any  ad- 
ditional circumstances  of  shame ;  and,  therefore,  all 
slaveholders  ought  to  practice  the  thing  in  an  order- 
ly and  decent  manner,  exalting  the  slave  as  a  slave, 
to  aid  hiin  all  that  is  needful  in  an  honorable  dis- 
charge of  his  duties  toward  masters,  his  family,  '^^ 
friends,  kindred  and  his  God.  Slavery,  conducted  ^ 
thus  toward  the  negro  race,  would  not  be  sinful ;  be- 
cause God,  in  his  providence,  has  appointed  the 
white  man  to  be  a  guardian  over  the  blacks,  in  the 
characters  of  masters,  for  their  good  and  not  their 

As  to  the  charge  of  abolitionists,  who  accuse  slav- 
ery of  incapacitating  slaves  to  marry  among  them- 
selves, is  shown  not  to  be  true,  from  the  genius,  design 
and  chastity  of  the  law  of  Moses,  which  abhoredall 
whoredom  and  libertinism.  Of  necessity,  therefore, 
slaves  among  the  Hebrews,  if  they  would  delight 
in  each  others  company,  as  males  and  females,  they 


must  have  been  married,  or  the  curse  of  God  would 
have  been  upon  the  whole  twelve  tribes.  See  Deut. 
xxii,  20,  21,  and  xxiii,  17,  18,  where  it  is  seen  how 
very  severe  the  law  was  against  all  offenders  of  a 
lewd  description  among  the  Hebrews ;  and  are  we  to 
suppose  that  they  were  indifferent  to  the  conduct  of 
their  bondmen  and  bond  maids  in  this  particular? 
Consequently,  marriages  must  have  taken  place  as 
much  among  their  slaves  as  among  the  Jews,  their 

Thus,  it  is  evident,  notwithstanding  the  fine  spun 
goods  and  chattel  arguments  of  abolitionists,  that  a 
state  of  slavery  does  not  essentially  affect  the  mar- 
riages of  slaves  among  themselves,  as  if  slaves  in  con- 
sequence of  slavery,  are,  in  all  respects,  really  and 
bona  fide  metamorphosed  from  human  beings  into 
some  kind  of  implement,  as  an  axe,  a  rake,  or  a  wag- 
on, which  have  neither  passions  nor  souls.  As  to 
the  famous  passage  found  in  the  Constitution  of  the 
United  States,  v/hich  reads,  that  it  was  held  by  the 
powers  of  that  Constitution,  that  all  men  are  born 
"/ree  and  equal"  we  have  not  a  thought  that  any  al- 
lusion was  had,  by  that  phraseology,  to  negro  slav- 
ery, more  than  to  men  in  the  moon.  The  whole 
and  only  allusion,  was  to  the  titled  dignitaries  and 
!  nobility  of  monarchical  governments,  which  enforced 

upon  subjects  and  mankind,  the  hateful  idea  of  mas- 
ter and  vassal,  lord  and  serf,  plebeian  and  patrician, 
which  distinction,  to  the  minds  of  the  framers  of  the 
constitution,  was  abhorrent  to  all  their  views  of  po- 
litical liberty.  If  this  was  not  so,  and  that  clause 
had  the  negro's  case  in  its  eye,  as  well  as  the  above, 


It  is  extremely  singular,  that,  in  the  whole  instrument, 
the  race  is  not  mentioned,  nor  their  condition  of  slav- 

Having  shown,  in  this  section,  that  Isaiah  did  not 
abolish  Canaanitish  or  negro  slavery,  and  that  the 
passage  against  man-stealing  did  not  relate  to  any 
people  except  the  Hebrews,  as  well  as  that  slavery 
does  not  incapacitate  slaves  as  to  lawful  marriages, 
with  many  other  matters,  we  next  proceed  to  an  ex- 
amination of  various  notions  and  opinions  of  aboli- 
tionists, which,  as  we  apprehend,  are  miserably  out 
of  the  way. 

Thus,  from  Isaiah's  pen,  in  word  or  deed, 
The  negroes  of  that  time  were  never  freed : 
The  curse  of  Noah,  stood  e'en  then  in  force 
As  did  the  law,  together  with  that  curse. 
No  man  had  dar'd  to  dash  the  sacred  page. 
With  change  of  purpose  in  that  ancient  age, 
As  fearless  men  do  now,  who  wish  to  see 
Mutation,  where  the  truth  should  ever  b©. 



A'  further  exhibition  of  the  opinions  and  doings  of  abolitionists  in 
America — Consequences,  if  they  carry  their  plans  into  efFect— 
Sympathy  is  the  lever  by  which  tliey  operate — Men  should  be- 
ware how  they  array  themselves  against  the  decrees  of  God— 
Mysterious  providences  of  God  toward  man — Proposal  to  aboli- 
tionists, by  the  author,  to  assail  other  mysterious  providences  of 
God,  as  well  as  the  one  whieh  respects  negro  servitude — Reckless 
©pinions  of  abolitionists  respecting  the  soutliern  states — EfFecti 
of  freeing  the  negroes  in  the  British  West  India  Islanrls — Effects, 
were  the  slaves  of  the  southern  states  freed  all  at  once — Proofs 
respecting  the  insincerity  of  English  philanthropy  toward  enslaved 
negroes,  and  of  their  non-reliance  upon  the  labor  of  fieed  slaves — 
Proofs  of  a  suspicion  that  English  vessels  are  now  engaged  in 
getting  slaves  from  the  interior  of  Africa,  as  formerly — Conse- 
quences, should  the  Union  become  divided  on  the  slave  question — 
Great  possessions  and  power  of  the  English  all  round  America — 
Their  designs — Intended  possession  of  the  Oregon  territory — Cru- 
elties of  the  English  in  India,  where  they  have  conquered — Co- 
alescing of  American  abolitionists  v/ith  the  English,  on  the  sub- 
jeet  of  American  negro  slavery,  as  shown  in  their  speeches  in 
London,  with  many  other  matters. 

On  the  subject  of  negro  slarery,  abolitionists  have 
said  and  done  much  in  America,  to  raise  a  tumult 
among  the  people;  and  they  have  succeeded, by  re- 
sorting, like  hackneyed  politicians,  to  all  kinds  of  ex- 
travagant arguments,  positions  and  stories,  with  the 
view  of  winning  their  way  to  political  power  in  the 
country.  When  this  shall  be  accomplislied,  if  ever 
it  can  be,  we  will  venture  to  foretell  that  the  Union 
will  be  two  distinct   governments.     The   southern 



States  are  determined  to  hold  the  rights  granted  to 
them  in  the  great  compact  of  the  Constitution,  with 
respect  to  negro  slavery,  as  in  this  right  they  feel,  to 
a  man,  that  their  happiness  and  security,  as  to  wealth 
and  its  resources,  depend;  for  it  is  impossible,  with-  | 

out  this,  to  cultivate  the  country:  any  and  all  ad- 
vances, therefore,  of  the  North,  to  meddle  with  that 
subject,  will  be  repelled  with  anger  and  violence — the 
natural  result  of  encroachments  upon  the  resources 
of  any  people.  If,  therefore,  abolitionism  is  persisted 
in,  there  will  arise  a  division  of  the  states,  as  sure  as 
effect  will  follow  its  cause,  with  all  the  honors  of  such  ■ 

an  event. 

The  great  lever  by  which  abolitionists  operate,  is 
that  of  a  pretended  sympathy  for  the  negro  race,  in 
their  condition  of  slavery,  causing  the  people  who 
hear  them  to  take  for  granted,  as  truth,  all  the  horri- 
ble stories  of  atrocities  and  crimes,  perpetrated  by 
southern  planters,  committed  on  the  bodies  and  souls 
of  their  slaves.  No  matter  whether  the  revolting 
stories  are  true  or  false  ;  so  long  as  they  can  get  them 
to  be  believed,  they  will  answer  the  purpose  just  as 
well.  Men  should  beware  how  they  enter  the  list 
against  the  decrees  of  Heaven,  on  any  subject,  and 
contend  about  its  judgments,  marshaling  their  elo-  | 

quence  and  intrigues  in  battle  array  against  them,  if  j 

such  judgments  or  decrees  happen  not  to  suit  the 
views  of  discontented  and  designing  men,  who  would 
lead  a  well  meaning  public  as  they  list,  with  no  oth- 
er views  than  the  exaltation  of  thepselves  to  public 
place  and  power.  When  this  shall  be  accomplished, 
if  such  a  thing  can  ever  happen,  the  great  sympa- 


thetic  impetus  by  which  the  machine  now  is  moving, 
will  cease  to  exist,  passing  away  hke  the  fogs  of  the 
night,  leaving  the  negro  race  to  look  out  for  them- 
selves as  heretofore.  Thus  will  end  the  mooted  sub- 
ject of  negro  excellencies ;  the  men  who  now  admire 
the  race,  and  see  in  them  the  germs  of  prodigious 
mental  powers,  will  not  be  found,  as  other  business 
than  the  exaltation  of  a  people,  upon  whom  God  has 
passed  his  decree  of  servitude  and  inferiority,  secured 
in  the  imbecilities  of  their  very  natures. 

Suppose  the  negroes  in  the  southern  states  were  all 
set  free ;  would  the  southern  and  tropical  countries 
get  their  plantations  of  corn,  tobacco,  cotton,  indigo, 
oranges,  rice  and  sugar  cultivated?  The  whites  can 
not  labor  effectually  in  those  countries,  as  they  can 
in  the  North,  but  the  negro  man  is  created  in  such  a 
manner  as  to  resist,  or  rather  to  agree  with,  the  heat, 
fogs  and  dews  of  that  atmosphere,  so  that  he  is  not 
injuriously  affected  by  it,  as  are  the  whites. 

There  is  no  system  but  that  of  compulsory  servi- 
tude, by  which  this  labor,  on  which  so  much  depends, 
can  be  done ;  for  if  it  is  left  to  the  free  will  or  the  ne- 
cessities of  the  blacks,  there  could  never  be  any  cer- 
tainty, as  instances  of  freed  blacks  in  the  English 
West  India  Islands  refusing  to  work,  has  often  oc- 
curred, and  this  even  among  the  better  sort,  such  as 
were  members  of  religious  societies.  If,  therefore, 
these  occurrences  take  place  among  the  better  sort  of 
blacks,  what  may  not  be  expected  from  those  of  a 
more  improvident  turn  of  mind,  such  as  is  the  great 
mass.  On  the  island  of  St.  Domingo,  says  Barclay 
on  Slavery  in  the  West  Indies,  pages  8,  137, 350,  357^ 


once  justly  termed  the  Queen  of  the  Antilles,  cultiva-  1 

tion   has  nearly  ceased,  the  exportable  commodities  I 

having  dwindled  down  from  one  hundred  and  fifty-  | 

one   thousand  tons,  to  little  more  than  seventeen  j 

thousand.     President  Boyer,  of  St.  Domingo,  offered  I 

to  the  free  negroes  of  America,  six  thousand  in  num-  | 

ber,  to  give  them  land  in  the  island,  if  they  would  I 

come  and  live  there  and  work  the  land.  But  when 
they  had  seen  the  country,  and  the  people  of  their 
own  race,  they  were  glad  to  return  to  America,  as  ,  \ 
bad  as  their  condition  is  represented  to  be  in  the 
United  States,  which  they  preferred  to  all  the  mighty 
privileges  of  Hayti,  under  a  black  president  or  king. 
Barclay  further  states,  that  the  case  of  the  Ma- 
roons  in  Jamaica  is  no  better,  showing  how  little  the 
possession  of  mere  freedom  betters  the  negro's  condi- 
tion. They  have  been  free  ever  since  the  English 
took  possession  of  the  island.  Have  they,  inquires 
Barclay,  become  more  civilized,  or  more  industrious  ? 
Every  one  knows  they  have  not.  The  men  continue 
to  roam  half  naked  in  the  woods,  hunting  and  fish- 
ing, compelling  their  women  to  do  the  work,  entire- 
ly disregarding  all  the  conveniences  of  industrious 
life,  choosing  rather  to  be  thus  wretched  than  to  la- 
bor. This  is  exactly  the  character  of  their  brethren, 
■  i  V  the  Hottentots,  and  the  other  tribes  of  Africa,  who  are 
so  lazy  and  improvident,  says  Bamberger,  the  trav- 
eler. Vol.  I,  page  57,  that  they  will  nearly  starve  be- 
fore they  will  even  fish  or  hunt,  preferring  to  wander 
in  the  woods,  living  on  berries  and  roots. 

With  this  view,  it  would  be  national  madness  to 
emancipate  the  southern  blacks;  besides,  the  irrepara- 


ble  injury  to  the  very  negroes  themselves,  in  casting 
their  myriads — poor,  ignorant,  helpless  and  naked- 
upon  imbecile  resources,  placing  them  in  a  condition 
favorable  to  immediate  destruction.  The  slaves  of 
the  southern  states,  it  is  said,  amount  to  more  than 
three  millions.  Were  this  almost  countless  host  set 
free  to-day^  who  can  calculate  the  horrible  mischief 
and  ruin  that  would  follow,  not  only  to  the  white 
population,  but  to  the  blacks  also?  On  the  first  night 
of  the  day  of  their  emancipation,  there  would  be  heard 
over  the  entire  land,  the  bleat  and  bellowing  of  flocks 
and  herds — fires  would  be  seen  in  all  directions,  by 
which  their  cooking  in  the  open  air  would  be  carried 
on.  All  this  would  be  foreseen  by  the  calculating 
whites,  who  would  be  prepared  with  guns  and  de- 
fensive arms,  when  murders  and  strife  would  rage  in 
all  directions.  What  next  ?  The  military  would  be 
put  in  requisition,  when  the  work  of  death  and 
slaughter  would  go  on  like  a  fire  in  the  wilderness, 
over  the  entire  southern  states.  The  negroes  would 
now  become  the  objects  of  terror  and  midnight  dread 
to  houses  in  remote  and  unprotected  places.  Prison- 
ers would  be  taken  in  multitudes,  who  would  be 
shot  down  or  hanged  without  judge  or  jury.  In  such 
a  state  of  things,  the  negroes  would  take  to  the  woods 
and  caves  of  the  mountains,  and  the  morasses  of  the 
lower  lands,  from  whence  sallying  forth  in  different 
portions  of  the  country,  as  they  should  be  impelled 
by  hunger,  revenge,  or  love  of  violence  and  robberies, 
perpetrating  deeds  of  horror  and  crime  every  where. 
To  head  and  lead  them  on,  there  would  not  be  want- 
ing base  white  men,  who,  to  profit  by  the  times,  would 


furnish  arms  and  provisions,  exciting  the  wratli  of 
the  blacks,  on  account  of  their  former  slavery  and 
present  trouble. 

But,  says  one — an  abolitionist — all  this,  as  above, 
is  but  conjecture — a  mere  fiction — which  supposes 
that  the  negroes  would  not  be  willing  to  labor  on  the 
southern  plantations,  were  they  emancipated.  But 
experience,  in  all  cases  where  the  thing  has  been  tried, 
proves  that  the  conjecture  is  true,  in  a  great  measure, 
and,  besides  that,  they  manifest  no  such  emotion  as 
gratitude  on  such  occasions.  An  exhibition  of  their 
feelings,  when  set  free,  is  seen  in  the  fate  of  the  white 
owners  on  the  island  of  St.  Domingo,  who,  when  the 
French  National  Assembly,  1791,  decreed  that  all 
the  negroes  of  that  island  were  free  and  equal  with 
the  whites,  they  immediately  butchered  the  whole 
population. — Butler'^s  History  of  ths  United  States, 
Vol.  HI,  page  392. 

This  was  one  of  the  wild,  deluded  and  mad  de- 
crees of  the  horrible  French  revolution,  which  had 
for  one  of  its  immediate  effects,  the  total  extermina- 
tion of  the  white  population  of  St.  Domingo,  in  which 
neither  age  nor  sex  were  spared  from  the  dagger. 
The  women  were  violated  of  all  ages,  and  then  killed, 
so  great  was  the  hatred  and  violence  of  the  freed; 
blacks.  Were  the  same  course  pursued  by  the  great 
South,  in  setting  the  slaves  all  free  at  once,  there 
would,  beyond  all  doubt,  follow  a  tragedy  of  the  same 
description,  as  there  is  no  natural  love  between  the 
races,  especially  when  the  negro  is  made  free  and 
eqjual.  In  this  particular,  the  abolitionists  of  Ameri- 
ca, in  their  doctrine  of  an  immediate  and  simultane 


ous  emancipation  of  the  negroes  of  all  the  southern 
states,  are  as  far  out  of  the  way,  as  were  the  furious 
mobs  of  the  French  revolution,  who  could  not  see  the 
difference  there  is  between  black  and  white.  Were 
the  three  and  a  half  million  of  slaves  of  the  South 
set  free,  and  were  they,  to  a  man,  to  manifest  no 
hostile  feelings,  yet,  how  could  they  be  saved  from 
becoming  paupers  over  the  whole  of  those  countries, 
seeing  they  have  no  land  or  means  of  support  ?  Their 
natural  improvidence  of  mind  is  well  known  to  all ; 
on  which  account  they  would,  as  to  the  great  mass, 
have  to  be  supported  by  the  whites  as  legal  paupers, 
unless  they  were  compelled  to  labor,  to  prevent  such 
a  result,  which  compulsion  would  be  but  a  renewal 
of  slavery,  were  it  resorted  to.  Perfect  and  unquali- 
fied liberty,  extended  to  the  slaves  of  the  whole  South, 
would  be  the  certain  ruin,  not  only  to  the  great  ne- 
gro population,  but  of  the  whites  also,  as  the  requir- 
ed labor  would  not  be  performed ;  and  yet  the  blacks 
would  have  to  be  supported  by  the  whites,  who  would 
soon  have  nothing  to  do  it  with,  as  the  wealth  of  the 
whole  slave  states  depends  on  agriculture  alone. 

The  interference  of  the  northern  states  with  the 
slave  question,  as  to  the  principle  of  the  thing,  is  a 
most  unwarrantable  violation  of  state  rights,  inas- 
much as  the  slave  system,  as  practiced  in  the  South, 
is  no  injury  to  the  North,  but  rather  of  immense  good, 
as  shown  in  the  production  of  tropical  commodities ; 
in  which  fact  it  is  clearly  seen,  that  the  interests  of 
the  two  regions  of  the  Union  are  blended  in  one.  He, 
therefore,  who  favors  the  interruption  of  state  rights 
©ranted  in  the  great  compact,  as  set  forth  in  the  Con- 


stitution,  is  a  disorganizer,  and  is  blind  to  the  inter- 
ests of  the  great  family  of  the  Union,  therein  agree- 
ing with  the  bitterest  enemy  (the  English  govern- 
ment) America  has  among  all  the  nations  of  the  earth, 
who  are  ever  aiming  to  cripple  the  commerce  and 
productions  of  this  country,  in  order  to  favor  that  of 
their  own.  In  agreement  with  this  disorganizing 
spirit,  there  is,  at  this  moment,  existing  a  powerful 
combiLation  of  abohtionists,  who  have  formed  a  mul- 
titude of  lines  or  routes,  by  which  runaway  slaves 
are  enabled  to  m^^ke  their  escape  from  the  respective 
states  bordering  on  the  North.  These  men  furnish 
money,  horses,  and  all  necessary  aids  for  the  escape 
of  runaways,  giving  them  countenance  and  support 
in  their  houses,  until  they  can  reach  the  Canadas ; 
thus  coalescing  with  the  British  in  robbing  the  citi- 
zens of  the  South  of  their  property,  as  recognized  in 
the  Constitution  of  the  States. 

What  is  to  be  thought  of  such  men,  who  not  only 
violate  the  ceded  and  acknowledged  right  of  the 
slaveholding  states,  but  are  also  united  with  an 
ancient  etiemi/  of  the  Union,  in  disturbing  and  en- 
dangering the  peace  and  safety  of  the  whole  coun 

In  pursuance  of  this  kind  of  violence  and  outrage 
upon  the  feelings  and  lawful  interests  of  the  public, 
the  Massachusetts  Legislature  of  1843,  have  passed 
a  law,  that  no  diiierence  shall  be  made  by  the  agents 
of  steam  cars  on  the  railroads  of  that  State,  between 
black  and  white  passengers;  in  this  way  compelling 
citizens  of  their  own  state,  and  those  of  the  others, 
as  well  as  foreigners,  to  mingle  and  associate  with 


blacks,  whether  it  is  agreeable  or  not. — See  ''^Daily 
American  Citizen,'"  Feb.  2,  1 843. 

Do  the  people  of  Massachusetts,  or  abolitionists  in 
general,  imagine  they  have  a  right  to  make  laws  to 
compel  an  association  between  two  races  of  men,  so 
different  from  each  other  as  are  negroes  and  white 
men — a  difference  which  God  himself  is  the  author 
of,  and  was,  therefore,  never  to  be  infringed?  Such 
conduct  is  nothing  short  of  rebellion  against  God, 
manifested  in  this  attempt,  confounding  the  order  of 

Is  it  not  far  more  wise  to  let  the  negro  race  remain 
as  they  are  in  the  South,  than  to  set  them  free,  and 
thereby  put  them  in  a  position  of  becoming  immedi- 
ately, in  all  the  states,  wherever  they  may  choose  to 
wander,  an  expense  as  paupers,  and,  at  the  same 
time,  destroy  the  agricultural  interestsof  one-half  the 
United  States,  as  it  is  impossible  to  supply  the  place 
of  the  slaves  with  white  laborers,  in  the  hot  climates? 

It  is  said  by  abolitionists,  that  on  account  of  the 
slavery  of  the  South,  that  the  costs  of  carrying  the  m,ail 
in  those  regions,  amount  to  more  than  the  income,  be- 
cause slavery,  they  say,  discourages  labor;  but  this 
position  of  theirs  must  be  false,  as,  without  the  ne- 
gro's services,  there  would  be  no  agricultural  labor  at 
all;  in  which  case  the  costs  of  carrying  the  mail 
would  be  immensely  increased,  and  the  income  de- 
preciated in  the  same  ratio. 

There  is,  therefore,  no  M'-ay  under  the  light  and 
auspices  of  Heaven,  by  which  the  southern  portions 
of  the  United  States,  and  other  tropical  countries,  can 
be  inhabited  by  civilized  men,  but  by  that  of  negro 

FORTUNES,  OF  THE  NEGRO  RACE.      359       j 


labor.  And  as  negroes  will  not  labor,  unless  com- 
pelled, there  is,  therefore,  no  way  left  in  the  Divine 
Providence  to  accomplish  this,  but  that  of  their  en- 

That  the  English  put  no  dependence  in  the  dispo- 
sitions of  the  freed  blacks  to  do  the  work  of  theii 
plantations  in  the  West  India  Islands,  and  elsewhere 
in  their  various  and  great  possessions  in  different 
parts  of  the  world,  is  shown  in  their  new  expedient  | 

of  inveigling  away  from  their  homes  and  country,  a  i 

certain  class  of  the  natives  of  India,  called  Hill  Cool- 
ies, who  they  employ  instead  of  the  slaves  they  have 
freed,  whose  labor  will  cost  them  even  less  than  their 
former  slave  labor.  For  an  account  of  the  Hill  Coolie 
business,  see  Little's  Museum  of  Literature,  Science 
and  Art,  Vol.  34,  No.  189,  p.  140,  year  1838. 

These  Hill  Coolies  are  not  negroes,  but  a  yellow, 
swarthy  race,  of  the  lowest  of  the  laboring  casts  in 
India.  According  to  the  work  above  quoted,  it  is 
said  that  there  are  circumstances  attending  the  in- 
veigling these  men  from  their  country,  to  traverse 
half  the  globe  in  quest  of  labor,  which  shows  that 
some  principle,  far  enough  from  justice  or  mercy,  ac  • 
tuates  the  English  in  this  business,  notwithstanding 
their  seemingly  noble  generosity  in  manumitting  their 
slaves,  which  is  trumpeted  over  the  whole  earth,  as  a 
deed  of  immense  benevolence  and  sacrifice.  The 
Parliament  of  England  do  not  often  make  sacrifices 
in  their  bargains,  nor  relinquish  their  grasp  of  power, 
in  any  particular,  gratuitously ;   if  they  did,  they  | 

would  not  oppress  their  own  subjects  as  they  do,  on 
wriuch  account  the  great  mass  of  their  people  lack  their 


daily  bread.  This  is  well  known  to  all  the  world, 
and  is  occasioned  by  perpetual  and  exhorbitant  taxa- 
tions, causing  the  people  of  both  England  and  Ire- 
land to  run  away  to  America,  and  other  countries,  to 
avoid  being  starved  to  death. 

Even  the  abolitionists  of  America  denounce  the 
English  government  in  the  most  direct  and  accusito- 
ry  terms,  in  relation  to  insincerity,  respecting  their 
profession  of  philanthropy  toward  enslaved  human 
beings  under  their  control,  in  the  conquered  countries 
of  India.  The  abolitionists  charge  the  English  with 
aiding  in  the  emancipation  of  the  negro  race,  just  as 
much  as  their  political  interests  invite  them,  and  no 
more;  this  is  no  doubt  a  true  charge. 

To  show  the  truth  of  this  charge,  as  well  as  the 
fact  of  English  insensibility  to  the  negro's  liberties, 
we  see,  in  the  N.  Y.  Express,  June  21,  1842,  that 
they  are  now  actually  in  the  business  of  getting  ne- 
gro's  from  the  wilds  of  Africa,  along  the  coasts  of  the 
river  Gambia.  This,  however,  they  do  not  affect 
in  the  same  way  as  heretofore,  or  prior  to  the  compact 
of  the  nations  on  this  subject,  but  they  do  it  under  a 
form  of  law,  in  the  shape  of  an  indenture,  the  same 
as  taking  apprentices.  In  affecting  this,  the  negro  is 
compelled  to  take  a  pen  between  his  fingers,  while 
the  hand  is  guided  by  the  grip  of  the  master,  so  that 
the  name  of  the  negro  is  set  to  the  seal  of  the  instru- 
ment, who  is  as  ignorant  of  the  power  of  the  article 
as  would  be  a  monkey,  were  one  compelled  to  write 

The  blacks,  thus  apprenticed  are  brought  from  the 
interior  by  negro  capturers,  as  formerly  employed  by 
the  English,  and  paid  for  so  domg.     The  term  of 


time  they  are  thus  apprenticed,  is  fourteen  years. 
But  when  the  time  is  up,  who  is  there  to  tell  them 
they  are  free?  will  their  masters? 

As  late  as  February,  1842,  a  vesel  of  five  hundred 
tons  le  t  the  river  above  named,  laden  with  five  hun- 
dred such  apprentices.  Thus,  it  is  seen,  that  the 
English  have  invented  a  way  by  which  they  avoid 
the  virtue  of  the  treaty  of  the  nations,  who  have  de- 
creed it  iriracy^  to  procure  slaves  from  Africa,  and 
yet  desire  to  be  lauded,  because  of  her  great  love 
for  the  liberties  of  the  negro  race,  especially  such  as 
are  slaves  in  America. 

There  is  another  view,  in  which  this  great  and 
seemingly  generous  act  of  the  English,  in  setting 
her  negroes  free,  is  to  be  examined ;  and  this  relates 
directly  to  the  destruction  of  the  produce  of  the 
southern  states.  Could  England  but  cripple  Amer- 
ica in  this  particular,  and  lessen  in  any  degree,  or 
wholly  destroy  the  production  of  rice,  cotton,  tobac- 
co, &c.,  it  would  increase  their  own  trade  in  these 
articles,  as  these  very  products  will  soon  be  poured  forth 
from  their  possessions  in  Africa,  in  amount  sufficient 
to  supply  all  their  own  wants,  and  even  to  sell  to 
American  manufacturers.  Now  let  the  negroes  go 
free  in  the  southern  states,  and  this  great  job  is  done. 

It  is  evident,  therefore,  that  true  benevolence  and 
philanthropy,  had  no  influence  on  the  mind  of  the 
English  parliament  in  emancipating  her  slaves,  but 
rather,  in  that  transaction,  there  was  designed  to  be 
sown  the  seeds  of  future  profit  and  speculation  in 
the  division  and  ruin  of  the  United  States.  If  the 
negro  question  can  but  be  pushed  hard  enough  and 


long  enough  to  provoke  the  soutliern  states,  to  sepa- 
rate themselves  from  the  North,  and  to  form  a  new 
government,  then  a  civil  war  will  arise  in  the  coun- 
try, when  the  English  will  fall  on,  as  opportunity 
and  advantage  may  offer.  All  her  powers  in  the 
Canadas,  the  Indians  of  the  far  north-west,  with  the 
runaway  negroes,  the  latter  of  whom  amount,  even 
now,  in  Canada,  to  many  thousands  of  drilled  troops, 
who  are  ready  for  a  day  or  an  hour  to  rush  to  the 
battle,  as  directed  by  their  masters. 

To  this  mighty  plan  of  ruin,  the  abolitionists  are 
blinded  by  the  deceitful  flatteries  of  an  enemy,  who 
invite  them  to  England  to  talk  about  the  awful  suf- 
ferings of  the  poor  slaves  in  the  free  states  of  Amer- 
ica, to  make  speeches  and  to  weep,  while  they 
encourage  the  fanatics  to  go  on  in  their  political  ad- 
venture, of  sooner  or  later  getting  an  abolition  presi- 
dent, senate  and  congress ;  then  would  be  achieved 
the  liberties  of  the  negroes,  an  event  which  the  En- 
glish care  just  as  much  about,  so  far  as  it  relates  to 
the  happiness  of  the  race,  as  they  do  about  the  liber- 
ties of  the  kangaroos  of  New  Holland,  except  as  such 
an  event  would  make  for  their  own  interests,  in  the 
ruin  of  this  country. 

The  possessions  of  the  English  nearly  surround 
the  United  States  at  this  moment,  commencing  at  the 
West  India  Islands,  from  thence  to  New  Brunswick, 
Nova  Scotia,  Newfoundland,  Lower  and  Upper  Can- 
ada, New  Britain,  reaching  quite  to  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains, and  a  part  of  the  almost  boundless  Oregon, 
comprehending  all  that  region  of  unexplored  country 
beyond  or  west  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  quite  to  the 


ocean.  This  vastly  important  country  they  had  the 
impudence  to  claim,  because,  as  they  say.  Captain 
Cook  discovered  the  co^st  in  one  of  his  voyages  round 
the  world,  and  have  actually  made  a  settlement  on 
an  island  in  Q,ueen  Charlotte  Sound,  at  the  conflu- 
ence of  the  Columbia  with  the  Pacific.  Here  they 
have  a  park  of  artillery,  consisting  of  a  hundred  large 
cannon,  with  all  the  other  munitions  of  war,  besides 
several  ships  of  the  line,  always  afloat  in  those  wa- 
ters. At  this  place  they  furnish  their  hunters  with 
articles  for  the  Indian  trade,  consisting  of  guns,  hatch- 
ets, knives,  clothing,  trinkets,  ammunition,  &c.,  paying 
no  duties  to  the  American  government  for  the  intro- 
duction of  these  wares,  as  they  ought  to  do.  In  re- 
turn, they  receive  of  the  Indians  and  traders,  the 
furs  and  peltry  of  that  vast  region,  inhabited  by  many 
Indian  nations.  In  this  very  region  of  country,  there 
are  more  than  eighty  thousand  inhabitants  under 
British  law.  They  have  also  recently  taken  foi 
debt,  from  the  government  of  Central  America,  a 
large  tract  of  land,  so  situated  as  to  eventually  com- 
mand the  isthmus  of  Darien — that  narrow  strip  of 
land  which  unites  North  and  South  America,  a  po- 
sition which,  ere  long,  will  give  them  untold  advan- 
tages, in  case  of  the  construction  of  a  ship  canal 
through,  from  the  Pacific  and  the  Atlantic  oceans, 
instead  of  going  round  Cape  Horn,  as  they  do 

The  name  of  this  place,  at  the  mouth  of  the  Col- 
umbia, is  Vancouver.  It  is  evident,  that  the  English 
do,  in  reality,  covet  the  control  of  the  whole  earth ; 
for  at  this  moment,  she  gives  law  to  more  than  sixty 


millions  of  the  human  race,  in  the  Indies  alone,  and 
will,  eventually,  to  all  China,  Hindoostan,  &,c.,  be- 
yond the  Russian  possessions,  and  the  other  coun- 
tries of  Europe.  The  English  parliament,  at  this 
moment,  govern  more  than  one-eighth  of  the  human 
race,  which  consists  of  about  eight  hundred  millions, 
one-eighth  of  whom  are  under  the  control  of  the 
lords  of  England.  Is  not  this  a  power  to  be  dread- 
ed, and  to  be  watched  against?  The  possession  of 
the  Oregon  region  is  of  very  great  importance  to  the 
future  glory  and  benefit  of  this  country,  as,  by  it,  not 
only  many  new  states  may  be  added  to  the  Union, 
over  which  the  benign  principles  of  a  republican  and 
popular  government  may  be  extended,  but  the  trade 
with  China,  and  the  whole  vast  countries  of  the  west- 
ern ocean,  along  the  coasts  of  Asia,  would  be  secur- 
ed to  the  cities,  towns  and  countries  yet  to  rise,  all 
along  the  coast  of  the  Pacific,  which  belongs  to 

It  was  in  these  very  regions,  along  the  coast  of  the 
Pacific,  that  the  first  inhabitants  of  America,  after 
the  tlood,  settled,  who  came  from  China,  across  the 
ocean,  peopling  the  islands  in  their  course.  These 
first  inhabitants  were  the  authors  and  builders  of  the 
great  cities  now  in  ruins,  found  in  both  South  and 
North  America,  the  discovery  of  which  so  much  as- 
tonishes mankind  at  present.  And  the  reason  why 
they  had  a  knowledge  of  architecture  so  perfect,  as 
is  manifest  by  the  ruins  now  every  where  being  dis- 
covered in  the  western  and  southern  regions,  is,  be- 
cause they  derived  it  from  the  family  of  Noah,  at  a 
time  so  near  to  the  fiood,  that  the  art  was  not  then 

FORTUNES,  OF    THE    NEGRO    RACE.  365 

lost  when  they  came  to  this  country.  The  ruins, 
therefore,  above  alluded  to,  are  specmieiis,  not  only 
of  the  architecture  of  the  first  age  after  the  flood,  but 
also  of  the  antediluvian  world,  as  it  cannot  be  sup- 
posed that  any  other  mode  of  building  would  have 
obtained  so  soon  after  that  event,  and  when  the  na- 
tions were  but  young.  Were  we  even  to  conjecture 
that  jShe??i,  the  great  Melchisedek  of  the  Scriptures, 
may  have  visited  America ;  we  do  not  feel  that  it 
could  be  considered  as  a  thing  impossible,  when  it 
is  recollected  that  he  lived  five  hundred  years  aftei 
the  flood.  Long  before  five  hundred  years  had  pass- 
ed by,  the  children  of  Noah  had  begun  to  people  the 
shores  of  the  eastern  ocean  opposite  to  America,  as 
well  as  the  islands  adjacent.  They  had  a  knowl- 
edge of  ship  building,  as  shown  in  the  construction 
of  the  ark;  on  which  account  mankind,  and,  among 
the  rest,  the  Phoenician  negroes,  availed  themselves 
of  navigation.  What,  therefore,  was  to  hinder  his 
visiting  the  new  settlements,  not  only  on  the  islands, 
but  those  on  the  continent  itself.  Among  the  Mexi- 
cans there  is  still  a  tradition  of  the  great  Manco  Copac, 
who  once  was  among  them,  from  whom  they  receiv- 
ed all  knowledge  respecting  agriculture  and  the  arts.  j 
Were  this  not  so,  or,  at  least,  had  not  the  people  j 
of  Peru,  and  of  Mexico,  have  had,  at  the  outset  in 
this  country,  some  extraordinary  impetus  of  the  kind,  } 
they  would  not,  in  all  probability,  have  arrived  afso  | 
great  a  perfection,  as  they  did  in  many  respects,  as 
was  seen  when  the  Spaniards  overran  those  countries, 
and  as  is  seen  in  the  amazing  ruins  now  being  dis- 
covered which  denote  a  state  of  architectural  knowl 

'd&tf  ORIGIN,    CHARACTER,    AND 

edge  far  beyond  any  thing  done  by  the  native  nations 
since  those  Jirsi  ages.  It  was  along  that  coast  and 
the  countries  adjacent,  that  tlie  heft  of  the  first 
population  existed,  when  the  regions  of  America, 
along  the  shores  of  the  Atlantic^  were  in  a  wild  and 
unknown  state,  except  where  the  Chinese  had  cross- 
ed the  continent,  as  at  Yucatan,  and  other  places 
further  south.  Europe,  at  that  time,  was  unknown, 
as  men  had  not  found  their  way  so  soon  through 
the  unknown  wilds  from  the  Euphrates,  a  dis- 
tance of  more  than  four  thousand  miles  to  the  At- 

This  very  region,  the  coast  of  the  Pacific,  along 
the  whole  length  of  the  Oregon^  which  is  a  country 
of  nealy  seven  hundred  miles  in  length,  by  four  hun- 
dred wide,  is  destined  to  become  again  as  populous 
as  at  first,  and  that,  almost  immediately,  when  the 
ocean  of  the  Pacific  shall  again  be  whitened  with 
the  sails  of  commerce,  carried  on  betv/een  America, 
China,  and  the  Indies.  Were  it  not  much  better  that 
the  Americans  should  avail  themselves  of  all  this 
greatness,  than  that  the  English  should  doit?  which 
is  the  plan  they  are  in  pursuit  of,  as  well  as  the 
subjugation  of  all  ihe  eastern  world  west  of  this 

The  English,  in  their  secret  councils,  had  deter- 
mined that  the  United  States  should  be  bounded  on 
the  west  by  the  Rocky  xMountains,  on  the  north  from 
sea  to  sea,  by  the  Canadas  and  Britisli  America,  and 
the  south  by  her  own  and  the  Mexican  empire:  thus, 
the  design  was  to  hem  the  United  States  in  on  every 
Bide.     Now,  with  a  view  tu  aid  in  the  acomplishment 


of  all  this,  press  the  glorious  negro  question  hard, 
and  still  harder,  till  the  southern  people  shall  be  pro- 
voked to  declare  themselves  independent  of  the  North ; 
then  one  grand  step  toward  the  final  ruin  of  America 
will  be  taken,  never  to  be  recalled. 

From  the  circumstance  of  the  transportation  of  the 
wretched  Indian  men  by  the  English  to  work  their 
plantations  in  the  hot  countries,  it  is  evidence  beyond 
all  argument  to  the  contrary,  that  they  do  not,  and 
dare  not  depend  on  the  emancipated  blacks  to  do  this 
work.  On  this  account  the  great  argument  of  abo- 
litionists, namely,  that  the  negroes  will  certainly  work 
faithfully  for  their  former  masters,  out  of  pure  grat- 
itude for  the  gift  of  their  liberty,  is  refuted,  and 
should  open  the  eyes  of  all  honest  abolitionists  to  a 
sight  of  the  phantom  the  English  have  put  them  in 
chase  of. 

To  exalt  the  negro  race  to  an  equality  in  Christen- 
dom, politically,  with  white  men,  will  not  subserve 
the  purposes  of  humanity  toward  that  race,  as  they 
are  not  capable  of  sustaining  a  standing  on  ground 
so  high.  Had  not  the  Creator  have  estimated  the 
African  race  as  exceedingly  inferior,  the  decree  of 
servitude  would  not  have  been  announced  against 
them.  To  exalt  this  people,  therefore,  to  political 
equality,  will  be  to  admit  of  a  deteriorating  element 
in  the  midst  of  superiors,  which  will  amount  to  noth- 
ing more  or  less  than  a  blemish  in  the  heart  of  the 
institutions  of  the  country,  on  account  of  their  natu- 
ral incongeniality  of  natures,  passions,  character  and 
constitutional  make. 

In  all  the  states  where  they  are  free,  the  negro  pop* 


ulation  decreases  in  numbers  with  a  rapid  stride,  on 
account  of  their  natural  improvidence,  which  occa- 
sions the  premature  death  of  their  infants ;  the  doc- 
trine of  emancipation,  therefore,  is  but  a  doctrine  oi  | 
death  to  tlie  negro,  though  bearing  the  sweet  name 
of  liberty  written  on  its  front.  \ 

That  the  great  men  of  England,  her  rich  mei  J 

chants,  (fcc,  are  not  honest  in  the  prejudice  they  have  \ 

occasioned  in  the  world  against  America,  on  account  \ 

of  negro  slavery,  is  seen  in  the  remarks  of  Sir  Rob-  ! 

ert  Peel,  Premier  of  the  Empire,  w^ho  accused  the  ;. 

merchants  of  his  country  of  being  still  deeply  inter-  >■ 

ested  in  the  slave  trade^  and  stated  that  the  evidence  ' 

of  the  fact  could  be  produced.  t 

As  a  further  and  still  more  striking  evidence  of  j 

their  hatred  of  human  liberty^  we  notice  their  late  | 

operations  in  India,  see  the  following  account,  given  \ 

by  the  Rev.  J.  Piermont :  "The  sanguinary  war  by  | 

which  Great  Britain  has  subjugated  millions  of  India,  ' 

and  the  stern  despotism  with  which  she  rules  and  j 

starves  them,  that  her  merchant-princes  may  roll  in 
splendor  and  bask  in  voluptuousness,  have  a  voice 
which  the  whole  thickness  of  the  globe  cannot  keep 
from  our  eais.  A  more  beautiful  country  than  that 
from  Cuddalone  to  Tanjore,  in  Madras,  cannot  be  im- 
agined. The  dense  population  and  rich  soil  give 
their  energies  to  each  other,  and  produce  a  scene  of 
surpassing  loveliness.  But  the  taxes  and  other  causes, 
keep  down  the  laborers  to  a  state  below  that  of  the 
southern  slaves.  Go  with  me  into  the  north-west 
provinces  of  the  Bengal  presidency,  and  I  will  show 
you  the  bleaching  bones  of  five  hundred  thousand  \ 


human  beings,  who  perished  of  hunger  in  the  short 
space  of  a  few  months.  The  air,  for  miles,  was 
poisoned  with  the  effluvia  of  the  dead — the  river 
choked  with  floating  corpses  ;  jackalls,  vultures  and 
crocodiles,  fattened  upon  the  bodies  of  men,  women 
and  infants,  in  many  cases,  even  before  life  was  ex- 
tinct. This  occurred  in  British  India,  in  the  reign  of 
Victoria  I." 

Under  the  administration  of  Lord  Clive,  a  fam- 
ine in  the  Bengal  province  swept  off  three  mil- 
lions; and,  at  the  same  time,  the  British  specula- 
tors had  their  granaries  f,Ued  to  repletion  with 
corn,  which  the  inhabitants  were  too  poor  to  buy, 
while  the  grain  was  exported  elsewhere,  and  sold 
at  a  higher  price  than  it  could  be  sold  for  in  that 

This  is  the  people  and  government  with  whom  the 
abolitionists  are  now  coalescing  on  the  subject  of  hu- 
man liberty  and  human  rights,  to  the  very  great  in- 
jury of  America,  and  to  their  own  expungeless 

That  abolitionists  have  been,  and  are  now,  in  se- 
cret and  open  compact  with  the  leading  characters 
of  England,  on  the  subject  of  slavery  in  America,  is 
shown  from  the  speeches  made  in  the  great  meeting 
of  the  abolitionists  of  both  countries,  held  recently  in 

A  Mi:  Wendell  Phillips,  in  a  set  speech  in  that 
mighty  convenfion,  stated  as  follows :  "  That  though 
the  connection  had  been  dissolved  between  this  coun- 
try (England)  and  America,  as  far  as  holding  its  own 
parliaments,  and  directing  its  own  aflairs,  yet  they 


were  in  its  vassalage,  as  far  as  talents  and  geniv^ 
were  concerned.  The  anti-slavery  abolitionists  had 
eloquent  and  devoted  men  in  their  cause,  but  the 
American  public  would  not  listen  to  them.  England^ 
and  England  alone,  was  the  fulcrum  by  which 
American  slavery  was  to  be  uprooted  forever.  It  was 
not  with  America  (to  do  this),  for  it  was  beyond  her 

If  it  is  beyond  the  power  of  America,  in  her  legis- 
lative halls,  to  help  herself  in  any  respect,  whether 
in  relation  to  slavery  or  any  other  matter,  how  is  a 
foreign  power  to  assist  but  in  a  way  of  aggression  and 
insult,  as  invited  by  abolitionists,  in  their  adulatory 
and  fulsome  speeches,  as  is  seen  in  the  above?  In 
this  speech  of  Mr.  Phillips,  it  appears  that  he  readily 
and  eagerly  gives  the  meed  of  praise,  in  relation  to 
genius  and  talent,  to  America's  worst  enemy,  the 
English,  which  is  an  infinite  untruth;  for,  as  yet, 
that  government  have  not  genius  nor  talent  enough 
to  be  just,  liberal  and  wise,  toward  her  own  sub- 
jects, but  crushes  them  down  in  every  corner  of 
their  empire,  with  taxations  unbounded  and  without 

In  this  speech  of  Phillips,  the  English  are  fairly 
invited  to  take  a  part  in  revolutionizing  America  on 
the  subject  of  slavery,  when  he  said  in  that  oration, 
that  '■^England,  and  England  alone,  was  the  ful- 
crum [or  lever  power]  by  which  American  slavery 
was  to  be  uprooted  forever." 

In  that  meeting,  a  Mr.  Galusha,  an  American, 
who  thought  to  say  something  which  would  greatly 
tickle  the  ear  of  the  nobility,  and,  withal,  if  possible, 


to  go  beyond  his  brethren  in  extravagant  remarks, 
said,  "The*only  apology  he  could  offer  for  his  coun- 
try (on  the  subject  of  slavery)  was,  that  it  was  pos- 
sessed by  the  devil.  The  delegates  from  America 
asked  for  the  aid  of  the  people  of  England,  to  cast 
this  devil  out."  This  man  must  be  a  believer  in 

In  some  of  the  West  India  Islands,  where  the  slaves 
have  been  set  free,  it  is  known  that  a  state  of  almost 
universal  vagrancy  among  the  negroes  has  taken 
place,  who  do  not  labor  more  than  one  day  in  six, 
and  barely  enough  to  keep  soul  and  body  together, 
the  residue  of  the  time  being  spent  in  thieving,  drink- 
ing and  debauchery,  which  has  been  the  character 
of  the  race  in  all  ages. 

It  is  well  known  that  the  negro  nations  are  un- 
conquerably fond  of  ardent  drinks,  which,  in  a  fiee 
condition,  is  one  reason  of  their  misery,  the  use  of 
which,  in  a  state  of  slavery,  they  cannot  indulge,  as 
their  masters  will  not  allow  it.  Their  liberation, 
therefore,  would  only  fill  the  entire  country  with 
straggling  paupers,  especially  the  northern  states,  as 
is  seen  in  all  the  towns  and  cities  of  the  free  North, 
as  very  few  of  the  blacks  elevate  themselves  above 
a  condition  of  vagrancy,  when  in  a  state  of  freedom. 
In  the  diiferent  states  of  the  Union,  where  the  negroes 
are  free,  there  are  found  many  little  settlements  ot 
this  people,  but  always  in  some  out  of  the  way  place, 
from  whence  they  sally  forth  by  night  to  steal,  in  a 
small  way,  from  the  farmers  of  their  neighborhood. 
But  in  the  slave  states,  this  they  cannot  do,  as  slaves 
are  fed  and  clothed  by  their  masters,  far  better  than 



those  who  are  tree,  and  are  also  withheld  from 
rambling  and  wandering  about  the  Country  If 
such  settlements  and  such  neighbors  are  desirable 
appendages  to  white  communities,  then  set  the  ne- 
groes free  in  all  the  states,  when  the  object  will  be 
abundantly  realized,  as  a  reciprocation  of  the  immu 
nities  of  white  men  in  their  social  capacities,  can  nev 
er  be  extended  to  the  blacks,  howe\  er  visionaries  ma> 
fume  and  bustle  to  the  contrary ;  51s  the  very  ele- 
ments of  the  physical  existences  of  the  two  races — 
the  whites  and  the  blacks — render  such  an  event  im- 
possible, except  by  amalgamation^  which  would  be 
the  end  of  both  races,  in  the  production  of  a  mulatto 
species,  which  were  produced,  not  by  the  Creative 
hand  as  being  original,  but  by  a  sin  against  the  laws 
of  human  nature. 

Were  the  three  millions  and  a  half  of  slaves  in  the 
South  set  free,  the  whole  states  would  become  infest- 
ed with  gangs  and  bandit  parties,  in  all  the  wild  and 
more  unsettled  regions  of  the  country,  instead  of 
cleaving  heart  and  soul  to  hard  labor,  as  does  the 
white  man,  for  the  sake  of  bettering,  physically  and 
morally,  the  condition  of  his  race,  and  to  keep  it  thus 

In  the  New  England  states,  where  the  negroes 
have  been  free  these  fifty  years,  have  they  in  the 
least  elevated  their  characters  or  condition  as  men, 
who  set  a  proper  estimate  on  human  liberty?  They 
have  not,  for  every  where  among  them,  the  negro  is 
seen  to  be  a  negro  still.  In  all  the  free  states  of  the 
North,  it  is  the  same  with  this  people ;  there  is  no 
real  elevation  of  character  beyond  the  power  by  which 


they  are  surrounded,  and  this  is  the  infliience  of  the 
customs  and  manners  of  the  white  population. 

'Twas  on  Euphrate's  shore,  confusion  blent, 
To  build  the  tower,  just  as  the  flood  was  spent; 
Whose  architects  were  negroes,  black  and  brown, 
And  brought  upon  their  work  the  Eternal's  frowB. 
So  in  the  western  world,  old  Kimrod^t  friends 
Are  building  up  a  tower  for  certain  ends, 
On  which  'tis  written — Abolitionism : 
M'janing  wild  disorder,  or  any  kind  of  schism. 
But  God.  ^Hi'o  sees  their  work,  may  laugh  to  i 
And  blast  the  parent  ere  tba  child  is  born. 



Replies  to  various  abolition  questions  proposed  to  the  author — Cir- 
cumstances in  which  men  find  themselves  possessed  of  slaves  be- 
yond their  control,  which  is  held  to  be  God's  providence  in  secur- 
ing negro  slavery,  in  agreement  with  his  decree  by  Noan — Dif- 
ference of  negro  sensibilities  from  that  of  the  whites,  on  being 
separated  from  wives  and  children,  proven  by  facts — Argument 
of  abolitionists  in  favor  of  negro  equality,  founded  on  God's  hav- 
ing given  the  rule  of  all  animals,  as  much  to  the  blacks  as  to  the 
whites,  replied  to — Ham  and  Nimrod's  opposition  to  the  religicn 
of  Noah,  founded  on  their  hatred  to  him,  on  account  of  the  curse, 
who  originated  idolatry  in  the  world — None  but  negroes  engage<i 
in  the  project  of  the  tower — Happiness  and  well-being  of  the  ne- 
gro race  seem  to  lie  in  the  direction  of  the  white  man's  control — 
Fates  of  all  the  ancient  negro  kingdoms — Different  estimate  of  the 
negro,  respecting  human  liberty  and  its  uses,  from  the  white 
man — The  races  set  out,  after  the  flood,  with  equal  opportunities, 
but  who  has  won  the  prize  ? — Practical  undervaluing  of  the  negro 
character  by  abolitionists — A  curious  position  of  abolitionists, 
which  supposes  the  hiring  out  of  the  race  of  Ham  to  the  other 
races  would  fulfill  Noah's  curse,  replied  to — A  certain  great  ob- 
jection of  abolitionists  to  slavery,  which  charges  owners  of  slaves 
of  giving  them  no  wages,  replied  to — The  patriarch,  nor  did  the 
Jew,  pay  slaves  any  wages  as  hired  men,  with  many  other  matters. 

During  the  time  we  have  been  occupied  in  pro- 
ducing this  work,  the  question  has  been  frequently- 
asked  the  writer,  if  he  does  not  consider  it  a  Christian 
duty  to  enslave  and  hold  in  bondage,  individuals  of 
the  African  race,  seeing  that  we  build  our  whole  be- 
lief in  this  matter  upon  the  Divine  Oracles  ?  There- 
fore, say  they,  ought  not  Christian  men,  and  all  oth- 

FORTUNES,   OF   TllK    NKGRO  RACE.  375 

ers,  to  make  tlie  thing  binding  on  their  very  con 
sciences,  and  perseveringly  assist  in  the  accomphsh- 
ment  of  so  great  a  duty,  as  we  should  any  and  all 
injunctions  of  the  Scriptures  not  abrogated.  Our  re- 
ply to  this  question  is,  that  the  Scriptures  do  not  com- 
tnand  the  enslavement  of  the  negro  race,  but  they 
give  a  history  of  that  people,  in  which  is  related  the 
account  of  their  being  cursed  by  the  mouth  of  Noah, 
and  of  the  indorsement  of  that  same  curse  in  the  law 
of  Moses,  giving  the  right  and  privilege  to  the  races 
of  Shem  and  Japheth  to  enslave  them,  if  tliey  will, 
in  which  practice  not  even  the  New  Testament  op- 
poses any  objection. 

But,  says  one,  if  it  was  not  a  command  that  the 
two  races  of  Shem  and  Japheth  should  enslave  the 
race  of  Ham,  how  then  could  there  be  any  certainty 
that  the  judicial  decree  of  God,  as  announced  by 
Noah,  that  they  should  be  servants,  be  secured  to  take 
place  1  Our  answer  to  this  is,  that  the  commands  of 
God  make  nothing  sure,  as  all  men  are  free  to  diso- 
bey as  they  are  free  to  obey ;  but  the  decrees  of  God 
are  sure,  without  man's  obedience  or  disobedience — 
the  Deity  taking  care  so  to  shape  things  and  circum- 
stances, that  his  veracity  shall  not  be  impeached.  It 
is  on  this  ground,  and  no  other  ground,  that  the  ju 
dicial  decree  of  God,  respecting  Ham  and  his  posteri- 
ty, was  made  sure  to  take  place,  which,  as  all  the 
world  knows,  has  been  fulfilled,  and  will,  doubtless, 
still  continue  to  be  thus  fulfilled,  in  some  shape  or 
other,  till  the  end  of  the  world. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  but  the  chief  means  by 
which  the  Divine  wisdom  has  secured  the  accom- 


plishment  of  the  personal  enslavement  of  Ham's  race, 
is  the  position  they  hold  in  relation  to  the  other  two 
races.  The  white  and  red  men  of  the  first  ages,  as 
well  as  the  same  races  now^  being  actually  of  a  more 
noble  and  intellectual  description  of  persow  and  comw- 
tenance,  overawe  the  more  imbecile  and  cringing  ne- 
gro, who,  on  this  account,  naturally  looks  up  for  pro- 
tection and  support  to  the  more  conservative  and 
powerful  races  of  Shem  and  Japheth.  This  being  so, 
which  all  men  must  acknowledge,  they  have  natiir 
rally  and  fortuitously  become  slaves,  in  myriads  of 
instances,  and  thus  have  secured  the  same  fate  to 
their  offspring  in  perpetuity.  In  this  position  there 
is  nothing  that  savors  of  sin,  as  it  is  but  the  weaker 
seeking  protection  of  the  stronger — it  is  the  natural 
operation  of  circumstances,  not  to  be  avoided  without 
much  trouble  and  resistance.  How  many  freed  blacks 
there  are  in  this  country,  who  have  gone  again  to 
their  former  masters,  having  found  it  impossible  to 
take  as  good  care  of  themselves  free,  as  when  slaves. 
But  there  are  other  ways  in  the  mutations  of  society, 
occasioned  by  the  revolution  of  nations,  in  which,  as 
it  relates  to  individuals,  there  is  no  sin  to  be  charged 
upon  them,  though  the  negro  race  fall  into  their  hands 
as  personal  slaves,  which  is  under  the  direction  of 
that  Eye  who  will  secure  the  accomplishment  of  his 

As  it  respects  the  cases  of  millions  of  families  in 
this  and  all  countries,  they  find,  as  children  and  heirs, 
that  they  are  in  possession  of  black  slaves,  without 
their  knowledge  and  consent,  the  same  as  the  rest  of 
inherited  estates  and  property.     So  it  may  be  that,  in 


most  cases,  where  the  negro  man  is  fonnd  a  slave, 
that  some  uncontrollable  circumstance  at  first  neces- 
sitated the  purchase  of  the  black  man  as  a  slave — 
thus  securing,  without  sin,  the  servitude  of  millions. 
Africa  herself,  in  all  ages,  has  stood  ready  with  her 
billions  of  slaves,  to  tempt  the  cupidity  of  men  in 
their  purchase,  selling  their  own  race  for  the  merest 
trifle  a  head — this  has  always  been  done  by  their 
chiefs.  In  this,  who  is  to  blame  ?  The  negro  is  too 
Ignorant  and  imbecile  to  be  charged  with  sin,  in  the 
proper  sense  of  the  word,  on  this  account;  and  thp 
purchasers,  what  else  could  they  do  but  take  them 
when  offered,  as  their  condition  in  life  could  not  be 
made  worse  by  the  transfer,  but  far  better  ?  Thus  the 
Divine  Providence,  in  an  arbitrary  manner,  has  ta- 
ken care  to  accomplish  its  own  judicial  appointment 
of  the  negro  race  to  slavery. 

Abolitionists,  in  their  opposition  to  the  principle  of 
negro  slavery,  contend  that,  as  the  Supreme  Being 
dealt  severely  in  the  way  of  judgment,  with  the 
Egyptians,  for  refusing  to  let  the  Hebrews  go  free 
from  their  condition  of  bondage  in  that  country ;  it  is 
made  clear,  therefore,  as  they  believe,  that  he  is  not 
pleased  with  the  practice  which  enslaves  the  black 
race.  But,  between  the  two  cases  there  appears  to 
be  no  parallel — no  likeness  of  condition — on  which 
account,  though  God  punished  and  rebuked  the  Egyp- 
tians for  their  behavior  toward  the  Hebrews  in  that 
affair,  yet  this  furnishes  no  reason  why  we  are  tc 
believe  that,  therefore,  negj^o  slavery  is  against  his 

The  Hebrews  were  sent  from  the  land  of  Canaan 


down  to  Egypt  by  God  himself^  where  they  were  re- 
ceived as  citizens^  and  placed  in  the  richest  part  of 
the  country,  namely,  in  Goshen^  as  in  the  hollow  of 
his  hand,  who  preserved  them  there  during  four  hun- 
dred years,  till  such  time  as  he  should  be  ready  to 
return  them  again  to  the  land  of  Canaan,  as  he  had 
promised  to  Abraham ;  Gen.  xv,  16.  We  do  not 
learn  from  the  Scriptures  that  the  Hebrews,  during 
their  stay  in  Egypt,  were  slaves  in  the  abject  ox  'prop- 
erty sense  of  the  word,  and  that  they  were  bought 
and  sold  as  such  among  the  Egyptians^  but  that 
they  were  vassals  only,  and  were  compelled  to  pay 
a  heavy  tax,  in  labor,  to  the  government,  which,  to- 
ward the  close  of  their  stay  in  that  country,  became 
exorbitant  in  the  extreme. 

Respecting  this  labor,  which  they  were  compelled 
to  render,  it  does  not  appear  that  it  was  exacted  du- 
ring the  whale  time  they  were  in  Egypt,  but  only  to- 
ward the  e7id  of  that  sojourn.  We  come  to  the 
conclusion  that  they  were  not  held  as  personal  slaves, 
the  same  as  negroes  are  in  the  southern  states, because, 
it  is  seen  from  Exod.  xii,  32,  that  they  had  vast  herds 
of  Jiocks  and  of  cattle.  If  flocks  and  herds,  then 
they  had  the  possession  and  occupancy  of  land,  which 
would  also  suppose  houses,  in  which  they  dwelt,  en- 
joying all  the  domiciliary  appendages  of  society,  gov- 
erning themselves,  yet  in  a  tributary  condition.  That 
this  was  the  fact,  is  shown  from  Exod.  ix,  7,  where 
it  is  written,  that  "Pharaoh  sent,  and  behold,  there 
was  not  one  of  the  cattle  of  the  Israelites  dead."  But 
to  what  place  did  Pharaoh  send  to  find  this  out  ?  To 
Goshen,  the  country  which  was  given  to  the  Israel- 


ites,  when  they  came  Jirst  into  Egypt,  as  is  seen  from 
Gen.  xlvii,  4,  11;  which  Goshen  was  in  the  land  of 
Ramases,  the  very  best  in  the  country  of  Egypt.  If 
the  Hebrews  were  actual  slaves,  as  persons  are  who 
are  bought  and  sold,  then  it  was  impossible  for  them 
to  possess  property,  as  land,  houses,  cattle,  and  herds, 
or  to  have  maintained  a  system  of  nohility  or  elder- 
ship, which  they  certainly  did,  as  appears  from  Exod. 
xii,  21,  who  at  the  very  tiTiie  of  their  oppression  and 
of  the  plagues,  lived  in  Goshen,  as  is  evident  from 
Exod.  viii,  22.  Had  they  been  slaves,  this  could  not 
have  been,  as  people  of  that  cast  have  no  titles,  or 
dignitaries,  no  nobility  of  any  description,  property, 
or  social  compacts,  as  the  Hebrews  had  at  the  very 
time  when  Moses  demanded  their  release  from  Pha- 
*-aoh,  and  when  he  delivered  them  out  of  the  coun- 

The  bondage,  therefore,  to  which  they  were 
subjected,  was  that  of  vassalage,  and  the  payment 
of  exorbitant  taxes,  required  to  be  paid  in  labor,  be- 
yond their  power  to  perform.  It  is  very  likely,  that 
the  persons  who  performed  this  labor,  in  making 
brick,  were  drawn  out  by  draughts,  so  many  from 
every  hundred,  and  then  sent  to  the  king's  works  for 
a  given  time,  and  then  returned  again,  when  others 
were  draughted  in  their  turn.  Had  this  not  been  so, 
the  Hebrews  could  not  have  had  possessions  in  the 
country,  or  maintained  any  form  of  society  whatever, 
as  they  certainly  did. 

The  Egyptians,  from  their  earliest  history,  prac- 
ticed buying  and  selling  slaves  of  the  property  char- 
acter, as  is  seen  from  the  history  of  Joseph,  who  waa 


sold  as  a  slave  to  an  Egyptian,  by  the  Ishmaelites,  | 

and  from  other  sources.     But  the  Hebrews  came  into  { 

Egypt,  not  as  slaves,  but  as  citizens,  in  full  fellow-  I 

ship  and  equality  with  the  lords  of  Egypt,  in  virtue  \ 

of  their  relation  to  Joseph,  the  savior  of  Egypt  in 
the  days  of  the  famine.  We  do  not  find  that  the 
Scriptures  have  blamed  the  Egyptians  because  they  i 

held  the  Hebrews  in  a  condition  of  vassalage,  but 
because  they  abused  them,  and  would  not  let  them  | 

go,  when  God  called  for  them  by  the  ministration  of  | 

Moses.     We  see  no  parallel,  therefore,  between  the  1 

condition  of  the  Hebrews  in  Egypt,  and  the  slavery  | 

of  the  negro  race,  as  ordained  from  the  lips  of  Noah,  j 

and  from  Mount  Sinai.  \ 

Egypt  was  the  house  in  which  God  saw  fit  to  place 
the  seed  of  Abraham,  till  such  time  as  the  nations 
of  the  land  of  Canaan  should  become  ripe  for  destruc- 
tion, when  he  intended  to  take  the  Hebrews  away  •  ' 
from  the  Egyptians,  as  he  had  promised  Abraham;  i 
Gen.  XV,  13,  14.     The  sojourn  of  the  people  of  Israel 
in  the  country  of  Egypt,  was  not,  therefore,  a  state 
of  bond  slavery,  in  which  the  Egyptians  claimed  and  j 
held  them  as  their  property,  but  only  as  a  nation  of  \ 
vassals,  providentially  placed  among  them,  who,  on 
account  of  their  rapid  increase  in  the  country  oppress- 
ed them  grievously,  in  order  to  keep  them  from  be- 
coming numerous,  as  appears  from  Exod.  i,  9-11. 
Had  they  not  been  a  body  politic  in  Egypt,  they 
could  not  have  acquired  wealth,  so  as  to  have  left  the 
country  possessed  of  great  substance,  besides  that 
which  the  Egyptians,  in  their  fear,  bestowed  upon 
them,  when  they  went  out  of  the  country,  toward 



the  Red  Sea.  Egypt,  it  is  true,  is  often  alluded  to  in 
the  Scriptures  as  having  been  the  house  of  bondage 
to  the  Hebrews,  and  their  condition  while  there, 
that  of  bondmen^  yet  of  the  vassal  character,  not 
-property  slaves  ;  states  of  human  being  widely  dif- 
fererit  from  each  other. 

The  United  States,  while  under  the  yoke  of  Great 
Britain,  was  a  condition  of  national  bondage,  but  no 
man  was  a  bond  slave  on  that  account,  and  yet,  in 
PRINCIPLE,  their  condition  was  just  the  same  with 
the  Hebrews  in  Egypt,  except  the  latter  were  more 
severely  treated.  There  were  many  reasons  why 
the  Supreme  Being  saw  fit  to  place  the  hneage  of  the 
Messiah  in  the  condition  the  Hebrews  endured  in 
the  country  of  Egypt ;  one  of  which  was,  that,  there- 
by, occasion  might  arise  for  him  to  exhibit  his  power 
as  the  God  of  the  universe,  by  which  means  the  in- 
significance and  nothingness  of  all  other  gods  might 
be  seen.  The  judgments,  therefore,  which  were  let 
loose  in  ten  signal  displays  upon  Egypt,  as  well  as 
the  death  of  many  ten  thousands  in  the  Red  Sea, 
were  in  pursuance  of  that  design,  as  well,  also,  as  to 
punish  the  haughty  and  cruel  negro  king  of  the  Nile 
for  not  letting  the  Hebrews  go,  when  they  were  called 
for  by  the  God  of  the  universe. 

The  rebuke,  therefore,  of  the  Egyptians,  on  that 
occasion,  affords  no  argument  in  support  of  that  opin- 
ion, that  God  was  ever  displeased  with  negro  slavery, 
as,  between  the  two  cases,  the  Hebrews  in  Egypt, 
and  the  negroes  under  the  curse,  present  no  parallels 
to  each  other,  as  to  the  reasons  or  principle  of  the 
occurrences.     If  the  argument  which   abolitionists 


draw  from  that  history  and  circumstance,  is  correct 
namely,  that  God  is  opposed  to  negro  slavery,  how 
came  it  to  pass,  in  a  few  months  after  those  awful 
displays  of  his  power  upon  the  Egyptians,  that  he 
gave  a  permit  to  the  Hebrews  to  enslave  the  negro 
heathen  people  of  old  Canaan,  in  the  very  law  of  Mo- 
ses, given  from  Heaven  on  Mount  Sinai  ?  I'',  as  ab- 
olitionists say,  God  punished  the  Egyptians  for  hold- 
ing the  Hebrews  in  a  state  of  slavery,  and  from  that 
alone,  how  could  he  justify  the  enslaving  of  the  Ca- 
naanite  heathen  immediately  after?  'the  idea  is 
preposterous,  irreconcilable  and  absurd.  Thus  falls 
to  the  ground,  every  argument  and  position  which 
abolitionists  conjure  up  from  the  Scriptures,  which 
goes  to  contradict  the  decree  of  God  on  the  negro 

There  is  one  trait  among  the  incidents  of  negio 
slavery,  upon  which  abolitionists  fix  their  eye  with 
an  awful  and  fierce  intensity,  calling  on  all  mankind 
to  come  and  see  the  horrid  sight;  and  this  is  the 
circumstance  of  separating  the  families  of  slaves,  by 
their  being  sometimes  sold  to  other  masters.  On  this 
subject,  abolitionists  argue  the  same  as  they  would 
were  the  case  their  own,  imagining  that  negro  parents 
feel  such  a  circumstance  as  acutely,  and  as  sentimen- 
tally as  witite  families  would  under  similar  circum- 
stances. But  this  is  a  mistake,  as  we  believe,  and 
does  not  apply  to  the  negroes  case,  as  it  would  to  that 
of  the  whites,  on  account  of  a  want  of  the  higher  intel- 
lectual faculties  of  the  mind  of  the  blacks.  On  occa- 
sions of  severe  bereavement,  tlie  feelings  of  negro  pa- 
rents seem  to  be  «of  shorter  duration  ;  as  it  is  well 


known  that  the  bond  of  marriage  and  family  obliga- 
tion with  that  race,  is  of  but  secondary  considerations, 
or  of  slight  influence,  as  a  knowledge  o/,  and  a  par- 
ticipation in,  high  intellectual  love  and  elevated  affec- 
tions, is  not  reached  by  the  black  man's  soul. 

On  this  very  account,  the  desire  of  promiscuous 
intercourse  prevails  in  negro  society  far  more  than 
among  the  whites,  and  is  carried  out  in  their  practice. 
The  power  of  this  trait  of  their  constitutional  make, 
no  doubt  operates  in  lessening  their  attachments  to  re- 
fined family  endearments,  so  that  when  separated 
from  each  other  by  being  sold,  it  is  not  so  grievous  a 
thing  as  it  would  be  to  the  mind  and  feelings  of  a 
white  man  or  woman. 

This  trait  of  the  negro  character  was  always  thus, 
a  striking  proof  of  which  is  related  by  Herodotus, 
Vol.  vi,  p.  77,  as  follows  :  "  At  a  certain  time,  when 
the  Persians  had  the  mastery  of  Egypt,  there  was  a 
tribe  who  had  revolted,  and  after  an  unsuccessful 
struggle  against  their  conquerors,  the  male  part  of 
the  population  of  their  citadel  or  town,  came  to  a 
resolution  of  secretly  making  their  escape,  leaving 
their  families  and  kindred  behind  to  look  out  for 
themselves,  while  they  should  reach,  if  possible, 
the  Ethiopian  country,  that  lay  at  the  head  of  the 

"But  as  soon  as  it  was  known  to  the  Persians,  they 
pursued  the  fugitives  and  soon  came  up  with  them, 
when  a  parley  took  place.  The  Persians  endeavored 
to  persuade  the  negroes  to  return,  by  alluding  to  their 
gods,  their  wives  and  children,  from  whom  they  were 
to  be  forever  separated,  if  they  persisted  in  their  project. 


But  when  this  appeal  was  made,  to  the  dearesi  sen- 
sibilities of  the  human  mind,  one  of  their  number 
leaped  out  from  the  midst  of  his  fellows,  and  in  a 
loud  stentorian  voice,  said,  as  he  exposed  himself  im- 
properly, wherever  v/e  go  [perveho  talis)  more  wives 
and  more  children  can  be  obtained,  when  they  took  to 
their  heels  and  were  soon  out  of  sight  in  the  wilder- 

In  agreement  with  this  disposition,  it  is  said  by  all 
travelers,  and  those  acquainted  with  the  true  African 
negro  character,  that  parents  will  sell  their  little  chil- 
dren for  almost  any  trifle,  as  a  piece  of  cloth,  a  girdle 
of  beads,  a  bottle  of  wi?ie  or  brandy,  or  any  trinket 
which  strikes  their  fancy ;  and  this  they  will  do  with 
the  knowledge  of  the  certain  enslavement  of  their 
offspring. — "  Universal  Traveler,"  j^age,  404. 

We  know,  it  can  be  said,  that  the  Jew  would  sell 
his  child,  but  it  was  with  the  knowledge  of  its  re- 
lease in  six  years  to  freedom  again.  It  may  also  be 
said,  that  the  Circassians,  who  are  white,  will  sell 
their  daughters  to  the  Turks,  but  this  is  done,  not  to 
enslave  them,  but  to  exalt  them  to  the  honor  of  be- 
ing a  member  of  some  great  man's  harem — this  is 
owing  to  their  false  education,  not  insensibility  of  na- 

But  the  negro  man  sells  his  babe  as  an  abject  slave, 
brutally,  for  almost  no  reward,  never  to  see  it  again, 
the  transaction  taking  place  on  the  part  of  the  negro 
parent  with  all  the  apathy  and  indifference  they  would 
sell  a  dog. 

In  all  this,  does  it  not  appear  that  there  is  a  differ- 
ence between  the  affections  of  the  two  races  toward 


their  offspring,  and  that  the  separating  of  negro  pa- 
rents from  their  children  is  not  as  grievous  as  aboU- 
tionists  seem  to  beUeve  ? 

This  being  true,  in  comphment  to  the  amehorating 
genius  of  the  age,  it  were  as  well,  perhaps,  to  discour- 
age occurrences  of  the  kind — it  would  be  more  pa- 
triarchal and  fatherly. 

It  is  not  very  likely  that  Ham  and  his  family  were 
very  well  pleased  with  the  curse  and  denunciation 
of  Noah,  which  put  them,  with  all  who  should  pro- 
ceed from  their  house,  under  the  ban  of  everlasting 
servitude  to  the  races  of  their  brethren.  This  cir 
cumstance,  beyond  all  doubt,  raised  up  in  the  minds 
of  that  people,  an  unconquerable  hatred,  not  only  to- 
ward Noah,  but  also  toward  Shem  and  Japheth,  with 
their  entire  posterities,  in  those  ages. 

On  this  account,  it  was  that  Ham  left  the  paternal 
tents  and  altar  of  sacrifice,  near  Ararat,  much  soon- 
er than  did  the  other  sons,  wandering  still  further 
down  the  Euphrates  toward  the  sea,  till  they  came 
to  the  great  flats  of  jShitiar,  where  Nimrod,  the  grand- 
son of  Ham,  commenced  the  foundation  of  his  em- 
pire, and  where  he,  with  Ham  and  all  the  race,  set 
about  building  the  tower,  as  a  defense  against  another 
flood,  and  as  a  temple  of  idolatry  and  a  rallying 
point  for  their  tribes  in  coming  ages.  It  was,  no 
doubt,  on  the  account  of  Noah's  curse  that  Nimrod, 
the  great  leading  spirit,  like  Satan  among  the  fallen 
angels,  opposed  himself  so  cruelly  with  all  his  pow- 
er, to  the  religion  of  Noah,  as  propagated  by  ^hem, 
who  was  Melchisedek  His  grand  object  was  lo  pro- 
duce and  consolidate  a  power  by  which   to  protect 


his  race  against  the  threatened  servitude  of  Noah,  his 
grand-sire,  announced  in  the  curse,  as  well  as  to  es- 
tablish a  contrary  system  of  religion,  which  would 
subserve  the  same  end. 

At  the  time  of  the  confusion  of  the  language,  there 
was  none  of  the  races  of  Shem  and  Japheth  there ; 
that  operation — the  building  of  the  tower — was  whol- 
ly of  negro  invention,  who  had  the  requisite  geomet- 
rical knowledge  at  the  time,  derived  from  the  house 
of  Noah,  who  brought  this  knowledge,  with  all  other, 
from  beyond  the  flood.  On  this  account,  for  some 
hundred  years,  the  first  people  of  those  countries  had 
more  scientific  knowledge  than  the  nations,  many  of 
them,  had  a  thousand  years  afterward. 

But,  how  is  it  known  that  the  races  of  Shem  and 
Japheth  did  not  participate  in  the  wicked  project  of 
the  tower  ?  It  is  shown  from  the  natural  antipathy 
of  the  children  of  Shem  toward  the  blacks,  and  also 
from  its  being  an  idolatrous  temple,  or  tower,  from 
which  the  descendants  of  Shem  and  Japheth  would 
turn  with  horror,  especially  while  Noah,  Shem,  Ar- 
phaxad,  and  others  of  the  patriarchs  of  the  holy  line, 
were  yet  alive,  and  the  dictators  of  the  religion  and 
morals  of  the  people. 

Josephus  says,  in  his  Jewish  Antiquities,  p.  19,  that 
Nimrod  was  a  bold  man  and  of  great  muscular 
strength.  The  Jewish  Rabbi  say,  also,  in  their  tra- 
dition, that  he  was  a  mighty  giant,  and  of  a  morose, 
cruel  and  savage  temper,  a  tyrant  among  his  people, 
who  forced  men  from  the  fear  ot  God,  threatening  to 
be  revenged  on  God  for  destroying  the  world  by  wa- 
ter.    Moses  says  he  was  a  mighty  hunter  before  the 


Lord;  to  which  the  Rabbi  add,  that  he  not  only 
hunted  and  destroyed  the  wild  animals  which  abound- 
ed beyond  measure  in  that  early  age,  but  that  he  also 
killed  men,  unless  they  would  unite  with  him  against 
Grod  and  the  religion  of  Noah. 

That  the  blacks  of  that  age  and  of  the  house  of 
Nimrod  were  violent  persecutors  of  the  race  and  re- 
ligion of  Shem  and  Noah,  as  related  by  Josephus,  is 
supported  by  a  Persian  tradition,  which  says  that 
they  having,  at  a  certain  time,  got  into  their  hands  a 
child  of  the  family  of  Terah,  which  was  Abraham, 
they  cast  it  into  a  strong  fire.  But  when  they  looked 
to  see  it  writhe  and  agonize  in  the  flarnes,  behold,  the 
place  of  the  fire  had  become  a  hedge  of  roses,  in  full 
bloom,  where  the  infant  lay  embedded,  as  on  a  couch 
of  down  formed  of  those  flowers. 

NiMROD,  Ham,  and  coadjutors,  therefore,  were  the 
great  fathers  of  idolatry  in  the  world  after  the  flood, 
who  inducted  the  people  into  their  system  of  religion 
by  combining  the  indulgence  of  one  of  the  strongest 
passions  of  animal  nature  with  the  worship  of  the 
gods,  making  such  indulgence  one  of  the  chief  vir- 
tues, because,  from  this  indulgence  proceeded  the 
human  race,  as  they  believed,  by  which  means  the 
world  was  peopled — a  religion  in  exact  agreement 
with  the  naturally  obscene  propensities  of  the  negro 

In  the  bosom  of  a  negro  man,  the  idea  of  liberty, 
freedom  and  independence,  does  not  give  rise  to  the 
same  sensations,  hopes,  and  expectations,  that  it  does 
in  the  bosom  of  the  whites.  To  the  mind  of  a  slave, 
or  even  of  a  free  black  man,  with  but  small  excep- 


tion,  the  idea  of  liberty  is  but  the  idea  of  a  holyday, 
in  which  they  are  to  be  let  loose  from  all  restraint 
or  control ;  they  are  to  play,  work,  or  sleep,  as 
may  suit  their  incUnation,  following  out,  to  the  ut- 
most,  the  perfect  indulgence  of  indolence,  stupidity, 
and  the  animal  passions. 

But  to  the  mind  of  the  white  man,  liberty  is  the 
means  of  the  moral  and  physical  improvement  of 
himself  and  race ;  it  is  the  field  of  labor,  out  of  which 
will  arise,  as  wheat  from  the  seed,  a  harvest  oi  knowl- 
edge, intellectual  refinement,  well  ordered  society,  the 
advancement  of  the  arts  and  sciences,  government  of 
the  passions,  with  every  good  thing  that  can  charm 
the  elevated  mind  and  conduce  to  the  bliss  of  human 
existence.  The  races  set  out  with  equal  opportuni- 
ties, at  the  subsiding  of  the  flood,  but  who  has  won 
and  taken  the  prize  of  power — of  social  and  mental 

It  cannot  be  denied,  that,  to  the  perceptions  of  a 
white  man,  the  negro's  case  is  a  hard  one,  and  was 
fully  foreknown  to  the  Creator,  who  is  merciful  and 
kind ;  yet  he  did  not  see  fit  not  to  create  them,  and  to 
create  them  in  the  loins  of  Ham,  a  degraded  race,  as 
well  as  to  appoint  them  to  servitude,  while  the  father 
of  the  race  was  yet  alive.  If  the  hard  lot  of  this  peo- 
ple ajQTords  at  present  a  reason  why  they  should  be 
set  free,  such  as  are  in  slavery,  it  can  be  said  in  re- 
ply, that  the  same  reason  existed  at  first,  in  the  eye 
of  the  Divine  foresight,  with  all  the  force  that  it  does 

Such  a  course,  however,  namely,  not  to  create  them, 
did  not  please  the  Maker,  as  it  was  agreeable  to  him 


that  they  should  exist,  and  exist  as  we  find  them,  a 
race  totally  different  from  the  whites,  in  every  respect 
that  can  be  thought  of,  except  that  they  are  human, 
but  of  the  lowest  order,  and  eminently  adapted  to  a 
state  of  servitude. 

But,  says  an  abolitionist,  we  do  not  disagree  to  the 
African  race  being  servants,  if  they  desire  it — that  is, 
hired  servants — as  in  this  way  the  Scriptures,  or  word 
of  prophesy  by  Noah,  can  as  well  be  fulfilled  as  that 
the  race  should  be  slaves.  To  this  position  we  re- 
ply, that  it  is  extremely  short-sighted ;  as  he  who 
hires  himself  out  to  labor  is  not  a  slave  servant,  in 
any  sense  of  the  word,  but  is  a  free  man,  having,  at 
his  own  will,  disposed  of  his  labor,  not  of  his  body, 
as  he  saw  fit.  The  Scriptures,  in  the  law  of  Moses, 
make  a  great  distinction  between  a  slave  and  a  hired 
man.  See  Levit.  xxv,  39,  40,  where  it  is  written  as 
follows  :  "  Thou  shalt  not  compel  him  [a  Hebrew]  to 
serve  as  a  bond  servant,  but  as  a  hired  servant."  But, 
notwithstanding  the  discriminating  remark  of  Moses, 
abolitionists  can  discover  no  difference  in  the  two 
cases,  confounding  them  together,  because  they  will, 
and  not  because  they  do  not  know  better.  Were  this 
the  way  in  which  the  spirit  of  God  directed  Noah  to 
curse  the  race  of  Ham  with  servitude,  and  the  way 
in  which  he  intended  its  fulfillment,  namely,  that 
they  were  generally  to  hire  themselves  out  to  work 
for  other  people,  then  it  would  follow  that  this  curse 
applied  as  much  to  both  the  other  races  as  it  did  to 
Ham's  race ;  for  there  are  found  as  many  laborers 
among  the  other  races,  and  especially  the  whites,  who 
work  on  hire,  as  among  the  blacks,  and  a  tboi  -and 


times  as  many,  as  they  are  a  more  industrious  peo- 
ple. Surely,  the  Supreme  Being  could  never  have 
intended  to  call  a  man  cursed  because  he  should  hire 
himself  out  to  labor :  there  must  be,  therefore,  some 
worse  meaning  attached  to  the  idea  of  a  bo7id  servant, 
than  the  hiring  of  one's  self  out.  On  this  view  of  the 
subject,  hontC  service  cannot  be  made  out,  as  personal 
bondage  supposes  the  holding  of  our  bodies  as  prop- 
erty; consequently,  when  Moses  said  to  the  Hebrews, 
that  if  they  wanted  bondmen  and  bondmaids,  who 
were  to  serve  them  forever,  they  were  to  buy  them — 
not  hire  them — of  the  heathen,  and  to  hold  them  by 
compulsion,  as  a  possession  for  themselves  and  their 
children  after  them,  which  they  could  not  do  with  a 
hired  man. 

From  thisYiew  of  the  subject,  it  is  easy  to  perceive 
that  the  arguments  of  abolitionists  entirely  neutralize 
the  force  of  the  denunciation  of  Noah,  respecting 
Ham's  race,  causing  it  to  refer  as  much  to  one  people 
as  to  another,  who  may  chance  to  hire  themselves  out 
to  labor,  making  it  a  curse  to  do  so,  and  they  who 
do  it  a  cursed  race.  Is  not  this  a  fair  result  of  their 
position  ? 

But,  says  an  abolitionist,  we  do  not  believe  that  the 
curse  of  Noah  signified  or  related,  in  any  sense,  to 
such  a  thing  as  the  personal  bondage  of  any  of  the 
race  of  Ham,  with  a  view  to  their  bodily  enslavement ; 
that  curse,  we  hold,  was  wholly  of  a  national  char- 
acter, and  was  fulfilled,  as  it  related  to  Shem's  rule, 
when  the  Jews  subdued  old  Canaan  ;  and,  as  to  Ja- 
phetKs  rule,  when  the  white  nations,  under  Alexander, 
destroyed  oM  Tyre  and  Zidon,  with  other  negro 


countries,  putting  them  under  tribute  and  national 

To  this,  as  to  the  other  problem,  we  must  reply, 
that  it  will  not  do,  as,  by  this  mode  of  interpretation, 
all  the  other  nations  of  the  earth,  who  have  alternate- 
ly subdued  each  other  by  war,  policy,  or  stratagem, 
and  laid  one  another  under  vassalage  and  tribute, 
are,  therefore,  equally  cursed  with  the  Race  of  Ham, 
as  to  the  quintescence  of  the  thing,  as  it  was  no  worse 
for  the  negro  Canaanites  to  be  put  under  vassalage 
and  tribute,  than  any  other  people,  so  that  they  were 
no  more  under  a  Divine  curse  than  any  of  the  rest 
of  mankind  when  conquered.  Wherefore,  in  this 
way  of  explaining  the  text,  abolitionists  make  it  void 
and  indefinite,  as  to  its  particular  application,  which 
the  whole  history,  as  written  by  Moses  in  the  ninth 
chapter  of  Genesis,  disallows. 

There  is  but  one  way  remaining  to  give  that  scrip- 
ture. Gen.  ix,  as  well  as  the  clause  in  the  law,  Levit. 
XXV,  a  consistent  meaning ;  and  that  is  to  allow  that 
both  recognized  the  individual  and  bodily  slavery  of 
the  race  of  Ham  by  the  two  other  races — the  circum- 
stance of  their  paying  tribute,  at  any  time,  as  a  peo- 
ple, to  other  nations  who  might  conquer  them,  hav- 
ing nothing  to  do  toward  the  fulfillment  of  that  de- 
nunciation of  Noah,  as  that  decree  related  not  to  na- 
tional, but  to  individual  slavery.  If  this  is  not  the 
true  sense  of  those  passages,  and  especially  that  of 
Gen.  ix,  25-27,  it  would  remain,  as  yet,  uncertain 
whether  that  curse  or  decree  has  been  in  any  degree 

The  fond  idea,  or  we  may  say  the  fanaticism  and 


foolish  notion  of  abolitionists,  which  supposes  the 
hiring  out  of  the  race  of  Ham,  at  their  own  discre- 
tion, to  the  other  races,  falls,  therefore,  to  the  ground,  so 
far  as  it  relates  to  the  fulfilling  of  the  curse  of  Noah  up- 
on the  posterity  of  Ham,  his  youngest,  but  wretched- 
ly profligate,  son.  Thus,  having  disposed  of  the  fore- 
going objections  and  positions  of  aboUtionists,  we  now 
address  ourself  to  combat  another  error  of  their  cre- 
ating. This  is,  the  circumstance  of  the  slaves  labor- 
ing, as  they  say,  for  no  reward  or  wages  ;  and,  there- 
fore, slavery  is  not  according  to  the  principle  of  eternal 
rectitude,  but  is  a  sin  of  the  blackest  dye. 
•  Now,  do  not  frown,  dear  reader,  when  we  tell  you 
that  this  is  not  true  of  sla.very,  as  slaves  do  not  labor 
without  a  hope  of  reward ;  and  that  reward  they  gen- 
erally receive.  It  is  true,  however,  that  their  wa^g*-s 
is  not  as  much  as  many  other  laborers  obtain,  ana 
then  again,  it  is  much  more  than  many  receive  who 
are  not  slaves.  The  laboring  classes  of  men  over  the 
wtiole  earth,  and  among  all  people,  operate  under 
very  diiferent  circumstances,  which  has  been  the  case 
in  all  ages,  and  will  continue  to  be  thus  to  the  end 
of  time.  In  all  countries,  minors,  apprentices  and 
children,  labor  till  of  age,  for  no  other  reward  than 
their  food,  shelter  and  clothing.  In  millions  of  cases, 
men  labor  all  their  lives,  and  never  receive  anything 
more  than  their  food  and  raiment,  and  yet,  they  were 
notbondmen,  but  free.  Do  not  black  slaves  receive 
as  much  as  this,  and  is  not  this  a  reward  to  which 
they  look  with  all  the  eagerness  of  any  other  kind  of 
laborers  ?  Do  they  not  hail  the  hours  of  meal  times 
as  the  bright  spot  of  their  destin)^,  with  as  mwch  joy 



as  do  other  laborers  ?  The  clothes  they  receive,  are 
they  not  better  far  than  tiieir  original  nakedness  in 
the  wilds  of  Africa  ?     Who  rewarded  them  then  ? 

Millions  of  free  men  over  the  whole  earth,  do  not 
receive  as  much  wages  as  do  the  negroes  of  the  slave 
states  in  America;  but,  with  their  freedom,  actually 
starve  to  death,  even  in  England  and  her  dependen- 
cies, not  from  idleness,  but  from  oppression.  Among 
freemen,  how  many  beggars  do  we  meet  with,  who 
have  received  no  wages  ?  But  among  negro  slaves 
there  are  no  beggars.  Food  and  raiment  is  all  thai 
a  man  can  receive  on  the  earth,  which  is  as  sure  to  a 
negro  slave  as  to  the  rest,  and  is  the  whole  reward 
of  animal  labor  and  of  animal  existence.  The  rich, 
though  they  control  more  than  they  can  individually 
consume,  have,  in  reality,  nothing,  after  all,  more 
than  a  slave,  except  injurious  and  ruinous  luxuries. 
Wherefore,  as  it  respects  mere  physical  existence, 
slaves  are  on  a  perfect  level  with  the  rest  of  man- 
kind, which  is  not  only  philosophically,  but  scriptnr- 
ally,  true ;  for  Solomon  says,  Eccl.  vi,  7,  that  "a/i 
the  labor  of  man  is  for  his  mouth^''  which  is  his  por- 
tion and  reward  under  the  sim. 

Negro  slavery,  therefore,  on  that  account,  is  not 
contrary  to  the  principle  of  Eternal  rectitude.  It  is 
true,  however,  that  their  hope  of  speculation  is  not  as 
great  as  it  is  among  the  whites  ;  yet  the  amount,  up- 
on the  whole,  which  they  receive,  is  just  the  same, 
as  their  food,  raiment  and  shelter  are  made  much 
surer  to  them,  especially  in  Christian  countries,  than 
among  the  free  blacks.  The  servitude  of  the  race  of 
Ham,  to  the  latest  era  of  mankind,  is  necessary  to  the 


veracity  of  God  himself,  as  by  it  is  fulfilled  one  oi 
the  eldest  of  the  decrees  of  the  Scriptures,  namely, 
that  of  Noah,  which  placed  the  race  as  servants  un- 
der the  other  races.  This  is  noticed  by  Newt&n  in 
the  same  light^  which  has  been,  and  now  is,  being 
every  where  fulfilled,  with  alj  the  punctuality  that 
all  the  other  decrees  are,  and  have  been,  fulfilled ; 
and  should  convince  all  abolitionists  of  their  unavail- 
ing error,  in  opposing  this  great  and  nearly  most  an- 
cient decree  of  the  Divine  Oracles. 

God  IS  just  and  good,  in  the  adaptation  of  circum- 
stances to  the  well-being  of  every  creature  of  the 
earth,  which  is  as  manifest  in  the  negro's  case  as  in 
the  case  of  every  other  grade  of  animal  being.  If 
the  white  man  is  more  intellectual  than  a  negro,  so 
much  the  more  are  his  cares  and  respofisibiUties. 
On  this  principle^  we  notice,  that  in  the  negro  char- 
acter is  fixed,  as  a  kind  of  antidote  or  recompense  for 
slavery,  a  certain  disposition  to  levity,  peculiar  t© 
themselves,  which  takes  off  much  of  the  weight  of 
their  seeming  sorrows.  This  enables  them  more 
cheerfully  to  endure,  without  thought,  their  condition 
of  servitude.  One  trait  of  this  peculiar  character  of 
the  negroes  is,  their  fondness  of  singing  and  whistling, 
in  which  they  universally  indulge,  even  under  cir- 
cumstances which  would  make  a  white  man  weep. 
They  generally  have  voices  of  the  most  melodious 
character,  and  can  whistle  with  their  thick  lips,  bet- 
ter than  all  mankind  beside,  in  the  sounds  of  which 
'  they  forget  all  things  else,  rejoicing  in  the  lightness  and 
levity  of  their  peculiar  natures.  Who  has  not  wit 
riGsaedihis,  that  has  seen  and  noticed  this  people  at  al)/ 

rORTUNES,  OF  THE  NEGRO  RACE.      396 

Thus  mercifully  is  thrown  into  the  negro's  being, 
circumstances  which  go  to  make  his  condition  toler- 
able, though  created  black  and  doomed  to  servitude, 
rendering  him,  upon  the  whole,  not  less  happy  than 
are  the  other  races  of  men. 

Thus,  with  balanced  eye,  the  great  All-seeing 
Has  made  each  race  with  an  equal  being — 
Has  with  the  ills  of  life  some  blessing  mix'd, 
Though  in  our  grades  a  genial  state  is  fix'd, 
The  white  man  soars,  as  with  m  eagle's  flight, 
While  the  black  man  dips  in  the  wave  of  night; 
And  both,  rejoicing  in  their  sev'ral  spherest 
Should  offer  thanks  in  the  Eternal's  ears. 



That  the  Gospel  doctrines  and  their  tendencies  is  against  negro  slaT- 
ery,  as  asserted  by  abolitionists,  shown  to  be  a  mistake — Exami- 
nation of  the  golden  rule  of  our  Savior,  in  relation  to  this  mat- 
ter—That the  condition  of  slaves  among  the  Jews  was  a  condition 
of  comparative  comfort,  as  is  asserted  by  abolitionists,  refuted — 
Care  of  slaves,  as  far  back  in  time  as  the  days  of  Job  and  Abra- 
ham— The  subject  of  judicial  law  and  the  law  of  lore  examined, 
in  relation  to  negro  slavery,  and  are  found  to  harmonize — The 
great  and  stronghold  of  abolitionism  in  support  of  negro  equality, 
and  the  propriety  of  amalgamation  by  marriages,founded  on  God's 
striking  Minam,  the  sister  of  Moses,  with  leprosy,  because  she 
found  fault  with  her  brother  for  having  married  an  Ethiopian  wo- 
man, overturned  and  shown  to  be  blasphemous — Curious  fact  of 
the  blood  of  the  negro  race  being  guarded  against,  as  affecting  the 
blood  of  the  line  through  which  the  Messiah  was  to  come — Firtt 
preaching  of  the  Gospel  directed  to  the  coun/nc* inhabited  by  white 
men,  not  negroes — This  was  done  afterward — All  the  present  arts 
of  the  world  nearly  of  white  men's  invention,  not  negro's,  with 
many  other  deeply  interesting  subjects. 

In  the  following  pages,  we  are  to  meet  a  few  more 
objections  of  abolitionism,  as  well  as  present  the  read- 
er with  some  other  matters,  when  we  shall  finish  the 
labor  of  this  work.  It  is  said,  by  this  class  of  men, 
that  the  benevolence  of  the  Gospel  contemplates  the 
personal  happiness  of  every  human  being ;  and  as 
individual  freedom  is  an  item  in  the  sum  of  mortal 
enjoyments,  therefore,  the  Gospel,  in  its  spirit  and 
tendencies,  is  against  slavery  of  every  description, 
and  demands  its  abolishment. 


But,  we  answer  this  position,  by  saying,  that,  al- 
though the  spirit  and  tendencies  of  the  Christian  rehg- 
ion  most  assuredly  does  contemplate  the  entire  and 
perfect  moral  happiness  of  the  whole  human  race, 
upon  certain  conditions,  as  obedience  to  its  commands, 
&c.,  yet  it  does  not,  and  cannot  interfere,  as  we  have 
before  said,  with  the  judgrnents,  decrees,  or  judicial 
acts  of  Godj  until  the  purposes  of  such  acts  are  ac- 
complished in  the  earth.  Although  the  Gospel,  as 
announced  in  the  New  Testament,  is  a  message  of 
benevolence  from  Heaven  toward  the  sufferers  of 
the  earth,  yet  death  is  not,  and  cannot  be  counteracted, 
as  yet,  by  its  influence,  because  death  came  by  the 
appointment  or  judicial  act  of  God,  on  the  account 
of  siyi,  placing  the  direful  circumstance  heyond  the 
redeeming  nature  of  that  great  system  of  atonement. 
Neither  can  it  affect  matters  of  less  importance,  such 
as  the  circumstance  of  man's  being  compelled  by  a 
Divine  judgment  to  get  his  bread  in  the  sweat  of 
his  face,  with  pain,  toil,  and  uncertainty.  The  case 
of  the  woman,  who  was  placed  by  the  same  power, 
judicially,  in  a  certain  circumstance,  which  is  that 
of  great  pain  and  danger,  is  also  placed  beyond  the 
reach  of  the  benevolence  of  the  spirit  of  the  Gospel, 
because  she  hearkened  to  the  voice  of  the  serpent,  in 
the  matter  of  the  forbidden  tree.  Does  the  Gospel, 
and  its  benevolent  principles,  remove  one  item  of  the 
vast  amount  of  what  is  called  natural  evil,  which 
the  human  race  now  is  heir  to,  such  as  sickness,  pov- 
erty, accidents,  mistakes,  difference  of  men's  opinions, 
which  are  all  the  effects  of  the  judicial  proceedings 
of  the  Creator  toward  man,  on  the  account  of  sith 


Now,  if  the  spirit  and  tendencies  of  religion^  can 
not,  as  yet,  remove  these  disabihties  or  obstacles  to 
man's  happiness  in  this  world,  how,  therefore,  can  it 
be  expected  that  it  can  alter  the  doom  of  the  negro 
race,  which,  as  the  Bible  establishes,  is  founded 
on  the  same  foundation,  that  of  the  decree  of  God, 
and  raises  a  barrier  which  is  impassable  and  insur- 
mountable to  all  earthly  power :  even  the  famous 
words  of  our  Lord  called  the  Golden  Rule,  cannot  ap- 
ply here.  Neither  does  this  rule  aj'pear  with  power 
to  break  down  any  cifiV  establishment  of  society;  it 
was  not  so  intended  or  understood,  by  the  first  disci- 
ples and  writers  of  the  New  Testament.  It  was  not 
intended  by  that  great  and  good  doctrine,  that  serv- 
ants and  masters,  debtors  and  creditors,  rich  and 
■poor,  should  change  condition,  or  even  to  be  put  on 
a  par  with  each  other  by  that  precept  of  the  Lord. 
It  signified  nothing  more  than  that  all  men,  under  all 
circumstances  of  trouble,  should  do  by  each  other  in 
all  kindness,  just  what  they  would  reasonably  desire 
done  to  themselves  in  like  circumstances.  This  pre- 
cept, therefore,  was  not  meani  to  reach  the  case  of 
slavery,  as  to  its  abolishmeni,  any  more  than  it  was 
the  other  cases,  as  above  named.  It  enjoined  on 
masters  to  extend  to  servants,  minors,  and  slaves 
all  needed  tenderness  and  consideration,  as  they 
themselves  could  reasonabh/  desire  were  they  in  a 
like  condition. 

The  patriarch  Job  did  thus  toward  his  slaves,  and 
no  more,  see  chapter  xxxi,  13,  where  he  says,  that  he 
did  not  "despise  the  cause  of  his  man  or  maid  serv- 
ant," and  yet  he  did  not  manumit  them,  after  all.    It 


will  not  answer  to  extend  that  rule  to  extremes,  as 
by  persevering  in  such  a  course,  we  should  unhinge 
all  the  regulations  of  society,  at  the  voice  of  every 
complaint,  effecting  nothing  but  a  continued  change 
of  circumstances,  from  one  extreme  to  another,  with- 
out adding  a  whit  to  the  comfort  of  any  body  per- 

Abolitionists  contend,  in  their  publications  and  lec- 
tures, that  the  condition  of  bondmen  among  the  Jews, 
was  a  condition  of  comparative  comfort  and  equality 
with  their  masters,  and  that  the  law  of  Moses  made 
it  so.  But  we  have  never  been  able  to  discover  this, 
while  we  have  found  the  entire  contrary.  On  this 
subject,  the  statement  of  Adam  Clarke  may  have 
some  weight,  as  no  man  on  the  earth  was  better  inform- 
ed respecting  Oriental  manners  in  those  ages.  See 
his  comment  on  the  passage  above  quoted,  from  Job 
xxxi,  13,  as  follows:  "In  ancient  times,  slaves  had 
no  action  at  law  against  their  masters;  they  might 
dispose  of  them  as  they  did  their  cattle  or  any  other 
property.  The  slave  might  complain,  and  the  mas- 
ter might  hear  him  if  he  pleased,  but  he  was  not  com- 
pelled to  do  so.  Job  states  that  Jte  admitted  them, 
however,  to  civil  rights;  and  far  from  preventing  their 
case  from  being  heard,  he  was  ready  to  jiertnit  them 
to  complain,  even  against  himself,  and  to  give  them 
all  the  benefit  of  the  law."  Job  was  a  righteous  man, 
and  in  that  thing  did  right;  and  yet  we  do  not  learn 
that  he  set  his  slaves  free.  Let  every  slaveholder 
do  the  same.  Josephus  states,  Antiquities  of  the  Jews, 
book  4,  p.  130,  that  slaves  were  not  allowed  to  be 
witnesses  in  any  court. 

400       *  ORIGIN,  CHARACTER,  AND 

From  all  this,  it  appears  that  the  case  of  the  negro 
slaves  of  those  times,  and  among  the  Jews  in  par- 
ticular, was  in  no  wise  superior,  if  it  was  as  good,  as 
in  America,  except  in  such  cases  as  when  they  fell 
into  the  hands  of  men  as  good  as  were  Job  and  Abra- 
ham. Consequently,  the  notion  that  the  slaves  of  the 
Jews,  under  the  law  of  Moses,  was  a  comfortable 
condition  of  life,  as  held  by  abolitionists,  falls  to  the 
ground,  as  does  most  of  their  doctrines  and  positions. 

It  is  affirmed  by  abolitionists,  that  because  God,  at 
first  and  prior  to  the  fall,  and  as  soon  as  he  had  cre- 
atei  man.  said,  that  every  thing  which  was  made, 
was  very  good,  that,  therefore,  negro  man  was  made 
equal  with  white  men.  But  this  comment  of  theirs 
fails,  when  it  is  recollected  that  there  was,  at  that 
time,  no  negroes  in  existence,  nor  never  would  have 
been,  had  not  God  have  seen  fit  to  produce  them,  about 
one  thousand  five  hundred  and  fifty-six  years  after 
t';ie  original  creation  of  man,  in  the  way  and  manner 
already  described  on  the  first  pages  of  this  work,  and 
soon  after  to  appoint  him  to  slavery. 

It  has  been  urged  upon  the  attention  of  the  writer 
o(  this  work,  by  abolitionists,  that  we  ought  serious- 
ly to  examine  the  difference  there  is  between  Judi- 
ricd  law  and  Divine  law,  in  relation  to  the  enslaving 
negro  men  in  ancient  times.  The  judicial  law,  said 
iliat  the  Jews  might  buy  and  possess  slaves,  but  the 
Divine  law  says,  thou  shalt  love  thy  neighbor  as  thy- 
self.    Is  slavery  consistent  with  this  Divine  law? 

In  answer  to  this  question^  we  dare  not  array  these 
two  laws  against  each  other,  seeing  they  are  both  of 
tlie  same  origin.    We  think  it  were  a  much  safei 


course  to  say,  that  these  laws,  so  different  in  their  ef- 
fects, have  a  high  regard  for  each  other  and  do  not 
encroach  upon  their  respective  powers  and  appHca- 

Judicial  law  requires  execution,  and  the  law  of 
love  delights  in  mercy ;  but  till  an  equivalent  is  paid 
down,  mercy  can  do  nothing.  Now  who  has  redeem- 
ed the  negro  race  from  the  curse  of  Noah  and  the 
force  of  that  judicial  law?     It  has  never  been  done. 

The  law  of  love  says,  love  thy  neighbor  as  thyself. 
But  who  is  our  neighbor?  We  answer,  that  our 
neighbors  are  of  various  descriptions,  and  the  Divine 
t,aw  says,  love  them  all,  in  their  respective  characters, 
whether  slaves  or  free,  rich  or  poor,  wise  or  simple, 
learned  or  unlearned,  black,  white  or  red,  good  or  bad, 
and  all  this  without  pohtically  meddling  with  their 
domestic  affairs. 

The  Supreme  Being  having  seen  fit  to  adjudge  the 
negro  race  to  a  condition  of  servitude  among  men, 
are  we  not,  therefore,  bound  to  believe  that  this  ad- 
judication is  not  contrary  or  inconsistent  with  the 
law  of  love  as  it  relates  to  man ;  as  we  see  that  we 
may  love  a  slave  in  the  religions  sense  of  the  word, 
and  yet  have  nothing  to  do  with  his  state  of  bondage, 
unless  we  have  an  inclination  to  manumit  them  if 
they  are  our  own  property;  but  there  is  no  law  which 
requires  this,  whether  judicial  or  Divine,  or  it  would 
have  been  noticed  by  St.  Paul,  when  he  had  the 
subject  of  negro  slavery  under  his  pen,  upon  which 
we  have  already  treated  in  a  former  section  of  this 

There  is  another  argument  to  answer,  which  is 


brought  forward  by  abolitionists  in  favor  of  the  equal- 
ity of  negroes  with  white  men,  and  in  favor  of  the 
amalgamation  of  these  two  races.  This  argument 
of  theirs  is  founded  on  the  twelfth  chapter  of  Num- 
bers, one  of  the  books  of  the  Decalogue,  or  the  laws 
of  Moses.  But  before  we  enter  upon  an  investiga- 
tion of  that  chapter,  in  relation  to  the  doctrine  alleg 
ed  by  abolitionists,  we  will  merely  observe,  that  they 
are  a  strange  set  of  logicians^  inasmuch  as  when 
the  law  of  Moses  is  appealed  to  as  an  evidence  of  the 
legal  enslaving  of  the  negro  Canaahites,  then  that 
law  is  found  to  be  antiquated,  out  of  date,  and  of  no 
force;  but  when,  in  the  same  law,  there  happens  to 
be  found  a  passage  that  seems  to  make  in  favor  of 
any  of  the  dogmas  of  abolitionism,  lo,  it  is  seized  upon 
with  avidity,  and  held  to  be  of  the  greatest  force  and 
authority,  and  by  no  means  antiquated,  or  inefficient, 
being  first  rate  Scripture. 

The  chapter  alluded  to,  reads  as  follows :  "And 
Miriam  and  Aaron  spake  against  Moses,  because  of 
the  Ethiopian  woman  whom  he  had  married,  for  he 
had  married  an  Ethiopian  woman.  And  they  said, 
hath  the  -Lord  indeed  spoken  07ili/  by  Moses?  hath 
he  not  spoken  also  by  us  ?  And  the  Lord  heard  it. 
*  *  *  And  the  Lord  spake  suddenly  unto  Moses,  and 
unto  Aaron,  and  unto  Miriam :  come  out  ye  three 
unto  the  tabernacle  of  the  congregation ;  and  they 
came  out.  And  the  Lord  came  down  in  the  pillar 
of  a  cloud  and  stood  in  the  door  of  the  tabernacle, 
and  called  Aaron  and  Miriam,  and  they  both  came 
forth.  And  he  said,  hear  now  my  words:  If  there 
be  a  prophet  among  you,  I,  the  Lord,  will  make  my- 


self  known  unto  him  in  a  vision,  and  will  speak  to 
him  in  a  dream,  my  servant  Moses  is  not  so,  who  is 
faithful  in  all  my  house.  With  Iwn  will  1  speak 
mouth  to  mouth,  even  apparently,  and  not  in  dark 
speeches;  and  the  similitude  of  the  Lord  shall  he  be- 
hold ;  wherefore,  then,  were  ye  not  afraid  to  speak 
against  my  servant  Moses.  And  the  anger  of  the 
Lord  was  kindled  against  them;  and  he  departed. 
And  the  cloud  departed  from  oif  the  tabernacle,  and 
behold,  Miriam  became  leprous,  white  as  snow ;  Aaron 
looked  upon  Miriam,  and  behold,  she  was  leprous. 
And  Aaron  said  unto  Moses,  alas !  my  Lord,  I  beseech 
thee,  lay  not  this  sin  upon  us,  wherein  we  have  done 
foolishly,  and  wherein  we  have  sinned.  *  *  *  *  And 
Moses  cried  unto  the  Lord,  saying:  heal  her  now,  O 
God,  I  beseech  thee.  And  the  Lord  said  unto  Moses, 
if  her  father  had  but  spit  in  her  face,  should  she  not 
be  ashamed  seven  days,  and  after  that  let  her  be  re- 
ceived again  ?  And  Miriam  was  shut  out  from  the  camp 
seven  days,  and  all  the  people  journeyed  not  till 
Miriam  was  brought  in  again." 

On  examining  this  chapter,  does  it  appear  on  what 
account  Miriam  was  made  a  loathsome  leper,  and 
driven  out  of  the  camp — was  it  for  finding  fault  with 
her  brother  Moses,  for  marrying  the  black  woman, 
or  because  she  had  joined  with  Aaroji  and  others,  in 
doubting  whether  God  had  indeed  spoken  07il]/  by 
Moses  ?  It  appears  that  her  crime  consisted  wholly 
of  the  latter,  which  was  for  invading  by  contentious 
words,  the  divine  dictatorship  of  Moses,  to  the  exclu- 
sion of  all  others,  over  the  twelve  tribes. 

In  her  punishment,  God  said  not  a  word  about  the 


woman  Moses  had  married,  nor  respecting  Miriam's 
having  found  fault  with  the  marriage,  but  confined 
his  remark  wholly  to  the  subject  of  the  mission  of 
Moses,  as  God's  mouth  to  the  people,  as  is  seen  by  re- 
ferring to  the  sixth,  seventh  and  eighth  verses  of  that 
chapter.  There  is  no  doubt,  however,  but  the  cir- 
cumstance of  her  brother's  having  married  one  of  the 
cursed  race,  was  one  of  her  reasons  why  he  ought 
not  to  possess  alone  the  dignity  of  being  sole  dictator. 
The  circumstance,  as  she  seems  to  have  thought,  was 
degrading,  on  which  account  she  found  fault  with 
him,  as  reads  the  first  verse  of  the  chapter. 

That  the  Hebrews  were  not  to  marry  with  the  ne- 
groes of  Canaan,  is  evident  from  Deut.  vii,  3,  and 
reads  as  follows:  "Neither  shalt  thou  make  mar- 
riages with  them  (the  Canaanites) :  thy  daughter  shalt 
thou  not  give  unto  his  sen,  nor  his  daughter  shalt 
thou  not  take  unto  thy  son."  Here,  it  is  plain  that 
the  law  of  Moses  forbids  amalgamation  of  the  Jew 
blood  with  that  of  the  negro's;  and  yet  abolitionists 
contend,  that  God,  who  was  the  author  of  that  law, 
struck  Miriam  with  a  loathsome  disease  in  token  of 
his  anger  at  her,  because  she  found  fault  with  the 
very  thing  the  law  found  fault  with  and  forbid. 

This  view  of  the  matter  is  sufficient  to  convince 
any  man  that  the  crime  of  Miriam  was  not  about  the 
marriage  but  the  sacred  office  of  Moses  only. 

But  says  one,  an  abolitionist  perhaps,  the  writer  in 
this  opinion  of  his,  has  got  himself  into  a  tangle  at 
last,  as  we  cannot  see  but  he  is  compelled  to  show  up 
Moses  as  a  flagrant  sinner  against  his  own  law,  for 
having  married  that  Ethiopian  woman.    Not  so  is 


our  reply,  for  Moses  did  that  thing  some  forty  years 
before  the  time  the  was  given  to  him  from  Mount 
Sinai,  at  a  time  when  he  knew  no  more  of  the  will 
and  law  of  God  than  any  other  man,  who  had  been 
born  and  brought  up  among  the  Egyptians.  But 
when  he  received  the  law,  then  he  became  informed 
of  the  will  and  designs  of  God,  in  that,  as  well  as  in 
all  other  matters. 

As  to  the  fate  of  the  woman  he  had  married  in  the 
land  of  Midian,  at  the  time  he  fled  from  Egypt  for 
killing  an  Egyptian,  see  Exo.  ii,  12,  we  learn  noth- 
i  ing  from  the  Scriptures  further  than  that  she  came 

to  the  Jewish  camp,  with  Jethro  her  father,  in  the 

Thus  it  is  certainly  clear,  that  the  abolition  opinion, 
of  the  equality  of  negroes  with  other  men,  and  the 
propriety  and  righteousness  of  amalgamation  by  mar- 
riage with  them  derives  no  support  from  that  portion 
of  Holy  Writ,  but  receives  a  rebuke  of  the  most  de- 
cided description  from  the  very  law  itself. 

Respecting  this  race,  we  find  that  God  took  partic- 
ular care  that  their  blood  should  not  become  mingled 
with  the  line  through  which  the  Messiah  was  to  come. 
i  This  is  a  remarkable  fact.     To  prove  this,  see  Gen. 

xxxviii,  the  whole  chapter,  where  is  related  the  his- 
tory of  JudaKs  having  had  three  sons  by  a  Canaan- 
itish  woman,  who,  of  course,  was  a  negress.  Two 
of  those  sons  were  "slain  by  the  Lord  for  a  certain 
wickedness  they  did,  while  the  third  son,  Shelah  by 
name,  escaped  (Gen.  xxxviii,  7, 10),  but  is  not  reck- 
oned in  the  line  of  the  holy  seed,  which  was  con- 
tinued  through   another  branch  of  Judah's  blood, 


namely,  by  the  son  of  Tamar^  a  Jewess,  Is  not  this 
fact  a  proof  that  the  negro  blood  was  not  estimated 
to  be  as  good  as  the  blood  of  Shem,  even  by  the 
Creator  himself,  as  manifested  in  that  transaction. 
He  even  preferred  the  line  of  the  illegitimate  son  of 
Tamar,  by  Judah,  for  the  line  of  the  Messiah,  rather 
than  the  line  of  the  Canaanitish  race.  In  agreement 
with  this  rejection  of  the  negro  blood,  as  it  related  to 
things  holy  in  the  Jewish  religious  economy,  it  is 
seen,  that  although  the  two  sons  of  Moses  by  his 
Ethiopian  wife,  whose  names  were  Gershom  and 
JEliezar,  were  reckoned  with  the  tribe  of  Levi,  yet, 
in  the  service  of  the  temple,  they  were  never  allowed 
to  officiate  in  any  office  above  that  of  porters,  scribes, 
or  some  kind  of  laborious  service.  Even  the  temple, 
and  the  priesthood  of  the  Jews,  had  negro  slaves,  who 
were  the  whole  tribe  of  the  Gibeonites,  one  of  the 
nations  of  Canaan,  appointed  to  that  doom  by  Joshua, 
chap,  ix,  23,  as  follows:  "Now,  therefore,  ye  are 
cursed;  and  there  shall  none  of  you  be  freed  from 
being  bondmen,  and  hewers  of  wood,  and  drawers  of 
water,  for  the  house  of  my  God." 

This  cla^ss  of  slaves,  says  Adam  Clarke,  were  called 
*'  Nethinims,  or  slaves  of  the  temple,"  and  had  been 
thus  from  the  days  of  Joshua  till  the  time  of  Solomon, 
and  from  thence  to  the  time  of  the  great  Babylonian 
captivity,  when  it  is  likely,  says  Clarke,  they  remained 
among  the  Chaldeans,  as,  by  going  back  to  Judea, 
they  could  gain  nothing  but  their  old  condition  of 

Now  from  the  time  of  Joshua  till  that  captivity, 
was  over  eight  hundred  years,  during  which  time  it 


is  not  hard  to  conjecture,  that  many  millions  came 
of  the  race,  all  of  whom  were  born  slaves,  for  Joshua 
had  said  that  none  of  them  should  ever  be  freed  from 
a  state  of  slavery,  as  is  seen  in  the  above  quoted 
Scripture.  From  this  fact  we  discover,  also,  that  the 
jubilees  did  the  negro  Canaanite  slave  no  good,  as 
is  contended  by  abolitionists,  as  they  were  never  to 
be  made  free.  U,  then,  the  negro  slaves  of  the  teTn- 
ple  could  not  be  freed  by  the  jubilees,  how  much 
less,  therefore,  the  more  common  slaves  among  the 

But  says  one,  how  is  this?  you  assert,  that  the 
blood  of  the  progenitors  of  Jesus  Christ,  was  ne^er, 
through  that  long  vista  of  time,  from  Noah  till  his 
advent,  contaminated,  or  mixed  with  negro  blood — 
and  yet  Rahab,  a  Canaanitish  woman,  was  one  of 
his  ancestors,  according  to  St.  Matthew,  chapter  i, 
verse  5.  In  that  chapter  you  will  find  that  Solomon 
the  father  of  Booz,  who  was  the  father  of  Obed,  who 
was  the  father  of  Jesse,  and  the  father  of  King-  David, 
married  this  said  Rahab  of  the  town  of  Jericho,  a 
Canaanitish  city.  Now  sir,  continues  the  objsctor, 
as  that  woman  was  a  Canaanite,  she  was,  according 
to  your  theory  a  negress,  of  the  very  race  of  Ham, 
and,  consequently,  her  blood  was  mixed  in  the  lineal 
descent  of  our  Lord. 

To  this  severe  criticism,  we  reply  as  follows,  and 
assert,  that  although  Rahab  was  a  citizen  of  the  town 
or  city  of  Jericho  in  the  land  of  Canaan,  yet  was 
she  not  a  negress,  nor  at  all  descended  of  the  race  of 
ilam,  nor  was  she  a  Canaanitess  by  blood  or  race. 

But  how  is  this  made  out?  we  will  show  you:  see 


book  of  Deuteronomy,  chapter  vii,  verse  3,  and  on 
ward,  as  well  as  the  book  of  Joshua,  chapter  xxiii, 
12,  13,  where  it  was  strictly  forbidden,  under  the  dis- 
pleasure of  Jehovah  himself,  to  every  individual  of 
the  twelve  tribes  of  the  Jews  to  marry  with  any 
of  the  Canaanitish  race^  which  consisted  of  seven 
mighty  nations,  all  of  whom  are  set  forth  by  name 
in  this  same  seventh  chapter  of  Deuteronomy. 

Now,  if  Rahab  had  been  of  that  race^  and  belonged 
by  blood  to.  any  of  those  sev^n  nations,  Solomon, 
would  not,  as  a  prince  of  the  tribe  oi  Judah,  have  been 
allowed  to  have  had  this  woman  for  a  wife.  Rahab, 
therefore,  was  of  the  blood  of  jShem.,  and  but  a  citizen 
of  the  country,  as  aw  inhabitant  only — while  by  race, 
she  possessed  no  consanguinity  to  the  blood  of  Ham. 

Solomon,  as  a  prince  of  the  regal  line  of  Judah,  of 
which  tribe  came  our  Lord,  could  not  have  violated 
the  law  of  Moses,  in  so  flagrant  and  horrid  a  manner, 
as  to  have  married  a  black  woman,  a  Canaanitess; 
and  thus  to  have  provoked  the  vengeance  of  the  God 
of  Abraham,  which  is  everywhere  threatened,  as  often 
as  the  subject  is  alluded  to  in  all  the  books  of  the 
law.  Thus,  we  defend,  as  we  believe,  our  opinion, 
which  asserts  that  the  blood  of  the  negro  race  did 
not  at  all  mix  with  the  lineal  blood  of  the  Savior  of 

Now,  as  we  find  this  grand  interdiction,  respecting 
Jewish  intermarriages  with  any  and  all  the  seven 
negro  nations  of  Canaan — we  may  with  the  utmost 
propriety,  believe  in  addition,  that  the  interdiction 
extended  to  the  whole  race,  settled  in  other  countries, 
beside  old  Canaan,  as  it  would  have  been  equally 


deleterious  and  corrupting  to  the  sacred  descent  of 
Jesus  Christ,  to  have  been  connected  with  the  blood 
of  negroes  out  of  Canaan,  as  within  that  country.    ' 

But  in  the  whole  book  of  God,  there  is  no  command 
either  direct  or  implied,  against  Jewish  marriages, 
whether  before  or  after  the  giving  of  the  law  of 
Moses,  with  the  race  of  Japheth,  the  progenitor  of 
the  ichite  race  of  mankind.  And  although  Jesus 
Christ  is  the  proffered  Savior  of  all  the  human  race, 
blacks  and  all,  yet  was  it  abhorrent  to  God,  as  we 
believe,  that  the  immaculate  blood  of  his  Son,  which 
was  to  be  offered  as  an  atonement,  should  he  con- 
taminated by  that  of  negro  extraction. 

It  is  a  remarkable  fact,  which,  in  connection  with 
the  above,  cannot  fail  to  make  due  impression  on  the 
reader's  mind,  that  persons  who  had  Jlat  noses  could 
not  be  a  priest  of  the  sanctuary  of  the  Mosaic  wor- 
ship; see  Leviticus  xxi,  18.  This  regulation  was, 
doubtless,  to  guard  the  blood  of  the  priesthood  from 
any  contamination  of  the  race  of  Ham,  as  a  prominent 
feature  of  that  people,  is  a  flat  nose.  There  was 
never  a  king  nor  prophet  of  the  Jews  who  had  negro 
blood  in  his  veins;  and  yet  there  were  multitudes  of 
the  Jews,  as  well  as  the  Israelites,  who  were  thus 
tinctured  by  unlawful  connections  with  the  Cana- 
anites,  which  was  against  the  law  of  Moses,  as  well 
as  the  law  of  nature. 

It  is  a  singular  fact,  that  all  the  first  labors  of  the 
apostles,  after  the  resurrection  of  Christ,  were  directed 
northward  from  Jerusalem,  among  the  whites,  and 
not  southward  in  Africa.  To  the  north,  in  Italy,  was 
the  place  of  the  throne  of  the  Roman  empire;  to  the 


north  lay  all  the  Grecian  tribes,  among  whom  Paul 
and  his  associates  went  preaching  the  Gospel.  Is 
n©t  this  a  proof  of  the  superiority  of  the  white  blood 
above  that  of  the  African  ?  or  these  first  missionaries 
would  not  have  thus  chosen  that  race  as  the  conserv- 
ators of  the  new  system  of  divinity,  given  to  the 
world  by  Jesus  Christ. 

In  accordance  with  this  view.  Ave  notice  that  the 
Holy  Scriptures,  both  of  the  Old  and  New  Testaments, 
were  given  to  the  protection  of  the  white  race,  and  by 
them  have  been  preserved  and  handed  down  to  the 
present  time.  The  New  Testament,  in  particular, 
has  been  preserved  by  the  white  race  afier  the  age 
of  the  apostles,  as  the  Jeivs  deride  that  part  of  the 
Scriptures  as  false,  and  the  African  had  nothing  to 
do  with  its  original  preservation  or  compilation. 

Abolitionists  say  that  negro  slavery  is  a  curse  upon 
earth,  and  that  the  curse  of  God  is  on  the  country  and 
families  wherever  the  thing  is  prac;ticed  ;  and  yet  we 
find  in  the  Scriptures,  Gon.  ix,  that  when  God,  by 
the  mouth  of  Pvoali,  b!ef;ped  Shera  and  Japheth,  he 
gave  them  as  one  item  in  their  hlessitigs,  a  7'ight  to 
make  servants  of  t'le  race  of  Hain.  It  was  the  same 
with  the  Htih!ew"s  majiy  hundred  years  after  under 
the  reign  of  Moses,  as  a  law  giver,  when  God  prom- 
iBed  his  blessings  upon  them  as  a  people,  upon  con- 
dition of  their  obedience,  making  one  item  of  those 
Jblessings  to  be  the  privilege  of  enslaving  the  Cana- 

If  to  hold  slaves  is  a  mrse  to  auy  man  or  country, 
as  abolitionists  says  it  is,  then  principles  must  have 
strangely  changed   in  the  administration   of  God's 


I^-ovidence  since  the  days  of  Abraham;  for  to  him 
the  possession  of  bond  men  and  bond  maids  was  one 
item  in  the  great  amount  of  the  mercies  and  blessings 
of  God  to  that  patriarch,  in  whose  seed  all  the  fami- 
lies of  the  earth  were  to  be  blessed.  See  Gen.  xxiv, 
35,  as  follows  :  "And  the  Loi:d  hath  blessed  my  mas- 
ter (Abraham)  greatly,  and  he  is  become  great,  and 
hath  given  him  flocks  and  herds,  and  silver  and  gold, 
and  man  servants  and  maid  servants^  and  camels 
and  asses." 

But  Abraham  did  right  by  his  slaves,  of  whom  he 
owned  vast  numbers  ;  on  which  account  the  blessing 
of  having  bondmen  was  not  changed  to  a  curse,  as 
aje  all  the  mercies  of  God  when  abused  by  the  wick- 
ed. How,  therefore,  is  it  true,  as  abolitionist  say,  that 
the  enslaving  of  the  race  originated  in  the  foulest 
wickedness?  It  is  not  true,  never  was  and  never 
will  be,  except  in  the  abuse  of  the  institution. 

With  the  origin  of  slavery,  the  present  existing 
slaveholding  population  of  the  United  States,  had 
nothing  to  do — therefore,  for  that  they  are  not  to  be 
held  accountable.  They  did  not  bring  the  blacks 
from  their  native  land,  either  by  purchase  or  as  pris- 
oners of  war.  They  came  into  existence  with  them 
in  their  possession,  the  same  as  their  landed  estates 
and  every  other  species  of  property  which  they  inher- 
ited from  their  fathers,  and  are,  therefore,  under  the 
Divine  supervision,  morally  and  politically  bound  to 
protect  and  shield  them  from  all  physical  suflfering, 
the  same  as  they  are  bound  to  protect  and  shield  their 
children,  apprentices,  or  other  dependants.  In  this, 
the  kind  Providence  of  that  all-wise  Being,  who  rulqf 


among  the  inhabitants  of  the  earth,  is  benevolently 
displayed  toward  the  descendants  of  Ham  in  North 
America.  The  experience  of  the  blacks  themselves, 
and  the  observation  of  all  others,  prove  this  to  be  their 
most  happy  condition ;  for,  with  but  few  exceptions, 
all  those  who  have  gone  out  from  this  protection,  are 
found  among  the  most  miserable  of  the  human  fam- 
ily. All  experience  proves  that  were  the  principles 
of  abolitionism  carried  out  practically,  the  slaves 
would  be  placed  in  an  infinitely  worse  condition,  both 
morally  and  physically,  than  that  in  which  we  now 
find  them. 

But,  says  the  objector,  this  is  the  white  man's  fault, 
for  if  the  negro  man  and  woman  were  but  received 
into  society  upon  an  equal  footing,  with  the  whites, 
they  would  become  their  equals.  This  is  granted, 
they  Avould  indeed  become  the  equal  of  the  white 
man.  But  how?  not  by  the  elevation,  morally,  men- 
tally and  physically,  of  the  black  man,  but  of  the  com- 
plete degradation  of  the  white  man,  as  the  God  who 
created  both  races  has  decreed,  and  as  is  manifest 
from  the  difference,  the  radical  difference,  there  is  be- 
tween them,  proving  that  their  amalgamation  cannot 
be  effected,  but  by  a  loathsome  deterioration  of  the 
superior  race.  This  the  experience  of  all  time  abun- 
dantly demonstrates,  as  well  as  that  amalgavnation 
is  the  inevitable  result  of  political  equality  of  the 

Look,  for  example,  at  the  population  of  the  Mex- 
ican states.  Not  only  is  it  characterized  by  physical 
weakness,  but  by  moral  and  mental  inferiority  of  a 
most  frightful  description.     And  how  is  this  to  be 


accounted  for  ?  From  the  fact  that  there  has  been  a 
mixture  of  Mexican  and  negro  blood  for  ages.  God 
forbid,  therefore,  that  we  as  a  people,  should  seek  to 
elevate  this  race  by  so  great  a  sacrifice,  by  so  horrible 
a  violation  and  prosti-ation  of  the  sacred  laws  of  the 
Creator  of  the  Universe.  In  all  this  we  do  not  dis- 
parage the  black  man,  but  only  set  forth  the  actual 
difference  there  is  between  the  races,  neither  of  which 
are  to  be  praised  or  censured  respecting  the  attri- 
butes of  their  respective  natures.  These  were  wisely 
ordained  by  that  Being  v/ho  created  all  things,  by 
the  counsel  of  his  own  will,  and  the  wisdom  of 
whose  appointments  man  has  not  the  right  to  ques- 

There  is  another  evidence,  that  the  habitations  of 
this  race  (the  blacks)  are  of  Divine  appointment,  and 
that  is,  that  they  are  suited  in  their  formation  and 
physical  constitution,  to  a  torrid  region.  As  the 
torrid  region  of  North  America  is,  therefore,  best 
suited  to  their  comfort  and  happiness,  we  conclude  it 
is  their  natural  home.  And,  as  this  country,  through 
the  providence  of  God,  has  been  put  into  the  power 
and  ownership  of  the  white  race,  and  as  the  two  races 
cannot  exist  together  in  a  state  of  political  equality, 
it  follows  that  if  the  negro  race  exist  in  the  South  at 
all,  as  a  people,  it  must  be  in  a  condition  oi surveil- 
lance or  subordination  of  some  sort  or  other. 

The  negro  man  has  as  good  a  right  to  exist  as  has 
the  white  man :  but  he  has  not  as  good  a  right  to  rule 
or  give  laws  to  society.  This  is  evident  from  the 
black  man's  mental  inferiority,  and  consequent  ina- 
hility  to  discharge  those  high  functions,  as  the  history 


of  the  past  and  the  observation  of  the  present,  abund 
anlly  prove. 

l"'his  being  true,  we  find  that  his  place  on  the  earth 
ii  ihki  of  serveillance  of  some  description  or  other; 
and  as  the  hand  that  fornied  thefti  is  good  and  nitinifl 
cent  in  his  provisions  and  appointments  for  the  coto- 
fort  and  snppoff  of  all  his  creattifes,  We  are  irresistiWy 
led  to  the  conclusion,  tfmt  a  condition  of  this  char- 
acter is  the  most  conducive  to  the  well  being  and 
happiness  of  the  negro  race. 

But, says  one,  that  one  hun]an  being  should  become, 
tinder  any  cirfcumstances  whatever,  the  property  of 
another  human  being,  is  abhorrent  to  all  the  concep- 
tions <\{  the  human  mind  relative  to  what  is  right  or 
wrong.'  On  this  sitl/jeet,  vtq  teiay  argHe  thus,-  and 
ftot  become  obijoxious  (oi  the  charge  of  st^phistry,  as 
t^e  fondly  hope.  It  is  the  Itthor  which  a  serving  rii^tft 
or  woman  can  perform,  that  makes  therii  at  all  valu- 
able in  the  affairs  of  men.  When  a  slave  is  trans- 
ferred flora  one  possessor  to  another,  the  labor  Which 
said  slave  may  reasonably  be  considered  capable  of 
performing,  is  the  consideration  o{  valite  that  is  taken 
into  the  account,  and  not  the  mere  body  of  the  serv- 
ant. How  differs  theft  a  transaction  of  this  kind 
from  those  which  are  of  daily  occurrence  in  every 
civilized  community,  viz:  the  hiring  of  one  individual 
to  another  to  labor  a  specified  time  for  a  stipidated 
amount  ?  The  differetice  consists  alone  in  the  terms, 
not  in  the  nature.,  of  the  transaction  ;  for,  in  either*  eaSG, 
it  is  the  labor  of  the  individual  that  constitutes  the 
thing  of  value.  In  the  one  case,  the  hireling  J-ec8iV^S 
for  his  services  a  stipulated  sum  of  money;  itt  the' 


Other,  the  slave  has  secured  to  him,  by  the  laws  of 
the  land,  the  necessaries  and  comforts  of  life,  con- 
sisting of  food,  raiment,  protection,  &c.  (Give  them 
their  liberty,  emancipate  them  and  place  them  upon 
their  own  resources,  and  all  experience  proves  that 
not  07ie  in  ten  is  capable  of  providing  themselves  and 
their  families  with  the  necessaries  of  life.)  In  either 
case  the  laboring  faculty  cannot  be  separated  from 
the  body  of  the  laborer;  therefore,  it  becomes  neces- 
sary that  the  person  of  the  servant  should  be  present 
where  the  labor  is  required  to  be  performed. 

But,  continues  the  objector,  suppose  it  does  not  suit 
the  serving  man  to  go  where  the  labor  is  required  to 
be  performed,  is  he  to  be  forced  to  go  against  his 
will?  To  this  we  answer,  that  his  is  a  7iecessitous 
condition,  and  that  in  yielding  to  the  laws  of  impe- 
rious necessity,  he  is  doing  nothing  more,  is  making 
no  greater  sacrifices,  than  is  a  large  majority  of  the 
whole  human  family  compelled,  by  the  same  laws  of 
necessity,  to  make,  whether  they  will  to  do  it  or  not. 
All  are  more  or  less  governed  by  overruling  circum- 
stances, and  although  there  may  be  and  there  is  a 
great  variety  of  necessities  accompanying  the  various 
conditions  of  human  life,  yet  are  they  equally  as 
imperious  and  often  more  severe  and  uncompromising, 
than  are  the  commands  of  the  master  of  a  slave. 

Indeed,  it  is  a  fact  that  cannot  be  denied,  that  the 
average  condition  of  the  slave  population  of  the  Uni- 
ted States,  is  superior  to  that,  not  alone  of  the  manu- 
facturing population  of  Great  Britain  and  the  great 
masses  of  European  nations  generally,  and  of  Mexico, 
but  of  a  very  numerous  class  of  the  free  white  popu- 



lation  of  the  free  States  of  North  America.  If  then, 
the  philanthropic  (?)  votaries  of  abolitionism  desire  a 
field  in  which  to  exercise  their  feelings  of  charity 
and  benevolence,  they  have  it  in  their  own  midst, 
without  hazarding  any  changes  of  climate  or  opposi- 
tion of  conflicting  interests.  Charity  is  a  Christian 
virtue,  a  heavenly  principle,  and  one  which  we  wish 
to  see  practiced  to  the  utmost  ability  of  every  member 
of  the  human  family ;  but,  under  the  guidance  of 
modern  abolitionists,  it  reminds  us  of  him  who  could 
discern  a  mote  in  his  brother's  eye,  without  ever  hav- 
ing discovered  the  beam  in  his  own.  We  hope  our 
neighbors  of  this  class,  will  cast  a  glance  around 
them,  before  they  attempt  to  scan  the  sunny  regions 
of  the  South. 

Mexico,  we  are  told,  is  a  free  country  ;  "  the  hateful 
stigma  of  slavery  attaches  not  to  that  delectable  re- 
gion of  the  earth."  But  this  is  a  mistake:  a  system 
of  slavery  and  beggarly  oppression,  of  the  most  re- 
volting character,  has  existed  in  that  country  from 
time  immemorial.  All  that  class  of  citizens  who  are 
not  landholders,  are  compelled  to  labor  for  their  daily 
subsistence.  The  wages  which  they  receive  for  their 
services,  are  so  small  that  they  are  forced  from  neces- 
sity to  go  in  debt  for  the  comforts  of  life.  Not  being 
able  to  liquidate  those  debts  according  to  agreement, 
they  are,  in  accordance  with  the  laws  of  the  country, 
sold  to  work  until  their  debts  are  paid.  But,  as  their 
wants  always  exceed  their  wages,  their  servitude  be- 
comes perpetual,  and  they  are  transferred  from  one 
to  another,  without  regard  to  their  feelings  or  happi- 
ness.    Thus,  is  the  great  mass  of  the  Mexican  people 


m  a  state  of  miserable  servitude  infinitely  more  deplor- 
able than  that  which  exists  in  the  United  States. 
No  one  cares  for  the  wants  of  the  poor  Mexican  slavb. 
Food,  clothing,  medicines,  are  not  provided  by  thn 
master;  for,  should  this  be  done,  it  would  still  enhance 
the  amount  of  indebtedness,  and  thus  rivet  still  more 
securely  the  manacles  of  his  bondage — placing  the 
goal  of  liberty  still  further  in  the  distance.  Hence 
is  it  that  this  class  of  the  citizens  of  Mexico  are  sunk 
down  into  a  state  of  hopeless  misery,  though  of  the 
same  blood  and  race  of  their  masters. 

But  we  rejoice  to  know  that  such  is  not  the  con- 
dition of  the  negro  slaves  of  the  United  States.  Here 
the  well  being  of  the  slave  is  a  matter  of  deep  interest 
to  the  master.  Like  the  venerable  Patriarchs  of  olden 
time,  they  delight  to  administer  to  the  wants  and 
happiness  of  those  whom  God  has  committed  to  their 
hands.  If  the  slave  is  sick,  a  physician  administer!? 
to  his  wants ;  if  hungry  or  naked,  he  has  but  to  look 
to  his  master  who  provides  what  is  necessary  with- 
out any  care  on  the  part  of  the  slave.  No  constable 
or  sheriif  dogs  his  steps,  for  he  is  out  of  debt  and  free 
from  all  responsibility,  save  that  of  good  and  honest 
behavior.  The  affairs  of  government  disturb  not  his 
mind,  and  if  war  invaae  the  i.ind,  he  is  not  called  to 
the  field  of  carnage. 

But  the  case  is  far  different  with  the  Mexican  slave. 
Contrary  to  his  will  he  is  pressed  into  the  service  and 
forced  to  fight  the  battles  of  his  country,  though  he 
own  not  a  foot  of  soil,  nor  never  can.  Surely  then, 
the  condition  of  the  slaves  of  our  Southern  States,  is 
far  superior  to  that  of  the  people  of  Mexico. 


But  terrible  as  is  the  condition  of  that  people,  in 
their  state  of  worse  than  Russian  serfism,  the  tender 
hearted  and  sympathetic  abolitionists  are,  by  their 
short  sighted  policy,  urging  forward  the  entire  black- 
population  of  the  South  to  an  equally  miserable  con 
dition.  By  their  policy,  the  present  protective  system 
of  slavery  would  be  dissolved,  and  the  whole  slave 
population  in  the  United  States  emancipated  in  out 
midst  and  thrown  upon  their  own  resources  for  sub- 
sistence. What  would  be  the  consequence?  A  state 
of  degradation  and  misery,  similar  to  that  which  now 
exists  in  Mexico,  must  inevitably  follow.  For  land- 
holders, to  any  extent,  they  can  never  become,  and, 
without  this,  how  are  they  to  be  saved  from  certain 
misery?  Says  our  objector,  this  is  easily  shown — 
they  can  hire  out  and  by  their  wages  sustain  them- 
selves and  their  families,  as  do  other  poor  men  of  the 
land.  But  this  is  a  conclusion  which  practical  expe- 
rience does  not  sustain.  The  immense  number  of 
the  slave  population  (amounting  to  nearly  four  mil- 
lion and  rapidly  increasing)  would  of  necessity  pre- 
vent it.  Were  this  vast  host  to  be  made  dependent 
upon  their  daily  wages  for  a  support,  it  would  fail 
them.  They  could  not  compete  with  the  white 
laborers  that  would  immediately  flood  the  States 
which  they  now  inhabit.  The  consequence  would 
be,  that  they  would  be  again  cast  upon  the  mercy  of 
the  whites,  who  do  now,  and  always  will,  compose  the 
landholders  of  the  country.  In  this  condition  of 
things,  in  order  to  prevent  an  unbounded  increase  of 
pauperism  throughout  the  entire  United  States,  which 
in  time  would  certainly  ensue,  "vagrant  laws"  would 


have  to  be  enacted,  by  which  they  would  be  curtail- 
ed in  their  hberty  of  wandering  from  place  to  place, 
and  thus  become  in  all  propability  as  wretched  as  the 
miserable  serfs  of  Mex:ico.  A  condition,  as  we  have 
shown,  far  more  distressing  than  the  present  system 
of  slavery  can  ever  bring  upon  them. 

There  exists  but  one  hope  of  escape  from  a  fate  so 
dreadful,  and  death  is  that  hope ;  for  it  is  well  known 
that  in  all  the  free  states,  the  blacks  have  decreased 
rapidly  in  numbers.  In  the  state  of  New  York,  where 
they  have  been  free  onlv^ince  1828.  they  have  de- 
Creased  in  population  more  than  one-half.  This  is, 
j  doubtless,  occasioned  by  their  extreme  poverty,  and 

imprudence  toward  their  infants,  which,  for  want  of 
I  care,  as  respects  a  covering  from  the  elements,  suita 

I  ble  food  and  clothing,  and  medical  attendance,  die  ill 

!  great  numbers.     This  last  is  not  a  matter  of  surprise 

tio  us  at  all,  as  it  is  but  a  natural  characteristic  of  the 

The  principles  of  abolitionism  are  alike  subversive 
I  of  the  well-being  and  happiness  of  both  races.     Irt* 

I  deed,  not  a  movement  has  this  political  faction  evei? 

!  made,  that  did  not  tend  to  increase  the  degradation 

and  misery  of  the  negro  race.     In  the  state  of  Ken- 
tucky, the  removal  of  slavery  has,  doubtless,  been  re* 
tarded,  by  their  influence,  not  less  than  ten  or  twenty 
I  years.     Besides,  the  actual  condition  of  the  slaves  has 

I  been  made  worse  by  the  unhallowed  excitement  and 

indignation  which  it  has  engendered  on  the  part  of 
j  the  masters,  who,  becoming  naturally  enraged  at  be^ 

j  ing  thus  unceremoniously  molested  in  their  social  and 

i  domestic  aflfairs,  have  been  forced  to  deprive  theli*  Seft*- 


ants  of  those  liberties  which  they  were  wont  to  ex- 
tend unto  them,  lest  they  should  be  decoyed  away 
by  those  unprincipled  wretches,  who  have  shown 
themselves  alike  the  enemies  of  both  master  and  slave. 
It  has  also  prevented,  in  a  multitude  of  instances,  mas- 
ters from  learning  their  slaves  to  read — a  blessing 
which  many  a  Christian  master  would  gladly  have 
extended  to  his  slaves,  had  he  not  been  thus  pre- 

To  the  slaves  we  would  say,  regard  not  the  aboli- 
tionist as  your  friend,  for  such  he  is  far  from  being. 
The  best  friend  you  have  on  earth  is  a  kind  master 
or  mistress,  whom  you  can  all  Secure  by  faithfully 
doing  your  duty.  Serve  them  faithfully,  be  content 
with  your  lot,  and  give  no  heed  to  those  who  would 
take  you  from  your  homes,  and  God  will  reward  you 
for  it. 

We  once  supposed  that  the  principle  upon  which 
the  aboUtionists  acted  in  the  matter  of  negro  emanci- 
pation, was  a  good  and  virtuous  principle  ;  but  long 
have  we  had  reason  to  think  otherwise.  The  lead- 
ers of  this  unhallowed  faction  are  bold  to  assert,  that 
to  better  the  condition  of  the  black  man  is  not  their 
object.  To  free  the  soil  of  what  they  term  the  odium 
of  slavery,  is  the  end  and  aim  of  all  their  operations; 
and  whether  this  improve  or  injure  the  condition  of 
the  black  man,  is  a  matter  about  which  they  care  not. 
Clear  the  soil  of  the  stain  of  slavery,  is  the  cry,  no 
matter  how  great  the  cost,  or  how  vast  the  sacrifice. 
If  a  division  of  the  union  of  the  states,  or  civil  war, 
be  the  result,  let  it  come,  we  heed  it  not.  Thus  are 
we  forced  to  believe,  that,  of  all  the  factions  and  evil 


influences  which  conspire  to  undermine  and  subvert 
the  grand  superstructure  of  American  Liberty,  that 

termed  Modern  Abolitionism  is  the  most  dangerous    

and  fearful 

That  there  are  many  honest-hearted  men  in  the 
party,  who  are  actuated  by  pure  sympathy  for  the 
slave,  in  what  they  have  been  erroneously  taught  to 
believe  is  the  unhappy  and  oppressed  condition  in 
which  he  is  placed,  we  freely  admit.     But  these  peo-  j 

pie  are  deceived;  they  have  allowed  themselves  to  | 

be  duped  and  imposed  upon  by  corrupt  and  unprin-  I 

cipled  demagogues,  who  are  prompted  by  no  other  I 

than  a  desire  to  build  up  their  own  fame  and  for-  j 

tunes  upon  the  ruins  of  those  of  the  honorable  and  | 

unsuspecting  of  our  land.     That  they  are  deceived,  I 

is  proven  from  the  fact  that  nine-tenths  of  those  who 
travel  through  the  southern  states,  and  see  the  slave 
contented  and  happy  in  the  enjoyment  of  that  liberty 
and  those  blessings  which  a  humane  and  Christian 
master  delights  to  provide  for  those  intrusted  to  his 
care,  return,  fully  convinced  that  the  servant  is  the 
happier  of  the  two,  and  that  to  change  their  relations 
might  be  a  benefit  to  the  master,  but  not  to  the  slave. 
Had  the  masses  of  the  abolition  party  the  opportuni- 
ty of  making  these  observations  personally,  we  hon- 
estly believe  that  the  universal  conclusion  of  all  the 
good  and  virtuous  would  be  the  same.  The  average 
condition  of  the  free  blacks  of  the  North,  will  not 
bear  a  comparison  with  that  of  the  slaves  of  the 
South.  Were  we  to  advocate  the  removal  of  slavery 
at  all,  we  should  be  actuated  rather  out  of  sympathy 
for  the  master  than  the  slave. 

422  )0»IaI^'5  character,  and 

That  there  are  evils  growing  out  of  the  institution 
of  slavery,  we  do  not  deny  ;  and  that  it  is  liable  to 
abuses,  as  is  every  other  institution  of  Divine  appoint- 
ment, we  are  free  to  admit.  We  go  further,  we  ad- 
mit that  it  is  a  moral  and  political  evil  of  vast  mag- 
nitude, as  is  proven  by  the  low  state  of  public  mor- 
als in  the  South,  and  by  a  comparison  of  the  slave 
states  with  the  free,  in  general  improvement  and 
prosperity.  But,  as  the  history  of  its  every  move- 
ment, from  the  period  it  was  first  ushered  into  hfe  in 
the  British  House  of  Lords,  to  the  present  time,  abun- 
dantly testifies,  abolitionism  is  inadequate  to  the  task 
of  its  removal ;  nay,  as  we  have  shown,  all  its  ope- 
rations only  tend  to  rivet  more  securely  the  manacles 
of  the  slave,  and  perpetuate  the  institution  of  slavery. 
How  unreasonable,  how  contrary  to  the  dictates  of 
common  sense  and  strict  propriety,  that  its  advocates 
should  continue  to  urge  its  claims  upon  the  people  o{ 
the  United  States. 

In  view  of  all  this,  and  of  the  fact  that  it  is  a  thing 
of  British  origin,  of  lordly  birth,  nursed  in  the  cradle 
of  despotism,  and  fed  by  the  hand  of  royal  aristocm- 
cy — as  has  been  every  opposing  principle  and  plot 
against  American  republicanism — we  cannot  but  re- 
gard the  leaders,  at  least,  of  this  unhallowed  faction — 
this  dissevering  principle  of  strife  and  contention — as 
the  worst  enemies  of  our  country ;  nay,  as  traitors 
to  the  government,  whose  very  existence  is  hazard- 
ous to  the  well-being  and  prosperity  of  the  nation. 
The  time  is  not  far  distant,  we  trust,  when  they  will 
be  led  to  see  the  error  of  their  ways,  and  to  turn  from 
their  folly.    When  this  is  done,  and  liiis  unhallowed 


and  unuatuial  war  upon  southern  interests  and  in- 
stitutions shall  cease,  we  behcve  that  tlie  natural 
goodness  of  heart,  the  wisdom,  philanthropy  and 
Christianity  of  the  people  of  the  slave  states,  will 
lead  them  either  to  devise  a  plan  for  the  complete  re- 
moval of  slavery,  in  harmony  with  the  interests  and 
feelings  of  both  master  and  slave,  or  so  ameliorate 
the  physical,  moral  and  intellectual  condition  of  the 
slaves,  that  their  separation  from  their  masters  would, 
like  that  of  Hagar  from  Abraham,  partake  more  of 
cruelty  and  persecution,  than  of  kindness  and  Chris-  j 

tian  charity.  ; 

Many  are  bold  to  affirm,  that  they  would  rather 
dissever  the  Union  than  fail  in  their  warfare  against 
slavery.  But  were  this  to  be  accomplished  (an  event 
which  we  pray  the  Lord  may  never  happen),  slavery, 
if  affected  at  all  by  it,  would  but  be  perpetuated.  The  I 

condition  of  the  slave,  if  changed  at  all  thereby, 
would  be  for  the  worse.     The  North  would  open  her  j 

arms  with  still  greater  boldness  to  those  who  could  ' 

make  their  escape  from  their  masters,  and  the  result  j 

would  be,  a  curtailing  of  the  usual  liberties  of  the 
slave  and  the  adoption  of  a  system  of  servitude  far 
more  rigid  and  severe.  This  the  operations  of  that 
party  have  already  effected  to  a  very  considerable  ex- 
tent, and  as  they  increase  in  numbers  and  in  the 
boldness  of  their  attacks,  will  continue  to  effect,  to  an 
extent  that  will  cause  the  slave  to  curse  the  day  that 
gave  birth  to  abolitionism. 

Having  now,  as  we  believe,  given  a  true  history 
0f  the  origin  of  the  negro  race — of  his  character,  mor- 
ally and  physically — the  nature  of  Noah's  curse — its 


I  indorsement  by  Moses  in  the  law — the  fortunes  of  the  i 

race  in  past  ages,  as  well  as  in  the  present  times —  ! 

we  desist  from  further  remarks,  having  done  what  ' 

we  can  toward  allaying  the  conflict  now  raging  be-  | 

tween  the  slavery  and  anti-slavery  classes  of  the  ' 

great  public ;  believing  that  good  men,  whose  con-  j 

sciences  have  been  formed  by  reading  the  Scriptures 
on  this  subject,  will  honor  the  source  of  their  educa-  '[ 

tion,  by  soothing,  all  in  their  power,  the  unhappy  fer- 
ment, and  thus,  if  possible,  prevent  the  separation  of 
the  states,  and  a  horrible  civil  war  in  America,  which, 
were  it  to  happen,  would  be  the  joy  of  all  the  mon- 
archies of  Europe,  and  their  friends  in  the  United 

But,  in  closing  this  work,  we  ought  not,  perhaps, 
10  hide  it,  that  the  feelings,  the  sympathies,  the  edu- 
cation and  preconceived  principles  of  the  writer,  have 
once  been  all  at  war  with  the  facts  brought  from  the 
Bible  on  the  subject  of  negro  slavery.  But  now  we 
feel  the  amazing  importance  of  bowing  these  preju- 
dices to  the  word  of  God,  submitting,  with  all  lowli 
ness  of  mind,  this  mysterious  matter  to  a  higher  ad- 
judication than  is  to  be  found  among  men,  in  which 
frame  of  spirit  we  must  remain,  till  a  stronger  light 
than  hitherto  has  shone  on  the  mind  of  the  author, 
shall  irradiate  his  understanding  in  relation  to  the 
principles  advanced  in  this  book,  respecting  the  for- 
tunes of  the  race  of  Ham. 

We  desire  it  to  be  understood,  that  in  all  we  have 
said  in  this  work,  we  have  had  an  eye  to  truth,  so 
far  as  we  could  ascertain  it,  and  that  we  have  not 
written  a  word  from  prejudice  against  the  people  of 





the  blacks  ;  having  exhibited  them  as  we  have  found 

!  them,  for  which  we  feel  no  manner  of  accountabihty, 

/  as  the  difference,  in  all  respects,  between  the  negro 

ii    !  and  the  white  race,  as  to  the  physical  and  mental 

b«ing,  is  of  God,  the  Creator. 

Here  ends  our  labor,  whether  good  or  bad, 
j  Of  which  our  pen  assures  that  she  is  glad; 

I  And  if  light  is  shed  on  the  misty  space 

Of  ancient  times,  and  the  dark  negro  race, 
I  Then  we  rejoice;  but  if  not,  then  we  mourn. 

And  know  not  where  for  truth  our  face  should  turn. 
But,  as  a  vessel  sent  the  winds  to  brave, 
We  launch  this  book  upon  the  public  wave, 
i  Where  rocks  and  shoals  may  cross  its  dubious  way, 

I  And  dash  its  sides  and  sails  amid  the  spray. 

K  And  yet  this  may  not  be  its  final  fate, 

J  Though  many  who  may  read,  may  also  hate — 

Yet  tome,  perhaps,  may  love,  of  thinking  men. 
And  justify  the  author  and  his  pen. 
Should  this  be  so,  which  hope  our  thoughts  inspirit 
A  bette!  goal  than  thi»  we  can't  desire. 






The  present  has  very  significantly  been  styled, 
"The  Golden  Age"  of  the  world.  Compared  with 
all  the  ages  which  compose  the  measure  of  the  past, 
there  is  none  to  equal  it.  It  is  a  towering  eminence, 
from  whose  summit  the  eye  may  survey  the  broad 
expanse  of  the  world's  history ;  age  preceding  age, 
as  wave  follows  "wave,  with  here  and  there  a  bright 
spot,  like  the  green  oasis  in  the  wide  extended 

No  frowning  despot  now  sits  upon  the  throne  of 
universal  empire,  to  mark  out  the  channels  of  human 
thought,  or  set  bounds  to  the  development  of  civilization, 
of  science,  and  of  art.  Free  as  the  proud  bird  of 
liberty,  when  released  from  the  bloody  fangs  of  the 
British  lion,  and  permitted  to  soar  aloft,  and  bathe 
his  golden   plumage  in  the   bummg  radiance  of  the 

0  ^iA<-itA-^-^  (UviAjyt'p  ^I'i  V^ 


mid-day  sun,  the  empire  of  mind,  the  spirit  of  inves- 
tigation and  research,  and  the  genius  of  invention 
and  improvement,  are  enabled  to  grapple  successfully 
with  the  powers  of  ignorance,  vice,  and  superstition, 
which  have  ever  bound  man  to  earth,  and  ground  him 
in  the  dust,  and  to  develop  countless  ways  and  means 
for  his  elevation  and  improvement. 

Our  country,  too ;  what  a  prodigy  among  the  nations 
of  the  earth !  What  a  monument  to  the  giant  powers 
of  the  human  mind  and  Christian  enterprise,  when 
uncontrolled  by  regal  authority  or  papal  influence. 
Like  first  creation,  a  new  world  has  been  ushered 
from  the  dark  chaos  of  heathenism,  into  the  bright 
sunshine  of  Christian  civilization,  as  it  were,  in  the 
short  period  of  a  day.  The  magic  wand  of  science 
and  Christianity  is  waived  over  the  great  wilderness, 
and  it  is  suddenly  transformed  into  a  fruitful  field  or 
a  populous  city.  The  dark  and  boundless  forest,  which 
but  yesterday  re-echoed  the  deafening  roar  of  the  wild 
beast,  or  the  piercing  yell  of  the  warrior  savage,  has 
disappeared,  and  cultivated  fields,  thriving  villages,  and 
populous  cities,  resounding  with  the  busy  hum  of 
industry,  the  classic  melody  of  hterature,  and  the 
richer  notes  of  Christian  worship,  supply  its  place. 
Those  vast  inland  seas  and  deep  rolling  rivers,  which 
were  wont  to  sport  upon  their  heaving  bosoms  the 
frail  canoe  of  the  wild  Indian,  now  teem  with  the 
commerce  of  a  mighty  nation.  Where  ran  the  narrow 
trail  of  the  wild  buffalo,  and  the  wilder  savage,  now 
extends    the    great    iron-bound   thoroughfares,   where 


^"^  /V/Af 


speeds  the  noisy  locomotive,  the  triumphal  car  of 
modern  improvement,  the  iron  horse  with  his  bowels 
of  fire,  carrying  in  his  wake,  with  the  velocity  of 
the  winged  messengers,  a  multitude  sufficient  to  con- 
stitute the  world's  convention,  or  a  congress  of  nations. 
By  its  side,  too,  may  be  seen  the  soUtary  line  of  the 
magnetic  telegraph,  upon  which  the  lightnings  of 
heaven  yield  allegiance  to  the  mighty  prowess  of 
cultivated  reason,  and  become  the  willing  servants 
of  man — the  common  carriers  of  human  thought. 

But  not  alone  in  this  wonderful  triumph  of  civilized 
over  savage  life,  of  Christianity  over  barbarism,  of 
the  arts  over  the  undisturbed  repose  of  uncultivated 
nature,  are  the  superiority,  the  true  greatness,  the 
matchless  prowess  of  our  nation  exhibited.  It  is  in 
a  moral  point  of  view  that  our  national  superiority 
stands  forth  prominent — in  the  great  work  of  civilizing 
and  Christianizing  mankind — of  giving  to  the  world 
a  form  of  civil  government  nearer  perfect  than  any 
that  had  preceded  it— of  exhibiting  a  practical  solution 
of  the  great  question  :  Is  man  capable  of  self-govern- 
ment ?  In  all  these  great  works  of  moral  reformation 
and  scientific  research — these  majestic  schemes  and 
systems  for  enlightening  and  ennobling  the  human 
mind,  and  elevating  the  standard  of  human  happiness, 
which  characterize  the  golden  age  in  which  we  live — 
it  is  a  cheering  thought,  a  proud  reflection,  that 
they  are  generally  the  offspring  of  American  genius 
and  enterprise,  and  sustained  by  American  benevolence 
and  philanthropy. 


The  watch-word  of  this  generation  is — Onward  I 
Every  political  revolution,  and  every  domestic  etttep* 
prise,  has  an  upward  and  redeeming  tendency.  This 
is  true,  not  only  in  a  civil  and  secular,  but  in  a  moral 
point  of  view.  The  darkness  of  heathenism  and  savage 
life,  is  rapidly  receding  before  the  glorious  sunlight 
of  civilization  and  Christianity.  The  glorious  sun  of 
republican  liberty,  which,  upon  the  natal  day  of 
American  Independence,  first  dawned  upon  the  world, 
is  beginnuag  to  extend  its  life-giving,  regenerating 
influences  over  the  moral  political  wastes  of  despotic 
Europe.  Kings  are  beginning  to  tremble  for  the 
safety  of  thei*r  respective  thrones,  and  their  subjects 
to  look  forward  to  the  no  very  distant  period,  when 
despotism,  with  its  haggard  train  of  moral,  social,  and 
political  evils,  shall  give  place  to  r^jublican  liberty ; 
and  constitutions,  modelled  after  the  '•'■Magna  Charta''^ 
of  American  Independence,  shall  become  the  organic 
law  of  the  several  states,  kingdoms,  and  empires  of 
the  old  world.  The  numerous  plans  which  have  been 
devised,  and  are  being  carried  into  operation,  for  the 
purpose  of  extending  and  sustaining  the  various  systems 
of  civilizing  and  Christianizing  the  nations  of  the 
earth,  speak  much  for  the  wisdom  and  philanthropy 
of  their  authors,  and  are  truly  worthy  the  countenance 
and  support  of  every  friend  of  humanity. 

But  in  the  pi-esent,  as  in  all  past  ages,  we  find  the 
human  mind  more  or  less  pi-one  to  run  to  extremes. 
Like  the  resistless  torrent  of  the  mountain  stream, 
which   being  accelerated  by  ita  own  momentum,  bursts 


over  its  natural  barriers,  and  counteracts  many  of  its 
naturally  good  effects  by  its  destruction  of  surrounding 
objects.  Thus  is  it  with  the  philanthropy  of  many  of 
the  present  age.  They  have  a  zeal  without  knowMge. 
Prompted  by  the  impulse  of  feeling,  without  the 
exercise  of  reason,  they  often  resort  to  means  which 
are  altogether  incompatible  with  the  ends  which  they 
desire  to  accomplish.  We  find,  therefore,  among  the 
many  systems  of  reformation  which  have  been  devised 
in  this  our  day  and  generation,  many  to  admire  and 
sanction ;  others,  again,  which  we  cannot  consistently 
give  assent  to,  because  we  conceive  them  not  to  be 
in  harmony  with  reason,  truth,  and  justice. 

And  first  among  these,  is  that  species  of  philanthropy 
or  fanaticism  which  would  take  from  a  man  that  which, 
of  right,  belongs  to  him,  and  appropriate  it  to  other 
purposes,  without  remunerating  him  therefor,  gaining 
his  consent,  or  even  consulting  his  wishes.  It  is  to 
be  presumed,  that  there  are  but  few  of  the  enlightened 
citizens  of  our  common  country,  who,  if  they  fully 
comprehended  its  ultimate  tendency,  would  subscribe 
to  a  species  of  fanaticism  of  this  nature.  Yet  do  we 
find  a  considerable  party  in  the  United  States,  one 
that  is  not  wanting  either  in  respect  of  numbers  or  of 
talent,  that  is  organized  upon  this  very  principle.  In 
all  probability,  the  ground  upon  which  it  is  based, 
and  the  principles  involved  in  its  organization,  are 
not  fully  comprehended  by  many,  perhaps  the  larger 
number  of  those  who  have  identified  themselves  with 
this  party ;  but  we  have  reason  to  beUeve  that  this  is 


not  the  case  with  the  leaders,  the  prime  movers,  the 
pampered  stipendiaries  who  direct  its  movements,  and 
give  tone  and  currency  to  the  practical  operations  of 
its  hidden  machinery.  Many  there  may  be,  who  have 
never  reflected  upon  the  matter,  who  have  never  taken 
the  second  sober  thought  concerning  it,  but  have  been 
prompted  by  an  impulse  engendered  by  excitement. 
But  that  this  is  the  case  with  all,  we  are  slow  to 
believe.  For  the  ignorant  and  deluded,  there  may  be 
some  shadow  of  excuse  or  palliation;  but  upon  the 
wilful  perpetrators  of  error  and  delusion — the  origina- 
tors of  this  suicidal  pohcy — the  leaders  of  this  hetero- 
geneous horde  of  ranting  factionists  and  unprincipled 
enthusiasts,  we  forbear  to  pass  judgment.  Disturbers 
of  the  public  peace,  and  engenderers  of  private  feuds, 
the  baseness  of  their  designs  is  equalled  only  by  the 
unreasonableness  and  inconsistency  of  their  tenets,  or 
principles  of  action. 

Such  is  modern  abolitionism  and  its  advocates,  a 
withering  blighting  curse,  a  pestiferous  excresence  upon 
the  body  politic,  a  hideous  deformity,  begotten  by  the 
father  of  lies,  born  of  the  mother  of  harlots,  and  nursed 
by  the  bloody  hand  of  vile  misanthropy  ;  its  breath  is 
pestilence  and  death,  its  practical  operations  the 
destruction  of  all  domestic  tranqmUity  and  social 
order,  of  all  peace,  friendship,  and  good  will  amongst 

The  inquiry,  whence  originated  such  a  species  of 
pseudo  philanthropy  or  wild  fanaticism,  may  not  be 
devoid  of  interest,  as  something  of  its  nature  may  be 



inferred  from  its  parentage.  Bj  investigation,  we  find 
it  to  be  of  foreign  origin,  an  imported  article.  It 
was  conceived  and  brought  forth  in  the  British  House 
of  Lords.  But  why  transplanted  ?  Simply  for  the 
reason,  that  it  was  the  interest  of  the  manufacturers 
to  find  a  market  abroad  for  it. 

America,  and  her  republican  institutions ;  her  ever 
onward  and  upward  march  to  greatness  and  glory ; 
have  ever  been  objects  of  jealousy  and  hatred  to 
tyrants  and  their  fawning  votaries.  Various  and 
powerful  were  their  schemes  which  they,  in  their 
matchless  subtlety  and  sacrilegious  impiety,  devised 
and  set  on  foot  for  the  subversion  of  the  grand  super- 
structure of  American  Liberty.  But  when  foiled  and 
defeated  on  every  hand,  when  despair  was  about  to 
possess  every  soul,  the  great  enemy  of  human  happiness 
presents  a  new  device,  for  the  consideration  of  British 
lords,  his  willing  subjects.  A  system  of  nominal 
slavery  is  discovered  to  exist  in  the  United  States. 
Horrible  inconsistency !  Disgraceful  outrage  !  What ! 
Slavery  exist  under  a  republican  government !  It 
must  not  be.  The  sympathies  of  the  most  corrupt 
and  oppressive  legislative  body  that  ever  disgraced 
the  foot-stool  of  Deity,  are  aroused  for  the  first  time 
in  their  history.  Tears  of  mock  sympathy  are  seen 
coursing  the  bloated  features  of  pampered  tyrants, 
and  proud  aristocrats.  The  excitement  increases, 
descends  to  the  masses.  Venerable  matrons  catch  the 
theme,  look  abroad  over  millions  of  their  oppressed 
fellow  subjects,  who  never  enjoyed  the  luxury  of  a 



comfortable  meal  in  all  their  lives,  and  discover  that 
to  longer  pollute  their  morning  beverage  with  a  product 
of  slave  labor,  is  criminal. 

And  thus  argues  Parliament: — ^It  is  true,  slavery 
exists  in  our  own  West  Indies.  But  as  these  slaves 
are  mostly  the  property  of  this  honorable  (?)  body, 
we  will  appropriate  an  amount  (X21,000,000  or 
$105,000,000)  from  the  national  treasury,  sufficient 
to  indemnify  us  against  loss,  adopt  a  seven  years' 
apprenticeship  system  of  emancipation,  and  then  shall 
we  be  prepared  to  wage  endless  war  against  American 
slavery  and  American  institutions.  The  unhallowed 
proposition  receives  the  unqualified  approbation  of  these 
time-serving  votaries  of  tyranny  and  corruption.  West 
India  slavery  is   abolished  upon  the  plan  proposed.* 

•  For  the  success  of  this  experiment,  see  the  following  extracts,  to 
which  volumes  of  a  similar  character  might  be  added : — 

"A  recent  letter  from  Jamaica  states  that  the  poverty  and  industrial 
prostration  of  that  island  are  almost  incredible.  It  says  that  since  1832» 
out  of  six  hundred  and  fifty  sugar  estates  then  in  cultivation,  more 
than  one  hundred  and  fifty  have  been  abandoned  and  the  works  broken 
up.  This  has  thrown  out  of  cultivation  over  200,000  acres  of  rich  land, 
which,  in  1832,  gave  employment  to  about  30,000  laborers,  and  yielded 
over  15,000  hogshead  of  sugar,  and  6,000  puncheons  of  rum. 

"  During  the  same  period,  over  five  hundred  cofiTee  plantations  have 
been  abandoned  and  their  works  broken  np.  This  threw  out  of  cultiva- 
tion over  200,000  acres  more  of  land,  which,  in  1832,  required  the  labor 
of  over  30,000  men." 

"  Hayti — Marriagb  Relations.— The  Moniteur  Haytien  gives  an 
ofiBcial  statement  of  the  births  and  deaths,  marriages  and  divorces,  during  . 
the  first  quarter  of  the  present  year,  in  the  West,  North,  and  South 
Provinces — seventy  tovsTis  in  all.  In  these  towns  the  whole  number  of 
chDdren  bom  in  three  months  was  1863,  of  whom,  1700  were  bom  out  of 
wedlock,  and  only  163  were  legitimate !    Such  a  monstrous  disproportion 



And  now  commences  the  crusade  against  the  institution 
as  it  exists  in  the  United  States  of  America.  A  motley 
corps  of  harping  demagogues,  tourists,  intriguers, 
seducers,  pamphleteers,  and  electioneerers,  are  com- 
missioned to  canvass  the  free  States  of  the  North, 
for  the  purpose  of  arraying  the  North  against  the 
South  in  hostile  mood,  by  arousmg  the  prejudices  and 
firing  the  passions  of  their  peaceful  inhabitants,  by 
agitating  the  question  of  the  unqualified  abohtion  of 

But  why  all  this  upon  the  part  of  the  erudite,  and 
accomplished  statesmen  of  the  parent  land  ?  Are 
there  no  objects  of  charity  upon  which  to  pour 
out  their  overflowing  benevolence  and  philanthropy  at 
home  ?  Let  the  countless  millions  of  woe-begotten 
groaning,  British  subjects  throughout  England,  Ireland,* 

between  these  two  classes  of  children  exists  in  no  other  country,  we 
venture  to  say,  on  the  face  of  the  eavlb,  where  the  marriage  institution  is 
recognized.  In  the  same  towns  the  deaths  in  that  period  were  406;  65 
marriages,  and  1  divorce.  In  Port  au  Prince  alone,  the  capital  of  the 
Empire,  there  were  413  children  born,  and  only  29  of  them  in  marriage, 
77  deaths  and  20  marriages." 

*  "  Coleman,  in  his  work  entitled  'Life  and  Manners  in  England  and 
Prance,'  gives  the  following  most  lamentable  description  of  the  poor  in 
Ireland  : — '  I  never  saw  a  more  beautiful  country,'  says  he,  "  though  art 
has  done  little  for  it.  The  wretchedness  of  the  great  mass  of  the 
people  is  utterly  beyond  all  description.  I  have  been  into  cabins  dug 
out  of  the  bog,  with  no  warmth  but  the  heat  of  the  mud  in  wliich  they 
have  been  excavated,  with  the  roof  covered  with  turf  and  straw,  and 
the  water  standing  in  puddles  on  the  outside,  without  chimney,  window, 
door,  floor,  bed,  chair,  table,  knife,  or  fork  ;  the  whole  furniture  consisting 
of  some  straw  to  lie  down  upon,  a  pot  to  boil  the  notatoes.  a  tin  cup  to 
drink  out  of,  and  a  wicker  basket  to  take  up  the  potatoes  in  after  they 


and,  indeed,  the  whole  wide-extended  dominion  of 
the  Sea-born  Empire,  upon  whose  Hmitless  bounds 
the  sun  never  sets,  give  the  answer.  Was  it  a 
pure  spirit  of  charity  and  benevolence,  that  prompted 
the  enterprise  ?  Nay,  verily.  A  far  diflferent  motive 
lay  concealed  beneath  the  gilded  folds  of  royal 
duplicity.  Standing  upon  an  eminence  "of  a  seat  in 
the  British  ParUament,  the  poHtical  seer  could  easily 
penetrate  the  dark  vista  of  the  future,  and  predict 
the  result  of  the  unhallowed  agitation  of  this  vexed 

But  why  commence  the  work  in  States  where  the 
institution  does  not  exist?  Why  not  go  into  the 
slave   States,  and  meet  the   question  fairly,  by  dis- 

are  bofled,  which  is  set  down  in  the  middle  of  the  floor,  and  parents  and 
children  sqnat  down  like  Hottentots  on  the  ground  and  eat  their  food 
with  their  fingers,  sometimes  with  salt  and  often  without ;  this  is  literally 
the  whole  of  their  living,  day  after  day,  and  year  after  year,  excepting 
that  on  Christmas  day  they  contrive  to  get  a  little  piece  of  meat  and  a 
bit  of  bread.'  The  writer  has  seen  thousands,  yea,  a  million,  living  so. 
I  could  hardly  credit  my  own  senses,'  continues  he,  'until  I  went  into 
the  cabins,  and  felt  my  way  in  the  smoke  and  darkness,  and  actually  put 
my  hand  on  the  turf  sides.'  Here  they  all  lie  down,  parents  and  children, 
brothers  and  sisters,  on  the  straw  at  night,  huddled  together,  literally 
naked,  with  the  pigs,  oftentimes  the  ass  or  horse,  and  sometimes  the 
cow  in  the  same  room.  '  Such  is  the  manner  of  living  of  large  masses 
of  the  people  of  Ireland.  'And  this  in  a  country  belonging  to  the  richest 
and  most  refined  people  on  the  globe,  not  forty-eight  hours  journey  from 
London;  not  one-fourth  part  of  which  is  cultivated,  and  containing 
millions  of  ontilled  acres  of  as  rich  land  as  the  sun  ever  shone  upon.' 
The  heart  sickens  at  such  details  of  human  misery.  The  condition 
of  these  people  is  worse,  by  far,  than  that  of  the  negro  slaves  of  the 
slave-holding  States  of  this  country,  whose  condition  excites  so  mach 
sympathy  among  the  self-styled  philanthropists  of  Great  Britain." 


j  cussing  it  with  those  who  alone  were  empowered  to 

I  legislate   with   respect  to   the   institution  of  slavery? 

I  The  reason  is  obvious.     This  warfare  did  not  originate 

j  in   any  inate  opposition   to   the  principle  of  servitude 

I  or  bondage,  or  from  any  inherent  love   of  universal 

liberty,  which  existed  or  was  cherished  in  the  hearts 
of  its  originators.  Had  this  been  the  case,  an  ample 
field  for  the  exercise  of  their  benevolent  desires  and 
philanthropic  emotions  existed  in  their  own  immediate 
midst.  A  far  different  motive  influenced  the  action 
of  these  cunning  deceivers  and  unprincipled  dema- 
gogues. They  foresaw  that  direful  consequences  to 
republicanism,  and  to  the  whole  American  people, 
hung  suspended  upon  the  proposed  agitation  of  this 
question,  the  prosecution  of  this  warfare  upon  the 
part  of  the  Northern  free  States.  It  was  evident 
that  every  aggressive  movement  made  by  these  fac- 
tionists  in  the  north,  would  produce  a  correspondent, 
or  counteracting  movement  on  the  part  of  the  friends 
of  the  south.  Thus  do  we  discover  the  true  origin 
of  this  unhallowed  faction,  this  unrighteous  combina- 
tion of  foreign  and  domestic  talent  and  influence, 
against  the  welfare  of  our  common  country.  It 
originated  with  the  enemies  of  universal  freedom  and  ^'>I, 

republican  liberty,  the  fawning  sycophants  of  tyranny, 
the  willing  tools  of  oppression.  The  principles  of 
modern  abolitionism  were  first  promulged  in  the 
northern  free  States  by  British  denaagogues  and 
emissaries,  supported  by  British  gold,  as  have  been 
their  successors   to   the  present  day. 


district  school  pedagogue  of  the  Garrisonian  school, 
to  the  Honorable  Senator  advocating  with  burning 
eloquence  in  the  Halls  of  Crongress,  the  beauties  (?) 
of  the  Wilmot  Proviso,  have  received  and  acknow- 
ledged the  irresistible  influence  of  the  same  corrupting 
golden  agency.  Says  the  able  correspondent  of  the 
National  Intelligencer : — 

"On  your  side  of  the  Atlantic,  you  cannot  be  ignorant 
how  w^ell  they  understand  the  pow^er  and  application  of 
money,  as  well  as  slander,  in  their  two-fold  crusade.  We, 
who  learn  their  secret,  and  scan  their  public  operations, 
in  Great  Britain  and  France,  positively  know  that  they 
gather  and  use  extraordinary  sums,  and  they  have  always 
at  command  ample  subsidees  for  every  kind  of  service. 
We  are  not  surprised,  that  while  they  deal  chiefly  with 
stipendiaries,  they  should  arraign,  as  corrupt,  all  indepen- 
dent judgment  and  action  against  their  own  designs  and 
machinations.  American  character  in  general  has  seriously 
suffered,  by  the  unremitted,  wide-spread,  unscrupulous 
war  in  Europe,  which,  for  many  years  past,  has  been 
carried  on  against  American  slavery  "and  slaveholders. 
In  every  quarter,  the  enemies  of  our  Union,  and  Repub- 
licanism, calculate  most  on  the  slavery  question  as  a 
disturber,  and  dissolvent,  and  as  an  expedient  of  de- 
formation and  discredit.  If  the  European  nations,  or 
people — British,  French,  or  other — should  at  any  time 
be  disposed  to  second,  or  urge  their  governments  in 
belligerent  endeavors  to  cripple  American  power  and 
institutions,  it  will  be  from  the  diffusive  prejudices  and 
antipathies,  from  the  aversion  or  odium,  created  by  the 
machinery  of  the  anti-slavery  societies  and  their  abettors 

!)(Al'^^  lo^of^''^ 


Last  winter,  pamphlets  written  and  printed  in  New 
England,  were  placed  in  Galignani's  Reading  Rooms, 
to  attract  English  readers,  which  filled  me  with  horror, 
by  the  enormity  of  the  charges  and  invectives,  and  the 
intensity  of  the  venom  lavished  on  the  American  slave- 
holders universally,  and  indeed  on  the  whole  American 
people,  except  abolition  zealots.  I  have  closely  followed 
and  studied,  m  America  and  Europe,  the  proceedings, 
dispositions,  and  purposes  of  this  sect,  which  has  invented 
and  spread  more  noxious  falsehood  and  atrocious  calumny 
than  any  other  of  modern  times,  and  whose  schemes 
involve  more  malignity  and  evil  than  could  be  imputed 
to  Jesuits,  Illuminati,  Carbonari,  or  the  other  orders  and 
associations  denounced  as  conspirators  against  human 

A  dissolution  of  the  Union  was,  undoubtedly,  the 
ultimate  and  real  design  of  those  foreign  founders 
aod  abettors  of  abolitionism.  This  gained,  and  the 
pride  of  the  British  lion  would  be  avenged  for  the 
disgraceful  defeats  and  losses  sustained  during  the 
revolutionary  and  late  wars.  Not  unwisely,  then, 
did  they  count  upon  "  the  slavery  question  as  a 
disturber  and  dissolvent,"  as  an  effectual  expedient 
CO  cripple  American  power  and  institutions.  They 
acted  the  part  of  sagacious  and  accomplished  states- 
men, in  selecting  this  as  the  Archimedian  lever,  with 
which  to  subvert  the  grand  superstructure  of  American 
Independence.  They  have  effectually  sowed  the  seeds 
of  discord  and  disaffection  in  our  midst,  of  which 
"  disunion  "   is  the  legitimate  and  inevitable  offspring, 


unless  checked  by  the  conservative  principles  of 
truth,  reason,  and  justice.  Our  Union  dissolved, 
and  all  that  the  most  inveterate  enemies  of  repubhcan 
liberty,  of  civil  and  religious  freedom,  could  desire, 
is  accomplished.  How  near  we  have  approximated 
to  this  result,  the  present  convulsed  and  perturbated 
state  of  the  country,  and  the  late  disgraceful  scenes 
enacted  in  the  halls  of  our  national  legislature,  too 
clearly  mdicate.  That  we  stand  upon  the  verge  of 
a  fearful  revolution,  is  evident,  unless  saved  by  the 
timely  interference  of  the  genial  spirit  of  concession 
and  compromise. 

Modern  abohtionism,  then,  we  discover,  is  not  a 
thing  which  exists  in  name  only,  a  shadow  without 
a  substance,  a  mere  child  of  fancy ;  but  a  stem 
reahty,  and  deep-layed  conspiracy,  a  well-organized 
system,  upheld  by  a  powerful  combination  of  the  most 
powerful  and  dangerous  enemies  of  our  common 
country,  who  are  actuated  by  a  desire,  not  to  amehorate 
the  condition  of  the  benighted  African,  but  to  strike 
a  death-blow  at  the  genius  of  republican  liberty,  to 
sap  the  very  foundations  of  our  civil  polity,  to  poison 
the  gushing  fountains  of  our  domestic  tranquillity, 
social  intercourse,  and  national  security.  That  our 
country,  the  cause  of  human  freedom  and  national 
civilization,  the  cause  of  all  mankind,  have  more  to 
fear  from  this  organization,  than  from  all  other  opposing 
elements  combined,  we  entertain  not  a  doubt.  To 
prove  that  we  speak  not  unadvisedly,  and  that  our 
fears    and    deductions    are    not    unfounded,   we  beg 


leave  to  introduce  the  following,  from  authorities,  the 
intelUgence  of  whom,  we  presume,  will  not  for  a 
moment  be  questioned  : — 

[Fro7}i  tlie  Nashville   Union 

•'  The  Union,  Past  and  Future. — We  have  received 
a  pamphlet  entitled,  '  The  Union,  Past  and  Future — 
How  it  Works,  and  how  to  Save  it.  By  a  Citizen  of 
Virginia.'  It  is,  as  the  Richmond  Enquirer  remarks, 
in  noticing  it,  a  most  luminous  exposition  of  the  ex- 
traordinary advantages  which  the  North  has  derived 
over  the  South  from  the  Union ;  the  wonderful  resources 
which  capacitate  the  South  for  entire  independence  of 
the  North ;  the  reliance  of  the  latter  upon  the  former 
for  its  prosperity — its  inevitable  poverty  in  peace,  and 
weakness  in  war,  in  the  event  of  a  dissolution — and 
the  overwhelming  considerations  of  interest  and  policy, 
which  should  thus  induce  the  North  to  cease  the  prosecu- 
tion of  those  suicidal  measures  which  endanger  her 
longer  enjoyment  of  the  incalculable  blessings  of  wealth 
and  power,  protection  and  honor,  flowing  to  her,  under 
the  Union,  from  the  very  institutions  which  she  would 
destroy.  No  threats  are  made — no  menaces  indulged. 
A  candid  statement  is  given  of  the  facts  in  the  case, 
and  of  the  relations  which  the  two  great  geographical 
divisions  of  the  country  sustain  to  each  other  in  a  politico- 
economical  point  of  view.  The  munificent  generosity 
of  the  South — the  heavy  and  unequal  burdens  she  has 
borne,  and  still  bears,  in  the  support  of  the  Federal 
Government — the  splendid  abundance  of  her  varied 
resources,  still  multiplying,  still  enlarging — the  safety  and 


facility  with  which  she  could  maintain  her  own  Union, 
with  a  less  expenditure  of  revenue,  than  she  now 
annually  contributes  quite  gratuitously  for  the  benefits 
of  the  North — her  manly  determination  to  require 
"  Equality  of  Independence " — these  facts  are  calmly, 
but  plainly  and  distinctly  stated  ;  not,  indeed,  to  en- 
courage the  idea  of  dissolution,  but  to  remind  us  that 
we  are  under  no  grinding  necessity,  no  compulsion  of 
poverty,  for  ever  to  endure  Northern  vassalage,  usurpa- 
tion, and  insults,  and  to  open  the  eyes  of  the  North,  too 
long  blinded  by  power,  to  her  true  interests  and  imminent 

"It  would  be  well  for  the  Union,  if  this  pamphlet  were 
circulated  throughout  its  whole  extent,  and  read  by  all  its 
millions.  It  would  bring  home  to  the  South  a  knowledge 
of  her  real  strength.  It  would  bring  home  to  the  North  a 
knowledge  of  her  real  weakness.  It  would  show  the 
one  that  she  could  sustain  herself  alone,  in  peace  and 
war,  with  safety  and  honor.  It  would  show  the  other 
that  alone,  in  peace  or  war,  she  must  ignobly  fall  with 
"  all  -her  greatness."  It  would  inspire  the  South  with  a 
manly  independence,  which  would  disdain  further  com- 
promises of  her  interests  and  dignity,  where  concession 
has  but  led  to  aggression,  and  magnanimity  to  imposition. 
It  would  inspire  the  North  with  a  just  sense  of  her 
dependence,  and  an  enlightened  apprehension  of  losing, 
by  the  further  provocation  of  a  generous,  but  outraged 
and  indignant  people,  the  grand  sources  of  her  prosperity, 
happiness,  and  honor.  Each  section  would  better  under- 
stand the  attitude  of  the  other,  and  such  understanding 
might  lead  to  the  permanent  establishment  of  a  more 
equal  and  harmonious  Union. 


"  Below  we  present  a  series  of  extracts  from  this 
excellent  pamphlet,  interspersed  with  an  occasional 
remark  of  our  own 

"  After  a  brief  introduction,  the  author  sets  out  with  a 
proposition  which  he  fully  estabUshes  by  facts  and  figures : 
♦  The  history  of  the  causes  of  the  present  crisis,  is  the 
history  of  ever-growing  demands  on  the  part  of  the  North, 
and  of  concession  on  the  part  of  the  South.'  We  cannot 
follow  him  step  by  step,  but  must  content  ourselves  with 
marking  only  a  few  of  the  principal  metm  on  the  courses. 
He  begins  with  the  cession,  by  Virginia,  to  the  Union, 
jf  the  magnificent  domain  north-west  of  the  Ohio — the 
most  splendid  dower  that  ever  bride  gave  away  to  please 
her  grasping  lord  : — 

'* '  It  was  a  country  well  suited  for  slavery,  for  even  so 
late  as  1806,  we  find  a  convention  of  the  inhabitants  of 
Indiana  petitioning  for  its  temporary  introduction,  and  a 
committee  of  the  House  of  Representatives  reporting 
through  their  chairman,  Mr.  Garnett,  of  Virginia,  in  favor 
of  their  prayer.  But  while  Virginia  was  guilty  of  this 
suicidal  generosity,  she  annexed  one  condition  for  her 
own  advantage,  that  no  more  than  five  States  should  be 
formed  out  of  this  territory,  so  as  to  preserve  a  due 
balance  of  political  power  in  the  Union.  Yet  even  this 
condition  the  North  has  violated,  and  22,336  square  miles 
of  its  area,  more  than  the  average  size  of  all  the  free 
States  east  of  the  Ohio,  have  gone  to  constitute  the  future 
State  of  Minnesota. 

"'This  was  the  first  step,  and  the  next  was  at  the 
formation  of  the  present  Constitution,  when  a  contest 
arose  as  to  the  ratio  of  representation.  Should  the  South 
have  as  many  representatives,  in  proportion  to  her 
population,  as  the  North  ?  It  was  just  and  right  that 
she  should.  The  Federal  Government  had  no  cc\ncej7i 
with  the  relations  between   blacks  and  whites,  the  classes 


of  her  population.  It  had  no  right  to  inquire  whether 
the  negro  was  a  slave  or  free.  The  slaves  were  a 
better  population  than  the  free  negroes,  and  if  the  latter 
were  to  be  counted  at  their  full  number  in  the  appoint- 
ment of  representation,  so  ought  the  former.  The  right 
could  not  be  refused,  because  the  slaves  were  naturally 
or  legally  equal  to  the  whites,  for  so  are  the  free  negroes. 
It  could  not  be  refused,  because  they  have  no  political 
rights,  for  neither  have  the  free  negroes,  paupers,  women,  or 
children.  They  are  an  essential  part  of  the  population; 
if  absent,  their  places  must  be  filled  by  other  laborers, 
and  if  they  are  property  as  well  as  population,  it  is 
an  additional  reason  for  giving  their  owners  the  security 
of  full  representation  for  them.  But  the  South,  as  usual, 
yielded  to  Northern  exorbitance,  and  agreed  that  five 
slaves  should  count  only  as  three  free  negroes.  There- 
fore, instead  of  103  representatives  in  Congress,  we  have 
only  91. 

" '  But  the  free  States  are  not  content  with  this,  and 
now  propose  to  take  away  twenty-one  more  of  our 
representatives.  They  say  that  the  right  of  representa- 
tion for  three-fifths  of  our  slave  population,  is  a  sufficient 
reason  for  refusing  admission  into  the  Union  to  any  new 
slave  States  and  Massachusetts  has  proposed,  by  a  solemn 
legislative  resolution,  to  amend  the  Constitution  so  as  to 
deprive  us  of  this  guaranteed  representation.  Public 
meetings  and  eminent  men  have  approved  of  her 

'  In  return  for  this  surrender  of  her  rights,  the  South  1 

inserted  in  the  Constitution  two  stipulations  in  her  own 
favor.  The  first  provided,  that  direct  taxes  should  be 
apportioned  amongst  the  States  in  the  ratio  of  their 
representation.  According  to  this  provision,  we  ought 
now  to  pay  a  little  more  than  one-third  of  the  taxes ;  we 
actually  pay,  under  the  present  system,  over  three-fourths. 
The  amount  levied  from  customs,  since  the  formation  of 
the  Government,  has  been  about  one  thousand  and  forty- 
seven  millions  of  dollars  ;  and  had  these  duties  been  paid 
in  the  ratio  which  the  Constitution  indicates  as  just  and 


proper,  the  South  would  have  paid  four  hundred  and 
forty-two,  and  the  North  six  hundred  and  five  millions 
of  dollars.  But,  as  we  shall  see  hereafter,  the  slave 
States  have  really  paid  seven  hundred  and  ninety-eight 
millions  of  dollars,  and  the  free  States  only  two  hundred 
and  forty-nine  millions  of  dollars.  Therefore,  the  South 
has  gained  nothing  by  this  stipulation  in  return  for  her 
loss  of  reputation. 

"  '  The  other  stipulation  in  favor  of  the  South,  was,  that 
'  no  person  held  to  service  or  labor  in  one  State,  under 
the  laws  thereof,  escaping  into  another,  shall,  in  conse- 
quence of  any  law  or  regulation  therein,  be  discharged 
from  such  service  or  labor,  but  shall  be  delivered  up  on 
claim  of  party  to  whom  such  service  or  labor  may  be 
due.'  This  provision  rests  for  its  due  fulfilment,  not 
merely  upon  the  Federal  Government,  but,  like  a  treaty 
stipulation  between  distant  nations,  must  be  carried  into 
effect  by  the  municipal  regulations  of  the  parties,  and 
their  comity  and  good  feeling.  Yet  what  has  it  been 
worth  to  the  South  '?  So  far  from  executing  this  clause, 
and  '  delivering  up  '  the  runaway  slaves,  the  free  States 
refuse  to  pass  any  efficient  law  to  that  end  in  Congress ; 
and  such  is  their  state  of  feeling,  and  such  their  domestic 
laws,  that  any  federal  law,  even  if  enacted,  could  not  be 
executed.  In  their  own  governments,  they  make  it  a 
criminal  oifence,  punishable  by  fine  and  imprisonment, 
for  any  officer,  and  in  some  States  for  any  citizens,  to 
assist  in  seizing  or  '  delivering  up '  a  fugitive  slave. 
Their  whites  and  their  free  negroes  assemble  in  mobs  to 
rescue  the  slave  from  the  master  who  is  bold  enough  to 
capture  him,  and  then  accusing  himself  of  the  riot  they 
made  themselves,  throw  him  in  a  felon's  jail,  and  load 
him  with  fetters,  as  Pennsylvania  has  recently  done  by  a 
respectable  citizen  of  Maryland,  When  Troutman,  of 
Kentucky,  pursued  his  slaves  into  the  town  of  Marshal], 
in  Michigan,  he  was  surrounded  by  a  mob,  led  by  the 
most  influential  citizens,  who  declared  that  '  though  the 
law  was  in  his  favor,  yet  the  public  sentiment  must  and 
should  supercede  it,'  and   a  resolution  was   tumultuously 


adopted,  that  '  these  Kentuckians  shall  not  remove  from 
this  place  these  slaves  by  moral,  physical,  or  legal  force.' 
A  Magistrate  fined  Troutman,  one  hundred  dollars  for  the 
tresspass  in  attempting  to  arrest  his  slave ;  and  he  was 
recognized  to  appear  at  the  next  Circuit  Court,  for 
draw^ing  a  pistol  on  a  negro  vi^ho  was  forcing  the  door  of 
his  room  !  But  this  was  a  mild  treatment  compared  with 
the  fate  of  the  lamented  Kennedy,  of  Hagerstown, 
When  he  followed  his  slave  into  Carlisle,  Pennsylvania, 
and  was  peaceably,  with  his  own  consent,  bringing  him 
away,  an  infuriated  mob  of  whites  and  free  blacks,  incited 
by  the  Professor  of  a  College,  assaulted  and  brutally 
murdered  him!  It  is  estimated  by  Mr.  Clingman,  that 
the  whole  loss  to  the  South,  in  fugitive  slaves,  is  not  less 
than  fifteen  millions  of  dollars.  Mr.  Butler,  of  the  Senate, 
estimated  the  annual  loss  to  the  South  at  two  hundred 
thousand  dollars,  and  more  recent  statements  make  it 
probable  that  he  was  under  the  true  amount.  The 
philanthropy  of  the  North  does  not  extend  to  voluntary 
free  negro  emigrants  from  ihe  South,  but  is  confined  to 
the  runaway  slaves,  whom  it  can  force  by  fear  to  work 
for  immoderately  low  wages.' 

"  Briefly  tracing  the  growth  of  the  anti-slavery  faction 
in  the  North,  the  author  next  proceeds  to  speak  of  the 
admission  of  Missouri.     He  says: — 

"  *  A  clause  prohibiting  slavery  was  inserted  into  the 
bill  for  the  admission  of  Missouri,  when  it  became 
apparent  that  her  people  would  reject  such  a  bill,  if 
passed,  and  with  a  government  regularly  organized, 
according  to  all  the  constitutional  precedents,  would 
remain  without  the  Union  as  a  separate,  independent 
State,  unless  the  federal  authority  undertook  to  subdue 
her,  and  convulsed  the*  country  by  a  civil  war.  In 
this  state  of  the  question,  the  South  had  only  to  remain 
firm,  and  the  North  would  be  forced  to  yield;  but,  as 
usual,  the  South  was  weak  enough  to  retreat  from  her 
ground,  and,  in    her    love    for    tlie    Union,  she  submitted 


to  a  provision  for  ever  prohibiting  slavery  in  all  that 
part  of  the  Territory  of  Louisiana  (except  Missouri 
itself)  which  lies  north  of  36^  30',  the  southern  boundary 
of  Virginia  and  Kentucky.  The  South  thus  lost,  without 
any  equivalent,  nine-tenths  of  what  was  already  a 
slave  territory,  purchased  by  the  common  treasure. 
She  retained  only  one  hundred  and  ten  thousand  square 
miles  for  the  emigration  of  her  own  citizens,  and  sur- 
rendered nine  hundred  and  sixty-five  thousand  to  the 

" '  Yet  even  this  so-called  compromise,  forced  upon 
us  by  Northern  voters,  is  now  spurned  by  the  free 
States.  They  have  derived  all  the  possible  benefit  from 
it  on  this  side  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  and  they  refuse 
us  the  poor  advantage  which  it  would  secure,  of  two 
hundred  and  four  thousand,  three  hundred  and  eighty- 
three  square  miles,  out  of  eight  hundred  and  sixty-seven 
thousand,  five  hundred  and  forty-one  on  the  other  side !' 

"Here  follows  the  climax.  The  extract  is  long,  but 
vre  are  sure  it  will  repay  perusal : — 

" '  It  is  now  proposed  to  exclude  the  South  from  the 
Territory  of  California  and  New  Mexico,  four  hundred 
and  forty-six  thousand,  nine  hundred  and  thirty-eight 
square  miles,  large  enough  to  make  more  than  eleven 
States  equal  to  Ohio.  The  South  paid  her  share,  and,  as 
we  shall  see,  far  more  than  her  full  share,  of  the  expenses 
of  the  Mexican  war.  Of  the  gallant  volunteers  who 
fought  its  battles,  she  furnished  forty-five  thousand  six 
hundred  and  forty,  and  the  North  twenty-three  thousand 
and  eighty-four — but  little  more  than  half  as  many.  She 
sent  one  man  out  of  every  twenty-six  of  military  age — 
the  North  only  sent  one  out  of  every  one  hundred  and 
twenty-four.  How  those  battles  were  fought  and  won, 
of  which  section  the  Generals  were  natives,  whose 
regiments  faltered,  and  whose  left  two  of  their  men 
stretched  upon  the  bloody  field,  while  the  third  planted 
the   stars   and    stripes    upon    the    Mexican    battlements, 



the  South  will  leave  to  history  to  say.  And  now  it  is 
proposed  to  exclude  the  survivors  and  their  fellow-citizens 
from  the  equal  enjoyments  of  the  conquest  of  the  war ! 
And  why  ? — because,  as  the  Vermont  resolutions  declare, 
'  Slavery  is  a  crime  against  humanity  /' 

"  '  The  North  next  propose  to  abolish  slavery  in  the 
District  of  Columbia,  and  so  make  a  harbor  for  run- 
aways, and  a  centre  of  abolition  agitation  in  the  very 
heart  of  Virginia  and  Maryland,  This  is  ■  to  be  done  in 
defiance,  alike  of  good  faith  and  of  constitutional 
obligation ;  and  why  ?  because,  as  the  Gott  resolution, 
passed  by  the  House  of  Representatives,  declares, 
'  Slavery  is  infamous  /' 

"  '  The  Northern  vote  in  Congress  on  these  questions 
is  almost  unanimous,  without  distinction  of  parties, 
against  the  South.  The  exceptions  are  daily  fewer, 
swept  away  by  the  overpowering  side  of  fanatical  public 
sentimeht  at  the  North.  The  State  legislatures  are 
equally  agreed.  They  have  all,  and  the  majority  more 
than  once,  adopted  resolutions  of  the  most  offensive 
character.  The  next  treat  is  to  abolish  slavery  in  the 
dockyards,  forts,  and  arsenals,  for  there  Congress  has  the 
same  jurisdiction  and  responsibility  as  in  the  District. 
It  is  asserted  that  slavery  cannot  exist,  without  a  special 
law  to  establish  it,  in  the  new  Territories,  because  property 
in  negroes  is,  as  they  pretend,  a  creation  of  municipal 
regulation  alone,  and,  therefore,  ceases  beyond  the  limits 
of  the  State  which  authorizes  it.  Not  only  does  this 
argument  fail  in  its   major  proposition,  for  there  is  no  law  '< 

establishing  slavery  in   any  state   where  it  exists ;  but  it  [ 

fails   also  in   its  application,  for  the   limits  and   authority  [ 

of  each  slave  State  now  extend  to  the  new  Territory  held  j 

by  the   common  Federal  agent.     But,  if  true,  by  parity  j 

«jf  reasoning,  slavery  cannot    exist  on  the  high  seas,  and  f 

so  say  our  abolitionists.     Therefore,  the  slaves  who  leave  \ 

Richmond  on  a  voyage  to  New  Orleans,  are  free  as  soon  r 

as  the  vessel  leaves  the   shore.     The   prohibition  of  what  t 

they  call  the  slave   trade    on  the  high  seas,  and  then  on  . 

the    Mississippi,  whose  waters   they  pretend   are   common  \ 



property,  and  then  between  the  states,  will  quickly  follow 
each  other.  What  would  be  left  the  South  in  such  a 
condition  ?  With  asylums  for  runaways  and  stations  for 
abolition  agents  in  every  state  ;  the  mail  converted  into  a 
colporteur  of  incendiary  tracts ;  forbid  to  carry  our  slaves 
from  state  to  state ;  unable  to  migrate  to  new  or  more 
fertile  lands,  and  thus  renovate  our  fortunes  and  give  our 
sons  a  new  theatre  for  their  energies,  without  sacrificing 
all  our  habits,  associations,  and  property,  and  yet,  with  all 
this,  bound  to  pay  taxes  and  fight  battles  for  conquests,  w^e 
are  to  have  no  share  in  and  for  a  government  known  to 
us  only  by  its  tyranny,  how  miserable  would  be  our 
thraldom  !  Can  any  Southern  man  bear  the  idea  of  such 
degradation  1  He  might  endure  the  loss  of  his  rich 
conquests  in  California,  but  can  he  bear  to  be  excluded 
because  his  institutions  are  infamous  ?  because  he  is 
branded  with  inferiority,  and  under  the  ban  of  the 
civilized  world  ?  If  he  can,  then  is  he  worthy  of  all,  and 
more  than  all,  that  is  threatened  him. 

" '  But  abolition  will  not  stop,  even  when  slavery  is 
thus  hemmed  in,  '  localized  and  discouraged,'  as  senator 
Chase  proposes.  Anti-slavery  sentiment  is  to  be  made 
the  indispensable  condition  of  appointment  to  Federal 
Office  ;  and  thus,  by  bringing  Southern  men  to  treachery, 
the  war  is  to  be  carried  on  to  the  last  fell  deed  of  all — 
the  abolition  of  slavery  within  the  States — for,  to  quote 
Randolph  once  more,  'Fanaticism,  political  or  religious, 
has  no  stopping  place,  short  of  Heaven,  or — of  Hell !' 

" '  The  slave  states  have  but  thirty  votes  in  the  Senate, 
and  two  of  these  (Delaware)  can  hardly  be  counted  upon 
in  their  defence.  Nor  is  it  possible  to  increase  her 
strength  by  new  slave  states.  Rufus  King  long  since 
avowed  that  the  object  of  the  North  was  political  power, 
and  she  will  never  permit  Florida  or  Texas  to  be  divided. 
A  serious  claim  is  already  set  up  to  all  Texas  west  of 
che  Nueces,  as  new  territory,  acquired  by  treaty  from 
Mexico,  to  which  the  Wilmot  proviso  may  and  should 
be  applied.  The  only  territory  south  of  the  Missouii 
compromise   line,   and   east   of  the   Rocky    Mountains,   is 


the  district  of  fifty-eight  thousand,  three  hundred  and 
forty-six  square  miles,  ceded  for  ever  to  the  Indians ; 
on  the  other  hand  the  North  has  west  of  the  Mississippi 
and  east  of  the  Rocky  Mountains,  exclusive  of  the 
Indian  territory, 

723,248  square  miles. 
Add  the  part  of  the  old  Northwest 

Territory,  added  to  Minnesota  in 

violation  of  the  Virginia  deed  of 

cession 22,336        "         '* 

All  of  Oregon     ....    341,463        «         " 

In  all  of  undisputed  territory  1,087,047        "         " 

or  enough  to  make  twenty-eight  such  States  as  Ohio,  or 
twenty-one  larger  than  Iowa.  This  addition  alone  to  the 
strength  of  the  North  would  give  her  nearly  the  three- 
fourths  required  to  amend  the  Constitution  and  abolish 
slavery  at  her  pleasure,  if  we  can  suppose  that  she 
would  take  the  trouble  to  enact  an  amendment  to  do 
that  which  Mr.  Adams  declared  could  be  done,  in  certain 
cases,  under  half  a  dozen  clauses  in  the  Constitution  as 
it  now  stands.  But  when  we  consider  that,  in  case  of 
our  submission  to  the  Wilmot  proviso,  the  North  will 
liave  all  California, 

448,691  square  miles. 
New  Mexico  east  of  the  Rio  Grande  124,933        "         *' 
Texas,  between  the  Nueces  and  the 

Rio  Grande     ....       52,018        "         " 

In  all 625,642 

more  than  all  the  present  free  States,  equal  to  twenty-one 
States  of  their  average  size,  or  sixteen  such  states  as 
Ohio,  or  twelve  larger  than  Iowa,  in  addition  to  all  we 
before  computed,  her  preponderance  becomes  truly 
enormous.  Fifteen  slaves  States  to  seventy-four  free 
States — not  to  mention  the  chances  for  several  more  in 
Canada  !  Can  any  one  suppose  that  such  a  union  could 
subsist  as  a  union  of  equals  1 


" '  In  this  alarming  situation,  the  South  has  no  hope 
but  in  her  own  firmness.  She  wished  to  preserve  the 
Union  as  it  was,  and  she  must,  therefore,  insist  upon 
sufficient  guaranties  for  the  observance  of  her  rights 
and  her  future  poHtical  equaUty,  or  she  must  dissolve  a 
Union  which  no  longer  possesses  its  original  character. 
When  this  alternative  is  placed  before  the  North,  she  will 
determine,  according  to  the  value  she  places  upon  the 
federal  league,  and  we  may  anticipate  her  choice  if  we 
can  count  what  it  has  been  worth  to  her,  and  how 
large  a  moral  and  material  treasure  she  must  surrender, 
if  she  persists  in  pushing  her  aggressions  to  its  over- 
throw.' " 

[Speech  of  T.  L.  Clingman,  of  North  Carolina.^ 

"  Sir,  the  force  and  extent  of  the  present  anti-slavery 
movement  of  the  North  is  not  understood  by  the  South. 
Until  within  the  last  few  months,  I  had  supposed  that 
even  if  California  and  New  Mexico  should  come  in  as 
free  States,  that  agitation  would  subside  so  as  to  produce 
no  further  action.  A  few  months'  travel  in  the  interior 
of  the  North  has  changed  my  opinion.  Such  is  now 
the  condition  of  public  sentiment  there,  that  the  making 
of  the  Mexican  territory  all  free,  in  any  mode,  would  be 
regarded  as  an  anti-slavery  triumph,  and  would  accelerate 
the  general  movement  against  us.  Tt  is  not  difficult  to 
perceive  how  that  state  of  public  sentiment  has  been 
produced  there.  The  old  abolition  societies  have  done 
a  good  deal  to  poison  the  popular  mind.  By  circulating 
an  immense  number  of  inflammatory  pamphlets,  filled 
with  all  manner  of  falsehood  and  calumny  against  the 
South,  its  institutions,  and  its  men,  because  there  was  no 
contradiction  in  that  quarter,  they  had  created  a  high 
degi'ee  of   prejudice  against  us.     As    soon  as  it  became 


probable  that  there  would  be  an  acquisition  of  territory, 
the  question  at  once  became  a  great  practical  one,  and 
the  politicians  immediately  took  the  matter  in  hand. 
With  a  view  at  once  of  strengthening  the  position,  they 
seized  upon  this  matter  which  the  abolition  societies 
(whose  aid  both  parties  courted  in  the  struggle)  had 
furnished  from  time  to  time,  and  diffused  and  strengthened 
it  as  much  as  possible,  and  thereby  created  an  immense 
amount  of  hostility  to  Southern  institutions.  Everything 
there  contributes  to  this  movement ;  candidates  are 
brought  out  by  the  caucus  system,  and  if  they  fail  to 
take  that  sectional  ground  which  is  deemed  strongest 
there,  they  are  at  once  discarded.  The  mode  of  nomina- 
ting candidates,  as  well  as  of  conducting  the  canvass,  is 
destructive  of  anything  like  independence  in  the  represen- 
tative. They  do  not,  as  gentlemen  often  do  in  the  South 
and  West,  take  ground  against  the  popular  clamor,  and 
sustain  themselves  by  direct  appeals  to  the  intelligence 
and  reason  of  their  constituents.  Almost  the  whole  of 
the  Northern  press  co-operated  in  the  movement,  with 
the  exception  of  the  New  York  Herald,  (which,  with  its 
large  circulation,  published  matter  on  both  sides,)  and  a 
few  other  liberal  papers,  everything  favorable  to  the 
South  has  been  carefully  excluded  from  the  Northern 
papers.  By  these  combined  efforts,  a  degree  of  feeling 
and  prejudice  has  been  gotten  up  against  the  South, 
which  is  most  intense  in  all  the  interior. 

"  I  was  surprised  last  winter  to  hear  a  Northern 
Senator  say,  that  in  the  town  in  which  he  lived  it  would 
excite  great  astonishment  if  it  were  known  that  a 
Northern  lady  would,  at  the  time  of  the  meeting  of 
the  two  Houses,  walk  up  to  the  Capitol  with  a  Southern 


Senator;  that  they  had  always  been  taught  to  consider 
Southerners  generally  as  being  so  coarse  and  ruffianly  in 
manner  that  a  lady  would  not  trust  herself  in  such  a 
presence.  This  anecdote,  sir,  does  not  present  too  strong 
a  picture  of  the  condition  of  sentiment  in  portions  of 
the  interior  of  the  Northern  country.  How  far 
gentlemen  on  this  floor  are  to  be  influenced  in  their 
action  by  such  a  state  of  opinion,  I  leave  them  to 

Let  no  one,  therefore,  be  consoled  with  the  idea, 
that  thia  self-styled  "  American  Anti-Slavery  Society," 
is  wanting  either  in  numbers  or  influence.  It  is  a 
powerful  combination  of  American  and  foreign  talent 
and  capital,  composed  of  all  sects  and  parties,  of 
all  castes,  grades,  and  conditions  of  society,  from 
the  British  lord  to  the  factory  operative,  from  the 
self-important  Free-soiler,  to  the  ranting  factionist 
of  the  Garrisonian  school ;  all  alike  infatuated  with 
a  principle  of  fanaticism  which  knows  no  bound ; 
capable  of  wielding  an  influence,  which  has  already 
shaken  our  government  from  its  centre  to  its  cir- 
cumference, and  which  will  be  felt  for  ages  to 

The  principles  involved  in  the  organization  of  this 
faction  are  erroneous,  and  inconsistent  with  the  well- 
being  of  both  master  and  slave.  They  were  conceived 
in  sin,  and  brought  forth  in  iniquity.  They  are  in 
direct  violation  of  the  laws  of  God  and  man,  of 
reason  and  revelation,  being  an  unqualified  warfare 
upon  an  institution  wisely  ordained  by  Divine  benefi- 


cence,  and  sanctioned  by  the  whole  volume  of  human 
experience.  It  is  alleged,  that  the  slaveholder  is,  of 
necessity,  an  unprincipled  tyrant ;  nay,  worse,  an 
irreligious  libertine,  who  regards  neither  the  laws  of 
God,  nor  man,  nor  respects  the  established  usages 
and  customs  of  civilized  society.  Although  he  is 
but  exercising  a  right  which  is  guarantied  by  the 
constitution  of  our  common  country,  and  acting  in 
^conformity  with  a  principle  which  was  recognized  as 
of  old  by  our  forefathers,  the  framers  of  the  organic 
law  of  the  land,  those  pure  patriots  of  the  revolution, 
who  acknowledged  no  other  standard  of  justice  than 
that  contained  in  the  sacred  writings ;  yet  is  he 
denounced  by  these  miserable  factionists,  as  the  most 
corrupt,  licentious,  and  profligate  of  all  the  sons  of 
men.  Regardless  of  the  teachings  of  the  inspired 
volume  and  human  experience,  corroborated  by  the 
evidence  of  their  own  senses,  they  have  assumed 
that  all  men  of  every  race,  nation,  tribe,  and  kindred 
under  heaven,  are  morally,  intellectually,  and  physi- 
cally, equal;  and  upon  this  wild  and  fallacious 
hypothesis,  they  have  based  their  false  theory,  and 
maintained  it  with  a  zeal  worthy  of  a  good  cause. 
The  basis  upon  which  their  policy  rests,  is  the 
assumption  that  slavery  is  sinful  and  unprofit- 

Having  failed  in  their  endeavors  to  convince  the 
slaveholder  that  the  former  is  true,  and  that  he  is 
bound  by  obligations  the  most  sacred  and  uncom- 
promising,   te    adopt    immediate    and    unconditional 


emancipation,  they  have  assumed  the  latter  horn  of 
the  dilemma,  and  now  contend  that  slavery  is 
uni^rofitahle,  that  it  tends  to  impoverish  the  State, 
and  weaken  the  resources  of  the  Government.  The 
means  upon  which  they  now  rely  to  arrest  the 
progress  of  slavery,  and  curtail  the  powers  and 
influence  of  the  slave  States,  is  not  the  persuasion 
of  the  people  of  those  States,  but  the  numerical 
power  of  the  free  States  acting  through  the  Federal 

"  The  great  principle  upon  which  the  Northern  move- 
ment rests,  V4'hich  is  already  adopted  by  most  northern 
politicians,  and  to  vv^hich  they  all  seem  likely  to  be  driven 
by  the  force  of  the  popular  current  there,  if  the  question 
is  unsettled  till  the  next  Congressional  election,  is  this : 
That  the  Government  of  the  United  States  must  do 
nothing  to  sanction  slavery ;  that  it  must  therefore  exclude 
it  from  the  Territories  ;  that  it  must  abolish  it  in  the 
District  of  Columbia,  forts,  and  arsenals,  and  w^herever 
it  has  jurisdiction.  Some,  too,  carrying  the  principle 
to  its  extent,  insist  that  the  coasting  slave  trade,  and  that 
between  the  States,  should  be  abolished,  and  also  in 
custom-houses,  post-offices,  and  the  like.  As  these  things 
all  obviously  rest  on  the  same  general  dogma,  it  is  clear 
that  the  yielding  of  one  or  more  points  would  not  check, 
but  would  merely  accelerate,  the  general  movement  to 
the  end  of  the  series.  Before  this  end  was  reached, 
they  would  probably  append,  as  a  corollary,  the  principle 
that  the  President  should  not  appoint  a  slaveholder  to 
office.  It  is,  sir,  my  deliberate  judgment,  that,  in  the 
present  temper  of  the  public   mind  at  the   North,  if  the 


teriitorial  question  remains  open  till  the  next  election, 
few,  if  any,  gentlemen  will  get  there  from  the  free  States, 
that  are  not  pledged  to  the  full  extent  of  the  abolition 
platform." — Extract  from  a  Speech  in  Congress,  by  T. 
L.  Clingman,  of  North  Carolina. 

The  following  report  of  what  Mr.  Clay  said  is 
from  the  National  Intelligencer.  The  remarks  are 
brief,  but  to  the  point.     Mr.  Clay  says  : — 

"  I  cannot  allow  this  occasion  to  pass  without  calling 
to  the  attention  of  the  Senate  a  fact  connected  with  most 
of  these  petitions.  Sir,  the  moment  a  prospect  opens  in 
this  unhappy  country  of  settling  our  differences,  these 
disturbers  of  the  peace,  these  abolitionists  put  themselves 
in  motion — the  Jays,  the  Phillipses,  and  others  in  other 
quarters — and  they  establish  a  concerted  and  ramified 
plan  of  operations;  and  I  want  to  expose  it  to  the 
Senate.  Here,  sir,  is  a  little  bit  of  printed  paper 
[holding  up  the  petitions  which  had  been  delivered  to 
him]  scattered  throughout  the  whole  country.  Some 
of  them  found  their  way  into  ray  own  State.  I  presented 
them  the  other  day  from  Lewis  county,  printed,  1 
have  no  doubt,  at  a  common  centre,  and  dispersed 
throughout  the  country,  in  order  to  produce  a  common 
effect,  and  to  make  an  impression  on  this  body  as  if  they 
were  speaking  the  public  sentiment  in  this  country. 

1  [After  having  been    called  to  order   by  Mr.  Hale,  on 

I  the   ground   that   the   petition    had    already  been  passed 

i  upon,  and    after  some  conversation,  in   which    Mr.  Clay 

1  stated   the  rules  to   be,  that  the  Senator  might  state  the 

grounds  of  a  motion   before  making  it,  and  that  he  could 

0:i^    ABOLITIONISM.  467 

put  himself  in  order  by  concluding  with  a  motion  to  refer 
the  petitions — he  proceeded  as  follows  : — 1 

"  Well,  sir,  [  do  not  know  that  I  shall  present  any 
such  motion,  but  I  have  a  right  to  put  myself  in  order 
by  making  such  a  motion,  and  I  trust  the  honorable 
Senator,  who  is  listened  to  by  myself  with  as  much 
complacency  as  any  body,  will  not  manifest  any  very 
great  impatience  at  my  calling  the  attention  of  the 
Senate  to  this  ramified  and  concerted  plan  of  the 
abolitionists  to  circulate  their  little  bits  of  printed  petitions 
adapted  to  all  the  variety  of  cases ;  one  for  abolishing 
the  slave  trade ;  one  for  abolishing  slavery  in  the  District 
of  Columbia;  one  for  removing  the  seat  of  government 
from  this  District  ;  in  every  shape  and  mode  in  which 
they  can  bring  up  the  question  of  slavery.  I  trust  that 
neither  the  Senator  nor  his  friends,  in  the  house  or  out 
of  the  house,  will  manifest  any  great  degree  of  im- 
patience while  I  call  the  attention  of  the  Senate  and  of 
the  country  to  the  fact,  and  show  that  the  object  is  to 
manufacture  a  sort  of  public  opinion  in  order  to  make  an 
impression  upan  us  at  a  moment  when  we  are  endeavor- 
ing to  heal  the  wounds  of  the  country  and  to  reconcile  its 
distracted  and  unhappy  parts. 

"  Sir,  of  all  the  bitterest  enemies  toward  the  unfortu- 
nato  negro  race,  there  are  none  to  compare  with  these 
abolitionist  pretended  friends  of  theirs ;  but  who,  like 
tlie  Siamese  twins,  connect  themselves  with  the  negro, 
or,  like  the  centaur  of  old,  mount  not  the  back  of  a  horse, 
but  the  back  of  the  negro  to  ride  themselves  into  power, 
and  in  order  to  display  a  friendship  they  feel  only  for 
themselves,  and  not  for  the  negro  race.  No,  sir,  there 
are  no  worse  enemies  in  the  country  of  the  negro  race 


than  these  ultra  abolitionists.  To  what  sorts  of  extremity 
have  they  not  driven  the  slave-holding  States  in  defence 
of  their  own  rights,  and  guarding  against  those  excesses 
to  which  they  have  a  constant  tendency," 

With  them  argument,  and  sophistry,  and  deception, 
have  become  exhausted,  and  they  now  resort  to 
force.  The  principle  for  which  they  at  this  time 
contend,  is  the  same  as  that  upon  which  the  society 
was  originally  organized,  viz.,  the  unqualified  abolition 
of  slavery,  or  the  separation  of  the  free  from  the 
slave  States.*  At  a  Free-Soil  Convention,  held  at 
Fanieul  Hall,  Boston,  March  6th,  1850,  one  of   the 

*  "The  BanxVer  of  Disunion  Unfurled. — We  notice  that  the 
abolitionists,  under  the  lead  ot  Mr.  Lloyd  Garrison,  the  President  of  the 
American  Anti-slavery  Society,  in  their  call  for  the  Sixteenth  annual 
meeting  of  their  organization,  which  takes  place  in  New  York,  on  the 
7th  of  May,  makes  the  following  announcement.  These  traitors  are 
emboldened  by  the   free-soil  movement  to  persist  in  their  audacious 

"  A  contest  of  near  twenty  years  has  proved  that  the  only  hopeful 
issue  with  slavery  is  the  demand  for  the  IMMEDIATE  AND  UN- 
such  a  consummation  can  never  be  attained  so  long  as  we  maintain  a 
political  Union  with  Slaveholders. 

"  The  northern  boundary  of  the  slave  States  is  the  same  to-day  that  it 
was  when  the  American  Society  came  into  existence;  its  Southern  is 
extended  Westward  and  Southward,  embracing  vast  and  fertile 
territories  sufficient  to  insure  its  existence  for  centuries  to  come.  It  is 
something  to  be  thankful  and  hopeful  for,  that  the  extension  has  not 
been  without  a  struggle,  and  that  struggle  becomes  daily  more  and 
more  earnest  and  determined  It  will  be  entirely  successful  when 
the  North  is  awakened  to  the  conviction  that  the  Abolition  of 
Slavery  will  alone  determine  its  extension — that  the  Southern  and 
Western  boundary  will  no  longer  be  contended  for  when  its  Northern 
is  destroyed." 


orators,  a  genius  named  Willson,  said  :  "  We  ought 
to  come  up  with  frankness  to  the  point — Union  or  no 
union,  peace  or  war,  victory  or  no  victory  !  Let  us 
come  up  to-day  and  pledge  ourselves  that  we  will 
remain  true  to  the  principles  we  have  adopted." 

We  subjoin  one  other  tribute  to  tjie  same  sentiment 
of  disunion.  The  following  comment  on  the  "  Death 
of  Mr.  Calhoun,^^  is  from  the  Neio  York  ^nti- Slavery 
Standard,  the  leading  organ  of  the  faction  :• — 

"  The  Telegraph  from  Washington  brings  the  intelli- 
gence of  the  death  of  John  Caldwell  Calhoun,  the  great 
champion  of  human  bondage,  and  the  leader  of  that 
party  in  the  Republic  which  counted  men  as  brutes,  and 
which  demands  the  sacrifice  of  the  rights  of  the  many  to 
the  power  of  the  few.  To  his  friends  and  equals,  Mr. 
Calhoun  has  the  reputation  of  having  discharged,  well 
and  nobly,  all  the  duties  demanded  by  that  relation ;  but 
to  his  inferiors,  the  servants  of  his  household,  though  he 
may   have   fed    and   clothed    them    well,*    he   has   been, 

*  Would  that  as  much  could  he  said  of  these  beautiful  models  of 
consistency  and  philanthrophy  (?)  Are  the  servants  oi  their  households — 
their  equals  in  birth,  caste,  and  blood,  and  their  superiors  in  natural 
goodness  of  heart,  well  fed  and  clothed  ?  Will  the  pitiful  remuneration 
which  they  receive  for  their  labors,  from  these  votaries  of  freedom  and 
equal  rights,  enable  them  to  supply  themselves  and  families  with  the 
bare  necessaries  of  life  during  the  hours  of  sickness,  and  the  cold, 
dreary  months  of  winter?  Will  "  a  long,  loud  wail  of  bitter  lamentation 
and  deep  sorrow,"  go  up  from  the  wretched  hovels,  the  cold,  crowded 
garrets  and  damp  cellars,  subterranean  abodes  of  the  poor  and  distressed, 
in  their  own  immediate  neighborhoods,  when  their  death  knells  are 
sounded?  Let  the  starving,  perishing  widows  and  orphans  who  inhabit 
these  hovels  give  the  answer. 


from  position  and  principle,  a  cruel  and  heartless  tyrant. 
So  far  as  be  may  have  believed  himself  to  be  acting 
right,  he  is  deserving  of  respect  in  having  acted  up  to  his 
belief;  beyond  that,  he  is  only  to  be  regarded  as  one 
who  w^as  a  systematic  robber  of  the  poorest  of  God's 
children.  Better  woidd  it  have  been  for  the  world,  had  he 
never  been  horn ;  hut  having  lived,  we  regret,  in  his 
death,  that  he  had  not  lived  long  enough  to  accomplish  the 
object  of  his  life — the  Dissolution  of  the  Union  op 
THESE  States." 

Gihua  we  discover,  that  the  only  diflference  per- 
ceptible, is  in  the  name,  and  in  the  "  modus  operandi^'' 
— the  society  having  become  better  organized  and 
more  numerous,  and,  therefore,  more  dangerous. 
The  advocate  of  Free  Soilism  is  no  other  than  an 
improved  (?)  disciple  of  the  Garrisonian  school.  He 
who  would  exclude,  by  his  vote,  the  slaveholder  from 
a  residence  in  the  territories  acquired  by  the  common 
blood  and  treasure  of  the  country,  would  harbor  and 
encourage  the  flying  fugitive,  or  contribute  to  a 
crusade  against  the  legalized,  inalienable  rights  and 
constitutional  privileges  of  the  Southern  division  of 
the  Union.  If  not,  he  is  not  consistent  with  himself, 
as  each  is  of  a  kindred  nature,  and  alike  violations 
of  the  organic  law  of  the  land.  The  friends  of  the 
South,  of  Southern  rights  and  interests,  can  no  longer 
stand  and  survey,  with  silent  contempt  and  indigna- 
tion, the  secret  workings  and  machiaations  of  these 
detestable  factionists  and  disorganizers.  A  well- 
organized  system  of  opposition — not  to  the  established 


Constitution  and  Government  under  which  we  live — 
to  the  great  Federal  Union,  which  all  should  cherish 
and  promote,  as  invaluable  and  sacred ;  but  to  then; 
aggressions,  or  rather  a  system  of  protection  to 
Southern  interests  and  institutions,  ought  to  receive  the 
unqualified  sanction  and  support  of  every  American 
citizen,  of  every  friend  of  humanity. 

Let,  then,  every  citizen  of  the  slaveholding  States, 
feel  that  he  has  a  work  to  accomplish — that  he  is 
called  upon  by  every  feeling  of  interest,  patriotism, 
and  philanthropy,  to  organize,  in  self-defence,  not 
against  the  Government  or  the  Union,  but  for  the 
protection  of  his  family  and  fireside,  his  property  and 
his  most  sacred  rights,  religious  and  pohtical ;  against 
the  midnight  attacks  and  aggressions  of  an  organized 
army  of  diabolical  outlaws.  Let  him  examine  the 
ground  upon  which  he  stands,  and  the  circumstances 
which  surround  him.  Let  him  survey  the  length 
and  the  breadth,  the  huge  and  uncomely  proportions 
of  this  hydra-headed  monster  of  corruption,  which 
1  threatens   to  swallow  up   the   peace   and    prosperity, 

;  the  property  and  privileges  of  the  peaceful  inhabitants 

j  of  the  Southern  division  of  this  great  confederacy. 

I  The  Northern  political  reformers  have  assumed  to 

I  legislate,   with    respect   to   the    domestic    institutions 

1  and  poHcy  of  the  South — to  interfere  with  the  rights 

of  property,  as  guarantied  by  the  Constitution  of  our 
}  common   country.      They   propose   to   take   from  the 

I  slaveholder   his   slaves,   which   he   has  inherited  from 

\  his   ancestors,  the   honored   dead,  or   purchased   with 


his  money,  without  remuneration  or  satisfaction,  and 
substitute,  in  their  stead,  the  rufuse  population  of 
the  'prisons  and  alms-houses  of  the  old  world;  than 
which  a  greater  curse  could  not  be  inflicted  upon 
any  people.  Are  the  order-loving,  chivalrous  citizens 
of  the  South  prepared  for  this  exchange  ?  Will  they 
sit  supinely  inactive,  whilst  a  system  of  wholesale 
robbery  of  this  character  is  being  committed  in  their 
midst,  upon  their  own  property,  and  in  their  own 
households  ?  Let  the  future  action  of  the  South, 
upon  the  subject,  give  the  answer.  Let  the  people 
of  the  slave  States  be  no  longer  divided  amongst 
themselves ;  let  them  forget  all  petty  political  differ- 
ences, and,  upon  this  subject,  "  know  no  party  ;"  let 
them,  as  a  band  of  brothers,  become  united  in  the 
common  defence.  Let  them  say,  with  one  voice,  to 
all  abolitionists,  of  whatever  name,  sect,  or  party, 
"  Tamper  with  us  no  longer."  "  Forbearance  has 
ceased  to  be  a  virtue,  and  if  civil  commotions  distract 
and  divide  us  further,  and  our  Confederacy  is  dissolved, 
and  our  Government  subverted,  the  sin  be  upon  your 

A  dissolution  of  the  Uriion,  has  been  the  favorite 
theme  of  these  factionists  from  their  earliest  organiza- 
tion. Victory  or  Disunion,  peaceably  if  we  can, 
but  forcibly  if  we  must,  is  enstamped  upon  their 
banners..  They  were  the  fathers  and  propagators  of 
this  treasonable  doctrine  of  a  division  of  the  States. 
They  have  advocated  it  in  their  periodical  conventions, 
upon   the   forum,   in   the   social   circle.      The   sacred 


desk,  too,  has  been  profaned  by  sentiments  of  this 
character,  from  time  immemorial,  whilst  their  in- 
flammatory pubUcations  have  ceased  not  to  herald  them 
to  the  world  upon  every  breeze.  A  base  attempt 
has  been  made  to  shift  the  odium  of  this  traitorous 
folly  and  madness  to  the  South,  and  charge  it  upon 
the  citizens  of  the  slave  States.  Treason  against  the 
Government,  they  now  declare,  is  combined  with  the 
unpardonable  sin  of  slavery.  Fellow-citizens,  are  you 
prepared  for  this  ?  Do  you  plead  guilty  to  the 
infamous  charge  ?  Is  mconstancy  to  the  Union, 
treason  against  the  Government,  a  sin  of  Southern 
origin  ?  Were  Arnold  and  Burr  men  of  Southern 
birth  and  education  ?  Let  the  history  of  the  past 
give  the  answer.  Let  the  action  of  the  future  seal 
it  with  the  same  blood  which  has  ever  flowed  in  match- 
less profusion  in  the  cause  of  liberty,  in  the  cause  of 
humanity,  in  the  cause  of  our  common  country. 

A  call  for  a  Southern  convention  is  proclaimed,  a 
convention  in  which  citizens  of  the  slaveholding  States 
may  meet,  and  deliberate  as  to  the  best  manner  of 
protecting  their  own  domestic  policy  and  institutions, 
of  securing  to  themselves  and  posterity,  the  inaliena- 
ble rights  and  privileges  guarantied  by  the  Constitution 
under  which  we  live.  Is  there  any  thing  criminal, 
treasonable,  or  anti-republican  in  this?*    Abolitionists 

*  "As  a  Southern  man,  I  cannot  remain  indifferent  to  the  events  that 
are  daily  transpiring  in  this  conntry;  events  which  are  calculated,  in 
my  judgment,  if  not  arrested,  to  distract,  inflame,  and  perhaps  destroy 
the  Union  of  the  States.    When  I  hear  a  Southern  man  say,  that  he  can 



have  assumed  the  right,  from  time  immemorial,  to  hold 
conventions,  and  dehberate,  not  in  respect  to  their  own 
domestic  policy  and  institutions  alone,  but  (consistency, 
precious  jewel !)  in  reference  to  the  peculiar  domestic 
policy  and  institutions  of  the  South.  The  right  to 
njeet  and  deliberate  respecting  their  ovm  affairs,  has 

see  nothing  in  the  '  signs  of  the  times '  to  aathorize  and  jostify  the 
South,  in  adopting  strong  measures  to  repel  the  aggressions  and  outrages 
which  are  being  made  upon  their  rights,  1  am  at  once  impressed  with  the 
conviction  that  he  is  obstinately  blind,  or  an  enemy  to  his  own  interests. 
Any  man  who  is  at  all  acquainted  with  public  opinion  at  the  North,  with 
reference  to  the  institution  of  slavery,  mast  know  that  if  the  South  does 
not  make  some  demonstrations  of  willingness  to  maintain  their  rights 
under  the  Constitution,  that  ere  long  this  great  country  will  be  plunged 
into  a  civil  war.  The  question,  then,  springs  up,  How  are  the  com- 
promises of  the  Constitution  to  be  preserved  inviolate,  and  the  Union 
preserved  from  destruction?  The  answer  is  at  hand.  Let  the  whole 
South,  without  distinction  of  party,  meet  together  in  convention,  through 
properly  authorized  delegates,  for  the  purpose  of  setting  forth,  in  some 
authoritat  ve  manner,  the  line  of  conduct  that  necessity  will  compel  them 
to  adopt,  if  the  r{orth  still  persist  in  their  aggressions  and  outrages.  My 
opinion  is,  that  the  Northern  fanatics  will  never  cease  their  agitations, 
until  the  South  shall  convince  them,  by  some  overt  act,  that  they  will 
Bubmit  no  longer  to  their  unjust  interference  with  their  c^omestic 

"The  object  of  the  Southern  Convention,  as  I  understand  it,  is  not  to 
dissolve  the  Union,  or  organize  a  Soathem  Confederacy,  as  some 
miscreants  represent  it,  but  simply  to  devise  and  agree  upon  some  plan 
by  which  the  distractions  that  now  prevail  in  the  country,  may  be  healed, 
and  render  more  permanent  and  secure  the  rights  of  the  Southern  portion 
of  the  Confederacy.  Is  there  anything  treasonable  or  wrong  in  this? 
If  it  be  treason  to  defend  my  rights  from  aggression,  my  property  from 
destruction,  and  my  home  from  desolation,  then  I  am  a  traitor  But  this 
hue  and  cry  about  treason,  is  said  for  the  avowed  purpose  of  blinding  the 
eyes  of  the  masses.  As  the  whole  South  is  vitally  and  deeply  interested 
in  the  matter,  let  them  take  the  management  of  their  affairs  in  their  own 
hands.  A  SOUTHERNEa." 


never  been  questioned.  But  what  do  we  now  hear  ? 
Disunion !  disunion !  a  Convention  for  the  purpose 
of  dissolving  the  Union !  is  the  hue  and  cry  of  every 
aboHtion  factionist  and  disorganizer  throughout  the 
length  and  breadth  of  the  land.  Fellow-citizens  of 
the  slaveholding  States,  are  you  prepared  to  be  thus 
outwitted  ?  to  be  thus  cheated  out  of  your  maUenable 
rights  and  privileges  ? 

A  dissolution  of  the  Union  is  undoubtedly  the 
greatest  calamity  that  could  befall  our  hitherto  happy 
and  prosperous  country.  It  is  an  event  which  no 
Christian  patriot  could  ever  contemplate  for  a  moment, 
but  with  feehngs  of  consternation  and  horror.  It 
would  be  the  signal  for  strife  and  contention,  for 
anarchy  and  civil  commotion,  for  blood  and  carnage 
amongst  friends  and  brethren,  amongst  neighbors  and 
fellow-citizens.  "  Thenceforth  the  American  eagle 
would  drop  the  olive  branch  of  peace,  and  grasp  only 
the  arrows  of  war.  The  mountains  that  divide  us, 
would  be  the  dark  mountaina  of  death  ;  and  the  stream 
that  flows  between,  like  the  waters  of  Egypt,  would  be 
turned  into  blood.  The  hand  that  writes  the  declaration 
of  disunion,  may  it  feel  the  blood  curdle  in  its  veins ; 
and  the  tongue  which  reads  it  to  the  world,  may  it 
stiffen  in  the  act." 

All  the  great  National,  State,  and  individual  interests 
of  the  country,  are  opposed  to  disunion.  The  poUtical 
and  commercial  relations  of  the  States,  combine  to 
show  that  their  natural  and  only  true  pohcy  is  union  ; 
the  geographical,  that  the  God  of  nature  never  designed 


the  territory  of  the  North  American  Continent  to  be, 
like  the  grand  divisions  of  the  old  world,  inhabited  by 
different  kingdoms,  nations,  and  empires.  The  great 
natural  characteristics  of  the  new  world,  are  on  a  grand 
and  magnificent  scale.  Upon  our  northern  boundary 
are  the  great  lakes,  in  magnitude  and  depth  unequalled, 
united  in  an  indissoluble  chain,  pouring  their  exhaustless 
fountains  over  the  same  stupendous  cataract,  through 
the  same  channel,  in  the  bosom  of  the  same  great 
ocean  ;  at  the  extreme  south  the  two  great  oceans  flow 
well  nigh  together,  as  if  to  blend  their  waves  in  one. 
Our  mountains,  which  rank  among  the  most  towering 
of  the  globe,  roll  on  in  one  unbroken  chain  from  the 
polar  to  the  torrid  regions ;  whilst  our  majestic  rivers 
extend  from  centre  to  circumference,  interlocking  their 
innumerable  branches  together,  as  if  in  token  of  union. 
To  advocate  disunion,  would  be  to  mar  the  whole  order  * 

and  beauty  of  nature,  to  subvert  the  laws  of  the 
material  universe,  and  insult  the  wisdom  of  Deity. 
He  who  would  harbor  *  the  inhuman,  sacrilegious 
thought,  let  him  be  anathematized  by  heaven;  let 
him  receive  the  mark  of  Cain,  and  be  driven  from  the 
pale  of  civilized  society,  to  wander  a  fugitive  and  a 
vagabond  on  the  earth.  Let  the  Constitution  be 
preserved  inviolate,  so  long  as  it  can  be  done,  in 
harmony  with  the  spirit  which  brought  it  into  being. 

Influence  of   Slavery  on  the  Probperity  of 
THE  States. — ^Much  has  been  said  and  written  respect- 



ing  the  influence  of  slavery  on  the  general  prosperity 
and  advancement  of  the  States  where  it  exists. 
Unwarrantable  comparisons  have  been  made,  and 
unjustifiable  conclusions  formed,  by  those  who  under- 
stood not  the  relative  condition  of  the  free  and  the 
slave  States,  nor  the  causes  which  operated  to  produce 
the  difference  which  actually  exists.  The  contrast 
between  Kentucky  and  Ohio,  for  example,  has  been 
often  drawn,  and  the  real  difference  magnified  to  an 
extent,  which  would  well  nigh  justify  the  conclusion 
that  they  existed  in  different  ages,  in  different  climes, 
and  under  different  forms  of  government. 

That  there  is  a  difference  between  these  two  States, 
taking  into  consideration  their  ages  as  States,  we  are 
free  to  admit ;  but,  that  that  difference  is  wholly  owing 
to  the  fact  of  one  being  a  slave,  and  the  other  a  free 
State,  is  false,  both  in  principle  and  in  fact.  If  this 
were  true,  the  same  principle  would  hold  good  when 
applied  to  different  counties  and  sections  of  Kentucky 
itself.  But  that  it  is  not  true,  facts  clearly  demonstrate  ; 
for,  by  examination  into  this  matter,  we  find  that  in  the 
wealthiest,  most  inteUigent,  and  refined  sections  of  that 
State,  as  well  as  of  any  of  the  slave  States,  the  greatest 
proportion  of  slaves  are  to  be  found.  We  can  cite  to 
counties,  and  to  parts  of  counties,  and,  indeed,  to 
individual  cases,  and  in  every  instance  show  that  there  is 
a  marked  difference  in  favor  of  the  slaveholder,  when 
confined  to  the  native  bom  citizens  of  the  State. 

Ohio,  it  is  true,  has  more  flourishing  towns  and  cities, 
and  has  increased   more   rapidly   in  population  than 


Kentucky.  It  is  also  true,  that  there  is  more  poverty 
and  pauperism,  in  proportion  to  the  population;  and 
more  taxation,  in  proportion  to  her  aggregate  wealth 
and  improvements,  than  there  is  in  Kentucky.  This 
fact  will  hold  good  in  comparing  any  town,  city,  and 
manufacturing  population,  with  that  of  the  peaceful 
inhabitants  of  the  country  engaged  m  the  healthful, 
ennobling,  and  life-giving  pursuits  of  agriculture,  horti- 
culture, &c.  Towns,  cities,  and  manufactiiring  districts, 
are  the  hot-beds  of  vice,  misery,  pauperism,  and  de- 
gradation. It  is  there  the  extremes  of  wealth  and 
poverty  meet ;  it  is  there  that  corruption  and  human 
wretchedness  are  presented  in  their  most  loathsome 
forms.*  Says  Coleman,  in  his  most  estimable  work  on 
Agriculture  : — 

"  The  great  cause  of  the  evils  which  afflict  humanity, 
and  the  multiplication  of  crime,  and  the  disorders  of 
society,  he  attributes  to  the  fact,  that  '  the  cultivation  of 
the  earth  is  deserted,  and  innumerable  multitudes   pour 

*  "  They  now  find  it  staring  them  in  the  face,  from  the  reports  of  their 
own  oflBcers,  that  there  is  an  amount  of  degradation  (shameless  and 
incurable,  because  beginning  with  the  beginning  of  life,)  existing  within 
one  city's  (New  York)  limits,  greater  than  can  be  gathered  in  the  whole 
population  of  the  slaveholding  States."  "In  the  slave  States  of  this 
country,  there  is  less  of  it  than  any  where  else  in  the  world.  In  fact, 
there  is  no  such  things  as  poverty,  want,  and  starvation,  among  the  slaves. 
Such  degradation  and  misery  as  are  pictured  in  the  report  of  the  Chief 
of  our  Police,  cannot  exist  in  a  Southern  city."  "  It  is  to  be  hoped,  now 
that  those  philanthropists  know  how  miserable  and  degraded  New  York 
is — and  all  large  free  cities  are  equally  bad — they  will  turn  their  attention 
to  the  work  of  making  it  better,  before  they  make  Charleston,  Savannah, 
Mobile,  and  New  Orleans  worse." — New  York  Day  Book. 


into  cities  and  towns,  and  filling  every  mechanical  art  and 
trade,  destroy  each  other  by  a  competition  in  articles  of 
which  the  demand  is  necessarily  limited." 

But  to  what  is  the  difference  between  these  Sta,te3 
attributable,  if  not  to  the  fact  of  the  one  being  a  slave, 
and  the  other  a  free  State  ?  It  is  said,  that  the  one, 
though  much  younger,  has  a  population  more  than 
double  that  of  the  other.  There  must  be  some  cause 
or  causes  for  this  marked  difference.  There  is, 
unquestionably.  That  it  is  not  altogether  attributable^ 
however,  to  the  one  alluded  to,  is  evident  from  the 
fact,  that  other  newly-settled  portions  of  our  vast 
domain,  have  as  far  surpassed  Ohio,  in  point  of  rapid 
increase  of  population,  as  Ohio  has  Kentucky.  It 
must  bo  true,  then,  that  the  difference  manifest  in  the 
relative  prosperity  of  different  States  and  sections  of 
the  Union,  is  attributable  to  other  causes  than  that 
of  the  existence  of  slavery. 

What,  then,  are  these  causes  in  the  case  of  these 
two  States  ?  One  very  important  circumstance,  which 
has  doubtless  operated  more  effectually  to  retard  the 
progress  of  general  improvement  in  the  State  of 
Kentucky  than  any  or  all  others,  was  the  fact  of  her 
territory  having  been  originally  a  part  of  Virginia. 
This  circumstance,  or  rather  circumstances  growing  out 
of  this,  gave  rise  to  an  almost  unending  warfare 
respecting  the  title  of  most  lands  within  her  boundary. 
Large  and  conflicting  individual  surveys  having  been 
made  previous  to  her  separation  from  Virginia,  gave 
rise  to  a  state  of  things  of  a  most  unfortunate  and 


discouraging  character,  and  which  were  measurably 
unknown  in  the  settlement  of  any  other  State.  Indeed, 
it  is  matter  of  doubt,  whether  any  other  than  the  valiant 
Boone  and  his  gallant  compatriots  and  their  posterity, 
ever  would  have  surmounted  these  difficulties.  The 
wealthy  proprietors  of  those  immense  surveys  were 
mostly  citizens  of  other  States,  and  being  uninfluenced 
by  any  of  the  motives  which  proximity  of  residence,  and 
a  common  feeling  of  interest  in  the  general  welfare  and 
prosperity  of  the  State  as  citizens,  would  have  naturally 
engendered ;  they  waged  a  combined  warfare  against 
the  hardy  emigrant,  which  few  but  a  Kentucky  pioneer 
ever  would  have  withstood.  In  a  multitude  of 
instances,  after  having  penetrated  the  dark  recesses 
of  the  forest,  and  driven  the  wild  beast,  and  the  wilder 
savage,  from  their  strong  holds  and  native  haunts — 
after  having  surmounted  all  the  many  difficulties  of  a 
pioneer  settler,  and  erected  for  himself  and  dependents 
a  comfortable  home,  and  reduced  to  cultivation  a  large 
farm  ;  he  was  compelled  to  pay  for  his  lands  a  second, 
third,  and  perhaps  fourth  time,  or  forsake  all,  without 
"  the  hope  of  fee  or  reward,"  and,  in  his  old  age,  again 
penetrate  the  wilderness  and  commence  anew,  with  the 
same  uncertainty  of  being  able  to  hold  what  he  might 
purchase,  and  obtain  by  a  similar  outlay  of  money  and 

Thus  have  we  a  brief  and  imperfect  description  of 
the  difficulties  against  which  the  early  settlers  of 
Kentucky,  and,  indeed,  many  of  the  slave  States,  had 
to  contend — difficulties  which  existed  not  in  the  early 



settlement  of  Ohio,  and  most  of  the  other  north-western 
States,  where  the  settler  derived  the  title  of  his  lands 
direct  from  the  general  government.  Indeed,  in  some 
portions  of  Kentucky,  land  litigation  is  not  yet  ended, 
and  many  an  honest  farmer  knows  neither  the  day  nor 
the  hour  that  he  may  he  called  upon  to  give  up  his 
home,  or  compromise  with  some  foreign,  "  land-jobber" 
at  a  heavy  sacrifice. 

The  early  settler  of  Ohio  experienced  nothing  of  all 
this.  Invited  to  his  home  by  the  superior  fertility  of  the 
soil,  the  mere  nominal  government  price  of  $1  25  per 
acre,  and  the  additional  inducement  of  every  sixteenth 
section  being  set  apart  for  the  education  of  his  children, 
combined  with  the  fact  of  the  title  to  the  land  being 
indisputable  ;  the  wonder  would  have  been,  had  not  the 
State  increased  rapidly  in  population.  Whereas,  the 
entirely  different  state  of  things  in  the  early  settlement 
of  Kentucky,  doubtless  retarded  her  general  improve- 
ment twice,  if  not  thrice  the  length  of  time  that 
mtervened  between  the  adoption  of  the  two  States  into 
the  Union.  This  cause  alone,  other  circumstances 
being  equal,  is  well  nigh  sufiicient  to  justify  the  actual 
difference  which  is  obvious  in  the  general  prosperity  of 
the  two  States. 

But  there  is  another  cause  of  almost  equal  magnitude. 
Kentucky,  like  most  of  the  slave  States,  is  decidedly, 
or  has  been,  thus  far  in  her  history,  an  agricultural 
State.  Her  leading  interests  are  indentified  with  the 
cultivation  of  the  soil.  Her  wealth,  consequently,  does 
not  tend  to  concentrate  in  cities  and  towns,  and  is  not, 


therefore,  as  fascinatingly  displayed  as  in  her  more 
youthful  rival,  Ohio.  Her  population  is  much  more 
sparse,  her  citizens  having  inherited,  from  their  natural 
ancestors,  the  patriotic,  hospitable  planters  of  the  "  Old 
Dominion,"  an  inherent  desire  to  hold  large  bodies  of 
land.  This  peculiar  feature  of  their  organization  con- 
tributes materially  to  affect  her  general  prosperity. 
The  more  wealthy,  as  their  means  wiU  permit,  seek  to 
enlarge  their  farms  by  purchasing  the  lands  of  their 
less  fortunate  neighbors ;  thus  driving  them  to  other 
States,  or  to  less  eUgible  and  valuable  situations  within 
their  own  limits.  This  circumstance  has  contributed 
largely  to  draua  off  the  population.  Thus,  for  many 
years  past,  the  tide  of  emigration  has  been  from 
mstead  of  to  the  State. 

Another  evil,  growing  out  of  this  custom,  is  this :  It 
is  m  a  large  number,  perhaps  a  majority  of  instances, 
an  injudicious  investment  of  capital.  Many  have 
continued  this  course  untU  their  lands  have  increased 
far  beyond  their  ability  to  cultivate  them.  The  result  is, 
that  the  lands  are  made  to  yield  a  very  small  per  cent. 
on  their  nominal  value,  and  the  state  is  impoverished, 
not  only  by  a  decrease  of  her  population,  but '  by 
the  resources  of  her  rich  and  fertile  lands  being  very 
imperfectly  developed  by  an  injudicious  and  often  almost 
ruinous  system  in  cultivation.  Thus,  much  the  greater 
portion  of  the  surplus  capital  of  the  State  is  lying 
comparatively  dormant ;  whereas,  if  those  large  farms 
were  reduced  to  a  size  proportionate  to  the  force  em- 
ployed to  cultivate  them,  the  landholders  would  become 

ox    ABOLITIONISM.  483 

much  more  numerous,  the  farming  population  would  be 
much  increased,  this  would  lead  to  a  proportionate 
increase  in  the  population  of  the  towns  and  cities, — as 
these  increased  an  enlarged  home  demand  for  the 
farmer's  products  would  be  created,  and  thus  would  all 
work  together,  harmoniously,  for  the  common  good  of 
every  class  of  citizens. 

As  these  land  monopoHes  become  broken  up,  and  the 
farms  reduced  to  a  size  which  would  enable  each  farmer 
to  cultivate,  judiciously,  whatever  land  he  might  chance 
to  own,  the  resources  of  the  soil  would  be  much  better 
developed,  and  the  aggregate  wealth  and  population  of 
the  State  would  be  greatly  increased.  The  surplus 
resources  of  capitalists  would  then  seek  investments  in 
manufactures  and  commerce,  in  the  development  of 
the  mineral  resources  of  the  State,  and  in  the  construc- 
tion of  public  works  of  internal  improvement;  all  of 
which,  if  properly  managed,  would  prove  a  far  more 
profitable  investment  of  capital,  and  would  contribute 
greatly  to  the  general  improvement  and  prosperity  of 
the  State  at  large.  Experience  has  clearly  demon- 
strated the  fact,  that  capital,  judiciously  invested  in 
manufactures,  in  the  slave  State,  is  as  productive  as  in 
the  free,  whether  the  labor  made  use  of  be  free  or  slave 
labor.  Investments  in  bank  stock,  have  proved 
eminently  profitable:  and  the  salutary  influence  of 
judiciously  managed  public  works,  upon  the  general 
improvement  and  prosperity  of  the  slave  States,  is  also 
fully  estabhshed.  These  have  been  generally  con- 
structed at  a  much  heavier  outlay  of  capital,  than  in 


some  of  tlie  northern  free  States ;  not  because  the  one 
were  free,  and  the  other  slave  States,  but  because  of  a 
want  of  experience  in  the  construction  of  such  works, 
the  sparseness  of  the  population,  the  greater  natural 
difficulties  to  be  surmounted,  and  the  much  greater 
length  to  which  those  improvements  must  necessarily 
be  extended,  to  form  connecting  links  between  impor- 
tant commercial  points.  Yet,  notwithstanding  all  these 
opposing  circumstances,  the  fact  is  clearly  established, 
that  the  construction  of  rail-roads,  and  other  works  of 
internal  improvement  in  the  slave  States,  may  be  made 
both  practicable  and  profitable  ;  and  we  beheve  the 
time  is  not  far  distant,  when  these  iron  bands  of  com- 
mercial intercourse  will  traverse  the  sunny  regions  of 
the  South,  as  well  as  the  sterile  plains  of  the  North — 
when  the  world's  thoroughfare,  connecting  the  Atlantic 
with  the  great  Pacific,  upon  which  will  concentrate  the 
combined  commerce  of  the  earth,  all  tending  to  that 
modern  Ophir,  whose  exhaustless  treasures  have  already 
aroused  the  cupidity  of  the  most  powerful  nations  of 
the  globe — we  say,  the  time  is  not  far  distant,  when 
this  mighty  triumph  of  American  enterprise,  together 
with  the  world's  great  speaking  trumpet,  the  magnetic 
telegraph,  will  be  extended  from  the  Mississippi  to  the 
Californians,  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific  shore, 
mostly,  if  not  wholly,  upon  slave  territory.  This  we 
speak  of,  not  boastingly,  but  as  a  natural  result  of  the 
present  existing  state  of  things,  which  the  combined 
efforts  of  abolitionists  and  free-soilers,  and  all  the  hete- 
rogeneous mass   of  conflicting  elements  and  powers. 


which  may  be  brought  to  co-operate  with  them,  cannot 
avert.  This  unnatural  conflict  of  folly  and  madness 
may  be  continued,  until  the  heart  strings  of  the  nation 
are  rent  assunder,  and  our  grand  confederacy  dissolved. 
But  whether,  in  this  event,  the  South  would  be  the  loser, 
is  a  question  which,  at  least,  admits  of  discussion.  She 
has  within  herself  the  elements  of  a  great  nation — a 
mighty  empire,  which  such  a  result  would,  doubtless, 
tend  rapidly  to  develope.  And  we  doubt  not,  that,  in  a 
few  years,  she  would  exhibit  to  the  world  a  model 
government,  combining  as  many  of  the  elements  of  true 
greatness  as  any  that  ever  existed ;  whUe  her  chivalrous 
citizens  would  possess  the  patriotism,  the  independence, 
and  the  invincible  courage  to  defend  her  against  the 
combined  powers  of  the  earth.  Many  other  considera- 
tions might  be  enumerated,  but  these,  we  trust,  are 
sufficiently  conclusive,  to  prove,  to  the  satisfaction  of 
every  candid,  honest,  unprejudiced  mind,  that  the 
differences  which  apparently  exist  between  the  general 
increase,  prosperity,  and  improvement  of  the  slave 
States  and  the  free,  are  attributable  not  alone  to  the 
existence  of  slavery.* 

But  we  are  told  that  slavery  is  an  evil.f  So  is  war 
an  evil.  And,  viewing  it  in  the  eame  hght,  government 
may  also  be  considered  an  evil,  since  it  is  an  abridge- 

*  For  an  abler  and  more  extended  examination  of  this  subject,  see 
Lecture  on  North  and  South,  by  Elwood  Fisher. 
t  "Negro    Slavery    no    Evil. — The  fearless,  prompt,  and  always 
Senator  from  Louisiana,  General  Downs,  in  his  recent  speech  oa 


ment  of  liberty.  Yet  have  they  both  received  the 
sanction,  and  continue  to  exist,  by  the  appointment  of 
an  all-wise  and  beneficent  Providence.  There  is, 
probably,  not  a  succession  of  seasons,  of  day  and  night, 
of  sunshine  and  storm,  which  we  cannot  find  some 
portion  of  the  human  family  ready  to  denounce  as  evil : 
yet  were  they  all  ordained  in  wisdom,  and  are  continued 
unto  us  in  mercy.  The  world  in  which  we  live  has 
much  of  evil  in  it,  and,  as  rational  beings,  we  often 
have  the  power  of  making  a  choice  of  evils.  Between 
the  evils  of  slavery,  and  any  of  the  evil  systems  of 
abolition  and  emancipation  which  have  ever  yet  been 
submitted  to  the  American  people,  we  fancy  we  discover 
a  marked  difierence — that  of  slavery  being  an  evil 
of  much  less  magnitude — attended  with  fewer  unhappy 

the  slarery  question,  makes  the  following  remarks,  replete  with  the  good 
aen&e  he  always  exhibits : — 

"  If  slavery  was  an  evil,  which  he  did  not  admit,  it  was  not  to  be 
increased  by  diffusing  it.  The  evil  would  be  increased  by  confining  it 
within  narrow  bounds. 

"  But  so  far  from  considering  slavery  an  evil,  as  even  some  southern 
men  did,  he  deemed  it  a  very  useful  institution.  It  was  not  to  be 
believed  that  we  were  wiser  than  those  who  had  gone  before  us.  Had 
slavery  in  the  United  States  rendered  any  African  less  happy  than  he  j 

would  be  if  free  ?     Slavery  was  the  only  step  in  progress  ever  made  by  | 

Africa.  There  had  been  advancements  everywhere  on  the  globe  except 
in  Africa.    Slavery  in  America  was  the  only  thing  that  had  ever  bene-  t 

fitted  unfortunate  Africa.  t 

"  But  these  slaves,  so  much  sympathized  with,  were  happy  and  com-,  r 

fortable  in  their  condition.  They  were  the  gayest,  most  happy,  best  fed, 
and  best  clothed  laboring  population  in  the  whole  world.  They  were,  in 
fact,  a  much  happier  people  than  their  masters.  They  had  no  care  for 
the  future,  and  their  labors  were  light  and  cheerfully  performed." 


consequences  to  both  races.*  We  wouid,  therefore, 
act  the  part  of  wisdom,  and  of  many  evils  choose  the 
least — it  being  the  abuse  and  not  the  legitimate  use 
of  the  institutions  wisely  ordained  by  God,  and  sanc- 
tioned by  human  experience,  that  constitute  the  evil 
growing  out  of  them. 

•  "  Sir,  if  any  evils  bave  grown  out  of  the  existence  of  slavery,  they 
have  not  at  least  afiected  the  North.  During  the  days  of  slave  trade, 
which  (as  I  formerly  had  occasion  to  remark)  was  continued  down  to  1808, 
by  New  England  votes  in  the  convention,  the  northern  ship-owners  real- 
ized large  profits  by  purchasing  negroes  on  the  coast  of  Africa  at  thirty 
or  forty  dollars  per  head,  and  selling  them  to  southern  planters  for  several 
hundred  dollars.  The  bringing  in  of  these  slaves  caused  large  tracts  of  the 
southern  country,  too  unhealthy  to  have  been  cleared  out  by  white  men, 
to  be  brought  under  profitable  cultivation.  The  price  of  cotton  has 
thereby  been  brought  down  from  fifty,  to  ten,  and  even  five  cents  vex 
pound.  An  immense  amount  of  capital  and  labor  is  employed  profitably 
in  its  manufacture  at  the  North.  In  England,  also,  not  less  than  six 
hundred  millions  of  dollars  is  thus  invested,  and  a  vast  population  exists 
by  being  employed  in  the  manufacture.  It  is  ascertained  that  at  least 
five  millions  of  white  persons,  in  Europe  and  this  country,  get  their  em- 
ployment, are  fed,  and  exist,  on  the  manufacture  of  cotton  alone.  The 
cheap  southern  production  of  the  raw  material  not  only  is  the  means  of 
thus  giving  subsistence  to  agreat  portion  of  the  population  of  this  country 
and  Europe,  but  is  clothing  the  world  at  a  cheap  rate.  In  addition  to 
cotton,  rice,  sugar,  coffee,  tobacco,  and  various  tropical  productions  ar« 
supplied  at  a  cheap  rate  for  northern  consumption.  On  the  other  hand, 
our  slaves  seldom  come  in  competition  with  northern  labor,  and  are  good 
customers  of  its  productions.  While  the  North  has  derived  these  great 
advantages,  the  negroes  themselves  have  not  been  sufferers.  Their  con- 
dition not  only  compares  most  advantageously  with  that  of  the  laboring 
population  of  the  world,  but  is  in  advance  of  the  position  they  have  been 
able,  at  any  time,  to  occupy  at  home.  The  researches  of  Gliddon  and 
other  antiquarians,  show  that  four  thousand  years  ago  in  Afi'ica  they 
were  slaves,  and  black  as  they  now  are.  Since  then,  in  that  country, 
where  they  were  placed  by  Providence,  and  where,  from  peculiar  con- 
etitntion,  they  enjoy  the  best  health,  they  have  existed  only  as  savages. 
They  are  there  continually  made  /slaves  by  the  men  of  more  intelligent 


Slavery,  when  considered  with  reference  to  the  white 
race  alone,  maj  be  considered  an  evil.  There  is, 
probably,  no  species  of  property  which  is  so  troublesome, 
hazardous,  and  expensive,  and  subject  to  so  many 
contingencies,  as  negro  slave  property.  The  slave 
requires  constant  care  and  attention  upon  the  part 
of  the  master.  He  must  be  fed,  and  clothed,  and 
nursed,  during  the  years  of  infancy  and  childhood, 
and  the  hours  of  sickness.  There  is  no  passive  state. 
If  not  actively  employed,  he  is  a  bill  of  expense,  an 
object  of  earnest  sohcitude,  for  whose  every  overt  act 
the  master  is  held  accountable.  A  more  responsible, 
perplexing  situation,  can  hardly  be  imagined,  than  that 
of  an  individual  surrounded  by  a  large  number  of  slaves 
of  all  ages,  who  are  dependent  upon  him,  both  in 
sickness  and  in  •health — in  helpless  infancy  and 
decrepit  old  age,  for  food,  clothing,  and,  indeed,  all 
the  necessaries  of  life.  Let  flood  or  fire,  famine  or 
pestilence,    or  whatever  of   the    manifold    evils   and 

and  enterprising  races.  Nor  have  they  ever  gotten  out  of  the  tropical 
parts  of  Africa,  except  when  they  were  carried  as  merchandise.  It 
remains  to  be  proved,  however,  yet  to  the  world,  that  the  negro,  any 
more  than  the  horse,  can  permanently  exist,  in  a  state  of  freedom,  out  of 
a  tropical  region.  Theii-  decay  at  the  North,  as  well  as  other  circum- 
stances which  I  have  not  time  to  detail,  are  adverse  to  the  proposition. 
And  yet,  sir,  the  journals  of  the  North,  while  they  deny  that  the  French 
and  the  Germans,  the  most  enlightened  of  the  continental  nations  of 
Europe,  are  capable  of  freedom,  stoutly  maintain  that  the  negro  is  ;  the 
negro,  who  has  never  anywhere,  when  left  to  himself,  gotten  up  to  the 
respectable  state  of  barbarism  which  all  the  other  races  have  attained, 
not  even  excepting  our  Indians  in  Mexico  and  I'eru."' 


misfortunes  to  which  human  life  is  incident,  come  upon 
him  or  them,  he  alone  is  the  principal  sufferer. 

The  wholesome  and  salutary  laws  and  customs  of  the 
slave  States,  instead  of  leaving  the  slave,  who  constitute 
the  laboring  class,  when  a  child  of  misfortune,  depen- 
dent upon  the  cold  charities  of  the  world,  or  the  meagre 
provisions  of  the  poor-house,  or  the  charity  hospital, 
require  that  the  master  should  minister  to  his  necessities, 
and  succor  him  in  affliction.  Often  is  it  the  case,  that 
men  of  wealth,  thus  situated,  become,  by  these  mis- 
fortunes alone,  seriously  involved  in  debt,  and,  in  some 
instances,  reduced  to  a  state  of  bankruptcy.  Indeed, 
we  have  been  sometimes  led  to  regard  it  as  a  matter 
of  surprise,  that  slaveholders  did  not,  for  their  own 
sakes,  turn  their  slaves  loose  upon  the  world  at  all 
hazards,  and  thus  rid  themselves  of  a  species  of  property 
which  was  only  evil  and  that  continually.  But  this, 
their  own  inherent  sense  of  propriety,  their  regard  for 
the  peace  and  safety  of  their  families  and  fellow-citizens, 
and,  above  all,  the  common  feelings  of  humanity, 
prompted  by  their  native  sympathy  for  the  benighted 
negro,  whom  they  know  by  a  correct  estimate  of  his 
mental  inferiority  and  consequent  incapabiUty  to  buffet 
with  the  conflicting  elements  of  hfe,  and  protect  and 
secure  for  himself  and  family  the  necessaries  of  a 
comfortable  subsistence,  would  not  permit  him  to  do. 
Remove  these  difficulties,  and  provide  for  the  slave  an 
asylum — a  land  adapted,  in  climate  and  soil,  to  the 
peculiarities  of  his  nature,  where  he  may  enjoy  the 
rights  of  citizenship  and  the  protection  of  our  govern- 


ment ;  and  thousands  of  Christian  slaveholders, 
prompted  bj  Christian  benevolence,  pure  as  that 
crystal  fountain  which  emanates  from  the  throne  of 
redeeming  love,  will,  despite  the  sacrifice  of  property, 
emancipate  their  slaves,  and  thus  free  themselves  from 
the  evils  of  slavery. 

But  there  is  another  evil  of  much  greater  magnitude, 
one  in  the  estimate  of  which  dollars  and  cents  cannot 
be  taken  into  the  account.  This  is  an  evil  growing  not 
so  much  out  of  the  institution  of  slavery,  as  out  of  the 
existence  of  the  black  race  among  the  whites,  whether 
in  a  state  of  bondage  or  freedom.  The  grovelling  and 
corrupting  tendency  of  the  negro's  mind,  his  proneness 
to  sensual  indulgence,  and  the  unrestricted  gratification 
of  the  baser  propensities  of  his  nature,  render  his 
existence,  in  every  community,  without  regard  to  his 
relative  position,  an  evil  of  the  most  serious  char- 

It  has  been  alleged,  by  abolitionists,  that  the  marriage 
relation  is  n-ot  recognized  by  the  laws  of  slavery,  and  that 
the  sacred  rights  appertaining  thereto  are  violated  with 
impunity.  But  this  is  not  true ;  custom  and  public  senti- 
ment, the  parents  of  law,  having  estabUshed  those  in  such 
a  manner,  that  they  are  seldom  disregarded  by  the  slave- 
holders, except  in  extreme  cases  ;  whilst,  by  the  blacks 
themselves,  they  are  as  seldom  ever  regarded  or 
observed.  This  want  of  virtue  and  constancy,  on  the 
part  of  these  people,  has  a  most  demoralizing  and 
corrupting  influence  upon  the  youth,  of  whatever  com- 
munity they  exist  to  any  extent,  whether  as  freemen  or 


bondmen.  The  existence  of  any  inferior  class  of  people 
in  any  community,  a  people  who  are  incapable  of  any 
voice  in  the  government  under  which  they  live,  between 
whom  and  the  legitimate  citizens  of  the  country  there  is 
an  impassable  bafrier,  has  ever  been  considered  an  evil 
of  no  minor  consideration. 

But  especially  is  this  the  case,  where  imbecility  of 
intellect,  and  an  unrestricted  Indulgence  of  the  baser 
passions  and  propensities  of  their  nature  constitute  the 
highest  ambition  of  that  people.  Many  evils,  of  a  less 
baneful  character,  have  attracted  the  attention  of 
existing  functionaries  of  the  government,  and  been  the 
subject  of  legislative  action ;  and  the  question  remains 
to  be  solved,  Why  should  not  this  ? 

But  there  is  an  evil  abroad  in  our  land,  which,  next 
to  abolitionism  itself,  is  the  greatest  positive  evil,  of  a 
social  character,  known  to  an  American  citizen.  Like 
the  memorable  outpourings  of  Divine  wrath  upon  the 
ancient  Egyptians,  which  passed  every  threshold,  and 
left  its  bUghting  impress  upon  every  family  circle ;  so 
the  curse  of  which  we  speak  is  one  which  has  a  delete- 
rious influence  upon  almost  every  member  of  every 
community  in  which  it  exists.  We,  allude  to  the 
existence  of  the  free  black  population  in  the  United 
States,  than  which  a  more  indolent,  degraded,  corrupt- 
ing, miserable  class  of  beings  does  not  exist  within  the 
pale  of  civilized  society.  Destitute  of  moral  principle, 
and  devoid  of  native  energy,  their  mode  of  life  is  in 
unison  with  the  base  propensities  of  their  nature,  which 
they  seek  alone  to  gratify. 


To  elevate  such  a  race  of  beings  to  a  political 
equality  Yrith  the  white  population,  would  be  suicidal  in 
the  extreme ;  it  would  be  but  applying  the  torch  to 
that  poUtical  magazine,  whose  inevitable  explosion  would 
destroy  our  whole  grand  superstructure  of  boasted 
liberty,  and  rend  to  atoms  the  noblest  form  of  civil 
government  the  world  ever  saw.  Such  an  attempt,  we 
trust,  wiU  never  receive  the  sanction  of  an  America 
citizen.  It  is  fraught  with  the  most  disastrous  conse- 
quences, as  all  past  experience  clearly  demonstrates. 
These  people  are  drones  upon  society  ;  nay,  worse ; 
they  are  a  curse  to  every  community  in  which  they 
exist.  Their  existence  in  the  slave  States  is  an  evil  of 
the  first  magnitude.  They  tend  to  render  worse  than 
worthless,  more  than  an  equal  number  of  slaves,  without 
contributing  one  iota  to  the  amelioration  of  the  con- 
dition of  the  slave,  however  wretched  that  condition  may 
chance  to  be.  It  is,  therefore,  the  bounden  duty  of 
every  friend  of  humanity,  to  labor  for  their  entire 
removal  from  our  midst. 

We  repeat:  Their  presence  is  a  universal  evil, 
destructive  alike  to  the  peace,  morality,  safety,  aod 
prosperity  of  every  community  in  which  they  are  to  be 
found,  whether  existing  in  a  free  or  a  slave  State.  In 
this  respect,  they  are  upon  the  same  footing  as  the  red 
man  of  the  forest;  but,  being  of  a  race  naturally 
inferior,  their  existence  in  our  midst  is  more  to  be 
deprecated  than  would  be  that  of  the  Indian.  Extend 
to  him  the  same  degree  of  civilization,  and  inure  him, 
from  childhood,  to  the  same  habits  of  industry,  and  he 


will  make  a  citizen  neighbor  much  less  objectionable,  in 
every  point  of  view,  than  the  negro. 

The  condition  of  the  free  ifegro,  in  the  free  States,  is 
generally  much  worse  than  that  of  the  same  class  of 
persons,  whether  free  or  slave,  in  the  slave  States.* 
The  severity  of  the  climate  being  much  less  adapted  to 
natural  pecuUarities  of  his  constitution,  and  the  price 
which  he  can  receive  for  his  services  when  disposed  o;- 
compelled  by  necessity  to  labor — these,  combined  with 
the  fact,  that  there  is  much  less  sympathy  for  him,  and 
much  less  charity  extended  towards  him  by  the  citizens 
of  the  free,  than  of  the  slave  States,  combine  to  render 
his  condition,  in  almost  every  respect,  infinitely  woi'se 
in  the  North  than  in  the  South.f 

*  This  whole  action  on  the  part  of  the  North  is  not  only  in  violation  of 
the  Constitution,  but  seems  to  be  purely  wanton,  or  originating  in  malice 
towards  the  South.  It  is  obvious  that  they  do  not  want  our  slaves  among 
them;  because  they  not  only  make  no  adequate  provasions  for  their 
comfort,  but,  in  fact,  in  many  of  the  States,  have  fqrbidden  free  negroes 
to  come  among  them  on  pain  of  imprisonment,  &c.  It  cannot  be  a  desire 
to  liberate  slaves,  because  they  have  never,  to  my  knowledge,  attempted 
to  steal  negroes  from  Cuba  or  Brazil.  It  is  true,  however,  that  having 
the  right  now  to  come  amongst  us  both  by  land  and  water,  they  have 
greater  advantages  and  immunities.  For  if  they  went  into  a  foreign 
country,  they  would  incur  the  risk  of  being  shot  or  hanged,  as  robbers 
and  pifates  usually  are. 

t  "Free  Negroes  in  the  South. — Mr.  Butler,  of  South  Carolina, 
observed,  in  the  United  States  Senate,  on  the  8th,  that  the  free  colored 
persons  in  South  Carolina  were  in  possession  of  civil  rights,  could  hold 
property,  claim  the  protection  of  the  laws,  &c.  Many  of  the  colored 
persons  in  South  Carolina,  he  added,  held  slaves. 

"  A.11  this  exists,  to  a  much  greater  extent,  in  Louisiana,  where  an 
immense  amount  of  property  is  hejd  by  colored  persons.  There  are  many 
colored  men  in  New  Orleans  who  are  worth  from  fifty  to  one  hundred  and 


We  aver,  without  the  fear  of  successful  refutation, 
that  the  negro,  whether  bondman  or  freeman,  has  more 
true,  devoted  friends  in  the  South  than  in  the  North — 
among  the  slaveholders  than  among  the  harping 
abolitionists;  and  that  his  condition,  regardless  of  the 
relation  of  slavery  and  freedom,  is  more  tolerable  in 
hands  of  the  former  than  of  the  latter.  We  are  aware 
that  there  are  exceptions  to  all  general  rules ;  but  we 
confidently  beheve,  that  where  an  exception  exists  in  the 
one  case,  a  corresponding  state  of  wretchedness  and 
degradation  may  be  found  in  the  other.* 

Instances  of  the  kind  have  occurred,  and,  if  not 
prevented  by  physical  force,  would  occur  in  hundreds 
and  thousands' of  cases  again,  where,  after  the  slave  has 
been  decoyed  away  from  a  comfortable  home  with  a 
kind  master,  by  some  unprincipled  fanatic,  and  carried 
to  the  land  "  flowing  with  milk  and  honey,"  as 
represented  to  him  ;  finding  himself  deceived  in  every 
essential  particular,  respecting  the  nature  of  the 
change,  he  has  torn  himself  away  from  the  snare  into 
which  he  has  been  enticed,  fought  his  way  back  with  a 
fortitude  and  bravery  amounting  almost  to  desperation, 

fifty  thousand  dollars,  and  they  are  treated  with  infinitely  more  respect 
and  consideration  than  they  would  receive  in  the  Northern  cities — they 
enjoy  all  the  protection  and  rights  of  the  law,  so  far  as  their  persons  and 
property  are  concerned,  but  cannot  hold  office  or  serve  as  jurors.  In  no 
free  city  of  the  Union,  do  free  colored  persons  maintain  a  higher  standing 
than  in  New  Orleans." — New  Orleans  BuUettn. 

*  "  This  conclusion  is  based  upon  observations  made  during  sevend 
years'  residence  in  various  parts  of  the  two  different  sections  of  the 


and  returned  to  the  home  of  his  youth,  the  seat  of  his 
early  affections  and  associations,  satisfied  that  the  best 
friend  he  has  on  earth  is  a  kind  master.  The  reason 
why  there  is  more  sympathy,  charity,  and  fellow  feeling 
existing  in  the  heart  of  the  slaveholder  towards  the 
negro,  is  obvious.  Raised  together  from  infancy, 
passed  the  period  of  childhood  in  the  enjoyment  of  the 
same  sports,  their  associations  the  same,  their  feelmgs 
become  united,  to  a  certain  extent — there  springs  up 
between  them  a  kind  of  natural  sympathy  and  regard 
for  each  other,  which  is  as  enduring  as  Ufe  itself. 
From  childhood's  early  dawn,  they  both  imbibe  a  correct 
idea  of  the  relation  of  master  and  slave,  which  con- 
tinues with  them  through  life.  Let  their  relations 
become  changed,  it  matters  not  how  materially,  this 
idea  is  never  eradicated.  If  the  slave  ever  forgets  his 
obligations,  so  far  as  to  become  refractory,  the  punish- 
ment is  summary  and  conclusive ;  and  a  return  to  his 
duty  and  allegiance,  restores  him  to  favor. 

How  different  the  condition  of  the  fugitive  slave,  or 
free  black  man  of  the  North.  Without  the  pale  of 
civiHzed  society,  unprotected,  and  unquahfied  to  protect 
himself,  the  most  he  can  accomplish  by  hard  labor,  a 
rigid  system  of  economy,  and  a  frugal  disposition  of  his 
time,  is  to  obtain  a  bare  and  meagre  subsistence.  The 
chilling  blasts  of  long,  dreary  winter  come,  or  the 
burning  fever  of  disease,  and  no  kind  hand  is  extended 
to  shelter  or  afford  relief.  If  cared  for  at  all,  when 
reduced  to  a  state  of  utter  helplessness,  he  is  carried 
off  to  the  poor-house,  receiving   the   imprecations  of 


those  who  have  been  taxed  to  excess,  to  maintain  the 
pauperism  of  their  own  wretched  victhns  of  poverty 
and  distress. 

Thus  is  it  with  the  free  Hack  man,  wheresoever 
dispersed.  He  is  an  outcast  upon  society,  and  his 
name  a  reproach  to  humanity.  His  removal,  then, 
becomes  a  matter  of  deep  and  abiding  interest  and 
importance  to  every  friend  of  humanity,  to  every 
patriot  and  Christian  throughout  the  broad  expanse 
of  Christendom.  Much  is  being  done  by  the  Christian 
world  for  the  cause  of  suffering  humanity  in  all  parts 
of  the  earth.  The  benighted  inhabitants  of  the  most 
distant  ice-bound  shore,  and  the  remotest  sea-girt  isle, 
are  beginning  to  stretch  forth  their  hands  in  answer  to 
the  call  of  the  Christian  missionary,  and  the  hght  of 
civilization  is  penetrating  the  deepest  recesses  of 
heathenish  darkness ;  whilst  a  copy  of  the  Holy 
Scriptures  is  being  laid  upon  the  table  of  almost  every 
householder  in  Christendom.  But  here  is  a  field  opened 
for  the  exercise  of  pure  benevolence,  and  true  Chris- 
tian charity,  in  our  own  immediate  midst.  Here  is 
common  ground,, upon  which  all  sects  and  parties,  the 
votaries  of  every  variety  of  rehgious  faith  and  pohtical 
policy,  may  meet  and  join  hands  in  a  great  and  good 
cause.  As  it  is  an  evil  which  pervades  the  whole  body 
politic,  its  removal  is  a  work  in  which  every  American 
citizen  is  deeply  interested.  It  is  the  first  step  towards 
the  removal  of  that  which  many  are  pleased  to  regard 
as  the  blackest  stain  upon  the  bright  escutcheon  of 
American  glory;   the  great  national  sin,  the  pimish- 


ment  of  which  will  render  our  country  obnoxious  to 
the  severest  outpourings  of  Divine  wrath — ^namely: 

Many  ways  and  means  have  already  been  devised  for 
the  removal  of  the  free  black  population.  But  there  is 
only  one  correct  way  of  removing  them,  and  that  is  by 
colonization.  The  great  scheme  of  the  American 
Colonization  Society,  is  the  only  means  by  which  this 
evil  ever  can  be  eradicated  from  our  land.  That  is  a 
plan  which  was  dictated  by  pure  benevolence  and  true 
Christian  charity,  and  founded  in  wisdom  ;  and  which 
is  characteristic,  like  the  magna  eJiarta  of  American 
liberty,  of  the  great  minds  that  originated  it.  Experi- 
ence may  suggest  some  modifications  in  some  of  its 
practical  features,  and  doubtless  will ;  but  yet  it  is  the 
true  and  only  successful  policy.  It  may  become 
necessary  to  select  some  other  destination  than  the 
colony  of  Liberia,  or  to  require  the  government  thereof 
to  be  administered  by  a  functionary  chosen  by  a 
congress  of  nations.  But  let  what  changes  may  come 
in  that  respect,  colonization,  a  complete  and,  perfect 
separation  of  the  two  races*  is  the  only  true^policy. 
We  lay  it  down  as  a  settled  principle,  a  fixed  fact,  and 
challenge  the  world  to  refute  it,  that  the  Anglo-Saxon, 
and  the  African  races,  never  can  Uve  harmoniously,  in  a 

*  "  It  is  objected,  that  there  would  be  injustice  and  inhumanity  in  the 
forcible  removal  of  the  free  blacks.  But  not  greater,  we  conceive,  than 
were  displayed  in  the  removal  of  the  Indians.  These  possessed  a  right 
to  the  soil  which  was  prior  to  all  others;  yet  did  our  government 
conceive  it  to  be  policy  and  justice  to  remove  them. 


state  of  political  equality.  If  they  dwell  together  at 
all,  it  must  be  in  the  relation  of  master  and  slave. 
Heaven  ordained  it  thus,  and  man,  in  all  his  wisdom 
and  strength  of  iatellect,  never  can  change  it.  Nor  is 
there  greater  injustice  displayed  in  this  arrangement  or 
dispensation  of  divine  Providence,  than  there  is  in  the 
organization  of  human  government,  wherein  one  part 
of  the  human  race  is  ordained  to  rule  over  and  give 
laws  to  another. 

Heaven  in  wisdom  ordained  it  thus, 

And  man,  submissive,  must  pronounce  it  just. 

We  have  asserted,  that  the  removal  of  the  free  black 
population  can  only  be  effected  by  colonization,  and  that 
the  plan  of  the  American  Colonization  Society  was 
based  upon  the  correct  principle.  It  may  then  be 
asked.  Why  does  it  not  succeed  ?  It  has  been  in 
operation  for  many  years,  and  yet  has  accomplished  but 
little,  compared  with  the  great  work  before  it.  True  ; 
yet  it  has  accomplished  much.  It  has  opened  the  way, 
"  removed  the  rubbish,"  and  laid  the  corner  stone,  and 
now  onl^  wants  the  means  necessary  to  the  completion 
of  the  temple.  For  all  this  tune  was  requisite  ;  and  it 
is  a  pleasing  reflection  to  know,  that  the  success  fuUy 
justifies  the  labor  and  expense  of  the  enterprise.  All 
that  is  now  wanting  to  complete  the  great  work,  is  unity 
of  action,  and  means  to  carry  out  what  has  been  thus 
successfully  commenced,  or,  in  other  words,  govem- 
mental 'protection  ^vA  patronage.  But  the  work  is  of  a 
magnitude  too  vast  and  comprehensive,  to  be  accom- 


plished  by  individual  enterprise.  The  evil  to  he 
removed  is  of  a  general  character — it  is  a  national  evil, 
extending  throughout  the  whole  length  and  breadth  of 
the  land.  The  resources  of  the  nation,  the  funds  of  the 
general  government,  the  coffers  of  the  common  treasury, 
ought,  therefore,  to  be  appropriated  to  its  removal. 
Let  no  one  be  alarmed  at  this — we  speak  not  without 
precedent.  Similar  appropriations,  for  similar  purposes, 
have  been  made  bj  our  national  Congress,  when  com- 
posed of  as  wise,  patriotic,  and  noble  spirits,  as  ever 
glittered  in  the  galaxy  of  human  greatness. 

The  time  was,  when  the  red  man  of  the  forest,  the 
noble  Indian,  the  proud  aboriginee,  who  derived  his 
right  to  the  soil  which  we  now  inhabit,  by  tenure  of  a 
grant  from  the  God  of  nature,  was  dispersed  abroad 
throughout  the  land.  As  the  soil  which  he  occupied, 
and  the  air  which  he  breathed,  began  to  be  wanted  by 
his  superior  in  intellect,  in  science,  and  in  art,  the 
general  government  furnished  the  means,  and  assumed 
the  responsibility  of  removing  him  to  territories  more 
congenial  to  his  pursuits  of  life,  and  less  valuable  to 
her  legal  citizens. 

There  now  exists  amongst  us  the  remnant  of  a  race, 
whose  residence  in  our  midst  is  not  less  inimical  to  the 
feelings  and  interests  of  the  white  population,  than 
were  the  Indians.  What,  then,  is  the  duty  of  the 
general  government  in  regard  to  them  ?  Does  it  not 
come  as  much  within  the  purview  of  its  legitimate 
functions  to  remove  in  the  one  case  as  the  other  ?  Are 
there  any  reasons  which  operated  in  the  removal  of  the 


Indian,  that  may  not  be  brought  to  bear,  with  equal 
force,  in  the  removal  of  the  negro  ?  If  so,  we  maintain, 
that  the  stronger  reasons  are  favorable  to  the  removal 
of  the  free  blacks.  The  common  feelings  of  humanity 
towards  them,  as  an  unfortunate  people  ;  whose  destiny 
is  fixed,  whose  name  is  a  reproach  and  a  by-word,  who 
can  never  be  allowed  a  voice  in  the  administration  of 
the  government  under  which  they  hve,  together  with 
the  demoralizing,  degenerating  influence  which  their 
existence  in  our  midst  has  upon  society;  all  point  to 
them  as  an  object  worthy  the  attention  of  the  general 
government.  Their  numbers  are  large  ;  their  coloniza- 
tion, therefore,  is  beyond  the  reach  of  individual 
enterprise.  The  government,  the  world,  have  no  right 
to  effect  its  accomphshment  by  such  means,  whilst  our 
citizens  have  the  right  to  expect  and  demand  it  at  the 
hands  of  the  government.  The  latter  possesses  the 
power,  and  her  resources  are  abundantly  ample.  The 
objection,  that  the  general  government  has  not  the 
means  for  so  great  a  work,  is  entirely  futile.  A  small 
tithe  of  what  is  annually  expended  in  injurious  legislation 
or  misguided  appropriations,  would  carry  on  the  work. 
Indemnification  to  the  South  for  the  actual  losses 
sustained  by  her  citizens,*  by  the  aggression  of  Northern 

*  "  Compared  with  this  great  question,  the  aholition  of  slavery  in  the 
District  of  Columbia  is  of  little  relative  moment.  One  eflPect,  however, 
of  the  anti-slavery  agitation  here  is  worthy  of  a  passing  notice.  "Within 
the  last  two  years,  since  the  matter  has  become  serious,  it  has  seemed 
not  improbable  that  the  seat  of  Government  might  be  removed  from  the 
District.  As  this  would  be  extremely  prejudicial  to  the  interests  of  the 
citizens  here,  many  of  them  have  so  far  changed  in  their  feelings  aa 


fanatics,  would  contribute  materially  towards  affecting 
the  same  great  object.  Add  to  this  a  tenth  of  the 
value  of  the  magnificent  cessions  made  by  Virginia  to 

to  be  willing  to  allow  slavery  to  be  abolished,  yielding  to  the  force  of  the 
pressure  from  the  North  ;  besides,  so  many  of  their  slaves  are  from  time 
to  time  taken  away  by  the  abolitionists,  as  to  satisfy  them  that  soch 
property  here  is  almost  worthless.  A  great  impression  was  made  on 
them  by  the  coming  in  last  year  of  a  northern  ship,  and  its  carrying  away 
seventy  slaves  at  once.  Seeing  that  there  was  no  chance  of  getting 
Congress  to  pass  any  adequate  law  for  their  protection,  as  most  of  the 
States  have  done,  they  seemed  to  be  forced  to  assent,  to  some  extent,  to 
the  northern  movement.  Sir,  it  is  most  surprising,  that  the  people  of  the 
southern  States  should  have  borne,  with  so  little  complaint,  the  loss  of 
their  slaves  incurred  by  the  action  of  the  free  States.  The  Constitution 
of  the  United  States  provided  for  the  delivery  of  all  such  fagitives,  and 
Congress  passed  an  act  to  carry  it  into  effect;  but  recently,  most,  if  not 
all  of  the  northern  States,  have  completely  defeated  their  provisions,  by 
forbidding  any  one  of  their  citizens  to  aid  in  the  execution  of  the  law, 
under  the  penalty  of  fine  and  imprisonment,  for  as  long  a  term  usually  aa 
five  years.  There  is,  probably,  no  one  legal  mind  in  any  one  of  the  free 
States,  which  can  regard  these  laws  as  constitutional.  For,  though  the 
States  are  not  bound  to  legislate  affirmatively,  in  support  of  the  ConstitUr 
tion  of  the  United  States,  yet  it  is  clear  that  they  have  no  right  to  pass 
laws  to  obstruct  the  execution  of  constitutional  provisions.  Private 
citizens  are  not  usually  bound  to  be  active  in  execution  of  the  law  :  but, 
if  two  or  more  combine  to  prevent  the  execution  of  any  law,  they  are 
subject  to  indictment  for  conspiracy,  in  all  countries  where  the  common 
law  doctrine  prevail.  If  the  several  States  could  rightfully  legislate  to 
defeat  the  action  of  Congress,  they  might,  thereby,  completely  nullify 
most  of  its  laws.  In  this  particular  instance  such  has  been  the  result ; 
for,  though  the  piaster  is  allowed  to  go  and  get  his  negro  if  he  can ;  yet, 
in  point  of  fact,  it  is  well  known  that  the  free  negroes,  abolitionists,  and 
other  disorderly  persons,  acting  under  the  countenance  and  authority  of 
the  State  laws,  are  able,  usually,  to  overpower  the  master  and  prevent  his 

"  The  extent  of  the  loss  to  the  South  may  be  understood  from  the  fact, 
that  the  number  of  runaway  slaves,  now  in  the  North,  is  stated  as  being 
thirty  thousand  ;  worth,  at  present  prices,  little  short  of  fifteen  millions  of 
dollara     Suppose  that  amount  of  property   was  taken  away  from  the 


the  general  government,  and  the  work  is  complete(i'. 
It  is  estimated,  that  there  exist  in  the  United  States, 
about  four  hundred  thousand  free  blacks ;  (by  the 
census  of  1840,  there  were  three  hundred  and  eightj-six 
thousand,  two  hundred  and  ninety-three.)  At  fifty 
dollars  per  head,  the  ratio  fixed  by  the  American 
Colonization  Society,  their  entire  removal  would  cost 
twenty  millions  of  doUars ;  but  as  their  colonization  is 
not  the  work  of  a  day  or  a  year,  but  of  a  series  of 
years,  only  a  small  portion  of  this  amount  would  be 
required  at  any  one  time.  Say  it  could  be  accomplished 
in  ten  years,  which  is  probably  the  shortest  practicable 
period,  two  millions  of  doUars  annually  would  be 
required ;  a  mere  nominal  sum,  surely,  when  compared 
with  the  actual  resources  of  the  government.  This 
amount  may  be  raised  by  direct  appropriations  from  the 

North  by  the  Southern  States  acting  against  the  Constitution :  what  com- 
plaint would  there  not  be ;  what  memorials,  remonstrances  and  legislative 
resolutions  would  come  down  upon  us  1  How  would  this  Hall  be  filled 
with  lobby  members,  coming  here  to  press  their  claims  upon  Congress  ? 
Why,  sir,  many  of  the  border  counties  in  the  slaveholding  States  have 
been  obliged  to  give  up  their  slaves  almost  entirely.  It  was  stated  in  the 
newspapers  the  other  day,  that  a  few  counties  named,  in  Maryland,  had, 
by  the  eflForts  of  the  abolitionists,  within  six  months,  upon  computation, 
lost  one  hundred  thousand  dollars  worth  of  slaves.  A  gentleman  of  the 
highest  standing,  from  Delaware,  assured  me  the  other  day,  that  that  little 
State  lost,  each  year,  at  least  that  value  of  such  property  in  the  same  way. 
A  heavy  tax  to  be  levied  on  a  single  congressional  district  by  abolitionists  ! 
"  Suppose  a  proportional  burden  was  inflicted  on  the  northern  States 
How  would  Massachusetts  bear  the  loss  annually  of  one  million  one 
hundred  thousand  dollars,  not  only  inflicted  without  law,  but  against  an 
express  provision  of  the  Constitution  ?  Wo  may  infer,  from  the  complaint 
she  has  made  of  a  slight  inconvenience  imposed  on  her,  by  that  regulation 
of  South  Carolina,  which  prevented  ship-captains  from  carrying  free  negro 
servants  to  Charleston." — Speech  of  T.  L.  Clingman,  of  North  Carolina, 


common  treasury,  or  by  setting  apart  a  portion  of  the 
proceeds  of  the  sales  of  the  pubUc  domain,  or  in  any 
other  manner  which  the  wisdom  of  our  national  Legisla- 
ture, or  a  majority  of  the  State  Legislatures  may  deem 
most  expedient.  Can  it  be  that  a  government,  having 
milUons  of  acres  of  fine  arable  lands  to  donate  to 
colonies  composed  of  the  refuse  population  of  the  old 
world ;  and  millions  of  treasure  to  expend  in  fruitless 
expeditions  in  search  of  one  who,  in  all  human  prob- 
ability, is  long  since  dead ;  is  destitute  of  the  means 
requisite  to  the  accomplishment  of  an  object  involving 
every  principle  of' humanity,  and  security,  and  protection 
to  all  classes  of  her  citizens  ?  Might  not  a  tithe  of  the 
millions  of  gold  which  are  annually  bemg  purloined  from 
the  rich  mines  of  California,  by  the  mongrel  races  of 
other  nations,  for  want  of  the  natural  protection  of  the 
government,  be  saved  and  appropriated  to  this  very 
laudable  and  philanthropic  object  ? 

The  work  may  be  carried  on  through  the  instru- 
mentahty  of  the  American  Colonization  Society,  or 
through  any  other  agency  which  may  be  found  most  ! 

safe,  economical,  and  expeditious.     (The  pre-possessions 
of  the  writer  are  in  favor  of  the  former,  from  the  con- 
sideration, that  the  Society  has  made  the  experiment,  i 
and  fully  tested  the  feasibility  of  the  enterprise.)     The  i 
transportation  may  be  continued  to  the  noiv  flourishing 
(?)  colony  of  Liberia,  or  it  may  be  changed  to  some  | 
other  destination,  if,  in  the  wisdom  of  our  Government, 
a    change    should     be    deemed    expedient.      Future 
developments,  in  the  progress  of  that  colony,  or  con- 
siderations of  economy  or  protection  to  the  colonists, 


may  indicate  a  less  remote  destination.  It  may  be 
considered  wise  and  politic,  on  the  part  of  our  govern- 
ment, to  purchase  and  set  apart  for  that  purpose,  the 
Island  of  Cuba,  some  portion  of  Mexico,  Central  or 
South  America,  or  some  portion  of  territory  comprised 
within  the  present  boundary  of  our  vast*  domain.  Let 
what  may  be  done  in  this  respect,  the  emergencies  of 
the  case  require  immediate  and  decisive  action,  in  relation 
to  this  matter.  Justice  to  the  free  negro  and  to  the  slave, 
to  the  slaveholder*  of  the  South,  and  the  non-slaveholder 
of  the  North,  to  suffering  humanity  as  presented  in  its 
most  revolting  character,  imperiously  demand  it  at  the 
hands  of  the  existing  functionaries  of  the  government. 

In  our  limited  sphere,  as  a  private  citizen,  we  are 
unable  to  do  more  than  suggest  the  idea,  to  mark  out 
the  frame  work,  the  skeleton  of  a  great  system  of 
national,  moral,  and  social  reform,  which,  in  the  hands 
of  those  who  have  the  skill  and  ability,  the  influence 
and  the  power,  to  reduce  it  to  form  and  practice,  would 
be  productive  of  incalculable  advantages  to  the  present 
and  all  future  generations.  Colonization,  the  trans- 
portation of  the  civilized  and  educated  free  black 
population  of  the  United  States,  to  the  shores  of  Africa, 
will,  undoubtedly,  prove  the  key  to  the  civilization  and 
Christianization  of  that  benighted,  down-trodden  portion 

*  "There  are,  probably,  not  less  than  two  hundred  thoasandfree  blacks 
in  the  slave  States.  It  is  estimated,  that  these,  by  association  render 
worse  than  useless  an  equal  number  of  slaves.  The  aggregate  value  of 
these  slaves,  at  an  average  estimate  of  four  hundred  dollars  each,  amounts 
to  eighty  millions  of  dollars.  Thus  are  the  people  of  the  slave  States  in- 
jured by  the  existence  of  this  refuse  population  in  their  mddsi,  to  an  amount 
more  than  suiBcient  to  coiouize  ail  the  free  blacks  in  the  United  States." 


of  the  earth.  The  civilization  of  that  people  has  baffled 
the  energies  of  all  modern  missionary  enterprises. 
Should  the  system  of  colonization,  of  which  we  speak, 
be  the  means  of  effecting  this  great  work,  this  grand 
feature  of  the  economy  of  Heaven,  as  it  unquestionably 
will,  all  Christendom  will  be  made  to  rejoice ;  the 
children  who  sat  in  darkness  and  in  the  shadow  of  death) 
will  be  forced  to  clap  their  hands  for  joy,  that  Africa 
ever  contributed  of  her  sons  and  her  daughters  to  a 
system  of  even  nominal  servitude,  the  final  result  of 
which  was  the  spread  of  Christianity,  and  the  arts  of 
civilized  life  throughout  the  whole  length  and  breadth 
of  her  wide-spread  but  uncivilized  domain.  Its  influence 
would  tell  largely  upon  the  destinies  of  both  races,  and 
upon  the  prosperity,  well-being,  and  perpetuity  of  our 
much-cherished  republican  institutions.  It  would  settle 
this  vexed  question,  and  would  allay  the  unhallowed 
excitement  growing  out  of  it,  in  a  manner  harmonizing 
with  the  glory  of  God,  and  the  well-being  of  mankind. 

The  extinction  of  slavery  has  been  the  hobby  of  an 
unprincipled  set  of  demagogues  and  fanatics,  from  time 
immemorial.  Their  narrow  minds,  and  baser  hearts, 
incapable  of  comprehending  but  the  one  idea,  they  have 
advocated  that  with  a  zeal  and  energy  worthy  of  a  good 
cause.  To  such  an  extreme  have  they  carried  their 
phrenzy  and  madness,  as  to  materially  affect  the  peace, 
harmony,  and  prosperity  of  our  common  country,  and 
weU  nigh  destroy  our  grand  confederacy,  by  effecting  a 
dissolution  of  the  union  of  the  States.  Various  names 
and  forms,  shapes  and  phases,  has  this  germ  of  corrup- 
tion, weakness,  and  folly  assumed,  without  accomplishing 


more  than  that  of  curtailing  the  -wonted  liberties  of  the 
slave,  and  riveting  more  securely  the  shackles  of 
servitude.*  Every  movement  which  they  have  made 
has  tended  to  perpetuate  the  institution,  and  to  estabhsh, 
beyond  dispute,  the  fact,  that  the  removal  of  the  so 
called  evil,  can  never  be  accomplished  by  any  of  the 
means  to  which  they  have  ever  resorted.  Those, 
therefore,  of  our  honest  citizens,  who  really  desire  the 
removal  of  slavery,  had  better  pause,  reflect  for  a  time, 
let  reason  usurp  her  dominion,  and  see  whether  there  be 
not  some  other  plan  by  which  their  much-desired  object 
can  be  accomplished.  Immediate  aboHtion  and  elevation 
to  citizenship  and  political  equality,  never  can  obtain. 
It  is  contrary  to  the  order  of  nature,  and  inconsistent 
with  the  imperishable  principles  of  justice  and  humanity. 
Nor  has  there  ever  been  a  system  of  gradual  emancipa- 
tion proposed,  which  would  meet  the  exigencies  of  the 
case.  That  connecting  colonization  therewith,  at  a 
specified  age,  would  lead  to  a  perpetual  separation  of 
families,  of  husbands  and  wives,  of  parents  and  children, 
of  which  the  annals  of  American  slavery  furnishes  not 
a  parallel,  and  which,  in  all  its  practical  out-bearings, 
would  lead  to  a  state  of  things  revolting  to  the  feelings 
of  every  friend  of  humanity. 

Every  American  citizen  who  owns  property  in  slaves, 
holds  that  property  by  tenure  of  a  right  granted  by  the 

*  "  Mr.  Jno.  L.  Gary,   in  hia  pamphlet,  entitled,  Slavery  in  America,  i 

Briefly  Considered,  tells  ns,  do  doubt  truly — '  that  the  fanatical  movement  j 

of  the  abolitionists  checked  the  progress  of  things  in  Maryland  ;  that  the  j 

disposition  manifested  in  Virginia,  in  1832,  to  hasten  the  extinction  of  j 

slavery,  was  suddenly  checked  by  the  same  cause  ;  so  also  in  Kentucky.' "  j 


founders  of  our  government,  the  framers  of  the  organic 
law  of  the  nation.  Our  constitution,  the  magna  charta 
of  American  liberty,  the  model  political  creed  of  the 
world,  recognizes  property  in  slaves,  and  was  framed  as 
much  for  the  protection  of  him  who  holds  that  species 
of  property,  as  for  him  whose  wealth  consists  in  lands, 
merchandise,  or  manufactures.  The  great  fundamental 
principle  which  should  constitute  the  basis  of  any  and 
all  governments,  "  That  all  men  are  created  equal,"  was 
recognized  by  that  memorable  body,  and  incorporated 
into  that  constitution  ;  and  we,  their  posterity,  recognize 
it  as  true  to  the  letter,  both  in  theory  and  practice. 
But  we,  like  them,  should  not  lose  sight  of  the  principle, 
that  they  were  legislating  for  the  Anglo-Saxon  race 
alone,  and  not  for  a  combination  of  races ;  for  the 
American  citizen,  strictly  speaking,  and  not  for  a  motley 
variety  of  population,  composed  of  an  indiscriminate 
commixture  of  the  civilized  white  man,  the  savage 
Indian,  and  the  woolly-headed  African  negro.  No  such 
combination  was  ever  contemplated  by  that  honorable 
body,  and  any  attempt  on  the  part  of  the  citizens  of  any 
State  or  territory,  to  form  any  such  combination,  or  to 
elevate  any  other  race  to  a  political  equality  with  the 
whites,  we  believe  to  come  but  little  short  of  treason 
against  the  government.  They  may  be  permitted  to  dwell 
amongst  us,  and  receive  the  protection  of  our  government, 
but  never  to  exercise  the  rights  of  citizenship. 

The  slaveholder,  therefore,  knowing  that  he  holds  his 
property  in  slaves  by  this  right,  and  not  ignorant  of  the 
fact,  that  the  Bible  recognizes  the  relation  of  master 
and   slave ;    and    that   he,   therefore,   is   violating   no 


principle  of  our  holy  religion,  so  long  as  he  legitimately 
uses,  and  does  not  abase  the  institution,  will  never 
suffer  his  neighbor,  especially  if  he  be  a  citizen  of  a 
free  State,*  to  say  to  him,  "  Sir,  your  practices  are  in 
violation  of  the  laws  of  both  God  and  man ;  you  must 
relinquish  them,  you  must  emancipate  your  slaves 
without  '  the  hope  of  fee  or  reward,'  colonize  them  to 
Liberia,  and  then  give  them  the  necessary  outfit  for 
commencing  life  in  their  new  sphere,  or  submit  to  their 
elevation  to  a  political  equality  with  yourself  in  our  midst." 
Such  a  result  never  can  obtain  throughout  the  slave 
States ;  it  is  unreasonable  to  expect  it,  and  the  more  it 
is  agitated  the  longer  will  the  institution  of  slavery  be 
perpetuated.  No  motive  of  this  kind  can  ever  be 
brought  to  bear  upon  the  slaveholder.  The  deep  seated 
nature  of  his  principles,  the  protection  of  his  domestic 
rights,  social  privileges,  and  individual  interests,  will 
cause  him  to  resist  it  as  long  as  life  lasts,  or  reason  sits 
enthroned  in  his  breast.  But  when  the  free  negro— 
that  curse  of  the  slave  and  the  slave  owner,  shall  have 
been  removed — ^when  the  natural  increase  of  the  white 

*  "  Men  are  fond  of  berating  their  fellows  for  slaveholding,  and  waste 
their  time,  but  very  little  of  their  money,  (this  they  take  better  care  of,)  in 
making  a  loud  outcry  against  a  distant  evil,  while  their  gaze  is  so  elevated 
as  not  to  take  in  the  yoke  of  slavery,  which  grinds  men  in  the  dust  at 
their  very  feet ;  a  heavier  yoke  than  Roman,  Turkish,  or  American  slave- 
holding  ever  imposed.  Every  energy  is  bound  down,  ever^  hope  crushed, 
every  affection  forbidden,  or  made  but  an  additional  weight  of  pain  and 
anguish;  everything  that  life  has  of  good  or  of  beauty,  is  taken  from  them, 
and  they  are  left,  hopeless  and  despairing,  to  die  miserably.  If  men 
would  but  expend  a  tithe  of  the  sympathy  on  these  slaves  which  they 
profess  to  have  for  the  others,  a  jabilee  would  be  kept  in  many  a  hovel." 
— N.  Y.  Journal  of  ComrMrce, 


population  shall  have  become  so  great  as  to  render  that 
species  of  labor  cheaper  and  more  desirable — in  short, 
when  he  shall  conceive  it  to  be  his  iyiterest  to  emancipate 
his  slaves,  and  the  general  government  stand  ready  to 
receive  them  at  his  hands,  and  remove  them  to  a  distant 
territory,  where  they  may  be  comfortably  provided  for, 
and  protected,  then  will  he  do  it,  and  not  before. 

Let,  then,  the  free  black  population  of  the  United 
States,  wheresoever  dispersed,  be  removed  by  the 
direction  and  resources  of  the  general  government ;  and 
let  it  for  ever  after  be  a  standing  proposition^  that  all 
that  may,  at  any  future  time,  become  free,  shall  be 
removed  in  the  same  manner.  An  insurmountable 
obstacle  in  the  way  of  many  who  would  emancipate  their 
slaves  from  choice,  were  that  all  that  would  be  required 
of  them,  were  they  not,  by  the  laws  of  their  several 
States,  responsible  ever  afterwards  for  their  support, 
would  then  be  removed.  Each  circumstance  of  the  kind 
would  have  its  influence  in  its  own  immediate  neighbor- 
hood. Others,  seeing  that  a  way  was  provided  for  theb 
removal  and  colonization,  in  harmony  with  the  interests 
of  both  master  and  slave,  would  follow  the  example  ;  and 
thus  would  the  work  be  commenced  under  more  favor- 
able auspices,  based  upon  a  firmer  foundation,  and  with 
better  assurances  of  success,  than  it  ever  has  been 
commenced,  or,  we  believe,  ever  can  be  upon  any  other 
plan.  No  other  plan  ever  has  succeeded,  nor  is  there 
any  prospect  that  it  ever  will. 

Thus  have  we,  as  we  humbly  conceive,  developed  a 
plan  which  will,  in  harmony  with  the  best  interests  of 
loth   races,  when  practically   carried   out,  efiectually 


remove  the  entire  free  black  population  of  the  United 
States,  and  all  that  may  hereafter  become  free,  should 
it  include  the  whole  slave  population  and  their  natural 
increase.  We  trust  our  views  are  not  altogether  unde- 
serving of  a  candid  consideration  ;  and  that  the  fact  of 
their  not  being  of  princely  origin  and  stately  birth,  will 
not  detract  from  their  intrinsic  value.  We  have 
proposed  common  ground,  and  a  combination  of  effort  in 
the  removal  of  a  common  evil — a  broad  platform,  where 
all  sects  and  parties,  without  regard  to  local  feeling  or 
sectional  interest,  can  meet  and  unite  their  efforts  in  the 
exercise  of  pure  benevolence  and  true  Christian  charity. 
Could  this  state  of  things  be  carried  out,  we  would  hope, 
ere  long,  to  witness  a  cessation  of  that  unhallowed  system 
of  warfare  which  has  so  long  ingloriously  prevailed  be- 
tween the  North  and  South,  on  the  subject  of  slavery. 
The  Wilmot  Proviso — that  "  vexed  question,"  that 
high-born,  dissevering  principle  of  strife  and  contention, 
which  was  conceived  in  sin  and  brought  forth  in  iniquity 
— ^that "  double  refined  "  element  of  Northern  fanaticism, 
designed  only  for  the  pampered  and  vitiated  palates  of 
the  dignified  statesman  and  the  fastidious  aristocrat — 
that  gilded  hobby  upon  which  broken  down  pohtical 
hacks  would  fain  regain  "  their  lost  estate,"  and  ride  into 
high  stations — we  hope  ere  long  to  see  buried  in  the 
meshes  of  eternal  oblivion.  Incalculable  are  the  evils 
which  have  already  grown  out  of  the  unhallowed  excite- 
ment, engendered  by  the  untimely  agitation  of  this 
question.  It  has  acted  as  a  firebrand,  hurled  into  our 
national  magazine  of  combustible  political  elements. 
Plucked  from  the  "  rectified  "  principles  of  the  Garriso 


nian  school,  the  hot-bed  of  Northern  fanaticism,  it  is  but 
the  transfer  of  the  seeds  of  sedition  and  corruption  from 
the  humbler  walks  of  the  noisy  rabble  to  the  heart  of  our 
national  legislature.  It  is  no  new  principle,  but  an  old 
tenet  of  a  corrupt  faction — a  recognized  element  of  a 
false  political  creed,  under  a  new  name  and  garb,  and  in 
a  new  sphere  of  action.  Take  any  other  tenet  of  that 
faction,  or  element  of  that  political  creed,  and  transplant 
it  into  a  soil  and  climate  as  well  adapted  to  its  develop- 
ment, and  watered  by  golden  showers  as  congenial  to  its 
growth,  the  expansive  elements  of  its  nature  wUl  be 
exhibited  in  the  same  proportion.  It  requires  no  extra- 
ordinary powers  of  discernment  to  discover,  that  every 
principle  involved  in  this  issue  is  founded  in  error,  anu 
unwarranted  by  truth  and  justice.  It  is  certainly  a 
political  paradox,  without  a  parallel  or  precedent,  that  a 
government  should,  in  the  frame-work  of  her  organic  law, 
ordain  a  species  of  property,  forbid  any  interference  with 
the  rights  of  private  individuals,  and  subsequently, 
through  her  legal  representatives  in  Congress  assembled, 
enact  laws  especially  interfering  with  those  rights,  by 
restricting  the  holders  of  said  property  to  certain 
specified  States  and  sections  of  our  common  country. 
Such  a  proposition  is  absurd,  and  inconsistent  with  the 
fundamental  principles  of  our  government.  And  we  are 
confident,  that  no  intelligent  legislator,  who  did  not  wish 
to  make  political  capital  with  the  multitude,  regardless 
of  the  imperishable  principles  of  truth  and  justice,  would 
for  a  moment  contend  for  such  a  principle.  This  ques- 
tion, we  repeat,  has  been  productive  of  incalculable  evil ; 
and  we  hope  soon  to  see  it,  with  aJl  the  various  elements 


of  false  philanthropy — those  empty  fabrications  of  a 
dream — ^which  have  grown  out  of  this  unhallowed  excite- 
ment on  the  subject  of  slavery,  buried  in  oblivion. 

When  this  is  done,  and  reason  shall  have  assumed  her 
dominion ;  when  the  system  we  have  proposed,  or  some 
other  of  a  kindred  character,  shall  have  been  established, 
and  each  State  be  left  to  the  free  exercise  of  her  legiti- 
mate rights,  and  the  regulation  of  her  own  domestic 
pohcy  and  institutions ;  then  will  peace  and  prosperity 
again  smile  upon  our  common  country.  And  as  the  tide 
of  emigration  and  civilization  shall  continue  to  roll 
onward,  Uke  the  mighty  current  of  the  majestic  father 
of  waters.  State  after  State  will  rise  up,  tier  upon  tier, 
and  knock  for  admission  into  the  Union,  until  our  whole 
vast  territory,  extending  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific, 
and  from  the  great  lakes  to  the  golden  city  of  the  Mon- 
tezumas,  shall  become  densely  populated,  and  present  a 
mighty  phalanx — one  undivided  confederacy  of  free  and 
independent  sovereignties — the  most  powerful,  chival- 
rous, patriotic,  and  enhghtened  Christian  nation  on  the 
earth.  A  result  which  every  Christian  patriot  and 
philanthropist  must  desire  from  his  inmost  soul. 

Not  wishing,  to  be  considered  as  reckoning  without  our 
"host,"  upon  the  great  and  all-absorbing  question  of 
slavery,  which  is  generally  admitted  to  have  become  the 
most  important  question  of  the  age,  we  subjoin  the 
following  extracts,  from  the  pens  of  Rev.  A.  Campbell, 
of  Bethany  College,  Va. ;  and  Rev.  Geo.  Junkin,  of 
Miami  University,  Ohio :  two  of  the  ablest  divines  of 
the  age  in  which  they  live. 




i '  [From  Rev.  A.  Campbell.] 

This  subject  is  engrossing  much  attention,  and  calling 
forth  much  inquiry  in  every  direction.  It  is,  with  many 
humane  persons,  of  no  religious  profession,  and  with 
professors  of  all  parties,  a  very  exciting  subject.  It  is 
being  pressed  on  my  attention  by  many  correspondents, 
and  I  am  frequently  called  upon  to  open  my  pages  to 
a  full  discussion  of  the  subject,  or  to  give  my  opinion 
on  the  whole  premises.  I,  therefore,  conceive  it  to  be  a 
duty  which  I  owe  to  myself,  my  Christian  brethren,  and 
my  fellow-citizens  at  large,  to  deliver  myself  fully  upon 
the  subject,  so  far  as  the  Bible  arguments,  pro  and  com,, 
are  alledged  by  both  parties,  and,  once  for  all,  place  the 
subject  upon  our  pages. 

With  us,  the  Bible  is  the  only  infallible  standard,  both 
af  religion  and  humanity.  The  God  of  the  Bible  is  the 
Lawgiver  of  the  Universe,  and  he  has,  by  his  inspired 
and  commissioned  teachers,  fully  revealed  his  will  touching 
all  the  duties  arising  from  all  the  relations  in  which  man 
stands  to  man,  in  the  church  and  in  the  world. 

God  is  the  author  of  all  human  relations.  He  has 
created  the  relation  of  husband  and  wife,  parent  and 
child,  master  and  servant,  magistrate  and  subject.  He 
has  also  prescribed  the  duties  of  husbands  and  wives,  of 
parents  and  children,  of  masters  and  servants,  of  governors 
and  governed,  towards  each  other.  Our  moral  righteous- 
ness, as  well  as  our  piety,  is  to  be  approved  or  condemned 
by  his  statutes  and  precepts. 

514  strictuhes 

There  is  false  religion,  as  well  as  true  religion,  in  the 
world.  There  is  also  false,  as  well  as  true  humanity. 
There  is  a  healthful,  as  well  as  a  morbid  sensitiveness,  on 
almost  every  question  which  may  be  mooted,  on  human 
relations  and  obligations.  Moderation,  candor,  and  charity, 
are,  therefore,  always  in  good  keeping  with  our  position, 
when  any  one  of  these  grand  subjects  is  agitated  with 
unusual  earnestness  and  zeal.  T,  therefore,  with  all 
deference  to  the  opinions  of  others,  will  attempt  to 
express  my  own,  on  the  subjects  now  pressed  and  pressing 
upon  our  attention. 

The  idea  of  master  and  servant,  is  as  old  as  the  Bible, 
and  has  existed  since  the  days  of  Cain  and  Abel.  It  was 
said  to  Cain,  being  the  first-born  of  mankind,  that  if  he 
did  well,  "he  should  rule  over  his  brother"  Abel,  and 
unto  him  his  brother  would  look  up.  The  younger  shall 
serve  the  elder,  is  one  of  the  most  natural  and  ancient 
oracles  in  the  world.  It  was  said  by  the  inspired  Noah, 
that  Canaan  should  be  a  servant  to  his  brethren.  From 
this,  I  only  argue,  that  the  idea  of  servitude  is  coeval 
with  society,  antediluvian  and  postdiluvian. 

Two  thousand  years  before  the  Christian  era,  the 
patriarchs  were  generally  masters,  and  some  of  them 
great  masters,  over  their  fellow-men.  Was  it  voluntary 
or  involuntary,  is  not  now  the  question.  There  was  a 
necessity,  in  the  very  essence  of  society,  for  this  relation. 
Orphans,  and  unfortunate  persons,  must  be  served,  and 
they  must  serve  in  return.  Such  was,  and  is,  and  always 
will  be,  the  irremediable  condition  of  mankind. 

It  is  of  the  essence  of  benevolence,  that  widows, 
orphans,  and  the  destitute,  be  provided  for;  and  it  is 
of  the  essence  of  justice,  that,  when  practicable,  they 
should  voluntarily,  or  involuntarily,  serve  in  return. 
But  these  are    only  suggestions   or   reflections,  growing 


out  of  the  nature  of  society.  The  divine  law  is  pro- 
mulged  in  harmony  with  this  condition  of  society,  and 
based  upon  the  recognition  of  it.  And  to  this,  we 
especially  invite  attention. 

There  is  but  one  divine  and  absolutely  perfect  code  of 
social  duties;  one  absolutely  perfect  constitution  of  society 
m  the  world.  The  civilized  world,  without  an  exception, 
without  a  dissenting  voice,  assents  to  this  law  as  the 
stcindard  of  moral  perfection  in  the  social  system.  It  was 
written,  and  it  is  the  only  law  ever  literally  written,  by 
the  hand  of  God.  I  need  not  say,  that  it  was  the  magna 
cliarta  of  the  only  nation  ever  God  placed  under  a 
theocratic  form  of  government.  It  is,  sometimes,  emphati- 
cally called,  the  Law,  or  "the  law  often  commandments.'" 
Its  preamble  is,  "I  am  the  Lord  thy  God,  that  brought 
thee  out  of  the  land  of  Egypt — out  of  the  house  of 
bondage."     "  Therefore,  hear,  O  Israel!" 

To  one  secticti  of  it,  we  emphatically  invite  attention^ 
It  is  the  consu  mnating  statute  of  the  divine  constitution : 
"  Thou  shalt  not  co  ret  thy  neighbor's  wife ;  thou  shalt  not 
covet  thy  neighbor's  house,  nor  his  man  servant,  nor  his 
maid  servant,  nor  his  ox,  nor  his  ass,  nor  any  thing  that 
is  thy  neighbor's  "  propes  y.  This  is  our  first  argument  in 
demonstration  of  the  divii.6  recognition  and  acknowledg- 
ment of  the  relation  of  maSv6.*  and  servant,  or  of  one  man 
having  a  rightful  property  iix  another.  It  is,  therefore, 
all-important,  that  we  underL^a,id  the  meaning  of  the 
word  servant,  as  used  by  the  Supreme  Lawgiver  and 
Judge  of  the  world,  in  this  case.  That  a  man  is  here  as 
fully  recognized  as  property  as  a  house,  an  ox,  an  ass,  is 
indisputable.  The  term  selected  is  as  fully  defined  as  any 
other  term  in  the  precept — as  the  term  yife,  and  the  term 
house.  This,  to  some  minds,  may  demand  a  word  of 
■jxplanation.     „„ 


Suffice  it,  then,  to  state,  that  there  is,  in  the  Hebrevj 
language,  as  there  was  in  Hebrew  society,  two  classes 
of  servants,  represented  by  two  distinct  words,  indicative 
of  different  positions,  or  relations.  These  are,  hired 
servants  and  bondmen.  The  former  is  represented  by  one 
word,  and  the  latter  by  another.  These  are  of  different 
origin  and  meaning. 

A  Mred  servant,  in  the  law  of  Moses,  is  called  sacheer  ; 
a  bondman,  or  bondservant,  is  uniformly  denominated 
geTived.  The  latter  is  never  called  sacheer,  nor  the  former 
gehved.  Like  doulos,  in  the  Septuagint,  and  in  the  New 
Testament,  gehved  includes  divers  sorts  of  servants  not 
receiving  wages ;  but  sacheer  indicates  simply  a  hired 

They  are  sometimes  found  in  the  same  verse,  in  con- 
trast. Leviticus  xxv.  39 :  "  If  thy  brother  that  dwelleth 
by  thee,  becomes  poor,  and  be  sold  to  thee,  thou  shalt  not 
compel  him  to  serve  as  (a  gehved)  a  bonds,ervdiX\t,  but  as 
(a  sacheer)  a  hired  servant."  Again,  verse  42:  "He  shall 
not  be  sold  as  (a  gehved)  a  bondman;"  verse  44:  "Of 
the  heathen  thou  shalt "  (or  mayest)  "  buy  bondmen," 

Again  :  Leviticus  xxv.  53:  "As  a  yearly  hired  servant, 
(a  sacheer)  he  shall  be  with  thee."  So,  again,  in  Deuter- 
onomy XV.  18:  "He  hath  been  worth  double  a  hired 
servant;"  xxiv.  14:  "Thou  shalt  not  oppress  a  hired 
servant."  In  both  these  cases,  it  is  sacheer.  But  when 
Moses  says,  (Deut.  xv.  15,)  "Remember  thou  wast  a 
bondman  in  Egypt,"  he  does  not  say  thou  wast  a  sacheer, 
but  a  gehved ;  not  a  Mred  servant,  but  a  slave. 

This,  I  give  in  evidence;  and  much  more,  to  the  same 
effect,  could  be  given  in  evidence,  to  show  that  the  tenth 
precept  of  the  law  of  ten  commandments — the  standard 
of    moral     perfection,    universally    so     acknowledged — 


recognized  and  sanctioned  the  idea  of  servitude,  abso- 
lute and  unlimited  in  duration,  by  not  using  the  word 
sacheer,  but  the  word  gehved — the  same  word  used  in  the 
malediction  against  Canaan:  "A  servant  of  servants," 
or  a  gehved  gehvedim,  "shall  he  be  to  his  brethren." 
This,  then,  I  assume,  to  be  a  settled  point.  Its  value  is 
hereafter  to  be  considered. 

In  the  Septuagint  version  of  the  Old  Testament,  the 
contrast  between  the  bond  and  the  hired  servant,  is  kept 
up  by  the  terms  oiketees  and  misthootos.  The  former,  as 
well  as  doulos,  being  originally  applied  to  bondservants, 
and  the  latter  to  hired  servants.  The  oiketees  was  one 
that  belonged  to  the  house,  or  family;  the  misthootos  was 
one  that  served  for  wages,  whether  the  period  was  long 
or  skon*  che  other  served  as  a  bondman,  and  had  the 
privileges  of  the  family  protection  and  support. 

It  is  worthy  of  remark,  in  this  place,  that  the  term 
servant,  in  our  language,  when  applied  to  apostles, 
prophets,  or  workers  for  Christ,  is  never  misthotofi, 
because  they  are  not  hirelings,  or  free  servants:  they 
were  the  Lord's  bondmen,  and  are,  therefore,  called 
douloi,  or  oixetai.  They  held  no  property  in  themselves ; 
they  were,  while  free  in  one  sense,  the  Lord's  bondmen 
in  another.  But  we  return  to  the  moral  law  and 
dispensation,  for  Biblical  and  rudimental  ideas  of  the 
subject  of  servitude. 

The  last  precept  of  the  decalogue,  and  the  first  precept 
of  the  judicial  or  political  code,  must  be  compared,  in 
order  to  decide  the  proper  interpretation  of  both.  We 
shall,  therefore,  place  them  in  juxtaposition,  side  by  side, 
that  they  may  reciprocally  define  and  illustrate  one 
another.  They  read  as  follows:  "Thou  shalt  not  covet 
thy  neighbor's  house ;  thou  shalt  not  covet  thy  neighbor's 
wife,  nor  his  man  servant,  nor  his  maid  servant,  nor  his 


ox,  nor  his  ass,  nor  any  thing  that  is  thy  neighbor's.** 
Ex.  xxi.  2.  "If  thou  buy  a  Hebrew  servant  (gekved), 
six  years  shall  he  serve,  and  in  the  seventh  he  shall  go 
out  free,  for  nothing.  If  he  come  in  by  himself,  he  shall 
go  out  by  himself;  if  he  were  married,  then  his  wife  shall 
go  out  with  him.  If  his  master  have  given  him  a  wife, 
and  she  have  borne  him  sons  and  daughters,  the  wife  and 
children  shall  be  her  master's,  and  he  shall  go  out  by 
himself.  And  if  the  servant  shall  plainly  say,  I  love  my 
master,  my  wife,  and  my  children,  I  will  not  go  out  free, 
then  his  master  shall  bring  him  to  the  magistrates;  he 
shall  also  bring  him  to  the  door,  or  to  the  door  post,  and 
his  master  shall  bore  his  ear  through  with  an  awl,  and  he 
shall  serve  him  for  ever." 

Here,  then,  commences  the  institution  of  servitude 
among  the  Jews,  under  a  theocracy.  I  need  not  say 
that  the  sun  gives  light.  As  little  need  to  say,  that  the 
law  of  servitude  was  "holy,  just,  and  good."  This  is 
Hebrew  servitude,  and  neither  Greek  nor  Roman,  neither 
Anglican  nor  American  slavery.  The  Hebrew  servant, 
here  rendered  by  the  seventy,  into  Greek,  by  paida 
(from  pais,  a  boy)  was',  likely,  a  young  man.  Being,  it  is 
presumed,  a  minor,  he  is  sold  for  six  years.  Meantime, 
he  falls  in  love  with  one  of  his  master's  female  servants, 
and  is  constitutionally  married,  while  yet  a  gehved — a 
bond  servant.  The  day  of  his  freedom  arrives !  What  a 
dilemma!  He  has  a  wife,  and  children;  his  by  nature, 
and  his  master's  by  right — by  a  jure  divino.  Which 
shall  he  choose — freedom  or  slavery? 

A  modern  abolitionist  would  say,  "Run  away,  my 
good  sir,  and  take  your  dear  wife  and  children  with  you. 
God  has  made  all  men  free  and  equal.  Your  master  took 
the  advantage  of  you,  and  now,  heartless  tyrant  that  he 
is,  he  will   keep   your   wife,    and  your   dear   babes,  in 


perpetual  slavery,  which,  I  am  sure,  you  love  as  much 
as  he  loves  his.  There  is  no  moral  wrong  in  this.  You 
were  not  of  mature  age  and  reason  when  you  got 
married,  as  very  few  such  slaves  as  you  are.  Take  up 
your  couch,  sir,  and  walk.  You  are  getting  no  wages 
here:  you  will  be  a  slave  all  your  days.  Can  you  have 
your  ears  bored  to  the  door  post,  and  carry  to  your  giave 
the  brand  of  your  cowardice  and  infamy?  Will  you  make 
yourself  a  slave  for  ever  1  If  bored,  your  doom  is  fixed." 
His  master  having  treated  him  with  all  humanity,  being 
i  one   that    feared    God,    and    wrought   righteousness,    he 

thanked  his  new  friend  for  his  benevolence,  and  said, 
"  I  cannot  leave  my  wife ;  she  was  given  me  by  her 
master,  and  he  has  done  well  for  her,  for  me,  and  for 
our  children.  I  cannot  leave  him — [  cannot  leave  them." 
His  ear  was  bored  with  as  little  pain  as  a  lady  suffers  for 
the  admission  of  a  golden  ring,  and  he  and  his  offspring 
became  servants  "forever," 

Such  was   the  first  statute  of  the  political  code  of  the 
commonwealth   of   Israel,    enacted   Anno    Mundi   2513 ; 
I  before  Christ,  1492.     And  such  is  the  first  commentary 

{  on   the   tenth    commandment — the  first  law  of  the   new 

I  constitution,   under  which   God  placed   the  elect   nation 

]  of  IsraeL 

j  Such  will   be    called   the   bright  side   of  the  picture. 

j  There   is,    however,    no    picture  of  one   color :    that   is 

I  physically   and   morally   impossible.     Nor   is   there    any 

j  picture  without  shade.     And  such  is  the  present  picture 

j  of  all  society — the  best  that  exists  on  earth. 

j  It  will  be  said,  and  said  with  truth,  that  this  is  a  case 

j  of  voluntary  servitude.     But  only  as  I  have  presented  it. 

I  It  is,  indeed,  a  choice  of  evils. 

!  Suppose  this  said  slave  had  been  married  the  first  year 

after  his  master  bought  him,  to  a  young  female  servant^ 


the  property  of  his  master,  and  that  he  was  a  forward, 
energetic,  independent,  and  noble-minded  slave.  What 
then?  He  asks  his  wife  and  children  at  the  commence- 
ment of  the  Sabbatical  year.  His  master  refuses  to  give 
him  his  wife  and  children.  Too  hard,  indeed — tyrannical, 
cruel !  Is  it  not?  Yes,  say  A.,  B.  and  C.  But,  responds 
his  master,  his  wife  was  mine,  and  I  cannot  part  with 
her.  Her  mistress  loves  her,  and  cannot  do  without  her. 
I  cannot  afford  it.  His  labor  has  not  countervailed  my 
expenditures  upon  him  and  her,  and  their  children.  I  do 
no  wrong,  either  on  the  score  of  humanity  or  of  justice. 
God  enacted  the  law.  He  made  me  master,  and  him  my 
bondservant.  I  can  do  better  for  him  and  them,  than 
they  can  do  for  themselves,  and  serve  myself,  too,  better 
than  without  them.  We  are  all  happier  together  than 
we  could  be  apart.  I  am  the  slave,  he  the  freeman.  I 
have  to  care  for  him;  he  has  no  care  for  himself,  his 
wife,  or  children.  If  he  were  able  to  compensate  me,  I 
might  give  him  his  wife  and  his  children;  and  if  he 
chooses  to  do  so,  he  will  sooner  obtain  the  means  under 
my  direction,  and  by  my  capital,  than  he  could  otherwise 
do.  It  is  a  benevolent  and  a  just  law,  and  I  will  abide 
by  it.  Such  was  the  first  law  of  the  kingdom  of  Israel, 
under  the  theocracy,  and  such  would  be  a  rational  and 
moral  view  of  it.  Other  statutes  on  this  subject,  found  in 
that  law,  will  prepare  our  minds  for  the  consideration  and 
comprehension  of  the  Christian  law,  the  higher  law,  and 
the  Fugitive  Slave  Law  of  the  present  crisis. 

But  it  is  neither  my  duty  nor  my  inclination  to  defend 
it.  It  is  enough  to  say,  that  it  was  God's  own  enactment, 
as  much  as  the  law  of  ten  commands,  but  it  is  not  of  the 
same  compass  nor  perpetuity.  It  was  a  local  and  tempo- 
rary arrangement.  Its  value  to  us  consists,  chiefly,  in 
the  recognition  of  what  may,  in  the  judgment  of  G(jd,  be 


consistent  with  moral  rectitude  and  the  purity  of  the 
divine  law.  The  God  of  the  New  Testament  is  the 
God  of  the  Old.  It  is  a  maxim,  universally  conceded, 
that,  "what  is  just  in  little,  is  just  in  much."  That 
which  may  be  done  rightfully  for  a  day,  a  month,  or  a 
year,  may  be  done  for  a  longer  period.  It  is  theft  to 
steal  one  cent,  as  essentially  theft,  as  to  steal  ten  thousand 
dollars.  A  person  who  can  rightfully  hold  property  in  a 
man  for  one  year,  or  five,  may  rightfully  extend  the 
term  indefinitely.  Christianity  is  not  more  just  than 
Judaism.  But  it  is  yet  premature,  to  apply  the  principle 
developed  in  this  statute,  as  it  would  be  to  defend  it, 
being  a  divine  enactment.  We  have  the  whole  Bible 
open,  law  and  gospel,  too. 

We  greatly  respect  an  intelligent,  conscientious,  and 
generous  philanthropy.  We  will  ever  do  homage  to  a 
pure  philanthropist.  But  there  may  be  a  morbid,  sickly 
philanthropy,  as  well  as  a  rational,  and  sound  philan- 
thropy. The  religious  sometimes  become  superstitious: 
the  generous  are  not  always  just.  And  professed 
philanthropists  have,  not  unfrequently,  been  more  fanatical 
than  benevolent,  and  more  in  love  with  their  own  opinions 
than  with  the  rights  of  man. 

But,  with  the  patient  and  generous  charities  of  my 
readers,  I  will  endeavor  to  develop  the  Christian  duties 
and  obligations  on  the  whole  premises,  now  being  laid 
before  the  public,  on  the  higher  law,  the  Fugitive  Slave 
Law,  and  every  other  law  allied  to  the  present  question — 
the  great  question  of  the  age,  so  far  as  our  national 
interests  and  honor  are  concerned.  A.  C. 



[From  Rev,  George  Jankin,] 

The  Hebrews  were  permitted,  hy  their  law,  to  huy  servants 
from  the  heathen ;  to  hold  them  in  perpetual  servitude ; 
and  to  transmit  them  as  hereditary  property  to  their 

This  is  a  compound  proposition,  and  may  be  broken 
down  into  three  distinct  parts. 

1.  They  were  permitted  to  buy  servants,  male  and 
female,  from  the  heathen.  Exod.  xii.  44, — "Every 
man's  servant  that  is  bought  for  money,  when  thou  hast 
circumcised  him,  then  shall  he  eat  thereof."  This  is 
decisive  as  to  men  servants. 

Second  proof  Lev.  xxv.  44-46,  "Both  thy  bond- 
men and  thy  bondmaids,  which  thou  shalt  have,  shall  be 
of  [from,  in  Hebrew}  the  heathen  that  are  round  about 
you,  of  [from]  them  shall  ye  buy  bondmen  and  bondmaids. 
Moreover,  of  [from]  the  children  of  the  strangers  that  do 
sojourn  among  you,  of  them  shall  you  buy,  and  of  their 
families,  that  are  with  you,  which  they  begat  in  your 
land :  and  they  shall  be  your  possession.  And  ye  shall 
take  them  as  an  inheritance  for  your  children  after  you,  to 
inherit  them  for  a  possession  ;  they  shall  be  your  bondmen 
for  ever:  but  over  your  brethren,  the  children  of  Israel, 
ye  shall  not  rule  one  over  another  with  rigor."  This 
passage  is  most  conclusive  as  to  the  first  subdivision. 
It  also  meets  the  second,  viz :  that  the  servitude  is 
perpetual,  "  they  shall  be  your  bondmen  for  ever — ILe 
Olaumr     And  it  is  equally  pertinent  to  the  third.     They 


could  transmit  these  slaves,  as  hereditary  property,  to 
their  children.  But,  here,  note  particular:  1.  They  are 
property,  "possession,"  It  is  the  same  Hebrew  word, 
as  that  used  in  v.  41,  to  describe  the  landed  estates  to 
which  the  Israelites  returned  at  the  Jubilee,  "  and  unto 
the  possession  of  his  fathers  shall  he  return."  It  is  the 
same  used  to  describe  the  Redeemer's  right  in  his 
redeemed  people.  Psalm  ii.  8,  "  I  shall  give  *  *  *  the 
uttermost  parts  of  the  earth  for  thy  possession."  It 
is  the  same  used  to  describe  Abraham's  interest  in 
the  field  of  Ephon  and  the  cave  of  Machpelah,  after 
he  paid  for  them,  when  "  the  field  and  the  cave  that  is 
therein  were  made  sure  unto  Abraham,  for  a  possession 
of  a  burying  place,  by  the  sons  of  Heth."  In  short, 
this  word  is  invariably  used,  to  signify  ownership  in 
landed  estate — ^not  transitory  but  permanent  possession. 
Let  men,  therefore,  criticise  as  their  fancy  directs,  as 
to  men  and  women  being  viewed  and  treated  as 
property ;  God's  word  says,  unequivocally,  "  they  shall 
be  your  possession^ 

But,  it  will  be  said,  this  is  horrible !  Human  beings 
bought  as  property,  and  held  as  a  possession  permanent ! 
Well,  abhor  it,  then,  if  it  is  horrible.  But,  there  it  is 
on  the  sacred  page.  I  have  not  asserted  it,  it  is  God's 
assertion.  I  have  not  said  it  is  right.  Neither,  as  I 
suppose,  has  God  affirmed  it  to  be  right.  All  I  affirm 
is,  that  God's  law  permitted  it  to  Israel.  If  you  cannot 
endure  it,  with  God  be  your  controversy:  and  at  his 
word  be  yet  more  horrified.  For,  2.  This  possession 
is  perpetual — Le  Olaum,  for  ever  shall  they  be  your 
bondmen.  It  is  a  bondage  durable  as  the  life  of  the 
parties.  Yea,  more  horrible  still !  3.  At  the  death 
of  the  master  who  bought  the  slaves,  they  do  not  go 
out    free — they    pass    down    as    an    inheritance    to    his 


children :  they  stand  in  all  the  legal  relations  of  real 
estate.  As  such,  the  terms  of  the  law  speak  of  them. 
It  is  the  same  word  as  is  used,  Num.  xxxiii.  64,  "  Ye 
shall  divide  the  land  by  lot  for  an  inheritance"  etc. 
And  xxxiv.  13,  "  This  is  the  land  which  ye  shall  inherit 
by  lot."  And  Abraham  inquires,  "How  shall  I  know 
that  I  shall  inherit  it  ?" 

Such  is  the  condition  of  heathen  slaves  under  the 
Mosaic  Law.  Most  unhappy  men!  Awful  state  of 
degradation !  Hopeless  bondage  to  them  and  to  their 
children  after  them ! 

But,  now,  is  it  not  obvious,  that  the  dreadfulness  of 
their  state  depends  very  much  upon  incidental  circum- 
stances? Suppose  they  fall  into  the  hands  of  "believing 
masters,"  such  as  Paul  speaks  of,  who  will  be  kind  to 
them,  and  teach  them  the  way  of  salvation  through  the 
Messiah,  what  is  there  so  fearful  in  their  condition  t 
Look  what  Isaiah  says,  ch.  xiv.  2,  concerning  heathen 
people :  "  And  the  people,  [of  God]  shall  take  them  and 
bring  them  to  their  place ;  and  the  house  of  Israel  shall 
possess  them  in  the  land  of  the  Lord  for  servants  and 
maidens,"  Assuredly,  when  the  grace  of  God  touches 
the  hearts  of  these  slaves,  and  they  become  God's  freed- 
men,  their  condition  is  infinitely  better  than  that  of  their 
brethren  according  to  the  flesh,  who  are  afar  off  from 
God,  and  free  in  a  physical  sense.  "  I  had  rather  be  a 
door-keeper  in  the  house  of  my  God,  than  to  dwell  in 
teuts  of  wickedness." 



[From  Bev.  Qeorge  Junkin.] 

t^at  God  has  nowhere,  in  the  Old  Testament,  prohibited 
slavery.  There  is  no  command  to  this  amount,  "  Masters, 
let  your  servants  go  free."  The  relation  of  master  and 
slave  is  nowhere  condemned  as  a  sin  and  forbidden  to 

The  position  here  taken,  is  expressed  in  three  forms, 
to  prevent,  if  possible,  all  misapprehension.  If  any  man 
affirm  the  opposite,  let  him  adduce  the  proof.  If  the 
relation  of  master  and  servant,  in  perpetuity  or  for  life, 
be,  in  itself,  and  apart  from  all  cruelties  and  abuses 
of  power,  a  horrible  sin  in  the  sight  of  God,  let  us 
have  the  text  from  the  Old  Testament  to  condemn  it. 

Permit  me,  here,  to  throw  out  a  caveate  against 
misconstruction  and  misrepresentation.  Although  it  is 
not  our  business,  more  than  our  opponents,  to  justify 
the  ways  of  God  to  men,  yet,  I  remark,  God  has  no- 
where sanctioned  slavery.  To  sanction,  is  to  approve 
of  and  command  as  a  thing  that  is  right,  and  that  ought 
to  be.  Except  in  cases  of  forfeiture  of  liberty,  God  has 
not  commanded — has  not  made  it  obligatory  upon  man, 
to  reduce  his  fellow  to  involuntary  bondage.  On  the 
contrary,  I  take  the  distinction  before  alluded  to,  that 
the  Bible  tolerates  slavery.  Now,  toleration  is  bearing 
with — enduring  a  thing;  and  it  implies,  that  the  tiling 
is  viewed  as  an  evil.  Job  tolerated  his  boils,  and  the 
foolish  behaviour  of  his  wife.  We  tolerate  evils  that 
cannot   be   instantly  removed.     All  wearisome  labor,  of 


body  or  of  mind,  is  an  evil.  All  petulant,  peevish,  and 
vexatious  conduct,  is  an  evil.  The  perpetual  harrassraent 
to  which  this  Synod  has  been  exposed,  from  year  to 
year,  by  the  Anti-Slavery  party,  is  an  evil,  hard  to  be 
endured;  yet  the  majority  of  Synod  have  tolerated  it — 
you  have  fought  against  it,  as  Napoleon  said  of  the 
Russians  at  the  battle  of  Smolensk,  "  with  passive 

But  I  hear  our  tolerated  brethren  say,  how  long  must 
this  evil  of  slavery  be  tolerated  "i  Are  we  never  to 
see  the  end  of  it]  Must  all  the  light  of  the  New 
Dispensation  be  spent  in  vain  ?  Cannot  this  dark  spot 
be  illuminated  by  it  ?  Will  you  plead  for  its  everlasting 

Be  patient,  Brethren !  God  has  tolerated  this  dreadful 
evil  more  than  thirty  centuries  of  years.  And  he  has 
tolerated  yet  worse  evils.  He  has  tolerated  you  and 
us,  with  all  our  sins  and  corruptions  upon  us;  with 
all  our  unkind  speeches,  and  hard  sayings,  and  heart 
burnings,  and  jealousies,  and  anger,  and  wrath,  and 
murmurings  against  God.  He  has  borne  with  us  in 
our  censures  upon  his  Word  and  his  providence,  for 
this  very  spirit  of  tolerance,  to  which  we  are  indebted 
for  an  existence  out  of  hell.  Why  does  he  not  instantly 
cut  off  all  evil  from  the  earth ;  either  by  cutting  us  off, 
or  by  making  us  instantly  and  perfectly  holy?  "Nay! 
but,  O  man,  who  art  thou  that  repliest  against  God  ?" 

Be  patient,  Brethren,  with  me,  and  with  God.  Let 
us  proceed  to  the  New  Testament.  What  are  its 
teachings  on  the  subject  of  slavery  ?  If  slavery  be  the 
master  sin  of  our  world ;  if  all  other  evils  sink  into 
insignificance,  in  comparison  of  this  giant  crime ;  if  this 
fearful  and  desolating  sin — this  soul-damning  sin,  as 
brethren   in   this    Synod   deem   it,    abounded    under   the 


Old  Testament,  surely  the  remedying  of  it  will  form 
a  prominent  feature  of  the  New  Economy.  Surelyi 
when  the  Redeemer  comes  to  cleanse  the  sanctuary, 
and  to  purify  the  altar,  which  have,  since  the  days  of 
Gibeon's  enslavement,  been  polluted  by  slave  labor,  he 
will,  at  least,  drive  away  all  slave  labor  from  the  temple 
and  the  altar.  He  will  speak  a  plain  and  unequivocal 
language.  He  will  make  it  to  be  clearly  known,  that 
slavery  is  no  longer  to  be  tolerated  in  the  Church  of 
God.  If  Jesus  be  an  abolitionist,  in  the  modern  sense, 
surely  his  new  revelation  will  for  ever  wash  out  the  foul 
stain  of  slavery.  Mr.  Moderator,  what  think  you  ?  If 
our  opposing  brethren  had  written  the  New  Testament, 
or  any  one  book  of  it,  would  you  not  expect  to  find  a 
Istrong,  and  plain,  and  unequivocal  testimony  against 
slavery,  in  it? 

But  now,  sir,  on  the  contrary,  I  fearlessly  affirm,  that 
there  is  not  a  sentence  in  the  New  Testament,  which, 
either  expressly,  in  so  many  words,  or  by  fair  and  just 
construction,  forbids  slavery.  To  avoid  misconception, 
let  me  divide  this  compound  proposition.  I  then 
declare  : 

/.  That  there  is  not  a  sentence  in  the  New  Testament, 
which  expressly  forbids  the  having  and  the  holding  of  a 

11.  That  there  is  not  a  sentence  in  the  New  Testament, 
which,  hy  fair  and  just  interpretation,  according  to  the 
rules  of  grammar,  gives  ground  for  the  logical  inference, 
that  the  simple  holding  of  a  slave,  or  slaves,  is  inconsistent 
vnth  Christian  profession  and  Christian  cJiaracter. 

The  proof  of  the  affirmative  lies  on  the  affirmant; 
let  the  man,  who  elects  himself  to  controvert  either  of 

528  STRICTmiES 

"these,  present  his  proof.  But,  lest  none  should  be 
forthcoming,  let  us  see  how  near  an  approximation  may 
be  made  toward  establishing  these  propositions  in  this 
negative  form.  Should  any  person  affirm,  that  between 
the  hours  of  six  A.  M.  and  six  P.  M.  on  the  19th  of 
September,  1843,  the  present  speaker  had  kidnapped 
a  slave  off  a  steamer  lying  at  the  quay  in  Cincinnati, 
I  could  prove  a  negative  by  proving  an  alibi — ^by 
proving  my  continual  presence,  during  that  period  of 
time,  in  this  or  the  adjoining  village.  Let  us  look  into 
the  New  Testament  for  abolitionism,  and  see  how  far  an 
aHihi  can  be  supported. 

1,  My  first  subordinate  proposition  here,  is,  that  the 
Qreek  word,  doulos,  usually  translated  servant,  properly 
and  commonly  means  a  person  held  to  service  for  life — a 

This  word  occurs,  according  to  Schmidius,  about  one 
hundred  and  twenty-five  times  in  the  New  Testament. 
Of  these,  omitting  the  parallel  places  in  the  last 
three  Gospels,  the  following  is  a  general  classification, 
viz : — 

1.  It  is  applied  to  servants  of  God  and  of 

Christ,      - 34 

2.  To  servants  of  men,  such  as  the  house- 

holder and  the  owner  of  tho  vineyard,         34 

3.  To  the  king  who  made  the  supper,  and 

to    him   who    took    account    of  his 
servants, 10 

4.  To  servants  of  sin  and  Satan,        -         -  6 
6.     To  the  servant  of  the  centurion,  Matt. 

viii.  5, 1 

6.     To  Christians,  as  servants  to  each  other, 

Matt.  XX.  27, 1 

ox   ABOLITIONISM.  629 

7.  To  Christ,  as  God's  servant,  Phil.  ii.  7  1    times. 

8,  To  Judaizing  Christians,  Gal.  iv.  7,  1       " 

In  all,       ...         -  -         88       " 

leaving  about  37  as  parallels. 

Let  as  now  see,  whether,  in  all  these,,  the  idea  of 
continuous,  perpetual  servitude  be  not  included. 

The  first  class — the  servants  of  God  and  of  his  Christ 
— are  life  servants;  bound  under  the  most  absolute 
authority  to  honor  and  obey  and  submit  to  his  com- 
mands. They  profess  so  to  be.  They  have  come  near 
to  the  door-post,  and  their  ears  have  been  pierced  through 
vrith  the  arrows  of  his  conviction,  and  they  are  his^r  ever. 
Moreover,  they  were  unwilling,  when  he  bcjught  them  with 
a  price,  and  they  were  unwilling  until  he  changed  them 
by  his  law,  and  made  them  "  both  to  will  and  to  do  of 
his  own  good  pleasure."  They  are  servants  for  ever, 
"  under  the  yoke," — "  take  my  yoke  upon  you." 

Passing  the  second  class,  as  the  one  in  controversy^ 
we  notice  the  third,  Matt,  xviii.  23,  &c.,  and  xxii.  3,  &c. 
The  master,  in  the  former,  like  many  in  our  day,  had 
entrusted  much  of  his  property  to  his  servants,  to  be 
employed  for  his  advantage ;  and  thus,  one  of  them 
was  found  to  have  acted  very  unfaithfully — he  had 
squandered  his  lord's  money.  His  master,  just  as 
masters  now  do,  commanded  him  to  be  sold,  and  his 
wife  and  children.  Now,  if  doulos  does  not  express  the 
relation  of  slavery — if  it  mean  here  a  hired  servant^  how 
can  we  understand  the  transaction?  Where  is  the  law 
to  sell  a  hired  servant  ?  And,  if  it  be  said,  he  was  sold 
under  the  law,  which  makes  indebtedness  a  crime, 
rendering  the  debtor  obnoxious  to  sale,  then  we  have 
slavery  recognized.  Take  it  either  way,  then,  you  have 
the  relation  of  perpetual  servitude. 


The  evidence  is  equally  plain,  that  the  servants  of  the 
j  king,  in  waiting  upon   the    marriage    supper,   were   not 

j  hirelings,   but  perpetual   servants.      And    here  we   may 

observe,  as  was  remarked  of  the  Hebrew  terms,  the  Greek 
I  word  misthotos,  means  a  hired  person,  one  employed  to  j 

j  work  for  wages,  for  a  period  long  or  short,  as  the  contract  j 

may    be:    such  was    the   kind   of  service    performed  on  I 

j  Zebedee's   fishing   boat.      James    and   John    "left   their  j 

j  father,   Zebedee,   in   the  ship,   with   the    hired  servants."    ^  \ 

j  And  the  Saviour  speaks  of  this  kind  of  labor  as  not  so  i 

I  reputable  and  trustworthy  as  the  doulos ;  John  x.  12,  13:  ! 

I  '*  But  he  that  is  a  hireling,  and  not  the  shepherd,  whose  i 

j  own  the  sheep  are  not,  seeth  the  wolf  coming,  and  leaveth  I 

j  the    sheep    and   fleeth.       The    hireling,    misthotos,   fleeth 

j  because  he  is  an  hireling,  and  careth  not  for  the  sheep." 

It  would  seem  that  the  doulos,  the  permanent  servant, 
was  the  more  trustworthy.  Accordingly,  it  is  universally 
agreed,  that  the  servants  in  the  parable  of  the  supper, 
j  represent    the    gospel    ministers — permanent    officers   in 

Christ's  house,  who  would,  therefore,  be  very  unsuitably 
represented  by  the  relation  of  a  hireling,  a  temporary 
servant,  working  for  wages.  Besides,  the  kind  of  service 
at  this  feast,  is  just  such  as  slaves,  or  permanent  servants 
are  usually  employed  at.  Farther,  the  invited  guests 
killed  some  o  the  servants,  which  it  is  not  conceivable 
they  would  have  done,  had  they  been  hired  persons. 
These  things,  in  connection  with  the  fact,  that  the  histo- 
rian does  not  use  misthotos — a  word  uniformly  applied  to 
the  temporary  relation  of  a  hired  person,  as  faithfulness 
to  historical  verity  required,  if  the  relation  had  been 
temporary — these,  I  say,  must  convince  the  candid,  that 
doulos  means  the  permanent  relation  of  a  life  servant. 

The  fourth  class  relates  to  slaves  of  sin  and  of  Satan, 
John  viii.  34 :    "  Verily,  verily,  1  say  unto  you,  whosoever 


committelh  sin  is  the  servant,  doulos,  of  sin.  And  the 
servant  abideth  nc»t  in  the  house  [the  family  apartment] 
for  ever:  but  the  son  abideth  ever.  If,  then,  the  Son 
make  you  free,  ye  are  free  indeed."  Here  the  doulos  is 
conti-adistinguished  from  the  son,  and  also  from  the  free 
person.  So,  Rom.  vi.  17,  "God  be  thanked,  that  ye  were 
the  servants,  doulos,  of  sin."  And,  2  Pet.  ii.  19,  "While 
they  promise  them  liberty,  they,  themselves,  are  the 
servants,  douloi,  of  corruption:  for  of  w^hom  a  man  is 
overcome,  of  the  same  is  he  brought  in  bondage;" — he  is 
made  a  doulos.  Here,  again,  servant  is  contrasted  with 
free.  Besides,  there  is  express  reference  to  the  ancient 
and  universal  custom  of  holding  and  accounting  prisoners 
of  war  as  slaves.  Men  are  taken  captive  by  the  devil, 
and  are  the  servants  of  their  captor.  We  need  not  here 
dwell,  to  show  that  it  is  a  base  bondage  under  which  men 
are  held,  to  sin  and  Satan,  and  that  it  is  without  limit  in 
itself— it  is  designed  by  the  master,  and  assented  to  by 
the  slave,  that  he  shall  serve  for  ever;  and  so  it  will 
prove  in  every  case  where  our  Redeemer  does  not  inter- 
fore,  and  deliver,  by  his  almighty  power,  the  poor  slave 
from  his  cruel  and  yet  voluntary  bondage. 

Case  fifth,  is  that  of  the  doulos  of  the  Roman  centurion 
or  captain.  That  slavery  prevailed  all  over  the  Roman 
Empire  at  this  time,  and  that  it  was  a  most  absolute  and 
degraded  slavery,  wherein  the  master  had  the  power 
of  life  and  death  at  his  own  option,  will  not  be  contro- 
verted by  any,  whose  reputation  for  scholarship  entitles 
them  to  any  notice  at  all.  We  cannot,  surely,  be  expected 
to  prove  that  the  captain's  servant  was  a  slave.  For  a 
man  to  assert  the  contrary,  places  him  hors  du  combat. 

Case  sixth,  relates  to  the  services  required  from  one 
Christian  to  another,  and  they  are  undoubtedly  permanent, 
and  of  perpetual  obligation. 

582  g'FllICTURES 

So  the  seventh,  an  insulated  instance,  describes  the 
relation  of  Christ  to  God  the  Father.  That  it  is 
permanent,  and  for  life,  is  obvious,  and  involves  absolute 
submission  in  all  things. 

The  other  insulated  case  is,  that  of  the  judaizing 
Christian,  Gal.  iv.  7,  who  makes  the  ceremonial  law  a 
yoke  of  bondage,  and  himself  a  slave  to  it. 

Thus,  if  there  is  any  exception  to  the  absoluteness  and 
permanency  of  the  obligation,  and  the  servitude,  expressed 
by  this  term,  doulos,  it  must  be  found  in  the  second  class ; 
all  the  others  imply  entire  subjection,  and  that  without 
limit,  as  long  as  the  related  parties  exist. 

The  servants  of  the  householder,  who  had  sowed  good 
seed  in  his  field,  and  of  the  man  who  delivered  his 
talents  for  improvement,  are  so  similar  to  the  case  of  the 
marriage  supper,  that  the  same  reflections  are  mainly 
applicable  to  these.  So,  also,  of  the  owner  of  the  vine- 
yard, Matt.  xxi.  35,  &c.  The  only  other  case  in  the 
Gospels,  that  of  the  priest's  servant,  whose  ear  was  cut 
off,  may  easily  be  understood,  by  reference  to  the  laws 
already  cited,  permitting  the  priests  to  buy  servants: 
the  others,  it  is  not  my  intention  to  go  over,  in  the 

It  would  be  tedious,  and  would  lead  to  the  conviction, 
that,  without  one  exception,  in  all  the  contexts,  the  idea 
of  absolute  and  permanent  bondage  to  service,  would  be 
found  to  harmonize  best,  with  the  drift  and  meaning  of 
the  passages  respectively.  Persuaded  I  am,  the  case 
never  will  be  made  out,  where  doulos,  necessarily  means 
a  temporary  servitude,  at  the  option  of  the  servant 
Many  of  the  remaining  passages,  will,  however,  come  up 
in  other  connections.  Meanwhile,  I  rest  in  the  belief, 
that  the  great  mas3  of  unprejudiced  minds,  must  admit; 
that  doulos  properly  means  a  slave^. 


Let  us,  however,  make  this  clear  to  a  demonstration, 
by  the  argument  from  contrast.  If  we  find  two  words, 
used  in  opposition  to  each  other,  the  meaning  of  one 
being  ascertained,  will  forcibly  illustrate  that  of  the  other. 
Now,  freeman  and  slave  are  such  terms — they  express 
opposite  ideas.  He  who  is  free,  cannot,  at  the  same 
time,  and  in  the  same  respect,  manner,  and  sense,  be  a 
slave.  In  different  senses,  such  opposite  terms  may 
agree.  A  man  may  be  a  slave  to  tobacco  and  whisky, 
and  yet  a  fi-eeman,  in  a  civil  sense.  Still,  freedom  and 
slavery  are  opposites;  and  if  I  shew  that  to  be  free 
means  a  state  wherein  a  man  is  under  no  obligation  to 
work  or  labor  for  another — the  other  has  no  power  or 
claim  over  him,  so  as  to  compel  him  to  work;  and  if  I 
shew  that  this  state  is  contrasted  to  another,  as  its 
opposite,  then  that  other  is  a  state  of  slavery  and 

Here  let  me  refer  to  the  cases  already  cited,  for 
another  purpose:  John  viii.  34,"  "He  that  committeth 
sin,  is  the  doulos  or  servant  of  sin;  but  if  the  Son  make 
him  free,  then  he  is  free  indeed,"  Here,  doulos  and 
eleutheros — a  slave  and  a  free  man — are  contrasted. 
Again,  in  Rom.  vi.  17,  "Ye  were  the  douloi,  servants 
of  sin;  but  being  made  free;"  here  is  the  same  contrast. 
So  also,  2  Pet,  ii.  19,  "While  they  promise  them  liberty, 
eleutheria,  they  themselves  are  the  douloi,  slaves  of  cor- 
ruption." 1  Cor,  vii,  21,  22,  "Art  thou  called,  being  a 
servant,  dotilos,  care  not  for  it:  but  if  thou  may  est  be 
made  free,  use  it  rather.  For  he  that  is  called  in  the 
Lord,  being  a  servant,  doulos,  is  the  Lord's  freeman — 
rather  freed  man — apeleutheros ;  likewise,  also,  he  that  is 
called,  being  free,  eleutheros,  is  Christ's  servant,  i/mlosy 
Here,  the  contrast  is  plain  and  direct,  and  three  times 
repeated,      1   Cor.  xii.   13,    "Whether  we  be  Jews  or 


Gentiles;  whethei'  we  be  bond   or  free,  douloi  or  eleti'  I 

therm;"  Gal.  iii.  28,  "There  is  neither  Jew  nor  Greek,  i 

neither  bond  nor  free,  douhs  nor  eleutheros;"  Col.  iii.  11, 

"  There  is  neither  bond  nor  free,  doulos  nor  eleutheros;" 

Rev.  vi.  15,   "And  every  bondman  and  every  freeman: 

every  doulos  and  every  eleutheros;"  Rev.  xiii.  16,   "And 

l>e  causeth  all,  both  small  and  great,  rich  and  poor,  free 

and  bond,  eleutherous  and  doulous."     Rev.  xix.  18,  "And 

the  flesh  of  all  men,  both  free   and  bond,  eleutheroi  and 

douloi,  both  small  and  great."  i 

Thus,  by  an  accumulation  of  evidence,  even  to  weari-  j 

ness,  it  is  demonstrated,   that  doulos  means   a  slave,  as  '<■ 

certainly  as  eleutheros  means  a  freeman.    Here  are  twelve 

distinct  and  unequivocal  instances  of  contrast.     I  take  it, 

then,   as  most  conclusively  proved,  that  doulos  properly  I 

means  a  slave — a  person  under  absolute  authority  for  life,  I 

to  a  master.  ; 

2.  The  second  subordinate  proposition  mth  an  infa 
is.,  that  Paul  advises  servants  to  abide  quietly  in  their 
condition.  This  he  could  not  do  if  the  relation  of  master 
and  slave  was,  in  itself,  a  sin. 

1  Cor.  vii.  20-24,  "Let  every  man  abide  in  the  same 
calling,  wherein  he  was  called.  Art  thou,"  &c.,  as  above. 
"  Ye  are  bought  with  a  price,  be  not  ye  the  servants  of 
men.  •  Brethren,  let  every  man,  wherein  he  is  called, 
therein  abide  with  God." 

Here,  note,  1.  This  is  a  spiritual  call — that  inward 
vocation  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  whereby  a  man  is  made  to 
hear  and  to  obey  the  Gospel,  in  a  spiritual  sense.  He 
who  is  thus  called,  is  a  converted  man.  But  there  is  a 
modified  sense,  in  which  the  word  is  used  to  signify  a 
man's  employment — his  state  and  condition  in  this  world'^s 
affaire.    And  the  Apostle  indulges  a  play  upon  this  sense. 


In  verse  17,  he  settles  the  principle:  "But  as  God  hath 
distributed  to  every  man,  as  the  Lord  hath  called  every 
one,  so  let  him  walk.  And  so  ordain  I  in  all  the  churches." 
The  gospel  does  not  come  to  break  up  the  social  relations. 
If  a  hired  girl  is  converted,  it  does  not  hence  follow,  that 
she  must  sit  at  the  table,  and  her  employer  take  turns 
with  her  in  the  house-work,  and  table-waiting.  Paul  was 
not  a  leveler  in  this  respect.  But,  let  every  one  pursue 
his  business  honestly.  "  Is  any  man  called,  being  circum- 
cised ?  let  him  not  become  uncircumcised.  Is  any  called, 
being  uncircumcised?  let  him  not  be  circumcised."  These 
outward  circumstances  are  trifles.  What  a  man's  business 
is — what  his  condition  in  life,  is  a  small  matter,  if  only 
he  has  the  spiritual  vocation.  2,  Among  the  called,  at 
Corinth,  were  found  some  servants — doulous — slaves. 
Then  sprang  up  the  question:  If  T  am  called  into  the 
service  of  Jesus  Christ,  can  I  any  longer  be  obedient  to 
an  earthly  master  %  Can  a  man  serve  two  masters  %  If  I 
have  taken  Christ's  yoke  upon  me,  how  can  I  be,  and 
continue,  a  doulos  to  my  old  master  who  bought  me  ? 
Now,  it  is  easy  to  see,  that  if  Paul  had  preached 
abolitionism,  there  would  have  been  directly  a  slave 
insurrection  at  Corinth.  If  he  had  decided,  that  conver- 
sion to  Christianity  nullified  the  master's  right  to  control 
his  slave,  and  made  him  free,  it  would  have  brought 
Christianity  into  direct  collision  with  the  civil  and  domestic 
relations  of  the  whole  Roman  world.  But  Paul  was  no 
abolitionist:  he  would  not  interfere,  in  the  least,  with  the 
master's  authority.  He  had,  a  little  above,  decided  in 
favor  of  another  social  relation.  Marriage,  though 
consummated  in  a  pagan  state,  he  says,  is  binding, 
even  after  one  of  the  parties  has  been  converted  to 
Christianity.  The  question  had  been  raised.  Can  I  be 
die  spouse  of  Christ,  and  also  of  a  pagan  husband  at  the 


same  time?  Certainly,  says  Paul,  the  one  is  spiritual, 
the  other  a  natural — moral  relation:  "Let  not  the  wife 
depart  from  her  husband:"  so,  here,  let  not  the  servant 
depart  from  his  master.  This  is  the  third  remark :  The 
relation  is  rot  to  be  renounced — "  Let  every  man  wherein 
he  is  called,  therein  abide."  if  he  is  a  doulos,  let  him 
remain  contented:  he  can  be  a  slave  in  regard  to  temporal 
things;  and,  yet,  a  freeman  in  regard  to  spiritual  things. 
There  is  no  necessary  collision  between  the  claims  of  the 
two  masters.  If  your  earthly  master  acts  uprightly,  he 
will  never  require  you  to  do  an  act  forbidden  by  your 
heavenly  master.  But  should  such  case  occur,  why,  then 
obey  God,  and  suffer  whatever  punishment  man  chooses 
to  inflict.  4.  Manumission  was  often  practised  in  the 
Roman  and  Grecian  world.  Paul  advises  the  servant, 
if  his  master  offer  to  manumit  him,  to  accept  his  freedom 
with  gratitude — "use  it  rather."  When  grace  touched 
the  master's  heart,  and  especially  if  his  conversion,  as 
doubtless  was  often  the  case,  was  brought  about  by  the 
patient  and  quiet  obedience,  and  manifest  improvement 
of  his  converted  slaves,  it  cannot  be  doubted,  he  often 
freed  his  servants:  and  this  is  God's  plan  of  abolition.  A 
person  who,  in  the  phrase,  "use  it  rather,"  can  find  a 
warrant  for  a  slave  insurrection — for  robbery,  theft,  and 
murder,  gives  melancholy  evidence,  that  he  himself  is  the 
slave  of  his  own  pride  and  wicked  passions.  5.  Paul 
points  out  the  method  of  the  spiritual  freedom — it  was  by 
purchase:  "Ye  are  bought  with  a  price,  be  not  ye  the 
sei-vants  of  men."  Most  violently  and  blindly  has  this 
passage  been  abused,  to  the  encouragement  of  slave 
insurrections ;  "  be  not  ye  the  servants  of  men  " — this, 
we,  Mr.  Moderator,  have  heard  the  subject  of  song  here; 
contrary  to  the  obvious,  plain  meaning  of  the  whole 
context.     It  has   been   time   after  time   harped    upon,   as 


evidence,  that  slaves  are  forbidden  to  serve  men ;  whereas, 
the  whole  drift  of  the  context  enjoins  submission.  "  Ye 
are  bought  with  a  price."  Now,  in  what  sense  1  Is  it  not 
undeniable,  that  the  price  here  is  Christ's  blood?  And 
must  it  not  follow  that  the  servitude  into  which  this 
spiritual  purchase  brings  them,  is  a  spiritual  servitude? 
Do  they  not  take  Christ's  yoke  on  them?  And  yet,  these 
brethren  insist  on  it,  that  "be  not  ye  the  servants  of  men," 
is  a  natural  servitude !  "  Don't  obey  your  masters 
according  to  the  flesh;  resist  them,  they  have  no  right 
to  command  you,  and  you  do  wrong  in  obeying;  'be  not 
ye  the  servants  of  men.' "  Did  you  ever  hear  of  such 
horrible  perversion  ?  Can  this  be  the  true  meaning, 
when  other  passages,  so  numerous,  command  the  very 
contrary  ?  "  Servants  obey  your  masters."  We  must  say, 
such  a  construction  is  not  only  violent,  but  it  is  disin- 
genuous ;  and  no  man  could,  for  a  moment,  allow  himself 
in  it,  but  that  the  heat  of  excitement,  and  the  warmth 
of  controversy,  blinds  the  mind,  and  hurries  the  zealot 
over  all  rules  of  reason  and  of  right.  No  commentator 
ever  entertained  such  an  idea :  until  modern  abolitionism 
invented  it,  the  world,  I  presume,  was  ignorant  of  such  a 
construction.  But  it  is  a  fair  sample  of  the  logic  of 
excited  feeling.  Paul  urges  the  doulos  to  abide  content 
in  his  condition ;  because,  though  a  servant  of  man,  he  is 
Christ's  freed  man — a  spiritual  freeman,  but  a  slave 
civilly.  But  he  must  not  abide  the  doulos  of  man, 
say  these  brethren — must  not  be  civilly  a  slave;  because 
he  has  been  spiritually  bought  with  a  price.  The  apostle 
may  contradict  himself,  but  he  must  not  teach  the  dutj' 
of  servants  to  obey  their  own  masters !  When  he  says, 
*'  Be  not  ye  the  douloi  of  men,"  he  must  not  mean 
spiritually t  but  naturally  ! ! 


3.  The  third  suhordinate  proposition,  tcith  an  inference. 
—  The  New  Testament  recognizes  some  masters  as  good 
men — true  and  faithful  believers :  therefore,  the  relation 
of  master  and  slave  may  exist,  consistently  loith  Christian 
character  and  profession. 

Proof  1. — Matt.  viii.  9,  10;  "The  centurion  answered 
and  said,  Lord,  I  am  not  worthy  that  thou  shouldest  come 
under  my  roof:  but  speak  the  word  only,  and  my  servant, 
doulos,  shall  be  healed.  When  Jesus  heard  it,  he 
marvelled,  and  said  to  them  that  followed,  Verily,  I 
say  unto  you,  I  have  not  found  so  great  faith,  no,  not 
in  Israel."  Here  is  a  slaveholder  whose  faith  stands 
above  suspicion.  But  we  have  been  told  that  every 
man  who  is  guilty  of  slaveholding,  if  he  die  without 
repenting  of  this  sin,  will  go  to  hell !  How  differently 
the  Saviour  and  some  of  his  disciples  judge ! 

Proof  II. — By  Eph.  i.  1,  we  learn,  that  the  epistle  is 
addressed  "to  the  saints  which  are  at  Ephesus,  and 
to  the  faithful  in  Christ  Jesus."  And  by  vi.  9,  we  learn, 
that  among  these  faithful  brethren  are  masters :  "  And 
ye    masters,   do    the   same  things   unto  them,  forbearing  i 

threatening:    knowing  that  your  Master,  [Christ]  also,  is  | 

in  heaven  ;  neither  is  there  respect  of  persons  with  him.  { 

Finally,    my    bretliren,"     &c.       Thus    slayeholders    are  ; 

recognized  as  faithful    believers ;    a,nd   no  order  is  giveft  ! 

to  cease  to  be  slaveholders.  i 

Proof  III. — 1  Tim.  vi.  2;  "And  they  that  have 
believing   masters,  let   them   not   despise   them,    because  i 

they  are  brethren ;  bat  rather  do  them  service,  because  i 

they  are  faithful  and  beloved,  partakers  of  the  benefit."  ! 

Here    the    slaves,    douloi,    are    commanded    to    submit,  \ 

because  their  masters  are  believers — faithful  and  beloved  f 

brethren,  partakers  of  the  grace  of  our  Lord.  { 


Proof  IV. — Philemon  5;  Paul,  addressing  this  slave- 
holder, says  he  had  heard  "  of  thy  love  and  faith,  which 
thou  hast  toward  the  Lord  Jesus,  and  toward  all  saints." 

So  we  might  cite  all  the  cases  where  masters  are 
commanded  to  do  their  duties ;  for  they  are,  in  every 
instance,  addressed  as  Christian  masters ;  and  the  same 
is  true  of  the  slaves.  Clearly,  then,  the  inference 
follows,  that  this  relation  is  not  inconsistent  with  Chris- 
tian character  and  profession. 

4.  The  fourth  subordinate  proposition. —  The  New  Tes- 
tament recognizes  the  existence  of  slavery. 

5.  TJie  fifth  subordinate  proposition. —  The  New  Testa- 
ment prescribes  the  duties  of  servants  to  their  masters, 
(md  of  masters  to  their  servants ;  enjoining  obedience  to 
the  one,  and  kind  treatment  from  the  other. 

Meanwhile,  no  injunctioia  is  laid  upon  masters  to 
liberate  their  slaves ;  nor  is  there  any  hint  given  to 
slaves  to  run  away  from  their  masters.  All  this  I 
shall  prove  by  plain  and  direct  Scriptures,  and  then 
shall  deduce  some  legitimate  conclusions. 

Proof  I. — Titus  ii.  9,  10 ;  "  Exhort  servants,  douloiis, 
to  be  obedient  unto  their  own  masters,  despotais,  and 
to  please  them  well  in  all  things ;  not  answering 
again,  not  purloining,  [stealing]  but  shewing  all  good 
fidelity;  that  they  may  adorn  the  doctrine  of  God  our 
Saviour  in  all  things." 

It  is  important  to  remark,  that  this,  and  most  of  the 
subsequent  proofs,  are  found  in  the  midst  of  contexts 
where  the  leading  social  relations  of  life  are  dwelt  upon^ 
and  their  duties  pointed  out.  Here  "  the  aged  men,"  and 
"  the  aged  women  ;  "  the  young  women,"  and  "  young 
men,"   are   exhorted.     In   some   of  the   following   cases, 


husbands  and  wives,  parents  and  children,  magistrates  and 
subjects,  are  mentioned ;  and,  just  among  them,  servants 
and  masters,  recognizing  it  as  an  existing  relation. 

On  this  passage,  note,  1.  The  servants,  douUms,  are 
exhorted  to  be  obedient  to  their  own  masters,  despotais, 
despots,  absolute  masters.  It  is  the  strongest  term  the 
Greek  language  knows  to  express  absolute  and  arbitrary 

2.  That  this  obedience  should  be  cheerful  and  hearty, 
not  with  an  ill  grace,  a  surly,  and  dissatisfied,  and 
hesitating  manner. 

3.  They  are  commanded  not  to  steal  their  master's 
property;  but  to  feel  an  interest  in  his  welfare,  and  to 
be  faithful   in  looking  after  it. 

How  different,  in  all  three  respects,  this,  from  the 
teachings  of  modern  anti-slavery  doctors !  They  teach 
that  slaves  may,  and  ought  to  disobey  their  masters— 
to  run  off,  to  steal  their  meister's,  or  any  person's  horse, 
saddle,  bridle,  food,  clothing,  anything  that  may  be 
necessary  to  facilitate  their  escape.  Such  morality  may 
be  found  in  the  abolition  journals  of  the  day. 

4.  The  glory  of  God  is  promoted  by  the  cheerful  obedi- 
ence and  faithful  conduct  of  Christian  slaves.  Such 
conduct  adorns  the  doctrine  of  God  our  Saviour.  Now, 
we  put  it  to  our  brethren,  whether  this  course  of  conduct, 
in  Christian  slaves,  is  not  much  more  likely  to  win  their 
masters,  and  all  others,  to  embrace  the  doctrine  from 
which  it  springs,  than  the  stealing  and  running  off,  which 
they  recommend.  Are  those  who  engage  in  running 
negroes  to  Canada,  "  adorning  the  doctrine  of  God  our 
Saviour,  in  all  things  ?"  We  put  it  to  your  consciences, 
Brethren ! 

Proof  II. — Col.  iii.  22 ;  iv.  1 ;  "  Servants,  obey  in  all 
things,  your  masters   according  to   the  flesh;    not  with 


eye-service,  as  men-pleasers ;  but  in  singleness  of  heart, 
fearing  God ;  and,  whatsoever  ye  do,  do  it  heartily,  as 
to  the  Lord,  and  not  unto  men ;  knowing  that  of  the 
Lord  ye  shall  receive  the  reward  of  the  inheritance ; 
for  ye  serve  the  Lord  Christ.  But  he  that  doeth  wrong, 
shall  receive  for  the  wrong  which  he  hath  done ;  and 
there  is  no  respect  of  persons.  Masters,  give  unto  your 
servants  that  which  is  just  and  equal ;  knowing  that  ye, 
also,  have  a  master  in  heaven." 

1.  Here,  strict  obedience  is  enjoined  to  masters, 
"according  to  the  flesh" — that  is,  masters  in  regard 
to  worldly  things.  2.  This  obedience  is  not  merely 
outward,  but  inward ;  sincerely,  and  truly  rendered. 
In  which  he  shows  how  obedience  in  carnal  things  is 
consistent  with  spiritual  obedience  to  the  Lord.  In 
obeying  your  earthly  masters,  in  all  things,  [lawful,  that 
is]  you  obey  your  heavenly  Master  too — "  ye  serve  the 
Lord  Christ."  3.  The  servant,  doulos — the  slave  that 
does  wrong — that  withholds  due  service  from  his  master, 
that  purloins,  or  is,  in  any  way,  unfaithful,  shall  be 
punished  for  his  wrong  doing.  If  he  obey  the  counsels 
of  modern  abolitionists,  God  the  Redeemer  will  judge 
him.  4.  As  injustice  is  forbidden  to  the  servants,  so 
injustice  is  forbidden  to  the  masters.  Wrong  is  pro- 
hibited on  both  sides.  For  wrong,  the  master  will  be 
punished  as  well  as  the  slave. 

But  the  question  arises,  what  is  just  and  equal  ?  Our 
Brethren  will  say,  that  it  means,  among  other  things, 
liberty.  But  this  text  does  not  say  so,  nor  does  any  other. 
On  the  contrary,  it  is  implied,  that  the  relation  continues. 
The  masters  are  masters  still ;  and  the  slaves  are  slaves 
still ;  and  it  is  to  the  existing  relation  the  whole  context 
applies.  If  the  relation  is  annihilated,  the  duties  of 
obedience,    here   enjoined,    can   no   longer   exist.      This, 


then,  is  mere  subterfuge.  What  is  just  and  equal  1 
Undoubtedly,  kind  treatment;  comfortable  food,  and 
raiment,  and  instruction  in  all  the  blessed  doctrines  of 
the  Bible.  These  things,  good,  believing  masters  do; 
and,  in  so  doing,  obey  God,  and  give  more  than  is 
commonly  given  to  hired  servants.  We  are  often  told  that 
they  ought  to  set  them  free  and  pay  them  vvrages.  Well, 
perhaps  they  ought  to  free  them.  But  this  will  depend 
upon  circumstances.  As  to  paying  wages,  it  is  notorious, 
and  the  abolitionists  have  shown  it  a  hundred  times, 
that  the  slaves  are  often  paid  higher  wages  than  the 
free  blacks  or  whites :  using  the  term  wages  in  the  strict 
sense  of  political  economy.  "  We  must  be  careful,"  says 
Prof.  Vethake,  (p.  33,)  "  not  to  confound  the  real  wages 
of  the  laborer,  with  his  money  wages.  The  latter,  as 
has  been  before  stated,  are  only  instrumental  in  procuring 
the  former.  The  laborer,  who  receives  money  for  his 
services,  exchanges  it  again  for  the  necessaries  and 
comforts  of  life,  both  of  a  material  and  immaterial 
nature,  which  he  is  enabled  by  means  of  it  to  obtain; 
and  the  money  is  only  transitorily  in  his  possession." 
The  real  wages  of  labor  are  food,  clothing,  houseroom, 
education — all  the  necessaries  and  comforts  of  life.  But 
now  it  is  proverbial,  that  many  slaves  devour  their 
masters — they  consume  more  than  they  produce — they 
receive  more  wages  than  they  earn — they  get  more 
than  is  just  and  equal.  And  this  constitutes  an 
argument,  not  on  moral  or  religious  grounds,  but  simply 
on  the  ground  of  political  economy,  against  the  whole 
system ;  which  I  think  entirely  unanswerable.  It  has 
been  demonstrated  ten  thousand  times,  that  slave  labor 
is,  upon  the  whole,  the  dearest,  and  cannot  compete 
with  free  labor.  Would  you,  Mr.  Moderator,  or  any 
of  these  brethren,  take  a  common  laborer,  with  a  family. 


and  obligate  yourself  to  feed,  clothe,  house,  and  educate 
them  as  laborers  and  Christians,  at  your  own  cost,  making 
yourself,  and  your  heirs,  liable  for  them,  for  the  space 
of  forty  years  1  I  mean,  all  moral  considerations  aside, 
and  receiving  the  question  as  a  mere  dollar  and  cent 
matter — would  you?  Where  is  the  man  that  would 
do  it?  Still,  the  deficient  production  results  from  the 
system ;  and,  combined  with  a  law  before  mentioned, 
constitutes  the  physical  necessity,  whereby  the  Creator 
provides  for  removing  the  evils  of  oppressive  bondage. 
But  we  may  not  run  out  in  this  direction. 

Proof  III. — 1  Pet.  ii.  18:  "Servants,  be  subject  to 
your  masters,  with  all  fear;  not  only  to  the  good  and 
gentle,  but  also  to  the  froward."  This  is  part  of  a 
context,  where  the  relative  duties  of  social  life  are 
enjoined — magistrates  and  subjects,  servants  and  masters, 
husbands  and  wives,  are  addressed. 

1.  The  term  servant,  is  different;  it  is,  oiketes,  a  house 
servant.  But  that  it  implies  here,  a  slave,  is  evident,  from 
the  treatment  to  which  they  were  exposed — "  they  suffered 
wrongfully" — "were  buffeted" — "endured  grief,"  and  are 
commanded  to  submit  and  bear  it  patiently,  out  of  con- 
science towards  God.  Now  this  is  inconceivable,  in 
regard  to  hired  servants,  or  any  temporary  engagement. 

2.  The  subjection  enjoined,  is  to  despotais,  absolute 

3.  The  term  by  which  he  expresses  the  subjection,  is 
also  strong:  it  means  the  absolute,  rigid  subordination  of 
military  government;  where  not  the  least  hesitancy,  or 
delay,  or  demurring,  is  tolerated. 

4.  The  fear  with  which  they  are  to  submit,  also  shews 
the  relation  of  master  and  slave. 

The  whole  drift  of  the  passage  is  plain  and  easy.     It 
the  duty  of  submission,  in  all  things  not  siniul 


before  God,  upon  the  slaves ;  even  in  extreme  cases  of 
harsh  and  cruel  treatment ;  and  that  from  the  considera- 
tion that  the  God  whom  they  serve,  w^ill  be  glorified  by 
it,  and  the  religion  they  profess  will  be  commended  to 
the  hearts  of  all  men.  Could  Peter,  moved  by  the  Holy 
Ghost,  have  done  all  this,  if  the  very  relation  of  master 
and  slave,  was,  in  itself,  and,  independently  of  all  contingent 
abuses,  a  sinful  relation  ? 

Proof  IV. — Philemon  was  a  slaveholder,  at  least,  if 
owning  one  slave  makes  a  man  a  slaveholder.  Onesimus, 
his  slave,  had  fallen  under  the  influence  of  bad  counsel ; 
whether  the  dictate  of  his  own  heart,  or  of  some  ancient 
anti-slavery  partizan.  He  ran  off  from  his  master,  who 
resided  at  Colosse,  a  city  in  the  interior  of  Asia  Minor, 
See  Col.  iv.  8,  9:  "  Tychicus  have  I  sent  unto  you 
*  *  *  with  Onesimus,  a  faithful  and  beloved  brother, 
who  is  one  of  you."  This  may  show  a  s})ecial  reason, 
why  Paul,  in  this  epistle  to  the  Colossians,  which  was 
undoubtedly  carried  by  Tychicus  and  Onesimus,  presses, 
as  we  have  seen,  the  duties  of  servants  to  their  masters, 
according  to  the  flesh.  The  letter  was  carried  by  a 
runaway  slave,  now  returned  to  his  sound  mind,  and 
hereby  commanded  to  obey  his  master. 

This  runaway  found  himself  at  Rome,  and  came  to 
hear  Paul  preach  in  his  chains,  in  his  own  hired  house ; 
and  was,  through  grace,  converted  unto  God ;  after  which, 
Paul  sent  him  back  to  his  master.    Let  us  note  particulars. 

i.  The  apostle  recognizes  Philemon's  right  to  Onesimus' 
service — verses  13,  14:  "Whom  I  would  have  retained 
with  me,  that  in  thy  stead  he  might  have  ministered  unto 
me  in  the  bonds  of  the  gospel.  But  without  thy  mind 
would  I  do  nothing ;  that  thy  benefit  should  not  be  as  it 
were  of  necessity,  but  willingly."  Paul  lived  in  his  own 
hired   house,  yet  he   was  in   chains,  and   needed   some 


person  to  do  his  errands,  lay  in  and  cook  his  food,  wash 
his  clothes,  &c,,  &c.  These  kind  of  services,  Philemon 
had  done,  or  caused  to  be  done,  for  the  apostle,  when  at 
Colosse,  as  is  most  likely,  from  this  verse  and  the  22nd, 
where  he  requests  him  to  "prepare  me  also  a  lodging." 
But,  however  much  Paul  needed  Onesimus,  and  however 
assured  he  felt,  that  did  Philemon,  the  master,  know  the 
situation  of  his  beloved  friend,  the  apostle,  he  would  have 
most  cheerfully  consented  to  let  Onesimus  stay  and  attend 
upon  him,  yet  could  he  not  consent  to  keep  him,  without 
his  master's  expressed  will. 

2.  Onesimus  was  a  slave.  Paul  urges  Philemon  to 
receive  him,  "  not  now  as  a  doulos,  but  above  a  doulos,  a 
brother  beloved,  especially  to  me;  but  how  much  more 
unto  thee,  both  in  the  flesh,  and  in  the  Lord." 

"Not  now" — oukete — not  any  longer,  as  a  doulos. 
Here  is  the  distinct  implication  that,  heretofore,  he  had 
been  treated  as  a  slave — a  doulos — but  now,  no  longer 
is  he  to  be  so  treated.  This  alludes  to  the  Levitical 
law,  already  explained.  Lev.  xxv.  39-42.  The  Hebrew 
is  to  treat  his  brother  Hebrew,  now  his  Ebed — his  doulos 
— his  slave — not  like  slaves  are  commonly  treated,  with 
rigor,  but  as  soukeers — hired  men  are  usually  treated, 
with  kindness  and  lenity.  iVow,  says  Paul,  this  doulos  is 
a  brother,  and  our  law  requires  such  to  be  kindly  treated, 
and  "I  know  that  you  will  do  even  more  than  I  say," 

I  verse  21. 

1  3.    In  this  last  expression,  there  is  a  hint  at  emancipa- 

tion. It  is  highly  probable,  that  Philemon  not  only  treated 
him  kindly,  but  set  him  free,  and   assisted  hira  to  some 

I  farther    education,    and    thus    enabled    him    to  enter    the 

ministry.  Such  things  have  been  done,  and  are  continually 
doing  in  our  own  day,  in  regard  to  indented  apprentices, 
and  even  to  slaves.   Several  talented  and  efficient  preachers, 



now  in  Liberia,  were  thus  manumitted.     But  now,  this  j 

very  thing,  which  I  understand  to  be  admitted  by  some  of  [ 

our   anti-slavery  brethren,  contains   the  whole  for  which  i 

I    am    here   contending,    viz :    that   slavery  existed,    and  j 

obedience  was  commanded,  in  the  New  Testament.  j 

4.  Paul  does  not  command  Philemon  to  liberate  \ 
Onesimus.  He  does  not  even  command  him  to  receive  | 
him  and  treat  him  kindly.  But  he  does  say  he  might  | 
do  this  latter — he  has  authority  to  enjoin — to  command —  j 
verse  8 :  yet  he  prefers  to  put  himself  in  the  position  of  j 
an  equal  with  Philemon,  and  entreat  him.  From  this  it  j 
has  been  argued — rather  assumed,  that  he  had  power  to  ~  | 
order  Philemon  to  emancipate  him,  but  forbore  to  exercise  { 
it.  This  is  wholly  gratuitous,  groundless,  and  false.  The  i 
power  which,  in  verse  8,  he  asserts  he  has,  he  turns  into  ! 
an  entreaty,  and  it  is,  that  the  master  would  receive  his 
slave  and  treat  him  no  longer  as  a  slave,  but  according 
to  the  law,  with  lenity,  as  a  brother, 

5.  Another  point  illusti-ated  here,  is  the  pilfering 
character  of  runaway  slaves.  Onesimus  had  taken  the 
precaution,  in  our  day  given  as  advice  by  some  aboli 
tionists,  to  supply  his  pockets,  from  his  master's  stores, 
before  he  left  him.  Verse  18:  "If  he  have  wronged 
thee,  or  oweth  thee  aught,  put  that  on  mine  account," 
&c.  So  punctiliously  regardful  is  he  of  the  master's 
rights,  that  he  renders  himself  liable,  as  a  surety,  for  all 
the  property  the  slave  may  have  stolen  from  his  master. 
Again,  Mr.  Moderator,  let  me  call  yotir  attention  to  the 
strong  contrast,  between  the  morality  of  the  New  Testa- 
ment, and  that  of  modern  abolitionism.  This  encourages 
the  slave  to  disobey,  to  steal,  to  run  off;  that  commands 
him  to  return,  to  be  honest,  to  be  obedient. 

But  a  recent  discovery  has  been  made  in  the  laboratory 
of  Greek  criticism.     It  is  now  ascertained,  that  Onesimus 


was    merely  the   younger  brother  of  Philemon — that  he 

did  not  like  the  vigilant  and  close  treatment  of  his  older 

brother,  who  was  his  legal  guardian — that  he  went  off, 

and  Paul  sent  him  back.     Now,  Mr.  Moderator,  you  must 

not    smile    at    this.     It    is,    indeed,    ludicrous;    but    then, 

laughable  as  the  thing  is,  in  itself,  we   must   not   always 

treat    things    with    that    contempt    which    their    merits 

demand.     This   criticism  is  advanced,  in  serious  earnest, 

and  we  must  bite  in  our  lips,  and  seem  to  be  grave  in 

our  reply. 

Well,   on   what  is  this   new  theory   founded  ?      Why, 

simply  on  the  phrase,  in  the  flesh,  verse  16.     It  is  asserted 

that  Onesimus  was  a  brother  of  Philemon,  both  "  in  the 

flesh  and  in  the  Lord."     Ah  !  but  does  the  text  say  this  % 

Or  does  it  say  that  Onesimus  was  beloved — "both  in  the 

flesh " — that  is,  in  regard   to  civil   and  temporal  affairs, 

"  and  in  the  Lord" — that  is,  in  regard  to  spiritual  things'? 

It   needs   not  Greek    spectacles  to  see,  that  there  is   a 

comparison    drawn    between     Paul    and    Philemon,    in 

reference  to  the  measure,  or  degree  of  attached  feeling 

towards  Onesimus.     Paul  says,  that  Onesimus  is  now  a 

brother — to  whom  ?     To  Philemon,  and   to  Paul,  too— 

though  he  calls  him  his  son :  but  he  is  a  beloved  brother 

— beloved   to  whom? — "to  me;"  yes,  and  "unto  thee." 

But,  in  what  degree,  is  he  beloved  to  them  respectively  ? 

Why,  "especially."    But,  especially    Is  it  especially 

beloved,  or  is  it  especially  a  brother?     Which  word  does 

the  adverb  especially,  qualify  ? — beloved  or  brother  ?    Most 

assuredly  it  cannot  qualify  brother;  but  it  can,  and  doea 

qualify  beloved:  he  is  beloved  in  a  high  degree — "  especially 

to  me;"    but  in  a  higher  degree — "how  much   more  to 

thee" — beloved,  "both   in   the   flesh,  and  in   the    Lord." 

Clearly,    if   the   thing    were    possible,    that   the   adverb, 

specially,  and  the  adverbial  phrase,  how  nmch  more,  could 


qualify  broiJier,  then  we  would  have  the  ludicrous  idea 
presented,  of  Onesimus  being  a  brother  germain  to  Paul, 
and  to  Philemon,  both;  but  that  he  was  more  a  brother  to 
Philemon,  than  to  Paul  \ !  " 

There  are  two  other  otgections  to  this  novel  criticism. 
It  requires  proof,  that  the  older  brother  was  a  master,  and 
the  younger  his  slave,  doillos.  We  doubt  much  whether 
any  sane  man  will  undertake  to  prove  this  historically. 
The  other  is,  that  the  phrase,  in  the  flesh,  is  the  same  in 
its  meaning,  with  according  to  the  flesh,  which  we  have 
seen  used  in  the  epistle  to*  the  Colossians,  written  at  the 
same  time  with  that  to  Philemon,  and. sent  by  the  same 
messengers.  The  sense  is  not  equivocal — in  the  flesh,  or 
according  to  the  flesh,  is  simply,  as  to  worldly  affairs;  and 
in  the  spirit,  or  in  the  Lord,  or  according  to  the  spirit,  as 
to  spiritual  affairs^ 

Proof  V. — Eph.  vi.  5-9:  "Servants,  be  obedient  unto 
them  who  are  your  masters,  according  to  the  flesh,  with 
fear  and  trembliiig,  in  singleness  of  your  heart,  as  unto 
Christ,  *  *  *  And  ye  masters,  do  the  same  things 
unto  them;  forbearing  threatening,"  &c. 

Here,  again,  all  the  points  are  sustained.  The  relation 
exists.  The  duties  of  servants — slaves — are  prescribed, 
in  peremptory  language.  The  distinction  is  noted  between 
the  master,  as  to  the  flesh — as  to  worldly  affairs,  and 
Christ,  the  spintual  master,  and  the  general  consistency 
of  their  service  to  both;  and  the  reward  of  faithfulness  is 
held  out  as  a  motive.  The  masters  are  commanded  "to 
do  the  same  things,"  that  is,  to  carry  out  the  same  spirit 
of  good-will  towards  them,  in  gentle  and  kind  treatment, 
which  the  servants  are  commanded  to  practice,  and  with 
an  eye  to  their  own  accountability  to  God.  Not  one 
word  can  here  be  found  encouraging  servants  to  steal  a 
horse,  and  run  away;  not  onft  hint  to  masters  about  the 


sin  of  slavery,  and  the  duty  of  repenting  of  it;  and  no 
command  to  manumit  their  slaves. 

Proof  VL — 1  Tim.  vi.  1-5  :  "  Let  as  many  servants  as 
are  under  the  yoke,  count  their  own  masters  worthy  of  all 
honor,  that  the  name  of  God,  and  his  doctrine  be  not 
blasphemed.  And  they  that  have  believing  masters,  let 
them  not  despise  them,  because  they  are  brethren,  but 
rather  do  them  service,  because  they  are  faithful  and 
beloved — partakers  of  the  benefit.  These  things  teach 
and  exhort.  If  any  man  teach  otherwise,  and  consent 
not  to  wholesome  words,  even  the  words  of  our  Lord 
Jesus  Christ,  and  to  the  doctrine  which  is  according  to 
godliness,  he  is  proud,  knowing  nothing;  but  doting  about 
questions,  and  strifes  of  words;  whereof  cometh  envy, 
strife,  railing,  evil  surmisings,  perverse  disputings  of  men 
of  corrupt  minds,  and  destitute  of  the  truth,  supposing 
that  gain  is  godliness:  from  such,  withdraw  thyself" 

We  are  to  bear  in  mind,  that  these  are  among  the 
instructions  given  by  an  aged  and  experienced  minister, 
under  the  spirit  of  inspiration,  to  a  youth  in  the  service. 
When  we  connect  with  this  the  very  brief  space  covered 
by  the  whole  epistle,  we  must  conclude  that  Paul  thought 
the  subject  of  slavery  a  delicate  and  important  one,  that 
he  could  afford  it  so  much  space.  Let  us  carefully 
analyze  the  context. 

1.  The  persons  spoken  to,  are  slaves,  douloi,  and  the 
correlate  term,  is  despotoi — masters — absolute  in  authority 
over  them. 

2.  But  the  spirit  of  inspiration,  foreseeing  the  mischief 
which  misguided  zeal  would  occasion  in  the  premises,  and 
the  twisting  and  wrenching  of  scripture,  which  would 
attend  its  efforts,  has  appended  a  phrase,  which  cuts  off 
the  possibility  of  plausible  cavil.  These  douloi  are  under 
the  yoke,  a  phrase  which  undoubtedly  signifies  bondage, 


deep  and  degraded  slavery.  This  phrase  does  not  again 
occur  in  the  New  Testament.  The  term  yoke,  however, 
does  occur  five  times :  rather  the  Greek  word  zugos. 
Matt.  xi.  29,  30,  it  is  used  to  signify  that  perpetual, 
perfect,  absolute,  unmurmuring,  and  everlasting  subjec- 
tion, under  which  God's  redeemed  are  laid  to  serve  him. 
"  Take  my  yoke  upon  you,  and  learn  of  me  *  *  for 
my  yoke  is  easy,  and  my  burden  is  light."  In  Acts  xv. 
10,  it  signifies  the  slavery  into  which  some  labored  to 
bring  the  Gentile  converts,  to  the  ceremonial  law.  *  ♦ 
"  Why  tempt  ye  God,  to  put  a  yoke  upon  the  neck  of  the 
disciples,  which  neither  our  fathers  nor  we  were  able  to 
bear."  In  Gal.  v.  1,  the  same  is  called  "a  yoke  of 
bondage."  In  Rev.  vi.  5,  the  word  is  correctly  translated 
"a  pair  of  balances." 

Let  us  inquire  how  the  same  Greek  word  is  used,  in 
the  Septuagint- — the  old  Greek  translation  of  the  Old 
Testaments  Its  meaning  there  may  assist  us  here.  If  it 
is  there  a  symbol  of  bondage — a  type  of  slavery — ^it 
creates  a  strong  presumption  that  it  is  so  here,  also. 

It  is  used  some  fifteen  times  as  the  translation  of  a 
word  that  signifies  a  pair  of  balances,  mozanayim,  as  in 
Lev.  xix.  36 :  Job  vi.  2,  and  xxxi.  6 ;  Ps.  Ixii.  9 ;  Prov. 
xi.  1,  &c. 

Again,  it  is  used  for  Ol,  a  word  that  means  the  instru- 
ment by  which  oxen,  or  beasts  of  burden,  draw.  This  is 
the  natural  and  proper  sense,  as  in  Num.  xix.  2  :  "  Bring 
thee  a  red  heifer  *  *  upon  which  never  came  yoke." 
So,  Deut.  xxi.  3 ;  1  Sam.  vi.  7-10. 

Again,  it  is  used  in  the  figurative  sense  as  the  symbol 
of  oppressive  bondage.  Isa.  ix.  4,  and  x.  27 :  "  Thou 
hast  broken  the  yoke  of  his  burden;"  "Hia  burden  shaK 
be  taken  away  from  off  thy  shoulder,  and  his  yoke  fi'om 
off  thy  neck,  and  the  yoke  shall  be  destroyed,  because  of 


the  anointing."  And,  xiv.  25,  the  same ;  and,  xlvii.  6, 
"  Upon  the  ancient  hast  thou  very  heavily  laid  thy  yoke." 
So,  Jar.  ii.  20;  and  v.  5;  and  xxvii.  8,  11,  12;  and 
xxviii.  2,  4,  11,  14;  and  xxx,  8;  Lam.  iii.  27;  Ezek. 
xxxiv.  27. 

Again,  Isa,  Iviii.  6,  the  Greek  word  is  used,  for  one 
which  means  the  bows  of  the  yoke,  the  bands,  or  whatever 
fastens  the  yoke  on  the  neck ;  and  thus  is  very  suitable  to 
express  the  idea  of  bondage.  Thus,  it  is  clear,  that,  to  be 
under  the  yoke,  is  to  be  in  a  state  of  slavery.  To  have  the 
yoke  broken  off,  is  to  be  made  free.  This  will  be  admitted 
by  all  abolitionists:  for  they  use  Isa.  Iviii.  6,  very  constantly 
in  their  prayers,  and,  I  suppose,  in  their  arguments  :  "  Is 
not  this  the  fast  that  I  have  chosen  ?  to  loose  the  bands  of 
wickedness,  to  undo  the  heavy  burdens ;  and  to  let  the 
oppressed  go  free,  and  that  ye  break  every  yoke." 

Mr.  Moderator,  it  has  been  argued  on  this  floor,  from 
this  very  passage,  that  we  are  bound  to  manumit  all  the 
slaves.  We  have  here  an  admission,  which  might  have 
saved  me  the  preceding  labor.  However,  it  is  performed, 
and  you  have  it.  You  have  also  the  concession  of  the 
opposite  side,  that  to  be  under  the  yoke,  means  to  be 
slaves.  Let  us  keep  this.  The  douloi  of  whom  Paul  here 
speaks,  our  abolition  brethren  admit,  were  slaves.  But 
then,  what  will  we  do  with  Isaiah?  We  will  take  his 
language  for  just  what  it  means.  And  it  is  obvious,  at 
a  glance,  that  the  prophet  is  correcting  abuses,  in  the 
context  referred  to.  As  in  the  days  of  Nehemiah,  the 
Hebrews  had  gradually  disregarded  the  laws  relative  to 
the  treatment  of  their  slaves '.  they  did  not  release  at  the 
end  of  the  sixth  year,  nor  even  at  the  jubilee;  they 
treated  their  Hebrew  servants  with  rigor,  contrary  to 
law.  These  illegal  exactions  he  would  correct.  The 
law  forbid  the  Hebrew  to  make  his  brother  serve  with 


rigor;  this,  Isaiah  would  restore — "to  loose  the  banda 
of  wickedness,  to  undo  the  heavy  burdens."  The  law 
ordered  the  sei-vant  to  be  set  free,  of  whom  the  master 
had  broken  a  tooth,  or  destroyed  an  eye :  this,  the  prophet 
enforces,  "  and  to  let  the  oppressed — the  hroken,  as  it 
signifies,  go  free :  that  is,  for  his  eye's  or  his  tooth's  sake. 
The  law  made  all  Hebrew  slaves  free  at  the  end  of  six 
years ;  and  here  the  prophet,  like  Nehemiah,  enforces  the 
law :  "  Let  every  man,  who  is  entitled  by  the  law,  to  his 
freedom,  go  free — break  ye  off  every  yoke.*^'  To  infer, 
from  the  general  term,  "  every  yoke,"  that  those  who 
were  not,  by  law,  entitled  to  freedom,  must  obtain  it,  is 
not  to  interpret,  but  to  pervert  the  prophet's  language. 
"  Servants,  obey  your  masters  in  all  things,"  is  Paul's 
injunction.  No,  to  infer  that  they  are  to  do  things  in 
obedience  to  man,  which  God  has  forbidden,  is  to  pervert, 
and  not  to  interpret  Paul.  So  here,  exactly.  To  infer, 
from  the  general  term,  every  yoke,  that  the  prophet  means 
to  oblige  the  Israelite  to  manumit  those  servants,  whom 
the  law  expressly  says  he  may  keep  as  servants  for  ever,  is 
not  to  explain  Isaiah,  but  to  pervert  bis  obvious  intent  and 

Again :  the  servants,  in  this  context,  are  "  exhorted  to 
account  their  own  masters  worthy  of  all  honor ;"  hence, 
according  to  the  mode  of  interpretation  we  refute,  the 
inference  must  be,  that  they  should  account  these  masters 
worthy  of  divine  worship,  for  this  is  included  in  all  honor; 
if  every  yoke  necessarily  means  all  slaves  absolutely,  and 
all  absolutely  are  commanded,  by  Isaiah,  to  be  set  free  ; 
then,  all  honor  must  include  divine  reverence  and  adora- 
tion; and  so,  these  slaves  must  worship  their  masters  as 
gods.  Such  absurdities  follow  from  neglect  ftf  that  canon 
of  interpretation,  which  sound  criticism  and  common  sense 
have,  for   ages,  established   and   deemed   incontrovertible. 


namely,  that  general  terms  must  be  subjected  to  such 
restrictions,  as  the  nature  of  the  subject,  and  the  scope 
or  drift  of  the  writer  require.  In  the  present  instance, 
by  this  rule,  all  hcmor,  means  all  honor  properly  belonging 
to  the  relation  of  master  and  servant,  as  regulated  by  the 
laws  and  reputable  usages  of  the  community.  So  in 
Isaiah,  all  yokes,  or  every  yoke,  means  every  one,  which, 
according  to  law,  and  reputable  use,  required  to  be 
broken  off. 

3.  My  third  remark,  on  this  passage  of  Timothy,  is, 
that  these  douloi  under  the  yoke,  are  exhorted  to  account 
their  own  masters  worthy  of  all  honor.  The  word 
for  masters,  is  despotos — absolute  lords.  It  was  before 
stated,  that  this  is  a  strong  term.  It  is  used  in  Simeon's 
prayer,  Luke  ii.  29  :  "  Lord,  now  lettest  thou  thy  servant 
depart  in  peace."  In  Acts  iv.  24 :  *  *  *  "  Lord, 
thou  art  God."  Rev.  vi.  10 :  "  How  long,  O  Lord." 
Jude  iv.:  "  Denying  the  only  Lord  God,"  &c.  The 
term  properly  signifies  absolute  lord  or  master,  and  this 
has  its  proper  correlate  in  doulos,  a  slave.  Now,  these 
despots  are  to  be  accounted  worthy  of  all  honor;  and 
Christian  slaves  are  commanded  not  to  despise  their 
believing  masters,  but  to  serve  them — to  perform  the 
part  of  slaves  to  them — douleuetosan.  Here  is  the 
very  contradictory — the  exact  opposite  of  abolitionism. 
Instead  of  contemning,  and  despising,  and  purloining, 
and  running  away  from  their  masters,  as  some  teach 
they  ought,  these  slaves  are  exhorted,  and  commanded,  to 
respect  and  love,  to  abide  with,  and  faithfully  to  serve, 
their  despots. 

4.  We  may  observe,  again,  the  reason,  enforcing  this 
obedience  and  respectful  demeanor.  It  is,  that  the  religion 
of  these  Christian  slaves  may  be  commended  to  their 
masters,  and  to  all  men.     Christianity  is  not  a  religion 


of  violent  civil  and  political  revolutions :  it  never  organizes 
a  political  party.  Its  interference — rude  and  violent 
interference  with  civil  arrangements,  would  cause  its 
author's  name  to  be  blasphemed,  and  his  doctrines  to 
be  abhorred  and  rejected. 

5.  Timothy  is  not  left  at  liberty  to  teach,  or  not  to 
teach,  this  doctrine  of  the  subordination  of  slaves  to  their 
own  masters.  Paul  lays  it  on  him  peremptorily.  "  These 
things  teach  and  exhort."  It  is  quite  possible,  that  the 
colonizationists,  the  only  true  and  efficient  friends  of  the 
colored  race,  have  fallen  behind  the  hne  of  duty  in  this 
thing.  For  love  of  peace — from  an  earnest  desire  to 
avoid  violent  excitement,  we  have  neglected  Paul's 
injunction.  We  have  so  held  back,  as  to  produce  the 
impression  upon  the  minds  of  the  opponents  of  Paul's 
doctrine,  that  we  felt  ourselves  at  a  loss  for  anything  to 
say  in  his  defence.  You  have  seen  them  in  this  Synod, 
daring,  and  braving,  and  bantering  us. 

"  I  am  for  peace,  but  wben  I  speai, 
For  battle  they  are  keen." 

6.  The  apostle  points  out  the  origin  of  the  opposite  ; 
teaching.  And  here,  Mr.  Moderator,  I  am  sorry  I  shall  1 
be  obliged  to  say  some  things  extremely  unpleasant —  ; 
unpleasant  to  our  brethren;  hard  for  them  to  endure, 
because  they  will  come  with  blistering  severity — unpleas-  ; 
ant  ffor  me  to  utter,  only  because  of  the  pain  they  may  | 
occasion ;  the  alienation  of  affection,  the  heart-burnings  I 
and  jealousies  that  will  probably  follow  r  not  because  ! 
they  are  uncalled  for  and  avoidable ;  they  are  become 
imperiously  necessary.  These  very  brethren  have  made  f 
the  issue  and  forced  us  upon  it.  Faithfulness  to  God*8  j 
word  will  no  longer  tolerate  mincing  and  mouthing  ! 
with    great    caution.      We   must    expound    it    according  [ 



to  its  plain  and  obvious  truth  and  meaning.  If  the 
two-edged  sword  meet  with  matter  to  cut,  let  it  cut. 
If  a  festering  ulcer  fret  and  fatten  on  the  body  ecclesi- 
astical, let  the  scalpel  reach  its  core,  and  let  the  probe 
search  its  depth. 

I  say,  then,  that  Paul  finds  the  origin  of  abolitionism 
in  the  vanity,  self-conceit,  and  puffed  up  pride  of  the 
human  heart.  "  If  any  man  teach  otherwise,  and 
consent  not  to  wholesome  words,"  &c.  Now,  to  teach 
otherwise,  is  to  teach  other  and  opposite  doctrine  to 
that  which  he  teaches,  viz :  that  slaves  should  respect, 
love,  and  serve  their  own  masters.  If  any  man  teach 
opposite  to  these  doctrines — if  he  teach  modern  anti- 
slavery  doctrines,  such  as  abound  in  their  publications 
and  speeches,  he  is  tetuipJiotai — -proud  we  have  it 
translated.  But  I  appeal  to  every  Greek  scholar,  if  it 
do  not  mean  vain,  puffed  up,  self-conceited.  But  I  will 
not  trust  to  Greek  scholars  only.  I  will  refer  you  to 
better  authority — 1  Tim.  iii.  6.  Speaking  of  the  qualifi- 
cationa  of  a  bishop,  Paul  says,  he  must  be,  '^Not  a 
novice,  lest  being  lifted  up  with  pride — tuiphotJieis — he 
fall  into  the  condemnation  of  the  devil."  The  word 
in  our  text,  then,  translated  "  he  is  proud,"  means  such 
a  lifting  up  with  pride,  as  greatly  endangers  the  person's 
falling  into  the  condemnation  of  the  devil. 

Again,  2  Tim.  iii.  4 ;  speaking  of  the  last  days— the 
days  in  which  we  live.  Sir,  and  of  the  perilous  times 
that  shall  come,  he  says,  "  Men  shall  be  lovers  of  their 
own  selves,  covetous,  boasters,  proud  *  *  traitors,  heady, 
high-minded,  ietup7iomenoi."  Does  not  this  mean,  puffed 
up  with  vain  pride  and  contemptible  self-:eonceit  ? 

This  form  of  the  word  does  not  again  occur  in  the 
New  Testament ;  but  nearly  the  same  we  have  once. 
Matt.  xii.   20,  "  The  smoTcing  flax  he  will  not  quenoK" 



tvjphomeTum  linon.  The  primary  idea  is  taken  from  the 
thick  vapory  smoke,  which  ascends  from  damp  straw 
or  weeds,  when  they  are  kindled  with  fire,  but  before 
the  flame  acquires  strength  to  consume  the  foggy  smoke. 
How  forcibly  does  this  describe  the  state  of  a  self- 
conceited  mind,  which  supposes  itself  the  origin  of  light, 
and  truth,  and  wisdom;  and  wrapping  itself  round  and 
round  in  the  fog  and  smoke  of  its  own  vanity,  and 
ascending  amid  the  cloud  of  its  own  incense,  looks  down 
with  pity  or  with  scorn,  upon  the  ignorant  world 
below ! 

The  history  of  modern  abolitionism,  as  to  its  origin, 
Virill  be  found  to  tally  with  this  picture.  A  vigorous 
young  man  was  refused  promotion  in  the  service  of 
the  American  Colonization  Society ;  he  became  offended, 
removed  to  a  neighboring  city,  set  up  an  opposition 
paper,  and  thus  became  the  father  of  the  modern  anti- 
slavery  movement.  Who  the  mother  may  have  been, 
is  now  difficult  to  tell.  That  honor  may,  perhaps,  by 
a  little  slip  of  chronology,  be  conferred  on  Abby  Kelly — 
at  least,  she  is  laboriously  discharging  the  duties  of  a 
dry  nurse. 

7.  Let  us  mark,  in  the  last  place,  the  consequences 
of  a  system  of  movements,  which  has  such  an  origin. 
Could  they  be  expected  to  be  characterized  by  meekness, 
wisdom,  humility,  brotherly  kindness,  charity]  As  well 
might  the  lamb  and  kid  claim  paternity  from  the  hyena 
and  the  wolf.  But  see  what  Paul  says;  —  "Whereof 
Cometh  envy,  strife,  railing,  evil  surmisings,  perverse 
disputings  of  men  of  corrupt  minds  and  destitute  of  the 
truth."  To  this  charge,  Mr.  Moderator,  our  brethren 
of  this  Synod,  on  behalf  of  the  original  abolitionists, 
now  the  Garrison  and  Abby  Kelly  party,  have  pleaded 
guilty.      They  have   distinctly   admitted   the   correctness 



of  Paul's  prophetic  representations.  But  ibr  themselves — 
and  thus  far  we  gladly  admit  the  plea — and  for  the 
great  body  of  abolitionists,  they  plead  not  guilty ;  and 
attempt  to  wash  their  hands  of  all  the  infidel  party's 
doings.  But  we  must  not — whilst  we  let  off  our  brethren 
individually,  and  as  ministers  of  God,  from  the  weight 
of  this  charge-*-we  must  not,  and  we  cannot,  in  faithful- 
ness to  Paul  and  to  truth,  let  the  abolition  movement 
escape.  We  contend,  that  the  infidel  abolitionists — tJie 
no  government  men  and  women — the  anarchical  party, 
are  the  real,  true,  and  only  consistent  anti-slavery  men 
and  women.  They  are  the  sound  logicians,  who  have 
fearlessly  followed  out  the  fundamental  principle  of  the 
movement.  It  were  easy  to  show,  that,  if  you  once  admit 
the  simple  relation  of  master  and  servant,  irrespective 
of  cruelty  and  abuses,  to  be,  in  itself,  sinful,  then  you 
must  deny  the  morality  of  a  temporary  existence  of 
the  relation ;  for  if  it  is  a  sin,  in  itself,  it  must  be  so 
whether  it  be  of  long  or  short  duration.  Surely,  if  to 
hold  a  man  in  bondage  for  life — say  thirty  years — is 
a  sin  ;  to  hold  him  ten,  five,  one  year,  is  a  sin  too.  But 
the  relation  of  parent  and  child  involves  obligations  of  the 
latter  to  obey  the  former;  hence,  this,  too,  must  be 
abandoned.  Next  goes  that  oi  husband  and  wife. 
Next,  that  of  civil  ruler  and  ruled.  The  original 
abolitionists  have  clearly  seen,  that  all  these  relations 
are  spoken  of  in  the  same  Scriptures  that  speak  of 
master  and  servant;  and  they  have  logically  inferred, 
that  the  arguments  which  go  to  make  the  simple  relation 
a  sin,  in  the  one,  will  equally  nullify  the  whole.  The 
infidel  abolitionists  are  the  sound  reasoners  in  this  case. 
We,  therefore,  hold  the  movement,  as  a  whole,  responsible 
for  the  horrible  results  which  our  brethren,  here,  deplora 
equally  with  us. 


Thus,  by  six  plain  passages  of  Scripture,  have  I  proved 
the  fourth  and  fifth  propositions,  that  the  'New  Testament 
recognizes  the  existence  of  slavery  ;  and  that  it  prescribes 
the  duties  of  servants  to  their  masters,  and  masters  to 
their  servants;  and  yet,  in  no  instance,  does  it  forbid 
slaves  to  obey,  or  masters  to  retain  their  slaves:  no 
text  commands  masters  to  liberate  their  slaves. 

Let  us  now  hear  the  conclusion  of  the  whole  Scriptural 
argument.  I  have  demonstrated  five  distinct  propositions 
in  regard  to  the  Old  Testament,  which  see. 

As  to  the  New  Testament,  T  have  laid  down  two 
distinct  general  propositions,  and  supported  them  by 
five  distinct  subordinate  ones : — 

L  There  is  not  a  sentence  in  the  New  Testarnent  which 
expressly  forbids  the  having  and  the  holding  of  a  slave. 

II.  There  is  not  a  sentence  in  the  New  Testament  which, 
hy  fair  and  just  interpretation,  according  to  the  rules  of 
grammar,  gives  ground  for  the  logical  iffercTice  that  the 
simple  holding  of  a  slave  or  slaves  is  inconsistent  tcith 
Christian  profession  and  Christian  character. 

The  five  which  go  to  prove  the  truth  of  these  are : — 

I.  That  the  Greek  word,  doulos,  usvully  trandated 
servant,  properly  and  commonly  means  a  person  hdd  to 
service  for  life — a  slave. 

This  was  proved  by  a  reference  to  all  the  cases  of  its 
occurrence  in  the  New  Testament,  by  classes;  and  by 
its  contrast  with  the  opposite  term,  eleutheros — this  means 
free;  doulos  ia  the  opposite,  and  must  mean  a  slave. 

II.  With  an  inference.  Paul  advises  servants  to  abide 
quietly  in  their  condition.  This  he  could  not  do,  if  the 
relation  of  master  and  servant  were,  in  itself,  a  sin. 

This  was  proved,  and  the  inference  was  sustained. 

III.  With  an  inference.  The  New  Testament  recogni- 
zes some  masters  as  good  men — true  and  faithful  believers. 


Therefore,   the   relation   of  master   and   slave  may   exist 
consistently  with  Christian  character  and  profession. 

IV.  The  New  Testament  recognizes  the  existence  oj 

V.  The  ?V&«ij  Testament  prescribes  the  duties  of  servants 
to  their  masters,  and  of  masters  to  their  servants  ;  enjoining 
obedience  to  the  one,  and  kind  treatment  from  the  other. 

As  to  these  propositions,  both  relative  to  the  Old  and 
New  Testaments,  I  am  aware  the  practiced  logician  may 
take  exception  on  the  ground  of  form  and  arrangement  : 
he  may  say,  they  are  not  always  distinct — they  overlap 
in  some  places.  This  is  admitted,  and  was,  perhaps, 
not  wholly  avoidable,  in  an  argument  designed  not 
exclusively  for  the  practiced  reasoner,  but  mainly  for 
the  popular  mind.  Their  truth,  however,  is  the  main 
matter;  and  to  this  I  invite  the  attention  of  any  who 
may  choose  to  reply.  I  hope  the  brethren  will  not 
flinch.  If  any  man  chooses  to  controvert  any  one  of 
them,  let  him  do  it ;  not  by  declaiming  against  the  horrors 
of  slavery,  or  the  impiety  of  asserting  that  the  Bible 
tolerates  it.  Let  us  not  have  popular  appeals,  but 
logical,  scriptural  argument.  Let  no  man  content  him- 
self with  a  tirade  against  my  inferences;  let  him  come 
up  fearlessly  to  my  propositions.  If  he  can  refute  them, 
or  any  of  them,  then,  he  may  shake  public  confidence 
in  the  inferences.  Until  then,  they  will  stand  unmoved 
in  the  solid  judgment  of  thinking  men,  whatever  excite- 
ment may  be  raised  by  pathetic  appeals  to  human 
sympathy,  and  the  weaknesses  of  men  and  women.* 

*  It  is  worthy  of  remark,  that  although  every  effort  was  made,  in  the 
delivery  of  this  speech  in  Synod,  to  invite  attention  to  the  above  propo- 
sitions, and  every  thing  done  which  the  speaker  conld  think  of  to 
provoke  the  opposition  to  deny  them,  or  any  of  them,  and  to  bring  plain 
Scriptore  command  to  masters,  to  liberate  their  slaves,  not  one  of  the 


The  inferences  which  I  deduce  from  tlie  preceding 
propositions  are  two,  viz : — 

I.  According  to  the  Bible,  a  man  may  stand  in  the 
relation  of  a  master  and  hold  slaves,  and  yet  be  a  fair,  and 
reputable,  and  consistent  professor  of  the  religion  of  the 

II.  There  is  no  power  on  earth — no  authority  in  the 
Church,  to  make  the  holding,  or  the  not  holding  of  a  slave, 
a  term  of  communion,  or  condition  of  admission  to  the 
privileges  of  the  Church. 

For  cruelty  to  their  slaves,  in  any  form — for  unkind 
and  harsh  treatment — for  violent  and  abusive  language, 
even  masters  may  be  censured,  and  if  such  offences 
against  the  Word  of  God  be  persevered  in,  may  be 
suspended  and  ultimately  excommunicated.  But  if  a 
master  treats  his  servants  as  the  Bible  commands  him 
to  do,  there  is  no  power  in  Church  officers,  to  censure 
or  excommunicate  him,  simply  because  he  is  a  master — 
because  he  holds  slaves.  Hence,  the  Corollary :  Who- 
ever assume  and  exercise  such  power,  do  therein  usurp 
the  prerogative  of  the  King  and  Head  of  the  Church,  and 
expose  themselves  to  the  penalties  of  such  as  lord  it  over 
God's  heritage.  Such  violate  a  plain  precept  of  God's 
word:  —  "Be  not  many  masters;"  "neither  as  being 
lords  over  God's  heritage."  They  thrust  themselves  into 
the  throne,  and  exercise  a  power  which  Christ  has  not 
granted  to  the  officers  of  the  Church ;  but  which  he  has 

propositions  was  denied  by  any  speaker,  and  no  man  ever  asserted  that 
the  Bible  commands  masters  to  free  their  slaves.  A  speech  of  about  six 
and  a  half  hours  was  delivered,  chiefly  in  direct  reply  to  this,  yet  no 
attempt  was  made  to  disprove  one  of  the  points  taken,  nor  w  as  one  of 
them  directly  denied;  nor  was  it  pretended,  by  any  of  the  speakers,  that 
the  Bible  commands  masters  to  manumit  their  slaves,  nor  was  their 
inability  to  do  any  of  those  things  manfully  acknowledged  by  any  of  the 


I  forbidden  to  be  exercised.      Tliey  become,  themselves,  the 

usurping  despots,  and  make  the  freemen  of  God  their  slaves. 
You  see,  Mr.  Moderator,  I  proceed  upon  the  principle, 
that  the  King  of  Zion,  only,  can  settle  the  terms  or 
conditions  of  admission  to  membership  in  his  visible 
kingdom.  If  any  man  deny  this,  I  cannot,  here,  enter 
into  controversy  veith  him.  But,  assuming  this  as 
:  indubitably  true,  the  corollary   follow^s,  by  an  inevitable 

logical  necessity. 

What,  then,  have  we  gained  by  this  whole  argument  ] 
Simply    this — that   slavery — the    relation   of  master   and 
I  slate — not,    you    will    observe,    any    violence  ;    not    any 

j  cruel  treatment;    but  simply  the  relation,  is   tolerated  in 

I  the  Holy  Scriptures.     I  have  not  said  the  Bible  sanctions 

I  it — the  Bible  commands  it,  except  in  the  case  of  forfeiture 

i  of  liberty  by  crime.     But  the  Bible,  permits  it:  no  where 

I  does  it  command  masters  to  manumit  their  slaves. 

I  This,  Mr.  Moderator,  some  of  our  brethren  have  found 

themselves  too  honest-hearted  to  deny.  Some  have  fully 
admitted  it.  One  excellent  brother,  seeing  no  room  for 
denial,  proceeded  to  argue  thus  against  me,  admitting  the 
position  I  have  elaborated,  as  true.  What  if  the  Bible 
of  old  did  tolerate  slavery  %  Does  it  hence  follow  that  it 
must  be  tolerated  now?  The  Bible  tolerated  polygamy. 
Here  is  a  parallel  case,  and  you  will  be  obliged,  by  this 
argument,  to  tolerate  this  evil.  The  Hebrews  held  slaves, 
and  were,  notwithstanding,  members  of  God's  Church; 
hence,  it  is  inferred.  Christians  may  hold  slaves,  and  yet 
be,  and  continue,  members  of  God's  Church.  But,  said 
our  good  brother,  the  temper  of  whose  steel  I  understand, 
and  can,  therefore,  make  free  to  try  its  edge,  if  this 
argument  is  good  for  the  toleration  of  slavery,  it  is  also 
good  for  the  toleration  of  polygamy.  For,  the  Hebrews 
often  had  a  plurality  of  wives  and  concubines,  and  were* 


-notwithstanding,   accounted    reputable    members    of    the  I 

Church:    consequently,   Christians  may  indulge  in  poly-  i 

gamy,  and  yet  occupy  a  reputable  standing  in  the  Church.  | 

Such  was  the  brother's  argument,  as  I  think  every  one  ' 

in  the  house  must  have  understood  it ;  and,  I  admit,  it  is 
very  plausible,  and  would  be  conclusive,  if  he  would 
prove  one  thing,  viz:  that  polygamy  is  tolerated  in  the 
New  Testament.  Then,  the  cases  would  be  exactly 
analogous.  But  exact  similarity  is  indispensable  to  truth 
and  safety,  in  an  analogical  argument :  and,  therefore, 
until  it  shall  be  shown,  that  polygamy  existed,  and  was 
not  forbidden,  in  the  New  Testament,  as  I  have  shown 
that  slavery  existed,  and  was  not  forbidden,  the  argument 
is  not  a  tripod — it  is  only  a  biped ;  aad  a  stool  cannot 
stand  on  two  legs.  But  this  postulatum  necessarium — 
this  indispensable  point,  cannot  be  sustained;  for  it  is  the 
reverse  of  truth.  The  New  Testament  prohibits  polygamy. 
Mark  x.  6 — 8:  "But  from  the  beginning  of  the  creation, 
God  made  them  male  and  female.  For  this  cause  shall  a 
man  leave  his  father  and  mother,  and  cleave  to  his  wife; 
and  they  twain  shall  be  one  flesh :  so,  then,  they  are  no 
more  tvi^ain,  but  one  flesh."  Here  is  a  prohibition,  not 
only  of  causeless  divorce,  but  of  polygamy.  A  man  can 
have  but  one  wife,  says  the  Redeemer;  and  this  is  the 
original  law  of  man's  creation.  Moses  tolerated  your 
departures  from  this  law,  "for  the  hardness  of  your 
hearts;"  but  now,  the  original  law  is  placed  before  you. 
Accordingly,  wherever  the  duties  of  husbands  are  spoken 
of,  there  can  be  found  no  recognition  of  two  or  more 
wives  to  one  husband,  "  for  the  husband  is  the  head  of  the 
wife.  Let  every  one  so  love  his  wife,  even  as  himself,  and 
the  wife  see  that  she  reverence  her  husband."  Eph.  v.  23. 
Always,  one  only,  is  implied.  But  again,  1  Tim.  iii.  2, 
aescribing  the  qualifications  of  a  bishop,  Paul  says,  he 


must  be  "the  husband  of  one  wife;"  and  so,  verse  12: 
"Let  the  deacons  be  the  husbands  of  one  wife."  So,  Tit 
i.  6  :  *  *  *  "  The  husband  of  one  wife."  Now  these 
show,  that  polygamy  had  been  tolerated,  but  now  is  no 
longer  to  be  tolerated.  It  is  censured  as  a  disqualification 
for  any  office  in  the  Church.  No  matter  what  qualifications, 
otherwise,  a  man  may  have  for  office,  if  he  have  more 
than  one  wife,  he  is  excluded  from  office.  Now,  let  our 
anti-slavery  brethren  produce  us  a  declaration  of  Our 
Redeemer,  to  this  amount,  that  slavery,  which  Moses 
tolerated,  is  not  any  longer  to  be  tolerated,  that  no  slave 
holder  shall  be  a  deacon,  a  presbyter,  or  a  bishop.  Let 
them  do  this,  and  their  analogical  argument  is  good,  and 
we  will  abandon  the  defence.     Thus,  we  shut  them  in. 

But  some  brethren  in  the  oppositicm  seem,  to  me,  Mr. 
Moderator,  to  have  gone  somewhat  farther  towards  giving 
up  the  ship.  Did  not  your  ear  catch  an  argument  to  this 
amount  1  "  It  is  not  slavery,  in  the  abstract,  we  oppose ; 
we  disregard  abstractions.  We  oppose  slavery  as  it  exists 
in  these  United  States.  This,  we  say,  is  a  sin,  and  against 
this,  we  lift  up  our  voice,  and  would  have  this  Synod  to 
condemn  it.  Let  abstract  relations  go  to  the  wall;  but 
let  us  attack  the  actual,  living  reality."  Surely,  sir,  you 
heard  this.  Well,  what  is  its  concession  ?  Does  it  not 
concede  their  inability  to  occupy  a  foothold  on  the  ground 
of  the  civil,  social  relation  of  master  and  slave  ?  Does  it 
not  concede  that  they  are  able  only  to  assault  the  abuses, 
"the  cruelty,  and  tyranny,  and  oppression,  so  often  con- 
nected with  itl"  I  think  one  prominent  debater  admitted, 
in  so  many  words,  that  he  would  not,  or  could  not,  contend 
against  the  abstract  relation;  but,  against  the  practical 
system,  he  felt  able  and  determined  to  contend.  Well, 
if  they  abandon  the  principle  in  dispute,  let  us,  for  a 

moment,  look  at  the  practical  argument. 


Allow  me  to  state  it  in  full  logical  form,  namely :  All  [ 

things,  which  involve  many  great  and  crying  moral  evils,  ( 

ought  immediately  to  be  abandoned  and  abolished. 

But  slavery,  as  it  exists,  and  is  practiced  in  the  United 
States,  involves  many  great  and  crying  moral  evils. 
'   Therefore,  slavery,  as  it  exists,  and  is  practiced  in  the 
United  States,  ought  immediately  to  be  abandoned  and 

Is  not  this  the  pith  and  substance  of  all  their  arguments  1 
And  who  will  point  out  one  logical  defect  about  it? 
Notwithstanding  its  plausibility,  let  us  apply  the  argument 
to  other  social  relations,  and  see  how  it  will  work. 

Marriage,  or  the  relatioiA  of  husband  and  wife,  as  it 
exists,  and  is  practiced  in  the  United  States,  involves 
many  great  and  crying  moral  evils ;  therefore,  it  ought  to 
be  immediately  abandoned  and  abolished.  Is  not  this 
identically  the  same  argument  ?  Does  it  not  rest  on  the 
same  major,  namely,  all  things  which  involve  great  and 
crying  moral  evils,  ought  to  be  immediately  abandoned 
and  abolished.  Do  you  not  admit  the  expressed  minor  ? 
Can  any  man  deny,  that  husbands  and  wives,  in  the 
United  States,  do  often  quarrel  and  wrangle  in  the  very 
matters  of  duty  belonging  to  the  relation  1  Is  there  no 
hellish  jealousy,  no  open  abuse  of  power,  no  violent 
treatment,  no  abandonment,  no  horrid  murder  committed  ] 
Clearly,  the  minor  is  true,  and  the  conclusion  inevitable. 

Again :  the  parental  relation,  as  it  exists  and  is  practiced 
in  the  United  States,  involves  many  great  and  crying  moral 
evils;  therefore,  it  ought  to  be  immediately  abandoned  and 
abolished.  Most  assuredly,  harsh,  unkind  treatment,  violent 
beating,  resulting  in  death  sometimes — lessons  of  impurity, 
even  to  compulsory  prostitution ;  and  all  the  natural  results 
— lying,  swearing,  stealing,  quarrelling,  drunkenness — all 
these  are  involved  in,  and  brought  about  by  the  parental 


relation :  the  conclusion  is  logical^  it  ought  to  be  immedi- 
ately abolished. 

Yet  again,  civil  government,  as  it  exists  and  is  practiced 
in  the  United  States,  involves  many  great  and  crying  moral 
evils;  therefore,  it  ought  to  be  immediately  abandoned  and 
abolished.  Does  any  man  deny  the  minor?  Will  any 
man  say,  there  are  no  moral  abominations  practiced  in  our 
government  and  our  politics  1  Are  fraud  and  villainy  no 
moral  evils  ?  Are  perjury  and  falsehood  no  moral  evils  ? 
Are  slander  and  defamation  no  moral  evils  ?  Are  stab- 
bing, and  dirking,  and  shooting  men — vi'ith  all  the 
blasphemous  language  which  usually  accompanies  such 
things — are  these  no  moral  evils  ?  You  see,  sir,  the 
conclusion  closes  in  upon  us  :  our  civil  government  ought 
to  be  immediately  abandoned  and  abolished. 

Examine  every  one  of  these,  and  see  w^hether  there  be 
any  difference  in  their  construction.  Persuaded  I  am,  no 
man,  who  understands  what  an  argument  is,  will  deny 
their  exact  similarity — their  logical  identity.  But  will 
our  brethren  take  the  conclusions  ?  If  not,  will  they  be  so 
good  as  to  point  out  the  fallacy,  in  their  own  argument  ? 
oi  so  candid,  as  to  admit  its  existence  1 

The  fallacy  here,  is  in  one  term,  and  springs  from  the 
accident.  "  All  things  which  involve  moral  evils."  Slavery 
involves  moral  evils.  Things  may  be  involved  necessarily 
or  accidentally.  Blue  paper  involves  arsenic;  not  necessa- 
rily, but  only  contingently.  Arsenic  involves  a  poisonous 
quality ;  not  contingently,  but  necessarily.  Anger  involves 
moral  evil;  not  necessarily,  but  only  contingently.  "Be  ye 
angry  and  sin  not."  Murder  involves  moral  evil;  not 
contingently,  but  necessarily.  Thus,  you  see,  that  before 
you  can  draw  the  conclusion,  that  our  civil  government 
ought  to  be  immediately  abolished,  you  must  prove  that  it 
necessarily  involves  villainy,  perjury,  falsehood,  &c.     But 


that  i.hese  evils  are  separable,  at  least  in  a  high  degree,  ; 

from  it,  must  be  admitted;  and,  therefore,  the  conclusion  is  j 

not  correct.  .  j 

Before  you  can  infer,  that  the  parental  relation  ought  i 

to   be   immediately   abolished,    you    must   prove,   that   it  ;• 

necessarily  involves  the  evils  of  cruelty,  &c.  f 

Before   you   can    infer,   that    marriage   ought    to    be  i 

immediately  abolished,  you  must  prove  that  it  necessarily  \ 

involves  jealousy,  angry  contention,  and  murder.  | 

Before    you    can     infer,    that    slavery    ought    to    be  | 

immediately  abolished,  you  must  prove  that  it  necessarily  j 

involves   many   great   and    crying   evils.      If   these   are  \ 

contingent  and  avoidable,  the  inference  is  illogical;  it 
springs  from  the  fallacy  of  the  accident.  [ 

But  there  is  another  question  to  be  met,  before  yoU  can  ' 

infer  that  our  government  ought  to  be  abolished.  Be  it 
even  conceded,  that  all  the  evils  enumerated  are  not 
avoidable,  that  some  cannot,  in  the  present  state  of 
human  nature,  be  entirely  remedied  ;  will  it,  even  then, 
follow,  that  civil  government  ought  to  be  abolished] 
Certainly  not.  The  previous  question  is,  would  the 
abolition  of  our  government,  because  some  evils  involved 
in  it  are  unavoidable,  be  a  removal  of  these  evils  and 
involve  fewer  ?  Unless  this  Can  be  answered  affirma- 
tively, clearly,  the  inference  against  it  is  illogical.  So, 
were  it  proved,  that  all  the  evils  involved  in  American 
Slavery,  are  not  avoidable,  but  some  are  necessarily 
involved;  still  it  will  not  follow,  that  it  ought  at  once 
to  be  abolished,  unless  it  can  be  shown  that  this  abolition 
would  remove  the  remaining  evils,  and  not  introduce 

We  have  been  told,  the  golden  rule,  "  Love  thy  neighbor 
as  thyself — all  things  whatsoever  ye  would  that  men 
should  do  unto  you,  do  ye  even  so  unto  them,"  makes 


directly  against  the  very  existence  of  slavery,  and  leads 
to  immediate  abolition.  But  the  direct  reverse  of  the 
latter  is  true.  The  Golden  rule  will  not  suffer  immediate 
abolition,  except  in  the  special  cases,  where  the  slaves  are, 
at  the  time,  in  a  capacity  and  circumstances  in  which 
freedom  would  be  a  real  benefit  to  them.  To  turn  out 
slaves  into  the  kind  of  freedom  which  they  enjoy — rather 
which  they  endure  and  suffer  in  our  Free  States,  of  Ohio, 
Pennsylvania,  New  York — with  the  habits,  the  education, 
the  ignorance  of  men  and  business  which  they  mostly 
labor  under,  would  be  to  act  a  cruel  part,  directly  in 
opposition  to  the  Saviour's  golden  rule.  No  man  but 
a  fool  would  wish  to  be  thus  set  free.  No,  Mr.  Mode- 
rator, the  man  in  whose  hands  Divine  Providence  has 
thrown  any  of  his  fellow  men  in  this  form,  is  bound  by 
every  tie  that  can  bind  the  soul^f  man,  not  to  set  them 
free,  untU  he  can  do  it  to  their  advantage.  He  may  feel 
them  a  heavy  burden — a  charge  weighty  and  difficult  to 
manage ;  but  he  is  bound,  by  God's  authority,  to  sustain 
the  charge,  to  endure  the  labor  of  caring  for  them, 
making  them  work,  feeding,  clothing,  and  instructing 
them,  and  thus  fitting  them  for  the  use  of  freedom,  and 
so  leading  on  to  that  result,  whenever  it  can  be  done 
consistently  with  the  highest  interests  of  the  community. 
The  opposite  doctrine  is  radicalism,  and  leads  to  the 
subversion  of  all  order  and  law.  We  have  a  sample 
of  it  often  in  the  treatment  of  children.  Some  parents 
take  no  control  over  their  children.  They  are  too 
indolent,  and  have  too  little  conscience  to  feel  the 
obligation  to  rule  their  household.  Their  children  enjoy 
a  vast  amount  of  liberty — that  is,  of  reckless  criminality — 
freedom  from  all  restraints ;  and,  of  course,  they  become 
the  pests  of  society,  and,  ultimately  the  inmates  of 
penitentiaries  and  candidates  for  the  gibbet.     But  God's 


law  requires  and  commands  parents  to  rule  their  children. 
They  have  no  right  to  set  tiiem  free,  until  they  are 
first  educated  and  fitted  to  provide  for  them-selves.  So 
masters  are  bound  to  keep  their  servants  in  bondage, 
until  they  are  fitted  to  be  free.  Immediate  abolition 
would  be,  in  almost  all  cases,  a  gro»s  violation  of  the 
universal   law  of  love. 

But  let  us  return  to  the  conclusion  farnished  by  the 
Scriptural  argument.  Slavery  is  tolerated  in  the  Bible — 
it  is  not  made  a  term  of  C(jmmuniou  by  the  King  of  Zion, 
consequently,,  the  officers  of  his  Church  have  no  power 
to  make  it  a  term  of  communion.  Here  is  the  doctrine 
for  which  we  contend ;  and,  by  this  we  hope  to  save  this 
fair  land  from  being  deluged  in  the  blood  of  its  inhabi- 
tants, and  this  free  nation  from  the  chains  of  servitude  to 
European  despots.  ^^ 

Should  the  opposite  doctrine  prevail  —  should  the 
holding  of  slaves  be  made  a  crime,  by  the  officers  of 
the  Churches,  the  non-slaveholding  States,  should  they 
break  communion  with  their  Southern  brethi'en,  and 
denounce  them  as  guilty  of  damning  sin,  as  kid- 
nappers and  menstealers,  as  worthy  of  the  penitentiary, 
as  has  been  done  here  in  this  Synod — should  this  doctrine 
and  this  practice  prevail  throughout  the  Northei'n  States, 
can  any  man  be  so  blind  as  not  to  see,  that  a  dissolution 
of  the  Union  —  a  civil,  and,  perhap"*,  servile  war,  must 
be  the  consequence  1  Such  a  war  as  the  world  has 
never  witnessed — a  war  of  uncompromising  extermi- 
nation, that  will  lay  waste  this  vast  territory,  and  leave 
the  despotic  powers  of  Europe  exulting  over  the  futt 
of  the  Republic]  All  the  elements  are  here  —  the 
physical,  the  intellectual,  the  moral  — elements  for  a 
strife,  different,  in  the  horribleness  of  its  character,  from 
anything  the  world  h;«  ever  witnessed.      Let  the  spirits 


of  these  men  be  only  once  aroused ;  let  their  feelings  be 
only  once  chafed  up  to  the  fighting  point ;  let  the  irritation 
only  be  kept  up  until  the  North  and  the  South  come  to 
blows  on  the  question  of  slavery,  their  "  contentions  will 
be  as  the  bars  of  a  castle,"  broken  only  with  the  last 
pulsations  of  a  nation's  heart. 




Thb  Negro  Race. — In  the  able  and  learned  lectares  of  Mr.  Qliddon, 
our  attention  was  particularly  excited  by  his  accounts  of  the  antiquities 
in  the  Egyptian  province  of  Monroe,  because  those  antiquities  constitute 
the  most  striking  illustration  of  negro  civilization  which  history  or 
archaaology  can  produce.  Monroe  was  a  country  on  the  Nile,  above 
Egypt  When  the  last  named  and  most  famous  seat  of  ancient 
civilization  was  overrun  by  Cambyses  and  other  cruel  conquerors,  a 
portion  of  the  inhabitants  retreated  up  the  river  and  established 
themselves  in  Monroe.  Hither  they  transported  their  old  forms  of 
government,  of  worship,  their  old  arts,  and  their  antique  customs.  They 
built  temples  and  excavated  tombs ;  they  erected  obelisks,  they  covered 
them  with  inscriptions  in  their  hieroglyphic  alphabet,  and  the  inscriptions 
and  sculptures — which  date  with  the  first  generations  of  this  colony — are 
fomid  to  be  as  perfect  as  those  of  the  Lower  Nile.  But  the  colony  was 
cut  off  from  the  body  of  the  nation  by  intervening  deserts  and  fierce 
nomads.  The  number  of  emigrants  was  never  increased  from  the  old 
races.  Necessai-ily,  the  men  were  in  a  great  disproportion  to  the 
women,  and  they  Were  forced  to  take  their  wives  and  concubines  from 
the  captives  which  they  made  in  their  wars  with  the  surrounding  and 
barbarous  tribes.  Now  the  Egyptians  were  of  a  different  race,  but  these 
tribes  were  negrobs.  Hence,  the  second  generation  of  the  Monroeites 
were  mulattoes.  The  process  of  amalgamation  continued.  They  formed 
harems  from  their  sable  purchases:  so  that  the  third  generation  were 
Samboes.  The  next  were  still  nearer  the  negro  type,  and  the  work 
proceeded  until  all  traces  of  Caucasian  blood  disappeared,  and  Monroe 
was  inhabited  by  a  pure  black  race,  like  that  of  the  vast  regions  on  its 

The  most  interesting  circomatai^  connected  with  these  facts,  is,  the 
continued  deterioration  in  the  sculptural  remains  of  the  coantry,  and 
th£ir  final  cessation  with  the  disappearance  of  the  white  blood.  The 
inscriptions  and  portraits  of  the  original  emigrants,  as  before  said,  are 
equal  to  those  of  the  old  Empire.  But,  in  those  of  their  mulatto  children, 
their  is  a  great  diflRerence.  The  sculpture  is  clumsy— the  inscriptionB  in 
bad  grammar  and  in  worse  orthography.  The  next  are  inferior  even  to 
those ;  and,  in  the  succeeding  generation,  it  becomes  evident  that  they 
wholly  lost  the  language,  and,  no  longer  understood  what  they  wrote 
The  inscriptions  are  nothing  more  than  miserable  copies  from  the  earlier 
works :  so  that  on  a  tomb  that  is  evidently  of  a  late  date,  will  be  found 
a  badly  executed  copy  of  the  inscription  on  the  tomb  of  its  owner's  great 
grandfather — even  the  date  and  name  being  unaltered.  After  that  they 
lost  even  the  power  of  intelligible  imitations,  and  a  few  scrawls  on 
uncarved  rocks  are  the  latest  remains  that  are  found.  The  Monroeites 
then  cease  to  be  Egyptians  even  in  name  and  tradition.  They  have 
forgotten  language,  government,  religion,  and  arts.  They  have  no 
buildings,  and  no  enduring  tombs.  The  province  is  no  longer  distin- 
guishable from  the  country  around.  The  race  has  relapsed  into  absolute 
negro  barbarism. 

This  illustration  of  their  incapacity,  not  merely  to  attain  civilization, 
but  even  to  retain  it  when  given  them,  is  a  type  of  the  universal  history 
of  the  negro  race.  The  world  has  their  history  in  its  hands  for  the  space 
of  nearly  five  thousand  years.  Negroes  appear  on  the  scuplture  of  old 
Egypt.  But  in  that  multitudinous  country  they  were  utterly  valueless. 
The  Egyptians  considered  them  too  stupid  to  be  worth  teaching  even 
agricultural  drudgery ;  and  we  only  see  their  figures  when  led  as  captives 
a  the  triumph  of  some  belligerent  Pharaoh.  From  that  time  until  this,  the 
negro  has  never  appeared,  save  in  three  forms  of  existence :  captivity 
barbarism,  or  slavery.  The  last  is  the  highest  form  of  social  life  of 
which  experience,  at  least,  permits  us  to  suppose  him  capable. 

Circumstance,  could  never  have  kept  down  any  race  for  five  thousand 
years,  which  were  capable  of  rising  into  civilization.  All  the  white  races 
have  been,  in  time,  barbarians ;  but  all  its  branches  have,  in  time,  left  it, 
and  attained  their  natural  grades  of  civilization.  But  the  negro  has  never 
left  the  lowest  type  of  barbarism,  save  for  captivity  or  slavery.  In  the 
vast  continent  of  Afirica  they  have  always  existed  in  millions,  with  no 
extraordinary  circumstances  to  depress  them.  Bat,  then,  we  never 
hear  of  them,  save  as  cannibal  savages.  No  such  thing  as  a  negro 
government  has  ever  existed  in  Afiica.  Petty  kingdoms  have  existed, 
and  do  exist :  some  with  so  called  cities  like  Timbuctoo.  But  the  haif- 
elad  rulers,  in  all  these  kingdoms,  are  Moors  or  Fellaks,  a  branch  of  the 
Arab  family,  and  the  people  of  Timbuctoo  are  Arabs  and  Fellaks.    The 


Republic  of  Liberia  can  scarcely  be  called  an  exception,  since  t  is 
watched  and  guided  by  the  Colonization  Society,  supported  on  all  sides 
by  England  and  by  other  governments,  is  re-enforced  every  year  from  the 
United  States,  and  is  governed  by  Mulattoes.  Even,  with  all  this 
assistance,  it  exhibits  evidences  of  decay,  and  of  relapsing  into  the 
characteristic  barbarism  of  the  neighboring  native  tribes.*  Dr.  Mechlin, 
who  lived  in  Liberia  five  years,  and,  for  part  of  that  time,  was 
governor  of  that  colony,  has  declared  the  experiment  to  be  a  failure  ;  and 
died  in  Mobile,  with  the  declaration,  that  he  saw  no  hope  of  ever 
rendering  the  negro  race  fit  for  self-government.  On  this  continent,  they 
have  received  the  most  signal  trial.  They  were  protected  by  civilized 
States.  They  possessed  the  richest  islands  on  the  globe,  with  the 
richest  commerce  at  their  doors.  The  result  is  very  notorious.  Famine 
ravages,  often,  that  fertile  land.  Petty  but  desolating  wars  occupy 
its  sections.  The  only  government  which  subsists,  is  that  of  a 
bloody  and  stupid  beast,  who  is  emperor  over  one  corner  of  the  island. 
OfiT  from  the  seaports,  the  people  have  lost  arts,  religion,  industry, 
decency — have  relapsed  into  absolute  cannibalism.  Dr.  Nott  states,  on 
the  authority  of  an  eye  witness,  that,  on  two  occasions,  while  travelling  in 
Hayti,  he  saw  the  negroes  roasting  and  eating  their  Dominican  prisoners 
by  the  road-side. 

In  the  free  States  of  this  country,  the  negro  race  can  reach  every 
advantage  which  the  white  man  possesses.  Many  of  them  are  educated. 
But  where  have  they  evinced  capacity  to  make  use  of  our  civilization? 
Where  have  their  best  classes  achieved  a  higher  destiny  than  that  of 
tavern  waiters  1  Where  have  their  masses  risen  above  the  very  lowest 
level  of  the  worst  population  ?  Where  has  any  individual  even,  attained 
not  to  say  distinction,  but  respectability  in  any  profession?  In  England, 
many  negroes  who  were  supposed  to  exhibit  talent  when  children,  have 
been  subjected  to  the  hot  bed  process  of  culture,  and  two  or  three  of 
these  have  been  brought  up  to  the  mark  of  writing  verses.  These  have 
been  collated  into  a  volume,  and  Bishop  Gregoire,  of  Blois,  has  written 
a  stupid  book  to  prove,  therefrom,  the  intellectual  equality  of  the  race. 
But  any  one  who  will  take  the  trouble  to  read  these  verses  will  find 
them,  for  the  most  part,  a  doggerel  too  poor  to  be  called  verses  at  all ; 
and,  whenever  a  copy  occurs,  of  sufficient  merit  for  the  poet's  corner 

•  Although  this  may  be  true  to  a  limited  extent,  as  is  clearly  established  by 
evidence  of  an  unquestionable  character,  yet  our  desires  for  the  success  of  this 
colony,  leads  us  to  hope  for  better  results.  The  Colony  of  Liberia,  affording,  aa  it 
does,  an  assylum  for  the  refuse  free  black  population  of  the  United  States,  is 
deserving  of  the  support  and  prayers  of  every  Christian  philanthropist  in 
ChriBtendom. — EDrroB. 

of  the  smallest  kind  of  country  newspaper,  its  author  is  sure  to  tarn  out  a 
mulatto  or  quadroon,  when  the  accompanying  biographies  are  referred  to. 

By  the  history  of  the  negro  race,  it  is,  therefore,  incontrovertibly 
proven,  that  they  are  utterly  incapable  of  civilization  or  development 
beyond  the  point  of  slavery.  When  the  starved  barbarian  is  taken  from 
the  wilds  of  A.frica,  clothed  well,  fed  well,  and  associated  with  the  whites' 
he  quickly  aftquires  a  certain  degree  of  health,  strength,  and  intelligence. 
He  will  quickly  ape  the  white.  But  there  his  development  ceases. 
Beyond  that,  in  no  instance,  has  he  ever  gone.  Without  amalgamation 
with  the  white  race,  he  remains  where  he  begun,  and  sinks  so  soon  a0 
the  superior  influence  is  withdrawn. 

These  phenomena  are  peculiar  to  the  black  race.  None  of  the  diversi- 
fied families  of  the  white  race  exhibit  them.  To  which  one  of  the  white 
races  cotild  the  advantages  be  given  which  lie  before  the  negroes  of  the 
United  States,  without  an  immediate  operation  and  proof  of  its  talent  and 
its  intellectual  superiority,  in  hundreds  and  thousands  of  instances?  A^ 
the  white  races  have  been  civilized  and  developed  in  time,  and  where 
circumstances  have  thrown  them  back  into  barbarism,  they  all  exhibit 
capacity  for  civULzation.  But  the  exact  contrary  is  the  characteristic  of 
the  negro  race. 

What  deduction  is  to  be  drawn  from  these  facts?  The  plain  and 
inevitable  deduction  is  this :  that  the  negro  is  a  totally  distinct  race  from 
the  Caucasian;  that  the  negro  is  the  connecting  link  between  man  and 
the  brute  creation;  that  the  negro  race  is  designed  by  nature  to  be 
subordinate  to  and  dependent  upon  the  white  or  superior  races :  th« 
the  negro  race  is  the  result  of  a  different  act  of  the  Creator  from  that 
which  originated  the  Caucasian,  and  is,  consequently,  beyond  the  scope 
of  those  abstract  axioms  which  declare  that  all  races  are  of  one  blood 
and  have  equal  rights  natural,  social,  and  political. 

"Bible  Defence  op  Slavery,  or  Origin  and  History  of  the 
Negro  Race." — This  is  one  among  the  multitudinous  publications  of  the 
day  that  is  richly  worthy  a  careful  perusal  by  every  lover  of  truth  and 
justice,  reason  and  religion,  virtue  and  humanity.  It  is  what  its  title 
imports,  a  veritable,  impregnable  defense  and  vindication  of  the  South, 
her  rights  and  peculiar  policy  and  institations.  It  is  no  "  catch  penny," 
harbingered  by  an  ignis  futuus  of  a  murky  imagination  and  a  baser 
cupidity,  for  purposes  of  speculation,  but  a  work  of  masterly  ability  and 
most  profound  research.  This  peculiarity,  of  itself,  apart  from  its 
relevant  connection  vrith  a  mooted  and  vexed  question,  would  render  it 

K  valuable  work  to  the  scholar  and  divine.  Bat,  when  we  take  into 
consideration  its  direct  bearing  upon  the  absorbing  topic  of  the  day,  and 
that  it  is  the  production  of  the  ablest  divines  and  profoondest  scholars  of 
which  the  great  North,  in  all  her  pride  and  glory,  can  boast,  its  intrinsic 
worth,  then,  becomes  magnified  a  thousand  fold.  Its  aathors,  in  their 
patient  researches  after  truth,  have  explored  the  mighty  ocean  of 
biblical,  scientific,  and  historical  lore,  in  all  their  heights*  and  depths, 
lengths  and  breadths,  and  planted  themselves  upon  a  rock  not  less  firm 
and  immovable  than  the  adamant  of  ages.  Their  own  adverse  education 
and  preconceived  opinions  vanished  before  the  splendor  of  their 
investigations,  whilst  the  sordid  vampires  of  fanaticism  and  political 
incendiarism  are  made  to  coil  their  serpent  heads,  and  seek  refuge  in 
their  native  dens  and  caves  of  pauperism  and  degradation  whence  they 
come,  and  where  they,  unregenerated,  belong  as  a  legitimate  right. 

Charleston,  June  16,  1851. 

Mr.  W.  S.  Brown, — I  have  your  acceptable  favor  of  the  27th  ult.  before 
me.  Since  I  wrote  last,  the  volume  you  sent  me  has  come  to  hand,  and 
I  have  read  it  with  much  attention  and  great  gratification.  It  is  an  able 
and  comprehensive  defence  of  our  Institutions,  and  I  think  it  will  be 
received  every  where  with  congratulation.  I  have  thoroughly  examined 
the  book,  and  regard  it  as  one  of  the  best  productions  which  has  ever 
appeared  in  defence  of  the  South. 

Your  book  is  a  favorite  in  our  family,  and  is,  at  present,  going  the 
rounds,  for  perusal,  by  every  member. 

Very  truly  and  fraternally  yours, 


Ed.  of  the  Southern  Home  Journal. 


Bible  Detence  of  Slavery. — This  is  the  title  of  a  work  just  issued 
from  the  press,  by  W.  S.  Brown,  M.D.,  Glasgow,  Ky.  The  author 
maintains  that  the  negroes  are  the  decendants  of  Ham,  and,  in  fulfillment 
of  the  decree  of  Heaven,  have  been,  in  every  age,  servants  of  servants ; 
that  they  are,  mentally,  morally,  and  physically  constituted  to  be  such, 
and  will  be  servants  in  all  time  to  come.  These  positions  are  maintained 
by  an  appeal  to  history,  to  Revelation,  and  to  the  character  of  the 
negroes.  Time  will  not  permit  us  to  enter  into  any  thing  like  a  review  of 
this  work,  but  we  recommend  it  to  the  attention  of  every  man  who  may 

feel  aa  interest  (as  all  necessarily  must)  in  ttie  all-enf^Toasing  snbjects 
of  slavery  and  abolitionism. 

Let  every  Soathern  man  read  this  book,  and  make  up  his  mind 
whether  slavery  is  an  evil  which  he  should  endeavor  to  extirpate  or  not. 
If  he  decides  that  it  is,  then,  let  him  aquiesce  in  Northern  poUcy,  and 
more,  let  him  openly  advocate  it,  as  honest  men  at  the  North  do,  on  the 
ground  that  it  will  end  in  the  abolition  of  slavery.  If,  on  the  contrary,  le 
come  to  the  conclusion  that  slavery  is  not  an  evil,  but  has  the  sanction  of 
high  Heaven,  (as  this  work  most  clearly  shows)  and,  that  it  has  been  a 
blessing  and  not  a  curse,  then,  let  him  fearlessly  defend  his  rights,  and 
wage  open  and  manly  war  upon  the  policy  adopted,  expressly  and 
avowedly,  for  the  purpose  of  overthrowing  Southern  Institutions. 

This  book  does  not  touch  upon  -pariy  questions  as  tbey  exist  at  the 
south.  It  is  simply  what  it  purports  to  be,  a  defence  of  slavery,  and  a 
very  able  one  too.  We  hope  it  will  be  universally  read  at  the  South, 
and  serve,  at  least,  to  create  hai-mony  of  views  among  southern  people. 
We  have  little  idea  that  it  will  Be  read  at  the  Nortli.  A  fanaticism  that 
discards  the  Bible,  because  it  recognizes  slavery,  is  blind  and  deaf  to  all 
that  can  be  said  on  the  subject.  Buy  Ike  book  and  read  it.  Patronize 
those  who  defend  your  Institutions. 


The  undersigned  takes  pleasure  in  recommending  "  Bible  Defence  of 
Slavery,"  as  being  the  best  production  on  the  subject  with  which  he  ig 
acquainted.  The  whole  subject  is  treated  in  a  most  masterly  manner; 
exhibiting  great  research  and  learning,  as  well  as  superior  biblical 
knowledge.  The  entire  work  is  replete  with  interest.  Every  honest 
inquirer  after  truth  should  read  it. 


Aberdeen,  Miss.  Nov.  28<A.  1851. 

Another  scientific  gentleman  of  distinction,  in  noticing  the  book,  saya 
of  it :  "  It  is  a  rare  work,  and  every  man,  in  the  South  especially,  ought 
to  peruse  its  pages.  Many  authors  have  written  upon  this  subject,  in 
times  past,  but  we  are  convinced  that  it  never  has  been  handled  bo 
effectually  and  learnedly,  as  in  this  work.  The  Authors  are  clear,  lucid, 
and  forcible.  Their  arguments  are  unique,  grand,  and  weighty.  In  a 
word,  they  prove  themselves  superior  Scholars,  and  men  of  great  ability. 
Ri  every  step  they  take  in  the  defence  of  this  great  subject." 


The  Vexed  Q.uestion  Settled— Bible  Defence  of  SLivERt.- 
!  The  work  bearing  the  above  title  we  have  carefully  examined,  and  can, 

unhesitatingly,  say,  that  it  is  the  ablest  work  of  the  kind  we  e\er  saw 
j  and,  so  far  as  we  have  seen  or  heard,  it  is  without  an  equal  in  the 

j  English  language.    Being  clearly  and  fairly  based  upon  the  Scriptures, 

I  and  confirmed  by  undoubted  facts  connected  with  our  race,  since  the 

i  flood,  it  is,  therefore,  a  work  of  Inunense  value  to  all  persons  who  wish 

!•  to  know  the  truth  upon  the  subject  of  slavery.     And  particularly  so  with 

I  the  people  of  the  South  and  West,  whose  liberty,  interests,  and  rights' 

i  are  now  being  insulted  by  European  and  Northern  interference. 

j  W.  D.  JOURDAN, 

I  THO.  H.  M.  WINN. 

j  .  W.  K.  WINN, 

j  A.  K.  BAGBY, 

I  ,  ,  B.  F.  DANIS. 

H.  D.  JETT.  M.D. 
Glasgow,  Ky.,  March  8,  1851. 

The  above  work  contains  nearly  six  hundred  pages  octavo,  neatly 
printed  and  substantially  bound,  and  it  is  the  determination  of  the 
'ublisher  to  place  a  copy  in  the  hands  of  every  genuine  fi-iend  of  truth 
and  reason,  of  the  South  and  her  rights.  There  can  be  no  question  of  the 
fact,  that  the  well-being  of  our  race,  the  peace  and  prosperity  of  our 
common  country ;  the  protection  of  our  dearest  interests  of  life  and 
property,  and  the  security  of  our  firesides  and  family  altars,  are  more 
intimately  connected  with  the  general  circulation  of  this  work  among  the 
masses,  than  with  that  of  any  other  in  existence.  Its  tendency  is,  not  to 
engender  strife  or  foster  error  and  fanaticism,  but  to  inculcate  truth,  and 
give  security  and  permanency  to  those  institutions  and  relations  of  life 
which  have  been  wisely  ordained  by  God,  sanctioned  by  all  human 
experience,  and  guarantied  by  the  constitution  of  oar  conmion  country — 
the  Magna  Charta  of  freedom  and  human  rights.  Let,  then,  every 
friend  of  his  country  and  of  his  God,  of  the  South  and  her  rights,  of  truth 
and  reason  3f  protection  to  life  and  property,  contribute  his  mite  to  its 

W.  S.  BROWN,  Publisher. 

Jan     4,  1852     Glasgow,  Ky. 

Bible  Defence  of  Slavery. — This  is  the  title  of  the  work  of  whiob 
we  made  bare  mention  in  our  last,  and  promised  a  more  extended  notice 
this  week.  It  is  not  possible  that  positions  justified  by  biblical  argn- 
ment,  or  reasoning  deduced  from  profane  history,  can  be  rendered  as 
clear  and  conclusive  as  demonstrations  in  mathematics ;  but  the  authors 
let  in  upon  their  subject,  floods  of  light,  which  must  have  very  decided 
and  salutary  influence  upon  public  sentiment  in  reference  to  the 
"peculiar  institution''  of  the  South.  On  examination  of  this  book — 
such  an  one  as  the  multiplicity  and  arduousness  of  business  engagements 
would  allow — we  have  found  it  to  be,  indeed,  what  its  title  imports,  a 
Defence  of  Slavery.  It  is  not,  exclusively,  drawn  from  the  Holy 
Scriptures,  however.  The  writers,  in  the  light  of  many  pertinent 
circumstances,  apart  from  it.  as  well  as  in  that  of  the  bible,  carefully 
examine  the  subject  of  slavery,  as  it  relates  to  the  negro  race,  and 
gives  a  more  satisfactory  account  of  the  origin  of  black  men — of  their 
color — of  the  causes  of  their  state  of  servitude,  and  traces  of  their 
character,  as  well  in  ancient  as  in  modem  times,  dealing  en  passant, 
many  pungent  and  severe  strictures  upon  that  pseudo  system  of 
philanthropy,  or  fanaticism,  yclept  modem  abolitionism,  which  threatens 
dissolution  to  the  cherished  Union  of  the  American  States.  Finally, 
the  authors  propose  a  plan  of  national  colonization,  that  is  deemed 
adequate  to  the  removal  of  the  entire  free  black  population  of  the  United 
States,  and  all  that  may  hereafter  become  free,  in  a  manner  harmonizing 
with  the  well-being  of  both  races.  Such  is  a  succinct  statement  of  the 
main  features  of  the  book. 

That  the  authors  are  men  of  the  North,  had  been  reared  and  educated 
there,  in  the  very  heart  of  a  community  of  abolitionists,  and,  under  the 
strong  influence  of  its  deep-rooted  and  bitter  prejudices  against  slavery, 
are  considerations  that  must  go  a  great  way  in  recommending  any  views 
they  may  set  up  in  tolerating  or  justifying  the  institution.  Their 
opinions  can  but  be  regarded  weighty— infinitely  more  entitled  to 
respectful  consideration  than  would  be  opinions  formed  in  harmony  with 
the  prevailing  prejudices  under  which  the  authors  were  educated.  The 
conflict  of  sentiment  with  the  precepts  of  early  training,  is  the  strongest 
kind  of  evidence  of  its  soundness,  and  of  the  sincerity  of  the  writers  pro- 
mulgating it.  These  circumstances  attending  the  publication  of  "Bible 
Defence  of  Slavery,' '  must,  therefore,  have  the  double  effect  to  insure  for 
it  a  wide  and  increasing  demand,  and,  per  consequence,  as  the  disqui- 
sition ia  very  able  and  convincing,  produce  a  very  decided  and  marked 
effect  upon  the  popular  mind  in  relation  to  its  subject  matter.  And  we 
commend  it  into  the  hands  of  all  reading  and  reflecting  men  everywhere. 






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