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Council of Planning Librarians § EXCHANGE BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 7 2-] 7 3 
F pint and 774 
| pril 1975 

4 Part Il 

(Preliminary Edition) : Indexed by State, Topic, Year, Agency 

David Hess 
Department of Urban and Regional Planning 
University of Illinois, Urbana 

The Library of the 

APR 14 1975 
Mrs. Mary Vance, Editor at Urbana-Champaign 
Post Office Box 229 
Monticello, Illinois 61856 

159. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 


Governor's Conference on Iowa in the Year 2000. Final 
Report. Des Moines. unpaged. 

2. State Planning 

a) Issues in General State Planning 


Office for Planning and Programming. lowa Urban Policy 
Study, by Barbara K. Bailey. Des Moines. 92p. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 


Office for Planning and Programming. A Land Classification 
Method for Land Use Planning; The Iowa Upper Mississippi 
Valley. Land Use Analysis Laboratory, Iowa State 
University. Ames. 120p. 

3. State Economic Planning 


Development Commission. Iowa, A Place to Grow, 10 Year 
Targets to 2001; Findings from the Conference for 
Planned Economic Development, April 13-1, 1970. Iowa 
State University, Ames. Des Moines. 19p. 

Office for Planning and Programming. The Quality of Life 
in Iowa: An economic and social report to the Governor. 
1970-71. Annual. Des Moines. 2v. 


Office for Planning and Programming. Manual for the 
Biennial Development Plan, State of Iowa (abridged). 
Des Moines. various pagings. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 


Office for Planning and Programming, and Department of 
Environmental Quality. Legal Data Bank for Environ- 
mental and Land Use Related Statutes. Des Moines. 


160. ‘CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
6. Recreational Resources 

Conservation Commission. Outdoor Recreation in Iowa, 
2nd..ed. Des Moines. «10v... 


Conservation Commission. Outdoor Recreation in Iowa. 
Des Moines. unpaged. . 

Governor's Committee on Conservation of Outdcor Resources. 
. Report on. Iowa's Outdoor Resources, Their Conservation and 
Use in Outdoor Recreation. Ed. Arnold 0. Haugen. Des 
Moines. 17p. : 
7. Housing 
a): General Housing Resources 
Office of Planning and Programming. Division of Municipal 
Affairs. The Statewide Housing Study .- A Summary. 
Des Moines. various pagings. 
8. Transportation Planning 
a). General Transportation Resources 
Office for Planning and Programming. Iowa Department of 
Transportation...a design for growth, for the Governor. 
Des Moines. 82p. 
b) Airport Planning 
Office of Planning and ,Programming. Long Range Iowa 
Airport Facilities Planning Study: Final report by 

Robert K. Meister, Robert G. McGilliuray and James E. 
Gorham by Stanford Research Institute. Des Moines. 23p. 

161. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
c) Highway Planning ; 
Highway Study Committee. Report. Des Moines. 20p. 
1961 . ie fos out 7 
Highway Study Committee. Report. Des Moines. 76p. 
1960 | 
Highway Study Committee... Iowa Highway Needs, 1960-1980, 
A Plan to Pace Highway Development with Economic Growth; 
by Automotive Safety Foundation with the State Highway 
Commission and Iowa Counties and Municipalities. 
Des: Moines. 83p. 
10. Issues in Regional Planning 
Office for Planning and Prégramming. lIowa Regional 
Development Reconnaissance, by Consultec, Inc. 
Des Moines. various pagings. 
ll. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 

General Assembly. Metropolitan. Planning Study Committee. 
Final Report. Des Moines. 3p. 

Office for Planning and Programming. Central Business — 

District Improvement Manual for Iowa Communities by 
Powers-Willis and Associates. Des Moines. 109p. 

Office for Planning and Programming. Division of Local 
Affairs. Annexation in Iowa; Planning and procedures, 
for the League of Iowa Municipalities and above. 
Des Moines... 17p.+: 
b) Local Planning Shep aig teal 

Development Commission. ~Iowa Planning and Zoning 
‘Legislation. Des Moines. various pagings. 

162. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

12. Information Systems and Inventories - 


Office of Planning and Programming. Toward the Develop- 
ment of a Statewide Land Use Information System for 
Iowa: System characteristics and criteria, by C. M. 
Austin & Donald Wade, Department of Geography and 
Center for Business and Behavioral Research, University 
of Northern Iowa. Des Moines. 98p. 

Office for Planning and Programming. Land Resource 
Information System: A development and demonstration 
for the State of Iowa by-Kenneth Dueker, Richard 
Talcott, Michael Goodéhild*and John Milligan, Institute 
of Urban and Regional Research, University of Iowa. 
Iowa City. various pagings. 


Development Commission. Planning Information System by 
Howard, Needles, Tammen and Bergendoff. Des Moines. 
various pagings, 

18. Wetland Management 

Conservation Commission. Marshes, Iowa's Richest Acres; 
Selection, development, management. Des Moines. 16p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

University of Iowa. Agricultural Law Center. Surface 
Water Drainage in‘Iowa. Iowa City. 17p. 

22. Agricultural Resources 

Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station. 
Projected State ‘and Regional Resource Requirements 
for Agriculture in the U.S. in 1980 by Leo V. Mayer 
and Earl 0. Heady with others. Ames. 0p. 


University of Iowa. Agricultural Law Center. Taxation 
Affecting Agricultural Land Use. Iowa City. 18p. 


Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station. Owner- 
ship of Iowa's Farmland by Roger W. Strohbehn and John F. 
Timmons. Ames, 36p. 

163. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 
Water Resources Research Institute. Development of Model 
for Pricing Water in Providing a Basis for Allocating 
Water Among Competing Uses: completion report. 

July 1969 to June 1972. By John F. Timmons, James R. 
Prescott and James J. Jacobs. Ames. 8p. 

b) Quality of Water Resources 
Water Pollution Control Commission. ‘Water Quality Criteria 
and Plan for Implementation and Enforcement for Surface 
Waters of Iowa. Des Moines. : various pagings. 
30. Siting Other Utilities 
Office for Planning and Programming. Division of 
Municipal Affairs. Funding and Construction of Water, 
Sewer and Solid Waste Facilities for Rural Iowa 

Communities for Governor's Rural Policy Council. 
Des Moines. 57p. 

3h. Solid Waste Management o 
a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 

Division of Environmental Health. Solid Waste Management 
Standards and Regulations. Des Moines. unpaged. 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 
Ageiouitural and Home Economics Experiment Station. 
Principal Soils of Iowa by W. R. Oschwald and others 
by the Department of Agronomy. Ames. 76p. 
b) Soil Erosion Control 
Agricultural and Home Economics Experiment Station. Soil 

Erosion and Some Means for its Control by R. Burnell 
Held, Melvin G. Blase and John F. Timmons. Ames. 32p. 

16h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

General Assembly. Environmental Study Committee. Final 
Report. Des Moines. 5p. 


2. State Planning 

a) Issues in General State Planning 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Summary: Planning design studies. Topeka. 15p. 

Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. 
Extension Service. Comprehensive Planning in Kansas, 
the future and planning for it, by Robert J. Bevins. 
Manhattan. 2p. 

' 1966 

Governor's Urban Affairs Study Committee. Report. Topeka. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 
Advisory Council on Ecology. Land Management Committee. 
Land Use Management and Planning in Kansas: A summary 
of activities of State agencies having responsibilities 

relating to land use management and planning by Richard 
D. Davis. Topeka. 20p. 


State Geological Survey. A Pilot Study of Land-Use Planning 
and Environmental Geology. Lawrence. 63p. 


Soil Conservation Committee. Soil Conservation Districts 
Encourage Wise Land Use; Report. Topeka. 2hkp. 

165. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
3. - State Economic Planning 


Department of Economic Development. Kansas' Economic 
Development Program; A*booklet about the services and 
function of the Kansas Department of Education. 
Topeka. unpaged. ‘ 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Development Analysis Regions and Sub-Regions of Kansas. 
Topeka. lp. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
State of Kansas Economic Development Plan, Phase III, 
Prospectus, by Oblinger’& Smith in association with 
Harold F. Wise. Topeka. 107p. 

Department of Economic Development Planning Division. 
Organization for State Comprehensive Development 
Plamnirig and Programming for the State of ‘Kansas by 
Harold F. Wise in association with Oblinger and Smith. 
Topeka. 75p. 


Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. 
Extension Service. A Guide to Local Action through an 
Area Resource Development Plan by Leo L. Cram. 
Manhattan, 15p. ~° — 

' Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
' Development for Kérisas; A sector report on its 

agriculture. Center for Research in Business, 
- University of Kansas. Lawrence. 3p. 

Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its 
manufacturing and industry. Center for Research in 
Business, University of Kansas. Lawrence. 39p. 

Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its mineral 
and water resources. Center for Research in Business, 
University of Kansas. Lawrence. 17p. 

166. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its 
transportation and utilities, Center for Research 
in eee Ug tached of Kansas. Lawrence. 50p. 

Governor' 8 Economic WelbaLeraten Committee. Economic 
Development: for Kansas; A sector report on its 
government by Darwin W. Daicoff. Center for Research 
in Business, University of Kansas. Lawrence. 36p. 

Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development: for Kansas; A sector report on its 
population and:labor force ‘by Sidney P. Feldman. 
Center for Research in Business, University of Kansas. 
Lawrence. 55P. 

Gp vensr* s Rooniamicg Démslestout Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its 
recreational and cultural resources by Glenn H. 

Miller, Jr. Center for Research in eye University 
of Kansas. Lawrence. 33p. 

Governor's Economie Development Committee. Economic 
ipreteaenenty (Ea Kansas, An Action Program. Topeka. 

6. Recreational Resources 

Department of Economic Development. Present and Future 
Demand for Outdoor Recreation, State of Kansas. 
Appendix 4, Vol. 2 by Midwest Research Institute. 
Topeka. 2v. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Outdoor Recreation Planning for Kansas: Scenic, 
historic recreation planning; outdoor recreation plan 
maintenance and methodology;. Lewis and Clark Trail and 
Missouri River recreation planning. Topeka. various 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
‘Outdoor Recreation Law. Topeka. 5p. 

Department of Economic Development... Planning Division. 
Outdoor Recreation Plan for Kansas. Topeka. 195p. 

167. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its 
‘recreational and cultural resources by Glenn H. 

Miller, Jr. Center-for Research in Business, University 
of Kansas. Lawrence. 33p. 


. Park and Resources Authority. .The Kansas Park & 
Resources Authority. Topeka. 6p. -: 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 


Department of Economic Development. Planning for Housing 
in Kansas by Langston Kitch & Associates, Inc. Topeka. 
various pagings. 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Initial Housing Element, -A Study Design for the 
Development of a Housing Plan for Kansas; includes a 
breakthrough operations plan. Topeka. lp. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Housing the Rural 
Aged in Kansas by Tessie Agan and Elinor M. Anderson. 

Manhattan. 27p. a a 
8. Transportation Planning . mgt 
a) General Transportation Resources 
1962 some ~ 
Governor's Boonoméc Deqeldpaans Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its 

transportation and utilities, Center for Research 
in Business, University of Kansas. Lawrence. 5Op. 

b) Airport Planning 
1969 ‘ ! 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Kansas Aviation Needs; Report by Wilson & Company. 
Topeka. lllp. 

168. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

c) Highway Plaming. | 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Highway Programming and State Development. 



State Highway Commission. Kansas Highway Needs for 
1975-1985. Topeka. 18p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Impacts of Interstate 
and Turnpike Highways on Kansas Farms, by Roy M. 

Hovey and Wilfred .H. Pine with the State Highway 
Commission. -Manhattan. 5lp. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Some Considerations for a Population Information 
. System in Kansas by Joseph E. DiSanto. Topeka. 5p. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 

A Population Information System in Kansas: Supplement. 
Topekas:.. 1LUSpe. yy. >. 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Short Run Population Trends and Forecasts, Kansas by 

Kansas State University, Department of Sociology and 
Anthropology and above. Topeka. 27p. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
A Design for a Study of Demographic Information System 
for Kansas by Wichita State University, Department of 
Sociology and Anthropology. Topeka. 8p. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 


State Geological Survey. Mined Land Redevelopment: 
Southeast Kansas Portion of the Ozarks Region, Final 

report to the Ozarks Regional Commission, by Ronald G. 
Hardy. Lawrence. 30p. 

169. CPL. Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


Department of Economic Development, Planning Division. 
Manual on Regional Planning and Development by Vermon 
P. Deines. Topeka. 36p. 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Development Analysis Regions and Sub-Regions of 
Kansas. Topeka. «lp. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Regions of Kansas, Organizing for Planning and Development. 
Topeka. . folder. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Regional Review for Planning in Kansas by Bucher and 
Willis and above. Topeka. 68p. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Regional Development, Planning and Programming for the 
State of Kansas, by Oblinger & Smith with Harold F. 
Wise. Topeka. 19p. 

Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. 
Extension Service. A Brief Sketch of Regional Compre- 
hensive Planning Procedure in Kansas by Robert J. 
Bevins. Manhattan. 2p. 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Regional Delineation Study for Kansas, by Kansas State 
University, Center for Community Planning Services. 
Topeka. lp.+ 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Regional Delineation for Kansas by Kansas State 

University, Center for Community Planning Services. 
Topeka. unpaged. 

11. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Basic Preparation for Planning by George T.C. Peng. 
Topeka. 22p. 

170. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77L, 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
What, Why and How in Community Planning by George T.C. 
Penk. Topeka. lip. 

Department of Economic ‘Development. Planning Division. 
What, Why and How in Community Zoning by George T.C. 
Peng. Topeka. Ilp. 


Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. 
Extension Service. County Comprehensive Planning 
Procedure in Kansas by. Robert J. Bevins. Manhattan. 
2p. i en 

Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. 
_ Extension Service. City Comprehensive Planning 
Procedure in Kansas by Robert J. Bevins... Manhattan. 2p. 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Some Considerations for. a Population Information System 
in Kansas by Joseph E. DiSanto. Topeka. 5p. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
A Population Information System in Kansas: Supplement. 
Topeka. 115p. ; 

Department of Economic Development.. Planning Division. 
A Design Study of a Planning Information System for 
Kansas by Langston-Kitch and Associates, Inc. Topeka. 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
A Design for a Study of a Demographic Information 
System for Kansas by Wichita State University, 
Department of Sociology and Anthropology. Topeka. 8p. 

14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development .and Management 


Department Economic Development. .Planning Division. 
Forum on Long Range Planning for Kansas. Mineral 
Resource Development, with the Geological Survey. 
Topeka. 5Shp. 

171. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its 
mineral and water resources. Center for Research in 
Business, University of Kansas. Lawrence. l17p. 

1960 ~ 

Park and Resources Authority. 

The Kansas Park & Resources 
Authority. Topeka. 6p. 

19. Land Preservation 

a) Issues in Land Preservation 


Legislature. Special Committee on Assessment and Taxation. 
Report and the 1972 Kansas 
Legislature. Topeka. 9p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

Water Resources Board. Kansas Streamflow Characteristics. 
Pt. 3. Flood Frequency by Davis W. Ellis and George W. 

Edelen, Jr. with the State Highway Commission and the 
U.S.G.5. Topeka. 221p. 

22. Agricultural Resources 


Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its 
agriculture. Center for Research in.Business, 
University of Kansas. Lawrence. 3p. 

State Board of Agriculture. Agriculture in the Kansas 

Economy by Wilbert H. Walther and Jasper E. Pallesen. 
Topeka. 19p. 

2h. Aesthetic Concerns 
b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
A Methodology for Inventorying and Evaluating the Scenic 
Quality and Related Recreational Value of Kansas Streams: 
Includes four selected streams, study consultant: James 
J. Nighswonger with the Parks and Resources Authority for 
the Joint Council on Recreation. Topeka. 119p. 

tes CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 

Water Resources Board. State Water Plan Studies. Pt. B. 
Kansas Long-Range Water Requirements. Topeka. 118p. 


Water Resources Board. Water for Rural Kansas. Topeka. 


Water Resources Board. Evaluation of the Surface Water 
Data Program in Kansas by P. R. Jordon and E, R. 
Hedman. Topeka. 9p. — 


Water Resources Board. Kansas Basins Project, Interim 
Report No. 1; Bibliography and inventory of available 
data with the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Regions 5 
and 7. Topeka. 178p. j 


Department of Economic Development, Planning Division. 
A Kansas Water Atlas, by Kansas Water Resources Board. 
Topeka. 57p. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Kansas Water Law, by Earl B. Shurtz for Water Resources 
Board. Topeka. 10bkp. 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
Irrigation in Kansas by John J. Pinney, by Water 
Resources Board. Topeka. 23p.+ 

Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
A Presentation of Special Water Districts in Kansas; 
A discussion of various types of water-related special 
State-authorized districts in Kansas by Water Resources 
Board. Topeka. 195p. 

is CPL. Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

State Geological Survey. Ground Water in Kansas 
Bibliography and Subject: Index by Robert S. Roberts 
and Warren G. Hudson. Lawrence. lp. 

Water Resources Board. Planning for Plenty; The 
Management of Kansas Water, 2nd. ed. Topeka. 18p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Some Economic Impacts 
of Water Reservoir Development, by R. D. McKinney and 
Paul W. Barkley. Manhattan. 6p. 

Water Resources Board. A Report to the Kansas Legislature 
on the State Water Plan. Topeka. j3lp. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Irrigation Effects on 
Kansas Soils by H. S. Jacobs and others. Manhattan. 9bp. 

Water Resources Board. Planning for Plenty; The Management 
of Kansas Water. Topeka. 18p. 


Legislative Council. Research Department. A Suggested 
Water Development Program for Kansas prepared under the 
supervision of the Committee on Legislative Budget. 
Topeka. 27p. 


Governor's Economic Development Committee. Economic 
Development for Kansas; A sector report on its mineral 
and water resources, Center for Research in Business, 
University of Kansas. Lawrence. 1)7p. 


Water Resources Board. Report to the 1961 Kansas 
Legislature Concerning State Water Policy and Program 
Needs. Topeka. 7p. 

b) Quality of Water Resources 
Department of Economic Development. Planning Division. 
A Study of Kansas Water Quality Control Needs by 

Kansas Water Resources Board with the Department of 
Health. Topeka. 8p. 

17h. ° CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
32. Issues in Surface Mining 
1971 foes dss 
State Geological Survey. Mined-Land Redevelopment Workshop, 
Pittsburg, Kansas, May 26 & 27, 1971, by above, Labor 

Department and the Ozarks Regional Commission. Lawrence. 

State Geological Survey. Mined Land Redevelopment: 
Southeast. Kansas portion of the Ozarks Region. Final 
report to the Ozarks Regional Commission, by Ronald G. 
Hardy. Lawrence. -30p. 
36. Issues. in Environmental Quality 

Advisory Council on Ecology. Report. lst Annual. 
Topeka. 16p. 

3. State Economic Planning 


Department. of Commerce. | Division of ‘Research and Planning. 
Transportation in Kentucky. Frankfort. 38p. 

University of Kentucky. Bureau of Business Research. 
Development Potentials for Kentucky Counties with 
Rélated Statistics by John L. Fulmer. Lexington. 220p. 
1965 erat 
Geological Survey. The Application of New Geologic Maps 
to the Economic Growth of mabe by Preston McGrain. 
_ Lexington, 13p. z 
8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation Resources 


Department of Commerce. Division of Research and Planning. 
Transportation in Kentucky. Frankfort. 38p. 

175. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of Commerce. Division of Research and Planning. 
Commuting Patterns of Kentucky Counties. Frankfort. 


Department of Commerce. . Division of Economic Research. 
Kentucky.Transportation by Road, Rail, Water, Air. 
Rev. Frankfort. unpaged. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 


Program Development Office. Bureau of Research and 
Analysis. Kentucky Population Projections: 1975-2020 
by Spindletop Research. Frankfort. 2v. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Population Growth in 
Kentucky, 1820-1960 by George A. Hillery, Jr. 
Lexington. 5p. 


Agricultural Experiment. Station. Projected Population 
Growth by Age, Sex, and Color Groups: 1960 to 1970 
by David L. Kruegel.. Lexington. 23p. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 

1970 °) 

Program Development Office. An Exploratory Analysis of a 
New Community & Regional Development Relocation System 
for the Appalachian Regional Commission. Frankfort. 

ll. toca Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 
1968 2 

Legislative Research Commission. Special Districts in 
Kentucky by Harry Lee Waters and William H. Raines. 

Frankfort. .93p. 


Department of Highways. Division of Planning. A Decision- 
Theoretic Approach to Weighting Community Development 
Criteria and Evaluating Alternative Plans by Charles C. 
Schimpeler, with U. S. Bureau of Public Roads, Frankfort. 


176. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 
196 yo | 

Department of Commerce. Division of Planning and Zoning. 
Frankfort. 8p. 

Legislative Research Commission. Planning and Zoning 
in Kentucky prepared by Mary. Clarke Santopolo and 
Carl P. Chelf. Frankfort. 53p. 
b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 
“197k | 

Office for Local Government. Local Planning Legislation 
for Kentucky. Frankfort. 33p. pes, 

13. Project Notification.and Review System Guides 
a) Federal Program 
-Program Development Office. Bureau of State Planning and 
' Program Coordination. . State Plan Review System Proposal 
by Patricia A. Camp, William W. Kendall and Michael A. 
Sicilian. Frankfort. 12p. 
1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 
“Geological Survey. Geologic Mapping Provides Key to 
Environmental and Natural. Resources Development in 
Kentucky by Preston McGrain. Lexington. 12p. 

Department of Commerce.» Division of Research. Natural 
Resources of Kentucky. Frankfort. Op. 

Department of Natural Resources. A Progress Report on 
the Development of Kentucky's Natural Resources, 196)- 
68. Frankfort. 32p. 

Department of Commerce. Division of Research. Natural 
Resources of Kentucky. Frankfort. 37p. 

177. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 

Department of Commerce. Division of Economic Research. 
Kentucky's Natural Resources. Frankfort. 22p. 

Department of Economic Development. Resources of Kentucky; 
Mineral and water resources, by J. H. Johnson and J. M. 
Stapleton. Frankfort. 35p. 
19. Land-Preservation 
a) Issues in Land Preservation 
Legislative Research Commission. Timberlands Taxation 
in Kentucky, by Charles L. Zettlemoyer and Michael 
Ades. Frankfort. 19p. 
20. Flood Plain Management 
Geological Survey. Floods in Kentucky, Magnitude and 
Frequency by John’ A. McCabe by the U.S.G.S. with above 
and the State Department of Commerce. Lexington. 196p. 
2h. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 


Division of Clean-Up and Beautification. Clean-up & 
Beautification in Kentucky. Frankfort. 32p. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 
Legislative Research Commission. Management of Kentucky's 

Water Resources, by Thomas Griswold, Judy Marlowe and 
Alan McElhaney, ed. by Brooks Talley. Frankfort. 79p. 

“178. PL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 


“Program Development Office. Program Design for Planning 
Water Quality Management in Kentucky River Basins by 

Schimpler-Corradino Associates. 

i - pagings. 

Frankfort. various 

Department of Contieces “ENTBIGn oP HAKEELEH ana Planning. 
Water for Industry in Kentucky. Frankfort. lp. 


Department of Natural Resources. 
Frankfort. 32p. 

Department of Natural- ‘Resources. 

1965. Frankfort. “718. 

Legislative Research Commission. 

by James C. Clay. Frankfort. 


Water Crises in Kentucky? 

~Kentucky Water Resources, 

Kentucky Law on Water, 

Department” of Economic™ “Development. - Resources of Kentucky; 
Mineral and water resources | by. ‘ie os Johnson and J. M. 

Stapleton. Frankfort. 35p.° 
28. Air Resources 

Legislative Research Commission. 

wT S 

Air Pollution Systems by 

Carol L. Krotzki and. Joe Bill Campbell. Frankfort. 

. Bhp. 


Sule aguag in New Soins Development 



Program Development Office. An 1 ia th a Analysis of a 
New Community & Regional Relocation System for the 
Appalachian Regional Commission. Frankfort. 19lp. 

179. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
32. Issues in Surface Mining 

Department of Natural Resources. Strip Mining in Kentucky. 
Frankfort. 55p. 

Strip Mining and Reclamation Commission. Strip Mining in 
Kentucky compiled under the direction of Robert 
Montgomery. Frankfort. 56p. 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Soil and Water 
Conservation in Kentucky. Frankfort. 32p. 


Conservation Needs Committee. Kentucky Soil and Water 
Conservation Needs Inventory. Frankfort. 1131p. 

1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 
Council on Governmental Reorganization - Goals for 

Louisiana Committee. Goals for Louisiana, Priorities 
for Action. Baton Rouge. 1llp. 


Council on Governmental Reorganization. Goals for 
Louisiana. Baton Rouge. 138p. 

2. State Planning 

a) Issues in General State Planning 


State Planning Office. State and Sub-State Planning 
Analysis and Documentation (comprehensive State plan 
phase II) prepared by Planning Systems Corp. in 
cooperation with Lawrence-Leiter and Company. 

Baton Rouge. 226p. 

180. ‘CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

State Planning Office. An Inventory of Planning Information 
by Management and Social Systems Division of Gulf South 
Research Institute. Baton Rouge. 115p. 

State Planning Office.. Analysis of Planning in Louisiana 

State Agencies by Oscar P. Zeringue and Dorothy J. 
Vann. Baton Rouge. 97p. 


Governor. The Governor's State Planning Program by Gulf 
South Research Institute. Baton Rouge. various pagings. 

Department of Public Works. The. Comprehensive Plan for 
the State of Louisiana; Population, economy and 

natural resources by Associated Louisiana Planning 
Consultants, Inc. Baton Rouge. 5v. 

3... State Economic Planning 
Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical 
College. College of Business Administration. Division 
of Research. Selected Bibliography on the Louisiana 

Economy by Louis J. Rodriguez and Michael E. Abodie. 
Baton Rouge. 30p. 

1967 apteee 
Department of Commerce and Industry. Delineation of 
Economic Development Districts in Louisiana by Gulf 
South Research Institute. Baton Rouge. 122p. 

Department of Commerce and Industry. Louisiana Invests 
in Industry. Rev. Baton Rouge. 16p. 

4. Growth as an Issue . 
State Planning Office. Community Development: An element 

of a growth and conservation policy by Richard P. 
Browne Associates. Eaton Rouge. 16kp. 

181. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

State Planning Office. Environmental Assessment: An 
Element of a Growth end Conservation Policy by 
Richard P. Browne Associates. Baton Rouge. 99p. 

State Planning Office. Approaches and Strategies: An 
Element of a Growth and Conservation Policy by 
Richard P. Browne Associates. Baton Rouge. 156p. 

State Planning Office. Industrial Diversification: An 
Element of a Growth and Conservation Policy, by 
Richard P. Browne Associates. Baton Rouge. 7p. 

State Planning Office. Growth Centers: An Element of a 
Growth and Conservation Policy by Richard P. Browne 
Associates. Baton Rouge. 0p. 

6. Recreational Resources 


State Parks and Recreation Commission. °Louisisna 
State Parks Plan by Gulf South Research Institute. 
Baton Rouge. unpaged. 


_ State Parks and Recreation Commission. Outdoor 
'  Reereation Plan. Baton Rouge. various pagings. 


State Parks and Recreation Commission. . Comprehensive 
Outdoor Recreation Plan - 19TO-I979: Baton Rouge. 
various pagings. 


_ State Parks and Recreation Commission. ‘Outdoor Recreation 
Plan. 2nd. rev. Baton Rouge. various pagings. 


‘State Parks and Recreation Commission. Louisiana 
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. 
Baton Rouge. unpaged. 

1965 Ying SE 

Stite Paid and Recreation Commission. Outdoor Recreation 
Plan. Baton Rouge. various pagings. 

182, CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 


State Planning Office. Louisiana Housing (conditions, 
influences and strategy), by William J. Long. 
Baton Rouge. 77p. 


State Planning Office. Initial Housing Element by 
Gerald J. McLindon. Baton Rouge. 9p. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 

State Planning Office. A Graphic Report on Population 
and Income; Quality of life; Employment and Earnings: 
The Cities. Baton Rouge. 3p. 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 


State Planning Office. A Design Study for a State Planning 
Information System by Gulf South Research Institute. 
Baton Rouge. 32p. 

17. Coastal Area Management 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 


Advisory Commission on Coastal and Marine Resources. 
Wetlands '73: Toward Coastal Zone Management in 
Louisiana. Baton Rouge. various pagings. 

Advisory Commission on Coastal and Marine Resources. 
Louisiana Wetlands Prospectus: Conclusions, 
Recommendations and Proposals. Baton Rouge. 36p.. 


Advisory Commission on Coastal and Marine Resources. 
Louisiana Government and the Coastal Zone. Baton 
Rouge. 208p. 

ake yal 

Wild Life and Fisheries Commission. Cooperative Gulf of 
Mexico Estuarine Inventory and Study, Louisiana; Phase II, 
Hydrology and Phase III, Sedimentology by Barney B. 
Barrett. New Orleans. 19lp. 

183. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
18, Wetland Management 

Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical 
College. Office of Publications. Wetlands, Resources 
of the Future. Baton Rouge. unpaged. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

Legislative Council. Organization and Operations of 
Levee Districts and Levee Boards in Louisiana. 
Baton Rouge. 115p. 

Department of Highways. Floods in Louisiana; Magnitude 

and frequency, by V. B. Saver by U.S.G.S. with above. 
Baton Rouge. 02p. 

21. Wildlife Resources 
Wild Life and Fisheries Commission. 1300 Square Miles of 
Unique, Irreplaceable Wild-Life Habitate in Louisiana 
is in Jeopardy. This factual comprehensive report 

documents the Atchafalya Basin crises by Grits 
Gresham. New Orleans. 12p. 

23. Forest Resources 

Forestry Commission. Forest Landownership in Louisiana 
by William C. Siegel. th ed. Baton Rouge. 9p. 

24. Aesthetic Concerns 
c) Historical Preservation 
1972 . 
Historical Preservation and Cultural Commission. 
Louisiana: An historic preservation plan. Vol. 3. 

Toward preservation; problems and projects in 
Louisiana. 2nd. ed. Baton Rouge. 2p. 


Historical Preservation and Cultural Commission. 
Preserving the Past. Baton Rouge. unpaged. 

_ 184. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
25. Water Resources 

a) Issues in Water Resources Planning 

1971 ein SA b PARE desk 

Department of Public’ ‘Works. ' “ Comprehensive Water and Land 
Resources Study: Present and projected water 
requirements for Louisiana by Gulf South Research 
Institute. Baton Rouge. various pagings. 

Department of Public Works. Comprehensive Water and Land 
Resources Study: Ground water resources and 
requirements for Louisiana, 1970-2020. Baton Rouge. 
170p. ae ms 

Department of Public Works. Drainage Area of Louisiana 
Streams by Raymond Sloss with the U.S.G.S. Baton 
_ Rouge. 117p. 


Department of Public Works. Comprehensive Water and 
Related Land Resources Study: Present industrial 
water use in Louisiana by Gulf South Research Institute. 
Baton Rouge. 100p. 


Departmsnt of Public Works. ‘Water and Related Land 
Resources Comprehensive Planning’ ‘Program by Gulf 
South Research Institute. Baton Rouge. 9p. 


Department of Public Works. The Comprehensive Plan for 
the State of Louisiana; Water resources by Associated 
_ Louisiana Planning Consultants, Inc. Baton Rouge. 


Geological Survey. Ground Water in Louisiana by J. R. 
Rollo. Baton Rouge. 8hp.+ 

26. Issues in Public Land Management 
State Land Office. Chronological List of Constitutional 
Provisions, Acts and Joint Resolutions of the State 

of Louisiana relating to her public lands from 1817 to 
1961. Baton Rouge. 51p. 

185. CPL Exchange Bibliography #172-773-774, 
28. Air Resources 

Air Control Commission. Implementation Plan. Baton 
Rouge. lbp. 

Air Control,Commission. Revisions to Louisiana's Air 

Implementation Plan Adopted July 11, 1972. New 
Orleans. various pagings. 

35. Soil Conservation 

a) Issues in Soil Conservation 


State Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Louisiana 
Conservation Needs Inventory: Soil,.water, cropland, 

pasture, forest and other land treatment needs, 
watershed needs. Baton Rouge. 90p. 


State Soil Conservation Committee. Do You Have A 
Conservation Plan for Your Farm? Baton Rouge. Up. 


Conservation Needs Committee. Louisiana Soil and Water 
Conservation Needs Inventory. Baton Rouge. 5p. 

Department of Highways. Testing and Research Section. 
Soils Manual by A. M. Rosenthal, Jr. and others. 
3rd ed. Baton Rouge. various pagings. 
36. Issues in Environmental Quality 
1972 . 
Legislature. Joint Committee on Environmental Quality. 

Report. list. 1971-1972: Challenge for Tomorrow. 
Baton Rouge. 2v. 


Bureau of Environmental Health. Synopsis of 
Environmental Programs. Baton Rouge. bp. 

186. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
MAINE . | 

2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 

State Planning Office.. Report. Tomorrow and Tomorrow 
and Tomorrow. Annual. Augusta. -- 3p. 


Legislature. Legislative Research Committee. The State 
Tax Structure in Maine; Third Report to the above by 
John F. Sly. Augusta. 6p. 


Legislature. Legislative Research Committe. The General 
Property Tax in Maine; Second Report to the above by 
John F. Sly. Augusta. T7lp.: 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 


Land Use Regulation Commission. Revised Statutés*Annotatéd 
Title 12, Chapter 206-A Land Use Regulation as 
amended through the 197 Special Session effective 
June 28, 197). Augusta, 16p.. 

US fr 

Land Use Regulation Commission. Standards for Interim 
Land Use District Boundaries and Permitted Uses. 
Augusta. .16p. 

Land Use Regulation Commission. Schedule of Fees. 
Augusta. 2p. 

Land Use Regulation Commission. Rules for the Conduct of 
Public Hearings on Applications for Amendments to 
District Boundaries of Land Use Guidance Standards, 
Special Exceptions to Land Use Guidance Standards 
and for Development Review and Approval. Augusta. 7p. 

187. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Land Use Regulation Commission. Rules for the Conduct of 
Public Hearings on Adoption of Land Use Guidance 
Districts; Land Use Guidance Standards and the Comprehen- 
sive Land Use Guidance Plan. Augusta. 6p. 


Land Use Regulation Commission. Twenty Questions on the 
- Maine Land Use Regulation Commission. Augusta. 8p. 

3. State Economic Planning 


Department of Commerce and Industry. State Policies Plan 
for above. Augusta. 16p.’: 


Bureau of Public Improvements. “Manual for the Planning and 
Execution of Public Improvements Constructed under the 
Supervision of the above. Augusta. 67p. 


State Planning Office. Significant Public Investment 
Needs for the State of Maine 1970-1975 Period by 
ESCO Research, Inc. 2nd. ed. Augusta. 2hup. 


Department of Economic Development. An Economic 
Development Program for Maine; A booklet about the 
services and functions of the’Maine Department of 
Development. Augusta. unpaged. 


Comprehensive Economic Plan. System of Planning Regions 
and Economic Areas. Augusta. 5p. 

Department of Economic Development, Division of Research 
and Development. Urban Renewal Legislation in Maine, 
Containing 30 MRSA.... Augusta. 23p. 

1966... ’ pot peneod te +a 

Comprehensive Economic Plan. Office of Coordinator. 
A Plan for Maine. Augusta. lp. 

Department of Economic Development. Dynamic Downtowns; 
A report on urban renewal activity in Maine by 
, R. Fr. Cahill. Augusta. . 6lp.. 

188. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of Economic Development. . Planning for 

Development in the State of Maine; A report prepared 
by the Northeastern Research Foundation. Brunswick. 


Department of Economic Development. Division of Research 
and Planning. Urban Renewal. Legislation in Maine, 
Containing 30 MRSA.... Augusta. 32p. 


Department of Economic Development. The Role of Local 
Industrial Development Corporations in Maine, by 
Theodore S. Curtis, Jr. Augusta. 2p: 


Department of Economic Development. Planning Study for 
the Economic Growth of the State of Maine by Armour 
‘Research Foundation. Augusta. 9hp. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 
University of Maine. College of Life Sciences and 
Agriculture. Soil Suitability Guide for Land Use 

Planning in Maine; Agriculture, Recreation, Woodland, 
Wildlife, Urban, Industrial with the U.S.S.C.S. Orono. 

6. Recreational Resources 

Legislative Council. Report of...Committee on Outdoor 
Recreation. Lincoln. 28p. 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 


Department of Economic Development. Division of Research 
and Planning. Housing Legislation in Maine. Augusta. 

Department of Economic Development. Division of Research 

and Planning. Housing Legislation in Maine. Augusta. 

189. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
8. Transportation Planning 

a) General Transportation Resources 


Department of Transportation. Report to the Special 
Session of the 106th Maine Legislature on the 
Possibility of Establishing a Monorail Network System 
in Maine. Augusta. 13p. 


State Transportation Commission. Report to the Governor 
and Legislature. 1st Amual. Augusta. hp. 

b) Airport Planning 
Aeronautics Commission. State Airport Plan. Biennial. 
Augusta. lp. 
9. Issues in Demographic Change 
State Planning Office. Maine Population Projections, 
1970-2020 by Public Affairs: Research Center, Bowdoin 
College for the Departments of Health and Welfare, 

Educational and Cultural Services and above. Augusta. 
BAD. ariryi 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 


Couprphdandiva Economic Plan. System of Planning Regions 
and Economic Areas. Augusta.’ 5p. 

Department of Economic Development. . Division of Research 
and Planning. Regional and Municipal Planning Statutes 
in Maine, 1967 containing excerpts from Title 30, Maine 
revised statutes. Augusta. 2lp. | 

1965. . 

Department of Economic Development. Division of Research 
and Planning. Regional and Municipal Planning Statutes 
in Maine 1965, containing excerpts from Title 30, 
Maine revised statutes. Augusta. .15p. 

190.. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

11. Local Planning 

a) Issues in Local Planning 


State: Planning Office. A Survey of Municipal Planning 
Activity. Augusta. 2p. - 


Department of Economic Development. Division of Research 
and Planning. Progress in Maine Municipal Planning 
1956-66; A report:on municipal planning activity in 
the State by Arthur.E. Hutchins. Augusta. 2p. 


Department of Economic Development. Zoning Your Maine 
Town. Augusta. unpaged. 

b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 

State Planning Office. Revised Planning and Zoning 
Statutes in Maine. Augusta. 37p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Planning and Law in 
Maine. Pt. 3. Suggested revisions in Maine planning 
and land use control enabling legislation by Orlando 
E. Delogu and The Administration of Zoning in Maine 
by David D. Gregory. Orono. 6lp. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Planning and Law in 
Maine: Pt. 1 - Private property and public 
regulation in Maine, Pt. 2 — Powers and devices for 
controlling land use, by Orlando E. Delogu and 
David D. Gregory. Orono. 55p. 

Department of Economic Development. Division of Research 
and Planning. Regional and Municipal Planning 

Statutes in Maine, 1967 containing excerpts from 

Title 30, Maine revised statutes. Augusta. 2l1p. 


Department of Economic Development. Division of Research 
and Planning. Regional and Municipal Planning Statutes 

in Maine 1965, containing excerpts from Title 30, Maine 
revised statutes. Augusta. 15p. 

191. | CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
17. Coastal dice Hanmiesicint 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 

State Planning:Office. Maine Coastal‘ Resources Renewal. 
Augusta. 178p. 


State Planning Office. Maine Coastal Development Plan: 
Phase I Report. Augusta. 5hp. 

University of Maine.* School of Law. Maine Law Affecting 
Marine:Resources, Vol. 2. State, public, and private 
rights, privileges and powers with the National Science 
Foundation Office of the Sea Grant Programs. Orono. 

University of Maine. School of Law. Maine Law Affecting 
Marine “Resources, Vol. 3. Regukation.of the coast 
land .and water uses, by the National Science Foundation, 
Office of the Sea Grant Programs. Orono. various 

University of Maine. School of Law. Maine Law Affecting 
Marine Resources, Vol. 4. Resources from the sea and 
Federal limitations on State Control, with the National 
Science Foundation, Office of the Sea Grant Programs. 
Orono. various pagings. 

Gadeend ene of Maine. Shige of Law. Maine Law Affecting 
Marine Resources, Vol. 5. Index to a study carried 
out under the joint sponsorship of the School of Law 
and the National Science Foundation, Office of Sea 
Grant Programs, by Harriet P. Henry and David J. 
Halperin. Orono. 59p. 


University of Maine. School of Law. Maine Law Affecting 
Marine Resources. Vol. 1. State government organization 
agencies dealing with marine resources, with the National 
Science Foundation, Office of Sea Grant Programs. 
Augusta. 156p. 


Division of Industrial Promotion. The State of Maine's 
Resources for Oceanography. Augusta. 67p. 

192. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77L. 
18. Wetland Management 

Legislative Research Committee. Report on the Wetlands 
by John McKee. Augusta. unpaged. 

19. Land Preservation 
a) Wildland Preservation 


Land Use Regulation Commission. Building in the Wildlands 
of Maine by Bruce Hendler. Augusta. 63p. 

23. Forest Resources 
Woodlands Taxation Study Committee. Recommendations for 
Forestland Use Control and Tax Policy for Maine: A 
Report to the Governor. ‘Augusta. 16p. 
24. Aesthetic Concerns 
c) Historical Preservation 
1971 | 
Historic Ereackiaéinia Commission. Report. Augusta. 16p. 
25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 
1973 | 

State Planning Office. Water Resources Planning Division. 
Inventory of Dam on Maine Waterways. Augusta. 1llp. 


Comprehensive Economic Plan. Office of Coordinator. 
Maine's Water Resources. Augusta. 9p. 

27. Energy Resources 
a) Issues in Energy Resources 

Legislature. Power Study Commission. Report. Augusta. 

193... CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 
31. Issues in New Community Development 
Department of Economic Development. Planning, Research 
and Program Assistance Division. New Town Development 
in Maine. Augusta. hp. 
32. Issues in Surface Mining . 

Mining Commission. Mining - Conservation and Rehabilitation 
of Land. lst. ed. Augusta. 8p. 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Watershed Develop- 
ment the Maine Way; A community program. Augusta. 27p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Soil Suitability Guide 
for Land Use Planning in Maine; Agriculture, Recreation, 
“Woodland, Wildlife, Urban, Industrial by the U.S.S.C.S. 

and College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University 
of Maine. Orono. 77p. 

Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Report to the 
Governor. Augusta. 12p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. The Soils of Maine by 
Robert U. Rourke and J. Stewart Hardesty. Orono. 22p. 

36. Issues in Environmental Quality 
Water and Air Environmental Improvement Commission. 

Environmental Improvement Progress Report 1967/68. 
Augusta. hp. 

19). CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 
1973 s | 
Department of State Planning. The Continuing State Planning 
Program, June 1973 to May 197k, Annual. Baltimore. 
various pagings. ; 
b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 

Department of State Planning. Generalized Land Use Plan: 
Topographic Slope. Baltimore. 15p. 

Department .of State Planning. .Generalized Land Use Plan: 
| Geology Aquiférs Minerals. Baltimore. 187p. 

Department of State Planning. Generalizea Land Use Plan: 
The Land Use Classification System., Baltimore. 7p. 


Department of State Planning. Generalized Land Use Plan: 
Natural Soil Groups of Maryland. Baltimore. 153p. 


Department of State Planning. Capital Budget 1971/72 
for the Governor. Baltimore. 189p.° | 


Planning and Zoning Law Study Commission. Final Report; 
Legislative Recommendations. Baltimore. 122p. 

Planning and Zoning Law Study Commission. Article 66B, 
Final Draft. Baltimore. 8p. 

Planning and Zoning Law Study Commission. Interim Report; 
A review and discussion of development trends in 
Maryland. Baltimore. 96p. 

State Planning Department. Local Land Use Inventory, State 
of Maryland. Baltimore. unpaged. 

195. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


State Planning Department. Capital Budget, 1962/63 
with department projections from 1963-1967. Baltimore. 

3. State Economic Planning 


Department of State Planning. Design for a Maryland State 
Planning Model with Economic-Environmental Linkages by 
John H. Cumberland with Curtis C. Harris, Jr. and others. 
Baltimore. 105p. 


Department of Economic and Community Development. 
Maryland Trends and Forecasts, 1970. Annapolis. 


Department of State Planning. Migration to Maryland: An 
Analysis of Socio-Economic Characteristics. Baltimore. 

Department of State Planning. The Counties of Maryland and 

Baltimore City; Their origin, growth and development, 
1634-1967. Baltimore. 106p. 


Department of Economic Development. Maryland Economic 
Atlas, lst. ed. Annapolis. 6p. 


Governor's Conference on Economic Development in Maryland. 
Proceeding. 1st Annual. Annapolis. 57p. 


Department of Economic Development. The Appalachian 
Region; A preliminary analysis of economic and 
population trends in an eleven state problem area. 
Annapolis. 3lp. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 
Department of State Planning. Design for a Maryland State 
Planning Model with Economic-Environmental Linkages by 

John H. Cumberland with Curtis C. Harris, Jr. and others. 
Baltimore. 105p. 

196. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
6. Recreational Resources 
1972 | 
Department of State Planning. Maryland Outdoor Recreation 

and Open Space Comprehensive Plan. Phase 2, by Urban 
Research and Development Corp. Baltimore. 120p. 


State Planning Department. Maryland Outdoor Recreation 
and Open Space Concept Plan. Baltimore. 62p. 


State Planning Department. Open Space and Outdoor 
Recreation:in Maryland. . Baltimore. . 95p. 

State Planning Department. Summary, Maryland's Outdoor 
Recreation Plan; An Interim Report. Baltimore. 28p. 


Department of Forests and Parks. Master Plan of Regional 
State Parks and Recreation Areas in Maryland as Approved 
by the Master Plan:Committee on State Parks. Part 1 
with the State Planning Department. Annapolis. 22p. 

Department of Forests and Parks. Interim Report of Master 
Plan Committee on State Parks. Supplement. Annapolis. 
"6D. .; ws : : 

8. Transportation Saath 
a) General Transportation Resources 
ee Lae 7 
Governor's Task Force on Transportation. Maryland's 
Transportation Opportunity by Systems Ree Concepts, 
Inc. . Annapolis. 129p. d+ mess 
b) Airport Piceaines 
Air Transportation Survey Géntitenten: Report on Air 

Transportation Service Needs in Maryland. Annapolis. 

197. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
ce) Highway Planning 

State Highway Administration. Bureau of Planning. 
Twenty Year Highway Needs Study. 1973-1992. 
Baltimore. various pagings. 


State Roads Commission. Division of Planning. Twenty 
Year Highway Needs Study, 1968-1988; Cost Estimate. 
Annapolis. various pagings. 


Legislative Council. Special Committee on State and 
Local Highway Needs. Report. Baltimore. various 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 
1973 #* 

Department of State Planning. A Proposed Population 
Stabilization Program, Prince George's County, 
Maryland by Philip Hammer, David C. Slater by Hammer, 

.. Siler, George Associates for the Office of the County 
Executive. Baltimore. 206p. 


State Planning Department. The Population of Maryland; 
Projections to 1980. Baltimore. 199p. 


State Planning Department. Dynamics of Urban Expansion 
in Maryland: Changes in population density by 
county election districts, 1900-1960. Baltimore. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 
Department of State Planning. Local and Nonmetropolitan 
Areawide. Planning and Management Assistance Guidelines, 

Requirements and Application Procedures. Baltimore. 
various pagings. 

198. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 

Regional Planning Council. Questions and Answers About 
Regional Planning. Baltimore. folder. 

Department of Economic Development. The Appalachian 
Region; A preliminary analysis of economic and 
population trends in an eleven state problem area. 
Annapelife Blpe ok 

Ly Teed Planning 5 

a) Issues in Local Planning 

Department of State Wyaniae, Maryland Planning and 
Related Legislation and Administrative Procedures. 
Baltimore. various pagings.. - 

Department of State Planning. Interpretation of Article 
66-B- Maryland Planning and Zoning Enabling Act as 
. Repealed. and Reenacted by the Maryland Laws of 1970 
- and 1971... Baltimore. ‘vanious pagings. 

Department of State Plantings} Maryland Pldtining Agencies, 
A Bibliography of Publications. Baltimore. various 


State Planning Department. “Policies and Procedures of 
Local Planning in Maryland. Baltimore. 12p. 

>) Local Planning Baphling, J Acts 
“i971 aie 
Department of State Planning. Maryland Planning and 
Zoning Enabling Act. Article 66B, Code of Public 
General Laws of Maryland. Annapolis. 27p. 
Planning and Zoning Law Study Commission. Model Land 

Use and Development Code by Jan Krasnowiecki, 
Huntzinger Print Corp... Camden. -35p.. 

199. . CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
12. Information Systems and Inventories 


Department of State Planning. Generalized Land Use Plan: 
Maryland automated geographic information systen. 
Baltimore. 55p. 

13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
a) Federal Program 
Department of State Planning. State Clearinghouse 
Procedures for Project Notification and Review System. 
- Rev. Baltimore. various pagings. 
1. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 
Department of State Planning. Ground-water Aquifers and 
Mineral Commodities of Maryland with Maryland Geological 
Survey and the U.S.G.S. Baltimore. 36p. 
15. "Critical Areas" 
a) Environmentally Critical Areas 

Department of State Planning. Catalog of Natural Areas 
in Maryland. Baltimore. 108p. 

17. Coastal Area Management 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 
1972 | 

Department of State Planning. Integrity of the 
Chesapeake Bay. Baltimore. 52p. 

Department of State Planning. Maryland Chesapeake Bay 
Study: A report to the Maryland Department of State 
Planning and the Chesapeake Bay Interagency Planning 
Committee by Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd, Inc. 
Baltimore. 03p. 

Geological Survey. A User's Guide for the Artesian 
Aquifers in the Maryland Coastal Plain compiled by 
Harry J. Hanson. Baltimore. 2v. 

200. °. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


Governor's Conference on Chesapeake Bay. Proceedings... 
September 12-13, 1968. Annapolis. various pagings. 


Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs. Shore Erosion 
Control in Maryland. Annapolis. kp. 

Geological Survey. Proposed Shore Erosion Program. 
Baltimore. 10p. 


Department’ of Economic Development. . Inventory of Port- 
Oriented Land: Baltimore Region; An inventory of 
shoreline land use and vacant waterfront areas in the 
Baltimore regional port area by Dorothy A. Muncy by 
above; with Maryland Port Authority and others. 
Annapolis. 62p. 

18. Wetland Management 


Department of State Planning. Wetlands in Maryland by 
Roy G. Metzger with the Maryland Department of Natural 
Resources, Community and Economic Development and other 
members of the Wetlands Technical Advisory Community. 

Baltimore. various pagings. 
19. Land Preservation 
b) Agricultural Land Preservation 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Improving Farm Land Tax 
Assessment in Maryland under Nonfarm Use Pressures by 
William Paul Walker. College Park. 38p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Assessing Farm Land 
under Maryland's Use Value Assessment Law, by William 
P. Walker and Wayland D. Gardner. College Park. 27p. 

201. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
c) Open Space Preservation 

State Planning Department. Maryland Outdoor Recreation 
and Open Space Concept Plan. Baltimore. 62p. 


State Planning Department. Open Space and Outdoor 
Recreation in Maryland. Baltimore. 95p. 


University of Maryland. Bureau of Business and Economic 
Research. Retaining Open Spaces in Maryland. College 
Park. 16p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 
Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources. Maryland 
Streamflow Characteristics; Flood frequency, low flow 

frequency and flow duration by John M. Darling with the 
U.S.G.S. Baltimore. 136p. 

21. Wildlife Resources 
State Planning Department. Classification and Inventory 
of Wildlife Habitats in Maryland with Maryland Department 

of Game and Inland Fish and U. S. Bureau of Outdoor 
Recreation. Baltimore. 7p. 

University of Maryland. Natural Resources Institute. 
Urban Sprawl Endangers Native Maryland Mammals by 
Vagn Flyger. College Park. lp. 
24. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 
State Planning Department... Local Planning Section. 

Commentary and Example Provisions Affecting Signs and 
Billboards. Baltimore. 20p. 

202. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 

Department of ‘State Planning. * ‘ Séenic Rivers in Maryland 
with Scenic Rivers Review Board. Baltimore. 0p. 

c) Historical Preservation 

1973 a 

Department of Economic and Community Development. The 
State of Maryland Historical Atlas: A review of 
events and forces that have influenced the development 
of the State by Raymond , Parish, Pine and Plaunick. 
Annapolis. 60p. . 


Maryland Historical Trust. Establishing an Historic 
District: A guideline ‘for historic preservation by 
Raymond, Parish, Pine & Plaunick with the Department 
of State Planning. Annapolis. 5hp. 

1970 | 

Historical Trust. The State of Naryland Historic 
Preservation Plan, Raymond, May, Parish & Plaunick. 
Annapolis. 3v. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 

Geological Survey. Water in Maryland: A review of the 
free State's liquid assets, by Patrick N. Walker, 
drafting by J. F. Goodell with the U.S.G.S. Baltimore. 


State Planning Department. Maryland Water Supply and 
Demand Study: Basic data, general references section. 
Baltimore. 9p. 

State Soil Conservation Committee. Conserving our Soil 
and Water Resources, 1938-1968: A report on 30 years 
of progress in better land use through the development 
of Maryland's soil and. water resources. College Park. 


203. CPL:Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of State Planning. Maryland Supply and Demand 
Studies by River Basin. Baltimore. 63p.+ 


University of Maryland. Water Resources Study Committee. 
Maryland's Role in Water Resources Development; A 
study by Lyle E. Craine. College Park. 85p. 


State Planning Department. Maryland Water Supply and 
Demand Study. Vol. 2. A summary statement by David 
F. Bramhall and Edwin S. Mills. Baltimore. 2p. 

State Planning Department. Maryland Water Supply and 
Demand Study. Vol. 1, by David F. Bramhall and 
Edwin S. Mills. Baltimore. various pagings. 

State Planning Department. Maryland Water Supply and 
Demand Study.,. Part 1. Basic Data. . Baltimore. 2v. 

University of Maryland. Water Resources Study Commission. 
Maryland Water Law; Water laws. principles 
affecting the use of water in Maryland by Paul li. 
Galbreath. College Park. 87p. . 


State Planning Department. The Corps of Engineer's Plan 
for the Development of the Potomac River Basin; A 
report to the Governor of Maryland. Baltimore. various 

1962 ) 

State Planning Department. | Bibliography of Maryland Water 
Resources. Data ss! C.H.J. Hull. Baltimore. various 


State Planning Department. Future Administration of State 
of Maryland Water Resources Activities; A report to the 
Governor with Appendices. Baltimore. 173p. 

20. --CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773--77h 
b) Quality of Water Resources 

Department of Water Resources. Report on Status of Water 
Quality and Significant Sources of Waste Water Dis- 
charges in Maryland. Annapolis. 135p. 

1966 si 

State Planning Department. Maryland Water Supply and 
Demand Study. Part. 2. Future water supply and demand. 
Vol. 3. A computer model of stream quality by David F. 
Bramhall and Edwin’S. Mills. Baltimore. 2O0p. 

27. Energy Resources> 
b) Nuclear Power Resources 
1969 . creat 
Governor's Task Force on Nucléar Power Plants in Maryland. 
Nuclear Power Plants in Maryland, A Report. Annapolis. 
various pagings. 
3h. Solid Waste Management — 
a) Issues in Solid Waste Manan 
Environmental Health Administration. Division of Solid 

Wastes. Pollution in Maryland Part 1 - Land by 
Charles M. Kenealy. Baltimore. 7p. 

Environmental Health Administration. Division of Solid 
Wastes. Pollution in Maryland Part 1 - Land by 
Wilfred H. Shields, Jr. Baltimore. 8p. 

Environmental Health Administration. Division of Solid 
Wastes. Pollution in Maryland Part 2 - Air by Jean J. 
Schueneman. Baltimore. various pagings. 

Geological Survey. Solid Waste Disposal in the Geo- 

hydrologic Environment of Maryland by Edmund G. Otton 
with the U.S.G.S. Baltimore. 59p. 

State Department of Health. Automobile Scrapping Processes 

and Needs for Maryland: A final report on a solid 
waste demonstration project. Annapolis. 6hp. 

205. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 
State Soil Conservation Committee. Conserving Our Soil 
and Water Resources, 1938-1968: A report on 30 years 

of progress in better land use through the development 
of Maryland's soil and water resources. College Park. 

b) Soil Erosion Control 

Department of Natural Resources., Rules and 
Regulations: Sediment Control. Annapolis. 16p. 


Department of Chesapeake Bay Affairs. Shore Erosion 
Control in Maryland. Annapolis. lp. 

Geological Survey. Proposed Shore Erosion Program. 
Baltimore. 10p. 


Governor's Special Committee to Study Shore Erosion. 
A Shore Erosion Policy for Maryland; Report. 
Annapolis. 63p. 

36. Issues in Environmental Quality 


Governor's Science Advisory Council. Environmental 
Quality Committee. Some Technology Considerations 
for Environmental Quality in Maryland; A Report. 
Amapolis. 7p. - 

206. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 

Department of Commerce and Development. A Qualify of Life: 
An assessment of Massachusetts by Arthur D. Little. 
Boston. 72p. 


Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordination. Discussion of 
Goals for Massachusetts. Boston. 90p. 


Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Program 
Planning and Research. Methodology for the Development 
of Goals & Objectives.'° Boston. Illp. - 

2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 

Department of Community Affairs. Community and Environmental 
Development Study: Government roles and responsibilities. 
Boston. 11lp. 


Executive Office for Administration and Finance. 
Inventory of State Programs by Stanford Research 
Institute. 1967-68. Boston. 3v. 

Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordinator. Needs and 
Resources of Massachusetts. Boston. 273p. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 

Department of Community Affairs. The Massachusetts 
Zoning Appeals Law: Lessons of the first three years 
submitted for presentation at Confer-In 72 by 
MacDonald Barr. Boston. 17p. 

207. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Community Affairs. Modernizing Land Use 
Regulations. Boston. 15p. 


University of Massachusetts. Cooperative Extension 
Service. Governor's Conference on Rural Land Use in 
an Urban Environment. April 19, 1963, ed. by John H. 
Foster. Boston. 32p. 

3. State Economic Planning 

. 1973 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Regional 
Planning. Regions Profile, 1972. Boston. ‘7lp. 

ale yal 

Department, of Commerce and Development. An Appraisal 
of the Economy of Massachusetts with Proposals for an 
Economic Strategy by K. Heinz Muehlmann with Robert J. 
Kenney and Rena Kottcamp. Boston. 80p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Fostering 
Industrial Growth in Massachusetts. Vol. 2. 
Strategies for development of selected industries 
in the 1970's: biomedical instruments, computer 
peripheral equipment, pollution control equipment 
by Arthur D. Little, Inc. Boston. 156p. 

Department of Commerce and Development. Bureau of Area 
Planning. Tourism and Its Development Potential in 
Massachusetts by Bulent I. Kastarlak with Carl R. 
Wendolski and The Division of Tourism. Boston. 210p. 

Department of Community Affairs. Improving Commonwealth 
Policies to Accomodate Increased Urban Development by 
’ David Williams and others. Boston. 116p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Vietnam Economic 
Reconversion for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with 
Governor's Advisory Committee on Science and Technology 
and Economic Development Administration, U. S. Department 
of Commerce. Boston. 127p. 

208. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Community Affairs. The Commonwealth & 
Urban Renewal. Boston. 12p, 

Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to 
Selection Problems of Urban Rehabilitation in 
Massachusetts. Boston. 23p. 


Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordination. Profile and 
Analysis of Economic Data for Massachusetts. Boston. 


Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordination. Massachusetts 
and the New England Regional Commission by Margery 
Broomell. Boston. 6lp. ~ — 


Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Program 
Planning and Research. Proposed Study: A public 
investment plan for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 
first staff report to New England Regional Commission. 
Boston. 31p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. State Agencies 
and Regional Development ; A study by the Area 
Development Center, Boston | University with the 
Department of Public Works and. others through the 
Eastern Massachusetts Regional Planning Project. 
Boston. 3268p. . 

Division of Urban Renewal. The Commonwealth & Urban 
Renewal; Why, What, How?. Boston. 12p. 

University of Massachusetts. Graduate School. Economic 
Geology in Massachusetts; Proceedings of a conference 
in January 1966, 0. C. Farquhar, ed. Amherst. 568p. 

Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to Industrial 

Development of Cities and Towns, Proposed Constitutional 
Amendment. Boston. 7p. 

209. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of Natural Resources. A Resources-Recreation 
Program of Economic Opportunities in Massachusetts. 
Boston. various pagings. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Listing of 
Federal, State and Local Agencies available for 
assistance to existing and new industries. Boston. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 


University of Massachusetts. Water Resources Research 
Center. Model for Landscape Resource Accessment; 
Part I of the ‘Metropolitan Landscape Planning Model" 
(METLAND) by Julius Gyula Fabos and others with the 
Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional 
Planning. Amherst. Illlp. 


Department of Community Affairs. Report on Community 
and Environmental Development. 2nd. Annual. Boston. 


Department of Community Affairs. Report Relative to 
Community and Environmental Development and Governmental 
Rules and Responsibilities. 2nd. Annual. Boston. 39p. 

Tos wpe 

Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office of 
Planning and Program Cowrdination. The Broad Planning 
Context of Natural Resources Planning by Robert H. 
Marden. Boston. 9p. 

Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. Managing the 
Environment: Nine States Look for New Answers by 
Elizabeth H. Haskell and others. Boston. 68p. 

University of Massachusetts. Water Resources Research 
Center. Charles River: An urban river in its changing 
social contexts by John W. Sinton. Amherst. 1410p. 


Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Soils 
Interpretation for Community Planning. Boston. 
various pagings. 

210... CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77L 

6. Recreational Resources 
eg: SrA a ics siets ‘i mai - “a 

Mielaion of Conservation’ Serrano Bureau of Planning. 
Massachusetts Outdoor Recreation Plan. Boston. various 


Department of Natural Rudounbeds “1972! Maseachusetta 
Outdoor Recreation Plan, prepared by the Statewide 
Planning Unit. Boston. various pagings. 


Department of Natural Resources. -Special Report of the 
above relative to the rivers of the Commonwealth and 
“their suitability or potential for inclusion in a 
Fede Rezh ‘of rng scenic. or. gpareg pe ‘rivers. Boston. 
gk b, ebede | 

ee ta of Natusell. Reedumaceih, Spetttad Report of the 
above relative to establishing a program of scenic 
or recreational trails in the Commonwealth. Boston. 5é6p. 


Seven’ 8 saves | Comission on Oyen Sneek. ann Outdoor 
Recreation. Report and Recommendations. Boston. 32p. 


Department of Natural Resources. Special Report of the 
Department of Natural Resources Relative to the Protection 
of the Appalachian Trail. Boston. 22p.+ 


Department of Natural Resources. Massachusetts Outdoor 
Recreation Plan by Edwards and Kekey. Boston. 1) 7p. 

Department of Natural” RE gdthea: ‘Massachusetts Outdoor 
Recreation Plan; Summary Report by Edwards and Kekey, Inc. 
Boston. 1l6p. 


Department of Natural Resources. A Resources-Recreation 
Program of Economic Opportunities in Massachusetts. 
Boston. various pagings. 


University of Massachusetts. Bureau of Government Research. 
Handbook for Recreation and Park Boards in Massachusetts 
by Dana E. Harlow. Boston. 132p. 

211. . CPL. Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
7. Housing 
.a@) General Housing Resources 
Department of Community Affairs. Housing for 
Massachusetts; A proposed State Housing Policy and 
Action Program. Boston. 53p. 

Department of Community Affairs. Office of Regional 
Affairs. Housing Strategy for: Massachusetts. Boston. 
9p. ; beet ‘xt: 


Department of Community Affairs. Housing; An Open Systems 
Approach. for Massachusetts. Boston, 23p. 


Special Commission on Low Income Housing. Final Report. 
Boston. 15lp. 

b) Mobile Home Resources 

Mobile Homes Commission, Report. Annual. 8th. Boston. 
2p. ot 

8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation Resources 

Governor's Task Force on, Intercity,Transportation. Report 
to Governor Sargent. Boston. 99p. 


Governor's Task Force on.Transportation. Report to 
Governor Sargent.- Pt. 2, Section 5 The Regional 
Transit System. Boston. 38p. 

Governor's Task Force on Transportation. Report to 
Governor Sargent. 

Governor's Advisory Council on Transportation. Committee 
on High Speed Ground Transportation. Report. 2nd. 
' Boston. Sp. 

212, CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h. 

Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development. The 
Urban Transportation Planning Process in Massachusetts 
with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. Boston. 
various paeiige. 

Departabnt: of Public: Works. Transportation Planning Process; 
Basin elements for which inventories and analysis are 
required. Boston. 6p. 

Mass’ M-anRPOY-tetl oli Commission. A Survey to Determine 
Factors which Influence the Public's Choice of Mode of 
Transportation; Final report, by Joseph Napolitan 
Associates, Inc. Boston. 160p. 

Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development. Urban 
Transportation Studies Aerial Photography Inventory and 
Description with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 
Boston. 19p. 


Department of Public Works. Principles and Techniques of 
Predicting Future Demand for Urban Area Transportation, 
by Brian V. Martin, Frederick W. Memmott, III and 
Alexander J. Bone. Boston. 215p. 

General Court. Joint Special Committee on Transportation. 
Report. Boston. 25p. 

b) Airport Planning 

bureau of Transportation Planning and Development. 
Inventory of Service Facilities and Highway Access for 
‘Massachusetts Airports, with above and U. S. Bureau of 
Public Roads. Boston. 58p. 


Bureau of Transportation Planning & Development. Airports 
and Air Transportation in Eastern Massachusetts, with 
the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. Boston. 9p. 

Department of Commerce and Development. Massachusetts 

Airport above with Aeronautics Commission and the 
Massachusetts Port Authority. Boston. unpaged. 

21:3: CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
c) Highway Planning 

Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development. Highway 
Planning Program HPR 1 (8). Boston. 133p.. 

Department of Public Works. Massachusetts Action Plan with 
the Federal Highway Administration (draft). Boston. 
various pagings. 


University of Massachusetts. Water Resources Research 
Center. Enhancement of Ecologic and Aesthetic Values 
of Wetlands Associated with Interstate Highways by 
Kenneth L. Bergstrom and others. Carl A. Carlozzi 
principle investigator. Amherst. llp. 


Department of Public Works. A Statewide Highway Transportation 
Plan, Program Costs to 1990, An Engineering Appraisal of 
Needs by Allinson, Inc., and:. Massachusetts Department of 
Public Works with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 

Boston. 100p. 


Department of Public Works. Special Report Relative to 
Highway and Waterways Matters. Boston. 32p. 

Department of Public Works. A l-year Accelerated Highway 
Construction Plan with Appendices by J. L. Hayden 
Associates, Inc. Boston. 32p.+ 
e) Waterborne Transportation Planning 

Department of Public Works. Special Report Relative to 
Highway and Waterways Matters. Boston. 32p. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 


General Court. House. Special Committee to Make an 
Investigation and Study of the Trends and Impact of 
Population Growth in the Commonwealth and other related 
matters. Final Report. Boston. 5p. 

21h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 

Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Program 
Planning and Research. Massachusetts Population 
Projections to 1975. Boston. h2p. 


Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Population, 
Area and Population Density of Cities and Towns in 
Massachusetts. Boston. 8p. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Regional 
Planning. House Bill 5101; An act to revise and 
update Chapter 0B of the Massachusetts general laws, 
the regional planning law. Boston. 39p. 


Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordinator. A Progress Report 
on Substate Regionalization in Massachusetts. Boston. 

Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordination. Massachusetts 
and the New England Regional Commission by Margery 
Broomell. Boston. 6lp. 

University of Massachusetts. Bureau of Government Research. 
Rivers and Regionalism in New England by Edwin Andrus 
Gere. Amherst. 76p. 

Department of Public Works. Procedures for Review of 
Federal-Aid Highway Projects by Regional Planning 
Agencies. Boston. 9p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Interim Definition 
of Regions. Boston. kp. 

215. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774, 

Department of Commerce and Development. State Agencies 
and Regional Development; A study by the Area 
Development Center, Boston University with the 
Department of Public Works and others through the 
Eastern Massachusetts Regional Planning Project. 
Boston. 328p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Regional Planning; 
Review, directory, map, 1963. Boston. 9p. 

Department of Commerce and Development. Local-Regional 
Planning Co-ordination Procedure. Boston. 3p. 

Department of Commerce and Development. Division of 
Planning. The Regional Planning Law with Questions 
and Answers. Rev. Boston. 13p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. The Regional 
- Planning Law with Questions and Answers. Rev. Boston. 


Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Regional 
Planning. Pt. 1. An urgent need. Pt. 2. The - 
regional planning agency. Pt. 3. Bibliography. Boston. 

Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Current 
Status of Regional Planning in the Commonwealth. 
Boston. 0p. 


Department of Commerce. The Regional Planning Law, 
Chapter hOB, G.L. Boston. 7p. 


Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Areas 
for Regional Planning in Massachusetts; A study by 

David H. Kellogg. Boston. 2p. 

216. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
11. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 


Department of Community Affairs. Office of Municipal 
Planning and Management. Local Planning and Management: 
Objectives and basic procedures. Boston. 26p. 

Department of Community Affairs. Office of Municipal 
Planning and Management. Providing Planning & 
Management Services to Local Governments. Boston. 9p. 


Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Planning 
Programs. Questions and Answers on Planned Unit 
Development, PUD. Boston. folder. 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Regional 
Planning. Variance. Boston. various pagings. 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Regional 
Planning. The Status of Planning, Subdivision Control 
and Zoning in Massachusetts. Boston. l1lp. 

iy yl 

Department of Community Affairs. Report of the DCA 
unas, to Modernizing Land Use Regulations. Boston. 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Planning 
Programs. Preparation of a Zoning By-Law. Boston. 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Planning 
Programs. Suggested Rules and Regulations Governing 
the Subdivision of Land. Boston. 18p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Bureau of Planning 
Assistance. Status of Planning, Subdivision Control 
and Zoning in Massachusetts. Boston. 10p. 

Legislative Research Council. Report...Relative to 
Restricting the Zoning Power to City and County 
Governments. Boston. 196p. 

217. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of Commerce and Development. Division of 
. Planning. Zoning and Its Relation to Plans Not 
Required Approval Under the Subdivision Control Law. 
Rev. Boston. 2p. 


Department. of Commerce. Powers and Duties of a Board of 
Appeals Established under the Subdivision Control Law. 
Boston. kp. 

Department of Commerce and Development. Local-Regional 
Planning ‘Co-ordination Procedure. Boston. 3p. 


Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Developing 
an Urban Renewal Program through Master Planning. Rev. 
Boston. 8p. tio® 

Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Suggested 
Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land. 
Boston. -19p/ aA 

Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Duties of 
Town Clerk in Relation to Planning, Subdivision Control 
and Zoning. Boston. 8p. 

Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Local 
Planning Objectives and Basic Procedures. Rev. 
Boston. 27p. 


Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to Local 
Zoning and Partial Takings under Eminent Domain. 
Boston. 69p. 


Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Some 
Questions and Answers Regarding a Zoning Board of 
Appeals of Special Interest to New Members, by 
Louis H. Smith. Boston. 8p. 

b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 
Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Regional 

Planning. Zoning Enabling Act, Chapter Oa, General 
Laws including Amendments through 1972. Boston. 25p. 

218. GPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Regional 
Planning. mabling Legislation for Planning and 
Zoning. Study Report 2. Municipal Planning and 
Subdivision, by William E. Ryckmann, Jr. Boston. 55p. 


Department of Community Affairs. 1972 Report on Zoning in 
liassachusetts: Proposed changes and additions to the 
Zoning Enabling Act, Chapter 0A. Boston. 122p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Bureau of Planning 
Assistance. Municipal Planning and Subdivision Control 
Legislation, including Amendments. Annual. Boston. 32p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Division of 
Planning. The Zoning Enabling Act. Chapter 0A. 
General Laws, including 1966, Amendments. Boston. 17p. 

Department of Commerce and Development. Bureau of 
Planning Assistance. Suggested Rules and Regulations 
Governing the Subdivision of Land. Boston. 19p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Bureau of Planning 
Assistance. Municipal Planning and Subdivision Control 
Legislation, including Amendments. Annual. Boston. 32p. 

Department of Commerce and Development. Division of 
Planning. The Zoning Enabling Act, Chapter 0A, 
General Laws, including Amendments. Boston. 17p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Division of 
Planning. Municipal Planning and Subdivision Control 
Legislation, including 1963 amendments and 196) 
legislation enclosed. Boston. 32p. . 


Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. The 
Zoning Enabling Act, Chapter 0A, General Laws, 
including Amendments. Boston. 17p. 

Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. Municipal 
Planning and Subdivision Control Legislation, including 
1963 Amendments. Boston. 32p. 

219. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Commerce. Division of Planning. The 
Zoning Enabling Act, Chapter OA, General Laws, 
including 1961 Amendments. Boston. 16p. 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 

Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordination. Map and Aerial 
Photo Inventory of Massachusetts by Lawrence McCavitt. 
Boston. 29p. 


Department of Community Affairs. The Evaluation and 
Application of Geographic Base Files for the Common- 
wealth of Massachusetts by Concord Research Corp. 
Boston. 136p. 

13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 

b) State Programs 

Bureau of Building Construction. Examining Section. 
Interim Guidelines for Preparation of Environmental 
Impact Statement by Arthur Poulos. Boston. 5p. 
1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 


Department of Natural Resources. The Conservation 
Restriction Act. Boston. folder. ~ 

15. "Critical Areas' 
a) Environmentally Critical Areas 

Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to the 
Preservation of the Natural Environment. Boston. 107p. 

17. Coastal Area Management 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 

Commission on Marine Boundaries and Resources. Report. Sth. 
Boston. lv. 

220. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Commission on Marine Boundaries and Resources. Report. 
7th. Boston. 2v. 

Department of Natural Resources.. The Value of the Coastal 
Wetlands of Massachusetts. Boston, 16p. 

Division of Conservation Services. The Value of the 
Coastal Wetlands of Massachusetts, compiled for 
hearings under provisions of Chapter 130, Section 105 
of the Massachusetts General Laws. Boston. unpaged. 


Governor's Conference on Massachusetts Stake in the Ocean. 
Proceedings, November 30, 1967. Co-sponsors: Governor's 
Advisory Committee on Science and Technology, 
Massachusetts Association for the Marine Sciences and 
the Department of.Commerce and oivactinck Boston. 
various pagings. pis ) 


Department of Natural Resources. Report Relative to the 
Coastal Wetlands in the Commonwealth. Boston. 77p. 

b) Issues in Off-Shore Development 

Division of Water Pollution Control... Contingency Plan 
for Control of Spills of Oil and Other Hazardous 
Materials. Boston. 8p. 


Commission on Marine Boundaries and Resources. Final 
Report...Extraction of Offshore Mineral Resources. 
Boston. 6p. 

Division of Water Pollution Control. Guide for the 
Design of Gravity-Type Oil Water Beparstors. Boston. 

Division of Water Pollution Control. Use of Chemicals, 
Materials or h Teobad snes to Treat Oil Spills. Boston. 

opis CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

18. Wetland Management 

Department of Natural Resources. Massachusett's Inland 
Wetlands. Boston. folder. 

Division of Conservation Services. Guidelines for the 
Conservation Commission Relative to the Wetlands 
Protection Act, Chapter 131, Section 40. Boston. 5p. 


University of Massachusetts. Water Resources Research 
Center. Enhancement of Ecologic and Aesthetic Values 
of Wetlands Associated with Interstate Highways by 
Kenneth L. Bergstrom and others. Carl A. Carlozzi 
principle investigator. Amherst. l1kp. 


Department of Natural Resources. Special Report Relative 
to the Advisability of Preserving the Wetlands, so 
called, of Neponset River Valley for certain purposes. 
Boston. 30p. 

19. Land Preservation 
c) Open Space Preservation 

Governor's Advisory Commission on Open Space and Outdoor 
Recreation. Report and Recommendations. Boston. 32p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Planning 
Programs. Questions and Answers on the Hatch Act 
(protection of flood plains: Chapter 131, Section 
40), with the Department of Natural Resources. 
Boston. folder. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Flood Plain 
Zoning. Rev. Boston. 2p. 

222. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
2. Aesthetic Concerns 

a) Issues in Visual Resources 


Outdoor Advertising Board. Rules and ote es for 
the Control and Restriction of Billboards, Signs 
and Sighs ae a Devices. Boston.  l0p. 

Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to Highway 

Beautification ‘and Abandoned Vehicles. Boston. 128p. 

Outdoor Advertising Division. Rules and Regulations for 
the Control and Restriction of Billboards, Signs and 
Other Advertising Devices. Boston. 10p. 

b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 

Department of Natural Resources. Special Report of the 
Above Relative .to the Rivers of the Commonwealth and 
their Suitability or Potential for Inclusion in a 

eae of Wild, Scenic or Recteational Rivers. Boston. 

c) Historical Preservation 

Department of Community Affairs. Bureau of Planning 
Programs. Establishment of Historic Districts in 
Massachusetts. Boston. lp. 

Historical Commission. Establishment of Historic 
pleat ef in Massachusetts, September 1970. Boston.- 


Historical Commission. Establishment of Historic 
Districts in Massachusetts. Boston. Illp. 

223. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Historical Commission. A Guide to Historic Preservation 
Programs. Boston. 10p. 

Historical Commission. Suggestions for Historic District 
Study Committee Reports. Boston. kp. 


Historical Commission. Procedures Manual for an Inventory 
of the Historical Assets of the Commonwealth. Ptat 1 
Sites and Structures. Boston. 15p. 


Department of Commerce. Establishment of Historic 
Districts in Massachusetts. Boston. 13p. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resources Planning 

Special Commission on Salt Contamination of Water Supplies 
and Related Matters. Interim Report. lst. Boston. 97p. 


Division of Water Resources. Summary Report; Water 
Resources Management. Bostén. 6p. 

Division of Water Resources. A Summary of Massachusetts 
State Laws, Policies and Programs Pertaining to Water 
and Related Land Resources by Emerson H. Chandler, 
Clinton E. Watson and William M. Everberg. Boston. 85p. 


Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to Water 
Shortage and Industrial Water Use and Reuse. Boston. 

bd) Quality of Water Resources 

Executive Office for Administration and Finance. Office 
of Planning and Program Coordination. Developing a 
Water Quality Management Planning for Massachusetts, 
submitted to the U.S.E.P.A. and its regional planning 
agencies. Boston. various pagings. 

22h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

University of Massachusetts. Water Resources Research 
Center. The Occurance and Characteristics of Ground- 
Water Contamination in Massachusetts by Ward S. liotts 
and Marvin Saines. Amherst. 7Op. 


House. Special Committee Established to Investigate and 
Study Water Pollution in Massachusetts. Report. 
Boston. Op. 

Senate. Select Committee Established to Investigate and 
Study Water Pollution in Rivers and River Networks 
of Massachusetts. Report. Boston. 77p. 

27. Energy Resources 
a) Issues in Energy Resources 


Executive Department. Massachusetts Energy Conservation 
Contingency Plan (draft), by Francis W. Sargent. 
Boston. 79p. 


Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to a 
Massachusetts Power Authority. Boston. 65p. 


Department of Commerce and Development. Factbook; 
Governor's Symposium on the Oil Crisis, September 21, 
1970, MIT. Prepared by K. Heinz Muehlmann and Robert 
J. Kenney, Jr. with the Bureau of Area Planning 
sponsored by Francis W. Sargent, Governor. Boston. 63p. 

b) Nuclear Power Resources 


Commission on Atomic Energy. Atomic Energy in 
Massachusetts. Boston. 15p. 

28. Air Resources 
Special Commission to Investigate and Study the Problem of 

Air Pollution and Pollution Control Devices. Report. 
Wright & Potter Printing, Company. Boston. 7p. 

206, CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 
29. Power Plant Siting | 

Electric Power Plant Siting Commission. Report. 3rd. 
Boston. 3p. 

30. Siting Other Utilities 

Division of Water Pollution Control. Regulation of 
Sewer Use, Model Ordinance. Boston. unpaged. 

3h. Solid Waste Management 
a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 


Department of Commerce and Development. Report on Solid 
Wastes Management by John J. Cochrane and Alvin S$. 
Goodman. Boston. 3p. 

b) Solid Waste Management Planning 


Department of Public Works. Bureau of Solid Waste 
Disposal. Solid Waste Management Plan. Boston. 
unpaged. . 

Department of Public Works. Bureau of Solid Waste 
Disposal. Study of Solid Waste Disposal for Program 
‘Plan Development for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 
Vol. 1 final report by Raytheon Service Company. Boston. 
1Op. : 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 
University of Massachusetts. Cooperative Extension 
Service. Massachusetts Soil and Water Conservation 

Needs Inventory (Holdsworth Natural Resources Center). 
Amherst. 100p. spas 

226. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 
36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

Division of Water Pollution Control. Thermal Pollution 
Control in Massachusetts Coastal Waters by John R. 
Elwood. Boston. lp. 

Governor's Task Force on the Environment. Report. Boston. 


Division of Water Resources. Rules for the Prevention and 
Control of Oil Pollution in the Waters of the 
Commonwealth. Boston. 12p. 


Special Non-Legislative Commission to Make an Investigation 
Relative to the Use of Pesticides and the Effects of 
Aerial and Ground Spraying of Insects and Crops within 
the Commonwealth. Report. Wright & Potter Print 
Company. Boston. 17p. 


2. State Planning 

a) Issues in General State Planning 

Legislative Service Bureau. A 12 Year Summary of 

Legislative Action, 1957-1968 in the fields of:... 
housing...water and air pollution. Lansing. 6p. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 

USN (Ze 

Governor's Special Commission on Land Use. Report. 
Lansing. 2v. 


Governor's Special Commission on Land Use. Preliminary 
Draft of a Omnibus Land Use & Development Act. 
Lansing. unpaged. 


Governor's Special Commission on Urban Problems. Urban 
Growth & Problems. Lansing. 82p. 

227. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
3. State Economic Planning 


Office of Economic Expansion. “Taxation “in Michigan: A 
comparison with other industrial States. Lansing. 2hp. 


Department of Labor. Office of Manpower Planning. 
Industrial Diversification in Michigan by John M. 
Koval. Lansing. 159p. 


Office of Economic Expansion. Organizing for Industrial 
Development in Michigan: Basin information to assist 
communities in promoting the growth of. industry. 
Lansing. 2l1p. 


Energy Survey Committee. Energy and the Michigan Economy ; 
A forecast: Projections of power supplies and: 
requirements in Michigan with analysis of prospects in 
related industries. University of Michigan. Bureau of 
Business Research. Ann Arbor. 58lp. 

State Resource Planning Program. Michigan's Economic 
Past; Basis for Prosperity. Lansing. 107p. 

State Resource Planning Program. Michigan's Future: Its 
Population and Its Economy. Lansing. 88p. 

University of Michigan. Bureau of Business Research. 
State Economic Development; Status and Appraisal by 
Alfred W. Swinyard, Henrick 0. Helmers and James N. 
Vedder. Ann Arbor. 25hp. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Project '80, Rural 
Michigan -Now, and In 1980: Highlights and Summary of 
Project '80, by John N. Ferris. East Lansing. 80p. 

State Resource Development Planning Program. Econometric 
Model of Michigan by Research Seminar in Quantitative 
Economics, The University of Michigan. Lansing. 7hp. 


iichigan State University. Institute for International 
Business Management Studies. Michigan's Commerce and 
Commercial Policy Study by John L. Hazard. East Lansing. 

228. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Evolution of Michigan 
Water Laws, Response to Economic Development, by A. 
Allan Schmid. East Lansing. 3p. 

h. Growth as an Issue 


Governor's Special Commission on Urban Problems. Urban 
Growth & Problems. Lansing. 82p. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 


State Resource Planning Program. Project for Improved 
and Expanded Data Related to Environmental Problems in 
Michigan by the Division of Engineering, Department of 
Public Health with above. Lansing. 55p. 

6. Recreational Resources 


Department of Natural Resources. Michigan Needs Clean 
Water and Quality Recreation. Lansing. folder. 


Recreation Resource Planning Division. Outdoor Recreation 
Planning in Michigan by a Systems Analysis Approach. 
Pt. (7) The Practical Application of Program RECSYS 
and SYMAP by Michael Chubb. Lansing. 298p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Project '80, Rural 
Michigan, Now and In 1980; Michigan Outdoor Recreation 
and Tourism by David N. Milstein. East Lansing. 2hp. 

Department of Conservation. Proceedings: 1th Annual. 
National Conference on State and Federal Interagency 
Action and Operation in Recreation held July 28-30, 
1966, ed. by Ernest V. Blohm. Lansing. 12p. 

Recreation Resources Planning Division. Michigan's 
Recreation Future; A current statement from Michigan's 
continuing outdoor recreation plan. Lansing. 33p. 

229. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

State Resource Development Planning Program. Michigan 
Outdoor Recreation Demand Study, by David N. Milstein 
and others for the Recreation Resource Planning 
Division, liichigan Department of Conservation. Lansing. 

State Resource Development Planning Program. Outdoor 

. . Reereation Planning in Michigan by a Systems Analysis 
Approach. Pt. 2. Computer mapping for recreation 
planning by J. B. Ellis for Recreation Resource 

_ Planning Division, Department of Conservation. Lansing. 


State Resource Development Planning Program. Outdoor 
Recreation Planning in Michigan by a Systems Analysis 

Approach, Pt. 1. A manual for program RECSYS. Lansing. 


Inter-Agency Council for Recreation. Recreation on the 
Great Lakes...A Summary Report. Lansing. 7p- 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 


Applied Decision Systems. The Primary Economic Impact ‘ 
at the State and Local Levels of State Financed Housing. 
Lansing. 77p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. Bureau of Policies and 
Programs. Michigan State Housing Conditions and 
Trends by Market Opinion Research. Lansing. 97D. 
b) Mobile Home Resources 

Task Force on Mobile Homes. Report to Governor William G. 
Milliken. Lansing. 55p. 

M2B0L44 CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
8. Transportation Planning 
a) Cehanal  TeenepontatsohsRaderesk 

Governor's. Special Commission on Transportation. A 
Final Report of Recommendations to the Governor of 
Michigan. Lansing. 68p. 

State Resource Planning Program... Transportation Predictive 
Procedures; Summary report by the Transportation Element 
of the above with the Department of Commerce & others. 

Lansing. 38p. | ' 

State Resource Planning Program. Cooperative Mapping 
Program by the Resource Transportation Planning Unit, 
Department of Highways with above. Lansing. 12p. 

b) Airport Planning 

Aeronautics Commission. Michigan State Airport Plan 
(1970-1975). Lansing. 91p. 


Aeronautics Commission. Master Plan Guide for Airports. 
‘Lansing. 30p. 

c) Highway Planning 

Department of State Highways. Michigan Highway Needs: 
1970-1990 by Wilbur Smith and Associates. Lansing. 


State Resource Development Planning Program. The Motor 
Vehicle of the Future by Randolph B. Lutz. Lansing. 


State Highway Department. Michigan's Highways 1960-1980; 
Needs, costs and programs. A technical engineering 
report to the Michigan Joint Legislative Study Committee 
with the County Road Association of Michigan and the 
Michigan Municipal League with the U. S. Bureau of 
Public Roads. Lansing, 122p. 

231. CPL Exchange Bibliography #:772-773-77h. 
da) Wass Transit Planning 

Interagency Transportation Council. Analysis of Urban 
Public Transportation Policy, by Gordon Thompson. 
Lansing. 90p. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 

Senate. Special Committee to Study the Impact and 
-- Trends of Population Growth in the State of Michigan. 
Public Hearings Transcript, October 15, 1970. 
Ann Arbor. Lansing. 190p. 


State Resource Planning Program. Michigan's Changing 
Population: A historical profile by regions. 
Lansing. 16p. — 


State Resource Development Planning Program. Michigan 
Population, 1960 to 1980 by Population Studies Center, 
University of Michigan, with above, Office of Economic 
Expansion, Michigan Department of Commerce. Lansing. 

State Resource Planning Program. Preliminary Population 
Projections for Small Areas in Michigan by Donald E. 
Bailey... Lansing. 33p. 


University of Michigan. Population Studies Center. 
Census Counts, Estimates and Projections of Population 
in Michigan Counties: 1971-1980, by David Goldberg. 
Ann Arbor. 3p. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 
State Resource Planning Program. Planning and Development 
Regions for Michigan, by the Bureau of Planning and 

Program Development, Office of Planning Coordination. 
Lansing. 76p. 

232. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
11. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 

Institute of Continuing Legal Education (University of 
Michigan Law School and Wayne State University Law 
School). Michigan Zoning and Planning; 1972 
Cummulative Supplement by Clan Crawford, Jr. 

Ann Arbor. 7p. 


Department of Treasury. Bureau of Local Government 
Services. Necessity for Local Regulations and 
Adequate Plat Review Procedures by R. S. D'Amelio. 
Lansing. 2p. 

Office of Plamning Coordination. Bureau of Policies and 
_ Programs. A Statewide Inventory of Community and 
Area Planning in Michigan with the Cooperative 
Extension Service, Michigan State University. Lansing. 


Institute of Continuing Legal Education (University of 
Michigan Law School and Wayne State University Law 
School), Michigan Zoning and Planning; 1970 Supplement 
by Clan Crawford, Jr. Ann Arbor. 577p.- 


Michigan State University. Institute for Community 
Development and Services. Continuing Education Service. 
Michigan Local Planning Commissioner's Handbook by 
Michigan Chapter of the American Institute of Planners, 
end. ed. East Lansing, 52p. 


Auditor General's Department. Plat Manual of 
Instructions Relative to Making and Filing of Township, 
Village and City Plats; Containing a copy of the Plat 
Act of 1929 as amended. Rev. Lansing. various pagings. 

Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied 
Science. Cooperative Extension Service. Rural 
Zoning in a Nut Shell. 2nd. rev. East Lansing. 28p. 

Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied 

Science. Cooperative Extension Service. Rural 
Zoning in a Nut Shell. Rev. East Lansing. 28p. 

233. CPL Exchange Bibliography ##772-773-77h 
b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 


Department of Treasury. Bureau of Local Government 
Services. Amendments to Act 288, P.A. 1967, 
the Subdivision Control Act. Lansing. 3p. 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 

State Resource Development Planning Program. Inter- 
agency Information Reconnaissance Study, by Technology 
Planning Center, Inc., for Office of Economic 
Expansion, Michigan Department of Commerce. Lansing. 
lp. std et von Sa 

State Resource Planning Program. Project for Improved 
and Expanded Data Related to Environmental Problems 
in Hichigan by the Division of Ingineering, 

‘Department of Health with above. Lansing. 55p. 

1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and ianagement 

. Natural Resources Commission.. Special Report to Members 
-:. of the Michigan Legislature. Lansing. kp. 

Department of Mineral Resources. Special Report to 

liembers of the Michigan Legislature from the Natural 
Resource Commission. Lansing. Qp. 

Department of Natural Resources. "Resources Review. 
Lansing. 3p. 


Governor's Special Conservation Study Committee on the 
Michigan Department of Conservation. Report. Lansing. 

Department of Conservation. Michigan Resources, Today 

and Tomorrow; Summary of above, 1961-1962 report. 
Lansing. 20p. 

23h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
15. "Critical Areas" 
b) Areas of Statewide Concern 

Legislative Research Council. Report Relative to Harbor 
Regulation. Boston. 119p. 

16. Geologic Concerns 
a) Geologic Resources 
Geological Survey Division. Sources of Geological 
Information in Michigan by R. W. Kelley and E. A. 
Kirkby. Lansing. 2p. 

Geological Survey Division. Role of Geology in State 
Government by Gerald E. Eddy. Lansing. 6p. 


Geological Survey Division. Geological Contributions to 
Michigan Conservation; Classified and Annotated List, 1935 
--196) compiled by E. A. Kirkby, Rev. Lansing. 1llp. 


Geological Survey Division. Michigan Geological Source- 
book by R. W. Kelley and E. A. Kirkby. Lansing. 15p. 

17. Coastal Area Management 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 

Department of Natural Resources. A Plan for Michigan's 
Shorelands. Lansing. 135p. 

Department of Natural Resources. A Plan for Michigan's 
Shorelands, Summary: Draft Copy for Public Review 

Purposes. Lansing. lp. 
19. Land Preservation 
b) Agricultural Land Preservation 
Agricultural Experiment Station. Assessment of Farm Real 

Estate for Property Taxes by William H. Heneberry and 
Raleigh Barlowe. East Lansing. 36p. 

235. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
21. Wildlife Resources 

Game Division. Endangered Species Program, by I. W. 
Stuewer. Lansing. kp. 


Governor's Special Conservation Study Committee on the 
Michigan Department of Conservation. Report, by the 
Wildlife lanagement Institute. Lansing. 3v. 

23. Forest Resources 
Agricultural Experiment Station. Project '80, Rural 
Michigan, Now and in 1980; Michigan timber production 
and industry by Lee M. James and Aubrey Wylie. 
East Lansing. 36p. 

Forestry Division. An Economic Appraisal of Michigan's 
State Forests, by Frank W. Kearns and others. Lansing. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 


Department of Natural Resources. Boardman River Study; A 
technique for river planning in a rapidly urbanizing 
watershed by Johnson, Johnson & Roy, Inc. Lansing. 
various pagings. 


Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service. 
Watersheds for Water Management by Russell G. Hill and 
Eckhart Dersch. East Lansing. 15p. 


Water Development Services Division. Irrigation in 
Michigan, 1970. Lansing. 57p. 

236. “ OPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
1969 : 

Water Resources Commission. Michigan's Water Resource 
Needs by Raleigh Barlowe, Michael McGuire and Robert 
Vertrees. Lansing. . 52p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Project '80, Rural 
' Michigan, Now:and in 1980; Land and water resources 
-by Raleigh Barlowe.- East Lansing.  16p. 

Committee on Michigan's Economic Future. Industrial 
Uses of Water in Michigan; by Charles W. Wixam and 
Karl F. Zeisler, University of Michigan, Bureau of 
Business Research. Ann Arbor. h27p. 

Legislature. Joint Committee on Water Resources Planning. 
Strategy for Michigan Water Resources iManagement: A 
system approach, by Technology Planning Center, Inc. 
East Lansing. 87p. 

Legislature. Joint Committee on Water Resources Planning 
& Legislative Service Bureau. . Michigan Laws Relating 
to Water. Lansing. 15p. 

Water Resources Commission. The Planning Process as it 
Relates to the Water Resources of Michigan by Frank W. 
Suggitt. Lansing. 55p. 


Water Resources Commission. Implications of Land and 
Water Use Development in Michigan for Future Public 
Water Resource Policy, by Department of Resource 
Development, Michigan State University. Lansing. 56p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Michigan Water Use and 
Development Problems; by A. Allan Schmid. East Lansing. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Evolution of Michigan 

Water Laws, Response to Economic. Developments by A. 
Allan Schmid. East Lansing. 3p. 

roe CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
b) Quality of Water Resources 


Department of Natural Resources. Environmental Protection 
Branch. Michigan State Plan for Air Pollution Control, 
Water Pollution Control and Solid Waste Management. 
1974/1975. Lansing. various pagings. 

ily yA 

House. Legislative Report; The environmental mercury 
problem: from House Resolution 2) Great Lakes 
Contamination (Mercury) Committee by Frank M. DPLGELs 
Lansing. 289p. 

Water Resources Commission. Michigan's Contingency Plan 
for Oil and Hazardous Materials Pollution. Lansing. 


Bureau of Water Management. A Survey of Background 
Water Quality in Michigan Streams. Lansing. 7p. 


Water Resources Commission. Intrastate Use Designation 
Areas or Use Designation Areas for Michigan's Intra- 
state Water Quality Standards. Lansing. various pagings. 

Water Resources Commission. Water Pollution Problems and 
Control Problems in Michigan's Portion of the Great 
Lakes. Lansing. 6p. 


Water Resources Commission. Summary of Comments on and 
Corrections to Proposed Water Quality Criteria and 
Plans of Implementation for Michigan Waters. Lansing. 


Department of Conservation. Summary of Ground Water 
Conditions in Michigan by P. R. Grioux and G. C. 
Huffman. Lansing. 128p. 

Legislature. Joint Committee on Water Resources Planning. 
Study of Needs of Water Pollution Control Works. 
Lansing... various pagings. 

Natural Resources Committee of State Agencies. Governor's 
Conferences on Lake IMichigan Pollution. Lansing. 271p. 

238. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
27. Energy Resources 90 
a) Issues in Energy Resources 
19T ‘9d 
Shc8ii Cokin pele oF: Raeresrs ': Report to Governor William 
G. Milliken. Lansing. 66p. 

Energy Survey ‘Committee. --Energy and the Michigan Economy ; 

“ A forecast: Projections of, power supplies and 
requirements in Michigan with analysis of prospects in 
related industries. University of Michigan, Bureau of 
Business Research.’ Ann Arbor. 58bp. . 

28. Air Resources 


‘Department of Natural: Resources. Environmental Protection 
Branch. Michigan State Plan for. Air Pollution 
Control, Water Pollution Control and Solid Waste 
iesnswenesrte 1974/1975. Lansing. various. pagings. 

By. Solid Waste Hanagement 
a) Issues ‘in Solid’ Waste: lita gétiont 
ATE. :. 

Division of Solid Waste Management. Solid Waste Management 
for Michigan by Capitol Consultants, Inc. Lansing. 153p. 

b). Solid Waste Management Planning 

Department of Natural Resources. Environmental Protection 
Branch. Michigan State Plan for Air Pollution Control, 
Water Pollution Control and Solid Waste Management. 
_ 1974/1975. Lansing. various pagings. 
gD xz 42 sey : 
36. Issues in Environmental ‘Quality 
Office of Planning ‘Coordination. Bureau of Policies and 
Programs. Environmental Quality in Michigan. Lansing. 
various pagings. 


Water Resources Commission. Governor's Conference on 
Thermal Pollution held July 18, 1969, Traverse City. 
Lansing. 83p. 

239. ~~ CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 


Office of the Governor. iinnesota' Future: Proceedings 
of Seminar’ on Minnesota's Future, held -on February 10, 
with the State Planning. Agency. St. Paul. 36p. 


Department of Economic Development. More About Minnesota 
in 1980 with a Glimpse into 1990. St. Paul. 5p. 


Department of Economic Development. The Quality of Life 
in Minnesota. St. Paul. unpaged. 


Governor. Goals for Minnesota; A report from Governor 
Karl F. Rolvag to the. 6th: Session of the Minnesota 
Legislature, January 6, 1965. St. Paul. l2p. 

2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 

Office of. Local and Urban Affairs. State, Regional, 
County, Municipal Planning: Legislation in Minnesota. 
St. Paul. 9p. 

Office of Local and Urban Affairs. Minnesota Planning 
Legislation. St. Paul. 52p. 

House. Committee on Metropolitan and Urban Affairs. 
Subcommittee on the Role of the State in Urban Affairs. 

Report. St. Paul. 39p. 

State Planning Agency. Minnesota Property Tax Study by 
Rolland F. Hatfield. St. Paul. 3v. 

20. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 


Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. Land Exchange in 
Minnesota. St. Paul. 63p. 


Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. Planning in 
Minnesota. St. Paul. 35p. 

Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. A Study of Land 
Ownership, including Tax Forfeited Lands by Waldemar R. 
Anderson, Roland E. Olson and John R. Borchert. 

St. Paul. 100p. 


Division of Community Planning. Statewide Planning 
Resources Survey. St. Paul. 207p. 

Division of Community Planning. Statewide Planning 
Resources Survey: Appendix. St. Paul. 83p. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 

State Planning Agency. Developing a Land-Use and Environ- 
mental Program for Minnesota, Barton-Aschman Associates. 
St. Paul. various pagings. 

State Planning Agency. Division of Environmental Planning. 
A Proposed Work Program for Land Use Planning. St. 
Paul. 38p. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. The Use and Cost of 
Aerial Photographs in Land Use Planning and 
Classification, by Joseph J. Ulliman. St. Paul. 3p. 

State Planning Agency. Minnesota Settlement and Land 
Use 1985 by John R. Borchert. St. Paul. 3p. 

Division of Lands and Forestory. Land Use Classification, 

Northern Minnesota Pilot Study Progress Report; Land 
exchange study supplement. St. Paul. 2l1p. 

21. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
3. State Economic Planning 


State Planning Agency. Economic Significance and Outlook 
Minnesota Waterborne Transportation by Marvin J. 
Barbon. St. Paul. 3hp. 


State Planning Agency. The Who, How Much and Where Of 

Tourism, in Minnesota, by Midwest Research Institute. 
St. Paul. 2v,.. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 

State Planning Agency. Protecting the Minnesota 

Environment through Regulation of Private Land Use. 
St. Paul. 1h2p. 


Citizens League, iiinneapolis - Committee on Environment. 
Needed: Better ways of making environmental choices: 
Recommendations on improving the environmental 
decision-making framework in Minnesota. Minneapolis. 

6. Recreational Resources 

Department of Natural Resources. Bureau of Planning. 
Project 80 Report: ilinnesota resource potentials in 
State outdoor recreation with the State Planning 
Agency. St. Paul. 178p. 


Department of Conservation. Minnesota Outdoor Recreation 
Plan, 1968. Pt. 1 - Outdoor Recreation Plan Including 
Action Program. Pt. 2 - Executive Summary. Pt. 3 - 
Midwest Research Institute Outdoor Recreation Planning 
and Tourism Study for the State of Minnesota. Appendices. 
St. Paul. various pagings. 

Department of Natural Resources. Minnesota Outdoor 
Recreation Plan: Executive Summary. St. Paul. 32p. 

2h2. :- CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 

Department of Conservation. Bureau of Planning. Outdoor 
Recreation Planning and Tourism Study for the State of 
tiinnesota; Statistical. summary ee Midwest Research 

Institute. St Paul. odlpve 

Department of Conservation: Bureau of Planning. Outdoor 
Recreation Planning and Tourism Study for the State of 
Minnesota; Pt. 3. Interpretation of Statistical 
‘Summary. by Joseph C. Horvath and Richard A. Pearson 
with the State Planning Agency. St. Paul. 827p. 

Department of Administration and Department of Conservation. 
Minnesota’ Outdoor: Recreation'Plan, 1968. St. Paul. 13lp. 


Outdoor Recreation Résourtés Gommisdion. MORRC Legis- 
lature and Appropriations’ Recommeridations. St. Paul. 
29p. > Atk 


Department of Conservation: : Minriesota Outdoor Recreation; 
Present ‘and Future. St. Paul. 323p. 

Department at Gonkateonened ‘Mitinés6ta ‘Outdoor Recreation; 
Preliminary Plan. St. Paul. 323p. 

Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. A Study of 
Private Enterprise in Outdoor Recreation by T. 
Jerome Enright, Jr. and John R. Borchert. St. Paul. 

Outdoor Recreation Résources Commission: Public Access 
in Minnesota, St. Paul. °“78p.* 9° 

Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. Parks and 
Recreation in Minnesota. St. Paul. 96p. 

Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. “A Study of 
Recreation Use of Rivers neo Streams in Minnesota. 
St. Paul’. wa 
7. Housing 
b) Mobile Home Resources 
Legislature. Highway Interim Commission. Mobile Homes 

and the ilobile Home Industry; Report by Consulting 
Services Corporation. St. Paul. 10kp. 

2h3. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation Resources 

Interdepartmental Task Force of Transportation. Routes 

of the Future: The DOT Idea: A Report. St. Paul. 


University of Minnesota. Department of Agricultural 
Economics. Projection of Population and Highway 
Traffic in llinnesota by John R. Borchert. Minneapolis. 

b) Airport Planning 

Department of Aeronautics. Summary Report; State of 
Minnesota Aviation System Plan by R. Dixon Speas 
Associates, Inc. for Minneapolis-St. Paul. 

St. Paul. 56p. 

House. Committee on Metropolitan and Urban Affairs. 
Subcommittee on Air Transportation and Airports. 
Final Report, 1969-70, Interim. House Research 
Department. St. Paul. 5lp. 


Department of Aeronautics. Interim State Aviation Plan 

by above with the Minnesota State Planning Agency. 
St. Paul. 28p.+ 

c) Highway Planning 

Department of Highways. Office of Transportation Planning. 
Minnesota Truck Highway Needs Study, 1968 through 
1986; A nontechnical discussion of the study methods 

and results with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 
St. Paul. 25p. 

iis « CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of Highways. Planning and Programming Division. 
Planning Research Section. 20 Year ilinnesota Truck 
Highway Needs Study; 1962 comprehensive report of the 

' ‘engineering study with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 
St e Paul ° 63p ° : 


Legislature. Commission on Highways. Report Submitted 
to. the Legislature of the State of. ead pt 
St. Paul. a 

ad) lass Transit Fi ditiing 

House Committee on Metropolitan and Urban Affairs. Sub- 
es on Metropolitan and Statewide Transit. 
Report. » St. Paul. 3p. 

1964 Rte BF 

Department of Highways. Highways - Opportunities and 
Land Use Controls; A case study in Duluth, by 
Mark C. Flaherty, Barbara K. Bailey and Kenneth W. 
Kipp. St.Paul. 115p. : : 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 

; University of Minnesota. Department of Agricultural 
Economics. Projection of Population and Highway 

Traffic in Minnesota by John R. Borchert. Minneapolis. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 


‘Office of Local and Urban Affairs. State, Regional, 
County, ‘Municipal Planning: Legislation in Minnesota. 
St. Paul. 9p. 


State Planning Agency. Office of Local and Urban Affairs. 
Regional Planning and Development in Minnesota: A 
handbook of Executive Order No. 60 and the Regional 
Development Act of 1969. St. Paul. 55p. 

25. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
Office of Local and Urban Affairs. Regional Planning 
and Development in iijnnesota; A handbook on 

Executive Order lio. 37 and the Regional Development 
Act of 1969. St. Paul. 53p. 

State Planning Agency. A Regional Planning and 

Development System for Minnesota; A report to the 
Governor and the Legislature. St. Paul. 8p. 

11. Local Planning 
- a) Issues in Local Planning 
197k. anit 3 | 
University of Minnesota. Agricultural Extension Service. 

Land Use Controls by Minnesota Counties by James 
Jannetta and Robert Snyder. St. Paul. kp. 

- 1965 
Division of Community Planning.’ Planning for Minnesota 
Communities. St. Paul. 2hip. 

Department of Highways. Municipal Planning in Minnesota; 
An inventory with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 
St. Paul. 2l1p. 


Division of Community Planning. Private Planning 
Consultant Services, Rev. May 1961. St. Paul. 1Op. 
Division of Community Planning. Twenty Questions and 

Answers about Zoning. Rev. February 1961. St. Paul. 
llp. ’ 

Division of Community Planning. An Outline of Planning 
Procedures. Rev. February. St. Paul. 15p. 

Division of Community Planning. The Township Planning 
and Zoning Commission. Rev. St. Paul. 7p. 

b) Local Planning Enabling Act 
1973 td azote 
Office of Local and Urban Affairs. State, Regional, 

County, Municipal Planning: Legislation in iinnesota. 
St. Paul. 9p. 

26. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Office of Local and Urban Affairs. Ilinnesota Planning 
Legislation. St. Paul. 38p. 


Division of Community Planning. Minnesota Planning 
Legislation. St. Paul. 5hp. 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 
Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission. Land Management 
Information in Northwest Minnesota. The beginning of 
a Statewide system. University of Minnesota. 
St. Paul. 75p. 

Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. Working Paper 
Mapping in liinnesota by Minnesota Geological Survey 
and the State Mapping Advisory Board. St. Paul. 2p. 

13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
b) State Programs 

Environmental Quality Council. Environmental Impact 
Statements. St. Paul. unpaged. 

State Planning Agency. Rules and Regulations of the 
Minnesota Environmental Quality Council: Pursuant 
to the Environmental Policy Act of 1973. St. Paul. 


State Planning Agency. Environmental Policy Act. St. Paul. 

14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 
Department of Administration. Natural Resource 

Organization for Minnesota by Lawrence F. Knoll with the 
Minnesota State Legislature. St. Paul. 18p. 

2h7. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h, 


University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Recommendations Concerning the Improvement of State 
Government for Natural Resources by William C. Walton. 
Minneapolis. lp. 


University of Minnesota. Department of Geography. Atlas 
of Minnesota Resources and Settlement by John R. 
Borchert and Donald P. Yaeger for Minnesota State 
Planning Agency. Minneapolis. 2h3p. 


Governor's Conference on State Resources. Report. 3rd; 
June 20, 1960. Office of Iron Range Resources and 
Rehabilitation. St. Paul. 117p. 

15. "Critical Areas" 
a) Environmentally Critical Areas 


Environmental Quality Council. Proposed Rules and 
Regulations for Administration of the Critical Areas 
Act of 1973. First Draft. St. Paul. various pagings. 

Environmental Quality Council. Outline for Proposed 
Rules and Regulations for Administration of Critical 
Areas Act of 1973. St. Paul. various pagings. 

State Planning Agency. Critical Areas Planning Process. 
St. Paul. folder. 

State Planning Agency. Rules and Regulations of the 
Minnesota Environmental Quality Council: Critical 
Areas Planning Process. St. Paul. 17p. 

State Planning Agency. Critical Areas Act. St. Paul. 

Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. A Study of 
Minnesota's Natural Areas, by the Commission Staff 
with the Minnesota Academy of Science and the Nature 
Conservancy, Inc. St. Paul. Op. 

28. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
17. Coastal Area Management 
a) ‘Issues in Coastal Area Management _ 
1974 | 

Department of Natural Resources. Statewide Standards 
and Criteria for Management of Shoreland Areas of 
Minnesota. St. Paul. various pagings. 

18. Wetland Management 

Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. Acquisition of 
Wildlife Land in Minnesota (Wetland Program). 
‘St. Paul. 8p. 

19. Land Preservation 
c) Open Space Preservation 

House. Committee on Metropolitan and Urban Affairs. 
Subcommittee on Open Space and the Environment. 
Final Report, 1969- 70 Adie House Research Department. 
St. Paul. 5p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

Department of Highways. Small Stream Flood Investigations 
in Minnesota, October 1958 to September 1967 by 
Lawell C. Guetzkow and George H. Carlson with the 
U.S.6.S,. “St. Paul. l7up. 


Division of Waters, Soils and Minerals. Floods and 
Flood Plain Damage Reduction in Minnesota with the 
State Planning Agency. St. Paul. 38p. 


Department of Highways. Small Stream Flood Investigations 
in Minnesota October 1958 to September 1965 by 
Lowell C. Guetzkow and Kurt T. Gunard by the U.S.G.S. 
St. Paul. 162p.-*’ 

2h9. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
Division of Waters. Floods in Minnesota; Magnitude 
and Frequency by C. H. Prior and J. H. Hess. 
St. Paul. 1h2p. 
21. Wildlife Resources 

Outdoor Recreaticn Resources Commission. Acquisition of 
Wildlife Land in Minnesota (Wetland Program). 
St. Paul. 8p. 


Department of Conservation. Ducks and Land Use in 
Minnesota; studies by Forrest B. Lee and others, 
ed. by John B. Moyle. St. Paul. 10p. 


Division of Game and Fish. Minnesota Game Management 
Policy. Rev. St. Paul. 28p. 

22. Agricultural Resources 

University of Minnesota. Department of Agricultural 
Econcmics. The Minnesota Farm; Changes in number of 
farms and average size, 1939 to 196 by John S. Hoyt, 
Jr. and Sirjit Singh Sidhu with the Agricultural 
Extension Service and Agricultural Experiment Station. 
St. Paul. folder. 


Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Commission. 
Report of the Farm Management Program in Northeastern 
Minnesota. 1966 Supplementary Report. St. Paul. 2kp. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Regulation of Water 

Use in Minnesota Agriculture by C. 0. Nohre and 
P. M. Raup. St. Paul. 22p. 

250. ° CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
23. Forest Resources 

Legislative. Research Committee. Forestry Lands and 
Related Problems. St. Paul. 13p. 

Office of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation. 
Timber Resources of Minnesota...1961. St. Paul. llv. 

2h. Aesthetic Concerns ~* 
b) Wild & Scenic Rivers 

State Planning Agency. Minnesota Wild and Scenic 
Rivers Act. St. Paul. unpaged. - 

ce) Historical Preservation 

Minnesota Historical Society. Historic Sites Division. 
Preservation in Minnesota by Donn M. Coddington. 
St. Paul. 166p. 


Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. * An Historic 
Sites Program for Minnesota, by above with the 
Minnesota Historical Society, Minnesota Highway 
Department and Division of State Parks. St. Paul. 9Qkhp. 


Historical Society. Historic Sites Program for 
Minnesota; Summary. St. Paul. 5p. 

‘Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. Minnesota's 
Historic Sites, with the Minnesota Historical 
Society, Minnesota Highway Department and Division 

of State Parks, Conservation Department. St. Paul. 76p. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 
State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordinating 
Committee. Minnesota Water and Related Land Resources 

Policies for Planning: Response to planning policy 
issues posed by the WRCC 1970-71. St. Paul. 52p. 

251. CPL Exchange Bibliography 772-773-774 

State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordinating 

' Committee. Minnesota Water and Related Land Resources: 
Information programs by a Task Force of the above. 
St. Paul. Shp. 


State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordinating 
Committee. ‘Summary of Alternative Programs and 
Projects for Managing Minnesota's Water and Related 
Land Resources through the Year 2020. St. Paul. 17p. 

Water Resources Coordinating Committee. Alternative 
Programs and Projects for Managing Minnesota's Water 
and Related Land Resources through the Year 2020. 
St. Paul. 2h5p. P katie) 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Interest Groups with Water and Related Land Resources 
Programs in Minnesota, 1971, by William C. Walton and 
David L. Hills. Minneapolis. 96p. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Water and Related Land Resources State Administration, 
Legislative Process and Policies in Minnesota, 1970, 
by William C. Walton and David L. Hills. Minneapolis. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research 
Center, International, Regional, Federal-State, 
Interstate and Federal Organizations with Water and 
- Related Land Resources Programs in Minnesota by 
- William C. Walton and David L. Hills. Minneapolis. 262p. 

House. Land and Water Resource Committee. Subcommittee 
on Water Resources and Pollution. Final Report, 

Interim 1969-70. House Research Department. St. Paul. 
25p. >” . 

State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordinating 
Committee. Alternative Programs and Projects for 
Managing Minnesota's Water and Related Land Resources 
through the Year 2020. St. Paul. 2h5p. 

State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordinating 
Committee. Summary of Background Information for 
Framework Statewide Water and Related Land Resources 
Planning in Minnesota. St. Paul. 29p. 

252. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordination 
Committee. Minnesota Water and Related Land 
Resources; First Assessment. St. Paul. 396p. 

University of Minnesota, Water Resources Research Center. 
Integrating Water Quality ilanagement into Total Water 
Resources Management in Minnesota by Ulric P. Gibson, 
Conrad P. Straub and Richard B. Bond. Minneapolis. 


State Planning Agency. Background Information for 
Framework Statewide Water and Related Land Resources 
Planning in Minnesota by Water Resources Coordinating 
Committee. St. Paul. L56p. 

State Planning Agency. Summary of Background Information 
for Framework Statewide Water and Related Land 
Resources Planning in Minnesota. St. Paul. 29p. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Summary of Information on Federal Agencies and 
. Responsibilities in Water and Related Land Resources 
Field in Minnesota compiled: by William C. Walton. 
Minneapolis. 26p. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
The Role of the State of Minnesota in Water Resources 
Planning by William C. Walton. Minneapolis. kp. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
‘A Collection of Papers on "History of Federal River 
Basin Planning Organizations," "Evolution of Water 
Resources Planning," "Comprehensive Water Resources 
Planning" and "Water Development Policy." Minneapolis. 

University of Minnesota. Waiter Resources Research Center. 
Summary of Information on Minnesota Water Resources 
Board and Watershed Districts by David L. Hills. 
Minneapolis. 23p. 


Division of Waters, Soil and Minerals. An Inventory of 
Minnesota Lakes by the Staff of the Waters Section. 
St. Paul. l98p. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Codified and Uncodified State Laws and Municipal 
Ordinances Bearing on Water and Related Land Resources 
in iiinnesota compiled by William C. Walton, Raymond A. 
Haik and David L. Hills. Minneapolis. 60p. 

253. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h4 

State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordinating 
Committee. Papers Presented during the Conference 
on Water and Related Land Resource Planning in 
Minnesota. St. Paul. 122p. 

State Planning Agency. Water Resources Coordinating 
Committee. Water and Related Land Resources Planning 
in Minnesota. St. Paul. 28p. 


University of ilinnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Federal, State and Local Agencies Concerned with Water 
Resources Research in Minnesota; A report of a task 
group of the Consulting Council. Minneapolis. 122p. 


Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission. An Accelerated 
Program for Hydrologic Studies in Minnesota by above 
with the Division of Waters. St. Paul. 26p. 


Division of Waters. Water Use for Irrigation in 
Minnesota. St. Paul. 19p. 

Division of Waters. Water Resources of Minnesota; A 
Study Guide. St. Paul. 28p. 

Legislative Research Committee. Water Utilization and 
Conservation in Industry. St. Paul. 22p. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Regulation of Water 

Use in Minnesota Agriculture by C. 0. Nohre and 
P. M. Raup. St. Paul. 22p. 

b) Quality of Water Resources 

Division of Water Quality. Section of Municipal Works. 
Waste Water Disposal Facilities Inventory, State of 
Minnesota, January 1. St. Paul. 6p. 


House. Land and Water Resource Committee. Subcommittee 
on Water Resources and Pollution. Final Report, 
Interim 1969-70. House Research Department. St. Paul. 


254: CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
University of Minnesota. Agricultural Extension Service. 
Understanding the Water Quality Controversy in 
Minnesota by John J. Waelti. ilinmneapolis. 27p. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Integrating Water Quality Management into Total Water 
Resources Management in liinneapolis, by Ulric P. 
Gibson, Conrad P. Straub and Richard B. Bond. 
Minneapolis. 222p. — 


Pollution Control Agency. Section of Sewage Works. 
Sewage Disposal Facilities Inventory, State of 
Minnesota. St. Paul. unpaged. 

26. Issues in Public Land Management 

State Planning Agency. | A State Land Inventory. St. Paul. 
15p. : ot bush TOD 

27. Energy Resources 
a) Issues in Energy Resources 

Environmental Quality Council. Energy Policy Task Force. 
Final Report and Recommendations. St. Paul. 78p. 


Division of Waters. Power Development in Minnesota by 
Gene R. Hollenstein. St. Paul. 35p. 

29. Power Plant Siting 
State Planning Agency. Rules and Regulations of the 
Minnesota Environmental Quality Council: Power plant 
siting and transmission line routing. St. Paul. 22p. 


State Planning Agency. Minnesota Power Plant Siting Act. 
St. Paul. unpaged. 

255. CPL Exchange Bibliography #/772-773-77h 
32. Issues in Surface Mining 

Inter-Agency Task Force on Base-iietal Mining Impact. 
Report. St. Paul. various pagings. 

3h. Solid Waste Management 
a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 


State Planning Agency. Impacts of Beverage Container 
Regulations in Minnesota: A report to the Governor 
and Legislature by Robert Dildine and Ron Rainy. 
St. Paul. 1h0p. 


State Planning Agency. Recycling of Solid Wastes Act. 
Due Lavi, 3p. 


Pollution Control Agency. Division of Solid Waste. 
Minnesota State Regulations: Regulations for 
disposal and reuse of abandoned motor vehicles and 
other scrap metal. St. Paul. 9Qp. 

35. Soil Conservation 

a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

Office of Local and Urban Affairs. Program Summary of the 
Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON) and State Natural 
Resources Programs. St. Paul. 22p. 

University of Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center. 
Summary of Information on State Soil & Water 
Conservation Commission and Soil and Water Conservation 
Districts by William C. Walton. Minneapolis. 22p. 


Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Accelerating 
Minnesota's Watershed Program. St. Paul. 8p. 

256... CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

University of Minnesota. Agricultural Extension Service. 
Soils of Minnesota by H. F. Arnemon. Minneapolis. 7p. 

36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

Environmental Quality Council. Citizens' Advisory 
Committee. Environmental Quality, Policies and 
Decision-iiaking in Minnesota. St. Paul. 21p. 

State Planning Agency. Citizens Advisory Committee for the 
Environmental Quality Council. St. Paul. folder. 

State Planning Agency. Report .on the Cuality of the 
Environment. lst. 197 Annual, by Patricia Klainert 
and Alex 0. Lewis. St. Paul. 233p. 


State Planning Agency. Environmental Quality Council 
Act. St. Paul. unpaged. 

University of Minnesota.. Environmental Decision-Making in 
Minnesota An Overview, Applicability of Innovations in 
Other States to Minnesota and Alternatives. St. Paul. 
569p. ? 

University of Minnesota. Environmental Decision-Making 
in Minnesota. Summary and Alternatives. St. Paul. 

Environmental Quality Council. Citizens' Advisory 

Committee. Environmental Quality, Policies and 
Decision-Making in Minnesota. St. Paul. 1h6p. 

257. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


State Planning 

a) Issues in General State Planning 

Governor's Forest Disaster Salvage Council. The Story 
of Camille; How Mississippi recovered from a disaster 
with a bright look to the future. Jackson. 2p. 

State Economic Planning 

Research and Development Center. An Economic Model of 
Mississippi: An Overview, by F. Gerald Adams, Carl 
Brooking and E. Byron Chew by Wharton Econometric 
Forecasting Associates, Inc. Jackson. 0p. 


Research and Development Center. Mississippi State 
Development Program. Vol. 2: Economic Goals. 
Jackson. 63p. 

Research and Development Center. Mississippi State 
Development Program. Jackson. 2v. 


Research and Development Center. Preliminary State 
Development Program for Mississippi. Jackson. 185p. 


Research and Development Center. Mississippi's Economic 
Goals by J. R. Peterson. Jackson. 16p. 


Board of Water Commissioners. A Plan for the Appraisal 
of the Water Resources of Mississippi, Essential for 
Sound Economic Growth. Jackson. unpaged. 

Research and Development Center. Studies in the Economic 

Structure of the State of iiississippi, by John G.D. 
Carden and F. B. Whittington, Jr. Jackson. 2v. 

258. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Board of Water Commissioners. Water for a Changing 
Economy; A report to the 1962 adap aan Legislature. 
Jackson. 33p. : 

6. Recreational Resources 


Bureau of Outdoor Research. Executive Summary; 
Mississippi Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor 
Recreation Plan, with the Research and Development 
Center. Jackson. 0p. 


Williams, D. The Feasibility of Centralized Management 
of Water Recreation Facilities in Mississippi. 
Jackson. © 7p. . 


Research and Development Center. Five-Year Action Program, 
Mississippi Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation 
Plan. Jackson. 1h3p. 

Research and Development Center. Mississippi Statewide 
Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan by W. Hugh 
Tatum and others. Jackson. 216p. 

Research and Development Center. Long-Range Branch. 
Outdoor Recreation Plan; Resources and Opportunities 
in Mississippi by John A. Davis, John M. King and 
W. Hugh Tatum for Mississippi Park System. Jackson. 
various pagings. 
7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 
Research and Development Center. Initial Housing Element, 
State of Mississippi, Update by Peggy G. Mullins. 
Jackson. 57p. 
8. Transportation Planning 
b) Airport Planning 

Aeronautics Commission. The ltississippi Airport Plan, 

am2tA 2 ame. 

259. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
ll. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 
Research and Development Center. .Taxes and Assessment 
Practices of Mississippi Municipalities by James E. 
Noblin, Jr. Jackson. 71lp. 
17. Coastal Area Management 

a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 


Gulf Coast Research Laboratory. Cooperative Gulf of 
Mexico Estuarine Inventory and Study, Mississippi, 
ed. by J. Y. Christmas, with Marine Conservation 
Commission. Ocean Springs. 3p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

Board of Water Commissioners. Floods in Mississippi, 
September 1965 through September 1967 by B. E. Wasson, 
by U.S.G.S. with the State Highway Department. Jackson. 


Board of Water Commissicners. Floods of 1963 by 
Braxtel L. Neely, Jr. by the U.S.G.S. with the 
State Highway Department. Jackson. 5p. 


Board of Water Commissioners. Floods of 1962 in 
Mississippi by Braxtel L. Neely, Jr. by the U.S.G.S. 
with the State Highway Department and above. Jackson. 

Board of Water Commissioners. Floods of 1961 in 

Mississippi, by Kenneth V. Wilson by the U.S.G.S. 
with the State Highway Department and above. Jackson. 

23. Forest Resources 

Forestry Commission. Forest Policy for Mississippi. 
Jackson. 29p. 

260. ©. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Developing Mississippi's 
Hardwood Resources by Chester :l. Wells, Jr. and 
L. Dow Welch. State College. 30p. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 

Board of Water Commissioners. Saline Ground-Water 
Resources of Mississippi by G. J. Dalsin with the 
U.S.G.S. Jackson. various pagings. 


State Geological Survey.’ Water Resources of Mississippi 
by Thad WN. Shows. Jackson. 16lp. 


Board of Water Commissioners. Water in llississippi by 
. B. E. Ellison, illustrated by Frances i. Hester with 
_ the U.S.G.S., Water Resources Division. Jackson. 5lp. 


Board of Water Commissioners. A Plan for the Appraisal 
of the Water Resources of Mississippi, essential for 
sound economic growth. Jackson. unpaged. 

Mississippi State University. Water Resources Research 
Institute. Law of Water Resources of the State of 
Mississippi: A multi-factual, policy-oriented study 
of legal prescriptions relating to water use and 
control by Parham Williams. State College. 23p. 


Board of Water Commissioners. Water for Industry. Jackson. 


Board of Water Commissioners. Water for a Changing 

Economy; A report to the 1962 Mississippi Legislature. 
Jackson. 33p. 

261. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
27. Energy Resources 
b) Nuclear Power Resources 

Research and Development Center. Our Nuclear Future, 
James E. Noblin, Jr., ed. Jackson. 179p. 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Soils of Mississippi 
by H. B. Vanderford. State College. 125p. 

b) Soil Erosion Control 

Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Agricultural 
- and Biological Engineering Department. Erosion Control 
Criteria for Drainage Channels by J. C. McWhorter, 
T. G. Carpenter and R. N. Clark for the State Highway 
Department ‘with the U. S. Bureau of. Public Roads. 
State College. 190p. 

2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 
Division of Commerce and Industrial Development. Impact 
of New Industrial Plants; Bight case studies by 
Norman J. Bucher sponsored by the above and the Office 

of Industrial Development Studies, University of 
Missouri. Jefferson City. 8p. 

3. State Economic Planning 
University of Missouri. University Extension Service. 

Community Development; A new dimension of extension by 
Bryon Phifer and Fred List. Columbia. 3lp. 

262. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 

State Highway Commission. Projections of Socioeconomic 
Data to 1967, 1975 and 1990 by James R. Pinkerton, 
Rex R. Campbell and Floyd K. Harmston with the U. S. 
Bureau of Public Roads. Jefferson City. 352p. 


Division of Commerce and Industrial Development. Planning 
Section. A Prospectus of a Plan for the State of 
Missouri by Harland ‘Bartholomew and Associates. 

St. Louis. 38p. 


Division of Commerce and Industrial Development. 
Industrial Location in the Rural Areas of Missouri; 
A study of geographic patterns.and preferences by 
George D. Hack. Jefferson City. 2p. 

Resources and Development Commission. Industrial Section. 
Industrial Development Financing Methods in the U.S.}! 
A brief look at State and local programs by George D. 
Hack, . Jefferson City. i8p. 

5. Planning with and for the ‘Environment 


Department of Community Affairs. Physical Characteristics 
and Constraints for Development, Part III:. Areas 
sensitive to development in Missouri. St. Paul. 
various pagings. 


Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources. 
Engineering Geology Criteria Applicable to Sewage 
Treatment Locations: in Missouri by John .W. Whitfield 

and others for. the’ heparenent of Community Affairs. 
Rolla. 1k7p. . : 


Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources. 
Environmental Geology in Town and Country, by 
William C. Hayes and Jerry D. Vineyard. Rolla. 2p. 

263. CPL Exchange Bibliography #172-173-774 
6. Recreational Resources 


tte te. Inter-Agency Council. for Outdoor Recreation. 
Goals, Objectives and Policies for Outdoor Recreation 
in ilissouri. Jefferson City. 20p. 

Inter-Agency Council for Outdoor Recreation. Task Force 
for Inner City Recreation Needs. Report. Jefferson 
City. lp. vf 


Department of Community Affairs. A Guide for Planning 
Picnic Areas. Jefferson City. 1lkp. 


State Inter-Agency Council for Outdoor Recreation. 
State of Missouri Outdoor Recreation Plan by Booker 
(R.W.) & Associates, Inc., Vol. 1. Jefferson City. 

State Inter-Agency Council for Outdoor Recreation. 
State of Missouri Outdoor Recreation Plan, Vol. 2, 
R. W. Booker & Associates, Inc. Jefferson City. 8hp. 

State Inter-Agency Council for Outdoor Recreation. 
Executive Summary; Missouri comprehensive outdoor 

recreation plan by Midwest Research Institute. 
Jefferson City. 60p. 

8. Beaeiettp a ind biect Planting 
b) Airport Planning 
Divison of Commerce and Industrial Development. Aviation 
Section. Missouri Airport Plan by Bucher & Willis 
with Ozarks’ Regional Commission. Jefferson City. 92p. 
9. Issues in Demographic Change 
Office of Administration. Division of Management Systems. 

Population Projections of the State of Missouri by 
County by Rex Campbell and Andrew Loebl. Jefferson City. 


26). CPL Exchange Bibliography #772~773-774 
10. Issues in Regional Planning 
Department of Community Affairs. Office of Planning. A 
Directory of Missouri's Regional Planning System. 
2nd ed. Jefferson City. - 57p.: 
University of Missouri. Department of Political Science. 

Status of Regional Planning in Missouri by Robert C. 
Simonds. Columbia. 8p. 

Office of State and Regional Planning and Community 
Development. Guides and Informational Materials for the 

Formation and Operation of Regional Planning Commissions 
in Missouri. Jefferson City. 70Op. — 

11. Local Plarinine 
a) Issues in Local Phawhihi 
University of Na saps, University Extension Division. 

Rural Zoning in Missouri: Basis, procedure and effect 
by Robert J. Bevins and Donald R. Levi. Columbia. 18p. 


University of Missouri. Governmental Affairs Program. 
Handbook for Planning Commissioners in Missouri by 
Robert C. Simonds, with the University Extension 
Division. Columbia. hp. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Rural Zoning in Missouri: 
Basis, procedure and effect by Gary Sprick, Frank 
Miller and Donald R. Levi. Columbia. 22p. 
14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 


Department of Conservation. Design for Conservation. 
Jefferson City, 2lp. 

265. CPL Exchange Bibliography ##772-773-774 
15. "Critical Areas" 
a): Environmentally Critical Areas 


Department of Conservation. A ilissouri Natural Areas 
System. Jefferson City. various pagings. 


Department of Community Affairs. Physical Characteristics 
and Constraints for Development, Part III: Areas 
sensitive to development in Missouri. Jefferson City. 
various pagings. 

16. Geologic Concerns 
a) Geologic Resources 


Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources. An 
Introduction to Missouri's Geologic Environment, by 
Larry N. Stout and David Hoffman. Rolla. bhp. 

19. Land Preservation 
b) Agricultural Land Preservation 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Effects of Urban 
Expansion on Ownership Use and Taxation of Agricultural 
Land by Frederick Charles Dopson and Frank Miller. 
Columbia. 2p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources. 
Flood-Volume Design Data for Missouri Streams, by 
John Skelton. Rolla. 28p. 


Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources. 
Magnitude and Frequency of Missouri Floods by E. H. 
Sandhaus and John Skelton with the State Highway 
Commission and the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 
Rolla. 276p. 

266. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
21. Wildlife Resources 


Department of Conservation. Rare and Endangered Species 
of Missouri, 1974 by the U.S.S.C.S., ed. committee: 
“Francis T. Holt and others, illustrations by 
Charles W. Schwartz. -Jefferson City. unpaged. 

23. Forest Resources 
1960 © 

Conservation eoimt sel 6a" ‘Forestry in cateoe > rev. 
Jefferson City. 33p. 

Conservation Commission. Forest Fires in Missouri. 
Jefferson City. unpaged. 

24. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 
1966 “@, odgolow pix 

University of Missouri. School of Business and Public 
Administration. Research Center. Estimates of the 
Impact of Sign and Billboard Removal under the Highway 
Beautification Act of 1965 by James B. Cloonan, 
Stanley T. Gabis and Rudyard B. Goode for the State 
Highway Department with the U. S. Bureau of Public 
Roads. Columbia. 96p. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resources Planning 
Water Resources Board. Water Resources Management for an 
Expanding Missouri; A prospectus for a State Water 
Plan. Jefferson City. unpaged. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Water-Use Law in 
Missouri by Fred L. Mann and others. Columbia. 68p. 

Division of Commerce and Industrial Development. 

Companies using Great Amounts of Water in Manufacturing; 
A report list. Jefferson City. unpaged. 

267. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
b) Quality of Water Resources 


Department of Conservation. Missouri Stream Pollution 
‘Survey, by- Frank M. Ryck, Jr. Jefferson City. 37p. 


Clean Water Commission. Facts About Water Pollution 
Control in Missouri. Jefferson City. 10Op. 

3h. Solid Waste Management 
b) Solid Waste Management Planning 

Division of Health. Section of Environmental Health 
Services. Missouri Solid Waste Management Plan. 
Jefferson City. various pagings. 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Major Soil Areas of 
Missouri, 1962, by H. H. Krusekopf. Columbia. 19p. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Missouri Soil and Water 
Conservation Needs Inventory. Missouri Conservation 
Needs Committee. Columbia. 66p. 

State Highway Commission. Geology and Soils Section. 
Geology and Soils Manual. Jefferson City. 36p. 

36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

Department of Community Affairs. Office of Comprehensive 
Health Planning. A Report on Laws Relating to En- 
vironmental Pollution by Padberg, Raack, licSweeney and 
Slater in consultation with Dennis Tuchler for the 
Governor's Advisory Council on Comprehensive Health 
Planning. Jefferson City. 98p. 

268. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 

Montana State University. Center for Planning and 
Development. Presentations to the Governor's Con- 
ference on Strategy for the 70's, Great Falls, Montana, 
.December 3-h, 1970,..ed. by Howard L. Huffman. Bozeman. 
180p. ; , 

2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 

University of Montana. Bureau:of, Business, and Economic 
‘Research:: ‘State of Montana Planning Design Study for 
Statewide Comprehensive Planning Process Organization 
and Recommended Studies. Missoula. 187p. 


Department of Planning and Economic Development. 
Proceedings of the Montana Planning Institute. 3rd. 
co-sponsored by the Bureau of Government Research, 
‘University of Montana, the. above and the Association 
‘of Montana: Planning Boards. Missoula. 92p. 

b) Issues in'Lané Resource Planning, - 


Montana State University, Cooperative Extension Service. 
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of. the Western 
States Soil Conservation Committees, Commissions and 
Boards. 8th. "Private Land Resources Review: Land 
Use Planning." Bozeman. 130p. 

3. State Economic Planning 

University of Montana. Bureau of Business and Economic 
Research. Montana Economic Study; Research Report. 
Pt. 1. The Montana Economy. Missoula. 3v. 

University of Montana. Bureau of Business and Economic 
Research. The Montana Economic Study; Research Re- 
port. Pt. 2. The Industries of Montana. Missoula. 

269. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Bureau of Mines and Geology. Mineral Potential of 
Eastern Montana; A basis for future growth, by the 
U.S.G.S. and the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Butte. 77p. 


State Planning Board. Montana Survey of Community 
Economic Development Potential, compiled and published 
with the cooperation of the Industrial Committee of the 
State Chamber of Commerce. Helena. Ilhlp. 

S. Planning with and for the Environment 


Department.of Natural Resources and Conservation. 
Guidelines for the Long Range Conservation District 
Program. (Plan). Helena. l7p.+ 


Department of Highways. Montana Action Plan with VIN, 
Inc. Helena. various pagings. 

cd Department .of Transportation. Montana Action Plan: 
Development Process with VTN, Inc. Helena. 39p. 

Environmental Quality Council. Environmental and Legal 
Problems of Land Development in Montana by William D. 
Tomlinson. Helena. 23p. 
6. Recreational Resources 


Fish and Game Commission. Montana Statewide Outdoor 
Recreation Plan; Action Program. Helena. 30p. 

Fish and Game Commission. Montana Statewide Outdoor 
Recreation Plan, with Appendix. Helena... 8yp.+ 


Fish and Game Department. Statewide Outdoor Recreation 
Plan. Helena. 23p. 

270. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation. Resources 
1972 | 
Department of Planning and Economic Development. 
National Transportation Study, Montana. Helena. 
108p. : 
c) Highway Planning 
igTs ere | 

Department of Highways. Montana Action Plan with VIW, 
Inc. Helena. various pagings. 

Department of Transportation. Montana Action Plan: 
Development Process with VIN, Inc. Helena. 39p. 

10. Issues in ee Planning 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Regional.Planning and 
Development: Organization and strategies, by Anne S. 
Williams and.William R. Lassey: with the Center for 
Interdisciplinary Studies and. the Department of Sociology. 
Bozeman. 127p. 

Department of Planning and Hconomic Development. Report 
to the Governor: Proposed multi-county districts for 
the State of Montana. Helena. 17p. 
ll. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 


Department of Planning and Economic Development. Sub- 
division, Fall 1972. Helena. various pagings. 


Montana State University. Cooperative Extension Service. 
Rural Zoning; People,. property’and public policy, by 
William J. Black. Bozeman. 32p. 


Legislative Council. Property Taxation in Montana; A 
report to the 37th Legislative Assembly. Helena. 

271. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 


Department of Intergovernmental Relations. Model Subdivision 
Regulations. Helena. 98p.- 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Natural Resources Inventory 
Checklist. Bozeman. 5v. 


Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. A Resource 
Inventory Method for Land Use Planning in Montana by 
William P. Cunningham and Lee F. Werth. Helena. 78p. 

Bureau of Mines and Geology. Development of a Statewide System 
for Computer Processing of Hydrogeological Data by M. K. 
Botz. Butte. 35p;. 
13. Project Notification and Review System Guides. 

a) Federal Program 

Department of Planning and Economic Development. State 
Clearinghouse Procedures. Helena. 12p. 

14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 


Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. Guidelines 
for the Long Range Conservation District Program. (plan) 
Helena. \7p+. 

ag7 1 

Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Conservation 
Districts Division. Montana Rangeland Resources Program by 
Peter V. Jackson by Montana State University, Cooperative 
Extension Service. Bozeman. 56p. 


Bureau of Mines and Geology. Mineral and Water Resources of 
Montana; Report by the U.S.G.S. and above for the U.S. Senate 
Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, at the Request 
of Senator Lee Metcalf. Butte. 166p. 

272. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
15. Critical Areas 
a) Environmentally Critical Areas 
State Board of Hail Insurance. Preliminary Report on the 
Operations of the State Hail Department. Helena. folder. 
b) Areas of Statewide Concern 


Coal Task Force. Coal Development in Eastern Montana: A 
Situation Report. Helena. 80p. 


State Highway Commission. Planning Survey Section. Montana 
Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Study, Primary and Secondary 
Systems, with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Helena. 
various paging. 

16. Geologic Concerns 
a) Geologic Resources 

State Highway Commission. Materials Division. Landslide 
Research with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Helena. 

25. Water Resources 

a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 


Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. Suitability 
of Montana for the High Plains Cooperative Program (Weather 
Modification). Report to the Division of Atmospheric 
Water Resources Management, Bureau of Reclamation. Helena. 
various paging. 


Joint Water Resources Research Center. Development of a State 
Water Planning Model, 1972/73. Missoula. 3v. 

Agricultural Experiment Station. A Study of the Economic, 

Legal and Institutional Aspects of Montana's Water Resource 
Development by Chennat Gopalakrishnan. Bozeman. 33p. 

273. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Joint Water Resources Research Center. Montana Water Rights 

- A New Opportunity: Completion Report by Albert W. Stone. 
Missoula. 30 p. 

Water Resources. Board. Directory of State of Montana, Federal 

' Agencies, and Private Groups Active in the General Field of 
Water Resources;.a Comprehensive Water and Related Land 
Resources Plan for the State of Montana. Helena. 3l1p. 


Montana State University. Cooperative Extension Service. 
- Montana's Water. Conservancy Law with the Water Resources 
Board. Bozeman. unpaged. 


Water Resources Board. Groundwater in Montana; a Comprehensive 
Water and Related Land Resources Plan for the State of 
Montana. Helena. 1h5p. 

Water Resources Board. Summary of Potential Projects; a Com— 
prehensive Water and Related Land Resources Plan for the 
State of Montana. Helena. 7p. 

Water Resources Board: Water Resources Programs Conducted by 
Government Agencies in Montana: A Comprehensive Water and 
Related Land Resources Plan for the State of Montana. 
Helena. 62p. 

Water Resources Board. Bibliography of Montana Water Resources 
and Related’ Publications. Helena. 9lp. 


Water Resources Board. Montana Water Resources and Planning. 
Helena. 19p. 

Water Resources Board. Montana Register of Dams. Helena. 

Water Resources Board. Montana Water Laws: A Resume. 
Helena. 9Qp. 

Water Resources Board. Directory of State of Montana, Federal 
Agencies and Private Greups Active in the General Field of 
Water Resources. Helena. j3lp. 

27h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
1963 . 

Bureau of Mines and Geology. Mineral and Water Resources of 
Montana; Report by the U.S.G.S. and’above for the U.S. 
Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, at the 
Request of Senator Lee Metcalf. Butte. 166p. 

26. Issues in Public Land Management 

Committee Established to Study the Diversified Uses of State 
Lands. Report. Helena. 72p. 


Legislative Council. State Lands and Investments; a Report 
to the 37th Legislative Assembly. Helena. 7p. 

28. Air Resources 
Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. Bureau of 
Air Quality. Implementation Plan for Control of Air 
Pollution in Montana. Helena. various paging. 
30. Siting of Other Utilities 
Department of Planning and Economic Development. Comprehen- 

sive Area-Wide Water and Sewer Plan 1970; State of Montana. 
Vols. 1-17. Helena. 17v. 

Department of Planning and Economic Development. Comprehen- 
sive Area-Wide Water and Sewer Plan, 1970; State of Montana 
by Theodore J. Wirth and Associates and Muller Engineering. 
Helena. lkyv. 
35. Soil Conservation 

a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

Montana State University. Cooperative Extension Service. 
Conservation Needs Inventory of Private and State Lands in 
Montana. Bozeman. folder. 


State Soil and Water Conservation Needs Committee. Montana 
Soil and Water Conservation Needs Inventory. Helena. 39p. 

275. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 
36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

State Department of Health. A Montana Strategy for a Liveable 
Environment; Conference Proceedings. Helena. 112p, 

1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 
Department of Economic Development. Division of Community 
Affairs. Goals for Nebraska - Statewide Attitude Survey 
by Paul M. Schudel and Marcia C. Strand. Lincoln. klp. 
Department of Economic Development. Division of Community 

Affairs. .Goals for Nebraska: Analysis of State Plans by 
Marcia C. Strand and Paul M. Schudel. Lincoln. 77p. 

3. State Economic Planning 

Department of Economic Development. Division of Research. 

Population and Economic Base Study; Nebraska Planning and 
Development Regions. Lincoln. 26v. 


Division of Community Affairs. Guidelines for Local Industrial 
‘Development. Lincoln. 16p. 

6. Recreational Resources 

Game and Park Commission. Outdoor Recreation for Nebraska. 
Lincoln. 59p. 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 

State Office of Planning and Programming. Nebraska State 
Housing Study. 1970-1971. Lincoln. 2v. 

276. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


Stabe Office of Planning and Programming. The Nebraska State 
Housing Study. Lincoln. 63p. 

8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation Resources 
Department of Roads. Action Plan. Lincoln. various paging. 
c) Highway Planning 

Department of Roads. Focus on Nebraska Highways, Six Year 
Highway Program. 197/79. Lincoln. 36p. 


Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Highways. 
Lincoln. 5lp. 


Legislative Council. Report of...Committee on Road Improve- 
ment Districts. Lincoln. lp. 

11. tLocal Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 

Division of Community Affairs. Process for Community Develop- 
ment. Lincoln, 8p. 


Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Formation 
of Sanitary and Improvement Districts. Lincoln. 18p. 

b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 
State Office of Planning and Programming. Nebraska Land De- 

velopment Laws, Public Service Bulletin No. 1. Lincoln. 
various paging. 

277. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Division of Community Affairs. Nebraska Standard Land Subdi- 
vision Regulations. Lincoln. 2p. 

Division of Community Affairs. Model Zoning Regulations. 
Lincoln. 38p. 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 
Natural Resources Commission. Nebraska Natural Resources Data 
Bank Information System: Users Facilities Manual; First 
Report. Lincoln. 28hp. 
13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
a) Federal Program 
State Office of Planning and Programming. The Nebraska System 
for Review, Evaluation and Coordination of Federal Assis- 
tance Programs and Projects; a Guide to the Implementation 
of Procedures Established by U.S. Bureau of the Budget 
Cirevlars A-95 and A-98. Lincoln. 62p. 

State Office of Planning and Programming. Summary of Nebras- 
ka's Project Notification and Review System. Lincoln. 9p. 

14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 
Natural Resources Commission. Funding Nebraska's Future 
Natunal Resources Development by the Planning Division. 
Lincoln. 13p. 

Legislative Council. Report of...Committee on Soil and Water 
Conservation and Forestry. Lincoln. 17p. 

278. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
15. Critical Areas 
a) Environmentally Critical Areas 
Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Agricultural 
Economics. Hail Insurance: An Analysis of Policy Forms 
in Nebraska 1969 by Herman W. Delvo and James D. Greer 
with the Economic Research Service, U.S.D.A. Lincoln. 19p. 
19. Land Preservation 
b) Agricultural Land Preservation 

Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Assessment 
of Agricultural Land. Lincoln. 2hp. 

20. Flood Plain Management 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Flood Warning and 
Community Action. Lincoln. ‘15p. 


Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Flood Prevention and 
Damage Reduction. Lincoln. 19p. 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. August 1-16, 1968 
Flood Report, Southwest Nebraska by the Planning Staff. 
Lincoln. 13p. 
21. Wildlife Resources 

Game and Parks Commission, The Nebraska Fish and Wildlife Plan. 
Lincoln, 2v. 

2h. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 
Department of Roads. Rules and Regulations Relating to the 

Control of Advertising in Areas Adjacent to the Interstate 
and Federal-Aid Primary Highways. Lincoln. 17p. 

279. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 

University of Nebraska. Conservation and Survey Division. 
Availability and Use of Water in Nebraska, 1970 by F. 
Butler Shaffer with the U.S.G.S. Lincoln. 67p. 


Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Nebraska's State 
Water Plan; Report on the Framework Study with the Legis- 
lative Council Interim Study Committee on Ground and Sur- 
face Water and the Legislative Council Interim Study Com- 
mittee on Water and Land Resources. Lincoln. 268p. 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Nebraska's State Water 
Plan: Report on the Framework Study. Appendix D. Survey 
of Nebraska Water Law by the Legal Section. Lincoln. 117p. 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Nebraska's’ State Water 
Plan: Report on the Framework Study. Appendix C. Land 
and Water Resources Problems and Needs by the Planning 
Division. Lincoln. various paging. 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Nebraska's State 
Water Plan: Report on the Framework Study. Appendix B. 
Inventory of Water Resources by the Planning Division. 
Lincoln. various paging. 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Nebraska's State 
Water Plan Framework Study Summary by the Planning Divi- 
sion. Lincoln. 16p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Agriculture 
Economics. Nebraska Water Resource Districts: Character- 
istics and Alternatives by Jack Timmons and Curtis Brom«. 
Lincoln. 5p. 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Nebraska's State 
Water Plan Progress Report January 1, 1967 to January 1, 
1969 by Planning Division and Appendix. Lincoln. lv. 

Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Modernization of 
Resources District Legislation. Lincoln. 19p. 

280. CPL Exchange Bibliography #112-773-T7h. 

Division of Nebraska Resources. Nebraska's Water Story. 
Lincoln. unpaged. 

Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Ground 
and Surface Water Conservation and Utilization. Lincoln. 


University of Nebraska. Conservation and Survey Division. 
Availability and Use of Water in Nebraska by F. Butler 
Shaffer with the U.S.G.S. Lincoln. 33p. 

University of Nebraska. Conservation and Survey Division. 
Ground Water Atlas of Nebraska. Lincoln. unpaged. 


Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Water 
Supply and Pollution and River Basin Projects. Lincoln. 

Legislative Council. Report of...Committee on Water Control. 
Lincoln. 28p. 

b) Quality of Water Resources 

Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Ground 
and Surface Water. Lincoln. 20p. 


University of Nebraska. Conservation and Survey Division. 
The Nitrate Hazard in Well Water with Special Reference 
to Holt County, Nebraska by Richard A. Engberg with the 
U.S.G.S. Lincoln. 18p. 


Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Water 
Supply and Pollution and River Basin Projects, Lincoln. 26p. 

an) .. CPL Exchange Bibliography #17 2-77 3-774 
34. Solid Waste Management 
a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 

Legislative Council. Report of the...Committee on Automobile 
Sal vage and Refuse Problems. Lincoln. 9p. 

35. Soil Conservation .... 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

Conservation Needs Committee. Nebraska Soil. and Water Con- 
servation Needs Inventory. Lincoln. 88p. 

36. Issues in Invironmental Quality 

Legislative Council. Report of the Nebraska Legislative 
Council Committee on Pollution Problems. Lincoln. 7p. 

2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 
State Planning Board. Planning Division. Identification, 
Direction and Need to Know by Robert Reed. Carson City. 

State Planning Board. Laws Relating to Planning. Carson 
City. - 178. 

bd) Issues in Land Resource Planning 


State Planning Board. Recommended Capital Improvements 
Program 1973/75. Annual. Carson City. 3é6p. 

282. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

3. State Economic Planning 

Department of Economic Development. Tourism Planning Guide. 
Carson City. unpaged. 


Department of Economic Development. Nevada Community Profiles. 
Carson City. 17p. 

6. Recreational Resources 

Division of State Parks. Recreation in Nevada. Part 3. 
Nevada's Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. 
Carson City. 319p+. 


State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Re- 
creation in Nevada, Part 1. Carson City. 30p. 


State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. In- 
ventory of Printed Information and Data Pertaining to Water 
and Related Resources of Nevada by Hugh A. Shamberger. 
Carson City. lhhp. 

State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Out- 
door Recreation Planning Guide. Carson City. 10p. 

State Department of Gonservation and Natural Resources. Sta- 
tus of Nevada's Urban Public Recreation Facilities; an 
Interim Report. Carson City. 26p. 

State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Re- 
creation in Nevada. Part 2. Carson City. 8p. 


Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty and Outdoor Recreation. 
Proceedings. 2nd. Annual. Carson City. lv. 


Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty and Outdoor Recreation. 
Proceedings. 1st. Annual. Carson City. lv. 

283. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 

State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 
Recreation in Nevada. Part 1. Carson City. 30p. 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 


Urban Planning Division. The Housing Situation in Nevada: 
Phase II. Carson City. 58p. 


State Planning Board. The jpeg! Situation in Nevada: Phase 
I. Carson City. kbp. 

b) Mobile Home Resources 

Division of Health: Bureau of Environmental Health. Regula- 
tions Governing Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks (Trailer 
Courts) Adopted September 21, 1970. Carson City. 12p. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 


University of Nevada. Bureau of Business and Economic Re- 
search. The Changing Population of Nevada by William 
Peterson and Lionel S. Lewis. Reno. 81p. 

10. - Issues in Regional Planning 


State Planning Board. Planning Division. Recommendations for 
Regional Planning and Development District Boundaries in 
Nevada. Carson City. 135p. 


State Planning Board. Planning Division. Guidelines for the 
Development of the Regional Districts of Nevada by 
Williams and Mocine. Carson City. 27p. 

284. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
11. Local nae 
a) Issues ry Local Planning: 

Office of the Governor. State Planning Procedures Manual by 
the State Planning Coordinator. Carson City. lkp. 


Bureau of Environmental Health. Regulations Governing Subdi- 
visions Adopted by the State Board of Health. Carson 
City. 15p. 

Legislative Counsel Bureau. Final Report of the Subcommittee 
for the Study of Subdivision Planning and Zoning. Carson 
City. various paging. 

State Planning Board. Planning Division. Guide to Subdivi- 
sion Control in Nevada: A Guide to Assist Local Officials 
in Decision Making Relative to Subdividing and Subdivision 

_ Practices in Nevada by Raymond M. Smith and Associates. 
Carson City. 79p. 

State Planning Board. Planning Division. A Capital Improve- 

ments Programming Guide for Nevada's Political Subdivision 
by Griffenhagen-Kroeger, Inc. Carson City. various paging. 

University of Nevada. Max C. Fleischmann College of Agricul- 

ture. Zoning in Your Community by L. Clair: Christensen. 
Reno. 7p. 


University of Nevada. Cooperative Extension Service. Land 
Development in Nevada by William V. Neely. Reno. folder. 

13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
a) Federal Program 


Cffice of the Governor. State Project Notification and Review 
System by the State Planning Coordinator. Carson City. 20p. 

.285. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
a i ait cores Resources Conservation, pepe eee and Management 

Bureau of Mines. Mineral and Water Resources of Nevada by 
the U.S.G.S. and above. Reno. 31p. 

2h... Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 

Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty and Outdoor Recreation. 
Proceedings. 2nd. Annual. Carson City. lv. 

1965 - 

Governor's Conference on Natural Beauty and Outdoor Recreation. 
Proceedings. 1st. Annual. Carson City. lv. 

c) Historical Preservation 

Division of State Parks. A Plan for Historical Preservation 
in Nevada. Vol. 3. Annual Preservation Program. 3rd. 
Carson City. 28p. 


Division of State Parks. A Plan for Historical Preservation 
in Nevada. Vol. 3. Annual Preservation Program. 2nd ed. 
Carson City. 2p. 


Division of State Parks. A Plan for Historical Preservation 
in Nevada. 2nd. ed. Carson City. unpaged. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 


Division of Water Resources. Water for Nevada, the Future 
Role of Desalting in Nevada by the pores Engineer's Office. 
Carson City. 23kp. 

286. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Division of Water Resources, Water for Nevada (Forecasts for 

the Future Population) by Victor R. Hill by State Engineer's 
Office. Reno. 76p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Newlands Project Water 
Study, Water Year 1971 by J. C. Guitjens and C. N. Mahan- 
nah. Reno. 69p. 


Division of Water Resources. Nevada's Water Resources (Water 
for Nevada) by Bruce R. Scott and Thomas J. Smales. 
Carson City. 87p. 

Division of Water Resources. Water for Nevada; Guidelines for 
Nevada Water Planning by B. J. Vasey. Carson City. 9p. 

Division of Water Resources. Water for Nevada; Estimated 
Water Use in Nevada by Thomas J. Smales and J. R. Harrill. 
Carson City. 32p. 

Division of Water Resources. Water for Nevada; Special Plan- 
ning Report: Water Supply for the Future in Southern Nevada 
by Edward L. Kostjal, Fred K. Duren and A. W. Morgner. 
Carson City. 89p. 


State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. _Direc- 
tory of Federal and State Agencies Operating in the Field 
of Water and Related Land Resources, compiled by Hugh A. 
Shamberger and the Division of Water Resources. Carson 
City. 59p. 


State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 
Activities of Agencies Concerned with Water and Related 
Resources of Nevada compiled by Hugh A. Shamberger. 
Carson City. 123p. 


State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. In- 
dex to Hydrographic Areas in Nevada by F. Eugene Rush 
with the U.S.G.S. and State Division of Water Resources. 
Carson City. 38p. 

287. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-7174 

State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 
Estimated Water Use in Nevada, 1950-1965 by J. R. Harrill 
and G. F. Worts, Jr. with the U.S.G.S. Carson City. 37p. 


State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. In- 
terim Inventory of Surface Water Resources of Nevada by 
Robert D. Lamke and Donald 0. Moore with the U.S.G.S. 
“Carson City. 39p. 

State Department of Conservation. and Natural Resources. The 

Ground-Water Situation in Nevada by 0. J. Loeltz and 
G. T. Malmberg. Carson City. 20p. 

b) Quality of Water Resources 


State Planning Board. Nevada Rural Communities Water and 

Waste Water Plan, 1972 by Walters etre be and Chilton 
Engineering. iguch oe CLE¥s Re 


Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Reclaimed 
Waste Water in Las Vegas Valley, by R. G. Orcutt by the 
University of Nevada, College of Engineering. Reno. 122p. 

30. Siting of Other Utilities 
State Planning Board. Nevada Rural Communities Water and 
Waste Water Plan, 1972 by Walters Engineering and Chilton 
Engineering. Carson City. 6v. 
35. Soil Conservation 

a) Issues in Soil Conservation 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Rangeland Watershed Manage- 
ment, a Review by Gerald F. Gifford with the U.S. Bureau 
of Land Management. .Reno. 50p. 

288. CPL Hxchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Soil Conservation Committee. Good Resource Use; Key to 
Progress. Carson City. unpaged. 

36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

Governor's Environmental Council. The Quality of the Environ- 
ment: Final Report to the Governor. Carson City. lp. 

State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 
Nevada's Environmental Quality. Carson. City. 2hp. 

Governor's Environmental Council: The Quality of the Environ- 
ment: - Preliminary Report to Governor Mike O'Callaghan. 
Carson City. 3p. 

State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. 
Preserving Nevada's Environmental Heritage: A Report of 
the Ad Hoc Committee on Environmental Quality to the 
Governor's Natural Resources Council. Carson City. 78p. 

2. State Planning 
b) Issues in Land Resource. Planning 
ney al . 
Agricultural Experiment Station. Property Values and Selected 
Factors Influencing Property Values in New Hampshire, by 
C.T.K. Ching. Durham. 13p. 
3. State Economic Planning 
1970 . 
Department of Employment Security. Economic Analysis and 

Reports Section. ‘Growth and Decline in New Hampshire In- 
dustries, 1966 to 1969. Concord. 23p. 

289. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
State Planning Project. Economic Impact of Recreation, 
Vacation and Travel on New Hampshire by Systems Analysas: 
and Research Corp. Concord. 92p. 

Division of Economic Development. Vacation Travel 
Business in New Hampshire; a Survey and Analysis by Paul 
Hendrick, Richard L. Pfister and Martin Segal. Concord. 


Winter Facilities Development Commission. Report to the 1961 
New Hampshire Legislature, Senate Joint Resolution No. 1, 
April 19, 1961, by Paul Hendrick. Concord. 6p. 

State Planning and Development Commission. Strengthening 
Industrial Development in New Hampshire by Arthur D. 
Little, Inc. Concord. 0p. 
5. Planning with and for the Environment 
Office of Comprehensive Planning. A Program for Resource 

Planning and Development in New Hampshire by above and 
Hans Klunder Associates, Consultants. Concord. 78p+. 


Governor's Office. Conservation and Land Use Policy 
Planning for New Hampshire. Concord. 5p. 

6. Recreational Resources 

State Planning Project. Inventory of Public and Private : 
Outdoor Recreation Areas, New Hampshire. Concord. 75p. 

State Planning Project. The New Hampshire Outdoor Recrea- 
tion Plan. Concord. 23l1p. 

290. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation Resources 
1966 | | 

State Planning Project. Inter-City Transportation for New 
Hampshire by James C. Buckley, Inc. Concord. 5v. 

b) Airport Planning 2S 

State Planning and Development Commission. Air Transporta- 
tion in New Hampshire by ae L. Lindahl. Concord. 56p. 

101 Issues in Regional Planning 
1969 , 

Governor's Committee on Regional doar Report. Concord. 
- various paging. 

ns eer Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 

Office of Comprehensive Planning. Planning Enabling Legis- 
lation in New Hampshire. Concord. various paging. 

Office of Comprehensive Planning. Handbook of Subdivision 
Practice. Concord. various paging. 


Water Supply and Pollution Control Committee. Protect Your- 
self and Your State Before It's too Late, 1967-68, What 
to Do, How to Do It, Where to Clear It, If You Plan to 
Buy, Sell, Build, Subdivide, Dredge, Fill, Dam, with the 
Committee for Better Water. Concord. 10p. 

b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 

Division of Economic Development. Planning Enabling Legis- 
lation in New Hampshire. Concord. 82p. 

291. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 
12. Information Systems and Inventories 

State Planning Project. Islands of New Hampshire; an Inven- 
tory of the Islands in the Lakes, Rivers and Tidewaters 
of New, Hampshire with a Discussion of Ownership by Henry 
I. Baldwin. Concord. 110p. 

14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 
Department of Resources and Economic Development. Office of 
Planning and Research. Proceedings, Governor's Confer- 

ence on Natural Resources, State of New Hampshire. th. 
Annual. Concord. 57p. 

State Planning and Development Commission. New Hampshire 
Mineral Potential: What Can the State Do About It? By 
Robert W. Bridgman. Concord. 5p. 
15. Critical Areas 
b) Areas of Statewide Concern 
Governor's Androscoggin River Planning Committee. Recommen- 
dations for Land Use and Recreation: Upper Androscoggin 
River Valley; Preliminary Report to Governor John W. King. 
Concord. various paging. 
17. Coastal Area Management 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 
Water Pollution Commission. Coastal Watershed. Concord. 98p. 
20. Flood Plain Management 
Department of Resources and Economic Development. Flood Hazard 

Areas, New Hampshire by Anderson-Nichols and Company, Inc. 
Concord. 32p. 

292. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773+77h 

21. Wildlife Resources 


Game Management and Research Division. Wildlife Management 
Area Guide by Harold P. Nevers. Concord, 2l1p. 

23. Forest Resources 

Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Forest Re- 
sources. Forest Land Taxes; Importance to New Hampshire 
Towns and Landowners by Edward Jewett and Oliver P. 
Wallace. Durham. 10p. 


Governor's Forest Policy Committee. A Forest Policy for New 
Hampshire; a Report to the Governor. Concord. 6p. 


State Planning Project. Forest Management for Better Living 
in New Hampshire by Oliver P. Wallace. Concord. 3p. 


State Planning and Development Commission. Small Business 
in New Hampshire's Forestry and Forest Products Indus- 
tries by Charles H. Stoddard and William P. House. 
Concord. 6p. 

Water Pollution Commission. Water Pollution Control During 
Construction, Gravel Washing and Logging Activities. 
Concord. 23p. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 
University of New Hampshire. Water Resources Research Center. 
A Survey of New Hampshire Water Law. Part 1. The Riparian 

Doctrine. Part 2. Recent Water Law Actions by Alexander 
J. Kalinski and Robert H. Forste. Durham. 2p. 

293. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

State Planning Project. New Hampshire Public Water Bodies 
Public Access Points. Part 2. Concord. 123p. 

State Planning Project. The Water Resources of New Hampshire. 
Concord. 216p. 


State Planning Project. New Hampshire Public Water Bodies 
Public Access Points. Part 1. Concord. 100p+. 

b) Quality of Water Resources 

Water Pollution Commission. Water Pollution Control During 
Construction, Gravel Washing and Logging Activities. 
Concord. 23p. 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 
Agricultural Experiment Station. New Hampshire Soils and 
Their Interpretations for Various Uses by Sidney A. L. 
Pilgrim, Allan B. Prince and Nobel K, Peterson with the 
U.S.C.S. Durham. 70p.° 
36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

Interim Committee on Improved Pesticides Controls. Report 
to the 1965 Legislature. Concord. 39p. 

1. States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 


Bureau of Statewide Planning. New Jersey's Future; the 
Issues. Trenton. 5p. 

Bureau of Statewide Planning. New Jersey's Future; Goals 
and Plans. Trenton. 19p. 

294. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 
1969 ! | 
Council for Urban Affairs. Report. trenton; 3p. 

Rutgers University. Center for Urban Social Science Research. 
The Roles of States in Solving DEbex Problems. New 
Brunswick. 527p. 


Senate. Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural 
*Resources. Public Hearing on Senate Bill 477 (Hackensack 
Meadowlands Reclamation and picihaes cama —) pele March 
28. Trenton. 3217p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Pattern of Capital 
Expenditures in New Jersey 1951-1962. Trenton. 39p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. A Statewide Planning 
Analysis of Utility Services in New Jersey; an Inventory 
Report by Anthony James Catanese. Trenton. 80p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Services from Pub- 
lic Agencies for Municipal Planning. Trenton. 58p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Organization and 
Program of the above. Trenton. 2hp. 


Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Compre- 
hensive Report, Meadowlands Regional Development Agency. 
Trenton. Iv. 

Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Division 
of Planning and Development. Planning Bureau. ‘The Objec- 
tives, Programs and Organization of the New Jersey State 
Planning Bureau. Trenton. 20p. 

295. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 

Division of State and Regional Planning, Land Use Regula- 
lation: The Residential Land Supply. Trenton. 30p. 


Commission to Study the Laws of New Jersey Exempting Real 
Property Held by Religious, Educational, Charitable and 
Philanthropic Organizations and Cemeteries from Taxation. 
Supplement to the Report, of January 197? Trenton. Ilp. 


Hackensack Meadowlands Development Commission. Hackensack 
Meadowlands Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Lyndhurst. 60p. 

Commission to Study the Laws of New Jersey Exempting Real 
Property Held by Religious, Educational, Charitable and 
Philanthropic Organizations and Cemeteries from Taxation. 
Public Hearing...Held January 22, 1969. Trenton. 21)p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Projections of Land 
Use - Residential, Commercial and Industrial by William 
Strachen and Others for the Meadowland Regional Development 
Agency and the State of New Jersey. Trenton. bp. 

Interdepartmental Committee for State Planning. Proposed 
Capital Improvement Program 5th; 1968/69 to 1973/7 by 
the Staff of the Capital Improvements Section, Bureau of 
Statewide Planning, Division of State and Regional Plan- 
ning. Annual. Trenton. 168p. 

Senate. Committee on Air and Water Pollution and Public 
Health. ' Public Hearing on Senate Bill 58 (Hackensack 
Meadowlands Title and Development Act) Held June 20 and 
27 in Hackensack. Trenton. 2v. 

Commission to Study Meadowland Development. Supplemental 
Report. Trenton. 2p. 

296. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Legal Basis for 
Capital Improvement Programming Procedures in New Jersey; 
Report to the Interdepartmental Committee for State 
Planning. Trenton. 2v. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. New Jersey's Shore: 
an Inventory and Analysis of Land Use by Nancy J. Carr 
and John Garrison. Trenton. 95p. 


Commission to Study Meadowlands Development. Final Report. 
June. Trenton. 3p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Commercial Land 
Use in New Jersey; the Problems and Implications for the 
Future by Anthony James Catanese and Alan Walter Steiss. 
Trenton. 59p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Education, Insti- 
tutional and Administrative Facilities and the Land Use 
Pattern in New Jersey by Nancy J. Carr. Trenton. 76p. 

Interdepartmental Committee for State Planning. Proposed 
Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years 1965-66 to 1970- 
71, by the Staff of the Capital Improvements Section, 
Bureau of Statewide Planning, Division of State and 
Regional Planning. Trenton. 236p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Federal Installa- 
tions and Land Use Pattern in New Jersey. Trenton. 3p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Supply and Demand 
Factors of Industrial Land Use. Trenton. 11hp. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Waterfront Utili- 
zation in North-East New Jersey. Trenton. 32p. 

Rural Advisory Council. Revenue-Cost Ratios of Rural Town- 
ships with Changing Land Uses; a Report of a Study by 
above by William Miller. Trenton. 92p. 

Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Develop 

the Meadows, with the Meadowlands Regional Development 
Agency. Trenton. 15p. 

297. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
3. State Economic Planning 

Division of State and Regional Planning.. Setting for the 
New Jersey State Development Plan. ‘Trenton. 35p. 

Bureau of Housing. Special Session on Community Development, 
Housing and Urban Renewal at the 47th Annual Conference 

of the League of Municipalities Held November 1, 1962, 
Atlantic City. Trenton. 28p. 


Department of Conservation and Economic Development. New 
Jersey and the Area Redevelopment Program, Trenton. 8p. 

h. Growth as an Issue 


Rutgers University. Center for Urban Policy Research. 
Modelling State Growth: New Jersey 1980, by Franklin 
J. James, James W. Hughes. Brunswick. 39p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. The Impact of 
Population and Economic Growth on the Environment of New 
Jersey by Alan Walter Steiss and Anton Gross. Trenton. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 
Agricultural Experiment Station. New Jersey Soils; for Plan- 

ners and Others Responsible for the Growth and Development 
of the Garden State by J.C.F. Tedrow. New Brunswick. 19p. 

6. Recreational Resources 


Office of Environmental Review. Outdoor Recreation in New 
Jersey; New Jersey Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Re- 
creation Plan. Trenton. 22p. 

298. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Conservation and Economic Development. 
Municipal Outdoor Recreation Facilities in New Jersey, 
an Inventory; a Supplemental Study to the New Jersey 
Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. Trenton. 58p. 

Division of Parks, Forestry :and Recreation. New Jersey Open 

Space Recreation Plan by Edwards and Kelcey, Inc. Tren- 
ton. 112p. 


Bureau of Statewide Planning. Parks and Recreational Land 
Use in New Jersey. Trenton. 55p. 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 

County and Municipal Government Study Commission. Housing 
and Suburbs: Fiscal and Social Impact of Multifamily 
Development: Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Re- 
commendations. Trenton. various paging. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Bureau of Community 
Development Planning. Housing-in New Jersey, Needs and 
Programs, 1968 by Alan Mallach. ‘Trenton. 36p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. The Residential 

Development of New Jersey; A Regional Approach by Anthony 
James Catanese and Susan Vitella. Trenton. lbp. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Housing Needs and 
Markets, 1960-1970. Trenton. 8p. 


Bureau of Housing. Special Session on Community Development, 
Housing and Urban Renewal at the 7th Annual Conference of 
the League of Municipalities Held November 1, 1962, Atlan- 
tic City. Trenton. 28p. 

. 299. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
b) Mobile Home Resources 
Rutgers University. Center for Urban Policy Research. 
Policy Alternatives for Mobile Homes by Constance B. 
Gibson. New Brunswick. 59p. 
8. Transportation Planning 

a) General Transportation Resources 


Department of Transportation. Bikeways for State Highways: 
A Study of Dual Use. Trenton. various paging. 


Department of Transportation. A Master Plan for Transporta- 
tion. Trenton. various paging. 


Department of Transportation. A Statement on Transportation. 
“Trenton. 52p. 


Department of Transportation. Buses, Crises and Response. 
Trenton. 60p. 

Department of Community Affairs. A Master Plan for Trans- 
portation. Trenton. 12p. 
Division of Employment Security. Commuting Patterns of 

Workers Employed in New Jersey. .Prepared by the Bureau 
of Research and Statistics. Trenton. lv. 

b) Airport Planning 
Division of Aeronautics. State Airport Development Plan, 

1970-1990; a Special Report by Porter and Ripa Associates, 
Inc. Trenton. 13hp+. 

300. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
Senate. Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities. 

Public Hearings before...on Senate Bill 377 and Assembly 

Bill 433 (Jetport Authority) Held March and 11. 
Trenton. 2v. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Air Facilities and 
the Land Use Pattern in New Jersey by Stuart I. Turner. 
Trenton. 32p. 


Bureau of Aeronautics. Jetport, New Jersey, 196; Economic 
Benefits and Locational Criteria for the Establishment 
of a Major Metropolitan Airport in New Jersey. Trenton. 

c) Highway Planning 

y Department of Transportation. Air-Rights Potentials in Major 
Highways; Criteria for Joint Development by Tibbetts, 
Abbett, McCarthy, Stratton. Trenton. 


Department of Transportation. Division of Maintenance and 
Equipment. Regulations: Control of Access Driveways. 
Trenton. 55p. 

Legislature. Joint Committee to Study and Report on Matters 
Relating to Highways and Other Transportation Needs of the 
State. Report. Trenton. lp. 
Legislature. Joint Committee to Study and Report on Matters 
Relating to Highways and Other Transportation Needs of the 
State. Minority Leader's Report. Trenton. 9p. 
d) Mass Transit Planning 

Department of Transportation. Transit Development Program, 
1973/79. Trenton. 155p. 

301 CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

‘Division of Railroad Transportation. The Railroad Program 
and. Recommendations for Legislative Action. Trenton. 
various paging. 

State Highway Department. Bureau of Public Information. 
Comments on New Jersey's Rail Transportation Program; an 
Address by D.R.G. Palmer, Trenton. 1llp. 

1960 : 

Division of Railroad Transportation. New Jersey's Rail Trans- 
portation Problem; a Review and Suggestions for Immediate 
and Long Range Action. Trenton. “62p. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 
Department of Conservation and Economic Development. fe- 
search and Statistics Section. Estimated Long Range Pop- 
ulation Projections. Trenton. 7p. 
10. Issues in Regional Planning 


Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Develop 
the Meadows, with the Meadowlands Regional Development 
Agency. Trenton. 15p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. The Setting for 
Regional Planning in New Jersey. Trenton. 98p. 

Department of Conservation and Economic Development. Compre- 
hensive Report, Meadowlands Regional Development Agency. 
Trenton. lv. c 
11. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 
County and Municipal Government Study Commission. Joint 

Services: A Local Response to Area Wide Problems. 
Trenton. 50p. 

302. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Community Affairs. Planning and Design Work- 
book for Community Participation. Trenton. 592p. 


Bureau of Statewide Planning. ‘Municipal Profiles by Richard 
Z. Osworth. Trenton. 8p. 

-. Division of State and Regional Planning. Zoning in New 
Jersey 1967 by Robert H. McGuirk. Trenton. 75p. 


Rutgers University. Bureau of Government Research. The 
Local Planning Process in New Jersey. New Brunswick. 207p. 


Bureau of Statewide Planning. Detailed Inventory Section. 
1964 Municipal Planning Controls Survey. Trenton. 7p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Capital Improve- 
ments Programming: A Guide for New Jersey Local Govern- 
ments by Roger Scattergood and Aylward.J. Walnut. 
Trenton. 57p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Services from Public 
Agencies for Municipal Planning. Rev. Trenton. 6p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. Community Plan- 
ning. Trenton, 20p. 

Rutgers University. Planning Service. Rural Planning; a 
Concept Study for Planning in Rural New Jersey. Prepared 

for Rural Advisory Council, New Jersey Department of 
Agriculture. New Brunswick.  66p. 

State Planning Bureau. A Guide to Zoning Boards of Adjust- 
ment. Trenton. 22p. 


State Planning Bureau. Zoning in New Jersey. Trenton. 2v. 

303. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 
General Assembly. Committee on State, County and Municipal 
Government. Public Hearing on Assembly Bill No. 555 - 
Revising Local Land Use Law - Title OA, Municipalities 
and Counties Held April 11, 1962. Trenton, 168p. 
County and Municipal Law Revision Commission. Public Hearing 
on Second Tentative Draft, Title OA, Municipalities and 
Counties, Chapter 7, Local Land Use Law (Zoning and Plan- 
ning Law) Held July 13, 1961. Trenton. 106p. 
County and Municipal Law Revision Commission. Municipal 
Planning and Zoning Law as. Submitted to the above. Tenta- 
tive Draft. Trenton. 93p. 
County and Municipal Law Revision Commission. Public Hearing 
on Tentative Draft of Revision of Zoning and Planning Law 
(Title 0) Held March 22, 1961. Trenton. 11hp. 
12. Information Systems and Inventories 

Division of State and Regional Planning. LOIS: Land 
Oriented Information System; a Data Resource for Planning. 
Trenton. 18p. 
13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
a) Federal Program 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Project Notification. 
and Review System, A-95. Trenton. 55p. 

15. Critical Areas 
b) Areas of Statewide Concern 
Division of State and Regional Planning. Utilization of New 

Jersey's Delaware River Waterfront by Nancy J. Carr and 
John R. Garrison. Trenton. 6p. 

304. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

17. Coastal Area Management 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 

General Assembly. Committee on Air, Water Pollution and 
Public Health. Public Hearing...on Assembly Bill 722 
(the Coastal Areas Protection Act) Held April 19. 
Trenton. 315p. 

General Assembly. Committee on Air and Water Pollution and 
Public Health. Public Hearing on Assembly Bill 129, 
Major Coastal Area Facilities Review Act, Held December 
11. Trenton. various paging. 

General Assembly. Committee on Agriculture, Conservation 
and Natural Resources. Public Hearing on Assembly Bill 
827 (Ocean Sanctuary) on May 23. Trenton. 99p. 

General Assembly. Committee on Air and Water Pollution and 
Public Health Environmental Aspects of the Proposed Off- 
shore Nuclear Power Plant...Pursuant to Assembly Resolu- 
tion 20. Trenton. 1l6p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. New Jersey's Delaware 

Bay Shore; an Inventory of Land Use by Anton F. Gross and 
Susan Rogers Vitella. Trenton. * 39p. 

19. Land Preservation 
a) Issues in Land Preservation 


Department of Environmental Protection. Green Acres Uniform 
Relocation Assistance. Trenton. 10p. 


Senate. Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural 
Resources. Public Hearing...on Assembly Bill 155 and 
Senate Bill 350 (Green Acres Bond Issue) Held April 28. 
Trenton. 152p. 

305. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
b) Agricultural Land Preservation 
Rutgers University. College of Agriculture. Extension Service. 

Farmland Tax Adjustments for Farmers Who Qualify and Apply 
by John M. Hunter. New Brunswick. folder. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Productive Capacity of New 
Jersey Soils; a Soils Guide for Use in Connection with the 
Valuation Assessment and Taxation of Land Under the Farm 
land Assessment Act of 196 by J.C.S. Tedrow. New Bruns- 
wick. 88p. 

c) Open Space Preservation 
Commission on Open Space Policy. Report. Trenton. 17p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. New Jersey Open 
Space Policy Plan. Trenton. 125p. 1 


Division of State and Regional Planning. New Jersey Open 
Space Policy Plan. Trenton. 125p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. The Feasibility of 
Buying Conservation Easements on Open Space Land. Trenton. 

20. Flood Plain Management 
General Assembly. Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and 

Natural Resources. Public Hearing on Assembly Bills 596 
and 572 (Flood Control) Held April 11. Trenton. 176p. 


Rutgers University. Bureau of Government Research. Surface 
Water Control in New Jersey; Drainage, Flood Control and 
Related Policies in an Urban State by Stephen A. Decter. 
New Brunswick. 2v. 

306. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Division of Water Policy and Supply. Floods in New Jersey, 
Magnitude and Frequency, by D. M. wee by the U.S.G.S. 
with er Trenton. 1h5p. 


Division of Water Policy and Supply. Flood Damage Allevia- 
tion in New Jersey by Steven Dola. Trenton. 20p. 

21. Wilflife Resources — 
196) % 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Fishery and Wild- 
life Resources in New Jersey by Susan R. Vitella. Trenton. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. The Nature and 
Pattern of. New Jersey's Marine Life:Resources. Trenton. 

22. Agricultural Resources 

Rural Advisory Council. Garden State Agriculture Trends by 

John P. Van Zandt. Trenton. hp. 
23. Forest Resources 


‘Division of State and Regional Planning. The Forest Resource 
in New Jersey. Trenton. 17p. 

24. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 
State Highway Department. Bureau of Public Information. 

Rules and Regulations for Control of Roadside Advertising. 
Trenton. 20p. 

-. 307. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
25. Water Resources 

a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 


Division of Water Policy and Supply. Available Water Supply 
Sources, Water Demand Projects and Proposed New Water 
Resources Development. Regional Series. Trenton. Op. 


Legislature. Commission to Study Advisability and Practi- 
cability of Formulating and Implementing a Comprehensive 
Water Supply Policy and Program. Public Hearings Held on 
October 8-10. Trenton. lv. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Water Control Guide for 
Suburban and Rural Residential New Jersey by Kurt Nathan 
and Others. New Brunswick. 30p. 

Bureau of Statewide Planning. Detailed Inventory Section. 
Public and Private Potable Watershed Areas and Municipal- 
ities Supplied in the State of New Jersey as of January 
1962. Trenton. 18p. 


Division of State and Regional Planning. New Jersey's Water 
Resources by John R. Garrison. Trenton. Op. 

Riparian Lands Study Commission. Report and Recommendations. 
Trenton. 60p. 

b) Quality of Water Resources 


County and Municipal Government. Study Commission. Water 
Quality Management: New Jersey's Vanishing Options. 
Trenton. 103p. 


Division of Water Resources. Occurance and Distribution of 
Trace Elements in New Jersey Streams by Peter W. Anderson. 
Trenton, various paging. 

308. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 
26. Issues in Public Land Management 


Division of State and Regional Planning. State-Owned Real 
Property in New Jersey. Trenton. 39p. 

27. Energy Resources 

a) Issues in Energy Resources 

Governor's Task Force on Energy. Energy Report. Trenton. 


Senate. Ad Hoc Committee on Energy and the Environment. 
Report to the Senate. Trenton. Op. 

Senate. Ad Hoc Committee on Energy and the Environment. Dis- 
senting Statement to the Report, by Frank J. Dodd. 
frenton, 26p. 

28. Air Resources 

Clean Air Council. Clean Air and Transportation Alternatives 
to the Automobile and Will the Environmental Impact 
Statement Serve to Improve Air Quality in New Jersey. 
Trenton. 23p. , 


Clean Air Council. Report...the Status of Air Pollution from 
Mobile Sources with Recommendations for Further Action. 
Annual. Trenton. various paging. 


Air Pollution Control Commission. Planning Committee. —_— 
Does New Jersey Go from Here in Air Pollution Control‘ 
Trenton. bhp. 


Air Pollution Control Commission. Motor Vehicle Committee. 
Report. Trenton. 26p. 

309. - CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Air Pollution Control Commission. Air Pollution Control in 
New Jersey. 2nd. Trenton. 31lp. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Air Pollution as It 
Affects Agriculture in New Jersey by Robert H. Daines, 
Ida A. Lione and Eileen Brennan. New Brunswick. lkp. 

30. Siting of Other Utilities 

Division of Clean Air and Water. Anticipated Capital Needs 
for Sewerage Facilities in New Jersey. Trenton. lp. 

31. Issues in New Community Development 

Division of State and Regional Planning. Another Way: 
Clustering, Planned Unit Developments, New Communities. 
Trenton. 16p. 

Division of State and Regional Planning. -New Communities 
Section. New Communities Policy and Development in the 
U.S. - a 50 State Survey. Trenton. various paging. 

34. Solid Waste Management 
a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 
County and Municipal Government Study Commission. Solid 
Waste: A Coordinated Approach. 7th. September 1972. 
Trenton. 6p. 

Department of Environmental Protection. Division of Environ- 
mental Quality. Recycling: An Instructional and Informa- 
tional Guide. Trenton. lp. 

General Assembly. Committee on Air and Water Pollution and 
Public Health. Public Hearing on Assembly. Bill 2212 
(Prohibits Sale of Beverages in Nonreturnable Beverage 
Container) Held September 30. Vol. 2. Trenton. 283p. 

310. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 
Legislature. Special Commission to Investigate Certain 
Problems Relating to Solid Waste Disposal. Public Hearing 
before... April 30. -Vol.3,° Trenton. 20lp. 
35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 


State Soil Conservation Committee. Inventory of New Jersey 
Soil and Water Conservation Needs. Trenton. various 

36. Issues in Environmental Quality 


Department of Environmental Protection. Legislation and 
Other Official Action Taken in the Past 3+ Years Providing 
New Authority to the DEP for Further Control. Trenton. 2p. 

US ye 

Department of Environmental Protection. Industrial Building 
and Equipment (and Other Permits) Required by the New 
Jersey DEP. Trenton. 6p. 

General Assembly. Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and 
Natural Resources. Public Hearing...on Assembly Bill 1268 
(Protection of Air, Water and Other Natural Resources) 
Held February 11. Trenton. 97p. 
General Assembly. Committee on Air and Water Pollution and 

Public Health. Public Hearing...on Assembly Bills 2107 
and 2331 (re: Detergents) Held June 2. Trenton. 165p. 


2. State Planning 

a) Issues in General State Planning 

State Planning Office. Transportation and Communications in 
New Mexico by C. C. Boatright. Santa Fe. 6p. 

311. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 

State Planning Office. The Impact of Government Spending in 
New Mexico by Rudyard B. Goode. Santa Fe. 29p. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 


Legislative Council Service. Land Use Advisory Council. 
A Bibliography of Reference Materials Pertaining to Land 
Use Planning in New Mexico. Santa Fe. 98p. 


State Planning Office, .Compilation of Laws Relating to Land 
Use in New Mexico. Santa Fe. various paging. 

State Planning Office? Eligibility Requirements for Funding 
Under the Proposed Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance 
Act of 1973 (S. 268). Santa Fe. various paging. 

State Planning Office? Steps Taken by the State of New Mexico 
in Compliance with S. 268 (Federal Land Use Bill) Require- 
ments. Santa Fe. various paging. 

New Mexico State University. Estimated Differences in Land 
Use Under Planned and Un-Planned Conditions. A Case Study 
of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Santa Fe. various paging. 

State Planning Office and the Division of Natural Resources. 
Status of Land Use Planning in New Mexico ~ 1973 by Gordon 
Page. Santa Fe. 2p+. 


State-Wide Land Use Planning Symposium. "Land Use Legislation 
for New Mexico", October 11-12. th. Santa Fe. various 


State-Wide Land Use Planning Symposium. Action for Siminar 
Land Use Planning October 13-1. 3rd. Albuquerque. 
various paging. 

Governor's Land Development Study Commission. Final Report. 

Recommendations, Legislation and Committee Actions. Santa 
Fe. various paging. 

312. CPL Exbhange Bibliography #772-773-77h, 

State Planning Office. A Capital Improvements Program for 
the State of New Mexico by Fred Muniz. Santa Fe. 57p. 

State-Wide Land Use Planning Symposium. Proceedings. Theme: 
"Urban" Planning and Zoning. October 13-2). 2nd- Santa 
Fe. various paging. 


State Planning Office. A Capital Improvements Program for 
the State of New Mexico by Fred Muniz. Santa Fe. 89p. 

State-Wide Land Use Planning Symposium. Proceédings. Octo- 
ber 16-17. 1st. Santa Fe. various paging. 


State Planning Office. A Capital Improvements Program for 
the State of New Mexico. Santa Fe. Tlp. 

State Economic Planning 

Four Corners Regional Commission. Preliminary Economic 
Development Plan for the State of New Mexico. Santa Fe? 
various paging. 

State Planning Office. Planning and Development Districts 
for the State of New Mexico. Santa Fe. 76p. 


Department of Development. A Study of Toruism in New Mexico: 
An Executive Summary. Santa Fe. various paging. 

State Planning Office. A Design for Development Decisions. 
Santa Fe. various paging. 
State Highway Department. Planning Division. Highway Econo- 
mic Impact Studies in Urban Communities of New Mexico: 

Problems and Methods by Paul W. Zickefoose for the above 
with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Santa Fe. 27p. 

313. © CPL Exchange Bibliography #172-173-774 

. Growth as an Issue 

State Planning Office. Scientific Development and Technolo- 
gical Change in New Mexico; Trends and Effects by R. P. 
Iutz by New Mexico State University, Engineering Experi- 
ment Station. University Park. 5hp. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 

Van Dresser, Peter. Development on a Human Scale; Potentials 
for Ecologically Guided Growth in New Mexico (Northern). 
Santa Fe. 116p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Major Land Resource Areas 
in New Mexico by H. J. Maker and H. E. Dregne. Las Cruces. 

6. Recreational Resources 

State Planning Office. Out of State Visitor Recreation 
Demand Patterns in New Mexico. Santa Fe. various. paging. 

State Planning Office. New Mexico State Trails Study. Santa 
Fe. 130p. 


State Planning Office. New Mexico Comprehensive Plan for 
Outdoor Recreation. Santa Fe. 187p. 


State Planning Office. New Mexico Comprehensive Plan for 
Outdoor Recreation. Santa Fe. 8lp. 


State Planning Office. New Mexico State Park and Recreation 
Resources Development Plan by Gordon Herkenhoff and 
Associates for above and State Park and Recreation Comis- 
sion. Santa Fe. 1681p. 

314. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
8. Transportation Planning 
c) Highway Planning 

State Highway Commission. New Mexico Scenic Roads and Park- 
ways. Summary Report. Santa Fe. various paging. 

State Highway Department Planning Division. Roadside Develop- 
ment by W. A. Dick Peddie and C. J. Campbell with the U.S. 
Bureau of Public Roads at the New Mexico State University, 
Engineering Experiment Station. University Park. 53p. 


State Highway Department. Planning Division. Highway Econo- 
mic Impact Studies in Urban Communities of New Mexico: 
Problems and Methods by Paul W. Zickefoose for the above 
with the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. Santa Fe. 27p. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 

Agricultural Experiment Station. New Mexico Urban and Rural 
Population by Sigurd Johansen. Las Cruces. 1lp. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 

State Planning Office. Summary Analysis of Existing Regional 
Plans by Lewis-Eaton Partnership for San Juan Council of 
Governments. Santa Fe. 39p. 


State Planning Office. Planning and Development Districts for 
the State of New Mexico. Santa Fe. 7é6p. 


State Planning Office. Recommended Enabling Legislation for 
Regional, County and Municipal Planning in the State of 
New Mexico by William A. Doebele, Jr. Santa Fe. various 

315. CPL pisiidees Bibliography #772-773-774 
11. local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 

Environmental Health Study Committee. New Mexico Land Subdi- 
vision Laws. Santa Fe. various paging. 

. Middle Rio Grande Council of Governments. Improvement of 
Local Planning and Management Tools - Preliminary Draft. 
Santa Fe? various paging. 

New Mexico State University. Manual on Urban Land Use Manage- 

ment for New Mexico Municipalities by John W. Hernandez. 
Santa Fe. various paging. 


State Planning Office. Grants, Loans and Technical Assistance 
Available to Communities in New Mexico. Santa Fe. 23p. 

b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 

State Planning Office. Recommended Enabling Legislation for 
Regional, County and Municipal Planning in the State of 
New Mexico by William A. ian Tisai Jr. Santa Fe. various 

13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
b) State Programs | 


Council on Environmental Quality. Revised Working Draft of 
Guidelines for the Implementation of the New Mexico En- 
vironmental Quality Act. Santa Fe. various paging. 

Council on Environmental Quality. Revised Working Draft of 
Guidelines for the Implementation of the New Mexico En- 
vironmental Quality Act for Discussion Purposes Only. 
Santa Fe. various paging. 

316. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 
14. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 

Oil Conservation Commission. A Report'on the Petroleum and 
Natural Gas Resources of New Mexico as Part of the New 
Mexico State Resources Development Plan by A. L. Porter, 
Jr. and Daniel S. Nutter and James M. Durrett. Santa Fe. 


State Planning Office. Economic Development and New Mexico's 
Resources; State Resources Development Plan by Dorothy I. 
Cline and Others. Santa Fe. 126p. 


State Planning Office. Metalliferous Occurences in New 
Mexico. Phase 1. State Resources Development Plan by 
E. Viet Howard. Santa Fe. 270p. 

State Planning Office. A Directory of Agencies Engaged in 
Natural Resources in New Mexico by Dorothy I. Cline and 
Joel V. Barrett. Santa Fe. 138p. 


State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Mineral and 
Water Resources of New Mexico by the U.S.G.S. for the U.S. 
Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs with 
above and Others. Socorro. - 37p. 

State Planning Office. Frame of Reference for Evaluating 
New Mexico's Resources - A Preliminary Draft, Phase I. 
Santa Fe. various paging. 

State Planning Office. Summary Reports on New Mexico's Re- 
sources, Phase I. Santa Fe. various paging. 


Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. The Economic Geology 
of Coal in New Mexico by Frank E. Kottlowski. Socorro. 10p. 

22. Agricultural Resources 

New Mexico State University. Agriculture Faces the Energy 
Crisis. Santa Fe. various paging. 

317. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
State Planning Office. Agricultural Land and Water in New 

Mexico by Donald C, Henderson and H. R. Stucky. Santa 
Fe. 62p. 

23. Forest Resources 

State Planning Office. Forest and Timber Resources of New 
Mexico by Dean Ms Earl. Santa Fe. 10p. 

Department of State Forestry. A Study of Cooperative Forest 
Fire Control Problems in New Mexico with the U.S. Forest 
Bervices Santa Fe. various paging. 
24. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 


State Planning Office. A Survey of the Arts in New Mexico 
by Jim Gilbert. Santa Fe. 53p. 


State Highway Commission. New Mexico Scenic Roads and 
Parkways. Summary Report. Santa Fe. various paging. 

ec) Historical Preservation 
State Planning Office. Historic Preservation Plan for New 
Mexico. Santa Fe. 17€p. 


Museum of New Mexico. New Mexico Historic Sites. Santa Fe. 
various paging. 

25. Water Resources 
a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 
State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Mineral Resources 
and Water Requirements for New Mexico Mineral Industries by 

Earl F. Sorensen, Ronald B. Stotelmeyer and Don H. Baker, 
Jr. Socorro. 26p. 

318. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission. New Mexico State 
Water Plan: Preliminary Draft Situation Assessment Report 
with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Santa Fe. various 


University of New Mexico. A’Dynamic Decision Model Evaluation 
Alternative Policies for Long Run Water Allocation by 
David Mishaeli, Ph.d. Santa Fe? 2lj6p. 


State Engineer. A Roster, by County, of Organizations Con- 
cerned with Surface Water Irrigation in New Mexico. Special 
Report. Albuquerque. 82p. 


State Planning Office. Water Resources of New Mexico: 
Occurrence, Development and Use, compiled by State 
Engineer Office with New Mexico Interstate Stream Com- 
Mission and the U.S.G.S. Santa Fe. 32lp. 


Department of Development. Industrial Division. Water Re- 
Sources of New Mexico compiled by Don H. Peterson. 
Santa Fe. 12p. 

State Engineer. Characteristics of the Water Supply in New 
Mexico by W. E. Hale, L. J. Reiland and J. P. Beverage with 
the U.S.G.S. Santa Fe. 13lp. 

State Engineer, Consumptive Use and Water Requirements in 
New Mexico by Harry F. Blaney and Eldon G. Hanson with 
the Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, U.S.D.A. 
and Others. Santa Fe. 682p. 
26. Issues in Public Land Management 

State Planning Office. Public Domain and State Lands by 
William 0. Jordon. Santa Fe. 9p. 

319. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-173-77h 
27. Energy Resources | 
a) Issues in Energy Resources 

New Mexico State University. Agriculture Faces the Energy 
Crisis. Santa Fe. various paging. 

32. Issues in Surface Mining 
1971 | 
State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources. Survey of Sur- 
face Mining in New Mexico by John H. Schilling and Others. 
Socorro. lp. 
3h. Solid Waste Management 
b) Solid Waste Management Planning 

Health and Social Services Department. Plan for Solid Waste 
Management, State of New Mexico. Santa Fe. various paging. 

35. Soil Conservation 
a) Issues in Soil Conservation 

 Conservatidn Needs Committee. New Mexico Soil and Water Con- 
servation Needs Inventory. Albuquerque. 8p. 

320. CPL Exchange Bibliography 772-773-774 
2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 

Office of Planning Coordination. Social Research for 
Comprehensive Planning: lew York's central social 
environment by Matthew McDevitt. Albany. 17p. 

Office of Planning Services. Planning Law Revision 
(Study Doc. No. )); Describes a 1970 study of State 
planning laws, with a summary and legislative 
proposals. Albany. 52p. 


Department of Commerce. New York State and Local Tax 
Structure. Pt.‘1. State Taxes. Albany. ‘Tp. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 


State Urban Development Corporation. New York State Urban 
Development Corporation Act as Amended through 
June 1973. Wew York. 3p. 


Adirondack Park Agency. Adirondack Park: State land 
master plan with the Department of Environmental 
Conservation and Ray Brook. Albany. bp. 

ae yal 

State Urban Development Corporation. New York State 
Urban Development Corporation Act as Amended through 
June 1971: Chapter 174, Section 1 Laws of 1968; 
McKinney's unconsolidated laws, Sections 6251-6285. 
Albany. 2p. 

State Urban Development Corporation. Report. Annual. 
New York. 96p. 

Temporary Study Commission on the Future of the 
Adirondacks. The Future of the Adirondacks. Vol. 2. 
The Technical Reports. Blue iountain Lake. various 


State Urban Development Corporation. New York State Urban 
Development Acts of 1968. Albany. 106p. 

321. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 

3. State Economic Planning 

Office of Planning Services. Division of Plans and 
Analysis. New York State Appalachian Development Plan 
Supplement. Annual. lst. Albany.’ various pagings. 


Office of Planning Coordination. New York State 
Appalachian Development Plan; A 20 year plan for the 
14 counties of the New York Appalachian Area. Albany. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Development 
Plan. Phase I. Albany. 128p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Development 
Plan. Phase I. Technical: Supplement. Albany. 
various pagings. 


Office of Planning Coordination. Planning for Development 
in New York State. Albany. 33p. 


Office of Planning Coordination. Community Profile; 
Computer Charts on the Cities and Towns of New York 
State. Albany. 1l2v. ize 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Industry 
Profile, 1958 to 1966 a report in a series on the 
New York State central economic and demographic study 
‘by the National Planning Association. Albany. 38p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. Industrial and 
Commercial Activities An Overview: A report in a 
series on New York State central economic and demo- 
graphic study by the National Planning Association. 
Albany. 135p. 


Office of Planning Coordination. New York State and 
the Appalachian Regional Development Program. Albany. 


Office of Planning Coordination. Abstract of New York 
State Appalachian Program; A development plan. Albany. 

322, CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 


Legislature. Joint Committee on Housing and Urban 
Development. Urban Development and Private Enterprise. 

Albany. 13p. 

Division of Housing and Community Renewal. Housing and 
Community Renewal in New York State, 1939-196). 
Albany. 9p. 


Division of Housing and Community Renewal. Urban Renewal 
Law, Urban Renewal Agency Act and Related Acts, A 
compilation ‘of State Laws Affecting Municipal Urban 
Renewal Programs and State Assistance there to. 
Albany. 53p. 

Office for Regional Development. Change, Challenge, 
Responses: A development policy for New York State. 


Division of Housing. and Community Renewal. New Goals for 
Community Development. 1962/63. Albany. 3lp. 

4. Growth as an Issue 

Legislature. Joint Committee on Metropolitan Areas 
Study. One Hundred New Answers to Problems of Urban 
Growth. Albany. 16p. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 


Office of Environmental Planning. Aquatic and 
Terrestrial Considerations in Power Plant Siting. 
Albany. various pagings. 


Department of Environmental Conservation. Environmental 
Plan for New York State, Preliminary Edition. 

323. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. 
Proceedings, Environmental Leaders' Forum on Land 
Use Policy. th. Annual. Ithaca. 78p. 


Department of Environmental Conservation. Environmental 
Plan for New York State, Preliminary Editicn. Albany. 


Legislature. Joint Committee on Environmental Management 
and Natural Resources. The Challenge of the 70's; A 
managed environment for iNew York State, Report. 
Albany. 128p. 


Department of Health. Division of General Engineering 
and Radiological Health. Planning the Subdivision as 
Part of the Total Environment, Joseph A. Salvato, Jr. 
Albany. 77p. 

6. Recreational Resources 


Office of Parks and Recreation. Canal Recreation 
Development Program: Phase I: New York Statewide 
Recreation Planning Program. Albany. 28p. 


Office of Parks and Recreation. People, Resources, 
Recreation: New York Statewide Comprehensive Re- 
creation Plan. Albany. 20lp. 

State Council of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. People, 
Resources, Recreation: New York Statewide Recreation 
Program Directions. Albany. 25p. 

_ 1970 

Office of Parks and Recreation. Planning Bureau. 
Recreation Supply Inventory by Michael Ricci and 
Michael Geiss. Albany. 33p. 

Office of Parks and Recreation. Planning Bureau. 
Statewide Framework for Recreation Planning by Ivan 
Vamos. Albany. 30p. 

32h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Office of Parks and Recreation. Planning Bureau. 
New York State Recreation Demand Forecast by Robert 
Anderson and Ronald Harvey. Albany. 30p. 

Office of Parks and Recreation. Planning Bureau. 
Regional Recreation Facility Choice Simulation, by 
Ivan Vamos. Albany. lp. 


Natural Beauty Commission. Environmental Quality; A 
summary of recommendations of the President's Council 
on Recreation and Natural Beauty. Albany. 2l1p. 


Conservation Department. New York Statewide Comprehensive 
Outdoor Recreation Plan by Vollmer Astrower Associates. 
Albany. 2v. 

Conservation Department. New York Statewide Comprehensive 
Outdoor Recreation Plan. Pt. 3. The role of private 
enterprise by Vollmer Ostrower Associates, with the 

State Council of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. Albany. 


State Council of Parks. The Next Step; Building for 
outdoor recreation. Albany. 2p. 


Conservation Department. Now or Never; A bold new 
program for outdoor recreation. Albany. 2p. 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 
Division of Housing and Community Renewal. Housing and 
Community Renewal in New York State, 1939-196). 
Albany. 9p. 
Legislature. Joint Committee on Housing and Urban 

Development. Report. Twenty Years of Constructive 
Housing Development and Regulation. Albany. 67p. 

325. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Study Committee for Urban Middle-Income Housing. Space 
for Urban Living; A plan of action to provide urban 
homes for middle-income families utilizing air rights 
over public facilities. Albany. 15p. 

b) Mobile Home Resources 

Office of Planning Services. Municipal Regulation of 
Mobile Homes by Sheldon W. Damsky. Albany. kp. 

8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation Resources 


Department of Transportation. Statewide Master Plan for 
Transportation. Albany.. various pagings. 


Legislature. Joint Committee on Transportation. Moving 
Today Toward Tomorrow. Albany. 9p. 


Department of Transportation. Planning Division. Planning 
and Research Bureau. New York State Transportation 
Criteria by Robert R. Breuer with the Federal Highway 
Administration. Albany. 15p. 


Department of Transportation. Planning and Research 
Bureau. Research Division. Goals and Transportation 
in New York State, by F. L. Palmieri. Albany. 7p. 


Department of Transportation. Office of Planning and 
Development. Planning Division, Policy Statements 
Relating to Transportation Planning and Development 
in New York State by J. Burch MMeiMorran with the U. S. 
Bureau of Public Roads. Albany. 76p. 

Department of Transportation. Planning and Research 
Bureau. Planning Division. Statewide Transportation 
Planning-lst: Year's Progress Report. for presentation at 
the 48th Annual iieeting of the Highway Research Board. 
January 1969 with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 
Albany. 6p. 

326. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 


Department of Transportation. Planning and Research 
Bureau. Statewide Transportation Planning; A key 
element in environmental design by Roger L. Creighton, 
John R. Hamburg and Kenneth W. Shiattee. Albany. 21p. 

Department of Transportation. Office of Planning and 
Development. Policies and Plans for Transportation 
in New York State. Albany. 80p. 


Department of Public Works. Subdivision of Transportation 
Planning and Programming. A Modal-Choice Model, 
Description of Basic Concepts by John R. Hamburg and 
Charles R. Guinn with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads. 

Albany. 19p. 

Upstate New York Transportation Studies. Organization 
for Transportation Planning by Robert C. Stuart. 
Albany. 17p. 

c) Highway Planning 

Department of Transportation. Environmental Action Plan. 
Albany. various pagings. 


Department of Public Works. Subdivision of Transportation 
Planning and Programming. Prospectus for a Highway 
Planning Mapping Program with the U. S. Bureau of 
Public Roads. Albany. 75p. 

d) Mass Transit Planning 


Department of Transportation. Optimal Design of a 
Surface Transit System; Final report by David T. 
Hartgen with the Federal Highway Administration. 
Albany. 25p. 


Legislature. Joint Committee on Transportation. The 
Crisis in Mass Transportation (lst Annual Report of the 

above). Albany. 119p. 

327. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Legislature. Joint Committee on Mass Transportation. 
Report. 1st. 1967/68. Annual. Albany. 10lp. 

e) Waterborne Transportation Planning 

Office of Atomic Development. Nuclear Port Survey of 
the State of New York by Ebasco Services, Inc. 
New York. 169p. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change .. 
1972 ! 

Office of Planning Services. Demographic Projections for 
New York State Counties to 2000 A.D. Albany. 
various pagings. 


Office of Planning Coordination. Demographic Projections 
for 0-2) Age Group by 1 Year Age Intervals to 1995 A.D. 
(a supplement to demographic projections for New York 
State counties to 2020 A.D.)., Albany. 92p. 


Office of Planning Coordination.. Demographic Projections 
for New York State Counties to 2020 A.D. Albany. 183p. 


Office of Planning Coordination. Demographic Projections 
for New York State Counties by Cornell Aeronautical 
Laboratory, Inc. Albany. 19lp. 


Division of Budget. The Impact of Population Changes 
on State Programs; A speech given at.a meeting of the 
New York State Interdepartmental Committee on 
Research, November -19, 1965 by George 0. Von Frank. 
Albany. 13p. 

328. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

10. Issues in:Regional Planning 
1972 * 

Adirondack Park Agency. Adirondack Park: State land 
master plan with the Department of Environmental 
Conservation and Ray Brook. Albany. hp. 

Office of Planning Services. New York State Appalachian 
Resource Studies: Soils, Phase 2: Uses and 
Limitations by R. D. Roses and others with the 
SCS. Albany. 139p. 

Office of Planning Services. Division of Plans and 
Analysis. New York State Appalachia Development Plan 
Supplement. Annual. lst. Albany. various pagings. 


Legislature. Joint Study Committee on Metropolitan and 
Regional Area Study. Coordinating Governments through 
Regionalism and Reform; Report for 1969-71. Vol. 1. 
Land Use Control: Modern techniques for modern problems. 
Albany. llbhp. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State 
Appalachian Development Plan; A 20 Year Plan for the 

a Counties of the New York Appalachian Area. Albany. 

Office of Planning Services. New York State Appalachian 
Resource Studies; Forestry: The timber-—based economy, 
by Charles R. Miller and Gary W. Zinn. Albany. 96p. 

Temporary Study Commission on the Future of the Adirondacks. 
The Future of the Adirondacks. Vol. The Technical 
Reports. Blue Mountain Lake. various pagings. 


Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Appalachian 
Resource Studies: Mineral resources, prepared by 
James F. Davis and Rose S. Jochnowitz. Albany. 87p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Appalachian 
Resources Studies; Climate, prepared by Desmond T. 
Bailey. Albeny. 30p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Appalachian 
Resource Studies. Phase 2. Analysis of agribusiness 
and agricultural potentials, by the Department of 
Agricultural Economics, State College of Agriculture at 
Cornell. Albany. 67?p. 

329. .. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Appalachian 
Resources Studies; Transportation. Phase I. In- 
ventory. Albany. 2p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Appalachian 
Resources Studies: Recreation and Culture. Phase I 
by Henry G. Williams, Jr. and William iM. Belden. 
Albany. 110p. 

Office of Planning Services. Wew York State Planning and 
Development Regions; Criteria used in delinating the 
planning and development regions of the State. 

Albany. lbp. 


Legislature. Joint Committee on Metropolitan and 
Regional Areas Study. Interim Report. 1967-69. 
Albany. 3v. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Appalachian 
Resources Studies. Phase I. Inventory. Albany. 
various pagings. 

Office of Planning Coordination. New York State Appalachian 
Resource Studies; Agriculture, Phase I. Inventory by 
the Department of Agricultural Economics, State College 
of Agriculture, Cornell University. Albany. 58p. 


Office of Planning Coordination. WNew.York State and the 
Appalachian Regional Development Program. Albany. 15p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. Abstract of New York 
State Appalachian Program; A development plan. Albany. 

Office of Planning Coordination. The Appalachian Region 
of New York State; An atlas of natural and cultural 
resources. Albany. 2p. 


Legislature. Joint Committee on Metropolitan and Regional 
Areas Study. Interim Report. Albany. 10p. 

11. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning 


Office for Local Government. Moratoriums on Land Development 
by James D. Cole. Albany. Ilp. 

330. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Office of Planning Services. Zoning iiaps in Towns and 
Villages. Albany. 2p. 

Office of Planning Services. Control of Land Subdivision. 
Albany. 68p. 

Office of Planning Services. The Zoning Board of 
Appeals. Rev. Albany. 28p. 

Office of Planning Services. Adopting a Zoning 
Ordinance. Albany. 22p. 


Office of Planning Services. Adopting a Zoning Ordinance. 
Albany. 16p. 

Office of Planning Services. Planned Unit Development and 
Cluster Development. Albany. 8p. 

Office of Planning Services. Simplified Zoning for 
Rural Areas by Nelson G. Parks and Myron H. Croch with 
Steuben County Planning Board. Albany. various 


Office of Planning Services. The Zoning Board of 
Appeals. Albany. 28p. 

Office of Planning Services. Model Town and Village 
Open Space Subdivision Regulation for Seasonal and 
Year-Round Developments by William F. Davidson. 
Albany. various pagings. 

Office of Planning Services. The Open Space Subdivision 
by Jerome Foster and Harold Kupelsky. Albany. 28p. 

Office of Planning Services. -The Zoning Board of Appeals. 
Albany. 5Slp. : 

Office of Planning Services. Non-Conforming Uses. 
Albany. 8p. 

JUS il 

Office of Planning Services. Adopting a Zoning Ordinance 
by Sheldon W. Damsky. Albany. 15p. 

Office of Planning Services. Innovating Zoning: PUD 
and Cluster Design by James A. Coon. Albany. 8p. 

331. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Office of Planning Coordination. Local Planning Guide 
Series; Adopting a zoning ordinance by Richard Boos 
and Sheldon Damsky. Albany. 23p- 

Office of Planning Coordination. Local Planning and 
Zoning; A manual of powers and procedures for citizen 
and governmental officials. Annual. Albany. 132p. 

Office of Planning Services. The Open Space Subdivision. 
Albany. 28p. 

Office of Planning Services. The Comprehensive Plan; A 
Guide for Community Action. Albany. 19p. 

Office of Planning Services. Regulation of Unsafe 
Buildings by James A. Coon. Albany. Ip. 

Office of Planning Services. Non-Conforming Uses by 
Sheldon W. Damsky. Albany. 7P- 

Office of Planning Services. Partial Zoning by James 
A. Goon. Albany. Ip. 

Office of Planning Services. Spot Zoning by Sheldon W. 
Damsky. Albany. 3p- 

Office of Planning Coordination. Local Planning and 
Zoning; A manual of powers and procedures for citizen 
and governmental officials by LeRoy P. Gonnella. 
Albany. 132p. 

Office of Planning Services. Municipal Control of 
Underground Transmission Lines by Sheldon W. 

‘Damsky. Albany. 3p- 

Office of Planning Services. Interim Stop-Gap Zoning 
by Sheldon W. Damsky. Albany. 3p- 

Office of Planning Services. Subdivision Regulation 
Enforcement by James A. Coon. Albany.. 2p. 

Office of Planning Services. Planning & Zoning Boards: 
Incompatibility of Office, Conflict of Interest by 
James A. Coon. Albany. 3p. 

Office of Planning Services. Zoning & The Comprehensive 
Plan by Sheldon W. Damsky. Albany. 3p. 

332. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Office of Planning Services. Zoning Maps in Towns and 
Villages by Sheldon W. Damsky. Albany. 2p. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Agricultural 
Economics. Planning Tomorrow's Communities Today by 
Richard B. Dymsza. Ithaca. 17p. 

Office for Local Government. Natural Beauty and Local 
Planning by Charles C. Morrison, Jr. Albany. 12p. 

Office of Planning Services. The Official Map; How a 
local governing body can adopt an official map of 
streets, parks and drainage. Albany. 6p. 

Office of Planning Services. Control of Land Subdivision. 
Albany. various pagings. 

Office of Planning Coordination. Local Planning and Zoning; 

A manual of powers and procedures for citizens and 
government officials. Albany. 128p. 


Office of Planning Coordination. Local Planning and 
' Goning; A manual of powers and procedures for citizen 
and governmental officials. Albany. 128p. 


Department of Commerce. The Comprehensive Plan: A guide 
for community action. Albany. 20p. 

Department of Commerce. Bureau of Planning. Local 
Planning and Zoning; A manual.of powers and procedures 
for citizens and governmental officials. Albany. 113p. 


Department of Commerce. «Bureau of Planning. Local Planning 
and Zoning; A manual of powers and procedures for 
citizens and government officials. Albany. 113p. 

Department of Commerce. Bureau of Planning. Zoning in 
New York State; A guide to the preparation of zoning 
ordinances. Rev. Albany. 177p. 

333. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


Department of Commerce. Bureau of Planning. Control of 
Land Subdivision; A manual of subdivision regulation 
for municipal officials, subdivision developers, 
builders and planning boards. Rev. Albany. 8p. 

Department of Commerce. Bureau of Planning. Local 
Planning and Zoning; A manual of powers and procedures 
for citizens and governmental officials. Annual. 
Albany. 108p. 


Department of Commerce. Local Planning and Zoning; A 
manual of powers and procedures for citizens and 
governmental officials. Albany. 103p. 

Department of Commerce. Zoning in New York State; A 
guide to the preparation of zoning ordinances. 

Albany. 177p. 

Department of Commerce. Zoning in New York State; A 
guide to the preparation of zoning ordinances. Rev. 

“Albany.” 177p- 

Department of Commerce. Control of Land Subdivision; A 
manual of subdivision regulation for municipal 
officials, subdivision developers, builders and 
planning boards. Rev. Albany. 8p. 


Department of Commerce. Local Planning and Zoning; A 
manual of powers and procedures for citizens and 
government officials. Albany. 102p. 

Department of Commerce. Division of Economic Development. 
Bureau of Planning. Community Planning; The general 
community plan. Albany. 16p. 

b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 


Office of Planning Services. Planning Legislation in 
New York State. Annual Summary of Legislation of 
Interest to Planners. Albany. various pagings. 

33h. _ CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 


Office of Planning Services. Guide to the Planning and 
Zoning Laws of New York State. Albany. 116p. 


Office of Planning Services. Control of Land Sub- 
division, A Manual of Subdivision Regulations for 
Municipal Officials, Subdivision Developers and 
Planning Boards.’ Albany. 67p.. - 

Office of Planning Services. A Guide to the Planning 
and Zoning Laws of New York State. Albany. 115p. 


Office of. Planning Coordination. ‘Control of Land Sub— 
division; A manual of subdivision regulations for 
municipal officials, subdivision developers and 
planning boards. Albany. 63p. 


Office of Planning Coordination. 1968 Legislative 
Session; Report on local planning and zoning 
legislation prepared by Richard Persico. Albany. 3p. 

Office of Planning and Coordination Control of Land Sub- 
division; A manual of subdivision regulations for 
municipal officials, subdivision developers and 
planning boards. Albany. 63p. 

12. Information Systems and Inventories 
Office of Planning Services. LUNR Classification Manual. 
Rev. Categories of land use in the inventory with 

their coding. Albany. 22p. 

Office of Planning Services.  LUNR Ordering Folder. 
Albany. folder. 

Office of Planning Services. Regional Land Use Inventory, 

Classification and Recording Systems by Frederick J.G. 
Aufschlager. Albany. 31lp. 

335. | CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Office of Planning Services. LUNR Inventory County Data 
Summaries. Albany. 72p. 

Office of Planning Services. LUNR Classification Manual, 
Land Use and Natural Resource Inventory of New York 
State. Albany. 23p. 

tAO Taco 
Department of Transportation. Planning Division. Land 
Use Data File; Maintenance and utilization by 
Frederick W. ilemmott, III with the Federal Highway 
Administration. Albany. 39p. 

Office of Planning Services. LUWk: What it is and how 
it is used. Current applications. Albany. 16p. 

Office of Planning Services. New York State Land Use 
and Natural Resources Inventory ('LUINR'): What 
it is and how it is used. . Albany. 25p. 
Office of Planning Services. Bureau of Planning Research. 

New York State County Data Inquiry and Analysis 
System User Guide. Albany. various pagings. 

Office of Planning Coordination. The Land Use and 
Natural Resources Inventory of New York State by 
Roger A. Swanson. Albany. 20p. 
13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
a) Federal Program 


Office of Planning Services. A-95 Notification and 
Review System Procedures Guide. Albany. 1l6p. 

15. "Critical Areas" 
b) Areas of Statewide Concern 
Temporary State Commission on the Environmental Impact 
of Major Public Utility Facilities. Pinal Report. 
Albany. 7p. 

Temporary State Commission on the Environmental Impact of 
Major Public Utility Facilities. Interim Report. 

Albany. 3hp. 

336. CPL Exchange Bibliography #/772-773-77k 
17. Coastal Area Management 
a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 
Temporary State Commission on Protection and Preservation 
of the Atlantic Shore Front. Final Report with 
Supplement. Albany. 7p. 
18. Wetland Management 
Office of Planning Services. Metropolitan New York 
District Office. Long Island Marine Wetlands - 
Status, Value and Preservation Potentials. Albany. 
19. Land Preservation 

b) Agricultural Land Preservation 


Department of Environmental Conservation. New York 
State's Agricultural Districts: Saving our farmlands. 
Albany. unpaged. 

Office of Planning Services. Maintaining Viable 

Agriculture in Areas of Urban Expansion by Howard 
E. Conklin and Richard Dymsza. Albany. 82p. 

Office of Planning Services. Maintaining Viable 
Agriculture in Areas of Urban Expansion. Albany. 
Commission of the Preservation of Agricultural Land. 
Preserving Agricultural Land in New York State; A 

report to Nelson Rockefeller. Albany. 32p. 

Office of Planning Coordination. Agriculture and Open 
Spaces by Charles L. Crangle. Albany. 7p. 

337. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
c) Open Space Preservation 

Office of Planning Coordination. Agriculture and Open 
Spaces by Charles L. Crangle. Albany. 7p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 


Department of Environmental Conservation. Flood Plain 
Management and the National Flood Insurance Program. 
Albany. unpaged. 


Department of Environmental Conservation. Floods in 
New York, 1970 by F. Luman Robison by the U.S.G.S., 
State Department of Transportation and the above. 
pLpeay 20p. 

Depanticht of. Mnviréanental Cofpebvattons Floods in 
New York, 1969 by F. Luman Robison by the U.S.G.S., 
State Department of Transportation and the above. 

Albany. 33p. 

Water Resources Commission. Floods in New York, 1967 
by F. L. Robison by the U.S.G.S. with the New York 
State Department of Transportation alc above. 
Albany. 23p. 


Water Resources Commission. Maximum Know Discharges of 
New York Streams ; compiled by F. Luman Robison. 
Albany. 0p." 

22. Agricultural Resources 

Office of Planning Services. Nature and Distribution of 
Farming in New York State. Albany. 36p. 


Office of Planning Coordination. The Nature and 
<i Distribution of Farming» in New York State by Howard E. 
Conklin and Robert E. Linton. Albany. 36p. 

338. _ CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77k 

2h. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 

Natural Beauty Commission. Report. 1966/70. Albany. 

Office for Local Government. Municipal Advisory Councils 
for Environmental Conservation. Albany. 36p. 


Natural Beauty Commission. Environmental Quality; A 
summary of recommendations of the President's Council 
on Recreation and Natural Beauty. Albany. 2l1p. 

Natural Beauty Commission. Sample Provisions for a Local 
Law to Regulate Signs. Albany. 21p. 

Natural Beauty Commission. Can We Afford Natural Beauty? 
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of 
Towns of the State of New York, February 6, 1968, by 
Charles C. Morrison, Jr. Albany. 10p. 

Natural Beauty Commission. Local Roads and Natural Beauty, 
presented at the School for Highway Superintendents, 
Town and Country Officers Training School of the State 
of New York, July 8, 1968, by Charles C. Morrison, Jr. 
Albany. 7p. | 

Natural Beauty Commission. Welcome to Lake George; 
Visual Pollution. Albany. unpaged. 

Natural Beauty Commission. The State's Natural Beauty 
Program and Town Government, presented at the School 
for Town Clerks, Town and County Officers Training 
School, July 10, 1968 by Charles C. Morrison, Jr. 
Albany. Tp. 

Natural Beauty Commission. Scenic Roads Committee. 
Initial Procedure for Developing a System of Scenic 
Roads in New York State. Albany. 10p. 

Office for Local Government. Natural Beauty and Local 
Planning by Charles C. iiorrison, Jr. Albany. 12p. 


Office for Local Government. Natural Beauty Down to 
Earth by Franklin li. Bridge. Albany. 7p. 

Office for Local Government. Natural Beauty, A New 
Beginning by Charles C. Morrison, Jr. Albany. 7p. 

339. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Natural Beauty Commission. For Heritage, For Environment, 
For Future with Participation. 1st. Annual. 
Albany. 2p. 

c) Historical Preservation 

State Historic Trust. The New York State Historic Trust. 
Albany. 27p. 

25. Water Resources 

a) Issues in Water Resources Planning 

Bureau of Water Resources Planning. The Use of Systems 
Analysis in the Development of Water Resources 
Management Plans for New York State. Albany. various 

Hudson River Valley Commission. Survey of Public 
Administration of Water Resources in New York State. 
Tarrytown. 95p. 


Water Resources Commission. Bibliography of the Ground- 
Water Resources of New York through 1967 with sub- 
ject and location cross reference to the annotated 
bibliography by Robert L. lacNish and others by 
U.S.G.S. and above. Albany. 186p. 


Legislature. Joint Committee to Investigate and Study 
_ the Conservation Development and Equitable Use of the 
Water Resources of the State. How to conserve, 
develop and use the water resources of New York State 
through a ceaseless search for solutions. lst. Report. 
Albany. 207p. 

- Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning. 

1965 - Water Resources Management; Where do we stand 
in New York State? Albany. various pagings. 

340. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Temporary State Commission on Water kKesources Planning. 
1967 - A Six Year Review of Progress and Proposals; 
1967, formula for water resources management in New York 
State. Albany. 2v. 

Water Resources Commission. Developing and Managing the 
Water Resources of New York State; Summary appraisal 
with the Division of Water Resources, State Conservation 
Department. Albany. 52p. 

State University of New York at Buffalo. Water Symposium: 
The fresh water of New York State: Its conservation 
and use. Proceedings. Dubuque, Iowa. 255p. 


Division of Water Resources. The Coordinated Program 
for the Water Resources of New York State. Albany. 

Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning. 
The People's Mandate: Keep water-pure and plentiful 
in New York State. Albany. 2)5p. 


Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning. 
Drought Insurance through Water Resources Planning 
and Development in New York State. Albany. 22I1p. 


Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning. 
Water Resources Planning, projects with a purpose: 
The detergent problem, water rights and water laws, 
State-Federal basin studies, fiscal needs and solutions 
and soil-water conservation. Albany. 210p. 


Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning. 
Legislative Guidelines: Twelve ways to meet the 
water resources needs of the Empire State. Albany. 


Temporary State Commission on Water’ Resources Planning. 
Water Resources Planning and Development; A problem 
in public partnership. Albany. 22hp. 

Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning. 

Dynamic Planning; First step in water resources 
development for New York State. Albany. 260p. 

31. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 
b) Quality of Water Resources 
Temporary State Commission on Water Resources Planning. 

The People's Mandate: Keep water pure and plentiful 
in New York State. Albany. 2h5p. 


Governor. Pure Waters: A program to rescue New York 
State's water from pollution, the time is now. 
Albany. unpaged. 

26. Issues in Public Land Management 

‘Legislature. Joint Committee on Appraisal and Assessment 
of State-Owned Wild and Forest Lands. Report. Albany. 

27. Energy Resources 
a) Issues in Energy Resources 


Office of Environmental Planning. Aquatic and Terrestrial 
Considerations in Power Plant Siting. Albany. 
various pagings. 


Interdepartmental Fuel and Energy Committee. Ad Hoc 
Committee on Energy Efficiency in Transportation. 
Report. Albany. various pagings. 

State Atomic and Space Development Authority. New York 
State Research on Electric Power and the Environment. 
Albany. 2p. 

Department of Public Service. Power Division. System 

Planning Section.. Electric System Planning in New York 
State: A status report. 1971. Albany. 160p. 


Department of Public Service. Power Division. System 
Planning Section. New York Power System Generation and 
Transmission Plans. 1971-1980. Albany. 5lp.+ 

Power Authority of the State of New York. Electric Energy 
and the Environment. Albany. 2p. 

32. ° CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 
b) Nuclear Power Resources . Toe 

Department of Commerce. Life with the Atom in New York 
State. Albany. 52p. — 


Office of Atomic Development. Atomic Development in the 
State of New York; A report to Governor Nelson A. 
Rockefeller. Albany. 32p. 

28. Air Resources 

Air Pollution Control Board. Rules to Prevent New Air 
_,Pollution, Albany. 22p. 
Air Pollution Control Board. Council of Technical 
Advisors. Current Guides for Prevent of New Air 

Pollution. Albany. 7p. 

31. Issues in New Community Development 


Office of Planning Coordination. Urban Development 
Corporation. New Communities for New York: A 
Report prepared by the UDC. Albany. /72p. 

34. Solid Waste Management 
a) Issues in Solid Waste Management 


Office for Local Government. Regional Approaches to 
Solid Waste Disposal by William E. Redmond at Solid 
Waste Disposal Conference, Manhattan College. Albany. 


Department of Environmental Conservation. Solving the 
Solid Waste Problem While There is Still Time. 

Albany. 10p. 
Department of Health. Comprehensive Solid Wastes 

Planning Studies. Vol. 2. Appendix by Greeley 
and Hansen, Engineers. Albany. various pagings. 

343. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h, 
Department of Health. Division cf General Engineering 
and Radiological Health. Sanitary Landfill Planning, 

Design and Operation, by Joseph A. Salvato. Albany. 

Office for Local Government. Municipal Refuse 
Collection & Disposal: Evaluation, regulation, 

methods, procedures; A guide for municipal officials. 
Albany. 69p. 

36. Issues in Environmental Quality 

State Atomic and Space Development Authority. New York 
State Research on Electric Power and the Environment. 
Albany. 2p. 

- 1969 

Office for Local Government. The State's Role in 
Environmental Quality. Albany. 9p. 

State Atomic' and Space Development Authority. A Thermal 
Profile of the Waters of New York State; Report. 
Albany. 27p. 


Natural Beauty Commission. Environmental Problems and 
Action Programs in the State of New York; A survey 
of community opinion on adverse environmental 

conditions and a description of some local projects 
for improving environment. Albany. 22p. 

ale States Look at the Future with Goal and Policy Development 
Governor. Governor's Policy Guidelines. Raleigh. 3lp. 


Council on State Goals and Policy. Progress Reports, 
1973. Raleigh. 35p. 

3h. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77u 

Council on State Goals and Policy. Report. 2nd Annual. 
Raleigh. 113p. 


Council on State Goals and Policy. Report. Annual. 
Raleigh. 72p. 


North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service. 
Community Development: Goals and Objectives (by the 
community and area development extension staff, 
North Carolina State College). Raleigh. folder. 

2. State Planning 
a) Issues in General State Planning 

Division of Commerce and Industry. North Carolina 
Data File - 1973/7). Raleigh. various pagings. 


Department of Administration. North Carolina State 
Planning Information Base. Raleigh. 3p. 


State Planning Task Force. Horizon Concepts for North 
Carolina by Ronald F. Scott and Robert A. Banks. 
Raleigh. 66p. 

State Planning Task Force. Analytical Capabilities for 
the North Carolina State Planning Process; intro- 
duction and summary by Research Triangle Institute. 
Raleigh. 33p. 

State Planning Task Force. Economic Models in the North 
Carolina State Planning Process by Thomas Johnson and 
James Zwerneman. Raleigh. 7Op. 

State Planning Task Force. Factors of Spatial Inter- 
action in North Carolina by the Geography Department 
of North Carolina University at Greensboro and 
Greensboro Chamber of Commerce. Raleigh. 7Op. 

North Carolina State University. Agricultural Extension 
Service. Planning for the Future by Jack Earley and 
others with the TVA. Raleigh. 9p. 

345. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Governor's Council for Economic Development. North 
Carolina and the Future; A synopsis of four major 
studies: Economic development, higher education, 
public schools and highways. Raleigh. unpaged. 


University of North Carolina. School of Business 
Administration. A Survey of State Planning and 
Development Programs, prepared for the North Carolina 
Commission on Reorganization of State Government. 
Chapel Hill. 2p. 

b) Issues in Land Resource Planning 

General Assembly. Land Policy Act of 197). Raleigh. 

Land Policy Council. The North Carolina Land , 
Classification System; Basic Description for Review 
Only. Raleigh. 2lp. 

Land Policy Council. First Report to the Governor. 
January 1, 1974. Raleigh. 22p. 

Land Policy Council. Second Report to the Governor. 
Raleigh. 2lp. 

Office of State Planning. Land Policy Council. Background 
Paper on Tax Mapping Land Policy Council Staff. 
Raleigh. 27p.+ 


North Carolina State University. Agricultural Extension 
Service. Land-Use Planning in North Carolina by 
Enrique Ospina and Leon Danielson. Raleigh. 35p. 


State Planning Division. Land Policy Alternatives for 
North Carolina by Francis H. Parker with Jonathan 
Davidson and David Morris. Raleigh. 189p. 

Office of State Planning. A Land Policy for North 
Carolina. Raleigh. 13p. 

36. CPL. Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Administration. State Planning Division. 
Land Policy Planning in North Carolina by Ronald F. 
Scott and Robert R. Wagner. Raleigh. 52p. 

Department of Administration. State Planning Division. 
Sketch Plan for a Land Use Guidance System by 
Richard R. Wilkinson. Raleigh. 32p. 

1970 © 

State Planning Division. Federal Domestic Assistance 
Programs and State Land Policy Development by 
William Mi. Crosswhite. Raleigh. 66p. 

State Planning Division. Thesaurus —- Piedmont, North 
Carolina, by James W. Clay. Raleigh. 75p. 

State Planning Division. Land Policy in North Carolina 
by David A. LeSourd. Raleigh. 2I1p. 

State Planning Division., Thesaurus - Piedmont, North 
Carolina; A vocabulary for indexing and retrieving 
literature relevant to land policy decisions by 
James W. Clay. Raleigh. 76p. 


Division of Community Planning, A Proposal for a 
Standardized Land Use Classification System, prepared 
by the Land Use Classification Committee, North Carolina 
Section, Southeast Chapter, American Institute of 
Planners.: Raleigh. lv. 

3. State Economic Planning 

Department of Administration. . State Planning Division. 
Plan for.Public Investment in the North Carolina 
Coastal Plain. Raleigh. 75p. 


State Planning Task Force. North Carolina Economic 
Development Commissions: Appalachian regional 
development act of 1965. Annual Report. Raleigh. 3v. 


University of North Carolina. Water Resources Research 
Institute. A Preliminary Report of the Multi-Purpose 
Reservoirs and Urban Development Project; The role of 
the reservoir owner policies in guiding reservoir 
land development by Raymond J. Burby, III. Chapel 
Ba eee! 

3h7- GPL Exchange Bibliography #772-173-774 

State Planning Task Force. Investment Guidelines for 
the North Carolina Coastal Plains Region. Raleigh. 



State Planning Task Force. Proceedings of the 
Governor's Conference on Appalachian Development 
held June 25-26, 1968. Raleigh. various pagings. 


Governor's Conference on Economic Development. 
Proceedings held November 6, 1967. Raleigh. 21p- 

A Plan for Public Investment 

State Planning Task Force. 
Fiscal Year 1968. 

in Appalachian, North Carolina, 
Raleigh. 2lp. 

State Planning Task Force. Investment Guidelines for 
the North Carolina Appalachian Region by Hammer, 
Green, Siler Associates. Annual. Raleigh. 129p. 


North Carolina State University. School of Agriculture 
and Life Sciences. Agricultural Policy Institute. 
Community and Area Development in North Carolina: 
The volunteer approach. Raleigh. 35p- 


Division of Community Planning. 
Section. Legal Considerations in 
District Planning and Development. 

Special Projects 
Central Business 
Raleigh. 6lp- 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Rural 
Sociology. A Review of Community Development with 
emphasis for North Carolina by Lawrence W. Drabick. 

Raleigh. 32p. 

A State Planning 

Governor. Strategy for Development, 3 

Program for North Carolina. Raleigh. 

School of Business 
al Development Program 
h projections to 
Gentry, Jr. 

University of North Carolina. 
Administration. The Industri 
of North Carolina, 195, to 1962 wit 
1970 by J.C.D. Blaine and James A. 
Chapel Hill. 116p. 

348. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
H962 18h 100-3 

Committee to Study Financing for Industrial Development. 
Report to the Governor. Raleigh. various pagings. 

University of North Carolina. School of Business 

A Survey:of State Planning and 
Development Programs, prepared for the North Carolina 
Commission on Reorganization of State Government. 
Chapel Hill. 2hp. 

4. Growth As An Issue: - 

Office of State Planning. Growth Management through 
Development Timing by Center for Urban and Regional 
‘Studies, University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill. 

5. Planning with and for the Environment 

Office of State Planning. Planning for Environmental 
Quality Phase II by Roy A. Paul in cooperation with 

the Interagency Task Force on Environmental and Land 
Use Planning. Raleigh. 

various pagings. 
19 t2) 

Division of State Planning. Planning for Environmental 
Quality: Phase I Progress Report by Roy A. Paul. 
Raleigh. 76p. 


Department of Administration. State Planning Division. 
An Environmental Planning Process for North Carolina 
by Harold F. Wise & Associates, Ine. 

Raleigh. 256p. 
6. Recreational Resources 


General Assembly. An Act Relating to the Purchase and 
Development of Park Lands, Recreation Areas and Other 
Lands in their Natural Unaltered Condition and to the 
Acquisition of other Lands and Property. Raleigh. 


349. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

State Planning Task Force. Outdoor Recreation Planning; 
A status report. Raleigh. 15p. 


Recreation Commission. County Recreation in North 
Carolina. Raleigh. 10p. 

Recreation Commission. The 20-Point Recreation Program 
for North Carolina. Raleigh. 12p. 

Aquatic Recreation Study Commission. Report. Raleigh. 

Recreation Commission. Land, Water and Structures used 
for Recreation in North Carolina Municipalities, by 
Research and Planning Committee of the North Carolina 
Research and Planning Committee of the North Carolina 
Recreation Society. Raleigh. 7p. 

7. Housing 
a) General Housing Resources 

Office of State Planning. North Carolina's Housing 
Element by Center for Urban and Regional Studies, 
University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill. 7p. 

Office of State Planning. Housing Legislation in 
North Carolina by Michael A. Stegman, Philip Emmi 
and Michael Busko. Raleigh. 57p. 

Office of State Planning. The Housing Outlook in 
North Carolina: Projections to 1980 by Howard J. 
Sumka and Michael A. Stegman. Raleigh. 167p.+ 

Office of State Planning. A Review of Housing Activities 
in Selected States: Action proposals for North 
Carolina, by Michael A. Stegman and Howard Sumka. 
Raleigh. 8lp. 

State Planning Division. The Role of Housing in the State 
Development Plan: A summary report by Michael A. 
Stegman and Howard Sumka. Raleigh. 2Op. 


State Planning Task Force. Toward Good Housing for All 

Pa ee ea ar. 

350. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 

b) Mobile Home Resources 
« L9f2 

Office of State Planning. Mobile Homes: A Reality - 
A problem - a potential by Curtis B. Yates. 
Raleigh. leaflet. 

8. Transportation Planning 
a) General Transportation Resources 

Office of State Planning. A Report on Transportation 

-- Needs in North Carolina in response to Joint 
Resolution 511 of the 1971 Session of the General 
Assembly. Raleigh. 53p. 

State Planning Division. An Overview of North Carolina 
Transportation Policy and Recommendations for Policy 
Planning by Ernst & Ernst.. Raleigh. 6p. 


State Planning Division. North Carolina Transportation 
Needs Study: A portion of the 1972 National Trans- 
portation Needs Study; A narrative report. Raleigh. 
115p. ; 

State Planning Division. A Transportation Resource 
Allocation System for North Carolina by Ernst & 
Ernst. Raleigh. 69p. 


State Planning Division. Study Design for Statewide 
‘Transportation Planning by Kimley—Horn and 
Associates, Inc. Raleigh. 1h8p. 


State Planning Task Force. Symposium; Interstate 
natural gas pipelines, by Transcontinental Gas Pipe 
Line Corp. Raleigh. various pagings. 


Division of Community Planning. Commuting Patterns in 
North Carolina, 1960 by Therese H. Ramsey. Raleigh. 
6p. ; ; 

361. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
e) Waterborne Transportation Planning 

Department of Water and Air Resources. North Carolina 
Navigation Study by Commonwealth Transportation 
Consultants, Inc. Raleigh. 80Op. 

9. Issues in Demographic Change 

Department of Administration. North Carolina Population 
Projections: 1980 by Michael E. Rulison. Raleigh. 

. 1969 

State Planning Task Force. Systematic Procedures for 
Population Estimates and Projections for North 
Carolina by C. H. Benrud. Raleigh. 2v. 


Division of Community Planning. 1980 Population 
Projections for North Carolina Counties, with 1950, 
1960 and 1970 Population by Age Groups by Josef 
H. Perry and C. Horance Hamilton. Agricultural 
Experiment Station, Department of Rural Sociology. 
Raleigh. 230p. 

10. Issues in Regional Planning 

Office of State Planning. Planning for Rural Water and 
Sewer Systems on a Regional Basis by Dr. William C. 
Bell. Raleigh. leaflet. 

Office of State Planning. Regionalism in North Carolina 
by John Booth and lartha Cochran. Raleigh. leaflet. 

State Planning Division. Multi-County Data, prepared 
by the above and the North Carolina State Urban 
Affairs and Community Service Center. Raleigh. 

352. CPL Exchange. Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of Administration. State Planning Division. 
Regional Planning in North Carolina by Harold R. 
Wise & Associates, Ine.’ Raleigh. '130p. 

North Carolina State iniverabty Center for Urban Affairs 
and Community Services. North Carolina Handbook on 
Regionalism. Raleigh. ‘52p. 

Office of State and Regional Planning. A Multi-Regional 
Input-Output Model for North Carolina by R. L. Collins, 
J. M, Daber, T. H. Bingham and R. E. Paddock, 

Research Triangle Institute. Raleigh. 33p. 

State Planning Division. The Beginning of a Regional 
Planning Process by above. Region New Community 
Program Planning Staff. Raleigh. 130p. 


Department of Administration. State Planning Division. 
North Carolina Multi-County Planning Regions. 
Raleigh. 32p. 

State Planning Task Force. Water Resource Needs for 
Selected Development Corridors in Appalachian 
North Carolina by Rummel, ‘Mopper & Kahl, Consulting 
Engineers. Raleigh. Ov. 

State Planning Task Force. North Carolina Economic 
Development Commissions: Appalachian Regional 
Development Act of 1965. Annual. Raleigh. jv. 


State Planning Task Force... Investment Guidelines for 

eh North Carolina Coastal Plains Region. Raleigh. 


State Planning Task Force. .Proceedings of the Governor's 
Conference on Appalachian Development held June 25-26, 
1968. Raleigh. various pagings. 

State Planning Task Iorce. A Survey of Multi-County 
Cooperation in North Carolina by Sheron Ann Keiser. 
Raleigh. 5hp. 

353. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77 


State Planning Task Force. A Plan for Public Investment 
in Appalachian North Carolina, Fiscal Year 1968. 
Raleigh. 2lp. 

State Planning Task Force. Multi-County Planning Study 
by George A. Elam. Raleigh. 37p. 

State Planning Task Force. Investment Guidelines for 
the North Carolina Appalachian Region by Hammer, 
Green, and Siler Associates. Annual. Raleigh. 129p. 


Department of Water Resources. Water Resource Problems 
and Priorities in the Appalachian Region Counties in 
North Carolina; A paper for presentation by James R. 
Townsend at the first meeting of the Water Development 
Coordination Committee for Appalachia, September 20-21. 
Raleigh. various pagings. 

11. Local Planning 
a) Issues in Local Planning . 


University of North Carolina. Institute of Government. 
Functions of the Zoning Board of Adjustment in 
North Carolina by Philip P. Green, Jr. Chapel Hill. 


State Planning Division. . Zoning and Subdivision Survey; 
by Region, County and Municipality. Raleigh. 21p. 


Division of Community Planning. A Planned Program of 
Annexation by Emil Breckling. Raleigh. 7p. 


State Planning Task Force. Rural Community Organization 
in Eastern North Carolina by Mary E. Earle. Raleigh. 

University of North Carolina. Institute of Government. 

An Introduction to Municipal Zoning by Philip P. 
Green, Jr. Chapel Hill. 57p. 

354. ‘GPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

University of Worth Carolina. “ Institute of Government. 
‘An Introduction to Subdivision Regulations in North 
Carolina by Robert E. Stipe. Chapel Hill. 20p. 


State College of Agricul ture and Bepinserine, Agricultural 
Extension Service. * Planning a Development Program for 
Your County. - Raleigh, * | 19p. : 

b) Local Planning Enabling Acts 

University of North ‘Carolina. Institute of Government. 
Planning Legislation in North Carolina. 8th ed: 
1973 Supplement by Philip P. Green, Jr. Chapel Hill. 


University of North Carolina. Institute of Government. 
Planning Legislation in North Carolina. Chapel Hill. 


University of North Carolina: Institute of Government. 

Planning Legislation in North Carolina by Philip P. 
Green, Jr. Chapel Hill. various pagings. 


University of North Carolina. Institute of Government. 
City Planning in North Carolina; A resume of 
statutory powers for organizing and carrying out a 
eae program by Philip P. Green, Jr. Chapel Hill. 


12. Information Systems and Inventories 


Office of State Planning. Design Concepts for the 
North Carolina Planning and Land Use Information 
System (PLUM) by C. William Skinner, Department of 
Computer Science, North Carolina State University. 
Raleigh. 13p. 

355. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Office of State Planning. A Man-Machine Procedure for 
Extracting Information from Data Collected by the 
Earth Resources Technology Satellite by David R. 
Holloman, contractor. Raleigh. various pagings. 


Water Resources Research Institute. HISARS, Hydrological 
Information Storage and Retrieval System Reference 
Manual by Richard R. Wilkinson and others. Raleigh. 


State Planning Task Force. A Planning Information Systems 
Design for the State of North Carolina by F. D. 
Kennedy and I. B..Woodside. Raleigh. various pagings. 

State Planning Task Force. Basic Concepts Required in 
the Development of a Planning Information System by 
F, D. Kennedy. Raleigh. 57p. 


University of North Carolina. Institute of Government. 
North Carolina's Map Resources: Problems and Needs; 
Special Study by Robert E. Stipe. Chapel Hill. 77p. 

13. Project Notification and Review System Guides 
a) Federal Program 

Office of State Planning. The Clearinghouse Review 
Process in North Carolina by Randolph Hendricks. 
Raleigh. leaflet. 

State Planning Division. Clearinghouse Procedures Manual 
for the Project Notification and Review System. 
Raleigh. various pagings. 

b) State Programs 

Governor. The North Carolina Environmental Policy Act 
a Report by Governor Robert W. Scott to the 
Legislative Research Commission on Experiences with 
the Environmental Policy Act of 1971 with recommendations 
for refinement. Raleigh. 12p. 

366. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

1h. Natural Resources Conservation, Development and Management 


Department of Public Instruction. Environment and 
Natural Resources Act; A Report to the North Carolina 
General Assembly. Raleigh. 113p. 


Department of Conservation and Development. North 
Carolina: Its geology and mineral resources by 
Jasper Leonidas Stuckey. Raleigh. 550p. 

15. ‘Critical Areas" 
a) Environmentally Critical Areas 


Land Policy Council. Criteria for the Identification 
of Areas of Environmental Concern. Recommended 
by the above. Raleigh. 129p. 


State Planning Division. Critical Environmental Areas 
of North Carolina. by. Richard R. Wilkinson and R. 
Paul Darst. Raleigh. 7Op. 

17. Coastal Area Management 

a) Issues in Coastal Area Management 


Coastal Resources Commission. Proposed Guidelines for 
Local Planning under the Coastal Area Management 
Act. Raleigh. various pagings. 

General Assembly. Coastal Area Management Act of 197). 
Raleigh. 63p. : 


Department of Administration. State Planning Division. 
Thesaurus-Coastal Plains-Mountain North Carolina; 
A supplement to thesaurus-Piedmont, North Carolina, 
a vocabulary for indexing and retrieving literature 
relevant to land policy decisions by James W. Clay. 
Raleigh. 36p. 

357. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77) 

Department of Administration. State Planning;Division. 
Plan for Public Investment in the North Carolina 
Coastal Plain. Raleigh. 75p. 

State Planning Division. Thesaurus-Coastal Plains and 
Mountain Regions, North Carolina, by James W. Clay. 
Raleigh. 37p. ; 


Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Coastal 
' Insurance. Report. Raleigh. bp. 

Wildlife Resources Commission. Estuarine Resources, ed. 
by Tom Jackson. Raleigh. 82p. 


Estuarine ‘Study Committee. State Programs for Estuarine 
Area Conservation, by Milton Sydney Heath, Institute 
of Government, University of North Carolina. Chapel 
Hill. 25p. 

University of North Carolina. Institute of Government. 
Estuarine Lands of North Carolina; Legal aspects of 
ownership, use and control by David A. Rice. 

Chapel Hill. 67p. 

19. Land Preservation 
b) Agricultural Land Preservation 
1973 | 
General Assembly. An Act to Provide for the 
Classification, Appraisal, Assessment and Taxation 

of Agricultural, Horticultural and Forest Land. 
Raleigh. 7p. 

20. Flood Plain Management 
Legislative Research Commission. Small Watershed and 
Drainage Laws; Report to the 1971 General Assembly. 
Raleigh. various pagings. es 

Office of State Planning. The New Floodway, Regulation 
Law by James R. Hinkley. Raleigh. leaflet. 

358. _ CPL Exchange Bibliography #172-773-77h 
1983 PORES . 

University of North Carolina. Water Resources Research 
Institute. Workshop on Flood Plain Management, 
Quail Roast Conference Center, Rougemont, North Carolina, 
June 6, 1969. Chapel Hill. 68p. 

State Highway Commission. Floods on Small Streams in 

North Carolina Probable Magnitude and Frequency by 
Herbert G. Hinson by the U.S.G.S. with above. Raleigh. 

Department of Water Resources. Flood Damage Prevention 
in North Carolina; A report for above by Milton S. 
Health, Jr. Raleigh. 136p. 

State Soil Conservation Committee. Watershed Protection 
and Flood Prevention. Raleigh. 15p. 

21. Wildlife Resources 

Wildlife Resources Commission. Evaluation of the Effects 
of Channelization on Fish Populations in North 
Carolina's Coastal Plain Stream by William H. 

Tarplee, Jr., Darrell E, Louder and Andrew J. Weber. 
Raleigh. 13p.+ 

22. Agricultural Resources 

Department of Agriculture. North Carolina Agriculture. 
Raleigh. 15p. 

Soil Testing Division. Fertility Status, North Carolina's 
Coastal Plain Soils. Raleigh. Ov. 

23. Forest Resources 
General Assembly. An Act to Provide for the Classification, 

Appraisal, Assessment and Taxation of Agricultural, 
Horticultural and Forest Land. Raleigh. 7p. 

359. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
2h. Aesthetic Concerns 
a) Issues in Visual Resources 

Governor's Advisory Committee on Beautification. 
Strolling Where the Dew is Nearly. Raleigh. unpaged. 


Governor's Conference on Beautification. Recommendations 
Made at the Conference, April 7-8, 1966. Raleigh. 

25. Water Resources 

a) Issues in Water Resource Planning 


Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Office of 
Water and Air Resources. North Carolina Water Plan: 
Progress Report. Chapter 16. Forest Resources, ~ 
Forestry and Water (draft). Raleigh. various pagings. 

Department of Natural and Economic Resources, Office of 
Water and Air Resources. North Carolina Water Plan: 
Progress Report. Chapter 22. Water Based Recreation 
(draft). Raleigh. various pagings. 

Water Resources Research Institute. Computer Simulation 
of Ground Water Aquifers of the Coastal Plain of P 
North Carolina by Jabbar K. Sherwani. Raleigh. 126p. 

Water Resources Research Institute. Regional Water 
Resource Planning for Urban Needs by David H. 
Moreau and others, Pt. 1. Raleigh. (1159p. 


Department of Natural and Economic Resources. Office 
of Water and Air Resources. North Carolina Water Plan, 
Progress Report. Chapter h. Management Institutions 
by Richard H. Leach. Raleigh. various pagings.- 

Department of Natural and Economic Resources. Office 
of Water and Air Resources. North Carolina Water 
Plan, Progress Report. Chapter 6. Research: Annex: 
Water Resources Problems and Research Needs. updated 
(draft). Raleigh. 9p. © 

360... CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-77h 

Department of Natural and Economic Resources. Office 
of Water and Air Resources. North Carolina Water Plan, 
Progress Report. Chapter 5. Intergovernmental 
Relationships and Programs (draft) by Richard H. Leach. 
Raleigh. various pagings. 

Water Resources Research Institute. Water Resources 
Problems: and ‘Research: Heed of arte Ne 

Raleigh. 9p. 

Water Resources Research Institute. Effects of Land Use 
on Municipal Watersheds by T. Be Maki and W. L. 
Hafley. — Raleigh. caus 


Department of Water and Air Resources. North Carolina 
Water Plan-Progress Report. Raleigh. lv. 

Department of Water and Air Resources. North Carolina 
Water Plan, Progress Report. Chapter 25: The 
concept of basin and region reports in the North 
Carolina water plan (avert). ‘Raleigh. 156p.+ 


State Plarining Task meeps Water Resource Needs for 
Selected Development Corridors in Appalachia 
North Carolina by ‘Rummel, Klepper & Kahl, Consulting 
Engineers. Raleigh. 9v. 


_ Board of Water and Air Resources. Register of Dams 
and Dam Sites in North Carolina (preliminary issue) 
by Planning Division. Raleigh. various pagings. 

Department of Water and Air Resources. The North 
Carolina Water Plan; Master control outline - 
reference - status. Raleigh. 3lp. 

Legislative Research Commission. Committee on Water - 
Resources. Report. Raleigh. 75p. 


University of North Carolina. Water Resources Research 
Institute. Water Resources of North Carolina; An 
inventory of information and Data by Frederick Eugene 
McJunkin, Mary Jordan Coe and Bruce Alan Knarr with 
the Division of Planning, Department of Water and 
Air Resources. Chapel Hill. 38kp. 

361. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 

Department of Water Resources. Wise Management of 
North Carolina Water Resources through Law. Final 
Report. Raleigh. various pagings. 

State Planning Task Force. River Basins’ Regional 
Development and Investments related to the proposed 
Water Control System. Raleigh. various pagings. 


Department of Water Resources. Ohio River Basin 
Comprehensive Survey, North Carolina: State laws, 
policies and programs pertaining to water and related 
resources. Preliminary draft. Raleigh. 6p. 

_ 1965 

Department of Water Resources. Water Resources Problems 
and Priorities in the Appalachian Region Counties in 
North Carolina; A paper for presentation by James R. 
Townsend at the first meeting of the Water Development 
Coordinating Committee for Appalachia, September 20-21. 
Raleigh. various pagings. 

Department of Water Resources. Organization of Government, 
State of North Carolina, limited to those agencies 
having actual or potential relationships to water 
and related land resources or to the above. Raleigh. 


Department of Water Resources. Water Resource Planning 
in North Carolina; A report prepared with the 
Institute of Government of the University of North 
Carolina. Raleigh. 2lhp. . 

Department of Water Resources. Water Resources of 
North Carolina, 1900-1964: 196-1976; A preliminary 
report for Governor Terry Sanford. Raleigh. various 

University of North Carolina. Institute of Government. 
Industrial Water Use in North Carolina by William 
R. Walker. Chapel Hill. 7Op. 


Agricultural Experiment Station. Weather and Climate in 
North Carolina by Charles B. Carney and Albert V. 
Hardy. Data on evaporation and drought by C.H.M. 

Van Bauel. Raleigh. 8p. 

362. CPL Exchange Bibliography #772-773-774 
b) Quality of Water Resources 

Water Resources Research Institute. Water Research in 
Action; Surcharges for industrial wastes: Suggestions 
and guidelines; A packet of information for cities and 
towns advocating charges based on the strength of 
water-carried wastes. With others. Raleigh. various 


Water Resources Research Institute. Contamination of 
Surface and Ground Water with Pesticides applied to 
Cotton, by T. J. Sheets, J. R. Bradley, Jr. and 
M. D. Jackson. Raleigh. 63p. 

Water Resources Research Institute. A Comparative Study 

of State Water Pollution Control Laws and Programs 
by Milton S. Heath, Jr. Raleigh. 265p. 

University of North Carolina. Water Resources Research 
Center. Quality of Storm Water Drainage from Urban 
Land Areas in North Carolina by Edward H. Byran. 
Chapel Hill. 6lp. 
Division of Stream Sanitation and Hydrology. Inventory 
of Municipal Sewage Facilities, State of North 
Carolina. January 1, 1962. Raleigh. unpaged. 
26. Issues in Public Land Management 
State Planning Task Force. Local Public Land Activity 
in Selected Communities of North Carolina, Arnold 
Zogry Associates, Inc. Raleigh. 2p.+ 
27. Energy Resources 
a) Issues in Energy Resources 


Energy Crisis Study Commission. Report by Archibald Y. 
Beal. Raleigh. various pagings. 

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