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America!^ I^eoLclin^ 


pctolicr T. fMI. 






Tt\€: Billl3oaii-<l 

OCTOBER 7, 1905. 



Fay Templeton Scores Big In OUo's Capital 

Marie Califfl Opens at Detroit— Tkomas W. Im k A ¥tir 

is Kapntnre 

■ t AT TBDBVBTtXS mt all tbeattcsoen 

or tbr Mate eajiltal acoinc M oodar cre- 
: - '-'. 'Vlw^ Si-pt. E .»lm ate ■ppcared at 

■ ' 'ik» Gmt Soothen Thcabe In tbe pte- 

Blerp o( G«o. Coban'a moaleal eomedr. 
F<Kt7-ft«r XInntcs From Broadiray. Gcocse 
Cobaii aad a Bmnlier of Keir York weH-wldms, 
iBCludti^ Abe. Bclans^* vrre pment at tli« 
^ yfi Hfaty ■ ^-rformance- GlitlciPnis of tbe new 
BOBleal ■«iNa«d7' — mnafcml - drmjna, as ttk« papers 
atrled U— are <*ock fnH of good thinss a boot 
Mlaa Templrtoa. U>e pUj and Mr. Coitan. 

rortj-aTe ^iDOte* Frtrn Broadway t^es Its 
title trom tbe tact tliat the iceiiea tianaplre at 
New lt*m IM 1T< . K. Jnst fortT-fire minatea 

dlctaat tram :<ew York's famom theatrical 
arenn^. Tbere la a plot wlilcit serrea to make 
tMn|;s mon Urelj and glrn leaaoo for a few 
flttiu^ clljxiasea- Tbe attendant to a mlllim- 
alre nt Nt-w Boehetle Is suppoaed to haTC been 
left a lortmie br tbe eccentric oM gentVmap. 
bat iv> wlH can be foond to pta>rc It. In the 
mrantlnif Ike propotj- U tnmrd OTcr t» • yoonc 
~ V. <n>» ptoeods to baodle 
«i;,kWMud(« BUDCt^ ami Tem- 

I the Ml* «e A booae mid. In which 

ifct wal fr ct pow th e AoMtnte. Tlewr Jfooic, 
: XiA SoBfl^ SB cK-pdiv dclrtjK Id 

1-^ -, . - 

VcOTesor. HIis Goir. \A. 

r. Hill* "T THiOiiiii ^farcnerlte iMor, TSmt 
BWMtr. Ifaadee'' e. ERIott. M^aiioa 
.^>tek K. Bnor.' A. E. Archard. J. S. Don- 
adlr. Doodd Brian. Cbaa. H. Price. Xerada 
Harnirrt. BAea demeas and Mar^arltte 3Iaie. 

' The lattlal peifm ujance ran Tery amoothlr for 
a smaStif, Xr. Ooban, wbo petwnallT sopcr> 
iatended tbe pradBccloo. waa called opon for a 
qieeeh aad reapooded. iir. Brianser denied tbe 
aodlenee tbe aame CaTor. 
Dorlsc 3fr. Oohan't abacoce from his Uttle 
~ > Co.. Which plared LexlnKtoa2_El'-> 
bla wle waa taken bf 

aeawTp ffatrrrT. jx K00H8HIXE 

Marie OtUD opened her aeaHm la the new 
moaieal comedr. Moonshine, Uoodar erenins.' 
Stpt. as, ttt the Detroit Grand Opera Hbose. 
Detroit, Uleh.. to a Terr entbnslaatle andlenee. 
. wtdch oaliealtatlnslr placed Its stamp of ap- 
pioTal tbe new comedy. Both the star 

and tbe TChlde woo nrortlnted praise. Moon 
sblne la said to be a noreitjr In the way of 
moalcal prodBctSooa. Tbe book and lyrics were 
amttcA by BdwiB XBtoa Doyle and Geocse T. 

cock of North 
occopyinic boxr;. 

'The Clansman is a story of tbe En-Klnx- 
Klan. It pictnres the reconstncted sooth in 
many intrre&tin^ scenes. Georgia Welles, as 
Elsie Stoneasan. dao^bter of the republican 
leafler. was well recelTed. Frankllh KUchle 
played tbe role of Ben. CkmcroQ, t^ef of tbe 
Ko-Klnx-Klan. Anstln Wetib.- was tlie mnlat- 
to llentensDt gOTemor. and John B. Cook, as 
the old radical repobllean leader, were espec- 
ially in farar with the aodlciicc. 

The aotbor wos caUcd before tbe curtain at 
the end of the third act, and dellrered a short 
i>peeeta of apprcelatioo. 


Chas. B. Hanford's tour opened at Xewport 
News, Va., Sept. 20. Mr. Hanford's ripertolre 
this season wiU Indode Otbrilo. Tbe :Meraiant 
of Venice. *nie Taming of The Shrew and, in 
accordance with tUs custom of miking at least 
one new prodnctkHL eaA . acaaoa, he vUl aJao 
n sent the classic dnuM, lagodnr. MHs StaTle 
>rafnah wlH asato be 3(r. Biuifiicd*a Icadinc 
lady. A featnrr of special Intertat win be her 

AMMd tke Hfg^ittf_tf£ The 

eusluuies are tasteful, and tbe 
bcautr ehoms Is up to the Cahin standard. A 
love story aerve* as a plot. Amons tbe prlnd- 
ptls la the cast ate wmiam IngersoU, Georse 
Boban. Dick Temple. Frederick PanldlOB ttir 
AtweO. H. B.- Botterts. iSaia Palmer. r~ 
latwsoa.. Jra aw a Gocdm and Sadte BuiU. 

«. Tboaiis w.' Ram opened Ma icaaOB ICenday 
«fcnhi«. Sept. 2S. at the Quick Theaffe. Fblla- 
delphla. Pa^ app^arlnr In tbe liist perform- 
ance eTer giren A Fair Exchanse. Tbt new 
comedy la by the author of A Yankee Consul, 
as well as of Checkers, Mr. Boos' last sea- 
son's aoccesees, and that Henry M. Bloasom has 
made a M^ser saccess of his third piece li the 
opinion preraJeat tmoag Philadelphia theatre- 
soers. Which scored the greater success, Mr. 
Boaa <r A PUr Excbanse, tbey are willing to 
let go andeeided. sivlng to both the fullest 
meaaore of soccese. 

Tbe GarrIA was crowded. Mr. Ross was 
applaoded vociferously npoo hU debnt, and In- 
'■ In cr e ased as tbe play proceejed. A Fair 
EBCe teUs the story of ' a young man who 
k zctomed east that he might win the 

^llli— oC a girl with whom be Is deeply in 

love. Aifttt surmoontlne all ibe obstacles ' that 
' be placed In his way. the joong 

Sept. SB. appearlog tor 
new blank vene play, Moreen, arfaleh has been 
rechrlst.ned The Conqneror. Gertrude Elliott, 
In prlTste life Mrs. Foil>ea Bobertsoo, Is his 
leading lady. Beports ftom the Brltiab me- 
tropolis say that the play Is aplemdWIy pro- 
dneed and well acted, yet critics are Ikraliig 
It with tbrir choicest InTectlTe. 

The story deals with a cooqaeror of the 
middle ages. Tbe drama opens with bla re- 
tirement from further Tlctories, having tired of 
them. The Conqneror sees the yoonger daagh- 
ter of the ehleftan whose stronghold he has 
Jost captured. Be falls In tore with her, 
hat she Is only a child. It Is Morren- He de- 
cided to go away for a period of eight years, 
and then retains and claims her for himself. 
Tbe Conqneror follow? oat bis Intention, but In 
the meantime another — r-talmlng to be the 
Conqneror, but who U In reaUt7 tbe cooqoered — 
nr ias B a bis dalat. Morren listens to him and 
Ions Urn. ' mmi tiw real Cooqnetor returns he 
flads that the pilae baa been taken by another. 
Tbe (oeeeaafnl wooer ]■ eoatamad t» die. bat 
Morren wins his . lite taBrtb* fltagimr at the 
price of herself. At' laat'tte Iklw.MBqnciac la 
spared and the real Conqueror d €g l W | |a Mm- 
selt. The plays ends Intemgatledr. tba 
tloa remainiag fflr tbe Uflng 


baa aot,. In . wlaaiac. lost 

tte:pKt .«C . Ike telle 


One of the Most BA^mficent Plaj^ioiises 
iir England in Danger of CoOapsing 

_ In The Walla of JMcho at the 

Sanr ZhMMi Xtir Svtk, bit 



Just Out of College, 


With Wm. Faversham 
Opens Season 

A Renewal That Partakes of the Qnal- 
ities of a Premiere— Few Changes 
in Cast— Star Bu Plcaanl 

William VtKienAWB ovened hU aeuoa Sept. 
K at tbe SbW ThWtre, Atlantic Clg. X. J., 
In tbe Edwara Milton Boyle comedy, rhe 
Siiuaw-Man. which leeelred Ita premiere April 
24 at the Star Theatre, Bvffalo. N. Y. In 
hot a few Instances is tbe cast tbe same m 
produced tbe comedy at Buffalo. It la as ntt- 


Heorr Wrnnegate, 

Earl of Kerhm.... 

Herbert Sleath 

of Kerhm.. 
Selene Johnson 

to An Enflnaastic Aodience at 
New Haven* CQonecticat. 

George Ade's new comedy. Just Cat of Col- 
lege, was given Its premiere Monday erealng, 
Sept. IS, at the Hyperion Theatre, Sew BavcD, 
Conn., with Joseph Whedaek, Jr., In thn Ind- 
Ing role. The cast: 

"By Georgia" Bdmid WuHhlugioa 

Swinger, Jut oat of eoUcge _ 

............. jQMIIh Whedoek, Jr, 

In tt* pi Ale bosl- 

- le J. -Bi 


■ - • ■-fi haetoa JadEBOn 

CHMUie FlekMlBg, rnUj daoghter of 

Septlmiia Catherine Oilman 

IS, W. Jones, a female business msn.. 

'. Uabel Amber 

Genevlere Cblixle. one at those candid ' 

friends Georgle Uendnm 

Lnella Jenfclna Pickering, president of 

the Co-mdlaaiad Cnltnte dobs 

.......V.^...... liOnlse Sydmeth 

BOBle* lfl0wll>,. a stanograpber 

Blanrtie Stoddard 

at IMtaa^Wn 


„ ^___:*>ltlea 

•V:;«»a-: i h »m er la» praise upon her. 
^SvAK JUm Flood and George Pacnns aii» asKca 
pnidaetlon Is apvnptiatelr' staled.' ' 
wm J^v a -tew niHuii 
' "-7«ik".atr.'!ftr\.a 

a dtamatlsatkn of the Thomas 
Jr.. aanel tr tbe aame name, teeelved 
' Itn iirtmlert Sept. at the Academy of Mnale. 
SiMMk, Vm,, tit a n an andlenee cwp is ed 
' i:<C the aatlOBil 

B. Ai«> 

His Majesty's Theatre, one of London's moat 
magnificent playhouses, was closed Sept. 25 be- 
cause of an omlnoos crack wblcb appeared In 
tbe mat*>le proscenlnm arch. Tbe performance 
of Oliver Twist, in which Beerbohm Tree and 
his company were playing, was about flni^ed 
when the daogeroos crevice was discovered. 
After the performance Mr. Tree appeared Ijefore 
the footlights and announced that Oliver Twist 
woold be transferred to the Waldorf Theatre 
the following evening, stating the reason. The 
sndlence quickly, btrt quietly left the playhouse. 

Up^n examination It waa discovered that 
the prowenlUB had sabslded, vetr pmMblr 
doe to the test that a new tnbc nOwar Is 
being bout aadtr'the. thMtie. . Jast what aetlon 
will he tataB^hinvJHt »rt-tan MOtd. theogh 
It Is sty -ttrt ■»!■■■«■■ ■■iits win he 

'°3teMiitst.1f<iBielia«. at the WMii^ asietd to 
p«a tp s iM, t>a;n i id aetl i n - ot the new play. Lights 
Ont. In order that Oliver Twist awit play In 
that theatre at least tlvee weeks. 


The in<-etlnff of the TmascODtlnental Vaude- 
ville Association, annonnced for KaixsaB City, 
MOl. Sept. 18, did aot materallse. A number 
of the members met at the oOce of the Majes- 
tic Theatre, bat delayed traina kept a quorom 
tnm weitlag. Aose who did arrlTe oa time 
eonld net wait ter the other, and the meeting 
was eaOtd sO. No tine waa set ter aaoOer 

George , Adrt name has been advanced • 
notch la the pl^wrlghts' ball of fame, it re 
ports that emanate from New Haven concern- 
ing the new play are tme. It Is reported that 
the audience became wildly, entbnslastle, and 
greeted each act with renewed applause. Just 
Ont of College Is ptononnced the greatest of 
the Ade snn cr i iei . 

Jnst Out of College is in three acta. It Is the 
story of a Yale graduate, poor but willing. His 
name is Edward Worthlngton Swinger. Swinger 
makes the acquaintance of a pickel mannfac- 
tnrer's daughter, Carolyn Pickering. He pressed 
hiB claim, bat old man Pickering calls a halt. 
He wishes his daughter to marry a bnsIneBs 
man. and tells Swinger that he will give him 
three months and 920.000 to prove that be 
is such a man. Swinger accepts snd takes a 
check for the capital. Swinger fonna the ac- 
quaintance of Meule Jones, a hnslncss woman In 
Pickering's olBcea. They go Into partaenlilp. 
They do a SaaMteB hnsinm and are ahont 
to ndMie Ml .tt* «U plekd kbic when he 
gelB asst. nt esA hswerer. ftOIy coavlacei 
Mn nekntes .that tfwteaM Is a haslBWS n 
ot tee tat watv and be tmiinls to the 

in t he MeaC-SwI^cr 
ported 'to hhMt'slsen a 
ance, Br . ably 
wen ■teandi Me, — 

enee ter tee 

Inst Ont of 
Theatre, New Tock 

Mr. Wheelock is re- 
most artistic perform 

The jiay is 
« Mat Uttle 

• at,' ter an 


\ bronze statute of Joseph J fTer^on Is to be 
erected at Richmond, Vs., hv an association 
formed by citizens of that state, with Oovemor 
Montague at the head. The site for tbe monu- 
ment was left to Joseph Jefferson, Jr.. and he 
chose the capital city, .\mong the rice presl 
denta of the aseodatloa are Grover Cleveland. 
MelTllle Stone. Richard Watson Gilder snd 

Diana, Us wltei 'OMWtesa 

Lady Eliiabeth Wynnegate, bis _ . • 

^. Selma Fetter Boyle 

Lady Msbel Wynnegste, his sister.. „ 

Katherloe risher 

Caplu'jainea Wynnegate. afterward J im 

Carson, his cousin.. William FaTosham 
Bev. Belachaxer Cblswlck. bis prlvate^^^ 

secretary Frederic nreit 

Bates, his bntler C A. Oirltott 

Malcombe Petrie, his soUdter.^...... 


Sir John Applegate, Diana's 

The 'Blgirt*BeT."the 


Sir Charles MajorihaBkib -==-—,- —i. 

Ifcrthnw Uarthil 

Mrs. Washington Adams, IB Am«lom 

la^ Mortal Nelson 

Jim CaisHs j«sr*uneber»— „ 

Big BUL nuiTniiii Geo. Fawcett 

Sborty Emmett Sbickletord 

Andy B«ijamin Msrbnrg 

aonchy MitsheU Lewis 

Beeo Whiter horse wrangler and Intn- 


of tbe Utes.. 
. neodore Boberts 
Nat-n-ritdi, bis daughter. ..Mabel MottJ*-" 

Little Hal, her son Krolyn Wrtgar 

Cash Hawkins, mstler and bad man.. 

W, S. Hart 

Nick, the barkeeper rrederldi Wain* 

McSordy, engineer Overland Limited. 

Nathan *- 

Parker, PoUman coaduetor. .W. 

Pete W. Bedltr 



Punk, a Chinaman ... 
.Mrs, Hiram Doolittle, 


«t Coyote eoonty, 

wmiam Frederleh 

The play has been prancd eonsldersble sfaire 
Ita Bnffalo premiere, and that It la very to- 
teteatlng la prored by the tect that one of 
the largest andlencee which ever assembled In 
the dty by the sea greeted tbe performsnce 
vociferously. The play Is In ftonr acts. Tbe 
Brst scene takes place In Maudsley Towers, 
during an annual gathering, where Capt Win. 
negate leans of the disgrace of his kinsman, 
tbe Earl of KerhUl. who has embeszled trust 
fnnds and U unable to make good. These fmids 
belong to tbe regiment of which Wlnnegate 
is honorary colonel. Exposure and ruin Is 
threstened. The capUtn la to love with the 
earl's wife, and to ahldd her he Shoalders 
the crime snd disappears. Tbe aieond act 
brings the ictfoa to Lobk BMb saloon, tt 
Maverick, a live Wyoming town. It Is two 
years later. Capt, Wynncsate Is known to 
bis oompsnlons as 3tm OsBtoo. ' A yoong In- 
dian firlima his lite wkca It to threatened 
by a cowboy. 

Act three takes ptace flee yeaia later at 
Jtm Carston's lanch on Green Blver la eastern 
Dtsh. The IndUn maid wbo saved his Ufe 
now calls bim bnaband, and a little boy cslls 
them papa and mamma. Then comes the 
temptor In the gnlse of an English solicitor 
who brings tbe Information that tbe Earl tt 
dead. He begs Jim to retnra to Knglsnd ana 
claim bis tIGe, incidentally meatioolag that 
the Karl's wife is stUl In love with and 
would marry htm. Jim persists, bat at last 
consents to allow hta son to go to England 
to reclaim the title snd to be educated In 
English fsRhlon. Mrs. Carslon protests, hot 
when she lenms that Jhn Is determined that 
the bov should go to England she dinppeM^ 
Then comes the sberlS of the connty wbo has 
killed an Indian and seeks p reteethni t^ee* ■ 
band of aborigines bent Bpon . resen g e. 'l™ 
rrtuscB to sancadCT the sheriC and psepaiatlons 

Xewa then reaAcn Jtm that the 

Ibe Earl's wife. Ignorant of tbe aprislBg, snd 
assisted by bnt a slnele trooper, has left cne- 
yenne for -the ranch. Jim makes a melo- 
dramatic rush tbrougli the lines and rescues 
the coontess. Aid Itom the fort arrives and 
Mrs, CarstoD kills hetwelf In despair. ' 

Mr. Faversham Is said to be partlcnlarly good 
in his new mle. Reports sa.v that he 1« ably 
assisted br hl« ompsny. Tbe play Is well 
staged, II will be reviewed at leagte In 
weeh'a Is— i . «f Ihe BIWhBsrd. 

RubP Bernstein, of the staff of the 
star Theatre. Toronto. Can.. Is la advance ot 
the Parisian Belles Co. Rnbe la a hastier 
sad will make csod. 

OCTOBER 7, 1«0S, 



Opens Season in The 
Trutli Tellers 

Afitms Who Was Leading Woman 
IRdi Hemy Irriog Last Season 
mil Star in AflMiba. 

Msnde VmIt and ■ large comiwnr of platen 
(■Tc Tbm TntU TcUen Ita _pt«nilere Monday 
creotM. Sept. 25. at tbe dUonftla Tbaatic, 

anwitlne Xorttnwr iSfaDde Fcaly 

Sir Xboma atortlawr.; Sidney Carle 

Honor Uortlmcr Com Qnlnton 

Ccratal Hartlmer titmat Powrn 

OMTge Mortimer Uttle Togr 

Tunna. the piper .Alfred HndKHt 

Mlaa Mortimer, nont of the children 

iLonlse MacUntoah 

l»dy MaiT Batlier Lyoo 

Lb<^ Camdeotomi Blanche Moolton 

Roslne, MlM Mortimer's nnld..<Xua Irrlns 
Conataoce. alece ot tbe Tlcar 

Franela Moxdatrom 

Lsdr MoOhrtlv .Wta Carlyle 

Lillian Dnrlins noteac* Banamore 

jjtgj Mdaaa Adla Vcnm 


OoL WtiMm, eC tbe Rttccnth 

.^.rOMtaa b. EM 

Otvt- Beotar; «t tbe ratccDtb Dnfoana. 

tMWrmet WUanr, «( the W ftetrtb Dm- 
coooa >.■•*•■•■•»••••••••• BAwbi Oterton 



i^tjTiMDbitir. «c 

It didn't take Maude Fealy long to decide 
npon talrtne tbe leading role In tbe new (onr- 
act Martba Morton corned;. It la reported that 
the Denver actress la doing tbe twat work 
OC her career In tbe new piece. 

The TrutSi Tellera Is twsed npon tbe novel 
of John Stianse Winter, and tells tbe story ot 
fire cblldien of tbe George Washington type. 
Their tmth telling brings tronble upon tbem- 
selres and tbcae aronnd tbem. Mlaa Fealy has 
tbe role at tbe eldest ebUd. Bmestlne MortI' 
mer. Whne critics praise ber work, tbey are 
rather dubions as to tlie strength of tbe new 
play, and there la not an overabundance of >ne- 
cess predicted tor It. Little Toy. a boy of six. 
wbo plays tbe role ot George Mortimer, scored 
a snec<«s next to Mlaa Fealy's honors. 

Atetfe aodlenee greeted tbe opeaing per- 


■mt Flay bjr Ikt AaOan ef Me, 
WmwtAt M««ts PttbHc Fimr. 

The aemad leaaoa ot Joint work for Wortbe, 
BIckel and Vatson la atmraoas musical comedy 
mug. amt. SL At Um .Ameif 
Yaik (w. Vhe caett - 

....Ocotge L. neka 
..Banr WataoD, Jr. Vet ym&m 



»•*•'••••••••••« • • bQCmi O^BrtiA 

■ > m^m-mm mTm mmm aa,*^^^ PACC 



»■ • 

The Qieat Magid .'...ftanx wunani 

I'm « Trailer .fkaak MoCne 

Senonta Rlccardo.. Jwiinettii laBean 

UUlaa BiDtt !Bc«le Clllford 

MraL BUa Noyes IDorotby La May 

laut aeaaon these comedians ottered a treat In 
Me. Him and I; this seaiion It la Tom. Dick and 
Ilarry. a little bit more fooUsfa, they say, and 
If pooaHile, tnnnler. Tbe sacceas of the new 
concoction Is evident from the Incessant tor- 
rent ot Unghter which It brought forth trom 
the andleneea at tbe American last week. Ve- 
hlcli's for Wrottae, Blekel and Watson are never 
written for any other effect than fun. This 
fact waa kept well In mind by Barry Wlllfsma 
and Aaron HofTman when they wrote the book 
and lyrics. Egbert Tan Aletyne put bis best 
efforts Into tbe maslc, and delivered onto tbe 
comedians and their spectacular chorus some 
aongs -that are catcby and will endure. The 
wot it shadowy, dim and evanescent. An aud- 
taee can't carry a plot In Its bead while 
Ibeae Mngi oC eomedr are on tbe stage. Tbey 
are magnetic— rather deetrie. rwben two ot 
tbna get tagcthor there la going to be a flash; 

■n tbtee get tateOMr there l« a 



Ex-Smator Reywdds' Hayhonse Ifagnificeiit 

George Edwardeaf hmka Vntbu^aa, The Dnchess ti Dantac, Serves to 
Imtiate Theatregoers at the East bi of titt BiidBe to tiw Bomi^a 
BcaotiM Palaice of Amusement. 


at (he Snlfre nieetie. New 

Xoifc to J. 1L Butler new jlln, FMm Pan, 
will CoOev ttae« aC Mb Dreir aTSe ~ 


David Belasco's Play 

Minnie Madent Fiske in Renewal of 

Hr. Tunis F. Dean, who was bust- 
aeaa Maaaw .«c tbe Oraod (^pcra Haote, Pltta- 
•<■>& nr eareral aeMnaa> and v>bo aftarwaM 
•ete4 In the aame' capaelty at Lnu Park 
tbcfa, win ahortlr- enter opoD bla dnttea aa 
(s» Mrs. Leslie Carter whaa 

Adrea. tbe Darld Sdaaea aad Mba Lotbcr 
teag tragedy, wfclefc mm (or maie thaa a bim- 
dred nights laat aiaaoa la tbe aaetsopoUa, was 
revived 8ai>t. SO at the Belaaea neitae. with 
Mia. Mite Outer Is the ttti* (ttoTlWnnng 
Is the caat: 

. ..............Oisa. A> MIUwBXd 

............. Chaa. A. SteieBtoo 

Slarcaa L.eea';**..*.. Marfban Welsh 

H<dy Nuar....... JHatold Howard 

Mimas, tbe. the.....; .naads Powers 

BevlUecaa Jkaak Weaterton 

Cains Talgna ......<i...'.i.JQeoige Haicoort 

Sylvestiaa ..OOmore Scott 

I^alzea • I«nls Keller 

Bram-Bora Fred Yoke 

Master of the Tower H. G. Carlton 

Servant of tbe TMvr Edna GrfBn 

The Shade of IbaelhM^Xhatlea Hnngerford 

Tbrjosaos :v.'<...^...WIllard Sterling 

Idmondns Gordon West 

A Mock Herald. .Wllllam Shay 

Crassns Edwin Ilardln 

Serald of the Senate Franklin Mills 

Page of the Senate Harold Guomtcy 

A Bargeman Lydian Dnrrett 

Zastns Teft Johnson 

C«ll>a Sdward Brown 

SIgrad Charles Wright 

Var-Igon F. L. Bvans 

Slave of the Whips J. W. CanoU 

Slave of the Queen'a Door Btneat Dale 

•Bit Ohtld Vasba Jnae Felton 

iDlla Ooeaa..,.. .....i.......Oor^ASa in« 

Oarda »«.'»'.;.».<,. ^ Mat lS Davla 

Myrla .>^*'^».'.;..' ,i n a l a ' : B el i>i 'ts 

■Letta ' ^..C. ■••■•>..... '^'.......tana Oebom 

I/ellt ...'.....'..;.'..^i..-v....'^BelIe He Oea 

A Singing Bird. .V. . . ; . Va<lelelBe . jW'gton 
Adrea. rY****"*"'"** r 'M Hie Carter ' 

It la tii« nncf . Ailiea.' t^ Hra. Carter 
and the 'aanie Company, praetleally. and we 
might add that they were received with tbe 
name degree ot enthusiasm aa last season. 
Tlioaicta Adrea- shows no signs of waning In 
popnlarlty, Ita run is IndeOnlte. It wiu rnn 
for only slrteeo evenings, ss Mrs. Carter ft to 
appear In stMrt revivals of Zaxa and DudJarry. 

The story of Adrea l« too well-known to The 
BUlt>oerd'8 readers to burden these columns 
with Its repetition, though Its worth woold 
warrant It. Mrs. Carter's wort la said to l>e aa 
forcefnl and convincing as over. She Is given 
Kplendld support by the players wltb wlllch Mr. 
Belasoo has surrounded her. Two changea In ttie 
east Is to be noted, though not partlcnlarlr 
noticeable In tbe performance. Chas. A Steven- 
son succeeds Tyrone Power In the role of 
Arklssns. and Cbas. A. Millard bss tbe role ot 
Kaeao. formerly played by Mr. Stevenson. 

Wia^' Carter wUI shortly go en tour. 

Supported by practically the same company 
that appeared In Leab Kleacbna last season, 
Mrs Fiske opened her season Tuesday. Sept. 
as, at the Manhattan Theatre. New York City, 
In a revival of the MtXSIeUan ancceas. In ad- 
dition to the atar. John Maaob anfl otbera 
aoorol personal aoeceaaea. Ibat tbe jiar baa 
loat none «< lu drtfwlag powers la eelsneed br 
the tact tbat iMie y Slw ww wltaeaae« the 
prodoetlaD laat wM; ■ »hg ia tgft ii h est_la iMh 
Klea^a la ttattcd. M Xta. Mke «in 
ahortlr a asw gleee. 


THE new MonUuk Theatre at Living- 
ston street and Hanover place, Brook- 
lyn, N. Y., opened Monday evening, 
Sept. 25, with George Edwarde's pro- 
duction of Tbe Dncbeaa of Pantatc^ 
The magnlOcent playhouse 
Senator Wm. .H. Beynolda. 
■omest theatre In Brooklyn. 

Tbe promise tbat tbe new Uontauk wonld 
represent the blgbeet type ot modem theatre 
building has «>een tnllUled by Senator Beynolda. 
That means a great deal. It means an ad- 
vance npan a long line of handsome predecea- 
sors, for this country leads tbe w^d In tbM- 
trlcal construction. Senatgc ..Baf Mga oe- 
dared that be wonld make IhS , 
In tlie land. ExperU think that r he' hen 
bla word. 

One la immeOiatelr Inpteesed at^tte ve^ 
entrance. Tbe VMv, wbldi ceodilnce both lob^ 
and foyer owing to its airaiigenent, is strik- 
ing, because It difltis ftaaa any otber In the 
metropolla. Bstendtag aa It does trom tbe 
oocner ot UvlBgetOB afreet, where tbe box- 
•■m la located braeatb a dome, it extends 
along the entire width ot the theatre, on Ban- 
over place. Tbe walnacoting la higb and of 
white marlile, with Irregnlar black streaka, 
tbe doors are covered with Morocco leather, 
wblle the frleie and celling are adcmed with 
tellet work. , 

Within the auditorium, artistic symmetry 
and warmth of tone are admirably blended; 
The width of tbe house gives It a ^dona 
aspect, wbUe tbe depth makes It appear cosy 
and brings even the last row of seats Into 
proper relation with the stage. Tbe proecenlnm 
arch is massive and with tbe tMxea forms an 
impressive frame work for tbe stage plctnrea 
that wlU be piesented. 

The color scheme Is red and g«d. Iba 
gold has been used unsparingly, hot with good 
laataw npon the nioacailam arch and bozea, 
Sua (krwalsaieraraKd wttb thick red wat- 
eicd aOk e( apenatre weave. The ^alia are 
npbolatered to ted. the hanging ot tbe boxee 
are red and tlie carpets are green. The effect 
Is that of ridinesa and vrarmtb. 

Above- the proecenlnm are finely wrought 
sjubolle Ogners In relief. No coloring baa 
been applied to these, and as a result tbey 
resemble Ivory carvings upon a large scale. 
An opulence of relief work also cbaractertxes 
tbe treatment of tbe proscenium and boxes. 

Electrlllers of artistic design are In har- 
mony with tbe general scheme of decoration. 
Indeed there la no discordant note discernible. 
Even tbe exit drapery as formerly are cov- 
ered by red plush on tbe inside so as sot to 
mar tbe effect upon tbe eye 


tecta — . -- - 

the honae .ai«toar eletr at the'-atage'.CBB be 


Aa a framework for dramatic doings the dl- 
menalona of tb* proscenium opening, whldi is 
39 feet high and 88 teet wide, are considered 
lust Tight. The sUge Itself Is sufficiently 
large to accommodate elaborate productions, 
and It Is equipped with all tbe very latest fa- 
cilities. Twenty Are-proof dressing rooms are 
arranged on tbe IJvlngston street side and are 
finely furnished. Special attention has t>een 
paid to the heating ot the suge, so as to 
obviate tbe discomfort to the audience of a 
blast of cold air when the curtain rises. 

As regards safety, everything that experi- 
ence and Ingenuity could suggest has been 
ntObied. The building Is fiie-proot and is 
equipped with tbe neweet InvenHana to aafe- 
guard the patroaa. -Theie ate -twantrwa 
Ita, aU.,ot wUdi are wide. Upas, the doocs 
of the imiiglihij lllta li aa entbrdy new de- 
elee whlA OMM; ]lk»-' Soon to epcn anto- 
•aattallr the BMmaBt the slightest pi e saai e la 
lawiahl te bear npon them. The Hbntank la 
m liit Ihsalie In which this InventlOB baa 
been Inatalled. 

Another new Invention Is the system of reg- 
ulating the sprinkler apparatns designed to 
flood the stage in case of lire. This Is worked 
by an electric button. Advanced m e thoda are 
also employed In the manlpoIatlaa_ ed the, 
electric lights, which play such aa hBgoitant 
part In up-to-date productions. 

The andltorlum will be heated by hot air 
.distributed by a new system. The air wUI be 
forced np under the seats and tbe supply can 
be regulated to a nicety, so tbat the desired 
temperature can be obtained. 

For the convenience ot the patrona there are 
an elegantly furnished letbrlng nam for la* 
dies, a commodious smoking toaB tn men, with 
lavatories. In each the furnishings le p teaent 
the lateat mode. The olBcea are also finely 

KIrhy, Petit A Green of Manhattan are tbe 
architects wlM dealgned the theatre, while tbe 
decorations are by Arnold A Locke. 

Samuel H. Cohen la tbe manager ot the 
new Uootaok. He needs aa Introdoctlai to 
Tbe BUlboatda* icadere. far Ua- anc et aa In 

■ the effect upon tbe eye. 

1 tbe matter of arranging tbe pltoi of 

honee aietoar vlew at the attge can be 

Following The Dnehees ot Dentals. , . 
an tbe leading attractlona booked by EShW * 
Brlauger. The new theatre Itself will '*~ ' 
attraction for quite a time, and la 
to make people alt op and take notiee. 

David Bdaaea aat tte I , 

which be la dHaC'WKhaae a theatre la Mar. 
folk. Va., ■esf'aeaaaB; ' Bhien pieaeat gtaoa 
mlaeuir. It la anderstood that a nnabcr of 
NotMk capltaUata. Iwaded by CUrenee A. 
Woodward, artll bnlld the new playhonae and 
lease It to Mr. Belasco. Ilie plana provide ftv 
tbe bunding of a theatre. It will 
seat 2.000. which will exceed the capacity 0< 
any other boaae la Nomlk. 
win be In I 
street, near 

It la reported tbat work win begin Im- 
mediately npon the new playhouse, so tbat 
it may be ready tor occupancy the flrat ot : 


The new $13,000 theatre at H nrnb eM t . 

opened Sept. 22 with a petdenaaaee-ed Oilr • 
'Private, by the Morey Stott On. Tbe new the. 
atre seate 700 people. Ataaeat rverr seat waa 
taken the opening night at fMa glM ta tS par 
seat. iPreeeffing the perfomanee ihaab ad- 
dresses were made by O. O. Btctt. pMaideat .eC 
tbe balldlng commlttte: Mm Aaoa, a ■ ember 
ot tbe committee, and by the manager «C tbe 
Mony Stock Oo. The ladlee of HnnMdt pre- 
seated tbe theatre with an elegant - piano. She 

Tbe Unique Theatre, of. Sooth Chicago, HL, 
was recently sold by Lowenitehi * OomSdd. to 
the Vaodctte Xhcetze On.. «f Cfaleagow nhHB 
propoeea to opetate tve almllar theatres b^ttt 
outlying dlatrleta ot the . Wiser.' <ttr. n» 
Unique epened . Meadar. Oat.' St- aali r the naiw 
regime. wMh HHir M. W^ata » the h>gS 
manager. Two eaodevllle Mlla are givca dany . 

The Tandette Theatre Oo. Is a Oileago finj. 
of which Hoftert 8. Mllla la p i erfdsBt; F. JL 
Tracr. aeetetaiy. and J at es li U, e. . 

directing the destiny of the AiphVai, when 
tbe leading dramatle attractlona were played 
there. la wen known. 
Bdward Train, who. waa ao 
eaamr of the aid Maataal 

prceldc aecr tl 
in Idsg beaa 


Tbe report appearing la The Bnibaard re- 
cently to the effect that the Shnberts had made 
arrangements for a new theatre in Kansas City, 
Mo., has been verified. J. J. Shnbert baa 
signed a five yearn* lease oa a theatre to be 
bi^t by a nomlier of local capitallata befnee 
next season opens. Tbe new playbooae wfll 
be known as tbe Sam. 8. Shnbert Theatre. 

Convention Hall la. hel BK .« ia afie ..j hK ;tt> 
independent attiaetlaBS' ''-iniA gng'-.'SHBBP 
City tills aeaaon. 

The new opera house at creaUlue. Ohio, opened 
Sept. 26 with a performance of Ite Holy Ctty. 
Tbe house was crowded, every seat being taken 
and a noml>er ot £>*trona standing- Tbe new 
bnlldlnc la a bcantUnl stnietue. ..•■e,.li.-|i» 
vlded with every modem Imp ia i ti Bi i s fc 

The new opera bonae at 
opens lu Initial 
man la Clndeiella, 
Jaat been oompletad.";tt- 
terlar. aad Ita latctlv- ie 
tifid as aar hi ~ 
aale baa been 'large. 

Manager John H. e( vaadeeSle tha* 

atres in Marlon, Angeraon aad K a h aMe w . ami, 

has leased tbe old pa a t a fllee . 

port, and vrtll eoonrt It Into a'.theatte. ttj 
open about Oct. Ig.-; — ~" 

wiH be the progiaar 
nlng order. y" , ■ 

m. OBXVB. V. 0 
Engeala Bta^ agtsad^ aei 
at Vt. OUiab^ICU evtc-IS..^ 

ivuBib. ; 

: A ■bac OF W» ,ll« M<a»VATtON 

Manager BMte.- .aC^FoU'a Theatre. Hartford. 
Conn , bS iBtliBee* iBto tbe box odiee of tbat 
bonae aaeir -aiethnd of handling tieketa or- 
dered li advance. whW. plan be Jbinba might 
be adopted by otber managera to adraatage. 
All tlGfceta otder«l In advance are kept to « 
letter rack, which Is nnder the sole charge or 
Hie aaalatant ticket seller. On tbe arrival or » 
SowT^ho has seati reserved. hi* 
tieteto are hnaMdUtely handed btobj- tbe 
aseUtant. TtOM ynB^ l^^^ 
the advance «ale,ek wMa.te he» Jiiatlp^-h- 


Xlie EJi 


OCTOBER 7; 1905. 




^ ItBUKiNDOUB srn'atlon bas beeu caosed 
iu fomton at the fi4>vvBnl Tlitratre by 
th.* 'uppearance of illss Tearl Irvlti;r. 
vvlio' po^e8s««t a very plienoiuenut 
voice and very plea^lnK personality. 
Slie lUM botli of tbese female nttrtlmte.s In the 
nroilltlon of the son;; Cleopalra Siatterj-, written 
by fi. Cluecce Bagel and published by Sol 

Ml. - Bioeai** list of balUdii for tbr present 
framn Ik T«r flae. coaipclitlDi; tbew four 
ttMnnidinui niiniben: ,*K«atli The Spreailloe 
ca«i>nuit TMA.HMtVraClaek Upon Tbe Mantle 
INHklHr -Oar, T«tfc JtktMr;jA- BaM:;Zktt Bloom- 

IMxK' Dnr. ■ ^ v ; " ■ ' ' ■ 

Ob the . .Msb-d«M MdMv ' Bawv'^^at ; XtlfllfM^ 

Kbsmt. aid' CkttotilBu' arc tto.xat«Matrj'anB- 
ben. veUh TbcR'» NubadT JaM JJkr Xdai^vMck 

. .Tm^«ci9^;sga«:ieiw,««ia».:wc:I;ini^ 
*» LOW'' 'Str; JUI* IliC'''TliM,^ ' and Tbir "SlionDoa 

- In the comedy line Cleopatra Slattery and Get 
Ra|>l>y are particularly fine. 

In the Inatrmuental line Mr. Bloom Sa well- 
reprvMnted with }tr. WiBlam B. Icon's com- 
IMlilun. The Matador, vUcb waa plajed by 
Soiwa at tLe aippodrame lait Sadaj nislit. 

Eretyboajr arho ia aayteilr la Saar'Tack kaa 
hrnrd of Ted D. Marka. wbo la rcaponaMe for 

the Introdnctlon of SoDdaj' concerta In New 
Vork City, bein^ the plooecr In tbis mpect. 
At bk> Snndaj- entertataunenta be alaraya has 
comrthliq; aew and nwrel to offer. Ttala Son- 
daj- be K golns: to sprtnff a surprise oa the- 
atresoera - nrltb an act that he calls the Mys- 
tetiuns X. and Ic Is almost aa unknown as the 
vJement for which X stands in chemtstry. Mr. 
Marks ivltb bla nanal sbreivdness refuses to tell 
ttie iiatnre of this acU except that the peraoo. 
whether male or female, and be leaves yon to 
^ea» this, sings soups In this, coonectlon. and 
it hi very pleasinE to note that the Mysterious 
X will warble Sol. Bloom's pttblleatlons. 1d- 
cIoUIus Carls!>tma. Good Bye. Dixie. Dear and 

Miss Sadie McDonald, who Is an exc. edlogly 
cliannlns artiste. Is consistently renderlnc In 
TandevlUe tbe aoopt of Sol. Bloom, among tbem 
lhaymond A. Browne'« novel soas. l*m Lookio^ 
For a Sweetheart. Miss McDonald baa played 
all tbe best bon:4eo on the Keith. Proctor and 
other hli; circuits, and Is a tremendoas favorite 
with all vaadevUle patrons. 

Of Sol.. Bloom's brl;;bt youn? men. none Is 
more capsOlle or better known than Henry day 
:$mltb. Klio as Clayto. L-* known to almost ererj 
perform*r who plays this city. He has an 
aifable and pleasing personality, and is espec- 
ially conversant with the needs of professionals, 
and tbe aimy of tbem that call at tbe office of 
SoL Blaoat and ask for Mr. Smith tests his 
'abllltr aa an "ootslde man." Mr. Smith Is 
Ub»8 ciescc^campoaFr. bavloe written the music 
aCAamotf '*oa«a sueU as Cbme Back. AU For 
XmiTk^ JUmmCooa, Georglc and Tbe Dncliess 
ac aaVMal soass. such as Cknne Back. ilOl For 
written br Bajmood A. Browop. 

SHioa 3xr *oo t ssaxs i.tbjil 

In Clyde Pitch's new play. Her Great Match, 
In which Maxlne Elliott stars, there is a scene 
la which the forelfcn prhice, rlfht after bis 
eD:;a;;emenI. a^ks to hear some typical -Ameri- 
oan mnslc. They play for blm tbe strains of 
the Congo Love Soogv the aireeteat and qnalnteat 
■iMf^ jrtUH«t a daObCt oC an «C Me 4b MUM 
•Ma')»'.aaar>CnMaa.coaDMltiaML" - '''r-y-' 

Tile $i>rlii;:fleld papers tntboae orcr tbe irock 
"f -Mr. LouLs o. sinnlx. a yottaff Porto RJcan. 
ivlio has Just been appointed musical director 
of Kroudhtirft 4 Cnrrey's Son of Best Co. Mr. 
.Mnniz !.« credited with brinslns out tbe best- 
tralnetl coterie of cboms workers that has been 
fcearil in many seasons wltb a popular-price 

Mr. Mnniz isi n trained musician, and was 
for many year* planbit In the profesflonal de- 
partment of tlie ll..n>e of Hits, ile Is tl;> 
CMipaser. abio. of tbe well-known Faliy Tales, 
iatemcaao. aihi an Indian love serenade. cn> 
tttted Be Tbe Snnllsht of My Heart, for arbleh 
Mr. Boy MeArdell wrote tbe lyric; 

.V new sons "Titer has i<i>runs Into light In 
the month. Hi., name Is llr. J. J. Walker 
:i:id be Is tbe ."ou of tlin luinerlntendent of 
I.ubllc bnlldlozs of NV,r York. Mr. Walker ba* 
also bad consliieratle e.\iperleuce and success ou 
the platform, and Ita^ iK-en nieknamed In the 
palttlcal world "The IVj.r Orator." 

la the line of »od;:;<. Le bas Jnsi completed a 
:»eiT Jinsly lyric called Come Take a Spin In 
Mr. ABt% which will be Introduced at once In 
tbe Dokc »f Dnloth, and for which Mr. Max 

Witt has . written the music. 
VvSha- aan* miinag ement Is also expect d ta 
.W» ..Jb." Walfcet's new cooa sous, entitled 
j*<MlHbr-Jb:;^XMVCr;.L«ac, for wUch Mr. Wlt> 
te^a(lpik:tatl«9«?;tte melody. Mr. Walker's 
l!lfi?-'I!? !!!'W5"J*»;IW e"mpet«ot jndsis as the 
tat |l irt ?j»l«ljteg5^aW^ntfc fa dtrod. » man- 

And Miss Mand d Ha a j playing return dates 
at an the theatn*. arliete her success has been 

uminallfied. MK* Courtney, who slnsn the okl 
songs, has adiled ti> lier rei>ertoire several new 
.Vmerlcan l>allads. Includlui: Plain Little Sol- 
dier Uan and When Tbe ETcnlns Bmse Is 
sigiiing ll<ime. .amec . BaaM, . TbMk Ifee is 
comiielled to ifH«t M att. MIW 'Mcores 
alsbtly. - ■ 

Harry C. S clt w a to' la the new press 
agent for Mlaa lUiia:OabIU. 

The Jule Freeman Musical Comedy 

Co. is playing to good business in Teimessce. 

Richard Carle is planning to produce 
in I.oadoB two yaaiB biaea Tbe Tendarfoat. 

The Tsrpewrlter .Gtrl Is reported to 

have closed Its ataaw at Tarentum, Pa. 

The Hurdy-Ourdy Girl, the new mu- 
sical comedy belnc written by Richard Carle, 
will have as its heroine a tambourine girl with 
an Italian street organ grinder. 

Tbe dmllng and rich costumes used 
~ ~ aff .Oar Hnr Xiak oaated 

Henrietta Crosman's early autumn 
tour Id the ronjedy. Mary. Mary. Quite Con- 
trary, embraces a part of New England, and 
the actress will make the Journey by automo- 
bile Instead of by railway. Tbe distances from 
clt7 to dtr are short, the roada excellent, the 
Bc eneiy pletnmqne. and Miss Crosman. wbo 
4a an ardent aotootobaut. expects mocb pleas- 
t from the adrentore. 

. ^^ce»nowtag repiXt abont the Baibes In Tbe 

Jjnia**prodDctlon has reached Jos. W. Stem i 
lOlt'^fcom their Philadelphia reprefc'ntatlve: 
•; Without question, the recogulied hit of tbe 
.•*ow is your sooK MUo. At least ten choruses 
Waaa.^miS. Dnrliur the last chorus, tbe stage 
iai.faOteljr dark. Bach menibeT of the eompany 
'baa: a» ciecttte pocket flash, and to the muTic 
■af :.Ibc^ ttoras they llaah the lights until the 
knBr.-:?3flIo''.iB sptilrd; and nothing else bot 

that la seeii OO the entire stage In tbe darfcoess. 
Tbla elfert. with th* music. Is very striking. 

Tlie American Invasion of notable acta in 
Knjtland contlaors: and pronlueot In the list we 

Terr faTQtable i 

Echoes from Broadway Is the. title 
that E. D. Sbaw pioposes to ^xt to a new 
piece, which, he styles an operatle and dram* 
'.-^npoilani. In tbe east win be Ebtise 
IBaf f •* iw Ima ilnmia sopraaa for. three sea- 
.^vtlfcl'tbe^Giaa Op«a Co.; and Ona Cla;- 
''w1a>'.eor>llTe jaaia ataniA Bt,the bead 

her >owB-.'c»a«panr. ,' •Mfc^v'— if 

plentj- 'Of drabatie as sren iw -amalcai taleat. 

In The Catch of The Season, which 
la credited with a triumph at Daly's. New 
Tork. £dna May tias more of an acting oppor- 
tunity than ever before. She made an un- 
usually strong Impression In this regard be- 
sides winning greot applause with her charm- 
ing rendltloo of six new songs. 

';rhe winning Girl, a comedy with 
masde,'.bj &Uaa Charlotte Thompson, Is to be 
pndaeed eaily in October by Mr. Frank L. 
Pttlejr.. Soase eC .tbe members of the company 
alreadr eacand aia Charlea J. . Baaa. Thomav 
A. Wise aad°DtaaumX.ilfUer aad JUn Ibhcl 
FentoDr BIucAe Dtfo ad OHiUoemn. 

Liuke Ansell, who claims to have 

been the original forelegs of tbe elephant In 
Wang, died reeently la Albany. Unlike tbe 
fore and hing legs of tbe heifer In Bvangellne, 
tbe two who were Inside J. Cheever Good- 
win's "property" Tnammal never be^me fa- 
motis. Ansell was employed as flooT'WaUccr In 
a shop. 

Bobby Barry is playlngr the role of 
tbe Jockey in Little Johnny Jooes (No. 2) Co. 
wilUam Keongb Is tbe Unkmnm. Otben are 
J. M. SnlUvan, WUllam Cameron, Gns. P. 
Thomas. Harold Forbes. Hugbey Mack, J. A. 
Dorlt. Helen Dexter. Maude Morris. Gertrude 
LeBeandt and Unnette Flake. Xbe company 
opened tta aaaaoa Aug. M at Honricfc. On. 

Jefferaon Se Ansdl^' the star of 
Fanuoa. baa bMS ,iatkcr an cncvUaaal (lobe 
trotter. Ha .1 baa . aBpaand In Anatialla. New 
Zealand, Soath AMei, ' lodUu China, Apaa, 

and almost vrtTj euuuUj of Sozope. Kr. De 
Augelis wss the dzst entertalaer to Introdnee 
the Gilbert and Snlltran opens oatalde oC 
England. He placed Tbe la Tokto 

before an audience of Japaaesa, who bad act 
the faintest idea what the thtw wm aboot. 
and took the costnmea of tbe f ai lu ua diar- 
actcia In tbe opera as a matter of eonrae. Ur. 
De Angells relates that tbe piece dU' not 

iiiS** iSff^-*^ 

which had " 



Ox ihifC U IWH, t staad on tbe fourth 
flour of the Onaoata building. tiT 
Claik St.. watahlng a sign painter 
trace opon tlie door of aolte MS a 
arm name which then beM no special 
slgnlflcance for me— C M. Cbapal * : Oo_ 
.Music Pobllsbeca. tt waa bat a awf w Ut a afls* 
this, howerer, that '-Ike MiM '-Ma tt«B(ht 
forcibly back to ny ipt a naj tbe .fbtt that a 
new loadaatr had appeared npoa the bocison of 
popular songs, aader the aopMoaaos aad'mysu- 
cal Utle of Hliam • Gteea. . Oaa* 'B ye. It was 
In that short-Used pioaMtll»."JBtfoo«elnm. that 
Hiram made bis -dcbat to a dlKltalaatlnc public. 
The critics of the dally pcesa commented upon 
his gennlne merit, and Bltam galloped In tbe 
first of a goodly string of entries. Since then 
Hiram has been Introdoced all over' the country, 
and has nude friends inonmerable. One thing 
can he said of Hiram which cannot he said about 
any other song ever publlsbed In the west, 
luimely: It made goo^ In the east liefore mak- 
ing the west sit op and take notice. 

C. M. Chapel, tbe compo?er-subJect of this 
sketch, was bom at the base of Pike's Peak. 
In Pueblo. Col.. In Centennial year. 1876. His 
childhood days were spent In the mountains upon 
his father's ranch, and therein Ues tlie secret 
of his Intimate knowledge of the west and 
things western In general. Migrating to Man- 
chester, la., in his early teens, he spent several 
years in that city, fltially landing In Cbicago In 
ISnc. It was at this timn tliat he became 
as.«ociated with M. Wltmark & Sons, writing 
many songs in collaboration with Gillespie, of 
.Xbsence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder fame. 
Tliongb he wrote many creditable songs during 
his term of CMitraet with'.WItmarfc. among tbem 
being Tis a liore Song That I Slag Thee. Too'Il 
Be Happy U I Oo (OMUpljly Joila (Baatfag- 
ton). and Tan 4tam:lagtlb~9Ut iJtmnx 
Good Bye (WataaMtaV ha daMnMaad' that the 
with other 

nSaga. aad Ibaw lawh.aar^iMiMvd the em 

plojr of - .- - . — 

meats In tbe ■W. -'.Dtln Oda pcHod he galaed 
much kBOwMM.:«W(h la alinra caKBtlal to a 
successful cancr. bat despite tila Act a Tagoe 

spirit of nnzest perraded bis l>elng and he 
hmged to again enter the ranks of his natural 
profession and do stouts worthy of his ability. 
Success came to bta. aad tadar ha baa a baal 

neas that is " * *" ** 
that he has b*«B at 

four months. 

"To eiid»ark In the music publishing 
write a bit the first turn off the reel and ae- 
cumnlate a catalogue of good sellers, haa been 
my dream of empire for .rears." said he one 
<tey last week, after running over s.'veral of the 
mdodlea he has written for Joe Herbert's bar- 



lesqne on The .Music Master, recenU.v launched 
in Lew Field's Theatre In N'ew Vorlc. "1 Lave 
followed no set style of fomi>osttloii iu luy mu- 
sic, nor have 1 tried to copy tlie old masters 
In my work. I have simply followed the dic- 
tates of my own con.stlence — be original or 
don't wrilr. In talks I bare bad with many 
of the prominent popular music composers of 
today, some of tliem have tried to convince me 
that It pays to grows reminiscent. I give uo 
credence to such assertions, and I think tbe 
public will bear me out In tlie statement that 
originality is by Car the more lucrative and 
praiseworthy of the two .methods." 

Mr. Chapel has a catalogue vvhlcli tbe classi- 
fier would pronounce e-iceptlonafly good and 
ivhich any imblishing bouse of four months' 
sUodlng might well covet. Unllko many new 
aiaa, tbe Chapel Cat has aoc aoffcred from 
"■at eight aaaMMta hm been 
t. bMriair the lloIIawla« titles: 

Oaod K Tea Wen -Sle and 

-'Wm (wseda br Boar A. Sniesple), 
_ Jte OMaaihse -Hasting Oaea Again. 
Adiea. av Ih mm (IfeMk lr. aumi}. If 
Too Wcaa ' O - . _ 

VaaH Xincr 

.M. Chnliel. wUlcli Is not. petl 
liilt the comiMmer offsets this 
ture Ity trrsel.v lenisrkiiig: 

"1 liave cotiflilence In niy own work and 
one woilltl be r*'>pon^U»Ie for a failure oti, r 
tlnin ui.vb-elf. I hive a series of manuseri|.: 
lM»uever. \\Ui(li be published In due liTiu-. 

bearing the iKiiiits «jf man.v pruuilnenl cuuiih»s* 

and l.vrU- v\r;t it*, ntid I ::hatl play no f3V«*rlI.-H. 

Should any uuiiilter >ljo\v signs 'oiC k!cklag over 
the trares. no mutter nliot'e name aiipean Ihrrr- 
on. I sliall shelve all my own 'composition-: ai:i1 
get behind tliat numl>er. I am In the hnsii.cvs 
for all there Is in It. Years ago 1 got nil t:i.. 
glory 1 needed hy seeing my name. In prlui. 
(Slav la a good thfa^t^lwt it . a o r sa't yacUjr the 

;er Sidney gives me the following Items 
eaaeening Tlie House of Hits: "W.- published 
a soag not long ago entitled Bveryt»otU'. W«rl;4 
But Father, .^rthiis lleniliig recently hitr.^ 
duced it in the Jlarlem Ojtera House, New V(*rk 
City, aud carried the audience hy atorin. Th re 
is quite a little story behind this son;;, iind 
n'hen It all comes ont there'll be' some e\|ilan:i. 
tlons forthcoming. It seems that E:verviNnIv 
Works Bat Father was adapted by C w'. Mc- 
Cllntoek. of the MItttBthal forces, over a year 
ago. ftam. tbe oM Jlagllah .aoag. We AU Go To 
Walk, Bat Vattcr. The- ^astglaal. masic was 
wrlttoi^br.-SiiiME-XaiMaK.te-jaaia ansieal 
dlrecMr !■ tta-Jtantf^on nMatiie.' aai aav 
at the a ip poJ iam a : " Jfc.'. TBBl hn ih' a retidaa 
of ibe soag. vua ikr m$timi wtrnte. was 
suns oter a rear aca h:dDic.a».''.]fMlcaI Ha- 
tual PmtcctlTe Uoloa. the rhaiaUK dnbw 3br 
Irwin Oa.. etc. It la' now being liilis<a»td with 
great nieercj by ' Geocge PMbuok 3fla*ti«l*L 
E%ldle For. tew -Oorfestader add auar allHr 
promlntnt artlota. The aatbanaed cdlUiai is 
pobllsbed by Joa. W. Stcta * OoL. with a 
complete statement of the flwta aa' Ibe Htla 
page. It was dolr t s sfgmd la Ikea. lr' JtaHk 
McCIlntock and Lehman hi " MasHiBatlMi of 

Helf & Hager have Issued a soag b-arlog tbe 
same title as the Stem poitllcatlaa. 'Whether or 
not a legal coa u os eiat arlll_cane aoaalas to kc 

seen, tt the i " 

Win ItossKer's publications have been weli 
represent, d during the inist two weeks in t!:e 
local vaudeville liouses. Tanl and Mardo uml 
.Vlennder 'Mazzone are sucresfull.v featurln-' If 
The Man In The iloon Were a Coon; Peerless 
Quartet. Annabelle and Ttie Man With The 
Jingle; Bellclalre Bros.. Message From Dream- 
land and i^Ilence and i^n as dance t>amlier>: 

Bonnie Gaylonl. Annabelle: D*s and D's. Cap- 
tivating Sue. Jingle, and .\ Cooo of l'iji?ree; 
Rogers Trio. In Afttr Veara; Ray Maiivell. 
I'm Feeling Fine. Bob Adams is doing spieiiilll 
professional work, and Is ooe of the busiest men 
connected with this' boose. 'n'lU J. Dicker, 
tbe popular fXiicago barttafie. wlH ose Anaabelle. 
\ Xiee Girt Goold Do Woodrra With Me aai 
I'm PeeHng J^ne In the dUTcfcat lacal tbr- 
atna. slaglag 

From Detroit comes the Joyous tiding* that 
Marie Cabin, scarring in Moon.«hine, has in that 
show tkree typical O^ll soogs which look 

like aaie niiidibUt ' Tb< r>a'|ii Man 

and Dua't Be What 'Tea JJa^^^ZiBaae 'tt •• 
Marie. ' ' 

hsvn af 

Tiiere are alxteeo soaga In The FUIbaist r. now 
at ilie Stndetmker. Thirteen of these numl>ers 

are liy William L.oraine, compo*.er of Salome and 

i'eggy Prom I'arls. the oth<T three being Inter- 
pol.ited numliers by the writers iwteu: Tlie 
Ulibusrir: .\ Kebellloo Promoter; A Very 
.<<o,ip Kor Tiie Gush: A Soldier of Fortune: 
Like olden Knight; Gazalio. The Buceane r: The 

I, 4>ve of Our .Motherland: Nightmare L,.-ind: 

II. >l<-e Far .Slente: The Simple Life For Me: 
Jolinar wise; Glalt; When Too Shine On Me. 
liitpqMlalcd: Tke Thiia<m> KSnrlUj At The 
seasUr (Shaad): ]i(Mdlght::«n>M art'Ham). 

iiulte . . 

enuslstlag oa no smmwM:.- waa » 

Image U««s Idttla Mr Beaat and Mr Xortbna 
liidiaaa Bride faaaMt-Dahtao -Wallaes. the 
Koiilrvanller. t«e ' ate>- ■ aad -Staiah of The 
Maraliees. In a MiK jMifMMlWd from this 
comiiany. Mr. WUIacr-aafs^ la paK: Am srwl- 
Ing you. nndrr sc|mrat> corar. ii eapr of our last 
Issue. It Is a little dlVerent Ataaa most of ii>e 
music, being lasaed In the fhet that, hi 'lead -.f 
eiuiibasislug some ' partlenlar melody In Ibe 
<'<unposltl«i ity eaaxtant repitlon of II. each 
eliaagr bttaga aat a new melody equaily as 
pnrttjr as the praeidlBg oae.** Mr. Whitaey U 

J«C SnMB hibimi ■■althaflTd 'CWM S ad 
This Otter o.. Ok^'.|lk haa-dtintii il^bato a- Ma 
seller. "I haMTt MM .dta'^^JUa BUle 

concoctloB - wtmi I- ' 
"hot It 

la adranee oC 
In Cbkaga. eaaica the ann 
wui be worth the prke ct 

DeAngeBa alac 

My Ward, aad I 

Bvans l.loyd. now re|>re«eiitlng tlie \v-lnd**>r 
Music Co. In New York, writes me as folU>«(»: 
"ily Di ar Ad Rero: The enclosed copy of Irtjcr 
from .\mella Bingham Is self .explanatory. "My 
Dear Sir: l^iank you so much for the little 
song. Would You? which 1 received a sbict 
time ago. l have placed same on my piano and 
aasure you that I value It highly, especially «o 
accoont of tbe sweet mrmorlei' eonoectlad It 
wltb Jessie Bartlett Davla. of whom I was a I ' 
admirer. With alneeie beat wiabea. I 
Tefjr tnir ysata. Amelia Blagbam.* " 
Mr. Uogd Is the co mp oser of My Lady 
— * " br the Xeirtaa Ca. of =thla dt j^ 

OCTOBER 7, 1905, 

Xtie Billboard 







JMctatocv tfc* 

Bithvd HaidlaK Dntt wiote tor WO- 

He OoIUk. 
Bnt It U a 

Bent, *ad tba 

baker TliMtrF laat aigkt ''sn»: It 

There are thrw colorfnl and pleaais^ scenes — ■ 
tbe dock ot Uie Pacllle MaU SteamstUp Com 
ptmr la San Prandaco. a public B4inare in the 
mjtlklcal Soath American republic of Coo- 
carxie* and tba -courtyard of tiie Hotd del 
Corooaito, oppoalte 8u IWego, CaL Hw last 
.gartlcDlaxlr haaiitlfnl, and when tlMy 

' ue aned moat ot tte ttne. 

ftflflliaBllr caatDncd, dane- 
User lore tbe 

la a San Fianciaco 
reporter^not a real~ reporter, of conrae. for 
ml reporters are too modest and tetiring to 
be heroes of tbe plctuiesqoe — bat a stage re- 
porter, fall of impadence and Tery noisy. 

After falling in varioos dlssniaes to stow 
blmnetf away on a ship booed for Concaipe on 
a. fliUlHiKtetiac expedition, be llnallr 
ta the diapdM of an 

dv. wWA cads mt 4 p. m. 

alnf^ 19 alMC tba dock 

A'^tbe firimt Hiaad letases to work 

v'awBiMe, and tlie zeporter Is aaved and -rlc- 
-MtftmtL This incident, tboagfa it was not 
- aiaaaffed »» ' sklilfoily as it mij^t bave been, 
araonal shrieks of laoghter last nlgtit and 
really nude an tn^wn^^ bit. 

In tbe tblrd and last act tbe characters, by 
aome process not SBlBelcBtlT explained to be 

InteUlElble, ' ^ *" ~'" 

action cones 

L Kaa IBSI. Kcc uie coaxi 

aot^ "■^^^■ tgr^gglslii 

-aay other rnnetca I eoaedr ^ bad aecB. 

Bat there Is moce tban fnn in tbe entertaln- 
nent. The moon ablnea. and a sentimental 
senorlta sinss lore books aboot It; and a lealou 
Amerlcsji Kirl. dlscnlsed as a aoldler, and bcr 
wblte-doeked naTal Uentenant lorer nearly re- 
peat the experience of Gratlano and Nerina 
with the rlnts In Tbe Merchant of Venice; and 
tliere la moch winginy and dancing of pretty 
(Iris In pretty drcflses and sOk stocUajPS. 

fibarica B. Ktaos,. aMe-faaisM aa md Boas. 
Bmfm yrtaer ta-^A. Fukr UMt, tm the xe- 

' tt^; «■■■■:' t» ftmmakliiK, tbe medal 

SDca t» Vtaiik Kakr. a low comedian, wbs Is a 
■ort ot eombliiatlim of Charley Bltelov and 
Bddle Foy. Itflor has tbe part ot a tlmoroos 
hero, and all be baa to do to make the spec- 
tators lao(ta is to -walk across the stage. Hisa 
Helena PhUllpa, a well-fed but attractlTe eirl. 
also contrlbntes tbe amosement ot tbe an- 
dlenee by being groteaqne. She 
of the "toatswain'a baby," and 
are mareds ot bcUlcennt colon. 

_ --,<cji» 


to work a powerftil diarm. Hiss 
Condon does not appear In tbe fltst act. bnt 
ber songs in the otlier two. The IJore of Oar 
Motberlxwd, with cboms: The Toreador, with 
Mr. Erana. and U-Mnllght. & solo, were all ad- 
mirably snng wltb a richness of rolce £nd a 
perfectloa of metiiod tliat captlTated CTery- 
body In the boose. Miss Isabel Hall, possess- 
Ins a sweet and strong soprano, tiad some good 
■men and aanc them wdl. particalady one In 
" Dslee rar jncus. tank 

were well enoosb rep* 

, and aa the intial& by wmiam Vo- 

■aloe, was anlfocmly good. It nowbeie partlco' 
lady remarkable, tbe dioms agile and well' 
trained. ai>d the "book" safflelently inter 
csttng and occasionally bright Tbe FUItmster 
amst lie set down aa a popolar snccesa. — ^Bar- 
rett Eastman, In the Chicago Joomal, Sept. 20. 

Lew Fields' Boilesqnes, The llnaic Kaster 

The Lew Fields Theatre Company scored an- 
other success last cTenlng to its prodactlon ot 
tbe bnrlesqne on Tbe Moslc Master, following 
a ihattened Tenk>n ot It Hapipened In Nord- 
* — ' Btudie BlDg came In for moat ot tbe 
' wbat was new in the caenlni^ 

Tbe bnlesiim of Tbe Untie Muter. wUIe 
iM>t as tnony aa tbe earlier part of tbe abow, 
pnmded a crowded boose with a gieat deal 
y amosement. Lew Fields and Blanclie Bing 
worked hard sod were amply repaid by gen- 
«raas applause. Some of tbe most serious sit 
aations of The Music Master were taroed Tcry 
dcrerly. The new piece la lr> Jsan^ - Al- 
bert, who appeared In tbe rote «C A•^!■M• ot 
1h» Standard on Tmst. 

Snao FWdi. « aeir aiOIlM to tbe 

•nsiTbnbni TrM'a Olfnr Twist 
Oltrer Twist rerlTal has been the bit ot the 
--ff<ailliai tbcatrlcal se as o n and tba Becrbobm 
bBOO OBBPaar WUI mmi*mhlf —ha m trtnmplt.t 

'. tone of laigtand «ttt JhO jlnMB.'i'^^Xhe part of 
i- flBwr waa flaa t/fW -IWinli 9mmm, who 

Kra, Fiaks Reviraa Laab Wascbaa 

For the next three weeka, at least, a play 
that rlTrts tbe attentloo. stirs tbe eiuoUan 
and makes tbe heart l^eat will be wltbln the 
reach of New York andlences. It U 0. H. 
Mcl^llan'a drama, I>ab Klescbna. It was 
rcTlTed St tbe Manhattan Theatre last night by 
Mn. Flake and the same admirable i'~"pfT 

wBw i i a t lii oC A 

ot - ■ 

Is a 

_ to Urn arsomaBt — tbe theory 

that saod laWnenee and klndaeaa, not prisons 
or poolttBiBt. ate the only teal cutrectlTe 
InfloeDCn for btsnan obllqtilty. 

As a drama of sitnaUon, of cnlmlnatlve force 
and of Intenae human lotert^t, L«-ab KIes<^ma 
surpassed any other t^t was offered in New 
York last year. Eren in its revlv-al It makes 
any of tbe plays of the present season seem 
poor and IncooseqoentlaL 

Mis. Fiske's company is raried bat slightly 
from Its original personnel. Tbe star still 
plays the role of tlie thief with intellectual 

•lertaen, Btrr oiis Jntenltr and d nmatlc color. 

detail cscapaa har; 

John Mason npcatcd Ua qoletlr Intense snd 
forceful performance aa Sylvane: George Arliss 
presented tils TiTid ebaraeterlxatlon of Baool 
Bertram, tbe degenerate, and William B. Mack 
reappeared as the falthfol bnt weak Schram. 

By odd coincidence, the four best plays of 
last sea^oo are again running simultaneously 
wltMn B few blocks of each other on Broad- 
way. Besides Leah Klesehna, they are The 
Music (Master, Adrea and You Nerer Oan 
York World, Sept. 26. 

TiBsTia Carter in Adrea 
Befote an entbostastle crowd. Mrs. Leslie 
carter la Adrea. began a brief season in the 
Belaiea fttotic taft aUdit. Tbe opening was 
emineattr tm^Umm, aad that Adico liad lost 
none <W ^Jt m^yHy ■ » ■» shown bf the 
repeated eoctan cOBa aCbv aaasy oct, 

Mrs. Carter gaTe one ot her best perform, 
aoces. She was in fine Tolee and na the emo- 
tional gamut with a snrenesa and tntcnsity 
that brought acclaim. Tbe company was prac- 
tically the aame as that wUtii appeared In 
the play last winter. Tbe only important 
changes were that Charles A. Mlllward played 
Kaeso, the character created by Charles A. 
SteTenson. and Mr. Sterenson took Tyrone Pow- 
er's <dd role ot ArkUsas. Cora Adams ap- 
peared as Jnlia Doma. Adrea's aister. Inter- 
preted last seaasa br EdUk Gmw^ Tbe per- 
tormaaee la eittj way was hrBUant, and In- 

dl^ted ^^Lf^^SSS^^SaSSnHMBt that Uia. 
Ledle Ghttcr iraM tfrt h» fl mwtB perfoim- 
anee ot Atea tm Oct. T. tliere bas been an 
extraocdinary demand for aeata. On Oct. 9 tbe 
actress wm terlTe Zaaa tbr a week, and then 
will come foorteen appearances in Dn Bany- 
At thp cloti^ of t^er home season Mrs. Carter 
will start on a tour of the large ddes. ap- 
pearing In Adrea and other Important playa 
in her icfM:(Mh»i— Iftv ntk KfeiiK '■V- ^ 

A. H. "Westpban -writes tbat Allen 

Doone Is doing nicely In Kerry Gow. 

Edward R. Mawson will be leading 
man to Sosaae Saatje In Sowtng The Wind. 

I., ■ atmmm m.i eC Jtow^BaOford. 
"^Ih' aCffiteK' ftir tte '^NWte' Cboedy 


Glen Remfrey has returned to his 
home In Waoaan, Wis., after a rery snccessfol 

R. G. Payton bas closed with the 
Tbome Dcaaatle Co. to pat eat a company ot 
bla owB. 

The Walte Comedy Co. la reported 
to be meeting with oonslderahle success on the 
Bels Circuit. 

I<aimi Ijonaine is to star in The 
Mew ein Oa. wMch tafeaa the toad some time 

Job. Ganr. of 
odd-'Cnn^: 1 ' ' 
DeGraass On. 

Dubinsky Brothers 'WlBpEHi- ^&Ml' 
tre Co. report good biiitnui «t 
week of September 11. 

-After tt*-: 

The Tbaat aC The Vows Isahel 

London to appear in Tbe Crlsla. 

The southern Sites Stock Co. opened 
Its aeaaoB Oct. S at paattt, Ta. Xh* nortb- 

Anmnd The 

-'WMh the 7os. 

lent of 
goes to 

bare se- 

The Bessey Hichman Co. did such 
big boalneas In Fairfield, la., last week tbat 
Manager Tbooaa booked them again for Mo- 

Mme. it^KM, aocor fll n y to a report 

fnaa. IOU^mbC^II^ :ws» l^^aid %| aa anto- 

Harry English and wife (Pauline 
Palmer) and C. H. Bnrrell of the Fenberg 
Comedy Co.. serered coimectlona with said 
aggregatloo Sept. 23. 

Z. Newman, ot Tale's A Devil's Auc- 
Ooa Ok. lalms m that boitaaa hi great. 

k QMiL Feui- 


_ . _ . , ! flying 

lady, la tbe headllner with tte" Amt. 

Blanche Hazelton. taidtac woman 
for Sam Uorrla at tbe Aveaaa Theatre, Chi- 
cago, last season. Is playlos tbe leidlnK role 
In To Die at Dawn, socceedlng Elsie Crescy. 

On Wednesday, Sept. 13, a fire oc- 
enrred at the dnbhoose ot the Praftastooal 
Women's Lesgne at 108 West 48tb street. New 
xork City. A nomher of actresses ezttncnlshed 
tbe bUze. 

Frank E. King, comedian with A. E. 

DaTldaoo's Train Robbery Co., writes that on 
Sept. 5, In Milwaukee, be waa granted an 
abaolate divorce tlmn Frances Stelnbanr, now 
with, the ~ 

Manager U. 
DeteetlTca ( 
They go to 

George B. Reynolds, who was In- 
Jored In tbe Harrisbsrg wreck In wblch Sam 
S. Shat>ert was killed, has resumed hia posi- 
tion as manag'T for tbe Blanche Walsh Com- 
pany playing Tbe Woman In The Case. Mr. 
Beynolds was in the hospital fourteen weeks. 
He lias not yet completely recoTCrad. 

George P. Haines & Cot'a A Ro- 
mance of Coon Hollow is recelrlng some flrst- 
dsfis notices ffum tbe oewspspera and man. 
ageis along tbe toote. Manager dias. T. 

E. E. Meredith, in advance of the 
eastern Missouri Girl Co.. reports big baslnesa 
on Long Island, where the company oi>ened 
Aug. 2S. Tbe leading role la played by Miss 
Sadie Raymond, who is snrroonded by one of 
the strongest companies erer caat in this play. 
George Btiti is mansging tbe eastern com- 

Tbe roster of tbe Kerkhoff-ElUman 
Co. is as follows: Iran KeAboS manager; F. 
O. wiiim.n stage director; Billy Easton, stage 
manager: Ndlle Kerfchoff. leads; Jessie GUde- 
me^ier. Cbaa, Stoddard. J. B. Fltxgcrald, 
Gj-pEle Daye. Bdaa Pattetaoa, Geo. Benson. 
T. M. WllaoD snd J. Kenyon, bnalncas man- 

Daniel Frohman has engaged the 

following company tor As ta sias Thomas' new 
play. Tbe Wnhsway Ball, la which Lawrence 
D'Orsay Is to be tbe star: Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
Walcot. Maude Knowltoo. Msrisn Barney, Mary 
Tnnlson, Stanley Dark. W. E. Hltcbcoek. Henry 
HeatoD. B. W. Morrison. R. Carrlngtoo. Edgar 

W. S. Miller Is organizing the Ex- 
celsior Stock Co. tot an extended toor of the 
New England states and the British possessions. 
Hie cast will nnmber- twenty people, headed 
by iTy Sdm^er. Mew s een eiy aad wardrobe 
hare been o id w a d aad. a a^Biite «C sMictlef 
plays secnted. Ite osmpaar Is tasted SsUd 
until April. 

Because of an accident. Business 
Manager Dtrigbt Cllleaple waa tteowii fkam a 

and is 
bas been 
m.. Aug. ». 

The members of the Baldwin Mel- 
Tllle Stock Co., at the Lyric Theatre. New 
Orleans, La., include, Lester Looegan, Thos. 
B. Findlay, John T. Dwyer, Guinle Socola. L. 
O. Hart, Louis Albion, H. Percy Meldon, Hugh 
Gllaon, Jai^ Prescott. Wm. Delmar, Miss Tbala 
Magrane, Emelle MelTHle, Oxa Waldtop. Helen 
Bay, and otbeis. 

While on a recent trip to New York 
city, manager E. 6. Tla ot tba TIa Itaek Co.. 
secnred tte sontbem rl^ta to Beware o( Hen, 
which bis company Is now oaing as aa open- 
ing bm. In addltloo to tbls tbe Tis Stock 
Co. is playing Not For Lore, A Gambler's 
Daoghter. Ubtbs. Jesse James, A Basslan ^y. 
Bast Ig tet, Sesled Lips aad daderella. 

lUlowing Is the roster of the Clay 
Met ChuMaL^^^SBott sd^Me jgi^ Dobb, 

Inger. Mage carpenter: Ifsss MCwmaa. dee- 
tridan; wmiam T. Hong, PTcd. IfiislBj. W. F. 
James. Hartdd P. Chase. Cbaa. K. bnev. 

Wm. Bom. Beoben Fox. Uary Kiuaii. 
Kelly, Agnes Carrolton and Blanche Footer. 

It Is reported from London that 
Mrs. James Brown-Potter has decided to recoup 
ber fortune by means of musical drama. She 
wm appear at Manchester as Mary. Qneen of 
Seota, In Tbe Murder of Bizxio. Mrs. Potter 
Is asM to be mneb broken in health, thoogh 
brastfy faeea tbe fntnre, declaring her 
Intentlaa of baying a small boose on the 

The good work of Harr>- Strober in 
the role of Zeb Taylor and of Ml8s Mary 
Carew as Madge Preston in the eaBtcm Sloon- 
ahiner's Daughter Co. is getting for them an 
abnndanee of press notices in e»ery dty they 
play. They are ably assisted by George Has- 
bronck. Bay Kingston, Sam Cottrell. Charles 
T. Small, Walter Aabtna. Nellie T. EteaO and 
Kabd Bteasa. 

In an Its Ustory the ICaw Toik 
Theatre baa aascr teV 
gather there at osasy 
Klaw it Erlanger^ 

Tiee. In which tte ^cat (hllhishsi oC aegio 
cbarmcter. llelntyto aad Bcalh. ate tte centre 
of Interest. It Is tte Uncst *ew at iiote- 
tar prices, ranging from SS centa to fl^lO. escr 
staged In America. 

Frank W. Shea, a son of-M. Shea, 
manager of the Garden Theatre, BntTalo. N. Y.. 
has deserted TsudeTllle for the legitimate, and 
lias been glTen the light comedy role in Klaw 
& Brianget's prodnctloo of Tammany, wbleb 
opens this week in Bocbester, After a week 
ta BntTalo, and two weeka In PhUadelpbIa, 
Tammany goea into tbe Herald 8<Iiuuc Theatre, 
New York, for a mn. 

Albert Fabel, agent of the DePew- 
Bnrdette Stock Co., writes aa follows: "We 
hare another record-breaking opening to oar 
credit— Colnmbns, Ga. We play all -tc^ty 
plays with special paper, Osr managrmeat la 
painstaking and conscientlotis, and the compaay 
la composed of eOdent players. We ar* en- 
dniTorlDg to please tte people. Tte Nsodta 
abow at tbe box ofllees. 

The roster ot tha C S. Stdllvan 
Dora Tbome Co. is uMBMn: O. S. MUran. 

Mfslwy, ^BSMrr biBMStttta.' 
adranee ageat; HSda ML BMhelfe lOefcer- 
soo. Edna May HltdKH. 8. A. Mtchen, Barrr 
Bamlln,- George C. Clarke, Ralph Mack, 7. ii 
BelUy and Barry Cnrtls. 

Ben. Greet announces that about 
a*a^«r S'miSSSmSm'^Sm^ Sa" * 


This Is not Tbomas Hardy, tbe emlaest Esg- 
Usfa noTelist and political reformer, howerer 
much it resembles his likeness. John W. Togel's 
Minstrels are Mgger aad better thaa ever this 

doced according to tbe Ellxabethlan 
The repertoire has been arranged with a 
clal Tiew of interesting stodents, and n 
of tbe larger achoola of the metropolis taare 
algnllled their Intention to assist. The New 
York engagement will cootinae about four 

LAura FrankeiUIeld, wlio toured tB 
Ghoata tor ten mootha laat s ea s ou , la aow 
starring In a special dramatlsatlea of Wllkie 
CoUlns' Ber Doable Life. Cbaa. rjiwth.> iii. 
recently of tbe Dick Ferria Stock Co.. Is play- 
ing leads with ber. Tbe company Is iKOfced 
solid ootll Jone and goea to tbe ooaat. Tte 
yttaethm^la^jWBted^aad ^dlnMI^^Lcaa A. 

Tbe marvelous success of 
Hall Calne play. Tbe Prodigal Soa. 
Its Initial presentation at tbe New i 
Theatre. New Tork, baa erokcd tte pr obl em 
as to whether this later play Is not destined 
to proee even a greater poiwlar aaca 
was Tte Cbrlatlan, and for tte pma 
that, aa erery one knowa, baa sc^ 
been regarded is tte aopreme teat. 

Proprietor Duncan Clark has fur- 
nished everything new for the Faanle HOI Oa, 
tbls season. Following la tbe roster: C. B. 
Bansom, manager; H. B. Blsckbnm. suge man- 
ager; F. Mackay, musical director; Harry WU- 
son, prop.; Fannie Hill. Emma Bosch, Carrie 
Booghtoo. Nettie Allen. Minnie Dl as more, Vlala 
Norrls, Lola Hanson. Dorothy Friend. Ada FIsb. 
Baby Brown. Ida Itetaa aad Blaacte Thft. 

Geotse F. IMaeolI. the afbble man- 
•■•r at DcAv * Tuteit** A GU sC Ite 
Sticcta OSk. aald «te BBlhaard a call nam. 
day. fltft. He was aeesopaaled hr tte 
Tcrsatne B. B. Wtestsatltj. stsge — 
Both teve good eaasa to " 
been oat dgbt arcAs aad 
played to tanaway habeas at a 

of the Grand Stock Ca, 

now ptnlag aa Indelinite engagement at tte 
Grand Tteatie, New Orleans, I^a^ la as fol- 
Iowa: John J. Farrell, Frank t. Sylrester. 
Maorlee Wilkinson, Mr. Edward Poland, James 
C. SpottswDod, Hal. Donahne, Leonard Boyoe. 
Edward Gerllnger, Chaa. Scott, Beniy Nasb. 
Geo. HQ], Miss Jane trring. Grace Tonng. 
Lillian DIz. Frances Wblteboose. Geo. & 8olr. 
stage dliectorj Axthar ~ 
Chaa Fcartt^ MBlMt; 

Ftoqcnring Is the roster of Tbe Ola- 
Oa.: Vaiaey ft Adams profrfMa 
•aa Baaaana; Blcbatd Loola. bastims aaa- 
saer; O. W. Compteo. adranee: Dan Bald- 
wia, stage manager; Albm YoaToste. sratfcsl 
director; Lew Walton, carpenter: T. A. Tamey. 
Barry Marlln, Aoston yamey. Looise Walker, 
CUra George and Violet EdeO. Their 
opened 8»t. 38 at St. " " ~ 

thraagh OUl 


The roster oC Vte InternatioBa] 

stock Oo. la aa hil laaa . ITaiils lAmbscg, pm- 
prietor aad maaaMR Buiy L. WtiUb. aetlag 
manager aad ataae d h e Uw, Cbaties Fua a s sa. 
maatrr meebaalerBaa Bsite properties: Besv 
MacBadr. Artbor ^ttchie. Harry Hoy. Arthai 
Price, Edna Mschsth. FblUla Carrington. Cora 
Wllmont, Louisa Bsbteaon, Blanche Nelpllng. 
Adelaide Masoa aad Baby Beatrice. Tber 
ate presenting sottie ot SolllTan, Harris A 
Wood's best plays, Indndlng Tbe Boad to 
Boin, Between Lore and Doty, For Her Cliil- 
dren'a Sake, Tte Ml Kan Da. aad atbcra. 

Tte eoapuir opeaed It* nad mbm at WU- 
kesbarrc. Pa., and hate hsaa llsvhK la ast- 

lataetory bnslmw. 

Adelaide Thorston will open bar 
stsrrlng toar. aader tte managemcat at fkaacls 
X. Hone, sa BCptcBbcr 9^ at AOeatsaa. fa. 
She win aaacar IUb sesaoa la Tte Ttlsmiih ot 

Betty, a fby wrtttea (specially tor ber vs. 
In ber company wlB te Mra. W. W. Banooib 
Madeline Liggett, Marlon Holeomte, Lllllaa 
Wood. Edward Lester, Frederick Klrby. Fted 
g- Bgsfc Bdmaad FOsd. B. A. Ediy. Mc 

OCTOBKR 1, 1805. 

Xtie BIlll>oara 


w.ll boslDMs man«ger; B<dlui(l WaUae*. atac* 
iH/inigfr; B. A. KelI«T. m —tef of prapcttlM 

James H. Thomfc o« the Thome 
Lmuuitlc Co.. writ*! that In ■pit* of many 
i.i..\vdowiia am otber annojancea bla f o m paay 
k3k bcca doliig good iHUlneaa imder canraa. 

alU alnrSy open in tb* open hoow, and 
kul m Moibcr ot good one* booked. Tbe 
iSi^ to aa (oUowa: Jamei H. Tborne, man- 
iim- Boonlc McTCf, Xarra Brooks. Louise 
SraU losram Kyle, Ed. Y. L.«lrd, Hot Ore;, 


WallfC Ward and Tbm Garrett. J. W. 

!?aeSrS\kwaM« aaaactr. 

Notes from Steelsmitha' attractions: 
BoOi our repertoire caapanlea are getting their 
ibare o( the buiilness. Our OBe-nlglit pndaetion 
«( To Be Bniled AUre opena at Uobcrlj, Mo„ 
Oct. 2. TW^ company la equipped with a tnll 
line o( Bcenery and paper. Wa also have In 

■■tie «■< itotiTnn wnungs oc -n.-a. 

Ctaae. TUs win pteee a large nunbcr «( plays 

aoder Ur. StecIimlth'B direct oootitd. 

Notes from the Lillian Mason Co.: 
We opeoed oar seaBou at lola. Kan., to ca- 
ttacltj boslnens. Both pabUc and press ac- 
kDowledged It tlie best sbow In lola tbis sea 
son. We are booked solid tluoagb ' 
Our rosier Includes N. M, Veddcr, 
w. K. Llndemnth. ba8ln< 
HoSmiD. moilcal dlrectnr 
prater; Cbaa. T i an d er , i 
Melford. Jime* Boseo, 
Paul C. Clifford. Chaa. Conning, 
aao. Katberlne Bltcble Bonnie Lomlnrd, Ifarle 
Seonett. GenerleTe Camilxic and TilHtan Uaaon 

Robert Meyers, manager of Davis & 
Eugene's A Poor Belatlon Co., writes as fol- 
lows: "Tbe preas of Ft. Wayne and Marlon, 
lod., JaaesTllle, Newark and Springfield, OMo, 
as well as all otlier cities Tlalted this season, 
are unanlmooa In proclaiming this aeason's 
cast far superior to any eT«r seen In the play. 
Tiie prodnctloB la pnt ao In the same lavlah 
manner aa chazaetennd the original Sol. Smith 

neaa managcc: Vaxtj 
rectnr; Jamei Huttn.. c«r- 



«Ma Mm T« Iser Is 

Xaw stag* Type 

plax. jto 

B. Oiliaii. alwa it NT it~wlB ■^■ct.^- 
Tbey are pntttv It on dManMr. 
'■PbrwHiMs tasi atawi atieglaNl the 

cloth." itfdllr. anyte. ^Voactlmea. It moat 
be eoo f ei s ed. these earleataea hsTe been tnnay. 
I bdlere the real dergyman can be ttanalated 

from bla pnlplt to tbe stage and made an In- 

Mr. Snyder Is pastor ot a little Unitarian 
church In Wellesley Bills, Man. He la ^ty- 
turee years o( age and a Itnng letatatloo of tbe 
Osier extennlnatioD theory, ftom head to foot 
be looks the eaanny detgyiasa. He t e nM step 

expected tor each warm weather." 
Following Is tbe roster of the eastern 
Train Bobbery Co.: A. B. DaTldaon, proprietor 
and manager; BenJ. LeBoab, bnalneaa manager; 
Hany Gardener, musical director; John Oooncm, 
stage carpenter: Wm. Stuart, property man: 
Tbos. H. Kmeger, H. George Dagelen, Pete 
XcNamee, James Taylor, Edw. J. Plel. Sain 
'Waldroo. VT. H Toong, Joseph Whltlsg. Mabel 
HendecsBO. Jeailcs Croaa, Marie Lossy and 
nocenoe Baker. James B. Warde, with two 
asslstanta, la In adrance. The company cattlea 
a complete line of scenic effects and a Ml line 
of excellent paper. They have playcfl «• SMd 
■ II. 

te 'tte lOTtar oC SUtaon'a 
mi% CMl Ox: Wks. Kibble, 
M. r. Lues, gcastsl agent; Morris 
neld. pfsgiamer: J. D. Bsncs, Joseph Bamom, 
Thylor DaTldaon, 9. r. Henry. Cbaa. Vinton. 
John Henry. Del Toche. John Sterling Phillips, 
Frank Bojer. Fred Schnleh. H. S. Wlllard. 
Wm. Smith. Mrs. Mamie Kibble, Mrs. Alice 
Zlllman, Fay Z.HIman, Baby Base, Oos Oolllna, 
Geo. Maasey, Jamea BoUnd. Tom Bryant. C 
Ctnsby, Edward Betters. Sam Zncaa. Amanda 

Owens' jSiu mSSr" iiSiSfli ^nSim^w? 

Ander«on» Jtanis 10Bv MA ttSA. 


. Frank W. Nason writes: "The sea- 
aoa has opened np wonderfolly bright. I had 
■both my shows en toor all snmmer thrangh 
Maritime pioTlnces and they played to 
ess. Uy ngolar sesaoa Cgc Oie 
Neighborly Nelghbocsu epsned at 
. H.. Sept. 4. te a ttcce asy** 
^ Jge lyoke ttswcsrtl^sgjgi fceise. 

The Ns. 1 

Isg aa manager and Ua 

WtcheU. playing the titte 


lole. is booked 

Reports from the Olick Stock Co. 
state tbat they opened tbe Webb Theatre, 
Pern. lod., Sept. 25, to tbe largest house In 
Its history, and were forced to tnm people 
away. Manager Webb Is quoted as saying. 
"You haie one of the best repertoire com- 
panies oo tbe road, and I will be perfectly 
willing to marantee you first money at any 
time yoQ should return.** Tbla Is certainly 
apesMag hisbly ot the company. Tbe aggie> 
MlM aMabtrs flttccD. aooag whan at* Bury 
MHk wgrnrntf, Bsny T. Saaith. ad«aaee rep.; 
CtM. BfeiiM. preaa aMt: Owen Bartlette, 
stage director; Geo. SaUabory. Mlas Many. J. 
Sheridan, Edwin Barrett. Mr. Henls. Lew 
Kraner, Btta Arthar. Lalla OUck. Lndla SsI' 

Manager R. J. Ravencroft of The 
Oenrcr Express Co. writes as follows: Onr 
sessoB opened Aug. 21 at aarrettSTtna^ OUot 
la SBCeUent business. We spent tin* 
teaatem Ohio. glHsc aaUabHlM 
Managers who had tte show 111 
In ssylnr tt Is •■• 

W« ignc M exeeptkMlb floe eampsay «( 

_ fcnoAers — 

We are 

, out until the 

_ ~», roster embracea K. 

J. Haw neto ll. mssagir; Reeman FUke, ad- 
rance representattT*: Bany O. Banister. Geo. 
W. Wright. Thos. I>. BoUe. C. C. Raren- 
erott. W. Earl Oothrle. Crjrstsl Wlxsard Ban 
ntster, Zella Dawn. Blanehe Wright, Generleve 
Pnnlsnn. and Rose Flint. We baee some good 
sprclaltiea. and. considering all things, bare 
the beat " 

the beat pradaetloa oC The DanTcr 
aan mscaaucal sKiftlSa 


writes that he 

Berger Brothers, comedy acrobats, 

closed with tbe Lord Baltimore Oo. and Joined 

the GaskUl CamlTal Co.. at Ft. Dodge, la. 

Lferoy and Grant, comedy bar ex- 
perts, are layina oC la Ksssis Ctty..lis>« Biapa- 
ratory to opAg ttg 'ynMue 


The Four American Trumpeters 
with The Adelaide Herrmann Co. write tbat 
they are booked solid ontU May, and are meet- 
tog with soectM. 

Butler and SUInr bave actcad to 
work alngle In the 
that he will 
sittgle ttapexe act. 

Prof. H. S. Jamison, having closed 
I park work at Atoq Park, YooDgstown, 
' to ^WB with the Bryant & SwaIn 

After a season of forty-five weeks 
on tbe Pacllle coast, playing for John Oonal- 
dine and Wm. Weaton, Danny Mains and 
liOlo Haines are coming east. 

Bert Lemon writes that his new Im- 
personation ot James A. Heariie Is the talk 
of lioalsTlllew where he recently opened his 
season an Ihc Bopklns Qreiilt. 

The boat used by the Rice Hoatlng 
Tbeatre Oo. strack a sssg at Mooat VHst^TO^ 
and sank In six feet of water. The Mmnp will 

be laid np for shoot two weeks. 

Schepp's Dog and Pony act Is now a 
featnre attraction on tbe Orpbeom Circuit. It 
Is booked orer tbe Kobl tc, Caatle, Anderson, 
Hopkins and the Interstate Circuits. 

The Great Liyncb, sensational wire 

arOM; MC who has scored l>lg thla anmmer 
on Ike park and fair drcnlta opened his win- 
ter season this week In the east. 

The Ross Sisters, who have been ap- 
pearing all summer In tbe parka with big suc- 
cess, vrlll open upon the western TandeelUe cir- 
cuits next month in a refined alnglng act. 

J. B. Mack, of the team of Mack 

and Tosca. arrlTed in Chicago last week from 
the Texaa drcnlta. They will rehearse a 
straight staging act fhr this wintcfs work. 

he has 

a gar> 

oo the stsge and play the hero 
celred In As Ye Sow wtthaal ckl 
ment. . After tbe play was pat sa 

returned to bis dock. 

"Sol. Smith Bnssell gare me my first sugges- 
tion Smt writing the play,*' said Mr. Snjder. 
•We were at dinner together at my bouse, 
which was then in St. Louis, We were talk- 
ing ..bout the eUge and I asked him why It 
was clergytnen were always earlcattired on the 

" 'It may be because of the ancient feud 
between the church and the sUge.' replied Mr. 
RttsseL ^nt I bellere the chief mmmi hi that 
no playwright has erer created a type «C min- 
ister tbat wasn't a caricature.* 

"I said: 'Mr. Basaell, yon wool make a 
splendid clergyman of the type I mean. Why 
don't yoo hare someone write the part for yon?* 

" '1 wish 1 had the play,* said Mr. Boasdl, 
eagerly. Then he added, with a kragh: 'Why 
don't yon write It tor me? Too know what I 

I began work on Aa Ye Sow within a week. 
Just after I had finished the first act BnsaeU 
waa taken with hla last illness. He neeer 
returned to the stage. Robert MelTlUe Baker, 
anthor of Foxy Grandpa and aeeeral other pleya 
was a member ot oiy eoogiegatioe at that 

time. I abowed hlo what had been 

he Uked it. It waa aeraxal years after bctlae 
I^finlrte^^e •JJJJJ'jjJ^* JJJJJJJ i * (Jj 

prodaetlon." ' • ^ .... 

■The title As To Sow Is takam fteai this 
rerte of tbe BWe: "God Is aot msckcd. tor 
whataoeTcr a saa aoweth, that shall he also 
reap." The scene to laid at Ossa Ood. and 
many o( the aatacters axe MMMB. 

ICr. Snyder to the aothsr a( tmal children's 
stories. Be baa atoa wrUtca a aoeulogleal skit, 
entitled The Wind •btmX, Before he entered 
the alalatiy he waa newspaper man. writing 


WlU R. Rogers, lariat expert opens 
la Tanderllle at Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 8. 

The Dayton Sisters write that their 
act to a hit orer the L a hetokt Cttcntt. 

OlUe BfarteU and 
report meecss on the Mev 

The Musical Russells are delivering 
Ike goods with the Both-Mooca Stodt Oo. 

Jim and Cella Welch write that they 


Franzmathea and XowlSb 

■hots, are reeMBg af 

City, Ua 

Archie L«vy la 

the SoUlnui * 
and aoDth. 

Frank Walsh, monologue comedian. 

~ 24 for 

** iSm 'wmII^'m^SSS* ^>g*ll3Sai 

Ethel Whltesldes and her picks; 

Washer Brothers, boxing midgets: Bawls and 
Von Kaufman, sketch artists; Georgia O. Lewis. 
Jack O'Toole, and Conn ton tinea a aad l^wrence 
played the BUou Theatre. Dee Molaes. la., 
week of Sept. 22. Boilness was fiae. 

The Original Bootblack Quartet, 
writes Manager Arttaor Carltoo. has heaa en- 
gaged by Klaw a Manger Cor tkeir Baae 
Folks Co.. In whtak thay ate aMktns a hit. 
Thcae asnskiaaa . hata asMt lha aamaHT la 
piaykv^tta.'Utt Md . JSSato* iliaMB. asd a 

few Mta.. 


dates back sereral years, his entice Into the 
managerial field coTera a period of lesa than 
flee years. Starting as a call boy In the 
opera boose ot hto nattre town — <)nlncy. ni. — 
nearly twaaty^ee yean ags. Mr. Sbayae srad- 
ually worked hto way ap Into the profeaalon, 
until now. after appearlna behind tbe foot- 
lights for twenty years, he has fonnd a branch 
of the amusement bualnesa which baa not only 
giren blm opportunity to retire from acUre 
stage work, bat baa placed him la the frant 
rank ot theatrical ptomoterSL Mr. Shayne 
will be remembered as ooe ot oor beat light 
comedians, when, aome fifteen years ago. he 
starred In many of the then leadlag farce 
comedies, such as Skipped hy ^Che Light of 
The Moon, The TSJamjjfnm, . aga - " lalrr i-aa. 

appeared in Taadevilla and SSr-gM'^paaka 'SSassd 

tbe leading bonses. 

Mr. Shayne's first Tialt to tbe west waa an 
uphill fight. There was no Coney laland. Brish. 
ton Beach or Atlantic City to which tbe pub- 
lic could go for ontlngs, etc Tbla appeared 
to him strongly. Be saw the future of the 
summer parks In the west, and be began to 
promote thla kind ot amusement. He fotmd 
a number of parks In operation, but. with the 
exception of the larger parka of Chicago and 
St. Louis, he' found that the arnnaementa of 
these resorts were limited to a band concert 
or occasionally a sensational oatdoor attrac- 
tion, while a tern were oStrtna afdlooe rao- 
denne pwnrama. By peissnni in i nnl esf a witb 

tto : . ^ jj (irtMp the ' that 
a-'BeaiT«saiifcg:'-Swi:'M|gh tlssw acta. 

hy the 


daas of j 

■ow esBtiaetlac to play, lha 

est dsaa eaadeiille acta a i 

twelee to slztsea 

The snecesa of Mr. 
his watcbfnlncaa and to hto keen iaalght 
theatrical matters. Hto eontlnaed 
on the stage, and more enpcdally 
TOle, has rerealed to him the destaca ot the 
manager and tbe wants of tbe perftasMr. Mr. 
Shayne's new oOces at 70 Clark street are a 
credit to Chleacsb Bto tbeatxtea »«i*'«-wt Is 

Rehearsals of the Toast of The Town, to 

which Viola Allen opens at Bridgeport, Conn., 
thl3 n-eek, are being eotidncted under tbe 
personal superTlslon ot Clyde Titcb. anthor of 

the play. Miss .\Uen*a metropolitan engage- 
ment n-lU follow that of Lidn OlaseT In Mlas 
Dolly Donsis at the Kiksi hai ksa naatre. 

She Is 

Jas A. and Ceodia Welch write that 

Shayne. and ksn aot lest a week fa a ytar. 

Idle. Zlngarella in her sensational 
6Iobe.Splnl act has fioished the clrcolt of 
northern fairs with marrelona sncceaa. and 
opens on the southern circuit at Athens, Qs,, 
Oct. 3. 

The Sharplles — Gus and Mattle — 
write tbat they opened at the Cryatal Theatre, 
Xtetrolt, Mich.. Sept. 18 and scored a hit. They 

are playing Wsasfa Theatre, Peoria, HI., t^ 


Herr Conried has declared against 
Boston. Tbe Hnb City won't see hto inmd 
opera company thla aeaaon. 

J. l/ocke Warwick, a col<M«d slng;er 
who waa a member of the original Georgia 
MInstreto In the serantles, will take oat a 
company ot colored vocalists and mnaldana 
Oct. 1, and will play the amaU towna of tbe 
Dakotas, Mebraaka and Iowa. 

Richard Carle and the members of 

Tbe Mayor ot Toklo 0>.. wtiUe playlac la 
PhUadelphla ran OTer to Baltimore to see tbe 
special matinee performance of The Maid and 
Tbe Mununy. Sept. SI. Many ether pial>a 
elocalB In Balttmora a tten de d . 

Ernest Rose, who has recently com- 
pleted a course at the Boyal BIgh School of 
Music. Berlin. Gcr., and more recently cosk- 
metod^^th^ae^Oamnadk CMcea a( Haw Toifc 

Mrs. Florence Pendleton Scarbo- 

toogh, engaged for Henry W. Sarage'a Grand 
Opera Co., returned from Europe last week. 
Mlaa Scarbocoash wlU be heard la tte title 
role ot Alda. as Mi Mba tt te Tsanhsii i aafl 

as Marguerite la Faust. She makes her debut 

next week In Brooklyn In Tannbanser. 

Miss Dess McClaren of New York 
City dosed a very asccesafnl four weeks' en- 
gagement Sept. 18. aa soloist at Flndley Lake 
Park, N. Y. Mlas McClaren la said to poesesa 
extrmordlnary aweet soprano Tolce, wblcb. 
together with her fine stsge hearing woa far 
ber many dose friends at Ftndlcy Lake. 

Joe A. Sanderaoa wfaa has been 
IdcntUed wttb tba pita eC fllDHt Qty. la., 
for the past six ycsra; a t i mt d'bto eoinectlon 
Oct. 1, to beonne baalacas nanacer ot a band 
tbat will toor the northwest. Be wm be a^ 
soda ted with Bert Murphy, the well-known 
Toeallst. who wfU he featured wttk the new 
organisation. iV'. 
Mme. Morioara Serena, a 

Feta Oosmsnr hss Just completed an 
~ ierea weeks orer the Ciyatal 
which time he was the langh- 
bUI. Connelly wm play the 
eastern hooscs thto winter. 

Harry Bums, the phenomenal bag 
pnncher, to highly elated oTer bla ancceaa at 
the BUoQ Tbeatre. Des Moines. la. Manager 
Baclaanan praised Tery highly his act, and the 
newapapera gare hlffl aome nice wrlteops. 
Frank Murphy and Jack E. Magee 

wish to Inform their friends that they are 
meeting with ancceaa with the Dlnktes* Yankee 

H. Harlow, manager of tbe Walker 

a Co. when tbat attraction phiyed tbe 
I western Canada, baa 

tbe Moalank. Brooklyn. 

N. Y. nto nfll be Mne. Bercna'a seorad^ pro- 
last year. 

Opera Co. when tbat 
northwestern states and western 

been engaged by J. E. O<ja6»o»e 

agent for the Coegmee Giaad Onacett 

cheatra. Sir. Harlow to^ now on •«ije_ weat 
over the Union Padle. baoUW Mf atBacMWl 
to the coast. Hatiy ^.Wsa d ■ to.fma a ngtog 
Cooprore Orchestra. rllBf» O w gwa »j<a«ru 
number ot rttu9tealv-.asaeltliK'.'!apS as - to 
. swtolid tr Gertinde'. 
i TkaUa KMtta, ~ 



Xtie Billl>oar<i 

OCTOBER 7. 1905. 

A stan.1. tur Alb. or- eo«d tor op» art *«> 
B »t«nd» for Bofton. for tw» P MM i « I If»" »f 
C Bt«n<!» for OiI«Bu bl# — OW» ■' 3>0^ 
D-^ Ktand* fur I>fB»«r. bwk ; jfltftgjfc 
B' nmiMk for ETanuTillff. aauaaT^an^y^'ma. 
F Maads for Trltco. yo« ma« ,■•*•! ii-vwfflo- 
e- for Grand llMpi<I>. tut Un. mMtyaiM TUIM. 
I Indlaaapalla SDm Ib «■> toor. 
J utand* IMr Jobviown. tapariir iw. 
K Kmam* CICr.< M« coin fur the VTnt. 
b iMMDn Iwt plfbt at ttt^fem. 
TT'-HliMWinlln • iTT^f — " ' "t* ' ^ - 
-SIf 'Ut'rVtiri-r^'-'S^iT- wwm an. 
0'"<M>^ Qapaiah tb*T alnra coaa* late. 
P< SlrjSvBmbonc and lldUr. botb 
' W Car giwIiK. tlinr elebtr nla*. 
I> for ttMlmter S- R. O. sica- 
tor St. iMto. tor hit »how» O. Kw' 
fur TolKlo. ain't pla.rMl It: can't mt- 
Is for I'tlca. takloe a cbancr, 
li» for Vtrkxbnrj. sold oat in adTance. 
traiMUnmoo. al^aya a doubt. 






X la- tor JC anla. wt lit a mi jtat^o oc 

X'--'ir<S?^lJaSSSS!7?M'U- *iaii^ taa'diM^p. 

In the rwratT-»l3c letter* tbe 

.Uphahrt'* sot. 
Not one Mauds for rroTWrnoe, 
1^ Nnoe IB the loi; ' . •' 

'S wouldn't Inralt tvie pruod irapttKl vnr*-**. .. - - > 

I can't Kiand for "Pror," 
'I^Ud It can't atand for uw. 

• • • 

Tta» Bit. C»rmeU HU Bventnc Rec- 
iaicr pobUalMd the fMtowlnr ••'^'•••f^MWlm 
a( ' itar vMt to - tkat . taws of tlW/MB BoMb- 
sn*^>MB BIK novai 

...'.-.OlAvaaa 'mr maat a paadierlno. a lallaca- 
p tMl i. a wla* gnr. k Ian. a Bum who la al- 
wara Bcsc a Itaiiaf dHlilliBliM . a bbtf aad a 
lop-Dotchar an loM lBt» aMl Ttato ]r«i luk*» 
met Doe Waddall. ttir kypaoHatr Of Ibe Jalia 
RoblnMio airsiTicatkin. 

It Ik Doc Watlilrll who airanRca for tbe 
i-boloroformtni; of Ibe oHHlflrd lij«nia; wbo flxca 
for tbe marrtape of tUr lianie cuaple no many 
tlmea tbat tbrr can hf pnniccuteil for blf^- 
mmy In every Htate In the nnlon; who aettlea 
for the broken arm of tlic bucollr mlnlKter who 
falla out of the aerial circle; ub« mpifmer- 

\mm the country c^lltorw aotl ** Im> 1^ it*. Bcncr- 
oua witb ticket* aa a candidate for a cunntjr 
nfflce la with campalcn clffan*. 

Doc Waddell looks like a Jap. and doo't 
i>rUe b)a lookv. for be l> aa dlBtomatlc aa Batmi 
Komnra. Bla face Is aa biaralan a* i that oC a 
Kiowa aqoaw. He eaa •» lala- Itaa palpit aad 
naka tUa conarecatlaD Mlm ' tkat ' ha la ' a 
ariMtouiT Inat back ftom XUM Cor hi* ukMltk. 
Ba aaa preach a fUrlr aead sanMoi .aaarlla. 
Ittr .a Uezlcaa aod ,«at awcar a. caMtaf. 
v Kslba - winar did aat kanr tkat; Oae waa 

■'Ifca- ' Patu waWi l a tadiaaa. 

, nacmUca la fiiclal fratnna aad (an- 

-«nl awln-ap. aad enpeelallr In hla limited 
aaMalBtaBce with the tmth. 

DDT and the \rrlter hall from np In Ohio. 
Iba aame rtectlun of the atale, and ther tdl 
fhia Ktnry of the formrr'a schoolhor daya: 
The maiden laa.r who prralded over tbe aehool 
whitii was honored bj blx prearace nerer.apared 
I be ntd or ttpoUed tbe dilld. and whaled Doc 
DHwt nninerclfoIlT almoat daily. Jnat after 
one of hla pnnlKhoientB. he jelled out: "Never 
r«a mind. Mlaa. I'll Ret even with yon for 

thb." "Howr* dlwUlnfuIIy qoerlMl the lady 

With the nrltcti. "Why mme day you'll get 

marrlMl and have a Isov tMbv and when he 

E. S. Wniard prides himself on the 
tieanty and Interest of the lM»»ks that (Tinstiliite 
his valuable Ilt.rarr. He likes uoihiu;; letter 

than ttlwiwinjr Uis choice edition*! t>> apprcda- 

liTe friends and it Ifi a i>oint with him that 
he kmiwn every boot In his p<iss<?ssloii . Re- 
cently he wa« golDF over his luioks with a 

felU»w blt»lio(tli{]e when It occurred ro him to 
hunt up a iiassape In CoUy Clbber. "1 bare 
a |iaril>ui«rly Sue edition that was presenietl 
to me by Percy Winter. You shall see It." 
Me made a loop and InetTectual search for the 
h<nks and felt exeeedioely piqued that be wa» 
unable to locate them. The hunt was con- 
tinued to weariness and was finall}' plren up. 
Mr. WUlard Imaiilnln;: all forts of possible 
misbapa to the books. Two days later be 
wrote to his friend: "I remeiuher now about 
that CvUy Clblwr. Percy Winter did not ^Ive 
me a copy — 1 uave ' him one.** 
• a • 

Some years ago while iravelingp on 
a western railroad Mabel HIte. wbo la atar- 
rlu;: this seasin Id Frank L. Perlay'a prodnc- 
iion of The Ulrl and The Bandit, thawed out 
the reserve of an army odlcer whose lack of 
i-ttu^enlality had been ;;enerally noted durlttir 
the Ion;r Journey. 

Five different yonnjr women had trle«I In en- 
page the soldier man In cooversatlnn. 1ml none 
had received anytbln): beyond a motiosyllahle 
reply to her mo»t cordial remark. Finally. Miss 
Hit watered a i»air of ;dOTe« tiiaf i alaa '-woald 
Indnre their fellow traveler to talk' ' wltboat 
bavins spoken a wnrd herself. 

The waper was u creed uivm. and on tlie 
rollowhiff mnmln;; Allss Ilite. who hail risen 
iiefore anyone else in the I'ullman. ;rree[ed 
die amttaiy man when be race with a shrill. 
plplBK wklatla., of a idrl dolnc her l>esi lu 
laaitaM tka anvUlc. Tbe attempt was fetn- 

Xbe oflicer nnllea. then 

.'MHMC' aad Anally. ackjiawledKe<l 
,aywfplal "Good mnmlns." 
taa.'..«aa her bet. 

Oscar, the Intelligent collie which 
plajs a barklBC role In The Prodlsal Son at 
the New Amsterdam Theatre. Xew York. bc;:an 
a rood rneagement all by himself recently, ami 
the show went on without hlui. 

Oacar hoanhl with a doir fani-lpr i.n West 
Tliirty-seventb street, and when the ilwir was 
InailTcrtenlly left open he pushed Ills war ont. 
headetl toward New Jersey and when last seen 
ivas illsappenHn;r in the Teunsylvanla Railroad 
tunnel. Tbe police \vere ■ notUfld. ■ hat. < tbe 
-deutha of the West Forty .seTenth atW t t Sta- 
tion ate not mucb at dog-catcUlaf.,: > • - 

Tlw aaanancs ot tbik tlwat w ; .ailt.'al«W*a to 
t»t Oacar back, aa 'May.HHiiiilidi; 'aaid* » 
aaaa o(' hla part. • ..' 

The Unique of San Joce. Cal., is 

now controlled by the Xorel^ people. 

Steve O'Grady Is handling the press 
for the Willis Wood Tbcatre. KaoMs City. 

The Bell Theatres of Stockton and 

Fresno. Cal.. are scheduled lo open tbb< week. 

W. J. Burgess and O. S. Woodward 
rialted Slonx City. la.. laat week to look after 
tkalc. iBMnats. 

■WtaVi StreWe' has auctieeded O. F. 

Lena aa tnanaaer.pT the Rarrla Opera House at 
Peter»biirc. 111- 

The n?w Bell Theatre In San Fran- 
cbtco. Ca)- U nearlnr completion. It will not 
open iintU Jantiary. 

Th« ' if«w . 't>|idriiu Opera , Houae. 

dal-. dMl«n4 of 1 Royal WIHM M«A cupels 
ttr mt/ld ta^hit thMttta. 

'The WUUiihia Opera Bousl- at Ida 
Orave. 'la.. U* been- torn down and Is l>elnE 
tetmllt aa a city hall and aimory. 

The ljullders of the new opera house 
at Gallatin. Tenn.. bopc to have It com- 
ptetcd bgr ma Utter fait'.sCrCMtsbfr. 

Guy Smith, late hianaser of the 

McDonough Theatre. Oakland. Cal.. la now 
manaiter of tlie Novelty In tl>e same city. 

The Savoy Theatre of New Bedford. 
Maaa., has bcaa'-nliailVflF'-'niilfli*'- dad la 
now foUr cqalppf«rt».'|^ir feWMnS.'fMdnc- 

tlooa. • ■, ■ 

C. W. Trouadala lito^ Wanted a hall at 
EstbefTlUa. la., and baa' eontrted It lata a 
vaadernie booie to be Vlajrcd b7 tbe amaller 

Thomas Roberts, for the paat.tbrc* 
rears tmanrer of ilie o)>era iHWiaa aj Kl- 
dm-ab. Kr» baa b«*n wapi«»tat«d neaamw.' w 
house oiicaad Sam. S witb Tb* Bajab of 


The union musicians employed in 
thlnr-seven ihliu^-o tlieatres have been cranteil 
an iiurense in wages. They bad been^ receir- 
inc cat Od per wvM. bat liB d i r „f 
menc net fSJO «a«b. tut- an 
over elEht- 

Edward L. Moore, manager of the 
Cenule Tbcaitc at Eaal LlTcrpool. Oblo, spent 

few days iMently In Sow Sork aty.. gaaa- 
actlni: Irasliiesa for tbe-opciai boeia. .«aaj|IMff- 
lie made his hendi|uarter»> at tllOA KlBW 'IK-^n- 
lanfier offices. . . 

The new }35,000 theatre now In 
course of constmetlon at TaylorrMlo. HI., 'will 
be completed and ready to open Xuaaaibtr , M. 
Jerry Boean. who manascd the oM IaMMa nr 
alx years, la to be manaccr and- MCmaiy of 
tbe new booae. 

Stale Inspector of Factories John H. 
Morgan of Ohio, has sent out notices to all 
tbe mayors of iltles In tbe state. InstructlnB 
tbem to see that "standinp naiin onl.v" sl^s 
are al«)llshed in all thealrc-s. No stanilini; 
mom is to be sold in Ohio. 

The Executive staff of the Bijou 

Theatre. Kenoslin. Wis.. Is as follows: O'llrlen 
ft Jones. iM-oprietors: C. I. Walker, resident 
mana;;er; £<l. S. I>avls. electrician; .Miss S.-iti- 
funl. mnslenl dlrft-lor: Otto Koebler. aiaice luan- 
amr. ' and ■ eiottm:^'-:r^<-tf!mpmti . 

The openinit 'oC'^itiha;:!^^ Theatre 
at N«ft.<MMlM.-X&r~iHiltfh ma. to baee been 
.>^pt. MiV'.iiiUi:.boatpiiacd' ad accoaal of the 
fever idlaatlaa: .abnagcr Wai. A. .Sillier (tales 
that bo ezpaets to open Mw booae In tbe 
near fntttte with hhoc llc«t-vtu** cumpany. 

Olson Brothers and S. S. Baldwin 
liare purchased ' tbe Cryatal Tbeattf. WIeUta. 
Kan., aud are renodcUni; tbe aame. Tbe Ibra- 

tre will be known as the Bijou when It Is 

opened iiniler tli^ new munscement. Tbe thea- 
tre will cater to the lK*st class of (icople. 

Herbert Parlter who has been con- 
nected - with ihe Lyceum Theatre in Mlnne- 
a|ioIis. ^Iliin.. for the past two .vears In the 
capacity of assistant treaaiinrr. has returned 
be -wiU ho aaao- 
'"^MMMtlle bosl- 

to MnrahaUtow^. .i^..wh||Be ho .wilt br aaso- 

rlaied .\iitb U|>; IkMif -IB .the ~ 

."J. C. Fish, city billposter of Punxsu- 
lawneyi.' I'a.. has been appointed mAiuger of 
the -Mjbtinlnf; Street Opera Ilonse to succeed 
F. ■ W. Weylmnn. tlow with the Park Stock 
Co. ■ • -Mr.- FIsb formerly owned tbe opera house. 

bnt aold : oat to maintain bla btllpostlng In- 

'Thfrii!fiuhdirM''di6ua(m doltara will 
reprcaont tbe InTfatment of tbe Orpbenm Cir- 
cuit In a new bouse to be bnllt in St. Pant. 
MlBB. Fortr'HTO tbonaand waa paid for a alle 
oMMolte.' tba'i'WIadaor BoM of tbat cMr, and 

iS^dntft^XliMMUat^ViBawalia trfQ dn- 

The Majeatle. ThMtNk lEanaaa City. 
Mo., apcncd tbe ataaoB . iMt^ IT, MBdar the 
manaitomant of aam -BaaJpiWil whb Ihe IMbiw- 
laa stair: Jns, R. XoiaM. :Bn«i aatati n. W. 
Wbeolor. nnsical dltoetari.'Oaai KHgr. chief 
doorkeeper: Clyde Sfcbtoat, staw manacer. and 

Jos. Caldwell, electrician. 

Simon Robinson, for the Ijist two 
seusons treasurer of the Nassau Theatre. Brook- 
lyn. N. v.. bas rcconily been asalimcd Ibo 
pr««* work In addltkm to bla resolar dnilea. 
Mr. Robinaoa baa been connected with several 
Srw Voric paprra, and be Is obtalnlnc many 
goal notices for Itae Nassau. 

The Grand Opera House at Galves- 
ton, Tex., will be nianiiKPil ncnln this seanon 
b,v Kml <;. Wcis. .Mr. Wels Is very popular 
witb Ihe thcatrefculuK public of Galveston, and 
his prcsciH-t* will serv*. to enrxiuraRe the pa- 
trmicc of the house. John .T. Fl.vnn. familiarly 
known as "Jack," has been npi>olnted Irtaa- 

Woric Is being pushed on the new 
$30,000 theatre now being erected at Tarentum, 
Pa., b.r the Tarentum Realty Co. R. A. 
Travis. Tbos. Gombert. J. M. Metaler, Ed. 
KennerdnU and John Onatar, ptaalnent bual- 
neas ib«b a( UHMtMl. aie Is wW i m la lb* 
enterpiMa. The aaaagir baa aat yet baaa se- 

Clarence N. Ravlln. who has for 
some time been aaaoclatcd wllb tbe Oallfomla 
Tbratre, Ban Franrlaco, In tbe dnal capacity 
of preaa aeent and bualnefls cuanager, has re- 
Bisned bla position to accept tbe position of 
boz-offlce manaiter at the Orptaeum. Hla anc- 
eeasor at the- California baa Bot TVt bcCB an- 

H. F. BfcOarvle. president oC the In- 
IcCDattoaal Amnaement Co., anoonncM the ap- 

aaa. nor.. X««^l .||. 
Witrk baa bMon iipon a new vau'ie. 

tUIo tb iali a at Aplln, Mo. Tbe house mil 
seat t.aoo people. It will be aiodmi In ev>rr 
rcs|<c<!t. will lie beatrd hjr ateam aad llsl>i<<4- 
by electricity, and will taatre a balcony, ciias. 
B. ilodkins, wbo ao mtercaafnlljr mamntd |.r, 
rlc Theatre and Ibo I^e Park Tbaalu tor' 
the piat four ataaoas, aad withal a wjr the 
Reiitleman and boslneia man. wlU maaaae ilie 
new bouse. 

The Grand Theatre at Greenville. 
Miss., la belne remodeled throushont. It Is 
to receive a new cuat of paint before' lla uticn. 
Ins. nlMHit Not. I. A number of attractions 
were booked for tbe booae prior to Ibat date. 

Mr. Hirry Leoobardt wbo baa bMB rtUb 

TncTciioi, 9K 

since lla opening laat Aufcust. baa raalgaad 10 

manager at Keith's Theatre, CICTClt 

take tbe manacemrnt of tbe atase at Percy 
Winiama* new Albambra Theatre, In New York. 
Hr. Leonbardt, althoofh comparatlTclr a joaos 
man. has baaa aoMealy oavlovad at lbs old 
Siaadua Tbistie la Hew T«k. Mm IhM 
Mm* bo baa baaa sOUatad with HBoct Bart at 
tbe MetvopoUtaa Opata Baoaa. Blcfaaid 
Uanafleld asd apaat aUht ycoia as alaca maaaier 
at tbe Bdwla Knoarlte' Tbaatie hi BioeklTa. 
Mr. Lcoobardt ataged tba Initial pndoctlaa of 
tbe Ulllpatlana in Amerlea, and afterwards waa 
an employe ot the late Angnatln Daly, being on- 
tmated at the latter'a death with a tmatecibip 
of a portion ot bla eatate. Prerloaa to bis de- 
partnte (or New York, tbe atlacbaa o( Kaltb'a 

prcacDtcd Mr. Ltaahsidt with a baadioaie Hk's 
charm la avpaMMatiaa • e( Ite 

good wm. 

hat owing to quarantine rrstrleUona Uanaitcr 

March waa compelled to cancel Owm, and 
taUag advantogo^oC OMa « 
ridcd to make Ihe sboaa- 

OCTOBER 7, 1905. 

Xtie Billboard 



S8 Ozendon 

l*ondon Rialto 

C. C. Bartrau, 

Tel. Garrard. 
Telr. Breather. 


VER since August Bank HoU- 
■ ■ day ttae bualDcn at tbe Loodon play- 
I A botUKa and maate balls bas been Im- 
m \W pioTlnc. Laat week rnU bonses 
wm the nlc U aU parU of tbe HetropoUi. 
Al mt letter or laat Saturday was flying along 
10 <}ueen»town. to catch the American mall, 
Mr. Seymour Blcka »va8 celebrating the an- 
niversary o( Tbe Catch of The Seaaoa at the 
Vauderllle, and Just to ahoir that a jear had 
not worn oot tbe welcome ot the piece. London 
BlsMMM IWMa.nt la anmbcis tbat oyer- 
flowed tlw Hadttd 'eapfecliir ct the TandeTtUe. 
Sereral new onmbera were Introdoeed, and, 
jndcliii: from the reception accorded. Tte Oticb 
of The Scaaon baa algaed a aew . laaM of 

IiondMi la not to ace the Passion 

PISjr ■ftW an. Ur. aerswnr Blcln and Mr. 
Obailts FrobmaB bad made the moat elaborate 
pnparatlanM and spent hundreds of pounds 
pceUmlaarles. Two well-known pUy-pro- 
aoctn had aiiM«t< BMt •( tbe eigbteen Ub- 
Icaox. ' tb« BMMinntBt tad had tbe scene 
nXNirls made, and bad even ordered most of 
tbe dressea and engaged many of tbe Italian 
acton. AU aaye ttae detalla then bad been 
■maitd IM MN flMlOB Play'a pndactloD at 
the AMw7«b nMtia aast I«nt. and, as after 
consaltatlon with many leading diTlnes It was 
conslderrd tl«t tbe Church woald encoorage 
tbe project, tbe amallcr dlfflcoltles were being 
•NSSMk tfea Daws cun* tbat the 
piitair eoMMmd that the sabjeet 
Ufe waa not a proper one for rep- 
OB the stage, eren tbongta tbe play 
COMlMtd nt damb show. Not wishing to cause 
olTcnie Mr. BWka ncoasldend bis scheme, and 
when he and hla eonpur left (or Douglas on 
attarday, be had abandoned tbe Idea alto- 


The sub-title of the cominff Falaee 

BeTlew, A Faotaatle Forecast gives away to 
some rilrnt. the Idea that Mr. 81ms will fol- 
low In this, bis Orst Incursion Into Tarlety- 
Land. Be will ahow what ho imaglnen Umdon 
■ad I«ndao Ufe wilt bo tn% ymm beaat. Br 
tho way, the Palact— the beoio where most 
of the American inyaders flrst appear — baa not 
done so poorly this last year. The directora 
haTo daddad that Iho prodtt will alloir a 
dMdiad af It aiM. Ut tk 
canriag flnwaid at ia.000 odd 

axMST or TKS BTAOE Boamr 

On Sunday the Stagre Society pub- 
lished their alzth annual report, sbowlBC a 
prcarnt membcrsblp ol 1,2C0; a balanee In tbe 
bank of 400 meriy Jingling poundlets; slso six 
notable plaja wart aacoeasrully produced dur- 
ing the past year, and 140 plays (of which 
ISI were by Bagllsb wtlteia and 18 were 
traoslattoDi ot foreign playa) ware aobmltted 
to Che Oooncll dnrlng tbe fiast sesson. All of 
these playa were read and considered. 

The illustrated "sonsr-scene" Is a de- 
lightful and interesting interlude at tbe Coli- 
seum. The eboens at the aides alngs Long- 
tellon 's Wreck of Tbe Heapema as rersea and 
lllnsiiatlona are thrown on to the curtain. The 
bouse Is In ahsolote darkoeu. and as tbe 
grim tragedy Is nnfoldcd, the mosle, the plc- 
taea, the .Inalilisl ^na at the J^ira peo- 
dnea a thriniag : 'aaiat. ' - . " . 

I wns xjE ncm b 

We are told that tbe next form of 
"American Inyaalon" will take tbe "tented 
Held" for lu sphere of operations, tbat Is to 
•ay, the firm concerned will preaent spectacles 
of Dmrj Lane dlnaaalOM Is gifiatle iMta. 
Tbe canTaa-baefced ~ " ^ 


The days of the "child performer" 
atfa to be numbered. Not only the public 
taMt for this dasa of "sympathy** act 1b de- 
allalng. in England, but many magistrates are 
saw. taking the option glren tbrm by tbe 
"Ohtld JMot Aet». et lafaahw Uiiam per- 
atltuag clilldmi aadtr' atetaaa to partoiab 


Of the twenty-four turns which ap- 
Heared , at the TItoU AnnlTersaty on Friday 
arwlBK. AneilCB was well repteaentcd as a 
laad' or good comedians by Hike Wbalen and 
Badflwd and Valentine. 


The press has not accepted Ur. Wil- 
liam Ginette'a Clarice with tbe same abow 
of approval as was shown by the large au- 
dience present at the flrst performance at tbe 
Dnke ot York's on Wadneaday. The prlneipal 

Is no douM tint, in oonpsrison to 

plays, many of this clasR of American playa 
exaggerate realism In t>onie Instances to tbe 
border ot boredom. The deylce of scTecal 

minaiaa a Oaeaa at tfea a f aa m > and tha^ aioaa 
of the aeta, which has been osed with socb 

excellent effect In such pieces as Shore Acres, 
etc.. IMS doubtless had its run, and dramatlsta 
moat Inyent new deelces If they would not bore 
tbela.: nadliejaa. M.^the Mttv .aC^%Kr. OU- 
lettCa Mcelleat companyi' of the niodntlnK of 
the piece, or of tbe story, there Is no word 
other than of praise. But that the pauses 
In the action of Clarice are more strongly ooder- 
iinadVtlMM tka aatlaa; ,tha*a la d6 dasM. 
makea ' It like telling a atbiiy aaerc^ with as- 
terlsks. or making the pnnctuatlon marks more 
Important tban the words they sever. 
Tbe bit ot the erealng waa andoabtedly 

irnditU 6lancr. " Bnt ' tiicn,' ''ibi'-' flrst 
performances become ever more diffleult to 
JudRe. The beglnnlni; dues not fureBluidow tbe 
end nearly aa much aa formerly. And when 

all iB .jilM. it ii..tka ran of a LoodWi n ada a 
tlon ' that eoanta. ^efhapa it la Saat B/lhlle 
too American for Txtnilonera to awallav. aU at 

once, and It may grovv 
wblcb also come from abroad, 

MUT' BllJiXi'l 

The Court reopened on Monday with 
a third revival of Bernard StiaWs John Bull's 
Other Islsnd. Tbe attendance during the 

*Mm that Mr. ahaw*^. .«l|imalaal 
trtfce baa' fhr' from eahaaatM" Its 

popularity. A refioe»*t sent to the manager 
of Dublin's leading theatre \>y "several play- 
goers" tbst this piece be produced In Ire- 
land.' wHkb : i wH adia. "."Wa. aia ;8Bt«^;that,\» 
woaM ha wan'' rM«l*«d,** remlnda 'n* ''ti'-tUt 
Orangeman who asked the Scotchman to play 
The Wearing of The 4:r*'^Mi lils pipen. Sandy 
aaked. "For why}" Tbe other replied, "1 Jus' 

waat'^la sfO U l aaa.aisMl-ttrv.aa Sandy 
comniaiicad. ' bat haA ' net gone' far when tbe 

Orange <Irlsh)man rushed at him. When Sandy 
had administered tlie good ibrsshlng the other 
deserved be said, aa be gathered up bis pipes, 
"I «i«*aa ■ tWak fee- aa« alaaa vlt.V .ranuajUlr, 
It I vMia« a:pit! « Dii sa Ba» M« Ban^'Otttr 
Islaad .a«'-:.tlist:'..«ihar Italand. I wunld take 
the MaaMtiaB'''«ii( wearlm a snit of srmor. 

WM mxBxsaoLX bailb 

Mlas Olaa Netheraole sails for 
America on or about the I3tb of next month 
to prwluce. at Washington, ten days later. Ur. 
W. L. Courlne.r's adaption of Paul llervleu'a 
powerful drama Lr Dnislv. Por the Interpreta- 
tion of tlie piece she has rnitaiied a <-ompany 
which Includes Mr. Hamilton Revelle, Mr. 
Hubert Carter. Mr. Wlllhim Fanen. Jr.. Miia 
Louise Moodle, Miss Cicely RIcharda. and Mis* 
Dorothy Ortanaton. In order to assist her n-ltb 
final leheaAwls, which win take place in 
Wnshlngton. Mr. Courtnc.r han also . promised 
to cro)«s the .vtlsntlc. 


Arrangements of a particularly in- 
teresting dMmcter have Jn*l been eotapleied 
by the abobert Brotbecs far tbo r iigMi f ^ g ^at 

the Waldorf Theatre In about thiee ' week's 
time. The piece cbuaen for the occasion Is 
n translation of tbat well-known German play, 
Zapfenstrelrh, by Frana Adam RcjrerlelD, which 
has obtained markMl popnlarllr'ifsnia'' la.':.the 
country of its origin and IB FtailMSi, AasiMa 
and Amerlaa. 


In the modern muato haU! .. ;Pr6'> 
gramme the sporting element Is a gtowtng 
feature. Wrestling contests bsvo held their 
wn for several seasons past: and despite many 
attempts at poputartalng a Vlval attraction, It 
la now said tbat football .Batches st« to be 
Introduced oa the .Variety alage during tbe 
comlaf scalar.. . .M- aiMUoaa . agnidlaala : p«»- 
pasea'tevlpwaiANBto,:the attiaatlsa ■ 'aff Oil ija p la. 

wixi.-:u<aBai iw^.ur:' 

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bbnchler win 

return to their original parts Id The Walls of 
Jericho next Saturdn.v. when the 342d perform- 
ance of this stunly piece will take place. 


Mr. Cyril Maude Is to have a London 
playhouse of his vrr.v own early In the new 
year. If we are nut much mistaken, it wUl 
be the a^vaaiioid! Ai ~ 

psosioAL mr A 
The Prodigal Son: ham'- maoSi^^ 

stood the box-aOce tost; «lad,"tS''".'aa«^'-'«B ifs 
way to a run which ' wm «atMd'-:^FI|iiMa^ : Ma- 


A traveler well 'veraed in theatrical 
affairs has bad an Inlet eaUng "lula iilawf wltb 
Ihsen. We are told tbat t»4ay "be la a 

watery-eyed, tremnloos old man, his nervous 
force gone, and bis physical atrength vaniA- 
Ing.*' Two phyalclaim are wltb bim day and 
night, and he has even ceased to raad, al- 
though an attendant reads to bIm sometimes 
when the great author can concentrate his 
mind aoOlelently to enjoy It- Tbe writer waa 
accomiionled by an impressarto who desired 
Ibsen to undertake a lecture toor. Hie Impos- 
sibility ot the project dawned upon them as 
they saw tbe dramatist. ./ Ihay llsnnd him 
seated In a large cbate' feii >hiB llbcuTi with 
bis doctors In attendance. Alttaoogh then seemed 
to be m necessity for their pteaencc beyond 
that relating to the Jealoos care which he re- 

**lt required hut a glance at tbe venerable 
figure," writea hla visitor, "to be assured that 
hla work waa done. Hla voice la atrong de- 
spite bis general weakness, and bis face, not- 
wlthstantllng tbe marfca of bla great age, was 
still wonderfnl from the intellectual force tbat 
even In Its decay fills It with a atroage power. 
The library In which tbe Interview took place 
la a high, dark, old-fashloaed room un the 
flrst floor, with newspapers stre«"n about — 
suggesting tbe interest wltb which tbe antbor 
regarded tbe fioUtlGal troubles of Sweden and 
Norway, and with a wide range of literature 
tm the Sbelvco which conspicuously showed the 
works ot Kant and Shopenhaner. Ibsen dis- 
cussed the poUtlcsI aitnatloo of bla conntry 
and expressed the hope that Norway might 
become a republic." 


Mr. Oswald Stoli, in an interview 
this .«^k,v;.aa]rB;<thBt'::tt--'thcaiiieal^ M 
mold diaaM'.tiM' poUcj' •( liBltatlng"Ma an- 
other wiMB aoe has happened on a anccesa. 
and, by mace speclsllzatlon among them- 
selves hasp -.alive every form of emotional, 

othenrtso, Hian' Woald 'not ba so meh of any 

particular form as to serloui<ly Jeopardise the 
existence of any one of tbe other forms. A 
market for the supply of good material would 
ha .ssoataatlr ;fetpt/';allfab'. BsA '.a. te enough 
pahlle' 'flsr° tech" ihnn ' at sseb ' '•ntertalnment 
would l>e forthcoming to maintain a snffldeDcy 
at Riicc«>ss. Mr. StoU added tbat all he bad 
said waa to he conaMsred together with tbe 
Tei7.. ,laap!imui'< aMt.''that.' ,lka.::aaiMllaBa of 
trade "a*ilet"'aa"'ttnia' af an Wto la l awit ' alike, 
and the times tbe theatres were passing 
through now were certainly not the best for 
variety tbeatrcs citber. tbougb he admitted 

'«MawK'dlMia''rtfea' 'tliBe'''W ' stiaaa).'.iliif - H; 
Review. A Fantastic Forecast, gMf^MMJ to 
apparently been In the theatres 


An Ansel lliiawures was the flrst 
new production ot tbe week. Pregnant as the 

title la ;ac. aaaaMdaaa a». aMTAaai flat. : there 
is maa oit"Miair>.la> Ib.'^BL'' r:' BtareBart-s 

piece. Still It .ata^d'-'Well as a vehicle for 
the dpnionstratiOK<°eC';;ia*eral clever perform- 
er*a talents. Mr,:,;'8lNNrt baa provided Mlsa 
Fannj' Bionah.'WMb'';^'aa 'aaatllsatH'fatt, .whicb 
ahe played 'tar'-aeeiT ateoi. lt . was';'«iiM; las. 
Carew did not have veiy aaffe'Ita do— hot did 
It excellently, and Miss JmeVaa Bosk Irk did 
splendidly In the part ot a bM*' torn Boston. 
It'.torthr -i^-'a(.-.a-;;ala«ar :aMK'.'..M|!>v:haa the 
'pear of' a naidr'' wtltar; ' and Is " a i itoa ad ' with 
quick wit. He has. however, no sense of con- 
struction, tlnds It dirHiiilt apparently to eluci- 
date, character, and has not su0clent self- 
aaataol.Ht IMI-.a, story inddlr. But An Angel 
tTBatrHaa baa aiaiv bright and aorasing paaa- 

ages, which, tbon^h they do not by them- 
selves make a pin.v, can undoabtedly pot an 
audience Into a good bnmor. 


The Mermaids have gone .under: 

from a want of public aapport. Provtug that 
Londoners, at least, have Uttle sympathy wltb 
Bliaabetblan Drama. The season closed after 
on* week only, and thereby drove one more 
nail In the coiBn ot "the Good Old TImea*' 
theory. The Qneeii's Street will not r sma in 
empty long, however, (be HeCTSa' Andlia s n A 
Delirend will shortly make a welcome re- 
appearance wltb their Oennan company. 


The new playhouse In which Mr. 
Charles Frohman and Mr. Seymour BIcks are 
latemted will be erected oa Shaftabnry avenue, 
on tbe site adjoining tbe existing l,yrlc and 
Aiiollo. A second theatre will probably be 
added later. The theatre will be called the 
Piccadilly, a title which, tboogh not strictly 
justifiable, gives a good Idea of Its location. 


Dan. S. Holt, formerly manager ot 
the ■: gaytaa^. W ats r a,' -,ia..:.falaa;aea-. fUt-^tki . ends 
with ~ the Otcat Bartaw Hlaatttla. 

Billy Beard, "the party from the 
south,'* reports success with the Wm. H. West 
Mlitatrela, under the management ot Sanford 
B. Rleaby. 

B. L. James, of the Two Jameses. 
Rpotti good hosinsas with the Christy Brothers 


She win sail from Paris early thia mooth 
and shortly after her return to the cotmtry <jt 
bar Beat txtampb. will make her sscoad dehat 
la Maw xack tat 
by a asstct oC gliftid 

UlnstreU. , 

a band of twelve i 

John W. Vogel'a' Mlmtrela xeport a 
tecard-brtafclnc boalneaa. It la aald Ihey glared 
tB over 8,000 people at two performances In 
tbs Albambra Theatre. Mllwankpe. 

Walter Stock, the minstrel man. is 
resting at his home In Mabanogr CMFt - ga. . 
Next season he promises to take aaf-. "S *-tWW 
car minstrel sbow under canvau. 

The following well-kiiov -"Ople are 
with the Domont Minstrels: Vic. Blcbatds. 
jack Symonds. Matt Wheeler. Jerry Otmning- 
K*iw, cbaa. Tomer, Johnnie Murphy. Fos and 
Ward. Bimr Payne. Joseph Horux. Arthur 
Vole, J- M. Kane, Ibmaa McOwl. Bdwla OaM- 
ilsk and Kaafman and Xalaac. ;■■ ■:/ \ 

While members of the Donran . 
Female MInatrels " were drlvtat '~ 
to Lanesboro. Minn., after the 

evening laat week, two of th- —w-r- . 

seeidentally dltAcd sad a asawaa aC laaeg 
Udies were iBfnrad. The I n t i a sa dathnaaaag 
the night and an Incxperleaead drlrar CBOMd 
tbe mishap. 

George and William Guy. proprietors 
of tbe Guy Brothers" MInatrela. are tiro of tbe 
Oldeot SOOg and dsnce snd minstrel comedUnS 
In the bnalness. Their experience In burnt cojll 
datco hack to 1800. Tbeae o™?™S» 

In the bosinesa sM «* t S-aafart ad that iMf 

company of thlrty4aa. IB flvaV' aS. SMS''^^^ 

nesa In Canada. 

Notes from Billy Keraanar . >|IlB- 

atteU: We are in oor seventh w«* a* aaaaafr 

breaking business. At Ft. Smith. AfK- a» 
scored oar thirty-first consecotlvo B. B. «• 
house. Prof. James Lacey's Ol»a>t Band » 
tbe talk of the town. Our 
part never falls to hrtiig 

Boalneaa Manager Ceo. t. . . ..-^tt 

charge of tbe company for the paat two ■isss. 
Manager Geo. A. Treyser being Uld ap wltb 
severe attack ot Itrlp. 

Notes from the Duncan Clark Fe- 
male Minstrels: We have played ta peeked 
bouses every night since the opening of tbo 
season, and managers have lavarUbly aakcd 
for return dates. Onr people are all la WlBe 
condition and are giving the beat of sattme- 
tlon. We feature Mile. Doaaello hiaoetuica: 
Foster and Klldslo, European ecmllihrists: tte 
Big Five, and The Olrla Is tha Overalls la 1B» 
olio. A Newport travesty coaeladca Uia p«t^:. 
formsnce. Wo travel ta our owa palaes ca« 
Our roster Is SS fbDows: Doncaa dafk. 
prletor and maaager; I. Btaplaa. ho ^ess 
anger: J. P. Klldsla. jaage "MMW ""^ 
tlon. Wo fleatnre llUe. DsmeBo In 

B. Walla. pcoB.; Ule. XtoBa*Iio.'Boi_. 

■aaT^MB ^3ama, Ben Bart, eadic Ooonws. 
wSfi^'AMaK "Mar Iroog. Lilly Long. Marjorle 
FteToBart IfUis. totUe Hniea, VlvUn Gray. 
Alice Moaa, Beatrice Grace. Mamie Collins. 
Agnes Klee, Dolly Madison, Edna Lyons. Flor- 
ence DInkley. Sylva Smith. Cora Haynes. Irene 
Harrison Snaan Worth, Fanw Dennljon. Dora 
Cohan, JnUa Brooks. Lisa JscITO. Jemile Oood- 
beart. Pearl Donaldson. I. F. KUdxlo. Uon 
nwlar, Bnrt Uatquart. Jack iMg Ooofc and 

The city Sports Burlesauers while 
playing an engagement In Scranton. Fa., we» 
Sept. 25. had tbe pleasnre of JrtsltteBWieJf 
the neighboring coal mines. Thar 
many spedmens of tbe mincs'a 
enjoyed the O MUr r' - ■ » 
was In charge ot. 

Of the large number of "ewbur- 
lesqne ^ws this season, perhapo none la 
deserving of as mncb attention aa the xaame 
Doodle Girls, nnder the direction of T. W. 
Dinkins. Tbe first part la a J™"**. "!JE2t 
ent day ln3nrance_ methods. The pOTfortnanee 
doses with a hrfflhmt speetaej^ entiti«i me 
Soint of Id. The suiniiy. eWlrical effects. 
SiSm^ and. abSe aW. the l*K hare b«D 
selected with the greatest of care. The olio 
eonslaU of Smith. Champion * Co. to " one- 
act playlet. Sadie Hosted* 0«. » 
Anna Tale, the Baker Troupe in leO| »lnK tbe 
gap. Fox and Duball, ~ 
Murphy and Xlacee. coma 
the btimaa telephone. 


Xlie Blllboa 


/. Topics 

Now York Office. I-IAO BroaKiway. 


THB death of Jacob Litt, which 
•ecniTCd Wednodar ■(ternooa. Sept. 
tB, IB Or. a. F. K. Boad-s Suilta- 

k Amctla. Ont of r«sp«et to bJa 
ttere wmm do performance of The 
EMil aad Tk> PdowUs at tin Bcoadwar 

The crowds which flock to the Ub- 
«c«r Thtalic. uttzmetcd bj the Klaw & Btlusrr 
(nOwtloa af the It nam BnCkcn to Inlud. 
ace Mds1I>k aot 
■VpncUttra applaaack 

IB lartar tlw aw i tc ta o( thla 
tor Bbe keeps tbe eo- 
at blsh apccd dozliiK tbe 
time tkcr an not spon tbe aa*^ «^ 

Iter an Once ate In eiUcBoe at the aane 
tiM lUkcB the Bocks BnOien work with 
a elB ta aoatala their end of the tan. 
Tbtn la nach t* cnteetala la the cnncnt 

at their 

U2u the eompany nai 
cterer* aad the castnmea aaa 

come of errata. Goa ud Uax Bogeta hare 
aome drrer new material. aDd tbe; are as- 
tr OKTlnae, aa haa bean aald. with an 

atepat Toala latropidl makce a hit aa Anaatatia 
OTHotAIbaa. and the choraa of men and women 
fratDie at the pcodactloo. 


laahrd to the back 
aeat. which be occopled In frightened lone- 
Uneo. and Ton^e that he shall nvrer asaln 
glre his lUe Into the keeping of Mr. Uaaoa. 
the antomobUlst. Tbelr casaalty record for 
tbe trip was one doa and two chickens, and 
■eTetal bottles ot Golneas'a stout. Tbey ainck 
tbe dog between Bferidan and HaMM^ a lee* 
Tloitsly nndlseoTered rltal apot hi a aBBtea% 


08L A aad irin 

ctml weeks to come. The Twenty-third Street 
honse has been renorated and pat In a coo- 
dttlon of apedal prcpaiatkm Br the eeest. 

ststetnent cDBoeralng Miss Bosaell's engxge- 
ment with Manager Proctor: "We now present 
tbe highest daaa TandeTllle entertainment erer 
offered tor the delectation ot New Torfcera. 
Miss Bnsaell win appear at erery performance 
In the Twenty-third Street Theatre, which 
means twice a day Indodlog Sondajs. She 
will aing three new songs which bare been 
wrlttee Ihr ket aaa tr fiuaooa eomposoa and 
fjTidata, aad wlU Might the hearta ot the 
In her aadk a t e a with three elabonte 
at each performance and the' world- 
famed Jewda. Elghtr-two gowns ot the mo- 
dlste'a art hare been ballt by Worth. Paqnln 
and Mm. oahoca far this engagement. After 
plarhig for an e ala uded period at the Twenty' 
third Street Theate,- lUaa BaaMB ;l>aic naki 
tonr of the other Procter h u a at a. tertndlni 
Fifty-eighth Street, Barlem, Newark, Albany 
and Troy. At the end of this toor It Is prob- 
able that Mr. Proctor «m orgaBise. with Ulas 
Bnnel at Its head, tbt Iptiattat aaad- ^ 
pany of Tanderllle atais e«er gathered t^ 
gether. The entire RnaseQ engagement Is for 
thirty-three weeks, and the compensation for 
app(arfa« f lee a day, aerea ^ja a week. 

donais a week. Thla la^hr Wait aM 

the greatest salary exer paid to a 'Mltfe. per- 
former, or eren to an act Inrln d l a g a imm- 
h« (If BiilhiBiiii la nadetflla." 


In the i»ea«iitstIon oC Bra. at the 

Theatre, Uargaret AngUa dlspUya 
powers of electrifying and Intensely 
fpality. For nearly an hoar, thnmgh 

i.- yat m .gMat la fcar- tolit, that 

one forgets that the scenes are little more 
than a monologne. In that hoar she dlscloaea 
the deepcat agony of a woman's emotion;- she 
tarn >M 'tte jaaeilaBB and lonclngs, the mts- 

' of a wretched wom^ 

SB's Ufettae. aad brings into the glare of a 
focoaed Ugbt ot dlcovery tbe a n gnlth of 
woBaa'a deceit, confessed, and, at last nn- 

ia fatrodaeed a aorel train effect, the girls 
cUmMng into trunks which anddenly are trans- 
XooDad iBtD diiulHiitlre rallzoad cara^ and roll 

X I^ore. 

; tr t hahlue and llaaxloe Dar^. la also a 

hit. . . 


Some Important changes In attrac- 
at local theatxea within 

Vand. with a new leading woman replacing 
W Charlotte Walker, win go npon the road. Ml» 
Walker waa loaned to IiTlhler & Co. for the 
»ew Tatfc can at The 
s e r r ft e a have hecn rcdaliBed hy Charles Dn- 
Ungham fbr a role In The Embassy Ban. The 
Prodigal Son will leaTe the New Amsterdam on 
Oct.' 14, aad Lnhi Glaaer^ In Ulaa DoDy 
Drilui Ufa awta o«c itaB.tbe 
» caaHaae her Mew Xhck liinagi Miat at 
Sooae BeaotUnl." The Sothem-Uarlowe oom- 
bmatloB win ancceed Miss Glaser at the 
Knl<Aet1ieeker. When Baymond Hitchcock 
leaTcs Wallaefc'B Theatre. Oct. T, be wni be 
aaeceeded. B„ by Thomas JetTerson who will 
flay BIp Tan Winkle tbr a brief engage- 
■aat The* OUa Skinner will come to Wal- 
fhc pnacntatlaoa ot His Grace de Gta^ 



Out of Collese, the newest 
tde play, was locally Introdaeed at 
iBK I^eeoB Theatre Wednesday ereslng. Sept. 
St. The aewapaper oltlcs ga.Te complimentary 
aC. the plar. and. reported ptcaaed an- 
e tkeatic 
caMB Ma atartSB with 
aa a 

r Tbe most Important theatrical ena€ 

at the earrect days wm be tbe presentatlQa 
at Haivfland. bj I>e Wolf Hopper, at the 
Iffito Ob laeaday ercnlaK Hentr S. Siitr 

Homer ICamn and wife. UIss Keeler. 
er<>» Meaaa IBwHr <jfct «i 

E^wreaee as a passenirer In their aotomoblle, 
aaklag the nm of 152 miles from 9 A. M 

Mile. Ani Hill, -wUh :«C JBarry HIU, 
the clever road maaasHv ?.hetfaa . her Tande- 
TfUe ►•~*'-r' this week atr Ika O el l Thea- 
tre. vMatSAraw where She wm.he Sf» ia her 
bnpersimtlMiB a la Tcata TDieT. aad tbe late 
Bessie BonehlU. Miss HOI has a toor ot the 
Keith circuit booked to foUow her time at 
the Percy 'wmiasaa hooses. From a trapeie 
artist to/a'alaBkW'^<*aaiaHr .^OTB^HMir is a 
far eiy; hat" Mas 'Ml haa aiaSe' t>e "tianal- 
tlon In a remarkably short time, and bas es- 
tablished herself, by her art. as worthy of 
the place sbc bas taken among vanderllle head- 

fnT»itT.nt asBVTtfs .OBiBBii 

m^:auhaiMifliuiimimM Us 
" B ar Bdawaa * Greg- 
ory, and haa aaaodated himself ^pH|k . 1>MIJ & 

Wolford. the play-agents. Mr.';.MnriBt re- 
witb ChBat.'.'Ai'Stylor'a 

eae had aeen ercty actreaa act CTery 
part ahe had ctct played It woold he oaeleaa 
t» write that no other wooaa eonid enact 
tbcae Bcenea with a deeper feeUng: hat It la 
ccrtalB that lUaa AncUa riiea to a mastery 
e( the allnatlaa with aa artistic conception 
which (airly atona the uh a mu aa 
Cor the hoar, feel that ther tn M Hm 
ence ot an uspeakaUe aomw: that they are 
■lag ttie aetnal portrayal of one of tbe 
tragedica In life which we know exist, 
bot with which we, happily, are addon braoght 

Into dose toe*. ; 

It is not for me to Bay that nCb accaca 
he left nnactcd; for Ztra Is a 
gnat flay, daitng Miss Anglln's emotional 
hoar, aad the moltitade claa ww to hare Iti 
heart-strings knotted aaa-lfc.'.d^jBlSSJ*"* 
to extreme deptha. Bat tt la the Hlartaa ef 
the theatre to make the aadltor feel, at the 
end of tbe play, that ten days ot bard labor 
have been consnmmated In an bonr; to go 
home with the emotloos aeethlng. the aerres 
onstmng. and a mighty weight pteasiBg down 
npon them! Miss Anglln's boor Is like an 
erenlng of Bdasco's melodramas; It's a hard- 
worfclv pcapoattlon tor crecyhody. Bat It la 
SB ematar of art.- aad teal K • 

are la thla world nmny aieataics wlih a keart 
of stooe soeh as Beverly Sltgreares, to 
strengthen tbe contrast, makes of Ruth Wild- 
hw;' it wmdd acca a great hteaslBS that they 
- Ilor the 

iBlrahle la hamanklnd. Mlaa SItgreaeca aMat 
admirably holds ap the mirror ot art 

ke -makea the chaiae 


yoke of nnforglre- 
of one who bad, 
, jet. la homan 

Frank TTorthlDg is1t«b a WlpiiftiiaBee of 

tbe dersyman. and scorea acahi in his loas 
record ot artlntlc arblerements. Jameson I«e 
Finney ataada-.aext to hia.ia the atdtr «( 
merit, ••/■■•^,*|«Iiany,-kBaiIe»ii»>«l 
with d M e i e at - U e ats s e at. wwsM he d i eaM at 
sympathy and mlcht be dlstastefal In Itself, 
lira. Thomas Wblllen brings an aJmlrable 
shading to bear upon the character of Lady 
Coastaaer. aad there Mrrattint 
port who ]ostiry thek' poiHlaa 

Finally. let It be written, that wliafever 
Miss Anglla aaay hare acUered la her career 


press down the 
ness npon the ahaS 
arUshly. deeigala«lr. 



T.iinnp Sbaw. who has won deserved 
renowa la aaaaRiaaw haa he** gleea a part 
In tbe BHOr'ik'Snmaa pwdae U aa af Ib New 

York Town. whIA wQl call for a marked 
display of her Tersatlllty. She wlU play an 
Itallaa character, whereaa ahe baa won ber 
la aaadcaHa as.a -MhMslK aC Bebrew 


George O. Starr, representative of 
James A. Bailey, arrlred In New York from 
London, Sept. 25. and departed the same eren- 
faig for California, to meet Ur^ 
contlnnoaa trsTellng toor. 
Angeles In llfteen daya. 


ZjtUian.Baasdl malces ber vandevtUe 
glaage at' 

featnre of a series of strons bUls wbtcb be- 
gin with Josephine Coban & Co.. Fred NIblo. 
The Craae Biea.. Maearf a Dog * .Uoakey Clr- 

it . lM. »ea- 
aad Qaatidte. 


BUIy S. Caigord^ by apedal ar- 
ransemcBti^- aiifl SiF'daB'Wi||k'dB|y» dilto siHlic 

> r. M. It < 

of Taadertlle as tbe 
Proctor's Fifty -eighth 

featnre of the bni at 
Street, Oct. 2-7. The 

fan t» bar. *he' may arcB-Mk 

In Zlra aa an artistic aecompllsbmeot which 
may erer Tiew with Jast pride; a piece of 
actlnc matreloos In Its Intensity and »ur- 
pa!>!<ln;;ly artistic In Its display. 


Tony Pastors' vaudeville bill for the 
week oC OeC S calla Car tha as i i Ut a ot Mar 

Estelle Wardrtle * oiL Dantli aat ■well 

tbe Chadwicfc 1>to, Taamtt, Brown. Harrison 
and Bmwn. Frank Le IVnt. Delmore and Dar 
rell. Naomi Etbardo, Golden and Hnghea, and 
Hnston and Dallaa. 


Helnrlch Conreld's Irving Place 
Theatre, demtrd. aa amil. to the GeraaB 
draina, icopeacd I 

nsn BAxxi 

Hnrtiff ft Seamon's Harlem Mnslc 

Hsll. dorlne the week of Oct. 2-7, will prercnt 
BalleD and Fuller, Howard and Bland, Hoey 
aad Lee, Zlska and King, Tbereaa DacgeTal. 
Nlblo and 

In the new eomle^ ope™. 
w^lUea hF 

2-».0-S, which was 

Phoebe, tbe pig; and IXA; the gaose^ 

entertained their hnman and animal friends 
the Hippodrome stage after Ihe matinee 
iBcaday. The occasion was In honor of 
M. - a. aaMm aheephooad. who acta the 
Uoa «( tte BIlVodKme Show. He waa aljc 
years old that day. He Is so formidably homely 
that he is without rrleniis or admireia, and 
the birthday woold hare passed o at i oont ed aad 
W. Powers, wba 

The Hippodrome caterer spread a table aa 
the broad stage when the cnrtaln deacended ea 
Tbe Baldeta, and tbe pig and the geese were 
Ulska was placed on a 
aemraW fl fedestal at the other end. and a 
Hippodrome baby elephant, and OM ot Alam 
Carre's Shetland ' Ponies were other knlM 
goeata. They hrowaed on animal tldMta. wkBe 
"treaka" ot the *ow discussed 
mean. The doc-taeed boy, the 
bogle man. the skeleton, the tat lady._ the 
electric lady, tbe snake charmer, the tatMaci 
tha Circassian lady and the wild' mah aC 
an there. 

la a speech In which be told ot 
once haTtng sared Dick from the dntehea 
'■( a aaeak tblcf, and Dick qoacfced long and 
loaS, aa U he apprecUted tbe aatrow escape 
aaa WM- ^BiaCaL The "only tzmtned gooae 
In Ike waiH," be aaM, was thirteen years old: 
had marched In three Presidential Inaognral 
parades; had ewam in rlTcrs In eyecy state la 
the Cnkm. and would be taken to Eniope la 
IMai It was bis consnming desire, 
mal aaaa aald. to bsTe the gooae 
tbe Dead Sea and In the Bleer Jcrdaa. 

Queen, Margaret Fow^Te AiahWiMi^ ^» 
Is Boffering from an iBcorahle dtoeaae and 
mnat be kOM to a few laya. waa led to tbe 
•t the I M mims Ikr a tew minutes. 

It woold Aecr 


n's Victoria haa Adele 
Ritchie aa-Jta t ppi laer (or the week at Oct 

SHr to AiMrica. optw at Bern's Oeb *. 

Others In tbe bill will be The Three Seldomes, 
rloome and Cooper, Geo. W. Monroe. Rice and 

For Ted Marks's Sunday concert at 
the American Theatre, Oct. 1. «h«ae namea aie 
announced: Eavdre CUr 
Richards, John BeiaaM Slfllya. 
traisp jDgcler: the 
Tour and Zaza, 
and Hany Wlar. 

The AJhambra vaudeville bill forOct 

2-V names Valerie Bergerc i Co., Flossie Crane. 

* Co.. Byaa aad BlefaSeld. Btcs 

aad Ibied'a Vtag art ataMes. 


Hoodinl. thehMidcugwqp>|^ o^^o^' 
S. The elhBS la Ibe mUm IsdBSa Mary Nor 
man. Shenn and Warren, Bmna and Buaarl 

Sydney Grant. Foster and Foster. I«8 
Andores. and the Three 'IToscarrys. 


a teeocd trip 'la iBaBrJotbeis at tUa boue Ibr the cancat daja are^Cady, Stnart Bsraea. and tha Three Keatnna 

m TaB*irt baa leaaed Peed- Bi»- 

Bieaa*8 Old Aikaaaaw, the melodramatic sM- 
ceaa of aercml aeaaooa. Mr. t^n^rtif".!!: 
cored an new aenaery for Ihe prodoctloii. ano 
Is patting on tbe piece In flrsl-^asa style, 
managing It himself. The company la now 
playlag Iowa. Jamee Donnelly, formerly come- 
dian with tbe King Dodo Co.. Is playing tbs 
leading comedy role, ne Is ably anali-ted »y 
Grace Lambert, Virginia Elwood. Mabel Hoyes. 
; Jas. HarrlnRton, A. Slma. Jarfc UeOeaongh sod 
Fred. Mantln. Mr. Ilillasiask IB 

iager. Ur. Marrln la 
Onca la la adraaee. 

OCTOBER 7, 1905i 

Ttxe Billboard 



Suit* 61. 
Grand Opera 


«C - th* 
nw Uae- 

EO. AI>a wmm 

nc Mbcr «ar wMa Mr. HacDon- 

ooeb tiMnJ Ui«t Mr. Ait'm new pl«y bmd been 
b>nl8b«il from New York to the "road." be 
fitted ttao: "De^r George: Wben doe* Tbe 
■id S»martU« pl«7 Bird Center?" 


George W. Lederer, the new man- 
aaer of tbc Crioatel Tbeabc has anDoaneed 

"I am bere to ttay, u* 
me oQt," declare* Mr. 

mr oU ■tumas-snMBd. n* I wt* to 

kaa ulliai Ifcv Tatk vfar teart «C' M. I 

nerer liked Kew York or Its people, and It 
«u dae t* an Incident that occurred In Cbl- 
to take op M*w Twfc 

•Htw V«k li'a ana tomi t> Utp away 

from, and I am oat of It (Or good, except to 
send my wbow% tbere, tbe Kame aa 2 woald to 
aaj proTlaelal ton. Cblcaco aad l aoJo n In 

•mmr THk la a Iv 

ee« of a pleea' prodnced tbere depnidlDC 
lar^lj npoa tbe dlgeaUre condltlooa of tlia 
MlM ttatlia of tbcm flU op «b 

X ka«a often 
■tlsmatlaeA a fliat nltht Kew York andlence 
u a death wateb. «acfa p«non being a self- 
afpolBtcd attic aad ftarlac to appland or to 

: Mt W 

"In I<oodaa, Gblcago. Boston. Fhlladelpbia, 
and. in fact, almost ererrwhere witb tbe ex. 
eeptlon of New York, tbe ttacatngoinc public 
k loyal «• Ma teiwMca, ttaa^ adtML In 
Kaw Tafk tker ara kjpeiaHKd aat dMoral. 
Uj tnmble In New York was tbe lame as 
the rest of tbem. Tber all lire beyond their 
the caaJltlBaa an each aa to 

wm be •oBdoeted aa a 

and comblnatloa theatre, 
lion dollars back of mt, 

lil^.<3aas prodoctJoo 
1 have got one mil- 
It baa been dem- 
Is a 

amslcal sa< 

within the U«t 

Vew Tork baa 

came from Cblcago. 
tbat New York 


OiBbio where I Bade aereral Us prodnetlont. all 
of which aiade money after leaTlng Philadel- 
phia, thcn^ pcoTtas eoBdnslTely that tbe 
iM ttMcr Bal ■ Wmr XMk M*aMlMi k nec- 
mm^ to sale MMT «lik adv « the 
wott IB a Mlaer." 
Ut. KMerer bis established a repncatlon for 
fhltk wltk tbe ptUle in the matter 

to aaaaaadw Hat It k nect to bapoMlble to 

recilfC fitr tmtmnit In New York and de- 
his iBtentloa to make the Ooloolal in 
Us haae ot operationa la Cblcaco, Mr. 

It to an' pMbaMHty be win soc- 

<eed In his latest enterprise. Many cbmges 
bare been made In tbe Colonial (known last 
Hyde * Bchmaa'a). aad that Fay 

H.: Oikaa-s 

Vtafj-Afv Mtavtci n<OM Broad' 

he refintrded as an assorance tbat 
at attractions booked will be wortb.r 
atteatloa of the pobUc. Ut. Iicdertr 

Mas ' Wariee* COasar, who appears 

Willi Rose HeWnie In Sis Hopkins. Is a 
Cblogo girl who left Chicago Musical College 
syear ago with high hooon, and at once 

^'ttk' Mil' IMvOle. aad aMde i^Mk 'a loe- 

««» tbat Manager Sterling re-engaged her for 
this season. kiln Cossar Is called opou to 

King In the pertanaaoe of bet part, and ber 
' to .iNaM to adran- 
. aC baa aaMhslde 
vhtoW ' tHr dnr- 


A duiiige lias tweh made lii Oie cast 

•f Fantana. eorrent at the Oarrlck. MISS Toby 
Olando has atsnmed the part of Jessie. wUlch 
•P to a few weeka ago waa played by 

ton. Miss Clande is the yonag woman who 
ftdlowed Miss Barry In tbe part of Fl-Fl in 
The Chinese Honeymoon, and scored a saccciw 
Id the part. List season Ulas Claade was 
In TaodevUIe. bat tbe Missis. ■bStaCt per- 
anaded her to caned her TaadesUh tsar to 

Fred. C. "Whitney has discovered a 

new prima donna. She Is Miss aara MaenU. 
a ChUasB yoena wonun who waa engaged liat 

Iisvc^ Imttety. 'Mlaa Haents folaed tbe cem- 

ry this fail. "Whfn ^^'-hi'.mnnn-Helnk became 
a few days . , able to appear 

the Chicago pabllc in relation to lalnstrelsy, 
and he refnsed a tempting oBsr to defer hia 
engagement. The 
eating to watcfa. ai 

Texas, the new play which is being 
rerealed tor tbe first time at tbe Great Nortb- 
en thia week Is a drama of ranch life In 
tba aonthwest. The hetulne is s girl known 
aa "Texas"' West. She Is the daogbter of a 
rand owner of Val Verde Coanty and lovea 
Jack Dallen. a eowboy and ranger. An Eng- 
lish nobleman trlea to win her flom Tick, 
and so tbere are tsoohloaa oonpUeatlaiis. Tbe 
play Is by J. U. Feigl. editor of the New 
York Tammany TImea. Tbe east Indadsa Mlaa 
Mabel Olxey. a danghter of Beuy B. DIxcy. 
to the tUIe nle. and SUaer Ayna aa lack 



jt'oUowlns tb* annonneammt tbat 

JoteOy tateicnted with ' Klaw B laBgei In 

Mr. Cohan's new play, FOrty-flTe SUnutea From 
Broadway, cornea tbe farther annooncement 


"■qoaba." hot Jnst a redned. 
gmip of glrla: good sinsers and 


A new departure In the field of com- 
aerdal expositiona la the annoal advcrtlalav 
show whicfa la to be lannehad to «**«t- toto 
month, the Oollsenni to be tbe aceae at toto^ 
Instrated methods of boiilneas pxvmotloa a^ 
cordinc to tbe most adranctMl Ideas^sad praa- 
tlce. JlesBrs. Parker and Bieder, who hSTW 
tbe promotion of tbe sbow la band. haTe ae* 
enred tbe ready c»oiieratloB af the leading 
rrpresentntlreB of the adrertislng haalneaa 
ttarongliaat the coaMry. and many of tbe MSt 
nnlqiie. novel aad striking projeeta yet esolTed 
In thIa Oeld are belag p r e |»r rd for tbe com- 
ing show, which la to be held Oct. U-18. The 
I t c ta r sa hy 

the moat Intereating aad niaable ft a la i ee "i 

novelty concema, and Tartnas rnbllcatlons de- 
voted to tbese things are emplo/lag crrry in- 
Bcaaa to pcovtda sosaethlag catliely 


mnavi: theatre chanseb hajujh 
Tbe Vaudette Tbeatre Company of 


Cornfield, tbe playbonse lieing tbe second of 
llTe which the MllI»^R7«n-TracT Sjndlcate pro- 
poses to secure in tbe oatlying dlstxleta of 

The name of tbe theatre has beea changed 
to tbe Soath Ctalcaso Taodettr, and It will be 
booked In conjunction «ltb tbe Yandette Thea- 
tre at Sixty-third and Balatcd atieets. Two 

chancia to laka 'i^tow 


Herbert S, Mllla of 
tbe Vandette Theatre Onmpaay. V. 
ia secretary and Joseph B. O. By an 
and geneial manager. Hsiit M. 'WIlaoB wID 
be the 


A re-engagement aC the Bos t on M 


socceasfuny tbat Ur. Whttaqr dMa«r haa 

announced bis Intention of bringing ber oot 
next season In a new opera by Julian Edwards. 
Miss Macnti waa gradnated last rm from 

creditable work •iat'-'SlMasar ~.W6itBey's at- 
tention waa dl rertarto^ lito^- ^^^J^^'*,^^' 

Of tlie teally remarkable engage- 
ment of As Ye Sow at McVicker's, George 
C. Warren says: 

"Tbe play was nnknown — a flttt rlTort of 
an nnkaowa dramatist, and a p rtactor at tbat 
the caat, which proved exedlSBt to tbe act- 
ing, was not brilliant In name, aad the op- 
position of nnosoal ont-of-doors weather and 
attractlwia. and yet the recelpta for the four 
weeks wm bMvcea |39.(NI0 and flO.OOO, Tbe 
nuaafers' af 'tbe company and tbe theatre 
made an effort to shift Mr. Dockstader'a time 
to give the melodrama another week — the Boa- 
toD engagement does not begin antll Oct. ~ 

tbat contracts have been signed between Mr. 
Cohaa and Sam B. Hairla, bis manager, and 

the firm of Klaw & Erlanger, throngb which 
the latter becomes Interested In the largest 
of all tlie musical prodactloaa that have yet 

It' ta*^ "ah n o un eefl ftet ' Oocwrtader^ 

Minstrels will go to Entope aext spring wben 
their .American toor ends, negotiations to that 
end having been started daring the past week. 
This Will: .be the aeeoad Mg AsMrieaa mln- 
s<i<l''Csm*nr to toar Earope. J. B. HavedT 
tba iHt.. . . 

'When Tbe Xjand of Nod takaB:;tB'tte 

road Misa Anna I.aagblln wUI not b^ 'to'/tbe 
east, but 'Wmiam Norrls wUI contlnne to five 
the leading comedian's role. Mr. Norrls has 
been referred to aa the William Dean Howells 

cal comedy. 


In Moonshine^ ; 

htU is prcacathv :«t ; 

NIcbola, plays at tbe Haymarket thla week 
while en route, to the coast. Tba aggregm- 
tloB nnmbera twenty-two artMa^ 

big factor on the programme. It does not. bow- 
ever, monopolise the entire interest, aa there 
at* otbcc alan. Xaaas aad Maaettc aOW (bck 

eoojaror. Sbepp's trained cantaea and eqnines 
prove interesting performers, and Dick I.yneh 
aOets bia amnolsgae and paradlca. 

Ity. aad' l«ie''-1lBcw«a to'<'a' 

Kates Brothers are dever i 
Sharp slDgs popolar 
prcaldtd at the 

George S. 'Wood, one of the 

known theatrical newspaper mea In the XTatle* 
Statea. Is director of pnbUdty for the new 
riiliiirt TbUll ni ^ be toalBtcd by a 
capiMs staC' IiMli irsm sdmllaiag agent 
for the Colonial, baa one of the atroageat haa- 
ner showings any Chicago tbeatre haa had to 
jtais. Tbe adrertialBg forces are alive to 

- ' ' ^ rrbeatie BeantUwr* 

apM with eeeiy todle aW sa of heavy p atwm- 
age. Tbe advance sale foe FOrty-flve Miastcs 
From Broadway la big. Manager George 
deTcr.ia attiring, op tUnga ta^JeacatoMtMA . 

la'tbe hiMliiiwi' " ' 

George M. Cohan and bis play, UttI* 
- - — — -• tbla time at 

tbe Aadlttctaai. Tbe eaga^cat ta for two 
weeka. and tbe performancea wUI he glve» 
for tbe beneflt of the PoIIcenien'a BeaeralCBt 
Association, which mrana tbat tXIfV^ blg- 
gtat playboose wm be packed duriog the stay 
of thla mnslcal comedy. The Ultle Johnny 
Jonea Co. remains the same as aeea at ibe 
lUlnola last spring and sommer. all Iba oM 
favocltea. Tom Lewis. Sam Byaa. 

James C. Marlowe, who scored' 
Of aa one of tte thieves In Tbe Geeier of 
Geek, retired from Manager Block'a organisa- 
tion at the end at the Cbla«o eagagemeat. 
and is soeceeded hr 
seen last with Nat.; 

. 1. Mr. Ed- 
ward Oaeb aad tm adteoato east gave a pro- 
feasloaal performance of a ooe-act piece to 
the Chicago Opera nonse- All tne TsoderUle 
In town were there to w1Ib««^^^ 


Xlie Oillboard 

OCTOBER 7, 1905. 


Basses in Mew York 

After Two Tetn ^f 

OUa» la.ta BMr Xuk. Tctr t — p lc n- 
aaljr b be tliiw. tt» feMoaae^ tatmtlgatloa 
i* Boc badartv MM piltMiBlT. ' SOU tbe 
antlwr km am. Har itaniMUao IB tbr 
iTDdlffri <i« >iH»tlU«. — a —fc .H». mM\ 
npaettjr fkr h»' Iw mgimmat 'ik* imipt 


Relitraryabi at tbe Nru- Amsterdrnm are stTt no- 
otM aflTair^ tli««« darr^. Jnst hoar moch of OQr 
prMld^Dt*» CanHMt^ Quality they partake of It 
'Would require Edward Morgan, or Aobrvr 
Bouclcaolt. or Drlaa Dc(WoU to aaj-. 

Mr. Calnr li CBdemTorias to n place tooK of 
tbe reorer of aMlHcaUp :that -wm teilllllily 
niH>ed off :n tbe pndwtto wUkMt Ul -wrUer 

Generatl.T. be Is wcD-pliaMd with hl» new 
pity ai put oo by LMtar.* Co. StlU It li 
CMTtalcBt aoaetiaMBite.haiBt^thv anood 

JnCCb Litt, t)ke well-known theatrical mauager. 
died at a aanljarlnm In Tonkcts. N: Y., Wednes- 
day. Sept. gl. after a eonlfaiment of two jeara, 
sofferlns tncs a Bernma aUment. From a 
■■roerau bar IB a SatoaahM tkaatiB t» 
zamnt of HB 
Lttfa life. 

Jbco<> Lltt waa boru In ilUwaufcee. Wis., fortx- 
tre jMTs a£o. About tweDtr-fire years ago be 
l«gan lilN career aa a program boy in tbe old 
(frand Oi>era Hotoe. Later be beiiame nsher 
and was appointed to a posIUoa Is tbe box 
c-fllce, and ibartlj afterward became treasurer. 
After tbe Grand ■wes destroyed by Are, Mr. 
Lltt oreanlaed a somm^^F o^M^ra compauy. which 
played ScbUtx Park nereral seasons to big anc. 
ce«a. Elated tiy tils good fortune, tbe yonn^ 
manaeer bought oat a dime mosenm oo Grand 
aTenne, wtilcb be managed for several seasons, 
adding bvtb to bis «toc^ of experience and to 
fala capital. The ovmers of the Academy of 
Mosle at Mll-wankee engaged him to manage 
tbat hooae, and In a very abort time became 
one of tbe best Cist-dasa theatres in tht* 
Mate. Mr. utt tbea boUC tbe BUoo Theatre 
aad beeBac- Urn ~ 

■*-. II IB 

On the first Wednesday in October 
a new lodge of Elka wm be Instltnted at 
ZaaktOB. S. Dl. witb a — at 900. 

_ - _ iBd Otto Ctexk. 

. WBa. Ihdter. boA. wlac aad 

w oode n sboe dancer, and Edward AlToae, tba 
bay BopraDO. Regards to friends. 

Charles and N'ealy Welsz. playing 
wltb Rice's Floating Palace Tbeatre Co.. are 
JOTfal over the recurerr of their loo, Fred. 
wtKi was recently con lined to Klreralde In- 
flnnary. Padncah. Ky.. wltk tj^hoid fmr. 
WbcB Fred was atilckca wllk tke «naaB Mk. 
and Mrs. Rice placed their Bteaaer. GiMilie. 
at tbe disposal of Mr. and Mts. TVeiaa that 
they might take bim to tbe ttoapltal. 

Leona and Leota write that they 

enjoyed a rery pleasant xwo weeks' eng-jgement 
at Coney Island. Wheeling. W. Vs.. closing 
Sept. IC. After the Saturday evening per- 
formaoce Man-tger Ropers baniiuelted tbe per- 
fonnera at his resort, .\iunng his ;rnests were 
Ftaak Rassett. Clande Nelaoo. laeooa and 
Ijeoca. Wm. Ba««, Baae Ttaia. 
Hchr, SIcren aad laBB M' 

Lester Leish. Chas. H. Russell. Le- 
Roy and Grant. Will Melrille. Voiiquette. De 
Von Sisters. .Grant and Larano. ilarceUo. and 
the Tliree .\llons. after having played a boc- 
cre.^sful summer at parks, street fairs and car- 
Blrml* under tbtt dIreetloD of Ted Spaxlca. bave 

_ of 

tt paid Ub bandaome piadts. Tke a i B Baaa y 
followed It waa Ukewjae pepBlar aad B flaan- 
eial a atcm Vr. Utt thaa ataiicd Ona Bacee 
In T«B TonaoB and A Ti aiiini YcatleBian. both 
alBfB tecamlae emhuatly aaeeaaatal «T«r tbe 
popBlar-prtoe circattik Tte brica was also 

. jBu d Bu a d . Daiiar tba aoBBer oC UM Mr. Utt 
hroorbt aot tbe O. T. Daaer owlodnjna. In Old 

. KaiiUMtj , wbiek la stm a blc dtmwlnc attrac- 
tloa. The War of Wealth, alaa by Mr. Daaey. 

- Is MBS Sir. Un leased tbe Broadway Theatre 
Ib New^ York City, which aftenrarda remained 
bis bead^uartera. >BeB Bur was produced at this 
ttieatre under his fnanageiBent and scored a 
Mt. Tbe same seaaon he leased McTIeker's 
Theatre, Cblcago, wUcb be opened with Bron- 
■aa Howard's Sbt-nandoah, tbe cast of which 
included Otis Skinner, Mary Hampton. Nanette 
Cocnstock. ¥^nk Burt)eck and other weH-known 
'piayets. ISiese snecedses were followed by pro- 
docttoiM Of Sporting Life. The Great Baby. 
Caleb W-8t. Tbe Price oC F«aaK> JIIbMw Will 
Happen. Daa.-y's Tile StfNIlM^ ^Th9 OlMb'S 
B«l>r. Zorafa. BDd otnera. 

This strennoos life had Its effect upon Mr. 
XJtt'9 system, and two years ago he was taken 
to tbe Yooker'a aaaltarlam. salfrring wltb dpt- 
nos fcostiatioB. Tbe tmoiediate caoiie of bi^ 
death was apoplexy. Sis last days were qnlei 
wa.^ 1b vtvM caotrast to Us days of strenuous 
aettritj. At the time at his death be was 
faiiUBBltd br bis wife and two cblidrea. aged 
^ seevB Bad ttt. mm ctirely. and by a number 
■ •C Modg^IlBb^Utt was known profesalocuUlr 

W Hr. Utt Mas Mdely known, and be enjoyed a 
boat ct wmtm piisiiaal IHeada. His eapadtf' tor 
*otk was BataeMlbB_:.HIi dac .itaa nild aad 
he aceoaralBted B.<HtaBCk-.B» was aetlTe In 
helping to eatabUah' tfer.AetBS* Itnd Home on 
Staten Island, aad Sar a BBBhas of years served 
on the board at dlnelKB,.aC the taad. A. W. 
macwell. fhr aaar TcafK aandalfd aldi Vr. 

^ trttli 

Mana«<r I. H. AmoMna, of tbe OQMil thl- 
atres at scailsa. Kofcooo and Andcraaa. lad.; 

Hanajo-r Jobs McCarty of tbe Gnat Theatre. 
HamOtoa. Ohio: Manager G<ia Sun of tbe 
Orpbeam Theatre. Springfield. Ohio, and Man- 
ager O. C. Mamy of the New PhlUlpa Theatre 
Bldunond. Ind.. composing tbe Central Taa- 
derllle AsaodacioQ, met in Rlctmiond Sept. Zl. 
OtntsIderaMe btisloeaa " " 

revwrt that all tbe tb< 
doins a satisfactory lMitoiM''irtC' 
aeaaOB is aatieipated. 

M UmV im Ob. dnliLy 
tadaoa^ Ii^ X. ■ ' 

Wjuiam: Ai 

Pa., ftae the 

Ricliard C. M'tiflfffflTi the Dutch co- 
median, tias >>lned «ae eC the attractions onder 
tbe mamigrment ot Qtotft Samnela. 

Happy Golden, the blackface come- 
oC dark's Famooa 

. TCCT hti£ht 

•or the 

JACOB urr 


R. E. FanlkMr, IHlalllltell and for- 
merly manascr _«C 1 
Quartet, ll 

Bloslcr k . 

tbe rear fee wm 

new act. 

Oscar Dane, well known to ea.stern 
audiences. Informa us tbat be Is witmiog new 
lanrels on tbe PaeUc coast playing In an en- 
tirely itew Tetsloo ot Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 
This week Ur. Dan* la plajlac tiw Bdaseo 
Theatre. Lob *a«alia. Iv wacHl.,atBBaaBcnt 
with BdaacB * Marer. ■nt'-WI*'- 
tbe wyatt Gkcnlt at hiaiti 

Tbe new Lyric Theatre at Terre 
Bante. Ind.. opened Sept. 23 wltb tbe follow- 
ing bill: BUly Van. Lnce and Lnce, Claode 
Relf. Zotka. DeHollia and Valors, and the 
klnodrome. Manager Jat^ Hoeffler writes that 
all acts playing bis theatre win bare a one- 
page ad wltb photos In tbe leadine papers in 
Terre Hante. 

Billy S. Clifford, In The Jolly Baron, 
la ac present ^h^kV tte large dtles of tbe 
east. In abovt alK wti ■ be will begin a 
toor of tbe larger <me aad tliree nlgfat stands 
of tbe middle west. Mr. CUtford's toor la 
under tbe dlrectioa ot Chas. F. Wblttaker, tor 
a aeond year, with Jttt Bernstein bcslneaa maa- 
acir of the caatpaay. 

Notes irom the Russell Family Vau- 
deTHIe Ob,: Wiraic aow playing talis nitder 
canraa. OarvanHr Is aa follows: Benb Bns- 
sall, alack aatea aad Jimli i . Ilord and Ftoasie 


or the awat. 


Roberts' Adaptation 

Of the Sacred Festival Flay Produced 
by Martia aad Eneiy. 

Special Ombn 
Martin * Biaefy's kic vitaaiHlB at ParsUhl. 
In Bngllsb. waa aen ftr aM time on any 
stage at tbe ElglB Open Baaaa' tonight. A 
large aad rtpccBcatatlTe aadleBce greeted Ite 
p rf aa at atlSB. MIswiag Is tbe cast: 

daes •< Ospadoela and Olilef 

aCttt Bob CraU Mr. Cottoa 

ladatfaa Klag ot tbe.GraU 

•» Aafortaa Mr. Pxicat 

Ongaty, the piM^ IT— ||rlt*TT o( the 

Sir g'*'' *****-"^^^^^^*.». - . ..... .Mr. Bapp* 

Sir nabm. Mat^tlr. Wntm ot the 

Botr QnlL^;.;;'...i'... Mr. Shields 

sirOarOT. saiUMlr «ki««r«ctttr ~ 



■William Heywood. in ad\'aim itf the 

Irma Comic Opera Co.. sends ns |fee taater 
wlilch is as follows: JamfH P. Wheaton. man- 
ager; Otto L.- Jesncou. ha-'lnf'^i* manager: 
Frederick iloss. musical (lircctor: Fmnk Gei- 
ger. electrician: William Heywood and War- 
ren IbMca, la adeaaee: Bmbb Abbott DeBald. 
o. T aa a aia. Sada Tsriaw OU. Wartaf. K. !•. 
Baker. W. B. Ifattla. A. C — ~ ~ 
Heywoad. Ida Sletll ~ 
Sbanler. Mabd Bdga^. _ 
McClala, Maisatttte Uaa, 
Ines OaVIata aad J. 
panr MJIVlW >■ tm 
titled laSBAaacrtea aal 

^ime. Sarah Bernhardt's name has 
been proposed by the Minister of Public In- 
struction sod Fine Arts for tbe Cross of 
Knights of tlie Legion of Honor. The Grand 
Chancery ot tlje order, with vrhich the final 
decision rests, is now conslUerlDg tbe list of 
fwmlnatlons. Erery one hopes ttiat tbe deco- 
ration will be conferred on the fsrooos actress 
this time. It Is an open secret that ahe has 
been more than ooce before proposed for the 
Legion of Honor. But the Minister's nomina- 
tion In her favor has been each ttme rejected 
by tbe Grand Chancery, which, strtnge as it 
may aeem in this land of dramatic art, enter- 
tains Old World prejudices sgalnst tbe stase. 
Hitherto not one French actor or actress has 
been decanted aa an actor or actress, hut In 
■ae as a profeaaar at tbe Conaerra- 

Golak. Kalghtly Waite aC 

Holy GraU 

Sir Eaeiaal, Knightly Wart* at Ike 

Holy Grail ■.i-....,...-Jfc. 

Sir Ronald. Knightlr , Wlaaiv , dC ika 
Holy Grail Jfe^ 
Sir .\driae. Knight^ HMtr. dC 'tha 

Holy GnaU ...;.^Jb 

Sir Moderd. Knightly WacdK «C- tta 
Heir Gran .,..JU 

Herald of the Cup, of tbe GraU Coa- 

pan.v ..... ! 

Herald of tin- Warders .Mr, ' 

I'srslfal. a siieplierd. afterward a soldiM 
or tbe Cross and Knightly Watdar 
of tbe Holy Grell Mr. 

Kiin^bor, a black Knlgbt of twriMnaary 
nrhose domain la xmnkast Pesan land 

Sir MerUn. Kllnsebor'a Seneacbal. .Mr. 

P»-rr;rr. an impish serrant ot Kllaacbor 
Mr. _ 

Tile Spirit of Denial, the pride-twm cblU 

of Sin Mr Holmes 

I'artotte. an acolyte ot tbe Holy GraU. Miss Bom 

llerxelede, mother of Parsifal Miss Hamptna 

Curiosity, narcotic bloom In tbe magic 

garden of KIlDschor Miss TenekCtt 

IVallty. narcotic bloom In tbe magic gar- 
den of KUnscbor Miss Lanbe 

Folly, narcotic bloom In tbe magic gar- 
den of Kllnscbor Miss Hanaca 

I'asslon. narcotic bloom In tbe magic 

garden of Kllnscbor Mlaa Mg 

Vanit.r. narcotic bloom in the aaflc gar- 
den of KIlEMcbor .••••.•••.lIlBa WlUlard 

.Mlurement. narcotic blooBi the BBgle 

garden of Kllnscbor Mlas Pactar 

Di'sire. narcotic bloom Id tbe magic gar- 
den or Kllnscbor Miss OMtW 

Oitpen Terrlprobe. of tbe Orall CcMnpany 

Mlaa Conrad 

Kimilry. fairest of fair wnmen Mlaa Taylor 

ALT FIRST— A glade near tbe limits of 
Kllnscbor's rank Pegan Isnd. In sight of tbe 

>:rail Mountains. The Gnllclesa Pool. 

ACr .<fEX«C"D — The edge of the Woodwardera 
enlarge, near Monsalrat. In tbe Grail Moontalns. 
Tivo lia.vs later. I^e beboldlog of ttie Sorrow. 

.»CT TnERD— First Scene— Tbe interior of 
Klin*chor's study in the necromantic Castle of 
KvII in tbe north of Spain. The Spirit of 
l>enlal. Second Scene — -nJe Magic Garden ot 
nun-otic bloss oms . Tbe taating of tl>e Sorrow-. 

.\("T FWCiRTn — Tbe edge of tbe Woodwirders 
<*:-Hr:r<*. near Monaalrat. in tbe Grail Monntaina. 
>even years later. The beaHng of tbe Wound 
• •r Sorrow. The Dellrerer. 

Tlie scenery fnmlataed for this production bT 
M ssrs. Donlgan A Goodrich Is from plates of 
the original production at Bayrentb. Costumes 
rroni original plates by Lauterer A Co. aad M. 
I>azlan. Footwear by Alston. Tbe music. Icel- 
ilentsl to the play, arranged from tbe original 
<corc of Wagner's opera by Voudrey. The 

pr'>:>crt!ef: fnim tli-- uarehouBes of MoTTls, Law- 
r.-nr.- A: Miller, proiwrty makers. Electrical 
Hffei ts by the Western Blectrieal 00™ Ltd. Tbe 

«i'ole proluctlon supcrTlsed and ataged by tb>' 

The author matces no other claim to originality 
In this version of Par^ifsl than aa alteo^t IB 
catch whatever fresh gleams the retelling «C IB 
old-time tale msy shed npoo bis auditor. 

He acknowledges his special ledebtednrss to 
tlie Terses of Wolrrsm von Bschenbscb and 
Cretien de Troyer for tbe material from whldi. 
like WagBcr. he I ~ 
stands feat aa -flM 

ae haa alaa«>y »irt tl> i d • itmr haag 
aa the aedtaeeal ttttntt wtmnrf, Bkc tke 

» p ia letHj as a gfimpae 

iUttfatB*' ' ~ 

tbe sen lata the BttfatB* aC that tlae. 

Aided hr aaeh that IB aMdcia la cCeet. be 
haa triad ta letaia lha paMaa a ti ao sp ber e k 
mystldsa. as wdi aa the ahaip analysis of 
charaeler. aa la aat Mh la the haU myths of 
tbe pargMette altanaeta wUh which the 
early alagoa aU B ggl ed la tfeBBir the beaatiral 
story eg tht ■iIiSb im» ifea atNag uskt 

Just entetlBK iala'a 


The general staff ot the Paralfal company is 
as follows: Martin A Emery, directors: 11. B. 
Dmery. manager; Daniel Martin, buslneas direc- 
tor; Sed J. [>eschBne. advance representsllve: 
Pir>f. .Mafbohm. conductor: A. Raucb. clioir 
director; Richardson Cotton, atage director; 
Franr Bcrnbard. Stage manager: Phillip Ulsser. 
master mechanic; Howard Moore, assistant me- 
fhnnlc; C. H. Kehl. mantrr electrician: U. 
"illlllken. advance electrician: Eugen<^ Morrla. 
magter of properties: Artljur Irving, master of 
wardrobe, and Artbnr Scblrfcr, auster ot traas- 

OCTOBER 7, 190S. 

Xiie Btllboarcl 


The Billboard want* • r«Frc!«:;Uti»« ia 
■Mad apply. Xoat b« Tooas man af — 

. iooa latttr fat pOt' 

Ubanl comminion ftU oa aU 


t* Xbntm wnak P. ndauui. 
Qpn Cow Int. M; gwd 


PThMbe (7. P. I>lllaii,iiisr.) 

Vcur WflBe Walker Oct. T; ttHe 'Welcli Am. 
4.-«L M: Cm. Samod's Attnetlnu 20.21; Unele 
jMkSpnicebT 2S. 

OOOSUS. — Orpbeam Theatre (B. B. Fir- 
dfk Bthel TDCker Co. week Sept. IS; 

«Mi tMlMH and competent compuv* 


CAM XKJJMaaOO CoIumbU Theatre (Cott- 

lob. Marx & Co., mgrs.) Etbel Barrymote In 
Sunday drew One bouB«8. 

Tlroll Tbettre. The Grand Italian opera 
ceaeon cootlnues Co atmet the Baltttadea. 

Mafor. _ ^ ' — — ,. 

Alcasar WHIW OL Jk MM MfKlV^IIWt 
WttlMty >> ntJiSJttMdjMtkJIt Bt 
SMr StMk Cfc to n* BMod OHy «Mk 
««. i. _ •. . _ 

Oetfad »Mto» .gwi. 0..1>a^^ aw.) Bi- 
4aped noB «h* BmB plBFtd to Iiu*e i»- 

Grand Opera Hooae (S. I.. Ackerman, mgr.} 
Held For Ranaooi drew good business. 

California Theatre (C. P. Hall, mgr.) The 
Slerrr ilildens Barlesauers drew good taousea. 

Orptieam Tbeacre (Jotin Morrlswy, mgr,) 
a^rkfi' MIsatreU. Harry Corson. Clark & Co., 
Genaro and Ballef. Prof. AlUnel. Jtillan Eltlnge, 
ne Great Backner. Holcomb. Cortls and Webb, 
and motion pictnree proved a drawing card. 

Plwher'8 Tbeatre (Tony LnbelsU. mgr.) 
tewltt and Asbmore, Dayton Sisters, Klogs- 
borj, Mr. and Mra. Darlioc, Binaldo. Hattle 
Batton. and moUoc pictures completed a good 

ehy not already prevlded for. Only haatlara 
laaal a Hdr aa a , pazxnanantly located, who oaa 

'sum aSvi y >l**l»*?rWSlaii?l?l8t ffir^ 

rent: Rossi's Musical Horsf, Sear) and Vio- 
let Allen, Greene and Werner, Nalada, Antrim 
and Peters. Tyce and Germon and Myles Mc- 
Cartby & Co. 

BRIDOEFOBT. — Smltb-a Theatre (E. C. 
Smith, mgr.) The Lite That KUls Sept. lS-10: 
large bosses. The sign ol The Cross 20; good 
attendance. Wby Women Sin 21; large audi- 
ences. DsTld Hamm 22-23: good biulness. 
Rose Coghlan ffi; The Nlnety-and-Nlne 26-2T; 
Henrietta Croaman 28; When The World Sleeps 

PoU-a (BL B. HttAtO. awr.) DMa. Bar- 

ray HUl, Dancing Harris's, Cnrtaln and Bios- 
som, Cos. Leonard, Scbaefer and DeCamp, Mul- 
doon Trio, and Geo. E. Spoor's Klnodrome. 

Uaymarket llieatie (W. W. Freeman, mgr. 
for Kohl & CaatJc.) Week 2. Fadette Oicbea- 
tra. Mazos aad MaaalW, Itcd Fowdl, abcDp's 
PoBiea and Oata^ SMt .^nMk, Kkana aad daie, 
Aotto Dai ~ 
Hart aai 

Boiltk. Hiaiul a w VMnt, Cnmck aad Bkk- 
atda, Lome llfiy * Oa,. and The Wocid Ow- 

Vke Bml Hawaiian 
aadfcatta. item— All 
vaadeeine booaee report good 
U>S AVenEB. — 'Maaon Opera Hooae <H. C. 
Wyatt, mgr.) Wilton Lackaye In The Pit week 
Sept. M. By request Trilby will he presented 
mt tbe Wedneaday matinee. 

Raiiiaak Theatre (Ollrer Morocco, mgr.) Tbe 
•* Senry StoekX>rldse week Sept. 18 
Maslr ci'lebrated t>y a magnUcent pro- 
I «C^owmnl*a masterpiece, Tbe Henrietta. 
' BBe as a rule. 

IB- S. Blackwood, mgr.) 

I Oik la Tke Tyranny at Tern, pro- 
eHMI seed a w w l a rtt l e a far Sallaalth aad ]Ua» 
OMhgr. . tte a l a i M b (aad at tkle papaiar kaaae. 

isiaad Opcea n «— i fHwa.— MK. atr.> Task 
Sute Mka week SL ma gaaMaal plar aefcr 
tans to make good here. aHI «"'aaeeeai(BI ran 
Is expected. 

orpbeam (Clarmee Divwa. ■»,) Baae SUhl 
Co.. I^nchi Oerard. QotidaB and Xaek. 
rraok and llairy Brown, Ulna Morrla. the 

Aron Comedy Foot, and Mr. and Mrs. John 
Anison week Sept. 24. Good business Is tbe rnle 
at ilil5 boise. 

Cliniis Park and Tbeatre (Henry Kocb, mgr.) 
UotialeUI Italian Band care a grand farewell 
com..- rt week Sept. 18. Tbe MetropoUUn Opera 
Co. In the theatre did some really fine work In 
>>»ld raiba and The Mikado and prored a great 
drawing card. Numerous additions bare been 
made to tbe Zoo during tbe past week and all 
<onee!«lona arr doing good boalncaa. 

D. .tr. FBBOCSOX. 

BAK BESirABSnO.— Opera Honse (Martha 
L. KIpllncer. mgr.) Mr. Harry Mestayer In 
oiioats Sept. 13; good business and excellent 
prodnetion. stiax Vlrglala Caltaoon In B oowna 
^ : pleasrd larxr audleneek -Xaek State Mks 
•JS: WUtoa Lackaye In Tbe «t Oet^ Si 
Kepertolr* Co. week 0. 

Broadway Theatre (Fred Ballelo. les.: B. "K. 
I.Uivnden, mxr.) Shadrick and Baxter, Mr. 
Ureen, BaaaiU, the UUI Sisters, the Southern 
^l^iaffaa^ IBaatisled aaaas .and moving pictures 
week Bipl. M: itaad kaslneas. 


FaESHO. — Dartnn Opera House (Robt. G. 
li.iriou. mgr.) Mar Irwln In Mrs. Blsck Is 
nsok Sept. 31: Urg'- aed weU-pIeaacd aad- 
lenoe. Ilarr.r Mestnyer to' 'MMala SSt IkylW 
Itepertoire Co. Oct. I and week; Wlltaa KMkajT* 
In The Pit Oct. 8 

Bnipire TlicMre (B. Iloen. mgr.) Bobby Boyle. 
CleTer Mtt^ Cora Hoen. Woods and 
Wood*, and urorinB pictures week Sept. £1: 


9ABBUUT.— Taylor Opera 

cr. A. 

mgr.) Buster Brown Sept. U; 
large andleaee. Darld Harum 21; ga 
ana. Hoe Oooedy Co. 23-30. 

HM ITTOBPr— Paraons' Tbeatre (H. C. Par- 
•sna, Bicr.) Babes in Toyland 18-19; pleased 
ggaaW^Jhaetoeaa^ Rose' Cogblan 28-27; Hen- 

HaitCotd Opera ' Hoaae (H. H. Jennings, 
^•e.) Tke FOor Mortons In Breaking Into 
SaelelT IMO: nicaaed big bouses. A Son of 
ReM SI-33; fair buabiess. My Tom-boy Girl 
25-27: The Street Singer 2S-S0; De Wulf Hop- 
per 30. 

Poll's Theatre (L. a Kllby. mgr.) Josephine 
Ooban A Co., and Klos Statcia headed a good 
WS g{J^^*** MMaw Dalt^jm 

edr Foot week Snt. M; capadtj boaliNaa. 

steeplechase Istuid (Geo. C. Tllyoa. mgr.) 
Tbe Mardl Graa FeatlTal week Sept 24, marked 
the cloeloB of tkia mart after a BQCccastal 
season. Ideal waatkar haa kept healnew go- 

HBW immuw, ' fffwai Tbcatae <Ifa w. 
Jackaoa. Mr.) Mar FUke Oe^ SeiL 4; good 
baa at a. Inst and Takea U; ■aad ~ 

McAnliffe atoA Co. week 18: anal 
The Wlsard of Oa S2; fair hnnneaa. Bnster 
Brown 26; patted boose. Will Hodge In Eigh- 
teen Miles Fnn Home Oct. 2; Rose Coghlan 
3: Ben of BnkeB Bow S: .F>a>ir« Statt Co. 
0: ireland'a BnS Mk -Tha SUV ai VfeB Cna 
20: The I««B ■■• neltaae tit Okaneey 
OlCOtt 24. 

WATEBBUST. — Poll's Tbeatre (Jean Jac- 
ques, mgr.) Tbe Life That Kills 20; good 
business. Rose Coghlan 23; good boalnMS. The 
Nlnety.and-Nlne 25: Wm. T. Hodge 26: Hen- 
rietta Crosman 27: When Tbe World Sleepa 
2S: Sherlock Holmes Oct. 2: yiola Allen S. 

Jacqaes Opera House (Jean Jacqaea. mgr.) 
The FtTe Columbians. Pewltt. Elwood Butwick 
& Co., Murray and Lane, Violet Stanley. The 
LePages, and others week 2S. 

SOUTH HOSWAUC.— Host's Theatre (1. M. 
flo.vt, mgr.) The Fenbery Comedy Co. week 
Sept. 18; good booses. Tbe company Is flrst- 
clasa In everT respect. American Vltagraph 
Co. 30: Ben of Tbe Broken Bow Oct 2: Eight 
Bells 6: Adam Good Co. In repertoire 9-14; 
A Uessage From Mars 11. 

KEBIDEH Merlden Tbeatre (Jackson Sc 

Reed, mgrs.) Tbe wizard of Ox Sept. iO; good 
boslness. Bnster Brown 22; fine performance 
and fair linilm is Bcnnett-Monlton Oo. week 


. . t. 

DocksUder. Week Sept. S. OtlTe Weat 

A Co.. Ur. aM Mta. Umr aaaw, .Bmet A. 
and Clara Bk BMlBatti^ _^etaa aad nwokes. 
Hvrald fSy m t m Oiaii g r J— Aitkar «.^Mc- 
Wattera aiad OlMe M. 9nm. «Bd tbt klMto- 

Tbe Lyceum Theatre (Daniel Humphries, 
mgr.) The Beauty Doctor did fair boslness 
21-Sa. Sherlock Holmes 25 27: big business. 
A Son of Rest 28-30: Paris by Night Oct. 2-4: 
Why Girls Leave Home 5-7: The Gypsy Girl 
9-11; Wedded and Parted 12-14; Weat and 
Vokes In A Pair of Pbtks 16-18. _ _ ,. 

Tbe Grand Opera House (Jeaae K. Barlla. 
mgr.) Chas. Grapewln to Ifa Op to_Too. Jtohn 
Henrr. did flne business Sept IS-ZS. Tom. 
Pick" and Harry bad fair hooae M.' Uncle 
Tom's Cabin 22: always gets moaey In this 
city. The Black Crook 23: good boi^. 
Babe* Id ToylsBd had packed bouse 25. Wil- 
liam Faecnhaaa to The. ST,"*''-^"' *^ Jg" 
nueltr IMe aaL Sbnple Slnoo Slffllde 2»: 
Way Bwn ttat Woodlaad Oct. S: Sngeant 
Kitty S- 


JAOKBOHTHiLE,— Opera H.>ii!ie. "Hie For- 
tune THIee Sept. 21; crowded bouaea matinee 

1 liiiri ^ " — ' TandtaiBc Oaw »■ 

ya: Mr li ii l i n i. 


AVOUSTA Montesano Cnstao. Tbe PejJ- 

cliul «rpsene Co. ueek Se^it. IS: good TaudeTlUe 
anil excellent biislnes*. 

Grand Opera Honse (Sfhwlgert A Lawrence, 
les ) The Fortune Teller Sept. 18: good bnalness 
and fair performance. Bnster Brw 2Li j 
performance and business. BaM8 ID Tarland 
Oct. 10: Al. G. Field's MInstreU IS. 

AtBAmr, — Rawlln's Theatre (Gortatowskl 
Bros., mgrs.) The Fortune Teller Sept. ffl: 
good house and fair show. Buster Brown 23: 
Sheppard's Moving Pictures 30: Frank D«bon 
In 'The Office Boy Oct. 2: The Eternal City 10. 
COLUKBUS. — Opera Ronse. Tbe Futnne 
" Bnt. SS; good show and he 
Mseti« Pictures Oct 10. 

CHICAOO IlltnoU Theatre <WHl*^5a»U, 

mgr.) Week 1, Marie Cabin la 

Powers' Theatre (Hatrx Powcca. 

^•8?SS£lfk« xSSitw (B. B. Hanaerer. mgr.) 
week 1. CbarSB. Brans bi Tbe Flllboster. 

^ST Bonae (Harry Askln. mgr.) 
Week 1. Alice and The Eight Princesses, 

Colonial Tbeatre (Geo. W. Lederer. mgr.) 
Week I Forty-live Mlnntes From Broadway. 

McVlcker's Tbeatre (Geo. C. Warren, bus. 
mgr ) Week 1. Lew Dockstader's Minstrels. 

Great Northern Theatre (F. C. Eberts. mgr.) 
Week 1. Texas. _ „ ^ 

Garrick Theatre (Samuel P. Gersoo. mgr.) 
Week 2. Jetteraon De Angeles In Fanlana. 

I,aSalIe Theatre (B. K- Mackey, boa. mgr.) 
Week 1. <3ecll Lean In The Yankee Regeiit. 

Olvmptc Tbeatre ( * • .?*2Slt ^KJSS^Lf 
Castle.) Week 2, McMabqrt IHBatirtliaJdB, 
Btlaaon A Mertta: Madam BawVpso^l^ 

Lee, aad Geo. K. 

Chicago Opera Hooae QMl 4k 
Week 1, Tbe Land of NaS. 

Bash Temple Theatre 
mgr.) Week 'i, stock. 

Criterion Theatre (Lincoln J. Carter, mgr.) 
Week 1, Secret Service Sam. 

People's Tbeatre (Wi^fleU. Bowtaud A Cltf- 
ford, mgrs.) Week Sl''.atiak.. 

Columbus Theatre ~"'(1Mar'. BMa.; ' '■va.) 
Week 1. stock. 

Howards' Tbeatre iD. F. McCoy, mgr.) 
Week 2. vaodevUle. 

Albambra Tbeatre (James H. Browae, msr.) 
Week 1, Confessions of a WUe. 

Bijou Tbeaue (Wm. Bocka. mgt.y ■;. Vaak 1. 
Tbe Wayward 800. 

Acadeav - -Tbaatia c (Wm, 
Week V BkaBB BaCUak _ 


New American Theatre (Frank Maple, mgr.) 
Week 1, vaudeville and Cllne's CUnetoscope. 

Trooadero Theatre (Harry H. Hedgca. mgr.) 
Week 1. Tbe Paflriaa Itldepa. . 

Folly Theatre (Janea-'' A.'^.'XtBBMV.'.l.avr-) 
Week 1. borleagoe. . ._ . 

wimcU - ■-■ ■ ■ ■ ^ — ' 


r.) Week 



White City (Patil D. Bowae. mgr 
concerts and out-doer attiaetlans- 

Clark Street Museom (Lools If. 
mgr.) Curio ball and tbeatre. 

London Dime Museum (Wm. J,- 
mgr.) Curio ball and theatre. 

JACiiilOJI V ILIiE, — Grand Opera House (Geo. 
W. Ctaattertoo. mgr.) A Female Detective 21; 
fair btulness. Al. H. Wilsaa Is A German 
Gypcy 22; good boslness and company. Tbe 
Pumpkin Husker 23: fair business and per- 
formance. A Little Outcast 25. The Last Roae 
of Summer 26; fair honse and good show. The 
Little Minister 27: College Widow 28. 

FEOBIA. — Grand Opera Boose (Cbamberlln A 
HarrlDgtoo, mgrs.) The Holy City Sept. 23; 
good business and excellent ahow. What 
Women Will Do 27: falr_per£Ormanee aad good 
boslness. Tbe CoUece W&am 28: FIC raff. 
Poof 90; Ko Mather t» Oalde Bcr Oct, 1: 
Hoaae Foika »4: Lav B e c ka laa wa MiBabda S. 

Mate atseat Tbaanre (B. F. Chm ii bl lL av.) 
Caadea and BUnd. Gaa and llaflaa KaU. Two 
Faataa.' SUapaoa-UttiMB Tttok Jcaa Bewnas, 
and Jaaica laetr week 1. 
Wcaat^ Tbeatt a (Ghaa. Be il a u a. ngr.) Koh- 
- Ibbio, 



SSj fair 

Memorial Ball (W. L. KeUey. mgr.) Al. H 
Wilson 20; packed bouse. Big Hearted Jim 
Oct. 4: Howe's Moving Pictures 11; Vogel's 
MInstreU 17: The Parsders 2-1. 

Bljon Theatre (E .F. Kojse. prop.; H. C. 
Gngelman. mgr.) Wm. H. Wlndom, Wells 
Brothers. Harry Haley, Dolly Wells, Zip and 
Zara. and others, week 25. 

Wonderland (Geo. Brelnig, mgr.) Pain's Fall 
of Port Arthur 25-26; immense bushiess. 

BPRUfGinXD. — The Chatterton (Geo. W. 
Chatterton, mgr:) Tbe Female Detectives Sept. 
20: good business and performance. The Pump- 
kin Husker 22: pleased fair business. W. B. 
Fatten in The Last Roee of Summer 24; good 
house and pleased. Tbe County Chairman 23; 
good business. A Little Outcast 26. 

Empire Theatre (Jno. Connors, mgr.) Vau- 
deville week Sept. 2S: good patnoage and 

Gaiety Tbeatre (Smith A Bartna. mgrs.) 
The Four Harris' beaded ao exedleBt bUI week 
Sept 2S; good boaloeas. 

Olympic Thcatie (a J. UaCaaa. aigr.) Week 
Sept 25. Kane aad Baaa. Ifka Raacaa Ed- 
wards, PrlBce . 

Lewla, Tbe QaM Sdit 

^Oiamberlaln Sc Hen- 

. . Ills. Table's Telegram Sept 

si: cxedleBt show and capacity business. Un- 
derlined— Sonthem Skies 23: good show and 
boslness. The Show Girl 24; pleased two large 
audiences. Hart's Boston Novelty Co 25; Two 
Little Waifs 26; When Johnny Comes March- 
ing Home 27. 

The Grand (Louis Goldberg, mgr.) Jack 
Sidney, (}hris. Christopher, Grierson Slaters, 
Three Burtlnos, and the polyscope week Sept. 
IS: good boslness. Week 23, Heclow and 
Wheeler. Downey and WUlard. and others. 

aimrCY. — ^Empire Tbeatre (W. L. Busby, 
mgr ) Fantasma Sept. IS; capacity business. 
Flora DeVoss Co. 21-23: fair business. Piff. 
Paff, Pouir 34; crowded house. Tbe College 
Widow 27; The Holy City 30: VanDyke & Eaton 
Co. Oct. 1; Holty Tolty 6; The Dainty Dncbesa 
7: His Highness, Tbe Bey 8: Haverly's Min- 
strels 10; Alice Fisher 11; Tbe Schoolgirl 12; 
Well's Band IS; Kold 4k Dill Co. lO. 

Tbe BUoo (B. H. Patrick, mgr.) Manley 
and Marsball, Hall and CMbam, Zampa and 
Jas. and Ciecella Welsh week Sept 18: good 

ROCKFORD. — Grand Opera House (Geo. W. 
Peck, mgr,) Barrr HOIdcD'a Oooedr Oo. SS; 
good hosinesa and company, ^he Bimawmys 
26; A Boyal Stare S8: A School lor Hoa- 
haada Oct 4: PaisUai 8: What Wotaen Wni 
De 7: Oar Faator 10; Tbe WeTward Sod 11; 
HIa iMt Doner IX. 

Bijoo Theatse (A. J. SUanw aw.) 

vllle " ^ " 


1 W. 'F. GlreB. 

mgr.) Tbe Balab af - - 

fair business. Al. H. 

est house of season. _ 
mer 23; good boslneaa. Big BntllS 3Bm Oct. 
S: PIO. Pas. PBoB S. 

and DeVeme, Caroline Vonug, Oande 
Boneless Wonder, Ryan and Ryan, Mlas De. 
Forest and moving pictures week Sept- 25; 
good boslness. 

8HELD0H. — Opera House (L D. Hummer, 
mgr.) Rip Van Winkle Sept. 18; good com- 
pany and medium business. Tbe Hooslec Girl 
Zl; good show and large boose, l>cagaa Tbea- 
tre Co. 22; good boslneaa aad garfMBaBea.,^ A 
Country Kid 7: The Girl IkM llHa'Igg'iMBa 
of Greater New York 'Zl. 

DIZOK Opera Hones (Charles H. Keatman. 

mgr.) Old Arkansaw Sept '21; fair boslneaa 
and company. Under Southern Sktea Oct. S; 
Our New Minister 5; Atigel's Osaaedlana 9; 
Ingomar 20; Her Only Sin 25. 

HASSI8BUBG. — Opera Hooae CLaiscnt and 
Pearee, mgrs.) A Breezy Time Sept IS; car 
paeltr bnalness. Fablo Romanl Oct 2: Cm- 
lU Ooaatlc Co. 8-IO; The Pnmpkta Hnaker M; 
Don nana 

EABC'ni.XOBIS. — ^Broadway Tbeatca (B. F. 


BTUnnLEB.— Tbe Giaad (Ferd. Wastrcr. 

mgr.) Tbe Fimny Mr. Dooley Bepc SS; pleased 
large business. Lyman Howe's Moving Pic- 
tures 23; line performance and business mat- 
inee and niEbt. When Jolmny C!omes Marching 
Home 30; Flake Stock Co. Oct 1-4: Royal Chef 
7; Howard Dorset Co. 9-13; The Girl and Ttie 

Bandit 14; Dare Devil Dorothy Id-IT; ~ 

Van Stnddlford 18; The Clay Baker- 
James 21; Tbe Eternal City 29; TBI 
TeUer 28: AlberU Gallatin 31. 

People's Tbeatre (Ferd. Wastyer, mgr.) Sky 
Farm Z4i big business. Rryant'a extrava- 
ganza Oct. 5-7: Her Wedding Day 8; WbJ Girla 
Leave Home IS: Uncle Tom'a Cabin 21; Wedded 
and Parted 22; Mason and Maaon 28. 

KABIOB. — Indiana Tbeatre (H. G. Soouaenw 
mgr.) The Eleveoth Hoar Sept Ig; aa tl iS t d 
large aodlence- TO Die at Daws ^ jaM . 
boslneaa. Tbe Fioar Baattagi Id IBB -nai 
House 22; ddlgted capedtj bariacae. SBad. 
ows on Tbe Hearth 23: capacttr baatocM. The- 
Seminaty Gtri Oct 5; Soaaa'e Baad IOl 

Grand Tlieatre (H. C Sommeia. mgr.) Uod. 
say's Anim.ia, Maoiota, Haiel Boblaann. How- 
Isun, and the gtandoacope week SA. 

Cnratal Theatie (J. H. AmD w iwi . mgr.) 
EraaD TMak The Biadya^ Ime White. 'Tha 
Seraatanib and tbe ktaadamaa , vack Sept 25. 

Y»TiTd1liTlliri -111 I'"' 'V" Ba<ue (A. 
F. Htaenaa. mgrj, A Bagal-i|na 12: pleased 
good bailaeaa. The Me aC Sglce ss; good 
business and performance. Vogel'a Minstrela 
Oct. 2; The Booaler Girl 8. 

lA. POBTE. — ^Ball's Tbeatre (CL U. Bnma. 
mgr.) My Wife's Family Oct. '24; Tbe Isle 
of Bong Bong 27: Heart of (Silcaca Nov. X 
Item — ^The (Sirrys, rantomlmic Comedy and 
Novelty Artists were tbe fre* attrwctlons mt 
the La Porte <>>. fair Sept. 12-15, which waa 
big success. 

TIPIOH.— Marti Grand (N. 8. Marta. mgr.) 
The Country Kid Sept IS; fair pcrfOcmaaee 
and capacity business. The Little Bed Sekoel- 
bouse 26; gt>od business. One at Tbe HsnF 
28; fair performance and baalneaa. Tbe Hoo- 
aler Girl Oct. 2; Alrln Joslln 4. 

FT. WAYire.— Majestic Theatre (M. E. Rica, 
mgr.) Across Tbe FacUc Sept 18-20; good 
attiactiao and patronage. My Wife's Family 
21; packed boose. The Eleventh Boor £2.23; 
excellent business. 

Masonic Temple (F. E. Stooder. mgr.) The 
Imperial Stock Co. week Sept 2B40. Hlgb-daaa 
vaodera Be **^*Bioaaaw —r OaailMaD"' 

. diav wdl with Ma hlsh-dasB eaadaeOit' 
acta. Item— MnndT Staowa week Oct. 2. 

TERSE HAtrrE Coliseum (Broaaou Bro- 
thers, mgrs.) Sandy Bottom Sept IT: fait 
show and good business. Wills Stock Oo. 18 and 
wei.k: strong company and fine businesa. 

Grand (T. W. Barhydt, mgr> Olgfer BeB 
Sept. 1!>: capacity l>uslne«*- The Volanteer 
Organist 20: good siiow and buDtness. Tbe 
Funny Air. IDooley 21: good attractloa and flne 
patiaaage. Alrln Joalln 22-23: capacity boslneaa. 

WABA8K. — Harter's Opera Hoaae (J. M. 
Harter, mgr.) The Little Red Seboolboose 
Sept. 10; pleased fair audience. Tbe Shadows 
on The Hearth 22; pleased good baalaeas. The 
Isle of Spice Oct 3; The Booster Giri 5: Ade- 
laide Tharston 10; At Piney Ridge 17: Vogel's 
Minstrels The Mummy and Tbe Bommlng- 
blrd 26. Under canvas — Gentrr Brotliota' Dog 
A Pony Show 22; pleased two targe andl- 

WntCtE.— Wysor's Grand Opera Boose (H. 
B. Wysor, mgr.) Blnuneleln's Stock Co. week 
Sept. 18: plessed large sudlences. Stiadowa ca 
Tbe Hearth 36; Tbe Old Clothes Man 2:7; As 
Told Id Ttie Hills 30; Tlie fi.-inlBary Girl Oet. 
2: The Mommy and The Hu mmin gbird 6. 

Star rrheaue (B- SL OsgooJby. nigr4 ^ST^ 
vllle week IS: ptaaat" 
and Harre.r, Gajrlw ^a 
week 25. 

KOKOMO.— Crystal Tbeatre fW. B, flaleri 
mgr.) Eugenia Wood. The BaialiMa, liable. 
Teatler and Mack. Haxel Good, aad tbe klno- 

drome week Sept- 18; good tmatncos. 

SIpe Theatre (W. B. Helmlek. mgr.* The 
LitUe Red Scboolboose Sept. 23: good boslaesa. 
One of The Many 25: fair performance and 
bnalness. Joe. DeGrasse in Rlckeliea 20; good 
business. Tbe Old CUothea Kait 28: Alvln 
Joslln 29. 

I,oeABBSOBT. — DowUng's Tbeatre (Jno- R. 
Dowllng, mgr.) Tbe Four Hantlsgs SO; good 
business. One of The Many 23: j.j.-«6.m3 good 
businesa. To Die at Dawn 25: pli-aned fair 
business. Blp Tan Winkle 27; The Old doibea 
Man 29: Alvin Joslln 30; As Told Is The 
Hills Oct. 2. _ 
crystal Theatre (J. H. Ammoos. mgr.) 
- — ^ — - ■- TaodevlEe. and 

ABDERSOB,— Gtaad . 
hune. prop.) The Md 
packed hoosea. 

(J. H. Ter- 
Mau S; two 
GM Oct 3. 

igr.) The 


OCTOBER r«.1M», 

The Billboard 


Dm Street. Cincinnati, U. S. A 
iMV Mtuea Telephone Vain snsB. 



iSUeM.B.W. TeIepbane,Cuimid. Tele- 

TIm: BHlboard rtiMtalHnt: Co. 

SabMripMoa. 9* a yoan • inontlM, 92; 3 
months. 91 in adwaneo. 
■ t* 

Wtm tmMm mli ilmm ■■HID Mr«0tt. 

nm — J» I iiillit»«W •n\timu tNmt.9t.mSlu 

tUmU tm mtdt tt.Jttt'tfitt.tH'tlirtmt 

lii^.wrntittmdUiUi eriftiiiirfer— fc^ijeW* 


mt ttt a md-CImtt Malttr ml FUt Oft* «t Cil- 

SSIbMiA win 


Tha first form of Tho BiillMard, in- 
ei tiding tba I— t ainht ■d yrtMng pages, 
goM to pi«M 'Snurday nranilng. No 
advertisements for these pages can be 
given the desired position and no 
changes can ba made in standing ads 

on any «f th s u pagaa Haieas tha copy 
I us by noon Friday. No ad* fgir 

Bin at The 
f>i1iimW« ■ Weak ef Geaerel SatiafaotioD. 
ClnclDUtUni like Mr. PIpp. TUey like Ulgbr 
Bell, too, and there was much latereat aa to 
TThat be ironld be like In the GlbsOD-Tliomiis 
character. The resulta Justlfled the antlcliia- 
tlon. Dlgby Bell never did as good work io 
musical comedy as he doea In tbe cartoon play> 
It was a personal trinmpb, tben. 

Tbe play pleased, too. There are many clever 
lines In It. It would be bard to conceive of 
aDychlng more Intellectually funny than Mr. 
PIpp'B sollloqa.r after tbe butler at Carony 
CnBUe has displayed some tacit sympathy for 
him. "Ifa funny." «ay» Sir. Plpp. "Mr*. 

- dtttaMoom. 

aau t sil T a «lie 


individual. His pent-up purpose may I 

have a ready outlet through dramatic I 
production, or it may not, according to 
the opinion of tlie one primarily inter- 
ested. .U.ta* la. oC tha tormer ln«dina- 
Uon. and baa ' Omionstnttea through 
published volumes that his purpose is 
true, he may turn to the stage for a 
bearing'. But others to the contrary 
nptWiUlStaildillS', do not believe he 
^Ver aetDally loses the sense of art in 
mercenary seeking. "We all want' the 
good things of life, and If they may be 
had and art gratlfled at the same time, 

why not seek the quicker way? The ripp and I never ^ 
reading public is also the theatregoing 5^ ' ^S|'.> *: 
public, which goes to demonstrate that .j^l '^i,, tgiui ot tbe vrhoia play, 
tbe same audience may be had for the " " - ..— . 

jmblisbed or the played .production. 
* • • 
Our attention has 
Kia-nia of Tickets been called repeat- 
edly to the misap- 
propriation of railroad tickets ad- 
vanced for tbe transportation of those 
engaged l>y xvire or correspondence. 
The practice Is one of the most des- 
picable with which managers have to 
deal. It also grives the post-office offi- 
cials much trouble, for it constitutes 
a usage of the mails for false purposes, 
and is punishable by imprisonment. 
On account of tickets not being used 
for tbe purpose they are Intended, 
many managers have adopted the rule 
not to advance ttaem under any cir- 
cumstances; but this, also, has its in- 
conveniences, as actors and perform- 
ers are often loath to incur any per- 
sonal expense until tbey are satisfied 
that the engagement has been entered 
Into with gooa taltb on the part of the 
managers. Therefore there seems to be 
ample space for argimient on both 
sides of the question. Not all per- 
formers nor all manag^ers aire honest 
and fair. Tbe fact la zegrettable, but 
It atandiL-.' Still .<lMi»'<>aiM' to- some 
wioona of x«mb'rtiv tbe' chance of loss 
to either party. Why not get together 
on the issue and adopt a method ' by 
which, through an arrangement with 
the railroad companies^ transportation 
may be guaranteed to the right parties, 
thus lemovtiv^tiM praaant eiMHioe of 
fraud? ... ■ " •■■ •■ 

. , *° • • • 


In a recent 
interview with 
a representative 

Bell baa csuAt the eoaeeptlon ot tbe author 
admirably. Wiat la' funnier — and more pa- 
tbetle to dMntereited oo-looken — than tbe con- 
dUlona of the hen-peeked hwriiand. 

The plot deala with the nacblnatlooB ot a 
anddenly enriched matron to marry her daugh- 
tera into high society. . . Mrs. Plpp (Helen 
T*acy) Is a second Mrs. Malaprop. Her muti- 
lation of the French langnase Is Indlcroos. 
tbougb not always amnslng. Lite the char- 
acter Itself It Is greatly eiaggerated. Tbe clev- 
erness of the lines aafTers somewhat In this 
respect also. For Instance, when Mr. Plpp 
tells ot his courtship with the present Mrs. 
Plpp In her father's little shanty on the banks 
of the Ohio river, he says that be OUI SUU le- 
member that her back-balr always MDelt of 

pIne-tar. Tbat doesn't come weO taM a de- 
voted apaoae wbo soOMs Us wUi to aMir out 
tbe MlieBi* of his dlJ». Mfc;. j_. i. ^ 
After Ifr. Tbomas tad viftln two acts be 
pnbablr eoDcloded tbat ttera wasn't enmgb 
action to It. an be carted In aooie melndiama 
tbat might well tarn the plot of a Theodore 
Kremer play. It seems stniiigely ont of place 
in a piece where the character dellneatlao has 
predominated tbrongb tbe two earlier acts. 

On the whole, tbe attraction ts most pleas- 
ing. One forgets the last act In remembering 
the subtlety of 'the homer — the humor whlcb 
Dlgby Bell brings ont so arUsUcaUy. We can 
not Imagine what Hr. Plpp would t>e like with- 
out the present star. 

W. St. Clalr In the character ot Count 
Ctaarmarot Is convincing, and looks his part to 

Janet Beecher and Adele Iinebrman as the 
daostaters are Idcel . tipts oC the snaoa Olrl— 
10 the adTuee aotlwi tdl ml ..W«L aaytie 
our taste la tad. 

Robert Wniing is a better type of Gibson 
man. aceordlag to oar Judgment, He "acts" 
well, too. 

Pwd,. Onartensy as Btrbert Fitigenid is 
ounventtoaal and stagey. 

Btgby BCD was caned npon for s speecb tbe 
nigfat we were there, and. after some hnpor- 
tnnitlea. be responded. It was a neat little 
speech, one of tbe best we have heard In fact. 
Bnt, Ob, tbat nngramatldsm. It Jarred. In 
relation to tbe conditions of tbe man wbo Is 
ruled by bla wife. Mr. Bell said that "com- 
ing from we men" the ati^imsent loot some of 

tK- wi_H. tT , , Its weight, or somefhlnfr of that sort. There 

of the daily press. Daniel Frohmanj^^ . mnmur all about us. People sr^ quick 

It .oaa llHtd tine, it 
would be great amuse- 
ment to read all the 
dramatic reviewers. They say such 
quaint things occasionally. In f^t, 
that seems to be their chief qualifi- 
cation — to Bay quaint things. And bow 
they do love to Jimip on a show that 
Calls to meet with their approval. Most 
Of them do so bil. Indeed, the austere 
^ottle is afraid to praise any attrac- 
Btlott too hlg^ily, lest be seem wanting 
■b tbat fine judgment .^v'hlch oomes 
Hn^om iHda iianaKsinjbaK'.^^iXte' '^>xeiBiiida 
^Mtnartf alwajra th&t 'deaid' BlaioIeta'are 
the only good Hamlets. Joseph Jef- 
ferson said frequently that the hal- 
cyon days of the stage were always 
]aat one generation back. That is be- 
cause the ertttCs make it so. No play 
is ever quite as excellent as some- 
thing that has been done before — if we 
talce tbe critic's word for it. Bhrery 
Individoal comes in for his share of 
commlseiatton except the manager. 
The iittbl le-te-lmpo acjl npon, -the .jday- 
ent" .gieif "HaHMCl iiiiKtirtj^ ; cairtfc''iBB»l tte 
' Mtfe litiiBiAiriias to'-apend']^^ 
- ble time sitting through a dull per- 
formance. The manager is blamed for 
an thIa-TTthe manager who . is really tbe 
-■oia.'l0MC&''^-'^9te>-'piib]Se -pays' iat- most 
' two 'AAlaM'^'t^MiBt;^ ; Xhe 'produc- 
tOK manager pots HioaBUMls of doUars 
into a failure. SnM^.'l£ anyone would 
-want it to pleaat»''li»'-AMaL ."Why oen- 

■--»»- .... . 

''^AIl onr -i»opular 
i novelists are 
P - : " turning their 

/to^pbiy-writing;.: Take Caine 
: aaSiTBaRle ' for instance. TVInston 
OuinAiin is perhaps the latest recruit 
tbvttie list. The incentive is obvious. 
^"Piay-wrttlng pays more than author- 
ablp — after success has been gained. 
■While tbe unknown playwright may 
remain tmknown, the author who has 
achieved some degrree of popularity 
may readily get a reading when he 
l>roduce3 a play manuscript. Pub- 
lishers are far more easily induced 
to taKe a chance with a first book 
than are managers with a first play, 
providing, of course, in the latter case, 
the author has -not already won popu 
lEurity in. the literary field. The ar- 
tlstle p^Bt mt view may vaty wth the 

discussed, unreservedly, the prevail- 
ing theatrical conditions in New Tork. 
He is quoted as follows: 

Ibe anmber of tenures that have Inanen. 
rated this seaaoo, wbUe doubtless dlscoorasTng 

to notice snidi mistakes. That speech needs 
editing If it IS kept la stock. 
I« was a sodd bat at the Colombia last week. 
McMataon's MlDttKl Halds were tbe bead- 
liners. Tbe act Is sopefUy set. and tbe ipaslc 

to pndnceia. who might be^dlSSTto^SS v*^"?^"* '27.JS?^S!F- J? S? 

fault with the pnbu£ stm pi^ that thS •«* *" 5? ?H5.* ^™f.."* 

taste of tlie patdle ein hs MMy depended SW? perBwrnaijce Uiraashotit the week. Miss 

upon. The Ikat lay M MhS* andlmM? Edytbe CbappeHe Is the Interloentor, while 

but with the offerings. I have saU frequently, 
when asked, that the tastes ot our tbeatre- 
KolDg community are of a most cosmi>polltaD 
character: that they are ready to patronize 
lar^r^'Ij- any form of entertainment which Is 
p:ood of Its kind, whlcb does not bore — the 
only crime that an author or manager can per- 
petrate. Bat the difficulty which managers 
have to cope with Is the lack of nltable dram- 
atle matenal. Xhe txanUe with mast manu- 
scripts Is that; whBe many reveal a knowl- 
edge of stage wtUlng and construction, there 
la aa abaeaee of sny special striking or unique 
qnallty In tbe story to make It profitable. 
Plays may be mote than merely wen con- 
structed and well written: they must have 
Ideas. Individuality, character. The qaestlon 
Is, Where are they to come from? Bow are 
many theatres, those now existing and those 
stm coming, to b« supplied with adequate 
material? Tbey are qoestlona tbat All the 

Ulrlam Carson and Rldle Barrette are comedl 
ennes of the first class In black face. 

Troba, the Great.' In heavy weight Jnggllng 
and feats of strength has an act tbat, while 
It follows along the lines of several others of 
Its kind, has, at the same time, enough origi- 
nality to carry It to the top anywhere If 
Troba would cnt ont the asinine comedy of his 
assistant, he would add materially to the qual- 
ity ot bl.s performance. 

Ethel RoblnsoD baa several new aoogs which 
she renders In a pleasinB voice tad . Mner. 
Her Sweet EltHe Chlbhan wlU be aaa oC the 
popular hits of the season. 

The Pour Sallys la . Aa I nt e iiuule d Soney- 
mooa, a one-eet ifeetch. Bite good principally 
throoKh the IntmdnotloB ot the two bays. Inhn 
F., Jr., and Billy. Tbe diOOnni are very 
clever, and aU the good wwk of tbe sketch 
has been relegated to tbem. Blflr^ Imitation 

dally life of managen. because tbeir eolation 2?. -gy« g--^?!" S 8-_*»g-'!g - * S^V9.3^ 
Is to a great extent expedmental. There are ;..SP"f '■■"!!?- XTWp ahg ..^g l ge- 

no arbltraiy fsSblona In playa beyond the fksb- men*, ■aoe a Bit. n Baa ■■■11 or ns ewB,^ 

ion of appealing to general bmnan Interest and 
bmnan emotion. What Is reqalrea here Is a 
revelation of national life and characteristics. 


Joe Flynn, eccentric monolocne eomedlnn. 
came on with several new comic songs, and a 

based npon a proper degree of romance. Clothes monologue that kept tbem langlilag flroffl the 


Tbe Musical Avolos, xylopbooe ' e s pe r t g. 
pleased the lovers of ftood music. 

Pat Booney and Marlon Bent In Make Tour- 
self a-t Rome, a sketch that brlnirs In much 
ainiring and dancing, were a real feature. 

Zazpll VemOD & Co. appeared la a comedy 
acrobatic sketch entitled The Elopement. 

The Walnut's four weeks of musical comedy 
gave way to Qalney Adams Sawyer last week 
and bnslness did not snlTer. As long as tbe 
ehameters are in the bands of talented playetm 
Qnlncr Adams SsnTer wm tvmsln one of tbe 
nw itUige caoMOM . weetb white. Qalocy 
Adans Siwyer to la Interesting plere ot work 
well calenlated to regale a cosmopolitan audi- 
ence. It Is the story of Q. A. Sawyer who 

, . , very soddeoly drops into Mason's Comers, 

piomlslDg of aoeeem ate those tnst denlct ' Mass.. as quickly arousing tbe cariosity snd 
hnman Interest, dements of tbe life nroand , envy of tbe cnxslps as well as winning the 
ns. "heart" playa. pletnres<inel.v told and ade- '■ affections of the feminine portion of the vll- 
quately and convincingly acted. So far as la^e. James Tbstcher In the leading role was 
tbe matmger Is concerned, he mnst continue convincing snd nleastng. Mr. Thatcher appears 

cbange. material condltlona alter, bnt linmsn 
nature never alms. To Improve conditions the 
American manager and dramatist mnst ap- 
peal to the American aodlenc*. The Amerlc|in 
audience Is a critical andlenee. sad the Amer- 
ican temperament leans to the realisation ot 
familiar tblnga oad familiar ebamrtera. Re- 
cent experiments have shown tbat foreign plays, 
bnllt for and salted to the tempers ment of a 
different people, are merely transplanted to 
ms sq negade before an audience, which, though 
cosmopolitan Its taste, demands works that 
savor mere of Its own soil, unless the quality 
of general human Interest transcends Its ex- 
otic character. Unfortunatel.v. pln.v8 of fa- 
miliar hnman interest are not plentKoI. It 
such works were niorai naioeraas tbe problem 
of the snccesstUI'llgyiwaald be nlved. bat It 
may be accepted as . a Cset tbat plars most 

to f«n or succeed through bis own choice, both 
for plava and players. No "national theatre" 
will ever solve the problem. It lies with the 
taste of the manacer and his Instinct In 

to have been the one for whom the role was 
written, so evenly does it fit lilm. Elizabeth 
G. Meredith. In the role of Alice Pettlnglll, I 
appealing and nothing more. An tbe beloved 

lectlne the right plays, and bis appeal to the • beantlfn] and blind girt, her's was an exeel- 
Intelllgent taste ; Ot.- a discriminating public. lent pnrtrsyal. We wonld like to see Miss 
Tlie cenmMm-.aat^eaBftaBt ns to-day am not Meredith In a "straight" role. We do not 
new coadltiom^^^JK^ existe d ritote ne Uke to see her anparemly waste her Intense 

'^T'::^ :^^'^ '^*^^ ^ y ^Vtj upon the role of Alice. Oertrnde Aa> 

exMt^»o^loag..,ss^«e_;'lB «aii» e—na nea-ip . ^■ ..■aaije. as Samanthy Green, "an sggravatln* 
the cUet fhetor In tbe smMMiat oC <lie pee- SJt,.; ^| ,^,4 „^ implies. Sa- 

j annUqr . creates s lot of bnaor snd her ap- 
As naniel Frohman la sgMierally con- I peanuMe to always wricoiDcd. . ABee Baldwin 
sldered one of the mo«t artistic of the VlnS'-J?^^ •rt. "* ■•..■^f*fft " 

S^J'i,aS;5;?'22l ^^^'^ 'S^"Sae'^,.nS!Ltir'e.~?:Jf 

opinions always tmny aoaMOaraH* m- known types, and wen rather Imitative than 
tarest and i n flnencft cnative. wm. Bitt* was good la tke Hte of 

Obadlah Stout, a professor of mnslc^ tax ad- 
lector, a candidate for postmaster, "an al- 
mighty selflab critter," and OMire especially Is 
love with Llndy Patnom. We have seen each 
character as Obadlab and welnnued the Im- 
personation. Hiram UaxweD, played by Ployd 
It. Briggs, was another well drawn cbaiaetm, 
at least In the laat act. though tbe character 
might be Improved upon In tbe flrst scenes of 
the play. We Bbared sorrow with Llndy .Put- 
nam, tbe ebaracter In which Ada Wadswortb 
appeared. Miss Wadsworth' did aU that was 
expected ot her. Juliet liartln, as Bnldy 
Masoa. was Rood. She scored a bit In her 

little scene with Zeklel Pettlnglll, and left tbe 
Impression that she la capable of a more am- 
bitions role. Zeklel was in tbe hands of Karl 
|j. Way, and the aeveral little scenes la which 

be appeared with bis sister, Alice, were choice 
Mts ot pathos. We greatly sympsthlied with 
Zeke. and admired bla devotion to bla stricken 

_ rton Adsns gave a wjrndld . Im- 

pecsoaattoa- ef a. 'good olB-atal te-itoaeaa Ma- 
son, and O. H- niwston did aet overdo the 
role of Bob Wood, bass singer and town tmlly. 
Frances Winiams put much life Into Uandy 
Skinner and was always lively. Xandy was 
all right. In the role of the despltcable Mrs, 
Putnam — "Just pot on alrtb to worry other 
people" — Sabra De Sbon was convincing ia 
spite of a fanlty make-up. We expected Mrs. 
Putnam to look "terrible," bnt lilas De Sbon's 
Impersonation looked more like she bad Just 
aulsbcd cleaning a very flltby . stbpeplpe. We 
wager tbat Mrs. Putnam never cleaned a stove- 
pipe In her life, especially after she "took 
tn" Samanthy. We must attribute her ap- 
pearance to an overdose of grease paint. Bow- 
ever, In actions, this ctaarader was well drawn. 
Kathryn Vila, as Mm. Hawkins, boarding- 
bouse keeper and tIt-bIt retailer, showed ns a 
cbaneter wtthsat srhieb a village conid not 
exist. B. A. Toner woo better aa tbe cbam 
of Mr. Sawyer than as the lovf* ot Ltndr* 
C. S. SeUenberger was natani aa .tfet.-ngM* 
ofllee cbap with nothing to do ealM* acTlhi 
Otst act. It to a very evenly balaawd «Mfc 
and Jnstlee to done to the parta vMcb the 
antbor evldentlr bad in mind. Ihi i lnwn at 
the Walnut was good all week. 

Last week the Forepangb Stork Oo. St Bob- 
inson's presented the snccessfol fOCtelT dtsmo. 
The Charity Ball. Every cfaameter was salt- 
ably adapted by tbe different membem ot tbe 
cast. This hi a pisy whteh reqalrca no ex- 
cessive costumes, the ordlnsry evening dress 
being worn throDfibnut tbe performance. Ana 
Cmger. as a New Tork Girl, was ably taken 
care ot by Miss Lavlnia Shannoit. and Barry 
Burkhardt as John Van Bum. rector at St. 
Mildred's, presented this peculiar chamcter In 
a most agreeable manner. The (ole of Judge 
Knox taken bx Albert SMhett was csce^ 
tlooally goet,- wmf Ml».iMt as Mrs. Ca- 
milla DePeyoler site seseed amiably. Vlas 
Lanta Plerpont and Walter B. OUbert deserve 
spedal mention la tbdr langbaMe love-making. 
Others wbo deserve mention are Henrietta 
Tsders, WBson Hummel, Mlso Jesole LeBey. 
and Frederick Forrester. Tbe above atttaetloa 
played to capacity aB last week. 

The King of The Opium King made Its 
snnual appearance In this city at Heuck*s last 
week, and proved a box-otOce winner. The 
company, which boasts of some real ChlneM 
actors, was up to tbe average and pleaMd the 
patrons ot this hoiwe. A dever aoobatle spe- 
cialty by three MongoUana, made n bit. 

At tbe Lyceum last week A Wife's Secret 
held tbe boards, and proved to be a twrform- 
ance mncb better than tbe average. The com- 
pany coostoted of some dever people Indndlng 
a MM aetiMB who won tbe hearts of the 
aadtenees. BastneBa ap to the itandaid. v 
The Merry Maidens, one of tbe best shows 
on the wbeel, returned to People's last week, 
and wss witnes se d by heavy bonses through- 
ont I to engagement. Chevalier De Iiorto cre- 
ated ma A. talk, with bis wonderful markman- 
shlp, and proved on excellent drasrtng cord. 

Lost week the offering at tbe Standard was 
Rice & Barton's Rose RIU Co.. and this ag- 
gregstlon came op to tbe ezpeetattons of Ito 
andlenees. Comedlano, chonm glrla, eoatotaai 
and oceneiy were all flrot-daso. and the at- 
tendanea waa big thnogboot the week. 


The San Antonio (Tex.) Pair baa been poet- 
poned flon Oct- Sl-Nov.. to Mer- 18-a». 
J. H. Taaee to tk — 


Engine Anderson, aecretarr of tb« Georgia 
Farmers' Fair, at Macon, writes tbat there to 
no change ot dates Ibr tbe eveals at llaeon. 
Aag n sta. OhaikslM - aad TMipa. Thsia to ao 
flmr te tUi poittaB at tbe.aoolh. 

Col. P, J. Knndy, ths Hotsd Otoaivsl ]tana«er. 
Will Operate Big Amnsemeat Sasort 
In Kansas City. 

Kaosaa City to to have a new amosement re- 
sort, tt to to be known ss the HIppadcoBt 

M^P. g. Ifnady, the weu-fcnewa and 
ceortU eataivel nan, last Wedncoday. Sept.ST. 
effected ornncHaMits with the HelnipUtaa 
Street RsUway finawaaj of Konoaa City, 
whereby he lecnres eontm of tbeIr large power 
boose at the earner ot Eighth and Woodlawn, 
whlcb to now betoe converted Into a big amuae- 
ment bnlldlng. Tbe street railway company 
wUl be financially Interested with Mr. Uundy 
in the exploitation. 

The locatlun for the Kansas City Hippodrome 
Is all tbat could be desired. With excellent 
transportation facilities the resort will be only 
seven minutes from the center of the city. 
The building Is ample (138x158) for Mg show 
purposes, and no expense will be aporod ta 

make it one of the most attractive pleifg la 
MIssoarl's moat progressive city. 

The Handy Shows will elsee the ibnd Mooen 
Nor. 1. AU ot tbe ahow paraphmaUa trtu 

~ to Kansaa dty. OA Kaadar*i 
is readily tecognlard as one of 

In the world. The sooioglcal departs 

ment will be accentnated tac the Kansas City 
engagement. Hlgb-clasa vsndevlUe WIU hea 
feature at tbe Illppodranie, aai €M> MBafr 
wUl totroduee amusement Ininiisltoaa ■allnlf 
aew to Kaosas Oily people. 


Xlie Oillboard 



u«M«dir obCB His cnitaln docs not go op 

pronipUy (t 8:15 there U a marmiir of <llKoo- 
irnt amonc patron of tbe tbeatre. Not to la 

«raM« OT*.T oeorge W. Chattertoa man. 
WDinoiiz ^„ Chattetton Theatie. 
jUnac*' Ckattertnn liai annonnccd that oo 
Oct, 4 ■■4 B tbc curtain wtxild to op at 12. 
■Malltht. «■ Vbe Vompkln Hoaker. It la all 
iMi accouat •f the atate fair which la beins 
lialtl la Biu-Imcfl^ld ttila week. Knowing that 
lUBiir people Hoold be turned away during the 
regular evealnff performance, ^fanaeer Ghat- 
UTtuii hit opoa Uic plan of Becnring an extra 
jiUniction to put OQ a midnight performance for 
die benefit of th«a« who were either unable to 
•Kure iieatn for the regular performance, oi 
dCKlred to Tlalt tbe fair daring tbe earlier por^ 
tlon of the VTenla«. Tbe plan took louBedlatelr, 
anil there n-aa a rush for reserred 
It cornea to exJgeoclee, Manager 
OaiiertoB la mlvrmji on *e apot. 

-riie editor of the Perrr <N. X.) Hcrald- 
Ne»'8 seu liaek ttronc at tbc manacei of tbe 
local theatre which bad neglected to pattoolae 
his sheet. He aajra: "81 SteIMn* TtUMj nlgbt 
and anmaa Bcarta Monday nlgltt. two good 
attractloaa. ptax«4 to imall bonae* on aeeoiuit 
of iiraOeleat adTcrtlaiac, «a«-balC «C tb* MI1> 
Marda aad tba pnaa beiac ontttcd. Attrae- 
tiooa will loak aot bow thqr feoak iBto Bmr 
bereafter. wlM 4lw igtn k« 
to vngmUr •Awrtlw tkcm,' 

IM VMrtrcfoot without tlcbts cane near botag 
Ibt altaattaa at Nelmoka CItjr. laab., ooa •ro' 

. alM lut wcfk. aeeordliis to tbe feus of i cT' 
4Mf cfcw gtiia. The company left orcr the 
HlHMKl Ptdflc at 0 o'clock, bat even that waa 
MO . MM tar the baxgaje bnatlen to get all 

. Iko tnak* la the car. Tbe (tola watched tbclr 
traako Ilko liawka. and larkca they aaw the 
baggag* tcpoalBg quietly on aoe of tbe trneka, 
they let oot a cry of waznlag when they 
foond that the train waa about to pnll out and 
leare them. Tbe conductor Mopped tbe train 
and the traaka were loaded. 

NatJJoodwta appeared at Hammatntaln'a Vie 
, 4Mal*Ml aad SvTcntb avenae tor 
~A Mat'a act waa Tery 

KAlDIEBaTEnr-8 "Stak'of'SS^ 
Hanimrrstein falling to adTertlae a teatore like 
the captain of the Ill-fated Bange that foundered 
receotiy with the Beaaty! Fact was, Oscar 
didn't know ;Nat Goodwin waa going to app«'ar. 
Neither did Carier De Haven, of the Lulu Glaser 
company, who was ea>>ylng the maunee per- 
formance at tbe Victoria from a box. With De 
BaTcn waa one Mlaa Parker, a aon.profeaalonal 
boat the oelgbborbood of Central Park. Nat 
Ooodwla eaicred fMm the ftoot of the bonae— 
■et 88 the mlBstiel mea do, Nat waaa't flaging: 
be was aad. Kat'a tonalcr tban nanal wben 

br'a mad. Be atndc down tbe alala (OTen 

^ ^ . ^ . . 

liak MA atdOi wiMB lafm M«l 
tfea biK «tm>'-a8l 'Oa-'OafaA aad. 


baA. It taat aa naart wbclber be got a daer 
check wbea be wcat oot No doubt he did. He 
had beogM a ticket to come In the Brat time. 
Ant Imagine tbatl At any rate be came back 
and tlueateaed to aaaaialnate De Harea right 
there la the tax before all the people. That 
waa the greateat comedy atroke of bla cafeer. 
I>e flarea alooe aaT«<d It from being a tragedy. 
He didn't want to be asfaaslnated. So Nat 
went out again to where 'Miia Parker waa wait- 
tug in bla anlomoWIe. He took ber home. Then 
it atmck De iHaTrn that it mlsht make bim 
famous to t>e aaaasalnated and he xnsbed after 
tbe TiUain who had abducted hla matinee girl. 
Not baring an aotomoblle (De Haren I>n*t a 
itar yet), be did not oTerUke Goodwin till Mias 
Parker had Iwea concealed in the rlllaln's — that 
la to aay depoalted lu the care of ber mamma. 
Then the Injured brro bared bis breaat and 
deOed the TlUaln to strike. But the audience 
bad been left beblnil at the Victoria, ao Good- 
win let him Hre. Thi' plot bn't quite clear, 
kot tbe act made a hit. "The newapapetx; well, 
Jaat look at them. 

RlTal political maaa meetlnga ontalde tbe 
Aeadeair of Otnale aude anch a dtat that the 
aadlenee galheied to aee 'TTay Down laat aoaid 
bardly bear a ward fMn the atage. ne aoelal- 
l8t.labor apcakeia beU forth on tbe northwest 
cener at roartecath street aad Irrlng plaec. 
and the aoelal dcoMcntlc apeakcra bellowed 
Mm Ow Anacnj earner. Uanager , Ollmoic 
PMteeled to the leadcca. and a(Mr aame word* 
wtlh Vattiek Osaahaa la ehatga of the soelal 
dtsMeiats. be waa.drlTen Into the theatre. In 
a (t«r BMMlti he reappeared, reinforced by 
a doaea atage beads, armed with bracea. seant- 
Ungs and o t h e r, amterlal from the atasce. The 
stage hands started hi' to drlre the cron d away 
when tea peUes. rtstttn, aadtr Detectlrj Ser- 
geant .Manning, came up. They ' arrested two or 
tlie Hpeakers and dlap;nied the crowd that bad 
Sitlicreil, and tlie play Inalde went on. Mean- 
wliUe the soclallat-labor meeting on the otlier 
comer went on undlslurtM'd. Before the i 
rival of the police tlio crowd was so larjre and 
turbulent that It stopped the cars In Fonrteentb 

Julls Itarlowe autrcrrd a aevtre fall la Clevr- 
lanil. Ohio, last week an tlie result of the heel 
of her French allpper catcUliiK In a crack in tlie 
slilcwalk aa ahe waa oa hvr way to the tbeatre. 
She llmpc* KtMPtlMr^OB-.tha . ■t8M...«ad a 
•prained aaUe' gave, her -aMWh' pahi%firraat«cal 

a Mg a n ee sa a . Odd anaiber. yon ace. Tbe No. 
-i. Tbe Bho^Jon. did not go oS quite right. Only 
•occed oa aa oalar ring. No. 5, odd number 
agala— ^he College' Widow. Eirerybody Uked 
her. Tbca thla Tery Bad SamarlUn. Even 
nnmber yon seo. 'No help tor It. And there 
are psychological reasons. If you cbooae to 
analyze tbe play, dissect It and weigh It. 
never follow tbe laid down rules of accepting 
atage technique in ^vtUIdk plays. Paul Pottvr 
tried many a time to argae me Into doing It 
I build my plays by Impulse. He builds bis by 
rule. 1 cannot measure out human emotion) 
OS you would molasses, and X cannot add up 
heart throbs like so many Items In a grocer'a 
bill. There were two psrcboloelcal errora, aa 
near as my hindalgbt allosvs me to discover — 
one that tbe American public bas ceased to he 
interested in wealth. Money is too coma 
A millionaire is no longer a curiosity, or a 
an object of Interest. Instead of playing a star 
part he la only one of a Mg cborus. almoat 
as monotonous as tbe old Greek chorns, at 
that. That's where I erred. To me a lot ot 
money baa alwaya aeemed aa atttaetlee aetting 
to a man, hut It la not to Kaw TetkatB. Yon 
can't throw a atlck oot of a window wttbont 
bitting a mlUlonalre. In New Tack a ma with 
a thousand puppy dogs wooU stir ap tea tlaies 
the Interest that a sua wooU who had ten 
mlUloa. Moner la too eoaamon. So yoo 
that xOba the eeahral dgase of Ua allarameat 
Aad then, the lote aloir of the play did not 
appeal. It's that at an old aian, a rich old 
laaa. la tore with, a yaoaK semat, a house- 
keeper la a cui i Btij hoteL ■Wbea acted seri 
ootur. as It was, tbe romance was rldlcalous, 
New Xorfc said. 'Oh, fudge.' and I don't won 
der. new that I have seen It with tbe ramlsb 
of anthotshlp rubbed off. I think It baa more 
funny lines than any play 1 have prodneed. 
also think tbe Idea ot a man who tries to help 
people with his money and finds he Is only doing 
them an Injury la not fwd. The dog'a life be 
leads Is Just abont what would happen to Mr. 
Kockefeller if he allowed tbe public to run In 
on him." J^nd there yoo are. It may be 
added that glowing reports about tbe crops on 
bla Indiana place enable Farmer <Jeorge not 
only to tell the truth, but to face It with 
equanimity. Even tbe fact that bis musical 

play ala of bla youth, entitled The Night Be 

foie^I^VNttt^^Bo^plarlac tha aaa-alght 

Twelve tboDsand spectators of a bnll fight 
at Xlmes. France. Sept. 3«. broke up the 
chairs and boxes and set fire to the tiarriers 
surrounding tbe arena, beaaase.. .tta. jSBatadora 
refused to kill another ban ''aa:-ak'-aMMa alter 
they had dispatched five. 

Ocone Ade now <<xi)1alns how It all IliMfjWt. 
Aakcd why Ttie Bad Snmarltan— whkh waa 
. taken oir last Saturday night after aa eagage- 

WHT THE BAD 8AMAW- "''^ "J, ^SL"!??!!? 

fan-- if ; ^X^'S^^xS^ 

iklM. 'he aaM:. 

„**«««n»e It waa Ita tarB. ' The^ elgme crery 
other with ne. The odd aumbcn ate the only 
onea that score la my game. Aa evcryono knows 
whoae wife aad bank roll bare allowed him to 
roiiow tbe theatre. Tlic Bultaa at Bala waa a 
Big aueccss. vcbtx wss noaber' oae. Ttien 
came Peggy Trom Parla. A IttOe wobbly Peggy 
waa. The public did not aecm to think as 
luuch of her aa either Colonel Savage or 1 did; 
we did Bot arem to get all tbe way back from 
rarla. «^ t came. The Couaty Chalman, 

'n'hen. a.<: a part ot TaOot .ah J'.Ba BhBg • aet. 
thev requested any wooiaB who ' lowed ■« 
bond to rise to her feet, a womaa- iB^thO 
audience at tbe Orpheum. Kaaias Cltr. Bept 
21. deliberately atood op. .She waa. ar 
panled by a OMB •OMW»at.«ia«;thM_Sllfc 
seemed pleased hIl*» *"fffi""»^JP "Ji 
that ot Rogets, who laaaifced: "Oh. me » 
lay wKe." 

Bben Plympteo. the aetec. U nuder »5.000 
bond to the court at Plynooa. Maaa.. fOr 
alleged murderous assault oa Oeotge aiartin, 

inni>EB0VBAS8A1II.T Vctoc'a house 

at the time. Martin la In tbe Maasa' 
Cfansetts Hospital near tbe point of death from 
Injuries which. It la alleged, were Inflicted by 
the actor. The physicians say be has 
cusslon ot the brain, and a possible fracture of 
the sknll. TKSldes other injuries about the 
body. He Is seml-consclooB part of the Ume, 
but from none of his talk can any light be 
thrown on the manner by which be recelTBd hIS 
wounds. From others, tioicever. the poUce have 
learned that a week ago Wednesday Martin 
went on a visit and promised to call In the 
raltroad sutlon on his way back • aad get 
Plympton. when he could take him to the 
actor's home, where Martin had l>een a gueat. 
The men had a quarrel over this and Plymp- 
ton got the worst of It. but retMned afterward 
with a club and beat Martla. ^nptaa after- 
ward called a physician and: Jia»tlB»kWa»j»ken 
to the boapltal. The fight aeeBBe« .:Mi «hBrs- 
dav. according to the stofT told rttjopollee. and 
on Friday Plymploa eaDeS the phisldaa. Mar- 
tin being tak<B to the hospi tal oa Satnrday. 

Count .Bdgar IWiimeeU lieutenant In a heavy 
cavalry regiment, who waa tried by cpurt-majr- 
ttal at jMoaleh-oa the. charge ot murrying with- 
Mt aeenriac the -pcmlsslaa of hu suiwrior 
offleetaTlwa^cca aeatraeed to sereaty-fiveday^' 
l^^m^^la ■yitKtwM.i.Thocaoat. «rto is 
Mtfio awio. th8a./*}Jhaf.v»«uw«;.kAq«iiiaD 
actress, alanette-0 1ly»r 

Mrs Richard Otda.^'Mfe of tbe actor, baa 
iwn iort in tb*?#nler court ot Chicago tor 
*25.000 on a claim that the plaintm was run 
down In Lincoln Park by horses which Mrs. 
Carle was driving, and sustained injuries that 
will cripple her for life. This action, coming 
as an addition to the suit for J 100 000 InsU 
tuted OEnlnst Carle bj- a clionia clrU who ac- 
cll«s him of slaudorlns ber. will give the Carl." 
family enough lltlKKllon to keep It. busy for a 


The new Colonial Theatre, Chicago, (one time 
the Iroquois) opened Its season In a blaie ot 
glory Sunday cvenlnc. Sept. 1. under the man- 
ncement ot the .Metropolitan Theatre Co., with 
Oeorce W. Lederer aa resident mnnoKer. Fay 
Templeton In Georee M. Cohan s Forty nre 
Mlnntes From Dniadway was the opening at- 
traction. So great was the rush for feats 
that hundreds of people were turned away. 
Miss Templeton scored one ot the greatest 
pcrjionnl triumphs the windy city has known 
for years. Tbe star was applauded roclter- 
oiisly and showered with wagon loads of beau- 
tlfiii flowers. Iler song. So lying Mary, waa 
given ten encores. Great entbnalaam reigned. 
Mr. Cnlinn was present and made a speech, 
np was greeted with prolonged applanae. Chi- 
cago erlUoa. are oaanlnMas In their praise of 
the ne* ipMAiietlaa. vaaow even declaring that 
It la better thaa'Uttle Johnny yonca, 

Tlie neifif OUoidal'is a beantr. ita aoperb 
nnrni decantMaa .aanMBs anythlmc eTer yet at- 
tempted In the war of tbealrleal arehltectnre. 
Tlie new management a» well aa the new 
poltCT given every evidence ot being a winner. 
The opening stirred Chicago tbeatregoets as 
tbiv had Dever been stirred betoia. 


Managers with soatbem time will be Inter- 
ested In the accompanying table which ahuwa 
tbe average time ot tnat at Uemphia, Tenn., 
covering a period of twenty-four years: 
Year. Fitat Froat. Killing Proat. 

1881 Oct. 15 Nov. 24 

18S2 •' 21 " 13 

1883 Not. 21 " 2 

1SS4 Oct. 'St.... Oct. 21 

1885 ^ . 4... 22 

1887 " U " 81 

1888 3 Nor. 11 

1880 " 7 Oct. 28 

1880 " 17 •• 81 

Iflftl " 16/ *• S3 

UBS 10.... .i^ 

1888*«* aa a •••oa ** So ••••■••••• 18 
189t* •••••■•« *• ^ O*********** IVOVa O 

UH.. aept.w Oct. B 

ISBOo ••■••••••• * 28o ■•••••■ * 18 

1SB7 " 22...... Hot. S 

18B8 Oct. 14.. .......;.> Oct. 28 

188S Sept. 27.......^..; -Not. 18 

IBOO Not. 2 " 9 

1001 Sept. IB " 13 

1802 " 14 " 27 

180S...... Oct. U.. .......... Oct. 24 

19M...«'*«.^.A. ,** 88....^...... 'Mi^r. 18 


Oat. 38 

Bom to Mr. and Ula. IT.'/.I. .Battartdd 
(Caroline KeUey UeCocd a M ia tt j j s pad baby 
girl. Sept. 17. at Battie QwA 
Nr. miltllll'J Is managing the 


Ella Lawrence, tbe well-kaown character ac- 
tress, died Sept. 21 at tbe home o( her alater, 
Mrs. Delia Donp, 711 Indiana aTcnne, Indlan- 
apolla, lad. Hiss Iiswreuce was prlrately 
known aa Ella Toong. About three years ago 
Ui health compelled ber to close aoddenly 
while toaring Michigan, and she went to live 
with her sister. She never returned to the 
stage, but remained in Indianapolis, where she 
beoime well known to a large circle of friends. 
On Friday Miss Lawrence waa atrlcken with 
acute congestion ot the brain, and was carried 
to her room, where she remained unconscious 
until the final curtain call. Miss Lawrence 
began ber atage career when fourteen years of 
age. and remained behind the IcoUIgbts for 
tlilrty-three yeara. She waa partienlarly known 
tor ber marreloos power ot memory which 
scared a hit for her la a..BaBbac aC'.laBlaacea 
throughout ber Tailed career.' >ka''.«M''^' oae 
tine appearlag at tka." Faik Tkiatlia M In- 
dlaaapoUa with Sltil i BaMeB 'lB Xka.^BHtaeky 
(MrL Mlaa BaasM';:haMawi aaddHdrHI and 
oonid not play, lite lAWicnee'waat oa at a 
nMHaeafS ooOce aad the aadleace waa none 
tbc wlscT. At aaother time she was playing 
with a Ten NIghta la a Bar-room eompaay. 
At Ft. Wayne. lad.. Simon Slade, the bar- 
teader. beeune Incapacitated. Mias Lawrence 
Tolnnteered to play ooth rotea. She made np 
and the manager accepted. She played alx 
nights before one ot ber boots came off and 
revealed anch a dainty temlidne toot that the 
audience caught on. Later tbe women of tbe 
town presented ber with a gold ring with an 
Inscription voicing their admiration. Tbe body 
ot Miss Lawrence was taken to Oolnnba^ lad., 
tor bnrlaL .-. ; 

Joseph Utt— NoUce of hU 
in another colamo of tills 

Lew White, the 
prince ot good fellows, died la'St. Iionla, Ifo.; 
Sept. 23. after aa Illness of but eighteen bonra. 
Mr. White Cooaerly traveled with tiie Harris 
Nickel -Plata and the Lemon Brothers Shows. 
Of . toent yaaia ha had been daallag la aov- 
elttaa Caai; a-' ; ttitt! -'. aacai alBa <jV-ia.: 'ptifaia. .''life 
MTJ-'Whlte waa'haewB'ais'MWIaa:-' " 

Aaron DeWltt-i-^nowa prafesslanany 
Smith, of tbe acroliatic team of Beno and 
Smith— died at tbe city hospital, Baltimore. 
Md.. Sept. to, ot lajories reeelTCd.lfoadsr. 2$. 
while performing at the Ifi— lalal "iBMlii 
Cerebral h eu Maihage waa the 
of tlie performer's deatlu 

Hany ChappdI. naaagar at -Sto: Soltfi ' of 
Bboag, moatas the loaa of ' his brother. ' 
died la Cbieaaa .SspiL 17 ot heart tallnre. 

Edgar Feasbfrln,'^- tbe dramatist, died at 
Broadway, Wareeateishire, Eng.. Sept. 28. Mr. 
Pembertoa waa bom JTuly 11, 1849. 

Dave R. Wood, manager ot Gordon dc Ben- 
nett's A Boyal Shive Co., died at Ooshocton, 
Ohio, Sept. 30, ot heart trouble. ; 

Waldo CUue— Notice of bis death 
another column of thla issue. 


The anthor of 'Way Down Baac aad Under 
Southern Skies Is about to add another stand- 
ard success to her credit In her recent dramatl- 
xation ot Eev. (3ias. Frederick Ooaa' Tbe Be- 
demptlon of David Corson. A deep love story 
serves as the plot and also gives Miss Parker 
opportunity to display her dlvetalded talents. 
She Is said to have pnt plenty of atmoepherc 
Into David Conion and to bave grouped arooad 
tbe leaders a Dumt>er of strong oharacteia 
whlcb will be ably portra.ved. By special per- 
mission ot Klaw A ErlaiiKer. J. C. HofTraan, 
their stage director, will stage tbe new play. 
Walter Edwards baa lieen engaged for the 
role of David, and Mias Jalla Marie Taylor, 
who played Portia la The Merchaat af Venice 
besides leading parts with BIctiard UanaOeld 
last season, will be seen aa Pepeeta. 

In The ISveaIng Down On The (parser; copy- 
righted by M. Wltmarfc A Sona, N<rw Xoife 

Jeseie Hatliaway; copyrigbtcd by M. 
mark A Sons. New Tork City. . ' 

Kate Kearney; copyrighted iv' H^'' W 
A Sons. New York City; -, ., 

Ooleiaaa Park AesoclatliHi. Oolemaa. Tex.: 
capital 82.S00. Will maintain a park and in- 
nocent amusements, lacorpoeatnea A. B. Mil- 
ler. W. X OMlta. W.: B. MaCWkm a^ X ■. 
Sterens. • 

Waahington BaU Parit 
capital $2,500. Win 

park. Incarpontoro— Wilila MiMH^'AC 
McOaTia and II. A. BBUh. 


ha' ene aett^eafvrlghtcd 


P. V. Stock. 

Tlie Bishop's 
b.r W, .\. Ijiirsoa. 

The Canary and Xhe Cat, In one act 
righted by C. A. ATlSirsrth. 

Down at Uncle Bltaai'a^ la three acta; copy- 
righted by S. MUlcr; . . . 

Freaks and Fraads; In One' hat;' esB fUah ted 
by W. E. Harvey. — » 

The Golden Girl. In two acts; copyrighted 
by Chappell & Co. 

Th<- Heart Breaker, in one act: eonyzlghted 
b.r Paul nicksr. ■ -- -- -.'.••. .« 'T^ . • 

King SoioBMrt -niaple: :asnrili|liM' tr- E. 

The Little wlilte Slave, In four acta; copy- 
rlirUted by R, L. .\ndrews. 

The Professor's Assistant, in Iline - acta; 
copyrighted by A. B. Morgaa. 

The Purlolncrs. In foor aeta 

G. B. McCutcheon. 
The Srhemera. In tour acts: copyrighted by 

H. L. Olson. 

Turn ot The Tide, la tonr aeta; eonyrlgbted 
hy U. Uidactan. 


Hope: copyrighted by M. Witmark & Soos. 
New York City. 

It I Should: copyrighted hf .X. WUasaik A 
Sons. New York City. 

Non-. I Kemember: ccpyrlgliM Wtt- 
Bsrk A Sobs. Now Xorfc tSUj.': 

. Washington. 8ept.-.;'i_ 
In Its weekly bullellB' 
tlona as toUoivs: 

Tbe temperature during the week 
Sept. 25 was favorable tbrongboot the 
being nearly everywhere above the ncna^ 
Italns caused some damage in portiooa ot tiia ' 
Mlsaonrl and upper MiaslppU valleya, while a 
conalderable part of tbe south Atlantic and gnU 
states Is la aeed ot rain. Damaging troeta oe- ' 
cnrred in the middle Rocky monatain region, ' 
aad ligbt ftoota with little or no lajory In poe- 
tloas of the lower lake region aad Utcrlor of the 
middle Atlaatle atates. 

Iteecpt la llmlted parts of the Mbisoarl tbHcx 
con has egperleaeed a. aack oC esaditlow highir 
faTseable tsr aaatiatlBig.' t^'Otos. ftnes aerentr. 
five to alaetr par: eMC:.'ae aiiSeh la 

fraia Till iiBilalii wOL 


Ugh wlada. bot thla wlU only malto hai ustlag 
BMKo dliBeuIt without redndniE the yield. Saao ' 
eota la shoek in MIssoari and Kaaaas lua beea , 
damaced by moisture, due largely t* ralas oC ~ 
the p caTh i a s week. 

~ The OneSbiag of spring wheat la the Dakotoa 
and Minnesota was Intermpted by ralaa dnriag 
the first halt ot the week, bat aback ttireahlns : 
and stacklns are not yet finished. la the Dako- 
tas the yield and quality are varialde aad gen- 
erally disappointing. 

Tb<> reports Indicate but little change In tiie 
coniUtloo of cotton In Sooth Caroltiia. Georgia 
and Alabama and Oklahoma and Indian Terri- 
tories, a slight Improvement la ncrlbeaateia 
Texas, and more or less deterioration la other 
portions ot the cotton belt, although there is 
decIdedLv lea complaint of rust and ah'ddlnx in 
the central and In portions of the eastern dis- 
tricts. Plckln;r In Texas was Interrupted to ' 
some extent by rain, but this work has been 
active under gen:-rally favorsMe conditloua la 
all districts except the north ceatral portloa of 
the belt, where It Is not general. Picking ta 
Bearing completion In portiont ot (Seocsia. lioals- 
laaa and extreme tontbtin Tvxaa. . 

Some InJniT to boased tahacao .hr aHM' 
weather ia reparted from p or t lSas sf the'aaU- 
die lAHaads - ««a<e» aad Xew Baitlaad. hot 
el st a> an .atba'- ltp i lU : u a H S ll a g this onip ate 
f nvnralilc-""" 

No Improrement In tbe apple eotlook la indi- 
cated, an Isferlor crop being reparted from 
practically all tbe apple-produetng states. A 
poor crop ot potaioi's Is generally Indicated. 

Except In the east gulf states, where ttie 
soil has been to dry for plowing, tbia work la 
generally w/H-ailranced. Mash stejiBg hM 
been done and tbe farly; sara''ls MIBi^S/Vi^^ 
good stands tliroughoot Dm- " " '" 



Xtie Billboar<l 

OCTOBER r. 1906w 


TnCKHBSa.— UcJlmwT Tbntre (F. 6R«n. 
mgr.) TUtM PUjm Sept. 17-23; good bnsiness. 
Skj- Farm 3; good coispanj and tnulons. 
Iifinan Howe's MotIoc Pletnzes 28: good mbonr. 
Xbe Show Old 30; 1^. Munle Float Oct. 2. 
JUIULfUXB. — Optra Bouse . (B. MnUen, 
r.) .A. OhbIv Bd aood boaiaeaL Sandy 
— ' tMlBaM> Uttle 

Little Bed Scboolhonse 28. 

T.«r avtri-i K. — Grand Opera Honse (Taa. W. 
Byan, mer ) The B*rry Stock Co. week Sept. 
18-23: good tHUloess. Under SooUiem Skies 
28; The Hooaier Girl 30. 

COHHEEBVUIE.— Andre Theatre fW. D. 
Andn, njgr.> Sandy Bottom 27; good abow and 
foil bonae. tea ot The Many Oct. 3. 

AHGOLA. — Ctoxton Opera House (H. H. 
Wnill. nCE.) Blchellea Sept.' 22; fair bosl- 
acas. The BereBtb Boor 27. 

BOOSIEB. — Opera House. Sla HopUna Sept. 
IS; luge audience. 


]leAXS8SEft» T^ wg Mi i ai^ Opera 

t tk. B. Eatea, aagr.) VoVj Ptlinioae 
SkT packed booie. Ccntnrr Stock Co. 
•4% Maliara'a Mlnatrels 12; BooUgan's 
"tm U; Folaom'a Stock Co. week 16. 
laai— gmilin Wnillim 3. 

CW; B. Hln- 


" Osu 

The Volunteer Organist 6: DcUa Prlngle Stock 
Co. 8-11; Happy Hooligan 13; PoUy Frlm- 

Audltorlam (H. C. Toler t mm, 
Lycenm Comedy Co. Oct. 2-7. 

Lyric TheQtre (C. M. BOE. BCr.) ▼ndttllle 
la actracUDE good buslneaa ben. U»Q *r can- 
raa— MUIer Brotbeia' 101 CaaA WOd Wcat 
Show Sept. s»«T. F i i i Hi giWla Bmttien. 
Sham »: Vmwwm bA' lfl|« .Wcat Oct: S. 

XT. aeaXX.r-ltnMmmJ^m*B (BazTT, C. 
Btnlcb. aur.) BH BgMUfc 'Ae Bcr Sept. 
27; That Uttle SmdeaTne BaMfc o( Bhang 
Oct. 3;>Inna Open Co. 6; F«Ilr FHamiae 0. 

Fen Lake Faik (Hafer * Lore. B«rs.) Gro. 
WUaoD. Jao. a. UorUuu Tbm CaiadI SUtns. 

!C (C. H. WhcatoD. 
Co. Sept. 18-20; good 

_ Centur Stock Co. 22- 

S8t aTWilanfr ffwipaFT and boslneaa. Hnwian 
Bterts 2S: capadiT baslness. HIa Blghata*. 
The Bcr SB; ITBde Ttan'a Cabin 28: Tm Mccry 
Tnaps Oct. S; BIp Van Wiakla T. 
WIBZIELD.— Grand Opem Banae (E. B. 

Bieta, mgr.) Slonajr Stock Ool weak Sept. 18; 

FooBtata ' Thieatpt Oak -'uMk' .<tet^ 'S. 

EXFOBIA — Wbltley Opera BMW (fM. B. 
Corbett. mgr.) My Fnend Flam Aikaaaaw 
Sept. 22; good baaineas. That Little Sirede SS: 
lieaT7 Imslness. A Rnasbui Spy 30; Motey 
Stock Co. week Oct. 2. 

CHERBTVALE. — Opera Hoose (Cbaa. Cash, 
mgr.) An Artstocratlc Tramp Sept. S; good 
show and baslness. The Centnry Stock Co. 
18-20; fair company and good baslness. Ma- 
bara's Minstrels 26. 

HOBTON.— High Street Theatre (J. F. Bai- 
ler, mgr.) Wood and Ward'a Two Merty 

- - Mt m" " 

SES XOIBBB.^ — ^Foater's Opera Hoose (Wm. 
Foster, mgr.) Blanche Walsh Sept. 23; large 
and weB-pleaaed aadlencea. Kolk and Dill In 
L O. U. 2B-Z7: good ''~'"»«" and pleased. 

-fUMUi m^om.^mHm ib Xbe Bmi- 

IC MM^flMMB'M*:. Xbe Prince 
11; OockMatela'.llkaMa 13; Borne 
MU PUT. M: tmtt »t Iha. LeOag- 
Wdn BoMi M. 

Oiaad Opan Hooae {Wka. IMci^ mn.) A 
Joiir Aocitaa TMBp SUTj pleaM maoi 
bHaeaa At Ptaer Bite 18-30; Jbe WMt 
Oct. U; Marik Bn>thets finacdIaBa 8-14; T< 
BdOiIo M.17: a Boyal SUre 1S.S1; Dead' 
BUk Haman Hearts 28.28. 

BUoa Theatre (Fred. Bnohinan, mgr.) Dtda. 
Biawler and Leslie. Adolpk Englcr. Cortaio and 
ITlnaaom, FetccaoB BnttBB-«a8 3Mc O'TbOle 
mtk S ept. IS; good hiiimtm.' 

.BWMB XAPnM.— -Gncne'a Opcsa Boose (W. 
M^Ofmi^ boa. mgr.) Myrtle Vinton Co. Sept. 
U4D; SMd boaliien. Tod Tonaon 23; good 
bnafneaa , Tbm Girl FTtxn The West 
celed. BIckman-Mltler Co. 25-27; Eaolalle 
'S'oatig 28; A JoHj American Tramp 80; Wm. 
Patton Oct. S; Walker Wtaltealde 4-S; Cherry 
Valley 8; Xbe Paraders 7. 

People's Theatre (Vic Hngo, mgr.) The Ool- 
tona. Early and late. Jlmmle Lacas. The TeX' 
ana Slatera. LociUe Baiper. and the bloKiapb 
week Sept. 2S; good business. 

Aadltorlum (Ray W. Fay. mgr.) Mr. and 
BCrs. Jdo. T. PowetB. Prank McCone and May 
Grant. LeBoy Benson. Beoo and Murray, Bay 
W. dongh, and the klnetoscoi>e week Sept. 
25; good boadneea and performance. 

FT. DODGE. — Midland Theatre (C. P. Peder- 
ooD. mgr.) At Ptney Ridge Sept. 25; good 
boslnew and pleased. Walker Whiteside 27; 
exceUtnt perfocmance and fnii- business. 
Sonaa's Band 28; The Female Dcteetina Oct. 
1: Lrman Twin 3. Itaaa— Ua > OHkfll Car- 
Binl Ob. wack Sept. IS; Mr . Mmb and 

-^--i-.^——.- - j - a r fc .^m. Pas. 

.»yp*» ay flpaC-jMBMik Xbe Hi^ dtr 
^ l^Mi «k»:>Xaat Booe of Som- 

J.— Broaa'b ■■ 0HI8 Hoose (C. F 

Brown. Bsr.) The Baakec^a CbUd Sent. 21: 
pna man and fUr bofaeM. Uncle Tom's 
Cabin 28; p l e aaa d big booaaa matinee and 
evening. At Plaer Btilce 28; Soosa's Band 
28: Lymaa Twins In The Bostlera Oct. 2. 

Jobaaon'e BhetHe Thoitra (E. H. Johnaon. 
mgrO Beno and Jtamr. OdOIos and LeUon. 
Hotdiinaoa aad Loaby. Stock Olu.- and the 
'dneoerapb week Sept. 25; caadtHAMiaa. Item 
— GoamopoUtea Oamlval Oa." week Sept. 18; 
aeaient abowa and big eiowda. 

**BBTj— Crand Opera Hoose (B. M. Hat- 
Tcjr. mgr.) Xabaia'a Mlaalitia: canceled. Lr- 
man Twins Sept. 28; fair bariacM aad aood 
Aow. Bajab of Bboar *tx fbBtd. la aww, 
^gp nya O ct. 7; WUher WUtcaMa" IS. 
Mtai rattoiaen t Btamttd OualTsI Co. week 

Itan Opera Houae 
Unde Tom'a Cabin 
attraetloa. Walker 
"'a Love SS; air 


LOUISVILLE.— Tbe Arenae Theatre (C. A. 
Sbaw, mgr.) A Girl of Tbe Streets Sept. 24- 
30; good performance and baslness. Current: 
A Wife's Secret. 

Masonic Tbeatre (C. A. Shaw, mgr.) The 
Seinlnaty Girl Sept. 23 ■] ~ 
performance and boabMBb, 
Qnlncy Adams Sawyer. 

Macaaley's Tbeatre (John T. Kaeanlcy, mgr.) 
Geo. Coban In Little lobnajr Jones Sept. SS and 
week: fine perfonnanea aad raparlty baslnfts 
Current: The Cooaty Oate Bbk. . 

Hopkins' Theatre (WkC'- 'BaMbMb av.) 
Prof. Bngg'a Liqnid Air DeiMaalalln*. The 
Three NaTarroa, Weat and Van SIcIen. Marcos 
and Gartdle, Armationg and H0II7, Nettle 
Fields, and the btograph week Sept. 25: good 
hill and bnainess. Ciunent: Troba, Joe Fvnn. 
Ethel Robinson. Boooey and Bent, and others. 

Tbe Bucklngbam (Whallen Broa.. mgra.) 
Tbe Ceotory Girls week Sept. 2tx exeellent 
show and baslness. Carrent; The Uaaeottca. 


PAOVCAH.— Tbe Eentncky (T. W. Boberta, 
mgr.) Polly PrlmrDse Id; pleased fair house. 
Fislce stock Co. 20-23; fair baslness. The 
Rajah ot Bbong 25: packed hoose. play fab. 
wnis Comedy Co. 28-30. Item — ^Tbe Greater 
Parker Camlral Co. opens a week's engage* 
ment here 2S-30. under auspices of TrsTeUng 
Men's Association. 

OWEHSBOKO. — Grand Tbeatre (Pedley A 
BoTCh. aMEO,^ . She Faaay Mr. Dooley Sept. 
23: kaiae aad fair perforaianee. Howe's 

FletaM laMiari and di 


Ker 30. 

Brown, vsr.) The 

The' Uttle 
and ez- 
Fana 2S; good 

_ Boaie (Prank 

Binst, mgr.) Ton T s a apa Sept. 25: good 
company and boalneaa. TanSjke-Eaton Co. 26- 

30: No Mother to Guide Her Oct- 3; Holty 
ToltT 4; Alice Fisher 6. 

CHEROKEE, — Gimnd Open 

aon, mgr.) - J — 

Bis Bignaaa% 

(F. Bmn- 
. IS with 

70BT OOSeS.— Uldland Tbeatre (C. P. Pe- 
deraoQ. mgr.) Tbe Uttle Baneatcad Sept. 18; 
— - raBaad.Sk. . 

WHTH I TH Ifcawl l ii id Tbeatie Vbl 
ks; mgE.) Tke Cbartefa DsngMer 20; Eoad 
— ' _At CM ptflajOtartc Mj «Def I " 



T.KHIWOTOy Opera House (Chas. Scott. 

mgr.) Little Johnny Jones Sept. 25; excel- 
lent performsnce and received Imm r nT i natnai- 
age- The Jewell-Eelly «tock . <fc.. S8 d fc ^Ca- 
padty business. Underilnads'SMfeF'SHB kk-Vhe 
Education of Mr. Flpp. , .' . t 

Hopxnnnus. — aeiiaad*i - 

II. Ennis. mtgr.y Pally ' 

deUfhtcd.Iiiae koav. 
The HMd S iUam 
maa Oct. S. 

TiTTBATfOH. — Opera Baaai.'<MilCB & Kdly, 
mgia.) Son's Minstrels 8cpt..SS; flne perform- 
ance and baslness. Under canvaa — Clark's Oim- 
blned Staoivs Oct. 2. 

UAYBVUXE. — ^WasUngtOB Tbeatre (Bosaell. 

- - - - — - 

Dje £ Frank, mgts,). Wslcasy** 
d show aad .kariaiaa.' -' 

Stock Co. es. •' - 

OfbFO * Tk^or, ■gis.) 
25; good boalneaa and performance fair. 
Stock Co. 27. 

801CEB8EX. — Gem ppwa_ 
Thatcher, nsr.) 
18 and 


XEW OBLEASS, — City Park <Jos. Bernard, 
sopt.) Closed Sunday, 24. with vandevtlle, 
Prof. Nlghtbeort'B Yltascope, and Sparer'! Band 
as the featm^s. The past seasoo was a Tery 
succeSEfol one. 

Andnbon Parle Brann's Kayal Brigade 
Band coutinQes as the chief attraction here, 
and la drawing good business. 

Scenic Park. Band concerts, the Tltascope, 
etc. la attracting good patroDase at thla re- 

Tbe Grand- This boftse opened Sept. IG with 
The Grand Stock C:o. presenting Rupert of 
Hentsao. Packed bonsea were the rule tbroogb- 
ont the engagement. John J. Farrell. leading 
man aad Jlisa Jane Irrlas, Icadlbg lady were 
•Mt Ik IMr pam. Jtaiee Hsndltb week 24. 
lyile Tkcstie apcocd Sept. 17 with 
~ tk OoT priaiaHag la MIs- 
Ckmat: At Flaer Bldge. 


BALTMORE.— Academy of Music (NUon i 
Zimmerman. niErs.) Woodland with a hand- 
some chorus anJ splendid cast week Sept. a: 
well receired b.v flue audiences. Current: The 
Truth Tellers. 

Ford's Opera House (Chas. E. Ford, mgr.) 
Minnie Selipan and Wm. BramweU ta The 
Dragon and The Fly ttft. St 1S^JS*iJ°°^ 
attraction and atleadaMib' DHSSill - Mme. 
Schumann-Heink. , 

-Vlbaash's Tbeatre (BObC B. Ifwta. mgr.) 
■Hie Glri and The Bandit waak Scfit. SB; line 
show anil business. Comat: The Ban and 
The Girl. . _ 

Auditorium Tbeatre (Jas. L. WSmam, mgr.) 
Tbe Serlo Comic Oovenwa* wack' Stvt. 25: 
excellent pcadncttai aad laiae laeslpti. Cnr. 
rent: Elfle Pay. . _ . _ . _ , 

Maryland Tbaatia Osa. It KpamjBigr.) 
Idaleae Oottoa and Bl*;.l<i!|fe^ W l k g s and 
Ashltx. Tfce 8b: ■asS'glBll. T^IM ik.r JkigjlnE 
Mowacta, Vera Ktag; 'fikaa. Bmiai' aaa wxra 
^reek Sept. 25. _„ 

noUiday Street Theatre (Keman, Rife & 
Houck. mgrs.) Why Girla Leave Home week 
Sept. 25; competent company and good pa- 
tronaKe. Current: Bamey Gllmore. 

Blaney's Theatre (O. M. Ballanf. mgr.) 
Wedded and Parted week Sept. SS; thrilling 
performance and good bnslnns, (Torrent; Bar- 
ney Gllmore. 

Blaney's Tbeatre (O. II. Balloo f . mirr.) 
Wedded and Parted » mfc -.:-Sipfc- M^^^rilllng 
performance and good bariasas. tmncat: The 
Gypsy Girl. 

Bljoo Theatre (P. P. Cntt. mcr.) .\rthur 
Van, Seeker. Wilkes 4 Co.. Bnrkhsrt snd 
Berry. Jas. Mnllen. Musical Harts. Clara So- 
nora. The American Trio, and others week 
Sept. 23: good baislness. 

Monnmenul Tbestre (Jas. L. Keman, mgr.) 
The BelUy A Woods Show packed the boose at 
eacb perfonnaaee week Sept. SS. Oorrent; Miss 

(nniBEBLAHD. — Academy of Music (Mel- 
llnger Bros., mgr.) Frank L. Berly Opera C!o. 
In Tbe Girl and The Bandit Sept- 21: packed 
bouse. Miss Bob WMte 23; two good booses. 
Kirk Brown Stock C!o. week 25; excellent busi- 
ness at eacb performance. Alberta Gallatin 
In Consln Kate Oct. 2; Bnater Brown 8; The 
Two Johns 4; Howe's Mortng PtetaicB S: Tbe 
Bine Blbbon Girls 6; Myrkle-Harder Stock Co. 


LOWELL. — Opera House (Fay Brotbers A 
Horsford, mgrs.) Daniel Ryan A Co. week 
Sept. 18; good business. A Jolly Baron week 
25; good business. Whr GItiB Leave Borne 
28-27; LewU Morrlsni kl Wmmt SB: Jkk. VNell 
In Monte (Arlsto 28-80: Tbm B. Sb ia la rep- 
ertoire week Oct. 2. 

Academy of Music <R. F. Murphy, mgr.) 
Bimtington A DeDyc Co. presented The Great 
Diamond Robbery week Sept. 2S; good business 
and performance. Tbe CHiarlty Ball week 
Oct. 2. 

Boston Tbeatre (Bert Tlbbetts. mgr.) DIda 
beaded a strong bm week Sept. 25; good busi- 

People's Theatre (Harry Woodward, mgr.) 
Business good week Sept. 25- 

Palace (LeMay Bros., mgrs.) Bill week 
Sept. 25 drew e<]MClty baslness. Mortoo and 
Mason. Ethel imilaaia Xka BtMsitediL Mil- 
dred Flensing; MsF Bnktab' Baia HttdbSD. and 
Fred. C hagnoa wtA OCL 9: 

BEW BEDFOKD. — New Bedford Theatre PW. 
B. Cross, mgr.) Clara Tomer Repertoire Co. 
week Sept. 11: good bnaincsa. Thoa. B. Shea 
In rep-rtoire week IS: compaar. aad baslnrss 
excellent. James Kennedy Oft. vwk SS| Wh> 
Girls I^are Home Oct. 2. 

Hathaway'a Theatre (Theo. B. Batlra, mgr.) 
De Voe and Co.. Tbe O'Seams, May Evana, 
Stager's Dogs aad Bakkcys. itcCot aad Oahin, 
Tooas » ■ « »l« a a Qa lalal. llcllaisa and Moose. 

Mm 'aiid'kjSL '"'jkSK* fefeifcaa ^S«l^. 
Miss MIe OUL UCMr aad Baidt. tforoi. 
Haya« mt-Humtmmftf'- 'Asm aad Mtiaiyre. 

Smith aad erscB. aad moltoa i il ttui e a week 25. 

SaToy mieatre (D. R. BnfflngtoD, mgr.) Buf- 
llnKton Stock Co. week Oct. 2. 

FALL KIVER, — ^Academy of Music (Cahn A 
Grant, mgra.) Tbe Oosgrove Stock Co. week 
Sept. 18; good hoslneas. Sbeppard'a Morlng 
Fictares 2S-Z7: Why Girls Leave Bante 29-30: 
The Bbiphsrd King Oct. M. 

Bbccdris MCw Btjoa. Tka Miitnlsai Bow- 
aida, Doelk aad Bassdl. IMm. Batalmi. Barry 
Bother * Ok,. Dknat Wat nets MMckeUa. 
BaycB ad Baalr. aad aa mimt tmmm week 
Sept. SS. 

NickdOdeoB. VandevIDe ooatlnnea to be a 
big drawlos card at thla boose. 

BOmBt— Opera Bbaae (Lawler Bros., 
aunaj ..Ua Mr liaitMm la BreaUnc Into 
SMMr'awb kl; bm mmmr and large bosl. 
mem.- Vhe 3Mlr BaMa wttk Bmy CUflbrd 27; 
pleased iatxa patiaaace. 

Easplce Tbialu (T. P. Batiax. a>ar.) 
Tt Be Pitied naa Sooned Sept. SS-tT; „ 
nadtjr b aa bu ss. Tbe World Beaten S880; 
lacse sadlenee aad pleaaed. 

ttOPCEBTBK — TJnICC BIB Tbeatie (btth- 
wm * mmtm. ssna.) Why Glrla Leave 
1. B. 0. ne Two Blateta S8; 

Cij*M Theatre (John J. Nash, mgr.) Jag- 
clins Jordans, Howell and 'BmeisiHi, Coleman 
and alexia, Maatar SUter, McKay and Fied- 
erlcka. Ottvar WUkar. and tbe kinodrome week 
Sept. Si; CMWdad bouses at each perfom- 
ance. WM. P. RENCBARD. 

LABSIBO, — Baltd'B Opera House (F. J. 
Williams, mgr.) As Told in Tbe Bills Sept. 
IS; good company and baslness. Trilby 21; 
good shuw and patruuage. Royal Slave 23; 
cood show and business. Kiltie's Band 23; 
The Wayward Son 2S; Tlie Great Train Bob- 
bery 30; The Schoolgirl Oct. 2; On The Bridge 
nt Mldnlsht 3; The Sign of The Four 7. 

]ti)<iu Theatre (U. J. Rubson, mKr. D's and 
D». CUtrord Val Trainer. Clark aoa Temple, 
Jauies \. lieuueSHcy. lleauoiont and Hay\vard, 
Tom Farrel. and tbe bljuubctjpe week Sept. 
IS: good bui^iness and bill. 

MAaaUETTE.— Opera House (A. F. Koepke, 
msr. ' Julio tJriir In Iler Only Sin Sept. IS; 
^ood sI:o\v nlid fair tiustness. Alice Johnson in 
ri^e .Marri.ii." ut Kilt) la; good performance 
anil fulr |>ulru>w;:e. Hans and Nla: 20: sood 
attmrlioii itiid fmr business. The Mummy iind 
Tlie lluuimln^rblrl 2o. 

Illjun Theiiire (W. A. Hons. msr. ) Kaymoad 
and Ithfy. AV. K. Cr«^». IVordon and Hayes. Will 
.V. ■Ito*^. ;iih1 the kinodrome week IS. 

SAGHTAW Academy (J. U. Ward, mgr.) 

San Toy Sept. 20; good buslneKi. In Lonlalana 
23; fair show and business good. On Tbe 
ltrJd;:e at Midnight go<xl bu8lneSI^. The 

Silu>ol);lrl M\: Tlie EleventU Hour Oct. I. 

Jfffcr'ri Tbeatre (Bamford & Marks, mgrs.) 
I.a.\delia. LuQ und l-ucier. Mignonette Kukln. 

Cllli'tte's Monkey»i. BImm. Bomm. B-r-r-r week 

Sept. 24: good bill and buslneaa. 

KTJSEEGOir.— (jrand Opera Hoose (R. H. 
Meyersabm, mgr.) Porter J. White In Trilby 
Sept. lu; pleased fair patronage. A Royal 
Slave 24: crowded honse. San Toy 38; Oa The 
Bridge at MldnlRbt Oct. 1: A JclmV'XBIr dl ' 
Flort>lora 7: The Moonshiner's DaaiMW Bs'Tka 
Grafter 12: .\delalde Thurston 14. 

BAY CITT. — Washington Theatre (W. J. 
Daunt, mgr.) San Toy Sept. 19; good btislneae. 
The Wayward Son 24; (air bnslacM Oa The 
Bridge at Midnight 26; Tbe Scksat^S <cfc 1} 
The EleTentb Boor 3-4; F ha odoc a tf Mr mfeHs 
Family; 8; A Jersey Lilly 7. 

MMBVt UB. WAHTP — Boo Opera Hoose (W. 
B. Stack, mgr.) BabUam Slack On. week 
7; FlmilUB SSL 

^ aOBWDOlk- ^ lstaif ^ Hla^ ^ ^ 

Thc'^ianlSe of Sttty Sevt SI; asad I 

The Moonatalner'a Daochter S3: fair b 
I 0W0C80.— Opera Houae (O. Mclanbatel 
I mgr.) Dora Thome Sept. 21; pleaaed large 
: bouse. Hamlet 2H; On The Bridge at Mld- 
I night 28. 

DO W A 8 IA C .— <^t«a D a sa t. The Little Ont- 
oat amu St; k ia jf kjkW.aaj asa* jt ^wp 
ance. 1^ WIBS^ SamBf SSb Skaat S^ WdBk 


KOIIHOE.— Armory Opera Hoose (W. O. Gut- 
man. mgr.) The Isle of Spice Sept. 23; One 
show and capadlr boalneaa, The naming Ar- 

Be Girls Oct. 2. 

Kktrr Gow 37: OMs 

DETROIT. — Temple Theatre (J. H. Moore, 
mzr.) Famoas Aeoust Family. N>c>rton and 
Nicholson. Polk and Collins, Hengler Sitters. 
B^lle Hathawa.v's Monkeys, the Pautxer Trio, 
Mar Belfort. Dixon and Aognr. and moTlng 
plctnrefi week Sept. 2.': flne bill and good 
)>nslne<i». Msrshill P. Wilder and others week 
Oct. I. 

Detroit Opera Flonse (H. Parent, mzr.) Marie 
Cahlll in iloonshlne week Sept. 25; Rood play 
and houses. E, H. Sothem and Jolla Marlowe 
Oct. 2-». 

Lycenm Tbeatre (A. Warner, mgr.) Dock- 
nlader'B Minstrels week Sept. 20; flne show and 
lar^ audience. Current: Tbe Grafter. 

Whitney Tbeatre (Cbaa. Altmaa. mgr.) 

The Boy Behind Th e Oaa, waSk T S sgt, SS t >»Sd 

company and very laBBa*kaiMa.'- OHaWtt 9ke 

FlarolnE Arrow. 

Lafayette Theatre (Dr. (^mpbell. mgr.) 
The LlTlncston Stock Co. presented Parcmenta 
of Pari* week Sept. 25; fairly good i>erform 
aaee and leood hooaea. Carrent: Thelma. 
Avanae Theatre (F. Drew, mgr.) Miner's 
week_ Sept. 25; fair per- 


MSntEAPOUS. — MettnpoUtaa (I. N. Scort. 
mgr.) Tbe Forbidden I^nd week 17; good 
baslness and production. Mrs. Temple's Tele- 
gram 24-27; A School For Husbands 28-30. 

Bijan Tbeatre (Theo. L- Bays, mgr.) Her 
First False Step week 17; good bnainess and 
performance. Queen of The White SIstcs 
week 24 

Orpbeum (G. E. Raymond, mgr.) Ool. Bor- 
derrerry, Edmund Day A Co., l,aBelle Eatellla. 
Violet Dale, Raymond and Carerly, Lea Parls- 
iennes. Harper. Desmond and Bailey, and the 
kinodrome week 34: baslness good. 

Lyceum Tbeatre (W. W. Ely, mgr.) Bart- 
lett and Collins, Oonatantlaeaa and L awreaae , 
Washer Brotbers^ 
Rose Lee Tyler, ai 
boslneaa good. ■ _ ■ _ 1 

Uidqoe Tbeatie (O. V*.. HklCb ^>^> 
Peer l es a Barmoale Ikkb Ak^fegM aad 1 
Little Mildred, llliifiif aad ttmj Vam JM- 
son, Di I I'll SM'a Oat * IfsafeCT flnaa, Harold 
BeekToe. aad aaaaa p li l i w is arnk 38: bosi- 

•ss good wack U. 

Deww TkwWi OL SL Singer, mgr.) Tbe 
Jolly Waa mtimm vatk IT; pleaaed good 
bouaco. Waabkwtsa B sel t t y Glrla week 24. 


ST. PAT7I_ — Metropolitan Opera Hoose (L. 
N. Scott, mgr.) Alice Fisher in a School For 
Husbands 24-27: excellent company and good 
bouses. Mrs. Temple's Telegram 28-30: Kzra 
Kendall In Barnstormer Oct. 1-4; Mrs. L^fflni- 
well's Boots c-7. 

Grand Opera Hoose (Theo. L. Baya. mir.-> 
HU Last Dollar week Sept. 24; deUgbted 
bouses. Florence Bindley In Tlie Belle of 
West week Oct. 1. 

Star Tbeatre (J. O. VanBoo. mcr.1 
Tlaer UUMn week Sept. St: 
' lamsL O mi e t: Tkc OtspCaaa. 

Onkeam Jke a ti ii (Ckailea FMA^ msr-i 
WtStMm- «. hlgb-dsss vend 
padtr kaaaM. Jas. J. , 


ST. LOtnS Olympic Tbeatie (P. 

mgr.) Blanche Walsh la Tbe W sa i s a 
<:ase last week; food baslaeaa aad pertwm- 

ice. Caocat: The Oodcfe Widow. 

Garrlck Theatre (Geo. W. Floyd, mgr.) 
The Boral Gbet la lis ateoad week did fooa 
business. CBrtcat: The Gcasar at Ocek. 

Centorr Tbeatre (P. Sbort. msr.) The Pi™« 

of PUseo did good baslness last week. Car- 
rent: Mn«, Temple'a Telegram. 

Grand Opera House (Jno. G. Sbeehy. mgr.) 
Al. n. Wilson in The German Gypsy drew 
well last week: Current: Hanlon's Fantaama 

Columbia (Frank R. Tate, mgr.) Milton and 

Polly- Nobles. Stln!son and Slertdo, f.ovtna I^ 
Witt. Musical Goolmani.. IJlandie Sharp. I-e- 
mnlre and Lcroalre. KliemK and Cole, Mflxu- 
nnd Malette. Frpd Powell. Kates Brothers. Ous 
Loonsrd. snd the kIno<lromo wpok Sept. 25: 
good bualnesJi and pleaslns bill. ' 

Odeon Theatre (Don Stuart, dirt.) *•«- 
bourne MacDowcll In Fedura drew good host- 
nesB last we^k. 

Standard Theatre (Leo. Belchenbaeh. mn./ 
The Colonial Girls BirtjMSMia.vatk Icid. SB: 
good Imalnesa and perdnaal 
Olrls week Oct. 3: 

tre (Dt, a. 


Xrie Billboard 


Xji-a undoa Brlln. 

Ita*llm'« Theatre (Wm. 0»r«D. mgr.) Her 
vZSnac Daj, > Btrong melodnmm, plrawd 
Ji^M<ll»ne«i U»t week. Cuncnt: Klne ot 
■Vte OdIuid RInc* . ■ 

istoke Thwtre (H. B. Blce. mgr.) The Mo- 
^IBackin, Ed. Tbompwrn, Douthltt and 
S?— BIllT Darker. The Henrlght Famll7. Geo. 
^ZS. Nellie Baker, and tbe kinodrome com- 
a Eood blU that pleased large crowda 
gg"^kf WILL J. FARLEY. 

wuBAS CIXT. — Tbfe WlUla Wood (Wood- 
.LSi * BorgcM Am. Co., logta.) Bobert 
■SSUU week Sept. 2S: excellent boslnem. Cur- 
SbTbe Prince ot PIIku. 

Grand (Hndaon * Jndab, mgn.) Fan- 
week Sept. 24: (air reloras and good 
MteiBance. Current: Boater Brotvn, 
'ne CllliM (E. S. BrlBtaam. met.) Tbc 
Pcdier wltb Joe 
lent comp*nj and 
nrat Palae Step. 

Tbe Andltorlum (Woodward A 
Co.. neia.) Tbe Volonteer OrguM «Wk 
Sept. 24; KooA performance and taUlj good 
bwlneaa. Cnrrent: Sky Farm. 

Orpbeno (Martin Lrbmau. mgr.) Henrietta 
DeSerla. Uaiconl'a Wlrcleia Tdefnpbr. Tbe 
Queen's Fan, Ueaaeagcr Bafm W» , tmr W^«> 
Wlltun Brotbera, and th* felMdMM WMk Scpt. 
24: irood baslneea. 

Majestic (Sam Benjaak. Bgr.) Zutka. 
Mr. aoJ Mrs. Robins, Mialeal Lcrya, Tbrce 
Nanibaa, CUfford and Ortb, IMck and Alice 
McATor. Bmll Cberrlel. and tbe blograpb week 
Sept. 21; good bualness and bill. 

Tbe Ontmy (Jo*. Barrett, mgr.) Tbe Call- 
(Mnia OMb week Hpfc ft: ' 

iirrent: Boater Brotvu. 

E. Brlgh a in. .m g.-) Ttw 

: Oct. 1-3: Hnmaa Bcuti M; 
nic'Wkite SUtc* S-T. 
■ Iflk Theatre (Walter VanDrke. mgr.) Ca- 
pacnr boaaee witnessed A Troe American der- 
eclr peeaeiited bj tbe VanDyke Stock Co. week 
Sept. 24. (iirrent: A Cowboy's Girl. 

Crrstal Tbeatre (Fred. Oiaman, mgr.) Tbla 
oewlj oTerbtnled plajbODSe ptored a big suc- 
cme. Week Sept. 24. Uonroc and Darla, Wm. 
Rogers. MoreT and Uorer. Chas. Cbester, Jack 
BrowD and T.<ni«ii Wright, and moving pic- 

Unlqne Theatre (Walter T. Terry, mgr.) Pow- 
ers and Tbeobald were tbe beadllnera ot a 
dever bill week 24; iMMlneas good. 

«m«T,Tg New Sedalla Tbeatre {Geo. F. 

Oleodorr. mgr.) Vttfr .PM>n nxU_8(fi^ ^22; 
good bnalDeaa and ~ * 

teer Organist 23; 
Boater Brown 30. 

Wood's Opera House (H. W. Wood, mgr.) 
faster Harold HofTman beaded a good bill 
week Sept. 23: good boalnesa. Under canraa— 
Rlnglbig Brothers Sept. 22; good boslneaa 

PLATT8BUKO Opera Honse (Ttaompaon * 

Trimble, mgn.) Hla Fatber's Sin Sept. 15; 
good company, fair boalnesa. Two Merry 
Tnmpe 23: good sbow and tatr bailneaa. 
Down Wbere Tlw OoMsa 

A Utile Ontaaat Oct. St - 

10: To Be B«M AM* Mt JtMMntle 
Tluip 23. 

— WTOIH. Tafk Tbeatre (1. B. Price, 
mgr.) Tlw Vemale DetcctlTe* Sept. 22: pleased 
large andfeaees. Ngrtb flMtkm* Ooaedlgas 

week SI; Pill. paff. 9mt Ott. Ct ML HtC W SI 

e: noltr ToliT 7: OunOrH mmMOt Wife la 
Xame Only n. 

JOPLni.— New CHub Tbeatre (L. F. Halliard, 
mgr.l Grace Rayward Co. week Sept. 18: 
excellent company and big boalneas. Tbat Llt- 
Ue Sn-ede Oct. 1: HU HIgbneaa. Tbe Bey 2: 
Tbe Fsul Wedding 4; At Ctlpple Creek 8. 

BooimTTi», awnOT'g Open 

bara-a HInatvrtB Swt. M: ~ ' ' 
JUHoMi. Ikt lar OeL fe At 

CUVTOH.— Blxman Opera Boasc (W. P. 
Jarrls. mgr.) His BIgbneas. Tbe Bey Oct. 3: 

To Die at Dawn S: A Hidden (Mme 6: The 

^ _ . 

(ood. Patt7 Btoom feMM • Ham bin 

week 29. ■ 

Krug Tbeatre (Cbaa. Breed, mgr.) Peggy 
rrom Paris Sept 17-20; Ooa portorauncc and 
capacity buslneas. Fantaama ia-2S: flne seenlc 
prudactton and Meaaed Ms cnirda. Tto BeUe 
of The West 244UHirjlltt MM MtD »-2T; 
The Female DelaattMB mm, B. t. MOT. 

LnrCOLH.— OUrer TbMO* flkMk O. Zeb- 
rang, mgr.) The TcadcttMt tigt. U: tac per- 
formance and tatr baalaMa.' "ya-^- Walata 
In Tbe Woman In The Oh* W; laa boMnesa. 
Ilia HIgbneaa Tbc Bey SI: aaaaOent pctfocn- 
ancr. At Plney Ridge S-S; guod' hmlacii. 

Lyric Tbeatre (H. M. Miller, mgr.) The Great 
Cheat* r, fknll Cherlrel, Margretta Lewis, Catcar 
and Co., Frank Roberta week 18; good bill and 
business. Under Canvas— 'RlngUng Brotbera' 
Show M; Oae parfmaunec and capacity business. 

ntEWMR,— C<afaon'a Tbeatre. The Tender- 
foot Ml good pcrfamaaee and people tutned 
away. Mha aad DIU la L O. O. 9B: The Female 
D«tectlrea Oa. 3: Baater Browa 10. Under 
Canva>— RingllBg Baothcta* Bbvw Bept. ll'i 
i;oo<i perforniaBcc and ttemeadoa* bnslneas. 

HEBRASKA <UTZ. — OTerland Theatre 
(Woodward Ic Bargeaa, mgra.) Tbe Tender- 
toot Sept. 18: Urge and weU-plaased andl- 
encc. 81 Plunkard 2S; Tbe Female DctcctlTea 
26; Walkar Whltealde 28; Kolb and DDI In I. 

o. V. m. 


ATTiAyrtff OOX^^Skt nmm ■ >Mk la at 
last over, and there are aaay vlaltoca attend- 
ing the Tarlooa oanTentloos. Ther^ la a com- 
bined effort on the part ot the botel proprle- 
toea ot tbe big hotels to Induce tbe amusement 
ouuiagen to keep ttielr leaorts apened, tboa 
making tbla city « fall and winter resort as 
well as a summer. 

At irouBg'a Plar Xha Baaabdia lasail* Co- Is 
drawing OMilr '. MHtan. Witt R'ttnge of 
program didlF. ' Mad eaactti^'' an,. «• doing 
steel Pier- This resort la atni doing good 

Steeplechase Pier. Vaudeville and morlng 
pictures are attractlog tbe people. 

SaToy Theatre. Wm. Farerabam In Tbe 
Squaw-Man 29; packed booae. Not Like Other 
Girls 28-27; good bnslneas. West and Vokea 
SS. Coster's Last Fight 29-30. 

Garricli Theatre. Tbe Gattick Stock con- 
llama ta drew wen. Uam — All athar pUcea 

'^wSSrSEt^&ii^^iJ. H. BoAaa. mgr.) 
nghUK Fate week Sept. 25: cntdly baii- 
MM. lAltte wmiama In Mr SoaHNr oitl 
week Oct. 3; good h M s l aisa aad gaitnaace. 
Ikacfced AMaadnia WaiM Md. 

Newaxk IkaaOa (U— " ~ 
Wbard at Oa Oct. S-T; 
Opera Co. 0-14. 

Empire (H. W. Hyaaa, aigr.) Lady Tearel 
Oct. 2-T. 

Colombia (U. J. Jacoba. mgr.) Russell 
Brethen Oct. 2-7; Marching Thraugb Georgia 

Proctor's (J- A. Fynea. mgr.) Jno. C. Rice 
and Sally 0>ban. Frank Bnsb, (Harlce Vance. 
Jno. Byams. and LelU Mclntyre, Snyder and 
Buckley, Blocksom and Bums. (>oIdra Gate 
Quintet, Lcs Zamacols, and motion ^ctnres 
week Oct. 2-7. 

Waldmann's (W. 8. Clark, mgr.)' Sherldaa'a 
City Sporta week Sept.. 39; ■MdtailBMi^ Cur- 
rent: Tbe Higk ■dtaa, Inrik'a Big Show 

Oct. 9-14. 

TREKTOH. — ^Trent Theatre (Edw. Benton, 
mgr.) Paul Conctaaa. Trolly C:aT Trio, Baker 
aad Lynn. Dora Pelletler. CV>ln'a Dog Panto- 
mime, Murphy and WlUard. C^kley and Mc- 
Bttde. and tbe blograpb week Sept. 23; good 
bualness and performance. (Mrrent: Tbo«. 
Seabrook and Jeanette Loorle. Rae and Broebe. 
Tnna-Atlantle Four, Three Westons, OUIe 
Young and Brother, and the blograpb. 

SUte Tbeatre (F. B. Sbaltets. mgr.) U>8t 
In a Big City Sept. 21-23; pleased fair boal- 
nesa. A Soo ot Rest ^27: pleased good bn«- 
ness. Tracked Around Tbe WocldSMB:. Simple 
SImoo Simple 30: Dangers ot WKkkg Girls 
Oct. 2-4: A Hot Old Time 6-7. 

.TsTlor Opera Honse (M. Ueaca. mgr.) 
(aieckera Sept. 10: pleased large aadteaee. 
Tom, Dick 1 

and bualness. --. . 

and good performanejfc^ fhte EaAaage 23. 
big bnaincn. Way Dam Wmt 3548; vlendld 
bSl^^IMB— Ae laurtata Fhia attracted 

'^"""^ NEW YOlIK 

asW TOBX cm. — ^Tbe week ending Sept. 
SO wlmesaed tbe Introdnctlon to New York 
ol The Walla ot Jerlcbo at tbe Saroy; the 
reappearance ot Mrs. Flske In Leah KkMtoa 
at tbe Manhattan, and the Tcopote^ot the 
Lyceum wltb tbe local Inltlatloa aC Itet Out 

°'Briaico*Thealfa (David Belaaco. ivr-) Un. 
Carter coatttraea her en ga gement at tnia bouM. 
retalalag Adiea. Baia gaeaaa Oct. ». to be 
followed IS hr Da BBiTJ 5!^» 
Lyeeam Theatre (DaaU gkahaua. ingr.) Just 

4>at iC 

next n'eek'a Issue a review of Mfe, IdOdne'i 
pertotmance will he giTcn. 

Oaniefc Thaaua (Ohaa, Tiuhiain mgr,) She 
a asaaa waak oC Ifaa Merer Osa ndt bsgsa Oct. 
2 with the atatt at Aiaold Daly^ ftnrth weA 
here. There wm ha one more week ot tbe 
same bill, and then tbe atttactlon changes. 

BIJou Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mgr.) David 
Belasco's presentation ot Uayld Warfleld. In 
The MuHlc Master, eootlanca to attract ca- 
pacity booses to tills theatre wbere, on Oct. 
2. tbe fifth week ot tall second year in New 
York opened aasplcl:>aaly. 

Herald Square Theatre ((^has. Frobman, mgr.) 
The concluding fortnight of Sam. Bernard, Hat- 
tie Williams and their aaaoclates in Tbe Sol- 
licking Girl began Oct. 2. with tbe atari of 
their twenty-tblrd week. Business remains at 
a capacity standard moat of tbe time. 

Liberty Tbeatre (Klaw & Erlanger, mgra.) 
Tbe Rogers Brotbera In Ireland started upon 
Its fifth week Oct. 2. A review ot this per- 
furmance appears In another part of this Issue. 

Garden Tbeatre (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) 
Tbla hooae is dark wbUe prcpaiallona aia mak- 
ing tor the production ot 2«^>-8, tha new 
Boir W. Savage opeiatle MndactlOB. 

Savor Thaatre OtaOk .|MCa% WKki Jamee 
K. Hackett aad War jSmm^^tmn their 
Jolat ateBar eagagemeat la' Vhe vVadi eC 
So cat Sevt. S5, scored an Immeiiie hit and 
•aCB. good te aa aB winter run. 
lladTiWi Square Tbeatre (Walter N. Law- 
mgr.) Oa Oct. 2 Henry E. DIxey ap- 
tor the Bret time la New Xork In Tbe 
Man on The Box, replacing Tbe Prince Chap, 
which moves to Weber's Tbeatre. Tbe last 
mentlooed play closed Its fourth week at tbe 
Madison Square on Saturday night, Sept. 30. 
Precltir's Flftb Avenue Tbeatre (J. Austin 
Fynea. gen. mgr.) Tbe Proctor Stock Co.. 
beaded by Amelia Bingham and Cbaa. Rich- 
man, shift tbe bin from Tbe foorting Dncbeaa. 
;\-bIcb ran two weeks to caBMUr-- bpMDMii to 
the twice promised presentaolB- aC^'OM 'aC Oor 
Girls, starting Oct. 2. 

Weber's Tbeatre (Walter N. Lawrenre, mgr.) 
Wbere the Joe Weber Stock Co. used to bold 
forth la high revelry tbe more legitimate com- 
edy. aOacts.aC tha .WaUcc.M. Lawteoce Oa., In 
The BMniK .'CIMK.' .'MB Bold Corth.. alarting 
Oeb S. -SMa-iill be tba dnt week at tbe 
aew Wcher-Lawrcnea anaageaient to keep tbe 
boeae open wbUe the Joe Weber Stock Co. Is 
upoo the road. 

Broadway Tbeatre (A. W. Dingwall, mgr.) 
Klaw & Erlanger'g faeantlfnl prodoetioo of 
The Pearl and Tbe Pumpkin enten upon Its 
seventh week Oct. 2, still potent In drawing 
power colossal In Its acenlc splendors. 

New Amsterdam Tbeatre (Klaw & Erlanger, 
mgra.) The Prodigal Boa. that glaat anwng 
present-day melodnswibi -Mtan vHW llg^Uth 
week Oct. 2, wtOi baitacaB atlF aB''.llia ca- 
pacity order. 

Lyric Tbeatre (Sbnbert Brofi.. mgra.) Fan- 
tana closed Ita all summer run with tbe end 
of Its thirty-seventh week on Sept. 30. Mon- 
day, Oct. 2, He Wolf Hopper In Happyland 
takes op tbe entertainment of patrons here, 
it will mark the local introduction of the 
new musical fantasy. 

Princess Tbeatre. Margaret Anglln, In 
ZIn. having scored a great penoaal anceess, 
continues Into her third week . OM^- .nlaln- 
Ing ber great local populaittir' -MMM In 
the box-offlre statement. 

New Tork Theatre (Daw A KHanger, aign.) 
Mclntyre A Bcath, la Tha Bam Tiaak cater 
upon their alxtk areek. at ererilenr haagaeaa 
9eU % jrttt aa^feH aC a M A 

lept. 19: pleased lane aadteaee. 

and Harty 30: cseeucat company 
IS. CouHa Kalt a; fair boalnea 

Oct. 8: HaUaahl 

^TJMMM. — Opera Boose (T. 8. Moore, mgr.) 
Irma Opera Oo. Oct. 8; That UtUe Swede 4: 
. . _ . „. (Mppla GMak 18. 

OVAHd — Boyd'B Tbeatre (Woodward A Bnr- 
grsa. mgra.) Hla HIgbnesa, The Bey Sept. 
17-20; good business and aplendld perform- 
anre. Blaacbe Walsh In Tbe Woman In Tbe 
Case 21-32: excellent production and flne patm- 

■R. ratkMden Land 34-28: Tim Hu^ to A 
SMnfa.te OsCee 9848 wMla tha farhlddea 
t mH IwB. O. BaMB »4. _ 

■St w Bavwaad Tbcatpg ( WaadwS 4k Baigcaa, 
■8MI.1 Itm Black aaaipaar hi Iba Olrl I 
Mt MM Ha Sest. 1M8| eammoaa erewda 

smIjGSm InnmSy. A Boyal Vuinr 34-SO. 

Orpbrnm Theatre {Cut Belter, mgr.) S. 
Milter Kent, In Just Dorothy was tbe beat ot a 
■iroog bill week Sept. IT. which Included Ueo- 

•eager Bs»'a THo^ " "* 

■■ft BaBiy. Um 

tta S3i 

, tht Mwt amfc at Oca. Ade, 
It a«t. sr. a^ mat with 
tUi flv wm appear In 

* Empire Theatie (Cbaa. rrobman. mgr.) John 
Drew began (he Sttb week ot Da Laneey at tbla 
bouse Oct. 2. excellent baslneea continuing: a 
reward for an artiatlc presentation ot a clever 
little comedy. 

Manhattan Tbeatre (Harrison Grey Flake, 
mgr.) Mrs. Flske entered upon tbe aecond 
week ot her limited engagement Oct. 2, con- 
tlnoln Leah Kleachna to excellent bnalneaa. 

Daly's Tbeatre (Daniel Frotaman, mgr.) Edna 
May and ber English company conUnued Tbe 
Cstch of The Senwn toto It a atot b Oct- 
3. opacity bualaeas aad aa lv a ra s ll y 

tidiencea marfcftw tha aoallniiansa aC her 

"S1tetta»*°SS35t*JW>an. rwteiani. mgr.) 
Maxlne OBott. l »l B l8laK Brc Great MatA, be- 
gan the Stib w« * at a highly eucceaafol en- 
gagement Oct. S, hastaesa remaining at a hlgh- 
iT aratlCvlnc standard. 

VUIaCk'i Theatre (Hia. Thco. Moan, mgr.) 
■•»~!^ Hltohe ack. la Byr Pawy. _eat«ra 

fSl ewrTaeawat OcTT wMb tha alait at hla 


seventh week. . . . „ 

Knickerbocker Tbestre (Al. Hayinan * Op-. 
mgn.) Lulu Glsser, continuing Mlsa Dolly 
Dollars, entered upon tbe fifth week of ber 
engagement Oct. 2. A review ot Miss Olsser's 
nertocmancr will appear In next week's Issue. 
Hadaoe Theatre (Bcexy B. Barrla. mgrO 

tow 'ndd^ Tkcatte (Wn. Jtvmaui' SHI. 
mgr.) BeantUnl Nordland. conde ns ed to ad- 
mit the new bnrleaque of The Moalc Master 
Into the entertainment, starta upon Its sixth 
week ot exrellent boalnesa Oct. 2. with do 
signs of a diminishing popnlarity. 

Academy ot Music (Gllmore & Tomklns, 
mgrs.) Tbe last two weeks of 'Way Down 
East bare, thus far. been marked by the big 
business which inarketl tbe seven weeks ot the 
run wbich closed 30. Tbe eighth and last 
week starts Oct. 2. 

.Majestic Theatre (John S. Flaherty, mgr.) 
Cbsuncey Olcott Introduces Edmund Burke to 
patrons of this honse Oct. 2, follow-lng threi* 
weeks of a fair measore of success for Nat M. 
Wills and Tbe Duke ot Dnlntb. Olcott la here 
tor a bit ot a ran. 

Harlem Opera House (Alex. Llcbtenateln, 
mgr.) The Duchess of Dantxle, accn mw tor 
the lint time on Haahattaa Maadi .apcaa Men- 
day evening aa tha attMlta .mOamiag a 
moat aaeeental week tor Jte Wbcr and bla 
stock compaig. Bobert Bdson. In Stroogheart, 
cornea - 

Gnad Opcia Bonae (Geo. H. Spdager. mgr.) 
Tbe Uald aad The Untnmy la the cnrrent at- 
traction. CoUowIng a wrek ot • Immense busl- 
neei and anvarylngly delighted patronage tor 

Geo. Prltnroee and hla superior minstrel or- 
ganisation, which ended Saturday nlgbt, Sept. 


Westend Theatre (Geo. Blomentbal mgr.) 
Tbe Four Mortons make ttaelr New York debut 
as theatrical stara on Monday evening, ap- 
pearing In the Percy WQllama productloa of 
Breaking Into Society. BlUy B. Van ended a 
week of prosperity Ibr The Errand Boy SO. 

Fourteenth Street Theatre (J. Wesley Roeen- 
quest. mgr.) Tbc Nlnety-and-NIne will be tbe 
attraction here tor tbe week of Oct. 2. fol- 
lowing one week of Tbe Beauty Doctor which 
resulted In good attendance. Tbe Great I Am 
win be tbe attraction week ot 9. 

American Tbeatre (Wm. T. Keogh. mgr.) 
She Dared to Do Bight given a strong melo- 
dramatic flavor to the corzcnt entertalnibent. 
In contradlctlnettoa to Tom. Dick and Barry 
wtateb held tg ttUl gwiy 4ariaK tbt past week 
and ptoopcved. _ 

Morray BBI ncatn <Wnk T. KM^ mgr.) 
Weat and Vsfesa ■aha their local dehvt aa 
joint ataia A'Mr of Pfaika tUa week, fol- 
lowing a week aC prosperity for The Way of 
The Trans gi c ii ot , which, though bald, waa 

Third Avenue Tbeatre (A. H. Wooda, mgr.) 
After Mldolgbt will provide tbrtUa for patrona 

Ot this retort, itarting Oct 2, with Fut Life 
In New York to follow 8. During tbe past 
week Tbe Gypsy Girl held profitable atten- 

Metropolis Theatre (Henry Boaenberg, mgr.) 
Tbe Beauty Doctor moves np to The Bronx for 
this week, wltb Tbe Shadow Behind The 
Throne Impending for week ot 9. Balph Stuart 
presented The (Thrlatlan last week to excellent 

Thalia Theatre (Sullivan A Woods, mgrs.) 
Geonde Mack and the A. B. Wood piodaetlon 

follow 9. During the put week 

By Tbe Sea waa a piaauhle atHaotioa. 
ftactet ^ Oaa Baadiad Xwcat^^tth 

hoUwtti &U'arMtr~pnMea 

ale BeaMaOa aad Beairlca. 

the dilef female ndea. VmJiMi^■ 
Paai UcAIllater will be tha 'pi" 
Foor i»etty good artists In one 
nothing aald about "all star." 

Dewey Theatre (Geo. Kranae. mgr.) Tha 
European Sensation will provide the oomhlna- 
tlon burlesque and vaudeville entertainment 
here this week, with Al. Keeveo' Show booked 
to follow 9 and week. During tbe paat week 
the Bowety Burlesquen were In profitable evi- 
dence at fourteen performance*. 

Gotham Tbeatre (Geo. Krause, mgr.) Phil. 
Sheridan's City Sports will make merry at this 
bouse week of Oct. 2, with WoodtauU'a High 
Boilers buoked to foUow. During tbe paat 
week Gns. Hill's Vanity Fair made good be- 
fore large bouses. 

London Theatre (James H. (^nctaln, mgr.) 
Han7 wiUlama' lamcnaia wlU ha tha attna- 
tlon thl4 arcefc arlttWatWa Amarie 
ta flOlow. The attraetkn thr tha 
waa the Alcaxar Buriceqaen, aad 

MtaMr>B Bowery (Bdwln D. Miner, m^.) Bar- 
lesque, of the Empire MTheel varlctF. wtn ha 
offered here this wrek, waa ottered uat weak 
and will be offered next wnk. Wataoa'a Orlen- 
tala appear wrek ot Oct. 2. Last week's at- 
tnctloo was the Imperial Burieoqners. 

Mlner'B Eighth Avenue Tbeatre (Kdwin O. 
Miner, mgr.) Empire Wheel companies are 
attracting the average baslness here. Tbe Im- 
perial Burlesquen move op here from tbe ' 
Bowery for tbla week. Last week Keman. 
RUe A Dlnfclns* Blgb School Girls behaved 
themselves beantUnlly. 

Circle Theatre (Lew Parker, mgr.) Qua 
Hill's New York Stare wUl provide this wcek'a 
entertainment. During the - past week Fred. 
Irwln'a Majestlca were In highly profitable evl* 

Hnher'a Haaeam (John B. A n de i a ua , aigr.) 
Freak, eorlaaltles and TaadcvOle provide a di- 

venlfled entertainment tor the patrona who 
fiock here In crowda. WALTBB K. snjL. 

BROOKLYir ^The New Mootauk Tbeatre 

opened Sept- 25 to tbe largest boooe In tbe 
history of Brooklyn theatres. Many notables 

In society, finance, theatricals and politics were 


New ^lontaok (W. H. Reynolds, pras-; S. H. 
Cohen, m^.) Tbe Dntcheaa of Diuitalc week 
Sept. 25: flne business. Henry W. Savage's 
EnglUh Grand Open Co. week Oct. 2. 

MajesUc Tbeatre (W. O. Flldley. mp.) Bva 
Tanguay In Tbe ~ "" 
sbow made a big 
week Oct. 2. 

Broadway Tbeatre (Leo C. T>I3»r, mgr.) 
Mme. Sehumann-Helnk week Sept. 2S; good 
business. Bobt. Bdeion In StraagheaTt ircA 
Oct. 2. 

Grand Opeaa BSaaa (SC. T. MtddMaK, mcr.) 
Tha BBiieM B t al b ai a la Ba Otaat 7e«a . 
Myztcfy week SSi'JDBinBtsJtaacr Brown. 

Nto. SbaatHi' -fBHHIt >VBM% a^r.) Yorka 
aad^dama IB Biakcta uii Bntea Sept. 2S. 
Current: Simple Blmoo fllmpliib ■ 

BUon Theatre (Mary G. 'BpMM^i MBb) °- 
Cedl Spooner In Bis MaJealT ' and - Aa lIBii 
areek Sept. 35. Cnrrent: Zaaa. 

*"«pbiim Xhcatre (Wm. T. Gnrer, mgr.) 
Jaa. S. OMTbett, Leonard Onver, Josle Sadler, 
Dclmore and Lee, Zlaka. King A Co.. Batea 
Moalcal Trio. NIblo and Bellly. and moving 
pictures week 2S. 

Park Tbeatre (Tbe Sbnbert Co.. mgra.) Opens 
soon wltb a run of blgh-clsss attractions. 

Hyde A Bebman's Tbeatre (Nick Norton, 
mgr.) Ross and Fenton, Ward and Oafxaa. 
Lew Hawkins. Hoey and Lee. Llnd. Ecnab 
Welch and Melrose, Polk and Treak. Jno. Bhcb. ' 
and tbe Basque Quartet week Sept. 25. 

Orpbeum (Percy G. Wllllama, mgr.) Valerie 
Bergere A CV>., Ryan and BIdilleld. Blce and 
Prevost. Marcell's Living Art Stndles. Cbaa. 
F. Semon, Tbe Tanakas. Tbe Olrl From Coney 
Island. Al. Lawrence, Ernest Hogan, and vita- 
graph wrek Sept. 25. Berbery Kelcy and EOe 
Shannon, The Empire &tj <)uartet. E. F. Bey- 
n&rd, Tbe Mason Keeler 0>.. Martebell Adams, 
The Peschkofl nonpe, Johnson and Wella, and 
Cann week Sept. SS. 
ly'a Theatre (Theo. WcngUe^ aigr.) 
Blaacbe Cheaebnngh Seott, Osne Fajlan and 
Grace Fox. Four AsMsleaB Beaatlea^ - MCcfaaa'a 
Ooaaedy Doga. Caaina OasMdr nm, Latfelaa 
and Patterson, Wood Brotters, and matag piB> 
tores week Sept. 29. 
PhUUps* Lyceum Theatre (Loola Pbllllpo.' 
gr.) The Xvrenm Stock Co. vreek Sept. SB-' 
In The Sign of The Toot, (^urent: Tha 'WUta 
Tigress ot Japan. 

Gtotham Theatre (Chaa. wnilama, asr.) 
Chas. Burk and Gnce Larae * Oh,, Vw-aaa 
Cnark, Rawsoo and Jiue, AL Kawnaca. lllmi. 
Bowera and Dixon, Garter aad May. 
JnUan. Bnhert Devean, and othen^ 
Sept. 25. _ . 

Hen. mgr.) Lea 
Avenue Stock Oo. In Tbe Fatal Wedding week 

Sept. 2S. Current: Why He Divorced Her. 

Star Tbeatre (A. H. Wlllla. mgr.) CUrk'a 
Runaway Glrla week Sept. 2S: good bnalneaa 
and pertormanre. Oirrent: Vanity Fair Bur- 

Gayety Theatre (Jas. Clark, mgr.) Dainty 
Duchess Co. week Sept. 29; good business. 
Cnrrent: Clark's Runaway Glrla. 

Nassau Theatre (F. Fleck, mgr.) Tbe Tankre 
Doodle Girls week Sept. 25; good performance 
and excellent business. The Five Baker Troupe 
In Leaping the Gap Is a special feature. Car* 
rent: The Baltimore Beaudee. 

Unique Theatre (Frank B. C^rr, mgr.) The 
BaltlfflOT BMIltl^^ Sept. 23; gupd hoal- 

■b^Bbdey. mgr.) 

week Servt. 2S: guod 

and pleased. Cnmnt: The Alcanr 

Beauties. GEO. H. HAKES, 280 B'way, N. T. 

JLOCasmSa I^cenm (M. B. Wolff, mgr.) 

Tn Tammanr Ball wltb Joa. Cawthome Sept. 

21-23; One performance and excellent boalneaa. 
The star proved himself a moat competent co- 
median In every respect. Stella Haybew and 
Ada Lewis headed a corps of pretty ghrls. 
Humpty Dnmptr w«ak 29: hoosa packed thraogh 
the week, aad mar. . tmasd aiwar.^Sha. per^ 
formauce Is hstSbt aad aalMgr'aii 'pttaacd the 

National Theatre (Max Hnrtlg. mgr.) Kel- 
lar assisted by Paul Valadon. proved a draw- 
Ins card Sept. 21-23. The Blnslisu of Fly to 
aad tha VUA 
Mtb aim a^ I : 



Xiie Billl>oar<l 

OCTOBER 7, 1905. 

■ad fine > intuf . EUIe 

DnebMS we»k Oct. 2-T. 

Cook Op«« Book (W. B. HeCanom. ««. 
msr.) watred C3atk & Co.r Six Uulcal Cat- 
ty* Walter 0. KcUr. llooii«r_ ""d _HoU>e!». 
LaPetlte MICM^ 
SUten. and <k» 

good bnalnMii- . _ . . _ 

Baker Theatre (W. B. UeCilaiil, mn.) The 
Uoore Stock Co. In AUbama Sept. large 
and .weU-pleaard andlencM. Soldlan of For- 
wMk Oefc 2. _ ^ ^ ^ 

week Sept. 29; 
[ performance, tbt Ca- 

ulaod week Oct. 2. 
ja to draw large crowda. 

. , (B- T- TbMDp. 

r.) Iktr and Atar lipt. IMD; food 
The Slecpliut, Vmatr and n« BmM 
I tnataeas. Hafnta Utm M; 

90; sood 

boaliieaa. Abjaatnla 

Tbe Virginian 28. 

Proctor's Cilawold (H. Graham, mgr.) Bai- 
ler * Anstls. Ur. and Mn. Sidney Drew. 
Watson and Monlsaey, Stoart, Xbte« KIos Sta- 
tus, and the motion pletnrea week 25; good 
bndnna and performance. , 

Lrccam IhMttn (H. B. Wood, msr.) Ifoc- 
tlmer 8aiWiL#v.!0fc.<ta;^J»g^' 

18; good 


Bojal Tbeatie (Wm. H. Bnek, 

Beere'a Beanty Show week Sept. 18i 

nem tbroDgliont tbe week. Wine, Woman and 
Song Bnrlesqners week 25; ~ pleased large an- 

OLOVERBVILLE. — DarllnR TTientre (Will B. 
Oant. mgr ) Thp Mlinioarl GUI Sept. 18; good 
performance and fair bMlnpBfl. Shadoi\'a ot n 
Great City SO; excellent performance and 
lane hoaae. Ruined Urn 22; plemMd flood 
boalseaa. Nettle. Tbe Newaglil ttf r tHt/IT 
lioaie. Ik«7 and Abey 2S; canecM. OoMb 

■£ir%mS*%^S%'wudrife^^ Bietli-. 
a*, viola Dneal. Uarfon B^onn. and the 
Tttagraph week Sept. 2B; good boalncn. 

■> 0Hk, Bflik). Lunfu J^itagr J tfp t . iti good 

MMM'lUWJ n>iiiinl'» Opera Htooae (7. J. 
Wateta. msr.) Mabel McKlnley In The Par- 
■M'a Wife Sept. 21; Urge bnaineas. Uttle 
Joliiiny JTooes SS: S- B. O. A Trip to Egypt 
26: fair performance and good bnslneaa. Mil- 
dred Holland In The Trlnmpb ot An Einpren 
27; fair bnslnem. Dan Snlly 28; The »Ieep- 
Ibg Rrfttitr and The Beast Oct. 2; The Isle of 
Bod;: Bonjc 5; Eben Holdpn 7. 

OEMEVA. — Smith Opera BouHe (r. E. Ilardl- 
aon. mgr.) A Trip to Egypt 18; pleaaed good 
The Trlomph of An Bmpreaa 10; 
oetk tair imaliiMo. Bbta HOIdra 

gTiimii— Blalto Thoatoe <r; W. MeOoo- 
Ml. Bgr.) Oorbett and Viamotn', BOMoion 
k Omn ClaytoB. Bertha MeUbtrla, Mile. 
. Jai. ProndloTe. and the blograph 
X8; good bostncss- 


nWBEBir.— New Masonic Theatre (Cowan 
Brca.. lea., and F. P. MAttbews. loc. mgr.) 
Bllfmle Blair In A TVU'a noose Sept. 19; 
flae show and fair tui.ilno>i9. A Boneh ot Keys 
SO; good performancv and baslnefs. Hnman 
Hearts 22; excellent performance and One bn<>l- 
neas. Windham's Moving Pictures 23; Corrlne 
RnsUe Stock Co. wce«c Oct. 2-T; Mason and 
Mason In Frltx and Bnllz 4; The Clansman 0; 
.'Hazel Kirk 10. 

WILXIRGTOH.— Academy of Mwdc (Onran 
Bros., mgrs.) Renben In New York Sept. 10; 
Calr performance and good boslness. All G. 
Field's Minstrels 19- pleased S. R. O. EagCDle 
Blalr In A Doll's Roase 20; stronr; company and 
fair bosloess. A 3nncb of Keyn 21; plea:«ed fair 
attendance. Hmnao Hearts 2n: larse and well- 

S eased. Frank Oeshoii In The Office Boy 25; 
le Btenial City .10. 

ASEETirXE.— Andltorinm (W. F. Randolph, 
mgr.) McFaddrn's Flats Sept. 20; good per- 
formance and hnslness. Happy Hoolletin 21; 
fair performance sod boslness. The Jefferson's 
In The BlTals 27; Loola James 28. 

Grand Opera Bonae (Reynolds tc Gndger, 
mgis.) WUl A. Peters Stock Co. week Sept. 
18; excellent company and Irasijiess. 

OS^EHBBOKO. — Grand Opera Honse (Cfaaa. 
.T. Pnller, mgr.) AL R. Field's Mlnstrela Sept. 
18; good show and bnnlnefof. Human Hearts 
IB; good show and fair business. Happy Hooli- 
gan's Trip Aronnd Tbe World 20; fair Per- 
fOrmance and bnslness. BeaiMB lB:,.M|W>Sirk 
21; fair performance and 
2S; The Btemal City 2T. 

BAI£IGB:— Academy of Hnale (7. Sherwood 
UXHUiarch. mgr.) A Bimeh of Keys Sept. 10; 
fair booie aad ttct9im»aet^_BamMn^ 

eOUIBBOBO. — Messenger Opera Boase (J. 
B. Ulggltts, mgr.) Howe's Moving Plctnrcs 
Sept. 20; The Eternal City 20. 

FEKir YAS Yatea Lyceum Theatre (Her- 
bert E. Bell, mgr.) Mildred Hotlsnd 21; S. B. 
t. and pleased. 

COHCOBO.— Opent House (J. B. Caldwell, 
mgr.) BBTlmr UUiaticls Sept. 22; |«n1 Msl- 


CnrcniKATI.— Grand Opera Honae (Bala> 
forth A. Havlm, nigrs.) Dlgby BeU to ^The 
BdncaUon of Mr. Plpp week Sept. SO; apleodld 
performance and business. Wm. FaTeisbam In 
The Sqaaw-Uaa wcdt Oct. X. 

Walnut Street Theatre (Max Aadnson. m«.) 
Qdoey Adams Sawyer mck Sept. Sti pleasiiifl 
prodoetloa and good patronage. Xbe Bays ta 
Donrs The Pike week Oct. 3. 

Oolnmbla Theatre (Max Anderson, tagr-} 
▼andeTllIe, Including Troba. The Great, Etbel 
Boblnxon.' The Fonr SnUys, Joe Flynn, Mc- 
MahoD's Watermelon Girls snd Minstrel Malda, 
The Musical Avolos, Pat Booney and Marlon 
Bent. Zazell and Vernon Co.. and tbe bloecope 
week Sept. 25: One bill and heavy business. 

Robinson's Theatre (Geo. Fish, mcr.) The 
Forepaugb Stock Co. prtwnted The Clharlty 
Ball week Sept. 25; excellent performance and 
good business. Old Heidelberg week Oct. 2. 

People's Tbestre (Jss. A. Fennesay. mgr.) 
Tbe Merry Maiden BorltsODfrs week Sept. 25; 
pleased heavy laraaw througliaat tbe week. 
The New Centmr Otrls week Oet. S. 

Henck's Opera. BOoae (Geo. Hesck. mgr.) 
Tbe KlBS of Tko Opiiui BIng week Sept. 25: 
good TuaMMWd' performance. CBRtntte Her 
Weddtag Ov. 

.Lyccnm Aeatxe (John Avery, mgr.) A 
Wife's Secret week Sept. 25; good business 
■od attraction. The Eye Witness week Oct. 2. 

Standard Theatre (Charles AmoM. mgr.) 
The Base HUl Folly Co. week Ssgt. »{ .Sp len. 
did performance and Riwd housao> ttOM-At* 
lantle Bnrlesqners week Oct. 2. 

Monday night, Sept. 25, 
. . to be one of the best opening nights 
In tbe klstory of tbe Cleveland playlionae. All 
bad S. B. O. signs ont, and two tnrsed them 
away. ^ 

Opera Hoose (Harry Kline, mmr.) The Sho- 
Gon week 2S: good business ana p 

Jno. B. Henshaw, B. P. Pa 
Leary are better than ever. 

Keith's Theatn? (Harrj Daniels, mgr.) Tbe 
Fadettea, The AlIliKina. Jlngley Brothers. Ao- 
gnsta Gloae, Jewels Manikins. Besnnb and 
MUbo, Tbe Five Manstts, and Marshall P. 
Wilder week 23: good blU. 

Colonial Tbeatie (Drew A Campbell, mgrs.) 
The ▼anglian niaas> r Block Oo. presented An 
On AcMont otBte wcA Sepk 2S; good pro- 
dnctloii and bustntsi 

Ijyeenm Theatit <J. K. Cookson, mgr.) 
Qnincy Adams SawTsr week 25; good play and 

(Heveland Tbestre (John Todd, mgr.) A Race 
For Life week Sept. 25; excellent parfotm- 
ance and good boalness. 

Lyric Theatre (Edwin I^Dg. mgr.) Jas. 
Keene * Co., HsIiUes Poor, Ver Vnlln A <3o.. 
The Troabadonr Trio. Klppe. Bartb and Kralg, 
Barry Scanlon, and moTlng pletnrss week 25. 

Star Theatre (Drew.* -~ " 

Cherry Blossoms week:Mipl;*B| 
ance and bnntness. 

Empire Theatre OilZ Faetkenbener. mgr.) 
ne Gay Masqoctuen week Sept. 26: good 

performance. PAUI, C. MOONET. 

TOtniOBTOWW. — Grand Opera House (T, K. 
Albaugb. mgr.) The Colombians, Besnab and 
Miller. Robert Heath, Six Reed Birds, Lntta 
Oladafonc, Finding and Barkc. Tti,. Avnlon 

week Sept. 18; Bood bnslness. Kit Ksrson. 
AL Coleman. Harry i>cialr, Cartmell and nar- 
tla. Wood and Bay. and othcra week SS. 

Park Theatre (Jules Oelmar, mgr,) HS' 
Terly's Minstrels 10; good 
Band 20; 8. B. O. SStg < 

S3.flSt good shsw and kosl 

Marlowe in Tbe Merelnnt it ' ▼cnlee SB; A 
HnUnnalre Tramp S6-3T: A Plgbt For Lore 
20: Mabel McKlnley 30, 

AXBOK,— Colonial Theatre (TTly S. HOI, 
mgr.) Wedded and Parted Sept. 23; good 
taofises. Tbe Holy City Zf; good boslness. A 
TMp to Egypt SO: Msbd MeKUOer Oct. 2: 
A Bs«e Vor Ufa S; Bav laV* Tacatloo 4; 
Tbo^^Bowwy JMwO^JI:' Ifi^ Mnny Jones 

. . . ^l^'.,'" ' Kimball 

I teothera, Jyaoett sM^MpinMh.' WMqi and 
Leenaok H- a. Msfliim' ua MBM week 

Of Ib o pptam Blac 
Estaess, Sottisro and 

. . _Hy Opera HOnae (Blvla 

* Tan Ogtniil. •mtn.t Tbe Holy City Sept. 
14; good bnslneia and pleased. The Black 
Crook, Jr., Bnrlesnueia 18; fair performance 
and bnstneiis. A Slnve of The Mill 10; large 
and well.plessed audience. Orphpum Stock Co. 
21-23; canceled. A Roysl Slave 2S: excellent 
attraction anil patronage. The Midnight Flyer 
Oct. 2: At SanrlBc 4; C. J. Grant's Stock Co. 
5^: The Hnman Slave 0. 

COSHOCTOK.— Sbcth Street Theatre (J. P. 
Callahan, mgr.) The Volunteer Organist 13; 
good performance snd bnslness fslr. A Slave 
of The Mill IS: fair show and business. Uncle 
Tom's <^bln 18: good show snd honse. Uncle 
Josh Spraceby 20; cood company and fslr busi- 
ness. A Royal Slave 28; Adelaide Thnmton 
30: IJttle Johnny Jones Oct. 5; HImmeleln's 
Ideals 0-15. 

NEWABE Andltorlam (Johnson A Mat 

thews, mgr.) Devil's Auctloo Sept. 20; good 
company and bnslness. At Snnrtae 2Zt fair 
business. Hnverly's Minstrels 26; good com 
psny snd blc bnslneRS. A Bnyal Slave SO: 
Murray Comedy Co. Oct. Vti Tio Km But 
InRS 0: Katie Emmett 1I-U| A HSMlillllis Uf* 
14; The li<Ie of Spice 16. 

BAKSTTSKT. — Grand Opera House (SIngler 
A Smith, mgrs.) Tbe Flsmlng Arrow Sept. 
23; good honses at both perfarmances. Wm. 
V. Mong 20; Bhonid hSTC played to capacity. 
Over Niagara Falls 20; John GrlOlth Oct. 8: 
Qnincy Adams Sswyer S; Midnight Flyer 7; 
lale of Booi; Bong 10: Gold Dnst' Twins 14. 

ZAN£KVii.I,E. — Weller Tbestre (J. G. Eng- 
land, mgr.) HI Henry's Mlnstrela Sept. SO 
good business. Devil's Auction 21: good at- 
tendance and performance. A Boyal Slave 22 
fair boslness. John Griffith In King RIchsrd 
in. 23: large stlendance. Running For Office 
27; Adelaide Thurston 28; The Clay Baker 30. 

BILES, — Verbeck Theatre (M. R. Williams, 
mgr.) The Gambler Sept. 18; good bnslness 
and company. Baverly'a MInatrels 20; pleased 
iplCTdM boalneai. Tbe Black Cnok< >r., 21; 

Due bDsIneas and good perfotmaiice. Undo 
Tom's CsbIn 22; good boslness and company. 

Cradoc-NCTllle Co. 23-30. 

CAITAL SOTEB,— Hardesty Tbeatie (W, H. 
C!ox, mgr.) A Slave of The MIU Sept. 20: 
capacity baslneaa. Wedded and Parted ZS; 
good business. A Boyal Slave 27; lier Fatal 
Sin SO; Tbe OerU'a Anetton Oct. 8; Tbe Boman 
Baeaa Tt . A Him»nns X4C* U| flowa'a 
- ad M. 

HFTDT,— NoUM* omm 
Weldllng, mgrs.) Tbe 

■a (Comns * 
■toek Co. week 

Weldlbu^,^ mgra^ TOM jI l jn sii M JIWCTJus^ w^' 

Falls 2fc aiAa ariWk^tglBMHA m. OcC 2 
QnlncT Adams SawTtr ' . 

IBOBTOV,— Masooie Open Boue (O. O. Bl- 
ley, mgr.) Ualoney's wedding Sept. IB; good 
boslness sad pertormaaee. Tbe lUdatght Flyer 
20; fair performanee aafl cpod b M s ln iis Ban- 
nlng roc OOee Ms good perfcrmaneo and 
packed boose. Wbr Otils Leaee BMne ST. 

CAXBRISOE. — Oiloolal Tbestre (Hammond 
Brothers, mgrs.) HI Henry's MInatrels Sept. 
IS: good business. DevU's Auction 22; plessed 
packed boaae, A Boyal Slave 28; large_at- 
tendaaee. Dade TOm's Cabin 27; The Clay 
Baker (return) 20; Undo Josb Spraceby 81. 

STEUBENVILLE. — Grand Opera House (C. 
w. Maxwell, mgr.) Haverly's MInatrels Sept. 
22; good audience and pertormaaee. A Slave 
of Tbe MIU 23; _aso* .narfwiliMO and bnai- 
neas. A Royal IfcTS Wh BOO* .MfeMM and 

KABIETTA. - Aadltorlnm (L. M. Lncbs. 
mgr.) LTncle Tom's Cabin Sept. 28; good busi- 
ness. Little Johnny Jones Oct. 3; Elks' Mln* 
strels 9; Running For Office 12; Albert Gal^ 
latin 16; Buster Brown 10. 

FtHSLAT. — Marvin Theatre (L. H. Cnnnlng. 
ham, mgr.) Rentfron-'H Jolly ratblloders Sept. 
18; good hnslneiui and perforninnces. A Trip 
to Egypt Oct. 4; Busy Irzy's Vscatlon 0; A 
Roysl Slave 7. 

GALU70LIS, — Theatre (J. M. Kaufman, 
mgr.) Wby Otrls Leave Home Sept, 26: Ban- 
ning For <SrirfK . BI>*..<S Bfc _iiE, t tjtT g; 
Barlow m WUMNlli 'mMBHI Wt BUHM BlOWn 

KENTOH. — ^Dickson Opera Hoose (Beniy 
Dickson, mgr.) Rice & Barton's Big Gaiety 
Co. Sent. 22; good business and performance. 

The MMnlKlit Flyer 28; A Trip to Egypt 
Oct. 3. 

QKEEHkli-LD. — Gland Open BOMO (B. C. 
Davia, mgr.) Wife In Nam«.<hdF MVt> 9S; 
bnalnen fair. Wby Girls tmM Wm» 80: 
Uncle Tom's Cabin Oct*. 0, 

UirOASXBB,-UaicBtn>t Stfeet Opera Bonse 
(W, H. Oatter, mgr.) Bnaning For OBea 29; 
Uncle 7oBb S p iueeb y Oct. 8: Bosser Bonce's 
Minstialo B: Hnr 

Ooaodr Oo. S-ld. 

Dan nuvne 



<W. B. OBttar, mgr.) 

Int, 27; good boslness. 
jBl tall bsatncw. Bandy 
OioF BofeW V. 



BHAwirBE.--opera Honse (D, I, Terbloe, 
mgr.) Irma Opera Oo, Sept. lS-10; good per- 
' *>"*'o*^-JBPIr_BanvMl'a .lSln- 


— Chestnut Street Opera 
opened its season week 





de Mayoe 

ncaa, iotnk Oowttano In la Tammaaj Bail 
week Oct. t. 

Blebard Carle Is 

l^^jaf Wkte week. Sept, _3»; good bast; 


tlDues I 
deflolte stay, 

Garrlck Theatre. n<l;iriBMS:te A fbfc 
Exchange week Sept. MbKMMOB ODd 

pleased Immensely. 

park Theatre. Effle Elsler In 
week Sept. 2S; medlnm buslnen. 
In The Errand Boy week Oct. 2. 

Grand Opera Bouse. Elfle Fay In Tbe Belle 
of Avenue A attracted large crowds all last 
week. Carrent: The Black Oook. 

Glrard Avenue Theatre. Marching Throagh 
Georgia was this boose's olTcrlng laat week. 
Cnrrrnt: Tbe Shadow Bebind The Throne. 

Elereatb Street Optra Boost. Dnmont's are 
sUn diawlnir big bonsas. 

Keltb'g Cntotnnt. Btitot neatrsy The big 
MHa . ot TandtTtUe oootimM to attnet large 

People's Tbestre, A Bnnaway Boy week 
Sept. 2S; good hnslnesa. Anna Blancke In 

KiKlitIng Fate week Oct. 2. 

Hart's Kensington Theatre. A Dsngerous Life 
week Sept. 23; good bnslness. Week Oct. 2, 

Blaney'a Arch Street Theatre. The Shadowa 
of a Great City week Sept. .25; good bualness. 
Wedded snd Parted wenk Oct. 2. 

Standsrd Theatre. The Unwritten Law by 
tbe atock company week Sept, 25; good bnsl- 
neaa and prodnetlan. Cambcrlaad ^01 week 
Oct. 2, 

Forepangh's Theatre. The Belle of nslamere 
by the steek eompany week Befit, 28; ex- 
cellent inodottisB and boalness, Tbe Face in 
The Moonlight week Oet. 2. 

Casino Theatre. Scrlbner'a Morning Olories 
attracted fair business Isst week. 

Bijou Theatre. Fair boslnesa greeted Wat- 
son's OrlentalB last wask. Ulaefs ABtricaos 
week Oct. 2. . . - 

Lycenm Theatre. SbO Mio BBibtB OUo drew 
fairly last week, 

<. '^^J*™ T^'Jl?*! AwBoo aW8_3r»ek 

Sept, 25; splendid Mmm. tSSlr. * lAoda 
week Oct. 2. . . ■ 

Empire Theatre. The HtBtBlMHw Boiv 
les(|aet« Sept. 2S.27; good lllHIIIIMi Vbt Btae 

Ribbon Girls week Oct. 2. 

Musenm. VsudevlUe and curios continue to 
get the bnslness. BOB WATT. 

ALTOONA. — 'Eleventh Avenue Opera House 
(L C. Mlshler, mgr.) Tranfi-AtUntlc Bnrlesqners 
20; fair business snd performance. The Serlo 
0>mlc Governess Sept. 21; elegsnt performsnce 
snd pstronage. Buster Brown 22; good show 
and business. Wedded and Parted 23; good 
Show and boilncss fabr, Dora Thome 28; good 

and bnaineas. A Fight' For Lore 

It Iklr verformanee and good business. Wby 
Womb Ma X7; Iho Sqotw Man 9S: Ohcekus 
28; A fltw o( Sbt BiU 80: A Ouigetoas Ufe 

Oct. S; BtMOlpb and Adolpb 8, 

The Amnsement U., wbleb recently opCBStt 
with high-class TandevlUe, eontlnMS tO dO 
great boslness. Tbe patronsge Is made op tt 
the city's best people, das to the BUvecoaa 
BnM.' great efforts. 

BOBASTOIf, — Lycenm TbeatTO (A 3. Dndy. 
mgr.) Cbeckera 22-23; good performanee and 
business. Paul OUmore 20; Beaaty and Tbt 
Beast Oct. 8-7. 

Academy of Maalc (A. J. DuBy, mgr.) Fight- 
ing Fate Sept. 21-23: fair a bow and buslnesa. 
Fttrls By Night 25-27; fair show and nice 
buslnesa. Dangers of WorUng Girls 28-30. 

Star Theatre (Alf. O. Berrtngton, mgr.) Phil 
Sheridan's City Sports week Sept. 18; good 
show and baalness. Tbe High Boilers week 
28; good* boslness. Irwln'a Big Show week 
Oct, 2. 

Family Theatre (SIg. Graomant togc.) Bard, 
the magician, headed a good bUI mUk Sept. 
18; good business. Zlska and Bealtb, Fred. 
Victor Russell, Tbe Human Dragon, and othcra 
week 2S, 

BEAOnil}, — Orpbenm (Wllmer A Vincent, 
les.; Frank HUl, mgr.) Paplnta, Colby Fam- 
ily, Gua Williams. TroTolo, and otbMB omk 
Sept. 25; good boalaasa. Caoentt . B d WO I d 
BloDdeU, Ned Myt. oad otbtn. - 

Grand Opera RooSlh ' T loatd- AMpd Oo 
World Sept. SB-ST: fltod koOtaOM. Lstt 1^ 
The World 3840. 

New Biloo (Opdeorat Bros. A BrowneU, 
mgia.) Frtd Irwin's Big Show week Sept. 23: 
jMd ^boolMss. The Morning Glories week 

'OE tJlS8«3N ^JJMoii :as ao|)3ny*»a 'SZ-IX 'OO «JJ")3|,1 Mujaopt no«[pa ig- 
uojsjnqx ^PISIPV -.(uvdmoo pus ss^njunq j|s; 
:8l *3das ^**Av -oo ^iIIA^.^J-aopiuo (-j:fui *jon» 
-OOH 'S) aJ>s»ilL ma*Ji'i — 'STIVJ SSAVaa 



Ml L MiM lU - • eUUNb ILL 

Tho aiaa foh wbb* to ordor ftom ivban VOB 
•ro In a hurry. He Alls your waota and Clto 
them auttdc. Wostem agent tor I. Elsonatoln. 
tho Pionooir Obm XIr.. M Aon St.. Mev York 

OltF. . 




Tbe most atiractlT* BOVtflF 
shown In years. Dots Ml eat* 
things. A blgsollor. 
Duzen - - • 7Sc 
Croaa - - - tS.OO 
tiample lOc p«at paid. 

I. EISENSTEIN, 44 Ann St., N. Y. City. 


noss ('ANVAHUM. Osne on « vrMf. W. W. MOMT- 

uoM Kit Y . u I UnrTMUk, Oct, ti %mbolM, TnukTOe^ 

tlu'ii Illllhonnl. 




Wo mnnuracttiro thorn for Foirs. 
CarnlvKlo, Itvimrtt,, eta. Be* Ubell 
H»t PInH, Bia KItcllH still Shell Novcllles of cTcr>' 

■ICKcrlptlon. Wu ti'll you how to aell QUANTITIKX. 

T. N. MOTT. 416-417 DeBttorn St., CHICABO.ILL. 


QnM, nod 
piaae dIbvot. tMdor nrgood UUti aad 
goodataiteBM^t wlwormHawdalb 
JAB. WtMH^ MRn*— »B 


Xtie Billboapd 



"Thf 5i/fHar^/bra«r^x mall f mtl fnfttilanali frwt 
tltlbariu Mtmhtrt af Ih* fn/ttilan art Invttid whilr em 
2> taaJ » >^'' <■'" '^^""ad im tan al"Tlu 

MirY-— amtttmtar - - - - 

Adtir, Art: Bi (oote with Fortpaogli A Sells 

Bnw.' Clreoa. See Tent Sbo<r Boutei. 
Alfrnlo — OerlU: En roate nrltb Campbell 

Broe.' CIrciu. Oee Tent Staow Bootes. 
Allen. LDdlow (8tu>: Atlanta, Oa.; Sept. SS, 


Alpine Family: En roote with BlnSUag 

Circus. See Tent Bboir Rootes. 
Altofii. The: Omaha, Neb., Indet. 
American Neirsboxs' Qnartet: En ronte with 

Tbe Pander*. See Musical Bootes. 
Amcrlcaa Tnimpters' Four: En ronte with 

Adelaide Herrmann. See Dramatic Ronlea. 
Atbrrton, Agnes (Mlller'a): Lima, O.. Indef. 
AUlMO. Mr. * Mr*. (Orpbetun): MlnneapoUa. 

Minn.. 8-14. 

Addlaon k. LlTlnscton (BUoo): Marinette, 
Wis., Z-7; (Bea's) Dscanaba, Ulcb., 9-14. 

Alba, Marie (DBt<|oe>: So. Cblcago, III., 9-14. 

Aaboms, Xkrce (Famlljr): B. 8t. Loula, IlL, 

Azmstrong & Hellr (Hopkina'): McmpbU, Teao., 

2-T; (Columbta) St. Lonli. Ho., 
Adims, Mosleal (Aat St.): ClileigOk III., Z-7; 

(Main St.) Peoria 9-14. 
AUInel * Petio Ttae Great (Oiptaeam): flan 

Pranelsctt. OaL, M-Oet. T; (Orpbema) Lot 

Angeles ••14. 
istatoaa. Ths Tm tOnrtr): MlaacapoUs. lUnn., 

-\^Sm* UMUMam): (Mar BapMs, 


Hniw*! Mwlass Mo, Tbc (UnlqiM): BhsbaT' 

■M. WHn Vt (BIXni) Kinoita i-lA. 
tmSmiS^ (NMcltr): Wlehlts. KSB„ S-7. 
Mmm M*t SprlBsfleld, Mo., t-7. 
tmmt M to BrcBtlBannetfa): St. Thomaa, 

Oat., s-r. 

AtfsII, Wb. (Orpbeom): San nanelsco, Cal., 
XS-Ock 7. 

Austins. Tb* Tooslng (Casto**): Pall BlTcr, 
Mass., 2-7; (Colonial) Lawrence 9-14. 

Abeam. Cbas. A Jac. (Colonial): Lawrence, 
Mass.. 2-7; (Boward) Boston 9-14. 

Apollo Qoartst: Maeoo, Uo., S-T: Mcsleo 9-14. 

Adler. Aa (OaimMalt OiMbMti. 1»« ¥v 

Aiqoist. KMUa <tgtte)t.. Itibmaod. Ta.. 3. 


AUIsona. Tbe (Tomple): Detroit. Ulctu. S-7; 

(Cook's) Bocbester, N. Y., 9-14. 
Adams. Mabei (Orpbsom): Bmoklya, li. Z., 

ATol^ JImMI f at MH* )! Tu l U l HU i 


Andrns. BUI7 (ralr): 
.Vmoroa. Mile. A Mlaa 

too, Mass., 2-7. 
Barlows, Breaks nsT- (Sobmer Park): Hootreal, 

Can., 2-7: (Fair) BcUeroatc, Ps., P-M. 
Beniler (West Side): Belolt. Wis,, S-7. 
BSBbardt * BoMlcr (Amarlean): CUoafo, ni., 

Banr,' Vr. * Mil Jlnaala (PoU'a): BHdftport, 

Osaa.. S-7( (Ml'a) Kav Batta S-U. 
BwwB. Vack * LUIaa Wilskt (CkvataQi Da- 

tralta Mlttep 

Bnoki, Hcfbcrt * Oa. (Patk a H.)t Iria, 

Pa., 2-7, 

Bovman. Jeaae (Xata at.): Peoils, IB.. 1-7. 
Bnsb. Piask (Proelor's): Newark. N. J.. S-7. 
Btoekiam It Bama (Proctor's): Newark, N. J., 

Buy * WfUMA (Paosto's)i oiaelBBatl. a. 

Bann A ■ l aJ l asa (Napla^t- ' OMsiBaall. O.. 

Banin. Barnes A Bacon: En loatc with' Oaj's 

Electric Co. See Tent Show Routes. 
Birionr-B Elepbsnu (Hippodrome): New York 

<:ity. S»pt. 23, Inilef. 
BurnrsV Al. O. Animals: Kn roots with tbe 
Neiv Parker Amoaement Co. Bee Mldwsj 


Beard, llllly: En ronte with Wta. B. Wsat's 

Mlniirela. See Minstrel Routes. 
Bedlnl A Artliur: Paris, France, Oct. 1-SI. 
Beecliuia. Charles A Blanche Scott: En route 

with the Smith Orsstar AmossBSBt Ool See 

ZS-Noe^*?^ <0*aaB«M SMCi% W^n Oct. 
Bereard, Fk>Td: Kn route with Singling Bros.' 

Stiow. See Tent Shoir Routes. 
BfrrliD A Vacklo: En route with CbiUty Bros.' 
^la. Be* Minstrel Baal*^ 
aH: Ea root* with BaHNM * 
aantic Bootes. 

.SUastiela. Be* Minstrel Baal 

^. fcH: - 


.Okaa. On AarMlati Sb aPBt* wttb the 


-Awt Wanse* Ctrcna. See Tiat ■bow Bootes. 
Bsslhluh Qnsrtet. Otigtiuil: Sa toato with 

Home Pslks. Srt Dramatic Routes. 
Boolb, Tbe Great: (narkaborg. W. Vs., tnApf, 
Bretrers, The A F. B. McAdoo: PuruU, SoCleU 

Islands, Booth Ses Islsod. Oct. 1-30. 
Bionn llroa.: En route tvllb RIngllog Bros.* 

Cirrus. Bee Tent Show Routes. 
Burkhsrt, O.: En route with Campbell Bros.* 

Circus. See Tent Bhow Routes. 
Burton. Richard (Star):' Portland, Ore.. Indef. 
Brrons. The (Hippodrome): New York CIt/, 


BTTon A niSBcb (TTood's 0. H.)) Sedslla, Uo,. 
'2-i; (FamllT) 8I00X Clt7. Is., B-U. 

>mnrd. Uho(- 

Burllnoa, The 

Bernard. Uhoda (Uala St.)l Vtarls. lU.. t-7. 
Tmiliioa. The Thiaa (Q. O. 

Sllcb.. 2-7. 

B.)t Oiaad Baplds, 

BMrer, Cole Prances (OI.rmple): Cbleafo, 111, 
._S-7; .(llaymarket) Chicago 0-14. 
■Isek A Leelle (Famll)-): Butte. Moot. »-7. 
■••loa, Harry (Fair): Mt. Holl/, N. J„ 

^^7^ iralr) Bageratown. lid., 9-14. 
■VafSt Tlie Three (Grand): BamUton. O.. 
-^Tt Rirliinond, Ind., 0-14. 
"••ask A Miller (O. O. U.): Bjracuse. N, Y,, 

S-Ti (llrde A B<'hraaa's) Breeklra 9-14. 
Bass. Beni, (Taadetlr)t QhtaUa, UL, S-7, 

i?J7ii y"*!^'' '■"•^ 
Baekl'sT's Dags: * Shot 

Bsekler's Dogs: ^Shobanaa. Wla., Vt. 

.2-7: (Lgrrie) WMilts. Kaa., P-14. 

BtJaKO^ Ponies (Fair); MUtoa. Pa., S-7i 

(Oanlck) WUmlngtoD, DcL, 9-14. 
"•'"etalr Bros. <CMambla): Cladnoatl. O., 
2-7: (Hopklar) iMMBtob l^<i ••U. 


Oapt. (Otphemo): Jlew Orleios. L«., 2-7. 
Mj- SJ' 8S!J!fi (Monumental): Baltimore, 
jt^Szii. " 1 <?*» osdeio) Philadelphia, Pa., 0-14. 
oS?#^'?F!"'.*te*""'>= Minneapolis. Ulnn 
2-7: (Doailnloa) Winnipeg. Man.. 9-1^ 
""ivn" ,? Bataai'eH B«ooL 

Barry, Katie (PRietcr*s): Albaar. W. T.. Vt. 
Be Anos. The (OiphraB)i uSaa, S. X.. m1 
Bwiaoiont A Hsyward (0. OTh.): Omod 
Rapids. Mich., 2-7: («lst St.) Q&tW^Ul 

Barrows, Lancaster A Co. (P«U*a): WorcesUr, 
Mass.. 2-7; (PoU's) Waterbory. Coon.. 9-14. 

Bingham. Jamea W. (Family): B. St. Loots, 
ill.. 2-7. 

Biickner (Orpheum): Los Angeles, Csl., 2-14. 

* Wasbbnm (BUon): Oshkosb. Wis., 

^"iSTS f (Orpbeom): Los Aafslea. OsL, 

23-Oct. 7: (Orpheam) Denrer, olCT S-M. 
Barrett Sisti rs (Olympic): ChleaaBk UL. S-7: 

(Hsymarket) Chicago 9-14. 
B<'rgere. Valerie A Co. (Alhambra): New 

York City. 2-7; (Gotham) Broa^lj-n 9-14. 
Beno. The Great (Grand): Norfolk, Va.. 2-7. 
Brown. Whistling Tom (Keith's): Proeldenee. 

B. I., 2-7; (O. O. H.) Pittsburg. Ps,. 9-14. 
Barr A ETans (Proctor'o): AUway. N. Y., 

2 7; (Gotham) Btookin B-ui 
Brnno, C^iris. A Makal BassSlI (OMmIbII: 

New York City. 2-7. » * ' ' 

Belfort, May (Cook's): Bocbester, N. Y., 2-7; 

(Shea's) Bntralo 9-14. 
Byto^A Latrerty (Bijou): Jersey Cltjr. N. 

Bright Bros. (Palace): Chslsss. ha.. B-M: 

(CoUln's) London 28-28. 
Burke A La Sue (Pioetor's): ADiasy, N. Y. 

BMn,. Loole (Phllllp'a): Blcbmood, Ind., 

BaUaaa A Moore (Praetor's 2Sd St.): New 
Toik Cttr. 3-7; (Sheody's) FsU Blrer. Mass 
9-14. , . 

Bentitf. H i B li (Btioa): QniDcy, m., 3-7. 

Botter A O*.: New Bedford, Msas., 2-7. 

TELEGRAMS for routes of per- 
formers, tont shows or o ./nival oom- 
unleaa pan.:«a PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hotel addroaa or 
atraet numbar. if route wanted can 
not ba found in The Billboard, publiea' 
tien ia prohibitad, or wa had not r*' 
caivad it up to timo of forma eloaing. 

BordeTorry. OoL (Onhena): jOjsak a. Neb, >-7. 
^o^y\ OnM' ^M8MSa(t98i*%HSiS3putsi 

Pa.. 2-7. 

Casad & De Verne (Star): Mnncle. Ind., 2-7; 

(Lyric) Terre Haute 914. 
Cohan. Josephine & Co. (Proctor'a 23d St.): 

New York City. 2-7 (Proctor's) Newark, N. 

J.. 914. 

Carmontelle and Her Maids of Thr )(oon (Atta 
letle Field): BarrUhurs. Ps.. ST. 

Clark. (Herer (Fair): C^Hieordla. Ksn.. 0-14. 

(^annlngham A Smith (Casto): Fall Rlrer, 
Mass.. 2-7; (Casio) Lawrence 9-14. 

Cherry A Bates (Orpheum): Utlca. N. Y., 0-14. 

Co^rman^ Bo^'d^A^Co. (Bl^wQ^^Bsltlmote, Md., 

Cameron. 'loniM (iSSli^^^mMHtir. XUl.. 

9-14. . 
Christopher. Chris. (BIJoo): Duboone. Is.. S-7. 
ChssslBO (kellirs): PiOTldenrv, B. L, 2-7; 

(Kelth*s) Philadelphia, ps.. 9-14. 
Crane. Mr. A Mrs. Gardner (Teiaple): Detroit. 

Mich., 2-7; (Cook's) Boebestsr. N. Y,. 9-14. 
Csleert, Great (Fair): AagasU, Oa,, S-7t (Fslr) 

- — ■ - - Wis.. 

OairtUtaa A Bodges (Wiiati ! 

S-7i (OBIqoe) Bsa CwSa M4. 
OoBstaallneaa A Lawwaas (teatai): llllwan- 

kee, wit.. S>7| (Boward) Obtaai% .llC S-H. 
Cbrlstepber (Grand): Baa UtcOk CaL. S-7; 

(Bmplre) Los Angeles ••14. 
Cslrmoo. The Great (BUoo): Osbkosk. Wis.. 


Cameron A Toledo (Bennetts): London, Ont., 
2-T; (Bennett's) St. Thomas 9-14. 

Carter, Mr. A Mr*. Carl (Grand): Mllwaokee. 
Wis.. 2-7: (Lyric) Chicago. III.. 9-14. 

Cannangh A Hamilton (PMple'a): Marlboro. 
Mass.. 2-14. 

Camsllss. Eight (Wrlgbt's CamlTaU: Braaa- 

Tllle, Ind.. 2-7. 
Carson. Miriam (Olrmple): (ntlessik . flL« Vtt 

(Haymarket) Chicago 0-14. 
Cnm. W. E. (BIJou): Islipemlns, JBBk, B-T. 
Campbell A Brady (Olvmplr): CUmm»t VfL, 

2-7: (Haymarket) Oilcaco 0-14. 
Copelsnd A Copeland (Oyital): LeadTlUe, Col., 


Clayton, Jenkins A Jasper (Hopkina*): Mem- 
phis, Tenn.. 2-7; (Orpheum) New Orleans, La.. 
9- 1 4. 

Carlln A Otto (Poll's): Hartford, Coos., 3-7; 

(Poll's) SprlnsllrM. Mass., 9-14. 
Cbamherlslns. The (Shi's's): ToioMtb OBts B-7; 

(Keith's) Cleveland. O.. 0-14. 
Cllirord A Borke (Byde A Behmaa'a): BMCk- 

lyn. N. Y., 3-7. 
Carroll. Mr. A Mrs. RAItt. (Ben's): Baasaaba. 

Mich.. 3-7: (BUoo) Oalnmet 0-14. _ 
Cressy. WHI M. A Blancbr Darns (Keith's) t 

Boston. Usss.. 11-Oet 7; (Keltb**) Frorl- 

denre B. 1^ 9-14. 
Creswell, W. P. (Bicycle Bill): Doloth, Ulnn.. 

2-7: WInnlp<-K. Man.. 0-14. 
Cosan A Bancroft (Family): Sbimokln. Ft.. 

2 7: (Family) narrlsborg ••14. 
C%rlstal, Al. (Ben's): KsmiakS. lOah.. 8-7; 

(BIJoo) Calniaet 0-14. „ , • ^ 

cilifoid « Ortk (aOsati. Dta MslaMfa^ S-7. 
CoftawtU ft naaslCUNtal): Hartmn, Pa.. 


Cm\im. A Hastings (Family): Scranton, Pa., 

Colby Family (Mohawk): Schenectady, N. Y., 

Collins, Ls Belle: SestUe, Wash.. S-7. 
CsrrolU, Three ((Hisse's) : Wsshlaston. O. 0„ 


Csreer A PoUsrd (Orpbsaa)t BMr OHtaaa, Ia.. 


curks. Bdwazd * etb UMaia)t BMa^ O., 


Waatilngtoa. D. C. 

tka Msh 

aark B TM>te CBUia): 


Clement, <nay ((base's): 


0>nway A Held (Buckingham): Loalsrlllc. Ky.. 

CatVya, six (Keith's) : Clerelsnd,' 0.. Vti 
(3arkc, Loey: StoU Tour. Eng. 
Crouch A BMiaida (Andltorinm) : Lynn, Haas.. 

(Irenes Slsttn (JsflSi^): Ssglasw, Xldi.. 

Csrioil A (SsTko (Stsr): Xaada^ tuL. S-T. 
Oattsneos. The (Orpheino): BnOklya, N. T., 

2-7: (Albambra) New York Olr 9-14. 
Cartterry A Stanton (Lyric): Wletilta, Kan., 


Carrayt. Tka (IBIr): BMtM BUbar, Mich., 


Cams. ajaMi' (Offktaa): BrnoK^ K T., 


Curtain A Blossom (Olympic): Oilesfo, HI.. 

Clarkoolsns, The (Fair): Brockton. Mass.. 2-7. 
C:ark Bioa.. The (Fair): Brockton, Mass.. 2-7. 
Caron A Fsmam (FkIt): Brocktoo. Mass.. 2-7. 
CamlUe Com<dy Trio: En route with RlngUng 

Bros.' Circus. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Carlos, Cbas. A Dogs; En ronte with BlogUng 

Btoa.' Circus. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Carr, Albert (Hippodrome): New York (Sty. 


CsrroU. Orest (Alcaxar): DenTer, Col.. Indef. 
CastrlUlons. Three (Ulppodromi-) : New York 
City. Indef. 

Clarkonlsns, The (Hlppodtooe) : New York 
City, Indet. 

Collins A Hart CWkll(SMSlB)t . BtBta^ BMN. 

Oct. 2-31. 

ColUns A La Moss: Ca roots wltb Iha V. B. 

CamlTal Co. See Midway Bootes. 
Cook A Miss Botbert (Tsriety): Prssns Oct. 

1- ie: (Palais S'Bte) Bmssels, Belg.. IS-U. 
COoktIa, Bnsle: Ea loota witk tka Orratsr 

Smith AmastsMat Oo. Bsa UMarar Boatea. 
OottrsU. Loolat A Bobart (BiMadiaM): Maw 
Yoik OI», laM. _ 

'''"''''AaaaaMMt'WtSvSih* 'ka^SdSv 

oSSSS^^Ou Atrial (tdaedii Vklfc)! - Biw Or- 
leans, La., Indef. 

l>oSbya. The: En roote with the Great Wallace 
Circus. See Tent Sbow Bootes. 

Copeland A Derringer: En route with Swallow 
A Markle'a Floating Palace. See Miscellan- 
eous Boutes. 

Dahlias. L*s: Moas A StoU Toor. Bog.. 1-81. 

Dee, Boy: En roote with the Joseptilne Oeffry 
Co. See Dramatic Bootes. 

DelaToye A Fritz: En roots wttb CsmpbcU 
llros.' CIrcna. See Tent Show -BaBtlfc 

Denton, Bent; En route with IBa.'VIOla SbOWS. 
See Tent Sbow Bootes. 

I>eVaro. Marsh A WifSt ; ■> i sa l a WMh the 
Sonny South Fls^tlW^'Uaaa.i 'Bi> lUMWaa- 
eoos Bootes. • ■ _ _ 

DeTeida A BtiSBt ' ak..aafla.!irttt tbaBat- 
terson A BHdMM Obnlld^Olbv WMky 

Dockman, Marie: Ba roott wttb 

Pawnbrokera. See Mnalcal Bootes, 
Donahue. John A Msttls KIOols: Ca laata with 

Woodlaad. Sea Maaleal. Baalaa. 
DonoTsp. Jsba a. (Claiigasbi t 1m AbbsIcs, 

Cal,. ladsf. ■ _ 

DotnMF. Udk T. (B9*Btr): lla a ilB. CbL. 

Sept. M«et BL ^ _„..^ « .. 

I>rew. Canon <Basksc)t ■ockSHS. BL. 4kM XI. 


Dryden. Gbst.! Bi MBta With XoBIa Bailey's 

Clrens. Bee XMt . Bhow Bootss. 
DumondA I«S'^(ONliSBW: . ' MBMB« Bag.. 

July ltiOat.<ili' •>■•• •'>'._ _ 

DnnswactK'VtMi- (MBla«ai'S)i Bs a tBfc Wkah.. 


DoTsl. Joe. (Bljon): MIIItIIIi,. n. J.. Indef. 
De VUblS, Great (p. H.): Medina. N. Y., 2 7. 
Diamond A Mar (Oraad): MUwaskes, Wis.. 2-7. 
DoUerty SUteia>|WH*'ftJU£mai ftuBJ-. , 

Dubuti. Conat;' * Oa. <Waialii0t Oaalaaatl, 

O., 2-7. 

DsTenport Bros. (Hannarkct): (Hilcago, lU., 

2- 7. 

Dordons. The Fire Flying (Fair): Brockton, 
Mass.. 2-7. 

De Lorls. CheTslter (SUndard): St. Lonls. Mo.. 

2- T: (Bncklncham) Loulsfllte, Ky.. 0-14. 
Durbyelle. Los A Fay (Shea's): BotTalo, N. Y., 

2 7. 

D'a A D'a (Bennett's): London, Oot. 2-7; 

(Brnnett's) St. Tlionnaa 014. 
Delman. Ueorce (Crystal): Detroit. Mleh.. 2-7. 

Darls A Walker: Chester, Fa., S-7; AUta- 

toWB 9-14. ... ^_ . 

Delmo (BUoo): Bkbaia^.'lhs (Bltoa) 

Deo Xolnea »-lA ^ / -' , . 
Daraody (Gah-ly): Mew OlItaaB, ta^ t^. 

Dsn. Pstsr: Lehsnon. Ps.. M. 

DHIt A TMppltton (BUoa): Oalaatt, KM., 

3- 7» (BUoo) Msrooette 9-14, 

De Lseeys, The (Noeelty): Omaha, Neb.. 2-7; 

(Famlfr) SIsoa City. la.. 0-14. ^ „ . 

Dair A Unrphr (Palm): Olpple Oeek. Col., 

2-7: (Bfflpm) Colorado Springe 9-14. 
Dollar Treope (Fair): Brockton. Mass.. 2-7; 

(Byde A Bchmsn's) Brooklyn. N. Y., 9-14. 
De Faya. Musical (Grand): Tacoma, Wash., 

2-7; (Clneosrsph) Spokane B-14. 
Day Geo. W. (Kelth'a): Worceater, Uaas., 

2-7: (Keith's) Boston 9-14. 
Oorsch A RuKsell (Pastor's): New York City, 

2-7; (Empire) Hoboken, N. J.. 0-14. 
Duncan. A. o. (Krlih'a): Pblladelpbla, Pa., 

S-7: (Jlarrlanrl) Ralllmore, Md.. 0-14. 
Do Lion. Clement (Emplr<'): Dnblln, Ire.. 9-14; 

(Bmplre) l.lTerpool. Eng.. IU-21: (Bmplre) 

Bradford 23 28. ' 

Ds^cweU, Aurle (Hsrowrkst): Chleaso. IlL. 

Di^^n ^^^Hoimta fOi^Ba^M) Bkndii^ 

Dooleir, Brenner A Mazah (Park); Wocotstsr. 
Mass., 2-7. 

Delmore. John A Bmlly DancU (Psstac*s)t Msw 

York City. 2-7. 
Dancing VIollntot. Ths (O. O. H.): St. Lsola. 

Mo., 2-7; (BUoa) Memphis, T»nn.. S-ld. 
Ds Lano, WUtlam (File): lintoa. Pa., S-7; 

(Phhr) Bl esai sh a t K B-M. 

I Wah A Brsrla (PtopIt's):_.Cedar Baplds, 

Is.. S-7: (BUSB) Dea MolaesT^. 

ISTolo -(Fair): BraektOQ. Mass., s-T. 
Darrow, Mr. A Mrs. Btasrt (Aadltarlom): 

Lynn, Iteaa.. S-7| (Pictlaad) Pnttlaad, Ba.. 

De Vers. Mme. (AattiB ft Btaat^): Bsatso. 
Maas., 2-7, 

Dixon A Anger (Oonk'a): Rochester. N. .Y.. 
S-7; (Q. O. H.) Plttstwis, Pa„ S-IA 


Heavy cover ledger 

POST — • 

RAID 0«Mk 

4l6aHStrMt, ClBeiBBaM, IIMBs 


Delmore A Lee (Proctor's 23d St.): Mew TsA 

City. 2-T: (Proctor's) Ncttark. N. J.. S-M. 
Day too Slaters (KoTelty): OakUad, CaL, 3^. 
Day. Edmond A Co. (OrpheOM)s 4>SBaha. 

2-7: (Orpbeom) Ksosss (»». Ba, M<. 
De Serrls*. Bearlitte. nssBSlltia (Oipk 

New Orlesna. Ls.. 2-14. 
Dswson A Wbltelleld (Bennett's): St. 

Ont.. 2-7. 

Delgard, Natalie: Touring Sooth ABerlca. 
De Witt. Bums A Torranse (Marylaad): Balti- 
more, Md.. 2-7. 
De^^Veme, Tbdaa (KOiitttr): 

De o'rcans. Iha BMBt-^BIItB)* 1 


Dorgeral. Tberese (Horttg A Seamoo'a): 

York City. 2-7. 
Donaldson. Anne (Olympic): (nucsg*. 


Drawee: Bmplre Tour, Eng.. 2S.0et. 31- 
Dunree. Goo. A Uhbls (Olyaipie): Soath Bend. 

oJu'aa&M^ a»k^\ ■ ■ 

Downs, T. KelasB (Olymple): Chlesssw BL; 

S-S7: (Oelamhis) St. Louis. Ms,. 9-14. 
Drew, Mr. A lUa. Sydney (FoU's): Spt l s tf l M , 

Jlk*. .. „ ^. 
■ddr. AMMt (HnMt-.V I«a AagriM. ChL. 

Bdwnads, £iSo: Ba ronte wltb Itooaelly A Ilat- 

fleld*s lUastrels. See illnstrel Bootes. 
Eller, Glele (Alcaiorl: Den»r. COL. InileL 
Elton. Sam. (Bansa): Hamburg, Oer., Oct. 

Bmplta Comedy Foor (0>IL«eam): Loados. 

Bag., Aog. 28-Oct. 14: Empire Tonr 18J1. 
■■•iinn at Maale. Foor (Orpheum): DrsTcr. 

cal. S-7: (Orpbeem) Kansas City. Ms.. 9-21. 
Bldoaa. The (O. R.>: SUtesTlBe. H. a, »Tt- 

(G. O. H.) Onrhsm 9-14. 
■dwatda A Olaawaod (Mt): Akn% Ol, BV. 


Tt\& Blllboapd 


It T, 

* Xis. Wv. (Acadcnr): ntts- 
feoB, Ml. X-7: (Lycram) Wuh&mtoD. D. 
' C 9 M 

EIII»IRm*1u Trio (Xoon'a): 

8-7: (Keltb'*) ~ " " 
Elliott, Vaade, Lewis ft' 

• «-T; SMttle »-M. 
Enunett, 8nel«. Il Oo. (Park O. H.): Me, 

Pa.. 2-7; <I^eemn) Elmlrm, N. T.. 9-14. 
Ellnore SMen (Trent): Ttenton. N. Jn t-t- 
Eldrldsv, R4it>rrt: HurtAoTK. 
Bnptie Oomeitr Xav (CoUaeoDi): IiaMMU Bv- 
Xi-Oeu N; mpli* Taor IMI. 

■■■ n ii lh. W . tlTl l ll iiii l TrTir 1. SCb.. 

bbtt SMers (Orphenm) : SpiAsMi, Ol^M. 
■Ula, Mr. * Mrs. Jack: JMkMK'v9MM.i.">-7; 

Cape Clrardran, Mo.. 0-14. 
Elmoie, Tom: Greeniroad, Alk.. M'L 
Etdred; <3«sden (Mala St.): FcorU. HI.. 2-T. 
Bmmr's. S(me.. Doss liA tmyk i i i Ckleacoi m., 
2-T. . ^ 

Empire Citr QoarMivBa ilQcikMHlIt 'SMc- 

lym N. 1.. 2-T. " ' '" 

Baconas. Lrs (C!»IaaM)la): ClneUniatl. O., ST. 
mmlgana, Tlie (Btjoa): Green 'Baj, WK., 

2-T: (Bl]<m) Marinette 9-14^ • 
E:>ifarr * Mtnaon (West. 8t^): JkacsvUIa, 

Wis.. 2-T: (Oatetr) Sprlngfldd. DL. ft-U. 
nnmore ft Adams (O. H.): Jlaakato. Mtim.. 

2-T; (O. H.) Faltmoot S-Ek ' 
FleMs ft Banaoo: BdJerlBe^ IT.. T., 2-14. 
IlTBiw Me iBoptJna^): . iMlMfllai Kr.. 3-T. 

BOM. <SU>«nd): > CMgostl. 0, 

Vm» (Ibla SL): CMiflu' IlL. S-T; 

■ (T 9-14. 

(HopUna') : Memphis, Temi.. 


IMctte'a (kAestta (Barmarket) : CXiIeaso, HL, 

'2-7; (OotoAU) St. Loals, Mo.. 9-14. 
FMato ft^ Barrey (Star) : Ft. Wayse. Ind.. 2-T. 
_ - . _ ... Kansa*- OttTi 'Vai. 

« €b. (Gtaoa): Wttrt; 'lit. 


E<ort>er. Ttte Marrel (Bamett'a) : IiOudan, Out., 
2-7; (Benaett's) St. xixanaa 9-14. 

Fnltoo. Chaa. M.: New Orleans, La., Indet. 

Felix ft BaKT Oo- (O. O. H.): Indianapolis. 
Ind.. 2-Tt (OUnnMa) (anebuiatl. O.. 9-14. 

Ftasclseoe. Two (KoTeltr): Los Angeles, (M., 
2-7: (I»OTeItj) San Diego 9-14. 

Ferry (Orpbeam): DenTer, (X>I.. 8-18. 

Foo. I«e Tnnc (nnl<tD«): CliIeaso» HL. S-7; 
• n«iie> CbleaB» MA. . 

Pen OiaiMdj Vmr tOaaMk^s-.S' 

tm. Dena: Brie. Pa., 2-7: BUnlra, N. T.. 

Fay. Coley ft Fax (Lyceum): Mlimwipolls, 

Minn.. 2-7: «:ryatal) Mllwankae, ."Wlm- t-14. 
Trt«txiA%, The (NoTelty): StacMaK'.QdU'M'; 

(iKorcIty) Fieano 0-14. 
norlilak Adoola ((iarrlek): BnillncteB. b.. 

X-Z; (FMpIe*a) Oedar Baplda 9-14. 
i^eisaant ft Faaaman (Ben'a): Ulaeanaf , JfUb.. 

S-75 CBUosa ~" 

■Mdlr ft BadeBO*: 
Santltr Cb. Bee Badeiqa* Baotea. 

Fttsaaoo ft 3Cack (Etapire): MaimcalMBS. S. 

A.^ Oet. M-M«r. 25. 
Florence Siatera (ApoUo): Dma ei ao rf , Ger.. 

Oct. 1-15: (Olrcns Carre) Amaterdaa. BoL. 


Foottnelles. Tlie Three: En ronte wltt F. W. 

HaU'a CIrens. Bee Tent Show Bootes. 
Ford ft WUsoa (Bmplre): Muumeabars. S. A.. 

Jnne 124Kot. 1. 
Fortnne. Roy: Ba route with tlie Great Haa|p 

Show. See Tent Show Kootes. 
Fostell. Etnmett A GUberta: En ronte with J. 

Frank Hatch Sbowi. See Midiray Sontes. 
Fox ft Hoities (SlTenlde Park): Boise, Ida.. 

May 30-0ct. • 1-5. 
Fox A Ward: Bn roate with Dnmoot'a MlO- 

strela. Se«- Mlo«tT«l Bootes. 
Frank ft Albright: En roote with 

Ctrcna. See Iient Show Bovtea. 
Frees Bros, ft 

■Patterson ft 

way Bootes. 

FreroU. FTed: Eki ronte with the Mmray ft 

Maekey O- Eee Dramatic Bontes. 
Frisco, Slgnar, Aerlallst: Ga roote sritli the 
n. 8. Ooalsal Co. See Midway 
EBUw: ^ route with 
Bee lOaatrel Bootes. 

3BE. ft Ite. ft Ok. 
scab OaL. Vtt (Aeaae) 
, Cotmaii. Jack (Palace): W 

(O. H.) CHnton 9-14. | 
Golden ft Boghea (Pastot'a): New Totk CUj. 

2-T; (Family) Kew York CUj 9-14. 
Grant. Sydney (Colonial): New Zorfc Olty, 

2-7: (Xkphenm) Brooklyn 9-14. 
GBison ft Nub (Umqne): Minneapolis. HlBa.. 


Gordon A Hayes, Ml8«es (Bljoo) ; IttipemlDC 
Mich.. 2-7: (BUoo) Escanaba 9-14. 

Gerard. Francla (Orpbenm): Los Angeles, Oal., 
25-Oct. 7. 

.GOnqr. Ayiiea ft Uoateomety (Poll's): Nev 

Ifciiii CJoon.. 2-T; (FolTs) Bridgeport 9-14. 
fflabe of Death (Orpheom): Minneapolis, IBna., 

2-T; (Orphemn) Omaha. N^., 9-14. 
(^Imans. The Mnslcal (Olympic): Chicago, IlL, 

2-7: (G. O. H.) Indianapolis. Ind.. 9-14. 
Gaylord. Bonnie (Majestic): Springfield. Mo.. 


GsTUor, Great (Oaslno) : Cincinnati. O.. 2-T. 
Goldle, Annie (At Home): Chicago, m.. 2-T. 
Close, Angosta (Shea's): Bnffalo, N. T., 2-T; 

(Shea's) Tormto. Ont.. 9-14. 
Gardner. Hai^ Jack (Chase's): VFasfaJagtoo. 

D. C 2-T: (Maryland) Baltimore. Ud.. 9-14. 
Genero ft "Hieol (Palace): Lelceater. Enx.. 

9-14; (Empire) Manchester 16-21; ' (Bavite) 
- SbelBeld 23-28. 

^Snuhan ft Broete: Chicago, m.. Vtt W. 0. 
K) Grand Baplda. Xldi;. 9-14. 
- - , 11*. »». 

Giiaaea. Ton ft 

flald, C B-14. 
GUlrttc Slaccn (8bca1«: 


Gleaao^ Xsta ft Bsi Itta ft 

Watertmry, Coon.. 2-T. 
(>ranoon. Da (Practcr'a): TMy, N. X.. 2-7; 

(Proetoc'a S8th St.) New Xork Caty. 9-14. 
Goy's Fadar JOnMs (Oyatd): SC Mm* 

Mo.. 2 T. . . 
Gardner. WOOe ItkaeMfi): ftAnr. K. T., 


GUdstooe. Lotta (G. O. H.): Plttsborg, Pa., 

Gresory Troope (Hart's): FkUaddpUa, Ba.. 

Gordon. Don ft Mae (UyittrttaOir Matft OfeL): 

HamUtoo, O.. 2-T. 

GraoB Trio (Crystal) : Marion, Ind., 2-T; (Crys- 
tal) K<Aomo 9-14. 

Grose. BoaseU J. (Gnad): Mazia^ lad- 2-7: 
(Gennett) WIrliMMi til 

Ghnroy. Jamtt BMmmI. fnik .Q.,K}:. Bit, 

Good." Hazel <tt>ili0;; ^»iiiiBiw^-- BH ^'iM'. 

*'™?S'.f2:T.**** *" *" ' 

(3rand Opera Trio (Hyde ft Behman's): Brook- 
lyn. N. T., 2-7. 
Golden Gate Quintet (Proctor's): Newark. N. 
J- 2-7. 

Bayter — Janet (Imperial): flrtllHi. fM . 

2-T: (Earl) PoeUo 9-14. 
Bin. Mmtay K. (Olymple): r^~r%' IB.^ S-T. 
HoUnrottka. The (KeltVa): nnsiliiiMi. 9^ 

(Keltb'a) Boaton. Mass.. 9-14. 
anda. Mile. (Pala'a Port Arthor 

aeld. -in.. 2-T. 
Hylaada. Th* nme (Bljoa) 

Vtt amn): : ttftkoA. ~ 
HensK-CUMta aMata (Fab) 



Hyama. John ft LcQa 

Newark, N. J., 3-7. 
Halley ft Meehan (People's): (Cincinnati. O. 


Boasaa. CBBon ft Lea (Haymaifect) 

TELEGRAMS far reutM of pM>. 
fermera, tant shew* or earnivftl eom- 
unlan partias PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hofsl adJraaa or 
atreat numbar. If r««ita wanted ean 
nat ba found in Tha Billbeardt publiea- 
tioa is prohibited, sr w* bad aat ra- 
caivad it Bp to 

HaDft mi! 


Cireoa. See Xfent Shaw aoatca. 

Batch. Geo. B. (West Side): 

Oiyden ft Lalymde: ..BftMate with 
son's Clrcos. See IMat Bhnr Bsi 
Henry. Nellie ft Ckaa: >3tBBiMB: Ek mate 

with the Ctlcaco tiiinsinmil Bnterprlse. See 

Midway Bontes. 
Herbert. Tlie Frogman: En ronte with the 

Great Wallace Clrcns. See Tent Show Bontes. 
Henmanns. The Three: BSi rente with Frank 

A. Bobbins' Show. See Tent Show Bootes. 
HbBoway, ProC. (MetropdUtaa): 


Howard. Dickie (Snmt er 

Col.. Sept. 4-Oct. 14. 
Hewlrtte. Bob & Mae (Star): Atlanta. 6a., 


Hays. Ed. C: En ronte with Gos Snns' Min- 
strels. See Minstrel Bootes. 

Harris's. Poor Dancing (Olympic): (Thiosgo, 
nL. 2-7: (Haymarket) Chicago 9-14. 

Hyde A Heath (Lyric): Wichita, Kan.. 2-T; 
(Mat St.): Chicago, ill., 9-14. 

Hayden Ic Hayes (Bljon) : Darenport. la., 2-T. 

Haley, Harry (BUon): Danrllle. ni.. 2-21. 

Bolmes A Waldon (Arcade): Toledo. O.. 2-14. 

Hart A Dillon (Haymarket): Chicago, DL. 

Henry. Bngene (BUon): Sheboygan. WlBi« M; 

(Crystal) Mnskegoo. Mich.. 0-14. 
Bamllns. The (Crystal): Kokomo. Ind., 2-T; 

(BUon) Danrllle, DL, 9-14. 
Hoegel Bros. (Oystsl): Ottnmwa. la.. X-T; 

(Crystal) Leavenworth. B:an.. 8-14. 
Heath. Bobert (Keith's): Boston. Ttmmi BT; 

(Keltb'a) PtorUence. B. I., 9-14. 
Ums ft Iianrla CPslaee): Worcester. Mass.. 

BaaaaiM^^taea A. (BUod). 

Barcoott. Salv (Oastn'a): n 
»-7: (Outo^a) Zftwteaee 9-14. 
~ '^P;r !■■»»■ (Cryatal): 

diaiii' ft W«M> (Orptaeni): Los 

CkL. B.M. 

BaAa. Maaled (Vaaafly): Gtoaatamie. N. X., 

2-7; (FaaaUr) Baoghkaepala S-M. 
HarennaD's Animals (Fnetn'a):. Titg, t, Z.. 

2-T; (Fn>ctoc-s) Alhaar 
H s mm oad. Mr. ft Mta. Ckaa. D. CKat): ftMM> 

son. Kan.. 2-T: Top^ 8-14. 
Han. PauUoe (CoImUbU): "fc—*— O.. S-T; 

(Academy) Scnuton. Pa., 0-14. 
Hewes, Frank (Star): Tlctorla. B. C. 2-T. 
HamCton A Bart: Fall BlTer, Mass., 2-7; 

(Trent) Trentoo, N. J., 9-14. 
Haeker-Laattr Xkla (0»»siai>s 

8- 14. • 
Hvwaid ft Attoft CHninOr ift. 

4- Oct. 7. 
HoBirooki^ B 

delphla.- Bla., B-T; 

9- 14. 

Hlnes ft Bemlsgton ((^nmbla) : St. Loiria, Mo., 
2-7: (G. O. H.) IndlanapoUs. Ind.. 9-14. 

HeiDert's Dofa (Fair): Bra^aa. Maaa.. M. 

Eogbes, 3it. * jtaL- 'lamm-wlkmmut tt. 
Lools, M*, SV; fHairtilS^MeSk IB.. 


Howard Bros. (Orvbenm): Kansas Caty, Mo.. 

2-7; (Orphemn) Omaha. Neb., 9-14. 
Howard ft North (Orpheom): . Denrer, Col., 

5- 14. 

Howard's Ponies and Dogs (Fair): I<ynehharg, 
^ »-7; (AcadcBF at Moale) Seraatsa. Pa.. 

a,): Bi mu ae. 

Boch. Ema Jaae BMaa * 

MlnneapoUa, IIIbb.. B-U. 
Baiiha, Maiale Davia (Cfentat): 

Bsnky-Bergere ft Ox. (O. O. 

V. I.. 2-7. 

Bifrga. Ton (Dnlqne): Bsn Claire, Wis., 2-7; 

Solath. Minn.. 9-14. 
Bayman ft naakUa (Qothaai): Bcaaklfs. N. 

y.. 2-7. ■ 

Hathaway ft HUtM' (IMetaM): INF. B. X.. 


Hanrey ft Doaae (Edison): Eeleca. Mont, 

Harney A Haynes (Haymarket): Chicago, 111., 

Helena. E^dlth (iEdlaon): Bncbirest. Bon.. 2-7. 
Hengler Sisters (Oook's): Rochester, N. X.. 

Howe & Scott: Sprtngfleld. Mass., 2-7. 

Hood, Sam. (Grand): Victor, Col., 2S-0ct. 7. 

Hall. Artie (Aodltorlnm) : Lynn, Mass.. 2-T. 

Herman's Does (Proctor's): ABnny. N. X., 2-T. 

Hoosler ZonaTes. Seventeen (Camlral): Cedar 
Rapids, la., 2-T. 

ItaUan Trio (Portland) : Portland, Me., 2-T; 
(Keith's) PhlladelphU. Pa., 814. 

Irving Broe. (AoBtln'a Pahn Garden): Syra- 
cuse, N. i'., July 17, iDdef. 

Irrlng. Pearl (AneLln A Stone'a) ; Boston. Mass.. 

Irrlng Trio: En roote with Cbrlsty Bros.' 

Minstrels. Bee Minstrel Bontes. 
tones A Byan (Poll's): Waterbnry. Conn., 2-7; 

(Pastor's) New Xork City. 9-14. 
James ft Darls (BUon): Lansing. Mich., 2-T. 
Jackson ft Sparks (Cnlque) : MlnneapoUa, Minn., 

2- T, 

Jennings ft JeweU (American): Otlctsa, HI., 

3- T; (Lyric) Cbleago 9-14. 

JaAaona. Three (Olymple): CktagiV B« 2-7; 

(Bayataiket) Cblcaa* 9-14. 
Jaae. lUrrttim* (Btjao): Battle Ckcift. Wch.. 


'aals. BMe <I««enm): Bnfhsataf, M. T.. X-7. 
Johnstons. Moaleal (OataiBUa): St LaoK Mo., 

2-T: (Olympic) Obleacow HL. 9-U. 
Joscarys, Three (Otphenm): BraaUya, H. X., 

2-T; ((arele) Xew Xork Cltj 9^4. 
Jordan ft Barrey: Newcastle, Eng., 9-14. 
Jnllan. Tbeo. (C%aae's): Washington, D. C, 2-7. 
Jocelyn. Mande: Elmira, N. X.. 2-7. 
Johnson ft Wells (Ornbeom): Brooklyn. N. X.. 

2- 7. 

Jnckmn Family: Ba ronte with iH-fHi»g Bros.' 

Circus. See Tent Show Bontes. 
Jacobs & Sardil: En roote with GoUmar Bros.' 

Clrcos. See Tent Show Bontes. 
Jsmes, The Two: En ronte with Christy Bros.* 

Minstrels. See Minstrel Bontes. 
Jerome ft Edwards: En ronte with Beao ft Al- 

Tord's Shows. See Tent Show Boatea. 
Johnson. Chas.: En ronte nltb Mollle Balley'a 

(Mrcns. See Tent Show Rontes. 
Jonrs ft Sntton: En roote with the James 

Kennedy Co. See Dramatic Bontes. 
Kanfman's Lady BicycUsta (Blppodiaase): New 

Xork City. Indef. 
Ksnfmsn, Reha (ADiaaAn): LniM, Mc. 

Jnly S-Oct. 31. 
Kaufman Troupe: En ronte with Singling 

Bros.' Clrcns. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Kelgley. Will A Gertie: En roote with Dors 

Woodrnir Co. See Dramatic Bootes. 
Keltons. Three: En ronte with the Parisian 

widows. See Bnrlesqne Rontes. 
Kenna. Mae (Star): Atlanta, G«., Sept. 2S, 


Kllpatrlcb: En ronte n-lth Blekd. Wataoa ft 

Wrothe. See Musical Bontes. 
Klein. Oi: Bros, ft Nicholson (Omm ChRe): 

Amsterdam, Hoi., Oct. 1-31. 
Kltchie. SI: En roote with the Sonthem Carai- 

Tal Co. See Midway Bontes. 
Kemp. w. A. (Family): PottsrlUe, Fa.. Sept. 

18. indef. 

KOhl. Gos ft Marlon (Mala St.): BHrfi. HI.. 

3- 7; (BUon) Qainey 9-14. . 

XeUy ft Kelsy (Delmoce'a OoaaedlaM): Alhanr. 

O., 2-7. 

Koppe ft Koppe (Park O. B.): Me, Pa.. 2-7; 
(G. O. B.) WOkaabaire 9-U. 

"?^; ysssas^^^^L 

KarsoB. KU (KsBh'Us fllwala^ Ol. BiTt (G. 

O. B.) PllWiaw. Wu.' B4C • 
Klein ft autaa OnMale VMiWt 

Ind., 2-7. 
Kates Bros. (Hayaatkct): 
Kenney ft Clatfc lOtr O. K| 

N. EL. 2-7: (4t. H.) W nam. 3^mi M*. 
Kartelll: BiBMilla. Oec., Met. Ifc 
Khems ft OMe -(imniaAet); ""^tn VL, 


Keene, Mattie, ft 0>. (Pcdl'a): New HaTen, 
Conn., 2-T. 

Kelcy. Alfred ft Co. (0>lnmhla): Cincinnati, 
O.. 2-7: (Hopkins') LonisrlBe, Ky., 9-14. 

Keno, Walsh ft Meliose (Howard): Boaton. 
Mass., 2-7: (Amphlon) Brooklyn. N. X.. 

Kelly. Sam. ft Ida (Xale's): Kansas atj, XS., 

2-7: (Novelty) Topeks, Kan., 9-14. 

Keatons. Three (Keith's): New Xork City, 2-7; 

(Keith's) Providence. B. I., 9-14. 
KlraEw. Vincent (Bsrl): Poeblo, Col.. 2-7. 
Knott. L.vdia, ft 0». (Keltb'a): Ptorldence, 

B. I., 2-7. 

Kenna. Charles (Blehmond): No. Adams, Mass., 


Kelly. W. C. (Colonial): New Xork Citj, 2-7. 
Kril^ ft Tfadette (Chase'a): Waahlnctso. D. C, 

Keny ft Bnt ffi a HwH s ftttav. W. T.. 

Kceote ft Chapltln (053 CainO aye.): Chicago, 
in., 2-14, 

KlyeUt, Mnaleal (Gtaad): ladtaaapglla. lad.. 

2-7: (Oi l iih i a) nanlaaall. Ol. ajft " 
KlmbaU BMft^ ItaM Oaritft ntaiilaall. O., 


Kelcey. Bechert. ft BBe BhiOBM fllnheaB); 

Brooklyn, N. X., 2-7. » i— , 

Kelly ft Beno (Fair): BioeklnD. Mas., 2-7. 
Loeaa. Ed. ft Baad (Heward): Chicago m.. 

2-7; SnriacMd 9-M. 
La AdeUa (Gkyatal): Xaskegon. Mich., 2-T. 
Lawman ft Bwlng ((^tle): Bloomlagtoa. HL. 

2-T: (Boward) tadcago 9-14. 
Lewis. Caprice R. (Fair): Akron. O., 2-7. 
Leonao (Oipheam): SprhicOeld, O.. C-7: 

(PhUnpa*) BkhaMOd. lad.. 9-14. 
Leonard ft Bennett (Standard): ClndniMitl. O., 


Lacey, Jae. (Main St.): Peorla, HI., 2-7. 
Lynch, IDck (Haymarket): CHilcago HI. 2-7. 
LaDellB, The (Trent): TreatOQ, N, J., 2-7. 
LaGlenan, C^pt. Edw. : En mote with Blown 
ft Ihooaa' (tanUacd CarmlTal Co. 8a* MM- 



For 190S-0e 
Wltli IVfaps, 
Po stpai d 


BOUND IN t%m. 


416 Elm street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 


Ui Bene. Fredl: En ronte with IBMirt Ob^ 

alsal Ca>, See Midway Boatea. 
LaBeXr. Ned. J. (MoicUy): BHaa nBa, B. IX. 

Anc 2. tedeC 
UFlear. Joe: Bi 
Sena Broa.' Cheap. 
Laager, wnilaB J.! 

Maady Showsu Bee 
Iftifce ft AdaoM: Br 
Batch Shows. Bee XMwar L 

, Lee (Oyatal): aUHoa, lad. lad 
ft Leooard (Palace): iSSStm, 
7 ladef. 
U. C: Bn roote wHfe the Ttn 
Ttampa. Bee Mosleal Bootes. 
LeMoInd, F.: Bn note artth Lachman-Keetch 

Bipoaltioo Sbotwa. Bee Midway Boatea. 
Leo ft Chapman: Bn roote srlth the Bar>> 

Mnsleal Bootes. 
Leotthardt: Bn ronte with Bart'a J 

Co. See MlscellsBeona Bootes. 
Leaile'a Porcine Circus: ronte with 

Ilac Bra.' Circus. See Tent Show 
Lewla ft Barr: Chicago, HL, Indef. 
Llolcer Bros.: Dn ronte with Welder's Carnl- 

Tsl Co. See Midway Bontea. 
LIsette: En route with the New Psrker Amoje- 

meat Co. Bee Midway Bootes. 
Lowman Sisters (Stsr): Atlaats, Qa., indef. 
Locania Trio (Hippodrome): New Xork Clly. 

Lucler, Ben.: Bn route with (ZhmahaB Bna,' 

Circus. See Tent Show ^Boatea. 
Lnlgi-Picari Trio: Bn route with the Bine 

Blhbon GIrla. Bee Bnrlescpie Bootes. 
Lyons. Walter S.: Ba mate with the Gnater 

Smith .BMMHMat r 

La ciait ft ■mm (C 


La Ten Bros. (SUr): SeatUe, Wash., 2-T. 
Lee. Irene (Casto'a): Lawrence, Mass., 2-7. 
Le Bajr ft Woodford (Casto'a): Lawicacc. MasSL. 


Lennaa, Bert fflaraiailanr OHnM-Biw 
(Colaafala) St. I«al^ Mh- •4M.~ ~ 

Uqnld Air (P. IK Bagalt Itaa^ Shaa- V. 

LhsM Air (Wai. BTPtmy); 'm»allllBa««"» 
BEr.. S-7. 

Laahard Btaa. (Olr^ple): Baalfe Bcal. M.. 


'i rTnn I nalihlMia nmnali N. T.. 

2-7; (Ualaoe) AkMa.^ir?4il. 
Lore ft BoUaa (Star): Ft. Wayne, M,. VI. 
Le Clair. Hany (Keith's): nimliat A, Mi 

(Keith's) New Xork Olty, 9-14. 
Londons, 'ne Poor (Bmplre): Olerelssd. O.. 

2-7; (Qsletj) PlttMtx, Fa.. »-U. 
LaMI..Bdw. jfllitaaftla)^ nhj^aitl. O. 2-7: 

OCTOBER 7, 1805. 

Tt\e Billboard 


r^tu nm. Btw. (Oolnmbte): St. Looli, Ho., 

wi. (oiniipie): Oblci«Qi. HL, a-T: 

La nrllr (Norclt;): Bnrrkt. Cal., 2-M. 
r^Vall*. Thr (Rlppodronw): Brlshtcm, Eos., 

»-14: (**ala«) 01aa»ow 16-21; (Palace of 

TarletiM) Manche«ter 28-28. 
tjgntm, Ohlnrae (Bite): DaTenport. la., 2-7; 

(We«t Side) JaneaTllle. Wl»., 9-14. 
UkoU. Harry ft Carrie (Star): Topeka. Kan., 

• T: (Unlqoe) St. Jo«e|>ta, Mo., 8-14. 
LaVlne. Walteoe ft Co. (Arcade): Ttdtdo, O.. 


Lnrr & Lace (Cellseatn) -. (aHIWlf. 111., 

2-7; (Bljoo) Decatur 9-14. 
Undw, Geo. A. (Park C^alno) : Bait Branch. 

V Y.. 2-7; (UbertS- Muilc Hall) Ubertr 9-14. 
laVren ft Oroas (Dewey): St. Paal, Minn., 2-1. 
Jjt RuTT (Ljric): Ctilcago, 111., 2-7. 
tamonnt ft Psalette (Gaiety): SprlncflcM, III., 

(Elite) Darenport, la., 9-14. 
Leonard. Bddle (Kelth'a): Baltimore. Md., 

27: (Chase'a) WaslUngtoo. D. C, 8-14. 
I/esIle ft Dallry (Orpbeam): San Ftanciaco, Cal,. 


La Note Bros. (Fair): Datfmty. Ooon,. t-7. 
Le I>ent, Ttie (Sreat (Bator's): Mnr Z«ck dtj. 

'*-7. * 
LiVrence, Al. (PoU's): K«r Bm«^ Ouin., 

2-7: (PoU'a) Brid((port 0-14. 
La Vlne-Clnwnni Trio (Keith**) : PiOTldence, B. 

I.. 2-7. 

Le CUir ft Hatdt (Aadttorlom) : I^raa. Haaa.. 

Liidtr. Xr. * MHk IM <Bi— Wt . D il l iQ. 

liM * OaMsa <»•>••): BvMOb M. T., £-7. 
tllBwiiHi (Uan'a Maacmi): BoflalOw N. Z.. 

MW TH» 4M GtenO sw.): OUcwOk IIL, 

- - >. Mvta (VUl): SUHa. Ab. 

Jinier. RenshaiT ft Miller (BUoB): 

ni.. 2-7: (Etax) Aurora V-M. 
VnMooo Trio (Olympic): CblagA in.. 2-7. 
MazDz ft Mazette (Haymarket): Chicago, III., 


Maetle. TeiMer ft Mack (Ckyatal): Kokomo, 

Ind.. 2-7. 

McBacns. Jnggllng (Srle * Bifeaaa*U : Btook- S. T., 2-7. 
Minden. Adelaide (People'*): Cincinnati. O.. 

xiabe, Jaek (People'a): Clnclnnall. O., 2-7. 
NUr;«II. Olile (Easle): Johnstom, N. Y., 


Minrelle ft Gleaaoo (Pbllllp's): Elcbmond. 
Ind.. 2-7. 

McLaughlin. Helen (Olympic) : Chicago, Dl., 

2-7: (Raymarket) Chicago 9-14. 
UltcbeU ft Bnnrolng (Family): Sloox Falla. 

S. D.. 2 7. 

Mitchell ft CUn (Fioetar'a lasu St.): New 
York CUT. Mi M^SflCl VUmm^ m, 9-14. 
UarqoandiL «te < r« » fia«l> t ft l i toUw t. R. 

I.. 2-7. 

Me,-Siin. Thccnaa. ft Co.: Bntte, Mont., 2-7; 

Spokane. Waah., 9-14. 
Mi«)n. Homer B. ft Marguerite Eeeler (Or- 

plieum): Brooklyn. N. Y.. 2-7; (Alhambra) 

N>w York City 9-14. 
Mitchells. Three (Bmplie): Boboken. N. J.. 

2-7: (Dmplrc) FataMB M4. 
McMorrls, Bertl« r. (Ol|kNM>: JMrtBglleU, 

o.. B-14. 

MeMabOQ'e MUutrel Malda (Olympic): Chicago. 

lU.. 2-7; (Haymarket) Chicago 9-14. 
Moiratts, Plre (G. O. H.): Plttabnrg, Pa.. 

2-7: (Kelth'e) PhUadelphla, Pa.. 9-14. 
Martin Bros.: Scraston. Pa., 0-14. 
MIgnanI Family (PoU'a): SprlDSlleld. Vui., 

Mtmr ft ftadoHK : Kmt BMNNl Hut.. VI; 

Jtar Ttea (WeM 8Ue): JanesrUle. Wis., 2-7. 
Hkmtar* aurtgorttc Hippodrome (Family): 

iMvcnwtm KSB.. Hi (ruilly) Sloas City, 

la.. t-M^ 

Marpby Jfc UmU- |BISM>t PaMOBB. K. I.. 


Mamer. Cbaa. I,. (Family): SkaBoUii. Pa., 



Marioellas. Tbe eicat (Dooilaloa) 
Man.. 2-7. 

Morton. Fled W. (Temple): Ft. Wayne, lad.. 


Macks. Tiro (Orphenm): Sprlngfleia. O., 2-7; 

(PbUllp'a) Rlcfamood. Ind., 9-14. 
Magee. Clem. C. (Xalc'e): Kansaa 0117. Mo.. 
, 2-7: (Gtaad) Mlet. IIL. S-U. 
Manhaaaett Cmitw Wmt UmmltmU Pltta- 

barg. Pla.. SrTavaaaai) WtMrnSm, D. C. 

9-14. ~ " 

MriTflle ft Aaelle (Acme): SacnacntOk Cal.. 

2-7: (Z,yceam) San Franclaco 9-14. 
MoUaboa ft Cbappelle (Olympic): Chicago. 111.. 

2-7; (Baymarket) Chicago 9-14. 
Macarte Slsten (Orphenm): Kanaas City. Mo., 

2-7: (Orphenm) Omaha, Neb.. 9-14. 
McNsmee (Q. O. H.): Grand Bapldi. Mich.. 

2-7; (31tt St.) Chicago. lU.. 9-14. 
Mallory Bro*.. Brooke ft HaDlday (Poll'a): ^>w 

H»ren. CSjon.. 2-7: (Orphenm) DUca. N. Y., 


Murphy & Wlllard ( Aodltorlnm) : Lynn, Maaa,, 

2^7: (Paatoe'i) New York City. 9-14. 
M<«allock. Dare Derll: Oallaa. Tel.. 30- Oct. 18. 
McCnne ft Giaat (Aaatlcaa): OUetga. 111.. 

Mlen-a Did^ IMC fSSms MMOk O., 

^^T: (Orphean) j S l gB fc O- t-M. 
Umiu. Hal (Q uBmi Ti UmWiKSStKO. Cal., 

Xmnie. OMb W. :(BMttni)t Mar. Ittk City, 

mUtarr Octet (Park): Worcester. Man.. 2-7; 
^(Keith's) PiorWeDce. B. I., 9-14. 
JW^rrers. Tbe (Wcat Side): JaaetTlUe, Wla., 


Minau TMok *ka fOnkaMtt VaMapoUa, 

^^^mw * DMraam mnrntmoi 

Ort» 2-7. 
>M|*ni». rridtlal. (OMtraO: 

*J5lM-*. Aahley (KelHi'a): Boatoo, Ibai., 
^'■■"^.'^^k * LarwMBca (lAaipUoa): Brcok' 


Murphy ft Ftaacta (tak O. Ui 


Murphy. W. B. ft Blanche 

rrOTldence. R. 1.. 2-7. 
Manrro (FamUy): Bntte. XMt, S-T: (i 

graph) Spokane, Wash., 9-14. 
.Magee. Ja«k B. (BUon): Pateraon. N. J., 2-7: 

(Boo Too) Jiraey City 9-14. 
Motorglrl, La (Ontral): Cbemltx. Ger., 1-31. 
Malcoln ft Sbeeette: En roote with Ferarl 

Bros.' CJaralTal Co. See Midway Bontes. 
Mangels. J. F.: Eo route with Mcjct's Mon- 
arch .^muaement Co. e Midway Baotea. 
Manola Family: En route with tba Oaaktll 

(^rnlTal Co. Soe Midn-ay Routes. 
Marcellne (Hippodrome): New York City. 


Marley. Chas. J. (Broadwav); Saa 

Cal.. AoB. 14. Indef. 
Mario ft Aldo: En route nlth 

Circus. See Tent Show Routes. 
Marshall. The Mystic (Wlntergartcn) : P.prlln. 

<iT., (X-t. 1-31. 
Marline Broe. (Se^aln Tour): South .vmerlca. 

June 15-Oct. 1.-,. 
Martlnes. The: Bii route with the Great 

"Wallace (nrcua. See Tent Slion- Kotites. 
Martlnos. The: Bn route with Wliltney's Greater 

Shows. St e Midway Companies. 
Martyne. Eddie: En route «lth J. Frank Hatch 

Sbowa. See Midway Routes. 
Martynne Sisters: En route with Sunny South 

Floating Palace, iiee MlKellaueous Routes. 
Maiey ft Kramer: Bn route with An Aristo- 
cratic Tramp. See Dramatic Rontes. 
MeOanler, Joe (Uaktaei: MinaespoUs. Minn.. 

Apr. a, iDdef. , 
IMaeDaa. Jaaiaa caOaa}: : Jllan.. 

Mdteiy^Ma (Bcpocltloo) : iMttSlnirg. Pa.. 

VciBw Mi a. Ted and His Dog (The Oaks): Pott- 

laad. Ore., indef. 
Um i l lU Slsten (Empire Palaer): Xobannea- 

tarc S. A.. Sept. 4-Oet. »: (TNola) Cape 

T^wB l»4>ee. 1. . . 

Merriam. BUIle: Ba MMe -.wMiVte:- iMMCbcr 

Oanlral Co. See ili»mmr 'Umimit ' 
HMdletoB. Ola«rs (Pal1t.>.a «M<k.rCbl.. 

Aof. 14. imaa. : ■ ■ ■ ■■ . 

Milana. Fwnr ( nippi id i aMi ) ; -Si* -TaA aty. 

indef. / 
Mlltoo. Cbaa. W.: S 

Minstrels. See Mlaatrrl 
Wltoo. Mr. ft Mta. «eoL .W« .(Hart: •' AOaata, 

Ga.. indef. ' 
Mora. Bd. (Steepieebase Ffrr): AOaalie City. 

N. J., indef. 

Morris ft Morrln (Standard) : Port Townsend, 

Wash.. July 17. indef. 
Murray, Eddie: Bi loate with C hrlaty Bnw.' 

Nixon. Geo. B. iV. 8L BaM): wmumtm. 0., 


Normans. Fire Juggling: En loate wltb Gentry 

Bros.* Dog and Pony SiHnr No. 1. 
Nosses, The Flee (Casino): New Xork City. 

Sept. 18. Indef. 
Non-Un. Dare: Bn roote with Al. 6. Field's 

Minstrels. See Minstrel Rontes. 
Neraros. Three (v^rpheum): Denrer. Col.. 2-7. 
Nalada & Co. (Sheedy's) : Fall Rlrer. Mass., 

2-T: (Poll's) Xen- Haven. Conn.. 9-14. 
Xorrls, James L. : Dayton. O., 2-7. 
Nye. Ned (Poll's) : Worcester. Mass., 2 7; 

(Poll's) Wsterbury. Conn.. 9-14. 
Nina (G. O. H ): Marshalltown. la.. 2-7. 
NUilo. Fred (Proctor's 23(1 St.): New York 

City. 2-7; (Proctor's) Newark, N. J.. 9J4. 
Newell ft NIblo (Richmond): North Adams, 

Mass.. 2-7. 

Norton ft Nlclioi.aon (Keith's): (HcTelaad. 0.. 

2-7; (Park) Younsstonn 9-14. 
Norman. Mar^ iCoiontal): New TadI '€ltr. 2-7 : 

(Orphenm) Brooklyn 9-14. 
Newman. Joseph. (Olympic): (^cago, DL. 


Nichols Sisters (G. O. H.): PUtsbarg. Pa., 


North. South ft Dixie tCr^ ttai/kH ' Mllas. 

Tex.. 25.0ct. 7. 
Nudos. The (Family): 6IWClllini^> ' R. T.. 

2-7; (family) Paterson. N. I^ Vtt.': ' 
Nemlers. Three (EUte): Datenpart. Vu. 2-7. 
Nibbe ft Bordeaus (Sundard): Onebmatl. <k. 


Otis, Ellca Proctor (Hyde ft Beluaaa'a): Brask- 

lyn. N. T.. 2-7. 
O'Keni (Fair): BellerMe. HI.. S-7. 
O'Day. Ida (Oiaad): SaUet. HL. ». 
Carl Family (AlHUffcl); .. . MlML. 

(Pnielor-a) Albaar.- X-'X. -Mfc - 
Ortb ft Fera (TMMlHal:. TW a MiM a. Fa., 

2-7: (Bawccr) Mtw Tatt imr. »**- 
O'BricB ft BmIif; MlMBMlllfc Mloa.. 2-T: 

Dea*ar. Olb - MC 
Oleio. t.jaMikk): Birifewta. la,. Vtt (Peo- 
ple's) oBpnSvIk 9-H.: ; ^ _ >^ 

o'Dole. 9*0. W.:v>i nua^wHh CtngMI Bna.' 

circna. See TMt Ikaar BaMaa. 

OUre. Mae.. BaMMa * Ah BU (Mali .VSIe): 

Bmsaels. BelfcTSept. 9M)at It; (Mkee) 

Antwerp 14-31. 
OToole. M. Jack: Des Moines. 
Otte, Nick: Bn route with tbe Baaaler Aaase- 

ment Co. See Mid^n-sy Bootes. 
Palmer. Alice (Olympla Music Hall): Troy. 

N. Y.. Ang. 28. Indef. 
Parkhnrat: Eki roate with Jooes-Adama Sbows. 

See Midway Routes. _ . 

Perry ft Fralrle (Me ti eps lW a a) ? TInapa. Via,. 

Sept. 2S-NOT. 4. 
PblUlps Sisters; En route with the Paraijors- 

See Musical Rontes. 
Pbjils Mile. (Star): .Mlanta, Ga., Sept. 18- 

Oct. 7. 

Pontelle. Sig.: En route with WteOSB Broa.* 

Camlral Co. See Midway Roatea. 
Potter ft Harttrell: Amsterdam. Hoi.. Oct. 1-15: 

Paris, Franc*. 16-No». 18. 
Power'a ElephauU (Hippodrome);. New Turk 

City, Aug. 30. Indet. 
Price, Ratry M. : Gn route with Bnster Btowa 

Bastem Co. See Musical Bootes. 
Powers, Mr t Mrs. John T. (Olympic) : Chicago. 

IIL 2-7: (Haymarket) (Chicago 9-14. 
Peloti Fred ft Atinle (Arcade): Ttriedo, O., 2-7. 
Patty Broa. (Orphenm): Kansas City. Mo.. 2-7. 
Powell, Fred (Haymarket) : Chicago. 111., 2-7. 
ParlUa, Mr. ft Mrs. (Family): Bioax City, la.. 

Peerless Quartet (Grand): Udwai&ae. Wis., 
2-7; (American) Cbicago, HI., 9-14. 

Pierce ft Malaee (Grand): IndlaaapaUi. lad.. 
2-7: (Ck>lnmbla) (Sadanatl. O.. 9-14. 

Powers ft Theobald (Majeatle): Kaaa^i Otty. 
Mo., 2-7. 

Pucks. The Two (Proctor's BStb St.): New 
X«rk City. 2-7: (Empire) Pateraon. N. J.. 





10 FOR 10 

lOO FOR $f 


The Billboard Publishing 
C I N C I N NAT I . 

Co.. 4i6 elm St^ 

Paulo ft Marlow ((XilamNa): Cladanatl. O., 

2-7: (HapfeiH^> LaniaeOlaw Ky.. MA. • 
Pirrocoai^ Rme (Xritb'a): ProrMiaet, B. I.. 


ra'vlUa Family IFIuallr): aiaBC CItr. Au. S>7. 
rarazoo Trio (flKecdy^): IkB : BMr. Xaas., 

2.-i-Oct. 7. 

Pleketls. Four: Rocky Mt.. K CI. S-T. 
Quinlan. Dan ft Keller Mack (Oiilliiiil>'i Loa 

.\useles. Ca!.. M-Oct. 7. 
Fantzer Trio (Cock's): Rochester, N. T.. 2-7; 

(Shea's) BuHalo d-14. 
Phelps, Orren ft 'Millie («0B Armltage ave.): 

Chicago, Va^ *-7. . : 1 
Pesehkoll Troavcv Tka (Orphenm): BrooKlya. 

N. Y.. 2-7. 

Pone and His Doe (Elite); Davenport. la,. 2-7. 
Parr. Helen (Standard): Cincinnati. O.. 2-7. 
Randolphs. Grotesque (Merchants' Street Fair): 

EransTllIe. Ind.. 2-7; (BUou) DanrUle, Dl.. 


Baymood ft Tricey (BUon): Isbpemlng. Mich.. 

2-7: (Osaslaian).'Wlnap<s. aiai^-B^ 
Reed «'Virasoa^^Wl5S«ri~^^SMlnaa«b .Ou'. 

2-7. • : . 

Blee. Jahn e ft Sally OohM (naetoe'a): New- 

aik. S. J.. 2-7. 
Bc«« BMh Tbe (Hy^ ft Btkna'a): BrooUyn, 
- JC„- T„ -*7. 

Bai^« Baaadie XTfnt} t TMnton. N. 2-7. 
Bi inr. 7iHiaalr (FUr): ClarcBMmt. N. S.. 9-7. 
BaiMij TTHtiii (BI]on): BatUe Crelek. Mleb.. 

S-T: (.Cryatal) Detroit 9-14. 
Beno ft Marray (Elite) : Daeenpoct. la.. 2-7. 
Romalne, Tulle ft Tom Fitch (Bljoti); losing. 

Mich.. 2-7: (BUou) Battle Creek 9-14. 
Ralmond i Good (G. O. H.): Grand Rapids. 

Mich.. 2-7: (3lBt St.) Chicago. lU.. 9-14. 
Rogers Will R. (Garden): BnHalo, N. T., 

2-7; (Arcade) Toledo. O.. 9-14. 
Renti. Tbereaa (Hippodrome): New Tork City. 


Reynolds. Jnllette: Bn ronte wltb the Helns 

Bros.' Camlral Co. See Midway Boutea. 
Ritchie. Dare Derll: Bn route wltb the Great 

Alamo Shows. See Midway Routes. 
Robert ft DeMont: En ronte with Ben ta B ea t- 

ley Go. See Btirleaqoe Rontes. 
Roelker. E. O.: En ronte with tbe 9iMU14kr- 

nival Co. See Midway Rontes. 
Rogers ft Lavine (Mftropolltao) : Tampa. Fla., 


Roeey: En route with HooUgstt's Troubles. See 

Dramatic Routes. 
Bosa .t Lewis: Berlin. Ger., Aug. 21. Indef. 
Russell, Phil, ft Carrie (Bljoo): Dnlntb, Minn.. 

RIanos, Tbe Fonr (6. O. H.): 

Ind.. 2-7t_«MaBlU]i — " 
Bedford ft Wlntlwattr ( 


Reynard, Ed. F. (Orphenm): Braoklya, N. T.. 

2-7; (.Vlhambra) New York (aty 9-14. 
Russell ft Dnnbar (Cryatal): Sloox FaUa. S. D.. 

2-7; (BlJou) Dnbnqoe, la., 9-14. 
Radfotil ft Valentine (Hippodrome): BirmlBC- 

liam. E^ng.. 9-14; (Hippodrome) Okagow 1S4B; 

(Hippodrome) Brighton 30-Nov. 4. 
Komola ft Williams (Audltorinm); .''''QMlB' 
RoiSi. Luigl: Fall River. Mass.. 2-7. 
Racket! & Hazard (Metropole): Londoa, liDg., 

9 21. 

Ritchie, Adele (Vtetotla): New Tork Otty. 

2-7. . 
Rossalre ftlMMtla tfli.; O; H.}: 


Rawls ft 

City. Tt^ Vtt (I 

Robinson. Bthel (Hopktaia*): Lonlavllle, Kj., 

2- 7; (Hopkins') Memphia, Tenn.. »-14. 
Rice ft Kemp (Olympic): Chicago, m., 9-14. 
Roscoe ft Sims (Family): Dnlntb. Minn., 9-M. 
Rosards, Tbe (SUte Fair): Dallas. Tex., 2.14. 
Roaarfs. T1>e (Boston): Lowell, Mass.. 2-7. 
Rayno'a Ball Does. AI. (O. H.): Cheater, Fa.. 

3- 7; (O. H.) Allentowa 9-14. 

Ross Sisters (Phillips'): BldrnMod. Ind.. 2-7; 

(Orpheum) Springfield, O.. 9-14. 
Rooney. Pat. ft Marlon Bent (Hopkins') Lonls- 

vUle, Ky., 2-7; (Arcade) Toiedo^ O., 8-14. 

Bant, aande (Hoirart): CWraBOb DL, S-14. 
BapMs, la., 2-7. 

Rio Bros.. Tluee (ttaptrt): Haboken, N. J., 
2-7; (Empire) Pateraaa. N. 7., »-14. 

Rado ft Beitman OEellh'a): Naw Task City, 

Runaway Wldoan^ l iwa (Arcade): Tsli>it< 

O.. 2-7. 

Rusat'll (Arsyle):' Blikenbaad. Bag., 9-14. -^^ '. 
Bna. XhaaMS J., ft Haty BleMield (AlhaBbn}: 

Xask .aty. 2-7. • 
Blee nuBllr OUvlaad): BaltfaMK. m.. ML: .; 
Rays. Two (Btijan): Kianla./Wli^V- . .' 
Rice ft Pieroat (AIIWka}t^:;r|hv^nnr .€!».'' 

Rich. Jack ft Bertha (BiehiBoad): Noeth adsms. 

Mass.. 2-7. 

Rich ft Horrey (Casta): Lowell. Maaa>. 3-7. 
Riva Bros. (Orrin Bna.'): McdM OUr. Mas. 

Blchmonds, Tbe (BastaMc): BMUM ». 

Russell. LllUan (Proctor's 23d St.): Hnr 

York City. 2-7. 
Shanty town Trio (Crystal): Kakomo, Ind., Mt 

(American) Chicago, HI.. 9-14. 
Sato. O. K. (O. O. H.): Xooagstowa,. O, 

2-7; (ODOk'a) B««i »wte», M^Y., ».>4. . : 

%ago,* n:, itt .(OatoMa) ' SE^'lMlic Mk^ 

9-14. : 

Simmons ft Hsrrls: Scranton, Pa., 3-7; (Lyric) 

Cleveland. O.. 9-14. 
Santell. Tbe Great (Grand): Vletada. B. C. 


Sawyer, Emily ntniiai): IWttltaM.' 

as-Oct. 7. 

Sllvano, .MplKMise (Maryland): Baltimore. Md.. 
Slapl'eton ft Chancy (Jaedb'a): Pcacte. 111.. 

Smlrl ft KaHM'<MV^^ 


Stevens, Balancing: Sanit Ste. Marie. Vleb., 

2-7: Sheboygan, WU.. 9-14. 
Summers ft Winters (Alcazar): Denrar. Ool.. 


Stnart, Arthur (Grand): Jollet, 

(West Side) Belolt. Wis.. 8-14. 
Splaacl Bros, ft Mack (Caato'a): La 

Mass.. 2-7. 
Staley ft BUtnck (Proctop's 58th Sfc): 

York City, 2-7: (Keith's) Boslaa^Jiaai.. _ _ 
Sharp. Blanche (Haymtiket): lMHflik..lp.i 

2-7; (MalesUc) Oiicago 9-14. : - " 
Stevens. Kittle (flale^: ; ^sIhMK. OL. 
Sabel. Josephine : (Bsna»htrtl8—,W—. Aaa>. 

trU. Sept. M«et.'ML - . _/ ..--^ ■ 

St. cutT rut ifmU" AHuH, tufc-jB- 

Oct. 21.. . . ■ ' ■ .1- 

Savoys, ThK^r Bi xaale wBh the Oraat WMBMa 

Olrcna. Bee Heat Show Bontes. _ ^ 
■aztm ft lUUon (G. O. H.): Back Spriaa. 

Wto.. Sept. 4.1iav. 1. 
Scbroek ft Blee: B 

EUght Bens. Bee 

Sbndes. The Tmoi- 
Devcia'a 0*k fc* 



wHk MfTfi Mooaieb 
"wcmr Boat**, 
sntt wttk BtnsllDC 

En toote with Ooaatr* HIb 
^■BM^-'Cm Vtawtnl Roatn. 
mt. JMb * I> Fern: Ea 
Dosley. Bee Musical Bootes. 
SeaiCfj. Gcou: Ea roots jrtd 
Mlnstnla. See lUnsticI 
(BQoo) DasrUIe »-I4. 
aW T « «tt c . Jaws A Prlngle (Oipbenm): Mlnne- 

apolto. 2-7. 
flsstam A llarkMr (Phllllpr): 
2-T: (Star) Ft. Wajw Ml.< 
asiSrr, Jssle oajde * •Mamt 
N. Y., Z-Z. 

SkmoB. PooUiw: St. Pan], Vln., 2-T; Detroit. 

aiMoJtts^ (BovaxA): Bsstao. Ibn.. S-T; 

Spook MIastr«le (Orobenm): Su Prsocljco, 

Cal.. 2-7; (Orpheam) Los Aogein »-14. 
Ssntot ^^^ irlfla^ (^nUme) ; Los Ainrles, Cal., 

maun^ .wm^ *■ *»- 

Sherman ft De Formt (Park): Erie, Pa.. 2-7; 

(Ijcenm) Hmlra N. Y.. 0-14. 
SpaaldlnK Bros. )Falr): Danborr, Coos.. 2-7; 

(Faatnckct) Pawtncket. B. L. 9-14. 
Skeck Bns. (Flair): Krokofc, ta.. 2-7. 
St. Once Bns. (Barklngham); LoalsrlUc, Kj., 

S-T; (BCoplc's) asanas tl. O.. 9-14. 
Wmranm , Ibe . Tfiiliil (Otpbenm) : Beadins. 

Pk.. S-T: CFuHiW Itor Tork CUr. 0-14. 

# IMC 

CUT. X-T. 

SoTder * Bnekler (ProetoCs): Nevark. K. J.. 

2-7: (Pn>e(ar*s) Albasy. M. Y.. S-14. 
SbMD ft Warren (Colonial): N«w Cttr. 
2-T; (Orpheam) Brooklyn 9-14. 

lUeolds (Bljoo): DrtroU. MHw 


Sharp, Blasche (Hajrmarket) 

Slosn ft Walthcmr (Chase's): 
C. 2-T 

Btnart (Proctor's): Albanr, N. Z.. 2-T. 
a^i^ Ike Foor (Bconett'c):. Itoodoa, Ont.. 

(niicaso, m., 

WaahlsEtos, D. 

8n nam- 

Stantonnr. Lola (BUoD): Decaror, HL, Z-T; 

(BIJoo) Des Molcra, la., 8-14. 
SUrcao (b:ite): Uneola. Meb.. 2-7; (CrritaU 


Clodmiatl. O., 

BelblBt ft GroTlnl (People's) 

8la9S0B.LUtaaa XU» OUb St.): Fcoda. OL, 

TknneaB. Fellz ft daxtan (Family}: FHsale, 
N. J.. 9-14. 

^benrillc Bcica (West Side): BdWt> Wla.. 


Texaaa SMen (BfctrMr 1IMM%-~-m«VS-7: 


TarltsB ft Tkritsn: Ed TOBte wttk the Biecken- 

rMct Snck So. See Diamatle Boutes. 
HVMV Bnna (Capitol): Glta» Fans. N. X„ 

Ikrior. Xae (Palaee): Boaton. Uaaa.. IndefL 
Ikoatadoar Fsnr: En note wltk Tbe Sli«v 

Clrl. See Mnslesi Bontea. 
Ty-BeU Sisters: Ea ronte trltk tbe Great Wal' 

lace Clrcns. See Tent Sbo«r Bootes. 
Tajlor, Benrr ft Alice (Proctor's): Alhsnr. N 

Y.. 2-T; (Hjde ft Bcbmaa's) Brooklyn 9-14. 
Teste ft Daniel (ColambU): St. Loola, Mo., 

2-T; (Majestic) Cblcsso. HL. 9-14. 
Tbe Qneen's Fas (Orpbeom): Minneapolis, 

Sdnn., 2-T: (Barmarket) Clilcsso. III., P-J4- 
SBlaor, Dlffonl Vil (Bljoa): BatUe &eefc. 

meb., 2-T; (Bljoo) Ijnslng B-14. 
Xhlkot ft Rogers (Colombia): St. Loola. Mo., 


TmeaddL Mr. ft Mrs. Hoirsrd. ft Co. (O. O. 
H.: PUtilmrs. Fa., »; (AmpUso) Brok- 

CUeasOk UL. 

Imnr TOO (Slot St.) 
_ . It.) P<-orta 9-14. 

_>-1lK rut KITK. sun.. 2-T: (Cmoolal) HCw 

T«rk aiF. V-M. 
WM ft l«adl' <BBtltc): San FtasdaeOk CaL, 

Aofca tOapUm/fx 
OioaDpsoiL ft;' 

I., 2-T. 

Terrr ft Lambert (Bnplie) 

Ens-. 9-14. 
Unlta ft Paal (FSIr): Keoknk. h.. S-7. 
Van Camp (O. B.}: Near Castle. Pa.. S-T; 

(O. B.) Brarer Falla 9-14. 
Taacr. CbrtstlBe (Standard): Ft. Wortb, Tcz., 


Tane. BsrT7. VaKlslao: En ronte wltk tbe 
Cosmopolltaa Amnsemrat <3o. See Midway 

Telare. ' BdKb ft Curtla: Kb roots with tfea 
Oicat emtat- * s»mcnt Ckk -S« 

Viola Bros.: En roote Wttk Umlf» Omm. Sec 

Tent Sliov RonteSu 
Ton Lesr. MUIle: En roote wltk Welder'a 

Camtral Co. Se)- Mliltva; Uoatra. 
Vernaa. Bells (FamlU): E. SU Loola. m.. 

▼ate.* Brtnt (Fkifc): Worcesisr. JIaaa.. t-li 

(KtUkti P ws Mmc i. R. I.. »I4. 
Talpir'a BMn ami Maakeya (Fslrl: Brsektao. 

Mass, Mt (mr) Ilssmslswa. Md.. •-14 
Voetker. SIB. ir»Bb ~ - - 

Keb.. BOA. 

Van OisCe ft CkM^ 

Vance, dazlee (VtaeMrt): 


Von Qnett (Wood's O. H.>: SedaBa. 
Valpos. itie (XoTclt^): Oaak^ 

(SUr) Itfklaim Kaa.. 9-14. 
Village (Mk (BMIM: naMlHHk B. I.. »Y. 
Too weod. SH- OUHrW: ffiiHaait. Ol. 


WbeloA's. Wbeelins (Fab): Ottawa, Oat., 

Woodward. V. P. (Proctor's mth St.): New 
Tork CItr. 2-T: (Froetor'a S8tk St.) New 
York city 9-14. 

Washer Bros. (Dominion): Wlnahwfc 


West ft Van SIclen (Bopklns') : Memi 

2-T; (Olrmplc) Chicago, m„ 9-14. 
Welch. James A. & CecelU (Slst St.): Cblcago, 

m.. 2-7; (Main St.) Peoria 9-14. 
Welsh. Cbss. ft Jennie: Detroit, MIcb., 2-T. 
World's Corned J Fonr (Poll's): Bridgeport. 

Conn.. 2 7: (Part) Worcester. Mass., 9-14- 
WUUams, DoUle (£agle): Johnstoirn, N. Y., 


WaUb, Frank (Slst St.): CmicaKO. IlL. 2-T. 
Woods. Harry (Acadeav): FtttabafS. Fa.. S-T; 

(L.reenm) Wasblactaau n. CL. Mdb .. ■■' 
Wlncberman't Bears aaC Mafeva QUI: ItL 

HoUr, N. J., 2-T. 
WUson THo (Arcade): Toledo, O., 2-T; (Lyric) 

Cneveland 9-14. 
Woodland Nympba (Shea's): BoSaiSk N. X., 

2-T: (Shea's) Toronto. Oat.. 9-44. 
Winters. Winona: New Side OIIf. MOtl ft 

Boston. Man.. 9-14. 
Wood. Francis (Family): Xslmosr CItT, Ps.. 

2-T: (Bljoo) Baltimore, Md., •-I4. 
Wells. Lew (Orpbcsm): Kew OrIcaa% La.. 


WslA« BmsL: Ea mote wltk Wlaea 
Caralral Oik See JUdwaj KoMfs. 

Zamacols, Les (Proctor's): Neirark. N. J., 2-T. 
ZIngarl Trio (Poll's): New UaTen. Cooo., 2-T. 
Zlngarella. Mile. (Fair): Athens. Os.. 2-T. 
Zarell, Ben. ft Ella: Ea roote with tbe Sooth. 

em CsrslTsl Co. See Midway Bootca. 
Zarrow. The Great (Chatcs PaA): Sal 

daeo. CaL. Isft. IT-Oet. U. 
Zeohoolakla: aMt 

Wella. DolUe (Obmple): Sooth Bead. Ind.. 

2-7; (Oasae) BIsomlaitMi. ilL. S-l-l. 
Wood. Bagese (Orstal): KafeamOL lad.. 2-T. 
Wamw Bna. (Standard): Ctadaaatl. O- 9-T. 
WBsao. Tony, ft MBe. Belolse (Fair): Bncfc- 

too. JlasK, S-7. 
Warmwsed>, FiaC, ftalaala (Fair): BioAtsa. 

W iiia^, Time (Treat): Treatoo. H. jr.. 2-7, 
«M * Okala (Faamjr): Bast SC Looiiw UL. 

Les Aagelca, CaL, 

Wataoa^ Sh 
Baraaa ft BaOcrli 


Wa.vne ft Doaoe: Eo roote wltk Ps- ^ 
Wild West. See Tent Show Bastes. 

Welch. Mm i. (BcMine): ta I 
Cel.. MML - . ■- 

WeBa. Wm."^ tL 

WUllsma. Jod: Eo roote Trltb Miser's Amczl- 

eans. See Bnrlewioe Bootes. 
WllUams & Long: Ea note with tto Oiaat 

rsric, r Amn^ment On. 
WUIIams ft Padre 

Sept. 2S-Oet. SB. 
Wolllmr's StaHiaaaia 

BlngUas BMS.* 4 

Boo les. 

Wymsn. George H.: En ronte with Gollmsr 

Bros.' Orcns. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Wickers. Tim Three (Crystal): SC 

Mo.. 2.7: f&m 

- 9ka 


Wklttle, wm. K. OfoacCs): Portland. Me. 

White. Bert CCnlqDe) : 

2-T; BakersDeld 9-14. 
West. John A. (Monnmratal): BaltlaHK^ 311.. 

2-T: (Lyeenm) Waablacioa. D. C.. 9-M. 
Wkltmaa. Flank (O. a H.): St. ImM^ Jto., 

2-7: cnjw) atimpkli. TkMk. »>U. 
WMta. ai. B. ft Mia nutmrit Mlf apnlH, 

JOaa. ».7: lOtmrnn lIBaaafetab «lK V-U. 
Wcstestt. B*a CKCMk-Bk: gWHU Bw i B. Iw 

S-T: (C. O. B.) P I Mi S oig. Pa.. B-H. 
Woodford ft Marlboro (nam's): WsdHm 

2-T: (West Slue) Janearllle 9-14. 
Wlkoll ft Co.. Baby Irma (nijod): Dninth. 

Minn.. 2-T: (Cnlqae) Wlnnlpec. Man., 0-14 
Waldon. Max (Cniasc's): Washington, D. C, 


Wnder. Maisball P. (Temple): Detroit, Mleb., 

Wood ft Bay (Keith's): Clereland. C, 2-T. 
Wilkes, Mattle (Bembrasdt) : Amsterdam. Hol- 
land, 21-30. 

Yackley ft Bonnen (Park O. R.): Erie, Pa.. 

2-7: (Lreeom) Elmlra. N. Y., 9-14. 
Yoong. OUIe, ft Brother (Trent): Trenton. N. 

J.. 2-T- 

Yoong, wm a ft L. May Brooks (Arcade): 
Toledo. C, 2-T; (JelTer's) Baslnaw, Mich., 

Yakawa, Mons. (Howard): (^teago, QL, 2-T; 

(Crystal) MHwsokee, Wis.. 9-14. 
Yoong. Tot: Vsncovrer, B. C, 2-T. 
Tonas Ameries Qnlntet (Keeney's): Brooklyn, 

K. T,, S-T; (Bartlx ft Sesmon's) New York 


—-^ --- Qi » CH4i*la»'): iMlCTlIlc Ky.- 
»** ~ ■ 


aaa-a dm. See Tkat , 

ZtaanMnaaa. WBly (Froetsr*8): K T.. 

2-T: (Proctor's 58tb St.) Mew Toik OlF 
Zoeller Trio (Shea's): TOraatOk Oat.. S-7: 

(Park O. H.) &le. Pa.. 9-14. 
Z-noi, The Great: Lima. O., 2-14. . 
Zanclg^. The (Ampbloo): Brooklyn, N. T., 

2-7: (Cbase'a) Washtacla% D. O, B-ld. 
Zimmerman Al. ft Peaw LaBSlo. 4k. 
Zlska. Kins &■ Co. IBMMg * liillgkH Mew 

York CMy. 1-7. 

A Babbit's Foot, Pat (HiappeUe, mgr.: Waco. 
Tex., 4. 

A Jolly American Tramp. H. P. Franklin, mgr.: 
Galena, III., 4; PlattBTlUe, Wis., 6: Mineral 
•Point T. 

A Bomance of Oooo Hollow (Btstem), A. a 

Allen, mgr.: Qoebec. Can.. 2-1; Ottaiva &-7; 

Topper Lake, N. Y., 9; Saranac 10: Placid 11; 

Malone 12; Massena 13; Ogdensborg li. 
A Romance of Coon Hollow (Western), Geo. P. 

Haloes ft Q>., mgrs.: Yale, Mich., 4; Darl- 

soo 5; TpMIantl 6; Dexter 10; Bronson 11; 

Baekaaaa IS; JOAawaka, Ind., 13: Shelby. 

Mich.. M. 

A GM aC The Strreta. with Laora Alberu, 
Decker ft TtlMii s . msrs.: (Mnmbos. C, 
M: WUmlac^ S: Xenla 6; Sprlaslleld T: 
■WheHlag; W. Ta.. S-U: Akiao. C 14. 

A Baee fkruar. P. H. Soniraa Amoaemeat 

— m. S-U. 

Fred CL Thomas, mgr. 

: Co., 

1.'-^^ KBes 5: Elwood City. Ps.,. 

r nub T: Boehrster 9: SsUaerllle. O.. 

TtMBle IS: WdlabDis 13: SteobeaslUe 14. 
A Pair of Ooootxy Rida, Smith ft Baoasao. 
msTs.: Maoch Choak, Pa:. 4; Leightso 5; 
Freeland 6; Laasflsed 7; testy Shore 8; 
Bem-ick 9: Lewlstoo 12; BnJdnek U. 
A Slare of The Mill (Gordoo ft BeoettW, CA. 

C. W. Boberts. mgr.: Tyrone. Pa« 4x Lewb- 
town 5: MIddletown 8; Laacaatcr 7; Totfc 9; 
CoatesTtlle 10; PhoealxslUe 11. 

A Royal Blare (Gordoo ft Bennett's Northeia), 
Fred Miller, mgr.: Teenmseh. Mich.. 4; 
Fayette. 0.. 5: Wanseon 6: Bryan 7; Ao- 
bom, Ind., 9; Colnmbia CiQr 10: Wstsaw 11; 
Plymooth 12; Bocbister 13; Knox 14. 

A Boyal Slare ((;ordon ft Bennett's Eastern) 

D. H. Woods, mgr.: Bncyms. O.. 4; C:arey 
5: Kenton 6; Flndlay T; Upper Sandoekr 9: 
Chicago Jnhctlon 10: Crestline 11; Gallon 12; 
Shelby 13: Mansfield 14. 

A Roral Slaie (Gordon ft Bennett's Western), 
Bobt. E. Sterens. mgr.: Wati-rtown, Wis., 
4; Portsge S; Stonghton 6: Sparta T: LsCrtisse 
8; Winona. Minn.. 9; Rochester 10; North 
Held 11; Falrbank 12: Mankato 13. 

As Told In The HIUs. w. F. Mann, mgr.: 
Frankfort. Ind.. 4: Brartl 6: Danrllle, III., 
T; Bantoal 9; (HiattsiTorth 10: Falrbury 11; 
CnDun 12: Pontisc I3: Bloomlngton 14. 

At CVlpple Creek, with MlUlcent Erins (E. J. 
Carpenter's): Cherrrrsle, Knn.. 4; Colfey- 
TlIIi- 5: Chanote 6; Joplln. Mo.. 7: Plttshnrj:, 

- Kan., 8; Colnmbos 9; Galena 10; Parwm 13: 
loU 14. 

An Aristocratic Tramp (KUroy ft Britton's Co. 

Hoostoo. Tex.. 4 

~ 'mm T: ftasUo 


B.), S. B. Vnter, 
Galreston 5; LaGrai 
9; Taylor 10; Waco 
13: Corslrana 14. 
An Orpban's Prayer, Martin Sbeeler, mirr. : 
Ean (Halre, Wis.. 4; Menominee .1; Red Wing 
Minn.. 6; Lake City T: GalesTllIe 0; IXidse 
Center 11; Owatoona 12; Farlbsolt 13; North- 
Held 14. 

At naey'Kldge. M. O. Binlna. mgr.: Bnr- 
Uactaa. la.. 4: Boek IsUnd. IlL. S: Dares- 
part, ta- •: Streator. IB.. T: (Hileago 8-14. 

,**<sMa. Oaeld J. Bamase. mcr.: Ilsiry S. 
Wchaidi^ boiL mgr.: Saa Fr aaeli es, Cal., 

Aldrleh. Chas. T.. la Secret Berwlce flaai. A. B. 

Woods, mgr.: (micago, lU.. 1S4)H. 7; la- 
disnspoiis. Ind., 9-11: Dayton. 0„ U-14. 

Anbrry Slock Co.. J. T. Macaoley, gut.: An- 
bom. N. Y.. 2-T: Schenectady 9-14. 

A Poor Belatlon. Roht- Meyers, mgr.: Unloa- 
towa. Pa., 4; Btaddock 5: Latrobe 6: Oiceas- 
bnrg T: SC. Marys, W. Vs.. 11; limn. O., 
13: New Lexlogton 14. 

A niildrn Olme: Cllntoa, dk 

An Easy King: DonrUIe. IlL. & 

Alons The Keachaei raikmhmi. W. Dh. 8. 

Arnold Stock Co., J. K Irasld. mttjt 7cfci 

Pa., 2-7. 

As Yon Sow. w. A. Brady ft Jos. E. Grismer, 
men.: BoMon. Mass., 2-14. 

An Arlstocrailc Trsmp (Kllroy ft Britton's Co. 
A.). Harry A. Mnrray, mgr.: Sllllirater. 
Okla.. Pawnee 5: Tol»a. I. T., 6; Uniikng<-e 
T; TahIe<)oah 0; Fsyetlerllle. Ark.. 10: -Rngers 
II: Mooett. Mo., 12; Sprlo^eld 13; Carthage 

After Midnight. Spencer ft Abom, mgrs.: New 

Tork City. 2-T. 
A Coaatry KM. H. B. Whittakrr. mgr.: Mraon 
ImL. 4; Bensselacr 5: Monticello d; Sbcldool 
UL. 7. 
ft Onpmte Cttnet. 

" 0.. 2-7. 

~" "~ " .•) Jt B. 

. , Pa,, 4; 
S; Hastlags S; d it iiaa 7; Canal 
Deeer II; Newark Id. 
A Bonriar'a Sweetheart, Ma niiiam. 

WIsoehairo Oly. Mlmi., 4; Mkalriaa i. 
A Roman Slare (Western): LaOMt. SlOk, & 

A Ronaway Boy, with Jose p h Saaihv, IL H. 

.M. yer*. mgr.: Jentey City, N. J.. 2-T. 
A Rosslan Spy, W. Dick llarriMia, mgr.: 

Ahnrne, Kan., 6: Herlncton 6; Minbattaa T. 
A Wife's Secrr-t: LonlsTlIle. Ky.. 1-T. 
A Tlioronghhred Tramp (Wtstna). CL A. Wal- 
ker, mgr.: Cheyenne, Wfft, at Sanair 8 

Hanna T; Bawllns 0; F " ^ 

Lake City, Utah. 12-14. 
At Snnrtse: nkrlebsmii^ As 4. 
A Unman Slave (BhOtMBl. ' QUBl DVW 7S 

tJhrlchsTine 9. 
Ancle's Comedians: Pixon. nl,. 9-14. 
Allen. VInIa: New Haren, Conn.. 8-4; Spr<ng- 

Held. Maai., S; Watafbacj, Coaa., 6; Bait- 

ford. 7. 
A Message 

Oooa.. 11. 

*AMr: iailaB,tB..M. 

A Little Onteaat (B. J. Orpentrr's): Marys- 
TlUr. Mo.. 4; nsttshsrB S; lloltas. Kaa., T; 
Atcblsoo S; Bortos 9: Asbsra. Meb., 11; 
lecamseh 12: BomboMt IS: fawaee air 14. 
Albee Stnek Ca.. 8L F. Alhee. mgr.: Pam- 

tacfert. R. L. Mpt. A. ladef. 
Alrant Block O.. Belaseo ft Maiw; avM 
Cel.. ladrr. 






Mam tek Clly, 

Baldwin-MelTiUe Stock Co^: New Ortroaa, Ift_ 

6epL 3. bidet. 
Belaseo ft Mayer SUtA Co.: Psrtlaaft (kft. 


Belasco Theatre Stork Cn.. Belasc* h 

ugrs.: Los Anjeles, Cal., todcf. 
Bernard. Sam., Cbss. Frobmas, angr.: 

York (aty. May 1-Oet. 14. 
RUoo Stock Co.: Fall Riser. Mass.. 
Bishop's riayera: Oakland, CaL. 
BUhop stock 0>., Fred M. B 

nooston. Tex., Jnly 24, Indef. 
Bowdoin Sqoare TtK-stre Stock Co.', 

Mass., inilef. 
Bnmncton Stock Co.: Fsll River. 
Borbank Stork Co.: Los A* ' 
Bunting, Emma, Car) Bon 

Pa.. 2-T: Allentowo 9-14. 
Brown. Kirk. J. F. Merrick, mgr.: BcOalre, Oi_ 

2-T: Sharon, Pa-, 9-14. 
Briggs, Floyd B.. Torhelt ft Wsllace, mgr&: 

Golconda, lU., 2-7: Carllnrllle 9-14. 
Barrymore, Btbel, Chns. Krohmsn. mgr.; Sta 

Francisco. Osl., 23-Oet. 7; Oakland 9; Sao- 

ramento 10: Stockton 11; San Jose 12; Santa 

Battiara 13: San Diego 14. 
Bennett-Moulton Stock Co.. C. H. Ocobod:, m^: 

Watertown, N. T.. 2-7; Genera 9-14. 
Bennrct-Monlton, WW A. Partrllo. mgr.: BCto- 

tel. Com., 2-7; Sooth Manchester 9-14. 
Bankers and Brokers, with X«Hw ft Aiaaa^ BL 

E. Forrester, mgr.: JdOCF CttF. M. X. Mt 

New York City, 9-14. 
Big Hearted Jim (Kllmt ft. 

Gsxxolo. asgr.: Lafsyette, laC. ttt' 

port 6: Marlon 7; doclnnstl. O.. S-14. 
Breckenrldpe Slock Co.. Edw-In Barrle, mgr.: 

Belolt. Kan.. 2-T: (Hay Center B-14. 
Bates. Blanche, David «"»*— ~, mgr.: 

burg, a.. 2-T. 
Belh-w, Kyrle, UMI ~ ~ 

Mass., 2-14. 
Bennett-Moolteo, Ira B. Itewhall, 

town. Conn.. 2-T- 
Bentoo's Comedians. Perce R. Benloo. mgr.: 

Arkaaroa atr. Kan.. 2-1: OUahoma Oltr. 

Okla- 5-7. 
Sorke-lfeOaaa. ML McChaa. wtgt.i Ma 

Pk. S4: OlTBhaat U. 
Bea Bar. Klaw ft MHMIb ■SH.t 

Wash.. »T. 
Berry. Miles. Stock Os^ MBeo Betty. 

Cs^ O.. S-7: Tkna Baale. lad.. S-14. 
BtaAey. Flateaee. B. B. P mi t ai e i. 

Pad. moa.. S-7. 
Cm a ill Stack -Co.. W. K. Osnted. mgr.: 

maacs, H. T,^ 2-7; Fiaaklla. Pa.. B-U. 
Cbmj VaUcy (Eastera). Fteaeh ft n . 

marai: AasoMsa. la.. 4: Ceftw RaM^ S; 

CItBtoo 7: Rack Island, m.. S: Da«m 

la.. 9: Tiptoe 10: Xttwt UkHtr Us 

City 12: Moscatlae IS; Bsitlagloa Sfc 
Orroll Comedy Co., Toa Chrtoll. i 

W. Vs.. 2-7; Martlnsbnrg 9-14. 
Chm Slsres of New York. Cbss. B. BIsney 

Amusement Co., props.: J. P. Rrkhardty. 

mgr.: Wheeling. W. Vs.. 2-4; UcKeesport. 

Pa., 8; Altooaa 6: PoitsrlUea 7; Beading 

9-11: nshoken. N. J.. 12-14. 
Clark's Comedians, W. E. (Hnrk, mgr.: Ve^ 

ssllles. Ky.. 4-3: Hsrrodsbnrg 817; NIAela» 

Tllle 0-11; Richmond 12-14. 
Cook's Majestic Stock Co-. Carl W. Cook, mgr.: 

Upper Sandusky. O., 2-7: St Marys O U. 
<^odoc ft Nerllle Co., with Wlhon R. Todd, 

Chas. B. NcTllle, mgr.: Mesdrlllc, Ps., 2-T; 

Bntler 9-14. 

(3use-LIster Thestre (%. (^Corthers). Ciena W. 

Chase, mgr.: Mlssonrl Valley. 2-T. 
Cswttiome. Joe., Klaw & Brlanger. mgrs.: Phlls- 

delphU. Ps.. 2-T. 
Colombia Slock Oow. 8, A. AiaaU. mcr-: Ottt- 

land N. Z,-.S«. 
Coshhin, Boaib AaiMr I 

Mass., 8, 

Oorcoran, Jaaa, ftftSHI ft ]_ 

town. Ps.. 4; aWfa Jshasaewa «t Xa. 

trohe T. 

Cbok-CHinrch Stock Co.. H. W. Tayler. mgr.: 

Rnrllngton. Vt.. 2-T. 
(fleckers. The KIrkr LaShelle Col. mgia.: Fttl» 

tjorjr. Pa.. 2-7. 
Cn>ter's I.s>t Ficht, Frank 4L' BkaSi^ aW^S 

Philadelphia. Pa., 2-T. 
Centnry Stock Co. W. nick Haii l aaB . 

Salla*. Kan.. 2-4: South MeAltalm LK. 

5-T; LrsTrnworth, San.. S-ID. 
<^rta Drsmstic Co.: lIsrrMmrc, III.. B.itL 
Confessions of s Wife.: A. II. Woods, av-x 

Chlcsgo. UL. S-T: awdaaalL Ol, •-14. 
OatO^ SItfc MIo. ItasM ~ ' 

CO, Mm T. 

Saath Chlengo. IlL. Isdet. 
CaMt Bqnaie Stock On.: BwlM. VMU 

Central Stnek Co.. Behmea ft MVBb HPM 

San Francisco. CaL. ladeC 
Collier. Wm., Chas. Frehm a at ttUtm, 

F.ns.- Aug. 38. Indef. 
Dilr. Arnold, Llebler ft Co.. mgr.: Rew York 

City. Sept. II. Indef. 
Darcy ft Speck's Mock OtkS Phnad»»kla. Fa.. 

Sept. 4. 


Drew, John, Cbtm. Prohmsn. mgr.: Rew Tork 
City. Sept. 4, Indef. 

DePrw-Bordette Stock Co. Thoa. B. DePew, 
msr.: Selma. Ala.. 2■.^. 

Delmore's Comedians; Alliany, O.. 2-T. 

Derll's Anetlon (Cbmt. Yale's): Salem. O.. 4; 
New Castle. Pa.. S: Oil Clly 8: TItssTllIe It 
Wsrrrn 9; Bradford 10: Jamestown. N. Y.. U| 
Erie. Pa.. 12: Meadrllle 13: GreenTllle 14. 

Doooe. Allen. Kenney ft Westfall. ragrs.: Mon- 
treal. Can.. 2-T: Brackrllle 9: Kingston 10: 
BeUerllle 11; Peterboro 12: LlAdssy 18; OtU- 
Ba 14. . 

Dowa By The Sea. S. W. Chmhu. mgr.: Brsot- 
IM. ObL, 4: Stratford S; Call •; Woodstock 
7: PrtrsBa Jh Part Barsa, ltlah« Mt Barata. 
Ottj 111 tt. JMMTliSk. at Mfeaas m 
niBt 14. 

DeVoss. Flors (No. 1), 7. B. Bstassr, rage.: 

CoIomboB, Wis,, 2-T. 
PeVsoa. Flota (Kai, S), 1. B. Bltet 

OCTOBER 7, 1908, 

Tlie Btllboard 


padltr, naiA, Flank Dodler, mgr.: Hound 

at/.' m.. »-7; Trmton, Tran.. 9-14. I 
M^nonr (Roirlud * CUffOfd's Oa. O.). 
fMd 8Bylk> mgr.: Wxomlns, III., 4: Mqh- 
MOtk 6: Galnburs 6; Caoton 7; Peoria 8; 
MM •: JUatot 10; BloomlDCton 11; Un- 
aSnt Pwll U; CUntoD 14. 
■Ha TlwtM •(»»w1aud ft CUITard'a Co. D.), 
Ij^ B. Pial. Bitr.: HaoUastoo. Ind.. 4; 
Decatur S: Ft. WafM M; BuMMt CUy 9; 
Kokonw 10: Tlptoo Ui W— rt ISi AtaudrU 
13: Monde 14. 
Don Tborne (Rvfrlaad & CIUTord'a Co. E.), 
vr. T. Guklil. nsr.: Oakeadal*. Waih., 4; 
BItiTllle 5; Mmth Xaklaa C; ■BrailMirg 7; 
Sntllr 8-14. 

Dnrrted at TM iMu, FM HMk.' a«r.: Dan- 

Tllle, IlL, _ , , 

DeToade. Cbeatt r . Stock Co.. Pbll. Lery, mgr.: 

Patcma. K. J™ S-7. 
Dr JtVTll and Ur. Hyde (D. B. LeRlt'). Oscar 

Jones, niitr.: MoBtoar Falls, N. Y., S; Penn 

y«n 0; C«n«ndalgll« 7. 
DsDgers of Working Girls. A. H. Wood«, mgr.: 

Trenton. N. J., 2-4; Bridgeport, Coon., 5; 

Watertjorr 7; New York CItj, 8-14. 
He Grasf^e, J<Mex>hi Hannrbal. Mo.. 6. 
Dora Tborne (Borland & Clifford's Co. A.), 

Harrr Majo. mgr.: So. Bcthlebero. Pa., 4; 

Borrrsford S; Pottatow S; NaRlatoirn 7; 

Atlaatlc Cltr. M. J.. »-M}.Mm U:^dge- 

toa 12; Wcat Cheater, n^' It; BadlBston, 

N. J.. 14. 

Eaicrs Stock Co., OeOL A. Lawience, mgr.: 
.\icrii50D. Kan.. 1-7. 

Eivlns. Gertrode: Shawnee. Okla.. 2-7. 

Edesos. Bobert, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Brook- 
lyn. K. y., 2-7. 

ElL'ler Effle: Roanoke. Va.. 4: Lynebbnrg 6; 
nJchmond 6; Norfolk 7; Newbeni, N. C, 10. 

EKbteen Miles From Borne: Blver Point. R. I., 
4: WooDsocket 8; Attleboro, Mass.. 6; Marl- 
boro 7; Xvwport, R. I., 9. 

Ccboes From Broadvray: Pnnxsutawney, Pa., 6. 

amnett Katie: Newark. N. J., 11-12. . , 

Eckbardt's Ideals. OUrer J. Eckbtidt, prop, and 
Bi;;r,: Tacooa^ Waab., Indef. 

Elliott. Maslne: Ne^ York City, Sept. 4, 

Emplre Stock Co.: Colnmbni. O.. lodet. 

Bmplre Tbeatre Stock Co.: Boston, Mass., 

Jsly 17, Indet. 
FIske, Mr*., and the Manhattan Co., HazrUon 

Grey Flike, mgr.: Sew Xork City, Sept. 11- 

Oct. 4. 

Forepangfa Stock Co.. Geo. F. ft I,. Forepangh 

Fish, mgia.: dnduatl. O.. Sept. S, Indef. 
F0Rp^i.8tack Ca.: Ffel]n4clpUa, Fa.. Aug. 

naaklU S«aai« StsA tJaw: WatctMcr, Man., 

rtatoag Stack Oa. (Kaatcn). Gml 1L IMbetg. 
ma.: BcocklM. Maaa.. S-7: MI Uiv 9-14. 
MMk- Oh.' nr«m), Wm Oiahon. 
tit : Star- maUt^:€)mmi Ms ' Snr iMdoa 

JL'.lPMtt^). Oim Tom, a^.: 
Mk4 «: Ocnnd iKdcc S: Cbaitottc 
6: BhBk CNck T: UuntaK >: Owosao 10; 
~ ' U; Part Baron 12; Flint 13; La- 

ptar 14. 

raUoa Braa.> Stadc Co.. Jack OUnes. mgr.: 
OoMorilh. Kaa.. tqt (Mmim S-U. 

Faaatala Col (OmMv. ShhM *'JHMK ngrs.: 
Itamar, CM., M; IMRe OttT, >ka>. 

Wichita 9-11. 
For Rer Sake, Loola A. DUott. mgr.: North 

MeCicgor. la- 4: EHkadcc 5; New Hampton 

6: Nora Springs 7; Gamer 9: Forest City 10; 

Alhert Lea. lllnn., Winnebago 12; Fairmont 

U: St. James 14. 
Flaslmmons, Robert, In A Flgttt For Lore, 

Leoa Friedman, mgr. : Pittsborg, Pa.. 1-T; 

ColambDS. O., 9-11: Terre Hsnte, lad., 13: 

DaoTlIle. HL, 13: Springfield 14. 
Flchtlng Fate, Geo. K. GUI ft Co.. ptopt.; 

Wm. H. Ryno, mgr.: FhOadelpbla, Pa.. 2-7. 
Flake, May, Jno. Coscrore, mgr.: Weatexty, B. 

I.. 2-7. 

Flake ft Stock. T. V. Stock, mgr.: Braaarille. 
Ind.. 1-4: Brain 5-«: Bowling Green 7-8. ' 

Farenham, Wm., Llebler ft Co., mgrs.: Cin- 
cinnati, O., 1-7. 

nscbcr, Alice. F. C Whitney, mgr.: Rock- 
fo.-d. UL, 4: Majcatlne. la., 6: Borliagton 
7; Qnlncy, 111., 11; Danrtlle 14. 

Fleming. Mamie, W. B. GnccT. mxr.: Buton. 

P«., 2-T, . 
Flynn Stock Odl, Ralpk A. WM<,'aCfct Biddc- 

«ord, 3ie.. 2-7. 
Faye, Leslie, B. K. Brows, mgr.: Weataahatsr. 

VL. 2-7. 

For RIa Brother's Crime. D. D. Seara. mgr.: 

ntrrlJborg, P»., 2-4; Camden, N. J., 5-7, 
ritijrerald and Gridley: South HaTen. Mich., 

4; Sarnla, Can.. 5; Port Baron, Mich., 6; 

Laoalnfe 7; Bay City 9: Coldvrater 10. 
Patty, Felix. Bart Jacobs, mgr.: Amboy, DL. 

4; Rewanee S; Bostanell 6; Dloomlngton 7. 
Ksst Ute In New Xork, with Jallan Boae, A. 

n. Woods, mgr.: RartrorJ, Conn.. S-t; Al- 

hanr 5-7; New York City, 9-14. 
Gray. Jnlla. In Ber Only Sin (Lincoln J. Car- 
■ Icr's). Frank T. Wallace, mgr.: Waasaa. 

Via.. 5; Sterens Point 6; Fond dn Lae 7; 

Applcton S: PljBOTth 9: Waapon 10; Ke- 
_asaha It; Btkbara IS: BeMt IS. . 
Ganrtdc. J.a^ Kg StoA Osw: M omms wi . Pa., 

WSM-HacriBC: BUnckardrllle. Wla.. S-7. 
Gnoth, Mtm. John M. Bicker, mgr.: Lorain. 
4: BowUnic Green 5; TFapakaneta •: 
Baaltagtaa. Ind.. 7; BeUefoatalae. O.. •: 
ftrthy UK Sprlagfleld 11: Una 12: Aihland 
IS: Marian M. 
**>P*«l9. GtailH^ Mb J. KIcnaii, mgr.: Bn(- 
. lUiL X. T.. S-7. 

O. F., Stock 0»,: ChrlchsTlIIe, O., 

Adam: Bo. Nerwalk. Ctonn. 9-14. 

Cllmore. Barney: Baltimore, Md., 2-7. 
Gallatin. Alberta, In Consln Kate. Kane. Ship- 
mm & ColTln, mgr*.: Unlootown, Ps., 4; 
Weston, w. Va.. B; AahUad. Ky, 6; Charles- 
t™. W. Va., 7s ll M Mfcil lB ^^ gB l lM l j B H 10: 
Fairmont U; ChtfeibaiV '»> ^' 
Wlie<>llng 14. 
German Stock Co.: MUwankee, Wis., Sept. IB, 

Gajnon-rollock Stock Co.: Boanok* Va., Indet. 
Gllmore Stock Co.: SprlngBeld, Mass., Sept 
4. Indet. 

Gillette, Wm., Cbas Frobman, mgr.: London, 

Enj., Sept. IS. Indef. 
Garden Tbeatre Stock Co.: Clereland, O., Indef. 
Rackett. James K. and Msry Mannering: New 

York aty, Sept. SS, Indet. 
Ber Wcddlag Day, James Wall, mgr.: Olaeln- 
Bid. 0.. l.TraraaOTllltk la*, t: MM Baat* 

HamntM * noMBMl^ aiMk Oiw: 

New York aty. Aac. Id, Met. 
HoUen StpA uSima^it-... bdlaa- 

apoUs, lad., liar U, Is**^ 

Lowell, Xaaa., Hmt SZ, 


Hana Hansen, Jaa. T. •Mi'aii»fa_ mn • aun. 

Henderson Stock Co., W. J |k B. 
son, mgrs.: Belnheck, la., ML • 

nendrlcks, Ben., Wak anwZ iLmm . 
slngtoo. Pa., 4; MHtMnflM^nl 
6: Sharon Pa.. *f •'TntaMrT" Bl Tailfi^in 
PostorU 11. - ' *" 

His Father's Sin JM-OMMm. -^-> - - 
la., 4: Bed Oak KlSBa^' iS^^^t 
Clearfield 10. ^ ' Tronhles, A. J. ArlcliFgcth. mgr.: 
i'^S";, ^- ^ - *• A*eide«i 5; OakaTK. D., 

Valley City 7: Carrlnstoo B-NeW Kock^ 
ford 10; Kasby 11; SUnot 12. 
Harris Parklnaon Stock Co., Robt H. Batrl*. 

S^'-'o O- 2"; WheeltoB. Wl 

• a., 8-14, 

Raman Hearts (Soathem), Jay 

Atlanta, Oa., 4; Rome 5; Athcas 

7; GreenTlIle, S. C. 9; 8pMAa5'~I0- 
Colombla 11; Charleston IS: SanShT'ea.' 
13: Jacksonrllle, Fla., 14 — -™. ««., 

Hartlgan, W. H. ft Zara Pbltchette Co., Geo. 
i.. Marolon, mgr.: Warren, O., 2-4; Bar- 
Vertoo 5-7: Conneaut 9-11; AshtaboU 12-14 

HoIIlagsnortb Twins, Lew Gleason. mgr.: New. 
port. Tenn., 2-7; WaynesrUIe, N. C. 9-14. 

HKkman^Bessey, Frank W. Jenks, mgr.: Pella, 

Hanford. Charles B., P. Lawrence Walker 
msr.^BnaUngton, W. Va., 4; Fraakltet. Ky., 

TELEGRAMS for routes of per- 
formars, tant ahows or carnival com- 
unless parties PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hotel address or 
street number. If route wanted can 
not be found in The Billboard, publica* 
tion is prohibited, or we had not re- 
ceived it up to tiiM of forms eiooing. 

----- J. H. CUSbrd. mgr.: 

fS OncdF Co.. Harrey ft Gage, 
mgrs.: Northamptoo, Mass., 2-7. 
HImmeleln'a Ideals, John A. Hlmmelein, mgr.: 

Canton. O.. 2-7; Coshocton 9-14. 
Hall, Don C: Portland, Me., 2-7. 
Herrman, Adelaide, Edw. Tbornaer, mgr • 
Greely, Col., 4; Colorado Springs 8: PnrblO 

jnncMoo ^ .■ai S lafcB g^wTotiik. Ut Og- 
den 12; WMmt. Mfc. IS; TsWrisliy Ore:, 

Boyt'a Comedy Co., B. G. ARen, mRr.: Jack- 
_aon, Tenn., 2-7; Cape GIratdeao. JJo.. 9-14. 
BIgglna, Oarid. la HIa Last Dollar, E. D. 

Stair, ngr.: Htaawapnlls, Ulnn., 1-7. 
Bonest, Hesrta (Kltmt * Gaaoolo'a), William 

MarUe, Jr.. mgr.: Anaeortes, Wash., 4; 

Sedro Wotdey 5; Tsconsa B-?; Boqulan 9; 

Uonteaano 10; Centralla II; m»»h«ii» 12; 

VancooTer 18. 
Hall, Howard, In The MllUanabe Deteetlre, 

Henry Plerson, mgr.: Plttshnrg, Pa., 2-7: 

Bnffalo. N. Y.. 9-14. 
Hlggtns, DiTld. In His Last Dollar. E. D. Stair, 

mgr.: Ulnneapolls. Minn.. 1-7; Bockford, 

111.. 12; Kenosha, Wis., 15. 
Haywnrd, Grace, Stock Co., Tom Kress, mgr.: 

Sedalla. Mo., 1-7. 
Horton. Henry. In Eben Holden. W. E. Scam- 

mon, mgr,: DanriUe, N. Y„ 4; WellsrUle 

5; Bradford. Pa., Taisnlss^ X. X., 7; 

Caba 9: XskMaataa: Mr ' at. Ib^- U: 

Bldgwaj IsTorarMa IS; Da BsEm- 
Blmmeleln's Imperial Stock Odu. B. F. 

meleln. mgr.: Kalamaioo, lllfk . M^ 
Home Folfca, Klaw & Erianger, mmtt-t Fao- 

ria. ni., 2-<: Springfield S-7. 
Human Slare (Engene SpolTord's), Don Mae- 

mUIon. mgr,: Los Angeles. Cal., 1-7. 
Her First False Step (C. F, Whitaker's): Kan- 

saa City, ilo., 1-7. 
Hnman Hearts (Eastern). J. U. Blanchard, 

mgr.: Wellsboro, N. T.. 4; WUIlamsport, 

Pa,. S: Lock IlaTen 0; Altoona 7. 
Hnman Hesrta (Western), Wm. F. Riley, mgr.: 

St. Joseph, Uo., 4-S: Uncoln. Neb., 6-7. 
Hnsttnga, The Foar. Barn Sail, aagr.: To- 

ledeTOL. Vti Ki—ifc ttln. Wmmm- Ut Uar- 

ton U: Wsamkn IS: OutM 14. 
Ber Fatal Sin, with Aana RamlltaB. A. J. 

MeAroy, mcr.: DeAsnce. 0„ 4; BellefoB- 

tatne 5: Cellna 6: Dunkirk. Ind.. T: Ft. 

Wayne 9-10: IVIphos, O.. 11: Flndlay 12; 

Greenville 13; Elvrood. Ind.. 14. 
Bender^n. 5!aud, Stock Co.. Jns. Parent, mgr.: 

St. Ifmace. Mich.. 2-7: .Mnnlstlnne 9-14. 
Howard-Dorset: Owensboro. Ky., 2-7; Erans- 

Tllle, Ind., 0-14. 
Hans ft NIx: Sterena Point. Wla.. 12. 

In Old TIrclBia, W. 0. Ware, mgr.: Unlon- 
Tflle, Mo., 4; CentefTlIle, la.,. 6: Alhla 0: 
Indtanola T: Osceola 9: Creatoo 10: Clarlnda 
11: Red Oak 12; Gleowood IS; Mefennka City, 

Neh.. 14. 
In Old Kentucky, , 

Seattle, Wash., 1-7. _^ _ , 

Imperial Stock Co.: PioTldence. R. L, Hvt. 

4, Indef. 

Imperial Stock Co., Geo. H. Hamnton, mgr.: 

S,ia Antonio. Tex., Aug. 21. Indet. 
Jerry From Kerry (Patten ft Perry's): Orsee- 

Tlile. Minn.. 4: Wahpetnn. H. D., B-8: Or- 

toDTllle. Minn.. 7: AbardaaB. n« S; Oaks, 

N. D., 10: Lisbon 11. • • 
Jordan Oramatle Co.. Tames A. rtia, mgr.: 

WIntenrt. la., 2-7: Crestoo 9-14. 
Jeirrnoa. Tbomas: Boston. Mass., 2S-Oet. 7. 
Joslln, AlTin: Tipton, Ind., 4. „ _ 
King of The Oplnm Ring. Wm. H. Roddy. 

mgr.: St. Loola, Mo.. 1-T; Chicago. Ill™ 8- 


MlM.VSSSBn, _ 

Mat. M. 

Ht. Ou- 
Boaeobel. Wla., 

gM fc ll , Eara. Uebler ft 0>., mgra.: St. Paal. 
lUtaB., 1-4; UlnneapoUs S-7: MUwankee. 
Wis.. fr»t Aaiuia. U.. 12; BockXonI IS; 
O a li a b M B M. 

Kerfcboir-nUbaaa. Oacr X. ■aayoo, bss. mgr.: 

BelleTllle. Kan.. S-l. 
Knuit, Boeelle, In WbeB KalBklfcaad Waa ta 

Flower, Kane, Shlpsian ft Oolvla^ laaia.; 
Valley Cliy, N. D., 4: Maodao S: Dlcfelnaoa 
6; GlendWe, Uont., 7; BlUluos 9; Uringslun 
10; Boarnian 11; Anscooda 12; Bntte 13-14. 

KarroU, Uut, J. C. Welch, mgr.: Portland, 
Me., 2-7; BIddeford 9-14. 

King of Tramps (Eastern), Empire Amnse. Co., 
nigra.: Altoona. Fa.. 4: Bamcsboro S: Baat- 

ersdale 14.* ' 
Kfllw Stack OOb. A. M. Keller, nsr.) Olaseo. 
Kan.. S-7. 

Krane^, James, O..B. Wee, mgr.: Mewport, 

R. I., 2-7. 

Kellar, Magician, Dodler XeAdnsr, mgr.: To- 
ronto, Ont., 2-7. 

Kerry Gow, George Kenoer, mgr.: Montreal, 
Can., 2-7. 

KUrk-Drban: New Castle, Pa., 2-7. 

Kellry. JeweU. Stock Co.: MaTSefllab Xr- 2- 

Lyceum Stock Co., 

cblta. Kan.. 2-7. 
Lorimer. Wright 

Relnold. m^. : 

Springfield 9-14. 
Leslie, Baasbelle, 

mel. Fa., S-7. 
Long, Fiaak B.. Slack 


Lackarc. wntna. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: BIt- 
ci^. CaL, 4; Paaadna B: Bakeraflrid 7; 
Fresno 8; ^totMsB.*; Ism Asa M; Oaklaad 

11-14. ■■ .-• --- l.- 

Lockes, The. wm K iMka, Mgi^t iCshir- 
son, Kan.. 2-1. 

Lost In a Big City, with N. S. Wood. A. B. 
Woods, mgr.: Pblladelpbia, Pa., 9-14. 

Keith Stock Co., Del Lawrence, nsr.: Lewis- 
ton. Ida., jair 17. talhif - <• , 

Kershaw-Uoirlsgo Stock -Oil:'- '"''nnrtSlfeM, 'B. 

I., Indef. 

LIvInsston Stock Co., F. H. Llringston, mgr.: 

Detroit. Mich.. Indef. 
Loralne. Robert, C. B. Dllllngbam, mgr.: New 

York City. Sept 5, Indef. 
Ljcrnm Stock Co.: Cape May, N. J., Indef. 
Lyceum Stock 'Co.: Minneapolis. Mln., Indef. 
Marlowe Stock Co.: CHilcago, 111., Sept. 4. 


Mathes. Clara: Calgary. Alberta. Can., Indef. 
May. Edna, Cbas. Ftohman. mgr.: Hew Tork 

City. Aug. 28. Indef. 
Moore-McCaUnm StoA Ca.: B ec hs s ttr, H: X., 

Sept. 18. laML . 
Moraseo, oUiaaii'rfllatlt Obtt 

Indef. • _ 

MCAalUte. 7ne. AL & mina. msr.: Ton- 

fefta. H. T.. 2-7; i n s a ikisii S-M. 
Vscrlaoa. Lewis, Walleee flsekett. mgr.: Sbev- 

brooke. Crsn., 4: Qoebec 5-7; Montreal 9-14. 
Mason, LDllan. N. M. Vedder, mgr.: Parwons, 
Kan.. 4: Oswego B; OJlfeyrtlle 6: Indepen- 
dence 7: Neodesha 9-11: Fredonla 12-14. 
My Wife's Family (Western), W. McGowsn. 

mgr.) Bay City. Mich., 6: Baclnaw 7-8. 
My Tom-boy Girl, Henry H. Wlnchell, mgr.: 
Newark. N. J.. 2-7: Philadelphia. Pa.. 0-14. 
Marks Brae., with May A. Bell Marks. R. W. 
Marks, mgr.: Broekrllle. Ont.. 2-7; Ot- 
tawa 0-14. 
Marks Bros. (No. 1). Joe Marks, mcr. 

broke, Ont., 2-7: NorGi Bay 9-14. 
Marks Bias. ^^J^l^^^"*^ 

wack 'OSn 'SaRnger ft 
PIUi U M , Uais., 2-7; North 

MatMee Stodr Od„ Ward B. Msttlce, asgr.: 
Liberty. N. T., 2-7: KlleuTllIe 9-14. 

Morey Stock Co.. LeComte ft Flesher, . mgrs.: 
Bmnnrla. Kan.. 2-7: Junction City 9-14. 

MelTllIe. Rose. In Sis Hopkins. J. B. Stir- 
line, mcr.: Grand Rapids, Mich.. 1-7; De- 
troit 8-14. 

UnrrsT ft Mactey. John J. Mnrray, mgr.: 
Waahlncton. Pa.. 2-7: McKeesport 9-14. 

Sly Wife's FamllT (SHephens ft Untnn's lant- 
ern), Fniy* ^CookfcJ^^^^ ^g^d . 

Frankfort 14. 
Mnntell. Robert B.. Wm. A. BradT. mgr.: 
Omalia. Veb.. 1-7: r>es Moines. la. 9-10: 
Waterloo 11; Marslalltown, 12; Iowa City, J3; 

ainton. 14. . ^ , 

Moson & Mason. Broodnurst & Currle. mgrs.: 
Newborn N. C. 4: Wllmlnrton. S: Charlotte, 
B; ColamMa. S. C.. 7: Atlanta. Oa., *-14 
Mortimer Lillian. In No Mother to Guide Her. 
J. U Veronee. mgr.: Daventwrt !«.. 4: Mo- 
It^.m.. S: Bodt Ulaad. 6: Jollei 7; Chicago. 

MTIkle-TOMcr Stodc CO.. (Western). Eucene J. 
Hall. n>«r.: Orafton. W. Va.. t-7: Cumber- 
land. Md.. 9-14. 
Mi-rkle-Harder StocV Co. (Southern), Latimer 

* Leleh mtrrs. : Hamilton. O.. J-7. 
McDonald Stock Co.. Q. W. McDonald, mgr.: 

Great Berd. Kan.. 1-7: Hutchinson. 9-14. 
Un. Temple's Telesram. W. N. Lawrence. 

nisr.: St. Loala. Mot. 1-7. _^ . „ „ 
Mrrkle-Rarder Stork Co. (KastcrD). W. H. 

Harder, mgr.: Tork. Pa.. 8-7. 
Murrav Comedy Co.: Newark. O.. S-7: Lancas- 
ter. '9-14. 

M.-Klnler. Matel: Clereland. O.. 2-7. 

MurphT-. TlmolhT-. T. R Sanndeis. in«r.: 'Wleh- 
'tr>. Knn. 4: Ro*2E^!B*i«..: •t^.Pp**!*. 7. 

Mejtayfr. Harry. QUlU 1lHWIJIh':air.':_<Mk- 
land. Cal.. S-4. . ■ " 

Mm. Lefllnrwell'fi Roots. Ctast, FMtaaa. awr.: 
HlnneanoUs. Mlna..-'l-4: St. : TML: ♦fc- • _ 

More to be Pitied than Seomed (Cbaa. B, ma- 
ne v*s): Boston. Mass., 2-7. 

M^nr. Wm. v.. Harry Bubb. m^rr. : C'rcle^l'e, 
O 8: Tjinraster. 7: Portsmouth. 9; Maysvllle, 
Kt., 10; Winchester. 11: Paris. 12; Frank- 
fort. 13. 

Mrs. "Wlctrs of the ralibape Patch, Llebler ft 
Co., mors.: Great Falls. Mont.. 4: Helena, 5; 
Anaconda. 6. 

My Jersey Lily: Bay Clly. Mich., 7. 

My Friend from .^rkanssw, -srlth Robt. Shop- 
man, mgr.: Sedan, Kan., 4:Caney, 5: Ne.»- 
rte«ha. S; Fredonla. 7; Cherryvnle. 9; no(I»y- 
vllle. 10: Bartlesvllle. T. X., 11: Sopalpa. 12: 
Chandlpr. l.i: Oklahoma City. 01tla...l4^i. ■. 

New York Players. Shaw ft Gall 
Faribault. Mtnn... 2-4; Anoka. ^< 

Not Uka.v OOmr -;aMB i QlK'.'iK' 
Schwsat^ aasr.: BaaaMi^ ik.. 4i-; 

Nels Nelson, Perry ft Prcssly, m*nM 
ley. Minn.. 4: Brown Valley. 5: Oai 
Whaatoa. 7: AbereromliK K. Hi, K 

Wichita, xhl;.-hi; 
wiuaifc-'awbt JM^ 

Nettle tha News Girl. Gould ft rmt. saaia,: 

Boboken. N. J,. 1-4; Elisabeth, HillaflB 

phla. Ps., »-I4. 
Mot Uka Othar GlrU (No. 2). Ti i ilmMl ' 

Scbwarta, mar.: WhccUns, W. Vs_ a. 
North Broa.: Dea MolnM, la., i-H. 
National Stock Co.: Maeoo. ko. fr-H. 
National Stock Co.. G. d. it.— n,^- aak: 

DcDolt. Mich.. Ang. 28. Indef. 
New People'a Stock Ok. Fred Oand. 

Chicago, in.. Sept. 4. Indet. 
Nye, Tom Franklyn: PabUcatlon of roots ps»- 

talblted. Any mall addressed la care of Ba 

BUltKMird irlll be forwarded promptly. 
Old Arkan-qaw (Fred Raymond's), Vic Lai»- 

bert. mgr. : Sioiii Falls. S. D., 4; Canton, S; 

Beresr.jrd. 6; La Mar, la., 7; Slonx City. 8. 
Our New Minister, Miller & Conyers, mgra.: 

Freepon, UL. 4; Dixon, 5: Sterling. •:. 

Kewanee, 7; La Salle. »: Streator. »; Kews- 

nee, l»; Elgin, 11; Waukegan, 12; Raclnsk 

wis., 13: La salle, nl., 14. 
On the Bridge at Midnlebt (Kllmt & Oas- 

aol&'a Eaatem), Fred WaltOB, ~ ~ 

Huron, MIelL. 4; r-fcaesj-. - q 

Thomas, 6; I<aaSML: tS , WaaMttflb'^Sl 'J 

ford, l»; Berlte. - 

ton. 13-14. 

On the Brldee at Midnight (Kllmt & 

zola'a Western), Daniel Reed, mgr.; ; . 

land. Ore.. 1-1; Oregon City, S; Kugene^ 2fc 
Albany. U: OorvaUla^ 12; nosaberK. Us 
Oraises PasBL, M. 

Orer MISBsra Falls (Rowland ft CllffOcd'a. Col 

A) , John P. Barret, mgr.: Bellevue. O.. 4; 
Chicago Junction, 5: Shelby, 6; Crestllna, 7: 
(halloa. 9; Marion. 10; MaiyavUle, 11; Mlddls- 
town, 12: Washington C. H., 13; ChllU- 
cothe. 14. 

Ovet Niagara Falls (Rowland & CIIIfatd*B, Ooi. 

B) . Lew H. Newcomb, mgr.: Kennett. Jfa_ 

4; PaiaBonld. Ark., i: Batesrlile, te- UtOs 

Rocic 7: Pine BluIC. 9; Hot SprlngSL ftgTaa^. 

don, 11: Prescott. 12; Hope, 2-ZL 
Olcott, Chaoncey, Aognatus PlKna, aasr.: Msw 

Tork City. 2-2L 
Patton. W. M.. in The I^st Rose of Samma; 

J. M. Stout, mgr.: Independence, la.. 5; 

Waterloo, S: Mason City, •: Algona, 9; Km- 

metsburg, 10; Iowa. 12. 
Fumell. KaUuyn. W. I>. 

HomelisvUle^ K. T,; M; 
Payton Siatara, C. Si H^Hmj- m^t l 

Ga., 2-7. ■ • 
Phelan Slaak Oai. K -T. BMkBK'iBSBit'] 

N. - :■ .-ffi- ■ 

Parker's Flayers. nikar, 

ton. Minn.. 1-7. 
Peck's Bad Hoy. Geo. W. Heath. mgr.T 3 

N. J., 4. 
Pringle. Delia, Stock Co.: WId 
Polly Primrose: Wichita. 
Pslge. Mabel. Henry F. WU 

sonTille, Fla., May IS, Indet. 
Psyton's Le« Arenne Stock Co., Corse PaytsB. 

mgr.: Brooklyn. N. Y.. Aog. 22, tadet. 
PMpleja^beatrs Stack On.: Cklcscsk UL. Aa*. 

Fao^^iaA OKI? Mnr Bmi^-Mb, 

Proctor's Fifth Arenne Stack Oa.: Hew Tack 

City. Indet. 

Proctor's 123th St. Stock Co.: New Tack OUT, 

Quincy Adams Sawyer (Cential). W. Q. Haell- 
Ing, mgr.: Toledo, O., 1-4; Sandoakr, 5; Tit- 
fln. a. 

Quincy Adams Sawyer fWestem), nrank m. 
Morgan, mgr.: Owensboro, Ky., 9; Header- 
son, 10; Bedford, Ind., U; BpeiKer, U; Clay 

City. 13. 

Queen of tile Wlllto Slaves, A- B. Wooda^ 
mgr.: Des Moincfl. la., 1-4: St. Jaaepb. MOk. 
5-7; Kansas City. 9-14. 

Queen of the Hlghbliidar^ A. H. WaaSik mgBJi. 
Wasiilagton. 1>. C., 2-7: lT»af al >, ^ 'Vs.. 

ntF«r NwlicfBB N* G** 

Ralph, Margaret, Robert I,ee Allen, mgr.: A^ 

erdevn. S. D.. 3-4; Mitchell, S: Yaaktoik 

Vermillion, 7; Elk Point. 9; Norfolk. Nek^ 

10; Wayne, 11: Colomboa. IS; Schoyic-. V; 

Aurora. 14. 

Rip Van Winkle (Eastern). C3iaa. P. SUer. 

mgr.: Poaeyville, Ind.. 4; lit. Teraoo, K 

Princeton, t. \ „ _ 

Roe Comedy Co., BarlaoS 1C~ Ssaiik P i g ' 

Torrlcgton, Conn.. 1-7: McrldCB, 9-14. 
Rogers. E. O.. Stock Co.. Will H. Fowanw 

mgr.: Medina. N. V.. 2-7. , 

Russell Bros., Samuel Blair, mgr.: Brooklys. 

V. v.. SS-Oct. 7: Jersey Clly. M. X, *-lA 
Ryan, Daniel: New Haven, Q)OS;i »t..-_^ 
ROSS, Tbomas W., C. B. DiUB^^Bai^' r^i^X 

Pblladelpbia, Pa.. 23-Oct. 7. 
Roe stodt Co., C. J. W. Boe^ mar.: H a ii s ar . 

Me., 2-7: Augusta, 9-14. 
Rathbon-Mann. Wm. F. Masn. 

ton. N. J.. 2-7. _ 
Reaben In New Tork (Henry ■i^ ., 

JacksonTine. Fta.. 4; St. Ati gB a U B f. Si' 

tona. 6; Valdosta. Ga.. 7. 
Robson, Eleanor, L^ebler ft Ca. mgrs,: 

land. Ore., 4-7. _ „ 

Ruined Lives. Albert La Velle, mgr.: RaOaBO, 

Vt.. 4; Granville. N. T.. a: MeckaaicaborB; 

6; Glens Falls, 7. 

Rip Van Winkle. Ho'den Broa., mgra.: Dwight. 

UL. 4; Sanvtlle, 5: JaeksonvlUe. S; Peoria. 7: 

P^in, *: UtdiOeld. 9: MonUcello, 10; Deea.- 

tur. 11. 

Si PInnkard, with J. C. t^ewls. W. A. Junko-. 
mirr.: Orand Island. Neb.. 4; Hastings. 5; 
Kearney. 6: North Platte. 7: Sterling Col., 
9; cnieyenne. Wyo., 10; Oreeley. Col.. 11; Ft. 
Collins, 12; Lovelacd, 13; Lonsmont, 14. 
Sherlock Holmes. Qua Bothner ft Robt. Camp- 
bell, mgrs.: Bridgeport. Conn.. S-(: Hartford. 
i-7: Provldencai B. L. 9-lt. ■ - - . _ . 
Sttelsmltha, The (SWkerB), \OS«M »..S **'l 
smith, mgr.: Ttor. Kan.. S-*^>B|^*-*«K^t 
Steelsmitba. Tke (go ul b a i u K: -C:.. .M. -v SM". 

anlth. mgr.. De Sctft lftfc..i.» ^ - ''--- ^.^i,'^ 
Sharpley Theater Co„ AM. 

Helena, Mont., 1-4.- . ' 
sites Stock Co. (SMW'.-<k^4 
H S- Gilbert, mfl 
Woodstock, 9-14. ^ -•- • — '^ -yi.-- 

Sites Stock Co. (Sites ft OllklHTO Big""^ ' 
W!U C. Sites, mgr.; Oiaavsw'- va,,. m assi, «s 
Frederieksbarg. 9-14. .awj. 
Sothem. E. H,. ft .-ulla Marlowe. CTiss Frog- 
man, mgr.- Detroit. Mich.. 2-4; Buffalo N. 
T.. 5-7: Rochester. »= S/"-:!;^. i"?f^ 
U- Uties. 12: ScbenecUdy, IS: Albany. IL 
S^SbC aSfc Theater Co.. Mack Swain, prop. 

ft aasr.:' Oolfaz. Waab.. 4-7. 
Shea, Tbomaa E., VOam^^imtnaMa. i 

Lowell, Masa., 2-7s Baasaatr 
SeUgman. Minnie, Ifnal BumBI.' aw.*51 

ington. D. C, »* 
Skinner. Otlst 
ton. Maw... SrOat. -.V.'. . 


Xl\e Billboard 


Tent 3howfi 

Wild ^tsm* 


Tlie 6i«at Wallace Sbows win doae the K«- 
■oa at Xaiawcll. Va^ Oct. S3. Kb tDBte to 
wloter qaartuo. Pan, t fc> ifc WT will 

make a one afaair fee* MBTvt mMBMawn, 
W. T*, Oct. 23. _ 
' - at gtr a. An C 1. tt « Wal- 

s feflvtt njBBVA A aHMHSftil Meant. 

' tte able dlneBfai of (taaoat Ascat W. 

K RaakUa. tbe adTanee kaa made a wmdertal 
AMrtig; and tlie cnieial bamonr taUOng be- 

I ■III! <ke department baada feaA wltb tbe 
•bow baa bad much ta do towarda the aoeeaaa 
of the IMS tooT. Tbe ring perfocmanee this 
■eaaon haa been excepHnnallr atronc- Tbe 
Wallace abow, howeTer, ia noted for Ita dreoa 
pertonnasce. The tour of ld06 wlU be marked 
bj- a nmnber of striklns lanoTatlun. and Mr. 
B. B. Wallace pnnnlacs an OTsanbatlim lecoDd 
'«» Booe la tlae drcna Held. 


Mn. Joacph T. McCaddoo, wife of the pro- 
prletor of the HcCaddoa Sbows, died anddenlr 
In Iiondon, acconUa^ to adrlccs recelTcd tiom 
the Brltlflb metropoUs. Mra. McCaddon was 
promloent In Philadelphia social circles. Mra. 
Ju. A. BaUer. wife o( the great sbowman. and 
Mn. Dr. Haiper. wUe oi the emlneiit New 
Xock ^ualclaB. aic ber alateta. 8be aeeom. 
paaied ber boaband to Lou dog laat ^pdiv when 
he took bis itew to Bunipe. She leaves three 


It is reported that Major W. W. unie la 
esln— of eatahUablnx bla winter qoarteia 
i tbe west, and with that psrpoae In view 
L C Kiapv. taocral axent of tha Pa' 

It be 

Unie. He has 
■idtahle gToaada, 
among Wichita 


Bdaa Maretta Is stUI addinc ts 
as a saaecaanlt artlat. 8ba ia 

Wamn TksTla, who bas won new laniela In 
bis marrrloiu UftlUK act, will return to bla 
bome IB Brooklya as soon sa the aeaaoo doaea. 

Tbe HeNots. wbe Jollied In Aocnat. bare 
made manr ftleadb Their act aUdls ap- 
planae at evezT perlbi niai i e e , aaraaisiin any- 
tblnx cTer attempted open tbe ttace, 

Capt. Hngh Tbompaao. of the caTalir eom- 
panT, will sbortly enter tbe Kanaas Clt7 Vet- 
crlnax7 CoUesv to prepare hlmaclf for a pool- 
tioB te tha dlrlakn of — '~' tndoatZ7 In the 
P ip si lWf tt JkcMtto* a« Wi 

Vtank LaXoae bas bad a 
with the Big Ten. Bealdes glTlns hia Jos- 
mtag act In the big performance he has beoi 
en^^ed In statnaxy poalns, chariot racing, 
ticket taking, lithograph collecting and act- 
ing as special attendant on the GoTemor. 
This winter will see him back In hia old place 
aa art model In the Cincinnati Art Inatl. 

Aside from the blrthg and death that haT* 
had a place in Doc Waddell's imagioatlott, 
the menagerie bas heen enriched by the ad. 
Tent ot two Zebu calres, an Ansa cali. two 
Utters of lion cubs and a litter of leopard 
Cuba. It haa anffered the loss of a trained 
lion, the leopard cnha alreadr mentioned, an 
Addaz antelope and a ebuianion bear. Urs. 
Dr. Matthews, of GarllnTlIle. m.. presented 
the menagcde with a One yomic corote. Tbe 
anlmala are aD In coed condltlao. 

Usxsaiet Eliick bas a foe hci^ 

self aa a atx-^one drlrer, and Is pettap* the 



A. H. 

writes aa 

Mr wMk flhB Wallace 
his: noM to 
t BDbaasd Art I waa 
■aliWr'latally tajnad at Hew Alhaar. Ia 
SfE^ wBlar ikkt I was dtaehaiced tn 
as St. Jd w at ds Wnapttal one wcA acs^ and 
.mm mw aUe tv watt aboot with a cane. I 
aa setttaic better an tbe time, and am now 
to be with the Show. Mr poaltlan baa 

ami oZ thlt^ 

Ind.. doalac ea4r «> 

fever. It la <ba ead 
In the blatoiT ot tbe ahow. Tka paat 
has been a veiy pleasant oie tor aa tbe boys, 
baTlns had no raia ainee Ihs earlr part of 
Mar and Uttle tiot weather to speak of. We 
opened Is Jraieahoro, Ark,, In Mardi, and the 
car has tiBTCled 9.dS2 miles, corerlns cTery. 
thing of bnpartanee west of the Mlsalsalppt 
rtTcr. The nwter of the car la practically 
the same aa when we started oat. In de- 
parting for their homes and winter poaltlaaa 
hWB an wt* tha Old Sellable ancceas 
I AVv. amcnenta are as follows: 
; r. CMHCk ev sisaaser, leaves lor Waa> 
be wHI apcnd a taw daya 

^ ^ teas. rSmnrnfuVaOe 

81 Hsaklns Harry Belts takea eba^ ot the 
adrertlslns for the new ^40,000 theatre at 
TaylornUe. m., his home. B. O. Bobey goes 
In adrance of The Irish Pawnbrokers. Chas. 
Undblade foes In adrance of Otis Bowers' 
Mlasttela. A. E. Stoae takea Gharse of the 
adrertlBbv force at the IiaCtosse Theatre. La- 
Crosae. Wis. Hany Pitney wUl be connected 
with the advertising force ot the theatre at 
FleepolU m. Wm. Lane win be with the 
ctt^v forte ot tbe theatre at Bocktord. 
Wga. Dawaoo soes to Omaha to take a 
with the Malvabill ~ 


Dnrlng a performance ot' the Pawnee BU 
Wnd Weat at Burlington, Kan., Sept. 21, 
Wenona, of Wenona and Prank, champlun ride 
shots, received Injnrles which will probably 
keep her from work for some time. DqtIdc 
their act Wenona shoots from a rapidly moving 
horse. Owing to a maddy arena her horse 
slipped and tell. Wenona waa thrown to the 
gronnd and aostalned a severe scalp wound 
and an tainted left foot. 


The Van Amburgr Shows bavt «n- 
Joyed a very proapenma aeaaon. 

The Col. W. 3. Uden Show went into 
winter qnarters at Flanlgan, 111.. Oct. 1. 

It Is reported that the Forepaugh- 
Sells Show will remain oat ontll Nov. 15. 

C. N. Thompson Is making his head- 
qnartera at the Wlndnr Clittca, CUcago. 
After a wry suc<:essful season with 

the Slbel Brothers' Show, J. W. HIttler Is 
home at Dixon, III. 

John Allen, for many years with the 

BlngUng Show, bat now with the Floto Show, 
will not winter at Baraboo. 

Mrs. Rozie Horgan. wife of John 
H«xaa of the Haaanliertt ahowt It wer Hi 
at her home la at. iMla. 

l]|ht>w]K ai Hals 

tbdr tweoty^eventh week 
with Oie P. W. HaU Clrcna. 

aa ■ ffeatme act 


Sev. w. B. Sheak, of the »^H»T*Tim Shows, 
writes entertainingly ss follows: 

Is achlevfac «r fiHit-B luie 

of aaeeeaa. 

Mks. John O. BofabiaoD Is again vrlth the 

. — of two months. 

Oaau tedn t JsjaosUslnK a s«t*-<»f propo- 

Iiola and Lola Daniels are 
.plea of what drcns life win 


Awhen they Joined the show In UOS they arete 
f trail and delicate. Now tbey are pccfict tped- 
mens ot womanhood. 

Sita. BOlst haa greatly enjcmd. har anaoQ 
la. iht. KiBf rSokmcB flpaalaA. 

most expert lady "long string" driver In tbe 
world. She Is also captain ot tbe lAdlea' 
Zonave Co. 

Everybody la monmlng the loea ot Mr. and 
Mrs. Geo. Stnmpf. Mr. Stnmpt. commonly 
known aa "Boggy" and who has been a talth- 
fol employee ot tbe Ten Big tor years, baa 
resigned to go with the Hagenbeck Show. 
Probably no man can pnt a ahow onto a train 
In less time and with as little loss ot space as 
Mr. Stnmpt. Mrs. Stnmpt. aa Ulaa Myrtle 
Eeama, bad the wardrobe bete tor two years 
and was a good and true friend to everybody. 
Their baby, Mary, won a place In the hearts 
ot both old and yonng. 

Prof. Winston's sea Uoaa contlnne a star 
teatnre ot the performance. Prof. Winston la 
a (cntlenua and a bard.worklng trainer, and 
deaarrca hia aoeeess. Trainer Hndgens, who 
has been working the tronpe with the ahow 
this ass son, la an able Ueotenant. 

HIaa Ada Lorton la again with oa. Last sea* 
m lOaa Locton was vrith Hereafter, on the 
Pike. In April she decided to spend the snm- 
wtth has mothar at ber bome near Cln. 
Wt srev tbcd ot the qnlet Ute and 
In ta* aaaMN' Mtnad with the Hoaa & Nan- 
maa Oaratval On. tv mar ^iha Boir city in 
eoBBeetloB with a nhttaa Mctadt. Whea 
eompoy daacd tte caaa taCk to tte Ten 

Zgnara Ool 


many onfiiv. 

have all tb* 

verses^ a large meaaoc 
eome . to tbe old ,m 
eapedaUy good tbrooghoat 
Tocfc. OUo and V"flfiitai 


- Of tbe season, as 
deaplts all re- 

kttaa to 

Reports from Chambersburgr, Pa., 
Indicate that tbe Frank A. Bobbins' Clrcos did 
a large bnalness In that town Sept. SB. 

Allan McPhall Is maldiiK his bead.- 
qnarten at the Mttlooal Shear ^WlUng Com. 
pany's oflleea, Trlbone bolldlng, Chicago. 

George Mantell has closed his fourth 
season as special agent wltb tbe HaigieaTes 
Shows. He goes In advance ot tte 
Stock Co. 

"Red" Carroll wishes to 
that he has closed wltt the :MHMS * 
Show. He may be addfeaaad at the " 
offloe ot Tbe Billboard. 

The Tooaoonln Troupe of AratMi, 
which baa been one of the hits with the Har- 
greavea Show this season, wUl play vandevllle 

dates, beginning Oct. 8. 

M. S. Bodkin, for some time identi 
fied with the Bamnm ft Balliy 

jaster. Is meeting with 

Bros. Shows this 

The Zecks. Kellle and Cuvier, with 
the AL r. Wheder New Model Shows sU aea- 
aon. hava licca cnaascd by Mr. Wheder tor his 
Indoor Clicna and Camlval. 

Fred H. Seymour, eontractlns aeent 
for tbe No, S Oenfiv Bns.* Show, baa closed 
a pleasant and aiiriasiM anaon and ia now 
making hia headquarters In Chicago, 

There promises to be a very inter- 
esting development In tbe drcna field Jan. 1. 
We onderstand a conaoUdatlon of certain dicaa 
Intereats la now imder prnf i aa «C fMaiBiiM> 

T^e Stumon FbmUy Band tuna Or- 

Mr. Jar Rial, the genial press agent 
with the Sorepaagh * Sella Brothera United 
Sbows iccelTed some gtlt^dged preaa noUces 
from the Dally Preaa while In Wichita. Kan., 

S. H. Semon is at present In charge 
of tte Bamnm & Bailey offlcea in New York 
City. Jeff Callan being iu witt typhoid fever. 
Mr. Callan la getting along nleely, and -bosca 
to tesame bis desk shortly. . 

CoL M. W. Welsh, formeiiy one of 
the owners DI the Welsh Brattets Showa, la In 
Chambersborg, Pa., bnslly engaged In rehears- 
ing a theatrical company to play tte larger 
ooe^ ^raeaaoD. He wHl present The Water- 

The XDett Trouiie proved one of the 

^dSsr^-syTftSr ssTai^x 

ragaged far the mik Mala lUr at SaU £ake 

J5B*a!** M>«.Bi «tt Mn 

uSa ^tJSP ^ «'saBtaa aC the 

Ootten In Polk County, Georgia, is 
briaglag alaeen cents oo the wagon, and tte 
fatacn, na la good condition. A dreoa woold 

state, aceardlng to reports. 

Dave G. Pollock, who has been out- 
side orator for the Hargreares Show all aea- 
aon, will shortly close and go into Chicago for 
the winter. DnrlDg the Ulneaa of Prank Mor- 
rla. who has been laid np with rheomatlsm 
Mr. Polllck has had fnll charge ot tte aide- 

George H. Hlnes will have two- very 
strong attractions at White City, Chicago, next 
season. The Hines-Blake ft WlUard Shows 
have enjoyed a big aommer hnalneaa at White 
City, and Mr. Blnea baa evidenced in erery 
way bis anpMior qoalUleatlana aa an atnoaa. 
ment manager. 

Authenticated repor.ts from the Buf- 
falo BOl Show deny that the oisaal] ~ 
was stranded In France. Instead of two 
dred horses being shot becaass a( 
ttere were thlrty.fonr. ~ 
says George Starr, who 
MlnneapoUa Sept. 29. 

Phone aSSL Eattt-bltahad 1845 

Thomson & Vandivoor 




8 1 6 B. Paarl St., • ClNCTWNATl, o. 



FroMie — a— n»ei» tor MraM Fatra 


59-AI W. WasUn^on St., CHICAGO. ILL. 


Shorn Tents for Circuses. Wild Weat ■ 
Shews. Black Tents, Candy Tops, 
nags, KIdd & Baker Ugfats. etc. 
Sn( tir II MP priti Hit if SEEfllMMO Tnti 

4tS-4l7 Dstawara S*.. - - Kaavaa City. Mo. 


All Kinds and Sizes 

AwSn SUeajto. 


FOR SALE c.tiBAP. Tbrae ear Jpads ct 

rwii ankb almostnewtenta,aaail»a»aiT 

sue. from 10 X 13 tu 80x ISO, 

Da Ma KERR WRa GOa, 

167 Souiii Canal St., HIttSO, ILL 


Islaid Av0., - Ciilnc*,lll. 

»n«»a. TENTS 

From MAGEE & SON, 


Tents to let. all sizes. Black tents oar 
apeclalty. Tel ^iS& Cort andtT. 


OUTFITS. USHERS and aM olhen. Send 
for Catalog, mention kind wanted. 
Saedal Attention Giren the Profetaloa 

Western Uniform Co. ,220 Clark St., Chlcagu 

. C . GOSS C 



stock Hangers, Poeteta and OaU on hand for adyer- 
— erery hranch ot the Amaaement Bosln^iw. Send for 
-loauo (Dl of DramMloADdfhourPrintlDe: 

^a XS) Fair and Carnival PrintlnK: 

Blllpomara. Comnwrelal Fosteta. 
~ _— iPmitlnsof all Irtada. _ 


lighting Systems 

For Tent Shows. Parks. Streets. Stoica. HsUa. Etc 
adopted by all the leadlns showa In ttMm& UiAtai 


r ._t. 9^ wtwn has 

LWita Blade tor aU pnipoaaK 


OCTOBER 7, 1905. 

Xrie Billboard 


UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO., (incorporated) 

IO-I8 N. DMplalMS St., OMi OAOO, ILI.. 189-133 W. Randolph M. 

Years Expsrisnce p M ^ ^^^r^^Ci'^ gl?»Au ix e n x s 

BUILDING H Bi H ^^^^ '"'j' ^ V '^y^^ s'^ " BLACK and RED (AnythlnciiMMleofcmnTU 

■ Ail KlBtfs and Sizes I I ^9 -t^V^ \: \ Yi"^ Kws patent .uc^rra. 





HmvlDK enlarcPd our quarters, emploxlox tbe blsbesl paid experienced belp and Elvln* all mattera our personal attemtla 
y*^»»*»JJ»o ^^^I^I^^^^J^^^** «aanatr of coatraeta for any alxe or atiria of tent c»— tr— «ton for daU« 

amalUr oC 10 «. UMk 


WilUam T. Spaeth is making a good 

itoirtw wttk A. H. Wood** jittractlou. Xbe 
fl^S ^SL... of a Wife. Mr. Spaeth la aimed 
■Mb an aetlTc annuemeDt espailciiea ot maiiy 
nata' aUndlDS. and mnr that ba has catered 
Ok theatrical ranka, win nadoobtsdlr be beam 
tram In • mstctial wmf. 

"Punch" Wheeler mrltes ttam yim- 
cmm, B. C.: "B4. (3ooke Is baw aknd at 
B«n Bar. He aajs the tbcatrca an Mt^lKB* 
enoosh for bia show, so 1 eSend to Wi t 
the dnoa casTaa for the wmm W H 
per sqoue yard — SI cents tat ■mmm^ I "S 
retain tbe ear-lap prlTUeges." 

Sid DeClalrvlUe writes that he Is 
atill with tbe VacXj BUI Shoir, wltb which 
ornnlutloD bulnew baa been bis all aeaaoo. 
The Dhow baa played Kanaas, Hlaaoorl, Okla- 
tiama, Nebraaka and tbe Indian TerrltocT' 
ne aeasoii opcaed Uaieb 25. and will not close 
Bstn some time. In December. 

W. J. Elliott writes us from hU. 
borne Id EransTUIe, Ind., that after a year 
of UlDCfla be la oo tbe road to complete recoT- 
or, and bopee to be able to troop asain in 
tbe near fntnre. For a nnmber of jeara Hr. 
miett bad entire cbatse of tbe tefrtshsieiit 
(llrllcgts wltb tbe Walter Jj. Main Shows. 

"Whals Oil** Gus. who has been in 
flt; bkcV BMglt>It Cbtcago. for the paat 
tirdTC iK«fc% IS oat acaln. Be wiu join bis 
partner, Uttla HOadar, who baa be*n in front 
ot the Blake Doc, FDar A Honker Show at 
White Citr an snsoB, snd sbont Nor. 1 they 
wni open their wbsllac erhlWtlBn at BokfUle, 


George Atkinson' writes: 1 
bccB retr sncceaafol playtag n 
doalDc with tbe Wm^ P. 

bUe ptayus Kanaaa CII7 I waa 
asKctabwis at tbe B. P. O. . 
1B7 act was well iMHtM, mv 
Mtnd. Wsim A. PatHck,, 

watch." ' 

General Agent Walter Forblsh, of 
tbe Slebel Doe A Pony Shown, waa s welcame 
caller at the Cblcago offlce of Tbe Billboard, 
Itonday. Sept. 2S, ca hla way to Baa Fran- 
daeo. Cat., he barlitt eloicd bis snson. Tbe 
aiad taar U laacThas BMMd a fca^ 
___ — . — a - 

Al. P. Whooler writes that his 

dose tin aeason Oct. Et, at Fort I/cydSBi K. t., 
and so Into winter qaartera at Scbcnoctady. 
The seaeon - ot ISOO wlU find the new model 
etaowa greatly enlarged and taaproTed. wltb 
tbe addition at a aamber ot new featnice. Mr. 
Wbeeler'a Society Clrcoa and Camlral opena at 
Schenectady early In Noremlwr. 

During the performance of the John 
Bobloaon Shows at Alton, m., recestly. a 
stray doc KOt Into the animal tent and caused 
a stampede amons tbe elephanta. The bis 
anlmili took after the dog. and for a time 
It looked aa If they were going to make troa- 
Me. Tbe elephanta were at last gotten under 
control wltboat damage, bat not aatll tbey 
had caused considerable excitement. 

The Hlnes-Blake-Wlllard attrac- 
tions (Blake's Doc. Pony A.Uoiikey Show and 
the Nine WUlords' Temple of Maolc) wUI leave 
Chicago Oct. 12 for New Tork, aalUng from 
there Oct. 12 for BaTana, Cnba. where they 
are to open at tbe Kattonal Theatre, Oct. 21. 
Tbe Cohan cncagemcnt Is foe sixteen weeks. 
These shows bare cajogrcd a UlUr wnMUaua 
seaeon at White dtr, CMcafP, sstaMMMag an 
enTlable icpntatloa. 

W. M. ChUcott, for a number ot 
yeais identUM wtthraooe of tbe leading dr- 
eose*. now estahllabed In Kanaaa City. Us., 
where he has a nnmber ot bnalneat Interests, 
was a welcome caller at the Chicago ofllce 
of The Bniboard last week. Hr. Cblloott wUI 
be remembered as one of the most genial fel- 
lows who erer followed the white teats, and 
bis many friends in the ptofeasloa will be 
pleased to know that hs Is prospering. 

King B. Ziemer. of Ziemer's Royal 
American Shows, writes as follows: "The show 
Is doing nicely. I hare spent the biggest part 
of tbe season here on beantlfnl Shawano Idike, 
Wis., and thoogb not In the best of health, 
I hsTe the pleastire of aayteg that I am aonaic 
with the world. The people with my angre- 
Estlon are an well and they seem happy. 
We win not go sontb this winter. We <aooe 
oor season Oct. 1, and go Into winter qnartera 
at St. LonlB. Thla aeaaon baa been aplendld." 

VtlOambut Is fhe taster of advertls- 
lag ear NeTroC the Orcat Cole ft Bacera* lUII- 
mad Shows: B. H. Jones, general agent; Frank 
B. Ryan, contracting agent; B. G. Basa, presa 
agent; B. 3. wmiama, manager of car; <:harnc 
Patcher, boas bfflpoeter: Bneat UeweUng. Htbo- 
grapher; Bdward Cnite, pracTammer and ban- 
oeraun; Owi. Ctaandltr. diet sod W. <>• Tea- 

r>8, J. HcAlUBltr. «. P. BOOStb fl. BM, 
a HsRts sad c I. mmr 

■lato ai of yaur nags. Wagon Cevara, Hon* 

1 nk iWiistMBg new and Tery attraetlTo. WUI briog yon the tattdts. M 
In stock wiileh wUI make a good black top. 


Utfits in tent work. Give brigtit light and are ahBoiotajy Wfc 9m 

boys an all writ as 


Notes fnan the AL F. Wheeler Big 
Kcw IMH Wkmm Ms «ww doacs Us mat 
meesssfal scasoa Oct. 5 at LooMIIe. M. Y. 
We bsre been ttavdlng thioaih Hw f?t»^t]»^ 
and the AdlronOacks, and ereir ess bH en- 
joyed perfect health. The naa la itUtt baa 
walked ' Tcanlarly. Daring the dinoier hootn 
Sept. IS die awoibeia of the show prcaentcd 
Hr. Whcdcr wUh aa decant Usaonle wateb 

C9MW. XiAfayette closed with Col. W. 
J. mtars Sbow at Marshsll, Hlnn. He writes: 
"ms Is one abow that we performera can call 
home. Both Hfe, and Hts. Uden are like a 
father and mattm ta an that do half way 
right. We im l lM s lM SMlatnlr tcgsst tlist U 

sixteen large snakea for the act. The act 
has made such a hit that Hr. Wallace baa re- 
qnested Mr. iftFarland to feature It on a 

larger scaie neit i"_'aH.ja. 

Wm. Irwin and ) 
PaA. St. lAota, hfOb, 
the Wm. Asfatoa drens. 




We I 

2SO.O0O Mew 
General Bectric Make, 8 
Toltaga 100 to 110, r 

1.000 Oalraalsed 
Boxes, also Coin B a 

BOO "Khakf Ualfstma. roiislstlsg sf 
and pants; 200 Special Orereoats. SMda tcr tka 
Jefferaon Onarda at tbe World's Fair; 
"Khafct" Caps; 600 aeU ot Sww^ Baitt saS 

BAJCBOO roixa 

S.OOO Bamboo Pole*, ssed by the D. K 
Oorenment In the Fhlllpplae Otsui 
range from 8 Inches to e indiea la diameter 
the bottom, and tram 80 to 60 feet Isag. Ua 
for many pnrpoaca. 

Tbocsanda of other Items. Motan. 
Wire. Ooon, Ssah. Trasses, Bead Balleta, Blips, 
BoolIIng, Siding, Unlag, Pipe. MacUasfy, 
Ponltnre, Offlee Eqolpment, Safaa, Vaatt '■ 
Fcnclnc. Wire. Flacs ot all Mattaas. 
Cbalra. Watar Ouslai% OiaaahsaBa M 


LoooB No. OM. oBiOAao aosn 

nre ca, Stth sad baa Sts., CIMeags, IB. 


rortable Grand Standa and TtMiag Qa> 
cus Chairs manolteliined. 

fumisbed and : 

6»ei Ohaiplahi 9U CLEVEIJUID, O. 

Is time to cloee tbe season, and we 
Colonel and Us family the best ot snceess. 
The show has been very proeperons this sea- 
son. and has met with no serloos accidents. I 
shall toor the sonth this winter In elocution 
ondav a Naw York maasger. 

The opposition forces of The Great 
Forepangh A Sella Brothers United Sbowa did 
aome One work recently at Wichita. Kan. Thla 
abow waa hilled In between two other aggre- 
gatlona, and In the face ot soch strtmg com- 
petition tbey drew capacity baaloesa at tbe 
matinee and night performances. The brigade 
who had charge of this work Indade Barry 
Graham. Wm. Cain. Geo. Clare. Pred. Win- 
ters. Bert WUson. Hiram Green and Dick Scan- 
lln. Theae gentlemen are bard workera, and are 
ptodsdng great, rcsnlts for their emplayeia. 

W. H. McFarland, manager of the 
annex with tbe Great Wallace Shows, bss 
framed op a anake sbow whldi baa created 
no end of iandatory eomsacat. The eonccp- 
tlon Is an original one, and la worked oat 
on an elaborate scale. Miss Grace Clarke, a 
Tltlan-balrcd beanty, la featured. The stage 
occnplra the center ot the tent. On three 
sides It U draped with rich tapeatriea ten feet 
high, and a plnsb curtain eairying Ultmilnated 
snTec lettera, "The Bncbaatrcaa," oorera the 
front. When this curtain Is drawn aalde a 
perfectly black backgronnd la ezpoaed. A apot 
Ucht Is thrown upon tbe eentte of the stage 
and MISS Clark, attired la p ass .w Mtn tttA- 
Ings, steps forth. TO* MaC k *~ 
drawn ezpoalng to riew a 
*s " 

Central Park at Centre Square. Pa., 
has Ctaacd Its stssoBi Xbe paA wffll ogca again 

to Jobs Mdar the ■aawmst gC Cke Win C. 


F. Trimble, trap drmninw of 
Oony. Pa., do s e d a T«ty neecssfol smsob at 
FUUey Lake. N. Y.. Sc^ 1«L w ith the Chap- 
man Oiclieatra. Bla artistic work recclfcd some 
Tcry flattering pcalae. 

Lake Muakegon Park, Moskegon, 

Mich., has inst closed the moat aocceasfol sea- 
son In the history of the reaort. Manager W. 
R. Reynolds expects to hare a elieolt M tl 
parka next snmmer. 

It is reported that Pittsburg, Fa., 
will next season bare another large park. whMi 
Is to be esubllsbed by New York s^ Pltta- 
buTz capltaliata. The proposed resort win eorer 
twelre socs not ttx fttua the heart of tbe 

Olentangy Part^ Oolamhna, Ohi<\ 

win bs Mssar tsiii I 'b»«na it assM up 

next SMH^ aMMrttS pilMSt dSBS bftag the 

erectlaa sT a Aa^tbrAatesL mtbv eaaslsr sad 
a mammoth dancing pariUoa that wm aeoooi. 

modate 1,000 oonples. 

Ponce De Lieon Park at Atlanta, Gfl., 
will remain open imtll Dec 1. The aeaaon 
baa been a rery sncceaafol one imder the man- 
agemeat of WIU Sharp. The skating risk at 
thla resort Is claimed to be the largest In tbe 
world, tbe Ooor measnring 400x380 feet. An 
slrahtp has beea addsd to tbs aiasy dxaMng 


Ho. Bias 


GUselBBaa« O. 


Can place good acts wltb CInbs at all times 
Call or write. Metropolitan Entertainment 
Bureau. 421 Monadnock Bldg.. Chicago. 111. 

The season 
Omshs, Neh.. has 
dolly, la the 

J. F. iMft 

at Olcntangy Park Th sa ti a and Eoo. 

lombna, Ohio, la nendlng tbe fan and winter 
with rrlatlTca at Oweashoro, Ky. In company 
with WIU Picaaer of Oolnahoa Mr. Ixift will 
next season have a olnatzcl company 

upon the park dzcoltau 

The Knabensbne airship flights at 

White city, r«»i««fs wen eminently an eesj a 
fnl. The BMring liituis nan. erer to tbe 
fore, when there hi aa epportnnlty to secnrs 
iip.t»4ate material, was on hand and a fine set 
or asotlfla pletozea of Knabenshne's exhlbltlona 
wm sooo be ready for the market. Tbe Sellg 
Felysoope COmpsny's opetatoia took tbe mor- 
tag pletues. 

Riverside Park, Montreal. Can., 
eloaed Ita aeaaon last week under the mansce. 
meat of Leri Tremblay, who Is also proprie- 
tor of the resort. When tbe rewrt opened 
early this season It was whI^*p*Tt(t ahoat that 

It wouldn't last Ion;. AmDS.t-mt.nt Manager' 

Al. Bead worked tbe harder and he gare bis 
patrons TaodeTllle wUdt they coald ~ * 
hat appreciate. The park aisde ma 
Manager Ttehlay snimnarfs tbat It la 


Xtie Billboard 

OCTOBER 7, 190& 


W» au BOt aad«rtAk« to r«mjdl PAifK W or 
MCXAS£B OS which U nqaind otn pMtac* 
to fonrazd. ml*** the iMcauu7 ■■■■( aC fOTt- 
>0 ia At th« risht haaA M» if MM 

yvB will And smaimt r«qairod. 

AmUemHoBM tat bwQ admtiMd ttil lUt 
licaad iBdMdwdlr ^ " 

Bii^. Sin. Van- A. 
:9nwd. Uts. Don 
Balc^ Hrs. s. T. 
•Blabop, Mie 

BonncU, Mmrie 

•ISonu, Bose Slieldon 

Bojkln. Mn. DallUa. 

BOTklo. Mn. J. A. 

BstgsB, Nenie * Ada 

Brown. Mn. Gertie 

•BroKulie. Un. Wal- 

Bnrtiank. >Uzs H- A. 

Caitio, Mn. UI7 

OkaUcUne. Par 

Cbaae. LUUaa 
dark. WnUe & Jlabel 

ObIc*, Xn. I. M. 

OdIIiia, Dot 

Goitett. Mra. Boae 

Oxtiltt. Mra. S. Ed. 

Coilir. Jfra. Sot 

Cards, Mrs. Oiu. 

Dafoe. Fanw 

DiTls. Mn. M. L. 

Dajao, J)ay 

Oemoot. Certle 

Ik: Boae. Pet 

CeToiuJa. DoratliT 

"JJeTjne, DoDy 
..Oolud. Mrs. Amr 
. :.n>nt7ca. Mar 

Vfcisa. Mn. Chaa. 
-•Elmer. Marie 
. raolkncr. Mn. W. 

nr. Mlaa Aaaa Era. 

Frccaw Mn. JUto. 

'jSicte; Giae*. 

■Maaoo, Mrs. Kola 
Metsdn. Bace 
Mentor, Corette 
MlUn. Mra. J. O. 
Monroe, TrlzSe 
•Monia, Docotkr 
Mortimer. T-ttii— * ■ 
Moateo. Bra 
Mrinzo, Leonore 
J«aaoo. Mrs. Carrie 
Neirtoa. Mn. Vtrlan 
Xebher, Alice Beat- 

ITewton. Mrs. :M: A. 
KoUsd. yUaJOAlTM. 
Norton, Mar " ■ 
OU>er. Marr 
Olzran. Blanche 
Ormabr. Jasette 
*Feek. Lola Bar 
Peck. Mn. Caddie 
Peer. Mn. Carrie 
Perce. Mn. b. A* 
Phllonr, CanTua- 
Pomeroy. Pearl 
Bolnford, Tlolet 
BaTlDond, Sabr 
Beed. Mrs. Botha 
Beede, Vera M. 
Ree»c. Mn. Frank 
Kerena, Mlu 
BIcbanls. Mrs. Battle 
Blddle. Mra. W. W. 
BingI-, Madge 
Boherta. UBlan 
Bobertson. Mrs. Jnlene 
Boehl. Gnnda 
Boacmis, Mn. Albert 
gnaenttial. MtSL Bavr 
Bnasell. Sfi^ ft Mea. 

Both. Madaa 
St. Jjem. Bale 
Salnr, Mia. 

Mcna lOe • 
Mr. * Mn. 

fcaliiBe. Qneen 
Yames. Mn. Thoa^ 
Janien, Isabella 

. Jennlfr; Mn. Geo. ar, 
Jennler, Mrs. Geo.. Jt 
Johnson, Mn. Cbarlle 
Xane. Mrs. Geo. F. 
La Base, Madame 
La Bose. Stella 
La Boser, Madame 
LaFont, Madaljrn 
■LsMatr. Mrs. Emma 
LaTerne. Madse 
Lee, MUdred 
Lewis, Gertie 
Lowry, Hazel 

■ •MeCormlck. 
McDanlel. iBk' ;«» 

■Malrolo. AmalU Alia 
Mara. Madam F. B. 
Uardel. Mar 


•Snter. Emllr 
Scott, Mrs. M. 
Serry, Mn. Mae 
Samon. Mn. 
Schiller. Mrs. SartfiB. 
Wisllsr. Mrs. Floceaee 
Bbafer, Mabel 
Shaffer, LUIlan 

Sfaeppcrd. Mn. B. O 
Shields. Mrs. Cleo 
Shields. Martlu~ 
Simmons, Sadie 
Simpson. Wm. 
Smith, Nenie 
Smith. Nina 
SterUns, Ida 
Stewart. Mn. D. L. 
Sutton, Mn. H. B. 
Tajlor, Louise 
Thelma, Mlsa, Palmist 
Van Han. Bra 
Venrlefc. Mn. E. E. 
Vina. LncU K. 
Wacsoner. Lenoa 
Wagner, Patricia 
Walten, Pearl 
Ward. IPanline 
Washboro. Mn. Chas. 
West. Annie E. 
White, Hose 
wuliams, Mn. Olara 
WUson. Boae 
Wolf. Lnilan 
Woods. Mar 
Tale. Miss Odl 
ToBlIn, Alma 
•Zolta. Miss wmie 

•Abber. Wntred 
■Adams. Henrr 
Adams. Andnw- 
*Addtsoa ft LMasatOB 
Adell. Jesse 
■Adnmon, Eddie 
Abl. Ed. 
Alton. Thos. 
Alberto (Contortionist) 
Albion. LoDla 
AlkiDS. Chas. 
Allaln ft Brown'a Oo. 
ftJIeoek. Ino. P. 
Anite.' Chaa. 
AOea. Prank P. . 
Allen. Bobt. Lee 
Allen. Mr. (Msr. Ver- 

rla WbeeL) 
Alpoint. Joa. 
Altmaa, Bob. 
American Am. Co. 
American Can. On., . 


Basssge. Bert C. 
Baaer. I. Paol 
Beacher ft Stasler 
Becb. E. C. 
Becker. H. W. 
Beckfr. Chas. A. 
Beckler, Geo. B. 
Beechele. Geo. 
Beecher. Chas. B. 

(Snake Show Man) 
Bell. Edw. H-. Mgr. 
Bennett, P. C. 
Bennett, Gnr 
Berger. John 
Bernstein. Joe 
Berry, Miles 
Bersoo, Arthur 
Benton, Kirk 
Bererly. J. W. 
BIgner, Chas. A. 
Bishop. W. H. 
BlanUiifaoit. ; Arch 

Raok B. 
WlM, ' GhasL- 0. ^ 

•Aaatto. X. a' 
Aosklas. Ctatcae* 
.Bacon. Mrno K - 
Saker. C. F. 
Banka ft Mack 

Baree^ 3te 
Bord. E. T. 
'Borer, K. Mgr. 
■Borer, wnils B. 
Badler; ''. a. 
^Bradlcr.'D. >>. 
Brentoo, The Great 
^Breen. J. 

Banner Wrhlhltlnn On. Brewer, T. M.'^ 
'Buktagr. .Mr. - ■ - -- - 

Brock war, rnak 
Brodle. W. A. 
BralOar, B. H. 

Bivwa, Marrclooa 
Broira. Jeas M. 

Brownie. Leon 

^owj "aaanja 
Bosch, Banr B. 
Bnrke. Will 
Bnma ft Co. B. B. 

Show, r. W. 
Bmiliea, Harrr 
•BnUer. B. P. 
Bntler, Max 
Bntterwocth, Arthnr 
•Caleedo, J. L 
Call, J. B. • 
Cameron, EdmaC 
OanuD, Alf. 
•Campbell Frank 
Campbell. Dooglas 
Capps, James B. 
Carpenter. B. B. 
'Carter, Capt. Nick 
(High Direr) 
Carter, Engene 
Cardoa, J. C. 
Carroll, Ion. Mgr. 
Carter. Jno. W. 
•Carttr, J. 0., DlaTOlo 

Carter, l>aa 

Carter, PanI 
Caaer. A. W. 
Charlea. Tom . 
CaranaDgh. Jatk • 
Chasm. Prot. Loola 
Chesaller. Frank 
Clusaller.; B:: <^ 

Biaaa. Mark H. 
rasaa Cars. Os. 

Eoropeaa Am. Go. 
Fagaa. Chaa. 
•Faraicr. Battoa 
FctsBson, J. M. 
FOI^na, B. nanda 
Flaeh. htoa 
Flnaccaa. Jaaca B. 
First. Baiaer 
Flake, B. 

FlamlBC' tiiair Co. 

Flabagan, Cafit. Ed- 

Plasders. Edwin F. 

Fler:her. Master Frank 

Fleming, Eddie 

•Fleming, WUl C. 

■Fleming. Wm. B. 
' "TTorenee, Al. 

Florence. Barry 

Forrester, WlnSeld L. 

•For*ter, W." H- 

Fowler, Ed. 

Fnnker, The Orcat 

Franks. N. 

Frnnklhi. Am. Co. 

Frazee, Al. G. 

Frazer, E. C. 

Free. J. Martin 

Free Mort (Pewee) 

French, Engene 

Fxltcfale. Frank B. 

Frog, Joe 

•PnltoB. Arthur EU 

Foltoir, Chas. M. 

Sardnrr Ohildrca'a 
Show, Mcr. 

W. earrlQi; F. D. 

CiMfc; atfc .: ^ fiaraiwri. Geo, 
Ctaik.' fmUa C. (Vooc Gateimd. Bart. 
Jankr) •Oclscc. B. (Aetar) 


ClaA. Jir. (ftlr. 

Kcnbeek Shonr.) , 
Clark, wmie * lUM 
Clark. Tom - ■- , . 
Carbear ft StaataM 
Oaas, Geo. 
dartOB. Carl C 
Cleneaner. Mr. 
Cleveland. (Jeou W. 
Cohan, Eameat 
Cole. J. E. 
nm Louis A. 
•Conkllng, WUl 
•Oiban, Gto. M. 
Conley ft McGnire 
Omlon. Jack 
Continental Amnse. ft 

Ex. Co. 
Ooofcston, M. C. 
•Coons, Chas. 
•Cooper ft Abbott, le 
Corbette. S. Edw. 
Cocnelliis. B. F. 
Cooltcr. Frank 
■Coiren, Geo. H. 
Conaona, Clndla 
45oivan, Walter 
Cox. S. J. 
Cralc. R. D. 
Craig-, H. B. 
•Oamer, Joe 
Crane. Edw. C. 
•Cnnton, A. B. 
Cirooae. W. F. 
Cos. Bert 
Cnllen, Prank 
C;zarllnskT. C. K. 
Da Ctema Family 
DeShetler-Veriwe Oar- 

Daaner^ FNd A. 
Danob Boaa A. : 


Dariiasi Red 
Dash, Daze 
Danbr. K.' 
OaTcnpott * 
Dasir. Ite. ■ - i. 
Darlee. Tdm 
Darls, Jake 
Day, R. W. 
DeCkilo ft Stokes 
Doc's Cam. Co, 
Degrosse, joseph- 
Delaceys, The ' 
Oelgatlan. Baba 
Demlng, BUI E. 
DetrKk ft Benjamlae 
Deroe, Cniaa. 
Dlckerman. D. 
Dickson, J. B. 
DUIae, John -W. 
Dlllae, Max 
Dinsmore, W. B. 
•Dlttman. Chiu^H. 
Dixon, LisPeHe 
Dlion, P. L. 
DHon, C. A. 
Doran. Martin 
Dorln. W. F. 
Draper Kid (Candy 

Draper. Frank (Candy 

preeker, Joe 
j)Qgan, James 
•Pniry. UIke 
Samltmaen. UMta 
Oanbar, Batiy J. 
Oonworth. John 
Dntton Cam. Co. 
Dnaaaolt, Desnia 
■Dinrlea, 8am 
Dyson ft wnaoB 
•Birit, J, B. 
BsHr, X. B. 

aSif/^te: * JIM. 

Oa,. Oct. 
aetkant, Dak 
ahantcin. X. a 
Bdr. Joe 
■eUIa Ab. Oa. 
•BeUea, S. K. . 
Edwarda, Paal 
Edwards, Doe. 
•Elsteld, Max 

«Cna» aa. Bert 
'Qliaitt. Jcs. E. 
ataala Osm. Oa,jr.B. 

GicaiMa. PML Oscar 
. B. (Borse Trainer) 

flnUsa Medical Coib 

■ ■ "O"* ^ . • 
Solden Bemedr Co- 
Gorman, A. F. 
(^nld, Wm. J. 
Graiiaefa-Selisaaling Co. 
Gntiam, A. M. 
Graham. Harry 
Once, P. K. 
Grant. Boland 
On»el, Ed. 4c 
any, Frank 
•Ureen. J. EOaworth 
GrlfiSn. Jno. 
/GroTes-Lyall Stock Co 
Gono (Bounding Wire 

Hagen, C. B. 
Baton. Chas. 
Haines. R. H. 
Hale. Geo. C. 
Bamberg, Phil. 
Bammersteln, E. B. 
Hammond, Ctias.B.ltc 
Handy Ifcr.. 0». 
pswgsn, Elnia, 4c 
Harler, C. B. 
Barm, Fred T. 
Barrlnc, Cmtl 
Banis. Sid 
aBncIl,-PaBl W. 
aartman. Gnr 

aawUnt Me. (I«ap- 

, au^r. ic. 

Beltoa. «. 
Helton. Chaa. P. 
Benerr, B. S. 
Beodennn. O. B. 
Bcndlcr. A. H. 
•Bendrleka, Bobt. 
Eendrlcks. Boaa and 

HerrlDgton. W. B. 
•Berman Shows. Prof. 
Herman. La-irson 
Herooons, Mr. (Mexi- 

e«n Strone Man) 
HlgBlDB. Eddy M. 
Hlldebrand, Lon 
•Hill. Harry WVDaJd 
Hilllan, Prof. Wm. J. 
Hindoo. S. Knpa 
*Bcrbeo. John J. le 
Boch, Chas. 
Korkey. Harry GIbha 
Bolbrook, Wm. C. 
Hoffman. ProC H. E. 
Hollenberger, Leonard 

•Bolmca. Bagi^ Fred 
Hooker, Gto. (Mexi- 
can Geo.) 
Bope. Alex. 
Bopklna, Bast 
Homer, Geo. 
HotchklK, Glenn 
•Hooghtaitoc, Geo. 
Honnens, Wm. B. 
Bouse. C. P. 
Boward. Mantraae 
Bowe ft Dccfcer 

- - ». 

-Banr ' 
Bn»d, HUB* 

.Ban. BMT 
•Ifcer * Abtr OOb. 

•Jeanette Broa. 
The Jsnnetti 
Jennler, Geo,, Jr. 
Jeraote. Fnik ■. 
Jesaop, Ed. 
Jllea. Bir. 
Jobasoo. mn. B. 
Jutioaon.' AL K. 
Jotaoson, Chaa. 0. 

Jotmson. Billy (Bound- 
ing Wire) 
Jones, Cortls A. 
Jones, E. 
Jones, E. B. 
Jones, Eari O. 
Jones, Wa. 

Jones. H<M.' C 

•J. w. p. 

Kane. Mr. 
Ksne. Robt. E. 
Karieili, Faliuw 
Katool, B. 
Katzes, B. 
Kay lor. E. G. 
Keeler. PliUlp E. 

•Kellb. Darld U. 

Kellv, Geo. 
KeUey, J. C. 
•Kelley, David A. 
KHnurily. Jl 

Kerwin, Dan 
Keyes. Frank 
KUpatrlck, Chas. G. 
Kllpstrlck Bras. 
•King, Larry 
King. Candr 
King. Jno. 
King, B. B. 

lUng. w. r. 

•taas ti Oa.. B. t. 
Bias, jack 

Elalcr. John 
KlppeU ft ht_ 
xJSix. 3. a. 
Xsplla, waa. 

KreUel. U. (FJaalat) 

La Clair ft West 
Latlrette. Chaa. 
•La FeU Trio 
•LaMarr. Artkar 

Medarla,A. Leon 
Medway, Chaa. L. 
Mellon. Loa 
Mercler,. Jno. E. 
Mercer, Robt. J. 
Mewbom, Willie 
Meyer, <;eo. E. 
Meyen ft Mason 
Miles Wearer Shows, 

Miles. G. M. 

•Mlkesell, C. Z. 

Miiirr, U. 

Mlllelte, Al. 

MUlie, Slim (Ice 

Cream Clones) 
MUIs, Geo. U. 

MitckeU. I.. A. 
Ultcenger, Wbitie 
Moler. Charlie 
Molor, Geo. A. 
•Montgoiuery. W. D. 
Mooney. B. D. 
Moore, H. A. 
Moore. Bdw. B. B. 
Moore. Geo. F. 
Morris, E. D. 
Morris Com Bemedj 

Moriey, C. A. 
•Mortimer, W. A. 
Mortimer. W. C. 
Mullen, Thos. T. 
MneUer, Mike 
Murpby, O. JL, Jftr., 
Mnrrsy. 9tm. Otaa- 

Morrar, Jamea A. 
Marrar. Cbas. (Bed) 
Matalc, TMr 
Mrcta. Max B.. IIcr„ 
Myera. M. B. 
Xr«n. *Mi 


SMsoB, Jos. 
Melaon. Samuel Ll 
Kester. Barry 
Nevada. Lord ((lap 

Hewnan, J. D. 
Xewton, W. O. 
Mebolla. Chaa. 
XlcoU. The Great 
Klxon ft ZUnmetaaa 
Kliaa. Bart; 

TbU letter IlaC ererr week for mall 
matter. IVe are Mot revntred to 
hold anclalmed letters] 
ten dara, except at 
peraon addreaaed. 

L<amonrenx. G. W. 
Ljiogley, Mr. (Saake 

LeKoy, r.oB 
LeRov. M. 
I^Selle. Ed. 
LaVfUe. 01 Wm. A. 
Lambert. S. K. 
Landsay. Nap 
Laop. Arthnr. Mgr., 

LarlllaTd. Wylle 
lAskey. James 
Layelle. John A. 
LawsoD, Joe 
Layden, &■ J. 
Lee. Barry C. 
Lee. Joseph 
Lee. Baymond 
Lee. Walter 
IiciBOa Broa.' 

Nonls, Edward 
Norton, Mr. (tac- 

Kye. Tom Fnaklla 
O'Brien. Geo. W. 
Oalei. Pat 
Ogden, Cbas. T. 
OlL&iie Troupe of Japs 
Upolloran, Uarold 
Oseoton, Lansdowne 
Oabome Dramatle Co. 
Orerton. Banr 
Owens, O. B. 
• Iireiis, Tom 

Pamahastka. Prot. 
Pangtiam, w. D. 3e 
- - Co.. 

r. 11. 

Peeler, Bickard 

LcTitt. vieHr ' FCnCk. Wia. 

LealB. P. X 
n^rlaad. ~ 

Ulea, Obaa. 
UndaU, Obas. E. 

Utttle, B. A. 
Loekwood Expo. Oo., 

B. W. 
Lone Star (Mra. Oa. 
Lome. Gordon ■• 
Loale, Jack 
Lonry, Carl . • 
•Luce. Grant 
Loce, F. B. 
Lnddtngton. Tamea 
•Lading Saiow 
Lalrt. Ceo. 
Lyall. D. B. 
Lyons, Chas, W. 
Lynch. Wm. 
McArthnr, E. C. 
MeC^anahaa. Ika 
•McColIea. HHbtrt 
McComb. KM (Bgb 

McOea. Jas. 
MeCollocb, R. D. 
McDale, Geo. 
McDonald, C. B. 
Uc<;earr, Banr Wm. 
MeOlnnls. J. D. 
Mc<^wan. C. A. 
McGalre, "Red" 
■Mclotryre. Bobt. 
Mclntyre, B. H. 
McLaoghlla. Jai^ 
•McManos John 
Malone. Geo. 

Maitlaad ft 

M ewM ai Chaa. B. 

- - aw. 

Petrala. Stephen A. 
PhUIps, Chaa. 
PhUUps. Prat. M.- B. 
Phmips. Joe (Simp) 
PhUllps. O. P. 
PblUlps, Ftank D. 
Plcaco, Lolal 
PIttee. C. F. 
Poka, July 
Potter, B. B. 
Potta ft PotU. 
*Pontetey. Franela 
♦Porter, Wm.. Jr. 
PoweU. Albert 
•Powler, W. 
Poiwera, D. O. 
P<wpr«. B. C. 
PaJo. F. P. 
Qoaker Medlctaw 0». 

(J. M. Ferdoo) 
Qolllens. The 
Radlean. Robt. 
Ralnbolt, V. H. 
Ralney. Jno. W. 
•Ramsey, ChaA 
•Ra4>ier. Joo. B. 
Rarlck. C. 
Ratcllir. A. O. 
Ratliborn, L. R. 
Raver. CHias. 
Ray. Dr. Da-rid 
•Bay. DaTid 
Ray ft Berry 
Raymond, Fred 
Raymoad, Chas. B. 
Raymond, Andrew 
Beynolda, Jno. W. 
Beed. Fred 
Bee de r . Fraak L. 
Bdd. BaroM 
Belaa, Kat. de 
BeaUk. D. I. 
•BcmKI. Frank 


J. B. 

Bernard, ft. D. 
Ktac. Dan K. (BaX- 

•Bledel. Anton 
Biea. Geo. 
KixKs. Albert 
Rllry. Will (High 

Wire Artist.) 
lUie.v, Thos. H. 
Roberta. W. B. 
Itubinwo. A. C. 
Bobson. Fred 
noddy, G. a. 
Rodney Stock &>. 
•Uugan. II. r. (Urrry 

Git-IIoond Man) 
Rogers. W. F. 
Rosen. Francis 
•Kugers. Uea.. Jr.- 

Rotibubl, M. B. 

Roll, itoj 

•Rollins, Ge«k -W,- 

Rouieru. C & '" 

Rom. EmQ 

Rose. Wm. (Train 

ROM'. Cul. C. U. 
Hosenlbal. Jake 
Bui-sl. Three tiro*. 
Boy, Walter a 
RublD. Vnt. EU 
Russell Broa. 
RusseU, F. M. 
Rn^U. Mr. & Mn. 
KoiMeli, Geo. 
Bnasell. Dick 
Ryan. W. E.. 5c 

St. Amo. Wm. 

St. iSalre. Murris 
SU Clatie. Cbas. 
St. Pierre. AL 
Sackett. Banr 
Samdera, L 
Samoela. Maariec 
Saaden. Of. B. 

Sarage. Jamea 
Saasajoa. Maaael 
Saarrcr. Banr Oltawia 

Sehepp. C W. 
BeaesnaMrr. Fraak 
Sehaaeek. M. 
Sehiridt. Banr P. 
Sehwahb Saa 
Schwaacncel. Fred 

•ScolUr. Naabtt 
Seott, Dee ft Seott 
Scott. W. W. 
Seltay, Frank E. 
Selc, Jaa. F. 
SUrerlake ft DebIrT 

Sbafer, Cbas. P. 
Shaffer, A. E. 
BbannoB, Barrr 
•Shattoefc. Wm. M. 
•Shattoek. W. B. 
Shajne, Jolta 
Shea. W. B. 
Sherman. Cbas. 
Shnier Bros.' Clreaa 
Shipman. Bmest 
Shoekey, C. B. 
Slioekey, A. D. 
Sbntcr. Eiji ea t 
Skinner. C. O. 
Sloah. ObarUe 
SmaDMmbe, Hasea 
•Qmltb. Foddy 
Smith. W. S. 
Smith. Harry G. 
Smith, Barl K. 
8m I til ft Ackermaa 
Smlib. J. S. 
Stnlib, Borabay 
•Soesrt. CWeoee (Ma 

Snell. Charlea 
Snyder Bras. * !>••• 

ker-a W. W . 
Sopp, Joe 
Sowle. WSB. D. 

•Spiagne, AMn C. 
Star ft 

StaA. -tank 
Staler. ProtL 
SlaiUnc. 6aft ■. 

arkca. Wallaee 
Syrvll, DeU 
Tkbcr. O. P. 
Taylor. AMR 
Tarior, BlMiw 
Tregaiden. Grasw • Bras, dfeaa 
Teets. Jho. W. 
Teoorssee Cam. Oa. 
Tenaey, Barry . 
Thnsber, (%arUc 
I'liuraluo, Uvwasd 
Thnrston, Barrr 
Ttbbltu, w. w. 
TiMirtis. CoabaMa •. 
TiUmsn. Slim 
Tobin. Matt, 
Todd, Wm. ' 
ToU^.». Oro. 
Toasell, Biekard 
Tmliaoii Am. tla.P,B. 
Trehnne, Oiarlle 
-xnpp. e. A. 
Trowbridge. W. P. .• 
TntUe. Bobt. c. ' ■ 
Tnmer. Bock 
Tnnier, 0. M. 
Twog, Joe 
Tyroo, U. M. 
V. G. M. 

Cncle Joshna Perklas 
Dnde Tom'a Cabla 
Show Co. (Ferry's) 

Van AUea. C W. 
Tan Foaara, Barrr 
Van Oaten. Tha^ Sl 
Tan Vechtea Mec' 
CBl DOB Shok 

*VarIa. ■«« 

W4*er faallr (Acro- 

WaMraa. Or. OasX 
Walker, Oeaw W. 
Walker. Bert 
Wallaee, Mscnid J. 
Wallaee, Wa. P. 

(Glaaa Btowesa) . 
Wallace ft ManBlB 
Ward'a MtaatrcK 


Wararr. B4. 0. 
Washington. Jan. 
Wataeo, B. B. 
•Weaber, B. L. 
Wearer. B. W. 
Wel»er. J am es 
Wehater, B. 6. 
Weldeman, TtKX. 
Welch, r. J. 
•Welab, Stephea O. 
Wentwaelk. Chaa. 
Wcntwartk. WtOm ». 
Weat. D. M. 
Wemrrv Am. Oo. 
WUtcomb, G*o. 
White City Am. Oo. 
Wbtte. (7s 1 1 all J. ■ 
•White. Portcfi 2. - 
WhKe. B. If . 
Whitby, Joo. A. _ ■ 
WIeks. Cecil ^ 
WUlard ft Co., B. F." 
WUlen, W. 
Williams. C%a8. B. 
Winiams & Coodcn . 
wiliums A Jdajai^ 
Wilson, Tomy 
Wnsoa, F. R. 
Wllsoo, Fraak 
WUaoo, Banr B. 
Wtmmer Pob. Co. 
Winters, Jlm 
WlBstnefc. Melria Oi . 
Wlseenp. OL >■ 

Stoddard. W. Wi 
Streets of Caka^ m 
•Straaa. Berman 

SolIlTan, J, H. 
Bnlllraa. Lawrence 
Sntton, J. B. 
Swala. m. I. 
Swallow ft Markle 

~ Mar 

soda ot the Aca 

BwiO, Ocei. J. 

Mattesoa, Sam 
•Mattler. Bert 
Hasta ft Oar 

nm, . Bug t. 

Ktce, BokCUM 
Blee, air. ^lea . 


Rich, Ben]. 
Rich, Geo. 

Bop** George Evans bas te- 
ctm aMat anatd el onair bla atarrtac toor la 
The Baaawaja. ander the directioa af P. Bar- 
Comstock. wbo baa snrroaaded bim irtlh aa 
excellent compaDr. and who baa made a floe 
prodnctloD. The ezecntlre atair name: Man- 
ager Frang Abbott; business msnsger. Stewsrt 
Lltbirow; musical condnctor, E. J. Howe; stage 
msDSEer, C. S. WImaatt; aaalstant stsge man- 
sger, amea Beraer; carpenter, Robt. B. Boss: 
master of tnnstwrtatlon, Wm. Klessee. The 
W. K. Bnrcbam; wardrobe mistress, Roae Dodge; 
mnster of transportation. Wm. Kleesee. The 
priorlpals sod cboms Inclnde: George Ersns, 
Charlie Dox. Wm. T. Bairmon. Fraocklyn Ws|. 
Isce. J. T. nowmsn, Harry Smith. Vera DeFord. 
Charlea WImaatt, Thomas Brooks. G. 

Denton, James Bemer, Moos Csrrlogton, Mar- 
garet Sntherland. Carolyn Walker, Lllilaa _Al- 
tbea. Blanche Altbea, Uasle Atnaworth, Ooiotkr 
' Florence Paraatn^ Bsa WatUce. Sadie 
Oaie rslk— . Jm* Pnitoo, Millie 
Cramer, Lain Kettliw BBsaa ban. OanUte 

Brrd. Jeanette Lesrta BIkel 

Kaster, Marie Otaaodtu MM Bleh. OR L- . . 
StelU Tonkla. Lottie Parker. Blla BBIa. Oladya 
Grar, Haode Winia. Aribor Bell, Jamea Bem- 
ateln, Wm. Kleawe, Thomaa Bmythe, Jack 
O'Brlea. Albert Lowa. Wm. Carlyle. Charlea 
■ " - 'Mia ~ 


£kr Farm, Jo*. R. OHaMiV atr.? 

city Mo.. 1-7. 
Sluidowg on tbe Knrtb, Arthur C. Alatoo. 
mar. : Dayton, O.. 2-4; iDdlanapolla, Ind., t-7. 

■h,* York C IQ!, fj L. - _ . 

tSS'OaaAsj Ok, rtmiiK J. Slutm, mcr,: 

Tall«; ~lf. *_ V-Oet. ». 
sia-n of tbt IflBe, L- J. Slevln, mcr.: 8«ra- 

MC Lake. N. Y.. 4; Tupper Lake, 6; Ma- 

lone, 7. 

golly Daniel, Wlllla E. Boyer, msr. : Marlon. 

Q 4' Uma, a: GoabtD. Ind., «; South Band, 
Kenosha. Wla., g; Rockford. III.. 10. 
aaiy B<.tlom: Clrclevllle. O., S. 
Shadows or a Great City, Wm. L. MaUey, 

m^r. ' Hoboken. N. J., S-U: Yockcra. M. Y., 
Pe«k:iclu. U: New Rocnella, 14. 
gblt'lcr. JKal«: 8pok4D(. Wuh.. ladet. 
Saonr.' Uortlmtr, Slock OA.: Tar, N. T., 

AUE. 3S, Indefl 
SDooorr Stock Co.. Mrs. B. S. SpMocr, mgr.: 

'SootlTo, N. I~AiW. M, Mrt, 

Tbasbooaer Stock t3».l XllambMb Wli.. ladcf. 
Theatre Fraooala Stock Oa.1 TliBtrnl. Can.. 


The CaUecc WMmt (SBatezm). BasiT W. 8aT- 


1^: K*w 

T«ril CMr. Sept. 4. 

Tbe BaDkar** Cblld. Rarrr Sbaoson. nsr. : 
Toledo. U.. 4: Oelweln. &: La Porte. 6: 
West Ur.loa, 7; Strawberry Point, 9; Man- 
cbestrr, 10; Cedar Kaplda. U: Anamota. 12; 
OxTord. U; Ue Witt. 14. 

The County Chairman ilSaatem), Bcnry W. 
Savage, mgr.: Ptatladelpbla, Pa., IS-Oct. T; 
Readlnir, 9° Alleniown. 10: Eaaton. 11: Atlan- 
tic City, K. J.. IXi Trentoa. IS; Wltmlaa- 

tbrVnaB&K Baad. MO* P. Ddaaer. nsr.: 
HaaUnaa. Mleb., 4: LiOaMil. (; BIc Raplda. tL 
ManlstH!, 7: Traverae City, 1: Clare. Id; Bay 
City. II; fiaylnaw, IS; St. Charles, 13; I.anjB- 
ln«. M. 

The Slsn of tbe Four, Campbell Stiatton. 

mgr.: Aataland, Pa., 4: Ekstoo, S; Sbamokln 

C; Wllllamsport, 7; Milton. 10; Foreat City, 11 
The Bowery N^ws Girl, Rieaa A Totten. nicrs. 

Liabon. O.. 4: Akron. »: OrrvlUe. fi: Lorain. 7 
TIM LIttI* Red 8cbi>}lhouse,' J. A. West. insr. 

Blootnliigton, Ind. 4; Scdtord, S: Seymour, s. 

Tbe Holy city (GordoD * H — ■ l l' a ■Htem), 
Edw. Taylor, mar.: TaMMHOm. Ou. 4. 
Sharon. Fa , S| Rochester, •; Mttar, T: Iicecb- 
burc 9: VandersrKt. 10; Indlaiia. 11: Blairs' 
Tllle, 12; Latrobe, U; Qrcenabura. 14. 

Th<> Boy Behind the Gun, with Harry riay 
B'aney. W. W. Woolfolk. mar.: ToledOw O., 
l-«: Dayton. 9-11: Colbmbos. 12-14. 

Tbe Holy City (Gordon & Bennctt'a Weatem), 
Henry RUckallcr, Bar.: Siaooracy, la., 4; 
Wij^ta^B. %i anMngWib. fc lgwMy«Tt^^7; 

Maamfcity^l^' ' " 

The Xlsscarl Girl <Frcd Raymond's Kaatem), 
Gfo. Bede*. msr.: Baldwinsvllle.. N. 7.. 4 
Newark. 6; CUftoo Springs. S; Phelps, 7 
Clvde. »: Atibum, 10; Lyona, U; Le Roy, 12 
Attica. U; Perry, 14. 
The Little Homeatead, Wm. Macanley, mgr.: 
Beatrlc. Neb., 6; FalU City. 7: St. Joaepb. 
Mo.. 8: Maryavllle. M: Bethany, U: TMDUMI. 
U: Chllllcotbe. M; Uoberly, 14. 
1^ Denver Exprcaa, R. J. Ravencroft, mar.: 
Barllaatan. N. C. 4: Durham. S; Santord, 
«; Blah Point. 7: Lexlnalon, 9; Concord. 10, 
Sallabury. U; Statesville, 12; Hickory, U: 
Marion, t«. 

Tbe Old Clothes Msn (Rowland & Cllfford'e), 
Dave Seymour, mgr.: Hartrord City, In4.. 4: 
Union City. 5: Dayton. O., 6; PIqua, 7; Ham- 
ilton, 8; Hlllsboro, 9; Wilmington, 10; Wasb- 
Injcton C. H.. 11; JeCTersoBvUle. 12; London, 
U: Sprinalleld. 14. 

The Virginian. The KIrke La Shdte Co.. DSra. 
Boaton. Masa., X-7: New Tock City. 9-ZS. 

Ihe Foot Mortona, Victor G. Winimna, J».|». 

- Kew York City. M; Brooklyn. K. Y— 

n* Sarie-Comic Oovoniesa. Frank O. Cotter, 
mgr.: Waihlngton. D. C, 2-7; joaitiiown, 
O . Toledo, 12-14. 

Thtf Moonablner'a Daughter, Roy Kingston, 
niitr.: Boyne City. Mich.. 4; K a lk a sk a. S; 
Traverse City, C; Ludlnstoa. .ft MMkegon. 
8: Gr?envllle, 9; Ionia. W: AMMb ttS Fon- 
tlac IJ; Port Hnmn. 14. _ _ . 

The Sign of tbe Cron (No. 1), R. O. Ctaaria. 
mgr.: Boaton. Basa., 1-7. 

The Sbn of tbe Ooas (No. O. Wad* Ii. Mor- 
ton, mgr.: Bameaboro, Pa.. 4; Blalrsvllle. 8- 
Leeebbara. *: Vandasaritt. t: Mononga- 
bela. 11. 

The Eternal City. C. Wela. mgr.: Columbia, 
S. C. 4; Cbarleaton. S: Savannah, Ga., 6: 
Brunswick. T: Jackaonvllle. Fla.. 9; Albany, 
Oa., 10: Amerlcua, 11; Columbua, 12; At- 
lanta. lS-14. 

T be^ Hooalcr Girl, with Kate 

^%iks«aaawl?^lMM».^'^nrs^: Ba' 

The Shadow Behind the Throne, Sam B. Allen, 
mgr.: Philadelphia, Fa., 2-7; New York City, 

The Houae of Myatery, BItienthal Bra. Amuia. 
Co.. mgra.: <nilcago. III., 24-OoL 7; St. Loula. 

Mo.. S-H. 

The Cume of Drink. Harlborouieh Hardy, mgr. 
New York City. 2-7; Baltimore. Md.. »-14. 

Tbe Train Robbers (A. E. • Davidson's, Ben 
LeBush. mgr.: Dronan. BIch.. 4; Hudson. <: 
Jacknon, 7: Concord. •: Homer, 10; Union 
City. 11; Celoa, U: Thrae Rivera. U: Kalaiiu- 

lOO, II. 

Th» Heart of Chlcaso fl.lncoln 1. (iirter'a). 
John Whltely. msi-. : Sault ste. Marie. Mich., 
4-5: Cheboygan. 4; Poloskoy^ 7: EUst Jordan, 
9; Boyne city, 10; Traveme City. H; Cadillac, 
12; Mt. Pleasant. 13: Bay City. 14. 

The Eleventh Hour (Lincoln J. Carler'aV C. A. 
Sellnn. mgr.: Bay City. Bleb.. 1-4; Flint. 5: 
Pontlac ff; Port Huron. 7: Wyandotte, (: 
Jtontoc, 9; Tecumoth. 1«: Blckmrllle, O.. U: 
Partdlng. 12; DelUnce, 11; Flndlay, 14. 

The Bye TVItness iLlnrotn J. Carter's^ Sd 
Mjnl^.^mgT.; ClnclnnaU. O., 1-7; UmlavUta, 

Ybj Flaming Arrow (UncolD J. Carter's), W. 
F. JachaoB. .ncr.: OatiaM. MIcb., 1-1: Cleva- 
Und. a, ».14. 

„_ UlUe Walfa (Uneoln J. Carter's). W. A. 
Hackling,- mgr.: Champaign, III.. S; Terra 
Haute. lnd„ •: Logansport, 7: Peru. 9; Koki>> 
aao, lo; Biwood. 11; BluSton. 12: Oacatur, U: 
BuUer, 14. 

Tea Nights !n a Bar Room (Beecher A Stan- 
ley's). Walter J. McDonald, mgr.: Eldon, Mo., 
4; Milan. 6; Freeburg, 6; B«lle. 7; Bland, 1; 
Owenavllle. 10; Union, 11; Labaddia, IX 

To B« Burled Alive, O. I. UarrtMB, ia|r.t Olg^ 
bee. Mo., 4; Brunawlck, 6; RllllllllSid. •{ Cam- 
den, 7, PlatUburg. 14. 

Tucker, Ethel. Stock Co.: BIsbee. Arlx., 24-Oit 
7; El Paso, Tex., 8-2L 

Turner, Clara. Ira W. Jackaon. mgr.: Salem. 
Maas., 2-7; Lowell, 9-14. 

Teaaa. Broadhurat 4k Currla. man.: Chicago. 
IlL. 1-7: Milwaukee. Wla., »-14. 

Tllton'a PUyera. waablnaton. Uid- 

That Little Swede. pnmi^=-== — 
mar. Mo.. 4: Nevada, •( 
7; PUtUbuiX, U. 

The o>llesa 
age, mgr.: 


The Pumpkin Huaker: LeoIilaBa. Uo., 4; din- 

ton. 11; Lamar, ix 
The Lighthouse by iha Sea. Yanoe tt BulUvan. 

mgra.: Brooklyn, N. T,, 1-7. 
The Midnight Flyer, Ed. Anderson, mgr.: San- 
dusky, O., C 
The Education of Br. Pipp, Daniel V. Arthur, 

mgr.: Dayion, O., 4; (^Iambus, 6; SprlngSeld, 

6; Toledo. 7. 
The Uyiiay Girl (Wm. T. Keogb'a): Baltl- 

more. Ud., 2-7; Wilmington. Del., 9-11. 
Tbe Heir to the iioorah, Tbe Klrke I-a Sbelle 

Co.. mgra.: Providence. R. I., 2-4; Worces- 

tar. Masa,. fi: SprUtgSeld. «: Albany, N. Y.. 7. 
Tbe HlaMsrl (MrtCFred Baymond'a, Wcstoni), 

Kcrle H. Norton, mgr.: Langdon, N. D., 1; 

Park River, 4; Cooway, 1; Larimore. (; 

Michigan. 7. 
Tbp Price of Love, Weed ft Stout, mgra.: 

Owosao, Birh., 4; Ithaca, 6; St. Loula. C; 

Mount Pleasant. 7. 
Thurston, Adelaide, Franela X. Hope, mgr.: 

BasslUon, O., 4: Canton, &; BaasSald, 6; 

Fuatoru. 7, Ft. Wayne, lad,. •:. WShaalk 10; 

BIkbart. U; South Bend, ttHmtm Jkcbor, 

Mleb., U: Muak'igoa, 14. 
Ikylor. Albert. Slodt GOi, 

Bigr.: Waco, Tea.. ML 
The Truth Teller. F ", Md.. S4. 
The Woma» IB tk* _ 

Coming, s: Oliaw, d: 

ren. IL , 
Trfscott, Virginia Drew, Jcfc"- 

KIngatoE, Can., 4; Ottam^ It 

Plattsburg, N. Y.. 7. 
Trllhy. Porter J. Wl 

Mich.. 4: Hammoadb 

Madlaoo, tnd., X, 

Tbott Shalt Not KltL VKderIek Sehwarti. 

mgr.: PtalllliiiL wTVa,, 4; Bucboonan, »; 

Farkersbarg,^: BMdlcport. O.. 7. „ . 
Taylor. Allxrt, bra malic Co., Harrr Eltlng. 

bua. mgr.: McKlnney. Tex., 4-8; Ft. Worth. 

6-7: Cor.>Icana. 9-11: Terrell, 11-11: Dallas. 14. 
Tracked Aruund the World, A. H. Woods, 

mgr.: New York City, 2-7; Newark, N. J.. 


The Fatal Wedding: Joplln. Mo., 4; Maoon. B. 
Tbe LltUe Blnliter: EiransvUle;,^Ind., (. 
The Two Jobna: Comberlaad. Bd., 4. 
The County Chairman (Wcatem). Heuy W. 

Savage, mar.: Jackson, Tana., 1: Bemphia, 


Tempinon, Fay: (micago, HI., Z-T. 

To Die at Dawn: Clinton, Bo., S. 

Tbe Mummy and the Humming Bird: Frank- 
fort. Ind.. S: Munele. C: Danville. lU.. >. 

The Wayward Son: Chicago, 111., 1-7. 

The Village Parson: Chamberaburg, I"a., s. 

The Volurteer Organist: Wichita. Kan., S. 

The Cl.-tnsman: Newbem. N. C, 9. 

Uncle Jo«b Spruceby tLwrta'), J. P. Donohue, 
mgr.: Chlllleothe, O.. 4: Wellaton, 6; Iron- 
ton, «; Huntington, W. Vs., 7. 

Uncle Tom'a Cabin tSt-taon's Northern): Ga- 
lena. Kan.. 4: Columbua, 6; Cherryvale, •; 

Unclo'rom'i (5abln (Al. W. Martln'a). Ed 8. 

Martin, mgr.: AtlanUc, la., 7: Carroll. 9; Ft. 

Dodge. IL _ . 

Dncle Tom'a Cabin (Stetson's Eastern). Or"' 

Luce, mtj.: Carlisle, Pa.. 4; H«rrt*»'».,«r'- 
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stctaoa'a CentMl), John 

L Shannon, mgr.: Ticonderoga, N. Y., 4. 

Brandon. Vt.. S: MIddljbunr. •: plgol. 7. 
Uncle Joah Ferklna (H. H. FraMe'a W'eatem), 
Jos. Bnlllngcr, mgr.: Seattle, Waah., 1-7. 
Onde DanIM: Nashville, Tenn., 2-7. 
Vinton. Myrtle. H. P. Bulnoer. meT^: Deep 

River, la.. 4.8: Iowa City. 6; ,jv ilton, 7. 
Vernon Stock Co.. BenJ. B. Vernon, mgr.- 

v£'"st'^k Co.," E. O. Via. mgr.: Richmond, 

Kv.. 2-7: Danville. 9-U: RutteUvUle, U-"- . 
Wllion. Al. H.. Sidney R. BW. ip g.:.H ot 

Surlngs. Ark. 4: TexarkaMU IfeJ* H?%-5' 

Dralson. 7; Sherman, 9; Ft. Worth. M; Dal- 

laa, ll-U: Waco. U: AuaUn. 14. 

wSbdraOL Dora., J- D- ■, 

canlleld. Ky.. M: Hartford. 9-14. 
When Women Love. Frank W- "•,•<'»•.."?&• 

Whitney'a Point, N. Y.. 4: Moravia. 5: Ury- 

rteS. «: Waverly. 7; LeRoy 9i,f«»»:"t:. 

Warsaw. 11; East Aorora. U: Niagara Falls. 

11-14. _ ■ . :_ ■ 

Wife In Name Only. OHHM OMl^ aVk> 

Waa"she to'Blamo. with Rnth Craven. Harty 
L. Beck, mgr.: Wtwthlngum. Blnn., 4; 
Adrian. S: Ellaworth. 1. . 

Was She to Blame. J. O. Slultx, mgr.: Van 
Buien. Ark.. U; Salllaaw, I. T.. U; Fort 

•V\S!Ti»r"*Comedy Co.. Ben R. Warner, mgr.: 

W^irtdwl'^d^n^d (SCilllvan. Harris * Woods 
Esstein): Philadelphia. Pa., 1-7; Wilmington. 

Walsh. Blanche, .*^*'"J^iJ!*r!l' 
Toledo.^ a. 4; Detroit. Mich.. 1-7: Chicago, 

Why" WoiSea Sta <Eastem): Uitrobe. Pa.. 4; 

mir.: Salt 5ke City. Utah, 1-4; PocateHa 

Ida.. B: Boise CUy. «: Welser 7 
Why Women Sin (Eastern). Latrobe, Pa.. 4, 

Irwin 5; Mt. Pleasant. »; Steubenvllle. O.. 7; 

Alliance^ 9: Canton. 10; Akron, U: Xouags- 

town. 12-13: Warren. 14. 
Welch Joseph. Sullivan, Hams • wvoos, 

llvan. mgra.: Camden. H. J., »-4s WUmlng- 

•WnSif£*'B. "s,", <3iaa. A. Boorsi, mgr.: Bon- 

VlVarr wTnie wilker: IJeacott, Arla^ 7. 
WIlMii. Francis. Chaa. Frobman. ngr.: CW- 

oagou HI., 1-14. - . . 

Whtrlork. Joseph. Jr.. Chas. IPinlma, Mgr.. 

New York City. 17, ladeC •_ _ « _ 
Weber's! Joseph ^. All U»*C^ tlm -Jt- ^ 

Bllle? mgr.: Waslil«gl5ri>rS,T«^»»ok- 

lyn. K. Tl. t-H. 

Walker Whltesldea: Cedar Rapids. la.. 4-5. 

Wliinlnger Bros.' Own, Frank Winulnger, 
mgr.: Rochester. Blnn., 1-7. 

When We Were Twenty-One, Braadoa -Court- 
ney, mgr.: Rumford Falls, Ba., 4; Bath. B; 
Rockland. 6: Augusta. 7. 

Ward, Hap. In Tbe Gralter: Detroit, Bleh., 
1-7; Muskegon, 12. 

What Women Will Do: Roekford. IlL, 7. 

Wife In Mame Only; Hannibal, Mo., U. 

Wallack's Tbeator Co.. Dublnaky Bros., mgra.: 
Viola. Wis.. 3-7; Gays Bills, U-U. 

Warfleld, David: New York City, Sept. 2. 

'Wiij Uoivn East. Wm, A. Brady, mgr.: New 

York City, Aug. 10, Indef. 
Wiute Wblttlcaey. Belaseo, Mayer & Price, 

mgra.: San Francisco. C»l., Aug. 7. Indef. 
WUUama, M i l eel i n, Stock Co.: Worcester, 

3iU|!, IkdtC . 
ZMfOte SMck Co,. DaTld Wcla, mzr, 

Xoik CttTs MM. 
TlHk aHMe Mka fWoaMnA, VkriM 
_nw^: Loa AnMlea. CATvI. 
Ton TonaoD, S. V. Qlroux. mgr.: QrlBiiell, Ta., 

4; Newton. 5; Boone, e: Perry. 7; Coiuetl 

BlaOs, S; Plattamouih, Neb., It; Fremont, 10; 

Norfolk. )1; LeMara. la.. 12; Spencer, U; 

EstbervUle. 14. 
Young UuOalo; Chicago, nu, 2-7. 
Ywng; Bd win. . j^ gt M*'*ifclS3SiJ*»&. 


mgr.: Bor- 

AUce and Tbe Bight Prlneeaaea, Bamlia, Mlt- 
cbell & Flelda, mgis.: Chleaga, IlL, Sept. 17. 

Md., 9-14. 

A Breeay Time (FIta * Wabater'a). JUn R. 
Andrew, mgr.: Marlon, IlL, 4; Berrin, 
Anna, t: Burphjrsbora. 7: Union City. Tenn., 
9; Huntingdon. 10; Paris, ii; CHarkavUle, 12: 
Hopklnavllle, Ky.. 11; Marlon, 14. 

A Bunch of Keys. Gus Botbner, mgr.: Charles- 
ton. S. C., 4: Savannah. <3a.. 1: St. Anna- 
tine, Fla.. 6: Jacksonville, 7: wanMH^^a., 
9; Brunavlck. 10: Valdoata. U: 
12; Albany, 13; Cordele, 14. 

A Son of Rest. Broadhurat 4k 

Norfolk, Va., 1-7; Rtebmond. t-H 

A Trip to Eaypt: Ftadlay. Ol. 4. - 

A Hot Old Ttma; TMtta^ M. X- ML 

Buiier. Helen BaFs',-* — ' 

Band, J. Laalla fllpi 
Tenn., M-OcL 7. 

Buster Brown (Belvllle B. Raymond'a C».\\t, 
Co.), Thos. Hodgeman, mgr.: Kanaas City, 
Mo.. 1-7: Topeka, Kan., 8; St. Joa«pb, Mo., 
9- Lincoln. Neb.. 10-11; Fremont, 12; Kearney, 
13: Cheyenne, Wyo., 14. 

Buster Brown (Melville B. BaymODd'ih Soalb- 
era): Troy. Ala- 4. 

Babes In Toylaadr: X 
1: Columbua. g-T. 

BIrkel. Wataoa 4fc \Vrotbe, mr' , 

Harry. A H. Wooda. mgr.t >iiiia>kiit B. 

I.. 2-7: Albany, N. Y., t-u: AmimtKm,- n: 

Cohoea. 11: Kingston. 14. 
Black PattI: Mexia, Tex,, <; 
Buster Brown (Melville B. ' 

ern): Lowell. Masa.. 5. 
C^hllL Marie. W. E. Hudson, mgr.: (Aleago, 

m., 1-14, 

Coagrove'a Grand Concert Orcfccatia, Barry 
Wooda, mgr.: VcnaUllon. 8. n., 4; Akiw. 
la., B: Slonz City. <: NoviUk. MSlk. C 

Ctfatore and His Band, Howard Pew, 

Plttaburg, Pa., IS-Oct. T. 

Cohan, Geo. M., Sam H. Harris, mgr.: Chi- 
cago, hl, 1-14. 

Dare Devil Dorothy. Geo. S. Sterling, mgr.: 
Lexington, Ky., 4: Danville. 6: Somerset, 7; 
Shelbsrvllle, 9; Bowling Green. 10: Hopklns- 
vilte. 11: MadlsonvlUe, 12; Henderson^ 11: 
Owensboro. 14. « . ^ . 

Daniels. Frank. C. B. Dillingham. aVbt 
waukee. Wis., 1-4: La Creese, B, 

Dnss and Band. Fle de i lfk Fblnncy, mgr.r New 
York Cnty. Indet. 

EUeiy Band. The: PmUaiid. Ore., Sept. 18- 
Oct. 15. 

Eight Bells: South NorwaUc Conn-. K, 

English Grand Open Co.. Bmy W. Savaga, 
mgr.: Brooklyn. K. Y., 2-7; Newark, N. 
J.. 9-14. . - 

FInnlgan's Ball: Beover FalU, Pa., 4; War- 
ren. O., 5: Toungstown. 6-7; Akron. 9; Sa- 
lem, IC. Alliance, 11; MaaaUIon, 12; Elyria. 
11; Lorain. 14. 

Florodora. CHiaa. F. De Long, mgr.: Saginaw, 
Blcta.. 4; Bay Cl^. S: 81. Johan Can.. <: 
MoakegoD. lfM>~ T. 

Fantasma. Wm. * Bdw. Hanlon, mgia.: 8L 
Louis. Mo., 1-T. 

F^y. Elfle, A H. Wooda, mgr.t Baltliw ot 
Md.. 1-7; New York (3ty. 1-14, 

Fantana, Staobert Broa., mgta.: €hHa| 

OUaer. Lnlo, C. B. lUlllnghai^.- Bakl 

York aiy. Sept. 4. Indet , 
Gay Nenrntlt CV " 

mgr.: IBIwaUka 


Qames'. Jack. Orchestra: Belvldere. HI.. 6-10. 

Glrlp Win Be Girls. Wm. A. Brody, tnKr. 

Lynn., Maaa., 4; South Framlngham. B; Mil- 
ford. (; Taunton. 7. 
Haderman Concert Ooi,. IX H. HMrnaan. mgr.: 

Big Rapids, Midi.. 4; Bvart. ■: Lodtngton. 

«: Two Riven, Wla , 7-9. 
Hello Bill: Tomahawk. Wla.. 4; Bessemer, 

Blch.. B: Ashland. Wis.. S: superior, 7. 
Hapxv Hooligan: Wichita, Kan., IS. 
Humptv Dompty, Klaw * Erianger, mgra.: 

Pittsburg. Pa., 2-7. 
Helnk. Madame Schumann, F. C Whitney, 

max.: Baltimore, Md., 2-7, 
Holty Tolty: Mnacatlno; la., 4; Qnlney, RL, C 
HIa HiBhnras tbe Bey, Walter Undaay. mgr.: 

Jefferson Oty. Bo.. 4: Boonvllle, B: Boberly, 

<: KIrkavllle, 7: Qnlncy, HL. a. „ 
Hanmr Hnollgan'a Trip Around the World 

(Gns HIU'O, Joe Fetunglll, mgr.: SC I^ouls, 

Mo., 1-7. 

Hopper. DrWoIf. 8. 8. ShDbert Annanneat Co., 
Hew Taek City. Oct, t.-lBdeC 

Lyman Twina. In Tbe Rostlera: Ft. Dodgaw 
Xa., 4: Spencer, $; Rock Raplda, 7: Sioux 
Fails; 8. XL. S: Watertown. >; MadkHSfc 
Mian.. Bl 

Lady Tcaaa: Minmrk. N. J.^T. 

McVaMvegjnUt, H. 
guata. Ok,' 4f " 

Barkee Band, RobL C. Marks, mgr.: Bontf- 

cello. Ho.. 2-4. 
Mlaa Bob White. Nixon & Zimmerman, mgtmit 

Chattanooga. Teen.. 4: Birmingham. Ala., ft 

Annlston, 7; Atlanta, Ga., !•; Bacon. Ml 

JacksonvlUe, Fla., U-12: Brunawlck. Ga.. Ui 

Savannah. 14. 
Mamy AMadc. OHIa Mack A Jo* W. ■pjai^ 

mgra. : Ortuige. VuL. 4; Beaumont. t-<: HOua- 

ton, 7: Galveaton, 1: Dallas. a-Il: Ft. Worth. 

11; Browivwood, 12: Uelton. U; San Aa> 

tonlo, 14. 
Br. Dnoley. Fred Rider. 

2-7: Birmlnghan. 
Marching Througb 

9-14. . 
Be. Him 4k I, Edwin J. Cobn. mgr.! 

N. Y.. 1-7; BuOalo, N. Y.. 9-14. 

McIotJie * Heath. Klaw * SrUafar. 

New York City. Aug, 18, IwleC 
Naval Bcaerve Band, T. Roaall,''^ 

Jaaustowa, M. Y., Jaae 11, iadtfc 
Kttfa. Can. Caaecrt Band: ~ 

tbe CUeago Imniciaiat 

Midway Boatca, 
Neighborly Nelgbbora, Frank W. Naaon. mgr.t 

Schenectady, N. Y.. 4: C^zaackle. i: CatiAltl. 

fi; Hudson. 7; Poughkecpsie, 9: Ithlnebeck, Ms 

Kingston. U; BUenvlIK WaldaB. IS: nah- 

kill. 14. 

Nimcy Brown. John BMML''HnL8' 'BnOli* - 
lyn. N. T., 1-7. 

In the Wrong House: Atlantle CIty. 'N. J., 4; 

Easton, Pa., B. 
It Happened In Mordland: New York (Sty, 

Aug. 28, Indef. 
Irma Opera Co.. Wm. Heywood. btu. mgr.: 

Butler. Mo.. 4: Ft. Scott, Kan., . Itts- 

burg, 7: Galena, 8-9. 
Kilties Band, T. P. J. Power, mgr.: Oabkosh. 

Wis., 4: (nilppewa Falls, B: Ran Claire, 6; 

MInneapolla. Minn., 1: St.. Baal. S^ B ia l iie . d. 

9: Fario, N. D., M: Ci DI lM liB, TjliB,. U; 

Winnipeg. Han., 11-14. 
UtUe Johnny Joneo, 8am H. Harris, mgr.: 

Cambridge, O.. 4; (^labacton. B; Aknm,- <; 

Canton. T: Hanalleld. t: Uma. N: lUrioa. 

M,. tt; Fk .WagMk IS: n i MllBSi liat Mt 

i QrnwIa . Op 


Opata Co.: 


PacaUal: Roekford. IlL, «. 
Peggy from Paria, Badlaon COrey. mgr.: 
ver. Cxri., 1-7: Victor. 8; Pueblo. 9; Cofdraiki 
Springs, 10; Salt Lake City, Utah. 11-14. 
Profeaaor Napoleon. Wade A Hllla Davl^ 

mgra. Norfolk. Va., 11-14. 
ParIa by Night: Wilmington. DeL. 1-4. 
Pretty Peggy: LewUton. P*-. 4; Altoonak Si 
Johnstowu. 4; Latrobok- IL. . 

PIS, Pair. Pouf: JaekaamrfflSb BU dt HMMMl'' 
6; St. Joaepb. 7. ■ 

Ban, Itae, in. Oom tha Mk*. K, SL Malft' 
- -T.; ClMiiinatl. O.. i-T. 

'--t tar oam. flaas H. BBisl% asct 

Bernoid's (Xmeert Wasll*' . .v ttii— If > wMj. JH^, 

■trll's Sentbem 'Osialfal ' 

Riverside Park Opera Co.: 
Rogers Bros.. Klaw A Rrlangaiv' 

York City. Sept. 4. indet. 
Slater and HIa Band. Wn. Slater, mgr.: Briglk- 

ton Beacb. N. Y., June P. Indef. 
Simple Clinton Simple. Nbton A Zlmmennan. 

men.: UrooUyn. N. Y., 1-7: Pblladelph.ik 

Pa., 9-21. 

Soni>a and His Band. Frank (nirlatlaner, mgr.t 
Kansas City, Ho.. S-7: Baltuon. llL, mat,. 
S: Tetre Haute, Ind.. S: OawfOrdavlllc. mat, 
9: Lafayette, 9: Frankfort. maL lU; Barldih 
l-i: Greenville, O., mat. U; Piuaa. II: Urtaaa. 
mat. 12; c;olumba8. 11; Canal Oovar. asat. JSj 
Canton, 11; Cleveland. 14. 

Sbootlng tbe Chutes, Dsvia Brae., mgrs.; B^ 
chanlcaburg. O., 4; Delaware. S; Urbana. 
Marlon, 7. 

San Toy, John C Fisher, mgr.: BarqtmttSk 
Mich.. 4; CMJumet. 5; Bancock, Ashland 
Wla.. 7. 

Sidney, Gtom. In Busy iszy's Vacatiga: Al^ 

ron, Ol. 4; Flndlay. S. 
Eleylag Beauty and tha Beast: Sennloa, 

Tbe 'oflice Boy, Nixon A Zimmerman. nwiA). 

Mtmtgomery, Ga., S; Atlanta, (-7; Annlali^ 

Ala., 9; Birmingham, lO-II; Rome. Oa.. 

Chattacooga. Tenn., 11; Nacbvllle. IL 
The Girl from Mara, Tuck A Harka. mgra.t 

S.irinB Valley, IlL, S; Morria, 9: Coal City. 

10; Braldwood, U; Dwigbt, 12; So. Wilmlar^" 

ton. U. 

Tbe Smart Set. W. B. Moota mgr.: Ti a o t » 

Oat. 1-7: Detroit. Mleb.. 8^4. 

The Tenderfoot, William P. Collrn, mer.: 
Pueblo. Col.. 4: LeadvlU*. B: A«pen. <: GrnnA 
JuncUon. 7; Salt Lake aty, i:iah. 9-10: Of- 
drn. 11; Pocatrllo, Ida., 11; Bolae City. Ui 
Baker City. On.. 14. 

Tbe Sunny South. J. C. Rockwell, mm*.: Brac- 
tleboro, Vo.. 4; Springfield, i: WlnjKOr. i; 
Lebanon. N. H.. 7: BnBeld. 9; Franklin FallA 
IJ; Tllton, 11; Laconla, II; Concord, 13-14. 

Tbe Forbidden Laii<L B- D. Svllman, 

Denver. Col., 1-7; Cripple Oick. r 

I,eadvllte. 10; Salldo. II: PuebICk '■ 

Springa, 13; Rocky Ford, 14. 
Tbe Prince ot FUacD, Banrr W. I , 

Konaaa City, MA. 1-7. l^ptlB, KaBik-iCI 

Joseph. Mo.. W; Daa M olae^ *w, li|.r--" 

Neb., 11-14. 
The Sbo-Gnn. Henry W. Savag 

bus, O., 1-4; I>ayton. S; 

«-7: St. Loula. Bo.. 8-14. _ 
The Seminary Qlrl. (Hiaa. P. Brawn. aMr.tJIb 

wood. Ind.. 4; Marlon. E; RIchmoadk It WW 

dletown. O.. 7: Cincinnati. S-14. 
Tbe Trndectoet (Basteni): B ea t osu 
Tha Wlxsrd of (3a, Fred Beek. 

N. J., 2-7. 
The Rnnawaya: Dea Bolaea, lA. 4. 
The GIr! and the Bandit: Wapakoneta. O.. A 
The Typewriter Girl: Ptttibarg. Psu. t-T. 
Tbe C^aperona, Kingsbury ft Wriiy. mgrw.: 

Virelnia City. Nev.. 4: Carson City. S: Reao^ 

S; Sscramentot. (Tel., 7. 
The Duchess of Dantalg, Klaw 4fc BrIaagSf; 

mgrA: New York City. 
The Mayor of Toklo, ~^ ' 

Boaton. Maaa. 1-IA 
Tbe Raiah' ot Bhong; Bogena SpoSbrd. wgr.t 

Parsona, Kan.. 4: Carthage, Mi>.. B; Anron. 

<: SprlngfletA 7: Jonlln. 8; Pillsburg. 9: Cha. 

nute. Xam., U; Ula, U; OlUwa. IS; Iaip> 

rence, IS. 

The School Girl. Chaa. Frobman. mgr.: ; 

Crtek. Mich., 4; Quincy. III.. 11. 
Tbe Wlxard of Oa, Byron B. Rice, mgr.: 

elU Maaa., 7. 
Tbe Princess Chl^ Edward R. Salter, mgr.: 

The^oyai <»ef: CntmllB, ni., 4; cairow B; 

Padocah. •: Bvannllte. IbA. 7. 
The Honeymoon: Btoomshurtr. Pa., 4; I«wl» 

bora.- 8; Lewlston. S: Tyrone, 7. 
The ble ot Bong Dong, B. C Whitney. m«.: 

Ct, (aitherlne's. Ont.. 4: Jamestown. N. r.. 

5; Erie. Pa.. S; Akron. O.. 7. 
The Isle of SMce (Western), a ,C- Whitney, 

mgr.: Peru. Ind., 4; LogMupon. B; FtankMct, 

C; Lafayette^ ?- _ . . — 
The Ule of Spiee, qtosteni) ,, JL .g • 

mgr.- BaOalow K. T- M: 


The OM and 

Xl^e Billboard 

OCTOBER 7, 1908. 


Gcoixe H. JackKO, an amateur "loop the 
loop" artlBt of Wabastaa, Minn., was killed at 
Zambrota, Sept. 23. while endeaTorlng to give 
the act In the absence o( the regular cjcU«t. 
A carnlTal was going on at Zombrota, and for 
Bome reason the profeMlonal crellst waa un- 
able to perform. Jickeon Tolunteer to Oo toe 

act. His assistant evidently let bid so too 
soon as hlB wheel wabbled and went OTer toe 
Bide of the Incline. Jackson fell to the ffroand 
a lUeleas form. Consternation reigned for a 
» Wbn It dawned up«n the audience that 
tht MB was dead. 


Kad* Bt tha XimiataU Btata Fair. 

Invtde tact* alwajv make Intereatlng reading, 
e<i)e<TlaIlr U tber ten ot saeeeaa. Ber* Is sm* 
dtta'from tb« Mlnocaota SUte Fklr. held S*pt. 
4^9 at UtnneapoUa. U •bom a Inlanee of 
tm.vnuif Is the tteasnrr. almost halt oC wUefa 
wm pluaa tbcre thils «euaD.rat scent Iklr «a« 
tltt BaatMt la the hlsioty oC ' tte - Mlata Agil- 
^«dtml BoAtT- The repwt Of Tuaaaill IV J.. 
Smeox. or Northlleld. MlaBH^ it W'MtoMK 

Balanee, See. 10^ lSM...i.^....».. t«,a80 10 
State HfB tnT f****** ' . - 4,000 00 

Stall reBt.^^...U'ii><.''^.i>V>*y>>>«>> 1,129 73 
Porace 1,6ST 37 

PrtTilegaB.'.i.;....^.;:;....;^^..^.;.. 22.433 25 

Baeea ...^'^V^-^.-i^^'^:^^.^.... 90 

Ticketo 125.S80 20 

Beats 938 15 

St. I^onla expeiws reAndiMl .. 332 SS 

State Breeder*' aasoetetlon 188 SO 

BKpensea refunded.'..... — US6 90 

Street rallwav eompanr. tepajra on 

oa bam -- -.. • 188 00 

Cbecka returned 2123 

Bermaik Jadsmenc 3435 

iDteiMt Vn M 

Trait sold - T IS 

aoth and cTcrgncu Mdd S ^ 

Desk acrid... ............ -..•**•*•*>> aSoO 

Band and aaila».*.».. _■■ Li. '^i'lE 

Coal aold.... — .*•..•.......••.••••»•» .■'•* '- 'wm 18 

~ " ' SIS 00 

...■.ii'.v;-.*.'. -M«>* as 

Louisville Day at fbm "Kwm/tmiifr 
State Fair was wen attended. 

C. N. Lawson, of Corry, Pa.. |s play* 
Ing his cane, knife and baby racks at fairs. 

Bensiey, tbe man with the barrel and 

wheel, waa a special attraction at the Uonee 
<m.) Fair. 

Prof. Van. who has beei} ' playing 
New Xoac tHa, win iMIac at tte airt.oC the 
■casoa and: so tato <te baW bMbMa at Boch- 

Secretary H. M. "Wilson of the Ken- 
tucky Trotting Horse Breeders* Association an- 
Doonced that be has opened an information 
bnrean with Joe N. Strader in charge. 

Dare Devil Barrow performed his 
act ot ndlDC down a ladder on a tmlcyde at 
the Bdlavma On.) Btifc S^XMriB aaF .te the 
presence of MM-paafla. wwa-llr 

Prof. James S. Xacey's Famous Coh- 

cert Band, en route with BUly Kersand's Uln- 
strela, were engaged for tbe Soatbwestem 
Texas Fair as a feature attraction for open- 
ing day, Sunday, Oct. 8, at Temple, 

Bis preparations are beinir made for 
the thirteenth annual meeting of the West 
yirglala State Hortlcoltoral Society, at Mar- 
tiaaburs. Nor. 15-17. It baa been a flue year 
Cor firalt la that wetlon «( tte eMtiy. and 
laiae — — — 

. ItBOb Demooa. who has been fsatared with 
ne Parker Amusement Co., dailnc tbe sea- 
son, was fatally injured at BelleTiUe, lU., Fri- 
day. Sept. 22. While doing her act which 
consisted of leaping tbe gap In a large bah. 
the sphere left the Incline before It leaped the 
gap and lauded in a net. resulting In the Udy 
sustaining Injuries that are said to be fatal. 
Hany RosseU. of tbe same company, was olso 
li;|araa at -MMnfll* wbUc ttylng a doable 

.^■.M^ T4 
. S.403 W 

w ai 

. 5,832 m 
. S,900 00 
«e2 80 
18,876 T» 
22.0IS 75 
16.SI8 86 
2Z,UT 37 
6.809 34 
28,000 00 

Total ..... 
Becelpts ..... 
- Pfsborsementa 

.tl4».876 02 
. 149,876 68 

BaUnec $88,323 43 

The board of manageis met last week 
and deciued to use part ot this balanee in 
erecting a new live stock amphitheatre this 
winter. The legislature ajtproprlated f50,000 
for this Btmctnre. and the board decided to rote 
another faO.OOO and make It an eren $100,000. 
Secretary Bandall waa given anttrarity to repair 
the Toors of both the main and agrienltoral 
hnlldlngs. Tbe board also sam Mr. BsndaH 
power to keep the men at woHC beantU^lac tbe 
grounds and keeping them In repair. TUa 
•ctlon wai taken last yesr and It pniMd a vatr 
wise meaanie. Ikee* win be pisntcd and tbe 
fair grooBds wm take on tbe appcaaaea oC a 

•rba board vated flat tbt i 
: CTtnt bm la tte .«« 


The Keotnckr State Fair— the third In tbe 
Ustocy ot tbe state, heU at l«zlngtoa. Sept. 
1S-2B. was a winner, clearing oeer $10,000. 
Tbe attendance ranged ftom 13,000 to 30,000 
daily. Owing to the big flnanelal showing the 
Kentocky leglsl&tnre wm be asked at Its next 
sessloa to appropriate sufficient funds to pur- 
chase grounds snd malce the fair a permanent 

The fact that the two preceding fairs were 
Aot Unandal successes la shown more fordhly 
- In tbe fact that attachment proceedings were 
bnwgbt against the new association for debts 
claimed to be doe from the <dd assoclstlon. 
Sccretmzy Bain, nor the board of control, knew 
nothbic of the old debts, and it was decided 
to let tbit eoorts decide whether the new as- 

^ daya 

at tbe IMtas ttitt JUr. opcniiis 
jd deAK Ho*-. IX. 7. iSOita Dar- 
t» Xezas' last week and eonelndsd 
_jtB. Cor this engagement. We nn- 
9n other candrals fongbt Cur the 
, furnishing an of the Ind twenig ntn 
and pcooib ot soperiorlty at tbelr eonunaad 
witboBt soccessL - The New Parker Asnise- 
ment f^'p^'^r is to be congratnlated. F^* 
lowing the Sanaa Fair tbe organlxatlaa wm 
^y BtowBwood. Tex., week ot Nor. 13, nnder 
Che aasiilisa ot . the ooannarelal Clnb. H*- 
- ■ — i at " 




Wblta Oi ty Chicago's KiUion .Dallar Amnss' 
■art Baaoit— WiU Introdaoa Sir 


General Manager Pan! D. Howse, ot Chicago's 
White City, has arrangements nnder way for 
a monster canaTal week, to open Monday. 
Oct. ». 

There wHl be a number of big drcos and 
TaaderiUe acta on the oatdoor stages, three 
or four banda. thooaands of Japanese lanterns 
win add color to tbe erent, toes ot confetti, 
a medlay ot nnlqge exhlbitlaas, and altogether 
enoDsh wjogmaat eiowdid Into . ana week to 
mafee tba out Isns to ba laHenibcted In 

pattooa ot ITblte City. Special esennloos wfll 
be ran on the railroada tar ca rnl fal week* 
and a special line of paper wfll be put oi 
tbe bUlhoards announcing tbe event. 

White City wHI remain open aa long as the 
weather wQl permit. 

Up to Saturday, Sept. 30, Jost one million 
people more than was odginaUy. Ibniied on 
at tba flHBliiB Vt tba iiaM luA passed 


Dog meat comes high In Ijeatngtaa. Sir. 
It all came to light last week daring tbe slntl 
fair. The Igcrrotes. under the nAnagement of 
Dr. T. K. Hont, with the Heck Catnlral Co. 
set up a bowl for dog. Old Eentncky bautbon 
conld not be relished wlthont dog meat. Dog 
they wanted and dog they most hare. Dr, 
Hnnt told his troubles to Mr. Beck. Mr. Heck 
called np Secretary Bain of tlie fair associa' 
tlon- Mr. Bain telephoned tbe dog catcher for 
a nice, pinmp canine. But the canine catcher 
waa oat— oot of dogs. The doctor became grave. 
Bfe was In for tcooble. for thoae aaxagaa with 
ilaai la their noaes and a thitat ft* dog in 
ibsir atoaueha, aeaat ttoKble. 
•■ J b». de et ar^ iay i d. She telephone exchanges 
Imp* ' AIIBte ; Manges were atopped and 
&• wlica w«n bat with dags. dogs. dogs. ~ ' 
phones qolt ringing tliiy baibad. aeoolL 
sent oot. The police wcBa aMcalad .ta. Hot a 
poodle nor a peg Sbawad I ta s lf n ot even a 
yellow cor. llr. BalD soggested that Oe oolllea 
had read the adsance notices. The sitostloa 
became serious. The doctor saw his flnlsb — then 
he looked oot the window. Behold, a little, ooe- 
eyed, black and tan doggie waa coming ont e( 
the alley, with a bone In his mooth and wag- 
ging— no, be was talUess. Be waa following 
his master, a little bare-footed coon, black as a 
crow, whistling one of George Cohan's song 
hits, at least it most have been a bit. 

Then the doctor got busy. It was a shsme, 
bnt he did it Oot be dashed, nailed onto doggie 
and off to the Igocrote Tillage he flew. Trafflc 
was stopped, and tbe street can — bnt. no. 
L«xIngton hasn't street can. Bnt the doctor 
arrlred at the village Just as .the savages had 
decided upon murder. Over went doggie into 
the bunch and tbt^n raw dog and cold boorboo — 
Bndwelaer and ctieeae wasn't in It. 

Bnt the doctor had yet the flddler — or rather 
the whistler to — to pay. The doggie's nsme 
was. Gyp. The black, black coon was Fred 
Hamnton. Red aoon arrived at the village and 
demanded Us dog. Being refnaed. he employed 
attorneys and the doctor waa served with a 
notice to appear and give canse why be Sboald 
not retnm tbe dog or pay for the aame. Xbe 
doctor tboogbt. They decided to esapioadaa. A 
ftve dollar blU waa Am " ' 
now holds aa a MM 

The BlUboardTa ooirespondent at 
Wataeka, OI.. wiltea: "I *laUa« tbe Jobn D. 
Trlppett Hanover Ohnival at Vaxtna, m. Be 
baa a line lot oC MMwa. AaMag them aro 
Tbelma, Old PlaatatMo, ObM Ml»W<H GbtOB- 
rey Morelan, big WKtl Nab ' (SMkt Mdaett 
Gay Paree, Collaema witb tea perflarmcta, the 
Flying Lsdy and merry-go-roond. Sfarvelens 
March, in a btcyde high dive, Is ttie free act. 
It Is the second earalval Faxton has had this 
season, both on the streets. Mr. Trlppett takes 
bis company to tbe state fair at Springfield." 

The New Parker Amusement Co. in- 
trodaced a novelty In traaainrtatloa methods 
In Oentenrllle, la,, week before last. The town 
Is located two milea fraro the railroad, and 
heavy rains created such bad loada the. ftrkcr 
teams could not pull tbe heavy w agu ua ■> 
town. Manager Raver finally arranged virira 
the local atreet railway to baiU the caratval 
parapbemalla to the town on « short fiat car, 
handltiig two wagDna at a time. OenlervUlc 
business wss good and the caialeal left a 
line impression. Judging fnm adHodal aiSBtlwi 
In the local papers. 

Motes from the Cfaleaso Asnweineiit 
itsiprlae: The Chicago Ainai ~ 
la BOW on tbe high road to 
* Fader own aU tbe iboni abAt la 
bealdca tbe mna Wbad .aaC^^ 
We eany (oar tnt ads aa 
Wrights Ugb Over; Iba. Bny W«M^ ^ 

Rosa Miller Jiriiwd Marie De^irs 
LadT Athletes witb lb* WWder Carnival On. at 
Cattlettsborg, Ky, lepUdBg Rose Bcynnlds. 

The press work for the New Parker 
Amusement Co. reflects great credit upon the 
department of 'pnbUcity of that organisation. 

Goldini writes that owinff to quaran- 
tine regulations ttie Imperial Amosement Co. 
will remain in New Orleans indefinitely. The 
campany la playing lots. 

The Ferari Brothers had a big week 
at Kalamaioo. Midi. Fighting The Flames, 
under the management of Francis E. Cole, ap- 
peared to be a biTotlte attraction. 

Harry Hardy, of the Ferari Brothers' 
Shows DnIted, haa been In LaSaUe, III., boom- 
ing the Merchants' AgrlenitniaJ . Bxnoal tl e n . 
Mr. Hardy looks for a Dig one la Tawillai ■. . - 
Capt. Sidney Hlnman doaeA his 
tenting season. Sept. SB. at Bong b baa p s te, N. 
Y.. and win play vandevllle date* tbia win- 
ter. Bis carnival season opens early In Jnne. 

Reynolds' Military Band, with the 
Rlddell Soothern Carnival Co.. la making good 
trader the able leadership of Prof. A. W. Rey- 
nolds. The band will remain with tbe com- 
pany Indefinitely. 

The Ft. Wayne Fall Festival Asso- 
ciation ot Ft. Wayne, Ind., Is holding a car- 
nival this week. The carnival held week of 
Sept. 19 was so sneeessfal that tbe aasoeia- 
tloo decided upon anotber. 
We are in receipt of a . letter 'ftom 

DoUy Lyons, of the Woblnaoa ainua anwBt Co., 
ffhtrb states that bis ilsltr.'. BUM Otogor 

<mr>. Decker) baa been granted an absolote 

divorce from her husbsnd, Frank Decker. 

Messrs. Raver and Darnaby have 
added several strong vaudeville featnies to 
their Beantifnl Bagdad for tba awt bsrn tonr. 
Bagdad has proven a gold flSlna Ito tbe New 
Parker Amosement Co. 

A correspondent at Ft. • Dodge. la., 
writes that the Gaskill Camlvar Co. had a big 
week beginning Sept. 18. Zelda Was Very 
popular, Oscar Babcock. in a. leap tba loop, 
the trained animal show and. 'tbe Ftog Pong 
Gitls weie big testntcs. 

C9oL P. J. Mnndy and General Su- 
peilnteiideDt Boger Flint of tbe Xondy aiows, 
after dosing contracta for the Kansas City 
Hippodrome and Zoo, were in Chicago Tbnrs- 
day. Sept. 28, In conference with the leading 
booking agenta, and booked aaveral attractions 
for thdr wintar bsbs ob. 
Mr. moA. Mm. Jamea F. Murphy, 
litlb Ow'A. Ii. Fierce Anmsement Co., 
Soatben Oanlval Co. at 
■nphy bag tbe pboto gal- 
lery, and la aaaMaC br^'Wtadr" nakn and 
Joe Short. HM. HinlV htg Ow fdHldV par- 
lor. AU an dsliig dmr. aad aaad ssgaMs to 

Notes from the Patterson & Brain - 
erd Csrnival Co.: Bnslncas good. lbs. Sot- 
tie, wife ot "SUm" Bottle. letOlBCd to the 
company at Peny. la.. aftsB a (Bw daya* visit 
with her people at Otcston. H. B. Wlfilams Is 
back In tbe glass palace, after t>elng laid up 
several weeks with a broken leg. 

Harry "Curly" Wright is now man- 
aging a troupe of dancers, among whom are 
FhIL Howard, late of Howard and QDlnn: Nel 
the "American Blondln." and Mlas Adelyn 


Harry Freeman, of the Nugent & 
Freeman Electric Novelty Co., writes: "Bosi* 
ness at Lexington, Ky., was excellent. We 
will play eight weeks of fair dates after which 
we reorganize and go sooth. From my sd in 
The Billboard 1 received 182 letters. It Is a 
snre sign that Tbe Billboard Is IT as an ad- 
vertising medium. 

Notes from the Rlddell Southern 
Carnival Co.: A. F. Gorman has jost closed two 
more good towns — Morrlstown, Tenn., for Oct. 
0-14 and Jefferson City tbe following week. At 
Morrlstown we play for the Firemen on the 
streets; at Jefferson City we play under tbe 
auspices of the Odd Fellows. The company Is 
doing veiy good. We are going sooth and ex- 
pect to play Cuba before Dec. 80. We have a 
Dice Une-np of ahowa. ladoding three free acts 

Lexington, Ky., Sept. 28, U05. 
'Vceeived of Dr. T. K. ^mt flve doUan In 
ton aettlement tor dog Unsd by Igonote show, 
said tag balag aasHd Vyp.' and one-eyed and 
blaek lat taa; X btNf' tba owner of said dog. 

"IM Hhrnlltaa, 
*«r r. a B. ■■rM. 'aist Maad.» 

liDe-np 01 

Members - ot the Chicago ' Amuse' 
ment Co. monrn the death of Waldo CUne, a 
mnslclan, who, though he had been on tbe 
toad bnt three months bad become very popn- 
lar with tbe members. Mr, Cline was stricken 
with appendicitis at Waverly, la., vrhere he 
died Sept. 20. Be waa operated upon, and 
when It waa discovered that ha eoold not re- 
cover, hla mother, Uving at Blgoontey, waa 
sent tor. Mr. CUne wsa twenty yean ot age. 
Tbe Qileago Ajnnaeawt Os, played Bigoaney 

blgb-dlving dw and FMt. , 

perch. Oeo^ Idndy baa dutga ut the 
Theatre and Roman OoUanna. Artbor I«y bai 
charge of Mysterlons B^ia and tbe U|i4J»>llala 
Glrla, "Coney Island" IHck U naaagir «C toe 
wax mnsenm. Carl Beaaley Is managing Gft* 
attoa. Frank Hadley la manager ot " ~ 
aboir aad Cbaa. "Zenow" Ward 
fM niatatloB. We aw 


tut Vbdsistsod hy the Xaaagaa— TMal 
Etobieg U o Basalta, 
Blaoehe ChescMoagh Seott (she who was once 
Mrs. Roland B. MoUnenx) was delighting aa 
e nthnatas tle andlenee (hat fiUed Keeaey's Fnl- 
Ha. Street Tbtatre, Brooklyn. N. y.. when— 
tbIa la the press ageafa imaslnatlOB getting Into 
act i o n a dark-eredi bastar-lMafdad aaa. ap- 
peared la the vaUr dCflta tbialii. aad £■ 
msnded to see Ura. ScMt. Be «■■ ' at «aee 
nicortrd behind tbe aoenes. 

"Sir. what wiu yooF' dnnuded the newly. 
Hedged -hradliner," who bad Jost stepped tarn 
the stae*-. fallowed by the enthnstsstlc plandlts 
of tlie multitude. 

"Madam." cried he o< the haahy beard. "I 
am a lattyer! I have here a paper of dire im- 
I»rt." — Ooorlshlng tbe same, "It foi4>lds you. 
under penalty ot the Jaw. troB oolne on yoor 
lulls the name ot one BolaBd B. w«iimi.v toot 
divorced busband." . 

"Forgive me. gentle rir." wblapered BUnehe 
Chesebrough Scott, scarcely able to control her 
emotion. "1 will err no lonscr." 

" 'TIs wen." mtrtterrd the dark-eyed emis- 
sary and departed. 

.\nd then.' to quote tbe preas agent literally: 
"It Is understood that Mra. Scott wUl drop 
the name of her former husband and avoid a 
suit at law, which would be extremely dls- 
tasi, fill ta her. For these reasons Mrs. Scott's 
m«ii:ii;erf have bad an entirely new set of 
|Kv-it(Ts i»rliiteil. omitting Mollneux's name." 
. riiie story, eh? Front page? Display, ivlth 
picture? Sure. 

Tlie pres« agent made duplicate copies, marked 
tlie word "exclusive" on the top of tbe Hist 
page and sent It to every Bewapaper in 

An Eagle reporter showed tlie story to 1 
SeniCs huHband at the theatre last night. 

■■Iff a lie!" be remarked In no un- 

cerlnhi tonejt. 

Tills Lo his wife's first week at the buslnesii 
and lie hsHn't f;ot ns.'d to aQ tbe wrinkles. 

"Impossible." muttered the surprised reporter. 
"It was seat oot from Keener'a Tbeativ." 
"I don't eai«; tt*8 a . - i tiL" be repeated. 

■ iiadot yoa better aie VNTinttr* be wto 


"I don't have to ask ber," be said with some 
asperity. "She haa never used MOIIneax'a sane 
In this business, so It's fool tomnv rat to say 
that anyone would try to atop her." 

Mr. Keeney was caUed. When ahowa the 
story he head it all the my through with ap- 
parent interest. "WcU. well!" he remarked. 
"I know nothing abont this. It must have 
been written hy Mr. Wenslcy. Jnst excuse me 
a moment.". 

Tnmu« to Ttt. Scott, he cenarked: "Step 
this way a moment, please, Mr. Scott." "Riey 
retired to an adjacent dreasbig. Mom aad there 
resulted aa earnest oonsultattsa. In the coorse 
Of which Mr. Scott sho<A his hesd very caifiestly 
It was evident that be wooldn't stand for It. 

"It's a Ue!" he repeated when be 

returned a minute later. "I won't stand for 
their sending out this kind of stufT, and I'm 
going to stop It. If my wife goes on in this 
singing business, she's going to do it on ber 
merits, and not on any notoriety ^e gets from 
her previous marriage. Young MoUaeux has had 
enough of this sort of thing, and It's time they 
let him alone. I'm not Koiiig to stand for this 
at all." 

He spoke In no st^ge whisper, and Mr. Keeney 
heard him. 

"Really. I know nothing about tnls: yon will 
have to see Mr. Wensley," be remarked when 
again pressed for an ezplanaticm. "Thcte he 
goes." he added In a tone of relief, aa Mr. 
Wensley disappeared suddenly smoog a lot of 
stage scenery. 

Mr. Wensley was Interviewed, tmt proved s 
relucunt witness. "WeU. I thooght It wss so.' 
he said. "Let me see, the lawyer's name wss— 
Ob, yea — Jonea. snd bis oOlce Is— 1 think— In 
the Temple Bar building. NO, he didn't see 
Mrs. Scott, and be didn't serve say papers, hot 
be saw me and he told me She woold have to 
stop using MoUnenx's name, or be wonld Ming 
snlt. Ton know he was at the theatre to bear 
ber sing on Wednesday." 

"Xes, put it in that be heard her sing on 
Wedneaday." soggested Mr. Keeney, by way of 
s compromise, llien he started after Mr. Scott, 
probably Intending to Initiate him late some of 
the nrstsriaa «( tbMbUtt . 


Ttie Billboard 







AUONO the amendments to the 
constltuUon and by-Iawa of 
the AMOclated BUlposters, 
whleh •aoptsd •» lion- 

treal, i» one th*t reeds as ftdlews; 

••That Is CMC an emergency ahmU ariM, 
KUldl. Is the Judiment of the DlKCtory, 
nakM It MMaient to chmnea tta* dty 

Dteceioty uwU tdset iS gGSi 
(DC the uaaal ncctlns." 

When this amendment was offered 
It was stated that In case of epidemic 
or disaster It misht be necessary for 
the place of meetlngr to be changed on 
short notice^ In -which case the Direc- 
tory i^ould he empowered to act. 
Oood enoufh reason, and the amend- 
ment WM adopted -without further 
dMua^t; but back of that was an- 
otbOT reason which was not mentioned 
In the convention — the real reason for 
the offering of the amendment. 

• • • 

Host billposters win understand 
that when a meeting- of the Associa- 
tion is held in some out of the -way 
yiace the attendance is limited to those 
who ean afford to paiy for transporta- 
tion. It la a notable foot that con- 
• Tenttons held In the east have never 
bSWB marked by large attendance, 
while those tn the -west have always 
been record breaken. Th» TCMon la 
plain enough: a cson-ventlon at. Chl- 
cagro is within reach of a large num- 
ber of small-town billposters who can 
not aiTord to pajr lailroad tare to a 
maetlnc aft AUantle GUy. 

• • •' ' 

Now. as a matter of Cact, the gang 
do not want the small-town billposter 
to attend the convention and help 
them make the rules. That is why 
nearly all the conventions are held in 
the east where high transportation 
charges and hotel bills make It impos- 
sible for a great many members to at- 

• • • 

TUs year the sanar saved their 
bacon by going to UontreaL To en- 
able them to swing next year's plans 
without the interference of the small- 
town guy, they proposed to go to As- 
bwy Parl^ N. J. Tbm ptaiMt «m not 
enthustasUeally received. notwith- 
standing the oily gammon of Jim 
O'Mealla. When the Shredded Wheat 
Uan proposed Niagara FUls he was 
thrown down Inurd bar Bamsgr Unk, 
thongD he had In his pocket a tetter 
from Barney assuring him at mworf 
possible support. Then Bryan, -wbo 
saw the thing was going begglnc, mag' 
gested CIsnrsiaad la » aort o( don't 
cere way. Bob Canpben couldn't 
stand for the next convention going to 
Clevel&nd, and proposed Chicago, 
which was chosen by the convenUon 
with a — 

Chicago, above all other towns. Is 
tne place to get out a representative 
meeting of billposters. The men In 
the esst all have money, and can af- 
ford to go. It will be nearer for the 
jnen m the west and southwest, but 
it is right next door for the hundreds 
of small-town bUlpostera in Ohio. In- 
diana. ICiehigan, niinois, Wisconsin, 
Iowa, Missouri, and the other states of 
the Middle West. If held In Chicago, 
the next convention will be a small- 
town billposters' convention. The gang 
raw thia, and they also know that it 
wni, be fatal to their plans if the 
«nall-town billposters predominate at 
the next »««— hi« 

more qtiletly. in order to pravaat an 
effective protest from the great ma- 
jority of billposters who want to go 
to Chicago. It will be a good Idea to 
keep your eyes on that little "Jolter" 
' to aso how tt woriM. 

As a matter of fact Campbell don't 
^ant the next convenUon at Chicago; 
he would tar latlwr so MaMiwiMra 
else and escape the bother that a eon- 
yentlon would be to him In his own 
town. He will And reasons for not 
nuiding it there, and then the Direc- 
tors will bring their mtlo '^}aket» into 
play, and change the place', of meeting 
to Asbury Park, without adctns the 
consent oC the members. 

• • • 

This matter may come up at the 
meeting of the Directors in CincinnaU 
next December; but it la more than 
iixely that It will be put off tlU the 
meeting In March, or arranged even 

• • • 

Our wireless connection with New 
York has been out of order for the 
past few weeks, but is now working 
acaln. We hear that Old Hote has 
opened up again with offices on Park 
Place, and is putting up signs every- 
where, Pratt has returned from a trip 
to Portland, San Francisco. Ixie An- 
gele«, DoBvar, and other western 
points. He -was accompanied by his 
wife and daughter. He looks ten years 
younger. -When you stop to think of 
it he ought to be having the time of 
his life. Pratra tneome must be in 
the neighborhood Of (30,000 per year, 
and he doesn't have to turn his hand 
for It He has Barney and Campbell 
and O'Mealta and the rest of them 
working for liim: why should he work? 
Well, some men have to be kicked Into 
a good tlma, 

• • • 

There are a number of items that 
have come over the wireless that won't 
do to tell Just now. They are good, 
and will fee^t awaiting developments. 
In the meantime keep your eye oh the 
"Joker." BUTTINSia. 


Bro. R. P. Penney leaves for the' 
e«at In m tew dar* oo buelnefls pertalslns to 
the • AIlluicc. 

Bro. Clarence Anderson is again in 


wants to 
Maastaa at 

h„„ -z JwSfc Oct 

DUBf aaa Be «iu as. 

Every member of Local No. 6 
sboold Immediately eommond with Sectvtary 
J. W. DaTla, box 348, OenTer, Col., aa he 
haa BMtten ot gntt importance tor them. 
Plcan and your addnaaca to Idm at ooce. 

Denver Local No. 6 held an impor- 
tant meetliis Sonday. Sept. 24. The attend- 
ance waa the laqreit (or many montha, and 
nomloatloQa for ofllces for the Animi ng year 
was the most Important order ot hoslness. 
The regular election took place Sonday. Oct. 
1. me plans for tlw entertainment ot the 
daknies to the National OnnTcntion. which 
SMSM hi Danrcr. Dae. 4, 6, S, waa dlsciused 
and a Sne pngranusa waa anaagcd. Tbm oom- 
tas convention Is cncetsd ta b* the moat 
Important one the AlUuiea baa e*W bad. A 
royal time is prmnlsed an delegates and mem- 
bers who attend. A special prosramme Is he- 
Ins amnaed for the ladles of the party who 
cone wia the delesatea. B. P. Penney Is 
at the entertainment committee and 


Advattitamanta andar thia hsadiac will be 
.wsaUy «t tts ssifaEB ats af las 

AWt— Conwsy— J. r. Clark, boi 02. 
Cotton Plant — Soon * Bcbeln. 
Helena— fitipatrick B. P. Co. 
Sprlagdale— Olte Sansders Co. 
Walnnt Bldse — Walnut Ridge Post. A D. 

OOira.— Stamford — Bamley OeOnger. 

ms 'Poeatellfr— George Dash, box 2TZ. 

nx.— 'Bloomlngton — City B. P. C. OoIIi^nm 

Bwhncil— ObaiBlictialB Blllpostlag' Tu. 

IKD — Weblgan City— J. L. Weber A Co. 

Wlnemac — ^E. O. Borroogha. 

IKD. TEB.— BamettnlUe— Otcat Western B. 
P. Co. 

IOWA.— Coming— y. C. Reese. 

Des Moines— <W. W. liooie. Uoeassd Ola. 
KAN.— BUswertt-.'Wta. b OsMMk 

Mckersoa— nka H mki; P. Sad 

Ky.-eiia*iad Bwsabisa B, p. sad Dtat. 


RnisellTine-^adltorlnm B. P. A IMst, 


XHnr.— Remld)!— A. T. Wheeloek. 

MlnneapoUa — Gibbons Blllpsstlag Obi. 
UBS,— (BrookbaTen— ^. H. Wtanbcdy A Bni. 
XOST.— «inings— A. L. Babeock. 
V. -rOBJC— OdblesklU— iBdwln F. Westwotth. 
v. ata. fltategfilla— Bswland Ads. On. 

B. OAS.— Ctaffney — Ed. H. DeOamp, 
TEBV. — Uemphla — ^Ward-MoOaStay. 
TEX.— OalnesTllIe — Panl OamSi CL P. 

Tokom— C. C. Trlbble. 
W. VA — ^Bloeaeld— B. I. Schott. 
WIB — Prairie An Chlen— P. A. CampbeU. 


AdTSrtiaamaBta nidai this hsadlas will bs 
palUsbad wsaUy a* tbs nrifana n*s tn 

T. CUrk. box OS. 
CAXi.— 'Bnreks— <W. B. Mathewa, SSS 2nd st. 
8aerameat«— W. A. CsaweU * Sons. 

P. Boeghtoa* bm S54. 
IBb— last St. Lesls-iw. H. Bmar. 

BawstdsTlllt uretlerinass Adr. Oa. 
Msttooa-QIePhctaos Bna, tH ■. UKk 


Pahnyra — ^A. C Farmer. 
m>.— <Bntttiagtai — BenJamlnMllei. SBrerett st. 
ladlasapoUs— Indianapolis Adr. Co., BU 

■tSTsasss Bldg. 
Vaaeie O j a pcl e Adr. Oo. 
Tens Baote— O. X. Bartlett. 
IOWA. — Des Moloes— (W. W. Moore. 
Dondt — Union B. P. and Adv.- 
iMsson City— iBeory Distal. 
gAM.— (AtPhisas Cltf BiUpoalhw. OSb 

OsawatOBle— & P. nfeCiL 
T .d,— i T a ia yatta-P. B. Olmid * am. 
. Itwataa Wssslstbaa * 
Baa tn i i T ab s V. OatMf; 
Jacktoo— W. B. MiMa. 
lCM».-^OP tt O s wg s B. to 


B. p. sal 

Schoyler— Bob A Bolman. 
v. YOBK. — Ogdensbnrg-^E. B. Bracy. 
Port Jama— lA. 0. 31. Mesler. 
Potsdam— •Bdaoo Taylor. 20 Warerly at. 
Sdieneetady — Cbas.H3ene^et 121Jay at. 
Syiaeaac — James MoI<»^iey, Ooorlcr bids 
V. OAB.-^UtesviUe-'BawIaad Atr. On. 

ORIO.-«Ineinnatl-J. J. Hmsby * OA 
OolmBlms — 8. A. Hyde. 
Fostorla-<W. C. TerrU A Oa. IH W. 

^lartin's Ferry— J. F. Unmsabmg. 

Toongstomi— at. Oieger. 
PEnr.— Carlisle— Wkn. M. Meloy. faor 4». 

Dobols— O. H. Barlow, 3 8. Brady St. 

Bast York— Slchard B. Staley. 

Johnstown — George DpdegraTes & Oo. 

PbocnlxTlllc^co. K. Obeth<dtscT. 

Tyrone— C. _ : 

8. CAB..— Oolnm bna g. O. "Bbigtar Cat 

Phocnlz^^ CL 

XBIW^-Oardele-P. D. 

Harrlraan — iHarrlman B. P. and Air. 


TEX. — Amarlllo — J. Smnmers. 
SlUsbaro— (B. P Jones. 
Sherman — IW. J. Barrey. box laS. 
VTAa.— fiatt Lake City— John M. WaldM. 
WIB.— West Sopcrtor— C.A. T 


pcrlor Hotel. 

r.— aioaticai-«. J. a 

Y m eo B iet^ B. . Ci— A.- P; - 


Cbas. H. Ssr, 81 Keadow St., New HsTan. Ooaa 
An admirer ot Bob Hall, st the time wbec 
he came to be a tired and retired minstrel, en- 
thnslastlcally remarked wltbont exaggeration, 
that the excellent exponent of the entertains 
ec«-ntrlclt(es ot the engaging Bthloplan was 
"As fiHl <rf goealp as a maiden lady of an 
uucertaln age, and has a memory equal to that 
ot any man yon ererr owed a dollar to. His 
facts and flgnres are more reliable than the 
Karernmci^t scatlstlca. and a plagued algbt more 
Interesting, and I don't know his eqnal In mixing 
arithmetic of dates with the art of acceptalile 

.\ halt Iwor after the Battering statement the 
eersstil* Mr. Hall waa demonstratlog the truth 
Ot tbs aia trtl as. holding an aodlenee who were 
all ears » Ma. ramlslsHst w lat lsaa, asd aa- 
TtTiyiag tcoaikB sad i—taittosa slaad. teitsts- 
mc t» the alaatnl paaSDOMMCs aC tka ssst, 
part of arbkA b* was and all a( wkUh be baaw 
ihroagh pesaooal kaowtcdsa. Whna' Bab eoBId 
rlTsl the deep sea sailor as a yamapbiner and 
a puTTcyor of perils, he retained the merit ot 
nccoracy, and if be bad been inettncd to lUeim- 
tnre woold by natnre hare taken to history and 
biography rather than to the Invantloos and 
blandlahmenta ol Ihney and llctloa. "Bte nar- 
rator tiad cme gratifying qnallfleatlon. he was 
not like the maiden of limited musical at- 
tainments, who reqoire urging- and imploring 
to maltreat the piano or agonise her friends 
with a trying test of a voiceless Tolce — cot a 
note In it. If Bob had Ured In Japan. Tnrkey 
or Arabia he woold hare been paid high boacn 
«s a teller of tales that not only beat the band, 
bat distanced the IKfe and dram corps. In 
catting loose one moralng at the reatoratlve 
refectory of Sandy Spencer be regaled: 

"Perlmps, gentlemen. 1 may be a bactainmtier. 
a fossil, an old foggy or a ptebistwlc lellc, 
bot I mnat asy that I am not In lore with 
what I sea St to term the digressions In modem 
minstrelsy. Like the gentlemen from K«atn^y. 
I prefer the straight goods." llie apt simile 
brooght a smllc to tbe face of the barkeet), 
and ttie speaker contlnned with an appredatlTe 
nod. "Now, It Is tbe proper caper to finish the 
show with a tronpe of wUte serobats or a lot 
Of Japs or Arata. I sappoae that these 
modem aliased iBpcoreBeala pay. or the man- 
ager naald aaC ga to catia asge us e of prarlding 
them. When X was « - • - 

DP alngan whs csSU 

gat Rsl Mlaritril 
wtiere (he cote is 

at diacBiir. 

oat a poer ]Mctanae«'i 
Instead of tbe wig. 

It wasn't sU yon 
started tbeae imperilling 
timers set' a bad example 
gollty as tbe Johnny -MaweesAs and llaa'at tta 
Honr. Tbe Backleya,iiao bad to base a wanna 
— a real prima doona; Leon. Tita Only, bad to 
make op In yellow instead of black to look 
tbe octoroon, instead of the «weU la4y coon; 
Bill 'NewcomI) showed a tieah In put two: 
Ohang, ttw Ohinese slant. I mnst eoofeoa. did a 
tan hialiwaa: Sam BbaiVIr. Instead of ainflng 
a negro ditty oo the end, aans an awlia 
moslc ball song. Onel Mary Bolder. I can't 
JtMt soy wbo song ttie llrst Irish soag on tta 
end: perhaps It was Joe Mnrphy, be knenr bow 
to do It. So did Jerry Cohan, with la Boe's 
Minstrels, when he played on the other end 
with Cal. Wagner. Batry Kemell did an end - 
with Jack HaTcrly and. If I remember ^gKtly. 
sang with a brogne. A good namber of Iriab- ; 
men were derer endmcn, and I can recall at 
this minute Archie Hoghes, Ftsyette .Welch and ; 
Hogbey Doogtierty. 

'*l%en the Dutch Impersonators got te tSkelr 
destroying work <m tbe mlnotrel sbcrw. Jtn 
BDdworth was very -fanny aa a Datchmon in 
a blackface; J. K. Bmmet Simply great; Doteb 
Morris too fanny for anything and a Iesltima«a 
eomedlaa «t ran snerlt, an he codld aaWliii 

slag or daaeo, xelybig satlrely ava* bla aeitag 

^i, .... . . - - - 

' taking largelr. 
llag abast . 

a^ ssaiaiifiT at aprlncfleM, 
Bas .'Ms good Irish ntother 

IS sslta w oa eH y and their pi a ji ala s a < 
on oelr taking laigdr. 
"^eauag abast Jerry Oobaa. ha was 


hot wl 

with La 

lighted at Ua adaaaeeaaent. bat demorred at his 
*maklng a nagnr of himself.' Soma at tbe 
Celts are very oensniTe aboot t^Ir- conntxyaMtt' 
^'■^""g op or carlcatorlng the Irish. OofaOn 
oaee sang his Applea and Feara tn a Osnsdisn 
dly and tt came pretty near eaosing a tlot. 
Xbe boose and aiMot eTetythlng there waa In 
It rose st him. Jerry -was an artist and nerer 
foand It wnmnrr to wear greea whiskers or 
look like a mookey to get a laogh. 

"I had a friend wbo waa clever oa the end, 
and wbo ooold make any of them hustle. His- 
name was Magnlre, and he waa llrst-class wteie. 
ever yoo pot blm. On a posh he cotiM sing a 
ballad and often led tbe chonses. Besides betog 
an artist, be waa traetable and taetfnl and weD- 
thoiietat.of tiy manageia. Ftr tliat reason ha 
was slwsys -working and much soogbt-after. 

**W« traveled wltli the same organlxatloo for 
two seasons, and be wss atways telling mt 
about bis old IrMb oncle. tt>e wraltlv Pat. 
Magnlre. his father's brother. This Magnire bad 
made bis pile oa a contractor and had retired 
from active bnslneaa on a competency. Ba 
hadn't a -wife living or a dalld. and my Mead. 
BUly Magnlre, waa tha heir appaicat. .Sbs- 
Magnlre's corrcavOSMcd MgSlB^, .bat It WSS 
nesrlng tbe end aC tbs SMMa^fstM thr asv 
psny played tbs cM.. ass B s -l a isa ssA'SnV' baa 
aa.anartsm^ .ts.sis.Ms, :sBd alao ptoaa to 

iai «t sH-ts av Mcad'a taOng ar 
, On the eastnoT. right then be- 
made^tba BlBtafee ct Us life. Vat. Magnlre, tha 
man of aaoch aooey, doted on a good eoaale 
Irish song, and BUly had ODO pot In tta 
for him to sing on tha «od te the edtteStlOD of 
his rich nncle and proapeetiTe heaefaetor. no 
rendition of the ditty failed to have the con- 
templated pleasnraMe etrect. l%e uosle was st 
first smased at bis nephew's singing an blah 
song -vitb the (ace of a negro, and then he, 
was boiling over In Indignation, grabbed hja 
hat and bolted from the complimentary prtrate 
box with whicb be bad been provided. Itie en- 
raged Fat. Magnlre made stnlght for home, 
and that was tbe last time that silly ever aet' 
eyes npoo hia asgrieved ancle. Undo Fat. 

gr at fawis :'io woMbr 

O. D. wmard. ot ttie noted „ 
wniard Amoaement Syndicate, si 
bla famous Temple of Hnslc a 
instrument, sold to be the moot stop 
novelty In tbe mnsleal line ever bollt is 
eonntry. It Is to be christened Tbe Wt 
mixer, and In its eonatraetton orar. 1.000 pleees 
ot gss pipe, the odds and cnda ot pip" ' 
in the laying ot electrical - " 
the OhIcaso White City _ , 
lied. The tnatnuaent will 
team and win be plajed Ig 

t' pipes, ssed 

Tbe vaodevllle team of DeMoode and Dlnsmore 
has been compelled to caned a nnmher of dates 
t>eoaase of tbe mnesa of Mr. DeMonde. wbd is 
cooflned to the aanimrtom at ZanesvUle. Ohio, 
with scIaUe rheomatlbm. aifldred Dtnsmcre 
writes that she does not know when Mr. De- 
Monde will be able to work. CDoaeiiaently she 
Is aot able to ssy wben they will resome. 


Jost the thins for tschJng tin snd eardboard 
Bvary dlstrlbator sboold have os^ Prlraa: 
doobls extension handls. Si IncAss IraK S9 
titpla extenuon handle. *» Inehssloiwi SsjA 
- ^ with tbe order. Sons ssas C: O. n. 

Ttm ■swallll ~ LHho. Co., Hawporl, Ky. 

bavs the ben boards and 

grmteet loostloos tn Clo- 


sfamatiandSobarbs. MaphaasnAnOpsm Fksa. OoatrwJiors for Blllpostlng tbrooghout the U. 8.. Cuba 
Osnaao. PopolaMoni city 3aMWi««BBl>^^»awns W,»oa. , 


Xtie Olllboarcl 

OCTOBER 7, 1005. 


ell.; T. 

Two Menr TVaiBiMt lUViHB * Tt 

Ibta, Kut. Si. 
Tbe Eui and Ule Glrlr Baltimore ML,' M 
Ta* SfaAOT Girl: KMMalia. Wis.. S. 
Tbe Puaden: Cedar Rapids. la.. 7. 
Tbe BcRar PrlncF Op«ta Co.. r. A. Wade. 

wagr.z Attoaaerqm. N. Mex., iodef. 
Tbe Geeaer of Ceefc. Will J. Block, mgr.: 

Chleaco. IIL. Aag- 20. todef. 
Tbe Land of Nod: QilcaKo. UL. Jose 12, ladet. 
Tbe Maid and The Moaun;', Wm. Hale, msr.: 

Ifew Totk Cltr, Oct. 2, tndef. 
Tbe PmtI md .xbe Fampklm: HMr Xaak GUr. 

Ans. 21. taML ........... 

ne Tankee Baaa^ '^1 

U«ct. St. 

"t&^&jr s: 

r*i»^-.«-7: WaaUagtoa. D. C. M4. 

WcM *- Vokn. In A >aUr ol Plain. J'aa. r. 

iM, msr.: Mew York City. 1-T: New Havu. 
:. COmu. 7-U: Hwxfoid. 12-14. 
.t.oeeloc^'a U. 8. Indian Band. Max Boaen- 
!.'*««; mir.: FateiaoD. N. X, t-T; Nsw lortt 
,' tatr. 9-H. 

Wbea Johniqr Comea Karcblns Homo. W. T. 

OMMoo, ptopL * mgr.: Unilnine, jCr., Z-7: 
Jl aiili ft il , PMib ijexmgiou. U-li, 
WMMDdL Bny W. Bavace. mgr.z AUaatlc 
GItr. N. J.. 4t LaneasUr. Fa., t: Alleatowo. 
_•; Baatoa, T; PUUdelpMa, >-ZL 
Wllla -Knaleal COiaedr Co., Jotaa B. Wills, 
msr.: Tslladeca. Ala.. S-S; Colnmlma. Miaa.. 
•-U: Aberdeen, IZ-U. 
WUUama * Walker: DanviUe. OL. 12. 
Vma^ tSat It., Broadliant <: Cnirlc, BCn.: 
** : OtTi Sept U-HoT. 4. 

Baxtow**. X A. Oobam. nsBt M 

Annlston. Ala.. S: Tklladasa. Ci 

Oa., 7; Cbauanoosa. Tenn.. 1. , 
Barlow A WlUon'a, Lawrence Baiiov, msr.: 

Mnntsomerr, W. Va.. 4; Oiarluton. «; 

Foiot Fleaaaat. T: Fomeroir. O.. *: Galll- 

Caltanei. Cbace * Weatan'a, Fted H, Fontr. 
msr.: RaynoldaTUIa. Pa.. 4; Bioc k w a yrtUa. 
St BmporlDm. <; Austin. 7. 

IllilliaC*^ PbUadelpbla. Pa., Ans. U. IndeC 

Sb Rae Bros.'. BtUr De Rne. msr.: Ozfotd. 
N. T.. 4; Blnsbamton, a; Foreat City. Fm^ 
tt Carbondale. 7; BalUtead. »; MajaliMa, K. 
T.. II: CnrtUnd. 12: Groton. U: Moravia. 14. 

DonnrUr A Hatlleld'a. Edward Conrad, msr.: 
Clarksburc. W. Va.. 4: AUtena. O., S; Jack- 
•cn, <: Ironton. 7; Focahoniaa, Ta., t; Blue- 
fleld. W. Vs., 10: E. Radford. Va.. 11; Roa- 
mke,^ 11; DaaTtUe, :S: Wbizton-Salem. N. 

Ooitan'B. C. C. Fmrl, msr.: Fetartom, N. H.. 
_S: KMse. t. . . 

BATtrtVa. CkML K, BaghM, Botlmm- 
fU-ld. HI.. 4; W nw l i iB taai, S: Paotla. f ; 
Tme. Banti; lad.. 7: HasnWial. Ho. D; 

QUiOT' III., u. 

Daekatader*a. Cbaa. D. WUaaa. msr.: Cblcaso. 

IIU >-7: Dea Molnea. la.. IS: FMifa. .n.. IS. 
bnuda-. BUlT. eeo. A. 

'Weatlierford, Tex., 4: ClebL 
Waco. 7: San Marcus, •, 
Italian's, Frank: CentervlUft JmL tr 

ton. S: Caloetvllle. Mo.. tiOmmm^K T 

Booth MeAlestar. I. T., U. 
Prlmroae'a^. Jaa. B. Daamr. mwci 

K. T..;'*t - .- 
Pnctoi'^ Oaoi. . S. Vnetm 

VL. S-Z; 
Tioscl'a. Jobn W.: Dowaslao,' _ 

Btvan. 5: Mlshawaka, Ind.. fe' 

T; Chloyto HelshtaTi. . _ 

Weofa. Wm. a., SanCort. K BIcaby. ovr-: 

BrftckrUlc One.. 4; Klnsatim. B: BaUarlUaw 

(: Osdeosbors. N. T.. T. , 

Alcaaar Tina III laa. X. 

Cliy. 1-14. 

Baltimore Beantles, T. w. IMnklna, msr.: 

Brooklyn. N. Y.. S-Oct. 7. 
BUA Cniok. Jr.. Burleaqnera. Hatrr Haat- 

-deiSb£^.^ * FWa^ — FbOa- 
Blue Ribbon Qirla. Jack MMMfe SMiLS SUIa- 

bors. Pa., >-I4. 
Bryant's. Harry C Eatra-nxanxa. IL Bai^ 

yon. mgr.: New Orleans. La., l-t 
BoweiT BnrlemneisL Joe Bartis, anis mi^ 

delpbla. Pa., 2-7; Reanlns, i»-14. 
H n haml n rfi . Bamer Glxatd. mgr.: Jcney Cltr. 

If. J., Z-7. 

BOB Tona. Raab & Weber, msra^: 8C Xioiila. 
MOL, »-l4. 

a^^Bpot^ ShU BheHdan. msc: Mow TOrtc 

Cracker Jacks. Harry I.eonl, amns MbmHTm V, 

Y.. i-7: Troy, »-14. : • ■" 

Casino Qtrls. James Lederer, 

N. Y.. 2-7; Albany, »-I4. 
Cherry Blossoms. M. Ja^^ihs, msr.: Pittsfaorx. 

Pa., 2-7; Washlnston, D. C, 
California Girls. G. H. Tomer, msr.: SC 

mum Toik 

Fncnaa. mgr. 

B. L. M: 

' 9* Vcre% BaiB, Own, F. 

Mrtland. Ore. 1-7. 
^Gay Momlns Glories. Sam A. Scrlbner, msr. 
Baadlns. Pa.. 2-7; Scranton. >-14. 

Masqaeraders. Jobn S. Raynor, msr. 
' niOalo. S. Y.. £-7; Rocheater. »-14. 
Co t d en Crook. Jacobs * Jetmoa. BWia. 

ton. Maaa.. 1-7: New " " 

Blsb dcliooi Oirla. X, 
^BawOMjg^^. T., S-T. ^ 

^SSfewPib ^"WoTirnmn. a 

KTX. »-7r New York Otr. W 
bwlara Bis Show. Fred Irwtn. 

tOB. Pa.. 1.11 Newark^M. ' 
Smoeent HaMfcT W. 

lyn. N. 
ImperialB, Jr 
S-OcC t. 

Ueal^ am 
CaL. S4. 

JUly Oraao IVMuw^ Ooo W. 

BBtte Mont. 1>Z. 
»nv Ulllaa. Oao. BMBir, 

Y.. J-Ti 

Kentucky Belles: Salt lAke City, UUli, l-T; 

Denver. CoL. 8-14. 
Merry Maldeniw J. Iiowiy. msr.: ClevelaBd. 

C. 2-7. 

Majeetlcs, Frtd ]kWla> HKI WiaMafeliU 

Pa.. 8-7. 

lOaa Kaw Toafc Jr^ RUilo B. FIacc% msr-: 

MboBUBht VaMi^ OaTid Ktaoa, mgr.: New 
York City. Z-7; Fbiladelpbla. Pa., 1-14. 

New York Stars. M. M. Thelse. mer- : New 
York City. 2-7; PbUadelpbla. Pa.. B-14. 

New Century Qlrls, J. HaflW^ aagr.: dscta- 
natl. O.. I-T. _ 

New London Gaiety 6iri% CL Onat^ Wbt 
Cblcaso. IIL. 1-7. „ 

Orientally W. B. Wataoo. mgr.: Mew Tork 
city, M. . 

FarUlan Widows, Rmih t Weber, mgta.: CU- 
easo. lU., Z-7: Detroit, Mlcb., »-I4. 

Fatlalan Belles. John Grlevea. mgr.: Hllwaa- 
kte, Wla., 2-7. „ ,^ 

Bentz-Santlay. Abe Leavitt, msr.: Pl:t&bars. 
Fa,. «-7: Cincinnati. O., S-14. 

Boat Hill gnfiish Folly. Blee & Barton, mm.: 
NaahTllle. Tenn., 2-7; New Orlpsnn. La.. 8-14. 

Reeves, Al. : Boston, Mass., 2-7; New York 
City, 9-14. _ , , „ 

Rice t Barton'a Bis Gaiety: dereland. O.. 
2-7; BOOalo. N. T.. Mi _ „ 

Snnaway Olria. Fetar 8. Ctaifc msr.: Brook- 
lyn. N. Y.. S-Oet. 7: FroTUcnec B. L, ^4. 

ReUIy * Wooda. Fat BelUy, msr.: FbSladel- 
pbla. Fa.. 2-7. , „ ^ 

Rose SydeU'a Lsmdon Belles, W. S. Camp- 
bell, mgr.: St. Louis, Mo., 2-7: Cnlcaso. IIL, 

»-l4- _ 
Star Show Glrla. Wm. Fennessy. msr.:^Oow 

d'AlencL Ida.. 4: Nortb Yakima. 1»a^_J>;7. 
Trans- Atlantic Baflaaia«% & |l. 

msr.: CfaolaBatl, Ola 


Tlser Ullea. lasy Srod^ 

Minn., 2-7. • •. ■ - . _ 

Trocaderoa, C H. Waldraa. HBE.: VoMlw O.. 

8.7: CteTelaad. 8-14. ^ , 

Utotplana, T. W. Dinklns, msr.: St. Faol. 

Hlnn.. 2-7. „ 

Vanity Fair, Botart IfliiikaaHi. aigc: Braak- 

w^d Bea''^' *j^mikmimt0i mm.* BMloa. 

Wine. irooMB and Sons; M. K. Tbelae. msr.: 
ScrlnsteM. Maaa.. X-4: Holyoke, i-T. 

Yaakee Doodle Glila. T. W. Dmklaa, mgr.: 
JCCMT CMF. K. J.. 2-7. 

Ic Bailey's: San Luis, Aria., 

4: Doos- 

laA S: Demlng. N. Mex., 6; El Paao, Tex.. 7; 
Abiima, •: Matherford. 10: Ft. Wortk. U: 
ClalMII MIL 12: Temple, 13; Waco. I*. 
BnekiklaBen's wild West. Ben El " 

ABgona, Oa., a-S; Atlanta. 9-21. 
Colo A Recant S. BL: Wilson. XL CM VMan- 

Img; Va., St BIcbmond. 7. 
Colorado Oianfa: Thompsonvillau UL. 4; West 
Frankfort. S: Johnson City. 6: Herrin, 7: Car- 
iMndale, 9; Makanda. 10; Cobdea. 11; Jones- 
boro, 12: Anna. 13; Alto Pass, 14. 
Campbell Bros.': St. Jobn^ Kan.. 4: Kiowa. E; 

Ausuata, 6; Latham, 7; OkecDe, Okla., 9. 
Cook & Barrett's: I'nbllcslloo of route pro- 

blhlted. Any mia addreawd In cace «t The 

BUboard win be forwarded |l 

Cnmmlns' WUd West & Indian 
City): Clilcsgo. 111.. Indef. 
Decorum's Dos & Monkey: Mlimeapolls, lOnn.. 

2»-Oct, 5. 

£Uer's, Joo Backer, bns. msr.: Harper. Kan.. 

4: "TilTlBT laadsBb 6: Attica, t; JUowa, 7: 

Alva. OSkl, X ' 
BIy'a. OmTK: Aikanaas dly, Kan., 4-S, 
Floto'a: Moscow. Ida.. 4; Dayton. Wash., S; 

Atbena, Ore.. 6; Pendleton. 7; EIsln,'9; La 

Grande. 10. 

Sbrepaugh A: Sells Bros.': Pnrcell, I. T., 4; 

Wynnewood. S: Anlmore, 6; Cualsate, 7; 
' WeatberforxL Okla.. 8; Elk City, 10; AmarUla. 
Tex.. 11: .Qiunnab. 12: Wichita Falls. U: 

Gay's aaetne OOL, Gar : 
f^najaml. la.. l-T. 

Gollmar Bioa.': Callforala, MOk. 4. 
HageabcA'a Trained Aalanl Show: PabUcatlaa 
Of loate piottiuted. Aar smII alWund la 
care of Tbe BUUioard will .k* - gRwartM 


Hall'a, F. W.: Sharon. WKa.. *t Attics. S; 

Harper. S; Danville. 7. 
Lucky B:irs: Independence. Kan.. 4; Liberty, 

5; Angola. 6; Mound Valley, 7; Cherryvale, 

9-10: Dennis. U; Galeaburs. 12; St. Ptal, U; 

Walnor. 14. 
UcDooald Bros.': Decbard. Tnn., 4; 

ter, S: Cowan. •:.SlMrwaod. 7. 
Noma * —ig s t " ~ 

* >-» »^ as — .^^ 

Onto Bna.*: Urambore. Max.. 4; B Odo^ M; 
Totoca. M-lSs-Camloo, 17. 

Pawnee BUTs Wild Weat: Fond Creek. Okla.. 
4; Enid. 5: KIngllaher. <: El Reno, 7; Law- 
ton. 9; Hobart. 10; Mangum. 11; Anadarko, 
12; Chlckasba. L T., 13: Geary. Okla.. 14. 

Bobbins', Frank A.: Delta, Md., 4; Havre de 
Oraoe, S. BIkton. S: CeotervlUe. 7: Chester- 
town. 9; Searord, DeL. 10. 

Robinson's, John: Rantotul. UL. 4; Tuscola. 5; 
S>>IllvaB. (; Kfllngham. 2; OcatoUkts Ma- 
rlon. Hi.. 10: Mctropsllik Ut JMan, % Mm- 
phyabora. 13; Belleville. M. 

Rlngling Bros.': Oklahoma City, Okla.. 4; 
Chickasba. L T., S: Lawton. Okla., C; Hobart, 
7: El Keno. »: Shawnee. 10: Ada. I. T.. U: 
Durant, 12; So. McAIetter 13; Slnnknp^ 14. 

Sells A Downs' : THsyer. Mo.. 5; HoxIc.Ark.. a. 

SIg. SauU'lle & Welsh Bros.': Huntingdon. Pa., 

4; Duncannon, 6; Mt, Joy, <; <}uan7vllle, T; 

aeason ends. 
Texaa Bill's Wild West: Paris. Tenn.. 4; 

McKerxle* S; Milan. <; Humboldt. 7. 
Van Amtrarg: Publication of m ~ 

Any man addrraard In esre aC 

will be forwarded promptly. 
Wallace's: Wytbcvllle. Va., 4: PntesM. S: 
' Roaacka. S; Bedtard CIlT. 7* Lyncbborg; a; 

Crewe. M; Baffalk. II: Norfolk. U; Fetats- 

bors. U: Rlcbmond. 14. 
Wheelers. Al. F.. New Model: Lyon Falla. N. 

Y., 4; Port Leyden. S; aeaaon enda. 
Wasbbum * D'Alma'a. Leon WaablianL mgr.: 

Washlntlon. D. C. S-Oet. T. 


^Carnival Co.: ML Carnwl. IIL. 2-7. 

Alamo Sbowa. W. H. Rlecw mgr.: Pleaaant 

Bill, Mo., 2-7. 
Araent'a, Capt, W. D., Attractlona: Cedar Rap- 
ids, la., 2-7; Atlanta, Ga.. *-ZL 
Baldwin Bros.' Sham. United: LaHarpe. lU. 

Barfcout Amusement CD.. K. O. Barkout, msr.: 

Bagttatima. MA^ 9-7; Msntnimiifc W. Vs.. 

Cash Carnival Co. (No. 1): XiSko MUla, la., 1-7; 

1- ake City, Minn., 9-14. 

Cooke's City of Jerusalem, H. Cooke, mgr.: 

Harrlaburg. Fa.. 2-7. 
Ooyle Amusement Co.: Onm. Mo., 4-7. 
Oosmopclltan Amusement Co.. H. ?nyder. gen. 

mgr.: Fekm. IIL. 2-7; Mattoon. S-I4. 
Bnropean Amosement Ca: pubilcation of routp 
prohibited. Any mall addmwd la care of Tbe 

Billboard win be fiaaaidid yognivt^. _ _^ 

Fatlma'e Cairo Show. Jlia BtosM%'m0B3 49rtar 

Raplda. la., i.7. ^ 

FeraH Bna^agmKJ^gMiVL.M. ■ 
Frermaa'aBaMjSlli^mr Qo.. Harry Free- 

maa. mv^s Wmmm, sty,. S-T. 
flrarWI* 4k Baikmtr Amasenent Co., J. Victor 

flinilllll A W. CL Baatamer, mgrs. : Norrlstown, 

Fa< Oet. L Mtot 
Gatkfll. Gfcat Sbowa: Omaha. Neb., S-Oct. 7; 

Wichita. Kan., t-14. _ 

Hatch. J. Frank, Shows: BtoeOeld. W. Va^ 2-7. 
Booster Amaaamot Co.t Dalphi. O,. S-7: Good- 

Und. Tu«,. •41. - , _ 

Irish Canimi Oi,: MMr TMt CUT. Wmn. s- 

Oct. 7. 

Jones-Adams Sbowa: Gi aaay H le. N. C t-7: 

Klnston, >-I4. 
Lachman-Keetck Sbowa: Indianola, la., Z-7; 

Charlton, t-14. 
Lelbfrtel * lAVidla Amusement Co. : Hastings. 

Pa.. S-li 

Madison Amnwment Co.: North Tafclms, 

Wash.. 2-7: Momw. Jdse, »^4, 

MIIes-Mny showland: BiatteilHwt'f,. t-1t 

Monessen. 9-14. 

Monarch Carnival Co.: I/Ongootee, Iiid.. Z-7. 

Mnndy Carnival Co.: Ft. Wayne. Ind.. 2-7. 

Miller Bros.' Show: St. Loula. Mo.. 2-2L 

Niehol'e Chloaso Amoaament Co.. Law NIehoIa. 
owner and mgr.: Mt, Fleassnt, HI.. Z-7: Jar- 
aeyvllle. 1-14. _ 

Parker. Great. Amnseroent Co.. Con T. Ken- 
nedy, trgr.: HopkliMvlIle, Ky., 2-7; Clarks- 
ville, Tenn.. 9-14. 

Parker. C. W.. Amu«*ment Co.. J. Harry Ed- 
wards, mgr.; Guthrie. Okla-. Z-7. 

Parker. New. Amujvment Co.. Raver & Darna- 
by. mpn.: Uaron. Ho.. Z-7: HexICQ. 9-14. 

Parker Faliylaad A maacaa s a t Oa^JBnaaar tk 
Tyler, msta.: IiawmNe, Kia.. ML 

Pattaraon * Bralaerd Caiwlval Oht O iida r Bap- 
Ida, la. Z-T: Channte. Kan.. 9-14. 

FaopICs Anroaement Co.. Wm. H. Kramer, 
mar.: Madison. Ind.. S-7. 

RIddell's Southern Caraltral Co.: MUeOk SU).. 

2- 7: MorrUtown. 9-14, 

Robinson Amusement OBit Ikllik SF-. >-T: 

Georgetown, 9-14. 
Ho3'al Amusement Co.. H. H. TIpps, mgr.: 

Eurgin. Ky., !-7. 
Seeman-MlUican Mardl-Graa Co.: Miaonk. UL, 


Smith, <SraaMr, Ammemtat Ox: nmpott, OL, 

Soniiwm Carnival CO.. Mtt BMMk mCbt Okiali, 
_CaL. 2-7: Petaluma. f-M. 

V. S. Carnival Co., B. Ii. CS IWI B ^ aw>t Par- 
sons, Kan., 2-7. 

Vendome Theater. Chas. W. TylaiW 
srrta. Ga.. 3-8: Atlanta. 9-21. 

Welder Carnival Co.. Will H. 

Manchester. O., 2-7; Ripley. 94L 

World's Fair Carnival Co.. R. & 
mgr.: Ulnneapoll'. Kan.. Z-7. 

Wright's Carnival Co.; Ii:vansvllle, Ind., 2-7. 

Barton P.rtM.' i;iu«)cr. Shows. Matt Barton, 

mgr.* FIdorado. Ka-.. 2-7. 
Gay Show. Great: Lansing. Mich., 2-7; Jollet, 

lil., 9-14. 

Reh's Fair Grooad Show: Bedford, Pa., Z-7, 
Savldge. Walter. Attractions: Bloomlleld, Neb.. 
2-5; Wayne, 9-14. 

vAumnixs omaiaATXOHS. 

Abom's. MMMK. All Blar VkngnIBi' Cn. (O. 
O H.): Xrt^ Fft.. i^OvscaA Bmtaa. N. 

Y.. 9-14. 

Edwards', C. E., Lady Minstrel Shows. H. B. 
Hardlns. bus. mgr.: New Albany, Ind., 2-1; 
Jefrersonrilla. S-7; Blooming ton, 9-11: Bad- 
ford. IZ-M. 

lAtayette. Tba Oraat. T. O. Lafayette. m,cr.: 
Jeltetaamlle, s-7; Bleomlngton, »-U; Bed- 

Bayrooty Brae.* Show: Ba rsote with Bamnm 

& Bailey's Cireaa. ~ 
Carpenter'a ScbogI sC 

Ark.. Indef. 

Ennor. John, in TkasStaSMSt AsriMnt. Wla . 

2-1:. Steven's MMUi^ln^M. *Ss New 

London, 12-14. 
Flints, The. Hjrpnotlsts. K. t>. Flint, mgr.: 

Aurora, IIL. 2-7; Kankakee. 9-14. . 
FagaU's. F. H., UetiyK>o.Boaad: T a gnage . 

Ra.. Indef, 
Badya Bdocatcd 

K - - - - 

Keaknk. la.. 1-d. 

owe's Morlng Flrtnrea: ComberlaDd. Hd.. 4; 
Wbeellns. wT Va.. 4-7. 

Kam's Fat Children ft Taka-Tama. W. K. Rlb- 
Icy. mgr.: Springfield. IIL. SO-Oct. 7; Cape 
Girardeau, Mo.. 9-13. 

Kenpler & Chamber's Merry-Oo-Ronnd: Elk- 
ton. Ky., 5-7; HumtHildt, Tenn., 10-14. 

IJnirerman's. fUinuel A Lner Marleal A Ven- 
triloquist EntertalDment (Warlilnitton Park. 
26tb A Alleglieny sve.): Flilladelpbla, Pa., 

New Edison Electric Theater, P. H, Brown, 
mgr.. 939 Rabertaon Ave.: Sprinsflcld. Mo., 

pain's KMt np* Jf'SSS!^ 


Preecelle Hypnotist, F. Wlllard Kasoon. mgr. : 

Barre. VL. 2-7: Brattltbero, 9-14. 
Renix Bros.' Old Plantation. A. U Benix, 

mer.: Marshall, Minn., 3-4. 
Rozelle, The Wild GlrL Edrlnstaa * 

mgrs.: Oliard. UL. U-M. 

Shcpard'a. AMMB.Ik. 
em>, Geob w. Bairai 

Sbrptrd'a. AmWi Ik. ymmJteBms, M. »• 
Beeban, msr.: AtlnHeXBy. K. ladef. 

Shepard'a. Archie U. Moving Pletnns fSootb- 
em). Geo. W. Downlns, msr.: Montsomary, 
Ala.. 4; Penaaeola, Fla.. 4-7; Mobile. Ala.. 1; 
Biloxl MIn.. 9: Hattleaburs. 10: Brookbavea. 
12: Jackson. 13; Natcbcs. 14. 

Bunoy South Floating Theater: Wlekllffe, Ky.. 

4: Commerce. Mo., 8; Thetics. 111.. «: Cape 

Girardeau. Mo., 7-4; Grand Tower. ML. 9; 

Chester, 18; St. Marya. Mo.. 11; Genleve. 12; 

Klmmswick. 12; Venice. OL, U, 
Wood's J. L.. Great Mechaahat ■1bS*i>"B*= 

Adrian. Oa., Sept lOOet. 15. 
Welsh's, Col. M. H.. Watermelon Trust: CTisro- 

ber»burg. Pa.. 7; Waynesboro. 9; Weatmin- 

'at: laicdon, Ont.. 

Aldro Broa, tOrand): Va 

(Graad) Vletaina. S-M. 
Beach * r ' 

Mo.. Vlf 


Bryant * SavOls 

Buaetr. irortlmcr 40k Ol K.): Oiaad Baplda, 

Barnes.' Stuart (B 
Brown, Harrlsot 

York City. 2-7. 
Cratg. RIchy W. rDewey): Mlaneapolla. Hlnn. 

1-7; (Kmpire) Duluth. 9-14. 
Carver, Louise & Oenle Pollard (Ofphtmi): 

New Orleans; La., 2-7; (Orpbeoml OMah& 

Neb.. 9-14. - 
Colllna, La Belle: Seattle. Waah^ S-Z. 
CDlonlsI Smtet (Vietoria): New Tstk CMk U. 
CM^ sTRoMbom nrictaria): NMr TMkoCE 

Craiie BrosL (Frastoa'a ttt ■!■>> Hsar Xlwk 

city. 2-7. 
Cook dc Sylvia 

York City. »-7. 
Crane. Floasle (Alhambra): New Tork City, 2^ 
Chadwlck Trio (Pastor's): New York City, ui 
cuRord BiUy (ProetoCa Mtfe St.}: Mew Task 

City. Z-1. 

taty. S-7. 

Clark & wnrord * Tbeo. Chrvw (Kelth*4: 

Cleveland. C, 2-1; (Coort St.) Buffalo, N, 

Clarke. Harry Conon (Orpbeam): San Fraa- 
dsco. C»I., 2-7; (Orpheom) Loa Angeles. S-2L 
Casino C-rmedy Four <Proctot's): Troy. N Y., 
2-7; (Frtwtor's SStb St.) New York City. 9-14, 
Cherry A Bates (Keith's): Youngstowa. O.. 

Z-7: (Keith's) Syracuse. N. Y.. 9-14. 
Onser'a Dos Show (Flom'a) : Madlaoo, Wla.. t- 

7: rwest side) JanesviUak »-t4. — ^ 
Ch*ster The Great (MajeaMe); Taaaaa Ctak 
Mo.. 2-7: (BUon) Dea Kolnca. la., 9-M.^^ 
D'ArvllIe Rlatets: Van Bnren. Ark.. S-I4. 
UerJen. Dave fLyrlc): Lincoln, Neb., 2-7; 

t Bijou) Wichita. Kan.. 9-14. 
Drew. Darothr (FDll'a): SpHagMA Maaa. (-1. 

DeWltt.nv~ — - - 



Deltoreni A (Jleaaando (Proctor'e ESth St.): 

New York Cltr. 2-7. 
Downey & Wlllard (tJnlqne): Ban Claire, Wis. 

2-7: (CnlQue) Dulutli. Mlna.. •-14. 
DlTon, Eurt ft Leon (Majeati^: " 

Mo.. 2-7. 
Bllla. Edward 4k 

City. z-T. 
Btliardo. ~ 

2-7. • 

Earl & Wilson (Dominion) Wlnnlpes.*fan.. Z* 
£:sIel1Eta. 1-a Belle (Uopkln's): Merophla. Teuk. 

2-7: (Orpbeam) K»w Orleana. La.. 9-14. 
BidHdre. The Orcat (Faaally): P a a aa lL. N. X.. 

M: IWmaSHX r oB shkM pa lB. K. T->Ml 
nater. B. * Das TProctofa IZSIk St.): Nsw 

Turk CItv. Z-7. 
Foster A Foster (CV>IonUI>: New York Cnty, 

Ford Bros & Sisters (Hammersteln's): New 
York (aty. 2-7; (Keith's) Providence, B. L, 

Frankel. Fanny (Oennett): Richmond, Ind., 2-T. 
Goldsmith tL HODPe (Empire): Cleveland, O., 

2-7: (Garden) BulTalo. N. Y., »-». 
Golden <?aie Qnlatet (Froctor'a Mth St.): N«w 

TOfk dtp. VU 
Gtosfd. Maila fPtalM: 

omen. Toai f P s iiBct tTO; It 

Gaylor & GiaS CFamW): Fateraon. N. J., 2-7. 
Gardner & Vincent (Mao^: Cork. Ireland. 

GresaoB. (Zharles ft Florence (Keith's): Provt- 
d'uce. R. L, 3-7; (Keith's) New York City. 

Goforth ft Doyle (O. H.): LItUe Rock. Aik.. 

2-7: (O. H.) Ft. Smith. 9-14. 
GsIetU'a Monkeys (G. O. H.): IndlanapoU^ 

Ind.. Z-7: (ColnmbU) Clnclnaati. O.. •-14. 
Hall. Anna (BastaK«'i»: mI Z« Mi 

BaBalo. »-14. • 
Herald Square C om e dy VMSr (IISll'M: mbr 

detphla. Pa.. 2-7. 
Healy's. The (CrysUI): St. Joaeph, Mo.. 2-14. 
Hill. AnI ((Gotham) Bmoklyn. N. Y.. 2-7. 
Hathaway's, Belle, Monkeya (Sbca'a): BuKalo, 

N. Y., 2-7. 
Hermany (Proctor's): Albany, N. Y.. 2-7. 
Howard ft BKnd (Hnrtls ft Scamon'a): New 

York City, 2-7. 
Hosan. Ernert (Alhamhra): New York City. VL 
Hnston ft Dallas (Paator'a): New York City. %-X 
Hocy ft Uae CBanig ft IHamsn'Sti MSw Zsrtt 

aty, J-l . . 

BalleB ft FUlcr OEtartls * SaaaMnt: Mi» 

York aty. Z-7. 
Hayes ft Hesly (Hw^lg ft Seamoa's): New 

Tork City. 2-7. 
Houdlnl (Colonial): New York City. 2-7. 
Jennings ft Renfrew (Columbia): St- Loula, 

Mo.. 2-7: (Gaiety) Sprlngfleld. Mass., 9-U. 
Kohler ft Marlon (Bub): Woonaocket. Man.. 


Kokln. MISBOBCtta (O. O. H.): IndlaBiuWi 

Ind.. 2-7: («>>lon>Ma) Cincinnati, O.. M4. 
Kera'a Doss (Keith's): New York City. l-T. 
Kelccy ft Shannon (Orpbeum): Brooklyn, N. 

Keniw^ ft Qaatrrlla (Froctaf s MM SC): 

Newy«ftain.M ^ „ .. 

Lavaitos * SSr CArcaMt IflM^ii. MUh. 


i^i-iie, Geo. w. (Mlsalon): Saa 

Cal.. 2-7. 

La Maaangen ft The This* Tosesnys (G 

LiallBiL Ptoor (Shea'a): Baffala, N. T., >-T. 
La NOIf'a Marlonettea (Novelty): Omaha. Neb,. 

Z-T; (BUOB) Qnlncy. 111.. 9-14. 
Lenert. Willy (Fair): New Westralaattr. B. €U 

27-Oct. 7: (Edison) Spnkane. WaaT 
Mayer ft Irwin: En route with 

strels. Bee Minstrel Rnnles. 
Marlott Twina (Fair): Virginia, m.. 9-14. 
Horphy, Mr. and Mrs. Mark (Shea's): Torew- 

to. Ont. Z-7; (Froctor'a) Albany. N. Y.. 9-IV 
MnietshIp SMera IHowaid): Boata^ Maaa.. Z-T. 
Montgoaaeiy ft Oiator (CtBlary): KasMa City, 

Mo.. l-T: (Standard) St. bnota^ •-14. 
Morris. Nina ft Co. (Orpbeam): New Orieana, 

La.. 9-14. 

Martini A Maxmllllan (Paator'a): New York 
City. 2-7: (Froctor'a SSrd St.) Now Toek 
City, 9-14. 

Hartlnn*ttl ft Svlvestrr (Star): BbhMM OK. 

2-7; (Bennett's) LiOBdoa. 9-14. 

Merlan'a Doga (VISMlMt MSV VMk CMK ML 
Macart's Circus ( ftuti l s rt MM' K): 

York City, 2-7. 
Maltland. Mabel (Keltb'a): New York City. t-7. 
Msreri's Art BIsdlM (AltaaataB>t Maw Totk 


.Time Billboapcl 


lOblo * Mlty <Hiiftl» Jb ■nw o w' rt; New 
M^B.^» Yarand): Mllwaokee. Wis.. ^7. 

pm*!. The (K«ltli'»): New York City, 
'SnutM'*) »•» City. 9-14. 


: Phllmd^M«, 

p^Menon. Le* (Orpbeum): Omaha, Neb., 2-7; 
'mro^mi Kaii»M City. Mo.. 
PoulK? EMw. lOd«on): Murahalltown. la.. l-T; 
(Grand) O«kaloo«a. 9-14. _ .... 

Phrxo (Fam Uylt.. CIO, V>i«.»«t 
t» 1-7 

IMliM; Mayo & Juliet (Lyceum): San Fran- 

rSS^. ^Heleo ''(KriUi^: P hil ad el phia. Pa. 

2-7; (Marylan* 
Bran & RlchfcM 

^J'&'RXcbT^ (Victoria): Jtaw'Tortt Cltr, 

WM & CadTiKaia-rtjWgr T«tIt.Ctt?^ 
Snllivan *. VMaaa . (rM0i«V 

u.. :-7. 

Stlrk, ft 

SwMt, CTas. (Proctor's SSth St.): New York 
city 2-7. 

Seldotne's. Thre* (Kelth a): New York City. 2-7. 
Sinclair i Carllale (Flom'.): Madison. Wis., 

2-T- (West Side) Janesvllle, 9-14. 
TMd' ft iJlfll: Portland, Ore^ 2-7. 
■ " (Pastor's): New York City. 2-7; 
r*9) Brooklyn. N. Y.. 9-14. 

- - Barn (Mohawk): Sehaoectady. N. Y., 

1, tbe flrat Tldt of a mlostrel company to 
(micaso is mot* than two yean. Mr. Dock- 

organJntlQB* the foOawftv wrif-ftaam hIb- 

Btnl men being enrolled In the compaoy: Car- 
roll Johnaon, Nell O'Brien, W. H. Hallett, Geo. 
P. Wellcr, Mannd Booalae, I«igbtoo aad 

na. r. 

James J. Corbett, In referrlngr to 

bU apptoachlac debut In Caabel Byron'a Pro- 
ft aalon . azpRaaad the hope that It mlsbt es- 
MMik Um in tbe pahllc mlsd aa "Jamea J. 
Oahalt, actor," rather than ■ ■Gentleman Jim, 



Hmw a Lsok at 


Mk production 
of nuaifU ta'EtaglU ap(M< at Elsin, m. 
Sunday olsbt, I. It may be aald with Juatlce 
doe these c>Dterpr1sInK iDanagera tlaat Paralfal 
Is one of the most pretentlooa ««ir-»«-g- over 
MSHlM k -CUeago. 


Miss Marie CahlU. In the new mu- 
■leal play Moonihine. by Barle-Bohart-Bela. 

i _ — ^bo, wiio Is knoirn on tbe TaodeTlUe «taf» as the irorld*a greatest Stsa 
H-^™- C WIWe tloB n-ltb Samson, appearing In a nonilerfld Mt. as pictured ahoea. 
' 'ipdiht piano and player, a combined ireight of l,no pooads, arlth her 
■s^jH art wltli vnt sMCCSs la the vest. She Is bow csniaK cast sad. « 

Ttioalr and gua ballooiul an made oC 
rubber, and wban blown up need not be \ 
SowlH jourcbanc« to sec a hlgb-prload 
for little money. Ope grosa la boa, aaanrtad 

No. SOI— 60 Centimeter Air, par ama. 

Mo. iO*-tO Ontlmctcr Air, par»roa a 

XcWii IH)an llanln oafa» baaTy rubber, 

fa, «j r'tfw ia M iii y i Yo ia ' .p»iproaa".II 



IMS. ItoeloaatlMBoaCpar graaa 

Xa, SB-«aaM aa SN, oalr huaar (aa laoK aa «hay : 

.. 3 
.. t 


■:R. DUN-T overlook TR18 KURBBb Mb MMaiCr MSSb 


price C3.&0. To close them oat, per srosa 

Sausage Squawking Balloons. 



ttW laAvB loiw; per gross tl 10 I Ko. XU—PlftlD, » Inobea lODir, per oruwi •! M 

KhaLfregDlArprifw), per grow.. I » | Mo. tl9—D«oormCed(wortIidoubtetbeniODe7). 1 7& 


they iMt at only tUO perm vm. 

Will sell titem u long as 

Voa better order now,a« this adTertlwment vlll not appcjtr 
K^mln. I h*Te lota of other bArgatoa In mj catalog. Write 
for a eovj to-day. 

Send m dapo^ with your order and I will ship 
Coods C. O. O.. aubjoot to anamination. 

, 240 L IMitM SUntl^ 

ii iharooslily tellabla, and 1 1 




< Responsible Managers, address care Billboard. 

Olctnre ontflt and lot of fllias. sonar slides, poses, etc : one street slaaok 

mrMbie ffoot balirlMX*, ttuda aiul tolcipK ticket )wx: one aerventUia skltt: 

Id flM erenlng. White City and fiana Boad 
have proated. and both of tbeae big parka have 
offered plecry of merltorlona attractlona. Tbe 
Knabensbce airship flights attracted biudreds 
of thonaands to White City. In this coimee- 
tlon It li only fair to state that the Wbite 
Cltj excursion department, under the direction 
of J. Fnocls Miller, baa contributed In a great 
asore In working up tbe enormona attend- 

THS oLYXPnra Bnx 
An attraction which is rather ditCer- 

t turn the oiaal entertainments to be seen 

sa ike. raadeeUle tuge la The Minstrel Maids, 
the heedBtae offering of tbe Olympic's new bill 
tUs week. Miss Edna Barrett U one of the 
"end men** of tbls entertaining aggregation. 
Stlnson and Merton, knotm as langh pro- 
Tokers, are favorltea and McMabon and Cbap- 
pelle contribute a soutbem plantation noT- 
elty. At The BaUtoad CTroesIng. Mile. Emmy 
Introduces several canines wltb their remark- 
able performances. Nelson Downs, the Uln- 
Elonlst and cola manlpolator, delights wltfe»^ 
astonishing exhibitions, and the niiHtal.eMl- 
mans offer instmmental aelectlaaa. Joe .new- 
man, a Bong hnmorlat of DsaTCCi aakcs bH 
appearance on thia bill, aad Us lt«dlD|s nd 
mannen - resemble tbose a( MO Vn. The 
JsAsoD FSUr are- im aia ja; , aC ptyaienl cai 

tare and Masnr 
«!(•, SSBCS_ tSi_ 

■Ihpmpson'B Elephants (Praetor's Bth St.): 
New York City, 2-7. 

- (OmaO: ladlaiia^la, bd.. 

V««o«i Ttoape (Pmtor'a 2»rd St.): New 

York aty. M. 

WUaon, Geo. (Praetor)a: Albany, N. T.. 2-7; 

(Colonial) New York City, S-14. 
inrrlnaton, Ann ft Co. (Keith's): New York 
City, 2-7. 

•»^^ft Rajiiiiwd iPaslaa'^: Maw York 

'oS^M • ^ gO rtWi) : ■'^ork 

WmiUBa ft Melbam (F'amlly): Mahanoy City. 

P»-, 2-7; (Family) Lancaster, 9-14. 
WWIaaUb C. Wu ft Hilda Hawthorm (Qraad): 


■a Tandenile. There Is i fierce brosdsvrord 
torotiat. In which Richard <Mr. Darls) engages 
^>d>aagd (Mr. Tea Bcaaaler). aad which ter- 
Itb Makespeariaa laddent, 
■VpOr tor nek. The anasaeis pceasat de- 
cided the act ought to go, aad Mb' 
tbe ex-prescber. Is Inrlted t» MB 
tor the TaadcTlUe dicolt 

nota Sunday night. 1. The play la a distinct 
novelty. Tbe opening act la on tbe banVs of 
the Thsmea at Henly. at the time of a re- 
getta. and the second act Is at a latrn fete 
at the aummer boose of an English nobleman. 
The plot of the piece InrolTes the diplomatic 
relatloos among all countries, when excitement 
was at Ita bright prior to the commencement 
ot tbe Russlan-Japaneae war. Tbe caat ta- 
clndes Molly MooDshlne. Miss Marie CabUI; 
Sadie Stiort. her aeeretary, Mlaa Sadie HarrU; 
Lionel Longaere. Mek Temple: Lady 0«eneth. 
MISS Frances Gordsa; Earl of Broaillatras, l«>ng- 
ler Taylor; CoOOtcsa ot Broadl.vraa. -MlM 
Eleanor Lawson: . Dnmbgarren. BoT. 

wen: VlTle Sondla. wmiam Ingersoll: Marcel 
Barhler, Oeoixe Behan; Lola (3iarmlon, Mlra 
S^^HafaaerTDr. J ._L»ee tt Foty, q.^ B. R. b- 
erta: flea. Mseefc .Baglsa AabMaadac. jUan 

For fifteen days at Brook*s Casino, 
commencing Snnday. 1. J. IT' C'*'?2,,,SiS 
the Nelsoo-BHtt flgbt plctorea. Aaaodated 
with him during tbe (Silcago eacagraeot » 
L &I noosenian: Mr. Edwafd Sbayne Is hook- 
iSc time for Mr. CioltJoth. A prirate prew 
Tlew of copyHshtjd P««*S2,,"Vtatt?»v^ 
mcmbera of the Chicago fratecally ja^tha han - 
qoet baU of the Shermao IlMS^ ■ 
Ins, Sept. 20. Mr. Bbayaebaa B 
tlsM |St Ibe fliM ■irtaiis. .. 

Not In years J««CSMeM»«peri- 
encrd ' park weather" St Mj*^ 
year each aa the weathar ■ aa baa .»e ««^d«- 

Ibwtf^jpait^wjfe i23»?t mSm 

family. Cnrtain and BlosKm, Gna I«on- 
1 aad Schaefer and DeCamp. 


The coming season promises to be 
one of the most hrilllant lo the bMary of 
the ADlance Francabe, the theatre naturally 
being one of the principal attractloos- Mme. 
Petite, just tetnmed from Paris, has durge 
of that. The firat performance will occur 
Tnesday, Oct. S, at Music Rail, Fine Arts 
balUlnc. whien tbe comedy by Leblete, Le Mmicar ratlcbao. wm he strea. 

At the Clark Street Museum Mrs. 
Onnsbr and her tamoas four-j-ear-old "quads" 
lead the curio ball attractlona. Other features 
are Mary Rankin Bock, aeeond wife of ""Bloa- 
t)esrd" Hoch: Swltt aad Swift, mnsLcIaas 
Blondln. who langhs at flK, aad 

The IjonOon Oalety Girls at the Polly 
the ParMaa WMowa at the Trocadero, 
are catcctalslBK ttats street 


The nursery at the People's Theatre 
has occasioned s good desl of comment. It Is 
really a clerer Innoratloo, and Jnat now af- 
tarda the^P »o]|»l e*a pieas ateats pleaty of 


Harry Burns, who Styles 

America's champion bag -poacher, mad 

«B the Uayaatfcct bOl kit vesk. Be 



A G E N T 

526 Washington Street^ 


Fetrillc4l Woman in complete hox esse and 
paih oCeeAa. and new banners; ready ter 
show, ilsldfc, >S.0O tor full ontflt. 


2652 Rutcer at.. St. Lonig. Ma, : 

■ WILL euY 

Billposf Ing Plant 

Write FULL. Ueacriplloa. "' — ""^ " 

Make thenrles RtltBT It 

■.iC baste; 




FOR EXCHANas-Lulteort Hot ngMt|j|n» 
" ■ * Moot good mm now. Win ti 

OTP, w«lghatMlbo.;coet _ 
foranTKDOila. Makeoffer. FVank Darkoe,Sprlagfl*ld,0- 

Blackfoot. IrtAho. PopuUUon of town, :t,&00; aeatlAfc 

CmpcrltY h^u»*! iUi, »Lb.kv x 35^ Iloi2M well llfchie«l 

and hiaUMl. .Kdilrejis r,E(». huUCK:. Manacer 



Van elaarsd »11M. ladr SMSIajtjte 
Ollulold Waterproof fbao Biall , 
DcmonatratMl Mmples CMSk K K. 
Clark St.. Chlcaao. 

FOR SALE-Oaspeavanada oatm consMlaK of ^1 
mils machlnea: 1 largo street plana: S lovers po«»- 
emeca; I wooTenlr postal card mmcblne; 1 lirier; 
1 weighing scale: 1 grip: 1 electric: 1 pneninnl o punch- 
ing nuMblos; t« salt picture machine. .""^P'^"'^',} 
teStUaSL Pahjt^w on the ru«l wUh,j«raW^ 



Ttx'e Billboard 




IMe-O-PUSTie miST. ( Fnny l 
And Htavy ■mkal Act 

Farmmnenk addron. Tb« BtUlioud 

Tke Famous 

nVT k. BRAGKEn, 


Fannanent AddnM: WILKCSSARRE. PA. 




BepmentmtlTe^ AL LAWBENCE Kept. O 



The Sensation of the Century. 

Featored with Nat. Itoiaa Southsrn Carnival 
Have fine lltbos. For tenos 

Bicycle Bill 


Gieat lartet twlrler and cyclist. Bl« norelty 
act. Add. care Btllboaid. Cincinnati. Ohio. 




In tbeir t Arc« OmirKi;' TaadeTlUe Sketch 


Address 313 E. 71st. N. Y. City. 


ibate. wItK tbelr trick bniboard. Intro- 

IDs hAod to tutnd and he&d to head 
am all the var throafcb. 
Per Add. BnXBOARl>. Cincinnati 


. iltka wnmaoiial dnunatle pIsTlct "-An Epiiod. In 
JMmb LU wntten by Mta Wotostt. 


•n COmmunlcaaoD. to WHlSTLUia TOM 



I Uln far a Ti*, 
aai E*«t87Mi 


a Md fnnjiy^ Uttle comedlena 
VaRnanent address 



£qaillbrists and contort! ODlstS. AUg 
hit. With Cook & Banetfa ~ 
Per. address The Billboaid. 






mu rov 




iMtf^THE HOBSONS-Estilla 


WMTb Snat- 

Tbr Orcat sad ODIy 


PztBCt>al Bafc4ack 


AKBtAl. BAl 

reatB of 8kin mod Daring 

a Spice of Comedy 

rr<— nttnr «n AbMlote H«nlt7 

L S. WOUlNa and 

or Momn 






818. B. PERI 





Wngliic. TalkiBa. KBoekaboot mi 
with Blnsllnc Bros., ecssoas UM (• 

At LUwrty tor winter 


Wc ■!« tbc Orlstsatocs et tbt Triple lamp 
Dp wlttTm iJ^^J^ ^aaiM* m£^^ 

latndadiit Baekwart and Ferwari 



Tbr LarrhlE* Hit of 

The Warld'. GrtitMl Hxr't. 

A OMrts at (Bmr nc 

■^bat TcmtOs Oasiiay Pair." 




Piaiueily "n* 


Amerlea'. Orfate.t TROUPB of TBICS OT- 
OLlSra. Addrew G*o. M. J«!kMe, prt 

rTite. or Joikii G."1t-Te«. FU^'T^cotitlTe, 
'.W Eijtt Htb St.. Ne-w Yort Citj. 



Harry and May Howard 

sssTss ass BALLas, 


^•rgcuson, Dwpr** A Co. 

so bMTI.t 8L. IT. T. Cltr- 



Opens tlia 



Fwrnannit address 
II Ijoomla St., BOCBBSTKR, N. Y. 


muL Ksmm an sAinia act 





.^Alcazar unrlesqners^ 



"■oraing, Noon and Night" 

Add. NM. LMB. 34 Clift St,. CaiCuT, U. 


ICbIs of <a« wire. Tbe mam niMtlll.«l mM.h 
klUtfon tn exiuence. For open time eddrM. LoaaBMk. 

Oon»/ ljil»nrt, or la W.Undnt-. N., y. 




Tracked Aroaad The World Co. Seatoa 190546. 


As ISAAC BDTTIHaKi. tha Jaw DateeUre. ta 

Hanacement A. .H. WOODS. 



MuasuMit— A. H. lOODS. Smoi IMMa. 


In Traeked Araaid tka Warid Ca. 





Tiujt- all till-d. fn.'iu AuiT. 7 ttll May IS. 




Care iUIlboard. 




ImmOhmI Mmblif wilt M 



n*H iMaa., all oolora, IS oena per .beeL Wood.. 

Fkaaics tokeld nine 39 cent, eitrm. 

l«.m«lias»fi JcCo.. TnbuBe Bldg.. ctucego. Ill 

Theatrical Hotels ud BoardiogHoasts 



Bnropean Plan. Elecant Baffet In oonnectlon 
SEO. H. NINES, Prep., 153 W. Hadlson St.. 
Cblcairo. Haymarket Kldjr. 

the: city hoteu 

J. A. RJLCY. Cor. 16H% A St&t* Sta.. 
Manaaar. CHICACSO. ILI" 


OCTOBER 7, 190S. 

Xlie Billboard 



tela. Music hAH^lMfS 
Dealers in Theatrical, 
Cire«w and Park 

\dr«rtlsfm«ntt not eicmdlag one line In 
ItBctli. nlll li« pobllsbed. proprrly daulfled Is 
Ma Dlrectocy. at the rate of $10 tor one yeir 
tax Icsnes). provide tbejr are of an acceptable 
attai«. Price laclodec one year's anbacrlptlon 
to Tbe BUltioard. R*gaT»T adrertlsera, who oae 
In excess «f worth of apace anna&ll^ are 
entitled to one line free of cbarge foe eacb 
flftf dollars or fraction thereof, covered by their 
eontracta. Tbe Directory la rerlaed and cor- 
neted weekly, cbaneea In firm namea and 
atttrffn belns recorded aa aooo as they ace 



BefaBool Sisters' Balloon Co.. Reed City, MIcb. 
HMtbw'atii Balloon Co., 71 Fsllertoa ar„Chlcaso 
f^sC Obas. Setmrta. Great on. la. 


Wto. Bartela, lOS Oreenwleb at.. N. T. O. 

ONo. UrerpiMi. KBcIand. 

CMl Bagcabeck, Stemnsen-SiuiriMUS. Oemav. 
Bspe. » M. Mh at.. PtallBdelpUa. 
- -e, aia Onad at.. H. T. C. 
m»». a OMpsr a^ H. X. 0. 



And Thaattteal Iawtotb, Wha ^aeialJM IB 
Thaatrieal and Ciroaa Iaw. 
Maorlce B. Boaenzvels, 98 Naaaaa at.. N. T. 0. 

•m. a. Patntal * Co.. 41 WlaiiCB at« M. Z. a 

Raak Ooltoa * Oa.. 107 & aCidlwn it., OUetfo 
Ipa A Heely, 286 Watnah aie., CUcaco. 


MIoneapolta, lOaB. "* BlAMit, 

ne He«a Co.. 99B S. ntiliasb «t..B u»Jit t St, linf. 


m. Laala WMtm Ok, 4U iMSMlu. St. Lenla. 


Ox- tyto o««« Saa KaaafaetaTaia. 

Otn'tl Cal. Ll«bt Co., 108 W. 4tfa St., Clsdanatl 
Bt. LoDjs OaL Usht Co.. S16 Btan St., St. Loola. 

•eo. Krata. EraBSrUle. Ind. 

■ectrlc Candy Uacftlse Co., NaabTllIe, Tom. 
Mplre Cream fieparator Co., Bloomileld. M. J. 

Ite Qieaaaa. tttkt, Snnunar Oaidaaa. ' ato. 
MMeiscr Pop Oocii Oo..4S8 Wasb..Bnffalo.N.Y. 
2»a. F. Kad4*a * C0..I4-I8 Deabroaaes st..N.Y. 
S^Jttk OeBfeeHaa On.. 7S Varlek at.. N.TX. 
■■■ajiB Bna. A ■ekatela. Chleaso. 

mmmmiua. o». m loadm au 

L Baenateln, 44 Aaa It, H. T. a 

C. Rlcketta, M An at.. N. T. a 
•k|er Bna,. U Bamttj, M. T. a 

CARS (R. (t) 

r. A. 

tas Palace H«ne Car Co., Cbleaso. 

mk. ^MaOB Car Tttg. Co.. MC Veraoo, HI. 

>aw aad Saeoai Hand. 
UAock, ObapliB it., derelaad. 


Cacaa, Oaai aad Band Ohailoti. 
MUran A ESafle. Pern, Ind. 

^Mler * DrMacii. 188 Poatoo at.. Memphis. 


i.tSl lLMkSb.i 


Oart Eat.. Mlhraokce. Wis. 

Emi. Br.T. Co.. U5 Batca at.. KnoxTlIle. Tenn. 
^^f* O'sraTure Co., LaCMaie. Wli. 
Sy'- a City Bos. Co.. Blymyer bids.. Claeliiaatl, 
Co.. Park Row bldg.. N. I. 0. 

Sy- Udse. 127 LaSille iL, Cbleaf*. - 

"■"Wa Schaol. 2Be W. 23rd at.. K. T. O. 

fSi. I> »s 1 « »l ia Tlass, Buntlns, Faatocnins. ate. 
?IBardOw Oi,, aSS OeL at.. Kaaaaa City, Ho. 
«. Plu Oa- 

IMk UL, Hew 


Kann/actnran, Dealeis la, and B«tal 

American Blogmpb Co., 11 K, 
York City. 

Peter Badialnpl, TSe MlaaloD St.. Saa nanelaeo 
Chlcixo Film Ex.. 133 S. Clark at.. Cbleaso. 
Busene CUne & Co.. 2 W. 14tb at., N. Y. a 
Bdlna SSlg. Col. tt Valem aqpank Mtw X«rk 

OaatoB MeBn. SMK m. Mk at.. Wew T«k. 


Klelne Optical Co.. 52 State at., Chlcaso: 12T-2S 

W. 32d St.. New York. 
S. Lniitn, 23 S. 8th at.. PbUadelpbla. 
lilies Bros., 10 E. 14th at.. New York City. 
Miles Bros.. 116 Turk St., San Fiandaco, CaL 
Nat'l Fttm ReaUnc Oa~ tt N. datk at..flUea 
Pathe anenataiMlft Ok. dB W at.. ||.X, 

Pa tbe CluMHiivaih^Sk. " 



& Co.. 98 Fnlton at.. N. T. O. 
National Flac Co.. Cincinnati. Oblo. 
n. Ik Mas Co., 2MS Gilbert are.. Clndanatl. 

Spindlsa, CInb Hooae Fnmltnia, ate, 
Barr A Co.. 9S 5tb are., Chicago. 
B. y. dark, ft Weyboeaet at., ProrMence, B. I. 
Coirper Ufg. Co.. 168 S. Clinton at., Chleago. 
Dcane, 10S7 Central are., Clnclnaati, Oblo. 
H. C. Brana A Co.. 125 S. CUrk at.. Cblcaio. 
Jeaae James, Fort Scott, Kan. 
Klein <k Hiner, 48 I«aaard at.. V. Y. O. 
D. XUIer Mfc. Co.. Kaaaaa atj. Me. 
B. A. Voore tttg. OBw, SOB -WjIM^ KSa.Cltr,»b. 


SAka-np Boxaa, Cold Craam, ato. 

Oa^ aa» S. ntshDSh *t.,Baakcater.inr. 
* WcU. MI N. »th St., 



Lodsins aad f*if H 
tts Viafai 

0HI0A6O, ILL. 

1 naqatBtsd hr 

«f aad Pa al ai a is.)' 

SL BdtatM. 'DrcaailaBd." Oooer Maad. H. T. 
PreC. Ohaa. Oatolle, Sse Bloemlleld arc, BlBoa* 
fleld. N. J. 

Cbaa. B. Waataa. 4 Osmthera, lAmeoee, Kaaa. 
J. v. Zinew. tZi W. Liberty it.. OlBdsaatL 


For Btac* Va«. 
Bennett Jewelry Co.. 1317 Poplar. Philadelphia. 
Alfred Gnssenbelm. 529 Broadway, N. Y. C. 
HalOMa * Alter. 178 B. Hadlioa. OUeace. 
~ ~ A ODb. in mkaat 

H. z. a 



». X. a, 


Bleiaoptlcoaa, ato. 
Klelse Optical Co.. 192 Statr at.. Cblcato. 
lu Manaaae, TUbnne bldg., Cblcago. 

Oaiausala, BaUar Ooaatan, Ohataa. Tairla 
Whaala, eta. 
Amltase-Beradien Co.. No. TMawaada. N. Y. 
Cksaey Locomotive Wka.. 40T Viiaj. II. X, O. 
W. B. Condermaa, HomellarlOe. X. 
Hmeben^tpIIIman Co., Me. Voaaaiadac X. X. 

a. W. Paxkcr. AUIme. Ka^ 


Supply Bonsaa. 
J. T. K. Clark. dl2 Walnut at., Kasaas City, 

P. P. Home, 1613 Central are., CladnnatL 
Singer Broa.. 82 Bowerr. N. Y. C. 


3. S. Gebbaidt. 3(Ci lawrence at.. P b H a d elp Wa, 

J. M. NaDghton Co., 120 8. Blgb. Oolnmbaa, O. 

Cblcago Film Ex.. 133 S. Clark at.. Chicago. 
Eocene Cllne * Co.. SB Dearborn St., Cblcago. 
Alfred L. Haratn * Co.. 138 E. 14tti. N. T. C. 
Harbacb & Co.. 800 FUbert at., PbUadelpbla. 
Klelne Optical Co.. 52 State at., OUeaco; 137-28 

W. S2d it„ New York. 
Miles Broe.. 10 E. 14tb. N. X. O, . 
Mills Broa.. UO Turk at. 3" MuAea, CaL 
National Film Kentlog Co.. OB M. OMSk. ObKaso 
Pathe Cinematograph Co., IB WaaW pI l St.. 


Paike Oaemato^fk Oa.. 4B B. SM at.. Mew 

Ye* City. „ ^. 

Sells Osljraeopc Co.. 41 peek Court. Chicago. 


wSa ks tUd to aaad oopiat 

Li«k fMrt. iM yr. mtk at., k. y. o. 

M^^Se Cat. 41 W. BBtk at.. N. Y. a 
Mnm» B. Baaiek A Co.. 4B TT. SStk. M. X. a 

jrusx OUT 

singer Bros. New Book of SpeoialUe* contains the latest and best 
selling Novelties: Jewelry, Cutlery, Optical Qoods, Watches and New 
Specialties. Issues sp e c ially for Can v sees, Auetteneet*, and Notion 
Men. Send for 

8S Bmvefy, NEW YORK dTV. 

Xsreateat ot All 

a.Bickett Family.. 


Graccie E^mm.ett 

Laughs aod the World laoRhs with her, in 

En route with Milton A bom's All Star Vaudeville Oo. 


Japanese High Wire, Slack Wire and Effide for Life Act. 

for last three seasons with Great Gaskill Oumval Co. At liberty 
after Dec 1. Address care Billboard. 

mgh Diver and BaUooidst 

After Oct. 6th, to join Carnival Company goinff South. Dive into 
net from any hd^ht. Company must famish apparatus. Salary 
wenonehle. Feetared with T. L Gash CunivalGo. aUseeaon. Ad- 
diess ODSTAV KOVB (Hish Heneiy), care UtaaStcM^k Ogu Stan, 
488 Wabasha St., St. Paul, Minn. ' 

AT LIBERTY— For Ballyhoo Dates or Coipany 


ind Talkors. 

Per add. 801 W. MslB Street. KALAMAZOO. MICH. 

♦•The Merry Minstrel" 




Addrcas care ot BtLLBOABD. Cln'tL 


Direction Geo. Homa.n.s. 







22nd year of ereat succe-^^s. For open t ime and 
particulars add- caro Hillboard. Ctnc'tl. O. 


OvfBCtu the closing of asucvetisruL season wltbTuttle*8 

Rand balaocer and hack ben<llnE: contortionist. Ad* 
dfe«*tt5Bn«H*VI*t*St.. Newark. Q. 

cwarm wfa im mki 


"M Ubarty" 



One Inch of space, one time. U.00. and laxger 
spaces ap to wven f ' ~ 


One Inch of space, four I Imes. 13.00 and larcer 
spacesjnp to se ven Incbes, at tbo same rate 
- ' ji»er Inch. 


One Inch of space, fourteen tlmc't^raM 
months). SIO.OO. and larger spaces up loaMM 
inches at tbe same vale per inch. 

NOTE.— That all space Is measured and 
charged for at slDKlecolamo : A card one and 
ahalf Inches mar be stt double column 
three Quarters ti) of an Inch deep. Specify 
in your order if ilie card Is larjri-r than one 
Inch, whether to be set slnele or doub u 

fhe Billboard Publishing Co., 

416418 Ell St., Clicliiati. 0. 



Xtie Billboard 

OCTOBER r,, 1906b 


AmctlcaB VetA Mig. Co.. 247 M. 21 PliOi^vbte 

Boas Carlo OOb. Lando. Trz. 

Haadr TUaca Ca, w Bowe St., LudlnctOB, JOCh. 

OncB 4 Oou, 370 Wen* Cbleiso. 
y9M 9^ Ooi, IS Mtb aU Maw r«* OHy. 
■ jpfUfc iTaHlar. JM «Hk BMr. Mav Xatk ClQr. 

' Vikim BM*^ M nith are., Giilaica- 

Tac BtUpaataa, Oimii and Thaatriaal SgmtM. 

WUtr A Xcnka. 127 N. Sth it., Ptilladclphla. 


Who Catar EajMeUUy to tha '^rttT<inl 
r. •W taat, FImXo.. Soooum, N. J. 
W^Mi^eteai^ ^WgB^ute ^at-^_ 

Tt aa li fa. Asthon. Acaats aad Bnkara. 
Cbta. If m ona td & Co., SS Waabinttoo, Ohleaco. 
ma* BUaabeth Maitmiy 1430 B'wmj. S. Y. O. 
Win Roaaltcr. 2S Waahbtcton at., Chleasn. 
Saucer * Jocdaa. a<iB2 Broadirar. M. Z. 01 
SetWTm * Oa^ ua Broadway, N. T. O. 
W. B. .WatMo, SS3 Pearl at, Btaok^lu S. T. 
Wtnnett (Play Sateao. l<40e B'war, K. X. O. 
Un ci III A. rWhtU. l«l m'tnr. N. T. C 

Ot CloUalal Faaiaa aad Bir Hn* 

AekcmwOBlglcr Utbo Oft., Kka. CUr. Ho. 

AncrleaB Sboir jprlat Oa.. lOIwaokc* Wla. 

BcB Smr Flint Co., SScouimt, la. 

a. B. Bwk Co.. BoaptoB. Uaaa. 

OanlTBl PasUr (»., TIT-Tig Hcsaettbi are^ 

ITtnm aiDilli. «W"" 
CMeaso Sbvar Prtot Co., 340 Btb are. Obtcafo. 
CnaeeaC BBe. * Ft*. Oo.. S22 Sd at.. Bcaw- 

■mi*. lod. 

DanaMaaa Utlio. Co.. Mcwport. Sr. 
Bujulrcr fob Pts. Co.. dodniiatl. O. 

Im. Ctatoa * Oo.. ass Oeambom at., CUcaxo, 


Faasna n i uU u ft Oo., OS at.. CbKaco. 

Ocat W. Ptc Co.. Sia mm St.. Bt. I.o<ila. 
ft Co., Clneliinitl. 

atsn Blufr Print Co.. -if^—mn- o. 
Pte- and Pvti. Co., fbUadripUa, flu 

'Oarence S_ iBaneT. '^im^ OlaalBMtl* 

■ Wtasa Paater iWorka. Steger. 111. 

n ^ i:,ltt>a.. BlUKl-HocKan 'Print. Narwood. O. 
' Wntccr Pts. Co.. SerooIdBrlUe. Pa. 

mtaaas * Briaiit. 400 Vain. Dallaa. Tez. 

Of Tbsatlleal lattaThaadj, Conttaeta, 
ate, «to. 

Obnrdx Pty. Oo. AG 'Elm St., CtncbnisCU 
Cttmmt ais. & Frts- Co.. 822 Sd at;, 1 

Tine, iBd. 
KknpaKil Ptx. Co.. 4SS Bkn at. 
Stcsier Poater Works, Steser, lU. 
.^URocth Prlntlas Co.. Webbexarffia, Hlch. 

. rM^tmt U afcaamoR. UR 'W.,astb at.. M. Y. a 

■tq CIiieliiMtL 
" " " Oeticit, 

f jt Taiiillfc. OlatoB. CUeaco. 

Bock. • Bine Iilmd «tc,. CUacot HL 

Antooatle Ctaoatroetliai Oo.. lM .nMM*at.. 

N. T. atjr. 
CUU* Btob_ Datralt. Mleb. 
OmMldattd afaddBe Co.. nUad^bbU 
OhaBrapoUtaD Not. Cok. ft. Stt St.. Phila. 
B. Btaa. gas Areb at.. PbOadelpbJa. Pa. 

Vanllr OOb. It S. Mtnaon ac. OUcaco. 
~ toa:, B BiwiMj , R. T. O. 

TUf. Otw. ISB W. Ackaim. Ohkaso. 


caso, ni. 

Deln* OpUeal Co., SS State at.. i*«*- a r. 127-2» 

W. 3Sd at-.' New York. 
Nitloml film Renting Co.. 6S No. Glark at., 

CWcaeo. m. 
8d^-P«iraoape Co.. 48 Fccfc Osatt. Odeaco. 


: Oik. asth & Imi. CUcaco 

. . .--..^ MEN'S SUPPLIES 

' - ~v;ilBr,:**ill*«w«n. etc. 
^'■^OmS'Wmai ik OkVCttSt. CIiul€« at.. St. LodII. 
Pabtfcos, SOT N. Bnadway, St. Ixmla. 
E. U. Fantns ft Co., 333 Dearbom St., -GUcaso. 


H. Gerber. T29 Soath St.. PhUsdelplila. 
de G<^dsnltli Toy A Importing Co., Clncin' 
JUitl. O. 

AIL Gagseahelm. S29 Sroadway. N. T. C. 
Bolso»n & Alter, ITS E. Madison, micago. 
IhK a. B. Co., lOG Canal at., N. T. C. 
L Btacnstela. M Ann St.. Kew York CltT. 
Lerln iBroa., Tetre Gante. Ifid. 
W. F. inner. 1« Park Roar. N. T. C. 
Kewmsn Mftr. Co.. 81 Woodland srr., deTeland 
I£oKas-T%annAn & Co.. i:i6 Wabasti ar., CliIca£o 
wni Bosslter, 2i5 Waahlnctoa St.. Chicago. 
6hlTOCk-Todd Co.. MT N. 4tb «t.. St. Loula. Mo. 
N. Sbnie & Co.. 261 OUdlsoo. Cblcigo. 
Sblgcr Bros.. 82 Bowery. Y. C. 
Western Bargain Hoose. 272 E. MadIson.Chtc9zo 
. Barry Welstaum, ZM E. Madison St.. Ctdcsgo. 
X WMteson. 240 E. Madison sL, Chicago. 

Fnr. Baomel H. 

_ nts. Canvassers, Street- 
Men. Hardu-areand NoveltyDcalers every- 
where to sell Dotson's sew Centn^ 
CpmUution Ftnit and Vegetable Parer, 
SUcer, Aante Carer, FUh Scaler aa< 
CaUagtCitter. a kitchen utensil used 
fOr twelve diffe|«nt purposes. It peels 
and slices everything in the fruit and 
vcsetable line. Peels anickly and ts cs- 
ceedinirly handy and easy to operate. 
Saves Its price on every bushel of fruit or 
veeetables it peels. Latest tt>In«r of the 
kind out. Quickest scUIn«r and most 
profitable article ever invented. Sellson 
its merit. Perjrross. SS.SO. cheaper in 
larrrcrquantitics. J.F.DOTSOH.tventcr 
and Sole Owner, *s State St., Troy, H. Y.'.-, I'v n'liil, 1 5 

FTt-MS AVD SLIDES FCiR SALK— S*m»on and DeUlalC 
KO Comical subject new nims at S< Cacll. M 

■Udea ot Rome. Italy, and lectore. Sll. 4t alldaa of 
Baltlmora Fire, »U. Addrens „ _ 

V. F. TROIXI, Box 306, LOWTllla, H. T. 

..At Uberty.. 

VaadeTllle House Manager 

ur Btefe niBiiAfirer for bidaII TsodeTlUe theatre or 
moslG taalt Su-ictij- teraper»te, rell«b1c, cmpAble 
hnst^tar. conp^iMt to book, m^amtr*- your houM« ^nd 

MBffe (exceptlDg liquid rctrestunent department). Can 
work up aad run wiTcrtlalBic prosmm. Scat* 



I *n aotatOra taddcia^Mft. In aU. 

' "- a, aceel Jolnta. 


a 8ALB-aiA dim aatat.lta« laddcn 
rway piaaaHa lall^hMtinr raasa, 
b aura and Mas —nlla ropa.nat.iJI i 


A hnstlloff advance aftent. also specialties; ladiea aad 
Itcntlemen; no myrs. or red nose make-nps. Kama aU 
and lovan. Biackbars, i t: Lowell, 1011. Koble Co. 
— ■ 'ABU! SHOW. 


Two Regal Pythons 22 feet each, 
fifli black Paotbar, elegant Indian 
Leopard, Afrieai Leopard, pigtailed 
Ape. Ail guaranteed sound cnditioD 

Mak» best offer. 

One blaek top In grood condition t alee approxinaata 
% I as, IS It. walL Lowest price atalppins point and 

'" letrant. 


dellTaiy. Also want aaMTlnicplctaief 

a Wanted . 

TO in r B a wd haaH miirors. dot ma- 
chines andaondtlaafbr awnaaiiiMii parlor 
A. mmAammm 

Box 242, . . X 


WIU secorw an Intsmtt In a blv money 
maklDi^. Bbon cast Farce Comedy, 
eqalpp vrlib elepftDt printing. Also tuve 
A Bwell Coniedj- for lease. 
Add. J. B. CX>RT, C tlca, M. OcB. DePy. 


Agents and BlaoacanL Soma mat tha best 
ons nigrbc stand b ue State oCHunand? 
Then Cry the 

Dont.fnfStt tbMto »_l»lK_rM«oad towi^ 



• -rs CTs. I.OOO 

BflAlf laiA— For tbla s eaa o n , ASR1.AKD 
BUDIVllln OPERA BOI»Ei eapoelty. 400: 
s«af$e is,x3z.^ '\VA>T eitber repertoire or vaauoTllie 


ithowa. Covd crops aad BDod show town. AddrvBB 




A*Sr«e«lons Waiated 

Lady that 


an play piano and alnic llluatratad aooBa: 

alaoa moTlnir picture machine opemlor. 
- -■ will buy Rood fllma. 

■alary flmt letter. 


State lowest 


GRAND circo teatro payret::: 


ANASTASIO SUVERIO, Manager and Proprietor. 

NOTICE TO PERFORMERS: In order to prolong contracts the mauage- 
meat of the aboTe house has secured the famous Circo Teatro Yucateix) of 
Merida, ProTloce ol Yucatan, BejpDblio of Mezica The Payiet Gi«^c will 
OnatOr ertwidBJ to Ifazleo Ott^. All nlarl«8 In Atttwhan eamoor. 
Finb eampany sails on or about November eighteenth. All oommiiiitaitlaiiato 


139 and Ave., NEW VORK CITY. 


Week of Oct. IGth, Auspices Eyota Tribe No. 5. 

This Is Free on Market Street, the Business Street of the Cit|. 

We can place for this week, two more shows of the high- 
est class, and must have nice front. 

PRIVILKOKM — Come on, no excluslves except novelties and confetti. 
WABIXBO— One mora free act for week of Oeb. Itth; 
^OR SALK— Complete penny arcade. .Same to Temaln Wtth Oo. until 
Xmaa; in the best towns in North and South Carolina. OntttMtB alraadf 
with the best auspices. 


Weekof Oct. 2nd. GREENVILLE. N.C. Auspice* WIthlacootbn Tribe 

Week of Oct. 9th, KI.VdTON, N. C Aaspice* Oaswell KIre Co. No. 1. 

ATT w .¥ wn g*¥*v 


(Account Company Closino) 

AfiEHT OR MANIBER a. sober, reliable, capable hostler. Don't drink. Tears of 

HQcni un niNllHaEn expeilence. Alsocapablelnvenllaorheavxinan. A-l ward- 
robe. Join on wire. Addresscani GEMEBAI, DELIVEKY, PITTtiMDBO, PA. 





Pour tenor nI r;.'<-rs. robust ttitior for chorus work, must bare sood heavy voice and bo experi- 
enced in cburus work; one (1) light baritone for solo and chorus: song and dance men who 
double brass. Addre»s AL. G. FIELD, as pi'r route In this pappr. 


TOUH CeWBOT BMO. Eishi Good Mysiclans. Double in Orebnira. 

Mnat be Brrt n l«a. i i»sgaayba»o » la gi a..aalary loo. Address >tatlniraKa,axperienca.aalafr. MIparlMMaas. 
Fhotos It poaalUau -wrBDWAItDB. Oa it PaL P. O., Portland, Ind., Oct. Aleundria, Inil., Oct T. 




Oct. 17-18-19-20— Good Sideshows, Ferris Wheel, Platform Curiosities, etc., 
for the biggest and best County Fair in the State. Plenty ot in<m^ bore and 
everybody will make money. Write 

S. E. SIMPSON, Secy., Oarrollton, 111. 


Messrs. Coffey te Mnrpbr haT« pnrctaascd th« games. E>or]rtblnir ffoeBsthe"Lld Is off.' 

Bo jnd for the Sunny Itontb. KokoKS. Mo., week Oct, S-T: Edina. Ho., wi'ck Oct. 9-14. 

AddrusHH. P. OUPFEY. Mirr. of Games. 

"Tt* JUiBboard" i 

OCTOBER 7, 1905. 

Xlie Oilll>oar>d 



g J* *S^h^.^AlL qgfP""*".i Jgg.HAy*LTHB ». 4c n. BARGAIN 


for **RAYNOI.D" WalchrN und •* H AiTIIliTOlV " Razor. 

199-201 East Madison St., 


Oh*. OorahMNK, lUt BMaawu. M. T. a 
WwMfD nmt. Sc., MM ^ O. B. VUgv OhlCMro 


Bakn & LscfcirMd Ok. 4U Dclamrt lb.. Kn- 

sas city. MO. 
G«o. 8. Don«TlB A Co., Colmnlim, O. 
DODCbertT Bn*.* Trnt Co.. St. Lads, aio, 
J. C. Com Co., Detroit. Mich. 
H. R. Knnkely. 1U3 8ootb St., N. T. C. 
1%? Mnrnr Co., OB S. Wasltlnstao St.. CblesKO. 
Obas. P. Slrdrr T^at Oo.. Oftrott, 3Ileli. 
TtiomsoD A YtaMntr, tW U. FUMl, nwliiHll 
n. S. Tent ud Aw». OSk. MS W. WtlMt<||% tt.. 


fltaa. & W«staa, ClAl Wratvorth st.. aUe>«a. 


Ack«notiui.<)nigI«7 Co., Kansas Cltj, Uo. 
Am. Ticket Co., Tolrdo, O. 
8M* tUM Oa. 112 N. 12th sC Fblladrl 
A tick. Fort ' ' 

A B. IMI. 8M afata at. 

Q. Wii i l w n , W N. Fraoklbi. CtalcafO; 
SM. A. ratorel ft Co., 41 Warren ft., N. T. 


S. Ootbmaa Ttaaa. Co.. 2SS Dearboni. Cblcaco. 

B^mmM^od^ A Bas Co.. OoiOBbia aTC.. 


ftask MelnUe. 1402 Btoadaray. M. T. a 

K T. 



9S-l»» NMwan SCHewTMrk 

General Practice. SpaoiAuvrt— Doascttlr 
Diffluaitiea, and Tbeatrtcal Law. Seduced 
rat>H to Uia im>fe««toa. Editor Law D«- 
partmentThe Billboard. 

::i;:WANTED to buy^ 

Jthntiwi FM. eahKlH Flood, 
or Day ii the Alps. 

Must be cheap aad in tot daa» «<o»dtMoii. 
Name ;i^^j*S^sS}f^ 
818 Island Ave.. niltvankee, Wis. 

The Man Who Sings to Beat the Band, 


Opens Souix City, la^ Oct. 18 



Greatest novelty on the road. Everything new. Address 


Hotel Garrefson, Umb Gily,lo«a. 


Fully eqaipped for fast pssseDgr^r Krrlce : steel whMls. 
Oar has Just been ttiornughi; oTcrbauled b; tbe Madl- 

SOD. llln.. car works. WuuM inak« g«<Kl adTsnoe car or 
merrr-iro-rouild car. Lroitth of car «0 ft. orar all, witli 

platform 00 on end. Ckr(aBbeieeDlnBI.Loala,Ma, 

onuimta^ antObmaMCkKkMau MMlMsollf 

' 1tit Jr _iaifcw>JI ITOT 11 1 Jiniai Bros. 

Sbow. cam PrlTate Oan, Xnk aad Clark are., at. 

Loots. Mo. 

Don't Pass Palmyra 

Paltnjrra, Missouri, la A G«OD SHOW 
TOWN. We have made Hanley's Opera 
House all orer asaln and it la better than 
new. Our peuole appreciate it and aresrlvlnff 
w Am BUUaamn. We want to bear (rum 
OOOD wuwii. 1 be other kind can't get In. 

MSKY BBOS.s nalmjrra, no. 


Bennett Jewelry Co., WIT Ptiplar. 

>*oa« iM ■wJHSSr 

To bay a biupovtlos 
OOO; prefer tbe no 
opeim house In 
BoxSl.Olney, III 

New Conventions 


J"*" •* *• ■••tatB Star Grand Cbap- 

nr. Hot. S, Urt. B. Baiter, Birmlnsbam. 
ran Smitti— Bute Uqoor Dealers' Protectlre 
AsSB. Oct. 17-18. T. .A. SUaatilr. Olia- 

tm^gOtt-JW. C. T. TT. National Oon. Oct. 

Sr-Ker. 1. Mrs. Snaanna Pry. Eranttoo. in. 
M Aoselea-Bootbero Col. Dental Aasn. Kot. 

»«• Pr. C. M. BentTOOk. 433 Broadway. 

• •J 

One spcrlal opllKTspb. Enlcrprlae Sccreopclcon and 
movlDCC plcturv conibloed. model No. 3. oomplete. and 
fitted wltb bef<t leose. electric tamp, sas lamp, lamp 
bouse, board reelsiataoone l^terprlse portable calctom 
Uirbt ootdt. model B, Deir— oDl^ used ooce— complete 
wltb plpea, aaa laiap aod email wrencfaea and toola, 
ready Co be sat apaadmnt'oiiesetDewsoaK sUdaa.U| 
Br the Dear Old Ddaware, screen UzsIiMatt.Bdlaoa 
HImii.amoBic whM.UaElaa TToublca on a Street Oar. 
Yacbt Kaces, ItlTinK Hone, Cowboys Dance, annt 
Undj's Waab Day or Tbe Old Man Falls In a Tub, Tricky 
Bo5T>, Mateara falla, Japan and Kas8la*M Last FItcbt. 
McKlnley FuneraUalao several comic Hlms; all new and 
A Ko. 1 condition. Will ship with privMeKe or eiamln. 
atlon to any part of tbe country, but muBt bave deposit 
aCSlO with express company or witli mc. a'Ocstah boys 

It. Unless you mean business save stampti. Only 
' dcallnfr taere. 


939-SA1 W. Vine St., Laxtagtoa, Ky. 


"Tiw O r — teat •! ThMn AH" 

The Pocket Secretary 

Olw tlie «( aa oidlnary lead pencil.) 

II Distinct Articles Combined in One^ 

i'lif'i'.J nlckle-plated. nsetui and Indispensable. Convenient rur tbe ^ett 
TUUwIlI beaiiuick sellar. Write for clicii- 


• Tt W— a ts, O W O A aO. 

Lead Pencil, 
Compass, ink, 
Compass, lead. 
Letter Opener, 
Marking Point, 
i2-lncli Rule. 

. . Wanted . . 

A number of first cla-s attracticms for our carnival to be 
run in connection with races, or prefer to make a deal 
with a first class Carnival Co. Oar dates, Nov. 6 to 11, 
Colnmbiis, Ga. 

We iturtwMk alter MaeoaXUi^ BnpnlBtlanliaylNM^ witli trnt-mmmMtif,. 
eoimtcjtodntwfroin. Wil onlrlisve llntefan A-1 ahom. OkuoMI iniar. 

ausptoMOohiBdnis Fall Festival and HaclngAssoelatioa. AddiesB^ 
Ct-irp- B. ORIMKS, Sacr*tary, 

Columbu*, Ga. 


Regapding Arizona 

Only one company playing ARIZONA on the road this season. Owners and 
managers of tbesties and theatrical compaodcs aie bneby notified that I 
have the escIoalTe light to produce Auguscos TbomaS' play, Arizona, and 

that no other person is authorized in any manner to produce this play. I 
have instructed my attorney to proceed against everyone vrho lovafies my 
rights in tliis particular, and shall prosecute him, or them, to the fullest ex- 
tent iKMlllla, Rgardless of cost. 


JOHN «!. 8ULUVAN, Attorney and CounaaSor at bm^ 

203 Broadway, New York City. 

New Yecfc OSy * 





Roberts-Kays Shows United 

•icked by capital, brain* and sxperlance. A few more dateH In Inillsna and lltlnalit. and then olT for tbe Sunny 


all- Citlea 

TKP-T wo morBsttowi wltb Rood fro5W!_a_ijwid_of j^^^ 

frlvlleftes 110. Uood treatment to 
eomnanr. aialttvan. Ind.. w««lc of Oct. a to ■ ; 

MOBKRn * lUTB. Ownenaad Manasers. 

-Bwisiw ,..-..7 — about dvo feet, must have 

■tTwnir dancinir and MiiKrinir i.pcctaliy: tall, bandsomo 

WANTED AT OMOe-V^uBn»^l>rB»ty Mrobrett« 

■ *» ■ Wiewfc atninir ilanctiiir and uintclnir ... , . . 

]uT<-nllenian: TrlshcomedlaniatrunffKuo^lalti c arartcr old neirro; aperlaltr carpenter 
ami props.. ti> play blia: box. ahout slxtwn rears «>ld. for undenMdy and »pn(r bot>ks. 
must sine. Atidrrtis stalinir fail particulars, alary. nendlnK plMitairraeba, UAHAGEK 
bDWAKDS. Genl. Del., Portland Ind.. Ot^t. (1: Aloxaiuirla Ind., T. 



on and after Noewalwrl. >>• 
ina.*. PermaaaM aiMessa 


-j---.jof all jnattlers, 
"tea elfers for seasoi 

A Colored Act tMm* Madceo Ooodl. 

HARRY The Bardfords william 



Three ^ood shows with ^ood Hoataf Ifarry-Gro-RouncI, and Ferris 
Wheel ; two strong free attractions; liand of eight'or ten pieces. 
Have ten solid weeks booked in best towns in Texas. Mnst join by 
Oct. 15. Frank Montgomery come on at once to Dallas. J. W. Ran- 
dolph, write. Address all oomnnmiataoiis to A. A. HATCHER, 
Gen. De!., Dallas. Texas. 

P. S. — Want good press a«rent, must be sober and reliable, 

boozers -itvi' ^tMuip-. -Ml concession ^^10 except (;i)nfctti. 



PROF. ZaBAIN, kins ot all hisrh divers; dives from his 90 ft. tower 
into 41 ft. of water. MADAM DbLBON, queen of all lady aero- 
hauts. Will book both acts toeethor or single. Week of Oct. 7 to 10, 
HarrisbuTff. Pa. Address PROF. ZaKAIN, 
Caio The Baiboaid, CinciiiiMiti, O. 


OOTOBCA 7,,190& 

anEinrEST OF JUJL ■muniiEii 



Mt tlu> Bli 

^HM fill 

A. J. 

/■gr "liootlnif bnttoDa oir ber e*rmenta and tbe scartera I^om Iier IlmbSt wblcb 
>'ttHtt no one else <bu«B to Imitate or even Take. SbootlnK 25 bullseres In 9 Hec- 
•nda; Quicker tban a satllne eon* No Imitator* in tills feat, as It taken a real 
martuman to do It, and not a pls^my vrltb a red nose. Breaklne a glass ball 
from Ills own bead bjr shootlnK tbe trlBBcrofanotber rifle placed opposite blm< 
Utootlnc and breaklne two pieces ot snsar placed on the bead of an assistant 
■imnltaneonair tirlnE two pistols— one in eacb baiul* Faaslng ballets 
•Broach a Uneer rlnK beld between tbe ttngers Ity an assistant* 41oslns tbe 
act witb tbe icreateat spectacular feature on tbe staee. A youne lady dressed as 
tbe Statue of Uberty and standing In tbe rear oftbe staee^ idiootlne tbe Jewels 
a91tmr erown, and wltb the last shot hlttlne a bollseye tn the breast of a larse 
eaCIe, thereby rlDKlne a gone and onToIdlne an Immense American flag, with 
creat eleetrlcal eSbets. 


AddresB as pM* roDte, or 

- - - 3ft W. SftstSt.. N. Y. CIXY. 


I For RMiltll's F amous S oolliern Carnival Go. 

good, stronvsliow, most baT« the froats and can make ^ood. Conc«8sloi» per week, no 
Good ET— k, or tat girt, or any good pUtform show write. 

« few opeD da-tesln N. and S. Carolina* one In Georicta* 

Address M. W. BIDDELL. Jellloo, Tenn.. Oct. S-9. or mny ot ftbove places. 

Illi Martin AssM 

liiHin, Pittsburg, Pa, 


ULiT DOGS.... 

9U Per 100 

At Liberty 

Union carpenter. Iiocsced ac imd; 

also billposter. Soutbem terrltOTy 
preferred. Address CWWi MOWOn, 216 
W. Main, WatertowD, Wis. 

Will Rossiter's Original 



......THE BROWNS...... 

BeSned Novelty Aerlsllsts, after Oct. 7. Acts 
as follows: Contoriion. balance trapeze. 
Japanese ladder, slack wire and eenersl per- 
formers. Addrcs VHANK and HEIiEtT 

DBOWM, AtUca. Kaas.. Oct. »: IXauTUIe. 


W« have opan time in 

Oct., Nov., Dec.. Jan., 
Feb., Marcb and April 

ni MMJinRiB nuGEi Anucims. 

DMdBOMWBomb floiMtOttr. Pa. 




M*' Vn A Btnr SBIiliEB. 
W m IV Said lib nraample. 

\^=%/9 ■-. >-. YOUNG 6 eo.. 

jiS^f^^Jr *** WMbloatM M.,Bartoa,Itaa. 

ttwA thM and wr cent. Ad?W. R. RMITH 

sttSide SHow Metu:: 

FOB BAI.B— Penny art-ajje. ao marhfnen; niiiHeum of 
KOBcaClae, Iowa. 


Wanted to nblet tne excIaslTe dan or novellT Ksllery 
HMkgts s( OmisIs (Ule ben Oct. 9tb lo tlst. 

•MKMtbsir ouh. bsteaeastwd at W lifMlrltinr 
■ «f » Istllm, too many eonr»wlnsi to tt^ mitn it. 
lOO w. Harris St., Atlanta, Utu 

..Slot Machine Views.. 

Guaranteed orleinala from Ufa. Crtalogae. 
162 North uSton82l!'*""~'<ffllSlSl(a TLL. 


(Amateur or Prore«titonal> to take an laterMt !n a well 
CORT, L lUa, .N. 1 .. ^arc of (,t;iitr»l Liellvur} . 

BXax a IS— Pajefao. tli. windw .( tta. whol. world. 
Soirmthlng eoMCTly new and liaauw wooer getter. We 

as* aolA iiMonSaeCowa of W— tun'W SMtotoa. ud sll 

ktHhoCUIiulau. IneloM ttsmp fbreslalosiw. WES- 

TOK MM}. CO.. 4.M Camttaen PUn, Lawnnce, 

raodcst osportonltT for yooiiff la4jr wltk UUi. .Maim , 
miut te owrar ilsiwir. AdinnnKfURiUB, Tbe 



Clabi. Bolltos Globe. Hoopi, Batoot. Guoa Wlre- 
ITsIkers* apparaCiu aad Koveitfea. Stamp ror cat- 
alofcns. XJiw-.v^N WTrE.rinclanaU o. 

CRAVEN'S OPERA HUUSE— New; electric IlKbta, opera 
chairs, eieeant scenery; floe piano, drMslne rooms, 
fumUore. properties : (rood sbow town; (irood companies 
only. TAYLOR & CAKAWAY, Leasees, Alma. ArkT 



Can be addressed care of Billboard. Cincin. 

::::FOR SALE:::: 

CTRflHR rOEIir— "Al' borse and half elepbaat. 
01 nunc rnCAK Greateat money (cetter on tbe 
road. S. N. FORSYTHE,careBinboard.ClnU.,0. 

•-. ■ WANTED 
-JUChsstkasa. 8.Teiml dcood plays for tbJa fUl and 
■ll<tir mt ■■si.iiUnl SestlBir eapacltr m. 

B. W. REDGBI. Kanascr. 

WANTEl>— 3 clilldren to Htncr end dance In Vaudevllla 
Show with (■jtmiviii. fjhlldren wUli Ttelta, Carnival 
write. A-l Hplrl. r arj.-l pl.-irio pLavcr; A 1 niMt<l>.-Al team; 
longioeaaon lu Kiorlda. iiarnet Harvey. JelUcn. Tenn. 

Bocky Ford— I. O. 0. F. Onnd 
16. A. J. Dickaoa. Dsant. 

Boekr Ford— I. O. O. F. Onad 
DlckMD, Oeaver. 


Norn-alk— Sons of Temperance State Gob. Oct. 
2S. IW. C. Olcklnaon, 823 Sberman are.. New 

Sarin Bock— State Bet^ Uquor Dealers' Ann. 
WateitDrT— 'KDlglits ot WUas Gnnil bidce. 

Oct. IT, Horace O. Catt^ BMU Hd. 
Windsor— ineuDloD Grant Wimtf, . 4M. S. aM- 

well Grant, Hartford. 

Wilmln^on — I.O. B. M. Oreat Couaell. Oct. 
as. '£dvr. Mclntlre, box 439. 

Watblnston — United Bietbern Cburcb Confeience. 
Oct. 17. 

Wasbloston— Disc Stmdar Scbool Ann. Oct, 
30. Jno. E. Uawioo, 151 B. S. K. B. 

Wa^lngtoa — Order at Americans Natt. Camp- 
Oct. 31. A. E. Gorbam, 1106 Stb at., N. W. 

WashlsgtOQ— ^Uardnaro and Metal Trades Con. 
Nov. 8. 

Waslilngcon — American Bardnrare Mln.' Asin. 

Nor. S-10. F, D, Mltcbell, SOS Broadtra;, 

Kevv York City. 
Wasliington— A£sn, of Official Agrl. Cliemlata. 

Nor. le-lS. U. W. Wlie;. 134 lOtb St., N. 



Atlanta— State OpUcal Aaan. Oct. 18. C. IH. 

KJllretl, Dublin. 
Fort TaUej— Grand Dalted Older of Wise Men 

of tbe Bast. Oct. in. T. A. .finmpMn. Iflddle 

St. aad 1st atCq Uaeen. 

TT.r.nm fa 

Canton — ^UlUtary Tract Aaan. Oct. 19-21. i. 
£, Coleman, M. D. 

CUlcago-'NaUonal Taint. Oil and Vamlib Deal- 
ers' Con, 

Cbicago — National Beekeepers. First week iD 

Dec. W. B. Hntcblnaoo, Flint, Micb, 
Danville— State Bld«. I/eague Aaan. Oet. Ift^O. 

B. G. Vason. Qttlney. 
Decatur— linlghta of Prtbiaa Grand Lodge. Oct. 

IT-u. Henry r. Caldwell. 188 Uadlsoa it., 


Le Uof-^esnion S9ch HI. T. T. L last of 

Oct. K. A. LrcmoB, Clinton. 
BoeUotd— (Reunion Baatem Veterans' Asia. Oct. 

«. C. 0. Aiier. 

Colleges aad Qhttailttea 

Oct, IT. 


Hor. 18. O. a 

irranlflln iBrnnlnn Stb tai 

and 1st Ind. Batteir. 

Smltb, Wlncbestei. 
IndlanapoUs— (State Union of Uterary CI aba. 

Mrs. E. B. Uabbork. Wabash. 
IndlBnapolls — Wii*. Valley Medical Aasn. Oct. 

10-12. Or. A. 'H. Cardler, Kansas City, Mo. 
IniUanapoUs — Betail Grocers' Aasn. Food Sbow. 

Oct. aH-Nov, 8. J. W. Galloway, IS No. 

Senate ave. 

Iiidlanapolls— (American Antl-^aloon L«aXDe. 

Nor. ^-Si. J. M. Barker, SI Bliss bldg,, 

Washington. D. C. 
Sbelbyville--y. P. S. C. E. Dlst Con Mot. — . 

E. £L CUffonl, 81« liteaiweat St., Tndlamipolhi, 

Iowa cttF— State Bieweis' Am. Oct. A 


Matt Oq.. Ott. » 

Covington — ^Patrons of Uusbaodtr Slatt 
Oct. Sl-3e. F, K. Kolcott. 


Portland — Canadian Ticket Agents' Assn. Oct. 
l«i. E. De l,a Uooke, Londoo, Oat. 
>taap-X. M. C. A. Weosa'a 
Oct. 10-lB. 

ilnad aavMs— Order of the Baatem War Onad 


^ Splrltoallsts* Assn. Oct. 

IT-aO. Mis. H. T. Loogley, WW rcnnsjlranla 
are., S. E., WaaUngton, D. C, 


Bllzabetb Ctapel— X. F. S. C. B. Dlst, Coo 
Oct. 13-13. iB. E. Hart. Kansas City. 

St. Louis— Interstate Milk producera' Pro. 
Nov. 27. a. I. Frlsbeck, Allenton. 

Atlantic City— F. & A, M. Grand Lodge (colored) 
Oct. IT. Jaa. B. Mason, 30 Aogiiata at,, 

Jeiaey City— >E|psrort]i League Dlst Con. Oct. 26. 
MaiHson— iMosilr Oa. Oardeoen A Florists Society 

Sbow. Oct. as40. S. Bcsgen, Moriistown, 
Trenton— Ir. O. U. A. M. State Council. Oct. 

■JR Wm. H. Melts. 

Blnghamtoa — Fire State Milk Producers' 

Oct. 17. H. T. Coon, Homer. 
BuCCalo— iPoUsb National Alllsoce. Oct. 16-20. 

P, M. Hellnski, 102 Division St., Cbicago, 111 
Lockport — 'Niagara Co. Veterans' Assn. Nor, 

— . Warren A. Ives, 133 WaSbburn at. 
Ncrbargb — 'Epwortb iLeagnc N.a'tHiti^ Dist, 

Coa. Last Oct. 
Nen York CttT^'HatiMai UfMT LMCW. Oct 


Niagara Palls — State Nurses' Assn. Oct. 17, 

Mrs. Gostln Welch. 
Bocbester— State FieTentloo of Ctiielty la GhU. 

dreo and AalBMls SoolaV. 
ScheDectad y "• Jt t m v t tk. Laagaa Akaar DM. Don. 

Oct. 21, 


Cincinnati— (Hallway Mall Mutual Benefit Aasn, 
Cincinnati— F. & A. M. Grand Lodge. Oct. 18. 

J. H. Biomwell. 
Sprlnglleld— State il*oUet Aan.' ; Oat. . n-18. 

Ricbard E. O'Brien. 


Cambridge Springs— State IMetaUoa of Wo- 
men's Clubs. Oct. 17-20. 

I-aocaster — 'Degree of Pocabontas Great Coonell. 
Oct. 17. Pauline De Baafre. PbUadelpbla. 

Beading— Pa. Ocrasa Soetety. Oct. ». T. O. 

!.jnu Oct a. 

Blpley — Weat Tenn. Teachers' Oanfereace, Ntf, 
30. Dec. 2, J, W. lohosoa, Martia. 

LyncMnrr-fCtng's Dangbtaiif Mate Bnncb. 

Oct. 2S-27. 


CbarlestoD— B. Y. P. U. State Oaa. Oct. U. 

D. p. Hill, CbarleaMB, 
Charleston— F. A A. X. Onai L a Hi. Hsv. U. 

G. W. Atkins. 


Mineral Point — I, O. O. F. Qraad Oieamp. 

Oct. — . L. O. Holme., BarabM. 


Sberldaa— L jO. _ O. F. Oraad Baeamp. Oet 
11.'' B. A. Pjo c iwi ^ 


Reunions, Conclaves, Aaaemblies 

Montgomei; — Gr. Lodge A. F. & A M 
Dee. B. Geo. A. Beancbamp, Or.- Sec. 
MSMtcamy— iBoyal Azcb Maaoar Or. 
4. Geo. A. ^ 


Fayctteaflit— I. O, O. r. 

2t. ivr. ti, ooddcD, Pine Bins: 
Faretterille— I. O. O. F. Onmd I«dge. Oct. 

26. W. L. Hodden. Pine Bteff. 
FayetteTlUe— Bebvkab State AaseaUy. Oet M- 

Medoca Beld. Little Bock, Ark. 
UtUe Bock— W. a T. U. Sute Con. Oct. — . 

Mrs. Lnln A. Maikwell. 
Uttic SoCk— State Bapttstar asm. Oon. Nor, 
17. V. r. Ooctia, Oandca. Alfc. 

Laton — Beunlon San Joaquin VaBcy S. A. B. 

Assn. Oct. 14-22. H. V. Faifeac. fttaso. 
Los Angeles — Natl. Woman'a Tempeianee OMs* 
Han Oon. Oct. 27-Nov. 1. BoMuma W. Db 
Pry. Bvanston. 111. 
Los Angeles — Order of tbe Eastern Star Or. 
Cbapter.CoD. Oet 17. Mrs. Kate J. WHl. 
ootts. Ban Francisco, CaL 
San Diego — ^I. O. O, F. Or. Bacampment Oct. 

San Francisco— State Water A Forest Asm. 
Coo. Dec. 2d week. T. 0. Frledlander. MS 
MiUs bldg. 

San Jose — I. O. G. T. Or. Lodge Con. Oct 
10. Arttrar C. BanU, IM 8. Second St. 

Colorado Springs — Ameneaa Teoaua Natleaal 
ConcIsTe. Nor. lO-lS. C. K. Ooata, Amota, 


Boeky Ford— Bebekab SUte AaseoMy. Oet IB. 
Mrs. E. V. L. Beggs. 3141 Paloou St, Dea- 
rer, CoL 

SaUda— iBocky Moaatals BUI|waters aad IMst. 
Aao^^Osa. ^t ^ — . H. B es ri a a , 11S8 

' vawummn 

Hampton— Conn. FMd Wat Oob THalB. 
Oct. 31- P. M. Cliafla. Mie Meadow. 

Hartford— State Traehoa' Asia. Ooo. Oct St. 
S. P. WiiUrd, Colcbestcr. Ooaa. 

Merlden— Saptlsta' SUte Ooa. Oot. U-18. Bar. 
Frank H. Devlne, 38 DeertcM are.. Bart- 
ford, Conn. 

New Haven— A. O. D. W. Or. Lodge (MB. 

Oct. 19. James A. Knox. P. O. Drawer 41. 
New Baven- 1. 0. O, V. Gr. BaeampmtDt. Oct 

17. f; Botsford. 

New Baren— State Federatlaa ot Later Oib 

Oet SO. P. H. OoaaoUay. ue Mala at.. 
Danlnuy. Conn- 
K«ir BaTcn— Order Baatexa Btar Ocaad Ouf 
tcr. Oet U. MIB. SC. «. WBsway, 88 la- 
byatM St, BarIM, . ^ 

~ acasSAnaal Oia. ot Sobs ot 

Oct. -«. Ute. 0. DlcUnaoa. 

K—n Bwr Baiaa. Ooon. 

StamftwO-Slate BveilHfkaaA Oanenteis and 
JWncra* Assa. Ooa., Oet. W-SN E. V. 

Morse, IS Ptae st; I 

Con. Oct 16*17. B, T. 
New Britain. Oona. 
Torrtagtoo— Degree «t PsealMtaab Of. . . 
Coo. Oet 18, Bias B. A. Ivaa. tM* Wiad. 

Clayton— Bpworth Leagne Bastoa Olat Ooo. 

Oct. — . w. o. Beonct*. ■ 

Clayton — Knigbta OC SyiUa. 

Oct 19. Mark L Oamt; > 

mington. Del. 
Harrington — Bpworth Leagne Dover Dlst. Oon. 

Oct 10-20, H, C. Taylor, Dover. 
Wilmington — 1. O. O. F. Or. Lodge Con. Nov. 

18. J. W. Hallam. 

Wlhnlnirton— 1. O. O. F. Or. Bncampment Nov. 
14. J. n. Avplefcy, gr. scribe, P. 0. »<« 

Waahington- American Bankers' Asaa. Qlia. 0^ 
11-13. L. F. Swlnney. er. mat MatMBl 
Bank, Kansas CItj, Mo. . ^ 


fMladslpkU. PSj ^ 


Americas— IW. C. T. U. State Ota. Oct VS^ 

Mrs. T. 11. Hoyt. 
Atlanta— Benevolent Older SC BaSaloa (St*** 
nlor Herd Con. Oct. 18. OUAa W. BafW 
Ronnok<*, Vo. 
Atlanta— Farmers' Eilucatl.nal aad Co-«P?ratlve 
OnlOD of America Con- Oct. U. ' Newt. Ore- 
sbam, natl. sec. Point Tex. . 
Ft Valley— Grand Dnlted Order of Wis* M«» « 
tbe Bast Oet 10, T. A. Lumpkin, Middle 
at aod lat ave., Macon, Oa. „ 
MacoB-#. A A. U. Or. IrOdn Oaa. Oct «■ 

Max Beynbaidt, 'BanNj; Oa. - 
Maeaa— Oatlcd SangMrra aC Ooatedency StaM 
DIT. Oaa. Oet^ Bn, M. B. Baafsan, Ik- 

OCTOBER 7, 1906. 

Xiie Billl>oar<l 



ewM feovpeniM* wUb «mm% CteavUnc or cbarcoai. 


• •BliTMr ««- — . «tejgy^Ow>. JUh WJtk SMlMMf — 



aiaKl«OTcii,«relKtateib«. With Burner .16 Iba. 
Dmibte ■• w ibK. •■ - ao iba. 

TMpto ~ *• 7SIIW. mS. 
tlBiilwcHtltduliMS**i>or>iiatrunk. KMdBClU* ItMtbB 


P. Q. B. ChlcaSOt 

e. o. D. Wo 



Ice Cream Cone Cooking Ovens, 



Writs for 

133 South Water St., CHICAGO, ILL. 

Agents and Solioitors 

We have the Hottest Fair aad OMaltral 
Ko««ltlo on the market. 

R. S. GREEN & CO.. 

Wells St.. Chicago. III. 

"Ortelnators ot the wiill known " Oil Rlani- 
uut. It Von* t Come Card. Wc are still 
iielllnr th'in- Eastern Rep. William Qroen, 
No. aSSr No. Opal St., Phlladolphla. Pa. 

Send 5o for Saninle and des>crl|itlve (Circular. 
We al-o •■'■11 lln' I'alry Fiona <'<>tt<>ii Cundy 
nacltlut^. l>>wf!*l urU-o on r iiiarket. 


Intending to Visit 



Will do well to see os before selectloir a 


wiieimior wllb pletar. maohlae, (ketcta team, (niaaaad 
wvoiaiu. piano player (man>, hojitllDjr affeot, aad 
vomaB for Ulutiated won. Lowett salarr : tuta alL 
Stotelesrama W.paralC Msaana la to dlaaa aad 

...$5,000 FOR HIS EQUAL... 



Hm )ou uti B»RIET?-ft,,S5"i!S5r"Ti..«ir _. 

ia •ilateac Tlito la lb. gnatcat (rwk allr* UMtui 
baaaaCihlMtBear|]rlK(t-I<uiv,mnrJolBt mmplMa, 
alMhoettaaditroiniicottottBaiBUilla at bla baek; 

itiasrtarleir. HMtfa monttia old, amaa aadlitatttj. 

I will uke partnar who will atfvaao. t. MMMt 

at fain, or sell him and ootflt fteCBIh MV. llMa 

•n olfer. PAUL HAAS, U St. ~-" 

Reivlita, BnwkUa. M. T. 


atOMt (or Mr bw eataloRiie. We liaTe •omethlns 
aavBllttieumek R. A. HUORE MFO. Co.. sis vainst. 
. Clt7, Mo. 



A strong ballyhoo; pancb man preferred 
Ituc Boucher write. Address. 

StlllTl-i A.TIVSKiaBNT « O., 
Freeport. Ilia. 


nigh clan ▼auderflte sets for weeks 
Oct. 8 and later. Address, 

F. B. PAYDEN. Bfgr. 


A good Knockabout Irish Team, 
also Sister Team to join show. * 
Buffalo, N. Y. 

Bolac — etate Medical Aaan. Con. Oct. 10. Dr. 

B. B. Maser. 
Lewlatoo— 'I. O. O. F. Grand Bncamp. Oct. 16. 
l,<>«rUtOR— VMckali Slate Ass.'mblr. OeL IS. 

Carrie R. Uj«rf. Boise. Ida. 

Ciiic-JKo— lateraiata , . O m iww M ' ' Law Ann. 


Ctilcajto — ^American Essex Sirlne Records Assn. 

N'ov. — . F. M. Slioot. MciLeau. 
Clilcaso — International Lire Stock Exposition. 

Dec. 2-9. E. Skinner, ITnlon Stock Tarda. 
CblcsKO— 'Natl. Taint. Oil & Vamlsb Dealers' 

Con. Oct. — . Cbarlea A. Field. 
Chicago— vteoDloa Jamr «t tta JWlifplata MitL 

Socirty. Oct. *-U. ' T.: B. niiama; Ifa—ia 

City. Uo. 

Chicago— iXatl. Baptist Con. Oct. 23-31. W. L. 

CausUn, NasbrUle. Teon. 
Cblcaco— American Academy of Medicine Cod. 

Nov. 7-8. Charles W. Satla. Butm. Pa. 
Danrllle— SnlUlne AMD. Leagae Con. Get. U. 

R. G. Vaiea, Qnlncar. III. 
DasTllIe— State Federation ot IMtac. Oct. 17. 

B. O. Finch, Aoiora. 
Decater— Utathboae Slaters Ot. Temple Con. 

Oct. 18. UiB. i:iMwm .X. .Simiai]a. e. St. ot 

DtoAi^&^tejwtt^iijirtiwr Oct, 

Toili^-«tBte''&plilt Aw. Oet. le-lA. BCT, 

Geo. VdGlsDto. 
Mtet— state Federatim at Wwaea'a Clnbs Con. 

Oct. 17. Mlai Bcas MUdieU DsoUttle. 113 

Adams at.. OMeacn. U. 

_ . — . - . 


JERRY HOBAMy Manager. 


Knet«atirtlMTaFtacTUtoAaniHi«itao.aiieaBiMnlea)La««Ml«iC MM. G: 
every modem conrenience. To be opened between Nor. IS and Dec. I 

WANTED-High-Glass Opening AtMiBB 



Post Cards for Christmas. 

A FolallnK Poat Ca'd, size 3Kxll when open. 3Kx3H when closed with Christen aa 

Tree In tissue wblcb opens In real Chrtstma!> culoni. Malls at2c. each. Price f3 per 

lOO. SanjpU' nj- ma!!. !'.»«-. It la k Winner. 

reoria— 'Bennleo «ifb miBob laftmtiT. Oct. 11. 

B. C. Byrne. 
Sprlnfiileld — State (Beekt-cpers* Assn. Coo. Nor. 

21-22. Jax. A. Stone. 
Sprlngfleld— Union Vetetaoa' OaiOB NatL Con. 

Oct. 18-20. 

Sprlngtleld— 6Ute AntJ-Hone niat AMB. Ooa. 
Oct. 11. H. O. Glger. 


CrawfordaTlUe — Loyal Order of Moose Supreme 

Lodge Con. Oct. IT. Ed. L. Barr. 
Hartford City — Keunlon IStth Ind. Infantry and 

13S lod. Volunteer lolantrr. Oct. U-IS. J. 

IV Stiles 
IndlanapolIs^-iKnlcbts and T.llili «( 

preme Lodge S<pt. 18. 
Iod!anai»Us — American 

Xot. 22-21. J. il. 

WashlnKton, D. C. 
todianapoUs — ^Ind. Frateenal OoagrcM Coo. Dee. 

— . Bd. B. Shroer, lOUI Majestic bldg. 
Indianapolis— .Decree ot Pocahontas ImptOTed 

Order of Red Mra'a Grt. Con. Oct. 19. Urs. 

Roeella Brady, Warsaw, Ind. 
Indianapolis— Stste Bankers' Aasa. Con. Oct. 

29-28. A. Smith, -care Aaatlcaa Mat. Bank, 
lodlaoapolls— I. 0. 0. F. Or. BMaBpaieDt 

Not. 21. W. H. Leedy. 
Kenllworth— International Ftertllizer Mfrs* Assn. 

Oct. 10. 

Mnnele— Jr. O. U. A. il. SUte Oonnell Con. 
Oct. 21. W. A. Ohnrch. 28 8. 8d St.. Terre 
Hante. Ind. 

Muncle — Daughters of America State Ooonell 

Coo. Oct. 2S. 
Thornton — P. B. O. Sapreae Graad Chapter. 

Oet. 10-U. Mza. 31. J. Aztdl. ITIh aad Tan 

Dom ttA. Liaoolo. 1M>, 
Tlaeennea-^State Fcdcntlm ot Women's Clnbs. 

Oct. — . airs. it. Baffnan, ISO Lapocte are., 

Sonth Bend, 
Vlncenaea— ChaiitlM aal OocNaUona atata Omt- 

ference, Oet, 3841. W. J. HWIMIan. 

iNBXAir xnanoBT. 

Ardinore— Interstate Ftiototnptcn' Assa. Con. 
Oct. 10-lS. J, M. Gannawar. Sa. .Vc* 
1. T. 


aodatiea Suta 
no DlTl- 


t V yf^^t* *eetrtosllow, plsyla* small towns 
^t^°»t>> thls.AMin Oaa who la a&le and winiDitto 
^Si^SiSifW^'t' Ta. Win make Kiiod or clow at ont-e. 
CS Jijir Maj'SB t S **» teat «how. No Uooiem or 
wa f awBs s dwrtftHiMafcwa. Aiktrew, 

M. LaROY, 
'•"'II. mot. Ky.. Oft, i. after that Th. Mllhoant 


■uiwrtoi™ pcuplt! or all klnilu fur No. uliow; can nUii 
■ae iiroperty. man with niaL-hlnc, or k«m«1 MMH^Ially man 
Willi inachlne; atate atnounl ol lllina. Mualslana for 
w ^7{£<>'!*'**^>>>^h!al set tn diHihle. iwrta 
nAiM.Tt''-.>ti**J>2,^>**< aiijalB «• wliB. Adilrt-Ka, 
a*UU\ tARtiAl»fc.MBr..|io)tjS». iniielleM.W.Vs. 

roMB and JUDY FOR SALE-Kr^VX-lllt: 

•sMIt. PrIoalMO.. Address P. J.. Blllbaard, CIn.. It. 

"-^ 'Tit nmmmf ■Am ■■■S^.T^ 


Bnrlington — German Catholic 
Cod. Oct. 17-lS. Ber. O. 
slon St. 

Cedar Rapid*— I. O, O. F. Or.--.- ■ n eam pmi 
Oct. 17. B. L. TUtsa. Dta XCtwa. la. 

Cedar RapUn-^BctaUh Stata AaMalilr. Oet, 
17-10. S. EtinbMi Jtttktv. KMkOk, la. 

Cedar Rairtd*. I. O. O. Fv^. LadfK Bneamp- 
ment. Oct. 1840. B. tk nitaa. D«a Vataes. 

Creston-aauthwnt lovra Dental loclatP. Oct. 

lO-U. Dr. M. F. Staic. _ 

Darrnport— Order aamm Star Or. Chapter 

Con. Oct. as-ST. sua. Xaric JaCkaea, eoan- 

cll Blntrs, la. 
Des Moines— State MatL laanrance Assn. Con. 

Nor. 19-17. Jerome Smith, Caralpc. I*. 
Des Moines— W. C. -r. U. State Ooa. Oct. Il- 
ls. B. B. Burforu. Indianola, la. 
lon-a City— Southeast Iowa Hort. SoeletF. Not. 

i2-24. W. T. Blchcy. Albla. 
MarsUnlltown— 1. O. R. Ml Grt. Council Con. 

Oct. 10-11. F. A. Day, Des Moines, la. 
Ottumirn— State llaittlst Assn. Oon. Oct. 3S4T. 

Uer. S. E. Wilcox. Des M0h■(e■,^I8. ■ 
Onkiiloosn— Soutlu-rn lona BdttHlal AM. Oct. 

— . O. K. Hull. Leon. 
Story City — Sorncplan Settlers' Natl. Reunion; 

Oct. — . Prof. A. A. Veblcn. Iowa City. la. 
Waterloo— Northeastern Iowa leacbera* Assn. 

Oct. «-SI. Supt. A. T. BuklU. 


Clierry«ah^-I. O. R, U. Qrt; Oanacn Ooa. Oct. 
17, C A. Walt, AtcUMQ. Kaik 


THE uwRneama fme departmeht viu iou a 





Men Who Want the Coin. Write on Quick If You Wish to 
Iddress J. P. McWILUAHS. Cbo.. or SAM H. JOSEPH, Lawranceburg. Ij. 



Week Get. 23 to 28 ; Stat Days and NIghls. 

MfSUTCII— Clean shows, Merry-Go- Bound, Ferris Wheel. Legitimate prlTllece men bera 
■Iftn I KH ]s 2 good one for you. Can use sensational free acts, mast be cheap. Jasoo- 

vllle Is a town of four thonsand people: five ihou'-and mltif^rs worklni; In the ooai mine. 

In and around .Ta^unvIIIu. Mniii-y K plentiful hi.Tf, C. C. W I LI.I .\ M ?. Sfc'y . JaiiOOTUJe. 


Gliding Down tlie Waters of tlie Old M^ssissip" 

L. S. 


Grandest of All llliistrated SoniEis 

jfht aeenea on the Xlsalnlppi are Indeed aenisof beaa9,aB4theBOTeldioi«sslldela»dftBaa la 
ralidartlncic workmanahlp. Cbarmlna ronaance, «sqtilalt« word palnUna. awaatas s nMsdr. 

Slldoa par set, 95. 8Md ProsrM. for ProfMaleaal Copy. 

ft CO., PabUshers, i - 4a« BMmm Awu, CHMSAOO 

Wanted at Once 

Ten piece band to join the Parker Fairyland Amusement Co. Ixmg 
season. Lawrence, Kan., Oct. 2-7 ; Minneapolis, Kan., ^•H ; 

Newton, Kan., 16-21. 

WANTED .... 


Tall and short Irish comedian, with strong specialty ; ^lan for " niddjr," 
sister act, soubrette and leading woman, chorus girls: all must do giwd 
specialties, and Jpia on wire. Address, fall particulars, salarj, etc., to 
— iWIN FRANKUN, Uaaager Fiiinigan's Ball, . 

As per Route in BIlWioBid. 



Telegraph me and IMMEDIATELY. 
Route in Billboard. Dont wuttohnr 
from me. vH. 

ITYtc Billboard 

OCTOBER 7, 1905. 

;FII.M8 now on 8AUE 

A New 

i^The Servant Girl Problem 

Appea's to everyone. Full of Irresistible humor. A scream from start to finish at Hammerstein's Victoria. Tony 
Pastor's, Por^ Williams, Colonial, Alhambra, Orpheum. Gotham, and many others. You can BUY IT NOW. Length 

RAFPLES, The A m at s u r Cr a o fcs m aw T 




eeb** AM* 


MB^VBle — T>^fr*e of Pocabootu, GH- 

ffl OOB. Oct. IT. Joale Hahs. LeaTtawortb. 

teiparla— eute AaU-Hone Thief 
Oct. 1T-2U. G. J. UcCvtT. TaM«, 

Kbbsu CltT— Sute Gu. Wmtm 4k 
fclgtit Ana. con. Oct. 

: aons Vmllf^ oC 

Wichita — SUtr Fbotetaatm^ JUm. Oob. 

IT-IS. P. A. vain. -^liiM r . 
melilta — I. o .o. r. Or, ~ 
,ilO. t. T. B«*». 
'^mcUta-^ O. O. F. Gt 
'' I0-1Z. W. n. Krmp«r. 

rmcuta— RfiifUb Siitc 

Xar*, Colmobcs, O, 


J Oncn — Onltrd Oaoftitni ef fkc 

State Cos. Oct. — . Ellasbetb SiBiMtt, Fm- 
dnemh. Kj. 

•canton— State Optfeil Am. Oct. 19. M. 
-V Berrea. Wlacdmer, Kj. 

fltRitac— Y. P. S. C. ■. Ototrtet 

^oeu aMx. BM«tao aioa. mil. sj. 

- Ooo. Oet 10-12. Aotbonj- Hatie, 

nS XL-PCaxl at.. CInclBBatl. 

new Oifeiana— Amerleui AdTucemeBt of Sdncc 
Aam . c«>. D»c. 2S-Jan. 4. L, O. Bowud, 
SOBS BIIlTer PL. X. w., Waahli«tan. D. C 

Wew Qrleaxta-^Amerlcan CtaMufeal Sodety Oon. 
Dfc 2B-30. Prof. Wm. A. Korea, Baltimore, 

He ■ Orleane— ^sn. of Traneportatlon ft Oar 
Accmnitlnr Omcert. Not. 21. 
" JSe" ^Orieana— National Uqaor Z^a^e Of Ainerl' 
m. .Oct. 1042. Geo. ScheOt. M» Omdcs at 

— Settlor >«aak Ml 

Detroit— Kalghtt •( tbe Golden Easle Snp 
Caatle Con. Oct. 10. A. C. little. 814-S14 
N. Broad at.. PMUdelpiiU. Pa. 

Hooghtoa — W. P. EdDCatlooal Aaaa. I«at week 
lo Oct. F. A. tttta. AtlaaUe Mlae. 

taatzT* Oct. 

r. Ik 

> Club. 

bitnaoo— State FMrratloa o< 
Oob. Oct. 1S-I8. H. T. 8a 
mctaa at.. Bay Clty.JUck. 

CaoslD^ — Bcmiloii 6tb - ^ - 

Cv.Irr Brls«de. 

Hastlszi. MIeb. 
Sfanlatee — Nortbem Mleh. 

— . I. B. Glitjfrt, Tra 
TimTerae CItj — SUIr Snnday 

14-ie. L. B. BItieUe. 


Dalotli Interna tloaal Aaaa. at Tira SB«iaecn' 

Coo. Oct. — . 
Dnloth — B. T. P. U. State CooTentlon. Oct. 

7-12. J. H. Irlib. D.'trolt CllT. 
Xlnoeaptdla — Rati. Bplrltnallata' Aaan. Oon 

Oct. 1R-2T. Mr.. M. T. U>ncl«7. 606 Pa. 

are., 8. B.. Waablastsn, S. C. 
KbDeaiioUs— State WmmA ■tgat AM. 4M. 

Oct. — . Dr. Dam flaMk tmtHf^ lO Jte 

■onle Temvle. 
WBacapaUa— OnleendMr On. CM. Oet SO- 
SO. Car. G. L. IHiiW. MM^iiHr. X. B. 
St. Paul— lClBBe«>U UMattona] Aaan. Con 

Dec. 27.20. 6. K. lUxvell. Wtatooa. Iflim. 

U. SUte 

Qreenwood— B. X. P. 

l«adnm X.e«TeIl, Jaekao^ JU 
Natehea— MIealaafppi A. 3t, M. 

Rot. 2Sl Ol W. Wifha. 

Mot. 14. 
lA Coat. 

•( Be- 

C^ortlUMl-Slnt* CUtMadenl Sodctr Cm. 

Dee. 1-2. Zohn Slerton. Skovbetu. 
nrtland — Bel>rkab State AaaeBblr. Oct. IT. 

Grace E. Walfoo. Bclfaat. Me. 
Rstlaad — Knlglita at Templaia* Sop. Cam. Oom. 

on. 20. Chaa. A. MaxweU. S. Cedar at. 
Portland— 1. O. O. F. Gr. LodCC OOn. Ott. 18. 

Enwll G- Dyer. 
Portland— State Snndar-Seboal Aam. Cm. OCt. 

Uniaod— t. 0. 0. r. Gl. 

U. BH«]aBln C. StMC 
tutttrrm^T. F. C. V. 

^te Om. «et>^ K*. F. 


EcoooQiIe AacD. Coo, Dec itt 
bank A. Felter. Itbaca, N. T. 

PoUtlcal Sdmca Aaan. 
Dee. 27-30. W. W. WUlonghby. 

T. P. V. State Cos. Oct. S- 

( Dnnsbters- State Oo«u Hot. 
-* BUI. 36 Bromfleld at. 

■ OoBfrrrnce. Oct. 10^15. 
FtttiAeld— S.ate Fc^IeratloD of Eitas?^ 

3L U. Folej. Box 13301 
" — - — - Oet. »s. 

Woreeat»a — Sennlon SStb \Caaa. Best. Oct. SS. 


Benton Barter — I. O. O. F. Or. Lodcn Cbb. 

Oct. 10-18. Benry 37. Wilder. T-.**-*»»y HfCk. 
•atoD Baibar--Bebekab State Aaaeg^r. fltC. 
' SI. MB IC BlBTfi^ 

CJbUUcotbe — Gr. Blrer Medical Boclet; Oon. 
Dec. 7. Dr. Geo. W. Gomes. Brectenridse. 

JeSeiaoo City — State Library Aaan. Con. Oet- 

— Mlaa Fraacia A. Biabosi. cr. Public U 

brary, Kans^ City, Mo. 
Kansas City — ^National Sorsesbocn* Fratecttre 

Aaan. Oct. — . J. XeGIanla. BrooUra. K. 

Y. _ _ 

^Oett'o^ C.'%u"4Laaa^ OS W. im it. * 
Kanaai Clti^HAaMrieBB nuefca J OatUe Breed- 

era> Aaan. Oct. 11. C B. Thimaa. 225 W. 

IStk ot. 

Kiam Cltr Kalshti of PjlUaa Gnnd Lodse. 

Oct. IS. Jno. B. Boimcs. SSO OUre at.. 

St. LoolB 
LBierty— I. 'O. O. F. Ob. 

12-13. K. M. z:: . r: . 

Mexico— 'Antl'HanB IBM AMB. Oct. — i. S. B. 


St. Xoaejrti — Cadlea* AoxIUaiy Eslgllta Of n- 
tber Mathev Natl. Con. Oct. 11-12. MIra K. 
S»ar. us Barriaoo at.. Eanua City, Mo. 
at. Lotft— Sitlonal SUUonen and Mfra* Aaan. 
Oct. lO-IX. Mm Bolmea, 5Z0 Ollre at. 

~ to BaptM AMm. Oct. IT. W. 

flt Bl' 

lT.oA.V9; WUte. BMte. 
Tilinn ToliMi of Pytblas 




Lincoln — Wardens' Prison Aaan. Oct. 21-28. 
Xebnska Cltr— Retiekali SUte AacmUy. Ut*. 

Anna B. Crawford, Lincoln. 
N'fbnaka City— L O. a F. ~ 

Oct. IT. I. P. Ona*k .n 
Xetvaska Cltr— L O. 0.'W. Oaaii Moe. Oct 

IS-13. I. P. Gace. 
Nortb 'Platte— Western Neb. Edacatlooal Aaan 

Oct. — . J. C. Orr. 
Sontk Oaute-^ O. B. M. Oicst CaaneO. Oct. 

ML: - - 

5. Jm 

X. H. 

Uanebeater— Belwkab BBitt 
II. Mra. Annie F. 
Xnahna. K. H. 

• Co. 



If you want to own your soods ri^ht. Wa absolutely guarantee lowest 
and promptest Bhipments. All ordor* shipped same day as rocelved. 


Great King Collar Button 





CMcago, ill. 



TwencycsTB. Entire and complete ready for the road, eooalstlnff of fortj ba«eSB|» bor«esaad_ 
he ad of ring rtock. iDcIadlnf cwofoar -borse arts, two prlncliilU bocves. two flnldb forasme: ten 
oae dea performing llnu. two b*od wmgoas. tablgtnx, calllopew twelve *"flif n wacou. cbaiK 
wii9Dns,(mnTas, llghttf.aeate, twoelepbaoU. Art CUMla.wltb aaddlca: two PhltlMlBe «»uw. tww 
elk«. In fB^.» complete twracyc^sbtfw. T* MaMI«l>lMiMi«,3Nw Addivss FKANK LEMUX. 

Wanted... ...Wanted 

Freaks, moral side shows, glass blowers, wire worker.'', crystal maze, and other 
privilege people. A few choice spaces left for indoor caroival. Aupices 
Norwich Iiodge Slcs, Armoiy, Ocb. 20-30. Will rait OOtliglit or pi^ «■> 
Wiltea»«nae. W. A. GAVLAHSmB^ Bos 2li^ ITarwidi. 0« 


laadhniilMnciall: S'Whlt* Pace RInirtAt 
MtaBttepv; Ml takes 

lcrt.loofr,rood feederand flnetpeclmen; S Urve Arabian Baboons: 1 extra larffs PIctall Xdi^ 
- wijjtA pi^ee RlnirtAtls: I BIkU Hintrtftll : 1 raeOlDm else RIMhus. AUlMallftf aad 
tbelot. wire or write to F. K. BCSJ amis. Slkdmorw. Mo.. Oct. t-7. 


Company to Play 4-Nlght Stand 


besB oU star sttraetloi: 
■Mscbed. Horse- 

CBBBcitr TaO: 10.000 people within a r&dlns 

at— O. V. A. M. State 
27-28. Berbert B Eeodall, Kl 

m. B. 

Atlantic dty atats 

2).21. Maor V. " 

Atlanllc City — P«1 

Gnnse. Nor. ] 

canoe City. O. 
Boonton— Bennlaa K. F. 

War. Oct. — . X. A.. 

St.. Newaik. 
ilililHless n 

Cm. -m; tt-tS. li. u 
Ctman T. v: a A. Boy^-'Dctt. 

get. JM lL Oiaa. B, Seott UX 

OfdiB Bool or Tempeniic* Or. DlTtahm. 
Oct. 23. Boaa Slack, 118 Boae it.. TTrnton. 

Jt. J. 

Eaizabetb — State FederatlOD of Women's Clah* 
Con. Oct. 30-31. Mr*. Charlea Sllrera. 810 
Orore at. 

Loos Brancb — Decree of Poeaboota* Grt. Conn- 
dl Coo. Oct. 24. Barak T. BeUaUtk SB 
Peari at.. Trenton. S. J. 

Lone Branch— Rebekah State tmimltw- Oct 18. 
Msry I. Pollen. KewolB. 

Lo^ Branch— D i y i ^ jt Mcrtmila^QMrt Own- 

at., Ticatae. 

..At Liberty.. 

(onrt. IvHM ni Dnp Inv 

Prefer circns or csml^: 
InlntlT or iivpars- eljr. AB> 

Aft«rOct. 21st. 

can be enraeed ]nlntl7 or iivpars' ely. ^ 
dres O. W. PIXI.By, iDdlsools. low^Oel. 
»«t O berim o. lew*, uob B-Ms AltMB. wm. 

FOR SAL.B— An ap-to-dato poittble imasto'dssslr, pam^ 
times called ocean ware: oast tIM.M nben bullk 
aiTua Cakes It, F. u. B..8ynciue. Reason tor •elUne, I 
kara two oC tbsai. Ada i ass anliik f J.I.UABBUUP-"- 

Oa. Baeday Bckaal Aaan. Oct. 

H. F. 



New Bronswlek — Epwortb Iietsne Kew 
wick DiKt. Con. Oct. 25. UlM B. U. BoUMt. 

Rrd Bank. 

Palmyra — Epwortb Leagne Trenton DIst. Com. 

Oct. 12. Miss Emms Prall. Prnnlnxlon. 
SomerrUle — Rcnnlon .TOIh N. J. Veterans' Am. 

Oct. 11. C. Ebm. Rarltan. 
Tren t — Bt nte FlicaMs's JlntMl BencroleBt 

An. Oek BL ». B. Ba " 

Snntk. M. F. 


Anrnqoerque — Territorial Prtai tmm. OB 

Wm. M. Bu rger. Bclen. 
Albuquerqoe— F. & A. 11. Grand Lodge. 

KJ. Alpheus A. Keen. 
Albaqnomne — Royal .\rch Ussons Grand 

tor. Oct. 18. Alplieus A. Keen. 
Albuqucrqm— KolgbtB Templar Grand 

maadery^ Oct. 19. Alplicns A. Keen. 
Albany— State Osteopathic Sodetr Dm. 

2-. n. L. Obllea, AnbSfS. H. Z. 
BlrmlnKliam— State ri diwIUs' «t 

Cloba Coo. Oct. 81-Nar. t. ■» 


Xtie Btllboapd 



liiis'iiSk^**'"'*'**' ^ * p^'^ 

Gold Baok 2.25 per Gross. 



We Are The 

House in the 


■ ■■■^ 272 E.IUUS 




We Ara Thm 

Most Reliable 
House In the 



This is a District Fair including Fe«r Gomrties. Premiums aU lai«e, do entry fee taxed the fwrmers. Counties trilled like a circus. 
The main shops of the L. & N. R R. Co. are loeated here, employing 2,000 men ; monthly pay roU of $110,000, regular monthly pay day 
i6, oiwnuic date of fair ; County Court commences on same date. 


Includins Dooatur and 

eseeUttit electric ear 


#ff f TyOOOy duse two cities only half a mile apart and eonneeted hgr 




We IniB the popnlatioD. 
The people have money. 
Ground location best in South. 
Liow excursion rates on all I nilfoedri 
£iaborate electrical display. 



~^\\ Y"^^ °^ carnival attractions, Ifidway Siows, Ferris Whed, etc.; also three Vig fBatnra acts tat ftee eihlhitinni. 
^ ^All legitunate priTikses for saleu JEiplam aU first letter. THOS. P. LITTLEJOHN, SecretMy. 

p. S.— Onr date Immediately pieeadw the W la b a i M q^mt* atato Wwlr, at Birmingham, Ala., also The Eagles' Fall Festival at KashvlUe, Tean. 

Blo^tiustoD — A. O. K. of il. C. SUte Con. 

Oct. 11-12. Jt r. DfK-ltt, 7 Slierwood ire. 
I l h» h«in pw Kl a f Diogtitrr*- Sutf Coo. 

Oct. — . Sin. DsTld u. Laird. WoodrlUe. 

X. T. 

■ ■■ M l m «ae 4Mcr TcOcd Piwlwte Ra- 
aoM Bwla ana. Oct. — . Sldoej D. 
aallt. BallMa^ X T. ■' 

' -NatL Vnmm .AflMw OOB. Oct. — . 

at. CU- 


OK, Coo. 

VOm, K. T. 
- TE. mat. 

9. M_ llillMM. 

ctso. m. 

OiDtoo— DrlU 

Oct. SB-SI. w. ir.- 

Bowttt—Y. P. a c. _ 

Oct. II. .Clara D. BmO, Wt 

nioo— Rnmhm 146 »s T. Mtft. 

Oct 10. J. Edmaad; SO Baath 

Junaicj— Eptcortb Vtagmt 

Con. Oct. 19. Mlaa B. J. _ 

Bidgdrij- Reaenolr. aMMIjB. 
Xew Vort Cltr— OrltB Kaw 1 

oitT Cos. Not. Id-IT. Wm. & Jebnaao. SI 

Metropolitan Block, Chleaco. 111. 
NV»- York City— Y. & N>w EnfUnd Rall- 

««T Snrcroos- A»n. Coo. No?. — . Geo. 

CluiirM. 338 -iTtu St.. Brooklra. K- T. 
Itrtc Yortt Citr— CnltMl — - — " 

Aaerlca Cos. Oct. 17. 
-. Fall KIr.r, MaM. 
N«»r York city — AitrDoonileal _ _ 

SodetT of Amrrlca Cod. OccHMa' GL I<i 

Doollltl*. Cppcr DaTt>7. fm. 

»w lork C\tj-Cta. Bs. Om. WwiMll For- 
'\sa Mlsrionarr SoelctT aT tt* lb K. Charcb 

Con. Oct. le-XoT. 3. 
New York City — Amcrfcaa Dcrmatolocteal Aaaa. 

Con. Cc. 2S30. Cliaa. J. White, M. 1).. 

330 M»rlboro«sli at.. Boaton, Mua. ' 
Sew \ort city— .Vatl. Inatltnte of Dental Pcda- 

aoslcs Cod. Dec. 2-30. W. Earl Wllmoat. 

98 Collese at.. Torooto. Ont. Can. 
»Mf York Cliy^AoirrlcaD Moseum NatJ. Hl»- 

«»rr Cob. Sot. u-io. Joiia H. Sage, 
sew Y«»k atx— Sat. Inter-Cliarch Confereoee. 

XOT. IMU Her. K. B. Saofocd. SO BtWe 


»w x«r* GItr— X. v. Lambcr Beadc Aaan. 
e^ Oct. U. J. D. Gray. U Bna4wa/. 

CMy Pru t f i ta pt CMickw oC Aaerlea 
Otm. Oia. Km. — . lev. W. B. Bobcft- 


York CltT-«tale -Mi lliiil jmm. 
ie-19 (a>a«. f. KwfcH. ** m. 

Hlddletown. S Y. 
ISew York Cltrl-Aaicrieaa Bottlera' Pni»»etl»e 
A»sn Oct. 1S^». R. B. Scboder. 218 E. STIh at. 

Vork Cltj-— SaUcaal TCIioIenlr DrngslaW' 
f"<>- Oct. !.«. t. E. Toma, lodlanapolU, 

■ew York City — Xatlooal CUrtase Dealer*' Pro- 
tectlre AMn. OcL ».14. 1. 8. Renuoo. 470 
Graml St., nrookl.Tii. 

■ew York City— National fM Utf.' Aaan. 
Oct. 15. ■ 

Keir York City— Tobacco, OIV a*! -^AMM In- 

^ustrlen Coo. Oct. 23. _ ' . ^ 

•Jet, 2C-NOT. a. . 

Sfcf T«ik 

r. K uS T w; 

r. 21. 

W»Rar« ran*— Rntchts of Malta Snpreme Com- 
f«n<lery. Oct, 17-10. Frank Cray. N. E. 
niT"' ^"^^"'^ ***^ rhUadelpLU. 

^■acara ralli^Atnerleam TMmmw «C fltrrisa 

Kert-ice Con. Sept. — . 

Masira Falls— Bro<k«tkoa<: DilM Cbde 

-P.'^.t-.i.o-ia- n. a. »R l Y«rk 

.s'Ucara Falla — Poneral Direeton* Aaan Coo. 

Oct. ..-13. H. il. KUpatrlck. EloTood. lU. 
Sligara Falls— Xatl. AgrL ItDplement & Ve- 

hldr Mfrs.* Assn. Con. Oct. — . Frank S. 

I'keos. 1419 Monadnock bldg., Cblcago, UL 
Nlairara Falls — Kalhva.v 31sn»l Aaao. Coo. Oct. 

10. H. 8. Balltet. S. Bethlehem. Pa. 
Nlasara Falls— Snpreme Olrcie Brotherhood of 

the UnMa Coo. Oct. 17-19. 
Niagara F»U» — ^N. Y. State Aseemljly or iloth- 

era. Oct. 10-12. 
Clean — Women's Union Label Leagne State Con. 

Oct. 10-11. JUsc Uattie BailMr. 218 Win- 
ters aTe. 
Palnskl— Bnd 

Oct. 7. 

Peocbkccpaie-^Beaalaa IMtb Kev Tock Aasn. 

Oct. 11. G. W. H. WaUams. 23S Mala at. 
Bnrlwat a r — J umiwiK m BocaeaiMeca' State Con. 

Oct. — . Oonade Sdunldt. 4n Italn at.. E. 

BMbCMer. K. T. 
ir«*t Xew BrifbtM. S. I. — ^arartb Lcaxne 

Oliabetk Dl«t. Coo. Oct. 20. • Mtmt B. 

Stn**. se Sommtt are.. PUlafldC X. £ 

AakerOle— NaUaaal FcrtUlxer iitnf. Aaas. Oct. 

1«. tr. G. Sadler. NasbTUle. Tens. 
CreeMbdto— Heanlan Non-resident North Carall- 

nlaaa. Oct. — . Cbaa. D. Mclrer. 
Benderton — United Daoghtert ot Canted. State 

Con. Oct. — . Mrs. L.andon, Petetsboro, 


Akion— State Retail Croeerc' Atan. Con. Dee. 
S. H. Cook. 3SQ Lagonda are., Sprlng- 

Vld. O. 

B<-aTerdaai — Itebekah Assembly 17tk Diat. Coo. 

Oct. 27. Anna Borden. 
Cincinnati— State Pcdlce Chief t' Cm. Oct. 17- 

IS. Wm. Kelley. Delaware. 
Clerelan.l— KliiK's DauRlitiTS' State Con. Oct. 

— . Mrs. .McCampt>.U. MarysTlUe. 
Clereland— Reunion 9th Ohio Volunteer L. A. 

Oct. 11. 

Colombus — Renslon IlSth Ohio Volanteer Infan- 
try. Oct. 11-12. Jesse Clum. Pt. Becorery. 

Columhas— Kniclits Templar State Cooclare. 
Oct. 11-12. Wm. Kenney. Clereland. 

Colutubus — Knl;;btj Tomplsr Cr. Oommandery 
Con. Oct. 11. Jno. N. BelL Dayton. O. 

Oarton — P'^unloQ 34th Ohio Volunteer lafantfT. 
Oct. as. Allen W. Miller. 1300 Boom are. 

Daytoa— State UDnur Asaa. tSam. Oet. — . 

llasoa — Reaalaa flMh OUa ▼ateatecr Tetciaaa' 
lofaotrr. Oct. 11. a. D. 

Sprlnsfleld— Boral Arch Mttau Baml 
Oct. 11. saward RagenboA. CMna. 

SprlMiaeMAaalnted Bisk FlM* ~ 

IbKrHhiii Cm^ a^tm. Oet. 

84*. Bin B. StaUOT. ybgnttOe. 


.Vda — Xatlooal Anti-Horse Tblef Assn. Oct. — . 
Rlackn-ell— Kulghts of Pytlilas Grand Lodg*. 

Oct. 10. H. H. Smock. 
Oklahoma Cli.v — VTrstem Police Matrons' Asn. 

Oct. 10. Mr-*. L. E. SUarpe, Topeka. Kan. 
Prrry — Kcl>ekah State Assembly. Oct. IS. Cora 

Brown. WaukomU. 
Perri — L O. 0. F. Grand EncampmenL Oct. — . 

a-.W. nrMtb Oatkile. 


IVc — . P. tf. 
IMnhud— CfatL 

tlno*. Oct. — . 
PaHlaM — Ore row Press 

Ooof. ft CkailUM and 

Assti. Oet. — . 

S*. Laolr 

For The Troopers Carnival Co. 

TilBLE WLL^ Oet. S. 4^ 8 mmik ik 

Mm liiR HW. Ik SNCEB. Hi llBHt M if M MM 

MACOMB, ILL, OCT. 9, 10, II, 12. 13, '05. 

Other good ones to follow. We never close; booked solid until Dec. 1st. No 
moviug pictures wanted. Concessions come on; no exclusives except con- 
fetti. Address, JNO. D. WICKUFFE. M«r., as per route. Jean Clarlc, Kid 
Wade, Will Wall, write. Can {dace a lite prmnoCer. 

WMM VHMHi /lets f ir AmnTs VaNiiilii dralt 

Nhw one opens at I/)7ansport. Ind. October ii. 1905. 


CRYSTAL THEATRE. Andaraon. ad. CRYSTAL THEATRE, Locansport. Ind. 

uaimnffll I e AfaTC — Who are boo k ed at tUT Hartoo. ABdacaaaa»dKokoaaohwaaoaeaBhaTalhaCallMlBB 
VAUUtwILLE AC Is week at my new lioose In Loganspeat^tod, wM«k iipina OctakarM. kr wttOagS. 
Immediately. All b-msciaffa hold In sijrioo. xnUrma aad KakaM. 9MManaaaMMaa«M kaaiB^:. 
caterlaK Co ladles and eblldren. All dam will be canceled wlaaniMw ■■■ MMlB la ■atMOTMl'at.aBMi 
house two weeks (14 tuU d*Ti«> In advance of .your opealnx. . .' • . i" ^ 

uja ButaaA— -Any onf puyinir oppoaition boosaa te 3 i » f io» wmuM ■asnrsatUn ■Mfnraaaevnrapx'avB.vr. 
If Annillll park 1 .ver or coocroL I Mvar laaM^ IhiB mmaUamtm aay «M-ntottaKMpaaMaB.9a. 
Phillips Theatre. Rlehmond. IniL. Orpblnm Tbe>M^aillWMH,aL,aaa OcaaA Tkaniwt niaaJHa«.OL MMmmm- 
hers of tte Central VaodevUle A sao c la tl o n . 

Can m Ma norelty aact, to AaM**. atmm MraIsM wraka. ^ - 

A^naaaa IIMVIiac— Ifyoa baTooTer workod amr achar bottae ar paatt In llael<aB, JkMaaaas, Bataaaw ar 
SPbEIAL MTHfE Lwuapoct, jMUat ao ainta I* aataiXiiSmtm aa jTimi bt !■ >a a m—H i, 
■ " ■ ~ " t^m ■» MaMbii ..■» B— *ar ■aafc 

P.1I HaMj—rilw— aat 

Carnival Companies 


■n»'«lM« Bleewie Theatie teatarin* Uoonslilaen. Stase Hold Dp. and all other 

mUiltumimMmia. Omii iw)nlBiiuiM9tH>BM.aitt.hlgb nnii sort. wi<it- ; oiiang* 

K.N' J An IN. 



A few lilRb clara vbow^ and concesHtoDn for the bifr onn of the Sonth. 
Uartliut>ur};. Oct.* to 15; Concord, on© "f the praniletit. Oct- It to ti : <'i.i 
utrci-t*. tK-t S3 to i9; OreenTllte. S. C-. freo on ibe (•cnH-bs, Oct- 3» to Nov. i 
Beaufort. • bip onr. Not. SO to ?&. 

Wrlli* or » lr<- HMTfrst^wn, Oet- • to Is 
iinbla tlu-ont- of lh%>m«ll.**DtUOBatal 
; t;.iirni*v. cm malK street*, Sov.««» Its 

Umlim "gag BiUboard" wlu» aanermg oA. Meatu»''3%e Billboard" teie» 


Ttie Billboard 


Best 6asoliae Ovea 

I give awaf more than I sriL Tbia mjr aeon a ridiculous statement; but stop and think for a moment. I give 
with each outfit a Dipper, s Ladle, two Cone Sbapers, sixteen Signs, 6x19 inches, each appropriately Illustrated, tlie 
drawings and cuts alone costing me 875, to say nothing of the printing and stock. Then My Letter of Advice, which 
contains information that has cost me many a dollar, and whicii I never could have written except for my long 
and varied experience in the concessionery and kindred fields. In this Letter of Advice I cover every point that I 
think will be of value to you, and is alone worth more than I ask for my liigliest priced oven. Then 1 wive you a 
Spiel that will bring the coin vour wav. And last, but not least, my Formula is worth a ten dollar William of any 
man's money. Furthermore I* take care of yoo and jgive you pointeis St any and att_tlBie% and Otberwise aasist yea 
in working up and maintaining an independent ana profitable bosineaB of your Own. DODli mir iMwhyr man^ 
Mllar— be your own boss— be on the level— and vou will succeed. My tCTiS tn nmii half wtth tlie oidar; balaitre on 
Mivery of goods. Remember, I assume all further risks, as mv orens sie alaololiely sunntflad to nuke perfect 
goods or I buy them back. For a fair and square deal always, address 

^-^SS A. T. DtEIZ, 

235 lOtti St. . TOLEDO, 0. 




Every Species Knoivn, from' Elephant to Fox. 
All In Fliie Physical Condition, and Offered 


ComprisiBg a World Famous Menagerie in its entirety, 
and admittedly the best, worthiest, largest in the country, 
indncUjig 19 buffaloes, elephants, tigers, lions, lionesses, 
v^dna^ tnck poues and donkeys, kangaroo, 2 aebras ImAen 
^i^tp> InniesB. driving elks, performing bears, leopards, 
porcupines, camels, and hundreds of birds. 


Apply to DR. N. J. POTTER, 

No. 138 Cast 2BtK St., 



Sed, White and Blue Canes, Jap Canes, Whips. 
Wife Beaters, Balloons, Confetti, Dusters, Glass 
Goods, SilTerware, Jewelry, Watche*. Cntlery, 
Snbber Good«, Optical G«iOds and Novelties at ex- 
tremely low prices. 

L E VI ly B ROS. 

30-32 N. 6th SU * ' Terre Haute, Ind. 

Strange to Say 

MM A 'I I' 1 1 A 'Vr— Tbe little man with the little water and the very hieh lad- 

■ ■ «W/A. W "era has followed this s^aaon with the Smith Amusement 
^ . ^ ^ » • Hem<Uliier» a>: "Dare Devil Dick Nuttsen- 

belmer. World's most blehpst diver." "'Donlier Bill, champlun w.ndow wasberof the World." 
' Ca.Dt. Jc toot Ofc DOkbonse. takiocrbls life in both of bis bands and makine a leap for his 
Ufe. ■ Said nATT CAY has drawn the crowds In spite of the former appearance of these 
pbenoms. The ACT Isstlll makinir eood with the Smith Amusement Co. BILLBOARD. 



■ ^^jPyffW HpMy holding cont ract toshow in the Attica Opera,Housecan have their 
coitttaMj^nted by the new management, otherwise thev cannot show here 
JEmsKm who are interested write tOi ones. House is now being newlv 
deooniea. Plenty of open time. Good tfaow town; 10,000 people within 
: lldt iis oiioar miles. Seating capacity 800. Would like to hear from strong 
-MMDpanies; also good minstrels: also (food company for Christmas week. 

. ' G. A. JOHNSON, (New Lessee) Attica, Ind. 

Isbu of Pyiblaa Craad 
M. Lw B. SUhko. Salem. 

BrilcfcB**— p. 11. L. Q. O. r. 
cll On. Oct. IC 

MONKEYS $5 1^ 

Tlie eretleat barrain ever offered : fine stronir. healthy m 
vIcUlIIs: never so cbeap before^ Send for my special Usa. 


Oct. 10. w. 
Mecbaalcabors — Beoaloo SooCbcn 

B. Oct. — . M. A. BnUr 

Myeratoim — G. A. R. of Cent 

Jdo. L. BlDklry. Lancaster. 
New Osstle — GradDitr Nones Assn. Coo. Oct. 

— Miss LotUe 31. L*vnt, Braddock, Pa. 
New Market — Bennlon 54tll Regl, Pa. Tolon- 

teeK. OcL 23- W. A. Slick, Jolmatoini. 
Pen ArsTl — InternstkMial Dnlon of Slate Work- 
ers. XoT. 6. W. W. Claik. 1303 St. Loola 

sTe., Bast St. Liools, in. 
PhUadflphU — State Sunday Scbool Asm. Oct. 

— . Dr. C. B. Blackall. 1414 S. Pecs »). 
Plttsbors — RenslOD 6th Pa. B. A. Oct. — . B. 

c. Ttiacbrsner, 601 Tlmei bldg. 
Plttsboij: — latemaUonal Cpbslsten* CntoB. Nor. 

Plttsbnrg — Americas Federation of Labor. Not. 

13. Frank Morrison, 423 G. S. N. W. Waab- 

Ineton, D. C. 
Plttsbars — -Ralln-aj Snperlatesdent* 

A Bnlldlng Assn. Con, Oct. 17. 
BMdlns— Order «t the Sbeptaoii «C 

Con. Oct. 25-27. Era A. ~ 

eral St., Osmden, M- J. 
8<nDtoa— 6Ute BaptM : 

Oct. I8-ao. BcT. C. ^ 

St., PUladelptala. 
Sbaipnille — Bflwi Stth Vm. Oct. 

19. Gee JjMlij 
Snnftg y Bfrf ni Qtk Btct. Fa. TaL Aaa. 

Oct. 28. Paol B. Stoa^ — 
Soabory — PennsrlTaola ~ — 

b«adr7 Coo. l>ee. 

FoogfakeoanMo. Pa. 
ProvldeDee — Bnoefa at tbe lateraatL Ortcr aC 

KloK's Dancbtns lad Sons Con. Ikw. — . 

Sarah Miller Corer. Flskerine. B, I. 
Prortd. nee— State Sooday-Scboad Ooa. Oct. 10- 

11. WHlard B. Wnmi. IT Custom Home at. 
WasblDfton State Directors of tbe Poor and 

Charity Assn. Oct. 17-19. L. C. Colbom. 


wmiamsport — Enlshts o< Haaor Gmd Lodce. 

Oct, 10. w. c. Boj-se. He. 
Winiam^wrt— state Lott» hmgat. OeL M45. 

A. R. Baxd. Beadlne. 

ProTldence— -Eebekah State Assembly. Oct. 12. 

Cora A. Andrlch, 314 Otms St. 
Rcfldnee— State Snnday-Scbool Assn. Con. Oet. 

10-11. WlHsrd B. Wilson. 17 



Orangebnrg— F, A A. IL Osat 

— . C. Ingleshy, Charleston. 

Cbattuooga — Natl. Order of Selwt 
Con. Oct. — . Geo. K. Stapler, 
N. r. 

Chattasoosa — Soatbem Immlgratioa Conference, 
Oct. 24. 

KnoxTlUe — ^Independent Order of Good Samari- 
tans and Dangbters of Samaria Grand Coim. 
cU. Oct. — . 

Mmrfrcesboro— Bebekab State Ammttf,' 
IbCfCM Cnmer. NasbriUe. 

Calaa C H j r t r. C T. V. State Conrentlon. Oct. 
— 1. lbs. If. E. Edwatda. 

WiMhmev— OMdon Confederate Soldlen- Con. 
Oct. 11- Jno. P. Hickman, NaahTllle. Tenn 

Dallaa — SUte EdrcUc Uedlcal Assn. Con. Oct. 

— . Dr. L. S. Downs, GalTeston. Tei. 
El Paso — American Mining Congrees. Nor. 14- 

18. J. F. Galbreath, Jr., DeoTer. CM. 
Segnln — SonUirni German M. B, Church CoDf. 

Not. — . John E. Stnllken, Brenbam. Tex. 
San Antonio— Oiatlonal Bee Keepen. Oct. Xt- 

SCor. 1. 

Watt tktu at the Eaatem 8tw OtapMr Aa. 


Burllnston — State Medical Society. Oct. 13-13. 

Geo. H. Gorbam. Bellows Falls. 
Hardnrlck— I. O. G. T, Gr. Lodge OM. Oet. 

11-12. E. M, Campbell, LyndonTUML Tt. 
Milddlebory — ^Epn-ortb Leagne DlstT^JMOb " 

— . Bobt. L, Thompson, Braadoa. 
St. Uta^lMJ rtate Sunday ~ ' 

n-n. Ber. G. L. Storj, " 


B ig lai Jfe. O. u. A. IL State 
_TkMs.B. Iver. Peletsbatc 

'■iciMBte Pboto Assn. Oct. 
BalMay. Datham. 
- ■- J»««nl aaeletr. Oct. — . Dr. 

^■^SSEv^Sttfc'l^PlS. W awart.'psIS 

Richmond— 'BcgrSI 
Coa. Oct. — » 
bars. Pa. 

IX N. B. , 

a r. 

Ik X. BaBsen. SOS Va 

■w e e bldg.. Tacoma. 

WEST ▼isonnA. 

IWnMat' — State Bar Asan. Coa. Dee. — b w. 

O. Peterkln. Parkersbai& . W. Va. 
Martlnsborg — Knlgbts of TjlliHa IlliaS TSIMt. 

Oct. 11. E. C. Smith. 
Boactmtc— O. C. A. M. state CMMdU Oct. It* 

IS. W. T. Mitchell. WbreUas^' 


L^Croese — Natl. Ptirttj-- Confereoce. Oct. 17-19. 
J. B. • CaMweU, 81 5th ax.-,, Chicago. 111. 

La CroAse — Upper Misslsclppl ImprOTement Aasn. 
Dec. 10-11. Tboc. WUklnaos. Barlington. Is. 

Milwaukee — Solghis Templar Gr. Oommanduy 
Coo, Oct. 10-11. W, W. Penr, 4U Miff- 
Bail St. 

UQwaokee — State Teachers' Assa Oaa^ Use. 

— . Miss Katberine B, Williams. 
Milwaukee — Lotheran Chnreb Geo'l Cooncn Coo. 

Oct. 12. 6. E. Oebsenford. Allentown. Pa. 
MUwaokee — ^American Gas Light Assn. Coo. 

Oct, 18-20. George C. BamsdeU, 530 Broad- 

n-aj. New York City, 
Ulnenl Pohit— P, M. I. O, O. F. Dept. Coon- 

tSL Oct. U. Bicbacd Boe. 4M Unci am. 


Beliemie, Ont.— Prorincial Christian Bndearor 
i;nlon, Oct. 10-12. Dr.V, B. L«oa. OtUwa. 

Lrist of Fairs 

Birmingbam — .vl&bama I 

2. E. M. WUllams, 

Phoenix— Torltaelal Fair. Dec. 4-0. 

Clc«. aapC 

Benynne-Mt. Aik. Mr. Oct 
George. (CCS. O. t. Weal, 



Oet. S.3lar. 


B. Ol 
J. U. 

— w fr 


Omlbf Fslr, 
H. Baackatt. pna.: W. n. Gray^ 
Baiirmd Oiaa DalrFnen'a Fair. no. 
H, Banehett, ptea.; W. B. Qlaft CCfc 


Naasataek— BcaeoB Taney Fate Oct. U. 

b Ucf4 arc 
MMr aasaa— Slew Bavea Os. BortleaBaMr 

Xcr. TOl B. a. Piyde cna.; 

tit. secb . 
SbBsbor— OIbCMiV Fair. Oet. — . M. 

klaa. (cca.; Ofo. C. Eno. see. 
Woteotb—Wrteott Pair. Oct. 

TatdC; Hpc; E. M. Upsoo, aec 

JaeksoBTllle — JackRonTllle Fair. Nor. lS-26. 
Tampa — ^Florida State and Midwinter Fair. 
Mot. 15-30. Tbos. J. I.. Bnnra. pie*.; T. C 

Atlanta— Georgia State lair. Oct. O^ Fraak 

Weldoo. see. 
Aaensta— Aagaata laic Bar. C.U. _ 
CUlMaii-Qccdoa Ok. IWfe. JIM. m T. 

■McVey, are. 
Daltaa-Vaanh Aainal ] 

T. - 

Oft. Vmtn. Oct. 2S-2S. 
^JMa Ka<M^^^^^^^ ^mmI^bis^^^ Oct. a»-N«» 

WifaniS3&a^«B?ntfe; X«r; n-ZT. 


Cdta*-!!— Can.von Co. Fair. Oct. 10-14. D- 

O. CanipIjeU. pres.; W, K. Scbree. trea?.; J- 

B. Gon-cn. wc. 
I.ewUlon— Leivlslon Clar»kton Fair. Oct. 16-21. 

G. U. Kester. ptea.; U M. Strtft. treas.: P. 

W. BUCMI. ccfe . 

CaRaOtaa— Gvtcae OSb Mb .Ocb IT-a*. 
M natt. pras.; C B. aMk' Ixaht 

OCTCBCR 7, 1905. 




Iv Latest Sinrighiad SaMct. "TVE SERENADE," is {he Acme of Animaieil Phoiography. It is a "cliase" picture aiid "The Chase of all Chases." In 12 Scaaei at' 

I-engtti SOO F'eet. Price S60. (^EmJ^) 

Th« Craatest Creation of Sansatlonal Motion Picture Photocrephy. 

laie A^iiii aM MUumuk 


LwWHl. 4SO PmI. Prie*. 984410. I LamOi. 3SO P«M. 






- 1 Wtestara ACMt. Denver. Colo. 



43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. 

Cooaty Fair It OatBlT fl. O et. 
(■H. C. A. DUOD. director « A. T 

CctUrrale— Chantaaqm On.' F>Ir. Oct. .IT-U. 

V. Jil. iDOta, KC. 
Ov Ocatn— Oky OOt. Fair. Oct. lO-lX Waltt* 

AWen Bridge — Boaal«r rarlsh Fair. Oct. SI-SB. 
amdla— SrinTlUe Fair. Oct. 10-13. ' 
Calhoan— North Loalslana Fair. Oct. I. 

D. Wall. pres. 
ITomer — Claftwrne Parlsb Fair. Oct. 10-21. 
Ida— Caddo Parish -Fair. Oct. 31-SoT. 3. 
MtoacD^Webster Parish Ftlr. Oct. 23-26. 
Monroe — Ouchlsa ParUli Fair. Vvr. 7-10. 

ft*eixi.-t— Freeport PNlUf 

Geo. F. Come «ec. 
Uttewaika — ^Madairatka Fair. Oct. 21. RmdI 
A- Oalcle. •*c., St. Darld. 

~ Oa. Mz. Oct. 1A4S. O. 

Bd Ab— (Hartford Co. Fair. Oet. 10-13. Jn». 

W. £oase. pres. 
FMcrick— Frederick Oo. Fair. Oct. 17-20. C. 

N. aaisett, pre*.; D. V. Staffer, tieai.; 2. 

Bocer MdBbeny, aec 
BtcentMm— Huenunra Fair. Oct. 10-18. 

Ctxo-Vamm Otb ■kiam* iUr. Oct. 10-11. 
: John KUght. aw*.; B. P. BcsTCT. tnai.: 

J. H. BecktMi. «c 
Bkloo— Glktna Ihk: Oct, lA-U. M. A. 'Blliaj 

well, »tc. 

n*lMmflie-«gnl(Mnt Mr. OiL l»aaL t. 
ruhr. fM.: Ol O. ~ 

Gicaada— CcMHI 

tarn, pra.: W. P. 
__Hoffa, aec. 
■aCuak Citr-aiaOMb (Mr Mr. Oat. K-M. 

w. T. DeoBMB. ■M.rc W. Xaaea, titu.: 

D. C. Lenalr. aec. 


Owe Girardeau— Cape Olrardeao Co. Fair. Oet. 

10-14. D. A. Olenn, i>rei.: H. A. AatoUa. 

treaa.; E. H. Bngleman, lec. 
OttatheraTllle— Pemlaeott Oow Fair. Oct. 94-28. 
KeuMt-'Diinklo On. Mc Oct. U4L 

Kali»|ieI-^aUmcl Mr. OoL 10-n. 

xoaxM niHjOT.iwA 

Unllnrton-^AlaiiMBce Mr. Oet. SS-SS. J. A, 

\f>os. ptea., Grahaoi; B. A. Ficeman. treas.; 

J- A. Toirentlae. tec. 
Ctiarlotte— IfecUloburs Fklr. Oct. 84-21. B. 

J. Bre»ard. piea.; W. Obandwra, treaa.; W. 8- 

Orr, sec. 

Creenaboro— Central OaroUna Fair. Oct. 10-18. 

P^. J. T. J. Battle, pm.; Nell Eailofton, 
_ Y*."-! Cook, aec. 

Mlelth— (North CaroUna SUte Mr. Oct. 16-21. 
AsBlej Home. p..e8.. daytaa; C B. Denaon. 

Weidoo— (Weldon Fair. Ort. M-tl. O. B. Ban- 

som, sec. 


^"'•"*«— ^Ih-Tue lair. Oct. 17-20. Dr. H. 

K Bllhnejer, pres.; T. H. Molland. treai.; 

T. II. ParklDSoo. aec 
B'K'vriis-Crawfort Co. Fair. Oct. 1018. J. 

I, pr"-; W. A. Bllcke, treaa.; 

1 W. Hnrr. aec. 

narrlaon Co. Fair. Oct. 3-S. E. B. 

Klrtjj-. ace. 

"Ml Dorer— Tuacaranaa Oo. Fair. Oct. 17-20. 
«jrr.qiton— Carroll Co. Fair. Oct. 10-13. M. O. 

*i^>ft. pres.. MaEnoUa; T. J. Saltaman, 

''•■•».: C. A. Tepe, aec. 
WWi'M-ton— Coalioeton Co. Fair. Oct. 10-13. W. 

s.iMooa. pr.a.: w. B. Sillier, treaa.; Bobt. 

K'Td. «ec. 

*"'™er, pres.; Sam. Cartwrlght. tret*.; A. I'. 

"'!*-'-"'llle— Rnaaelltllle Fall. Oct. 12. J. D. 

^- SalWMUT, treaa.; J. a 

*5^t--.?:ortiem Poiy Oik Mr. OH. IMO. 

n. Yameli. we. . 

Mr. Oct. 17':SI>. J. L. 
_ . A. Klakr. tNM.; M. 


Blackwell— Blacknell Interstate Fair. Oct. 16- 

22. TVm, Backholz, pres.; W. H. Thompson, 

treas.; E. P. Blaie, fee. 
Deer Creek — Crant Co. Fair. Oct. 10-13. , A. T. 

Dnngan, pres.; T. J. Hirtman, treaa.: C. F. 

Bberle. mc. . .° 

N«wklrK— Kar Co. Mr. Get ••lai '-9, Wttn, 
. pcea.; Barrj Tlwtu pao n, aec. 
OklahaM Cttr— Oklahoma Co. Fair. -Olt. 1»3S. 

atomle Co. Fair. Wttl 


Ok. .M(i..-.4>ct. M-13. 

. ' ?• 

CWomttU— SUte Fair. Oct. ' 
turd, pres.; A. nniiifrt 
W. lore, aec. 
CreeBTllle— Piedmont Pair. Oct."81-Xo». 1. 

BnnHtoIdt — ^Hamboldt Colored fair. Oct. 10-14. 

James Campbell, pres.; Wlllla Hegmon, aec. 
Neirport— 'Appalachian Fair. Oct. 4-a. Jaa. B. 
Stokely, prea.; Jno. 51. Jones, treas.; B. W. 
Hooprr, aec. 

Trenton — Gibson Co. Fair. Oct. 11-14. T. J. 
Haigg^^TM.; W. F. JIAaa. treaa. 

Brraae-OMtid taM.SUb . Oct IT-SO. W. B. 
Uo««B, ttmut K'. A^'PaOK ticaa.: A. 

Dallas— Vena Stat* fair. Oet. 2S. C. A. K»t- 
lac in*.: J. B. Adoae, treat.; Sydney 
Sadtk. ace. 

San ABHH Ifm AalMiO Mr. Oct. a-»«r. 1. 
Jnow .W. SMmt. IL B. mdhi;' tnai. ; 
J. 31. Taner. we. 


Norfolk— Norfolk Fair. Oct. I«4i. CO. 

Wrenn. pres . P. O. boi 206. 
Kadtoril— Hadtord Fair. Oct. 1013. Hal. Q. 

Wrenn. pres.. P. O. tK>i 296. 
Winchester— Sbenaodoab Taliey Fair. Oct. 17- 
20. ~ ~ " 

Mr. Oct. B-IS. 

_ ^ , B.'>. BSrw. WW-: 

Kebt. R. aec 


Bei-ton. Ont.— <Beeton Fair. Oct. 10-U. 
Blenheim, Ont.— Blenheim Fair. Oct. 12-13. 
Boltuii. Odi. — Bolton Filr. Oet. 31-25. 
Bradford. Ont. — ^Bradford Fair. Oet. 17-48. 
Oaledoo. Ont. — Oaledoa Fair. Oct. 12-18. 
Oaledoala. Ont.— CaledonU Fair. Oct. IS-IS. 
Cbatavorth, Ont. — Chatswortli Fair. Oct. 13-i3. 
Demorestvllle. Ont. — Demorestrllle Fair. Oct. 


Oondalk. Ont. — Oondalk Mr. Oct. U-11. 
Feneloo Fall*. Ont.— Feoeloa Ml* Mr. Oet. 


Freelton. Ont. — Freeltoo Fair. Oct. 17-48. 
Grand Valley, Ont.— Grand TaBCT Mr. Oet. 

Harrow, Ont. — Sarnnr Mr. Cat. IMS. 
Hlsbsate. Out— (Hlshgmte Mr. Get. UM. 
Jarrlt, OntWarris Fair. Oct IML 
Kemble. Oat. Tirtlf Mr. Oet IMS.^ 

MUtoo. Oat.— amtae Fak. Oet IS. Wia. Ilar- 
bottle. aec 

MocmTlaalton. Ont. — MomvUnton Fair. Ocr. 

Ifoaeer. Out.— Mnncey Fair. Oct. 10-12. 
Nethoto. Ont.— Netbeilv Fklr. Oct. 10-12. 
Norwood. Ont.— 'Norwood Fair. Oct. 10-11. 
BIdgetown, Ont.— iBldgetoirn Fair. Oct. lS-18. 
."Ji-lmurtHTK, Ont. — Scliomtwrg Fair. Oet. 12-l.t. 
SmltbTlUe. Ont. — SmlthTllla Fair. Oct 20.27. 
Udora, Ont. — ^Udora Fair. Oet. 10. 
Cndenrood. Ont.— Underwood Fair. Oct. 10. 
Wrlland, Ont,— 'Welland Fair. Oct. 11-13. 
Woodbrldge, Ont. — -WooiBindce Fair. Oet. IS- 

Wooler. Ont.— Wooler Fair. Oct. 18. 

New Street Fairs. 

Thaa. dataa bar. bean eontribatad liao* tb* 
psUlcatlon of onr laat llat. 

OirlKHuliitf. III.— Street Fair. Oct. ie-21. Cos- 

titopolltan .\miiseiuent Co. 
Oiaunle. Kan.— Street flair and Ckmlral. Oct. 

!i-U. I'allerson & Bralnenl CarnKal Co. 
Marlon. 111.— «tr«-t F»lr. Oct. 23-3S. O.^<nno- 

polltan .Miuii'ement Co. 
MatlufMi. III.— Street l-^ilr. Oet. 0.14. Co«no- 

piilllnii .Vmiisemnil CVk 
▼Mderatrarg— VeedtMhcCK Pik. Oct It-M. Joe 

Irrln. wc 


The Indianapolis Paste Co., 

Progmsiw BUlytsters all Buy our "G" Paste 

made espeelaTly ttor Uielr oae, because BETTER than hom» 
made, mors eonrentenc and certainly CHK.VPKIt. will not 
aour and will keep for an IndeilaUe leofiib of time. On 
receipt of aLTS vlll ship you a aample barrel boIdloK over 
3S0 ponnda, out of arblcn you can mak. folly three barrela 
br TB <» rlnc witb cold water aa Bceded. Many blUpoeten 
act aa ear agenU and control toesi vapcr banmra' trade aa 
Wdlasatbeii,a]idwbrnotyoor Ulatcmtedatallwrltana, 

Indianapolis, Ind. 

The Leading Show Printers (Lithographic < 


The Ault & Wiborg Company's 

Ar^ Yoti One cf Tlieai. 



New York Chicago St LoizU 


4tli Free Street Fair ef Westville, III., 

Commence* Monday. October 9tb. ends Sunday nisbt. Oct. istli. 7— DATS— 7— 7— NIGHTS— 7 

■WANTED- Sbows ol all kinds. Ferris Wtieel and Merry-Qo-BOBBd. All J 

eTerythlDK goes here. A SlOO.OOO payday. ^000 people to draw 
nlcatlons to J. F, MctSRAlU Mcr- WESTVILLE. ILL. 

H will pay for Itaalt In two daya. apina 
•■gar lata oottop eaody. any edor. 





DKO. ««h «o a90S. 

WANTED— Good Dovelty attractloas; air- 
ship and fire works preferred. Ooaeowons 
for sale. Harness ana runnlDcr racea. 

VBBHON li. CBaAliK, Snyt. 



Baritone, snare dnnnmer. clarinet 
in band; performers doing two or 
more tarns in bic show, boss canTasmao. boss 
hostler: also want man to train troop ot 
ponies and does at once. Show closes in San 
Antonio. Texas, Feb. 1st. 190& Lone season 
to good people. Would like man and wife 
used to wagon show. Want to bay three or 
fonr tight cages and ticket wason, mast be in 
good condition. Addre-ss, 

1424 Calhoun St.. North Fort Worth. Tex. 

FOR exchange: 

I Street Pl&no, 1 tbrc«-l 
Dae ooDdltloD. Will ti 
will p*v dllTeivace If ■ 


S i w i M MU lwl at Eiir 


DOT. *9 tm SS, I 


m-TTK Ma 

I bava Tin-Type 
Bntun Faru: all 
alia Bezels, Blma, 
Gtaaa aad Firbi. 
ate. Write far 
aunplea. AlMTla- 
Type nppllea, raeh 
aa Tin Plates. SUpa. 
Collodion. Cbaail- 
cala, etc Pramac 
sarTlc. WM. L 
BABTMAN, 144 W* 
•tb Bt. Clarlaaatl. 


AttnetioH Wairtsd 

New modem opera house at Mllbank, S. D.. 
will open on or about Nov. 1st. Iwantagood 
opentaiK attraction. Prefer mnaical snow. 
wlU par good certain^ tor right attractloa. 
Address at once to Im Bi BBim<KT, cam 
BlXw Opera Boose. MlaneapoUs. Minn. 

aaaSfdO ShCVW MAIleea 

COB CAI C-~A biff mcebanlcal sbow: worklofr ..orld 
run AHLC lOKaStt. welKht ta lbs.: IC ahoos * 
wbolaclty, men, waiDen,aiilmal«, oaia, boata, eu-., all 

la motion; Uim bemt aatnctSon oo «M«ta: m o< W K* »*U 

tor (UCeSi 1 took It for debt; wlU aaU It for tn.OS lasb 
-wltb order or aioaoo C. O. D., prlTltaae enmlutioB. Ik 
la brand new. atl In one box, aet ready t'» fbow In .% 

■alUcm . * cLl ;rl I ^ !f T..i; ....-II It. WH. 


ForOanUTal aad niCBaaal* Tmnaaeat. Xcnia. Iiil- 
nola. Oct II. IS and It. Morlni plrtnre show, merry bo- 
roDnd ferrl-) wheel. mldwa\ nhnw^, ele<-trlr pal*i-e. and 

FOR SALE — limber of sefs of Scenery 

For small Staae: to < 
painted l«~ 
OrpheuB 1 

At condliioo: re- 




The Billboarcl 

oeroBm r. 190s. 


These Films are the Best Fight Films ever taken. Pull of ginger from the first blow to the knockout. Bob Fitzsimmons, the Great Fighter, said: 
"Your impersonation of the Britt-Nelsoa fight is the greatest film ever made up." The following Theatres ahow our Fisht Films to crowded 
hOHses and turn people away: Waldman's Opera House, Newark, N. J.; Bradeaburgh's Theatre, Philadelphia; Empire Theatre, Toledo, Ohio> 


K^engtti yVbout TOO F^eet, Ppice, S80. 



Most Popular Piotura Ever Showa. 


Tka Biggest Htt of the Ya 



Inclndlne Calclam I>aiiip, Electric I>unp, Adjiutmble 

Bheostat, Pllmn and Slldra. 


stir Madil Ciiiignpb, 

Wiiii Stereopficon Conbined, 


23 S. Elehth St., Philadelphia, Pa. 

=TQURIN6 1905-1906 = 

SI weeks of dally concert trlompbsas 
the MIeUd Band, World's Fair, 

c oa e Mt tear pdadpal doc* mad torn 
eoantiy. bactimlaB Oetalicr I. 

I at tbe 


StLMb RnrTort 

VVILUAM WEIL., Director 

'iitL-Xodern Ormnlzstion for a Modem Pnbllc. 

'- nm ama putehs md soloists 

AOnr WHAIiEV,— Prima DoDDS S <Drano. 

Trompet, Clarinet. 
TroinlH>n>>. Saxo- 
. obone. Piccolo, 
r. Baritone. 


Horn Qaartette. 
Trumbone Qaar- 
tette. Cathedral 

•v. Mvn, 

Suite SIS 

Secoritv BnUdlne- 

Addi«M on matters 

telatlnr to Band. 

Artlats. Music Etc 

Opea far Pmpesals for Summer EnCaeeminls, 

Parks, Resorts, Expojttlani, Etc. 


Hew Vork Cltx 

301 Kniekwtioeker 

Theatre ~" 


BEIk Bi 

Address on business 
matters, dates, etc. 


Hftc a y qay fTiimng* of a 
maduBe is $60 a mootlk mnA 
tbe coat to opefale leaa tliaa S 1 

We bave only a very few 
at thoe left and will dote oj4 
cjnkldy at len tiian half piicc 
Yoo coDot inved jroor 
moaqr >o beBer adraatage. 
Read our cnenlar. TEN 

Western Automaflc 
Banlo Company 


Pftaiuina. Cai. — fiUeet Fair and Camiral, Oct. 

S-14. Southern Canlval Co. 
Tme Hante. Ind.— f ree Fall Festlral and Street 

Fair. Oct. 1«-21. F. F. Blankenltaker. aecr- 
reederabors, lad.— 8treet Fab. OcL 23-28. Joe 

IttIs. sec. 

WeUlBgtoB. Ibo.— aticct Pair aad Onalral. 
OeC IMK. PattasM * Itialaad OhnlTal 
On, ' 

Street Ms awl Carahrals. 

AJbla. la.— Street Fair. QcL IML Licta- 

m»o-Keetch Showa. attr. 
Benarort. S C— Street FSk ^Bt OtialTaL Oct. 

15 and <veek. a. WatHhMMk 
BeUerne. O — Street Mfe' Oct. IT-M. T. H. 

ParfclDsoo. .ec. 
BeltOB. Tex. — Fiiemen'i Street Talr. Oct. 30- 

NOT. 4. 

BentoDTlUe, Ark.— Fmlt Fair & Street CamlTaL 
Oct IT-Zl. Dick Bice, sec. 

BoxirrU, I. T. — Street Fair and CaralTal. Oct. 

18-ai. D. E. Borrell. aee. aod mgr. ' 
CaiarltoD. la. — Street Fair. Oct. 9-11. liaeb- 

man-Keetdi Sbows. itti. 
CUjtoo. AU. — CamlTal and Street Fair. Kot. 

20-25. B. Frank Valeotlne. 
Cotomblt. S. C. — MerehanU* Free Str^t Fair. 

Oct. 23-28. E. 6. Barkoot Amoaement Co., 

Oaaeocd. H. C. — Firemen's Free Street Fair. 
Oct. 16-a. K. Q. Baikoat AmoMmest Co.. 

MceutoD, slld» for life, 
hlgb wire wallrtDg. tm- 
deviLle p«opI« la mil 
brmocbe*. BLLLIE ROB- 
«U E. Kr- St.. LoolBTlUe, 


WAimOMIS, O. T. 

Open All the rear for good attracuooa. Writ* for open 
tlmr. Ad Jreu SCOTT * gCOTT. 3UnMcm. 

PL SeotL Kao.— Chtalnl ■■■ BMct Ptfc OcL 

16 week. Hate ft Lave. 
OalMtaiK, B L euait Mr aag (talfaL OeL 


Gatesffll^ Akp-IUI Caoilnd. .0*. MM.' CI 
U Bask, wgt- 
GeersetowB. Ky . St reet Pa|b 0*L • aad 
week. BoUoaoo AmnicncDt OU tUU 

aibaaa CltT. HL— Sixth Anaoal Omm Ouatral. 

Oct. 10-14. W. A. DaTidsoB.. sec 
Greenabmc. IndL— Street Fair and CarnlfaL Oct. 

3-9. B. C Sbaffner, lec 
Gattule, OUa. — Boalneaa Men's Oamlral, OeL 

— . 0. N. H. Btyce. see. 
jackaoQ, Tenn. — FytUaa Street I'air and Car- 

alsaL Oct. IML- 3. X. - MtCatahss. Jr., 

Tille CamlTd 
ter, pres. 

Lawrence. Maia. — Qfercfaants ft. 

Expoaltkm and military Canitfd. Ker. Mi. 

Lezlnstoa. Tenn— Street Fair. OeL 10-14. 
Marion. O.— Street Fair and CamlTal. OcL IS 

week. S. G. Elelnmaler. 
Martlnabars, W. Ta. — Fltemen'a Ftec Street 

Fair. OcL S-14. S. G. Barkoat Amoaement 

Co.. attr. 

Mexico, Mo.— Street Fair and Camlral. Oct. 9 

and week. New Parker Amnaement Co.. attr. 
New ZjODdon, Oodd, — F^ir and Camlral. OcL 

21-27. Geo. Blodless. aec. SO State atzeat. 
Newton. Kan. — Street Fair. Oct. 16 KMk. 
Omaha. N^. — Akaart)en Fair and flahHril 

Sept. 25-30. GaiklQ Sbowa, attr. 
Orajigelrary. S. C — Street Pair. Not- 15-17. 

W. E. AtklnaoD, sec. 
Faragoold. Ark. — ^Falr and ChantaDQBa. OeL 

9-14. migiit and mat, — 

Fleaaant .Hill, MOi—WnM 

Sbowa, attr. 
Boodbsoae. BL — Free Oora CamlTal and Hone 

Shoir. Oct. 24-28. W. C. Boodbonie. aee. 
San ABcelo, Tex.— Street Pair. Ko*. 14-18. 

^ohn Freelaad. dim. 
Temon, xez.— K. ot F. StNet Mb Oct. M4I. 
PIrslala, n i. O oB ular Pair sad OaaadraL OcL 

11-14. C A. ~" 

OcL 21-28. 

WUmlactoB. N. C— Street Pair. Week OeL 16. 

Jooea-Artama Oarairal Oo^ attr. 
WlnfleU. Kan.— Stitet Pale sad Oaiatral. 

pleea Commercial JS^ ijMb.WMp. & 
Woodward. Okla.' 


Delaran- (Indoor.) Oct. 5-U. J. 

BIoomlnstoD. 111. 

H. Sbaw, 



Some gfood Confetti, boys, at 5 cent per pound. 

NoSa 3, 4, and 5 Ribbon in all Colors. 


12 SouUi^eiiinMraial SItmL ST. LOUIB, RIO. 

OwiUval BirtteM. St. Leuis BvtlM C*. 

B Pmo— (Indoor.) OcL lO-M. J. H. 
Blo oni l iigtoD. 111. 


AlbaoT. Ore^-Central TTItllMalla 
Dee. 19-2*. a W^TMfc . 

n'^'l^ isaai 9m, a. OH«trf m« lis a. 

Add St. 

AnDlston. "ii fMhW Ok. IMIIB ftML. 
ford I.ake Patlc Msr. mice. LCL 

Sweet, pres. 
Atlanta. Ga. — Atlanta PoDltry Aasn. Jan. 17- 

23. 1906. C. O. HarweU. see. 
Adborn. N. Y. — ^Aabnm Pooltry Aean. Jan. 19- 

23. J. R. Scott. 
Angnata. Ga. — ^AognaU P. & P. S. Aasa. Jaa. 

8-12. 1006. J. W. Kllllngswortli, see. 
Birmingham, Ala.— State Ponltiy Aasn. Dec. 

12-16. Chas. Barber, sec., 216 N. 20th St. 
BooDTllle. Mo. — Central Mo. Pooltry Aaan. Dec 

12- 16. Ch.s. G. Miller, box TOO. 
Brockton. Mass. — Brockton Pooltry Aasa. Dac 

13- 16. Geo. S. HntcbUia<a, aec 

Bntler, Pa. — ^Bntler Co. P. & P. S. Aasn. Data 

not aet. VlrgU Gibson, sec. 
Chattanooca. Tenn. — Chatt«iiooea Poaltrr Aan. 

Jan. 10-13. 1908. XT. P. Uanry, aec 
Ctdcago Heights. lU. — Northeastern DL Fan- 

eten' Aasn. Dee. 12-16. Hany Neath, arc 
C li i elana tl. O. Claclkaatl P. ft p 8. Asm. 

Ma. IMa. 190& K. JC. Bane*, aec 


OSb. PA. 1-T. 

U-U. a. B. Vaa^ 
Daytaa. 0.— Daytn 

0. C. OsTtdwa. aec 
Ettpoda. Kaa^^^yaa OaaUr Faallry ama. Dec 

5-9. D. M. Hay. ace 
Enid. OkU.— GaiMd Ok. P. ft V. I. Aam. 

Jan. 8-13, 1806. L W. flbOlA, aac 
Fladlay, O. — Hascec* Oa. Tkai Ini" dan. Jka. 

•-U. 1906. L W. akeriefc. aaa. . 
PL Wayne, l ad. Pa opia ' s P. ft P. Sl ftWL of 
Allen Co. Dec nM. CtO^ A. Bdler. 
aec. t 
HamlltoB, O.— SoathcB'.QMt SMMr MB. Jan. 
i-a. B. O. niiirsn% at^ . 

IB4tL MMft L ■MkH; aec 

HarrUborc, Pa. — Pa. Vaaalaci^ Aasa. Jaa. 33- 
27. 1906. John B. QM^ Bvalton, aec 

HnntsTlUe, Ala.— SeTeath Annoal Show. North 
Aldnma Fonltrr and P. S. Asm. Dee. 5-8. 
John L. Hay. sec. 

IndlanapoUa. lod.— FaaclecS> Aaa. aC lad. Tab. 
5-10. K. A. PUtec, MB Ik WMHWM at. 

Iowa Palla,- la.'^Moctheaala 

Dec 22. Ik D. HOTcy. aee. 
loira PtUt, It.— PoBltry ud Ftacr 

Dec 18-22. T. T. White, aec 
JiiekMiavllle, m. — JaAaon Ponltry Aaan. Dec. 

■18-18. U O. TaacbL sec 
Lancaster.' H o, ncha y le r Oa, Poattiy Aaa. Dec 


Tbe modern notloii Plctvre Hachl*e» 

OarPlraaaMt Hasaslaea and Take-Up Derlo. wfllOl 
BshlfaiCSao Modera MoUOB Flctare M a eait i a . An c- 

Write for 


laiany proteetMl by United State* 

-r. And Infrlnjcetnents will t» 
I. K)WER ()if ' V •-. " 
St. N. Y. 

Lawieaee, Baa.-^>eaglas Oa. PeOUiT Asaa. Dee. 

11-18. J. Ualnwarlng. sec 
Mneoln. Neb. — Nebraskm State Pooltry Aaan. 

Jan. 15-20. ISOS. Lather P. Lndden, see. 
Loa Aoselea. Oal. — Foorteenth Anm*^ s^rblbl- 

tlon of the Los Angeles Poultry Aaan. Jan. 

8-15. 1908. O, H. BorbridgT, aec, 2080 W. 

Adama sL 

Madtaas. V. 3. — Bastem Fantall Clnh of Aster- 
lea. Jan. — , 1006. B. M. Poekman. 18 
Brlnkerbog at.. Jersey City. 


<IP Band Instruments 

at abont halt nrtoe. AU makea, many trood si new. 
Weretradedln for^HOLTOIClaxtronieiiu. "blch f t- 
eel All others. It yfni want tba best, boy a " UOLTUS 
—it TOO will haT* another make, wa hare IC for (ou 
chCAp. Everytblnfr ror bA&ds. Our cAtAlo^ Aad oa^ 
gain list free oo reqaest. 


Dl AVC^^'^^^l^liS 


Hi I It ■■■ TablsMX. 8."^ 


sadbaowMBmltkASiladototaus. pur book 


^bwon. .o txfnmlai fsadjr la AjAatltime, 
T.«gA»T«aV Jew MliS, ^T.*"..*'^*. 

IH .11 1^ f**" 



LU.NKTTIi, Bl^ck Art. W,x FIK 

oqal»t Klgures, OrgAna, PAlutlnga, * 
tune lelUng Heads, ef. Lists for tHAmpa. „ 

SHATT. TMaosla. 9I» 

UnSiriM!tar*Iahsa Pw- 

M*arlisiaaBiittmM,8t.LMdaB«lloaG«. VaUi4M*'n«£moaxd"wie»i 


XHe Bllll>oap<l 









MEMCHMim and 



delagred in 

We are Quoting this Price on 

Which was scheduled to arrive some six weeks ago, iHit 
transit. The French exporters realizing the lateness of the i 
gnuned us to sell the confetti for their account at 

•wmhhB Cents the Pound 

This is a very Unusuai Snap for Streetmen. For this confetti is 
worth fully SO per cent, more than the domestic goods. It is brighter In 
colors, cleaner sad ■IroM up wi» ttdky ; aS eambpeidnaelvrwei^t, la ap- 

pearence, looks as \ilg as a 10 eent one of the domestJe atnlf. ^nd your 
order early, for this lot won't last long. 


The Confetti Duster we offer has no superior nor equal in the market, when 
its make up, quality and size is considered. It is 16 inches long. 

~P«r l,000, SiO.OOHMHimB 

We have again caught op with the rash of bniiwwi, whUi was 
very nnasual the last four or ftre weeks, and f rmn now on win 
again give the mtompt ataipawntsaBlB oar wait-aodon*thoiatiii^ jonr 
orders, we win take Teiy food cue of 
to do so. 


PkATKO and 









RUaS and 






W« make a apaoialty 
of Praroiuin uooda 


Wholesale Streetmen*s Slpedaltles, 



Fran tht ■•■■fattartn 

, (he HldaieBun>a 

Sk U. IS Madlstm St.. CHieAAaL 
J Club Room FnraRM% 
ul* and RatalL 

lk« laKBMl •xdulTV sportlu Qoods Boom la Ch« O. a. 
W« tMM s l*w of I 

Bttl BMkRiMla— vontfollfld (ao 
Tk« WortnlSSiMwr, with 

THK omcaQO mMP CASE, A umac wosBEB. 

"n iTiiHiaiti. ■ililii » 111! . . — 
I ■wnv Dimwcr, i«ct« di«*, 
• Barlbculi. eomplaM, 

>Id or iTory, p«r Mt. 

AM J CombliUkUoii. In ' 
flhapM, par 

■hapM^ pmr fmSr, 

nratFlop Dl«e ud bos, parut, 
BteToio raper, per doi. .... 

" " per deck 

BoalMU WlMU, oomplaM with 

awkl. (saiuMad I year* 

*Chaik Cop," tta« orlgliuU and b««t. Parfect 
■MSaBMonciwrmiitwl; p«rbottl«, , . . 







The C75 kind, our price . - . aSB.OO 

Slot Picture Machines - l»tO« 

PnncblDs Macblnea - - - . 16.00 

Fortune Telllne Machine* - - 4.00 

el's.- Till;': Mri.-fi'.r.'S ki?ld> - 1 1 . SO 

MBERS MfS. CO., U7 *tst 23ni SI., Hiw rork CltT- 


H w are the JOB of the Omaha Exposition, 
eoamnnleate with me at your earliest possj- 
Ole moment, for It Is very much to your ad- 

Nuw York Hlp^uanjiue. N. T. 

^ Oua, t ataadud oaund rall- 
vmt k«t ajiMNtt Mom: In good 
"1. BaiaalB._ 

Msnkota. Mtim.— Central Minn. Ponlttr 

Dk. 23-30. J. W. KoUmaa. KC. 
Mmoo CltT. la. timtm torn l% » H»l _ . 

Tenth Annoal Stow. Nov. V>Die. & X. ▼• 

BIckrI. -e. 

Montgomery, Ala.— State Pealtiy Am. Dw: 

11-13. L. D. Teaoley. 
Mnicatlne, la.— aioieattse F«glti7 AM. Her. 

31M. F. 3L Slcglcr. ace. 
NapeiTllle. UL — Napcrrflle PMIdT. Vtataa 

P. S Aata. Jaa. Xt wwk. Onar H. Ol 

cor. ««c. 

Newtoo. KaD.— Ottwr OOk 

annual (boir, 1 M> BMi 


Newton Falls. Ou — Pa a itij ihaw. Her. SO. F. 

A. Stair, we. 
Mmt Z«ck. K. T.— Xadtaa S«ntc Garden. Jan. 

S4L MS. B. T. CMirtatd, wc., Mootclalre, 

H. r. 

OeoaomoiFoe, Wl«. — Oconomowoc P. ft P. S. 
Asan. Dee. 11-18. Frank Heck. 

Pontlae. Mich.— Sixth Ansnal Ponltrr & Pi- 
geon Sboir. Jan. 10-20. 180S. DuUel Thoinai. 

Portland. Ore. — Katiooal Ponltrr Show. Oct. 

ft-12. HuTT B. Collier. lee.. Taeoou. Wash. 
Portland. Ind. — Eaatem Ind. Poaltrr Am. Jan. 

13-20, 1006. Cbal. MuFarUnd, see. 

ProTldencf. B. I.— R. L PaalOr AMD. Dec 

8-9. W. I. BnMFn. KC, S ■HSm* EL 
Klilng San, O.— Blalog Sna Mdttr IMS. OcC 

fi-8. Merle Betrlck. lee. 
Salt Lake City, Clah — Utah Poultry Asan. Jan. 

16-21. T. J. Fanning, aec., 100 Lincoln are. 
San Francisco, Cal. — Poultry 3liow, Dec. 5-0. 

J. C. WlUlams, FroltTiIe. Cal. 
SebrlDS, O.— SebrlnK P. & P. S. Clt<>. Jan 

1-11, ISOe. M. J. Stereni. aec. 
Sbetby, O. — ebelbr P. A P. S. Atan. Feb. 

dist week: Martin M. Hunter, aec. 
Tacoraa. Wasb.— TacoDB foalBT Aan. Dec 

27Jaa. 1. C. A. Pm^ aCf 
Topeka. Kan.— Poultry Sheir. 

J. W. Bniches. «e«. 
Onion, la.— Hardin Co. Poultry Aaan. Date not 

set. O. E. Smith, sec. 
West Brookfleld, Uass. — Fourth Annoal Show of 

West Brookileld Assn. Dec. S-7. E. I.. Rich- 
ardson, sec., box 3Se. 
Wlnsted, Conn. — Western Conn. Pooltiy Aaoi. 

Dec — . Baeksted Scsdder, W. B. GiaTca and 

W. H. Carl. Jndses. 
Yonasatowa. O.— Jfahootnc and Stacaaafo Talln 

radtv AM. Dtc^ M. CMa> ■. W af iai. 

•U, uoe. 


BalUmore. Md.-T«alttBm BetaB 
Shoir, Wne. Hall. Mv. 
Oieea and.S. J. BaMk 
Nc« York Cltr. 

Brooklyn. N. T.— Orooklyn United BetaB Gio- 
cen' AuoelatloB'a mrd Annual Food Show, 
CleroKiot ATC. RlBk. March 5-31. 1908. C. 
H.- Green and B. J. Bowe, mgra., 277 Broad- 
way, New Ycrt City. 

HaTerhill, Maaa.— SarerbUl Board ot Trade 
Food * Indaatrlal S xp oa l t l oe. Heir Amory, 
March SUlfCll T, MML OL H. OMae and 

B. J. Bom. ■■••>. Sn Bn a t a ^, Mmt Zoilt 


Loirell, Man.— (imrell BetaO Graecn^ AMda- 

aad BL T. 
Talk Oltr. 

■•MUk, B. J.— Newaik 

■law. Hay 7-10, UW._a. 
BL y. Baire. mgra., 277 

Mmt BMaa. 
Flood * Ii 

Oct. IXSL O. B. Oieaa and B. J. Bowc, 
avia.. sn Braadway. Maw York City. 

Praeldaaea. B. L— Batebera, Graccra aad Mai- 
ketaMe'a Aaaoelatloa ot Rbode laland Pur* 
Pood Show. Infantry Hall, Prorldenee. B. 1. 
Feb. IX-M. 1906. C. H. Green and K. J. 
Boire, mgrs., 277 Broadway, New Tack City, 

Syracose, N. Y. — Syraenac Oraeera A Meat 
Dealers* AssoclatlOB Pood A iBdoatrlal Expo- 
sition, The Alhambra. April 19-28, 1906. a 
H. Green and E. J. Bon-e, mgrs., 277 Broad- 
way, New York City. 

Trenton, N. J. — Trenton Retail Grocers' Pro- 
tectlre Association, First Food A Indnsirial 
Expoaltloo. Masoolc Hall. Not. e-Il. C. H. 
Green and E. J. Rowe, mgra., 277 Broadway. 
New York City, 

Washlngtoo, D. C. — Waahlngton Betall Gz^ 

eers' Proteotlre Association'* Natlonil Tood 
Sbow A Indnstrlal Bxpoaltloo. Coarentlon 
Hall. Dec. 4-16. a H. Green and B. J. 
Etowe, mgr*., 277 Broadway, New York City. 
Worceiter. Mass. — Betall Grocers and ProTlslon 
Dealeta' Aaaoelation's Pure Food Show. Me- 
ekaalea Hall. Fch. SS-MalAlO, 19M. O. 


Cbtcago, 111. — Second Annual OIBca AFpUaac* 

and BqsId^ss System Sbow. CoU 

17-24, 1906. Cochrane A Payac, 

Park Bow bldg.. N. I. a 
MUaa. Italy— ■xpoMOaa. AffO-Nar.. nOB, air 

aar L. SaMatlaL ace.. Xt. ■■aijii. K. H. 
New Tack City Cinma Aaaaal ~ 

Oaidea. Oct. SS-Hor. 4. 
Bvra.. rm Pa ik Bair bld«, 

CMS. pn» tM. 

ChleagOb m. — Oct. 23-28. 8. C Lo*e. 
Kama OUy. Mo,— OcL A. Bl AaMfOOk. 

OCL 9047. 
!«at«oIk. Ta.— Ta. 

Oct. IMI. O. O. 

mar., hox 217. 
Omaha. Keb. — Oct. 0. 


Rtcbmond, Va. — The Yliglala 

Oct. lO-ls. 
SL LouU. Mo.— Oct. 9. 

•la Maw CcataiyUdK 


A 1905 production. Can hcrua when allotbeiv 
are barred. Can be used for Jewelry or mooer 
Has two way combination works with set. 
Price ..... sai. 
The Improved Camel Baek Spindle. the oalgr 
controlled spindle without a aaS. PirteeSlS 
The Improved Chicago Set Spindle.) 
teed perfect, caa be repped with. I>n( 
The New Chicago Drop Caae. wetehaB 
tlHve way blow off In center. Jnsl ont 

Price - - - - - 
The Worid** Fair Striker, with caae 
layOBti - - . - - 


Bicycle Paver tB per doz^. 

ot all klnda; we lead aU othen Is 1 
Catalogue Free. SO new Ideas. 

He Ce Evans & Co. 

125 Clark Street, CHICAGO. 




Crop CAM, 3 wmj, opeu. unro'jt<-*l, 6 IbrL- - - MS 
ObMMToSetSpiooleuia txs,«t;UnKCK»e. lA 

Qammtmr Hmgrnt CbJTes,DloeMMlGArd»; LM 
- ty.Clw'Uaa 


Itarse latate Coln-Coittrolled MarlsisMWa 

Snch aa are used in arcades. re!iOri.>.. iHitrK 
saloons etc Write for prices. 

7S6 Misalon St. San Franoiaco. Cal. 





Xric Billboard 

OCTOBER 7, 1905. 

TIui Twantletb Ontnnr 3Ierr7-G«- 
'•■ Bound IH tbt- onlT mtebtoe for Caml-rmls 

kod Street Fairs. No stakes to drlre or holes 

to dW: can Ij« »«:t un a floor or pavement 
Manufaetured by 
Amosenif ni Uatttlteis. No. Tonawanda. N.Y. 
BaildentodheTuiwiranda Miolatnre Ball- 
(cqalppeil wttliAIr Krakes. 


McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon 


Merry.Qo- Round, 






^SaWaaaySt. - North Touwuda. N. v 

A deltctoaa popoora coDfection. pot up to 
motscure pruot paclcaces that keep It fresh a 
Ions time. A quick seller for tbeatree. cir- 
cuses. CraTellne theatrical and medicine com 
panies and all places of pobllc smasemnit. 
y^^wM^JI^^^ \ '"SK-y"" PACKAGE 

BKICK. Inform na wken WMhoM A w nt- 
fectlonery conceaslaa aaa «• innaiM MM* 
plea aad prlcea. 

ft MMth» 

"Aitnatie" Sat Spindie. 

Bleelirfc ^fianemons Gages. 
Drop Cases, Metal Roulette 
Wheel— best ever. Loaded 
Dice and Marked Cards. Greatest 
catalog ever written oa gamblint;^ 
Smt to anx: address riUSE. 

• A.RIt * CO.. 

. C1II4BACM», lU.. 


Prizes and Gifts for 
ail Games. Jewelry 
and Novelties for 
SMTCBir Stands, 
nrin. Fain . Car - 
■Italsaatf Tfecafsu. 

Cbeapeat Eatab* 
1 liahment in New 

IHOFtimtlnr erery nibjMTt of Art, ftarel aod 
Uu-rmture and all tlmelT toplca. La1«ft _«-'ar 
M«im. ^Fopttiar and itebaioaa 

adapts* twIkiM 

aay aaW«ct 
• bMrtato- 




tree— wblrli tells ibecanofaDoutflt. explains 
. paylna 

The Watling 

Guessing Scales, 

Picture Macbines. 



All kiflds. 

McAllister, Mfg. optician 



Indian Bnmt leather. Bnstlc Wood, Shell Goods, Canes. Confetti, Serpentine Dusters, Rub- 
bt^r Balls. Blow-Outs. Whips. Balloons. Lanterns, Fla« Pnules. Trick Matches, Citrars. 
Ba!«balI%Cliiiia Pots. OlaHs Goods. Shell Bat Pins. Beer Glasses. Badges. Buttons. Flaes. 
JeweilX. Mlstnaaie. Tricks, Prize Goods. SQaawker8,Watchea. Bedella Balls, Garlands. Fes- 
tooniac, K ty wa iu Flowers. Bntt-lp-Radge. L-eatber Postal Car ds. Catalugoe free. 

Send permanent address for nm Ulnstrated catalo^e novelties fur Street Fairs. Caml- 
rals and Celebrations. BO pases. 700 Illustrations of novelties. 

O N 


X R 

Stjle t OacMilnR Scai«. 

Bead lor 

WATUN m. n.. 

Ckleaao, 111. 

719 Sansom SC. 

i:i OaW St, • 

FOKTUW. ««. 

THB BinSBR 1 RCHK AITD BAC « P.. 158 CofbU At«m PMIaM«hlA.-PA. 


N'ATION'AI. MDSTC OO. tmn a M of aoef 

bits: rail and see ns. Chicaco — 286-8 Wabask 

Av». N. A Yori — 11 W. 28 SU 


Pop Com goods of all I 
write for prices. 


Qnaa it a 

L nraqoMs 
bat two mo- 
OMDta to open or 
cloae It. It It 

wortb t«n tlmM 

the prlc« to any 
Maalcal Cor-'- 

M Vina Ai 

aTeuiitf Sinnrs. Net prlea 
for aiSalocaa. BIU»nX 1 


The Handy Frolt and 
Vogetalilo SHoor 

Bi^tttfiM mrncU «Ttr loTaninl. Ji sJkca fruli 
rsykltr ahMrvnr iIml 

■ceorr. cfrebianviuimrtaMaiid 

Virginia Homss 

You learn all about Virginia 
lands, soil, water, climate, re- 
sources, products, fmtts. ber- 
ries, mode of cultivation, 
prices, etc., by readioi; the 
Send 10c. for 3 montlis snb- 
scription to 



We liavo ALL 


Haelc violet Boaqoets ... 
No. 60 Oan Balloona . ... 
CoofettI (briKbtand clean) - 
ConfetU Daatafa. aaorted color.. 100 ue 
Red, WkMaudBlaa Carnival Oanea. per 100 LOO 
Com. Osear.llaaBd CnS Battoas - RToia. -B 

IiaaMaaaaMOrtaaat of nanra, poeket cotleiy. rabber 


Is the place whatsjonean ta B Or potUt 
wgaly. x n cS r SnMywU^^ 

oliiata In tbm Axtun tMntM. 'We 

are the pioneer iooorporatora. Terms, 
blank forms and copy of oai lavra free 
for the asklog. Address 


Aiizona QazatI* BglMIng, 


A sure money maker 
the Tear roasd. Fxo- 
llta larsa aod parma- 
neat. Baally laaniad 
b y Iiix»ei1aiuad 
ponoaa. we aretbe 
aell the only sne- 
oassful process and 

W. Z. LOM, Sprhigflsld, Obit. 

lAtoMla MaAea Cards. IMce, Hold^nna, 
Blotoot Ink, NoveltT BbooUDK Galleries 
Street Games. Etc Send for Cataloffue. 
JAJdES-UlLLJfH Ml-O. CO. Ft. Soott, Kana, 

"n» BOboard" mktn mmmitgm*^ 

caruusNca m laat. 



41 & 43 Warren St., NEW YORL 

Tk* LarsMt antf B e etei- am4 leipertey af 




Also NoveiOes lor Streefinen. 

^^^^^ We nttiTfenrj week (coat oar Uctocj 
# Balloiias of all loads aaS oiMa ttat w* 

^ goaraatac ol tajierisr f|HS^ ta mf 

aad tht 

Babbcr Balls, 
Rabber GoodA, 

Cane Rack Canes. 
Knife Raclc Knives. 

No. STlT— Onnstock — TOO per doien. 
We bare thelaigeat assortmeut of Knit; Board 
Eiiires weat of the Hiniasippi river. Our pricea 
arc absolate rock bottont. Wo also earry a fall 
liue of Streetmen'a tioodi. Carnival Novelties 
and eoods for Fairs. We are one ol the oldest 
Sticetmen's f npplv boase in the United Slates. 
We have thousands of satisfied cnttomeia. We 
can sstitl y yo n and want joar basinets. V0 
SUSaTJTVTMXa nuless yoa My so. Orders 
shippad the came day as xeeeived. Large Cata* 

ooxe, -roniQieb 4s oo.» 

CCA aiuf St. Charlea St.. ST. XOUIB, .~ 


thst aiuUDC*. Boral Smmtiy win 
Dbt car*. Cv.OOO can. lo ps«t !f5 
,.«ra Is th« ncord. Ho natter what 

State tka dltnsa bat raacbad, tblt 

from tb. systsm umfar to rvtoro. 
Doo*t tvin yoorMlf wltfa polaaai. 
bat writs tods, for oar baad.Mia 

_. W l —lr a lsd >— > ao< tali a.ulla 

SMM rata l. m^tmt mm rmmmmml. 

THi joHw aTtaiixo asYii. atntoY co. 


El«ctr1c annoing machlBes, different colors, needles. 
st«nclls etc, at low prtees. Machine, tlO} Colors, 90r. 


OCTOBER 7, 1905. 


Faii in Line, and Make Money. 

jav crook 

wtmttee neeearary to sell my 
Canes. Tbejr sell at 
to SOO per cent, profit. 

Iff. 385. 



MuM Fiiish, 

MNed ti 


Nt. 3851. 


Cfwik Cms 

Patented Finlsk, 


The boys And mT C H I- 
I. WclstoamMr 
ton St., > En«t<(_ 
viMD tber ars 

ScMltfa or WevU 

Be ture and .end a dtpofJt of at 
aBanl<iaorcr.lO.OI>. AUoitfaia 

tS per cent, on 
tlOOO must be 

Ik* toll 

t UnniMli 44 Am IL, IT. 

HtRRT L WEtSBAUM, Wettsm RepreMntatlve, 

240 E. Madlmon St., Chicago. 


^ IXrea^e beaddiiarters for 

Carnlyalf Fair and Strtatnaa.. 

!>■ Jewelry lots. Comblots.' 

■ S^hear lots. Notion lots. 
- - Purse lots. naDdkerehlefs, 
• Razor lots; Memo.' Books, 
Glass Cutter Knives*. W. B. W. 
Brand Tableware, Peerless 
Stian>eners, German Collar .. > 
Buttons and Needle Cases; .w' - 

BiK Une or SliUb Idty Oats, 
i'lHli Ponds, KAtiVi'Boarals, &e. 

We buy and sell for cash, and yon 
win find our prices 

TIte Cheapest In America. 

Send tor our Blir Illustrated Cata- 
logue to-day and be conviaeed that 
yon can 

SaTe fyom 6 to 25 jfvt * 
every dollar's worlK «t 
yom liDy In our line. 

WE ME nnmpr smiters, tm 


Agents Wanted 

Tb« KoJfe ol the World. It doee tbe work ot 10 differ 
m articles For paring Tegetablee, reinnTii« eTes, 
orom potatoes and pineapples, cattlncc SafmA.^.siUPS> 

German rr>-. corlnit apples, cuttlnjr cold risw.' 

Cnlrr.seallner flab, lee pirk. * 
Send Ifte. ff.r sample, fer fcroes .5. Address 


lis Fourth Ave.. Plttsburc^Pa. 

Olce ^'„?£I $3 50 

New transparent loaded work, 
marked canlM, entirely new work. 
•1.00 per deck, tKtO per doz. Tbe 
nnest card marklns Ink In tbe 

"tr'lk"''" y^J!?. rtlSfjlM'^SlI 

erlci-. etc. Write for o«r ii« 

prartiiT.! njvirtlnj; (roo<l8 oatalos. 
free A, Mr,-. J F K thSCO., 
. t rf. Wis 



e Billboard 

Will hold 20 4S-page copies. The papers can be 
easily bouDd one at a time; late copies can be in- 
serted in piaoe ot tlw old ones. It keeps tbe pa- 
I flat and In good eondlttao. 8iiBllx]& 

Billboard Publishing Company, 

416 Elm Street, Cincinnati. O. 

jS'Sf The Great Hagerstown Fair 



HABEBSTOWN, MARYLAND, OtItbMr 10, II, 12 MHlISi 1906. 


ITTPffifllllS WAITEn ot a hlsb class to perfonn in front ot Grand SUnd. Coo- 
Mil IMV I Wm9 WMM I Ell ceMlons and side show priTUeses for sale on lUdwar at 
reasooaUeprlees. 8g,S0l> In powe<. In race progra m. Entr ies close Oct. 3rd. 

For other Information at>m^to%'ldS'n'%U 

Richard Gutiimann Transfer Co. 

Atias Trunl(s 

lb« profmloa aic irttbont a PH8. Made 
■ttb oi<r PATBVTEO SINDINO. m^^^ aa 
sail. .Dd rlreted thraoskoat. 

Our cstaiojtne will eliecrraltr lattodace tbcai 
« WTT.HFIt TBtm * BAG OO., 

'0. 152 ColunUa An.. FhlladalpUa. Va. 



SrillS'^r oaritimdnatea under bond 

IsWiaalMaiMiMiia WiMatbrChtalopi*. 


B»«f»lo. N. Y.: Atlanta. Qa.: 
l^CrnHe. WU.: Texarkana. Tex.: San Fran- 

coNFEni. Novam 

I Things for Streetmen. 
. Writa for Catalo<ue. 

e. T. 8LITP00LE, 

**08 Pearl St.. Sioux City. Iowa 

The Only Exclusive Theatrical, Soenery 
and Property StoraSe Warehouse and 
Transfer Company In the Country. 

Scenery and Pioiiertles for sale for storace cbarges. Have hauled ALL theJarre companies 
playlnic In Chicago this season with the beat of records. This is the' firm that has the Gov- 
ernment contract tor movtnir all tbe Federal oSces and Postofflce Into the new P. O. build- 
ing In Chlca<n>. 700 loads In 12 bouts: can anybody beat ii? We have shipped scenery from 
Maine to CalKomla. and all ate weU 'pleased at price. We bare a latse stock of second- 
hand stuff which we can utilize In rebnildlnc shorn 

Office, Boom IS. SS Dearborn St., Ttol. Harrlaoa Mtrt Stnaftw, Shosn. Wa r a h o m e ^ WT to M5 
Throop St.. TeL Monroe 974. CHICAGO« lUi. 

The BjWmnl's Fm Emirgsncy Service. 

tIAN AQEBS In need of people by reason of aooldent, sickness, indisposition 
or dt*atb are invited to wire us at either of our ofBoes stating their require- 
ments. All such wires are immediately bulletined on a very lanie black board 
with which each office is provided. Manv actors, actresses, pernvmera, musi- 
elana and agents who are at liberty look m on us dailv and ther alwajra read 
the balletlns on the board. This Isa quick means of Retting M tooeh with 
the right people. This servloe is gratis. All Want Ada asnt oa te pubUea- 
Moo are auo posted the moment received, and Managew te a q aant l y i w ainJI - 
eatlOQ before the paper containing their ad oomes out. 


NEW YORK,I440 Broadway; CINCINNATI, 416.18 Elm St. 

....THE LONDON.... 


la tbe rscocnlzod ortaa ot 
Had a f rlendlr walcoma St 
York City. Telepr 



W* don't brae, bat ban the awMli. UIt* aiatrlalonlw./ 

Oolckserrlve.icoodKoodM. Confetti, ee ,b; Jap Croolr 
Cane. 13.00 per lOOi TlaWiet^tserFanaCOOandfeMcr,; 

Carnival Slappere SUO Kr.; Snake BlowonU SLTfr vr.; 

Paper Homii, Kubber Ball% Kubber Tbread and Tapt. 
Wblstle and Oaa BallooBhlUbboa Cor "-imr. Jawaby. 
Walehw. Optical <i«^neaatedm.w3a«aHM 
Kotk>oa.>aod all LATEST KOTtLntt, OhS^SSsB: 
Mo icooais c, O^ Ok wltkoat U. W»Mi far 

eataloene; mailed free. 


- eiT- N. Fourth Mrael. 
ST tjOUIS. • • MO. 






And make yon a fortaae. If yea have < 
p£aT. sketch, photo. ACT. 
SONG or BOOK that Is worth anytbioff, 
yon Btaoald copyright It. J>on*t take 
cbantM when yon can secure otir serr- 
Icesat small cost. Sendfor onr SKOAL 
OfTEK IS INVENTOBS before applying for 
a patent. iV wtit pay yon. UAMiBOOlt oi« 
pattnU lent IKt. We advise If patenta- 
ble or not, a^KS. W«. Iticorporate 
SO^OCK OOMPAKIES, Small fee*. 
Coaaolttis. ,'• 



^\Jr^~ Cananlig, Ete. 

Osr DOLLAB aaaortadbax at . OB* . 

Fla^fs and Decorations, 

United States Flag Co^ 

2244 Gilbert Ave., Cineinnat .Ohio. 


Uedical apielisDexoted to tlie Medicine 
Leeinier, Street Han. Caniaita Oocleri' 
Opttoiacu flMMons Sallsr. and to all 
throoah .paaeh Taltowhat^urtohold 
attention, amasa, iji>traet and fataraat 
■nonsh to toneb tbe poekalbaok, Yoe 
wonid nnt part wltb it at anr price.' Saat 
postpaid fcrtC. or asnd SLdaposltana wul 

•and O.O.D. w'th • rami nation privilasa. 

FANTUS nfl Xa Dearborn SUChlcw 
FrotpcGtui seot frc* for permauMit mMkm. 




U Ann St.. K. T.. FakCtory Bkbj-loo. K. T. 
Brown KlblMm ud81lT«r Trimmed, BJIO per bandrtrd 


(SIX oomnriKs.) 

Ml SliTEn— Doff.pony. animal abows. electric 
nnn ■ theatre, all kinds attraction* 
Herry-Oo-Bonnd. Ferris Wheel, etf Mk' 
money to privileges (Midway). .1. 0. FITOVA. 
Sec.. Casey, III., Oct. II to 14. 

novura ncviTRB ibai-mixbs.^ 

■ M i l s ca ssiO Tl sa. csmstaa. lan sa-. soacaltdaa. 
aadMcoBd Mad. boagbt, «ad sad exehaand. 
BxpeRnaehaaleai rapairiaa: i Mfi a l Utdaa mads; 
monnc plctnre* taken toorasr; psrforatln K. de il- 
oplna and film prlDtlna for tb« trade, waaaav- 
Anaioax Cnr aaaTueaani A TOM Co., Xbarksrit 
" Mar^veiCUUiSt.. WewYork. ■ ■ » 


•si. mmSSr mSSSiJ!tS\ 

a «... US a. Bs^iAi^ 


Xlie Billl>oarcl 



tlful Album ahowintf iao* 
■Imllaa in Colon of 
Po«tera» Window Cardaw 

. .SImII wo 


I ytm tret*" CVT 





^^l^^ND MUSLIN BA^^^rS, 

fairxarnival and Show Work 


Hew and second hand, for sale at anytime. 
BetereneeaDT bank in United States. 

..Tl'73 Fnllerton Ave., CHICAGO. 


^Second Hand Films. Cheap, 

WUte for Lkt mA Prieaik 

•7M Mlaaloii St., San Franctaco. Cal. 

raaMocneof Plays £ Xake-Up for ama- 

IC on ap pUotlon. 

\ * FTTZGERALD. 23 Ann St. K. T. 


22-24 N. 4tl St., PHILA., PI. 

HUW DUUmllll OPERa bOCSE; cmiwcltj, 600; 
StB^.SAxaL eUhcr rvpretolre or TmadeTUIe 

-abows. addxvaa 

H. F. STIMITS, Bralafleld, Kansas. 

VESTRlLOQinBlf TAIISHT pcnonallr aad bT cor- 
m po u d cinta . B>ar MnOft Tntw. LoraxBMaji School of 
■..^aaniinnalim »W»»rt>WfcSt,Plillailil|ilil«.t^ 

aaTOBoonajH w m imb ot mi. vsl um 

iciateBooK>«u»aar M nu* per lOO. Samplea vSL 

lAteitln MarkMl Caidi. Dice. EolA^mta. 
^ownit Ink. Korelij Hnaotltuc oalierlea. 
street Game*. £tc ^e^d for CatalORue. 
jAMJ»-^III.I.ItB Jiili. CO. Fv. MOOU. JCua. 




Cinoinnallt 0« 



ovm loo DIP 



CPFfilAI nFI^FR^'Ve -will InrnlsblOOS-diee* and 1000 K^heetDeacrlp- 
«rK«lllh wrrsn xXtes printed In one color, with » reasonable 4» An 

amount of matter on same for ^mmwKm 

DATES IN SETS OF SIX AT ONE DOLXAR PER SET. each set to contain 44r«baak 
35 )i-alieet.aiidio07z8L Open boose, dar and date onlr to •sveu' on same. 





Hand Boww with Gaaidiiw Attacb- 
msnta. Toaemiraik 

Wilte for catalo^e and ptiee liib— 

lOS I 

TolMlo,' O. 



We manufacture the best and largest line of Paper 
Bells, Paper Fans, Paper Hats and Paper Baskets; 
also confetti, canes, trick ina^ryi»OT, aqnizb balls, 
"Ueenaedto BatC-In'' badgMaliafOta,taarablMlloaBB, 
buttons and Indies for all onlahfaiiiaiB Over 
2000 'l^^'^MeDt noreltlsB flinr samowr reaorts, 
^— street fairs, carnivals, etc. tATALOB FREE. 

w. F. MILLER, :^:L:^.-ii'5s«:?"' 

Get the Slides 

of Von." bT the f amons 
and Tonr snocess will be 
ylewa, aa«00 per set. 

They Always Make Good 

Profesalonal copies tree to reoacnlred sine* 
era. OsAaelnNlaaa W eenta eaA; also 
try oBrfaiiioasaoiigai*7sataPlctaieof Too" 
and "Hy Sunbnmt Uly." 



irr. scoxx, kaisi 

For the Fall Carnival week of October 16. 



:Show Printing: 

Type and Encraved Peetera, 


A/iD MjIHCQS Of r V<3 I l.K^PuPPOS[S 

Do You Want To Know 

Wliat 18 dolii£ anjwhere at an; time in any 
UneT If aOiUlsoarbiislnesa to tell jroo. U 
"yaa&ai^ know wiMt xm wtiar an 
todT'** We* 



Wiite Cor space at> IVedeifek lUr, 
Otb. 17 to 20, 1905, to B. M. Cramer, 
the new Snpt. of Prlylleges. Glad to 
see you and will treat you right. 

J. SOCFB :rfcSHE«HV, Sec'y, 


HAPKR Si LOVE, Managers. Ft. Scott. Kansas 

i-e iagj fa i ie* 

One Hole Moving Picture Outfit 

consisting of 1 Liumiere Front (new), 
300 Films, 20 metres each, in good con- 
dition—the lot for $550.00. 

Peter Bacigalupi. • • 786 Mission Street. 



And Quick SeUluc Novel Uca. Send for 
ROSS CURIO OO.. Laredo. Texaa. 


extcao bofder. 


[ V n o « K w 

w. J. 


E.tabUalie« 187*. 

OxTgen and HjdroKen Ga« famlnbed In Jacks '"r 
StcieopUeon and HotIdc Picture Maehlnw. au onlm 
pm*t at tk. OaU.. StaM. AIM arompUT- 

stfai«. sr. ums. an., illa. 

WAITHI-Mlig mi races 

Of views for slot machines. Can use 
two hundred sets, 12 and IS to the set. 
Address «UTeraa«a Aiteona. 

Second hand penny sloe mi 
crapbs. picture mscbines, 
athletic machines. Ac one-Il 
for list. H. A.McC.lllator. _ 

MD> Kortb Jlarket. BT. IX>1 l" 


-FOR SAi..E- 

Cbaiiaable HMhIne. to do both oattlBlwaod MlllDi: In 
colon: with switch boanl, (It. Uolon: yellow, inrra. 
Uabt Mne, red. bro»o. blwck and oraae. Me. per riii.. 
TUalapart of hit price lliL PRO^WAONBR. 0> 
~ New York City. 



OCT. 7tb, 14tta, 28tb. 

A. SHOnH, agr. MHUMUi PA- 


n 7, I MS. 

Ttie Blllboarct 


S-e is a bisiinot Difference Between tlie 
ational Servjce" 



YiMi wM have to bafc i >!» lt If you try it for afow weelis. 


62 N. Clark St^ CHICAGO, ILL. 

Managers Take 



Ladies and Gontlemen Acrobats 

Sereu in number. Four ladies and three gentlemen. Featuring nine differ- 
ent double somersaults, three different double somersaults to shoulders, 
dooble isMnerswilt (down) three high, one two 23 dlileient bade and 
tamajA aomeisanlts to shoulders. All tfane open 'wwo'Wnp week Dee. 2S. 

For time and terms address all iirst-class agents or 

JOHN G. NINES, care Billboard, Cincinnati. Ohio 



■d Operatini 30 Flrst-Class Vaudeville Thoatroa East, NorttiwMl wmt 


NO A< 

III Eddy St.. 


Vr So. Clark St.. 


ai» Donny Bide 



CXRNELIAX Oteaae Mata, FoieinBMHM, Crcama, 
etc., gttu«am« pvtttfi Wiga, WSBWmSSmaA sap- 
pu«i. Xadica* Toilac Good*, TheatvM taMBaa. TIcfata. 
Shoe*, Armor, Jewetrr* Trlmmlosa* ^psBBlaa. ate. 
ScAnery, etc. Send 4 centi In Btampa Car flV >•* B 
BuppLj Catalog, profuselj lllustr&ted, aad pRMttcal 
lewrona In the *'Art of Haklng t^P-'' 
YAK HORN & MICHL, Mfn. oC Csrnellan SappUcs, 

m K. Klach Street uid 915 Arcb Street, 
Sample Tube of Cold Creain, 10 ctSL PBiLA.. PA- 




stronsot and mom tmmMomt Oricncsl 
«i 1 »b«ih ■uttiiimii la hImimh. will 


The Uarvetoas Troupe of 10 FAZZAX ARABS now play- 
log secood auccevACal moatli's eosaiiviDent at Olrmplc 
Tbcaire, Vmtlm. Thw aia fculied aa foUon: Llaca. 
Beldoa, iMt. ItSlts ■■Mai%BwMfc.d£M»l>; 
VicBBa. AmSm, 0» »!> 1 llljlll ■^rSMBto 

HASSAN BEX ALL Lana rilla. Coney Island. K. Y. 

Addraw all Communlottona to 8tE 


If 7oa have a Good Ont-Door AcC We can nse tbe Iteat at all times. 
Gooil Sensational Acts Always In Demand. 

a. J. Prwetit BooklBK A£eiey, 216*17 Lumber Exchanss, Mlaneapolls, Minn. 




Filiiis and Projecting KiaitosGopes 

BzUbitlon model, tlis.oo. DolTersal Hfodel, tTS.**** 




Durliv tbe rapid westward march of ciTlIlzatlon In America, oovertnrthe past lltty 
yearb. certain social oonditloaa devekuied which had to be r.^eulated and controlled bT nn- 
nsasl methods. A lawless sudcrimtoafelement almost InTsrlably acoompanled tbe advance 
cnard of clTlUsstlon. and to keep this element In check the law sbidlnc citizens tran com- 
piled to seoratlT onanlie ttaemaelTes for their own salt protection. 

The "VIgUsntes." dnrtaif the icold excitement of *«a. In Callfumls. and the **WMta 
Osps." of mate reoenc yean, tai Ohio. Indiana aa4 other Wastam States, are well knmm 
orgaateatlons whl»-h deslt snmmsTlly with ontlawa and the criminal clsema In aenfciaL 

We have jportiayed. I n Mo tion Ptetazes. In a most -wMA and leallstle mamiar. Um 
methods eiiinr>yed by the *^niile Css^ to rid the eommnnlty ot nndeslrsble cltiatBa. 

As a sonl-suniar meladtaatatle piodnetion it Is ondonbtedly the finest olctnia that naa 
ever been oCered to oar e n atoii m a and the pnbUe, wiiUe tbe i^totrrapblc aoaUtlsi 
beantUal meowllaht snd early morning egieeta uimt na asaa^to hnMn»ac*ated.__ 

■Dueii harvs I 

1IMriti<ieimlv,lo.2S6.CNlaiKeoipMlB«tnp1ln. RllMFnilpni 

Tha Boardlna Sohool Giria MSIt. 

Tba Little Train 
S t o l a n by Cyp s laa.... 

^na's Birthday nwtv............. TOOft. 

Drills and Eaeroiaas i Sahoal SM* 
St. Mary's MSft 

Cmpiro State Exprms. th* Znd. 

Takhi« Water en tha Fly 

"Rsfne*-— The Ooa. 

Th* Whol* Oamm Family and the 

Damni Dea 

Th* Buralar's SIM* far Uf* 

On A Good Old Se. Trallay mda.. 



ATLBMTOtrjwga .... mm. anBiwnio a piat at i 
wmPT ygoonD a<niB - "~ 


•• FLXrae " THE DERBY FAV _ 



max 1 


WBALINO, - . ... 


imta OF DOLLARS. - - 


TBB noil 1 



naln Ofllee nmd Paetoryt Onaa*,!!. V. 

iSlOMMSvuMt Cable Address. KnrlUan. New 


a K. 

nt-7n Mlaaloo St.. 





UKIFORKED B««l-S!SS!S?-S2?tS?!-?Si 

Nov. 0. Address Mohawk Are.. ^^honectaOJ•. N. Y. 


All prirlleces Ml Qpea 


-Good carnival company for last week in 
Oct. or first week in Nov. Write quick. 
KLEINER BROS., Stuttgart, Ark. 


BlltlSllon. Wo win nat yov Film to tra-rel 
«a tb« road, IC 70a will taralab lu wltb a suar- 
anwo from a baak for aaiiHu 

miMMkaL - aMAiaiu. 


The finest stock ot second lisiid Alms 
in ;rood condition at great bargains. 
These films have jtist been retnrned 
from onr rental circuit. Send for list. 


laSfcnaiktt, • GHiCABO, ILL 


Establlslied 1875- TIteonly apecillc cure tor OpInm Smoklne. Qnlek, anre and 
painless. AGKNTS— Plttaburci Emaiiael's Dros Store; Omaba, Frank Fose; 
St. Louis, NMT>a Dras Store; Denver, S^olts Drue C9. and B. MtUfUgi ■«tt|ink< 
City, Smith Dme ~ " ~ 
ard, Clarke dc Co. . 
Wash., li. ■>. Tailmaui 9in>B 

Write to the WEATHEBBY , -s 

rnrtber inromiatlon. Send for l>ook,**CI>AXNBD ANO UWCHAimiB.** Sent free 


Penny AmiMement D«viee« off All Kinds: 

state what yon nave and make price low for anldt. eash aale. Addreta 

■^WAJMXED— privilege: men I 

MAgoNio smpui vaactaKi oab hiva l 



11- IS/IS 




. BRin-iasBi FI6RT.. 

ononis ARK nuBD 


Chicago Rtai Etthuse 

ISS 8. < 


With the moving/^picture exhibitor. A few hours' delay 
i|i shipping- if^'reel ol; fitinB may amohnt to the lou W a 

--^^-^'xtu^/^heitioin it:behopt% Ihfe.jgw^- 

ripxhi%tor~to deal wher^fKroinptd^s^ 
' ^nded upon. 


Has been bnilt tip to its present vast proportions by strict 
atiention to promptness in shipments; by care in selecting 
fiims; by reliabilil^ in the character of service rendered, 
knd'becsi£i&^. we p1ay;.no»1&TM^ everybc^y's. 
fi&is and treat evferybody aHk^-:f airly and justly. Write 
for fiilt details to-day; doh't w'kit. Join the growing 
army of satisfiei|» cpittented and . pleased, exhibitors who 
-^c^^pts^from ''[^-^ : ■■: : : ........ ' .■ 

IQLE. l4lk St. 


116 TURK ST., 
, SaD Francisco, 


MODERN BRI6ANDA6E, Automobile Rebbirf - 
FATHER'S HONOR, SeasaNoRal TraiiKr 
THE MOON-LOVER, Comic Headliner- •>:.:•:.; 
Y0UN6 TRAMPS, Comedy Cliase . 
VENDEtTA, Dramatic Chase - - 
LIFE OF MOSES, Biblical 

~ Colored FHni^ 8 Cents Per foot AMiHoiial. 



•■: :>/ 524ft, 
: r 377ff. 




' 295lt. 



- ."1 ...... 

nmis M nwiiYs 


. 82fti 
. Il4ft. 



. 590ft.|60NLieEISE 

.■* 196ft. HOP 0' MY 
24Bft. STRIKE 





42 East 23rd Street. 

35 Kandolpli Street, 


Dearborn and Randolpli Sts., 



E C L. I N E & CO M P N Y 

Are ttie Leaders in tine IJeiis Diislness. 
See tliait Your Orders for Ldienses are sent to 

iS E N E 


..:f. . - . 

Doable Slide Carrier, SO.ctaL each. 

Oxylith Chenoicals, per box, $1.35. 

LiimeS) per doonn, 90°i 
Cohered. S«Hmr Slides, 50c. each^ 
\ -T,^ " •- CJurboos, 4 cents each; best. 

' Rheostats, $5 each. 


Electric Lamps, $5 each. 

Condensing Lenses, $1 each; standard.: " : 

Gelatine Sheets QanrimK Jtf tiEUts cidL . 
Film Winders, each^l.Sd. 

Luve Film Reels, each, $i: 

■ Small Reels, each, 75 cents. 






<.-^t-,. "^.'^ I 

|iaa^K«idall Seen Again in The Bani^^ 

jbpper Has an Endtat Saccessor to Wang— Flay Written to Give ffls 
Pecntiar Personality Full Scope — ^Kendall Well Placed in the New Sydney 
Bftfffufrlil Come^^Boilt Arociod the Star and Soits His Talents Admirably 

DE WOLF HOPPER opened his season 
In Ube new two-act comic opera. 
UapoTltnd. at tbe L^rtc Xbnue, 

„ ' Happylasd Is a wortby sncceBsor to 
^ tfc *re la no room for doabt. Tbe flist 
id^it aadJence greeted tbe prodactlun must en- 
tbuslastlcallj. Hopper's first appearaoce was 
a algnal for applause whicb locreaseU as the 
plot was anfolded. The comedian scored a 
hit, a per».nal hit, and od« of. if not the. Mc* 
fcct Id his cmntT. Uttle Miss Uarmrrt jCUrfc 
to Cor ber share- of tbe 

all. Here lie meets Roth, a sweet and sym- 
pathetic girl, wbo divides the responsibilities 
of the boosebold with Carvlloe Nevbltt, a spin- 
sser with maar- sitevaacca, amwag these srler- 
«Bef* bdnff a rerr |ii«eoelo«i adopted child. 
CiBbcia. aaad 10^ who liiijsaiM a* daily com- 

AMtfiar 'MarfMC Is VUlNr mttam. tbe .anx- 
lUav* and deaf as a post,' Bnnrn spends eoo- 
sUnable time In ttie Nesbltt Colony and emts 
take him to Altnuiy, the residence of Clarr 
Dwlffat. an attractive widow, whose younger 
half-sister is named Jessie. The story leaves 
OS In Mrs. Dwisht's drawlnf;-room. where 
Comical demrostrated that "Joy and 
sorrow art* twin sb^iers in a 

separate waj", bat both iot\ . ^ 


- iPitt seccftiwd In 

BUmUnd ]• jUajtA In tlw 
■ttim, tmt ittat !■ a> (W as tke 

He iiiiMhU-f/KHc U 
mmutt- to tbe tmmgltut aC JJOmh Kins 
of Altmria. whra abe ttt o o w dgliteca. Ho<r- 
eren It drrelope tbat Altlmss* chlM proved to 
be a b07 and tbe moeb wonted BeBtatim finds 
tbat iBsitead of a 9on his cbild Is a ^rL 
When th*k betrothal day come9 a nelghboriDg 
aown prince rans off n'Uh ibe girl. This furms 
of tbe atoty ^blcb tbe antburs bmTe 
» weaTe ao dotie as to get 
tbe kcaia or tbe apectator. 

Tbece are a nomber of pood sonca. Mr. Hop- 
per's beat one beine Mimette. My Hanun Mer- 
maid, which is said to h&re carried tlie andl- 
race to the blcbest pltcb of rntbuslasm. Jlbo- 
Clark sang 'Ttras Tbe Rose and Robla In 

tb«t dalntx manner of hers which never fblb^ 

'|iKQ^MrilkMV9Miliak~'...Ezra Kendall 

*K;Miii»-?;^;^„':r..„ John Garrirk 

-Betty ... . Elizabeth Klne 

Ceogrej ..................Thnrlow Bergen 

«je Oupeis PbUlp Blsbop 

"tram .. ... Clem Langdnn 

Mm NcAItt Ftederick Malcolm 

Bath ........ Katbryne Brovne 

KcsMtt Rita O-NelU 

-Edith TallafGrro 
..Harold Russell 
J. Ke nn edy 

. ' ■Dd tbe St. fiS Si 

■aaft--or antbentfeaOai'apaB I „ 

itet nlgbters- BepoctB ftaai tbe Tnin Citr are 
Terr entbaslastie, and imdlct mnrb saccesa 
for the new piece. Ilr. KasdaU scored a per- 
aonal bit. Ueaars. UeUtr * Co. kaae atanl 
the plar tai a veir «P » a « | i tU >»J^ia«itiB.-ff-^.,:^. 

Tbe Banstormer I> taxd apaa • -m^Uimmim 
efaarscter, famtllar to tbe amaOer Maaaadm- 
aetts and Conneetlent towns twentr rean ago. 
Comical Brown was a stroUlB^ player and 
_ eomblnln? many social Tlrtaea aad 
-Coodons of heart with no Inoatuddmblr 
t as a redtatlonist and mimic Tbe story 
" OC tbe New Ea^land plajer has been inodnlateff 
and modernized somewhat by Mr- Uo^^nfeld- 
As John Chesterfleld Brown, or Comical Bron-n. 
Hr. Ketldall is introdnced to tbe aa<}ieDCe In 
front of the little sotoolbouse. There he en- 

covatezs Zet> Llmptr. t-cbool tmslee, post- 

maater, etc.. a man of Importance and tbe 
. fatber of Hetty, an impnIslTe yonns sirl kiMwn 
i M tbe TlUa^ goatfp. The TlUace school is 
^ fctpt >y. Geoffrey, .a TomiK Dan kmwn oDiy as 
.:^^ji!!Vfe.MbaAMat(K** wbiii. lb»ar Bame, for 
^■^^-■1 « I a».Mt. ja I lam . til - tat^g-On 


t«t — I .dark 
OMy <o at tbe cad 
MM l aada to tbe 
XaaMtta wiiere 

I a plot and aa Mcr- 

dHMCb tbe entire perform- 
aace. wMcii la ia Wn i Htd by a nomber of dram- 
atle sitnatians. Tbe atoiy is satirical. It U 
aimed at tbe fasti tollable asnltarlnm Two 
brothers, tbe Docton Brown, bare eatabllshed 
beadipiarteis in tbe AdittMidaclis. Their beaiiii 
res-'-rt llourislirs. many wealibr peoplt" Umhz 

drawn to It by the blandlshmentsi of one of 

tlie brothers, wbo appearv tu be much of a 
promoter. The other brother proves to be an 
honest physician, who devotes himself to ex- 
periments In IncabatloQ. and suppUeii his brother 
with hiR real Lnuwledjte of medicine. Cliver 

ilrown. 11155 AtiB's part, is tbe dauRbtcr of 
the honest pb.vsiclan. The scope of the play 
l.« wide enouch to iDtrodnce a naiaber of mil- 
lionaires, etc.. and more esp ecial ly to Blee 
to Uie andlence an example at snapti 
eir. -A riaar I<t C fc waa .wm ^st W- 



Successful Premiere 
at Cleveland. 

The will of Jacob Lltt. whose death at 
Yonkrrs. N. X.. Sept. 27. was noted at length 
in laat week's Issne of Tbe Btlll>oard. dlspo^s 
of an estate of almost a qnarter of a million 
dollars. The bulk of tbe property, of coorse. 
coes to the testators' wife. Rnth Carpenter 
Lltt, and to their two sons, Jacob Lltt, Jr., 
and WUlard D. Lltt. Aroonff a oaniber of 
F^^clal re-^ests Is one of fS.OOO to Alexander 
W- Dingwall, wtw bad been associated witta tbe 
theatrical manager for a nnmber of jcan. Ur. 
Lltt refers to his snrrlrlng partwr tbe 
follawinit temia: my frlead. Aleaaaaav-W' 
Otaswan. at ItOmabacw «KMWl JB . ja B- Ql - 
Umi^ af Mt MB^yfc ^fc baMMg^ ■M'M^ ^ 

yms at imUmalm .iiiiililln a«'«e 

tecs ot tke 

QmduO. Would Not Second to CaiU 
ferS ^ B Mt hrH ii tp rf tte 

Cast. . . 


The Toast of the Town 

sriatresa Betty 
Mistress Roxaaa , 
Dowager Dncbc« 

HIa new 

baa seoRd a bit at the 


a Lncky Premiere — Edna Ang 
QpOB StMt^ag Toar. 

Tbe new foor-aet mnsical eomedy. A Fosr 
Leaf ClaTer, was prodnced for ti>e flrat tin* 
on any stage Mooda; ervnlne, Oct. 3. at Par- 
son's Tbeatre, Hartford. Ooim., with Edna 
Aug in tbe leading role. Tbe eaat: 

Dr- Horatio 
Dr. John B 
Reginald .\rtlnar 

Oestend .......... 

WUIIam Slaporer 

Haoaman Jellows...... 

Sigtior Di BoonetU 

Mrs. De Mar Fosaeret.. 

Cola --••■•■•■a**so«*»« 

Miaa Bbitep 

■C. BoDlface, Jr. 

.Clatlde Brooke 
De Wilt Van 
.. .Brandon Harst 

Walter Perkins 

Snlts Edwards 

...Bdmard Doraod 

.....Maode Granjzer 

TloU Carlstedt 

..Gnce Vblcwortb 

Jeaaette ITartbisetmi Madeline Foster 

Mary Clarke Teddy Carber 

Prances Katbryn Hovvland 

Grace Arlingtoo Emma Hopkins 

.\nna Lee Frances Senrs 

Pearl Brown Belle Trlncbard 

Dorothy Odell Evelyn Jobnaon 

Leila McKenxle Pamine CooiM^r 

Beatrice Forrest S rhls Scott 

E^nl Jennings Jatnes Brennan 

Jamea Plertre William Havens 

How«rd Klrtlaad;;e Itrljsht 

Francis Miller L. E. Lefferson 

Clover Brown Miss Edna Aug 

The Four Leaf dorer wav- locky, and now 
EdaacAas li a atar. Her /maalyity is amply 
ill lauaatialad la tbe laet that ' abe Imperaon- 
aiad toar wiMr J lOlwwt Auactns In tlie new 
pirae. aaslaK • :fCfaaaaI hit, h» leceptlon 
.»^-M-, tf aa'aia ll ia Tt Mlba M talim . an- 
Ibar or pli^ aM Inltib wao akw preaeat. She, 
too, was vraraly applaaAed. .aad tlie 
waa atamped with tbe seal of snri 

Dnllke moat analcal coaaedlra. A IViar Leaf 
Chwar la l a «wr a«>fc;. A..Bal ft»lB mutm to 
rcapaaaMe^awflW .MiB. mUm la *-**-- 

One of tbe moat taoportant .openlnga of tbe 
week of Oct. 2. ma that ot Thda Allen in 
The Toast of Tbe Tkaa. wMeh o«. c un «d Mon- 
day evening at WmUtfm Sbeatre. Bridgeport. 
~ Tbe ru ai if a^ f WtM cast aa follows: 

Wei* Allra 
Isabel Irvine 

Addison Pitt 
Alice Wilann 

A- "E. Ans-n 

. . Harrison Hunter 

....Hs?«w»rd Shfirt 
.....Jatnes Tonng 
..-C- Leslie Allen 

Msnrlce Stnart 

Earold de Becker 

J. H. Lewis 

.....Leopold T.ane 
....M. L. Baortt 

In Mlstieas Betty fUngletaa. Clyde FItek Is 
MM to bate gtnm mm AOnt a me anttable 
' bpr taieata. aafl aae bi srtM abe <aa aafeir 
bid for Mab baoata at tbe bai* at a fiMeal 
oaetrapnlltaa aadlraee. lilaa AUcb la my ably 
aappnrted. eapedally by ber wtw kadlait 
A. E. Aooa. In tbe mie of tbe Bake nf 
Malmshnrr. Tsshel Irving scored a persoi 
cess as Mistress Roxsna. 

The Tnasf of Tbe Town la a fonr-act (omedr 
of life in Georgia. It nntolda a nlot io which 
annthem character* morr and lire In rhar 
sefeil sll c wo lb e m atyle. Tt aboonds witb derer 
dialoirne and manr Inte i e sll og sitnatlooa, and 
Is well staged and eostomed. 

Ladr Charlotte 

Pnke nf Malmsbarr. 

Lord Phillips 

TwjTd Alsemon Fairfax. 
Master Harrr 
Mr- McLsnshlla 
An AntboT ..... 


An Old Man LodBCT... 

Fnotman ......... 

Second Footman 


It baa dewelnped tlmaah later advices tbat 

there waa ao tiatb abai ~ " 

tlie HtlrtMC a* tiekets 

Ohio, rersfttty. 

rliTJre. ^'"^rey? * A »r . ll ia JST SijMwjitJS 

ritement. pr"t»«hly 
rpoer Rsndnskv. 

The Binhoard has ascertained that tbe treas- 
urer nt tbe Andltorinm in Hpner SnndiHi^ la 
a ivifieeted eii>|iIoy>e of tbe 


Tlie stej^iner ^flow«>ra. which arrived In VIc 
fnrln. B- C. Stept. 2S. from Anstrslla. broncht 
over s n«inher of the members of the Amer. 
lean Katrtiy Oo_ wbleh Is renorfed to buve 
atraaiNl la Ifpar Sealaad. M. B. Ctirtna tnan 
•red the. eno'iMiBy wMeb be took from San 
Francisco some few moatfaa ago. 


W. T>, Incmm. since mnnflper of the OamWe 
Opera HoiT.«e. Mononcflhelfi. Pa., met with a 
s^oos s*-<-IdeTit dnrlnff the recent perform 
anee of Whe Olrls T-eave Rome at thst pinv 
hnnae. Near the close of the second net one 

of . the Isree weishts ased In hutnnrlnir the 

crtnln fen and strnck Mr. Tncrsm over the 
left ^ya, cutting a Idg ^sh and srnnning him 
t^ osaie -tiaie. A ijhvslclsn was railed from 

ton Chorcblll 
its premiere 
Eaaid ATenae 
Tbe company was 

NIebolas Temple John Blair 

David RiUhie H. McAUtster 

.^ngiute De St. Ore Etlenoe GIrardot 

Harry Blddle (known as C^i. Olive) 

Alei. f. Prank 

Baron de Carondelet. . . .Axtbnr E. Lawrence 

U- de St. Gre .......B. V. Ferguwo 

"Vr. Perrln ....Edward Donnelly 

De Cresplgny Sbellej Hnll 

Pierre F. Blchter 

Andre W. Wood 

Mrs. Temple Mabel Bert 

Antoinette de St. Gre Ttolct Honk 

Baroness de Carondelet. .....Lann Clement 

Mme. de St. Gre.... 

Msae. Bomot 

Tbe aacetaa a< l!be _ 
In tbe new yiay U Hw 

of tbe Irat algbt 

tlve. Tbe play ma 
fa.shlonabIe theatre waa filled to Ha capacHy 
with one of tbe most arlstorratle aadirae» 
seen in Cleveland tor many yean. Mba Blafe; 
Mabel Beet, ▼lalct Haak aad Ailbar B. Ltm- 
rence all * ~ 


Tbe CrasaliiB tella a plala atotr at <be catly 
daya of New Orleana. wbni TioaWana waa a 
Spanlab province aad labaMfed amdy ty 
Frenchmen. As tbe play abftiWa. It meab 
the American Invasloa sad Its amay exdtkiB 
incidents. Tbe play la wdl atas(4. ant tbe 
enttav pradoctlon baa been pat aa la aa dab- 
It la niiderstood tbat Mr. Daa K. Baaaa li 
fin a nciall y interested in tbe piuibnUaa aa be 
was In Tbe Criaia. Ur. Z — - - 

_ Eatflah ilgbts ts Sba 


Relative to tbe openlne. Tbe BUDoerrs 
correapoodent writes as follows: 

Kot wltbla the memory of tbe "Flrsl 
Nigbters" bas there been such persistent ap- 
Plaaae wtthla tbe poctala of the Opera House 
as greeted tbe opening performsnce of W!d- 
stoa Gkaicbill's Tbe Oossins. The peapla 
n-ndt Mtjit K» uA «mt barst of eatkailan 
laMi* Aar tM Blaatea. T 
wtu- aai laalstf* maam a 
antbor. Bat Jte. rbaribm Md bfmaitt 

. boa aad tatamt 

to be diaata oat. lb. nianlilll aad Xc Ib^ 

- *^¥'£'^5iw* 1 

-aw -aC^ba mmt 

popfdar playa of Ika.aMaaK-t& .iist «t At 
play la a H m r art ag abiMe «( Ian aal da* 
The love tg Jaba Blalr aad Vklet 

Hook Is very real aad aataral and tbe aal- 
lence U held brratbltsa daring the acting «f 
their beaoUfnl lines together. MIsa MaMe 
Rnrt'a Mra. Temple la artistic snd sdmtrsblT 
done. The stage settings and local color are 
well attended to and it Is a real plrasore t» 
see tbe accorac.v with which every costume is 
flnlabed wltb historical care. Tbe entrances 
and exlta are handUd In a way that points 
to Mr. Slilpman as a playwright of tbe first 
order, wbo never missed a dramatic posslbU-' 
Ity. As a wbale. tbe play oade a sahslaa- 
ttal ■ 


la Kaans G^MNiar Mews F« 

Rnmora regarding tbe bar l ea q BO war la this 

city were set at peace wben Sam. Scriboer. on 
tH-balf of the Colnmbia Amusement Co.. leasts 
the Majestic Theatre here for a tena of 
years. Hlitb-claas vandrvUlc at tbia bMW aaa 
proved a anaacial failore. and botlcoqae WW 
reign sapreme. eomMcncIng Oct. 15. 

Tbe Sbnberts bare mads airaneeineots to 
present their prodaeUoa la Ooaventlon Hiii. 
pending tbe ereetbm of tbe new Samuel s. 
Shobert Theatre, work sa whicu win 

commenced. Batiea la Tbe Wooda is the tirs* 

Shubert abow scheduled. It comes the iMt 
week In October. 

A local newspaper baa" declared war on Uje 
Woodward & Burgess Amnsement Co., but IB 
elTort? are frnltless. w> far as Injuring bos- 
ness Is concerned. Judging from tbe large at^ 
dienees In attendance st tha WHIia Wood tnl 
.^ndltorinm tbeatres. 

Carnival srcck caded T. and. wltb daily Mt- 

aMjjt •( Umt pl MjgM sa agj^a^dbg 



0, JOmY RAY 

How Did You Like the 
Ball Game? 

You Certainly Know bow to Dance and 
bat ntfiag BaU is 

It I* gfttlos to be the popular thins for tbe- 
fttrlral 4ff?re^tloas tb«t h«Te a **poag shone* 
tor basphall. to r«t Into a match with the 
seml-prorpftslonal team malotaloed by tbr 
WeldemiDo Br.-wlng- Co., of ICewT)ort, Ky. 
BasT to con the actor man into this came be- 
raus«. .ig a baseball propo&lilon tbe Rr^vcer* 
look ca-iy If jou say It quick. Tliat*8 what 
Jobnnj Ray and his Down the Pike team 
tbooc^t wlipn the thing was pot up to ttiem: 

bDt tb< 7 liad another tbink coming after tbpy 
bad fact»d tlie Brewers oa the Newport ^rouods 
Toesday, Oct. 3. 

Don't coaclode Crom this, dear reader, that 
Johnny Ray and bis Pikers can't play -ball: 
they c^n. and pretty fast ball. too. Take 
Johnny himself: be looks Uke a ball plavtr: 
as a coach be baa 'wo kU brat s block, and. 
wbea It eomM to tvglst. ring a life-siz« kick 
M tbr nmplrr, be Is mil tne coods. 

Bat cb« smose: Hie da/ w*m Ideal and tlir 
(nod aund was mnrdcd. AU tbr membrr* 
•f tb* Bay Oonpaax and- naay other pro* 
ffls— li arm tberc vltk honu aod a band. 
m«1a tbe lis 4p la baMax acdcr: 

VMHBsnn— HuUnK. ml; OMk. L f.: Gn- 
kna. «. f; Osier. !»; WlMbGifc. p.; Was- 
as. A.; OiMa, Ik.; JWUaa. e.; Aahhaagb. r. f. 

Maar K f B T i l aii ju e. f:; FlaBr. t. f.: 
J»""Sfc-St5 P as j r. m.; Bmsw «. «-J 

Mp?>r. Wji f w .-fc.; iMliMk 9. 

fctaiir Ear a^ Ms Hkna mt tat tojtt. 
sncBcrrr got Ma tot has an «alla. kM Mat* 
be eoold trork ataaad t» IkM naar. Bay and 
Vvrm bad atzaek aat aa< fht lUr na n- 
Hied. Tbe Br. w«ca tbaa task aa laalag and 
psnnded oat four ran. It wa» falcklj drrrl- 
oped tbat tbe batterr for tke Brrwrr* waa too 
stnwg lor tbr Actora nba mt m aaablr to flod 
ratalboab-a balla, bat thay aiaaaiid *• Ml him 
oow aad thea. Woadaa •saakrd Um as for 
thrrr bags to tkc Iiat tmHag aad Maar Bar 
hhnseir rapp,d «at a alad* c««cy aaer lo 

Ilv'a work oo Orst t>aae was tbr r<>stnrr of 

tbr gaine and bis most sprctsnilsr plaj tra;' 
vbeo te caueht Oaler napping and sat down 
on bJm. RoqHds tried to stral borne from 
tblid is tbe flttb Inning and was snrroanded by 
tbe Brewers' *ntlre tram brforr be waa 

A tinely finish was pnt to tbe proceedings 
atM thr Brrtvers piled op fourteen runs 
Sfalaat six tor Kmj and bla Plkera. All band! 
thru ad^Minied to the Ratbskellrr al "Wled- 

rmannV wberp rcrreshmcnta were serred to th«* 
tired and tblrstj- plaj-ers and rootere. 

When tlie br. w had been aofSelently sam- 
pled tlie brevvfry was Insprctrd by tbe thrs- 
p;ans. i\tio geoeroualj- condadrd tbat tbr Brrw- 
• rs coold bare tbr plrasorr of delCatliiir tbrm 
«7WT..XIasr. Iter rame to Clnrtaaatl It tbej 

rnconracrmmt tbat lu aatbar Tirlasl 
RUl baa liouked mmr racrilrBt dBMa tm 
art. and It u-Ul very pnihablj 
boards all seauou. 

Tbe other act wa* pat am at tt» 
by ynok I). Brran. aaa Is _~ 
Bryan, and Utai rrscr Oimmm, 
roallncrnt cuoabiu ot twMS* li 


Henry E. Dliey opened his arsson Monday 
erenlDff. Oct. 2. at Madlaun Square Tbeatrr. 
XfH- Yorli Cltj, appearing In the Br»t per- 
formance eter given of The Man Ou The Boi. 
The east: 

Llrnt. Robert Warburton. . .Henrj E. niiey 

Cbarlra Bendrrsoo Sydney Kuotb 

Colxoel George Annealey Lee Bater 

Count Earluff Jubn Wndry 

Oi l i a wl FSaak Balalch Jaawa A. Bliaa 

UasMBlv Watta Pnd. W. Prirta 

Onk «(__PMBt. ■^■Daaar_ Wawr 

^•.•.•••.•7kv4> ^ 

MIsa Bslll UkaMlv.»...Osrlatta NOlaon 
N>M9 fmtMM^<;i......>laiir Nordstmm 

Mia. C W— J ........... .Comnance Adams 

Cora LUy Cartbew 

It was qnlte a lanre aodlmer tbat tritnrsrd 
tbr oprnlDg prodartloD of tbr nrir (Minedr. 
and botb Mr. Dliry and Carlotta MIInid 
were warmly received. ifr, IHx.-y atii^fani 
In the role of the at flrat nnienccessftil l.»ver. 
Llent. Warbnrton. Fie roncelrps the Idea of 
clinn;;lng placew wltti the fair lad.v's ctjich- 
man. which pofltlon br maintains antii br bas 
succeeded In wtoalns tbe ohjrct of bla affec- 
tlnnn. Of connc. this o^ras a larcr trld for 
hrlhery oo tbr part of the i— adii taa th iiian 
and lU the MClWtt «■» li t» IMt ttare. 


News of the IWeek Collected and Condensed 

By The BBftoari's Om lepfwailatim fit 1^ 

porituns of tbe East — Gosdp Aboat Peopte a 
Wkat b HwawMg k nwatrfcil Gcdas. 

cuoTT nr MEW Ton. 

Two Vaodeville Acts— Heaiy Dixey 


Chauicey Olcott. who opened bis season In 
the foor-act, romantic drama, Kdmnnd Burke, 
at tbe Hyperion The-ntre. New Uaren. Conn.. 

Sept. 11, began his New York engagement at 
the Majestic Theatre, llonday eveolDg, Oct. 2. 
Tbe cast: 

Edmond Burke Cbauncey Olcott 

OUiwOoldaBlth :. Daniel Jarrett 

f****"!** Mace Grrenleaf 

5«ra ISa^sat Trnier Clargea 

Sir Hngh TMan Tboaias Iiarid 

Captabi OnUm Mcfeatd Ualcblen 

Msnricr Onacjcr .j.MatT JtorUia 

.^^^ - • • ■ • • a a ■«Oconfl» Brcflsuii 

Haretsha m .|- 

f;«S" MBipkr J <»ane.OBte 

I-ard Bertie Gladys blinboonw Smith 

•"rt'Ar^l?*!^. •;.•(* I*ttle uaiboorne Smith 

lady Phyllla '. .Editb Mlllbonme Smith 

Mary Nnccnt Edna Philllp-x 

•Mr?. O'Grady EUzabrtb Waslibnrne 

tlahrlclle I-e Jeune Elesnor Browning 

>'ona Charlotte Mlllbonme Smith 

In his new role Mr. Olcott appears as the 
Well-known IrUU stareKman. Theodore Burt 

fcjre has taken a few liberties with profane 
nrta la tbe life of tlir Irlsbman, taut what 
the atoiy lacks In history It makrs np In In- 
teteat. aad the MaJesUc audience cootlaaally 
■btaanatnted Ha apameal of the perforasanrr. 
>lr. Olcott lint ■akia hk afMMianc* a* ■ 
inior In a t^wihfa ItmUt Br faUs la 
<"ve wltb one «(' ttB~an«ht(fa. - Thia dangh- 
'• r Ix abdacted tr «kr rifclii sr TTilli aad thr 
':>'ra pliina la rsaaa* hrr. -Ba la jmmML and 
slay rada aat oatll he kaa aaulr kcr Mrs. 

„ J"'" new Taodeeme acta w"e*_J>ot on in 
nrooklyn at tbe Hyde * Behaaii ^Vatrr last 
S,'*''- One sras a eondenard version RIp 
*■» Winkle, coadenard and prrarntrd by T'*" 
^Bin. stage aaBaser tbr tbr tbratrr. a-br 
^•vtcb TO »Bt Ml la a aaaiher of 
Ma aaMBsr. aad It wf 

Wltb the adrent of the coming year ilr. 

Crane will be set^n in .\D .Vmericun Lord. 

la tbe dolu of «M(b tSam VicBty of taoa 

fur comrdy. 

Tbr Slaa On Tbe Box is In reality a dram- 
atisatloa hy Giaer Urlngston Fornlss of Barold 
MrGrath's atotr •* the aasae name. The popa- 
lar naart 8eHC« a Mt ! ■ Ma Dtw atacr.AreM. 
.ind It MiMMM^ ■■Mi • 
hlclr tw 

She Dared Do Right, a 
acts aod eisbt scenrs. tew.w . 
Monday rrrnlas. Oct. & at tbr ABrrlcan Tbra- 
trr. Ka«r X«k CUT. at Iht baads of the fol- 

I/ena Bape. 
Rraee Braa 
Jady Daay 




Patsey ........ 

Pavld Rosen . . 
Paul Harding . 
Ilohsrt H.vde . . 
Ileary Bennett 

l;an Duffy 

IV>llct*nian 409 

Mr. Stclnbart . 

Walter ........ 


A guest 

Lillian Volkuian 

Rutb Uandfuttb 

, May GrevlUe 

..-Mrs. S. A. Lonirmore 
;.. Xrll Gibson 

i... .'..Clara Bell 

Belle Squires 

Stanley I.amb 

LoUla Lamb 

Frank Klldny 

IIerl>ert Warren 

Seth C. Halsey 

Harry B. Ey tinge 

Edward Henshaw 

Paul Miner 


.Bmr LaagdoB 

The Miaa of tb* aaltior domi't apprar on 
tbe bm, bat the Jamrs H. Wallirk ADinsrmrnt 
Co. is the pcodncer of tbr new thriller, minns 
tlir strenoooa blood aod thunder scenes. The 
action of thr play Is laid In Nrw York a little 
orrr a yrar ago. Tbr indlrnre Is fln<t taken 
to thr top Oonr of a trnrmrnt In Tompkins' 
Square thra thnaah Baat SMe. to Madison 
aretnia. and are ■■mil ta^^^iaw ■MM.CMUIIne 
srrnrt la <to Mta MM ttr «■» dC a mid- 


As tbe heroine, Lillian Velfanaa appeared aa 

Lena Hope, and snrerrdrd in bringing rooads 
of aiiplause from the audience. As the rich 
coffee broker. Henry Bennett fHarry B. Ey- 
ttagr) did those things which the villain only 
ieu do. She Daird Do Blgbt aiade a Ut wltb 

THE weather has t>een a Uttlr warm, 
hut pocketl>ooLs seem to ue tiulg- 
log. (Of business Is far abovr tur 
avriage la this kind of wvaiber 
Disaster* have been f< t- and far 
between, and as we base had many hits here 
this season and few lb Hail a. It koks aa U It 
were going to be • VOV MMB. 

At the oprnlns oC tbr bMstle' Wolaat Stnrt 
TttratiCi on Uct. narti a ua vni li a in the shape 
of pirca* ot tbr old gallrry aeaU wlU be glrrn 
away. They have been in tbr gallery Cur 
many grortatluna. Tbls tbratre bas been used 
as a place of amnsemrnt siocr IbOS. Frana 
Howr. Jr.. tbr present msnager, lias spent f3U.- 
000 on Improving tbe Interior this summer. 

S. M. Nlxun. of tbe llrui of Nlxon & Zimmer- 
man, OMTiers of four FblladelpUla theatres and 
one of tbe principal membens of tbe syndicate 
tbat controla Ibeatrra in aB parts ot tbr 
country, will return from Easupe in tbr mid- 
dir of October. Be baa bad a p W aitat trip, 
Frank Klrdlb«rr. aMaacrr at ~^ ~~ 
Sttrrt Tbral w. 

gumdns sad 9aUBK at . ... 
ever tida year, as his tbratrr dors not open 
untU Oct. P. Be baa a handsome cottage at 
tbat place. 

Col. eeorje W. (Popcorn) Hall paid a xlslt 
to tbls city to see the closing of tbe Har- 
greaves Sboira. Be bas had a large crop ot 
tobacco on his WlBcuDSin rarm, and gut a 
good price for it. 

G. W. Wrgarfarth, manager of the Crand 
Opera Hons*. wUl build a new tbeatre in Weat 

i-hlladelphla. It will be ready to open nrzt 
season. ■ 

Col. Sam. M. Dawson. manafCT ottte Btjoa 
Thrattr, always baa a bac.o'- aawiaM nm«j 
to greet his many elrena . Miai^-' ^- 

Fred. Darcy, manager ot tbr W sad ard rrera- 
II* aad bead at. thr JDarcr aad Woulford Play 
Baltaib M MMMiMB' ftun a slisht iilnras. 

Thm niiai I BaBiray Men's Asaoelatioo held 
s eoamtko at tbr Bxposltlan bnlldlngs In 
West i>hIladelptiU. Sept. SS-30. It was laisely 
sttrndrd. aod tbr qaestloo of park amoar- 
ments In connection wltb trolley roads recetred 
a great deal ot attention. An exhibit of atteet 
cars and electrical appliances waa a feature. 

Oeorge W. Rife, proprietor of thr Bijoo 
Theatre. df>.pped In for a short stay tbls week. 
He reports tbat business on the Empire Cir- 
cuit is very giod. Mr. Bite only bas a "few" 

tltios* to look after lo Baltimore, bis place 

of residence: Four theatres, two hotels, a 
Turkish Ba th, a printing pUat. blUpMUns 

'.i'e"p'- ^ &;:ASffiiS^f:i^ 

time. "^- ^.^l^' : - 

Jobn Keeaan, formerly aavcMMac^^ aMBBcrr 
of four PhUadelphlB tb»aiw«. > tt , ■w rithe 
onuer of carousels In Dallaa aaC Bsoati^ Vn.. 
te on a short Tisit to his tomt:, .H ajMbBMtMa t 
tbe yeBow ferer near* has «Mr -fP^Jlf"**- 
mrata la TMas a Uttle, aad Mat It «rm aooB 
be aoiaM aaala. 

PioC. n ' ■ Baiabl irBl aall ftoo tbls city 
oa Get. n. IbrOdba^ wbrre be baa « jrsr's 
engagefsent with PnbUlones Clrcaa. Be wlU 
take his edocated borse. Mascot, with blm. 

Andrew Downle sold ail of bU baggage horses 
la PhOadrlfAIa oo Oct. 2. and a nambrr of 
bis ponlra. Altbougta tbe horses were not In 
nod sbiape after a hard aeason on tbe road. 
Hmt baoSht aaod pelesa. Mr. Dowale at ooee 
started gMlH. 9t^«liM!jf^7>tm!P 

Princess Wobena. a museom performer, at- 
tempted suicide In tbls city on Sept. 28. She 
took polaon. bat as Ac iceeired prompt med- 
ical aid she wUI la aai u ^ -m m_-M jk . tattped 
woman and quite wtH'-'ttam cBi'-'a*'' peotea 

A new idea In amosements will be tried In 
Atlantic city. N. J., this winter. As tbe pro- 
prietors of the Steel Pier were aftaid tiat 
bnslness would not pay tbey were Sslaa ta 
close when the hotel proprielaia . ailllB 
make op any possiblr drMt. ■> tbe Flrr ' 
l>e kept open all wlalcr wUI^ Ba .OHhtaaiT Uar 
of attractions. '^' ji'i- _ 

The later-olata Fair wbMk '<WM' M Trrn 

tta. B. J. , 2Sl2!L** "^rrPSK 

esar^-alnK- >>ne^anMM*aae was onr 110.000 
paM '•takMaw. WiaiiiniaH are already 
III las Bade for attractlnBS for arct 

J. Bonce umrr. thr wrU 
of tbia rity Inst a pnekrtbook 
oar bandrrd doUar bUls at bla 

deace near tbto elty. and ap t_ — 

Ibae It baa not been faond. oUbaatb a Uberal 
reward hat brm olfrrrd. 

An Interesting exhibit of carousel horses snd 
tnlmgi^n slide equipments was made by the 
PtiQadelpbla Tobogtema Co. at tbe cooTeation 
and rshlMtlon of the Street Ralltray Men in 
Pbnadelpbla week of Sept. 25. Qnlte a large 
nnmbrr of orders were booked by tbe Una from 
this exhlMt.' 

The Philadelphia Orchestra, Frttx Scbeel, con- 
dnctor. win give two coo certs a week, starting 
Oct. 27 and closing March 10. A large giur- 
sntee fond bas been raised. 


Home Sweet Home was played by ttie band 
of Hargreares Shoirs in Pbtladelitbla on Sept. 
30, and the show at once went to tbrlr winter 
quarters in Chester. Ps. Tbe sesson has been 
a :Jticcessfnl one. and tbe shows will lie over- 
hauled and ImproTed before next sesson. 

Tons ot palBt aad thoosaads ot bartrl* of 

, _ tat piunicn • la 

Ercry anOable HHire is bring takra Cor i 
annonncrmrDts of tbr worth of the 
It la awakening many Imslneas 
power of outdoor sdvertlslng. BOB WAHL. 


Brooklyn as ■ ibow town "entalaly am a 
growin* aod there are more than twea^ 
theatres open there to-day. wblcb speaks weu 
for the City of Churches. The borleaqoe booars 
are wen patronized, and Arcble Kills, tbe popp- 
lar ouDager, now holds forth at tbe Star. Be 
Is moat genial and is a favorite with tbe aav^' 
paper men. SntSdency. The booses aie vM^'- > 
ways crowded, and Mr. Ellis la a bustler. - 
- Hyde & Bebnua have taken great dellcbt 
In their new offices, and Mr. Rlcbard Hyde la ' 
an example of tbe atrenuous life aa per floo ag 
veltiao ideas- He Is an Indefatigable srtirker, ' 
and thinks nothing of apending even tweaty- 
foor bonis engrusHd In tbeatrlod aftolta. Bla 
t b jatw a igg^geg-bMe ^ " 

■Me of 

To kaoar Uii; li to atalte 1 
■o, 'Wba la hoT war Oeosgr MMdietaB oc 
tlw Oiaal Opna Booae, whose fliat season baa 
lieea aaooaaliy s uccesatu l. Ha Is a well kaowa 
tbratries] man. and has a Jolly prraunallty. 
Hr Is one ot tbe "flads" ot Byde & Brbman. 
and rerlBes tbeir keen Jodgment. He Is erer 
oo tbe spot, and tt'a the man that'a there tbat' 
gets tbe coin. 

One of tbe most charming and polished dlplo- 
msts in the theatrical buainess Is Bennett F. 
Wilson, and bis boots of friends are erer en- 
deavurlng to express tbelr appreclatloa ot him 
in - some manner. He la one of tbe tnriy ''an- 
gelic" men. 

Sam. Coluin of tbe New MontsDk Is a host- 
ler, and no mistake. He bas proved It In tbe 
instance of tbe New Montauk and no matter - 
what time you go there, yon will And him 
Johnny on the spot. He even . a leap a tbcTCw . 
some of bla i " 
to tbe 

Can tbey band tbem oot? Band what ontl 
All atar bills. Where? Unanimously — Percy 
WlUlams'B Orpbenm. Tbey have tbe topllneta* 
even at tbe beginnlnc of tbe programuie. and 
yoo sorely can't heat that. Percy WlUlams to 
from Missouri snd tbey certainly have not 
shown blm as yet. 

Lee C. Teller Is a winner and tbe live best 
bets are bis. He bas tbe brat shows lo town, 
and he selects tbem with tlie keennem of a 

sarr enoagh man. Crowded bouses tbe rrsalt 
Be IS a Jony, good-brartrd manager, and bas 
Biany. many frienda In Brooklyn. 

Chnt't heat 'em. Tbe flre women it the 
Bijou are winners, and tbey are very far the 
most successful to date. Mrs. Msry Gibba 
Spooner. director, of the BlJou la pla.vtng to 
"Standing Room Only," while her daugbtrra. the 
Misses Edna May and Cecil Spooner, are se- 
lecting splendid plsya and playing tbem equally 
well. wbBe MIsa Cora E. Morbn Is carefully 
attending to ttie buslnesa end of the theatre, 
and is a keen flnanclal woman. Suppose some 
of these days, we will see an article atwot her 
In the Frenxled Finance series now so prom- 
inent. Last, but not least, tbe lady tbat 
keeps tbrm In tbr llmrllght of the news- 
papers. Mian Marie T. FltsaoraM, ahooU as* 
be forgottm. nor Bra. >aa had better loak 
out Wltb Oiese fraUalae basOns M tbe M& 

Mr. Lew Parker, wba te a aasabrr of yrsis 
was manager of the Oraad Opeta Booae fOr 
Hyde St Bebman, has been ae l ected br The 
Sbubert Company to manage tbe Park Theatsr 
In Brooklyn. Mr. Parker ia well kaowa ts 
the theatrical world, and tbe Sbuberts cooM 
art bare selected a better man for tbelr man- 

Mr. W, C. Frldley of the Majestic Theatre 
announces the first apprarance of Tbe Four 
Mortons in Breaking Into Society lo Brooklyn 
St his house during tbe week of Oct. 0. This 
Show made a big bit In New York last wsrb. 
and Is sure to do well in Brooklya. Mr. Rirv - 
G. WlUlama. our Brooklyn big Taadrrnir be- 
tor. Is the owner of tbe attraction. 

Brooklyn is proud of its vetemn maitaeer. 
Kick Norton, who is managrr of Hyde It Brb- 
man's Theatre. For over forty yrais Mr. Jte- 
ton has been constantly msnaglag tbsatir^ .saa 
connected with amusement ealetpelSM. 

Is no doubt tbe best posted 

BrookLvn. and tbat Is why be Is 

Bebman. Sir. Nick Norton's earrtbl 
of acts and management i»f the theatre, have 
made Hyde & Behman lots of money. 

Harry Tndor. who has managed Boatnch'a 
wild Animal Show at C.mey N!anJ daring tbe 
absence of Jlr. Bo«toct In Paris, has brrn 
pre^nted with a silver b>vln2 cup by the 
rmplo.Tcs of tbe show. 

Simon Boblnjion. the treasnrer of the Nas- 

j«an Theatre. Is »-omiiig to the front very rap- 

Idlv, To-day, be Is probably tbe youngest 
treasnrer In Bnwklyn. and. with his banl work 
and coaching from his brother Dsve, he will be 
a winner. Tbe management at this theatre has 
recently appointed blm press representstlrr. 
in addition to hli> being treasurer, as be la also 


Xtie Billl>oarcl 

OCTOBER 14» 1905. 



TCB^ BW ' Alwri^ Loo^r IVlor: 
Ahnjm Waa. m'-Wwrnam la 1h- Case. 

'ttam; PHndiblp: I>n>t Wtet Toa Alat: 
Iteliih and Ooojnr* llu. Kule OOlUt , Bmr 
Bippla Coo Id Hils Oappte Be, Bar Atwell 
wttli Sadlr Karris ud Frucn Gordoo: Tbrr 
Mem Do Ttiat In Oor Set, Marie Cihlll and 
Dick Temple; Tbe Musical Gipsy, Dick Temple; 
AU Sbe Coold Saj Was "Onl." Clara Pahner; 
Napoleoa Bonapart**, Georse Beban. 

rantua— Gurick Theatre (Ijrlci br Robert 
B. amltb; music ta BaraioDd Hnbtiel: Wltmark 
It Soos. pabUaiierB): A LeSMm In Btlqaette. 
Hubert 'WKe; It a Clrl '>k>t a Rone, That 
Wins the Prise. Jnlla Sand r«on: <I>iop la On 
Me At Loaebeon. Jefferson De Aogetis and 
Tnbr Claude: Tlie Farewell 'n'lltx. JaUa San- 
detwn and Frank Bnatnrortb; Dartiy and Joan. 
SeirerwB De Ancells and Tobr Clande; My 
Btekibaw ot Bamboo. Jnlla SandenoD; Langta- 
taS Uttle AlmoDd E7<-a, Frank Bnsbirortb and 
EdOlK Bartbel: ^ Word. Tcrt>r Clande; Taa- 
maBF (interlopated. Jefferson De Ancells; 
Sooc ot the Pipe. Frank Rnshworth: Xbe Ctrl 

at tbe Helm. Hubert Wllke: nat*«: 

SOIL De Ansrlla: Jnat Mr Style, 
denoa and Frank Bnshirortb. 

fOrtj-An Mtnntes From Broadwar— Colooial 
nieatre (lyilca and music bj George H. Co- 
ban; P. A. Mills pobll^ier): Popolar Uil- 
Uonalre, Dooaill Brian; Mary Is a Orand 0!d 
Name, and So I>ane, "Mary, Fay Templeton; 
Betlrlne Fna tbe Stasc. Lola Evell; IVvtr-flT? 
Mlsctis From Broadira.T. Victor Moore: Stand 
0I> and Flstat LQce HeU. Cbaa. B. Mnee. 

Tbe Yankee Begent — ^LaSallr (lyrics by Ctaas. 
& Ailehnan and I. D. Blomenstock, music by 
Bra U. Jerome: F. B. Barlland & Co.. pnb- 
llAets>: Here's Looking At Too. Mart Lo- 
rem: The Heart That Is One's Own. iUrgsret 
MacDooald; ibe Social X)ame, Frances Ken- 
nedy; As empenor ot Wiener. Yoa'U Find It 
IB Ch lca >> and I^ore At First SIsbt, OcU 
Ecaa: The Aim; aad 'Navy. William BobWrn 
aad FM Waltoa; An Indignant Aristocrat, Bert 
ZiPV aad f^kxlboa Klnjr: Tbe Proposal, Mar- 

jmt VacDtoald, Bert Xoans, Florence Golse 
T CailtaB Kinr; Tbe Land ot The Wienerand 
n. Riley Batch: Sappose. Margaret 
and -Bert Voontr; Msiy Jane, Flor- 
^ _-_JBak: My Bsvaiajt Star. Baby Flts- 


Maria. Baor - A. .v mUr t^^VlMris: 

KIbb: «» Oar^ Ou mr Tiiar niilL JTfciu tbe 
.Sna Stsfts ^ "-•-^" TTlrit. '.Iftacil B. 

tadter; Bfply, Tbe Klas <Mr-:'ae<;.anat White 
Way, Ora. P- grenen Jast ■teaaii .»e Elad 
Waalnr Way and SmtSslU-Jlat^ NeU 
A Dream of BojIMd -.' Days. Gene- 
•ad Une Moses, Mannel Booaln: The 
- natr and Sons or Uie Wares, wilUam 
H. WOooald: Why Don't Too Qolt and Bye. 
BIfC. Uah Boney. OarroU Johnson; Sleep, Baby. 
Step. Vatt Kcefe: I'm Satis^ed and Erery- 
tody TPacks Bnt Father. Ijete Dockstader. Tbe 
prosiam of Dockatad<-r*a MInstrela Juaooacra 
that Breiybody Works Bnt Fatkcr waa -wtU- 
ten expresvly for Jlr. Dockstader ' Helf 
« Hager and Joseph W. Stem & Cow both daba 
priority In this song. TVe defer comment tor 
a later Ubq^, 

The Fllibnster— Stndf*akT Theatre (IjTiCS 
by John p. WllwMi. mnsic by Wtniarn 1,0- 
ralne: M. Wltmatk & Sons. pnbUFbers: The 
PlUboster. Frank Tnmer; A Rebellion Pro- 
moter Theodore Friebns: A Very Good Ssoop 
For the Gosh and The Simple Life For Me, 
Chas. E. Evans: A Soldier or Fortune, Iso- 
bel Hallr Uke OMen Kniiht. Isabel Hall ami 
Frank Tnmer: Gazabo, the Bncaneer. Prank 
Ulor; The Love of Our Motherland. Kate 
TbeTor. ailor f Interpol.) ted). Kate Con- 
and Chas. H. Evans: Nlihtmare Land. 

Phillips and Frank I.iilof; I>olce Far 
Jaobel Hall: jst the Seaside (Interoo- 
HaHjTl Moetrn; Johnnr WiJ^. Helena 

1^ tort. Chas. E. Eraiu, Fraak Lalor 

Mna.:J9Mbn;,wiKa Xoa SUae On ». 

ta composed 

iTaa Im. DSTls, con- 

KihVktt Fricek, flmt tIo- 

*• »Wln: T, Karlonr- 

'cello; Carl Par- 

VWa. 'X 1L 

! 5!gr ■* «^ -jfctea^tk Bata;" Mwta S. 

OntaKk dativ tr Mte;-SfertlM,:«MnMi&v Ttaok 
"27^ f." BtoeU. 

*U O. Walton. tympaat: VMI* -aBd 
— . Concerts mder the mtw "iaaiiaii 
»in e«»eo twice dally ,hetMiia> the 

dfi',;aje3lie''^:;jeadlnR an an-fnl 
. .I«»'-Frlar» piAUCBtlons nicht 

Mg oajr. .Beaalta talk and Sam Im certainly 

. «ail«et la .tUa atatement, f<r from innom r- 
' aMa perSoRBeta comes tbe neirs — aeU;rhtriil 
new at that— that Can't Ton See I'm lionely 
la pnete^ the hand-p tter ot their careers. 
, Ajnanv thoae aacecaafpUy teatinlnB bmely we 
, Biskt aaeBtlaa Tlie Paerleas Quaitet. Osimhy 
Jhrw. aaidy Laagdon. Jftdc k .I>naEaI.>BoaBie 
Savior,. iMlaa ftnat. X«aire< .StrcMIiw .' aad 
Otters- Arlhar aaha,' |klaaaa%.-' talent d .haz- 
Haor, waa tcadoca ^ttttrm 'fcttoUit UttSr le- 
eeptioa at tbe WasUaclaa -Mik Atbletle Meet 
laat week, oceasioaed tir Ua MBlaat rendl- 
tloa ot Can't Ytoa S e, etc. Felix Adiar. caa- 
sidned' one vt Chicaso'a beat all-anmad cater- 
tataera: ta creatine asacb dcaMad fsr Hw same 
TadN* Otlt aad Taaklaaa («alte 

a ptofDaton ot Yank here) continue to be 
Feist's bis sellees, locally. Chleaso is flooded 
with telegrams rradlac as follows: "To 1 
Waatchcr. care Theatre. City: Caa't TOB See 
I'm Lonely? Be at mnsle stoee to-nlsht. 1»a 
HItt." and upon tbe back thereof appears a 
fall thematic ot the ehoms of the aooc- TUa, 
I Had oo Investigation, Is some more at Sam's 
clever exploitation of Feist's latest saddle 
bonte. McKay A Fredericks report a bl^ snc- 
ceeo with Didn't Fattier Adam Have An Eaiy 
Tlm*>. published by the same boose. 

Victor Kremer Is also doing a biff profes- 
sional bnslness according to Manaser Tbomp- 
t's vapory lisploss. Lillian Waltone Is slng- 
taj; Wait: Dorothy Drewc, Mrs. O'Barahan. a 
r Irish waltz song by Peters and .Vttrldge: 
Enlalle Yonng, It Von Don't Like Yoor Jot), 
Qnlt; Messenger Boy Trio. Just For Fnn; Isa- 
dore Sllvtr, In Old Ireland, Meet Me There, B.r 
tbe Dear Old Delan-are. and other Kremer pub- 
lications. The folloirlnff seven numbers bave 
been interpolated in A Million A Ulnnte Co.: 
Walt, Gravy, Bemember Dear, Jnst For Fun. 
It Yon Doa'tXdke Yo «g- Job < ^t. Dp and Dotm 
Sua^iwi,''^ *'^ ' ""'*' ' - ■■•^ En- 

It seems like old times — the rare and fair 
Old times— to again hare Jules TonTUzer In 
onr midst. Jnles has opened np professional 
headquarters In the Sherman Boose, and will 
remain with as for a month or six weefc.^ pro- 
motlns Ua bratbat Hany'a latest creations. 

In the tlars of the old Mnsic H:tll 

fit Broadway anil 20!h St.. New York City. 
Chas. B. Waril flrM cum-* inio prommenre- It 
was Allan Dale who In descrllilng his inter- 
pretation of the Ilinvery Boy ;ra'-e him Cretlit 
foe llii iniperpon-ltlon ami treatment \rliich 

served to warrant bU ailoptiun of the title 
which he has since malnt.iine<l .13 the or!s- 
Inai Bwvery Itoy. Mr. Ward is this seasun aii 
pearia;; in bndesqnc. beln;; r-.alnred with 

the AlcaBE BadMBsa'JBiltke fciilri Wktei. 

aBMiar;'aKai . lieinc ;3iakiii|C' BF<*1 Wtat You 
Gditf^ l* vlto 'Vlirn tke' .BMt Obms >Bflun.l? 
.iaae,Aesasa -the Bridce of Cold.- ra the Only 
Star tliat 'Twlaklea oo Broadway. Walt TiU 
the Saa SUnes. ITellle and On - the Uank-i of the 
Rhine With a. Steia. an.l<y ,Aadnw B. Ster- 
■Jns and Hany -T«B'.TIlaer..->Sipea Ua antral 
here a week atak' JaM^lwk'.liM^Ua'apartaBeBts 
parked with pe i B» M a ia. ^ 'aad' M la a teesaae 
condasloa liefloM -ha . leaves the Wlady City 
he wm' .liate :erMtied : f«r the bonse he rrpre- 
-<enta a bli; bosinesa. ;both prore«4onallr aad 
from a sales standpoint. W^Il liked by the 
performers and trade alike, there is no reason 
why he shouldn't make a his and fast ten- 
strike In Chicago, and all the reason In tlie 
■-rorlil why he shouM. wl»n one takes into 
coni-hleratlon blK charming personality, his wide 
and jresulne popnlarily. aad tbe orlstsal and 
eawytjwanr ,,cl*wr catalog ba baa t» work 

VIetor Herbert, composer ot tbe scores tt 
'fTe Slngins Girl. The Fortune Teller, It 
>IIapp:ned in Xordland and Alice and tbe Elslit 
Princesses (the latter now bring presented at 
the Grand here), has tbe tollowlng to say re- 
aanUns Enrop an aad Aainlcan mnsle: "Some 
twenty years aaa ataa I drat came to this 
eoantiT as a 'ceua arirtiC and appeared on the 
concert plattona. may pseple wondered what 
kind of aa Inatnaient I waa telnglng tor- 
ward, and aetBaBy e ap r ea i e d sntpdse that It 
waa simidy a mnsical tBStmneat. Mow aU 
that la chansed. In every amall town in the 
United Statea aad Caaida can be fonad a cote- 
rie of mnsic lovers. 'Orchestras flourish every- 
wh* re. and from these ranks are taken indi- 
viduals n-ho have become prominent In tbe mu- 
sic world. And yet we are tiehlnd the conn- 
tries of Eniape from the fact that we have tew 
n-bo foster tbe arts as on the other side. Fsr 
Instance, Wagner would never have developed 
Into the mighty giant he is now consid red 
had It not- been for the patronage of King 
Lndwlg of Bavaria. He encouraged him and 
stimulated him at the period of his greatest 
depresi^Ion. Haydn, tbe fatb<T of symphony, 
bad the same protection. He himself said 
that bad It not been for tbe protection of 
Prince Esterhazy most ot bis great cojnpo^- 
tions would not have befn written. Tbe prince 
provided him with an orchestra of suitable 
size for tbe production of his efforts, sup- 
ported It and kept It together constantly: la- 
deed. It was part of the prince's household, 
and Ha%-dn thus bad tbe necessary Incentive 
to write. This Is why 1 say .\merlca is still 
behind the continental countries In respect to 
caring for art in a geo«^l way. Capital is 
massed more In this country, and its Influ- 
ence on art has not been distributed as It 
eventually will he. In Germany and Austria, 
parts of Russia and France, theatres are sup- 
ported either by tlie munlclpalltjr or b.v weal- 
thy art lovers. Some day this will be true 
in Am- rlca for wherever 1 go 1 see a healthy 

-Delia Donald, William Herman. Haloes 
and Eisner. Eva Fitzgerald. Maybelie .\dams. 
Jesnnette Martell, J. Aldrlcb Llbl>ey. Marie 
Welch, Marie -Laniaat. Violet Stal-j. AUea 
May. Oaak aal WtHHm. Bataca aad T< 




CABO BOJU. that MBMt 0btm of 
her owa eoBpoaltloBa aa well as 
those of other wrltera. will sing Res- 
Igaatiaa, a beautltol ocadoa of her 
paa. at the openlag mC tke aev tkca- 
tra k TaiBm^ Mew ■York. BMlpMlM U a 

aad na BamrMf am arte 
Boat papdar atttaeaoaa la Hew 
York, have began their laat ot aiz laagUag 

months at the Herald Square Theatre. Saa 
Bernard maintains his lead as the funniest aiaa 
on tbe musical atace, and Hattle Wllllaaas re- 
mains the ondlspnted queen Id her line, alag- 
Ing her song bits. Tricks and Frlenda. to the 
most enthutdastlc aodleneca. _He ' 
Susan, Lovey Dovey aa 
as much demanded aa 
Wltmark publications. 

Tbe Tbalet Slateia. Tlndeana. are teatnrlng. 

Iia9 Unia Xa4y> a Wltmark aamher, la 
beinc ' I I ■ '■■ s tir the qaartette In 'Way Dos 
Bat, wfeldi popolar ptodnctkm wUl iti — ' 
at tbe A c a a em y ot Kusle, New York, 
■week aai next, attar which It goea to ~ 
land, Ohio. Miss Bstrilc Waide, tbe ai 

ot the qnartette. baa alarted aa nadi 

flood of cathoalaaa bi ber Carac^ la Mew Taifc, 

Omr Bam 

. _ ,:mti w bwi Btfm irta-- ■Bii^.^ttL . 

seaaoa aae-tm ibat wtB attract rtapraM attca- 
tton amoog concert-goers for : tbe ftcafM-' tkat 
varied programs are to be . offered ^8BbttV'''-af- 

temoons, which hitherto have beea'-gMiii '«««r 
entirely to indlrldnal recltsls.' these having 
heea offered every week last winter. One set 
of cone rts will be offered at tlie lUlnols 
Theatre by the Chicago Burrao Agency of Mn 
sle. the otber u-iii be those played by Innes' 
Band In Orchestra HaU. Hie engsgement of 
Inn s Is to begin Oct. IS, and Is announced 
to continue on til further notice. Tbe band 
consists of stxty well-choeen players, who wBI 
be assisted by vocai and Instrnmental soloists. 

Tbe follow-Ing from the faonse of Will Rossl- 
ter: "Our two new nomhers. Don't Forzet 
vonr Dear Old Dad and I'll Be Back In a Min- 
ute But I Got to Go Now, by Herbert Ingra- 
ham. arc the easiest songs to land with the 
profession we ever published. They will be 
used by Gibson & Nash. Edward Goody. Cro- 
llns dc Alva and Lew Dockstad r. Captlvstin' 
Sue- is rapidly coming to tbe front. It ts the 
nraelr «f Chas. E. ^ullln, who wUl be remem- 
hetvd as the composer of Silence snd Fun and 
The Maa <1l!«tb;3be aiaele. 31r. Mollln Is bow 
sssocuted TKUk filtt. iBMsItet as pniti moaa! 
nun. aaA. bis walk tbaa ttr baa sbt- 
paased oor moat aaagBlae apcaialitaa. WUl 
DIekey and Itsstsr Riii i ii Taun. Ibl bai bar- 
ItOBe. are slaglBg Snaar taw*' at - the popu- 
•« priead tbcatna tbbt anMh.- aai wti&tf 
witb tba greatest aaeccas." ^ 

Cnr «Hfe» aaa Bw au aac 
I la Xear Vatk ftaai the tat 

They s ec Bftd a 


a we k bunked la eaadrrBle. 

coBlrset Willi „ 

strenstb of their sa ceess they have bees *!«»■ 
contracts tor the enthre Kith ChCBlt. A Mp 

to tbe City Is the title vt tbeir Omr Cher, 
acter sketch, and It serves to latradvee llr. 

Meany and Mls.« .^nders^m Id con;:enIal roles 
where they ,ire ^t-f:i a.eir L--m: advantage. 

actdevemrnt. Alice 

and ne Btght Prteesases. the mnsical ex. 
tTBTagaaia wblcb, mder Jallan UlteheU'a dl- 
teetioa, was given Its flist prodnetloa In BBt> 
falo, N. Y., OD the XSth tost.; Yletor Hethert 
has "aeoved" <to two senses of the wordt an- 
other tmdonbtrd success. The dainty, delight- 
ful music which tlie grest composer wrote for 
this snmptoons entertainment is Sttlngly mated 
with the charming and appropriate Ijrlcs from 
Glen MacDonoQgh's pen. snd the production, 
as a whole, has a . spectacular bacfcrroond wblcb 

Is universally spolcea ot as tnily falryllke. The 
v(«-al nunit>er» In Alice and The Eight Prin- 
cesses — nearly all of which give promise of be- 
coming favorites with thentregoers. not to say 
universally popular — are When Perrico Plays. 
That's Wby They Say I'm Crazy. The Hunting 
of tbe r<K>t, Love's Golden Day. Jogratree^ 
now To Tell a Fairy Tale (duel). Toor Been, 
If Yon Please. Little Black Sheep. The Ossi- 
fied Man (trio). With Frame. Two-FOrty-Klae, 
Tlie Onlv One. I and Myself and Ife, TO* 
Knave of Hearts. Fopnlar Panllne. A_ 
First Thought la a Maa .<*■«) 
Mnsic r ~ ^ ■ ' 

march. C«as 

march. V. 'Wltaw* * I 

ot the entire 

The engagement by F. F. Pn)Ctnr of LUllan 
Russell as the reigning feature of his circuit 
stamps him as very fortiroate In baTlng se- 
cnred one of the ereateat catrbea ever made 
l.v a vaudeville manager In this country. Af- 
ter all the vears dnring which she has been 
the recipient of such Indaceraents as a special 
■ rcliesfra. long engagements In New York, 
etc. - Manager Proctor hss finally captured the 
nrlie. and Lillian Rnasell has hecorae his stel- 
lar attraction. Miss Russell will featare aassac 
iier selections some of her former Wtbw m 
Fields sucoesses. These Inelnde WlMM'.-CMsa 
Sings a Song, If AU The Stars Him 
Caaae Down Ma BvealBc Star. Coow ItaA My 
Hsav Boy to Me, and alaa the fbOowIng nam- 
krrs: lly Little Bella ot Japan. Barteaatlan. 
Tbrrc^ BdthbK Brv ta War. I laaa 

Kaotman Brothers.^ 
Frieda CMurtoa. 
Fischer . .aad datk aia i 

TtylBjr Bo'-'Biird-to'VMart^ 

« Cha& 'K^.Batris' 
n>;-QBB-Vni I'm 

George O. Spaulding calM aa MB tbe . Other 
day and we had a pleasant chat otcr aar Per- 
rectos. "Ad." said he. "yaa'd be aanrlsed 
to learn bow thst little ditty. Jalie My j,wel, 
which 1 wrote with Andy Sterling. Is going, 
m'e placed It with Geo. B, Jennings, Clnciu- 
nati, and It la proving an Immense seller. 
You know I was In the business when most ot 
the pr. aent-day publishers were In their swad- 
dling clothes, and 1 never knew of a song 
starling out more promising. Jennings Is land- 
ing performers right and left on It, and ray 
tlrst statement ot royalty convinces me tiiat 
>ve sr.. going to haie a big thing In this Utile 
conceit. Of course. It may not In? niiotijer Ap- 
ple Tree — I don't know where I coulj go to 

pick cot aooUier like that— but what I mean 
la, it-B goiag lo go mightr Hs keCm MMr 


Bert Sidtphy la 
has alwaya pravea a 

thing t - - 
irhat ll 


sap e at the best 

Despite of Its sge. Rustling Silks is still 
a big seller In the Newton Publishing Co.'s 
catalogn.. If I Coold Send This Letter C. O. 
D. ia beginning to show signs, and Alone On 
Mr Honeymoon looks very promising. Takin? 
tilings aa tliey come. Jelt Branen (or Manager 
Mr. n w» bB 'Ebbw bim) baa Jnat eanae far 

0SA8. X. 

Manrlce Levi's big song hit Game of Love 
Is now being whistled, giing and hammed upon 
the streets of Boston, snd be U accordtagly 
happ.v. His new 

entitled Tbe Colle 

on In big shape. 

Fay Templetoo's tKtL 
mng by this great artist, la 

the profession, all reatrlctioiis 

Over one thousand cnngratnlatoffy ' 
been received by Mr. Harris In 
the beantlfnl colored sIMea to bis 
songs Would Ton Care and I'm TrylBg 1 
to Forget Yoo. Ilach slide a work ot art. 

The proof of the ever-growing popularity of 
the big iMllad hits Would Yon Care and I'm 
Trying So Hard to Forget Yon. hy Chas. K. 
Harris, is the Increasing demand for profes- 
sional copies from the greatest ballad slngeta 
'•n tbe American stage. It most be a tre- 
mendous snc^ef*8 Tvhen snrh well known sing- 
ers Rs th'^se in the following list are uslBg Its 
.I>meo Aldrlch Lthher. Delia IVinnld, MsrlB 

Welsh. Werden & Rladlidt, Violet Btaley. MaiM 


Mme. Bertha Knllrh. wbo heelns her career 
.18 ftD RnpllRfa npeaklnc fiir under the manAfcr- 
p-mt or HftfTlm Orrr pi»k at tb» IfaabAttaa 
TkMktn^ Mnr Tiik OMy. mmt mamKk, hm to- 

OCTOBER 14, 190S. TTtic Btllboai*cl 5 



OCTOBER 14. 1905. 


Master Si Semon. of the Semon 
CblltlrpD. recently antlcrvvent two merm ope- 
ratluns tor appendicitis at the Cliildtvn'a Il€>»- 
pllul. Toraito. Can. Tlw Uttlc felloir la BOW 

TOnraincent. and bu bccciakM U>JUm mk 
■t Da'Is Faim. ir « l «i iw » MIA. : BtB. gwnd- 
motlifr, Mrs. 81 Semoo. was Ib aay ntan r at- 
tradaocr at Ua b«Md* Marine hla lIlnMa. 
Ilaatfr O. 'opceta to ahorOr juin bl* liaWr 
IB Taoderllle. Uts. Snuvn wUl ntora to New 
'flfork. where "Pop" Semon Is triupvtarllT en- 

I'Saged In tbe Barnum & Bailer otUcca. 

Miss Lola Stantonne. the clever vio- 
UnUt. now plajlni; a lUrteen weeks' eagase- 
ment over tlie Taudevllle circuits of the mid- 
dle nest, bas signed contracts irith MaaaEcr 
bm. S. Partrlla. of the Oipbeam OMMact<.UaB- 

vaany. and win be feattired wltk,,aMt;*«railB>- 
■Btloa apoa tta tWrthcomins taw .aCiraa^n^ 

. , ,,«t>^,,. 

Crom In the flitora* 

Horace DeWltt. known profession- 
alb- as Smith, of the tesm of Beno ant] Smltb, 
and of wboNC deatb In Baltlinon. Mo., Sept. 30. 
notice wan made IB ,l*e laat week'a Iwie of 
Tbe BUIbaaid. waa boded at tba Ualj Be- 
dceDcr Ceaietwr. n a ltl as Ba a ^ .g, MaMb n a of tbe 

'^\1B», - i«la»l»e«^S?Tk ■■' St' ••-IjSC - 

Tbft Great Rosey. cyclist, writes that 
■ifeBa BtrtonnlnK on the soeet at Fletca, Kab- 
.ha was aiackeii br a band of joung raflaa* 
C'mA- compelleti to defend hlwiartf. . Fbr aa 
' be aa;s he vas compeUtd tD. W lata 

fl8.00, beloB the amoont oC m. tarn and 

V- The Qiilnn Trio have laid aside their 
'•■ BtbletJe act, which held the boarda foe nine 
yean, and ate ptesentlne a new comedy aketcD. 
'entitled Tbe liiy Me»iiengep Boy. Tbeaew 
set U a hit. It eu natata of a limt B f ; <aBnBr . 
lalklBC. and an abMAMt- •€ W«Mjtf ' « ::..? »"« 
tela opened on tlw^'tOnriltaa Ctaalt' Oab t> 
at Bnue. Uoat. - 
: Thy team oC Van Fossen and Mc- 
flialB baa • been dlaaalnd. and Ulaa Faimie 
'I'DMBtaB baa Joined lotemts with Boi> McCaoler 
vtai^ICflacd -*~r'"t' and talklne aet. Tula 
la booked aoUd nntU May. La<t week 
4<her aeoccd at tbe Lyeenm Tbeaoe. San Fran- 

Ben. W. Dawson, monologtot and 
. gmarifni^h oaurad ajtwaaal mtn""' «» 
■ ' WTle Tteatie. OerrtaBOfc OM^Iw waa«. a 
imnber ot bla friend* aa* ;M» la taw after 
tbe Mondar eecobic j iafanBMa^ ^M* b ald a 
tmiMIuet tn bla b*Ba«t-:>lMllilli» 
4ip until moinlnf* 

DeVelde and Zelda, artistic eqanih- 

^Ista, have aonie sood Tsudevllle dates booked 
After tlicr doae tbeir cnsaseaient witb tbe 


The team of Larke and Adams, bar- 
eel Innpeis. baa been dlsnolTcd. Ur. Larke 
havlnc decided to retire. In tbe fatwe Mr. 
Adauis wUl be known aa aaa e(_na 
consb^inc of 

t aet. 

J". C. PrentJce, of the Prentice 
_'~aC Aesvbata. writes tbat be waa nv- 
dorlns bis 
tar. San I 
Botleaiiae C». 

Eddie EaUos. aftw s UK week at 
4hr Oumo IbeatfCk dacfaaatL kaa ■«» to 
. J<aHa»«Maw 1^ ti L' ' *? ' * 

Boriaaapaw aa tt a^^aa IfeaB appavtaalty to 
keep &elr aaOiaBea *«i*'*»f tkir twcMr min- 

O. L- Oliver is the new stage man- 
«cer of the Electric Theatre. Waterloo. la. 
Be will sing Illustrated aoogs tn the perform- 

Teed and lAzell are returning east 
over tbe CoiuUMe CMndt afMromr week* 
of CDOd work iB- aut- Ww u H l tmi 'mi aaBtbcm 


Allen and Kenna. doaed .thtfr sam- 
mer aeason at OsfanI Lake Park. Aaniaton. 
Ala., and opened at tbe Star Theatre. Atlanta. 
Ga.. for an indefinite ensseement. 

E. M. Veruelo, of the Only Veruelo 
Co.. writes that owIof to the lllaHaB «r bin 
ideee. Uatle Vanette, be has ban.-«ll||ed to 
1 an datea tOr tbe. act. 

Clark. Chas. and 
t» aanoanee to tbeir friends tliat 
tbey ate playlns parta la the I<orse-Elwyn 
Co., and pnttlns on tbeir apedalty. 

Slater and Finch write: "We are a 
pronoonced bit eTetTvrberc. . Mana geea are teU> 
bag ns tbat no team baa ever taken aa annr 
curtain calls as onrs. Oar wardrobe la tbe 
cause of cunsiderable admiration." 

During the recent Illness of Prof. 
J. Klssatrand. dlcertoc ot Electric 

Theatre. WmUm Ui, Mb ilMr taken by 
Ur. Hiiiikmin, «C S tnaTarBatM' 

Ata. wntas tDat Be waa toj- 

▼Ule. Ibe 

80 at Cbarleaton, Ind. 

Owing to the illness or Al. J. Mas 

seT*. the team of Maasey- and Kramer were 
obllsed to dose witb the Aristocratic Tramp 
•Co. at Gilmer. Tei.. Sept. 23. They are now 
resting at their borne In Delpbos. Oklo, bnt 
expect to resume work In two or ttuee weeks. 

Harry F. Barton, formerly Burton, 
the maodaa.. wiltca: "1o aia M mtrtakra 

friends ahaa~ ~ ' * "~" 


Tom Lancaster, blackface singing 
and talklnfc comedian, opened. Oct. Vi. aa tbe 
DsTbi AjCbarelffl Ite alt at tbe Gia ad Uper a 

' S?*bM^«SS^>' anMMM^&'f^^ 

iMnTT- and Attlla Satton. who have 
cimiedx musical act on tbe 
seat Ttat Jiaht * Caatle Clr- 

Siitk a> 

1 letBB east. Tber aic booked tor 
:'-ietnm datea In tbe western Iionses (eaaon 

;,iaf IDOS-OT. 

^ , Farmer Jones closes with the vaude- 
;-'.»HIe annex of the Great Wallace Shows. Oct. 

at Richmond, Va. After a two weeks* 
i/:vaeatloa on tiis farm near Chester. Pa., be 
^''Win open bis TaodevtUe season. Oct. 80, at 
^^•CleTeland. Ohio. 

Woodford and Marlboro are meet- 
-Inir witb deserred snrress on the lesdlne Tan- 
dCTllIe circuits In their comedy playlet, en- 
-tltled A_T1iBriy Vtmm. Tber at* boslied 
-aotld. BBtn JaaaaiT- 
. The Dandgs bewfldeted tm ' MiijU- 
CBC* at Hrde * Befaaaaa*a Ikeati*. Brook-- 
•bB. week of Sept. n. BMk He Hadnae aad 
ne mreaaor l ete l red aone alee ptcsB aotlees 
Crmb tbe Bnokljn papcea. 

Gray and Graban, Fred and Nellie, 
wttte tbat tber made tbe bit «t the sbow 
TBrpt^ 20 and week, witb tbe 
-'at Sacrmmento. Gtl- bflBS 

..aa the SaxoplMae took big. 

After a successful tour of the west, 

'. a a m ai iu aad Zacdm are comlnjc east. wUh their 
eSieat a t i i Mn act. Ulle. gaeche^a Ciat 'aC 


lUchard X Barry, appearing over the 
Keith CIrcalt, aastalned a broken ooae. Slept. 
28. wbne plarinc ban at Foreat Park. Sprlns- 
fleld, Mass., with a nnmber ot oompanlona. 

The Paragon Trio are in the east 
making a hit in Tanderllle. Tbey are re- 
hearsing a new act n-rttten for them by Nat. 
Leroy, and which thej will prodace ahortly. 

Emma Blewlt, singer and dancer, 

wrttea tiiat ber Srat appearance at Oklaboma 
City. Okla., waa a big bit, and tbat abe made 
(Md beyond expectattoaa. She la eoming east. 

Tom Elmore is resting at his home 
In Arkansaa for a Coctadght before coins to 

New Ynrfc. 

Ed. and Hazel liucas report success 
oTer tbe LAng Circuit. They are booked until 
Jan. 1. 

MUbu mMa, oontortlonlat; arrites 
that ika la aaaMw wtia aataaaa wMfc XWbfa 

Port .lilksK: - 

The RichardaJRatmaM^a hit at 

week of Sept. 38. 
Mile. Latlna, who has been playing 

In the west, la bonklBC east. 8be plays In- 
dianapolis. Ind., next week. 

The DeLacys made a big bit at the 
tjTnc Theatre. Wlcfalta. Kan., and wiU prob- 
ably play a return date abortly. 

Adonis Faybio announces that he 
has iaatlt nted_ piofu dln ga ftir a diaarce ftom 
Ua wUa^ paafkailBaally feaawa as tiate Pawn. 

The Mailcee BroUiac^ Tanderflle Co. 
opena aboot Oct. 10* 

The Irwins am nating for two 

weeka at 211 8. 27' - - _ 

The Hindoo Brothera write that they 
are pteptring t new aet Mr nnde*IUe. 


Managers Fleming & Waff of the 

Grand Opera Bolli*e, Bmnawtrk, Ga., bare 
hooked a strong Une ot attractions for tlieir 
house tlila aeasaa. Tbey are as foUowit; Hoyt'a 
A Bani!h of Keyl. Oct. 10: Lunls Junes. 11: 
.Mm Bob While, 13; Sowing Tbe Wind. 14; 
Hnman Hearts. 18: Al. O. Pteld'a Minstrels. 
17: The Legend of The Catskills, 18; The 
Clansuian. 20: Depew-Burdette St«H!k Co.. 30- 
NOT. 4: Mordant Stock Co., 13-18; Lewta Mor- 
rlNin In Fanxt. 22: Oat* Derfl Porotlay, 2S: 
Florence Darla In Tbe flajcr Maid. SO; Bar- 
lowa Minstrels. Dee. 8; BlaA FattL IS: West 

Comedy Ot.. 1S40; Amnld Stock Oa.. SS-Peb. Sr 
Sonsa's Band. S; Adelattle Thnntton in The 
Triumph of Betty. I!t: Itoyt Comedy Co.. 1»- 
24. and tbe Oagaon-PoUock Stock Co. Utreb 

The Grand Opera House at Chero- 
kee, la., raened ita Mason Sept. 13 with HU 
Higbnesi, Tke Bey. to an ezcrpnonally large 
aadleace. The booae haa been in tbe hands of 
w iakia e u aU summer, and, besides other Im- 
pmeeaieuta. It hsa a new asbeatoa drop enr- 
talB. aad a new gaa llstatlng iirstem. The 
exeentlee ttaif la as followa: F. BmmmQ. man- 
ager; Mrs. F. Bnioaon. treainter and tieket 
seller; Carl Kennedy, chief oaber: Pled Briefc. 
son, - -- - - - 


Tte Hyar Opora House at El Paso, 
Tez.« aBcsma ilB aMaaa Oct. 1 tmder tbe man- 
agement oC r. T. OMSta with Virginia Cal- 

'pertemuHC^%C liSu..?^^"""* 
gtaejlo waa pot ea. Oct, K, aad then tbe 
Ethel Tncker Stock Co. began a sine daya* 
engagement. Manager Oomba haa the ancfa 
house In good condition. Be has nelecled as 
anL-itants tbe fallowing people: Mrs. Comha. 
tresRnrer: Hany UeOonald. itage manager, and 
Max Moye. bead nsber. Tbe Jnllni Meyer's 
Orchestra will again fnmlab the muale. 

Tayiorvflle. HL, for more than a year 

'^thoat aa opera hooae. win next week eele- 
bnte the opening ot lha sew BUT Theatre. 
The Interior of the Dew the a tia la hnhUy 
fnmlahed. aad teata an muMia f* uSo 
people. The stag* Isaas ifSTSpK la tbe 


new atcaa beatlag |HM. 

Galesburg. III., is to have an up-to- 
date Tanderllle house. F. E. I'ayden. of "St. 
I»ul8. bas leased a building tn that city, and 
Is dttlng it up as a tliesire' with a capacity wf 
400. The new Ixwse wlU be known as the 
BUoo. Three performances will be glren dally 
and the ladies and cbildren will be especially 
catered to. 

George S. Burton, formerly treas- 
urer of Richard & rrlngle's Georgia Minstrels 
and more recently i»nnected witb the Rlng- 
llng Brothers Show, is credited with some 
clever and progresslTe advertising Innovations 
at Sprlnf^field. 111., where he Is at present 
dissociated with Frank C. Smltb in tbe suc- 
eeaatal Teatare tbe Gajetr Theatre. 

la. H. Bentley, owner of the opera 
boose in course of coaatmetloB at Mllbank. 
S. D.. announces tbat It will open aboot Not. 
1. Mllbank is a very ptoapeiuos Utile city, 
Tety good abow 
" an 

Plasra and Ftayem la the ttUe of a 
new and attiaetlee veoaram p a wu a e fl hy im«> 
linger A WrtetfH ftar the Chialaat Street nwa- 

tre, C" " ' ■ ~ " 



in pxograma. and bas made a decided Ut, 
It is reported that Nashville. TeniU 

will have three new theatrra aext 

SImherta are to has* aaa. 

Circuit another, aaa the 

Co. tbe tblrd. 

All shows booked for the opera 

honae at Weat Foiat. Misa.. for dates prrrlons 

to^Oetj^U^tore heei^caaaried^aa^ateBimt of 


A. T. Tahn haa leaned flM Bridge- 
port OiM>ra Bouse at WheeUSgi W. Tk. and 
will shortly open tbe same. Mr. Tahn has 

been with the Coney Island Amusement Co. of 

Wheeling this season. 

The new opera house at Duluth, 
Minn., wUl open Not. 1. 

It is annount^d that the I>afayette 
Theatre at Detroit, Mich.. wlU open Oct. 10 
aa an tisdependent playboose. 

Harry Marion, for the past five years 
atagr aaaaair tm 1M. D. Haifca. la now 
located as ataae miais i of the Usfciae Thea- 
tre. Akran. Oslo. He aiveara aa the program 
as a singer of mnatntrd aonga. 

Mansfield. Ohio, will shortly have 
another Tandernie theatre. Cns Snn and O. H. 
Murray have leavted the Ma.r bniidlnir. now In 
conrse of constmcHon. and will cnnrert part 
of it Into a theatre aeattng about 000 people. 

Since being cleaned aad radecor- 
ated tbe XobDe Theatre. AaaMaa. Ala., la 

now considered one of tbe prettiest plsybonses 
in the south. 

Willlnm Prosser has succeeded 

gank O s h at g jBjsaa^e^ the^ antM^JOpera 
going OB the road. 

The Orpheum Circuit Is to have a 
new bonse at St. Paul. Miiuu It will be lo- 
rsted on west Fifth street; nmniag tnm St. 
Peter te Market sMafc 

XjO* Shabert rrisltad »a j >l at s ni » HI.. 

ffliiiiuth'TSiuSiiBi 'UTiB^ifit' 

The Grand Opetm BMae. Wausau. 
Wis., has a new aidMMM SBRaln. it was 

flr«t nsed at the prudSCttaa oC Conyer'a Our 
New Minister. 

Work is beln? rushed on the I..y- 
cenm Theatre at Elmira. N. T., In hnpe of 
hsTinjr It ready for occupancy tbe latter part 
of tbia month. 

C. T, Walker, fonnerly manager of 
*?wd'^°° Thaatta^W— as» VBu has 

F. J. w: 

Chaa. B. Whitney has been ap- 
potated adetrtMag agent fbr the Majestic Thea- 
tre and the Park Oliera fTooiM* at Eh-le, Pa. 
Both honsea are on the Rels Circuit. 

There is a movement on foot In 
Bristol. Tenn.. to hnlld an opera house. Knox- 
eille and Cbattanmva capitalists are nnder- 
stood to be backing tbe enterprise. 

W. g. Butterfleld. manaw of the 
BUon Theah*. Battle Cleek. MIA., report* 
that his boose has pIa.Ted to splendid hnstneaa 
atnce tbe opening tbe Orst of last mootb. 

The Unique Theatre at St. Jo.qeTih. 
Jio^inay be opened as a ten-cent Tanderllle 

The Star Theatre at Ft. Wayne, Ind., 
haa daaad for s period of two weeks. 

. Manager E. H. Johnson and R. Nich- 
oJa of Electrle Theatre, Waterloo, la., ran be 
depended ^ npOT when It oomes to getting up 
derer adTCTthdag sehanea. Tbey bare Jnst 
meteM a^b^amw^g^^b wffl he pl^ 

Alma Loralne. Beulah Phillips, Bes- 
sie Carney and Helena Patrick, four merry 
malda of the Itslah of Bhnng Co.. recently 
mated a sensation at Kewanee. III., by h>ard- 
laga awltcb engine and rnnnlng it sevcrsl 
MB*«d yarda. Miss Patrick reversed the 
rnrottle and came nearly capping the dtmaz 
by derailing the Iran bocaa. 

Owing to other bookings Tte Bui 
and The Rlrl conid not make Alh«Hh% Ibea- 
tre. Baltimore, week of Sept. 28^ Tbe SM 
and Tbe Bandit was mn In and <U maaa 
ne*s. In Tbe Girl and The Bandit IbSi 
are Mabel nite. Vlnla cmettiw Jhnab M 
Campbell Donald. Slarion WIMr, Oaaege iTiic' 
Faelane and Henry Coote. 

Among other fine qualities of the 

Bays' Down Tbe Pike Co. this season is the 
excellent «sge management. For thst we sre 
to praise B. R. Minnia, who was promoted to 
tbe posltton from thst of carpenter which be 
held last aeaaon. Tbe Drtaaotloa aiM a wwII 
deaerred one. •.w»i« 


Anne Hamilton opened ber season 
Sept 21. at North East. Fa.. In ner Fs;M 
Sin. appearing aa Carmen.- the street slnfrr. 
From s dramatic as srcU as a scenic aiaii i. 
iH,int the sssdaatiaa baa befai greatly impror,.^ 
uiwu. aad ■sas— a sB aloag the ttiute aie 
asking CSk CMan datia ne SBOportlng com- 
pany haa baaa adceiad with apccial care. Tbe 
OHBpaag la aaflar. the dbectioa ot A. J. Mae- 
Aroy, aad tbe adeaBca la hehig eared for bx 
Harry Nye. aasisted by ZUIah AUen-Kye. The 
rosier ot tbe company la as toUuwa: MaeArt^ 
& Fonda, praprletorv; A. J. MacATay, maa* 
ager: Harry Nye. busineaa manager; ailah A. 
Nye, preas agent; Anne Hamtltoci, George Kea- 
oeth. Richard Terry. Leon B. Bobertaaa. Kcd 
RiKley. T. I.. HorilaiB. Charica Lewbk BWt 
wegiwr. Haiilill^jaaaj|^.BagM8asJfc 


FollowliW'is tta roster of APoorBa- 

lathm Co.: K'B. M e yata . nnaaser: CUB W*. 
detxki. boslneaa manager: F. W. Warrea, prap. 
ertles: T. C. McDonungb, stage director: Janxa 
Londtm. musical director; Lee J. Kellam, Fred- 
erick Wyatt, Bdwald Wales, Kmtbertae ~ 
nelene Ascot. " **" 

The Sanl tit Tarsna closed at Kirks- 
ellle. Ha.. Stpt S. to Matgaslstk r. R. 
fMd^b^lniBauihB^^ to 

accMfy aad SaSSnl ee'eeta are magBManL 
air. Bam, tbe aathor. thooght tbe g»» s tt caat 
waa toaJtaBate. hence tbe daabw. n> 
paay apesB at Carrolton. Mu., acttb a _ 
company. We ate booked for torty weeka. 

Agathe Barsescu, the well-known 
Vlpnna tragedicDDe, la to pisy In tjiguai 
onder the management of Edwin G. Lawrence. 

The complete cast of The Embassy 
Ball, In which Lawrence P'Oraay la to atar, 
is as folluwa: Charlotte Walker. Marion Bar- 
ney, Ida Darling, Mary Tnnlaon. A. D. RuIU- 
day, Barry Harwood. W. £. Hltcbeaek. Stan- 
ley Dark, Barold Heaton. E. W. Morrison, B. 
Carrington and Edgar McGregor. 

Owing to a destructive blowdown 
the Patrecla Wright Co. dosed its tenting 
aeaaon and opened in the opera bouse at Malt- 
land. Mo., week of Sept. 38. Tbe roater la 
as follows: Elba E. Wrigbt. msnager; Ralelgb 
Wilson, advance; H. B. Atkinson. Mark Ling- 
bam, Stewart and Malcolm. WUma Atklnaoa. 
Cora Hoffcr aad Brelya Lambert. 

Frederick rK>rralne will head tbe 
Barry Tracy, the Outlaw Co.. wblcb Jack Ans- 
let is organizing to play the aootlwra states 
aa soon aa tbe aaanaUac la Ufied. Chaa, 
Weatlabe wm at lasd a — tit t d ag. mt^ 
Saw. 1. aa«»aar 

D. A. Hellman, of the Via Stodi 

Oo.« writes: "Tlila la my fbBrth week ahead 
of tUa cmnpany^aad ao far we bare bnikca 

opera baaw at WIbAmIK wbetc 
played iCfCMIy. aaja It la tbe sIbi 

tolre company lie tias erer played. 

The German Theatre Co. of Cincin- 
nati, which opened Its aeaaon at tbe Grand 
Opera Hooae Somiay evening. Oct. 8. bas t>eca 
engaged by tbe German Society of BvaosTUle. 
Ind. to glee tliree perfomisnce* In thst clQ 
this winter, one to be given In Novemlier, one 
In Jsnnary and the third in March. 

Zaza was put on last week by the 

Spoooer stock Co. at the Bljoa Theatre. Br,.oli- 
lyn, nith Edna &Iay Spoaner In tbe leaillng 
mle. Aagoatua PblUipa apfteared in the lead* 

tng male role, and lUai Ollre OtvTC had the 
comedy part. 

Al. Martin's U. T. C Co. has dia- 
peaspd witb the parade, aad la tralarlag tb*' 
i>Ig band In dally toat e ils «a tbe strsets. It is 
repoMed tbat the band drawn the larfCf 


Uncle Si Htisklns, under tbe man- 
ageawat ot C. 8. Prlmroae, opeaa Its tblid 
i ta si B Bear Ghlcago. Not. 1. Mr. frlamae 
writes tbat be will carry eigliteeo people a 
band and orcbeatra, and all new spedal 

Fletcher Smith has Just closed a 

twenty weeks* engagement as general arent of 
(lirden's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.. and s]gne4 as 
lin.'lneRS manager for tbe esatem Wnmsn 
Ambwt Woman Co., opcalag at Caibaadale. 
Pa.. Oct. 0. 

Jane J. Kennark opened her season 
recently at Ashnry Park. N. J., as Roma la 
Tbe eternal City, Wnilam E. Bonney playea 
Psrld Busal and Emnaett C King the Bana 


Harry Mayo Is managing Rowlaad A 
ninonra Buteia Dora Thome Co. Bany wiile 
■nd laiassid A Mine Inning Flnlah. wMfe ap- 
peared la TaaderUIe last seaaoo. 

The Shaw & Gallagher western New 

York Players Co. played tlie Sheldon MemiTial 
Theatre. Bed Wing, tUmm., recently te aplea- 
did ' ' 

Juliette DeOrisBoan and Edward 
Treror doaed with the Her Wedding Day Co. 
Sept. 23. 

It is reported that the Adalr-Grow 
Stock Co. closed reiy aaddcnly at Olcsn, N. X.. 

Sept. 16. 

Ben. Hahn Is prepailBg to pat out 

vnto KnoK haa 
.crtnSaS 'lNr.'hMa i 

deddad ta 

The Madcap Prineeas is to be put 
on tbe road shortly by the Baiplii Amose- 
ment Co.. recently hMnr|MtBt»d by William J- 
nnkrr and Frrderirk Bearingtoa, of Boehcater. 
and Alonio B. Bradley at Hew Terk. 

James Redfem MBaon. mvalcal edi- 
tor ot tbe Post-Rxpresa a( ■aAtsOT; 
will lecture on Music of 
tbe (3ook Opera Hooae. 

Ed. C. Hays 
Sun Minstrels are 

OCTOBEK 14, 1905. 

Xlie Billboar<) 





23 Oxendon 

L»ondon Rialfo 

C. C. Bartram. 

Tel. Garrard. 

TcIfT. Hr.:ttlicr. 

v_ I 



■ SN'T It marvelous bow the man- 

I \e<t« of the theatt«« and WMk 
I UMMkm alunc toectberf Juat Ilk* one 
M (tmlly — Bsbtlnk all ttae time. Wr 
IbMRkt «» kad aeen tbe end of the -Skelcb" 
ronirormy. Bat. aol Tbr Oas e( trnc* baa 


)eeii lulllfd - . „ ^ 

ror metrad baMBIllca. and witk laa r iaa fi 
As In IMH. the Palaw baa bKn 

pMkfd oDt br <k* Theatrlral Uanaem' Ano- 

tixlon for tb* opcnliw of tke — 

jgcr Alfrrd Bott h«» taaalTC 
Ue Tbntrical Managers' 

tkat If Geo. R. Slma* BeTlrir, whtefa la 
t( tr pndaced on tbe 2Stb of September, In- 
frinen tbe Art of nuUamfDt a "Mag' 
play." tbey will pot Ik* kHMr IM» th» tmatm 
of their aullcltor. Tke Act of rtullMBcnt n- 
Kned to la an old law'^hlrb was paasrd 
lg tke days wben miiale balls bad^ot attained 
to tbe dlddlT of T—d wlll*. Tl^ worm- 
ratrn IsW Is draSStd Mk tk W' S iUj. 

for nblcb It was nrrcr lalndfd. Tkm la no 
doabt la anxbody'a mind tbat wbat are known 
ta Eaclaad aa "Sketcbea" or one-act playa (be 
It cooedr. apeetacalar, ar dnunatle) ara Utecal 
la the Basle "^Jjj^^^^^ wfcfcfc acMi aaly 
tbroagb baTMK ~ 
lUh ICElalatata 

tested tkat a law ' ke ' pawd aad aabatttated 

tor tbis old act, which woald limit tbe mnalc 
kail sketcb to tblrty mlDntea and Ore char- 
Tbia was agiccd t» hr some of the 

*s as esni p ta m l s e . sad kas* satkRvd aader 

tbe banner of "Free Trade In Tbeotrleala.** 
cUlmIji£ It as the rlfibt of any manager to 
(ndacr wbaterer atrle ot prrtknuace on bis 

asm ia tkii aoat BataMllr. nrtr. rtcfat. 
ron prodnce stsge plsjs In' tbe mosle ballx. 
and we must be allowed to permit smoking In 
And so. tbe vwsHoa stands. 

sC tka 

are trying to present tbe mnsle ball managers 
from prododng a atyle of performance for 
whleb tbeie ia a decided deaund la tbe balla. 

km Ik w «MB« IB tbe 

time tbe theatre manageis tkemaelres 
"sketches." "reyleirs" and similar 
as "doable" and ~tt»ble" bills. 
• "le Hf " «M too MaK for 
a wkole ctcalasa ertwta lawnit. People cron- 
weary of it. Tbetefore, not bSTlnx the nec- 
easarj racllltles Tor Blllns np the bUI with 
other lUms, tbe theatres diaeardad tbe seetaw. 

ate, a bad In na m eufc 


Htas Lottie Venne, who plays the 
leadbic part In tbe comlns Palace Rerlevr. was 
In a short review done st the Coart Theatre 
In 18B3. named Under Tbe Clock. Tbe tanious 
Bappy Land at the same bonse twenty rears 
befoic was praetlrsU; a rerlew, and formed 
paif of a "mixed" bUl. Veatrio. ■Izty.aesen 
ycaia kack. did a reelew railed Tke Drama's 
I«*ee. ae a Peep at Tbe Past, at tbe Lreenm; 
bnt tbe flnt pleee of tbe elaaa was Sm-cess. or 
A Hit If Too Like It. at tbe Adelpbl In 1X25. 
Two deeadca later at tbe Haymarket. Planebe 
M Sknttaer mmed the Drama at Hume, 
■kCKlu aorh famooa people aa Charles Math- 
ena. rrlellla Ilortea {afterwards Mrs. Oer- 
msn Reed) and tb* gtvat Ura. Olorer ap- 
peared. Tb* amiapol7 of tbe "lesltlmatr" 
r tka lance bonacs and tbe teatrlc- 
tk» "minor" theatres bad been 
a short time prerlonsly, and "free 
la aranaement was established. In 

Tka Oaldre Fleece of 
I tr aiVNAmasee of Antl«oMv 

kataaa playing aad tbe still 

llThig Ulsa Rprnalds, In ISM; Bnrkstone's 
AFcent of Monnt Pamassns. and Webster at 
Home l a Adelpbl Fare of Three Beamsea and a 
"*■■(*( wm an t erlew ei a. Shm Mr. nUp 
Vaik piiaiBMd a Terr amUttoaa tveW at 
tka Tlmlt only a few rears since and without 
^Iwllfiente. So what reason then, other than 
Jraioasj of the kDcceM of tbe kalla can be 
rut forward hr Ow ttMtta aaaaBV Sir Ibli 
renewed acttoDT DUfM tt H. 100. tkst tbe 
TUeatnral Manaicm' AsiaelatloB — ^laricely eom- 
IM>Wd of the lessees of prorlnclal playhouses. 
*ho bare nndoDbtcdIr I»U veiy aerctrlr tke 
«<nitietitioB aC ibe MMie MMb— Md an mt- 
i>o««d to Uke a d» a ta » a( tbe sMet letter oT 
the law In order to depriee Ibe pnirlnrial halls 
of one of their moae Important classes of st- 
tractions, and therefore. Is tbia acUoa are alm- 

ins at the ptoTtaecs ewr Loadaa's kbooldtr. 
Kor ara the tbtatikal aaaaim all aa tke 

"What can It hurt Mr. Tree If music halls do 
a three hour's drama? Can tln\v dt» It as well 

as be can! If they caa be must give way— hat 

It thv aaa «• ft 
at iMy*s ar iba Oaletr. thir 


beat as— but 

"On tbe otki 
all around. If 
at Her UaJeit7%*.IK 
bava uMin; la tki 

bare tt. It wl 

It amt be free trade 
to hare smoklnir 
It. It I want to 
t DBtra,- Itt ma 
a baabropt. tbat Is 

certain, but let me do It. If I want to. I 
might like to be able to allotv smoking In cer. 
Uln parts ot the Calety. which draws a dlf- 

"Bat an tbia aaikbUng aa to wbeiker six or 

the law5 of supply and demand. Ttieieforc. 
a ten per cent. Increase In the anpply muat 
caube a proportionate decrease la tk^ 
reanltlng in a reduction of prices; 
artist Justly srsvea. tbe fltfoeea 'aiw eren 
greater. A sketch scldoB rms ten - thsn 
twenty-flre minutes, which mesns tbe time 
>>f at leoRt two turns is oecnpled. thus reduc- 
ing the demand twenty Instead of ten iter 
cent. Further, a sketcb* to work oat even the 
thinaast plot, most hare the MB. .,tlMa : toe 
which It waa written, and this can ' not be 
much under halt an hnur. This means. In 
the two-bousi a a -BlSkt system, tliat each mnsic 

iiall iDtn pNfMr. BMUt let thnragh tbclr acta 

so tbat a tamr 
utes moat do tbek aat' la ;.lfa 


Bow dUBcnlt It Is for a performer to "mske 
sood" Id tba abort time alknrcd to tbe arer- 
ise tn» la.'tha ;iiwamBt;';ij— is is wen 

knows to neat Ameiteaa acta tbat base played 
In England. And when all tbIs Is conaldereil. 
together with tbe fact tbat the sketcb people 
ire all drawn from tbe theatres, or ootslde the 
uinal Wljplf at Kill tUtab lt l».aatvti> 
wondered at tbat tbe BMMt ban aitMi^ . aa a 


The theatrical managers say tbat If we In- 
fringe tbe Act of Parliament they will pcose- 
eute ua for prodoelng a atage play. I co^ 
tend tbat It is not s stsge play: there la aa 
connected plot thvoosh It. and. atthoQSk- aa- 

the first few algbiB ll.'aMr''raB ai((ir;'.tba -tlma' '. 
HucKeated. It hks been my determlnatlaa: Isi^' 

get It down to the limit reconimeuded. 

"It would be exceedingly unfair and a ' 
atrfctloo of trade If tbe theatrical manageea': 
are c»faw to peosecnle the Palace arhlbt ther '. 
allow mneb more elaborate ptudnetlons to go 

on elaewliere. We do not want to do any- 
thing which can be regarded as unfair to 

tba tbeatte maoasets. We are merely trjlng . 
toi sita. 'ttexvabUai'-a;.-. 

The premiere of Dick Hope with ' 

which Mr. and Mrs. Kendall opened tbeir Loo- 
don treason, took place on Saturday laat at 
the St. James'. Dick Hope Is essentially a 
triumph for tke actor tkoosk kardly a tilnmpk 
for tbe playsrrlgbt. Barelr kaa Mr. Kendall 
had so good an opportaalt7 aa ke kaa ia the 
character of tbe hero. and. althoasb Mrs. Ken- 
dall found In tbe heralae no special accaahm 
|(ar:.:tha.aa*rclse of her sapteme artistic glfta, 
^-'tnidVta full such ebancea aa were pat la 
her way. On Dick Hope, tbe giod- te mp e r ed 
drunkard, tbe man who bad most of the sir* 
tnes of msnUness escept tbe power of self-> 
control, snd on Msijorte LysU. the seatla^ 
kindly, warm-bearted woman, who was apt to 
and beiaelt In tke 
owing to aa iunal 
on these two ckaraetera tke. wkele kordee at 
tbe play rested. Without them It woold, la- 
deed, have been poor stuff. But the reoalt 
waa an ondoaktcd aacccaa. for. whalesec nay 
hare been tka-'doMMielca of tke aloqr^V' 
who Interpreted to aa Its ptbelpal' 'e 
brought to their task so flne a senne of dram- 
atic effect and Buch Interesting IndlTtdnallty 

that we forgot esetythlns else la tbe 
of tbe-actM-:)Atl 
enttwwiastle. and at 'the fiiil oe the daal car- 
tain' tbeie was no question tbst certsln hnman 

and emotional elements In the play bad toocbcd 
the Imagination of the audience, and made a 
masterful appeal to tbelr sympatbles. 


The arrangements for a permanent 

French .theatre In London prorlde for a noTd. 
scheme, which wtU he completed dodaa tka 
next few weeks. 

Tbe playhouae favored for this Theatre Fran- 
ca la in London la tbe Royalty, which poo- 
cesses many sdesntsges for such an expetl- 
raent. It la In tbe heart of tbe Preneb qtaar- 
ter. ,It la well known to all Continental rhd- 
tors to the capllal. aad It la, la atae, Jaat the 
bijon tbeatro tkat' the ..aoalaaa. 'n«ilHa'.ak.';ito.' 
Inltisl stage. 

If the negotiations are satisfactorily car- 
ried on^ klme. Bejana will atar with a ala 
weelcR* or a two montba* aeaaott la tbe eom- 
ing . wtntee. 

only five characters shall be allowed In a music 
baU sketch, aad If It sbsU be only tw«nty-A«a 
riilaama oa aalr a issilss aC aa hsor I saa 
aU IMi la fblMkh." 

That there ta a bealtby demand for the 
"sketch" Is proren by tbe fact tbat cme now 
srldoto atea a bni wbleb doea aot aanonnce one 

Wbea sack wrlttea aa Mma. 

robs torn tbelr attention to tbe "ballh' 
must be "something doing." for tbcaa 
are not In tbe baalaesa for sloiy. 

la <ae wee* lb 
Hist time were The Hew 

VUlon. Wbat Railings Did. 
Retribution, and Sal Hawklafl^ 
would probably not be more than 
each week during tbe "sesson." 

Considering tbe demsnd for 
JfClKan writers sboold be rarefal to eopy- 
llgbt tbelr works In England, and "clinch" 
tbst copyright by a "stage-right ptodaeHoa." 
for I bare only lecenlljr 
sketcbes on tbe meal -kalir* 

d ha Mat. . 


There Is still another aspect ot the 
pioUoa. aad tbat ftoa tba .yotot of 
etoir of tba naale ball pnlnaer. ' rlrat and 

foremost tbe sketch llgnies aa a eompetltor 
in his particular market. At an aeeiace of 
one sketch to each music ball programme, tbe 
number of aratlable turns Is Ineteawd ten per 
rent. And nowadays there aie few pcrform- 
crn «bo are aot tberwubly aefoatotad 

body, are rather on tbe side of the Ttapstrlcsl 
Manaeers' AasaclattoB In thla oontroTersy than 
on the side of the maste ban 

Of.eoniMi'.llin* to an 

the skctehca. a* well ~'" 
has watched tbe progress of tbe TaodCTllIe 
theatre In America, since It was first devel- 
oped from the older rarlcty, wtU know tkat 
t«»JMa««JV . tkaaMaal 

patronage away from the tbeaties. Whether, 
howerer. the sketcbea bare or bare not In- 
cieaaed ttae patronage ot tbe TandeTlUe tkea- 
la piopoctlDa aa thcr base l acreased the 
ot tnraa and tke time oeeapled: to 
other words, whether they hsTO created their 
own audiences. Is a question not ao easy to 
solre. But whether or no, the sketcbes bare 
Improred tbe rartety bnslnesa for rarlety per- 
formers, Btni the latter look upon tbe former 
aa unwelcome Intruders, and UaaM tke maa- 
agers for engsglng them almplr -bocaaaa "UMJ 
are cheap and fllllng." 

In aU probability the first case tbat wm 
be heard in tbe Courts . as .a result ot this 
newly laaugnrated crass de of the Tbeatrlcal 
ManagMC AHoeUUoa will be btaM si 8ept. 
30, on wkleb dato tbe 
ton Bmpif* bale .boai 
ing tbe petCaoaaaaa/aC a 

Usnager Batt. of the Valaee. aaya ol the 
warning at T. II. A.: "I am trying to 
do emTtblos la av power to keep mj Bemea 
witkto the Ibaltt upon which tbe theatrical 

Twaaj Broutfi MISS 
seiiallde' cootae to accepting tbe veidUt 'et tba 

public, and, of course, tbat otfeied by tbe box- 
once r^^ms, on An Angel Unawares lo de- 
ciding to withdraw tba plcec at the sad of this 
week,- . 

AdTant^ga baa bcca ' tabea at' tbe coBCbi> 

Blon ot the run of An Angel ITnaararea hy 
Mr. Weedon Groasmltb to secure Teny'a tor 
tbe transfltt eace o f The DaSer fnna tbe Oeacdr 

due oii 'WedoasdaF' iwat to apca to On Tbe 

Quiet. • 


There is a question of a short sea- 
son of Anstrlan light comic opera to London 
by a company ftom Vienna next aummer. A 
local Joutnallst says tbat the promoteia leem 
to hare been Inqdiad.'br tba tact tbat King 
Edsratd during bla recent stay at Uarlsnhad, 
always attended the theatre when aa Aoa. 
trtaa comic opera waa performed, and blB.a». 


'.It is announced ttiat Mr. James 
Welch, the popolar. eoaedlaa, baa acvlced a 

nest year, when be proposes to prodoee a a^. 
Hca oC new playa. 

The lilfe of a Showman, produced 
at the Datoton Theatre this week. Is a play 
it .lMd. Haea. combining Tcty rler- 
«t drama and rartrty. The 
aiMhcM ':aiw-.JHaBa. Cbas. DaneO ai 


The plaFhonse In ShafteSbn^. 
nne In which Ur. Seymoar IIMa sai 
Frobman are Interested Is. after all. to ha 
called Tbe Hicks, a title sugcestlre ol dUB- 
caltlia with the avitate aaoog tbe ' ■ 

. ' At ' tM "odndhnlan , of the run of 
mm **lit at Hii MalealjrX Mr. TtT-*™ 
pnidoea a great spectscolsr plsy, eotltlcdMn^ 
wklek to turn will be followed by taa et Mt 
with Mia Viola Ttce to the tlila ids. 


Xtie Billboard oeroMi h isos. 

in his wioJuw at tlie St. Francis 
and tallied about bU wit. Bat 
ef cDonie tliat wa^ not Uie llnit 
I tblng we taliird about. In tlie 

spell of Mr. Lackaye'^ snperior intellieence 
evra tbc dramatic critics ac\4ulres tacc 1 
wondered casiiallj If the actor, trained to clerer 
talk b7 dCTcr aatbors, is not tiie onlr cns- 
todiaa of tlie art of conTeniation, now tliat 
oor dtODrr (oUu bare fallen to dropping tlieir 
flnal g'm ajjd adopting tlie phrases ' of the 
. V-'tarf and the rSng. The cxnestioa was casaal. 
.' JCC direct, and Mr. Lackage answered with a 
,. inapt "Xn." As well as one of tlie wlt- 
".V", Mstfc r a > ■ the attmlsMcM talkar I know. 
rt<to'-:|iMi*iMtlM«ladeA' BoacBt he aw- liaTe 
k.<AMMn!*'<MBaMt;-:M.iiei<r.aar; aae'tfac^''' He 

{ '<S\-^SSKS£Siil£^ the 
'■'•\WKf^ 'MV* ttsfc:- B B Waay - jpt%t t t fff •* wliit" 'you 
' Tpieaaia ta call the ait of . c o m t iaa tlon. 

'iVhe actor Uvea ia •plsram — b«cmiia« be works 

,: tt It. When a cood anther writes a good 
play he indnleea in an the Tlrtuca of omis- 
■fam;. he >Tvlda the tilte ana comiMa-pIace, 
oc else be Dtteis tbcm In newtonB. He, pre- 
sents clerer persons hot as cleTer persons oiiial- 
ly'are. hot as they ooRht to ' be. 

"Yob ma7 remember." he went on. "when 
one of yoor local dramatists, 'WilUam Greer 
Harrison, retumins from New York told bow 
stupid was the oonreraation of the aatliors be 
had met there. Mr. Hantaan was sincere and 
tmtbfol. bat he eecdaakcd « potnt: when the 
pmetleal author , has a sand ' tUnr to sar 
ttTca It to sen.'* 

"And the actorr* I asked. 
Be smiled In Ills cnried mnstache. "Ob. the 
aajS It;- and then tells his prpfis acent, 
iWBitt hlttady narrated." He smiled 
' ' - him. for 

V^Jj Mfiui. ■•."•MM .his etsaiettc, he dedaicd 

■'''^ t'-A!P« P»^-JH»:'iPI«llJ|t ■.'fcpsg: fcw , people that 

yiw* 'mmt-vm ^wIIVhbm 'tte eooTerae is 
tnie. too. And dont yao -kBDir ' Ifa a fact 
) that people who talk In fnlnm^^ balance 

thair artitracca trtgbttn hair .'the.- ■ a s pi c tisat 
CO to dinners and bao tke-' initl?;.'' 

I nodded assent aad:Xtii0 , t* i liik like 

■ man of tlie world. 

"And," he came In stro ng ly , •that's where 
the actor is dllferent. Caring nothing tor fad 
or form, be win take a chance at aaylne 
■omething cleTer. eTen at the risk of partins 
the party in the middle. Whereas the arer- 
age 'fat and ereasy dtlien' says: 'I want to 
eat my dinner quietly. I don't want to be 
all the while on a mental Jump.' " 

"1 should imagine." said 1. "that what com- 
monly is called the brlUIant dinner exists 

from Tonr point of view — only on the stncf — ?" 

"Well." Ljickaye compromised, "we can't be 
funny to order. Tliat reminds me of a story 
an Beck, one of the mawwen at the Onbnim 
▼ndCTflle Circuit. ZlttnT ap^DM taldm 
* an engagement. 

you dor said Beck. 

said the applicant 

.. . langh.' said Beck. 

M -jT- — ^■'I'loa proposition what iMa arc 
fej«K:iPa^ee lahghter oth«- 
jJVJte-^lhekaye commented, 
■^■t amoBi^ the ma e l ee a actass 

tor the phrase.' iam't tkvT* I 

"Tea, most actors like tt." k* aMrnvd 

, phraae-maktns becomes a haMt: tCt almoRt 
snbconsdoos. But I^re shasssoC* ■ thnt moat 
people who are aeeoxi >-«C ..WKfeal Mnianry 
hare Rood memories a''ci(tab tMUtr In 
renorathiB old irsBs." — 
■ "And after HI." I mid. "does It pay to be 
a gratnitrns wit?— to spear 'em with a Jest?" 

•Epigrams nere r ate pqpnlai- with the fel- 
SZL"^™y fj!g^:< ^ *^ H» panaed 
■ftar that •pIpHK.-.liivHbB aaotbar qnes- 

-kI^'' ^ "I^<*«5-«'." 1 ««ia. "I'm 

. ' SSSIHSL ' becanse 1 share the popnlur 

, • anperantlon that pmclalms yon a wit Yon 
- are a witty man. Yon can't assume that yon 

axe not a \rltty man." 

C- _'.T^^ ^'V^ '■^"'^ >>» tepH'O 

>• wltbont pain— slmpLr — erer so honestly; "bnt 

; ■ I have a wider repntatinn as a nasty man. 

■ It all comes of teillos the truth as j-oo see 

It— or as yon ssy It. .V fellow came 

.. one night in the Lambs, and told me that I 

' was learing a trsln of enemies behind mi> 

;■ •Wby don't yon Jolly themr he said. I said 

C. that I aKRomed that fellows In a clnb llhp 

:■ the Lambs' know that things are said not with 

: Uttatncsa. hnt atmply for the laneh. -in 

Caet;* I said, "yon Mess eTerybody and I damn 

ete M t wdr . and aettber-of im la on the lereL' 

. ."Tbe aaan I was tandaK to is . the dab's 

.^r rhsiiipiiai Jollier and tU as n. 1 went ao far 

as to write an epitaph on bbn." 

"Out with it!" 

Mr. I.ackaTe twisted a new kink in his 
^ mustache while be retreated Into his mem- 
^, oiy. In a few seoonda he redted slowly: 

Stop, stranger, here and dnp a tear 
That Im, It yon can find one. 
He neyer said a and thing 

— 4u r — 

lament If their ilgnatnrei were annexed to 
that. But to go on with Wilton Lackayc'a 

prose — 

He iangbed like a boy. He liked it as well 
ss 1 did. "Isn't that." he Uaghed. "laa't that 
a good epitaph Sor a Osd M>«« jtmu ciiapl 

"Jimulc Bdtl. the pdssMuar. saw a few of 
them In that p h MM ia i rh Ihe Examiner' pub- 
ilabcd of his hasaaait hy BatUmg Xel^son. 
In that ptotggfapli- the Brltts detected a lot 
ol aod4iltns-yoa-]lBniIe fellows lauguing at 
JImade's defeat. I abonldn't like to have my 
langb In that picture and then meet a Biln 
on a dimly lighted street." 

"Wliy la the pickle so poignant 
rare. Wilton 1" said I. " 

"The pickle!" . . ■ 

"WeU. caU it 

Hp took add. 

••Wbat I say Is merely observation pins 
misclf. I don't feel acidulous. These tricks 
of life are funny to me. I barcn't a txagic 
liver. 1 look on life as a AaaajNfir* ^paA-.l 
suppose I'm a cynic." -' 
"Wliat's a cynic?" said I. 
■"A cynic," said be, measuring bis words, 
making the phrase perfect. "1 think a cynic 
Is a mua that is clever cnoogb to sec tbines 
as thcr are and ass enon^ to aay aa."- 

A new cIgaretU pot a pttM 'tpnttat; v^^Chen 
he coDtiuaed; 

"Personally I've never met a man who Is a 
cynic In expretision who is not kindly in 
fact. Sjdney Grundy, who Is a eyulc, de- 
trndrd himself In bis play of The Silver Shield. 
1 Kave you the line twelve years ago: let me 
give it to you again: 'A cynic is a poor fool 
who, pott^itoto- w«s*4tha,hatakaaaa' that wise 
•■^--|.l|!(|ilS;*a*|*iiJ.wdi|Bto.; deeds the 

Lackaye';^aBM« -'ai«r '.'ttat hit of Grnndy. 
"isn't It- a'.perteet'.'S suttauT ap a rt from the 
thnnclit Kpsn'f IT the . woodcrfU halaneey 
And we claan torvot ahop. and went sUpplns 
along frmi anthor to author, from wlf to 
wit; and ftniaUy to oe^rapapers. 

There yon . haw IVllton. Lackaye's microbe 
He is the best newspaper _readet I taiOir. He 
reads a paper from .editorial.^ tO'''ads. He 
Imows the beat auction .of. ^the .A^r.-'and tbe 
hour at which. It .wlll'-opeii.-'.-< He! baft^ paifcet- 
tul ot cuppings tbat ' range; 'tromfAMcMI to 
comic opera. , " :;. *.*. -Ln '^a.'''"- 

1 . atked him^ wby^*. : , 

^'Weli." fae 'saia with'-%ifr bands up. 

In my walk can't hope to get much comfort 
out of the merchant or-the purk packer or the 
roaring attorney. I <i^lgbt t>e more polite and 
say that those and 1 do not keep the same 
bonrs. The hours of the newspaper man are 
almost like mine. We play while ottiera sleep. 
We both deal in worda. I read newspapeta be- 

- " In 


"Define tbe good one," I demanded. 

"Knowledge pins sympathy," be aaabed. 

"And minus cynicism?" I aaggested. 

"Not at ail necessary. Cynldsm does not 
ezelade sympathy." And ha waa qnlto ae- 
tiaoa ahont It. 

I MM tfeht kt kat yet to Mae the sond 

He brooded ten aeeonds. then slowly die- 

"Talent, technique, and an Ideal." 

"Hmt akoat tte rise of the hradr* 
"Ofc I Mat " " 


Splclt NIcht Mlt Dem Feoer (Don't Ploy with 
Fire), a tbtee-act farce by (5. von PuUiz. wa.s 
put on at the Irving naee Theatre, New York 
City. Vanday eeealag; Oct. S. The cast: 

HdnHek Wiafkicd.......H« 

•4«»«««V«**'«'^ .Otto Oitbert 

Berr "WMm Max Hanaeler 

Xetteben .......... .Elizabeth Ariaana 

Mincben ....Sophie Grosser 

.\llce TOO Walden.-..Hcdwfg von Ostermann 
Pappel Willy Frcy 

The lively farce served to introduce Sopble 
Gnisser as tbe new Ingenue to the clientele of 
Ihe Inrlng Palace. She was accorder a mus- 
ing welcome. Hermann Hadolph was another 
liew player to Ihe German audiences. He was 
receised v,wtlll. math torn to the sate of Bela- 


»lr wwk^ Aad lUb* a 
;;DdjMjy7 -add I. ^. 

should hare a pabcyw ast a paHcr 
catering to' a^y apertal- dato^ bat 
npliolds fine Ideals and stands tor 

wlthoot fear or tomr. And all the 
have noticed that as soon as a iwsc 
overabundance of high class it doCM't 
enough reporters to dig and write the 

I believe In printing all the legitimate 

I dont' believe that any man in tbe conduct 
of ids boslneaa — newupaper or otherwise — ^li^l^ 

do anytblDc In a pntCHtanal capacity which 
ha has to snalattot tor ta Ms pclvate -Ida- 
tioas. That ladiii^ omio.- *^ 


These devcr Impenonaton ct Befaiew 
cimraetcr arc tUa toasoo featnred with V. M. 
Tbels'f Wine. Woman and Sons Co., appeartac 
In the thcalscs. eaatnlbd hy the OdaikUa 
Amnsaaseet OSw Baik have KsasaaiHe parts. 
Sam nawa hrtoc tha .a s to iilpa l eamedlan 
show. JUT, nawa has mm' ifee mtt part 
of tbe haitoa«Ba aad has staatd ttt and 
malntolaB tlW f l w i rt •vttMaa «C tka per- 
formance bsUaa tkp aams Hap. Xhalr apce- 
lalty In the oil* Is alaalni oatoMirfallaa ftom 
tbe audience wh e i ee a t -thv aiMK aad ftib 
work In the b a r l eaqt li ciiiiitoMi Oc b«M 
they bare done in that Use. 


Above appears Jotepb E. Hatfield, of th.- 
FTatfleld & Donnelly Minstrels. Mr. Hataeld 
\'.a^ bad a varied cai'ppr as a Rhowman. Over 
twenty years ago he went out on the road as 
treasurer of the prlvih ire.* of tbe Anjlo-Amer- 

ican Cln:u5 and iU riaf;«.T!e owned by Miles 
Ctrton. lie follo;ve,l tbia work for one sea- 
son, when be was appointed at;ent of the In- 
.slde privileges of IIm? same show. Tlie fol- 
lowing seasoD he Joined the Al. G. Field 
Greater Minstrels as "programer." Soon after 
this he was appointed advertising asent. He 
served in this capacity ttree years when he 
became the ceneral ugent of the company for 
part of one s*aMm. He was also assistant man- 
ager for one season. When he severed bis 
connection with the show. Jan. 23, 1905. be 
was doing the dotles of advertising agent. 
He was In tbe employ of the Field forces 
twenty years and Ave months and In all 
that time never lost a single week tbrongb 
sicknets - or other cause. In addition to 
his theatrical work he baa enodueted a ren- 
acd same an htata at.. Calnsihaa. O. tor ser- 

Ttae annual entertainment and reception of 
Major John W. Burk will be held at Uie lodce 
snd assembly rooms of tbe B. P. O. Elks, 
Firty-nlnth atttet and Eighth arenoe. Colum- 
hoa Ciri li , Mew Taste CHy, Wednesday emung, 
N'oT. 1. Sha aataetoamat to to be nder the 
auspleea aC It* O. A. B. PgaM; Soaa oC Vet- 
erans. Army aad Rasy CBioa. 1l|ianli> War 
Veterans, and their &adln^ AnnlailaiL and 
numerous friends and theatrical people^ Amone 
other features there is to be a big TandertUe 
feaftt under tbe direction of John P. Hogan. 
n^%Mei by J. Norcross. Panl Dresser. Ren 
Rhldds and Fred Ntblo. On the cnmmltte of 
arrnngementa are Tony Pastor. Lloyd W. Bing- 
ham. Gas Hill, Harry Sandenon. CoL A. T. 
Rmwn. Frank UelrlUe. James Curtain, Wto. 
" ~ NT. aad Rd. BnO. Uajsr Bnfe la 
aC the White Batt ot Amiciea. 


Wtn 7. Bni^ tt ChltMgo, annonnceB that fet 
has compIcWA anaagements to bnlld a theatre 
In Loganspart, lad. Work win begin shortly, 
so that tbe new theatre nay open the Urst of 
next aeaaoa. The Chicago manager further an- 
nonncea that aen aeaaga be will control thea- 
tres to taHiTCMi ud Ifande. Be now cob- 
trols Ike JMbnoB n aa ln. tm Oeshen and the 
OUeac aafl AaMtoriBto ttaatoai to Santh Bend. 


.,.^*S!*^. HSti*** *■ ^ PranclBco that 
the Oeatod Xhiatsa mv abortly change Inter- 
ests. FM. MuesMta that such reports 
are tme. It to naOMMaat ttat Ur. Belaseo's 
Arm holds the thsati a aalnr a lease Itom T. 
R. McNeal, who has the Itoalu IcaacA from 
the owner, A. B. UeCrcety. Ito. »itosia"s flee 
yeara' lease expires to a Aatt ttaHL tat 

has,the i«ht ut laaewi ' - - «^ -'^ 


The above Is aa ezeeUent likeness af Cheva- 
lier DeLoris, who has perfected one of the 
jrreatest drawlac acta ever seen wB any stage. 

Mr. Deliorls' act eoosists o( artlatle, and. above 
all, expert ahnetlng. which baa woo for him 
the title of tbe greatest of all marfcamen. Oe- 
I.orls makes his appearance on the stage with 
two assistants, and proceeds to do faoey 
shooting, one of the aasUtsnts holding up min- 
iature Clay balls which are broken between bis 
Angers. The marksman then goes to the bal- 
cony from where he extlngaUbes with light- 
ning rvpidity twelve candles, arranged six la 
a row upon the stage. Again on the stage 
DeLoris passes ballets throogb finger rings 
held between the fingers of an assistant. Shoot- 
ing twenty-five bullseyea in nine seconds, an- 
other of his feata. appeara impossible, but It 
Is made a fact by DeLoris. By that time tbe 
audience Is willing to concede that DeLoris' 
dalm to the title Is correct, hot they are even 
aMre astonMied when be bieaka a ^aas baO 
pitosd on hia head by shoottov the trlgcn at 
• SBB placed oppodte him an tbe atace. A 
woman comes oa lha staas. Me b taWtr 
OiaMbed ty tbe mMamam wfep Maato toe bac- 
tsas or her ganaaBtok- ttc- mWm s from tor 
Umba. and the Jeweto mm' Sir cm 

two pleeca ot aogar, p la c ed ^aa hee head, aft 
broken by two revolrera heU hy DeLoris, one 
In each liand. DeLorto then hito a buIlM-ye 
In tbe centre ot a large American eagle, which 
flaps ita wings, rlnga a goog and canses to 
unfold an Immense American flag, besides pro- 
darlne brilliant electrical effects. Vpoa his sec- 
ond appearance DeLoris plays npoo the Ar- 
mored Piano, of which he Is the lnvent»r. Two 
distinct songs. Yankee Doodle and Coullo' 
Thro' The Bye are distinctly played by the 
marksman, who shoots the discti representlnf; 
the keys. Real bnUets are used, and there 1* 
no fake attempted. 

Sir. DeLoris scored a pronotroced hit at the 
People's Theatre In Cincinnati upon his ap- 
pearance as a special festure daring the ca- 
gasement of the Merry Maidens Co. HU was 
one of the greatest drawing acts erer seen to 

ssahe It appear that Ut. . 
_ aaaa ba to a nedtka to ki 
I eOM iMTtlea. UrTBelaaes ma 


Channlns Pollock's drsmatlisMon of _ 
Nicholson's In The Bishop's Carriage to „ 
Piodoced at Wallack's Tliestre, Oct. 2*. f«- 
lowlng the two weeks' engscement of Joseim 
Jeffcmon. Jr.. la Kip Van winkle. naymond 

HUcbeoefc dnaed at this theatre Oct. 7. and 
Xr. AOeiaa 


Jsmes UcNavin. formerly of Bodiester 
and Stmwater. Ulnn.. bag purchased from 
Uatt Bnsaell the lease on the opera house at 
New Albany, Ind., and will operate tbe same 
tlto aanasa. p to ilm. it la mtdeTstood. the to- 
" — — BIc palranaca to 


Xlie Billboard 


Tb* BUlkMnI waau a 
M*l anir- Mut be 71 _^ 


_ , chy not clnady pnTldad for. Odr ka 
addieu, p«raun«atl7 loeatad. vh« 


Mick k Araod tk* Tiowb Sept. 18; piMMd 
mStt kowr. AL O. field's Mlaatrcls Oct. 
!• jnw Bik WklW 7: lb* OtmatT Cb«l it MB 11. 

CBOT— MMa"* TbMtit (mok P. Full- 
atr. Bsr.) BocMr Bmra 4; McFaddni's Flat* 

UUIJiUS* — Mrrrr'i Opom Boaw (T. P. 
HtdrtMb aV') t-'urman HmImI O— ■<» Cu. 

Uliutiels Itt ^«kH> OlM Co. 



I. — Orphram Thntn <■. B. PIrtie, 

.) Xncktr Stuck Oa. ScpC 
cawraiv Tttj nod. 

— tnS^S? o( P. Open 

mgr.) Tbe Cratorx 

sood business. 


■n Jam «tck 

I Open Pu n t . Tk« Onad lUlan Open 
with MUc. TMnaatal aa atar w««k 3. 

MajMtle Tbeatn (H. W. Blsbop. mxr.) 
Baniey Beroud In Bis Booor, Tbe nijvt wmk 
2; big boatans. Tbelma we«k 9. 

Alcazar Thracrv (li^ D. Price, msr.) Tbe 
Eternal dty wrrk 2. 

Grand Opera House (S. L. Aekerman. mft.) 
Arliooa week 2; good baalDesa. 

Central Theatre (Geo. B.. Darts, mgr.) Tbe 
Us>>t'boase By The Sea week 2; good pro- 
ducUoD and bnsloess. 

Oliromla Theatre (C. P. Hall, mgrj WU- 
Uama' Idfal Extraragasza Co. week 2; big 
boiuea. Sam Devere'a Co. week 9. 

Orpbpom Theatre (John Morriinr. mgr.) 
Praox Ebert. Maad Edna Ball and Carleton 
Mar. Dlion and Holmes. Bat Uerrltt, Sptiok 
Mlnstrtln. Genaro and Bailey, Uarrj Coraun 
Clark & Co.. rrof. AUinel. and otbera week 2; 
capacity buslnem. 
Flaber'a Theatre (Tony Lnbelxki. mgr.) Mr. 
H. and e. B. Joalyn. Jaa. BIngbam, Fuar 
Pelaaha SerlUe. Frans HcU. Sadie 
. Ur. and Urs. J. B. Dowllnc, and 
plctnies week 2: capacity bostneas. 
... M ftm OOaSN. 808 Market St. 
_ AH OWT i W , M aa— Open Booae (H. C. 
S^ti;. <B^.> «he_Mtaa at Sahi week 2. 
WlitM UdMK In Tkc Pit gnd Ttntr scofM 
n jmnw a i lit wwk aT a^C 9. 

Co.. Hawthorne and Bnrt. Mlgnanl Family. 
Loulae Henrjr and Co.. and Spllk w. »k Oct 2. 

Tke Altar 12: Dora Tbome 13; Ike Mommy 
aod Vke aommlngblrd 14. 


WHJCrueTOlI.— The Oarrlrk Theatre (W. L 
Duekatader. mgr.) Week of 2. TUe Cravers, 
Maud l>ratt-Chai«, Fern CoujeOj Foor. Lurls 
Urluini and Minna Adrliuan, nissrrald and 
Roma SlKirrg, rierce and Ilusflyii, WaierMiy 
Brutbers and Tenuy, Coin's Dug rantomlme, 
and the kluetosraph. 

Lyceam Tlipatre (Daniel Bnmplirlei. mgr.) 
A Sun of Rest did big budlneKS Sept. 2il-30. 
Paris By Nli!ht played to rapacity buuaes Oct. 
2-1. Why Girls Leave Borne <S-T; The Oypny 
Clrl D-H: Wedded and farlrd 12-14: Weat and 
Vukes 10-18; Nettle, Tbe Newaglrl 19-21; Tbe 
Eight Bells 23-2S. 

Urand Upera Bonse (Jesse K. .Bajlls, mgr.) 
Tbe Siioair-Man played to a packed uouw Sept. 
Sd. -Simple Simon Simple played tu good bunl- 
28. *Wa7 Doarn East packed tbe bouiie botb 
iniM l IM and nlsbt as asaal 30. Woodland 
plai*d t» fair boalneaa on. 2. The Majentlca 
8: A Hot Old Tloie 10: Hia. Temple'a Xele- 
■nmU: Tke OaMtr Ckairman M. 

OM Ml 

WR , n i w e r 0»n Howe (B. BlaeUs- 
Bcr.) Bampty Doiaply Sept. IS; packed 
Mad saod sbow. Wild Gsoie CkM» Oct. 

Tbeatre (OUecr Mutu oB B . mgr.) 
Aiuiind Tbe World la BIgfaty Days week 8. 

Belaseo Thratre <J. B. Blackwood. ■8'-) 
BIchard Manaflrld'a Prince Karl tr tke Be- 
Iiico Stock Co. week 2. Buslntes cootliioea 
good at this bunse. 

Grand Opera Bonse (Thomas Baker, mgr.) 
A Hamaa Slave week Sept. 25; good bnslnesa 
and performance. 

Orphenm Theatre (Clarence Drown, mgr.) 
Jnllan Rtlnee, Bockner, Holcombe. CnrtIa and 
Webb. JalMn. Palmer and Jolson. Mlaa Rose 
Stabl Co.. and Francis Gerard Completed a 
good bill week 2; bnalnesa good. 

Cbnies Park and Theatre (Henry Koch, mgr.) 
CblaffBrcH Italian Bank week 1. Adrance sale 
broke all records. Easiness conUnnes good In 
erery re«prot. d. W. FEROUSOM. 

8AK BERKA&SIHO.— Opera Bonae (Martha 
L. Klpllnger. mgr.) York State Folks 22: line 
perfonnanee and good huslnesa. Oscar Dane in 
"•Jekyn and Mr. Hyde Oct. 2. 

Broadway Theatre (E. K. Ussenden. mgr.) 
The Soalhna Qnartet. Thrlma DeVeme. UuWey 
•nd Ward, Madeline Rowe, Frank Coolter. U- 
matrated aoaga and morlng plctares week Sept. 
»:_ good h k rii in tad bin. 

nUMO.— Barton Op ra tfoarr (Robt. O. 
BartoB.agr.1 Qbooa Sept. 88: pleased good 
^ g - - .Ti k_t«te FMka Get. I: Tkk Tay- 

nt 8: Tbe CM FNai Bkrs IS: Sweet Qonr 


0REELX7. — Opera House (W. F. Stephens, 

mgr.) Kolb and Dill In I. O. U. Sept. 20: 

good boslness. The Tenderfoot 23; delighted 

jarge a adlenee. Why Women Sin 25; good 
■■■■eWL Tke Forbidden Land SO. 


^ BRIDGEPOBT— Smith's T^eatre <E. C. 
smith, mgr.) The Duke of Kllllcranklc Sept. 

pood bitalneax and performnnc.-, Ninety 
aad Klne 20-57: large and well pleased »ud 

Msrr. .Vary. Qnlte Contrary 28; good 
When tlie World Sleeps 29-10: good 
. Viola Allen In The Talk of tbe Town 

get, a. eh«Tlock Holm » IX^; I>f,nsm ot Woek- 

■8<nrla 5-d: Mldnleht Bell 7. 

*?~» <>»• B. Mitch U. msT.) Barrowsl-ancas- 
I?'-"-* .M8 Co. and Denierre lieadeil an excel- 
S? ■•"week Sept. 25: good tnislness. Week 
S. IWelre Naeajo Girls. Josepblne Gaas- 
I?"* Jlmm.v Barrr. J. K. Mor- 

S5_*"d Ijtne. Castle and Collins. Ed. 

■Pewit t. 

-BB — ^Ttaraon's Tli^atiV Henrietta 

■ aept. SO; delighted large andlence. 

J™« An» Oct 8: lEra Tlanguay 4; Viola Al- 

Rai lAMd Open BiNiae ™ 
^-) llie SteM Wain: gi__ 


n>st Ufir la 

•ock Holmea M. 

Poll's Theam a KOtV, 
Musical iior... aHnte aa«Vlalet'Ailea Oo. 

2y>5*8ihrk4si — 

Ckace and Weston's 

MltUa rr ^,, Or and (B. I., and J. U SeGlee. 

SkOae Sept. 27.38: good 

. ^ 

•St BMsa'TJOvlVsaB^ iea.) ' Tfie Fkaay Mr. 
Dooley week S; saod boslneas and execUeat 


Star Theatre (7. B. Tbompsoa, mgr.) Van. 
derille. borleaqne and other features are draw- 
Ing good bostnesa. 

ROME. — Neeln Opera Hoose (Jss B. Neeln, 
mgr.) Tbe Seminary Qltl Sept. 2T; guod per- 
furmanee and boslneas. Al. O. Field's Mln- 
stre ls Oc t. 2; big bonse and pleased. 

ATHENS. — Opera House (W. H. Lowry, 
mgr.) Ponce De Laon Comedy Co. Sept. 28. 

good company nod business. A Boocb of 
Keys Oct. 2; One performance and gaud iMial- 
ness. •'■..• 


CHIfHaai iHlhWla Tbntre (Wni J. Darls. 
mgr.) wwk it. Mule OaklU la Muonsblne. 

PowmT iMtie (Btltf Powers, mgr.) 
Week 8, Francis WUaon. 

Gland Opera Bonse (Harry AaUa. mgt.) 
Week S. Alice and Tbe BIgbt PrUinaaia. 

Garrlck Theatre (Samnel P. Grtson, mgr.) 
Week 8. Jefrersoo De Angells In Fantana. 

Oilonlal Theatre (Geo. W. Lederer, mgr.) 
Week 8. Fay TempMsa Vgc«^4«* Mlaatca 
Prom Broadway. 

ADdltorlsm. We« A M. H.' OMm Ik Ut- 
tie Johnny Jonea. 

SIndebaker Theatre (R. G. Harmeyer, mgr.) 
Week S. The Filibuster. 

McVlcker's Theatre (Geo. C. Warren, bus. 
mgr.) Week 8. Blanche Walsh In The Woman 
In The Case. 

LnSalle Theatre (R. E- Maefccy. bos. mgr.) 
Week 8. The Yankee Regent. 

Great Korthem Theatre (F. CL' Mwll^-agr.) 
Week 8. Gay New York. 

Bush Temple Theatre (Blinketk Scho^er, 
mgr.) Week 8. Oat of The FUd by tbe stock. 

Cblcap> Open Bonse (Kobl * Oaatle, mgrs.) 
Week 8. The Load of Kod. 

Olymple Tbcatn (A. Yacdia. an. for Kobl 
& Oaatfr.) WcA 8, Fife Taakta Doodle Boys. 
Orltta WorOeB ft Cb.. Etght Bcdoata Anbo. 
Cbas. Leoaaid Fletcher. West * Tba Main. 
Len Freres Dekock. Mitchell aa< Ckla. Ihe 
Oxford Qnartet. Dili aad V - — - 

Lottie Whlteomb. Bice ani 

Brothers. Daisy Lawrence. Clsncy 
and G. K. Spoor's Klnndrome. 

Baymarket Theatre (W. W. Freeaap. mar. 
for Rohl A (^sUe.) Week 0. Nine IMtabM 
Minstrel Mslds. Franceses Redding ft Co.. 
Four Fanst Family, McMahon and Chappelle. 
Jimmy Wall. Knigbt Brothers and Sawtelle, 
Vlnle DeWltt. The Three Jacksnns, Morray 
K. Hill. Danlng Harris Fonr. Cnrtin and Bloa- 
snm. Fdward LaZalle. Primrose Slaters. Burton 
Jnhnsrn and Geo. K. Spoor's Klnndrome. 

People's Tbestre (WIngdeld, Rowland & Cltf- 
(nrrt. mgrs.) Week 8. stock. 

Colnmhna Theatre (Weber Bras., mgrs.) Week 
8. At PIney Ridge. 

Criterion Theatre (LlncalB t. CMK awr.) 
Week S. melodrsma. 

Howard Tbeatre (D. T. McOogr> rnvr.) Week 
S, vandevllle. 

Albambn Tkeatre (Jamea H. Bimnw. ngr.) 
Week 8. Zanas BaShlo. King of Tha WUd 

IVnr AuMt Imn Tbeatre <Kr«nfc Maple, aagr.) 
Week S, Tanderllle and Cllne'a CHInetnaenpe. 

mjnn Theatre (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Week 8. 
A Usee For Life. 

Academy of Mnsic (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Week 
S. King of The Opium Ring. 

Trocadero Theatre (Barry H. Hedsea. m«rr. ) 

Week 8. Roae Sydelt'a Laodon BeUet BnilM- 
Qiiers. ■ '■ 

Folly Theatn Oka, A. PHMMV, agfJ 
8. hnrleariae. 

White CMF mm Ik Ha aatb nsr.! 
8, Men upalllaB Onksatn aad aatdnae 

Clark Street Mnaenm (Lonia M. Hedges, 
mgr.) Curio hall and theatre. 
r<ondoa Dime Mnaenm (Wm. J. Sweney. mgr.) 
~ ~ ~ aad tkcatre. 

mOATmL— CMKT*a Hmtre (7. P. ~' 
awr.) The Xdttle 

C bmss MaecblDS Booe 88t 

neas. Bit Hearted Jlia Oct. S; PIC PtSi 
Poat 8; LItle Egypt 4-«: lasHiar Ts Tke Oee- 
ter «C Otek Tke aebaal GMIO: Deserted At 

DieaHlaa* Tkantn |l. r. oinn. mgr.) Or- 
eheitn uiaum are tnwlns will. 

Bljan Tbcatn (SIcfkled * Bi 

The UtPtgMf AatMlO PlBl. I<al8 

Sandfwd and DaiUastoa. aad tbe klaadrsaae 
week Oct. S; good bnslscss. Under canras— 
rain's Port Artbnr Sept 27-30; good busi- 
ness and p erformance. 

DANVILLE.— Grand Open Rouse (W. L. 
Kelley. mgr.) WflV Mnaleal Comedy Co. 
Sept as-2T; good baabwaa. Under Southern 
Skies 2S: good company and business. Tbe 
Little Minister 29: cancelled- What Women 
Will Do 30: Big Hearted Jim Oct. 3: Hone's 
Moving Plctnres 4; Des>rted At The Altar 
5; An Easy King 6; As Told In The Hills 
7: Welt's Band 8; The Mammy and Tlie Hum- 
mingbird B; The Geeier ot Geek JO; Wil- 
liams and Walker V2: Bob Fltislmmons 13: 
Alice FULer 14; Vogel's Minstrels 16. 

BUon Tbeatre (H. C Englcdnm, mgr.) 
Floreaee. lUnut .fMn .-aaid- ■ t»* w > . -Jpawy 
Haley aaS- Ma aaa OMna laaak U — 

Aa IkM-iB tkii- 

ao: ftir bMlacM aaa nod fntHmasee. The 

flealaaiT Gin Oct. S; UtHe Mnv Ism m. 

Star Theatre (R. B. Oagoodhy. aigr.) Wedk 
Oct. 2. Casad ahd DeVeme, Daly aad O'Biten. 
Carroll and Clark and tbe moTlag pletoics; 
g6o<I iMislness. 

FORT WATSE.— Jlajestlc Tbeatre (M. B. 
Rice, ntgr.) Tbe Four lluutlnss Sept. 2i:; fair 
performance and business. Gsy Xen* York 27; 
good show and business. The Isle ot Spice 
2S; pi Ased packed bonse. Ilaverly's Min- 
strels 'H: gncd business. TexsB SO; good busi- 
ness and excellent performance. Ttie Trl- 
umpb of Betty Oct 9; Tuo LItle WaMb 
11: Little Johnny Jones 12: What Woosa' WUi 
Do 13; Geo. Sidney In Busy iTZS 1-1. 

FRANKFORT. — BUnn TUeatre (l«nsbr«ke 
& UulTord. msrs.l .\lvln JosUa 38; fair busl- 
nes and company. How* 's Morlng Picture* 
29; fair buslnvris. As Told In l°he IlUla Oct- 
-t; The Isle of Spice G: Souaa's Bsnd 10: 
Tlie Little Itvd School House 11; My Wife's 
Family 13; The Itoyal Chef 17; A Trip to 
Egypt 19. 

ELKBABT Dncklen Opera Bonse (D. B. 

Carpenter, mi;r.) The Flints week of Sept. 
1 25: pleased fslr ^ndlenccS;^ Adrlslde Tbnrston 

boslrirss. Oct. 11; BappT Ward In Tbe Gnfter IS; Me 

jOttET. — Opera Bouse (Chamberlain A Hen- I of Bboog 11; Dalrtd HI g gln a " ' ~ 

18: The. 

Bla Btatted Jim 8. 

dersoo. mgrs.) Boston Novelty Co. Sept. 25; Chef 23; Artbar Dnna My 
good show and fair business. Two Little 20; Tl« Uttto MtaJrtee ^ m,..^ W- 
Wslfa 28; fair performance and- good business. L()OAinm»BS.^T««irll5g« Tbrgtte (JBO. Jfc 
pleased fair business. The Kilties Band ?25'%i.J'Ti^ oJXT Maw^^lJSt dffl 

two good houses. Haverly's Minstrels 2; The P>0d hon»e._ • <»0,jg»tk«a_ M f ». P**"** 
Mumiy and The Hnmrnlngblrd 5. _ I S^l**; ,,5i±ii2^iJS: J?^52 iffrSe mSI 

Grand Theatre (Louis tloldberg. mgr.) The ^"'SSS J^^L^j'^iLiy ^ ?f gnlcTv 

Fonr Rlanos. The Three Hy lands. Ileclow and S«ir . r,„ff^,-5^ qC^PaJiS. WIdEim I' 
Wheeler, Frank Ckimar. Giles Harrylngton, Tw» JJttle.Wal& T: Tke Pailslaa Widows ». 
Florence Arnold and the polyscope week Sept. 
25; good business. Week Oct. 2, Mr. and Mrs. 
Jule Walters and Co.. Trask and Gladden. 
Campbell and Brady, and others. 

ttUUfCT, — Empire TUeatre (Chamtx-rlaln. 
HarrJnston & Co., mgrs.) Pllf, Faff, Pouf 
Sept. Zt; turned people away. The College 
Widow 27: The Holy City 30; good bnsloess. 
VanDyke-Eaton Co. Oct. I; two big booses. 
Holty Tolty 7: The Dainty Datcken 8: HU 
Highness, tbe Bey 9; Barerly's Mlastltls 10; 
Alice Fisher U: Tbz School Girl Ui WeO'a 
Band 18; Ko(b and ma Co. 16: Rose BID NOy 
Co. IT; Tke Bouways IT (night). 

Bljoo Theatre (Patrldc ft^tcObiinell. Mgr.) 
Minor and Galbreth, Kitty Stereaa. Ctalt Lane 
and Layman and Ewlng week Sept. 88; good 

FEOBIA.— Grand Open Oowe (OiaaberttB ft 
Barrlugtun. mgrs.) Tb* Oollcse WUmt Sept. 

!0: good boslnen and ideaaed. PUT, Fas, Puof 
SO; pleased good baslacas. No limber to Onide 
Ber^t. 1: good hnsfnaw BoBie Fblka 2-4: 

rl show aad patnoage. Baeerly'B Minstrels 
Deserted At Tbe Altar 7; Dora Th»me S; 
Well's Band 13: DockaUder'a Mlnatrels IS. 

Main Street Tbeatre (B. P. Cborchlll. mn.) 
The Fantas, Prank Walsh, Frank and Ma 
Adama, Gordon Eldrld. Topsy Torry Trio, " *' 

'ATEXTE.— Gnnd Open Boaae (Jas. TV. 
Ryan, mgr.) The flsoslar Girl Sept. 80; tSIr 
bnalness. B. 8. JomU MDa. tOct.- U-A-Om^ 
try Kid 2: dlli '11«att«d Jim 9; The Me ar 

Spire 7 

UCBIOAV U1X2. — .Vxmory Opera House (E. 
F. Bailer, msr.) A Hoyal Slave Sept. 2C: ex- 
cellent performance and hoslncss. Trilby 
Oct. 3. 

XASISON Graml Opera House (Graham A 

Sdielk. rnsrt.) Dora Woodmtr Sbowa Sept. 25; 
good h w^'nes-;. I'ncle Tom's Cabin Oct. «. 

CUM UlSVnXE. — Andre Tbeatre (D. W. 
Andre, msr-) One at The Many 3: gond ibOfT 

and bnalness. Why GlrlB Leave Home 0; 
Wedded and Parted 12. 

ASOOLAi — (^roxton Opera Boose (R. B- 
Wllls, mgr.) The Eleventh Honr Sept. 9tl Jklr 
bnslnesa. John Grimih In King RldtutyttL. 
Oct. 8: Rentfrow'B Psthflndets 9'11. 

YTBCEStSSa. — McJImsey Theatre (F. Orecn. 
mgr.) Wy Wife's Famny 3; good show and 

bnslnesa. That Utile Minister 7: Tbe Boyal 
Chef 10; The OM and Tbe Bandit is. 


Open Bonse (J. F. 

_ '.) Deadwood Dick. Jr.. Sept. 80; 
pleased 'good bnatneea. BooUgan's Tmnblea 

Harry Perrlll. week 1; good business. (failed to appear. Indiana Folks 30; canceled. 

Weast's Theatre (Cbas. Bartson. mgr.) Bib- 1 stutn Madison Snoare Stock Co. week Oct. 8: 
bsrd and Warren, Peterson Brothers, Jesslka, f„„^ Dlnvnlo 17: Black PatH 20; Gfrrtnde- 
Broderlck, Miss Early, Howley and LewUe, , j;^„- 2S.25. Under canvas — Adam Forepaagh 
and others week 21: good business 1^ g,,,, Btosthers 6; Pswnee Bill's Wild West 

OALE8BUBG. — Aodltonuni (Dr. L. T. l>or- r ^9 
sey. mgr.) Rip Van Winkle Sept. 18: goud bosl- iuDHL—Opera Honae (W. P. SUagbtcr. 
npBS. The Female Detectives 19: fair show and .Kanad's MlnatzelB SeVk-^-Vt' 
business. Yon Yonson 20; pleased. The Hi«Iy - - - - ' - 

City 20; Rood show and fair bnslnesa. Pllf, 

Pair, Four fine show and bostneas. No 

Mother to Gnlde Her Oct 2: Dnder Soothem 
Skies 3: Dora Thome 6. Under canvas — Gen- 
try's Dog snd Pony Show 2. 

B0(}KX'OBD* — Gnnd Opera House (Geo. C- 
Ssekett. mgr.) Tke Bnnawaya Sept. 2«: ca- 
pacity bnalaca. A Bapal Blase 28: good bnsl- 
Mn aad pMHMMP. AHM .PMer In A School 
Ttir BaMaalB Oeb dr MailU 8: what Women 
wm Do T: Dbb MOr ta Oar Pastor 10; Tbe 
Waywaid M 11: wa Last Dollar 12. 

EA8X ST. UraiB. — Broadway Theatre (P. 
H. Hni. mgr.) The Pnmpkin Busker Sept. 
SO; good business. The Rajab of Bhnng Oct. 
1: good bnslness. Howe's Moving Plctnres 7: 
wife In Name Only 8; Flsfce Slock C!o. 11-12: 
The Fstsi Wed ding 13. 

JACKSONVnXE. — Grand Opera House (Geo. 
W. Chatterton. mgr.) The Little Minister Sept. 
27: g^od business snd performsnce. The Col- 
lege Widow 28; capacity bnslness and llrst- 
clsss performance. PHT. Pair. Pouf 4: The 
Mummy and the Hummingbird 7. 

CHAMPAIGN WaHier Opera Hon.'e (C. P. 

rrnmllton. niirr.l The Flints week Sept 18: 
cspacltv hnslness. Two Little Waifs 4; The 

HABRIBBUBO, — Opera Honae (Larceat ft 
Pearce. mers.) Fablo Roman! Oct. S: basl- 
nesa and show gnnd. (^rtls DnwrtW-Ot. M8; 
T he Pnmtikin B nSker 10: Don Tkacne 80. 

IBIla llalila Open Bbaae (Wa. 
'J A ZMOe Ontcaat Sept. 98: 
t. Ur. Fbttlcr Ffoa Paifa Oct. 
2: Tncomar «. 

EQTTALITT. — ^Tnmer Opera Boose. Fahio 
Romanl S: good boslneai aad One eoopaiij. 
CnrtU I)ianatie.Oa, .U4^ 


EVANSVILLE. — Grand (Ferd Wastyer. mgr.) 
Mr Wlf- 's Family Sept 2!); good bnsl- 
ness. When Johnny Ck>m'-s Marching Home 
:in: jood bnslness and pleased. Fiske Stock 
Co. Oct. 2-r.: (rood business. The Little Min- 
ister 6: The Royal Chef 7: Howard Dorset Co. 
o-l.t: The GW and Tbe Bandit 14: Dare Devil 
Dorothy 16-17: Grace Tan Stnddlford 18: The 
Clar Raker 19: Lools Jam-s 21; The Eter- 
nal Cltr 23; The-F^rtnae Teller 28; Alberta 
Gallatin 31. 

fVopte'a (Tnd. -WaMrei^ - sage.) WUe la 
Name Oaljr 1: .rjaekai^.haaaM. .MMtlB-* .aad 
niebt. Barry Tti — IV Ift '^tT- Hrr TTftdtag 
Dnv 8: Why Girls Xeave Home IS; uncle Ton's 
Cabin 21 : Wedded and Parted 22; Martin aad 
Mason 20. 

KOKOMO.— .<«Ipe Theatre (W. B. Relmlek. 
m;rr.) Th e6«hool Ctrl 7; ^ooil business 
and performance. The Isle of Spice 9; good 
nerformance and boslne-'s. Dora Thome 9; 
The Gambler 1-1; A Trip to Eerpt 10: At 
PIney RIdse IS: Tbe Hoyal Chef in; Her Fa- 
tal Sin 21: Grace Van Stnddlford 25; Mil- 
dred Holland 28: My WWe'e Family 31. 

Cr.vstal Tbeatre (W. E. FVnler, mgr.) The 
Brans Trio. The Scneton*. Jamea and. Kitty 
Bndr.^^Haael ^^2{2ji^|j^^^£''^^^!MH%iB£% 

bnslneai ' aal ' vieased. 


(JEDAH SAPIDS — Grtene's Opera Boose (W. 
S (S>lller. mgr.) Hlctman-MIIIer Co. Sept 25 
27; fair bnslness. Enlolle Yonns 2S: fair boal- 
ness and good performance. A Jolly American 
Tramp 30; good bnsin ss. The Runaways OcL 
2: Tbe Last Rose of Sommer 3: Walker White- 
side 4-5: Cherry Valley 8; Tbe Fandcn Ir 
Tbe Banker's Child 11: Doekstader'a Mla- 
strels 12: A Knigbt of'98 13; Under awthCTB 
Skies 14. , , 

People's Tbeatre (Vic Rtuco. mgr.) _ L BW 
and Lnce. Barney First. DeWall and bwta. 
The Semona. Lncille Barper and the Moc~ ' 
week 2: good bnslness and ii et f ii m i afe . 

Auditorium (Bay W. Faj-..^' . 
Creljrhton and Co., Anna AMI—..-. 
Graham. Ray W- Clongb aad lha; 
week 2: good hnslneas. Under 
son * Brslnerd Carnival Oo. ■ 

WATEBIOO,— Brown Open B««ise-^JOL_jJ^' 
Brown, mgr.) At PIney ,Bidae>Sf»t..-S8;£SMt 
business and perfoemaa^•;2i■:■«»a^ Baaf, 
packed boases. Cbeny_<5UhT «•: »irw»«;«r, ^ 
liailiiM» fkt T<rin*n Tirkia Oct. 2: The Baa^. < 
a*8fB*«fc8;Ii88tj»l8t OCSommer 8. 

"Bkcnfe" Theatn (B.' n. Joimson. mgr.V 
nklllMklWI and Itnahy. Bolanex. The Fatr- 
ieUdK"' Oknim and LsMoas and moving plc- 
Intea smek Sept 25; good bnslness. Week 
Oct. S. The Two Raymonds, O. L. Oliver. Cnm- 
mlags and Uaek. Texana Sisters and mov- 
Inff nletnr^. 

OBKAL008A. — Maaonle Opera Honae (J- P. 
Jersey, mgr.) Peggy Pnm Paris Sept. 25: good 
ahow and caparlty bnslnesa. Ton Tonaon 28: 
good bnslnesa and performsnce. Mabars's Mln- 
atrels 29: good show and fair buKlness. At 
PIney Ridge Oct. 2: good show snd haslncss. 
The Holy City 8: The Paraders Jack Boef- 
fler Oo. 9-11: rnder Sonthem Skies 12; The 
Wavward Son 17: The r.ast Rnae of S»nmmer 
18: The Fatal Wedding 2(1: Cherry Valley 27. - 

CRGSTOH. — ^Temple Grand Theatre (Bnsby 
Bros., mgra.) The Little Homestead SepL 21: 
good bnalness. Uncle Tbm'B Csbln 28; good 
bnslnesa snd performsnce. Tbe Roysl Baa. 
garlan Orchestra Oct. 9: Walker Whiteside M, ■ 

Creston Opera House (J. H. Patt. mgr.) m:: 
PInnkard Sept. 21: good basbwas . aad . tlt:^ 
formanee. Jordan Dramatic Oo. Oet»-8^IC' 

FORT KADISOV— Rblnsrr Qnm :.tWi.:1K. :■. 
SSSSSnt J^L.—^ <a«y^g8^^^-.jgg* 
ll^fgllll^^J^'^^i^^^f^j ^ ^l ^ ^iJ^fij^^^ ViMa' Ber.-^*:' 

- lovft ruxM.~-iittm&» !fsSL.S!V 

at. tu. Bdnrartb. ngr.V Walker IFMlesMe la 
DarM Oatllek'B I>ve 8S: flair boMnese. excrl- 
leirt attractlaik Bu a n and Hte Band SO: big 
bnalness. splendid program and delighted sn- 
dlences. The Lyman Twins In The RnsUers 
Oct. 3: W. B. Patton In The Last Rose of 
Summer 12. _ 

ATLANTIC— Opera House (C. P. Hutibard. 
mcT.1 SI PInnkard Sept. 23: good bonw and- 
pleased. Chase-Lister Co. week S»: good bnsi- ] 
ness and company. The Little Booieatead Oet. 
8:.'.nMle- Xka»*-;<Jahto:;T: ,Jg*».'Dnna«e Ot,s' 
|(Wif«>«?'.«*8t'^««n--aCt .S ii ■ ■ ir> 8».-- ; /..y.-. 


Xfie Billl>oap<l 


Broadway Topics 

TMk Office. I440 


I OHH BDixnB oiHBt iaac>A>n> 

: TBDdnnie rittmm KOr a. CUOofd Car ooly 
; «M'nove weeks ttes vm with The JviOj Bttroo, 

Mabel Mo ntEumcij snd Eage p e Moasr an 
n^MdDf Henrietta Brows mnt 
aa leads at tbe TockrOle. 

AiaaU IWr wSI aet pcnlt 
«■■« IB hi* t» te'MBtcd kir the 


Oct. 9, or, more prop- 
dorlD^; Saturday Blcfat aad San- 
X wfU make 
— w^— - jeogd, aMvtais 
ta> tlM> Ifnr Anatcrdam, 
€ floor Btoadway l>Iocks and a h>ng 
Ib kcr anr locatlan MUa Olaaer 
Uwi uke to tbe 
txaoaportadoo. Dor- 

at Ike Knickerbocker MJaa 

Qlaaer baa attracted aplendld boaiacaa, aad 
Mlaa DoUj- DoUaia baa been acnpted aa plraa- 
' ~' " FRitablr neltber lUaacer 

. tt» aathon, TIctor Her- 

_ aaitk. or lUaa Qlaaer brr- 

mSt. would pnreaa to bare tmtt im tbe ptc- 
antatloe of a jreat attractloa. Vor Ifta DaOr 
Pglf baa been acolded hr many wbo hare 
fM^mti ber atase diaplara. HowcTer. the 
' Ktrea Ulaa OUaer abimdant opportaalty 

ti> czblbtt ber penooaUtr; a peiaoealltr wkKk 

to baTc chanced from tbe amct and 

Uttle KlrJ who used to charm as when 
^ . I Wuaon stood sponser foe ber, to that 
bofdntah. sdf- p o aaea a e d. a w es st i e waa- 
«■- Tia bate oat wltli the tntk,.aMt tt m 
Uke the Uttle fltt ot oM, sad wmHf iT « K- 
\ «wt, hsr ..f ertng ,. As tbe dancbter of a soop- 
t- ^Ff^ ^^.**"'*^** J" BnfUnd to cstch t 
«*■«*' «. Mtss Glaair ctmes hetieU with 
a tagh bead and Bambvaat lit missis Hsu- 
•ser rmiingham tuu made a beaotlfnl gcMbw 
coatamed tbe large compaaj' -.Or 
to tute. and baa cboaea tki 

^f' WlUi good Jadsment. Carrie FCtUm 

Is coaapteaoaa tor the deTemeas ot ber por- 
Daral of tbe new-rteb matron, and Carter De 

" la ftr a great share of tlie 

eneOeot work In a llRbt 

. parl^ nUik Intmdacea bli sracefal 

tBd derer danetaK. UeMOe Stewart* s rolce U 
beard to excellent adnatace, sad be seta 

and dear-cnt 
_ of the prettleat 

— — the piece, a amotlug song, 

which Is based npoo the KlpUng boa not that 
"a woman Is only a woman. whOe s good 
^ Is a SBOke." TUs Is the song hit of the 
*b»--^i»iWt :H I mail hit In the piece 
^■.'tf Bettx. who givea a mosleal 
Interpretation of The Prirate Secretary 
role so tamo oa In legitimate comedr. Mr. 
Is e-UiuBtU iit aae la onylog ont tbe 
^ wWaalMy to the theme 
■J ■"■ « i» » a enatiga ot Us own. Uiaa 
«>«w baa seTcral Dnmbers. some of wUefa 
^m^' are sot; bat 

**. fce epa her owm p sassaaUty to the fore with 
-^^^J'lB^^jf^MWf-.'-rtb^t-^'ber admirers are 
* ■t'jtt.-lpM es. Stka DoUy Dollars la a 
•■•^•■(■iNt of Its tort: and wbOe It 
la not mjtflHat Tehide ilUs Glaaer haa bad. 
It is sCnaC-ainah saloe t» attract fine bnal- 
fc^tts petroox. Heoce 

- —> be foond. there U 

• "»>r which patrons may be thsakfnl. 


^When your pathway leads to an op- 
portBBtty to witness Man and g up e iius n, nab 
aee It. for Man and Saperman ta fine and 
"|w I fliil It Is a bnln-treat of »»hn«..M«y 
^mUtri a. tboagbt-soaice ot vast sfpattatfly. 
and a play or aorpaaslng excrileaee. Its wtt 
Is of the sort which la best defined aa effer- 
le bsbldea. sparUrs, foams and fairly 
detoasiy ,^a«a line, to line. It Is tbe 

past my ability to eren hint at. One should 
witness the play three times before they should 
attempt to wtitc ot It— aad I have lerelcd la 

wbicb Is mine. Tbe aadltor la beld tnms- 
Oxed by the brilliancy of tbe work and ao 
artistically has ercir .nciaber ot tbe cast 
tiaea to Us Wv.tar-difMalO'a' tbat It an 
seew Ksl Uftw iiat iw aeHav at dL me ptay 
is a ooaposlte of ep^oa, a lar-aennon wbleb 
pttaUies greater tmtba tbsn maay tisTe cuor- 
ase to accept; and tt im, s h oe t an. a bcata- 

exetdse and mental treat " ~ 

land long miles to enjoy, 
himself with g!ory. He has ooe of tbe long- 
est parts ever given to an actor, and be Is 
talking all tbe time: bat hla talk bristles with 
Sbaw'a btUUsBey, aad Ha aaMbMS wna -uto 

a dellgbtfal portrayal of an intellectual chanT 
fear, and wins one of the great hits made In 
the play. Fay Oarli. Loali Uaisa. AUlcd 
RKAaaa. Mi,taMM Ottk, JL a 
ChaSL aaobaU, la' fliet emr 
ber of tbe east seem to. bare been aiade to 
play the roles assigned to them, illss dark 
glTcs one of the Boat ddlghtfai alstsa ot 

to drenmstances past ber control, and ber total 
snrtrnder to greater personal powers than ber 
own ptoTlde one ot the hap^cat Uls tbe 

tbe vlvn la tt 

dramatic ezcelleace seldom excelled, and rarely 
equaled. No wonder there Is scaree an empty 
seat at the Hadsoa Xhestre: the woader Is 

T«*>flHB as 

cMir ;aaa,M*iMr';ti 

Kaa' aad avnaa ti 



« have been Uveiy tlmea at the 
naatie. la atotK^fm .mttit.vm past 
iiks Ani ma has beea' tbe stons 

Id: It k 

be eanght as It 
then fluhes past, to be 

and aeemlaglr betcblcr 

wsold only hint at bi tbe darfcoeaa 
•be "spare room" clotfaes-doset are broagbt 
la th 

abi mi . 

center, and tbe danghter of the late Bessie 
Bonehiii has provided the excitement. The 
Ban^^tti^^t tbe klamy HOI where, «a. last 

booae, not.oontent with the trouT'thiit Miss 
Hill had pnrchas<>d and wonld wear tbe cos- 
tumes once, owaed by the late Hka BoneUn. 
bat be addad.iaat Ma ~ 
once ftMB iaarte 'Cdl star. ' TUa 

aaserthia was also made by Percy Williams' 
pablldty promoter, and It brooght forth the 
Ire ot the teal daughter ot the late Mias 
iTnneblil. a 

sidera to be her family rights, 
claims to possess docnments wbldl ,.„ 
tute ber tighta to tbe BoacklU riisH»ti. aad 

OB~^8ataiaai atSM, OcL 7. at As 

*"y ^■xk. l». J., Dartd I*roctor opened Um 
stairlag toor in A Message From Mats. It 
U ssid tbat the role at Hann Fatker 
oifetcd ta Hk. nadw 
ago. bebce Ibe aatbar. KMiaid P. 

bad any Idea, ot Tialting London for tbe 
Of placing tbe play. Mr. Proctor waa 
much impressed with the play, bat did 
think tbat be ^d aiilMd al Ibi atsiil^i 

at that tine. ae'tttwlaalli^'ietMaed ibe 

script. Mr. Gantbony waa nnsnccessfnl In plac- 
ing It in this conntrr, and saUed for London 
Id tbe bope of aodlnc aoaieoae tboe who wonld 
^Asee it^' / 9a.>,ab be was sarniwraL Mr. 
Chaiies HMlv' tiak tbe play, gbyad It aoe- 
cessfally for orer two 
year in Xew York, and 
seasons in this cooatiy. 


of Balpb m siia . ba ad dsbaaafed 'Tiiafim or 

their tneceaafnl TandevIIIe siceteb. The Old 
Kelghbortood. wUl be made a rnral pUy, 
Intrododng tbe character these two derer men 
•» Ibe bsasts at tbooaanda 
•« ■ iM l i aa •( 'raad«mie. 
Uanager yobnaoa haa eoatiacM wttfe a wdi 
known pUrwrlgfat to fomlah a iiblili wmttj 
of an elaborate prodnctlon and mlUble for 
preseotatloa In tbe leading theatres of the 
^ The ptodaetiao win be ta crcsy way 



"Matty" Mathews, former welter- 
weliM «r*— of tbe world, has eateted tbe 
ranks of tbe awa wbo lide tbe planglng borses 
at Tbe HI|ipadnaMb lbs Ogbter, wbo bas been 
the principal la maea than one hundred bouts 
and who aays they btoagbt bim $100,000. Is 
penniless. Fast Uelax. be layi, baa taken 
the last of tbe money which be iiad won In 
tbe prtie riac. UhtOews made banible appli- 
cstioo last week to Tboapsoa tt Dandy. In 
his bojbood daya. be said, be bad won some 
slight fame aa a Jockey, and he felt be had 
the cooraca aad ahOUy to take the dire into 

given a psslos^ a^d aft bis dnt ^vo pevfono- 
ancea went tbroogfa hla programme without a 
hitch or halt- Matthews lost tbe cbaccploo- 
shlp to "Babe'* Fttsaa la TocMto three yvmru 

ago, aB4 eflP* llB|p:.haB baai aa tfea down 
path. BlB last 'bsttle was wMh "Billy" Fey, 
tbe cbamplon of the sooth. Tbey fought In 
New Orleaos a few months ago, and ^latthews 
won In ten raonda. His powers were fast 
waning, bowcrar. It was apparent to him, - and 
be decided, s few daya ago. that oa mace 
honors were left for blm with the glores. In 
bis long career In the ring, be says tbat be 
haa lost only ten flights. He won the cham- 
pionship from "Mysterious BUly" Smith, at tbe 
Broadway Athletic Clnb, on April 27, 1300. 
Hla ahare ot tbe ptoceeda waa ^000. and. aa 
an example of the rash way In wblch lie dis- 
tribnted his money, he tells tbat tbe followlDg 
day be placed $2,500 of the amount on a 
bone race and lost It. Daring tbe year fol- 
towtas bis assmnptloa oC tbe 
■gored la thirty-two flghts. was a 
erety one of tbem sod made $10,000. His 
asury at the Hippodrome wlU be $15 a week. 
j^^e^Iieoiiard. known tor years ss the Bean 

three dlwpl**'^ ^ 

The fortbcomins series of Shakes- 
pearian rerlTala In the BUMbatbaa Hsaab by 

Ben Greet's company. wU esaMCBce ta Mea- 
delaaobn Hall. Oct. SO. The seaaon win be 
limited to twenty-fonr performances, which 
«rin be slTCn an Haadsy. Vcdaeaday and Frt 
day erealaaa aad Witaaigy. Mdv aad Sat- 
nrday af t e i aean a, Benry wHl be given 
the Brat week; Much Ado Aboat Nothing and 
The Merchant of Venice at altemite per- 
formances the second: SIscbeth the third, and 
Juliua Caesar the foorth and final weei. 

The Ellnore Sisters will be amon? 
the Taadenile features at Hammersteln's Vic- 
toria for. tbe week or Oot. 9. preseEtlng as food 
for langbter the artistic character work of 
Kate Ellnore in their dererly contilTCd ahetA. 
The other feabres will inelade Stoart, the male 
PattI: Cbaa. Falk Seamon. John and Bvtha 
Glceson, BsHMr. Ed. Blondelle & Co., John C 
Bice and Sally Cohen. Ifareel's llTlng art slnd- 
les. and a band aC. (■Mta waMOatSL KaSbsn- 
shne, with U* aMIi; wa be 'aa ctta' at. 

ilr. J. Frnneis MUl.r. general manager of 
the L'iiicn^o WliJte Citr Kxcurslon Departmeat, 
Is one 'if tlie he^t kliown promoters In the 
amusement business. Mr. Miller Is thirty- 
right years of age and during Dfieen years of 
active serrlee as a abowman, he has been con- 
nected wltb a aamber of the largest road 
attractiooa. mod has promoted camlraU and 
fegtirals la aiaie «C the larger cities of the 
United Statca. ladBdlas St. Paul. lodUnsp- 
olis, Waalilngtso. D. C, aad Chkaso. For 
are years Mr. MHIcr held the paaltlon of 
setiag aiaaacer far Hr. Pkaak C. ~ 

Mr. Miller la a 
erally aeeomi 

ta' tbe' WbMe' CItr. 
atlTe manager aad gea- 
all tiiat be sets oot to do. 

la tbe sketch presented by Emmet Corrlgan. 
Otbera la the hm wiU be John Hyams and 


Theatrical netrspaperdom lost a 
shining light when Will McCanaM died at 
Boosevelt Hospital oo "nil nl ij eia^^ Oct. 
3. His death came as tbe leadt «C Ml ope- 
tation for appendicitis, and was miexpectedly 
andden. Only a few days previously he bad 
Tislted bla office, against his pbystdaa'B DrdefS, 
aad pat to a bard days 
he bad been an actor, later m a 
agent aad Unally setUed down as a writer 
theatrical topics. His stage News will be 

Itlnoed by bis widow, wbo will bsTe the 

aasMsnce of Frederick Edward Mackey. 


Cat win be produced at 
Jsm Oct. 30. The Suthem-Mar- 
ISMbliiition begins sa esgagement at the 
■ler next Monday erening. PMIa la 
Han. on tbe same erening, wUI sac- 

Bernard and The Rollicking Clrl at 

the Herald 8>|mue. Joaeph Cawthorne then 
making hu local debet as a star. The Ro- 
mance of a Hindoo ntau ss . tbe apectade 
which u M_teplaee Ibe Baliilg at tbt BIp- 



Proctor's Fifty-eishth Street Thea- 
tre will present IM naaal atrsas Irili at eaade- 
Ttlle durioc the eairmt daya. Oarice Vanee 

will essay the now common triek of playing 
two houses at once, this time nnder different 
managements, as she wUl hare to ride aeroaa 
Flfly.nlath street fkaa tbi 
to tbe bm win be Mrs. Staart 
Thompson's elephants. V. P. Wormwood. Hath- 
away and Walton, Billy Gonld and Valeska 
Soratt, and aa a special feature and poslUve 


In her original part of the Httle 
mother In the Albee Stork Co. preweatatioo of 
The Fatal Wedding at rawtncket. R. 1., Baby 
Krlfr'a snrceas waa of a character ao pre- 
Bsaarid tbat alie waa immediately eogaged ta 
ntsaw tor tbe week of Oct. M to appear Is 
F*r Her Gblldrcn's Bska. The Uttle aov Is ast 


jgarrl son Grey Fiske has 
- aa the date npon 

be wm. at tbe Igaaliatt aii Theatre, in- 
troduce Mme. Bertha Kallah aa the star to 
an English-speaking role. Mrs. Ffake doaes 
ber special CBgagement to Lnh Kleschna at the 
" "T**** .— . 5* nad the theatre will 

be clnid tatad tfea mm^g week in order 

Vaaaa^1rlIle at ttie Colonial will have 
BoDdtoi..tbe marrelona expert at iiandcnir man- 
ipulation as a feature, retained for a second 
we^ Aaothcr fcatare set wtU be tanlsbed 

Just because Kathryne Kidder did 

not take tbe newspaper men Into he* confidence 
the local papers threw flts of "family opposi- 
tion." "dlfTerences In religious opinion." and a 
lot of other things when the actrew wna mar- 
ried. MIsa Kidder kept the secret of ber mar- 
riage for a whole week, and then It leaked 
ont Ibat Sept. 27 In Fayette, N. T.. a Bttle 
town near Syracuse, ahe waa married to Iioals 
K. An spa cb er. a gradaate of r ' " 
wndly. aad a dramatist whs 
market his peod a ci s with earying 


Up In Harlem, the Vaudeville will 
hare Ollre Hay and John W. Albangh aa the 
top-nners. Others In the bin for the current 
days will be Eddie Qark and hU Sir Winning 
Widows. Coleman's dogs and cats. Alf. Grant. 
Brawn. Harriaon and Browa. McBrlde and 


Kelcey and Shannon will be the top- 

itoers at tbe Alhambra for the current days. 
Brama Cams, In new songs: Al. Lawrence, la 
new imitations, and the Masra-Keeler 0»» wlB 
be other feahires ta aJHU wHcb wlB dM 
list the aerriees of M. r. ■ilMld. aad tae 
Plscbkopff Troupe. 

VAUllliVUXE OM mnoH sqitabe 
At Keith's, Hal. Davis and Inez Mc- 

Anley. In Pals, as a IMtase. Tbe Mil win slse 
hare numbered am oad Ita attraetloBa Hatty 

(Oiattaned sa 

OCTOBER 14. 1905. 



87 «. 


THERE may kaTe 
people and gnmtn dlgaltj •* 
9t tbe biff op«ialD^ of recent re«n. 
bot tbe moat experienced bu arltlum 
alMRCd the entbnalaaa, pleunre and toll 

capaciir-teatlas thnai 
Ika apentns of tbe New Coloalil HhsUi 

1. Tbe annoancemeat aC aa as- 
id determined poller to 
and woodertaUr complete 
IkMtre tbe borne ot prodoctlaos, em- 
aocti « man aa Gcotce ~ 

aoccenfol eastern 
(jTeo tbe stamp of 
tion ot iionve. 

^penlne alskt. Tbat GCMBB H. ODfeai. 

TfmpIttoD. and excellent compaoT. and the 
local managemeDt bare scored a ffreat sorct^ 
m tbe aew aaaalcal play. Foitr-fl*e UlDBies 

rvcvdIvM of tbe fact 
. otber big attractione w!i!cb on 
. occaaUm woold bare been regarded aa 
m,t to commaad ndoalTe atteaMaia: 
W. U Bobbard. TMbmie: "Oeotfe M. iOohan 
Shakeapeare Uat erenlns- The Im- 
Wnilam In one of bis momenta of In- 
and wisdom deeUred tbe play ta tie 
tka Italng. Forty-flTc Minutes Froaa BnaAnr 
k a» brilliant that It almost I jn aw n tite- 
(HBa>- Iteee are so many tuifbt llnea In It 
of the listener ireariea trrlnr to 
all. LltUe Johnny Jonea coorloeed 
SI. Cohan was the derereat writer 
a( nMlMl pla^a tbat America caa boaat of 
tMHf- FURy-Cae inawlia Froaa Broadway 
tinti kat t« a u ea tlteu that eowleaoo." 

lames O'Dontiell Bennett, Becord Herald: 
"George M. Cohan has written another Little 
Tibnaj Joaea. oaly tietter, and tbe "ankno\rn" 
• MCRHK MhaV. IW>»" haa a aUtrr. 
■Bl feR MH>tt"'MBr afenklna, ruin 
JIary, and the iHkMM^ brotber ia Kid Boms, 
la ten mllintM IMp^.tte opening cboma Forty- 
lie lliaatea Ftaa' BMBdway waa a bit. Tbe 

like a trlp-banaer.** . 

Bams Mantle. ' laccr Oceaa: "Forty-flTe Mln- 

I tbat was 
aa* Jake to avke tbe 
It. ' Mtaa VempletOB aane de- 
llEhtfally. beHer that ahe baa la yean. It 
•eened. Kid Boma fairly Irabblea wltb alang. 
■a fact, and belne finely played a Cheer- 
fol yoanK man named Victor, wfeo ia as aalque 
and xefreahlac and trae to Ua kM aa the 


J. D. HcArdle, ChioBtcte: "From the going 
op of tbe curtain to la descent attrr tbe third 
act, there «aic oaailaf fcaMe ertdeneca that 
■••'•'MMMM flv* There 
/'W'tt; thaie an aei 
In It. ai»d tbere are farce and melodrama in 
It also, and one or two placea It Tergea a 
Utile on tbe tragic order. Bnt it ti all lively, 
tatetesling, fresh, breery and fnll ot 

Charles Eneene Banks, Examiner: "It la 
good to write eacceas wlthont an If. Forty- 
Dtc Mlnolea^ Prom Broadway spel|a tbat word 
from everybody who Iiad anythtns whatrrer 
to <o wia it. It pitched tbe key s( totereat 
HtA with the veer Orat apeecb. and literally 
hummed thnoKb tbree boars of wit, homor, 
pathos and aoog, Ur. Coban baa woven a play 
of nwch Uterary merit, as well aa a good 
MtoK aai (toeing drama." 

UMr IfgRis. Dally News: "Anotber great 
nletit for George Cohan. InctdenUUy It was a 
treat nlRht for Fay Templeton. Victor Moote 
ud the nat ot the ptaycia who piesented 

at the oa- 

aa royal a wtaacr as latUe Johnny Jones Itself. 
Tbe lines snap and crackle like a atrtog ot 
flre-cracliers, Tbere Is not a damp one in 
tbe biiDcb. Forty-fire Ulnntea From Broad- 
way Is a tremendous success." 

Percy Hammond. Post: "Mr. Cohaa'a Forty- 
Ore Ulnutei From Broadway mmtf a.MBite 
and decisive ten-strtfcc at the MariU laat 
erealnc. It U a good show, animated and 
bllKkt. aparklln; with sunny lines." 

are bot tbe brlefeat excerpts from 
keartr endonementa of 
theatre, aev palk^ and 

plctore abows^ which are «MI 
ly by tbe native popatatloo. 

"At preseot tbe amunement 
owing to this belac itac nUar 

street taHway stiii a 

large park wltb til the latest 
several enterprises will be atarted by private 
parties. Among these win be 
vaadevlUe, complete penny arcade, lllmdua 
parlor and aercral bltfk-prkcd awrhanlcal aov. 
eiues; a* it ii i ii Hatt Siaalia artO Mt Hirer 
a deartk a( aMBMNMi b Om fhttm 


Fred B. (Happy) Holmes waa here 
tract* the' a aam h i i af atrsag altiaulaaa for 

tb» Texas State Pair. Mr. tlolmetl la enthn- 
alaatic over the proKpect" at rialUs. He will 
have flfteen paid attmcttooa. all dean and np- 
to-datSk and a 'WmM.' Aa»;iBMa; *ha Mew 
Parker , lma aaM i al Ok atliaVltsiM win be a 
featnre of tb* Dallaa Pair. Mr. Damahy will 
add several ble free acta. Col. Hopkins will 

se nd thtoty I gnnottesL and a nnupplne TtUagr 
ti-toW.'kftoB^fHCMi-llr :thelr oeeapsary. Dog 
win he lkataicd. A camnlttee of hnsl- 


this ttee Is to look after hts newspaper syndi- 
cate work, to enlarge Its sphere of anion, and 

to coUaborate In rewriting bis comedy satire 
In three acts and a pralagae, entitled iU. nipk 

li to'i 

"I note by tbe Aasoclated Pie— t e potta toat 

yoD are a candidate for the eovemorshlp Of 

OalocadOk" 1 (enarfccd to Mr. Otvle AHk( 

•nrea. I aa'aot' te Jbtt 

declared myself an Independent candidate od 
tbe platform 1 wrote, and which appeared In 
The BlUboaid ta September last, tlhat to aa- 

be clearly onderstood — la not la any manner 
pulUIcal. There Is no such thing nowadays aa 
cleanllneaa in politics, hence there are aa 

whiek' is at my organhmttaa. are npppard to' 
politics, sod we Intend to smother. like Othelto 
did Desdamona, and Jost aa effectnaily, all 

ntmhlance of politics aad polltlflana ta the 
Daltcd States, and glee the ssal psap l s a 

chance 'for their "wiuta alley' aoca asato. 

Which means, redneed to tbe simple or goIdA 
role, that manhood and womanhood above money 
bas already been established by tbe Inde- 
pendent movement. It was because tbere waa. 
nor Is, no politics In tbe inde p endent— or man- 
hood snd womanhood — aMSiMi^Bg ahore anoey». 
that I aoaebt The BtnhaaM'-to'sake my orlc^ 
Inal annoonceraent. It very properly eschews 
politics, and there are no pcraoos on tbe eartb 
who are more independent than the w or k e ia 

to thf pratmtaa 
paper repffeatat&^ 

leaders of tbe tbooght of tbe coootry. Their 
position Is tbe real sphere of lDtloenc« sod 
necessitates It I bare made a brief tonr ot 
tbe Sute ot Colataaa and a ta* dav atar to 
Kaimi City on Bir way -to CUkasu," 

Mr. Coyle will remain In Chlrago for twv 
or tbree week« before retnmlne to Denver. 
He la in aplendld health, and baa loat nsar 
of the slgar that haa kept Mb ton*: ^ 

; »iara^: "ioeetiie X, 

rune the bell for the second lime. His 
forty. fire Minutes Fmm Broadway, ivhlch Fay 
Templeton and a large company played laat 
nlcht for the Ont ^ate .at the tMaai^l Vmatic. 
h> as abmrd a bash aT fha aa« aitlsfctaia aa 
Hitle Johnny Jones. Imt It Is also as Rood so 
entertainment. At any rate. Forty-flrc Minutes 
nwn Broadway aawaed and tboroogbly de- 
ngnled as raaay .paaplk ■• Ik* <MMlal caMM 
how last night." 

K etal gahnrg. American: "Qtmtf Cbhan 
~ kltahte teet and nimble wUt kat las- 

toeeeos again. HU rody^ia Waales 

''"Hn Broadway, ta which Tkilil ii 

opened tbe New 0)harfal toat hMlb feaa the 
«««rhef»y mmA aa ito ^iJlir. It to Jast 

W .r. ROCHE 

Under date of Aue. 29, Jame 

Wllsoa of the Barean ot Agriculture, 
r. I., writes me aa tatereatlnc le.tter ta whkh 
be declares "withoat donbt Tbe Billboard cov- 
ers tlie amusement Held completely." Of tbe 
amusement sUnaHaa ta MsaHa. he says: "Ma- 
nlU, la the ca4r.:dava'a(-ttie AaNHeaa oeeapa- 
tlon, WIS sadly idcMcat to amas i' mi iita. hav- 
ing only SpanlMb and native companies, show- 
lug In bam-llke theatres, made mostly of 
hhmtloo, and uccasSoamlly hehig visited hy 

J ness men representing the "One Hundred and 
Fifty Thousand Club" of Dallaa, was ta Wash- 

D. C laat 
itooaerelt to Ttsit the 
of St. Louis, consisting of eighty pieces bas 
been engaged. An opera company of 150 people 
will l>e among tbe attractions. Ur. Holi 

were Ihr below those': at', 
ball in tbe States: 
well patronized by 
lies from .America. 

"In llio last two or tbree years new thea- 
tres have tjeen built and Manila visited by 
several good companies, among these an Ital- 
ian Grand Opera Co., Ptdlard'a Ulllpntians. and 
the Xell'Frawley Dramatic Co., tbe latter bring 
the only American company that haa visited tbe 
lalands. The reason for this Is not known, 
as American 'srtlsts, Indlvldoally or as a com- 
pany, would meet with a hearty reception. 

"Manila has at the present time fonr tliea- 
tres managred by .Americans: Tbe Zorilla, Ma- 
nila Grand, Orpheum and Tax, tbe last two 
hating nightly TaaderUle enteruinmenta by 
high-dass AnatraUan artists. Tbere are also 
aaaKioaa aattt* t k i a t ti a and aerana 


IjOU M. Houseman lias made a ten- 
I strike with the Britt-Ndaon fight plcturea. 
I Ever since tbe opening on Sonday. 1, bon* 
° dreds have been tnraed near tnas assay 
ex- J bibltton of the pictures at BrsolE*a Oaafaio. 

I Mr. Boui-eman bas a tremendoos billboard 
showing Id Chicago. The fight plctofea are 
, line and tell the story of the great battle 
j between Brltt and Nelson In a vlrld manner. 


j Hugrh Coyle of Denver Is In Chicagro 
! and he pleasantly Invaded onr otBcea Friday. 
. dL -Mr. Coyle U oae aC tha heat 
I ta tbe country. EDa wp utatia a 
I tnated by his original and startltag blstoty- 
j maklnj; announcement (a year ago this month) 
as an Independent candidate Car the PrcsMeaey 
' of the Cnlted States.- 
' as the propee lai illiisi 1 
Ur. OBpla>a 

Bandie Walsli b^an h er aeventtt- 

jr; ai to"ne Wdaaa' bT'The One (hr tiar 
weeks. AUre and The Eight Prineeaees Is ta Us 
last week at the Grand. MacDonongb baa 
ptaetlealty written a aew play, eUmlaaltav the- 

igo the prodoetlet^ 
mncesses. Mian Car- 
Aeleaa PhUUpa to. 


the 'SdO'^ar ' 
Hoorah comes to the Illinois. Sonday. -IS. -tor 
a fortnight's eneagement. It Is announced tbat 
ilm*. Berahardt'a Seath- lliaillfan 

«iiiakn W kir" ~' I taVflnni"' tiir ' ki" tlia •'■Ohmt 
Opera Roase from Nov. 6 to Ksv. SO. Forty- 
live Mtatttes Prom Brosdwsy Is packing tbe 
CoMal at escty perfseannce^ -At : 

ta " 

Is dmwtoif' Ike lafjpMt 

ever known for tbe Policemen's Benevolent Aa- 
soclatlon at the Auditorium. Hnmpty Dumpty 
to the Andltertna Uonday. U. foe aa tadeft-. 


bas Informed Manager Askte of the Grand 
Opera Boose that the atate of his health wm 
prevent his openlnc hta seaaoa at tbat ttaatrs 
Oct. lik 
tloa ar 

be deferred nntn Oct. 80. Eddie For. star- 
ring in Tbe Earl and Tbe Girl, will be the 

attnrtlca at tbe Grand betwcea The Klght 

15. Walter Beemer and Bis Jogglbig Girl an 
Incladed on tbe vandevllle bill. Manager Howse 
haa prarldrd plenty ot amasencnt (or caratral 

iOot ac n 

bss been msrfced 1>y cspadly aodleneea at the 
Garrick. Marie Cablll in Moonshine is a strong 
at ti actlun at the nihiols. and FXaacta WOaoa 

at flie~ Cheat Hi al ke ia ;; 

Gay New Torfc Is the cnrrent oirerlng at Oat 
bouse. l,ew Dockstader packed Mc'Vleker'a all 
last week. Bto was a waoderfk 

peepte are thad'at "'josig' ialsstut iiiliiiifcliial " 
Tbe I.and of Xod and Tbe Tankee Regent 
Imslness shows no signs of falllDir off. and. aj- 
together. the theatrical situation In Chicago is 
satisfactory In every way. 


Morphy and His Band -nill make a 
tonr of western playhonses this wtater nnder . 
tbe direction ot Joe. A. Sa n detso n . opentog at 
the New Grand Theatre ta Stoax City, la.. - 
Oct. IS. Popntar concerts win he given, fea- 
tnrlng Bert Morpby as the "msa who stags 
to heat the band." Mr. Moiphy has a dto 
tinet novelty In singing with the 
aceoavaalmeat of brass aa 

«• me SM' 


Xrte Billboapd 

OCTOBER 14. 1905. 

KTTBCATHIK. — GraDil Op«n Hotue (Frmnk 
Unnt. mzT.) VuDrke and Eatoa Co. S<rpt. 
exc«Ueot btulnrss and compADjr. No 
. Ifolber To Gnldc iler Oct. 3: HoSCj Toltr 4; 
''AH** rube r C: The Temnle DetecUrn 7. 
XASOH CIT7. — WilAOQ Ttaeacre iChm*. T. 
PedRSoa. msr.) The HinSater s Son 7; Uln 
TomiCF 10: Uomu Bnrta 13: The no\f Citj 
M; A Bojml SUtc IS: Cnde Tom's Cabin 17: 
— Zb* Bex *l; Tl>e B«J«U of 

n»Miil;nMtn (B. I. lint - 
-Ttampi Sept. 30: 

im >nmr Oct. 4: ray F<a- 
S; nPfMMcer Otsulit •; 
Sbflr: VMBiaiB 8«Mk Cfc- nwjy ygm- 

t»t Four Prtuow ;Mi'XIIII»^i0MBHe:«. 

'.mer Andltarlmn (H. l»kr C Sw. mgia.) 
LjeraB Stock Co. irok Z 

BUeo TliMtrF (C. E. OlMon. diet.) Bobblu 
ud Tmnaiwa. Moonrj- and MooD«l, NiciE- 
HTg^f . Harrr Andrews. Illustrated xHigs and 
moving pIctoTvB vevk 2; sood bn:»Iorsj». Un- 
<Iec euTaa — duller Bios'. lOI Kancb Wild West 
Adw Sept. 33-26; good bosineu. Forepan;b 
-and Sells Bros'. Shows Sept 2T; good perform- 
^aaee and two packed tents; Pawnee Bill's 
Wnd West Oct. 2; Gasklll CarnlTsl Co 9-14. 

CH4OTTE. — Hetrick Tbeitre (R. B. Pal- 
mer. m;;r.) Maliata's Minstrels- 2; pleased 
«ood tHulness. Tlist Little Swede 28; fair 
boslsess. Bis Hisbness tbe Ber 2S; delisted 
capaeltT bo<M. piMr *i*^liur<»3e Oct 5. 

Winiams' Opera Hoise (G. W. WlUlams. 
m^.) lllmnan Heartit Sept. 27; pleesed zood 
baslnese. LDIlsa 'Masoa Co. 2S-90; atron: 
company and tMjsJnes^ sattsfartotT- At Crlppl€ 
Oreek Oct. 6: Stetson's U. T. C. 10. Under 
eanras — Kiji;rllns Brothtrs' Show Sept. 2S; 
pinsrd capaclCT business. Mtterson & Braln- 
. cM OanilTal Co 

V ZOFEKA.— CimwlM TkMtza (Ctawlotd ft 
I.) Tkat UtOt Swede Sept. M: 

~ S:S.B.O. 

96; pinied 

TwiBU Ml te «ta tte KUik-mbM Ck. Iv Dnnt. i 
JkM OlM 9; W^GIrta Um ta* 9S: filr 


;anA tamtt. Btmam Beuta SO: codd boon. 
:jJL- MmmtmM agf Oct. 1; cood bialiii ■ . Anna 

'- ■tm nj z. 

;.- Star Vaodentle Tteetre (G. T. Ifocrls. rnsr.) 

■iC Slmpaoo. Flee LoTelands. Ulas Frauds Sliap- 
aoB. and others week Sept. 24; (ood bnatness. 

IT. SCOTT DaTldson Theatre (Harry C. Er- 

nlcb. mfrr ) HIa Hlehness. The Bey Sept. 27; 
(ood allow and patmnaKT. Tbat Little Swede 
38; fair boslsew. T e_»jijrt oC Bbo ^ Ott. Sr 
biaa Open Olk.St.'iMI^ .MbMM; 

Coffee IT. 
Wm h»L ^ 

a«rL SB; SDod 
Mule FtatalB Oa. w«Hc Oct.-S: 
••SMIHM. CBd »r ciiii ii Bltllin Bntb- 
■e S^pt. Ay j CDod bosSoeaa^ 
ftWIl.tSSlL — Se-.lrc Tbeatrr lA- B. Sedrc 
r.) .A. BnssUa Spr 5; Morej- Stack Olu- IC- 
" oC nnns 26. .. 


-Arenoe Theatre (C. A. staw, 
A Wlf^ Secret week 1; good ;H:rfi,mi- 
The Eye Witness week 8. 
Masonic Theatre (C. A. Sliatr, msr.) QniocT 
Adams Sawyer dellshted (mod boslness last 
week. Shadows On Tbe Henrtb week 8. 

Bockln^ham Theatre (Wballen Bros., Din.) 
Tbe Mascottes week 2; good bnslneae and per. 
fOcmsnce. Tbe Colonial Girls , week 8. 

■facaalqr's Tbcatte (Jim T. Macaoley, mgr.) 
Wken Jbtaar Comes Marehlas Home week 2; 
coed keatecae aed perfocBsance. Ctaaa. B. Ban- 

~ ~ ~ TW«H« (Wb. m If* mil, mgt.y 
' ' teaaar and Bent. Ftaer ilw-. 
. and TcnHo. Jiw Fijna sod 
Mk' 1; OMd liasliiiii, Jfe. 

mt mm.- KMtv imk ». 

okvuxj: b. xaixob. 

UtXUI OTOS.— Optim Bbof* (Ckia. Sestt 
■sr.) Di gbr Beg la Zbe.HaeUiat «C Hr. 
Pipp 2-8; gos4 


BOWXZHB- WKKKM. — Potter's Opera Hoose 
S^t-t'' ^S?* ^' "i^ ^ Het^ayMre Opera 

T bna Shslt Not KUT • . ■ ' ■. - 

iiwrnimmro nuBt '.niiiiii cr*JM * 

Barch. ingr«.> My WHM.4Mto':;jhiit^ ZTr 
«M>d boatees*. BnraiC iVmi^XK^Oct. M: 

. CCkige. X. 

.llMtFber. mtr.y Herald Sqaare Opera Co. Sept. 

SS-30t *ood btt<neitsj Dare Derll Dorothy Oct. 
T: Otwnt Com<-dy Co. 3-14. 
"-. WIStiHWX'Ut. — Opera Hoose (Gains ft Stro- 
k) Tbe Tla Stock Co. weA 


«cek 1. 

. Grand Optra IToose (H. C. Foorton, mgr.) 
'The Belle of Richmond week 1. 

OtptieDm Theatre (Tom S. Wlnstoo. mgr.) 
Henrietta de Serrls. S. Miller Kent, Capt. 
Blnwn. Meeaeoge r B oys' Trio. Idoia Catrer and 
PoUard. wntDB Bcothcn, Lew Wells, 

Tkaatic (WlB- A. WBer. ttzr.) The 
: Owaedr Ca. b A FIgbt For Foctnne week 
. L Taaderllle nombers between tbe acts ate 
sad Mottm. Lew Kroner. lAttle Glen- 
: BaaC llairii. Pnrf: M<f aUa^ and •«>««■. 


BATTT. — CMambla Theatre (OtiTer Moeea. 
mgr.) Papa's Boy Sept. U; canceled. Tbe 
Oftloirtal Stock Co. week IS: fair bostness. Tbe 
Bol Stock Co. 2S-77: good business and eom- 
paay. Darld Haniin 2S: caiiacitT boslneaa. 

K*«k-«*u OB. Oct. x-7: men V* Wm 

_ \'» Tktam (BobC B. Itwtn. mgr.) 
Tbe Eari «ad Ibe OM nek 2; attracted One 

boslness. Babes Xa Tim Woods week 9. 

Mirjland TbeatIC CXas. L. Keman. mgr.) 
niBon and Emt, i/em SnUy, DeWItt. Boms 
and Torraoce. Eddie Leonard and Slurp Broth- 
ers, Sylraoo, The Bice Family, and Gorxnan 
and West week 2; boalnesa big. 

Andltorlom Theatre (Jaa. L. Keman, mgr.) 
Tbe BelJe of Arenne A vrlth Elfie Fay week 
z; good boalnesa. Tbe Black Crook week 9. 

Blaaey'a Tbcatre (O. U. BallaaT, mgr.) Tbe 
Cypar Gld arttk Dolly Keaapcr week S; wd ad 
boaSM. Ow Can* U Drink week S. 

Hnllldsy Stmt ■ Thratrr (Kemaa. Bite ft 
Hoock. mgr.) Bainey Gllmore In Tbe Boeky 
Road to l>oblln week 2; excellent biisliwis 
Caater'a Laat Flgltt week ft. 

MooamcBtal TkMttb Q9Mm &b 

Mlas New Xock. .» 

perfDrmaoce aaS Ti 
qnera week 9. 

BIJoa Theatre .JK .K-Oitt' ViU riilllhs 
and Gordon hMsM ' a wgSSuCWB Week 3; 
boalnesa good. \ 

STLTAN SCENTHAL. 224 La arena St. 

CUXBEKLAin). — ^Academy of Maalc (Mel- 
llnger Bros., mgrs.) Klrke Brown Stock Co. 
week Sept. 3S; good business. Alberta Gal- 
latin Oct. 2; fair baBlneKS and good perform- 
ance. Bnster Brown 3; good boslness and 
show. Under canras — Slg Santelle & Welsb 
Brothers Sept. 30 ; good business. 

WftKHSTUWll. — Academy of Mnaie (Chaa. 
H. B^pM^ ast^) .Bastcr Bmra 4. , 


NEW BBIFOBII. — 'New Bedford Theatre 
(W. B. Ooss, mgr.) Tboe. E. Shea In reper- 
toire week SvpC 18; pleased pac ke d booses. 
Jas. Kenned.r OiL VMk : SS: - (Mk. baslaess. 
Why Girls Leae* -■■M-.Oct.' t| Xha 'Bike of 
Kinicrankle 9. 

Batbaway's Tbeattc (Tbeo. B. BaHies, mgr.) 
To To. LeClalr and Haidt. Artie Hall. GU- 
roy. Hayacs aod Montgomery. Byama and Mc- 
Intyre, CmtXle and (3oUins. Onri Family and the 
Tliagrapb week Sept. 25; good bnslDess. 

SaToy (D. B. BolSngton. mgr.) Tbe BnlBng- 
too Stock Co. la aiCB aaS WOTMk wwk X wia 
The — — - - - - • — - 


Gllmcce awc t Oa. . 
week S; go o d perCbsBaace and seed 

Conrt Sqoare Tl»eatre. Henrietta Croaman In 
Mary. Mary, Qolte Contrary 2;. good boalnesa. 
Edna Ang in A Fonr Leaf Clover 4; Viola Al- 
len in Tbe Toast of The Town 6; Tbe Heir to 
The Hocrab 7; Wright LorLmer in The Shep- 
herd King week 9. 

PoU'a Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew. 
GQror. Hajnes and Montgomery. Three KIos 
Sisters. Greene and Werner. Tonng and DeTole, 
.\ntr1m and Peters, Geo. Olamond. and moT. 

InK pictures week 2; good baelnem. Theatre. Wine. X^oman and Song 2-4; 
ble bnslDesd. The Cracker Jacks 5-7. 

FAXl. BITEB.— Academy of Music (Cabn & 
Grant msrs.) -Sbeitard'a Moving PIcttirea Sept. 
25-27; fair business.' Wliy Girls Leare Home 
29-30: good boslneaa. Daeld Baiasi Oct. 9. 

Sheedy's. Don* and Baaaell Juad a seed 

and ^ShI^' . - , . - '^^^ 

Ike I Chat* (A. is. rfijan; .miffij Oillabsn 
and Mack. Dnlsr Haieoort, Xha Xiilsr Twin 
Sistets, Blacr <Dalex. 'CMatWK.-asA Smltb 

"xb?^S*3SS^SfeSS?^t*-'«l««t the 


Xaa HUl ;ia The Sticct Singer 
m. Era Ttsagnay In The Sambo 
•; luxe and deligbted andlcaee. 
P i apki. TBcatn; (T. F. Murray, mgr.) TTben 
Tbe TTetU Sleeps 2-4; large aodlraces. Wine, 
Woman and Soof 5-7: pleased capacity bnal- 

6L01TCESI£R. — ^Dnlon HHI Theatre (rx>throp 
ft Tolana. ana.) Kerry Gow Sept. 27; One 
aadbosiness. Girls Will l>e GIrU 
and apedtT Imal- 
— ~ aC Ob a. 




SAGnrAW. — ^Academy (J. SI. Ward, mgr.) 
The Wayward Son played to good business '.'(>- 
27: cmd eom^a ig. ^ ^ Tbe ^^ ^"'^^ '"^ 

Afffis Tbeatie (Bnifiirt 4k Xuln, ■«■.) 
r , a ai lel i a , Lacy and lAder. lUgaaae t la Kvkin, 
Colette's Monkeys and P1™n, Ibui^. B.r.r-r 
Sept. 24-30; fun bosses and reiT good bDl. 
Oct. 2-9. Tbe Byrons. Agnes Lee Uartyn. CHar- 
ence Sisters. Noblette and Marsltsl, Carrie 
Scott, Caldem and W. J. McDennott Oct. 1-T; 

full hoas**s and good [►erformance. 

T.axarwn — Balrd's Opera Bonse (F. T. Wil- 
liams, mgr.) Klltle'8 Band 25; fair business. 
Tbe Wayward Son 2S; sood business. Crest 
Train Bobbery 30; goo<i business. School Girl 

Oct- 2; On The Bridge at Midnight 3; Sign 
of The Four 7: Fsost 9; One of The Many 10; 
The Wlxming Band 14. 

BIJon Family Theatre (D. J. Bobaon. mgr.) 
Week 2, Tbe Great Gay, Sboenwrrk, Great 
DeGreans. James and Dnvls. and the bljouscope. 

XUSKEGOV, — Grand Opera Hoose (R. H. 
Meyersatam, . mgr.) San Toj s^i t 23; large au- 
dience, good attraction. Oa Tte Bridge at 
Mldnjght^Oct. 1; eraw d i^hon^^^CTgr UlUes 

Grafters 12: Adaialda BkMMHlMffSk^^nBWb 

of Betty 14. 

FLnrr — stone's Theitre (Albert C. Peg. 
mgr.) San Toy Sept. 21; fair iiaalneas and 
good performance. Dora Tbome 22: good show 
and bnalness. On Tbe Bridge at Midnight 23: 
good alww and bnslneas. Sdioolglrl 28: good 
show and fair buslnes. My Wife's Family 
30; good allow aod boslneaa. The EleTentb 
Hoar Oct. S. 

anZ— WaAlagtaa IbMtn <W. J. 

r.) On Iht Bddge at Midnight Sept. 
iisliiM Tbe Scboolglrl Oct. 1: good 
vMKw. The EievaBtb Boor 3-1; Flurodora &; 
My WUb** Faaaay My Jersey Lilly 7; The 
fowm at The Vtoar 8; The Wlimlng Hand 11: 

iSe railslan Widows 12: A Desperate Cbanee 

13: In T>* Heart of Chicago 14: Faust 15. 

aeawijiial I WL. — Opera Boose (A. F. Koepke, 
mgr.) The Mammy and The Bnmmlngbird 
Sept 25; good boslness. In The Heart of Chi- 
cago 3; San Toy 4: Florodora 17. 

BUoa Theatre (W. A. Boss, mgr.) The Jes- 
sees. The Bererleys, and kinadrome week 1; 
good business and performance. 

OOWAGIAC. — Opera House (Tbe Little Out- 
cast Sept. 22: good sLow and fair business. 
My V.lfe'B Family '-tJ: sood crowds ud 
pleased. Faust 28: fair business. TrlSby SO; 
sood Vogel's .MlnstxeU Oct. 4. 

SATTLTE STE. M«nlF H«o Opera Boose 
(W. H. Seach, mgr.) San T»T *t '^•JM*'"* 
sUlner's Dsoghter Zi Tba HtMt ofJCbtago 

5: Tiie Irish Ptwnbrokcfs T: ™"*«« J* 

0WQ8B0,— Open BMe (O. I teh li a bitcbe r . 

t Maalct Scpc SS: nod perfuniiaiice and 

uoTThrBiitoeVt XUdalght 28: fair 
- My Wife's Family Oct. 2 

-_ , (L. N. Scott, 

Hnk StaaptCa Tielcsram Sept. 24-::C: 
r^l'Tillir- ' -- — • Far Husbands 27 30: 
iuod battiesi. Mrs. L ggi syilf Boots and 

The Bamstormeta week OCL !• ' _• ■ ■ __ 
Aadltortom Theatre CP. B. MBMBt ■S'*! 

Damon and Pytblas S. . . 

Bljoo Theatre (Theo. L. Haya, mgr.) ^Qneeo 
of The Wblte Slares week Sept. 24; good bnsi- 
ness. His Last Dollar week Oct. 1. 

Orpbenm Theatre (G. E. Raymond, mgr.) 

Artbor Stone. Slgnortna Vererm, Oriska Wm- 

den and Adele Arche r^ Mr. a nd _Mm. .m"-,,™; 
monde. O'Brien and Bat MWa Bi**!^ *R tU5 
and Frlngle, and otbCfS^ «SK .BvL Wi Bood 
business and bill. . 

Lyceum Theatre (Mr. Ely, mgr.) lb ja* 
Mrs. Kobyns, The Pierces, Fay. ODlaspaad Flay. 
Tbe Bosaris. Jaxson and Sparks, TeBIe. Mar. 
phy. lAMont's Dogs and t Um Mt tm, and the 
bioscope week Sept. 25; goodbniiifll. 

Cnlqne Theatre :jia. 'F. ftue^ 
Tigne. Rllleyand aad garisaii OjliW , _Naab ft 
Co., Ed. B. and Brtis •mMS^HSte. Jtonnlngs. 
DiCoe. Harold Becknc. Bfcnaanr EnFlenr. and 
■Drins pictotas we^ Sept. 35; good bnal. 

Dewey Theatre (M. H. Singer, mgr.) The 
Washington Society Girls week Sept. 24; good 
'business. Tbe Tiger Lniles week Oct. I. 

' ST. PAUL. — Metropolitan CIpera House (L. 
N. Scott, mgr.) Eira Kendall In The Barn- 
stormer 1-t: good, boslness. Mrs. Temple's 
Telegram 5-7; San Toy 8-11; Frank Daniels in 
Sergeant Brue 12-14. 

Grand Opera House (Theo. L. Hays, mgr.) 
The Belle of The West week 1: s^od baslnesa 

and performance. Joe Welch in The Peddler 
8. , 

Star Theatre (J. a Tan Boo, mgr.) Tbe 
Utopians week 1; packed boaacs thmoshoat tbe 
week. Tbe Partelan Bdtaa week & 

Otpheom Thcatse (Chaa. Staeek. lasr.) Tan- 
deifll* 'cmUmm t» attiaet luce baHaen. 


BB. CLOTO.— DasMson Opeia Haose (E. T. 
X>aTldaoo. mgr.) Bni Bbaisk SspC^^BMvtt. 1; 
pleased good biiiliHM ■ «>» B wl 3U» Qaar- 
tet Oct. 6; San Xir 'lil KBUsa aMri^n;-4iady 
of Ly aaa 33. 

^aTMwm fnim lOL P. inilker, 

mgr.) The Mattlase mt VOttr B«t' SB; sood 
business and comfway. 


ST. LOVIB The local playboosea again re- 
port a big week's business, tbe Veiled Prophet 
Parade bringing many visitors to the city. 
^ Olympic Theatre (P^^agrt. jgr^^^^gg <g- 

Home Folks. 

Carrlck Theatre (Geo. W. Floyd, mgr.) The 

(Jeerer of Qeck with Dare Lewis attracted fine 
bnslneas the past week, (^rrent: Lady Teatle. 

Ontiirr Theatre (P. Short, nigr.) Mrs. Tem- 
ple's Telcj;rani week 2: excellent performance 
and pleased good patronage. Current; Tbe Stio- 

Ciaad Opm Hnm (Jaks O. SbeehF. asr.) 
Hanloa's Faalawni ivcck 9i cacellfat attrac- 
tlaa and laise bMlBMB. Balb aad Dtn week •. 
■ CMnhiB Theatre (Plaak B. Tbttb' apr.! 
Tbe Tankce DooOe Bva. lllats aad Rrans- 
ton, Tbe Fanst Family, Masleal Johnstons. 
Tecge and Panlel, Edward LsZelle. Mr. and 
Mrf. Gene Hnghes. Tslbot and Rogers. Jimmy 
Wail. Lindsay's Dogs and Monkeys. Jennings 
and Renfrew, and moving pictures week 2: 
boslness and bin good. 

nartln'R Theatre (Wm, Garen, mgr.) Klne 
of The Opinm Ring week 2; good business and 
ideaaed. The House of Mystery week S. 

Gayety The at w _(0 . T. C rawfw d. mgrl) 

bnslnesa aaS- ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ 
week 8. 

Orpbenm Thcatra (Martla Lebmas, ogr) 
Patty Brotben. Smith and Campbell, Maacta 
SUteis, Mr. aad Uia. Prrklm FIsber, Llada 
Beckwitb, Cellna Babe, Howard Btotbeta. m 
the kinodrame week 1; good boalaeaa and Hmw 

MajesUe Theatre (Sam BeaMmin, mgr.) 
Raw Is and Voo Kanfman, Sebenck Family 
Chester, Chas. Brenson & C^,, Georgia Cbarl 
ters Lewis, Dlzon, Burt and Dixon, and otliers 
week 1; good business. 

Ontury Theatre (Joa. Barrett, mgr.) Dainty 
Paree Bnrlesqoers week 1; good attraction. 
Fay Foster Co. week 8. 

Yale's Tbeatre (Lloyd Brown, mgr.) Baa 
Fagan. The Monroes, Clem. C. Magee. Larry 
Conway, aod the moving pictures week 1: good 

Natkmal Theatre <F. L. Flsnders. mgr.) 
tdKI JU,_ Bytwk jM Id O'Neal. Vincent Kl. 

'cHAS. H. aUAUt. 

ST. JOSETB,— Tootle TbealM (O. V. Ml. 
ley. mgr.) KoU and DUl la L Oi U. Ott. 
2; ;rood boalnesa. Thn Murphy la A OniSII M 
Coffee 3: good bnsln. as. PIS, Pafl: BmC T; 
good patronage. Boater Brown 9; Tbe ftla ^ 
of Pllseo 10: DoeksUdter'a Minatiela 14. 

Lyceum Tbeatre (C. D. PblUey. mgr.) A 
Volunteer OrganUt 1-2; attracted good basl- 
ness. Queen at tbe White Slarea S-7; good 
iHlsIness. Era Fay 0-14. 

Lyric Theatre (H. Walter VanOyke, mgr.) 
The VaiAlyke Stock Co. pr< sealed A 0>wbax's 
Girl weeA; 1; good bosIoe«s. 

Crystal Tbeatre (Fred Cosman, mgr.) Bd. 
liiomson. Franzmatbes and Lewis, OrrUle 
Pltber. LaBord and Ryeraon, Wm. 6. Bocoa 
and moving picture a week 1; good Iin iliiiss. 

KAHBIBAL.— Park Tbeati* (J. B. Pdetw 
mgr.) North Bntbeta Comedfan Sept. 19 aad 
week good bnslaeas. Flff, PaC Foat Oct. S: 
pleased capadtj boslness. Joa. DeOrtlw pre- 
sented Blcbelteu S; fair boalneaa. Holty TdI9 
T; pleased good boelncas. Haeerly's Minstrels 
9: Tbe Female De te c Uw ea lO; WUe la Kamt 
Only 11: The Fatal " ~ 

Poaeynue 14; Dota ■ 
18; Sky Farm 21. 

lOnjX. — New Club Tbeatre (L. F. Bal- 
lard, mgr.) Sky Farm '6ept. 20; good company 
aad bcnse. Oadc Taa'a Cabia 39; asad tmtt- 
■can. That MtMa Ba iSi ..SfL .Ig • Mk >a^ 

nesB. The 'Kajah 'at BfeliB^l 

9; canceled. 

Lyric Park Tbeatre (Chaa. B. 
mgr.) Zareni, Zarttnt and 
roll. Bnmett and Wj 
tores week Sept. JH; 
canvaa — ^RingRag 
good baalaes*. 

dU^pt^Sininl^^id hnsin t s ? ^ Orace Hay- 
ward Co. week Oet. 1 excepting 6 when PIS. 
Pair. Poof formallr opena this bouse. 
I Wood's Opera Hooae (H. W. Wood, mgr.) 
VaadeTlDe Is drawing good business, 
mgr.) Tbat Uttle Swede 2; capacity buai- 
Xhe Kajab af Bbaw S: B«itnl T; The 
• ^ imt AtCMfIa CHek IT. 

impeilal Theatre 

Der TaUnaa «cA B; 
exceOeat eoapanj. 

Standard Theatre (Leo. . 

The Calldnmla Clrts week Bl BtaS hi 
and perfaenanee. The Cbev n lhr BrfVarla. erark 
shot, was a featnrc. Dainty Paree Glrla 
week 8. 

(D. B. Rnssell. mgr.) 
H i w d Xla World week I: 

^--s-s. ~ m^mmu A WIM Saciet 

we* «. 'WHiti J. FABLBT. 

TTdHBHI OKT. — Tbe Willis Wood (Wood- 
ward ft Bonene Aa. Co., mgrs.) The Prince 
of Ptlaen with Jeea Dandy and Ruth Peehles 
delighted Itrge patronage last week, (^rrent: 
pitr. Pair. Ponf. 

Grand Tbeatre (Hudson A Jodab, mgra.) 
Buster Brown week 1; packed bonae and good 
production. The Runaways week 8. 

GlUlaa Theatre (E. S. 
First Falae BMP ««ik It 
cellrnt ' 
week 8. 

Andltorltun Tlieatre (W( 
Am. Co,, mgn.) Stv Fans 

TBEHTOV. — OpRa Hooae. SnI oC Iknoa; 
faned to appear. In Old Virginia Oct. S: good 
businesa and performance. Mabara'a Uinstrela 
10; The Little Homestead 12. 

CHART.FSTOM. — Cbarleatoo Tbeatre (8. P. 
Loet). mgr.) ^^^^ '""jpj^j^'^^^^a^gjj^ 

Downs Show 7. 

CLISTOir.— Blxman Opera Hoose (W. P. 
Jarvla. mgr.) The Pnmpktn Busker 11; At 
(Mpple Ckeck TO; Bon's Uaalas Flctoca 39. 


COLTnCBTTB. — Galnmbus Theatre (P." W> 
Mner. mgr.) Buster Brown Oct. G; WMl 
Musical Comedy Co. 11; Barlow's Minstrels IT. 

lOBBOTlLA.— Union Tbeatre (Cbu. A. Bar- 
ools. m^.) May Howard Burlesqocra ^cpt^S; 
good businesa and fair performance. Dasa 
Thome 20: good bnalness and performance. 

OMAHA,— Orpbenm Tlicstre (Ori Relter. 
mgr.) Sylvester, Jones and Pringle, Mr. an* 
Mrs. Perkins FIsber. Slgnora Verera, Patty 
Brothers, Smith and Campbell. Cellna Bo be. 

1 M-a — - fcfcaai iimr week 

Mew BnwDod Tbeatre (Waodward ft Bar- 
geaa, mem.)- The Woodward Stack Co. in A 
Royal FibUj week Sept. St; boalneas good 
and pe rl bem an ee eaeeneat. Btm ao t She loved 
Bim So «c« Oct. 1. 

_Bqyd ThsaHe j[WQe dWMit ^BwiCTS. _>>"■> 

varloas plays week Oct. L 

Krag Tbeatre (Doc Bleed, aar.) Florence 
Bindley In Tbe BeUe of Ike Weet Sept. 24-25: 
good businesa and performance. Her First 
False Step 20-27: plraaed good patronage. The 
Female DetecUrrs 28-30: Joe Welch In The 
Pedler Oct. 1-4; business good. Geo. Evans 
iu Tbe Banaways 5-7. 

Audltorlam Tbeatre. Sooaa'a Band 1: Im- 
menae crowd. Baada Ba«a S-L B. J. ROOT. 

LXBO0IJf.-.OIIecr Thcatie (Ptaak C. Zeh- 
mng. mgr.) Tbe Finale DetecMm Sept. 27: 
good business. Ptggr Froai Paris 38; large 
cnowd. St Pinnkard a>-SO: good baslacaa. Tla 
Murphy Oct. 3. 
Lyric Ihcatie (H. H. XHtor. aBsr.)_Oi^ 

viiie piiehar. _ - - - 

man and . 


daont ft Bomesa, osvs.) Tbe T i nd nitot Bn*. 

2S: good baaIneaa_Tbe TeiMle ©eteetlvea 9S: 
good boalnesa. 'Sftear Whitcatto »: 
buslnMs3Maa> snftyiPm SO; idnSr aadlewe. 
Cncle^aSff "Cebin Oct 5. ■ 

^ OUTH.— Parmele TbeabB (P. H. 
Dm>bar,^%p.) TBe Paradeta Sept. 9: (iB 
ralker -frbttealdcn 3^ good sa^ 
and fair 'htteadaaee. Oaoe 
.Oct. 2: p lea sed aood at) 


""viU 8tMl Pi'-r leeoBBoaatti Ivft erowtfi 

■'■'vouji"'» i'l»r. ilo««)eHe LuUt Co. week 
■<r,.t eicellent bu»ln»M. Wee* Oct. *, m- 

<,vov- TUc«tre. M««hln« <>S^ 
The l5g 25l 


-tr.l .how contlnoM t» 
si.-oplcohise Pier. ' .v ^ . r=— 

--?.«y?~L •-^''•^ "jiff- 


(Lee Ottolensnl. mxr.) 

jntmi^ BotUah Qnnd Open Co. 

SrTS#rt;i« w»A 9-H: The Doeliea oT DuMe 

'''EBplre Tl.«fT» (H. M. HT«m.. BCb) 
Kuanis 9-H: Irrlind, 1798 16-21. 

Columbim Ttifmtrf (U. J. J«cob«. in«r.) The 
Bntsell Brothfrt In Tbe Qre«t Jewell Mj^terj 
Seek 2-7: «uo<> buslnew. llarchlns Tbroogb 
OeoreU 9-U; The W«T of THe Tnasgienor 

Th*«tre a. A. m«i. "g.) *>• 
Kpbloe Cobu * 0»~Altt» Ml. Jwa 
Baker and LxMt. IMMM ■■■ .wM* 

Baker and I'lVb 
ner, and ttie 
tne. . . 


openlnc. next week, with the new Sartge mn- 

•ICAl piece. To-MocTtiw-Laad la the lateat aa- 
nouncemeDt of Ita title. 

S>T07 Theatre (Frank McKee. mgr.) James 
K. Backett and Mar7 Maanerlas eootlDoed 

tlielr lacceMful run or The Wtlla •( Mtlcho 
Into Its third week. 9. The play «■ t* re- 
viewed In a subacqoent taaue. 

Madison Square Ibcatre (Walter K. Lew- 
rence. mrr.) Hemy B. Dll*T Im Tka Mu On 
The Box, contlnaee the atmetliai ken lo- 
deOnltely. The •eeond week ot the xn feesan 
9. Critical oplnloo dlSeta aa t* tbe aeHts 
of tbe piece. Tbe BUlbeetd'e *la«n win be 
■et tbrth Id e later leaK. 

Pioctor'e Fittli Aveane Tbeetie (J. Aos- 
tln Fjnei. gen. mgr.) Tbe "AU-Stnr" Stock 
Co. wm beiMfter appear twlee • dar. atartinc 
g. ITabe"* Xraaaon haa Ixo e e wge i l to pUy 
tbe leede at thn* o( tbe ■e fl n e e e. 
Blnchim. tk 

iDg at tke • •^r-sii.i_ 

Ing perforaaMM> ' b Tkt lUMa aC 

Eoea on 9. — - » 

Weher'e Aeetre (Walter IL'iMiVnBk Wgt.) 
Tbe Prince Chap began tbe weoM «Mk «( ita 

tnnsfer to this bouse. 9. 

Broajivij Theatre (A. W. Dlncwall. mgr., 
Tbe Pearl and Thf Pumpkin stftrtpd npon its 

eighth engaging week, 9, with no announce- 
ment made as to anj stoppage ot Ita aaccess- 
ful ran. _ 

New Amsterdam Theatre (Klaw & Erlanger, 
mgra.) The sixth and last week of Tlia PlO<^ 
leal Son BtartB B. On <o l.alo 01 »»e r nj"ea 
oTer here from tbe Knickerbocker to canllDDe 
tbe ran o( Mica DoUf DoUara. 
Lyric Theatre «ia«_fcaa, ■!«».)_ The 


Haber't Moaeam (John H. Anderaon, mgr.) 
Here relffn the treaka and here, too, la rande- 
TUIe and llkewlae Urge and pleajed ahdl- 
encea. WALTER K. HILX.. 

BBOOEL-nr tfuw Mortaak Tkaatre (S. B. 


week 9. 

Park mnw Qmw MkK an) Will 

aooD apm itka/tm mtr fka MMMmn attae- 


Broadway Theatre (L. C. THh; ;MP^^S(bt. 
Edeaon In Strongheart week S| ■BN'lMftitai. 

Docbeaa of tHuitxlc week 9. 

Amphlon Theatre (Wm. T. GroTer. mtr.) 
Henry Lee, Tbe Woodertol Zanxlgs, Monroe. 
Mack and Lawrence, Lew Bawklna, Unalcal 

Httt fW. 8. Clark, mgr.) 
Bnrleaqiiem week 2-T: good 
Irwln'a Big Show 9-14. 
Street Theatre (P. B. 
...I A Son ot Beat Sept. 2S-27: 

a>d made a hit. Tracked Aroand 

The World 28-2S: pleaard big baBlneas. Slm- 
^ Siiaoa BlaHile SO; capacity booae and well 

^£d*i» ffi^SStMnT^^^^nM 

Sl4. ^ ^ 

Taylor Opera Hoose (M. Moaes, mgr.) 'Way 
Down Eaat deUgbted Urge audieoirea 23-28. 
Woodland Get- 3; rery 6ne buslneaa and 
■leased. Fritxl Sebed 7; The Maid and Tbe 
Sammy 9: Mra. Temple'a Telegram 14. 
: Trent Theatre (Kdw. Benton, cogr.) Tboe. 
Seabrooke and Jeanette Lowrle beaded a 

Eld bill week 2-7; other* are Elloore Slaten. 
e and Broidie, Tbe LaDella, Traaa-Atlantle 
Four, Three Weataoa, OlUe Tooag and Brotbrr. 
and the bkiciaph. 'lflllcr*B Flephat^ Oraa« 
Opera Trie. Tea) TMa, Uxzle Braaa and Jbuxy 
. Broekman - - 

week 9-U. 



I cfewiccs 

of Ml _ 
et blUa at the Bdaaeo 

_ _ at oar prln- 

dgal IheatitB for the week ot Get. 9. At 
the GanKk, on Toeadar CTenlnc.' Arnold Daly 
wm glre onr tlrat new ot John Boll'a Other 
Island. Boaloeaa generally areragea tram fair 
to good, and la no Inatance are tbe crowda 

Belaaco Theatre (Darld Belaeco. mgr.) 
Mrs. Carter t>eglna tier Anal fortnight. with 
Zaxa. changing the bill again 16. to ftuag* 
for her concluding week. Her tbicc WMk* ot 
Adrt-a cloaed Saturday nleht. 7. 

L.Tceum Theatre (Daniel Frohman. mgr.) 
■ Joseph Wheelock. Jr., continues his etarrlng 
career In Juat Ont of Ckillege before large and 
well-pleased aodleoces. He starts npon bis 
third week 9. 

Empire Thcatxe (Chaa. Frohman. mgr.) 
Joha Dccw. la - - 


Ifnhattaa Theatre (1 , 

■Bb) Jba. nake eateted uvoa the thM al^fc 
•C aa eagasmcnt which eada 14. caatlBalBs 

. nk week 

at Ml and aa » BaMh» KUHh afM her Kng- 


K^rgaict AngUn'a great wartl Sra la in- 
dDac - nlTetaal admlratioa ftom large aadl- 
encM. ' She itartrd ber foortb week, 9. 
■ Hew Tork Theatre (Klaw & Erlanger, mgn.) 
Ifelntrre and Heatb. In The Ham Tree. startwJ 
npoa the- aerenth week of their mn. 9. Fred- 
Bowec* jotaa them 16. and the Knickerbocker 
Quartet dosed T. Belle Gold la winning her 
apnrs of popnUrlty at all performances. 

Lew Fields' Theatre (Wm. Raymond Sill, 
mcr.) BeanUfnl. thongb cnrtalled. Nordlaad 
and the bnslesqae of The Moslc Master contln- 
uea tbe ottering here. . „ 

Academy of Music (GUmour & Tompkins, 
mgr.) Doatin Famnm, in The Vlrglnlaa, he- 
glna - a limited engagemert at thla booae, 9. 
SBCceedlng 'Way Down Eaat, which ended eight 
wceka of prosperity. 7. - 

Majestic Theatre (John H;Ptah««T. 
Ohanncey Olcott begins the ■ «e qw d _ at h ia ttoe 
weefea' engagement. »,Btaond fcefce baring 

^H'SlelT'c^ ^22 tS^WT 
mgr.) Bohert Edaon. In Stroo^leart. 9. fol- 
lows a week of The Docbeaa of Dantzle, which 

passed ptoeperonaly and ended 7- 

^GrtaAOim Hoose (J. H. Springer, mgr.) 
EWe. Pay. In The Belle of Avenne A, ^rta 
npoD a week Of promised prosperlff 9. follow- 
ing a week of good business ror Tbe Maid and 
Tbe Mammy, ending 7. 

Weatend Theatre (Geo. Elomentbal. mcr.l 
The NInety-and-N'Ine. on 9. takes op the en- 
terUlnment of Harlemltea where the Four Mor- 
tona. In Breaking Into Society, left off on 7. 

Foorteenth Street Tbeatre (J. Wesler Bosen- 
aneat. mgr.) Nat. >I. Wills shows down-town 
JbeatiegSra what The Duke of Dnlotb look. 
Ute week atartlng 9. and follows a prosper- 
ous week for The NMoety-and-Nlne. 

Hippodrome (Thompson tc Dundy, mgrs.) 
Great throngs continue to congregate here twice 
a day to witn«« tho »lamgTeloB» 
entertainment. Xkh.^al «MH «« -■Mdeta 
ate at hand. — ^ 

American Theatre .fW ja. **3*'_JHL 
Torke and Adaasa. ha. Bialiri and Br^kei*. 

ade their flnt da ah »! S .'y?.?*''n!!J?^S; 
foUowhW • gWt .Wi* ^«r She Pared Do 

CM8 week *. 
<W. a. Fttdlay. mgr.) 
iMk. S: good bottnen. 


Opm Bone (K. T. moOeton. mgr.) 

Uary Marble la Naocy Brown week 2l More 
To B« Pitied Than Scorned treek S. 

Folly Theatre (Bennett WUaoa. mgr.) Sim- 
ple Simon Simple week 2. Tbe BoaaeU Broth- 
era week 9. 

Orpheom Theatre (Percy G. Wllllama. mgr.) 
Kelcy and Shannon. Mason-Keeler Co.. Ed. F. 
Reynard. Kmpire City Qnartet. The Caataneoa. 
Mabel AiIsieb. Ema Cams, and others week 2. 
The Girl in The Clouds. Mary Norman. Sydney 
Grant. Shean and Warren, and others week 9. 

Star Theatre (Arcble H. Kills, mgr.) The 
Vanity Fair Burlesquers week 2. The City 
Sporta week 9. 

Bljoa Theatre (Mary G. Spooner, mgr.) 
Edna May Spooner In Zaxa week 2. A Blld- 

nlgbt BeU week 9. 

Gotham Theatre (Chaa. WnHaai^ mgr.) 
Marie Dopoait * Oa, VkMa and Ward. GU- 
letted Vtsf. aad oIlNnLWHk, i. 


OB iaiMBB OBO Grand Opera Houae (Cbaa. 

T. FnUer, mgr.) Louta James In VlrgUiloa 
Sept 26; good performance and fair bualnesa. 
The Eternal City 2T: Tery good show and 
pleased fair huslnen. The Old Honjeetend - 
Male Quartet Oct. 2; Tbe Clansman 3: 'Way 
Down Eaat 4; Babea In Toyland O: EdsaU 
Wlntbropc Stock Co. 9-14: Elfle Blaier IX . 
when EdaaU WInthrope Co. lays off. . 

CHAHLOTTE. — Academy of Moslc. The Je*> 
fersons In The Rivals Sept. 23; One IpisdactM^ ; 
and fair business. Human Hearts 25; Cur - 
show and busln. as. A Bunch o( Keja XT; Bk 
show and buslneas. .. " -J- 

LatU .\udItorInm. Peter'a Bteck^^.Wi* 
Sept. 23: good pertotnanee and huilana 

Bra*., awta.) 
Sept. S: caa|d. 
Eternal Ctly r 
ueaa. StaMm 

Oct- 5; 

begaa the alxth 

fal ewgagenent 9. 
. Hndaoo Theattv (Heniy B. BazHa. asgr.) 
Han and Superman. In which Robert Loralne ia 

■itarrlng. and which entered npoa Ita alxtb Im- 
uietise week Is reviewed in aootiicr column. 

KnlckertKJcker Tliealre <A1. H. Haymau & 
t^i.. mgrs.) Lulu Glaser starts upon ber final 
o-wk of MlKs DoU.v Dollara at this booae 9. 
.•<he moves over to the New Amaterdam to con- 
tinue the run of the piece on 10. The Sothem. 
llarluwe comblnatloa will- •MMOi.'har in that 
•la I... In another eotaaa • eliw oriBwlWUy 

lliiIlarK Is printed. 
Wallack'B Tlreatre (.Mrs. Theo. Mosa. mgr.) 
Monday night. 8. Thoa. Jelteraon bowa to 
■roadway aa BIp Van Winkle. He Is booked 
Jsrtwo weeks. Then comes Otis Sfclnner. 
BVhMNMl Hitchcock dolshed his eighth and 
mat week ef Baay Dawson, departing Saturday 

„n^r^ Xhcaire (DaoW Prohnaa. mgr.) Edna 
May.^l a JtarhaaaHfU j e wg tattiw^^tr^ 

let 9^^LiSMa^'irutag 'ita^'pa^lallty 
Rir this prettiest of all New York offering*. 

Garrick Tbeatre (Ctias. Frohman. mgr.) 
Arnold Daly, entering upon hia fifth week, 
dkanges tbe bill fmni 'Von Nerer Can Tell to 
John BuU'a Other Inland on Tuesday erenlne. 
10. Tbnae who delight to bask In the. radiant 
bealn-defleetlotw of Iiemard Shaw will then 
bare their Brat opp.irtiinlty to see his lateat 

BIJou Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mgr.) OavM 
Belasco presents Dnrld WarOeld •» 
Master for the sixth week of b 
In New York, starting D. 

Herald Square Theatre (Chap. Frohman, 
mgr.) Sam. Bernard and The Bolllcking Olrl 
end their twenty-fourtb week, and cooelltde 
their all-sxnimer run of Mwllfr M. M>. Mtx 

In Tammany Hall, tea " 

ot>ena for a mn 16. 

Liberty Tlieatrc (Klaw * Erlanger. mgra.) 
Nothlnc Is said about a terminatloa ot the mn 
of The ItiKm Bnthcn In ~ 


Murray -n 
Jearte Moa I 
week Ot. 

(Wm. T. Keogh. mgr.) 
n aa The Street Singer 
oC ■ntt te West and 
— — "nhv ended 7. 


The Odiee Bay 

and perCorownce. Ttie 
caapaBT awl Mr hoA- 
1 la mta and ^cs 

(W. P. Randolph. 
FlaU Sept. 2U:. good per. 
Uappy Hooligan 31; 
The JeBcnooa 

fair performance and 

In The iBirala 20; hae . 
Itonae- lx»al Jamea la 

formance and bnalnev. 

OOVCOBB.— Opera Booae (J. B. OaldweB. 
mgr.) A Baaeh of Keya Sept. CT: good Jow 
and liaalam . Human Hearta gapd ihow^~ll^~ta BMt^Uk'M Rcw Tork, la tbe 
iSSt£"lJf »W*i-|e BUnc»^»» 
riShtlBg gate. cao»c».«art we ek.. The atme- 

ttooally - proOtablc. aclMB. 
MetropoUa Thsatn^Ocagr Boaenhetg. mgr ) 
The Shadow BAM TbO Ihiooe la the attrac- 

eia. In The Great J'!5?^-1 
ot 10. and then -BaiMf VBmmM,- m 

Road to Dublin, SS. ■ 

Thalia Tbeatia <A. H. Woods. IW.) 
septa Stanley pigliMM thti . . 

and win ha Stowed. 16. by Sbadcma ofa 
Great (Xtr. Bwlag the paat week TraCtad 
Vt lSla aSi ■waHJ aared to big bnalneaa. ^ 
naM%- BOndiedaDd Twenty-ilfUi Sttcet 
(jS^ Itaeo. mgr.) Tbe Proctor Stock Oo. 
iiSSw tBiwle« li The Spormg Dncbe». 
tfir^-Hr a— Paul McAUtater. Wm. J. Kd- 
S. BMtrlee Mocgaa aad Jearia BouteUe. ap- 
JSirtac IB tte cUet rolco. 

' itre <0c«. Kraaae.. mgr.) AL 
hia eominny hetc fcr wtek of 9, 
Eie Eampeaa Seaaatloa. and pre- 
WmM BaMan. who chw 16. Boal- 
h .^r '«0~-lhO.aaMl..«W>elty atand- 


Oathaa TlHali* <aaa. Kiaoaa. mgr.) The 
atr apsrla ilsatd a gaod week T and gave 
WV • to ne BMb BoDen. who win la tan 
be Bocceeded hy irwin Kotti 
lemltea keep thla booaa MM. 

Loodon Thcatfc (JasMO. K 

For week of • WkMnTa 

Mta. UHa Kew 



Miner's Bowery (WB. H. lahaai. rca; mcr.) 

The Rellly * Woods Shew will be tbe attrac- 
tion here week of 9. following a good week 
for Wataon'a Orlcntala, which eniled 7. 

Miner's Eighth Arenue (Edwin D. Miner, 
mcr ) The Avenue Girls will parade here week 
ot 9. succeeding the Imperial Borlestinera, who 
held forth to good attendance, ending 7. 

Circle Theatre (Lew Parker, mgr.) Tbe Ool- 
drn Crook Show, opening 9, follon-s a week 
ot peoOtable buatneaa Car The N< 

stock coopavj IB Why OK masRv ov 

2. Lover's Lane week 9. 

Hyde A Behman'a Tbeatre (Nick Norton, 
mgr.) Ulsa EUta Proctor Otla. The Reed Birds. 
Burtoo and Brooka, Alt. Grant and Ethel Hoag. 
Miss Josle Sadler. Clifford and Bnrke. Joggling 
McBanns, and Grand Opera Trio week 2. John 
T. Kelly A C^., Frank D. Bryan and bis Twelee 
American Girls. Edwin Keongh & Co., Bice and 
Cady, Henry and Allre Taylor. Chaa. M. Er- 
nest. Besnah and Miller, and Eight Dollar 
TrtMipe week 

Alcazar Tbeatre (Frank L. Bliley. mgr.) 
The Alcaiar Beauties week 2. Watson's Orien 
tala week 9. 

Phillips' L.Tceom Theatre (Loala Phillips, 
mgr.) The stock company In The White Tig- 
ress of Japan week 2. Week 9. For Hia Slc- 
ter's Honor. 

Naaaan Theatre <F. Fleck, mgr.) Tbe Bal- 
tlnwre Beantlea week S: good bnalacaa and 
pleased. The High School GMs week •. 

The Gayety Thealza CAa. ' dark, mgr.) 
Ctark'a Baaaway Olila waak 1. ' Taaliy Fair 
Bwleaquers week Ol 

Dntaae Tbeatre (Tiaiik B. Our. ncr.) The 
High School Girls week 2. GEO. H. RAKES. 

290 Broadway. New Tork City. 

K0OHE8TER. — Lycenm Theatre (M. B. 
Wolff, mgr.) Tbe lale ot Spiee 8-7; Inlla 
Marlowe and E. H. Sntbeia S. 

Cook Opera House (W. B. UcCallam. mgr.) 
Loola Simon and Grace Oatdaer, Guyer and 
O'Nell. Render Slaters. Pantxer Trio. May 
Bell tort. Polk and <>>lllns, Dixon and Anger, 
and the moving pictures week 2; excellent bnal- 

Baker Theatre (W. B. McCallum. mgr.) Sol- 
diers of Fortaae hr the atoek eotapanr 2-6 
good hwalana. - BHln-. %avtaar. OMMKt T: 


Nattooal Theatre (Mai Hnrtlg. mgr.) Flsle 
Janis In the Little Dncheaa week 2; excellent 
performance anil large patronage. Charles 
Grapewin In It'j< Fp to Too. Jnba Henry. 9-11. 

Corinthian (Henry C. .Jaeoba. mgr. Tbe 
Cs'^lno Girls and Smiling Island week 2: large 
business. The Gay Masoneradera week 9. 

GtOVEBSVUiE.— Darling Theatre (Will E. 
C«Dt. ro^T.) CooBln. Kate Sept. 29; pleaalnc 
performance. The Woman In The Case 30: 
good i>erformance and bupines*. The King of 
Rosnes Oct. 3; PfhWe's Moving Pictures 7. 

Family Theatre (Wm. Calhonn, mgr.) Rarry 
TT'ome and Co.. Geo. W. Hossey. Two Nndoa. 
Elllen NIhlo. K. J. O'Brien ao.l the Tltagrapb 
week 2: rood bn«lness. 

POUOHKFEPSIE. — CoUlngwood Opeta Boow 
fW. 6. Milliard, mgr.) A Woasaa^ iB.:ttc^Caae 
Brat. Z5; fine performance aad' MIg/ihHiUsa. 
Cheater DrVonde 26: good ''haslaeaB.'5..IMtle 
the NewsgM 19: fair h oi lw sa nagtr Bpotb. 
era Bfelea M: ■aaT-ahhw.r -BWht .BsIhi Get. 2: 
Whrelock'a V. 8. lodlah Bairt- 4; Ifat Wills 
la . The. Bafee of Mlath T. - 

pamily Theatre (Central - Theatres Co., 
mgra.) Saope aad-Kappe. natvnce Pierce. Mae 
Rnsarll.- Waltir m ii jfc Jglfc a^»..|hrry 
PBcer. Baker at^VBa^ wfc ■ felix 

and ClaxtoB and aMalV ' !■■*■■*■ week Sept. 
23: ro«^ b'-a^neaa. - - 

JAME8TOWV. — BamweVa Opera Hoaae (J. J. 
Waters, mgr.) Oaa Mly 1" Our Pastor Rept. 
28: gnod baslneM and perfbrmance. The Sleep- 
ing Beao^ and Tlie Beast Oct. 2; good per- 
formance and Imrt n ea a . Tbe Tsle of B^ng 
Bong 5; Eben Hdlden 7: The Woman In The 
Case 9: Rudolph and Adolph 10; Deell'a Aoc- 
Uo n 11. 

QEHE7A. — Smith Onera Hooae (L. K. Hartl 
son, mgr.) Eben Holden Sept. 28; pleased 
fair baslneaa. The Sleeping Beaoty and Tbe 
BesBt 27: big hnslness. Human Hearta 29 
good performance and fair bnalneaa. The 
rrlnceas Chic Oct. 2: fair bnalneaa. The 

WomiD In Tbe Case 4; May Hmman Stock Co. 


HOBWELISVILLE.— Shattack Theatre (Qhaa. 
A. Smith, aagr.) Ehea BcMra ■en*. SS; good 
prrfonnarr aad thir- hhs i a t sa. .Kathtja Pnr- 
aen Oiw wvtk Oct. .S: Nsaa " 
panr The Sle e pl a g B e au l j - aad The 
X whcB the Pnmell Co. laya off. 

rriilBh BInl-- Theatre (F. W. MaOhaaeO. 
mgr.) CrottT Trio. Robinson Slatera. Mile. Al- 




. CXYVKLASD. — Opera Hoose (Harry ntae. 
mgr.) The Crossing last week. Conaat: "Wag 
Down Eaat. _ . « 

Colonial Theatre (Dre ft CamphHL 
The Vangban Glaaaer Stock Oo^we* I la 
Charity BaU; plea ie* BMOootat M. _ 

fr^'^'Sl'rk'fto^. ^nS£StS^^ M.S: 

•on. The Ancooat P BU t MM Harry liCUur 
2' cood tmbmsa 
Lycew Theatre (J. K. Cookson. mgr.) Tbg 
'Fanaa'a Wife week 2; good b u s laeos and per- 

*°L^e*Theatre (Ed. W. Lang. m gr.> Waod 
and Wood. Barry Scanloa. The Alb .w-w*^. 
Bossell, Three Klmbala, and_Tlct« 
Ing plctnrea weekS; csai* 
Star Theatl* :QlnitA< 
Merry Ualdeaa wasB St ' 

formance. _ . ^ « 

Empire Theatre (Max Faetkenbeoer. mgr.) 
Rice * Barton's Big. Gaiety „Co. wMk 2; 
good bnalneaa and blU. P. C. MOONBT- 

TOLEDO. — Valentine Tbeatre (Otta 
mgr.) Sothem and Marlowe Sept. 30; 
bnalneaa. Tbe Sho^Jun Oct. 2; fair ha 
good pecfonnance. Blanche Walsh 4; 
attraction. DIghy BeU 7; Wm. Fa» 

Lyceum Theatre (Frank Bart. Bgr.) Qal 
Adama Sawyer 1-t; nod eaopaar aad baalnt 
Tbe FOOT BartlBSi ^ - _ 

Arcade ThCOtia fLamkla ft Newton, mgra.) 
EO^r&rk ft OB.. Hm and Sylrany. Wllsoa 
Tiiab Tooag aad Btaaha. Tbe Felota, and othcta 
week 1-7: good bailaeii. _ . ^ 

Empire Tbeatre (Abe Shapiro, mgr.) The 
Trocadero Burlesquers 1-7; flue rtaw aad bam- 
neaa. Tbe Jetaey LBUea 9-14. . „ „ ' 

Burt's Theatrv (A. L. WlswelL mgr4 H. O. 
BIsney in The Boy Bebtnd Tbe Ona 1-4; good 
bnslnesa. A Baee For Ufe 9-14. 

DATTOH.-^letoria Hk atre (G. O. Miner, 
mgr.) Fay Tetnpleton In Forty-flee Minutes 
From Broadway Sept. 29; good bttslness. Little 
Johnny Jones 30: packed houses matinee and - 
night. Blanche Walsh In The Woman in the. 
Case Oct. S. R. O. and pleased. ne 
Awakening of Mr. Plpp 4; good baslaeas. The 
She Gon 3. 

National Theatre (Gil Burro^vs. mgr.) Tlie 
Eye Witness Sept. 2S-30; good boslneaa. Shad- 
ows on the Hearth Oct 2-1; capacity hnslaesa. 
Across the PaclHc 3-7: coo>l adraoee aale. 

SASSnSKT. — Grand Opera Hooae (SlaglCC ft. 
Smith, mgrs.) Orer NUgara Falla Se5t.-lfc:• 
pIeased. John Grifflth In Richard III. Ot tt^Bt - 
fine pertormanee, fair hoose. Qnlag^ Ammm-. 
Sawym «-. lala at Baas Bay 11 : Ftenegajfla 
BaU IT: mamilsfc-i liial Stadc Oa. week 2S: 

Paul OBssaie »*. 

CABAL BOTTB Ifartfty »g.«f* (y- H. 
Cox. mgr.l A nvhl^am^Wt..BT^Kood bol- 
nesa. atr lMd lBl .SK SMl hMlaeaa 
Devtra . jmMm; «!*«. *s° ^"^^ ** 

Las* 19- 

TOBltGSTOWK.— 'Park Theatre (Jnlea DeJ- 
ar, mgr.) E. H. Soth«.Tn and Jnlla Marlowe 
Sept. 24: capacity business. A MilUooalte 
Tramp 2r>-^^>: fair ahow and bnslne«a- John 
Rrimth In King Richard III. 27; good business. 
Robt. FItr«lmmon» 2S: good bu«Ine-^-s Mabel 
McKlnler 2S: good bnalness and tn'- - -nMny. 

Opera House (T. K. AVbangh, m -r i '.\ -ek 
Sept. a*biJI»TrT LeClalr. Howard TruH^.IcU and 
Co.. ^nBRud Rar. Coleman's Dogs and CaU. 
Al. Coleman. Cartni'll and Harris and the 
plranograph: good bualnesa. The Bed Barea 
Cadets. Norton and 'NIeaima, <Vj^ Balat 
Barnes. Cherry and Batea'' TletST^-^ aha 
OhlU week Oct. 2. „ 
STEUBENVILLE.— Grand Opera Hoose (C. 
W. Mnxwt'll. mgr.) John GrlBlth In Richard 
111. Sept. 26: fair bnslnesa. Little Johnc/ 
Jones 30; delighted large buslnesn. Yaya 
Devil's Anctlon Oct. 2: Urge attendance, nj; 
negan's Ball 3; Ole Oleson 5: Alone ia the 
World 7: illldrrd HoUand 11: Oade Mk 
Spmcehv 12. 

EAST LIVERPOOL. — Ceramlr I»»a»l» ( Waw. 
r, Moore, mgr.) Msl-el MdOakg: la The. WBN. 

ma Ollre (Tlartnn. Bertha McMorrls aad Jai 
PrdndloTe week Sept 25: good business. 

BDtaHAIIPTON.^tonr Opeta House (J. P. 
E Clark, mgr.) Emma Bnoting Co. Sept. 285- 
30: pleased large hooses. Hadley'a Movlnjr PIc- 
Ya^ aimrm tore* Oct. 2: Mocga' Landing iM: Bleeping 
• Baaata aaC Ik* BMtt 9. 

Ml oeeossaMasfc 

son's Wife Sept. 27: , — . ^ . — ■ 
tie Johnny Jones 2.S: S. R. *• J"?* 
tloo 30: fair btislness. The Ohrl aad xae 
Bandit 2: The Triumph of Betty S. 

IBOMTOK,— Masonic Ope« mi atr ( 0-_ .C- 
Riley, mgr.) Why Olrla Lgw*.. ggsa^ 
27; pleased fair b »*i lOO ■■■M fc: ■■ ^ . j^ 
Oct. 5: Unela Josh Sptu te h y «t BsaaHV ■■■ 
Hatflel«2Wwti««a T. „ -^,„.. 

aaxzlMBJIfc-~theaire tj. M- Kantman. 
nJiT»idiBlB(t far Odice Sept. 50: large and 

^Caad aadleace. Tbe Black Crock. 
Oeit. sTSrlow and Wilson MlaatreU 19: Bi 

** ^ » wi? s f » m.P— Crmnd Opera HaOae (O^^ 

Darts, nun-.) why Olria Leave Bn"- 
90: aMdhwIneaa and company. UncleTom'a 
SjaaT ftrt S: so«I bosiaes* and perfSKBaace, 
sSow^ Jilasttels SO: Alria Jaalla ». 



Tri\e Billboard 

OCTOBER U, 190& 

The Billboard 



C Oimad OpeT» H<H3«« Bal Idlnir, ST ^ < 
Tftlepbotte Central 6084. 


The Billboard Publishing Co. 

^om AMivM'- — /-* <Mf« (»s a// traini an J ntwi-rtamjg 
Armughmmt tbt Umiud Stain and Canada, tobith ara 
nnUtd h Iht AmrrUam Nri^i Co.. aaj its hraathoM. 
KFimm motvm MAtt pttmst mMifr ihii ofce. 

Tit XUtHlml <i nU tm LenJtm at The jtatHcmm £r. 
Ammp, Twmtklwtr BmUdlmti, KanbumttrUmd Awtmuf, 
jr. C Im rmHr mt M iii jy^^f C^im. 

chestral It Is Just as necessary to 
working out the desired effects as are 
Itg^ts maA — fc* -Mp i. raw flait* mind 
is ■nfliieptlbte to wm i m w n . The first 
object of the drama is to play on the 

Intellect — through the emotions. We 
don't want our drama too rsaliati& 

fffuftf n iff thtuH iff I 



SWWiMrMvBM mm^rrtatmtoratmrm mmsulMud mmmw 
- mnwttmmdnta tkautd kttf t9fy. 

Ifiim M im i n iiji j mbm ma thm ImmttHtma mmd 

Emtarrd mt S*nmd-CTmjr Umtttr at Fan Oftt mt Cim* 
tmrnatl, Okia. 

Xooc* — ^Ilw BOIbosid win not uot* to 
olidted phataBimvhs. Editor. 

Satnrday, Octob* r 14, 1905. 


- -^TIm' first fsrih of Tlie Btllbeard. in- 
'•todtng last eiglit advertising pages, 
(riisa to press Saturday morning. No 
advertisements for these pages can be 
given the desired pMitlon and no 
changes can be mads In standing ads 
en any of these pages unless the copy 
reaches us by noon Friday. No ads for 
the last form will bo aoOaptod .after 

. anility 
dC the conntry Indicate 

that the season has 
opened ansplclously. Even In New Or- 
leans thlnss are moving along nicely 
BOor, aftf'tkkVBOveds are that all the 
aaaiantlBe- restrfetfoiis will be raised 
by the middle of the current month. 
In New Yorlc. which represents the 
East, the popular attractions are pros- 
peringr and business generally Is on a. 
very high plane. The Cliicago ther- 
mometer that registers the theatrical 
I pulse for the middle and northwest 
shows a very healthy condition. The 
far west, as seen in Its San FVancisco 
theatres. Is lilcewise happy. Undoubt- 
edly there have beat better ilieatilt'iil 
seasons than this pr w mt— to- be — tmt, 
Slai^ thMtt have beat worse. In fact, 
Mto OBUoek ia very (raUfying. Gov- 
ocnment crop reitorts show that agri- 
coltnra] conditions are better than 
they have been for several years. The 
indnsrrlal world is not at present dis- 
turbed by any material dlfflculUes to 
clog the great wheels of artificial or 
mineral . production, and thongli. tliere 
are rmnors of a. general strike einohg 
the eo at miners with the first of the 
rnmll i g ;.ye ar, the clouds have not as 
yf^-- ae iimn ed an ominous aspect, and 
Ml I iilly jMevatts. Three more years 
moot ^poe before another Prestden- 
tba campaign shall cast the Industrial 
«na financial heads of the country into 
and hesitation. This ought to 
L fkom tiM pres- 

At a recent meeting of 
the Association of Thea- 
tre Managers in New 
Toi^ the question whether or not the 
«w*tott» to » neoeoaacr jBdJnBOt- to-the 
aama^'mw^eanvaMed^ "Tbtt' ttieas- 
slon was started with a view, on the 
part of several managers, to eliminat- 
ing the orchestra toature of straight 
dBOflntic pcodBotiomL; w ■-. No ' decision 
was ' reacfaeO. ftii~ qoeiMlon being laid 
over for farther argument at the next 
meeting. A great deal might be aald 

on both sidesk hat It Is hardly prOb- 


BeaBty to 

Occasionally there must be thrillS' 
thrills for those whose inteilectuaJity 
prevails over their natural emotions, 
as w^n mrn itorythoae whose minds are 
subordinate' to 'th^r instlnets. Shake- 
speare shows his fetlth in the powers 
of music through the speeches of sev- 
eral of tiia characters as "He that lias 
no nmsto'ta'Jrtmssiraaftto'ttoc toadied 
by concord of" saieet aeands to ' fit for 
treasons, strategems and spoils; let 
no such man be trusted." And. again, 
in Twelfth Might, 'af music I>e the 
food oC love, play on. give me excess 
of It . . . That strain again; It had 
a dying fail; O. It came o'er my ear 
like the sweet south that breathes 
upon a bank of violets, stealing and 
giving odor." Shakespeare expressed 
Ills appreciation of music as we all 
feel It who are not too practical to 
enjoy - the romance of the drama. 
Music creates the atmosphere of art: 
players are Inspired by it and the 
auditors are rendered impressionable 
to the pathos and humor of the- vrtBon 
lines and unspoken psychOWjEie 'aoc- 
gestions according as they are so pre- 
pared. The orchestra will endure. Its 
abandonment, at the worst, would be 

;.■ --e • • 

"Writing editorially in 
the current number 
of the Actors' Society 
MontIiIyBidlatto.XH. Greene calls the 
manager vp on tti<^ carpet for a curry- 
ing down before the readers of the 
Bulletin. Mr. Greene thinks the man- 
ager commits a good many absurd! - 
Ues— "stupidities he cano-itoaah and 
in summing iin. iliii liiliiiiiiiiM that 
conduce : to' ttioJindHmiriaUlil 'Of af 
fairs, tbo " ~ 

wire broke, maldng an Instantaneous 
leap imperaUve. Mr. Wallace struck 
the Mt sidMrtolk and It is believed 
that ha ma tafurod Internally. lat- 
est nporto aniwunc that he was suf- 
fering eonslderable pain. 

Owing to 111 health Richard Mans- 
field has postponed bis Chicago open- 
ing fMm Oct. 1« to Oct. M. 

Ted E. Fs>ust. the minstrel man, 
filed a voluni.ary petition in bank- 
ruptcy at his home in Columbus, Ohio, 
Sept. 28. Bto llaMHtl<>s an iiiafiad at 
{7,243, with aaseto at $3,3M. 

SCrs. Frank Bntke, of the vaudeville 
team of Frank and Ethel Burke, is con- 
lined to the Merey Hospital, Hamil- 
ton. Ohio, with typboid fever. Conse- 
quently;, tbo toam bas eaitreteff a anli- 
ber of ' 


Kext seeaon Boston. Uau.. wUI • new amoee- 
ment m^rt In Waaderlaiad Park and Const; 
Fair, to lie located at Kercm Bnieii. Tbe im- 
mediate maBaseowat of tUs new Cnmire in 
to lie 10 tlie iiaods of Fnd. C. Tbotupiian. tlie 
New Vurk amuaement maaaeer. Tlie locatloa 
or WoDUerland I'ark «1li lie second to ouoe, 
ti«iD£ adjdcent to tbe most promlufut part or 
the Boulevard, abuttlns almost directly up to 
the Etatp liuuse tiatta and ultuiited Iwtvveeu tbe 
BostuD & ilalnr B. K. trai-lis on tlie main 
line or the ea»teni dlTiaion, aiid ou tlie beach 
side b; tbe BoatuD & Rerere Ry. Co. The 
street car faculties are the beat to be had, as 
tbe street car iioea are all controlled by tbe 
Boston & Nortkem St. Ry. Co., over ivblch 
Kystem all subarUan cars pass. All llues will 
GO directly by aU the main ectraoces to Won- 

The fettares will be all that could make a 
park and such an entpriirlKe a success. I*u6- 
sibly one of tbe strongest will be the County 
Fair Industrial and Manufacturers' iHxpoKliion, 
to %Tbicb one paying a visit may see ail the 
teatnres of a counnr (air and Its raelnm- 
ments. Tlils project Is so far advanced that 
work lias bcsaa cie tbls aotlce swwsiSi 


naeii.aTnii^-'li fart so miaj 
HMHf 'tl, tOBsa bring. . Tliey 

mar tow . a 


To these gtuL 
potinds. so many 
order a cast t>f 

feet— wbolesale. , _„ .v.. 

snspicion that tempecainent sat -tnlihv art 
necessary, bnt as no scales sod yaid.a«uaTe 

will enace these essentials, they chance them 
and eo for what they can see and welfh. and 
tnist to an overworked and underpaid stage di- 
rector to animate tbe fleshly poppets. 

All of which is generalizing extremely 
tosay the least, but The Billboard will 
ie|U biU'Oe 'foUowtog excerpts without 
eomment^j-^ss., portraying the artistic 
conceptI^^gg^.\:to>toMt. slwsyib. alas, 


Another snptdity and laffjrinff soperflooos on 
Another stnpldlty and Ine^lng snperflaons on 
nmat be an Adonis. Seven years a^ J. T. 
Grrin, In a review of the French stage, said 
that In no theatre did he find an actor vrho 
fltted or endravored to train himself to fit the 
old Idea ot the "Jenne premier." Tersonal 
heanty Is no longer In demand In these days 
of naUSB. . Tbe aid BaatanOe Idea— «tlU vlg- 
oroBr SO ear ifSW mtM Itot tbe I»*er had to 
Jostliy tto btnlBH Milaadia hr hb ex- 

STVnTcn'ane to3f% U l ^ rad the 
ennclr. «• ate aatHdeS *• ItC O* bve jvtiry 
it! own ezbteDce. tot ear Inaiv aaa be 
a Lover and we caa-dtearaae «flb U* Lorr- 
Uness. Now we are MOag aa trlrf fkr phy- 
sical imfltness. To do this wooM he as ermit 
a stnpldlty as the one we are attacklni;. Rnt 
we are pleading for the ondefended and Deg* 
lected — for the rlichts of the EmoHons and 
Brains. We are flghtine. not so moch against 
the Insistence on the Physical as tbe neglect 
or the mental, and are qnlte aware that the 
Physical has its demands. Bnt we Insist that 
the Pnpnlar manairerlal Idea that an andlence 
Is only Eyes, that a play Is only a Mnrlnc 
Plctnre, that actors mnst otdj **Lattk ~ " 
Is the leaden Incolins c ~ " "~ 

Sool not of our stasa. 



Miss Ellen Petraln, mother of Ste- 
phen Arthur Petraln. wishes to know 
the whereabouts of her son, who was 
last heard from Aug. 28 atrMtokoIas- 
ville. Ky. Mrs. Petraln's address Is 309 
Fifth street, Moline. DL 

George Briesch. I/eland. Miss., 
wishes to hear .from his friend, Mr. 
Crossett. having important news for 


Harry McGowen closed with the 
Riddell Southern Carnival Co., and 
Joined the Williams & Condon Carni- 
val- Oob. «tv XltldaiMI^>lBa4 ai 

EQ Wallace, high diver with the 
Welder Carnival Co.. was Injured at 
Marysvine, Ohio, Oct. 6. the second 
time to one week. As Mr. Wallace 
prqmrtns to leap Ite too gag 


I : adf-exstasstocr: 
aev Zack. Oct. s. uos. 

. CHy. 

GeeHawB At a ot as nawa , lUa 

day. In Ibe city oC Mew Votk. we apnwd tbe 
lettets Ksanliss Ito INak KaU Pnnd. and are 
Duw leadr to aato toe MiiMrlsg nport: 
' The total cash Wwlw a for this ftind. In- 
dndins Interest on same. Is fI,8S0.8U. The 
cash expended was fS28.3T, leaving a balance 
of IS02.S5. 

The snbacrlbers to the fond have voted largely 
In tbe majurlty to give tbe money to R. G. 
BaU. Jr., the only chUd of oar old triend Dick 
Bail. The committee will place this money in a 
Savings Bank where this yooog man will re- 
ceive interest on same yearly for two years. 
At the end of that time. If he is entirely 
worthy the administrators will tnm the mooey 
over to bim. All this Is In accordauce with 
the wish of the majority of the 
Hoping this explanation wB. 
to the subscrlbera of this 


however, ire still talking, bnt beyond 
>vord options on choice property are not 
Ing much elTort to salt the outsiders. 

Many years ago t>rnver bad a IltUe tbestie 
as gurgeouaiy fltted and fnmUlied as tbe flnesi 
In tbe Isnd. It nsa bollt ot mssalve blue 
granite walls on the model of a well-knows 
rastle lo Germsny. One nigbt a careless at- 
uche started a little blaze that spread, and 
the theatre was gntted. For flfteen years nr 
more tbe mss:iive granite walls have been an 
eyesore on tbe prlnrtpal street csr thoroogb- 
fare of tbe city, and now comes word that 
Ibe place Is to tie rebuilt and turned Into a 
playbou«e. the equal of which In famtsulng 
will not tie seen In America. Like the old 
Tabor, there will be no veneer, bot every- 
tbing will he 21-kaiat tmt tnm tbe wood- 
work to tto HIk pis* srala. Uijbe Ue 
Shttberts wU ssc Si aa Ms spiice, but the 
present Men la -to to«» a snull bnt higb- 


Co ndltl sas sad g roa p o et s OatUaad One 

aad ntot osarasals at nlgtat 
•v«T lifc— d p ia b a b l j - not 
nntD imI NIe BlMMiii. 

By H. H, Bnekwsltar. 
Tbe snmmer season Is off and the winter 
bnslne&B well nnder way In Colorado, and. after 
a few weeks of tbe latter, the conclusion has 
been formed that tbia winter «lll hr the most 
pruStable tbe theatrical prufessloo bas ever en- 
joyed lo tbls part of tbe ILiowvelt doinaln. 

Throughout the state s few county fairs are 
stui pending, bnt tbe next two werka will see 
tte cod Of Oat. sltbongb tbe weather Is al- 
to be warm snrt pleasant on til 
clothes daring the day 
■ ■ snnstalne nearly 

_ _-r^^ ^ — . a flnrry of snow 

nntD Ml Me tocnher. Then winter will 
come •esjm ewto^aad sgaln idenly of 
piessaat wmMa t eats to tonary or Msnft nksn 
ten days iMtn Mlinid and spring xrta lie «t 

In Denver all tbe bonses see open and doing 
an Immense buaioess. Jtrim Oort's new thea- 
tre, tbe Empire, has bad a gnod mo of bnr- 
les>]ne nnder tbe manssrawnt ot J. E. Cllffunl 
who resigned tbe posltloB of news editor of 
the Post, an evening paper owned by Tammen 
and Bonflls. owners of tbe Floto Sbow. Clif- 
ford was general manager ot the Plato Shnw 
one season when It was Jost bnddlDC into a 
real amns^metit enterprise- He bas also done 
dramatic criticism work on the local papers, and 
Is looked upon as a most valoable discovery 
by Cort. A good bnslnesa man, fairly well 
versed In amnsement bnslness and a niral good 
fellow make up the general characteristics of 
the Empire's manager, and as he has every 
newspaper man In the city behind him wishing 
onqoallfled success, the chances are the new 
boose wUI not get lert lo Uie rnnnlng. 

Tbe Shnberts were on the books to open a 
new theatre In Denver this season, bnt the 
led. althoneh the rault was not 
of tbe local people. There wns 
py In the proposition, sl- 
ant anaoa will nrohaUy show tbe ont- 
mt* at Ibe nesr basse. Dnner capitalists were 
*OI^*a *<rt np n qnartcr of a minion dol- 
lar baOte^aad net U ta tto ainbert.. but 

2? JEH!f*_5! 25* »»» •«"» 

ttat Adart ntt tte a ta d iaw B ftaai the nad 

an Ims 


Itot'ste liooked for Dcnsar' 

lag tte nnt Sre years. While tbe plans si* 

not yet In deflnlte shape. It Is almost cntala 
a special election will be held to vote aboei 
half a million In bonds, snd the boose wlO 
be niaoned to aeeaminodate oot only Immense 
aneitorlnm gatherings, bot csmlvsla sad dr- 
enaes will be offered the place oa icntaL It k 
also mentioned that there will' to atoBt'.-aase 
balls so smnged that all may be Ibiasn M» 
one for the big events. 

Tbe Broadway and TalM» Grand bonaea ai* 
botb doing capacity business with a decided 
gain In the class of attractions over former 
years. Tlie coming ot ontslders Into the field 
so long cxintrollpj by these two bouses has 
prodded the trust Into giving s little more 
for tbe 15 per cent., and. In re tnm. tbe re- 
mittances on said pen^nlagr show a snbstao- 
rfal Increase. Denver people slwsys have money 
for good amasements, sod are easily divorced 
from their coin. 

ITie Orphenm Is doing even better than last 
season, so far as box-oSlce receipta show, and 
the qnallty of amusement offered la np-to-date 
In every respect. Resident Manager F. B. Hen- 
derson drops In oeeasl«mally to aee how things 
are going, hot Biwlness Msnager A. C. Car^ 
son tias matters tiept op with ancb prompt- 
nesa and skill that there Is nothing to aaggest 
so Hr. Bsn J wsoo departs (or other pisees where 
be la Inlf i s ats d la an i n w nii ata. Now be is 
at Lea Anstha bst stst week to may be at 

mTcaJaSiw* % V**^ '^*^ I" ^f**- 

■sdlnillsd and srsil 

or fsllarea of artlatB to make mod. 

always met tbeoe little 
witb a mn band of tramps aad tte aodleaee 
baa nrvrr known of any hitrb. And. bappOy. 
tbe sahsMtnlcs bare always bcss tu s l ssd wMh 
even icTester eatbnslasm than «aa tcnaaaable la 
expect from the people who were aant ta «• 
tbe clrcnlt. 

Mrs. Otis Spencer, s society snniaii of Dee- 
ver who has some tnlent, snd who s e cu red a 
week's encsgpment at tbe Orphenm. had s 
wlldflre opening and was fairly saccessfal dar- 
ing tbe week. Mr. Beck has oot homed any 
wires In senilln^r her contracts to go oot on 
the regular circuit, however, altboogb be may 
do so later In the season. Mrs. Speocer Is 
well llxed financially, and has an elegant home, 
hot the actor bee baa been bozzlng in her 
family for years and — the same old story. 

Changes on tbe Orpbenm . stage have come 
with nnwelcome frennency thla season. 1. C. 
Murphy, stage manager of. the New Orleans 
bonse, was transferred here dsrlng the yellow 
fever panic and last week was ordered tiack 
to tbe swamps. There was almost a strike ol 
the stage crew who tried to plan aome kind 
of attachment to keep Morphy in Denver, bat 
the ordevs from Chicago were Imperative, aad 
tto chaase wns msde. A handsome cold pis 
asS-nwa i s U d to tto boose attaAees tbe night 
Str. Mntpby left Denver, aad the feeling at 
good fkOnrab^ wna niibamidt d. Tbe new stsce 
Mat. Bswasd. wiM wss recently 

nr. Maivto 

the few weeks he was here. 

Another cbaiwr oa tbe 
the filllac fran ciaee of 
property aun. who hna alwaya beee a 
hater. Two weeks sao be d im nied an sinenu- 
looking docnment from bin porfcet sad mae- 
tiody found It. A marriage Mrt n se wna M- 
lowed by a wedding and tben a mMnlgbt ta>- 
qnet which lasted so Iste soaacbody felt aany 
"Mac" was kept from borne so toog. 

Throogboat Colorado tbe same era of proi-- 
perlty Is showing np snd good mooey seems 
to be growing on trees. Doxens of ten-cent 
hotiiios have been opened up. Some of them 
are only temporary to catch the coin In locali- 
ties where lieet picking, potato dlpglng or fmlt 
packing Induatrles distribute moch money f'^r 
three or six weeks. 

In Cheyenne. Just serosa the border on the 
north, smnseroents sre drswlng as never tie- 
fore, snd the old town with Its name of 
terror, blood sfid brimstone Is taking on new 
life. A new fAS.Ono boose has jost tieen opened 
to handle standard atrrsrrlons, and several 
smaller Mow shops are taking In dimes ses- 
ersl tlSMS a day. Ball IMbera. one et tto 
Indnstrloas sil— ■tat catcivn of tto toes. Is 


trated s _ _ 
with steins aC 
on the 

acers to 


Brosdwsy Thestre — ^Mm. B. T. KeOsort. msn- 

ager: W. A. Ireland, tisa snr e i ; TtoBUM Hohr. 
assistant treasurer: wmtsm B. Hene. press 

agent: F. W. Billings, necretarv: Jsmen Bv- 
erett, heart doorkeeper; Thomas Hopkins, bes* 
nsher: Frank Bassett. stnge msnsger: Ellis 
Oraham, stage carpenter: E. A. Bristol, elec- 
tnrlan: Fred Baker, orchestra Icarter. 

Tabor Ornnd— Ctlrs. E. F. McConrt. man- 
ager: William B. nmc. treasnrer; F. W. Bil- 
lings. accretnr.T: Frnnk Bassett. stage msn- 
sger: Tim Akers. stngc carpenter: A. Wlon. 
electrician: Jewell Fot. head doorkeeper: Harry 
Ooode, chief nsher; James Gonld, orchesrra 

Oephenm — A. C. Carson. 
Msz VUlrik 

OCTOBBR 14, 100S. 

Ttie Blliboarcl 


Mcv- Nat Howard, «U«e in»o«ltt! M*rie H. 
■^m. property m.o; „Ctari« '•'W^ 
^Mira director; Frank B. WUM, prcn agent; 
SfSSo Scbenck. artlat; W. P. BUckwell. *or- 

ufiw. ulgbt vratcboiaa: 
ami Clyde Bcanlaler, 
Wood*. Blenograplier. 

Empire Tbeatre— I. K 
Frank G. T«ll«ferro. treaanrer; 

T^ior; J.n.ea Stuart. ataM J«g«!S_H^A. 

mat baa g oat m WItm W mtm W 0 aMBHt 

vhlcfa'haa g io— gfgMgt 


TaklBK tbe exact defloltloD of tbe 
vriodrama The S<juaw-Man belong* to that 
categorr. It la quite Ukeir tbat the aatbor, 
KdwlD MUton Hoj-le. contemplated melodrama 
Hlien be wrote tUe plaj. A lesaer artist tban 
WUllam Farentkam would have been conteot 
to let It remain melodrama with all the red 
are and auvaV muafc elTecU available. Bat 
the lulcrpreiattoo put upon it by FaTerabam 
places Tbc S*jii«vc-ilan Hafelj under the bead 
at purr drama: uot of tbe blgbeat ebaracter. 
to be aore. but atlll drama aa dlaUngatahed 
bom tbe red fire lort witb stMlig pajdKilaglcal 
trndeDClet. . . . ^ 

Aa baa been preriooaly noted In ta*ae eol- 
fmnt. The Squaw-Man haa been materially 
cbaogrd Bince Ita Initial pr«aentatloo lait (M- 
•DO. so tbat the pretent pradnetloii. ■• glTcn 
at the Oraad la ClDclnDatt laat wert. k fkr 
■etc MtWMtair aa a draaatle eaert. Ik* 
portlooa ^ag^wirre h^gily^^epe ft^^ 


ne pM la MnqUe aad aot nakoawn; 'tie tba 
aletr of the aaeriace ot an Indlvldnal to aa*e 
tte kaoar ot a faadlT. Tbe Brat act In laid 
la Baglaad and serrea to dlirloae the motive. 
A Met scene would suOce and the pieaen- 
latlaa would auirer notblns from Its hrcritr. 
Indeed, there Is an CTldenc baste to baTe tbe 
thins done wltb. and tbe few attempts at 
comedy are loat In the staoSle. At a garden 
party at hla coon try home tbe - Earl of Ker* 
bin discloses to his mother that he has ap- 
propriated tbe funds ot tbe regiment of wblcb 
he la tbe custodian, and loat large suma In apec- 
olatUm wblcb be can not replace. To tbe 
Karl'a cousin. Capt. Jamea Wynnegate, tbe 
mother turns for help to save tbe honor of the 
(aniUy. Captain Wynnejrate, In lore with 
Diana, CouDteaa of KerblU. who bat recently 
became tbe uawllUoB bride of tbo EarU ee- 
•olTea to aacrUee hlwulf 
dluppeara la i 
in embezxler. 

Barring blmaelt among tbe euwhey a of Vlak 
Captain Wynnegate becontea Jim CSaraton. and 
tbe remaining three acta deal with hU life aa 
a ranch owner la the wild areat 

Act II pnaents the Interior ot tbe Long 
Han. aalaon at the tallwar atatloo and ablp- 
plac polBf neat Cuataa'a nMb. It demopa 
mm 'ihr talk o( Ibc cowban. gaod and bad. 
ttl w^MMt te »Mj^ it 

aalar tk* 

at ba* 

"^Ite OM act aOlMd* 

tar aaaah. Sir Ma Agpltcntt. Sir Jota dls- 
eareia a rrpemblaaee to Captain Wrnaeeate In 
Jtan Carston who haa Invited all bands to 
•Mttk tbe health of the rreatdent of tbe nnlted 
States and the Qneen of Bngland. The Earl 
scoots at the aoKgeatlon. and a public disclosure 
is preTented. Diana retnaes to be denied, and. 
when opportnnItT offers, proclalma to Jim her 
knowledge of his sacrifice and her ondylng 
alTection for bim. 

Tbe tonrlata depart and Caratoo la alone In 
tbe saloon deep In dejection. Cash Hswklna 
nteit and Is abont to pot an end to Carston's 
troohles when bis own career la snddenly ter- 
minated. Caraton la contemplating the Imdy 
it his enemy when the Indian maiden. Nat-u- 
rlch. creeps In hla side and tella bIm tbat It 
was ahe who killed Han-liloa. 
^Thorooghly donn on his Iiick Carston mar- 
rie a Jtat-u-rlch and becomes a "Squaw-Mftn." 

eSR of hlfl poRltlnn is not relleTCd 
of a Fon. rial; be In stlU a 
"— a social_ ontcast. despised alike 

^.jpae of llt» OB a 
i ta tbs d lha end ot 
■w nv»: ha Is kMte- Mil to " 
tt£ jant li ntt L 

Miteiiui arrives 

the death ot the DM tt 
to retnm and aannaa H 

bead of Ms tamllr. Ifel 

r^raton at first, hat th». agvaMance of hla 
little son dracs him hack 'to tlH hopelessness 
of bis (Kieitlon— he I* a " B tn an M an." 

Rejectlnc all orerfures alTectlng hlmwlf 
<'ar»ton •taaenta to n proposal tbat hla son 
be tent to Bneland tn receive an edncatlon 
hedttlnc hla rank. When this plan is dls- 
eloaed to Nat-u-rlch It drives her to despera- 
tion anil the hllla. 

While Cantton In ytriicf;11nir with these emo- 
tions Diana ar^penrs iinnnnnnnced npnn the 
scene and learns tlie stute of aCfalra for the 

first time. ' Rrest aa la hrr dlaapinlBtinent 
>he taken., Mila n |b .tt». t> lag bt that. iC aba 
can't hav* SliB, abo- wfll ba n liltot to Ua 


_ In the Inst act the ?«licrl(T apiienra. bent on 
2* arrest of Nnt-n-rlcli for the ninnler of 
Wawb laa. Tbe Indlnnn have h-nrnci of bis 
■"■Mana and threaten tronble. hnt Nat-n-rleh. 

•mmlr becanse of the loos of her —m, ends 
k*r_Bto and the plnr by eammlttlac aulclde. 

What « 

taertar ttn«*«r ihr . 

sham haa elected not to avafl blnwalf nf 

imaalblltitea. , cbooalnir. lather, to 
iln> tnnHl.T of that rnr hnman . 
•Sqnaw-Man." Hla la a tale ot anent 
ferlnir from tbe flrat — not of a wea^llnff. 
?e a atronfr character. Aa Captain 

la a hem «( flplna Kon and h«* wan 


ton laMaa ^S>. 

aatrUcc lor bla tamlly and the happiness ot 
the woman he loeca be accepta It calmly and 

StlflUng bis enwUgaa to tbe presence ot DIaita 
at the Long Hon aalosa, ha teveala Us nttet 
(Mag tha UiDit to aumlng 
«h» baa wm* hto Uto ibom 
ot Caah Bawktoa. 

for kka IhM aecms no ray at bopc: no 
altosr Umm to to* doud tbat bangs Hack over 
hla lite, ^to atatntatj Joy at the thought 
ot home when tbt faiaUr aoUdlar aaarfiea 
htm ot tbe death ot tba Bari. la 
dcepeat sloom when ha remeinbeea bla - eoa- 
dltlon. Uavlnc passed thtough the «nf'i«<« 
oceaaloned tnj bSm consent to sepatatioo from 
his son, he la able to face calmly the ap- 
pearance ot Diana. Even when the final trag- 
edy coiDca that releaa«a tilm from hla bope- 
Ie« lite, tbe thing baa so crushed bla am- 
hltlaa that ba c as ttoi n tba dead body ot IIa^a- 


Such Is Faverabam'a cfaaracterlaatlon ot ^e 
Sqoaw-Uin. Do you think It dull? It la not; 
It thrllla and fascinates you. It takes hold 
on your heart; women aob aload and atrong 
men shed tears ont ot sheer aympathy fOr the 
living, breathing, antferlng man. Jim Carston, 
So completely dues FaversUam weave tbia spell 
atjout bis audience tbat tbe delicious bits of 
comedy Injected now and then seem hnt mock- 
ery. He Impreaaea one with tbe qnlet snffer- 
Ing of a Strang man In a way that can not be 
forgotten. Therein Ilea bla greatest art 

The support Is excellent. George Fawcett'a 
Big BUI. tbe toreman. Is choice. Under more 
happy coadltlooa hla cowbny comedy would 
baTca^ better cObct^wJto aaMieia^ OtoMm*' 

toogh InS'TfllMia 

As cash Hawktea W. 8. Bart eoiaca as near 
to a bad cowboy aa It la poaalMe to get on 
the stage. It yon ever aaw one aboot np ■ 
town joa will teel like dodging when Cash 
Havrklaa ents loose- What a sensation he 
oonld make hy deanlng ont tbe Long Horn. 
It baa been aald that Hart's boyhood daya 
tni be waa fifteen yeata old were spent among 
cowboys. That ooght to belp some. 

Ulsa Selene Johnson aa Diana. Conntess ot 
KerbOl, la dunning. BeautitDl In form and 
teatnre. her portrayal waa tbat of a true wom- 
anly nattire, loyal to Ita Ideals. A more ro- 
mantic Indian maiden coald not be wished 
than Uabel Morrison's Nst-u-rlch, and a real 
Indian chief would not have been more im- 
pressive than the Tabywani of Theodore Rob- 

Cecil Ward as Sir John Applegate, bad an 
the airs of a "toff" to tbe manor bom. Wil- 
liam Frederick's Sheriff Hardy is not a story 
book sheriff, and Intimates that tbe blight of 
politics has fallen upon the wild west. 

It the Cincinnati engagement can be taken 
as a cue there can be no farther donbt aa 
to tbe snccexs of Tbe Sqnawi-^^ BttoW the 
week waa half apent "aold tUt*. 4pM'"ir*re 
displayed at the Grand. 

The bill at the Colombta last weak waa 
ab a» t the asataga. Mooa. Panlo and Mile. 
Slarlow opened vrttb a comedy abating aketcb 
catitled A Preach Frape*. Tbe icMati te tbe 
act ar» elaborate and aOle.'a : tolft i tl to ot 
Anna BOi especially drew apptoOKb 

Fto AOtt to a um iM n ot aaaga «a re- 
celTcd with faMMtoM. wMA ahe later Jnatl- 
fled. Her totrodaHlaB «C a bar to atag back 
at. ber troas oae at tte boxea. while nothing 
of a aoeclty. tMeivad too nuny encores to 
coont. Ber Interpretation ot the song. It Ton 
Don't Uke Year Job, Jost Quit itiade an 
emphatic ten-stilfce. 

Les Elgonas. comedy acrolMits from Paris, 
performed some ot the most dlfflcnlt feats 
known to acrobats. Tbeira was an entertain- 
ing teatnre. 

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Relcer in tbe sketch. A 
TWe of A Turkey, came oft with dying ban- 
ners. !tlr. Kelcey enters Into tbe spirit of the 
act with a vim. withont which It would be 
dull and nnlnterestlng. 

Count DeButx and Brother pnt on a trick 
Mcvrle act that was far above the nsnal thing 
of "this character. Tbe Bnlssh was a novelty 
that elicited unstinted applause. 

Pauline Hall, the feature of the bUllogs. 
sanB as ot old. Panllne'a flgure haa not loat 
anv of Iti< pnlchrlrnde. either. 

Edwin I-otell. the musical eomedlin. scored 
the real bit of the proEram. Hla Jokes are. for 
the most part new, np-to-date and delivered 
with a radiance of fun that wonid carry the 
oldext gam la the almanac. He Introduces 
whirling platea on a marble-topped taWe. get- 
ting sweetest harmooy from them. Bla ntork 
"n the banlo oomea ,to..Cor tto-ahan «t ap- 
planae alas. Bat H'to a* 'a'.totBaHgBe gMialan 
that Laten iktope.'- ; - .^^^.m^t 

oaaato of iwyweel 
tnrct, capafMi » kaach oC 

Johnny and Kmma Ray made their second 
appeannee In Down The Pike at tbe Walnut 
last week. and. as nmal. were greeted bv heavy 
hnnses throncbont their enCTcement. They were 
mitTOUTiflo,! h.r an excellent compnn.v of people 

who all carried their rartn to perfection. Johnny 
liar la aa acreamlnpl.v fnnny aa ever, and he 
alone Is worth a pretty penny to see. His 
facial expreyalona and original wit kept the 
audience In a convnlslnn ot laughter. In his 
rftle, aa Caaey. the Janitor, he la at his beat 

Two other important chamctera In the show 

dlagnlw aa Casey, for certnln re«w>n«. and 
"f eonrw ther are taken for the Janitor, and 
the three become generallv mlied up. Tbe 
nerfenn'»nce thn!« poea merrll.v on withont rhvme 
or rcasmn. Nil It seemed exceeding refrealilnB 
to the patron* last week. Emma Ray. of 
cnnrse. Is splendid In ber part, Amomt theae 
«-hn deaerve eaneelal mentloa were. Geo. P. 
>rnmhT. the Oerasan idratb: Dan CalMnan. 
Frank Baton. Joba T. Xhaaaafc and . JUto M a ia. 
ner. : . ■ 

ijut wtift the lyeraai' waa Ow naaaa a( a»- 
.■t i ni li ama. The Bya TTlt- 
l» be Romewhat better than 
aernl thrtlllnc dlmaxea are 
to Iba WtlHnMMK- Oae is that of an antn- 
wwddto. waa l aa lha cag^ made by the opening 
ot a f w H^ alto to' MHu a realistic rrclnne. etc. 
*nie liita w w y nil l i»p •ome elevee neonle. headed 

•w M*"! ». fleoree Hnasey. Ofhera of note are 
a-a, aeanlMm. Fred. Revnol'ia. tteory Harriaon. 
fMPtlar Filw ee and Edna Mafshall, 

Al - - - - 

at tbe Carthage Fair Crounda. The ahow eloaed 
lu tour Oct 7 at Lebanon, Pa. Dates bad been 
made for a soutbem tour, bat tbe prevalence 
ot yellow fever and the apparent danger ot 
such an attempt led the management In cloae 
tbe season at Lebanon. Tbe show- gaB> .iBto 
Cincinnati Tuesday, Oct. 10, and MB ' toNM- 
dlately go Into winter quarters. 

Lev Suubert's visit to Cincinnati Is not with- 
out Ita tbeatrlcal algnlfleance. Tbe Independ. nt 

manager dropped Into tbe Queen City early 
ttoadar ■ocadag and by prevloaa appointment 
■at 'Waa.-:lL Brown at his hoteL Mr. Brown 
oC the Bajaatle Cafe site. Juat 
racet baa the_ Onm fl Oper a 

laMe U turn &. Tta 

itlte altnatlao waa 
ascaaed to be ao le- 
geatei dingi. No deOalte 

Hoadur morning 

the two geatlcaea natted tba Baicatie. Mr. 
Sbobcit naktng a eeawleta aad tbamogh ear 

vey ot tbe entire bnlldlag. A copy ot tbe 
city and state reguktlons tor tbe eoostmetldn 
of tbeatre balldlngs was tben procured by 
the New York man and he departed eastward. 
Mr. Brown haa been reconstructing tbe UaJcs- 
tlc building tor tbe purpuce ot opining op a 
t Ua^ MiKMBii baU. Woafc haa baar 


Tbe weekly crop bulletin ot tbe Weather 
Bnreau sommorlzea crop condltlooa aa follows: 

The weather conditions, ending Oct 2, as a 
whole, were exceptionally favorable to agri- 
cultural Interests. Under tbe Inaueoce ot warm 
and generally dry weather tbroaghout the cen- 
tral valleys, lake region and Atlantic Coast 
dlatdcts. late crops matured rapidly. Florida 
and portloaa ot the Central Gulf dlatrlcta suf- 
fered Injury from excessive raloa, wblte mucb- 
oecded rains fell In tbe Rocky Uonntain and 
North Pacific Coast regions. The Middle and 
South Atlantic States and Sontbem Texas are 
In need ot tain. Fmata occnned In the Middle 
Rocky Monntaln dlatrlcta and to tbe Upper 
Ohio Valley, lower lalce srslaa and nartbem 
porUon ot the Ulddte AUaatte Itttoi. bnt 
caused no serlooa to|toy>' 

Hlglily tavatabte weather p isi a ll ai . tbroagh- 
oot the aitoetaal;.eMB Btatia. Am mtvOou- 
al^ laiaa''aktf'-'li»*.!lttld of csea ia now aa- 
snied over hbA : aC toe greater part of the 
com belt, and on^ a Tery amall part ot tbe 
crop In tbe cenBal portioa. eotlmate^ at from 
two to live per cent ot tbe total. '•rwnalns ex- 
posed to Injniy ttom fraat, and this Is ma- 
turing rapidly- Tbe crop In Ulasonrl was ex- 
tensively blown down or lodged, bnt notwith- 
standing tbis and the damage hy September 
floods tbe yield In tbat state will be very 
heavy. ^ 

As a whole tbe reports Indicate no decided 
change In the condition ot cotton aa com- 
pared vrlth tbe prevloaa week, a aUght Im- 
provement being shown In Northern Alabama 
and In portions of Texas, wbUe In other sec- 
tions of tbe latter there has been a slight 
deterioration. The crop haa suffered from the 
ravages of In^^ts In Loulslans, Arkansas and 
Texas, boll weevlKs being numertras In tbe 
last-named state. Rains caused alight dam- 
age In Georgia. Alabama, Soutbvreatem Ifls- 
slsslppl and Loulalana and aerlonaly lajaied the 
crop In Florida. With tbe exeeptlOB «f heavy 
ralna In Loolalana, SonthHB IiladMlnl.rand 
Florida, sbowers In portions aC.'ltWkMBB'faad 
George, tbe weather c«idItlaaa>.ha!*e''kMa'^:ta- 
vorable tor pIrHag Ja the .Ck^itoa«~:Sieitla. 
Florida and AlebaaMi Ik to «atliBale4: lhat .'fiiom 
60 to 7B i!W,eMt...~at ihe Mp^lM heea gath- 
etcAi .to .ntaa^lto^' as to ao 

per cent.; In 
nnd Oklahoma and In- 

to 00 per cent, and In 

Arfcanaaa and Tienoeaaee from IS to 35 per 

A light apple crop la reported neariy every- 

wbete, a (ew. — " ' ' — ' — 



Emeat Schenk, a member ot the SChenk 
Troupe of acrobats and at one time a mem- 
ber ot the team of DeOnzo and Scbenk. died 
In Kansas City. Mo.. Oct. S. from pprltonltU. 
He had been Ul only one day. He was 20 
years of sf:e. and tbe eldest son of John 
Scbenk, father of the six members of tbe 
troupe with which the deceased was appear- 
ing. Mr. Schenk is snrvlved by a mother and 
two Blatera. who live la Sacramento, CaI^ be- 
sides the memheta ot the troope. Tbe re- 
malna wiea ' tokea. chaite.'..e( . bg:«the .."Baana 
City BKr tmt-- «IMeF'.to; :BBeMaHto'"llBr 

Oacar DeBollen. ; eM- aC:. the. Iia|l|^ ~ 

at tbe nil 

at the 

Uarray BIB' flanltattato ' to that cMy. aa Oct. 
8a as a rea n it ot an accident and tojnilea sna- 
tatoad at rebearaala a few daya piavlaailr. 

0(rrb(o«|iinal meniogltla was Ike lamrdhitp 

canae ot hla death. OeBollen vraa tOr yeaia 
the topmnnnter ot the acrobatic team ot tbe 
Three DeBolIen Brothers. Hla home waa In 
Pmvldenee. R. 1., where the remalna were 
taken for hnrlal. 

Hnrrv E. Major died at the St. Joseph Hos- 
pital, Phoenix, Arlx., Sept tS, ot tabetvnloal*. 
Mr. Major was thlrty-toar.jwa aC-ac*. rBe 
leaves a lovinr wits aad a -haat eg hiiuda 
to mnnm hla leas. 

Will McC*>nnell. — Notice of his death appears 
In another colomn of this Issne. 

Mrs. Emota I>. Bamnm. wife ot tbe wvn- 
k nowa baaa camaaua. died at Itaiaa-Oltjr.' 
T«M..'-'Ogt. 1. 

ar awyVTO 

WTLSON-McALISTER.— RenJ. P. Wilson and 
Mlaa Jessie McAllater. -both ot the BaHaer 
Stock Co.. playing the BUon Thealia.'Ik^lMak- 
lyn. M. Y.. week before laat 
• lieCPBOT^IMai Taasea KytV UcCordT. 
the welHaawB'aetor. to Mrs. Kate .Woods 
TMew Hanisy. Mrnt. at the Biiiad Picaby- 
terlan Chmch. CUreao. 


the wen-known aetreas. to Laato K.' J 
Ph. D., ot Colnmbia Ualranltx. Oct. g, at 

Syracnse. N. T. 

RARORAVES-BROWNK. — Florence Bar- 
mrea. of tbe Inna Opera Cb.. to tawrrnre 
Brown, a federal oOcer. at Gntbne, Okia„ last 

OOnTTR-aOBtlKN Fted Ooovle and Mlaa 

- - - Mk. waU kaswa 
tr at 


will A, UcConnell, actor, manager, racon- 
tear and press agent died at Roosevelt Hos- 
pital, New Tork City, Oct. 3, after ao Illness 
of leaa than two weeka. Mr. McCunnell waa 
Stricken with ptomaine poisoning about two 
weeks ago, and tor the Brat few day» be gave 
every evidence ot Improvement The third day 
be left bla nom and apent aeveral houn at 
Ua oOee.. dMsUM araas anttecs tor The 
WaUs sC JKMaT5..'^im kto Rtan to tha 
hospital he' waa seM wBh rnaialakiiai. i aad- 
It waa decided tbat aa ep tiatleu waa aaaaa^ 
aary. Tbe operatloa a pp e a red suteasafnl aal 
the patient rallied, but on FMday be bai a 
sUklng spell. Mr. HcOnnnell gradnally grew 
weaker and passed away qnletly Tneaday even- 
ing about S o'clock. 
Mr. UcOMBrtl appears to have ailed almsat 

ago. Hla father was tor twenty year* In- 
structor In Latin at the Ann Arbor University. 

but will took less to claftfllos than to comicali- 
ties. At the age of fourteen he organiied an 
amateur company. It went on tbe road and 
got as far as Jackson, where Will declared 
there were so many rotten egga that he had 
to close tbe company. For the next thrcif 
years be dabbled In amateur tbeatrlcola. At 
the age ot seventeen be secured an engage- 
ment with John McCnlloogb, tbe tragedian, 
who waa very much attracted by tbr boy*a 
ready wit and bis talent at repartee. kfcCon- 
nell began by doing Anall ports with UcOsI- 
loDgh and acting as gcaenl atlUty man.^ At 

the close of thla en - - 

for ttarec years. Me 
for tbe tragedlaa. .. . . 
new adsvnlalBB.-aBiMMajdaiaChl 
nesa abOllr pl aas d Ma toitba: 
an advance ana. 

Followtag this eBgsgetecat ..' wllfei>> 
Mr. UcOoniwIl served to tke r- — ' 

a amber of wen knoim at _ 

beta* Herbert Kelcey.. JaHs Ballowe. Effle 
Sbaaaaa. Amelia Bingham. Maria Dreaaler and 
otbefs. Twenty and twenly-flve year* ago Ife- 
Oomiell waa Cbailea Frobman's most sneceaa- 
tM advance man. A part of hla early eareee' 
was spent as manager of the rehnllt Brooklyn 
Theatre, but bla five yeara' management ot 
this bonse was not aa succesafta as bu pie- 

VioaS efTorts, nor waa bouse management ac- 
tive enough for bIm. and at tbe close ot the 
contract he went back on the road. 

About fifteen years ago the Klaw Ic Er- 
langer Booking Agency had an energetic rival 
In MrConnell'a Tbeatrlcal Exchange. Mr. Me- 
OonnelU made considerable money ont ot tlils 
venture, bnt after several months ot Ooorlab- 
Ing hmdneaa he abdicated tbe field to the na- 
dlapnted posaessloa ot Ueasra. Klaw 4k Er- 
langer, and he became manager of Koatec B 
Blal'a Hnale Hall. Under hla management' thto 
resort waa a big ancceaa. becenbig the rea- 
de a i una tor tbe beat kaawa. townis. poUtt 
elaaa. aad >boa nraato af:; the : ■ tiw jje W a. ■:- >.tt 
was duilng ' tMs cngageaNat that ' SgeOsaMn 
d lae o v ete d WIDIama aad Walker- He placed 
tbeia nader a lang contract at the maalc baU. 
Their ancceaa vraa Inatantaneona. and tbey 
proved a gidd mtae to tbe masle -baO^eoaK 
pany. . ■• .'■ 

Retiring fMm Koster B BtsTa 'Miste ^BsB 
Mr. UcOnaaen retired to Mexico and Invested 
part ot bto nil teat to the hotel baaineso. He 
olMrtly re Uu n e d to New York City and en- 
tered the newspaper boalnesa. becombqf tbe 
Srst dramatic editor of the Morning Trtrgraph. 
The laat ten yeara of hta lite were spent as 
manager and press agent for vartoos oompa- 
nleo. hla laat— the one be held at tbe time of 
hla death— being aa bnslnen manager and 
-prraaJMgat .tar Janes K. Backett and Maiy 

Aa iwa'^Aiwirtet -li at r yi aete' so wni wiu a. 

McOomtell be best kaovm as a wit. The two 
often crossed swords with an.r of them at the 
LamVa Club, and Mr. McConneli'a stories 
would All many volnmes ot interesting read- 
ing. A man of almost onbonnded ttieatrleal 
Information, he was always In demand, and 
hla pleasing peT-«onallfy won for him scores 
of friends on both sides of the Atlantic. Mr. 
MeConnell will be lone remembered, for ho. 
Oiled an Important place In theatrlcala toi 
Iblrly years. 

Mr. McCnnnell was married abont gfteen 
years ago to Miss Mollle Stiem-ood. of Loa 
Angrlre. Cat. At tlutt time Mlaa Sherwood 

was H member of RiiaseH'a City Dlreolnr; Co.. 
nt which Mr. McOnanell vraa iMialnean man- 


n ? 

■nay weie 


Tlie Billboard 

OCTOBER 14. 1906. 


Inhere have been lately foisted upon the public spurious counterfeits of the MOVIIB PICTVIES OF THE BUTT VS. lELSOR FNRT, 
Thfe fxaud is shabbily clothed under the cowardly verbiage "reproduction of the Britt-Nelson fight." This fraud 
^g^ves inzvalleged ronnds* posed for by dummy boxers. The only genuine inctnres of this battle, the most sensational 
in the aiiu^ of the prize-ring or of moving photography, are the protected property of J. W. COPFROTH. By 
virtue of instructions from Mr. Coffroth and acting under the best legal advice, I hereby warn all owners of build- 
ings, lots, theatres, stores, halls, etc., that under the international copyright laws as well as the laws covering fraudt 
that they are liable for damages should they lease, harbor, rent, aid or abet exhibitions of this sort. 

FEDERAL INJUNCTION PR0CEEDIN6S on behalf of the owner of the copyright, with petitions for damages were 
v^^iistttitli^ 1^ EVERY OFFENDER In the United States by EX-STATES ATTORNEY JACOB J. KERN, MM- 

i|||Bt^ If YOU in piraer we will stop foi and onllect iiamips. 

^!®:ftvtrU;. - .. -VERY RESPECTFULLY, ' ^ 

1.0U M. 


For J. W. 


Wnttro Booking 4gent, EDWARD SHAYNE, 
79 Clark St.. Chicago. • 


it n»4_m bawt ittir matt rnUmui tr MwV^t* 

nxroBXEBS' sates 

Mtir, Art: En roate wUli Forcpangh & Selli 

Btm' Circa. See, Tent Show Rmtc*. 
*»t n *» 4k OtWa: Ed imit* with CaoipbcU 

Bm>.* timm, U— Ttnt Show Baat««. 
IOm ft.Besss: (fUt): Atlut*. Oa.. Sept. 

jSma. at* Tnt SMir' 

Hqnart, Ncllte (Ijile): 

BldnDOBd, Ta., Oct. 

AnI, Mill-. (Colonial): New York City. e-14. 
.\very ft Pearl (We»t Side): Beloll. \VI«.. 

Atnl:iiiil-.. t;re«t (F^amlly): Butte. Mottt.. U-14; 

Spokaiw, W«!ih.. 16-21. 
Atkinson, Gt'u. (Kunll)): Omabi, Neb., 914. 
Aldo & Armoar (Fair): Basetatown, HA., 


Bacon, Banicn ft Bae«n: Xn lonte with Qay'a 

Bteetrle Co. 8«« Tmt Show BontM. 
Barlow'a ElfpbanU (BlppodMma) : Kaw T«rk 

Cttr. Sept. 2S, Indaf. 
Bane*' Al. a.. Anlmala: Bn nittt wttb the 

New Parker Amnaeneat Oo. Sac JlMwaj' 


Beaid. Bil»: Bi Mate with B. Wart** 

~" ' Baa Uliiilial Bimliia 

Kb tome 
It On. Saa 

Btmi * Atthor: 
Beceham. CbaiMf 

with tbe 
Mlilnrar Routea. 

2S-X0V. 1.8 

Bernard. Floyd: En lODte with Klnsllac Bma.' 

Show. See Tent Show BoDtea. 
Benlan Jc MaekUn: En ronta with Christy 

Mlnatralt. Sa* Sliaatral Baotca. 

Amerlcaa NrirAor* Qnartet: En nnte wlthBcU & Henrr (CWtunim) 

The raradrra. See UnalcaJ Bonte. 
Amerlcaa Trampetera, Foor: En lonte with 

AdeOaMe- Bemnaa. See Dramatic Roat. a. 
Anwlda. Twz «a Mta. with BIddal'a Soatb- 

tcB •mttai .0^ Ut. XHhrar i^BNttt, 
Adnu^. XaM ««lliaM>aa>jt , , »nt-::'j;mm:,'<.V»- 

New Tork CltT.'. »lir?CSW») -.BSii S R. 
Conn., lo-ai. 
Abeam, Riaa. ft Jac (Howard): Boaton, 
Vaaa.. *-U. 

Asdenm Optional): Kansas City. Mo.. 8-14. 
Alll a wi a. The (Coofst: Rochester, N. X., 
B-14; IGardea) ituiTain 

ApoUo Oaartet: Mexico. Mo.. 0-14; JcBtnOB 

AMio Bra*. (Orand): Vlctwla, B.'a;''MI; 
(flaaaO - Xtaaaw. wash., ]«-2i . 

~ ~ (ladDStrlal HaU): MoUae. IB.. 

The Two (Stat): St. Paul. Ulna.. 

Aaund ft petro Tka Omt (Otpkaaa):'- Loa 

ABselaa, Cal.. Mt. 

Adama. Xaalcal (Vabi at): »aatlk :>IIL. O-U; 

AddlatoB ft tiriSMM ^pw'^ 

Mich.. 9-14. ■ ■- 

Amaon. Mr. ft Ifrs, COnktsm): SUaaeapoUs, 
Minn . O-U: <Or^icgmr"Omalia.v2Cctu. lo-zi. 

Alareoa'e Uestlean TOo. The (BI}on): Keoo- 
aba. Wia.. S-14; (American) ducago. lU., 


Tba Toaalas (Coloalal): l4iwrence. 
f9-tu ;■ ■ ..■>.:. .-i:.;-- 

nadir (o. o.\i mi ik mt, -:rt., 

Althea Twin* (Keith's): Prorldenn- R. I.. 

Argall, William (Orptirnm): Loe AngeU'*, Cat., 

Adeljn (Mr«>: Fond da Ijic. 'Wis.. 9-14. 
Abcma. The (Wood'*): Sedalia. Mo.. 9-14: 

(MondiT) Topeka. Km.. 15-21. 
Alwam ft Baxter (Utaiina): Ogden. ntab. a-u. 

B.(G. O. B.): lodlaoapoU*. 

Ob tan. 

* limer: 

O..' S-M. 

TKLEQRAMS for routM of per- 
formors, tont shews or' eamlval com- 
unlaaa parties PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hotel orfdreaa or 
street number. If route wanted can 
not be found In The Billboard, publica- 
tion is prohibited^ ar w* had not re* 
eelv«Bd H mp Am ttm* of fonm •toatnti 

Banr, Mr. ft Mr* Jlmmle (Poll'e): New Ha- 

Ten. Onn.. 9-14: (PoU'a) BartfOCd 1041. 

Brlfort. May (Shea'a): Bnffato. H .X.. 9-14: 

(Shea'a) Toronto, Oct., 10-21. 
Bellman ft Moore (Sheedj'a): F*D Blrer, 
Maaa., S-14. 

Bassett, Mortimer (O. O. H.): Crand Baplda. 
Mich., 8-14. 

Brrant ft SaTlll* (Bennett**): London, Ont.. 

•-14; (Benai'tt'a) St. Thooa* IS-Sl. 
Baaeli ft Beach (Haahasen'a): St. Loala. Me., 

(Bmptra) St. Uula 1S41. 
Baanah ft Millar (Brda ft Bahaaa'a)! BMnk< 

irn. M. T., S-M. 
Bwner*, Tna 
Ind.. O-M. 

Biatae. Baiqr (IWr)! . 

BMnr.- Ooto ItasMS (awnuktOt 
ID;, Md. 

BjToa ft BlBftfk (nallr)! Jia«B Ottr* la., 

Oct. Bnrton A Bnrloe (Baatfata^t Wlaalsag^ Mas., 

0-14. :• 

Boston citr Q nat ji i . ( T i u iaSiia ) t .Vhlladei- 
pbla. Fa., 9-14; (SueA aawetr) l*air Tork 

citj- lo-ai. 

BUoom, Oapt. (Orphenm): San nanelaee. (M., 

Bellelalr JBrwt^lHQgktogii torfaTUl^ Ky., 

BHstoi'a'^Satalauriftlt .%&iatlaa. Dei., 


Berrr, Bail: 

rooca wMB 

«lik the 
. lUdwar 


BIna, (Sum. 0:. Acitallsti 

White Oltr ' 

Balaaa,, Haa... ■ , u 

Otcat WaUaea ' abeaa. 


Bootblack Qnartet. Orlslnal: Bn ronlc with 

Home Folks. See Dramatic Bootea. 
Brewers. The A F. B. McAdoo: Bnrula, Socl- 

ete Islands. South Sea lalands, Oct. l-SO; 

Rlatear, Soclete laland* Hot. 1-30. 
Brono Bros.: En route with Binsllns Bro*.' 

Circus. Se.' Tent Show Boole*. 
Borkhard, <!.: Ed xoate with CamjibeU Broa.' 

Cirrus. See Tent Slww Koatea. 
Burton. Bichard (Star); Vactlaad;;OM>, Indef. 


Burkes. Tlie Juggling (BIjon): Battle (3reek. 

Illch.. a-14; (BlJou) Lansing 16-21. 
Bematelns. The (Bljoo): Lanalns, MiCh.,»-I4; 

(liljou) Battle Creek . - 
Bernhnrat A Boialar (AmttlcaB)i < Ohleaso, 

111.. 9-14. 

Bortlnos, The Thn-e (Main St.): Peoria, m., 

Bartb. Fted (Standard): Claelnnati, O,. 8-14. 

Baraells, The WMMIS.- XMU Md. 

Brown ft aosoa (OnbMi)! Baaaw ' CM.. 


Barnes A Wasbbnm (BlJon): Oibfcoab, W]*., 

9-14: Bljaa) Appleton 18-21. 
BnckeT' Trio (Ljrlc): Feeatello. Ida.. 0-14; 

(Bon Ton) Salt Lake CItj. Utah. 16-21. 
BedODln Arab*. Elitbt (Olympic): ChlcaKo. 

IIL, 8-14; ((;oIamfila) St. Loul*, Mo.. 16- 

Beoactt, Mark (O. O. H.): NaahelUe, Venn., 
»-Ut <On<n*rald) Knr Oclaaaa. La..,. 10.91. 

(Wd s t rn lsitif) 


Bmdr. Jamea ft Kittr fttvalaDi 

lad., 8-14. - 
BcrtoUna ft Pataam (Standard) s ' fllaelBMti. 

o., 8-14. 

Brran. Frank D. (Hyde & Bchoian'a) ; Brook- 
lyn. N. Y.. 8-14. 

Broclcuian. Marie (Family): Haaleton, Pa..' 9- 

BucknpT (Orpheum): Los Anceles, Cat, 2-14. 
Barrows. Lancaster A Co. (Pan's): Water- 

bury. Ck>nn., 8-14; (Poll's) Brld(e|>ort, 10-21. 
Beaumont A Ray ward Olat St.): Cbteaco, 

ni., 8-14; (Main St.) Peoria 16-Zt. 
Barton A Brooks (Bmpire): Holioken, N. 3,. 

0-14; (Elmpire) Patterson 16-21. 
Bentere A Co., Valerie (Gotham): Brooklyn 


Brown. WhlatUns Tom (a. O. H.): Pitts- 
burg. Pa.. 8-14; (NoTelty) Baltimore, Md.. 


BatT A Braas (Oothaa): BraaUra, X. T.. 


Bentler. Jennla (Indastrlal HaU) : Molin.-. Ill . 

B.I4: (Andltorlnm) Cedar Bapld*. fa., insi. 
BordeTcrrr, QoMaal (Orphanm): Kanaaa City. 

'Mo., 0-14. • .. . . 

Bottcr, Hsny CAs miB li D i IvBB. Haas., 


BTlfttat Siaa. (Colllos'): I>ondon, Ens.. 
Brown ft NcTarro (Hippodrome): B ll ata l, 

Das., 18-21. 
Brown, Harry: Bradford. Ire.. 16-21. 
Ilrnno. Chris ft Matx'l Bnsaell (Orpbeumi: 

Iirooklyn, N. Y., 0-14. 
Barr.r A llalTers (G. O. H.): Indianapolis. 

Ind.. 0-14.. 
Browna. Mystic: Albnm, C*l., 8-14. 
Bruwninc ft Wally (Orpheiaa); Baa Fran. 

eiaeo, Oal., S-U. 
Comar, Frank (Unique): Shebonaa. IHk. 

14: (tVeat Sldv) Janearin* 
(aanoce -Waters (Bennett's): LoadGa. Oal.. 

Md; (Beonett'i) St. Tbaoaa 1831. 
' ft Blabar* (PoU'a): " 

Barttard, Osna.. 



Curtain A Blossom (nayoMrket): 
in.. 9-14. 

Camllle Comedy Trio: Bn roate with Bin(- 
lluB Broti.' circQB. See Tent Sliow Bontes. 

CarloA. Chns. A Doss: Bo route with Rlnc- 
llng Bros.' Circus. See Tent Show Bontea. 

Oarr Albert (Hippodrome): New Yaek CII.t. 

Carroll. Great: (Alcaxar): OenTer, OoL. Indef. 
Csslrinions, Tbree (tllppodrome): Kvk Tork 
city, Indef. 

Clarkonlsns, Tl>e (BIppodrane): New Tork 
City, Indef. 

Colllna A Bart (Wlntenrarten) : Berlin. Ger.. 

Oct. 2-Nor. 4; (Apollo) Vienna. Austria, 6-30. 
Cook A Miss Bothert (PaUls d'Bte): Bnaael*. 

Bel(., Not. 1-80, 
Ooohaee. Snaiet Bn toste wim the Oteater 
, Smith Aoinaeaiaat Oo. See Midway ■Roate*. 
Cbaililid ft Datrlnaer: Bn roole with Saral- 

W * Xirkto'riniMtlnc Pitaw. Sm 
cellancona Baataa. 

(Jottrell. LoaU ft Bab.rt (IBMeftMelt .K»<r 

York OIlT. iBdet. -f—T^ 

Courtney ft Jcanrttc: En janls with Nich- 
oi'* Chlcaco Amaicaiaat Co. Saa MIdvar 


Crosbys. The: Bn route with tbe Great Wal- 
lace Circus. See T>nt Show Bantee. 

CarroIlB. Three (Fair): naRrrslown. Md., B.I4. 

Cherrlel. Boill (Star): Topeka. Kan., ••14. 

Caaad A DeVeme (White City): Cblcaso. lU.. 
0-14; (Ilayimarket) Ohlcaco jn-SI. 

CIsHc. Clever (Fair): Ooacodla. Kaa.. O-M: 
(Xsilonal) Kanaaa^Oltr. Vm.rtim. v . 

CunnliiKliam ft Smith (CksMM): t e a ww a . 
Mass., 0-14. 

Cattsneoa, Tbe (Alhamlira): Now Yottt City. 

Cherry A Bates (Keltll'a): Sytacoae. K. Y^ 

0-14. . •■. . • 

CUrk. Harry Cnnaa ' (Ol»hlSW)l,. ' tSS'' '.Atf' 

Ki-Ies, Cnl., 0-31, 
Oanino Comedy Four (Proctor's oetb St.): New 

York City. 0-14. 
Conser'a Dott Show (West 8tde)t JaaaasBlaw 

WU., VhiK , . 

Cnnm. B^niM UlheMbMt: m»- WmHi .OMr* 



Xlie Billboard 


Clark * XMd* <Blioo): OtblUMb. Wii. to-ll. 

wSH. »•!": (bSoo) Dulolh. XInn.. 10-81. 
Cklrcrt. Orrat (Fair): AUanta. Ga.. »I0. 
mil nr. * Mn Gardner (Cook's O. H.l: 

BoUmUT. M. X.. 914; (Shea's) Bnlfalo 


CMMliio (K«IU'a): Phllsdclpbla. Pa~ S-I4. 
SSS m. oract (Park): Wontatfr. Jlaaa.. 

eumaa. Bayd ft 0» Umt HmlltiM, Out. 

OUWI, Miriam (tniMllMtM Obleago. 111., 

O^anaDEb * RamUton (People's): Marl- 
boro, Mass.. S-14; Kew Pitrtueket, E. I., 

CtUtt. Mr. ft Un. Carl (Lrric): Cblcago, 

CmnrrOO k Totrdo (Beanetfa): St. Tbomat, 
Oat.. 9-14t (Olrmplc) South Bend, Ind.. 18- 

Calrmon. The Great (BIJou): Osbkail^ Wll» 

014; (BIJoa) <irrrn Ba/ 16-21. 
Clirimoplirr (Empirr): Im Angrtea, CaL. S-M. 
Conatantlnran * Lawr>nce (Iloarard): Clilea- 

co. III.. S-14; (Vandette) Cblcaao MSI. 
Ctaamberlln*. Tbe (Keith's): CI»TeIaild. 0., t- 

14: (Keltb's Pblladelpbla. Pa.. lO-Sl. 
Carlln & Otto (Poll's): SpHngflcUL Malt.. 

0-14; (BnrUf * acamoD'a) Mew Xock Cttj, 


Clarton, Jeakina * Jaaper (OtpbcsiD): McfW 

Orleans. La.. B-I4. 
Campbell * Bradj (Haymarket): Cblcago. 111., 

B.14: (ColnnbU) St. Lools, Mo.. 1U.21. 
Clifford * Buk« (Keeney'a): Paterson, N. J., 


(Jamil. Mr. * Mra. BObt. (BUoo): Calomel. 

MIeb.. S-M; (BUoq) Marquette IS-ai. 
Cceaar. Will M. A Blanclie Oajne (Keltb's): 

Tork CItjr. 10-21. 
Oreuwell. W. P. (Blerele Bill: Wlaalpaff. 

Man.. 9-14: Minneapolis, Mlna., 16-S. ' 
Oogan It Baneratt (Famtlr): MarrlabWf. Vi.. 

8-14; (FaDllT) Lancaater lO-Zl. 
ColiaD. Jowpblne * Co, (Proclor'a): Newark. 

K. J., »-14: (Proctar'a) Troy. M. X., 16-21. 
ObrUUI, AU (BUaa)i CalooMt. Mldb. S-U> 

Denteo. Bent: Ba ronlo wltb tta Vtoto Show. 

See Tent Shoir Bootea. 
Oi'Telda A; Zelda: -Kb ranU trtlb tb* Pat- 
teraon Ic Bnloerd Canilral Co. 8t« UMwar 

Oocknsn. . Marie: En roate with tbe Irish 

Pan-nbrokert. See Mnslcal Rontea. 
Donahne. Jobn ft Matlle NIchola: En toote 

with Woodland. See Mnalral Boatea. 
OonoTan. John O. (Ciaeograpb) : Vat Angeles, 

Cel., Indef. r , 

Donaey. Lealle T. (ItofCltjr): Btoektoo. Cal.. 

Sept. l8-0«. M. : . 

VcrK, Carroll (Wic>il)t IKWHIttfl. BL, IBM 

11. Indef. 

DrTden. Cbaa.: Bo route with MolUe Ballej'a 

CIrrni. Bee Tent Show Routes. 
DrutnoiondB, The «}olIienin): Iiwiflwi. Eng.. 

July 17-NoT. 30. 
Damonds. Three: (Crystal PdMtll lUiaelUea, 

Pr.. Oct. 20-No». 18. 
Dnnswortb, Pete (Pantague's): Seattle, Wash., 

Indef. . 

Dnral, Jot. (BUon): MlUrlUc. N. i., Indef. 
Oat.. »-14. 

Dcreaa, Bnbtrt (eanttk>t mWwIaa. DeL. 

» 14. ■ ■ . 

Oel-a-Fhona (Bon Tod): Icney (atr. ». 
■ 9-14. ■ t . 

Dc Vainc Xtaliiia (FlM9Mi*a): Baa fkaadaoo, 
CaL: »-M. - 

9-14. ^ 
Delmaa. Qto. (BUon): DnbavM I*.. »M. 
Dc.glaa ft Douglaa (BUt*)i Oar 


Don. Peter: Colombia, Pa., 9-14. 

Dorothea Slattrs (AUiambra): ; MUwaafca*. 

WU.. 18-21. 
Durbyelle, U>a ft Fay (Shea's): Toronto, OnL, 


Donaldioo, Ansa (Baymarket) : Chicago, m.. 
9-141 (OaloasbU) St. Laala, Mo,. 1041. 


Empress and Islington, 


Cbick (Pair) I , 

CUrke. WUM <j 


Colby Fai „ .- 

Conway A jMi fl 

Chnway ft Ijeland: 
Eng.. 10.21. 

Cottyt, au (Sbra'a): Bntralo, M. X, 
CUrke. utni !MU3S!"iJ^ 


Oarrer. Loiilaa ft 'Oftilc Polteld COl»bMn): 

New Orleans, La., 9.14. _. „ 

Obrlsslc. Bd. (UBlqnt): maatapoU^ Miu.. 

OMrajr. BkMb fl^ai— ) t Ml— a a gs ll a, lUaa.. 

flMltti * »-^'-ff* (lode)! CIsTalaad, O., 

OMMUa, raal (KtlOl's): BmIoo. Masa., S-14, 
CMe ft acmesa (Fanillj): Baltbaora, Md., 

Wiritt. Bans ft Torrence (Temple): De- 
troit. Mieb., 8-14; (0. O. B.) Boctaeatcr, N. 

y.. 16.21. 

Oom-ner ft Wlllard (Bljoa): Dolatb, Minn., 
9.14; (Unique) Winnipeg. Uan.. ie.St. 

Doooras. Lea (Uaa'a Museoo): Bv^alo, N. 
X.. 0.14. ( 

De LoriB, ObeeaUer (Backlngbare) : Loala- 
• eUle, Ky., 9.14; (Empire) IndlanapoUa, Ind., 

Downs. T. Kclaoa (ColaaMa): St. Loola. Mo.. 

9-14. _ . 

Daly ft Morpty <— >IW)« C«H*9<0 IfliiBpi 

Co\.. 9-14. 

Daniels, Waller (Keith's): PhlUdelpbla. Pa., 

0-14: (Keltb'a) Praeld. nee. B. I.. Itf-tl. 
DerdeD. Dare (BUon): Wichita. Kan., 8-U. 
Oar, Oeo. W. (Keltb'a): Boaton, Mass., 9-14; 

(Proctor's) Albany, N, X., 10-21. 
Do Laceys, The (Family): Sioux CICr, la.. 

9-14; (Family) Ollumwa 1«.2I. , 

DUle ft Templrlon (Bljao): UarqoatMb IMBn 

9.14: (BUon) lahpeming 18-21. . . 

•Otino (BiSq): Dea MdaM, la.. Mil (Iv 

otau) JilMieapolit. Mlna.. M4I. . 

V ^ Vm (»anett's): St. TO sMaa, Oat.. 

>^*.U< (Star) BaaUltaa SMI. 

Dtaoa. ft BolBta <0ifb9aai|i las rMndtee, 

CaU s-14: (OrphiMBTLaa ftantaa l»tl._ 
Dl»m ft Anitr (O. O .Ut7>Wbaift . fa.. 

■ as. _^ 
De Una, OleneDt (Bmplrc): Lleerpoel, Kng., 

18-91t (Bmplre) Bradford 2I18: (Bnplrel 

BInnlagbam SO-Noe 4: (Bmplre) Hnll O-ll. 
Uancsn. A. O. (Maryland): BalUmore. Md., 

9-14; (O. O. H.) PIttsbprg. Pa., 10 21. 
Dorach ft Russell (Rmplre): Hoboken. N. J.. 

9-14: (Bmplre) Pslersoo 10-21. 
'Da Faja, Musical (Clneograph) : Spokane. 

Wasb^ 9.14: (Family) Butte. Moot.. 18-2]. 
Dollar froope (flrdr ft Brbman'a): Brooklyn, 

N. v., 8-14; (TTtnt) Trenton. N. J.. 1021. 
i>e Wall ft BrwlB (BUoo): Dea MoUws, U.. 

Oc Lana^ WdUatt (Mt)t MoaHABIK Vk. 


Dancing Tlollnlat, The fBIJon) : Kempbla. 
Tenn.. 814-, (Maaonlc) Ix>alaTllle, Ky„ 16-21. 

-Uetmorc ft Lee (Proctor's): Newark, N. J.. 

9-14; (Bmpb^e) Paterron 16-21. 
•Sky, Bdmnnd ft Co (Orpbenm): KanMa Ollr. 

9to., 9-14; (Orpheom) N«w Orkaai^ iM., 

Da BeiTto* Heorleta. Baa BallaC* (O ip H Bin ): 
New Or leans, La.. 2-14. „ 
IM|^^ TMft (Ofpbenm): Kanaaa Oltr. Vo., 

jMsailOk Natalie: Toarlng Soatb Anwica. 
Onmtai Paplia Tsar, Bag., 2S-Oct. SI. . 
P^. l a ft it l aa (LgecBB): Umdoo, Eng.. 8- 

DavwB ft milSrld (N»w Star): Hamilton. 

Dihllaa, Lta; Mota ft gtoU Tour, Eng., Oct. 

9-NoT. SO.' . ^. 

■Dec. Boy: Ba route wltb tbo Joaepblae Oe<- 
-_hf (So. Be* Dranaatle Rootea. 
■DetaToya ft Vtlta: En i«aU «rtfh OaapbcU 

TILMRAMt tm> mwIsb sf par. 
rormwh tsiil ahmiit ar wifiilval mri- 
pwum wiu.; hot M AIMWIKBD. 
wiIsbs .»«PtiM PUPAV MMtAOE 
BOTH WAVtb i^viiig IwMil >«wss or 
■tPBBl numbark ' If rmils w fMH s d ean 
n«t ba found in Tha ■lllfcsBP* pMjMlaa- 
tion !• prehibitadt or w* tad Ml ra- 
ealvsd It «a ttaM fsrma sMns. 

Dekock, Lea Prerea (Olympic): (^Icago, UL 

DIU ft Ward (Olympic): Chicago, lU., 9-14. 
De Witt. Tlone (Haymarket): Chicago, UL 

Draw. Oototbr- (Hogklaa'); Laalaellla, Kj. 
9*14* « - 

Daabar n«Bpa (Melt RipisWBB, VS., 8- 

Bgo'naa. Lea (Ilopklns'): LonlSTllle, Ky., 9 

14: (Ilotiklna') Memphis. T<nu.. 1821. 
Brnest, Cbaa M. (Hrda ft BabBaaa'a)t Brook 

Erans, 'Llixle, ft Banj MBIi (TMBt): XMn. 

loo, H. i., 9-14. 
E<'kert ft Berg (OrphaaBtt Baadlag. Pa.. 9-14, 
Elmore. Tom: Oieeawoed,. Ark., 8.14; Bart' 

ford 10-21. 

Earl. Tba Danelag: Maaaab, Wla., S-U; 



■Idoaa. na . (0. O. H.)t Darhan, N. 0.. 

•^14; (ftBdNottaB) Nawark. O.. ia-2i. 
■smaade. Mr. ft Mra,. Mwud (Orphean): 

Osiaha. Meb.. 9.Ut (Oipbntt)' Dbaeer. CoL. 

18-21, . 
Eldrld. Oordeo (BUoo): Qnlacr. UL. M*; 

.(Oalty) SpHngfleld 1821. 
BaleUeta, La BcOc (Orphenm): Www Orleans, 

I.a„ 9-14. . 
tidrldge. The Great (Itemlly): Ponghkeepsle, 

N.. X.. 9-14: (Grand) MUwsnkee. WU.. I«-91. 
Emmett, .Oracle,, ft Cb. . (Mohawk): Sctaenc 

tadr, M. X.. B4«i (ftiWa) Mtir Zwk Cltr. 
- 18-21. • . ■ , , ' . , . , . . 

Dllolt. Maada, ftgwtl * Qtki' 

914. ^ ■ 

Erans. Mr, & MS 

ton, n. c 

Mil.. 10-21. 

BlUs.Nowlan Trio (Keith's): Ctrerland, O., 
9-14: (Shea's) Botralo, N. T., 10-21. 

Emperor* of Music, Four (Oiy b ei a a):' .Kaaaaa 
City, Mo., 9-21. 

Bllla. Mr. ft Mrs. Jack: 
914; KenMtt 16-21. . • '„ 

Baric ft Kaito iQi«teaaiV: .Ljadoa. Eng.. 

Bekos ft OiiitB (iBamCk)t WlUalattoa. DeL. 

9-14 , . .-^ 

Ellnore Sisters (Hsmmerwtcta's): New Tort 

. Clti, 9-14. . . " 

Bmplre Oty <)nartct (Albambra): Hair Tart 

City. 9-14. ' ' . 

Balus,. Dd. (Proetor'a); Albany. M. T.. 9-14. 

Eddj, Artbur (Ljrte); IM Aaielfa. GtU, 

Edmoada. trt'i Ba roala Wlth OaaatliF ft Bat- 
.. aeld'a MlaatreU. Baa Minotrrt .-Rsatca 

Slw. Olfia' (Atets»)t D>afw. OaL. Ia4»t. 
MB, Jan .(BumVi Bamtagt.. Oar.. Oct. 
rii; Meaa ft -Stan Vaar. bt.. Nor. 1, 



■mplre Oamedy rear: Bmplre Toor, Bag.. Oet. 
iS-Nor. «0.. _ _^ ». . 

Fattlkacr. B. B.: Ba rante wltb Hie Pand- 
er*. See . Mnslekl Rontes, 

ratale/. Jasgllng: En route with Oos Sou's 
Mlaalrela. »>• MUMtrrt Roojml _ 

Boole*. ... • . 

mtelle ft Badeiure: Ba taala vUh Benu- 

Santler Co. See Batjteaaiia BMrtM, 
FetgnaoB ft Mack (Bmpira): Icbaaaeabm^, 

a. A., Oct. 15-NoT. 25. ' 
Florence Slater*. Three (Srea): Stockholm. 

Sweden, Oct. Z-SO; (PaUt* d'Ete) Brusaela 

nelg- Not. 1 SO. _. ^ _ 

IVmtlnellra, The Three: En rente with F. W. 

Hall's Clrcoa. See Tent Show Routea. 
ran\ *■ Wilson . (Empire): Johitiiieabnrg. B. 

A., June 12-NOT 1. 
Fortune, Roy: En route with tbe Great Haag 

Bbow. See Tent Show Routes. 
'FoaUU,"'Bmm«f 'ft Otlberta: Bn route with 

J. ftanfc Bateb Sboira. Sea Midway Boataa. 

FoK ft Ward: 

atrala. See 

Frank ft Albriglit: 
. Bnia.' Ctraaa. Sea Ital _ 
nee* Bro*. ft Ofaettc SMaia: BB *aaie wltb 

Paterson ft Bcalaccd CajBlral Obb Ba* MU- 

way Rontea. 
FreroU. Fred' En mate wltb tbe Xarrar ft 

Macfcey Co. See Dramatic Bootea. 
Frisco, Slgnor. Aerlallst: En route wltb tbe 

U. S. CamlTal Co. See Midway Routes. 
Fn:ton. Chaa. M.: New Orleaoa, La., lu'lef. 
nwderlck. CUude ft Pooy Do& (Bennett's): St. 

Ttaomax. Qdc, 9-14. 
Fantaa. Two (BUon): (Jnlncy, MI., 9-14; 

(Star) Spnngileld. Mo., lO-M. 

Fox ft auuunera (BlJou): DecAtw, UL. #.14; 

(Grand) Marlon. Ind., 18-21. 
Fredo ft Dare (Orpbeum): Kansas City. Mo.. 

8-14; ((iTpbeam) New Orleans, La.. lO-ZI. 
Fillmore ft Adams (O. B.): Traeey, Minn., 

12-14; (O. U.) Ab.rdeeo. S. D., 10-21. 
FInnesans, The (BUon): Marlnete. Wla.. »-H. 

Fisher ft Jobnaon (Oalctj): Sprlngfleld, 111.. 

Forber. The Marsal CBtaaitntt tt. VfeOBa*. 

Ont., 8-14. 

Fos ft Hughes (Rlrerslde Park): BoUe Oily. 1 

Ida.. May 30-Oct. IS. 
Fields ft Hanson: BelleTlllc, M. J.. >-M; Hvm- 

uk 16-21. t 
Foo, Lee Tnag (I^rle): aucaga^ BL. t-U; 

(Grand) MUwaokec. WU.. 1841. 1 
Ferry ((tapbeom): Dearer, CoL, B-M. | 
Francliea*, Two Ctorelty): Baa Oleaa, CaL. 

8- 14; (Part Bcacb) 8aciaia*ata IB-n. 

FelU ft Barry Co. (palaabU): Claelaaatl. 0.. ; 

9- 14: (Baaklaa') Laalsnue, Kf.. 

Fay. Oalcy ft Pay (Cvatal): Hawaofcec. Wla.. 

••14; (Howard) Chicago, UL, 10.21. 
Fas. DelU: Blmlta, M. T., 8-14: Sebenee- 

Uday lO-ai, 
Fartette's Orebratra ((Columbia): St. Loala, 

<h^9-14; (O. O. H.) Indiana polls, Isd., 


ruber. W. ft Mrs. Perklna (Orpbenm): Den- ' 

rer. Col.. 9-14. 
FerguMD, Dick ft Grace Pasamoi* (BUon): 

Calumet, Mlcb., 9-14; (BlJou) Macsaatte 10- 


Frcd.ricka. Tbe (Norelty) : Freano, 0*L, •44; 

(Unique) Loa Angelea le-ai. | 
Fajrblo, Adonis (People's): C^dar Raplda. la., 

9-14; (Dominion) Winnipeg, Man., Itt-21. I 
Froato ft Uarrey (BlJou): Lansing, Mich., < 

9-14; (BIJou) Battle Creek 10.21. 
Fields. Happy Fanny: Sutherland. Eng., 10-21. 
Forda, Four (Keltb's): Prorldence, B. I., 

9.14. I 
Falrchllda, Tbe (Electric): Waterloo, la., 2-14.' 
Fletcher. A. Blllyi Auburn, Cal. 214. 
Fieese Bros. (Orpheom): SprlngOeh], O., 214. 
Fnller, Ida (Olympla): Rome. Italy, 16.21. 
Ferns & Merbaju (Family); E. St. Ix>ula, lU., 


Fordham, Fred (Globe): St. LoaU, Mo., 8-14. 
Farrell, am (SUr): Seattle. Waab.. 9-14. 
Flcteber. Chaa. Leooazd (Olympic): Oileago, 
lU., 9-14. 

Fanat Family (Baymarkat)! Ohlcago, DL. 9- 
14. , 

FrederUk (raaOy)! Baalatae, Pa.. 9-14. 
Foatar ft Foatar (OqBaam): BiooUja. V. T.. 

8- 14. 

Olllcna, Tba Two. (Ctyatal): Anderson, lad., 

9- 14: (Orratal) K^omo 16.21. 

Good. Baiel (Cryatal): Kokomo,' Ind., 9-14. 
Olrl la tbe Olonda (Orpb^nmi: Brooklyn, N. 
Y.. 9.14. 

Grand Op«ta Skto (TMat): IHaloa, N. J.. 

9-14. " 
Gracca, Tka TMa ' (I««iaai)i St, *M*Bb. BA., 


Oanlnrr ft Stoddard (Hopkins'): Memphis, 

Tenn., 0-21. 

Golden ft Hnghea (Family): New Tart Oltjr. 


(;ottlob ft Co., Mr. ft Mra. (Acme): BaMMalah 
CaL. 8-14: (Bell) Oakland 10-21. 

ailroy, Haynra ft Montgomery (Poll's): Bridge- 
port. (k)nn.. 814; (I'oll'B) Watrrbury le-Zl. 

Gerard, FrancU (Orpbenm): Omaha. Neb- Itf^i. 

Oooboana The Moaleal (U. O. H.): IndlanapoUa. 
lad.. 9-14: (Hopkins') Lonlsellle. Ky.. 10-21. 

Oregson, (Hiarlea ft FUrene* (Keltb's): New 
York Catr. 9-14: (Keith's) PblUdelpbla. Pa., 

Oofortb ft Doyle (O. H.): Ft. Smith. Ark.. 9-14. 
Oalettl'a Monkeya (ColumbU): (Mnclnnatl, O., 

8- 14: (ArcaOe) Toledo IS-21. 

Gordon ft Uayea, Mliaea (Ben'a): Bicanaba, 
Mlcb., 9-14. 

Orant. Sydney (Orpbenm): Broaklya.- 

.'8-14: (Albambra) Meir Tort CltT- fiU^M^I t 
Gonnan. jaCk '(0. BO: Ollatna. y ^ 
Graanoa, lU (PioaMt^'Mtb- St.)! 

City. 9.14; (Gotkaai) Bnalrtra IS«li 
OrUM*b xam'ft .Otttra** lOrpbtaaDi Bpclas- 
- attd.. Ou; B-Ui (raallyl -BaiiUtaa iw.... 
Olob* a( Deatb (Orpbeam): Omaba. IM„ t-U; 
. 'lOcplwamI' Kaaaaa City. Mo.. 10-21. , 
Oaidoar, Banv JtckjMazyUadl: BalttmB*. 

Md., tf-l4rm«a'slriMHMN. T.. 16-21. 
Oenrro' ft .Tlwol IjHHHHeBiaisBClirater. Eng.. 

18-21; (BnplrvnHBd 2B«8: IPaUce) BoU 

aO-Kov. 4t' <CtBHCIa«da-8-ll. 
GlUlhaa ft Biani^Ol'O. B.): Oraad Bai 

Mlcb.. B-M: :(auivaL»>abi*aagw-mr:i»ti.^ 
Oroee, BancU >. (0«aett'»); Wrt aiia d , lad.. 

«-14;' ■— r 

Olose. Augnata (flhea'a): Toroato, OnL, 9-14; 
(Relth'a) naadelphla. Pa.. ia-2t. 

Gtaw Tr]o.'Tta>.(Crrit*n: Kokoma, lad., 8-14; 

(Ogatal) ftBdi w oB 10-21. ■ 
aaiett* Sttteta (8bea>*>: .TMooto, Ont., 9-14 

aieanv, Jamea BfefaoMbd ' (ARade) : Toledo, O., 

Goldsailthr ft Hcppe (Garden): BnlTalo, N. T.i 

9- 14; (CkirlntMan) . Borbeater 10-21. 
Gardner, WUUe (Proctor's): Newart, N. J., 


Qlrard. Maile (ramUy): Babaiwy CUr, Pa;, 

9-14. ' ■ ' '.__ 

Gorman ft Wait (O. OL.-vBi|t niMtMb va., 

8- 14. 

Oonrley, Sully ft Ooailey (Aodltodnn): Lynn, 

Mass., 9-14. • 
Ouy'a Parlor BiBatlda>(GMai): . St. Joseph, 

Mo.. 9-14. '■ T7?-,r^lX.-''.- :'• " • 

Gaylord, BoaB** COh|Bi0S !-i|;"'SMnfe^ Ho.. 

9- 14, • •-'T- iP.^jjar • • 

Hall. LUlie May (Oaalao): BattlaM*tfvlMS>14. 
Hylanda, Tba Ttova' <BUoa): -.^VHaiETvia,, 
9-14; (BUap) Grcca-Bay IMtPJ*^ ' ■ 
Hentott ft Jaats (Sbeedr'a): FaU Btfcr. VaM., 
'■ 8-14." ■■ - 
Bolmea ft.Deaa* (BDoa): Dalatb'. Mlao.. 9-14; 



Heavy oovep Mgep 

PO S ^a^fm c!«. 
~ P A I D O nth 

^ am Strett, ClMliMti, Ohl*. 

PeorU. III.. IS-Sl. 

Cblraso, lU^ a-14. 

(Joodo: En roote with B«t attrea'a CMaa. 

8<e Tent Sbow Bootea. 
Gray ft Graban: Ba mat* will 

Belles. See Bnrieeqae BoatcOL. 
HUl. Mniiy K. (Bayasartat): ~ 


Bnntoon, Dad ft CUta (Star): Ft. 

Tax.. 9. ladaC 
Hardy. Ian** B. 

Pa., 9-M. 
miihiirt ft 

Mteb.. BM; 
HaartbeiBa ft 

8- 14. 

Ball ft Cothom (Main St.): 
Hrde ft Beath (3Ut St.): 
Harrises. Four Diuelng (Haymarket): 
III., 9-14. 

Healys, Tbe ((Cryatal): SL Joaepb, 
(NoTclty) T«9>kaj^ Kaa., ia-M.._ _ 

adelpUa, ' 


Hrnnetsey. James A. (BUoo) : Mnskegoa. Mlcb.. 

9- 14. 

Hayter ft Janet (Earl): Pneblo. (M.. 9-14: (Nof- 

elty) Omaha. Keb.. 10-21. 
Hyams ft Mclntyre (Colonial): New Tort OttTe 

8- 14; (Orphenm) Brooklyn, N. X.. 10-21. 
Holdswortba The (Keltb'a): Boat on. Masa.. 

9- 14 (Keith's) ProTldeaee. B. L. 10-21. 
Howard, Dickie (Summer PaTllUon): LeadrUleb 

Col. 4 14. ^ 

Hara ft SolU (Poll'a): Bridseport. Ocm.. M4. 
Hall, Artie (Proctor's): Nvwark. H. J., B-HJ 

Proetor'a) Albaay, N. T., I8-ai. 
Hareoort. Datey (Ossto): LawreDce. Baaa.. 

9-14: (Moeea'a) Porttaad. Me^ 1«-21. 
Heath. Rabart rtfalth'*): ftMMnSf*' *" ^' •* 

14: (Keltb'a) Raw Tort City lo- w. _ 
Baeael Broa. (Cuatal): Le«renw«r«h,_Ka«., 
M4; (Maieatle) Kan*as_qty. 
' — *ij ' 


TMe O ill board 


* WaMoa:. MMtaJk, »U: (O. O. B.)] 
IS BmdlBf. Pa. 

, IS-Sl. 

•-I4: (OtfhMB) UtlCB. 

BunUtoa * Bart (Trrot): TrpDMO, Jg. J„ 

(Vijrstlc) PtaUadrlpU*, Pa 
Ban, Panltne iAcademr of Uafrtc): 
Pa.. »-M: (Park O. H.) Brie I6-Z1. 
Hammond. Mr. & Un. Cbaa. O. (Star): To- 
. peka. Kid. IS-2I. 
HSTvTDua'a Animals (Pn>ctor*a7: Albany, 

■Mb, MDileal (Famllr): Panehkw>p<le. N. Z.. 
(Faallr) PatvrMS. Si. J.. lltSl. 

Howsrd Bnw (Orpfaviim): OmabA. K^., 0-14; 
(Orpbenm) UlnorapoUs. Won.. 1S-2I. 

Hosbn. Mr. & Mrs. 'Gfw OUJcstIc): Chi- 
cago, m., S-14; (Otymplc) Cblt^go IS-Zl. 

BInn & Bemlnstoo (G. O. *B.): Indianapolis. 
lDd..-B-U: (Colombia) dnelnoatl. 0.. lS-21. 

Howard ft North (Orphrnm): DenTer. Oil., 9- 
14; (Orpbrnm) Mrmpbis, Tenn., 16-21. 

Howard's Poaln & Dogs (Academy of Mosle): 

. Scnuiton. Pa.. 9-14; (Park O. H.) Rd* JUl. 

Betroo. Tom (BI.V>o): Dnlntb. Jitim^'^t-Ui 
(nmqnF) WlDDlp«e. Man., ie-21. 

Boeii. Emn.'Ja»- Eltoo & CX>. (Orpbeusi): Oma- 

Haines. Frank H. (Olympic): Symcuat-, K. T., 

Hale. WUUe & Prances (Hansa): Hambnrs. Ger.. 
Bayman & FtaokUm (Hatbaway'a): New Bcd- 

" ,»rU^- . - 

._ . . ►W..«f-JWF 

iMfcV- v'-. . 

Dsc* (Chasarats-'lilaMivtBa^ B.:C.. 


Oedar Bap- 

'Boire * Scott: UanckatR; B.sB;^>ac 
Bacbcs * Boms (Gana): Pipfc.'Biwii 
Hktbaway * Walton (Ptaeta'V^lHk'vIt} 

Totk aty. 9-14. 
am & Han: Owano. Bkk..: ZtHr Mi 
Hnper. Laeitle H. (PeopV*): 
' Ida, la., Sept. 4. Indef. 
Bart Bra^:. En route wltb tlic Gl«at Wal- 

bee Cbm. Se« Tent Sbow Bontei. 
BatdL 6«». H. (West Side): JanesTlUe, 
. Vlf.. iadrf. 
Biwdni ft LaLcDde: Bn lante with yohn Bot>- 

tnaon'a Circns. See Tent Sbow Rontt-s. 
Hays. Ed. C: En roate with Gns Snn's Uln 
strels. See illmtrel Kontci. 
Helena. Editb (GdliOD): Bofliarest. Boo.. 

Oct. S.2T; (Bonacbt^s) .Vienna, Austria. 

Not. 1-30. 

Heniy. Nellie ft Otaa. Morrison: En KHrte 

with Nletaol's Chicago Amoiement Co. Ste 

Bldway Bootes. 
BcibRt, Tlie Prognian: En roate with the 

Great Wallace Clrsoa. S«« Tent Show 


ITiniiiriiiB. The- Thfea: En roote__wlth_7raBk 

SoDoway, Vnt. (Metropolitan): Dolntb, Minn., 

Indef. . . . 
Irring Bna (Anstla'a Palm Garden): Syrn 

-cose. N..Y, Jntr H^.tofif, , 
bnas. Pearl (ABMfc-r-*--:mMrt|t-'--^:;B<»t»m, 

Maaa.. Indef. . : . 

ItTtnB THo: En .- yoate- with 0bIfst7^ Bros.' 

■BloatRla;. See Mlnstrd Bootes, 
baea ft Ryan (easta;>a): Haw Yt^fatJ. 9-lA: 

(Bnptt^ -BolMkcii. 'H. J.. 1«4L V > . ^ 
ttaUao Tito (Keith'a): PUniiiliBpi, 

(Blirlaod) BalUMK. Bd., 1»*L. 

_ t GUeaaOk in.. M4. 

'OMd; oungA. n.. 9-u: 

JMkMHWr-StMe CBqnmlKO: OUcasoL BL, 
; -HC; (OHomMa) St.Xaal«, »k. IS-ZI. 
l^iiMihii n riiin-r - (Oatty): Spriocfleld. HL. 

B-M; (OuOO BtoomlKBtoB 16-21. 
laaeaiyi. nm ((ante): 2(ew OUr. »-U: 
: (FtDctor'*) New Tatt CUr IMt. 
JMaa ft Barrey: Ongnr, Seot..' IMl; Hm, 
- Kas.. 23-28. 

Faml^: En roate with Rln^llns Brop.' 
L See Tent Show Bootes, 
ft Sardel: Ba roate with G 
' G&cos. See Tent Sbo>w ITiwiii 
Tte Two: Bi note with CbxfM^ 
BlBStiela. See Minstrel Bontet. 
ftomt ft Edwards: Bn roote with BenO ft 

ftlTCCd's Shows. See Tent SV^w Bontco. 
JUnaon. Cbaa.: En roate witb MoUle BaDCT*! 

-Clrcoa. See Tent Sbow Bootes. 
'Moes ft Sattoo: En roate with the Tainra 

Kennedy Co. See Dramatic Rontes. 
Mmsoo. BartOQ (Haymarket): CSiIcaKO. HL. 

KeUy. Joiin T. (Hyde ft Behmas'i): BrooUfB, 

N. T., »-14. 

Beoogh. Bdwln ft Oo. (Hrd»- * ' BjliiiHiM}: 

Brooklyn. N. Y.. 9-14. 
Kohl. Gas ft Marlon (Etnptre): Freeport. m., 

9-14; (West Bide) Belolt. Wte.. 16.21. 
SeUr ft Kelay (Dtftnote^a Omediaiia): Cohnmnia. 

... os^ a-i *. _ , ._ . _ . 

^ * ™"' CTidlBn^- Bashaw, m*.. 

.Kopi>e ft Koppe (G. O. H.): WHkesbaire. Pa.. 

i 9-14. 

SoUn, Mignonette (CohnBUa): (;iBelnDatl, O.. 
' 9-14: (Arcade) -AM* 

Baanre ft Owplaia |aB.^CkBUt---<AMjt'. (M- 
" easo. ni. 2-14. 

Sues Biaa. (Glyniple): Soott Beod. Igd,. 9-44. 
~ ft Ctaik (WeatOeld O. H.): WcstUd. 
, »■»: (6. O. H.) Wekatcr lB-21. 
I B«ff<m«1illa (Haymarket: Cbieaco. UL, 
»-fti iCMnlih) St- Loola. Mo., le-ai. 
mtacr. iSOta * On^ (HopUns'): Loolnme. 

KSelst, Mosleal (Ootambla): CCHaelanatl. C 

9-14: (Bmplie) Hoboken. N. J„ l«-ai. 
Keatona. Three < g«lth'« >;__ E^oiridtnce^ B.- t, 

Knyon fiiy nMii!*nriiiy53^ 'nwMMilk i 


* 0* 

Ballot BiOiu • 

eaico, nL.Mft, 
Kenton, Dctolkf ' 


Kelleber (PamOy): PottrrUIe. Pa.. 9-14. 
K. Ur ft Ashby (Olympla): Paris. France. 2-31 
Kelly. W. C. (Otpbenni): Brookbo. M. X. 9-14. 
KUtie Trio: . Des Moines, Im^ 
Kanfmao's Uidy BIcyelMt' 

New Tork City, Indef. 
Kantman, Beba (Alliambra): London, Eng.. 

July 3^Jct. 31. 
Eanfman Troope: En roote with RIdkUhc 

Bros.' Circns. See Tent Show liontef. 
Eeleley. will ft Gertie: En roote vrlth Dora 

Woodmir Co. See Dramatic Bontes. 
Beltons. Tbree: En route u-lth the Parisian 

Widows. See Bnrlesque Routes. 
Kemp, W. ft. (Famllr): PottarlUe, Pa.. Sept. 

18. Indet ■ - . , > 

Krnna. Ma* '(ate): '"<ftanM;' BS. 


Snpatilcfc: En roate with Blcfcel, Watson ft 
Wiothe. See Mnslcal Bootes. 

Ritchie. SI: En route wltb the Sontben Car- 
nlTsl Co. See Mldtrs.'- Roote*. 

Klein. Ott Bros, ft Nicholson (Circns Carre): 
Bremen. Ger., Oct 2-30; Berlin" N'ov. 1-30. 

LaBelle. Fredl; En roote with Welder's Carni- 
val Co. See Midway Routes. 

LaFIeoi:. Joe: Ea loote wltk Forepangh ft 

. Sdls " " 


TELEGRAMS for rout— of 
farmers, tent shows or' earnivfti eem- 
unless parties PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hotel address or 
street number. If route wanted can 
net be found in The Billboard, publica- 
tion is prohibited, or we had not re- 

Langer. WlDlarn J.: En roote with tlie Great 
Mnrni; Sbotrs. See Midway Bootes. 

Larke ft Adams: En roate with the J. F^aak 
Hatch Shows. See Midway Boatea. 

Lassnrr. Lee (Crystal): Marlon. Ind., iodeC 

LaTloe ft Leoaiid (Palace): Loadco. nC', 

Ao^. T. Indet: 

Ceferre, H. C: En note with the Two MCBT 

Tramps. See Mnaieal Bootea. 
LeMolnd. P.: En note with taebman-Keetdi 

Bxpaslttoo Shows. See Midway Bootes. 
Leo ft .Chap a m: B a wte with tke Baya. 

I>oataaidtr^ Ba note -^Htt' Barft Baatao Nov- 
elty On. :fce mwtilistani Bootes. 

LesUe'a ItaielBe Gkcas: 'En roote with Bios* 
Mat Bios.* CIress. See Teot Show Bootes. 

Itfwls ft Hatr: Chicago, ni.. Indef. 

Usete: En roote with the New Parker ftmaw- 
ment Co. .See Midway Bootes. 

LIniger Bros.: En roote with tbe Welder COx- 
nlTal Co. See Midway Bootes. . 

Lowman Slaters (Star) : AUanU, Ga., . indet. 

XiOcanla ^lo (Hippodrome) : New 'Xock City, 

Lsder.-Ben: En route with Campbdl < Bras.' 

Circns. See Tent Sbow Bootea. 
Uogl-Ploarl ' .Trlo> Go nmte with tbe Bine 

Ribbon Girls. See Borleaqoe Bootes. 
4^on»" Walter S.^ En roote- wiOi tbe Greater 

Smith .\inasement Co. See Midway. Bootes 
Ea-Mar . Wayne (Grand): FretsOb OiL. 9-14; 

(Novelty) Stockton 16-21. 
Lee. H". V. ft Bessie (Bljon): Green Bay. Wis., 

9-14; (Bljoo) Marinette 16-21. 
Le Page. Brother ft Sister (Gaiety): Spring- 

field in.. 9-14: (Elite) Davenport, la., 16- 


Lawrence. Daisy (Otnnpic): CUcaco, ni., 


l>Ty-B, Mcslcal (Novelty): Vlttkibtta^ 

dtlJOD) WIctalU 16-21. 
La (3alr ft West (Om): HaTCiUn. Mass.. D.14; 

(Mnsle Han) Glon'cester 16-21. 
lianeaster. Tom (6. O. B-): Grand Baplds. 

Mich., 15-21. 
Undsttom ft Anderaon (White City): Chicago, 

in., 9-14; (Bljon) Battle Crck, Mlcb., 16-21. 
I*nert. B. (Idea): Fond dn L«c. Wis.. 16-21 
Lney ft Lneler (G. O. B.): IndlanapoUl, lod., 

9-14; (Olympic) Chicago. UL. 16.21. 
ttombard Bros. (American): (^cago, HI., 9-14. 
Lncas, Ed. ft Hazel (G. O. H.): Belolt. WU.. 

9-14: (Olympic) Springfield, m.* 16-21. 
iMKMa ft Hotchlnson (nnlqne): Akrog, O.. 

9-14; (Empire) Lorain 16-21. 
Leoert, WUUe (Bdlaoo): Spokane, Wash., 9-M. 
Icooao (Phmtpa*): BlduDeod. lad., 9-Mr 

(Giaad) Samaton. O., 16-21. 
lAwaMU ft SwlBS (Bowazd): Cbteago, BL, 


OMiL (BtvasAet): CUeaso, nt. 16-21. 
I. Bat iniflla); «. iMda, Mo,. 9-14; 

(C a 


I* aatr. 


iji oeBe cbohIM: BaHfeB.i<hl:. S-14. 
iMoaid. «m ^Oa»stle>;^MMtft BI.. 9-14. 
LaaeOe. BSw. (Haynaiket): tMcago. m., 0-14; 

(Olynple) Chleaao 10-21. 
LateO. Bdwia (BopUna') : Loolsnlle. By.. 0- 

14; CBopklna*) Memphis, Tenn., le-S. 
Londooa. The Foor (Galty): Pltabnrg, Pa.. 9- 

14: (Star) Brooklyn. N. Y., 16-201. 
Undtay. Gto. (Uberty Moslc Bsit): liberty. 

«. T., 9-14, 

lACe ft Lnee (BUoo): Decatoe. BL. 0-14: 

(BIJon) Odbaqne, la., 16-21. 
I,sftola. 'Hanr ft Carrie (Lyric): Lincoln, Neh., 

9-14; (Tale's) Eanaai City, Mo., 16.21. 
Lawson. Chinese (West Side): Janesnile. Wis., 

9-14; (FIom'B) Madlaoo, Wis., 16-21. 
La Vails, The (Palace): Glaagow, Eng., 16-21; 

(Palace of Varletiea) Manchester 23-28. 
Liamoant ft Panlette (Elite): Davenport, la., 9- 

14: (BUOO) OanrUIe. DL. IS-21. 
Leooard. BOdlc (Chase's): TTaalilimton. D. C, 

9-14; (Kaiivu_an«ka«. O. IML 
ZiCsUe ft DaflaMlhilwSot Baa Dt aa e la ea t Cel., 


Lawrence. Al. (FbU's): Bridgeport, Owk. 044; 

(PoU's) Hartford 18-21. 
iLoCtos. Cecelia (Temple): Petrolt^ VUk, *-l4. 

PU.. diif«.j* Gotten 

Tm Taaca. PhO.: Aobom. Cd.. 2-14. 
ZHOt, Gee. W. (Chotea) 

LlDdsay's Dobs ft Boakays (Q. O. B.); 

apoIU, lod.. 0-14. 
Lynch. Great (Family): Hazeltoo, Pa., 9-14. 
Mee;:an, Thomas & Co., (CIneograph) : Spokane, 

Wash.. 9.14: Seatle 16-21. 
Mitchell & Cain (Olympic): Chicago, ni.. 914; 

I Haymarket) cmicago 16-21. 
Mallory Bros.. Brooks ft Halllday (Orpbenm): 

Utica. N. TC., 9-14; (Orpbenm) B<:adlng, Pa., 


Manbassett Oomedy Four (Lyceum): Wasblng- 
toQ. D. C. 9-14; (Monumental) BalUmore. 
lid.. 16-21. 

Mitchell Bros.: En ronte wItb Seeman.MlIU- 
can Mardl Gras Co. See Midway Bootes. 

Mar Tina (Ele<-trlc): Waterloo, la,. M4. 

ilcCall Trio (Trocadero): Chicago, BL, Md; 
(Calvty) St. Louis. Mo.. 15-21. 

Mosher. Houghton ft Moeher (Colombia): Cin- 
cinnati, 0.. 814. 

Miller's Elepliaats (Itcat): Xicatao. H. J., 

9-14. • ■ ' . 

Monroe. OsSb W. tfk|teM)t -BcsilBK Vs.. 


McNamee (31st St,): Chicago, m., S-14; (Main 

St.) Peoria 16-21. 
Macarte Sisters (Orpbenm): Omaha. Keb.. 9- 

14: (Orpbenm) Denver. Col.. 16-21. 
McMahoo's Minstrel Maids (Haymarket): Ch|. 

caso, II!., 9-14; (Colombia) St. Louis. Mo., 


IMcMaboa ft Cbappelle (Haymarket): (Hilcago, 
III., 9-14: ((Mnmbla) St. Lonla. Mo.. 16-Sl. 

Magee. Clem C. (Grand): JoUst. BL. M4. 

Macks. Two (PbUIIps'): HI llim. lai . T ' ' 
(Crystal) Marlon 16-21. 

Melville ft Axelle (Lyceom): San Flandaco, 
Cal.. 9.21. 

Marvelle ft Gleaaoo (Grand): Mattoo, Ind.. 
aiaey ft Hall (Orphemn): San Fr anel s a o, CU.. 

2-14; (Orpheam) Loa Anieles I0-2I. 
MniUiy Octet (Keith's): PTorMencc. B. I., 

0-14; (Bammersteln's) New York City, 16- 


Bkaaio (Oacoerapb): Spokane, Wash.. 9-14; 

(Otpkeoi) Seattle 16-21. 
Mstpbr.' W. H. ft Blanche NiehOIs (Ulk'S): 

Bostna. Basi^ O-U; (Kcltb's) Ifew Totk 

Cttr. IMO. 

Msanooinj ft Omar CUaadaid): at. Iisola, 
Ma., O-M.- 

-MiTtla Bros. (laHllr): Bnsatan. la., M4: 

(Ttent) Tkestoo. N. 7.. M-XU 
Merritt. Bal (Orpkeaa): ■ Saa ' FrsaAeob CU., 

2-14; «hpken) Los Aageles 16-21. 
BarindlaaL The Oioat (West Side): Xanea- 

Tine. tns., 1»SL 
Olowatta. Five (Belth'a): Ph&delphU, Pa.. 


MeMorrls. Bertha F. (Oipheom): Springfield. 

O.. 9-14: (Phinips') Blchmond, Ind-. 16-21. 
McCoUocfc. Dare Devil: Dallas, Tex., 30- 

OcL 14; Cmant. L T.. 16-21. 
Mltctaelte, Ttaree (Empire): Patexsoo, N. 


Mantell's Marionette Hippodrome (Family): 
Sioux City, la., 9-14; (Family) Ottnmwa, 

Maaon. Homer B. ft Marsnierlte Eeeler (Al- 

hamhra): New Tork City, 9-14; (Victoria) 

N««w York City 16-21. 
MoCrnne ft Grant (Olympic) : Sonth Bend, 

Ind.. 914; (Grand) MUwaukee. Wis.. 16-21. 
Mnrphy ft WUlard (Pastor's): New York 

City, 9-14. 

Meredith Trio.' The (Phoenix): Colnmhns. O.. 

Mills ft Morris (Proctor's 23d St.): New York 
City, 9-14; (PMetna'a SSth St.) New Tork 
City 16-21. . . 

Mitchell ft BMaahv (Ckniai):. OUmm. Ift, 


MelToy Trio (653 OarroU Ave.): OUeaso, IB., 

Marriott Tdns (Fair): Tlrciola. 10.. 0-14. 

MDrphy. Be, . ft JIlib jfOtk (taeltfW: Al- 
bany,.*; ,X* M« -^UHoMn} Bra*l)a 16- 

MlUrr, Bensbaw ft Mnier (Star): Anrora. 

DL, 9-14; (Elite) DaTcnpart. la., 16-21. 
Martlere, Lnnta (lorcnm): Miaxaca Falls. 

N. Y.. 9-14. 
ilcCnrrj, Jobs (MMMHlt 

25-Oct. 21. 

OfeLoBghlln. Belea (Bfeynaifcet): CUeago, 
BL. 8-14; (CUombU) St. Loola. Bo.. U-il. 

BarteU. Onie (Eagle): JobnstowB, N. T., 2- 
14: (matatare) Cartbaice 16-28. 

MfKttmon ft Reed (Orpheam): Siirinxfleld, 
O.. O-M; (Star) Monde. lad., 10-21. 

aimMa mo (Orpbeaa): -WropidB 
0-14: ((kpbeom) Onaha. B*.. te«l. 
Baedaosld. Jssms (FartkBd) ~ ' 


aiaitlBt ft Max Wmsa OMCtH^ SH St): 

H*w Toik Clb; Mlu 
Bathewi ft ftriocr UaiMM): BMBlRft U. 

T„ 0-14. " " 

Borrla. Nlaa ft Qki 

leans. La. 8-14. 

Slotorglrl. la (CkalMl) 

BnTpby ft Mtcee (B« «aa): 

N. J., 9-14. 
aiartlnnettl ft Sylreater (BenneU's) 

Oat., 9.14. 
HelvUle. FMedi* (Ofeatnl) 


Baa AndocB. Q U gbtl i lB ); B uwHia , H. 

Y.. 9-14. 

Martlere, Laura (I<rceom): Niacara FaBs. 

N. T.. 9.14. 
May ft MUea (Xalo's): Baaaaa COr. Ito, O- 

Mathews ft 

Pa., 0-14. _ . 


McCanley ft Doooran (Lyceom): San FMa- 

Cisco, Col., 2.14. 
Merritt, Baymond (Palace): Worcester, Maaa., 


Modica ft I,ewis: Qnlney. IlL. 9-14. 
Martin ft (Jnigg (Pastor's): New York City. 

Malcoln ft Sherette: En roote with Ferarl 

TJroe.' CamlvaS Oo. See Midway Bootea. 
Mangela, J. F.: Bn route with Meyer'a Moo- 
arch Aanosement Oo. See Midway Boatea. 
Manola Family: .Ea^ipote with, tbe (IsAlQ 
CazntTSI Co. . Bte' jtaAnK-Bdatss. . 

(PMM!*): '««r . M 0B», 



Fop leosasoe |» | 
Wim Map?, 
Postpaid %0- 

BOUND IN f%m. 



416 Elm Street, Clnoiniiafi, OhiD. 

Mariey. Okas. X, ._ 

dlno. Cal Ana. M.' 
Uarlow ft Aldo: Bar oote wHh Onb 

Circoi. See Tent Show Beates. 
Marshaai. The Myatie (Wiatctsartca) : 

lln. <^., Oct. 1-Sl. 
Martloea, The: b 

lace Olrcos. See Tknt 
Martlsoa. Tbe: Bo 

Greater Shows. Sec BMway 
Martyce, Eddie: Ea roate wkh J. 

Hatch Shows. See MMwaP " 
Martynne SIstrta: En ra — ' 

Floating Palace. See 
-Massey ft Kiamer: Ba rente with ft% ftH» 

tocratle Tramp Ok. Sec Dramatle Bl ~ 
Jlsyer ft Irwin: En note with tbe 

Minstrels. See Minstrel Bootes. 
McCanley, Joe (Unlqoe): Minneapolis. 

Apr. 3. indef. 
MoCrielUn. Jamea (Bljoa): Oslslft. 

Joly 3. indef. 
MeCnrry, John (Bnaatttal: HaBas, Pa.. 

Sept. 33.0et. 21. 
BA enna. Ted A His Dog (Hie Oaks): Port. 

land. Ore.. Indef. 
aiereditb SUters (TlvoU): Ospe Town. & A. 

Oct. 16-Dec. 1. 
MeRtani, BUBe: Eu route wiiii tbe Baaatbtr 

(JamlvalC o. See Midway Bootea. 
MlciaietOD. Gladj-s (Patm): Ortpple Crerk, 

Col.. Aoi. 14. indet. 

Miians. FXmr (Sippodrone): New x«rk Qty. 


MUtoo. Mr. ft Bta. Oeo. W. (Ma^t ftOnta. 

Ga., Indef. 

Morris ft Morris (SUndard): - Port Towaseod, 

Warii.. July 17. indef. 
BniiT, Eddie: En roote wia Ghrlity Bros.' 

BtaatTcla. See Minstrel Bootes. 
Btmaa. Mary (Orpbenm): Brooklyn, N. I~ 

0-J4; (Albamtnm) New York City 16-21. 
Bnttaa ft Nicholson (Park): Yooivgetawn. 0., 

S-M; (Grand) lodianipolls lod. 1021. 
Bate ft Bordeaux (Kclth'a): Boatoa. Maaa.. 

NaUa' ft Ool (FtiiU'a): BSw mgrnm, Ooaa. 

oad: Staafotd 10-21. 
Nye. Brd (Ml'a): Watettaty. Ooon.. 9-M. 
Nm, * Co.: FSU Rlrer. Baas., 16-21. 
iWMOk JM (Ftoetec^): Mewatk. M. J, 9. 

Neravos, Tbe Xbaeo lOnBaaals fltaa> 

claeo. CU.. IML ' 
Nina (O. O. H.): 0*itii».. la. Ml; M- 

O. H.) Ottnonra IB-ld. ^ 
Newman, JtaeiA (Oataafti 

9-14; (O, O. H.) Ind. 

Naloo, Moaloal (TaoUIy): ifnbiiai •litr. *»» 


" y.. * Otads NMt FiA): 

OCTOBER 14> 1908. 

Xlie Billboard 


Gto. B. (U. S. Hotel): MUdletovn, O. 
FiTr JogBllac: sa nate with Om- 

tijr Bro*.' DoK * ^WT Mwr Jtab I. 
ien«m Tiw fire (CMBa>: Haw x«k Cllr. 

si»pt. 18. Indef. 
Xowlln. DtTe: Kn route with AL O. Flfld't 

Mimlirl*. 8r« MInxtrrI Bovtn. 
O'DoIr, Cm. W.: En roDte nlth Camptwll'ii 

Bro«.* CIrriife. Sre Trot Slion- Routes. 
O'ttTlen. Clt^ff. Sy<ln«>*: En route wltb the 

Monarch Amuirnivnt Co. S » JUdfray Hootn. 
aUn. Ume.. Htriling & Ab SM IFUaarlt Aat 

wrrp. liflg: Oct. M-31; (CUCW Cttit) AB- 

atmlsm. ilol.. Nor. I- .10. 
OToolc U. Jack: Drs Molnn. la. 
Otte. Nick: Eo roole with tli« 

nipnt Co. S f JUduaf Roiitf. 
O'Dac Ida (Howard): Cbleaito, 11].. 9-14; 

(West Sblf) Bclolt. Wli.. lu-21. 
OxjLVf (Star): Hamilton. Ont.. 0-H; (Olym- 
pic) Clilcaco 111.. Ii;-21. 
OnrI FaiuHy (Proctor'a): Albiny. N. Y., 9-14. 
Ollro. S. (PMpIr'a): Odar KapM>. la., S- 

)4: (Dominion) WlnnlppK. Uan. lu-21. 
Onu & Frrn inowrrj): Nnv Yorlt Cliy, 0-14. 
O'UrlpD ft Buckley (Orpbeom): Denrer, Col., 


CbtU Adele Pnrrla ft Co. (Doric): Tonkera. 
' X. v.. 0-14: (Famll.r) rouglik»«p>Ie lu-21. 
Oxford Qoartet (Olympic): Clileaico. 111.. 0- 

PMU ft Harte (Fiom'a): VaiHaoti. Wla., 9- 
14s nup m U UL,. USI. 


FM«. Orrni ft Millie (rrlce'a Boat'aMr): 

HMtaaB. Kjr- 9-14. 
FNrirn THo: Cblcago, tlL, 9-14. 
Prro ft WOaoo <Faa>llT): Paa>ale, M. 1.. 33- 


rsalMr. Bdw. (Oraod): Oakalooaa. la., 9-14; 

IG. 0. II.) BorllBStM 10 a. 
ralaaer * Robinaoa (Omd): Taaeaavtit B. 

C 9-14; {Grand} VMarIa M4I, 

M. .r^ 9-M: 

MM. rn* * ftMle lOT O. if4t: 

HHIfc*.. S-M: IJeV.MO 
Hene ft llalaw (Oainabla); 


rcerleM Qanet fAoMrteaa): CMcaca^ UL, 


Panio ft Marlow (Ropklna*): toal**tlh, Kt„ 

0-14: (Ho|>kloa') Memphla. Tann.. lO-SI. 
PDCka. Tbe Two (Empire): Palengo, N. J.. 


Po>rrU, rred (Colombia): ClBdnnatl, O., 10- 

Vo'nr.'rs. Mr. ft Mrs. John T. ( 
Chlcas* 111.. 9-14: (ColaaAta) 

Ptanae iranllr): Skaaokla, T»n (fWQrl 

Lancaiter I«-2I. 
PaDllnctte ft riqoo (Empire): Newport, Ens.. 


PIrocoiri, Pour (Cliaie'i): Waablnrtoo. D. C. 


Pryora, Tbe (Paator'a): New York City, 9-14. 
PetrUlng Broa. (Uaymaikct): rfmatL 111-, 

0-14. . " 

Palmer. Alice toI.vtnpla Itaaie MrtDt VtaP. 

X- y.. Anc as. iBdef. 
Ptrkborat: En roote wiUl J«nc*-Adamt Bhnri. 

S« Mldiray Kouirs. 
Prnr ft Prairie (UrtropaUtaa): Xtua, Fla.. 

Sept. a»-Xo». 4. 
Ckinipa Siaiera: En root* wUk Hi* 

Bee Uoalral Ronlea. 
Potit lie., Slg.: Eo route nitll 

CarulTaX; o. See Ulilway 
PotPf 4 Harttrell: ParlK. Fr., Oct lO-Xor. 10. 
Potrcr'a Eirpbania (Hippodrome): ' Stir York 

City. A us. 30. Indef. 
nice, Hirry M.: En nwte with Bnttr BnwB 

Eastern Co. See llarini K—Ha. 
Onlnlan, Dan ft Keltar Mwk (OMhtMl: Ot*- 

rer. Col.. 1«-21. 
iUmae; Sl'tera (Oratal): Detralt, Mleh., 0- 

14: (Benn tt'a) London. Ont., 10-21. 
Kawli ft VooKaufmaa ( People'*): Cetltr Rap- 
Ma. Ia„ 8-14; (Oomloloo) Wlonlpes, Uaa.. 


Baaaell. rrrd Ttrtor (Howard): Cbleaco, UL. 

••14: MinBeipoIta, illnn.. 16-21. 
MMla ft Wllllama (Jacoba'): Peoria, in.. 

•-I4; (Empire) SprlncSeld 10-21. 
Baymond ft Trlcey (Domlnloa): Winnipeg. 

Man.. 10-21. 

Boeeta. will B. (Arcade): Toledo. 0.. 8-14; 

(Temple) Detroit. Mich., l(^^l. 
■aW:!!. Phn ft Carrie (Unique): Winnipeg. 

ataa„ S-U; (Calooe) MlnneapoUa, Ulna., 10- 

TT-s- ^ ^ fRoward): CtalMM BIh »*: 

_ (VaadeUe) Chiease 16-21. 
"ilL.*!^' (Otrnple): CUcbm IIL. »-M: 
IBmukM) Chleaga l»aiT^^ 

BaiaaaaO ft Omt: "MtMlHMi: IIL. Ml; 

*-* ' *■ l***- (Clyatal): lUlwaohM. 

-^-yJa. aihel (BlVUaa'): SleapUa. Tean.. 

Roaalne. Jnlla ft tam- Mih OMaw)* Battle 

Creek, Mich.. »-U. ■■ 
Bto^Broa.. nof <Baipte): ratOM. M- 

■oooei, Pat ft Marion Brat f Arcade): To- 
ledo, o.. 9-I«; (aamaNfatcla^a) New Tort 

CItx. 16-21. 

biaa Sbtera (Orphenm): SprlacOeld. O.. 9-14. 
■VM^ Ball Doga. AL (O. H.): AlleaKmrB. 

Ummw the IMr (ChtaMhla): amUma, Ol. 

BMarda. n* (State Fair): Dalhu; Tnc. 1-10. 
BMcoe ft Sims (Family): Dolntb. Mlaa., •- 

M: Vrinnlpeir. Man.. 16-21. 
■eMitO ft Wlncheater (Clrpbeian): EanMt 

CItj-. Uo.. 16 21. 
Baaaell ft Donbar (Blion): Oobnqae. la,, 

0-14: (Domlnloa) Winnipeg, Man.. 16-21. 
"eynard. Ed. P. (Albambra): N.-w York City, 
„0-14; (Bammerateln'a) New York City 16-21. 
■<e,m> ft Blcbarda (Bowatd): Boatoo. U«Hm 

Radford ft Talentlne (Hippodrome): 0U»- 
sow. BBS-. 16-28: (BlppoOrome) Brtgbtoa 
30-XoT. 4: (Hippodrome) Uverpool 6-11. 

Backett ft Baau4 (Chaaa'a): BaltlowN. Xd.. 



Baltimore, Md., 


'Kaw Sark 

Bernolda. Jalletta: 

Bn».' CamlTal Oo. 
Rltekle. Dare DeTlI: 



Bice ft 

BWta;^*^ The (Atlaatle Gacdea): New York 
(Onto aMkOt MaHaa tatr. Mex.. 
^l7**" * Bnffalo, N. Y., 

podrom ) St. BelPBta ai4B, • \ r 

no»l (Poll'a) 
City. Inder. 

Bo lOBt* with ne'lea* 
See Midway Kontra. 

„,. En ranlr with tht Great 

Alamo Sbowa. See Mldarajr Beat a. 
Ri*ert ft Demont: En Mate wMh Bentx- 

Santley Co. See Barleafic BiBltt. 
Roelker. E. O.: En roate with tha QattlU 

Carnlral Co. See MIdwar Baatea. 
RoM-y. Tbv Great: En roote artth BaollSU*8 

Troubles. See OramaUc Roales. 
Roaa & LenU: Berlin, Ger.. Aae. SI. iadef. 
nice & Cadr (Hyde & B.<binai»'s): BraaUya. 

N. 1*. 0-14. 
Ro?acr. Ed«-. (Family): Hazeltoe. Pa., 0-14. 
Redding. Kranceaca ft Co. (Uayuarket): Cbl- 

caKo. Ill , 0-14. 
Reed. Frank (Fair): Hagemtoim. Ud. 9-14- 
RemlngtoQ, Ma.voie & Co. (OrplictM): Biaek- 

lyn. X. Y.. 914. . ■ 

Snlly ft Plielps (BIJou): RockfM, m., »-M; 

llniluntrliil) Mollne 1621. 
Sniltb ft Resan (Family): Hazleton. Pa., 9- 

Stiniey ft Brockmaa (Trent): Tnnton. S. J.. 

Saroya. Tbe: En route with the Great Wallace 

Circaa. ' See Teut Shovi^ Routes. 
Sixon ft Jlllton (G. O. H.): Bock Sprlnga , Sept. 4-Xov. 1. 
Schrock ft Rlc: Eo roote with Byrne Bros.' 

EUsbt Bella. See Musical Routes. 
Searcoy. Ceo.: En route wltb Cbrlsty Bros.' 

Mlaatrels. See MUalrel Route*. 
Sbradeaw Tka Twk Eb taaie with Bam De 

ma's Cfc ~ ~ " 

TCLCaRAMS «Br iwIbb par. 

BOTH WAVtk iMw Iwlol BiMioii or 
stPNl MHiibBh If fMila DMiited can 
n«t bft f O M B< im Tlw BWWi— H, publiea> 
.Ma* Ib p wl i HH odt or «*• had not ro* 
It Bp t* tbiw of fetmm elooing. 


Simpson. E<1.: Eo roote with Meyer's Monarch 
Amosement Co. See Midway Routes. 

Smiths. The Aerial: En route with RlngUne 
Broa.' CIrcoa. See Tent Show Routes. 

Stewart, Edivard (Orpbeom): Denrer, Col., 

Stilaons. XDe: En route irltb Weldet'a Cirnl- 

nlral Co. See Midway ~ 
St. John ft LeFerre: En 

See Mnslcal Rootea. 
Stork ft Dantoo: En roote with tbe 

CamlTal Co. See Midway Route*. 
Strealor Zooaaes: Tonrlng France. 
SraMad^, Jack: Ea mate wltb Oainoat'a MIB' 

•uela. S e JOnsttel Bootea. 
Bebnier Braa (Olmide): Chieagoi. ID.. 0-14. 
SlWerlake ft MeMer TtIa: C^ter. f^.. 0-1 >. 
Sanrord ft Darllaftoa (DowavMt Cblean DU 

0-14; iCryaial) Mlhraakee, Wis., 
Santell. Tlw Ortat (Otaad): Ttaeona. Waah., 

••14: (OnaA nactlaaO. On.. lO-Sl. 
Stehwrt ft Thaan (>aallr>: Vatstaoa. H. J-. 


Sehepn'a Doga - ft.- flOalia' ' lOHBHila}! St. 

Uwla, Mo,, 

stapietoB ft Chaav. IfBMis. HaaiaB«t, U- 

Sincuir ft CaiOde (Wkat BHeli ' JhatsalUe. 

Wl*.. 9-14. 

Sato. O. K. (Cooh'a O. B.): Roeheater. M. T.. 
0-14: (Keltb'a) Srraeaae 16-21. 

SliantTtown Trio fAraertma): Cbteago, m.. 
n-U: (Phillips') Blebmond. Ind.. ln-21. 

Sllreno (Crystal): St. Jooeph. MOi. 0-14. 

Sntton. Ijirry ft Attllla (Pnlqnel: San Fran- 
cisco, CaL. 0-14; (Caaino) Loa Angelea 10- 

.Scrantnna, Tbe (Crystal): Kokoiasi, Ind.. 0-14. 
Summer* ft Wlolera (Alcaxar): Deaecr. Col.. 

Sterena, Bataaclag (BUon): Sheboygan. Wla.. 

SImmona ft ITarrla (UtTlc): CleTeland, O., 

B-14: (Howiird) Chlraco, HI-. 16-21. 
SIoKson raiillne (Temple): I>e6Y>lt, MIcb.. 0- 
14: CleTcIand. O.. 10-21. 

Slmpaoni. Tbe Moslcil (Pastor'i): New Xork 

City, 0-14. 

St. Onge Bros. (People's): CtMlnalla 0., 

S-14: (Star) Clrr. land IR'21. 
Santoro ft Marlow (.\rcailel: Toledo. O.. 0- 

14: inrplieiim) SprinKSeld 16-21. 
Spsnlding Bros. (Pawtacket): rairtneket. B. 

I.. 0-14. 

Sbarp, Blanch (Majestic): Chicago. 111.. 0- 
14: (G. O. n.) Indlanapolla. Ind.. 16-21. 

Shermai^ ft De Forrei^t tUreenm): Einilra. N. 
v.. 0-14: (Moliawk) Scbenectaily in-21. 

StrTena. Kittle (BIJoo): naaeUle. UL. 9-14; 
(Csatie) moawhKiw IMI. _ 

Slraton, W. 1. 1FW>B|>8 • tttmtkht. Pa., 


Staly ft BIAecfe (Keltb't): Boiton, 31am., 


Stnart, Artbw CWfst Side): Bdelt. WH.. 

Spook MInatrela (fligtBBB>l' ~ Xm. iBflia, 

Cal.. 8-21. 

Stahl. Rose (Orpheon); MliatapolU, SObBm 


SlddoQ Bros. (Cadno): Lawieace. M aw, , B-U; 

(Pasleirs) Kcw CUr M4L 

StanisBBc. Lsia CBIlM): ParVihii. It.. 

OMlca Mha (Ptaeloea M St): lhar 
YsA cnr. iMi. 

SarOw ft UmaOer CPnetat^): AJhaar. H.' 

T.. B-U: HE^aai) n i lt^Mt Md.. i«41. 
■heaa ft Wanea (OipkaaaiH MaaUya. N. 
X.. fr-M: (Attanftn) Mnr Mk CUy 10^ 



Four. Designs. 


10 FOR 10 

lOO FOR $1 

P O 8 T P A I D . 

The Billboard PobUshing C€>^ 4k6 Klin St- 

Sanford, Florllls: Bakersfleld. Cal., 9-14. 
Salerno (Keltb'a): ProTldence. R. I.. 9-14. 
Solly. Lew (Cbaae's): Wasbinxtoa. O. C. 

SaBrs. Foar (miaaillUt . ■ Bfc' .jfta—M^ Oat., 

Serra, Ounlio -JSiMMet OrielBM.. O, «.14. 
Seidoa Btm. OUUtl»» PhHili»Ml. Pa.. 

talth. Peter X («Iat St): CUcaga. HI.. 

BttaMB ft .M»rtsa (O. O. BO: IndUoa polls. 

M~-BrM.-- .. . , V. - 

SanaB' ft' Bhaan Cpa BiH a ) t p--'BW^CIaB» . jWat. 

TaOm. Banr (Oaele): Tonkera. N. Y., 9-14: 

(Family) Paaghkeepale 16-21. 
T^ee ft letmoa (Poll'*): Bridgeport COoo.. 

9-14: (Trent) Trenton. N. }.. 16-21. 
Talbot ft Bflgets (Colnmbls): St Loolj, Mo.. 


Taylor Tarta Steteia (Calsiilal); I«wieace, 

Ma.«s-. 0-U. 
Texana Sistata ' (Oaiifck): Bianailaa,' la.. 


Tovnsenil C. H. (Anitln ft Stone's): Bos- 
ton. Mas*., 2-14. 

Top>y Tnrry Trio (Mala St.): FMcla. HI., 
8 14: (BIJaa) Q^taiier Ml-Bl. 

Tralnor. diaTcrd Tal <B||aa>: ZaatfBK -Meh.. 

Tannean. Felix ft Claxton (Family): Paasalc. 

N. J.. 0-14: (Family) New York City. lu-ai. 
Taamanlan Troupe (Fair): AtUnla. Ca., 0-21. 
Tnrpln. Ben (Grand): Hamllio'n, 0-, 0-14; 

(Gennett) Rlrlimond. Ind_ 16-21. 
Tbe Qacea'a Fsa (RairBiaifcet): CWcagnt U.. 

8-14;. t O M l lIU C hU a w «»«. _ 
Tegge *. Baaia Qtaliatim CMratat BL. O- 


Taylor, neniy ft Alire (Hyde ft Bebman'a): 
Brooklyn. N. Y.. 0-14. 

To-To (Colonial): New Xock CII7. S-M; (Or- 
ptienm) Brooklyn ItfrM.. 

Thome. Mr. ft Mrs HariF IBinllfi); - Lon- 
don. Can.. 8-14.: 

Taseott (Keaaw**): BratkbaL JL^ t-U. 
TiiomHia, Biny (OttaBMo):: , miiUhaH. 0.. 


Tanner ft Gllblrt mikll Ma^. Blj, MS. 
TImmpson ft BMISa' 0(bmW> ^tlum, 0-. 


Tmba: Chleaco. IIL, B-M. 
TIppel ft KlImCBt 
r*l.. 2-14. 

Taneana (Famllr): Hatrlton, Pa.. 9-14. 
TenJ Trio (Trent): Trenton, N. J.. 0-14. 
Tarlton ft Tarltoa: En roate with tbe Itoeek- 

enridge Stack .Oh. Sec Onaiaite BoBMa. 
Ta.Tlor, Enaa (ChBiM): 0IHB9 nBiL'X..'T., 


Tsylar. Maa (Phlaca): 

Olrt See Msaieal Roatcs. 
Tt-Ben Stoteia: En route with the Otcat Wat 
late Sbcnca. 

Vaaea. Christlaa (Staadanl): It. Wacth. Tea., 

TAn^ MM * CBHIte - IB 
' Oreat tafecr iaiaanaaat « 

Vtoia Bros.: Ka roote 

Bee Teat Show Bbatea. 

with the 

Victors. Tbe (Idea): Fond da Lac, Wis., 

9-14: (Btjoo) Sbeboygan 16-21. 
Van Hot, Qreat (Fantlly): Uazelton. Pa., •- 


Voelker. Mr. ft Mrs. Itcd (Orpbeom): Kanas* 
City, Mai. ••14: (Offhram) MlaaeapoUi, 
Minn., lUr 

VanGoOe OMIr /fVmir 


Valple's Beaia ft JMBifs -X MBtt < 

tewB, Md.. S-U; («teMl>: 
'TJeL, 16-21. ■ ■ ■ 

Vali-i Ileiea . <Ktith*4: r nevMraca^ B. L, 
^••14; (Vsoetec^) Alhaar;; M. tS-Bt 
Van Oiteav^iO!; a.): . Btaitr FUb. Fa^ M<: 

VhifMt.- Tfea ; iSiar)::.:' <ftlihi90D, Kn„ ■'94»i 
▼on Wenal (Ttaiplr): ' Srtralt Mich., •«. 
Wllaon. Air. ft Mabel (Star): Oerelaad. Ow 

0-14: BolTslo. N. Y.. 10-21. 
Walsh Frank (BUoo): Qalaey. IB.. 0-14. 
Wise & UUton Co. (Ualunc): Kaa GItfMb; 

Wis., 0-14. ■ 
Washer Bros. (Dominion): Wlnntacg^ VaiLs 

9- 14; (BlJoo) Dnbnqne, Is., 10-21. 

Wrest FamUy (Crystal): St. Jaarpb, Mai,. 

10- 21. 

White, Ed. B. ft BolU (Grand): MIlwaBkeOb 
Wis., 9-14. 

Welch, Jlmmle ft Cells (West End): Jaaea- 
*uie. Wla., 0-14; (Mala St.) Faaela, UL, 

Woodward V. P. (Vltaitert 'nok K>s .mm 

York City, 0-14. 
Wells, Lew (Colombia): Cincinnati,' 
Wood. Francis (BIJoo): Baltimore. " 
Wlntera, Wtecea (OrifteBBi); Boa9._ 

WMdtaat^fSSS&^RH&Qr^ VHteii^' OK, 

Whitman. Frank (BIjon): Memphis. T^an., 

Weat. John A. (Lycenm): WaablngtaB, O. 

C. 9-14: (BIJoo) PbUadelphla. ~ 
Wilson Trio (Lyric): Clereland. Iki 

(Crystal) Detroit, Mich., 16-21. 
White. Bert: Bakemleld, Cal., 0-14. 
Whittle. W. E. (Park): Worceater. 

0-14: (Kelcb's) Syracoae. N. Y.. IG 21. 
Wood*, Harry (Lyc. nm): Washington. D. 0.. 

9- 14; (Monnmental) Baltimore. Md., 16-21. 
Wmiams, Dollle (Eagle): Johnstown. N. Y.. 

2-14: (MInlatnre) Carthage 16-21. 
WIehers, The Three (Crystal): D *a p ' te ; -.C>I.. 

0-14: (OyaUl) Pneblo. 10-21. 
Weateott, Era (G. O. U.): Plttsbnrs. Pa.. •- 

14; (Maryland) Baltimore. Md. Ii:-2I. 
Woodford ft Marlboro (Weat Side): Janeo- 

TIII-. Wla.. 9-14; (Empire) Frceport ill- 

10- 21. 

WlkoS. Bahjr Irma ft Ok. (Ualqac): 

PML Man.. fr-U. 
irnriS^a Canedr Mv- (BBiB>* 

Maaa, S-M. "T" 
Weat ft .Taa: SMka (OI|«Bta>t 

•-I4: UMm^) St Laakb .JL. 

WlMw. llaahal P. (Oaava): Biihialii. K. 

T.. M4. - - 

WBhcib xutte (Baahraatt): j uumum , 

BaL. tl^SB. 

Wlnalow. W>aa* (XcttVa): Piorldeacv, B. , 
U S-M. 

Wood ft Bay (Thaple): Detnlt MIeb.. 9-14.1 
WUaaa. Oca, cOoliaiBU: . Btw Xatt CUr. 

* {MMt - [ •■T i , fc.. 

•-14. ' 

Tlie Billboapd 

OCTOBER 14. 190S. 



We Are The 

House in the 


|| 272 E. I 




We Are The 
Most Reliable 
House in the 


etsow 9-14. 
Wflcavooir. Bcus ft Hatters {TUr): 

-aatvn. IM^ 9-14. 
WUmo, Tonr & Belclocr (Air) 
i JliL. 9-14. 

^Waldro Bna.: BB note wUh 
■ Ckialral Co. Sw MMnr B«iitca. 
Wallaer. HI: En imte with Welder*. Cml- 

val C». Sec llldii=>r BoDtes. 
Wart * 0«E (Tkmllr): But St. TjovIm, m., 
' iadef. 

'VmtM^.. Bui. Fmtmmd: En mate with Bar- 
% aom * BaOer's Cltcqs. See Tnt Sboir 
. Boote*. 

.Wajae * Done: En nnte witb Pawnee Bin'a 

"was Wrac See Test Sbow Bootn. 
Wel^ Jote J. (BelTldere): Sui Fruuteo. 
CL. llrfrt. 

WeBx. Wn. J. (Oipbeimi) : St^ Pad, lOim.. 

indef. - ..r.;.- 

WinUms. Jiid: Ea raste witb IQmM jMr- 

ieana. Sre Bsrlewiae ^Boatea. 
Wmiazaa * Laos: En route wltb Oe firrat 
Fi lter jLBDaemRit Co. See Mldrir BoateiL 
Tnniann * Fwne (Star): CIilA<Hm, 

6es>t. S5-o«. 2S. 
'W<<dfiiis'. StallSons A Dopi: En nxite with 

BlnsUac'. ClreiM. St* Teat Show Boatu. 
trrmui. Geotre H.: En nnte witb GoU- 
mar Bre&.' CSrens. See Tent Sbow Bootea. 
Xaanc OOle Jt Bro (Xoons'a Pter): 
laaxie Cut. X. V-M; (Colonial) Stm 

T«(k atj IS-ZI. 

"M. (CtTStal): vnwaakcc. WU- 
■) Dotaw. bU I«.ZI. 

•-U: (miaple} 
m.. i»3L 

VaAIej * Bsanen (Ljeenm}: Elmlra. K. T. 

9-14: (MaliawM SAncetadr IS-SI. 
Taens Amrrin QaiMtt tHtIg 4b. >wwn* «): 
^ Tort CitT, Mfc-' V::'.t: ., ■. 

i>oo<tie BowLi^-.3a»-;r W i N i tl 8^.V^M- 

Itt. 0-14. 

k: BM late M: Lot 

Sbclbr. UJeh.. 14{ 

ton 18; Fnnktert aik 
A Girl of Xbe StreeK wHk Ijasts Alberta. 

Deeker & Temaee. nsra.: WbecUnc W. 

Va.. AboQ, O.. U; OereUnd 

A Bate For Ufe. P. H. SoniTan Amoa. Oo., 

msia.: ctileaso, HL. 2-14; St. Paul. Minn.. 


A. liinimaln Trmynp, Fred C. Ttmnt... n^.: 
SalinerUla. O.. U; Toronto 12; Wdlatwic 
13; Stesbenrtlle 14. 

A Pair or Oonntzy Klda, BralUi * Bamoan, 
m^i..: Soatb Fo^ Fa.. 11; Lewlatown 12; 
Jeanette 13: Braddoek 14; Bl^lnirUIe 16: 
Inrtl.n. IT; LatKobe 18; Lrecbbnrs IS; New 
Kenalacton 20: New Bethlebem 21. 

Ai Told In Tbe HUIi. W. F. Uami. mp.: 
Falrboij. m.. 11; Gnman 12; PootUe 13: 
RloomlnytBO 14; Fcorla IS; Canton I«; Pekin 
17: DelaTaa IS; LIneoItt U; Paiiatai 21. 

At cripple Crack. wUh UUUccnt Braaa VL J. 
Caipoiter'a): Faiauna, Kan.. U: late 14; 
Wcbk air. Hik. »: Ovaan W, Amn 
IT: boaar IS; Scvada IS; filataa aOi 8a- 

An Ailstocratle Ttanp (Kllnv 4fc : 
A.), Hanr A.. Marray, 
11; MowtU Mo., 12: 
Ut Scddia IS. 

TtA Cttr. 
atr is-SL 

ZtHkT THa tPan O. B.): Ofe, Pa.. 8-14 
ravn-Tenoa Stock COw (Hopkins'): Mem- 
pUs. Tcm.. 9-14; (llaJeaUe) Cbiaco. m.. 


ZnoL Great: laaa. Q.. 9-14; , (Star) 

Xnneie, lad.. lUt. 

M«r VBaBrjfe;iaiiMndr>.:|Mr/JEiriE Otr. 

xeai. ■ -1' > ^'^-i ■ 

Zarrow. n» Oreat: San taadaeet ■ dl.. Svt. 

17-Oet. 14. 

Xltunr. Mm (TIetsIa}: SMr Tok Ony* 

X Little Onteut (E. 7. Cupentet'a): Anbsra. 
JMu U: TMsnneli 12: Hon^Idt 18: Pawnee 

atj 14. 

A Poor Belatlon. R. P. Merer., msr.: St. 
Utezrm. W. Ta^ 11; l^iicu U; Nev Lazlac- 
taa. 0_ U; OMhaetaa IS: Kufmill* U. 

'nS'Scak Mj, 

A Boral aava (Gordoa * Beaaett'a Weatem). 
S. B. Strreoi. mgr.z KnUdield. IQnn.. 11: 
w—fc.*. JZ; Mason CltT. la.. 16: Ft. Dodge 
IT: Hutentawn 18; Des Uoines lA-Zl. 

A Boral SUtt (Gordon * Bennett's Eastern), 
n. H. Wooda. aicr.: CmtUna, O., 11: 6al- 
kn 12: Shclbr >3: MusOeld 14; Iiodi 17; 
W.dcwortti 18; Orrrllle 19: Vanmfm 20: 

A Sbm of Tlie Mm (Gorton & Bennett's), 
Oil.. Batg tn. . m gr.: - ^ Ph penlaTine, Pa.. 11: 

i Walililira Fat Chapa^. mgr.: El- 

■Ik. SkB, 11: Aartn Ute^ddlBf* IS; ru- 

5;' q fea j S a^ ' '" ' *** 

A ttna^hNaS lkam» (Wentcn). a A. Wal. 

feBV-Bsr.r fldt lAe 017, Utab, 12-14. 
A Bomaaee aC <3boB HMhfw -(EaMeni). A. C 
Allen, lisr.: Fladd. If. T.. 11: Malooe 12; 
M.iaa IS: 0 » Je u* a. < 14; Potadam U: 
CnMn^n;^ S«» i UM l H .-M; LowrUte IS;- B0SD> 

BMk Ok. J. Hacader. 

TILCORAMS «sr miiSw dF per. 
fo rmwi, tsnt s h s w w • '^irival wm- 
BOTH WAYS, siwias ImM addfws Qr 

•Ml: b* f s u i iJ in TIm BMbiowt pyblioa> 
tioN !• proUbitoA or via tad Mt re- 
ceiv«d .it .«p to tfn* of forms olosing. 

An Aztstocratie Ttamp iKUror & Brltton*. Co. 

B.), S. E. I«ster. msr.: Waco, Tex., 11; 

Temple 12; Hillsboro 13: Corslcaoa 14; Waxa- 

bacble IG: CTebame 18; l>aliaB 19; Ft. Wortu 

20: McKlnney 21. 
At Plner Bids'. M. O. Hlsslns, mgr.: Chl- 

canK HI.. 8-14: Wabaab, Ind., IT; Kokomo 

Aa Oipban'B Fnyer, Uartln Skeeler. mgr.: 

IMVe..Omai aoan.. 11; Ow nmnun 12: Fail- 

badt IS: -KMMiM Kb. 
a»*~~' Saiia T. Kamwc Bsr.: Baaj S. 

Blcbards. bus. mgr.: Cm Angrttt, CU,, 16- 


Aldrleb. Charles T.. In Secret SerrlCB Sam, A. 
H. Woods, mgr.-. IndianapoUa, lad.. B-11; 
Dayton. O.. 12-14; Toledo IS-IS. 

A Jolly American Ttamp, H. P. nanklin, 
mgr.: OodgeTiUe, Wis., 11; Lancaster 12; 
DcGoiak, la., 14. 

A Daogeroos Ufe (Gaspard Bros.'). M. E. 
Goodman, msr.) Canal OoTer. O., 11; Mew- 
ark 14. 

Angle's Ck)[Dedlans: Dixon, Ql,. 9-14. 

A ^Message From Mars: Sooth Narwalk, Conn., 

Adams. Maod. Chaa. FrofaiM^ kW^t ' Wash- 
ington. D. 18-21. 
Aa Xoa Sow. W. A. Bradr aod loa. B. Oil>- 
- Bwr, mgra.: Boatoa, Mass., 9*21. 
After iU&S^t, Speneer *- Aboca, mgrs.: PUl- 

" '>bla, Pwu, 9-14. 
A OooatiT Kid, H. B. mdttaker, ngr. 
'loca. in, U; Btgta' IX; Mariinn IS; 
fccd 14. 

UtOa Onteaatw B. A. 
lodkejr. lOeh.. H; ~ " 

Boaaway Bqy, with Joatpb But]er> H. B. 

•Iran, mgr.: New Xork City, 9-14. 
A BiiMi.n Spy, W. Dick Harrlani, mgr.: At- 
' ehlsao. Kan., 14; Leavenworth 18-16. 
A Wlfe'a Secret: St. L<mls. Mo., 8-14. 
Acron l%e PacUlc. Cbas. B. Btaney Amos. Co., 

tngia.: Chicago, ni.. 16-28. 
AUeu. Viola: Pblladelpbla. Pa., 9-14. 
A Desperate Chance: Bay City, MIA., 18. 
A CoontiT Boy la Ncir XoA: OHr.. t)h. 19. 
Albee Stock Co., SOw. T. ABwCt fM»,l^a.w. 

tseket. >R. L. Sept. 4. iadcT. 
Aleaan- Stodc Oot. Belaaeo * Mayer, mgra.: 

Saa nandaeoi, CkL. ladaC. . 
AngUa. Uargasct. Sbab a w Brs... mgra.: New 

Tork Cl^. 8ipt.-a. Mtf, 

Aug. S9. ladat.. 
Baldwtii-MfMIIa.BtoA Ok.: MHr Ottoaaa. 

Se9t.,<. lade^v 


Selaw -nieatre Stock Co., BelsKO & Mayer, 
mgr..: Lofl Aaj:e2e«. Cal.. Anss. SS. btdef. 
BUOQ Stock Co.: EUl Blsw, }Um~ lads<. 
Bishop's PUyers: OaUn^ .IIUL. M ' 
Bvwdoin Square TMltI« MmK 0».: 

Ma»., Indcf. 
Bnffington Stock Co.: Fall Blrer. Mass., taidef. 
BslBlnctai ttotik Co., D. B. Bnfllngtoa. mgr.: 

New Bedftjrd, Mass., Oct. 2 lodef. 
Barbaak Stock Co.: lioa AngeJea, OaL, Indef. 
Begy^tod: ^ ^Cto^^ MIm^ JB gry^ Smm 

J. r. llankk, mgr.: Sharon, 
Bli H t-s. CHM. Bill BBSen. mgr.: AUen- 

'^Sb^^ tSST^nMn, ii«M 

Maiden 19-21. „ ^ 

Barmnore, Ethel. Cbtm. Prohman, mgr.: Stock- 
too. CaL, 11; San Joae 12; Santa Barbara 13; 
San Diego 14; lo. Angele* 16-18. 

Bcimett-Moalton Stock Co.. C. B. Ocobock, 
mgr.: Genera. N. 1., 9-14; Anbom 10-21. 

Bennett-Moolton, Will A. ParteUo. mgr.: Soatb 
Handiester, Conn., 0-14; TorrlngtoDr 16-21. 

Bankers and Brokers, wltb Turke & Adams, 
B. E. Forrester, mgr.: New Xork City, 9-14; 
Plttaborg. Pa.. 16-21. 

Big Hearted Jim (Kllmt A Gazzolo's), Frank 
Gaziolo. mgr.: Cincinnati. O., 8-14; Spring- 
field 16: Cambridge 17; StcnbenTiUe 18; 
Toongstown 19; Butler, Fa., SI. 

Bredcenrldge Stock Co., Edwia Banlc. mgr.: 
Clay Cenur. Kan., 9-14; Blaekwell, OUa., 

Bernard. Sam. Chaa. Frohmaa, mgr.: New 
T<nk atj. Ifay 1-Oet. 14: Kew Bmco, Coni^, 
IS; Watattany 17: S t i tast l H . ■■»!■.. 18; 
- - -, Csaa.. 19! BartM »41. _ 
le, UeUer * Co„ mgts.: Boston. 


Bates, Blincbe. DaTld Belasco, mgr.: Pitts- 

tmrg. Fa.. 2-14; Baltimore. Md., 10-21. 
Beresford. Harry, J. J. Coleman, mgr.: Day 
ton. O., 10-11; Blehmond. Ind.. 12: Colnm 
bus 13: MadlsoD U: Frankfort, Ey., 16; Ler 
Ington 17; KnozrUle, Tenn., 18; Cbattanooga 
19; Borne, Oa., 20; Annlston, Ala., 21. 
Bindley. Florence, B. E. Fomster, aigr.: .Jlin- 
npapolls. Minn.. • _ _ 

Bennptt-Monlton, A. P.' Bced. Wmt.t Bnd< 

ford. Pa., 9-14. „ ^ 

Bennett-Monlton, F. C. Twltchell, mgr.: Man- 

gatack. Conn.. 9-14. 
Bennett-Monlton. Ira E. Newball, mgr.: aol- 

yoke. Mam.. 0-14; Northamptoo IB^. 
Brrant Comedy Co.: McKeclpoCt. Pa., S-I4. 
Belcher's Comedlana, W. M. Bel t h e r . mgr.: 

Scammon, Kan., 941; T I bw a l . ■ Ma4 IMjt. 
Ben Hnr, Klaw A 
Wash., 9-14; ~ 

19-28. _ ^ 

Bell, DIgby, Sylrester Magnlre, mgr.: Otaad 

Rapid.. Mich.. 11: Detroit 12-14. 
Bennett Show: Mllaca. Ulnn.. Sept. 4, lodef. 
Benton's Comedians. Perce B. Benton, mgr. 

Gatbrle. Okla., 15-21. 
Earke-McCann: AsUand, Pa., 19-21. 
Checkers. Cornelias Gardiner, mgr.: Jersey 

City. N. J.. 9-14; Brooklyn, N. T.. 16-21. 
Civsoent Comedy Co.: Somerset Ky.. 8-14. 
Child Slaves of New York, Chss, B. Blanrjr 

Amne. Co.. prop..; J. P. Eckhardt, mgr.: 

Reading. Pa., 9-11: Hoboken, N. J., 12-14; 

Trenton 16-18; Camim 19-21. 
Confessions of a Wife, A. H. Woods, mgr. 

Cincinnati O., 9-14: LoolsTtlle, Ky.. 16-21. 
(Xnnell Stock Co., W. B. ConwU. mgr.: StaUk- 

lln. Pa.. 9-14: CanoDSbnrg 
Cherry Tallry (Bastrn). FRBCh * H »p M wa. 

TUCT..: West Uberty. la.. M: towa Caty 

12: MueatiBe IX: BuUnrtoa U; Holliie, Ul.. 

IS: Aledo 18; Mt. SMMng 17; Clayton 18: 

Keoknk. la., 19; Canton, lU., 20; Qslney 


Camn Comedy 0>.. Ion Carrall, ngr.: Her- 

tlni4iarg. W. Ya.. 9-14; Iionaeonlag, Md., 

16.18: Piedmont, W. Vs.. 19-21. 
Clark's Comedlana, W. B. Clark, mgr.: Niefa- 

oUnille. Ky.. »-ll; Bkbmond ^IS-U;. Lan. 

caster 18-18: Stanford It: 
Cook's Majestic Stock OSb. 

St. Mar^ O.. 9-14. 
Crodoc A NerUIe, WUfe Wamm B. IMt, Ohas. 

H. Nemie. mgr.t BaHH-. fk.. 944; ONcn- 

Tine 10-21. 

Oogblan. Boat, Archie L. nepard, nutr.: Ban- 
gor. Me.. 11; I<FwlBton 12; PortUnd 18-14. 

Ooccoraa. Jane, Aiataa * Baxter, mgr..: Ak- 
SM^O. IS: f liiain IS; BIyrU 14; OleTcland 

Orane, Wm. Hh Otaf: VMinian, mgr.: Wasb- 
Ington. D. C 9-14; Norfolk. Va., IS; Bew- 
port 17; Richmond 18-19; TTnmlaal— . Bel., 
SO; AtlattUe City. N. J.. 21. 

(}awthome, Joseph, RIsw A Erlanger, ngrs.; 
Philadelphia. Pa.. 2-14: New Tork City. IS- 
Not. 4. 

Conk-Chnrch Stock Co., H. W. Taylor, mgr.: 

Plttuhnnr. U.tni., 9-14; North Adams 16-21. 
Chaw-Liater Theatre (Northern), Glenh P. 

(ais«e. mgr.: Grand Island. Meb.. 9-14. 
Colonial Stock Oa> I. U. nffwi Ovn- 

eexter. Massv •-14; Ikaaiaa M-ITt MB Bber 


OaatW* Latt ncbt. Frank C. Rhodes, mgr.: 

Baltimore. Md.. 8-14. 
Oentair Stock Co.. W. Dick Harrison, mgr.: 

^skogee. I. T., 9-11; Tgpeka, Kan., 11- 

Cblrago Stock Co., Chaa. H. RoMkao, mgr.: 

Norwalk. O.. 8-14. 
OoecroTp Stock Co., John F. OosgroTe, mgr.: 

Woonaocket. B. I.. 0.14. 
Oiate-LiateT llieatre (Sonlhem). Cb*m. Bar- 

rimn. mgr.: Bntler. Mo.. 9-14: Fayette- 

TlUe, Ark., 1(J-18: Ft. Smith 19-21. 
Carts' Dramatic: Bqnallty, Dl., 12-14. 
Calmnet ietork Co., John T. Oonncea. nar.: 
' Sontii ChleagD. VL. Inde«. 
OCvlcr. Olta. Lndle. DaTld Kelaaee. mgr.: 

Vvr Talk mr. Sept. a, tBd<«. 
Owatwl MSt sj k ^ ^et^Bakuwi^ A Mayer. 


Ca»ll<. Square Stock Oo.S . 

CoUlcr. William, Cbas. nrohaas^ 

dun. Hag., Aug. 28, Indef. 
Daly. ATooia, Uelilar * O 

Vork City. Sept. 11, MeC , 
Darcy A Speck's Btodt 09.': VMIadalpida, Pa.. 

H. i>t. 4/ Indef. 
Ulemer Stock Co.: Sprlagflald, .)to~ btM. 
arm; John, Cbis. Frobmao, mgr.:' Kew VMk 

city. Sept. 4, Indct. 
DeVoDde Stock Co., PbU. LeTj, lagr.': Mar- 

rUtuwn. Pa., 10-31. 
Drake Stuck Co., Uolit. Shannon, mgr.: Xerte 

Haute, Ind., 9-14: I.lnrni. iC-21. 
Down by The Sea, 8. W. (X>iuua. mgr.: Sat- 

Ola, Ont., U; St. JobBSi iticb., U; ' Itbaca 

13: Flint 14; Owaaia Ifc Mt. MMaiat IX: 

Alma 18; Bay Oily IsTlaclaanr »t Bcsta 

Harbor 21. 
Dtlmore's Comedians: Colnmbna, 0., 9-14. 
Dangers of Working Olrls, A. H. Woods, mgr.; 

New York City, 9-14; PhiUdelpbla, Pa., 1^ 


Deril'a Anctioo (Chaa. B. Tale's) : Jamestown, 
N. 1., 11; Brie, Pa., 12: MeadTlUe 18; Green- 
TlUe 14; Warren. O., 10; Cantoo 18; Haaatl- 
Ion 19; Akron 20; I<onla 2i. 

Doone, Allen, Kanncy A Weatfall, mgta.: Salle- 
Tllte. Ont., U; Peteisbam 12: UuSiurVU: 
OHItta 14: Ban* IS; OneMi : n;^MH^ 
SHatfsrd'lS; St.; I|Maias>j^vI4iillHr Si; 

Dudley, Flank, Ptaak' DnUcy, mgr.: Traaf, 
Tenn., 9-14; WAter VUley,' VIsA. . IMI. 

Dora Thome (Rowland A Clifford*a Co. AO.' 
Barry Mayo, bigr.: ^"Salem.' NC J.,- 11; Bridge- 
ton 12; West (Siester; Pa.. .13: Bnrllngmn. 
N. J., 14; Boboken 15-18: EUnbrttl l»-2l. 

Dora Tbornt : (Rowland A dUrocd's Co. - B.), 
D. O. Hartman, mgr.: Uonongabela, pa., 1^ 
New Kensington 12; Vandenrlft. 13; Leech- 
burg 14; Butler 10; Kane 17; Brackwaymie 
18; Jobnaonbarg IB; St.-Maiy 20; Bmpoilasi 

Dora Thome (Rowland- A Cllfford'a Co. 0.). 

Fred. Smyth, .mgr.: Bloomlogton, IIL, 11; 

Lincoln 12; Decatur IS; Clinton 14; Spriag- 

fleld IS; JacknuTllle 16: Hannlbd. Mo.. 1<: 

Pittsfleld, lU., 18; Boodhoose 19; Pabnyrs 

20; Alton 21. 
Dora Thome (Rowland A Clifford's Co. O.), 

Ik E. Pond, mgr.: Tipton, Ind., 11; ElwooB 
" 12; ' Alexandria 13: Uande 14; GonnetanUe 
.17; BrookTttle 18; Lawreaceborg 19; Aarora 

20; iTadlson 21. _ 
Dora Thome (Bowland A CUBBVa' O*. B.). 

W. T. Oasklll. mgr.: Seattto. Wa*.. S-14. 
DIxey, Benry E., W. N. Lawrence, mgr.: New 

Tork city. 8-14. 
DaTld Haram (No. 1), Julius Cahn, mgr.: 

New BwUord, Man., 11; Weaterly. B. I- 

12; Tannton, Mass., 13; Brockton 14; ProTl- 

dence, B. I., 16-21. 
DaTld Bamm (No. 2), Julius Cabn, mgr.: 

Aasabl. Fork., N. Y., 11; Barllogtoa. vt.. 

12; Hoatpeller 13; Barre 14; (Saremont. Vt.. 
.08: BcUows Falls 17; Keenc 18; Athol. Man., 

18; Gardner 20; Ware 21. 
Deserted at The Altar, Percy O. WDUama. 

mgr.: Guelph. Ont., 11; Deeatnr. 111,. 12. 
Down Where Tbe Cotton Blossom. Gsow, 

Breckenrldge A Walll., mgr.: Fnltao. Ha., 

11; Bowling Green 12; Bannlbal 13. 
DcOnue, Jowph: Morpbysbora, IlL. 11; Ber- 

rtn 13; Cairo 13; Fnltcn, Ky;, 14. 
Dr. Jekytt and Mr. Byde (LeTl^), Oscar Joate, 

mgr.: Oawego, N. X., 11; Anbom 12; Ft. 

Plain 18; Inhnslown 14; Osonetatowa 16; 

Bareratraw IT; Ut. Tcmoa 18; Plalnllald, 

N. J., 19. • 

Bwlng, Oertmte KwrttB, Ofela.. S^d. 
Bmmett, Katie: McWMl^ M. J.,' tl-lS; 

Dorer 17. 

Edeaon, Robert, Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Haw 
York City, 9-14; PUtsborg. Pa.. 16-21. 

Bcllpw Stock Co., Uoyd A Oenter, mgr..: 
Whlteaboro, Tea.. 11; a.loenlllr 14. 

Bmpire Stock Co.: Hpyersdale. Pa.. 0-14. 

Eighteen Miles From Home: South Ptamlngbam, 
Mau., II; Lawrence 12; BaTcrbUl IS; Sa- 
lem 14: N.sbna. N. Y., lO. 

EUaler. UOe: Raleigh. N. 0., 11; Oreensbaro 
12; Wlnstott-Salem IS; (Charlotte 14: Dar- 
lington, 8. C, 16. 

Bc«*»es rnta Broadway: Oonr. Pa., I«: Mead- 

PMt li** *^ N«» Tsck, wItb'MIaa Boae, A. 

H. Woods, mgr.: Nvw York City. 9-14; BH- 
.alielh. N; J„ - 14-18: < Reading. Pa., 19-81. 

RkUatdt's Ideally OUrer J. Bekbardl. — 
„,*-m«T.: Taeoma, Wailh.. ladet. 
Bll ott. Maslne. O. B. INUtngbank a«r.: 

^wk city. Sept, 4, IWIff. 
Empire Stock Co.: (Maiibast 4k. 
Bmplre ■Hwarte Sl«(k' <)s^:' 

Sept. 4. Indef. 
JVxypaiigh Stock (V.. Oeo. F. A U Foeepanali- 

Fi.b, mgra.: Clmclnnstl, O.. 8«ot 3, Indef. 
Porep.ugh stock Oo.: FblladelphlB. Po., Aug. 

SO, UKl^ft 

fVr Iter Sake. T,aal> A miMt^ aiKr.r A»«t 

I. «s Minn., II: Winnebago 19; FataMBt IS: 
?i- »'>»» Bedwoad Palls 

MIchfleld 30: Wlllfnar 21. 
Fe^ng.. stock Oo.' .(^aten). Oea. B. Pta- 
?»i'l. BlTer, Maas., 9-14; »ew 

' Bedford 10.21. 

Feaberg Stock Qo. (Weatem), Win IMkaa. 
mgr^: New Loodea, Osaa., 9-14; laonrleb 


Xtie Billboard 




BiDfrleOven, w«tghtt&lb«. With Bunitr 1 
Iio<ibl« ~ wtb>. 

TMato " Tsibs. 

B or In a trunk, 


F. O. 

C O. D. W* 

Ice Cream Cone Cooking Ovens, 



Writ* for 


133 Soufli Water St., CHICAGO. ILL. 

Franklin Sqau-r Stock Co.: 'WmceBter, Man., 

Faust (Porter J. White's), Olga Verna Wblte. 

nii:r.: Pontile, Mich., 11: Port Huron 12; 

Flint 13; Lipei'r 14; Baj City 4S; Alpww 16; 

Onaway IT; Ga.rlard 18; pptolfecr Itt Boyne 

ClXj 20: Travera City 21. 
mlton Btok' stoc& Co., Jack aiine*, mcr.: 

Oabone. Kan.. 814; B«k>lt-l«'2l. 
PonntalQ Co. (Central), Kabn ft BeboU. men.: 

Florence, Kan., 12-14; Bmporlt IB-IS; LeaT- 

enworth 19-21. 
Fltiainunona, Robert, la- A FlCbt (or Lore, 

B-11; Terre Haute, Iad» 11; Danrllle, IlL, 

13; l^rlagOrM M; St. Mate, Uo.. is-2i. 
Flake. Mra. aod -tha Manbattan Co., BartiiMn 

Orer nak. wagt^ HMr Totk Citr. Sept. ll- 

Oct. 14. . 

riMber, Alice, P. O. 'Wkltocr, mgr.: Qalicr, 

UL. 11: SprlosleM IS; JaekaoBrUlc U; Oaa- 

¥llla 14. 

Pavmban. Wm,. LMtler A Co., man.: To- 

Mo. 0., II; iBdlanapoUt, Ind., 13^14; Cbl- 

caso ni.. le-jioT. IT. 
flcmlnc Mamlf. Xf. H. Graecy. mgt.i Battao. 
'Fa., 8-14; Patenon, N. J., lO-a. 
Ftok, Mar, Jobn Coasrore, mgr.: Woonaocket, 

a. I., e-14; Broefctoo, Masa., 16-21. 
nyna Stock Co.. Ralph A. Ward, msr.: Bock- 

laod. Me., 9-U; Baogor 12-14; Raioford FaUa 


Fa.Te, Leslie, R. E. Brown, mgr.: Walpole, N. 

n.. 10-12. 

For His Brotber'a Crime, D. D. Sean, mgr.: 

Trenton, N. 7.. 12-14; Baltimore, Md., 16-21. 
Fattr FelUt, San 'llorrlt, mgr.: Atlanta. III., 

U; Funcr CItr 12: LeBoy IX; Manhall 14. 
ntsgeraM and Orldley: BoUir. lUcb.. 11; 

PoDlUe 12; Hndson 13; JUakawaka. tad., 14. 
risk Stock Co.. T. B. Mmw W^.t St. 

Cbarlts. Mo., 13-14. 
Folaom Stock Co: So. HeAlMn, ti ^ 16-21. 
GUrord-Haerlng Co.: FlattTSlr, Wla., 9-U; 

Cuba CitT ie-31. 
Gallatin, Alberta. In Consln Kate. Stalpman & 

T3olTln, mgrs.: Falrnoont. W. Ta.. 11; 

Ctarkaborg U: Gnftoo 13: WbcdlBS 14; 

Marietta O., M: JMNBdBMlB* IT: Sanes- 

TUIe 18; LaaCMtcr Wt tlMillimfci M; Ports- 

moatb ai. 

Gray, Jnlla, In Ber Only Sin (Lincoln 7. Ckr- 
ter'a), Frank T. Wallace, mgr.: Kenosha, 
Wis.. U; Elkhom 12; ,B«loIt 13; Barrard, 
in., 14; Waukegan 15^ Woodstock 16; An- 
rora 18; LaSalle 19: (Mtawa 20; Jollet 21. 

Crimtb, Join, John H./Btekej. mgr.: Sprlng- 
deld, O., 11; Llma/12; Ashland 13; Marlon 
14: Wootter 16: Boerrnt 17; Otun-a 18; Van 
Wert U>: Oellna 20; Lebanon 21. 

OUnoce. Baal. Jnla^^anr. mgr.: Bomellii- 
TWe, M. T.. 11; Altaaoa, Pa. 14. 
Otlmaec. Barney. Bany atoatsmnerr. mgr.: 
VisIilnfEtaD. D. C. S-M: Phlladelpbla, Pa.. 

Orapevln Cbarlra, Jdim, J. Kciraiw. mKr.: 
RMMater. M. T., mmemt S-M. 

Oaod. JHurn, Jtoata SkM^aw, iwr.: Sprlng- 
Md. Xaaa.. »-U: BM>ai£. Omm. IML 

Oarsldr SMtt Ck.: SSSSOtt, Xu 16-18. 

GaKnon-4>«nsfk .mck Oo.: Boaatke, Ta., 

Oarden nmlrc -MoMi Olkt .OlaTClaad, O., 


Oennan Stock Da.! HBiraakM. Wt*., Sept. 
10, lnde<. 

GUIete. Wm., (Aas. Frobman, mgr.: London, 

Eng., Sept. 13. tndef. 
Gllmore Stock Oo.: SprlngOeld. Maaa.. Sept. 

4. tndef. 

Racket. James K. & Mary MmmHoi: IMr 

York CTty, Sept. 25, Indef. 
Hamilton ft Thompson Block Co.: Ima, JfaM.. 

-M«T 22. Indef. 
noldrn Stock Co.. BUdcB .Bi«a.. ssffa.: In* 

.iMraa. Vaaa., 

dlanapoHs. Ind.. Mar 
RnntlnKtoo Del>;n Stack 0(k< 

Jlar 22. Indef. 
iToir nearta Are Brafeiai 
11; Grand Rapids U-M; 
ledo. O.. 19-21. 
Harrla-Parklnson stock Co.. Robt. H. Harris. 

mgr.: Patkersborg, W. Vs., 9-14. 
ncr Wedding Day, James Wall, mgr.: Vln- 
c<-nn«., lad. .11; Iwllanapolla 12-14; Cbl- 
eieo. 111., IS-NoT. 4. 
n«>d«rsoD. Mande. Stock Ck>., Jos. Parent. 
_«Sr.: Manlstlqne. Mlcb.. 0-14. 
nsnoB, Reary, in Ebeo Bolden, W, B. Scam- 
•Mo. awr.: St. Marys. Pa., 11: RMgemiy 
^Iti Clcaiflcld 13; IMmla 14: FlttAnrc, 16-21. 
Bte Fklli«e>a Sin. Jed earltso. mgr.: Ting- 
ler, la.. 11: Vaa Wert U: CalaesTtlle, Mo., 
IS; Leao, la,, 14; Osccala 16; Lwcas IT; 
.^Hnmeaiaa 10; Onrrrdaa 90. 
nw Fatal Shi, with Annto Bmfflteo. A. J. 
Mo&Toy. mgr.: Oslptaos.. O.. lA; Plndlay 
12: OrcfBTlllc 18; Bwood. M.. M; Ko- 
komo 21. 

nuntlnga. The Toae. Htny Doll, mgr.: Mar- 

loo, o_ U; XasalUon IS; Cantoo 14; Toangs- 

town ai. . • 

liana nanaon, Jaa.''T. McAIstn. mgr.: Rice 

Uke. Wis.. 11: Ladyamlth IS: Pnatlce 18; 

Tcanataairk 14; Mlnoqna 18; Rhlnrlandcr 16; 

AnUco 17; CllntonVnie 16; Sbam-ano IS;; Kaukauna 21, 
lleadrieks. Ben, Wm. Gray, mgr.: PoatwU. 

n., 11: Toledo 13-14: Hndson. Mich.. 18: 

.VdTlsn LT: Mt. Clemens 18; Port Huron 10; 

Samia, Ont,. SO; BafUuw, Mlcb,, 21. 
lionliRan'B Ttionhlea, A. J. Ayleswortli, mgr.: 

nnsiiy. N. D., II; MIoot 12. 
■Iiunan RearSa (SoottM-m). Jay aims, mgr.: 

Charleaton. 8. O., 12; Saraaiiab, 0«.. 13: 

J'ackMNiTllle, Pli., 14; BmnawHi. Oa.. 16; 

Wayetsaa 17; Valdosta 18 ~ " 

Albany 90; Amertcna Zl. 

Human Hearts (Westerly), Wm. FtankUn Rl- 
it-y. mgr.: Okcrakac. ku, U: Bssas 12; 
Mamn City IS; It. 1MB* M; CMci B ^ ID.. 


Uartlgan, W. H. * Sara MMbMM, 0*0. L. 

Marlon, mgr.: Ooaaaoat, O.. 8^1 Aabu- 

hula 12-14. _ 
Hoiiiognrarui TMai^ ttmr mtam m, ^ mgr.: 

WajaMiBICb H. O- *M| irMl iia n i ni l b 16- 


Hanfiord. Obarles B.. F. Iftincaee Walkar, 
mgr.: LooUellle. Ky., B-U; Omolhora IS; 
MadlsonTlUc 18; Bendersca 14; Slaltaoa. IB., 
J6: AltoQ IT: JackccBfUle 18; flSclafOdd 
IS; Decatur 90; Pescte 91. 

Hemann. AdeUMe ft Co.. Blwatd Ihtaanr. 
mgr.: Salt Lake Oty, Utali 11; Ogdea 12; 
Welaer. Ida.. IS; LaOrande. Ore.. 14: Pen- 
dletoB M: UN DtUaa IT: SettOt, Wtib.. 

■ - — - Osw, B. O. Alien, mgr.. Cape 
•-U: Kcasett 16-21. 
Vaimt * Qanoto^a), Wo. 
jr.. Cmunaij mSk^ ii ; 

IS; Vaaeamr M; ffwtlili*. Ore.. 


Ball, Bowatd, In The MllUonatre Detectlre, 
Bany Plerson, mgr.: Boffalo, N. Y.. 9-14; 
Dayton. O.. 16-lS; IndlanapoUs. Ind., 10-21. 

atsglBS. David. In BU Last Dollar. E. D. 
Stair, mgr.: Prceport. 111.. 11; Boekford 12: 
Aurora 13; JoUet 14: Kcnoaha. Wla., IS; El- 
gin, lu. ic; Wlukaaaa . BTt BsaCkv Bend, 
Ind.. IS: Elkhait ' M; KMdMB' 98; Ft. 
Wa.rne 21. 

Howard-Doraet: ETansvllle. Ind.. 9-14. 

Hitchcock. Raymond. Henry \V. Savage, aift.: 
Providence, B. I.. 9-U: Worcester. Maas., 
12; Hartford, Conn., 13; Springfield, Mass, 

Bollsnd. Mildred, E. 0. White, mgr.: Stenben- 
TUle, O., U; Bellalre 12; SlatersrlUe. W. 
Ya„ 13; FalnnoDt 14; Parkeraburj 10; Hunt- 
ington IT: Portsmootb. O.. 18; Uaysmie, 
Ky., 19; MIddletown. M. - 

Hay ward, Grace, Stock 0*i» HMH, aST-: 

Nevada. Uo., 9-14. _ 

BImmeleln's Ideals, John A. Blmmeleln, mgr.: 
Coshocton, O., 0-14. _ , 

Hnnt Stock Co., M. A. Boat, mgr.: Fowler- 
vllle. Mich.. 0-14. ___ 

Harvey ft Gage Cooedy Co.: OMS Bin «• 
X.. 0-14: BarllnstoD. Tt.. 1841. 

Hone Polka, Klaw ft Brlaager. mgta.: St. 
LoSla. iB:. 8-14; Kaaaaa Oty 15-18; Dcs 
Molnea. la., 19-21. 

Haarta ot Gold, PhU. Hant. ngr.: Plttsbnrg. 
P».. 8.14: Rochester, N. T.. 16-18; Syracuse 

HooUsan In New Tork (Fraiee A Brown'a): 

Marshall. Tex., 11: Tciarkana, Ark., 12; 

Hot Springs 13: Pine Blnlt 14. 
Human Heart! (Eastern), J. M. Blanchard, 

ms^.^ RarrUbnrg, Pa., 9-11; Keading 12-14; 

WUkesbane 16-18; Scranton 19-21. 
Ho<v Baxt»c Batted lu: Montgomery. Al«.. 12- 


Henderson Stock Co., W. J. ft B. B. Hender- 
son, mgrs.: Tama, la., 8-14; Toledo 16- 

21- . . _ _ « 

International Stock Co.: MOTMKIb X. *^ 8- 

14: Poughkeepsle 16-21. 
In Old Tlntlnla. W. C. Ware, mgr.: Clarlnda, 

la., 11; Red Oak 12; Olenkood IS; Nebraska 

City. Neb., 14; Atfiland 18; Tack 17; Co- 

lomboa 18: DarM Otr 18; IiaaaD. la., 20; 

Mlssonri VaBay BL 
Imperial Stock Oo^: PM is H i n . B. L, Sept. 

4. Indet. 

Imperial Stock Co., Geo. H. Bamntm, mgr.: 

San ADtOBlOb Tcs.. Aag. 91. ladef. 
Jerry From Km (^ttea A Jcggr^j j.. tIA oB. 

Edmore 21. 

Jewell-Kelley Stock Co.: Frankfort, Ky., 0- 

Jordan Dramatic Co.. Jainea A. Felta. mgr.: 
Creston, la.. 9-14; AtlanUe 16-21. 

James, Louts, J. J. Coleman, mgr.: Bruns- 
wick, Gs., 11; Macon 12; Colnmbna 13; Mont- 
eomerr. Ala_ 14: Bllmlnitbiim 16-17; Mobile 
lS-10; Vlcksbnrs 20: Jackson 21. 

Jeirenon, Thomaa: Kew York City. 8-Zl. 

Klngslcy BM I II . B. B. B asai ll . —fftt 
Hog arsi, MM, a-Mt OimllliB, UL, 18- 

Kerkhofr-HBlMia. OmvJ^ 
Saltna. KM* t-M; li* „ _ . . 

Knott, RoacOCk Kaaek BUpMB A CHcIb. BB^t 
Boaeaao, HOBt.. 11; Aueoada 19: Batt* U- 
14; Onat FaUa 18; Helena 1^ Hlssoala 18: 
WsBaee. IdaM »: Spokane, Waah.. 

King of The Opium Blng. Wm. H. Roddy, 
mgr.: Chicago. IIL, 8-21. 

Kendall, Ban. Llebler ft Co., mgn.: Aurora. 
HI., 12: Boekford 18: Gsleabnrg 14: Lonts-I 
vine, Ky.. 16-18; Lexington 19; Indianapolis, 
Ind., 20-21. . 

Karroll, Dot, J. C. Welch, mgr.: Biddeford, 
Me., 0-14; Dover, N. H., 16-21. 

King of Tramps (Eastern). Empire Amns. Co., 
mgrs.: Orraaon. Pa.. II: WIndber 12-13: 
Meyeradale 14: Frastburg. Md.. 16: Plednwot 
W. Vs., 17; Mt. Pleasant 18; Scottdale, Pa„ 
10; Oonnellsvllle 30; Cnlantotm 21. 

Kellar, Tbe Great, Dudley STcAdow. mgr.: 
Cleveland. C. 9-14. 

Kennedy, Jamei. O. E. Wee, mgr.: Lynn, 
Mass.. 9-14; LoweU 16-21, 

Kerry Gow, George Kenney. mgr.: Benertlle. 
Ont.. 11: Ltndaay IS: OrllUa 18: Barrle 14. 

Kennedy Playen. wllh_MB. J. Knaedy. 
BloomAntg. Pa.. 8-14; CtaAMAHB 1841. 

Kentaaw-Motrleon Stock Oikt: NwlBCket, B. 
I.. Indef. 

Linngstoo Stock Ooi,, V. :'K: 
Detroit. Mlcb., todeC. 

Lorlmer, Wright (Wm. A. Brady's), B. A. 
Belnold, m^.: Springfield. Mass., 9-14; Wor- 
cester 16-21. 

Lost In a Big City, vrlth N, S. Wood, A. H- 
Wooda, mgr.: Philadelphia. Pa., 9-12; Scran- 
ton 18-18; wnkcahana 18-21. 

Lackaye. Wtttna. Wm. A. Bndy. mgr.: Oak- 
land. CaL. U'M; 8*ctimwtB 16-17; filt Lak* 
GUy. Utah, 18-91. 

Loat TO The Warid: Holyoke, Itaaa.. B-U. 

Loralne, Robert, C B. DUHngbam, mgr.: Mew 

Tork City. Sept. 5. indef. 
I^eenm Stock Co.: (Upe May. N. J., Indef. 

I««eBm Stock Co.: MIimeaiMdla. Minn., Indef. 

MawSleld, BIctiard, Ben. D. Stev«na, mgr.: 
Chicago. 111.. Oct. I8-Ker 4. 

Marlowe Stock Co.: Chicago, ni.. Sept. 4. 

Mathes. Clara: Calg'rr, Alberta, dn., Indef. 
May. Edna. Cbas. FCThman, mgr.: . Ktr Zark 

City. Aug 2S, inOK. 
Moore-McCbllimi Stock Oski Rnnjaaiit, M. T.. 

Sept. 18. indef. . 
iloroseo. OUver. Stock Co.: Loa Aneelea. <3al., 

jDly 10. Indef. 
My Friend from Arkansaw, wltb Robert Slier- 
man, Geo. F. Clark, mgr.: BartleavlUe, I. 

T., II; Sapulpa 12; Chandler, OkU.. 13; 

Oklaboma CMty 14; Gnthrle 15; Norman 16; 

Weatberford 18; Hobart 19; Mangum 20; 

Anadarko 21. 
Moog, William V., Barry Bnbb, mgr.: Win- 
chester, Ky.. 11: Paris 12; Frankfort 13; 

Owensboro 16. 
McAoUire. Jete. AI. W; -WUaon, mgr.: MId- 
dletown, N. T., 8-14; Port Jervls 10-21. 
Morrlaim, Lcwla, In Faoat, Wallace Sackett. 

mgr.: MootrcM. Caa.. 8-14; Bnrllngtoa. Tt.. 

16: Mootpdlv ,lTt BntdebaioTlB: Xcrtb 

Adams. MiiMi. . WL HtllMI -Sit ■V'Maflkg- 

ton, Tt, 81. ■ ■ 
Mason. Ltnun, K. K. Tedder, mgr.: Keo- 

desha. Kan.. 9-U: FredonU 12-14: lola 15- 

17: El Dondo 18: Hutchinson 18-21. 
My Tom-boy Girl, with Lottie wmiami. Henry 

H. Wtncbell. mgr.: Phlladelplila, Pa-. 8- 

14; New Tork City, 16-21. 
Marks Bros., with Mayq A. Bell Marks, B. W. 

Marks, mgr.: OtUwa, Out., 9-14. 
Marks Broa. (No. 1). Joe Marks, mgr.: North 

Bay. Ont.. 9-14; Storgeon Falls 16-21. 
Marks Bras., with May A. Bell Marks. B. W. 

Trenton. Ont.. 9-14: Port Hope 16-18. 
Marks, Tom, Stock Co.: Eeglna, N. W. T., 

9-11; Moss Jaw 12-14. V 
Manhattan Stock Co., Salinger ft Branson, 

mgrs.: North Adams, Masa., 9-14; PeeksklU, 

N. T., 18-21. 
Mattlce Stock 0>-. Ward B. MattJce. mgr.: 

EllenvlUe. N. Z.. 8-14; Goshen 18-21. 
Morey Stock Oaw. I«Oomte ft F la a h c r. 

Junction cngr, Khm« B-U; iMItf 
MrlvUIe. Boae. la Sto BoaUaab 7. B. 

mgr.: Dctratt. Mich.. 4-14; Tacfeaao 1^ Ft. 

Wayae; Ind.. 17: Lo ga nsport 18; Tnsc Baste 

18: apclBgMd. UL. 90; JackHB &. 

Murray A Macfeiy, Ma J. Karray. mgr.: 
McKceavoct, Pa.. 8-14; Wheeling. W. Vs.. 


My Wife's Family {Stephens ft Llnton'a East- 
ern), Frank W. Cooke, mgr.: Cnwfords- 
Ttne. Ind.. 11: BockvUIe 12; Lafayette 13; 
Frankfort 14; MUwankee, Wis., 15-21. 

Mantell. Robert B., WUlIam A. Brady, mgr.: 
Waterloo, la., .11; Marsballtown 12: Iowa 
City 13: Clinton 14; Cedar Rapids 16: Mna- 
catlne IT; Davenport 18; Hock Island, III.. 
19; Peoria 20; Sprtnglleld 21. 

Mason ft Mason, Broadbutst ft Carrie, mgrs.: 
Atlanta. Gs., 9-14; Birmingham, Ala.. 16- 

Mortimer. IdUIan, In No Mother to Onid* Ber. 
7. L. Temiee, mgr.: Chicago, UL. 8-14; 
Boffalo. N. Z.. 18-91. 

~ ~ ~ Stock Oow (Wcoten), BogCBO J. 

ClBbCdaad. Kd.. 944; Wis. 

Ml IhmaUt BtoA Oo.. 6. W. MeDomOd. mgr.: 

Rntehlnson. Kan., 0-14; Wichita 16-21. 
Hurray Comedy Co.: tueaater. O.. 9-14. 
Unrphy. Ttisothr, T. B. Bandera, mgr.: Den- 

Kan!. W BmUITSL. 96? ft l i B lsia. ■an.. 

MrKlnlfy. HiM: FlttibDrr. Pt., 9-14. 
Hyrfclr-Haroer atcck Oo, (Eastern), W. H. 
Barder, mgr.: f saraatar. Pa.. 8-14; Cheater 


•fannen Stock Co.: MflM. la.. Mlf 

Ington 12-14. 
Wra. Lefllngwen'a Boots; 

LaCroaar. Wla., II; 

Lonla. Mo.. 18«1. . . 
Mn. Temple'a Telegram, W. IL . . 

mgr.: Charlestoo. W. Ta- ISS;. BAsclkB 

IS; Wnmlngton. Del.. IS; TtaMM. H. J., 

14; Baltimore, Md., 16-21. 
Monte Cristo, Bnrt Imson. mgr.: Slalcr, Mo., 

11: Marshan 12. 
More To Be Pitied Tbsn Scorned. Cbas. E. 

Blaney Asms. Co., mgra.: Brooklyn, N. T., 

0-14: Phllsdelphla, Pa.. 16-21. 
Moggs* Landing, W. E- Spragg, mgr.: Johns- 

towB. Pa.. 11-12. 
■In. Wlgga ot The Cabbage Fatcb, Uebler ft 

Co.. mgn^: Fargo. N. D., 11; Dnlott. Mtam.. 


MoDonaM, ShA. A ll* Oa.t BbAbK. Twu. 16- 


Xatlonal Stock Co.. O. R. Hamlltoa. mgr.: 

Detroit. Mich., Ang. 2, Indef. 
New P eoples Stock Od>., F««4 Oonnd, mgr.: 

Chicago. UL, Sept. 4. iadi<. 
Bye. Tarn FMaUym: TsdiBtiaUuu of roote pvo- 

biuted. Any ■■n aMKHCd -lB cne ot 
The BIBhaaia m«:' - - 
Nek MdSM. PMIF\lf 
taa, M: Bb. U. . 

New York Playera, J. P. Gallagher, mgr.: 
Princeton, Mo., 8-11. 

Nettie, The Newaglrl, (<oaU A >8*6& aSH^t 
I>hUadelpbla. Pa., 9-14. 

North Braa.: Dea Uolaea, la, 8-14. 

NaUonal Stock Co.: Uaeoa. Mo., 9-14. 

Nothing Bat Money: Lsa ls l o a n . Fa., Ml 

Our New Ulnlsler, mDcr A Okvtn, 
BIgla. m.. 11; WariktBBB »Bin8iirinfc. 
ta. ».««.nt, m.. M; llaniMwil. laA, IB; 
DIzoo, IIL, 16: Sireator IT; Qoabea 18; Dd- 
pboB, C. 19; Marlon SO; Uma 21. 

On The Bridge at Midnight (KUmt ft Gaaaolo^a 
Eastern), Fred Walton, mgr.: Berlin. 0 ' 
11; Gnelph 12; Hamilton 13-14; OrlUa 
Barrte 17; Ganlt 18: Brantford 19; St. ~ 
erines 20; Niagara Falls. N. Y.. 21. 

On Tbe Bridge at Midnight (KUmt ft Oas- 
zolo's Western), Daniel Reed, mgr.: Al- 
liany. Ore., II; Corvallla 12; noasaharg 18; 
Granta Pass 14; Mcdford IS; .ftatlBBB ^-l9t ^ 
Bed Blntr. CaL. IS; Onvflla IBs BialB- Baas ' 
20; VaUeJo 21. 

Over Nla^ra Falls (Rowland & Clifford*. Go. 

A. ), John P.' Barrett, mgr.: MarysvlUe, O, 
II; Waahlngton C, H, 13; CbllUcotbe 14; 
Portsmouth 16; Jackson 17; Wellstoa 18; Wil- 
son 19; Logan 20; Lancaster 21. 

Over Niagara FaUa (Bowlaad ft Cllfford'a On. 

B. ), tar B. Meweomb, sv.: Gordon. 
U; IMHStt IS; Bage 19. 

Olcotfc- Ck aa a t ij , Aogaataa Pttoo, mgr.: 

Totk City. 2-21. 
Osman Stock Co., JOhB Oman, mgu .'-1 

l>ora. N. C, 0-14. 
Ole Oleson: Phllllpsbnrg, Fa.. 18L 
O'Nell. James: Lewlston, U9~ 11: Pi 

Biddeford 13; PorUmooth. R. 14. 
Orpbeom Stock Co.: Oeonlson. O., 9-14. 
One Of The Uaoy: TUDn, O., IS. 
Peyton's Lre .avenue Slock Co., Cone Payln.. 

mgr.: BToakI.m, S. Y.. Aug 22. tndef. 
People's Theatre Stock Co.: <^cago. HI., 

Aug. 26. Indef. 
Players Stock COlI CUeaco, ID.. Aag. S» 

indef. -.■ - - . •- " 

PoU's Stock Oair 'Xaw ttnm,' OMU ' SSwi: - 

4. indef. 

Proctor's Flf^ Avenue Stock Co.: New York 
City. Indef. 

Proctor's 12jth St. Stock Co.: New Tork 

City. Indef. 

Peck's Bad Boy. Heath ft Farren, mgn.: 
Shenandoah. Pa., 11; Minerarllle IXi Ta' 

maqna IS; Reading 14; Fi jiisfclB .' 

Bbohocken 17; West Chester ISt-.T ' 
Lancaater SO; Tork 21. 

Pattoo. W. B., In The Last 

J. M. Stoat mgr.: lows BUI^ la.. IS; Ft. 
Dodge 18; Bocae 14; Utmtm t»t ~ ' 
IT; Oskalocaa IB. 

Pony Primrose: S'.] 

Payton Sisters, C. 8L 
Ga., 8-14. 

Phelan Stock Co.. E. T. Phdan. mgr.: Con- 
cord. N. H.. 8-14: Lawrence. Mass.. 18-21. 

People's Players, Woods ft TtrampaoD, mgih.r 
Bcloit, Wis.. 9-11. 

Peruchl-Gypaeoe: Abtievllle. S. C. 9-14. 

Peterson Comedy Co.: Clebonie. Tex.. 9-13. 

Qnlncy Adama Sawyer: Bedford. Ind., II:. 
Spencer 12: Clay City IS; Tern Hants 15: 
Decatur, ni., 16: Clinton 17; Rantool IS: 
Bloomington 10: Streator 20: LaSalle SL 

Queen of Tbe White Slaves. A. B. Wooda, mgr.: 
Kansas City. Mo.. 9-14; St Lonls IS-St 

Qaeen of Tbe Hlgtahloders. A. B. Woods, mgr.: 
Norfolk, Vs.. 9-14; New To* Qty, 16-21. 

Qulncy Adama Sawyer (Weatera). Frank U. 
Moina. mgr.: Akron, O,. 18. 

Roe Comedy Co., Harlsad M. Darla. mgr.: 
McrUea. Conn., 8-14; FUMdi. Mass.. M- 

Boe 'stock CO.. C. J. W. mmt 'm^t -AaBBlIk 

Me, 8-14: BlddcfM mSlT ■ - • 

BIp Tan Winkle, Bifldcn Bm..'^a«ia.; Dm- 

tar. m., II. 
Bnnkd, OBclime, StoA Co„ H. Basftd. b«L 

mgr.: norrnce. S. C, 0-14; WltaalagtOB.. 
N. a. 18^21. 
Ralph, Margaiet Robert Lee Allea. mgr.: 
Wayne, Neb., 11; Oolambos 12; Scttiykr 19: 
Aurora 14. 

Rogers. B. O., Stock Go., wm a. -VomMH^- 

mgr.: TOoawaada. N. T.. 9-lA 
Rnsatll Brsa.. Samnel Blair, mgr.: Jeraey 

City, N. J., 8-14; New Tork City. 16-21. 
Rolnon. Eleanor, Llehler ft Co., mgr.: San 

Prandseo. CaL. 9-21. 
Boss. Thomaa W.. C B. Dillingham, mgr.: 
. K. Y„ 11; Buffalo 12-14: Erie. 


N. J.. 8-14. 

Benben In New Tork (Henry P. 
- Balnhrtdge. Ga.. II: Albany 19: 

Cordele 14: Troy. Ala.. 17. 
Rudolph ft Adolpb. A, P. Hambery, mg^: 
Corry, Pa., 11; Oil City 12: New Cartle IS; 
Tonngstown, O.. 14; Sharon, Pa., 16; Frank- 
lin 17: Nllea, C. 18; LeetooU 19: Alliance 
20; Bellalre 21. 
Rained Life. Aliiert LeaVelle. mgr.: Gardner. 

Mass.. 11; Manchester, N. H., 12-14. 
Rip Tan Winkle (dler*. Eastern). C Bowen, 
mgr.: Woodward. Okla., 11; Gage 12; Blg- 
cIhr. Te!c . 1.1- 
Bentfrow's Patbllnden: Angida. Ind.. 9-14. 
Sandy Bottom. Hamptoo ft Hopklna. Bigta.: 
Canton. O.. 11: New Philadelphia IS; tt- 
riehsvllle IS; Cambridge 14; Banesvnie 96, 



Ttie Billboard 


vm. It; ii«aiwrii.tK!!. 

Xtt Fond dB L*e U: Applrloa IS: Cmra Ukt 
IS: BtmaTm Ifulnt IT: Waiuan IM: Uarrrill 
IB: RUwUBdrr 20: EMuata. Ulrb. 21. 
aiadows of a Gmt GIV> Va. U lUUiY. 
mtcr.z Bobukra. K. S^ miit Xwglmt, M, 
12; FKkskUl U; Maw MMtefUt' Vcir 
York Cltj lrt-21. 
« nankatd. kIUi J. C. Lnrla. W. A. IMifeH'. 
avr.: CnrUrT. Cul.. 11: Ft. OMm . IS: 
LoTeland 13; LooKiuwat X4» 
Airlock UolmrB. Cu BatfeMT aaf' I 
bell, msn.: rroTidoa^. 
ton. MafT 10-21. 
-flttaa Stack cat tSUaa * Ontatft iMMlMni). 
- e Hm, BSr.: r » i* ili > iHw«. Va.. 

lS-18: raranrOlp VM. 


aUfs Statt Cou (SItn * omwrfa Nurthvra). 

a. 8. Gflbrrt. mcr.: Woodatuek. OoU. >-M: 

Toniata Ifr2I. 
«otb«m. K. a, * fallB itartnnw GbH. Ftah- 

mao. mcr.I 'ianMr".'ll.7»>-~Ut jnia 

scUrnMudr IS; •'• iHmt M: Kkv 

IS-NoT. 29. 

; Am. Tbooua EL. KUx» ft Zlmnwiniaii. mgn.: 
Btmua, iUm.. »-21. 
Bill^iiiaii, Mtonlr A Wm. Braanntlv fTllll I 
Crevatt. met.: Uuntiral. Can.. Mk - - 
r StcrUns Stuck Co. {K^tm}, inik V IMIiRt; 
mgr.: WIriilu. Kiii.. u-14. 
Strrrns Coanir Cn., IIUT7 A. gtmna. Bar.: 
; CUoton. tnd.. O-U. 

j Shadon oa Tbr Unrtb. Artbar C. Alaloa. 
ur.: LuoiatlUa. Kj.. a-I-l: 8u Claarln. 
' W; MPmoa Cllr 1«: SrUalu IT; Warmo- 
. tans If: BaasTtUr IS; Lczlnitioa SO; St. Jo- 
aipli SI.. - 

»!«M. IIIU«4 ta Do KIstit. 
'-"'ff^. 5*^ -icr».: Pin ■ii<|Mi-,-^- Ha.,- »- 

M: BlltlBOK. ild.. 10-21. 
. -*vmrr Stock Ok. Mi*. B. S. S peota; Mgr.: 
Snok^ N. T.. Aosast 31. lodcf. 
1 . 81 SttMtioa. BmlaiKl AJnaar. COk. aBB.! Al- 
. _taaB«. E«.. M: TaadfuMft ». 
; SamaC Ite auar. J. t.: Shata. akp'.: fTat- 

^ CKtOW. N. T., O. 
.;yaalin the wind: Bone. Ca.. 11; Atlanta 12. 
WlBij. Georsp. K. O. Stair, mcr.: Tulnlo. O.. 
'VS-U; Adrian. Mlcb.. 12: KrniUlvUlp. lad.. 
. '£Jfc Pt. Warn* 14: CladBnalU UJB. 

' Wmmt. Otis. Joa. J. BoeU.T. mfci^ 
K. T„ 1«-18: Rocbeatrr 2U-21. 
■SwMt CIoTfr: Frraao. CaL, 14. 
Tiir Bankrr'B ctmd, Bunj SbanDaa, mjET.: 
Cadar Banlda. la.. 11: Aaamora 12; Ox- 
... facd JS: DvWItt M: TIptoa IS: Looe Tt«e 
>-.- ITiFtllk I8t Boxtoa SO: BunaT 21. 

~i ar tbe Fbot, campbeO SBattan. mir.: 
.aix. Pa, iL 

jniwmttnmur, 3I&. Us JaSaiaak CUy 
_ 'nu'ba^^riJar.*'*'*"* 

Thanbooarr Stack eik: MDiraakaa. iadaC. 
Theatre Prascals Stock Cn.: Meslital. Cko.. 


-The conege Wldoir (Eiatarm). .BMnr. W. «a»- 
aicr. mgr.: Boatao. Ilaaa.,-"M|^ .X. Mvf. 

Tbe E^Dce Cbap. W. X. LaamMak mSt.Z Stw 
York City, Sept. 4. Inder. 

Ttae Tnith Tallm. Fred G. Bargee mgr.: Baa- 
too. Maia.. Oct. 9-28. 

Thoopson, DenmaB: Boaton, Slaaa.. Oct 
Kor. 4. 

Hie Street Singer, witli Jeaile 3lae Rail <B. 

S. Pocreater's): Ed. R. Le>ter. mgr.: New 

Tark CItjr. S-14: Albany ie-18; Cbhoea 19; 

CUca 20-21. 
Tbe Cooniy Cbalrmao (Eascrm), Henry W. 
' SaTige. mgr.: Easton. Pa.. 11: Allanile 

City. N. J.. 12: Tr> nton 1.1: WUmloston. 
. D»L. '14: Balllmore. Md.. 16-21. 
Die College' .WMaw fWrntPin), nenir W. Sar- 

age. aigr.: GllieilinaiL O.. s-U; Leilncton. 

Ky.. 16: KaiKellle. Tenn.. 17: Cbattanuoga 

18: Vaahellla 10: Mempbla 20-21. 
Tba Wlsnlag Baad. Bddle P. Dalaaer. mgr.: 
3ay dtr. Xleh.. U; Satfaair 12 :St. Cliarlea 

-nr/EIHKi>:-Ba« 8t> di )> ia H b. 7. A. Weet. mar.: 
:■ Hgglfcll.^ IM.- n; -KMItaafllr 12; Kalglita- 
Itnrar .Wr'-Btaknaa*' XH Hndllna. O. IS; 

: V jjitM^jii^ y caty a: 

.'Ba Boir atr (Oartn * Banaatlfa Xaatan). 
Bdwar* nrkr. awr.: i Ddiaaa. Pa.. II; 
Blaliaellle 12: Latnbr 18: Oierubms 14; 
ItcKeeaiiort 18: Mooongaliela IT: Ifnaeaara 
°r"18: Belle Yeraoo 10; Diilontaim 20; Uofgaii. 
twni, W. Va., a. 

Holy City (Gordon tc Bennett'a TTeatern). 
K. B. Blackaller. mgr.: Dobnqne, la.. 11; 
>-.-Blkader 12: Deeorab 13: Mmrm City 14: 
Gbarles aty 18: Roebester. illnn.. IT: Far- 
- Ibanit 18; Kankato 19; Blue Eartb 20; Fair- 
mont a. 

- Uie Boy Beblnd the Gnn. with Harry Clay 

-BlaMT. W. W. Woolfolk. mzr.: Darfoo O.. 
■• ».ll: rolnmbna 12.14: Cincinnati 15-21. 
-Hie Little Bomntead. Wm. Micanley. mgr.: 

- Betbany, llo., 11; Trentoa 12; Chllllcottie 
13; Jlt«>-rly 14; Brunsirlck IT; I>xlDston 

; IS;. Blebmond IS; St. Marys, Kan., 20: Man- 
' battan SX. 

"Bit DenTfT Bzprrsa. R. J. KaTenncroft, mgr.: 
SalMniT', N. C, 11; SUIesrlUe 12; Blck- 
acr 13: Marlon 14. 
'--Xbe- Old aotbea Man (Boirland & CIllTord'a), 
' ' Daae SerouMir. mgr.: Wadilngton C. H.. 
0_ 11: JMtaaooTDIe 12: London 13: Sprtng- 

- t' flrU Ul IMiaas 16: Bellefontalne IT; Cteat- 

Bae 10; Ba^na 20; TlOn 21. . 
ne VlrgtRlao. Kirk LaSheUe Co.. mgra.: Near 

York dtr. 8-28. 
Tbe roar Mortaoa, Ylrtor O. wmiaML Bar.: 
-r. iteM>» a c 51«pie.?;,»«8g SMP. a»r£^ 

Baron M. 

a; Pert 

\ 'fte Btrmal fSty. O. -Wela, mgr.: Amerlena. 

Ga., U; OWnobna 12; Atlanta 13-14. 
VHw Hooaler Girl, witb Kate Wataon. Gna 
i>, GOban, mgr.: Warsaw, ind.. 11; P>m 13; 

-; Karloa M: Wanen 16; Van Bnrea IT; But- 
J^:..lfr !>£ Oanott, 19: .Anbam 20: 

■am B. AI- 

Rav Tork City. S-I4. 

af Myatcry. Ulttentbtl Braa.' 

Bt. LOBla. Mou. 8-14. 

nie Cnrae of Drlok. ., ^. 

Baltimore, Md., 0-14; Beir Talk Citx. 18- 


Tbe MUaoort Girl (Pr^ Raymood'a Eastern). 
Geo. Bedee. mgr.: Uron*. .N. Y.. 11: L*- 
Ror 12: Atlra 13; rrrrj 14: Dinsrllle lu: 
nammoodaport IT: Praa Van 18; Canan- 
dalsna 19; Pundrc 20; WaTrrl;- 21. 

Tlie Tr«In Bobber* (A. E. D^vtdsonV). Ben 
LrRnsh. bos. mgr.: Union City. Illch., II: 
Colon 12: Tbree Rleen 1.1: Kalamaxoo 14; 
Sootb Bend. Ind., IC: Walrrloo 18; Uecatnr 
10; Dnukirk 20: Hartford City 21. 

The Eye Witness (Lincoln J. Carter'«l, Ed. 
Maolrj. mgr.: LonlSTlIle, Ky., 8-14; Co- 
iDmbns. 0., 16-18; Da.riaD 19; Urbana 20. 

Tbe Flamlns Arrow (Lincoln J. Carter's). W. 
r. Jarkson. mgr.: Clereland. C. 9-14; Can- 
ton 16: Akron IT: Yoansstoxm 18: Salem 
Ifi: Sharon. Pa.. 20: Bearer Falls 21. 

Tbe B art or Cklcago (Lincoln J. Carter's), 
John Whltrlr. mgr.: TrsTeiae (^ty. Mich.. 
II; Cadillac 12: Mt. Pleasant 13; Bay Cnty 
14; Saginaw 15-16: Samia. Ont- IT: Port 
Boron. Mich.. 18: Flint 19; Eaton Bapldr 
2j; Battle Cr ek 21. 

The BrTcntli Boor (LIneolo J. Cvtrr'f ), C. 
A. SrHon. mgr.: BlekanilF, O.. 11 : Paold- 
IBS IS: BeOaaea ISt Pladlaj I4s Lima 18: 
Moitk Baltlmaaa m Poataria 18: Upyar San- 
diWkr 'litt BaMaa SOi aiaaaatU ai. 

TM.Vaaii.Tk, lUaeolB J. GkrMfQ. Ftad- 
ctMk WImlian. msr.: XIomu*. ObL. 8-M: 

womof lit. ntiMB IT. mil 11 1 mi u; ot- 

Tw» Uttle Walfh (UaeolB 7. Catter'a). W. 

A. Meckllng. mgr.: Elwood, Ind-, 11: BlnlT- 
too. 12: Dmtor IS: Bntler 14; Anbnm 16; 
Jackfon. Mlcb„ IT; Tecomseh 18; Monioc Vt; 
Bowling Green, O.. 20; Fladlay SI. 
Ten Klsbta In a Bar Raam taaaaiMr" JtiPOW- 

ley't). Walt.r J UeDooaM. atr-i IMai. 
Mo., U: Libaddlr 12. 

Tneker, Etbrl. Stock Co.. Mack Bros., bns. 
mgr*.: El Paao. Tex.. 8-21. 

Tamer. Clara, In w. Jackaoo. mgr.: Low- 
en Mass.. 9-14: Lynn 16-21. 

Texas. Broadhnrst A Carrie, mara.: Mllwankee. 
Wis.. 8-14: Oslikoab la; Applelon 16; Green 
Bay IT: Wanxan IS: Avliland 10; Supe- 
rior 21); Dalntb, Minn., 21. 

Tracked Aronnd tbe World. A. H. Woods, 
mgr.: Newark. K. -J.. 0-14: Waterbniir. 
D>nn., 16: Brldg<port IT: Hsrtfonl la, 

Taylor, Albert, Hany Elting bos. mgr.: Ter- 
lell, Tex., 12-13: Dallas 14: Denton Ki-IT: 
WbltrwTlBht Ift-tO: Solpbnr Springs 30 21. 

Thurston, -\delalde. ta Tbe Trlompb of Belly. 
Francis X_ Hope, mia.s Elkhart. Ind.. II: 

Sootb Bi>nd 12; Brann Harbor. Mliii.. 13: 
Maakegoo 14; Kalaaaaav 10; Battle cieek 
IT: niM 18; Saglaaar 18; Bar CIt7 M; 

no PnOnl !«•. IMiir * Om. mm.: Hew 

Tark air. arpt. 4-Oct M. 
Tka Sica or tkr CMw IM. a; «M» U Sir- 

taa. Bwr.: Seottadalr. Pa,, 11{ MaMMB t8t 

MoBOagaliela 18. 

TO Ba Borled Aliw. 0. I. BarrllM; agr.! 
Plattsliarg. Mo.. 14. 

Tbe Pnmpkln Hoskrr. Orrthlek Broa.. mgrs.: 
Clinton. Mo., 11: Lamar 13: . SprlngOehl 14: 
Anrora 16; Moaett IT: Carlliage If: W.Mi 
City, 10; Galena, Kan., 20; Juplln. Mo., 21. 

The Omar GIrl (Wm. T. Eeogb'i): Wll- 
mtagton. Del.. 9-]}. 

Ttae Woman In tbe Case. Wagenbals 4k Kem- 
per, mgrs.: Warren. Pa., II; Mradrllle 12; 
on City IS; New Castle 14; Franklin 16; 

' Sharon IT: East Urerpool. O.. IS: Sten- 
b nrille -ID; Bellalre 20; Cambridge 21. 

Tbe Belr to tbe floonb. Tbe Kirk I.iiSbelle 
Co., mgrs.: BnlTalo, N. Y., 0-11; Jackson, 
Mlefa.. 12: BatUe Oeek 13; Grand Baplds 
14': Chlraaro. lU.. 15-21. 

The UgliUionw Bt the Sea. Tanca ft Bnl- 
llTan. mgrs.: . Boaton, Mass., 0-14, 

Tbe Mtssonil Girl (Fred Baymond'a Western). 
MrrI- H- Norton, mgr.: Crary, N. D.. II: 
Derira Lake 12: Leeds 13: Wcattaoo 14: 
Sonrla 16; Bottlaeao IT: WUIoir tSS IS: 
Rngby 10; Mlaot 20: BonrbeUa 21. 

The Ninety and KIWw "X. Ik BaSirt. msr.: 
New Tork Cllr B-H. 

Ttae prlea at Lo*r. IFttt It Slaat. asTP.: 8aK- 
laaw. Mick.. S4it .flMvar IS; P«at Bona 13; 
SamarU 13; . MaClaB SL 

Tbf SIfD of ika Ctaia CX«. 1). Bergni ft 
CncdB. mgiaj . Thaalao. Uaaa.. II; Nrir- 
part. K. 14 IS: BnrktoB. llasa.. IS: Kesr 
BcMort 14: Pan Rtrar 18: Wooosoeket. B. 
I.. IT; Sootb Pramlnghan. Masa.. 18: Mai. 
den 10; New Loodoo. Cnnn.. 20: Merldea 21. 

Tempest, J. L.: Alexandria, Va„ 0.14. 

Twin cnty Stock Co.. Wm. L. Scboonorer, 
mgr.: Ironwood. Mich., 2-14. 

The Village- I»ar»ion. Jolin McVlckera. mgr.: 

Colambla. Pa.. II; Xlarrlsborg IZ-14; Lewls- 
tonn 16; Lock BariD IT; PoDxantatniey IS; 
Barnstioro 20; Altoona 21. 
Tbe Way of the Tra uMn aaa r (Cbaa H- 
Ysle's): - IibMli»s. jta^ JUt »mfc Ut At- 

Isntlc OHr. a. J^ IMt MAm-Ut MaviA, 


Tbe Clsy Baker, Harry Bnbb. mgr.: CAlombna. 

O., -0-11; Co«iliocton 16; EvansTllle, Ini].. 10. 
Thon Shalt Not Kill, Frederick Si-hwarta. 

mgr.: Ir<xitoa. O., II; Hnntlnytoa, W. 

Va., 12: Asliland. Ky., 13; Winchester 14. 
Tbe Bon-ery Nensglrl, Blesa ft Tou<n: mgrs,: 

Kenton. O., 13; rapiv laaioallj .M; ~ 

line 16: Gallon Xtt BP — ^" 

20; Defiance 21. 
Tbe Duke of Knilcrankle, A. It, Sbeiwrd. 

mgr., Bangor, Me.. 11: Lewlston IS; Pot- 

Und 13-14; Montreal. Can., 10-21. 
Tbe Tmtb TUlrr. ncd O. Beini; marf 

tan. Uan.. 1841. 


18; Mpale 

St. XaiTa IT; MMpW-.m Phintpsbnrg 
Sha VobiBtaer OnSt^ W. W. Neweo 
nsr.: DMTtr. OXTShtt: Olroh Creek 
victor 18; Ok lm iia , Sprtaga If; Pnablo 
La loBtB.ifc'tiiiiarina.. si. 

Tb* Oootr <jbalnM (WaatasB). Mmr 
Saeage. mgr.: Aaatataa, Ata.. 11; ~ ~ 
Tanadega IB: ~ — -- 

To Die At ~ 

Hia Wajwart 

Tba cnw 

Tha nial TTIMlMI 

Tka Itaaav aaC .Mi* -Bammlagblrai 
tor. UUM. 

Ttae Gambler: Kekamok Ind., 14. 

D&ele Tom's Cabla (AL W. Kartla'a), 1 
& Martin mgr.: Ft. Doimr. U.. 11; llai 
City 17; Cedar Ba»lio MTWaMagtm St. 



«r.: Aariataa. Ala.. U; MaM 
ja: P iMopeUa U. 
Dsn: BntcrtoB. O— XI. 
irt Sg: Ortilnaaa, Zk, IT. . 
it:. TMta. a. A' ~^ 


Uoder Sootbeta 

Parker, oagr.i 

Tea 18-14. 



Under Soatbna SUiO {OeDttal), Harry Doel 
Parker, mgr,: O ll a maa . la., II: Osfcalooaa 

12: Marsballtown IS: Cedar Rapids 14. 
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stetson's Central), Grant 

Luce, mgr.: Ashland. Pa., 11; Mount Car- 

mel 12: Sbcoandoab 13; Mabaaoy CItj 14, 
Uncle Tom's Oabls iStstaaa'a. ■a^lerat, John 

I. Shannaa. ■sv.t It. AlbrnHb VL. U{ Hen- 

port 12. 

Uncle Tom's Cabin (StetaoO'S W«atini)t Wm. 
Kibble, mgr. : Bedford, M., ' Uf JkaaaelUe 

12: T>rre Haote 13-15. 

Cocle Tom's Cabin (Stetson's Northern). Geo. 
Peck, mgr.: Fredonla. Kan.. 11; Yates Cen- 
ter 12: BurlbigtOD IS; Emporia 14. 

Uncle Josh SprneMff. (Waatam). C. A. Uodgr, 
mgr.: (>>lorad«k^^SMC 11; BlK.tllltgg IS; El 
Paso 14. 

Uncle Josb Perklaa IB. H. Praaea'a Baatera), 
Harry LaMaek, mgt.i PIttaborg, T<a.. 11; 
Gilmer 12; Wbunboco U; Bslphnr Bprlag* 

naela JcA Patklaa li..- K i a m a ' a Waatan). 

Jaai BaUlnn. msKi ForUaad. Or*.. 8-14, 
Dnel* loabvlpiQasbp {■■•len): SlcabeBfUla. 

O., IS. ' . - 

Tan Ojka ft BatM. P.' liack. aigr.: Mexico, 
Mo., 0-14; Banolbal 18-28. 

Verncrn Stock Co.. Benl. B. VaCBOO. aagr.: 
Baltimore. Md., Oct. S. Indef. 

Via Stock Co., B- G. Via. mgr.; Danellle, 
Ky., 9-11; Rnssennile 12-14: Green 16-21. 

Wedded and Parted (SulllTan. Harris * Woods' 
Eaatem): Camden, N. J., 8-11; VTUaUBBtoB, 
DeL. 12-14: PbUadelpbU. M.; MM. 

Wtmrr Comedy Cb.. B«o B. 
St, aood, Minn., 8-13. 

Wben Knigbtbood Waa In Flofwer, Kane, 
Sblpman ft Colrln, mgra.: Boieman, Mont., 
11; Anaconda 12: Bntte 13-14; Great Falls 
16; Hel na IT: Mlasonla 18; Wallaca, Ida.. 
10; Spokane, Wash., 20-21. 

When We Were Twenty-one, Brandon Owrt- 
ney, mgr.: lUrerhlll. Maas., 11: ulnnn^lcr 
12: Salem 13: Laurence 14; Marlboro 16: Mil- 
ford IT; Putnam. Conn.. 18: Attlehoro, 
Masi., 19; Nenport. B. L. 20; Taunion, 
Masa., 21, 

Waa She to Blame, with Bath Craren. Harry 
L. mgr.: Miller, a. n„ Ut BUh- 
more 12: Pierre 13-14^ Baaaa I8t . Mttehell 
IT; Cbamberlaln 18. 
Wriglit. Paireela: Sycaeoar. S. T.. 0.14. 
WalTark's Tbratre Ok, OaMnskr Biw., mgn: 
Oaya_ Mills. Wte., It-M; oatienlierg, la.. 

WtKUr, BIT. 

port SO: Wltarlactao. IM, SI. 

AL B.. SMsfTll. nitaw asr.! IM- 

ex.. IMS: waeo iSt AaMta Mt ami 

IS: Oaboqaa 18.18; lawa Cttjr 10-21. 
Web*r>a, :3a*b. All Star Co.. Chas. T. K. 

Miner, mgr.: Braakljra. N. T.. 8-14: Bart- 
ram, Coao.. lo; aprtagaeU. Mass.. IT; 
Tratrrbarr. C«aa., - 18: K*w JUm» 18: 
Bridgeport SO: .Wlhrr " - " " 

Vttma. AL ~ 
laa. Tex.. IMS: WBeo IS: 
Antwito 18: Boostoa IT-IS; OsltaaMB 18: 
Beanniom 20, 

woodrufr, Dora, J. D. KUgosa, mgr.: Bart* 
ford. Ky.. »-l4, 

Wbt-n Women Love, Frank w. Naaoa, mgr.: 
Waraaiv, N. Y.. II: Eiat Aorora 12: Sl- 
ara Falls 1.1-14: Dunkirk 16-; COnnraiit, O.. 
IT; Aslitabnla 18; Canal DoTcr 10-20; New- 
ark 21. 

Was She to Blame. J. O. Stuttx mgr.: Van 
Buren, Ark.. II: Sallsair, I. T.. 12: Fort 
Gibson 13: Talileqnah 16. 
Why Wororn Slo (Eastini): Atli^ O- II; 

Toungston-n 12.13; Warren 14. 
Wilson, Francis. Cbaa. PMhaaa, aisr.t CH- 
caco. lu.. 2-14; St. Pani, Min.. iSSii Mia-' 
neapolls 19-21. 
wire In Name Only, Garland Gaden. mgr.: 

Hannibal. Mo.. 11. . 
Ward. Hap, In The Grafter, E. D. Stair, mgr.: 
Muskegon. Mlcb., 11: Elkhart. Ind., 12: 
Sootb Bend 13-14: Chicago. III., 1.1-18. 
Walah. Blanche, Wagrnliala ft Kempur. mgia.: 

Chicago, III., Oct. 8-NoT, 4. 
Warfleld. Daeld. Dosid Belaace. MKX Kew 

York CltT, SrpL 2, Indef. 
Wbeeloek, Joseph, jr.. 'Cbaa Frohman, mgr.: 
_Kew XMk atjr. Sept. 27. InUet. 
Winard, E. 8.. Cbaa. A. Jloare, mgr.: Ot. 
Uara. OdL. 8-14; OtMU. . MUtig, IMl. 

A Son of Rest, Will F. Molltor, mgr.: Bleb- 
mond, Vs., 9-14: Newport News IS: Balelgh. 
N. C. 17: Charlotte 18; Columbia, 8. C. IB- 
Charleston ao; Sarannali. Ga.. 21. 

A Trip to Egypt, Ed. Carr. mgr.: Blebmond, 
Ind., U; New Castle IS; Union city 13; 
Marlon 14; Kokomo IS: Tlptoo IS; tlsak' 
fort 19: Elwood 20; ShelbyTllIe 21. 

A Wild Goose Cbase: Dorer. Del., 17. 

Blckel, WataoD ft 'Wrolb, In Tom, Dick A 
Harry, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Albany, N. ¥., 
0-11; Amsterdam 12: Coboea 13; Klnston 14; 
Jersey City, N. J.. 10-21. 

Buster Brown (Melrille B. Baymond'a Calif. 
Co.). Thos Hodgmen, mgr.: Lincoln. Neb.. 
10-11; Fr. mont 12; Kearney 13; Ctieyenae. 
Wyo.. 14; Denver, Col.. 15-21. 

Butler's, Helen May. Band. J. Leslie Spaba, 
mgr.: Montgoolery. Ala., 9-14, 

Buster Brown (MeUllIe B. Raymoiid'a Ob- 
tral): Galllpolls, O.. 17; MarlatU IS. 

Black Pattl: Clebaroe. ns„.14; 

Babes in tbe Woods, — - 

Ballbnore. Md„ 8-14. 

Bab a In Tagrland. Walla. Dano ft Barlan, 
mgta.: Cbarleatoa. 8. C II: aaeaaaab. Ga.. 
IS; Jgckaoarlllc, Fla., 18; Maeoa, Ga., ii; 

Oalambaa Ms Maataasaetr. Ala.. ITt Sabaa iSi 
Rlrmtsgkam ]»t Atlasta. Oa.. 1841. 

Boater .Bmhtd CUNalDa B. BanaaaA'o Baa^ 
em): Roasoko, Vs., II. 

Caliin. Marie. W. B, BodiMl. mgt.t CUessOb 
HI,. 1.14; Cleaeland. O.. 18.S1. 

Cohan, Geo, M., Sam B, BatTla, aigr.: Cil> 
rasa la 3-14: Phlla'delphia. Pa.. 1*88. 

Canadian Jubilee SIngera. W. T. Ckir. mgr.; 
MllUngton. Mich., II: ColomblaTllle 12. 

Dare Derll Oorolby, Qt«. 8. Starling, mgr.: 
HopklnSTllIe, Ky., 11; Madlso«TlIle 12; Hen. 
dersnn 13: Ovrensboro 14: Eeanssllle, Ind., 
18-17: Padoeab. Ky.. 18; Cairo, lU., 19: 
mnon, Ky., 20; Jtckgon. TrDS., 21. 

Daniels, Frank, C. B. Dllllagksm, mgr.: .Min- 
nrapolla. Minn.. 8-11; St.- nwl IS48 ~ 
City, la., 16; Omaba, Rab:. IT-IS; 
City, Mo., 19-21. 

Ellerr Band. Tbe: Loa Angeles. Cflsl.. todet. 

EncIIsb Grand Opers Co., Henry W. Ssrsge. 
mgr.: Newark, N. J.. 9-14; Bridgeport, 
0>nn.. 16; Hartford lT-18; New Baren 19; 
Springfield, Masa., 20-21. 

Ell ry Band, Tbe: Portland, Ore., Bept 18- 
Oct. IS. 

Eight Bells: Newark, N, J., 1621, 

Duss and his Band. Frederick Pblnney, mgr.: 

New York CIt.T. Indef. 
Forman, Jules. Munlesl Comedy Co., J.C. Al- 
ley, msft.x HaDlsTllIe. Ala., 11: Annliton 
12: Bome. Oa.^ IS; Chattanooga, Tenn., 14; 
Sootb Flttsbng IS: Daiion. Ga„ IT; Athena 

IS; ClercIaDd Tma.. IB: KnmrrtUe W-SI. 
Fay. BBe, In Tbe BeUe «f Aaeaav A.. A.. B. 
Wooda. mgr.: Tack dtp. •itt Wa*. 

Ington. D. C. IS-ai. 
Flnnlgaira Ban: AtlUDce. O.. II: MSHinoB 
IS: BiFTta IS: Lorain 14: Katwalk IBs 8aa> 
IT: PlDdtajr 18: Cbl 

" - «. 

Wood Slatrta' Stock Oa- 

PoraboBlaa. Ark.. 8-Uc 
Winnlnger Bras.* Oira. Ptaak Wlnalogrr, our.: 

Winona. Mbnu 844| llu-lbanit 10-21. 
Way Down Bast, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: QCTe- 

Und. C, 0-14. 

Wedded and Parted (Snlllnn. HaRlS A 
Woods' Western): ConnrrsTlIIe, IwU Hs 
Colombna 12; Ne«r Castle 13: Bnntltigtoa 14: 
Blchmond 16: Terre Haute 17-18; Btaxll 10; 
Paris. IlL. 20; New Hsrmony, Ind. 21, 

Why Clrls Leare Rome (Eastern). Vance ft 
SuUInn. mgrs.: Rllxabeth. N. J.. 0-11; Bath 
M)-., 13. 

White Stock Co.: Bangor, Me., 11-14, 

Walker Wfaltrslile: Osceola, la., 14. 

W.Torolng: JanesTllIe. Wis., 12. 

Welch. Joe: St. Panl, Minn., 9-14. 

Wh.T Girls LesTe Bome (Western): Etsos- 

Tine, Ind., 1.1. 
What Women Win Do: Ft. Wsyne, Ind., IS. 
Sonng, Edwin. Stock Co.: Shliinston. W, Va„ 

0-11; Smlthfield 12-14: WslUce 16-18. 
Toong. Emille: Belmont, la., 11; Clarion 12: 

Brltt 13; Forest City 14. 
Tea Tanson, B. V, Glroox, mgr,: Korfolk, 

Kf«.. 11; LeMata, U.. 12; Spencer 18; Ka- 

tbeirUIe 14. 

TouBg Bnffalo, Cbaa, B. Blaoer Amuse. Cb., 
mgrx,: Chicago. III., 1-14; Ora Moloet. U.. 
16-18; Omaba, Neb., lS-21. 

^"S*!!"?- W«>* "f" »«r 
York City, lad4-f. 

Toike State Folks (No. 1,) Fred A- WMabt. 
iDgr.s SaTaaaah, Ga., 11-12. 


•-14; T«Mr Tii« 

Alice end the Blgbt Prtneeaeea, - Hamlin, 
Sept. IT, Indef, 

A Breexy Time, John R. Andrew, mgr.: Parte, 
Tenn., 11; ClarksTllle I2; HopklaarUle. Sr.. 
16: Marlon 14. 

A Bnneb ot Xeya, Gos Botbner, mgr.: Val- 
dosta, .Oa., II: TbomasTllle 12; Albany IS; 
Cordele 14; Americas IS; Grlffla 18; At- 
lanta 10: AnnUtoa. Ala,, 00; Borne. Oa.. SI. 


PaatoMDa. Bfl. Baatai. iigr.: 

••14; Loolattllr. Ky.. 1*41. 
Ttorodon. C. BtaSS, ■ 

II: Sanit Sta. SartaM. 
Gay Keir Tc(k CQas Bliro). Cbaa. B. 

mgr.: ChhESfOb ' VL, S-t4; Detroit, UA.. 


Olaser, Lain. C. B, Dillingham, -mgr.: New 

York City, S<pt, 4. In<lef. 
Gorton. Joa. jr., and ilU Band: BnrllngtOS, 

Vt.. II: Vereennea 12. 
Bopprr, DeWoir, W. A. Brad.T ft Shnhert Brno., 

mirrs. : New York City, Oct 2. In.lef. 
Bnmpty Dnropty, Klaw ft Erlangrr. mirrs.: 

l'itt«bnrK. !■«.. 2-14: Chlrs^o. Ill-, j:^- Not.4. 

Bis Htehneai the Bey, Waller I.lmluy. mgr.: 

Mnscatlne, la,, II; Bock Islaial, III.. 12; 

Dnbuque, Ia„ 13; LaOosse, Wis,. 19; 

Wlnons Minn., 16: Ban Claire, Wla.. 17: 

Red Wing. Mian.. 18: Rochester 10; Albert 

Lea 20: Masno City, la., 2|. 
nappy Hooligan (No. 1): Wichita. Kan.. 13, 
Uappy Hooligan (No. Sk. Saai. Clark. aar.> 

iiaxeUnn. Pa.. 11: f ibanis Iti BatmUe 

13: wiuiamsport 14. 
Bapp.r uooligaa-s TMb AfoanS Ibo Warid (Oaa 

niii'a). oao. MUfasai. -aa*.! Bt. laotL 

Kan., 12, 
Bolty Toity: Kanaaa Cttp. UK, S-M. 
It Happened In Nardtaatt MOV Z«* CHp. 

Ang, 28, Indef. 
I. O. D., wltb Kolb ft DOI: 
*■!** Qalaey. lIL, 18, 
Tark ~ 

8t. Leoia, MO. 

In Keir 

Town (Bortig ft Beamon'a), Lon- 


KnHes Band. V. P. 9. Mwwk mgr.: GMak*- 
MO. Minn.. II: Wlanlpes Maa,. »-U:OnBd 
Forfca. N. D.. 15; St. dsad, Minn,. 18. 

Little Jonny Jonea. Chan. CL Stnmm. mgr.: 
Marlon, Ind.. II; Pt. Wagaa ISt ilmiMasMB 
13: Loeansport 14; Manrte Ml- Ulagt>*» 

Dsnrnie. III.. 18:. aiampalfa It; JaCkaoa- 

Tllle 20: Rloomlnglon 21. 
Lyman Twins, In The Rostlrra: Monterldeo, 
Minn.. 11; Orotnu, 8. D., 12: Aberdeen IS. 
14: Norfolk, Nvb., 16: (^lumbna ITs h*- 

mont 18. 

Mclntyre ft lleatb, Rlaw ft ETIaBSir. agis.: 

New York City, Ang 28, Indef, 
McFaddrn's Plats, Time B. Henry, mgr.: Besn- 

mnnt, Tex,. 12: Orange 13; Humble 14: Gsl- 

festnn IS: Bonston 16; San Antonio 17; 

Waco 18; Ft. Wortb 10; Dallaa 20; Starere- 

port. U.. 21. 
Me, nim A I. Edwin 1. Osbn. agrir BoBiIo. 

N. Y,. »-i4i,praat«, Oat.. ii4l. _ 
Mitchell and ritMa: OUcogOb IB., aapt. tt 


Mlas Dob Wblte Nixon ft Zlmmeraak BBS.: 
Jarksnnrnir, Fla., 11.12; Branaarltk, Ot- 
is: Sarannab 14; Augusta 16; Ckarlestoo, 8. 

C, IT; Colnmbls 18; Oester 10; cniarlotte. 
N. C. 20: Sallshnrr 21. 

Murray ft Mack. OlUe Mack ft Joa. W. Spran. 
mxra.: Ft. Wortb. Tex, II; Bmwawood 12: 
Belton IS; San Aotonio 14; New Brannrels 
IB: Waco 16; Waiahachle IT: McKlnney IS; 
Denlson 10; Greenrllle 20: Manhall SI. 

Mr. Dooley. Fred Rider, mgr.: BkahH^aa. 

Ala., 8.14: Montgomery 10.18. 
Marching Throngb Georgia, Cbaa. B. OMcae, 

mgr.: Kewark, N. J,. 0-14, 
NeePa. Carl. Ococert Band: En nmta wItt 
NMMlV Chleaso Amnaament Oa. Be* MM- 

war BoBlra. 

BtaMaM* Opara On.: Bala* City, Ida,. May 
l"Oct. 14. 

OCTOBER 14, 1905. 



NILES.— Veilwck TIi*atre (SI. K. WlUlams, 
msr.) Croiloc-.Nevllle Co. week Sept. 25: floe 
enmpsny »imI S«o<« bMlness. The Holy Cltj 
OM. S: X SIUIIODalre Trump 5. 

liUDOniXLUTIIXE. — Th-Iu Cttr Opera 
Haut^tAdaais * Bain, men) Barrls-PMrklo- 
mOo. «t*k Sevt. M: broke boon iccord tor 
builoea* wd «nu|Mnr was good. 

VlWAr-ftbt Cotter Stock Co. week Sept. 
■")' p'eaacd (air bnaloess. UaTerly.'s Jliiiitrela 
is'- good boalncm. Soosa'a Itend Oct. U; 
atiiotlac >k* .CkaHo M; aenlnujr Olrl IT. 


rrm «""''^*-— g';*gi*_ S.*'**i - a mr 

Bxebauge week 2; bwlMM fMo* wlHta 

of 0» week U. , _ „ „ 

Cbeatnut Street Theatre. In Tammanr Hall 

week 8; I>i8 bunlDess. 
linie Tlieatre. Uabea In Tbe Wooda week 

S: WrtBaaa talr. Ttie Earl and Tbe Oirl 

week 0. 

Cbeaaat Street Opera House. The Coonty 
Cbalrman week 2; fair bualneu. Woudlaud 
week 8. 

Broad Street Theatre. Tlola Allen In The 
Toast of TUe Town week 9. 

Waluut Street TUeatre. Ume. WMMHaa^ 
Helnk In Love'a Lottery week 8. 

Park Tbeatre. Tbe Errand Bor ««* S; footf 
Inislness. Simple SlniHi Slniple week S. 

Grand Opera Uonae. Tbe Bladt Ctaok wlaek 
2- fair buxineas. NaoCT Brown week 9, 

Glrard Tbeatre. The Bludaw BebM Tkl 
mtoDe week z; median MatacHi Ur Tm- 
tor Old week *. 

KatI— I' Tfcwm>._ Custet'a Last Ftsbt week 
S; good bualmieii. Lost In a BIc City week 9. 

Waner's Tbeatre. Wedded and ffarted week 
S; soud basloess. After Midnight week B. 
Fcople'c Tbeatre. FlgtatinK Fate week 2- 
Sbe Dated - — 

to Oo Btiebt week 0. 

week 3: medlnm patRHMg*. Kettlt. n* Xmra- 

glrl week 2. 

Fotepaugli's Tbeatre. The stock company In 
Tbe Face Id The Moonlight week 2; good 
business. Tbe CowboT and The Lady week B. 

Standard Theatre. Tbe stock r~T la 
Comberlaod 'Gl week 2: good boalatas. Sie 
Worst WocDao lo London week 8. 

Keith's Tbeitre. VaoderlUe contlnaea to 
draw good bUHlnrsa. 

ElsTvntb Street Opera Hooae. Dnmont's 

Ulnstrela continue Indefinitely to good bnal- 

Caslno Theatre. Tbe Bowery Barlesqoers 
week 2; fair business. The European Sensa- 
tion Borlesqoer* week 9. 

BUoo Tbeatre. Miner's American Borlesqucrs 
week 3; good taalncM. Um Meir Xork, Jr., 
week B. 

^gjoertero^^iykg^ bMNM. '■aSStaa 

'*I«!BHnB**nc2tMb FM« IMMi Jfajcrtlc* 
week »i and 

•ttc. The Bine 


S: teFli 

Moseoa. Business eontinnes excellent. 

..ALXOCnU. — SteTSBth Arenne Opera House 
.(Lttk-lMUir. Mgr.) Don Tbone Sept. 2S; 

Bob FItialmmaiis 20; good show 
— ' Why Women Sin 27; good 
The .Sqoaw.Uai> 38; good 

.. . CheAers . 29r good wow 

.A SIaee ot Tbe lIlU M; fair 

.•bow. A DangcroG* Life Oct. 2: blr aboir and 

business. King of Ttamps 4; Pie t l j P^ggr 
Child iSlaves of ]<ew Xork 6; Boman Hearts 
T: The Haaesnoon Itwin'a MaJaaUca U-IS: 

... ig,,.o^ miianlin M. 

naXS.-4«Mim Theatre (8. Has- 
auer, mgr.) Adelaide Tbnratoa Sept. 98: large 
and well-pleased aadlence. Deldaon Uorlng 
Pletaie Co. 2T-2S; good show and fair IhisI- 
neaa. DerU'a Auction 29; big boalneea. The 
Bowery 'Newagiri SO; good boalneaa. Busy 
bay's Vacation Get. 2: pleased «ood boalneas. 
The Olrl and Tbe Bandit S: « 
ance and boalneaa. . HnMlM _ 

bosiness. A MiiiioaalrB VaunB T:~ 

stock Co. ireek 9. 

WATEBBBRT.— PoU'a Tbeatre <H. ParaoBS. 
mgr.) The Nlnety-and-NIne Sept. 24; good 
bnsiDeBB. wm. Bodge 25; (air boslneas. Hen- 
rlctta CrosmaD 26; good bosiness. Sherlock 
Holmes Oct. 2; Viola Allen In The Toast of 
Tbe Town 6: The Dangers of Working Olrls T. 

Jacqnea Opera Bonae (P. W. rTtspatHek. 
mgr.) Geo. Boey * Co., Mallory Brotbera. 
&!SIL*?li'%!!'4!?' I'd ^an. 

~^G?« ^Ti *^ ' 

KAZUTOH,— The Otand CBentr Water, 
mgr.) Myw'a Stock Os. week X; pleaaed (air 
baalnsM. Happy Booligaa lit Steeping Bcaaty 
and Tbe Beast 18; Mary Kmecaoa 147 

Family Tbeatre (Harry Knanblaneh. mgr.) 
Taneans, Tbe Great Tan- Bat, FiedeiTck, 
Smith and Began, Harip Bnekmaa, Uw. Baa- 
•er. andatMlaK.plciatw «Mk t-li. 

TOaSf fmrn , A eada m y «C Vosle (B. B. 
Morris mgr.) Utie Many Jones Seat. SS: 
pleased Isiie bnstieas. Uahel XeKMligr S6; 

boslneiia. CNdoe-MrrBle Co.. week Oct. 
2; The ^taan InOg.Aat U; DrfiTg Ane- 
Hw tt; BLhu i rnm mmttnr Mi Ouilde 

■•adt Osu IMS. 

SRAaeV.— Grand (I«e Norton, mgr.) 'BolAy 
Bairy la Little Jobnnr Jones Sept.' aS: good 
St '"S!"'* Pertormanee. Too Proud to Beg 

B; Mnaed fair iioalaaHk Bosy~ Isay'a 'vara 
?*.*t *w perfoiaaace ana bosiness. Black 

Bo ri s aq u e ia 30; <alr house and per- 


. Opera House (A. J. Blalr. mgr.) 

A Pair of Oountrr Kids Sept. SB; fair bual- 
neiB. Not Like Other' Girls SO: fair bu»I. 
je«8. Adair. Gregg and Adair: oanceUed. Uot 
Ukc Other Girls (return date) Oct. 4; Impe- 
rial Stock Co. B-7. 

COLTniBU.— Opera Bonae <B. " W. Btala- 
ser. mgr.) 3o(> nuslmmooa Sept. 20; can- 
celed. Deea Thome Sept. 2T: fair boalneaa 
•xd good performance. Old Home Week SB; 

Pncked boose. Hie Baaeymoaa 30; Tlie Two 
Johns 2. 

Why Women Sin 28; A Dangeroas Woman Oct. 
4; Tbe Sign of Tbe Ouaa T; The Boly Oty 10; 
Dora Thome 13; Eiien Boldea 28. 

rOTTBTOWV.— Grand Opera Uonse (S. Glas 
gow, lea., and J. W. Gamble, mgr.) East Lyane 
Sept. 83: good bosiness aad fierTomiance. .\ 
DeaeoB Tnm New Z«rk M; (air business nu . 
pertormaaee. Happy Hooltgan 30; good show 
and bualnen. Dora Tborne 8. 

BUTLER,— Majestic Theatre (Geo. N. Buck- 
baiter, mgr.) DerU'a Auction Sept. 28; good 
haatneas and show. A Fight For Lore SO; 
good performance and hnslDess. The CrodoC' 
Neville Co. 8-14; Dora Tborne 18. 

WILLIA1C8P0BT. — LycomlDg Opera Houae (L. 
J. PUk, mgr.) SI Stetdtlns Sept. 29; fair bnsl. 
neaa. TUe Vtllagt- Parson Oct. 2; Not Like 
Other Girls 3; Uadley's Xlorlng Pictures 4; Un 
man Hearts 5; Campbell Sttatton T. 

COBBT. — Messenger Tbeatre (C. T. Trim- 
ble, mgr.) lUark-Urban Stock week Sept. 25; 
good buKlneas and excellent company. Rudolph 
and Adolph 11; Echoes From Broadway 13; Gold 
Dust Twins 17; A Coaotry Buy In New Xork 

KEBISEir.— Uerlden Tbeatre (Jackson & 
Reed, mgrs.) Bennett & Muni ton Co, week 
Sr|it. 2S: good bualnesa, Tbe Saoibo Girl wltb 
Eva Tangnay Oct. S; FtankUn WoodcuK in 
Ben of-Bsgfeaa Bair C < 

OMCta Boose 
e TMB'a Ckbln 

OaSHBERSBIIBe. — ^Rosedale 

(Fnnfc Shinabrook. mgr.) Dnele 

8; Tba Village Vaiaon S; The Watcxmellon 
Trtat I. 


COimiBUk — Opera Bonse. Beaben In New 
Xork Sept. SS; fair bssioiss. Fnnk Deshon In 
The OScc Bay ZT: large boainesa. Tbe Biraia 
za: asad baalneas and flne performance. 3fe- 
FaddM^ ttalB Oct.. 8; The Btetnel CUr 4; 
Lonia Jamea 8: Mason and Mason 7. 

SPARTANBUKQ.— Greenwald's Opera Honse 
(yiax GreennaU. msr.) Barlow's Minstrels 
Sept. 28: S. K. O. and pleased. The Jefferson 
Boys In Tbe Rlrals 2S; large and entbosiastlc 
aadlence. A Bunch of Keys 29; good bnaJ- 
nesa. The Fortune Teller Oct 3. 

OSEZKVnXE Gr-iDd Opera Boose (B. T. 

Whltmlre. mgr.) -Barlovi-'s 'MlnstrtU Sept. 27: 
line baalness and performance. A Banch of 
Keys S8: Ml house. Tbe Eternal City Oct. 3. 


MEWBIS.— The Kew Lyeenm (F. Gray, 
mgr.) At. G. Field's Minstrels Sept. ST-ZS; 
pleased imoaensely. AL H. WtlsOB Get. 9; Tbe 
County Chairman 6-7. 

Tbe BUoo Tbeatre (B. M. Stalaback, mgr.) 
Happy HcoHgan'a Trip Arooad the World 
week Sept. 2S; good tmslness. Lorers and 
Lnnatlea week Oct. 2. 

Tbt Grand (A. B. Morrison, mgr.) Prof. F. 
D. Sngg, ArmatroBg and Holly. Clayton. Jenk- 
Ina and Jaaper, Bomano Estelllta and Qabar- 
don. Mareaa and Gartelle. BeUt Bnthaia. Bet- 
tie nHd af — i lat tMna .«nfk Oat *t w* 

^ . 

'Way bawB 


PALESTINE.— Opera Honse (W. E. Swift, 
mgr.) Albert Taylor Stock Co, Sept. 19-21; 
good company and baslaess. An Aristocratic 
Tramp 30; fair Khovr and baslnesa. Ttie LUk 
ertr BeUes Oct. 2; Cnde Josh Perkins 3. Un- 
der canvas — Barnnm and Bailey Show 18. 

OALVESTOS. — Grand Opera Honse (Fred. G. 
WrlB, mgr.) Black FatU Sept. 24-2S; good 
bosiness. Gnde Josh Perkins 28; good busi- 
ness and (air performance. Lord Baltimore 
Oct. 1; An Arlstocracfc Tramp S; Tbe 14berty 
BeUes 6. 

CLEBXTBITE Brown's Opera Boose (Jno. B. 

Johnson, mgr.) Billy EefanaS^ Mtaattiela 5; 
The Peterson Comedy Co. MB; BhCk Pattl 
14; Lord IBaltlmwe 16. 

WAZABACBIE.— Shelton Open Boo4> (V. 
B. Sheltoo, mgr.) Bleh Stock Co. Sept 28-80; 
good eompaay and haalneaa^ The Laala Dean 
Bt oek C h. Oct B-7. 

O^SS?a^T~nei.lSrS* M&a*B& 20: 
good Mmmh and performanee. 


BUTLASO.— Opera Bonse (Boyle ft Bieb> 
mer, mgrs.) Tbe Bell Boy Sept 26-27; good 
boalncira: Uncle Tom's Cabin 30; good boai- 
nesa. Rained XJees Oct. 4. 

ST. ALBAVB. — ^Wangh'a Opera Baaasj[& B. 
Waugh. mgr.) Ruined Lleea B ~ 
buslneeg. Coon Hollow 28; good 
poor business. Darid Hanua i, 


BBISTOL.— Sarmeltng Tbeatre (JC. It. Xswl- 
er. mgr.) Wooda-Brownlng Co. week Sept. 18: 
good attendance and company. iSim Bob White 
80. Under eanesa— <WaUaee Shows S. 

ra H V t liTiUti— iHfaflenrr o( Mnale (Emeat L. 
Melton, mgr.) The Eternal Ci^ Sept. 26; 
fair bualnesa and good pei<onuace. Tha Oiana- 
man SO; packed booae and A Mad att^BBllaa. Tha 
Denver Express Oct. 4; ilwailHBl and Skt- 
Seld's Minstrels 13. 

HOBTOLK. — ^Academy of Mnslc (Otto Wella. 
mgr.) -Louis James in Vlrglnlos Sept. Q; good 
bosiness. Babes In Toyland 2847; Mg bual- 
nesa. Ohss. B. Hanford 29; flMd 'hatfncvs. 
Susaime Santje In Sowing the ^Had Oet- 6: 
Bffle Elsler In Haxel Kirk 7. ' 

Granby Tbeatre (Otto Wells, mgr.) York 
state Folks Sept. S3; packed house. A Son of 
Rest Oet 3; good busineas. Under eaavaa— Wal- 
lace Bhawa la. 


_ X B«rBl%nl« iS'Se SSi a»i 

boalneaa.. The Show «M. 6; OaaM Bally lo 
Our fa' s t e r 8; JnUa . Ony te Bee Only Sin 
11. Hb Latt Dollar 16. 

. Blloa Family Theatre (F. l, O'Brien, mgr.) 
The Two Bays. "Mack Sisters. Dnteh Walton. 
'Barley's Dogs. The Vietoi*. Nelson and Bel- 
- - -— oright, Blea and 

Morris and the awTl 
business and bUL 

EAU CLAIBE. — Grand Opera Boose (0. E. 
Mouu, mgr.) The School Fur Husbands Sept. 
23; line attraction and good busineas. Her Uuly 
Sin ss; (air attiaettua and h Ms lns as The 
Irish Pawnbioketa ST; (air attracihia and guud 
bnslneaa. Banx and Ktx SO; The Orphan's 
Prayer Oct. 4: Kilties Band 6; Sanford Dodge 

FOBS NJ LAO.— Crescent Opera Bonae (P. 
B. Bahcr, lasr.) .Oar Maw Vlalata tot. 2S; 
pleased gasdhaaliMas. Bansb Bm Si ftlr hosl- 

Ideal TaadevlDe Theatre (r. J. O'Brien, 
mgr.) Tba Bajs, DeAerlene, Baekley'a Dogs, 
Tbe AIar«eaa, Anderson and FerUas^ Marie 
Alba, llmmm and Nelson and iha. iliWdiHiinii 
netk Bapt, fli; good bnslnesa. 


TOBONTO Grand Tbeatre (A. J. Small, 

mgr.) Kellar, the magician, week 2; de- 
lighted large audiences. £lBle Janls in Tbe 
Little DncLess n-eek B. 

Shea's Theatre (J. Shea, mgr.)^ 
and Inez Macaulc7. Burke and 
CHiamberlalns. Helena Glrard, 
2; good hill and patrooai 

Uassey Mnslc HaU (8. ' 
Famoua Boston Syn 
8; immense business. 

ST. JOHN, N. B. — Opera House (A. O. 

Skinner, mt'r.) Wilbur Stock - Co. week 2. , 

York Tbeatre (B. J. Armstrong, mgr.) La- 
Note Brothers. Spaoldlag. Broths^-. Bella and 
Dot. Tbe Selona. KvwM'ftmt ] jUih ■■ WHt M^ 
30; good buatnesSL 

SUr Tbeatre (T. W. State. The XaUy 

Olrls BurleSQners week . ^ aaOiM iMga 

crowdi. The lnDocnkt'll8lt8':BMk~8. 

Mantle Thaatta. {A. .aBBil^.::aB'.) . The 
Smart Set »a «B 'B} BSad-^iiMiaaaiL''. Tba 'F»oad 
to Beg week S. J. a: GIMSOX. 

ST. TH0KA8.— 'New Grand (D. Mclntyre. 
mgr.) Anue Abbot beaded a good bill week 
6<pt- 25; good business. Albeaa and ' LaBrant, 
Jane Coarttas|ie and Oa.. Kaac Brathcta. Four 
Juggling Monsaa, Da w sS a ' : and IWMHaH and 
moTing plrtaraa weak - Oat.- -fc 


There Is much specnlstlon bat nothing defi- 
nite SB to what will become of tbe old Mon- 
tank Tbeatre In Brooklyn. That it will re- 
main an Important factor in Brooklyn theatrl- 
cal« appears to be certain. Tba playbiMue is 

now la CMtiai tt tba city, and ComptraUer 
Croat la la a U i l ag -healad^da (or Its lease. 
There - la asaW '- CaB aC the I nd epen d e nt people 


D. Byan, tbe 
painter of London, arrived in New Xork last 
week with two assistants, to preiiace the aeen- 
for Xlaw ft IWaager'a Xha Maee of 

pmldent and manager, and A. B. Searlea la 

secretary and treaaorer ot the new company. 
Tlie boose is to be erected by popular aob- 
scriptioa, the certificates of stock being re- 
deemable IB tickets to any attraction, aiareg 
are adUng (Or gl.OO each. 

Tbe theatre is to t>e centrsUy located, and 
to have an entrance on Fonrteenth atieet. It 
will be 53 feet wide and 100 deep. It will 
seat about 800 people, and will haia Conr or 
aiz prirate boxea. A feature will ha. a Brat. 
eUaa portable dandng floor wlilch cam ho naed 
for halls, reeeptians, etc . 


While sppearlng in When Knighthood Was In 
Flower at tbe Winnipeg Tliestre, Winnipeg, 
Can.. Sept. 89. Ulas Boaelle Knott collapsed 
and USt to the floor In a (alot. It waa near 
tbe doaa ot tba aaeand act. The enrtaln was 
nd tkp acHnM taken to her hotel, 
waa (MNB ffl doing her Oalath 
and^lt wan eonttair to har phy 
" aa at 

Tka^ new BIfsn Thaatta at WMHa, 

wcned Ita iarn te Oa pdhUe Oct. I; L . 

for natranage srith one of the suoug e at eao- 
daelUe UUs ever pot on In this dty. Ilesars. 
Olson Brothers and Baldwis. eomposlng the 

wiui* eeeiT *eranlBi«M**ftg^aw Mt^SSm 
trans. The new hanaa tf aalS to he Ibe 

In the state. 


Tbe Interstate Anmaement On., tahteh u 
erecting a number of TauderiUe hooaes Huongb. 
out the southern states, aanoanees the open- 
ing of aome of its theatres aa foUowst Ua- 
Jestle at Ft. Worth. Tex.. Not. 27. lu bonae 
at Hot Springe win open Oct. 27; at Dallaa 
Oct. 80; Waco, Not. 8; San Antonio, Not. IB: 
Honston. Not. 20; and Little Bock, Dee. 4. 

Davenport's Big City Shows dosed 
Its sesson onder canras and reorganiaed te- 
cently In Cbarleroi, Pa. They carry fifteen 
pecuile. featuring TaodeTttle and comedy, and 
wlU play wratera PennaylTanla. Ohio and West 
Virginia. C. B. DaTenport Is manager with J. 

^IT. assistant. Mile. Mlraoonle. orien- 
tal and Spanlab dancer; Blandw Bay, pianist: 
l«n TotUe, aoabrette; and Beb and Bcnr, 
^t^arUBta,.m^. among tbe Taadeiflle pao- 

Amo; copyrighted by 
Sons. New York (Mty. 

Tbe CoDtlneutal Uuon Band; copyrighted Iv 
Marcus Wltmark A Sous. New York Uly. 

IMinty Little Ingenue; copyrighted hJ ~ 

Wltmark & Sooa. New York City. 

Dolly Dollars; copyrighted by 
mark A Sons. Mew "Xork City. 

Down by Tbe Bine Bio Grande; 
by Marcns Wltmark A StMia, New York City. 
An Bdneated Fuvl; cxiuj righted by Mareaa 
' * OamM, Mew Xeck VUy. 

nd The Owl: CBorilgbted Ir-akri 
* SoDSk Mew^ack atr.^ 
Happy Jappy Soldier Man; ' oopyrlghttd hr 
Marcas Wltmark C Sons, New York City. 

High Jinks In Coon Town; eopyrigbted by 
Marcua Wltmark A Sana. Mew York City. 

Honey moon HaU; copyrighted by Marcus Wit- 
mark A Sona, New York City. 

Hop Scotdi; copyrighted by Ma 
A Sons. New Vurk City. 

I'm The Boy; copyrighted by 
mark & Sons, New Xork (^ty. 

It I Could Land a MUtJooaIre; copyrighted 
by Marcus Wltmark A Suns. New York City. 

If Women Uad Their Way; copyrighted hy 
Marcus Wltmark A Sons. New York City. 

In Tbe Shadow of Tbe ryramld; copyrighted 
by Marcus Wltmark A Sana; Kew York Gttr*' 
I-re Got He JHgkt. 88 law*. XaSu-BK, ],:BSg' 
copyrlsbtcd hv^Maaaaii'-WBmaBB' A' 8iaai^^!SMih 
Xork_Clty. ' 

ZoanatC ''Alsag: copyrighted Sgr BBie. 
*_Snib Mew York dty. 

»; ccvyrigbtcd br Ifiae^ 
B Sana. New Yotk CUy. 
' msicaa iHentlia: aa Milg htad ' 
innaark C Sena, Neir^RiK Gltr> 

- llM»beams; copyrighted br - 

ft aoos. New York caj— 

Keptnne; copyrighted 
Sons, New York City. 

The Pearl and The Pumpkin; copyrighted by 
Marcos Wltmark A Sons. New York City. 

Sally Aim; copyrighted by Mareaa Witaaik B 
Sons. New York City. - • .-- 

Sans Gene; copyrighted by MaitHn 'HllMnik' 
A Sons. New -York City. 

The Self Made Family; capyrtgbtrd by Kar- 
ens WItmarIc & Sooa. New York City. 

Sounds From Oybiaerthal; cnvtlghtcd tv 
Theodore Presser. phlla" 

SpUced: copyiigkted 
Phludeliilila. Pa. 

Viatons Sweet: eopnlghtcd by ' 
Preaser. Phlladelpbla. Pa. 
_WltcUag Qlaaeeat raaiilghtad ^ 
Preascr. PbIIadrlpUB.nnu - 

Cblng<«-Ilng FovB «MHMtal'lr K'Kr 
lek. Detroit. ■"" ~ • ■~' ~. 

D aad le . Uy Dcadeaaaaat aaaMlnUaB 
Bemlek. Detroit. Mich. ---t-.-. -'T 
Drnmmer Song; copyr i g h ted ly' >. B. 
I<*. Detroit. Mich. 

Fare Thee WeU; copyzlgbted hy J. B. 
Ick. Detroit. Mich. " ^ 

FoollBbness; copyrighted l)y J. T 
Detroit. Mich. 

Honey Lore Me AH Tbe Time; 
by J. H. Remick, Detroit. MIcb. 

JoUy Fellows; copyrighted by J. H. Bemlek. 
Detroit. Mich. 

Here's Looking at Von; copyrighted Iw'lta 
BsTiland Pnb. Co., Jtew York CUf. 

The noodoo Tree; copyrighted telle Bert,' 
land Pnb. Co.. New York City. . 

In Tlmboctoo; copyrighted' by- The BaTBand 
Pub. Co.. New York City. . 

Mary Jane; copyrighted by nta -Harlland 
Pub. CO.. ifew Task aiy,:«7. .-, .-, 
A QnaMOU HHM .espvrMte«JV.!~ 

jt .a^ai ^aawSkted * tm '. 

The Ana of 

righted by A. „ 

The Broken Vlolla. In 

hy A. B. L 


The Paker. In 

K. Hardey. 

The King of 
righted by Guy 

Ring Patrick tbe-'VI 
righted by L. MTIH 
LeOa. in tarn aelai' 


V Spendthrift, in three acta; copjrisiwrd 
by_Blduird Pint. _ 

"la ft<ar acts; ww 

VaiUfix'vS^ "* copyrighted by 

^ ^iS^ ^ «• wit- 

inett: III 'miillW » Wll8i8il I 
Mew TartToMy. " ^ * - " 

bjJtWItassik ft Smm. Mew Tsik O?. 
W Bate ■ciBant: egnngfeM Ir X. WU- 
mark ft Saaa. Mbir TadT*^ w — w~ 
Beslgaatlaa: t 

Sons. New Teak 

3*r Ufc: eopyrlgkte* by Jt. Wlt- 
mark ft Seas. New York City. 

«'!S!f' J*'-,2?"' ««W«lghled te JahB 

Clndtmatl. Ohio. 

I'ae Quit Wotktact 
Baker. U. S. i 

Baker. Kane, 

Minnie DOMiv; caiRlgMcd te T. 7. 
Tnlsa. I. T. 

Jesus Sec* Me Brery I>sy; copyrighted te 

A. S. Barlow. Detroit. Miclt. 

Uncle Ike; copyrighted by Walter Baasett. 
Orer 'nie Silvery Warea; copyrighted hy 

B. L. Blankaaahip, Bliome, Trx. 

ne BeDe of The Ragtime BbB; cspyslghtea 
by the Pioneer Pub. Co., riilragl '~' 
Tlie Centennial Pair; cog 

Pioneer Pnb. Cb„ (Hilesgo.. IlL 

Conststicy; copyrighted by the Pioneer Fab. 
Co.. Chicago. III. 

The I>aneinK Slippers: . esByilght|# te the 
Pioneer Piib. 0».. ChleaiHk.lB. - . 

Day Breaks; copy^iM tr •! '.,MB88r 

Pub. Co.. Cblesgo. in. 

Dear Little Baby GM; - fcopyrlifbteil te tte 
Pioneer Pub. Co., Chicago, 111. 
Dreaming Sweet Dreaas'oC The Past:-cote- 



Tent Shows 

Wild West 


«( tte AL O. Banwa Ttmlocd 

ir, ma anacM tir tbe llM. Xcm, 

at Cameron. Mo.. Srpt. ti, aaA.aaalalwd In- 
Jarln wbldi rortimatrlr ««t.' MC . MtaMb v In 
jmnplar timu bla case tlir Bub ^ i r a hw i l an 
ankle. Be limped perceptibly, bat tbe trainer 
contlaiMd to pat blm tbnogb tbe act. Id 
tbe finlab Nero refuaed lo lie down iio tlie 
bonr'a back. A UkIi fmm >Iinr. Busn' whip 
(track tbe anlmain Injarrd root. IMaBHT- 
Mero apranc fonrard eatcfalas and la««.iaMi>B 
tbe tcalner*a band and cmaiitaK >hir Bttto 

pbjUcUD, and 
pear In tbe act. 


A' Kport from Uadrld. Spain, on Oct. 2. 
Iiringa tbe Informatlua .tbat a aertniui riot oc- 
cnired at Saratpxa tbe ereninx prertona irhen 
tbe maoasemeDt of a drcas attempted to elim- 
inate a part of tbe perfominnce. Tbe aodtence 
became enrased at tbo eliioiniitlon. and tbreat- 
«ied to wreck tbe cbmut. The pullcc were ap- 
pealed to and tbc7 - aarceedrd only after a 

iKhrnr> wiu. ESTABUMf circus 

Arcble Borer, clown and comedian tbta arm- 
•on witb tbe Sells A Diiwns Sbowa, annooncea 
tbat next leaMm tbe Rojer Bnitbera will bare 
a abow of their own. It will be known an tbe 
Bojer Brotbrre Great United Sbowa. Arcble 
wlU appear tbls winter In Xext DtMir, bavln^ 
already opened In tbe sncn-iwrul piece. They 
mi a alz weekB' eOKafCrnjcnt In New York City 
bcfu* lanncblng tbelr new staow next aprinc. 


■ilv. N. Aiken. tniTellnic paaaenser agent of 
* C wltb beudiioartrra at Lexington. 
^T^baa beco prwmoted to Nortbeaaterii ras- 
■nsv Agent. ■ wtib - beadqnartrcii at Detroit. 
Ulcb. Mr. Alkra la tbe auB oT Geo. W. Aiken, 
the Teteran tUim jmmtm'Mtt' tt HMMlld aa 
one of tbe bdShMiC ^MIV 'nInaC' MMB In 
tbe coutiy. 


Tbe following letter, dated Sent. 9, mm 
Coney Island. N. explalna Ita^: 
Tbe Billboard: 

Gentlemen — Owing to eooalderaMe e1^a^l^«l 
connected wltb tbe UcCadden American drnu 
tonnng France, I detlte to mike a abort alate- 
ment to tbe pnbUe tbat will set matter* 
stralgbt aa far as my Intereata were coneeraed 
with the aggregation. 

When tbe elrcns was being organized, I bad 
CTery assurance that It was on as strong h 
basis as tbe Bock of Gibraltar, and in mor^- 
ways than one was promlml tbat If I Im- 
ported and tnmlabed a flrat-clasa tmnpe of 
•^Man Azaba tbat were noTel. original anrt 
MBCWIiat different from the general ran In 
— g appearaaca and pertbrmsnre. I wonid be 
■nMcM ta. erety way flnanelally. 
C** lP*"?^ J ■ *— ilnbloaa In fnmlsb- 
"*.■■■**** ^— g». aa I was extremely 
■jy wlt B^ mm^t ntt ■ tWHipee ' and enterprises. 
S21 f?--^??'!'''. •"aaare and petvnaslTeness 
waa braBclit -*DC:bev aaiae.ftiim tbe pnmlaed 
Onandal gnaantees. I agreed t» hbo** tte 
dcabed! Fenan: traope of AiSbi. 

On algnfaig cou ti act s I Immediately 'ooled 
oat ny o MIgatfana . and at gmt «MMk.Klr- 
tag bond tn tbe ctalefa of tike toSTm wtU 
aa to tbe Saltan- of Moncoo tot'^^ 
X tlimlsbed tbe greate at tioap* 
Anta vttiat baa erer Mt--'<hS^taBW.-am. 
117. and which on their inuni iim g ji^fc .an 
biBtBiitaaeaw snccesa. ■ ■ " ■ 

career of tbe moeb-beralded kreCaddoo 
AmeneattN^drcaa Is only too rirld bef^ (he 
pnbUe eye to recapltnlate; affairs were in a 
aony . pMght. performers and attacbees In all 
oranaiea were stranded In a foreign c uu u tr y. 

Terge of starratlon. and wltbaoc any 
fllllde IBfUg Of retnmlng boihe. 
i?*flS5 tte drcns cloeed I was apprised of 
2* ■5'^!'?? ."T renreaenuthre. with tbe 

Bmut tMt I' l»» edlately aet aan tor France 
" SP*._** _WF m tnl booked my Fezzan tronpe 
t^^fm-JIMamam^en^n Parla ter two weeks. 
■ g— . ■■™..0W)ir-* **y re-engaged by 

' **T g»e mootb more at The 

» — . T— - •™** th*n 1 hsTc been 
, wira eootneta for this tronpe from 
^— paria of Buiufje. 
: ^^S<r o ti<eet ta wrlttag yon. Mr. Editor. Is to 
■amBaaa nqoB J<oa and yoor readent that my 
~_J' ooe « diarge on tbe charity of the 
cr IB Act; I deponltpd a mbatgatUI nro 
• — to p^rta towatds 


I tmat tbat yon win glre this ccommtml- 
catlon dne pnttUdty. and In tbe Intemts or 
the prafeislon at large one yonr InBoenc^ Ln 
promoting laws that will demand sufflclent 
gnanntee to be deposited by the directors of 
amnsement. oigaalxatloaa. .wbetcby. artists and 
*n eiBplegM«.aii» li wi i r irf :<a MitastaMa re- 

tmn t» Sg.SMat nmumamet tbcr wtc* cn- 

. By adopting sacb laws much dis trr s s In the 
pmfeaalon would be srolded, and abow bnsl- 
JMB.WOOId be coBdncted oB. a -mora legitimate 
piMk fefM ' to higher Mtpem.' I am 


Not only bare trsde and traffic disappeared 
from Somers, leasing an air of qolrt cnnteot- 
edoess, bat one of tbe atrsngest poMctble In- 
duxtrl^R lias also gune. Simple and primi- 
tive (boagb It now Is. Somers was for years 
the center of tbe menagerie banlneai of the 
rnlted SUtea. ----- 
qnarters even 
trailed thmogh 

Km uf aaecatiT. thia. ■ i ny i la re- 
01ft, Md alMM aU of tbe 

. Bad qallB a part of tha Inwer. 

point promUy to tbe baS and Una of tbe 

Bnt In almoat every piece of emat tbere Is 
the learen of tbe abovrman and tbe tent. In 
tbe early psrt of tbe past century sn old 
resident acquired tbe ownership of an ele- 
phant— bellered to base lieen tbe first elepbani 
ever hroogbt tn the United Rtstes — snd he pn*- 
ceeded to exhibit It throngbont the cunntry, 
Spurred by bis snccess anil bis example all 
Siimers tbrew Itself Into the show business: 
snd. tboogfa the last mensgerle besst snd hint 
long slni-e departed to ItM flnsi rest, yun msy 
still bare pointed ont, with s sort of modes! 
prlite. tbe erstwhile h»me of the hippnpotsnins. 
BiMr • bars: tbe hng and fealarelent Aed 

Bmthefa. UMl-Ot wltb 
Sbuan, lOM wlib the 

toek. ISM wltb 
tlie GrMt nn 




Onr oorrespondent at Chambersburir. 

I»a.. wrltca: "The Frank A. Bobbins' Show 
gaye two excellent performances here Sept. 
23 to large andlrnces. They spent Sanday 
here. tir. Bobbins and Fred. Beckman. Iie- 
sldes a score uf attaches, were royally enter- 
tained St TVolf I.ake Tsrk by their brolbrr 
showman. Col. M. H. Welsh. Tbe Colonel Is 
p etting the fin ishing toocbea _to_ bla colored 
amaraaatlaB - aC Uttf -Mapla siMcb talMa flha 

Matws*r Harry P. Cnrtla of adver- 
IMbk car Ho. 1 of the Great Wanaee Shows 
waa ptiwatt d wUk -a beaatlM tOtuf pin l>j 
the auMlmg it M i me Orb 4 at ■arSeld. 
w. 31k; ogm aflftvM nijiiwiiij the 
bag* at thr WlaiMr Rawt. Th w l w af the 
men who atar taa «at wtth the ear SaMM the 
■rnaoB. whleb titmtt at WDHhm*. W. Ta.. 
Oct. Not a day^ feasS lack waa a i garta at jd 
tbe entire aeuoD, 

The following tent shows played the 

state of Ksnsss dnrlni; the mnnfh of 5lep- 
tpniber: Rlngllng Brntbert. Furfpingh-Splla. 
Sells ft Powns. Cnniiiliell Broihen*. Pawnee 
niirs wild West, the lOI Banch Wild Wesi 
Show snfl several smaller ones. Mnney appeared 
to be plentiful, and In spite of tbe strong op- 
position business was repOTted good In all 

The roster of the annex of the John 
Rnhlnson Ten Big Shnwa bi as follows: Cal. 
Towers, manager: Cbas. Brssle, assistant man- 
sper: L. C. Zelleno. lecturer and oin»;IrlMn; 
Franks Sisters, bag pnnchet*: Zello. chest ex- 
pansionist: rrot. Melllran. electric lattitoni 
man; Jesa. anake enebaatteaa: Tbe Arrarla. In 




beside which the great Ilnn hreafhtd fell last. — 
From At Tbe Sign of Tlie ElephaM, fer Bobert 
atiackletoii, la Fonr-Track Neara li ~ ' ' 

Notes from the Miller ' Brothers' 

Show: We opened oar -sawson Jone' 1 In St. 
Lonla and hare rrimliifil here erer alnre. 
making week standa oa^ the different Iota. We 
close Oct. 25 to pat 'ont a hall show. We 
use an elgfat foot.topC with a forty font midrlle 
piece. Tbe following ^people base been with 
tbe show all aammer: unier Family Inlne In 
nnmber) bicycle act: Criasy. Freddy ami Irene 
Unier. trapealata: ITarry '-Miller, boanitlng rope: 
Mr. and Mm. Cbrla. Miller, carrying nerch: 

Uike Hlndai; -Haektecev CMnedbm: Johnny 

Max. rnuisB aamfdlaat- KMy and Snyder. 
comedlaaB: PiaC - Abtihardt aad hia hand of 
^ ."g**' l»wi*nc, aaa.UlhagiBphrr; 
Mia. Auttmit n junmm t i mt Bany untor, 
maaaarc;. namu Umm, agrS n. Snea a alaty 
foot hl^ dlw Ma a art aa tbe Ctee attrae- 
tloo. We aap ■ ul a t pMartB Ihr eoocert 
BhowlBg at Bight «Bty. BmrtMac la Dew 
with tbe show from toe pin ta Oagataff, and 
we nae electric llghta for Ughtlag parpoaea. 

W. D. Ferguson of JjoB Anselea, CaL. 
wTltea as foUowi coecrndaK MM l ^ a^^pi A 
BaUey Show: "Tbat an cccavaa IB IMa City 
were smashed for attendance demaBatratcn the 
fact that the people of the weot ate lorera 
of good amnaementa. Tha deeer prena work 
of tbe big abow waa highly commended 
br the popniare. and Mr. Dan. FIsbell. tbe 
repre«entattTe back with tbe show, made an 
Indelible hit here. Besides getting tbe beat 
dhow notices erer printed by tbe big dailies, he 
was made the hero of sereral social fnnetlons 
and entertained la fine style by the Lot An- 
geles Press Clob." 

Owing to the Illness of his mother 
at Uncoln. Neb., Bert Cblpman closed with 
the Sells A Downs Sbowa at Oaage City, Kan., 
Monday. Sept. 25. Mr. Cblpmsn wUl be lo- 
rated at Lincoln doring tbe winter months. 

5!SJ?^, *^E£j*?f* I""' •» "tended 

period. In iggg he waa wttk-Raak O. Baa- 

The opposition of the Great 
Adam Forepaagh-Sells Brothers Sbowa Tislted 
tlip abow at Wicblta. Knn.. Sept. 27 fur the 
first time since the second stand ont early In 
the spring. The llne-op of the brlirsde Is as 
follows: nsrry Orsham. William Cain. Oenrgr 
Clare. Fred Winters, Bert Wilson, niram . Green 
and Dan Scaolln. 

At Gallatin, Mo., Sept. 30. the 
Oreater Norrla A Bow* Shaw celebrated Its 
Iblrtietb week of tbe present aessoo. It la 
donhtfiil when that organhuttoo will clnae. aa 
a nnmher of weeks are already contrarted, aad 
the show Is coDstantly sibling to Its llat Of 
acta and elowna aad lacreaalas Ita atock. 

Ganaral Supt. Fted. C, Murray and 
Managrr ■. 8. Klaa; at rala*a atwctaelsa. were 
In lirtatw. nu wrrii oC 8lM. A 4arlBt tbe 
eihibittaB or Tke Phn ml ofn Arthar.^osi- 
nraa waa (ond FiMar Ratarday. bat owing 
to heavy ralna the Satorday exblbltloa waa 

The Floto Shows turned them away 
St both performances In Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 
25. It waa by no means an Ideal eirena day 
aa the snn refused to shine bnt a few moments 
at a time, and threatening rain with frequent 
sprinklea tended to keep people Indoora. 

During the engagement of the Nor- 
ris & Bowe Show at Gallatin, Mo.. Treganrer 
Thomas J. Meyers was presented Willi ■ sn- 
perh gold watch ky Walter SbaaaaB. manager 
of pilTilegea. — — — . 

baa caaa Ma wMcr qMrtcis at — ^-"^ 

PhoM 3a» WLmttLbtaAmA IS49 

TiMMN ft VandivNr 



816 g. Pemri St.. CTFinwWATI, O. 



rolea aod Stakoa, BEATS, Flasa. Blik 

PMMa M« — M a w Mv nmat raira 


S94i W. WaMnpon St., CHICAGO. ILL. 

/ imiiiiiiii ■ uu\\\u\\\\\\\V\\-.\\ 

Sbow Tents tor CIrciiaes. Wild West 
Sbowa, Black Tents. Candy Tops, 
Placs. KIdd & Baker Ughta. etc. 

SMI fw II HP pnct >i«t If SB8is-Biag tmii 

MB><I7 nelsware .V.. . . Kanaaa CMy. Me. 


All Kinds and Sizes 




D. M. m 

167 SoBth Cinal Sf.. 

I. CO., 

68iU60, ILL 


6? Bin Ithad Avt., • ekiuf*. III. 



From MAGEE & SON. 


Tents to let. all sUea. Black tents OU 
SDerlalty. Tel 'S63S Cort'andt. 



OUTFITS. USHERS and all othars. Send 
for Catalog, mentioo kind wanted. 
Special Attention GItcb the FrofcsalaB 


— >ok Haagen ~ . - . 




Lighting Systems 

T^i" w Shows. Parks. Streets. Stoivs, Hslla, EU^ Om 111 — 

adopted by all tbe leadtngabowa In this wSrld. UgfatalBadat Si 


Tlie Billboard 



IO-I8 N. Dasplaines St., CHICAOO, ILI^ 

Years Experience 



All Holt Hi Shn 




•y (Ifftoorporate^ 


BLACK and RED t AaytUiicMAaotm*M 



VTNTON, lA^ Sept. 18. 1906. 
n. S. Tent an'l A wnlDK Co.. Cblcsgo, Til.. Gentlemen: Upon arrlTlnr here And the three cent* 
and bannerN awaltlncr uie. The ^ttudii all opened up cu my entire aatl:»factlun. and >oar prumpt 
dvUvt-ry (wlib<>u>. blUhUns the work is far In advance ut anr other firm I have ever dealt wi b. i 
The small tops are madH wlih the sauiHcare as tbe larger, and all m;c nicely. Tbeuun»le- ecker 
banners are ik-r(r«t in deslen and workmanship an-i m tre than "a hto- k anead" of other bannvrs 
I bare seen turned out <>r Cbl aK-i (blsaeaMiD. The "New Idea" KOxtiO black lined blue an. red 
top Is by tar the prettle-t tut> I have ever seen and a sure sucens tor muTinv ploare^, as It Ih J 
pt-rfuctly llcht-pruof and elres out an Inrliin? apD<-arance in pl&i'eot the tiresome o d black lop. I 
riie coloru are fast, and the drencbtne rain and bleacbinir sun s^m only to make the colo*s I 
briirhier and murH beautiful. That you may ifaln s meldeauf ihe beautiful aDDuaraniw u( thiti I 
tunl. set up. I am msllli<K yuu under st-t)<ra<e cover a pliotuKrapb uf same. To say I am delighted 

with this lent Is exiires>lni; It very mild, and i.^e ' pruiif tv the enclu.->ed urdri for a 22x7Uof the same raaterlal. Please rtuh ttllS i 
samti care all my prevluus orders have r- cclvt:U and ubll>;e. Yuurs Tery truly, K. M. P£KLEB« cate CblCMO All 

Ttte English and American Gazette, 
In Eoellxb In FraiKV. hai 

a relief fund for Ihf perrormer* and 

_ ot the ilrCadduD SUkhc. The Gatelle 

Mrt^ tbe baU nillloc by iuliacrlbint 20 fra. 
Edwin T. Zlegler. years ago' traln- 

ma»tpr tor the John ftoMoMm llb ii»». 'la agiiln 
In btrT^ns racct««idly Ullnx tkr mm* pAKitlon 
Kltii ilie Ten Bli^nr b«» tl» iTalin' loaded 
ud ander way hr tlM rrgolarlj.' 
The roster of Car No. 2 of the Goll- 

■V Bnlbeca Sbaw la an rellawii: Wm. Saxton. 
^mii Ed. Bader. bow billpoater: Rny Pur- 
criL aBeetai acent: Geo. Lereneaiir. flarry An- 
inw. Frank Dizoo. Bub Fire and Will Clark. 
Jtan Roaenbadc, who hut bee n ta tlie 


'Oct. • at 



In ten mlnotea fnim tbe opening 
rorty-flre Mlnatea From Brooiiway waa a bit. 
Tlie artlon waa awlft and pulnled: (lie char- 
acterUattna was rich and true, and eTery line 
Rtmck like a (rlplianinier. A Unit art of 
qnlet drollery and lUely tone* metpHi Into a 
aecoDd act of qnlck-flrina equivoke and hllart- 
of love and luoidnfr. Tlie ficvne of parting 
after the KId'a qoarrel with hla iiatnm briniKbi 
tears to many eyea, and plain Mary'a dlpw into 

patboa " 

What . 

Beoocd-Bctald. Oet. S, 

Tlie rcne^de ^Irlt of Irlah patrlntlam that 
aa<c threatened to bo haagiaft men aad ae. 

tM kg Ike «Mriac •< an grm la 
hm mt late " 

father. If tbe anthor of Bnrke's Worka oerer 
did any of tbexe tlilnga, what ia mure clear 
than that In netelertltig hU opinrinnlilra tie 
touk tlte fatal alep that leaiU iti>wuu-ard fnim 
tbe subllDie?. EKpeelally cvnumendahle waa Mr. 
Sarre'a aen^ of that teoMe wlihti la known 
only to the writer of anrh rtmniai^the lila- 
torlcal fatare. Time and aiealo be remlmlMl 
one of that Oeraan playwrlgbl wboae hem 
ended tbe ami art by esrlalmlng: "Tvommnr 
we commeneir tbo Thirty ITeam Warl" Bnrke 
bad the air bt fbnaeobig emj pan* of Ua 
wurka to the VHT nnnnnallM. md »*n a 
pretty Freneb naid bad tt* ptf ui k n t m ■ to 
art a (natrinMolal trap fkw Mm m 
share the tame and emrtmie of M 
The play la from the pen of 
Sayre. who ia aald to he Mr. Frobtpan** mdrr 
of playa. It revealed no Utile (tafi at tbe 
trtrlc* ot tbe melndramatle trade, and a flair 
qnantUr of tbe aallleo of ■ativ* 




One Ciicnlar Tant about 140 feat diaaatw. 

Od« Cm;ulAr T«nt about 04 foot d'anwtOR 

One Square Tent, ZTxSS feet. 

Ono thoomand yajda of Caavaa Bidisg. 

One Clown duiriot. ; 

Bpring-boarda, Seo*aawa eto. 

Ono Thrao Spring Top Ticket Wagon. 

Oao oomidotoBflt of Ci rcna Bo ata. 

Savatil nOUoa Expoaitiaa Zlekata 
•fwj puiDUH at tba 
" for any 

amtnr. gtmn; oijduid ratr. 

UO Bagltl«iiD» Tninatilaa and Ttekst OmmiI 
ling Machlnaa, nada br H. Bright. Xr~*' 
masUao la 'aqaipped with patent alaatxia 
tacbmaat. nuUng a denUa nglatar. 
Also 170 Olaaa Top Ckoppor Boxes. 
100 Regular Pattam Kagiataitag 

S50 Exit Tmna tfloa. 

1.000 eatranissd Iron Tiokst 

alas Coin B oxes, eto. 


500 "KhaU" ITniforma, fmialiMlK tl Ml 
and pants. - - .' 

200 Bpaeial Oranoats, made fkr OM llMMB 
Onarda at ths Wodd'a Tair. 

SOS «xbaU" 

500 8aU Swodi, BdU and Beabtarti. 

Til iMiaHi mt ath* ttama: Lambs* t » a» 


Aak for oar SpacUl OrtJ lBP» " JBfci. -Wi^. 

Iron ita.* CBICAGO. 


Portable Grand Standa and Foldlag Mr 
Gua 1 bairn manufactond. Brtl MKM S 
furnished and pla ns siJimtMillll to pM» 

pective puicbasers. 


5M1 Ohamplaln «L« OLEVELAWli, 


The above 1« one of the 1ST (H3 lodlvlduil piiotoRraptis which make ap the whole in the marveloos copyrighted motion pictnres of tbe 
ltritt'Ket9on fiicht talcrn at Colma. Cal. September 9. lOOG. RlsUt aow there are Ave outfits of the cenutne pictures operating In tbe 

Uatted SUba on* In San Ftnnelac o. anot her la Kew jiotk a nd one bt PorUand. _0n,^ white tlie other two^e belns_ bandied br ^^.^ 
At tte Biaake ^ ^ n^^rtSSt 

haid coal regkma. 

Two white cubs were born to one 
*t thn llliemii with tbe CampbeU Braa. Clr- 
nw aa fcpt. U. 9m naof^Ste^dM, tmt 
Aap hapn ta aMT tta aMMfe A vMa cab nan 
la a aaddcd naealty ana atMk of a fcilwllp. 

E. C. Olover. calliope player, and 
hla wife have closed with the John RoblDsoo 
Shows and gone Into Chicago for tbe winter. 

The Long Brothers Show cloeed Its 

Kasoa. Sept. 28. at PUlo City, Ohio, and stent 
Into wlster qoirtera at Clrclevllle. 
Mrs. Emma D. Barnum, wife of E. 

D. Bartinm. boss csnvaaaman, died at Union 
Oty, Tcnn., Oct. 1. 

Jacic Auslet will put out in the 
sooth a three nlgbtnttaad drsmstle eompaor 
as soon aa the wcwWe ta nM. 

I/eonard HoWenbet—r . trombone 
•Iver. has Jofnad Ike OMinlin OMthMC^ tta 

Jeas Brown baa joined the Great 
..Mkg Kww. an ■umi aC tte aMt Cbaar. 
y«n iWinmCho— le MUad tar 

aad plajwTigbts arc now daring 
tn put the aplilt ot Edmund Burke upon 
the ataac, .irtalerer the color ot his Galwaya— 
or even It be wore none at aU. The audience 
last night at the Majestic was of s very dif- 
ferent mlud. Edmund Burke was pure Irish 
from start to Cnlsb— the purest IriaU of Four- 
teeolh street; and It that was not good esoagb, 
so much the worse In Ita opinion for Edmund 
Burke. It hun(c on every word and deed, and 
recalled Ur. Olcott repeatedly. There was, 
to be aore. is the flgnre Sir. Olcott cat; not 
much of the author of the Esaay on the Snh- 
Ume. Bnrke appeared aa tbe dear, familiar 
adventorer In rags and an expaanlaa at waist- 
coat, who had an trteaistlhle B CW fc a la odd 
momenta for gathering a hevy of Chll*CB abont 
hlB lean knees and ainging aonsa to then. 
This ttme tbe old eptaode was earlad moat 
agreeably br making bhn Join the iaCut cmr 
in playing n game ot Indiana. Bla atendy 
Job. an eC aid. waa to make lor* to a lady 
hetreM aader the red noae of a heaey father: 
to anetor her In diatresa (the rovtiut eye of 
the Prince of Wales bad Hgbted on her. and 
hla mlnlooo had luted her to bis U>vc Keet); 
to i^t.j isgtie aocid hen» toe hte cinlwit 

wblskera. Even Oliver Ooldcmlth. poor and 
despised aa be appeared In hla garret, waa 
known ttf be a future claaslc GarTl<-k bad re- 
fused She Stoops to Conquer. Bnrke took op 
the manuscript, and. aided no doubt by tbe 
perspicacity which has eoabled Ur. Sayre to 
discover ao man; American classics for Ur. 
Ftohman, recognised it tor what It was with- 
out even reading It. "This pUy." he ex- 
claimed, "will be performed with spplsitae 
a hundred years hence." "I'd rather not wall." 
said penniless Oliver. Bnt Bnrke knew bis 
Job. When he got the Prince of Wales Cast 
bound to a chair In hla own Love Neat, he 
make him promise to have the play prodoeed 
at the Royal Theatre. Tbe aneiety nf Amer- 
ican Dramatiata please take notice. Mr. Sayre 
baa only to get Mr. Fiohman In n alnHlar Oi 
to have their pieees prodoeed one end all. 

Mr. Oleott played In high aplril*. and if _^ 
top iMlea aa oaoal came aa It tloaa the Plat 
Iron, they ptotred none tbe Iran cllcwlallin 
of applanse. Tba llllliioame Smitti chOdien. 
Gladya. Tattle and Rdlth. tendered the ntar 
yeoman aaalstaaer. Edna Phllllpa waa able and 
forcible 88 the hcninr: and, aa the Fieueh nwM 

I* VAI1DBVU.1.E 1 

Can place (rood acts with Olaha at alt 
Call nr wlte, Matropolltan EntOTlai 

luroau. <1'I Monadnock BldK.. Chleaguw IIL 

Uotland'a QiMea. It 
k alTalr. aad aat the 

Daniel nnett pUyed Goldsmllb— bat not hi* 
flute, which rested mote In tbe pnefcet af hla 
coat ahltt, Altogetber tbe cast waa ahte aad 
discreet. — Mew Xoik Bvenlsg Saa. Oct. t. 

Basaell appeared . 

when ahe came forth to alag her Orst asaiber, 
and abe wore tbe wondroaa paint-lace_gnwa aald 
to liave been made fi 
certainly was 

women'a tongnea to wagging. — 

other aongs— Napoll. by Edwardn. and Xaa» 
Kisa. by liionia Oottackalb— HIm llc m rt i aang; 
■evml en t er a l Btr e al ee wan hstlu nor 
-an tt iM .taaB tor See areaaaa. hot It 
pleaaed m aMMML aftlrh wanld hare been 
pertNOP CCataMlnd Utm RnaeU almply 
shown hffcHf aaS He HnlUnd dresa. The re- 
aolt of m loag snmmer of stTMaoos training 
was shown In a better flgnre Iban Miss RusseU 
haa puaaiaaid aloce her liady Teaz> days. 
vniDc not exactly eylph-like, it was not ro- 
boat. — ^New York World, Oct. 3. 

Cycle Park Family Theatre. Dallaa. 
Tex., cloced with Tbe Umla Dein Co.. Snnday. 
Oet. L A neecwtul ataaoa la reported. 

Mr. G- H. Cagney, of the firm of 
Cagner Broa.. eaUrd at ear ClndnnaU aOca 
on hla trip tbrongb tbe west, making a dreuU 
of tbe parks. Mr. Cagney aaja tbe ootlooh 
for lIMM IM very lirlcht. and that he Cads park 
managera altcndy planaing attrartlooa for tbeli 
aest , atcaan.' .Be eapccto to ^ace a aaabae 
c« Ibe ' 


Xlie Billboard 

OCTOBER 14, 1905. 


t» tarwmti, olMi 
is MM. At 

to laaufl ?AnBI m 


Adrlalde. Madam 
Adell. Jeule 
Atlanta. La BeHc 
•Aobrer. Jane 
*ATolo, Mra. Cbu. 
Basl<-T. Mn. Uai7 A. 
~ swud. Ma. Don 

" «Bn»nike, Jlzm. Wal- 

Bnrbank. Vln K. A. 
CaitKx. Mr». LUy 
Ckstle, Grace 
. CkMcUiie. Far 

<i OMtlMt^ Un. Ma 
OocMtt. Mr*. S. U. 

.OmI». Mr.. Dot 
; Cvtu. Mca. Cbaa. 

- Ootna. into. . 

Sajaow Dar 
: D* Bace. Pet 
DeTnoiU. Doratlir 
Demoot, G«rtle 
I>riDp8ter, Mabel 
Desmond, T i lHl i in 

•DeTjne. Dolly 
Dotamy. Aenra 
Dorian. Bertlia 
*EastoQ. BUncbe 
•Edythe, Boee 
Blfcliu. Un. Cbaa. 
*EIni«r. Uarle 
. Fkulkner. Mta. W. 
mtt. Uarsnertte 
Taj. Mia Anna Era 
Flarbartl, LouUe 
»Flftclipr. Isabi-lla 
Trtf. Mra. Zella 
ncnA. Eonlc* 

acrrlngtga, Mn. U- 

Hodge, EUiabeth 
■ Botraes. Mrs. Mae 
Hols. Mrs. Mens 10c 
Banter. Mr., & Mis. 

Zaabelle. Qoeen 
Jamu. Mn. TIms. 
Jasieo, Isabells 
, Jennlrr. Mrs. Geo. sr, 
IMnler, Mrs. Geo.. ]c 
•JMuaoo. Mrs. CbatUe 
Saw. SM. Ge«. r. 
lalMI, Base 
taJHm. Xn. Odto 
b Bast^ Xadsa* 
SaPsnt. SUdsIya 
Mrs. ■■■ 


McDonald, Mamie 
•Malrolo. Amalla Alls 
Mara. Madam F. B. 
Mardel. Mar 
Marlaa. Ethel 
Mendes, Bose 
Mentor. Corrtte 
MlUer, Mrs. J. D. 
Monroe, Trixia 
Moody, Bmma CslTcrt 
•Morris. Dorothy 
MorUmer, UlUsn 
Mosten, Era 
Urlnzo, Leonore 
Nallnndlas. Mia. J. 
Nation, Mrs. Carrie 
Newton. Mrs. Vlrten 
KMber. Alice Scat- 

OUTcr. aiszr 

Peek* -Mn, 

Feree, Sba. K. A. 
PhUUps. Mrs. Leooard 
FUUIps. Mts P. Q. 
nnoDr. Ouraaa 
BaocTor. Pearl 
Fiairell. Mts Grace 
Barmcod, 'Bnbr 
•Beesc. SnlllTsn 
Richards. Mia. Hattte 
Rlngk*. Madge 
*Boma, Boee aoeldon 
Rosenthal. 3Cc*. Beni^ 
Rnth. Madam 
St. Elmo, Annette 
St. -Leoo, Elsie 
Salrry, Mrs. Clias. 
Sailer. Mis. Ida 
Saoford. Unole G. 
Scbnlie. Mrs. Ernest 
ScblUer. Mrs. Sarsh E. 
Bcoffleld. Lora 
Scott. Mrs. Anna 
Serrr, Mrs. Mas 
Shafvr, Mabel 
Sbeppcrd. Mis. B. O 
Shields. Mrs. Nannie 
SUeUa. Martha 
SteCert. taaw (Falm- 

Smith, Nina 
smith, Matle 
Semoa, Mis. 
Sterling, ' Ida 
Stewart. Mrs. D. .L. 
Tsylor, LoQlse 
rrre Uayne, Mlas D. 

Vsn Ban, Era 
Temlck. Mis. B. 1. 
•vice, Mrs. Fred 
Vina. Locla K. 
VlTlan. Amy . 

Waggoner. Leona 
Walker. Mrs. Ellas 
Walters. Pearl 
Ward, Panllne 
Washbom. Mra. Cbas. 
WeOer, Mr. & Mrs. 

West. Nan 
■WtUa. Baaa 

American Am. On. 
AnKTlcsn Cam. Co. 
Aadenon, Barry 
•Andrews. C. -B. 
Ab^ws. O. VLi 

•ABdmklat. saxHm 

Aasel. A. C. 
Aicarlaa, Slg. 
•Arsald. F. B. 
"Aittar, Gna 

(Snake 8ba<r Mas) 
Bell, Whr. H.. XCr. 


Bennett, Gnjr 
Berber. John. 
Benn. B. L. 
Bernstein, ^oe 

Bersen. Arthur (Slack 

Wire Man 
BeTerly. J. W. 
Bickers, B. W. 
BIdweU. Wm. 3e 
lUalre. Sidney Ken- 
BUU. Frank K. 
BlocksehleKer. iQials. 

Bine, CbAB. G. 
Boooe, Jno. A. 
Bonley. Joe B. 
Boston Opera Co. 
BoaweU, Wra. 
Bore, Ed. 
Boyce. Joe 

•Bord. Jamea W. 
BaoO, E. T. 

W. ■. Ufer. 

r. A. 

f. 9. 
Bioek. S. B. 
Brodiway. Fttaidc 
Bradle. W. A. 
Brolller, B. B. 
Brooks, Cbaa. 
Brooks. Emo^ 

Brothers. Jamca 
Brownies, The 
Brown, Marreloos 
Brown Soutbern Co* 
Brownie. Leon 
liiirkett. iiarry 
Bnms A Co. B. B. 

Bbow, F. W. 
Bui us; Tlioc (Bnms 

Bnrton. Harry B. 
Bashes, Ilarrr 
•Calcedo, 1, Mm ■ 
Call. J. B. 
Cameron. Edward 
•Campbell Frank 
Campbell. Douglaa 
Cappa, jaawa Bw 
Carpenter. B. B. 
Canon. O, J. 
Carter. Eagsnf 
Carter, Dan 
Carter. Pad 
Casey, Andrew w.' 
CsTanaogh, Jack 
Charlea. Tom 
CbenUer. H. C 
Cbeyenne Broa. W. W. 

Chicago A. Co. 
Carbesry & SCastasi 
Clark. Jack 
dark, wmie C (Foot 

C:arfc, N. T. 
Clark. WlUle A Mabel 
Class. Geo. 
Clayton. Carl C. 
CIcneaner, Mr. 
CleTeland, Geo. W. 
Cole. J. E. 
•Cole, £x>nla A. 
Collins. F. T. 
C^Ulns. Capt. B. 
•Conkllng, wn> 
Conley A McT ' 
Conloo. Jack 
Coonor, Kid 
Contlaental A 
Ea. On. 

Flas. GHIiert 
Elaaii, W. W. 
XUasrattb. PkSL 
Fowler. Umla 
Epstein. Joe 
Erana. Wm. 
Eeans. B. H., Mgr. 
ETsns, U P. 
Ersns. Mark H. 
Paisan Cain. Co. ■ 
Fagan. Cbaa. 
Fersoson, J, 
Flick. Edw. 
Filipino, B. Fronds 
FIncli, I,eoa 
Flnnegan. James B. 
First, Bsmey 
Flake, E, D. 
•Flamant, James 
Flaaasan, <^pt. Ed- 

Flanders, Edtrln F. 
Fiedler. Master Frank 
Findlcy. Dr. Psrk A. 
•Fleming, WIU C. 
•Flsalas. Was. H. 
— - Ji 

Onk. Cbaa. W. Mgr. 
Oook'a Hlppodtooie 

(Jar Cook, 
Cook A Barm 

Bbow. Mgr. 
Cookstoo, M. d 
Cool. Frank 
•Coons, CbsB, 
Cooper. Clarence B. 
Corbette, S. Edw. 
Comellns. B. F. 
•Coryell, Geo. H. 
totter. Ftank 
Conlter. FHnk 
Cowan. Walter 
Cbz. 8. J. 
Ctalg, B. D. 
Craig, H. B. 
•Cramer, Joe 
. •Cranston, A. B. 
Croft. B. P 
Cronae. W. P. 
Cnir, Bert 
' CrxOr'n,.. .Frank ■ 
Csarlinakr.'O. K. 
Da Ooma TmwBr 
DeAeda, -Ih* Onat 
DeCkdo A Siskca 

DcKaekSk OabcM 
DaBkete-T«(bae Ou- 

ntral 0». 
OeVaiSk CBaaL 
Danner. F. A. 
Darlington, Banr 
Dash, Dare DnU 
•Daoghertr Bre*. 
Daeenport A HaataB 
Darenport, 0. U. 
Day, B. W. 
Dean. Hairy 
Degroase, Josepb 
Delsceys. The 
Delsarlin, Babt 
Demtng, BOl E. 
Detrick A Bcs^amlne 
Devoc. Chan. 
DlckermaB, D. 
Dickson. J. B. 
EHlIae, Jotan W. 
DUIae, Max 
DUdlue, Haiir (Ao- 

Dlnamore, W. B. 
•Dlttaiaii, Ckaa, B. 

Raoka. N. 

Franklin Am. Oo. 
Frasee, Al. G. 
Prazer, B. C. 
Free, J. Martin 
Free Mort (Pewee) 
Frey, Henry 
Friedman H. 
FroE. j€>e 
•Fnlfon. Arthnr H, 
Gardner Children's 

Sliow, Mgr., 
Gardoer, Prank A. 
Garrett, I. Bobt. 
Garrlocb, W. 

Garzooxl. Geo. 
Gason. Fred P. 
Gatewood, Bart. 
•Gay. Matt 
•Gelser, H. (Actar> 
*(>elger, John 
Gentry, Ed. 
OcotKe, JBC«4 
GIbaoa, Leanard 
GBiaaa. W. 
OoUesbcis, Mr. 

emettt, F. C 


Oitard. Joa. E. 
Giant's Csm. Co. J. E. 
Glascock. Foster 
GIsss, James L. 
Gleaaco, Piot. Oscar 

B. (Hocse Tialacr) 
Goodwin, Wm. C. 
Gonld, Wm. J. 
Grshach-ScbossUng Co. 
Orsham, A. M. 
Gtaca. P. B. 
Grant. Boland 
Grasel. Ed. 4e. 
Gray, Frank 
•Green, J. Ellsworth 
jaioTea.I.yall Stock Oo 
Gnno (Boondlng Wire 

Hagoi, C. 3. 
Haba, A. -H. 
Balnea. (%aa. 
Bale. Geo. C 

- - no. 

a. B. 

_ H. 
" B. 


aaaier. ba. 
Haradrn. Cbaa. F. 
Barm, Red T. 
Barrtac, Osrl 
Barrla, Sid 
Hartman, Gay L. 
Bstre. E. Warren 
Hatfield, Cbas. D. 
Hangao, E. 
Hawklna. Mr. (I>«lv- 


Hswley, Wslter 
Helm Children 

HelDX Bros.' Caz3l. Co. 

Helton, Bd. 
HeDdersoo, O. B. 
Hendler. A. H. 
•Hendricks, Bobt, 
Hendricks, Boaa and 

IMaao. OL ' A^ 
Oae*a Oao. Oa. 

sHenkel, John H. 
Beniy'a MInatrela, m 
Bctdaun. C. B. 

Dorlri. ir. r. 

•Doyle, Fred P. 
Draper Kid (Ckady 

Draper. Frank (Candy 

Dreamland Oun. Co. 
•Drnry. C. CSirler 
J>nffan. Jamea 
Dnmltescn. Mitts 
Donbsr, Hsny J. 
Dnon, Crms B. 

ttausolt. Dennis 

Dottoo Csm. Co. 
•Duviles. flam 
Dje, E<tw. e. 
Dyson A wnasa 
Early, J. B. 

Eaty. Fred 

Eaatetn Cam. A Am. 

Ob,, Grt. 
We. Joe 
Belilln Am. Co. 
Wdca, B. X. 

A Fortner 

«HiH Harry WIDard 

Bmiar, Prof. Wm. J. 
Hindoo, E. Kupa 
Boeta, Cbas. 
Hockey, Hany OlUba 
Hoffman. Prof. EL B. 
Hotbiaok. Will C. 
•Ht^en. Jobn J. 
HoIlen1>erger, Leonard 

(Mnsleian) ' 
Holt. Das S. 
Hope. Alex, 

Bopklns, Bert 
Homer, <5eo. 
Hoes & Namnsnn 
Boss. Bert 
Boss A Smith 
Hotcbktaa, Olem 
•BongbtaUng. Oeo. 
IHotet. T. F. 

Howard Btaa,;.14Ma> 

rlooa . 
Howe A Decker 
•tHadaon. SylTeater J. 

Jeaaler. OaavJb 
J e n nin g s . B. K. 
Jvmac. Ckaifc B. 
JUca. Dr. 

Al. E. 
Cbas. G. 

, Billy (Boud- 

lag Wire) 
Jones. Cnrtia A. 
Jones, Wm. 
Joyce. Jsck 
Ksne. Bobt. B. 
Kartem, Fallow 
Katses, B. 
Ksnltbom, Frank 

Ka.rlor. E. U. 

Kelrsteln. B. 
•Keltb, Darld H. 
Kelly, Ceo. 
•Kelly. Walter S. • 
Kellegber, James 
•Keller, Darld A. 
Keltoiv. Ed. W. 
Kent. Cbas. O 
Kerr. Wilbur 
Kerwln, Dan 
Keyea. Frank 
snpstrick,- Cbss. G. 
Kil pa trick Bros. 
•King, Lany 
King. Jnoi, 
Xlac B.. a. . 

XIac. JaA h 

, Beniy C 

Sarai; Om, B. 

Meyen A Mason 
MUes Wesser Show 
Miles, G. M. 
Mllleana. A. C. 
Miller, a. 
Miller. E. L. 
MllUe, Slim (Ice 

Cream Clones) 
Mlttenger, WUlUe 
Moler, Cbarlle 
Molor. Geo. A. 
Montgouiery, Frank 
Moonof. B. U. 
Morris. E. I). 
Mork'v C. A. 
•Mortimer. W. A. 
Mortimer. W. A. 
•Mortimer, CUias. 
MoscLv, M. A., Mgr. 

Mueller. Mike 
Mullailv. TliOS. 

.Murphy. C. M. Mgr. 
•Mnrptay, Jas. F. 
Murray, James A. 
Murray, Cbaa J. (Bed) 
Mnrale. TMv 

Myers, Max H.. BSr. 
Myi-is. M. H. 


Knisht. J. y. 3Sc 
Eobler, J. EI, 
Eoplin, Wm. 
Kraose, Benny 
Knttner, Ed. Mozart 
•La FeU Trio 
I/sMonte Bros.' Show 
LaBose. Geo. 
LaSeUe, Ed. 
LeVsrdo. Hany 
La v.- He, OA. Wm. A. 
LeBoy. Bob 
"LeRoy M. 
LeRoy. M. 
Lambert. S. K. 
Lamoaieanx, G. W. 

. _ e. P. W. 
XaUooal SMCk Oa, 
Hebfiar. B. H. 

SeUl, D. O. 
Nelson. Jos. 
Nester, Barry 
Newman, J. D. 
Nleholla, Cbas. 
Nicbois. E. J. 
Xlcoll. Tlie Great 
Nixon & Zimmerman 
XUon. Harry 
Norton. Mr. (Song- 
Nye. Tom Franklin 
Ollfans. The Three 
Oliver. Perry P. 
Osenton, Lan«downe 
Osborne Dramatic Oo. 
Orerstreet. J. M. 

Tbla letter Ilat ererr week Tor mall 
nsmtxer. We atre not re«iiIreA t» 
hold aDcIalmed letters tomcer iBaut 
ten darsi except stt 
penon addreaaed. 

lATffllard. WrUa 
latakey. James 
LatUp. Capt. Dasld 
I«TeUe. Jobn A. 
Lawson, Joe 
I.ayden, B. J. 
LesTltt. H. U 
Lee. Bayiaaad 
Lee, Walter 
Lee, Harry 
Leintz, Ererette 
Leroy. William 
Leslie, Jay 
Leslie. Mstt D. 
Leetra'. Dan W. 
Lewis. Capt, A. W. 
Lewis. Ed. 
Lewis, F. J. 
LUes. Cbas. 

H. W. 
laone Star OaiB. Cb. 
iMg, GssdaB 
Loomla, Lawrcnea 
Locetta Tsilaa XMo 
I«vlc. Jadt 
Loola. L. A. 
Lonr. Ckd 
lAsrande. A. A. 
■Loee, ^ant 
Lace, P. H, 
Loddlogton, Jaasaa 
Loicl. Geo. 
I^alL D. B. 
Lyle, J, P, 
Lynch, Jack (alias 

Ctiieken l^n^) 
I^neh. Wm. 
MeArthar, B. C. 
McCain, B. W. 

rMcCoUnm. Herbert 
McCtea, Jas. 
McDade, Oeo. 
MdDade. David 
McOonsld, C. B. 
Mc<Psdden. Wm 
Mc(;ear7, Hany Wm. 
McGlnnla, J. D. 
McGowan, C. A. 
McGoIre. "Bed" 
MciNabr, M. E. 

Mabannah. Boy 
Maher A LaFlace 
Malnwarina. Ernest 
Maltland A Paieatel 
•Maley. Denmao 
Malpteas, Cbas 

Uao. Wkii. 

Msnkin, Cbas. H. 
Vsnley, C. W. . 
Msnton, Hanr 
Marr, Gea 8. 
Slais, Bad 
IfarahsU. B. F. 

Fafca. Mr 
Psrrlah. j. C. 
Parisian WMowa Oo. 

Parke, Alexander- T. 
Parne. Jim (Buckskin 

Pelhams. The 
Perry. Tbos. R. 
Petraln. Steptaen.A. 
Pfelirer. WaUle 
Pberson Jotan (Knife 

Aack Man) 
PbllUps. Prof. M. H. 
PhUllps. Joe (Simp) 
Phillips A Cordon 
Phillips, 1>. P. 2c 
PtaUlIpe, U. L. 
Phillips, Fnnk D. 
Pierce Amns. Co. 
Plttee. C. F. 
Pollock. Dsre O. 
Pollock. Wm. J. 
Pope, Leo 
Farter, BIsIae 
Fottce. H. B. 
Foua A patia 

•Fosrtar. w. ». 

P o wers , B. O. 
Itagd. 0^ 0. 

It, T. B. 

Bapapart, N. 
•Sanfal; Jno. H. 
BarKfr, C. 
Batdur. A. G. 
Batfabnm. L. B. 
RsTer. Chas. 
Bay, Dr. Darld 
•Bay. Darld 
Bay A Berry 
Beabtck Frank, Mgr. 
Heed. Pred 

Reel. Joe Ic 
Raymond, Cbas. B. 
Raymond. Andrew 
Beeder. F^ank L. 
Keese, J. G. 
Beld, Harold 
Belss. Nat. Sc. 
•Benekl. Frank 
Benfrow, Jap *- 
Beynolds, J. B. 
Rice. Daa K. (Bal- 


Riddioe. an 

BIrgel. Qwi 
•Sledd. - ' 

Blltla. B. J. 

XatteeoB. Baa 
•Mattler. Bert 

J. ~ 

Braa. W. B.. OC 

St. Charles. H.-6, 
St. (Haire, Morris 
St. Claire, Cbas. 
St. Pierre. Al. 
Sackett, Harry 
Samders. I. 
Sanders, Geo. H. 
•Sanders. Oeo. U. 
Sanger. Uarry 
•Sarct nt. Kred 
Sargent, Fred P. 
Sassaman, Wm. A. 
Satterfield. G. D. 
SaTage. James 
Sawi"er. Harry C. 
ScUexnalder, Frank 

Schmeck. M. 

Schwab, Gns 
bcbwanengel, Fred 

(Mualetau > 
Scott. Oias. 2c 
Scott, Doc A SeotI 
Scott, W. W. 
•Svovill. Nesbit 
Selby. Frank B. 
Selg. Jas. F. 
Shsfer. Chas. R. 
SbslTer. A. E. 
SlisBnOD, Barry 
Sbayae, John 
Sfcea. W. B 
SkeBir ~ 

Tinman, Sllia 

(Spieler) • .... 
TAlB, Mstt Se 
Todd. Wm. 
ToUey. Cea. 
ToascU, Blchard 
Traband Am. 0>..p.b 
Tretanne, Charlie 
Trowtirld|;e. W. F. 
Toll. Charley 
Turner. Louis Avcber 
Tottle, Robt. C 
Twos, Joe 
Tyron. H. M. 
I'nrle Jonhna I'erklas 
Dncle Tom's Cabin 

Show Co. (Feny's) 

•Underwood Cbas. S 

Unlta & Paul 

Van Allen, B. W. 

Van Fossen. Harry 
Van Vechten Mecbas) 
cal Doll Sboh 

Vardellos, The (Come- 
dy Skeleb Artists.) 

Velarde. C. 

•Vice. Fred 

TinEssrd. Frank P. 

Ttncent A Gregory 

Tint, Bobt. L. (Itam- 

Shackey, B. 

Shocker. A. D. 

Short. Wm. L. 
Shnter, Ernest 
Simmons. T. Harry 
Simpsons. The 
Skinner. C. 0. 
Slosn. C:harlle 
Smallcombe. Hazen 
Smith. Harry G. 
Smith, EsrI K. 
Smith A Ackennan 
Smith, An<lrew 
Smith. J. 8. 
•Smith. Lee Orlan 
Smith. Bombay 
SnelL diaries 
Snyder Bna. ft Onr- 
ke's W. W. BMsr. 
Sopp. Joe 
Bowie. Wm. D. 
Spesra. Geo. 
•Sprsgne. Alrln C. 
Stsffopd. Cbarlle 
•Slaoley. H. M. 

Star A Crvscent Cam. 

Start. Frank 
Stsley, Prof. Claicace 
Stelntmrg A On, 
•Stepatb, B. 
Sterling, Victor 
Stewart. GeOk W. . . 
Stewart, Edw. Q. 
SUtxel. Ge*. 
Stafer. IMuB • 

Talker. Bad 
Wsldron. Dr. <Baa. B 
Walker. Gee. W. 
Wallace A Haiiiai 
•Walsh, Stepkes «.. 
Wsndle. A.- 
Ward's Mtnstrds 

TVamer, Ed. C 
Wasblnston. R. C 
Wsshlnztoo, Jno. 
Watson. H. B. 
Waugh. Edward 
Wan^Iehnrg Am. Oa. 
•Weaber, H. U 
Wearer. C. 
Wearer. E. W. 
Weaver, Col. 
Wfber Family (Acra- 

Weber. Mr. A Mia BA 

Webster. E. O. 
Welch, F. J. 
Wentworth, CTisa.'- 
Wentwortb. WaMSC BL, 
West, D. M. 
West, S. C Bkr. 
West. Jobnay 
Westeta Xa. Oa, 

Smart, O. K. 
EolUrao, J. H. 
SnlUvsn. Lawrence . 
Sorrells. E. O. 
Swain. W. ^I^- 

Swan. Bert 
Sweeney. Arthor 
Swor. ' John 
Sykes, Wallsce 

Syren, DeU 
Tsber, G. P. 
Tate. Wbltk- 
•Taylor, Albert 
Taylor. Qmore 
Teesrarden. Grorer O. 
Teets. Bros.' Show 
TenneBsee C^ara. Oo. 
Tenny. Harry 
Tenuey. Walter 
Tewney, R. W„ Bja-. 
Thomas, Artliar & 

■nraaber, Charlie 
Tbasher, C. E. 

Tbsratta, Hoaart 

Thnrston, Bsny 
Tlbbltts, W. W, 

•wiSati A Ok, B.- F. 

wmm. w. 
'Wnikme A UayMl' 

' WUUama, Lee 
.■Wnirtch. 3. c ,„,■, 
WUson, r.-.B. . ,. • 
Wilson. Frank- " 
WUson. Harrr B; •>•"'■ 

• WhntDer l*sk. Oa. 

. WInatnek. MelTte B. 
.Wiaecop. O. E. 
Wolf. Wm.. A«t. 
Wood. WIBl* 
Woodford, M. B. 
Woods, S H j k i a A. 
•Woods. Mr. lOlBtV- 

Workmsa,' F. a 
Wortham, Clyde 
Wdgbt, Elba B. 
W. W. A. Cam. Co. 
•Tanser, Scoot 
Yenow. Keatacky 
Tobn, PioC T«aa 

• TOBDf , B«. 
Tonne, naak A »aiv 
Toaot. W»B. 
Teas. RSF CL 
lareB. ~ ~ 


The most nnpleaaant report reaebed ^^is 
coimtry last week thst Joseph T. McCad** 

had been snnunooed before tlie Bitmditlon 
Court to Bow street, London, in anawer to 
charges brooght by the receirer of the Mc- 
CaddoB Show In France, to the effect tliat he 

bad been gnllty of irregnUritlea nnder tte 
bankmptcy laws of the French repoMIc Tas 
■fnort farther ststes thst Mr. McCaddoa .»aa 
Messed sfter glrlng bond to the 
IBOlOOO. This all comca at a scty 
(or the well-kBsarB aAi 

ao nnfortnnata a* (B 1 

CaMtfaiand lorl oc w«a ii >a 
gttt aoarea a< la«li|1tnB to 

at tfepceartaB acMM iB tfea 

Mr. MeOadaoo la ceitatoly 
atby. The assertlona or 11 

patby. The assertlona tt the l ece l ser to the 
effect that the sbowiuB had ia bla p oss ns ion 

toffleleot fODds srlth wUeb to dtaebane tlie 
entire Indebtedness of the show appeals to be 
absnrd. Those who know Mr. McOsddoo best 
know ttiat had snch been the case ttie prop- 
erty woQld nerer hare l)een placed in tne 
banda of a receirer nor woold these c baBBsa 
against him bare been Deceeaary, DndoobtcBF, 
Mr. McCsddoo first of all desires to see the 
performers and attacbees psid tftflr full 
arles. The French reoelrer certainly mapt hare 
been misinformed, or tbe proceedlnjrs which he 
baa iaatltatfd are merely a fomaUtr '* — * 
a pccallar eode at. lava.. 

OCTOBER 14, 1905. 

Xtie Billboard 



At the Hudson Theatre, on Frtday, 
Oct. it> no"-'"* wiiiw 

a( Uicatrlcal rulk and taaj « ipMUI 

ItaTto JOKtlOes b" rigbt to eoort New York 
talnlon ttrooBb ll>« tmrt th«t Uut miuin. In 
•MtiMni Mf. 1M tmmjti htt fM ■untac 
toor >iid col war wttk It ar ** 
Fiiiur tbe tbIrtcMrtk at tka 


Proctor's Twenty-third Street Thea- 

M vni lui»» ih* fr>tvd ottrk of IJIltan K«»- 
mn m* II* urlnrlpal fratarr und notrui ilrautnc 
SnL UlUjr 8. CUITunl iHiriiila fcio Uoi >»«^1<. 
tar tkr imwul. ■» vaiidrvlllp; and tli* b'iiit- 
IMi DOTrltT. Uutorlne. will tie tlir otljir 
priine femuw. Au.uMg tlie reliuilnlliir num- 
bpn In I'll! FWUlt, ami W«nl. MIIIi« and 
UurriK I>»llorflll itiid (illwtiHli>. and l>ulnn and 
LcDlurT win proTlde enirrlaliilnif ■iMfcUaucii. 
Tear Pastor will furnish another of 

TillSViii • lilK luiiur tu tuvrn of |M>|iDliir 
U Kraiuli' Siilllviin & Oi.. JIuniliy 

CMotMrv and lilllftle. Marllu and 

•mn. ummi and Kjraii. Ilprr Sauna. Thr Car- 
wnL Tke I'rrnot. Ward lin.iUrr«. Adams ami 
■tnida. Uadrll ami U.>rl>l<-r. Kraak LfDMIt. 
mt Mtn awl Mauilr Conuay will 

- wf«k sianlac uct. ». 

Last week and will remain here a 
month or more. Ioiikln« afwr lib rarlcMi* thnil- 
tlcal InlrrpKla. aecnrlnie playa for imr-rtilalloo 
by bis rarl'Mia atotk camiMuln. aad. liieM«-ni- 
aily. Ja-i rfinnU «>i..yini( life «■ Biwidway. 
Be calird at Tbv BUIImri ii<lc» Tbanahy and 


(CkatlMta tktm *ac* U.) 

bwaotp of Us ptaDemaal iMtltrnw 
Ur. Morpby baa a itpMadai.** .* tm 
iMt, baTlnc wans Witt MM a( Ika 

bands of lb» couBtrr. tododtec Gtlmore'a and 
Ttctor H»rb»rt'B banda of K»w Vork; Cltu- 
Mi's band of aiawankce and DcBansh's bud 
at Cklcaca. .. B« waa tor thrae saH* a*l»t 
for tbe OdaaUa naooocrapb Oa. aC Kcw Ttek, 
Parts and lioodon. He la featurlns Will Roa- 
(Itrr't sunny aoncs w^th which tir made »ach 
aacccsi darlns tbr |iast aaauacr In tbe pob- 
Be paik la a ii i l a la 
laMratat* aai 'csaMj 
k tbe aeaaao' wiUrr pfapkcated tbat we 
weald bear mora tnm Uarphr. and, jadstns 
ttan tbr npoita .of Ur. Saadcim. 

better. After tbe concert one ot tbe Indiana 
waa asked bow be and bis friends eajorcd tb« 

great BCdldne men,' laM be. 'aerer 
M swallow ao besp much brass iwtore.' " 
■ and hia band will make Chloaco tbeir 
tar tbe taiare. BcglaBliif Oct. 10 tbey 
win t>ve a anlM a( pepatar (mtfal asoccrta 
at OuhsaUa BUI tmitf a&MaMas eren- 


A secondary vaudeville association 
Is now helns formed bj tbe Western Vaude- 
Tllle Maaacrta' ASMoelatioa. Wbew H la 
pipied II wm glea piayaia baaklaK (taas 
tu ibr racUe caaat aSaaat Ike rath* « 
At prawM Hw eMeitaiarni are glvea Ibi 
weeka- waA. I. J. Itntdock. «rb» will ha** 
ekarce of tbe b iis >lB » far Ibe eireall. wblch 
la cuniiBMed of tbe KobI tt CSalle snd tbe 
Onriieam Clrmlt Interrsla. rrtiinied rrom lV«irla 
Friilay algbl. O, bavbiK arrantn^ fur tin* o|>rn- 
Ins of a Uiealre In aizty daya. Me left fur 
KeanaTlIle. Ind.. Satnnlay. In the h»pe of 
■ecorhiK another playbiniae there. II la the 
Intrnilon of tbe aamrtatlMi to arenre gaud 
iKHiiH-s In all Ibe aNMIesriaad Mara* la the 
weft, and In piMiat uB^ the tat Mia tbat 
can be luMjked. 

Tlie UeaiNiiiarters of the sworlatlon win be 
on the «*ro«d Biior of the new llajeatlc Thea- 
tre boUdlns. DOW In eootae of ooutrucUon. 

Eddie Leslie, the noted mimic. Is 
bark again In tbe States sfier an rxtrndnl 
tuur of Anatralla. Within thirty Dilnatea after 
bU arrival In (HilcaEo. l-"rld«y. fl. lie was cum- 
fnrtalily aeftleil In onr ofllcv*. telllnit o» of hIa 
Intereatlne eiperlencea In the land of the Kan- 
(taroo. I#alp la one of the hflsMrat and oioat 
nrnereaalTe fellnwa In tbe f s adt e l ll e rnnka. and 
ta to be coMBratnUted apsB tba atceiitlaa be 

for a o M ta a In this 
conrentlunal line «( 
will be the only 

■OMwnr esATs of 


General Manager Fred. A. Hodgson 

of the Orrtn Bma. Clrco. amred la Chlralo 
fmm the City of MfxI.-o. Friday. O. ami la 
qnartered at the Slipraian IIniii>e. where ha trill 
rvmain a week liefore prooeeillne to New York 

to open thr Orrln Bros.' rciaiUr omce*. iiur- 
In; a plearant chat. In the ChlCAK«i olHcea of 
■Hie BllllaMrd. Satanlay. Mr. Iludioia de- 
darml proap^HTe auiaaement Si wdllhina In 
Uezlro were nerer better thaa ths* if* at 
iMa ttoM-. The Orrln Besa.* Bbaar baa never 
aaiM or mlaard a aalaiy la tmmv-trr 
Wfrnm. Tbis la certalalr • *aa"*abK "123- 
Mr. nodipaa Joined ibe tkllB Itoss. In iffS. 
Be wm tenmi to Uealro trmn Kew Tork 
An. I. He wm baak aew fratnrea, tat Pick 
Ben win erauUn arllb the oraanlaatlun. BeU Is 
■Ibe father of .seventeen cUlldreo— fourteen of 
whom are llTlns. and all with the tirrln nro«. 
Clrco. There are fnlly a dnaen moTlnc piclhre 
ahowa tonring Mezlro. Mealrana like the mo- 
tion pIotortM.. The GoTemmeot la hiilldlns the 

National Tlietire at a coal of three million 
doUara. The playhooae will t» conatmcted 
of mnrble and cumpteted In ahont alx yeara. 
It will bare Btc Iwlconles and be denited to 
(rand opera, hliih-claaa combination sttraetloos 
and larite goTemmental gatberinffa. A hafajr 
boy came to brighten the BodgnoQ hoeae m 
April. Fred ban named bias PrPdnWk ORln 

Bandmaster Innea .arrtved In CM- 

ago late Satnrday afternoon, after completing 
a 13.00O-mlIe toor of tbla coaDtry and Canada. 

"I nercr knew bettore bow trae It la tbat a 
■aa Ui aa'a cSiarta ate aot alwaya agpaadatat." 
ke said, wltb a lavch. «We lare a ctacfft at 
Kingston, Aria., and a goTemment oBdsI 
iKooght a nomber of sopposedly edoeated In- 
dlsBS to tba concert to glra' then a taste 
«< AaertesB ttaale. I noticed tbe red mea did 
Bat appear to' be Ibitenlag to tbe asaaie par. 
HCBlaily. bat that they seemed to be watching 
Ibe Ifsaiboae playcta wttb aU area. At 

Ahna Wbalvr. the well known dram- 
atie sat iaaiiil aonraaa, la mir wltb tbe 
Wen BmA MUBKbcr Orat apiiramnre wttb 
that stasalanibwt, Oct. B. at the Odeun. 8t. 
* -*' JIlM Vnmlay la a native uf Ohio 
been heard apnn a nniiilier i>f nm- 
eers soars thmnghont must of tlie mnthient. 
■lie la pecnllarly well Btted for nmcrrt work. 
Iier lafcl lielne a fnll and exceedingly Oezllde 
dnuaaMe viwano. of rare pumpaHt and ex- 
anlhMi qaaUty. Tbe band has been In- 
ssenasA to afty plecea. 

Tha Metropolitan Opera Co. last 
week M is tbe Tnlted States Oonrt at San 
Piaaelsco Ma amemled complaint asalnal 8lg- 
BoHaa Lab* Tetranlnl. seeking to reairaln 
MBt g^Hir Itam appearing at theTlrullTlieatre. 
ana rtaBdaea. Tlie coaii.lalnt allepea that the 
opera company win be damaeed at leant ».V0OO 
If Slgnorina Tetrastlnl U allowed to sing at 
the TiTrll St greatly rednreil price" thoae 
operas tbat tbe eastern company ptopose* to 

'''^^'SftDiSir^nSSr Feite Co. opened 
Its^Mssa flit*, a* at Stocris. in., where 
Adeaaee HwSir M. lampmn say* they 
^STmm hu alw at Jollet. Oct. 1- F«t»y 
FrttI k aader tbe management of nert J«- 
who has bnofced tbe company wild nntll 
3^ la tbe middle weat. TUey carry a tand 
^tmTmtHf. and aa orrheatra of six. both 
Tt wSMiaw aaiw tta ttaeuon of Prof, o 
li. iiaLatiab 

NelUe B. ChanOler reports that her 
bidlea' orthenba ts dapIlnittqK its snecesn of 
uiTaeaiSrarthe Owid <Hiers noma;. B«» 
ton, where It la aaw Idaytag anlndeBnlte eo- 
gaW^ent. »H- *l»'>'P«r>Sir' ^S^i,J^ 

a apeelal IMtm* and a U* hit. The to- 
■sai ng^ a t M>e .»s b satw.«e_y,Eopnl«ir 
_ Man.- *ha aNhaiiat ft aaiv the dircetan 
«f 3. m. nawtr. 

Notes from Thomas BrotharaT Big 

Four Comedy Co.: Both shows an Jjaija Vlr- 
Rlnla and North Candlna to ■. «-*'• •""''- 
neaa. No. 1 la a trlld weat ahm^JrtneK«». 2 
la an old plantation Show. Maaa gtf Thanmn 
haa contracted for a new ranroadear. We ate 

hooked solid onta AprU In Kortb and Sooth 
Carolina. • 

J. M. Stout, manager of W. B. "Pat- 

ton. nnnonnr.*a that Mr. Patton'a new play. 

Tlie Slow Poke. Laa been completed and tluit 
the well knoxm comwllan will appear In an 
elaborate prodnrtlon of the same neat aeaaon. 
Mr. ration will t>e supported by a strong com- 
pany, and Mr. Stont Ba.Ta he has already booked 
KHne choice time for the new piece. 

The Kniclierboclier Four have 
signed wltb tbe Empire Bnrleaqnera. and win 
li>ln them In Balllmtire oiiun. The qnartet 
Inrliidea Tliad. C. Parkard. Al. O. nayes. Chaa. 
trittiock and J. .noater, aU natlres of Cla- 
dnnalft* . 

Oeoi. & Gtaafller haa resigned aa ad- 

■ i iHH a g W i a a gg «f. tbe Bllsn. Tbeatt»> rblta 
deiplSirta a» .In aaiaaee aT the B gr Wrdell 
ro.^We agtnsa wllh Ike esMgaar <>•». 1 


A change has been mada lit the 
mate of the Empire B"rlI«l'<5*aW^Jke« 
night ataaia brtjreea jii a a .MHl& aa ^ Bptte 
have beea cat aat aat BahMik, mmm^ m »i»ao 
a fan week. 

ChlcK Harney Joined the Via Stock 

Co. at WlnchrTO^. Ky-. Sept. 9S. to da Jnvenltea 
and ts feature his bnop rolling act wUdl maob 
good In tbe psrks this sesson. 

Amy Clauson. of the Clausen Sts^ 

ters, dosed with Boble'a Knlekctboekeia Sept. 

le. at Bocbeater. N. T. 

The Black Crook, under the dlreC' 

tloB a< MBcr * Plobm, U recelrlng some good 
ptcaa aaUsM In the eastern hoosea. 

The Jolly Orpaa Wldowk opaiwd the 
MettatiolltaB yknt m Mtmmgmk Mife SI. aa 
a iMilcagoe bsaaab . 

Walter B. Jkvwa, Geo. Dettinger. 
B. a^Maasa aad IMa Wlldret b joined tbe 
OSk Oct. 1 at thansa. 

Ray, Jobs t Emma, E. D. Stsir, mgr.: Pits- 
burs. I's.; s-l-l: Bntfalo, N. v.. ltt-21. 

Beynold'a Concert Banil: En route with Bld- 
detl'a Soathetn CacnlTal Co. See Midway 

Bosers Bras., Klaw A Erlanger. mgra.: New 

Xotk City. Sept. 4. Indef. 
Baaning for Offlce Sam B. Ilarrls. mgr.: 
Cambridge O., U; liarletU 12: I'arkeraborg. 
W, Va., ISi Mew JlartlnseUIe U; dteaben- 
elDtk O. Mi East Userpool ITs Salsni 18; 
Chalw^: Sianaaeld SO: Aktaa SI. 
— AftlBsiy Band. Jasu DeVUSk 

■bwUMSbi^teda. Blaaa' * 
aagis.: PhUsdeipUa. Va.. •41. 

Soaaa snd hla Band. Prank Cbrla.— , 

OreeurUIe. O.. gial. 11: Pkiaa II: Cihana 
mat. 12; Columbus 12; Canal lloecr mst. 13: 
Canton 13; Cleveland 14; Elyria nut. U; 
Akron 15: Plttabuig, Pa., 10-21. 
Shooting tbe Chutes. Darla Brai'„ mgn.: BIIIs- 
bofo. O.. II: Usmllton 12: MIddletown 13: 
Plgoa 14; Kenlun IT: Sprlngfleld 18; Tioy 
18; Bellrfonialue 20; Van Wert 21. 
Sch< ir. Frllal, C. B. Dllllnnliam, ojet.: Wash- 
ington. D. C, 0-14: Boxtoo, ylaas.. IC-NoT. 4. 
Scbuouinn-llelnk Madame, F. C. Whitney, 

mgr.: ruilailplpbla. Pa.. 0-21. 
San Toy. John C. Flacher, mgr.: St. Paul. 

" " CKwd lU: 


... , a;' Van., 

20-21. - - - 

Sleeiiing Beaoty snd the Beast. Fred Price, 
mgr.: Wllllami>port, Pa., II; Shenandoah 
12; Bazelloo 13; PottarlUe 14; Beading lU; 
Pottalonn IT; AUenlouD 18; Esston 10; 
Tr. nton, N. J- 20-21. 
The Beggar Prince Opera Co., K. A. Wade, 

mgr.: Albnqaetqae. «. 3L, MM; 
The FUibaatcr, Bbabaat "aaaa* «aats ' Chi- 
cago. III.. IndeC 
Tte.Uaa «C Mod: Chicago, m.. Xnac 12. 

The Pnmpkln. Klaw ft Briaagcr, 
: Kew Xotfc CUy, Ang. a. tod-f. 

Cbl r a a Ob 10., 

ma loy, joun riwriier, mgr.; 
Minn.. S-Il; lUmwapoUa 12-14: St. 
TrnwaK M. -«» ■ Ctiikai M 
Oeaai >iMk% »i ' 'WMp. 


The Forbidden land. B. D. _ 

Sallda, CUn 11: Paehto IS: Oolarado Sprlnsa 
13; Bocky Focd M; Topeks. Kan., to: Lrae- 
enwortb IT: Atchison IS; St. Joseph, Ho., 10; 
20; Parsons. Kan., 21. 

Tbe fortune Teller: Birmingham. Ala., 12: 
AnnIi>ton 13: IluntsTllIe 14; ShelBrld Id. 

The Isle of Spice (N'o. 1). B. C. Wbltner. 
mgr.: At-d« rM>n, Ind.. ll: Mnncle 12; Mar- 
lon 13: Lima. O., 14; Lancaster IT. 

Tbe Liberty Belles, Fred G. Berger, mgr.: 
Brenliau. Tex. 11; Waco 12; Temple 13; 
BeltoB 14: Hlllsboro 10: Corsleaoa 17; Ter- 
teU 18; GieenrlUe 19; McKlnney 20; Dallas 

Tbe Offlce Boy, Nixon A Zlmmermsn, mgra.: 
Blrmlngbsm. Ala.. 11; Rome, Ca., 12: Clut- 
tanooga. Tenn., 13; Naahrllle 14: Knoxrllle 
111; GreenrUle IT; BrUtol 18; Blnedeld. W. 
Vs., 10; Eoanoke, Va.. 20; Lynchburg 21. 

The Prince of Pllsen, Henry W. Sarage, nicr.: 
Des Moines, Is., 11: Omaha. Krl>.. 13-14; 
Lincoln IS; Slooz City. la., IT; OCoIombos, 
Neb.. 10; Cb<yenne, Wyo.. 21. 

The Rajah of Bbong: lola, Kan., 11; Ottasra 
12; Lairrence 13; LeaTrnwortb 14; 9.>a*ba 
IS: Atchison 16; St. Joseph. Mc^;:.tHSt 
Palls City. Neb.. 10; Uaeoln 20-21. " . ! 

The Seminary Girl. Cbai. F. Btowa; aigr.: 
ClnelnnatL O.. 8-14; HamUtoo IS; nana IT; 
Wapakoneta 18; Korwalk IS; 'Blyala' SOs.XiO- 
rmlne 21. 

Tbe 8b»flnn. Beary W. .8aTafC..'Bgr.: at. 
Lonln, JIo.. 8-14; Mlhnakee, Wis.. 13.18; 
LaCtnaac !>; Winona, aunn.; 90; Baodalte, 
wia, St. 

Tbe Smart Set (Ona BOTb). W. B. Moore, 
mgr.: Detroit. Mich.. 8-14: "Toledo. O. 
15-18: Grand Rapids. Ulcb.. 10-21. 

The Sunny Sooth, J. C. BockweH. mgr.: TB- 
too. N. B.. 11 1 Laesala IS: C encs rd M-lli 
West Deny lS:..PbawBth :IT: Harlh ' WM- 
stock 18; LMsa Stt UtOctsB »|' taacaa 

• ter 21. 

The Tenderfoot. Wllltam P. Cnllen. mgr.: Og 
den, Utah. 11; Pocatello, Ida., 12: Uoise City 

13; Baker City, Ore.. 14; Porllaod IR-18; 
Olrmpla, Waah.. 10; Taeoma 20; Victoria. 
B. C. 21. 

Tbe llayoT of Toklo. Charles Maika. aigr.: 

Boston, Man., 2-14. 
-The School Girl. Chaa. Frohman, mai^t 

lU.. 12; Bnrllngton. la.. 13. 
The Olrl and tbe Bandit: Locansport. lad.. 

II: DaoTllle. IIU 12: Vlneennpa. Ind.. 13: 

EranaTllle 14: St. LonU. Mo.. 1V2I. 
TlToll Opera Co.: San Fcanctaeo, CaL, Sept. 

ll-Oct. 21. 

Tbe Duchess of Dansie. Klaw * Erlanger, 
mgrs.: Brooklyn N. y..'»-U; Hcsraik, N. 
J.. 16-21. 

Tbe Eart and tbe GtrL Sbabert Bros., atgrs.: 
Philadelphia. Pa.. 9*14: Chlnaab U.. IB^l. 

Tbe Isle of Bong Boas, B. C. Whttaey. Wlgr.z 
Sandoaky, 0_ - M; Fr iman t . Hi T il e da IS: 
Jacksoa, MIcb., 14: Bttkart, M. IT. 

Tbe Isl« of aptee (Ma. a>. WhMuey. 

mgr.: Byraeose. K. T.. 11; OMtHnl IS; 

BIngbamptoo IS; Utics 14. 
The Bnnawaya: . Kansas City. VSk. S4«: Qala.: 

ey, lU.. IT; HsnnlbsL Mo.. 18. 
The Show Girl. B. C. Whitney, mgr.: Ullirav. 

kte. Wto., 8-14. 
The WIsard of Os. Ramlln. Mitchell A Fields, 

mgis,: Pblladelpbla. Pa., 0-21. 
Tbe Irish Pawnhcohen. IHIIe Slack * Xae. W. 

Speata, mgra.: Manistee. MIeh.. H: tad- 

logtoD 13: Bead City 18: Cadniae 14. 
The Tenderfoot. Clus. Marks, mgr.: Baatoa. 

Man., 2-14; Pr«*ldei!ef. R. I.. lS-18: Sprios- 

field. Mass.. IB: 'Waterbnry, Conn., SO: Mid- 

dletowB 21. 

Tbe Ctrl from Kaja: FTtano, CU., U, 
Tbe Boyal Chef: . BafeaM, lad.. IS. 
Tbe Gay Mattnca OIri: BalUax. N. 8., 8-U; 
Windsor 12; KrntTlIle 13. 

Van. BlUy, la The brand Boy. P. B. flaOlTan 
Amuse. Co„ gigis.: Wasblngtoa, D. C, V- 
14: Brooklya. N. T., 10-21. 
Tan StoUlfoid, Grace: Brastrine, lad, 18. 
West * Yokes, tai A Pair of Plahn. Ja« T. 

- — - Hart- 

Wheeloek's U. S. toflM BkBl 

berg, mcr. : New Teak OHy, 

N. J., ie-21. 
When Johnny Comes Maicblsg Home, W. T. 
Oarltoa, prop, and mgr.: LextngtoB) Ky., 
II-I4; NaahTlUe. Teno., 1«-IT: Jackaoa 18; 
Memphis 10; Little Rock. Ark., 20; Bat 
Sprlnga 21. 

WlUa MDilcal Comedy Co., John B. Wl]l% 
mgr.: Columbus, Miss., 8-11; Aberdeen 1^ 

Woodland, Henry W. SsTage, mgr.: Pbll*. 

delphla. Pa.. 0-21. 
WlllUms A Walker: Danrllle, lU.. 12. 
Well's Band. Geo. N. Loemls, mgr.: Jack- 

sonTllle, 111.. 11; Bloomlngton 12; Peoria 

13; Monmouth 14; Qalncy lu. 
Wills. Kat. M.. Bnadbntat * Ouxie. mgra.: 

Maw .Mtt"GHr>- Md>' . . ■' '. 

Barknr A Wllaaas, Lawrence Barlow. aupr.t 

Jackson. O.. 10; Greenll.ld 28. :. 
Barlow's, J. A. Coburn. mgr.: - MMMK- AlB« 

13; Columbus, Ulas. IT, 
OeKoe Bros.', BUly DeKne. mgr.: Marathon, 

N. T.. II; Cortland 12: Gnitan 13; Moca. 

Tia 14; Weedsport lu; Uyde IT; Oswsao Uj 

Waleatt ttrSadoa 30: Newark 81. 
OoBBaBr BBtaeWSi BdwanI coarad. mgr.: 

B. BadlM. : Ta.. Ui Baawihe IS: DaaelUa. 

IS; WbManHlalsa. -M. M; HMbbaasa 

IS: Datham 1^ BaAfjlaBat lilt miaaa.lSi^ 

Mewteta SB;, ililiani m-7 
i>ockstadii%, tami 'i^Chaak^r. -^JMIlpaaw-^ awM 

DsTenpart.'^ 23g:v(Mhr:.BaBias.-'iS|.' Baa 

Molocs'lS: St. Jaaeph. Bk^ Us Kaaau CMy 


Onmont's: Philadelphia, Pa., Anc. IS, lnde& 
Field's. Al. G.. lAx Uolgley, mgr.: Mason.. 

Ga.. 11; AngnsU IS; (Mumbb^ S. C ISti 

Charleston 14: 8aMamihi;-aai« .MM anaaaMiv 

IT; jacksonrUle, fla^ IS^' flMaeila' l»» Bai 

bUe. Ala.. 20-21. 
Guy Bros.', G. B. Guy. mgr.: Wblthy. OnL, 

U; Point Perry 12; Dxbildge 13; Graeen- 

burst 14; Orllla IS; Midland IT: P.aetang ML 
Barerly'a, Chaa. H. Bugliee. mgr.: Kvwfcnk, 

la., 11; BurUogtoo 12; Galesborg la. IS; 

Dubuune, la., 14; DaveoiMU-t 15; Ottawa Idi 

Marshslltown IT; Booue 18; Ft. Dodge 18; 

Yankton, S. D., 20; Sioux City, la., 31. 
Kersands'. Billy, Geo. A Treyacr, m^.: San 

Antunlo, Tex., 11. 
Mabars's. Frank: South McAleater. L T.. U. 
Proctor's, Geo. B. Proctor, mgr.: Mattooo, Ul,, 

0-14: CarbonOale IV-Zl. 
Prlmroae'a, tieocge. James B. Decker, iagr.t 

Baltimore ,Md., 0-14; Waablngtan. U. C, IS* 


Blcharda A Pringle's, Rnseo A BoUand. atgrs.: 
GoMea. B. C Ui Bcvelsloke U; dandoa ISt 

nSm' vti nwSk %'-£k!aaMt^sit*^B 

81.,.. ' ■ ; -_>.- 

Saa*a. Gm, .SM D. -Ikatav ava. 
phla. Aik.. 11; CkMe ~ 
Shteeeport, La., : Mi 
Toscl**, Jno. W. Togrl, mgr.: tJBNIa m. 
U; Jacksonville 18; Tbaeata tt; Amria ^ 

OaaviBe la: Latayatiew In*, iSi 
•sat J8t nta Sas War 

Lee, mgr.: New aaaaab OtaawJIiMt 
ford 12.14: WIlmiagMa. iBi^lijMs. 
ton. M. IML 

Boucher's, Dr.,' Automatic Tliratre <BBder eaa- 
Tas) : Dexter, Ala., U-12; Slaore 14-Ul 
Mt. Creek lU-lT. . i, . ; - . 

Oarifc^nter's Sdiool ag ChlaaMV* "Bat'Blrtlga. 
Ark.. Indef. 

Fhgala'a. F. H.. BCRT'iOo^aoimd: Lagraags^ 
Ua.. Indef. 

Bnnor. Joba, In TTavo l ognss; Wanpaca, WIbl, 

0-11: Keir LoodOB 12-14. ■ 
Fay; Anna Eva: St. Joaepb,- Ma,, S-U. ' 
Flints. The, Bypnottots, U. L. Flint, mgBiX 

Kankakee, III.. O-Il; Oalesbng 10.31. - 
Kam'B Fat Ciilldrrn ft Take TSma, W. . K. 

Sibley. Bin.: Cape GIrardcan. Mn.. -S-ld. 
KepBler jTaaaabenr atctey Oe Roaad: UBaa-' 
hdtt. Tna. M-M: .FWIaa. Ky.. l»«t. 

■ ft Lacy. Magleal ft Te* 

ibuneat (703 North Sth 8t.)t 
. Pa., Indef. 

Bhctrte Thestic. P. H. Braw% 

mgr. (oaa Bsbertaoa are.): Sprlagfield. Mow 

Pain's Last Days of PonpeU, AL Ootsoa, aigr.! 

Los Anselea. CaL, »-14; Saa tiWgv MI-181 

Kedlands 10-21. 
Prescelle, Hypnotist, P. WUIard Magoon. ■sr.t 

Bratlteboro. Vt.. 9-14: Rutland 1(1-21. 
Bfniz Bros.' Old PlantitlOD, A. Lk BealSi 

mgr.; Dassel, Minn., 20-21. 
Bayrooty Broa.* Show: En roote wltb Bar. 

nam A Balley'a Cliens. See Tent Show 


BoaeUe, Tbe Wild Girl. Bdrington ft Fortner, 
lafn.: Glraid. IIL, 11-14; East St. Lools 

Shepard's. Aichle U, Moving Plcttnea, Bi 
M. Becluim, mgr.: Atlantic City. N. J., 

Shepard's. Archie L., Moving Pictures ISnatb. 

em), Geo. W. . Bmralag; wag.t ~ 

.aty, Mlaa.. 11; laHlhaiiB^B " 

Natebea 14.- 
Sonny Saatb rioatlag Tkeal wi - WH. 

Mo.. U; at. OenevWve 18$' 

Tenlee. m,. 14-13. 
IMUtfu, OdL B. EL. 

BtUgtf. Md.. U; lb 

em* 18s catoaie ut . 
CttF lS: -ncelaaa ISt ' 

~^«orB,' g.' L.,'0!tcat " 

Sept. 104let. IS. 

▼AtniETXLLB coMBnuxnias . 

Aboni's, Mnton. All stag Ta aS n l B a On. <I«>- 
camb eimlra. H. C. Mlt' fBApaU 

Sebeneetgdy 18-21. 
Bdwards*. a E.. Lady Minstrel Shows, Bj'- Bi; 

Harding, bos. mgr. : Bloomlngton, lad;^ ' ^ 

11; Bedford 12-14; Frankfort 18-18. 'r: 
Lafayette, The Great. Show, T. O. 

mcr.( Keith's): Cle»eland, O., 

pie) Detroit. Midi.. 18-21. 

Barton Bioa.' nioirtoa Sbow% ilatt' 

mgr.; Wleblta. Kan.. 8-14. ^ 
Gay, flrrat. Sbsar: JoUct, IB.. 

Wl<a». jB ftJ ta 

Sav^M*' — 


Tfie Blllboara 

OCTOBER 14, 190&. 




Who Mdd the GartliMC« (O.) ^mSr wmm dcftd) 
The pall-bearen need not step op for a while. 
Tbe CarUage Fair U gulo^ to be perpetuated, 
at least sucb l» the porpoae of a petition now 
hrinm drculated throogbout the coonttr. This 
■ew vpfrlt of life la all becaoaa of the over* 
wtielming saecesa of the fair held Sept. 28- 
39. It waa a big erent and well attended by 
the coaotrx folk and the snborb&nltm. All 
the expen»ea will be taken oat of the r-Krtjlpts 
ud thea there will be a balance l^ft In the 

There la do donoc ubi. those intereated in 
* nidk gatberlogs In the coonty desire the fair 
to be kppt up. The Board of County Com- 
Binloners will at leait thlnJc so wben the big 

peHtion bearing orer 12.000 nmmeB is laid be- 
fore them la the nesr fatore. The petition is 
is the natore of a. prayer for the iaaoance of 
tondB to tb* amoiuit of f2SUM)0 for the par- 
' y*^J? * V^'^'^ ^-J^ yw rndm te^ flnt- " 

amtt irfB stut tte petition, wkick 
OmiK lk» Onttaacc Fair win be hald 
mI^ M an iodrflnltelr. 

Spedal tzalna br the «om, nitomobllM. 
eoacbcs ud wagonB by the himdredM could 'not 
Mai all the pcosle of Boatoa wbo wanted to 
■an «bo Mk (nlr at Bmktaa, Oct. »«. It wu 

_ ^ — — attiaetlana. 

tialBcd anhialat aad a Ism mHmB' it atter 
•iblbiton an of wboai «M» «dl nednd. 
Wedimdar waa OoTcrnor'a Baj. aa a - cmb- 
pUmcnt to Governor DoagUa, who occupied 
•pedal boze* at the Call groiradi. bclas ae> 

eompanlrd by bis staff tad otber 

■ten ot the state. Tbe midway. 
Bretrbody. acncd tbat tbe creilt.l 
- aqy ol its predeeeiaora. 


B. Moore, tbe aerooant, loat hXa balloon 
•t Headetaon. Ky., Sept. 27. The ascent as 
wen aa tbe paracbate drop waa made In per* 
feet order, and tbe balloon la s np p u aed to hsTe 
fdltn Id tbe Oblo zlver. Honrrrer, It could 
mote be foond. Some flsbermen report tbat tbey 
•nr •_wktte aaa and a nesra with the eanraa 

The Thlrty-tMrd trotttng- meetlngr of 
The Kentucky Trottlne Hone Breedera* Asao- 
datlon, opened aospldooilr with brlcbt aklea, 
fast trmc^ lar^e attendance, and tbe osnal 
•nrprteea. Mia AdbeO. an ODtalder In tbe 
betanff, won tie rtcb {21,000 Fntotlty, with 
the fBTorlte, Susie N., second. Tbla erent I« 
coDBldered by erery owner and trainer al 
•f the moat TalnaUe and dcaliable In tbe 
banieaa tnrf. Maud Keswick broke tbe record 
tbe accoDd beat ot the 13.000 Teaaeaaee 
emiln* the disbuee In 2.03% 
' eloaes Oct. 14. Il 
tB Uatacr ot tbe 

Albert R. Rogers, who ts best known, 
perhaps, throogb bis assoclalloa with Jim Key, 
the edncated horse, was a very pleasant caller 
at the offlce of The Billboard. Sept. 28. Mr 
Bosera la Identlfled largely with amosemeot 
Interests throaghoot the cumitry. He now coo- 
trols seeeral fire and flames shows, which for 
the past two or three yeata baa been one of 
tbe beat paying attractions at onr largest re* 
sorts. Ur. Bogers Is also connected with the 
Plttsborg Exposition, npon the soccesa of which 
he Is enthusiastic. 

The following attractions were se- 
cured for the Great Hageratown Fair, Hageia- 
town. Md., wbleb opened Oct. 10: Aldo and 
Amoor, eoawdr triple bar act; Frank Beed, 
. et and female comedy; Tbe 
Great CWrlTj Herd* jwtt Dagkar XMape^ Sylac 


_ ■llHiH, wiileh eloaea Oct. 14. 
— laiiest la Uitacr ot 

Tkota. and citlj 
salt. Tba akf^* 
tag at Uca«k 

MB^atte (MMM I«dwt0B « Ma at. 


Jte._HbHU!« Grant writes as follows: 
JStata lUr, to ba held at Atlanta 
of Ita Und erer 
preaent indlca- 

' aaergeUe and always 

,^^"7- — = - MOim, haa been 

nam at araek SBe- aeiaial aaawlka maklnr bla 

Satioaa for tte mat. AOaS^t * 
000 to aeeote tfa* lUiv aad taa mat al 
Mi at twice tbat amonnt In r an oi a tt ~ " ~ 

' btauU^lnc tbe groanda 
.ml tte beat race tracfca In the aoa 
?^A|boot tlg.000 wtn be giTen In _ 
■ f Wl i^ W O- In ptemlOBia. A new and'ooral fea- 
an an-day alnglnc contest In 
vucb slngeia from eighty conntlea will take 
part. October 20 la Prealdent Day. and Preel- 
dent Bo oaeTelt wOl neak at the fair gnmnda. 
A ntnaber of well-known attractions . are 
booked, tndndlng Bncklcy-s Fighting The 
laineik Dcn^o Brothers' AMa. and Capt. 

Bbow a. T. T. Oonier Is working bard 
( Ik* IHDBdB fbt tbe midway. Showa 

— ' .to Oeocgia mnst arold 

sae ■oun aa nocioa. srtsatsalppl and Lonlilana. 
aa. the atate ot eeorgla ia qaaraatlned against 

The Blngrham Fain^^ beld at Bin«r- 

fcamtOB. IT. T.. Sept. S«.3St was a ssccesa la 
•reiT Jespeet. Fair weather prcTalled tfatoogh- 
aot tbe Mitire fonr daya, and ' the attendance 
waa the larKPirt In the history of the aajio- 
«^a tto ii. The many concesaloas on the Pike 
did bandmie boalneea, and the exhibiu were 
.■Mi4 marled. Tbe many Ug attractlana 
wIiiAeman*a Beam and Mdnkeya, 

bar per 

fill niirs, aal Oe HIgh-aAaal bsiae. 
The First Fall Fair and Horse Show 

to xalB. lha taoa aboir ezMhlt was ang- 
mcated br tbe pw a ta e s eC TMop B. of the 12th 
United State* OitiIit ftom CUckamaDga Post 
which la located near Chattanooga. Their many 
feats. Including a monkey drill, waa highly 
commended by the aodlencea. Cook'a Boman 
Hlmodrome was a siKdal featnre. 

The Lie wis & Clark E^xposIUon live- 
stock **w. whldt doaed Bept. A Ike 
ciu w B i ag fc a t i ir e ot tbe fair. It la aaH flMt 
It sraa moA better attended tkaa waa Ike 
Urestoek show at St. Loots, and was la 
ways aopenor. Tbe showing oC AecdNna Waa 
tbe beat erer nade tn Aacdca. 
The West Tn mea a e e Fair lidd Its 
_ 8ept^ ST.90 ju g m ed 
an Immense aocoeaa In e*nT reapeet. ne In- 
ereaslng interest wfll make It a woodertol 
fair In a few yean. 

Samuel D. Woosley, of Union City. 
Tten.. wtltea: *Tlie West Trancasce Filr Aa- 
sodatjoo's aecond annnal cTcnt, beld Sept. 2T- 
SO, waa a great soccess tn erery inrtlenlar. 
If Interest contlnnes to Increase It wOl be a 
woitderfnl fair tn a few years. 

The L«wls & Clark Exposition closes 
at half-past eleren o'docfc Batnrda^ algbt. Oct. 
14. It was original^ Intended tiMt Oct. IS 
sboold be tbe doalng Aay, bat aa 

on a Soaday. the chaaaa .waa 

The Ft. Wayne ato|L> Vlalr^ stvoB 
'recentl7« ptorcd aa inir 
attendance bdac ta tha 
This waa tlie most aaei 
aasodathm was tamed. 

The total admission to Hm' Unvts & 
Clark Ezpoaltlon op to Sept. 77 was S,O0e.S4S. 
It la expected that the grand total win not 
be leas than 2.500,000. 

The Carpenter Children, aeriallsts, 

hare met with great soccess worUng tbe Oblo 
drcnlt of fairs. They win enjoy a Oort rest 
at their home In caereland, Ohio. 

The evening of the last day of the 

^ *5!f\ Bxpoaltloo baa been, dealgnated 
as ^^J^^I^^Jjg*^ H. W. Soode, 

ISbtama. Bkr Boctet closed a 

TMT Boeeeasfol week aa the qiecJa] teatare of 
the Trenton (N. J.) Inter-state Fair. 
Tbe Itactaesa Co. 

a majvrjiy ul nuuui 

oppoftBBlty «f mak- 
ot the gicat Parker 
ned oat an of the 

CWr, tadd at 



raoM Lomaa a uvBLL 

Bnshieaa haa been great, and ereiybody ta 
bappy. Mike Htgglns Is oot promotlttg for the 
company. He has booked Wllmerdlng, Pa., for 
next week nnder the auspices of the Weatlng- 
hans Air Brake 06. We bare Sheridan's Ferris 
Wheel. Thornton's merrT-so-ronnd. Bill Usno'a 
EHectrtc Theatre, Hetn's Streets of Cairo. Stan- 
ley's Trained Animal Show, Mike Hlgglns' Ven 

domeand Arcade and City of Woodeia, Bed 


Frank Montgomery, general manager of the 
Enropean Amosement Co.. snstalned a broken 
?.J? 5_''^ ■* Olencoe, CoL, Sept. 26, at 
whien^me orer twenty people were more or 
ie aa.--im nged. Fortunately the members of the 
naunr eOBIIiany had remained behind at Grand 
JOneanrlb^. Montgomery was Uken to the 
JfS*',iifiBi^L •* I>o«»n«o for treatment. 
J^MBaWB r v a «M nbet ot tbe oampaoy. 

r. 5 imiuicx oa ine oampaoy, 
JMMacd of tha acddeot. and 


B.- B. Read, of the (X 
Amosement Oo^ writes 
W. Parker iiawiminl Ool la 
the aoatb, aad witk this «i . . 
others, peihaps, the other aide of the aeaaoa 
U at band. We have Jost ecadoded a stay 
within the eonllnea of Nebcaaka ot alne wee lM . 
leaTing Seward, oar last date la tbat sute, 
Sept. 24. Tbe Nebraska dates played were 
aa followa: Falls City, Sooth Omaba, Fremont. 
Grand Islaod, Holdrege, McCook, Lincoln, Mast- 
logs and Seward. It might be expected that 
there woold be a bad one or two In such a long 
Ust. but sncb was not the ease. It wss a 
contlnoons procession of successes from the first 
to the coDcladlng date. The route of the com- 
pany south took us throneh Abilene. Kan-, the 
home of C. W. Parker and the Parker amuse- 
ment enterprises and factories. It was one 
ot the gala occasions of the season with the 
members of the company, a majority of whom 

had ncTer before had tbe c " — " 

Ing petaooal obserratlona ol 
factoclea, where are tamed 
dericos and naiafhstaallB aaed la bis ttmt bis 
shows, no nalB atsppad fbr about three hours 
and the'tiiaa was aoaa too loac for the trav- 
elen, as thefc waa antCh or Interest to be seen. 
Many of the -"-[—"r were personally known 
in Abilene, and there were soorea of people at 
the train to welcome them. This week we 
are giving Bartlesvllle, a new hat enterpris- 
ing oil town, the first street fair in its his- 
tory. BnslDeaa has been splendid all week, tbe 
bis band-carred front attraction of the show 
playing to capacity each night. Mr. C. W. 
Parker paid the show a between-tralns visit 
to-day. The amosement magnate expressed 
himself as being eminently well pleased with 
the season's bostneas of all foor of bis big 

Notes finrni tbe Nugent & Freeman 
Electric Norelty Oo.: We ale playlaa Falmooth, 
Ky., this week. Tbe Train Bobbety Is taking 
top money, ayerasioc $129.00 dally. rai>eam 
& Bice's Snake Show Is doing exceHent basi- 
ls Gardner'a Mlnatreb. In fact, all 
the shows are getting good moiwy. We have 
iolaed Pllbeam A Bice, and in the fofore we 
will trarel together. The shows are as follows 
PUbeam & Rice's Electric Theatre, Bice's Snake 
Show, Bobo; Bogent's (J. W.) Great Train 

Robberr. Freeman's TandeviUe Sbow. Kngent & 

Freeman's George, the Boman Snake Sbow, 
Gardner's Plaatatloo. Chamber's merry-go-roond 
d a bunch of coo cessions. 

Notes from the Xdebfried & Lavelle 

CamlTal Co.: We are still oo deck, playing 
tn good' bosiness. We carry seren abows, a 
meiry-go-ronnd, a Ferris wheel — la an, 13S 
wople. Last week at Donlb, Pa., the mem- 
3era of our company bad the pleasnre of vis- 
iting tbe coal mines. Everybody is well and 
we are enjoying this monntain air. We are 
headed south. Our execntive staff is as fol- 
lows: Uebtried & Lavelle, owners: Lew la- 
vellc. ireneral dlrednr: E. W. Tbantao, trcaa* 
nrer; Hike Hlffiai, aMhaa Had.aMate 
Dare, promoter, and WhU9- OHasaflC adVHl^k 
Ing agent. 

The Capps Concert Band doaed with 
the Lone Star Carnival Co. at ■sfetaiy. Neb., 
and will not i?o ont af^ln this aeaaoa. Edwin 
Capps. conductor, hat aceepte-l a position with 
the Military Band of Kewanee. 1. T. J. F. 
Tonett. known as "Sticks." It. with the SI. W. 
A. Band at Mand. Okla. Leonard HoUen- 
berger. trombone player, bae joined the Camp- 
bell Brothers' CIrms for the balance of tbe 
seaaoo* BdWlu Capps and a number of the 
other BMihecs will pla.v in the band and or- 
chestra with a Rip Van Winkle Co.. Edwin 
Capps luTla? signed as leader. 

Week of Sept. 25 was a big week In 
the history of Cameron, Mo., that being car- 
nival week. The New Parker Amosemeot Co. 
pot on the attractions and played to thousands 
of people. The Cameron Shn sixes the show 
op as roDows: "All In all the New Parker 
Amatement Co. bad a good week in Cameron, 
and we take pleasnre In recommending them 
to any commnnlty desiroos of secarlag drat 
dass camlval attractions." 

Notes from the Bauscher Carnival 
Co.: BDsmera Is as good as we haea enjored 
for years. We are now oo oor way asotb, aod 
expect to be in MtsslaalppI ta^ftmr ll^ka. 
We have seven Mmwa. a Fettla wbed. merry- 
go-raond and fifteen coaeeaaloaB, an owned aad 
contnlled by A. a BansOer who also 

a ,cus naad k .ttaasportlnc the shows. 
"H, BBBUSi reports that he has 

agcr ot the TtarHe Bay Jbaw. wUdi olayed 
▼irghda. West TlcrtSu "tlnw&milSa 
.aaa la af * 

The Billboard take« plevaure in annoondng 
tbat Harry L. Weisbaum, familiarly known to 
the fraternity as "the Cutlery King." has made 
an important addition to his big establlsbment 
at 240 E. Madison street, Chicago, and nill 
soon occupy the building at 242 E. iIai3lM»r. 
street. In connection with his preaent prem- 
ises, with a fall line ot Jewelry soppllea. 

To manage this new department. Sir. Wcla- 
banm haa been fortnnate In aecoring the serv- 
ices of Mr. Lools Lamm, whnee long experi- 
ence of twenty years, as buyer and manager 
bas^tbMOoslilT_aeQiulnted him with the re- 
Bade. Mr. Lamm enjojs s 
aad ° tite eoBSdence ot tbe 

a J 4 4 ^ af faitaMa*'aBdsi»S****^aiSiji 

Barry L. WeMaaas ' 
progressive tMiaineao 

preaent position In tbe 

rapid, and the rcsolt of a • 
cnstomera' needs. Seean i _ 
pled tweoty^re Sfaare jTeet In the 
Temple. Chicasob aad at the present tl 
nearly IS^OM 



\ : ' i 

sylwa la. Ba ■ 

s aar tsa t d at MS TMrd 
D. a 8aai aad 


Wallace's Old Plantation opened 
with the Welder Camlral Co. at OalllDolls. 
Ohio. Sept. 24. with seven people. "Bed'' 
Btnmps is on tbe front, and Gerald Adams 
of the BUge. At Manchester the 
following week a five-piece otehestta wa« 
added. The attractloo is a big SMoS^ 

Messrs. Raver and DanWiQr. pro- 
prietors of the New Parker Amnaement Co. 
expects to clean np J.10.000 during the sixteen 
t^.liiL,^* Dallas, Tex., where their amJl 
StmiS]^ among the leading 

-.£*s, S"^i"*^' '"^^ Parson." and 
f!!^ !S£? il"?'*''' ""roPPffl into The BIII- 

SU^"_/Sf".v*^?L Ain'ofs Show, having 
dmed with the Princeaa^Corena Show with t^ 
Heck Carnival .Co.. at Lexincton. 

DeVelde and Zelda are in their 
^enty-jcTentb week with the Patterson A 
Bialnerd Carnival Co. After thU iSSTirttt 
ttbi company doses, they wfll play V num- 
ber of good vandemie. datM^atSSdy %oSm. 

I.aBeIIe FredTs Oriental Show in lr> 
its fifth week with the We^ cSraWai ri 
SSf n!S«' B~ StinSanTAji'i ^ 

SKtln^TSBe^^SSl.^ Nenie DesSnp ^ 

HI Wallace, high diver, with tlie Wm B 
Co- rastalned severe bmlaee 
at OalllpoUa. Ohio, Sept. 20 While he \rmm i 

"r«ging to make t£f teip T^pe b^til, J^^ V^^^^ " CiarksvUle. Tenn.. 

ftSJ^""^' the Jacks against Mr. Wal- I iKLT.*** "napices of th^ 
^T .tnulMM "OiSe^TttrotSSL.'^"*" Amosement Oo. pot oo 

tte.knce_eap was knocked oot of nUee. 
S^STmSS^^ laid np a «ew. daia taN 


An I ndoor (Jr cns .win be held at tba 

Mrs. Frank Fox has regained her 
health, aad is doiac the lUastiatcd asMS aad 
poses plsatttai With the f.iaiWid * Lasdl 
Carnival Oh. tkt fsadi tafMii h> hw maar 


J. K. Barkout has booked Manning. 
S. C. for some time next month. Thomas M. 
Tonng, the billposter of that city, predicts > 
big week for tbe Barkoot attractions. 

Whitney's Greater Shows will put 
on the chief attzactloas for tbe fall carnival 
to be held In Ft. Scott. Kaa.. Oct. lS-21. Bafer 
and Love have the carnival in charge. 

Hagel & Sons, aeronauts of Peoria. 
111., made two aacccoafol aaeenaiona coA dv 
ot the street fair at Uortco, lU. They aie 
booked for OakrUle, la., this week. 

Dare Devil Barron, cyclist, writes 
that be aoond a hit tUiaa down the 100-faa« 
ladder «a his aalerde last w««k at ~ 


A company has been organized In 
San Antonio, Tex., to balld a new sommer 
park. The park wni cost •10,000 and Sidney 
H. Wels will be iU flrat manager. It wUt 

open about April 1. 

It Is reported that a number of 
northern and eastern capltallata are arrang- 
ing to baUd a tSO.OOO park la DttllaB, Tex. 

Hanaffer InKersoIl closed Lnna Park. 

Pituhurg, Pa., by giving a big banqnet to the 
employees. Wro. Little was toast master. Mr. 
Ingersoli was presented with a handsome lov- 
ing cnp. Mr. Jameson was presented with a 
One sutne and Mr. Braderson received a dia- 
mond. All tbe offlclals were preaent bnt Man- 
acer Gregg, wbone presence waa greatly missed. 

Manager J. F. Given, of Decatur, 111., 
has started to work with aboot a hnndred 
men on Broad Ripple Park. Indianapolis. Ind. 
^ plans are to give to the Indiana capital a 
White City that can compare with any In the 
fxnmtij. Work will eonUone all winter and 
op ontll Kay 10. 

Lake Harriett at Minneapolis, Minn., 
Is doing a rushing boslneaa nnilsr the m»n- 
ageinent of J. H. Eachman. The attractions 
for last week, Oct. 8. were D. n. Rhodes snd 
tbe Bevere Beacb Life Saving Crew. Kelsey'a 
Ordiestrs and the Chicago Twentieth Century 

After a successful season tn front of 
the acenlctorlnm and aa ofliclal annooncrr for 
Ppk. PitUbnrg. Pa.. Lloyd Jeffries will 
sjend ae_ winter^ aa maaacer aC tha nttabais 

OCTOBER 14, 1905. 

Xtie Billboard 








"And now, alaa and alack. It's a case 
of Buttoutskl." . A 

Such was the observation or the As- 
tute Editor of the official grind-organ 
noon tbe omission o( bis favorite col- 
umn from The Billboard a week or so 
aeo Was. or was not, the wish father 
of the tboughtT "ButtontaW he would 
J«tol^ to have It since "Bnttlnskl" 
ransed In him many a hitter 
Uwught Of lost opportnnlUes. Driven 
to dSperatlon by the genUe pin-pricks 
of ButtlnaM. he has made seventeen 
kinds of long-eared asses of himaeU 
and then, when he sought vindication 
at the hands of the billposters at Mon- 
treal they threw him down hard. His 
boycott resolution was dropped like a 
cold potato. m«r ftWWSte . •••time 
now Is sneering at MtST iqat through 
the olBclal grlnd-oi»ai»- la Issue, 
and apologizing for It in tte next. 

Quite out of touch. 

• • • 

Reports that the gang In N«w Tork 
0^ casting about for a pliable candi- 
date tor president to succeed Barney 
are confirmed by a paragraph In the 
official "JolU and JoBle*" naming a 
dozen or so poasiUea. This may be 
m, Jolt or a Jolly; you may take It either 
way. but better watch out, for some- 
thing serious Is doing along that line, 
with a view to switching the logical 
candidate onto the side-traiidc. 

• •• • .• 

' The meeting of tte'Bonrt of* Di- 
rectors to be held In Cincinnati on 
Tuesday, Dec 6. will be businesslike 
and harmonious, explains the Astute 
Editor, notwithstanding tta *^Mat of 
skunks" that hang oat to that town. 
What do you suppose he Is driving at 
now? The only persons we know of 
In CincinnaU that coold I n juiy way 
disturb the peace -tl^ltr of a 
meeting of the rareetors are the two 
soUdtora and tbe billposter who have 
their business headquarters here. We 
have not heard that any one of these 
have committed an overt act; they 
haven't even "leaked." If there Is 
anything on the Astute E^dltor's stom- 
ach that's hurting him be could spit 
tt oaL W«ru all stand aaide tlU he 

W0tm M vt It- - ^ . 
■■ • • • 

So seldom does It happen that an 
advertising journal has argood word 
to say for poster adverOalnjg.that par- 
ticular interest attaches, to 'such a 
story when It does appear. In tbe 
laaw 9t Printerar Ink of ' Sept. 87 Is 
printed nnder the heading TThe Bill- 
board As a Neighborhood Medium" 
the best endorsement of the poster 
that has appeared in any publication 
Jn -aMagr » «v> -W*. hatva.. aat the 
spaae to print It hi fun. h<itt tt win 
MOT every billposter who seeks to In- 
eraaae his local business to get several 
esidsa of the Issue of Printers' Ink 


• • • 

It is flrst explained that on a bill- 
board on Broadway, in the heart of 
tte ^thing district, there appears a 
poster the year around which adver- 
tises a new device In trousers. Tbe 
poster gives the address of the manu- 
facturer a few blocks away. Nowhere 
else in town Is that poster shown. The 
purpose Is to catch the eyes of the 
thousands of clothing dealers of the 
United States, who, at some time of 
the year, are almost certain to pass 
•hat board on Broadway and see that 
V*rilenlar poster. Then foUowa this 

imnewrds can ettn be md Is 
<■ tkewM wiy by ntaHcn la . 
2*Mwvap(ts lesttcr toa widely. 

tta «Mkitr. • 
mrnHT saw wdflasn la Hew Sork 
i- — bfOt a ann Shop efcr M abrtfe avcnae 

to ( ■cnl.mMMttal dtoMet Car tmh brtcn 
M trrw Into a Broadim atoie and became ■ 
«»«P«IKT idTCTttoer. * wbco Ms boMnesa w»» 
•pall thli raercfaut dKtrlbatrd umplM of 
Ootb vitii cIrenUr* tbroagta oelctaborliis atreeta. 
ThMe told hU Mory, -and tbMi. to be ewtaln 
nit people woaldn't fbrgat ta aat afaa It, ba 
owd billboard* In the mm IllltollJ Oats a 
"vidcnble period of yasM tt >tM. Ha tm 
It yet for bla old atora. 
Tb« beinty of the billboard aa a 
mpdiam U that a ai*r«b*— — 
Tbe Btrcet-cat 

to bare a retail 
Tertlae. Ooa ai 
where people 
reach tba whole 

to pst aa 

aC alack paatota aada np 

Una and law ia eaat. naaiy ictall. 

wha wanta ta ad- 
baaida wlariy plaefd 
tha traOty Uaea will 
Mfeaad Nsolarlr. The 
it be •nadad to know 
aaid aaea he baa It. 
wfll abow blm cata- 
far erery 

atoek trom 

^ to ibeea. bata. atoTea aad fumltnte, 

baa artldea made by oianafactnrera who dead 
oat poatm. to be poated (eoerally for them- 
aelna or naed by laice retallrra. Theie the 
amaU retailer can hare for the aiklng. Still 
other companiM make a boalDeu ot palntlns 
adTertlalnc pnatns wllk asr toatt w a patron 
may drdre, prodaatog tg/t tto S aa VMS eaptea 
at reaaomhle east; Baaiy Mvaatoe know a 
abont these. 

What better talk than that can you 
give to your local merchant? The 
best of It Ues In the ftMt that Maters' 
Ink said It: and no ottier advertfsing 
journal published has the ear or the 
eye of the advertiser as has Printers' 
Ink. If you can't get all the copies 
of Printers' Ink with this story that 
you can use. get one and print the 
story on a etaenlar. It win hirtp aom e. 



Bdltor of The Billboard: 

Some time a£a I noticed In tlie Ladles' 
Home /oamal a nnmber of ' lIlostratloDa ahow* 
lac billboard locatioiu with a aet of ninstratlons 
ahowtnc the same lontlons "beantiaed" l>y the 
ivmoTal of the boards. While tbU may ap- 
ply to certain locallHea 1 wonld like to Bay 
for the beneflt of Mr. J. Horace McFarland. 
who conducts the •"Beaotlfnl America" colnmn 
In that Joarnal. that there 1* many a btUbnard 
which U an ornament to the locality ta which 
It bu been placed, aloce the bcaatlfU aolors 
Of the poatera are moca glMbigthHi a ts- 
eant tot coreted with weeds nd aid cans. 
Bariac been a mnmatrr la my titoc^ and hay- 
InC ^c«d naay bDIbanda; It waa atwaya my 
aim ta eo»«r ap laat aaA _^ta. 

Binbearda. if kept ta giwd ccodtdon wltt 
f reah paper, are an omamrnt to moatany lo- 
ralltr. and are alwaya tatereatlne fnm the 
fact that the poMle loofca to them for mnch 
tttformatloo. ^ ^ ^ 

A word to tifllpoBteia: keep yoor boards np 
In good abape; don't be aftald to n»e Wank 

psper. It don't cost mncb and adds to tbe 
heaaty-ot tbe atand. It may be the means of 
cooTOtlaa aaaaa of tbe anH-blUboard people 
with iihaa hise to contend In thrar days 

*^ - •. The Billboard Man. 

KeaathM, Wla. 


i*?S.22Si ??V^^TSi,1^ 
S' rfSSSdSa. wSK; sept » 

the dlatribotlns bandied by tbe Harbor Paint 
& Paper Co. The new conpany has In couxae 
or nrntmethMi oome intea thoosMid f«'t of 
boarda. and wlU othenrtoe Improre Replant. 
^^MhM a popntofloa 

Hoqnalto better ttaa 7.000. Coanwpplla. at tbe 
hSd^tbT harbor, baa aboot l.a)0. p* en- 

?iS harbor with •^•2"ir^,JESS?*«nlr.? 
10 000 to eaafly reached by electric ranway. 
a liy U mana«»r, and la aaalsted by Chat 
taltt, contractor and soperlntendent of poatlns. 
^t to an old-tlnie eanilTsI man. formerly 
witfa the OisklU-Mnndy and other weUtoiown 

he I. ttlcA t^Say-^t is ttie Intentton of the 
West Coast AdrertUtog 

this DsrtlcnUr tesloo to the Umlt. It Is a 

rich SSSraiid their ellqtta aboold be re- 


The Sign and Pictorial Col'e"?e 
aurted by Ae Bnipctins-sign Oo. of Pi.ii.- 
delphla. last y»«r. for the pnrpose of Ins'ni-'t- 
hur men In pktorlal painting, reaomed lis 
stSdIes early In September with three time« 
umtny scholars as It had last year. It N a 
norel deielepment of the painted adTer>I~lng 
sign business, and Is sttrmcUng • 'otf' ' '•t,'}' 
MoT. It Is nnder the direction of FMnk «\1I- 
lUmson. a w*U known^artlit who has i:.*n 
mnnect^ wlUi tte adrerttotoc boslness for 
many years. 

The Mayor of Baltimore. Md.. w!io 
adiiSI £ tte vacsBt tott la the burnt di- 
teMMto be taMedtaThaa atetcd that unpoat- 
taraTpateMato? oa those feneea ^^Tbe 
SiMnd. nSTlB fcet. Mcfcmd to rooth board 
SSr^ Aliwdar^dSn ot Baltlaore. Who 
iSSlMd atottbaia lat^reftwed to ac- 
Sne tte fliid tor aame beeanae It had a 
M^oaid mMeitoa to it The aeller ■ aeelag 
SngSoSrStte pionslon atra* It oat and 
the deed waa eaoaommsted. 

J J. Hughes, of Lynchburg, Va.. paid 
The Billboard a pleasant call 
while on his wsy home from a horse baying 
eipedltlon to Chlcsgo. Mr. Hoghes waa look- 
^f^eil snd said that both the MBpcatlng and 
Uie llrery bnalneaa were thrlTtos -la-hto. town. 

There has been a 
ment In the appesrance at 
Oirlngtoo. Ky.. since the 
Ot- that plant. Manager 

great. Improve- 
r the MObaaids ta 
IS «C Banatete 
ijB csctataly a 

The wise ones who have been watch 

lag tba altnatka ta Mew T«k aia sow lay- 
ing beto OB baw tag tbe preaent comblnatton 
wiu bmof teaather. 

From the way the biUpoatew have 

been aendlng to Us" '^ 

past two weeks W 
bare llziled out. 

A prominent poster and paint show- 
ing to one of the featmea of tbe ylsorooa poUt- 
leal campaign now being waged ta PhOadal- 

The Olathe BUlpostliic Co. giieeeedi 

£r^to SSS&^mA n 

Mrs. W. Scott 




Tliglato IHcfcctaaa, aC illikniwll. Ta~ 

Sd H? o??. iSd& TISSSSWV^ 

Fted. R. Corbett, of 
baa bonght tbe plant of his 
owns all boarda In bto town. 

The Roehaater Binpostlng Co.. Rocb' 
'Star. H. T.. has .Maaad ba moca saBBadtooi 
qnartofs at Sn Mst 

Faint and paper, llte oO aad water. 

will not mix. 

Who is sitting on the Astute Editor 
these days. 8h-h.h; the dog to only deeping. 


AdreitifemenU under thlt 
pnlllshed weekly at the nalfona 
canto psr issns. or f4.00 par year. 

ABK, — Conway— J. T. Clark, box SO: 
Cotton Plant— Soon A Elchela. 
Helena— Fltzpatrlek B. P. 00. 
Sprlnsdale— Tlte Saondera Oo. 
Walnnt Ridge — ^Walnnt Bides 

coin. — ntiBiriail namlij Ot^tae. 

TB A. P aaatollo— Oeawa 

TTT m asi alag taa C f ty B. V. a. 

•C taa 

* A. 

_ _ O. Cha__ 
Chicago-^ DaTla, tOS W. Tea BMB 

ZHS.— Michigan City— J. L. Weber 4k Oa 

Wlaemac— B. O. Bonoagha. . . 

Qn>. XSB. — BanettarUIe— OtMt VMMB 
P. Oa. 



Jj. Geatao. 
Hlekeraon— John B. lUBer, B. 

ST.— Sroadbead— Bmadhead B. P. i 


BnsselMBs-'^taatariSM B. V. 


MOHT.— mUlngs — A. b, 
S. TOBK.— CobleAlU— aawte V. 
V. OAS.— Sutearllle-Sowland AdT. Oa. 
OKIO,— OUddletown — Anthony H. Walbnrg. 

Cnx>kaTllIe^-Cl^aoksTilIe B. P. A Dist 

nans .— Altoona— Cbarles Bdmosd Gmbb. SZT 
Stb are. 

Johnstown — Jotmstown B. P. Co. 
Phaenlxaflls Oaorga K. Obccholtaer. 
^ — * «. laatw a ■. ». 0», 

a a. V. 


Advaztlaemaato mder this hoadfav ariB ha 
pnhliahsd weakly at the imifazm lata tt toa 
canto par iaaaa. ar lAOO par ye ar . 

SBTT fitoiaai J V, 

Cax.— iBnrcka— qv. H. Mathewa, 008 Sad at. 

Baeramento>— iW. A. Caawrll A Boas. 
OA.— Atlaato-^. P. Booghton, boa KM, 
IIX.-7-«a>t St. Lonla— w. H. Dcamar. 

BlwardsTlUe— (KellennanB Adr. On. 

Mattooo— OfeeiMfaaa Bns.. am M. UBtb 


Paloyia— A. O 

Monde— Qlnneto Adv. Oa. 
Terre' Bante— O. V. Barttott: 
IOWA.— Oes Moines— W. Mooee, Uecaaed. 

DoDds — Union B. P. aad Adr. -Co. 
Mason Cltr — Henry DIehl. - 

Boston— John T. Carter, 
Jaeksoo— W. B. Sokaaeo. 
HmH.—iUoiTto— George B. lawnoiee. B. P. and 

VO.— at. Loola-S. A- Hyde; lUe Hi all at. 

-g aatauy ' B abai t X. CtaMtoto. - . - 
BchByler Bna A BatasBi 

Tt. xtiBjC^=4gdehilnirg— dL'B. "Braey. 
Pert Jarrto-A. a SL Mcaltr. 

- go tni p .. J Mia XyiH; g wa w a 

omo.— Otoclnnatl— I. J. Hnrphy A CMk 
" OtdomlinB— 8. A. Hyde. 

Portoria— iw. C. TeirU A Oa.. 1 
Ttffln It. 

Martin's Ferry — J. F. BInmenboig. 

Toongstown — 01. Oleger. 

FEBni.— Carlisle — Wm. M. Meloy, box 

nni)ols — O. H. Barlow, 3 3. Brady 
East York^Rlcttard E. Staley. 

JohDfitonu — Oe<trse UpilegraTl^ & 

FbaenUTlUe— Geo. K. Obctboltaer. 
il>rone— C. S. PI 
'~ -OalsA 



dbennan— <W. J. Baraty. . 
OTA&— 8aR Lake City— Jaka li. 
WD.— West Snpei(0i^-C A. ~ 

partor Batd. 
CAV.— Vontieal— C. J. T. Tbomaa^ baa 

VaneooTer, B. C. — A. F. Morrti 

LI a ,^ t i r j: « n t . 


FBEDA SLEMONS. veraatlle leads. BUD 
BUBLE, cbaracters, coo^edy, gen. bua, alto, 
trombone or barltooe 'In band. Address. 


Bhow property: tents, seats, tlahls, kid show, black top 
aad horse tent; band, barauca and tableaux aaicona. 
hsmssa, tts|»plnp. efc. All mast bo In aocd.snnditna 

The O r as t aat Money Maklnc SboottBr Oallaiy nade 

M r 4« lor sataMaae, 


WM. HUtirirUUK. Mgr.. 

PbUadeipbla. Pa, U.S. A. 


Electric theatre and old plantation; mUHt be 
good .with gqod fronts. Oaa t^two mualeiana 
foe band: one BHM* free ae*. Will be oat all 
wiDter' - OOTU*DB6BOAT.IIm.' 
Cap« Glraidicaa. Oct. a-M: 


Moat ba to No. I eoodltlon aa-l cheap tar cash. Maopct. 

_ „ ; torksMiTina. lataoig^ 



it Krohaflsld, BloomlDJCton, lUa 

Profltablo Biwlnasi 

^ ARD FtUB. 
■mall Oiittajk 

KaptoOSa PutDf, 

ISrilTMi|i|ii Mil 11 iMilito^sa aia m 


„,. i^^o*»£^ 

IjttC- ueaas forpnuls 
entertalnmoits. lilnsffaa. 
lag hlatCUe and cnnento 


Jnst tiM tbiDg for tacking Un and oujtboanl tjgo* 
Erery distrlbotor ahoald hare one. PWoes: Wtth 
doDbM eitenslon liaiid,e. M InrbM loag, each, KCO: 
triple ntenslon handle; ts Inches lonE, toch, lus 
Send raoney wlib Che orOor. None seov C O. V. 

The Donald eon Uthe. Ca^ Wewpert K». 


danaUawtSabniba. TWsphoasani.UOpa*a,Plaos. . Oontiactoia toa Mtostoto«ta*^tos»a» 
Ghaada. Popotoltoni Ciay|MAWtl»»n>iaibaaTowna1Mto. 



OCTOBER 14, 190& 

'^Avmne Glrla. C«o. Hale, mgt^t 
atx, »-U: Brooklyn le-ZB. 
Aaipricmjia. Hazix Clark, idst.; New ToHc 
CItj. 8-14. 

AlriMr Bcantles. Obarles Taykr. mKr.: Boc- 

- ton. ^laia.. B-14. 
.'Wack Crook. Jr., Hanj Bastln^i. mgr.: Xenia, 
'v' O., 11; WUmlDctoa 12: Bamlltoa 13: Ualaa 

■ cicr. iBd., 14: TliiM If tlMMiili 1~ 
HoDtprlirr 13: ■awaArMFlEAHW 
- : gimaort XL. 

Btar BMm Olilii. XMk W— »r. aar.: Pltt»- 
. tact; VtL. »-U: n«rl—ll. O.. i»a. 
'Biaiij BarlMQDcm, Ise Hartic Bad Bcad- 
< ■ tax. P>~ 9-14: Bcnataa l*-a. 
Boo Tooa. Bull * Wcbcr, mgis^ K> iMMi^ 
' ShK, »-14: ChlCMV. UL. 16-21. 
Black Oaok, KUIar * Ploim, men.: BalftmaiT, 

Looit Qiut. mgi-: I^t- 
4-; J4«. 


u U: Ca- 
ll: CanoQ 


v,.:X, »-M; -' - -- 

:'auiim Glrtt, fame* Ledenf; 

Y.. •-14: Trox 1IS-2I. 

Cbrrrr Bbmoms, M. Jacob*, mgr.t WaaUns- 

too, D. C 1^14: BaltliDare. Ud.. 10-2I. 

ColMiUI Belles. Cbaa. Frank mgr.: LoalarlUe, 

^rT«n*a.'SaBi. Ftaok B. FccenaB. ngr.: San 
: CbL. >-14; Bens, Krw., IT; ObiL^ 

ffta^rat: - .: 

.Baak ft Weber, mgrs.: Boa- 
:-< ' ton.:: Baau 0^14: New Tork Cltr. 10-21. 
Dreamlaiid BeanClea, Frank Caldor, mfc.i il<m- 

txrml. Can- »-I4. 
Ikipice Barleaqoets. J. FeniuHr, mgr.: Bal- 
s: tliaoi*. Ud.. »-14. 

' Vkr Foner, Joaepb OppeabeUDcr, mgt.t Kn- 
aas atr. Mo.. »-14. 
6a7 Homing Ulories. Sam A. Scrlbner, mgr.: 
< Seantoo. Pa.. »-I4: Newark. N. J.. 10-21. 
. Gaj Maaqtwradera. JoUa S. Uajnor. mgr.: 
<r -BBCbeater. N. Y.. B-H: Alban; lU-ZI. 
"^SaUen Crook. Jaeoba ft Jennon. mgn.: Nei* 
• Tork Cltx. 0-I4; riilladelpbU, tO-21. 
Bleh Flxen. Harrr Koi^ter. Qiip.: PottsUm-n. 
1-a.. 11: CaibontUle 14. 

Blxti BoDrra. A. U. WoodboU. mgr.: New 

York City 8-14; BraokltB.l*~ 
'Howard Extraraganaa. Oaik' K 

■ l-ortland. Ore.. 8-14. 
Irwin'* Big Show, Fred Irwta. mgr.: Newark, 

■ H. I.. 8-14: New York Cltr. lO-Sl 
Innooeat UaUi. E. W. riilpun, mtt.i To- 
. roaco. One, 9-14 . . .. 

Heala. 9aa wnila«a. .1 
11: Ovicn. Dtak. n. 

Wni Weat 
CWhUa CUjl: ~ 
BDtrt, tm. 

CItT 18. 

Ely'a. Geo. 8.: Bramin. Okla.. 16: Snmpter 

17; Mardln 18: Deer Creek 19. 
Foiepansh ft SeU« Bna.*. ftaailtla. Tn.. II: 

Qaanoab 12; WteUla Mb Hi Bgp li 14. 

Gay'a Electric Co., Gar BVi^: Ca- 

maaclie. la.. 9-14. 
G<^imar Bros.*: Delaran, 111., 11; Moweaqoa 

HagenbeA'a Trained AnlaMl 
MeaUao ot rooce problblHiL__Jw M- 
dieaaed In care of Tba lfBlliTi'# wSl ke 

forwarded promptly. 

Hall's, F. W.; Conway Sprlncs. Kan.. 11: 
Clearwater 12; Peck 13: UuItidc 14: Belle 
rialoe iti; Oironl IT: Gueda SprlEga 18: 
South Rxten 19: Huncexrell 2U. 

Lacky BUl's: Dronlt. Kan.. 11: Calesburg 12: 
St. Paal 13: Walnnt 14; CIrard lu: Knll. r 
IT: An:adla 18: Uarland IS: Ueerfield. Mo.. 


Kama ft Howe's: Jlmlnrx, Mex.. 11: Gnmrx 

Plada 12; Zacat^ca^ 14: Asafl* Callente* ir*. 

16: Leon IT-lS: SLUo 10; GiudaUMra 20-22. 
Pawnee Blll'a IVUd Weat: Manguui, Ukla., 

11: Anadarko 12: Cblckasba. 1. T., Vt: 

Geary, OkU., 14. 
Rlnsllns Bna.*: Ada. I. T.. 11; Doraot 12: 

South UcAlester 13: Muskogee 13. 
Bobbin*'. Frank A.: Canilirlilg . Md.. II: 

CrlaSeld IS: Poeooioke City 13: SaUalmry 14: 

Berllu 16: Georgt ti>« n. I>el.. IT. 
Boblnson's. Jobn: UetropalL*. IIL, 11: Anna 

12: Marpbjaboro 13: BellrlUe 14. 
VanAmburg: I'ubllcatlon of route proUlblted- 

Anx mall addressed Id care of TUe BUl- 

boatd will be forwarded promptly. 

waihyi „ir6B|H. ww* ^ ^' 



. Hit 

"'KeBtaefcr BcOnt - I 

Jtmr Maldaa^ J. 

Pa- 9.14- 

3UM few York. Jr.. Oatrle Clme.' nn.rPhlia- 
' delpbta. Pa^. 8-14. 

Ifajeatln. Fred Irwtn. mgr.^ Altooaa, Pa., 

11-12: PltUbnrs 10-21. 
UoonPirht Halda? »a>ld Krana. mgr.: '^Ptit-! 

adelpbla, fa.. 0-14: Heading ie-2I. 
Maacotta, J. J. , Kooaban, bet.; Clnclsiutl. 

O., 0-14. . . 
Kew rock Stan^.U. IC "Mat^ mgt't PkUt 

delpbla. piU 9-tL. 
Hew Ctotnn, Cildlk' X 

Und. .O.. . 
New Landoo Galtr Glrli^ C W. Grant, mgr.: 

SlUwankee. Wla., 9-14. 
Orientals. W. D. Watson, mgr.; Brooklyn* 

N. y_ 8-14. 

Pariilan Widows. Hnsb ft Webee. mgrt.: De- 
, trait. Mlcb., 9-14; Toledo, O.. 10-21, 

■ PuMan Belles Jobs Grirea, mgr.: at. Pad. 

■ -SUao.. 9-14:. BlaMapoUa 16-21. 
\f!nnf^^^ALs~^Kfm Xork Clxj. 9-U« PMIalil 

PWr OB,. 

'ftke LsaTltk . 

0.. 9-U: JMMIIa. Tm_ 

Bte B BltM<% BIK Gatelr 0ȣ 

■ -T, v-u: — ■ 

v.'.msE.: CUeagsv BL. B-U; 

uSelUr' ft Wbod'a, PaL Beiltr. Bgc: Hew Totk 
:'axj. »-14; 

K. h. Bite MIK HMhTlMl. : 

f«lEan>-At]*Btle BbMhm & . X. BaM*- 

^.^kal;. Bgr.: rai>rtliri.'» *Mt Mtw Or- 
^ -leans. La., ra-ai. 

irXleer UlUes, ls«y Grodfc BBi' Batte, Sloat., 
Ik 15-20. 

* Xnraderoa. Cbaa. H. WidBMi; tur.t Cleia- 
i' ?;land, O., »-14: BaBlla, K. Xi, 
Otoplans, W. V. Ti aniBii. afl^ 
fi. ^Uaa.. 9-14. 

■Tmtr. Bobert Uanekeater. mgr. 
N. T.. 2-14; Ptoeldeaee. E. L. 16-21. 

Beaten. 1. .HeitcR Mack, onr.: B«a- 

^^MK Slaaa.. »-M; Meir Tack CUr. WBk 
make Wooas 4k Sipgi. X. xTSMl^ 

_<rniM% BL J.: Pafttend. Ore., U. 
iBkraoa ft BaJley'a: Ft. Worth. Tex.. 11; Qe- 
kara* 12: Temple 13; Waea 14: Anatin . 16: 
- Taylar IS: Palcatlae IS; l^ltr 19; 0«al- 

PaMIeatiaa at mate pr»- 
nt&rtmij l tacaie af Tka 
'0warded promptly. 
B.. Aaguataa ^aaea^ asgf. 
ncdeitekalnitg 12: Alez- 

Alabama Camlral COk. I 

atj, BL. 9-14. 
Aawatra. CtgU W, »« 

Ga., B4I» 
Baldwta aaaft 

Barkoat. K. AMatant OM 

bnrg. W. Tku. M«: OianH. K. 
BUnk Qnatv. AaMBMt Oa. &.. — ' 

gen mgtJt ABiatt* Sb« BA' 

Casb CanMt Obk fBbi. Ut ~ ' 


Coofcn'a cnr «r m a aa ma, B, 

Ragerstoata. lU.. ft-H. 

-|aa Aaiawinfnt 0>., H. Snrdtr. grn, 
1 UattooB. HL. 9-14; Carboaibile lC-21. 
Anniwaient Co.: rnbllratloo of 
roate problblt* d. Any mail adOrei^ied In 
care of Ttae BlUboard will be forwarded 

Ferarl Brca.* Camlral Co.: Terre Haote, Isd.. 

in a. 

Gaskin Great Shows: Wichita. Kan.. 0-14 

Grayblll ft Bnsbmer AmoaemcDt Co., J. Vic- 
tor Grayblll ft W. C. RoKbrner, mgrs.: Nor- 
rlrtOTvn, I'a., Oct. 1, Indef, 

Hatch. J. Frank. Sbowas Brixtoi. Tena., 8-14. 

Booalir Amuwnient Cat* OmUm^ tak, 9-14. 

Jonea-Adsma SLowa: KtaataB, --BL C.« 9-14: 
WIlmlnztoD 16-21. 

Lacbman-Keetcb Sbowi: Cbulton, It., 9-11; 
Alhia lit-21. 

t«ib(Hed ft LaTelle Aasasesacat Co.: WIIbct- 
dins. Pi.. 9-M: HkBUagtn. W. Va.. IML, 

Xadbwo Amtiiimiaf Ok.t JtaCMi^ Hk.'=B«M 

' Uwlatna 164L. . . 

BIle»]<V- IBllMr" ■ XMMH*. Vtk. . S-U. 

Moaaieb Aaaaafet C^t- B*aM Imt^ 9-14. 

Miner Bros.' Shows: St. Loolt, Me.. 2-21. 

Nlcliol's Chicago Amnsement Co.. Lew Nlcta- 
ola, owacs 4k.. mgr.: JctaqrrlUc, 111., 9-14. 

Law Department 


Task City, and 
aaw af kuiiiiian. 

pnbliahad nnder any conaldaratiea. 

(New Xark law win be gtrca wkere 

OuaI*aI Col! Channte. 

Cttr IML 

Parker Fall ilsaj 

Tyler, mgtn.: 
too ut-a. 

PattnaM B 

KlB.. B-M; WrlUlSIM lO-a. 
BlddeD'a Soalkaca Oanriaal Oa.: Iterlttawa. 

T<e«a.. ••U: Ttgil— GWr Wa. 
Boblnaon Amnamient Oa.: Ccacgetows, Ey., 

9-14; Lawrenceborg ' 16-a. 
Boyal AmnsemeDt Co., n. R. TIpps, mgr.: 
JnnetiBa, Qty. By.. 9-14; UoatooTlUe lo-a. 

Bat Bah a. agr.: Pet- 

CkL. BM. ' 
Seemaa-BllIIeBa Uaidt Gias Co.: lit. Palaikl. 
HI., 9-14. 

Teadome Tbeatre, Cbas W. I^Ici^ aigr.: At 
lanta. Ga., 8-21. ' . ' ' 

Welder's. Will H-. CaraMl OlLt BWktF. O.. 
9-14: HlOsbaca l»a. . 

B. O. Lebomo. 



Cbas. Bombsnpt, the well-known raadernir 
agent, aalled. Sept. 80. abnanl tbe Finland fur 
l£urt*pe. Tbe trip la mainly In tb* Interest 

Ot Mr. Bomliaaiit'a booUog agency. Ue wUI 
make flaal anaanwMg wBk m aaaber or 
He acta aBea^ taataC aai- ^B tank others 
Ibat caaa as ta MB_ ■•■riHb . na yoong 

aC tka teas at 

at tka Morwaod Hospital. 

Uarioa. tad. antrertng with aa acate attack 
of adatle ikeamattsm. Dariag tkr reeeat aa. 
gagencat at Kokoaig^ lad.. Ur. OeMoade 
oiae ao in that be waa «arred to qalc 
Br CBteted the Konraod Boapltal aad to 
aUe to tit op. Ulai Dlninuep 
trfalt to bar parenta la ~ "~ — 
to shortly be able to 

1. I llTed to PenntylTanU. and two years 
ago ToteU fur tbe Otsi iluie. S^jme tluir after- 
wards 1 recelred a notice that 1 owed two 
dullara taxetf and twu doUari sn4 rt«rty-lwo 
ceiiu penally. 1 refused tu pay. and was iuM 
that I would be artvatrd aad lucked ap It 
I dU aot d» aa. 1 left tkata aaaf alurwiaris. 
aad abHO (bca I kaaa ■IBIW ta Ike VMy tank 
aad aMcod ta pay tka aaMoak <kas ■ pe>- 
alty). taM ke wSSt oat take It be wrote In 
retsia *• ate. WUI yaa pi r a s a tell mr can 
they lack ae a* Bar ant parlag Ibe taxes} and 
if I offer bias Ike anaaat hot a penally, tsn be 
refine It. aad alaa V t redster tuuie pUre 
else and pay back taxea aad caa abow tbe 
rerelpu wben I reram tbem. can they rrfnse 
tu accept tbetnl I'lraae tell uie what puslilon 
1 am In. or what 1 cnu ur sliuald do. 2. \YUI 
yon pleatte tell me wliere there Is s guud law 
scboul with reasuuable rat en la IVriiu«>Ivaiila. 
Ohio or New Vork, where one cau enter "llli- 
unt having a blgb scbuol eOucalloo. 5. l»iie« 
a canraaaer hare to pay llceiuse? — J. B., Wueel- 
Ing. W. Vs. 

1. The City Clerk need not accept the amonnt 
of tbe tax less tue penslty. Yoa lyasi mfer 
the full amount. Ue cau also refiMe lu accept 
tbe teceliit showing yoor payawnt of taxea any- 
artacte else, as that doea out Ifaiaidate your 
tax In hia Jarlad l etlaa. Ttae obllgatloa to pay 
taxea la aaai lliaia reinforced by statatory iiro- 

^* " aieanor 
ot en- 
forcing the iuyaieat'aC tasea «■ pmiwrty. tbla 
mrihod baa nerer been arldely adopted lo Ibe 
t'nltrd Stales, betng limited to s few of tbe 
Kew England Stalra. and It, perhaiM. even 
tliere becoming obsolete. Bat One and liu- 
prtaaamenl are still used In rarloux pnrta of 
tlje conntry to enforre the pa.vment of p^ll 
taxes. In which, I belleie. renna.vlranla Is In- 
rlniled. There can. of CDDr>e. from the c«n- 
stltutlnnal standpoint be no qnc^tlon as to lite 
TsIIillty of a ststnte antborlztng srrest and 
Iniprlunnient for a failure to psy tases; tfc^r. 
Mhere this remedy Is pemilttrd. nlll It be 
taken away by a stnrnTe aliollKliIng Imprl-Mjn- 
ment for delit. Tlie riglit to selie the |n'rsim 
of tbe delliii|uent Diu.-'t, of course, Ijc expret«sly 
conferred by i-talute. It can be exerelaed 
only bv a narflctjiar person, anthortaed to com- 

mic ilflliniarniii. and ncli penun can act only 
apaa a wamnt la rreiy l e nur t legal. Ttie 
_jMHr la asaally rcqalred 
rrfartlaw w tka a ea i ed y of aircBt and 
Bat ta CK Ike beaaOt of aaek 
tke laxHmer Aoald Bake a dWIaet 
affcr of aoary or apeelllc prop- 
erty aeallable tor ezecntlaa at tbe time when 
the oflleer propaaeB to lake him Into cn>tc«lr. 
Tlie warrant of arreat for the non paynirnt of 
taxes la treated aa elrtl process. Iienre one ran 
ran not be arrested In hia own tmnse npon It 
If the onter door Is shat. t wnnid adeise yoa 
to pay the tax InrliidlnK the penslty. If. at , 
any time, yoa sbould UI^'coTer tbnt j-on oeer- 
paliL yon may rae the city to recorer the dif- 
ference. 2. Tliere are a few good law sriimila 
In New York charring shmit one hnndred dol- 
lars a year, exelnding ISMfcs. where y*>n need 
ant kaee a bleb arknol rdarathau bat yaa mast 
get a snIBrientaMkfr af .aaaaMBaaa tbe , 

hrftwa yoa will fca' aMiM lata aar aaa of 
Oaa. «. Tda. 

I am abont to Incorporate my bnslnesa. m 
wUl bold all tbe atoek except three share? 

So far as I can acc the stock will np<er be 
dlTlded Into mMnj parts, and I am tUerefote 
anxlooa to peoelde Car a Urge face Taloe 
Can we bare 91.900 shares! — C B, 8.. noltalo! 

Not nader Haw Task lawa. la this state tbe 
maximnm par ratae of abarca la ooe bnadted 
dollara. »wa 



93-B9 Naaaan St., Nenr Vork 
Gene a I Practtcet. 9paoiAurr:— Domestle 
DIfBualUes and Theatrleml Law, Reduced 
I at/ a tu Um pnifaMiofi. Editor Law tw 
patt a ee m TltP iHllhoard. 


Bam^^miam^Awxchmuifd. Tan— nij I 
• •Mm SteMUiSf im iut« mam 

Waf\ted to Buy 

Per iOO 

Will Rossiter's Original 



^Band Instruments 

ataboocbaic price. All inakev. many good aa new. 
Wer«trmds<llik for**HOL.TON"lnstnimcacs.wklcn ex- 
cel aU otbets. Uyottwantthebcat.baya'-HOLIoa*^ 

-tCyaowm hSTs aMtbcr ■akauga kaaalt Isr ns 

_ ... _ 



tfeat we can 

ita af Kew York 

war oot of 

Tbree af i 
Kew Task 
rate, bat asv t 
not be dlee^Baa 

9tste. Can yi*n sii eee st 
dimrnlly? — K, Tbeatrlml Co.. Jersey City. 

It la not necessary that all dlrectnni of yonr 
CMnpnay a kn a ltl tcatde ta Kaw Yotfc. One 

KMIy adelae me: 1. Doea a debt for nal- 
aty doe. get beynod tbe rearta of tbe law: timt 
la. It can not be coUeeted after tbe debt la 
a certain nombrr of years old and salt baa 
neeer been brought, according to Wlsnnsln 
Isw, or sny otber state? 2. Does sorb claim 
get nnrollectlble at any time after suit baa 
l>een bruaght In any state and jnilgnirut ren- 
dered? 3. The psrty wlio owes nie the sslary 
revtldes In Wlsoonxln. but Is trseellng llbe niy- 
aelf: can 1 get Judgment asalnxt lilm In any 
state errn If 1 am not In tbe state: and If be 
falla to pay. can I hare bim linprlmmea In 
Rhode Island or sny otiier state, eren If 1 am 
not In Ihst stste- m.Tselft Tbls pnrtr la well 
able to pay. bat behmgs to tbe class known aa 
••dead beatai"— B. B.. laplla. Mo. 

1. In Wbwaarta aad anat af tka MatN jraa 
mnst soe witbbi ala yesrn far oolaly or oo 
sny otber contract. Thia la tbe aMxUaaas tttae 
rlren by any state, excepting Wyatalas. wblrb 
RlTca a rrrdltur right years within which to 
sne. 2. No. hat It depends on tbe roort where 
ynn tHlng snit. In a enart not of record yon 
mar rolled sny time within six years after 
olitaloing Judgment, In a conrt of record yon 
hare twenty years after oliialning Jnilgmrnt 
within which to collect. Tbla Is tbe Wisconsin 
law. The other atatea Tsi, In this respect. 
8. Tea, bat It ta eerr exi>enslre. Yoa can bsve 
bIm imprlaoned if tbe ststnte allows It. Im- 
ptiaooaseat will not be allowed a 
tract, kot aMat atatea wtU aflav It 

_ — a dtrorc* for 

■. O.. Clerelaad. 
. ii^^ - »«r erael aad katkaasaa. treatment, 
tadtimltlea to tke petnoa. aakiaK BCr latok 
erable. win l>e graated la aB- tke aiataa, with 
the following - 


The Blllboapdl 




Br 9Mt«r tmU. 

Dnromy Allen, who ivu be? the 
^rin aay. One might travel for 
yean tn this country, and then not find 
a person who ever aaw or heard of 
him; still, there ■wmm Buch a man. 
Twenty-ave or thirty years ago I saw 
his eraM tm tba groonds at tbm Dram- 
atic AaMctotkm at Cntrm Hills 
cemetery. New York. Dummy, or An- 
drew J. Allen, died In 1863. On hts 
roodest tombstone Is the toUowln* re- 
markable inaerlptlMh .wttt/MBW md 
dates of birth aioA tmXht 

MftMS Ike cndlS be was a adiolar — rxcml- 
^ wtoe. fsir MBtm and pimiadlns. l^.ftj 
!S mar to tbrai that loTed blm; but to thOM 
jUta ttast Boagtat blm sweet as aaminer." 

This eccentric Individual, Dummy 
Allen, as ^ VWJBpM M^l^ 

imi his father mother were 

members of a Tbsiplsn troupe that 
came from England a *BW years before 
his birth. Dummy want opon the 
stage when a boy about ten yean eld. 
at the old John Street Theatre In New 
York. He was one of the incense 
bovs in Romeo and Juliet (before the 
funeral pageant In that play was dis- 
pensed with), and from this drcum- 
g m e m naed to boast in his old age 
itat be was the "father of the Amer- 
ican stage," being as he claimed, the 
oldest living performer. But he was 
aacb an inveterate old humbug that 
Mt atniw .wam . HtU* credited, al- 
though ttis cam- wMtA have be en tm*. 
In 1S15-16 be was —ml itfnhsrt to 
the old Green SOMt ^^VKaBtn^ at "Al- 
bany. N. Y. . ■■ 
Here at that time ttft tet 

negro song ever heard tn an Ameri- 
can theatre. He was playing the char- 
acter of a negro in the play. The Bat- 
tle of Lake Champlain. and the none 
of which we will only glv«:» tgmftmtn 
of the first two verses: 

"Bartalde AJbanr. atu' Lake Oiimpliln— 

Ulilr pond, bair tuU o' watn; 
Flauebws dar too doec *poo de mala, 

VMm tmrnU, be trow biscer bcie-artcr. 

Dummy, or as be named himself In 
after'-Ufe. Andrew Jackson AHen. was 
i. Idad of a Jack-of-all-trades about a 
theatre, and as it can be easily Imag- 
tned, he was never much of ah'.;actor, 
although. lt..lS;-aaid, be could , play 
Goldflndi lolw'ibly witfl uid'was noted 
as Caleb Qnofem. He was afflicted 
with a ehrodlc catarrh which caua^ 
Um to spfb In a peculiar manner. 

He was partially dssf. and was anite 
annoytng to these with whom be 
played, who not infrequently re- 
venged themselves by misleading him 
with In a udibl e movements of the Upa 
daring a vmtmmam, t» < 

Oioaght he nnat ntftar,. Us 

often being thus Introduced quite ma- 
lapropos. It was the hardest thing 
In the world to get blm to bear any 
thlBg abou a llttia MU hs »m»a. «V 
say, lb. JMm, «na yon sdtfU Oat 
Httle accoimt to-dsy?" 

"T'ank yoa. ttsslk you." was the re- 
Ply^ with the poHtast of bow% -I nebcr 
aar-tliik pefore my 

in such matters. Dummy was also 
the inventor, or claimed to be, of a 
kind of gold and silver leather much 
used In theatrical representations. In 
his opinion, that silver leather did 
quite as much for Forrest as Dr. Bird 
or any other of the playwrights. For' 
rest UBed to humor him In tbiik and 
other of his hobbies. When traveling 
with the tragedian in Europe on one 
occasion, some of the minor actors 
of the theatre gave a dinner, to which 
Dummy was invited. In reply to a 
toast complimentary to America. 
Dummy made a few remarin^ In which 
he spoke of ''the boy aa-tka grsatest 
actor of the age." 

"Where," he shouted. Is there an 
other equal to him? Where!" he ex 
claimed in highest tragic tones, "will 
you find him." An excited Individual, 
carried away by the eloquence of the 
speaker, expressed his assent by 
shouting "Hear! hear!" after the 
usual English fashion. Dummy, tak 
ing the response as a literal reply to 
his auestloo. shouted in return 

"Where? SlMnr JM. tha aMuU' 

"Hear! hear!**' was 'taeazd tmm sev- 
eral voices. 

"Where?" roared Dummy, no w t ho 
roughly excited and angry. "Where 
is he? Show me tbs nan: hstaiK him 

"Hear! hear!" 


"Hear! hear!' again resoimded 
lliiimgli Ibri room. 

Tn* excitement Increased till 
Dummy, enraged at their boast of a 
man they could not produce, rushed 
from the room, exclaiming: 'l.shoald 
Uk« to aia tb* BMn tiMt cm Mat the 

Once when Dummy was on hia way 
to Albany from the western part of 
the state, with Forrest's wardrobe in 
charge, he had the usual lack to run 
out of cash. Calling for a gin cock- 
tall, a cigar and a sheet of paper, he 
sat down and wrote, a thrilling de- 
scription of his capture by the Es- 
quimaux wbne on a senllBK . wpedi- 
tlon, and bis snfterlngs nnnttwable 
while residing with them for many 
years, concluding with some account 
of his escape and the announcement 
that be woaUk fey -nnrtlBnlsr desire, 
exhibit on the fttOownig day only, the 
largest and most splendid collection of 
war dresses and arms of the Esqui- 
maux ever exposed to a dvtUzed com- 
munity. The next 4ay tfae boa* din- 
ing-room of the botd was crowded 
with curious citlsens; who had paid 
two shtlllngs eadi. and were admir- 
ing the splendid flmssiiii for Klchard. 

He was nated an «««r tka IMtad 
^Uea fior Ms -•Vagi^ and baaeata 

Once he advertised a grand balloon 
ascension to take place from a yard 
on Washington avenue^ when two 
*eronavtib Mnwlenr GasBronw uid 
Mademoladle Pryslremo, woidd take a 
flight through the air. The adven- 
turous foreigners proved to be two cats 
2|«8ed in tbe prevailing style, and 
■"■PPed to tbe balloon. Dimmiy 
nuaged generally to celebrate the 
Jth of January every year by a per- 
formance of The Battle of New Or- 
leans, m wblcta be Impersonated Gen- 
eral JadMq,.«as ot tbe two only great 
jnen. who. aeeording to Dummy's 
Ideas, ever lived. As we have said be- 
fore, he Is supposed to have named 
wmaelf after the old hero, and was 
never tired of — «i»i^ *ny kta pitfMS. 

The other semi-gad wkom Dummy 
worshipped was Bdwin Forrest, who 
wok a fancy to the old man. and made 
<um his costumer. dresser and trav- 
eling companion for yeara To bear 
f^mmy talk, one wonid suppose that 
<te poy" (he always called Forrest 
i™* boy"') owed most of his great 
tatbe man wbo made bis ward' 

and ICetamora.' Hie 

swords, etc.. etc, belonging to Edwin 
Forrest, and which Dummy gravely 
informed them wm tbe regular out- 
fits oC On aactkHB w aiil ise a . .After, 
for sorae caose not mads mbUc, 
Dummy and Forrest parted company; 
the former set up a restaurant near 
the Bowery Theatre, New Tork. 

Db — ay, at tiiia tlm% was a man 
well advanced tn BCa tdl and erect 
in person, with firmly conpreased fea- 
tures, an eye like a liawlc's, nose 
slightly Romanesque, hair mottled 
gray. Be wore a funny wbtte bat, a 
coat of bine with bright brass bat- 
tons, and carried a knobby cane. He 
generally spoke In a sharp, decisive 
manner, often giving wrong answers, 
and Invariably mistaking tbe drift of 
the person with whom he was con- 
versing. He took snuff constantly. 
Why he was called "Dummy" was a 
wonder, for he was one of the moot 
loquacious men living. No one could 
ever bear him down In argument — 
his invariable clincher being an em- 
phatic thump with his cane. He had 
a sublime contonpt for all English 
" to their 

One day John Pavey met the an- 
nouncement that an extraordinarj- at- 
tracUon bad been aimed tor the 
coming Si — sa. "'Vkaalla^'* nfelned 
Dummy. "Wbat Mrt oT tiaetton? 
Liegs, I s'pose; that's the thig down-a- 
days. The bore you cad hubbug tbe 
beople^ tbe bedder." "Legs!" said 
Jolui. nMtac his hands with satls- 
factloa. "bntg^ not Better than that.** 
(Then speaking confidentially through 
his hands.) "We've secured Mac- 
ready?" "Bahl" said Dimimy with 
contMBt; *lM^s dobody— can't speak 
deeet' ftg l tth m ere mounteback, sir — 
mere mounteback," and here he took 
snuff fiercely. 

"Well, mounteback or no 'mounte- 
back," said Pavey, "he's sure to draw 
a great card, sir." '"Ag," said Dummy, 
with importance, "can draw a cart, 
eh? Bedder stick to hts trade, then — 
pay him much bedder." and with a 
ee- Ms atlsfc beJ 



• Dummy was an excellent cook: two 
fancy dishes, "calapash" and "cala- 
pee" are remembered to this day. The 
calapash was made of old cheese, cod 
Hsh, onions, mustard, rum and wine; 
the calapee was the same, with the 
addition of cabbage. It Is difficult to 
say which was tbe most In demand. 
He set all tbe actora about the Bowery 
wild at one time with his delicious 
turtle soup, which was served upon 
certain days, week after week, to the 
infinite relish by the actors, and all 
the gonrmants In the vicinity. Tbe 
day when it was to be had was con- 
spcuously advertised the day previous, 
by the doomed turtle In person, who 
was allowsd .to pseaMaadib at^;^a. end 
of a long string;' nip ai>d deiwa' the 
sidewalk in i^ont of his restaurant. 
The next morning he had disappeared, 
and at noon green turtle soup was 
npdr. JJHr. tana it; .w w yiBce d 

fbaC wbOe ' tbs* suiip vnus aniftmnly 

good, the turtles were tinlform also; 
that, in fact, they were all as near 
alike as the Corslcan Brothers, or the 
Two XMomieB— beam^'.-lt anjrtbing. 
One diy' some envimfs e lt a'e rv e r put a 
private mark on his turtleshlp, which 
was strangely reproduced on his suc- 
cessors. The fact then leaked, that 
wtik .a . ehsafi'.and, Tegular supply of 
calves beads 'end eae display turtle, 
Dummy had fed the epieiuea on tur- 
tle soup for months, snd'tlia tortle 
was al lve yet, 

'Damagr^i - vlaK^ mane appearance 
wag at Um tin Broadway Theatre 
(near Broom street), which he opened 
for a benefit, July 26, 1851, when he 
pbgred CMdflncb and SUveater Dag- 
Mravuflk ' with Imitations of George 
Frederick Cooke, wearing the identical 
costume in which the giant of the 
stage had appeared forty years pre- 
vlona. the same suit, doubtless, that 
fenV MUad tbe bar in Dean street 
and wMdi was probably about as gen- 
uine as the fanioos turtts aoapu Two 
years later. 1S53. Dummy.enMMd the 
Dark Biw ot Saatb. 

By Cbarlea H. Day. 
■•Ham: bnni!" excUlmed the old mlnitnl, 
laying doira a copy of a tbeatrleal Joomal be 
bad been scanatn^. and taking an easy position 
irlth his chair tipped back against tbe waU. 
"Weill well! Bless my eyes If Ella Weaner. the 
mile ImpenoDitw. isn't doing a tnrn witb 
Bsverly's Minstrels in Cblcaco. Great Scott, 
what are ve eomlDS tot And ODtop ot tbe 
whole boslneas, wltb big marcblny teapia and ' a' 
score of dancers, tbe show flnlsbve viUx. a .'dflC 
circns. Bow! wow! wowl w-o-w. .WlAt's 

next 7' • 

'TThe business Is going to tbe 
marked tb* banjolsu 

"And yoa ate getting jam^Mmkt, 
the oiaa «t Obaerratloo. ' ' 

'VIckem. TMratrl" retorted Brimmer. 

"I am settlns mine," admitted HaU wltb 
a cood-satartd lancb. "tbsaks to my old pal 
and taimr. Ort m s»iialln, Antonio Pastor, 
the I iilss ^ r sHab j * ." Aflar a sigh the -reteras 
added. •^wiSH l*ej» turn «p asalaat Dan 
BaunrtI;- MS es(f j tb as ylglssl ooar- 

18«.**»lS5'iB? ^^^MMMtasS'^S^^oa? 

t>oai; ttmmt tkcn: eae. twa. ttecai, taR and 
that was an tbcia waa la tbe taapa naak 
Broir«t was boeea. nek PrlbtB tasAssriDe. 
BUlr WUttoek banjo, and old Daa tbe vlollii. 
aad the way be coold fiddle a jig was some- 
thlag t» g s — M ber. Bmmett cobid make a saaa 
dance wbo aeTer knew a atep. Tbe qoartet had 
a ffreat snccess In N>ew York aad Boston, and 
ttien bad tbe danng to go to Sngland. wbeie 
tbey were a great go In I«ndon and the pila- 
pal dues. 

"As tbe minstrel companies grew In nomiMta 
the Tirlety of liAtrnmentB nied In the first part 
Increased. There was tbe shsolete ^wl^one, the 
Jawtiooe of a mole on a horse, to which small 
bells were fasten<<d. sod with a piece of iron 
or a ttle the performer scraped ont tbe mnale. 
Sometimes a performer would ojwnte on a tri- 
angle or do Uie dummy on a gnltar. or the 
basjolst helped to flU tbe chairs In tlie row. 
Tbey all went to mske a front, as tbe mnaletans 
ot the big shows' do. pyramided ta rows with 
■n Invitation to tbe sodlence to connt noses and 
tee If the number comes op to tbe oSclkl an. 
nooncement. Tbe dear pnblle Is not always look. 
Ing for qoaUty and are satisfied with qnantlty. 
Oaolel Iiamtiert, tbe tat man, bad his sam!rers 
oa account of bis bnlk, but others of tbe 
two preferred Zanlel Webster. 

'Vaiarler White has made It an Important 
snttfr ct historical record that when be ■ppeiRd 

kaoara at 

plaaOb aad the 
a flrat-daaa mi 
tamoiu P. T. Sanaa added the S6g tt tbe 
pracraas la the peraaa ot leha Warn nail What 
a step wBi that fMo »»«■■« fing a Jig daaeer to 
directing tbe tonr ot JcnarLlDd. ttc taeom- 

"WeU do I remember the Ont cornet aolo 
that I erer beard on tbe-minatiel stage. BID 
NewconAie had a conceited chap who Uew tbe 
bass and rated his ability Al. Be aaked the 
manager to glTe him a noaAier la the oUo^ and 
he consented, remarking, '<3o ahead, as thoe 
but one orertnre it win glTe the bOTa la the 
audience another opportani^ to go oat aad 
drink.' The eometlat accepted the opportanity 
.... ... Uasent. 

' adiMt «C tke 

Kkkv as t SB agslBn the graftlBc af exern- 
ameea and tsBOTatuc hiTentiona upon the Eihlo- 
piaa entertainment pore and simple, I'U admit 
tliat tbe dog was a good thing for the man- 
agera— and tbe clogglsta. It bas gnteraUy 
been accepted as an Indlspntsble tect that 
Pred Wilson, a clever EngUghmaa. waa tbe 
first clog dsncer to appear In America, even 
so good an authority as Frank Damoat belos 
In error. The first man to dance a cleg In 
America was James F. O. Connell, an Irish man, 
who made hla first appearance In New Tork with 
Welch it Bartlett's Broadway Clmw la ISM^ 

and continued en tour wltb tbe same eoacen 
for sereral successive s.49oaa. Afterwards be 
Joined Dan Rice and danced on an elevated plat- 
form in tbe elrcna. This vns years before Wll. 
loa erer law this side of tbe water, or 
pcrhapa be was horn. O'ConneU, by the way. 
bad been a captain ot the sarsgea of tbb 
Caroline Island and waa tattooed from head to 

"Tom. BlU. AL and Sam Hague were KngHsb 
knlfemakers, wbo came over to UUa country and 
worked at W«tert>nry and Birmlnsham Conn., 
at tbflr trade. The four were great on the 
clog. Sam returned to E^agIaad and became a 
rich and renowned mitiatrel manager. He attex- 
wards bronght a minstrel company here, bot be 
waa ont of his element managing la tbla coon- 
try. The Haeut's befriended Dick Sands when 
be first came orer from England. Dick SaadS 
was for many years tbe champion of aU cbam- 
plons, and was a great drawing aard for sea- 
sons, and starred sod billed aa a feature — the 
featore — wlhcrever be appeared. Yon may 
amOe If you like, but It Is a fact that he drew 
Ilka a chimney on lire, and his serrlcea were te 
great demand. 

"Clog dancers became plenUtnl and akUIfol 
In their abundance, bat nidc Sands danced tkea 
all down. Uany matches .H 
testa arranged, but 
purses and tbe honors. 

"As J aald before, be waa weU paid tot 
weltlog the floor. Clog teama were tbe next tn 
order and we bad Dick Sands and Dick Bayca, 
Delehanty and Hengler. Sheridan and Mack, 
and rafts of them working dooble. Of eooros 
Jack Baserly bad a row of tbem naalac rliar 
adoaa tbe itege. Be nefer mmld be •atdoat^ . 

"Dl^ Sanda had noted the (het Ibat whO* 
daadng eager porUous of tbe andlrace, la thcb 
Inteicst and excitement, would rise la thefe. 
anits to get a. better rlew of hla pedal aula 
menta. to tbe dlacomfort of othera. Tte obrlata 
tbla be bad a marble slab Doonted on a ped^ 
atal, standing eight feet abore tbe atage, aad 
upon this slaj> be execnted hla s mpilalu g atepik 
Inuodnclng It for the drat time — i bran new 
Idea — In the New Tammany HaU oo Fo urt eeatt 
street, tbe large andltorlcm of wUcb wka tat 
a time oaed aa a variety tl>e«tre. 60 yoa sec 
tbe clog waa no clog to the performance: bat 

jSrih^iMsLiiTr St aaiMiif luuS!!^ 

A. B. Ghaffin, proprietor of the Del- 
moie Gomedtana wntea aa foUowa: "Tbe sola- 
pony opened tbe sraaon at Montgomery, W. 
Va.. week Sept. 18, and played to capacity 
bnalaeoa tbraogboat tbelr engagement. Tbe 
roater of tba *~ppTnr Ineisdea R. B. 

pcoptletgr; Tms Dctese. iHasgK: Joe K. 

Kenr, Jto a mei, Bdw. aaik, atas* ■asasi 1 1 
Cbas. imtth. afchcstia Icoeer; Jack WtAa, 
inapertT man. The 'perftarawts ate bssSfe Ww 

KeUy and gelay. Hanrr and OaiMts 

Ed. and Boale Clarke. The ChalBn 

Delmote. Agoee Bnrke, Orey SlBten. 

Qneen. NeUle Somera, and otltera. de bond 
la dr c aa o d aa Boaaan. and is a .Uc (Mtue. 
We prodMe al^ luM .set ^ce eoa 

week**oot" — 





Qnickerthansnr oiiierSFBiaB 
tn tbu Wiirld. 

Tkt ^Umu'i Sftttnt Friui 



Goolall^BBnd MaMbtpseale: assna lasts 

all winter. 

J. ■. nSIT d CO.. Pua. mt. 

.B.I — "Tiki li fliiailliia iif II I I ' 1 iknalsif 

Prot.J.Waldoa.>n— m siiaaa— aq.i;ttO>. 



All ^TTLAltm ftied mfe to h&ndkft;ai7eftr*latb«ti 
70Q all know me, cKnit let Rotte* *Bd kiM>ek«rB Rl^r 
TOO Um wrons «t«rr. Oik Monstov DOw oabud. Boy 
irom %hn ova rvlfable, w. o. LTZARN, Antoalo. Tex. 


SaUea. Earns. OPEI FM WOL 

£88 opera chairs, good stacoi alaaaasar] 
aii4,ap to date. Addresa 


Xli-e E3illl>oaPCl 

OCTOBER 14, 1905. 



mmM-numa artist. (Fanny Fmm) 
M HtMy Baiical Act 

Boxfng Midgets. 

I AdgiBjEijiUons 1 





■•w* Noviitg fieto** Co^ 
Pennuient AddrM: WlkKESBARRB; PA. 

A Colored Aet «lim« Bakes Cood. 

URRY The Bardfords "i^i^>ai> 





Beprpaentatlve. AL UWBENOB KeDt.O. 



Sensatioa of the Century. 

md wti h Nat. Raias Soutliam Carnival 
mote. Have flue UUuw. For lermt 

OmTHX BILLBOARD. Chl. iuro. 






Bicycle Bill 

<w. p. CBESmSUU 
eiwtlkHettwIrlermndi-rcllst. Bbcnorelty 
■Ct.. Aoo. rare Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio, 

...FERfiOSOl, DUPREE ft CO... 

In tb*lr Flue. Oowdj Tuderllle Sketch 


Addw<at3l3E.TUt.W. T. City. 


I. with their trick MUboaid. lotro- 
b»IMl to taMd Mut bMd to hMd 

AKream all (ha war throaoh. 
Per Aita. BnXBOARP.C Iaeiimatl. 




"Dofi k Laben for a Tede." 

Addreaa 231 Eaat 87th SU N. Y. City. 


Saallibrlsts aod coatortlonists. A big 
Mt.-- With Coolc H Knettli Sliom. 
Bear.'addieas UmBBOmA 




Wa Mi ttv OMBipBMa aC tt* IMpto JkBp 
0* wBfe Tw^tiHn 9mtammt iM Olt 

A Oiaat Hataia. ataaiaa MOI B. 

Tlw Omi anil <inlr 


■•rtorliial lurr-lurk 

QILBERT eldred 


latndadDK Backwud aad PorwaM 
Bomenaalta. 8c<aDd Tltaawi 


a Bplea af Ooowdr. 


The World's Orcatavt Btaws. 


Bn«IMi Acmliaia. Foar to Nnoibet 

PTMCDtlnx ma AbwjJote NoreltJ 



LOLirs MBOBB aaon 

A Ooterif of CIpTpr Ptf PerforoBMa. 

1. S. WOLFINe and 
Millea de MONTmORENOY 

.OtWaalufa aad TralnMB af lb* WtXlNQ 
RAIXION8 and nth«r Itonvltlfa la 

ritfCATKn RtlRKRIt anal pima 


atfa OaaM«at>n Smmb 


la a Baf* Oiaplaj at 



■■■■■ nV MCfeMIlS 


Aa Bapiiial mt AMMIa Tmmiwij 






ABMTica'. BrpmrautlT* 

Forowrlr "The Wlltmi«." 


Pnarattos tta "BaTal Qnlatrn*" af Trala.4 
■qalan aad TbaraackAaMa the Blppe- 
III .aw track, akavlac afl salta to hanraa 


Amrrlc*. OmtMt TItOUPB of TRH'K CZ* 
CI.IBTS. Addreaa Cro. ti. JafkaoB. par 
roai*. «r Jotta QrlrrM. IUpr»«ratatlTa. 
am Baat 14111 Mt. Bra Tarfe CItr. 


. Ta» Bl( rcatsrc Act* 
■laiaaa 18B4-t»06 



"™ SfeJ'lSPS.-a^ 




WaHd'a Ocaatcat 
aOpMB Bnin; ABO uniaiaB. 


anon olowb and PAimnaMiav 

BUglHtar^asMMiMr •( 


aiagtec. TalktaK. Kaaekahoat aod 
t^P*** «<tb BUwIlac Bi«a- Ciawiaa I8M t« 
1MB. At LUwrt7 far WMar BMioa. 


Rtsponsible Managtrt, addrm Mit MUbMrd. 


oowBotfy Juagloy M. v. t^p. w u^,4m morris. 


UU H Ii • 



^aos Uia lenlir mmod at the Cblcaei 
HooMSiist. II. Orpheum ClrcuU to 

^beooienal Skatorlal ^Arffst.' 

- Permanpnt address 
11 lKK»BUa St., KOCHKOTKH, w. Y. 






WIKOFF i 80, 


Morning, Noon and Nlghi'* 

AdlWil. UlS, 34 Clirk St,. MltA^, lU. 


KBtt of the Wire. Tba bw* •eaaatlooal Bild«lr »• 
^'^'"nn InaxlstaBoe. Vtorop«ntltti«addrw. Lou Park. 




Tracked Argued Thi Werld Co. Saatin 190S-06. 


Aa ISAAC BOTTINSKI. the Jew n<>t«cttve. la 

..Trackod Aroinil fheWorMM 

Manairetnent A. II. Wi ODR. 





MuUMIlt— I. H. WOODl UlUl 1IDUI. 



ta TiMkMl Araud tkt wmM OIi 




Tracked Around the World Co. 

MiDSscnSDt i. U. WOODS. Sutgi lUMW. 




MsisAiDun,. ^ aolactailMn^ 




Time all filled, from Aug. 7 till May 13. 





Addrfc^^>, Care Hlti^Kiard. 


WOOitKN SHoac DANems. 

Addrsms Th« Billboard. 


at Pat— II Atc. 


LA. BK.I .L.E 



IMt IneiiM, all oolon, u oeeta par tiwat WoodM 

FrauM to h< Id mm. tt orataaitra. 

I.. Mana— e Jc ro.« Trilraaa Bide., Oblowv. ID 

Tbeatrical Hotels m Ooarding Rosses 



D.FJM!. EtSnnt Buffet In conneetlon 
INC8, Prop., us W. MadUon St.. 
MVinarket BMb-. 


V\>ra»Mn and Axq^'hom. 
J. A. KtLCY. Cor. |6tH A S<».t« Sta.. 
Wi n i B w rt ^.,, CHICAGO. ILl.. 


Xlie Olllboapd 


List of Billposters. 


^A. Ouw*U * MM. 

Biiipostiaff t 

■. aunt. 

iim. MS IT, 
CoMlnii. 112 B. 
O. BaMett. 

T BitoiTine— BitrCTllle Ad*. Co. 
. BransTlllt — EraniTllIe UUlp<Mtla( Oik 
. Ortraiburc— fr«d Selu A Son*. 
. BaoUngloo — Ed. Uirter. 
Enox Clt; — Koox Cltr BUIpoatloc and Olst Co. 
BiuliTlUe-^as. B. Carr & Soa. lock bus M. 
flVBOOr— W. A. Cu-ter A Son. 
^ J . . ; ■ 

Otf — Brrmao Drlker. 

8. P. tod UM. Ok, 

Watcrrllle— «. H. Chaw. •. ,. " 

DtiiT»r»— W. W. Wakrdrld. 
Oloanatfr — niehard Conrora. 
Lrnn — City Blllpoatlojc Co. 
«aBala&— Xaaatoa U. P. Ob.. 4S ft'-i-nt at. 

DoiMgUe — Lceklv 

MMtUa— r. MmtIs. 

tbMa Dto^lay 'AJv.. 
' LotaBir. dtr MM 

» Cllr— D. Wol»r»teln. 

Atlutte at7— Tlir BinpMtSnt SUB Oow 
Oaodra — Tb* milpmlnc Sin Oow 
Backnmaek — flarkvanark BUIpoatlBK Oik i 
Hobokra — Rnhokra BlIliMwtlac Oo. 
JcfUT Cltr— J. F. 0-»raUl. 
Newark — Newark BlUpovtlnc O.. 

JamacU— OiulM Wood. 


AkroD-Tbe Biyn Oa.. US Mala 
OfTriaiid-Tbe Btru Ok.. Wgk at IBMi 
Birtao— ne ni7aB CO. 
ToMo-Tb* Brran Co.. SB nana at. 
Zanearllle — Bncland Bros.. SI N. rutk al; 

MaUaBT K l t Q. F. BaoBauer & Co. 

• ranrsTCVAHiA. 

•Uaartpftle— Tb* Bltlpaatlng Sign Co. 
Hltatoa — HtUton Blllposilns Co. 

J. T. Cameron, ettf bUIpoattK 

BtTta— Joba S. lflk«. 


I. u. nui * Co. 

■— Wm. w. Hardea. 
Uramle— B. K. Boot. C. B. P.. Opera Boom. 

BaTau-savaaa A«T. aad BlTlpnatlw Oa. 

New Cdnyeiitiofls 


'Dee 9S48. 


PlagataB— r. and A. M. Grand Itodfc. Not. 
14. C. J. Roakruce, Tnnoo. 

riaEatair— Rejal Arch Maaona* Qrand Chap- 
a«i""_ >*• O- Koakrofe. Tacooo. 

•IT. Mar. 14. G. J. Boakrata. Smmb. 

Ft Smitb-sute BapUat Ms. lisr tT<4M. 

H.T P. r. OIDaoB. 

state Mr. Oct. 2S. 


gram— State BOrtlcnltnral Society. Not. — . 
iMnrer— .National AUUnce of BUIpoater* and 
^ ''•TB or Ain»Mca. Dec. 1. J. J. MoOor- 
niiot, cilfago, ni. . 
sock.v Ford — I. o. O. F. Oraad BneaBp- 
ment. Oct, IS. A. J. Dlcklnaon. 

Hirtfotd-eute Snttday.Scbool Con. Not. — . 
uSS*" OUlette, Daoburr. 
t!!Bg !f " BrtcklarerB'. Masons' and Plas- 
■"W State Con. Not. 13. B. W. Bntler, 
a». Colteaa at.. Mlddtetown. 

IUT«o~BertiealtaMl Soeletr nowcr 
» i.iw svt. 7-9. Tboo. Pcttlt. 90 Prospect 
«' . New RaTen. 

Ep'Tortti l.raEne. Raslan Dlst.. Oaa. 
N.rt — . Re,. V. P. Nortkaa. 
w la.inKion^i. o. o. P. oraaaXadsa. War. 
'■I- Isnae W. Hallam. 


•^irl. •'o'ot— Bute Federatioa ot Women'a 
t 9jB»ia . Nat. 8. lira. B. B. Heart. liUdla. 
0 wwa. 


Bloomlngton— Y. M. C. A State Con. Oct. 
10.22. I. B. Brown, 153 Leslie at., CU. 

Cairo— Oblo Talirr ImpraTeaient Aasn. Not. 

1S-I7. CoL Jno. L. Vaocr, Coluiubna, U. 
ClilrnK<^WomaB'i AnxUlarj of Nafl Baptist 

Con. Oct. 2S. Mlai Nannie B. Buirongba, 

LoaliTlIle, Kj. 
Cblcago— American Galloway Breeders' Assn. 

Kxrw. Not. — Cba*. Gray, IT Bzebaose 


Chicago— National Slack Coopecaca AaM. Mot 

T-8. J. S. Palmer. Sebwalas. 
OblCEgo— Soft Coal Men's AmmMT* Mar. tt 
Peoria— State PostmaKtera* • AMB.- - OM. n-90. 

P. L. Carroll, Manila. 
Sprlnsfleld— Itcbeckali SUte AasemtilT. MOT. 

— . EOe A. Glasicr, Cblcago. 
Springfield — 1. O. O. P. Grand Lodge. Not, 

21. Jno..H. Slkes, SprlncfieU. 
SpringfleU— 'L O. 0. F. Qrand Bteaaas. Not. 
21. H. C. Feltman, Salem. 

~State Beekeep<:rs' '.. Aaas. Con. 
Jas A. Stone. 

Oet. u 

oafrme-^. A. B. State 
XIaa TItglola aaodwlB. 



Cedar Rapids— State 

1.3. P. H. KJeOtr. 
CooncU BlaSs— 8. W. Iowa lHartMlf Aasn. 

Not. — . Sept. W. N. CUSord. 
DesMolnei — ^Beankm Scottltb Bite ' 

DeaMolncs Conalatery. Nor. 21-21. Bcaij- 

L. Carroll. 

DesUolnea — State Implement Dealera* Aasn. 
Dec. — . D. M. GroTe. NeTida. 

Fort . Dodge— State LUirary Assn. Oct. 2S-2T. 
Misa. PzeaciUa PlckcrUI. Ostaleoea. 

Iowa Cttj Jiattiaat .»a«>-. mnhallaial So- 
ciety. Ito*. SMt; W. ~- 



Gornctt— S. E, Kanau TeacbeiC 

Not. — . E. D. O eoe j S t Paoia* Kaa. 

Smltb Center-^tttikariat Kaa. gia^iinf Assn. 
Not. 30-Dcc. V Bapt. CIC IfaalS. PMUpa- 

borg, Ean. 


BMaMBOD— Ohio Talhr Uedieal Aam. Ileet 
Ing. Not. S«. Dr. D. A. F '"^ 

LonUTUle— Soatken ■aqrieal 
leal Society. Dtc: »&. BB. 


Kew Orleans— Bennioo A. A. 0. !!• V. 9. 
JiiaeeliiB . XMnie. Dca. BtehaiC Lam. 

ben. sn It. &tm tt 

New Orltaaa— Aaterlcaa ASias M a wrt ef Sd- 
eaea. . . Dee. 2D.Jan. 4. b Ok Bow- 

aid, 'Waaklagtoo. D. C. . 

AanapoUt — Daagbten o£ American BeTolntlon 

State Con. Oct. M. 
Baltlmoce — Knlgtats Templsr Grand Comman- 

deiy. KoT. 23. John B. UlUrr. 
BalttmoR — Bpworth Leagiw, Baltimore Olst., 

Csa. Mr. 3»-SI. eeo. li. """" 

Grocers' Pr u tee ll aa 

IB. 3. C. CtuTie. 

Mankato — Soatbem Minn. Teachers' Aasn. 

Oct. ie-28. J. M. McConnell. 
Bed Wing— a. B. Minn. Bdneatlonal Aaan. 

Ko*. — W. F. Knnie. 
St Peter— Charities A Corrections State Cob. 
Hot. — . W. W. CBtrldge, St. FanL 


Jackson — Mississippi lodastrial KapaattloD. 
Not. — . Bon. J. W. MaKap. 

Natcbes-State Baptist 8. S. 4k XMMSigr So- 
ciety. Oct. 19-22. 


BoooTllle— Charities * CORfCtloaa State Coo. 

Not. — . Dr. A. OL PitMiSf, Bcaskflrld 
HarrlsooTins — ^«a«BS Oiaml Vsacbcrs' 

' Assn. Not. 24.23. 

Kaasas City — King's Dangbtera and Sons 
State Branch. Not. — . 

Monroe City— B. T. P. D. Northeast Mlisoorl 
Aasn. Not. 27-28. Howard P. Smith. Fal- 


Sedalla — T. H. C. A. State Coo. Mot. SS-3S. 
Jas. -H. Banks, Grand and Raaklta aaas. 



Atlantle , 

14-16. B.- St. 

Camden — Camdra Co. Sonday-scbool Assn. 

Not. 2. S. B. Thompson, 424 S. 6tb St. 
MsdliTP — ^Slorrla Co. Gardners' aad Florists* 
Oct. 2«-28. B. Baasaa. Mor- 


^ MatMoal Alliance. Oct. 16-20. 

P. M. R^skl. lOS. 

BnlTalo— VatlODal Ureatock Exchange. Not. 

New* Tot* Cltr — State Charities A Corrections 
Coat. Not. 14-17. Geo. UeLaDgblln. Al- 

New York City— American Uechanlcal Engi- 
neers' Sodely. Dee. 8.8. P. B. Bottoo. 12 
W. Slst at. _^ . „ „ 

Kew York— KktlSMtl l—»«sH aB Oaot. Dec. 
o-"- „ . 

Poaghkeepsle — Reunion 12Stb N. T. Volnn- 

t. ers. Oct. 19. W. J. Mootfort. 

Remaenbnric— V. P. S. C. E Co. COn. Not. 

— . A. H. Fish, pres., lallp. 

WashlngtonTllte — Rennlon 124th Regt. Oct. 

28. a. R. Maaette, 068 Oreena sto.. Biook- 


Cincinnati— Mal at w at o «( Wap 
ers* Asaa. Kor. SI. « w 

Dealera' Aasa. -llWr. F. H. 

SbeBiyTUIeb Xp. ^ ^ _^ , 

qionceattf <U—ISB at Ohio TidaBtaer lataa- 
try. Oet.ll" 


Toifd a O tae sf • BMcbatT Aaaa. Wm. a- 


WarT<>n — State Woman's Suffrage Assn. Oct. 

18-19. Dr. Carrie Chase Uatli, Sandotky. 
WssblngtoD— Ohio Field Xtlals. Oct. 19. O. 
T. PhUpa. nilasikai. 


Catssaoqm— BennlOD 4Tth Uegt. Pa. TOIan- 
terra. Oct. 23. H. W. BartbUnmcw. 

Gvttysborg— Beonfam Ttb Pa. Vrtctao Tolnn- 
te«r Csramr. Oct. SMS. Ptaak aMchin- 
son. SOS S. BtgUaad as*., Pltlaaaig. 

Phlladelph to SU ta SaaHf saks* A<aik Oct. 
2I.2S. Bev. Alas. BcMT. 

ProTMi B M Horttenltaial 

Nor. M4S.1 a W. South. 

ClarktTllle— S: 


v. a : A. 


r. M-18. 

Dallas— state Fratcnial Congress, 

J. F. Gallbreath, Dentcr. Col. 
Mineral Wells — Knights and Z ~ 

Grant! Lodge. Not. — . P. 

Congress ave.. BoostoD. 


Montpellrr — State Teachers' Asao. Oct. IB-21. 


New Market — Rennlon Mth Regt. Pa. Yohm- 
tecrs. Oct. 2S. W. A. SUek. 012 Tan Tlrea 
road, Johnstown, Pa. 

Richmond United Daogbteis ot tBa OoalM- 
eraCT SImta Dtr.. Mm. S41. 



"At Liberty" 



boae time, lUiks 
1 ladm a* tfea i 


Om Inch oC asaesii four llnoib SjM Md 
«• SSBM ftcNfc ssito 

One Inch of apaee, 
montlM). ttO.OOi aiMl larser H>aeaa mp to 
Inches at tbe same rate ner Ineb. 

NC E.— That all apace Is meerarrd and 
Chanced foratsingleeolniDn: A card one and 
a half Inches (IK) map he att donblu eolnmil 
three qnartera iU) ot an Incb d»«p>. BpecUp 



Basley— Order ot tbe Eaateni Star Grand Chap- 
tee. Not. 2. Mrs. B. Salter, Birmingham. 

Mmtgomeiy— Gr. Lodge A. F. ft A M. Ooa. 
Dee. 5. Geo. A. Beanchamp, Gr. See. 

Uontgemeiy— Boral Arch Uaaoaa* Or. Ohapttr 
Coo. Dee. 4. Geo. A. Beaaduapk 

FayetteTine— I. O. O. P. Or aa S asaaaap. Oct. 

at. W. U Bodden, H 

Paretterine I. a O. r. OMBt Msa. Oct. 

at. W. U Boddea. Vtm 
PsyetleTllIe— Bclr-kah Slate 

as.. Xedoca Bold. UtUe Bock... 
Uttle Badt— State BapttotS* 

IT. W. F. Dorrla. Camdi 
Part Saaltb— State U^icr 

Asaa. Oct. lT-18. 

aoa's Botel, Uttle Bock. 

Laton — Rennlon San Joaqoln Valley 6. A. B. 

Aaan. Oct. 14-22. H. T. Parker, PresBO. 
Los Anc'lei — Natl. Woman's Temperance Chris- 
nan Coo. Oct. 2T-N0T. 1. Sosanaa W. D. 

Pry, BTsnaton, lU. 
Loa Angeles— W. C. T. U. Natlood Oaa. Oet. 

2T-NOT. 1. Mra. Snaanna Fty. Braaslaa^ lu. 
Los Angeles— Sonthem Oct. Deatal Aaaa. Mot. 

s-S. Dr. C. H. Bentaook. dSB Bis a d a ay . 
Loa Aaselea-Otder ot iha Baatm star Ot. 

Chapter Osa. . Oat. ST. Mia. Kata J. WID- 

cottff* 8ab VkSBclMi^ ' euL ' 
Saa Plaaclsaa State Water * >!?*■* ^mn. 

Osa.' Dea. SI week. T. C. Tri sl l a a t ir. SIS 


Condaeau Wm. 


Rocky Poi 

Mrs. E. t- 
Ter; CoL' 

Frankie McCoy 

Per. addreia, 10 OolnniboT. atc., Blngb«mpton.M. T. 

**Tlie Merry Minstrel* 




Address care of BILLBOARD. CIn'tl. 


books: PHOTO,^' Tir Top. s^nd Btampt! for sealed 
eIrcoUr. CUAKLlii CdSKO V, lli l-irk Huw. New York 

Tki HIPilMtf ftMRtHi|[ Stay' 

416-418 ElD St., CliclBsitl. 0. 


am Jap Jofcgler ajid EqalUhvai^ OaadTBaOdBl 
staKosettiDC^ Also do m seed aiasa» aaa»Wa 
ataSB, AMT saad 


Merry^o round: October It. in>tUB,MS Bsri 

and Conrtland, W. Hoboken,V. J. 


Owlw to a* dsalBC ot a suecesatnl asaaon wltkl 

""^SS^ MUftOOCM. 


22ii(l joar of great snroaafc WaP eg«tlS ift.Mi 

pa rilo u 1 ars add. care KlllhOWd. OWMTt*. <fc . 

LITTLE jfMiw mmn 

Wl«.t> ilOK W«t.eM In 



.. Nort nmm wwrn ..• 

was. 1_ UYKCNS. Wapraa— tathfa. ■ 

We hATo the Bottet* Vair aaa ChnlvA 

Novelties ob the market. 

R. S, GREEN & CO., 

Sn'WMIi Bb. Chicago^ III.' 


Vr'o are Ntilr 


Dto-asaeT-Ni. . 

Send Se for Sam 

I of the well known 
- - aMOard 

Casters Bep. WIIHam Gram. 
Ooaim^ PMIadelpMa,^' 

nple and descrU'tUe clre1SP», 


CABt mah^eany flnisb. 

S?ic;«o. IS. 



with awne_Cail»lr»l.<^q eolnsr toward th«r 

IOE'^S^^SmI ieifort, Boston, Mass 


ImBwllawly ter MlUarla MlasIivls:.tow mon^ 



Xlie Billboard 

OCTOBER 14, 190S. 


TUT YW MIE Nl H. & A. emiMK* 

If you want to own your feeds ilgM. We absolutely _ 

promptest shipments. MM eiders shipped same day as 


Great King Collar Button 

fM en vatumn wux. m 


UniCUAII P IITCD Wholesale Jewslen, 
nULdmAll Ob ALICIli 178-1I0 Eatt Madison St., 


(OR THS W M 'f m BBABOK OF DIXIE OABKIYAL CO.— PriTllese People OuerKCk, KtUfmek. BBllrmck- 
.lfbecoO*Itcr7,CKnd7WhMl,Ic«CnsmCone*,orui7thliucIeK<Uin>te,*Uli Alaomao to ran PUkBOttla. Show, 

XwtU tnrnlalk wtwleoatflt complete. Oaa use Kiine good Kuortwcks and Tklkerm ABd Opemton; on* more icooo 
^mi n^ T—M'-i-ir »— >— ' Woald Uke to tasT* some (ood man. with hi* wUm, to tnka itii.l of featora 



Dutch Knockabout Comedians, Singers and Dancers, 
r.willilrtsjijainwi Ilea ■mbis eilw AMivm, wnoir OLTTB. mmi —a fHnwit gts. 



Inall llnaa for Indoors, Also Plctare KkdUne Opentor with Kood frontier life; Jspao and Rorata flllers; Ma< 
<iT*^n> for Oewboj Bud aad Oicbaatnt atCeeB.LoBa: Haired Indians: Colored Plaotatkm Mosldans and Per 


Ferris Wheel, cheap for cash; gfood condition; 
havje two^wheels. rt ason for selling. Add ress. 

MiAwrmn oronkis. 







This ooB wOl te » live one, voA it haa beea blUed like a dreas fi» tbe past 
rtght usafci. DBOOBATOB WASTED AT OBOB. Cu use peo]^ for 
'^i^i^saiaaslinrgooadaortdlaiB. Adcbeas, R. L. GMMOLL, 
MiinXA, I. T., Oct. 18 to 21. UL 8. Carnival Co. 



n« BnttKt ilaei«« Cltr of Its Sizf li tke U. s. OPERS SATURDW, Mr. 2M. 
«>• of Areade SO s I20 ft. kocated on Main Street. 

'To SMt am b e ii . u u g e tb« followinff Bvf< 


Kooer rlady preferred), card «rlten.r«otber flower ^ , 

••oood slKfat act. U<17 to handle futnrt«, rlrrtrlc pbotoimspb macblne am! elt-^-trlr (jattprr. knife rack Cane or 
ainhr<>lL. r^k. ll r--- v'str.--:; ■■' . . -T, 4 I I'.-; ^ I [k . ; 1,-. : m . ! ,; ■,. ' ihf rpnt to (fet tbe 

monej. AJdn Ai: v> .;u;. unliaLi:. u. AL- J. 'J ILL a AM, Cor. ulh Ave., anii SVaiuut St.. Mckresport, Fa. 

> 8M IMCM.W of all d e i ert ptloai. norly rt oo t lBK ttMrrr. 
mt tw t , po p t m m itMid. tH»r rtand, wl«« worken. electric !»¥ 

r worker*. iDBefa stand, lady pa Ire Int. bat cleaBlair maeblae. 

Wanted Wanted 

First-Class Carnival Company, with good free attraction. 
Haie ll^|<iRouiiil. CaroWaMo be iield at Forest 

M Hmm. OCTOBER IRtli to 28tli. 
Park Amusement Company, 

207 Louisiana St.. 

Little Roci(, Arlc 

aab TrUU- 


Hampton — Conn. Field Trial 
Oct. 31. F. 31. Cbapin, Pine 
Hartford — State Teachers' Aasn. OM. 4M. M- 

S. P. WUlard. CoIebMttr. Oaoo. _ 
IhrUen— Baptlstf SU*» OOB. Ott. ISW. Wn. 
Itaak B. OerlMh W BMehM 'aiaw Bvt- 
IM. Conn. SMto dim Oct. 

Keir Havea — A. O. JS. W. Or. I«dat Ooa. 

Oct IB. Jamn A. Knox. t. O. Dnirer 41. 
New BmTCB— I. O. 0. P. Gr. SHniajtat. Oct 

IT. F. BottfHii. 
(few mm 
Oct. M. r. 

Danlnry. . _ 

IT l> mill a laairt On. aC Sana ar 

Tempcnaee. Oct; & Wb, a 

JmiF e. Fmy. UUn Citr. 

WntectaiT — Knigtats of Prtkin 

Oct. 17. Bonce O. Cue. mi_ 

Wlndxor — ^Reunion Grant FuaKr. Oet. ST Bo*- 

wen Grant. Hartford. 


Clayton — ^Epwortli Liea^e Easten Dlst. Con. 

Oct. — . W. O. Bennett. Pblladrlptila. Pa. 
Claxton— KnlKlits of rrthlaa Gr. UHgt Con. 

Oct. 19. Mark I>. Ganct, »T» Klas at., Wil- 
mington. Del. 
Barrlngton — Bpfrortb I^asae I>aTer Diet. OoB. 

Oct. 19.20. H. C. Taylor. DoTer. 
Wilmington — I. 0. O. F. Gr. Lodce Con. Nor. 

1.1. J. W. Hallam. 
WUmln^rton — I.O. R. M. Great Conncll- Oct. 

2R. Ed<r. Mclntlre. twz 430. 
Wilmington — 1. O. O. P. Gr. BaeampmeBt. Not. 

14. J. H. Applehr. sr. acrtbe. P. O. box 


Waablneton — ^CTnlted Bretbem Ctaorcb Conference. 
Oct. IT. 

Waahlnictan — Dlst. Snaday School Aaan. Oct. 

30. Jno. E. PaiTKOn. l.TJ R. 3. N. B. 
Washlnzton — Order of Americans Natl. Camp. 

Oct. .tl. A. B. Gorbam. 1428 8th St.. N. W. 
Waoblnxton — ^Hardware and Metal Tndea Coo. 

Nor. 8. 

Waxblnston — Amerlnm Hardirare MtTa.' Aani. 

NOT. 8-10. F. O. UltcbeU, toe Broadtra/. 

New York City. 
WasblnstOB— Aaan. of Official AarL Obemlata. 

Mot. lejflL H. W. WUcr. IST IMk tt.. N. 

Indlaw ap a ll a B tata Baakcn* Amm, On. OcL 
IB-SS. A. Saltk. tare Awitaa mat. Beak 

Indianapolis — L O. O. W. Or. 

Nor. 21. W. H. Lcedlr. 
Indianapolis — Batall Grocera* 

Oct. ae-NoT. 8. J. W. CalkHrar. IS m»i. 

Senair are. 

Mnoele— Jr. 0. U. A. H. SUte Oaaacll Cm. 
Oct. M. w. A. ObaiA, S S. as at., 9mm 

Haote, Ind. _ 
Mnnelc — Diugtatera «C JmHfea Stale Okwl 

Coo. Oct. 2S. 
SkelbrrUIe — Y. P. a. C. E. Dlst Con Nor. — . 

B. H. Clifford, 816 Nortbwest at., IndlinipoUs. 
VInceanea — State Federation of Women'a Cloba. 

Oct. — . Mr*. M. Hoffman, 130 Laporte are.. 

Saatb Bend. 
TiaeaaBta-'Cbatitlea and Correctlaa* atala Iks. 

tmmm. «ab SMi. w. j. 



Ameticns — W, C. T. tl. 

Mrs. T. B. Bvt 
Atlant a et at» Optical Aaa. Oct. IS. O. H- 

KmwB. DiSWH. 

- - - --- H. Se- 


Ot. Ol r. Or. 
OM. ISW. B. li. ntMi. Dea 
Ocdar Saat d a e«te t a> State i 

17-19. t. BUtabeU Xatbear, Keakak. la. 
Cedar BapUa. L O. O. F. Or. Lodse ■aeaa»' 
■BcatToet. IMO. B. U TUtoo, Oea SMaea, 

Darcvpoct — Order Vaateia Star Or. Cbaotv 

Con. Oct. »-27. Mia. Uarie Jaekaoa. Omb> 

ell BlDffa, la. 
Des Moines— State NatL Insnrance Aaaa. Ota. 

Mot. 15-17. Jerome Smltb. Conilnc. la. 
De» Moines — W. C. 1'. U. State Oob. Oct. tt- 

12. E. B. Borforu, IndUnoli, la. 
lotra City — SUte Breweta* Awn. Oct. 2S. 
(ova City— Gootbeast Iowa Hart. Society. M«e. 

21-24. W. T. Rlebey. Albla. 
UarshalUotro — Degree of Pocahontas Great ( 

cU. Laat ot Oct- Naomi Treat, C«nt<'i " 
Ottnmvra— State Baptist Aaan. Coo. Oct. 

RCT. S. B. Wilcox, Dee Motnps la. 
Story City — Norwegian Settlers' Natl. Bea 

Oct, — . Prof. A, A. Veblen. Iowa CItJ,' la. 
Waterloo — Eptrortb Leasoe State Coo. Oct. Si- 

2B. w. R. Jamlaoa. 
Waterloo— Norttaeaatoa lewa Ti a tHir tmm. 

Oct. »-21. Sopt. A. T. HoUll. 


OhertyTale — I. O. B. M. Grt. Conncll Coo. Oct. 

17. C. A. Wolf, Atclilson. Kan. 
Cherryrale — Degree of Pocabootas, Grt. Cooa- 

cll Con. Oet. 17. Joele Bahn. LesTenwortli. 


Bmporta — State Antl-Horoe Thief Asan. Oa& 

Oct. 17-211. O. J. McCarty. VaMa, Kaa. 
Kansas City— €tate Gas, WaiW *. 

Light Assn. Oon. Oct. 
N'lcbolfon, Newton. Kan. 

ro^-ka — Ancient A " 

tons Valley of 
H. C. bowman. 

Wkfclt a State FboMcnphrr*' 
tr-ia. p. A. ItlUer. ATI I II ill 

Lewlston — 1. O. O. F. Grand En< 
Le<rI<:ton— 'Ret»kah State Aurmhl^ <kt. M. 
Carrie E. Myers, Boise, Ida. 


Canton — ^Military Tract Assn. OcU 19-21. J. 

E. Coleman M. D. 
Chicago — ^American Essex S^lne Records Aaan. 

Not. — . F. M. Stront. Mcl-ean. 
Clilcago — Intemntlonal Lite Stock Exposition. 

Dec. 2-0. E. Skinner, Union Stock Yards. 
ClUcalo— Natl. Ilaptlst Con. (Colored). Oct 

23.31. W. h. CausUn. NasbTlUc. Teon. 
Chlctiso— Tiatlonnl Ke> keepers. First week In 

Dec. W. B. Hntchlnxon. Flint, lllctl. 

Clilcago — American Academy of Medicine Coo. 

Nov. 7 S. diaries W. Suttn, Easton, Pa. 
Danville — ^Building Assn. Leacne Con. Oet. 10. 

R. o. Vasea, Qolney, III. 
DasTtUe— State Federation o< UbK OeL' IT. 

E. C. Flncb, Anrora, 
DanTlIle— State Bide. League Assn. Oct. 19-30. 

B. G. Vsson Qolncy. 
Decatur — ^Ratbbooe Sisters Gt. Temple Con. 

Oet. IS. Mn. Leoooca K. Simpson. O. it. ot 

A. o., Leroy. in. 
Decatar— Kalskta ot PrtMaa Grand Lodae. Oet. 

IT-I*. Btai7 r. CaMwcn. las XaHleoa at.. 

Thlrsps ' 

DIxoa-ttetiMiB jmBoH ScaAm' Aaa. Oet 

27.J8L B. F. ~ 

ciKln-QCMtkcxB TItlBjt: Bntal Soaetr. Oct. 
is-ia. Dr. A. X. naiMaoa. ttt Ifaaaalc Tern- 
pie. BoekTotd. 

Toilet— etate Baptiat Asaa, Oct. IS-IA. Bee. 
Geo. Meaioals. 

Jollet — State Federation of Women'a Clubs Oon, 
Oct. 17-SO. Miss Bess Mitchell DooUtUe, 113 

A«I--«fns St.. Olil«-aco. 111. 

Kankakee — Beoalaa Tf lli llllnala fafliaUj Oct. 

Peorls^ReaoIOB -i^tfe HWaele latMllT. ' Oct. 11. 

B. C- Byrne. 

Rn<-kforiI — 'Itenntoa Baatcra Teterans' Assn. Oct. 

20. C. O. Alley. 
Sprlnclleld— State Bte totp e i* ' Aaaa. Ooa. K«v. 

21-22. Jas, A. 
SprlnglleM — Unlaii Ta 

Oct, 18-fit. 

Tm awaa * OaaBiwat a. ' Oct. IT. 

Cran-fordsrIIIe — Lojal Order of Mooae 

Lodse Con. Oct. 17. Kd. U Barr. 
Krniiklln — 'Kennlon Rth aai 

jinil 1st Ind. Itatteay. 

.Smith. Winchester. 
India napolts — American 

Not. 22-24.' J. M. 

WaftbIn;;ton, D. C. 
lodianapollft — ^Amerlf-aa . Aatt4 

Not. 22.24. J. M. Baiitc; SI 

Washington. D. C. 

Indlanapolli — Ind. Fraternal 
— . Ed. B. Shraer, lOU 

Indlaaapolle— Btgrca mt 


CoTlngton— Patroaa ot HiislisaaiJ 

Oct. 24-28. P. B. Noleott. 
Oeofsetown— State Optical As. 

S. BeeTcs. Wlncbeater, Ky. 
Mt. Steeling — T. P. S. C. E. District Ooa. 

Oct. 30-22. Honstoo Eton. Psrls, Ky. 
Owensboro — ^National Tobai-co Growers' Asn 

Oct. 18-30. O. Hayee Taylor. JadiaDapolla. 

Oet- 19. 

Baton Rouge — American Aa 
Workers. Not. 8. 

?7e«- OrlesDS — ^American AdTsncemeat of 1 

Asan. Coo. Dec. 29-Jaii. 4. U O. Bowtia, 
2088 HUl.rer PL, N, W., Washington, D. a 

.Vew Orleans — American Chemical Society 
D.'c, 29-30. Trot. Wm, A. Nayca. W a l l f i ai 
Md. . ^ 

Stvc OrleiiM iHm, ot TtaaapMaUlS It W 


Portland — Slate Ornithological Society 0<a. 
Dec JohB Sicrua. Skotrhecaa. Ite. 



Portland — Canadian Ticket Aaenta* Aasn. Oct. 

1(1. K. De Ls Hooke, London. Ont. 
Portland — Kalghu of Traplara' 

Oct. 20, Chaa. A. 1 — 

PortUnd— I. O, O. W, ' 
a. Dyer. 


_iiB. EeoDomIe Attn. Oon, Dti^ 

week. Frank A. Felter. Ithscs. ii. T. 
Baltimore — Americas Political Schoca 

Coo. Dec. 27-80. W. W. Wllloagbby. 
BalUmore-^. Y. P. C, SUta Coa. Oct. 

Baltimore — Or. Oommandeiy K. T. aC IM. I 

28. Jdo. Miller, 
tBaltlmocT — I. O. O. F. Grand 

Oct. 16. Jno. M. Jonea. 
Baltlasore — ^X. IW. C. A. latetoa H sa al 

mm. M. 

Clag'a Dansbterar State Osa. HUT. — > 
Sin. E, Tnsk Hill. 86 BiomaeM at ' 
IprlagaeU— Patraoa of Baataadiy State SUase 
Ooa. Dec. IS-M. Wa. M. Soinia. Saa^. 

irorcestet^-Aowrleaa XbalenatT Aaaa. Oct IT- 

ao. Dr. Francis J. Van Horn, 10 iiiehaiM 

Wo'rceatcr — -Reunion 25tb Mssa. Regt. Oct. 38. 

Bentoa Harbor— I, O. O. F. Or. Lodge Oaa. 

Oct. lO-lS. Henry N. WUdrr. Laaalng. lOm. 
Kenton Hartior — Re<>ekab Slate Aswmbly. Oat. 

17. Ma M. DaTla. LobsIbb. Mich. 

Kalawaea S tate PederatloD of Wa 
Coa. Oet le-U. M. T. Smitfc. 
laataa at.. Bar City. MIrli. 


oeroBiR i4» 

«■ — Rynnlan Otb MIeti. Cmraliy aiid Caster 
Omtrr BrtiHdp. Oct. U. Jetm B. Dtnnli. 
muum, Mlcb. 
KMMwOlr— Mito 
U-ML I* ». ~^ 

T2te Billt>oar<l 


]l]mMpolto-4teM«uI ,^Mtn&^ AM. 
17-20. Mn. yt. T. tMghy. «• taMi) 
>w.. 8. B.. WublBRtM. D. C. 

Willi " MrUM 

St. i^iol ■ MiMWPta 

Dm. 2T.S. O. B. MazveU, Wloona, Minn. 

emmrood— B. T. P. U. Sutc Oon. Mot. 14 
I^ndrum LfaTrll. Jackaon. MiMk 

Rttcbn— MlMlwIppI A. M. IL Cta* ' Oint. 
Not. 22. fl. W. CbllM. 

Tlcksbarg— UaUfd BMttM ni MMS •( B»- 
arToIrat of AmcflHU Mr. S^ML B. Dl Brit- 
las. Nemnao. 


CbmiMtkc— Gr. River Medical Borletr Coo. 

Dee. 7. nr. Oea. W. Ooln -a. RrvrkeorMir*. 
St. LouIk — Int(>r«ti<tp Milk Prodnpern' Pro. Aann 

.Vo» 27. n. I. Frliheok. Allpnton. 
Warrensbiirg — State Baptiat AasD. Oct 17. W. 

SauTonl, CtiUllcothe. 


laaeoada — Rebekab State Aaaemblf. Oet. 17 

Era Goodman. TDinis*-nd, Sloat. 
iaaeanda— I. O. O. F. Or. LadM Cta, Oct. 

17. A. J. WMte. Ba tte. MHt. 

UMiaa-Nitiml 'nSw'AL. ac n: 8. Oct 


iIb— National PrlaoD PhrsleUas^ Amm. Oct. 


LlBMln— Katlonal PrUnn Cbapltliu' Amm. Oct. 

Lincoln — TVardena' Prlmn Aaan. Oet. St-ttL 
Nebraska Clt.r — Rrliekab Slate Aaai-nltUr. Oct 
17-10. Mra. Anna B. Cravrford. Llncoia 
.Mn«ka Clt;— I. O. O. F. Graod Bnraauiient 
«et. 17. I. p. Oa««. F^caMI. Kek. 
^Mt*I?P^ »..«« M» Oct. 

Miniature Railroad Co.i 

7* ■ m iw >i. Hmv Ywk CHy. 


■Qk.-S^ ^' 
■ O. A. JL State Ceonen Con. Oct. 

C Kendall. .Naabna. N. H. 


-.J— — — ., tt A. H. Graod Lodee (colored i 
IT. Jaa. B. Maaon. 30 Ao^ata au. 

' Oty — State Congresa of Mothera. Oct 
"-JJ.. Uarr V. Grlce, 330S Arch at.. I'bll. 

AfitaMIe atr — Patrona of Basharnlry Nallnnal 
Gntt. Not. 10. C. M. FteemaD. Tluur- 
eanae Cllr. O. 
IhMlilW Epwortb Leatoe. Brlditeton DUt. 
.Of. <M. Ut-ia. L. L. naod. Ulllvllle. 

:il Jfc C. A. Boj-8' Uept. Stale Con 
^M. B. Scott. HI Balaey at.. 

— X •* Taaapermnee Or. DliI«lon. 
2*1 ■ »*-. TrentoD. 

■^^*-«t«te IMmtlOH of Womro'a CTnh. 

0»«. Oct. a»«l. ■ lira. Cbarle* tiUTer*. »lii 
owTe at. 

Ctty—^mrtt iMm Dtet. Coo, OcL 2B. 

"^"^T?*?!* S» On»t Coon- 

«t.. Trenton. • 

Madison-Morrlc CO. OartMTi * Ptaitob 8oc. 

w-S*"^"*':.?^*- ■•wn. INnlMMni. 
^ BraiiMvIck— Epworth Leasoe Kow Bran* 
wick DLL Coo. Oct. 25. Mlaa B. U. Bolaiea. 
Red Bank. 

Ttentoo— Jr. 0, u. A. H. Ilate I^MiL IM 
27 Wo. H. Melra. «u. ww. 

iTeotoD— aute Flremea^ 3fMad SMtWlm 
W^O^ n. R. D. Beoder. aS OmM at. 

V. * A. M. Onad Lodce. Oct 
■ A. Keen. 

— . J ural Arch Maaona Orand Chap 

.J**^ Oct. IS. AlplicDi A. Keen, 
•■■■■"jae— KlUthta TempUr Grand Com 
■■■nwT. Oct. 19. Alpkeoa A. Keea. 
irew lORK. 
Attanj— state Osteopathic docletr OM. OCI 

25. H. L. OlilIe«. Aabam. N. T. 
BlnghamtoD— FlTe State Milk Piodaeers* Amb. 

Oct. I,. H. T. Coon. Homer. 
BIrniinKhani— state Federation of Woaaa'> 
CInba Coo. Oet. U-Not. 8. Mra. LeRor l>. 
Paraliaai. 4Z Slain .t. 
■•f«I|f-4V)IIah National Alliance. Oct. la-an. 
mEsJ~ Hellnakl. 102 DlTlaloo at.. Chlcajco. III. 
^■aiii My»tlc Order Veiled Piopheia En 
"■•ed Realm Coo. Oct. — . Sldoej D. 
naUton. N. T. 
-Xatl. Pollah AUlance Cob. Oet. 18- 
¥■ HeUnakl. la2-l(M DlTlalon at.. 
Chicago, III. 

''}"•»— Upkllon Frateroty NtO. Con. 
^E- ^- "">'•• Brldfetco. 
^"TT^^'T."'' '-<"«"» Drookl^ H. Bint. 
Ooj. Oct. in. Mlaa E. J. Ballot Ha. ■ 
, "«sewax ReaerTolr. Brooklrs. 

Nlnrara Co. Veterana- Aaan. Not 
,~: 'Twren A. Ivea. 13S Washbnm at. 
"evkaixb— Epwortb League Newbnrjh DUf. 
laat of October. 
i£_ S5 — Delta Kappa Epallon Frater- 
! !? M a*, le-n. Waa. S. Miaaoa. 61 

^"^^S^JS^MuSSnSmSe^tii^m. Oet 

"'5 OHy— M. T. * Mnr BaclMMl Ball 

838 4Tth at.. BnaUya. M. I. 

713. Fan RiTer. ](■■•. 

•S^^!"^ raiy— A«twm««le«I * AalMsMnl 
5^* »t Amerloa Con. Dm. ««7c. U 
tvwllttle. tipper Daitir. Pa. 
J ^Cr." CItr— Oen. Bs. Clfc. 

*.-n MSBlonsrv SodetT 0( ft* M. 

t pay for Itself In two day*. Spins 

kugar in o cotton candy, any color. 

19 PARK PLAC = . N Y. 

A 6reat Helper 

The Bllhorn Tele- 
scope Urtoin Is ■ 
marvel. Icfvqaire* 
but two mo 
menCs to open or 

ClO»« Ifte It IB 

worth tma times 
tbe prto» 10 aoy 

Ooncvrt Trcope or "i ra * , . 
*t5. UB and tSS. S^nd for a 
5* Klftta Avenue, t'hicafrn. 




Yoa*ll never re 
fmt iU So re. 
TOMY moTinir of icloTeti 
to d».p«iilt or re- 
move coin. Guaranteed or money reraadvd. Sample 
tSrtj«. poptpaw. Airent* and deslem wanted. GIBSON 

COIN HURSE CO.. Boi 1005 (U II 

There is a DisUnot DHI 

National Seniice" 




You will have to believe it if you try it for a few weeks. 


62 M. Clark St., CHICAOO, ILL. 



Sketch team. Sister act, flrst-class electrician and operator, aerial sinKle act, 
good team <if acrobats and men that can manage shows and tallE. Want p»o- 
plK of experience. .Slim Suttle, Harry Dean, Musical Brennaiis, Chas StabI 
and wif^ Dick Cbapman, come on, wire or write. Show runs year round. 

LEW NICHOLS, Jersey vUl^ IlL* 

• to 

Carmrton, Us.; Oct. lA-Sl; Sgunm, IIlB.,-Ost. 2M8; WlBfcinMi, Kj., Oefc. M 
to Not. 4. ' ■ 



MuacllTeln center Indiana; t>eal>le to explain 

WJi B]KRA»aR,aaa»ciHiai..Chi«s«a. iil 




LoDKseaatm. Addtaaab PCIS BUlIt 



1 Lnbln Picrare Machtn*. Expa-ltUm Hod'I. 
SW.OU: Hank UobWy. LnUn. iOOO: Tracked 
Its Kloodbuunds.Si00v:Tr«reds In Air. £13.110; 
Train Kubbery. Ed son. wMIO Aoetxline 
Seatch LJirbt. SIS on; HIadt l^uit tbai,*sdaik, 
2IIM.0U: Msrann and deMa1piiv«fiii>Dt.i&00: 
I >r entire ontBt KMO.OO. Hnt >lUtht>y uaed. H. 
F. BAZA. UI& Doucias St.. Omaha. Keb. 


We are the Moat Keliable Hoove Intlie BaslDeau. 

Write for our BarKmln CIrcalsr — mailed 
and convince youraeWea. 




Want to book witb good Camlrst 
Conderman wheel : flrst class condition. 

Seth & state Sts. , CUcaa*a Ilta. 

ORE, MlffiED UMS, 

Bintont Ink. Strlpppiv, HoId> 
OUTS. Camrltwck i4ptndlea. Now 
Electric FIckout. Set Spindles, 
Bar MAKOtftv. Eleuirlc Cagett. 
KIOQdilce Itniwera. 

Xew (.*»t»lofl:ue Five. 

A.. G. DEVOSa 


:::oPEN time::: 


ftonal and Versatile OpcB^ 

■ben III otterS' leave off. - 

Address, klONBI. UKGARK. 

Week ot October 9tb. Paragoold. Ark.: Week of 
Octol)er 16tb, Galesburs, 111. 

PeriBantat Inericu addran. 
Cor. Market and Park Ate., BETHLEHEM. PL 



and doable Ptalneaa: ladj (or OpbeUa 
plaj cr f or tiand. doable orvbeatim; al 
double In braaa. None too good for 
UDLAKET, Mgr., Pine Grove, W. Va. 


iin nm vmmv)U£. 

All conunnnlcBtkii 







OoLSSteNmr. 12. 




wire quick. 

mf A Hl^rlPn— Few more cood Vmr Sbows,miist be clean, with aoadlliMlKt 
WW ^« W ■ coDld nae anaitettw— lady and gentlemen anaoHH Wl» <^ - 


Daias* Texas. 

the gnataakflBlraMrlMidiB 


FOB OCR No. 2 

WkMi win bawttheaa at the bast known CbiBteal Oa'a la tba asal 
ALL EJKRB. llenftorEp^aBdDtna,plaMplB9ar.naAt»o«troafCMbaMb1 

week. Write or wire. 


Klnston. N. C week Ocfc 9tb: WllmtnK»«»n. ». C weA Oet. i«th. 


OCTOBER H. laos. 







IVIAY SOtli, 1906, 


g TO DEAw FROH: |)niiter Bostofl, 1,200,000 People. Within 50 Miles, 3,000,000 Pei*l(. • 



J'-'S'.< \ ^ - "'"^i|3 State St., Boston, Mass. 

ass CMItaCH-fKE 


a*4t l. Ha, IHKIUIE,II. 



)*»• >«*k. .taw aad an 

^ -^J^ tia la 

LT. trt>«ilr. Oun. 

1 Knr Ta 

> Ooa. Ore. ~S«L Chac J. WbUe. V. D.. 

N«v Toik OtF— X>tL IntatntF at OcntBl Pvda- 
Soslcs Con. Dec S-30. W. Bui 'Wilownt. 
sa OoUcs« St.. TVtnMia. One Cu. 
j N«v York CIlT — Amirieu Miueain NsU. HIs- 
I toJT Gkw. X«r. 14-K. Joim B. Sac*. 

N><«- rers Cttrr-attx.' ^ 

N'OT. 1S4I. ■■«:'.) 
V^* Yor* 
Gen. O 

S»«- rartt City— Slate 
Go*. J. — 

X#« Vock Qty — Am«rlesn Borrl^rs* Pror*ctiT# 
.4saa. Oet. IS-ao. R, K. Seboder. as K. STUi »t. 
Vcw^ Tort atr— Totaco). CJc»r lod Alllrd In- 
dasoMs OoB. Oct. 

VDCfc aiy — latrmstSoul Comprr&s^ Air 
Wack«** raka Sodetr of tbc U. &. Cbnrdi. 

Oct. as-sar. 3. 

Xirr Tack C l u Oi l PU Fnisnltr. X«r. at. 

i. .;Rai* : Qrar. X. b. 


<t- Ph!]ad«]pbU, Pa. 
XHsarm FU:*— Stire Nnr«<4' asb. 

Mr*. <;n»Ca Wcldl. 
Xliara Fillt giipnfnit Ordc 

We«t K*w BrlfAnm. S. I. — ^"TorCh Letcv* 
SUxaAeUi Vlsi. Cob. Ocu a& AxUiar H. 
SdHn. 9e Sammlt are., Flalaileld, X. J. 


AkMS— Sail* Retail Crocrr*' Aan. Coo. tVc 
^ B. Owk. 3tt La^anda aT«.. Sptiar- 

: OfU. O. 

j Bt«TfnhJ— KH>f fa> ^^ maMf fOM OM. OM. 

j C&eiaaltl— r. 1 A. MJ' Oioil f ii'ui.' Oet. IS. 
< R. B;i>aiinFn. 

'i CiacJaaati— Stat» rdJc* CJ>1*J»' Ooo. Oet. 17- 

; ISL Wm, KrllcT, Dftanrv. 

: !^<rr.>a — i>'-eak>a SItk Otate MaatMr lataatxr. 

o«. ;s. .«>» TT. 

- ^^rtaci^W — Sntr 

1^.-^ .-^^ ^ Oct 

Oct. 17. 

«■». T.SHRS. Xer. 

LC. S. K.. KuWKt i 

Son! xra-x. P«rrT — Brt<»tai State , 
Filter. lUi.. KiMTs. tradMois. 

•vr^m^ew r:a3iA. «Be«ri«<o BaMSwr a:>ti. uad 
JJlHaua C ■innili ttr IVsar Arrafti; tan M>Ukk 
«A3aaa. \_ K H iTC^i. 

& Owa 

Oambridsr Sprlnss— State FBdcntba oC Wo- 
men's anb*. Oct. B-ak. 

Brie — ^Amerlcaa BMtfttrlpn^ AMB, Qji. AI- 
Tln B. Boce. TBS Sme* tL, BiWut M. T. 

CreenAns— fmbjtcilui Cfcf FMB. Snod. 
Oct. 1*. R*T. J. w. Bta. 9m Mk 

RaTerford — M« Ij n gaa^ie Amm. <t iwfln 

Con. Dee. 37-29. C. B. Oraodceat. 107 
Walter it.. Camhrldee. M«M. 

r^RCasler — Deyn^ of Piicahontaa Great Ooancll. 
Oct. IT. I'aulln.- De lUuCre. PhUadelpbia. 

Ncn- Market — Bennlon Mtli Reit. Pa. Volnn- 
teers. Oct. 25. W". A. Slick. Jobniton-n. 

Pen .\rjTl — Inlrmatlonal L'nlan of Slate Work- 
ers. Xov. 6. W. W. Clark. 1303 St. Louli 
are.. East St. I.ouIs, 111. 

Piitsbnrs— Iiuernallunal Dpholatera' Colon. No*. 

jnttsbon: — American Federation of Labor. Ko». 
13. Frank Morrison. 42S O. S. N. W. Waah- 

Incton. n. C. 
Pltt^nrj: — Rallw-aj- Snperlnteadente or BMgra 

QuUdlair .\£5n. Con. Oct. 17. 
UmJIds— Pa. German Society. Oct. 20. T. 0. 

Beadlos — Ordor of the Shepherd* of Bethlehem 

Coo. Oct. :s-SI. Eva A. W.vko(r. 2SO0 Fed- 

nal tt^ Camden. N. J. 
ScnatM— State BaptUt MUaloo Socletr Con. 

Oct. IMt. . Bf*. C A. Smis. 1490 Oheataul 

ft.. MMillMu 
Shatpw ffli B iM t i a snh IM. T«lntMn. Ocu 

19. Ger. BPCtl(T, 
SbbIwzt — ScvbIm- 1 

Oet. ». Pad B. _ 
SsBbuT — PeamjIeaBla 

baiHbT Ooo. Dee. tS-uT Ftnk Gludler, 

FOQ^tikmaiiKvi. ra. 
Psortdence — ^A^och of the latenatl. Order of 

Klasr's Dattfhtera and Soas Ooo. Nov. — . 

Sarah MlUer Coee.T, FUkerllle. R. I. 
Waxlilcctoii Sate Director* of Uie Poor and 

CJuirtt!- Aasa. Oct. 17-19. L. C. Colborn. 


WllUam^piirt— Sute Lotber Leacae. Oct. 944S. 

A. R. Bard. Reidls,:. 
Tre*tcbe«»er — Reaaka «7:h Sect. P«. Oct. SS. 

Jotia Wata«Tlc«t. WiIaSastoK. Del. 


CKattaKwpi— Soatbera laialcniltal 0«Sr(«MC. 

Ocu S*. 
}(ortl'ee«boi«— Rebekab State 
TWma C»»*r. Xatbelll*. 
■VcR Tmb. T wO wmT 
•eei.'*;'- W. " 


My new fall bareatn 
list of )• c>-to-<late no»- 
••Itr and aevnis' coods. 
noii'i uelty bui send for 
a corr today. I have 
t-lie lar^t-st stock of 
comic Kustal cards in 
U. .S. lOu »»tnplc«. iinMwt 
alike, mailed for Me 
Dust paid. 


240 L HHbn St.. CHIUBO. 

da Crantse Patna* oT Baa- 


OaBaa— State fidecUe Medical &c». CVm. Oet. 

— . Dr. L. S. Do«i». CalTenen. 7\ex. 
S Paw Amenea n Mlalas Ooacma. Xot. I«- 

IS. J. CaBmath. Jr.. Demvr. OnL 
Segal a ffi a ltmu Gerauia U. K. Chaick Omr 

Xar. -w. Mn K, MBkM. .BllUif . Itt. 
Saa laaaali ; WaWiaal B«» Kiinw. » 

JOpr. 1. 


St. Jote^Mcr— SUIv Ssadar 
IT'JS. Bev. O. U Mtqc, ~ 

Ow. Oct. 

nr!n«l-JT. «. C JL. X. Stave OoaadL Oet. 
17. Tiw, B. la»r. lVww»»ne. 


Or Repertoire Co. 

ClooltiK out ba^liMMis haw abonc 

u' Koua rcpcrtoira Mper. sl*> laf . 
bttrta>«Mpsi!ar. wm l ap-l wB.4» W» 

46 Msrimi*«.. 



Fvtti Pilict Dim ■miaul Miaiii titss Slonrs 

IT n p , . In nil br«t\tbr,.or tHe mu»eura bu*la**^ Cur1o«l- 

U»« an.l r. riuii.- trilera. A I PiCTgi^Md Jod.^| ^*S1 

Hinnthik r;«\ aiinirlaMtESt>a*Hl>lta>'y!' 

ammli. A.Mrro. TtlOIIM BSUVJtiCn, CaaaaHM, 

K. V. i>. o, m>» tm. ^ . 

1*. A.-.abov..,vn« ivt. Tit. ifca. RenemkcrtMtfl* a 
et«n* nH»ni ^t>i>w. 



Clrc;...i*ii, 1.1, 


Tlwa.'aalit.T .-.vmp^^r^i mi>vi-.c lOctec* oeef»lor aJwl 
elecfMeUn «llk marMne: <m «IU> aMaaahlaerT and 
•AMiectMu.rt\r<r».«nlc ilt»>. t^c<pOerr*4: atrova 
.\» rexrir B>«M he Un^rMtoMr osheeawl rrllaMe. Ihww 

■ . Hiizvvc. matin B» 

It lAPV t.>t 




_ t.»oT. a.2%-a«. 


^cvood hand T«M(a«an<>tll««N»: mnst N; la 
cvvM cvmdltKw and cbeatv Q. 8CI1B.\KI>K 


OCTOBER 14, 1905. 

Xtie Billboarcl 




To Sll the wants of the 
bojs I am compelled to 
enter hivar fidcb. The 
Cutlery King will soon 
BEIGN oyer iJie largest 
and latesk Hm of jewel- 
ry ever offered to Street 
Men and Auctioneers. 
The Tepotatimi I have 
built in the cutleiy fine, 
linked with my won- 
derfal iimoivatkna in 
the cane line, will be 
strenetbened by many 
new thinjts I will brine 
oat in the jeweliy line. 

Havinc brought new 
life into the eaneraek 

and knife board men, I 
expect to do the same 
for those adHnff jewelry 


To help me aoeomplish 
this I have eni;aged Mr. 
Louis Lamm, a man 
thoroughly posted and 
having 20 years* ezpe- 
rienee busring jewelry 
for Street Men and Auc- 
tioneers. Together we 
will stodyyoor wants. 
The opening of the de- 
partment will be an- 
noonoed later. 

WatehTlie BOlbcinEd. 

In the meantime send 
in your order for Cut- 
l&cj. and Canes and save 
money. You know 
Harry. Heisthe lMT- 
UP Mil and sends only 
what you want. Write 
for my 1906 calalaiKae 
and memoiandiun book. 
It is free. 

HARRY L. WEiSBAUM, 240 and 242 E. Madison St., CHICAGO, UL. 


llMl fcr EISEHSTEIN, 44 Abb SL. Im Tiriu The Knair Km Im iMiki. 

CkvlMtnntip— taMiMatt not* 

M 26. WilMe C" " ~ " 
lancuborg — ivlag** 
Oct. IS-SS. 

rnii*wi an 

Con. OeL 
bote. yt. 


Brerrtt— State Llqaor Dnien' FioteettT* 
Oct. lT-18. A Gcital. 1017 AlaAs 
anttic, Watta. 

•^ttlc— state nardvan A*aa. Coa. Itor. !!• 
tS. K. H. Tbeadlasa. 


Wa li aiw l P late Bar Amu. Coo. Dec — « M. 
O. FMnkln. Parkersburg. W. Ta. 

■ aaet rti i e — o. U. A. M. State CoaneO. OM^ IT- 
IS. W. T. UltcUeU. WbMUng. 


f.«Cx<»s»— ^-atl. Parll7 Cosfereoee. Oct. »T-1». 
. J. B. CaWwell. 81 5th mw.. Obleago. m. 
«« Croaae — Upper luvlwlppi iBproTement Aaia. 

Oct. 10-11. Thoa. Wllkloaoa, BnrllDKtOD. la. 
Muvaakee — Knlgbu Templar Gr. Oommandeir 
lUwaDkee— State Teacber*' Ann Con. Dec. 

yUtM Katherloe B. WlUtams. 
Mn^ M fce e Atnerleaa Gas Uckt 

0«. lUO. ^GcoTK* a. 

"■r. New r«rk CUT. 

New Fairs. 


lew Decatur— Pair. Oct. 16-21. Thoe P. Ut- 


OeFu^ak Sprlncit— GuK Coairt Fair aad A«rl- 
""P^al akpoaltlon. Not. 1.4. B. W. Starr. 

ist of Fairs 

I.; 7. D. 

Ocorge. VRs. S. t. Vast, tcaaa.: 

BalleT, aec. 

East Granbj- — East Grsoby Flair. Oct — . C. 

H. Haachrtt, pres.; W. H, Grar. aec. 
Usrtford — Coon. Dalr7iDeD*s Pair. Jan. 17-18- 

n. Banehett. pres.; W. H. Gray, aec 


New Ha«n — Sew Haren Co. Horttenttnral Fair. 
NaT. n. a. O. nydc. pres.; Tbomaa Pet- 

Uaau ma.! Oto. C. Baot ate. 
WalaaMi Wafcatt Fair. Oct. — w Chao. S. 
Tatdib awi^: M. Upson, ace. 

JacksoaTllle-^acksonTUIe Fair. Nor. 16-28. 
Tampa — Florida Sule and Midwinter Fair. 

Kog._ la-W. Tbo*. J. U Brom, fRo.; X. c. 

.\iiiniiita— Aneoata yaii^^Har.a>tl. - _ 

Calhoun— Gotdog On Hik. Ott. Sa 9. T» 
SlcVey. sec. 

Daltoo — Fonrtb Asnoal Fair. Oct. I0-20. Itaak 

T. Bejaolda. m(r. 
Lexlnston— Osletliorpe Co. Fair. Oct. 23-28. 

John Knox. pi«a. aad m(T. 
Macon— Georgia Farmers' Fair. . OcC M-Ifor. 

3. Bneene Anderson, aec. 
Warcrosa^Waycrosa Fair. Not. I3-1T. 


I«wla t a a fc ewlatoo-Clarakton ralr. Oct. 16-21. 
O. B. SMHi; Bita.: L. M. BmOt, iMoa.; P. 

Canolltoa— Oreene Co. Fair. Oct. IT-20. Daa- 
IvI putt, pres.; C. B. Bdtcd. tteaa.; B. B. 
Simpson, sec. 

Gutlirle— Agrl. Fair. Oct. SO NOT. 4. 


\ I liiiMl illl Fair. Not. 13-18, 


Cedarrale — CbKutanqna Co. Fair. Oct. 17-18 

W. M. Jonea, sec. 
Clar Ceeler— CUy Co. Pair. Oct. 10-12^ Walter 

Xkte Uit to 

•at at- 


ana SUta Fair. Oct. 2S-Not. 

.\lilea Bridce — Baaaler rtlllt BUT. OM, 0-28. 
Calliooo — Nortb LaaMwa BUr. Oat. lull. I. 

P. Wall. pre*. 
Itunier — Clalliome Parish Fair. Oct. 19-21. 
Ma — Cadilo Parish Fair. Oct. SI-Not. 2. 
MInileo — Webeter Parlab Fair. Oct. 2S-25. 
Uooroa— OMkUa Battak BUc Ma*. T-10. 

Frrepoet — Fn-^poct Poalfiy Aaaa. Ota, ST-10. 

Geo. P. CotBn sec. 

Uadawaska— Madinraska Fair. Oct. SI. BmM 
A. Dalsle, sec.. St. Darld. 


Frederiek— Frederick On. Fair. Oct. lT-20. C. 

K lUraett; .t«a».t PL V. MtMtn, trtaa.: J. 

e: hautie'S 


Red Hot, Old Time Street Fair 


OCTOBKR 16th to 2f8t. 

Come on Privilege Men. . Utna FBJX BLMIENBAUR, SlCT-. Tim lUtt. M. 


The Via Stock Company. 

1 S«BK aad !».■>. Seakrette or a <So«d Slater Taenii 

Writs JowMt: jpai ora. aodautsaU gf^l^ttfjp utiwr 

iMUa^F.. Oe*. BtslA. 

AT talB 



Alpine Yodlers 

Three laiile& one cent. ANMriBf In plemn» 
KatlTe Trroltan Costamet atiMTte Oiiiuna Mvell 
as BbkImi oilcinU monntein l —ttjae ^' ^~ 


Ooec Mil oB people grt In Itnet bo 

np-to-date and emd fruntx. Ai 

itent strawa; naaSta 
LLIAM BI.I88. RuahvlllA. Indiana. 

SliU Going, Still On Deck 


Hlich Diver or 0*p Le«por. or any itimkI Pr^ Attraction. Good cbance fura TtMnte OMMr. O 
Pntmot«r, no HtAller. An»w«r. LEIBKREID dC LAVELLK. WllmerdlDC Fa.. w««kor October Vm. 



4 Miles East of Wheeling, W. Va 

Oct. 17, 18 and 19, 1905. eood Cleaa Attiaetiois 

'i.M OnOVK AMUl 

Xl\e Billboard 

OCTOBER 14. 190& 



Jaet iDineiliately and for Winter Stason 

pfc ARTISTS ..^ 



la 9fexcIaB mllTer dollars. BImir fare paid tooUi waym. Outward 
• IB '<rriUos»t 'ieIowr*tKaIarT; also if roo do mure tbaji one 
lamc and Bend pboioxnplM, IT poMtttle. Have too your onn 
mU mt utl m mhm fn tr*nt of bo—el«*aseor«*«li. 

~ "haod a n It 


, NEW Yome 

arrlvr la Bew Tovk oB or 

wjgomic postal cards^ 

. Web»T«iltetiesi cmrds for the lea^t moner: printed in 4 colors: llfty d<»slgii*: each one 
tallof foD and cnf&ie:> njar^<;f laoffbier. Strnd a:. l»cents and we will 9«nd y-'Q ^ samples, 
t raid&ateiost tbe IblBK tOM I at Stat*- aad ounnty fairs, at tb ac es aod in fac' anr 
ttbalitOBit gMh>r. »8e .dBe f ti»r S»in ple^ a"d ofiBdeptial prioss. Addnrsa 
S* S* •6IKVIB PCBIrl nXC ro.nPANl', 

6« Bose Str et. Kew T'orfc. 

YOU -'^r^"^ 
Would BE THE i „ 
Talk oftheTown ^ 

wau L Gom>. 481 ■euta am^ niuso. 



W. J I^NGHAM. Manaser. 

Oct. 10-S. XoT. a»-30. Dec. IJ-31, Jan., Fein. 

March. April. May- 
A hocje In lu s«c»*od jtmr witboat a rallnrc Only 
' ■ ratlrvAd town ; vaij pMMaffcraaatlrvtBkK 

bowcla^ . 

•>i<ww>aB..Fke.l^. act'cca k. c 
tfce MpgW p.wDty to tW O. a. ' 



nan 1^ tail iiBCliliii AMnm 

C IBKR. Sh. .!.. lo. 128, Seattle, ffasb: 

tttpoattloa few red. 

—PAT SHOWS wMrm... 


Or-r. 19-*C>-'1. 

TllS* irin be TWT <teT »t »11 mliw-. In ifala loemlirr.foTft 
rftdtu?' of ito miir-*- i't^niT roi'^^T; pxxxj locmUons 
Write- c;-.i-clL. w lj_Li A ii ^y, -fiii K □ i^rrV St-. S^t. Lx>al9. Mo. 


Rnr Ynk IMn MMiig 

New York. 

n* Mar •! All laiataetcr Ckane* Artists, 





Dr. BmiCT^ OMiMacd S2ss<n oarttt Lari* ovml teat 
vita 9Maan.m*rMTT.d and loa» baw4 vlrvrntctf Maw: 
SxS Stan, aad eoaaSrt* onttft lachadlar fb^mu 
.AeBMT.aBd dy n a ian ooAteff M«»: Miflt cct 

aS9Ba ikev « a.OBcas aco: mW .boat tVf. IStb. so cov^r 
morur^^ ASJ_ J_ S. DrcwH^r, Any, ("^nc te, K.n 




■wire your acdr«s$ imsediaiely. , _ 

h.bp»«. TVh.t^c!^. cbica^.iiia. j ..PALMISTS W ANTEDm 


i«i Ji. MiBa_ OPERA HOoSe I. 

; boBMIfM 

■rawBMk.roct. w: .in 
fi d fc i fcl ii II p«»p i «L Stet 

vox ns. RinaTiur. L 


_ . WJuSrElt— s.ipbooB « win ptr euta for rooil Sod band 

IL >. ALXGOOP IVxnbcrc 'Cm. ■ '»=^'>"a' *«« IH M numm. L T. smiEKLjetO. lUt 
■ taO Atr. >^ t;rv*s FUU. Moat. 

Ma awMS: car OHi 
a* WIM Bala 9C BIctaMod. Isd. 



M« I n |irt»r-^. aan aw>. 
w i H w l li »t yoiA avM. M.|l I ua yrtvOM. 
I^ll«aa^r^r» .iu t ' K »M»awl«M»U«lt «irja . 


NoTelty Acrobats In tbelr crest Noveliy Tliree Olvh Mountloe and featg of mi Willi Am 
act that alvays icakes a bit. Act rana fn>in to IS mloutea. Address, va3 Beloioat Avc^ 

Tole<io. Ohi.>. 







(ScoorKt WfeMaOBrt 

Wanted ... 


3iiiwiioil»>iwwHhwiiftwi»8«f>*»act»; mm* be A-L Band S.orW p'wnL S gnt- 
witli ibe <un tb. Ail prlTl ece. •!««•: and ersry body Bnrka. 

ROBERTS « KAYS RItr Hnlta^ !>h--w>>. CASF.V. lU. 

^aa^Bt <3o. — All Sl3o\T. ContraeC 
In Dalia. by October I Ita. 
■fiBTcn frms wii«i,Gi»f« Biowiug sbo«. v.uderlile, and uny Rood Freak Sbow. Hare ten solid wtck 

■ AmIuI booked to tta. bM<t towxM la TeuM. blKKcL crop, lo blAory of State. a»l beM price, fiircottoa 

COoMoa.bojs.aadsetyaarwIaUr'aHak.. »nakM*aimaMC7^iriraat 

I. BlfEKcL crop, lo blAory or state. aM bet price, furoottoa 
^b«woiMqNi^aat«M.; laac dwaca. waatafaw caod 


Coney Island's Mardi Gras Floats 


wmber . t tp rtaew tlng a Parade ot all Natl-'oa. endior with tbe ceMmted 
nFloat. Por-ale atsacrlHee. as webavttnopiace tosture tliem, Applrw 

HE -BERT A. BRAD WELL, Secretary, 
Flood BiriMliK. Coney Mand/N.Y. 


ForTbe Keeteb Famllr Shows- A loof? .eaw^n Soath offered for reliable Cornec, Alto and Tuba; other mu 
.lelaiLS St.iV- r, -r I 5.i'_ir^- In f'-i U^'A^r Ail !r^£ KEtTCII FAMILY, Charltoa, luwa, Oct. 9-14. 

Aibla, .A 1'. 


Holjofce — PooltTTm.D's Fair. Kor. 22.33. 


aty— MrComb Ciij Pair. Oct. 17-2I. 
pre; T. W. 

tt Ok, Mr. OtL M-18. 

Oi. ndr. on. »«. 

Bnrllngteo— Alamaoce Fair. Ocu B-IS. J. A. 
Lons. pm.. Urabam: R. A. Freciaaii. trfat.: 

J. A. Tarrrntloe. src. 
CturMi. — M.rkllnbur: Fair. Oct. 21.27. R. 
J. Breeard. pres.; W. Cliambera. trM..; \V. S. 
Orr. wc. 

RalelRh— North Carotlaa State Fair. Oct. 16-21. 

Aalilej Honi<-. yTca.. CiajrtM: C B. 

trri;.: J. E. PilEW. arb 
n-rldoo— TVeldoa fbte. OH^ am. -9. U. 

torn. tec. 

Brlleroe— BdlrTBt' lair. Oet. IT-SO. Dr. B. 

F. BlUatyrr. pen.: T. H. IMUad. Bfu.: 

T* H. rari-lniaw. sm. 
Oiaal Dmer — ^Toiearawas Oa. Fair. Oet. IT.30. 

Cooper, pres.. Uainolla: T. J. SaltamaD. 

tress.; C. A. Tepe. trt. 

Somerwt — Xorthem Perry Co. Fair. Oet. 18-M. 
J. H. Xamrll, mc. 

Sy eamnr a Sf camore Fair. Oct. I'-SO. 3. L. 
CuUc (NC: Geo. A. Klato. Uma.; II. 
Taaofw ate. 

Blackn-ell— Blarkirrll latiialali H 
:s xcm. Burkbola. yci«.;.ir. I 
treaa.: K. P. Blakc^ sec . 

Sba II ai t run m a i aw U Cik' WMt. ' 


OoiaaUa-Ctate Fair. Oct. SXSI. O. A. Oei«. 
aan*. pi**.: A. Gaaewiell LaUotte. tteaa.; A. 
W. Lme. »»e. 

Fair. Oct. Si-Nor. 1. 


Brjao — Cestral Tex** Fair. Oct. IT-M. tf. « 
H«<crU. pm.; B. A. B«xer, ticaa.; Ton A. 
Searcr. acb 

Dinat— Tnas Sim fUr. OeC SS. C a. Real 
ias^pcae.; BL Adae*. tun*.: Sjda.'} 
Salik. MC 

Saa AdIMto— Ika Aatsal. Pair. Xa*. IS-S». 
Jaa. W. K l fcfniB t. pm.: S. K. WMbc. iraaa . 
J. M. Taace, fer. 


.V.M^*>lk— KMrtMk Flakv,. .«K. Wtm. C a 

>nf„ r. O. Ml 9M. . '. 
TriachMW— •knaadoah Taller ftbi; aM. IT- 
3». aatc Warde.T. >ec. 

Bdtao. Obi. — Boitao Fair. Oct. 
BradTord. Oat.^ — ttadtecd Fair. Oct. IT-tS. 
Ca:<sloo. rtat CbltAaa- Mik - On. IMIL 
PeaKwtTUIr. •m.^-HMMIMMBp IMIu OM. 

Grand Tanas', 


MoraTiaaton. Oat. — MoraTtaataa Pklr, 


Ridgetawa. Oat.— BldiwtMra Flair. Oct. U-U. 
amtMffm^ ■■ d a e Ble^Flate ^.B a^a ~ 


New Street Fairs. 

nh« y ^ ^y^j gw rt ^IWb.. Km. Stt- OMt 

Hktoa. Ky. ■but O*. - « » a r. A 

Oieat - - - 

Oatraer. S. C— Street Fair. Kar. S-il. 

K. a. Iiarkout .Vmaiemeat Oa., attr. 
Oreenrlllr. 8. C— Street Fair aad CkcabaL 

t>rt. no Not. 4. The K. O. Pufcot A— r- 

111 nt Co.. attr. 
Ilaniiiioml. Int.— Street Flair. Oet. IML Oiaat 

tiatliier .vmnwntent Co.. attr. 
JaROiivllle. ln»l. — Kail FeatlTar aad CamlTal. 
JriTcrwii Cll.v. Mo.— Street Pair. Oet 18.21. 

NfW l^rkrr .VjuuKement Ox, attr. 

Oct. 31.^;. c. C. WlUtama, aee'r. 
l.a%«Trncetiant. Ky.— Street Fair aad Oaiai-. 

rai. Oct. iMi.' J. P. jioinnBin.. M^. 
PaUtka. Ha . Itfc t nOr, Oct. IML ttMl 

Jtall|^r Stale Amaaemeat Ca^. attt.' 
tvilhar. Waab.— iSiivet Fair. Oct. -» »aT: 4. 
Monarrb .\Din*raient Co.. attr, 

Lrvlaioa, Ida Street Fair. Oct. 18-21. Mad- 

Isua .imiuraieBl C», attr. 

IVedMae. Ore Street Fair. Oet. 30-X»r. 4. 

.XnuiMMUrnl CV., altr. 

Street Fairs 

aiaa'-Keel<k ItWnra, ailr. 

Beaar.^rt. S. O. — Strwt y'alr aad Camlra; 

Nor. L\vi-.. i;. \Valerl>o<i.«. 
BelUTue. O — etrwt Fair. Oct. IT-^*. T. B. 

IVrklasoa. arc. -.■ 
BellMt. Tex.— nmHB'W 'CaMt «((• 

Xar. 4. 

■retaaellK Aik.— Fralt Fair A 8w «i » 
Oet. It-W. Mcfe Mee. aee. 


Xtie Billboard 







ChrtiMdale, DL— Street WuM. Oct. IMX. 

■MpallUn Amawmnit Co. 
CtajCao Ala.— Canilnl and Street Fair. 

je-ZS. Ftaak VilrnUoe. 
Calunblt. S. C. — UercbinU' Free Stieet 

Oct. iS-tt. K. O. Barkoot AmnMment 

• !lr. 

Ceocord. N. C. — Flremett'a Free Btieet 
Oct. 16 21. K. O. Barkont AI 

■ ItT. 

CntrrordtTllle, lui. — EasW Ml 

lc-21. Earl Wllsoa. Bee. 
Ft. Scoit. Kan — Carnlral isd StMCt Fair, 

10 WMk. lUffr * U>Te. 
fialriburg. lU.— Street Fair and CanlTaL 


«athrle. Okla.— BotUwtl Ucn'* 

— . 0. N. M. Brrec. KC 
JukM». TeoB.— PrtUn SM 

atral. Oct. X. 9. 

we and treaa. 
jaekioB. Miaa.— On aai CMtaB Omiral. 

JickaMTllle. rU^-4JnalraI. AuplCM Jackaon- 
Title Oualral Aam. Mar. — ^ W. B. C«r- 

nd mntacF Onalral. 
OL— sncrc ruc Oct ~ 

paUtaa AmmwM Oa. 
lluloii. a— etiwt Flik aa 
nek. S. a. KlelBaMlcc. 
Snr LaadMk CnB.~nUr ui OmIiaL Oft. 

a-ZT. Gea. BMtai^aNt. M ttalr 

Itoirtoa. Km tUml fMr. OcL M 
OnacebaiX. <• SUNt lA'. 
W. E. Alklnaon, aec. . 

mmt- HIU. Uo. — Stre«t Fair. Oct. AJarao 

m. — Five Coca OaiBlval aad 
akwr. bet. U-M. Vf. o. mm" 
an AacelOb Tea.— Stmt fW. 

Jtba Firelaod. ehm. 
Tmt Haote. Ind — Free Fill FestlTtl and Street 
Fair. Oct. 18-21. p. F. BUnkenlwker. WCT. 

Tcrdrnburg, ladc-Mcct Fair. Oct. 2^28. Me 

iTTlD, sec. 

Tcedrrstiurg— VciiMtaac fklr. OtL fU>. Jn 

IrTlB. sec. 

▼eraoa. Ter.— K. of P. Street Fair. Oct. IC-SI. 
Weniostoo, Kia.— Street Fair aad CanlTal. 

Oct. 10-21. Pattccaoa * Bialaecd COaleal 

Co. _ 
WWtewg^ HHet Vkk. 

WUaloatoa. N. C.— Street Fair. Week Oct. 18. 

JooecAdaaia Camltal Co.. attr. 
Wbfleld. Kan.— Street Fair and CatalTal. Aaa- 

mieei Commercial Oab. Oct. tBKm. 9. 
WMiranl, Okla. — Bed Uta'm fitaBML Oat. 

^ W. A. Bclssa. me. 

Mb*, n-n. 



■ P.30—< Indoor.) 
Bloonlastaa. tU. 



^ijiR Mab ;WlM > tt » a ir p. ft P. fl. Aaaa. 
■. S& mm. «aai: a. Oaapar. are.. 118 M. 

, Oi- 

1. C. t. 

Sweet, pres. 

AtliDti. Ga.— AlUnta Pooltry Aiaa. Jta. 17- 
2> 1900. r O narxrell aM. 

Aat)DrD. N. Y. — ADbnm Ponltrr Aam. Jan. 

23. J. H. Scutt. 

-Vcsnsu. Gi.— Auxuu p. ft p. 8. Ana. Taa. 

S-12. 1906. J. w. Kllllssatrortb. aec. 
KIrmlBSbam. Ala.— State Posltry A««a. Dee. 

12-16. ChM. Birber. ae«., 218 N. aoth it. 
KoooTille. llo.— -Central Mo. Poottrr Aaaa. Dee- 

12- 16. Cbn. o. iiaier. box 7W. 

Brockton. U.Bs. — Itrockton PooItiT Aaan. Dee. 

13- 16. Geo. 8. Htitchlofoii. »»e. 

HuUer. Pa-— Bntler Co. p. & P. 8. Aaaa. Data 

not srt. Vlrjll Glbroa, wc. 
C1iatt«DooE«. TeoD. — Cbatunooca Poaltrr Aam. 

Jto. 10 1.1. 1906. n. F. Maurr. aee. 
Clilcaso Helgbta, 111. — Northea»tfm nL Fan- 

cl. ra- Assn. Dec. 1210. Harry Neatb. aec. 
Cincinnati. O.— Clnclnaatl P * P 8. Ann. 

Jan. 16-20. 1000. E. M. Ramea. aec. 
Oemume, Tei — Johnaon Cooatj FooUfF Sboir. 

Jan. 13-lS. 1000. W. H. MMMIL Mb 
l>iren|>ort. fa.— TrI-CItT raaillirl— _ Dec. 

IMS. J. B. Vo«a. aec. 
"W'on. 0.— nijrton Fandert' diih. PAl l-T. 

C. C. DiTldaon, aec. 

■^Pprta. Kaa.— Ijroa Oooatr Poaltry A«a. Otc 

5*. D. M. Har. aw. 
"Bid, OkU.-OatacM 0>. P. ft P. S. Ana. 

Jaa. V-U, noe. t. W. Sberieli, aee. 
■■■•IW. Oi^— naaeock Co. Fanclera' Aaaa. Jaa. 

•-IS. MM. L w. Sbcneii. aec 

,y«wfe. iML f uct i i ' a p. ft p. AIM. of 

Allen Oa. Om. tt^ PkUUp A. BeUcr. 
•*«. t 
HaaUto^ •^-^MOMm OUa IHMr itm. tm. 

itlDbstadt. Ind.— tTabaah Valley P. & P. 8. 

AtiB. Dec. 18-23. Fiank L. BIffert. aec. 
RarrUbsri;, Pa— Pa. FaDClen' Aaan. Jaa. J»- 

3r. 11108- John B. Gore. Royalton. aee. 
HnnisTUle, Ala — SeTeatli Annul Slw. North 

-Uabana Poaltlx aad P. S. Aaan. D«c 3-S. 

John L. OaF. atS. ' 
lodUnapolli. Ind.— Ftnrim* Aiaa. of lad. Fel». 

S-IO. B. A. Pierre. 82D B. WaiUwtM at. 
••»a Falli, It.— Xortliwi'iteni 

Dec. 22. L. D. BoTej. aec. 
(ova Pilla. la. — PoaMF aM 

Pre 18 -32. T. tTwUS, 

IMMiilIie. Ill — Jirkm Poottrr A«n. Dee 

"■Ml U O. VaugUt. aec 
'"ST^tL" «<'l'».'rler Co. Poaltrj Am. Dec. 

*-«. Price Haj-a. aec. . 

''•Vr;"-.''*" — Don«i»» Co. Poainr l>»e. 

•2-lB. J. Malawarloc. aec 
IJaeala. TTili TTHiaata Mat* 

Jta. 13-». OML IMM P, 

An^elf.. caie-tarteeath 


Tbe tOUowInc tmltetla laaid Iv 
Wariford. 1338 Broadway. Mew Yoti. ahowa tbo 
operatlooa of atoek cMapaalca tknockoot tbe 

cuuntry: ~ 

Bostoo— Bowdoln Sqaaic. week of Sept. S5. 
Tbe Gentlemaa Burglar; areek ot Oct. 2, North- 
ern L.IsbU. Empire, week of Sept. 25, All 
The Comforta ot Hume; week Oct. 2, A Mea- 
aa«e From Mara. CaaUe Sauaie. week of Sept. 
25, LnUer The B«a Eobe; week of Oct. 2, 

Tbe Ro/al Box. 

Brouklyo— Bljoa, week of Sept. 2S, Hla MaJ- 
eaty and The klajd: week of Oct. 2, Zaza. Ij- 
ceum. week of Sept. 25. The SIipi or The Four; 
week ot Oct. 2, White Tlgreaa of Japan. Pay- 
laa'a, week of Sept. 2S. Tbe Fatal Wedding; 
wtek «( Oct. 2. Why He DUorced Her. 
_*itola— tjc*B». week of Sept. 25, Under 
Tm Flasp: week aC Oct. t, Cudlla. 

rtjf asi ca iaal i a ^ waak oC Snt. 25. Tbe 
^nbler. Baab Ttaaple. ncefe i< Srpt. SS. 
The Henrietta; week of Oct. 2, Ptlnec Otto. 
Marlowe, week of Sept. 2S, Under Xbe Uoa'a 
Paw; week of Oct. 2, Da Barry. People's 
week ot Sept. 2S. Banch Tea; week of Oct. 2, 
Tbe Enilgn. 

Cincinnati — Boblnaon'a, week of Sept. 25, 
Tbe Charity Ball; week of Oct. 2, Old Heldel- 

Clereland— Colonial, week of Sept. 25, AU 
On Account of Eliza; week ot Oct. 2, The Boyal 

Colambos — Empire, week of Sept. 25. Ur. 
Smooth; week of Oct. 2, 'Trelatraey of The 

Detroit — ^Lafayette, week of Sept. 23, FaTc- 
menta of Parts; week of Oct. 2; Thrima. 

Lowell— Acad(«F, Mk aC awt, IL Tha 
Great DUmood IlliitlJ. «Mk aC OrtT^ <he 
CharltF Ball. . 

Aaailii ■Hawn; waifc^aC Oab L Aad- 
rrr. BnrbMfe' wetk-dC-Mpt. ns-Tkfgar 
Boyer: w eak aC Oct. % .AanBtSfe* WMd la 
Elebtr Dara, 

Ullwankre— AeadeeiF, wfck «C Bint. M, A 
Poor Relatloo; week af Oct. 1^ VkaBalF Cltr. 

New York— Fifth ATcnoe, week of Sept 23, 
The Sporting Dneheas: week ot Oct. 2, One of 
Onr GIrla. Handred Tweoty-Oftb Street, week 
of Sept. 2S. Mtotresa NeU. XacfcrlUa. wa«k 
of 8epL 25. Bloe Jeans; wHk aC get ftll 
The Comforta of Borne. HMnprtfet «ib aC 
Sept. 25, The Christian. 

New Orleans — Ljrlc. week of Sept. 25. At 

Plney Ridge: week of Oct. 2. Tracked Arotmd 
The World. Grand Opera House, week ot 
Sept. 25, Janice Ueredltb; week of Oct. 2. 
Belle of Btcbmood. 

New Bedford — SaToy. week of OeL 2. Uen 
and Women. 

Oakland— Llt>ert7, week of Sept. 23, Tbelma. 

Omaha — Borwood, week of Sept. 23, A Boyal 

PkUadriahla— Staadatd. week of Sept. IS, 
Caarntlen Law; waek ot Oct. S. Caaber- 
W. ForepanghX neck at m, Tbe 

at Marlemere; «Mk aC OM. X Mmc la 
na Mtaalltht. . _ 

PwMs a n — iBpcrlal. week ot Sept. IS. The 
Harvtat of flta; weak ot Oct. 3, Dr. JekjU and 
Hr. tu&i. 

INalland Belaace. week of Sept. 25. On Tbe 
Qalvt: week of Oct. 2, The Eternal City. 

Boe b eater — Baker, week of Sept. 25. Ala- 
bama; week 01 Oct. 3, Bceaaaa She Iiarcd 

Blm So. 

Seattle— Third ATCBBik WWft oC WttL M, 

Honest Hrarta. 

Sprlagfleld — Gllmore, week of Sept. 25, Do 
Barry; week of Oct- 2. Secret Serelee. 

San Francisco— Alcaiar, week of Sept. 23, 

The Laat Appeal; week of Oct. 2. Tbe Eternal 
City. Central, week of Sept. 25. Escaped Fnim 
The Bsrem: week of Oct- 2. Uehtboaae l» The 
Sea. Grand Opera Hoaoe. wc*k aC Bftt. ^ 
Held For lUnmm. Uajestl^ 
HI* Rooor. The Mayor. 

Sliiikaai Aadllialaai, w alk — 
Fair VkaWat wa* aC Ot..X 

Billposters' Paste Brushss 

The moit pracHcftl bnuli mide 
Copper wind and ptOMctrd corner*. 

tamred LIgbt Weiglt Block. 


goaker City. 9-lncb. 238 SO doz., C!.75 
xceblor. »-Ioch, tSLSO doz.. CSS each. 
Extra. Extra, p-lnch. $U.0O doc. S3.7S each ' 
Bl^CK CniltCSC 

8-tDot Cnrred Randlaa. 90 cents earb. ' 


Congress of Novelties 




Troy I^ti iii a. 

UMttam^ ' 

«Hk wtamit- 

I, Oak & The 

of Sept. a. 

SS. Sapho. 
aC Sept. 
X Un. 

E. B. 

JamsB C TBI BUI, tsnnerly 
nected wMk «ka Bsaa Wm, feaa Jaiaed 
Rice's aaiMtltB ar Tkt ■)■■ aC lika Ft 

J. C. Fmceraft ana Bddl« Clemens 
haee sltrned for thp 8e9?<in with the A Creeay 
Time Co. 





Onr aaaortment of Inatromenla, 
AcreMaorlea, and VIewa la tbe 
moat dlTerallled and roniplete of 
any In tlie United State*. 

Onr Free f ataloe No. I D con- 
talna deacrlptlona, with price 
■lid Inrorniailon aI>oiit .^a- 
cblnea< lienaea Klertrlc L,atupa 
and eTcrytbtns or iutereal to 
the exiilltllor. 



127-129 W. ^3ntl -.trret. 

Week ot Oct. Mh 

Week of Oct. Mth 

Week />r Oct. sni , 



Waak af War. isih 


Waek of XOr.tNh 

Week o( Use. ttk„ 

CkswelL Fire Co. Na. 1 
Aasplces KjoU Tribe Ilfa. a 

^ jdaand K. sod A. at. No. air 

„. JtoiMa. a. <X. Aoaplces Ibrioa City Baad 
1|B,B. CI, Aosploes Uamdea Flia KaantaSaS 

Floienee.8. C, An plena MacrbaaM'aMb 

.. ., ..IMllon, S. C, Auspices Cbnaeti oC BOMn 

...Blahoprtlle. & a. Auiplces Band of BtsbopartBa 
Oeoigetown, N. C, Anaplces muiary CooipaaF 

Sim PM N MaiM SL 

Wanteil, 2 More Strong S'ows for Wilmingtoi. 

PrlTlIeees— No excluslves pxceot NovfUles and OonfettL WantcA— Qsod : 

all times. Wanted— Gfxxl Plairorm Show, Addrt^ss as i>er route. 


MENTunnr the state where the money 

The Merchants* Assoclatloii will hold a 


AT HUlKfOBT, KYs, leTOBa 23ii ti IKUSIVL 

Par tbla event tber IwTe aecnreA tbe 


Who Wart flwCata, WW* aa IMok H Tm WM Is 
tttnti, SMnivf if ftClnit w SUL la JWEH^ failiwt 1^ • 





Look at the Southern Circuits. All roads lead to TamiM. Tbe 
£rreate8t and best amosement town in the Sonth. Everybody mada 

big money last year. Write quick to 

THOS. J. L. BROWN, President TAMPA. VL/k, 

AntbaflztonaaiiadevleH and In BukMn and Dawn, Bercm 
Mass. Cheap If taken St onee. Addwii 

FRAKK W. HBAH, US Tremont St., Boston. Masa. 

WANTED a... 


All Idnda ot Pnvil^ People. Lunette Sbow, Electric Theatre. This la a 
U^one; ten more to faihnr. West Bloetoo, Ala., Oet 16^ontbei 

Address R. H. BOAKDMAlSr, Yffst Blocton, All 

Down On the Farm Co." 1 will pot oat mm 
lais sbow Koasto tbe coast camFtaCXI 

WANTED IMMEOIATELY— ^■^'.1^Ti;S'.";LiS.'^° i 

people, baod and orcbeatra. Show opens Oet. Ml, We pay expeneee: 

Musicians. Cornet to lead band. Actors who double braes, Stago Manager, 

Soubrotte. Character Wom-n, Feature Specialty Act. Lady Pianimt. A-l Atfent. 

AtMretts CH.\.^- ii .Al ilM Ti ; H. (,>'NellI. Neb., or pi 



A Comedian who does a strong sfiecialty f<wl||^ comedy. Send full partlo- 
ulars and lowest salary in tirst letter. HARUY SHANNON, 

Manager The Banlter^Qiilii, DeWitt, la. 

Repertoire people la sH 
Alio mot a m>od pla 

doInfrapeeIaItle« preferred, state lo«i 
laa with picture machine. Addrew. 

JACK aCslkt. 


SOxeo or 40x60 Black Top. AMnw AlWT WaiiaWi *mrm 

White City. CMeago, Ml. 


Xtie eillboard 


Best Gasoline 



O. O. I. 

Iroa oven. 

» Iron o ▼ • 

Vtm.. c&pftclty 
per boor. 


li k tklM Iron OTan, 

" bour. 

Is gattlng ahead. Srciy diqr he Is adding to hto tank account. That's te- 
eaose Sajso Ovens and Capolas are right, and Iweaiiae the people like Sayso 
Cones, and because I am ouistsntly impartiiig new, bright and sparkling 
suggestions on "howto wrap 'em up" a t rifle diflterent than the other fellows. 
See? First and foremost, I give with each and every outfit my secret and 
improved formula; my letter of advice (lffistlini(>'with many points of value); 
mySayso spiel (the iimiMttfift flnmi *wm jim lit^ seneral recipes for till- 
ingn other tbsa iee flRMa^ two conis Aivsn; lee enam d^per; ladle for 
faattir, «bd irf«teen'(lQ "wondeiftdlr gnat pad gipadly pMgeba s* * signs- 
FaztberBMm my *<B«n«uoi ot Infonaatldn'* fs alwagnsst your eoauBSod, and 
I answer any and all questions pertaining to the cone biialn«9B In ganand and ^ 
to the reefing in of the "cush" in particular. ^TT^'u^ "ZmTl ^ 


■e»to, or for mm — l iiii- 
mJm who »lrc«d7 have 
gM or itmMUlM Move* 
or wbo want to boy a 
cbMP«r or •ecoodlmtf 

Om . 

— — lbiL.iirte*.HS 

id two paif* 
and »c ce>i>o rtf . 
^ — ^ Iba.. price, lli.u. 
nice Oipolaii and tlmt 

Ira of IroiiM and aaCMMr- 

3.l>. capacity aTWiS 
tt^r f poctlTglj. 




Will sell single sets or all together at a very low price. 
Kach set contains ten single mirrors. I^et me know what 
jon will give for them. Must sell quick. 





' ■Si%1^TV^ Of S or 10 pieces: kbowg, all kinds except moTlnfc plctore abowg; slroo? plantatloQ 
PRITILEUES come on to tZie winner. Roate: Ripley. O., i»ct. 9-H; BilUboro. O.. OcC 16 SI; 
•fe«aBflcU.O.,Oe«.0-a; B»rrln>mn. Tenn.^ Ock. 90-2«ov. «. Hot » bloooier thl» enUre i 
«Blek.M per roate. WILL H. WKIDER. 

OB. Wire or write- 


JwUw eur, Kl>iO«M2l4, Anpicn Herckub. Ba rtMiMle. Oct. 16-21. 
TiE MKmnnr umE mi n tti nniMT. 

Both sre under the auspices of the merchants and U|K>n the main streets. 
■EAL SHOW PNPiE, if you want to join a nice clean company that does not 
stand for graft or girl shows, join the itojSL Yoa wUl be treated as you 
deserve; and we never close. Can use 2 mon dssn tSumB Udaonieilltfileges. 

Write to above towns what you have. 

H. H. TIRMK 0.nM Mgr. 

Wimi fv Miw D. iMii't Wc Omadi mi SpNWif tmfuii 


Cmttm Vbm road. FitKtCkM Repertoire People. Comedlaii and Sonbntte tbat 

— Man and Woman Mantor Lead, and Heanea. GoodCblld for Parts 

ta for Band and Oicbeatia. Cornet to Lead Band and Flrat TloUa 
Uood Spectalt7 People that can cban^ often and play partaor 
_ -rthatri^n and will patoot tlw paper. Want vober, reUable. erper- 

iMaSMBAma their parts. Can nsea (rood Orvt cU«s ctwlc Hare no nae for anj 
JLT^afeMIOct. so. Namr lowest aalar?. 

addxaa, JlSDRSW XiowinE XePBEE. Box IX, Medliia. ii. T. 


- Roaster 

... Yet iQveRted 

Our handsome catalogue is free and 
fully describes this machine. Also 
many other stylos. Hand, Spring 
and Steam Power. Bota^ Pop- 
OomFomen, Rossteissod FOMeis 
Oomblned, leeOeam Freezers. Cab- 
inets, Tnos, Steel and Porcelain; 
Ircn Cans, Dishers, Soda and Ice 
Cream Spoons, Ice Shavers, loe 
Breakers, Milk Shakers. 

Crystal Flak* 

•itlele neadao ex- 


lladlson. N. J. — Eastrm Fantall Clnb of Atnex- 

Ica. Jan. — , lOixi. B. M. Poekman, 18 

Brlnterlioir «t.. Jersey City. 
Uanliota. MIdo. — Ceolral Minn. Ponltry Aan. 

Dec. 2.*-30. J. W. Kollman, eec. 
Mason Clly. Is. — Under lows Poultzy Assn., 

Tenth Annnil Sbotv. Not. 2S-l)ee. 2. li. V. 

BIckel. *.c. 

Montgomery. Ala.— State PHII9 Saa> ncc 

11-15. L. D. Tearley. 
MnM-atlne. la. — Mofcatlac Pooltiy Aasn. Nor. 

Z1-Z4. F. n. Zlrsln, .ec. 
NaperrtUe. lU. — NsperrUle PooltlT, Pigeon snd 

P. S. Aaxn. Jan. 2d ireek. Oscar n. Glrlcr, 

cor. sec. 

Xcirtan. Ksn. — Harriy C*. Pooltiy Ana., ninib 
show, week Dec. — . B. S. Bebler, 

Nevtoa Falls, O. — Poultry Show. Not. 20, F. 

A. Starr, cec. 
New York. N. T. — MadlMn Square Garden. Jan. 

2-t. isoe. B. V. Cmwrord. MC. Mootelalre. 
_ W. J. 

Awn. Dee. U-M. ftMk Deck. 

Asaa. Tiim lt top . Dm. Mt. A* 

ker, acc^. 

Pa o ty^ 3Ul t ^ Sti ft |) j*^gj|^ ■- gjjy^j^^' 

fwOiM. Xe^-State tMMir aoS rM StMft 
Aan. Dee. 54. A. L. SbnHt. Artun. He. 

Fertlaad. ore. — ^Natlaoal PaatOT Mbmw. (let. 
e-U. Barry B. CoUier. aee., Tacaaaa. Wash. 

Portlaad. Ind.— Easieni tod. Paaltrr Assn. Jao. 

15- SO. I»oe. Cbas. McFaflaaa. aM. 
ProTldem. B, L— B. I. tmUn AM. Oic 

S.8, W. I. Bnxra, aac, S BHSMer SL 
Blsloc Son, O. — Eteloc Son Pw J Uj Aaaa. Bml 

5-8. Merle Bearlrk. i»c. 
Salt Lake City, Utah— UUh Ponltry Am. Jas. 

16- 21. T. J. FanDlOE. sec, 100 Uocoln aM. 
San Krancl>co. Cal. — Ponltry Show. Dec. B* 

J. C. Williams, Fmltvale, Cal. 
Sebring. O — Sebrlng P. * P. 8. Cltib. Jan 

Ml. 1906. M. J. Stereos, sec. 
Shelby, 0.— Slielby P. i P. S. Asss. Feb. 

flnt n-eek: Martin M. Hooter, sec 
Tacoma. Wasb. — Tacoma PaBltlT fm JMC 

27 Jan. I. C. A. Pratt. We. 
Toppka. Ksn. — Ponltry Shaar. Xn. t-ti, 1906. 

J. W. IloKhes. sec- 
Unloo, la, — Uardin Co. Pooltry Aan. Dite sot 

set. O. E. Smith, sec. 
West Brookfleld. Mass. — Poorth Annnsl Show of 
West Brookfleld Assn. Dec. 5-7. E. L. Bleb- 
irdfon, sec, box 236. 
Winsted. Conn. — Western Conn. Ponltry Asas. 
Dec. — . Hack'ted Sccdder, W. B. Gnre* ud 
W. H. Carl. Judges. 
YvmgMam, O.— dlaboolnc sad Sbraaan Valley 
•— *a» ate. —. Cbaa, £Wi 



'. HO.— 4altla<(e BataB Oncer*' rood 
atmm. Lrrle BaB. Mar. mOtm. X C B. 
GrccB aad B. J. Bmn^ am. SR 
New Zaifc CUT. 
Brook^a. X. T SMM BHaS Gla- 

bra' Aaaadattaira OM Janal Paad Sbew, 
Cle ri s at At*. Bkk. Manfe S-2t. MM. C. 
B. Gim aad B. J. Bvncw iia . SIT Bnad- 
war. New Yart City. 
HsTerhQl, JIaaa.— HamUB Ban! *C Tkad* 
Food^ A^Mgatiy S3r'orte."«Nm^ 
city ' "*""* *"S"Ws 

jBckaODTUEe. Fla.— Ma iiiffaclH ^ Twn Wmt 
Sboar and Industrial BivoaltMB. ICor. 14.1S. 
E, L. Browo, sec'y. 
Lowell, Mass.— Lowell Betsll Grocers* Associa- 
tion's First Food and lodnitrlal Exposition. 
Associate Han. Marcb 17-24. C. H. Gr-en 
and E. J. Boive, mgrs.. 277 Broadtray Neir 
York City. 

Newark. N. J. — ^Kesraxk Retail Otaccia' Food 

siioiT. uar T-Mi ML c u. OMf* mtt 

E. J. bmm; aaeaa, SR armtmar. »»« T«* 


ProTldence. B. 1. — Botetiers, Grocer, and liar- 
ketmrn's Assoclstloo of Rboile Islsod Pnrf 

Food Show. lofsntrr nail. rro*ldrnrr. It I ' 
Feb. I2-W. 1906. C. H. Grern snd E. J 
Bowe. mgr... 277 Brnadiray. Sew York City. 
Syracnw, N. Y. — Sxrscnse Grocers ft Meat 
Dealers' Assoclstloo Food & Industrial Expo- 
sition. Th.- Alhsmhra. April 10-2S. IDOfl. C. 
H. Green and K. J. Botve, mgrs.. 277 Brosd 
way. New York City. 

Trenton. N. J.— Trenton Heull Grocers' Pro 
tectlTe Aasoelatlon. First Food * IndBSIilal 
Exposition, Masonle Ball. Nae. SJl. a B. 
Green and E. J. Bawe^ hoBm SIT BnaSmv* 

New Voek City. 

Washington. D. C. — Washington Betsll Gro- 
cers' Proteetlre Association's NsllnnsI Food 

Show A ladostrlal Exposition. Cnnr. ntlen 
Hall. Pee. 4-la. C. B. Green unci E. J 
B0w>. mgn^ STT Broadway, Npo- Vnrk riir 

Worcester, Mass. — Retail Grocers and ProrlsloB 
Dealers' Association's Pure Food Show Me- 
chanics BaU. Feb. SS-Mareb 10,- ISM, C. 
H. Oie— and B._J. Bo«e. asia., STT 

Cbleago. nt— Second Anonal OIBee Appliance 
and Bsalm-ra Systetn Sliow, Collseom. Mireb 
17-24, 1906. Coebraoe A Payne, mgrs., 178* 
Park Row bidg.. N. V. C. 

Milan. lul.r — Ezposltlaa. AprU-Nor,, 1S06, Slt- 
sor L. Sabbatlal. fee.. Ht. Snospee. N. B. 

New York dty Bt aoa t Annual Oniee AppIIaace 
asd Biwlataa Si a Uu i Sbew. liadis«B Sqaaie 
Garden. Oct. tt-3Stit. 4. Caebrane A fine, 
mgrs., I7SI taffc Bott bMc 

Norfolk. Va. — JasMatawa Y er e enli na ij Bnart- 
tloo. May 1 Dae. 1. IMT. a Bkasfes 

Poetlaad. Oee. — I«srla A 

in*.: Bcaiy BL Bate. ace. 

s. a ifl*K. 

UaeoD. 6a. — Vaeaa fMr Aasa. Bane 
Oct. S-2T. Wlaablp Cabaaba. 

Norfolk. Va. — Va. Horve Sbaw 
Oat. WU. C O. Wreaa. pres.; C. W. 
sBcr.. boat StT. 

Oantaa. Xck.— Oct. •. F. S. CawsOI. ) 


Alpii^bcdcally arratntfe^ ot Amenta. ■•- 
tds. N«ate ridilisbera and 
Kislart in Thea tric s i . 
Circa* and raift' 

Adv^rtiM-meBts Dot exeeedlnff one liD« In 

length, will be pnbUtbed. properly claaalfled la 
this Dlrectorr. st tie rste of »10 for one yesr 
(52 lasses), provided they sre ot so sccepuble 
Qstnre. Price iDCludM one rear's sul>scrlptioo 
to Tbe Billboard. KeKulsr sdrertlsers. who nse 
In excess of toO worth of space sonnally are- 
entitled to one line free of charge for esc* 
afty dollars or fraction thereof, corered by their 
contracts. Tbe Directocy is icTiacd and eat^ 
reeled weekly, cfeaana la toa aaMS aas 

addresses belas " 



Behnont Sisters' _ 

NorthWstn BaUosa Tl 1 

Prof, (Ass, Sebwans. Qvstsa. la. 


tVm- Bartels. 180 Greenwich St.. N. X. C. 
Cross, Liverpool. Ensland. 

Carl Hageobeck. Stelllngrn-Bamtntf. OmaS- 
Bope. S5 N. 9tb St.. PUUdelphla. 
Laola Xahc. SM Gzaad at.. N. Y. C. 
Sayfltw^ San. SB Oaapcr so.. N. V. C. 


And Zkaatiical Lawysn. Wbs BpsdaUsa ia 
Zkeatrical and Clrcns Law. 
Maaalea H. Bo^nzweiK, ft3 Nassau St.. K. T. C 


•ieo. A. Patorel A Co.. 41 WanCB St.. R. T> O. 


frank Holtoo A Co.. 107 K. Ma'. son St.. Oblcaf* 
l.yon A Healy. 200 WabasU are.. Cbleago. 

ft. J. Preseott Ajtey.. 216 Lumber Bxcbsn«e. 


On.. 223 S. Fltihngh st.,1 


BnitoB Co., 415 Lucas aTC„ 

Ox. hydrogen Oai Baanfactorsrs. 
ria't! Cal. U*ht Co.. 108 W. 4tb St., Oladaaaa 
St. iMlB Oal. Uabt Osu sw Bki at> St. 

OCTOBER 14, 190& 

Xtie Olllboard 



These Films are the Best Fight Films ever taken. Full of ginger from the first blow to tbe knockout. Bob FKzsiiniiiera, the Great Fighter, said: 
"Your impersonation of the Britt- Kelson fi^ht is the greatest film ever nude up." Tim toUawiag Theatre* show our Fight FUms to crowded 
houeew and turn people away: Waldman's Opera House, Newark, N. J.; Bradenboqib'S Tbeatre, Ptilladelphla; Emplie Theatre, Toledo, Ohio 
and others. 


L^engfti A.bout TOO F'eet, Price, S80. 



Most Popular Picture Ever Shown. 

Lonath. GOO foot, Prico SGG 


Tho Biggest Hit of th« Year. 

Length. 7S0 loot. Price, S82-S0 


Funny from Start to Finish 
Length. 350 foot. Price. $38. SO 


Most Sen.ational Film Ever Modo. 

Lenjih. 600 feet. Pnco, $66 



Including; Calclnm E»a,mp, Electric Laimp« Adjaatable 
HlieosLal, KIIlub a ml Slides. 


IhrliM QiMpiph, OCO 

WHh Stertopficon Cofabined, VwU 

23 S. Eighth St., Phlladelphfa, Pa. 

•to. Kntm, BmwTlUr, lod. 

■Mtrlc OtBdj M.diise Cc N.sliTllle, Teim. 
■Mplrc CnuB 6ep*rmtor Co., Bloomilrld. M. 7. 


OtnbctcK Choi O*.. UB Stum. Baltala. 
«^ P. M«Mw a OiL.U'M DMhnMM it^.T. 
■tw T«rt OBsmw O*,. n Tarkk it., B.XUO. 


L El««o*t«lB. 44 Asm tt., N. T. C. 
D. C. RJekftt.. 80 tt.. H. .T. O. 

Bna., at B — wy. H. Z. OL 

MB Mac* H«nr Oti Co.. Chlcaeo. 

WL tmmao Ou- Mfc- Oa.. Ut. Vcmoo. UL 


Vtw and B .c on d Eaad. 
r. A. If*lnt. »«l Gtaplla at.. OcTClaX. 

balfr a DtKAMS. TW FMtoo It. UrmpUi. 
Ktafcty Mfk. OS.. IM ■. mri «.. cmrm—a. 

— - - - - o. 


St. Lent. Coaf«tti C*.. St. LMda. M*. 

S. S. Flrewecks Co.. St. tAola and Mrmpbla. 

a. a. nag On. ma oawR sw. 



dftaaM, SactKTiass. «te. 
XUw.Dk«». WU. 
Kaas, Eng. Co.. SIS Batr. .t., ICoozTlUe, 
tAtt O'eraTorr Co.. LaCrOMe. Wl«. 
Quern CIt; Ens. Co., Blimrrr bld(., Cincinnati, 
3trat« Eat. Co.. Park Bow bids., N. X. O. 

extt. p. J. Rldce. 127 L«Salle St., Chlesco. 
WaiMft Sebool. 2M W. 23nl st^ H. X. a 

Aai DMitn la rise*, Bnatias. Futoenlas, stc 
WUlard Cee Co.. S23 D*L St.. KsBsas Cit7. Vo. 
D. S. Plac On., 2S«3 CDbert stc.. cSadanatl. 

MaU. tlnai Utg. Co.. S<T roltaa aU awoklra 
a. aa« Ok, SS auimt OMsaatl. 


Wuufsetann, Saalan In, and Saatal BuMSS. 

Amrncao Btosrapii Co., U K. Htk It., N«w 


fttrt BaelmlDpL, T8e Mlstlos St., San FnncUco 
Clilcaso FUa Ks., US 8. Claik at.. CUcnso. 
^«Knr CUm a Ob. a W. Mth ab. M. X. a 
EdKon MCs. Oib. 81 aWan Ut MHr Xork 


«a,ton Meltrs. 204^ B. SSth St., New Tork. 


Klrlne Opucal Co., SB State at,. Chlcaco; 127-20 
_ W. SM .t.. New Tork. 
S. Lnun. 23 8. Stb St., PhlUdflphla. 
StOea Braa., 10 E. 14th at.. New York City. 
Mtlea Bros., lie Tork St., San Frandaco, CaL 
ICat'l nim BenllDE C«.. 63 N. Clark at.,C>ilea|CO 
nth* ClB«iBatocra|ib Co.. 42 B. S3d St.. H.T.O. 
VaOtt ClBeiBatosrapta Co.. SB ltsiid<i1>ll at.. 

Mis ns^acavc Oaw. 41 rr«k Ooort. CMoso^ 
"-ft- amak a Ok. aitw* SU misfdpMa 


Bpindlaa, Clsb Honao Foniltnn, sto. 
Barr A Co.. S6 Stb are.. CbJ<?>zo. 
B. V. Clark, 0 We.rbowt at.. ProTldenee. 
Cowper Mfc Oo.. 163 S. Clinton at., 
Dfane. I0S7 Cntral aTe., Claef 
H. C. Evans & Co.. I2S S. Clark St.. 
J*u» Jtmn, Fort Scott. Kid. 
Klein It UlUer, 43 Leonard at.. V. T. O- 
D. Ulller UffC. Co.. Kaoass City. Mo. 
B. A. Voorc -iltg. Co., ass Wyaa.. Xaa.CllT.Vo. 


n« Bsas Oo.. S9S 8. Fluhotk atJa eb sHtf J Tr. 
TanHORi a Ulcbl. 121 M. ns (L, PhlladiWda. 


saS ASr. Vas. 

plan for disaa 


Lodsinc and 


Hotel Bitaoat. • 
snisMSia (Xrw). aat;. tm, : 
atr OMi asr. aaa mK 


Oi iri o altl aa and Side-show Ooods 

af sad Saalars la.) 
M. Boltaln. "Dreaailand." Coaey UUad. N. X. 
Prof. Ctea. Oatnlle, SSd Bloomlleld are., Btoom 
Bold. M. 3. 

Ohaa. B. W«st«n. 4 Camnirn. Lawimce. VaM. 

I. W. aillie. tM W. Liberty St.. OhafeMIL 

For Btas* Vat. 
Beaaett Xewvlir Co., ISIT Poplar. Fbfladelphla. 
Alfred Oacssahelai. 5SB Bioadway. N. T. C. 
HolnaaD a Alter. 178 B. Madlaoa. Gbleasa. 
Boseis Tbatmaa A Co.. US Wabaab. Gbleasa. 
^ ». X. CI 

Bdw. TSMryck, 



Bsaooaa, T*n>aa for Ciieasaa and Taat Bbows. 
Bolte a Trtfcr, aae^Hn W. Lake st., CUcaso. 
Geo. ^ta; >T CllC at, B. X. a 


Btsisopt liMiHt sto* 

Kleloe Optlesl Co., 52 Sutc at.. Cbicaso. 
I/. Maaasse. Tttbooe bid*.. Cblcaco. 


CSMBrikb Batter Coaatats, 

AnnlMfe-HcndMB OOk, Ho. Tfaw aa ia , It. X. 
Cagney L stuu ia tm Wka.. 40T B*iray. M. X. a 
W. B. CoudrnBaa. nomrlUTllle. *. 1- _ _ 
neraeben-Mllaian Co.. No. ToaataBSa, X. 
Frederick taserooll. an 4th ots.. 
W. H. labb, lodUoapolIs. lad 
C W. Parker. AbU-oe, Kan. 


Sapply Has 
J. T. B. Clark, B12 Walnot it.. 


F. P. Home, IMS Oenfral are., 
Singer Broa., 82 Bowery, N. T. 


J. 8. 



a Co., se FaltOB It. H. X. 

y^ljnal Flas Co.. dndanaU. Olilo. 
V- 8- rUx Oaw. SMS OUtart avs.. 

J. u. NaoglitaB Ok, 1M S. BIA. OHsMtaH O. 

Chicago Film Ex., Ut •. Ctak at, <We^ 
Bogenc dine a Ok. «• DijiSim !«- CMina 
Alfred L. HaiatB * Q^MB JL Mj^ JL «• C 


the: lemon BROS. SHOW: 

Twenty can. Entire and complete ready tor (ho «oad,eanaiatlaca( forty baawre horaa. aod barn tm, tiwty 
bffMA of rtog .tocii. iaei»dia« twofooe-boeao actfc t— piiaiilial baanaa, fo Bniata lorauaestimcasaaaalMlL 
one den perfonnlns liona. two band wagooMiiliaOT wilipa. w a l aa bagnce w«i una Hiaadilisr a ad pa H 
wBgona,canTas,UKbta.aeaU. two elephants, dee ra»sli.wttfc saddlasi two Fblllpplneeattlo, two baSUn, pair 

clk»,tnfacl,acofnpletecwrncyc&rBbow. To b« seen at Dodaoa, Ho. Addrev rRANS LEMON. 


Harry and May Howard 

In Qcrman Comedy and Wooden Bboe Dancing. A scrramlng hit emywbero: a few weeks upan. 
time and tenn. addrees care TUE BILLBOABO, HEW YORK. All mall wlU be Carwarded wlthoat aSj 

Greatest of All 

..Bickett Family.. 


Graccie E^mmett 

Laughs and the World laughs with her, in 


En route with Milton Atom's All Star Vaudeville Oo. 


Sgfa Wixe, Slack Wii« and Slide for life Aefc. 
for laak tbree seasons with Great Gaskill Caniml Go. At libertgr 
after Dee. 1. Address care Billboard. 

High Mver ai 

After Oct. 6th, to join Carnivil Oompany going South. Dire into 
from any height. Ck>inpany most fuiioish apparatns. Saltay 
xessonable. Featured with T. I. Cash GhnuYal Go. all seastHi. Ad- 
dress GUSTAV KOLB (HiffhHansiyX one Manifold'bGSBW Stan. 
438 Wabasha St., St. Paul, Mion. 


The finest stock of second band Sims 
In gOOC Qocditlon at great bargains. 
These films have jost been returned 
from our rental ctrctiit. Send for list. 

133 8, Clar* St., 



SIX— no two alike, for SI, sample 26 cents 
atsmiH. Address. JOHN ZIMMER. 

MB North BsncxottSt. PtaUadelnlds. Ps. 


of»e:iv time 


SMtlDS <^aimrltv 9O0l For time u 

I-.Kt.'iS(iV:K, >>w York C! 
Mgr.. Ml.3.i..-'. Ky. 

teniw mddreas 

AT LIBEKTY— AlUiO— HocJuuiIcal doll. A 
hoo or window worker: »l»o " Robe '*. Can 
no brv>Krr: wodU llk« to hCAT from S (mOO 

Address ARNO, csre Blllbosnl, ClncumstL 

scorr OPERA house 


UD«> all (be year tSiMSSi^SSS^fS^JS^ foropaa 


XHe 0illl>oapdl 

OCTOBER 14, 1905. 


ValcanizMl PripHrtton the Heart 


Oir Lafnl Connoted Subject, "THE SEREUOE," is ibe Acne of Animaied Pbotograph). it is a "cbase" picture and "The Cbate of all Chases." In 12 Sceaes of Gicioiic ktMj nd BenidanBeat 

L.engtti SOO F'eet. Price Seo.^ dSSM 

The Greatast Croatian of Sansattonal Motion Picture Phototraphy. 


fA. woodaifoUy lealbtle aariM of 

TOO r< 

in Oolorado. and tollowlni; with 


LMWHi. 4Se FIMI, Me*. 984^. iLmgHi. 3S0 FmI. 

>ts that made Colorado (a 




Oenaral Weatem Atent. Denver, Colo. 


43 Peck Court. CHICAGO, ILL. 


Oct. M to Nov. S, tadustve. 

StiB.oeo people aUcaBcAlB l«B«t 

tai IBOB. 


■■ ■ CARO^ S L. 





glass blowe 
x. stampers, 
Rubber stamps. 






Chicago, Illinois 



S^mntieatwitrfKbt nr play on poroentms». Wnnid like to bear from bnrlt>iiaaf> Khow that can 
jgwidneewaoek. Addrgss. K. p. cwpucHlLl., »8oothcla»-kgt.OBIUAQ«>. ILU 



Will be one of the Drawing Cards with 

The coming season, under the direction of Mr. Martin 
Beck. Season 1906-'07, A TOUR OP THE WORLD, 
nader.the direction o£ Cliner & Hohuee and Anger & 
Baner, of London. 

Permanent address, 

. GARRISON VILLA, East Norwalk, CBiin. 


Mid0p*nrtin(30 Flrat-Claaa Vaudeville Theatre. East, NorthwMt I 

wWfai^ a ■ i p^— tb»t cAQ dttiiTvr th. aooda.r j 


: .Br So. Clark St.. 



ill Eddy St.. 



219 Denny BIdg.. 


I . Wanted . . 

>A fltunber of first class attractions for onr carnival to be 
■^rim in connection with races, or prefer to make a deal 
.with a first class Carnival Co. Onr dates, Nor. 6 to 11, 
'jPolnmbus, Ga. 

HrrB^^kiit'%Mk after liaeonAtr. Vopnlatlon 40,000, with fine surrounding 
. country to draw from. Will only have first class A-1 shows. Carnival under 
aospJcBB Golumbna Fall Festival and Racing Association. Address, 
•, ■-/J^CIii.iPl"',. . ■i' 91MBSKS, Secro'tary, 

Columbus, Oa. 




KMat npriril Co.. 52 at.. ChlCMO; 127-28 

w. 32<l St.. N>w York. 
Ml)« Kror., 10 B. I4tb. N. T. O. 
Utips Br<M.. 116 Tork .t.. San FraaelMd. CL 
.ViiloBil Fttm llMtiM 0«b. n JL CUifc. ~ 
I'ltltr ClaMMtagMffi Ot^ If 


P.tlir Clnriii«t«s»p1i Co., 1Z B. 23id .t.. New 

York Clt.v. 

Sellg P.lTKope Co.. 41 Prek Coort, Chicago. 


Tta. FoUowiac Finos will b. slad te tnd oopla* 
of Ifew Soocv to BooopiUed XMabw. 
of til. TnTuiioa. 
I<»o. PrUt. !« W. 87tb rt.. N. T. a 
.N'.t'l Ma<ie Co., 41 W. 3Sib at., N. Y. C 
Jcrao. H. Rfmirk A Co.. 4S W. SSiti. N. T. C. 
Will Rowltrr. 223 Wattiloctoo at.. CUcco. 
TkMWM Xoile Co.. zrn WahuA Me., ~ ' 

.\mrrIcao Pearl ilftc. Co., 247 N. 2d PtilladrlpbU 
K>n Carlo Co.. LarMla. T- x. 

Ilnndy TIiIdc Co.. m Rover St.. Lndlnftoa, Mleb. 
'itrro A Co.. 37S tVfilx St.. Cblo(u. 
riir Easir Co.. 12 Dutcb at.. N'rv Vork CII7. 
Jowpb Korblrr. ISO Park Bow. Npw York Cllf. 


BUbom Btoa., M Flftb ar... CfalcafO. 

nr Bfllnrtar., Cirou aad Thaatiiaal AcMti- 
A «aaki^ I2T N. Ktb St.. ■•hll.d.IpUa. 


P. i r »P dl. PM». IhnotOD. N. J. 
mbM Sladlit. S4A.S4M Stat. .t.. ChlMCK 
I. W. Wlltga. IB autir .t.. Cblraco. 

OMtei ii, •■Him. .Acaeti and Bnka.. 

ChaiL Mrnmald A Co.. SI tVaablaRtoa, Cbtcato. 
Mia. fdlubrtb llarbnfy lt»i B'wa/. S. Y. C. 
Will BMritiT. aiS WaahlnKtoo aL, Ctalraco. 
Saasw A jOTdaa. I-US Rmadwajr. N. Y. O. 
Man A CO., 1141 Rraadwar. N. Y. O. 
W. Bl WaiMe. am PMrl at.. Braoklro. M. T. 
WiMMtt nv Buvan. 1402 B'war, K. Z. O. 
Watmm A. .WUtc. lUl B'way. N. Z. OL 


Of P iala iM Poatm and Sir Tn» MaaAi^ 

Stnunoi. eto. 

Ark»maD-Qol«I«7 LItbo Co.. Kan. CUj. Uo. 
Anwlain Show Print Co.. MUwankw Wla. 
BrD Bbow PrlDt Co., SiBtniWJ. ■* 
c. R. Bock Co., Bo.tof^ 1 — - 
Camlral Poatn Co.. nt- 
MUineapolIs, Mlaa. 

•w^. L — — 

.„ . — . — M at., Brana- 

PanaMwn LItbo. Cfc, IToirpsrt. Ky. 

Knqalrvr Job Pt«. Co.. CloHniutl. O. 

K.^L. Faatos A Co., 835 Oeambum at., Qileaco. 

Frrsiia Prlntlnx Co., 72 Lake tt., Cblcn). 

Cr.«t W. rt». Co.. 513 Rim at., St. Loal*. 

Ilmaecaa A Co., ClnrlnnatU 

UsPrillon Slicn A aiioir Print Co.. Maivinoa. O. 

Prna. Pt|t. aad Pub. Co.. Fhllad.Iphla. Pa. 

Clarmcc B. Ron.7. Boory bidj., Claelaaatl. 

Stt«rr Postm tVorka, Stf«.r. III. 

O. S. Lttb.^ Baasrl-Monnn Print. Klvwood. O. 

VWMtwr PtB. Co.. R.Tanldsrlll.. 11..^ 

WttMM A loaat. 400 Main, DtAat, SkK. 


or TkntHiJ ZattariiMds. 


ChBrcb Ptf. Co. Bs tt^GtaiiinMtl. 

Till.. iBil. 

Nonpar.11 PIS. Co.. 425 Kim .t.. ClBdaaatl. 
jltrset Pn«t.r Works, Stnirr, IlL 
Wortk PHatlac Co., WcMwrnlUc. Uleb. 

" Ik iiiiiBiii^ nr w. mtk au b. z. c. 


Aad SmIm. in SeMMiy, .to. 
Mn Bfrfortb, 21 S3 Boone St., Ctadoaatl. 
Jane. Slipper, les B. OolomMa at_ Satntt. 

Soraiaa * I«aaia. 2M 8. CUatMb OttBSiL 

■• Bm^ dB Bio. laUad ave., Cblcag.^ m. 
Xaaofartann aad Daalm in. 
AotOTMticOMwtnetM «o^. UB MtOB db. 

Cnnsnlldated iUarbln. Co.. l24N.ntb. PblladelpUa 
CnaninpalltaD Not. Co., 214 X. 8th St., PblU. 
R. Bdena. SOS Arcb at.. Phllxl. Ipbla Pa. 
Mllta Novelty Co., 11 S. Jefferaoo at.. ChlcacaL 
{tawr Bna.. n Bvntr. SI. V. ft 
WaBlw BCi. Oa. ta W. JachaM. 


triu Roastter, 225 Waablnrton at. 
I. WbltMOa. 240 B. MadlKon. 

s. a 

ror niottntad 
Cbtasa Film Bsebangc, 138 8. 

eaica. III. 

Rniteor Clloe A Co.. 10 B. 14th rt.. B. 
Klelne Optical Co.. S2 Stat. at.. ChlCMat 

w. asd at.. New Tcrk. 
National Film Baattas Cw, dB Ma. CM 

Cblcaaa, BL 
delic-potyaetpa Oh. d* VMk Onm. 



i. R. CUaey, 247 Snllna St., SjraenK, N. Y. 

CUogo Hooa. Wttek Co., SStb A Itoa. '^'tgr 

Wat lUr rato«m, ala. 
CO., Ttac A Oow. «U St. CbarW. M., St. 1 
Fabrtra.. SOT H. BtMdway, St. l>nil.. 
B. L, Fuua* A 00., IBS Dearborn .t.. 

U. GMbMS, T» Seotk it.. PblUdrlpbku 
Tb« OaUnltt Tar • lapactlag Om 

aat!. O. 

Air, Oaggnibrlm. B» Btaadwajr. W. T. O. 
nalaman A Alter, ITS B. aiadtea, fhlMMI 
Tb« R. B. Co.. 108 Caaal at., ». Z. ft 
I. Elsraateln. 44 Aan it.. New Tork GItf. 
LertD Bra.., Terra Haate, lad. 

tV. F. Miller, 144 Park Row. N. Y. C. 
Xewmaii Mfg. Co.. 81 Woodland are., Clereland 
nnRpra-Thnrman & Co.. ISe Wsbasb ST., Cblcag. 
n'lll Rosslter. 225 TVasblnetoa St.. Ctalrago. 
ShryoPk-Todd Co.. 617 N. 4th St.. St. Lotilt. Ba. 
.S. Shore A Co.. 2B4 MaiHson, Cblcaco. 
Sbaplra A Karr. 428 Sontb St., PlillAdelphla. 
■<ln>!er Bros.. 82 Boirery. N*. V. C. 
n'estem Bantaia Hooae. E. Madlaon.Cblrag. 
UartT Welabaom. 240 B. Madlsoa at.. CUeago. 
L ITkltesan. SM B. . Madison at., Cblram. 


Pmi: s. 

TIS M. BIh at.. 

Chaa. Sornbaopt, 1132 Broadway, N. Y. ft 
Western Tbeat. JSx., 806 C. O. B. Udf., Cblcaia 


Baker A Lockwood Co., 415 Delaware M,, Kaa- 

aaa CI It. Mo. 
Cm. B. DonarlD A Co., ColnmbD*. 0. 
DooKbertT Bros.' Tent Co., SI. Lonl*. Mo. 
J. C. Goes Co., Detroit, MIcb, 
U. B. Knnkelj, 1S3 Sontb St.. N. Y. C. 
Tbe Murray Co., 58 S. Waahlngton at.. Chicago. 
Obaa. P. Sleder Tent Co.. Detroit. Ulrb. 

Tbomaon A VandlTeer. 816 E. Prirl. Clnrlonitl 
a, 8, Teat aad Awn. Co.. 223 W. Baadulpb M.. 


OMa Zlcfefl Oik, m M. itlk ab, fWladrtlUB. 

--"-^ ^ jj^^ fwnw*. A*r 


AckennaaSiOHlBlw Co., Kaaiaa CBn 
Am. TMrt oSTVoledo. ~ 

, xir^ - - 



a. B. OaU. XM Uain at., SprlDgdeld. llaM. 

Q, Nerrloie, go N. Franklin. CblcagVb 
(If. A. Vatnt.1 A C. 41 Wame t*., B. Z. 


Belber Tnnik A Bag Co., 1S2 Colombia arc.. 

0. A. Taylor Tnmk Wkl.. 87 E.Bandolpb.<Bl«(* 

M. C. TJUy A Co., Colambaa, O. 


Frank Melrllle. 1406 Broadway, K. Y. O. 
Rdw. ShB.Tnr, S7 WaiblnglOD at.. Cblcago. 
Tbrark-Bncklry. 827 St. Jamra bidg., N. T- 
CniM, wud Beait Bnebant. Ueupool. be- 


OCTOBER 14, 1905. 

Xiie Blllboapcl 


The Largest and Most Reliable Wholesale Streetmen's Supply House In the Country 









and 8CHBMBRS. 




Wo are Quoting this Price on 


Which was scheduled to arrive some six weeks iflN bnt «w delated In 
transit. The French exporters reallzlDg the lateoeM of the aeMon caUe- 
gramed us to sell the coofettl lor their account at 

mbmbmhS C«nts tho Round immbm* 

TMo a very WmmmI Snap for Stpeetmon. For thU confetti is 
worth fu ly SO per cent more than the domestic goods. It is brighter In 
colors, cleaner and stacks up vary buUqf ; a 6 cent paeklSBlqr w^Umi In an- 

pearence. loolu as big as a 10 cent one of the domescle atolE. ~Sb«I joor 
order early, for this lot wim't last long. 


The Confetti Duster we offer has no superior nor equal In the market, when 
Its make up, quality a nd size I s conside re d It is 16 Inches loiuf. 

mmmmmm^Wr I.OOO, #10.00 

HATIPB ^^''^ again caught up with the rush of business, which wasH; 
PUIIWK very unusual the laso rour or flvo weeks, and from now on wllli 
attain give the prompt shipments an U onr wont so dont hold back yonr 1; 
orders, we wld tuw wrj good euB ot Uunn, we nuule apeelal uzen^ments 
to do so. 










■UOB and 






maka a 



Wholesale Streetmen's 
-2TO IWf adison St., 



. i«, WoiM*B Vkir, 

JfaV to Daceaibar. 

Kar Bilaiilpal cttin imd (own* of tbc 
"= . — oaMbar «. 


SLloilt RnrTark 


A Modern Orsrinlzatlod for a Hudern Pabllc. 

ASnr WKALBV,— Prima Donna S prano. 

SOLOISTS: Curn4-t. 
Trumpot. Clarinet. 

Trombon**. Urnxo* 
j^ma^^ I eeo I «b 


Uurn QLartette, 
Tr mllon« Or 






New York City 
3UI Knickerbocker 
1 faeairr Bldf.. 38ib 
■trvet and Broad- 


Gan'l Managar 

Address on banlness 
matters, dates, etc. 


Suite M3 
Secarlty BuUdlnK. 


Addro>s on niattera 

relailng to Band, 

Artists. Music, Etc. 
0pm for Propetal* for Summer Engaeemanlt, 
Parks, Retorts, Expositions, Etc. 




Bend Uc turaample. 


<M Washlovton St., OoatOD, Hut 

atMf* tar «ar ftat MWlssMt Wa kaw 
'autiwsiM, iU4.aHaBBinOifla,m 



Some good Confetti, boys, at 5 cent per pound. 

No8. 3y 4, and 6 Ribbon in all Colore. 


12 South Commfirclal SIraet. 






Tlie averace eanmigi of a 
nadune a $dO a noDth ami 
tke cost to operate len tbaa $ 1 . 

We have only a yaj few 
o( thee leh mad will doe odl 
quickly at less than half prioc^ 
Yon cannot mved yoar 
money to better aihraatageu 
Read our dtciilar. TEN 

Baoio Cenpaoy 


NotbtUK bnt Real Cartrldees need In playlns varlonn artaaClaM. 1 
on the piano repreaeala a note, whlcta la demonatrataA JkWMS OM 
HoS KB lllaalon, like ■omo InolUttors auid. Tiakln nae. 


Bt BbooUnK linUona off ber saraaemta and th« carter* flrom her Ilnata* wM«k 
rutnooneelaedareatttlmtta • or even ISaka. Shootlns ;t5 bnliaeyaa In • ■•«- 
ondas aniefcer tbaa n Katllnx can. No I ml tn t ta ta tbin rrat^ aa It Sakea a real 
mark«nuntodolt,aud not a plcnr wltk • r«« n«a«. BreakInc«Slaaa ball 
Iron, bla o <* n bead by abootlnc tba trlccar oCaaether rSfle piacod oppoalte bint. 
SbooUnc and breabinc t w g fa eaji of aacar pia««d vm tbe bandgTnn — autant 
by almultaneoualy llriiic,*W* p ttobl one in raeh band., ■jfwKnc .bnlieta 
tbroasb a llncer rinc beM b^WraM the Snscn by Ml nMialnm. « toMiiB tbe 
act wUb tbe croatcat spwrtMntar Dm nr« an sbe atace. A yonac lady dreaaed aa 
(lie Btatneof UbertynnnfHdlnclnsba rear oftbe atacc, abootlnc tba Jewela 
olTber erown« and witb the last ano* blttlnx a ballaeyr in tbe breaat or a larce 
tberrbr rlnKlnc ■ K<n>B and niUwIdluc aa Immenae Ajuerlean flac, wltb 
Creat electrical efffeeta. 


Bait»bto tor any aaMnH Ibira taa C awj ^a tie S n plr a O tt ill i WMakaabjayaart 

W« havs open tfais in 

Oct, Nov., Dee.. Jan., 
Feb., Marcli and April 


WNNIEU & SON, manaeera. 

DaTis Opera House. F«irM<t C\tr. Pa. 

SMi» Itxaa WAXT ettbar npmMra «r laadMiHa 
ifci— Oeod rf D , i a n BWdsH T a sa— . *Mwja 

J.I.W11PH, - Mlimil.Mlllt. 


O. Vu., Sevenl jt<MXl pUT* for this t 

M KuisatMd. SnUDir rajmcltr Ma 
H. w. BRnan^ la 

Book the leadiosVHBATBB, Cb>itt«r. IIL 
Good tlmrt and per cent. Add. W. P. SMITH 


SA W. Mflli 

N. V. OTV. 

(AmatanrorProfawloiuil) to ukeui iBtsnaMBaMB 
KBown Mw rooMT makltur r&re« eomedj. AeanM A m 
CORT. Utlna. K. Y.. tare ot 0«n»i»l Pelnwy. 



OB KQd arcer NoTpfflbtrl, 

kAmkokee. ill. 


Xtie Billboard 


- Tlie xwenllcili rcntnry Merrj-tia- 

BoBlicl th<- only m34-Lifio for CarT]tTml> 
■odt'trv'tL 1 i.r>. .N ' >i akes to drive or holcf 


JUUatTAttMBllSeHKU. oo^ 

AmmfementUtttStten. N«.Temwaiida. N.Y 
BalMomotlbeTMiawanda Mtuiatnie Rail- 
1 with Air Brakes. 

Merry-Go- Round. 



- — ^^^^ 

A delicluus ixjixxirn confection, pot np Id 
moUtnre proof packsces that keep It tresth a 
loiv time. A Quick seller for theatres, dr- 
cnaes. travelloc theatrical and medicine com 
Malea and all placeit ot pobllc BmuiiviLenU 
We abo make a larse line ot PACKAGE 
BRTOK. Inform oa w^OM yoahoM * eoi^ 
fnrilniiiiii miiii iimIim aiiii um ■Miiiiifl mmm- 
riea and price*. 

liMldisiin Bros, ft lOoMtt, 


"Automatic" Set Spindle. 

Electric Hyronemons Cages. 
Drop Cases, Metal Boalette 
Wheel— best ever. Loaded 
-Dice and Marked Cards. Greatest 
catalog ever written on gmaaUlng. 
'Sent to any address FBEE. 

BAR fl A CO., 
"fS9 Vlfth AveDae, - <JHICACM>, EU.. 


S ; Priies and Gifts for 

all Games. Jewelry 
and Novelties for 
Soovenir Stands, 
1 Tkestrct. 

Cheapeat Eaiab- 
liahmeat in Maw 


CM Bn«nr. Cir. . 


The (rreatest barfcaln ever offered : fine strong, healthy monkejlk UaCk apM. JawUMae apes 
plfftatls; neTer ao cheap before. Send tor mf special list. 

WILUAlf BARTELS. !•§ Greenwldh SU N. Y. 


SCrosfcest and iimwc Kiuatlnnal Urlenlml 
uTotetlc perforiDcn In existence. Will 

& IfmlK^ cDsm^vturaC of tt weekn 
ItaniUfCh Kelth'nCIrcuJccouniencInKOct 
0, 1906. 

Address nil CommnoJcatlona to SIE HASSAN BEN ALI, Luda VIIIa. Codcj U1m(I,N. T. 

The >l«rveIoiiB Troupe of !• 

Inf; MHxind ftuccetufui moaittlli 
Tbe«ire. Tarls. Tliey are boc 

ciico- B«va.rl». Oct. 1 to 15: Vienna, 

'30: LelpBlc and Berlin to follov. 



__ foUomi: Mqd- 
Aostria, Oct. it to 



Batabllalied 1 875. The only apecllle ear* tor 

IVrlleto the WEATHKRKV KKTIRDV CO.. Kan>.a. <itv, ]tto., I*r Hot U>4 tUtr 

urllier luiuriualluii. iteuU I r ti ink . "i H A I N I ■> A M> I >CHAIIflA>** Sent free 


Indian Bnmtl«atber. Rustic Wood. Shell Goods, Canes. Confetti. Serpentine Dnsters. Rub- 
ber Ralls. Blow-Onia. Whips. BalloonM. Lanterns. Flaff Puzzles. Trick Mau-bes, Clirars. 
Baseballs. China Puts. GlaabGwidii, Shell Bat Pins. BmiT GlaiiKes. IUdire.«. Buttons. Flass. 
Jewelry. SUvrrware. Tricks, Prise Goods. !i«|uawk«ts.WatcbBi>. Bedella Balls. Garlands. Fes- 
coonlnK, Muvelty Fluweik. Bntt-ln-Badce. Leaiber Pnstal Cards. Catalwnie tree. 


Send pennaiMDt addieaa for ■■■■ tUnatrated cataloKO^ novelties tag 
rals and CelebratlcRis. 80 paces. TW lUostratlons of novelties. 

[^atalwcs*: tree. 

■ cL gyiaj yiD oma 

for ■iiial WUmb, OuBl- 



SO In »6 CO WITil 40 In 

S3 In S6 26 OBDER Send lor enla 

THK BELBEB TRrNK AND BAO tO.. 15ii C-olDmbiM Cbliadrlph 

U N K S 

rni? to 


—FOR 8AI.K fr rr Kfl 00 ap: all 
«>o!or. FKANK iTTE. BrcC- 
ElKlith Btr^t, ClDClnnjiU.OhlaL 

NATIONAIf MUSIC CO. liave a lot «t aodf 
hits. Can sad see n. CUeicu COO 8 Wabaib 
Are. New T«rk— «1 W. 30 St. 


Pop Com goods ot all kinds. FrivUece men 

write fur prices, 

OAROCN cmr pop corn works. 
ar«iiii*«a- — ■ — 


JoiiBstown Flood, 6alvoston Flood, 
•r Day in the Alps 

and In first class roadltlon 
liars. slie.etc. Address. 


The Handy Fruit and 
Vegetable SHcer 

;r*a .-rr.!: ( •> r tn rcfl|,d. It lUcM 


KctlMRrtTilaiple wepmi* tttt 

racpldlj whcrvrar ahown. Ar«t*Vl , 

pmr arvmlilfv vbe la Mcarc oar 

•CMcy. CfrabUrawlUs jwr fmmm and 
Mr«B fna. Tl« mest prafiubli 
UelemrltaadMbr BlrMUnm. W« 

Virginia Homes 

You leant all about Virginia 
lands, soil, water, climate, re 
sources, products, fruits, ber- 
ries, mode of cultivation 
prices, etc, by reading the 
Send 10c. for 3 months sub- 
scription to 



We have ALL the 


Bat TiBrae P&per Tmaa - ' a '"— i K-n 

Hak^c Violet Bonqneta - grn m, S.00 

No. 80 Gas Balloons - ... 
ConfetCU briKht and clean) - 
Confetti Daaters. aaaorted oolora. 100 
Bed, VTblte and BIuo OamlTsI Canes, per un 
Com. Collar, Tie and Csir Bnttons 


Is the place where youcan Inoorporatf 
most cheaply, most prompld7 tad bum 
safely- All of tbelmportanSflMlnnfi 
of tba Inoorporatiiiv Ininli— •ra.lo- 
cindadta ia» Aifunaitetatas. W( 

are tlie Iimui |i m atmi. Terms 

blank llDnM«iaeop70( oar laws free 
for the asking. Address 



Arizona BanMe MHtaC, 



A sure money maker 
the year round. Pro- 
fits lar^ and perma- 
nent. Easily learned 
■ b T InxepeHenced 
PsrsoDs. We a re the 
only orUrtnatuni.tsd 
sell the only sue- 
cessfnl process ana 

W. Z. LONe, Springflfld, Ohio. 

I«ts*tlBllMted,Cai«s. IMee, Bold-om^ 
~ '— SfeOHlnic Gallerl^ 


Thi Watliit 

6g«8siiig Scaiot, 

Punching Bags. 
Pi ctyrt Machingi, 


..So wMifPos t Caiiis.» 

All kinds. 


Send for Catalnene noB. 


ChlcaiHi, III. 


£■11 ■awrBia.Ba. 

I rats. 


svcctssoa TO 


41 & 43 Warren St., NEW YORK. 



la THE 

Also Novelttes lor Streefmen. 

9 We f««i»^e»er7 »e<k Iron our factory 
BsDoi-a* of all kiads 'tmd tiats tkat ■« 
gaaiaittc of asgMliC VMap I* av 
We also cntSoa amt cntooert aad (to 
trade to beware of UfcHor goodi aid 
lib€ ssaktrs at cheap tna%, 

Kabber Balloons* 

For Carnival 
Cmc Rock 

Webave tbelaicest assortBantoTEiiIf i Board 
KniTcs west ol the HiBisslpta river. Ourpiwel 
are alMolnte rock bottoak Wa also carrj a f eU 
line ot Streetmen's oonda, Caratral hureltKS 
and coods for Fairs, We are •aept the oldest 
streetmen's snpplr boose in the Vnitol Stsio. 
We have thousands of satitaed eafUMBcn, We 
can satisfr too and want your bnrinesSj^W 
AtT'jiaTi^iT'rrxG nuleas yoosay sn. Oneii 
shipped the same day as reeeired. Large Cata- 
logue Free. 

COB* yoivgh; oa co., 

eth aud St. Charte* St., ST. LOUIS, JtO, 



«ba* StwUwr'a »mr*t 

coi*. BU.OOO can* la pui -O 
reara !■ tk* FKord. ll»»att"»n« 

• taco tba dl.«M« baa nacS .J. *■■* 

trom tbs ntlem nerer to trta". 
Doo't niln jmneU wUb »»t.<mj. 
bok wrica today foroor •.'•^••tlT 

lllBstraMd kooh tail 

A ■■ ja <a aecare ao tntemt In a biK n-.^ni^ 

n r n n maklm, abort oart Faro Couii-Jr. 

WW a<id.Afcoai^inisB,M.T.,oeo.ivi7- 

The Billboard 


riiilB Line, and Make Money. 

■■•■■•Heaec neceMary to Mil mj 
Sm «trMk Cmne*. Ttiey aaU^C 



Gfloox I No. 3B5x 


Wenled^Rnisli. H BAMBOO 

Reduced to§ Crook Canes 

«CflB Patented Fiilsli, 

■vvR Braided Silk RlbbeB 

Per lOO 


■ to joor 



Tk» bora And mr CHl- 
t L. WaUteam at *w S. HadX- 
I •oa8b,«ffr«ateoDTenlenc«. 
I «rta«o thar are trarellnff 
" Sooth or wool. 

L EISOnraN, 44 Am tl„ aT. 
■UIT L WBMABI, Wntm Uawm MUU n, 

240 — — - 



Carnival, Fair and Straetaiei. 

Jewelry lots. Comb lots. 
Fbear lots. Notion lots. 
Purse lots, Handki-rublets. 
Raa>r luts. Memo. Books," 
a lass Cutter Kntvrs. W. B. W. 
Brand Tablewsre. Pe<>rle8s 
Bbarpeneis. German Collar 
Buttons and Needle Cases. 

BlK Une or Slam Iiay Onto, 
Piab Fonda, Knlle- Boards, dee. 

We buy and sell for cash, and yea 

will find oar prices 

Tlie Cbea] 
Send (or 4MU 
iorue to^MT 
yon can 

Save Arsm S to 2S per cent, on 
evenr dollar's wortli ot eooda 
;on l>o7 Im onr line. 



IDS Caul St.. I. T. Ciii. 

ipeat In Amerle. 
^ UlBMatodJI 
aaa to eoMBM 






Agents Wanted 

•thr KaWaat Uw WorhL It docatho work of 10 difftr 
yt a niclaa. For parlag Tceetablca. ramnTiac r-je*. 
5^ P^^y** a»» p. s «a p p N a.ea tn i i » l a i m>ogt chliia. 

Id Me. Itor •ample tSl 
At-BCRX Urn. A 
lis Fourth AVS.. 


Dice $3 50 JK-c' 

New tranapamit loaded work, 

(narked cmrda, antlrvlj new work. 

•1 •• per deck, lata per dos. The 
namt cmrd tnarklBfr lok la the 
countrr. ttw per botU& Lateat 
•trlkera, Bplrwilee. abootio]( loal- 
erlra. etc Write for oor new 
metieal aportlag aooda eatalol. 
naa, Addna* jTP. KiairrR a (.'o.. 

nan Ctair». win 

Atlas Trunks 

•alls aa« rlrrttd throagliDat. 

"•r cstnlninr win rtir«rfii]1r imrodarr tken 
- J?^ BEtBE* TamOC * BAG CO.. 

— A.U«. 

V*. 1S2 Colombia 


taipe UneCola Conlrollednacblnea. 

>«Kaait are a<*>d In arcades, rvaorts. hotels. 
MMaseto. Wrlt«i for i>rlces. 


786 MlaalMi St. mmm - innliii. CaL 


ttytmaratlraJOGof the Otnaba Kxposltlon. 
CHiiiiUBleatu with me at your t arllust Doswl- 
muDMit, for It Is very much m vniir ad- 

Tui.aiie. SKii'nrNnv. 

Ckrw, 1 ■tandard fnumd r&U- bnt a Bhort time: In pood 
_ iRlMl and nlnt«d. Barfrmla. 
R- MUNROE A HitUbunr.Pa. 




lOi t nUKOM»T. 

Will hold 20 48-page copies. Tbe papers can be 
easily bound one at a time; late ea^es can be in- 
sertel In place of the old ones. It keeps the pa- 
pen flat and in good condition. Size llzl& 

The BMboard PuMMifng Company, 

416 Elm Street Cincinnati. O. 


tflar sale tor storaneehaiCM. _. 

■aaaaM wltb the beatot ivcMda. . 

^ let tumovtaKalltbe FMIenloaoMMia 

S«iBChlr«Bifc JWInnAt In e hoars: can aoTlludrlMMltl W»ka««*iita 
•Ine to CalKomla. sad all si« well pleased at pctoo. Wa hava a tWB* 

Tho Only Cxelualve Theatrleal. Scenery 
and Proporty Storaso Warohouao and 
Tranatar Company in tho Ceinitry. 

Ha*« bantad At.!, the larse ocnapanles 
faitto tarn tint Sm the 6ot- 
r P.O. MM- 

hand stulT which we can ntlllze In rebutldlne 

Offlce. Buom IS. Dearborn St.. Tti. Harrison WTt 
Thruop SL. Tel. Monroe 874, rHIOAfiO, ILI.. 

MX to 115 

Tbi BiUboani's Free EnergenGy Senrice. 

Bf AN AOBBS In need of people by reason of aooideat, siekneas, indisposition 
or dbStb ue lOTiled to wire us ab either of our otBons ststiog their reqoire- 
aaents. Allsoeh wteessralBaMdlateiy'bulletinsdoaaTecylaiKeldaiiAooeid 
witii which esob oOce is provided. Miny actors, actresses, performers, mual- 
slaneand aceota who are at liberty look in on us dally and they always read 
the balleUiaoD the board. This is a quick means or eetttog in touch with 
Che right people. This service is gratu. All Want Ads aent oa for paUlea- 
bion are also posted the moment received, and Manageie ft ie q — tt ygitap^- 
cation before tbe paper containing their ad comes out. 

'"^.'k^'SV. the billboard PUBLISHIN6 CO., ^iuV^^!^ 

NEW YORK,I440 Broadway; CINCINNATI, 416-18 Elm St. 

fcrtoroa Ai 
mm* Ad 


itrl*laaat Stawo Mande, Aseam 



ti lOe racognlied oma of VaodsTllle Artlatat 
And a mandlT welcoms at Hlrand. Naw T 
VaHt City Talaphena— SKZ Madtaon. 

I Win 

Dull the BEST Sketches^ Songs, Oomeiliesy Dranaas 

""KN Tu UKOBB. Uoaoloiri ea and Parodlaa a •peetalty 
orlataal work famlibad. Refareacaa i>j the bnndnd. 
nMartaLbai only wilie tbe Widi'aar lade to order «o. 

BOS' WATT. tl^fSSS' m WM StHl. PWIadelDMa. Pa 

and OTory deavtptlee ot theatneaj work WBITTKN Tu UKOBB. 
Comedlea aadjpramaa RaTtaad- 

Sataititsbed Um 

Only the bait 

I 4» BOt taraltb daplteatad 



Week Get 23 to 28; Stat Days and Ni«lits. 

wmTni-Clean show*. Hwrr-ao-Ronnd. FerrtR Wheel. Lreltlmate priTllPire men here 
WNh I Hi Is a (uod one t r yoo. Can nse tree acts, initst be cheap. Ja^on- 

TnM«at.wn .d.fuar il 

lie: flye thou>and mlnetN worlcinKlntbeooa' 
Irtentlfal here. C. C. WILLIAMS, 6ec>. Jaac 



Whin la and Gaa Balloona. Ribbon torUaaaa, 
Watebca. Optical OooJa, PoefcetkolTea. W.ndi 
Notluna. and au LATIST NUVELTIBB. Oaat 


with order. No smda C, O. D. without IL Write 
ca t a l ogne ; mailed Gree. 


6ir N.P«urtii 
ST LOUIS. . . 






And make yoa a fortune. If yon ban a 
SONG or BOOK that Is wonb anytliinr, 
yoa shoold copjriRht it. lXja*t take 
Cbaaccs when yon can 8r«-nre orirjetjj- 
I ces a t amall co^. Sendfor onr IS WO M . 
Orm TO INVCNIORS before apulyinw for 
a patent, >/ fay you, lUMieOOa am 
faUmts ten! T WSt . WeadTiself patenta- 
ble or not, reEB. We Incorporate 

ft VANiiaEB. 


Oar DOLI.aR a0ort«,l box of 

Sfie la the hot aeller for fairs. 

IDK. Uoata JOD US per 100 boies. 
of mafclDjf tlO or raore a day. ' 
bcnada tor nsoltOMIf BIZ. 



GaniasslBg, Ete. 

Flaf s and Decoratkms^ 

UiUted States flag Go. 

2244 Gilbert Ave.. Cinelnnat, Ohie. 


Urdical ijpiel is DrToied to tb* Mrdkiat 
LreiDier, Strert Hu. Carriace Deetsn 
Oniolaa, Onrbatsne Sallar, sad is all 
Mdlii a tMleiaaTeilstarCantlaaapods 
thronflt apaarh TkHawfeattaaar'ahaM 
attaatioB. amoae, iaalnict Bad intstsw 
eaonah to toneh the pockaibnok. Tom 
noQld not pan wltb It .t anj priea. Sant 
poet paid f cr SS. or aand tl-Moo.It and wUI 
aandaao. w th .xamlaatioa pfifUagi. 

D. c. 

Brown W Ann St.. v. T., Plaetorr Bahrloa. M. T. 

KlbboB and SllTer Trimmed, M.00 perbaadfsd 




for Mall^v 

Camlv.b, Kcwirta. vtei Sea Shell 
Hat Ptni, Sea Shells and Shell Sureitln of arary 
deacrlptlnn. We tell 70a bow to mII QU AN flTI EH. 

T. n. IMOTT, 416-417 DiaiMn St, CHIGA60.IU. 

noVINO PtCTUItB nttlHi'NIM. 

Pllma and acceaaortaa. camotaa. lanao.. aooa elidea. 
aew and Moond h^md. boncht. Mid and sirnsinsa. 
Expert maebanleai lepslrliig: ipectal alldra madsi 
moving pictures taken to ordsr: perforatlns. '' — ^ 
optBC and film prtntlna for the t r wde CtBi 
Aaaaioaif CiaKMAToeBxpa A FtUi CO.. 
tebnelilar Mgr.. IL R. mil m.. To»«- 

HaPPY hooligan atKHWl 

•n» mrw laaetan mae. krilar Ik.n a <Mt rattt 
a^w. Jeat aet. a m^m^ aiafcer. 3n aih^ gasMA 
eenni a O*.. im ■• DsspUiasa n.. ChlcacsJO. 




The: Billboard 


W« h&ve issued b Beaa> 
tiful Album showing fao« 
aimilos in Colors of 
Posters. Wiii4ow Cards. 







Cincinnati, O. 


v3 i.opy 










We will famish 100 3-sh«!t and 1000 H-sheet Di>Kcrlt>- 
tlves prlntfd In one color, wiih a reasonable JlO QO 

aujuunt of matter on samt* for ipifctWW 

DATES IN SETS OF SIX AT ONE KOLLaK PER SET, eacb set tu rO' lalo tl-sbetl. 
35 H-»h«et. and 106 7xSL. Opcm baaMkdmvaaddateoDly-toatoiMraauma. 

CASHiwrm onoBn. noc. o.d. 





Fair.carni/al and Show work\ 

'■ Vew ana ser-ond band, for sale at any time. 

Beference any bank in United States. 


TI-78 PalUrton Ave., CHinACO. 

. F I IVf S ! 

>8«>cond Hand Films. Cheap, 

- Write tor List and Prices. 

't^ySS Mtoalon St, San Francisco. Cal. 


■Kew cfttaloffu* of PUrs A MAke-Up for 
•inateani. nent oq awplloitlon. 

SET HT SUma ud niCES 
2Mf R. 4fll ttf nUL. PA. 


BOUSE; capacltT, W; 
WS Jn •Itber repretoir* or vwMcvlU* 

VBTBtLOQUISir TAU6H1 pervonatlx &nd by cor- 

MpftDdenea;. Erst terms. PBur. LnflEKMA.<r School or 

T«BtVllnqnl«m. 706 North fith St, Philadelphia. Pa. 




OpeniDgs and announcements second to none. Will handle privileges with 
small siiow goinif south. Furnish side show complete, or run same on per- 
centage; or will make openings with first class Carnival Co. Sober, reliable, 
and a hard worker. JAIMES W. BEATTIE. care of Seattle's Shows: week 
Oct. 9th, Lancaster, Obto; week Oet. Ifith, Canal Dover, OtOo. 


We manufacture the best and largest line of Paper 
Bells, Paper Fans, Paper Hats and Paper Baskets; 
also confetti, canes, trick matches, squirt, balls, 
"Licensed to Butt-In" badtresand fobs, to;s,ballo6ns, 
buttons and badges Cor sU oelebiatioos. Over 
2000 different noveltteB for mmnMr resurts, 
' ' street &1ib, carnivals, etc. SAmoo FREE. 


SIMIG BOnSSSUU per UDl Lob of U»0, tl^ Ljuve 

■ovfc Books ojs per 1C0. SILOO per URL Baiiiples 10c. 
CARTER BOOK C&.3UB. Sway. Bt Loato..Ma. 

$513 Profit in Ptfty-one Days on Investment off $150 
" " was the result of the operation of one 



.Attn ' 

BOX B/^^i^"*^**™^'*"^'''''''.!^?'.?"^ 


■••woiulMfal MONEY MAKRRaii 

Imt. 3 twtiil<Ia!«Kball nied. 

"IV wall 

rosD^ctUD with Pool mm4 Wtmmt^ Ctear SlDrea. Barber Sham 

— , nramrt ««— t— mmnm w.« indianapcHs. inn 

Get the Slides 

For tbe beautiful illustrated story ballads. 
"LIffbtsor Home" and 'They All Spoke Well 
of You." br tbe fSiMMS mtitar, Atk TiMnimi 
and yonr anerew will be aaained. 16 spIendiA 
views. 86.00 per set. 

They Always Make 6001I 

ProfesstoBftl copies free to recognized sing- 
er». Orchestrations 10 cents each: also 
try onr famoui* sonffs, **Just a Plcbureof Ton** 
and **My Sanbnmc Lily.** 

Om L. Partee Music Go. 

23 East 20th Street, 


:Show Printing: 

Type and Engraved Posters, 
Dates. Heralcls and Dodgsrs. 
Sketehes sobmittMi en appll- 
eatlon. Quick Work on short 

nottoo. =: 

fifllCieOSHOW PRIIT, 128-130 Sth At., Zh\t^» 




Designers DACTF ^<"'>)t( 
iHoMiHm Of I l-Vi^Pumm 


Do You Want To Know 

Wbac Is dolxif anywhere at any time in aar 

line? If so. ,it Is our business to teU^^oe. B 

you don't know what you want, I 

body." We can belp yun oat. 


306 B. Fourth St.. - CINCINNATI. O. 



Write for space at Frederick Fair, 
Oct. 17 to 20, 1905, to H. M. Cramer, 
the new Supt. ol Privil^es. Glad to 
see you and iHll treat jon right. 

t. BeOBB IHeSHBItBV, See>y. 
PreJ^ricli, Bid. 

One Hole Moving Picture Outfit 

consisting of 1 Lumiere Front (new), 
300 Films, 20 metres each, in good con- 
dition— tlie lot for S550.00. 

Pthrboiplipv - • 788 Miniga Stnel 


Mexican Curios 

And Quick St^llino^ Nnvpltles. i^end for 
catalo^'iii; KOSS CtjTilu CO.. LariHlo. Texas, 
on Ltit: Mu.xli an LKjrUcr. 


0«wl yournemtlve to print f roni or a plioto to tfopy. 
Future Huiband or Wire Pbotn.. white. bUck. vlulbie 
or tnTlKlble. ts per seD«l for haniple. ■ 


Eatebllsbed 1873. 

Ox7a«a Md 

Second hand penny slot matoaoopas. nbooo- 
srapba. picture mat-blDes. illoHtratM tong. 

une-katt iwat. Send 


atblatla maehlnaa. 4tn. une- 
forUia in».Me:aMA-b 


For small Stage: In excellent cundltloo 
painted la>t m-ason. WILMER & VISf" 
Orpheum Theatre, t7tics, N Y. 




DKC Ath to Bth, iSOS. 

WANTED— Good novelty attraetluda: al^ 
ship and «re workH preferred. OaeeeMiaM 
tor sale. -BameiiaanaronningraiiM. 



OCTOBER 14, 1905. 

Xtie Billboard 





J U 8T 




BEHIND THE STA6E. GonilG. Partly Golond 

J 196ft. 
V 229ft. 


MODERN BRI6ANDA6E. Automobile 

Y0UN6 TRAMPS, CoMdy Cliasj • • :^^^^ vS: > ., 
¥ENDETTA, Dramatic Chase - - . 

PLEASURE TRIP, Very Funny - - - ' 

COUNTRYMAN IN PARIS, Comic . . ■ ' ^ S^^: 
fiREUS(rTSMETRLURer,Slnl Mni^^ . i. 

Colored Films 8 Cents Per Foot MdHional. 







590ft. 1 6UN LICENSE 
. IS6ft. HOP 0' MY THUMB 
246ft. STRIIE . 





42 East 23rd Sfreet, 

35 Randolph Street, 








Privltog* Men Who Want the Coin, Writa on Quick If You Wish to «lein 

Address J. P. MeWILLItMS, Gha., or SAM H. JOSEPH, Lnmetkni, If. 


Wagon Show Property 



T— Wanr. .ns of all kinds. Pole. atrliiKors. Plank. .T»ck. Stftke.,Oook.Baiid. TablekU 
. . ' Small CaKes. Advance. Small Parade WaKuns. Float . ftnythlDiraUrantive. Most 
uein flnt-elaMcundltlon. state cash price and wl>«re they can be sioen. AlsowutponiM. 


East Liverpool, Ohio 

Box 80, 


■r yon baT« a Good Oat>I>oor Act. Wa caa nae tlie beat at all <!■*•■« 

. Cood SenutlonBl Acts AlwayB In Demand. 

ti J. fmnn BmIiIbk *<eney. 216-17 LmiMr Exehaiga, MlBMapollt, MIbb. 


CLASS B, a cans kr n. 

Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes 

BxlilUtlaD nodel, S115.00. 

VBtTeraal nodel, ST5.00. 

No. 6.187. CODE. VASTEOAD. t-ENGTH, 835ft. A. 9I2S.Z5. 


DnrinK t)>e rapid westward marcb of civilization In AmerlRa. oovorlne the past Btty 
year^ certain •••rial conditions developed wbtcb bad to be r- elated aad controlled by no- 
usual meibiids. A la«l.4tt and criminal element almust Invariably ai-companled tbe advance 
enard of clvllixation. and to keep this element in cbeck tbe law abidlns citlzenii wer« com- 
pelled tosecrftlyoisaDlcetbemiielvesfortbetr ownse't i>rotectlon. 

Tbe "Vigilantes," dnrlnr tbe Kold excitement of '49. in Callt-mla. and the "Whi^ 
Caps." o muia reeen yean, in Ubio. Indiana ai d other Wesitern Sktes. are well kflotm 
ocn Isations wbl b dMlt sommarily wltbuattews and tbe criminal classes in «> aeral. 

_W« faaTo DorMyeiL taJbAion Pieuuces. In a most vivid and reaU^tie 
methuda empl red by ue '^nilte Caps'* to tM cue oommnnlty of undesirable I 
Asaaiioj^wlng iiialn<»apaiite BradncUon It Is nadonbtedlr tbe Ooest r' 
wnna nqitHwatj and. the voiWo. vlillaUieptaota«»pblc 

to beapsffctated. 

initstnM Cimlir. llB.»s. OmMh 

Tho BoardlnS School Girls , ^ . 

Til* Llttla Train RobbMV TZSft. -SS" 

Stotan by Gypslea 84Sft. Thi VVhoto ft?«2flfiaKr^-tti 


vfiaa Um pbotOKiapbtemS&SMwS 

96Sft. Empira Stata Espross. the 2nd, 








ROBBINU UlS MAJESrryS UAU. .2~_...„.. 



BCeStB OK THE ZOO, No. t tlift. 









AK AFFAIR or HOBOR (BtaTlc«|<a.> .BNCL 


RACE FOR USD ...•.,..«»««nM|. 









aad Vaatory, Orance,N. J. 
M Wabash Avenae. 
Haw Tovk • l ee, SI Vm§mm •vaave. Osble Address. Kortllan. New York. 
emwum ana mmm mattmt. » ntwurvyj. ap^n. uanmt, le. ti, KMOLAMn. 

SELUNQ AGENTS: %j?SSg£&^<^ a.i.Mi^as.liA^-^^^'^ 


Now Ready for Shipment. Also all other latest 
subjects made by the leading film manufactures. 
■i^Haaia sKNo row* catai-oo •mmm^m 





Will rent outr.sbt or play on percentaire. Would Use to bear from bnrlrsune sbow that can 
pruduce stock. Address E. P. « HCBOMlEil., 79!H)utb Clark St.. CHICAGO. ILL 



SeataTML Hev. Kodem Hbmte. Pop. 8.eD0 to draw ttom. Town very prosperous, witblarre 
raaMaprtnglntare ata . •wJSrWB m O neaBsa.Oo,atUne»a specialties between 
waatPee-afc alsooBO<alMrart i aM« M lngiba 


L Ttaropan time address 
T. BCA NFORD. Manaeer. 



Onttaemain streets ot HILLOBORO, OHIO, one week. October IS to St. IMK.^ 

W -^ Ml V 1^ — wans OP ■.KciTusATB pBiviiiMm* 
I ab 1^ eio eacli; no eMI — 

TbatraiKWeider Carnival Co. attraction. For partuuiars address B. H. WmOUK. 
SeewitaiynitBrtwro. Ohio. .. : . . 


It's the Long Established and Well Known 
Concern that Has the Advantaige Both. In . . 
Purehasing and^MUng.; -In the _ 

jMILES BROS, were the Pioneers, and 
ibCHiay are Easily the Largest Users of 

iflliii jn the- Counlnr. This means to,^e 
-^MjanageFS'iislhg;'. . 








SdiDearborn Stk 


At Samational Picture Drama. The Adventures off 

S«Tua TbrtllUur AdTeatare9>, In IR . 
?BXI'''Ut9" Storietk bjr B. TTrai 
If ayvI.Birects and SltMtlom. 




-l,©** ft. 

Smn an MMIr IhMi-lr lUil li 

-ausx OU1 


Bz«11irive Ptctnre Blelits Grmiit«d td uid GoiqnEl^iMea 1905 by 


McCLURt raiLiJPS & G0.7rdumriiSMEA^ 


■!in0t» » jnatiAtT-^ Laugh Breeder. The Titles Between XM9i.SoMie are 
" ' 5. Comic Yeise, Quite a Novelty. ^ 

'MiBl^.ON SALK roit TMI 



This subject appeals irresistibly to an audience. ', IT' IS SCfiHJAMr 

■.KNOTH, aOOft. < . PRICK, 


116 iMimJipi STO 


■< •.'i. 

Cablo! Adtfreaik «* VITAt»JI«ARM. 


votemc jmL A, :C!WcproA^^-^^E lV YORK— c h iic A jsjl ■ ' o^mmv. »• 

^:!; l:;..-,-f.:...:n: 

*i" • I .. I!" »• V-t-: . ^ • 

Ttie Billboard 



Title Bangs-Klein Play Changed DaySBefore 

Reabea Fax and Christie MacDonald Scon Wividiial Trinmphs— Imaginative 
Character of Piece Makes It Caafe Opera of The Fiwt QnaKty— 
^ : EUb Fqr's New Toric Opening. 

TBB tbrlcp-naincd nmsim tmntmrnr, tb* 
latnt efforts at Jobo Kendrlek Banm. 
Uanopl Klein and Heni7 W. Sangr. 
re<!«lTed its prcmlec prodnetion Oct. 
9 at Uw Aendeny ot Uule. Bal- 
OnK^e, Mi, oacJer the tlt> of To-monovr Land. 
One of tli« largest and moet entboalastle nnd- 
t4>nces that erer assembled oa like occaslOD In 
Grnter Baltimore greeted the new piece and be- 
Mowed npoo It clMlee gniM. The can wu aa 
. folio tra; -> 

Bockenetlc ...Beoben Tn 

Prof, ronaata . Mwa rd 3. Martfiiden 

Tack .^.......■^.^fVliam'C. Wvedoo 

DoUia ............... J.'CUrenee Barrey 

i WtlBea Clarton White 

Ta^ttart C. L NIeboIaoa 

Dtiililtrle* TnBg Ranrr 

- Helen Hale 
I 'Crace Cahlll 

ICartlcnla Helen MarrLo 

ConataUe .'. .Ldct Tooge 

t*ij Am Bnde DDDDe 

Headeraon Frederick Baams 

Samaodla - Clris, , Beanx, Daalea, Pansles, 
t'tHA; Eleelzlc 

•Glila, " 

It was aup- 

dash aa wdl aa'alaaadek from the rlxe of 
the eartaln. and tbelMktr It piogreaaed the 

- - - — — " — a foil of 



. Bene*. FacnllT Gfa^. LaPoncw-^l 
iOt^^tm^atmt Olrla. UqnS Air 

tr Hearr w. 

fmtie tm . Ike juiwutiliw «r Or initial pa- 
ne ararasr pla/MKht baa a peaehant for 
dtfrins into - ancient', historr for bla aettlngs 
umi a anmber hare inTeirtsd fletitlona eona- 
Mcs in wblcb to exploit tbelr slats and betors. 
Jata Kendriek Bangs baa broken away (ran all 
ittooalltlea . in Ta-oaanoir- Land, and be 
Jnt» ISi^ fl|tnre^a.-^tliaaaaaid 7««rs wltb a 

Mr Oiat cantM'OM t» gaap with woodrr. 
Oolr tboae tamtUv wltk. the wocka of the 
playwught can Imaslne boir weU. aod thor- 
oo^ilr be has petfonned Ua task. Bis plc- 
tnre «f a thonaaad. years beoea la Intetvctlng. 
Tbe aodal. domeatle and other proUems of to- 
day do not worry the people of To-monew Land. 
unUonalres aie cooaidefed a disgrace and tbe 
lenrant girl pidilein Is soUed by means of li- 
quid air, wblcb likewise driTca tue police from 
the force. 

Tbe protogne rtcsIs the interior of Prof. For- 

ca9ta*s laboratoi7. This gentleman proferaor 
of Mlence and aatnriogy. Be has labored long 
In eiperlmeDtlsg for a chemical that win enable 
bim to see far Into t]>e fntnre. Tbe profeaaor 
wants a riafOD of a chonaand years hence. 
When aa elTorts seem to fall. Roekemegle. a 
millionaire, steps In .and wagers the proft-ssor 
a vssC smn if be succeeds In sccompH^ilng his 
pmpose. Charged with renewed seal, the scl- 
anttot is soeeesafnl. and with tbe aid -nf his 
apretrapbooe bis dicam Is realized. With a 
aMTVCluits^cIood effect the scene cbAoe^ to Act 
t, and the andtence Is treated td one of the 
■cfaleTements In stage smnptnoosneGS. 
la of no eooseqnence and Bockemagte 
tte lock and key. Serrants dls- 
Lore is mksown and the 
Social bar- 
teing on the 
^ • BO one. Act 

Xcali are 
Other lanovatlona aie Intro- 
\wtth waBOettnl eSeet.. 

I Fax Im the nla of Baekenasic was a 
^ saecoB. Aa Ike laock tinded mll- 
Booalne with talatad aisaty be wt: v a aplea- 
dld peffiiCBaBee. CtoMIe XadwaM aang aer- 
eaal catchy aongs and aesrsd, a jiiaiiml bit. 
Helen Bale, always Tlradaoa eMoMely eaptl- 
rated tbe aodience. C. I. N W WfclW. aa the new 
type of Bngllnh dnde, wwa well recelred. ESd- 
ward B. MartlndeU. 'WlUlam C. Weedoo, J. 
Claieiiee Harrry. Clayton iWhIte. Grace Cahlll. 
Helen ^farrln and Ii09 T^ngcjwcM wdl cast 
and sa sgreesbly 
MTeJy, moslcal sad 
cry Is daazUng. 

Mr. Bangs was present aad .a speed was 
demanded from him. After tbe performance 
handset waa aerrcd at Am Bats Belsedetc. 

For the Ocst ttae afnee flke aadr mi's, the 
Aand Opcnt Bont psadnert tna*«ew play 
last bIi^ Ib biwor oT Ika' evemt Eighth 
A.iHB» pat on Ita bart .Mb and tneker and 
triat ta^att Ma the thMHe an at aoec. 
It «ar'« aMd deal «C a aiBMM. Bpeca- 

what did Bghtk An 
Bka lUaT 

Tbe attraetlan wUA' 

howdrdoo was Ibe 

w • Watson's Orlentato pUyed a retnm (tote 
in Bn^rn Ust weefc to big bnslness. The 
^boiTls^ of the best of tbe Empire CIrcolt. 

Msnsger Bennett WUson of the Folly Thea- 
tre has benn bis popular Sunday night cod- 
eerts. last Saaday nighf a baslnass way o ne 
SfSe anwigest sanderUIe Mnt. W,al»ji adJn 
Bnoklyn. Xo wonder the Faar*a MMV W 
cooeerts are so (lopnlsr. 

Thompson A Ehindy's .N>w Vork Hippodrome 
IS bearily billed Is Brooklyn and vicinity. A 
large eh'clrlc changeable alsn I» located on De- 
Kslb are. near Fnltoo street, and annonnce* 
tbe featUKS of tbe big Hippodrome. fre»JJ[TP 
r. sentatlre W. C. TbompKJo has aU tbe Brook- 
I.rn papers mesmerized, and they all Eire the 
Blppodrome many notices. - 

Tbe Brooklyn BUBioaid man attended s per- 
formsnce at tbe New York Hippodrome last 
week. This wss bis toorth rtslt to the HInpo- 
drome since R opened, and CTeiy time be «ee» 
tbe show there U something new. S!o many 
new acts bare been added tliat it »»« Ukc 
seeing a new show. A person coold attend the 
Hippodrome a dosen times and enjoy more every 

Accordlig to report there seems to be a qnes- 
tion whether the Morel ty Theatre in Wllll»ni«- 
borg. which has been booked along with others 
of the Percy Williams' Metropiaitan Oteuit. 
n-lll open this sea»Q. It mOL. tit dCMnW and 
reqairemeots of the t 
be assigned the cause. 

Colonel Frank E. rilUs and his 

[•overo. of the great Bo r War 8^ _ 

sented his act as an eitra sttractlan at tne Am 
phioo Theatre laat week. The act w%v^ so 
well It should hsve been a hesdUaer. Ooionel 
Finis has his act booked in seretal of the beat 
houses. • . 

IVank D. Bryan and his new act entitled Tne 
Peace Congress, with a dovo pccttr and aand- 
somely costnmed girls aad asaar J!fTT 
s big bit at Hyde A Babaan'a ' 
Mr. Bryan portrays ildtnt 
act was pnt 00 here iir the d — — . 
stage and made noeh a Mt tMt'.lt «■■ Bnd 
over for two weeks. ■ ^ 

Cbsnning PoUock's diaaatlMtlM i( nt Se- 
cret OrcKard. wMck la ataxat •sadrisr re- 
hearsal, will be ptodnerd la OcacaMr at 
Hartford. In this Ifea aMH^l^jAg 

oes and Edgerton O 
win be the girl. Joy, 
bis wife Helen. Tbe 
»-hIch was acted by 
made Joy a_mlaor past 
tentlM ta 


d vtMaan aeiw la le e weinia (ram the 
SSa |Sg **g^|j''Sy tr^mi^ Hi 

For this Fay nraa faatlMI Inst the chsr- 
scter thst fits her best, and her work was 
eqnsl to her best efforts In vsndeTllIe. As the 
belle of the Blast Side, who sgrees to pose 
as the wife of a Fifth arenne snrell that he 
may inherit a fortnote, she is tranqwrted tu 
the home of one^- of the smart set, where a 
BCQie ot CMDpUcatlons farnish tbe (on. 

Ot caaaasb Miss Fay sang tier old standby. 
The Bdk' n( Arenue B. and did a "toagfa" 
daocB artik her ptlxe-lli^ter paL .The socal 
bit of Ike aisht was aadc to 
She ftnnd fuH an e in a- 
I WooU Uke tn Basa a 
In * 


The Belle of Avenne A li 
has a dhoms- of pretty 
York World, Oct. 10. 




Stands of The Empire 

CaadhkM (M Tns^ecto Briefly On- 

lined by The Billboard's Special 
Jtev York State Corns- 

Business In the one-nlgbt stands ot .\e« '■ 
York SUte is not particolarly good this season, 
though the big attractions continue to do weB 
—that is. tbe reaUy big ones. The fair dat» 
have proTen a harrest for the repertoire 
agers, and for the few one-nlgbters 
enoDgh to secure these choice dstes. 

Business, with these exceptions, bsB liees 
l>elow the arerage ot prerloas years. 

A Bcaooi. OT sAsxaaAL:Pi.ATs 
TUa ua Ike atate hda been :a*cR«n' wiik 
BAe''- AaaiB. ^ The Utde-townt bare oali 
bad attxaetloaa dcnitaig with eoantir foUta, aad 
tbe larger ooe-night stands tiase aacb bad twa 
or thtee at thcae attractloDa aa far. Anbai 
ibrm baic bcca ttalMgr _ AdaML-aMXcr. Ibt 

. Tbe minstrels bare had a good showing. 
Doekatader's, West'a, HI Henry's. G07 Broth- 
era. CultiaDe, Chace and Weston's aod DaRoe 
Biutbers bare all been in tbe state this fall. 
In thU connection It aaj be nf lalttcat l» 
note that Dan Darleigh ta M BtabMn a recently 
played matinee and night ta Pi ad b a ^t a a. l bs 

1 and eighth ill ifbiaiaaisa a< tt» 

clCT. and did tag t m Ifea day. 

azw FLATHomza • z. 

■ A. new theatre la bclac erected at Watklaa. 
Which win be ready to open abool Dec. I. 1 
new theatre at Sodos will be ready to opes 
sboot the same time. Tbe new theatre ai 
Elmlra will be opened shortly. Tbe plans for 
a new buaaa at Oneida (ell tbroogb wlib and 

Australian Success 

Florence Roberts Opens li a 
Problem Play— Other News Ffam 
Ou San Francisco Car- 


The old Hootank "nieatre iras leused last week 
by Mr. Wm. T. Grorer, the manager of the 
Ampbion. also Brighton Beach Mnsle Bali. 
Manager Grorer had a soft spot in bis heart for 
the Mootaok. -He had. as the rlgbt-hand man 
of his nncle. Col. Sinn, contribnted to the 
earliest snccess of that house. He was a po- 
tent participant in the laying of tbe comer- 
stone. When Walter Sinn died. Mr. Grurer 
acted the part of a sod as wen as of a bnsl- 
ness eiecntlTc to the deceased Colonel. The 
veteran manager was spared in the last years 
of Us life many cares and worrit s by the loyal 
co-operation of bis nephew. For a year after 
tbe Oolaners death. Win Grorer saecessfnlly 

«( tbe JIantanb. There 

aa ta what Xr. 6n>> 

t better dasa 

: wm 

. ^ tntih lAnr. 

It- la . 

aa a saodesnie tbta t ia. and (bMt 

eomblnatloos srlll be seen there, 
be reopened abovt Dee. 1. 

The Poor Mortons, in the new mnslcal farce. 
Breaking Into Society, which is nnder tbe msn- 
agement of Percy G. Williams. Brookij-n's pop- 
olar manager, tamed them awsy at the Us]es- 
tlc Theatre last week. Tbe sboir has made 
socb s bit thst It Is rrpsried to -be booked on 
Broadway for a long ran. 

Mr. S. S. Allen, the. pt^olar maiuger of Pay- 
too'M Lee Arenne Tlieatre located In the east- 
ern district, reports bnsln ss sood. The stock 
eampaay wUeb la tapportlBs Cotte Fayton and 
— * Bead Vartaa. Is aa ^ 

Andrew Mack has returned Crom M& Aostra- 
llan tonr with his pockets full of EngUeb money. 
HU tonr Just completed was one of tbe most 
soccrssfol of any American actor. He packed 
them In Her Majesty's Theatre. Sydney, for 
twenty weeks with Tom Maoie aad Tbe Way 
to Kenmare. At Melboome tbe same bnsloesa 
greeted him. and on his departure boo thst 
place (ally (onr thoosaod people accompanied 
to the atatiaa. paying adaslasloa to 
tka prtadpal gate aad Md bin and 
" B la pnibable that 

- to 

remain two 

tbe WOTld la~ . _ . 

New Zealand. India aad aialk AMea. In 
ins of tbe Uaad aa a Ihfalllfa mtirtlliia. Ifr. 
Mack aald: "The * 'ui T ^ aMatwa a( tbe 
present theatrical aeasoa la Aaaltalla beloag 
whoOy to tbe Assmeaa playvta. Kaaee O'Xeil 
has dnpUeated her aneeeaa ot Sec yeara ago; 
Minnie Tittle Bmne, a aatlre dangbter. la be. 
lug wataly recelred throngb tbe eohnles. Joba 
r. Tbwndan Is among tbe loteooat farotltea in 
the eaaatty." 

Floteace 'Boberti care tbe preiaietc of PanI 
Armstrong's new play. Ana Lamoot, at Salt 
Lake City. Oct. 2. Tbe popolar actress recelred 
an oTstioo. -Aim T.amont la ttimed.a problem 
play. Tbe scenes are laid in N'ew York. Loo 
don and Batvali. Ann Is a struggling artiste, ■ 
young womsn of good breeding and education 
Her aspirations lead bir to begin an easy life 
In New York City. Stirring scenes follow, and 
Ute play ends wiib her redemption. Salt LskP 
CltT- critica declare It to l>e an artistic p. r. 
fonnance aod her supporting company as well 
as tbe actrrss wss highly praised. H. S. North- 
mp plays tbe leading male rale. Max Fig 
man. Robert McWad,-. Norah LAmlson and Lu- 
elel Yorke were among the company. After 
a tsar ot the PacIQc Coaat. Manager Joiin Cort 
will take the company to New York City. 

*XIa aald that creditors in Aneklaad are seek- 
lac la niBvfor M. B. Cartla. Baaaser at tbe 
AaailaaB -Jhsilty Compaay. ataaagtr Cartla 
aaUad wflkJMa eowpany (Sr «aatialla laat Jaly, 

bat It aw ■ " - - 

Tbe aieittL„ . 

Anioas thea vctt' Ifilir 
losgjer; Princeaa Chlnqallla. 
dlaa; B. CUre. a maglelan. an* BL t. 
boor, a mosologoe artiat. Tbe aMnAara nay 
tbe greatest dUBenlty was tn cettlns time at Ike 
theatres, and that tbej played to fairly saceeaa- 
fnl bnslness when dates eoold be arranged. 

CSalmlng $3,000 dne for tbe aae of the plc- 
tnrea ot tbe Britt-Nelsoo debt. Manager Nolan, 
for Battling >NelBon. attatcbed tbe bos oOiee re- 
ceipts at Mechanics' PsTlIlon last week and 
suiveeded In getting |IK.40 b^Bliltl the fllmf. 
The scene was quite as spectscnlsr ss thst 
Hklch took place en tbe ataae. 

. naca (No. 31 did a temsrfc- 

aUr badima In the larier one-nlcbtna. aod Is 
aa escepttoQaUy good abow. Tbe cast Is rety 
aliin and tbe abow ta eqoally as good as tbe 
atlalaal Ooban attractioo. Tbe music Is Is 
Aam at C. B. UeArtbiu. and tbe eboms work 
b narUCdlailF aMd. Bobbr Bany la tka UUt 

pcstaeily aff . tta .attractloa pnhaUF 

Chle la playing nearly sM it* 
tka state and la al«j givlBa ttse 

aatlafactloa and teeaklng many records. 

8. F. Sbermsn. of Nesrark. Is gradosUy en- 
Urging bis drmlt of smallee towna. Be now 
bas Newark. Wellsnne. CstskUl sod BUenTllle 
Wsllsce A OUmore's Circuit in this state em 
braces Oswego, Cortland. Folton. Coming, Ca 
tundaigna and Clyde. Tom Boyle has Gran 
TlUe. Salem and Hot land and Ponltney in Ver 
mont. These drcnlts. along with tbe Bels' 
towns, ties op the majority of the one-alghi 
atanda of tbe state. Carieton B. Brewstce baa 
a. dreait of alz tirwos on Long Island 
are goad (or tbe amaller attrarttana. 

The llkiiiii Chle la 
thirty la adraaeo af their Astaa ' 

fendant. Tka earUlaa kad a fnll boose an« 
when cadF tMi bBsB aoonat of eaab was foona 
there sma- aaaathinc doing. After a delar <rf 
twenlF M l i M lia the Olma were replaced and the 
performaace proceeded. Nelson clslms thst be 
was to reeelre IS 000 for the nae of the pic 
tores. Tbe defendant claims that be was to re 
eelre a certain perc-ntage of the receipts. Tti* 
matter will be fought ont In the courts. 

White Whitlesey closed s most snccesaful ses 
son St the Alcaisr Theatre Oct. I. snd «s» 
glreo sn enthusiastic defianstratlan. Bis sea 
son Issted eight weeks. 

Belasco. Meyer A Price will bring orer Ok 
Royal Hawaiian Band from Honolulu next sum 
mer for an eastern ai>d Boropeao toar. 

Juliet -Croabr. hi nclsale Hfe Mra^ Fr ed Be- 
lasco, msde • 0HB Mt k na.piuW-* 
Tears week Oab^'at the Wilaai ii ThtaU a. Xiss 
Ans les. 

Klaw A 'A-Ianger bare arranged with Gotth*. 
>farx A Co. for a special presentstloo of Bea 
Hur at the Crsnd Optra Hoose during the fli* 
two weeks In Sorember. Another record hross 
1ns riin is looked for. 

Artistic sonrenlr books of Tslse foe pres<-r»s 
tloo hare been dlsrrihoted by tho nasa dfc aa 
noonclng the Alcsisn's new plays. playtW aaa 
ptans for wbat bi rery Ukriy to ptofe tia aiaM. 

the atage. Xolaa'a lasp- - fore amwwred in this 
SRSB thaaa a( the «p- 

Bllly Blee. the old^sae aslnatrel. la now P>r 
auaeatly located ta Baa Franelaco. on O'Fsi 
rell street, aeat ta the OcptaeoB. abete be, u 
pmprlelOT af a caft^ at afeMi jlaa 

board oa 
by It. 

Jennie Opie. Australlaa 
Shortly to fill engagearala. 

an S(o(» 

.'CTOBU ib, .1905 

Xtie^ Billboarcl 


Street Theatre Begins 

ProditctioB of The Toast of The 
Ivm-T^^Mher Mews Vnm 

MirfM Vt the Blnety-WTratb conaccn- 
I II 11 MM iif -tlie WalDDt Stxcet Tlmtrr. on 
£7 a. WM a Dfiaonble - rveot. TUe boaar 
iSr fem In tbc bands o( painters anil drco- 
Sn »U iommer. -and. looked brlgbt and new. 

aniaant expended dorloE tbe sumiurr wan 
Sum. Tlie attnetlOD was Mme. Scbumanu- 
Suuk IB Lore'a Lotten. and • large en.! fn^li- 
SZlit mitotr tvere deUgbted nltb tbU iirvttT 
TTTTa Tk( Walnut Street Theatre 1« "ituuut 
ZSm it* «Ue*t- tbaatre In tbe United States. 

iMfB oaed a* a place o( amiueiuenc alnre 
1^ ^Teetleo to 1808. Noiel auu»enlr» were 
distributed oo tbe openliw iil«bt in tbe abai» 
Df pollrted- p!e««a of wood, made from tlie 
old iiallery a»«t» wWcb h«Te btta In eon- 
tlnooDS use looKer than the oldeat cltlaen can 
remember. Ptank Howe, Jr., tbe mansKer of 

titm l>TC Ibe Orat dty repxMta- 
M|a at na VMat of tbc Toms at tbe Utuad 
■attC SfenM an Oct. 0, and tbe play met 
nHb aBMaik. It la a rraiwd rrnlao uf unr 
tt niji flMVi eariler plaja, aod abonra tbat 
at'WlHr feM praClcd IW hia esperlenrr uf 
M iMt ttw mia to tora oat ■ pUy that 
Si tta^oMiiC the tteatncehw paMIe. 
•ttu it Ik* OMiflaa pwM aod glraa onoaaal 

a feK bit la the 

Wr a new order laaned hj tbe Director of 
MHe Braltb and Charitlea In tbla dir. it la 
B ■ladpmpsnnr now for anyone to take a 
MM afflicted wltb wlioopinc eon(h to aar 
Ikaatri or place of public 


ImMee I. Bar Brown, «C; 1 

ae Oaon. boa haadaA .<am a deeMuo 
k aC mat lawrtMHa la cfviv tbeaire 
' In PIdUdel. 

Aw dam- 
after be 

utttotar la a itlfala lailfMuI (acagrt la a 
taeOr pitntt taiaiM aa< Is aadtr aa oi>- 

■katlia to lene tbe paUle. It ia alao taled 
ttat a tbeatre entertainment la always Urn- 
Mel to tboae wbom the theatre pmptlrtor may 
agree to admit to It. wm* that thtfc la no 
duty, aa In tbe ease at ■ aMBm anat twr. M 
admit ererjooe who nmw apptf aM ha WflBai 
to pay for a ticket. 

ywaea ]|ORSZB8£7 SEAS 
Cmma Morrliier. wife of U. Fraada Uor- 
dM In St. Macph'a BMpttal. Phila- 
, aa Oct. 6. from tbe rcaolta oC an apa- 
waa wen " 

Ms Tanderlllo 
■nay years 

Buffalo Bm. 
u a lUmtm 
<rttb an tbe I 
the paat tiro 
Cieaiea Shows. 


■rtaye* an the 
■Bttr. and tor 
FiMcpaash and 
Muiiitf la well known 
haTbv hccn conaected 

.IS of tbe umiu l iy . For 

be baa h«cn with TUr- 

Ibe MccwWBt took plaee on 

Sondiy. Oct. «. ftaai her imUcm* »it W. 
Norrtg itreet, and waa laililr atttaded. A 

luartet from nnmont's UlaatraB aMHt a nnm- 
ber of beintirol seleetloBa at tha booae and 
at tbe irraTe In West Lanrel Hin Cemetery. 
A big delriraUon of Elks attended the rnneral. 
Mr. Morrliaey belnc a Paat Eialted Ruler of 
rutadelpbU liodie. The floral caMcma were 
beaatlfd aad aatioaa. ^ 

_ Uaa T. Oatpcnter. haihim aaBMK at the 
OanM; Tbenn*. has bad ■ laniMfti MaMrr 
with hIa park caMndaN aad li aaar atnns- 
mic for a nomhtr at aev drala fbr the Sam- 
per aeaaon of ISMl .li hMktac for a good 
■scatloo to plaer a CMaaacl. Be saya that 
^lakiw a( T3i 

ter tbaa tt baa been for many seaaons. and It 
la fast setting liacV to tlie position It for- 
sierly oeenpled. "the t>eat popnlar-prlce thea- 
tre In America." Charles Watnrr. well known 
In dteos dtciea la.iht. a*N(tM« aaeat tbia 

V^aak Wolf now baa fUl ebaive of the ad- 
'rrlut fMrea of tbe MIsaa and Zimmerman 
hsoaca la PhUoddphla. aad la dolnn anme 
■oaat week (or tMUoc ainailhaia Br does 
M tta wacfc for the Chratart . mm TOtatre. 
Ja a taat Street teem Beaar. Had Slreet 
l^aatte aad Park Thtalia. 

SO* Jeanne Pryor. arcB known to atetr a»fnt 
•to baa em Halted tha Qaahcr City as the 
best typist who ercr Bnsrred a key. baa re- 
inrned after a pleasant aammer at the abore. 
i!""^***** *"™ *•» aioat weird uler ewr de- 
<^ by a hastllac acmt trUhoat aaiiilae aa 
Telaah. ^ • 

^ni. wniaia, Ib W - i 

Willaon waa formerly connected 
■ore and Waablnstoo Iheatiea. 

Ootiat tbe pfaiTlBg Dt RalltMl 
baaebaU aasMa betarcea r 

of tte dUhSSt traasr'Si 

A namber of small thc«trea that are slelnc 
marine picture entertainments at See eenta 
admlaaloo, are going to apply tat theatrlral 
Ureases, aod. If granted, wUI pat In rande- 
TlUe at the aame rate. 

Dick Hemmhigg, one 
men In the' i * j |s 
meat In PbtladalpMa. I 
faU of Ufe. 

Dick Schleaalnger. fonnerl.v with The BIU- 
poattng Sign Co.. la nuw actlDg as adrnnre 
agent for Burtlg A Seamoa'a In New Xurk 
Town Co, ■ 

Ons Sctalesslnger la tiessorer at tbe Casino 
Tbeatre, tbls dty, while hIa htathrr Ifaaita la 
manager of Blaney'a Arch SUaif Tbmira^ 


of the 



An Immediate Success 

FrodnctioB at the Garrick Theatre, 
lew Tocka Gets ApfmA ef the 

John Ball's Other Island, the fonr.act comedy 
by George Bernard Sbaw. recelred Ita American 

OattIA Ikaatiab Maw Xack CHr. wMk JnaH 
Daly in the leading nla. Ibe cast: 

Tbomas Broadbent......»...l>odaoo UltebeU 

Cwmellos IVijrle ............t^lwrlea Cnuby 

Larry Doyle Arnold Ualy 

X*eter Keegan George Farren 

Father Dempaey Mark l*rlre 

Matt Hamgan John Ftodlay 

Tim Hafflgan Wlnrbell Sniltb 

Barney Doran .Joseph U. Sparks 

Hodaoo Fred Tyler 

rstsy Fsrrell Joseph Uaddem 

Kora Reilly Cbryirfsl Heme 

Aiint Jndy Mrs. Jobn Flndlsy 

Johniur BnU*a Other laland prored to be Ire- 
land, which famishes the settings for tbe 
comedy. Thomas Broadbent. Impersonated by 
Dodsoo Mitchell. Is John BolL He has gone 
to lieland and tbe first act takes place Inalde 
Ma apartments wbere be la seen la company 
with bla friend. Larry Doyle, which part la 
taken br Mr. Daly. Ur. Braadheat la gains 
la Mild a nimroer am use ment 
Larry to go with tdm. Rosa, 
ly Larry's booie, hot he bad 
left It dsMsan.' years before, aurearlni: ne«er 
again to lalan. . The big Englishman per- 
auadea Um (6 break bis tow. Tbe second 
act takes place at Rosscnllen. Broadbent 
meets a beantlfnl girl, Nora Reilly. Ia carried 
away by her charms and proposes. Bat for 
tbese long eighteen years Kara kaa hera aa- 
galsblng for Larrr. 
sbr dlsgalKs her Ir 
poaal on tbe table. 

The third act exhibits a realistic polltlesl 
campaign. A aeat in Parliament has been of- 
fered Larry, but promptly wlibdtasrn when be 
dtivlosea hta rlews In re«a>d to load temata 
and other political and aodal ^neathma^ Bread- 
bent boita In. Ue addreaaes a aaaiher af lead- 
big eltlaena wha aaaear la tbe agtaMK: that be 
don't know maeb bat a p aa ji a W p haa ■ la tiN te 
tha fonrth act tbe BnW i b mi n k .aaeecaafU. 
bat more than polttlcaUy for he has not only 
won tbe hand of Nora bat has laid plans for 
the bandli^ of his sammer resort. The piece 
la aiattatlsai, aaicastie aad comic 


On England^sjsland Continent -Current News 

The BQlboard's Correspondent Tala 
of Moment to American 
an Australian Tonr. 

«f Subjects That Are 
PeihMew Win Coateniiplat* 

BY IBB tHamer that lakaa tbia letter 
toilay is a huge aomber of people 
wellkimwa In tbe theatrical world 
leaving for the land of Stars and 
Strlpea. Asmmw there that sail are 
.Mr. and Mrs. George Poller OaMen. Mr. Andrew 
.viack and bla compaaf. arhleb aambers a good 
re A- sools. and with them a goodly nnmber of 
folka promlaiut In the mercantile world, bat of 
the latter aaoo, 

Mr. Andrew Mack pnbllabes tbe following In 
tbe papers of Uils morning's date, aod well may 
be give nttersnce to the words be does, for be 
be nerer liad so floe s isend-off from sny part 
of the world aa from here: 

•Til Weal. qU.. Sept. 7. 19as. 
"BtAm I kan iMitaUa I wBb to ezpicn 
my keeatst appieeialloa oC the cmcreaa Cseai 
tbat has been extended to aw .as an aeter. aad 
tbe waimtb of teapltalMr that baa hrcn aOMed 
me ladlTidaoIly ete tfib efa I bar* ilaved. 

"Ia takmg leare «t Ibe AasnalMMl IM I 
am parting with tha thlieat aad moat appreda- 
tlTe andleacea it boa been my good (ortnne to 
face, aad I traat ■■at sinc ere ly that It may not 
be long ere I eaa greet tbem again. 

"If thla wish ahoold not be gratllled. I shall 
at least hare tlie cberlslied mi-moc:; always with 
me of some of the happleat day* of my Ufe spent 
on yonr friendly shores, full not only of pro- 
fessional admlratloa and gratlScatlon, bat niadf 
especially dear to reeolleetlM Iv the laany rai- 
ned tlea of trleiidBblp I bare been p.nnltted 
to form liere. From tbe depths of my heart 1 
•end this message to my Anstrallsn aodlences, 
faraw^^^ OwdtoU y, 

that I SararaeMt yoa thla-U to 

ahaw that thase'; was na tesaaa mta 
m ta« «a(a dbaM nuiy tte peapir 
na Aatmm ataaa. aa ttcy aza deing at the 
U ti ttt Owt u* ta ttNse «bo« tbe cap fits, i 

"^F ^ imw r ^nart SaMea b another thst 
most eairy away from theae shores very pleasant 
recoU ethms at bia trratment at tbe bands of 
tbe amntement lorjag pnUlc, aa be baa estab- 
Ilahed hlmeelf In the beans of the people here 
aa another that will alwoya dad a warm wel- 
eoiB' ahonld he e*er sea U to pay another Tillt 
to tbese shores. There ate leotes of otben that 
win be taking bsck to their natlre land the 
most pleasant mrmorlea of tbe treatm-nt tbat 
baa been meted ont to them by tbe pnbUc of 
tbla part of the world. Aa often before re- 
marked. It yoo have ooc got, and can not de- 
llrer tha gaoda. job eaa not aspect tbe pahUe 
here la aa iwlat mn jm atg mmt jMm they 
woold da hs Ike SlBiaa. Ttibam aaau 

Mlaa Kance O'MeU closed 1 tritb Marie An- 
toinette and o|»ned for one week In Magda to 
fair baslne^a; cloeed In tbls and opened 9 In 
Trilby to an orerdow-lng bouse, money refnsed 
before curtain op. The critics do not orerpralae 
her for thla prodnctlon. bat give good notices to 
some of her company for tbe work tbey do. Of 
coorse we hare had a good standard art btre 
die.bee Sn trsefc bgi^aad aa la cdlam the cag<- 

Miss Bdeth Crane and Mr. Benben Fax aa 
Tritby and Srengall made tbe name here for 
Trllbr. bat Mr. Gaston Merrale made a most 
excellent Srengali aad bla 'wvik .ta...aad wiu 
stand ont for a laag tbae/aa' a^saspygaperior 


Blliabetb follows on 16 aad her seaaan win 
termUiate, I think, at tbe end of the foilowtng 
w< ek. Mr. McKee Bankin baa daoe good wotk, 
bat U not bl this csst. AB «C lbe,.taamany de- 
sire to be i«mambcred'l#:flMto''.ftlsadS m .Wkmer- 



■rae Broogh-Flemmlng Company opened In The 
Walls of Jericho on Ang 26 and tbe company 
bare been playing to capacity erer alnce, so 
mncb so that there has not been room for Tbe 
BfUbosrd yet to see tbe play. Tbla win be re- 
pbiced by Beanty and the Barge 16. and as all 
that Mr. Brongh produces Is In tbe eery highest 
style of art. they are alwajs rare oC large and- 
lences. and with no paper booaea. Tbcy hsTc 
good plays, weU prodnoed. and aa a riaalt com- 
mand tbe keot grade of aadely la their tbe- 
atrea. Hay gaad. tacfc ahnva ' 

wnUam JadliaMrt . ' Ptamatle . . 

beaded tg"]fiBa iSonaia .nnggaa. the diarmlag 
yoong AnatrsWsa 'aettesa. bate been playing for 
tbe past Huee weeks to aaad boalaeaB la A 

SaOsr'a Sweetheart, hot thU la la st>« way oa 
IS to the charming domeatia play.- Be ta ee o 
Two Women. Mr. Aadersoa prodoCHS popular 
and sensational plsys tbat seem to be well 
liked In this part of the world, and aa a rr- 
lolt be has at an UaMO ^ead baa l a t is. Then 
again he moonta-.bia- jlaya...wrttt-'aad -daao not 
stint tbrm for sraat dC^ssM-'becale aad aweban- 
Ical properties. 

This theatre was opened on 9 with the Bella 
Crome Company of bellrlngers and musical ar- 
tl.«ts In general, and aa tbey have a very tal- 
cnUd company aad .glee good ralne (or the 

TMs theatie will aerer be 
pndaellsa of aay klad at piaya or opetatle p**' ' 
doetlons. as It baa bcca parehaaed. tr a sor~ ~ 
n Uglooa eraak with lota of m aaa y and ia : 
nsed, when net let Itt Ir clm e a or maslcsl i 
as a plaee for the-' 
aad to : " 

Tbe Qnal..>1fearston cloeed at thla theatre oo' 
Aug. Sd^ta.'ivar bnslnt S3 aad opened at the 

Atbaneina, la rHelhoDme, on Sept. 2 to capac- 
ity, bundreds heteg tamed awny taaK.bcfaBa. the 
doors were open to tbe paHl^ aa 'tba bsaw wai 

sold oat. 

It is often tbe case here In tb;,<i port oC tbe 
world tbat what goes well la Melboome Is a 
dire tmst here, and rite versa. Thnrstoii gifes" 
a good clean show, and he baa the goad snst 
to not talk loo mneb. evidently belMas Witte - 
old Biszim that- "a stin tongne sMkes a'^wM . 
bead.**, and I pscdiet far Um tbat hefbra he baa'. 
Salsbti tbat be- win bare as good a name aa th* . 
lala'^^llBalei tha 0«»at" (erciy oae ta 'gicat bom; 
i» hb ;nM staee Vtf itim. «( OuMh^jm. 
.ta^K li. aa doabt .bg.»w»-aa>a w»^i>' saaifen» 
sTK^baa '. bee a^^teeed '^^JSj^^T' ^xSkSlr^l^^te 

Ila. ind sane oC tbeai ditffe aie la remember 

tbem to her, as weU as the writer woold like 

to be. 

At present tbe Palsce Is oeenpled with th* 
Players, who by arrangement are prodadng In 
Town. Mr. J. C. WUlUmaoa bolda the Aaaoa- 
Uan rights. This Is aa amatenr aaaodatlon hot 
oae that can etpisl tbe aid haada at the game, 
and so beary baa been the boeklag that tbe 
' IS had to he eztended fbr aereral nlghta. 


Tbla boose of Taadernie has one of tbc 
atrongeet bills now on tbe boards tbat has bcca. 
seen In tbat boose for many a kmg day, and it 
tbe pie«4 nt one does not fill (lie booae foo nome . 
time to txnnv I do not know wbat will draw. 
No less tbac foor oew tarns were added ta Uie 
hlU on 0 and tnma tbat mast cot a good 
allce oat of tbe takings of the week to pay the 
salaries of tbe artists coaee r aed. Tba amu-. 
est tarn on the blU la' wltboot a dsaht tte 
latest of Mr. Blckard's inqpottatlana trtas gait, 
tbc Les Bmnlns. BllUardlsts Wnflrraiia Tbcy 
seem to do as they like with UffblBlaid balls 
and to.uake them teem endowed Mtb Ulk. i 
If they hare never been In tbe States 
make an extremely strong act. Mote 
tbese artlata In my next. 

The next torn In point of strength la to my 
mind snotber Frvocb torn, and ia billed aa- 
Payen L' Enigma tiiiae Pierrot asd Oymoast, 
presented by MUe. Lode. They ^ a ton that. 
Is Tery noe from tbe ease tliat tbey acea to 
do It. and at tbe same time the enormons 
strength sod rigidity thst It takes to dO It and 
not gire tbe abow an appearance at barlesqoa. 
Payen takes tbe part of an aotamatsw and la 
supposed to work only when waaad aih bat 
hr ends bis set by walking off c( tha ataga wUb - 

The next torn Is by two very derer awi s l el s n s. 
billed as DIamoad aad Beatrice. Be to a harp- 
1st of tbe Ib-st raak and she a aaxophoae ao-: 
lolat tbat knows to a dot bow to make that- 
Inctroment talk. Tbey were encored time aad 
time again at the matinee oo tbeic opcaug' 
performance and tbey took tbe booae by owcm. 
Tbey atand a good abow of making tbeis act a 
great feature of tbe bill for some weeks t» 

Tbe next turn was bj ttie Indian BXectxtc 
Comedy ArUst (as be U billed). Sure. Hll 
torn is a good one and be Is also a moatrlsn of 
the froitt rank la bla line. Ue has sereral In- 
Stmments to . prodnce moslc frooi. bat - as- s 
banjo player be wUl paaa master. Frank Leon, 
champion dancer of tbe world, and Bella Per. 
man, cUaoiploD lady dancer of tbe world, aa 
tbiy are billed, are also In tbe blU and make 
good every night. There are a -boat of otbeia 
In a bill tbat It any fault can be fotmd with 
It. is thst there Is too much for tbe money. 
Mr. Blckards has no one to blsme hot hImseU 
in that respect, ss It wss be that 
and others bare to follow If t] 
get In cren st tbe tall end. 


Thim baa passrd oat from under the handa oi 
Frank CSark and Is now ma by Mr. Frank Smith 
ss a variety show, sad st low prices, bat I be- 
lieve tbat be gives good valne for tbe money, 
though I can not say posttirely. aa I ha>e not 
so far paid a visit to bla show. However. 
Jndging by tbe audiences tbat I see comlag oat 
from the hall at the end of the perfooianee. 
be IS 'dOlDg a sood bnslness. 


Thla hall Is occupied by PbeUn'a New Blec 
trie Blograph and Concert Company, which 
op. ned bete on 9 and to packed booses. Tbe pa. 
pers speak well to-day of their show, and as 
tbey are also playing at popular prices, andttls 
bsll also being ran by a rrtlglea dMpMBp.- 
ation. It has at all times a ccitala tamtm 
that caa be couoted on. ; -' ' ' 

In my next letter I shall deiala JI_Jt?***' 
from tbe other state^and wlil'b^aaat'lB.a|e 
week from this, so I 
» keep i«a bi tsath wi 
tbatht « aagr t a Hiia l la tha i 


rtie £3ilit>OArcl 




(Wetter of BJawatlut. Sweetnt SU 
■SMrniB]^ Black Sbeep. etc., etc) 
SiniC me a ditty by Jim O'Dea, 

Wltb m Ultlnc uid smoutU refrain: 
A uOI-MliTliifc natural rouodelaj 

With a meter like tmUlng rain; 

IB aizle, 

'"^id a. Tolfltme' tkat aae Inax CmI* 
Tm the oatetmost bmtli of the wodd ttat 

At the tattj and wmdron pnl: 
Just let it i gi cib e ia te on aod on 

To the end of the last refrain. 
And aft«- the ecboea hare come aad Miiia 

I*t It flow o'er tie earth ■ 

abxg me ■ ditty by Jim O'Dea 

Tbat wOl Unger throogb time ud apMe — 
Tliat eanaea the fancy to swoon aad Mmx 

la aB tbat tbe words embrace: 
Aad wbeB yon have ended the aonr. old man. 

Jtmi tbe melody dies away, 
AMt poor out tbe nectar tbe rods only can 
. Aad dtiak to oor Jim O'Oea! 

pKNiWKiu publisher (it there Is one to-day) 
can not mSntd. In Joittteatioa ot Us own bosl- 
oesa, to' pat hlmsilf oasB iMSVd as aaylne 
So-and-So will BOt mmtm caad la tte eentnrv. 
Tbe "niMhwjt" pnblWier will •*« be a fac- 
tor In tbe trade, and It Is to tbe trade the 
big publisher must look for rapport. Tbe suc- 
censcol pablisbed most not overlook tbe fact 
that he hioxself at one time was In an embnro 
State: that It took^ a lone time for him to 
become a fixed star in the poblisblng tirmaaiftit. 
History repeats itself, and altrays will. Cbaa. 
K. Barrla was an onbeard of quantity before 
After the Ball broogbt him Into the limellRlit. 
The Whltney-Wamer Poblisbln^ Co. was not in 
a posltlOQ to dictate terms before the snecfss- 
fol reign of Creole Belles. Albert VooTllzer 
was looked upon as ati Interloper, a "muali- 
room." nntn Teasing pillnped away from tlie 
rest of tbe strinf:. There are man.r other 
cases wwthr of datlon, bat why elabotatet 

The "Msb poblbAer la wlUi as awl 

wm be ftr an tbae. If be tea tbr caanqgr 
at iJa' usailillaaa, wky oM lahtarna Mat 
nt.'li -aiplpvta-day, bnt t a u c i wr ka mv 
fe»^aU''WBt?-«MaK bis fellowB. W« «•» all 
dMMrtK- aiM the belplne baad et aar eMn> 
SBlded ns ttuoniA oar Infancy. It Is not the 
way of tbe world to kirk a man when be I' 
down. If we can not apeak In hia favor and 
atlmnbte htaja tasa- ahead, let aa hold oor 

speech. It m---tamat t» " ~ 

paiMgiilic; aabeMBribv' ta 

A singer of remarkable ability, with a range 
of three octaves. Artbor Batin, Cblmco's phe- 
nomenal basso, Is tUa 

eleettlO'liis au- 

villa Maaaehia is the name of an oncan 
g r inder In Kew York who, when on tri.; lately 
befoR a oaslstrate for operalluc wltboaC a ! 
UcenaCk dlaptayeil a bank t>ouk wlia' a CMUt In ' 
Us tavcr of <T.00O. all of wblcb he- aald had 
been made by eriodine an or^^an. 

TUa will strike Chicago pfople a& somewhat 
aafntslihig, oiiieb« tbe moae; was paid him 
lo atop grinding and move oo, as hi qoice 
kCBb bnt (here la a great dUTerence 
Aa taatcm dtlas aad Chicago in re- 
ta tUa iadaBitr> Uaad otgui moalc U 
la the eaac « la hBCw la New 

seret^ dealt 
la (3ilcago. 

hr city aMsB^' aad aa»iiai who Ten- 
ta gdatf aa argaa ttat haa been eon- 

aa MMar in qaaiicy or oat of repair la 
deut With. 

tbe otfaa band, a man can 
anytlting that be cajls an organ withuut 

tation. Tbe consequence is that ail tbe 

organs tbat are condemned in New York and 
Boston as inairumvDUi of torture are shipped 
CO Chicago, and remain in tiere uotli tbey 
dn^^to- pisiiB, If a ny SI bete eves awde 
ti.UOO oat uf one of thtun It mn^t have bmsn 
by ixrt grinding IC 

Tbia I s Joat like Chicago and Ita DemocraUc 
gaw saaaafc aad It la all tiie mote exasperating, 
bCeaaa^^Aiod' hand or^anii mrv uoc an uuuilxvtl 

l^re are, of coatae. enlUvated people 
who nee- in pain aa loas aa lliij aaar saa off 
them. ">.maiia;jow^^«sBjr. hat the neat 
maaa of tbo people *mitr lao aiiMc^ U It ts 
COod of Its kind, and are tcallr eleeated and 
rcaaed as well aa entertained '•by .It. 

vhl cago has been mnnlng down U Ua street 
^■ter an In everything else that abuald be 
eadee government control, for laaaj years. 
Inv a* ll» people remember tbe -«~J"-r 
Italian orcoestras- that used lu make our miiu- 
mer evenlnga dellghtfol. With a harp, a flute 
and two vioUna, they would dlscoutiM: popular 
mnalc, attract large; crowds ot reUned people 
and take up general coUectlons. 

There was a time* also when the hand or- 
«■"■ were yitte nspeetatde. Wb<;u tbe tnne;! 
^HL " daaslBsl almost anyone could 

eajCT, aacwaa aad to lemnneraie, toe per- 

^S5*'.,.ST--'yj!g diaappeared. 
toe anais boea whkh aaw vex aa 

cast-oir Jnn> rasia eC 

, fork —we caa aot mat ei ua e l »e s to 

'^them or their *'innal&" "» 
Chicago la a mBaic-lovfaig dcy, ever k 
welcome wltb open arms the eoneoetfam 

^it to ns by the eaairra pablbbeis. We 
discriminate here In Chiiago. A oleeavMk' 

'^f?Js ."•^ ^"^"^ «" Eood JSrV'SS 

jnbUa bed la Chicago. Bot irt>rn it cmato 
aeeeptlag tbe aguuy dlsiieoseni termed -liand- 
waleta are foisted upon us from the 
. we slMnld rebel and rebel with a nilgtaly 
Jj* »ew Xork la a fine dty; Boetoai Is a 
■"■Idclty; Cliicaso? — LiuloiBo Is as g„od. 

lietttr. than any dty ever planned and 
««t tj the band of man. 

Btoaatcd by taa^id loeka aad wUle things, are 
thnnt forth, ne UwaTMBCfsetle patralman 
leans dreamUy agalnit the 
off a fresh quid of Star. Ni _ 
^VL doui-^tepa. The Janitor arakcs Ma chUdreo. 
the only ones In tbe balhUng. The bold-np 
man. taklug advantage of the eaafaaioa. gal- 
.ups off kviib fbe loose ca a a g e of a belated 
Jas. Tbe tblrxty. midnight prowler, with Bes- 
sie baoging heavily on bis arm. slips Into the 
lilde entrance, and a pleasant dlnpeoiter of 
sooiblnir beverages brings the Old L'nderoof 
UDd Trimble to tbem in tea cops, for tbe one 
o'clock curfew has tolled in Chicago. The 
tlme-boDored cats cease tbelr pleasant maraud- 
ings to listen to the strains of TUe Tortured 
Tbomas Cat. All tbe nelgbborhood gives Itself 
up to tbe enjoyment of Its moslral taste. 

It Is plessant to feel tbat years of musical 
ednratlon In Chicago has had Its effect In 
talstne the Irrel ot cnltore so hlgb. snd In 
sp w e Jlag It ao .tbiak awsr the popelsHan It 

raae aad repeated 

bat la moat cum- 

It wooM be Ifea aaflMw aad. net tlie 

perfafw . who woaM Mkc Ikt ckaw. 

Dear old Cbl! Tbe prood aad effete eaat may 
well boast of her pron-ess la eomerlng nearly 
all the good eomposets ta tlie n en sta t crop, 
bat we la Ihe Wlady Cttr atfll ~ 

tradltlona ~ - 

lovers, eraa If n haa ta cs ta eaart to 
the ban. 

Sirs. Jack O'Keefe, wife of the poglllot. has 
wllbdrawn her divorce suit. She received from 
ber husband a copy of bis song. Pleasv Save the 
I-ast I>ance For Me (published by the Newton 




K. HABRIS' new baby v-ng. 
Fir Away Birdie to Ueaven. u u-in 
snapped np Ukr bot cakes by tbe 

HluKlng profeaalon of America, be- 
cause uf Its strict uriglaallty. Uao 
music and patbetlc story. Tbe culored 
slides to this soiiB will be a revelation to susi 
Illustrators tbe iK).«Ins« of ihls set acluiUy 

it «I.OOO. Each alldc '- - -■■ - ^ 

~ tt Is 


la a illatloet nevelti, 
Sht the antat set oi 

Tbv following well koown slniperk Arr cwm 

using with great auccess Uarrls' famoib. 
songs and latest pablleaclons. Indadtng Wuuld 
Vou Caie, I'm Tlyloc 80 Hard to Forget You 
Onnal._oiea^ WMk^Ui Mae: Fly Away 

„ ._ - t ilay. 

man It M a ba a Ma mak *t Baae Sweat Bone: 
Jaawa AUlkk UMw. Mlaa AUIe Vlvka, Say- 
der aad Baefekr. Hattle PbUUpa.. H. Kcsslm. 
Anna B. Falawr. Biaa C Bm at tt. A. Gl Vie- 
tory. BOly Walah, Uarle La Peiea, OaaBa aad 
Adams, anbcrt and f sssr. Ocae Pilaecw 
Stone, Juha W. Bcn7, lUaa Hatty Wmm 

earthy, prima dooaa wltb the Aada 1^ 

Oo. are now alnshix with 

and as 

BDBtiai and Kew 

the boe aad cir :«aaainlng so-called 
I mar aafei7 

a voice of wonderful depth, timber and beauty, 
cnltlTited to a bigh degree of perfection. He 
Is feattirlng Will Rnsslter's successful songs. 
Farewell, Sly Aimabelle; A Nice Girl Could Do 
Woodera Wltb &Ie: Tbe Man Wltb tbe Jingle; 
If tbe Man in the Moon Were a Coon, aad 
Jeir Branen'a My Lady Bird aad Alaai OB Hj 
Honeymoon. He is soloist — — 

Regiment Band of Chicago. 

:^aee SUm Chance has gooe into the bast- 

- heBwlth bim; Such fellows as him 
be strung up! He's never done noth- 
aplece for Main Sguevie. and 
bc^ had tbe poblLxlilnc bee In 
he doT He ain't got 
. -■ - • Caad you and I know 

*he pabllahbig bnslness). 

B-eJ?^i^?SE_"?f_!'^^ '™>* J** Spit 
r Uaa ns^aVt no ladlcatlun bes 
soins to write aaotfear lUac Jot aa cood 
See hi. new one yet? A^Set'^aS 
Kags- Say, It'a rotten! ffi aland 11 at 
Skeegel'a department atore tD^.^« bo drove 

tbe people out of tbe bolldlnc. n 

Thr ee weeks later vre bear th 
eonvetaatlm;;^^ ; 

"Say, that Awirol Bags SUm Cbaace haa (ot 
out Is aelUn^ to beat the drrll! Toa kaew 
wliat 1 aald^- about It — rotten 
( beUeve if-is still, bat at •* 
can't alfotd' -to' tabT' ~ 
get oat aiie^ pleea 
Artfnl BajgK^ 

■ And ao^-Oii -game goes merrfly on. The 
imMlahw begins to mske tbe 
■ '-««t:..op aad take ootloe. Tbe 

If unmistakable evidence of tike wide- dls- 
semination of musical culture in the commanlty 
were necessary, it Is to be found in the tes- 
timony of a Chicago divorce applicant who com- 
plained that ber husband often compelled her 
to leave ber bed in the wee sma' hours to play 
9ht pikno for him. 

• Even in Germany, tbe land of music, this 
weold be noted as a remarkable case of de- 
'traUon to tbe national art- But it only Roes 
80 ahow tbat Chicago is znoch more bfgbly 

4(tcIopcd tban Enrope or even oatselres sus- 

Imaslae thla e^laf fMratiilaa tosaing on 
bis a inpU sa tu a iJi as the ban dras tbelr way 
aoaaa tbe night, and mnaie banaer gaawa at 
Ua spirt mil Titala. One fay one the aaaaiitlans 
of the great rom p oae ra flie beCm bIm. aad 
MemocT sunuaons op tbe Joya goae by. Tbe 
Knelsel Quartet aad Tbe Saltan of Suln. Sem- 
bnch In Lnda and May De Soosa In Alderman 
Coagblla^a Dear. kUdnlght of Love, PaderewskI 
and tbe Uaslcal Monks, Pilgrim's Procress and 
tiienadler, Bhapsodle Moogrolse and Cleopatra 
ntmlEan, and so on through the never-ending 

At last, nnable to restrain bis emotions more, 
be abafcea his wife somewhat roughly In bis 
ezdtement, and then, in an access of tempera- 
ment, kicks ber out of bed. -Play the Chro- 
matic Fngne or I.aiiall expire!" be casta. "A 


The hai iiicailaa aad saaisdfaa liae aad fan 
In tempestaoaa peala aad alamat Imiwinpllbli 

whisperlnin. tahfiig oa la oar al^ tle a tram Or- 
chestra HaU to Twentr-aecaod Street. Tke 
minatrs drag by to the OnA Utile vromaa at 
tbe agony box as she swiftly and deftly turns 

the pages on tbe rack before her. bat not so 
wltb tbe music fiend who hovers above ber. 

"Sing: kid. sing'" he cries in husky snd 
emotional voice. "Sing, for tbe love of lieaven. 
or I shall go stark, staring mad! Thrill me 
the merry Jingle of My Lady Bird. Woald 
You Care If Yon Were I and I Were Too to 
alt In the Shade of tbe Old Apple Tree Fish- 
ing On a Sunday Afteroonn with Jly Irish 
Molly O and Spooning with Bip Tan Winkle on 
Ftidar la Zaaalbar Where the Sunset Toms 
the Oeeaa's Blae ta Oaldr' 
^ r 'tiL u a.' **** °° Honeymoon." 

.:rg«»*' Sr"« 1*0 mart mctiMU 

*^ sslBBte. iMIa, or I - - 
- tiagie • 


In the BtraJna of 

I can forslve ynn. bnt can't , 

My Heart will nerer be ttee; 
So Just for tbe sake ot tbe day* 

Please aave tbe last daace tm 

Mrs. O'Keefe tare ay the Irgal 
mnnf — • — * — * * - — 
two ali_ 


The following ertract fmm The QnUl and 
Pencil Is self-explanatory: 
"The Words and Music Club, an orxanlza- 

iL°,JL,7.^ '"^I"* 0' Bohemia, almoat 

ended Its tavrn] career as a factor for tbe bet- 
terment of the sonc scribe over the dlscosalon 
'utnre be tabooed 

,^L*?°* °' disruption w.a oc- 

il!?,''-'' ' member who volunteered 

°!L.Sgi'^S°..*« to. .the new instrumental com- 
^yt .yoa'* In hIa Judgment prove the 
T™** •■Hfff. After tbe Instl- 

TSft. "SL— «''e mem- 
bers took up the auHar miiiaily and decided 
tbe Questlao by > altav va»e. no comiSrS 
being allowed to aambmta Us rom^^ 

Ronrtoller PowelPs new two^tea nattnl •Tkl 
Grenadier. ThI. ''mSmoS^iS^ tSSiiiilSi 
scope of original ldea« ST aew^uJ? Jm 

eoceeaafal cmnposer." - 


Ati equal of DeReszke and Caruso, 
secording to Chas. B. DUllngban. has bm 

t Tork. Tbe •^" 

rh^rt,^"""' P'- ^- Holbrook Curtla. an an- 
tborl^ on voice. Mr. Diningham will edn- 

Sfl? Hil 0P»""<! «»*ge. Professionally h, 

FriLi^.h^T™^ Caruske. an Inventloi of 
Frltil .Sohetr formed by the combination of the 
nord«. Camaa and OeBearke. ">» 

Henry, leader of the Ineer- 
»U Orchestra at Des Molnea, U., ud a^hL 

completed a new march which he has named 
InpersoU Bock, In honor of Ingersoll p"rk 
?r composition was frStten while 

Publishing Co.). bearing her likeness on the < £Ljri,^^'S^".SSl SSTSbJ^ 
cover, and by the time she bad finhibed tead-| h.*^SlSui^^i^SSi. ^ 
fa« tbe fleet ataaaa her heart melted Inward "* • • 

bar baabaad. The sanU waa that Mrs. O'Keete 
aaacbt aat SmA. who was waiuac hrbia 
rtgar at tbe borne tt a ■ataal MMrt. "I've 
come back to yon for Ha^Mt tmtmf -Mm aald. 
-We'U begin life a«te;» ■ 
_.ft.waa la the e bsww cC tiae aonte that Jack 
R*t M ua iMOTWt HaMl Ihe chocos roas: 


Tbe programmes of Weldon's Second Begl 
ment Orcbei^tra. now playing for tbe Chicago 

Care Food Eipaaltlon at the Seeiod Beslmeni 
Armory, Chicago, tndode a groeroaa percent 
age of WItmark pabllcationa aeleeted by A. p. 
WeldoB aad Harir U. Bamm. director and 
asatrtant dlicctar ot the. mrheatia. napccttvely. 
Amaoc theae ^amtina abaald be aMathaed, 
Mayor of Ibkln. aa l tc tl aa. Fetcca: -la a Cab- 
bage Patch, captlee^ I<afaa; AiabTi 
Istle, Jobaa: ta a .Facsda. cbaiacicttsm 
ton: IdleaHdr. latemesao paatueale, 
schslk: Tammany, two-step. Edwards: 
Melange, . Babette, Herbert; Girl In TbC 
racka, march, Mann; The ClUaax. 
O'Hare: Ky-lsses, csprlce, O'Bare; Tbe nt-g*^ 
Girl, aelecUon. Herbert; Thoiigbta of Love, 
waits. Maim: The FUlbuater. aelectloo. Loraine; 
What Happened In Nurdland. aelectloo, Her- 
bert: Tbe College Widow, waltz. Bergr; Fleo- 
rette. caprice. Herbert: Under Tbe Elms, In- 
termesxo. Herbert; Lucky Duck. A Wet>-foot 
prom, Whitney: The Boss's Hooeytaooo, reverie. 
Brattoo; Al Fresco. Intermeno. Herbert; UtUe 
Fawn, cbaracterlBtlc, Boeenbsam; FsDUna, se- 
leet hin. . HnbbeU; TUe Star, medley, O'Hare; 
Prince of Pllsen. aelectlon. Ludets; In a Pa- 
goda, entr'acte. Bratton; Sultan of Soln, se- 
lection. Wathall; The Chaperons, overture. Wit- 
msrk; The Hyacinth. Intermeno. Hatch; Cndet 
Thw Pines. Id.vII. Herbert; and The Corypbee. 
polooaise, Sllt>ert>erg. A goodly showing, truly- 

PrscUcally a new combination has beea 
formed In tbe eoaaie opera Held, wltb thla dif- 
ference, that the coatraettsg parUrs are well- 
knowa la tbelr rcapectlve Unca. JoUan Ed- 
Barsy B. Smith are atarHas a new 


Aad oo the heads oo _ 
opca the amatel speed tbe 


Members of tll« Runnine For Office 
Co. tendered Bobby auxiagtoo a little hirth 

"t^'^^iJSly jr^S?!.^* jmni*. amo4 

Mme. Calve'a company upon her 
5?°.5f consist of the fol- 

li-l ^"'•5 ■amard. planlste; Ber- 

M*iSS.''";2Sv.'TS^- '^"'^°'"' ''•»^' 

Prof. Ben Barnett. leader of the BeU 
^.'^A O"""*™ Oakl.nd, CaL, is ,lS^, 
jVlendId character romedl.n. and It la Mid 
be has refused aeveral flattering offera to do 
stnntt. bat prefers to remain In tbe Vlt. 

MJss Marion Litaefleld. known in 
r„'^ThK Omiralto. to mi" 

I2? "»'• In The Belle^f 

Tbe West. Florence BUidley'a new reblde. 

^^o«;£i^g^__whlch^rec«nUy^ played a 
Tery*--~— • hBafciia Emit, mm la 

r. B. rathavs's BirzxEm 

Martha Briggs Is receiving fonr ai 
encores singing Keep a Ooay Comer U 
Heart Vor He— tta aaaaoa'a Us hit. 

stndng with treat aa maa Kitp a UtUr Cost 
Comer ia Toor Bcart Pbr Ma, WaHl 

In Tbe — --- — — 


I Dei un N l y continoe ta-m— 
■t Played, and It goes Vg 

at Faytoo's Lee Avenoe Is 

ad Snvie write ns they have added 
Keep ■ Utile Coay Comer In Yonr Heart For 
Me and The Leader of Tbe German Band t» 
their act and It goes great. 

A recent aoioMtioa to tbe ranka «t 
vtlle playera la Ubia Paaar DnwaML wha, la 

«.'±S .h^'llrer^c,«0^^^l3^'rr'".bi?"^ r,'.rtei'a.^a iSS?Sd'»i. "WIS 

He^'^^nJ-Jtv.'T ln^Wi^Ci."-!?.'^: ^^^l^^^^'V..;^^^'^ of ^ 
Aitne. Calve has added to her reper- ^""^ binds, and eaacMtas with I'm Looking 
toire s nnmber of Irish and Scotch aonga wblcb ^"^ * Sweetheart, by Kaymond A. Browne, 
will be delivered to ber American andlenees i »"hlrh Is the only aong used. This lady has 

^ed qneen Beggar^ .It was wrtttea by Barry Frank Keener. 

aolo-.a< r 


tbe wdt-kaosra the atr ica l ■»«- 

XHe Biill>oarcl 

OCTOBER 21, 19(< 


News of the Week CoOected 
aad Assorted by Uu Man 

y pud teiiMlt wax held at tbe BrUscd Tbe- 
tcre' TrmOar atttmooo. Oct. 9, tor nomas 
of cbe BelaMO Stock C — ip iT. 'bo. 
aeeoont of lU-hraltb. wa« tantd to rt-slgn. 
At tbf- public aiwtloB ule o( ant* tk* praTca- 
, <too was mvn eooipleooai ttaa tkt gMcnl pub- 
lic. Tbere. la DO- pro fml op la the ««iid lo 
iriiteb^ then Js nm trap (dtonk^ tkaa tbe 

The aoetioa nalted anolr 

MIliB. and tlila anm ahooM he 

aeailj trgblgd to^ nnt Tneaday «*nilBS. 

WIBlaa Bt-rnard, an excpUnt "beaiT~ and 
aft actor of si^at experiencr. taaa faeCD drawn 
bwn the Bnrbank Stock Coopaor to fill Tboa. 
Ob«Tle>a place la the Belaaeo forera. Mr. Bcr- 
aazd haa heeo a membir ot UoroMo's ufmregK- 
UooB for tbe paat two jvara and his collrasoei 
tt 't&e Baiftuik put with him trlUi real »• 

SntT nlsht next week iM AoRrlpa peopH* 
and their Tipltws wfU bare tbe opportunity ot 
■ llmaaliii what la conalderrd tlie mo»t sor- 
ftoai, pvtcntloas and thrilling open-air «p<c- 
tadft la "the world, rain's Ljut Dax* of Pom- 
peii. mUe tbeae sbowg are cmnparatlrelj' nn- 
' kiio^u is tbe west, for more tban twentj-OTe 
jeaia tber bare been tbe one bis mld^nnmer 
■nmsefDent featnre In tbe ea>t. Ttie apeeiaele 
takes' place at Prager Park where ao trameow 
icatlsc capadtr of bon-s. seats and bleacher* b 
eomfottablT arranged, showing this wondertnl 
psnnniis. wbere la comfort tbis wondertnl per* 
Cormanee may be witnessed- 

LeoQ Lr*T. the resident manaser ot the Nor- 
eltr>' Theatre, stale* that his new boase wOl 
opCD thoot tS» Bnt oC Xorembrr with elran. ap- 
to-datr TsadeTUle procnma. TUe NoTrltr The- 
atre, la one' of the moat b-antlfnl ot tbe pop- 
olar priced theatres on tbe PdClOc coast. A 
cood ORtacstia will be one of the features ot 
-■■d eomtortaUr seats, well TeatlU- 

It aboat 

(torn Ifn. cat Ifa^ tr Far 1 

Jan. 1. 

George H. Johnson, promoter of St. 

LooU. Mo., - hail reerotlr cIow4 deals for tbe 
building of a $35,000 [healie at BinBlngfaam. 
Ala., a >».000 theatre aad aOea MWas at 
Little Rork. Ark., and a DMM ttMUM talld- 
Ins at CoffeTTlUe, Ala. 

The October bookinss for the Em- 
Pirp Theatre. Holroke, Uaaa.. laclade Tbe 
Uetathoaae Br The Sea.-M-Wt Cnicker Arks. 
in-21: Parla By Klght. MWt OMiaa Olrls. 
SS-28. and Barney OUnuM la AWbiSw Boad 
to Dablln. 30-Nor. 1. 

The reconstructed Crystal Theatre 
at LonnfpoTt. Ind- opened. Oct. IS. Maascrr 
John M. Amnions was picant aai aartlripatfd 
■a fbc oprnine cecem u olea. Ike MBBa haa bee« 
beaatlfallT decorated, and ta well supplied 
with brtlllant Ucbts. 

Bonds to the amount of $25,000 have 
been Issnpd for tbe conKtmctlon of s new thea- 
tre at Wahash. Ind. The Harris CoQittnctlAn 

Co. ot Toledo, Ohio, baa contracted to biilld 
tbe theatre, wblcb la to be completed by Jan. 
1. IMS. 

Mr. Emanuel Karger. tnaoager of 

Alone hi The World, la hMlkhW Cur a tvltable 
hicatloo tor a ten-cent vaadrvtlle haose ta 
nvs Molnea. la. He haa setcial allMi to Tiew. 
and says he wHI pat np aa flfgiat plaj- 


Managrer Graven of the opera-house 
at Anisnce. Ohio, baa ntobllAfd Ibe eastom 
of openlnj; his theatre at 8 o'doeK ahaip tor 
the ereBlnr perfomMnre. This ri isto a i , he aaja, 
haa Increased patronage consldetalile. 

The manageinent of the Bell Thea- 
tre. Oakland. Cal.. hare decided to ealarKe 
tbrlr bonse. the »>i>Hnc cspsrtty •( UMS belns 
Inmffirlent for their Incresidnc patonasa. Ope- 
radoiH wUl commener at onee^ 

Tbe BtafttoB OM.) Op(ii» Hbose 
In tte hssa* a( a IWtlisr. few t»M ardered 
sold. Tfep:feM*» hss km appHMLat $l«.ooo. 

thoogfe :^IMW WW OTPMM. It iHt year 
by Mtaa -ir. 'MsteB aad Mfeacau 

hooKed the tUlnw- 
Pandfal. The 

. Walker Wbltrsldrs. E»- 

ROk'-Bialr. Baa Tof. Ilanry Betestwd. Dlaek 
fattC-I^w Bnefestader-B Mtawtrela. Ilolty Tnlir. 
. B. il Caipeater'B Cripple Creek. Mildred nol- 
kadsrFhareBrv Bnberti^ Adrlstilr Brrmsn. Diirm 
'Thome. A Royal Stare. SanI of Tsmns. Tbe 
Beggar PrMk* Opera Co.. Jobn Grlinib. Tbe 
-Portnae Teller. Tbe Rells. Tluwo By The Sea, 
Uorer Stork Co.. The Lyman Twins. An Or- 
pbaaV- Cr^er, Rldiellen. Bello Bill. Tboa 
Shalt Knt KtIL Prs niarnln. The Raiah ot 
BlKsx. Mmray and Mark. Polly Prlmrme. Lit- 
tle noainitead. Uird Baltimore. Cherry Valley. 
All. Arlstocratte Tramp. Rsmons. Mshsra'a 
Sflnstfebi. Bnnnan Dearth Renfrni Comely Ct*.. 
a TlmDan Blare. 0>pelancl Stock Co., Tbe 
Bchootglil.- Indiana Folka and A Uttle Ont- 


^Manager Wing- of the opera hoase 
at Neraab. Wis., ban booked the bdlnwlng at- 
tiaetloaK (tar the season: The !!baw Girl. Oct. 
IS: noradors. 2t: S(y Wife's Family. 28: 
Panst. Kor. 2: Isle of Bnns B">n)t. 7: Mildred 
Holland. IT: When Wo«?iro L^re. 24: Wlnnlnym* 
^Brothers' Own Co.. 27: Haire's Morlne Ple- 
Htares. TVe. 5: Why <:irl« Lea re Elittne. T; 
■in Old VhTlnl*. 0: Flnnegan's Ball. 18: Unman 
^ Hearts. 2!>: Taminc of the Shrew, Jan 3; 
Miss Bob White. Romanre ot Onn IToIIow. IS: 
Walker Whiteside*. 24; The RtrDlIem. Feb. 7: 
Bnster Bmwn. Marrh 12: Tlie Sign of tbe 
roar. Apm 3. and CDoidn Kate. IS. 

Meaam. Pemberttm and OoK of the 
Cnsecot Tlw a n a, Methnintw Rr~ wttle that 
they are aafHr qaaneied to Hwlr new hntlil. 
tng. and that tmr haep •somat nae of the 
B. R. O. am. The new th eai i t Is meeting 
with tbe admlratlnn of erery one. and the trar- 
elln; profession considers It one of the nentest 

and cleanest bonses In the snnrh. ln<Ucall<ina 

nt to a icewd-bccaklnic boslnns for tlwae 

— _ . ■ —g^j,^^^ 

».~is'»parM fMaT^iiiiF dv. vrjlis: T. 
:.^mte. the owner of the opera aii—s . has 
-iBCflitd a proposirlnn fnmi irrsieni eaplMlMa 
> wfe» wish to pnrebssp tbe bnose. It tbe deal 
.VBSa threnefa Mr.: White will erect a modcn 
: IheatKt adtobdna It;^ 

' ICflitager Chas. Scott of the I^extng- 
tim (Ky.) Opera Booae has booked the tnllinr. 
tec attmctlona for bbi pretty little playbonse 
Cor this amtb: Giileton Opera Cn. In Wbea 
Jbhrny. Ctames Uarchlac Ilaaie. Gcorae Ade's 
-OaHece: WHsar. Ibttx Barpsfard. t,rmsn II. 
BMre*s* ytnwing Ple tuiea . Alberta Catlatin In 
•Omsln Kate, and Geo. Sidney In Bosy Izzy'a 

"W. "W. I*rosser has taken the man- 
acrmrat of tbe Grand Opera Bonse at Colnm- 
Ims. Ohio, snrreeitlng Frank 0»hom. The 
Aangf was made Oct. p. Mr, V itmm v man- 
uxd tbe theatre at Oleatoni7,mfc A ' 
this sramn. and Is well kaowa- tavtta' 
torn ot the capital cllr« . 

MMlnaM, «k»r tefcteptC aad :YaBM« Senot. 
balcony doorkeeper at the apern tmoar. Lex- 
In^on. Ky.. were employed In similar pneltloRS 
at tbe Ms fan trot of the Kentndty Trotting 
^rse Bz^edera* Associatloik. held at Lezln^- 
- too Oct. 3-14. 

Tbe BConte Opera House at Bnlikiila. 

Briy stage 

V -In Atlanta, 
position with 
at Colnmbos. 


Charles Wlg^ns. I 
manacer ot one of the opeiB 
Ra., has accepted 
the Toimc Adrertlslns Asesey 

The Tarentum (Pa.) Theatre will 
■noo he cnmpleted. and wOl rost hetweea $4S.. 
ono and «riO.00O. It Is hehai; ennstmetcd h.T 
the TSrentnm Besllty Co.. sad wm seat 1.200. 

The Turner Opera House at Daven- 
la ta p iaai ess of re mn d eila K asd wiu 
sMwd kr ik^M Jiil j—uaf Kew 
m iarticllw«II Vmana. 

The new $60,000 Sedalta Theatre. 
Sedslls. Mo., opened Oct. 6 with 'a perform- 
ance Of Pllf. ran. rnnf. Geom r. Olendorf 
la i iissi aei of Ike 

M been 

Jack Hoeffler opens the LstIc Thea- 
tre, Terre Ilante. OcL 30. Zotka. Kerns and 
Cole. Tbe Bynins and morlng plctaiea \rlll fur- 
nish tbe cotertalomenL 

Owing to the recent flr« Eacie Grove. 

ia„ will this season ha wNfenat-aB apfiB hoase. 
Plans are anrter war tP'SMfe a aaw plsy- 

hoose next spring. 

The Inter-state Amusement Co. Is 
neanttotlna Cor tbe O'Bilen Opsia Hoase In 

Mr. BL BtaMan ftnr many roan ad 
TertMna nan. wflvaa.lMwrr he eou n etted wltl 

the Grand Opcfa- 

at Cotamlns, Ohio. 

(See First rsBc) 
Few of the yonnser generation ot legttlmatp 
«fars hare gained socb marked success In so 
brief a time ss Billy S. CIllTorrt. He Is this 
siason appearing for his second year nnder the 
maaasement of Chas. f. Wlilttater. in thi- 
Jolly .Baron. In How He Wm Her. last season, 
his soece>sfnl tone corerrd a prrln,! of pirrrn 
montlis and a bait; and had lUnaser Whlttaker 
desired tbe toar eoold hare bi^n contliiupi! 
tbnnsbflat the sammer. A tew weeks a;o In 
Plilladelpbia Mi^ CUVord oi>ene<l his pre^nt ton- 
ta The Jolly Baraa. a asnslral eomrdy triurh ua< 
profca to he aa Idral ■ diam tor tbe dl<ptay or 
Mr. CnaitoVa dkiiartlfair orbebul wethada ot 
entemfato|b . .'.ltHMPir IThltMker kas sar- 
rooaded htos wBfe a- «aaspsay or aaa aal tiar 
aad a eairtM st hsU s a . Ike >f n. la n toB trom 

HUB aiY 

Amasemeiits BoomniB— Cvreat SvMts 
Reported b7 Our On Cv- 

The tall and winter season la now wen onder 
way and all tbe theatres bere are doing a blK 
bosloess. Tbe besches and parks are closed op 
after ooe of tbe most successful seasons In 
resrs. At Uils irrlllnE there 1» lo process of 
constmctlon one ot the largest amusement park. 
In this section, the name of which Is Wonder 
land Park and Connt.r Fair. Tbe company Is 
Incorporated for fWO.OiiO. nnder tbe laws of 
Massachusetts. F. C- TUompitoo. of New York 
City, Is gen ral msnager. snd Sir. Horace ileese. 
KO long Identified ivllh Mr. Frank MuDse.r. 1- 
also connected nitb tbIs project. The park l.» 
xlroated at Berere B- acb, ilasa. 

At the Point of Fines w^ork Is rapidly being 
pnshed alon;; under tbe able management of Jo 
wpb Rajmond. ivl«> liss made a gr-st sue- 
ceaa with this new white city. He has closed 
>vllh a Ne"" Tort companr for s Fighting tbr 
Flames attraction for nest senton. 

We are Just orer our bly excitement bere In 
the aray of the Brockton Fair, wbleta. by the 
way. Ibis rear was the largest In Its his- 
tory, both In attendance and aitrsetloas. Mr. 
Diss. SsUsbnry's attrsclloav thr l a s t It I r s. 
took top money and the 1' saer shows oM well. 
Tlie sttse show was the best la jmn. .Kahen- 
>hne was the Intaea atttaeUaa wllh Ua alr- 

hesatHW aa sar escr 

Manager Whlttaker kaa nrilSfa to sksadsa Iki 

big week *taB<l dtin Ikr d -M«a.«» -kwaisr 
one nlgbt stands to the hsjtof Miat .a Biai llisl 
comedy wIU Had a OMWe Uwinit^saapait' to new 
trrrltoty than It win In Ifep. Imi tMlM wbeie 
competition In that parttealar Itoe to aspedatly 
strons tbls season. Mr. aitHM' wpaantas 
company win be retained tOr tkt-tNT: nrsncb 
tbe middle west, sppearlag la Ike kuiwi eltle» 
which fnnUsh 'partonase for a casgiaai tmm 
one to three nights. There wUI he a* cartoD 
ment in slae of tbe eompaay or ta Ike MaBir of 
production; asd tte fortunate msaagera In tbe 
middle west who secure Sir. Cllltonl as an at- 
traction wni have presented In their heoses the 
same prodoctloa as has been seen ta the big 
eltle* of tbe easL This - win be one of the 
fa st. If not tbe largest. Tcntnre a trasellng 
manager has erer undertaken In a mnslcal com- 
edy among tbe ooe nigbt sunda. for Mr. Wblt- 
taker Is not only rentntsome bat has snlBeleBt 
eoDlldeiuie In bla attraetlao.aad .«he^ahlUir'«< 
ika star to, mke. a . psoflt ;lB;aat JasaMMid wt 

Abore Is a good likeness ot Frank Gtay, who 
has usnnjred the Urcenro Theatre. Memphis. 
Trnn., erer Blnre tliat boose n-aa ballt. Ur. 
ilnsy haa been Interested to 
all bbi life, and he e«jh«a a 
among tbe prufesaloD. 

Hlckey. with Harry Bernard fn lidrance. The 
company induOes The Arme Foor. Bert Lc ■ oa, 
Dick Lrggett, Dick and llaade Ganella. Tbe 
Goldena. Arthur Hincbellire, Alt. UcCiore. ine 
Kltaaura Troupe ot Japanese aerobata, and ^lO- 
Aad aad Baadccc. 

Mto Jean Harge, a pretty UiUt 
itoraer member of Tbe Porhlddea Land Os.. kto 
Mt npoo a noTer TaaderUIe act which to msak 
lag with pleasing soceess. Ber et»«rmijg |^ 
dlridnallty, ber magalflcent gowns, her t» 
n-Urot lyile Bop ca no Tolee and: the dotcI ap. 
peal ot her rcpertoira of clerer songs la wl» 
nbig tor her an caskd paal)laa aa the ca» 
tlnooos stage. . ^ 

The Musical WlUarda fiava be«i re- 
placed St the Tnple of MBalc'Wblte City, 
Cblrseo. by Lace and- tdiee. The Winards at* 
booked tor an eztraded engacrment lo Ciit>i. 

Tourblllon, whose sensational cycle 
whirl orer an uncorered cage of llon« was a 
fesrure orer tbe park and fair circuits tbe pnsl 
ivasoo. la baring his apparatus recoostmcted 
tor an early engagement In Taodertlle. 

M. Jack O'Toole, singer of lllus- 
trsted songs, closed a sixteen weeks' engace- 

mrnt at tbe BUoa Theatre. X>c« Moines, la., 

Ort. 7. and after playing a week at the 
Fsmar Tljeatre. Sloox City. la., went to Conn- 
rll Blaffs for an Indeflolte period. Ur. O'Trxilr 
made many friends in Des Uolnea. He was 
es|iecially well pleased with tbe excdleat treat- 
meot ot Manager Fred Bochanan. 

Annie l«sUe Williams, singing and 
danelag comedienne, waa token in daring bet 
engagement at tbe Amerleaa Theatre. Ctalcsgo, 
falsi sreek. and waa forced to cancel her tn-rlre 
weeks' engagement with Wm. Lang. She U 
snltering from a serere case of la grippe, aud 
ber phyaldan adrlaea her net to attempt t« 
work tor sesccsl is Btka , 

Roblnaon and BaitMow are anjov 

lag ■ " ^ 

^anati . 

will pat OB ia Iks aaac ■ 

hooked solid oatB MK' 
closed a pleasaat 
weeks* engageoeBt wllb 
Co.. under tbe managetnent ot R. B. Gaebca, 

Gilbert Sarony, the eccentric come- 

illnn. Informs ns that bt» new art. a barlesqoe 
m Camlllf. i-srrrlng Harold Sberilt and Ulllan 
niitxTt tft-UIra himseir, made a big bit on the 
ra!tf<t. He opened ta Itt* Aa g slss aad raa Ikfe* 
n-pets owing l» tt» ■MHWaC biB act. lilt 
something oat flC Ma SB^bsVe aad to-gtoatod 
a winner. 

A big diMlnB Ifc gterft tB ttePrra- 
tice Ttoope wMh toe Bilgadkta Mrtea^pefa, 

The Prentices are arroliata whum tbe papers 
readily dectare marreloos. They are featured 
ivlth tbe show ta spite ot the tact that Rd- 
•naad BayMaad BaMMaa Kelasn . the lig ht; 

wfiakt asaBtong sBHHiHh aw -Mitokefa ot 


to. at tbe aialeatfe Tto a U<w - 

Thp Sloana. aoclety idt»(c 
ire ailing sn elsht a es kw eanactoBat la tos 

^!ith. meeting with Btofk s a e na a. Die. d 
■hn return east, wbere they aia booked antu 

Keb. 0. 

A promised feature for the winter 

■■easnn Is what Is to be known as tbe Twca> 
tleth Century Eiinestrteni>e Pno. II win be 
composed of Lllllsn 8hsirer snd Ix>tt1e Jewell, 
both of whom hsre been sppesring In the 
Demarest BqorstrienDe Combination orer tbe 
rair drcolta. Haaxy B sa Btll wm Baaag* tbe 

Harrr Oonon CMc iB.not content 

wllfc kaetog ana e a UeBto a a eeea a . Besides 
kto abPtcfc. ealttlsd Strategy, ke haa trted oat 

T«i • ^"^ 

Kbip, hot he Caned to get ap ta the air. Ton 
correspondent was tb. re on T hur sday and tbe 
lemand for Tbe Billboard waa more than tbe 
Aopply, almwlng that Tbe Billboard baa a 

strand ksM oa tu* part •( Ike eaaaliT. 

patap sa Rsik- kad a atv saeeitoCM sisson 
aad apeas aezt 'Msaia wWr aaar aaw attne- 

tlons promised.' 

Mjnai:ers Dodge snd toTcJoy are tooting New 
:iampslilre lb their antomnhlle. 

CoL Tom Early, of Rerere. has decided to 
•ell his Darkness and Dawn at Brrere. Thl» 
tttractlon bad a long ma there for tour years. 
He sails tor Paris In a tew days to spend tbr 
winter wltli bis friend. Frank C Bostock. 

The Snnilay nislit concerts start bere Oct. 
i;;. the first starting at the Bostoa Thcatce, arltb 
the GInt>e Tbeatre follou-tng. 

There Is a rumen current that tks' Iktarl 
Bros, will winter In Boston. 

Mr. Peter ilc.Vally. the elrcna press agent. 
Is liere arranging for the coming ot tbe La- 
dles' lri»h Clioir St Symphony Hall. 

At tlie bnrlewine hu4ii».-s the Empire Circuit are doing big business, and tbe Esstent 
Wheel the same. In facl. there seems to li^ 
enonzli for all, ao, theritore. harmony reigns 

The llnh Theatre here has again changed 
liands. t>plng now a ten-rent theatre. 

J. W, (Iiwmsn reports a hlg season on h\p 
snmmer park circuit, as also docs Senator Jos- 
eph J. Fl.rnn of hi? circuit. 

Roller skating seems to hare taken on new life 
here sKsIn by tbe fact that W. A. Parsons li- 
Ofierailng three times a day at tbe Mechanic's 
RnUdlng with a brass bnnd la stt. ndsnce. He 
reports good results so tar. F. W. U£AD. 


Prince Athene and Mias I^aBrant are 
appearing tkbi week at the Lrcle Tkeatre. Close, 
land. Oblo. te tbpir swfentMc and cnmedy sec- 
ond sight art. srhlrh Is making sack a kit ta 
randerllle. These well-known artlns hare pte> 
paretl plana tor a big addllinn In their ar*. 
It win consist ot a large olrkel-plated arch 
standing nine feet bigh and exhibiting three 
Ms qnesUon marks brilllanlly OInmlnaled, Tbls 
addition win be nsed -ta tbe art. and also a 
stage setting tor whtrb none other eonid bare 
been better dertsed-^The oatflt la coating them 
»345. Thta ton m hi going west and U booked 
tip tor the neat thtety-ose . week^ aa a feattire 
ta each hoasa. < 

.i:??'5r^il£*^ . BoBFlferi's /i Bpccta^ 
n^)F«( f,PrlB«eaa imi^tmm M 

Howard W. Durand, of the Five T>tt- 

randa. which lumped fmm New Tork CItr. 
Sept. 4, to open npoo the Nnrelty Clienit at 
I'^nrer. Col.. wTltes that they sre mahtoC 
gi«d and enjoying a pleasant tonr. They afS 
honked oa the coaat. aad wlU not retara east 
Slater and Finch, now flltlng a happr 

ten weeks> speelal enaaaesasat with The Lnckea. 
hare bonked the lla>stlr Ctrenlt to follow. 
Tiiese fssiiloa idate vaadernilst* are making 
good In their maaleal aad aetotdr akatck. aa- 
titled VandenUe BaUaiia. 

After four jreara of cunllnuMM ww* 
on tbe enaat. LaPrrw aad La> 
New York debat, Ort. 1. at the . 
■re. scnriiw an tas i a ii to aiaas aa ew as wn. 
Morris bss hanked tbs MiA IV tta weeks In 
the best eastern kaaaNk . 

Wm. E. Croaa Bimoanoaa that he U 
meeting wllk aaiiiss to kto arw act. Be haa 
JiWt r l ssed a aes aa ss Mta f la g s gi m a a t ^^ew 

After an illness /<i( iwferal weeks, 

csnsed by exposure at TMSaidB-Park. Parkers- 
hnrg. W. Vs.. while a arwetal feainre or the 
.Murray * Mnrt^r stork Co.. I* Artls. norelty 
aerial ennturtlnnlst. hs* again resumed work, 
baring opened on the Proctor Circuit Oct. 15. 

Virginia Hayden. baritone, closed 
with the Jersey Lilly Bnrlesnne Co.. Slept 30, 
nt Chicago. III., to play randerllle dates. Ae 
Is booked nntll Jan. t. after wMib_M» wlB 
rest a few weeks before going to WKIft •* 
play tbe Unas * Stall CUcolt. ; 

Bamola and Wtlllania. fKa d«*er 
comedy sketck arttato- new amattoa lB2.t>M 
■Mdto BSaL ..Mds- aatt a fit at>tk» Bltn 

IMt week Ikay flwad 

Jacoha* Theatre, Peoria, in. 

Hairy O. Burke, the original Vlr- 
Btete «ssa ahoatcr. rialted The Billboard omees 
last sreek. Owtag to y^Hwr leser a part of 
Mr. Batksi%. ttaw to Ife aaatk wan aaatpaasd 
and be deeUrd to .apwad a .week aC Savaca- 
tlon In the Qneea CHy. ' ' . - ' 

Dave Derdeit;* mulcBl ^comedian, la 
dstag nndertoe etoato Ihiaagk Xhwoarl, Kaa- 
aaa .ami. WBtoasta.- tie wan booked tor- a aa - 
tjrn dato^at jralerB' Theatre. Ramwa-.CiV* 

OC OBER 21, 1905. 

Xiie Billboara 

The Interstate Amnsemeiit Com- 
fU^—CviTeat Ddnfi ii 
-St. Lods. 

Tii<- intcratate AmnMmeot Co. Is eilacatbiK 
Uir SuuUiern statei on TiudCTllle, mocb aa a 
Mlltl(*:>l campatsn ta conducted. Tbe whole 
tMTlloT 'n "■<'le*> eonpaoT ba« OiHlrec 

kaa liri-n Hooded irltli Snsdar masaxloe itorles 
ud I" »be dallx p»p*r«. telling the atory or 
nadecllle. from iu e«a'lleat tncfptloa: col- 
aBU «r allaakMia to the Imlnrnt Introdnetloo of 
tUt tlr)» o( entf rtalnoK Dt lo Uie conpan/'a 
■ir tliratrF, and In addltlaa.4 my ■trU*l< buok- 
M TaodcTlUe. done In kCMbm form with 
5ri !«■»»>. H ^..g!*. eoaw^. with 

MhK FaHto Itaakle. well known In St 
Loain. JalaaA iW Ucccer of Geek companj re- 
emtly. Sb» Maooirt tbe role oC Mra. Olgglt. 
Mafoip Kelso who prece«-ded ber. being lU. left 
the company and goea to Hoc Sprlni;^ for two 
■ttka^ teal. She wlU Jola tin comyanj again 
at " 

Oarc tcwtc Ut 7. T. XMwr* iln left tke 
Ge«» r of Oeck Company and ba*e gone East to 

lolo other prodoetiooa. 

Cbn<;ptcgpiii adffrtlsing of Ntir St. Louis 
It thF MIUIOD f'opoUtlon will be done by tbe 
laterviate Amniietuent Co.. of St. Loola. on 
iprclal drop cortalna ordered for Its ctreolt of 
aew theatre* tbrousbout the lonthwcM. Cer. 
uln bray sections of tlie city are being painted 
bi scei^lc studio* of Cblcago and Kansas City. 
nfie scenea show the cliy's largeat wholesale 
tod mall order emporiooi* typical of tlH* com- 
aierelal and Induatrial grttttnesa of St. Louis. 
In a lan;e medallion In the central foreground, 
St the foot of Uie plelor* ■pprart tbe motto, 
-New St. Lools. One Millloa I'opoUUsa. 1»10." 

Col. John D. Hopkins and his feaai «( Igor. 

mtes artlTtd IB 8l LouU Ust imk after a (UC. 
ttsaful tour «C the crainl Eaata. Ttacy are 
autlsaed at Fo«Mt Pwfc IllatlliaJl DBtll aneh 
dne as tkcy will be mm ksae. 

Geo. W. Plard. iMaaiR 'at a« Garrlek Tbe- 

atre. St. laoola, baa aiadv hia aelcctloa by tlie 
(babcru a Ttcy popular oo*. Be liaa t^cceeded 
IB ablalninf the aaanlmoaa pralae ot tlic St. 
tab pnaa at hIa oatlrlof •K«rta tomd tbe 
■mfiii aC Ua panaaa. Haad.-mifc aaat al 

Barry Hastlnsa. owner of the Black 

Cnak (}r.) Co.. writea: "I hare especially 
iwaeed Cllir Wodetikl to bandle tbe boslneaa 
«iid ot my attiactloo. Bnalnesa la rery good 
and we play return engsgements at nearly 
erery boose we hare played so far tbla sea- 
SOB. Tbe company la beaded by Viola Sheldon, 
the California Nlgbtlngale. - Tbe roster Is aa 
(oUowa: Harry Battlnsa. aole oumer: ailT 
WodetakL manager; II. n. Lerlit. adeance 
representatire: Una LoKbnrg.' musical director; 
Will Ecfcbardta. carpenter; Benry Ualor, prop- 
erties; Eddie Gtlbertiun, elerirtcian: Alice No- 
lan, wardrobe mlstrexa; Will Alexia. Arthur 
CTsmage, J. J. Leland, Elmer tloae. Uarry 
BsitlnEs. James Barron. Viola Sbeliiun, Delia 
Schall, Amy Butler. Stella Mack. Rrbba Frr- 
osndes. Lulu Bohlnson, Vlnlet rfellTer. Edna 
Wearer, Irene Wellam. Uxxte Embr*«. May 
Baymond. Liberty Delnwre. EM* IMhal^ Caro- 
Uw WlllUms. Josle Blake. JIasI* tnUB, KllUe 
and Amy Itlcbajda.** 

Welch. HMbrmS eo— W a n and 
... appearing la Ika tO* «ir H ea W t- 
' OK* lecelred lota tt pt^tm far U* spleMM 
Mfe at tbe Standard Thca^. daelaiMH. laat 
week. Ur. ire]<A la a aepbcir «t tba wen 
known comedian. Joe Welcb. He U a rety 
derer eentleman and a flnlahed artlat. 

One of the best singers In the Rentz- 
Bsatley Co. Is Ulss Emma MeVey. who Infoaea 
much life Into tbe special nnmbeia ot the 
(MecuiBBMt. UbaUeTcr Mi la ttr npcn- 

Mrs. Roosevelt and friends occupied 
• boi St the National Tlieatre. Waslitngton, l>. 
C. Oct. 3, when 3,tr Weber and hIa cunipany 
pre<ented Blgeledy-Plssledy and Tbe Cbileee 

George Lawrence, who has been ap- 
penrtnc In a minor role of Lew Fields' bnr- 
le«qiie on The Sloale SUster, has been pro- 
moted to tbe role of Partbenla Smith In It 
Bappened In Nurdland. 

Blackford and Banter hava aepar- 
Ittn i n ae kfc e* hatta* Jlhii «Mh Sadie 

LiUlam Albertson aind Misa Melllsh 

bare ancceeded Ckaitotta Wallwr la the eaat of 
Tba PndlcU Uifu 

Frank Badnr has been engaged as 

moaleal director of Ooa Bill'a Funny Ur. 
DooUty Co. 

WUl H. I>orb!n has been engaged by 

— VanDyte for the VanDyke Stock 



at tbe 


mmm MBsaam taceatly. Uuw- 
e*». aa» amtMi la ta waiUag uita aoua. 

B a. BrtiftaB ■ ■ ania n i tkat all ncveda at 
bU honie sanabed anwk 1 (canlrai arcrk). 
when Her First Falae Stay «a« lha attrac- 

Joe Robb of the Roalnaa. tbe deeer comedy 
acrobatic team nrlth the Far FMter Co.. la a 
Kansaa City boy, and bis oiaar Mead* here 
kept him basy during the spate OMHDent ot bis 

CDfrMgement. wpck 8. 

The American Iliiysl Lire Stnrk Bhoir held 
bere week 8 was tlie most incceaaral alTalr 

of It» kliifl ever pl»en. 

The annual bun* xhovr to be beld In Con- 
Tentioo llsU week is promlsr* to be a big 


While playing at Montevideo, Minn.. 

Sept. 30, Jobs rattoo. one ot the proprietor* ot 
Tbe Jerry Fmm Keny Co.. mlaaed bis fooUns 
and fell beadloog down a fllgbt ot atalra. Hia 
left band was palafBllj bcaiaad aad Ua latt 
hip Bligkt^ mtHSii. Ma aaga It aai't :aa 
much the ba aa tba aaata atay ttat dH-.lfee 

Elfle Fay'a firat 
York In the new mnaleal 
Avenue A, wai 
popular dancer. 
Opera House la 
la Brooklyn. 

TicHeta for aeats at the Lorric Thea- 
tre. New York City, wbexe UeWvU Uoppar la 
playing in Uappylaad. ant Mag asM.ais wccka 
la advance. It luuks like Bagpac ;fead tbem 

guUttf la New York. 

George Evans Is making a Wg bit 

la tbe weat la The Buuaways, recelTing aa 
hlgb aa am a nd alx ancotim ua a aeb piece. 


Notea CioQi tba ■aBhv*w«rth Twlaa Co.: 
Botb Uyrtle aad Unde aia wlaalag beah lan- 
tela n-hererer tbrj amtear. Tbcae eblMren 
are n-ithout donbc tbe yuungeat blading lady 
and character auubretie ou the atage. At tbe 
cliise of our three wrvka' engagement at Hnnta- 
TlUe, Ala., tlief were presented wltb a gold 
u.edsl by tbe patltHis uc tli« Casiiiv. Nonu- 
em time for the tnina baa been canceled in 
order that tbey might celebrate their birthday 
at HuntsTlile Nor. 2S. Tbe roater of tbe com- 
pany lit as follows: Myrtle aud Maude Bul- 
lUicuuorth. Alice Ardelia. Edna Snow. Mar 
Lartlgue, Lillian Lanigne, Maurice Briene, 
Ueor^e Clark, W. S. Hurley, t«w Oleason, 
I Frank Murray, Lily Wilbur, Geo. Shnmaker, 

Jubuuy sitrwc aud Al. Vvtgett, tuilaleai oirrc- 

tiir. C. E. Burke la la adraoce. and Lew Glaa- 


What b DoioEln New Ofkuislheat- 


Manager Walter S. Baldwin of tbe l^rie 
Theatre la being troubled wltb ticket acalpera. 
Having SDCb demand for seats la bis theatre 
tbey are taking advantage ot same. He baa 
taken tbe matter up with til» attorneys. 

The OrplH Dm Theatre, under tbe manasemeat 
of Mr. Tom S. Winston, opened Moodsy nlgbt, 
Oct. 2, to a packed boose, presenting a iltst- 
daaa vaudeville bilL Col. Chas. B. Bray waa 
00 band Xor tbe openlog, leaving Tnesday toe 

The Greenwald Theatre, nnder tbe manage- 
ment of Mr. Benry Greenwald, opened Sunday 
nlgbt Oct. 8, wltb Bice & Barton's Boee BUI 
English FoUr Co,, prearatlnc Tbe Kalgbt oC 
tbe^Red qaitw;>jrttt .waeiwlla taWjwa at^., 

iM. W. H. Bowles, manager oC tbe Takaa.-; 
and Creacent Tbeattea for Klaw A Eriangcr. kaa' 
arrived In tbe city from bis vacatlsa la tht. 
nortb and eaat and bas aanoaneed tbe iwridal 
of hIa tbeatres. Tke Crtseeat wUl apca Oeb , 
13 wltb Al. G. VMd>s JUasmla. wlia tha 
lane to follow la tka;ant;,«ttt.«c,aa -Mr tke- 
coming aeaaoB Hwr bna.BSlbaw'tBt'.lka'.aaMe.' 
attnctloas Iwabad dir lawe tfciawaa . ■■ . - . 

wnuax A. HMHOK- 


Notea from the Qtiaker Medicine 
Q>.: We are now In our aevantecstb week. 
We dose Dee. 10 for a funr week*' rest. Tbe 
company baa played Waablngton. Oregon. Idaho 
and Wyoming, and overcrowded booaea baa 
been tbe rale. Becent addltlooa to the abow 
are Rooney and Forreater and an Edlsoo mor* 

George R-^Guy of Guy Brothers «J ^J^' SJ.iS^^'i^-"—,-^^^^ 
MlnstreU. says it's not a lish story but a Uct „t medicine ahowa la tbe west. Onr roster 
that he caught a tbiitr-^bt pwmd maacal- ,^ „ fuUowa: Edward White, manager; Mrs. 
loose last week while Aing la Ouadlaa xnit*. pUnUt: Tom Booney. Jeaale Forrester, 
wiir^. me pilie w-a. foriy-rignt Inch., hwc. ^ j," R^jy, ^om Stockman. Grace .NicboU 
Mr. Guy shipped it to bla bmily In Spring- , 3„,, Kane. Brother Edward and hia wifa 

fichl. llasa., where they took It for a wbale. i ,p,„j ti,g hoUdaya wltb their son In 

During bl3 engagement at Mont- roniauL Ore. Cbaa. BeUlr ariU go to bia 
Komery. Aia.. Al. G. fMd eutertalued a num- home In NelBni^;B>.0> Xfee.edOT' 
ber of bU friends on bis private car, South- to Salt Lake CUT-'-i ' 

land. Mr. Fields* company played to good ta January, 
business In MontEomery. and tbe same might I. v«inil»vlllp artists will be nleaaed to 
be Raid of the entire aonthern tour. U.^1!,^2JZ^S SI S^toAU^ 

Al. O. Field's Minstrels have been °,5e"^.***~ i*««-aBd Beetle Allea 

doliii; Some r,-L-ord bUKlueb« In the aoutbem q>^*a. 

states. At Blcbmond and Norfolk, Va., Chu- doln^ tha^ 

lotte. N. C and AtlanU, Ga., over a tboo- ' 

sand dollars worth of boalness was done at i " ^ . • 

each performance. The KeU^eya are making a bit wltb 

The roster of the Christy Brothers the Doia. Thania .Qp.. plagng jana aad pafr 

Minstrels la as foUowa: Geo. Searcy. Berrlaa ting jia tBMt HtCMtlaa, Tbei r Waea ww ajaa 

Devere. Mr. and Mr*, b arrei- jl^ 
Bert Parker, and the [^!^»* 

raooucnoii MMnvoNBO 

ant prodnctloa of Salnrao at tbe Im- 
~ ra Il,4iae. Vienna. Aoatria. baa been 
at tbe w is e s t «( tbe Aaetrian eea- 


H. 3. Brobst and wife, formerly with 

»-r Cba*e-M»ter Co.. Joined the stair ot the 
Uortrle Theatre. WaterlnOk la., Oct. ISk tha 
^■rawT aa mnvlcal dbvelsr, aad tke laMB a^ 
ninalraled soag alagar. 

Uniia F. Oattactaalk baa been «i 

-.-i^if, *- a_Wkltii*r aa Bwteal dbedar 
itt Tkp Jtoaa at The Albambia, tbe new opera 

- -__ Unian Blaovelt la to atar. 

FVank Winsteln. recently of the Cur 
Ha Haaleal Comedy Co.. Joined Mme. Herr- 
■an'a cumpnar aa moaleal director, Oct. 1, at 
•swier. Col. 

Mona Deamond. of the t,ew Fielda 
Srib kTaPlRSrViL'^ part ac Osiatkr 

George B. Paddlston. pictured above, ta tbla 
•eaiwn i.Uylne the beavy character role, that of 
Don GrvfD. In A Girl ot The Streets. It U 
nut a new character for Mr. I*addIston, for be 
baa been playing leads and heavies for the 
past twelve years, with the exception of the 
arason »f lOOl.'OC. when he managed Oslet 
J„e. preferrlnB melodrama t>ecanse ot tbe wide 
ranee of opportunity which It places before tbe 
artb>t. La*t.i*eaaoQ Mr. raildb>ton pUj-ed the 
heavy n>le* with A aale jlaa dy la A„Lltfle 
Oaieast: tbe acaaaa anaadlBK. that he did tbe 
bnv iole talk oCatDawa. Seaauo ot 
^^TSt» he was leading man for A Utile Ont- 

■t_ yr. FaddMan U atUl a young man. 

aad be aaya be wtU not stop nntu be get* 
Iw tbe top of the pmredxlon. He la very 
inbir. and Messrs. Decker & Veronee are 
be consTStnlated In secnrins his seiilcea 
for tbe rule In A Girl ot Tbe Streets. 

nnd Mackln. Walter 
James. FMdle Unrrr, 

Irving Trio. i 

t3iil hieard, the party from the south, ij<,n Harold Roaentbal. the weU- 

closed with tbe West MInstTel* at Oadeaaborg, known mandollnut. paid Tbe Bniboard a cadi 

N. \.. Oct. 7. and Joined the BaTCdy JUn- Wednesday, Oct. 11. en roote to ~ 

strels St QulnCT. III.. Oct. lOl <B de flta^al Tenn. Ur. Rosenthal la 

end oppoalte Fted Boaaell. 

winner, aa Beglnald Vanderbllfa stable la an- 
ooanred aa one of the stsr feainres. 
Artbnr Imln. manaser of tuc local b,»e^ 
11 Kaai. wttl Ofca a akallng rinkjn VI"* 
yarrs gaM CUAB. 

JlHlffat COVEDT 

Notea ftrnn tbe Fitzgerald Brothers 

attrarttona: ntagemld Bwthera wUl next sea- 
*aa offer the Etblopbin mosli-al extravaeautn 
In Puaky nabonwy. opening the lart wo-k in 
Angwt. inw. and covering tWrtr-six weeks of 
tbe beat oae-night atawl city time, nie ex- 
travacanaa will be muanted and coKtumeil In 
the most Uvlsh manner and the paper, which 
hna bera ordered frao eiclnnlve deslKns by 
Harry C. Fltigerald, the well-known renernl 
airent. will be .IKferent." The tioiik was 

written by GeniM FHiircmld, wliu before en 
terlng the ttientrlcnl neld was Identined with 
some of the leaUlnc New York snd Boston 
dallies, snd the music snd l.rrlcs by flnrry 
N. Lawrence. The Inclrtenlni and Interpo- 
Inled numbers will be rnmlshetl by Ilnrry 
Von Tiller. The compony will number tblrty- 
flre people, and will Include tome of tbe best 
known coloreil contedlnns anti vantlevllle ar- 
tists In tbe business, wlih a apeefaillr selected 
chorus of twenty. Spe<lal sttenthat wlH be 
IHitd to the cuslnming nnd light elfecia, awd It 
la prrpow j le aMtoUM .altraetta thertvm 
est and BMnt aa|Nailai|r '.MaHta.4NarM com 
Mnallwmea taa ^^^A - Tkaa B, -aT i 

-- - - - -| .«Hh tba 

^ SmM 

FttssrraU wOl be hatftjlMb tba Miapnr 
narvy C ntageniM. wMh two aaalstaaia. win 
look after tbe advance. 

It is reported that the Four Mortons 
are mnktnir snch a succeas in their new piece, 
Breaking Into aoclet.v. that Manncer Percy O 
Wllllanis la endeavoring to secure time for them 
St the New York Theatre. New York CIt.v. fol- 
lowing the en;ragement of Mclntyre aud Heath 
in The Ham Tree. 

Clara Throop Is making a hit in the 
new part of Kitty. In Hanlon'a Fantaama. 
Tbonpb Fsntasma hna been on the board* f 
anmbcr ot year*. Kitty la an catlteir new 

aSSSSft ■B&e'%r hSr^ '** ' 



Lonis Vaaa aa« C 
to be at aalsk Iba 
Torb Clir last saak 
lag aeglcct a 
tbeiefte the < 
bla aait apoa 
eontcaet wltb 
ager was to 
s ason. 

tbla aeaam ragtl 

la concert work over tbe Ljeeaat Oicalt. 

wuilams and BadTCb mnr Vtaytas • 
fonr weeka' engageaatBt at tke Jtar. 'TbtalMk - 
" aa.. are haahcd la 

itMhlgan nam thto . . 
go to BoatoB, their hsaae.' - 

The Marquands. premiere alack and 
tight wire artlata, are flnlsblng op tbeir New 
a . . EniUand arork an aa to open oa tbe Famllr 
Clrcolt. KOr. 6. at Pottsvillr. Pa. Tber ban 
■j^j Canada tlaae to follow la December. 

He vras to (Moive (am per' week aad | Amaim and Hartley, preaentlns a 
forty percent, of tbe proflta. That Ur. DUllog- 1 locletr comedy aketdi. entitled Tbe ilaarttr 
ham prraenled to him only one play. That waa rtofesaor. sail for Europe on tbe Baltic Nor. 
by Jerome K. Jerome, and after reading name 18. They will play tbe Mo** * B««u toor. 
he .conclnded it was munltable. That Mr. Dn-iB. Cadle la tbelr exdnatve BasUah ageat. 
Ilnrham failed In every t>spret to carry ont blal iTntlo Rnrrv has been seorlnr audi 

y^„';f.^tie',l».i^'i*''^?J*i.V/':rSSit'S.Va,iS Me. Tb. Bloommg^. tSat her maa. 

frequently remained np late at nlgbt mding ,ger* have not foond Ume to give ber a mack 
ptsvs for Mr. Mann. That Tbe Second Fiddler , Sinfed two weeks' vacation 

n oulil acc pt none. olTei^. That be falOlled , , vai»uon. , ^. ^ 

hiK mntract to the best of bla ability. Maude LePage, formerly or tne 1*- 

Thls snit has opened the war for a nnmber ' rage Sbitera, and WllHam LePage aie wack- 
of reporta. While It la generally conceded that Ins dnnble In vaudeville under 
the snli was the rrsnlt of dne cnnsldetatlon and Brother and Sister Lel'ace. 
that It was Instituted In good faith by the actor, j Ing wltb conalde table aocoeaa. 
It la conaldei«d a foremnnrr of a break be- 1 rrh^' VagaiielsiiM -^fcjt l««w» lilasMa eKIa" 
twe.n Jlr. Mann and tJie syortlcste snd an al ' __Z^ _lt J i{_^a5i_-- liL-liVJ^uL 
llsnce with tbe bidependent "commnnlty of In- eeaisw, ww. ^i^. .whiw? . wwiw w.: 
terrsts." Along with this It Is alleged that 
Mr. DUllnsham recenttv refused to sco-pt a play 
from Clam Upman. In private Ufe kanwa aa 
Mrs. Lonlse . . - - 

breach bet 


Jefferson. Jr.. tormaUy iaaaganitad 

bis toor ta Rip Van Winkle at Wallaek'a Tlie- 
atre. New York City. Monday evening, Oct. 
0. Tbe company was cast aa followa: 

Rip Van winkle. Thorns:* JefTerson 

Derrick Von Beekman Frank C. Banga 

Cockels Hsrl W, »[on 

N'ict! Vedder Xtussell Bss^vtt 


Hayter and Janet are lust closing a 
very aoccessfnl engagement over tbe Crystal 
Clrcolt. raeMo. CoL. being tbe Uat. Tbclr 
near eoawdr Ocnaaa act waa wen t ece l ved. 

Cbaa. Froato wlabea to oonttadlct all 
ta-tbe. eliMt that be waa-dawl at tka 

J:iroh Sella. 


LItlle llenilrik 

I.lttle Heine 


Dwarf.... ........... 

Ilendrifc lladaoa 


Eateben. . 

....Carl Ketler 
D. Jonea 

viola FlnEmlU 

Leool Flngratb 

Etbel miler 

....... Dnd],*y McCaoa 

Kobett Brovra 

......Malcolm Duncan 

...Waller S. Howard 

Lauretta Franria 

Ueta Greene 

The son of tbe famoos exponent ot Rip Van 
Wlnkl'. a^ked (Broadway to bestow npon tihn the 
mantel that bis father so long wore wltb dig- 
QltT. Broadwa.v ?aw no reason to refuse anil 
Eranted the request with felicitation. It la 
Mr. JefTerson's aim to follow the footstepa of 
his father and to eventually reach the aame 
plane upon wblch that iUuatrlooa aba^ tfod. 
ilr. JefTers^io appeared to please bla. llair':'Xark 
andleace la tbe tide «( Blp. ■ . ^ - s 

•""^ « a g a ge aa e at . at WaUack's -la ifc t 

that ha has ■ever played that hoaaa. ' " 

Larrlvee and X,ee are doing their 
special Ilea wltb tbe Snmmera Stock Co.. plsy- 
Inr Manitoba and the northwest. After AnglUt 
1000, tber return to vaodevlUe. 

Tbe Brothers Masand. comedy acro- 

i**BiiiYuMH' Il'^'mT '"aatlSK %£ibaMb 

new-- aiet.- '.nay Siapaft- aBeaaM.' 

A crusade has been started' te Cbl'; 

cago against qnestlonaMe picture* iiMMtrd^A 
the penny arcade*. Cblef ot Police OmIbb haa 

taken the .■ettKL-agi. 
MaTUM'0>ta'iB'ln.aaniBea for ] 

Bella. -.■ • ; \ 

rtaa ibnmr 

Ernest Lamson felt greatly relieved the other 
day when h> leameil that a man giving the 
names of Ralph Hill and Ralph Leslie bad bM 
sentenced to alx yeara In prison at Cooear^ 
Mass. Mr. i-an-son baa been mncb annoyed na 
the past .rear by tbla p- rson elalmlag to 
resent him In bnalnesa. tbetcbr galalng the aail> 
fldeace of maay people as weB a* lea ving batjl 
ta aautct. , fiMt 

TYtc OIlll>o^PCl 

— ! 1 

L»ondon Rialfo 


TeL Gamid. 
Telir. Breather. 

V 1 


T has happened! The Palace Review 
haa takco place and still the beaTena 
ictalB tbeir places Nar doas tt jpprar 

M aw.tMrvalk or Mt'of 
dajif bave 'fled 

ttfr'tart ot the Theatrieal 
air^ ttrcatened 

Moid la ■» 
ImsfaMaB. la 
and DO actlaa as 

Uuafltis' MmHaHkir-taM ttrcatened to npset 
Ikr cvriIMn aC jSie BtiiW Bertow. 
; Itimili it did enaad, «a abrnday Blsbt. the 
^tlm» Unit at the eompromlae b7 ten nilji- 
-.'Mcat So we bare bad aU this troable and 
csdtcBCBt tar aothbic We rasbed ttom oar 
an expectant circle— 
>'t sitae te lie a flcbt after aU. 
-t can it a dlagneeu obtalnlns pnblle atten- 
tko nader talae pertenaeB. 

Tbe F^lace Brrfeir, wlildi baa bad aiicb 
extroalTr adrcrtlaeiDrat In tbc tbratrlcal n- 
apetilnt ct tbe "iketch qaeetlon." la « aort of 
. aianiatlaed or slnrWed "MoBtard 
■tke- tltte of a potpowi of nit 
wUcb «ae .aatkar, Gcoh B. 

wccklp^ c:--:- ■■ 

IB tte title ot paper 
oC Fltacadlmn at the 
Palaca Tbeatie In the year 1010. His lord- 
ablp does nut wait for orws; be ^pend» money 
to Bake U. His paper Is edited by 
tf many other 
of Doric 
doebrm. Sbe has a 
large crowds of work- 
her oorooet to lend 

hi tfei li 

arv have a' gflmpae of the printing works of 
TIN Falace Bertew. and tbe entire edlttun Is 
In he dlBtzlbated atchtly amons tbe aadlence. 
OC eaane. theic- aie ptayftd baOMUwi ot the 
■OBlclpd aathortttoik 1UI onsoo Qtcis and 
Palace Girls, and a« nnch action and bright 
lanale as can be eonpressed In ike brirf -luiU 
was applsndrd by a large audience on 
to tbe ecbo. 


The finest theatre In Ijondon, 'the 
■eala. wUd is a ptaocnix rbea fnm tlw aaliea 
«t tba Baaciott'a old Prince of Wales' Ibea- 
tm la Chaiiatte stmt. Tottnihaat CWirt Bead. 

tlie Itrst tune to the pnblle. 


■a^' atler twcaty yean, tbe ghny 
tonwd to the wonderful theatre alMU' 
•Aneitaie "DosOoIe" has become ' I 
bcantUU theatre la the metropuUs. 

For ten years Dr. Sdmond Dtatln Maddffk 
tke tclskntor and propnetor of the Scala Thea- 
has Isbored to aecompllvh the great task 
ke fead set talmseU of bolhUne on tbe site ot 
Ike aH EtiBce of WaleC, a new plajboasF. 
«Wfc li- WHllia is and Bawe. tke ;aU 
hoase wfeU was Snt asmed The West I«a- 
don theo the Begracy, afterwards We^t London 
Flaybooae, and. wltb the aeceasloa of truilani 
the Qoeea's. la honor oC Qaccn Adelaide. 
OB B «hiaie aC ■■MRBeBt It was called tbe 
.. and tbea again the Qoeea's. 'wbOst 

dnrlnff Its gttldrn da9■i^.■■id■ 
e'. WUtoo (now lady Banonil^ 'tte 
iC Wales' Boyal Theatre. 
' Vow, tke aev theatre has been named the 
..Kala, after the moat renowned theatre In 
idtaly. La Scala. two words which, translated 
flnto Engllsb, mean Tbe Stalrcane. 
X IB the pieaeat aagnUcent Scala bas been rr- 
ke aula entrnncf 
bt Wale^, nnder which have 
pasaed aa legnlar patmu incb great men as 
Bcseonslleld. Gladstone, Sallsbniy, BnnUa. 
,|9bultr>. Osckbam. Coteridse, Mni«t- , Le|](b- 
t^ -ijBtf' -Jllkim^ - lyttaa. Tennysaa* -Browalng and 
wmir CUIlBS. This porch wm In Ihtnrc be 
tbe Btagv entrance. 

In tde errrtlon oC tbe new theatre there 
has beea latrodaccd a nnhino (eatme, "the 

tflajbdaac. ■ 

This atalicaee, a doable flight ot marble 
•tepa. leads from tbe street lerel on either 
sUe ot the 'theatre, with a gentle dedhw 
h^a(ilkk<..;St< ftmns a flne 

with the eotiaaee dtaeet. 
■■Rntenade snd forms an eav 
ot salt la ease at 

•e )ke Seata I* Hke Oat of 

some - ^endld marble temple, and - has been 
described as "for all the world Uke aa Alma 
TSdema pIctnTe." It la said that ao miden 
Oeatre la so wa il%f to be a aaUooal tlieaire 
OMioe to the bawae vblrfe make It nalime 
iidong J^ndon bonsfs of amnsenMat. 
Ur. Fsrbes Babensoo opened the new hnosa 

trtib a aaw placik ne ChBaaam. a 

drama, as tbe title snggcsts. of medieval ases, 
which is pnMlacea la the most gorgeans fssh 

A WKd as 'to tte lilot. atoceen. Lard ot 
Ablrard. and conqueror of all snrruondlng peo- 
ples, was at birtb snptemely fortnnate, yet a 
wicked fadry gave him a dangerooa sift, that 
ot a complex and ImachuttTe character. At 
bis bidding ererything .falla within •bis grasp, 
ontil. satiated "^by Tletory, be comes at -lut 
to confonnd aspiration .with ai^eTement, . ami 
in his srrogance demands too much or>. the 
gods. Then.. Vhte . laterrenes. Morren, 
shown In tbe lint act, fans a vletlm to a 
mysterions lore for Amoranza. the ten-year-^ld 
dind of his fallen foe, and, belleTing that In 
her InSnence lies tbe only wsy to redemption, 
he sake to walk with ber "where In her gar- 
den grows tte eglantine." From the batefol 
stnpor pradnoed by material snccess, he 
awalcens la Short, to the power of Lore. Bat 
Fste hss not yet done wltb bim, for tbe set 
dOHB with a powerfnl scene, in which tbe 
chlld'a old muse, Uarsaret. predicts In ford- 
bla laagoase the downfall of the Conqneror. 
Tte BNond act starts with tbe esrape ot the 
yoong knight. Sir Beaavls of DegrcTant, Croni 
an eneoanter with MorrpQ. and sbon-s bjs ac- 
cidental arriral as a fneltlTe at tbe Castle ot 
AblTaid, where, for eight yeant Anseanza, 
now grown to womanhood has 'been awaltlog 
tbe earning of ber lord. Confused by tbe like 
ness ot tte two men tbe girl mistakes Beaavls 
tor Momn. whom she bad aeen for only 
few mlnates In tho flcat met. ^Xhe ^sapectrd 
hsppens. The two youir people'' ttB pas 
slooately in love wltb each other. Beaovls 
aeceptlnc the positioD Amomnxa bas created 
for him, as though It were by his right. 
Eventnally conies the predestlacA. ilHilliii, of 
tbe two men In the presenee off Amocaj 
hefselt. snd now It only remslns for the 
dramatist to isvcsl in what manner be baa 
elected to eoond off bla stocy. Moved by 
tardy spirit of renandatlBBbfllll«pt B aa fn it. 
to sacrtflce bimaeU 8ad^klaldHiNa.' '1jB^''.as It 
happens. It. to. ttta.'Mcr^'a^ .•CcBMBMlatlon 
which «lM(^Mtt.JHMk^:.''te'^tte.:l«te'' eC' -Amor. 

Iteedleas to say that the .tkc8a»,'«im ~padked 
«o the openlnc night. Bat one mast admit that 
more toterest seemed centered in tbe bonding 
Itselt thsn to tbe ontertalDment provided 
ThlsJ of coarse, mill cbange when the flrat few 
we^ have pssscd. aad sttca. .ne-'OHlMi 
baa settled down as tke .aQsaelliB.'me-'WIIl 
be better able to Jndge at the . BMIHb '.«( tbe 
Itadieas of Satberlaad's smMtloBa-rilO'. 


Maxim Boyd Btert, twenty-eight 

am^ deactlbed as a udentlat. was 

at ..Old BaOey for forging an en- 
Ma bm of exebange tor £100, and 
aa am a sinc stoiy of his career waa told. 

Bocn to America and educated to Germany, 
he has semal times saffoed Imprisonment for 
ftnad sad Itegeir. After cheating Lunduo land- 
ladies and Others wltt worthless checks,' and 
acting aa derk st 29 a week. Hart was 
engaged at tlie Blppodnme to an ezposnre of 
Msgle Kettle bom October to December of 
Isst yesr. 

Among msny of his exploits be secured sn 
engagement with s Coart dtessmsker for a 
lady he aald waa Madame Hart, on the pie- 
t«t^ that -. she coold totmdnce aeticssea and 

motor cars oa trtal' "ftwm ' the English M<itor 
Car Co. on worthless sectiritles. snd used the 
cars to get credit from various tTaileranen. 
He la a clever forger and la wanted to Scot- 

Tbe prisoner, who said be. 

science and pbUosopby at 
tenced to tlire« . yfarm- _ 
yeara police snpervlslan. 


While the proposed new . iigatBtlons 
of tte Ooooty coonrn aa to "Ugbla ey" la the 

Utortams of tbeattrs and placea of smoae* 
ment daring a performance is being conaid- 
ervd. Ur. Arthur Colllna bas hit opon aa 
expedience that may solve tte ttBeelV.. At 
Dmry Lsne Tbestre dnrinc 'tte dnfe acMM 
to Tbe rmdlgal Son the 'attendants carry elee- 
Crie toTCbes whMi enable them to distinguish 
tte aomher of tte sests the TislUics are In 
search of, and tbe ezperlWBt . bac ■• tor. 
been veiy mccesaful. It ilMl llnr tbe 

greater safety of tbe sndlence. ss hitherto 
ttooghtless people have been la the habit of 
striking mstcbes to enable tbem to locate their 
places, a practice that la highly dangeraas. 

We misht -well call this "moving 
week" lo playlaod. Tbe Walls of Jericho 

M*aa A«to tte Qsirldk to tte flbatteilbary 
Avenue on' Hondsy, to.inske room tor a. revival 

of Tbe Uercbant of Venice. What The Butler 
flaw-jpoias .to tte Savoy to make way tor 
FBtHe OiilMli 'mr-VJwdham^s. Tte DolTer 
IBOies to !IWqr*a J» make . room* 'Mr -On -Vhe 
Qaitt at tte Comedy. Great idea. tbat. pecu. 
liar to London. Put a piece on In a favorite 
house, assure IM sneeesi, tten And some place 

MriSiBce aiiBv wUb lao. * 

"Attnm ye. loar minds to watch a aacred story. 
A story of one — s good snd niirlsht man — 


ducee the' Seriptatkl :tglNde. Yosepb. aad Bis 

Brethren, at tbe OtUieBtt. It Is a play wKta- 
oat words, with a.^stnOB and familiar star}-, 
full of toddent ■■d 'tfllwi Tbe BibUcal nar- 
latlve Is ctosdy 'Mteae*: Xte . to nn - 
tslded by psntoadasle tsblMBz; la wfaleb tii- 
revvMBB stage brcooes an Important featn' ■' 
aaa betwecB which . some, not excrptloua:.5' 
good, ptetares sre thrown on s screen. Lire 
sheep, goats, sssss. add to tte realism, snd 
the Ishmaelltes teee a camel In tteir train, 
bound to which Toaepb, taken out of tbe pit, 
Is boine captive to Egypt. 

The producUoo, donhtleuly, draws Itt to- 
splntion from tte Oberammetgan Passion Flay, 
snd tte assistance of tbe narrator and choma 
adds largely to tbe effect. Tbe exjiected burst 
ot todlgsUon from tbe Chnrch party bas cot 
been fortbcomlag. Tbe Biblical story ot Jo- 
sepb and Ui^ Hrctbren bas been used for 
dramatic purpo^ before now. Ten yeara ago 
a play, catltled Joseph ot rsaasn, had a mn 
Ui' Auttalla. at tte Theatre Royal. Udbonme. 
It was written to collaboration by tte Rev. 
George Walters, ..a Sydney Unitarian minister, 
and Mr. George BIgold. lessee and msnsger 
ot Her hiaJsBlyX ft if e tly a weilkBewB Lon- 
don aetoe. 

CLosnro OF ms ilatestt's 

His Majesty's was suddenly and un- 
expectedly doicd after tte- pertonaaaee of 
Oliver Twist on Jlooday ereBioc. Tte ex- 
planation is tost, owing to a slight subsidence 
In the tteatre foiudstlons, s cnck occurred 
In tbe great arch of tbe proscenlnm. If not at 
once remedied ttls might tesolt to the col- 
lapse of tte arch. 

Fortonately one of tte tteatre stoff noticed 
tte crack in tbe arcb. which is visible only 
ttom tbe back of tte stage, and Ur. Tree was 
at once iafonoed ot tte d ISMwety. 

This- hsniened esriy Uondsy aflemooa, and 
Ur. Tite at once called to a building expert, 
wte advised Immediate repairs Involving ex- 
tenatve reoonstmctlan of tte waUs aapport- 
Ing tte anil. 

Ur. Tree aceeptid tbe'laemaUe, aedM to 
close tte tteatre after tte evening perform- 
and sent for tbe building inspector In order 
to Inform him ot tte course he haa decided to 
adopt. ; . - 

By arrangement with Oe' flhaterts aad work- 
ing all night and tbe next day, Oliver Ttrlst 
was ready for tbe nsaal evening performance 
irtB^MHttne aain^ Waldorf, whcro tt* pleer 
lihinty'a. »Wifcs are 


Mr. Hall Calne, 
was a passenger oo 
to New York on tte 
bad on board a large 
lo tte txinrse of ; 
Mid ttat allhongb his 
ness the pmdnetioa of 
L'Dlted Ststes. be 
ot advaataas to 


the popular noTelist, 
Saterday tfeaai Usetpmd 
steamer Ontttla. trhleb 

number of pasnengera. 
in interview iir. Calne 
main object traa to wit- 
oar off hto pisan hi tte 
• mate tte visit 


We hear from fktrljr goo< «nth«rlty 
that Oattl's will shortly be teoprnml as a mm<lc 
hall. . . . W. n. Bmadbead. director of the 
Broadhead Tonr of elsht ma>tc halla. to Man- 
cheater snd sleially. haa hssa atoeted M«y.r 
ot Bterfcpool. tte Atlantte atr ut England. 
. . . The Moaa Tour will aninme direct con- 
trol of tte Z<>o and Rlppodnime, GlaKgnw, on 
Oct. 2. Ur. Bostock remains aa manager. 


Mr. Walter de Frece, husband of 

Vesta TUIey and bead of a raplilly growing 
tour ot music balls* In tbe Pruvlnres snd lu 
London, hss, to coqlnnetloa wUh He V. IfaaU. 
lot, opened a new HIppodnaw Is Uaisato. 
wkkh arm te devoted to vaudeville and 
' ~ ia coajnaetlce wltt hto tonr. 

He Is tbe well knoii-n 
AIlMugh's Xbeatre, Baltimore. 


Notes from the Carroll Comedy Co.: 
We sre In our seventh week niaylnir to lurked 
botisrs. We play West Vlrglula. Tennnylvanla 
a,id New \ork. Following ia onr nwirr: Ion 
Carroll, manager; O. Gordon IlamllKin, Bert 
Crotvell. Anna Gardner. Baby Doris. Jean 
Worth, Jas. C. Itootb. A. T. Storrh, W. J. 
Pierce. E. J. Lister, rr.if. Gmve. May Carroll 
and Bob Fllzxlnimiinn the hag pnnrblng dng. 
Oo' apeclalflea are Tbe Great Bm-tb. comedy 
crellHl: Prof. Grove's nintl.,n pli-iuri-s and Il- 
lustrated Sunga: Baby liorls in aonga and 
dances; and Gnwell and Gardner, comedy akctdi 

Notes from the Jack Hoeffler Show: 

This show Is under tbe management of McKee 
ft Dellollls. We Just closed a big week's bosl. 
ness at Des Moiues, and pfay UambaUlows 
this week wltt Ottumwa. BurUnetuo. ilolney. 
Alton and St. Louis to folluw. bud Branuaa 
bas been engaged for tbe a.vance. Tbe Bbuw 
numbers twenty -two people and 4yTlfs a sixty- 
foot car of scenery. We have mfcir vauderuie 
acts: DeRoIlts and Valoca. conedy Jugsleis; 
Nina, electric danosri' Udte taalle^ scio- 
batic comlque, and BaiBiP LMiB nctans 
snd tte Uograph. . 

George A. Cfalldab iBMristant manasar 
of Bis Fatter'a 8to Co,, wrltei: "We an bob 
In our slxtt week, snd Manager (Sarlton says 
business Is at least 25 per oeat. better thai 
last seas<m over tbe same trrritocy. HU 
Faiber's Sto Is making a bit. Tbe stage car- 
penter at Clarinda. Ia.. bjits cor t^ut^ry It 
tbe finest be bad ever hnng in tbe boui^e. Our 
roster Is ss follows: Jed Carltuu, manager: 
Geo. A. Cbllds, assistant manager; Lem Ed- 

Owing to the congested condition of 

tbe hotels st Lexington, Ky., Oct. 3-1, be- 
ranse of tbe large attendance at tte fall meet- 
ing of tte trots, the aiemteis of The Edamhxi 
of Mr. Pipp were compelled to remain Is 
sleeping cam during tteIr eBgagiiBMit In ttsi 
city. This discomfort was ua-set. however, 
by the plessore- sffurded tbe compaity to Its 
atteroooo visits to the trots, 

Grace George ' has begun rehearaala 
of Tbe Usrrtoge of Wm. Ashe, to which she 
will bid toe bfartrbnle hooors this season. MM 
Rnmphtey Ward Is tte autbor ot ter arv 

sist bee to itt toiei pi e tolioa. 

Josephine Jefferson Rolfe, the six- 
yeir-old grral-sranddaoKbter o( the Ittc Jk- 
iM-ph jefTerwin. maiir ber debut OO tbe — - 
In noeton lately, belnjc raitM 0* UW^^ ~ 
ot Tbomas JelTetwin wblto tte 

log to Blp Van Winkle. 
Tbe A Hiinutn Slave Co. warn the 

Salt Late City to Lsa AMelea: Asy anitrt 

at Los ABRrlM, Sritt. wST afw kwrtiw *» 
Jnyed a ray pieasaat Mp^ ibe. MjMo at 
Snlu Co. esme Boat, orrlebig l» tte Csllfonill 

city Oct. 1. 

Tom North is making a great show- 
ing this aeason as hnnlnesa manager ti'f Lin- 
Clin J. Carirr*B Ber Only Sin Oi- atatriag 
Julia Gray. North bas had ripe expelMMCw BBt 
knows bow to bill sn sttrartlon. 

Will Chatterton. formerly a member 
of A Texas Steer, is now rartylng an Im- 
piiriant role to Texss, which to running In- 
dellnlirly st tte Onrnt Mortbefa Theatre Is 

Dave A. and Perele ifartin are with 
n. A. naaka* (eastera) A Utile Oatesst Oa. 
playing geateeL heavy and tte title porta and 

duliig tbe saxophone and mnbum dnrta. 
The western Human Hearts Co. i» 

delivering the gonda la Iowa. From Lincoln, 
Nell., a correspondent pronounres It one of tbe 
t>etft performances be hsd ever witnessed. 

Wm. Reed, a member of Our Pastw 

Co., Is convalescing after a i i t la te sMarti A 
typhoid fever st tte ksoe «d Ma ftitter kl 

I'enn Van. N. Y. 

Billy Walsh is playing the prInclpA 
comedy part wlib tbe eastera Fenberg flloel 
Co. Billy Is iirepartog to enter musical coniedr 
next season. 

It is reported that Isabel Irving and 
W. H. Thompson sre considering s nriiposltlon 
to go stsrring a to Hackvtt-Uannrrlng. 

German traiWlatlQns oC Tti* WaUs 
of XerMe aad A WM WMHBt • win 

te pradneed la BerUa aad Badapeat. • .. 

Dorothy Grimston, a daughter'of mV, 
and Mrs. Kendall, will be a nirmter'at plf* 
Netteraole'a company this sesson. ' 

Chas. Frohman will nrodnm X* 

Manvllalae flrat In Bsltimstc. Ttrglato 'Bamed 
Is to tave tte title nie. 

The X T. Lewis Comedy Co. opened 
Its aeaaon at Dnrawcg, klo., Sept. SO, to a 
packed huoae. 

Cole's The Little Minister Co. to. re- 
jmrted^to teve closed to Vttse Boata. Ind-. 

OCTOMHr-tl* licB. 


WeUorH. 1388 Br<«*J«r. »<W.J«S 
Boston— Bowdota-OQMty. 
Oct. 2;.TIi« PrtS»^<! ' 
C«.ll* Squar.-. ^II>t.JBS*V- 
jllce and Men, wetS 4l«j * 

Oct •: 
Oct. as 

rrom M.r»/^«l5 ■ Banlt. Mat BmA. 

iramn AcaOwt IfSavmn, week Oct. 9. 

Ib«*lr»-«>oil. Zu«, week Oct.- 2; Tbe Mld- 
mTSS, wcSi Oct. ». LjcemB. White Ti- 
Ml Tmvu. wwk Get. 3: For His Slstn-* 
g^. «MkOet. 0. Pttm': Wby He Dl- 
MNtd Bee. week Oct 2; Xorer'i Lane, week 

j»i^:gri» «g Ot«& wgek pet, 

The Bn**!*. wees oec Kr> «M -OTMnr* wwe» 

ColooUil. Tbe Cbultjr Ball, week 

*'^lBn*ii»— Umpire. Trelawnei of tbe Wella,- 
week Oct. S; Are Xoa Abarnt, week Oct.. 

ClJU!lDna<l-^<*>lnaaa'i. Old BeldMaqr. #C(fe 
Oet. 2: Tbe Crlali. week Oct. 9. 

DeBTep— CDrtla. • 

Detnit— latayette, Tbelma. week Oet. 2. 

Lm ABSeles— Celaac*. Prince Carl, week 
Oct 2; Jfudrey, w.-ek Oct. 9. Barbank. 
AieOBd tbe World In" Blirhtj- Days, week 
Oct. 2: Uot Scotch Major, week Oct. 0. 

Lvirelt— lAcademx, Tbe Cbartty Ball, week 
Oct. 2. 

MOwaukec — AcademT, Tbe Holy City week 
Oct. 2: The Play Wltboot a Jfame. week 
Oct. *. 

Sew Vork — FTItb Are.. One at Our GIrU. 
ireek Oct. 2; In tbe Palace or tbe King, 
week Oct. 9. 125tb St., Squire Kate, work 
Oct. 2. YorkTlUe, All the Comtorti o( 
Booie. week Oct. 2; La Tosca. week Oct. 9. 

Nrw Orleans — Lyric, Confessions o( a 
Wife, week Oct. 2; Tracked Aronnd tbe 
World. we,k Oct, 9, Grand Opera House, 
' Tbe Belle at Blcl>maad. week Oct. 2. 

New Bedford — Saroy. Men and Woofeo. 
Keek Oct. 2. 

Oakland — ^Te Ubertr. Tbe Bombnc. week 
Oct 2. Crescent, Michael Stiocoir. week 
Ott. 2 ■' _ . . 

Omaba— Bnrwood, BeeaaW St* hOMt-WM 
So, week Oct, 2; Dsdcc Tir* nag*, week 
Oct. 9 

Partlaod^-Belaaeo. Xhc Obaittr Ball, week 
Oct. 3: la the Palac* aC tte Bbc. 
Oct. ^ l«rtc Dr. Mrl • Ibt Brde. week 

ttHk'oS'^'oSSSrfn!* nSr^reA Oct. 
IL rmtpuA, nc nm U At jfaMUttt. 
wMk ocL^n* OMv Ma Xkt larfr. 

week Oet. 

proTldenn Imperial.: Dr. Mkft mat Mr. 
Byde. week Oet. S: The liaat Panfite, 

week Oet. 9. 
Pawtncket— Keltb's. 

Rochester — iBaker. Soldiers ot Forlun.-. 
week Oct. 2; Yoans Mrs. Wlathrope. n«ti 
Oct. 9. 

San Pranclsco— Alcaaar. mie Eternal City, 
ireek Oct. 2: What Happened to Jooes, week 
Oct. 9. Central. LlEbtbouse By tbe Sea. 
week Oct. 2; The Whletcaps, week Oct. 9. 
Majestic, Tbelma, week Oct. 2; Janice Mer- 
edith, week Oct. 9. 

SprlDgtleld— Gllfflore, Secret Serrlce week 
Oct. 2: Coder Tno rUgs, week Oct. 9. 

Spokane — lAudltortnm, Ont of the Pold. 
week Oct. 2. 

St. Joaepb — l^Tie, A Cowboy Girl, week 
Oct. 3. 

Salt Lake— Craad, Woman Against Wo- 
aian. week Oct. 2; DertTs Mine, week Oct. 9. 

Werw at ar -^t ankMn Sqnate. Jfn. Oaae'a 
IMnae. week Oct. S; Manlatte tt Cum- 
ta al aaee . , waek Oct. S. 


•• Theatre stork Co.. Chicago, under the management, of M<'ssrs. WlngOeM. 
- 'JJ** among the beat in tb« country. Under their wise and capable manage- 
IS enjOylqlC am era-pf prosperity nnexi^mplca in its history, and the prospects for 
« in It the telchtest, as Is evinced by tbe conetaotly increasing patronage. 
«[.BlMrIaad A Clifford as manfigerg are symbolic. ot snccciis. Their theatrical en- 
J'*e« .»|ffl ate of magnitude. At tbe present time Oiv firm has eight snccesstnl road 
W^ua ^than are In preparation. Among the road shows now en tonr may be nn-a- 

tloa*a..OMr minra IMla, JJora Thorne. Angel of the Slums, Ibe Game Keeper. The Child 
'"'9*^ AlS*^** Jiatrlage, Tbe OU 'Clothes Man, witb Jknes Kyrle MacCmdy, etc. In addition 
to tMM MlMettau. 3Ieiart, Bearlad & CUirord are associated wltb James Wlngfleld I- - 
boldi «C tb« ftovle'a IjMatie at Oblcago, and Scbwartae'a Tbeatre of Waakegan. ni. 
MMW aC.WIaiMd. B«wlaa< * GUSord, 

0«IM tf the aiaal pctodirie ta dee ibeatieeecn the beet tbe market affoida. tbe 
haee wtp lia a tim tm Hr m» ge^'a which g win be f ~ ~ 
atw of > naw jwiiifl g M dMi. fbi company lidln pi 
and each la ngty. mntlm Umaelt as a CaTOfUi Mtk the 

'BOward B. BaMt iM iMIag maa, la a pHmavlmiM 

^ i ti e cy e ta the beet tbe market afforda. tbeee managers 

fir We reople'a which It win be dlflealt to snxpaaa ercn In atoek tbe- 
daM. ne company lMMM .pla|«n of mere than ordlnarr abUity 

' ' rie of tbe ttieatie. 

^. „^ . . . , "all claaacs'of andleaeca. He 

baawan Cbto dlflinetlaalrklaeaMMlaaa •aaBdiiaaw;#ailt:lB exaettav ro^ He. saadt bis da- 
tat wH> Ck«ata» Oaali ta a gnlaHlin at muOat «t Ilib .lBdlMfhtm Tba«tra la PhiladdvUh tre 
nm tt. Ba plaiwd olMr MHd fir • iMM aat i3t Ctaafei to »ln KM La Bbdilt^ Banto 
Bricc Bwh. la aomert ntj. HTttadtart. Mnee that ttaM Sb.- Baas'haa been IdantUM irtlk Hie 

Pike Steck Canpanr at SetnlC-OIIcb., and othae orgaataattaaa la Rew Soik and 

Edaa BaiUe Undoa la a ynaag aetieaa o( beaaty aad amttcd dilUr. who Is ' 
a .tamlljr «( AUia, ber ferttara kaeliw eKlarcd 4Mln«tkB. lB Ik*' Md «C dmw waea it was 
young In MMrica.. Bha aaada her daiM attta aa* «C IhMa faaaa as Xdttla ftaafe with Xme. Xtn- 
ansetaek. After fear gradaatlaa ah* l e a p p e a rtd «paa the atai* la Igfet'gdila «nh aiiicial of the 


"What hare you got tbete?" asked a saoey 
yoang mooaioelst as the Old Petaon disposed of 
hia banjo before ocdeilag his iBcakfkat. 
ti!e shape aad alaa...aC tt tt jamdad* ■ 
warm I ng ps^ lay "gnaArfatttf -aaaA.-.t^ J 

Vermont ' 

Ttie Old PcfsoB responded with dignity: "The 
sreca balae eoatalas a iuuiio. the real arttde. 
It Is net one of tboae bastard eoacena th^ 
are making tadar. a crass between a gennlne 
African baip aad a Gtcaaer'a guitar. It is soA 
an IttstnmaBt «a Baaa. Sbarvley. Billy Ailing- 
ton aad aaahr-aaad'beflMe yon ircra bora. Tast 
olsbt. OTaryaa aaat aldcw a fallMr gat eat* 
my raM .%liw* I~wa* 
paaslhg th* h»t. r 
aBali* ' add jre at 
dasalcal. we aulred 
pared ta aet to 

tniHdtnp. aad I coaM aa* by the war that he 
leoted at 1 

ton nzTXMOVB 

A pleasant article of personal reminis- 
cence abont Jetrer«;n Is contributed to tb.- 
Ontlook's May nnmber by Its "Spectator." 
with pictures not before printed. Of one 
phase of Jefferaon's character tbe writer 
ssys: "Be was Interested In the lighter 
pblloeapbles, Tbe work of Prentice Mulfonl 
gmtly attracted bim at one Ume. He had 
remarkable commnnlcai.on, as lie bellered. 
from the other wotld— enough, at any rat . 
to convince him that there was another 
world, and to make blm conihlent tliat he 
j wa l d »ee again those be loved. Ue wa.o a 
-woiMlerrul optimist, always cheerful, always 
leaking for Oar brightness of Ufe. Ue 
eaee laU the 'Specutor' tbat In all hU 
naanada of nillae ot travel be had aerer 
keen m a nllniad or ateamaUp aeddeat or 
area ear. The laat, letter which the "^ee- 
•atw* iceeletd ftam Jir. JeOkiaoa wa* 
rentelsceM et .their ,e«llae Weadihlp, aad 
elosrt with thtoe WHlK - *BMr time gae* 
«>, w heedlia*' dC wiaOt What a dbactp 
lived crentnt*. la maa (miwdt caeepled)— 
by the by. amMr-d** aest Mrthday. In a 
few yean »•« ahall be aweet little angels, wings 
Jhd all; and. a* the old gambler aaM on bis 
-5„Uia br. a* wu B i t aezt Mitbdair. la a 
nn thaa. alaeeivlir ymrs, J. jarwglinnr." 


.Dareey & Wolford. d338 Broadway. New York, 
Viactd the following players In «lo«k for the 
•weeta at Oet. 2 and l»: 

.Nbrtbrni Mgbta, Tlie 'White Tlgreea of Js- 
Ma. The Baalm Whgr He Omceed Btor. Atmnd 
tbajWarid h .BtaMr Day*. AB the OmCM* or 
gfoe. Men aaiMMaMa. Ika.Chaxtv Ban. Mrs. 
Dane's Deteae*. Oat at ON Ml. «lM BIcnal 
Cliy, 'Womaa Aitalaat WTaaiaat BaMliw of For- 
inne. CnmbrrUuid Vn. Hw Hely OHy. The Belle 
or Itlchmonil, MIdlael Strogvlf. Confessions of 
» 'Wire, I>r. Jekvll and Mr. IlyUe. DuBsrry. 
w'crei Serrlcc, Theliua. Marriage of Convrn 

■ lenoe, I>eTll-s Mine, Under Two Flags, In tbe 
Palace' of tbe King, Tracked Around tlie World. 
Jn;the Palace of tbe King, La Toaca, Tlie Worst 

• Womaa.ln London. Hot Scotch Major. The Inis, 

. *or HI* Slater'a Honor. Young Mrs. WInthrop. 
Woman Against Woman. Tbe White Caps. Au- 

•■?SV^ Benalor'a Danghter. lovers- Lane, 

"iih m 

•aa Unrtm, mctcttrntm, eioMd 

bCft known slars*. K,>r tin'* pn^t Ave yraTs pli,- app ared (n fftook with s!;ntal snCCeaa 
wrvlce* have (win .■.•nstjntlv In Jenmnil. .>51ii> «'I>* iili'nllfied 111 IpnillnS capacities With atOCk 

iianles In .\"e« York, llroiiklvn. Sew Orleaii.<. LoulsvllI- onil Philadelphia. MIm Undon . 
iH'riKinal mnEiietium which, conpled wiiii the Intelligent exprecslon of ber art. accounts for her 

''"''"riie" niagniilccnt stngo pTo<iuction« which have been the rnh- at tbe People'a tbi* acaaoB. are 
evidences ot the skill ot Frnnk Bp«1. who ranks high OS a Stage dlWCIWr.B C djaCjettia Md,ta*te. 
Mr Ileal, though voimK. ia an old actor and his expctleaee cuecis a .vHi.!;aail^|inM,Bnd. He 
was asaoclated foryenra wltb the leading UebleT * 0*. attraetlaaa, arlth..'W.jAi:;Bia4r.' Otia Skln- 
ncr. Rose Coughinn and Btebard Galdea. Be la aa^aaaaBeat. LhanrlaracM aad harpmrn mm- 
wlt to bi- a valuable addltloa.l* IB* ahmi Mp a *tjgte: lim p a alM . la djah* tta T^ayd at Kan- 
sas City, the Columbta at Kgawrit. B,- J.f th* Cartte «9W»«. «^ B aawy t he Obard Arennejn 
Philadelphia, tbe CSolontal at Oeeelaad. O..Jt^; JBa > A p jUaWttidaK? wa jter.. baa Intimate knowl- 
edco of the art a( dln-etloa «ad as eye ta Ihpa* iilaar-bai im tatt a l dctan* of prodncuons -iritboiit 
which no prewtatlOB eaa hop* to ptore'jM a»Wtle;*lMe*aa^^ ^ . ,. 

SUge Tllhilay la the fort* of Walter »l«d Jeae^cwh* JtrJfaorteen years has been doing besT- 
l<a In &t atoek and load otgaolaatlaaa af th* u aa aUj . Mr.'.'JaBea te a tremendons worker and an 
raar stndr. He appeared In 350 parte and la the iMjarity •( them his work has been such a;' 
to win the hearty blsses of the gaUery. He waa connected wltb tbe New American Tbtatre. Cbl 
ooEOw tor eereial sea Hint and be won distinction at Elltch's Garden, Denv<r. 

The snnDOrt ot the People's Is uniformly of the best. Louise Lester Is a handmrne second 
li-ad who la at home la every part for which she may be east. She la a college , grad nate aad has 
been in atoek for five years, camiiie D'Arcy Is a beautiful .aad aeea*BnBMd:aetseaa-«lM**jetaarr 
acters and hearles are intelligent and convincing. Louett* ' B d>ea«l r ?l» :aa l a g i n ai eT aap rlee 
merit. She is chic and her persoanllty Is most engaging. ,^ ^ 

As a comedian. 0 .\. Lemming occupies a high rank. Be baa been Mentlfled with many 
ftrBt-elas) organlaatlons and his work baa always commanded attention as being of jnperlor merit. 
RelMiatile llicbt comedy la rumlshed by X-a-wrr- nee DtintMir, a young- a«tor of marked abll'.t}'. H. , 

■.T-»,„ua.,.. B. ..,^_!._, , _KAdA Ah.MntD. n-nr^ Ic attra^ltnc \t- «tti.n. I 

eiy aratmlng pan i 
Well, I told bin to go ahead, aad 
started In en the artlatle lay aad pidied and 
picked on the atrlaga far tea atlaatea at a 
stretch and then baited .for the applaoae. Not 
a soul pounded tbe table with hIa mag, 
without even aakiag him If be had a month 
on his face or bis throat needged a gargle. 

** ^ow tbat yon'Te toned op,* .said a >; 
gentleman, 'go ahead and play sometblng.* 

"You should have seen tbat chap's laee.-:. 
He didn't remain to paaa the bat.. 
started ont, putting bis hytaid bmxp iBt-a 
leather case as he bnrried.swsy.** w.. ''*.' ^' 
The Old Person glanced aver lk*.(aaBillng- 
paper ontll he was aroused by tta^lnQrftyt 
"And how did yon come ontV 

"I didn't come ont until daylight. As 
jrou can see 1 was In, very mncb in It." 
witb that he tvroogbt ont a collectloa of 
coins front his pockt-t and set to work taslng 
account of tbe nlgbt'a earnings. After as- 
certalnlng tbe sum total be winked at the 
patrons and loungers and set ag - at ^aaa* 
In one of bis reaiarkatile and atnaya. Bda^ 
eating reminiscent relatjoas. " 

"In tbe days of my first potUag aa ' 
cork tills town of New Y«(k was n 
over witb minstrel baada, ma rt eC^lfaM 
Ing bnnched on liraad«ay•'.^.:.B■*aBsray 
the Boweiy waa all ther*<*aa:d*':ilj*..-l 
it baa anavled out rtae* Ma aanaHi 
1 woaMat thkk aC sHka *K the aaala 
"Ob* of th* heat 
good bad a man named One raUer, waa 
was some on tlie end and more oa the haajo. 
He was as good as SUntoo. wlio played at 
Charley "White's on the Bownr. and 1 
conldn't praise bim any higher tt I vras the 
man who got up tbe dicHoaarjr. Gas was a 
well-meaning fellow, but yoang and wild 
and didn't alwsys keep bis head. Being 
a favorite, he was popular and tielng a 
good fvllow be spent bis money freely, be- 
sides taking tbe chances gambling on tbe 
greeu. When you wanted to speculate on 
the trards then yon didn't have to aneak into 
a aeutrled fortification to TiA your money. 

"In conseuufuce of a persistent sowing 
of wild oats Cos was always In financial 
(H.^trese, and keeping bis manager. Bemr 
Wood, gnesaing aa to whether Angnstoa 
would ahow up or not. The banjolat waa a 
d^u^ving can] and any «f the competing aina* 
airerii would have been anly too gud_t0 bar* 
engag«d him If he got tbe sack, 
he was a brother of Fernando, the J 
anb Ben. tbe aewspaper maa _ 
tery backer— advised 6na and tiM ta haM 
down the aklttl* je«t by i«<aiiBg_ta| ad- 
vance blm maaiy betiasca .i^cllib 'hag ' that 
waa little aae. the b aul ol af a credit «bb 
good and be eoold bonow from Ihe baga t* 
bock tbe tiger. 

"Manager Wood preached and pimyed like 
a father, but Gns paid no bei^d ud waa re- 
belllons and atnbbcm and bonad ta bav* 
his own way. Gna first got lata debt. aad. 
even with hU tat aalaiy, h* maa aaaa aa »* 
MB neck In it. He bad :Mna■^Ma JPB- 
elry ^^tte^ tagCT.^ttiWBg^gt^llB 


"Henry "Wood waa that fait eat with 
that 1 beUeve be would have diup psd »dm, 
but for George Cfarlatj. vrba aald: 

geta ta tt* «aB^7\l 

■n*c maaager did aat eeea aigae the mat- 
tar. h* aaly lemaikcd: Trctty laag atrtng.- 
•ValBilea were paid MOadaya after i»- 
bcetaal. aad aa aoaa aa Gna gat hla ha 
atarted for a tt>* hank and blew It »* 
the tlger*a Jaaa. HIa aioaey dlda't laat a* 
long aa I am Failar era* dta- 
perate. In hla de^ecaUaa he bed the ner«* 
to go to Wood and tdl bhn that hia aNther- 
in-law sraa dead and he most have an ad- 
Tance for the toneial, Henry was aa aad 
answetcd: . , _._ 

" *Poetpone tbe fDnernl. the old lady wlB 
keep in tliis weather.* 

'* *LookB aa If there ia going to be a thaw.* 
hinted the haiBed banjolat wltboot eirect. 

That night when It vraa time for Ooa Ftiller 
to turn ap for rehearsal, tbe banjolst did iM>t 
pat la an appearance promptly and Wood got 
to kicking and George Christy awooylng. Brery- 
bodj was blocked up and Wood waa en t on the 
sidewalk. looking for the mlBslng minstrel. 
The manager paced and paced and looked at hla 
watch three times a mlnote. still no Gaa. 
George CbrUty waa watching the dock aad the 

stsge door In sasixnse. . 

"Jnst as TVood was la an agony or aajaar. 
be was approached tty a Hebrew kid. «M *•*■»' 

" 'ish diah plater Taadr . : ■ 

•' -I'm Mr.- WhadtrwlMtt -aC "Ity 


"Tbe t>or explained. "My farder 
.Cohen the pawnbroker: he hssb tal 
l-'niler in pawn for twenty-tive toIUia: oer ma 
ter ticket. He wishes you to come around ano 
lake bim oot.' 

, the f-n r-'-» tbe manager was gaing to 
tfet^hmataM* rascal In aoak. bat on a 

iTkiiiikl 'hi "" —--* •-' hanKdst." 

•xnJ what became ot the ewaedlan taaUj? 

lAi Motte Is a UIente.1. handsome actor whose character work Is attracting widespread atteii- ■ , ii-i"nte'reatrd llatil 

tloo He Is ■ University gradnate who baa gravluted to the stage b cause he found It to be ""luji^cu an .mr ^ 
Ilia tete Bdaar Mnriar and W. B. jrohnaon are coaaclenlloae actoca. rapidly roraing to the tmnt. 
«te bwSm ■■Mil Ml hi *f «h* ttcane I* la »e capable haada.oC l a t a l ••Ja*" BUglta. 


7f»« BIllt>OCiP<t 


Broadway /• Topics 

Now York Office. I440 Broadway. 


■» ■ ^ HE new openlnss-^oi* tills week 
I Indode Josepb Cawthofbe In FYltx In 
r^^^H^B, Tumnaor EUU «t Herald Sqvue; The 
" '. Sotbeta-Ad^irlovre . comblnntion InSbake- 

-tr--'"' n|Mctalt* a( tke ltnlfk«rboet«r. both 
oaMoateriilllit. ' The H lp pud i o un unoonteg the 
ftrirt performance of Bomazice. of a Hindoo Prln 
- cess, to socceed Tb« Raiders aff lt3 bi^ .spec- 
Cade- tta.Wednecdar-erenlBS. The Pndlsal Son 

oeer an act not wlddx adTertiaa as a part 
of Baraej- McFadden's physical coHnre ex- 
hibit, ne wnatiBaal UejdlaK- csplalts -of 

•r''fl^^S^-^'''Oir'tt<^''iBav fa 'the 
line of bmnan dartng' this exhibition stands 
weB toward the top, and If thandera of ap- 
pnwlnc applaose and ToDeja of cheers can be 
^tosa la olinlaa, tkr- lowtln; lorets 
■BBBc tte MadiMn Sqam ccvwM' tesTe been 
more than sattsOcd. 

Arthor Wait, dsn the zMiBe. and the act 
eonalats of a; 


idnpt apward torn to the nanw wooden patb 
war, and the rider shoots op this incline at a 
.imte oC. acmntr miles an hoar. His bicycle 
'lMiiir|lHt^M oC the ton and laads la a set. 
r;sMlt ^~ the "dailiic Jlder shiiots upward a dls- 
!■■« Of tblrty-llTe feet, and catches htanself 
the hands In a rope teellU stretched be- 
tna the top ends of two high standards. It 
tilMt Daly aboat three seeonda to accompUsb 
the wbote trick, bat the audience is held 
•p^&OBnd who* It lasta. aad ts .tWUed to 
fthesfntle ootbonta by the dada^ tat. 
Haaiaa Skr-ncfcet Is true to Us nappe II " Is 
of the- 

Iiilllap Russell in Tandevllle seems 

to he an oneertaln propoaltloa front any view 
except her own $3,000 salary point of rantage. 
ahe opened at Proctor's Tiventy-thlrd 
. apecolaton booeht almost the entlie 
baCote the nanagemeat 'SSt MUs teli 
Than scats were sold at dcMe Kleea, 
SBSCd SEvat dissatisfaction among pa 
Kast week business fell oS a bit, Mai 
prices that had been raised hr ew- 
were again nAneA^.teClhattp.aiWm] 
.p«. This win be low Bwirr tbM week 

■sad *e Btm has slz mote weeks on her Proc 
jnor contiact. The ootcome Is beln^ watched 
^ee* interest by eTerybody coocemed 
la Kew Tstt TaadeTOie. 


Opening: Monday, are The Truth 

teOen at the Grand Opera Honse; Lottie WII- 
"an* at the American; Qneen of the Hlgh- 
Mndecs at the Star; Cose of Dctak at the 
Knar Hin: Ibiddw Oapwh ficoqda at the 
wtepolla: irsjaimd TUkteutih at the Baiiem 
Opera Boose: Era Tangnay at the Westend; 
Sanv- Brown at the Fonrteenth Street; Dainty 
Itaehcaa Bmlcwineis at the Glide; Itwln's Blf 
a t the Ootbaaa; Woild Bsatn at the 
aiMi^7 ABoe' Blan^ at the IhM Aveaae; 
flhadoRB of a Great City at the ThaUa; Hiss 
■Wew York. Jr.. at the London: Tlic Bohemians 
at mnec^ Bowery, and BellleT ft WOOdi' Show 
.at>a»»,KWhth ATenue. 

Veronlque. the new opera, wffl tol- 
law Tte Fead and the Pnmpkin at the Broad- 
'-**'.'^M-.'t«« weeks. 

Mliaie Oahm In Sioooshlne will follow Bayers 
Brother* at the LBiexty In ti*»:<««shB.' 

Tlie White Cat will saeeeed Xtfa-asaer at 
the New Amsterdam at the same Hme. 

"ext week brings Wonderland to the Ma- 
Jestfe. this Is Alice aad The Eight Princesses 

Nest week btiacs IMsiB 1BiIIili't»:ihe Man- 
hattan, to begin her Kngllsh-speakl^ 
tonr. presentlDg Monna Vanna ander '1 
nt of Hatxlaoa Grey FIske. 

.sMBttoik jiv 

«t ttaMt; 

Hm, Westend. American, Grand Opera 
Third ATcnne, Dewey, GoUum, New 
Theatre, TockrlUe, MettopaO* and Badem 


Mclntyr^ " and Heath at the New 
-Torfc; John Draw at the Empiie; llta. Carter 
at the.adafnat. aba at-BHIy^ Mnee 
Chap at Wciiee^: Van oa the Bsc at Oia Sted- 
isoo -Square: Hackert and Mannering at the Sa- 
Toy; Robert Loralne at the Hudson; Just Ont 
of College at the I,Fceam; Vaxlne EUlott at 
the CHtsttsa; Sh^ssaa JtMhiaBB. «» Wallack-s: 
Urs. .IMpI; ait lM» ':|iiakatiiftt The* Virginian 


Lillian Russell, as beadUnei'. lin- 

second week, harlng shown a fhlllng oV la 

business. Wafson Hntchlns and Edtrards. 
Charles Fall: Seamon. Searle and Violet Al- 
len. Cooper and Robinson. Bawson and June, 
and Hathaway and Waltoo are the other*. 

The Zancigrs, By^rs and Herman. 
Edwin Keoogb. The Betas Fhmllr. WanI aad 
Cnrcaa. Cadia ai 
doa and IfaM*; 

VYefl Karnei's Fantonrime Co. as the 

featmc. Others this week are Empire City 
Qnartet. Uaisball P. Wilder. Ed. Raynard. 
Mason and Keeler. Rooney and Bent, Ulle. 
Celeste, and Keno. Walsh .and Udiaac. 


Mair .WaiiDan. Stoaaa aiia Wamn. 



" .-'it. 


New York . Manages 
Consida: Qo^stkm 

Committee Appmnted to .Investigda 
Cost of Boilding and Operatiig . 
BiUpostiBg Flaitt— BeUe?e 

New York. Oct. 16, — There Is troaljle brew- 
ing for the blllpostlng mugnstefi of the Netr 
York City combination that promises to be 
serlons. Oo Tuesday laat the .Mew Tork Ihea* 
ire Manageia' Asaoctatlaa hdd the atat stcct' 
Ins of their organisatloB dor this asaaaa. The 
chief sobject ef dlscosslon was the MiHIa 
of bUlpostlns. and the greater past «C^ala;a» 
slon was taken op thertAj. 

It was pointed «>t Oat the laccat easMaa- 
tion of the Tea Batea aad the Hew Ymk 
blUpostlag csanpsnlea woald eeentaally lead ta 
an Increase In the rate* for mating, which. 
In the aptalon of theatre manageta. are al- 
ready saOdfaly high. With thr parpoae sT 
beading off the almoet incTl table lacrease the 
diseosslon naturally dllfted- to the subject of 
the cost of traildlng and opetatfaig a plant to 
be owned by the theatre managers. themaelTcs. 

For the pmpoee of obtaining aomt dedalle 
Infomuttlon on this point. Al. Hayman offered 
a resolatlon that a committee of sctcd be ap- 
pointed to make a thorough lavestlgitloa of 
the qoestloD of coet of operating such a plant. 
The resolution was adopted wltboot disseat. and 
Mr. Haynian was appointed chairman of a com- 
urirtef consisting of htanself. Henry B. Harris, 
Charles Frohman. F. F. Proctor, Charles Pll- 
llnghsm. Marc Klaw. and Abe Erlanger. The 
committee wUl get down to work at ooce. and 
an earl.v and comprefaenslTe report Is expected. 

During the - discussion It was freclj as^ned 
that New York, theatre managers alresd; pnii 
enough for their blllpoetlng to make profitable 
the operation of a plant of their own. Ev^ry 
theatre now employs a oomber of billposters 
ilurlog the season to do lt« sniping, and this 
ftircrr, properly directed wonld be more thao 
!^ufflclent to do the stand work at do extra 
cost for lalwr. The chief item of expense la 
New Tork la rent far hicatioos, hat to a thea^ 
tre Banagrr aat Is an easy problem, linsaw a 
pair of tichets worth amn ^ to g« 
cute Ml 

•f Harry B. TMor. the wdt-kaowB hasiaeai manager and 
C Bsi u s h , 3lT. Tador la a Ban with a varied and strenuous 
boy hy dahhUag in opccaa. etc.. aad at a «*er early period In 
— as adraace apeat of a coapaar twkB w Mall towns of 
a i' lu ss the ll o d h sai l« d ssana — alls— d him the princely 
Isfcs to tdl Of those cirir dm aal Ik stories aie always 
aa4r s ig i ili a i is at the IisaSaa Bippsaesaae. aad the Princess Tkea- 
tte igltit at a dwalsie setacd Mt'. tMK He Joameyed to 


his life he 
Scotland. Aa 

snm orfaMscr 

intetcatlnc. Me 

tre, Loodoa _ _ 

Sooth Africa, whace, in a Tcty shart time, he cere t ed liliMilf with glstr hr Us akfOfai mxi- 
Ipnlatlon of a aamber of nOmada wliea esadltlaas were vety Bath sixalaed arUh t^tamd. 
He also becaase Interested In the South AMcan gold mlaea. TMng of the IStt, he lataiu ed to 
his natlTe coon try and entered the amusement business, liecoming Immediately saeeesstal. 
years ago tie l»ecame acquainted with Mr- Bostock, who made him 
to come to tills country. He accepted the animal kingi* propoaition. little 
condMsa ot aaasencata la thii coaatir bat with a TrIlllnjiMse to ~ 

la — — ' 


at tlie Aeadsv oC -Itaifet-aaaim Mt othsi a at 

the LB>ert7: Lola Glaaar dt the New Amster- 
dam; Arnold Daly at tta .flsrricfc: Chaunrey 
Oicott'alf the Mal t a t le t . PeWkir Hopper at the 


Henry W. Savage has made ar- 
rangement with Wm. A- Brady whereby Robert 
Hantell will come to the Garden Theatre next | 
Uooday night to begin a season of his reper- ■ 
tolre- The change of plans for Tomorrow Land 
left the Garden dark, and manager SaTage waa 
wtthaat SB attaeUn a( Ma awa to glaae la 
the thealM. I 


aad natcr. La 

raiov BavAss 

The Augost Family is the feature. 
Others are The Flying Balhbana. Cicav and 
Dayne, Coakely 

Nichols, Kenyon aad DMSM, ftlttM l^itak AI 

B. J, 

Betbart Kelcey 

and Eflle Shannon 
la the bUl being Dolan 
■nd Lee, Lew Hawkins, 

The Fifth Avenue Stock Co. is pre- 
seatiag The Banker's Danghter at Pioctoc'a 
aad >he ttm AlafB Is the 

at hf ~ " 



Thoinpson's Biephants are the 

~~ m Mrs. SMaey 
Usyd Biothcsw. 

Katie Bany. 

Bnnnett. FltsgtMioas. Morse snd Drialan. J. 
K. Hacdiliison ft Co., Dadley and Cbeslyn ' Reno 
SUdaa BiathMS, Onllle Pitehar. aad Shcppard ^x^. ^ Taoderllle 

and May Manar. 
as tk» mm aa« tta 

tronUe ea thia seere. 

As a h us ln tsa pnposltlon. the plan Is s 
moat attractlTe one. Theatre posting' Is a 
big lialf of the btUpoatlns tMialnesa in ^'ew 
York. The rate per aheet (n. New York I* 
foor cents per week per aheet. This does not 
apply Btrlrtiv to theatres, as - many ot them 
pay as blgb as $20 per week for. special -lo- 
cations. With theatrical posting the best half 
of their boslnesa the two. New York com-!es hare, during the past few years, netted 
their owners a total approaching $90,000 yearly. 
The capitalisation of the combined pints at 
practically $500,000 la ample proof ot the laigB. 
profits which the buslnesB yields. 

Just what the effect of this more by the 
ilanagera' Association will have on toe action 
of the New York blllpoetlnK comMnatlon U 

difficult to foresee. If It Is ooly a qaeatlon ot 
price the blllpoatlng Interests troald grant to 
managers large concessioos than allow SO op- 
position plant to be started In New' Teek 
City. Beyond question this Is what they win do, 
imrlded the difference Is only one of price. 

There Is ]i»t a poeaB>UIty that the m t n 
ment has a algnlllcance far deeper than ^e^ 
aetka of the theatre manager* ' * 
Stair ft HaTiki are rcpccoaatcd 
Tart MhaaaRs' AsaneUtlaa.* Tba ^ . 
In Detsrtt aad OMrclaad. net to avealri 
•t plaatB -In 
la Mew Totk 
itlaa of a i 

which ansid asmpele (ae i Miaii 1 1 isl work. It 
be that thcae lataeata ate gettttg to- 
gether with that ad la stew. IC oo, it wiB 
atand the men at the band a( Ms Aasoeialed 

Blllposteis to frama up flMhF .ftoaa ' quickly 

to meet new condltlaos. 

It should not be lost eight of, la this odd- 
nectloo, that nearly two'tbirda ot the mem- 
bers of the Associated BBJpoeters are theatrical 
managers. Uany of them are closely allied 
with the Interests of Klaw i Erlanger, Stair ft 
Harlln and other theatrical olrcnlts. Shoold 
there come an open rupture between the Thea- 
trical Managers' Asaodatten of New York and 
the New Tork bUlpastlng IntCTCOts. the pos- 
•BdUIr a< the mm llliimi waaM he aa 


A number of the ex-employes of the Me Ohft- . 
don Shows hare organised In New Tork ORj 
for tlie purpose of ejecting salarle* clalaiad , 
to be due from the management of the Me- 
Oaddon Show. TbcT are aendlna ont iettas **' 

otfaeis who WHS Miiailia la ~ 

their III saiislh^ Aa 
tabled a riiiallaiT- 

^ ^ ^ a wsi. ' Ms tets oC the 


CMcato Offlea. 
8uK« 61. 
Grand Opera 
House BIdgJ. 

•7 8. Clark St. 


OF AVLi the dziunatlc offerins* 
Are that may be rated aa eompleooaa 
upon wbldi Mew York paaacd luds- 
ment last acasoB, thet* ware about 
aanaac*. The - Frahmaiia did two of tbcm, 
mfer I^SheUe did two more and Belaaeo an- 
other. Poor LaSbeUe, wboM antlmeir death 
b lameated tiy eTerybody who ralnei clean, 
iBKKattas and exqalaltely-ataged plara. 

.Waaph of kla' auaatcrlal ea- 
M.'.'*nanted at the Bodaoa la 
■ .'■nr . Aawrlcan comedy, entitled 
• te Ife^ ]8Mirab, by Paul Armstrons. 
JNtv aalr tbe piodocisc 

. icM «r. flnt inaeMBtta. JOH K 

Ma aatd that be eooatderably Imprered 
"Hh- AnDStrong's original manaacrlpt in 
It; bemeca tite dates ot tiie new 
■ lt» 
la any 

ereat. The Heir to tbe Hoorab canght the 
tsDcy ol Gotham and ontran at tbe HedaMi 
Theatre any oUicc dmnaUc varK ol eoatem- 
IMMMi •Mi■Cd■b~SJE■Mt^ tt^'.l^ the tun 
l a iaiw r iiC Saataa^'~llimir.'-'aad Sunday nisht. 
IS, It made If^ lint appeal to Chleaso tbeatie- 
foers at the Illinois. In this western play, the 
action at wblch takca place wholly In three 
thcie aie ftnr acta, 
baa Itcca tcnaikably fbrtmiate 
the air ot the oieaaa and tbe plalna 
feita a* Ikeatie. aad bli cbaraetera bare that 
brcetliicaa aad wbole-beartedness 
by thoae wba know tbe folk 
«■ cUtar alape ot the Otcat DirUe. Tbe itory 
wblcb be baa to ten la hnagM.aM eerily, aad 
the. -bamor rldee haeie ea ' a beoadio' te the 
muvlc of janplluf; vpara and Jlneflnff ffold. 
which comes aa easily as It goes. The Heir 
to the Booiab mine la tbe baby aoo o( Joe 

aad the faMmaHe wtCIt W heca mar- 
IM te Uai for hla money by a matcb-makSn^ 
The little beir arrlvea after the two 
MtM apart, and U la be wbo bclass 

actkn of tbe 

Ir— 'The- fiecrpt of the anccess ot the 
In- tJTe t'lunt humor of the miners 
aM Mr cow-punctaera, and their absurd at- 
tempts to Ufa ap>t»'ae sartorial ataadard 
set tbem «r Ibdr MtaC lacy, whok bavlas 
faae abroad In searA aC. 
peace of mlnd,-retams vltb 
t edtare aiwl.peilab. 
-M'aC-'flW:kMMat MtaatlaD 'bi tbe piiy 
<■ Oat JB ^wUcii the Bdaos dtocnaa a lltUne 
Sift for the baby. ■ One suggests a spoon, and 
Is nearly mobbed for a "short bom.'.' The 
•eeoBdsuncsts a aUrer cup, and la dubbed a 
"yAlMy:- Bt tbe third Is applauded to the 
■'in be asys: "What, a spoon or a cup 
'te Xoe'B boy? Oh. bell! give bba a lalae." 
Alt anotber cltben of cov-pmicblac ptDcun 
*» *IB» popular approTal when he sob- 
'be aew bom Infant a ranch. 

Abotfcer deeldedlr faany scene is tbst la 
whicb .the Sitbar. tbe 

at tbe father, aad Ibe aade eC tbe piaipiLltn 

«» the "Hoorab" ate holding; eonsultatloa 
"wer the ontfltUng of that fortunate Infant. 
Mtar hsTlns ordered a pair of hoiaea. a broa^ 
haaa and a pbasisau^ . Ja -laate tbat It aMy 
«»^ lbe abr esidKiaHy: (key. at the snr- 
of tbe. old pbyslelan wbo has Intro- 
Jo*. Jr.. to the mining municipality, 
down, to the. <|aestloa ot an adequate 
betov* 'tfrttaaM^ ' .teVteated 
that tbe baW la e •ntotOe baby.'» tbey hare 
J«»t decided on alz cowa. one for each day In 
tfee week, tiarrlns Sunday, and a champion 
milker to. mtlb them, when the ;aoie piac 

I «('.ttt..Skty 
that aai aas aad a a a i aa ij 
•re points of more preealBK Importance. Tt la 
«I)lalD(Hi that Johnson, a trained nnrse, would 
an expenalTe luxury after the baby attaina 
■'•■P'J'adj.gwafib; ■"■•^e's onto her Job, 
ahn *er* JeaMBds Dare Lacy, the happy 
aaele. "Of coarse, one of the best 1 know," 
r»»f>ond» the Doctor, "bat she la a trained 
■me aad cspenslTe — " "Damn the expense!" 

■ proud uncle. "If abe knows 
■ataya! And what d'ye think. 
••*»•. at -ooe nnrae tafclns care of tmm paaple 
twea tT'foor bonra . out of the aayr* ■ "Hot 
enipbatlcally declares the proud fa- 
tbsfc "But,, gentlemen, yon know babies sleep 
Of the time,". Interposes the Doctor. 
"Nay, they don't," temarka Uucle naae. wttb 
■Bucta ceruinty. "Notblng sleeps moat of tbe 
time!' How, loMc here, we wm keep Johnaoa 
tct aaolbcr nnrse. Erety Job'a got to 
•te«p' a bsaa. aa Jobaaaii caa be tbe boss aad 
», ^ 

la m • 

There are tragic momenta in Tbe Heir to the 
Bsflcab. ee a io me nte that become nearly tragic, 
aad Ibcie axe bita o( alternating pathoa that 
make Mr. A uaatieug 'a bnaur abhw tta tH^Utt 
by ccotraat. Klrkc LaSbeOe, wttb Ht usaallj 
happy faculty, east the cbaraetera of tbe 
story with admirable Judgment, and ereiy actor 
In tbe cast seems to bare been made fbr bla 
part. Gay Bates Fuat, as tbe 

the canett, original 

"I do not think ot a tMiR Wfeicb I woald 
wish to bare done olhenMM .. IB adveruslng 
WUte City," aald Mr. W si d ii ai d',-. la the ad- 
m i iiis na llw aflaM-aaa-.ivlilt.'WIdbtla re- 
ply te w IbiiUta abMt Ui traik dnnng; 

the past atae SMBths. ''ETcrythlng was care- 
folly thongkt aat.'and tharoughly dlscassed be- 
fore' the MntMilta of any ne^w plan or tea- 
tare. It vaa aa* tl 

to attaispt aay •ftMdt* adv^tlbiaK. aad tUl 

nati]rally aared an Immense anwont of work. 
Ttie whole Idea was to Impress ' the people 
with the tact that a flxst.«laaa amoaement re- 
sort waa balaii'.fNpMid' ipe Oeli eatertalaiunt 
and pleaanre. aad «iiat flicy could ylalt It with- 
out looonTenlence; that they could participate 
In tbe merriment and mirth without loss of 
Btft-rcapect, and that thay would And •rery 


who baa . emlM tbe' dUBcnlt character of Joe 
tiacy, la beat remembered for tbe notable mc- 
ccas ot Stere In Owen WIster's play. The Vir- 
ginian. Other Important members ot tbe cast 

Tamamoto, George Barr, Caaalua Qntnby, Colin 
Campl>eU, Nora O'Brien, Jane Peyton, Louise 
Butter. Eleanor Uorewin and Francis Oorea- 

WHITE crry 

Hie first season of Chicago's great- 
eat smusement reaort, Wttlte City, has passed 
Into history. Closing Snnday, 15, tbe first sea- 
son has been' a rematkable one in erery re- 

Btally. as a newspaper man, the writer has 
taken a keen Interest In the worK jouc i..v 
tbe Wblte City department of pnbUcUy, and 


high atandard of excellence which tbe man- 
agement Intended to maintain In ererytldiig 
was forcefully presented, so that no Tiattor 
would feel that be or she might paaaUdy be 
gaBu: aC lB«!Mtfiatr. -.uMtlaig-intta Oiur. 
■ '*naL.;flnt/.««ik; ;'«as 'tbe prepatlag «r Ibe 
The Tarloos standa were 
for with the lithograph- 
ei inUi a ct was made with the Amer- 

ot 40,000 ibeets fH tbe uoBtli pteccdlag tte 
date of tqienlng, Tbeae standa were corrted 
on tbe opening day with new paper aauonnc- 
Ing that the paik was 'now open' In place of 
the aoaaaaccMnt of the opening date- in 
addltloa to tbis eantraet. I had aa adrertla- 
ing agent at work for ■Igli. lialni Hm 

fbr walla and the boaidi .af MiiMi af tte 
cloved theatres. Then he to<dc a aew and 
wagon and coTered tbem. In the meantime 
we bad prepared tbe billa tor tbe windows, 
a ciew at tm 

tut, aC a I 

la the oidlaaijL commercial eanlopc and pre- 

aaed Sar^a aambcr. of 

wholesale houaes sent tbem to their /custom- 
ers in letters, and they were distributed from 
house to booae tbroogboat Gbleago. Varioas 
noreltles were prepared :llr' Me'..aK<M«twiite.' 
after tbe opening of lole paslr' 'aad' Aie~'dia- 
trlbutlon Jast preTlons - to tbe opening. The 
designs for tbe 'White City Kids' series ot 
Street car cards were irorfccd out, and la ereiy 

eag>*a,nbe-ei|f..tte-:i. , 

wUtt'iatf dUift tbe a t ti att iuaii of tbe 
resort as exploUted by thece two . "Klda.' 

"Bat these various methwl» did not glre sufll- 
Oent details and' did not tel^ the people 
enough. 'WUle'Clty : war qieh aa entirely aaw' 
thing to 'the people ot Chicago that I con- 
sidered It necessary to enlarge ' upon the. edn- 
catlonal feature. ' Then the 'fVhlte City maga- 
xlna was erolvM. I ically beUere that by Uie 
■" 'Jailir^}ticM''';je^...'■aa.;..wBann 
tbe dty and snbaiba bad read .a 
copy ot the magazine, and . waa in , m 'great 
measure tamUlar with tbe class and 'dmra^er 
oC . the attraethMia ^rUcb would be presented. 
l -.a Bd«d i wil >te;»ak»>lba'|«&>..ef a eharactce 
«ttiaiet*.ad*<^rtbets, and found 
It- waa possible to obtalne enongb adver- 
In erery Issue to pay 'the whole expense 
Of the edlUoD. In tact. It was a paying propo- 

"Tbe dally .newapapaiB of cbleago. arith tbeir 
mUliona of leddaa I tolh.ln. tbe.:cinr''tiMlLli III* 
towns trAmtaiQ^ ta^WMiOi; m 
liberal a manner aad to keep tlie name ot 
White City before them every day. About 
50.000 agate lines were used for prellailnaiy 
annooncementa during the 
the department waa prepared to me 
timas. that amount It found necessary to Mng 
the crowds. . 

"Vhe result ot this preliminary work waa 
that upon tbe day Wblte City opcaed tbe 
people knew all about tbe aew icaort and 
they flocked to tbe groanda in a way that 
taxed the tranaportatlon taellltlea ot tbe Ta- 
rlooa lines wliMi eenter at that point. It 
bad beca an aceepted tact it would pnibaldy 
require a tew weeks' expIoItatloB after the 
opening data to bring big 'csvwdik .bat^'Mife. 
was not tbe ease. Tbe biggest cmrds eir'tbe'' 
wason were dnrlng the early weeks. 

"About 150,000 sheets of paper were posted 
and bOled dnrlog tbe entire campaign in the 
eUy.uwbOe cictr town wttUn-.n MiinB,aC: IM 
- bmed ttaTtttar' agenui, -'''ne 
were distributed In one way aad 
Into sereral atatea. while other ad- 
mattet waa need In a liberal way. 


isd' thraailb'^ tbe'^gBica'' af. "WbHe' Qty ' 
enjoyed it- Erery prominent man wbo Tla- 
Ited Chicago during the season waa taken to 
White City, either at his own rcqaast or at 

a number ot apedal daya> 
aad Tarloos organisations 
*lallsd. tte paxfc In a body. bat. owing to the 
attcBdaoce. It la Impoaalble to state 
deflnltely the benefits derived by the srranglng 
ot apedal datea. Every nlgbt at Wblte CHy 
was a gala aitalr, and waa for all tbe people of 
Chicago, not fkir any special dassL 

"The Fire Show was the greateat attraetloo. 
aad led all othcsa tbiooglioat tbb' 
thm la not a show In tte 
did not make money. There waa only ooe 
proDDonced fallore, and that made a UtUo 

money taob bat. It waa dianged In order to 

Oat be knew exactly wbat the people wanted. 

"The onidoor band omcerts jiroved a remark- 
able sneceas, and among the otganlxatlona which 
appeared at the puk during tbe season were 
Banda Boeaa. Chicago Concert Band, asaembled 
ftaas Theodore Thopiss's orebcstta, Boage'a 
MetropoUtan Band. The Royal Hmgarian Bus- 
aar Band. etc. Among tbe acts engaged by 
General Manager Howse for tbe outdoor circus 
were Granada and Fedora. Flying BIcketta. .Le- 
gara. The Bowarda. SoUai . 
nylng Batbbnns. HbitlBK tbe IfnvA 
and Bice. Camerenl tbe . reeklesa. Loekbart'a 
Elephants. Sturant and LaTaido. Holdens' 
B^)oaler Circus, - Flslier snd Johnson. DcOnao 

MeOoaaM. WUCet Btonw * On,; BBpin' IKgiK 
phone Quartet. Adgle ' and Her Uona, ' etc. 
Knabenabne exploited bla a«y«»i*p tor. tea daya 
and made three anccesafnl Sights, drawing 'great 

"No person ever asked for tte retan''ot 
their money at Wtilte City, and aoee .eom- 
plalned of the character of any performance 
given. It was the origins] Intentloa to dosa 
on Chicago Day, Oct. O. but there seemed to be 
such a de^nd on the part of the people flit 
a fear day* BMnc^nJlM^'^.tbe managvmnit de- 
cided to fire tbe* ansiber. week, strange Is 
relate that there were aeveral thvtuaand people 
In tbe park dnrlng this closing week when it 
was actually snowing a uttie. . , TUkiBc it aB 


♦CiaHaaii an pas*' IS.) 





AXnsnBTOV Noble Stre«t Theatre. Al. G. 

Field's UlDStrcIs 4: good performance and bosl- 
uta» fair. Under canTaa — Bannno 4b BaUey'a 
(god bu«lM<a.^ ^l M»t^BB>^W Mt« ^^C^ 

nOY. — ^Folmir'* Theattc (Frank P. Folmar. 
oip.) Binter Bnwn 4; excellent performance 
and (ood boalnna. MfFidrten'a Flats 7; good 
■bow and fair limt lWi. -: mi Jftmj.Wk 

Ooaedy Co. 30-21. 

BKEFFIELD. — Mrrel's Opera House (T. P. 
Uttlejohn. mgr.) Joles Formao Musical Comedy 
Oo. In Cinderella 10; vkased large aadience. 


KtXSCOVI. — Opera House. Ramooa Sept. 25; 
(ood tmslnesa and excellent oerformance. Tallr 
and Sand C* 29-30: pleased fair bostness. 
Weary WUUe Walker Oct. 7; Bube Weldi 
Amnaement Col 14; Geo. Samoel'a Attractions 
S-2t: Cncle Joab ^nic«>y 26. 

OOVCtLAS. — OrpbeniB Tbeatie (E. F. Plrtle, 
mgr.) The Bessar Prince Opera Cs. 2-6; bosl- 
nea fair. Under canris — ^Bamom & Balley'a 
Shows S; good boflineas at two perfomtances. 


8AH nAHCnCO.— Colnmbla Tbeatre (Gott- 
lOb, Marx * Co.. mgra.) Eleanor Bobaon week 
excellent bonlneaB. Andrew Mack week 16. 

TlToU Opera Hoose. The grand opera sea- 
aoa enters its foartn week of sncceas week 9. 

Uajeatle Theatre (H. W. Blabop, mgr.) Bar- 
sej Bernard week 9; large boalness tbroogta- 
oat tbe week. The Light Eternal week 16. 

Ali.«Mf Theatre (E. D. Price, mgr.) New 
Stack Co. In What Happened to Jones week 
0; good ahow and splendid bosiness. 

Central Theatre (Goe- H. Darla. mgr.) The 
Whiteesps week B; crowded hooscs an week. 

(MUHiila nicatre (C P. HsU. Bgr.) ~ 
Vmn?» Own On. week 8; good hnitef. Mtf 
BMraid BmieiaDen week IS. 

Onad Open Boose (S. 1^ AAcssub, mgr.) 
As aoUsB of Sola wsck •: ~ 

Oigtenm Tbnti* Odla 

CesUB- sad IIsIIt"0>.v Azikw 

w.n the Lelani Use . 

Fnns Eliett * Cttu. Bd. KtRftt. Dtxan aaa 
Bolnes. sad motlOB ^etntes week 9; 

WtHbtfu Tbntre (Tboy Lnbelikl. mgr.) Will 
OampbeU. UcCree snd Fsole, Mae Todd, Bins- 
ham. The Great mrti«y^« and fivfrtifm pictures 
week 9; capacity bnslneas. 

Lyeenm Theatre (Al- G. Plonraoy. mgr.) 
Msggie Magnlre, Great AJblnl. Mellnotte Sis- 
ters. Cliff Deane & Co.. Bay Raymond, and 
attien week 8: good bnainess. All tte oOk 

h o ust s are are doing good traalneas. 

I«s ASaSLXS. — Mason Opera House (H. O. 
Wjstt. mgr.) Ethel Barrymore week 8; larze 
adrance sales. 

Borbank Theatre (Ollrer Uoroseo. mgr.) I«w 
Bascom's farce comedy, naree Men In s Flat; 
will be preceded by Jack London's The Great 
Interrogation. Both plays promise to make a 
good ran. 

Belaaco Theatre (J, B. Blackwood, mgr.) 
Audrey week 8; bnslness conOnneB good. 

Grsnd Op era Honse (Tboa. Bsker. mgr.) Es- 
pied Fmn tlie Hatem week 2; bosiness good. 
OiphcoB IhsatTS <ClBzcBee -Omm. aagc) 
Ulnticli. Baar Oom. — - - 


Faust Family. Yonng ft 
cler, Martin A Rldgeway. 
OlTS. Do.rle A HlgglaS, 
A Joboson. Sisters 
Spoor's KlDOdrome. 

aajrmarket Tkeatie nr. W. Fnw as, mgr- 
f«c KMd * Oasdc) trertt I«, CBL Bs tj ee er r j A 
OS.. AfBsmag * BSOr. <tMCB*s Flaa Trio 
Charles ImmC Welfliir. *dbatt*.BaM. 

UlicfertI * cum. Mrid« im.. nn ft Wnt. 

Ousand * DsHte_ , — 

ft Lottie KHtctHkb awkr 

is STsry city sot alzsady pr«*idsd tat, ObIf 
■M* jWKsaoa aUcsss, psimsswllr l oo at id ^ jiaw^ on 

bosiness. Viola Allen in The Toast of the 
Town 7; delighted two large aodleoces. Otli 
Skinner 10; In the Land of Cotton 12; Easy 
Dawson 13; Olrls WIU be Olrls 14. 

Hartford Opera Honse (H. H. Jennings, mgr.) 
Fast Life In New Tork 2-4; fair boalnesa. Sher- 
lock Holmes 5-T: tslr bnslness. Eight Bells 
9-11; West snd Tokes 12-14. 

PoU'a Thestre (L. C. KUby, mgr.) Dan 
McAToy. and hla Fifth Areaue Girls. Mattle 
Keene A Co.. Lools Henry, BUgnanl Family, 
Havrthorn and Bnrke. and SpUk week 2; splen- 
did buslopss and bill. Peirltt, Joe. Hart and 
Carrie DeMar, ZIngari Trio, Herberts' Dogs, 
O'Boorke and Bomette Trio, Mr. and Mrs. 
Barry Cronch and Blchard week 8. 

WATEaBUBY' Poll's Theatre (Harry Par- 
sons, mgr.) Sherlock Holmes 2; good bnBl- 
s. The Street Singer 3; fair bosiness. Era 
Tongrmy 6; good business. Viola Allen 0; 
pleaaed large honse- A Working Girl's Wrongs 
T; pleased good bnslness matinee and night. 
In the Land of Cotton 10; Tracked Aronnd the 
World IS; Sam. Bernard IT; Weber's All-Star 
Stock Co. 18; Paris by Night 19; Blchard 
Carle 20. 

Jactiues Opera Hoose (J. W. Fltzpatrlck, 
mgr.) The Eight Vasaar Girls. The Barrow- 
Lancaster Co., Marlow Flunkett A Co., Al. 
Lawrence, snd others this week; good bill. 

KERIDEir.— 'Meriden Tbeatre (Jackson A 
Reed, mgrs.) Bra Tangnay in The Sambo Girl 
good business snd perfocmance. Ben of 
Bfen B*ar.'4: good prodoctloo -anndance. 
.Roe OMdr Co. week 9. 


WILIOHGTON.— Grand Opfia Bouse (Jesse 
K. Baylls. mgr.) Tbe Msjistlcx 9; fair busi- 
ness. A. Hot Old Time 10; Hit. Temple's Tel- 
egram 13; Tbe Coonty Chairman 14; A Mes- 
Bajn> from Mars IT; Wm, H. Crane 20, 

Lyeenn Tbeatie (Daa BmrntttUa, mgr.) vrty 
Olrts Leave Bdaie S^i ttlr'tallaMk. Tbe Gvn- 
sy ein »-U: talr hniliiw, W€«M aad Parted 
IS4.4: West aad Takes la A Pair at Flaks 16- 
18; M«ttle tte Kenglrl lt4ll: BgU Bells 23- 
25: abe Dated ID Da-Blgbt aM7. 

OaiTldc TlHat i 4 fW, It. Dsckiladti, mgr.) 

Geo. W. HsBsor. aa*. AWea. Jao. and 

Csrrie JUek. BMV^Iitc. IM Bekfeie and 


TiM^ Ihcatae ( 
n.) Week U. Vm4 aad Lady Algy 
CtUniim — 

tb ScMber, 


JACKBOyrrr.T.F — opera Hooae. Buster 

Brown Sept. 25-26; good show and crowded 
booses. Shepberd*s Morlng Pictures 27; good 
show snd fair business. McFsdden's Flats 28; 
fair performance and bnalnesK. The Office Boy 
29-30; crowded bouses snd fine performsnce. 
The Olympla Opera CO. Oct. &-6; good business 

end f^pe^r. A Boitt of Ken 7: food Aow 


AUSDBXA. — Xonte Sino Cailno. Tbe Pe- 
nicbnl-Gypsene Co. the season at this resort 
Sept. 30 after a teeord-tecaklng nm of husl. 

^e. aad many 

are being made ahoat tbe mammoth 
^» D- W. 7ERCCSON. 

itt BERKABnnra— Opera Boose (Martha 
^^Wan^a^.) Oasai Daae in Br. jekyU 
"i-Jw^ 2; lUr aad wdl'iileased andl- 
HSlJ^^ *«kare la The Fit 5: excellent 
KoAKlioB aad eapaellr beataeai. Qoo Vadls 
twlteUer-Msistoa Co. T. 

BnaOwar Thestre fE. E. Tli iiiliii ran ) 
Bm week 2. The MObirds. rS=^2^~"*' ' 
Mr. McCaffery. Baby Mildred.' 
"r. and Mrs. Dnke Melboom. 

(JHEELEY.— Opera House (W. F. Stephens. 
aSfc •ghe^Fae Waea Laad ^Sei^aih gw^ bul. 

•. . i.' "/ii^iJBONNECTICUT 

L — Smith's Tbeatre (E. C- 

Jf.) Tlola Allen in The Toast of the 
Town 2; excellent performance and haslness 
Sherlock Holmes 3-4; large andlences. Dancers 
of Working Girls (HI: iaise ctowdB. A Mid- 
night BeU T: pleased iiii_ael|eili ' <,OHs 
Skinner 9; Era Taanaw Ms Vaselaa' IMrta ll' 
BljEbt Bella 12-14. 

Paire Tbeatre {B. B. UltcbeB, mgr.) Twelre 
Hmfa GMe beaded an excellent bill week 2. 
" peaaed wortliy hesdllners. Week 9, Tom 
h>ft Oou Spllk. Green and Werner. Antrim 
k BooneF Slaters, Searle snd Vlo- 
Co.. Flee Ctalamblans, and the elec- 

KASTFOKD.— Pataoaa' Theatre (H. C. Par- 

Grand Opera 
reoee, lee.) Bee 
fair p er ft i nMa ae aaa wmmm 
BOBS In The HtoalB Oafeuat'-te 
fair bnalaess. Bu9Vm A. :9m 
pleased fair tnnlneM. Hfemn P M ltt 7; de- 
lighted good honse. Bahss la Tajlaad 10; *^ 
G. Field's Uliutrele U: aowiac tbe Wlad IS. 
Uader canraa— The ouatsal bdd beic last week 

aMVberd*s Mot. 
' lalr ba>l< 
rd: dai 

„ 1*8 Flats »; 

excellent y i k m n i c e aad (ood patronasr. Tbe 
JeKecsso* la Tbe ■ttals dae show and bust' 
neas. AL G. Fields MlaatrHs 10; good show 
and S. R. O. Xhe W iiaa l Gtty 12; Loots Jam* s 
In VIrglnlns 13; Xoik State Folks 14. 

ATHEHB.— Open Baaae (Wade H. Lowrey, 
mgr^) Loids Samtm la Vlrglnlna 4; good bnal. 
neae and psfaaMe. The Fbrtnne Tellv 5; 
pleased large boalaess. Bnmsn Hearts 6; good 
performsnce and talr bosiness. Psyton Sisters 
week 9. 

BOXC— Opera Banae (Jas. B. Kerlsi, mgr.) 

The Fwtime Teller 6; good baalacaB 4aid .Seed 

pecformsnee. Sowing the Wind ]St -ne -.Itt- 
ace Boy 12; CHndert lis 13; 


CHICAGO.— Illinois Theatre (WUI J. Daris, 
mgr.) Week Ij. Guy BaUs Post In Tbe Heir 
to the Hoorah. 

P owei a ' Theatre (Harry PoiTers. msr-) Week 
U. imilam FaTemham in Tbe Sqnatv-ilan 
.■<!iaad Opera Honse (Harry .^skln. idct.) 
Vc* rld. Bddle Tor in Tbe Earl and Tbe Clrl 

Stadcbabec Tbeatre (&. B. Harmeyer. mgr.) 
We afylK r-jOM. E. Erans In The Flinnuier. 

Oankk Tbeatre (aenael r. Gcrsoa, ngr.) 
^eek M. MBnoB De. Aagrlto la Faataaa.. . , 

<»lontal Tbeatre (Oeoc W. Iiedcnc^' ;agb> 
Week 1ft, nor r - ™^ 

ntes fiiiMi ITlMdaai . 

MeVI<*e»^'-:l»l'^-^--'^— - -^--^ 
mgr.) WedtMt ': 

In tbe (^se. 

Great Northern Theatre (F. C. Eberts, mgr.) 
Week lo. Hap Ward in The Grafter. 

LaSalle Theatre (R. E. Macker, bos. mgr.) 
Week 16. Cecil Lean in The Tankce Regent. 
Aodltorinm. Week 16. Hnmpty Dnmpty. 
Chlcaso Opera Hooae (Kohl A (Ustlc mgrs.) 
Week 16. The Pink Hnssan. 

Olympic Theatre (A. Jaccta. mgr. fdr Ko:i' 
A Castle) Week M. MargaBlla Srisa. CUe A 
Ifc ft ~' 

in Tbe 

J. Carter, mgr.) 

Week Ul MebidraaHL 

People's Tbeatre (Wln^eld. Roirlsnd A Hlf- 
CKd. aagrs) Week 16. Out of the Fold. 

OalB^as Theatre (Weber Bros., mgrs.) Week 
13, Grace Hopkins in Her Wedding Day. 
Bmrard ntealre (D. F. MoCoy. mgr.) Week 

Id. mderllle. 

Albambra Theatre (Jaaca H. 
We< k 15. King U tbe Ollaa nWv' 

BUon Theatre (WeC'BMhC' ■■*.) 

Human Hearts. 

Academy Theatre (Wm. Roche, mgr.) 
15. Across tbe PaclBc. 

New American Tbeatre (Ftank Maple, mgr.) 
Tbe Great DeCoe. Deda Walker, Mr. A Mrs. 
Carroll, introdncing their original comedy 
sketch: Beamnont A Hayward. Rhoda Bernard. 
Ben Davrson. BasderJLaiVelle Trio and Cllne's 

Trocadero Tbeatre (Hnny H. Bedgea, awr.) 
Week 15, The BoDTons.^ ■ . ■ 

Folly Theatre (Jamca- A. VbBBMV** ■0^-1 
Week 15, Burlesque. 

Coliseum (Stewart Spaoldlng. mgr.) Week 
11 -IS, AdTertlsIng Show. 

Clark Street Museom (I,»nla M. Hedges, ssgr.) 
carlo hall and theatre. 

London Dime Museum (Wm. J"; flwieaey. 
mgr.) Curio ball and theatre. 

8PBIBGFIELD. — diattertoa Theatre (Geo. 
W. Chatterton. mgr.) The Boyal Chef 2-S: 
good bosloesB and pleased. HaTtrly's Minstrels 
4; fine performance and good tioose. Home 
Folks 5-7: satisfied hesTj business. Dock 
stader's Minstrels 8; good bosiness. Howe's 
MoTlsg Pictures 9; Ingomar 10; Tbe School^ 
girl IL ^ , 

Gaiety Thestre (Smith ft Bnrton, mgrs.) Jen 
nlngs and Ben Crow, Florence Bergere. LePage. 
Wava Commings. Doss and Naddyns. and mor- 
lng pictures week 9: business good. 

Eknpire Theatre (Jno. Connors, mgr.) Lyons 
and Lewis, Lulu Howsrd, Hogan Sisters. Ca- 
mllle Ambrose, Chase and Carmen, Dolly Le 
Gray, Henella. Princess Amells. Florence Still 
man. and Lonls Eohler week 9; bnslness fine. 

Olympic Theatre (C. J. McCann. mgr.) Jas. 
and Mand Byan. Albion Brotbcta. FsSbca snd 
Forbes. ZeUa Dom. John S. I«oaa. aad XsebBar 
ton week 9; good business. 

FEOBIA. — Grand Opera Hoose (Cbamberlln A 
Harrington, mgrs.) Home Folks 2-4; fair bnsl- 
nesa. Haxerly'a Minatrela 6; fair show and 

bnBlness. Deserted at tlie Altir 7; good ptr- 
formsnce and fair business. Dora Thome S; 
large attendance. Alice Fisher in A School for 
Hnsbsnds 9; excellent prodnctlon and good 
bnslneas. Dockstader'a Minstrels 10: large 
crttwds. Ingomar 11; Well's Bsnd 13; The 
Seboolldri 14; As TioM in the Hnis 15; Bobt. 
Maaten SO; "Wm. Owen 2L 
•tain Sliest Tbeatia (B. P. CbaicblU. ssgr.) 

The "KjSSf'J^Sa^^SiJSf'^ 

othfTi^^week^lg.^^ UlMlw" aMtiaae awe ) 

good bmdness. 

70IIET. — Opera Honae (Cbaabeilala ft Hen- 
derson, mgrs.) Haserily^ HIaatiaia S:* pleased 
fair bnslneBa. Tbe Mimsr aad tbe BnMlng. 
bird S; ts^pCT>ariiiwaef^^tta^llDtti»|^l^ 

b^stnMi!^ ^Sue'iiStnSoSSS Kid iJl""' 
Graoi SlMn*'' lladli O Jdb Mi. ««r.> Glad- 
!■ aad laMlB b ea de d a stroog bin week 2. 

hICb-bidBdid Aelbar Stnart. Three Gardner 
ChndMB; Ida VDar. and Mr. and Mnc Joles 
Walters: foal tabM, ntnaa aad Dapree 
Co.. Toang^aad'JBMbak' Tbe-Tlieat Qay. Kates 

week S. 

^S^at ft "lagtB.) ~ TnRybe ft BaioB 1 
two packed hoaaea. BoHj TM^ A: l iea i j basl- 
aeaa. Tbe Dalaly Dneheaa 7; fair baabiess. 
His HIgfeBeaa, Oie Ber 8; large boase ssatlnee 
and night. Haverlr'a UlnstieU 10: Alice 
FIsaier 11; The Schoolgirl 12: Deserted at the 
AlUr 14: Well's Bsnd 15; Kolb snd nm 16: 
Britt-Nelson Pietnres 17: The Runaways 18; 
Sty Farm 20: Cherry Valley 21. 

BUon Theatre (McCmmell ft Patrick, mgrs.) 
Clandlos sod Stewart. Boaale Oarlocd. Jennie 
Bentley. Anna Mae Ueb%, aad albm svicfc 2; 
fair hnalneaa. 

SECATnB — Power's Thestre (J. F. GIren. 
mgr.) Big Hearted Jim 2: pleased good bnai- 

ness. Plir. Pair. Ponf 3; pleased good bnilness. 
Egypts 4-6; ^ood business. Ingomsr 7; pleased 
two fair bouses. Qnlncy Adams Sswyer 10: 
■the Fktal Wedding 17; Parsifal 18; Grace Van 
Stadlfard 10: Chaa. B. Hanford 30: Aa Tbld In 
the Hms ZL 

HOCKFOSn.— Grand Opera BOaae (Ocs. C. 
Sackett. mgr.) Alice Fischer bi A SdMoI For 
HoslHuids 4: good business snd pertsrmaaee. 
Parslfsl 8: fsi r bo siness and flae perfomaaee. 
What Weaiea wm Tto T: caad bariBHK Oar 
Pastor «Mk Daa UOtr Mt ~ ~ 
11: DSTld - — 

. to. r. 

HamiUM; . Her.! n> .Tm. iHap .'miii * 


ZTABBVUXB. — Grand Opera Houae (Pedley 
A Burch, mgra.) FIske Stock Co. week 2; good 
business. Tbe Royal Chef 8; good baslness. 
Howard Dorset Co. 0-13: Tbe Girl and the 
Bandit 14: DaredevU Dorothy 16-17; Grace Taa 
Studdiford 18; The Clay Baker 19; Lools Jsmes 
23; Eternal City 36; The Fortune Teller 28; 
Alberta Gallatin 31. 

?caple'8 Theatre (Pedky ft Bar*, i^n.) 
r Wcddbw Bar 8: caaacttjr baibim Bam. 

22; Maaoa aad MmhJL Qpateal Tbe -eee- 
nlTsI week 9: bnalaaM nftir good. 

MARION. — Indiana Tbi alie (H. O. 
mgr.) Wedded and Palled 4; talr boalaeail 

The Seminary Girl 6; good show and bnalnesa. 
The Scboolelrl 6: talr baslness. Big Hearted 
Jim T; pleased capacity. The Sqoaw-Man 12; 
The Isle of Sploe 13. 

Grand Theatre (H. G. Sommeta. mgr.) 
Frandne LaMarcbe. the Pataoda, Marrelle and 
Gleasoo, John Morrison, Hazel Eoblnsoo, and 
moving pictures week 9. 

OQatal Ibealxp ^^. H^Abomim^ agrj Ibe 


LOSimPORT — Dowllsg's Thestre (John K. 
Oowllng, mgr.) Tbe Isle of Spice 5; pleased 
capacity bosiness. Big Hearted Jim 8; pleaaed 
fair haalBcas. Two Uttic Walla .7; fair aa- 
dience. Tbe FatlBtaa Wldswa pleaaed large 
Tbe eu aad tbe Baadtt U; AoHe 

taa lit 


Crystal Theatre ft. M. AHHBIk WS>> 

derllle week 16. 

FT. WATHE.— Majestic Theatre (M. B. ] 
mgr.) Waifs of New Xork 2; fair baal 
The Gaadler 4: tailed te asaeer. Ibe li 

desBa^Mi S-' ^haneaaaa aaa M mm 

Fatal oETT^Mt'^^BMSS^riMS-^A^ 

JosUn 14. Under canras — ^Tbe .Mondy Shews 
week 2-7; good bnslness. 

FBAHSTOBT. — Bllsn Theatre (Langebrake A 
HuSord, mgrs.) As Told in the Hills 4; good 
«how and fair bnslneas. He Isle of Spice 
0: cspadtT bnslness and made a hit. Soosa's 
Band 10; delighted large bnalneae. Tbe LltUe 
Red Schoolhonse 11; My Wife's Famllly 13; Tie 
iU)^Chrtl7; ^ Trtp_ to Egypt lO^JIhe Isle 

Grand Opeca 
Wysor. mgr.) 'The Seminary OM S; 
big bosiness. Tbe Girl snd the t 
Wedded snd Parted 10; The Isle at I 
Don TbAae 14: Mlldicd BdllKid SL 

Star man IB. B. Ofii Pyt ' 
derllle coattaBM f . 

O; asad bosiness and 
sMi 1< 

1ft: fair bnslneaa 
Tbe Kommy and tbe 
Geeser of Geek 12. 

JACBBOBVILLE Grand Oners House (Ren. 

W. Chatterton, mgr.) PIIT. Pair. Ponf 4: fair 
hnslness. The Mnnnny and the Hnramh^hlrd 
7: niessed fair business. Howe's MoTteg Plr- 
tnres 10: fair business.. Parslfa] 18. 

DIZOS.— Opera Honse (Chaa. Eastman, mcr.) 
r'ndrr SoMban Skies 2: g'-od bnslness and tine 
Onr New Minister 5: good hnst' 
" ' " " week O. 

EA8I Sf^ XlWiW i>aalaei Thwtii (B. P. 
HIU. aqtr.) mmm% Mbli a H l lw il T: telr 

BICHXOin).— New 

Murray, mgr.) Why 
good business and pleased. 

(lennett Theatre (Ira Swisher, mgr.) The 
Seminary Girl d; fair bnslneas and pleased. 
Tbe Girl and the Bandit 10; A Trip to Egypt 

KOKOMO.— CrjsUl Tbeatre (W. E. Pialcr. 
mgr.) Tac Two Alits, West and Fowler, Tb» 
Graos Trio Hazel Good, and the klnodrooke 
week 16. Bosiness excellent. 

Slpe Ttieatre (W. B. Helmlck, mgr.) Dora 
Thome 12: fair business. 

mCtUGAir CITT,— 'ATmoT7 Opera Hoose (B. 
F. Batley, mgr.) Poeter J. WTilte In TrUby 3: 
good business snd splendid performance. G^n- 
tleman by Day. BnrgUr by Night 9: pleased 

good baetaet*. Mr WKe's Fairilr S. 

VUlCKHJUa. — MoBoiser Ibcatie (task 
Green, mgr.) The Royal Chef M; pached basse 
and pleased. Her Wedding Oar 11: IMd Ibiw 
and tmslness. Empyieaa BalcllAlana IS; Tbe 

Girl aur The Bsndlt 15. 

SUBHTILLE,— Opera Hoofe (Howard XoIUp 
mcT.) The Hustler Sept. 18: failed ts appe a r . 

One of the Many Oct. 4s " " " " 
ness. London GaTet,v 
eiaek Crook, Jr. 2S. 


Rraa, aigr.) Tbe Me of Splec T; 

and attraction. Sonm's Band 9: The Parlsls'n 
Widows 10: Across tbe Paclflc 14. 

OOSHEir, — ^Irwln Open Hooae (Flaak Irwia. 
mgr.) Onr Paaf SsB*. 9P: assd baataeaa aad 

performsnce. AMa Mb nTne UOe JOB- 

Ister IS. 

TERRE HAtTTE. — Lyric Theatre. CoosUo- 
tenean and Lawrence, Zntks, Kerns snd Co>, 
The Byroos. Panzer Brothers, and the klno- 
drome week 1; good baslness. 

C0SHEB8VILLE — ^Andie Tbeatre (W-. D. 
Andre, mgr.) Why Glila IMM Bwa Se^SBSd 

business and performiaea.- 'IVMdMdBl IHIH 

12; Dora Thome 17. 

WABABK.— HaHer*a Opera Hooae (J. M. Bar- 
ter, mgr.) The lale of Spice 3; packed hooae 

and pleased Immenaely. The Booster Girl 5; 

good baslness. 

pel foi BMBce, 


SOUTH XcALBSTER. — Landsdate Opera 
House (A. B. Eetes. mgr.) The Century 
stock Co. .1-7: good show and fair iMlsineSB. 
.M:i1iani's Mln<:trel8 11-12; good perfonaaace aad 
p.nckcil houses. Foisome MaCk O*, WUt, Un- 
der cntiva.s — ^Kiogiing BngL* flbaw Us Faaaee 

niirs wild West 17. 

rnnEOeEB.— Oatia Tbeatie (W.'K 

mgr.) .\n Artstoemtle Ttamp 7; 8. B. 

|i!<n*ed Immens. ly. 

WALNT7T. — Opera HOnae. The Hand of Man 
Sept. 18: fair ahwr aad hMlaess. The Steel- 

OCTOBER 21. 1905. 

Xtie Billboard 



; BAnB8>— Orccae's Open Boom (W. 

; aV*) 3^ Bonawaja 2; sood baal- 

_ nt Lut Boae «f Summer 8; fair buiuc. 
fTalkcr WklteaUe 4^: tood attemUnee. Cherry 
Caller sood boalness. T&e Pandeis 7; 
vBCded. The Banker'* Child 11; Docksiader's 
lUnatrela 12; Under Soutbem Skies 14: Bpbt. 
yan tell 16; Father and Son 18; Uncle Tbm'a 
Cabtn SO. 

People's Theatre (Vic Hugo, mgr.) Dlda, 
Bawlii acd Von Kaafmaa, Manly and Marcbell. 
Ben Hamej, LotUe Munroe, and the biosraph 
■cck baalnaaa and bill (ood. Uadcr can' 

VAXmOO.— SmtB** OpcK Baoaa (O. r. 
Brown. OCT.) Tb« Bolicn 3: good ' 
The Boawaya S; j tH g yjl auMltj 
W. B^Mttop te..Xh* LMtJlpW C( 

A Jat^'li 

Jobuua'a Bcetale Theatre (C H. 

Jamm Btmae. Onmmlnga and 
«Hk S: food boalneas and 
fMMM, tte Great. Hayea and **~j Ti 
BTTf"*! Ifartlnl. and others. 

BIB > I im — Grand Opera Hoose (Frank 
BSr.) No Mother to Guide Her 3; good 
Aair and boalness. Boity Tolty 4; pleased 
(■It atteadanee. The Female Detectives T; 
«aad bMlneaa. Under Southern SUea 8; BU 
mftneta. the Bey 11; Cherry TaUey 13; Mid- 
«W>t la New York 14. 

KBOXOK.— Grand Opera House (F. K. Stur- 
-.) His Ulgbne<i>« U>e B«y 9; good ehow 
Uaverl^'s Minstrels U; fair bu- 
Boae Hill Folly Co. 18; Ctaenr Valley 
Mt Ska Stmawaya 90. 

AXKOnOr— Open HoM* <a P. BaMand, 
••» naJffMTBMMnd^ ^ - 

XASOB (aZT.— Wilson Theatre (Chas. F. Pe- 
deraoo, mcr.) W. B. Pattoo In The Hlnlater'a 
Son 7; laite and well-pleased attendance. 

FT. XASI80S Ebinger Grand (W. E. Eb- 

iBSer, mgr.) The Paradeia 2; good Inulness. 
non DeToaa Oo. B-8; good bnslaeaa. 

AXrSA Johnson's Opera Hooae (B. H. CaU, 

1^.) The Steinhilber Stock Co. week 23. 


WICHITA. — (^wford Theatre (E. Ii. Mart- 
ilss. msr.) Tim Morpby in Darld Oarrtck 
4; good business. Fay Foster Borlesqaers 5 
The Volniiteer Organist 6; fair business. Marie 
fMintaln Stock Co. B-11; Happy Hooligan 13; 
Anna Era Fay week 16; A LitUe Outcast 27. 

Toter Andltoriam (H. O. Toler & Son. mgn.) 
Tks I^eenm Stock Co. week 3; fair bMiiMb 
DMdwood Dick IS; HcDooald atock Olb «Mk 
10; Motehead Stock Oo. week 23. 

Blioa ThestTe (C. B. Olson, mgr.) Wllaaa 
SDd Moras, Pickett and Whipi>ler. Cart Charles, 
Dave l>srden. sad illaatrated songs and moTlag 
pictures week 2; big bosloeta. 

Lyric Theatre (O. II. Boa, mgr.) Zartlaa 
and BaiaeU, Banctt aad Wyenoa, Geo. At- 
aJaaaa, Wayaa flavar. ntaamtad aoaga and 
mmUa pktMM week S. Didcr casTaa— Pawnee 

Blira wnd Wcat 8howa 2; packed two per- 

XOFEKA. — Crawford Theatre {Cnirtori & 
Kane, mgrs.) A Russian Spy 1; pleased fair 
atteDdance. Anae Era Fay week 2; fair buil 
□ess. Buster Brown 8; gtiod business. The 
Prince ot Pllaen 9; Slqr Farm 10; (kntni7 
a«W!k Oa. U-U. 

UMcTtaMV Wcat. aad tSmUnBet ^l^aSi 

NorelV Tkemtre (R. A. Wllkiisia. sssr.) 


^ Ihcetic (Banr O. 

b) n* Bajab of Bhooc 3; thir 
^^wB^ jAe baa Opera Oa. C; SMd baal- 
aesa. Fally Prtaraaa •: rtcaatd wad trnH- 
BaaUtaa U: SSriir Sm »; 
TIa Uaiplir IP. 

I neatie (C. B. Wbeaton. mgr.) 
the Bar Sept. 36: floe sttraetioo 
tartaeai. Uncle Tom's Cabin SS: 
fc* tm^mt. Two MertT Trampa Oct. 5: 

wnnjwjgMg^art _^f afr^ t>tt«^^^^ Vaa i^jtto 

aM». Unele TMn's 

. » At 

letrick's The.tre (H. P. Pal- 
r.) Polly Prlmroie 5; pleased fair 
The King o( Tramps 10. 
■ Hoose (Geo. W. wnilams. 

Creek 0; pleased hesry 

— Cabin 10. Under canras — 

Pattetaoo * Bralaerd Camlnl Co. 10-14. 

CHERKYVAIE.— Opera House (Chas. Cssh. 
mgr.) Uahara's Mlni^trpls Sept. 26: good bu«I- 
ae aa. At Cripple Cre. k Oct. 4; good show and 
Pwaaage. Uncle Tom's Oabin 6; fair show «nd 
Viaalni as; Two Merrr Tmmx»« fair sliow anil 
e apaelty bns lneas. M.v Friend From Arkan'saw.n. 
_ WIM FIEUB. — Grand Opera House (E. R- 
^enk msr.) Uarle Fountain Theatre Co. week 
a^jpM eoopaaj and attendance. The Lockes 

*snCTE.--**e Theatie (A. B. 8cdre. 
cr.) The Raaalaa Ssgr it BMd MlBM^Md 
-' — Okw IMl; tal of 


fnlr show, 

'r«rieu» 3a, 



XAUnmUb— ^ Aveaae (0. 
■g- )__»» ^ WUaen Mj w 

J**?' '"' 
Maaarte Iheatre (C. A. Shaar. - 

T^. Hearth 9-14: good 

FaatasBia 18-21. 


A. aiaw. 

Babes in ToylaaA IMdt • 
KendaU 10-18. 

BopHu* Zhaatia (ma. 
Mr. aad Mn. Kdei^. M. 
Marlov, Brilcaaba 

gona. Dorothy Drew. Waxaaw BHUMM and 

the blograpb week 8; food boalncM. Miz and 
Barry, Moaher, Hooghtoo and lieahar, 3fme. 
SlapoBaki. and others week 15. 

The Bucklngbam (Wlialien Bros., mgra.) 
The Colonial GirU week 8: good baslnegs and 
performance. The California Girls week 15. 


LEXntOTON.— Opera Bouse (Chas. Scott, 
mgr.) Chaa. B. Banford In A Merchant of 
Venice, Ingomar and The Taming ot the Shrew 
6-T; fair business. Mca. Temple's Telegram 
0-10; large and enthusiastic audiences. When 
jotmoT Comes Marching Home, underlined. 

SASVOAH. — ^The Kentucky (T. W. Roberts, 
mgr.) Dainty Duchess 2; good show, fair bause. 
The Little Minuter 3; failed to put in lu 
appearance. Boyal Chef 6; fine performance, 
bouse packed. Fabio Romanl 7; Herald Square 
Opera Co. 9-10. 

ASSLAm, — Aabland Ttieatre (Morton & 
Smith. asTS.) The Tjpearlter GM 17: The 
HoBffaMMB U: Tbe 8lgB o( tke Cnh XJ, 

80KSaRr-«M 0pm Haaae (Thas. m. 
Tfaat aia^ •— M CMMBt'. OMMdr.. -Oti. 9-u: 
good kualaeaa. 


HEW ORI£ANB. — Grand Opera Bonse (H. C. 
Foorton. mgr.) A Modem Magdalene week 8; 
good production and big bustoesB. • 

Lyric Theatre (Walter S. Baldwin, mgr.) 
Tracked Around the World week 8; record- 
breaking boalness. 

Orpbecm Tbeatre (Tom S. Winston, mgr.) 
Patty Brothers. Mile. Celina Bobe. Nina Mor- 
ris, LaBelle EstelllU, COayton, Jenklna and 
Jasper, Walter Stanton, the Giant rooster and 
Julias the Clown. Henrietta de Serrls, and 
otken week kaatooa Boad. 

OtecBwald ncatic CBeatr O ree a w a ld. mgr.) 
Rice & Barton's Boae BUI EDSUsh FoUy Co. 
week 8; good bnslneaa and performance. 

Elysium Theatre (W. A. lUUee. mgr.) The 
Click Comedy Oa. laistaUd Ike »saais Gal- 
lery and Falsely Aeeaacd «adc dS_kanaB and 
productions good. flSPV.^lSBHaak^t 


BATTIXOBE.— Academy ot Hasle (Hma and 
Zimmerman, mgn.) To-Motiow 'Land or SMC 
week 8: good pto^ietlaB. Uis. Semple'a Tele- 
gram week 10. 

Ford'a Open Boase (Chas. B.' IMtk mgr.) 
Prlmraae Utaatids wMk •: BOod kMtoaas and 

Babatft afJa T^ uff'i^S i V"**^ 

AadMeliaa Staatsa Omm asr.) 
Tka Btack OnSTSm Vntkmi ti aa m ee m and 

One MHIMB. BBIy CUSOtd week Id. 

Blamara IVatTa (O. U- BaUanf. mgr.) The 
Curse M Brttt week •; good boslnesa and per- 
ronnancc. For Bla Brother's Crime week 16. 

Maryland Tbeatre (Jaa. L. Keman. mgr.) 
Lydla Knott, The Oolontal Septet. Max Waldon. 
A. 0. Duncan, Jack Gardner, Hlce and Elmer, 
Kelly and Violette, and the kinetograph week 
9; business good. 

HolUday Street T b e aHa (Kctaaa. BUe & 

Houck. jn^> ^aESr* BMr^JnfSa STlUgbt 

week 18. 

Monumental Tbeatre (Jo«. L. Keman. mgr.) 
The Rmpire Borlesquers week 9; buBlnesS and 
attraction good. The Cherry Bloasoma week 8. 

BUon Theatre (P. P. Craft, mgr.) The Ver- 
MB Stock Co. presented Slares of Opinm week 
9; good bnslnesa. Under oanras — ^Wasbbum & 
DeAlma's Trained Animal Show 9-14; bnainess 
fine. STLVAN SCHENTBAL. 224 Lanrena St. 

dnCBEBULlIS. — Academy of Music (Mel- 
linger Bne.. mgrs.) The Two Johns 5: fair 
buainesa. Bine Blbbon Girls 0: good show snd 
lUr UuSllMSS. IbTklc-BarOer Stock Co. 9-14: 

- - — De 

,) Tbe Ooldwviki; 

aod lliifdeamr, aad tlw 


B08T0K. — Boston Theatre.. Denman Thomp- 
son in The Old Homestead is running a two 
week's engagement here. 

Colonial Theatre. Richard Carle In The 
Mayor of Toklo Is in bis second week, and 
ta mating a bit. 

Majestic Theatre. As Te Sow is running in- 
deflnltely and drawing blg^aowdSj 

Tremont Tbeatre. r 
tinnes to attract the 
pleasing Immensely. 

HoUls Street Theatre. Sjrfla .BiBaw.. 
fles is playing {jj^ffjl"* U?* 'ftSiaii 

Jwk ' 

Park Thsatn. Thsa. W. Bnaa ^ A lait 
Bxehance. am aeaOsBt cncdr. Is dolBC tae 
bnaleesa, _ . . _ 

lihnplie Thaalfa. The Bonnie Brier Bush week 
ft; good b ushw s a . Lecd Chnmley week 10. 

Grand Opera House. 'Hie Lighthouse by the 
Sp!» wpek D: good business. Sherlock Holmes 
week 10. 

Globe Tbeatre. Thou. E. Shea In repertoire 
week 9: business excellent. 

Bowdoln Square Theatre. The stock eom- 
nany presented Mice and Men week 9; pleas- 
ing performance. Cleopatra week IB. 

irrw BEDFOBS iXew Bedford Theatre tw. 

n. CrojK. ragr.l Jas. Keonedr Co. 4: good bn«i- 
nt-v-t. Ovclilan 5: fair hmdness. Shep- 

i-rrfr< Mr>TlnB rictitre!" B: fair business. Tlie 
'Icn nt ti>e Four 7: eooil bmlnes". Girls Will 
b-» Glrl.« f>; gOO<I slinn- nml fair business. Ren of 
"roken Bow 10; fnir business. DsTld Haram 
11; BnnttT Brown 12; Henrietta Cro«man 13: 
The SIcn of the Cross 14: Penberg Stock C!o. 
week 16. 

TlatliswoT's Theatre (Theo Bailies, mgr) Gal- 
lahan and Mack, Tarsen Sisters. Gr-at Leipsic, 
narman and Franklin. Dora Pelletler. Slater 
and Williams and the Valdare Troupe week 9; 

l>xn»Inr?B sood. 

Sarnr Theatre (D. B. Bufllngtoo, mgr,) Men 
snd Women wefk 2; good bostaeas. The Tor- 

hidden Marriage week_>. 
Lyceum Tbeatre. 

9: good buslnetia. 
Palace Theatre. 

lesquers week 9: good bostacsa. 
Krltli's TKestre. Stater aad 


,bioetaph week t; cayidir 

I Old Howard. iMk Weaicj. lAnrae, Mack 
and Lawrence, Bayea and Beaky, LeRoy and 

Woodford, W. J. McDermott. Knox Brothers. 
The Great Lynch, Brobst Tilo. Kennette and 
Patters. Cbaa. Abeam, Pbll. aionni, and mo- 
tion pictnrea week 9; great haaiaaas. 

AastiB * Stone's Mnaenm. Baalacaa la recy 
flue hen and good attraeUooa are always on 
band. FRANK W. MEAD. 

FAZX BITEB. — Academy ot Moate (Cabn & 
Grant, mgrs.) Wright Lorlmer lo the Shep- 
herd King 2; capacity buainesa and pleased 
Immensely. David Harum 9; Tbe Fenbet7 Stock 
Co. 10-14: Tbe sign of tbe Croaa IS: The 
Broken Vow 17: The Mysteries ot New York 
18; Tbe Colonial Stock Co. 19-SS. 

C**to Theatre (A. L. Haynea. mgr.) Thos. 
J. Ryan and May Rlcblleld, Murphy and Fran- 
cis, Barry and Johnson, Brazil and Brazil, Nes- 
aer, Hnnter and Nesser. jQo. Birch, and moT- 
tng pictures week 2; good business. 

Nickelodeon. Crammer and Casper, Earle and 
Bartlett, Beatrice Kennette, Major English, and 
others week 2; good business. 

Sheedy's New Bijou. Bazque Quartet, Landro 
and Laxott. Henson and Jamee, Bellman and 
Moore, Mattle Lockett. and moTing pictnrea 
week 9. 

HOLTOKE. — Opera Hoose (Lawler Bras., 
mgrs.) Beimett-Moolton Co. week 8; atrong 
company and good business. Cotiain Kate 17; 
Louis 3Iorrtson 23; Darld Hamm 24-2S; Ire- 
land's Greatest Band 27; In the Land of Cot- 
ton 28. 

Empire llieatie (T. F. Marry, mgr.) Lost to 
tbe World 8-11; large andlencea. Bobie's 
Knlckerlwekeia 12-14; excellent boalness. 

GLOUCEBTEB Union HIU Tbeatre (Lothrop 

& Tolman. mgrs.) Buster Brown 4; good show 
and fair business. The Wizard of Oa 6; good 
performance. Cokmial Stock Co. 9-U; excepting 
U. \_yntu ..V« Were Ttwealy-one U; Jan. 


BAT CITT.— Washington Theatre (W. J. 
Daunt, mgr.) In the Elerenth Hour 3-4; fair 
business. Florodora 5: good business. My 
Wife's Family 0: good business. My Jersey 
Lilly 7: fair business. Tbv Sign of the Four S: 
good business. Tbe WIuDlng Hand tl: Tbe 
Parisian Widows 12; A Desperate Chance 13; 
The Heart of Chicago 14; F^nst IS: Down by 
tbe Sea 19; Adelaide Thurston 20; Ole Oleson 
22: A UtUe Outcast 24-2S. 

8AOINAW.— (Academy (Joa. Pearlsteln. mgr.) 
Florodora 4; good buainesa and fair conpany. 
My Wife's Family 7-8: fair bnslnesa. A Dea- 
petate Chance 12; Parisian Widows 13-14; In 
ttxiBeart of Chleaca lA. 

JeOer's Ttwatn (Bamtord & Marts, msrs.) 
The Byrons, Afnea Ijce Martyne, daxanee Sla- 
ters, Noblet aad MaishaU, Carrie .'■■8lte^aBl• 
dren . W. I. Md>ctmott and otbsa wack 1: 

good business and petformtnce. 

T.avarwti Baird's Opera Bonae (F. J. 

Williams, mgr.) The School Olrl 2; good show 
itnd bnslnexit. On the Bridge St Midnight 3: 
good show and business. Faust 9; Tbe Winning 
Hand 14: Hlmmeleln's Stock Co. week 10. 

Bljon Family. Tbeatre (D. J. Ro'.son. mgr.) 
CaroI.rn Voung. The Juggling Buikea, Tom Hip- 
ley. The BernsMns, Prosto and Harrey, Tom 
Farrell and moving pictures week 2: bnslnesa 

SAULT STE. XABIE. — Soo Opera Hoose (W. 
H. Seacfa. mgr.) San Toy 2; The Moonshiner's 
Daugbter 3; good business and performance. 
In the Heart of Chicago 8; fair performance 
and business. Tbe Irisb Pawnbrokers 7; good 
business. Rodney Stock Co. 9-14; Florodora 10. 
Pawnbrokers 15; M.v Wife's Family 18; Tbe 
Hoose of Mystery 22; Tbe Isle of Bong Boog 
23: Faust 28; The Hoosiir Girl 20. 

KABQUETTE. — Opera House (A. P. Koepke, 
mgr.) Tbe Heart of Chicago 3; fair bualness. 
San Toy 4; excellent attraction and patronage. 
Othello 10: Florodora 17; The Show Girl 23. 

BUoo Tbeatre (W. A. Roes, mgr.) Two De 
Grees, Jaa E. McFarland. Manrlc* Samnela, 
Adams and White, and moTlng pletores week 
9; good business. 

JACKSOM'. — Atbenaeum (H. J. Porter, mgr.) 
Tbe Wayward Son Sept. 20; fair bnslnesa. In 
The Elerenth Hour 30; good bnslaeas. On tbe 
Bridge at Midnight Oct. 2; good business. Tbe 
Little Outcast 5; fair bnslneas. Tbe Train Rob- 
bers 7; The Education ot Mr. PIpp 9. 

KTSKEGOH, — Grand Opera House (R. B. 
Meyeisahm. mgr.) Fkoodom 7; good business. 
The MoonsUner'a Daogbter 8; good bnslaess. 
The Grafter IS; Adelaide Tbnrston 14; Tbe Irish 

XIALAICAZOO.— Aeademy at Vask (B. A. 
Bnsb. lagr.) Hlmmelela Stack'-''Oh.'r'WaCk - 2: 
good baatacas and company. P^aait' OanllBl''Co. 
week Sept. aS; MialBcaa Ms. , . , 

WHfMfl. fliaaaj Opna- .'■nsa'r.flhB^' ■■O. 
Gatmaa, mgr.) la the BleecBtb' BMr Pi dne 
performance ami capacity iHialness. Two Little 
Waifs 10. 

OWOSSO.— Cook's Opera Hoose (C. Meblan- 
batcher. mgr. » My Wife's Family 4: pleased 
larae bvislness. I'orter J. White in Faust 10. 

ZUHT.— Stone's Theatre (Albert 0> Fcgg. 


IinmZAPOUS.— MetropoUtan Tbeatre (L. M. 
Scott, mgr.) Mrs. LeOSngwell's Boots and The 
l!arn!itormer week 1; pleaaed large bonaea. Ser- 
geant Brue and San Toy week 8. 

BUon Theatre (Tbeo. L. Hays, mgr.) His 
T,ast Last Dollar week 1; good boslnesa. The 
Belle of the West week 8. 

Orphenm Theatre (G. E. Raymond, mgr.) 
Prelle. Melville and Stetson, Boch, Elton & 
Co.. Mlllman Trio, Mr. and Mrs. Allison, The 
Czlbulaa, and the kinodrome week 8: bualness 

Lyceum Theatre (W. W. Ely, mgr.) Three 
Nambos, . Tenle Murphy, Marinellas, Jtmmle 
Lncaa. Mand Elliott It Co., Jonea and Walton, 
and moving pletnies week 8: good bnslnesa. 

UBl«ae Xhcatra (G. F. Parter. mgr.) De 
Anaoa. Chaa. " —* ■ 
Wm Chriade 
week S; coed 

Dewey Theatn (M. H. ■taSK'-aWi^} 
Tiger umca week 1: (ood ■ — 
^ * 

ax. FATIX,— MetnpoUtaa Opoa 
M. Seott. mgr.) Saa Tor S-U; asod 

Star TheaUe (J. C. Van Boo. mgr.) Hie Pa- 
risian Belle* week 8; good performance aad 
heavy business. The London Gaiety Girls HMk 

Orphenm Theatre (Chaa. Frertk, mgr.) Ta*: 
devllle attracted flae haalness week 8. 

J. J. 

n. CLOnn.— Daridsga OMca Baaaa <*.\&. 
DaTldsoa. aupr.) The jlajjal Mais OaaiW| 9t 
Mr Nislness. Wanier Om tl^'.-^ IH :.wmM'--9f- 
good boshwas. Saa.Tor ^ . 

The " " * 

8T, unm,-aaai(k neetn (Oca. ' 
mgr.) Grace Vaa StaddUosd 
week 9; spleadM kasiassa, 
^ 4^ylcJwg»jP. .ahag^,ay.>j 

10. ■ • ■ ■• ■ ■ \ 

Ceatarr Iheaire <P. tliHti~mfti 
Gna week good bostaMii aaC: 
Mrs. LedtagweU's BooU srcck U. 

"'^IT'Ww Tbeatre (Ftank Tate, mgr.) n>- 
detta O nhSSUn . T. Kelson Downs. Joe Kew- 
maa. Sebepp'a Dogs and Ponies, Hart aad Dillon. 
Bert Lenoo. Cull and Johnson. Dlda, Petctaiac 
Bros., Relff Brothers. Spaoldlng and the kino- 
drome n eck 8; bnslnesa spkndld. 

Gayety Theatre (O. T. Crawford, mgr.) Tbe 
Bon Ton Burlesqueis week 9: bnslneas good. 
Rose Sydell's London Belles week 15. 

Grsnd Opera Houae (John Sbeehy. mgr.) Kob 
and OiU In I. O. U. w«ek 8: fair bnslaeaa. Hie 
Paraders week 13. 

Standard Tbeatre (Leo Relctaenbach, mgr.) 
Dainty Paree Girls week 8; business good. Faj ■ 
Foster we^k 15. 

'Barlln's Tbeatre (Wm. Garen, mgr.) Tt» 
House of Mystery week 8; pleased good bosl- 
ness. Queen ot tbe White Slaves week 15. 

ImptTlai Theatre (D. E. Russell, mcr.) A 
Wife's Secret week 8: good business. Kobt. 
Fltzslnunons week 15. 

Odeou Theatre. German Tbeatre Co. la draw- 
ing good business. 

GIot>e Ttiestre (H. R- Uicv. mgr.) Dootl&ltt and 
Jon.s, Zampa. Lon. McClelMn. Lain Belleaiaii. 
Haward? yissrls, . Tata. SterBags. Oca DasaB. 
sad nsaliBUlCliina aiiil jilged hariaeaa. 

KABBAS CITY.— WUUa Wood (Woodward tt :. 
Burgess Am. Co.. mgrs.) PUT. Faff, Poaf sreek 
8; excellent performanee and large bnaineaa. 
Rome Folka 13-18; Sergtsnt Bme with Fnnk 
DanleU 19-21. , _^ _ 

Grand (Bodaon Jadah. Bifia.) Ihe.. Saa- 
awaja with Gto. 
ftmaaace and good 1 
gtieli week l«. . _ 

GUUas TlieatTe (E. S. Brlgbam. mgr.) TU 
Qoaen ot the White Slaves week 8; boalBesa 
and atraetioo good. Hooligan's Trij> Anxaad the 
World 16 aiid week. 

Auditorium (Woodward ft Bmsesa. mgra.) 
Holty Tolty week 8; bnsinesii snd performance 
good. A W«e'a Secret week la. 

Orphenm Ttieatre (Martin Lebman, ■P-) 
an. (^aaton BordeTeny, Edmund Bay and 
Fredo and Dare, Herr Voelker, l«s 
Monahan and Myers, Jacob's Doga i 
pictnrea week 8; boalness good. , 

Century Tbeatre (Joe. Barrett, .age} KVj^ 
ter CO. wok S; good buainesa aad atttaM 
The Brigadiers week 15. •. . ■ 

Majestic (Colnntblan An. OSiH.a^>-B 
Bryant's Oo. wert 13. 

Xale's njeatre (Uayd ^ 
tham and F T e em a w ,. Hiaehts kV^ -- 
MUes, Larry 

m as good. , 

KaUooal Theatre (F. U. -_- — r-^— r--i - 
Maurettus, Fay Smtos, The ** 
Brandt ami others week 8^ ^."SSSi. 

8X. JOSEFS.— Tootle Tbeatre (a U. PhOIey. 
mgr.) Bnater Brown 9; good perfoniUBCe sad 
buliicss. Tbe Prince ot PUsen 10; l^eaaed 
excellent bnslneaa. DocksUder'B IflDStlcla M; 
big bouses. The Ennaways 10; ForbUdca Laad 
19-20; Shadowa <m the Hearth 21. 

Lyceum Theatre (C. U. PhlUey. mgr.) The 
LitUe Homestead 8; good abow and cap acty 
business. Aima Eva Fay 8-14: ew s l aa tj as^ .. 
nesa. Sky Farm 15-10: Tbe BaM' psppf .> 
17-18; The Kentucky BeHca J 

Lyric Theatre (H. Walt« Van Dj*a. "iK 
Tbe VanDyke Stock Co. to Tha__ate«ptaK CM; 
8 and week; big returns. The KCatBCBF >*■• 
week 15. ' . ' 

C^rystal Tbeatre (Fred. Coraaa.^^* > «a , 
Bealys. Wm. G. Rogers, Goy ParUes- Wa- 
strels, Mona. SUieno. Benno Family, aad am- ■• 
tag pictures S: good buainesa and bUL 

JOFLIN. — New Club Tbeatre (L. P. Ballard, 
mgr.) His Highness, the Bey 2: good skaw aad 
business. The Fatal Wedding 4: failed to sp- 
pear. At CUppIe Creek 7; good ba ^eaa. 
Human Slave 8t aaawisd^ Tka Balsa aa J asas - 
8; large bouse, - liasiaf ChacAp OSk IMg; 
Murphy 18. . 

Lyric Theatre (Cbaa. B. Bodkins, agr.V :M^ 

W. Thompson. Mile. Latlna. Chas. Ca i r«— 
others week l; good business aad bllL 

CHILLKXITBE. — Lnella Theatre (Z. B. My- 
ers, mgr.) In Old Virginia Sept. 30: gMd abow 
and baslaeas.^ gmOykeJ^Batsy Bep^fc week 

strrta*M;'''r^-'^'^'' * " -- *■'—■ ' 

LAXAB.— Opera Honse (J. S. 
Irma Opera Co. 3: good show a 
ness. That Little Swede 4: good I 
Pnmpkln Htisker 13: At Cripple Creek 18: An- 
gell's Comedians week S3. 

CHAHLESTON.— Clisrieston Tl>entre IS. r. 
r«eb. mtrr.) A Trip to Mara 9: good abow aad 
fair business. I nilir cnnvas— f:eli» f**""' 
Shows 7: good ^lM>vv and two crrtwiled teats. 

dJMTOH.— 'RixnisD 0|>era House fW. F. 
Jarrls. mCT.l Hlf Highness the Bey *: ^^ce 
and well pU-aT-^-d andi nee- .\t (Mpple laeek 
20: Howe's Moving IMclures 50. 
BOOXVUXE. — Stephens' Opera Basse. Bla 
a. the Bey 5: pleased large boMaea. 
Baad 18; Sbadowa on tbe Hearth 19. 



The Oillboapd 

Urn Street, Cincinnati, O., U. 8. A. 

r DIstADM Telephone MAjn ttllB. 

Ban* I. BsUuid BnlldlDir, IMO Bnmdwmr- 
.XtkphoM «!«« 3».t. . , 

TImL Billboard PuViljiiittiii^Gb. 

94 a yean e months, 9S{ 3 
Mis. 91 In advance. 
4hazgs t* Coralgn labseribOB. 

'^V ' ' J%eBiltboard St far mU on all train* and ueir»-i<amU 
■ " ' gt Ifce VmU*d tytate* and Canada^ uhich ore 

tv Ou Anuriain Nttct Co. and if brauektt. 

«. w James A. HUl, manager of Hill s 

ntfmmUepitatenotijvUitif/iee. Tbcatre FaylUoD, at Abbeville, S. C 

i»« «i?.;i:^"^?J?..f!_%£yvr!" has ptircbased a seventy-five foot 

. iw/al«ar BmUinft, Km-lkmmhtrUm^ Jt*.. 

W. OT'fn pari! at Btnlma i, 3! An. de fOprra. 

^' The bitda mmpplied bg Ou Anurtettm Ntm Co. and U> 

' hnachm.' 

' -'mmm »r<«r. or TtuuUrid MUr a Mr m ui or mMitpait- 

TB« •Wer eawot ■wiCTtai* mtera ■iHoUeanf 
' tfr cvrrMpoMllalB akomtd Mip copy. 
^ <t SLimuil/ to ir<r> ■• M* imOwOIou aiu 

Th* first fonm of The Billboard, in* 
>. eluding the Imt eight advertieing pages, 
gees to press Saturday morning. I4e 
ta d vsr tl asme nts ftor thsss pagss ean be 
. given the desired position and no 
efiangee oan be made in standing ads 
' an any of thaie pages unless the eopy 
' lua by neon Friday. Naadsftr 
^ ' •■■ *-- —-• ~^tr 

♦ bar 

The Christmaa Number of The 
BHIboard wlU be dated Dseam- 

^ It will consist of about 
IM pagea of special articles and 
aewsk ' profoaely illustrated, be- 
twasn covers beautifully litho- 
^ graphed tn colors. The first 
advertlsinK form will close No- 
* vsmlMr 1& Get yonr copy in 
oarly. and aeoma v good post* 

Hew OtImiu 

has takn it vpon 
himaalt to laaasure 

the people without th* aOBth OC the 
safe ooadtttoas ttarsk Iqr a visit to its 
principal dtlea during the latter part 
of this month. He will be in New 
Orleans on the twenty-sixth, and it 

may be that lie will extend his stay, as 
a,; oonmifttee will wait upon 'htaok ; In 
Washington to Importune him ' t6 do 
so. In the meantime, the theatres of 
the Crescent City are all open and en- 
Joying grood business. The president's 
visit and the. advent of Jack Frost are 
expected - to restore the south to its 
noimal latata^: «a Csr as tbsattieals are 


Walter M. I^esIIe. business man- 
ager for A\. .G. Field, went into New 
Orleans last week to pave the way for 
th<s minstrel organisation, ■mhlfik opsps 
the Klaw & Erianger aaaMn' tn uie 
Crescent City. 

round top with a thirty foot middle 
piece, which he is using as a theatre. 
The stage is well equipped, and there 
are two dressing tents. Seats are pro- 
vided for 1,000 people. October 5-7 he 
played the Winter Stock Co., and on 
Oct. 9 the Perachul-Gypsene Co. 
played to tumaway business. He is 
booked until the inlddle of December. 

Walter Beemer and His Juggling 
Girl, after a most successful engage- 
ment at White City. Chicago, Joined 
the New Parker Amusement Co., at 
Jefferson City. Mo.. SConday. 16, and 
will be featured with Messrs. Raver 
and 1>arnal»y*s Beautiful Bagdad 
Beemer wU. ' prove a valuable acqul- 
sitkHt to. tt* MMr Baikar. Amwasmant 
foreea.' ■ ■'■ ' 

gold oTer tbls paradise In t^e TaUey. Wbo 
may tell of the thoughts that were engendered? 
Tlieie was a twang of many a beart string and 
tears tbat are occasionally becoming to man- 
kind. Conjure up the picture It yen can. 1 
am Dot an Elk but the Ellts of the &bow bare 
asked me to cfaronicle the event. If I hare 
failed to do It JosUce charge It to a falter- 
ing pen tbat is not equal to tbe seotiment of 

Che occR^lon. 

The £lks of the show that visited the home 
were Charles Co^, Bemey Wallace. Charlea 
Sweeney, C. Z. Braauaii, Robt. Stiekoey, Jr., 
Harry Hodges, Tbos. Moaaglian, Jerry SmltS, 
JoliD ZUbot, rtsd. Ftbit, Chat. MeCartliy. 
Bert Osia. Jcaa nsnaa. Banr WkMlcr, AreUe 
Uarrel, JasMS Skvor. Wa. 8nv. lack ilan- 
UT. Fwd Wajpwr, As. Darts, Cbas. Davis, 
Ai. Lancford. Hennan Sith, Bennan Grigss. 
Joe Wallace, Ja*. A. Orr, PUSi, King, Cbas. B, 
Bdl. .Jaa«s amn. Frank Btatly. AL Mactia, 


The news .;:^.stlia . death 
of Sir Heiir]r''lMng was 

received with profound 
sorrow by all lovers and exponents of 
dramatic art in this country. His de 
mlse marked the passing of one of the 
most conspicuous figures in the de- 
velopment of the modem stage. TTig 
UftTs story Is one of most engaging 
Interesc Step by step, securing the 
scaffold of his fame, be rose •from ob— - 
Uvlon to the very highest summit It 
was through sheer merit and a per- 
fection seldom attained in the art of 
acting that he won the loving support 
and admiration of two generations 
of theatregoers in three continents. 
Henry Irvlng's professional and do- 
mestic life was one In which there is 
nothing to censure or condemn. He 
Dved In. an atmosphere of; art aiid->ln- 
teQeettiallty; and though'<<1w'ao(inlx«d 
an Independent fortune many years 
ago, the iove of his profession and Its 
assoclattons kept him from retiring, 
tboo^ he. — mttmpla tsd 1 1 . dtilng so 
wftldn two yns(i;^^^M'wvM'''1iiiB:ioat 
; air artist and^.»;jiiim^;:/ 

Cool weather and 
the accompanying 
signs of approach- 
ing winter have tonied - the . tboo^ts 
of the perennial theatregoer tmOrds 
the playhouse. Summer clothes have 
been packed away, the furnace kin- 
dled, and the home has settled down 
of ,indoor.dBi iiftir. t. '. The 
laOnr/-: roiMaiaSv''Tao{lB^ 

';fl»at:is;oa tba iSmS^SuMpi^S^ 
It.-teMr'atartad.;.- - ■ ' ■■■■ 

Alson Brubaker, resident niiiiiager of 
the Fargo Opera House, Fargo, N. D.. 
writes: *^y attention has beeBi oaUat 
to a. notice In The Billboard t6''ttM> 'af' 
feet that Mr. C. P. Walker was re- 
cently married to Miss Minnie Ander- 
son. Kindly correct same aa Miss An- 
derson belongs to aBik.aad .I mold not 
be wining to giva ft«r 'ap' aviB to such 
a prlaoa of managers isa., ."Id Mr. 
Walkw." .■■ 

FroCf iklliii '.Vh^agpaon. "'aaraaiuit. Of 
Martlnsvflle. "Bid.. , was Injured Ip" a 
balloon ascension at Dublin, Ind., Oct 
15. In the ascent the balloon struck 
against a brick cliimney. Mr. Thomp- 
son ■ ' wi a n a g a d .to.''.-ratali&...'Uipt- .-yoa lt lop 
on. the tiiupsas imtll lie laiidadi' ; . ■ 


A day of rare Interest tor the Wallaee Sbow 
as well as for the inmates of the Elks* Na- 
tional Home at Bedford City, Ya.. wa% Oct. 
T. when the tented orgaiHsatloa played the 
beaatlfnl Virginia dty. The thirty or mote 
VHycn with the show bad been looking forward 
to the date with enthualaatic interest. All 
knew of the houe. Its aim and object, bat not 
one had ever Tlslted tte place. At the after- 
noon perfcxmance. throogh tlie kindoesa of 
Mr. Wallace, erery person at the home— rcat- 
dents. scrraBts and all — >wsrc gnesta of the 
show. A larta tpaes Is tha rmrisd seat lee- 
tlon. deomctcd In tbe colois, wis Mt aside for 

Isimcdistcly after tbe mstHwe 

the BDka of the show gatbered la 

room. Veteran Chailcs Bweeaey, an Xlk tmn 
his shoe soles to his liead gesr, was chosen 
grand marshal and Brother Chet Bronaon band 
master. Ererytiody with the show, whether 
Elk or no, was invited to partlctpate In tbe 
Tinlt. Two abreast the Unea were formedt aad 
a hundred men. preceded by the band, mirfthrd 
forward tn tfao Natltmal Home. 

When the showmen reached the h<vme the 
residents were at dinner. An Elk greeting 
was extended by Snperintendent Tnmbtlaon. of 
tSie home, and everyone marched into tbe great 
dining ball with the band playing and colors 
flying. The good old "rets" at tbe table arose 
and gave three Insty eticcis tta the Tialtors, 
which were retomed In Mud Mr tiw Wallace 
delegatlin. Fonnallty was cast to- tha winds 
and the BUc agUlt of "make yoeiMIt at haaa" 
tweame sunUkat. Xha Tlaltars mltond han, 
there and «t« tf ■ b e t e aboat tto boms nirttt 
the residents had anlahed the ercnlng meal, 
llien followed conunlngllag. remlnlaelng and 
visiting. Over tmder a great spreaklng oak 
tree a standing Inncb had been spread for the 
Kuefita. With this dispatched the visitors and 
residents assembled on tlie great portico of 
the hoiiie for a pbotofrraph. a reprodncUon of 
wlilcb appeim on the Clrcns Page of this Isme. 
The resident Elks were aea-ted In a seml-clrcle 
on tbe lawn. The Blks of the show formed In 
single Iloe. Brother Harry Hodge ang- 
tmted a hearty handclasp and a God-bleaa yon. 
The showinea Elks pamd by tbe "rets," grasp- 
tr lb* hand. Xot a ward wan 

Foam's basd stnMk sp "AsH Lang 
FSr a««r behind tbs iMalBi of otto 
a (btsMwr «( 

Xakss good Its Eastern Bepotation in the 
Qasaa Oity— Othsr 01 

George Ade'a llM OttDefS Widow played to 

ezceptionally good bmlness at the Grand Opera 
House last week. In (act, only the Buckeye 
statutes kept the 8. R. 0. alsii under cover. 

Soaw acense tbe emspdr •( being ploUess. 
Fact fc - ■MK'JISys- MS- eiS<p l B tm < The Col- 
lege WMsi^lAM^Mrilt t» SsBM sad enter- 
tain. .„. .- , •, . . — •■, 

Illram BajfUia ' lMS.''Mde complete arrange- 
meutH for Hi StaMS-«Bter Bingham College, 
ana tie takes Ills leare for a trip to Europe. 
He 1h a nhrewd business mau, or he would not 
RO to Europe (o float stock In a worthleM Jerk- 
water railroad. The son, BlUy. la quickly 
side-trucked by a Sfhenring footliall coach — nol 
a villain — a very needful [>er8onage to an In- 
stitution of learning — and a coy "widow." 
Forces are brougbt to bear upon Billy, and he 
decides to enter Atwater College, a rival in- 
stltuUon. Then what will the stem man of 
bnsinasn say to his son whes ha tetams and 
finds him a ftndest; ntbtr s plwtr. for tbe 
Preahytsdaa asUses wtaa ha bnsaU 
cood old BanUit, bs*taK sndowcd Binsbam 
with aavsisl laias bnlldlnsB and eonatderablc 
InflaeneeT Plot flitte Is In mlBelcncy. and It 
Is simple, natnral and entlidy probably, 

The cjmedy Is gennlne and orlgliial. Ibe 
lines hear the eaT.inark of Ade homor. Tbe 
characters are skUlfnlly drawn. Tbe acenea 
are true reflections of real college life, and 
here is where the stage director comes in for 
a big share of tbe success of the piece. Tbe 
third act. depicting the grand stand and en* 
Tirons, Is one of the moat realistic and com- 
plete scenes ever staged. Tbe footbaU game 
is as enjoyable aa It the spectator were among 
the party In the grandstand, and aa mncfa en- 
thusiasm Is arouaeil at the success of Billy as 
ir be lind iK-cn npou the Harvard camptm. 

One of the best characters portrsyed on the 
Orand's stage for a long time was that of 
"Silent" Murphy by Ernest B. Clarr. "Mnrph" 
was a focndry recmtt picked out for center 
roih, and enrolled tor a conrse In art— a-r-t. 
Lenrmca Wheat pnt. np a splendid perform- 
uee as "BhA" Tslmadge, the busy nnder- 
■ndsate, s cbstaeter tndlipeaiible to tbe make- 
op a< a atadaot hodr. . Aa Sloca WUUass, 
neHrMiTKar " • 

— itbaHae Noseat was as 

tha aathar Istanded. aad her 

work was ssetllnt^lB Ihs itfadeos nia of 
Bessie Tkimtr, as sttOstle^ll, AdaUas Donlap 
exhibited as mnoh vtraeitr as tbe part ealled 
for, and her pt a sase a wss alwaya wdoome. 
Walter Walker aaond a seisaiial hit aa Blram 
Boultoo, for bla portrayal waa tbat of a stem 
business man and somewhat deroted Baptist. 
Nell Morsn made a splendid Prof. Peter 
Wltherspoon, and Edgar Balstead waa Bkewlae 
apod as the post-grsduate tutor, Oopemlens 
Talbot. George Ober rerealed as quaint a 
bacrtster as erer pleaded before a coantlT 
squire tn Hon. Elam Ricks. Raymond Hicks 
did good work as "Bub" Blcks, his son, a 
neshman and later a "sport." Otis Turner 
was welcome ss the town marshatl. Aa tbe 
prafesslonsl cbsperone. Mrs. Dalzell. no fault 
could be (onnd with I.ida Mclllilan. Dan 
Baker was well received as tbe trainer, and 
Hale Narcioss was adTsntageonaly cast aa tbe 
coach. Bobert McKay. Freeman Barnes. Geo. 
F. Demerest and Jason KInslaw added Ttvld- 
ness to tbe football contlocent. Dototby Ten- 
ant waa aatoral In tbe role of Jane^^lther- 
^Mon, aeorbis a personal anecess In tbe title 
part. Prederiek Tmsadcll was dseldsdiy a 
better halfback and tow than waa his Mher'a 
esttmauoa of blm aa a Baptlat. Both these 
players might be east to adTastase la mote 
pretentions roles. 

The engagement of The College Widow will 
long be remenAered by OInclmiatt tbeatregaers. 

The rorepaugh Stock Co. at the Robinson 
Opera House put np a pretty good entertain- 
ment in The Crisis last week. One commend- 
able faculty of the management Is Its abil- 
ity to snrronnd ita players with the proper 
Btaue enrlronmentn. The scenic elfeetl Of the 
entire picre were Rood— the aadlenee waa given 
a treat In the front view of tbe CnreV* conn- 
try home lu the st-cond act. The reel upon 
the lawn lent Dixie atmosphere, being done In 
real southern style. Harry Burfchardt, than 
whom a more verantlle »tork leader Is not 
easily found, was LmpreHnlve aa tbe yonng 
Puritan lawyer, conarientlonn and principled. 
We have seen Miss Shannon in better work 
than her Vlrghala Oarrel. but She waa winsome 
and as good a lover aa she waa ardent In her 
ehamplonablp of the sootbem cause. Frederick 
FoRtator. atwaps aood, wss sn aseallcnt op- 
Bosite to Ur. atliibsrdt as Olavsaee Odtkz. 
Albart aadMtt larariably In flns Mtle, was 
at bis best Is 1h« nfle of Jodge Whipple, the 
friend of LIneOia. Walter Ollbert waa good 
as Carl Rlebter. bla law student. WliMm ifimi- 
rael, always pleasing, waa the good old sontb- 
em gentleman in all that the name Implies. 
Harry Fenwlck got much ont of tbe role of 
Rllphalet Hopper. Henrietta Tadcrs. Louise 
Rent. Laura Pierponf. Mnrimret Moylan and 
T. J. Crowley, cast In minor roles, added life 
and Interest to the story. WIlHam Carpenter 
and Wm. B. Hexamer pnt reality Into the 
production In Hielr parts, as "calind" gentle- 
men. The audience highly enjoyed The Oridla. 
*Mri rt-ite fre4inently gave vigorous applause. 
Rn>Inei» Is cnpaeify at Rnlnlnson's. 

Tbe RrmlDsry Girt with Kmite Erlckaon, that 
•tonsatm Mowdlan. aad* lis 

appearance at the Walnut last week, and 
peated tta success of a year ago. It is ^ 
typical Raymond moaical show, brimful at 
pretty girls, sparkling costumes and acenetr 
and dellgbtful specialties. It COhaUta of a- 
Ught plot, in fact too light for perasal, bit 
nevertheless It satisfled immensely. May Walsh 
in the title role, is a novelty to the patrons 
of tbe Walnut, aa tbU was her Initial ap. 
pearancc, although she Is favorably known lo. 
caUy. She certainly did credit to her part 
and her clever ainglog made a hit. Among 
Ibe male contingent Ur. Knate Brickson is an 
easy leader. One ^aace at him would put any- 
body la a aood bonoc Whaa It comes to 
donraMcbt nooaenalcal Oioilrtniaa, Saatc Bo» 
than deUTua the aooda. In the (ols of Daffy 
Dan be la baU tbe Mnr. Nest oome the 
sisters B«csen la their <<tsi ohaiaeler sing- 
ing and dandnr acL Othm ast tn be orer- 
hmkad wm J. Wilson Howard. Xhaodoee !«- 
ten. Gale Satterlee. Harry Vocsnan, Jane Ade- 
laide Hood, Geo. Gorman and Wloi. A. Qnlrk. 

Last week Owen Davla' powcrfni eomedr 
drama. The Oonfeasions of a Wife, atlraeladi 
excellent honaea at Heneks, Without s denbt 
this company Is far above the average, and It 
carried a cast of clever people. It Is carried 
through on the conventional lines, but clever 
acttug made It much more interesting than- 
tbe usual mn of shows. Tbe Ecenes are laid 
both In New York and a small village. Ihe 
scenery was excellent, the most Imiiresslng 
scene l>elng tbat of a New York express train 
iM'liii; snowed up and a fierce blizzard. Tliere 
are also some clever specialties during the 
performance, among tbem being that of Mr. 
Jos. Palardo, wljo Is wonderful in bis various 
imitations. Sam Carroll and Miss Grace Covert 
made a hit with their singing and dancing. 
Among the foremost were Arthur DcVoy, T. C. 
Hamilton, Jack Sharkey, Ml;s Evelyn Katxrr 
and Adelyn Katee. 

Last week at the Lyceum Kllmt & Onzznlo 
presented George Kllmt In Big Hearted Jim. 
The plot of the stoty is laid in tbe west, and 
the scenery used la the production wss quite 
realistic. The play Is unusually thrUilng. ei«pe- 
clally In the last act, when an attack by the 
Indiana Is narrowly averted by tbe timely ap- 
pearance of White Witch, Agnes Hart, the 

Srlde of the Indian tiilte. George Kllmt aa 
im Saaon handles Us part In a veer accepta- 
ble manaer. Others ot note an Barry Oarrliy 
aa the Chinaman. llabcUa Mooca aa Ooia ~ 
Ijdc. the deserted wife, Harnr Frntoa O 
as John Haqlatte, the fsliUMS^hn^HUid. I. : 

»laiM !t» 


Hie cokmlal Belles, Slaylaa the aamst 

week engagement at Ptopls'a, moetd not. wmi 
Its title, be taken for a tenintlaaaty enUBS. 
U tbera Is any rrratartloB eossactad with flw 
perfbnnaase pt aa ent ed by thia eosmasy, Hnl 
be faesd la tbs sptltada poaseased by ibe tss> 
doasa peetly sMa la the anaimWo lor tomlna 
tbs hasds ef "ttab away sdahais. A piettiar 
lot ot atttaedfe Cautalsltr ban sever boa» 
seen than will bo Caand on the stsge at Pso. 
ple'a this week. Tha Baby Farm and Cobcn, 
the Ooimt, ate the sklta, and they are toU 
of eontsgeons comedy aad catchy music, while 
attractive scenery, costumes and electrical ef- 
fecu are added by way of good measure. 

Cbas. E. Blaney'a latest effort, Tbe Boy 
Behind the Goo, a play dealing with the Jap- 
Rnsslan War, io wtilch Barry Clay Blaney, the 
well-known eomcdian. la atairtng. opened at 
Henck'a Sunday and two packtd honaea were 
the result. Produced nn it la on the most mag- 
nlScent scale, with lu maaslve acenle and 
novel electrical equipment, its line cooipany, 
together -with an 'Jiirtensely Interesting -"bIoit 
of romance and adventure. It blda fair to take 
Its place among some of tbe most Important of 
the new hlgh-clBBa prodnctlons which are this 
season bidd&g for patronage In tbe best houMt 
In the coontry. The Boy Behind the Goo Is 
no ordinary melodrama; It la a hlsh-alaaa,„ad- 
ocatloc atorr In sood dramatie moi. numg 
the htatorleal incidents In correct detail. Is- 
terwoven amoog which la a sttsla or -slsaB^ 
cut comedy, and sereral good speelaltlca, all of 
which lend a high color to the quick ontirlng 
ctlon of the plsy- 

Her Flnit Fal&e Step, which Is being pre- 
sented at tbe Lyceum this week, cootalna one 
of the moat sUrtUng and thrilling sceoee ever 
produced In melodrsma, a little child bona 
thrown into s den of aavago Uoos ty bar 
brutal father. The plar optSS on a NfW 
Hampshire farm, the kltcbaa oC a eoantiT 
bone Mtog abown. Tbs steond sot takes pue* 
In llew Tot* and ahows tbe intarior and «- 
teilor «C a bsak Is wUch a realistic nWaty 
la dladasal. .9ks third act shows the Inte- 
rior of a-WMtMt tinament. the home of an 
nnhaiinr WSBSB. Stosa flrat false step Is lo 
marryloa a man naworthy of ber. and who 
enmes near vrreckbag her life. The Brat scene 
of the foorth act represents a dock showing 
the Brooklyn bridge in the distance. Two 
larse steamboats are used In this scene 'WSlcB 
ends in the exciting rescue of the heroine from 
a watery grave In the East river. The Issf 
scene of this set, however, presents tbe strong- 
est thrill of the performance. It being a very 
realistic representation of the Interior of » 
menngerle -tent. Into a den ot llona the vwaU 
hurls Ms own child, but tbe hero nabas IS 
fh'r her, heats back the t>easta and aaTCS the 
child. An Interesting vein of comedy nms 
throngh the performance. 

It Is reported that H. M. Zelgler and Mai 
Anderson, owners and managers of the Waloot 
and Columbia theatres In this city. George B. 
Cox. pollticinn and capintaHst, and Jos. L, Bhl- 
nock. Kentucky OmKresnman residing *''_.52?' 
Ineton. are Interosted with the Shnhert ""S!' 
era In new theatres to be erected In Iion* 
vlUe, Mlnnrsp<dls. IndlanopOUs, St. Pad, Ta* 
nmto, Mootreal and other ettlcs eC tbs wssi. 
yames M. AlUson, formerly Msw ^aA oi*- 
reqiondant tor ifce Olndsnatl SMMMRSrv^MS 
been snsased by tbe new saaasar S S - iaig 
agent, with beadqnartera Is Mr. Andaraas^ 

New Tork offices. 

This Is now working overland towsrds Mel- 
bonme and Is doing goo«l buslncfs sll slong 
the line. Oiefalo met with a nasty accident nt 
ForlH*^ ll*e ottlier eveninir In Uioplng t*ie lo<>i> 
lliHt nearl.v eoBt him hl» life. The trap did n"' 
work at the rlRht time — noitlt, he got Konie 
nasty cuts also an abrasion on the lega. 
Mr. B. J. Klltmtrlck desires rrnemlini-oee ti> 


T't\e BIlII>oarcl 



Dies Unexpectedly In 

.End Comes Suddenly to the Eminent 
English Actor — Ontline of His 
Career and the Qualities That 
Made His Great Sncceu 

sir Henry Irvlog. the njost emlneac of all 
:CDgUflli-ipeaklog actotn, bss aDiwered the flnal 
call ana la hok- resting in tbe aleep tbat 
ttwxwu DO breaking. The Tenerable artlat died 
nrj raddmly aB Bradford. EngUnd, after tbe 
eTeoIng performance. FYldar, Oct. 13, Bub- 
sequent to an attack of syncope. Wednesday 
Mr. IrrlDg was entertained at Bradford Town 
Uall by tbe mayor and a ouniber of dlatln* 
Kulsbed dtteeiu. He was appetently lo excel- 
lent bealtb and dellTered a spirited addrera, 
direlllDg at lengtb upon tbe need of u en- 
dowed theatre. Tkuraday tbe actor pre«ented 

King Beae'i Oaoghttr and Tbe Belli. Friday 
•tTCDlng he apptand to kis adiMaUaa of Lord 
ItanyMn** Btokat. . .5* . M«a to his betel 
to food aplritt ud'goM aflir hit entry into 
•hit aoMtaMt abaut UM ha waa aelied wltb 

* — ~— an Btofear, Ua manager, anm- 

bat httoM tbair aiilTal Ur. 

•ad aipind 

IB Mifttr of acrrlee Intog eaeeaded tbat ot 
■oath ar KemMe by eight yeaia aad Keaa'g by 
•ttMBtoco, bnt (ell abort of VoRcatar'a br one 
mar. He made hla debot at the SoDthcrland 
ThMbta. at the age of elgbteeo, and lenatocd 
npon the atage forty-ntoe yeata. Bla Stat Mda 
WM^ ttat^a< tbt^Paha^oC jMwato to 

Uen. and Leoto XI. Bi tiifni c« o( Ham' 

let. hla flnt apjiaran .ii ttat tragedy h^ng 
Oet. n. UT4. to «HMm« iTTtog-a aacood 
gnat iOMeia. Tiit IbhlMnKtaii maater^itea 
i«D ft>r orer two hmidnd mghm to the Britlili 
metropoUa. Irving waa now given full boii- 
ots as a tragedian of power and originality, 
and bla genius wa« DoquesUoned. 

In December, 18T8, Mr. Irmg entered upon 
tbe management of tbe Lyceam Ttaeatre, suc- 
ceeding <M. Bateman. Here, wltb Ellen Terry, 
be aatonlsbed London wltb bla ezcellest and 
pralsemrtby productions. After blgtaly praised 
perfomuinces of Hamlet. Othello and Tbe Mer- 
chant of Venice, Mr. Irrlng appeared In 18S0 
In Tbe Corslcan Brothers, which be followed 
nitb Drama of the Cup In 1881, Borneo and 
Juliet and ftlocti Ado Aboat Motblng to 1SS2, 
a toar ot iOMdM !■ Mft. T«Jflll ^Ki^ to 

In 1888. 

tatlon ot E^atiat In 1880 and to The Dead Heart 
'Mr. Irrlng was looking forward with mnfih 
iDteteat to hla fortbcoming American tonr, 
wblcb waa to begto next Oetobar. Bla fltat 
Amectcan tour waa nadcr tka dtiaelton of Henry 
Ahbey. Be osde to all atoa ilalla to tUa 

In Daste at tha Bowair neatta to (fair York 


Tbe preas of tbe world la etdogixlng Sir 
Henry Imlng. TVnly It may be said ot btm 
tbat "to know him waa to lore blm." His 
generous spirit, Ua affable mannent. and bu 
love for his art won for blin the admiration 
of t>otb tbe layman and tbe aesthetic. He 
lored art for art's sake, and tbe theatre bad 
DO mot« (taunch champion than In Irrlng. 
His last poyiic address, delivered two days 
before bis .death in tbe town where 'be breath(-d 
bla iBst, was a plpa for an endowed theatre. 
He regarded the tbeatre a ueceultr to a lib- 
eral ednoatlon. and be prophesied the time 
when It would be universally considered as 
Bucb. Irrlng'a was a struggle agalnat pov- 
erty, bat strong personality and indomitable 
wni won out, and during the closing years of 
Us career legralty l^dly paUl Um homage. ' 


DUN'BAR-SBARPSTBBK. — Errol Dunbar, 
leading man wltb the Sherlock Holmea Co. to 
Waa Helena Bhaiiwteen of Boston, Mass., at 
the Uttlc Church Around the Comer, Oct. 8, 
Bar.. Pr. Oto , 0. Honghton offldaUng. 

_ p_ Byaia, faaat> 

lowe d. enicH were IndlTrrent, seeing notblog 
cenarkable about the 3-oung man nor hia play- 
iBg appeared In a long nm In Two Bones; and 
■dlnboro, playing with Charlotte Cuahman and 
Halen Pauclt. In tbe several .Tears which 
(oUowed, Irving canie to be looked upon as a 
earafol, conscientious and atudious plivj-er. On 
fatorday ereatog. No*. ST. ISTl. Irving scored 
fell fliat gnat aaecna to The iieiis. BU 
eaeeeaa waa not alMgeHier unexpected, be- 
cause be had now become a poaslMUty, haT- 
ing appeared In a long ran to Two Besee. and 
having been greatly enoooraged to ttia pro. 
'vlnces. Irvine bad faith to lilmaelf, and be 
longed for' the vfblcle to wbioh be might 
Tide into tbe light of pabllclty. In Tbe Bells 
*» had such a play. Thoo^ the aeveral 
adaptaUona of ttie Bretanann-Chatrlan story 
had been dismal falinrea to tbe haada of other 
«cl«rs, Mr. Irving did not beattate to accept 
the veraloo offered him. Hla manager. Col. 
Bateman of the Lyceum, gave him an excellent 
aupportlng company. The succesa waa mag- 
'oetlc. LoDdon went wild over Irving, aud 
'hastened to bestow upon him tbe bigb bonom ot 
■tardOffi which hail iiing been denied him. 
wtttoa baetened to nil their papers with glow- 
•gaad extravagant acconnta of the newly 
SyrSl aJS'iaLa in'*'* ^a£L°' IrrUn Is now 
lt|^^B?w'«SrifinHai!? «S8k%p Van 

Sir Henry Irving waa known In private life 
« John Henry BrodHhb. He w«» bom In 1838 
J; Klenton. near Olastonbury. He waa edn- 
'*?Md to London, and for a time worked as 
MRta that city. Tiring of clerical work, be 
•Jjatoldltejo opoo the atage. Hla three years 
.! S^mS^ w«fa (OUowed by an engagement 

& ■wMMNi Ihaali*, tondon, Sept. 2S. lass. 

fljlto a bit «lto tbe antics through 
•noe dmmatlc ItBdlaa at Onabjr HaU doMng 
hla stay In Tw iin. lertog aesi appeared at 
^*«^">t than tw tt* jraata at tha Tbaatte 
??J^ Manebceter. A Mat sngaseaMDt at 
m'I5f"^2 J° J** Mtow* n cocasv 

™ent wim Kate Terry to Bmited Down at 
Uam^cMex. Tbe (bUowIng year he met with 
conalderable aueceas aa Dorlcourt In The Belle's 
? w '•S' Doraton In The Road to Ruin, and 
"Mr. Ohevlnes In Dncle Dick's Darling. Per- 
!?""»'>«• In other London theatres followed, 
•na In 1870 he was weM received a» nigby 
xli"* .!?, *»>ery'B comed.r of tbe Two Rosea. 
Then frtlowed bis flrst big succeaa. The Bella. 
_ t>oUowt ng Tbe Bells. Mr. Irving appeared 
«ncceaatBUy to Obaiica I.. Bn|cn* Aiam. Bkbe- 

.'lUtry Clay Blaoar to Wm 
anguaa of Detroit. Mich., at Cbrlat 
Church In Olndniutl. O.. Oct. 9. 

LONCBOTHAOI-HALL. — Frank longbotham 
treairarer of Bargreave's Shows to .Miss Mabel 
Hall, elephant trainer, at Chester. Pa.. Oct. 3. 

MANN'BLDNTAOH.— Billy Mann, weU-known 
rlrcuB man of Chicago. III., and Miss Borne Blan- 
tacb of Rocbeater. N. T.. were msrried at 
Jerrersanrille. Ind.. Oct. 8 

LOOAN-HnWITT. — Jaa. W. Loiran. manager 
of the MoonsMner's Daughter Co.. to Miss 
Rmma Hewitt, late of the Two Hewitts, at 
St. Joe. Mich.. receirtJy. 

TUaOK4.UIK.— Herbert Tnson. known prl 
ral^.aa B. ^ JM(l|W.jto Mlls..AMatt Link 


ment enterprise to tbia country. The nnaac- 
cessful daya can b« coontcd on tbe fingers of 

iMark L, Bmnner, bead electrlntan for C. L. 
Mairland** AmpMon i:l<-c-trlc Theatre, died of 
peritonitis at Florence. Ala., Oct. 0. and 'was 
laid to rest in tbe Florence Cemetery by Mr. 
Maltland. He waa formerly connected with 
J. R. Morris' Volcano and Ous Meyer's Moon 
shlni-rn. Friends wishing to send W B<MlB C> to 
hl!« iMTi'iiTctl mother, ran addreas 
ia>.1 .Ird ave.. New Tork City. 

Alfred Johnson, an actor, fuiinailj a 
her of some of the heat theatrical eempanlaa to 
tbr ennntry. died. Oet. T. at the Alostoa Btotb- 
ers' HnplUI. In 1870-77 lit wa« a oicmlicr of 
Hie McVleker Stock Co. B* waa alao boatocea 

manager for the Irenm and Crttaclon Thaatiee 

tor aeveral year" 

Oct. 10. nnder 

ly eenm ^a d CntctMnn 
FontnA . aewlcaa wti* 
the nw H aa at tbe O 


Lodge'of Eika Me. 4. ~ ^. . . . 

John J. Maboney. known among hla friends 
as Tnrk Maboney. and wbo managed a theatre 
In Memphis, Tenn.. for aeveral years, died 
last week at the home of hi* alaler. Ulaa Blla 
Mahoney, la Ixtiransiwrt. Ind. Tka tbneral 
took place Oct. II. and he was IdM tl> rest 
to Mt St. Vincent Cemetery. 

Walter H. Brlndamour. well-known magician, 
realdtng at 16 Fmmtaln at.. Woonsocket. R. I., 
died Oet. 10 of Inflammation of the bowels. 
FHa parents, two sisters and a brother monm 
Ills deatb. 

Geo. H. Morrison, well known as a delinea- 
tor of comedv boy parts, dl^d li»*t week at 
the borne of Lawrence Rniwell In Otalcago. III., 
from a compHeatlnn of dlaeases. He played 
In the roles of LIge Smith in tbe Pnmpkin 
nuBker. and Sammy Thatcber in Autumn Leavea. 
and also as one of the Yellow Kids to Hcgan's 
Alley. He was conaeelod with the B oaeeU 
Stock Co.. at Taeoma. WMa^nvtos the anm- 
mer of 1B04. and lattr "With the Alcasar Stock 
Co.. In Seattle. WMb. JHs last prafeaatonal en- 
gagement waa trini HWdeman-s Road Show, 
from 'Which he waa toned to retire owing to 
in baallh. nc nannto and two bnlfean tmt- 

Jewtfti Tbeatre PnMlsbIng Asan.. New York 

City: capital, »5,000. Will publish weekly 
Jewish tbeatrtcal naper. Incorporators—Ber- 
nard O. RIchaida. 1240 •nntoh »•« Xhd Kooz: 
Louis Ltpsky. 121 W. 1111k It. and Srman 
Lampert. 60 BHdrldge at. 

CMcago Rink * AmoaanM 
ni.: CaplUI. $8,000. Qlimrt* I 
ment. Incorporators Onatataa 
T^gwea and^B. J. Culver. ^ ^, 

Hew Amerteaa Theatre Co.. Chicago. III.! 
eapltol, $80,000. Operate plai-e« of amnsemeat. 
Tncnrporalora — Prank Maple. Wm. A Lang and 
L. W. Brown. 

Lyric Theatre Co., Terre Haute, ind.: capital. 
>t0,000. Incorporators — Theo. W. Rarfaydt. 
Henrietta Barhydt. Bewie Hoefler. John P. 
Hoeffler and Oeo. M. Crane. 

Atlom Pmdoctlon Co.. New York City: cap- 
ital. W.OOO. Incoroorators— iratao _a»d Sag 
sent Abom. 1440 Rrnadwayi OtM JMU. tf 
.Ird are.. Haw York City. 

Before leaTtnv tar New TMt, to as- 

aume eastem vaudeville engagements. Eddie 
I.i-.slle. the clever lutmlc. lately returned from 
an Aostrallan tour, entertained iw to onr oOceg 

mt- .dV'.-lMt .-weak- ,~wtlfe' m,','-^mm 'tt 
Ua asparinicaa ta''AaatBills.:<-AinU« dther 
things Eddie said: "XMr, jiailirallan' theatres 
are grand and tbe aodW^aaS .very Intelligent, 
well-behaved, and «al«>.'SM8p every point— 

Tli«Y''Uic~"d' Iet'W'''cooO''''edaacar. 'iiad ''de not 
care for the 'give me your ktod applause' rot. 
Tbe Australians remind me of Americans In 
eveiT way. Tbay are wise to every move you 
make aa;,4M.'eS'4IW..stWii. >;..-: ' ' 

" P e iftii i u tea aMdO hat tuak thay are going 
to a Jay conntrr when they start for Aus- 
tralia. The hotels are on the order of ours 
la the States, and one can get American oc 
,'StvabMit,;ifee same latas aa m 
A 'ctitot' anar' attlstt prater lodg- 
ings. If yoa have the 'Mrs.' with yon. tbe 
lodging plan la the best. Lodgings over there 
are en tbe etder ot oar data, only the land- 
lady- d^aeS'iia^A j i i ih i a g ' J| i i,. '.aie- to Bagiaad. 

''"P* tWf iharia'"mafe' -ebt' iMii lallniad Jomp to 
make to AnaHalla. Yon play twelve weeks In 
Sydney and twelve In Melbonme, and so the 
few doUaza !«■ pay far raUtood (arc once in 
.tadM^^WitkS' -^'^^Miar.'UMtti^ ' ■■■■MUti can 
net do «iie'reBawi«*'^'&';i|lM»'..k''AM(nIla. 
and must him;'-lMiC]{ilK JMmot UtB. 
Being of the: tM sMiil ,ill'«M«k Mttrlai 
for ten weeks or more. 

"I witnessed Andrew Mack's opening, and 

waa proud of my old -friend and fellow towns- 
toe start. 
On hla open- 
ing night he received ten curtain calls, and 
the papers were unanimous In pralHloK htm and 
bU cxcellrat company. Oeorge Fuller Golden 
wae '•;.Mc kno^ . /dt.'....'fae 
night ibr tblrlr 'altaalie" ar 
spoke very highly of him. Mile. Oarrie was 
another big soccobh. Auatrallana love good 
moalc. Coon aoogs do not appeal to tbem very 

a aouthemer, 'wbo used to manage a large to- 
bacco plantation, and later participated to aev- 

tatlon life, notably a scene to a tobacco ware- 
house, with many colored people at work under 
an overseer, and he baa pat toto tbe play 
many of : hla 
Wood, whaae Iran. 

weeu at the Bnab TenptoimtotR- tM aaa 
ago, la eo-anthor with lb. kaiaal' oC- 

To Mr. Slilpp Itekmtni the boniir of baring 
originated tlie toduvr rlremi, Hb> indoor tlrcna 
met with aneh pbenomeaal sat ti ia a to tbe lfee> 
atrea last winter tbat be bad dtcMrd to vntU 
ocsanbmtlan on tbe baaids aaato tbto aaaaaa. 

AnstraUa. They hare toe finest tbeatrea 
tbe best attractlou from America 
OonttocDt. Their alao have a fine 
nd „*> :.'e') V inii irfl ;,bnatoi 
Itartr ' IlIefcMds 'la tb<>' keifn' aa^ o( 

.\nstra11a. He gives l>at one whow a day. I 
ara In love with Aii.itrnllH. ami fujt>yv<l my 
six months over there better toan my oeven 
yean to i^tfaai. .'^^hete'vaae.iae.^lbsa^'ind'-. the 
cllmato Is Om. ' The Mimitim" tiMt 'an 'atiliat 

aa be abonld be treated. Yon don't have to 
give up tbe first five hundred to talk to them. 
U an act baa the pfoper oedentlala, manacen 
dl>>DOtr*<K"|M;.'a; tMI'.tM,.':kB«;'f«c.veMnek ':.toe 
endantWe nast be letlifhmte. fcck thlhc 

ai closing an act after the first performanca 
la unknown In Australia. I'lfteen years ago 
to Bnglaad no American acta (wlto bnt tew 
exceptions) were engageA-«|>M^^ar'' 
and very few to-day aia 
their first appaeiaMe la. |topnaa';wHaef(i. 
ing flrat heen'wManiMlitr ' 
or manager. 

"I aallcd for America three daya before How- 
ard Thurston opened. I told than be woold 
be,a 'g^ :saee8M'.e««r..lktoa, and aa glad to 
know war ptsdletlaB has eatoe txna. Tea. Aus- 
tralia Is great (or vandevUle and flrst-class 
combination attrsctlons. A man like George 
M. Cohan and bis company would paralyze 

Tha flnet tbat Vony Banlar. the ta.- 
moua old-tlma elown and pentoiBlffllat who 

made his Rompty Dnmpty companlea of thirty 
and forty jear^ n^o ttit- Htepptng-atoaea to a 
onng (ortime wblcta he la now enjoying to re- 
tUeaaal la CMaaga, wna among the fint to 
One tor flcfecto Xonday montog, •, when the 
aale opened at the Auditorium for Klaw A 
Erlangcr'a Uumpty Dumpty, calla to mtod tbe 
Ravels, ZanfrelUs. the Marttoatia, Ftts and 
much lesser Ugbtt than oar ailB' llaBlat; ' In 
their hey-day, trom ISgt to ' ISIBi ' mH those 
men have looked forward and have ocen the 
wonderttilly lavish apectocolar productions 
wbleb are now nnder the tltlea of the- orlg- 

i aMf Wdar 

tbe largeat aa« toaat eaatir pcadaelMBS-aC ib4 

auge. coating to tt* fMattr dC 

«lSO.00(h thtr 

The flrst production on any stage 
of a western comedy-drama, entitled Tbe Home- 
•eekets, will toke ptoce at tbe Feople'a Xbca- 

Laat year the ntaab 
pcrtonnence of tian Oba i la,-b>' 

algbt oC Pnaolan 
give tiM to . ' 

slaae hare eaan en many aptoad 
Oblaas' abakos on the etoge ttat they an 
hnrdaasd, and the problbltlon baa bean 
dnwB. Tha plaer, feonded on Bene 

nofd.:iHU.h« hratftt ««.at the OaltMb 

■■> ILLIN. '-''-Tiliiir*-.'' ifcMiBy 

Ellen Terry, who will not ootaa 
American aa aanooneed, aa aaaeant eC ~ 


Om Id bit chlldlab dtaHe «• 
■aw and Mnane tbat abe em aaa 

baaoS^hnttoa'srtSi tanHa^nl 

la *WV 

it wfeia aba & fMMt!V4« 

The American Muole Pobllahlng Co. on adk* 
Ing a baml of money with I'm Savtog It AO 
For Yon. by Billy Jobnaon. a dean, neat coon 
Bonga. wblcta wUM folka can sing wttboot tort, 
tog Oat. Tbe nnbUihcis eC tt av tt to mU- 
tog on Ito naerMa fine and the baaaa eg aae* 
haadrad-deUar-bOl adwertlaaaCBM .aieaaO, MhV 
of onr toceMet atafeis ara doing . t he ao gg 
wlto anBcendaated aaeeaoa. A good atan 
told tjjoe Noreroea of Norcrosa, sum * La 
Mars' Big Three (3) Minstrels, who. whUe 
showing in one of tbe well patronised Baltl- 
mote Theatres, and during the time of Idng- 
ing I'm Saving It All For You. were throwing 
away tbe fake $100 bills, were dnmbfoonded 
by an old white-haired nesro. a well-known 
character, rlslnf: 10 his feel and loudly ex- 
claiming In well emphaalied tones of voice to 
bla wife. "Fo' de good Lord'a aakel Mauda. 
de mallllum Is surely coming! Dete'a a man 
aactually glrtog away »100 bUla in BaltliaMieI|* 
The bills alwve referred to have been tooet 
falsity apoken of by some of the best known 
advertlaemcnt writers as one oC the moot n"""" 
"1 adrertlalng mediums sear wit oat. 
M-alitha aoog on atoea* end. 1^ 

ati - • 

An oSitettog sentence was foood to the dtoiy 
of John r. Ooggln, who waa kUled^a- teato 
to Lanemater. Pa.. Oct. 10. The W Wda WHO 
"Home Sweet Home." The deceaaae_mnB WM 
an employee of tbe SaotcUe-Wrtsh 

had loat doaad witft *^ °- • 
way to bto heaw .to 



Xlie Billboarcl 



Mt U.) 

OOUnaSS.— Colaaitas TbMtn (P. W. Mmer. 

- - - - ■ .»; " 

' aiilKi;^-4lie tbntm lum an Dew pltrlos 

19 miMf Ifj kaalnrsB dnrlns tlie put wMk ow- 
}bz ta tfae Buuij Tisltorm. 

Ba7d Theatre (Woodward & Borsm. msn-) 

BoM. lUntell and Uarle Buuell In Richard 
Bamlet and Otiicllo week 1; prodacUous 
caeellCBt and bualnew fair. Walker Wblte- 
iJdc 9-11; flue perforxnance and fair bnalnen. 
Xbe PriDee of Pllsca 12-14; frank Danlela 

Kmc Tbratra (Chaa. Breed, mcr.) The Km- 
awajs wltk Geo. Brana S-T; capacity boatneu 
and SMKl perfomauice. Baman Hearts 8-8; K^M>d 
abow aad excellent patronace. The Hand at 
Man lO-U: 8k7 Farm 13-14. 

Bnnmd Theatre (Woodward & BorKen, 
n4^.> Tbe Woodward Stock Co. preacatcd 
Under Two Flagv week 8; fine production and 
knalBcw excellent. 
OipteBin. XlMaM_(Cail_ BaltM. a^.) 

, htr Arabs. Undcn 
Htxlas and Hcz- 
H. 3. SOOT. 
TTtmmM. OWwr Tbeatre (Frank O. Sail- 
IT.) Vtak Mvptv 2; 

. (UTl. — Orcclasd Tbcatra (Wood- 
U mgia.) UDde TOm'a Cabin 4; 
■bler'a Stock Co. 
PI-ATTSMOVTH. — Parmele Theatit; '.'.(IHnk 
R. Doatrar. mer. ) Yon Yonson 9; faftr tMAMaa. 
Boltj Tolty 17; Happr BooMgan 28, 

KAKCBXRiEK.— Opetm Honae (E. W. Bar- 
itHtOBi MIL) David Bana Ss picaaad lantc 
noacM. n* WMrt of Ob 4; nad boalneaa. 

>t Xha Dnkr of Kllllcranke 7; 

Wbaa W* Were Tirentr-«M 
Iiaa»a Boo* 11. 

.atttcr. BB.) nw Wadd 

From (Joner laland, Cbarles WaToe and In- 
cnbator Glrla. Coin's Pantomime Dogs, Tas- 
cott, and other* week B. Valerie Berjrere 
week 16. 

Gotham (Chas. WlUIama, mgr.) Valerie Ber- 
gere Ic Co., J. K. Morngr and Clara Lane, 
Fields and Wooley. Elite Musical Fonr. Jerome 
and Morrlaon. Barr and Erans, BapoU. Jno. F. 
dark, and itta«Mb,jratfc i 

Gayttr TbaalM'OUt Olufc 'BgO' -..Tanlty 
FWr Bnrlaaqncni wtck n* City Sports 
week 19. 

Ptiqilpa' Lyceum Theatre (Louis PbUIlps, 
fner.) The L/ceam Stock Co. In For Bis Sis- 
ter's Honor week 9. Hearts AdrUt week IS. 

UnlQBe Theatre (F. B. (3arr, mgr.) The 
Imperial Burlesqoers week 3. 

Tlie Alcaxar (Prank L. Blxley, mgr.) Wat- 
son's Borleaqaer* weelc 9: good show. 

Star Tbeatn (Archie H. BUIa, mgr.) The 
Citj- Sports week 9; ffood business. The Hi^ 
Boilers week 16. 

Nassau Theatre (F. Fleck mgr.) Tbe 
High School Girls week B. The Imperials 
week 16. 

Tbe Old Uontaok Theatre (Wm. T. Grorer. 
mgr.) Was leased recently and will be opened 
abont Dec I, playing high-class prodoctlons. 
OEO. H. HAKES, 280 B'way, N. Y. C. 

SOOSESTE&* ^ £<7ceum llieatre (M. E. 
WoUr. mcr.) Julia Marlowe and E. H. Sothem 
presented The Taming of the Shrew 9; splen- 
did performance and boalneaa. The Model and 
the Genius 14; excellent performance. Edna 
Anc In A Fonr Leaf CloTer 16-18; In the 
Bishop's Carrtaxe IS: Otia Skinner 21. 

National Theatre (Max. Horttg. mcr.) Chas. 
E. Gcapcwln In It'* tip to Ton. John Haniy, 
S-U: good boalnaaa and splendid .pwfonnanee. 
m New Tork Town 12-14; HCarti of OoM 1«- 

Oook Optn Booaa (W. B. 
lOulhaU P. WOdai^ Bight 

lb*, oardncr Otane. JtwoTS Ninnifc Boer 

and IM. Boiaat and KManOb Od Q, M» Bato 
week B: good boabicaa. 

Baker nieatre (A. B. HeCaUiiin, aagr.) 
Tonng Mrs. WIntbrop by the stock iDOi 
week 9; fine attraction and tmmeaa* pattoD' 
age. Are Yon a Uason 16 and week. 

Corinthian Theatre (Heuy C. Jaeoba, mgr.) 

The Gay Masqneradcrs week % ^ " 

Rice & Bartoo'B Gaiety 0*. ' 

nell, mgr.) 


TKEirrOB,— OSaylor OpiTa Honse (il. Mo- 
S(«. aigr.) Priui SchelTs MUr. Modiste T; 
good performance. The Maid and The Mum- 
my 9; good show and fair bnslneM. The Coun- 
ty (Sutlrman 13: The Sleeping Beauty and 
the Beaat 20-21; The Mayor of Toklo 28. 

Trent TheaU^' (Bifw. Rentuo mgr.) Ten Jl 
Troupe. Geo. C. Darts, Ulialad itartl. BTtni 
and Mills, Grand Open XMlb-^'flMaltrv.aBd 
Brockman, WUer's Elepkuto'-antf tkt bngCBI^ 
week Z; xood businena. 

State .Ht. Tliratre (F. B. Slialtrrs, mgr.) A 
Hot Old Time 5-7: pleased good bnstn.'SS. Paris 
by NIgM »-U: For His Brother's (Mms 12- 
14: Child 81a>ea of New York 10-18. - 

ATLABnC Crrr. — -Young's Pier. Fine Tan- 
derlUe sad moTlng pictures attracted Immena^ 

week 9. 

Satoj Theatre. . Dora TbonH' 9-10- 3. R. 
o. A Use oM xiDur 11 ; Tbe Ow inty. CbalnDaii 

-^- ^^ — ... ^-iBge 

Popes ui 
' LAB 
Blood. ^ 


IS; The War «( 

Steel Pier. ~ 

eteepleehase Pier. Tbe moTlng plctntc* and 
other Doreltles continue to draw good, bnalneas. 

.vu ' other amusements that baTe . nsMlaed 
opes this late are doing well. ^ -i-'r^^ > ' 

IiAB TZOAS. — Duncan Op«ra Honse (E. B. 
BkMd, mgr.) TliL' LHwrted Bride 4; good 
bwalaeaa -aad abow. The Man From 
glad she w and boalneaa. 

BBOOKLTS New Msataak (S. B. 

mgr.) Weber All-Star Stock 0». week g. 

Prodigal Sea week 10. 
Park Theatre (Lew Psrker. mgr.) Opeiu week 

16. playlac hlgh.class attractions only. 
Braadway Theatre (Leo. C. Teller, mgrl) 

Tbe Deebeaa of Dantilc week 9. Checkers 

week 16. 

Kajestie Theatre (W. C. Frldley, mgr.) The 
Poor i C s tt e ii e In Btesking Iota aodetT week 
•. OU* wm Be Glila week U. 

ayde * Bebman'a Theatre fSOA Kerton. 
Bgr.) Mb T. KdDr * Ok. Ftank D. Biyan. 
BdwiB xaeach 4k 0»,, We* and Oady. Hanry and 
ABee Taylar. Chad** U. Boast. Baaaah and 
Bauer. Ae Bight Dollar Ztaape. and morlng 
Bletare* week B. -Bay KaalwBlhiie. Ooolman's 
Doga, Free* BldrMge, OanSeld and Catltnn. Plc- 
eoio MMgets. Doherty Sisters. A if. Holt. Bran- 
don aad Wller. Prank D. Hr>:iu, and moTlsg 

Irietarea week IS. 

Orphcnm Theatre (Percy G. WlUlams. mgr.) 
The GIri In the (Hoods. Sheen and Warren. 
Sldaey Grant. Hayme Bemlsgton. Brano and 
Be sain,' Three Toscarrys. Lea Messndors. Fos- 
ter aad raater. and Uary Korman week S. 
EtenT Headlnl. Hysms and Mclntyre. Burke 
and IsiBae. Macarts Doga and Monkeys. The 
Kloa Staters. Geo. Wilson, Clarice Vance and 
Tots, and others week 16. 

«iu«"Opera Hooae (M. T. Mlddleton, mgr.) 
Ifore To Be Pitied Than Scorned week 0. 

Tbe Nlnety-and-Nlne 16. 

Folly Theatie (Bennett Wflaon. mgr.) Tbe 
BoaseU Bn it||W ^fc Pg. Bw g r . l6W rr' 

week 9. 
week 16. 

Ampfclon Theatre (Wm. T. Soeerv ' avO 
Katie Barry. Waterbniy Bntbcta and.IlHMT. 
Bens. Walah aad Xdnac. Ifatthews- aaS Ath- 
ley. Deberty 8lBMf*» Wart >n4j0^nB,- Brad- 
■ow ■■i«,.wa*y. 4WL VMak Bk/nlUiK^'MNt'aoT- 

ing pietwM waik B. 

BIJbB Theatw Ofwr O. t>*«mr. agr.) Bdna 
Hay aad CSdl »iiiir ta A jufigbt BeD 
. week Sl The Ohao^ Ban week M. 

BdoA vay IS44: oiu Bkia- 

ner 16-18. 

Teek Theatre (Dr. P. C. Gorbell. mgr.) Me, 
Him and I week 8; pleased excellent baslDeu 
The Baya'In Down tbe Pike week 16. 

Sbea'a Thiatre (M. Shea, mgr.) The Boy Phi) 
erweskt, Kl^bt Aillsons, Mr. and Mrs. Gardner 
Crane. Jewell's Manikins, Ellls-Nom Isn Trio 
and otliers week 18. Bu-^lnces continues good. 

Lafayette Thestre (Chas M. Bsgg. mgr.) The 
Jully Cirls nrek 0: Kood p3tronai;e. TIip Inno- 
cent Plaids week 16. 

Canlpn TlM-atre (Chsjt. W. -\lc.\IiilKin. mgr.) 
Bice and Barton's Galty Co. ni<t>L 0;; btisinest 
good. Trocadero Bnrlesqoers nn k 

Lyceum Theatre (Jno. I..aiicbnii. m;^.) Robt. 
Onmett by the stock company week 16, 

Academy Theatre (Dr. P. O. .OaiMll.vaBr.) 
The Millionaire Detectire week S( .hig ~ 
No Mother to Gnlde Her 16; 

litnn'it Museum (I>r. Linn, mgr.) Business fine. 
Grsct' (;ilb< rt. beanled lady, Smith and CHiea 
ter, Boyd Coleman and othcra week 16. 

aatm. w. oobiz, i«s Adcm* at. 

Uwile. np' OM 

.— OaUlDgwoad Opera Hcnae 
W. G. Mmuird. mgr.) Eight Bella 2; pleaaed 
fair business. Wheekwk'a Indian Band 4; ex- 

cellent porformsnce and fair attendance. Nat 

Wills In The Duke of Dulnth 7; capacity bnal' 
ness. Neigtiborly NeiRhiwrM D; The SambO Girl 
12: Howe's Morlog PIctnrea 14. 

Fsnilly Theatre (Fred. I>eVondy, mgr.) Mar- 
tynnc. Phil. Dalton, Beed and Barton. LtlUan 
MayuarJ. Rjirton and l>ouaId. Edxar Foreman, 
and others week 2: business good. Foster and 
Dog Mike, Phllbrooks snd Reynolds, Alice Airs, 
Sheridan and Mack, and others, week 0 

Colnmbus Inatltnte Hall. Tbe Fays In Than- 
matorgy week 9-14; Ben Greet A Co. 27-28 In 
Shakespearian plays. 

SY&AjCUBE. — fWettlng Opera Honse (J. L. 
Kerr, msn.) W. H. Oane la An American Lord 
6-T: packed houses. E!. H. Sotbem and Jnlla 
Marlowe In The Taming of the Shrew 10; The 
lale «t Splee U; OtIa Skinner 13: The Matd 
and The Mimimy 14. 

Baatable Theatre (H. A. Hnrtlg. mgr.) Me. 
Him and I wefk 2: fair business. In New York 
Town 9-11; It's Up to You, John Henry 12-14. 

Grand Opera tlonse (C. H. Plnmmer. mgr.) 
Business excellent week 2. ' Jules and Ells Gar- 
rison, The Reed Pamllr, John Eberly, Helen 
Itetmer. Cherry and Bates. Brothers Damm. 
Al. Coleman and morlng picturrs. 

OLOVEBSVnXE. — ^Darling Theatre (Will H. 
Gant, mgr.) The King of Bognes 3; fair bosl- 
nesa. Dibble's MoTlng Pictures T; fair at- 
tendance. HI Henry's - Minstrels 11; Christie 
Stock Co. 12-14: Cniarlle Grapewin 16. 

Family Theatre (Wm. Calhoun, mgr.) Krle- 
sel's Indoor Circus, (Asrles Gramllcb, The Great 
Martynne, Lillian Maynard, American (^medy 
Ttlo. and the vltagrapfa week 6; good boalness. 

AUBljUH. — Bnrtls Opera Boose (E. S. New- 
ton, m;r.) The Aubrey Stock Co wwk Sept. 
25: pleased cooil business. The>ourt Girl 
Oct. 10: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde H. 

BnrtLi Auditorium (E. S. Xewton. mgr.) The 
Woman in the Case 2: gigd . bHta***.' ■■■ t SL 
lleniT's Minstrels 5: pleaaad g*ad BttaattM*. 
Tbe Isle of Spice 10. 

JAXESTOWlf. — Bamoel's Opera Bouse (P. 
J. Walters, mgr.) Tbe Isle of Bong Bong 5; 
good bnalness. E3>en Bolden 7: fair bnslneaa. 
The Woman in the Case 9; good honse and per- 
formance. Rudolph and Adolpb 10; fair bnsl- 
neaa. OotU's AoctUm II; good boslneaa. Kath- 
q» Pf^ tt 0>i. areA 16. 

'■ BIBSHUWOB. — Stone Opera Bonaa (T. P. 
B. Clark, mgr.) The Sleeping Beauty and the 
Beast S; large bonse. Tbe Seal Widow Brawn 
T; good business. Fanl GBmore 8; The Held 
and the Mnmmy 10; Ftineca* Ghte 11; In the 
Bishop's Carriage ISf . She-' M« aC - BHO* IS; 
West MIn atreU 14. ' ' 

HORHZlSVnXS. — Shaitnek Open 
(Cbaa. S. Smith, mgr.) Kathiyn Pnaell Slock 
Co. week 3; im*d performaiKe* waA Imilnw 
fair. Hay aiBaiaB Slock 0». wctk g| 
crgtlas U. wha^ PMl OBmn agg n wd la 

Capt. Dehonnaln. PillMW Chta IK BS BHaty 

Doctor 21. 

OESEVA. — Smltii Opera House (P. K. Bar- 
dlBon, mgr.) Princess Chic 2; pleased fair 
business. The Woman In the (^se 4; de- 
llRlited full house. May HlUman Stock Co. 
6-7; fair business. The Bennett-Moulton Co. 
8-14; pleased big hustaiess. Deserted at the 

PEXM TAM. — 'Eates* Lyceum Theatre (Her- 
bert E. Bell, mgr.) Human Hearts 2; pleased 
S. R. O. HI Henry's !illnstrels 4; excellent 
performance and good buBloeBs. Dr. Jekyll and 
Mr. Hyde 6; fair performance and business. 

HUDSON.— Elks' Theatre (R. A. M. Deely, 
mgr.) Ikey and Abey, Sept. 20; good busi- 
ness. The Kine of Rogues 26; good bBSiaen. 
Under Southern Skies 29; good HMT and bnsl- 
ness- Neighborly Nelghhora Oat. Tt DtMthy 
Lewis la Repertoire 8-14. 

ELMIBA,— Blalto Theatre (F, W, Mc<3onnell, 
mgr.) Allen and Ganella. Boyd and McMann. 
Cecelia Walton, Alice Armln, Lottie Fayette 

A JhaMa Prondiove week S-7; lacae liusliiasa 


NEWBERN.— (F. W. Mathews, mgr.) Cor- 
rlne Runklp Stock C^. 2-7; good busines.? and 
company. Mason and .Mason in Fritz and Snitz 
4: excellent performance and business. Tbe 
Clansm-iu 9: S. R. 0-. excellent performance. 
Ilaz 1 Kirk 10: good show and fair boalness. 
The sign of the Four 13: M aad a* B t Staafc 0>. 
IG:;1; DonnFlI.r and natdckr* Mlatn a l * SB; 
Dare Devil Dorothy Nov. 1. 

WILUnrCTOK -Academy of Music (Ckiwan 

Bros., mgrs.) Mason and Slaaon In Prlta and 
Snltz 5; pleased packed house. Effle Ellsler 
In Hazel Elrke 9; The Clansman 10; The Old 
Bomeatead Quartet. The Sign of the Four 14. 
Under canvas — Jones-Adams Carnival Co week 

SBEENSBOBO.— Crand Opera House (Chas. 
T. Fuller, mgr.) The Old Homestead Qnartet 
2: pleaaed fair audience. The Clansman 3; 
fine performance and buainess. Way Down Bast 
4Mp*i show jg^ *]J;Jy 'n«ta.^^^^Bab*a In Toy- 

aOUl(naaO>*4it*aniW Opna House (J. 

« axmXf-^^im^iim tt Unale V. Sherwood 
Upchmch, avO ''.A* Clansman 4; packed 
hooae. Babe* In Terland S; capacity bnslneaa, 
Pete Baker 10; Erne EUsler 11. 

OOKCORD Opera Bouse (J. B. Caldwell, 

mgr.) Qagnon-poUock Stock Oo. 0-7; fair abow 
and blflB***. Tbe Denver Bapeaaa 10|. Polk 
Miller IL 


CDKHirATI.— Grand Opera Honse (Ralnforth 
,^ UarllQ, mgrs.) The (X>llege Widow attracted 
excellent business last week. Good performsoce. 
Current: Way Down East, 

Walnut Tbeatre <M. C. Anderson, mgr.) 
The Seminary Olrl week 8; good business nnil 
performance. Geo. Sldtio in Busy Izzy'n Vnca 
tlon wtrk 10. 

Robinson Opera House (<:eo. F. & Loclla F<»re. 
paugb Klsh. ni:^s.) 'llu' KorcpniiRli Stock i'Ah 
preseuttHl Th,- CrlwlH liiHt «i-fk and attriicted 
good putronajTc. Currput ; The Little Mlnl>^It'r. 

(•xjlunibla Tliiatre (M. C. Anderson, mgr.) 
V'liiKli'vlIU'. headed by llmightou, Mosher and 
UuuKlituu week 8; capacity buKlness. Hcngirr 
SUtera top the bill ni>i'k l.'i. 

Beuck's Theatre (Geo. Hcuck. mgr.) Th. 
Confession* of a Wife week 8; eirellent lH*r 
formaticp and good business. Thu Boy Behind 
the Gun u«ek J."*. 

Lyceum Theatre (John .Vvery. mgr.) Big 
Hearted Jlin tveek S; bu8lue3<s aud perfonuauce 
SalUfuctory. Her Flmt False Step week 15 

People'* Tbeatre (Jaa. Fennetay, mgr.) The 

Maaaatt ~ " 



Standard Tbeatre (Ohaa. Arnold, atgr.) Tbe 
Rentz-Bantlcy Co. week 8; fair perComaBea ' 
good bnalnesa. Bine BHAoo Otria week 8. 

XOtEDO. — Valentine Theatre (Otto iKllves, 
mgr.) Digby Hell In Tlie Fxlucntlon of Mr. PIpp 
7; gootl 'l)uslne»8. Wm. Favershnui In ITie tiquaw- 
Man II ; tin*- 'biistaess aud attraction. TUc lalv 
Of Bons BoDK 13: The Crossing KMT. 

Lyceum. Theatre (Frank Bart, mgr.) Geo. 
Sidney In BaV <»'* Tmtfna Ml: g**d show 
and pscked kaaiiir. Th* 0M6 


show and bnslneaa. Hurray Omedy Q>. sreek 
2-7: company aatlafactory and boalBcaa ftic. 
The Fonr Bantings 6-10; One pertoiinanoe aad 
business. The Clay Baker 14; The lale of 
Spice 16; The Honeymoon 17; When Women 
Lore 31; Over NUgaia Falla 28; Flimegan's 
Ball 24; Hie Oenina aad the Model 26. 

UHBIOHBTILLE.— City Opera Hooae (Blrln A 
Van ostran, «Dgn.) The Midnlgbt Flyer 2; fair 
attraction and haalaeea. At Snsrlae 4; pleaaed 
fair bona*. QacaVa Stodc Co. 5-7; (ailed to ap. 
pear. X» Ua at. Dawa S; Calc bnalacaa and 
pleasing -IMIflDnBglieg. . QaiaMr Idaait Sawyer 
u; exceUeot attraetioB aad good haalnea*. Sandy 
Bottom IS; A MUUomlre Tramp 16; The Clay 
Baker 10; Over Niagara Falls 20. 

SANStrSKY', — Grand Opera House (Blagler k 
Smith, mgia.) Qulncy Adama Sawyer S; good 
show and boalness. The Midnight Flyer 7; fair 
business. The Isle of Bong Bong 11; Kinne- 
gun's Iiatl 17; Hlmmeleln's Ideal Stock Co. 
week 2.1: il'aui Gllmore 30; Tlie lale of Spice 

NOT, 1; When iWomen Lore 4;Tta* Utaanj 
and «he BBaHgaBSM 7) Ika RM* *C Lata 

n. ■ 

HAMTLTOK.— Jefferson Tliratre (Thos. A. 
Smith. mi;r.) Myrkle-tHarder Stock Co. week 
1; good buslneaa and company. Shooting the 
Chutes 32; Black Crook, jr. 18; Xbe Little Bed 
School mouse 14: Th* Semlnaiy Glil 18. 

Grand Family The*tt«. Ma Oirl*6 aad bi* 
trained llom Frrcse Btoa,, 
Root. BCB Tnrpln and 
boalness aad bill good. 

KEHTOB, — 'JMckaon'a Oitera House (Henry 
Dickson, mgr.) The Midnlgbt Flyer SepL 28; 
fair baslnesB and performance. A Trip to 
Egypt Oct. 8; good bnshiesa and fair per- 
formance. A Boyal Slave 5; attendance and 

t v; oustnesa gooa. 
re (Abe Shapiro, atgr.) The Jer- 
I; excelleat ta a l iif aaA pet' 
VarMaa ITMowa wa*k 18. 

.\rc.ide Theatre (Lankin A Newton, mgrs.) 
Will Itogrta, Rooney and Bent. J. R. Glenroy 
and others week 9; buslnesa good, 

Empire Theatre 
sey lllHea 8-14; 

formaace. She ' . . 

Burt'* ThiatN U.,ZfcNniv|IV'«») A Dcs- 
perat* 'Ohaa** •4ir.f*M-1MiSiaii> - 4Na (Meson 

Goi'iatpa d. 0. naki agT') OnflffB'g Kal- 
ian 9uSl>wm jam! c- .wi^. - 


TOtmGSTOWir.-^rand Opera Bouse (T. K. 
Albaugb, mgr.) Cnrrler Walruff Co., Chas. 
Sirs. Nicholson and Norton. Red Raven aCdeta. 
O. K. Satoo, Victor, Cherry and Batea, and 
tbe gertograpb week 2; good boslneaa. Nichols 
Sisters, Eswlle Wordette Co,, Yackley and 
BnnneU. E. J. "Rtee, W u r aa wecdT* Aalaiala, 
Bertie Fowler. Toledo and P i !■ » ■ Oaaalafc aad 
tbe gertograph week •. _ 

Park TlMatr* (Jot** MUar. agt.) The 
BoweiT Newadil S; fhir dieir aad patranase. 
Bnay Uiy'* Taeatlaa S: good g«lfllfMni« and 
iBlr .bMnm. Holy Cl^ 4; good riww-and 
MC katfaaaa. Ifildtcd BoOaiid 5; gaod per- 
Ibwi aB ea aad bailata*, Fiaacgaa'g Ban 0-7: 
fair abow aad kadaaH, . Tha Btda-Oonle 
Goreraaaa g-U; Wkr Wmmm ita SMtt Bern's 
AnctieB 14. 

COCTMHS.' O te a t Soatbem Theatre (O, M, 
HeSnar. m^^^^Tha Sho^na^ 3-4;_ good boal- 

OAVAL aOTMi gardeaty Tbeang^dr. B. 

Ooz, mgr.) To Dto at Dawn T; good ahMr SBg 

bnatneaa. - Baeia'a Baad IS: bir adeaaaa M|b 
The Clay Baker lSt<WbeB Womea Lore SB; 
Ike Diamond Kia* STt Big Baaitad 7la> Roe. 
4; W. H. W**t*aliUBitr*U 6; tain Tyler Oate* 
Concert Co. 8. 

ZAXXSTHXE.— <Weller Theatre (J. G. Bng- ' 
land, mgr.) Babes In Toyland -1; big business. 
The Olrl and the Bandit 3: good buainess. To 
Die at Dawn 6; pleased good huslneas. Sandy 
Bottom 7; pleaaed fair boalness Myrklc- 

Ha*l8r ai6dt Do. M41: a*6d kariaaa* aad 


FlMStAr.— aiarrlB Theatre (b B.' Oaaatng- 
liam. mgr.) Baay lagy'a Tkeatka 6; S**d (hoar 
and bnalDeaa. A lla»«l Slaee 7; good abow aad 
bnalneta. John GrIBtb 10: flae parfMHMae|.Ml'. 
fair business, nnnegaa'a BaU 1S{ VWB UMH ' 
Waifs 21; Tbe Derll'* AnctlCD SO; Ik* Me *r 
Spice 28. 

BABBEBTOir.— iBai'bcrtoo Theatre (A. r. 
StuliMreher. mgr.) The Bowery Newsglrl 10: 
plessed good business. To Die at Dawnil ; good 
idmw and big buainess. Cincinnati Ladles Cre- 
moaa OMbeatia 17; Th* Ptar Baatlaga 18; When 

Tirmr.— Nflble'a opera Bonse (Collins * 
Welding, mgra.) John Griffltb In Richard 111. 3! 
;;aad show snd hualneaa. Qulncy Adama Sanyer 
II; pleased as usual. One of the Many 13; can- 
celled. Tlic Nazarene with (Jhas. .Dalton 10: 
Tlie Old Cltfthea Man 21; The Great Laytayett* 

■XBIIBBI VXUB.— Orand Opera Booae (O. 
W. Hazwell, aigr.) Planegan'a Bait 8; far 
boitaaia aad good abow. Ole Olaon 5: fair 
attSfiaM. Akne la tbe World 7: talr au- 

la tt* Oaaa IB. 

BkOVTOK Masonic Opera Boaae (O. 0. 

RUey. mgr.) Black Crook. Jr., 6; pleaaed ■go*t 
bnalnesa. Cncle Josh gpraceby 0; good haM; 
ness. DonneUy A Batfldd'8 MlaaMiB 7{, 
business. Not Like OttlP MM .U| 
Brown 13, 

BEXtAIBE,— Oolnmbla Tbeatre (J. C. Tsll- 
man. mgr.) RnnntDg for OOlce 10: good busi- 
ness and cseelleat attiactloa. Hlldtcd Bdllaad 

12; ~ " 


PiaifA Msy'a Opera Bonse (Cbaa. B. May, 

mgr.) Tbe Fonr Huntings la A Feel'a Beow 
8; pleaaad good- buslneia. The Girl aad.„tt»' 
Bandit 7; larg* and well pleaaed andlene*." '.n» . 
Seminary Girl 17; A Poor Relation fl. 

C08B00T0N Sixth Street Theatre (J. P- 

Callahan, mgr.) Little Johnny Jonea B: ple.ased 
BliBiae' " " 



nelela'B Ideal 8tock_Oo. >-U 

nesa. Tha 

itlsB *( Ur. Plpp 6; (air baat 

«. Bab** TIatlaai .6;Ti food ba 
me aqaaw-Uaa •rjhwk'B wmTS. 
Grand Theatre (P. C. OaboiB, aagr.) The 

(Hay Baker 9-11. 

Empire Tbeatre (Fred. L. Neddaiaaai 
Trelawny of the Wells week 2; fair 
Are You a Maaon! week 9. 

High Street Theatre (Chas, Harper, mgr.) 
A Girl of the Streets 2-4; pleased fair Iwuhe. 
Tbe Gambler 5-7; canceled. Capital aad La- 
bor 6-7: pleued lafar boakiiat A PMt Par 
Iinre 8-11; The Boy BcMMi tti Bm 1M4. 

OAlCBBXDax,— OMonlal Theatre (E._^ 
Bros., mgta.) Little Mmay Jonea 4; 8. B;_p- 
Ilnnnlng for Congress 11: Sandy Bottom 14; Hg 
Hearted Jim 17: Qnlney Adama Sawyer 19; "nw- 
Woman In the Case 21. 

UPPER SAMDnSKT 'Anditoriom <R. N. 

UdObnnell. mgr.) Waifs of New Jfork Sept 
S: Big bnalnesa. The Mldnlifht Flyer 2S: good 
buslnesa. Ckiok's Majesties 2-7: A Royal Slave 

LAMCA8TEB,— Chestnut Street Opera Honae 
(W. H. Cntter, mgr.) The Clay Baker 7: 006 
bnslness and performance. The Morray Oaai- 
edy Co, B-14; The Isle of Spice 17; Oooain 
Kate 10: Over Niagara FaUa 21. 

ai£E8.— Terbeek Theatre (M. B. WlllUms, 
mgr.) Holy Oity S; pleaaed 
A Millionaire Tkanv St gasd h~' 
pany. To IM* at Dawa 1S| 

Kill 14. 


LOOAN. — Opera Bouse (F. A. 
Dora 'Riome Sept. 27; 

Don Thome Sept. 27; One nerfaCBaa** aaa 

good bnttnMa. Baiknr A ItSmaf* tfimtn^t 
12: A Poor BHaitai IS; fbtlfiBaC tka Onm 

Not. 1. 

OALLIP0LI8.— Theatre (J. M. Kaufman, 
nisT.) Black Crook, Jr. 0; pleased fair busl- 
neaa. B a rlow anj Wl laon Mlaslrcia 10: fair 

saaanMr,— 4>pcni <t>a** r9f« x. bum. 

awr.) The Org heaai Btoek O*., Mdt to*d baal- 

OCTOBER 21, 1905. 

Tlie Billboard 


nto". mcr.) •neOUl and the Budlt S: 

sood biulnen «nd plraud ImmriiwlT. Ttar 
Seminary Girl 18. 
AI.I.UNOE.— Op«ra Boole (Mr. CriTen, 

mcr.) Ole OtoOB OlfMd alNW* 

sm o: Plnnesnl Hi OMavs^llMk <V- 

week 16. 

NfOKTB BAIiTlXOSC- — Heine's 0|>«t« Hou«« 
IK G. Helnx. nisr.) B»r Fatal Sin 3; fine 
i«ow and bnalima. The Diamond Klog 12. 

ATKdtS.— Opera Houae (FlD*t«mM A 
Slauiri.ter. incra.) Not I<llie Oiher OMt T; A 
Itnir Bvlatlon Vi; Buster isrown 18. 


y ifTT gugT.'p m* Carrick Theatre. The 

Wliard of Os week 9; excellent buslneu Same 
attraction week 10. 

Broad Street Theatre. Viola AUen In The 
Toast of tlie Town week 0; buslnesa big. Same 
.ttractlon week 16. 

CUeatnut Street Theatre. In Tammany HaU 
week 0: koikI bunlneas. Geo. M. Cohan In 
Little Johnny Jonen week 18. 

Cheatnut Sueet Opera Honae. Woodland 
week 0; tmir bualneaa. Same attraction 

Uric Tlieatre. The Earl and the Girl week 
»: fair bualneaa. Uta. Flake week 16. 
Walnot Street Theatie. . Ume. SdnuDanik 

Beink In Love'a lattarr WMk Os aood bnaf- 
nexs. Same attiaetioa week M. ■ . 
Park Theatre. SliBpto BlmoB . IMtt 

»: bis bosineM. Sane atlmcUim mtk U. 

Grand Opera Boom. Mancr Brown week B: 
fair liualntaa. la New Xwtk Town week le. 

HaOonal Uieatie. U»t l» « »* C'ty week 
aood btiBlncH. Dancera of Working Glrla 

■ weekiO. 

Olrard Theatre. My Tbm^boy Girl week B; 
good bnabieaa. More T« 

^eople'a Theatre. She Dared to Do Rlsht 
week B: (air hnalneaa. The Rocky Road t< 
nablln with Barney Gllmore week 16. 

Blaney'a Ardi Street Tbemtre. After Mid 
nleht week S: fair patronage. The Gypcy Girl 
week 10 

Hart'a' Theatre. Mettle, the Newigtrl week 
good bnaloeaa. Wedded and Parted week 10. 
Kelth'a Theatre. Vaudeville drew good pa- 

■ tronage week 0. . ... 

Elerenth Street Opera Houae. Damont'a Mln- 
atiela continue indeOnltely. 

Standard Theatre. The atock company In 
The Wont WonaD tn ZaOodoD week 8; Ber 
Mad Marriage week »«. _ 

Forepantfh^a ThaalM. The atoek eompaoy 
pceaented the Cowboy and ttaa Lady wack B; 
Hearta Coorageoua week M. 

Troeadero Theatre. The BabemUa 

aaera week B; big bnilnen. Taakta 
ilrla week la. 

Windy City lS-14: 

BMtoi«iitn week 
Baerea Oo. week 

BIJni Tbeatic. Ml 
laKaaea week B; fair 
laiqneri week 16. 

^Knplre Theatre. The 
IlUr bualneia. 

0«od bualneaa eoatlsnea aa a mie. 

.Jt—tirtnm Theatre (A. J. Dairy, 
I Sleeping Beanty and the Beaat 6-7: 
-flBOA' and bnaloeaa. Mary Emeraon 11; 
WiaM lOMtreU 13. _ , „ 

AndtBV or Mnale (A. J. DnITy, mgr.) Vao- 
derlUe week 2-T; hnalneaa excellent. Devanx 
and Daraox. ClllTord and Bnrke, Herrman, Ned 
Rye and D'ArrUle SUtera week 0-14. 

Star Theatre (Alt. O. Berrlnglon, mgr.) 
rrrd Irwtn'a Big Show »-7i excellent perform- 
ance and hnalneaa. The Morning Olorlea opened 
to big attendance 8-14. 

Family TlieatTe <aiK Oranman. mffr.) Ora 

CecU. Ellaworth and Burt, and otbeia 2-7; tiail- 
neaa and bill good. 

WnXIAMSPORT. — Lycoming Opera Hona* 
(L. J. Flak, mgr.) The VUlage Paraon 2; 

Sleaaed fair bualneaa. Not Uke Other Olria 
; fair attenilance. Hadley'a MoTtng Pictures 
4: fine exhibition and good bnalneaa. Human 
Hearta a-, fair bualneaa. Sherlock Holmee 7: 
fair bnaloeaa. The Way of the Tranagreisor 
10; The Sleeping Beauty and the Beaat 11; 
Pan! OUmore 18. 

EXIZ.— MaJeaUe Theatre (John L. Gllaon. 
mgr.) Tke lale ot Bong Bong 6; pleaaed, good 
tctnma. Mot Uke Other OMa T| aaaauad. 
Derfl'B Anetloa 12; Otu SMaaat Mt Why 
Women Sin 17; Rellar 10. 

Park Theatre (Jno. L. Ollson. mgr.) Geo. 
O. Wood. Jane Conrthope A Co., Three Zoellera. 
Tanner and OtlTert, Eameralda. Co mo, and the 
klnelograph week B; good bualneaa. 

SRABOM ^Morgan Grand (Lee Norton, mgr.) 

The Bowery Newaglrl 8; good house and per- 
formance. Mildred Bollaod 4; pleased fair 
bOBlneHS. • The Holy City 0: line show - and 
business. Ole Olson 7; bla bnslneaa. Kirke 
Brown Stock Co. B-14; good boalneaa and com- 

fiany. Rudolph and Adolph 10; The Woman 
D the Caae 17; Kellar 10; The Flaming Ar- 
row 20; Tbe Two Johna St. 

PTnrXSUTAWNEy.— Opera Houae. The Sign 
of ttir Cnim Sept. 80; fair bnslneaa. Ole Olaon' 
2: fnlr hiisloeaa. Echoes Prom Broadway 6: 
fair attendance. The King of Tramp! 7; good 
business. SI Stehhtna 10; The Princa of Sa- 
lerno 12; The Village Paraon 10; The MidniRht 
Flyer 21; TTncle Joah Spmceby 21; A Pair 
of Conntry RIda 20; Not Like Other OlrU 31. 

BEAOniO, — Orphenm (Prank D. Bill, mgr.) 
Geo. - Monroe, Eckert and Berg, and Oirmen- 
clta headed a good bill week 8; boalBcaa good, 
Jaa. J. Oorbett heada a good bin week 16. 

Grand Opera House. Oilld BUeea o( New 
York 8-11: good bualneaa. Bnman Hearta 12-14. 
New BIJou. The Bowery Bnrleaquera week 

fair ttoalneaa. 
JARnTOW«_CambrU Theatre (11. N. 
Bherer. iBgr.) The King of Trtmpi S; Iklr 
bnalnen. Bndtdph and Adolph 4: good bnal- 
neaa. The Bine Blbbon Glrla S; good boalneaa. 
Pretty Peggy O; (air boalneaa. tjncle Josh 
Spmceby 7; good bnalneaa. The Honeymoon 0; 
<Ur Mh a l a i aa. A Dangerana Lite 11; Majeatlc 

Ut Ifofgi Landins 14. 

.jr^Iffrie Theatre (D. B. Kor- 

leat. mgr.) Hurray and Mackey Co. 2-7; good 
boalneaa, Dora Thome 8; pleased large bnnae. 
The Midnight Flyer 12; Along the Kennebee 
IS; Vnele Joah Spmceby 14; Irene Uyert Stock 
Oo. 16«. 

..LUWillOV-JVliB^e Opera HMiat Ii- 

Mill S; fair company and gaod boaliMaa. The 
Honeymoon 6; fair hualaeaa. A Pair ot Oonn- 
try Kida 13: Mottiac- Bat tka Maaar U; in 
the Wrong Baaaa Mi tMfk •pcaaaky SO; feck'a 

Bad Boy 31- 

COBNELLSVILLE. — Colonial Theatre (Geo. 
M. Cooper, mgr.) . A Poor Relation 2; good 
boalneaa. Alberu Gallatin In Oooaln Kate .'i; 
pleaaed larga audience. Running tat OUtt 0: 
large and well-pleaaed audience. Iht Bine 
RItrtHm Glrla 7; pleaaed good boalneaa. Tbe 
Two Johns 9; T^e Honevmoon 11; At Sun- 
rise 14. 

M£AI>TII.I.E. — Academy of Mualc (B. H. 
Norrls. mgr.) Cradoc-NevUle Co. week 2; good 
bualneaa and company. The Woman tal the 
Caae 12; Derll's AiKtlon 18; Echoca Prom 
Broadway 14; Oaralde Stock Co. 10-18; Why 
Women Sin 23; Paul Gllmore 27. 

BABMBSBORO. — Opera Honae (Fred. Msr- 
ley. mgr.) Channcey Kelffer Co. 2S-27: good 
bualness. The Sign ot the Cross Oct. 4; good 
house. Tbe King of Trampa S: big bnalneaa. 
A Dangerous Life 12; Tbe VUlage Paraon 20; 
A Windy City 25; Uncle Joah Spmceby 27. 

POTTSTOWK. — Grand Opera Houae (G. W. 
Glasgow, lea.; H. G. Gamble, loc. mgr.) Dora 
Thome 6; good ahow and fair bnalnesa. In 
the Wrong House 7; good bualneaa and per- 
formance. The VUlage Paraon 10; The High 
Flyen II. 

mLTOM. — Opera Houae (A. J. Blair, mgr.) 
Not Like Otlier Olrla 4; pleaaed good busl- 
ncas. Tbe Sign of tbe Four 10; Colhane. 
Chace A Weaton'a Minstrels 13: Hadley Mov- 
ing Flcturea 21; Dncle Tom'a Cabin 20. 

MX. OABKEL.— G. A. R. Opera Houae (J. 

B. Gonld, mgr.) Bonbelle LKUe Co. 3^ 

good bnalneaa aa« hill.. ^•■«J2n!L.!*!fi* 
12; Nothing But MoMT U| fhtlBtk ri|«l8 Itt 
Slde-ttached SI. 

BZKWaeat— P. O- ■. ot a. Opwa Hoaae (P. 
R. KltdMB, mgr.) Behoca From Broadwar 3; 
fair bnalneaa. A Pair of Coimtry KIde 10; 
The Sign ot the Four 12. 

KONISSCH.— Grand Opera Booae (A. n 
Shnater, mar.) OMla Mh |*naafer. ^fnlr 
bnalneaa, MiBlaC MP. OMt wt MfaaT 

Star Theatre. Bnalnesa la good. 
CHAMBEBSBiniO. — Roaedale Opera Honae 
(F. A. Shlnabrook. mgr.) Uncle TOm'a Cabin 
8: good business and pleaaed. The VUlage Par- 
aon 6: fair bnilnesa and company. Th* Water- 
melon Tmst 7; large audience. The Kennedy 
Flayera 10-21. 

BirT£ER. — ^Majeatlc Theatre (Geo. W. Buck 
halter, mgr.) The Holy City 7; good boalneaa 
and ahow. Aa Crodoc-NeTllle Co. B-14; good 
haifaWH aad attang company. 

dgaaaan aa r Thaatxo (O. T. Trial 
Me mgr.) JM^B^ «*« OMa 
Rudolph aaS Adolph Ut 
war IS. 

^OKD. — ^New Bradford Theatre (Jay 

Korlh. mar.) P.ben Holden 6: pleaaed good 
boalneaa. A Woman In the Caaa T; pleaaed 
(air bnalneaa. 

(Bazrr Oeraon, 

and Mack 8; Lorraine Stock Oo. lA-lS; Ka- 
aasd'a Mlnatxela 18-14; MdTadden'a Flata IS. 

CUEBTTRBZ. — Brown'a Opera Honae (John R. 
Johnson, mgr.) Miss Horsey From Jersey 2; 
pleased fair hDSlness. Kersand'a Mloattela B; 
capatlty buslneuA and excellent performance. 
Black Pattl 14: canceled. An Ariatocratic 
Tramp 19: The Liberty Bellea 23; Th* JeBer- 
aoos In The Rivals 27. 

BEAUKOirr ^Kyle Opera Hoose (E. M. 

Welaa, mgr.) Lord Baltimore 2; good attend- 
ance and attraction. An Aristocratic Tramp 3: 
good house. Tbe Liberty Bellea 4: excellent 
ttractlon and record business. Murray and 
Mack In .Vround the Town S; packed bouse. 

WACO. — Auditorium Opera House (Jake t;ar- 
flnkle, mgr.) Taylor Stock Co. week Sept. 
23; good business. Black Pattl 4: goud buxl- 
neaa. Kersand's Minstrels 7; good huslnesu. 
An Aristocratic Tramp 11; Llt>erty Belles 12; 
Al. H. Wilson 13. 

OAIBESVULE.— Gallia Opera Boose (Paul 
Gallia, mgr.) Albert Xaylor Stock Co. 2-3: 
good bnaloeaa and perfWSMMH." VSRaj Stock 
Jo. week 8; Fra Dlaveto M; B l ai k Paul IB; 
Keraand'a Ulnatrrls 23. 

dOSSXT.— Opera Honae (H. W. Warden. 
,) Albett Taylor Stock Co. 4-5: good busl- 
aad coopaar. BlaA PatU'a Tnahadour» 
U. Ondar caneaa^-Vansaatfi * -Wla Brathcn 
Showa 38. 

WAZAHACKIZ,— Shelton Opera Booae <v. 
B. Shelton. mgr.) Lools Dean Stock Co. werk 
2; hnalneaa and performances good. Blsek 
Pattl. IS: Lord Baltimore 14; An Ariatocratic 
Tmmp^ U. 

jH. f. Hamn^ n^^) 

T1TU8V ILLS,— Opera , 
mgr.) Walta OOBtdr O^Jept Mljoad baai- 
ng DcTira jCMttM Oat T| iWiSlB rrom 
Broadway IS. 

YAHSERORIFT. — Opera Booae. Dora Thome 
13; Echoes from Broadway 17; A Pair ot (Joan- 
try Klda 18: Old SI Stebblos 31; Eben Hoi 
den 24 

OREENSBURO,— St. (^alr Hieatre (Frank 
W. Good, mgr.) Uncle Joah Spmceby 10; 
packed house. The Holy City 14. 


OHASLESTOVi-n&eadamy of Mualc (0. R. 
Matthewa. mar.) MaPadden'a Flats 9: heavy 
btiliSS! A%* 5 Keys 3: fair bnataeM. 
Tbe Bteraal OIF Sj good performance and 

land ^■■HB WtUtt ttl AL O. Pteld'a MIn 
atrela 14. 

COXiVinU*— OaiamMa Sheatre (P. L. Brown. 

m^) Tha ■•••^.ja? »«.'^.?^«.*^si!; 

M.'irt--ffiJ«*^^ ^Af Q* Fi5d'; 
land 8: Bumnn Biarta ll:.AL <»• PW'da 
Mlnstrela IS; The CUnaaan 14. 

OBEEimiXE.— Grand Opera Bnao 
Whltmlre, mgr.) Th* JSS—i 2g 
business. The PtctBaa TMtor 4» tap BLi:.. 
nnce and good hMtaiW ~lM0a»T^ Wadding 
0; good bualneaa. Bamaa Baatt 


MBKPRIS. — ^New Lyeetm»(P. OlV. 
Wlhwn to A German Oypay 3j food hnunea 
■!;Ji p"».«d. The Coonty Chairman IW: goj 
bnslneaa and P«rtot?«»<»%, 

performanee. Pantaaasa weak s; looa onai 

TheatM (A. L. Ibrriaon. mcr.) Mar 
garetSrMa beaded a good WH *i ""j; 
Sen One. Under eaaraa— Blngllng Brathen 2S. 

CBATTAH00OA.-Opm Honae (P. ».^Al 
bertrmgr.) Bartow'a MlnatraU .48. good hart 
nesa. 'Way Bow Jpat T| BBO* S?alaijj 

city 16. 

KHOXVILXB.— Stanh'a Tbeatto jfkWS IW aah. 

mgr.) Boater Brown 7: good Maiacaa aod 

performance. Sowlnir the Wtad 8; exce"~» 
prodoctlon and fair business. 

mnOIf (nXX.— Reynolda Opera Booae. 
Bi<«V «i» •» !«•■«•* ' 


T>STTff — Opera Booae (Geo. Anay. mcr.) 
Keraand'a Utnatrala 3; good business. Rich 
stoek Co. week 2: good business. Muiray and 
Mack O-IO; Al. H. Wilson 11-12: Black Pattl 
18* Taylor Stock Co. 14: An .VrlaTOcratIc Tramp 
IS; McFadden'B Flats 20; The Liberty Belles 
21- When Johnny Cornea Marching Home 25- 
26.' Under canvas — Bamum ft Bailey Show 23 

0ALTX8T0N.— Grand Opera Boose (Fred G 
Wela. mgr.) Hooligan In New Tork Sept. 30 
good Iniafiicaa and pleaaed. Lord Baltimore Oct. 
I; fair attendaaee. Aa Azjatoeratle Tramp 

t'i;"''**'' y 

WZATKEBPOBS.— Baynaa Open Sanaa (B. 
M. Bonner, lagr.) Keraand'a UlBBtnIa 4s SOOd 
bnalneaa. Fta DIavolo 17; Lord Baltimore IT. 

PA1.E8TI1IB.— The Liberty Bellea 2; good 
btialneasi and show. Lord Baltimore 7; excel- 
lent performance and (air patronage. 

SHBBMAM. — Opera House (Mack Sanaaa. 
mgr.) The German Gjpaj 0: packed koaaa aaa 
good performance. Boae Ijj U-M. 

wm'i'Jt WBM Mil Usil a ■ 

MlnstieU 7: pleaaed MT*. O. 

Stock Co. 11. 

BENNINGTON,— Opera Honse (C. A. Wood 
& Co., mgrs.) Under Southern Sklea Sept. 28: 
excellent ahow and capacity bualneaa. CoDsln 
Kate Oct. 13: Lewla Morrison In Fauat 21; The 
Wizard of Oi Nov. 1. 
BUTLASO, — Opera Bonse (Boyle A Brebmer, 
) Balned uvea 4; foil honae. Oortcn'a 
Oiaaln Kate li. 
PETEBSBUSO. — Academy of Mnale ((3iaa. A. 
Bass, mgr.) Mason and Maeon 2; (air boal- 
neaa. Sowing tbe Wind 3; fair boalneaa. Sher- 
lock Holmea 5; fair business. The (JtaSMMB 7; 

packed house. Miss Bob White 2S. 'QaMr'Oan- 

vai — Cole & Roger's Shows 13. 

LTNCHBUBO. — Academy of Mualc. Babes In 
Toyland 3: large honse. Effle ElUler In Basel 
Klrke S; good bnstueas. The (Hanamaa 6; 
rccord-hreaklnR ntteudance. Boater Brown 10; 
The once Boy 21. 

CHABL0TTE8VII.LE Andltoclam O. . J. 

Letrrman. mgr.) Sowtog the WIdA tl_St|r'a^. 
tendance and good attraction. BsaHf ' 
good ahow and packed booae. 
W UMMM T g E. — Aadltorlnm 

Tbe above ahowa ••Poneh" Wheeler, preaa 
agant with the PlotB thowt. lalklns to ilie ed- 
itor «C tbe Oattr Alaakan at N<-w B.itt.e[.td, 
Saakatehewaa, oo the Klondike TrjII, North 
America. Tbe town la three .'-""..ff* 
North Pole. Mr. Wheeler says. lie U aakia; 
tht cdlMr It Watt Jaa jaaart ..aa he waata 
t* latUa the atpilltlaa tbe il iaM ' 


rack, mgr.) TW 4 

CroKH 14. 

The Bam- 
Mra. Lefllng- 

and fine performanee. 

KENOSHA. — Rhode Opera Uonae (Joa. 

Whodt wgt*} 
anoe aad foad 
weak n. 



White Not. 1 
A Hatlleld'a M 
crowded tionae. 


OATXtlb-Oiand Owm 
mgr.) Bca Star S-Ui ToM 

(Barry lb 
6; flae perform- 
Kyrkle-Barder Stoek 

(Jao. Cort 

Ml State POIka IB-St; 

liwtde Theatre (7rta Oort mgr.) The Star 
low Glrla week IS; The Jolly Grass Widows 

*Thlrd ' Avenue Theatn (Bnaaell A Drew, 
mgra.) Dora Thoma week 16; Why Women 
Sin week 22; HoOIIgan'a Troubles week 28. 

Star Theatre (Melvln O. WInatock, mgr.) 
Mme. Wanda'a trained doga. Juggling Barretta. 
Courtrtght and Lee, CllS Farrel. and others 
week IB. 

Orphenm Theatre (B. t. Doanailan. mgr.) 
Cartrlght and Lee, Hartlgt;_§aval:'.9lllL .Aad 
and I..azene, Largecia, Ziaa'' 'SMifaaai and ai 

tag pictures week 15. 

Puntages" Theatre (Alex. Pantages, mgr.) 
Vaudeville la drawing One crowds. 

Central (Don C. Pooler, mgr.) High-class 
vandevUle eonttonea, and good bnalneaa Is tbe 

BXLLINOHAJt.— Beck Theatre (A. C. Senker, 
mgr.) Honest Hearts 8: May Irnln 4; In Old 
Kentucky 5: McEwen, B^pnotlat 8. 

Grand Theatre (Ceo. C. Ellison, mgr.) Pal- 
mer and Robinson, Leonard and Bemhart. Buach 
Family, Ovnrtrlght and Lee and Joe Boouer, 
and motion pictures week 2; good bnslneaa. 

WALLA WAIXA.— Keylor Grand (Ed. Red- 
mond, mgr.) The Chaperons 5; good bnalneaa 
and pertormance. Ed Bedmond Co., 0-7; good 

COLFAZ. — RIdceway Theatre (Lennox A 
Laikta. mgrs.) Mack Swata Co. 4-7; good playa 
aod business. 

WHESLntO, — Grand Open Booae (Ohaa, 

Pelnler, mgr.) lllaa Lanra Alberta In A Olrl 
of the Streeta 8; good booaea. Tbe Two Johna 
l" 14: Mnrray and Macker week 16. 

Ckiurt Theatre (Ed. Framhelm, mgr.) Mrs. 
Temple'a Telegram 12: good pertormance and 
One hnslness. Alberts Gallatin In Cousin Kate 
f4; fine performance and fair bualneaa. Check- 
era with (}harlea Ross IS; Viola Allen 31. 

MA&TniBBIIJiO. — Central Opera Booae (A, 
F. Lambert, mgr.) Howe's Uorliig Pletnrea 2: 
good bnslneaa. Boater Brown B; larn hnalneaa. 
Carroll Comedy Oo. week 8: S. R. O. and 
pleaaed. Belcher Novelty Co. lS-14: Dora 
Thome IS; The Baal mdow Beam 18; lU. 


MILWAUKEE. — Davldaon Theatre. 

atormer O; pleased good bualneaa. 
Kell'a boolJl 11. „. , 

Alhamhra Theatre. The Show Olrl wltb 
Hilda Thomaa week 8; good performance and 
business. . 

Star Theatre. The London Gaiety Olrla weM 

8; excellent attractlou and good notfOOT 

In the olio are Vedmara, FetgoBCK aad WaU 
Adams and Swinbnm. Blaaett and Seett. 
otheta. ^ _ 

BUou Theatre. Texas week S^a 


Rhode. mgr.) The Show" Olrl O; good Imaloeaa. 
Our Paator 8; pleaaed audience. Julia Gray la 
Her Only Slo 11; Uavld Hlgglna In Hla Laat 
Dollar 15; What Women Will Do 22: Brltt- . 
Nelson Fight Ilcturea '^3; Rose Mayo 24; Flo- 

rodora 28. 

Family Theatre (F. J. O'Brleo. mgr.) Tha 
ee Wreaa. Lceoard aad Fnltao. Baby Oiadya, 
l|as;AhMMi,'BM»taBd .nala. nr. rtanMaa. 
ilTiaaelaf;: ■lilaili ii^waUt '1 ' hoa ln a a a good. 

itn (B- B. WUaco. 
T 3; good perfonnanoa 
_ * haataeaa. People's Playen 8; 

fair hhow and hnalneaa. In the. Scrpent'a Powei 
10: In the Land of the Caar 11; Julia Oray ta 
— sr Only Sta 13. ' 

Weat Side Theatre (Yagle . 
A atrong vaudeville blU attracted 
tranage week 2. Under canva»— 
Carnival Co. 8-14; big boatnaea. 

FOND DV LAa— Creacent Opera Boaaa (P. B, 
Haber. mgr.) A Bayal Slave S: nod haataeaa 
and eapaUe aaaapaar^ Baaa.aad^NU Brflllt 
bnalneaa. Her Oi^rjmjtgMma CUT iaaa^ 

The Ideal TaadaflDa niatw JT. t,_VMUm, 
mgr.) Bapi 
olaT Uttia 

Joalaai FMCfM. -* 
aak,t . ■aad- h pi l iiii ^ 

■■• --'v.- ^•■•'cAllAOA - ' ■ 

TORONTO.— Prlnceaa Theatie (O. B. 

pard, mgr.) Tbe Crosalng week 8; ezecBng 
production and boalneaa. The Edneattoa of Mt* 
ripp week 10. » 

Grand Theatre (A. 7. Small, atgr.) 
JanU In The Uttia DoOcM ncdl 8 
h oMjBt^ and aacrilent atttacOaa. , Ml . . . . . . .. 

* '^•*^a*%. Shaa. mgr.y nana' Bmwi: 'MUfc 

and Idaleae OottOiu Angnata OUiae. waw 

thereat •( a BtNsg hin week 9; " — ' 

A Meecham, agn.) 
tracted esaallaaAj^. 
snvaa — FevmTl Braa. 



XalMtie Tbiatie (A. t. SmaU. mgr.) 
Prandvto B(B week 0; goad pertormance 
hoalncia. When the Wodd Slecpa week i(S. 

star Theatre (F. W. Stair, mgr.) Tbe 
nocrnt Maids week 8; good patronage. 
Dreamland Bnrles<piera week 10. 

Massey Mualc Hall (S. Ronstoo. msr.) 
Barnes and excellent company atf 
and eoltnred audience Sept. 13. 
Band Oct. 10; Immense crowds. 



rnrton. mgr.) Hii^. - 
u Baaytay*a 
aad boalaeM. na> . 

LONDON Grand (J. E. Tnrton. 

dora Sept. 23; good bnain' 

cation 25: One performant^ aaia ^wj-^ . 
man Hearta 28; good hu a l ntaa. The SchaoWn ./ 
S7; fair hoalBaea, The We of Splee 38: fair - 
■ - Down bF the Sea 30: good hnaUiMa. / 
(a W. Btanett. maM^ Kook 
- lIax,.I«BraBt. Sa 

business good. 

ST. THOMAS. — New firand (D. MeMgaK'; 
mgr.) Florodora 2: good boalneaa _aBdJ5fri 
tormance. Pollard'a Juvenile Opeta Oak -^BSfc 

Bennett's Vanderllle (J. H. jam,-:WfM 
Clande Fredericks. Klnesley and Lewis- »™» 
Family. Cameron and Toledo. Tom Onlen. 
others week 9: bnslneiu* la good. 

8T, JOHN. — Opera House (A. O. 

mgr.) The WUher Stock Co. 2-7; fair 
wa. DnderUned— The Two Slatera. 

Totk Xbeatie ^J^* AxaatiaBC. nir.) F«>- 


Ttt^ Blllboara 

OCTOBER 21, 1906. 

oitr. Ho, 

Chicago, m., 

Ttenton, N. J.. 10- 

. 0.. -1M1. 

^ A>8 Chii B Mit. q, 

i3bmattm. Trio (Haymuket) 

AMott, Annie (Trent) : 

V- a. 

v'Adalr, Art: route wltb Forepangb & Sells 

Bro*.' tnreos. Bee Tent Bbo«- Konies. 

AKredo A Cerlta: lEo route with ChmiVbeU Bros.' 
Olrcua. See Tent Show -Rooct 3. 

Allen & Kenna (Star): Atlanta. Ga^ Sept. 25, 

.UWae Family: En route vrlth BlngUne 
. Bra*.* Ctrcos. See Tent Sbmr Bootes. 
Alqseat. Xenie (IiTTie) : Btdnnaiid, Ta., Oct. 2. 

AiBcclesn Kfemboja':; Qoattct: . EB imte with 

~ ■ ~ — - - -|^,^ 

Ea ~Mate xrith 
Mr, Vhaaatle Jtsate*. 
'r «... w i im . l^^Jl»^^'^^l■JM^jtt■^ T if■ ;. ji^^ 

j*'Iwil'»;ilrfMl'-Oki -See Mldwiys:«wtifc ^-^ 
^Wlll I : «a>«illMt (Ijrne) : CteidnilJ; O, JS- 

' ~^a; VfiRtr' ' AmmIcui) Cblcaso. ' BI.v S-S. ' - 
AMIW0-* UTlBi^noa (Bljoo): Calnnet, MIdu, 

10-21; (BUon) Marqnette 23-28. 
Atbenoo. Asnes (BUoa): Hamilton. 0„ 1»S1. 
Atataotli. (aTCit: Spokane. Wash.. IS-ai. 

^ itdelalde. I.alPetItie (Bottls & Seaaion's): ITew 

» : lork at7. 33-2S. 

lApoUo QoBitet: JefTenoo Ctt7. Mo., Iff-ai. 
-^AS>a, -Mnrie (Grand): loUet. m„ IS-Sl; (BUoa) 
::: .I>anTine 23-2S. 

vAdanw. Unslcal (Bljoo): . Qainor.^ HL. IMX; 
f'. (Star) SyringfleW, Sl0b. >»«i- :: • . .v.- 
lAlUnei & Petro, The Onirt- '(Ordi»«Bl/ r ' CM 

Angeles, CaL. 0-21. 
Alarcon's Mexican Trio, The (Anierli- n>: Cbl- 

caco. in., ie-21. 
Aldro Bros (Giasd):- Tacoma. Wf •:■ , tS-Zl; 
.,j-''^(Oineoerapb) Spokane 23-28. . t 
; ABSaona. The (Garden) : BnlEalOk X. ''Z'.»-'-t941; 
:(She«.*s) Toronto, Ont., 2S.2S. 
AHiaon. Mr. & Mrs (Orplienni): Omataii. Veb.. 

16-21; (Orpheom) Kanaaa City. Mo.. 2"' 
ABen. Sean & Vldet (PoU'i): BrlUj; Tt, 

Coon.. 16-ai. . 
-AJiena. The (Noreltr): Xopeka. Kml, 
. (BUoa) Wichita 23-2S. 

Aican. William tOrpbeam); Lm Aafleta. Cll., 

AAtOD. -Margaret (PKTSUImi): Landao, Ens., 

: ^^AMyrn (nom's) : MadlMia. Wta^. 18-21. 

':TOte>(Bljoo)r Mich., 

''Albntw'ft mDert^^^tti; toar. B&gluid. 
Ann * BaltOB (Famiir):::i.«!6l0KtsTlIIe. K. T. 

■ i»ai.- . - — ■ - . 
Anl. Mile. (OtiAeom): Brooklrn, V. T.. Itm. 
Armstrong & H<dlr (Haymarket) : 43lIaiCO, IH., 


Arlin^on & Helaton ((Stand): Yoonsatmrn, O. 

le^a. X -v. • 

Anil too. Arthor: Haceratoirn. ^Md.. 10-2^ > 

rtaTelle Troape (Ametlcaa): Cblcaso. 
m.. 1&-21: (Grand) Mllirankce. tna.. 
Brudoa * wner (Hyde & Bdnan's): BioOk- 

■ Jyn. N. Y.. la-a. ■:. -I,--.! ■ 
B»an. Frank D. (Hyde <>BMiBHh)£'.''BMfe' 

tm. K. T.. ia.21. 

- t, £tBa» (Ocstenm): BrookJyn. K. T., 

Bw ati tiu ft. Oi.. : Od.' (H«ym«Tk«t)t Otletga. 

HL, is-si. ■ 

BaeoB. Banes :*:.'Baca«s':<:;^<.'aoMr.:'iiAakv«iv** 

Eleetrie 0>.' B^.Tent'Sbimr:-Mviiti»i"'-' 
Barloic'a Elephants fHfppodrome):' Iteir Totk 

CItr. Sept. 25. indef. 
Barnes. Al. G-. Animals: Ea ronte ' iritb the 

Ker Parker Amnsemeot Co. SM'.lfldMr 


Beard. BtUr: En mate with Wm.' K'-ltat'S 

Minstrels. See Minstrel Bontes. 
Bedlnl & Arthur: Paris. TY.. Oct. 1-Not. 30. 
Brecbnm. Cbarlfs * Blanche Scott: £n route 

Witt the Smith Gtcmter AmaMment Oo. See 

28JS0T. 18. 

Bernard. Floyd: En mote irith ghi glhtg Bras.' 

Show. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Berrlan A axackic : Bn roate wftli Cl iti a ty Bros.* 

Minstrels. See Minstrel BaalM.- - 
BcTTT. 'Barl: ^ roate Willi AwfcOT' ft-BMMBS. 

' Sec Dramatic Boates. 
laBMkvOMs. C^AoldM:- mate with tbe 
i^^JMHte^Cnr: MM. See MUway BoatM. 

x«at» .wtth the 

Ft. Sestt, XtaL, 16- 

^"m2L ifl^Bircoka*) 0U7, S3-2S 

Bedooln Armbtt. Blsbt (Colambla):' 9t Lools, 
Uo.. 16-21. 

BUck A I>sUe (Star): Seattle. Wash., 16-21 
Bockeje Trio (Bon Ton): Salt Lak* City 

Utah. l«-ai: (Lycenm) OpflM WtM. 
Branow (airls. 1 Mabel ffilWIll (AMgkra) 

New York <aty. 16-21. 
Borkes. The Jnggllng (Bljoa): Tjiinlng, Mich. 

16-21; (BUOD) LMOosse, Wis.. 23-2S. 
Bnma. Hanr (G. O. H.): Mailoa. lad.. 16-21: 

(Gennett) Blchanand A4Bb 
Bans. Bessie (Empire): VIHIWU IIL^ 16-21: 

(Craid) JoUet 23-28. 
Bennett. Mark (Gtvenwald) : New Orleans, La. 


Bernhardt & Bnssler (Bljon): Davenport, la. 

Berastelns. The (Bljon): Battle Creek, SUch. 

le-ai: (Orpbenm) Sprinslleld. O., 23-^. 
Barneys, Three (Grand): lUBitBi Ild» 16-21. 
Bostwlck. Etwood F. & OOk (MIVU)! PtOTl 

dence, R. 1. 28-28. 
Banr. Katie (Proctor's SSth St.): New Tork 

City. 16.21: (Proctor's) Troy 23-28. 
Besnah & MlBer (Pastor's): New Tork City, 

23-28. ^ 
Beach t Beach (Bmplre Garden): St. Louis. 

Mo., 16-21; (West End) JucsrlUe. Wis., 23 

Birant A SaeSte 
Ont,. 16-21. 

Bellman »c Moore (Proctor's): Albany. N. T.. 


Bilforu May (Shea's): Tonmto, Ont., 16-21; 

- (Eeltt's) BoMoo. lUo.. a»4B. 
Banr. lb. * abs^ Steasla .:(MFa| .Watertaxr 

- ' 2S-28L ■■ ■ ■- ■ • ■ - 
Belldalr. BMb . ' (BapktBr) : mea^Ua. Tnm. 

iMn; (OoinMa) it. Irouti. no„ SMS. 

Bloan. Cavt. tO>llliH'i»1 = - San. Tt um n t nu . Cal.. 

Boston citr QMitat'Oaiiv): -■nrMft Oity, 
16-21: (aOiiK^ ath At*.) Kcir T«k OHt ~ 


Barnes ft Wmahhom (Blioa): Appleton. Wis., 
IS-ai: (BUoa) Giecn Bay 23-28. 

~ " " ~ r, rCoL, 16- 

TELEGRAMS for routes of par' 
formaivi tent ahowa or carnival com- 
unlesa parties PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hotel addreaa or 
street number. If route wanted can 
not be found in The Billboard, publics 
tion is prohibitad, or wa had net re- 
ceived Ik «p t» ttaw aff fanas oleaing. 

^Qaeitet.:; OHcteal: :. 
•.SUfca. 6ee Dtaaade 
BlCHca^ 'Tile & .Fl' B. UrAfliWi" 
■ elet». iBlasds.- Soath Sea •UaaOa, Oet. 1«>: 

Rtetear. Bo«let» Islands. Nor. l-SO. 
Brown Btosl: . -Eb crate with RlngUn; Bros.' 

CIrcnsi See -Teot Show Boates. 
Bnrkkardt. 6.: En route with Campbell Bros.* 
Orcns. - See Tent Show Bootes. 
; BBTtan. Bleliard (Star) : Portland. Ore.. Indef. 
iFyrons. The (Hippodrome): Xew Tork City, 

^Bam-ti sinters (Columbia): St. Louis, Mo., 
16-21; (Majrstlc) Chicago m., 23-2S. 
Blsaonnette * Newman (Fair) : Galeshnrf;. 

m., 16-31; (Fair) Veedersbnrs. Ind.. 23-28. 
Bernard. Blioda f American): CMcaeo. HI., 
';. indef. 

' Bartm. Barton (FInm's) : Madlsoo. Wis., 16- 
91* (Olmiplc) Sooth Bend. Ind. 23-28. 

ffc'" & Heiir (Kialto): Etanlra. N..T.. 16- 

BvtiBoa. nie lAree (Bijou) ; Decatur. IIL. 16- 

■..■••-■ai. -,- ■ 

'.-arcsner. Daothy (Portland): PorHand. Me.. 
^%1»2I; (Keffii'a) Boatoa. Mass.. 3548. 


Bartows, Lancuter & C!o. (Foirt): Bridgepact, 

Onm.. 16-21. 
.Barton t Brooks (Empire): Ftttenen, R. 3^ 
' 16-21; (Olympic) CUeaso^ HL, IMB, 
Beaumont A Harinid Ofala St.): BmmU. HI 

l»ffi; (BOOT) Qataer SM. 
Brown. Ton OUijIaani BaWaMrat UL, 16- 

Beatinv '-fimat V 

U., IMi. ■ 

Beritere, Talerie. * Oo. (Norelty):, 
.N. T.. 16-21 (Majestie) Cniicago. 111.. 23-2S. 
Bnseh Family, ne Woaderftd (Lyieemn): San 
Francisco. CkL. l««brfBen> .OaUand 23-28. 
Baker * iob (Mknaal: Bfa«. ga..nMl. 
Banm's Dafa' Onmrt): ' SMrHoeab B. L. 

Bloom d: Cooper (Keith's): ProTidenee, B. I.. 


Biteht .Bros. (Collin*): . London. Eas-. 23-28; 
;_^^(Wa a gf» a iy^«»a tair^ 


Bacon * Vane (Unique): Los .Vnselp>i. Cal.. 9- 

Brorminc & Wally (Orpbenm): San Francisco. 
Cal.. B-21. 

Brazil A Brazil: Jjiwrence. Mass.. 16-21. 
Burke & Urllne: Lynn Mass.. 16-21. 
Broim A Nerarro (Hippodcoae): Brighton. 

Enc_ 23-2S. " 
Broderlck Sc Jeseika (7Ioai**t: r Sfaffiaon. Wis., 

16-21: (BUoa) OridM* v> 
Booth. The Great: . W.jaijll t^-.W'-'"^^' ■1»-21 ; 

Myersdale. 'Pa.. 2Mlt ..'v, . : 
Bobme. Wat .(Dannie (Gk7ald): -'laaenaa, Ind^ 

l*ai: CGtTstal) I Trt Wa i IMB. v . 
Bnskbk: & Bleh (BkbaMoO: RorUi Adams, 
. ICsss. le-CI: (MOhawk) Schenectady, N. T.. 

15- 28. 

Barlows. Breakaway Barlows (Atlantic Garden): 
Xew Tork City. 16-21: (Baatoa) tiOweU. 

Mass.. 23 3S. ■ .. •.: 

Oetmento. Frank Jb Etta 'CAttnife' Oaiden) : 

New Tork CTty. 16-21. 
Cannenelta (CTolonial): New Tork City. 16- 

21; (Orpheum) Brooklyn, N. T., 23-28. 
Oorrbett. Jaa. J- (Orpheum): Beadlne. Pa., 

16- 21. 

Crottr Mo, The (CTnlqne): Akron, O., 16-21. 
Cannlmtham & Corene^ (Standard): CiDCtiiiiat], 
O., 16-21. 

Canfleld A Carltoo (Hr<e AOMaaiW: Bnek- 

lyn. N. T.. 16-21. 
Can A Johnson (Olympic): (nileago. TO.. 16- 

Cosh man. Cbacles (Haymarket): Cblcaso, 11I_ 
IMI. ■ ■ 

Col» » T i ia iia ■■■ | i WiM| | lii> ^.5 JMia iBib • l«r 

Carter. Bob. A Ca..r<V^): VMaa^ H. J.. 

Cameron. CrHc* ' fBaWtre): Tohanae s b u r g. S. 

A.. Oct. 1-XoT. 11. 
Camllle Comedy Trio: En ronte with Blngline 

Bros.' Ctrcos. See Tent Show Bontes. 
Carl<r<. Chas. A Oaca: Bn roote with BinsIIns 

Bros.' (3r«Ba.;jil»»-a>mt.;>fca!a. 'H aa to a . _ .■- 
Carr. .^Itt-rt ^ <HiMsliaani>i - jlfcW iTaifc OUT. 

Indef. ^ 
Carmii Grent (A]tnn)s-.»JleamK;"GH.; .Mef. 
(^triUlonK. Three ^ IBtaadraaw): = Vair Tork 

city. Indef. 

Clal^opianF. The (Hippodrome): New York 
(Sty. Indef. 

Collins A iHart (Wlntergartea): ' Berlin. C>er.. 

Oct. 2-Xov. 4; (Apollo). Tleaaa;.Aaatila...«.30. 
Cook A. Mbs Kothert (Palais' MtsU- Viaasens. 

BelC.Oet. le-Kor. 38. 

Oooksee, Bnale: roote with the (^ater 

Smith Amnaement Oo. See Midway <Boates. 

Copland A Oetringer: i:n route with Swallow 
A Markle's Floating Palace. See Mlscelaneooa 

<3ottreIl. Louise & Robert (IHprodrome): New 

York City, indef. 
Courtney A Jeaneiie: Bn route with Nlchol'a 

CHiicagO Amnsement Co. See Midway Routes 
CroSbya, The: En routr with the Great Wal- 
lace Circus. See Tent Show Routes. 
Corbly A Burke (Keith's): Boston. Mass.. 16-21: 

(Keith's) New York Ctty. 23-2S. 
Catrays, The (Fair): BeUeruc, O.. 1021. 
(Hark, Clever (C. O. H.): CUcago. 111.. 16-21 
Cross, Wm. E. (Ifijou); Keno3ha. Wis.. 16-21. 
CoibT Family (i'roctor's) : Newark. N. J.. 

16-21: (Orph. um) Utlca. X. Y.. 23-2S. 
Cktrson Miriam (Columbia): St. Louis. Mo. 

16-21; Majistlc) CSiIcago. Hi., Sf-2S. 
CTarence Sb*ters iBeiiiiettV) ; "St. Thomas. Ont.. 


Callahan & Mack (Auditorium): Lynn. Mass., 

16-tn; (a-rent) Tr. nton. X. J.. 23-28. 
Casad &. De Verne (Havmarket): Cblcago, lU. 

lO-SSl; (01\-niplc) ClilcSRO 33-28. 
Comar. Pnuk (West Side): Janesrille. Wis., 

ie-21: (Flom-s) Madison 23-28. 
Clarke, Barry Cotsoa (Orpbenm): Lot Anselea, 

CaL, a-21: (Or^hemn) DenTer. CkA., SS-Not. 4. 
(Aasslno (Keith's): PblladelpbU, Pa.. 16-21; 

(G. O. H.) Pittsburg 23-38. 
Crane,. Mr. A M». Gardner (Shea's): BaffalOk 

N. T.. I6-ai (Bhca's). Tataatsi,. .Ont.. S-S8. 
Calrert. Ci«at (Fair): Atlaala. 6e;i'Ml: (Mr) 

Macon 23-28. 
Carrollton A: I 

16-21; (UaKpe): 
Crane. Mr. A -Xfa. 

City, 23-28. 
Clark* A Tsaapla ^.(Blta 

21; (BUoa) GicnTiN 
(Mrman, The Great (Bl_ 

-16-21; (Bijou) Marinette :!3.2S. 
Cameron & Toledo (Olympic); Sooth Bend, 

Ind.. 16-21: (AOMrleaa) OiiewOb BL. 23-28. 
CaranauEh & ilaaOtM: '.(nxtackco: Paw' 

tncket_n. I.. l»Sl:'OIWe^Bain 61 

Mass.. 23-2S. 
Carlin 4 Otto (Hurtlg A Seamon's) : New Tork 

Otty 10-21. 

CampbeU & Brady (CMnmtlia): St. iMla. Mo., 

16 21; (Majestic) (Hilcago. 
Clayton, Jenkins A Jasper {Ospboatt)! - San 

Francisco, Cal.. 23-28. 
Constantlnean A Lawrence (Vatidette): C3ilcago, 

IIL. lB-21. • 
(nifford A Bmke (Keeney's): Pateison, >'. J., 

16-21; (Trent) Trenton 23-28. 
(Columbians, The Five: Fall Blrer, Mass., 23-28. 
Orroll, Mr. & Mr3. Bobert (BIJaa): Mar- 
quette, Mlcta.. 16-21; (BUoa) UgMdW.SB-SS. 
Creasy, Will M. & Blanch* Bvma ObMk'a): 

New York Cit;. 16-28. 
Creswen, W. P. (Bicycle BlU): MlimeapoUs, 
Minn., 16-21; (Olympic) Chicago. IIL, 23-28. 
0>£an Sc BondOft (Family) : HarrUbora, Pa.. 
16-21; (Ted. D. Mark's C!oncert) New Tort 
City 22; (FamDy) GlOTerSTllle 23-28. 
Cohan. Josephine. A Ox (Proctor's): Ttor. N. 

X., lS-21; (Colonial) New Xaik Cl^ SK~ 
Clirlstal. AL (Bljon): Marqaatte^ lUk, 

(BtjoQ) Isbpemlsg 23-28. 
Carrer. Lonise A Genie Pollard (Or^ienm): 

Kansaa Ct^. Uo.. 16-21. 
(Campbell A Jobnaon (Chase's): Waatalnstmi. 

S. C 16-21. 
carter A Waters (Treat): n aa la a. K. 7.. 16- 
21; (Hathaway'a) New VtUlmt. Kaaa IMS. 
(3IaAe. wncied (Sbaa's): SoMatak 0at__lS-21. 
Colenas, Bard (Uaa'a): BaOalo, K. T.. 16- 

s^ ;<Mika*h. Wis.. 16- 


): Green Bay, Wis., 




D. C. 

Olonial Septet (Chase's): 


Clonwar & Leland: Hastings. Eng.. 23-28. 
Corwey. Feny (Keith's): ProTldence, B. I., 


Cralg. RIchy W. (Grand): Butte, Mont.. 16-21. 
Carmen Slaters (itarie): Tonkers, N. Y., 16- 

Clarke. Lucy: StoU Tour. England. 

(%rbett A Fooester (Bobct's) : New loik City, 

. 16-ai. ■. • .- . ■ . 

Crawford A BaC (PkAwkft)! Bsa BlasK Oal.. 


CoHons. The (Orpheum): Minneapolis. Minn., 

16-21; (Crystal) Milwaukee, Wis., 23-28. 
Christopher, Cbrla. (BIJon): Lansing, Mich.. 16- 

21; (Bijou) Battle Oeek 23-28. • .■ 
cnievTlel. Bmfle (Crystal): St. Joaegh, Mib. IS- 

21; (Yale's) Kansas City 22-28. 
Cnttys Six Musical (Shea's): Tomato, Oct., 

16-21: Philadelphia. Pa.. 23-28. 
(}orbett A FWrester (Bvber's): New Tork City 

16-21. ■ ... _ 

Conway A Held (Kar): (SetUnfl. 0.* 16-31; 

(A caJtaur . PWabais. Pa,; UM . 
Oaik. wnim *.3fecab Ownr (Bbca'a): To- 
mato^ ' Oafe;- IMS - IB. 0,\ B.>' ntMbarc Pa,, 

Cariln. ' Rose (Paae^an^t'; .C j iw j a aatl . O. 

Dahlias, Les. : 

Oct. 9-NoT. 30. 
Dee, Roy : "En -route with the Josephine Delfry 

Co. See Dramatic Bontes. 
Delavoye A Frits: En route wia Campbell 

Bros.' Circus. See Tent Stair. 
Denton, Bent: route witll 4ta 

See Tent Show Bootes. 
DeVaro. Marsh A-VUt; ...■A'MBlt Wllh. tbe 

Sunny South rinallaf Tallia ' ' tit HIWMlll 

neons Boot.'S. 
I>»V*lds A Zelda: Bb rsat* with tb* Pattsnon 

A Bralneid CanlTal Oa^ Bee XMmw Beetes. 
DoOkman, Marie: Bb laate with tbc Mi* Vawn- 

broketa. See If aaieal Bootet. 
Daaabne. Join A Mattle meboto: Ba saote 

with Wtoodiand. Sec Xarica! Baataa. 
Donofaa. Join O. (Oacasiavfe): In* 

Oarnner. iMlIe T. (Noveltr): SInefetoa. Cbl., 

Sept. 18-Oct. 21. 
Drew, Carroll (Bucker): R«Ckfor<l, 111.. June 
m. Indef. 

Dryden, Oiaa.: Ba route with Malll* Bailey's 

Circus. See Tent Show .Boolaa. 
Dnmond;. Three (Crystal fMace): Sbnvincs. 

Fr., Oct. SO-Nov. 15. 
0un»:rortb. I'ete (Pnntajtue's) : Seattle. Wash., 

Duval. Jos. (Bijou): Millrllle. X. J.. Indef. 
DlxoB, Butt A Leon (Lyceum): Minneapolis, 

ailnn., 23-28. 
Del-a-Phone (Trdcadero): Phlladeipbla, Pa., 16- 

21; (Mlner'a Bowery) Mew Tork City, 23-28. 
Deyeau, Hubert (Bennett's): London, Ont., 

16-21: (Bennett's) St. raomaa 2B-2S. 
Dida (Bopkins'): Tiiralaima. Mj, MIW- 
DeCreana, The Great Tit ffljItaaY" ' . Ibisii. O., 

XMl. .. ■ Vi' •■■ . . ■■■ ■ 

Dsnclng^^^l^llnUt. The (Miaoale): lAaMBc. 

Dixon A Bobnea (Orpbcam) : Los Aacelca. Cel. 

16-31; (Oridwam) Oenrer, Obi., 2S-28I ' 
Dollar Troape (Trent): Trenton. N. J., iBAf 
D'a A D'a (Star): Bamllton, Ont. lA^Nor^i 
DsTls A Walker: Tonkers, N. T.. 16-21- Mii- 

dletown 23-28. 
D^aya. Uoaleal (KuUlr): Bstto. XaDt. u. 

Dorscb * BmHD Okvbw)! ° Prt—a.' M. I.. 

16-21. • 
Delma (Lycenm): Tlflmmralli. Ulna. 16-21* 

(Blecuic) Waterloo, ie..'aMB. 
DiHa A Templeton (BlJaa): Uhnemlng, Mlcb 


DeLaceys. The (Family): Ottomwa, I«. lo-a 
Duncan, A. O. (O. O. H.): Plttsbnrg, Pa., 16^ 

DeLlen, Clement (Bmplre); Bradfod, Biw 
23-28; (Bmplre) Blrmlnsbam 30-NOT. 4; vSi- 
plre) Hull 6-11; (Empire) Leeds U4Sl 

Delmore & ' Lee (Empire): Pateisao. H, t, 
16-21: (Bmplre) Hoboken 23 28. 

Day, Edmund. & <3o. (Orpheum); New Or- 
leans, i.a.. iGi:i. 

DeSerris, Henrietta, Baa-Heliefs (Oohunbla): St 
Louis. Mo.. aaSi 

Dale. Vialae tOtgimmit Mum Maaaa, la. 


Dayenport. Alice (floOwn): Brooklyn, N. T., 

Oareoport, Outr (Cbaie'a): Wastalactoa, 0. 
C. 16-81. 

Deraia Slatea* OUUVtU FiaaWsaia. B. I,. 


Dresser. Z<oalae <]C*ltb>s): Proeideace, R. I.. 

OawsoB A WhltAeld (Family): GlorersTille, N. 

T., i»at. 

Detmar A Dexter: Dnnlsp, la.. 16-21. 

Demn. I. T. (NoTCltr): DeaTcr, ObL. 16-a. 
Delgardo. Natalia: Tvnruc Soutb Aaerlea. 
Diamond A Smith (Howard): Boston. Maai„. I*' 

21: (BUon) FhUadelphla. Pa.. 2S4S. 
Drawee: Empire Tour. England. ft-Nos. U. 
Eddy, Arthur (Lyric): Los Anseles, OaL, iattC. 
Bdsaottds. Lee: Bn route with Donnelly A Bmt- 

field's Minstrels. See Minstrel Bootes. 
Eller. GlTle (Alcazar): Denrer, <3al., Indef. 
Elton. Sam (Hansa): Hamburg. Oer., Oct. 1- 

31: Moss A Stdl Toot. Eng., Not. 1, indef. 
Empire (3omedy Four: Empire Tonr, Eng., Oct. 

16-NOT. 80. 

Eldredge, Presa (Hyde A Bebman's): Brook- 
lyn, N. Y., 18-21. 

Elmore. Tom: Hartford. .\jt-, 16-21. 

EJsmonde.' Mr. A Mrs Edward (Orpheom): Den- 
ver. Col., 16-21. 

Eldons, Tbe (Auditorium): Newark, 0., 16-21. 

E&her Sisters. The (Crystal); Loganaport, lad.. 

Earl. Tbe Dandna (Otand): Wanpaaa. Wis.. 

16-21: (0. B.) Fremont 23-28. 
ESiis-No^-Ian Trio (Shea's): Buffalo, N. T.. 16- 

21; (Shea's) Toronto, Ont., 23-28. 
Bniperors of Mnslc, Foor (Orpheum) : Kansaa 

City Mo.. 0-21; (Orpbenm) Omaha, Neb., 


Evans, Mr. A Mrs. E)dw. (MooomentsI): Bal- 
Umore, Md.. 1641; (Bijou) Philadelphia, Pa.. 

Gstu.-:. Ed. (Audltorlnra): Lynn, Mass., I6-2It 
iHaiiuiway's) New Bedtotd 23-28. 

Elgonas. Les (Bopkiai*): Memphis. Teim.. 16- 
21: (Orpbenm) New Orleans, La.. 23-28. 

Eldrldge. Tbe Great ((^rand): Milwaukee. Wis.. 
16-31; (American) (a>la«o, lU., 23-38. 

Eslelleta. LalBcHe (Olympic): Oiieaco, DL. 

SWa.-.ltir*Jli^.*^t-»m^ Mow. 16-21; 

Bmmett, 6>aele (Paator's): New Tork Citr- 
16-21: (Bnrtig A Seamon's) New Tork City 

Bckbotf A (^doa (FMete'li): 1^ 

Doherty Sisters (Hrta It" IteWmiirtl) ! ' ■ 

lyn, N. T., 16-21. 
Doyle A HIgglns (Olympic): Chicago. 111., 16- 


DOl A Ward (Haymarket): Chicago, Ul., 16- 

Don. Pet^T (O. O. H.): Frederick. Md., 16-21. 
Durhyelle. Loa A Fay (Keith's): PbOadelpbla. 

Pa.. 16-21. ■. •■ . 

Ourands, The FlTC (TbBtdNr O. A)t Ugaa. 

tJtah 0-21 . 

Derden. Dare: Leayenworth. Kan.. 1(J-21; To- 
peka 23-28. 

Oekock. Les Freres «>>Ittmbls): St. Louis, Mo., 

le-ai; (Hayawtfeet). OMcagow . m, aML . 
Dorouiea fliatiri CAteataa): .lOlmghtc .Wt(> 


DonaidaoB. Aaaa (OslanbU): : 41. Iiaali. .y«. 

le-sa. ■■ 
Doberty Sisters :(Bf«m * Babwaii^); Bmk- 

In. «, W«I. 
Day, «ao W. CPncteCa): A»aa», ». T.. 

16«t: (Obase'a) Waahlactaa. D. 0„ »-98. , 
Daniels. Wslter (Keith's): : PnwMMes. B. I.. 

le-ai: (KelUi's) Boatoa, Maaa.. 284aL 
D«LorU. Cbevaller (Bmplre): IndUoavMi, M., 

16-ai: (Folly) Chleato. IIL. 23-28. 
Downey A WHIsrd (Unique): Winnipeg, Maa,. 

164U: (Unique) MlnnespoUa. Minn.. 28.38. 
DeWltt, Bums A Totranoe (O. 0. B.): Rodi- 

ester. N. T., 16-21; (Sbea'a) BaOalo 3S-38. 
Darrow, Mr. A Mrs. Stuart (Kelth'a): Boston. 
Mass., 16-21; (Keith's) ProTldeBe*, B. I~ 

Dlxon * Anger (Keith's) : CleTelandr 6 
<0. O. H.) XoODgStoWD 23-28. 

Dooley, Brenner & Boee (Orpbeion): IHISB, 
Y., 16-21; (Orpheum) Beading. P«v a** 

Doyle & BmersoD, Xenla, O., 16-21. 

Ellnore Sisters (Ampbion): Brooklyn, N. i.. 

Bmplre Oonedj Fov (Btapire) : BoUnray. Ens-. 

21-28. . . 

Empire <Htp Qaaltet <VMarta)t Mar Mtfc Cttr 


Bdsall, Dean A Arthor Fot^ (Orpbenm): Ban 

rraD(dieo, Oal., ie-21. _ 
Eldrld, Gordon (Gaiety): Sprlngneld, 111., 1641: 

(Bljon) Decatur 23-28 . ^ 
Btbardo, Naomi (PortlaBd): .PortlaBa, Ma~^ M- 

21: (Park) Woeecalcr. ICiaa., 93-38. 
Faulkner, R, B.: Bn roate wltb tbe Faraders. 

Bee Maalcal Bonteo. 
Feaslcy. Jncgllns: En ronte wtth Ous Snn'« 

Minstrels. See Mtastrel Boates. 
Fridman. Harry: Sa route wMh the Myrkle- 

Harder Eastern Stock Oo. See Dnoaatle 


Fentelie A DadcllSe; En route wttk Bceta- 
Santlpy Co. See Bnrleaqno BOTtcs: • 

Ferguaon & Mack C&nplte): luliaaaiaiiarfi." K. 
A.. Oct. le-Nor. 2S. . 

OCTOBER 21, 190S. 


pinr. noe a»ierii. Tlii«e (Brea) : Stockholm, 
5«<Nl Oat. -Z'M: (Pjtahl d'Bte) Brti»»eU. 

vontlnellM. The Three: Ba roate with F. 

W ilairit ClrcuB. See Ti-nt Sliow Routes. 
Ford i Wltoon (E^mplre): JotumoMbiirs, 8. A., 

June 12-Xor. 1. 
Fartune, Roy: Bn. route wltb Vb» Ocnt Hus 

fihoir See Tnit Show Routn. 
Postell Eknmett & GUberta: En nwt* wltb J. 

FYsak Hatch Shows. See JtUwajr Bootes 
Fox & Wsnl: Xn rovte wttit OoaaaCs MJd- 

BtrrU. See Mlnatnt ■ooUs.. 
Frees Bros. & Oenctti SMtM: .Kb CMMe^-wlth 

l'atter>»D & BnlMM Omtnl Ok Sfld- 

nuT ttontej. .. „ . 

frevoll, Fiwl: tMm MB MMmr • 

Midter Co. Bm OnUMtle BoattK 
priitco. Slsnoc. Acilaliat: ■> laato 

U. S. CktalMl OOk 8m lOAinT H 

FoItoD, diss. M.: New <M(aivl<>« Mrt. 
vaster * Foster (AttMotnt): mm 9Mk OHr« 

M-21; (Proctnr'i) Anur 
ntnt rsmUr (OlTmple): Ohleaco, m., 10-31. 
fletcher. Ohaa. Leonard (HiTmuket) : CUcigo, 

HL, i«-ai. 

hni OHMdr FMr(0(*hMa): Bcadtac. P«., 

OlMtl^wMM. M. MS. 


FanUi. Tw« flMi 
Fox & Snmmen fOnai): 

(Genett) Rlebmood 23-28. 
Flilier, Mr. & Mn. Perkins (Orpbeom) 

Orleans. La., 23-2S. 
Fillmore & Adams (0. B.): A l wrdec B . S, < Ik. 


F«o. Lee Tddk (Grand): MilwaakCC'^WIf. 1<- 

ai; BIJOU) I4i Crosse 23-28. 
Fields & UansoD: Newark, N. J., 16-21; Bos- 
ton. Mara., 23-2S. 

Pariier. The lUrrsl (Stat): 9t. Wayne, tad.. 


Fox. Delia: SebeneetailT. N. IT.. 16-21. 
Felix i Barry 0>. (Hopkins'): LoaUTlIle, Ky., 

16-21; (Hopkins') MempLls. Tenn.. 23-28. 
Franclscoe. Two (Park Beach): SaerameDto. 

Cal.. 16-31. 

Frosto & Harrer (BlJou) : Battle Creek. MIcb.. 

Ferxnson. Dick ft Grace Passmore (BUop): Mar- 
qaette, Mich.. 16 21; (BUoa) latqicmtDS 23- 

Glllena, Tlie Two (CryaUl): KofcoAlL M- 16-' 

21: COryatal) Locaanort 2S-28. 
Gardner * Vlnecatt ■■piM Sm*. BMlaad. 
George ft Hsrrlostn (riaBllr): SfakaaSF City. 

Pa., lfl-21. 

Gorman & West (G. O. H.l: TouDgstown O., 

lO-ai; (Arcade) Toledo £{-28. 
Guycr ft o-lKell (KcHb's): ProTldeacc. B. 1.. 


Gordw & OhMMi <PaMw^)s Nmt THk Cits, 

Gordon & Hayes, blisses (Bt|N): Oreen Baj, 

-n-is.. i<i 31 : (iBijoa) MariMM* 
Gillette Slsterx (Park 0. B.): Mr, Fa., 10-21 
Haines ft Hart: EasMB. Va^'Mm,- 
Howard. Harry ft Mar .fabWOD^ 
Tork CKj, 15 21. «— w — • 
HaTeman's Animals (PolPs): Worcester, Maas., 

16-ai: (PdU's) Sprlscfleld 23-28. 
Howe & Scott (Dewey): New Xorlt City. 23-28. 
Han * Ball: Owoaaft, )fiek..illr ULvMef. 
Kstper, Locllb- B. «MnHk)t BhbSiw, la., 

Oct. 9. Indef. 
Hart Bros.: En route with tbe Great Wallace. 

Circus. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Hateb.^Oto. H. (West Side): JancsTlllc, Wla. 

MDtl Win Mk B«l>- 

ll)t New 

' 8bew. See Xnt IWw 
Bab. * Maa. .CMai»t 

Fredeilcka, The (Cnlqae): Loa ABf tlw ^ CkA* .le- 
st; (Pickwick) San Dleso M-li. ' 
Fadettes Orchestra (O. O. H.): bdlaaapoUa, 
lad.. 16-21: (Colombia) ClaelnaatL O.. 2S4S. 
Fufeta. Adonli (Domlnloa): Wlmifpec, Man., 
4e4t; (I^-ccom) MlnoeapolU, JUnn., 23-28.: 
~ ' Fanr (Ctaaaa's): WaahlnstOD, D. C, 


gaUar. Ma.(Olf« ^, 


First. Barney (L^ceom) 

ItcdtUCk. CUade * foor Ooa (JUtet**): 
■ lBtw.']ackH !•«.•..'■■ . .. . •- 

r», Vlsicae* OObrtt ( M aa W H UM. O.. 16- 


Faster, E. ft Dog (Proctor's): Albany. N. T., 

Falke. (%as. (People's): Cincinnati, O.. 15-21.' 
Gooio: En roate with Bert SUrer's Olrcns. 
See Teat Show Routes. 

ft Crabaa: Bo xoote with the Eeato^ 

0,t Bh note wltb Ooa Sns'a Mln- 
Ulastrel Bootes. 
JIHk (BdlaoB): BocteicM, Bob., 
. Oa^ t«| :C ll l— tl lM .' ^ VtapM. Aaatda. Not. 

Beur. Niellle > Ote JtafliOB: 'Iksaate witb 
NIetaol'a GMcaco Annacmetf Oo. Sec XUway 

Herbert the Frocaoa: Bn lOBlt wUfc fb» 

Great Wallace Obeoa. Sat iMt ' 
Henmani, ne Ikiea: 


Holloiray. «rae' Otetoepeniaa): IMtalk. StlnD.. 


Hontoon. T>ad ft Clara (Star) : Ft, Worth, 
Tex.. Indef. 

Hoodlnl, HaRF (Oipheaa): BrooUya, M. Y., 
1 16-21. . • 

'Bayden * BkJM (Oak*)! K. Ho., 


HaUback, Wtn. (Olympic): South Bend, Ind 

lC-21: Ohlcaso. lU.. 23-2S. 
Heraog C^amaraa Sisters. Three (Proctor'a): AI 

bany. N. Y.. 23-2S. 
Hjlands. Tbe Tbree (BUoa): Gicen Bay, WU., 

16-21; (BUou) Marlnenc 23-28. 
Bugbea. Mr. ft Mrs. Nick: Sedalla, Mo., 16-21; 

Slonx ClCy. la.. 23 2S. 
Hoey, George ft Co. (Poll's) : New Haven. Cam.. 

HUda, sole. (Howard): Chicago. IlL, 16-21. 
Hall ft Coliom (Main St.): 'Peoria, 111., 16-21. 
Holmes ft Deane (Unique) : Winnipeg. Man.. 

le-ai; (Unique) Minneapolis, Minn.. 23-28. 
HUtoo. Fred: San Francisco. Cel.. le-Nor. 4. 

Minneapolis. Mlna. J (i5,t|o,„i) KOnaaa City, Mo., 2S-28. 

Holman, Saywaid ft Haywaid (Loodon): New 
York CItr. 16-21; (Miner's 8th ATe.) Kew 
York City 23-28. 
Realya, Tbe (Notelty): lopeka. Kan., 16-21; 

(BUoo) WleUtn 

Hoegel Btoo 

Inneas ft Byan (Biuplre): Hoboken. N. I., 16- 

ai; (PoU's) Sprlnglleld, Ma* 
ItaUan Trio (MaryUnd): Baltlmon^ 
Jackaon F^jnily: £n roate with B' 
Clrcoa. .See Tent Show Rontea. 
Jerome ft Edwards: ITn n>ate wltb Reuo ft Al- 

Tord's Shows. See Tent Show Routes. 
Jobnaon, Cbas.: En route wltb MolUe BaUey'a 

Circus. See Tent Show -Routeo. 
Jones ft Sutton: Bd route witb tbe Jianiea Ken- 
nedy Co. See Drajnatle Bootca. 
Jackson ft Douglas, MMfB.'Odcn ' O. H.): 
GreenTUle. Pa.. lO-Slt - (WkaMI^ O. B.) 
Oleon. >. Y., 23-28. 
Jackaon ft Sparks (Dominion): Winnipeg. Man.. 

16-21: (-Bljon) Dubuque. la.. 23-08. 
Jennlnga ft Senfrow (Castle): BloomlnElon. 
111.. IMa; (O. O. B.) Grand Rapids, Mich. 

Jacbsons. niree (Columbia): St Lonls. Mo.. 

16-21; (Majestic) Cblcaso, 111., 23-28. 
Joecarn-s. Three (proctor's 2Sd St.): New York 

City, isai: (Proctor's) Newark. N. J., 23-28. 
Jennlnga ft Jewell (Grand): MUwankee, Wis., 


Jordan ft Harrey: Bull, Ens., 23-28; l«eds 
Not. Ml. 

J<«bn*HBt,- ]Mail-4!lnM>): : .MMC -0^ lo- 


James ft Daris (JcBoa*) 


Jeanie * Blaworth (Oitfii mil); 

Ouy ft Crabaa 
.. Bsllaa, ■■•■«§». 


Gllmore ft C^arroll (Crystal): Anderson, Ind.. 

18-21; (Crystil) Kokomo 23-29. 
GaTin ft putt (Oiphenm): Reading, Pa., 16- 


Gaoi. Haul ((^yital): Kokomo. Ind., 16-21. 
Gamer ft MUIcr (Dnlqne): Akron. C 16-21. 
OlUar * Vn <Btandaid>: Clnrtmiatl, 0« 16- 

Onmote, Bldla (Standard): Clnrlnnatl. O., 


(lonlman's Doga ft Oata (Hyde ft Btiunan's): 

Brooklyn, N. T., IS-Sl. 
Boston ft DaUas (Orpbeom): UUca. N. T., 
_ 16-21; (Orpbeom) Bcadlns. Pa.. 33-2S. 
Gardiner Cblldrtn, Tbree (Bljoo): KcDOaba, 

Wla.. 18-a; (Grand) JoUct. llL. 38-28. 
Gay's Parlor Minstrels (Lyric): Lincoln. Kct>„ 

ie«I: (Hopkins-) Memphis, Tenn. 23-28. 
Ooolmans. Tbe Musical (Hoiftta*'): t<oals«lHe. 

Ry.. 16-21; (Bopklns') XeMfeta, Tmb,^ JM8. 
Gibson ft Nash (BUon): Badae. Wla.. M48; 

(Rljon) Kenosha 19-21. 
(Mdsmlth ft Hoppe (Corinthian): Rocbester, 

N. Y., 16-21: (Gaiety) Albany 23 28. 
Gmycc. Margaret fNoTelty) : Omaha, Neb., 16- 

Oardner, WlUle (Proctor's); Troy, N. Y.. 16- 
_21: (Proctor's aSd St.) N^ Xotk Ct» 28-38. 
Ooforth ft Dsria .ffaiMsllala <^.■^Ai . Sfctb.lle- 
ALester. I. <K^ IMf; tt) ttriwn, OJ 


Gagnonx. The (London): New York Clly. 16 
ai; (Miner's sti ATe) New York City 23-28. 

Oalettl'a Monkeys (Arcade): Toledo. 0„ 16- 
a; (Keith's) Syracnse, N. Y.. 23-28. 

OiegsoB. Obartea ft norenee (Keith's): PhU- 
MtghU, P«., l«.2l: (O. 0. H.) Pitcaurg 

GMe of Death (Oiftemn): Kansas OftTi V«- 
_16-B1: (Crpbcam) SenTer. Col., 2348. 
CvMrt. BMnle nTnlqne); SL_JMt0h. 3few, 
_ lO-ai; (nmlly) Ottrnmia, U.. JB-a. 
0«ratd, ftancU (Orpbea): OoMka. IM.. 1«- 

21; (OrpbeoB) Sanaa Ota. Mo., n48. 
Grimes. Tom ft qamoda (NmUr): BaxaUton. 
_ O., 16-21; (Family) BWfcTMwa. IBd.. SS^ 
Granaon, Ua (Ootbam): BnaUya, M. T,, 16- 


Gllroy, Ba.viies ft MoDt«oawtF (Ml*«)< WMcr- 

bnry. Conn., 18.21. 
Gottlob. Mr. ft Mrs., ft Co. (Bell): Oaktauid. 

CaL, le-ai: (Bell) Stockton SS-SS. 
Grant, Sydney (Albtmbra): New T«(k City, 
16-21; (Hammersteln's) York City 23-28. 

Oardorr, Happy Jack (Shea's): Buffalo, N. Y., 

16-21; (Shea's) Toronto, Oat.. 23-26. 
Genero ft Theol (Eknplre): Sheffleld. Ens.. 28 
28: (PsUee) Biril 36<Not. 4; (Empire) Leeds 
6-11; (Empire) New Oaatle on Tyae IS-IS, 
Grose, Russell J. (BUou) : Rockfne*, BUS 
GllUbaa ft Brocee (Slst St): (AlncafarBU 1<- 

21; (Main St.) Peorta 2B-2S. 
Close. AnmaU (Keltb's): PhUadelphtB. Pt, 

18-21; (Keltb'a) PioTldence, B. I., 23-28, 
Graua Trio, Tbe (Qratal): ftndersoo. Ind.. 16- 

21; (Orpbeom) SfriaffleM. O.. S8-38. 
Gardner ft StaUaM (Bo^la8>): Mempbla. 
Ml( (MkjMlMBat awlw Ark. 

Saslnaw, Midi., 


Jack. Mk. 

Jeaalc. Crit ft Baae (BUoa): . 

I^IOI; (Blioo) Boeknacd. rtt , 

Baotaan'a I«dy Bl9eIMa (HtppodMM): ll»w 

T«ek OUT'. Mef . 
Kanfmao, Befta (HlhambM): IiODdon. Eng., 

JtflF S^Oet. SI. 
Ka-ntman Troope: Bn rovte .wllb RtwgUng Bros-* 

CIrcna. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Kelgley. Will ft Gertie: Eb raote -wtth Dora 

Woodmll Co. See Dramatic Bootes. 
Keltons, TTiree: Ed roote with tbe Parisian 

Widows. See Burlesque Bootes. 
Kemp, W. A, (Faa^): FottSTllle, Pa., Sept. 

18. Indef. • "' _ 
Kenna, MkeOtBT)t ^ IfttMa. Oa.. SeK- IB, 


Kllpatrlck: Bo route wltb Blckell. Watsou & 
Wrotbe. See Musical roates. 

KItchle. SI: En route with tbe Sontbem Car- 
nival Co. See Midway Routea. 

Klein, Ott Bros, ft Nlcholaon (Orcua Carre): 
Bremen, Ger., Oct. 2-30; Berlin Nor. 1-30. 

Knetzger, Lew (People's) : LeaTenwortb, K*n., 

mos SUteia (Oipbenm): Brooklyn. N. Y.. 16- 

21. ■ ... 

Kosnie ft Cka|MB<^'iI^iitH10.: '..4MMtl^ m., 


Kelleber (Family): -BsaeMsB. Pa.. VtA. 
Knrtis ft Boase't Dafi (Oanlek): WDmlngton, 

DeU 16-21: (TnaiirnealoB. K. 23-28. 
KWar ft ya ir mr» C»,): Canal 

RMea Braa. ((SaM^fSSdial.' m„ 



Heath. Robert (Eeltlk's):- New York City. 16-81. 

Harcourt. Daisy (Moore's): Portland. Me., .16- 
Sl: (Park) Worcester. Mass.. 23-28. 

Hall. ArUe (Proctor's): Albany. N. Y., 16-21. 

Hal). Pnnllne (Park O. H.): Erie. Pa.. 16-21. 

Holdsworttas, The (Keltb'a): ProTiaence, B.. I., 
le-ai; (Park) Worcester, Maas., 23-SS. 

Byams ft Mclntyre (Orpbeom): Brooklyn. N. 
Y.. IB.21: (Albamlbrs) New York City. 23-28. 

H.imiIton & Bart (Majestic): PbUadelptala, 
Pa.. 16-21. 

Backer -Lester Trio (Orpta'eum): Dtica, N. Y., 

Holmes ft Waldon (O. O. H.): Grand Rapids. 

Mich.. 15-21; (21gt. St.) Cmicaso, ni.. 23-28. 
Hamllna. The (Dnlqne) Sbeboygan, Wis.. 16-21; 

(Dnlqne) Racine 23-SS. 
Holbrooks. Tbe Mnaleal (Howard): Boston. 

Mass., 16-21. 
Hnghea. Mr. ft Mrs. Gene (Olympic): Cbi- 

caco. ni.. 16-21; (G. O. H.) Indianapolis, Ind., 


Howard Bros. (Orpbeom): Minneapolis. Minn.. 

16-21: (Majeatle) (%lcaco, UL, 23-28. 
Hlnea ft Remlngtoo (OolmMa): (anelaaatl. O., 

16-21; (Hopkla*') Iioamillcw KF.. 28-28. 
Hocb. BUtl. Jaae Wtm. ft Ob. (pipbeBm): 

OoOa. IlCb,, M«;.-(0>pkcam) Kaaaaa Oty. 

na'iS!5jf*Th- ft Ifei. OkH. D. (Star): To- 
gta. IMt WiWiaH -Kbmb City. 

Boward'l^MQftb (O lf S tMB l); WmtUm, Tens., 

Howard's Pooles ft Dogs (Park O. a) r Brie, 
Pa.. ISA; ra. O. B.) BtaUbaf 23-28. 


Bamlah,.Uayme: GloTenrUle. N. Y.. 16-ZI. 
Bkyman ft Franklin (Auditorium): Ly^. 

Maas., MA; (PoU's) New BaTco, Coon., 28- 


BaBTey ft Dotat (1M«m) 


Helena. BdKh (Edison): Bndiarett Mfs.! 
(Ronachcr): Vienna, Austria. Nor. 14S. 

Henglcr Sisters (CJolmnbla): (Snelnnatl. O., 15- 


Hood. Sam (Grand): Victor. Col., 9-21. 

Bolt Alf. (Hyde ft Bebman'*): Brooklyn. N. 

Y.. 16-21. 

Howard ft PetMMT (AMn^M): 

Md., 16^. • . _ , 

Bslnes. Frank B.t OCMaBjB.. 
Hale, Willie ft Skaaals CBBaMOt' 

(3er 1-30 

HorskV ft Bersere (Cbaiel^: WkihlBstoo, 

C. lC-21. 

Hatbaway ft Walton ( 

York CItFi 
Henry. BaSMW C& 0> B) 


one, K. T« 5^5*5^, lafcfc 

iTTing. Pearl (Austin ft Stone's) : Boston. Mass., 

Uflns BB.WBte wltk Ctolity Bioi.' Mia. 


TELEGRAMS for routea of per- 
formers, tent ahows or carnival com 
unless parties PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hotel address or 
strsiat number. If route wanted can 
net be found in The Billboard, publica- 
tion is prohibited, or we had not re- 
ceived it Up to tinw of ffsnaa closing. 

. ft 

KaU. Ooa ft 

Kelly ft TioMte (Kaltli's): PhOaddiAIa. Pa.. 

16-ai; (Teflqile) Detroit, Mlcb., 28-28. 
Kelcy ft Oa,, Alfred (Hopkins'): Memphis, 

TCbb.. M41. 
SIple ft ViTai^bWn (OnlomWs); St. Leola. 

Mo., 16-a. 

Karaoo, Kit (Keltb's): Syracnse, N. Y., 16- 1 

ai: dLSman's) Baltimore. Md.. 23.28. 
Kenny ft (Hark (G. O. H.>: Wctuter, Mass.. 

16-21; (Lyeenm) Sontbbrldge 23-28. 
Kenna, Cbas. (Oipbeom): Beadlns, Pa.. 16^; 

(Pastor's) New York City 23-28. 
Kcm's Dogs (Park): Worcester, Mass., 1631; 

(Keith's) Boston 23-28. 
Kokln. Mignotte (Arcade): Toledo, O.. 16-21; 

(Keltb's) Syracnse. N. Y., 23-28. 
Klein ft CIlftOB (Oiphenm): New Orleans, La., 


Kelly, Sam ft Ida (Lyric): JopUn, Mo-. 16-21; 

(Lyric) Webb City 23-eS. 
Keatons. Three (Keltli's): Boston. Mass., 1S41; 

(Hatba'wBy's) New Bedford 23-28. 
Kenton. Doiotby (Sbeedy's): FaU BiTcr. Mass.. 


Eleist. Musical (Empire): BObokea, N. J.. 

Kelly, w. C. (AAaiaftM>t'vaHr.^>XMk Ottr.-tt- 


Kenyon ft DeGarmo (Keltb's): New Yosk City, 

16-21; (Keltb's) PblUdelphla, Fa., 23-28. 
KeHr ft Asbby (ObmpU): Paris. KaOee. O-Sl. 
K^K^ Ikykr (OBisiiilbU): St Loali. 

Bna. ft OsaHIIt. (aiaad) 

Ktdsel'a AaK. Mnfeva ft Osls (VkmUy): 
Paaaale.Kl'w.lOCU ' ■ 

Keene. MhtllB:.. (Mff^x. ' 


Kennedy ft Baaaer (Vufe): 


KenOk Walsh ft Melrose (Victoria) 

City. 18-21. 
Knabenabne. Roy (Hyde ft Bebman's) 

lyn. N. Y.. 16-21. 
Klngsley ft Levis (Blchmond): North Adams, 

Mass.. lS-21; (Howard) Boston 23-2S. 
Klein ft Klein (C^rysUl): Marlon, Ind.. 16-21 

(Orstal) Anderson 23-28. 
Kliairo, Gos (B ^W)^ IMnsie, Wls„ 16-21; 

Koppe ft 

New York 

La Flcor. Joe: Ba roote WWi Iteepaogb ft 
Sells Brae.' Orerii. See Test Sbow Bontei. 
LsaccT. wmiam J.: Bi n«tc wtm the Oitst 

Heavy cover ledflOP 

Uissner, Lee (OiTSHD: llMlH 
LaVine ft LcsoaiS. '|Mai0S 

Aug. 7. indct. 
LeCsTcr. B. 

I«wls ft Baar: 

See T«Bt I 
Cblcago, in.. 
Bn roote wltb Wad 
i«I GO. See Mldwsy Bootes. 
Uaette: Bi rsote wltb tbe New^ Psiker Amoae- 

ocot Gbi. See Midway Bootca. 
IiOoK. Bl Ton: Ite Boote wltb tbe New Parker 

AmoaemcBt C». See Midway Bootes. 
Lawman Sisters (Star): Atlanta. Ga.. ladef. 
LtKsnla mo (HIppQdrame): New Tack CUt. 

Indef. -. —^r-J l 
Lneler. Ben: E& route with CamiMm 4HS»* 

Clrcos. See Tent Show Routes. 

Lngl-ipicsn Trio: FSi roote with tbe Bloe Blb- 

boD Gb\t. See Bntiesqne Bootes. 
LyoDS, Walter S.: En roote wltb the GiaaMr 

Smith JUnnsement Co. See Midway 
LeNolr'a Marinettes (Gaiety): SpHnfMl 

16-21: (Family) East St. Lonls 23-28. 
LaBard ft Byetson (People's): ^ 

Kan.. 15-21. 
Lenore, BMSp (OlrB|dc): Cbica^ BL. M- 



Tlie Billboard 


Museum _ 
Wild We«t 

to Ob Tama Ml 

of tibe 


Amu tli^ 

In 188X; with the ex- 

aC. a lew jexn -wticn In the Interest 
ll iJI af occupied the nine posithn 
e Blftilff BIU and the Fotepingh-SellB 

Mr. 6axdneT reUnqaUhed bis position 

It wm» with the mrowed Intention 

mil lug far all time, lint one year oC Idle- 

ita* mffldent for him. HIb renlesa ud 

■pint loosed for the •ttenooox life 
Ana whn be wms approached br Mr. 

R_ T»te, seeretary and treaaarer of the 

OkA Batenheck Trained Animal Show, with a 
IHU M ual tfcin to 1107 an Intemt in the Basen- 
bcck orsaniBtiaii and become tti idrance mao- 
■Ser. Mr. Gardner, alter aeelns the abow and 
t. a. eantnl conslderatloa dcdded to accept tlie 
;>n)i>aaltloa and idestltr kisnelf wltb It. 

^ Tbe BasenbeA Sbam H mm mtOj in wln- 
^^-Ti. iVw^,.. M u u t ».>e « it»tly 

. -tke kcrt in tte aaatiT and a 
~th« aUed wUdi vm nuke it 
U t aUt abawa fat the mtU. 
«C Mr. Oaidiwi wm wel- 
» Ite teM fcU !■ wUdi 
t » UMtae. aid in ibi- 

IN honor;.ok: ipUTniN 

Shffw mat Id 
at Janes Dntton. 

one of 

aaaat aotcd perfonnerB. The erent 
OK taatd FDUman car No. 9 of the 

The fete was fit for 
a* coda; tka toaats to the minnte 
-' ^ imjeata -were co«tlr and mimeroas — 
'>]Ddndln^ an tmry handle ambreQa. trimmed 
. -^^wttfa aOrer and sold, bearing Mr. Dntton's Inl- 
.'tlala in raised gold, and the Instriptlon. "Pre- 
anted br State Boom Boys": a diamond atlek- 
, Via bj friends of the show: > cold wat(± fob 
' ^wltb iiaiiiiiwi il mosogTam oo aeal hj Mr. Dnt- 
- ferather, and .a 1200 solitaire diamond 
' xtf Mb father. WHUam Dntton. 

Tka progiaiB for the occasion waa aoral and 
' ad as follaws: 


_ _;C.C MK Dottao 

&vcn Hodscna 

Jli. Joe Corle 

of To-day.. Pedro Lerolo 

. Harry Green 

DnttoD. Coyle, Blaptaig^ Bccd 

r 1 »ttmmt a Mnle aider.F" " ' 

Mnaie by the Band 

J Bedtatlon Bohtv Eeed 

:^ Baag of Smmy Italy Ur. Beed 

gliiillxniaii from Childhood. .OoidtB Ortoa 

» , Mnalc by the Band 
f^iJ>-i£f*S' BetiMhmentt Serred OB " ■ • 
/ Palsce Car "ATondale."* 

- C iUl on tja William IV) Tell 



Ht fett tan ^th- 


' aMbot*» inttiit Idea. Is to open Ma ttow- In 
BL Loola Bcxt April. His original Idea was 
to ne Keir Xovk mm tOm bup for tbe opening 
oC lids Aov, Int on due deUberatioD. be bas 
dtdded t» i tt tnin to bis borne, St. IxniiB, and 

taBdaftr Ills propositloD bere. For tbis par- 
pose be bas opened bis olSce at Solte 810 Mix- 
' wanA Ttnt Banding. His prodactloti win ibow 
a fDlI-«ted Mock of booaea. wJtli *tre«ts rrm- 
slar In froDt and on eitber side. AH Cbe phases 
of street life win be abown endbir np wltb a 
tr emenil ooa ccaOMgrmtStmi, wblcfa IotoItcs tbe en- 

ttm M«ek «C MUtv> Zhm wffl be idr- 

Ur. Talbot wm earty on tbe road S,000 
•qaaia yardaef aranarj aad a eaHag aeeoMO- 

dftdoB for flkOOO pcvte. He will bsve a qweial 

trmlii of ■ ^"'I'l' T il palagg caca. and 

all of bis tee eppezstss, esnpiliiiic fire cd- 
fflnes. tiook-aiid-laddeta. bose wasoos, etc., wm 
be tbe rerj best and moat np-toHSate. A^sdy 
be has a lAr^e staff emplored : and when tbe 
sbow goes OD the road he will btTe oTer 150 
people definitely' employed in the prodnctlon. 

Mr. Talbot baa broa^t Mr. Basil Webb crer 
trom London to uTmnK^ some of the details, 
tbe drat prodnction hATlnc be«ii ^Ten at Barla 
OMtrt In LoDdoo* and was afterw&rds broagbt 
to ZaixnA Park, Ooney Island. New To^. Tbla. 
bowrrer, is tbe flist time that this spectsde 
Xiaa crer been attempted on the road on ac- 
eoant of Its enormity. 


It rarelj bsppens that any amasement or- 
^Qduitlon stops at a town, tbe num\xz of 
wboee inbabltants Is less tban the namt>er of 
persons on tbe pArroll of the Jtmnsement en- 
terprise, bot this cnrioas incident occurred at 
Don Lola. Ariz., when the Bamam & Bdllej* 
Clrcns eiblblted there on Oct. 4. The Baniocn 
hXiow claims to hsTe la its emploj orer a thou- 
sand people, while tiie town of Don Lois can 


Fiuk Small, preu agent with the Buffalo 
Bni Wnd West, now toorlng France, cabled 
Tbe BiUboaid. Oct. U. tem Ca h n ta L Franee . 
as follows: "Balfalo Bfll MMV Mt ^|Mii Mllitu. 
No Taloable boraea UM. MMVaMr «*U- 
Bnlneas «lcadld." 

George W. Rollins, of the RolUns 

Trained Wild Animal S3iow, writes as follows: 

"I am DOW In my ninib aoBth of mlntetroptcd 
proaperlty. I eauT « eaaipBV •( ••«■** nttj 

liealdi7 baaiaC Mvca 

gatloa aC Mtib ■»< ve kave ~nate « repnu- 
tlon wMMOt aatttoc MUad anybodr'a name. 
We hare nerer played a Mbs stand. We an 

booked Boutb. and will probably not dose all 
winter. Here Is my roster: Dr. John Oyler, 
representatlTe; Lleat. Wm. Meade, principal 
orator; Capt. Edn-. Wilson, principal trainer, 
and Prof. Edw. Tabor, leader of tbe band. Tbe 
animal acts are done by Capt. Wilson. Lleat. 
Meade, lona. Senorlta CIsernoBs. BeUe Ctter, 
Albert Locker and Walter Bosenberg." 

LaBelle Sallma, of the Great Wal- 
lace ShCTw-s, was giTen a reception Oct. 4 
by her friends In the side show, the oeeaslon 
being the annlyersary of her birth. Tlie punch- 
bowl was presided orer by Irene Slebert and 
Beatrice Leslie. The decoratioos were Amer- 
ican teaatles and ferns. Miss Sallma receded 
many nice presents- Among tbo£e prevent were 
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McFarland. Mrs. Oma 
Crosby. 6ally Lee, Marie Lano, Grace Clark, 
Mr. and Mrs. E. H- Bafcer and others. 

Notes from the Colorado Grant 
Show: ISie show itas been on the road eighty 


s, ftauwxll mt the Wallace 
t'a Baad MdadL 

Sbow, In* front, niey . are aoar sealdeBts of the home. 

only boast of seTenty-flee Inbabitanta. and In 
the cosns none were ezdoded; •> In teallty 

it — - . --^^-^ 

bi ncb MB tan m 

n?MriMiBkiL '«Uch 'nt**^ aboot tm aiki 

from Don Lola. It had been tbe intention to 
eifalblt In the former place, bat owing to 
tbe lack of soltahle ground. It waa necessary 
to select another Tillage, and the little Don 
Lola town waa dioaen becaoae of Its admir- 
able location between Bisbee and Fairbanka. 
The people of both these cities Immediately 
canght the **clrcns fcTer." and everything was 
shot down to glie erery one an opfiortanlfy of 
witnessing the show. Banks, gambling joints, 
stores, printing offices, and eren tbe great 
Copper Qoeeo mine, which ranks eqnal with the 
Amalgamated of Batte was closed to allow Its 
employees to rlslt the "Grestest on Earth." 
The Copper Qaeeo Bank, which has a de- 
posit of oTcr "aoiSd*£ 
canse oC tts tfMBfc 'VM -epM SfMr the 

One rnterprlalng printer, not wishing to dose 
bla abop wltboat giving a reaaoo. hong oat a 
sign, span which were the words, "Am at the 
aborw. Opes to-morrow." 

TUa was Itic kind of desertion that preralled 
throBghoot tbe tntbe town, aM ]Ht the rUlt 
of tbe drcvs was tbe eaaae ^ It aM. Orer 
twenty ttmnaand pa o pW attniii tt* tw per- 


Frank Loagtxitkai, Ike well-known tnuater 

of the HarsreaTSS SbOTra. and MIh Mahd Ball. 

trainer of Jomto IL aid ■ dufbtcr of OoL 
Geo. W. HaU. WBC ■aRlcd k ClWOttt. Fa., 
the winter qnartoa at ttm BilgiaaiaB ttoir. 

Tuesday. Oct. Z. Tbe nls|ll» tSIIMtm wM 
the winter qoartetv and a large nnmber of 
trlenda onlted In glelng tbe newly married 
coople a royal sendoff. Tbey were accompanied 

to tte ttab^a^ua aBd> iut^ ^MBbtt o< 

weeks to good 
October. _ud 

We daaa the last of 
wlBltr qaattefa at Ckzia- 

t» V»~^tum* (pcM a vcck tt Stncr Wla, 

Pa. Bretybody la weB. 

The John Robinson Shows ga.we 
three performaneea at SolllTan, lU., Friday, 
Oct. a, aad took In 92S,aao. Tbe Arst pcrfora- 
aaee waa gtrca lamcdtatcly following the pa- 
ls tbe i wa l nfc and the other two «a 

rfcmar aebcdale ttacw Otter aitlta la nUBOls 
are contaK up MB aat thaae Isat *ya aC the 
snsoa are He «■!■ <er Ika 
ment MjMMiaa. OiLJ.JU 


A very pleasing event of the Ha^en- 
beck Show'a eogageoent In FottxrlUe, Pa., 
Friday, Oct. 6, waa the preaentatlon to Eqoea- 
trlan Director Thomas Rankin of a besntlfolly 
monnted diamond etnd by tbe employes and 
performers of the Aaw. Mr. Bankia waa 
apeeehleaa for a moment, hot npon his re- 
corefy he delleered himself of a very besollfnl 
Uttle speech of thanks. They aU like Mr. Ran- 
kin, who la one of the most affable men In 
the bnslneaa. 

Notes from the Orton Brothers 

Show*: We bsiTC JnBt mn Into winter qaarten 

St Des Moines. la., after s successfnl season 
of eighteen weeks, the last two of which were 
hampered by alcknem in the family. We had 
only one accident during the seaaon. That waa 
at Osaota. la., where the teats fen tajorlas 

Phona 2S51. EvtSLblMiMi IS43 

Themssii & Vamliveer 







Ptdoa and Btakoa. BRATS. Flmcs. £t& 

ProBta «i>A Baanan tor Street Pairs 


5941 W.WMhteltaaSt.. CHICAGO, ILL. 

:imii!inii ■ . i\u\\\u\\\\\\\\\\a\ 

Show TMt« for ClfctwM. WOd WmI 
SbswA. Stack TmMs, Cudy Ttps, 
Flags. MM *BidnrUCfat8.eK. 
tal fv 16 PUI pnci lUt If SEC8IMUB Ufe 



All Kinds and Sizes 

6199.6161 Wantwortti kn^ Bhieaco, 


size, from 10 x IS to 80x190. 


167 South Canal St., GHIC160, ILL 


69 Mm ItUid Avt., • CkiMfibM> 


* Praa IIIA6EE ft SON. 


-TenU to let. all sUea. Black tent* our 
apeelalty. Tel i5635 Cortlandt. 


OUTFITS, USHERS and an atban. Sent 

for Catalog, mention Uod wanted. 
Special Ancation Given the Prof 

•Western U nif orra Co,.220 Cl*r*SL,C 


stock Hanccrs, >osten and «■» gSiSSi fiiSS 
tlalns erftTbrmBeb of the Amnseaaent^^yeM. 8«"""" 
Xlatalocne (D) of Dramatlo aadM^PrtnMaf 

inseaaeBtBoalBCsa. Beaa^ 


Cstalogne (CS Fair and Oat«l»aI I-^ 
Catalogaa (B) BlIlposte»a._05«M«elal 
Wrat-claaa PrSttas afaSMgfc 


lighting Systems 

For Ttat ttoaa, Parha. Btreeta. Stores. Halls. Stc. OtTIt IHBW aiCHT has been 
•doptCilirallUieleadiiutsbows In tbe world. Lights made for aB BWabOs. 


•U Cliloa««. I 

OCTOBER 21, 1905. 



lO-IS N. 




All Kiads ad Sizes 


D., (Inoorpor 
W. Itendoiph 

CIRCUS. T E ^ Tfl 

BLACK and RED \ AnytUnx uwdooCcMm 


PEKIN. T TT. , Oct. 5, IMK. 
TO WHOM nr MAT CUNCEBN: •rr.B.^. xi^.uci. ». 

Tbe Cnited States Tent aod Awninr Company, of Cblca«ro. has made several tops for ns this 
season, and we find that the workmanship and aaallty of material used Ic i>ame to be flrst-class 
la ererr lesnect. We do Dot think ttakt any stioirman or ooncessiooer will make a mistake hv 

hkTiwtiMir ^ ni ^ p y^ 4, niwiwiiiiiiii n ■[■■iiiiiiii nn. 

Mrarr km la dm iMna. 

They arr ala* 
ban adJalniBC it. 

T. Cnnunins' wild 


. IB. 

Of pcafle ksTc wit- 

One of the gentlemen to whom honor 
for tlie succMa of tlir Bac'nbeck Sbow U due. 
Is Mr. Tbeodore H. Baaer, prefts agent. Mr. 
Bauer Is po8S«s£«d of a tdoroDCb knowledj^e of 
bis end of the bualnesa, anil Uie beat Interests 
of the sbow were ever attended to In a 
rerj- able manner. Mr. Baoor ia • « — 1 1« u iia 
and capable reprecentatlTe, mmA hm aMkea 
friends wbererer be goes. 

Snow, a beautiful Arabian horse that 
was featotcd with Fred locke*a Equine Pa- 
rade far a anmber of y«an, was chloroformed 
at tb winter qnartcn of tlie HartreaTet' Sbow 
at (aMttr, Pa., Oct. C Sbow was afflicted 
■rtkoi ec end- 

wfltlB** ttmtgt of tke 

doae*. Arthar win winter In Waterloo, wbete 

be-' wlU bare cbarge of the Belolt Band. 

It is reported In Chicago that Bar- 
nam ic BaUeT will close the season at UttJe 
Bock. Ark., Oct. 28. the clrcns paraphernaUs 
to be sbipped direct to tbe winter qnartera at 
Bridceport, Oonn. 

Dan Flshell. who has succeeded In 
wlonlDg (Olden opinions from tbe oewapapers 
along the ronte of ttie Bamun tc Bailey Show, 
iriu. H la said, accept an offer from tha Sba- 
bert Brathm at tbe doaa at Um ia|ii>iiinii 

cC ten weeks In 
wHk appendicitis. 

■MWean WIM 
_ aoad with hiB 

Ha jJ^ a^tim at 

'r ,K' eajojiiiff a pieapeiOTi s f aa oa. 
At BeWlV ltd., one day recently an 

elepbant car hdaslliB to tlie Prant A. Rob- 
blDS Show was derailed. Tbe elephants be- 
came exeeedlncly angry, and before the car 
bad been replaced npon tbe track their beUow- 
iog had taroositt ODt tile eattte aalsblierhaod. 

Herbett. tlie 

at tbe doae of tbe . 
will enter TaBderflle arlth a big act. 

be wiu carry ftmr scenic dropa. H« 

w cae Of tbe best acts in tbe bmlnsss. 

Eidward Hlmer. the past season in 
tbe taahbaoat with tbe Baccnbe^ Sbowa. wUI. 
it Is reiwrted, be glren a modi )>etter position 
next season. 

MUe. Cotera. dancer with the 

bocne In 

W. S. Washburn reports everything 

going nicely with the adrance brigade of flie 
M. L. Clark Sbow. 

Charles Fide rq^orts a very 
t Si " " 


hitu. Tbey were well supported. The plec« 
was well staged. Tbe American Lord is the 
Joint work of George H. Bioadbaist and C. T. 
Daxey. It Is said to glre tbe reteran comedian 
ample opportonlty to exploit bis talents In a 

flrst show over the new Salt Lake mate from 
Bianncr that wlU sNct with w i a n R ws d sp- 
pcoral. An AmcHcsn Vtri wmt wm s alm- 

W^'^dUJt. D. . mkmm tt awianf 


Iba. iMHe carter ctaacM har Mn at the 
Brisseo Theatre. Mew Xark CUy. Oct. 9. ftsm 
Adrnt to Zssa^^wMdi^i«rtwJ*-na| ^g*^*''^ 

play appeared ta taia Iwt aMt aC 



Lafayette, the rube and cbar- 
* artlat. eece uUj closed with OoL Uden's 
^^r, ud w«Bt lato Cblcago where be mar- 
nga a MIe of Oahkoati, Wla. Mia. Lafayette 
her hnshand this winter span 

„ . Srd c & Hicks closed their sea- 
S* * » taaall H>ne weeks at Coopcistown. N. T.. 
JJB^Jit Ifr. Hicks will remain In Anbnm 
JL.'BSJ*!? interest of tbe ibow. The 
Tj» Vrtta tare sicned with the Maad BUlman 

Nola aUterfleM. tlw du« devO lady 
Mo-, la SB Mate wta fhe MmMw laSiis 
Sbow. ifias SattMfleld rHM tm Hw'iaan aal 
4m a sMoage aot. 8be Is euBiHim aaa aT 
t1>e niost (racefnl of all liHipodnn MMm. 

_<;en.*Ti Agent B. L. Bramuui doMd 
wltb the Oook * Barrett Show, last week, aad 
is, ,hto bcadenartcia at tbe Wladaor 

S."J!L_°y'*«"- <'>x* * »«>TeH Show 

"aa teen doing nicely In northern loira. and 
are now headed for Missouri. 

lilay Morris has closed her short bnt 

Meceaafol and pleasant season with Ow IVSi. P. 

■°<1 ^ booked to opa m Ik* 
aeith Clrcnlt In Bostoo, Oct. 80. 

Davis, manag-er advertising 
S!*<)2SSlwUh «lw QcBiir Bi oifc sf S Show, was 

ttnt- Gapt. Dedriek. who 
the John BoUason 
wm take oat a boat 



Ods Otacalar ISat aboat 1« fsat 

CI rcas Ss ats. 


Espoaitiaa TiAsts 
at tho w-p— »M— as 
tMf sfltasanaat pvjoaa 
see thsasaad XS itf u\ i 

150.000 lAmpa that war* naad at tba 
aitian. Thay liaTa saaa aaniea. bat azs ia cast 
condition and bare b««n tested. Tbsy m W^, 
ison Basa, 10ft valtaaa, Oaasnl Fla«,itlta m ^M^- ; 
S candle power. Wa ara offaring thsB ia -.Ma 

of 600 or mom. PH£a aaeb t ata. ^ - 

£50,000 Haw laoasdsseant ^-'^M MSK SML ' 
Oanaral Electzic make, 8 and UT^MMfla BMBk'* 
TOltl«e_MO ta 110, Edison bass. 

Colozsd iBca 
o pal an d laty. 
150 Kaglatarlac Tntnatilaa and Ttekst 
ling Xacbinsa, made by K. V, Biishs. 
machiss ia aqaippad with patent alsatzis a 
taduaent, tnmying doable laglatar. 
Also 170 Glass Top Choppar Boxaa, 
100 Regnlar Pattern EagUtaring Tmastll* 
SSO Exit TnnutUes. 

1,000 Oalnaisad Iron Ticks* 

alas Caia Ba aas. ate. 

"KhsU" VufMBib ^ 


Portable Grand St^j ^^nd ^ P nMing 

relished and ptaossDliiiilttod to pitn- 

pectlve purchasers. 


•ner knc M> 0t the most sensatloosl open air acts in this conntiy. 
time begtnalM Oct St. Manager T. W. Greenleaf may be addressed at 
w«ek. riull jllMSUl addiCM Is S14 North Third St.. Qnlncy. 111. 


wnili—a, W. Via* 


HtaneapoHs that I«e 
tkat dly Incog for 
« site for tbe eon- 
S. The New 

T«tk ir— §**■ did net restated at the boteU 
bat tbe iBftwmatloB qoleUjr leaked ont. So 
tar as Is feaowa BOtbIng deflalte win be done 
thiB winter, hat pceUnilnarlrs are nnder way 
looking toward a long term lease of snltaWe 
Brancrty for next aeason. It Is the Beneral 
»"T»r j» .... ■ — a... auiiacets win 

" 4ir >est 


of Tbe American Lord 

was drea afSyiaease, N. T., Friday cTcnlng, 
Oct, s, before an andlence that aued tbe 
boose ftara pit to gallery. Tbe aodlence was 
as cntbasisstic aa it waa large, and tbe new 
Diece waa aahered into life In a Tery saspl- 
Sm nisnner. Both ' Willlsm B. Crane and 
- lady. BOda " 



oing. Get. 7. 
too, X. J., t, 
rT<r slrca s( 


Gaston, aa artist, 

- -- 

St. Mar. 

: WUllam 

Capt. Etlenne De BonTTay. bis nephew 

Walter PeiclTSl 

Blram Bent, An American UUUonalre 

Clande ClUlngwater 

31me. Ceclle's son..Zieo Msra 
He VlUefranehc 

George Schnder 
to Marie Looise 

.....•....•....•.«•• Cowinl Chambers 

at Mae. dene's. .J. a. Kirman 
CMOt; pispilHnM «< a Parisian bat ataop 

.Josevbln* Bfrtlet 

Panchete. her daogbter Bdna ritsett 

Nanette, her danghter .Slancbe Morrison 

Marie Ionise. BtlenBe'a slater. .Lonis I* Baron 

Bebe. dancer at Fidlet Bcrgete Ida Mora 

Mrs. Biram Beat .Bertha Holly 

Flfl rtltsl SAeff 

OaapIaeecoodaetswKh Olalis at all 

Call or write. Metropolitan Entartal ro aaa t 
ireau. 421 MouKi n.x-ji Rti»-.. Cblcii >. IlL 

waa waraly 
aa wen as at Wssblagtsa, 
cpeaed JCsaday. Oct. IL A 
Oolaaibia QhtaHe. Aft 
aad Mrs. Booaerdt aat 
aad state ofllrlsis oeeaili 

Mile. Modiste b a comie open ia two acta. 

Henry M. Bloeaom wrote tbe book and Victor 
Herbert composed the mualc. As maj be 
ImpUed from the Utle, Miss Schalf ivpeais 
a saleswoman In a .asbKNiahle 
the Boe de la Palx la Fsris. 
woman becomes seized with 
tlooa which lead her Into a aaancr eC 
eating sltnatlons. Tbe plot that drsCMpea 
her rerolt la enteiulnlng and there are . 
bright Unes. The moslc la catcby ajd wellj* , 
to tbe Dillingham slsadud.^ Mr. Vlet<r = 
present and petsanallr 
In a nndltlon of the 
Clande ClUlngwater. he 
dramatic prodoctioBS, set a- 'a ' 
the American mlU H a alie. -;.- „ , 
good in tbe lole «< "•.■■Mfe.iJSiLiLtiS^. . 

The execatire stag -Me." 
follows: l«ola ?8athissaa>rv ^- »g^i__ 
John Major, acting 
pie stage auaager. 


Ttie Billboard 

OCTOBER 21, 1905. 



Postpaid %0 



416 ElB Street, ClticinDati, Oblo. 

LaCIalr * West (Uoslc HaU): Gloacester, 
Man., Ift-Zl; (People's) Mulbao 23-SS. 

Ldcu, Ed. 4: Hawl (Olympic): Springfield. 
IIL. ie-21: (Orphenm) DaTcilpoct. U. 23-28. 

MHalr & Hardt (Mooro'a): Portland.' Me.. 

^ ^ <|gU^(Caato) ^all^^mrg. Maaa^. »aa.^ 

taSrn- * T a T i w a (Mr*>: Bridgeport, Oomu. 

IfW * loefer (Olnqie): caoeaso. DL. ie-2L 
Uadatiaa * I n Ji no i i (BUon): Battle Creek. 

JOck., (OjMal) Muikesoa 23-28. 

I* race Bntkv* Sbter (mita): OKiespart, 

U., W-at; (Bmpbe) Fteeport, HL. SUB. 
Cant K., (Idea): Food do Zme. Wlit. XMt; 

(CFnlque) StirlKuxaii 28-28. 

Midi.. iK-nsmi^ati -jeumm, m., 23-». 

2»-28. : ■ ■; ■;.>., .";: ..u 

ri^BMiir {Tnifle): K Wkyat. lad.. 

^ Itt C^roLx. Paol (Orpbemn) : Omalia, Keb. 16- 
21; (Crystal) MUVraukee. Wla.. 23-28. 
Lee. H. T. A Beaaie (B(]oa) : Marinette. Wla.- 

le-a; (BeiL'a) Eaeanaba, Mich.. 23 2S. 
Vtm. Moaleal (Bljaa): WJeUta. Kan.. 1S.21. 
LaTalb. Tbe (Palace of Tuletles): Mucbes- 

ter. Ttnf.. 23-28. 
Iliad (Sbea'B): Toronto, Oat., 18-21. 
Ijennoo. Bert (C. O. H.): ChieasOk OL, MOI. 
''^Lane. CSirls. (Ebymarket) : CUeacn, n^lML 
^'tmnnaa. Cblnrrr (Flom's) : "-^'^im. -IfUr M* 
21: (We«t Side) Belolt 23-28. 
Eioce & Iisce (Bljoa): I>abii4ae, la., 18-a. 
Leonzo (Grand): BamUton. O.. 17-21. 
Efoodocia, The Foot (Star) : Brookljsi, K. X., 
' Ifrai. 

iMteSL EXnrIn ('Hopkins'): Hemphia. Tann.. 
isat; (OiplMnB) Sew OrirniL tt-O. 

,V ■ (3lajcMli9 ' 
rVLaalle & Dallr (OnAenm): Saa Franelaco. Oil., 
1^ 9-21; (Orpbfmn) Loe Angelea 2>-28- 

Bddie (Kettle): Qerelaad. O.. IS-S. 

ft Panlette (BUod): DnaTlDc. m., 

I;. (Outia) Bloomlastoa 22-28. 

ImVtnt. Btward. Ulllan Waltsoe * Co. ((War- 
rick): Wllailmton. DeL. 1«-Sl; (PanaCa) 
X«r T«k 

Lanfdn ft Z 
Ind.. IML 

LeOeat. «to «Mt (KMltra): FtttMois, Fia.. 

I^ew. TbML ft fkmUe (Vmllr): Pottnllie. 

Pa.. 1<-S1: (Pamllj') BawMoa 
Unbira Bro*. (Graad): JUlwavkee. Wla 

I>eV««n & Ooas: 

Wash.. 23-25; 

Le PieM. Tbc OHit~afeM^1: nO Unr. 

Mass.. 16-Zl. 
Lotto*. CrcelU (G. O. H.): Plttabars, Pa.. 

Loos & Oottaa (C O. B): Mmnm, K X., 

16-21. . ,• • >-.. 

Latina. MUk (O^. «. -iB.); -MkMpoO*, Ind. 


L« Centra ft La Roe (Ijycemn): l>-<rrenee. 

Mass., l&ei. 
Lei^falre A LMMalie (Oiraaple): SoMb Bend, 

Ind.. isa. . 
i«sue. Geo. W. (GtatM): ta RMdMilb Cal.. 


Miller, Bnubaw 4: Miller (Elite): DaTenport, 
!»., 16-21. 

Martyne. Bddr (Sinet Fair): Sptrtufenf. S. 

c 16-2L ,. -.. . ■ 

MirqiuiMji. Tte *CWll>: - ni:-|lMi£''Jftss.. 


Melroy Trto (Vandette): CWcago. IlL. 16-21: 

(Caique) SotitU CHlcago 23-C8. 
Meredith Trio. Tbe (G. O. B.): WfaeellnK. W. 

Va.. 16-a. 

Mills & Morris (Proctor's 58U> St.): New York 
City. 16-21; (Trent) Trenton, N. J., 23-28. 

MHlership Sisters (Bovrsrd): Bostoo. Mass.. 

MODtcomery & Cantor (Bmpire) : IiMllsnapoIis, 
Ind.. 16-21: fBncklngham) LonlsTlIIe. E;.. 

Msrtiere. Laora (I^cenm): Niagara Falls. N. 
Y.. 9-21. 

MorphT. Mr. * Mrs. Mark (Amphioa): Brook- 
lyn. N. X.. 16-Zl: CProetoi's) Tnv 23^. 

MclTiUe tc Aaelle (GhntM): San rraaelaeo. 
Cal.. 16-28. 

McKlnnon ft Bccd <Star): Knde, lad.. 1641. 
Macks. TSm9 Odntdl: ^Xutaa. lad.. IMl: 

(Crratal) AafcHM.^jft: 
McCanleir ft Ommw fTkMU 

Cal.. IT ■■ -_ (MiriTrtrlMr H 
Mnrptar. WTH-Tft^fcMfcB.Warti- WtWa) 

Sew Y< " " ~" 

MuTTO (Orphenm) 

MdCorcT. lolia (EzpaaMoa): 

Sept. 2S-0ct. 21. 
McMslxin & Ohsppelle OColnmbla): St. Loals, 

Mo.. 16-21: (MaJesUc) Cailcsgo. in.. 23-28. 
McCoUock. Dare DerU: Dnrant. I. T.. 16-21. 
MOlorrls. Bmha F. (PhUUps'): Blclnnond. 

Ind., ie-21; (Onlqne) Akron. O., 23-28. 
Macarte Slaters (Orphenm): DenTer. CoL, 16- 


Malcoln & Sherette: En Boote with Wwtol 

Bros.' CaTDlTiI. See MUway Bootes. 
Mangels. J. F.: &i ronte with Meyer'a Mon- 

arcti Amoaement Co. See StUway Bontca. 
Manola FamOr: ^ BoBte wUk the Oeakm 

^^c»miT«i Cfc tm intufi^gpt m.^. ' ^ 

def . * • . * 

Marlon. Harrr (Unlqne): ,At 

Marley. Ctias. J. (Broadnvjl 
CU.. ADg. 14, indef. 

Mario & Aldo: En roote witlk Orrin Bios.* Cir- 
cus. See Tent Slww Bootes. 

Maraban. The Myatlc ( Wlate««rtCD) : Bedla. 
Ger., Oct. 1-51. 

Martlne Bros. (CoUseJo daa .aicaMSr 
Portcgal. Not. I'Dec 80. 

Marttnes. The: En root* with the Great Wal- 
lace (Dircnm. See Tent Sbow Bootes. 

Martjime Slsten: Bi Boote wltb Smmr Sootli 
Floatliir Palace. Ste Mlscellaiwaiu Bonte*. 

Massey & Kramer: fil xoote wltli As Aristo- 
cratic Tramp Co. B. See DrsmsHc Bontea. 

Mayer t Irwin: En roate with thv Bailow Mln. 
Btrels. See Minstrel Routes. 

MeCaoler. Joe (Unique): MlnDnpoUa. .Minn , 
Apr. 3, iBdeC _ . 

MeCldlas. XtBM'.CHM: MMtk IttM* Klj 
3. ladeC 

MriKeB M. Tjt * ft hli Dag (Ike OOa): PorOand. 

MereiUft SMb* (XIvoU): Okpe Xma. 8. A.. 
Oct. ISAre. 1. 

; city, 


Milton. Chas. W. : C& roote with Barlow Min- 
strels. Bee Minstrel Bontes. 

MlltOD. iMr. & Mi8. Geo. W. (Star): Atlanu, 

Ga., indef. 

Mitchell Bros.: Kn roote -with tr »mntm-m. wm^-n 
Mardi Grss Co. See Midway Roirtes. 

Vonls ft aCotria (Standard): Port Townsend, 
Wash.. Jnlr IT. Indef. 

Marry. Bddle: En roote with Cbrlsty Bios.' 
Minstrels. See Minstrel Bontes. 

Msrlott Twins (Blion): QnlncT. IlL. 18-21. 

MOleT's Elephants (Ooekstader's) : Wilming- 
ton. DeL. 16-21. 

Hackle, Teabler ft Mack (Oraad): MBwankee, 
WU.. le-Sl; (Ualqae) lOnDtapoUe. lUnn.. 

Hagee, CHaai. O. (OfepHdH Mirii^ Bift, 23- 


Macarfa Doga ft Honker* (Orphenm): Brook- 
lyn. S. X., lS-21. 
Moeher, Ho og fttno * Moahar (BipktaB'): Itoola- 

- — - _ . _ 

**i^!r** o 

Hoctaa ft DtaaaaC gimm); CMmmtl. O. 

(flUaVlc): CMcaco, HL, 
(Omople): OHCBfo, 

Peeit*. HL, 16- 


Mlmmas, Tte (HUn St.) 

Martysae, The Occst (BesBettTs): iMdOB. Ont., 

^'^.'ifcsJT** *" ****** J"*' 

MiOIamee (Mala St.): Paoiia. n, IMI; (BUon) 

Qnla^' 2B-3S. 
Ksnhaaie tt Omedy Vonr (liMMMBial): Bal. 

tlamre. Md.. IMI; fTumfii) FMIid»lphfa, 

Pa.. SS-SS. 

MaUory Bna.. Brooks ft HallUv (Oefhenm): 
Bcadias. Pa.. le-Sl; (Oettea) BMOklya. 
N. X.. 23-38. 

Varinellu. The Gicnt (Wcet Side): Jaaeerine. 
WlK, man'*) Xadlm MB. 

VeRttt. BbI (OrvlMMn): !«■ AnariM^ CkL. 
»«Bl _^ _ - 

lUMo. aut (nwMnit): cumwt , n. t.. 


M«I,an(MIn. Helen (CelanMn): St. Loots, Mo., 

M4I; (Majeme) OMcaaa. m., 2S-2S. 
XutlB Bros. (Trent): ttanMa, M. J.. IB-Sl: 
'- 4JlBl>bi<Hti BrssUra.' SL T... W . - _ 
Smpiy & .\ndreir*rBsMDM. X J.. IMI: Flt- 
rrsoo 23-SS. 

MCCnne & Graitt (Grand): MtaankM. WU.. 
16-31; (BUon) Kenostia 2S4BL 

Mitchell A Cain IJIsymarket) : Chicago. III.. 
16-21; (Colmnbls) St. Lools. Mo.. 23-2S. 

Mason. Homer B. A Margoerlte Keller (Vic- 
toria): Xew York City, 16-31; (PoU's) Spring- 

- Held. Mass., 23-3S. 

Mantell's Marionette Hippodrome (Family) : Ot- 
tmnwa. la.. IMI; (Noedty) Oaaha. Neb.. 

23-2S. • ., • 

Mecsao & 0».. TMM8 (IIMl: UnWIl. Wnih.. 


Macy & Ball (Orphenm): Los Angeles. C:sl., 


MeCaU Trio (Gaiety): St. Loals. Mo., 15-21; 
(E>mplie) Toledo. O.. 22-28. 

unitarr octet (Hammentetn'a) : Xew York 

C3iy. 16-21; (CJook's) Eochester 23-3S. 
MllImsD Trio (Orphenm): Omabs. Ne*.. 15-21: 

(Orplienm) Kansas City. Mo., 23-2S. 
McA-roy. Dsa ft FUtk Aseaae Oirls (PeU's): 

Sprisgfleld, Vtm, IML 
Mscdonsid. Jaaan (tak): 


TELEGRAMS for routes of per- 
fonn«rs> tent shows or o mival com- 

•tewfe 111! Ill I III. H 
tiM b p r B l i IMm « 

K wp *» Him tt 

Mowatts, The Fire (Keith's): Pro' 

Mnrpby ft Magee (Xntcadcxo): 



9- ai. 

Mas Andixs Lea (Amphlon): Brooklyn. N. T., 

10- 21; (Victoria) New York City. 23-28. 
May ft Miles (Lyric): JopUn. Mo., 16-21. 
Manning, Frank (Amphloo): Bro<4dyv, N. Y.. 

I6-2L _ 
Mandy (Pickwick): SaiSiego. CaL. 16-21. 
Maglnleys. The (Park): Woieester. IbK., 16- 

21; (Seltb'a) Boston 23-28. 
Mazoz ft Maiette (G. O. H.) 

Ind.. 16-21. 
Mac A Mac (O. H.): 
McGloln ft Smltb (Eeltkrn): 


Medica ft Lewis: 
Motocglrl, Im. (Cestxal)r 


MeMBe ft StetKin (OrpiienB): itaakn. HA. 
16«KO^nm) DcBTCt^ OoL, MS. 


v. Y.. 16^. 
Hun., 16- 

ft Ashley (Shea's): Bnffalo, N. T.. 
Meilaa's Doss (Ohana>a): WaAliCtgs, n. C 
N^jm ft •uwuij x {MtfVM)* OKkBMIk O 

15- 21. 

Nalon. Unalcal (Family): Beraatna. Pa.^ 16- 

21; (Family) Pateiaon, N. J., 23-28. 
Nina (G. O. H.): Burlington, la.. 16-21. 
Norman, Mary (ABiainbra): Mew York City, 

16- 21: (G. O. H.) IndlanapoUa, Ind.. 28-28. 
NIhIo, Ellen (Atlantic Garden): New XoA 

City, 23-28. 

Nndos, The Famona (Crystal): Detroit, Hlcft.. 
16-21; Jf^mc): GteTdaad. O.. SS4S. 

Nlcboto SMn (gsefc-n 0. _ B.U MMte, 
K. X„ 1M1{ X*m^ IMMlC lOA,, »- 


Noesee, The Fire (G. O. H.): Chicago, ID., 


Nalda ft Oo._}_ Stamtedj. Oou.. IftjO. 


sr. IMM 
Sin Itaiiel*- 

Klhlo. *M. (Ptee t ae' a) ; 

(Cbionlal) New Totk atr 
Nemna, The Three (Orphenm) 

CO. CaL. Ism 
North, flontk ft Digit {Qrdn EMk): 

Tex., »^ 
Nlhbe ft Docdenng 0UUMIt 

L, 16-21. 

Norwortfa, Jhek (Keith's): ProTldence, B. I., 
Nye, Ned (PuU'a): Watethory, Coaa., 16-21. 
Nixon, Geo. E. (C. B. Hotel): MlddMaVB, Ot, 


Normans. Fire Joggling: En roote Witk flHbF 

Bros.' Dog ft Pony Show >'o. I. 
Nowlln, iDaTc: 'Ba ronte with Al. G. Field's 

Minstrels. See Minstrel Bootee. 
NcTsds A Farrlngton (Standard): 

0.. 16-21. 
O'Dsy. Ids (West Side): Beloit, 

(Main, at.) reorlA, OL, 2B-28. 

Onrl, Adele feStIf 
keepsle. H. -Tm 

<»«te, 8. (Ooadalan): ynmS t^ Men.. IMl; 

Oveinm) iilnnniiiilK WnB. SS4>. 
OHHsn ft BacUar: Saa riandaeo, Oal., 28- 

Onri, ne (Olympic): 
(Haymarket) Chicago 

Otto Bros. (Casto): Fall 
(Colonial) lAwrenee 234S. 

O'Briea. Cbaa. Byteer: 
AmnMBcat On. ice 

O-Ooic. Oe«. 

Cbiew. m., u-n; 

OUre. Mme.. Harding ft Ah Sid (Mnea): Ant- 
werp. Beig.. Oct. 14-81; (Olccaa niiiai 
aterdam. Hd., INor. 1-30. 

OTooIe, M. Jack: X>es Molnae^ ! 

Otie, <Nlek: Bn roste with the f 
ahatCo. See Midway Bootes^ 

0>Baarkc A Burnetts Trio (PoU's): Now Oh- 
ven. Conn.. 16-Zl. 

Powers ft Tfcaahald 
21 (DasMM ~ 

Pope. y. C ft sav ftmavi^t 

Pepfier TwlDB. The: Shawnee. Okla., 28.28. 
Phelpb, Orreo & MUlie (Prke's Beat Show)- 

CaruthersTllle, Mo., 16-21; (Price's Baat 

Show) Loxora. Ark., 28-28. 
Paragon Trio (Gem): Oloscsster, Maaa- M. 

21; (Hah) Woonso<tet, B. I.. 21-28. ' 
rero A WOaoD (Family): Paaaaie, N. J. 


Ponlter. Edw. (O. O. H.): BnrUagtoa. la 

10-21; (Bljoa) Qolney, 111 . ET! M. 
I'olo Troupe (People's): L"j>:;:j-,atl. 0. 16-21 
ratty Bros. (G. O. H.): irwii.n.p.,);. i^j^' 


Potts A Harte (Bljon): Booktord, m., IS. 

21; (West Side) Janesrllle, Wis., 23-28. 
Powell. Fred (Colambla): Ciadnnatl, O.. IS. 

21: (HopUna') LoolsrUle. Ky.. 28-28. 
Pu^ The Two (Empire): Pattenoa, N. J., 

16-21; (Empire) Hohokcn 2S-2S. 
Panlo ft Harlow (Hopkins'): MempUs, Tnis- 

16^1; (CSolomMa) (St. loaia. Mo., 23-28. 
Pelot, Fred ft Annie (Jeffen*): Saginaw. 

iMleb.. 16-21 (Grand) Jallet. IlL. 28-28. 
Pantxer Trto (Sbea'a): ToMsto. OBt» U-Zl: 

(Kelth'a) Philadelphia, Pa.. 9348. 
Parlaleniiea, Lee (Orphenm): Hnr OdMSft 

la, 16-21. - 

Palmer ft Boblmea (Grand): TIelmk, 9. C- 


Phroao (Family): Lancaster. Pa.. IMI: |ia» 

By) Baltimore, MO.. »t». 
Powers. Mr. aaiB Inu WBm K 

Cincinnati. O., IMI; MMMMal'St. 

Mo.. 23-28. 

Pierce and Ualxee (Orphemn): Ulaneapolla. 

Minn., 23-28. 
Pahner. Josephine (Proetor'a): Newark. N. 

J.. 16-21. 

Paollnettl A Plqno (Empire): Nottingham. 

Eng.. 23-S; (Empire) Leicester SO-Not. 4. 
Powers, Jsmea T. (Alhambra): New York 

City. 16-21. 

Parker, Bert (Yale'a): Kaaaaa CUj. Ms.. 

Piccolo' Mldgeta (Hyde 

lyn, N. Y., 10-21. 
PaUen, Baby Loella: Lanatttg. Mich., 
VuttB ft HarU (BlJoa): Bockford. m.. 

(West Side) Jsnesnlle, Wis.. 23-28. 
Feerleaa Harmonic Fonr (-imerlcsn): (Silcago. 

TO., 16-21; (Calomet) Sooth Chicago 23-28. 
PeMdac Bratboa (Haymaiket): Clilcasah II1„ 

Palmer, Allee 

Yj. Ang. SB.' 
Partkant: OS mste wlik Joaaa-Adama 

Bee audway Bontca. 
Perry ft Pnnia (lictrapoltaud: Xuapa. Fia.. 
agfcj^dk^ WHS sHh tts CtaiMu 

Psotel^ "Iff : *5!»' eoate irttb Wtxsa Bna.' 

Oarmlral Ooi See Midway Bontes. 
Potter * BaitwcB: «aris. Fk.. Oct. 16-Not. 16. 
Power's Xlephants (Hippodrome): anr X«k 

City. Aog. 30, Indet. 
Prentice Tronpe, Fonr: Bn ronte «Mk tte 

Brigadlera. See Borlesqne Bootes. 
Price. Harry M.: Bn roote with Bnater Brown 

.Eastern Co. Bee Mnaleal Bontes. 
Qnlnlan, Dan ft 

Denrer, Ool., 1641. 
Beed. France (CIreas 

Not. 1-Apr. 30. 
Bogers. Francia A Virginia: En roots wltb King 

of Tramps Easters Cki. See Dramatic Rootes. 
BemlDgton, Mayme A Co. (Albambra) : New 

York City. 16-21: (Gothsm) Brooklyn 23 28. 
Bomslne. Jolla A Tom Fitch (BUon): Green 

Bay. Wis.. 16-21: (Bljoo) Marinette 23-28. 
Beno A Moiray (Cryetal) : Mnakegon, Mich- 


Bohlnsoo. Oias. (People'*): T»— O. 16- 

Baretta: Bn ronte wltk''Ov4dl SMk OiL 

See Dramatic Bootes. 
Beotz-'nieresa (Hippodrome): New Tork OHF> 


Beynolds, Jollette: 'En roate with Belns Bmt.' 

CamlTsl Co. See Midway Bootes. 
Bltchle, Dare Derll: En roote with the 

Alamo Shows. See Midway Boatea. 
Bobert A Debnont: Ea route srlth the : 

Widows. See Bnrlcaqoe Bootey. 
Boelker. H. O.: Ea route wltn the Oaaklll Ohv 
alTsl Co. See Midway Boatea. _ ^ 
Bosey. The Grest: Bn ronte with Wt0ltm/B 
XtMbles. Bee Dramatic Bootea. 
Raaetnca * Oo. 
Ma,. JMl. 

fAeam): BeadiBg. Fa.. IML 
(D&qne): AKns. O, IML^ 
^ (OUBpte): Cklcaao. nL. M* 

B«*B ft I«wla: Bctna. Oct.. Ing. M, i 
BMdna ft TtaBBnaa (W«od*B O. B.): 

ICo., 16-21; St. loola. Mo., 28-38. 
Bamaey Sisters (Bennett's): London, Ont.. 16- 

21; (Bcnnetfs) St. Thomas 33-28. 
Baymond & Trleer (Daalain): 

Man.. 16-21. 
Baaaell. PMl. ft Cafria (OkiBM): 

Mltrn., 18-21. „ 
Bogcra, wm B. (Temple): Detroit. Ifich„ M- 
21; ((book's) Bocbester, N. Y., 23-28. 
Bossell. Fred. Victor: HlnnespoUs, Minn., M- 


Bawls A Von Kantman (Dominion): Winnipeg. 

Man., 16-21; (Lrceam) Ulimeap(dli, HUm., 


Ross Sisters: Csntoo, O.. 16-28. 

Bobyns. Mr. A Mrs. (Crystsl): MQwsakee. 

Wis., 8-21; (Lycesm) Minneapolis. Minn., 23- 

Boeoe ftSlma (Untqna): Winnipeg, Man.. 16- 

OCTOBKR 21. 1S05. 

Xtie Billl>oar<l 


wt-,tatw Fat ft Marlon B«&t (Hunmcntein's) : 
iMi*Tork City. 10-21. 

*^l^«r(0> B.) Mlddletown K-28. 

- t* TThiffciitrr (OciiiMom): Kaoaaa 
Hff„ . lS4gi; (Otpbeom) Omaba, Neb., 

ft DoObar (Dominion): Winnipeg, 
lS-21: (Lyecnm) MlnneapoUa, Minn.. 



laoioni ft Valentine (Hippodrome): alwgpw, 
^Sr l«-28; (Hippodrome) Brighton 80-Not. 

BMinuSTBdr F. (HanmiMtteln't): New Xotk 
le-a; (lUr7Und) Baltimore, Ud., 2S- 

ft BKiardB (Howard): BoBton, MaM., 
^21 : (Pa«tor B) New York City, 23-28. 
Bomola * WlUliuna (Empire) : Sprlnfteld, DL. 

Roir' Lillgl: Albany, N. Y., 23-28. 

Eickett ft Haiaid (Hippodrome): Baatboatne, 

Enr 23-28. 

BUn^ TUe Foar (Q. O. a^: Xom—town. 
O.. 16 21; (Park O. H.) EH^ Jfe**-!*. 

RasMll. BUou (Hippodrome): St. Dgin^ Ire., 
23-28: (Lyric) Urerpool, Eng., SV-mr. *. 

ajan. Tbomae J. ft Mary Blcbllcia (OMmlal): 
Lawrence, Maaa., 16-21. 

Rtrmond, Bab7' (Bijoa): 

Beooa, The: Jobnatawn, IL 
Blra Bras. (OnlB Btoe.*) 

Bte^ft Mmt fftBOMlDm) 

R l ^^ i >l^..t iuiitn n Co. (Hathaway'e): 

anmL^E^^'hlMNMe wlti tke Great .Wal- 
- ntm Bee Vmt ehov Soote*. 

ft dee: En raote arltb Byrne Broa.' 
TkTIa Sec Maalcal Bootes. 
Gcol: £n route wttk Gkdity Bms.' 
.cia. Bee Mlnatrel Bnrtlfci . ■ 

, "eke Two: En route iritk NOi octiWS 

Oik See Burlesque Routes. 
■fl^mtm, Ed.: '£o rouie nitli Meyer's Monareb 

maanent Co. ti e Mldtray koutes. 
Smiths. Aartnl; en g^uB l ng l l u g Bros.- 

Sievart, MinBA «M|MiM> ! ; ;;'i>a«Hli':-* 

SUUooa. The: En rente with "WeMeC**: Carni- 
val Co. S.e illjwajr Jtoites. „ , _ 

St. Jobn & LeFevre: En route with UC,-^peOie]r. 

SfP Musk'dl Koutes, 
SlOik & Dawsoa: En route with the 

CarnivalCo. Soe illdwaj- Boutes. 
SirrJior zouives: Tonrlnir fTaaW. 
:5yiiioiidi* Jact; Ku routv wltfc 

Stress.' Sec Mlnsirel Koutes. 
Saunders, C;balk (Orpbeum) : Beading, P«-. 

«ji3^'.r,iw, Mme. (Bopklna'): I^oularUle, Ky.. 

ft Merton (CMnmMa): Cincinnati, O.. 
Syi™. Margaret (Olympic): Chicago, HI., 18- 


Sn-an, Gertrude (Main at.) Peoria. III., 1S41. 
Sttattoo, Wm. O. (Family): aha moMn , Pa^ 


Snider ft Bnckley (MMTleBa): BaMtaaai*. Md.. 
16-21; (Kelth'e) Haw Zork Ctts, 

16-21; (Keith'*) New Xotk Caty. IMS. 

IMl: WWyawU) Baath Bena. _In!a„.j M». 
muSK Tke Sraat - (OnsAI^EactlHik <M>, 


. Adam * 

CitT. Mo.. IM 
- La., 23-28. 
Skarpllra, The (Bljon): Galeabotc, III.. 16-21. 
-Sanroela. M. (Bljon): labpemlng, Mich., 16- 

21: (Idea) Fond dn Wta.. 23-28. 
Stelnert ft Ttaomaa (Family): GloTersTille. N. 

Y.. 23-2S. 

Solly & PLeIpe (Industrial): MoUne, 111., 16- 

aanford Ic Darlington (Crystal): Ullwaakee. 
Wis., 16-21; (BIJou) Dee Moines, la., 23-28. 

Sntion, L.arry le. Attllla (Casino): Loa An- 
geles. CaL. 16-21. _ 

St. Gtair Tlio (Stat): Atlanta, Oa., Sept. 2S- 
0**-tL _ , 

aikk • laa Ma (MttPaU Tl i eM iailt B. I, 

Santoro & Marlow (Orpbeom): Sprlngfleld, O., 

16-21; (Casino) ClndnnaU 23-28. 
SbiQtytown Trio (Phillips'): Rlchnwod, ImA^ 

16-21; (Grand) HamUton, O.. SMB. 
Saton, 0. K. (Keith's): Syi*caMk4b V* !•> 

21: (Proctor's) Troy 23-28. 
St. Onge Broa. (Star): CleTeltnd, O., M-zI; 

(Academy) Pittsburg, Pa., 23-28. 
Stahl^ Boee (Orphenm): MlnneapoUa, Ulnn.. 

Searcy. Oeo. (Tale%): Kaaaaa 014:, Kab. 15 

21; (Kmelty) Sa^a. Xaa.. SU. 
Samuels. MaMlaa flMaa): ••||| iliig. lOch.. 

Swor & weaMaaek Ongba): Iita ObL. 


Slater & WUlhuns (Poll's) : Watexbary. Oaon., 
16-21; (Keeoey'a) Brooklyn. N. X.. S-S. 

^'^16.'%'* ^SbU f*8}*S^SI^*'i-a**tt S 
Tally-^ MatlfiS^^^KkaMr 


Tarlton A Tarltoo: £n route wltti the Breck- 

enrMge Stock Co. See Dramatic Bootes. 
Taylor. Grma (Capitol): Glens Falls. N. Y., 


Taylor. Mae (Palace): Boston, Mass., Indef. 

Troubadours, Poor: En route with tbe Show Gtrl. 
8ee Musical [Routes. 

Ty-Ben Sisters: En route with tbe Great Wal- 
lace Clicne. See Tent Ehoir Routfs. 

thompson, Harry (Hopkins'): LoalsrUle, Ky., 

Trolley Car Xtto (FoU's): Bridaapect. Conn.. 

Talbot ft amgrt (HknwiiKO: Ottago^ Hi., 


Tolsa (BUOD): Marinette. Wis.. 16-21; (Ben's) 

Escanaba, Mich., 23-28. 
Tannean. Felix ft OaxtDn (Family): New 

York City, 16-21. 
Taylor, Henry ft AUe* IBbOK^ M WnM^s) ! 

New York C^ty, 23-28. 
The Queen's Fan (Olympic): (Tblcago, 111.. 

15- 21. 

Tsuda, Harry (Family): Pongbkeepsie, N. Y.. 

16- 21; (Keeney's) Brookl.m 23-28. 
Thomson. Lloyd O. & 0>. (Bell) : Oakland. 

Ol., 16-21; (Acme) Sacramento 23-28. 
Trans- Atlantic Four (Proctor's SSth St.): NeTi 

York City. 16-21; (Doric) Yonket* 23-28. 
Topay Ttttry Ttio (BUoa): Qnincy. UL. 16- 

21. , . 

Tyce ft )taMV^4Wmt): IkCBMt^Jki^.. M- 

21: (BowaBd) StMM. JfasiL. WH^ 
Tnrpln. Bea. (GcaaMt): Blcta*at,^Mi, liS- 


T»-To (Ot^ienm): BnaUyB. 'S: Y~, Wl; 
FaU Blrer, Mass.. 23 28. 

Thompson & Serlda (Star) : Munde, Ind., *16- 

Troba: MlnneapoUa, Minn., 16-21. 

Tunis, .\lcbea (Keith's): New Sork City 16-21: 

(Maryland) Baltimore. Md.. 23-28. 
Taylor-Fatrell Trio (People's): Clnflnnatl. O. 

13-21. ' 

Valmore ft Horton (Cmpire): 

«. A.. Not. G-Dfc. le. 
Taaee, Christine (Standard): Ft. Worth, Ter., 

^ne. iHsrry, Magician: En route with tbe 
Cosmopolitan Amusement Co. See Midway 

Telare. Bdltb ft Curtis: &i route wttk Ike. Gieat 

Parker Amnsement C*."-. 
Tlola Bros.: En route 

Tent Show Routes. 
7on Lear, Millie: En route wtik IMdcfa Co- 
nlral Co. See Midway Romca. 

Vance. Qiilce (Orpbeam): BmoUja, N. T., 


Vema, Belle (National): Kansas City, Mo., 
Van Camp (O. H.): McKeesport, Pa., 16-21. 
Vernon Troupe (Proctor's SSth St.): New York 
City, 16-28. 

Victors, The (BUon): Shdmygan, Wis., 16- 

Voelker. Mr. ft Jba. VM IBaiMH}:.' Uln 

iwapoHa, mmi., IMK' 
▼alik Urtaae. .<r>!C(g(^>: ^Uanr, H. T., 16- 



JMt: aMoae) Dabaoae. 
_» iriDtm (Aleaa 


O.. IMf. 
aid): aaicags 
.-jt. la.. 2S-3S. 

._Ieasar): DeDTcr, OoL. 

Ml: (■arl) Pueblo 23-28. 
StaltT ft BIrbeck (Kelth'a): Boaton, Maaa.. »- 

21: (Kelth'a) Prorldence. XL 1.. 2S-28. 
Slddon Bros. (Pastor's): New York City, 18 


Sterena, Kittle (Castle): Bloomlngton, IU„ 16- 

Ihennatt ft DeForrest (Mohawk): Schenectady. 

N. Y., 16-21; (Hyde ft Behman's) Brooklyn 
• 23-28. 

Sbarp, Blanch (O. O. H.): Indlanapolla, Ind. 

16-21; (Columbia) Cincinnati. O., 23-28. 
SUreao (Bl^n): WIchlU, Kan., ie-21-, (BIJao) 

Topeka. Kan.. 23-2S. 
Semon. (%arlee Falke (Ptoetot'i SSrd St.): New 

York City, 16-21; (Proctor's) Newark. N. J. 


Sbean ft Warren (Alhambra): New York Cltj, 

IfrW; (Proctor's) Albany 23-28. 
Sollya, Four (Trent): Trenton. N. J., 16-21. 
Staatoaoe. Lola (Majestic): Kansas Citr. Ho. 


StaM. Beoable (BUon): 

a: (Oanick) BaUKtaB SI 


Smith ft Beagan (Howard) 

Stereaa, Panl (Park 0. B.): Brie. Fa.. 16-21. 
Vl««ater, Xooaa * Fringle (Oipbenn): Denver, 
OnL. .1641. 

St.): New 

hrta ( P ie elaa' s 

nuactaB. DeL, M41. 
Vlndirs Bocaea (Onto 

Max.. S-Dee. 1. 
Von Wetal (Cook's): 
VanGoefre ft Ootrely: 
Valpos. Tbe (Norelty): 

(BUoa) Wichita 22-28. 
We&b, NeUa (Orpbeum): 

Waldro Bros.: En rente with Wlzom Bros.' 

CiiatMlOab 8c« UUMT Baotca. 


K X,;''-:^«-2i. 

■: la;.. 18-21. 

■nvAa. KIB,, 19-21; 

BeadlBC. Pa.. 16-21. 

•ff. par- 


BOTH WAVIa sMaa hiilsl 
atTM* numbar. Iff revta 
not bft found in The Billbaardi piAlicft- 
tien is prehibitsd; or «w had not re- 
eeived it up to tine ef Hnm eioeing, 

WaUaee, HI: Bn route wttk Welder's Car 

nleal Clo. See Midway Boatea. 
Ward ft Caste (Family): Bast St. Loala, Dl., 


Watson's, Sam. Farmyard: Sn route with Bar- 
num ft Balley'a drens. See Tent Show 


Wayne ft Doane: Bn route with Pawnee Bill's 
Wild West. See Tent Show Routes. 

WelcU, ' JobD J. (Belvldere): San Francisco. 
Cal., Indef. 

Wells. Wm. J. (Orpbeum): St. Paul. Minn.. 

Williams, Jnd: En route wlik VInefs Aaer> 

leans. See Burlesque Routes. 
WlUtams ft Loog: En route with the Great 

Parker Amusement Co. See Midway Bootes. 
WUllams ft Padre (Star): Chlsbolm. Minn.. 

Sept. 25-Oct. 28. 
Wolflng's Stallions ft Dogs: En route with 

Rlngllns Bros.' Circus. See Tent Show Routes. 
Wilson, Oto. (Orpbeum): Brooklyn, N. Y., 


WUton Brothers (Oolnmbta): Clndnnatl. 0., 

World's Comedy Four (Xoore'a): Portland, 
Me., 16-21; (Kelth'a) pTorldence, B. I.. 23- 

Weat ft Fowler (Oyatal): Eokono, Ind.. 18- 
21; (Oryatal) Loganaport 23-28. 

Walsh, Frank (BUou): Oankoab, \ns„ M41. 

Whttcomb, Hank ft I/oita (H»|aiails»>i Chi- 
cago. Ul., 16-21; (Q>iaaibla) St, ~ ' " 

Wood ft Ray (Cook's): 1t «ii l iaa t a i. K. 1^ 

21; (Shea's) Buffalo 2S-38. 
Wells Bros. (Gaiety): Springfield. DL. 16-21; 

(BUon) OaleSbnrg 23-28. 
Wells, DoUIa (Oalety): Snringoau. OL. 10- 

ai (BOsa) ■ — 


Four Designs. 



10 FOR 10 

lOO FOR $1 


The Billboard Publishing Co.. 416 £lin St., 

wuusms ft MelbnBi (FkinDr): TeeeMtw. Ft., 

16-21. . _ 

Welch, Jlmmle * Odta (Sbln St.): VMA, 

111.. 16-21. 

WllsoD. Alt. & Mabel: Buffalo, N. Y., 16-21; 

Uocbester 23-28. 
WUson Trio (Crystal): Detroit, Mich.. 16-21; 

(Majestic) Hot Springs. Ark.. 23-28. 
WUllama. C. W. ft HBda Hawthorne (Qranhy): 

Norfolk, Va.. IMli (Btloo) . .BlehnwBd 83-. 

28. •• .• ■ - ■ . ■•- 

Wise ft Miitoe: Ob. -CBIM 


Waldon. Max |K a H.): .IltKM 
21; (HurtlC'-'* ■MMMani)"'Mav 

23-28. - - 

West, John A. (BUon): FhUadelptila. Pa.. 16- 
21; (Don Ton) Jersey City, N. J., 23-28. 

White, Ed. B. ft Rolla (Pastor's): New Tork 
Wlcbcis, Xto,=XkMa fa9aM>f'7.IMMsr'.M-« 

15- 21. 

WUllams. DoOle (Miniature): (MhacC R. T.. 

16- 38. 

Wlntent maeea (Orphemn): WasUactan. D. 

C Wtt; (Otphenm) develand, O., 23-28. 
Woods. Hany (Moamnental) : Baltimore. Md., 


Wells, Lew (OolambU): (andnnatl, O., 16-21; 

(O. O. H.) Ittdlanapidls. Ind.. 23-28. 
Whittle. Wm. E. (Keith's): Syiacnse, N. T.. 

16-21; (Darls O. H.) Plttaborg, Pa., 23-28. 
Wrest Family (CiTStal): St. Josrab. Mo., 16- 

21; (Crystal) Denrer, C!ol.. 28-38. ( 
Washer Bros. (BUon): Dnbaana. la., IMl; 




Woodtord ft Uarllxiro (Bmptle): lYeeport, til., 

16-21: (BUon) Boekford 2S-2S. 
Wlkoir. Baby lima, ft Co. (Dnlqiie): Minne- 
apolis. Minn.. 16-21; (Auditorium) Cedar Rai>- 
ida, la.. 23-28. 
West ft Van Slden (ODlomUa): St. Lonls. Mo.. 
- latkat) ~" ~ 

ie-21; (Haymi 
Wilkes, Mattle (! 

Und. 21-30. 
Wniard. Oreatt 
WlUIama A ~ 




. * Jtaala ,(0^ H.): 

■ ■ WA. 

WhUa « USIttt: TwfcRMi. Mi:.: lirtl'.i 
.Valbaem ft TmtM9r-'(6>aat): UetM, tat.. 

16-21 (Koyal) Oaalpk. JMfc • -., 
Yaang, Tot: FvioSK^Ol^mMaLii-S^i.: ■' 
WUder, Marshall P. (TIetatte): Xew 'Task 

City. 16-21. 

W.lls ft Ranslry (Columbia): St. I..onls. Mo.. 


Xonng, onie, ft Bro. (Colonial): New York 
City. 16-21. 

Yukawa, Mons. (BIJon): Dubuque, la., 16-21 ; 

(Lyceum) MlnneapsMs. Minn.. 28-28. 
Youngs, Will 0. A tii-;1t»:BtMtm>-W^mtte): 

Chicago, m.. Mflt'''((MiBMB)~'Ki-''Iianls, 

Mo., 23-28. 

Yacklay ft Bunnnell (Mohawk): Schenectady, 

N. T., 16-21. 
■Soang. Prank ft Emily (Market): Xoledo. O.. 

Indef. - • . : -•. 

Zat Zama. The (2(tor SCM): dlMdi.BMK .ttM 

l»-28. -. . . .- .. ■. .- - . 

' "t. c 

Zasen-Tcraon Oo. (HaletUe): (Siieaga. UL. 1«- 

21. _ ■. - 

Zandgs, The (BmVg C SseDM'al: . Wmf'Wl^- 

City, lC-21. ■ 
Zlmmer, Jobn (Doric): 'Yonkeia^ K, X.^~l^., 


Zarell. Bea ft Ella: En route with tbe 
ern Carnival Co. See Midway Routea. 
Zelleno. Hie Mystic: En route tclth John 
son Circna. Sec Tent Show Boatcs. 

ssma . .with .. ska.- .as** 


A Buaslan Spy, W. r>lck Harrison, mgr.: Omaha. 
K«lb.. le-lS: Cretan. la.. IS: De'MoInes S: 
GrtnneU 3B; B^e Plaloe 27; Ceitz Bapldt 

28. .• ..; 

A'llomau SlaTe, Don MacMlBan, rngM": flblas. 

Cal.. 24: Red Bluff 25. ' ' 

A Poor Kelatlon. R. F. Meyers, mgr.: Marys- 
Tllle. O.. IS: Plqua 21: Bryan 2S; Wanseoai 
-J«: Tecumseh. Mich.. 2S; Pontlae 27; niat 

A Knyal Stere (Gorton ft Bennett's JteflNBt). 
Red MUler, aige,: ■ Btasatlafr, - lnd,.. '-.lSt 
rowlcr 19: OsteA. »t ftttte'tlit-:^ 

Zenoz. The Great (Star) : Monde, Ind.. 16-21. 
Zarelll. Joe (Gem): Lynn. Maaa,. 18.21. 

erra 91; Warren 25; NUes 28; Salem 27; Us- 

boo 28. 

A sure of ttM Mill (GoedoB ft Bensett^s ). 

Co\. Raberti. mgr.: ShsmoUn. Pa.. 20; Sbea 

andeah SEL 

A Romance «I Oooa HoUow (Eastern), A. C. 
AHen. BTgr.: Go mainaai, M. X., 18; lamwiBr 
10; BoonTllle SOfUaUmtt.nt-CmMmMt 

Illon 2*; St. ysT — ~ " ' 

UloTvrsTille 28. 
A Romance of Coon':: 

Balnes ft Co.. mg 

Frankfort 2u. 
A Girl of the Streets, n'l|b;J 

er ft Taraniiee, mgrs.; 

PittAoKcFa., 234S. 

A Rtet m^iuitfiKvm aM&imVftiBHie>'ta4 
mgrs.: St. fkat Mlaa.. wa; M la n t aps M a 

A Pair of Coontry Kids. Smllb ft Banmsn, 
mgrs.: Latrobe, Pa.. 18; I,.-eehhars »; Xe» 
Kensington 20; Nev Bethlehem SI: Bsaafer 
Tille 23; ReynoldsTlIle SI: Glen CampMI'^S: 
Faton aS; Clearfield 27: Kane 28. 

As Told In the HIH* W. F. Mann, mgr.: Del- 
aran. 111.. 18: Lincoln IS; Decatur 21; Sprluc- 
fleld. ae: Pam 21: Alton 23: Gbester X; 
Mt. Vernon ZT; Vlncennes, Iml., 28. 

At CMpple Creek (B. J. Carpenter's): Lamar. 
MOk. 18; NSTada 10; Clinton 20; Sedalla 21: 
WaStaiastsit 2S: BoonTllle 23; Jefferson Cnty 
91; Moiea 95: iMlsUna 2T; Alton. Ul.. 2$. 

An Artatoeratlc Tramp (KUroy ft Britton's Co. 
BJ. S. E. Lester, mgr.: Clebume. Tex.. IS: 
Dallas 19; Ft. Worth 20: McKlnney 21; Tyler 
23: Paris SI: Boaham 2S; Oenlson 28: Sher- 
man Zi; GrecBTma 28. 

Artsooa. DaTid Baniage, m^^: Santa ^laj 
Cal.. 18: San Mi^MSgfl* ^ 

l^emiirdlno 21: Id " 


Xl^e Billboard 

OCTOBER 21, 1905. 


Hie foUoirlBe cnramnnlotloo trom Fmik»H, aiaiusrr of the Newwaper Olpplnc 
CitcnUr Co. ot BrooklTn. N. uVlallw It- 

BrooklTn, K. T,, Oct H, IMS. 
editor Tbc Billboard. 
Dear sir: As roar pnbllcatloa I« lead hjr 
■ gH imir fellowen. I bellcTe the following aos- 
cestlmia wooM prove beneflclal. If pnbllsbed In 
tlie colBnm or Tbe BUIboaTd. 

One muom why lo many fairs do not show 
A IxlsBce «a the rl^t side oC the ledger Is 
ttat tbey all devend npon the ao-ealled Bis 
Day. Tbey win tell the eoneeaslonalres that 
aa the Big Day tbts wOl ne all tbe people 
.tter <n baadlb , aaasettacs tbis Is troe. Kvw, 
' is m Bttfe MsvAr^lfeaaa CMdeawB. Ad- 
xwtttsiK- a.tar dajr lilr— atadar^ Wedneaaay. 

ly. Here la what yon will 
admlMlons; ettOag ready; 
people; xio boslneas tot aoy- 
r. WedBtsday— All ready ft>r the Big Day; 
Vir.aDore than oa Tuesday; a little boslDess 
■n. hat wait tin to-mottow; the melon 
'X'-'^ not ripe sntll to-morrow. Tbarsday — Yoo 
^ wMXe np early: It's raining down sttaleht; 
'/ an off for the Bis Day. Friday — ^Tearlns down 
day; no eooJ. Now, eren U yoa have fam>t- 
•hle weather all week. TMMv nd WedMday 
are "gettlii* ready" dm, aadmiv k^^tnt- 
• tag down" day. 

Any seaetatT caa see. if he wd stop and 
' think, that he has to be at the sronnds from 
~ Monday nstS 'Satnrthur- What U tbe remedy? 
^ Hake It a four days' eTent In all that the 
^A eame Implies. ' 

Fiist. Print In yoor premlnm books that 
aa goods and arUdes win be Judged Taesday 
■Boeuac and nost be Is tor aSat o^daek. 
mcr tare all day Honday to get tfedc ex- 

VtkailB-.tpstt* '.SMaadB and In jlae^ / 

_ .... — . _ - . _ 

Hake flie drst dsy a Big Day in 
aeveeal ways: Good races. Good attractions. 
And yon might spend, «ay. tSO or $100 In 

getttos op a Bice BOorenlr. Sometikiiip Dot 
cheap. Adrertlse that these soaTenlts wUl 
be BtscB tD CTCiy lady attending -the first and 

gtami stand seats. It 

Bake erery day a Bl^ Say Iota of prlTllege 
'people win tsfce yoor fair at an adTanee In 
prieie. If a Belghhorlng eoantr holds its fklr 
tte same week, yon will find that yoa win sen 
more ptirflegca by baring erery day a Big 
' Daiy thaa yottr aclglibae who adrsrtiaes a oer- 

' telB day as the big me. 

' Ste SI I islai ti s and ma aa ge r s, 1 would ad- 
Vlse that Ton talk this matter orei with yonr 
dlRctna. There Is no more work la making 
, tt a fonr days' fair than a one day erent. 
The briff fall* open MoodsT. and the people 
hare to work an Sanday to be ready. Don't 
■ay It can't be done. Wske np and get In with 

the bifr one«. Make toot erent the fair, and 
yoa wtll get the people, hence the money. 

Mr. Editor. I tTonld advise that yon hare all 
•eeietarles notify yoa whether 
one big day. la your lUr list 
Is front ot the names ot tte . lUiB ,1tat:4r<'aot 
■dwrUM aae Mg day. 

— wm par- 

tleipate. A splendid r'i^r**— oC aaaaesaenta 
Is hefaig ananged. The. eililHtB glm momtte 
•r helBg the best erer seen at this fUr. 
T hsr s win be a big pjTDtedmic display each 
'.BlAt dodDC the week. Jas. A. Oakia Is the 

. "^Hl Kl" BUt3^ the famous clown who 
i bas been ssmslng patrons of tbe Trail at the 
'Til ■ la 4k Clark Xxpoeltlon, belne engaged on 
'Attd ^Uaee af Jlyitt. waa recently the ricUm 
,>'dC'> d. *e wUCk d n l rujtd his entire earthly 
He tcacned his wife and ctaUd 
mt dUBeBlty and peisonal Injotles. Gen- 
~ Tslsiil a pose of gSOO for bim. 

liOa Sale, one of the officials at the 
"liewls * Caark BifMtttal, was Uat week 
7pcesented with a bcantlfal and costly gold 
"wat^ by the hundred gnards imder his dl- 
ae et l e o on the Trail, as a token of their high 
CMceo and appreciation. Mr. Dale wis an 
efflrten t officer and a very popolar gentleman. 

The IlUnois State Fair, which easily 
tuk> anumr the most Important In the eotm. 
ti7» was this season blessed with farorable 
saalker, snd gate receipts that donbled those 
' any pm la aa year. The erent waa held 
' ' T. Aheot 290.000 peo^ TiaUxd 

There yxere more people In alteadance than 
on any prerlons event ot tbe kind. In le- 
eetpts this yeart csiat Is a 

Fljringr Rlewao taaa 

tnl seaso 

He left , . 

Okla., to on daw at a anntar e( sood fain 
tbiDogh the Territories and Texaa, which wni 
keep blm bosy mitll late in Norember. 

The t&lrd annual Montana State 

Fair, held at Helena, Oct. 2-T, waa a snccess 
in ereiy sense of tbe word. Tbe attendance for 
the week reached nearly 45,000 people. Tbe 
privilege people did wall. Ska weathar waa 
very faroratde antn tbe iMt digr. 

Sarry Breeton put on his leap the 
gap in an aatomobUe act at the Mt. B<^, H. 
T., Fair. He reports that the weaOier waa 
aU that conld he deaired, and that the owwds 
were immense. 

BookmaldnE Tras prohibited at tlM 
SUte Fair hdd at AaaaUk/Oa,. 

cept one, hare remained. Bnalnesa hm« been 
nnlfonnly good, and with tbe sweU line of 
contracts shead Messrs. Jones and Adams can 
be congratnlaled on a loog and successful sea- 
son. The lineup of the midway is very stror.g. 
embracing ten big feature abosrs. a Ferris 
wheel, merry -go-roond. three free acts and a 
strons band. Chas. A. Hood, general agent: 
A. F. Stewart and C. F. Haraden, promo- 
ters, hare been with the oi-ganliatlon dnrlng 
the entire season, and have been nntlrlnj; in 
their efforts on behalf of the company. A 
rery pretty Incident took place In tbe ritjr 
of KInston this week wlien tlie membern of 
the company, headed by the band, marched to 
the cemetery and deposited a beantlfal wreath 
and cross of flowen on the grave of W. C. 
Swift, a memlier of the company op to the 
time ot his death, and the Cathw oC dB piw- 
ent owner ot the meny-go tm at, 9..W. Swift. 
The Billhoeid baa bees a wetaae i Mto to 
the dnlai^lk* .«MlM HM^^M^g onr 


We are now on our way to the southland 
for tbe winter season, after baring spent eigh- 
teen Tery pleasant n-eeks In food old Missouri. 
Blchmand. under the Eagles, was hig. Mar- 
celine. despite the rain, was line. Folton was 

the biggest ot tbe EeasoB, tberp being 12.(Kki 

visitors In the town that week. Versalllesi 
was a crackerjack, and other towns were pro- 

portiotislly good. Opinton Is prevalent that 

our shows are the clean<>!it. oealest and lisn- 
dled by the best showmen in tbe business. 
Tbia statement ia not only TerUed by ptvas 
notices, bot by personal letleiB. We wiU 
taauda out aU winter, and next aeaaog wm be 

larger aad better tbaa erar. ITniu i wutwr 

isiielH hlB wife. The Atcat LatU. 

, a ' ■■• '. tna «C UHnecHaeA MeUand 
■a. Xatd Boaald and Lady Oraee Batllng. 
a tac aancy. Now tatta li baMbK It Is 

A UNIQUE Invitation 

.MOE A HOtes 

VaOic Madarata. OOka.- WIUTE Cnv. 

Khoid pe all men to lolMNi ifetK PRSCittJ|HV cmt. 

at SJO P. JC, <■ I 

fill niiifiiii I ii" iifif III fiirf.fciart(.l^iif 'li f I V i i ^ sa dj lsNh r a fiH i ijjii 

t wWto i ir i n ii f M W sfaM^raaM j iii j iM ss * H i g siCn<»i^«i«al»*»Miar<r»^ life 

fifttllH^-Zb ^hxr 4^ «telaw is >*M (U> n« ft am4 * dindW is at !• pMkM. 
1^ la W sa * swwf aa s mm m «r p a iiw t 





BUtr B. BiMi; an aC a 

• ot the Kew Patker Anaemeat Ot.. 

hlmsM general manager of tliat model lastl- 
tatioB, was mamed at Ifesico, IfSk, Oct. U. 
lie. Bam puweC te mmgdm an dC Ui 

She wbe .agiiid *are the Jam aad 

rows of 'pndpM.'.vagaate waa Miss 
Bain, and m» li Itaa lOasovi. UtasaQr. 
The cerenamy was iiiirwiifl tf tw 

Wallace at the Preafaytetlaa 

Ico, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. 
Mra. J. J- - 

Mr. Baitr li «M aC a* 

nival mea la tte baalae 
poaltlon. broad prindplea aad 

netlsm have endeared lilm te 

people In and ont of the 

^le co o ple apcnt 
myriada aC 


Thia eompany la now In its tweaty.elgMh 
week, and la ho<*ed np imtn Chrlstmaa. A 
fOatare this season ia that the 

*"» — y» a Monday alght'a open- 

b* *»: Maw^— a— baa been killed or aerloiisly 
WIpwt; ; —1; at -■ tta' a flgta a l ■ eotlta alL ca- 

Tery tame to say, a good, old time. Ed. Jes- 
sop now has the Ferris wheel and automatic 
arcade, and Cbas. Jessop the electric theatre 
with the shows. Both are wearing broad 
smiles. Chas. Johnson, the Flying Swede, and 
Loots J. Bodner have pnrchaaed Slmmona and 
Dodsoa's merry-go-round. They wiU remain with 
tbe show- Z. A. Raj-mond. the genial boslneas 

manager, has taken nntU himself wings. He 
became an Eagle at Centralis, Mo. 


Tills aiakcs oar tweaty'Ioartb week since we 
opened oar seasoo. May 8, at Jacksonvitie, Ohio. 
Tbe entire seaaaa has bieen a prasperons one. 
Bot one bloomer in an. We clone st Bills- 
bora, Ohio, Oct. 21. and go Into winter guar- 
taaa at Coalton, Ohio. Mr. Welder Intended 
lo go sooth until the holidays, bnt nnfavorable 
eoodltloas In the territory be Intended Invad- 
ing has led blm to abandon the southem tour. 
Onr Ferris wheel and merrr-go-romid will be 
repainted for next season's work. New fronts 
will be added to some of the shows, and the 
others wul be repainted. We Intend pnftlng 
oot a much Isrger and stronger aggregation 
aaoo. and we wm play only the best 
■ la Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Pencsylva- 
aad Weat TliglnU. We dose tbe season 
aUnetlaB: Oot. gred. edo- 
Uiratorlooa Aga. 
- ^ -i-OidLMMtatioo. 

ac KMn, Taadenne *gv. Rnti «k«ei, 

Id. loop the leap m fiUUce, 

r. Besides flwae, we base twenty- 
live eoBceasIons. We wish to tliank each and 
every member of every committee with which 
we have done boslness this season, foe their 
" " ' t.aad tbajaanr tmn tbey 
: wiAai^ to aa. we se- 

Bnilar. the tnaglclaii, who bas ben tbe tree 
■tIraetloD with the Greater Smltii Amusement 
OS., this season, closed with that organization 
at St. Peter, Minn. Prof. HllUar is now bnsily 
engaged on a new mnalcal creation which be 
takes to Ijoodon ahoat CbtlatBMU^ and ln>wlilch 
he wm open Jan. 1. It -la . - - - _ 
new innshm wm i iiilai^f M 
la the fllaslonsiy art.- ' 

AVltl) dour apace of 3.G0O square feet and aa 
edlclent ,-ori'»' ot ^ clerks, tbe firm of Holamaa 
tc Alter, have ow of the greatest Jewelry esCah* 
ll-«l:ment» in tlie United State*. Their place 
of buslne?!> Is located at ITS-lSO Bast MadlMa 
street. Chlcaso. Mr. ii. Uolsman. whone like- 
ness appears abort-. Is one of the most projre*- 
slve bu5ine>s men In tte Wtnd.v City, and blj 
aFssoclate. Mr. .\lter. bas developed tbe bus!- 
ne** of rhe firm until It l8 readily ret-ocniz.-d 
by streetmen as one of the foremost In the flpld. 
Besides a full line ot Jewelry. Holsaian A .\Uer 
cany aa ample selectkm of streetmen's sop- 

Notes from the Clark Amusement 
Co.: Under the management of H. Lee Clark 
we are more than making good. The poblle 
speiiSs bigiily of the maimer la »rMc> _we.€» - 

duct onr shows atld do " 
Ind.. wuuama and m ^. 
presented with beaaMCal aObv bg 
Mrs. ErelecB . 
aeoted wlta a 

memhcis ot tt e ui-iji ♦ r~2iZE.Si 
w. was (csataled wMh a uild haaWi 
te- Pm* Kats. Tbe week dosed with 
amgt aHaa by the eommlttee to Mansger 
MP. performets. We hare lire par 
— attractions and a twentieth 

, jswid. _ Oae f«ae_ attracUMS 

are wUllaaB w> 
slngic t ia pisl a t , a 
perch performera. 

Notes from the Cblcaso Aiinisem«lt 
Co.: We closed a week's i ii g l f liil Bt atMt. 
Plcaaaat. Ia.. last aataiday a^t at MM, 
and tbe entire ootlt was ow tbe OMS MBMd 
for JerscyTlIle, m, by 1 o'aocfc. we ssiw 
tea paid Shswa, a FcRls wlwal. iuuu40-»aA 
foor^tce atttaetisas and two bands, the Utter 
snicking an pereoitage. We had a big we^ • 
htatnta at Mt. Pleasant last 

looks as good here. Hany B. Danville. o« 
general agent dosed srlth ns last sreek and 
Barry Moore haa taken bU place. Harry u 
lining np some good towns In Kentncky and 
Tennessee. F. J. Badycrs joined oa at Jeisey- 
villa. with Ua Belter Skelter Show. We have 
tiw BMRk^Mna in nuaats. aad then to the 

Notes from the Mngent A I^reeinui 
Electric Horelty Oe.: Wa r e otg a nlre d at^m- 
tea. Xy. Ue eoa^sny socs eat ftna Bn- 
bolt kWRB aad a i a adf' tbaa erer. We now 
ban SShr * C^ M ber'a merry-go- round. Rice 
TrtSSSf* lUmae Sbow. wee's Snake Show. 
Bobo; Ficcawa's TaodcviUe Show. MoK'nts 
Train Bobbery. Owtwrlghfa Plantation Show. 
George 8a>ill>*s IaLsw (ptatfona) Show. Prof. 
Ed. Toong. aerooaot, and WUl Cole on the 
high trapeze and slide for life. Profeaaor lf<»»f» 
has porchased a swell, new balloon, one o' ">* 
larsest ever made. It went up for tbe nrlt 

time at Elktoo. on Oct B. ind tlie act wi* 
witnessed by thousands of people, who aua 
sppreciated tbe mosie dispensed by Prof, 
naeaea Wblta's bead •( tea pieces. 

Notes from tbe Rtddell Southem 
Carnival Co.: We were booked to play JcffrrwD 
City. Tenn., hot the elcctrle Hi*! plant burnt 
down, and they had to emceL Mr. 
Gorman, general agent, waa wired the 
matlon. and be aueceeded in getting the streets 
at Big Stone Gap, Va., under tbe auspices of 
the band for week of Oct. 18. AU ibt PJ°; 
pie with this stow sre getting sloog line. 0» 
banner week was at JelUco. Teim.. 
Oct. 2, when everybody got big money. J*** 
Princess Corena Show Joined from the neck 
Carnival Co.. and is doing nicely. Her show 
has a pretty front. We sU send regsrds to 

friends thisadb Hm BIDkaaii. 

FoHowliis Is the complete roster of 

Eelley * Bemys Old FUatatlaa Show, which 
has been takins tap laoiiey. with the Jooes- 
Adama (^mlTal Oa. an aeaaoa. I*. C. Kener 
and H. 8. Henty, nroprletora; Prank W. wn- 
llama, door talker; Joseph RnwwU. Blllle Brmn 
and Lanedon Johnson, eomedlans: Carl Wu- 
Uams, iDterlocntor; WHl Btyler, piano player, 
and Pearl Brown. Sallle Rnssell snd ne^« 
Courtney in songs and sketches. Ueasra. Kelley 
snd Henry are framing up a Ko. 2 show. 
wUdi Is to go sooth this winter, with i Sg «« 
the best kncnra carnival companies. See Omt 
ad In another colonm of thla Issne. 

More than 200,000 people attended 
the carnival and taU featlval at Omaha. NeK 
Oar eocrcapoadent writes as follows eoaeefang 

■ (OaatlBaed a pass ».) 

OCTOBER 21, 1906k 

Xtie Billboard 






U.S. mnd 




PBOBABXtT M frequently as 
once » WMk The Billboard re- 
ceives a request for a copy of 
a booklet entlUed "How to 
Build and Manage a Blllpostlng Plant." 
We have IWVer seen such a publlca- 
Uon and «• "Ot believe It has exist- 
ence. Tbe demand indicates tbat there 
is a need for Bomething oi that sort, 
«nd tbe ooMtian is: Who can and wiU 
writs It? 

Hair, doirt an speak at once; In the 
ade of eoonsel there Is confu- 
Tbere are several men In the 
» ni who could write such a 
booklet with credit to themselves and 
to the aUlghtenment of the craft. 
With it as a gnlde the man starting 

ests. In fact, there are a hundred men 
in the Association who have done some 
one thing in connection with the bill- 
posting business particularly well, and 
are competent to write about it. Their 
several experiences brought together 
under one cover would form- a publl- 
caUon that would be coveted by every 
billposter In the land. ■nd 'Wmlia Com- 
mand a fair price. 

• • • 

The mAincation of such a boolc could 
best be accomplished under the au 
spices of the Association which would 
be assured of a successful sale. Some 
revenue eoold be, derived fretn adver- 
tising. The project Is a ffeulUe one. 

• • • 

Devoid of the saving sense of humor, 
the Astute Editor of the official grind- 
organ I rr fl ti— t *H»»r"'^ ""^ » The Bill 
board'* cartoon of John Chapaiaii. Cin 

OS the 
Btands to make 

of bla plant. Oanadlae Ins 
on tals drcnlt, and need* ISV 
Sood abowlBff throasb^ra^ 

The Lewis BilliMstIng Co.. of Whlte- 
wTlgbt, Tex., son- baa 300 feet at new ateel 
board*. ETerrthlni; la coTered witb llTe com- 
merdal and clrcna paper, and tbere la a 
large waiting list. Harrr Eltlng. bnainea man- 
ager tor Cycle Park, Dallas, says tbat Wblte- 
wrlgbt baa one of tbe best pUats Id Texas. 

Wm. Bridge, Jr., who has been -with 

tbe Gentrr Sbowa tbls paat season. lias re- 
turned to bis borne In Eaat LivcrpooL Oblo. 

wbcte be has iBtmst la tte Ana ut W. W. 

THVi liook need not be a one-man 
allHir. The dUCeroit subjects might i>e 
assigned to those known to have made 
the deepest research m any parUcuiar 
line. For instance, there are few 
unpoeteca lite .knsv amr umm about 
paste-nuddnK' tlim K <X Sanmiiy of 
Boston. Anyone who has seen the 
boards built by C. C. Ames In Provl 
dence, R. L. or by the Bryans In any 
of th^ Oldo toiwiis. ^ould be Inter- 
ested In their descri p tion of how to 
build artistic wooden boards. W. C. 
Tlrrlll. of Fostorla, OhlOb and Frank 
Chamberiln. of BnzUastni, la- could 
aM ■amstttaiK «C ftrtmat to tills tihm> 
ter. b On tmy of Iron boards Jim 
Cunran oosld tell a lot. Frank Q. 
Smith.' sC tte Van Beuren branch of 
the Nmt Toik and Van Beuren Co.. is 
probeMy tks. bast pestad wm m 
cuMslmeHon sC not lionvSv 'Hood or 

■ • • 

The development of local business 
by Harry C. Walker, of Detroit, would 
be Interesting reading. W. S. Barton 
of Richmond, Va., could tell how to 
make a string of coimtry towns pay. 
Chas. Bernard knows a lot about dis- 
tributing that would not be out of 
place in a booklet of this kind. Var- 
ney * Oreen of San Francisco, are spe- 
etally tnflimMd on the subject of eom- 


In the business would start right and clnnatl's billposter. As a matter of 
save money, while the man already jg^^j ^j^j^j picture of John was the beat 
tn much to ever seen in print The Inference that 

There are'* few "know-tt-alltf* who 
wffl pooh-pooh this suggestion, but we 
venture to say right here that out of 
any ten men in the Association, there 
are not two who do their work alike 
IB aU iMpaelsi and that every one of 
the toi wm M found to have as many 
different wajrs of doing some things. 
It wotdd be interesting to know which 
way Is the best. V(e beleve that a 
book ooBM be written that would oon- 
taln MMMthUw^^^E^^Btarast to «f«y 

• "• • • 

Vor Instance: There are a dosen 
4UEsrent ways to build boards — which 
way is the most substantial and soon* 
onlcalT IjOcbI eondttloas -feanw seme- 
thing to do with the style of eunslrue- 
tlon of billboards. Sometlntes it is 
environment that demands an artistic 
Iron board Instead of a loosely buUt 
wooden board: again, a leo g Isasa py 

mils ot more substantial uuBStiuetton 
than a short lease. There are certain 
fiMins of construction to be avoided 
under all circumstances. Then, there 
is the question of roof boards — how 
best to build and anchor them. This 
sobject permits of illustration in the 
way of working designs. The Bill- 
board once pubHshed something In this 

• • • 

An interesting subject Is that of 
paste-making. This would embrace 
recipes for paste and the best method 
of mixing and cooking. Many experi- 
mmts have been made along this line 
In an endoivor to find a non-freezing, 
and a water-proof paste. Who knows 
the best recipe? The author of a hand 
book on blllpostlng could obtain the 
results of these experiments, and Iwll 
down ttt 

John Ottlng. billposter for Xewport 

Kr.. baa boilt arwcnl tbooaaad Cret at aab. 
stantlal boatda tbia aeaaon. and taaa bis atrlsg 

of towns weU covered. 

R. B. Palmer, of the Hetrick Blll- 
poaUng Co., ."ont tberc la Cbanate. Kan," bas 

wBEKtT usT or HUfOnrEKS. 

pnUiihtd wmUt at tks 

casts par lum. ar HM w" 

it Is one _ _ . 

zling boose from a tin ten. Is an. Msor 
on the part of the worthy A stnto- 
What the artist depicted was~«BO :!0C 
Cincinnati's ntost eminent astroaansra 
viewing the rseewt . sOiar. s e Mp se; the 
goat is a EDaxlem Importation, and the 
dog is the property of the artist who 
drew the picture, the famous Bush- 
nell. One really can't blame the dog. 
for an artist's dog Is always hungry, 
and Chapman's paste is good. But 
bless your soul, how can you expect 
the Solemn Astute to discern these 
things; they are quite l>eyond him. 
• • * 

For the four hundred and forty-lev- 
enttl ttnw ttie Astute Sditor undertakes 
in tiM laat Issue of the offlcl^ organ 
to reassure the craft and himself — par- 
ticularly himself—that the Association 
stands firmer to-day than it did day 
before yesterday. Get on to this gem 
Of thought: 

"In the floodtide of prosperity and 
progress such as this, what chance 

have outside agitators or discredited 
malcontents to poke up trouble under 
false and DlnMty ^etexte? Just about 
as much chance, no donbt, as . an In' 
dlan Medicine Man woUld^nBve had tn 
the Garden of Eden." 

There Is a figure of speech for your 
life. What does the Astute know 
about the Garden of Eden, or even the 
Indian Medicine Man? It is Just pos- 
sible that Mr. Medicine Man was the 
big nmney-getter of the Garden. Very 
likely It was he that performed that 
famous surgical operation on Adam, 
whereby the latter was separated from 
one of his rlha. That reminds us that 
the IgOROto derating act has been 
a Kreat u lu nse at fairs and gardens 
thliMar- BUTTmSKI. 

T. Wbeelock. 

Minneapolis — Gibbons Blllpostlns Oo. 

H. Wlmbtdy * Bra. 
y» Wastwortlu 

can nialf»llla tl Isml Adr. Co. 

OKTO—JOddlt t Ssn A nthanj H. Wlbart. 

'rocSsti m ttMita i t na B. P. * Dlst. 

Oa. _ • 

»tb aTe. 

Joiin«towTi — Johnstown B. P. Co. 
FbeenlXTlUa — George K. Obeiboltxer. 
Neweaatle— rrbe J. Q. lorlng C. B. P. Ob. 
B. CAS.— Oaffnej— Ed. B. DeOanp. 
TEmr. — Memphis — iWard-MeCanler. 
TE3E.— Galsemlle — Fanl Gallia. OL B. IP. Ml 

Yoknm— C. a Tribble. 
W. TA.— Blacfleld-^ L Bchott 
wn.— Pialrle do Ohlen— g. A. CaniML 


Bobeit P. Noble, an oM-tlme billposter of 
Decatur, lU^ better known as "Pard" Noble, 
died Mondar, Oct. 9. at the home of bla sister 
In Deeatnr, of Brlgbfa dlaease. He mis M ty 
jnrs old. and had been enployed aronnd tbe 
thMtrcs Of Decatur for tbe past tbUty-flTe 
ynis. "PSid" ■waa botn at oauipolls, Ohio. In 


Our correspondent with Sloux City, 

la., local 26. irrttea that W. E. Borktaart, 
president of No. 20, has charcc-ot No. 1 wasoii 
again tbls winter. • Jahn Cannod,v, of No. 20, 
baa returned and wUl take of No. S 
Jack was contractlnn agent wltb Terry's V. T. 
C. Co. tbls past season, and reports Sood^ inui' 
neas, notwitbsunding the oppo^tiOB 
In Intra and Kansas. BlUy OT"^' 
Anderaoo. both of IS, .Sie 

Adr. Ofc 


J. B. Price, billposter for Hannibal, 

Mo., baa Jnst recelred 10.000 ponnds of Bsl- 
ranlaed sbeet Iran Tltb which to enlarge and 
ImproTe his plant. Price now has one hun- 
dred boarda of 8-iheet alae and largisr. New 
ealTanlied Iron donble-drek boarda face an 
railroad atatlonfc and the new Mark TJjais 
Hotel. Btulnen has been boomlns with Price 
thta year, aad bla boatda hare been eontlnnally 

naeraon^^jioM^ot efike llmt ^liy Jw^ 
["^'"oSribTsi IB nuaela wttk Ike OMMk 

P. B. CUradtne, of Taylor, Tex., auc- 
eccded t> awitCUMt the Banmm * KaOer Shows 
from BeuDe tTUa tmm town. • -o*" _5^" 
ntoa. who* la Taylor with the bOlpoater'a 

T. Clark, box 92. 
Cotton Plant — ^Roon t Echela. 
Helena — Pltzpatrlrk B. P. Co. 
Sprlnsdalt — Tlte Saonilrra Co. 
Walnut Bldse — Walnut Bldse Poet, a D. 

COHH. — Stamford — Bamlcy OeOngcr. 
IDA, — Pocatelk i Oi w M, niik. Ma 1 
nX. — Bloomlng t oe CUT B. P. CU 

Bmbnell — Chamberlain Btllpoatlns Co. 
Charl*ato»— T. Ci. Chambi-ra. 

Deals, 208 W. Vaa Baica 

^-_Ia * Ck 

mt, TZa. — BamattarlUe — Great 
P. Co. 

IOWA.— ComlnR — ^F. C. Reese. 

DCB Molaes— W. W. Moore, Lleraaed Dls. 
KUr, — ^■ItowwOi — ^Wm. lb Oaatoo. 

P. and 

■Ml BlsMid B. Staler. 

Updtgraws ft 0». 

PbiMlumi Qui. K. Obeehaltacr. 
T iw e t ft K nriUta 

m . Cei S B i M i J . C. BInaky (at <M 


Pboenix— C>- C . 
T£Mir.— Cordela— V.' 1 

Harrlmaik-^arrlman B. P.- 

TEX.— AaartllsW. L. 

-~ - " " P.- 

UZAR.-8aIt Lake Cttr MaTiM; : 
WIS.— West Soperior— C. Ai..' 

perlor Hotd. 
OAS. — ^Montreal — C. 

Vancourer. B.' ^ 
Uastlnss St. 


Salllian imm 


Followlnjt Barsains This Weak 
CnmplatetraakpfitfarmaeBtotaakow " 

alleitrntor boy tiaoo, with banner; 10 wnod i 
Iron litands, tHXOO e«c«: & srlnrcope pictui 
f 10.00 each: & Victoria picture macblnea I 
7 EtiiMoik mlot hhoaoirrmplis. larvt-st slx<-. I 

tops, (cnoi order. C SlOO eacb: 1 Pcerie* 
piano, ifio rolla moalr, noa.110 coi*tV700.i]0: 1 Lebto mmt* 
inr picture machine acaoQ; 1 movinir pletaea aaasatm 
! I aaWaamiW: I Empire floaa MA,M; lalao 

Mnnballstaircd, «orklait<niTM.1> aUSaaaC' 
■iCmMM,dl«tat(dac pbotoseope. laaalM 

waea, ancrrT-lto round aad sec swlafok 1 

muaeam anatomy big hamaln; ride tor lira ladder, 

tiaunCcd awlnir. trip to alps, rocchanlnt. Imp the rap 

In aacomoblle ontflt: bicycle leap tbe gap outfit. 

SttTK — Manufsctarcr Intllan bead fortune tellers ttSs 
specially prepared luvtytble fortune slips for atwTemo 
hundred; lend fnr K^mpleM. sole Western agent for 
Weston's aalatea. wrllo Corclrcalani. 

VGWIt raVOHO awonderfall 

thabcatevar; torscora I" 
■raaanm ortnandeelUeat.. 
•lalckllsreiTGalar. HaMa 
- — - - - *dL_ • 

410 i 

ronderfDl nysUfftas anion 
a a Mw, >^ ja ak a>as» » 

•MaamaMaaaaaaaaBlMr ■ 


AdnxUaamaBta andar thla haadiaK wOl ba 

- ai ttaa nnifoza nis tt Wa 

t St.00 p< 


ABE.— CoB«V^,» P. dark, box 12. 
OAL.— E ur e ks . IW. B. Mathewa, 030 SaS m. 

A. Caswell Jk Aas. 
ea.-nAtlaBt»-3l. P. Booshton. Ma W, 
ISL.— leat at, t —la W . B. P i nr 

EdwiiSiillli ■"tWnajMa Ato. m. 

MattuM awfcwwB noi,. IH ir. sa 

TTP. WMlllllHm mslamlBflilHai sawcictt at. 
ladlasapaUa — lndlanapo>la Ade. Co,, ttU 

ateeenson Bide. 
HnaeU— Qlnoelc AdT. Co. 
Tettc Biote— O. U. Banictt. 

lOWJ Dm UoIb(*-JW. W. Hms^Umi 

Down — ^Qaimi B, P. aaS Mr. fMb 
aiaaon Cltr— Scary mOU. ' . 

KAir.— 'Atchison— atr Bnipaothw COl 
Oaawatomie — B. P. FWier. 

B. Obard It Oo. 
KASS. Ttialwi riiiHiliigbam & Ooorley. 

'Boatos— Jobs V. Carter. aSS BrlmaDt at. 
Jaekaon— W. B. SokiaMn 
Umr,— atatrla-Ocorce B. Law r i MO, B. P. sod 

XO.— St. Iiotda— 8. A. Hyde, SISS BogMls at 
nabert J. 

CMt Ti T l s A. a 9L Itoolrr. 
PulaSaw TMinii Tkylai; SO Warea^ al. 
Schcseets^— Cluw.H.B«BHIet, lauay 
Syracnae— James Molonsbey, Oaoiler 

S. OAB.— StaterrUIe-^BoTTland AdT. Co. 
OHIO.— Clnclnaatl— J. J. Uvt^ * OS. 

Oolmnooa— e, A. we*. 

Foetorla— fW. O, * dk, H 

XllBn St. 

Jfartln'i F?n7 — J. J". BlantenbTirf . 



^'Wben tbe Harvent Mood Is Shining On ths 
RlTer." -ShameOn Y.,u." "l-eWr Piper." "WaU 
come As Flowers In :ila7," "Gettysburg,** **Wb 

ajlv*T7 MohKwa Flows." ^'Baaaet Tims Onwsn*s 

Blue to Gold." 


ileal aboira'MLaiBa~CiKrtaa, i4b ~ iiljlrsaaTsAlft 

LGVT.aeG: r«i«r.T.r.A.,LBk«0hwle8,l«. 

HERE rr IS-Psycbo, tM woadar at «M wbolo world. 

SomethliKr ojitlrvly new and baaoer lu O M a y gaMsr. Wa 
ai« sole manufacturan o( WcMost gslawSa and an 

kinds of lllasloDs. Inclcee stamp for catal oraa. WBS. 
TON MFU. CO., t44 Carmlbers Plaoe, Lawrence. 

MfSM MH Bt aek-taca eomedlaa. . . 

WMSIBW apsclaltr aao.or good t aam . 
wMat medicine people preferred If had a 

StaSaiowestMUarr in flrst letter. 1 will pav ej 

IMeelby land, play small towns. Prof, liaao:,orwTltataaaBalte,IIa. 


Saeen One. laim. be 

win take iblTty-OTat 

keep them over wtatlam. 
Park, Dayun, Ohio. 


Send for lists of films &nd (f^chftnira PIO* 
position. Pose, sons and lecture slldMS sll 
beautifully colored ; 35 cts. per slide. 

C. If. HOIils * 
200 STtlft St., Cbleaco, HI. 

Dice; perfect work tbat ireta tbe 
tnonej, ttSOpertet. Newtrmnspar- 
cot loaded work. taCewt nurbed 
cards; new binrk-oat Ink. ^arma- 

tc«d[i«rf«CttX.O0per bottle. LAUr*t 

holdout Dwefalotsf. aplDdtMi. »boot- 
imc tcallertcs. etc.. etc. Writ* tor- 
Bflw practical aportloff SDOd» cB«a^ 

J. p. KWWTOifcCgj. 


Jost Ihe thing tor tacking Ua and cardboard Mna 
Ererr diso-lbotor shoald bMaaa^^Pldasas wH^ 
double exteiislou baudiS. W kMMB IMS; 
triple cxtenMloa handle. tt^paHBlaaL 
Send raoner wttb the order. ]Maaasaa«»< 

The Oonaldaon IMhm. So 



Xtie Billboard 

OCTOBER 21, ntS, 

(OoBdaatd tram page 23.) 

, la. W: Bamp- 

: o :««fc.'Je>. r„ iMi: Y<_ 

At' Hmi: BMav. M. O. BlntM. mgr.: E»r 
feaoe^ lad.. IS; Clneiaaatl. O.. SS-3S. 
' AtlaoM, Maud. CiiM. FrolmaD, mgr.: Waablas- 

toa D. C le-a: Buffalo. X. T.. »38. 
.A> Y«B Soir. W. A.Bndr t Joa. B. flttaMT. 
. aagia.: Boaton. Mass.. 0-21. 
Ifraai tba FacUc. caiu. E. . Blancr '';kMMs.TOn.. 
mgn.: Clilnso. ' 10^ i . 

Colin try B05- in Nr« XHl^:tOm|[i?X^4^*'Sl. 

AUen. viola. Cfa«s. FrntllM. ■jr.f '• IWidtl- 

pbLi. p>.. a-:>i. 
Aftn Mldnlgbt. Spencer & Aboro, mgrs.: Pltts- 

bnrs, P«.. 

A Coontrj- KJd, H. B. T\Tiltiiker, mgr.: La 
Sall«. HL. IS: Bioomllistoa 20: Strpator 21. 

A MUllonalre Tramp. Fred C. TTjomas. mgr.: 
Pletiant CiU, O., IS; St. Marys. W. Va.. 19: 
AtbeM. O.. 20: Pennaboro, W. Va.. 21 

A Rain. il Life. Att>*rt Lavelie, mgr.: WIIU- 
mantlc. Coon.. IS: New Britain 19-21. 

A WUe's Secret: Kansas Cltr. Mo.. 15-21. 

A WinOr Clcr. Parker Xeff. msrs.: Man- 
brim. Pa.. IS: BphmU IS: CatUale 20; Co- 
lumbia '£1: BamealMM- .'JBp . - ^.' , .> " 

Alone Ok Moiiawk. FlBiMij Wa mWrnv*.:^ Kwr 

York City, ie-21. 
A Uttle Outcast: iJiy City. MIcli.. 21-23: Wleh- 

lia, Kan.. ZT. 
A I>anKeroos Life; BamiA>oro. Pa.. 20. 
Ane. Bdna: Bocbester. N. Y.. 16-18. 
Angle's Gomedlana: Lamar. Mo., Nor, 18-23. 
Albee Stock Co.. Edv. F. Albec, pivp.: Fkw. 
-.tadcat, S. I.. Sept. 4L MteC 
jAkaau Stock Co., Belaaw'ft JIim. JWa-: Sui 

' nmncisco, Cal,, ladeC 
: AbscUb, MarsatvU ITIii^li t BMi, Bgn.: Knr 
■Xaik CItF. Sept. 91, Mac 

kSI;. Kalnuloo 25; 

' U.. 8; SUa- 

■« TnriliMitii tr IhniWS^ff^^^''^ 
Bujmore. J«aa A Anr nanB.^^AUoaai^ Fa,* 

IS; Jobnatoini IP; Btad<acK.aL^ V 
Banr stock Co.. Mllaa Bczqr.'ave.^ 'VaaaalBK- 

too. Ind.. 16-a. 
Bantiiiir. - Earl Bnrsew, mcr.: Tonkers. 

Jf. Y.. 16-21: \UdjlIetowo 23-28. 
Brlgga, Flojd B.. Torbett & Wallace, mgrs.: 

Fcstns. Mo,. le-lS; Maiden 19-21, 
BaiTTmore. BtbeL Cbas. FrolKDan, mgr.: Los 
Anseles. CaL, 16-18; Orleans. La., 23-2S. 

Betmett-MonltoD. C. H. Ocobock, mgr.: An- 

bom. N- r.. 18-21; BlnKbampton 23-28. 
BenneR-MoDlton, Will A. Partello, mgr.: I^or- 
rlnston. Cocm., le-IS; Wesclield. ATnw., 23-23. 
Bankers & Brokers, iTlth Vorke & Adsms, B. 
E. Forrester, msr.: PIttsfcnrs, Pa.. 
BaltJmote. Md_ 23-28. 
Bieckenndge Stock Co., Ed^rln 

BUcknreU. Otla.. 115-21. 
Bernard, Sam, Cbas. Prolunan, msX^Wlffi 
Mass.. 18: Brldseport. Conn.. 
2IV-21; BrookljTi. X. T.. 23-28. 
BeDevr. Kyrle, Lirtiler & Co.. mgrs.: Boston. 

Mass 2-21: E>roTideDce. B. I.. 23-23. 
Batea. Blanche, Darid Belasco. m^.; Balti- 
more. Md.. 16-21: Washington, D. C. 23-28. 
Bereafurd, Harry J. j. Coleman, mgr.: Ktiox- 
TlUc. T«an.. 18: Cbattanooga 19; Home, Ga.. 
20: Aimiaton. Ala.. 21: Atlanta. 6a., 23: 
Atbeiia 21: Angnsta 25; Colmibla. Sw (X. 28: 
OnngrboiK 2i; Macon, Ga., 28. 
Bcnnctt-Mooltan. ICa.B. XnrliaU. a»r.: Marth- 

amptao. Lawrence S-ML 

Bca Hnr. Klair A '^BdaBsar. lactu 

18-18: VocOnir.aMH. 

I's ConKdiaaib><nnt->Kt' 

Jam: HMmfcaa.. 

T- Wnteuee, B^''K-»iiiilu, agr.t JOl' 

Ooroell Stork Co.. W. & 
oostHirg. Pa.. 1S-2I. 
Cbenr Taller (Eastern). •Preorh A 

mgi*.: Clartco. lU., 18: Keoknk. la.. IS: 

Cantoa. UL. 30: QoincT 21: Ft. Mad ison. la.. 

22; OfCilOMR 27* 
CaiToa C li a in d j Oa.. lao CiRnll, mgr.: iMaco- 

nlas. lU.. M-n: rHjWGW. W. Va.. 

* BMM;^ MVl.: 

uod.' Vk.,^^ IMS: tmtitan^ Dtti SSt At- 
lantic atr, X. 7.. - ti: jQknr. x. T.. ss: 

Schenectailbr St; Utica 2S: Itbaea 28; Boehes- 

ter 27-2S. 

Cook-Cborcb Stock Co.. H. W. Tarlor, mgr.: 

Xort'D Adams. Mass. 18-21: .Xanr Britain. 

COOD.. 23-28. 
Cohmlal Stock Co., J. M. Toir. mgr.: Fall 

BlTcr, Mass.. lS-23: Brockton 3^40. 
Croaman. Henrii tta, Maarlce CknpbaB. mgr. 

Boaton, Mass.. lt>-2S. 
DD^blan. Roac. Aichla l- 

treal. Can.. -J" 
Creatoo, Clarke^ 

Can., J6-2I. 

CUfford. BlDr. C. F. Wbltakcr, mgr.: Balti- 
more. Md.,- lC-21. 

CcFter's Ijist Tigttt, Flank C. -KlMadcs. mgr.: 
Washinctoo, A. Tl 'ISltl - . . -v:. 

Crack-.\ Jack, CMlk V 
Vs.. le-lil. 

Cblcaso Stock Co.. Chas. 

ABlnnoe. O.. 15-21. 

Coc^rore Stock Co.. Jobn F. Cotgtott, 
Brocton. Mass., 16-21. . _ ; 

Calumet Stock Co.. John T. <OmmmMi 

Sontb Cbleago, m., Indef. 
Carter, ilta. Leslie. Darld Belasco. mgr.: 

Tork CItr. Sept. 21, Indef. 
Castle Sqnare ^ocfe Co.: Boston. Mass.. hldef. 
Cawthome. Jci«pti. Klaw & Erlanger, mgrs.: 

Xeiv Vork City. Oct. 16. Indef. 
Central Stock Co.. Belasco A Mayer, mgrs.: 

San Fr»nci»co. CaL, Indef. 

CoUIer. William. Cbas. FrtdMB,- ^P^: -I<an- 

don. Eng.. Ang. 20.1ndet, 
CaF-HaJI: Sbelbina Mo.. 16-21. 
l) »iVa .gnrdete Stock Co., Tboo. R, 
'.: St. Angnartlne, Pla.. IfrSt; 

H. Bosskim, mgr.: 

Bcnaett-Jfoolton: Oldton, Me., 18-21. 
Bniani. Kirk. I. F. Merrick, msr.: Mew Cas- 

fle. Pa.. 18-21. 
Be nn ett Stimr: Mllaca. Minn., Sept. 4. Indet. 
Brcnnen Stock Ob.: Maynard, Mass.. 16-21. 
Btmdfotd. Sophie C.: PhUlipabarg. Pa,, 23-28. 
BalMB-MelTine Stodc Cow^ Mew ~ ~ 

Sept. 3. indef. 
Belaseo A Mayer Stodr'Oit: ''^ 

Aog. 2£. Indef. 
Belasco rtbeatre Stock Co., Belasco A Mayer, 

mgrs- : Los Angeles. CaL. Ang. 28, Indef. 
; BUou Sto<^ Co.: XaU BIsccv Masa.. IndeC. 
' j^l^'' ^^jBS<i^|jOtfy--ilSiBLj^'^ 

Sfasa.. Indef. 
BafltngtOD Stock Co.: Fall Blrer. Mass.. Indef. 
Bnffllngton Stock Co.. D. R. BnOlngton. mgr.: 

New Bedford. Mass.. Oct. 2, Indef. 
Bnrbank Stock Co. : Loa Angeles, Pjl.. Indef. 
Cbaoncey-EellTer, Fred Chatmcey, mgr. : Bocb- 

cMas. Pa., ie-21: Elwaod Cttr 

■j-y'tli; ^1 . -. Creatan. liiSlSisy. Biaf IN h SS- 

.Oodoc-rMelTlIte^' ObaK 'K'lftMDe, Bgr.: 6iccB- 
TlUe. Pa., iMt; Ohv.SB^S; (Hean. X. T.. 

.28-28. .^v.;.,-':;-,'.;,,, -.- 

Chaia TIattr Baati* (SootiiaiB). Ohaa. Bar- 

zHmo. mn.: FajetteffBc.- 316.. lS-18; Ft. 

SmttSr 29-21. 
Chad Slanres at TStur- Totk, Chas E. Blawy 

Annae. Ool. pmps.; J. P. Edtbaidt. mgr.: 
' Trenton. N J. 16-18: Camden 19-21: Baltbaote. 

Md.. 23^28. 

CSieckers, CorneUDS Gardiner, mgr.; Brooklyn. 

N. r., 16.21; FbfladelpUa. Pa.. 23'Kot. 4. 
OoafessloDS of a Wtte, A. H. Wooda. mgr.: 
LoolailDe. Kx- 
8; Oan«, Ok 

Meek Co.. PtdL ljKfr. 
is-zi; Ancatnn I 

? < Boefe »: ni»^ SMr-SS: OuScB^ttr Aika- 
ddpUa Stt-Raaestr Bli Bv* Si: 'taatkaaa. 
Tex.. »: afiHfein:Sr;^aincpert. Ll. 28. 

Drake " " ~ 



■ ■ ■ - -■ 

-Anea. Kcaar A WestfaO. aigia.; Bedla. 
: 0«t_ IS: Stratford 19: St. Tbooas 90: London 
St; Chatham 23: Woodstodc SI: Gait 2S: 
Branttord 26; St. Catherines 27; Hamilton 28. 
Dndley. Frank, Prank Dndley, mgr.: Water 

Valley. Miss.. 16-31: Colmnbns 23-2S. 
Dora Thome (Rotrland A ClltTord's Co. .^.), 
Harry Mayo, mgr.: Hoboken. N. J.. 15-lS: 
ESlza}>etli 10-21; So. Jfonvalk. Conn.. 23; 
DerbT ^; Bristol Danbixry 26; Bridgeport 


Dora Tborae (Borland A ClUTord's Co. B.), S. 
G. Hartman, mgr.: Brockawajrllle, Pa,. 18: 
Jobnsooborg -19: St. Marys 20; Emporlam 21; 
. Benora 23: Lock Bayen 21; Belletonte 2S; TT- 
rone 2C: -Hontzdale 2:7: PhOllpsbmx 2S. 

'Dora Tbome (Ro<rlai>d A CUTTord's Co. D-l. 

• Smyth, mer.: Pitsfleld, IM.. IS: Roodbonse 
19; Falmrra 20: Alton 21: Belleville 22: 
Staunton 23; Pana 24; SnlllTan 25; Effingbaai 
26: Xeirtoo 27: Cvntralla 4S. 

Dora Thome (Rowland A Clifford's CoCC. D.). 
L. E. Pond, mgr.: BrookrlBe, Ind-. IS; La-nr- 
lencebOTZ IS: Anrora 20; iMadlEOn 21: Sey- 
mour 23; Colnmhtis 21; Ftanklln 25; Martlns- 
Tine 26: BloomlnRton ST; Bedford 2S. 

Dora Thome (Kon-land A Clifford's Co. E.), 
W. T. GasklU. m?r.: Belllngham, Wash., 
18: Anaeortes IS: Monnt Vernon 20: Siiobo- 
mish 21. 

Down by the Sea, S. W. Combs, mgr.; Alma 
MIcb.. 18: Bay City 10; Sagioan- 30; Benton 
HazlMr 21; Hammond. Ind.. 22; Valparaiso 
23: Wankesan. m.. 2t: PlatterUle. Wls_ 25; 
Lancaster 26: Portage 27: Fond do Lae 2S. 

DerU's Anctlon (Chas. H. Yale's): Canton. O 
IS: Maasilloa 19: Akron 20; Lorain 21; Blyrla 
23; Fremoot ^: Fostorla 23; Fladlaj- 28; Lima 

David Hanm (IMi. 2) - Jdia* Citn. nsr. 

Idaaia. «, L. IML ^ • ^ 

BB«lS,.BfenaB ' ifKlK- S>. MHa8:-aCHnk7 asr.: 

KMne. X. B, IS: AtM. -JSna^ 2Si 

20: Way M! - _ _- . 


Dr. Jek;l aaS Ttt. Viiftft (Lnltl. ^ 

■asr.: Xt. Tbmb. IS;; CHMM >- 

Jvi*. ;.■ :: '■ - • 

D'Onar. Taiaiiau, DaaM FMnaa. asr.: TU 
adelphla. Fa., as^er. 4. 

DavU. Flstcaee^ Mia. B. C. DeMIIle, met. 
- m i. » ...ii-« Ym. 90-21. 

Deserted at the Altai. Percy C. WOlUma. mgr. 
St. Cathcrtaes. Oat.. IS: Genera. X. Y.. 21. 

Deadwood Dick: DetfUeines,. la.. 22-25. 

Down Wliere the Cotton Blossoms Grow. Breck- 
enrldge A Wells, props.; F. A. Sallabmr, bns. 
mgr.: Mexico. Mo., 18: CarroUton 19: James- 
port 21: CMUIcothe 23; S UaUtlf St; Bed 
Oak, la. 25. ' ' ...-■■^ ^ 

Daly, Arnold. Lender A CI»..- <Bsn.: Haw T«A 
City. Sept. U. Indef, 

Darcr t Speck's Stock Co.: Philadelphia. Pa., 
Sept. 4, Indef. 

DIemer Stock Co.: SprinsH^-ld. Mo., Indef. 

Dixev. Henry E.. W. N. La-nrence. mgr.: New 

Tork City. Oct. 9. indpf. 

Drew. John. Chaii. FrotUDan. mgr.: New York 

City, Sept. 4. Inflef, 
Swing. Gertrode: (Jhlckasha. I. T., 16-21. 
Edeson. Robert, Henry B. Harris, m|rr.: Pttts- 

bnrg. Pa.. 18-21; dereland. O., 23-28. 
Bmeraon. Mary, Samuel Lpwlt. msr.: Ashland, 

Pa.. IS: SkasMkin 1»: Sbcnaadsab 20; Ber- 

, B. H 

isr-a8Mai.'3i8;, I*: as|h:»s$ciffe^ a; 

lailott. Xaslac. C B. 
_T<>rk CHr. Sept. *. ' 
B i apl ie Stack Ca,: 
tepin Ibnti* 
Sept. 4. ladcC 
Far Bit BncsesTs Crtae, D. D. Sean, Bgr.: 
1tlnMt«. atd.. t«-ct; :ccw Totk citr. M. t.. 

Fonaiaia Co. (Oatial). Kabn A Behols. msr«.: 
Bapoda. Kaa.. lO-lS: Learenwortli .9-21; 
Jnaetlaa City 23-38: Atchtson 26CS. 

Fan^fe la Xmt Yari^ irttk^aBaa ^Ssag H. 

Ing. Pa.. lO'd: ScaaaMB 9t4B:' WllkMbarre 


For Her Sake. Lonls \. BUIOIt. mftr. : Tra- 
cey, Minn,. IS: Marshall 19: Litchfield 20: 
■Wllmar 21; Canby 23: Watertoan. S. D.. 24: 
Brookings S>; Lake Preston 2C: Dell Ilaplds 
27; Flandreau 2S. 

Fenberg Stock Co. (East m). Geo. M. Fenberg. 
mfn-. : New Bedford. .Mas-<.. 10-21: Xc^vport. 
B. 1., 23-2S. 

Feuherg Stock Co. (Western*. Deslion. 
mgr.: Xorwlch. Coun.. ItJ-*.:!; illdillt'lon 23- 

Fanst (Porter J. White's). Otau Verne While. 

mgr.: Gajlord. Mlcli., IS; Pcioskey 19; 

Boyne City 20; TTaTerse City 21; Stanton 23; 

Mt. Pleasant 21; Alma 25: St. Johns 26; Low- 

eU 27; Mnskegoa 2S. 
Fulton Bros.' Stock Ca.. Jack GUnes, mgr.: Be- 

lolt. Kan.. 16 21; Emporia 23-2S. 
FIizsimTOons. Robert. In .\ KlgUt for Lore. Leon 

Friedman msr.i St. Loala. Mo.. 15.21. 
Fleming. Mamie. W. H. Gracer. mgr.: Pater- 

.■<on, X J.. 16-21; Lancaster. R«.. 23 2S. 

Fl.Tnn Stock Co., Balpb A. WarU. mpr. ; Rum- 

ford Falls. Me,. 16-21: Lewision 23-28. 
Folsoni Stock Co.: So. MoUaaia^. I. T.. 16 21. 
Flsk.'. Mrs.. Harrison Gcer' EMb tMr.: Phil 

adelphia. Pa.. 18-38. 

FiTcttluuii. .Wn.. UcUer Jt Ck,. . Bcn.: CU- 

cago. in., 1S-2S. 
Flake. May. Jokn Coagrvra. aacr. 

Mass.; 16^: Lyna 23-28. 
Fra DlaTolo (F. A. Wade'a). 

mgr.: Aidmsce. I. T.. 17-48: Paican IS: Mr- 

■sr;r XMr XMc GMr. -MB. 
Fktty Sam Halt, iv-: XdCcaaabi 

m,. 18: TokaaoBSlDa IS; Hcrrta 30: Mnrpkys- 
bOM> S. 

ForepaDgta Stock Co.. Oto. r. t 1m. jFSnpangta 
FIso, mgrs,: CtaelBBatL C Sept. S. ladef. 

Porepangh Stock Co.: . FMIadelphia. pa.. Aog. 
SC. Indef 

Franklin Square Stock Co.: Worcester. Mas." 

Garside. J. a.. Bis Stock: Ck.: MradrUlc. Pa 
y « B III! II B,. ac-:.x;;r sssK - .. 

GlITord Haeilvg: Cktau Wb.; 1«8I: Ba»i Cnen. 


Callatin. Alberta. In Cousin Kate. Kane Ship 
man & Colrin. mgrs.: ZaoesiTiUe,. O., IS: 
Lancaster 19; Cbtllleotba 30; Pertsmanth 21: 
B^~ ■ SM" Ft a1 Iw I • 8»; Laktsrllle 

TELEGRAMS for routes of per- 
formers, tent shows or carnival com- 
unless parties PREPAY MESSAGE 
BOTH WAYS, giving hotel address or 
street number. If route wanted can 
not be found in The Billboard, publica- 
tion is prohibited, or we had not re- 
ceived it up to time of forms closing. 

Ells-er, Effle: CbarlestOB. a;v1bitU: Jaeksni- 

rtrie, Fla., 19; In i iiimli. Bi " WJ" 
Eckfeazdf a Ideals, OUrar J. ; 

r Aofnata 31. 

Gray. JoUa. In Her Only Sin (Lincoln J. far- 
ter's), Frank T. Wallace, mgr.: .Vnrora, 111., 
18: taSalle 10: Otla>va 20: JoIIet 21; Peorl 
22: Princeton 23: Kewanee 21; Dlion 23: 
SterllnE 26; Freeport 27: Clinton. la. 28. « 

Griffith. Jolin. John JI. HIcfcey, mgr.: Ottawa. 
O.. 18: Van Wert 19: Oellna 20: Lebanon 21; 
London 23: Lxncister 24: Clrclerille 25; Chll- 
Ucothe 26: Marietta 2T: Jackson 28. 

Gllmore. Bamev. narrr MontgOBC 
Philadelphia, Pa., 16 21; Xew Xeck 

Go€>d,. Adam, Moirte Thompeon, m^.; 
Conn.. 16-2J: Meriden 23-28. 

Goodwin. X. C Chis. Fvohman, mgr.: Pbll- 
adelpbla. Pa.. 23-Xov. 4. 

Galland. BerUjn. UarW BdascSL aw.: New- 
ark. X. J.. 23-2S. . . 

Click Stock Co.. T. h;. snilt, -a^: Bur Or- 
leans, L«., 9-XoT. 5. 

Gllmore. Paul, Jules Mmrr. mgr.: Fairmont, W. 
Va.. IS; Clarkifcarg 10: East Urerpool. O., 
20; Wheeling, w. Va.. 21; Mesdrllle. Pa., 

Gvjnion-Pollock Stoci Co.: Roanoke, Va.. Indef 
Garden OSieatre Stock Co.; Clesclaad. O.. 

ladef. _ . . .. .. 

" " ' ttt. 10. 

Cmele; iniii^vCkas. FMbman. m^ : lyondon, 

rsi';.lll|jl. ID. ladet. 
GllBMse' fliaek Co,: Springfield, Masa., Sept. 

BoelBer. lack. McKee A De-HtdUs, mgra.: Bnrl. 

■oetaa. la, I»2I; Qolncy. DL. 2228. 
BarmEaa. .W.. a.. *^ Baaa MtAene, Geo. L. 

Marian. , '&aBfefc.-SL, 'SS4S 

HarrlS«nklHMI MscK Ok, Bekt! H. Harrla. 

aitr.: ITestoa. W. Ta, M-U; Bachanan 19-21. 
Bsv ■carts Are Brofeca. J. K, CUffotd. mgr.: 

Jkckaaa. Miiai., 18; XUcSib O, IS-Zl: Cln- 

dnnatl 22-27. 
Henderson Stack OK,. W.^Jk B.' BeBdeiaon. 

mgrs.: Toledo, Ii, IMl: Wksadr 23-25: 

Waterloo 28. 
Hall, Don C: Hartford, Conn., 9-21; Prorl- 

dence, R. I., 23-XoT. 4. 
Her Wedding Day. James Wall, mgr.: Chi- 
cago. 111., 15-NoT. 4. 
Hortoo, Henry, in Eben Holden, W. B, Scam- 

BMo. Bigr.: -pittlbatK, Pa. 16-Zl; Vaoder- 

■attt 'S4. 

Sis Fka>cc*a Sla. Ted Cailloa. aagr.: Hosies- 
tOD, la., 19; Corydon 20; Morarla 23; Boston 
25; EddyriUe 26; KnoiTllle 27; Pclla 28. 

Hans Hai»on, Jas, T. McAlpIs, mgr.: Clln- 
tonTille, Wis., IS; Shawano 19; Oconto 20; 
Ksttkansa 21; Jnneaa 23; Jefferson M; Ft. 
Atkinson 2S; Harrard. 111., 26; Earlvllle 27- 
Mendota 28. 

Hendricks,. Ben, Wta. Gray, mgr.; Mt. Clemens, 
lUA,. 18; Port Horoa U; Samla. Oat.. 20; 

Wm. F. BOcy, aigr.: 

DeaMoiaca SU8. - 
HoUlncawottk Twlaa. Law Okaaaa, mar.: He. 

dersoBTHIe. N. C. 1S4I; AafceTlIlea.Zg 

Banford, Cbatlcs B., JT. Lanrn ocr WaUae 
mgr.: JaeksonslUe, HL. IS; SpringOeld »r 
Decatnr 20: PeorU 21; JoiletSt: 
21; Blgln ZS; Aurora 26; O m aa 3T> 
nee 2S. * 

Herrmann, Adelaide A Co.. Bdw. _ 
mgr.: Seattle, Waab., 18-21; VletoriaT bTc' 
23: Vancouver 21; Weatmlnster 23: Belllae' 
hatn. Wash., 26; E>rer»tt 27. * 

Hoyt's Comedy Co., H. G. Allen, mgr.- Kea. 
neit. Mo.. 16-21: OsrutbersTlUe 2B-28. 

Honest Hearts (Kllmt A t>axxol^a), STIUam 
Marble. Jr.. msr.: PortIai>d. On.:, IMl: Sb 
lem 23; Oregon City 21; Eogeae SS: AI|£ 
20; CorralHs 27; Rosehoig 2S. 

Hall, Howard, In T&eMll Hons Ire Detectlre, lles- 
ry Pler«)n. mgr.: Dayton. O.. ls.|a- 
dlanapollf. Ind., 19-21; St. Lonls. Mo„ a».^ 

Her Fatal Sin. with Annie Haailllon. .\, J. 

Aroy. mgr.; Kokomo, Ind.. 21. 
Huntings. The Four. Harry Dull, mgr • 

i'ounKstown, 0., 21; GreeoTllle. Pa., 31. 
Homun Hearts (Southern), Jaoi Slmou mgr*" 

Valdosta. Ga., 18; Balatiridae 19; Alkaarsi: 

Amerlcus 21: MUIe^^vSte. Sks' MaeSB S- 

OrliUn 2ri: Annlatoa. Ak.;- SS; CisMha »• 

Birmingham 28. * 
nigglns, David. In His Last Doilar. E. D. 

:$tair. m|;r. : Sooth Bend. Ind., IS; BUchart 

ID: KendallvlUe 20: Ft. Wayne 21; Orand Ran- 
Ids. Mich., 22-25; Tol do. O.. 20 28. 

Holland. Mlldrvd, Z. C. Wliite. msr.: Ports. 

lEOuUi. 0.. IS; MajsTllle. Ky.. 10; Middleiown 
0„ 20; Springfield 21: Mnode. Ind 23: Aniler. 
son 28: EKi'ood 27; Kokomo 28. 

Harrey A Gage Comedy Co.: Bnrllnston. vt.. 
l&Xl: Ottawa, OU., 23-28. 

Home Fidks, Slaw A a-langer, mgrs.: KaD>3s. 
City. Mo.. 13-)S: De aM oln e a. la.. 19-21; oma 
ba. Nek, 3U1; Ltoeoln 25; Sioux city, u.. 

(Easten). 3. Xt 
■sr.: •WUkeskane. Fa.. IS-IS: ^ 
Sll IHFPkaat 33; Caitsnisis Si;. 

25: OaeoBta 38: XonrtA SI: .BiaL_ 

Hitchcock, Bayiaaod. BCBIT W. Smse, ■».: 

New Vork City. 1S4L 
Bayward. Grace, Turn Kresa, aigr.: 

Kan., IC-Sl. 
Hnnt Stock Co., M, A. Hunt, mgr.: Ypailaatl, 

Mich., 16-21. 
UUlman. May, Bosner A Sclinal>el. mtn.: Co- 

boodale. Pa., I«-ai. 
Herald Sqnare Stack Co. (Northern). Bitter A 

Fanshawe, mgrs.: Oldtown, Me., 16-21. 
auiyer'a Comedy Co.. dark BIByer, i^.: Cat 

pepper, Va., 16-21. 
Her First False SIC* (O. F. WkUakBM: Ob- 

clunatl, O., la-Jl,-: . .• r •= ;.• » • 
Booligan In Xew XaHt. F>a«ji * B i b b a; mgn-z , 

Hope. Ark., 18. 
Bow Baxter Butted In: Norfolk, Vs.. 20. 
Herald SquareStock Co. (Soothera), Rlttet A 
Fanshaw, mgrs.: Beardstown, Ky., lt>'21, 
Howard-Dorset, Geo. Howard, mgr.: Charlestoo, 

W. Va.. 16-21. 
Eloollpan's Tro^Ies, A. J. Ayleawacth, Mgr.: 

LetlArldge, Alberta. On., 20; CMMt'-a; 

McLeod 23: Plneher Cteek 21; PkB^ K.CU. 

35; CtanbrooS 26-2T; Moyle 23. 
Uimmeleln's Ideal Stock Co.: Sandusky, O., 23- 


Hackett. James K., and Mary Mannerias- New 

York City. Sept 9B. ladef. . .-M 

Hamilton ,t ThonipaaB*s StedE Oo.i. I^BB. BsM. 

Miy 22. Ind.f. 
ilolden Stock Co., Boldeo Bros., mgrs.: la* 

dlanapolls. Ind.. May 15. Indef. 
nnntlngton-DeDyn Stock Co.: Lowell. -Mass., 

May 22. indel. 
International Stock Co.: Poagllfeoifrte. >. T,. 

16-21: Schenectady 23-2S. 
In Old VIrtrlnla. W. C. Ware, mgr.: Cotnmbos. 

Xeb.. IS; Uavia CItv ID; Logan, la., 20;. 

Mlfsoarl Malley 21; Elk Point, 8. D., 23i 

Sloui City. Lt,. 24: Sloji Falls. S. D.. 2S: 

L^Mar*. la.. 2i;; Cbi-rokee 27; Ft. Dodge 28, 
In the Lund ot Cotton: Marlboro, Mass.. ai. 
Imperial Stock Co.: ProTldence, B. 1.. Sept. 

4. Indet. 

Imperial Stock Co.. Geo. B. BamBlaa. awr.: 
San Antonio. Tex., Aog. 81. ladef. 

Jerry from Kerry (Patten A Penj^): lAll- 
moK. X. D.. 18: MleUsaa OHj »: UMs 
20; Bdmore 21; OcTtTk lake SB. . 

Jordan Dramatic Co.. JImmb A>' Mtta^. Wgut 
Atlaatle. la, 1S4U 

Xai ' _ " ; _ 
dila 3S: Lake! 
Jeffnsoo. Ibsiaas, C. B. . 

YortTCBy, r — 

Joalla. AtUs: GreenSeld. O.. ST. 

Kellar, Magician, Dudley MeAdow, Dtgr.: ale. 
Pa., 18: Sharon IS; Y ouiigat u au . 0„ 20: 
Bast UTcrpool 21; Altoooa, Pa„ 23: Mlu- 
town 21; Greenabarg 25: OoooellsTllle 28: 
Wasblngtoo 2T; StentxmTllle, 0., 28. 

King at Tramps (Western), W. H. Dalrlmple. 
mgr.: Claremore. I. T.. 18: Tnlaa IB: Wag- 
oAer 20; Moskogee 21, So. McAleater 2S. 

Klngaley-Bnasell. E. B. Rnsaell, mgr.: Carroll- 
ton, ni., 18-21. 

Kennedy Mayers, witb John J. Kennedy: Oiam- 
berSbnrg. Pa., 16-21; CtuUberland, Md., 23-28. 

Kerkhotr-Hlllman, Omer J. Kenyon, bus. m£T. : 

lltaTierson, Kan.. 16-21. 
Knott, BoeeUe, Kane, ff^lrrflit A CHvia. mgi*-: 

Spokane Waab.. 20-21: &kBMi% .Ha. . St 

MoKow 24; PnUman, 

North XaUM ». 
KisB ae flw OslBM aiiw; IMa. 311 

. i, Mm.: MSB . 

KF,- M-M; lirmtm m 53nawpoU^ 
3fr4t: TVore Bavta SS; Decator, 111,. 
Springfield 25; BIoooilBgton 26; Peoria 27: 

Jacksonrllle 28. 

Karroll, Dot. J. C. Welch, mgr,: Dover, N. 11-. 
16-21; Xashoa 23-2S. 

King of Tramps (Eastern), Empire Amuse- 
ment Co., mgrs.: Mt. Pleasant, W. Vs., 18: 
Scottdale. Pa.. 19; ConnellsTttle 20: Union- 
town 21; Belle Venwn 23: Monongatela 'M- 
WaAlnctok 2S: Wayatlkuis 26; (^UHwsborg^ 


Xtie Billboard 


k Jiai«, O. B. W«e, ia«r.: Lowell, 

^ Ifi-a; Salem 2B-28. 

(UIMk. Bcttta, H«n1 «0 « ttCT 

New T«rk a*. |L Mk.- 
KIuk-Dltea. mi WrtlM. ■■T.t 
p«.. !««. 

Ont.. 18; aMMMd !•! K,' ■!* ■■«■ Wt 

don 21. 

Krr<4i«»'-MarrlMa Stock Co: P&vtneket, R. 
1.. UKl»f. 

Lrsile, Baubrl. Sim AUra, msr.: OlcaxA«M, 

i-d.. iti-21: ouiBio* zs^aai 

I.uc«. Pnnk E. Stock Osw: B*Mt^ Wk., IS- 


Lf»l>. IMroito'. John Uac, mgr.: Rondont, N, 

V 10-21; H«TM»tr«w SB-28. 
I^iinrr Wrlglit, B. A. Bslnhold, ngr.: Wor- 

i-r--fr'. Mi»., lO-Bl; PItaburg, P«.. SB-Hoy. t. 
L.i,t In » Big City, with N. S. Wood, A. H. 

VVooJa. mkr. : SCTinton. P«.. 16-18; WllkM- 
b»rre 11) 21; Jireey City. N. J., 23-28. 
tjikavr, Wilton. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: Salt 

Ijik^ ClIT. Utah. 19-21; Grand Junction, OoL, 
I>r»inUe 21: Pneblo 23; Ooloiado Spilll(* 

a;; Victor 27: Cripple Creek 28. 
Leidlv. Kaye, K. E. lUotrii. mgr.: Alatead, N. 

u. 16-ai: PvUMf 38-SS. 
Uceuni Stack Oi.: OmiMa, O., 23-28. 
LtTlugMM SU^ T. H. XMacatan, msr.: 

Peirolt. Mich., ladef. 
laraia^. Sobcrt, C. B. DUltartaBh -aCU I^ew 

V'ock CltT. Sept. 5. Indef. 
Ifccoi Slack Co. : Cape Mar, K. J., tadet. 
tjmm stack Co.: MlnseapoUa, Minn., Indet. 
Mr WlCa^ rmmUj (Weatem), w. UcOowan, 
"Vcr.: CkdllUc Ulch., IS; TraTene City 

n; Uaalatee 20; LDdlngtoo 21; Menominee 

St: MarlMtte, Wis.. 24: Green Bay 25. 
Mattice StoA Co., Ward B. Mattlce, mgr.: 

OoalwD, N. X., i»-ai. 
Hj Friend from Arkaniaw, wltli Bobt. Sber- 

man. Geo. F. Clark, msr.: WeatberfonJ, 

OUa., 18; Hoban U; Uaogum 20; Anadarko 

Zl; Lawton 23; Chlckaaha. I. T., 24; Enid. 

Okla.. 2S; Pawnee 28; Tuln. I. T., 27; Clare- 

more 2S. 

UcAnUffe. Jere. Al. W. WllaoD, msr.: Fort 
JerrK, N. 1., 10-21; New Bnmawick, M. t., 


Uotrlaoo. Lew, in Faiut, Wallace Sackett, 
mgr.: Brattleboto. Vt., 18; Mortb Adams, 
Mass., IS; Plttsfield SO; Benninston. TL, 21; 
Hdyoke, Mass., 23; Hartlord. Coon., 24; Wa- 
terlMir; 2S; Brldseport 20; Danborj 27; New 
BaTca 28. 

DO, Lmiaa, N. H. Tedder, msr.: m Do- 
- Mas.. 18: aatehlMB 1841: I.7on> SS- 
~ iwood aM8. 

% Trtt 

t^^m toj GlH, wUb Iiottte wnuana. Bean 
ViMbcU, m^: Maw ToA Cttr. 10-21 

Marks Bm. <No. 1), 3m Uute aiB.: Btor- 
tm lUh^ Oat,, IMI; BDdbny S48. 

Marks Bros. <No. 2), Emie Marks, Bsr.: Port 

Hope, Ont., 16-18. 
Morcy Stock Co., LeComte * Flcahcr, lasn.: 

AbUeae. Kan., lS-21; Sallaa 23-28. 
UelrlUe. Boae, tn Sla Hopkins. J. B. StacUns, 

mgr.: Logansport. lod.. 18; Teiie Haste 18; 

SprlngOeld, UL, 20; Jackaon 21; St. Looia, 

Mo.. 23-28. 

Mnrrar * Macker. Jotm J. Murray, msr.: 
Wbeellns, W. Va.. 18-21; Eaat Urerpool. O.. 


My Wlfe'B Family (Eastern), Prank W. Cooke, 
mgr.: MUwaakee, Wla., 13-21; Waakegan 
HI., 22; XiSPorte. lod., S*; MlcIil«ao City 25; 
Elkhart 28; Warsaw 37; Hartford City 28. 

Mastell. Robert B.. Wllllaa A. Brady, msr.: 
Dareninrt. la.. 18; Bock Island, ni., 19: 
Fcorta 20; SpringtleM 21. 

Kaaon & Mason, Broadhnrst A Carrie, tngrs.: 
-lUfmlBgtiain, Ala., 19-21; NasbTille, Teas. 

■■Iliiill. LUllao, In No Mother to Golde Her, 
i. L. Tanoea. ngr.: BoOaio, N. T., U-21: 

Ont^ flJ-^BSi 

stack Cm. (Waatam), Eacene 
WlB tfcua i . Ta,, IMl; Lebanon 

H^onaM Stock Oou. a. W. IbDiaaU. mgr. 

Wichita, ba- IMlr — — 

Uanbattan wSA - Ok, 
mgrs.: gwk ik tll , tL 


Morphy. nmotby, T. B. Sanaders, mgr.: Jop- 
Un. Mo.. 18; Ft. Scott. Kan., IS; Sedalla. 
Mo., 20; Ateblson, Kaa., 21; Kansas City, 
Mo * ^ffl' "''"^ ^= Joaaph, 

Myrki'e-Harder Stodc Co. (Eaatem). W. H. 
Harder, ngr.: Cbester, Pa., 18-21; Bllsa- 
beth. N. J., 2S-28. 

Mrs. Lefflngwell'a Boata. Gbaa. ItohaMa. nsr.: 
St. LonJa, Mo., miHi Sanaavort. bJsS: 

28; Omaka 2T-2S. 

M«e to ka nort Am Wmm^ Ctaa. b. 

Bluey AM. Ckb. aaSHkt ^BaMltta. Fa.. 

' 'ack. Stock Co.: Botrott, Va., 18- 

- ' "jaa- B. W. Marks, mgr.: Sbacbnoke, 

""Wirt Tdcfram, W. K. Icvience, 

Monfanat Stock 0».t • llavkaa, M. O. IML 
Mayo, Boaa: Knaafer — 
Moorebead Maak OibS 
Myrterics- aC Hair Talk: 

IXBa* Stock Co.: WaaUagtno, Fa., !•■ 

•«*Jg. WnUam-y., Hatiy Bnbb, mgr.: Canal 

.'L. 18: UhrlebSTllIe 18: New Lexlng- 
Albena 21: Uneoln. ni., 25; Sprlns- 

fleia 28; Decatur 27: Bloomtagton 28. 
Jianmeid, Rtcbard, Ben D Stevens, mgr.: CM- 

ciio. lU. Oct. 80. Indef. 
Marlowe Stock Co.: Cblcago. ni., Sept. 4. 


Matbet. CTara: Oajgaiy. Alberu. Can.. Indif. 
May. Cdna. Chas. Fnkmaa. mgr.: New Xaik 

City, Aug. 28, Indrb 
Mo<>re-M<«alInm Stock Oa>,t ■atfWatM'. W. S.. 

. Sept 18, Indef. 

Morosco. ollTer. Stock Co.: Lea Angeles, OaL, 

Jnly 10, Indef. 
Beaersole. Olga. C. B. Dintaigbam, mgr.: 

WajblngtoD, D. C. 23-28. 
Nettle, tbe Newaglrl. Gould ft Freed, mgra.: 

Camden. N. J.. 18-18; Wilmington. DeL, IB- 

National StoA Co., 6. B. aamllton, mgr.: De- 
troit. Mlcta., AOS. 28, Indef. 

Mew People's Stock Co. Fred Cooiad, mgr.: Gbl- 
cago. 111.. Sept 4. Indef. 

Nye. Tom Ftanktyn: PnbUatlon of route pro- 
hibited. Any mall addTtssed In care of The 
Billboard wlU be forwarded promptly. 

Onun A King: Canal Winchester. 0.. lS-21. 

Olohenm Stock Co.. Edward Doyle, mgr.: 
Xenla. O., 10-21; WaaUlngtou C. H., 23-28. 

Our New- MliUtfter, Miller A Cooyers, mi:ra.: 
Goshen, Ind., 18; Delphos, O.. 10; Marlon 
20: Lima £1; Detroit, Mlcb., 22-28. 

On the Bridge at Midnight (Kllmt & Gaixolo'a 
Eaatem), Fred Walton, mgr.: Ganlt, Ont., 
18: Brantford 10; St. Catberlnes 20; Niagara 
Falla. N. T.. 21; Batavia 23: Palmyra 21; 
Newark 2S; Lyons 20; Clyde 27. 

On the Bridge at Midnight (Kllmt * Gauolo'a 
Weatem), Daniel Beed. mgr.: Bed BloS, 
Cal.. 18; OmrUIe IS; Santa B4)aa 20; Tal- 
lejo 21; Sao 7oae IB-SI. 

Oyer NIagaim MOa (BawlaaS * OHflatd'a East- 
ern), Jobs P. Banut. mtr.: tMaavTUIe. O., 
Ouiimil"lI*' TOlIl L**"? % Mawuk^jg; 
ddpUa SB: itgne Ckaak sri ataaaman 28. 

Olcott. Ohaniaeer. AMHtM nlBB. Mgr.: Haw 
York city. 2(>-aai Msar fjmtm, Osn, St. 

Ole Oleson: PhUBpatalt; Fk- U: Bay Oty. 
Mlcb., 22. 

0-NeU. James: HaTerhin, Maaa.. ' Mk' JFItck- 
Irarg IB; MalTcm 20; Newport, BTXi St. 

OwcD, Wm.: Paorla. ™ , SI. 

Peck's Bad Bv> BMrik,*- IkHM. Wcat 
cniester. Pa.. IS: agitals ]•: Tawatit 80; 

York 21. 

PattoD. W. B., in The Last Rose of Summer, 
J. U. Stoat, mgr.: Oakalooea. la., IS; 
Ottomwa 21: Centervllle 23; AlbU 24; Cres- 
ton 2S: CUrinda 27. 
Phelan Stock Co., E. Y. Phelan, mgr.: I«w- 

rence. Mass.. 16-21; Bangor. Me., 23-28. 
Pomell. Katliryn, W. D. Fitzgerald, mgr.: 

Jamestown. N. Y.. 16-21. 
Parfcefa - Flarets, F. F. Parker, mgr.; Aber- 
deen. 8. D.. 16-2 1. . . 
Pickets, Tke FKair, WHb ClABit ■■fe't Ob> 

-ford. N. C, 16-18. 
Payton's Idtt. ATCua Stack Co., Oorae Pay- 
too. agB.: koaklya. X. T.. Ang. 22. indef. 
Peopfrir^Timw Stack Ok,: CUcagOk HL, 

Co.: Chicago, III.. Aog. 27. 

PoU's Stock Co.: "Ill niTia. ITiaB. tml 

4. Inde*. ■ ; • 

Proctor's Fifth ADHiba 'Stack Co.: Iiaw 'Tork 
CUT. lodef. 

Proctor's ISStb St. Stock Co.: New York City, 

Qnincy Adsms Sawyer (Western): Bantool. 
m.. 18; BloomlDgtoD 18; Stieator 20 LaSalle 


Qoeen of tbe White SUrea. A. H. Wtxida. 
mgr.: St. Losls. IMo., IS-Zl; Chlcsgo, HI., 

Qneen of the Hlghbloders, A. H. Woods, mgr.: 
New York City. 16-21; PhUadslpbla. Pa., 23- 

Qnincy Adams Sawyer (Baatara): Caaliddgc. 

O.. 19: MarietU 20; lMlMb».'W. Ta.. 

21; Wbeeltng 23-26; MaBortK SS; 

Toongstown Z7-2S. 
Qneen of Conricts: HOboken, N. J., 19-21. 
BIp Van Winkle (Efler'a Western), Cbas. 

Bowen. mgr.: HeretOcd, Tex., 10; Portales, 

N. Mez.. 20: BoeweB MLfttiaid »FMg. 

Tex.. 24; Cdeasa 25; gj— ISt laaHa tit 

Big Sprlnsa 28. 
Boe Ooaaedr Oa.. anlaaS It. Datia, mgr.: 

PlttaSdd. liaaL: 1*ms Siatt Adams 13-28. 
Boe Slack (3o.7 C. Y. W. -mm. mtr.i BUde- 

Bonkd. W jaai j mf SjUj if^ B iiai ft bu.. 

mgr.: WIlBlBaMa, M. OL. IMM WaillBg- 
toik 8. C ZS-SS. 
Itiiasill Bros., Samnel Blair, aagr.: Hew Talk 
CltT. 16-28. 

BabaoB, BleaDor. Uebler & Co.; mgn.: San 
FraBdaeow OaL, 9 21: Oakland S^M: San 
Joae SS; Sacramento 28-27. 

Boaa. Thomas W.. C. B. DUllngbam. mgr.: 
Wheeling. W. Ta., 18; Colnmbos, C. 19: 
Dayton 20: Toledo 21; Ft. Wayne. Ind.. 23; 
Grand Baplda, Mich.. 24; Sonth Bend. Ii:d., 
25; Terre Hante 28: Indianapolis 27-28. 

Byan Stock Co.. Daniel B. Ryan, mgr.: Blcb- 
mond, Ya.. 18-21: Norfolk 23-28. 

Bndolph ft Adolidi. A. F. Hamberg, mgr.: 
NUes. C, 18; Leetonla IB; Alliance 20: 
Bellalre 21: Latrobe. Pa.. 23; Greenahnrg 24; 
CoonellsTtUe 25; Union town 26; UcEeesport. 
37: Waahlagtoo 28. 

Batbbob-Uann. W. F. Uann, mgr.: Deiby. 
Conn., 16-21. 

Rip Van Winkle. Chaa. B. O)lton. mgr.: La- 
tham. HL. 10; MaooB SO: Asaoaaptkm SI; 
Cbapln 23; BloOa M; Taraafflco 35. 

Ralpb. Mlargaret, BObctt Lea AlleaL, Bicr.: 
Central City, NA.. IS; Tack 18: SewaidSO; 
Beatrice SI; ItaiTsmie, Kan.. 98; Falriwrr, 
Neb- SMS: Hiiaiawk 28; Aakota ST. 

Si riaakaiB «ttk J. O. I«wla, W. A. Jaaker, 



Sbarpler Theatre Co.. Add. J. Sharpley. mgr.: 

Mlssools. Moat.. 16-21. 
Snminen Stock Co.: Winnipeg. Man., 18-18. 
Snity. Daniel. Willis B. Boyer. mgr.: Wansan. 

WU„ 18: MenOl 18: Rblnelander 20; Be- 

caaaba. Mlcb.. U; Marquette 23; i^bpemlng 

24; Calnmet 25: Hancock 28; Ashland, Wis.. 

27: Dolntb, Mlon., 28. 
Shadows of a Great City, Wm. L. Malley, 

mgr.: New York Cltf, 16-21; Philadelphia, 

Pa.. 23-28. 

Sherlock Holmta, Om Bothacr ft BoM, Camp- 
beU, mgrs.: Baatni, Jf m^ 2r*K' 
Held 23: Tioy, M: T., Mt ASHMaa M| Al- 

iMUiy 28-29. 

Sites Stock Co. (Sites ft OUbert'a Sontbun). 

wai 0. Sites, mgr.: Blaekatone. Va., 16- 

IS; FBiBTUle 19-21: Sooth Boston 2Z-28. 
■Its Mack 0(b (SItM ft Gnbert'B Northem). 

B. B. Onbert, mgr.: Toronto. Ont.. 16-21; 

Port Hope 23-2S: Kfaigatoa 38-18. 
Sbea. Tbomaa B., Nixon ft Qameraiaa, Bgrs.: 

Boston. Mass.. 0-21; ProTMenee , B. I.. SS- 


Shadows on the Hearth. Artbar O. Alston, 
mgr.: Warrenabnnr. Mo.. 18; BooDTine IB; 
Lexlngtoo 20; St. Joaepb 31; Kansas dty 21- 
NoT. 4. 

tkr Vana. loitpk B. e rjtt M ft a«r*: 
tH., St; aaaaM. Mtt >■• 

sue Dared to Do Bight (BwrtazB). taias B. 

Walllek Anna. Co., lagia.: flilllnaaBL 9H.. 

10-21: Camden, N. J., 23-38; " " 

Del.. 26-28. 
SI Stehiblna, England Amos. Co., aMH 

ber. Pa., 18; Vandergrlft 31. 
Sidney, George. E. D, Stair. msr.S 

natl, O., 15-21: Dayton 33-25: HaatDta 90 

Mlddletowa 1?; Lexl — — — — 

Skinner, Otla, Xaa. J. 
falo. N. Y- 1S4S: 

lyn 23-28. 

Starr CXMnedy C!o.. Frank J. Stanton, mgr.: 

Whitney Point, N. Y., 10-21. 
She Dared to Do Right (Western), James H. 

Walllek Amus. Co., mgrs.: Chicago, 111., 15- 

Nov. 4. 

Sandy Bottom, Hampton & Bopkllts, mgrs.: 
ShawDaa, O., IS: Marietta 20; St. Harya, 
W. Ta., SS. 

Mt^Carmcl. Fa, 18. 

». %iBa7~^ 5!5f5l:T-Tkir;-. ■.••-la 
Sothen. £ B. ft Mia jfiHleire, Chaa. Frab- 
man. mgr.: Sew SMfc CUr. Oct. 16-Not. 2S. 
Spooaer Stock Cs., Mia.; B; 8. Spoooer, mgr.: 

Brooklyn, N. Y., Aog. S. Indeir^ 
The Old Clatbea Man, Sowland ft CUITord. 
mgta.: Uma, 0., 18: OKBtUoe 19; Bocrtos 
20; SaBdnsky 21; otuwa 23; FIndlay 24; 
Carey 2B; Chicago Jonctlon 28; Norwalk 27; 
Bowling Green 28. 
The Ninety-aDd-Nlne. J. L. Buford. mgr.: 
Brooklyn, N. Y., 18-21; BaltliHite. lid., 23- 

Tbe Boy Betdnd tbe Gon, witb Barry Clay 
Blaney. W. W. Woolfolk, mgr.: Cincinnati. 
O., 15-21; LonlsTllIe, Ky.. 22-28. 

The Pumpkin Haaker, Dertblck Bros., mgrs.: 

Carthage. Mo., 18; Webb City IB; Galena, 
Kan., 20; Joplln, Mo., 21; West Mlnenl, 
Kan.. 22; (Tolombns 23; Cnierryrale 24; Cot- 
feynUe 25; Pittsbnrg 26; Cbanate 27; lola 

Tbe Bankcr*a (3liild. Harry Shannon, 
PalK la- 18: Boxton 20; Ibiiacj 11: 
•aa STBdSB 28; Keosaoqaa •^'^ 
ton ST: DaBaa City. 111.. 28. 

The Street ataser, with Zearia Ibe - BMB (B. 
B. Fonaatec'a). Bd. n Taalai. mi.. .Jl 
baay, H. T., lS-18: <hfea« IS; oS a»«l; 
Now York City SS4S. ' ..; . 

The Coanty Cbalrmaa' (Baatcni). 

Sarage, mgr.: Baltkneae, Hd., ISSl; 
IngtOD, D. C, 23-28. 

The College Widow (Weatem). Henry W. SaT- 
age. mgr.: Chattanooga, Tenn.. 18; Nash- 
ville 19; Memphis 20-21; Birmingham, Ala., 
23; Atlanta, Ga., Zl-25; Montgomery, Ala., 
26; PensacoU, Fls., 27; MobOe, Ala., 28. 

The LltUe Bed ScboolbouBe, J. A. West, mgr.: 
Union City, Ind.. 18; St. Marys. O.. 21; 
Delphos 23: (3almnbn9 Grave 24; Upper San- 
dusky 2S; Bacyms 26; Marlon 27; Xenla 

The Holy City (Gordon ft Bennett's Eastern), 
Col. Ed. Taylor, mgr.: Moneasen, Pa.. 18; 
Belle Vernon 19; Dnlontown 20; Morgan- 
town. W. Va., 21; Falrmoont 23; Manning- 
ton 24; SteobenTlIle, O., 25; Bellalre 26; St. 
turn, W. Va., 27; Woodsfleld. O.. 28. 

Tke BalF City (Gordon & Bennert'a Western), 
B, M. BUckaller, mgr.: Faribanlt. Minn.. 
18: Uaakato IB; Blae Berth 20; Falimont 
31; Tracer 23; Brogkta■l^ B. D., 24; Madi- 
aon 35; Hanm 38; Watcrtaam ST; Bedfleld 

Ska BwwMj Haw aalil . Btaae Si Hillaa, assa.: 
ataaakan, O.. IS; Lalpale IS: Detaace U; 

DecatoT, iBd., 23; Barttord CItr >*; War- 
ren 25. 

The Uttle Homeetead, Wm. MacaBIar, mgr.: 
Lexington, Mo.. 18; Richmond IS; St. Ma^a, 
Kan,, 20; Manhattan 21; Topeka Sl: (Htawa 
23: Osanatomle 24: Garnett 25; Hfla SB; 
Ft. Scott 27; PittBbnrg 28. 

The Virginian. Tbe Klrke LaSbelle Co., mgra.: 
New York City, 0-28. 

The Four Mortons. Victor G. WlUlama, mgr.: 
Jersey Caty. N. J., 16-21; Brooklyn, nTt., 

The Serlo-Comlc C^OTemees. Frank G. Cotter, 
mgr.: Detroit. Mich., 16-21; Toronto. Ont.. 

Tbe Booster Girl, with Kate Watson. Gas 
Cohan, mgr.: Batler, Ind., 18; Garrett 19; 
Anbara 20; Jackaon, Hlch., 21; Wyandotte 
22; Pontlac 23: FUnt 24; Lansing 26; Char- 
lotte 28; Battle Creek 27; t»'""«-~» 28. 

Tbe Honse of Mystery, Mlttenthal Bioa. 
Co.. mma.: Chicago, HL, IS-Zl; 
UMi.. 32; KalaiBsaoo 23; Ft. Wi ^ 
M; rcra SS; laiayette 36; TCne iBkote S7- 

The Catae ut Ddak. llBilbcfongh BaidTt BSr.: 

New Teak CUk IMI. 
Hie lOiaaarl wn (Red Bajmoad's Baatcra), 

Geo. Bedee, mgr.) Peon Tan, N. TC., 18; 
Canadalgna IB; Dandee 20; Wayerly 21; 
Wellslxiro. Pa., 23; Galeton 24; Ccaiengort 
25: Smethport 26; Mt. Jewett Z7; JcAnson- 
bnrg 28. 

The Train Robbers (A. E. DaTldaoa's), Ben 
I«RBab. In^jg.: ^|MM2t.'"'*'^^'rtI 

Tbe Eye Witncsa (Uncohi 7. Oirlan), Ed. 

Manley, mgr.: Oalnmlwa, Oi^ IMS; Day- 
ton IB; Toledo 22-25; Adrian, Midi., 23; 
Jackson 27: Lansing 28. 

Tbe Flaming Arrow (Lincoln J. Carter'a), W. 
F. Jackaon. mgr.: Yoangstown, O.. 18; Sa- 
lem 19; Sharon, Fa., 20; Beayer Falla 21; 
Boffalo, N. Y.. 33-28. 

Tbe Heart of Chicago (Uneoln 7. Carter's). 
John Whltely, mgr.: Pott Bnraa, MtCk., 
18: Flint 19; Bataa BaaHb 90; BatOe Okcek 
21; Jackaon 23; OoHwaier 34: BBMale SS; 
Angola, lad., 96; Ft. Wayne ST: Aobam IS. 

The Btoiaalfc Boor (Uneoln 7. Cartet>), 0. 
A. aaltm. mgr.: Fostarta. C 18: Diner 
Saodoikr 19: Kentoo 20; Bfanaileld 31: rail- 
cagD Jnnctloa 23; Aahland 34; Wooatrr K; 
Akron 26; Creatllne 27; Ceahocton 38. 

Two Little Waifs (LIneola X Carter'a), W. A. 
Meckllog. mgr.: Tecamwb, Midi.. 18; Mon- 
roe 19; Bowling Green, O., 20; Pindlay 21; 
North Baltimore 23; Uma 24; Han<m 25; 
nrbana 27; Springfield 28. 

Too Prond to Bes (Uneoln J. Carter'a). Fred- 
eric Kimball, mgr.* BrotAmie. Ont., 18; 
Ottawa 19-31; OouTcmear.' N. Y., 23; Osb- 
toQ 24; nUca 37-38. 

The Two Slaters. O. B. 
Bay. N. S„ 18-19; " 
N. B.. S«: Amherst ; 
ton 27; (Aatham 28. 

TDCker. Btbel, Stock Co., MtA Bma., mgra. 
Bl Paao. Tex.. 8-SI. 

Tamer. Oam, Ira W. ndnoa. aagr.: I^aa. 
Jtaaa* ISBli 

Taylor. Albert, Barry Eltlnc. boa. mgr.: Whlte- 

wrlgbt. Tex.. 18-IS: Salphnr SpHnga 28-21; 
OrcenTlUe 23-24; SbrcTcport. La., 26-96; Moa- 
roe 27-28. 

Thmton. Adelaide, to The Trinmph of Betty, 
Francla X. Hope, mgr.: Flint, MMh., IS; 
Saginaw 19; Bay City 20; CadlUac 21; MaB- 
latee 23; Petoskey 24: Cheboygan 25; SaoH 
Ste. Marie 26; Manlstlqae Z7; Marqnette 28. 
Tbe Woman In the Case. Wagenhala ft Kemper, 
mgrs.: Eaat UTcrpool, O., 18; Strobea- 
TUIe 19: Bellalre 20: Cambridge 21; Park- 

erabnrg, W. Va, 38: Kailatta. &. Btrftl 
2S: Lancaatar^: BlefcaMaS, M^Tsil 

18; Rnghy 19; Hlnot 38; BmNmOb Sliwa- 
mare S3: Harrey St: Ontlimtm tfSt Talkir 
City 38; (^aaaUte iTi^BSTUt ^ 
The Price of Lai«jraaft ».r ' - 
poleon, o., 18; DcSaaea IS; 

Blotfton 21. 

The Sign of the Croaa (No. 1). Bergen ft 
Craerln. mgra.; Sooth Framlngbam. Maaa.. 
18; Maiden IS; New LaoOn, Gaik. SB; ~ 

Idea 21; Detby^ Mt^: 
Ponghkeepale. N. 

km 2a 

Tbe vmage Paieon, John UeTlekeia, targs.: 
Pnnxsatawney, Pa., 19; Bamesboro 20; Al- 
toona 21: Johnstown 23; Latrobe 24; Jeaaette 
25; Irwin 28; ConneUanUe 27; UltlOBtvWB 

Tbe Way of Uie Ttansgreaaor (Chaa. H. 
Yale'a): Newark. N. J.. 16-21; New Yock 
Ci^. 3848. 

The Oar Baker, Harry Bnbb. mgr.: Caaal De- 

ver,' O., IS; ITbrlehaTUle IS. 
Tke' lMe oC KlUierankle. A. L. Sbcpard, an.: 

HOotical. can., le-a; Ottawa. OaU SMI; 

Braekmie SS; KlBgatoa 30: BeBenne Ml 

Peteiboot 38. 
Tbe Parasn's WUe.'Gcasge Oaett. acr.: 

Bots. Pa.. IS: Pfemipafcaic 19: niialwaj Iti 

Plttston 21; Saaataa 9>: WBkMbUM S 

Shamokin 2S; BaaelttB. - 9Ss- SkaaaaSakk SR 

It.'adlng 28. Tr^- :, ■ ■- 

Volunteer Ocnnlat. W.: '.'BttMiaav ' 

mgr.: Pneblo, OoL, IS; Ul IkBta 9; fkaila. 

Kan., 21. 
The Crusader: TllBn, 0„ 18. 

The CcoTlct's Daughter ,W. T. Boyer, mgr.: 

Leeds, N. D., IS; DeyU'a Lake 19; Craiy 30; 

Larlmore 21: Crookston, Minn.. 23; Grand 

Ft^ka. N. D.. 24. 
"nie BdacatlOD ot Mr. Plpp, Daniel V. Artmi^- 

mgr.: Toroato, Oot., 16-18; Buffalo. N. Tt^ 

li^ai; Kochester 23: UUea 21; Albanj Mf 

Troy 26: Pooghkeepsle 27; Newljiirs 28. 
nie Oypay Girl (Wm. T. Keogh'a): PUl- 

adelphla. Pa., 16-21. 
Tbe Prodigal Son. lilebler ft Co., mgrs.: Braok- 

lyn. N. Y., 16-21. 
Tempest. J. L.: CrlsfieM. Mo., 16-21. 
The Olri from Sweden: Qrookston, Minn., 21; 

Grand Forks. N. D., 23. , 
The Light Honse by tbe Sea, Vance ft BolBTaa, 

mgrs.: Holyoke. Maaa.. 16-18; Hartford. Ooon., 


"Kie sign of the Four, Campbell Stxatton, mgr.; 
Allentown. Pa.. 10: Elmba. N. Y., 20; Wat- 
kins ai: HomellsTiIIe 23; WellsrUIe 34; OlcaB 


Thoa Shalt Not Kin, Frederick Sctrwarts, mgr.: 

Danrtlle, Ky., IS; Bowling Green 23. 
To Die at Dawn: BeaTcr Palls, Pa., 18: Iilabsa. 

O.. 19; Boebester SO: Stenfcenrai* U. 
Treaeott. Tbglala Dtew. Jaa. SUpman, ngr.! 

Whiatcd. OooB.. IS; HadaiM. M. Y., IB; KHfa- 

ton 30; Oawcga St; Norwich 33; Itbaca St; 

Atftora 25: PcBB BsB-S^ 
The Sign at the (kaaa (No. X). WMt k 

Morton, mgr.: . CkailcatOB, W. Va., SS: Jack. 

son, 0.. 26; AAIand. Ky.. 27; Ironton. O., U. 
The Coanty fihalraian (Western). Henry W. 

Sarage, mgr.: Kaeao. Ga.. IS; Oaidele IB; 

TaUaata 90: nckaanmie. Via.. SI. 
Tke Bcal WMnr Bmwd: Haittaabvs; ~ 'W*'- 

Ta., IS, 

Tbe Fatal Weddlac: Oakalaaaa. b.. 38. 
The Mldalght FIrer: FanxaBtawnir, Pa., 21. 
The Diamond King: Ckaal Oanr, O., ST. 
The Lady of l^aaa; t" " " 
Two Johns: Sban^ Vl 
Tie Mommy end nS' 
Ind.. 26. 

The Sanl of Tarsoa: AHIene, Kan., 38. 

The Little Minister: BIkbart, Ind., 28. 

Tbe Btenial City. C. Welas. mgr.: Birming- 
ham, Ala., 20-21: NaabTllIe, Teim., 23; Padn* 
cab, Ky., 24; Bransrllle. Ind., 25; Ow ens ■ 
bote, Ky., 26; I«xlngton, 27; Frankfcrt 38. 

l%e Moooslilner*s Daughter, Boy Kingston, mgr. 
• mgr.: Benton Harbor, Mlcb., 23; Hartford 9(; 
Buchanan 2S; Miabawaka, Ind.. 26; Btttler. 
27: Cblombla City 28. 

Thsnboaser Stock <>>.: Mllwankee, Wla., ladct. 

Theatre Franeola Stock Co.: Mcntical, Can.. 

Tbe College Widow (Bastem), Henry W. Bar- 
age, mgr.: Boston, Masa., Ang., 21, ladef. 

The Prince Chap. W. N. Lawrence, mgr.: New 
York City. Sept. 4. Indef. 

Ttt Tnitb TeUer, Fred O. Bargee, Bwr.: Baa- 
ton. Masa.j ^ Oct. S<| L_ 

"^nSt^T* '*™™"» BlIllL. 

Under Soorthem 'Sklea (Centtal). Harry tmk 
Parker, mgr.: Waterlon, la.. IS; Iowa fkBB 
19; Ft. Dodge 20; Cherokee Zl; Fremont, Xek., 
23; Beatrice 2(; Atchison, Kan., SS; Lear- 
enworth 26; latwrence 27; Ottawa 28. 

Under SonttiecB Skies (Eastern). Hanr Ooel 
Parker, mgr.: Bridgeport. Own.. 18; Tbom- 
aaton 18; New Bnuln 20; Watenrary 2i; 
Winimantle 23; Pntnam 21; Norwich 35; 
Westerly, S. t., 26; Middletown. Cono.. 27; 
Hartferd 28. 

Under Soatbem Sklea (Western). Harry Ooel 
Parker, mgr.: Wataan>Ule, CaL, 18: Mon- 
terey 19; Salinas 20; San Lola Obitro Si; 
Santa Baitura 23; Ventura 2<: Pasadena ST.; 
SanU Aim 26; San Diego 2T-2S. 

Uncle Tom's Cabin (Teny'a): Vail. la.. IS: 
Donlap 10; Woodbine 20: Lo^in 21: Little 
Slonx S3-AprU 2S. 

Uncle Tyxn's Cabin (Stet«>n'» Wesieni). Geo. 
^Peck. lagr.: Jaactloo jClly. Kan.. 18; Man- 

8B Mt'BI.)' 


Tl\c Billboard 

OCTOBER 21. 199; 




Ca>p 1> « thoronchlj 
UrestlBE dnmi. It 
mAn of renins 
terlalB co mnimi iy » 
'i^on Kreamer and T IllPn li/^ 
Wlwn Bobtrt Looia • ' 

had fixUBh«d Tbft . 

to And tlat wtttlt tttT i***,, , 

■ ^ES S^^Sf ^aS^TSSri. ramt is wSt 
th* One is—* nibUaated dime 

'bite kud* •( 1'°$*' i' 

- — - Ik* fgrtne at a Flnslde 

Jt tr€ts*t Fitch. It u 

. ttaSIs pcacetol penou 

— _ ^ wltk komu p«««lnn« !s Um- 
: tbty fean dnoond In the SiuhUt 

^^raWl. appnrlns In It after 
rSnata. im»iM»» tbe eu»^ tta- 
' Ac Mcntaae and af tetwaa* Hn - 

r^-t — T - aodetr- 

[ tt «ut not br denied t&at Tbe 
^ tke Ckae U alnarbtnr wblle It Uats. 
Ton know an the time It is tmpoa- 
"tliat a reflned woman could erer baTe 
aBBca thr strmnpet. even In appearance, thoogh 
ttme to clear iMg tontaad ot a cli«ie of 

"oTiSuaT the crowded aadtenee at UrTittv'a 

Theatre Uirt night wa» profoondlT 

with the "great" acene ot the sUmj, tiie third 

additlan~to~th«t t WmJWM a»d Ml— Doa- 
■tank y— aa tke bvyer for the accused 
— - "ft too strenaons and 
he plajed the tole 
stle key. Hanr Rogers. 
,_Cer. was Tery amusing. 
tan a tlnished etOiIng ot 
aad Wlillam TraTers as a 

Tttl tn he le i e tte* that JItoa Walah aioae 
ts ahendoo her tmlj- great play of The Krentier 
Sonata for this somewhat tawdrr dramatic 
dmmo. Bnt DOftodj win deny that The Woman 
In the Case salts the taste of the ma^irlty 
better than Jacob Gordin's work of art. nor 
that It DTObablT salts Miss Walsh's banker 
— - — - — "Eastman, In the Chleaao TW1>- 

ABOTHzz. csmcm 

Clyde Fitch has sncceeded 1& 
that presents stioos 
aUbaot miicUBg; Ok 

s piar 

_ dan tte part ot xusuet 

Oe wU*. and Donrtliy Uorr tl>e part 

mt Oalie Faster, the courtesan. At the close 
0f the third act, which U carried on prlnd- 
■■IIt tCT these two. there was a demonstration 
gllfliaii eqoaled In any theatre. The hoose, 
srm«ht op to the highest pttdt «C excitement 
•w the scene, iitood np. applaaded. shoo ted. 
*».it bad the curtain up and the two actresses 

oat time after time. ^ . 

Blanche Walsh has neTcr liad a Part wtuen 
gare her better opportonltles to Asptay l« 
^ -as than thia of Xargant BsUe. la tlie 
act she is sDdi a 

to f . _ 

•C kourt asd 

iB ike mtrntH. la tte 
•■iaa the aoal of a « 
HMtae ia the blth ot a mman la tlw man 
ike lam. And Uien nils woman, who, like 
Ckeaar*B wife, is ahore reproach, impersonates 
flDT the sake of the man abe lores a type of 
woman abe coold oerer become. The genlns 
•t the actress Is displayed here in that, 
throsgh her dlsgnlsed beliaTlor shines always 
Hie gentle woman, pore and imsnni ed. 

Dorothy DocT gtres a fine performance of 
C3aliv Foster. She, too. shows through the 
oloa^ abe wears the Inner self. She dlTlded 
honors with the star in the principal scene of 
tte play. 

UaitlB ilaap haa the part ot JrikB Brtft. 
Be >s a handsomeb manly actor, wka artttsi 
tacB tD Mt aor acta too aaCk. 

~ miiMiB. wko playa tke part of Mr. 
la conllr cMTtedas; aad a acne 
• nt act ketwesB tm Is one eC Uie 
■atenl aad Ulcktfal piMsee ot ataxe 

tt BiKbt the in- 
aa tte "Jeffer- 

was sssMi I Illy aa tasltr rale to play. Wbetber 
Ur. Thomas Jeffcraoa be sarinns to sblne as 
aa actor, or merely as tke ssb of his father. 
It Is too early yet la 
dlcatlon were that he 
son" note. 

The actor dM aat sU aa ilf nacttble kis Citkcr 

physically. He sttiaid to be e rti emeiy oerr. 
oos — a tact that may be noted to his credit. 
He came on tmther half.beartedly; l>e acfcnowl. 
edged tlie ilrst nlgbt applanse with distinct 
modesty, snd he threw himself at Ills thankless 
Job withoat wastioK time. 

Why criticise him'* (I ask chsl t>ecaa«e 
I'm not obliged to want for the answer, which 
la obrloos.) Of late years Thomas JeflFerson's 

fatkcr aeser acted wy Tlsomrir. Ha 


good old theatre with aridity, and watebed 
ISi. Thomas Jeirerun with as mach anxiety 
as thongh his entire fotare depended upon the 
saccess or failare of hU performsnce. 

It would hsTC been a gracefol tblng to let 
Rip Van Wlolde die with the man wbo had 

made It famoas. No too could bare done a 

more graceful thing. However, 
srtlrli of the late Josepli Je gti a w 
ihF prncerdloEtt last oljkt, aad It 
titles are nnchanged when 
anrtal cell. U la aat 

Aatfkan. Oct. la. 

It seemed as Uoasb a (am>as and. as iong 
as this geoeratloo shall survive, an Indelible 
prraonality sent back a message last night 
throogb tfae broken speech of that beloved 
old vagabond of dramatic literature. Rip Van 
Winkle. The character was emboilled again 

kr TboBias Jcffenon. wcond ton at Its lerered 
r. at WaWatlr^ H wa tia w ^Tke kaai^sras 


Mis. Eleanore Cany is anotlier 
nis cast wbo could not go wtods It i 
.-AUogether tbe play la excellently 
■ " Examiner, Oct 9. 

The hearty welcome accorded Fan tana on 
Its return from Its conquest of New Tork, 
proves that it is stin ss popular as ever with 
Oiicago andleoees. There is do gainsaying the 
eaet that the pohllc likes Jefferaoo De Angelis 
and his band ot merrymakers. The ran of 
Vantana la clean and bright, and tbe muaXe 
li not only tuneful, but has the elements of 
" It. Tohiy daade. 

The Bneg-Klmhell TToape. the faiuou;' lady 
thia scasoa wItt tke Oieat TaaAaikarg Omb. 

: algkt at Wallah Tkoatia 
w aC tke "dean" of i 

ttie dlL 
Tan Wlskle, that 
tone for his father. WbUe there Is 
least reason to beliere that becsnse one man 
la a successful actor, his irfn fall upon 

Us descendants, a "name" always cotmts, tm- 
reasocobly. and Thomas Jefferson had a much 
more reverent hearing Last_nlght than he woold 
have hod had *" 
haps, in 
Ics potent. 

late Mr. Jeffcrsim foood - flax Im- 
profltable. His Bto Vkft Winkle 

to pleaae am pcopw Am M fcia 

. la M It In order that they 

coold aaj tkat tttr kad area it. Tliomas Jef- 
ferson was, of eontse. TOfT dUterent. The cose 
ttat eaasce txom certain recognition was lack- 
Be »ptike many of the lines ss his father 
. ttem. bat tlie certain qoallty that we 
on magnetism was ^alte ahacat. Tke dir- 
ness, the qnalntness, mt. Ike flsad- aatBa of 
Joseph JeSenon have set Fet osasd k4a tke 
work ot his son. 

Bowevcr. tl»e new Jefferson wss neither 
awkward nor eonsttalned. Tbe flgnre be' cnt 
was not ridiculous. If It wss not thrilling. 
Had he been Thomas Smith we shonid have 
viewed his performance with suave indiffer- 
ence aad not have blinked an eyeiaaii. Bat, 
being Thomas Jefferson, we saw more merit in 
It. It was the msglc of name. Onr dealre to 
Bnd quallUee led as to beltere tl»t tbey woold 
Dot have viewed' -fltf 
Perhaps be dldat'-ka 
hot he was. 

The piece was' veil east lost night Mist 
Ethel Fuller was particnlariy good as Gretctaen. 
and the veteran Frank Banga played Derrick 
Ton Bedcman. Earl Western was Cockles, Rus- 
sell Bassett Nick Vedder. and the little children 

were tliere In toll pratUlas force. So were a 
" wfee woat ta tUa 

I Oat 

at tkitir rcattL Bp wore aaala 

aaaM eld. tattand garments which kaea keaa 
a part of Ibe tale tliroagh tbotisaada sC ntt' 
fScmaaecs. There was. alas, the saaae iwdtacsa 
coopaar. BIp Tan WtaUe plarod kff • ca- 
pable caat, woaid - nil, «Sb M Ms 
date, a aBTdtr. 

If tlie y e uat e i 7eireiaga woe tbe a 
his fsther was tliere weoU still ke 
for dissent in his impersonation ot Mp. Kftl/ 
word, Intonstlon, gesture and aaaaaor ot the 
elder Jefferson Is inseparalily aaaaciatcd wltt 
the character. No actor caa ozaetly seacmt 

the original. Its estcrlsc • ^ 

the Rip that was 
nothing that aa 
restore Its sool. 

These are ftets' that ore facontr u ta t U Me, 
and It wonid be f^ to dlsgolae tbem. Nercr- 
theless. the yoimger Jefferson gare a dae per- 
formance of the role — becaooe ot Iba Mur 

training he received from bis father, " 

perforauaor, pmbablr, tliaa la la tka i 
• tt 


ftve yea 

Isatancf'. to Beerttohm Tree's laipcsMaatlM 

Blp, DDderuken a tew yean ago. 

AS a corleaUr U was mote tatemtlng ihaa 
as a work «C art. The preseat actor nn 
distantly niaillia Ms SalSer la apoeaiaaZ 
aad pkTrioM. kat fce kas aaatand iSSnTSl 
" m a niml am The faaUtj 

to dMeesBt. It a^ a J!^,^ 

Jjrtwed,* "* lata: 
It Maud be wimhuLd tbat tte 
at ttt atlclad Up «... Si 

Je g a t a o B w k a, kr *• way. has heea 
the nde ent oC tswa fcr opward3 
years— is weakeat In tke dcaatcMt of ite 
homor and playfnla es a of Kip. He dsca Ml 

possess his father's propeasltj tar fba. S 
pathos is ot a sorer qnautr. Tke point M 
srhlch his Rip dosest spproasbea Ita orlcl^ 
Is In tbe weird and desolate sceaes amsag^S 

ghostly crew of tbe Belnrich BadSDnaa S 
monntala tops. In this scene he forectWfc 
repeated the bewilderment and desolatlSer 

Rip after his twentj years' sleep. His eflke- 

tlve acting was vigorously applauded. 
Any coniiBeiit of the other roles vronld he 

to r»*peat on nian.v times told tale- Frank (X 

BansB appeared again as Derrick. Ethel Puller 
as tbe starewiBb and termagant Gretc'ien. waa 
only the faintest reminder ot a ~ ' ~ ' 
wife. The children 
osoal. The rema 
fair to mediocre. 

AltoKetlipr. the revival waa an Interestlag 
experiment— partlctilarly to the greybeards wte 
carry a standard of comparlaon In tlw mcmoiT 
— New Totk World, Oct. 10. 


Oh, tbe city life bas Its joys, do 

Its steam-beated manslona atid 
its business deals and Ita antL_ 

Its theatres, siTvpers and balte 
Its extravagant tojs snd Ita mi. 

Its buildings way up In the air 
But where Is the street that 

With the old-fashioned 

Tlien It's hey be! 

And it's won't jon go 
And see wtiat the country fsir c»n fhou ? 
Tlie Plynoath Rocks and tbe Lesborns. too; 
The browsing sheep for all to vieir; 
The golden wheat, the yelkrvr com; 
"nie rn>boos thst everrwhere adorn; 
Tb.- monster hogs with tie curly tails: 
The Jersey con-a and the brimming pails; 
Tbe lusclons pmnpkuis laid io rows: 
.\nd everything tliat the garden gmn% 
Tlie mlld-eyed horses, patient, kind; 
Tlie froUcsome colts that trot behind: 
Tbe apples, plimis and smelly pears. 
With sU tbe frtilts the orchard bears, 
.\iid bowls of berries, blsck snd fed; 
And then tbe baiid, with martial traid. 
In silver hrald and scarlet coats. 
Playing aa If to apUt tlieir thnata — 
AkI Wkatra an oartt tiMt < 

Ob. a eUr IMe kaa Ua boaee saaes^ 

Aad Ms ftnlMii e a made wlille yon watt; 
Its ftenslcd flaaaee aad lu ctastless dai 

Raaad tke Goddeaa at GtU and Bale: 
Its green-goods men sad Ua g s mb l eis^ di 

Its glesai aad Ita sHttcr aad alaie; 
Bat what dsca It fcaow «C tta " 

At tbe old 

Then m Mr M 

Mpcaa abaw* 

Aad Its f 
Aai see wbat tbe ( 
The platea ad I 

The daiat aillB OoiB ererr u 
And emr eoMClTable kind ot cake. 

The same aa yoor mother naed to 
FTuIt cake, pound cake, sponge 
Twisted and crlmpe- and shaped la I 
Jelly cake, silver cske, gold cake, tia: 
Cakes of every kind and bne. 
Of ererv name and shape and alae. 
Flanked by half a thousand pies: 
Sauces and catchups by the score: 
Jama and preserves from door to door. 
With quilts and eouoterpooee, stitched and 

And tidies and Bc&rfs by ttie wagon load. 
While the Judges with solemn, portentoos 

Go strolling on from place to pisce. 

And cbat and smile and laugh and roar 

At every Joke — then eat some more — 

Ah: what's on earth that can compare 

Wltb tbe genolnc old-fashioned Onintiv Pair* 

Oh, a city life bas lU troUer «Mk 

Its pollcetcen clad In bice; 
Its electric llghte and Its dassling slithts, . 

Its church and Its higb-prlced pew; 
Hot there's many a night when you lie awake. 

And think of Its trouble and care; 
And shI If yoQ kne^ wbat was wisest for yaow 

Toa'd go back to the Ooaotry Faiti 

. it^ fccr hoi 


Aad yaa eat 
And focBSt tttt a* 
And jraa ~ 


Aad yoo meet your trleads, and diake thdr 

Aad yoa go way op in the big iialloon 
Tin It looke tike yon'Il drop into Beareo soon: 
And the sun comes down all goU and red: 
And tbe last good-nJghts bare aH been said: 
And tbe crowd has dwindled to Joat a few; 
And life seems to tiappy and sweet to joo— 


Jim Hcnneasejr closed his iMik wotk 
and opened on the Crystal drealt, at St. Je- 

~^ph. Mo., Oct. le. 

The Two James opened In vaude- 
ville. Oct. a, at the Graad Opera House. UU- 
waokee. Wis. 

ai5f^T^V?%5f1i5i'iSa>* na 


THe Billboard 


attcnm «t • 
east. Mr. Xaat MTS 

"wbcD a gcateel appeaitaiK maa appnacbcd 
•Dd handed a eua; tt w«a devoid of any 

late Judge ("BUT) HaU of 

"whtAr. at that ttne tkc adraaee 
•( a aUnatiel CDmpanr. had retmed 
■ York before tlie close of tbe tbeatttcal 
aad a friend, meetloc blm od Broad- 
Ub iww he bad fonod bnalneB*. 

It," aald Pnncti: "ao bad tliat tbc 

my wc could par tbe member* of tbe 

to flue tbem. It worteil splen- 

Bd by tbe' time we reached Texas 

bad squared up with the whole 

cotDpanr excepting the first tehor. who was 
such a proper chsp that there was no chance 
to find taolt with tils actions. At GalTeston 
iir. Tenor bosk for bis solo Tbe Llghtbooie By 
Tbe Sea, and for an encore responded wltb Orer 
The Hills to Tbe Poorhonse. That gare tbe 
boss the opportonlty he was looking for, and 
he levied on the Eone^itor's salar; for tbe en- 
tire amount — first, for telling the business we 
were playing to, and second, for glrlng awa; 
Ibe toate of tbe sbow. 

« • * 

De Wolf Hopper, who baa Just begnn his New 
York engagemeBt In Happjland. Is the owner 
ct a wUd and flery nmbrella, wblcb be is 
wUllDg to glTc anyone tnxloaa to undertake tbe 
taak of taming It. 'Mr. Hopper bought tbls 
"bombershoot" one rainy day last week of a 
haberdasher In Harlem, who guaranteed it to 
. be gentle, gaod-oatnred and entirely tracta- 

When be purchased the umbrella, Mr. Hop- 
per noticed that It was equipped with all 
modem ImproTements, in the apedflc form of 
a spring supposed to open it by the medium 
of a battoQ in tbe handle. The patent la 
commoD on high-priced umbrellas nowadays, 
bat tbe comedian w*a msplcloga of It part 

and pmna aC ~- " 

"I a»|i|iua» 

, _ -tbmt I ^buet 

he ana to aw ~ ~ 
•Vk. jaaTw 

And ao cseala pcwcd. 

Tbe Tc>7 next evenlnc Mr. Hopper went out 
to dine and Inmc hla new nmbreUa on a peg 
OTer tbe table. It remained there nntu tbe 
cocktails were served, when, suddenly and wltb- 
oat waning, it opened Itself and fell to tbe 
■oor. En route. It esaght a water decanter 
and one cocktail. Mr. Hopper picked up tbe 
umbrella and struggled with it for a few 
minutes, at tbe end of wblcb time be bad 
Dot succeeded In makins It remain closed- Ac- 
cordingly be sat OD it tbrongbonc tbe rest of 
the dinner. The spirit of tbe thlac seemed 
to be crushed after tkatb Uk&mtm . U* Hha, 
and Mr. Hopper felt fea waaM ta«a bo 

awre trontde wltb it. 

Ba lackaacd wltboat hla boat. No sooner 
tat' ttt Maple got Into a crowded Broadway 
•w ttn tkt nmhrella opened again wltb a 
*~~* ttat auMad tte coadactor Into 

Ur. Boppa blosbed. 

All tbe way from tbe car to the theatre 
tbe comediaB Indulged blmself in a cateb-as- 
catch can combat wltb the Infernal, cloth^xjv- 
ered stick. Reaching tbe stage door, he was 
seised with an inspiration which resulted In 
pottlnit a cord around its top. The cord la 
Still there, hot Ur. Hopper dws not dare trust 
It. He has ao inward conTlctlon that If he 
erer takea tbe raln-shleld Into the street sgain 
be wlU be compelled to carry It wide open. 

That la why anyone who wanta a nice, new 
aaihtella. acrrlcaaUe alther aa a aaU or aa a 

Is the aid daya. 


OcaU 3. M. 
manajaT Sir W. B. Pat 
and Last Boae of flammer prodaetka fkr wtt- 
cral 7etis, ind whoae ioniij mila and indeUUe 

cood hoiaor ia apofecn of cnm Broadway to the 
Goldea Gate, tdla of «a tnmtttet wiu a 
"recosBlae aef* at l^oa Aaaflnb 

"I waa taay at tbe gilik'* lasth Stont. 

formation except a' aamc, ao '"•"'"g to the 
bearer I (aid, "Well, who are yon wltb 7" 
"Why! I Ure here In the etty." "What do 
yon do In tbe profession "Nothing, nothing 
at all: bat they know me bore an right." "If 
they know yon here you had better bsTe the 
local manager flz yon op, as yon are a stranger 
to me." "All right,, sir, all right," and away 
he went to tbe entrance where stood tbe 
boose manager; I watched blm approach and 
band orer hla card, bat a nod In tbe negatlTe 
was all that worthy would grant, ao hack 
came tbe fellow to me, and, to my astonlsb- 
ment, said, "The hoube said for yon to fix me 
up and it would be all rlsbt." My first Im- 
pulse was to go to where tbe local manager 
stood and disprove this, but tbe good-natured 
boldhess of tbe card-bearer amused me, and I 

concluded to aeod blm txack again to the hoose 

man ao I aald. "Well. U the boose says It la 
all right, yoa go back to him and tell him I 
■aM to O.K. yoar card." I eoifldaitly looked 
to aee blm wilt aad fkde away at thia, Init 
he wan of tbe ataC that aaaa kind of heroes 
are Bade of, tm wUk Ike aaost non-plosaed 
meln ImartaiWe ba dMW flMth a pencil and 
■aid. "0,K. It. >«■, at vmrnt tm Hid far ne 
to o. K. tb" and be waa wmmlm to pendi 
the card when I atopped Hb. ft waa tbe 
coolest plec« of aerre I have aaan tm many 
days, and no doubt by all the peacep ta of 
courtesy's laws I sboold have anamaruf dla- 
mlssed blm, bat. for all the btaaeniT and da 
pUdtj of the man, he had a reiy engaging 
smile and a peraoaallty that woeld win In 
any circle, eo after a tew waala af admoni- 
tion. I did the ezceptka Hi VMHl hlia 
through the gate, feeling tbat MM wonid 
wag tbe same to-morrow. 

Ooe of the essentials of success Is tbe ability 
to "aee ahead" — to dlBcount tbe future. 

What will the world want five yesrs from 
now, or ten years, or twenty years? 

One of tbe ter.aeciBS men of 
use an Irish haU — 4a a 

Maud Adai 


Is tbe woman crasy? 
Not she. Miss Adama baa a coontry place 
on Long Island with a soil adapted to grow- 
lug locust tieea. iMcaat trees make good 
telegraph and tdtplMac poles becaoae the wood 
does not easUy fat la fte gioand. 

And BO tUa lMc«eaM waaaa baa Ranted 
one bondraC Ikaaaad laeaM taan aa her (arm. 

In proper aad. Ibe loeoat grawa npldlr. and 
tt docs not raqnire a large tree tor a tele- 

Ia me east these poles bring gS to ^ 
apiece. 8y MMa A*u mm wm aan bet trcea 

can tgna It aeiSpSi^tMMlK *a7*{tt f^ 


Growing trees reqAa aa ■laalaB;*' boelng 
or culture of any sort. aia ^ka Js paj — 

they Just grow. 

Mlja Adams' tree raising beats a 20-payment 
life policy — especially when other people use 
yonr money to get rich on. It beats specula- 
tion. It la slow hut etire. All MIrs Adams 
needs to do Is to keep on acting until her 
locust poles are grown uid then she can afford 
to snap her flagRS at tbe tbeatrleal tnits. 

In Europe tbcy da tbiai thiaga right along, 
hat we In Aiiwrha are In tw> aack a barry to 

Miaa Adaaa la ait «ip • tcaefaetor In 

_ _ only 

she la a financier. 

ttegoeatly caned apaa to aare Ibiwamn by 
Ibclr wtt. Maar a pelfUmer, the batt of a 
nide Jcat ttaa aoae diagraatled apecUtor, haa 
eM erg ad lihinadiaat tbnmgh a qalcfc bit of re- 
paitMk which tamed the Jcat agalnat hla tor. 
lacator. BOIle Kent, who Is Spike, an ama- 
tear pagUlat, with Mlaa Klde Fay. in The Belle 
at Anane A," recalla a aaabar e( lap l ie a of 
gda natace that he baa fcaapdadaa^ wa^Mja ta. 

meHt repetition. 

A well-known story of tbls sort In wblcb, 
howerer, the player made no answer, la re- 
lated of Lewis Morrison. Tbe sctor waa ap- 
pntlng in Fanat at the Grand Opera Bonse. 
Ban Ftancdico, and waa mach dlacomllted one 
eight when the trapdoor by which Meptalsto- 
PMCB Bakea hla final exit, supposedly to per- 
'tlaa. faned to work. Morrison squirmed and 
vaahad te ne avail, and waa atlU aqoinnlDg 
and poshing, wbm a Mnfll lalea to tbe ni- 
iery cried oat: "Me nee. inlalai WSVm tml" 

lamea O'Neill, a cc a t d lug to Mis. bat. was 
BlmDsrly Tletlmlaed darlag a piilbnaaafa of 
Monte Crtsto In New Toik. Afltr the de- 
livery of the celebrated Una. "ne worid is 
mine!" he waa shocked to hear a yonngster 
irpatairs Inqnire: "What will yon ^ake for 
Brooklyn r> 



niT VM lAlE Ml H. «i A. UTIIMIE 



Great King Collar Button 


OiMnal alwasrs and in all things, 
Jftnr Tork is soon to have the oddest 
amnsement enterprise on the face of 
the earth, in the shape of a, tower taller 
than any structure In the world, and 
equipped with a largw variety of com- 
bined entertainments and utilities than 
anything that has ever existed for the 
edification of the millions who arc con- 
stantly and hungrily seeking new 

Called "The Weber Tower," after Its 
designer, Carl Weber, one of the best 
known experts In the matter of t-ill 
steel-concrete construction, the build- 
ins wtU b« onlqne in many ways, and 
when It has been erected, either in one 
of the parks of Manhattan or In some 
equally prominent spot, it will unques- 
tionably be one of the foremost attrac- 
tions of the metropolis. 

In the first place it will reach the 
enormous height of 1.260 tee^l^^SSS 
feet taller than tta Bflll SMMT 1> 
Paris, and more than twin fdl as 
tbe Washlng;ton Monument, which, with 
655 feet is at present the highest per 
manent structure In the worid. It wlU 
so tar overtop eyarrtlilBC In Maw T< 
that comparison la VBb. Cha PUk ROW 
building, which now holds •pre-emi 
nence, being only 382 feet high, and 
the St. Paul building, rankbigaecond. 
having but 308 feet. In BinaM ~ 
the Blftel Tower, there la only tai 
Cathedral, with B28 taut, 1l«t tUm la 
excelled by the Cltjr 
delphla with 648 feet. 

Height alone, haim _ 
the chief reconmiandaiiMi af 
U wfU be a. 

versal Invitation. If you want an eve- 
ning's frolic you will be escorted to the 
highest roof garden in the world, eleven 
hundred ftetalNvn tke mnmSts, wbMi 
is so high that ewety oOmt laaC aarAen 
will look like a pigmy patdi aC Vg^t 
without form or substance. B vm are 
an astronraner you will find aB tta.par^ 
^r* I iialla Cor Uaa a tu d y oC ttalltefaBs 
at such close range that yon win hardly 
need a telescope. And above all, there 
will be the necessary precaution to pre> 
vent you Jumping off it yon are <»e ot 
those persons who gat -tbat tmpnlse 
whenever they readi fha top of a high 

Althon^ vtrtnally nothing has been 
known of this remarkable project ex- 
cept by those mcrat intimately associ- 
ated with it, the plans have so far 
progreaaed that In aO likeUhood it wUl 
be an acconmHslied fact in a reason- 
ably short time. Several of the most 
Influential capitalists In New Tork 
have taken it up and have been so 
mneh tmyim mA wUh tt tliat the vast 
anin leQUlred fi>r It ta piaetically ready 
and actual work wUl probably begin 
before the winter sets In. So thor- 
oughly has the scheme been worked 
out that the whole abfBMa a. fgm be 
completed and ready flir'iHa tfHfete a 
year aflar tka h a tfrn l in' oC tlia opaca- 

In design the tower wHl be entirely 
noveL Its main part is to he cylln- 
dric^U^^^Eom^Mtai^ oC^tt^g^ 

feet tiiliifiaicaa lor a ayatam oC lOiai 

while the largest outside diameter wm 
be 140 feet. Balconies for the accomo- 
daUon of visitors will be provided at 
varioaa hiigtir^ aad tlM htahaat ptat- 
form aeeesalble- to the piMla vOI be 
1.300 feet above the street UfHi, 
there will be space for ai 
1,600 persons at one time. 

According to present plans, eight 
elevators will ran in the main shaft, 
with a capacity aC abaat IJM, panons 
every hour. ni« main ptatftwni. bow- 
ever, where there will be a roof gar- 
den that can be enclosed when the 
necessity arises, will be eleven hundred 
feet high. Here there wfD be refresh- 
ment stands, a post olllce, telegraph 
offices, public teleptione?. toilet rooms 
and about everythliiK «?-lse that modem 
exigencies demand, while well-inform- 
ed guides win be m at ten da n ce to 
point out and explain the wondoful 
views- from every side and to furnish 
field glasses when required. Another 
novel feature will be provision for a 
United States weather observatory, 
which will be higher than any now In 
use, as well as several rooms applica- 
ble to private scientific research. 

From the base of the tower up to the 
three htmdred foot balcony there will 
be eighteen stories, some of which will 
be ntniaed tor office purposes and some 
for entoialnment. There will be am- 
ple room for a theatre, as well aa for a 
museum and other exhibitions. As a 
matter of fact, half a dozen distinct 
entertainment eoterprfses may be in- 
cluded in this great space- without 
conflict. The second floor, 
iflll be reserved for a. restaurant of th* 
first daas, with about ten thousand 
sqnaaa Seat aC floor space and. or 
cooraa^ tfaa -atomt op-to-date Improve- 
ments In the way of comfort and deco- 
rative effects. 

Although details of the architectural 
ornamentation have not yet been per- 
fected. It is promi^ that tbe en 
trances especially will be extraordi- 
narily elaborate, with maibte eolimma. 
spacious stairways, promenades, reL- 
ceptlon rooms and other features of 
luxury and aplendor. So far aa may be 
~ ~ fbla aSept- at rlchn— i wlB be 
tor tnm the baae oC llw Mid 

Whatever other attractions the 
building may contain, the top of It will 

be the greatest by reason ot the Im- 
H* M^it and the magnilleent vlav 
to be hlia ttwrei to soy nothing of iSbm 
quality of the air In any kind ot 
weather. Before the eyes of the spec- 
tator stationed here will He the whole 
dty ot New Tork. the Atlantic ocean 
fSor . as the sight can reach, the 
Hndaon river and the surrounding 
ootmtry to a distance of 250 miles. It 
i been estimated that the view will 
take in a territory of 20,000 square 
lea of the beat known, most beantl- 
fal-aad am^tauiTn land in the world. 

All fha year rotmd the tower wlD ' 
be open and the elevators will begin to , 
run one hour before sunrise and con- 
tinue until mldnJ^t. The upper floom 

cliib roonia, hi which eaaa^ at' 

members will have access at an tlmea. 

Musicians Wanted 

FOB n. L. CI.ABK>8 8HOW8 

With waeon show eJ(l>e^lenc^. Comet, bari- 
tone, slide trombone, doable dmmmer and 
others write. Also cood lifoUier act. Address 

E. BED PABmUtH. Band Master. 
H. Ia Clark's Sbow. FlkeTllle. Tenn' 



oiai>Di.KaiAN AI.SO) 
AT LiaERTY. Address. O. Z.. care ot John 
Roth. Rexford Flats. SaratOffS Co.. N. Y. 

FREE ! TtocmtegKWs 

WTlte for It to-day. MABBY t,, WEIS- 

BA17ai« 240 E. Madison Sc.. OUIGAOO. 

Watch for tb« aimoaooeineDtof the opening of my 
new Jewelry department. 


New: eood reasons for selUne; will sacrifice: 
big money maker. Write today for particu- 
lars to 

FKaNK L. BRUNDAGE. Tecumwb, Neb 



.At L.iberty.. 





Aaierlea's cleverest one-leseed iuegler of 
swords, dnbs and roman axett. would like 
to loin ttood act or bear from reliable people: 
anyone. Swell waTdrol)e- Salary no object. 
JosKlers tbls Is worth looWliik' Intii. 1 handle 
a(iierobJin:ts. too. 0'»r.:l.-! .<tn. y> x. Aue 19 
A. W. TUKNO. No. I iV-rrj l U:. J'o!t-do. 0_ 






The BlllboapU 

OCTOBER 21, 18%. 

' .U>denu. Madam 
'.. .AdcUlde. Madwn 

■'^:Jjaea, Mm. Rose 
„ ' Alexander. LouUe 
' Atlut*, La B«U« 

. ',. •ATOIo. HIS. Clua. 
:l;.BafIey. Un. M«Ty A. 

itwiTarl Hn. Doia 
'i'-BatM. Mrm. S. r. 
;r .*Btabat>, Uae 
;-.;vBiln>> NeUIc & Ada 
i'; {Mntelaiu) 
-H^tvastoe, Mxa. Wal- 

Xar. Helen S. 
UeDwilel. Mn. Sw- 

tnde ' ■ 

McDonald. UnalB 

•MalroJo. Amalla Alia 
Mara, Madam F. B. 
Mailao, BttKl 
Mcndei. Boae 
Mentor- Oorvtt* 
Uetcatf, Mis. Eta 
Myers. Mrs. A. F. 
Miller. Mra. J. D. 


' OMk: Ttoiet w. 
DeHmr, Mis 7. W. 
DeWoTs, Winnie 

De Bow, Pet 

•! DeVa«. Grace 
'U- DeTaoda. Doratbr 

Onia. His. IC Ii. 
.V DsTles, Mrs. T. H. 
y , ' DsTSD. Day 
-. \ Demona, Dalntx 

Demant. Gertie 

Deancnd, uniaa 

•OeTTne, DoUr 

DletrlA. Mn. L. 

DohertT-. Acses 

Dmnunofid, Ktsl JJi. 

•Baatco. Blandi* 

OUrer. Hair 
•Oimaltr. Nanette 
•Peck, I.nla Bay 
Perce. Uis. t>. A. 
Perclno. Mrs. Alice 
Prettyimui. Mra. JToe 
Phinipa, Mis. tievamea 
Phillips. Mrs P. D. 
PbSoar, CkaTsaa 
Pomeroy. Pead 
BarmoDd. Babr 
'Beete, SnUlTas 
Rebis. Mrs. Unit 
Ren fro, Benla V. 
Bentro. Boela T. 
Rernolda. liadle 
mebards. Mrs. HatO* 
Single, Madge 
*Bama. Boae 
Boaentbal. Mra, 
Bom Slateis 

Kan. Ilaale 
BasdUm. M±s. r. 

•Haaeltw, Mabel 
Hendricks. Boas 

Herring. Hn.; ttA , 

Hloes, Jenala * Ma- 

Hodge. KBaalietk 

Hobnes. Mn. Hae 
Hoirard, Era 
Hola. Mrs. Mens lOe 
BsBter. Mr. dc Mia. 

Hard. Mrs. T. J. 
James. Mrs. TlMS. 
*JoCo»on, Mrs. 'CbSrUe 
Kane. Mia. Geo. F. 
Kerea. Mix. S.BartaB 
. taOlen. Boa* 
UnBt. Xadilja 

toMk. Iba. Adbw 
fliBia. mttto 

Stesait. Mrs. O. Ii. 
StlckDcj, siailam 

Stnrzb, Mn. Kumte 
Sattoo, Mrs. HanrB. 


•TrT^b^iirBii B. 


Ventlck. Mrs. 
•Vice, Mrs. Fred 
TUla. Loela K. 
VlTlaa, Anay 
Waggoner. LeooA 
Walker. Mis. Ellxs 
Walter*, Fcarl 
Watteis, Cjdla 

Ward, ri iilfcB 
Wetier. Mr. - ft' Iba. 

W*»t. Anna E. 
West, Nona 
White. Bose 
Will iams. Mn COaai 
wii KMighby. Bsta 
Wllfoo. Edna 

.Indnsoo, Oark> 
♦Andrew. O. H. 
Audieva. O. ^> 

'AOKild. r. B. 
Also (Medmled 

ABen, Wlnn« P. 
Anad. A. O. 
Alklawa. A. a 
Aamaii. Marrdow 


^atfla^ D. T. 

Besebcr * mnilar 

Beard, Percy, 
Beoker, Cbas. A. 

Beckley. G«o. B. 
Beeehele, Oeo. 

Beecber. Cbaa. B. 

(Snake Sbow Uaa) 
Bender. Sam'l 
Bemer. Joe E. 
Berger, -Earnest I,. 
Bell, BOw. H., Mkr. 

Belford. G. W., mgr. 
Benjamin. Wtn. 
Bennett, Gny T. 
Bemea, B. Ii: 
Beiiiateiii« Joe 
BeiscD, Arttaor (Hack 

Wire Man 
Broriy. J. W. 
Blek<xs. R, W. 
BldwcU. Wm. Sc 

Blatre, Sidney Kcn- 

BlackseUa«er. Chaa. 


Bloe, Cbaa. C 
Boek. a. L. 
Boone, Jno. A. 
Boston Opers Co. 
Bock, EDgese 
Bark. Ftank 
Boic. U. 
Borer, -U. L. 
Boyee, Joe 
*BQf-d. James W. 
Brannoo. E. 
Bradley, J. A. 
BtentoD, Tbe Qreat 
•Breen, J. M. 
Brewer, M. A. 
Brlgga. Chas. C. 
Brinkmejcr. Fiancla C 

Brlnaoa, W. J. 
Brock, S. B. 
Brock, C. B. 
Brock wa y. Fraak 
Brooki. Emoiy . 

Bnwka. Ji 

gwH» SODtknm Oft. 
Bnani* Joft 
BtOVIIl, ft. 
Brown. Jeas M. 
Brownie. Leon 
Bt7an. W- T. 
Borkett. Hany 
Bnrns & Oo. B. B 

Btow, r. W. 
Borton. Barzy B. 
Bosbea. Harry 
Cable. Geo. P. 
•Calcedo. J. A. 
Can. J. B. 
Calklna A Son 
Cameron. Bdward 
Oameron. J. C. 
Campbell, Dooglaa 
Carleton. Bert 
Carpenter. H. B. 
Garter, Sagese 
Oartcr, Dan 

W. B. 
*Olttmaa, Obaa. H. 

Dltbnore. Wu. 
Dlzon. C. A. 

Da»>ln>. W. E. 

Doc's Cam. Co. 
Dodd A Kellems 
Doran, Gus 
Dorln. W- P. * 
Douglas. G<fO. 
Downer. Will L. 
Doyle. E. J. Ic 
•Dojle, Fred P. 
Draper Kid (Candy 

Draper. Frank (Oandy 

Dreamland Gam. Co. 
■Dngan. James 

DunnlD^tOD, W. S. 

Dumere. S. T. 
uumlteMm. Mltta 
Dmm. Cyn9 H. 
Onray. C. CuTler 

Onttoa Cam. Co. 
•DnnlH, aan 
* — 

■ebllA Am. Oo. 
BeUuuta. Tbe Great 
•Eekles, B. K. 
Bdwarda. Wm. 
Bdwards. Doe. 
*l^warda, Leo 
iraids, Balpli 

MMsipaa tht M l. 
ElaOD. W. W. 
Bpatelii. Joe 
Etrsna, H. H., Mgr. 
ETsns, It. P. 

Carter, Oank - 
Caaey. Aadm W. 
Oamutocli. J*A 
Chancy * Clark 
iThtrTf. TlBOi 
ObeimUtr K. O. 
Chcnmmt. C. C 
eSM. W. 

Brans, Wm. 
Fagan Cam. Co. 
Fagan. Cbaa. 
•Farmer, Hatton 
Fergnaoo, J. Jl 
FUck. Bdw. 
FlUplno, B. FR»aa 
Finch, Leon 
Flnnegmn. James B. 
Fbst, Barney 
PlBher, i-^Rene J. 
Flake, E. D. 
Fiagg, GUbett 

Oblcago A. Ok 

Chlswell. Joe 

Clark, Jack 

Clark, Wmie a (Vast 

Caife. N. T. 
CUifc, Tom 
Oarke, Thoe. D. 
Clark. Chas. K. 
Clark. Willie A Mabel 
Clark. Bddle B. 
Claas. Geo. 
Oneaner. Ifn . 
Cobn, Cha*. 
Cole. J. B. 
•Cole, Loola A^ 
Cok. Else 
Cocsoo, Oiaa. 
Cole E. 
ColUns. F. T. 
CoHlns. Capt. B. 
C^oUins. Roland 
•Conkllng, Will 
Cooley A McOidic 
Comm. Jack 
Continental Amoaa. A 

By, OO. 
CSnlKiB * unto (BIp 


Cook's Wmoanmt 

(Jay Oaak. angc.) 
Cook Jt BmttA^ 

Sbmr, Mgr. 
Cookatoo. O. 
Cool. Frank 
•Coooa. Chas. 
Owper. Clarence H. 
Ooebctte. S. Bdw. 
Cord, Dare 
Gccnellns, B, F. 
•Oocyell, <3eo. H. 
Cotter. F^ank 
Comt. Mr. 
Conlter, Frank , 
Cowan. Walter 
Otii. S.J. 
Craig, B. B. 
•Cranston, A. B. 
Crook. Barney 
Oonae. W. F. 
Colt, Bert 
CiAa. T. H., Mgr. 

(BObliaid'a W. W.) 
Cn flen. Aaik 
Ctattys, lb MB* 

sicnl - 
Cfearltnaky, C. K. 
DeAeos, Qreat 
De Aeo, Joba 
DcOuto It Stoke* 
DfiKnto, Jen 


Flanders, Bdwla V. 
neeher. Master nuik 
•Flemlns, WBI a 
•nemlng, Wta. H. 
•Finrence, Al. 
Forster. W. H. 

Forrester, WlnMd I<. 
Forsytbe. S. K. 
Fni^ey, Xtc Acat 

DeiLanOt Ed. 
DeiUIUy. Mb W. 

Btral Ob. 


DeFIUIera. Br. £. 
OeTae. Cbaa. 
Oe Zamoca, Job, 


Danfar. B. Slitiauu 
Danner, F. A. 
DarUngtoo. HariF 
•Dan^ierly Bras. 

DaTis, Cbaa. 
Davis, B. G. 
Dean, Harold 
DaTls. Morris 
Degroaae. Joseph 
Deltrlck & Benjamin 

Desperate Cliaiiee Co., 
Dlckennan. D. 
Dl(tem. J. B. 
DIUae. Jotei W. 
SUM, Max 

TMe Mart CPewee) 

Frey. Henry 
Flck, Bdw. 
Finn. Boa. Thoe. 
Friedman, Hairy 
Fritdile. Frank B. 8c 
Ftog, Joe' 
Frye, Boilrt. B. 
•Po'ton. Arthnr H. 
Gardner ChUdrai's 

Sbow, Mgr., 
Gardner. Frank A. 
Garrett. J. Bobt. 
GazTlocIi, W, 
(Ssixoosi, Geo. 
Gtaoa. Fred P. 
Gatewood, Bart. 
•Gay. Matt 
•Gelger. H. (ActoO 
•(iclger. Jobn 
Geias. Walter 
(3eorgp, Jaco4>. Ic 
Ofbaon. Leonard 
GSnon. W. 
Gtbson, Jas. H., Mgr. 
GfUette, r. B. 
•GUlingham. AL J. 
•GlUman. Bert 
Olrazd. Jos. B. 
GlantTs Cam. Co.JSE. 
Slaseoek, Foster 
Glass. James L. 
Oleaaon, Pror. Oacar 

B. (Horse Ttalner) 
OoMeBbtrt^ Mr. 

Ooa t n lu . Wm. C 
O^dls. FYank A. 
Coold. Wb. J. 
Gould. Mamiy (Q>rd) 
Orabaeh-SeboaaUns Co. 
Orabam. A. H. 
Otsee. P. B. 
Grant, Boland 
Gray. Frank 
•Green, J. BUxwOTtb 
Grlgprle, Granrilie 

(OroTea-Lyall stock Oo 

Oaao (BomuUne win 

Hagenbeck's Animal 

A. B. 
Halaes, Cbss. 

Balnea. R. H. 
Hale, Gno. C. 
HalJ, Franklin 
H elton. Cbaa . 

•Saafoed. Ohas. B. 
Hendler. J. 
Bady Mr. «». 

Elypley. Ed. 
Bardlng, H. 

Harm, Fred T. 
BaUoran, Harold E. 
Hasiler, E. K. 

Hatch. B. Watren 

Bangan, E. 

-Hawkins, Mr. ( Leap- 


Bawley, Walter Ed. C. 
Herman. Leo. 
Helm Cblldren 
Helton. Ed. 
Hemans. Jack 
Uenderaon, C A. 
Hendler. A. B. 
Hendrlcka, turn nd 

*Henkel, John H. 
Henry's Minstrels, HI 
Herdman, C. H. 

Herman, Lawson 
Heronons, Mr. (Mexi- 
can Strong Man) 
Hlsglns. Bert 
•mil. Eany WUlaM 
Hindoo. S. Enpa 
Him. Logan 
HIeknan, Ed. 

Ziswson, Joe 
Leyden. B. J. 
I^esTltt. H. L. 
Lee. Raymond 
Lee, Joe 

Lee. BUIy (Come- 

Lee, Walter 

I.eoD. Glrard 

Leferer. H. C. (T-Ick 

Lelnta, Brerette 

Leroy, William 

LMUe. Jay 

LesUe. Matt D. 

Lestpr. Dan W. 

Lewis. Capt. A. W. 

Lewis. Ed. 

Lewis. Harry A. 

l,ewls. F. J. 

Lery. Pblllp 
I<eytem, J. F. 
Lindall, Cbaa. B. 
Llndenatzalh. Voots 
Loekirdod ^avab Oo^. 
H. W. 

Logtan. J.- 'W, 

I«B« Star OHB. Oik 

Honae, James M. 
Howell, V. W. 
Hood, W. D. 
Hoffman. Prof. H. B. 
•Holen. John J. 
BoIIenberger, lieoBaM 

Hidt, Dan 8. 
H<dllngsw«rt]i. Allied 
Bope. Alex. 
Hopkins. Bert 6. 
Hoyt. Cbas. 
•Hunt's Vand Clrcns 
Homer, <3eo. 
Hosa A NanmaBn 
Hoss. Bert 
Hoes A Smith 
Hotcbklss, Glenn 
•Hooghtallng. Geo. 
«Hovet, T. F. 
Howard, Montrose 

HnUbard's W. W. 
tX. B. OUba. Mkc) 




Ltoir. OM 

Lowe. Leon 
•Lowande, A. A. 
•Lace. Grant 
Lnddlngbm. Jamea 
LalgL Geo. 
LyaB. D. H. 
Lyie, J. P. 
ijncb. Jack (allaa 

Cfaleken Ljndi) 
Lynch, Wm. 
MacTelty, Earl G. 
McATtbor, B. O. 
McCain, R. W. 

•ilcCoUora. Herlwrt 
McCrea. Jas. 
ytaCaf. Wm. 
McGee, M. W. 
McI>Bde. Geo. 
McFadden, Will 
iicGeaxj, Hairy Wm. 
McOIudIs, J. D. 

— a A. 


Tbls letter Hat every week Tor mnll 
matter. Ift'e are not required to 

■Hngbes, Walter 

Hngbes. CoL Windy 
Himt, Hi Henzr (Ha- 

man Deril) 
Hmiter, Mr. * Mrs. 

Banter, Samnel V. 
Hapel. Wallle 
Hard, The Maglslan 
Ham, Henry 
Hyatt. Frant Z. 
•Uey A Abey Co.. 
Jackson, John 
Jackson, Eddie 
Jacobs, Jack 
Jarrls. Fred 
James, Andy. Painter 
Jacbaon. E. S. (Mgr. 


McKesson. Wm. 
MeJJalr. M. E. 

McKenna, Eugene 
Madden, Chas. 
Markle Band (Bobt. 

C. Marts. Mgr.) 
Maddlson. W. M. 
Mahpr A LaPlace 
Malnwarlng, E^est 
Maltland & Paacatel 
•Maley. Den man 
Manklo, Chas. H. 
Manley, C. W. 
Manton. Harry B. 
Margnlls, Albe 
Mars, Bod 

MuAdl. B. P. 

MutlB. H. J. 

Jltoa. Dr. 
SohnsoB, Cbaa. O. 
Jobncon. Wm. H. 
Johnson, Wm. 
Jotanion, Billy 

ing Wire) 
Jones, Wm. 
Jones. R. 0. 
Jones, Fred 
Joyce. Jack 
Jndge, Larry 
Kartelll. Fallow 
Eatxea. H, 

Kayata. Mike 
Kaylor, B. Q. 
Keen. Henry 
•Keith, DarM B. 
•Kelly. Walter 8. 
•Kelley. Dkllt A. 
Kelly. Walter C 
Kelly, John P. 
Kelly, Oias. 
Keltow, Ed. W. 
Kent, Clias. O 
Kerr, WUbnr 
Kerwin, Dan 
Keyes, Frank 
Ellpatrlck, Chas. G. 
Kllpatrick Bros. 
Klmbcrlaln. Cbas. 
•King. Larry 
King, Jno. 
King. H. E. 
•King & Co., B, 8. 
King. TboB. 8. 

Klnler. Jala 
3. V. ate 

t. H. 

UiVA, CM. wm. 

Larelle. WtaUk W. 
LeBoR, B* 
•LeSar. M. 
Leister, J«lm P. 
Langley. Frank L. 
t^mbcrt. 8. K. 
LandT, Hany 
Landaay, Nap 
Uae, Aflkv. Kit., 
Lane, Burton 
Larfllard. 'Wylto 
Laafccy. Vamca 
Landlc. MB A. 

•Matlte. Bart 
•ai aner, «. B. 
Maaln It Oay 
Mayo, Baxiy P. 
•Hcuy A Aadca 
Medway, CIibs. L. 
MeUoB. Loo 
Metx. Barry 
Mereler, Jobn E. 
Merrttt. Frank T., 

Mentb. Henry C. 
Meyers & Maaoo 
Myers. N. P. 
Miles Wearer Sbow 
Miles. G. M, 
Miller. H. 
Miller. John 
Mills. Jos. E. 
MUUe. sum (Ice 
Miller A Kaufman 
-Millmar, Cbaa. 
Miller. Koko (Knife 

Rack Man) 
•Miller. Jos. 

Cream (Xmea) 
Miron, Jos. C, 
Mitchell. Harry 
Mittenger. Wbltle 
Molar, Geo. A. 
Montgomery, Frank 
Moran, Peter 
Mcrria, B. D. 
Mcrlcy. 0. A. 
MortHner, W. A. 
•Mortimer. Ohas. 
Merrlam, Flying 
Moerla. Big Bill 
Uoote, Dr. W. H. 
Morton. J. B. 
Mbaely, M. A., Mgr. 
MneUer, Mike 
Malroy, Jamea 
Man. Walter 
Mag. 8m 0. 
MiiIIa8y. Tha*. 
MnlUn. Geo. 
Monden, Hcnnan 
Mnrpfay. O, If. Mgr. 
■Mnrphy. Jas. F, 
Mnmy. Jamea A. 
More, Plot. Mark 8. 

Mmray, Cbaa J. (Bed) 
Mnste, Toby 

Mrwi. Mas a., Mff. 

Myeia, M. B. 
My^rs. Jeas 
Myers. T. J. 

Myers, Prof, ae 

Myers, Fred 
Nance. P. W. 
Nnson, Frank W. 
National Stock Oo. 
Nehrlng, U. H. 
NcUl, O. O. 
Nelson. Joa. 
Nester. Barry 
Newman, J. D. 
Nlcholls. Cliaa. 
Nichols. E. J. 
Nicoll, The Great 
NIxoa A Zimmerman 
Nixon, Hatty 
Norton. J. J. 
Nye, Tom FrankUo 
O'Brien. Geo. 
O'Brien, Clare 

Odon, Dan 
OUtaaa. Tiie ^iree 
Oaentos. LanadknnM 
(MMCae DMiBAtle On. 
(Mmii. Dr. 
OrctllB. Albdrt 
Or«r,_B. 8. 
OvafMraet, M. 

uvmiMi, ja 
Paka. inly 
FBImcr, HaRT 
Parrlsb. J. C. 
Parisian Widows Oo„ 

Parke, tlemadar T. 

farfc.-r, Albvt 
Payne, Jim (SoekaktB 

Pelliams. Ttie 
Perry. Thoa. B. 
Petraln. Stephen A. 
Payton Trio. The 
PhUUps, Prof. M. H. 
PtaiUlpi. Joe (Simp) 
PhUlipa A Gordon 
Philllpa. H. L. 
Ptaipps, Col. E. 1. 
Plttee. C. P. 
Proctor, (Seo. W. 
Porter, Blaine 
Potter, H. B. 
Potts A Potts 
•Powley. W. Jr. 
Powells, Tbe ntree 
Powers. D. G, 
Prltehett. L. S. 
Pollock. W. J. 
Pollock, Earnest B. 
Pnjo, E. P. 
()aebey, Hany 
(Jnlllens. Xbs 
Badle, Wm. 
Balabott. V. B. 
Buntey. Ed. 
•Bamaej, ObaA 
Bandelpk, Artbnr 
•Banlat. aw. H. 
BarfSk. a 
•Bay. Darld 
Bay * Bmr 
Raymond, Fred 
Readlek, Frank. Mgr. 
Rearia, Frank 
Beeder, Frank L, 
Reese, J. Q. 
Redllne. Henry 
Beld, Harold 
Relae, Nat. SC 
•BeneU, Frank 
Benfrow, Jap 
Beysolde, Jottn W. 
Bcynolds, J. B. 
Blee, Dan K. CBllr 

Bice Floatlnr- TImtlll 

RIcfcard,' Bd 
Richards, Geo. 
Rich. Geo. 
KIddloe. Bill 
Rlngllnf; SUotr 
•tBledel, AotaD 
Blea, Geo. 
Boberta, Geo. B. 
Boblnaon. A. C 
Bobinsoo, Wm. 
Bedllne, Henry 
Bodncy Stock Co. 
Bogers, E. J. 
"OBogeis. Geo., jr. 
Romalne A Fitch 
Boea, Bmil 
Boae. OoL 0. H. 
Boss, Prof. WaKer J. 

(Hypnotist King) 
Boast, Three Broa. 
Borwland A CnUTord 
Bnaeen, F. M, 
Rnasell. Dick 
Bydon, Will S. 
St. Jnllan 
St. Charles. B. O. 
St. Clalte, Caias. 
Sanders, Edward 
•Sanders. Geo. B. 
•Sargent. Fred 
Sargent, Fred p. 
Scott. J. B. 
Seott, Doe A Seott 
•Scorlll. Nesblt 
Selby, Frank E. 
Seymoor, Emery 
SebtAert, Babe 
Bhayne, Jobn 
Sherry. J. A. 
•ShIeMA H. 8. 
Sbenrood, Otto 
Shields, B, 6. 
SWelda. Jno. B. 
suiter llw.' Clreas 
Sktmicr, Prof. T. L. 
Sboeker. o. a. 
^o^ay. A. D. 
Shnttr. Bmcat ' 
SImvsoa*. Xha 
Mwc,_C. O. 
Smead. r. B. 
Smith'a Caioaaal Sboir 
Smith, any O. 
Smith, abfl K. 
Smith h Ackerman 
Smith. Andrew 

Smith, Retkert 
Smith. Joe MoO. 

(B. O. Smith, MgT.1 
Smltb. J. 8. ^ ' 
*6mith, Lee Oriai 
SnydcT Bros. A Otm. 

ke'i W. W. SSm. 
Snydam, H. B. 
Solomon. Sammy 
Bopp, joe 
Splaln, Joseph 
•Sprsgue. Alrtn 0. 
StslTord. Charlie 
Stafford, Fred 
•Stanley, H. M. 
Star A Orescent Omb. 


Start, Frank 

St. Icy, Prof. tTiiiBwi 

•StepaOi. B. 

sterling. Vtetor 
StewRTt. Dr. W. E 
Stephens, Geo. 
Stewart. Geo. W. 
Stewart. Bdw. OL 
Scklelds. Jack 
Spann. C. P. 
Stoddard. W. W. 
Stone, Jno. G. 
Streets o( Csiro, Tb* 
•Btsoaa, Herman 
Stnart. O. K. 
SnlUran, 3. H. 
Snrecn, Jotanle 
Swain, W. I. 
Srkcs. Watlae* 


a. P. 

Tiate. WUtk 
•Taylor, Alhart'' 
Taylor. BImon 
Teaadale. Gesu 

(Glasa Bhnrer) 
Teeta, Btoa.* Shaw 
Tennessee Csm. Os. 
Tenney, Walter 

Tewner. R. W., Mgr. 

Tiemey, PbU H. 
Thomas. Arthur A 

Tbomaa, B. A. 
Tbraataer, Otiarlle . 
Tlirasher, C. E. 

Tbnntoo. Barry 
TBibttta, W. W. 

Tamer, C. B. 
Tillman. Slim 

Todd. Wm. 
ToUey, Geo. 
Tosaell, Blchard 
Traband Am. Q>.,P.B. 
Trebone. Charlie 
Trowbridge. W. P. 
Tall. Obarley 
Tomer, Ix>nls Archer 
Twog, Joe 

Uncle Ton's OabiB 
Sbow Oo. (Ferty'a) 
•Underwood. Chaa. 8. 

Tan Allen, E. W. 

▼an Foaaer 


Toelck a. B. 

Vokea. H. B. 
▼oee. T. 
•Varls. Baaa 

Waten. Hagb C. 
Walker. Jake 
Welteb, Essie 
•Welsh, Stephen O. 
Wandle. A. 
Ward. Cnrtis 
Warner, Ed. C. 
Washer Broa. 
Washington, B. G. 
Wangh, Edward 
Wangleborg Am. Oo. 
•Weaber. H. !». 
Weber. Mr. A Mra M- 

WeTUj, W. G. 
Welch, F. J. 
Wentworth, Cbss. 
Wentworth. Walter B. 
West, S. C Mgr. 
Western Am. Oo. 
White City Ain. Oe. 
•Wbtte, Pertsr J. 
WIckbam, G«y. 
Whitby, Jbo. a. 
Wilbnr. (Jbas. B. 
Wniard A Co., B. F. 
Williams. Lee. Mgr. 
Wtlsoo, Hany 
'WSaan. F. B. . . 
WUaon, Frank 
Wilson, Hany B. 

Windom. Wm. B, 
WiMtaek. IMttB 8. 

Witt. Doc (Moa.) 
Wonnold, "Wm. 

Woodford, M. B. 
•Wni^lfr. HOmm- 

Woodward. W. B. 
— V. 0. 

XetaB. ^MC. 
Teons, BeB. ■ 
Tenac, Bar 0. 
Cai^ BcB. 
BOda dC Ite A8* 



Cupoatt and Marie wUI hereaftar b« 
fcnSpB." «• «w» Ateti. Tbey «• tmM 

BBin AptlL ISM, 


Tl^c Billboard 


Law Departnient 


In this department all 

^I*w Editor, The >^>»«^MW ■MH llgi 
Haw Tork City, »^ mat* jy-r~JWS 
.Mnaae* of inauiim. ■•■}•• WBl wmt M 

d» set «Mnr • ■MtI«U» Mta.) 



1 A mortnse hM.Mn iiilipltf«<l. aod nme 

1,.V teerSSaa ana tMrted isa^ on tte 
SnoKs m the clerk'a o«ob. After 7««m the 
™rtg.g" we. fonndj can th« hcU«r retain the 
morii.Be, and canae aame to be pfSa mgt^l 
SL la not tbe mortgage Talneleia atter It tiaa 
kten tettled and narked aatlafled on the re- 
MrtlDC beoka? 8. Can the mayor prerent a 
Sow trom sb owing In the tswn after he and 
the aldermen hare signed a contract with tM 
aanacer to have the show exhibit on a ••»• 
litaidatet— T. U. T., MannlnK. 3. C. 

1. Tb* mortgagee or holder can retain the 
■ertgace. bat ne can not demand another pay- 
ment. Satlafaetlon on iceord Titlatea the mort- 
■ase. 2. Tea. 8. Tbe major can prerent the 
BhlblUon of tbe ihow, notwl th a tandln g bis 
egntnct. Xoor rvmedir ia to being soit 
" aC ■ 


lb kuband has been Imprlaoned In the penl. 
KaSaxr for burKlary (or the past three years. 
KlDdlr Inform me if l can obtain a dlrorce on 
that groond and In what state? — L. v., Lonls- 
TUIe, Ky. 

Imprisonment In the penitentiary for a felony 
or Infamous erlme Is good cround for divorce 
in forty-Qiree ont of the flftyHioe States. The 
cnepUooiiaie IMMilet of Colnmble. Florida. 

Three years ago I sold a patent to a firm 
under an agreement by which they promised 
to pay me a royalty of 25 per cent, on all 
sales. They later Incorporated, and np to three 
months ago paid my toyaltlea and gaTe me 
aatlsfactoty acconntloca. Now I can get no 
money from them, and they say that the former 
partners hare left the boslneas. and that tbe 
eompaay bctct made a contnct with me, I 
know tor a fact that tbey arc selling my In- 
eent l on. What can I dot — K. B- M.. New 

The company can not cootlnne to make hec 
of yonr Invention wlthont compensating yoa, 
alttaongh they may not be held liable ander 
the original contract, unless they have acted 

imon It. I wonid adTlie salt tor tbe reason- 
sHr aalM «C tha pn «( ysor Jamatlaa. 


Va)3» Tom's Cabin (A!. W. Martin's). I!d. Msr- 
, tlo, mgr.: Cedar Rapids. Ia.. SO: Washlne- 

too 21; rattlleld 33; Beardatown, in., S; 

Beat St. Lonls n. 
Onele Tom's Cal>ln (Stetson's Central), Grant 

Lace, mgr.: Plymouth. Fa., 18: Olypbaat 10: 
■jjMit City 20; Snsqoebanna Zl: HUton 26. 
■V^^ Vom'a ChMa ((ttetaoa'a Baatcn). John 
. 1 BasnnoB , mgr.: Bsne, Tt.. 18: 1>tanoB. N. 
• EL. 1*1. Windsor. Vt., 90: C3ai*aMiBt. N. H.. 
' tXi : 

caclc 7esli Bpntceliy (Westen), E, A, Dodge, 
mgr.: Morind.' Arls,. U; Oaoglaa IS; Ha' 

_hee 30: Tombsln M: Prtaeatt 

Docle Job PtcklH (H. H. Itagfc'a Eutcn). 
Ran; UUaCk, ' ■».: Tag Alstyce. Tex., 
18: PHot Poiat »: KMkcrtoed 21. 

Bnde josb PerkMs (H. H, Ftaace's VTestem), 
Jos. nulUnger, mgr.: Wvlser. Ida.. IS: 
Boise Cltr 19; Pocalello 20: Ogden, Utah. 
21: Salt Lake City 22-25. 

VaidSyke BMM. P, 3Ci^' mfr.: Bganibal. 

Mo.. le-ss. — 
Via Stock Co., E. G. Via. mgr.: Bowling 

Green. Ky., le-ai. 
Vernon Stock Co., BenJ. B, Vetaoo. aagr.: Bal 

timore. Md., (m. », Ind^ 
Warner Comedy Co.. Baa B. .WatMt^ lip,: 

BemMll. 3Ua»^ SB^SS. . 1^ ii -1..;.- 

* Un, Uraak W. 

. 0„ Ml ObmI 

ark 91: AUIaasa *i| ~ 
98; WadMMrlk Ut 


Wilson, Francis, Ohaa. Frvtanan, mgr, 

Psnl. .Minn.. 1548: Ulnneapolla IMl 

York City, 23-28. 
Ward, Hap. In Tbe Grafter, E. D. Stair, mgr.: 

Chicago. 111., 15-28. 
Wlllard. E s.. Cbas. A. Moorr. mgr.: Detroit, 

Mich., 16-21; Toronto, Ont., 23^ItoT. «. 
Wedded & Parted (SulUvas. Harria tt Woods' 

Western): Terre Hante, Ind.. 17-18; Brazil 

19: Paris. HI.. 20: New Harmony. Ind., ai: 

BTaosnile 2Z: Henderson. Ky.. 23: Padneah 

SI; Cairo. III., X; Poplar Blaff, Mo.. 2S; 

Springfield 27; Colonrtius. Kan., 28. 
tV'oodruIT. Franklin: Maiden. Mass., 18; Salem 

10; Gloucester 20: nsTerblU 21. 
Welch, Joseph, Dloswell & Nleolal, nvr*.: 

Mlnnenpolls. Minn., 15-21. 
Way Down EaH (Western), W^ A.'- tad;, 

m^.; ClncjDDatl, O.. 10-21. 

Woman Agalost Woman. Charles Toek. 

Monroe. N- Y.. IS; Hamburg 18; 

.N. J.. 20; BaekrtUtoira a. 
Way Down JIBat (Baatkna): Bst.apMM Ark., 
18: TexaAaaa. Hm,; »t UpHv an Pales- 
tine ai. 

Why Clrls Leave Home (Centbal). Vance & Snl- 

Uvan, mgrs.: Boston, Mass., 21. 
Wcdgfat'a Comedy Co.: Scottsdale, Pa., 28.28. 
What Women Will Do: Kenosba, Wis., 22. 
Wlor Women Sin (Eastern): MeadvIHe, Pa., 23. 
Walsh, Blanche. WagcnbaUs * Kemper, mgrs- 

Cbleaso, m,,. Oet.;»««r. 4. 
waifleld. ObtH Btiaatt^ MfR.] ■■Xtm. tm ats. 

Sept. 2, 


Sew 7oife 0I». 

Williams, JiileAi,' Botdc Oe. 

TOBBg. Edwin, Stock Co.: Wallace. W. Va., 
16-18; Salem 18-21. 

Vonnger Bro«.. National .\TAj15e Co., props.; 
Roy Bwald. mgr.: Elgin, 111.. IS; Hammond, 
Ind.. 10: Mownoatta, 111.. 23; Gale»barg 24; 

Canton 25: Keokuk. Ia., 26: BnrllDgton 27; 
Unscatlne 28. 
Yoong Buffalo. (%as. R Blaney Amuse. Co., 
mgrs.: De^olnes, la., ljB-18; Omaba. Neb.. 
10-21: Kansas City, SMIL 

YorkTlUe Stock Co., IknrM HMml- agr.: New 
T«sk atf, Indef. 


•Mbaatt, IilaJ^T]b«v ■a?aa£^ wis.. 


Wallack's Theatre. PMMMlm Iraa V ■gri T Itn 

buque. Ia., 16-18: lam'OMy' IMlt'' Back is- 
land, 111.. 23-25. 
Wedded and Parted (enlUvan, Barrls M t T Baga * 

Bastem): FhlladelpfaU, Pa., 16-31; - 
When Knighthood Was In Flower. Kane, Ship- 
man & OolTln, mgrs.: Mlssonla, Mont., 18; 

Wsnace, Ida., 18; Spoka»<^, Wash., 20-31; 

Leirlston. Ida., 23; Moscow 21; PnDman, 

Wash.. 23: Colfax 28: North Taklma 2S. 
When We Were Twenty-one. Brandon Courtney, 

mgr.: Putnam. Conn.. 18; Altlettoro. Mass.. 

18; Newport. B. I.. 20; Taunton, Mass.. 21; 

Brockton 23; Fall River 21; Rlvrrpolnt. R. I.. 

an; Woonaocket 28; Norwich, Cmn.. 2T; New 

llrlUIn 2S. 

Was She to Blame, witb Snth Craven. Harry 

U Beck, Bigr,: Obamlierlala, S. D., 18. 
WctaC^ Yw. An Star Cb,. Chas, T. K. Miller. 

mgr.: Watcitary. Conn., 18: New Baven. 

18: Bridgeport 20: Wilmington. Del.. Hi! 

PhlUdelpbla. Pa.. 23-Nov. 4. 
Wilson. AI. B.. Sidney R. Bills, mgr.: Hooa- 

ton. Tex.. 17-18: Galveston 18: Beaumont 20; 

Lake Charles, La., 21: Shreveport 23; Hooraa 

24; Vlckab«n. lOaa.. 25; JaAsoo 96; Nalckca 

«! - - - — 

3-0-0-3, Henry W. Savage, rn^.: New Tork 

City, Oct. 16. Indef. 
A Breezy Time, John R. Andrew, prop. & mgr.: 

New Decatur, Ala., 26: ShetBeld 27; Inks. 

Miss., 2S. 

.\ Bunch of Kc>vs. Ous Bothner. mgr.; Griffin. 
Ga., IS; Atlanta 19: AonUton. .Us.. 20; Rome, 
Ga.. 21: KnoxvLllc. Tenn.. 23; Chattanooga 24; 
Binnlngbam, Ala., 25; Tuscaloosa 26; Mont- 
gomery 2T; Troy 2S. 

A Hot Old Time: Columbia. Pa.. 18; Harrlsbnrg 
19-21: Hanover 23: Yorke 24: Gettysburg 25; 
(Tarlisle 2S; Shamokln 27: Easton 28. 

A Son of Rest, Will F. Molltor. mgr.: Char- 
lotte N. C, IS: Colombia, S. C 10; Charles- 
ton 20: Savannah. Ga., ai; Atlanta 23 -2S. 

A Trip to Esrpt. Ed. Carr, mgr.: Tipton. Ind.. 
18; Frankfort 18: Elwood 20; ShelbyrlUe 21: 
Hamilton. O.. 92; .MMgl al— a Mj, PlasaSI: 
Lancaster 35; AMMW aft- Mmb^IB* W'<m- 
bridge 28. 

BIckel. Watson Ic Wrotbe. Ia Torn. Dtt * Bar- 
ry. A. H. Woods, mgr.: Jeraar OHy. M. 

16-21: Brooklyn. N. Y.. IS-28 
Buster Brown (MelvUle B, IU7S>oa<*a CsL 
Co.). Thoe Hodgeman, mgr.: Denrer, Col:. 

15- 21: Colorado Springs 2S4I; Cripple Cteck 
25; VIetar 26: Paeblo 2T-U. ■ '. ' 

Buster . Bwn OICMIIt B. BajoHad'a On 

trU: AltlBfc O,. IS; MaxIMta l». 
Babea In TarlMd, WeOs, Dimne & Harlan 

mgrs.; StllllS. Atau* 18; Birmingham 10 
Atlanta. Ga., 90-91; Bome 23; Knoxvllle, 
Teaa., M; Oiattanaoga Mi OoluaMa S. C, 
36; XsahviUe, Tenn., Zt-M. ■ ■ 

Babes In the Woods, ShiAcK Ma;.' agrs.: 
PIrtsbnrs. P*.. 16-28. 

Black PatH: Gainesville, Tel., 10; So. Mc- 
Alester, I. T.. 26. _ 

Babes In Toyland, Hamlin, Mitchell 3l Fields, 
mgrs.: St. Louis. Mo.. 15-Zl. 

Ctthlll. Marie. W. B. Hudson, mgr.: Cleveiand, 
O., 16-21; Erie Pa., 23; Bo^cstcr, N. T.. a4- 
Syracuse 25: Albany 2e;_TNg W, ,. 

COhan. Ceo. M.. Sun K. BSBlB, JCgibt FhH 
adelphla. Pa.. 18-28. 

Canadian jubilee Singers, W. T. CsiT. mgr.: 
Holly Mich.. 18; Linden 19; Vernon 20; Ban- 
croft S3; Byron 24; Fenton 25; Lalngsborj; 
26; Ovrasso S/t: Elsie 28-28. 

Dare Devil Dorothy, Geo. S. Starling, mgr.: Pa 
duish. Ky.. 18: Cairo. 111., 19; Fnlton. K.y. 
20: Jackson. Teim., 21. 

Daniels. Frank, C. B. Dillingham, mgr.: Oma- 
ha. Neb.. 17-lS; Kansas City, Mo.. 19-21: St. 
loulB 22-2S. 

Duss and his Band. FreddlK mHVs' mgr.; 
New York Cltr, Indef. 

English Grand Opera Co.. Henrr w. "•▼asf. 
mgr. : Hartford, Conn.. 17-18; N«r HaTVn 18l 
Springfield, Maaa., 90-31; Wuceaatsr 92-95; 
Providence. R- 1.^ 8MB. 

EM pl.t Bells: Kewaik. Jb JU W t 
ton. Del., ZS-aS.. ^ _ ^ ^ 

Giaioes ftom im a l gg j. B. P. ahrw. mcr 
Scottsdale. ?t. Mi J? , 

EUery Baod. X»»t tisa Aacsles. paL. tadef. 

«u-, aue. la BaOa tt AtMaa A, A. H. Woods, 
mgt.: WasUngtOB. D. O. U41: Bocheatr 
N. T., 23-25; Syiaensc 95.98. ^ 

Faomsma, Ed. Banloa, mgr.: I<oBiarrnie, Ey 

16- 21* Clndnnatl. O., 28-28. 

Flnnegan'B Bsll: Hndlay, O., 18; CUW 
Junction 10: AsUaad 30; OoAoeton 21; Ncnr 

Lexiocton 23; Kewaik M; Springaeid 2S; 

Xenla SB;. Hamilton W; MIddletown 28. 
Florodors. C. F. Biggs, mgr.: Cidnmet. Mich.. 

18- Hancock 19: Ishpemlng 20; Menominee 

21- Wausau 22; MerrlU. Wla.. 23: Green Bay 

24; Neenah 25; Sheteygan 26: Oahkoah 27;" 

Appleton 38. 
Fon'man, Jules. Musical Comedy Co.. J. C. AI 

len mgr.: Athena. Ga.. 18; CHeveland, Tenn 

19;" KnorvlUe 20-21. 
Fantana, Shnbert Bros., mgra.: Chicago, m.. 


(te-r New York (Gos Hill's), (Sias. E. Barton. 
mg^fDeiSlt. Mich.. 15-Sli Philadelphia. Pa.. 

Oirla' Will be Olrls. Wa. . A.' 
- K. T., 16-21. 

Glaser, Lnln. C. B, 
Xork Olty, Bept, 4. laMfc 
la ntrtgisi Iks Bej, Walter Uadaag, 
mHL IUbb.. IS: Boehamr W: 
Ut »; »Ma Oltr, It., »; St. Pgol. 

Hompty Dnmpty (Oto. B. Adaaw'). 

Cooke, mgr.: Onnn. N. C, IS; FayctMrlllc 
10; LanrM>iirg 30; norcnoe, 8. C 21; Camden 
23; Sumter 24; Onngebnrg 25; BanAerg 28; 
BaroweU 27: GranltrvUle 28. 

Humpty Damply, Klaw 4c Brlanger, mgrs.: Chi- 
cago, 1)1., le-Nov. 4. 

Happy Hocdigan'a Trip Aroond tbe World, Joe 
Pettlnglll. mgr.: Kansas City, Mo., 10-S. 

Happy Hooligan: Plattamoutb. Neb.. 2a. 

Hopper, DeWolf. W. A. Brady & Shnbert Bras., 
mgrs.: New York City, Oct. 2, Inde*. 

In New York Town (Hurtlg & 5eamoQ*s). I>oney 
Haskell, mgr.: PUUdelphla. Pa., 16-21. 

I. O. n., with Eotb & DIB: Rock Islsnd. 111., 
IS: Pvorla 19; JoUet 20; Wangegan 21. 

Ireland's Band: Holjoke, Masa., 27. 

In tbe Wrong House: l^wlston. Pa.. 2S. 

Irrlng Place Theatre Opera Co., B. Cooreid, 
mgr.: New York City, Indef. 

It Happened In Kordlond: New York City. 
Aug. 2S. Indef. 

Janls. El6le: Kingston. Ont.. 20. 

KllUes Band, T. P. Power, mgr.: St. Cloud, 
Minn.. IS: Oskaloosa. Ia.. 28 

Little Johnny Jones. Chas. C. Stimmi. mgr.: 
DanvUlc. 111., 18; Champaign 18; JacksonvlDe 
20; BkMBUngtoB 21; JoUet 92; Anaca »; B- 
glB 94: JaaesrUlc. WH., 25; MB i lssB " 95; 
Rockford. HL. 97; FWepWt ;9lL 

Lyman TwIaa,'te^Xks>BBa41ssR. .Bsatdos. IM.. 

botg 31: OsiSB>taa»- 91: M Oak 23; 
SbnaadoBh M; Olenweod 2S; Coming 26: 
CisslMi IT. SfazTaflUe. Mo., 2S. 
VePsddea's Flats, Tbos. B. Henry, mgr.: Waco. 
Tex 18; Ft. Worth 19; DallBS 20; Sbreveport, 
La., 21; Texarkana. Tex., 23: Pine Bltiit. 
Ark.. 24. 

Me. Him A I. Edwin J. Ck>hn, mgr.: Toronto, 

Ont.. 16-21: Montreal 23-28. 
Mis Bob White. Nixon S: Zimmerman, mgrs.: 

Columbia, S. C 18: CbaTlotte. S. a. 20: 

Sallsbnry;. BtfMfk. M; 

Petersburg. 'Vau' "IS: RCWfort' Ilein '98; SW- 

folk 28. 

Murray & Mack. Ollle Msck Ic Joe W. SpeaiS, 
mjrs.; ilcKlnney. Tex.. 18; Denlson 10;. 
GreenriUe 20; Manbal ZU BhterepOFt, La.. 22; 
Hot ■gtlaas^>.Aifc..:.S8fi,»fiB>s » asfc Mr .^toe 



Tbe SMTt Set, W. B. Moat*. 

0, n-IMi ~ - - — 

Ite Otrt aad tka 

St. I^mlaw Ma- II 
«ie Liberty MDsa. 

it r. L. PCrlsj. 

Mr. Dooley (Ona mil's), Fred Blder, mgr.: 
Montgomery. Ala.. 18-18. 

Marching Through Georgia, Charles B. Greene, 
mgr.: New York City, 16-21. -.v 

Mclntyre & Heath, Klaw A ErIaaiSK-agra.: 
New York City, Aug. 28. Indef. 

Neighborly Nelghbore. Frank W. Nason, mgr.: 
Newton, N. J., 18; Washington 10: Clinton 20; 
South Amboy 21; Freehold 23; Asbury Park 
Ljtkewood 29; Atlantle City 26: Salem 27; 
Brldgeton 28. 

Nancy Brown. Wells. Dnaaa ft Barlan. 
New York City, IS-Sll PtMSait,. Fk. 

Xeel'8, Carl, Concert BsaCrV BB'XBate with 
NIchoI'a Chicago AmilssuBt ' ^a^' - See Mid- 
way Bootes.. . r.-- '.- 

OlympU Opaaa •.• Ob>-'. K.- .y.vj.fiaiaaas ■mtg.i 
Raleigh. N..a.'iS4I; Dallat. To., Zt-lSvrJl. 
■ FrgB Psfla, ' Madlaon Corey, 
^, Cal., IS: Oakland lS-21; San Frandaeo 

Mtora SamBlla,; Opera Co., a A. FoUart, 
ngr.: HaBtfUoB. Ont.. 16-21: Kingston 25- 

PMC. Paff. Poof. B. C. Whitney, mgr.: To- 

prka. Kan.. IS; Omaha. Neb.. 10-21:' Des* 

Moines, Ia„ 23. 
Paris bv Night: Waterbnry Conn., 19. 
Parsifal: HopklasvU^, Ky.. 26. 
B«tl. In Dovm the Pike. E. D. Stat, mgr : 

Buffalo, N. Y., 16-21; Bochester 2S-2S; Syra- 

catc 2K-2S. 

Bunninc for Office. Sam H. Harris, mgr.: Sa- 
lem. O.. IS: Canton 19: Manrteld 2o: Akron 
21; Yoimgstown 23-2S; Sharon, Pa., 26; 
Jamestown, N. Y., 27; Bradford, Fa.. 28. 

Roral Artillery Bsnd. Joa. DeVtto. mgr.: New 
Tork City, 10. Indef. 

Rounds' Ladles' Orchestra. H. 0. 
SL Louis. MOi. 0-25. ■ _ - ..: 

Reynold's OSMBSt BaMS: ., .■a- J salt . am. Sid 
dell-s Soa<feeiB'' .Catal«al . Os.r -i'-asaS.iaCway 
Routes. ' ' „ 

Rogers Bros.. Klaw Jb Brlanger. mgrs.: Sew 
York City, Sept. ■» Iml.-f. 

Simple Simon Slmpl-. Xlxon & 
mgr;.: Philadelphia, Pa-. O-M: 
Sonbnry ai; Wlllbunspoet 25; l 
26; Pottavme ZT; SerantOB 28. 

Sonu and his Band. Frank Ohrlstiaiwr.^lDsr.! 
PItsbnrg, Pa., 16-21; New York Ctty 22. 

Shooting the Cbntcs, DavU Btoa.. aigi*: _Spitog- 
field. O., 18: Ttor 10; BeUelsaMlaa. 90: Van 
Wert 21. . • - 

Schumann-Heliik, SladaaM, F. C. wUncr. mgr. 
Philadelphia, Pa.; »at. ^ 

San Toy. John 0. Hicket. mgr.: CictjMn, 
ailnn.. 18: Grass FBrkS, N. D.. 1»: Winni- 
peg, Kan.. 90ai; Bated. N. D.. \^at 
Mote. WIB.. 9«: OBlatta, Minn., »: Bed 
w£« 95: Mbanlt 37; Boehe»t»28. 

IBsinlar Beaatr and the Beast. FMd PMee, 
mSS!^ SaMwaTPa.. 18: Baatea IB: Tren 
ton! N, J.. ««1; AUantlc City 2841: Brtdge- 
ton 25; WUmlngtoa, OeL, 28; Pat ti ao n . H. J., 

Seheir. Fritsi. C B. DOIlngbam. .mgr.: Boston, 

Mass_ 16-NoT. 4. 
Tbe Beggar Prince Opera Co., F. A . Wade. mgr. : 

ABtuqnerqne, N. M., Indef. 
The Flltonster, Shnbert Itros. : Chicago. 

ni.. Indef. 

The Land of Nod: (Silcago. III.. June 12, Indrf 
The Pearl aad The Pnmpkla. Klarw te ikiaaget, 

The TankM B ij ili l I C i l sa sn . ' !: ML;'-. 

ladef . ■■ ^ r ■^ 

Toek CUT. Oafc-.lSTlilt- ' ■^-'. - J^'f-- . : 
The Beaatr ItMlK ■ . ^m.':Wi-; tiimii^ "Ck: 
Seraatao. t*^ ^JSlPnS^^'^JkJL- J' 
Combw 90; BonaMnue ' B; Btaannl. pa., 
23: J u l ms onbnrg 24; St. Karys 35; Kane 26: 
FranUIn 27; Botler 28. 
The Sbo-Gnn, Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Mil- 
waukee, wta., IS-IS; T aOiosaa 2S4 WlBona. 
Minn.. 20: Ban Obire. Wla.. 9t:,JBBHItoUs. 
Minn., 22^: 9t^ Paal 25^8. . , " - 
The Forbidden Land. B.- BL^BAMa. agr.: At- 
cUaon, Kan., 18; SLpJlMii. Ma.. lB-20: 

. Pred. O. Berger. mgr.: 

Terrell, Tex.. ]S; SreenvlUe IB; UcKlnaey 
20; Dallas 31; Oebnme 23: WaxabacUe 34; 
Ft. Worth 2S; Sherman 28; Paris 27; Baa 

bam 28. 

The Office Boy, Nlxoo A Zimmerman, mgrs.: 
Brlatol. Tenn.. 18; BlneOdd. W. Ta.. !•: 
Boanoke 20; Lynchburg Zl; StavatoB 23; 
Cbariottevllle 24; Frederlckstmrs 29; Aanapo- 
lla, Md., 26: Frederick 27; 'York. Pa., 38. 

The IrlA Pawnbroken. OUle Mack A Joe W. 

SpeaiB. mgn.: Ionia, Ulcb., 18: St. Jolia 
10; Cbarlotte 20; Fowler SI; Owsaso 38; Bast 
Tawaa 34: AaaaUe 25; Alpena. Neb., 18; 
Cbeyenne, Wyo.. 21; Denver. Col., SMB. 
The Sajah of Bbong: St. Joseph. Bo.. tJ-i 

Fans aty. Neb., IS; LlaoSIa 90-21: 

~' " ~ Fremaot, NA.. 98; 

Wapakoaeta. O.. 18: Norwalk IS: ElyrU 20; 
Lorain 21; Clereland 23-28. 
Tbe Sonny Sootb. J. C. Bockwell. mgr.: North 
Woodstock, N. 18; Lisbon 10;^" 
20; l4mcaster 21; Oolebrook 23; 
Que.. 24: Newport, VL, 25; ~ 
36; Barton 2T; Lyndonville 28. 
The Tenderfoot, William P. Cull en. 
PorHand. Ore.. lO-lS; Olympla. Waah.. 
Taeoma 30: Victoria. B. C-. 21: Vanea 
23: Bdllngham. Wash.. 24: Everett 25: 
Seattle 26-28. 
TlTOU Opera Co.: San Francisco. CaX., Sept, 

11 -Oct. 21. 
Tbe DodMSB of Dantxic, Klaw A 

I.: Newark. N- J- 16-21. 
The Earl and the Olrl, Shnbert Bros.. 

Chicago, ni., 16-31. 
The Bonaways: Hsnnlbsl. Mo.. 18; 

m.. IS: Kwdnk. la- 30s CuMsL 
Tte WUaid tt 08. BaBttb.:UB3l.X] 
mgrs.: PhOaddpUa, 
Md., 28-28. 

The Tenderfoot, C3ias. Marks, mgr.: Pioivl- 
dence. B. I-, 16-18: ^ringfield. Maaa.. 1<»; 
Watatbair. Ogna.. 30; SildfietBwa -r . Out-, 
tat* aattmm-^muaM- »tt Xrw _aa««a^ 
Patuisw,''B;^ »y 95; Plals9Hd 2T: 


nie Boyal Chef: Knkome. Ind.. U; 
port 20; Elkhart 23- 

TSte laie of Bong Bong. B. C. Whitney. Bgr.: 
Elkhart, Ind., 18; Kslamaaoo, Mich.. IS: 
Battle <:reek 30; Grand Baplds 21; Mnakegoa 
23; Ft. Wayne, Ind.. 2S: La Porte 27; Flnd- 
lay. O.. 28. 

The Isle of Spice (Eastern), B. C. Whitney, 

mgr.: Troy, N. Y., 18: Albany IS; New- 

baig 90; Maw aarea, Coob,, 31. 

he Ma •< Mea (Waatan). B. C. 

Bgr.: MMStMini. O.. IS; Hi 

Data aty. iBd-, 90t BictMsABL 
Tl» -Ifaysr aC . M3Sb 

IhwUcBOCo B> ]*• l^^Bjf'' 

U; XtMstcn. M. J,. IS.. 

OAIud. ObIm »»-IS; 

30; Saoamento 31-32. 
ahe abow Oli<L B. C. Whltacr. 

nalu Wis.. 18: ApiOetoB IS; ~ 

ICarloette 31: Uarqoette 23. 
TSngoay, Bra, Joa, M. Galtes. mgr.: New 

Tork City, 16-21- 
Tbc Gay Uatlnee Girl: SL John. N. B.. IS- 
IS: Frededeton 10: Woodstock 28: Boolton. 

Be., 21. 

Thr Panders: St. Louis. Mo., 16-^; DanvlBe, 
DL, 24. 

The Prtacess Chic: Homellsville. N. Y.. 18. 
The Portone T^Ber: Memphis, Tenn.. 17-18: 

Hcpktnaville. Ky.. 24; EvanwvUIe, Ind.. 38. 
Two Meny Tiainps: Fremont. Neb.. SI: 

HmnplUNT 29; FnOertnn 23; AlUaD 24; Nar> 

folk 25; Wayne 36; Ponea 27: Sooz Olty. 

U.. 28. 

Van. BtUy B.. la Tbe Brraad Boy. P. B. Bd- 
tiraa Aaoa. O.. mgis.; BraoHf. H. T.. 

Tn at a &a sji; Oiace: Bia a a» lB »_ns,. IS: 
itar. BL. lO; »' 
* Tafeeai A 

too. B. 1,, IML 
Wl i ee lMCA 'a H. 8. isdlaa Band. Max 

jigr.: Sdnken, N. 7.. 16-21. 
Wben Tfltmay Ooaes Mandilng Bome. W. T. 
Carleton, prop. A mgr.: Jadson. T^nn.. 18: 
Mcmviila 19; LltUe Bock, Ark., 20; Hot 
Springs 31; Pine Bluff 23; Tezarkana 24: 
DaOaa. Tex., 25^; Ft. Worth 27; Austin 

Wms Mosleal Oomedy Co., John B. Wills, mgr.: 
GreenSbcro. Ala., 2021; Montgomery 28-28. 

WoodUnd. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Phfladel- 
phia. Pa., 0-21; Ctndnnaa. O., 23-28. 

Barlow A Wllaon'a. Lawrence Barlow, mgr.: 
Jaeksott. C, 19; Greenfield 20; HSMnro 21: 
Georgetosm. Ky., 24: DanrOle 25. 

Oidhane, Cbace tt Weston's, Fred. D. Ponly, 
mgr.: Dover. DcL, 37. 

DeBoe Broa.', Bnty DeSae, mgr.: Onregtfc N. 
Y.. 18; Weleott IS: Sadaa 30: Newark a: 
Palmyra 3S: IsMiftgi Bfe n— ipB L»; 
Clifton SttiMB tk^mmmmtltmtltf Mam 
Xa». 38, ' 

Ohaa. n. WOaoa, 
35«1: St. iMla 
A BMfleiM^ Edward Ctonrad. mgr.: 
BooBt, N. C. 18; WOaon 19: New- 
'20; GOHsteco 21: Fayetterille 23: Flor- 
tmet, 8. C 34; Barttngton 2S; Smnter 36: 
Ohsslai 97; Mealisuj 38. 
PifM*a, AI O.. Doe QaHriey. mgT. ^act ssa 
vBle. Fla.. 18: P e n es esi a W: SUbOr. Ala.. 
20-21; New Orieans, £a„ 3S4S. 
Guv Bros.'. O. B. Sny. mgr.: Peuelaug. Obi. 


Haverly's. Chaa. R- Bugbee. mgr.: Bomie. Ia. 
18: Ft. Dodge 19; Yankton. S. D.. 35: ■SSK 
City. la.. 21: Omaha. Neb.. SMi~ " 
24: Hastings 25: North Flstte 2S;, ' 
Wyo- 27; Oiccicy. CoL. 28. 


Xlie Billboard 

OCTOBER 21, 1905, 



Tbe Famons 
Boxing MUdgcfs, 

I AiIglei^Lions 

■ c±y BB KttoAOBD rox 




■ormu H. Bowe Moving Tielure Co^ 

Colored Act tbmt mmkam OooA. 

The Bantfords ULUM 

,1I.T. Willi . 









The Sensation of the Century. 

Featured wlLfa Nat. Rol«» «BllnniORiRl»1 

Co. En route. Have flue BthOiL FOrtenM 
•od time. 1906. address 


Care THE BILLBOARD. Chicaso. 






Bicycle Bill 

Oreat larlet twlrler andcycllst. Big noreltr 
•ot. Add. care Billboard. Cincinnati. Ohio. 



...FER6US0N, DUPREE & CO... 

la thdr Furn Come<i7 TaadeTllle Sketch 


Addnss 813 E. 71st. N. Y. City. 


The Fumy Aerob&ts. with their trick blUbo&rd* Intro- 
: marrelous bmnd to b&nd aod bcmd to Imd 
Mm mil the w&v throaah. 

P«r Add. BUIbOABD, ClnclMMtl, 


iitta noaatloiMa dnaatle playlet "An Epieoda in 
Kodem Life.- wrinea br 3Uas Wntcott. 


all cammanlcatlons to WHISTUN'O TOK 



"MTt ft Uto fMT t Tadt." 

Address B. A. MEYERS. 31 West 31 St.. N. Y. 


^SraOBaMi jDd omtortlMiisCB. A Ug 
.•UliTinili Obok ft BmtiWa SbowB. 
^VHt^mUnea The Billboard. " 


MM tot 
WITH mjOTO eHOw lees 

Panaaaent addreaa; nio Bmboard 






Slogtac, TalUnc, Kaockaboot ■■4 
ruadawt wnk BlHllW Bwfc. ■wiMI UN M 
1MB. At UMttr ftv iriMir 

Hamer-THE HOBSONS-Esiella 


eat Bbon aaaam M0»l*t4 aaA •06. 


We arr tb« Orlj^lnators <*t the Triple Jump 
I'P wltli Two I^idlo* OcntlvDiAn ftiid DoE> 

Tbe Qnat and Onir 


Principal Bate-back 

Aakaairledcrd the Oreateat Bnrlaaqne Mole 



BUIac Act OB Barth. 


Pe.n of Skill and Darlnc Seuooed With 
A Sptce of Comcd7. 


The Liu«hln« Bit of 
The World'. Gre»te«t flho-w. 


■■gUih AcTOhala. Four In Nomber 
Preuntlns ao Abaolotc Norelty 


1. S. WOLFINB and 

O^^tan and TnlncM ot tta BOZINS 

"mat TerMtUe OmtOr Pair." 


0*gWWifflWWO^M^0^^^MW MiT^SoSIb 



KiMw or innini 

ta OrldBal OuMkiHtlw 


Aa ■iiwl €t Aittatie VanatUIty. 





ODD run Am ooBaooi azBAnom. 

AflMrtea'a BaprcacBtatti* 

Formerlr "The Wtltau." 


PwatBtlat the j^Bayil Qmrtetta" at Xnlncd 

Omm Mb *anlt iB S'tScoi 


Amenea's Greatest TROUPE of TBICK CT- 
CLISTS. Addre« Geo. M. J«ck»oo. p^r 

n.nt*-. or Grl.Tcfi. Rfpr--*-nt« 1 1 Te 
EjlRt 14tb St.. New (?ltj. 


Two Bic reatdrc Acts 
Scaaona I8B4-180B 






WaeU'a Onateat 




Responsible Managers, address care Billboard. 

Comedy Jugglers N. V. R*p. WILUAM MORRIS. 


Verguson, Ouproo & 


** Training a Husband 

Perm. lu But 71it St.. V. T. CltT- 



Opens the reenlar season at the Chlcsca 
Open Hoose Sepl- il. Oipbenm Circnlc to 



Anrln's pjienomenal SkatorM Artbt. 

Permanent ad< 

W. », 






"Morning, Noon and Nighr' 

Adii.Wg.uiiB.34ci«rt St.. etmm, lu. 


KnlK or tha Wlra. Tha moat i 

- itlonal iDld«lva.. 

blblUon InazlMaiwa. Kor open tin* mddrasLunalUfe 
Oone7tobuul,orUI W,4«iu]«t.,N., Y. —no. 




Tracl ied Around The World Co. S eason 1905-01. 


Aa ISAAC BUTTINSKI, the Jew Prtectire io 

Tracked Iromd fboWorld .. 

ManaKement A. n. W( ODS. 




Muigtiitnt— A. H. WOODS. Sntn ISOHI. 

«J. p. C AIM TOR 

As MOV rov. 
In Traoktd Aronnd the WtrH Bh 

yiugtiMQt «. H. moos. Snm IMMIl 

G. W. 1VIA.RKS, 


TiMlMd Anni Hn Wcrii U. 

JTNO o. njkv 


Oir KEIXH cutcvix 
MMMDIMil. BolnKi«nwn» 

Aifa..M.T. city. 


Tlmii allHUud. from Auff. 7 till May li 




AddresM. Care Billboard. 

! Phillips ftGordoni 


Atf«lrM« Th* Billboard. 

..MI8AT0 mOUPEi.. 


For opon time address 


37.')»i I'ariR'll Ave.. CIIIGAQO. 


— AXALANTA..... 

SeBMlioHBl Olsrablne Win Aet 


itiu timiia..all aolora. IS eaata par 
Framaa to bold aaiaa a oantaaxRa. 
1.. Bffanaaea <teCo.. Trtimae Bids.. CbicM^o. Ill 

Tiieatrical Hotels m Boarding HonsN 





AddrcM. T. W. OREEN1.EAF. Mgr.. 31* WorUi 3rd St., 




European Plan. Elmnnt Buffet In conneCtjOB 
OEO. H. NIIIES, MwiL IS3 W. MadlwD St. 
Cblcaao. ttMTimfliM Wus. 


SuisMBs Bad Amerioan, 

Mmn»4t. OmCAGO.IU. 

TheUlllbaatd chMfullr rasomaawli UHahiHal. 

OCTOBER 21. 1906. 

Xtie Billboard 



WANTED The Hamilton County Fall Fair and Farmers' Festival 

IW :^=as: M OtaHiMop, Tmhl, Unmkm IM to l«k, hdnkn, 



Would also like to hear from Dog and Pony Show, "Wild West, Hippodrome, or any other first-class tent attraction. Privileges 
of all kinds. To all of the above most liberal inducements will be oflFered. Get in line. Everything advertised like a circus; the 
people will be there; a whole week. This Fair will draw all the farmers from five counties, besides the entire city population. 
Everybody at work. There will be plenty doing. Thousands of dollars in premiums to both ladies and gentlemen. Grounds 
right in heart of Chattanooga are a myriad of lights. Other good dates close by, following omrs. If you get on here you iiang 
the real big one. Write or wire now. Addreaa all eommnnicationa to 

JAS. A. DAKIN, Seoretary, 

Station A, 

I ^•>)«~ir»"»»» ^ii">uTin_< f(.f i» 

Street Fairs aad Csnitvals 

(CteHaMd bom pace 24.) 

Charles B. 

tint wDt: "It brake all record! In the urar 
of tttrBducv. Ott crowd* contlniiaUr In- 
cmiwd. and the pcopla were ««U tepald for 
romlait out. The pandc Ceatons ««te on ■ 
xrandcr scale Ihwk •*«> be&rc. lb* camlTal 
noniMta were a t m M at aU ttONI. The ibows 
Silt OB br Uie OatMll Ouatial Ob. were cx- 
crptloiully good. Ocneral Btaiiager deed, who 
tad full cbat«« of the carnlTal. may veil faci 
proad of the record of this years' events." 

Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Hill closed with 
the Greater Smith Amasemeot Co. at Freeport. 
(Hilo, aod wbUe en ronte to their home at 
BlsUand, Ohio, tttr the winter, lit. Hill paid 
hSnapecta to The Billboard. Mr. Hill U 
HMMdlnsIr wen pleased over the teaaon's bust- 
■MS, bavlBK played to (ood business an alone- 
He canstders both Mr. and Mrs. Smith among 
Ibe bext people In tbe street fair business, and 
be Mid man; niee tblnes in pialac of their 
ncfllCDt trrattnent of tbcte.- aMitecea. . ilt. 
HUl srndfi bU rpeards to til llMt Of MCOA In 
tbe camlTsl tmslaera. 

The First Advei^lslns Show, under 
tbe snanssement of Mesara. Parker and Bleder, 
opened at the Collsenm, Ctalcsgo, Oct. 11. and 
will eontlniip antu the IStb. The show has 
proTfD a great sncceas. Adyertlslng men from 
all OTer the world haT« attended the sessions. 
Mannfactnrers of adTcrtlslng noTeltles are 
Urceir represented, and the dlaplajs are onlqne 
■nd maiiT. The Adrertlaliis Show win be a 
regatar anmna event In Cblraso and Mew York. 
The New York ilMw wOl .aeenr to UadlaoD 

who ' had 

efcarge ct the anakea bek^itM ti» Baliert Lewla. 
•nth the Fetarl Biottais OanMI Oo.. died 
fery snddenlr while with tte ahow at Bock- 
(ord. m.. fianr wacka aao. He waa taken UI 
«n Frldar aad paaaad away «a the foUowlne 
SimilBr. Sr. Bftacoek'i maor frlcDda ahowed 
tbeir loyal apiHCClBtlna' poiabaaiDic a hcan- 
tlfal casket and aaadkw. Ika ta«r to tta Ust 
reathiic-plsce at BaHer; V. 3., ' tke ' hone of 
tbe dMeaned 

Our attention has been called to the 
fact that a well-known American carnival man- 
ager la advertising a trap-loop bicycle act by 
a performer who la now In AQStralia under 
contTRct to another amnaement manager. Such 
nethorts are bad, and throngh them tbe car- 
Dlral ^tl(<]^pra Iff bound to anffer in time- It 
was not ontll drvna adTertMng waa pot npon 
. ... ttjtMje 

The T. I. Cash Carnival Co- cloned 

its seventh saccesafnl seaaon, Oct. 1-1, at X-afce 
City, Minn. Doe Faster and Cbas- Leddeger 
win go to St. Paul tor the winter. Daia Devil 
ujrnaa Mna the Chicago Amnseaient Co. Earl 
rMneta aad L. O, Cowan have algncd with the 
CMBMnalltaB. Daring tbe wtalar-. Hkt Oaah 
Atahal 0*. nar be addtcaaea »/t-4U .Wf 
•amia avnrae. St- Pan], Minn. 

While standing on the platform of 
•>"e iif the coaches en rnnte between Red Clond. 
Minn., and I/awrencc. Kan.. Waller U. Hndd, 
Ibe rormrr prcsa agent and secretary for the 
Parker Fnlrylnnd .\miii>ement Co. fell from the 
train and escaped with a severe ahakeop- Mr. 
Bwld lias signed for the winter with the Tide 
at Mfe Co.. nndor the managenWBt ot Horace 
Marphy and Bert Melville. 

B. Deljrarlan, general manager of the 
IflKsrlan Slrreta of Cairo, wrltea that alnce lie 
eiowii with the Batch Co, and began playing 
inii.'pi-miont fair datea hia attraction h«» done 
phenomenal hnslaeaa. After a few more south- 
rm ilniea hIa compaay velania to Boatoo. Uaia., 
*here h» will open an amuaeiiimt teaort. 

R- D. Mi^Calloch. the boy aeronaut, 
anil Mile. Slhyl Cyr will fnobably be engaged 
for (he winter hy Signor Pridanll to featnre 
their balloaa Kapeae act with hta boat ahow. 
wldeh opcna aboat Nor. SO. Next aeaann Mc- 
g»ll«* -and Ort wni pot on an entirely new 
hallonn act. ftatotlng a Are display. 

Shfeney Bush has succeeded W. J. 
Evans na talker In front of Lsnsley's Snake 
''Kw with the United SUtes Amusement Co. 

Joo Kdwards, In his wire act. was a 
JWrlnl featnre at the street fair beld at Mo- 
•"■"'ct, in.. Oct. 5-7. The camlTiI waa a 


Hilly Mnnn, the well-knowii prlvl- 

■ete man of Chirago, waa oiaMrd to Mlaa Rose 
"li"|l«el.. of Rochester, N. T., Oct. 8, at Jeffei- 
uICV'"- J""*- "e" Loaternie tbe fol- 

lewliig Tnaadar aMnlMC te Ik* aaolh to 

Notes from the Whitney Shows: 

Fnlton, Mo., was another big one for the shows, 
all of tbem getting big money. Creation with 
tbe Statute Turning to Life and the Holdup 
of tbe LeadvlUe Stage took top money. No 
sign of closing, and lota of good time l>ooked 
to follow. 

The Barth-Davis Electric Co. close 
their twenty-foor weeka* engagement with the 
Welder Oaxnlral Co.. at BUlsboro, Ohio, this 
wee k, and Jamp to Unlootown, Pa., to vpco in 
the -apan oovae. - W< H.-- Savaupoit 'WiU con- 

Mrs. F. la. I.ant^ey and baby Joined 
Mr. Langler of the United Statea Amnaement 
Co., at Mewten, Kan. Mr. Laacler aaya the 
baby looka Ilka Ita dad... Ba alto MVMtta 
good boalneaa with tha Aair, and says ka aiay 
stay ont aU winter. 

Dr. Boucher writes that business is 
getting better even week for Ua Antomatlc 
Theatre Co., now luayiiis Alabama. HIa Gypay 
Camp la doias wdL •8iaK;tetiNoa >W aad m 

The fire company of Johnson City, 
BB., haa engaged the Bidden Boothem Car- 
nival Co.. to put on tbe attraction for Its 

street fair week of Oct. 23. 

It is reported that Col. I. N. FIsk 
and Capt. Dedrlek. who have the prlTlleges 
with the Jobn Robinson Show. wUl take oat a 
boat show this winter. 

The street Calr. at Gleason. Tenn,. 
for Oct. IMI, .ms'dtdaiea. a& . AJtira eaye- 
camlral waa hdd 'U-ld^' which pniTCd rery 


F. R. Blitz announces that Millie 
Christina latsa htiMneaa. at^tgngtni^ 


Harry R. Moon.te.i 
the Nichols Chicago As' 
en route sooth. 

They have all in-eflxed "The Greater" 
this season. Wonder what it will be next? 

'Ob^'.' ' Nhldi Is 


In a district school of Macon county. 
Mo., the subject for debate recently, 
was, "The Brink of Sin; resolved, that 
women are more liable to itep over 
than men." 

Tbe dlacn— low ■ wabnd up In a mus- 
cular bout, beeauae'the Judgres, inspired 
by gallantry, gave the decision to the 
champions of the ladles. So the gpreat 
question is still unaffected by any ac- 
tion of the Fox Run Debating Club. 

John Griffith, the well-known tra- 
gedian of the west, presented Macbeth 
at ' the local theatre that week. The 
question which had caused civil strife 
at Fox Run was propounded to the 
actor. Mr. Griffith smiled as he re- 

"Ah! Ton are hunting trouble for 

me. I'd much rather be Judge in a 
prize baby show than answer that 
question. But I have noticed this," Mr. 
GrifRtb went on. "That the part of ICe- 
phlsto in Faust seems to possess a re- 
markable fascination for young women. 
I presented the character for seven 
years, during which time I was honored 
with many 'soft.' perfumed notes from 
prettv misses, some of whom begged 
for Mephlsto's long, sinister plume or 
feather, for a souvenir. I had a Faust 
with me who was a ten times better 
looking fellow than I am. and gifted 
with all the gentle graces of a polished 
gentleman, but they 'passed him up* 
without consideration; he never re- 
ceived any love notes; they didn't 
point their Angers at his manly form 
as he strolled up and down the street 
They wl ffn^ - the bad man who had 
made 'so nnieh misery for the lovers, 
and who tried to make all good plans 
go awry. It's queer, but It's human 
nature. It must l>e akin to the trait 
m womankind that Induoaa some to 


Walter Beemer and His Juggling Girl 

3610 Rliodes Ave., CHICAGO. 


send flowers and love tokens to men 

to ascend the gallows. 

who have killed women, and are about 

'■I noticed the same pleasant marks 
of appreciation when playing Richard 
nL 'K Bbakeapeare has made anything 
lovabWabout that tmcolent eliaraeter. 
it must be that I have failed to study 
it as closely as I should. Now, for 
goodness s^ce." exclaimed the actor In 
modt .tHiw/ ?!ttiHtft Quote ine>w. Iiwt; 
ing answered :tptt' .i ionse n »lcalqiie«ttcin 
of yours. Z ijNMMiift '.dare attempt it." 

CoiiUng dorarn-'to a dlaoiission of the 
work of the world's great playwright. 
Mr. Griffith said: "The fierce Richard 
m.. Is. the gi«atest moneymaker of all 
ShaKaapeartf^s jilayi; but Macbeth Is his 
mtwt sublime 'tragedy. 'Several ttanes 
persons have fainted In the Intensity 
of the dagger scene. After slaying his 
king, the terrified thane rushes In to 
the. woman who had Inoniad.Iilm^to .the 
tnurder. carrying . the" blOody dagger, 
and exclaims: 

" 'Methought I heard a voice cry. 
Sleep no- more! Macbeth shall sleep 
no more!* 

'?Bh-er "afterward he' is' a prey to 
dreams and alarms- Not so the stout- 
hearted Richard. He laughs to scorn 
the curses of the . spirits of his mur- 
dered kin. and fiercely seeks on Bos- 

worth field the leader of the enemy's 
force, the Earl of Richmond — 

" 'Fight, gentlemen of England: flght, bold yeo- 

I>raw. archers: draw yoor arrowa to the head! 
Spnr yonr prond horses hard, and ride in blood; 
Amaze the welkin with yonr broken starea!' 

"No lukewarm valor In the breast of 

th*t.p«ya.iora .or. Bkigi a wa i.^'i^ 

was a nniraerier. bat a' inoral coward. 
He was physically brave and daring, 
but a -victim of superstitious fears. 
Richard was a murderer, devoid of con- 
science and of dread. , He Mid: - "Con- 
aclence, iavanntf. Macbeth said: "Con- 
sclenoe kills me!' 

"There are many interesting features 
in comparing Shakespeare's two most 
noted criminals. It takes 'maali?lM*aer 
work to play Macbeth' than :1tte1iard 
rn. The greatest Macbeth that ever 
lived -was Charles Macready, an Bng- 
IlRh actor. He presented the analytl- 
cnl character: Forrest, the physical and 
Booth, the supernatural- Macready 
was the master- He and Forrest were 
playing Macbeth in New York In 1848 
at the same time, and so demonstrative 
became the rivalry of their supports 
that it waa finally terminated In a great 
riot, and troops were called out to quell 
the disturbance. 

"Charlotte Cushman was admittedly 
the finest L.ady Macbeth of her time. 
It Is stated she tried in every way to 
Indue* Forrest to pisy with her. but 

he always dodged the issue. He 
dreaded the possible diminution of his 
laurels by contrast with the wonderful 
woman. It was said." 

"Why is It that of recent years the 
playing of Shakespeare seems to liav* . 
gone out of fashion?" Mr. Grlfflth was 

"Since the passing away of Barrett. 
Booth and McCuUough, an effort aeems 
to bav^ been made to push the -woric ot 
later playwrights to the fore, and the 
Shakespeuian dramas were allowed to 
rest awhile; not because the people 
were ttrcdvotifbam.' bnt Cor the reason 
that the iieist genimtlon liad seen them 
presented by the moat eminent of the 
world's tragedians, and. naturally, was 
willlns to turn its attention to some- 
thillCtfaK''8Bt>IIOW, after fifteen years, 
we are W' tbe eve of a great revival 
of Shakespeare. The fathers have told 
their children about the magnificent 
work of :dead- actors, and the yo*!^ 
ones are ea«er to .a^e■^^th>^;yw wy^4 ^ 
plays that bad stirred their sires.- Tbers 
are more first-class companies pre- 
senting Shakespeare's plays this sea- 
son than there has been at any time 
in the last '»«»S-5^J!^-.*S!E:' 

son. I appr^tend. tliex-liwwW*"^ i 
be much greater; :-,-?;';v ;: '' k}.;'/^: i;-:^;-:..;. 

"College student wre iitodyiBs 't^ 
works of the great playwright assidu- 
ously, and this makes an imperative 
demand for his plays by good com - 
panies. In Moberly, recently, OB* .iwrn- 
dred and eighty-seven seats were re- 
served for members of a literary so- 
clelT who had stuOlea Macbeth sys- 
tematically for a week or so before it 
was presented. Tou will notice! '"*^ : 
season tliat neaiiy ev«ryoth«yi,«ist-y 
class concern oniitiM Nraadvrma;.:' play 
ShalEeioearer " ' ■ ' ' " ^ ■ - ■ 

plareTt .- "X; s>r : :■' '-■'l.,.y;..<~:: "' 

"t«t me reply tO'tulin^ttib language 
of Bob Ingerroll. W T irecaU it: 'If 
Shakespeare didn't write 'em, God Al- 
mighty knows Bacon didn't. Shakes- 
peare's worst writings "'Jf.-ifiiSi 
than Bacon's best ai^-^SbbllsgMllifWS.. 
best were far beyond even we nBHwwn 
of Bacon. Bacon claimed about every- 
thing worth claiming that wasn't tied 
down; and It is wonderful, if his ^t^g* 
day admirers are correct, tliat bS'iJHai 
not add Shakespeau^'s works to Km 
literary appropriations while he lived. 

"IngersoU also said of StoKwWje: 
•He was «hs. Htewuy geBatM |t..<tf tt^ 
world. -Wben" 1" -attsnp^.- to , auune 
X 'Ml as tbOH^ X SMN 

oat to EnMp •^bte too craat 



Tlte Billboard 

- oovoBm sit ttoik 


Manhattan's 1st Annual Fair < Ediibillon of Live M 


■DECEMBER 26, 27, 28 and 29th! 

Wanted, Concessions and Privileges of all Descriptions 

^itaStipi^^ aiovabl^ inchtdii^ Tent Shows. This propoution is conceded to be the nioBt ociguial lanndbed i| 


MO-VILLE, KiM«rboelwr Theatre BuikHiig, N«w York CH^^ 


^fprUBov^dMtiiediow.Dlkyliissmftn towns In BcMitblliitwIntK OMWliiifs 
k tlMsaBai; Ton will make good or close at once. Also ▼ande- 
raadslxaKpacIeBcedeaii'rmsmeii. Don't write, oome on. No^ook- 
en or loafers need write. No tickets. Address, IH. I^eBOV, Oneida, Tcnn„ this we^c 

18; FUiklll 


HI Benr'a: PcekskSI, N. T 

1»; Newlxirs Walden 21- 
fCecnadB', BUIj. Oeocge A. Tnyaer, 
■- Omlamm. Tex., 18; Mezla IS: Ba 

-WtziIiKlile 21; QamesrUIe 23; BlicnBaii 21. 
Maaata'e, Ftaak: IraFlata, Mo., IS; Qgaen 

Ottr IS; LaBeBe 20; Canton 21; Salnyra 28; 

BbeMtaa M: CtotkniBe SS: Xut St. Zioali^ 

nL. a: mboik ms, zt: matn a. 

Fa., 2S; AI- 

detaatoa 88. 

Piu e U K' a . Gcol H. Pioetor, mar.: Oubondale, 
m.. 18-21- 

BMtazd A Princle'a, Bnsco ft W«IT«»il, msta.: 
Onad Forks. B. C. 18; Ekiiate IBsUBnan- 
wood 20; Trail 21; KaoMw WtiMmentt 
34; ▼•ncoarer 25; Tictoda 'Vt 'WSmSm* ST; 
Near WeUsUnster 28. 

Soa'a, QoB, Ftvd. D. fxnricr, mgr.: Oteen- 
TlBe. Tcz.. 18; UeKlnney IS: Paila 20; Boa- 
Im 21; DcKlKn 23; So. UeAlcatw. I. T.. 

Togel'a, Jolia W. Vogel, mgr.: I«iaTette. InS., 
18: t^iguuport 19: Pera SO; Wabuh 21; 
HnntiiistiTO 23; Msnde 24; BloOtoo 2S: Ft. 
W«yae- 26; V»n Wert, C, 27; Lima 28. 
Wcat'a. WlUlam H.. Ssnfonj B. Bleabr. msT.: 
K. Y., Ifl. 

Fay. Anna Bra: Wlciitta. Kan.. IS-Zl. 

Flint. The, HTpnatlRi, B. I.. rUst, mgr.: 

Oaleflbare. Di.. 1»21: Sttntor 23.28. 
EUdtej's HOTlns Pietores: I>x1ngtoo. Ky., 18; 

Wlncb«st£r IS; Monde. Ind., 20. 
Bdma. Ht. A Mrs. Harrr, Hagletanl. C. U. 

Becfc, mgr.: CUnton, Wis., 2^28. 
Kara's Fat Chfldien and Taka-Tama. W. K. 

SIMex. iBgT.: Dalton. Ga., 18-30; Macon 23- 

NOT. 2. 

Keiiplcr A Cbanbers Uenr-Go-Boand: Fol- 
Kj.. W-2U^Colnmbll». JCIm, 24-28. 

Bajfa aC CanaU, AL DaSnn, 
8u Oiesow Cd.. 1<-Ui: Bcdtaada IS- 

PreseeOe. HivsotUt. r. VlStrd HtSDOo. mcr.: 

Botlaod. Tt., 18-21; Bem&istoa 2S-28. 
Beclx Broa.' <Md PUortatloB. A. L. Benix, 

fiijc^. ; Dnad. Minn., 30-21- 
BoKn*. "at Wnd GM. aiiWnytm A Fortner 

mgra.: Sut St. Donl*. m.. 18-21. 
taor SaaOi FInatiBg Hieatre. Swallow A Uar- 
• kie. nczx.: Naples, m.. 10; Meredoaia 19; 

Brownlne 90: HaTana 21: ElacBton 22; PeUn 


We«i'». Ool. M. H.. Watermdon Tmat: Ma- 
hanoy Cltj. Pa.. 18; Fr«eUDd 18; PlttstflB 

Waod'a. J. tu. Great Medianlcal Hippodrome: 
Wri«lJt»»nte. Oa.. 18-Nor. 4. 

; AketB'a. xntoa. An-Star TMaiUla Oo. (Mo- 

ald> Ketr Toilc CUj 2348. 
■Awaror. O. S.. Utj lOnrttd W^ma, VL B. 

aaxdiagv bfa. asr.: FianUart; M., IC- 

18; Sc^m lS-2irMnDele 28-28; Andcnoa 88; 

Uarta 27: Elwaad 28. 
IdcCaTeCtcv Xbe Oicat. Bunr. T. O. I«f*7ette. 

7ABX Am 


Madlvn. Wit.. U41: 

BA's Fair Saoana Show: Redcilek, 

20. ■ 

IS. * 

WaBace^: Bodiaaao, Ta., IS; 
19; BtoeSeld, W. Ta., 80; ~ 
wmianaoB, W. Ta., SB; 

MO,, IS- 

Banadier Carnlral Co.: De Soto, Uo., 18-21; 

Farmlngton 23-28. 
GoamopoUtas Amnaemeirt Co., H. Snyder, gen. 

OatboBdile, U.. 18^; UaxicD 28- 

OttF, Okia 



Ky., 18-21. 
rA<tenaii.Keetdk Showa; 

Lelbtried A LaTelle AmnKiMat Oa: 
tDgton, W. Ta., 15-21. 

Uadlaon Amnaeinent Co.: Lewlston. Ida., IS- 

Hinei Bioa.' Showt: St Lotds. Uo.. 2-21. 
Monardi Arooeement Co.: IHTenport, Waib., 

18.21; Wllljiir 23-28. 
NIdtial'a Amasemeot Oo., Lew Nlcbols, owner 

A mar.: CarroHton, Dl., 18-21; Sparta 28- 


Nngent A Freeman's Btectric Norelty Co., 
Hany ITli iiiiiiii. mgr.: Fnlton, Ky., 18-21; 
GotanitlNis. BUsa., 28.S8. 

PaAcr, wreat, AanueDcnt Co., Coo. T. Ken- 
nedy, mcr.: Jaakna, MlM, 1841; Naab- 
allla. Tem.. 

Paiker. O. W., AansHMSt 0>.. 1. Hmy Ed- 
wards, mgr.: Cbtawdu. I. T., 1641; Sbaw- 

Parker. Kew, Aiauam ent Co.. Kaver A I>ar- 
naby. mgiB.: leffenon City, Uo., 18-21; Ok- 
mnlgee. I. T.. 23-28. 

Falter FaliTltiid Amnaonent Co., Cnuaer A 

Tyler, mgn.-. Mcwton, Kaa., 1841; Gliazd 


Patteraon & Btii Ijmm S Oialiat CSS.: IMlBC. 

ton, Man.. IS-StL 
BlddeB's SoDttiem Catntral CO.: TeSrrBon city, 

Tenn.. 16-21- 
Bflblnaoa Amnaement Co. : X4KWTeacelMeK, Ky.. 

18-21: FianUort 23-28. 
Boyal Anmaemrat Co., H. & 

HaatoOTlBe. Ky., 18-21. 
Saotbem Chratral Co., Nat BeiM, mgr.: Mo- 

dcsta. OU.. 18.21: Hanted 23-28. 
eeeman-mnicaa Xatdl Ons Co.: SbeUiyTinc, 

m.. I8.SI. 

Snrltli. Gieater, Oa.: IUMl & 

C. IMI. — 
IT. S. CamtTal Co.: Vinlta. 1. T., ISSL 
Vendome Theatre. Ohaa. W. Tyior, mgr.: At- 
lanta. Ga.. S-21. 
WeMer Carnlral Co., WOl H. Welder, mgr.: 
_HM*8B» a. IMt; Oicenfldd 2S.2S. 
mnmfm Oicala Bhowa, A, F. WUtney, mgr. : 

Tt. ScBtt, Kan.. 18-21; kTonrtt. Ho., 23-28. 
WolU's FUr CamlTal Co., B. C. liCtana, mgr.: 
▼etnoa. Tte.. le-Sl; WMtewilgM 28-38. 

Arenoe Girls, Geo. Hale, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. 

T., ie-2S. 

Aleixar Beantlca. .Obarics Tvlor, agi.: 

Black Crook. Jr., Harry Hastings, mgr.: Mont- 
pell.T, Ind.. IB: Elwood 19; Kokomo 20; Lo- 
gan^iort 21; Uarion 23; Anderson 24; Bnah- 
Tllla 26; BraxU 28; JaaonTlUe 27; BloomHeld 

Blae BAiKHi Girls, Jack Singer, mgr.: Olocls- 
nati, O., 16-21; NasbrlUe, Tcna.. 2S-28. 

Box-eiy BcTlesqaers. loe Hnrtlg. mgr.: Scnntoa. 
Fa., 16-Zl; Newaik, N. t., 28«. 

BoiwiBlaa^ BUa^ Otnad, mgr.: Kew Tort 

Bon Taas. Ba* A Wdber. atgia.: OUeago. DL, 

U4I: Detiait, Sleta. aST 
Bngadlsa, Chas . Ckamwdl, liaaBB O^. 

Baltimore Beantlaa. Iiools GoaL SMtct Zb> 

sey City. N. J.. 18-21. 
Bryant, Hany, ExtiaTaganxa: St. bMla. Ho., 

16-21; Chicago. lU. 23-28. 
city Sports, PUI mgr.: Brookl^ 

N. Y.. O-Zi; ProTldenee. B. L, 23-28 
Oacker Jacks. Hurry Leonl. mgr: Sprlnglleld, 

Masa.. 16-lS; Holfoke IS-Zl. 
Casino Girls. James Lederer, mgr.: Troy, N. 
7., 16-21; Springfield, Mass., 23-25; Holyoke 

Cberry Bloesoons. H. Jacobs, mgr.: Baltimore, 
Md.. 16-21; PbUadelphla, Pa., 23-28. 

Colonial Belles, Cbas. Frank, mgr.: Cincinnati, 
O.. 16^. 

Derere's, Sam, Frank E. Freeman, mgr.; Og- 

den. Utah. 20; Salt Lake City 21- 28. 
Dainty Dotcbesa, En^ A Wetter, mgra.: New 

York City. 16-21; PHUadclplila. Pa.. 23-38. 
Dreamland Beauties, Frank Caldor, mgr.: To- 

rviiK>. Out., 16-21. 
Bmplre Bnrlesqaers. J. Feaaeaay, mgr.: PUl- 

deliriila. Pa., 16.21. 
ny Foster, Joseph OgptBiitaa^ aisi^: St. 

Loola. Uo,. 15-21. 
Oar jtaalng Glsrtea. 8am A. SoaMr. aftgr.: 

aoaraak, K. 3., l»ai; Maw Xaak Olty. 8S- 88. 
fiar VasMrsAats, >«>a Baaras^ atgr.: Al- 

baivVN. X., IMI; XMr ML . 
Golden Croak. A.JhaM«..«BM VhUa- 

deli*la, Pa., mS. 
Htzt> SdMMl OMa. AMaai Tliaia mgj - - g ata i a a a. 

N. J.. l«J2l. 
High BoOara, A. H. Wmmim, w^t Bcaafc- 

lya. N. Z.. M4B. 
HOwiid HUSW8I8S 88, 0*8^ F. JdtumiM, Mgr.: 

Saa Raadaoak OIL. IS4L 
irwln'a Big Sk>m, fM IrwtB. mm* Haw Xort 

City. 18.31 ; BBtaSlin Mtor. «. 
Ideals. Sam WBOaask lasr.: Silt lAfea dtr. 

ntali. 15-21. 

Jersey Lillles, Geo, Hotrer, msr.: dereluid, 0.. 

16.31; BnEBlo, N. X., 23.28. 
Knl^eztwdEcra, Loola Boble, mgr.: 

Keatocky B«nes: Kansss CHy. Uo., 23-28. 
Keith's. Wni J.. Own: Peeksklll. N. J., 23: 

DantRiry. Coon., 24; Torrlngton 23; Wlnstcd 

26; Dat7 27; Bootli Norwalfc 28. 
Merrr Maidens. J. Lowxy. vgr.r WaaUagtea. 

D. C. 18^21. 
mas New York. Jr.. Harrla Bknt. um^^i Itaw 

York city. 16-28. 
Majeaclcs. Fred Ir-wln, mgr.: Plttsbnrg Pa., 

16-31; ClnclDtiatl. O., 23.28, 
'MooDlIsiit Maids, DsTtd Krana, mgr.: Beadlns. 

Pa., Ul«: - 

Mascotts. M. M, 


Mrny Bnr l e sq aer a , Wm. Ballnf, mgr.: Mtlwas. 

kee. Wis., 1S.21. 
New Ontaiy Girls, J. Daniels, aigr.: Pltts- 

Orteatab, W. B. Wataaa, awr.: Boataa, Masa., 

ParMaa WIdoara. B«fe A W«ber. msn.: To- 
ledo. O.. a«-ai; Ctnemut MS. 

ParlsiaB BeUesL JMb 4rt«aB, mgr.: Mlane- 
apoHs, SUdb., M41; Dakath 8848. 

Bverea' AL: PklUdelpfala. Pa.. M-Al. 

Bose Hin Engl lab FoUy. Bice It Bartoo, mgra.: 

St. LoDis. Mo. 23.28. 
B«ats«uKl9. Alie LesTltt, ngr.: NaahTlUe, 

Teaa., W41; K«ir Orleaaa, 2848. 
Btee A Bartoa'a Big OaMy Co., Bocbeatar, N. 

Y.. 16.21; ARieny ZB-28. 
Bo»e Sydell's London BeUe«. W. S. Campbell, 

mgr.: Detroit. VlCb.. 1641; ToMow O.. 

Gaiety oma, O. W. 

Beniy & Wood's, Pat Beiily, 

cny. 9-21. 
Bmia.way Girls. Peter 8. Clark, 

Mass.. 16-21: Haw Ztt Cttt, 
Star Show Glrl«, — ' 

Ore.. 15.21. 

mgr. : New 
Tiger Llllka, 

mgr.: New York 

Calo. K X.. 
Taattr faiiw B a birt 
_JtfM - I~ Ml: 

XioA Uttj. Ml; PknaOdfUi. n,.! 

?tee. Woman & Sona. M. 
Beaton. Mass.. 16-21: New: 
Xaiikee Doodle Glrl£, Loals 
Pa., ifrn. 

Bamum & Bailey's: Palestine, Taz.. IS: Ms 
19; Corslcana 20; TerreB 21; OaOaa 88; Sbar- 
man 24; Parla 28; Texarfcana. Alk., 98; Bat 
S8*»W a: lAttte Beck_«8; seMoa daaaa. 

Caaal Dorcr. Ot, IMI. 

-Tny 1S;_- 


Ely's. Oaa. M.S 


Forepaogh A SeHa Bros.': ClarkSTlUe. Tex., 
18; DenisoD IS: Greenrille 20; Eanls 21; Uc- 

Klnoey 23: WaiahacMe 24; HUlaboro 25; Ft. 

Worth 20: Doljllo 27; Browowood 2S. 
H«n'i!. F. W.: Goeda Sorlaea. Kan.. 18: Soalb 

Haven IB; Honnewell 20; Brsman. Okli.. 21; 

BUckweU 23: Norden 24; Deer Creek 2S: 

Mrdford 28; Jefferson 27; Pond Creek 28. 
Locky BOI-s: Garlaod, Kan., IS; DMcSttd. 

Mo., SL 

Morris A Bowe-B: Lea^ Itat. tUBt mm ISt 

Goadalalara 20-ZZ. 
Pa ir aes BUI'S WOd West: Ooalgatak I. K. 
18; Alteon IS: HoUaarille 20: Sapate SU 
*e 28; Wagoacr S*; Maakogce 28; Ft. 
Aik.. 98; Coomy 27; Bcabe 18. 

Avrata. Ho., 18; West Plalai 

oaiisk m., u: 

Cook A Bairatfa: rablballim «t seote pro. 
hiblted. Any maU addtcaaed la caic at Tbe 

Blllbaard will be forwarded promptly. 
Van AmbiBg: PdbUeatlaD «( xoote pnmiutcd. 


European Amnsetnent Co.: Pia>l!catioii of 

prohibited. Anj- omll addt cD ae d In care of l*e 
BlIQioard will be forwarded promptly. 

Grajblll * RoRbmer Atnoaenient Oo., 1. Victor 
GraybiU * W. C. BoabBwr. mgis.: Nocria- 
tcmm, ra^ Oct. I. ladcC 


PbUadelpbla. Pa.. Aog. lib 

Bayrooty Bros.' Sbow: Bn route witb Bsmom 

* Balley'a Olmia. See Tent Show Bootrs. 
Carpenter's School of Pahnlstry: Hot Springs. 

Arlc.. Indef. 

Fagsla'i. F. 11.. Merry.go-roaiKl: Lagrange, 
Ga.. Indef. 

Llngerman's Sam and Lacy. Magical A Ven- 

tnkxiulBt Butertalmnent (700 North Sth St.): 
PtvlladelpliU I»o.. Indef. 
New EkllaoD Eectrlc -nMatre .P. H. Brown, 
mgr. (808 Bobertaon ATe.): aprlagfleM, Mo.. 

Shepard's. Aichie 1^ MOTlag PlctORa. Bd- 
IL SedMB. av.: AOntte air, K. J-, 

OCTOBKR 21, 1905. 



Tba following list containa the namea 
•f houses and manasen of ttao North- 
western Theatrical AMOelatlon. to 
(ether wttoJlM^amottn^a^^P^ttog 

ini ert rt oC paoAMi 

H OUtM. Btautr. 
ihtcta, UNI l-abwta. 

jr. o. 

ISS I-«bMts, S »«h««ls. 

OrrT, O&X. — Bttkar** Ovt* HooM. 

An aucla. auisar. np*r— M luada, 40 

■toceta. 12S l^«b««ta. 0 #anlS* 

oaiuger. Paper— • 

•b««u. 75 M »li*«t)fc 
BUTTE, MOHT.— Bro»aw»j- 
let, msiuser- Pmpet— rlO 
100 % " 

SO 1-tbeeU. 
*nioiiiAi, mmiaef. 
•beeu, TB l-(becn. 

COLFAX. WASH. — Rldgewaj Tlieatrc; Lennox 
A I^iUa. manacen- Papei^-4 aunda, 16 

Atk, waiir. H ap w ttufla. titaata, 

— l-ahccta. 

8EATTLZ, WABK. — Ssaad Opera Hoaie; Jala 
Cart, ataamfr. Paper— M ataadi, 28 S-abecta, 
100 1-abeeta. 

BEATTLE. WUHg Waattla Tbeatn: Oort. 
_ _ — ^ J, »abe«ta, 100 

naatn; Daa. U 
It ataoOa, «• S- 

alieeta, 100 I- 
BPOKAITE, waiS.— Aatttadn: O. Baj- 
ward, masacer. Fspar — U ataada. M t-akeata, 

DO l-abeeta. 

; J. >. Drttt. 
• Mbecta, TS 



l-Aeeta. 20 

ford, nanaaer. 

m l4b<cta. 

TBS saun, «SBr— T«it omm a 

75 ' " " 

TUiuvHVJat, w a wr— A o« ta«ia»; a. 

OOBnt mUUDn; XDAHO — Aadltarimn: J. B. 
Hutb, Biaiatr. Pipt r i naads. e »4h»*ta, 
at lab ta ta. 

aATKHVOBT. Wiair — u a ilwl eia; l>a Banla. 
masiKer. Papei^ ataada. 6 frabecta. TB 1- 

DATTOK, WASH.— WelBbaid'a Theatre; Jacob 

Welsbard maoaser. Paper — 3 atanda, 6 S- 

•heeta. SO 1-abeeta. 
BLEnBUBO, WASH.— KUeoabora Theatre; R. 

S. Ellwood. maaaser. Paper— O atanda, 30 Z- 

abeeta. 106 1-ahecta. 

lira: a. w. Waf- 
paper — • ataada. SO 8-ahceta, 

Ib tMa. 78 t 

» H : 

so S,abact8, IS 1- 

▼lOTOaiA, B. C— Vletads 
wita & SoDi, manageia. 
S-ebeeti, 175 1-Aecta. 

masaser. Pap 

WALLA WALLA. WASH.— Theatre: s 

manager. Paper — 7 atanda, 25 S-aheeta, 100 


WALLACE, IDAHO— Temple Theatre; A. B. 

Conner, manager. Paper — 0 atanda. 20 S 

ahaeta. U5 l^beeta. 
WABinZR, ISAEO — ^Wardner Theatre; M. Co- 

pinna, manacer. Paper — 6 atanda. U S-abeeta, 

30 1-abeeta. 

SALT LAKE, UTAH— Ljrlc Theatre; W. B. 
Ecan. manager. Papef^lS atanda. SO a«baeta. 
800 1-aheeta. 

SOO 1-1 

Baker, manager. L 
abecta, tOO 1-ahceta 

TACOKA. r- — — — ... 

Tork, aaaaagcr. Paper- 10 atanOa, 
•beets. SOO l-ahceti, 

SAV FBASCISCO, OAL.— California Thratre: 
Cbaa. P. San. maaagcr. Paper 

Ball, maaager, 

100 1-abaeta. 
■OaniAJI. Wi 
roater, maaagar, 
IBO l4hecta. 
LA OBASSZ. («£.— StcWMfk 

B. Steward, manager. 
« abHta. 100 I^becta. 

UWJUtM. IDAHO — Temple TMsIm; A. W. 

KreotlBger, maaagcr. Papers a t a n w. IB t- 

•beeta. SO 1-abeeta. 
tJrWIBTOK, MOST. — Opera Booae: Colrer A 

Colrer. managera. Paper — < ataada, 25 8- 

abeeta. 25 1-ebeeta. BO W abeeta. 
UVUfOSTOB, HOHT Beffcrila'a Opera Hooae. 

C. S. BefferUa. nnaagcr. Paper— 6 ataoda. 
25 aabccta, 100 l-ahccta. 

LOIUJI, UraTfr-Tbatcbtfa Opera Booae; J. B. 

Paper— O atanda, 23 s- 

Hoaac; C. A. Bai^ 
Papei^ ataada. S S-ahaeta. 
m l-abcetL 

MOVTESASO. WASK.— Opera Booae: J. B. 

Calder. mtoacer. Paper— 4 stuOi. 8 B-ibeeta. 

75 I-dbeeta. 

KOSCOW, IDAHO — Uoacow Open Booae: Bar- 
ton & Langdon, managera. Paper— S atanda, 
10 t-abteta, 75 1-abeea. 

VABAIHO, B, 0.— Nanalmo Open Houae; W. 
K. Leighton. maaagcr. Papci^-8 atanda, 20 
3-abeeta. 100 1-ahceta. 

BAS FRASCIBCO, CAL.— CaUAitsIa Ikiattc; 

Ball a Bartoo, tnanaeera. Pap er . _~ 

- - — — — W^-MMmm^ m ■ fm 

wnt m. I . 

40 s-Aceta. 100 t-«b«eta 

06DEN, UTAH— Orand OMS 
Grant, m&iuiK^r. Paiilfti IB 
a. ISO I-ahcrts. 

OKTlaiA. WASH.— OlTOfla 

Cbtlatopber, manager. 

ibeeta. 100 1-abeeta. 

manager. Paper— 2 

1-abecta, 00 U abecta, 

aaford, manager. Pa per 9 

» 1 -aheeta. 26 H ehcMa. 

Taylor, manager. F 

•beeta, 100 1-ahecta. 

PORT AVOZLEB, WASH.— Opera Honae: O. a 
Stakemlller, manager. Paper — S atanda. 10 
g-aheeta, 80 1-aheeta, M H abeeta. 

BOBTLAIR), OBB. — Marfoam Grand Theatre 
W. P. Patsale, manaser. Paper — 10 atanda, 7» 

3-iheeu. S30 1-ibeeta. 

tcadaaee at Iba Fatflaad Bzpoaltloa wlm that 
oC_ 'Whlta atr, Oblcago, Oertalalr a atrong 
tbat tha aiiiiiinii park traalneaa haa 

a Upi ataadaid. Orcr two minion 

mita Cttr CuhMK the aDauaer 

The first form of The Billboard, in- 
cluding the last eight ativertising pages, 
aoes to press Saturday morning. No 
■I uiliMWailTll for those pages can be 
given thB desired position and no 
changes can be made in standing ads 
on any of these pages unless the copy 
reaches us by noon Friday. No ads for 
the tmfk Ifftm will as asp t s rl after 

The Btaaaes AsattSMats la the name of a 
.lew theatrlaal heM aaeacd tn thla city at 

•Ite ot Miae TeUer'a (amoos hotel that waa 
mcb a (arorlte with thesplana a decade ago. 
The booae la iind«r the management of Joe 
A S.'-J»r ^ baa baaa ideatUed with theatri- 
cals for aaagr ytan. 

The — — r"*r" in Philadelphia la being 
watchid ' alik Interest by adverUsers In all 
parte of tbe eonntry. The ReP"'''''S° °IK»nJ- 
Utlon ate nalng bUlboards and bulletins ei- 
clnrirely to boom their <»°dldate». while l*c 
Beformera bare tbe use of all the dallj ne\ra- 

rgj^u^a«*?sssr. vsi ^ 

Carl Oaertaer. a famona rloUiilat. died at 
Bar Harbor, Me., on Oct. 10. He was aereng- 
«lx yeara ot ace at tbe time of hia death. 
He had been a resident Of Pb llidelp Ma ror ow 
Hfty years. He waa *V ^:3f 1^.^'^ 
tbe best rlollnlsts tor (MBBCal MMe » tms 
section of the coantxT- . . . 

Olmbel Brothera. the Urge departraent store 
owners and The BUIpostlng Sign Co. had a 
lawsnlt this week. The bUlpoatlog comply 
bad erected a large poUtlcal sign on tbe ar^^ 
Ises ocOTpled by the merchants. lUTlpi: HMM 
the space from them. The OlniMes dalBCd 
this was not an adeertlalng aign and threat- 
ened to remoTc It. An ln]nnetlOB waa ap- 
plied for hr the hlllpoatbis coBspo» pcerent- 

ing Mi« «s »2;s£^«^L»^3S 

tion waa asaae BasaaMSS IBe eama ruee 
that It was aa aCMrtkasHat, ana case within 
the ptoTlalses ot tbe lease. 

Solplag haa beca macb In rogoe here lately, 
as poUSal aaaaaneemeats corered erery BTall- 
able apot. and bnstUiig adrertlalng agents bad 
to work owtlme to get a ahowlng. 
Mr. DalT waa eapecUlIy well cast In the 
-- mncb defeated Irishman. Crystal 

ran well r^c^ived a<« ^or«. and Xfr. 
I iceelred very high pr»lse for his work, 
ladleaee gaee eeeir eTldcnee o( appre- 
aaa the tbM act «s* le t l ftw sil r ap- 

Chlcaeo had a llgrht Hurry of snow 
ae day last week. 

It to IntereaUng to compare the at- 

Daalel L. Bait* a aaw eaaaedy drama. In the 
land of Cottoo, recetred Its preoilere .Monday 
ereolng, Oct. », la Ike Mew Boebelle Theatre, 
New Bochelle. N. X.. at the hands ot the fol- 

lon-lni: cast: 

PbUlp JadxoD , 

William Drayton 

N. Tecomsota Sheridan.. 

Robert Cnlrer 

Harry Socket 

James Holcomb 

Colored Man 

James Hennessy ...... . 

MarlOD Holcomh....... 

Jeasle Jadaoa 

Frank Monroe 

Geo. D. Baker 

P. C. Foy 

Bednald Barlow 

. .IBlehard Thompson 

(Prank P. Haren 

IBany G. Bates 

....... .John Bancoa 

Sadie Calboon 

...-.Xllaabcth Brace 

auec a e t plae e a>«n paonlaa St eaaaWas 

wblcb emanate tnm New Boebene. nw*eom^ 

priny Is Hafil to bo exceptionally capable an<l the 

■•■•■^M SiriLcMi FiHljfi 

«ff llftU or winter Muoa- 
Doable BpaiilBb RJogii, 

t BKlIaXTTA^Sfj^., 





Navliae'of eoailesai.d fkaer caaiBL "The 
Peerless "—tbe only sloifproof poatal eaid 
machtDO made- 300 arcade marhlasB at vO- 

duced price-. GetouriNrtce INt. 

214 N. 8th St., Philadelphia, Pa 


Tokear fmn Xanarer wUk a Whiter Clrcos 
OntCt tor ThaaksciTlna week. Now. 37 to SO. 
Bolldina for shows on the rtoands, Addiev 


One black top In good condUIon; alse approximate 
20x 60. 10 fL wall. LowMt price lUilppIoir polntand 
dellTery. Also want a mOTloK picture front. 

w. c. opixz. 

Houatoii. Xox. 

OLTMPIA. the Capitol of the State ot WasbinKton. a 
Ofoaperova city of ICaOO population, bma a vplendIO 

modem theatre, bu lit at a cost of num, lately sold for 

mortgage to a. h. Cbrlstopber wbs.Be(' 

cal man, will sell the baa — 

postloK plant, for iMM. 
Olympla, 1Ta>h. 


Sketch or musical team; also single acts 
WHITE SPEAB MED CO., Fisher, Ills. 



Tbe 6. A M. Bantsln Cata- 
loffue for thirteen rears the 
MONET SAVBK. Write for 

It to-day an£ becooTlDceo. 

Wholasal. Uawalry. Optical 

Sole acents for "Rayno d" 

Watches and the oeleurated 

•• Hamilton" Razors. 

Per 100 

Will Rossiter's Original 



wnj. BosamM, 

OBicaao. lu. 

. sleeps <ti 



witb pbotoaeone or bottonTetSry to tnvel with sto 
abair Btayloc Oble and MlauariPiH rleeia. Ttmvel ai 

tflmm anffimver. man 

to tiBvel_wlth store 



Cared for, boavdedaod educated by retired 
Tocallst. Beat TCteences, best care. Certi- 
fied tearbers. priTste h-me- Address 
Voard, 416 Elm St. CIncinnat , Ohio, 
onable terms: for stace or private. 

Mr. and Mrs. Wm- H. Barnes wish to know 
tbe address ot any of the showmen who were 
on tbe first section of the Wm. P. Hall's Show 
train on the night ot the 27th u( Jano last- 
near Baldwin. Kansas, when their son. Merla 
Barnes, was fbiows anAar (k» wiieeisot a 
rooTinir train and killed. Any one who was a 
witness to this In any way. and «II1 address 
us. shall be well favored for their kindness. 
Addreaa HR. W&L H- BARNES. 237 Goeaia 

Ht.1 MaifMi lift * 


One fine Black Panther, two Spotted 

Leopuds. Addieas SHif mastbb, 
can Vvw Toifc' Onee, Bmboaid, 14W 

Broadway, y. Y aty. > 

..At Liberty.. 


Gentleman Slide TromboDist 

Gko doable B> 

At Liberty 

...Scenic Artiste. 


Address, care BILLBOARD. ClnclnnaM. . 



A fln»t-claas Carnl- al Co.: ^SP'tJ^iAS'^ 
band and free acts. La»t MW of. JHur^ 

Eafania, Ala. ^^^^^^ 

or itore acta la Ma i 

ana wora .o l. - — — «oo* •'»K'»£/S*j;^„ 

clown whoa^ d u aa la r a lacoDeert. Good eire nae- — 
wanted. H»»e candy atanda and banner prUlla «aa .e 
Ut. Canu !>»■«« "bens arc jou. >ote: >L"»J«'*^B& 
sober leliabla people will ba tolerated. Write or 
Addren MILES ORTON SHOW. WIctllffe.Ky. 

Two ttood hlKb dlvlnn dOB» (foi tOTlef«> 
One SO ft. extension ladder 9b. HARRY 
<Ma Wren Atc., St. Lonls. Mo. 



Would uke to falrv on« wltb en^oe or di iw ; IMSW 

season. Tell all In flr«t letter. Aildiaai. ISailK 

KKIXY. care Binixutnl, i;loclnoatl. 

aWwItlaaeure an Inteteat la 
comedy drama, all kinds oti 

Company ready to open. 

^ELMER jovc:e. (S UBnd Place. CbicBso, Ilia. 

PGR BENT— aooo feet fllms and three lllostin ted a onafc 

all for ail per week. For Bale- 3 concert PhowW^Pn^J 
shadowKrapbBjnire. aucosterco<K<>pe i;«?"L*^JS; 

tar* nboto slot machines very cheap, w. & cvartji- 
im.SSem.w.Va. ■ 



la >eonMdyTrlcfc House Fantonlme art. introdaelnK 

" r Jawllnjc and a <-• 

^tf MISS carray. ' 
fcil P iii y W .PitadwncFk. 

*3%» BiUboara' «A«a aaamrvtf vl% 


OCTOBER 21, 1906. 


Of the World's Output in Moving Picture Films. We lutve all the Newest Subjects when 
they are first turned out bj the manu&ctnrersf and suf^ly them to patrons of 


' -rJ' -,!"- ". ! . ■ . * 

Vandeyille B^uiager win act wisely if he immediately joins the fiwt 
:«finy of happy and satisfied patrons who draw thdr weekly change of bills from 

IWUles Dld0.. 

a,o E. A4m — 


lie Turk St.. 

San F"ranol»co, 

11 ,1^^ 6-13, 190S. 

«.i6reatest Fair Ever Held in Soutli... 



^if f Privilegfi and Attraction People Take Notice. 

MONTAGUE TRKST, Secretary and Treasurer 



List of Distributors 

L P. UoiHi. act, 1 
etmra; S.- C. 

or artUdAl or KMOliM. Md !■ m tew 

-•ST.aO NET- 

My oompleCe ootflt. Mb as 
polnten on bow to gat ap 

oioie for home nse. Smhi 



— or 

A. T. OIETZ, 235 lOtb St., Toledo, 0. 





L H. Stafford Mf£. Go. 





Oi>ens Monday-, October 23. 

Address H. W. ROGERS. Wheelins. W. Va.. Con. Msr. BIJou Thoatre Circuit 
Poor neir houses nemrioar completion and oiliers In contempIMIro. Woold like to bear 

1. from acts ot every descrlDtion. 


FOB. PARKS AND » OODS AmTSKmENT CO.; Two (mod all round comedlAtu. and a 
■" " plajeribat csD ring- illuplnited ponrn- wrlie mil perUcuUiTand ir>wetit Mlnrj 'n iinit letter. No booxen 

L Stiow operm Not. blh or 8<v -.-r. ^ : !rrt». PROr. A. J. I\\i:ks '^■at- ' .nJ, N. Y. 


I Largest Fair in the South S 

I Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 24-25-26-27 1 




B. P. Co. (C 

LifaTette— I/*fayFtte B. P. ud Dllt. Oa. 
P.m — Ctias. W. StuttOTun, P. O. box 11*. 
Pl^mootb — Opera Boaae B. P. ud Met. Os. 

JOB SRimi, Hmsir PifiOigH, : CRARLOTTE, R. C 

ClMf Outer— O. I>. 
JancUcn City — Hermma Delker. 


M W. Bnr, 4T BraMB*. 

Boa ton — J. DooaeUj-'a Son. 67 WurcBtaa at- 
Adwi^-Cba*. SUMS. 308 But Ham at. 

- «. r - 

1 B. p. Co.. 4 
ST^raeoaa — Geo. C. Caatner. 221 Uoot«omcrr. 
Touwuda— WUtml«r * Pllbrlek. 
Altroa — Biyon Co., 135 S. Mala at. 
CuitOD— 01. C. Baiter, Gnnd Op«n Houm. 
Dajtoo — Tht Bxras Co.. 136 E. Ft^nrtli at. 
Toledo— L. H. IMattbec Sl Oo. 
ZanecTlUe — lEnclaBd Sraa.. 21 N. Flftb at. 

AUislwar— nnn ClUe* Dlst. Aceoer. PUtltals 
' " nr C. Toons. U M. 

M. Soden. ur 0 

New Coaventiofls 

Ptioealx — Stale Sportsiseii'a Amu. 
U Bart. - 

Dec. 4-1. K. 

Little Bock— King's Daagtiters' A^jcmtily. 

— . Mrs. D. L. Wilcox. Pint- BlnlT. 

Little iBock— United Confcdciatc V«U.' 
IHt. BcaajM.. JMv. H. 


Oloer— ^(tkattwal Soetety «( SMthcni 


Sejmoar— sate Gtaasc r. «C 
12. It. r t^ansCeUow. 'I 

ladninxiiii irwa nmm t 

Ins. IMe. 4-T. W. S. 


BorUnstae— Sloe's 
Oct. Staler. 1. 


•aa. XoT. so-Dee. 1. , „ , 

Eanaas Cllr— Beottlah Kite Maaooi' Eeoaloo. 

■Nov. — - 

Lawreace— State Academy o< Sclejiee Mcctlac. 
Not. — . 

Scott CItr— nreatere Kanaaa Bdncatloaal 
Meetlns. Obaf B. Tu'lor .Neu City. 

OovliiStoa— Statr Fe4«<atIaB aC I.aMr. B 

John YouDs. Ixtulai^a, 
lioeln n le— Son t hem 

Ins. Oct. 23-31. 
LoolaTllle— M1U1D«T JoMxn' 
MDiraf — ^Dlat. Edocatloaal 

Jo*. Waiaaalf. Padocah. 


Scd 'Btair— Ktrtiwni CallDotala Tnckmr 
MCMIBK. Kor. 1.3. 


WaablBstoo — Patrlotle Order of Amerlcaaa. 

St-as. G. S. Uaom. LaTflle. Pa. 
Wiiliintton— "National LeaxM « 

«r tbe FoDrtH CUM. Oct. as-ZT. 
WaalilastOD— District CairirtnatMa mt ITi 

Clubs. Oct. as, ! " 
waaMn«tiiii UliiiBllaial * 

tloua' Cob. 

Om. %m. M. 

Bw. 14: 

naefoct— fltate PoDolofleal Amb. Dk. 

D. H. Kaoirlum Famtncton. 
Pltsfleld— State Dalrrmen's A«n c<mf. !>««. 

1-2. Im. W. Djcr Camberlaod Outer. 
Portlasd— State Oflttiolflaal BocletJ. DM. 1- 

2. Merton 8irala MlB bUM 

Portland— State P t la aUs a JaM. DM. T. <»M. 


BaUbaaw-etatc THUteaH u i ri flodctr. Pm. 
S-T. J. X. Soorton, OoUese Paik. 

Maakato— SUte Butter aod Oieeae Maketa* 

Aasn. Coo. Not. — . 
Mlaaeapoll»-SUte Hortlenltnral 8oel«t]r Me«t- 
See. M. A. W. Latbtm, tK Kaaota 

Wttw. Sorl^^cfc V 
Roelieatcr— state W4 

2t-Z7. Mts. 
ntica — Kappa 
Louise HopUot. 

OTMaabaM— Teaac Men's ChrlsUaa 
tflilwini -Mar 30-Dec. 3. W. A. 

r. At 

Dee. S.O. 
' SprlasAeM. 
Oanal Dover- 

OUa. Kar. 

OM. a( 

1^^. . '4S. . 

A. A. S.' a. HHWW lltiMcia 
Tallij !<• OilB»>ai Bi 

Waiun WntUhuai SMtts DM. Coa. Not 
Oartaa-Ballirar ta|Ma* •( A B. * D- M*^' 

1«K- iCoe. la. Br. .W >ar.. «* 
TMBgitaaii HaartlfVe AMifMNi 

Xaaesnilf— Stale F^lmtka of Womm'a CluM. 
Oet. 9>4T. 

SMMvOIr— dalle Vewapaper Woaua'a .%>»^ 
Oct. 3iK. 


Oklatioma Cltl'— Slate Vedontlon of Woinea'a 

Clubs 3Ieelln|[. Not. 710. _ , 

OfcUhooM 0117 — SootliweMem M<HUeal Saeietf 

miiiai Xe*. Mk 

ocroaKii St nm. 

Ttte Blllt>oapd 






THE Fllte SHOWS AT . . . 

LUNA PARK, Coney Island 

YOUNG'S OCEAN PIER. Atlantie, City. 

N. J. 



SEASON 1900 

Fighting The Flames Co. will build 

and operate new Fire Shows at 
Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, 
Cleveland, Boston and Pittsburg. 

Early Applicatin NHr! Is NMe. 


EodMTcr S»eletl«* of tbc 
■nwellcal Ctaurctaes. Oct. 26. 

~ O. a •( A.. GbcMcr Oo. Oga. 

T. A. U. PrOT. 
i. J. Wmlsh. Brlrtol. 


Oataaeeca — Bx-SUtc OnsiMi. N«r. 0-10. 
Uaiaame—^KOiOt iMgae GncnTille Dut. 
Coo. Not. 

UtUu — Omtarlaa Ctanrcb Boathen Coatmne*. 

Botrbai — EnlsbU of Ubertr OnaA Lodge Me«t- 
loC. Not. — . Mia Annie Xocom, Hooatoa. 

Moalpcllcr— State Gtaace. P. of iH. MMtln*. 

Dm. n. A. X. - 

Into*— Budwue AMA 
R. Tlmadlnger. 

WEST vnomiA 

tiharlcstoo— I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge MceUm. 
3fm, — . a A. BlUlii(»sln. BIK «M, Mr- 

». OaMwvll. m PttOt m.. OUcaCO. 


'^"oo^illi'uiSi »ul"et 1L*0MA AMon. 


Dt n ie t ' atate BMMMrtl ■ HtHU. Um. — . 

OeoTer— Ntttooal Antaaee of BulpaMcn >nd 

BUIrr. of America. 1. J. J. McCoT- 

mick. Chl^izo. ni. 


Xbe modern notion Flctnr« Plaelilne. 

Oar (Inprwl Ms«milB«i and Take-Up DeTlea will HI 
%uj ExtUbJdoo Modem Uotton Mctoro Machine. An en- 

■ — • ■— ^ -• — •— a ^^ '- 

oc ito 

to Ihe 

Write for 



b eanoetad and 


Htrmlngbam— Sigma Aljiha BiaUoa. Dee 

B. W. Ktrkpatrlck. Box 770. Atlanta. 
Oecatnr — Alabamt Ck»imercUI A IndaaCrtal 

Aaaa. Nor. T. 
■••ley — Order of the Ea«trm Star Grand Chap- 

ler. Not. z. Ura E. Salter. BlrmlDgbao. 
VaalCOOiecT— Cr. Loripe A. F. A A M. Con. 

P ee, a. Geo. a. liraucbamp. Or. See. 
MOMWeiJ A<|«l Arcb MaaoaS* Or. 

Oa. Bm. 4. Oco. A. BMoAaafk 


ritgataB— F. and A. M. Grand Lod|A W*. 
11. G. J. Boakniice, Tnooa. 

nagaus — Royal Arcb Maaons' Grand Chap- 
ter. Not. 1-1. Q, J. Boeknge. TocMn. 

1nC*taS — Kalgbti' Templar Grand OoBaund- 
IT' Mar. 14. o. J. Roskrnso.. Taenn. 

»«jeiteTllle— I. O. O. F. faraad aacamp. Oct. 

24. L. IIoddcB. Plae Blaff. 
•^•'tteTlllr— I. o. O. F. Oraad Lodfc. Oct. 

38. W. U Hodden. PiDC BlnS. 
Fare tteTllle— Rebi kaU State Aaaembly. OcL 84- 
,2fl. Mfdora IlelJ. UtUe Bock. Ark. 
l-t. Smith — state Baptist Asia. Not 17-20. 

R»T. p. p. Gibaoa. 
*t. Smltb— Daugbter* or tbe OMf(*R9 

stale niT. Oct. SS. 
t4ttlr Rock— State Oapltata' Aaaa. On. 

IT. W. P. DoTTla, Caaidea. Aik. 




Frank C Ambos 

There is a Distinct Difference Between the 

"National Service" 




You wHI have to believe K iff you try it for a few 


62 N. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. 




SIIVU mn, Per Sroa . $1.20 | GOLD itCK, Pa Gim - 
waTK POii OUR OATAioouK o* •MMnMNUucaaa. 

= |pERNB»iltHIHOOSj[ = 

272 E. MadlsOR St., CHiCAQO. 

Mtr Vimi. Ml., stmt Fair aid 

.niEE Bn MYt, IWEHB ^84. 

yr« Write LOBEN B. SENEKER ftir' 


l-M AoBi l ia X ma. Wiain'a . 

5*^ t. 
Pry. Braaatoa. HI. 

• - — - - O. 

■aa Vtr. 

Col. Dental Am. 

S-8. Dr. C. IL 'BMlnokL ASS ~ 
«an Franclifi a» WfelW * 
Con Dec. M tmk. T. a ^ 
UlUa Mda. 

, 'Ty. Braaatoa. HI. 
>«• Angeles— W. C T. 

27. Not. 1. jirn. Saaaa 
i-oa Annfle. a aa t h w a f 

fMnsylvanls. Are.. 


And Electrify the World. 


faryoaaaaitlaiy Totea and hrlUjMt jnoato.! 



Tall Leadlnir Man. Heavy Man. Comedian wUh strong spei-lalty, A-1 Piano Plare- : man or 
woman with piot'irv machine to play pan.*, p-operty man playlne parts. you-RVoman tor 
second b ■•.iiiess. vsuni; and (lance -iiubret e. lanre character wt'inan (with child prtiferrea): 
also an A-1 -Uter team aiul advance acenu Ha4t be people ot recoffalzed ability: aobriecr. 
guud appearance on a.-d off absohaMlir MMBJULIb V-ff.TTir •tTi ItjVir Weli ht>Mj- 
ary. and aend photo. No tt-IeeraiMeMtaet. A Mum ABrUUB U. WJutSSm. MBAl l li lf t 
sucet. Bndceton. New Jersey. 


mmtwt VUF UFiaiT DBIIC CUnUIC — "To t>tiy lunnette belt: two more nbows. cood colored bond for 

FOR THK HeilU HHIIO> onUWo clantatlonahow: vant 

OPER Tills dalcFa.: Uct. ». Nor. It-IS l«-«VSt ss 

tm^Wt BcCktlMaoriaSand Xino> <re>'k: J.n ««- 

u^SSsLMkotltaad n. iksCak .\llkn. Min-.. 


A wrmtlle cnt«rtaln«r like C\>nl<»l Brown-. a\m ti 
cM>u|ii« cmiwble of irlvlns m varleCjr of clever turns. 
Hltt'tflieii. muBlc»l numberm i^nit*. monoio^ca. anj-- 
thlnar tliat will «»> with minwl •mllenc«fc Stat*- wben 


rna oil C Animated Drawlnir llluslou. •< : Spirit 

run OlLC c-al>lnetAet »iO: Silent Set-rind bltibt 

ABl US i B-llat t\imet and C«»e «.v am (to<Kii. a i. •» 
token tbe lot. I*ook ih1« v^T- ClreuUr for t.Ump. 

tlKO. A. UlCE. < Underwood 81.. Allliurn. >. \ . 



man witb macblneand ninu.and atew nor* 
hmg reaiOR sootb. EU. H'laSZ, Belion, Mo., Oct i7-«x. 

FlMt-dass Second Adranc - Man 

yonrown hotel bill. BERT MORPHT. HoWi 

Wire lov 
Sioux Cli 

Must pay 


Pot winter Ma*oo-Mtrr]r't)o.Round ItMh Century preferred). Qlaaa Show, rutrorm, or onTtbinB f'<^'^ 
PrtTlleiieaMt. KoTrtllea. Haminincerand l^imiM eoid exeiaetTs. Tkioehow b~* beeo out sa w««k» and ijarer 
mlMeda>tand»r>alarTday. Kow booked In Teuw and wlUalarttawcall wlnlsr. BaaMtrUlajAik^^ 
V»nBoiM.Ark..<«: tlienTexa*. AddW— JMJLiiUMM^. 


tbr bet ftod ctiekprtf palMtBft, lhaw Inol*, tm- 
irdufuUt KUrt poMh Ssnm. w.ctr ud p«irilc«. 

•uC. II III nia>l" of w M, ln\n or cannw 1 cu imko it lor yvt. 

Send plftO*. Tor r« V=n PTTTmsn Ave., CtMA.nMl. Obu. 

aiauum. «gi>« BiUboaid" «tg> aMBwmmaa^ 

ARent*. canraMeni. atreet. fair, deroiiiiim* 
mall onler workerr «nd for mmple best u* 
artleleontbe market. MO per cent, proai. 

Tool and Staupinc Co.. rbHadelptiia, 


Xlic Billboard 

OCTOBER 21, 1M& 


IvUiMlCanriiUidSiliMt "TIE SEREUDE/'isikeienit of Aninaied Photography, liis a "chase" picture and "The Cbate of all Ckasas." Ii " ^tm rf ?|fttnir >lrtmt| m< IiwWotmiI 

Lerngm 500 Feet. F»rice S60. (ISIM) 

— Tho Greatest Creation of Senmational Motion Picture Photocrapliy. . 


A. woDderfally realistic series of scenes and incidents ictually made In OolOfadlK 

L^nstlm, 700 Feet. Send tor II 

- - QTi 1. 1. A H EADLINE IL . : 


Lenxth. 450 Feet. Price. $S4.00. ' Len«th. 350 Feet. 

OohmOo tuMM* 

Price. «42.00 

43 Peck Court, CBICA60. ILL. 

Dust Pan 

For Affents, Streetmeo. Can- 
vassers and Outdoor Ven- 
ders is the crreatest hit of 

money-malceT— It Is a posl- 
tive household necessity. 
Saapto br ezaraaScts. 



Tbe EYergreen 
Supply and Utility Co. 



Trtal elm* 
Oci ai. r. X. Cfe«Ia. Plse Metdow. 
HartfoKl — State Santer-School Con- Nor. — . 

Obas. K. eflfette. Dinbnry. 
Mlddletoim — ^BMcklayenr, Uasoos' and Plas- 
ter*ra' State Con. Nor. 13. B. W. Botler, 
2S7 Course «-. Mlddl^to-s-n. 
Sew Baren — HortJcnltnral Soelety Flower 
Stiow. Nar. 7.6. Tboa. Pettlt, 90 Protpeet 
■t., Kew HmTrxi. 
Kanralk— Sans of Tamperance State Con. Oct. 
3S. W. O. Dlrklnaow. S23 aiifnnaB arc.. Raw 

Wnwalfc— e u l j iitaad Aaaoal Om. at Soea oC 
~ Oct. m. wm. a. 

Getat ItaaUr. Oet. XI. 9am- 
wan Sraat, iH i«itft »d. 

Dlat^ OoB. 




■cm MMVI IB CD One ot the most buaooa 
rem llWMLII, An., etowaa ot the old ' ' 
•ad who tM BOW Imacaa 
or tbe -Uwp^tk*&MMk~'< 

scorlM. accompvpMFar 



FMV Owdkto lMrtlMr-fc«M«d. 

■n. njUlllI bUUltlSi BuBom A Baiter 8>k>w. 
csontrilrates a TeiT «ble article on the AncScat and 
ModeraCSrctts, In wblcb tie faa* been vmtljr Mvivtcd 
br Mr. Charles-'lIeLeAii. Frank Hjatt. and Mverml 
pabUcaUoosorautbeotlc bIstorT'. This, In conjDDCtlon 
with the dar-by day happening In «acb city vlAlted, 
tb« mllaee Czmvcled over «*cb rail way and a con- 

dcBsed rooteor itae past tbree yean for conrenleDt 
reference, with many beaaUfal lUaatratioiia, oiakes op 
ft book tfaaS oft oooo oooumwIo ilMtt U> CTcry one. 

. 1.00 


Iww (Ml BWHKor 4M Douglas 

N««x^ &11 the lllaBCimtioos In thliaaafcaaaotbrr pabUcKtlotu ot the B. & B. Shoira ai« from pboto^rmpha 
X liAve teken mTself &nd Klected froB a variety of ovrr 3.000 n«s»tlves (all made from Cramer p[ates>. If yoo 

— *— ' 1 in idiotoerapliii write me. 


60-Coot Pallman Combination Ulnliuc aadSIeepise Car. now In use. fnmlsbed tbronettODC In 
tbe best u( style. Tue reason for selling. I bave two. Tbls U a sl.t-wht-el trncli. kitchen, 
dinlncroom. i stat-room^ ofBue. Hall safe 6-h -le range, sink. 2 <mub ards. KoKer Bros. 
sIlTer«ate.CbiDadUhes, extensiuD table, foldine chairs, all sprtne beds, eood mattress, 
blankets. anUts. sheets, pillow-cases: tbe sleeplne department and staiervonu €»n>eted 
Willi the Asmio&ier carpet: linoleum in diningroom retrlgerator; washroom and staie- 
. . JO0«» toweporeela ini w ash bowl. Ha^e ^-barrel reserroir ip csr^aiMl 1^ ewiipved_ftir fast 

IN V» fc AiMren,inTlnc 

Small, Yonne, Pretty Sonltrette. Fi: 

Carpenter and prope to do blu. BOY about 16 yeara for 
Also GOOD COWBOY BAND: double In«- 

fall panlrabUB, aalarT. p)ioco< 

CE. iiL i. 

OartoD — Epwortb Leagat^ 

Not. — . Bex. Y. r, 
WUmto^on — 1. O. O. r. I 

15. J. W. tr.l1.m 
WUmJnffton — I.O. R. Ti. Gteat CoaadL OM. 

as. Edw. McInUie. box 4SB. 
WOmliieton— I. O. O. F. Orand Lodge. Bor. 

15. Isaac W. Hallam. 
WIlmlngtOD — 1. O. O. r. Op. ^caajBcst. Nor. 

!«. J. H. AppMv. sr. wmStt, P. O. ket 

WaiUaxton — Dist Snadar Sebool 
30. Joo. E. Dawson. 134 R. S. N. B. 

Waablngton— Order ot Amctieaiis MatL On 
Oet. SI. A. a airtiM, MM «h ati,. a. 

Star. a. 

r. n. 

Sew Tatt Ottr. ' 

Xer. IC-ia. B. 1^ 

. W. 


\Iaccn— F. & A. M. Gr. 

Max MeyeihaxM, It mat. 

nr«st riiiiii Man ~ ' 
aobB. Mar. 

Cairo — Oblo Valley 

15-17. CoL Jno. U. 
Cblcaco— iWonua'a 

Con. Oct. 21. 

LooliTlIle, Kj. 

Expo. Hvr. — t 

Cblcaso— NatJonal Slack Cooperase Alan. Nor. 

'■%. 3. S. Palmer. Sebwalng. Mlcb. 
Chicago — Soft Coal Men's Asaembly. Nor. 22. 
Odeago— American Bssex Swine Record* Attn. 
Not. — . T. 31. Stroot. Mc3>an. 

»— latcnHttloaal Ure Stock Bzposltloa. 
Ml a. miaaii. Onloa Stock Tarda. 
— a aaplM Coo. (Caloced). Oct. 
OnaaHa. NaahrlUe. Tkaa. 
CUcaco — Xatloaal Beekeapna. mat week la 

Dec. W. B. Halfklima. Illat. lOah. 
Ctateajso — American Aeadcav •( SIMklaa Ooa. 

Not. 7-S. Charles W. fOm. auum. Fa. 
Dixon — Northern miDMa TfeMkHlF Ama. Oct. 

Z7-2S. B. F. Hendrlcka. Iliiiilmi 
Roekfnrd — >RennloD Eaatem TaanaaiF AaBa. Oet. 

26. C. O. Alley. 
Sprlngtleld — Bebeckth State AaMMMr. Mar. 

— . Eflle A. Glaaler, Chicago. 
Sprlnttfirld— 1. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. Nor. 

21. Jno. n. Slkes. SpringfleM. 
SprlneBeld— 1. O. O. F. Graad ~ 

21. B. C. Felrman, Sales. 
Springfield — State Beek ei 
Nor. 91-2S. Jaa A. Stoned 
ItC Beekeepen^ 
A. Stone. 

M. laCtatry 


WANTED .... 



B a rt ptow-tnwn la M*— '-^'ppl- Flan ly open tlma 
Coraoodihowionty. IJCE w. BETT&Mvr. ~" 
' Tj Boofcing AjccBta. Canton, Mlm 

.or Klov A 

LaVOHIN(; GALLEVv-#e^iTd band metal mlrron- 
most bein ffoodcbodliJoo. 1 hav* fwr aala movtna dIc- 

Cora B1m4IIM_ .r^tMM.a aaw^ — ■ t^tHSpHt/i 


Ind lanapMla— ikBcrieBB 
Not. 2S-M. J. X. 
WatbburtOD. D. C. 
Indlanapolia — Atnertea. 
Not. 22-at. J. IL 
WaMIaStOB. D. C. 

_ — •_— _ — Coo. Dee. 

— V W. a ahner. UU Vatealfe Hdc. 
todlaaapoOa— state BaakcfS* ~ 

2S-28. A. Smith, care Ai 
Indlaatpolla — O. O. W. 

Not. 21. W. H. Ua«r. 
ladiaaapolls— BaMfl ''OaMHa , 

Oct. as-Kw. «, 7. w. Qiiiswar. u Ma: 

Senat'* are. 

JeffertonTllIe— D. A. E. State Ootif. Oct. 24- 

28. Ulm VIrrlnIa Goodwin. 
Mnocle— Jr. O. C. A. M. 8t>t» OonDcU CX>0. 

Oet. w. A, Ci-jrri), s 3. M it.. Terrr 

Rante. Ind. 

State OgoeH 

Cedar Rtplda — State Bnttermiken' Aian. Not. 

1-3. p. H- Kletrer. 
ConncU Bloffa — S. W. Iowa Teaehera' A«. 

Not. — . Snpt. W. N. CUffotd. 
I>aTciiport — Order Saatem Star Gr. Ctiaptw 

Con. Oct. 98-27. lira. Marie Jaekton. Con>. 

en BtaOa. la. 
nwM o l a ea Beimlon Seottlah Rite Maaooa. 

DeAiolaca Ctedsteiy. Nor. SI-2L. Besiy 

U OanaO. 


S2.M. w. T. SlehcT. Altla. 
Vtrt Dodge— State Utcaiy 

Ul*a Preaeilla Plrk frill. ■ . 

Harshalltown— Degree of Pocaboatas Gicat 

cJI. Last of Oct. Naomi Treat. Center 
Ottamwa— sute Baptist Aan. Om. Oct. 

B«». & ■. Wf ^ - - 

aooa YallCT at 

H. C. Bowman. 


CoTingtoD — Patrons ot Hotbandrj State Grange 
Oct. 24 28. F. R. Nolcott. 

Henderson — Oblo Valley Medical Attn. Meet- 
ing. Nor. 8-a. Or. O. -A. 

leal Sodetr. 


Batt. Baogc — Aacrleaa Attn. Farmeia' Inttltate 

WMktlS. Har. a. 
Mew rnnai. Biaalia A. A. O. H. X. & 

Jliaisli. TwMli Occ. a. RIehatd Um- 

tmU m t_ ffcarVi at. 
WiTftlMM^IiiiiliTa liliaafi.iat «( M- 

caee. Bee. »Aa. 4. not. U a a**- 

ard. Waahlagtoa. D. C. 
>rew Orleans— lAmcrleaa AdraMCBeat et Sdeaee 

Aaan. Ooa. Occ. W Mm, «. Ik O. I tsea i* . 

2008 Biiinr w, .a w:, WMMf. a_a 

!l«w Orieana— lAsin. of Traaaportatloa A Otr 
Aeeoaatias Offleen. Not. 21. 

SatUeet* Ana . Xa>- 

Aaaap ol l t P anghteia oC 

State Coo. Oet. IS. 
IttTttianri TTiiTilitt TUnplar 

dCiT- Not. 23. Joha H. T 
Baltimore — Bpworth League, 

Coa. Not. 2S-M. Geo. U 

PalMa a*«. 
Baltfe <ia. ■eoaaale Am. Oosl Dm. W 

week. Frank A. IHler. Ithaca. N. T. 
Baltlmere — ^Anieticaa Mttleal Seleaea Aiia- 

Ona. Dec. 37-«0. W. W. WlUoashtir. 
Baltimore — B. T. P. V. ~ — " 


Baltimore — Or. Con 
n. Jaa. Miller. 

55-T. W. C. A. 

Wwt ^ M a*. O. A. 

W. Htnnum. ^ 
tinlon 2rtth .Mats. BiSt. OiL V- 

Detroit— Retail Oroccts' P t ut e el l W AM. 

2B-Dec. l.-i. J. C. Corrte. 

Bougbton— W. P. Edacittooal Aan. lAit wrec 
m Oct. F. A. JeSen, Atlantic Mine. 

Kalamaioo— Reonlon l«th Mleh. Yolnnteer Is- 
caalir. Oct. aM7. r. Ol B«at> MS t^*** 

OCTOBER 21. 1905. 

Ttte Billboard 



Llf^t««t mad mom% eompaet otar muafketored. Sliurte 
welRht 75 Iba. Wicfa tHiroer SO lbs. Can be carried a* 1 
Ut-OtL Double OTen, tl4.S0: with (raeollne «toTe attachu. 
order, telance C. O. D. We ^uanntee qaick ■hlpmeDU 



Write tor 

---SSIlM, Doabta OTen. weight U> lbs. WItb burner 60 Ibn. Triple oren, 
UkC It on the nurket. Single OTen. U.W: wltb ipuollne atove aturhinent 
with VMOllne BtoveattAchmeDt ks.oo. P.O. B. Chlcm^ : one hJiir with 


133 South Watsr St., CHICAGO, ILL. 


=^0««< HAS STARTED '^•^ 




Opens May SOth, 1906. Revere Beacb, Mass. 

S Cent; 

i.i. ...I 


A Cent 

TO DRAW fROM: Greater Boston, 1,200,000 People. Wiibio SO Miles, 3,000,000 People. 



u-M. u a. 

)lankato — -Southern Minn. Tcacbccs" 

Oct. 26-28. J. M. MeCODiMll. 
Bed Wins— S. E. Vlnn. Bdneattenal AMn- 

XoT. — . W. F. Kanxc. 
St. Faoi— MluBMou BdocaUnal Ajd. Coo. 

Me. ST-29. G. E. Stunrell. Wtnoaa. XIbb. 
St F«ter— Cbvitle. * Comcttau State Oob. 

XoT. — . nr. W. Ctatridcc. 8t. VnL 


i^iii WtriMil Mm Mm. •( O. a (M. 

Uncolsl-ltallnHI PHmb P WlM a M f IM. Oct. 


Uncoln— National Prlioo ChtpIUM' AMD. Oet. 


Qtttnwooi—a. T. P. n. state Odn. NOT. 14. 

Laadrom Lea Tell, Jackeoo, Jlias. 
JackiKKi — Ulaataaippl lodoMtial 
Nor. — . Hon. J. F. **-^-f 
batches— state BapUat 8. ■. * 

eletr. Oct. 19-22. 
XMCko— MiMlMlppI A. M. B. Churcb CooT. 

«•».«. O. W. CbUea. 
*I<MBI*— Daltctf Brotbera and -Stoteia of Be- 
■ " S»T. 8-Ml - - 

Kuoarllle — Cbarttln * 

.VoT. — . Dr. A. C. PMtUoha. 
OkllUcotbv— Gf. RHar ^ 

_Dee. 7. Dr. Gc*. W. 

Abo. Not. S(-2S 

Kinua CltT— Elnc'a Daochtera and Sana 
Stite Rraneh. Not. — . 

5looroe City— B. T. P. O. Mortbeut Mliaoarl 
Asan. Not. Zl-OB. Howard P. Bmltb. Pal- 

St. LooU— Inteiaute MUk prodocer*' Pro. Aaaa 
Not. 27. D. 1. Frtabtck. Alleoton. 

••Jalla— T. M. C. A. SUU OoD. Not. 23-30. 
la*. B. Btoka. Grand and ItukUa ami.. 
St. Lool.. 

WarrenAorc— State Baptlat Um. (M. IT. W. 

Sanrord. Cbllllcothe. 

^^ ttn tmt-^ V. A. U. sute OooseU Oa>. Oct. 
S-ML BBbert E KeodaU. 2la*hn. M. B. 



Albany— State Osteopatble Soeletr Ooo 

2S. H. L. ObUee, Aobon, H. X. 
Blnnlngbam— aiate FedetattM €t IMmo** 

Clnba Ooa. Oct. S1-Not. t. MnL L^ar- D. 

Pambam. 42 Mala it. 
Buffalo-^ollab NaUooal AlUancc. Get. IS.SO. 

P. M. HelUwkl, 102. 
Bairalo — Tiatlooal Ureatock Bzctaanse. Not. 

Clinton— Delta Dpallon Pratemtr Natl. Con. 
Oct. 26-27. W. N. Moore. Brldsetoo. 

Lockport~Nla«*ra Co. Tetenoa' Aaan. Not 
— - Warren A. iTea. 133 Waabl>am at. 

Ne:vbarsb — ^Bpwortb lea^e Newborgb Dlat. 
Coo. Last of October. 

Nen- York City — State Cfaarltlea & Cocreetlona 
Coof. Not. 14-17. Geo. McLaocblln, Al- 

Neir Voik City — Americas Mectaanlcal Bngl- 
neen^ SoeietT. Dec. B-8. F. R. Hattoo. 12 


Xcw XhK OilJ IWU Kappa BpaUon Frater- 
Om. Iter. lC-17. ^m. 8. Jobuoo. 51 

Hetrapotitan Bloek. Chleaco. IB. 
New York City— N. T. A New mifland RaU- 

way SnrgeoTiB* Assn. Cbo. Not. 17-18. Geo. 

Obadw. 338 47tli St.. Brooklfa. K. Y. 
New York City — ^AatrooooUcal A AaM^irtaal 

Society of America Con. Dae SMIL ' CL Ik 

OoMttle, Upper DaMv. Pa. .-.J- 

BlkB OmL Dee. 


AtlanUc City — Pai 

Onnce. No*, ii. C 

canoe CUy. O. 
<^mdeD — Camdea Co. Sonday-aebool 

Not. 2. a. B. Tbompaon. 434 S. Btb at. 
t«nid»B— Y. II. C. A. Boja' Dept. SUte Oot 

Oct. 37-9. Obaa. B. Scott. 141 Halaer at- 


■OMi4«»-8oBa «( Teopcnaec Or. Dinttn. 
Oct. M. BMa suck. 118 Boae at.. Iteatoo. 
N. J, 

•S^tb— euu Fedeiatloa vt Women'a Clnba 
Ooa. Oet. ao-ai. Mrs. Cbarlea SUTera. SIS 
OioTe «. 

jnaey City— 'Bpwortti Lea«ac Olat. Ooa. Oct. M. 

«M ^aacb— DacTce of Pa ml lit " 

Ooa. Oet »L teak a 
^ ffA it.. Tttntam, H. t. 

*•« ■raart— Defraa i( N 

Oct M aoiak %, aMMb » IMrl 

Oct. SI. 
W. 3. 

OH. S. Waa B. X. Balnea. 

'a Sfatoal BeaeeoleBt 

U. D. Beader, taa Bread at.. 

Kav Talk Ctty^-STatL Inatltnte oT Dental Pvda- 

MlS Oob. Dee. 2^. W. Earl Wllmont. 

SS OaOege at.. Torooto. Ont. Can. 
New York City— .American MoMom Natl. Hla- 

torr Ooa. 3tor. 1416. Jobn H. Bage. 
New York Otty— Nat. Inter-Charcb Conterence. 

Not. 15-31. Bct. E. B. Santord, 80 Bible 


New Yoi« City— rroteatant Gbnrebe. ot America 

Gen. Ooo. Not. — . B«t. W. H. Rol>ert- 

New York City — International Comprened Air 

Workera" Union Society of tbe M. B. Chart*. 

Oct. 28-NoT. S. 
New York City— Chi Phi Fraternity. Nor. M. 

P. R. MenerTc. 2SS Bdcec«nb aTe. 
Poaghkeepal. — Reonlon 12Stb N. Y. Tolun- 

tvera. Oct. 19. W. J. Montfort. 
Remwnbatx — Y. P. S. C. ■ Ooi. Oom. Not. 

— . A, la. nm. faaau, ^ ^ 

Scbencctailj D>»ailfc basaa ABav UM. Ooa. 

Oet. 34. 

Waablnatiiiiimi »is»las MMh >ast> Oet. 

28. H. a H&mm, tm ^mrn m«w Dm 


West New Brlcbtoo. S. I.— ^worth Laasae 

Ellzabetb Dlat. Coo. Oct. 38. Artbnr H. 
9tll»>. 62 Snmmit are.. PUlnHfld. N. J. 


Aknm— eule Hetall Orocen' Amu. Ooo. Dec. 
5. W. H. Cook, 388 Lacooda are., Sprlna- 
Oeld. O. 

BraTcrdam— Betiekah AaaeoMy 17tta OUt. Odd. 

Oct. 27. Anna Borden. 
Cincinnati— llalntenanee of WW Wmttt Valst- 

era- Aran. Not. ai. 

Dealer.' Aani. Not. 13-18. P. M. Brown. 

SbelbyrlUe. Ky. .„ 
Cincinnati— F. & A. M. Grand Lodse. <fct. U. 

J. a. Brom-weU. • 

DaytoB— P«unloa »ltb Ohio Tolnnttcr lBfaBt7> 

Oct. as. Allen W. Miller. 1300 Hoaae aea. 
Gaonceate^-^anton ot OMa Vataataar lofaa- 

try. Oet. 18-20. _ ^ 

Tippecanoe— WeMara OUa Baa Bm OMBta. 

Oct. 2«-n. 

Toledo— OaaaaiF Jk asUhaof AM. Um. 13- 

Wtu Oamt Cka»tar. Oct. 

B. SSiawf. Jiarravflia. 

Warren — State Woman'a SoSraxe Ana. Oct. 

18-19. Dr. Carrie Chaae DaTU, Sandoaky. 
Waahlncton— Ohio Field Trials. Oet. ZS. 0. 

T. Pbllipi, cmomtma. 

Foreat Grore — Stale Dataywa'a 
Dec. — . P. L. Keat. ConwalMa. Or. 


Cauaauqu.i — Beonloa 47th Best. Pa. 70100- 

teera. Oct. 23. B. W. Barthohnev. 
Gettytburi;- ReanloD Ttb Pa. Tetcran Totaa- 

tevr '.-iralr)-. Oet. 24-25. PnuK Batckla- 
sun, 503 S. Blphla'nd are., Pltlaburs. 
Harerford — -Mod m Laasvag* Aaaa. of America 

Con. Deo. 27-29. C. H. Gramlcfnt. 107 

Walker at., Cambridge. Mam. 
Xe<v- Market — ^Beanlon 54th Best. Pa. Voinn 

teers. Oct. 25. W. A. SUek, I " ' 
Pen Arxrl — Intematlooal UnlaSraC 

era. Sot. 6. W. W. Claik." 

ave.. East St. Lonli, in. 
Pittsburg — International Upbolaterm* Cnibn. Not. 

Plttabnrs — American Federation of Labor. Not. 

13. Frank Morrlaon. 42S G. S. N. W. Waata- 

lattton. D. C. 
Pbiladelpbla— State Sonday-acbool A<ni. Oet. 

21-23- ReT. Alex. Henry. Wlthcxapoon bldf.. 

Beadloc— Ordrr ot the Shepherds of Betblcbea 

Om. cm. tMl. BTa A. WykoS. 3800 >M- 

anl atC Chariea. N. J. 

tlie eennlme 


The most attractive ooveltr 
sbown la rears. Does all 
cQtetbtiuts. A blKS«llnr. 

Dozen 76e 

, Gross 

' Saiupte lOc poasi 
Sand tor CataloKne to 

1. BSEKTEIII, 44 Abb St., H. Y. City. 


FortlotmacblDew. Gaarantecd orlfftnal from Ufcjtfc 

oris Tlewa t« ca.. h i^l, CAt*i<>k-ue IHKCHICAOO 
N O V ELTT ffU P P i - ^ " i i ■ ) L > ;- : . M ! ; w- a ^ W w A«ft« 
Chicago. Ilia- 


FLINT IB * rehlcle ra»naf«rtar1n|r town of ITO; the Teblcle boy« h*Te • aoplwre h«»d; tlil« hMd alT^a JobU^ 
In the bIK Armory one wild week, commanclnc Monday nltcht. November tt. Space for lalne II a n«» "OJI 
only «ant>>aecaae«alono(aklnd.aaehaa«aa«raoaa.lcecnamooan. tlntypn. wire or .hell 
tflwer.jalaaatir— ttaafcfifcaCllillH it.iMaSgWa»M»|gaW,a»ySi^<<»U«»- tm boraa or 

KUin^ ram. MiAigaa. 



If you are interested and want something that wBI 
bring you 200 per cent, investment, write toe 
Circulars. We make anytiiing tam • atage dtovtay 
to a slot machine; including 

CRies. WorMiig WorM, Coii 

Johnstown Floods, MysUo: 
Cities, Holy Cities, Etc. 

» is all BlMS and dlnanalons. 

Uva Atanta wantad in avaiy Town In tlia World 

Bieroiaa Auto Machine Co. 


singer Bras. Hum Book of 

Bolling Noveltiaa: Jewelry. C«lle«y. OpUeal 
Speclaltiea. isaues speelaBy for CMWMSeis, 

Men. Send for one to day. 




OCTOBER 21, t905. 

■ we SUPPLY 


& FAIR ^ 



The Largest and Most Reliable Wholesale Streetoien's Supply House in the Country 















Wo aro Quoting tMo Prioe on 

Wblch was scheduled to arrive some six weeks ago, but was delayed in 
transit. The French exporters realizing the lateness of the season cable- 
gramed us to sell the confetti for their account at 

«ii"HiMHH5 Cents the Round 

This is a vary Unusual Snap for Streetmeni For this confetti is 
worth fully 50 per cent, more than the domestic goods. It is brighter in 
colors, cleaner and stacks up very bulky ; a 5 cent package by weight, in ap- 
pearence, looks as big as a 10 cent one of the domestic stuff. Send your 
order early, for this lot won't last long. 


The Confetti Duster we offer has no superior nor equal in the market, when 
its make up, quality and size is considered. It. is 16 Inches too^. 

'•■^•^■Per f,000, $IO.OO^H«M_» 
••Enameled Japanese Canes •• 

We bare now on band a large supply of these canes. They aie of a reiy 
siqperin finish at aveolal prices. T17 us before ordering elsewhere. 
















We make a spacialty 
of Premium Goods 
of all kinds. 


Wholesale Stpeetmen*' 

ae4-a66-26S-270 Madison St. 


SaalHiiT— 'Bcnnloa ISth Hcgt. Pa. VoL 

Oct. 2a. P«n] B. Stont lUltOB. 
SsBtiaiT — PcmuTlTanU Giuge Patroiu at Bo- 

XMBdrj Con. Drc. 12-lS. Frank (Aaodlcr. 

FooKlikcaamoa. Pa. 
Ptm Ume t D raaeh of the IntcnaU. Cider «t 

Klac^ Osnchttn aad Bona Coa. B«v. — . 

-frnk Mikr c«Rr< fUfenflh^ X>-L 

...W llliiaiif I nut* LatMT'liMWHk ' M. MM . 
a. B.. Bud. BeadlDC. 
WMcbtMtr — BennloD »TUl B«ct. Vm^'-OA M> 
Mm Walnwilgbt. wnmlnctaa. Dd. . 

Obattanoosa— SoaUietn ImmlgratlOB and Qiunn- 

tine Confncaec. Kor. S40. Mr. ~' 

Chamber at O miiMWu ' ' 
CUrkSTin* — ^x. . x.: ▲ 


Dalla>— state Fraternal Conmakr '■'Bm 

J. P. Canbreatlk. Draper. CaL 
IS Ptso — American Mlnlns Cdogrca. Not. 14- 

18. J. F. Gaftreatli, Jr.. DeuTcr. CoL / 
Mloenl WeOfl — Ealcbts and TttAlr* of ' Baaoc 

Gnuid Lads*. Not. — J. Barsbdm, 1010 

CmgtfKt aTe_ Hooston. 
SegnlQ — Soottkera Uttinaa M.. E. GIUBCfa Ooot. 

XOT. 1. 

Oct. I»-21. 

, Mootpeller — State Teictiere" Aan. 

t^ ;- ^r,'-, TIHGIHIA. 
^Vaihwr Ifc'vO. U. A. U. state council. Oct- 
hV^UiSi. :yhim'''lS. Ins. Petenfttors. 
r<»-ekHMtM*flie— ilateistate Fboto AM. ' OcL 
-^^'SMl:, Widtar Balladar. Oarham. 

Diagbtna* sute 

!K>«--^SlBket-^BcndbB Mlh Rest. Pa. Yolaa' 
teera. Oct. 2S. W. A. Slick. 912 Van Vlren 

rood, Jo^msto^^^. Pn. 

Peteratrarg — Eetmlon SnrrlTora or the Cbirge 
i>f Crater. Oct. 28. tVm. H. Stewart. Ports- 

Blrtiawmd — United Dansbteia cf Me Confed- 
. viacr Stat» 'IMe. . Kvr. S-It. 
~ . RMiaead— ICalkhra .Teinptan Gr. OomaiaBdeir 
;'^'.Ciw-'.' Oct.- ^ ' «lan a .Paataa Jaakfc . Peter*- 

" :':»4 tll i ' sta te Atdvare Aun. Om./ ' Mt.^ II 
■ It ,3Si_H. Tbeadlnca. 

ter Cba. Sir. 14.' 

FjtlrtiKiTit — STstr p«r Af^sn. Con. IVe- 

fUtMBt-SUte Bankcn' 
C V. BIMkav, r 

KOT. — . 

— w 30tM KklbnlM B. WtSStma. 


Ball fax, N. S. — Sona of 

DlT. Sot. 0. W. 
BamUtoo. Oat. — Do 

Temperance Unloa. 
' 3ueoaie, Toraatiiw 
Monton. aL"B. ' W ti w 

M. B. 

New Fairs, 

Tbaia data* haTe teen contritatad aiaos tha 
paUlaatkB «f our lut lut. 


Pair. Not. S-1«. 

Oik. Mb. War. *M. 

J. J. 

of Fairs 

This lift ia reriaed and corrected weekly. 
Keaderm wHl confer a faTor bj '^^Twf ont at- 
tantioB to Bay etrora or oniaaioaa. 

2. B. V. 'Winiama. >ec 

State Fair. '. OtL M-Mot. 

fh-wait— TnriMtlal'nilr. ,at«. 44l TetMe L. 
Clark. «opt. 


Berrj-Tllt — No. Ark. l-.Ir. Oct. 25-28. B. O. 
n«ircp. pre». D. J. W. »t. treaP.: J. 1>. 

Hallej-. »f. 

But Granbr— Eut fiianlir nir. Oct — . C. 

^ Baacbett, prea.; W. B. Gray. HC. 
lUttted— Coon. Dalrymen'a Pair. Jan. IT-IS. 
n. Ilaaebert. pre*.: w. II. Oraj. «»c. 

Xew TlaTen— Npir HaTen Co. HortlmUnral Fair. 

Not. 7 3 R, p. Prydc p;ea.; TboDua Pet- 

tlr s<-c- 

SlnubiUT— Slnubnry Falr^ Oct. — . E. A. Hoe- 

klB». pre*.; Geo. C. Eiib. tee. 
Waleatt— Wateott Fair. Oct. — . Cbaa. S. 

Tattle. leps.; B. u. Upaon, tee. 

•vU Coaat Fair and A(rl- 
KVT. t4. B. W. SUIT. 

Wr. Mar. IMt. 
- — ataw and Xldwlatar Hafc. 
gwr.^ ttW. Haa. J. L. Bmm; ■■M.t T. & 
Tdinm, ticM. 

AaKOEta— ADgusta Fair. Nor. 6-11. 
CalbODn— Gordon Co. fUt. OcL SB. J. T. 

McVej, sec. 

DaltOD— Fonrth Anaoal WtOt. Oct. IMK, task 

T. Bernolda, mgr. 
Lezln^o — Ogletborpe Oo. Pair. Oct. 23^28. 

John Knox. pres. and mgr. 
Uaeoo— Georgta Farmers* Fair. Oct M-Kot. 
8. . F ii MBi Aaderson, sec 

Fair. Her. IMT. 

■il«— OaWt nwM . MIB, Oct. n-sar. s. 
illaJia . I Pilter taM FMr. Oct. IMa 
<!. ■■» II . n a eW is nuM fate. Bar. T4a 


llat rn ki ftadliyaiea'e Fair. Bar. :9S4>. 

JaekaOB— State Fair. Not. 8-18. 

Bnrllngton— Alamance Fair. Oct. 2S-2S. J. A. 

Lone. prea.. Gtaliam: B. A. Freeman, treaa.; 

J. A. Tnrrentine. sec. 
Charlottes-Oil ckllabBTK Fair. Oct. R. 

J. Biraid. pna.: w. Chaabcts. tm*.: w. a. 

••rr. aee. 

trrldaB-^tUM TMtcr Get. tMT. O. B, Sm- 

wim, «ec 

Oklahoma City — Oklahoma Co. nilr. Oct. SS-S8 
Sliaimee — Potlairaioinle Co. Fslr. Nor. 6-il. 

Columbia— 8titr Fair. Oct. 28-27. O. A. Oat(. 

nanl. prea.: A; Cameirell LsBotle. treaa.; A. 

W. Unr*. are. 
OreeoTllle— Piedmont Fair. Oct. ai-Kor. I. 

Dallas— Texas State Fair. Oct. aS. O. A. Keat- 
Inc prre.; J. B. Adone. trcaa.; Sydm-y 
Smith, ^e. 

Sao • Antonio — 6«n .\ntonI« Pair. Not. 18-20. 
Jno. W, Kokernnt. pr*-j. : 8. II. Wellpr trraa.: 
J. II. V,no,-. 

New Street Fairs. 

Barrlman, T>na Wirtt Mr aad OualtaL Oet. 

30-NoT. 4. VnH.WaUw r 

way, attt. 

30-NoT. 4." 

Co.. attr. 

Grernfleld, O.— SIvMt Mr aad OualfaL Set. 
23-33. •ma ^ WaMcr OnalTal aod ^Id 

way. attr. 

Sanborn, Ind. — Sen>nUi Annual Carnlral. Oci. 

ai-26. J- B. RnaseU mRr. 
14tae Rock, Aik— CarjilTal. Oct. 16-S8. Park 

Amnsement Co.. attr. 
Sparta. III.— Street Fair and Carnival. Oet. 

23-2S. Tbe Wlctaola Amuaement Oo.. attr. 

Street Fairs and Carnivals. 

TUB lift la lariiad tmi aanaataA wasUy. 

Bowllac OrrcB. By . Bt i a at flWr aad OuataaL 
KoT. i2.1T. oiMt Badnr JMiwiM Osw. 
attr. - 

Beaufort. S. C— Street FUr aad OsniTal. 

KoT. 20-25. 0. nraterkease. 
BelleTDf. 0.— Street Fslr. Oct n-IO. T. B. 

Parkinson, aee. 
BeKon. Tex.— Flremea's Street flilr. Oct. M- 

NOT. 4. 

CarboBdale. IIL— Street Fair. Oct. t«4L Oaa- 

mopolltan Amusement Co. 
Oliattanooga. Tenn.— Street Fair. Oct. . W- 
Not. 5. 

Columbua. Ga.— Street Fair sad Osmlrnl. MS*. 

o n. Cliff B. Grimes, aec'y. 
Clayton. Ala.— CarnlTal and StTMt VUr. Was. 

2n.2!l. K. praak Valeatlaa^ .: 
ColnnMt. S. a-4lardHnlS*.-fkMi atom M. 

Oct tMB. K. . O. BsrkOBt Awwtlt Ot^. 

attr. . , . 

DaTenport, I ffaal lj ' S l P-et Fair. Oct. 16-21. 

Monarch Amasemi a t Co.. altr. 
Elizabeth. Ky Street Fair. Not. 5-lS. Cl«-at 

Badger Amunement Co . attr. 
Elkton, Ky.— Street Fair. Oct. 80-NOT. 8. 

<?reat Badger Amuaement Co., attr. 
Oaffney, 8. C. — Street Fair. Nor. 6-11. Tb»- 

K. 0. Barkout AmDsemeat Co., attr. 
Greenntle. 8. C— Street Fair and OamlTal. 

Oct, 30-NoT. 4, Tlie K. G, Barkoat AmniT- 

mi nt Co., attr. 
Iack"onTlMf. Fit.— CamlTal. Anaplera Jaekioo- 

Ttlle CsFTilTjl ABin. Not. — . TV. B, Car- 
ter. pr-=^. 

•t. Fair 


OOTOBKII 21. 1906. 

Xtie Btlll>oarcl 


BiuMlHw aad lUlllair Omlral. Not. »-IS. 

laSSr iB Xtwft ^ Wf. Oet B-n. Omm- 

fKudMaa. Ore^-«; 

ftiilMaa. Orr^^tTMt Fair. Oet. aO-Nor. 4. 
HOMItll A M I tw t Co., mttr. 

Bwdbuuii*. ui t-nv Uvra Carnival aaA Ban* 

Show. oet. 24.ffl. w. (0,jmmmm, an. 

%tn Anxrlo. Tex. — Btnct VUr. Mar.. MO. 

John rmlaad. ehm. 

VtfilfnbuTt, Ind.— atreet ratr. Oct. 23-»8. Joe 

IrTln. are. 

mitrnTlKlit. Tes.— MatAaata' Bixact Valr. 

KoT. 20-J5. 

Wilbur, Waib.— Stnct Fair. Oct. Wl h w . 4. 
ai<i«arch_ AM Mfownt Co.. gjff'jy^^^i^^ 

Ilk. 4M. (Mtor. 

'.) Oct. lO-M. J. 


IMW, Ore.— Ontral WllUmettc Pooitry Aiaa. 
DtC 19-12. 6. W. Vnnk. 

laa Artw*. Mteh.— Waibtroaw P. * P. B. Aiaa. 
Jut. 8-12, WM. Oco. B. Ooopcr, ace. lU C 
Ana at. _ 

tanlitoo, Ala.— CalbODB Co. P00II17 Aaan.. Ox- 
ford Lake Paik. Nor. 28-Dae. 1. 0. L. 
Swfft, pre». 

atlinti. G>. — Atlanta Poaltiy MMm. JM« If- 
33 1906. r n riarwrll. 

iTtoam, N. T. — Anbnm Ponltry Aaaa. Jaa. U- 
23. J. U. 6cvtt. 

AofDsu, Ga. — Aosiuta P. A P. S. Aaan. Jaa. 
8-12. IBOe. J. W. KllUscairortta. aec. 

HnnlDfbain, Ala Stitr Ponltry Am. Dae. 

12-16. Cbaa. Barber, lee.. 210 ft. 20tb tt. 
BooorlUe. Mo.— Oeotral Uo. Poaltiy Aaaa. Dec. 

12- 16. Cbaa. O. yUlrr. box 708. 

Brockton. Man. — ^Brockton Poaldy AaaB. Dae. 

13- ls Rm. 8. HnteblDMa. aa^ 

Bntlrr, Pa.— Botler Co. P. * P. An. BMi 

not a.-t. VIrsll Otbfoa. aae. 
Obattanooca, Trao. — CbatUaaofa Pa«Ui7 Aaaa. 

Jan. 10-13, ia<ie. 17. P. aiaotr. ara. 
Oblcaso Helcbla. lU^Nortlicaatani Itt Plaa- 

dm' Aaaa. Dee. IS-I*. lUicr Xaatb. ate. 

OMiBBitL a-ciMinaii P. ft r s. mb. 

Jaa. iVn. tao*. 3t. - 
Otlbona, TMv— Johnaaa 

Jan. is-iA, i«m. yr. 
Oaaaaparb U^IH-Ctty 

11- 19. S. B. T«Hk MC 
Vntm 9 . nut m wmi t af eUb. PA. i-T. 

0. e. OlVUIWB. MC. 

BBporla. Kan^LroB Oooatr Paaltry An. Dec. 

5-9. n. M. Mar. arc. 
■aid. Okla.— GatOrld Co. P. A P. 8. Aan. 

Jaa. t lS. IBM. I. W. 8h«Ttrti. we. 
nadlkr. O. — aancoek Co. raaelen' Aaaa. Jaa. 

••IS. lam, I. W. Slwrtrh. are. 
Rceport, Me. — Fr»»port Ponltrjr Aao. Dee. 37- 

10. Geo. P. CoOln, aee'r. 
Pt Kaj-ne, lad.— People's P. * P. 8. AMU ot 

Allen Co. Dec. ll-ld. PUIUp A. Brller. 

•ec. t 
Banllto^ O. — Soatb<>n Obio Pa^nip AM. ttm. 

1-6. u. O. Hoffaian. iwe. 
Hinbiudt. lad. — ^Wabaob Taller P. A P. B. 

Ahh. Dec. 18-B. Frank L. RIITert. eec. 
Barrtibnrc, Pa. — Ta. Paaclera' Ann. Jan. it- 

17. IflOe. Jobn R. Oore, RoTalton. aee. 
BoataTllle. Ala. — Srvracb Annoal Sbow, Nortb 

Alabama Ponltrr and P. >. Aaaa. Dee. <V4. 

John U Bar. aee. 
IndUnapolta. lod. — Panrlpra* Ann. of Ind. Peb. 

5-10. B. A. Pierre. KB B. Waablnstoa at. 
Iowa Falla, la. — Nortb PonltiT 

Dee. 22. L. D. ftowtf. »»c. 
Iowa Falla. la. — Tonlirr and Faacr Stock 

Dm. 18-22. T. T. Wblte. aee. 
JackwoTillr. lU Jarkaoo PooMp Mmm. 9m. 

13-16. L. O. Tanaht. nc 
Lancaster. Mo. — Scbarler Co. Ponltrr Aaan. Dee. 

4-9. Prli>» Raja. »«•. 
Uwrenee, Kan.— Dooclaa Oa. Psnltir Aan. Dee. 

12- ie. J. Malnwarlna. aee. 

Uneola. Neb.— Nebraaka State PMAUp Aiaa. 

Jaa. Iii-M. nm. Laib«-r p. LaMaa. aw. 
Ut taiwiia. CaL— Ponrtaaatb Aaaaal B(hlM> 
«ka hm Aasalaa Poidtfr Aaaa. Jaa. 
0. ■.' BortcUsi. MM W. 

tm. Oac 

■A I«i»~Citf;'Oi&-VMk P a lti y AaaL Jan. 

l»tt. T. I. PaaalM, aae^ MS Uaaala an-. 
Sta Kraaebeow OiL— PmIiit 8baw. Dtc 64. 

J. C. Wimama, ftnltrale, Cal. 
BebrlDg, 0,— Sebrlns P. * P. 8. CISb. Jaa 

l-Il, 1900. M. J. Strrcaa, ace. 
Staelbr. 0.— Sbelbr P. A P. 1. 

Brat week: Martin M. Hooter, aa 
Ticomt. Wiita.— Tacooa hwltip 

ZT-Jaa. 1, C. A, Pratt, aee, 
Topeka. Ran.— 'Pooltrr Sbow. Jan. 8-18, 1906. 

J. W. Ungbtm, aee. 
Union. la.— Hardin Co. Panltrr Aim. Date not 

set. O. E. Smitb, ttc. 
West Brookflrld. Mans. — Fourth Anmial Shaw of 

Wert BrookOeld Ann. Dec. S-7, B. L. Bleb- 

arvtaon, sec, box ZtO. 
Wlnrted, Conn. — Western Conn. Pooltrr Aaao- 

Oee. — . Bicksted Scadder, W. B. QraTca and 

W. H. Carl. Jodcea. 
TaaagatoarD, O. — .Maboolns and Sbenanfo Vallex 

raalttT Aaaa. Dee. 0-9. Cbaa. B, Watwaod. 


Baltlnratc. Md. — Bammore Betall Giacera' Food 

Show, Ijrrle Ball. Kot. 2l>.l>ec. 2. C. n. 

Green and B. J. Bowe, mgra., 2T7 Broadwar. 

New York City. 
Brooklyn. N. X.— Brookirn United Retail Oro- 

e>ra' Aaaoclatloo'a Tblnl Aanoal Food Sbow. 

aermoot Are. BInk. Mateb 5-21, ItHW. C 

H. Green and B. J. Bowe, msra.. STT Broad- 

w«». J>>w Tork Cltr- 
Chattanoosa, Tenn.— Cbatttnoon RrtaU On>> 

eera' Anoelatlon, Reira Aaaaeneat lUn. 

Oct, 16-20, n, L, Ctaeea, aec'r; B, B. Bj- 

man. dlfxctor, 800 Broad at. 
BaTarbBl. Maaa.— OaTafhUl Baef« •( Ita* 

Food A Indnatrlal 

Uareb SI.A«fil 7. ^ . 

B. J. Bowe, Oigca., tIT 


Jackaoorllle, Fit. — afanai 

Sbow and Indaatrlal BipialHia. Hav. M-18. 
B. L. Brown, aec'r. 

Lowell, Uaas. — LowaU Kctan Oreeen' Aaaecta- 
tlon't Flrat Food aad ladaatrial Bxposltkm. 
Associate BaO. Mareb 17-24. C- II. Cr-t« 
and E. J. Bowe, msra., 2T7 Broadwar, Near 
York Cltr. 

Newark. N. J.— Newark Bftall Gnccnr Paod 
Sboir. )lap !•». tm. C a. OlfN aM 
E. J. Row*, awa.. SIT Bi aa<a ai. Nnr X<atk 


ProTldrnc*. It. I. — Bnteb^ra, Crocera and Mar. 
kettnrn'i Auoelatloo of Rbnle Island Pore 
Food SI>ow. Infaotrr Ball. rroTldracr. It. I. 
Feb. 12-24. 1000. C. II. Crren and E. J 
Howe, nagra., ITT BttMdwsr. New Vurk Cltr- 

Srmcnsc, N. T. — Srrarose Groeera A Meal 
Oralpra* Association Food A Indaatrlal Expo- 
sition. Tbe Alhambn. April I0-S8. IBOO. C 
B. Green and e. J. Boirc, mcra., 2TT Broad 
war. New Tork Cltr. 

Trenton. N. J. — ^Trenton Rrtsll Grocers' Pro 
trctlTe AsBoclatlon. Flrat Food A ladaatrial 
Expoaltlon. Maeonle ItaU. JEov*Ml. C B. 
Green and B. J. Buaa^ MSBb. Mf 
New Tork City. 

WasMnglon. I>. C. — Waahlnrtoo Retail Gro- 
eera' ProtectlTc Asxoctailon'a National Food 
Show ft lodnatrtsl Bxposltlon. Cnar,-ntlon 
Itsll. Dee. -I-1A. C. II. Green and E. J 
Bowe. mcra.. 277 Broadwar. New York Cltr. 

Worwster. Mass. — Retail Grocers and ITDTlstoB 
Dealrra' Association's I'nrr Food Sbow, Me 
cbaoica Ball. Feb. 2S-Marcb 10, 1900. C 
B. Green and B. J. Bow*, aisia., 277 Btsad 
«ap. Maw Xaik CUT. 

Cbleato, n t ft eaad Aaaaal Oflte ApplUBee 
aad Basl»'aa. Sracea Show. Collsenm. March 
17-24. lOOS. Oackiaae * Pijaa, wign^ 17S4 
Park R«w MdS.. it. T. a 

MUan. Itali FiBaallliia Asril^ar.. Mi, Us 
nor h SaWallBl. aee.. Xt. taaajii. X. n. 

New r«cft " ~ ~ 

KS, MMl 0. H. BortcUfi. iM» 

' aC Jataar Cllr. 
■— ...^ Blaa.— Cratral Uloa. Poallfr 
..!>»«. CMMk J. W. Kdlaiaa, aee. 
MaaoB CI17, la.— DMtr ton FMlttr Aaaa., 
Tratb Aaaaal Shwv. Ma*. M-Die. 2. U. ▼. 
^,Blek»t ii-e. 

MoatKooerr, Ala SUta 

Il ls. L. D. Teasler. 
Hnscatlne. la.— Mnseatlao 
.11-24. P. ]|. »e«ier. OM^ 

. Palla. O Poolttr Show. Not. SO. P. 

„A. Starr, aee. 

new Tork. N. T.— Msdlsoa Square Garden. Jaa. 
2-6. 1006. H. T. Crawford, sec., Montclaire, 
N. J. 

OeoQomowoe, wis. — Oconomowoe P. A P. S. 
Assn. Dee. 1|.|«. Frank Heck. 

Parson*, Kan — Soatbeastem Kansas Poultrr 
Assn. KxpoalUoa. Dec. 18-22. A. B. Ba- 
ker, i«>'r. 

Pontlac. Mleb.— Sixth Annnsl Pnaltrr A Pt- 
Ceoo Show. Jan. 10-10, 1906, Daniel Tbomaa, 

Portland, Me State Ponlttr and Pet Stock 

Assn, Dee, 0-8. A. L. Merntt, Anbnm, Me. 

nrlUad. Ore.— Xailooal Pooltrr Sbow. Oct. 
■jl, Barry n. Outlier, aec„ Taeoma, Waab. 

■Wnad. lad, — Kasteen lad. roolirr Ana. Ji 
1S.M. |«M. Cbaa. UeParland. aee. 

PMeldeae*. R. I.— B, I. Ponltrr Anau Deo, 
W. I, Biawa, sec • Bickaase PL 

Xarthw'atB BaOaaa Oa.. 71 
Peof, Chaa. Sebw ar ta. Creeton, 


Wm. Bartela, 16B Oreenwlcb at., N. Z. 
Croaa, LlTerpool. England. 
Carl Hasenbeai, SteUlsgen-Bsmbnig, 
Rope, as N. »tb St., PtrilsdOpbia. 
IrOali Rnbe, 248 Grand at., N. Tt. C. 
BMBlBS'a Zoo, 28 Cooper aq., N. T. O. 

BamiiSl Oac. Ca.. m. Wabaah at, 


And Tbaatrieal Lavrars. Wlia BpacUUia la 
Tbaatrxcal and (Sircna Zaw, 

MaBtta 'tC Boacaawelg. 98 Naana at, B. S. A 

Om. a. Fatarel A Co., 41 Wanes at., M. T. C. 


Frtnk Helton A Co.. 107 B. Madison St., CMeaso 
Oron A Bealj, 205 Watwsb aTe., Clileaso. 

O. J. Preacott AKcr*. 216 Lomlwr 

Ob., 223 S. Pltxbosh at.,: 


Batten Co., 41S Lncaa are,, St, 

Ox-hr dJ oao B <l«a ICannfae t u rar a. 
Clatl-Cal. Usbt Col. lOS W. 4th 
St. Iioala ObL Usbt Oa.. n« Bin at, Bt. 


•lik Knta, BsansTlUe. lad. 


Pap On Co» 135 Seaeca. _ 

««■. r. HadSea * Oab.I4.IS neabraaMB al>XT. 
few Tatk OaaHectlaB CSa.. 78 Varlefe at. MJtAt. 
Roeckbelm Bioa. A Brfcateln. Chleaao. 
Aotwell Mfc. Co.. 117 Mlehlgaa at., 


L Rlaensteln. 44 Aaa St., N. jHl ^ 

n. C. Rlrketts. SO Ann St., 11. T: O, 

'ilnrer Braa.. 82 Boweir. N. T. C. 

United Stsles FUg Co.. 224.<« Gll(>ert, Clix-tirMtl. 

Waatan Bargalo Booae, 272 Madlaoa, Chleaga. 

CARS (R. R.) 


"At Liberty" 


gpao s s «P to aaVen incbea 1 
Dur Inch. 

FOtn TItlES 

One iorfa of Brace, four tlinc«,tBM and laswar 
spac^^iiVS to BKven li irhg^ MlkSSSBMBp^ . 


One iDCb of space, fonrteen Umea <tliTBe 
mbntb^). $10.00. and lanteriipaceaawtoMmB 
'tuelive at the sau.o rate per iDcb. 

NO* C— That all snace la meanired snd 
Cliaiicrdff>rat>.tn<tlecolnDiD: Arardoneand 
ahaltlni-hvsdK) mar be a, t donbkt outassiB' 
threaaoartemtlOorsn Inch deen. Bnartty 
In ^jspr ^rdfrit ttaa card b laimr r' 

.. 416.418 Ell St„ ClBclnitl. B, 


At l.ib< 


TotkOltar. OaMBHU 


OaidcB. net. SS-: 

oKTB., iTsi Pnk 

Norfolk, Ta.— J 
ttoa. Uaj. 1 


Oet. MM. VlasMr 
K«w Xart Cltr. IT 

Kar. SUM. 

Bonesdsle. Pa — ^Tbe A. S. C. Indoor Circus. 
Jan. 23-23, 'U6. Ben. DlttTleb, mgr. 


N««ie PiUlabars m4 
Vcslars in TKeatriesl. 
Circoa and rarfc 


KlHKr%M.~Ck,. MS K. 'Pearl at^ 

n. 1Mb Oaafrttl Oa.. St. laali. Ma. 

lenctb. wUI be paMlabfd. ^e a ss ilj daaaUM la 
tbla DlreetetT. at the rate at tin («r aae rear 
(B2 Isaaea), provided tber are of aa aeevytable 
nature. Price Indndea one rear's anhserimhMi 
to The Btllboord. Beintar advertisers. wIm* ase 

In exceaa of $30 worth of apace aasaallr are 
entitled to one line free of cbarve for earL 
Utr dollsn or traction thereof, mTrrrd hr tbrir 
contracta. The DIrectocr la rerlaed and cor- 
leeted weekly. chaaiMa la atta aaaea and 

Sllaa J. Oaarae. aas Mrl.«oa aee., Cblaasa, 111. 


CMy. Web. 

aark Bnc.. Mllwaakee. Wla. 
Knox. Ens. Co., MS BaMa at, 
Ufe O'sntTure Co,, laCnmt, 
^aei-B Cltr Ens. 9f-t^SnmsJS*b Ctaetoaatt 
dtiaic ns. Oa. iBk law UarTM. X. o. . . 

Aad Daalara ia Plata, Baatias. Faatooalas, ata. 
milattl i;ee Co., 322 Del. »t., Kansas CliTc 
O, •, Whm Oo., 2243 GIll>ert aee.. 

0. ■. PNr OtbTaMS «IMft ava^ 

Ibaafartmn, Baal wi ia, aad 
McAnMer, m SaansB at, Miw 
Amerleaa BIsBIBfh OiL. U & M«k 

York City. 

Pet.-r BarlcalapU 788 Mission at.. Baa Praaelaea 
Cblcano Film Ex., ISS 3. CHark St.. Chleaao. 
Raceme Cllne A Co.. 2 W. 14tb St., K. V. a 
EdIiHHi Ufs. Co.. 81 Dahai Sqoaia, New X«rk 


Qaston MeUes. 201H B. 88tb at.. Hrw XsA. 


Klrlae Optical Co.. 82 State at, 

W. !t2d st_ New Tork. 
4. Labtn. » S. 8tb St.. Pbllsdelphls. 
Mllea Kroe., lo B. 14tb St.. .Ne^r Tnrk City. 
Ullea Itros.. 116 Turk St.. San Prsnctsco. Cat. 
\'al*l Film Rentlne Co.. S2 N. (3srk st..CI»tra 
Psthe Cinema lucrsitb Co.. 42 E. 2M *t. 
Pathe Cinema lograpb Oo., S3 

SellK rol.rsfope Co., 41 p-ck 
II. Swaab A Oa., SSS Sproca 

Natlaair _ 

»• n nam nt^ 

assanaaaata. aiaa iliaisiii I saa ik aiir l « i maiil sB.«a 
W. C tlADS. Uanaea, miabiaaa Baali laaa fn^ 
f ulia a ia aod ■■»t h ti i| t pewftla wmotcrt. CSsa ptaooeaBaa 
plarar. Baa route. BUNHEUR B808..'Wafcafleld.I 


Ptrfonnera ot everr di-scr 
UOMKDV C(X,injoa Theatr 

a, Vontconaair, Ala., Oet, 

WM mnw S asti 0saB U 

ooN?Srri » 


8t a«e> antomobllf Imnatkm. packs fla% walaha 

15 lb«: B-flat Conn comet. FUber iDi>d- 1 bari- 
tone, blark art frama '■ x7 feet. Japanese Ad- 
dle. Iiall •■Iwk. cbanees lo Krlnnlnir facre. Act 
at rva^onstle itIo-s. Full iisriu-utais 4m 
reoui-^t. GEO STOCK, 13l'3 .Main si..Clll.. tt. 



Per. Addrew. Lincoln HaMl. OlaOialMtA O. 



'Willi some Cs'PiTsl Co. . 



IT cmi MllUt 

JOK W«t.Ct« Itt 



aa DIUPS LMO n QMMirai a. 

L. I.YKEN8. Rapreaa 


F 1 Ls M S. 

Ila an Mirtltlaa. Httcbeat priee paM 
roretMd dins 


1 aim. IUrtuDea,eja 
US So. Clark SI.. Ctdeaa^ UL 


A R Ti S XS 

MATIONAI. IMtTSIC CO lure • JJ*. «f ."5 
hlia. GkD and see n«. CW<-aro— 206-8 Wabaah 
r<«>. Me» Tork— 11 w. 2S Pt. 



Xtie Billl>oar<l 

OCTOBER 21, 190 

Pathe Films 


..ISO F 

C O I. O R C D 

B T sse.oo.. 


A new style of Film, showing in beautiful pliotographs Women's 
Hairdresses of different nations. Highly recommended. 




: W«iiw«lanMnoetoot toOamtog moMb va 
' «Meh ini iftU flMkemdal pricMuMovM 

lom as tiipy last: 

CONKK m per Ih. 5c 

SLAPPRUSur WireBeatvrs oerKr. tSjO 

JAP CBUUK CA:(ES. beat qoal- 

Ity perlOO SOO 

Ko. S R0RRRB BALIS vergr. XjSS 

No. 10 RITHBER HALLS . perrr. 2JiO 

N0.2U KUKRRR THREAD D«r lb. £J0 

No.» RUBBER TAPR per lb. 2 10 

Ao. 190 PAPER HORNS. 14 Inches 

loner per(fr. 2.25 

Nou2 UU)W(inT!l. the eoud onepersr. LSO 

TtlNS. pe»rl bai-k persr. 1.10 

No.3031 eLA«f=r:nTTEBKr(lKEperKr. 7.00 

No. 543 I&IPORTED U K U O 

BOOK perw. *JSO 


f"*?' 6IT N. Pourth Streot. 

i^SX LOUIS, - - MO. 



OB th«n»d.lf yMVffllftHMlkw vMkmSnar- 

witw) troia a buk tor natab. 


138&llMk«L MMMblU. 


A compact bottoD ooiflt oalj Tt>DB OtVBES iqnan. 
^■■Maot pcodDdBfca UnlahMl battoB pi eta re vrtj 

i aa tha naikat to 4mj. A. pndUT* 
' ttor OM at Fkim, Gknlmla or KI^ 
D bm apramced &c Anr tlweaad niama apl 


oacflt, Jnciodljijr csnrlnff a* 
■otiaa na4r to won, (IS. 

BpladlM, Clab Henaa Fiunitiu«i atOt 
Barr * Co., 56 3Cb are., Cblciao. 
B. V. Clark, a Wrybomt at.. 'l^wrtdMic*. B. I. 
Cowper iltK. Co.. lUS S. QlDtoo at.. Chlcafo. 
Deanr. los^ Cnitral ClDChmatl. <iblo. 

B. C. Erasa ft Co.. m S. Clark at., Chicago. 
Irmf Jrnmt*, Fort Scon. Kan. 
Kl*la A Uinrr. 4S Lrourt M~ N. Y. a 
Dw amtr.Hte. Oiu ltaM» CH|r. MOb 
B. A. MNwWfck Mi ■MMSttr.Uo. 

' CimAt&>iUIITS, KTC 

Tbc BMb 0*» SSS S. Fll^bm* at ..Wai >i i li I .ItT. 
VcBm a MIrlil. lai M. su St. gMhialjbti 


Slsmaa maA Txmyplnsa for Circtu asd A^. ITaa. 
ScbaunlM PIUBe Co.. 012 Uvtrup'n ■•cBroofclfa 



Hotel Brlmaot, Ite., IS» W. UaOlaoB. 
Albamhra (Xrir). Bar., cor. luib aad State. 
CIt7 ilotel. Ear. and Am., cor Uia aad Buta. 

C iul u atU aa aad Bida ahear Oooda (Maaafa atai a ia 

of aai Daaleis ia.) 
M. Boltabe. **nt*amland." Ooopr lalaal. H. X. 
Plot. Cbaa. C^atolle. 8M BloomfleU aTc. Blaaai 
add. N. t. 

Cbaa. B. XTcctoii. 4 Cairntbrra, Lawmc*. itmm. 
1. W. Zumr, 121 W. Llbrrtr at., Ctodaaatl. 

Far Staca Vm. 
Btaaatt Xcwtbr Co.. laiT Poplar. Pbnadflphla. 

nolnaaa TAltai: tS* B. MadI— . r ' 
BoKwa TtnmiOl!. lag IMMiK 
SiBScr Bml. at Bowy. m. Y. o. 

Bdw. yaaWyek. 1083 Pnllra aTe„ CiBeloBatL 

' ' KNIVES ' 

Ha»r ti. Weldianni. 340 B. m«<i— fhtrajn 

B aaowa , Xante far Ciieaaaa aad 
BoM^ A mm. MMU w. Laka at. 

Geo. ngim, *r our at., k. -t. a 

Staxaoptiooaa, ate. 
McAllister. 49 Naasan at.. New 
Klalor ItpUeaXCo.. S2 Sfat. Jt.. 

Agents ami SttlMtors 

W. tokwrn the Honest Fair aad Oaniral 

Notddei oa the market. 

R. S. GREEN & CO., 

825 Wells St.. Chlca«o, ni. 

! "OttelnatnTB ot the well known *^mt nam- 

■MU It Won>t Come » curd. We are Htlll 
;aeHfarg»m.^ ^SS^^^'^JjSSSSRSSj^'''* 

''' ^ wa'(i*'%V A N TEI^oaoas 

An experienced operator: 115.00 per «(H?k and trana- 

Mil. BtUK. 1- r( 0, rlck.Md. 


Flral^8t.Clalr.(8ra e. Ik. Teaaaalaini. Ohio. 

b M I B^-ooaailiATiov KBEaaraT, iia, an aad 

•WWt mux, Ma-ndla: aoadaaacw.eoa* aajet aalla 
ataHJWIf takaaatonee. Addreaa. 

' Caraon Hotel. Ch liieo*lt<k Oh<n, 

For aUklndaof jeveli7 wrjca Coiuojimim Jcw«iiy 
On. Forenff boltolv. aearf plna, b*t pliia. watch fobs, 
belt l>ac*cla.etr. lateat rolled mid P.O. E. rbamw Ue 
each- ttM par dec Colombos Jew*-Iry UUe- Cou. CoL O. 

WaTtTTP aTOTfCTT Maiiailfl In Invest ana or aiaeand 

aakelatiaat In arat-^a— dimnatle comi 

ipaor. AO 



Cazoaaala, Bollar Coaatata, Chalai, Fanli 

Wbaela, ato. 
Arailtage-nemlirn To., No. Tonawaoda, K. T. 
Cagaer LaeomotlTe Wb*.. 4T4 B'uay. N. Y. a 
tV. IC Coanlrman. IlonifUHUIe. N. Y. 
llrradifU-SiiUlaiaa Co.. .Xo. Tuoawawla. K. X. 
Pintrclcfe lemma iWi 4lk a«e.. ntllMfg. 
nr. n. LaMk ladtoaapallB. M. 



J. T. B. Clark. »i2 Walaot at., Kaaaaa CUT, 


F. P. noma, 1013 Central ave., CIiKinnatL 
SIngef ItM*.. 8* BowMj. K. Y. C. 



Pitbe CiaeiaaiocTaph Oa., K BaaMfh at. 


Pathp Cianaatociapk Oa.. tt U. 

York City. 

Sells PMracope Co.. 41 Prek Conrt. Cbkase. 

Tha FoUswIiis Firma will ba ^ad ta and antlai 

of Haw aaosa to Itiiiinaliad 

er Ika Piafi ' 

VMat, at W. Snh at.. H. T. & 
.Vail Uwie Cau. 41 W. JMk at, M. T. O. 
Jrrama M. Rcaiirk A On. 4S W. SSth. K. T. CL 
wiu Boaaltfr. ta ITaaUagtoe at., Cklcaso. 
Thoapaoa Uaala Oik, STS Wabaah aee., CMcaia^ 


.^martraa Pearl Mfc. Co.. 247 N. 2d FhUadelpkU 

Ron Carlo Co.. Laredo. Tex. 

Ilanilj TlilBSa Co_ Ml Kotre it. Ladlactaa. Uleh. 

•ireeo A Co., S73 ITeUe at., Cblcago. 

riie BaKle Co.. 13 Ituteb (t.. New Yock City. 

Joaepb Koebler. ISO l^irk Bow, New Vvck City. 


BUbatm ; 


J. If. Kangbtae C«l. ISO 8. Bldi. OoIobImu^ O. 


McAIIlater. 49 N<u<ao at.. Krw Talk Otr. 
ClUeavo Film Ex.. 133 B. Clark at., Chleaaa. 
Engene Cllne A Co.. ISO Oearbam at.. Cbleaso. 
Alfred L. Uatita A Ca.. 138 B. 14th. X. V. C 
ItartMCb A Co.. SIB FCIwrt at.. niUadrlpbta. 
Klelae Optlfel Co.. S «ute IC, CUeaao: 1ZI-2B 

W. 3U at.. New Y«»k. 
Ullea Braa.. 10 E. 14lh. M. Y. a 
MUea Braa.. 118 Ttok at,, Saa F te aflie^ OtL 

Far Bfll p a at a i i. Ciraaa aa 
BIder A Jeoka. 1<T N. .Itb at.. PhlUdelthla. 


Waail; W ia i aL. I laia i ie . H. X 

Wllao. Iliadln. Ma-2W State aL. 

I. W. .WUaoo. lis dtttr bL. Cblrafa. 


Cbaa. UeOaoaU A CSo.. S3 Waabtastoa, 
Mlaa RItabelh Uatbaty 14*1 a'ararTN. V. a 
vnu Rowlter. SXI Waablaalwi ac. CUeaaa^ 
Sansrr A Jwdaa. I4S Braadwar. N. Y. a 

n*. B. n-aiaia, heriauBiaa^B. M. T. 



or Plelatlal roatara aad Bit l^nia 

ArkermaoOoUley l.(tbo Co„ Kaa. CUf. Itok 

Atnerlran SiHxr Print Co.. Uawaakat WlA 

Bell Sliow l*rlnt Co.. Sleoamey, la. 

C. II. Bark Co.. Uoatao. Maai. 

Camlral Poater Co^, 717-7IS BCaaaflB are., 

Mlnneapolla. MIna. 
Ctalraco Silow Print Co.. 140 Sth ata.. Ckleaca, 
Crrarent Kng. A Ptc. Co.. S2S 3d at., BTaaa- 

rnie. iBd. 
g— W*?pa»t. Ky. 

Ferma Prlntlnc Co.. 23 Lake IL. 
Great W. Pts. Co.. SI3 Rim at., 1^D ft Co., Cincinnati. 
MaMllkHi SIcn A Mioir frtnt Co.. Maiwlllna. O. 
IViHi. PUT. ami Pub. Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. 
Ctarrnce R. Kaner. Rnney blile.. Cindaaatl. 
SirE't Piwter TVorkn. Sieeer. IlL 
a. S. t.itlMi.. nai-ivi-Morclin t»rlnt. Norwood, O. 
fAlanieer Pt«. Co.. It. jnaldarllte, pa. 
(CUoaaa A Btyaot. 40u Main. ~ 

Of Tbaatxiaal TiattaihaaOa. 

etc., all 

Chnrrh Ptir. On., 4ia Blai at, CM 
Crewnt Ene. A Prtj. Co., 131 ! 

rllle. In.l. 
XoniiartU PIC Oau. 4B 
Xte«er raalar Vafkm II 
nrortk raaUac On. Wm 

Beilicrt U 3le»more, 107 W. »ith at., N. Y. C 
Aad Oaalara ia Scaaaiy, ata. 
Jntin Trerfartb, SIM Filial at,. flailBMll 
Jamei 811p«cr. lOS B. Otii " - 



«. Baek. as Blea 



AatamaHe „ 
N. y. Clly. 
Caine Braa.. BelaMt Stteh. 
OBaaalldated SUfbiaa Ca.. l2tN.eih. PUtadetabU 
Cwi gopdI tagJCoe. On. »t4_X. ata at.. PhlhL 

Slnser Broa., 82 Bowery, N. Y. O. 
WatUas Htg. Oa.. iSS W. Jackaaa, 


't» a. 


UcAlUater, 4» 
Vbieam Kite 
eacob III. 

Koseoe Cllne A Co.. 10 B. 14« at^ K XL O. 
Klelae OpUeal Co.. S2 SUte ab. CUmsb; ar4l 

tr. 32d at.. New York. 
Xatlnnal Film Bentlas Co., OB Ha. Clark aL, 

Clilcago, IlL 
SellB-Polraeope Oa,. 4» Peek OMKt. Gkleu*. 

t. B. 


wr I 

B. X 


Chlewa Soeae Wrtek Ce., 8Stb A Iiae, Ctakafa 

Far Fair FaOawan. ola. 

Coe. Yooce A Co., atS St. Cbarira at.. SL Uaria. 
Fsbrlcius. 007 N. Broadway. St. Laela, Be. 
E. L. Fantaa A Co., 890 Ueatkaa at.. CHBfa 


U. Gerber. TB» Bootli it., PbnadeWbla. 

The GoIdBinltb Toy A Importlas Cn, m B. 4tk 

It., ClaelaaatL O. 
Alf. Ganceolielai. ta» Broadway, K. Y. O. 
notomaa A Alter. ITS B. UiSioa. Ckleaie. 
Tbe n. B. Co.. 10* Caaal at., N. Y. O. 
I. etaeaatela, 44 Ana at.. Mew Yark Qly. 
LeTin Broa.. Ttm Bante, lad. 
n*. P. Miller, 144 Park Bow. N. T. C. 
Nrwnan Mfg. Co.. 81 Woodland a*e.. CleTtUnl 
Roieera-Thurraaa A Co,. IM Wabaab ar., Cblcaca 
IVilj BoMlter, 381 Waablactoa it,. Cbleaio. 
Sbrrorfc-Todd Co., 017 N. 4tb at., St. Loda, U*. 
.\*. Shore A Co., 204 Madtioa. Chlcafo. 
Sbapbo A Karr. 428 Sooth at.. Pbtlad^pfeia. 
mincer Broi., 83 Bowery, N. Y. O, 
We«tera Bannia Hocae, TTX B. Maitiawi.Cbltat* 
Uany Wetabaoai. 240 B. Uadlne it.. CblcifOi 
I. mtlieaoa. 340 B. Median, at.. Cbleago. 

Prof. 8. Unserman, 70S M. Sth M.. Pblla. 

Chaa. Botahaopt 1132 Braadwar. M. Z. 0. 
waatHB ikaat, JCc. inw c. o. H. Hii^. ~~ 


Baker A Loekwaad On. did Dalawaia at., Baa- 

■ai City. Be. 
Geo. B. Doaaela A On, OMaaibea, O. 
IVmidierty Bran* Teat On. St. Loaia, Mn 
J. C. Cowi Co.. Pemlt. MIeb. 
it. B. Knnkelr. 103 flwitb at.. N. Y. a 
Tbe Marray Co., SO S. Wiiblnstoa IL, OUeita. 
Chaa. P. Sleder Teat Co.. Pelrolt. MIrta. 
TliomHHi A Vaodlreer, 810 B. Peart. Clnrlaaatl 
D. 3. Trnt and Awn. Co., 223 W. Baodolpb at.. 


Chaa. O. .Wcatoa. eiat Weatwoctb av.. Chteaca. 


Aekemana.QnIcley Co., Kaaiaa City, Us. 

.\m. Tlcki-t Co.. Toled^ O. 

■ Ilohe Ticket Co.. 112 S. 12lb at,. Philadelphia. 

XttUoa, WJlliMU dc Uek. VMt Mttfe. Ark, 

t. B. MO. SM UaiB at., BpriBSflcld, 

A. ratM A O*,. dl Wamii at.. B. I- 

Bflber Itaak A Bas Cn, M 

9, t^Vtrbttn 


u. c. Lilly A Co., Colnnboa. O, 

Western Unirorm Co., SSO Clark at.. Cbloar>' 

Praak MrlTlUe. 1402 Bmadway. N. T. 0. 
Bdw, Sharne. 81 Waabloyioo It., Chicago. 
Thearle-naektey. 82T St. Jamea bIda., N. Y. 
Craaa, irUd Beaat Meccbaat. Urerpool, Bu. 

Iteaertt Jewelry On, UIU roalar. PhllaMpbU. 

T. B. Belt, dtt BMlkar- 

~ AOkk. 

OCTOBER 21, 1905. 

Xlie eill1>oarcl 




"Aa th* tatbor of ttar book. Actm* ■nil Orrk. Mr. Chai. H. Rij. In «■* of the oidfst mwt 
bHt knotrn ii«a>pii(M-r turn In tbU rminirjr. >rr think urr pnrllrnlarlr rorlnnab- In fnt- 
IDR tbr poblMilne riKhia to ihl* omat orlKlnal book. Mr. Dar baa arrtttra oo tblnga tbratrlcat 
for tltr pant (blrt^-llvr yMr*. ami u conRlilr«v«l tlia antbnrlix <ia mnx bUtocjr mt dtwh pertalnlac 
to tl>H prarraahmal ataicr, clrr>i». or aim*- hanlaMW In jnwnl. Ilanllr ■ irrrk panw* dnriM 
irlilch you ilo ant mil bl« fan-laallnie atoriM In Colll*r*a n'Mklr. Xmt Vatk Ctlppvr. Tba Bill- 
board, or X>« York Trlnmpb. or —f Mkvr <rf tbr Uit ai-wiaipm ar ■■wilt ■. to thi* b«* 
Mtraw awl rlrrk. for tlar M tlaww ur i iw — >t Mwrcktr. Ilr irOa la ■ ■ainnU «af iMw a M 
working n« aanll aragw k • ifanqr MM»'taniMH4 M V* ** ihr^ lhMM».«»>.a|M. Mtf Sv 
little Ctrl on tbr atana H iii br MmiM lfe» WW. M a t ; tu al ,— 4 wniHaat MAK'Ht 
Inlnltr ba bad aaar am. fi'lib htm. M.'arUh.MWir atkar hMK k'.aaw laaa ak.'flM alifet.'> AiaMl'.... 
tbraa taro cMtral BcM^-a Mr. Iff baa WW a km Mmv that la 01* l» |Mk »>lillwi. ««*».*gv. 
■tan. tba triala and taoapiatlatui af p i afciw t ia wl aad aaaiawnM.Ua. ' Taa'aap.aMa w^anaMi'. 
witb tlw Inaldi- ararklnica. Ibr afbraira aad tH>*wr. aC.fcm W^ awiar a«<, l>r^W> « i | il^t - 
■tMC. and awnr tlmtv raa a raaiir IT.IMa famy itaaas a tWa a a la'>.«liB«a«|:ana»'aa>-ll». 
taaa brblnd ih* IbaUliAla «nt la Mr Mi^vw Ow Mffr art liMlw.a^ 
baid-tretklna maav alaffe. 'Kmv aaa laiftMal fei tkr .Mm m. aad. dajy iai l— ap i il iaaa fc,.-. 
CMBftctal IllKVwil MlV-tMi Mk II »MlM<anr.,MMMt'nijlw* 
a»T(r.«ndiiit tbcw aC lata, and Aaara ik» kanaaataaa HmM« ae^ltaaBMal aa« WMMttM 

aeT(r.«ndliif - _ - . 

lUc*. It la a anat baak. Saad fur It to-day. 

31 UlBatiall— . 

PNiankx to flgla. 

I «l*thi prter« Sl.oo; or 
wUl MdM aaMv II 

tosMtof V 


88 Meadow St., 

Author of ''True Tales off the Sawdust Ring" 

ISria the lan^age of the Jester of the drcos: **Tlu8 book is beinff soM 
for the benefit of an orphan." I am the orphan. 
6'WiIl be pleased to autograph 00]^e8 for.thojM requesUn^r the sain& 
0'Jerry Cohan, comedian, writes: I nat ife at a sittinir. Great.** 
6'I am prepared to negotiate for an engagement. Equallr at iMHiHi iD 
Theatrical Cirrus or Minstrel lines as manager, advertiser or ]iress agenl. 

=iTOURIIie 1905-1906 = 

tl -wcekn or •tally concert (riampbaM 
ihaOiBrUallfauMl, Wo rid 'a Fair, 
Hay to ItoceNtbar* 


AHY WIIAI.BY«— Pilma Donna 9 prano. 

SOLOISTS: Curnrt. 
Trumpet. Olarlnes 
Ttomboo-*. Baxo- 

6 hone. Pleeola 


FEATOaRS: French 
llurn Quartette. 
Tr. mbonu Quar- 
tette. Cathedral 
Chlmea. ta. 



Ill* . 


Suite I „ 

Security Bulldlnr. 

Address on matters 
rulBtlnB to Band. 

Artists. MnalcEtc 

Open lor PnposaU lor Suniniar Engagements, 
PMfea, Resertt, ExpesHtaM, Be. 

a I 

new York Cttr 

3U1 Rnlukerbocker 
'I heacrv Bide. 38th 
strwt and Broad- 

Gen'l Manaier 

Address on bUNiness 
matters, dates, eco. 




NotbllBK tat 

ou th* 

Not mm 



Bmperororall Jaiofli^rM. on aod after Nnvembert 

▼ItflS offers for ^-u-'n i-xy^f. I'rrrminent 


••The Merry MIhsImI 




eere ct BlU.BOARn. Otntl. 


£, al.uuV"eon.ly_5rl..« two p,^^^^^^ 

•C(^7jtte sreaii-t .peciaeuiar Te- ..r» o« tbB atase. A vvnOK la 
the Statne of l-lberty ■•"»•*«»?*;.•'«, 

WabaTaararythtMllBtlMaaonlna .ROoda Una. Band 

_ We.kava aoawt M air 
:-||.'Ai«WNnapB-OIXiHi Malaet.. 

n me nnKrr* «»» - loalBK tlie 

<m lire ou tlie atace. A y »nPK ImflT afyg^ 
the st^tiie ofLlberty and nUuiilina In tbe rear oftbe alagea ^ ■•'■'jg.' gg j Sy™ 

great electrical eOkcia. . -M.-k-aa ■« 


.-.^u.a».».>.adiaaaaL'MMrataaturaoitbaSmpri«ClRnlt. t»l«BlillMWJ»" 

HARRY Bs SUttmi 

N|i Yuk llmtre Boilding 

New Yorka 


t taatura oi tba Smplia ClRolt. 
AddreM aa par rsata, — 

31 W. 

9tM N. Y. crrv. 

jhawaONy.Ma. • 


SoSlBC'Uka It. 
lavMt a qdarter 
' tn a ••QliWON" 
ToaHl naTar ra* 
ftat It. Ho re- 

!lr,'S-Jl!S!te'^- »«otaaaddS35«a»aatA _ 
COIN l^IuiB oo.; Boa tM» aallatoatalna. Oblo. 

i CONFEni 


S^e good Confetti, boys^ at 5 cent per iNmod. 

Nos. 3, 4, and 5 RlbhfOit In all Colofs. 


12 South Commercial street. ST. tOUISi, MO, 

The Peer et All Cbaraoler Ckange Artislt, 



Wrlta WH. UORRIB or 8. K. HODODOX. 

■• O R K N D A T e S M 

Grenada. Mlaa.. OPERA HOl^SK- 



Ciaba.aaulegAMe.ileera. Batona. uuna wirv 
w»*lMar aaaaaataaaad JSaaa-ilaa. sump tor c«t- 
aMaaa.' 1tl>W.TAir WTTK.* lorioaail u 



dliramit eolon. i 

MMT. WAMft. JSSL Vwk CHf . 

::!::TEXAS SNAKES::!!! 


1 K 

Xlie Billboard 

OCTOBER 21. 906. 





tut. • North TonawaKda. N V. 

TiveiUletb C!eutary Jnerrr-*ia- 
Is thv only marblne tor UariiiTal> 
stivetFalRi. No stakes to drive or boles 


W dlR cmn Iw an on a Oovr or iwvemeni. 
Wt wi ta ctarwd by 


AntixemeQi UatHiters. No. Tonawanda, N.T. 

QdUderHof ibeTonawand* Mtuiatnre BaU- 
■OMliMniMtMlWltii Air Brakes. 

A fcUeknui uutioura cunrwtloti. ual up Id 
■MMBtB proof packwCB Uiat keep It f mti a 

A QDlck aeller fur thratrw. dr- 

. tr»*«ltmr Uiestrieal and medldiieoiim 
MntoH and all plae»> of pablle anuaviL«iii. 
We al«> make a lane line vl PACKAUE 
BBiCK. infura aa wSm torn fesll » 
feeiluiMrrouneaariataBAwa wlD aaBd 

Int. ft EMMtli, 


"Automatic" Set Spindla. Hyronemons Cages 
Drop Cases, Metal Boolette 
Wlieel— best ever. Loaded 
Dtre and Marked Cards. Greatest 
catalog ever written on gambling. 
Sent ta anr address FR£E. 

B A R R * C O . , 
M VlOb Avenoe, - CHICACO, ttA. 


Prizes and Gifts for 
all Games. Jewelry 
and Novelties for 
Sodvealr Stands. 
Parks, . Mrs, Car- 
Blrattmtf ncatres. 

Cheapest Eatab- 
liabmcnt in New 


S29 Irttna/, Car. 

St., ■.T.cMr 


S(rong«n and nonMomUaaal OrMMat 
acrobat Ic p e l forrnera In aalataiira. Will 
;>la7 a lliniccd anaaianunt of is waaka 
(brnnitli Kanh'a<»aell iiaaiai wlaa oii> 

nwnarrelonaTraapeorio FAZCAM ARABS naw plar- 
Ina aacoBd aaeeaaAil mnatbltaaaaaanauatoifmpie 
Tbaatre. Aria. flMV an beokaa as tallatwt Vvn- 

chaa.l^nna,0^1ja It: Tiann — " — 

m Mlpale aaa aafllBtaSttttaw. 

; Tianaa, AaaMa. Oat. U to 





Tite only apeciae «aiw lor Opium SmoklBR. Quick, aure and 
jkwsun-d— PlUabune, Bmanuel'a Drus Stoiwt Omabi ' ~ 

Haw's iiruK Store; DeBver, Hebolts Drue Co ana II, fl 

• ltr« Smttk Drns Co.; Man *- ranclaco, Weeteni Dmc (X>.( PortlMMl, Ore., Wuo<i< 

•«. IXMllS, 

ba, Vrank F«i 


■rd, Clarke dc Co.; Mrattle, E. n. Sliawt Helena, Kaseoe IHeyer; Walla Walla, 
Wash..!.. L. Tailman; Spokane, Owl Urne !itore. AKenta In kII larse clUea. 

Write to ttaeWKATUlKKHV JtKIIlKDY CO., Kaueaa «aty, SIo., lor lUtandany 
Mend for book«**OiIAINKO AND CTmCHAINiiD." Sent free 

fortker InlbrmaUon. 


Indian Rumt L«aiher. Rustic Wood. Rhell Goods. Canes. Confetti. Serpentine Dnstem. Rub- 
ber Kails. |{>ow-uui». \Ylilu>. Halluonit, l.anifrn.s. Flax Puules. Trlrk Mab-bt^ Ctirarb. 
KaMfltalla. Clilns IVftK, Glanr. GikhIk, Shell Hat P n!i. Rt-er fjl&sM-s. H&dKfs. Hnttuna. Flacs. 
liF«eliar..Mll*>'r«aB- Tni-ko. I'rii.- UimkIk. Miuawkt-rs. Wat<-lin.. Kbdella Hallii. Uarlanda. Kes- 
«f , Kveeky vluircrn. Kmi-in-HailKe. Leatlier PtiHtal Card;.. Caiali>inic fr»«. 

ppnrt p<^rmHnpnt fltirlre^vs fur FTtKB 1 Miint r at^'d i*ai ah pfcTu*- niivf'itles f(.>r Strwt Fairs. Carni- 
vals, am] Ci-It-braiUiri^ Ml 1 1 a.:* s. 71K> UliiNi ra( tons of novt^l ^lt■^,. 



99 IHaaa******! 

ww aJO S? MHbl^SL a> *Q**** •«•■ •••• vO 

o«..90 M OnPUl ■MM lor MIS* ■ 

E ^VniK AI«V«A««IIm ISO 


of AU 

Feaiture /%< 

..Bickett Family.. 

Address WM- E. BICKETT. Care Billboard. 

Mioiituri Railroad Co., 

74 BrMiwMV. U&m VMk GHf a 

aold Mtdal 

Oar tjalna are money- maker* and tlie atUmctlve feat- 
ora IB aJ the lanceet para* ID the world— Invara land. 
Laaa Cteki SteeplMtaaia la Vooay lataadt EaH UoorC, 
O j ia l ftUaaa and a w iaa di a Baifca, I j adon . Please 
placa year otden at ones. 


SIXn KACHUiES ■ t iMistwUlbay ■ 

goodomer. J.A. fL.YBli,lt."""^ ' 

an in 


The Handy Fruit and 
Vsgefable SUeer 

Bet inclns aifluD ttf r tenniel. R ilKa fnrtt 

or TcntAMw Into i nrtatf laner dMipM, nltr»- 

ou «ab. U a tooloUi Ut iwiiii« dtlkau 

iMl^ IMW JWVaDi«ae MR tin. IM M 
■1. ertniqr MtM& Tm oaV ■linin tint wut 


imry. CMnwilife ud 

si l Jr — f iw Ml pnMttblc »»■ 
- ' tarhUldlMlfe/MlWIMI. ' 

e unnfMianwiRwIir^im 

We have ALL tha 

Best TlHiie Paper Fana 

MafeClc Vtolet Boa<)net» - #ro«a, 1U0 

No. ao Can Balioooa sma, at» 

Confeltl I brlKlit anil clean)- - lb. ie 

Confetti Dn<tera. annrted colors. lOO \M 

Red. White anil Blue carnival Canes, per leo lOS 

Com. Collar. Tie and CulTBattons • - ETOai. .66 
poeketcntlery. mbtier 

Virginia Homes 

Y'on learn all about Virginia 
lands, soil, water, climate, re 
sources, products, fruits, ber 
ries, mode of cultivation 
prices, etCt by reading tiit 
Send 10c for 3 months sub 
scription to 


■oaBw «M»ORiA.VA. 


rs filM i^taw wliai«70n(»n inooipoiaiU 
ffliM lAeqAy, nuMt proinptly and man 

safely- All of the important featnrw 
of the IncorporatlDg bnslneaa are In 
eluded in the Arizona statutes. Wt 
aretbepicmeeriQcorporaton. Tanna 
olank forms and copy of our teas tot 
for the asking. Addnas 


Arizona Bazatta BnlMIng^ 


A snra BMaey makei 
the rear ruand. t*ru- 
fltslaiveaiid pemia- 
nent. £aally learaud 
b y liBxe|>erivui*e(l 

persoiM. We are tilt 
only ortatoatutiband 
Mil Uie «Niljr auu- 

Z. IBM, tpfflfflald, 

I Zataatto Marked Cards, nice. nold-ontaL 
iBIoMot Ink. Mufeliy shooUdk UalleiiOL 


The Watline 

Guessing Scales, 
Punching Ba^s, 
Picture MachioBi. 



..Souienir Post Garth.. 

Slot MiGlilDes 

AH kiib. 
onu imaTMnT 

WATUm MFS. n.. 

^ 168'A'W.Jaeksonm. 
^ Cbieaflo, 111. 

Mjla * OnaaalnB Scale. 


zn Oak 8u, l-i 



F. PATUnEL*& CO.. 

41 & 43 Warren St., NEWYORRa 

Tlw Lsr^stt mmt O ldaa t Oaatar mm^ IwptKir at 




Also Novelties lor Streefmen. 

^^^^^ Wc ie«civ^ever7 .rack f roai ear facloQ 
m OaUoiint ot all klada aal afaia that ei 

B ^Hcaaraataa of aaperiof va'Hy *• 
^^^^^V offend oo the market. 
^■^F^ WeakoeaatiaaoarcailoMnndttl 
y 'trade ta ''**^||^^ iafatia^ gooib aat 
y^^fidMsaaAan . sKtaarpric 

Rabber Goods. 

Cane Rack Canes, 
Knife Rack Knives. 

No. 87U— Onnatoek— roo per dnacn. 
We bare ihelarseataasortmentof Kn t ; Boon 
Knives west o( tlie UiasiMipi>l rlwr. O.: r price 
are absolote rock bottom. We alx> carry a fal 
line of Streetmeii'a O0«da. Carnival {""rii"''! 
and rooda for Fairs. Wc are ono of tn e oldesi 
Streetmen'a snpplT bonae In ihir Vnttct 
We bnve Ibousauda <d aatliiled cnstomcn. n ( 
can sntisfy T->a and want year bntinets. />C 
SirjtiiZ'lZ'V'rrWO nnleis jroiiMiyank "JC"!" 
shipped the same day as icedfWL LarteCai*' 
Icgue Free. > 

COB* "srossrosB A> oo.* 

(ith and St. atarttM St.. ST. ZOUI8, MM 

Mflojw MWMB rat A easE OF 


- - — - » ,b«t Sterilaa'aJRor.l B*""'*',''^^ 
can. e&.OOO cor*, in p." »J 
yursl, the record. Mo moll>'r»>>< 
•taia the dlieite h»« r««''"i.K«! 
wonderlol aperlliedrlTM the 
from the •Ttlcm oerer to 
Don't mln yoorself wHb 
but write todir lor oor I;"""!!; 
^■B - » llluairalad baofe and (oil detw> 
race <o anv addraaa oa faoaeM- ^ , . 

iaaiaa.fiweiaaa ~ 



will aecnra aa n»«ei*«« a WrajS 
maUnic, short east panS *SQS 
equipp with elepaat prtaMBii. aa*^ 
a swell i»n>ed/ for laaa^ i^. 
Add. 1. B. ooux, iwisa.a. Y^aaawi 

Fail is Line, and Maki Money. 

??n <-ra4>k Outv. Xber cell at 
iSlh* at tm 600 per cent, profit. 

«o. 285. 





WHtid Fiush. 

Mooed to 



Crook Cones 

Patented FInleh, 
Braided Si>k Ribbon 

^ S6.50 

Tha bOTS And mj CRI- 
CAUO BaANCR wlib Harrr 
L. Wclsteom at MO B. MmlM- 
ton St.,* irreatconvenlence, 
wti«D tbej »r' ' 
Boatb or West. 

iadepoalt ofat loMt Sft per cent. on 

tllHitolimi tUtltT All orders aoder $10.00 must be 
MBOMMIted wltb ft moaer order tor tbe fall »Bioimt. 

L EttEimm, 44 Ann Si, II.Y. 
240 E. Madison St. Chleago. 

Agents Wanted 

itu, Enitc oi uie MTorld. It dontlM work at 10 dlirer 
<nt ftnlclea. For ixriii«r TantkMn. giiiTlin rm. 
(ram potstoee nod piDe«ppt<«.«attiac%tMapt chlia. 
OcnBMi frr, oorlnir applea, 

iintar, woiaag BAUc* pick. 


KM ic fa tumft u 
SB oom-am; w a. t want • 

Atias Trunks 

rt tht pretmkia are witteat a FBKR. Hade 
«la Mr PATBNTBD 'BINDING. (•qnitlBC a» 
«■§ IM rlntcd throogtaotit. 

jj HIE TBVm * BAG 00., 


lance UneColo CoBtrolledBIachiiiea, 
ai lidin areusj^ In areades. nsnona. hotels. 
MMas etc. .WrIUi for oricas. 


BloCout Ink. Strinpcra, Hold. 

ouK. Uamelback BpiDdiet, Hew 

Electric Plcttont. act Splndica, 
Bar lUKiieta, Ele«trlo Oaces. 
Kloudllw Prawara. 

Hew OMatovw IkMu 

773 Qlrard St., Chlea^. UL 

FDR St I r-B»ire»ire CarK, t acandard xanKed rail. 

iT..'**^ > BtMirt (IB*: la good 

TheGr^ateat Money MakloB Bhoottnit OaUerr made 

WM. « Uit> KLKIN. Mar.. 
PMla4«iplila. Pa..U. S. A.. 


Valuable Hook lurbin f 




We aie bead«amrten for 

Carnival, Fair and Straataaii. 

Jewelry loin. Comb lota. 
Shear lots. Notion tots. 
Purse lots, llandkercbtefs. 
R&ziir lut.«. Memo. Books. Cutter Knlvi-s. W. B. \V. 

Biand Tableware. Peerless 
8harpeiiei!>. German Collar 
ButtoDS and Needle Casea, 

BiK Itlne of Slnm Ijmj Onts, 
Flab Fonda, Knlle-Boarda, &c. 

We buy and sell for cash, and ron 
will Bnd our prices 

Tbe Cbeapeat In America. 

Send for our Blic Illasirated Cata- 
logue to-day and be convioced that 
Ton can 

ita on 

Save nrom S to 2S 
every dollar>a worth 
jvn bujr In our line* 




:FOR = 

The Billboard 

win hold ab 48>pa0e coptes. The papeis can be 
easily booDil OMM atime; Ute oo|^ can be ia- 
sutfld In BAueoCtibeoMoma. It keeps Uie par 
pets flat and in gooaeoDdltioo. Size.Ux]& 

raiCE EACH, 50c. 
The Billboard Publishing Company, 

416 Elm Street, Cincinnati. O, 

RIciiard fiutiimann Transfer Co. 

Tlw Only Exelualve Theatrioal,8a«nary 
and Property Storaga Warahouaa and 
Transfer Company In th* Country. 

Scenery and Properties for sale for storatre chances. Have hanled ALL the la'rce companies 
playlnir In Ch!ca<ro this seaiton witb tbe best of rvcords. This Ih the firm that bas tbe Gov- 
ernment cuntraut tor muvlnir all tbe Federal offlces and PustoiBm Into tbe new P. O. bulld- 
Inir Id Cblcairu. 7W loads in iS boars: ran anybody beat Ii7 We have shipped scenery from 
Maine tuCaiiromla. and all are well pleased at price. We have a lanre Stock of secuiid- 
band stuff which we can utilize In rebulldlne sbows. 

Office. Boom IS. SS Dearborn St.. TeL llarrlaoa 1687; Btndloa. Shops. Wsrabonaeai U7 to 115 

The Billboarii's Free Emergancy Service. 

9IANAOBSS in need of people by reason of aeoideat, alotmess. indlspoaltlOD 
or dtdvtb are Invited to wire us at either oC oai ofliOM atatlnff their ngulre- 
oaentB. All saeb wlree aie immediately bollaclnad on a vwy lane UaOk board 
with which eaoh office is provided. Uany aotors, aotreases, performers, musi- 
cians and agents who are at liberty look in on us dallv and they always read 
the bulletins on the board. This Is a quick means of (fettlDg m touch wtcii 
Che right people. This service is gratis. - AU Want Ads sent us for pnbllca- 
blon are auo posted the moment received, and Managers freqaently get appli- 
sation baCne the paper containing their ad eomes om. 


NEW YORK.I440 Broaulway; CINCINNATI, 416.18 Elm St. 

Mill at 







/"^^ 5S!iF?fSi5s:«RATE5a 

And make yon a fortune. If yoa bare a 
SONG or BOOK that la worth anytbiny, 
yoo ahottld copyriorbt tu l>on*t take 
chances when yon can aernre oi ir s err. 
Iceaat small co<t. Seadfor ear SRCIAL 
Omx TO INVENTORS before apulvma for 
a patent, it will pay you. IMMMOK on 
talentt tent mi. Weadvlaetf pateata- 
ble or not. FREE. We Incorporata 
ConsvU na. 

\%ORMEli£ & VAN MATOt. 

Haaaflers, . 

<;alaaitla Ceprriqht i Patewt Co. tec. 




Canias8lQ[, Ete. 

Our DOLI.AR aaurted box of Oae aoapa iMBlUw lor 
tSe la the hot aeller (or Ikira. atnat work, or eaanM- 
lag. foitt jountperiOOboxea. Pon't miB tbia obaaea 
of maklat; no or more a day. We alao make pilrala 

brand]) for MEDICINK BIZ. 

L H. DAVIS SOAP CO., 38 Ullot PlTk PttCt, CBlCUa. 

?\2ig> and Decoratioiis. 

United States Flag Co. 

2244 Gilbert Ave., CIneinnat , Ohio. 


■mical dpiel U Drnied t. tk. IMIk 
Lr«inif r. Itrert Hu. Orriats ON 
Optlataa, Odrtialaa., S.lln'. aaS •* 

throoab apaarh T»llawk>tt»Mir"* 
attaDtiott, amns.. laatnictaDS 
anooab to tooek the poekatbnok. 
would not part wltb It nt anr 

paatsatdfuU. or asnd tLdan 

MndaO.D. w*lh tsaaauttaa ^rtrtl 

FANTUS isassssfisSdS 

It nwiar iwnaaiwt a m in. 

Bnnni W Ann Sb. H. T., rkeiaiT Babyton, M. T. 

aibbon aadSllTar MmiMd, tkOeperliaadTaa 



'Wa manutactiuc them for ifalaa 

Oamlraia, Heaorta. etix BeaSbee 

Hat nna, ilea Sbells and Shell MOTaltlea evaay 

deacrlpUon. We tell yoa ho» to aell QUAH rmi&, 
T. r». MOTT. 415417 DuitoraSt. CaUUAU- 

puma and aeeeaaoriea. cameraa. tea 
new aad woond h^ud. besiMi MM 
BxpOTt mechanloai r.p.lrlaat •! — 
monac ytetoraa taken to atiari 
opina aad SIb pcWtae ftr 


OGDEH ft Co.. lOS 6 De»pUi."et it.. ChloA«»,Xa. 


..a.THE LONDONa... 


ti the recognlied OTican of VaadoTfiie ArtJna tbroncboat the world. Americana v1aUln|r In LondG 
and a friendly welcome it 4m Htrand. New Tork repreeentatlre. I, n. CARLS. IU5 Broadway, 
York City Telephone— s»22 Madlion. 

In London will 

Oolf the BEST Sketches^ Songs^ Comedies^ Dramas 

tad evarr deicrtptlOD or tkeatncai work WBITTBN Tu ukdBB. Monoiocn ea and Parodies a apaelalt*. 
Comedies and Dramas ReTtsod. Only the bait OTtgtnal work funlilisd. Refarencei Xtj the oondied. 
Bsiahltihsd int. I do BOt tsmlah dnpneaied material, bat only write the blch<Mt (rade to order fo> 
prafeaalonal me. 

BOB WATT. 806 WaiNt Stmt. Philadelohia. Pa 


Week Oct. 23 to 28 ; Six Days and Nights. 

-Olean shows. Merry-Go-Boand. Ferris Wke^ I/eirttlmste privilege men here 
Is a Bood one (■ r yon. Can nao aenMStlbnai tree acta, uni* be cheap. J aaon- 

and aiooBd jattw^Uer^iioiier 6 plontltaltaere.. C.ft ^|najallKlMffr.JMoavMle.;s!.°; 


atsbouthmir price. AM in»li:tr«, m&nj tnwd xmr, 
Wer« lmtl«d In for** BOLTON" lostrumetits, whJcb ex- 
cel all othars. If yoa want tbe beaS. baj & - BOLTOH" 
—If 700 will h«T* uotbcr make, we bare It for tov 
dMsEp. EravytblDCr for- bu<ln. Ourcatalogaod 

saio tut IMC oa reoQcit 



mMA bow «r omiu.1 Uia Mtad ol f.h.r<. Su toaa 
tanIlM tb.»a>j«aot miu* rMdl.f. B.aMmwT 
taiacaaclaarthatasrparaoacia aadanlaad asl 
'■■■■M.aaaap.rta''— * ' — ' — ' ' ■ 

jTaaj ^ PaT bwa an. j" ^ J J ' vS 


[■■ | »l l »n»l1«ag CE 



PLAYS ^^^^^ 


In _ 



Wo have laMted a ] 
tHul Album •bowing teo> 
■ImilM in Coloiw of 

Life'otfmv greb 

'•w Yotlb CtlOBW 





. . ~r^. mm 

1^1 A nU' E^NGRAVINC & 







Hew and se<'ODd hand, for sale at any tinuk 
> «nx bank In United States. 



lee mPFBHENT styles in cards, lithographs, stands 



We will f Ornish 100 3-sbeet and 
tires printed in one color. 


^ ^ Miuaatofmattw ookamefurx......^..^^^..,. % 

INIUL OMn koMMtdayanddaMvaly teavpavroaaaM. 





-XWMtaCHaMrani ThiirAIlSnk. 
of TiBB.** *• ftaMM Winer. Aik. TMHHB 
and joor aaooeas will be assured. IS spl<palH 
TlawikSo.OO per set. 

They Always Miki Soil 

Proresslonal copies free to leooKnlzed slnr 
era. OrcbeatraUoos 10 ceata eaofa: ate 

\x99mrtmmmmmm, *3a«ksrMHM( Tmt 


Wemanufactnre the best and largest line of Paper 
B«ns, Paper Pans, Paper Hats aod Paper BaskeU: 
also confetti, canes, trick ^^v^^>mi squirt balls, 
"Uooiaed to Butt-In" badgaBaiiafoli^tQfa,ta]looiis, 
bqttoBS and tarikw floor aS miWiiilliaM Ofer 
dMnnt Mvattiw Cor mninT nam is, 
street Mb, carnivals, ete. MTWM ntn 



-New ckteloffne of PUt* ft V^kc-Up for 
amateurs, •entoo appllcatloa. 
DICK * FITZOERAIJ), 23 Ann St^N. T. 

ILOQinBX TACOHl peraoaally and bT eor> 

~~— tftrms. PBur. LDcoxiaAX Bcbool of 

North Mb 8t^ Philadelphia. Pa. 

sn.oa ptr loa. Lotai of !ocio. »7.aQ. Lanre 

_„_rFk»o)ujtl » [wr l-n. r?-0O p^r 100. B^.Tipl.-f. ittc. 
CaaTKR FOi.^K ri I -^waj. ?l L- -.u:b. Mo. 

TH-TTfE m 

I b*Te Tln-Type 
Botton Pwu: *U 
■Ize Bexau. Bfau 
Gu» aaA aaafeR, 
ate. Wataa **r 
ompiaa. UnTla- 
r7pe nppnes. rai^li 
wM Tio n«»ea. Slip.. 
Collodion. ChMrat- 
nU. r(c Prompi 
tervlee. WM. l 
Sth SC. CtadaastL 

iBllBMCtoaLDiee. VbM<mM, 

Si. 00 




dnoinmliy 0« 


Cast 20th Street, 
■cw YORK errv. 

:Show Printing: 

Type and Engraved Poster*. 
Dataa, Heralds and Dedfers. 
Sketches salmltted en appll> 
oat Ion. Quick Work on short 


CRICIGO SHQW Mill. 128-130 Stk It.. Ckieifi 

AMMmni Of mT I LnOPuaposu 


Write for space at Frederick Fdt. 
Oct.nto20b IM^ toB. M..Ciaiii«, 
the new Sovfe. oC mrlhfaB. CM to 

see you and win treat yoa itgtaitb 

3. BOGBB MeSHBaBV* Sa^. 


Japanese High Wire, Slack Wire and Slide for Life Act. Fcatared 
for last three seasons with Great GastiU Gumivai Oou At Libvtij 
after Dec 1. Address care Billboard. 


CoDoy Islaad's Mardi Gras Floats 


Johnstown Flood Building, Coney Island, N. Y 


Hari^ and May Howard 


WeoAm »»« PMdm c. A tenmSng lilt vreiTwIim: ■ tew week* upcn. Tot 
— - HKW TOKK. All mall will b« forwarded wttbont "' f-^ 

Do You Want To Know 

What Is dolBff anrwbeie staay UbmIb an 

User If so. It la onr tnndneaa to tell los. B 

"yotx don't kaow what yon want, ask SOM*- 

twdj." We can help yoo one 


206 C Fourth St_ - CINCINNATI O. 


eoDslstlDg of 1 Lamlere Front taeit), 
300 Films, 20 metres each. In good » — 
dition— the lot for tSSOOOL 

Paitr Badgalapi. • • 1 


Mexican Curios 

And Qnlck SelllQC Roveltlea. Send for 
catakuriie. UOS8 CUKIU CC Laredo. Texu 
on the Mezlr-an border. 

S3,KO per 
H C N D B E W 


Send joar aefntlTa to print from or a photo to cota 
PotDr« HoKbADd or Wife Photo*. whiU. blaek. vlilbl* 

or luTlpibie. p^r l.OOO. Bend forMmpto^ 

WENDT, Pboto.« Boon«on» W» J» 


Ba«a»Usbe« IS7Z. 

OiygMi and Uydrosen Oa< fornlshed In iMah m tm 
Bterenptloon and Morliic Pulara iUetiloM. All ordot 
(■ MV »nr* at Ik* Uaitad StaM fluad praMW 

mTtm sumu n. iams, an., ii.s.a. 











mrenab For 


tt. o. 

scorr OPERA bousi 


0|Ma mU Ito jtmr tor mod attraction*. w«to f or ••i— 


TYxe: Billboapd 



McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon 


mwMjm trnfUt n mUm and vroduelaK 

■iiimiii IF ILL SUES jun 


IllnstrmtlDr cverr subject of Art, Trmveland 
IJt«rmtore and &ll cimcljr topics. I^teM war 



— Wing 

McAllister, Mfg. optician 

49 Nassau STREET, NEW YORK. 



Alpine Yodlers 

Three l««iles. one cent. App^arins in pletnresane 
NaUre Tx rulian Cosinme: slag In German as well 
W BaidUi: original mountain instr ments. Per- 
■HHNBtMMrras >04 Haxel St., l<anc«aier, r». 

special Lithus, Circulars, eic 


??.'>%'^' <^*''^'' ^0 teant moner: Diinted In 4 eolots: art7 dMtcn*: neb one 
rail of (OB aod creates roaroot laasbter. Send ns IS ceotn and we will aeDd r.>nSsampIes. 
Iliese cards are Just t be tliioc to Mill at atatr and ouonty fain, at (baa- esaod la fac^ any 
Place whew Uiai>copleK«Utff. Be .dttc ■Kt ar giimiil M ' — . 
M. Mm otoKvn wmmtM^mamm c< 


«t&. narmateed parity; Wl^ Bair Uootf. and Bap. 

BU«*.XadlM* Toilet Oo«>d«, Tbeatrlnl SoppUe.. T]gbH» 
boa*. Armor, J«««trT. TrinimlnEa, Spangles. ct& 
BeaaafT, etc. scad < ceoU in .tampa for our now B 

iSMWtaMM%naf%j|illcD''^™**^ and piaetlcal 
VM Hon * nCHL. Hfn. nf Chniellan SoppUei. 

in H. math Stmt and tio Arch stmt, 
laa*laTab*a<OiildCnani,H««a. rHlLA.,rA. 



VaudmW* Tbaatras Brnm*, Norlbwwt mmd WmI 

A,'U cons fEI PT. 

CUSS •.o cans Ri ft. 

Films and Projecting iCioetoscoiiss 

BzblMtloD Bta«el, •IIS.OO. CTiUTenal model, •TS<M* ' 



a tiowi, 

67 So. Clark St, 


III Eddy St.. 




Trained Wild Animal Arena. 

I niontb. o( ftmavd aiaiifcfca eiifcaal lai cnBtv Wta ar allMr 

ai'.^!;!S:^'*:^fV*-BaltliMrariM. KOwdolaitalllSaMcMn. 
SASSStZ^ bMir from ur ropalaoi. puST 'or wlaUr mm-' 
"tl^it J**.**^™* t . 1 can put you on a good one-car ihow 
'.in iartlealar. 






aarasementballliiCblcMiOi SMteSSOO: iiUite3(xa8 teet: no.senieiT. 

Umm. la«wcek-s bnidnMS KLBVBN 
baa* plar* to aea CBIOAeO HOHEY! 
Addreta. TOM BMOOKK Mtr.. OUeMow IlK 






fVaay altQatloDt, ConMdy JnRUBS and a very clerer perfonziaDC* » Um &lMk wire by 

PAW CARRAT. thla we«k, BtfUgme. O. After Oct. tl. per, addrw 19 Perry St.. Plttuborg. Pa. 


If Toa bavQ » Oo#<l Ovtalloor Act« We cmm n*« tbe iMBt «t all tlaaes« 
^ ^ Cioo<l ScoMttoDsil Act* Al wKy ■ im Demamdl. 

i. ^mtt 1— kl«« Aftwi. 216-17 Lvabcr fuhaigt, MIUMpolU, Mlu. 

No.6.i90. CODE, VASTEZZA. LENGTH, 31 SK. A«47'.28., 
Tbe opening scene shows Algr and his hest girl preparing a lancheon ander a vine coreied 
tree on tbe banli of a brook lo a beautiful meadow. Algy N sent for some water, wblle the 
yaanr laoy goes to gai ber some flowers, l resently a vllIalnoDs loolilng tramp emerges 
Ml nader tbe fuot-brldm orer tbe brook. He dbcoTers tbe lonob basket and decamps 
wlikji^ AlliV'* samiMM ntmh «kMmn«totnHV»MkU««««llbtbebMAet; 
ralk Alrr Mac who wnmis tn time to ae.: the temp diaappaaHw Mvtb^ 'wboda.' 'BS: 
calms ber fears and boldly starts after the tramp. The next seen* ahowB Mr. Tramp eon* 
fortably seated In tbe woods, n-galing himself with ibe Innrbeon. AInr .appeais'aail'~de> 
mands the ba!>bet. whervnpon Mr. Tramp, wlib the aid of a clabi persnades AU'rtoezcbaiMg* 
bata and coats, and to retire wiib bim behind si me bushes to exchange tbe reatot bla attlra. 
Both lioon twtnm completely dressed In eacb otbent* clothes. Hr. Tramp now drtrn Algr 
away with hU club. Aler's sweetheart bss lieni wsiUog bis return, eoon jitan dbcorrrs': « 
tramp at'iMtwrblDir and starts to mn. Tbe inaipraiia after ber. cbm^ta tttxthwmitikeiKjt- 
M— *«^«y»i«nfMes. .BfMUBir»Ms*«k*aaM»iMBaheaa Be bdranad » «mv 
■dawestaraadtoevM attr* iMtOMilnlnliicfor s JWbt. Mie overtakei Vm wii ici 
plains the sltnstton. Tbe prise llshter tells ber "dere Is nnttn to it," and ■oes'baclc .after 
tbetramp. Be promptly knorks Mm dgwn. kicks blm s.Csw times, and tbao eanies bim on 
bis back to n b re tbe young lady has been ■ a ■ i lilliu I hp l »l III ISldlpi s ■ M i l ■III I I I as I la f si Ihin ^ 
In spite of bin black e> e and dilapidated appMMliM tks tMOiriklB "Ato"* MM ttSB 
procceda to roundly score her preserver. < 



main Olllee and Factory« Oruice,If. J. 
Chlemco OIHee, 304 Wabaah Aveiliie< 

New York Ofllce, 31 crnlom Square. Cable Address. Ktirlllan. New York. t., 
I woa, tnnrxp KnwnoM; »cLEBigswKLL wmMOWXM, K.c,nmi«kwi . 


«r aboat tbe IStti. We opeaad —ion Oct iMt pa^ad boa— a. Oa aacoant oC <iaaraattaa aoma at 
laafti«ach,aoteTaaowc«odoptatlMw VbiMMB i 


Open time In Nov., Dec. Jan. and Fi!b. fcir first-cl >«s at tr amnions, with bam] prrfpn>-d. 

GEO. C. t'ALMF.R, Hus Cuba. .N'. Y. 


My new fall bamin 

list ot .oi>-to-date no.- 
clty and acents' goods 
Don't delay but ^end tor 
a copy today. I have 

Che l&rtreHt stock of 

cumlc postal cs>«ls In 
U. S. leuauopleiKiMtwu 




Complete: ei-irtDe, cars and track; cheap It 
sold to Nnv. las. Address. 


Indlenepolie, MmAt 


Pop Com (Dodi Vt 
write f ..r prices. 


The flnost stock of second band 81ms 
and M>ng slides In good rwdltion at 
great bargains. Tliese llmsksvy Jest 
been tvtnrsed from oo 
cult. Send tor list. 

133 S. Clark St., 



XHe Billboarcl 


Thaw nUos are the Be8bFlgtae.Fnii|a«f«rt«fean. TttU of gii^er fkom tlw fltst btow to Clw kouownuh .-■»»»i w m. i. i.» , w w»» nm 

'fToor tmpeiaoQation of the Brtcb-lielsaa figbt Is the gieatest film ever made up." The following Theatres show our Ficht Films to orewded 
and torn people away: .-Waldmsn's Opera Honse, Newark, N. J.; Bradeaburgh's Theatre, Philadelphia; Empire Theatre, Toledo, Ohio 


— ,;lLieng;tl:i A.t>out TOO Feet, Price, S80. 



IP, Kleetrle I<am*« Ad|l 
FUnu and Slides. 

. Sbr Hidal Ciiiegnpli, 


23 S. Eighth St., Phlladiliihia, Pa. 



f The Vanderbilt Automobile Race was *' VitiaSraphed *' from.teildllfeieiit 
* points, completely covering the course from start to finish. '-f' 

"^Wn ipiKNitee £hiBse films to be fine pbotosmphlcally— f all of interest and excitement In short the bat Auto ] 
! ' ' Write vs about the above and aboot the following HITS. 

The Servant Girl 
■ Prpblem 


Sherlock Holtnes, 

-AUL Fit-IMS la 


IK Nntn Stant, NEW YOU 

Actire competition smonc film mmnnf aetnrers has resolted In the prodactlon of 
•nnsnally fine list of {eatnre films recently. We have all of tbem In i>to<:k and 
mfany buyers find It an adrantace to draw their snpply from ns. Vi'e are ezclnsWe 
wMtera selUngr s«ents tor the Bloeraph. the Yltaeraph and Uelles' films. sadBenersl 
mIUbk atcents for Edlaon and Patbe snhjects. 
■ ' Amonir recent Sims the foUowlns are noteworthy: 

'*TI>e Borse TUef" Is pbotoeraphlcally a very pretty film. 647 feet In 
leasth. and Is Interesting not only becaoseltjri^m an ^ez.citli» chase dnHBCwUeh 
> bones take a (oar-barred fence, bnt alwaviMBaM^ M^MV nA' Imaellflini 

rsholuenrtiorsBlae Ribbon horse.' ""f ' ~ - ■ < i <-. • ' 

. , ' Btvwr nrates » Is ftST feet In length and tdlB'ife'TtirM-aliBcy InTOIrinB- 

.■Hilir na^'tbeftotasmansafe. Itibows the lUeoCWeSBfilfiilelemeDt that 
■swaMMheCiMttaw ondefiieath the Iieir-Yericdodn. 

'''\.l'.'^f9am'WMm^6am%'>* knctii «B Wet. haaJieett'Tsiyf iiieieaiiful In Us Intense 

^The Adrentorou Antomoene Xrlp,» lenctbeao fee*. Is one of the best 
Of recent comic fllma. Its comedy runs into farce and prodaoes laoihtor from becio- 
nlng to end. 

'^Baaies, tbe Amatenr riailliaeSBW." ! 

beantif ul Dim. and shows a sertoBa(aA««BMn 
flclion plays the principal part. . -' * . ^ ' ' ~ ' ' % -t 

. ..*!SlMSaa«aBa'curt PraMeast** lsnth8lltfeet,isanewfiIin.asfiorioadrtBBaK 
■ So'alBeistlia **llood*o AatoasohUe He. taocthtS faat. , . ■ . . 
A new sensatiODal film of absorbing intertst Is **afeaiMck %dMMai^-lMlM 
Tills shows one ottbeadTentnre* of the noted de teuU ra i> «UA lie-aMoat' AOs a 
victim to tbe band that Sims Itself "The SI«n of the Fonr.** 

"Tbe Coarse ofTroe Love," length S38 feet, strikes a new Tela in moTin< 
plccore story-teillnr. and embodies some comedy as well as attempted tncedy. It 
shows a yoandady who. when disappointed In lore, seeks death byrthrowiiv herself 
in front ot a moTinK train and also hy plnnffinx into the East Blveis from a ferry boat. 
sdws.ys Bn ll l . d -. v ..- 




York addr«ss 127-129 W. 32nd St 






XHe Bil Iboara 




■■■J 'j. — ■• - — - 

ijil^ M. Barriers Elaborate Fairy Spectacle 

.'l^lil- Brodtiction Moves With Smoothness and Perfecti<n— Author, KvdiKer 

.EXEB PAN. I. U. BanV* new 
pUt. WW ptodoead tar'-tha>ln^"tlaa 
-oe, WisbiSBtsD, O. &> Tatadar. Oct. 
tr*. WuUosttMa. I>. C, TBcadaj'. Oct. 
IT. with Uln Uaode Aduoa In the 
^ "If iTTiif role. Tlx' companx was cast as fol- 
; lows: 

Fcter Pan Uaude Adams 

.■•.i- tlT^ DazUng ...............Ernest Cawtocd. 

.'■i Ua. Darling .......Grace HcBdMMk' 

Wendr Uolta Ansela Oarllsc— — 

....................... lllMrtd Itena 

Jote SapelMK DadfBs Waltar. BaUnoa 

JOttMl HicMas Oullv..llartlia UeOnir 

i.. w.V..;>.Vtatlta H. Weatoa 

....Jane Wren 
...Violet Band 

mm .-—i^. — : JUila Peck 

aughtlr rrancea Sedswlck 

CmlX Mab el KIpp 

mat Twin ...... .^....Katliertne Ksppell 

.Ella OUnr 

.Btneat Lawfbcd 

.'.Tbomas McGratb 

,^1jvy.'..«..,;^,W U».W allace Jarkson 

k "•.'i', ; j .WlHtw" Heodervon 

Paul Tharp 

Thomas Vslentlne 

Harrr Cjuette 

..Rredenck Barmoad 
; eicat Bis Uttle Panther... Uoyd Carleton 

*C]cer IiUr .......... Margaret Gordon 

Uaa ... Anna Wbeaton 

The agcnliis In n new play hr Uaude Adama, 
wUch ol Itself la alwajs a matter oC Taat 

theatrical Importance, -becomes oC more Inter- 
est when the .play la made to 8hsi« Ush 
hQDors with the well .known star. Peter Pan 
is SBCb a phur, It we may lodge rlghUy from 
critical reports* which enumate from the Cap- 
ital City. Peter Pan Is nunptnooaly stased. 
Its dahoratenesa astonished the larse and rash- 
aadlen<:e' which packed the Natloosl to 


Adams* personal hit wsa nnqnsllJled. 
ly tbat never teSm . diO. she qnear 

'Bn* 'waHt-'ww^i'Martilj' a^ 

andlcncew- 'ind tkcVctltla. a>e 

_ pcalaea oC tbat flat alckt anU- 

IkK 'Wcnlns vodaetloB wMr^acMoM 
mitKr CTcnlar. mt the mediaalCB wcte 
tv'.lMn*' their work completed . >ir tliat 
Uatti and'tha pcenlere wss bsstlly peatpoacd 
antn Tneaday evening, which fact" niada it 
Impossible for a larjp; number of dlstlagiiiaiicd 
persooases at oBlcIsl and sodsl dcdaa-to be 

Bt at tlw nmdar openliix> 

r'-atov at Petec Pan Is that of a. boy 
doe* not want to grow op and tot that 
Urea In theiNever Kever land.' Peter 
while Usteninc to Mrs: Sar- 
Ilns*s sutler to her tbtee chUdreo. .-Be and 
Wendy searches lone In rain for the shadow. 
Hat at last Wendy Is snccesstul. The next 
scece tAkes place fax xhe KcTcr ffever land- 
Wendy and the children are present, and she 
promises to be a Uttle mother and tell the 
children stories. Alter the visit Is over the 
children, led by the Indian trlends of Peter, 
attempt to retom home only to be ronted at 
the rlTcr by a band of pirates- Peter comes 
to the rescue and a battle ensDca. the pirates 
Mme detested. sBe ckUdttn. tkcn antic iMfK 


Nancy iBrown. wltb Jfaif liazble In tha' tlOe 
lole. was levlTcd at tba DoottMBth' Sbcet SM- 
aire. Stw Toik GUT, Jloadar. Get; ML- Ktth 
tbe followlns east: 

Unley Mnstapba..... William C. Mandevllle 

Mais Mnstspha Osborne Clemson. 

\'^''Ssecates Flals ..Ben Lodse 

3bak Uttle .'...Robert E. Harty 

: Omnt lyoanace de Brie. Frank Craven 

Buaa. flucttnten Jobanj Jobniioa 

. EkM WareeatROilie David Aodrada 

. ttnS DAe Prtnfcamntehaty 4 . E. w. Lewis 
..,.Xoaa Bodgmaft 
.......Ifaiy Uaride: 

......Boaa Banet 

.....Ten Mmtat 

......^..S. FWier 

Xailmatt JUltaa 


Mir— . . .VrrUe FMker 

It Is atUl a two-act musical comedy and ap- 

pnra to poaaen all of Itg old-time drawing 
powcis, foe the JToorteenth Street Theatre was 
packed aU last week.- Both Ceorse Broadbnrst 
and Ficderlck Bankls have Improved npon their 
fol lAig work and the piece shows op In sll Its 
^latlne hrlghtnesa. Miaa Marble won entbn- 
alaatie applaose with her songs. The Boyal Croc- 
odile. Tbe Katydid. "Hie Cricket and The Frog. 
^ Old' Apple Tree and What Is Sane- for the 
Gooae la aaoce for the Gander. Come.FUl Tour 
Glass and Drink with Me snd A Little Birdie 
Told Me So were uaaag tbe othar 
Tba piece is' well staged and tt 
das very effective snpport. 

.i?^'^C9iarlM and. •piawh* ^ac hnm ^tos^ 

Edward Sothem and Jnlla Marlowe openril 
tbelr lolDt Kew York engagement Monday, Oct. 
Ifc at ^ ^Mwrb og« i^TOeatre. ln Xhe Tam 

.,^.i,.i.......WllIlam Battls 

•■••'•••'•••••••..Trederlfik Lewis 

.B. n. Sotham 
.^•'•^^.•^V.v»>....T, L. CMeman 

i..'......i.^i>i.*«deo Da Cordoba 

... .Red Erie 

,..r.....vii>y.....Fiank Belcher 

• •••••'•••^•••••...F^nk KIngdon 

....'.^ii.'»*.;..JlIaI«>Im BradkT 

Edson R- Mllea 

»....i°^'ii;iBowland Bnckttone 
__Jalia: Marlowe 

v».*^ . J^ 

T ^tartlg.*'*'*******,-*'»*'*<t****< 

A flat'' •.'«»■■> '■ ; wiileaabaid.' tta* ictom oC the 
weU-kwaa am and th> BKoadwar dadlenn- 
was TCIT nttadMtle In Its appUuiie bwtowvd 
Bpon the favorltea. Tin Knlefcerlioekeiitea con- 
sldsr the prodnctlon a nio«t magnlflcent one 
and the supporting company was .eonts^ded to be 

np to the UbH ataaastd sat Iv Mc Sotkcxn sod 

Mlsa — - -- 

Of TbB Fniipd SniBMi; Or TiB 

Another Series' of Vedreime-Barker matlDeet 
were lnangnrated 00 Tuesday at the Court wltli 
The Betum of the Prodigal, by St. John Ban- 
kin, formerly a writer on Pn n c h . 

Mr. Bankln Is apparently no believer In the 
poet's maxim that "men may rise on stepping' 
stones of their dead selves to higher things" ; 
and so his comedy contains all the elements or 
tragedy. The hero, Enstace Jackson, la a bom 
ne'er-do-well, destined to make ruin of bis 
life. His father offers him every chance, and 
Onaliy, in despair, ships blm oE to Aosttalla 

with £1,000 in- Us pocket. B»t 

speedily vanlahea,- and tb* ikooIsbI 
that he wHl tetnm li * "~ 

on his father's ■ercj'. 

In no spirit of icncola 

there Is nothtas As.Ieft Cw Un to do^ 

The. IktltA 'calf Is killed In eelebtatlon of 
the pfaiMdni' sctnn. Bat cvcntnallr tiie mo- 
ment fnmrs wben. bis fatlicr' pnta to him the 
all Important qnestton, "What do yon ptx>poae 
to do for a Uvellboodr' Upon tbls point 
Eustace admits that be Is eotliely wlihoot 
Ideas. Be Is qolte satisfied with tbe exis ti ng 
conditions of affairs; why. then seek to dis- 
turb It? Nor does tbe threat tbat the only 
thing left Is to kick him out of doors awaken 
apprehensions In his mind, for be Is able to 
retort tbst so hrotal an act woold Instantly 
destroy any chance possessed by his arrogant 
and booigeois fatlier of winning, a much-coveted 
neat In the Boose of Commons, tor be will 
directly apply for admittance to the work- 
bonse. Finally a compromise Is arrived- at. 
Eustace will accept £300 a year — the anm la 
In the end reduced to £250— to be paid him 
qnanerly, and this agreed to, be wU leave 
his father's house nnder promise never to re- 
tom to It again; and aa ha departs b* aaya be 
wm not waita.. ior ^«a^ .«»t»»^Sf ^. Bnstace 
offccs BO nflgsniMs'i-ttBft'ftft vtu* taiB 'saterm. 
and so It CD<B' with' fbe faOer telnc x^ved 
to get rid of him. 

lower cab fares and no 

Among other matters of Importance dis- 
cussed by tbe Tbeatrlcal Uanagrrs' Association 
at their tecent meeting In New York City, war 
that of cab fares, brought up by- Berr Con- 
ried. who considered' tlist cabs attending tbes- 
tres were entirely too expensive. On motion. 
It «M didded to go more tbanagbly Into Ibe 
■natter. Drmanda of the labor mioas were 
eased at length. The - nattar . of - Uefcet 
specalaHar waa brought op. A caoi 
appointed to seek redress tmi fh* 

Tbe dste for the bcneflt perHnrmsaee to be 
given tlic family of tbe late A. M. Palmer 
waa aet for Dee. 8.- The event wlU be held 

*MWw&r'*'%afiia&£B *" ^ f'l**'''* 


In the BHMp% Carriage, CbaaalOK PSOork'* 
dramatlsaaaB' at VMam Blcbolaon's story by 
the same name, teerlvrd Its premiere Tburs- 
day evening. Oct. 12, st the Stone Opera 
House. Blngbamton, N. Y. Judging from Its 
warm reception at the hands of a crowded 
bouse the new piece is destined to beeiMBr one 
of the dramatic bita of the seaaoa. Uabel 
T^tattoro ms repeated cacoted Cor bsr ex- 
" aC Waa sg f 

■d ■. s. 

dure aa- XiMi OoatHi gam apindld portnyala 
of well drawa cbaiarlsn. lury Baanton and 
Otaot Stewart a p fia ie d to advaatace la prom' 
" la baadaoaslr staged 

k Mia to be' 

.... at '. 

Avcnne Tlieatie. Obleago, Batnrday evening. 
Oct. 14, oOeets ftom the federal eoort stepped 
la and placed under arrest Uatugets Ulchael 
and John CUtTord and five members of tbelr 
company, all of whom were dted to appear 
tiefore that court In answer to a charge of. 
criminal piracy preferred by Wm. A. Brady. 
Mr. Brady dalma :that Down on ' tiie Farm - is 
a remodeled version of 'Way Down East. He 

Is alao ' reported to have aald that be Intended 
to take the same action against ' a number of 
others who be claims are Infringing upon- his 

eopjilgiited TCtalaa o( 'War Doini But. 


She la a atotcr of Blandie Blag.aad'ls win- 
ning great favor u Jane WltberspoOB. the 
principal role In the sac^sstnl Gvotge Ade 
comedy, Tbe Oallege Widow, which Brary.-W. 
Savase has given anch a fine prodoetloa aad 
which Is winning a- temartable sUeeasa. . 



Chicago Sees Premiere 

Attneta Wkms The laad af Kod 

Into Chicago Opera Home — 
Reviews FavoraUe. 

The Pink Bossars, a new musical comedy 
In two acts by Campbell and Sklimer and Ju- 
lian Edwards and Alfred E. Aatoas, opcaed at 
tbe Gbicago Opera Boose, UooOay eraaui; Ott. 
Mb- MIowlBS the engagement ol SBa &8Bd 
of ' Kod. Following is the eaat: 

Hon. Teddy Todd. Uayor of Kankakee 
John Slavln 

T. Chesterfield Prebble, an Anglicised 

lutlve of Kansas Edward I'anlton 

"Jack" Thayre, his cbum.. Arthur Earnest 

Sbedder Flood, comic editor Kankakee 
News W. B. 'White 

Bev. Flood, bis brother. . .Frank Farriugton 

"Beddy" S. Sampson, a cowboy 

W. W. Black 

Solomon Sypbonsteln, a ' Parisian mar- 
riage broker F. Tan Rensselaer 

Capt. Bodolp Zltaa^, of the Bofal 

Hoagarlaa Bosaan .. J. H. Pratt 

Daober BraSb. an art atudent.Chas. Boman 

UeoL Sebolpp, of the Boyal Bnnga- 
rlaa Bnasa^ Blanche GUaon 

B. LaCarte. -uanaccr IiaCarte Bote!.. 
■ •••••■•••••••••••>^kad. Edwards 

Jcaeff. wattag'-at IpBgilliBaaet. 

- •••••Xia P. Botsfted 

Mrs. Vayne, a yvna* wUoir, .Lola ■. TSbst 

MarJorie Vayne, ber stepdsogbtcr.a... 

Daisy videnttaV." a mnitaer 'girt. 

„ •■• Mabel Boll Ins 

May Flood Rowana lammce 

KaMa a^Tj B^Babliek ^ .^.Owji^wa rteto 

Tbe Flak Busaara tells tbe story of the 
Mayor of Kankakee, who Is visiting Paris and 
neals some former acquaintances of IIII- 
no|a dty. Sosae of these acqnalntances prove 
to be Meads wbUe others are old enemies. 
The aeeond act sbowa the crowd on' an IsLiod 
bi tbe Dannbe river. An English pony bsUet 
and atiier novelties are woven Into tbe piece. 

Its Cbigm opening -aws an aaspldoos one- 


In Nordland- Blanche 
Ring. Quits 

Digni^ Wonldn't Brook Lew Fields' 
l^lf99f--raaline FnMj||^ 

. Something happened In ' Nordland laat wuA 
at the Lew Fields Theatre, New' York? Gtty. 
Miss Blanche aioc did not appeir arlUi the 
company at this playbooae, bat Ulai raaUne 
Frederick did, and tlie andleaee acvmed to 
ufce very weU to bat >aetl^i and Blacbig la 
both tbe bnrleaqoe on* r 
In tbe much eondeased 
there was a waggias of tongaea. - bejbire 
curtain, however tnataU' tUasa dppMttd taA 
of the footlights.- Blancba aad Iieir at aata— 
impoastblat Bat se metMiis aiaat ba mong 
and aorolF ttSta Waa. 

It appean that the dMnatac lUss Bias and 
Mr. Fields bad aoM aroids immedlatelr tol- 
lowlag the fail of tbe certain Saturday even- 
ing. Qaite a leagtby aisnment la said to have 
taken place be t ween the comedian and the 
actress, who left tbe theatre all in a pont 
Next day ber maiiager, Mr. McKay, appeared 
before Mr. Fields snd informed him that bis 
protege demanded an apology.. It Is said that 
the comedian responded that be would let 
the matter drop and would forgive and for- 
get. Uotvever, It turtber appears tbat tbe 
actress did not consider the answer a anSl- 
clent atonement for her in]ured feelings, and 
on -Monday evening there was no Blanche In 
sicht of the Lew Fields Theatre. 

However, the performance at the Lew Fields 
Theatre began on schedule time. Tbe ever 
careful Mr. Fields was not going to be caught 
up oQ any contingencies, and 00 Sunday morn- 
log be put Miss Frederic la ic|ieanala tor the 
le.ndloc feminine rale in -both pndaetloBs. She 
was pressed Into service llmdaj .'Blskt aad 
continued for the week: - •n*r^lfHle CbbU 
act on tiie part of JUsa 
den,,^tint Law sttB baa a 
Broadway atin exists. 


Klaw * 
at atage - 
-tbeatiM-flir tk» 
taelea,. San Ml^ 

hajk«..asat a Urge force 
d to prepare ttaeir 
Of tbelr big spec- 

It icaa a Jam tna Dearer to Salt 
Lake City, to Los Angeles and tbea to San 

Francisco, thence to Portland, Seattle. S pokan e , 
Botte and St. Pan], which meant an enoranna 
outlay for transportation. ITnder the new ar- 
rangement these ]iraips win all lie broken, and 
many of the smaller cities will this season 
See Mother Ooose, Bnmpty Dumpty, Tbe Pearl 
and tbe Pumpkin, Tbe White Cat, and among 
i>tbera Tbe Prince of India. Tbe Southern Pa- 
ciile B. B. la to co-operate by nwning tbeatgre 
tnlns at low ezcurslOB ratea. 


. s 

Blebard Mansfield and the big company wlilb 
Is to support him In Don Carlos sre rehearsing 
at tbe Valentine Theatre, Toledo, this week. 
This ptodoetlon la so extensive that It: re- 
oaltes every Inch of spsee upon an ordlaatlly 

■Mtlld. tte laanagcnent 
: an ooMIe staae for dress 
egan at tbe Valentine Mon- 

atage. -Aa anp^ atage could not be ae- 

coicd la New Torfc City, and as the Onnd 
Opera Beoae in Chlea^o, where Ifr. Hanafleld 

opena Oct, SO. b . " - 

was forced to sertt^ . 
rebearsalSi irblcb l>egan 

day. S8. nie first public performance la 
pdwdaled for Oct. 27 on tbe aame atage. The 
eompaay eoaalata of seventeen people. T%e 
Irala srbldi carried the company .and 8c)>nery 
from New Tork consisted of Mr.- Mansfield's 
private ear. a dining ear. a day coach, .three 
sleeping cars, fire baggage cai^ for tlie'OOB 
Carlos production and five baggage' can JUt tbe 
other piaya of Mr. Maaafleld'a .repertalK. 


Manager J. A. . W»st of ' the - Uttle Bed 
Schoolbonse Co. .UtaSfr tbe reported : dosing of 
his attraction. On .tlW' contrary; Wr.'Wcst says 
he has aevec.cntsrtBlaed 'liltcnIIaQS of d~' 
as bis oompsay la 'idaylaB ts . better bs 
than ever bmn.' wit osa ehaaM baa 
made la tbe caat, Bd. Sanliia .'Muebig 'Walter 
wnbnr. The loater la as ''folfewst dsreaee 
Kent, 7. A. West. P. J. Baiter, Bd.' Panlos. 
Harold 8. Horan. hank Bieekaaridae, Cbaa. 
Riwe, Lorin Hoyt, Clande Marslen; Jos. Oobey. 
Sidney Barrle, Wm. Bush. Wm.'). Sogers, Tyinls 
Johnson, Bert DeLeon, Barry Waters, Helen 
Lelse, BatUe Z.snrent. Mrs.' J.' P. Lyon, Minnie 

Pearl Weat. .S)itfc.JitUe tad TaneUa Tbats- 

tun. • •■ ~ >...;. . 


After all, tbe Bogers Brothers will not ally 
themselves with the Independent forces, nor 
win they transfer to~4{!e Shnhert Brothers 
their stock In the Liberty and New York 
theatres. At the close of this season these 
comedians will pasa from the management of 
-Kiaw' Sc Erbinger, and' will manage ti)em- 
aelves. Tbey will ask for and receive book- 
laga la tbe ayndlcnte houses. ^ ' 
' It Is -announced ' that the Btfgets Brothers 
tiave purchased from their managers the pro- 
dnctlon of tbe Rogers Brothers In Ireland, sad 
WlU aae tbe vehicle again next aeaaon. 


Xtie Billboard 


Points From the Phila- 
delphia Man 

A IxTse mraorUl lerrlce wUI be b»Id Uter to 
par tribate to tbe wortb at one of tbe brlgbt- 
est o{ America's miulclans. 

Nite Darls, a well known circus man. Is now 
engaged In the cigar business on Ninth str««t 
aboTV Arcb, and Is doing well. His store Is 
tbe beadfioarteta for all circus men tbat come 
to tbia dty, and moar staclM will h» 

told there tbis winter. 

Tbe llTst pcrformasce on anr stage of The 
UarrlaRC of William Ashe will take place at 
tbe Cbestnat Street Theatre on OeUibtr SO. 
Graee Geui* wm lie Um star of the ptvdnc- 

Mrs. Fiske, George Cohan, Walter 
McDmviII and Other Well Known 
Id the Week's News. 

.W«tt wm *• Iht mttnctlan at Am brts 
tra aw .Oet. eiL aad aa newa at "Sn ■ 
tt Ikat liw ^Im •Ireadr reacMI 
■rata an Mttg nmniA already. 

w. 8. nded; an «ldi cireaa acent. la now 
one of tba owntn aC tbt Hettla^ tb« RcwaBiri 

(to., aaa ha Is liilat II II that It ' 

~ U tmvtmwm wHtmm «• t 

XotWlthataaOMI • wara political eampalsn 
now Ma* 1° Pl»»<I<lP<>la with apeak- 

•n of national repntatton gUIng rree ibows 
arerr night, the theatrical bnslncsB is good. The 
weatlier Is pleannt, and tbat makes tbe mati- 
nees well attonded, while night bouses are ex- 


na' winncfs of tbe American Association 
^^,tf%«1l Pennant, tbe Athletics of this city, 
wm he honored br a hose parade on Oct. 23, In 
which aU ot Uie.etalis and social otgaoisattan 
of the clly will nartlGlpate. Thia wUl make 
business had ttr ac theatres on that nlsbt. 

Un. Flike In Kcab Klesebiia made an em- 
nhaUC bit at tbe I^rric Tbeatre In PhUadelpbta 
«B' Oct^ 10. Bonaes have been veo' large all 
wMfc. and Manager Malbcwa of tbat tbeatre la 
asw aaaelaead that the Independent Theatre' 
b PUiMMt li • MM ■MCtaa. and wiU 
S«« aa mSSt aeaaaa at aay te tbU atj. 

Otata Oofeaa In Uttle Mhnnj Jonea la 
crowding tbeas la- at tbe Cheatnnt Street Tbea< 
tre. FbOadelpbtaaa ai* loral. and as George 

fee them tbe <Mt gUmpoa ot thIa plajr when 
ns ptodowtf latt nuan. *r — ^- 

IMr appicclatloo «C tua tr 
tkcam ta tbe dooca. 

iratar IfwPiaifall the well-known eartoon- 
ttt wbe tsefc ■ dip la(D paA amusementa last 
•amaicr ^ raaalnf • ^testaph cftaUiiiiment 
at Sana Sand Park la WUkeabarre, Pa., baa 
teeooa iafttnated wltb tbe lite, and win de- 
vote an seat aananrjtn jtouiiWDa^ 

Frank Dunn, wiw is one of tbe owners of 
tbe Palace Theatre In Boston, and who baa 

BaaebaU Clnb, wBa In 

tarn • 

f'XaaHae Mopped «lt «a Us way 
jaM'fea ' li aouK with the aeenery 
'<<'~.f!OMlBS Tbnqj^ tbe Bye," 

The new Imndtng oC Iba Bka ia fast ap- 
nroschlng eompletlea. and wOl be leadr t" 
oenpaiwr Jan. 1. It wlU be one oC tbe moat 
eoopletc dab bona In tbe temtiy. wia eter- 
snrt «( anHMaaiBt far Ihe aiap b ii a . The Ph 

ci^ an btalS-aint tlae imtee that he li 
liked by the paUaaa ot &at IbcatR. 

Haley's Band ot WaaMBglon. D. C baa been 
engsRed by tbe botelkeepera of Atlantic Clly. 
N. J., to play on tbe Steel Pier all winter. 
They will start on Oct. ZJ. 

SI Semon dropped into town this week for 
a few days. Re baa been toklnc care ot tbe 
Bamnm ft Bailey oflkea In New Tack CUy 
during the lUaeaa of Je« Callaa. « la loaUMr 
weu and bopae to be eannaeM m» of 
the big eirenaaa aeat alalia. .Be. dMHiea a 
good poalNon. for bla 
as anyone eonid desire. 

The Boo Ton Theatre Is to reopen on Oct. 
2* wltb TandeTille, nnder tbe managranent of 
Frank V. Dunn. Jr. In order to adfcctlae tbe 
new house, eTeiynie win be admitted IMe or 
charge on tbe opening day. Tbe price ot ad- 
~' wm be ten eenta to all parte of tbe 

Lew WIswen. wiM made sorb a success of 
ae Andttnrlnm when Stair and BsTlIn ran It 
aad who is now in aeir hooking office In New 
Talk Clly, nma nter every tew weAa to 
the aaay tMrada he Bade while be a 

naldnrt «C thIa ellT. — 

Mid Hhe le aie hfsa 

to mSi n iliS ST "-"^ 

Tmiaid HfOnlie «r Me Caaino bad oe pieas- 
<ne of banqnetlng the members of Ilorlne*a 
Band of Ponithkeepsle. N. T.. during a TUlt 
that they made to fhU city this week. He 
was formerly a member of the band. 

John H. Rice baa been re-engaged aa General 
Agent of Hargrear e a Shows for next season, 
making his foortb season in that capacity 

A remarkable bit waa made by Jack Nnrwnrtb 
luring bis tate engagement at Keith's Theatre. 
He put «n a new specialty In white face, and 
it arenaed the enthnslaam of the press and 
pnhlte. It la tvlgbt, clever and new. 

The PhnRdelnhU Orcheitra, nnder the direc- 
tion ot Prlts Scbeel, will start Ita winter serlea 
of concerts on Oct. ST. 

John W. Hart, the owner of Hart's Theatre, 
sees cTery show tbat la booked at bla bonae. 
and anything that Is not np to tbe standard 
reqnlred by tbe pstrons of bis bonae la quickly 
ninreled. Mr. Bart ban driren bla hoose Into 
tbe treat taaka a( laaaiBHIr br hia paiaMncy 

and by 


Tbe funeral of Carl ' Von Oaertner took place 
on Oct. in from his residence In this city. 
A small delegation of New York and Phila- 
delphia singing societies sang selection" at the 
aerrlrea. the same being from tbe compositions 
ot the deceased 'eompoaer. The fact tbat only 


Briefly Told By Billboard Correspondents 

b IS ■ a r al 

Prederie B. Watera. 
in tbe Wood Co., wooed and .woa 
Distreaa dnriag tbe nm of " ' 


at "■" 

Ua boaraing 

' FhUa- 
a, Ji. 

imwailM aa Magnns in tbe American pro- 
lefiSMatBan Cihw'* Tbe IMdlaal aaa. 



UeUers Score Coup 

Caned Chicago Eoeagement to Beat 

mow n^ii 

,r„gagement of The Sqnaw-Man Cot Faw- 
era' TbeltS. Chicago. Uat weefc. W M .eg?: 
eeled at tbe last moaentraad l a tbe Bl»e y» 
Carriage waa aabstltnted Imm anjaw ment^t 
tbe Chicago playhonse. TUi ■aee left »e 

the Chicago playlionse. — - 

Sge of WalUcPs Tbeati» opia Ola awek. and 
WUUam Fareraham hi The 5«»a«;aunwaa 
rni to to bid far pepolartly.. t«om ae _B toad; 
way andleoeaa. It .Jj^ WSto a aadden and 
nwHipected move aa the paet at_l i 
ler ft Co.. hot was eiMet l y 
sereral weeks i)eiorebaBd. 

It all appears to be a well fussed adietne 
on the part of Messta. Lleble r » Co.. In the 
Blsbop's Carriage waa weu aglllUa se 1 0 lOi- 
low Jefferaon at the Hew ..Tei >. MaK. ami 
The Squaw-Msn wan adlUlMd nc fywcra: 
Further. Darld Belosoe bn* adeartlsad The Gin 
From the Onlden WMt W**,.^"'* 
gagemeut abortly. tt I^mM that Misa Bates 
play re* mWee TeiT ma* that ot Mr. Parer- 
sham'a vehlde. That MftBrtaaeo might get 
drat bold on the pahUe became wry plain to 
Uebler ft Co.. and tbey decided to rosh their 
Sqnaw-Man In drat. The 8qnaw.Uan woidd 
base been la New Totk Hit week bad It not 
been for JelTerson'a engagement, which tbe 
exponent of Rlp Van Winkle refoaed to cancel 
But this week was their clutnce, and Mesara 
I.leMer ft Co., and their aatnte manager. Ceorge 
C. "I^ler, played the game to a finish. Lncklly 
enongh In the Blahcp's Carriage bad been 
adrerllaed to follow The Sqnaw-Man at Powers' 
and tbe way bad been somewhat pared for 
that production, even If It did come In earlier 
than the pnWlc expected. On the other band, 
the aame can not be said of The Sqnaw-Man. 
•The press agent's warning had not been aonnded 
to tbe New •York public, howercr tbe play has 
been well adrertlsed from the prorlnces and 
Ita anecesa baa preceded Ita engagement In New 
York. Now the (incatloB that remaina to be 
aslead la, jhWh jrt^ The " 

9tA .Hbwi ht 

Tvww Wmn 

Houses in Brooklyn— M^estic li 
Motes From Norlblk. • 

ALI. of the Brooklyn theatres are 
doing good bnslness. and excellent 
bllla are presented. So many ot tbe 
high-class attractlODS are booked at 
tbe Broadway and Kew Montaok 
theatres that the Brooklynltes do not care to go 
to Mew York to tbeatre: tbe same thing applies 
with the popular priced attractions, and Brook- 
lyn TaudeTille houses get tbe best of erery- 
tbhig. and in many coses get the acta qnicker 
than New York City does, and so ae Brook- 
lynltes are learning to spend tlieit moaey wia 
tbe Brooklyn theatrea. 

WlUlam T. Oromv the . ccesrtiK Braoklyn 
manager, has acqnlred a new aatsm o h ll a along 
with tbe Mootank Theatre. Mr. Ororer saya be 
la more delighted wia ae macbine than with 
his latest tbeatrieal acqalaitioa. 

Fox and Gray preaeated a .ae« .nnderme 
sketi*. The Medtdne 8haw.vat!the 
last Sanday night. The aet 
make good anywhere. 

Bessie CHayton. late ot Weber ft Fields. wUl 
enter randeTlUe and make her debut at Byde ft 
Behman's week ot Not. 6. Miss Clayton, of 
course, will be tbe headUner. 

Base Wentworth and her new eaaestrlan 
act is booked to appear at Hyde ft B ebnia i |'a 
Theatre aooo. 

Berlwrt C. Once, manager at WStoB XaAayc 
and general press repaesentathe toe- ' W. A_ 
Brady'a atbaetkai. wtitca M fmi^tha-FlMlie 
coast timt I wln e oa wta Mr. I«ekayw..has.-bam 
very good In the weat, and that tbe Iboir wllT 
be back In New Y'ork City thU winter. 

Leo Steeena opened bis new tbeatre last week 
at Somers street and Bockaway aTenne, Brook- 
lyn. Oonde opera and yandertlle Is giren here. 
Mr. Sterena ahoold meet with much success. 

Joaephine Oaaaman pnt on her new Ciilncae 
act laat week at tbe Ampblon Theatre. The 
act made a big hit; tbe suge setUnga and 
costmnes being rery baodsome. ncie . were 
fire capable people In the act. 

Tbe engagement of M. Fleury glrea Calve 
made at the Star Tbeatre. all the work waa 
completed last week. This theatre is now 
one of tbe safeat in Brooklyn, alao many com' 
forts hare been added for the patrons. Man 
ager Anatle H. EUls Is to he congratBlatad. ai 
his booae U the Int one ialihed. 

The Majeatie Theatna- la dalng-.-hte baataeai 
thla aiaain; tbe attiaetlaaa bare^een^feat' 
class Citr . riaea 4lie boiiae opened. Manager 
W. & IkH^.' baa certainly found out ae kind 
ot a be w a Ua patnma desire. 

Tbe engagament of U. Flenry gires Calre 
an nnasnaUy strong company, ae other mem- 
bers being Bonxmann. haaao; Von Norden, tenor, 
and Argyro Kastioa, TloUnlste. Calre makes 
her only Brooklyn appearance at the' Baptist 
Temple on tte afternoon of Tuesday, Not. 7. 

Jane Wbltt>eck, after a retirement of two 
yeara from tbe stage, baa broken through the 
el on da of retirement, and will shortly bunt 
Into song again In Brooklyn playhoiiaes 

Blanche Cheaebrt>ngh Scott, who ooce waa 
Blsnche Mollneax. has reeorered frhm tier iU 
ncss, and wm try TaudeTille again. .It Is stated 
tbat Mrs. Soott is booked to appear In Kew 
York soon. 

There waa a teaOde Una flAt la BaatoA's 
Show la Fad* last weak. XMTItapio sad Oar 
takbic-. tstb' '.'CkB'.wsa.~Hlad''la.-'ae;:aH 
The other two w«c' aa hadlr'bwrt.'lhatftt 
be necessary to shoot 

The Park Theatre wffl open 
aeatie has been rem od ele d; — .-sr 

nwBia' .«r,ihe <.lnr. mnafil, tt^i'-WBiiUti 

Independent ihowa to aiwear In CoDTcnttOD 
Hall. Week ot Oct. 30 is the date. 

The annual Flower Show will he held week 
of Not. 12. and a ~' 
Clnb wm have Ua 
Park Oct. 20. 

I.. A. KeUee. treasner ot 

was married to Utaa Clara Naacher oC thb cttr 
recently. The happy duo kept tiic aflok^w^ 
secret, bnt it leaked oot. and since then tmf- 
bsTe been busy acce]>tlng congraalattnnai -'" - 
Lew Docksader ia tbe patnm satot ot -Ikr 
Megapiwne Minstrels. tlM local aautenr oc>- 
ganuatleo. and dnring the genial "Dock's" en- 
gagemeat here the megaphone, over a bmidicA 
sttoag; attaadid Ua abow. girlng leeeral of 
aeb :a««':aaMhRa te- tte delight of both the- 
ad tte ambers of the company. 

CHAS. H. aaiAix. 

Tea, Norfolk is to bare a new tbeatre. aad 
when completed tor ae next aeason, win^to-r 
one of ae floeat in tbe sonth; iioweTer. wM:-. 
tell yoa all abont It In a future lasae. 

It wRH our pleasure yeaterday to meet NOhle 
Fred. w. Busey. wbo has lately closed wia 
tbe Bamom ft BaUcy Clrcna after a reiy pcot' 
ttaUe aeaaaa. aad la. 

he baa It aa. 

Am glad to have 

reek wm be gtreo over to tl>e Beiga - 
of King Horse, and the dty wm he crowded 
wia Ttsitora for miles aroond. BTCrybody will 
be here to pay tribute to ae noblest ot ani- 

It is said that Norfolk in ita aeeood year ot 
Horse Showing liaa eclipsed Richmond, which 
closed la flta exUbltloo last night. 

Grand preparatlona ttaTc t>een made, and no 
expense spared, to make thla erent the finest 
of the eeasoa. 

Tbe Granby. imder ae management of Joe 
LeFaocber. baa bad a remarkable boalaeaa tbIa 


fair sex so 

The Garden to on ae Onlnartda Ctreatt aC : 
league boaaea. and. ao tar, baa ofllend 

good clean attractlona. 

Manager Mike Shea engaged Wmie Edcateln. 
the Boy Paderewskl. aa tbe beadllner for laat 
week's bill. This ten-year-old boy packed aem 
In. and will lie tbe aololat ot tike Boston Sym- 
phony Orchestra tor sereral cooeera. 

John Laugblln, proprietor and manager ot the 
tiycenm Tbeatre. was robbed at hia bocoe week 
before last of two gold watcbea. a gold ring 
set wia diamonds, two diamond rings, one opal 
ring, a neck dialn. a stickpla with a.. Inae. 
dIamcBd a the center and a - aamiB aaa^aB', 
either aide, and a large aeparate <^ 
~ there to ao 

The opening ot tbe Majestic Tbeatre here, 
■t a biwleaqne boose, wss somewhat marred 
by tbe aerrlng of an injunction agalnat ae 
management restraining the exhibition ot al- 
leged "fake" plctorea of the Brttt-Nelaon prlze- 
Bgbt. Tbe injunction was secnred by Lon 
Honseman of Chicago. Bostoesa for tbe open- 
ing week waa ncTertbelesa excellent, and tbe 
outlook for a pmaperons aeaaon la asoat pnm- 
lalng. Fred. Waldman. the wen-known New- 
ark. N. J., manager, repreaeota the OOlambla 
.\mnBement Co. aa local manager of toe booae, 
while J. T. Magnire baa charge of the bm- 

Mtas Violet Dale, ae Inpemonatrtz who waa 
forced to cancel Iter engageiaeat _ at the Oe- 
phenm recently on aceoont ot lnhwlea mm- 
talned In a railraad a wJ dea t , v to la a maee 
aerlona coodltlon ttaa was at _ . 
MM* Hale baa eaae e l sd, a9i:. .aC ':hir. time tor 

the next few wyeka, ag. m_mm- asjer. beaith 
wm permit wffl go to bar haae la Maw Tork 
City to recnperate. 

Mme. YSmaaa Barnes and her eompany psss sd 

thraneh here on their way to tbe Padllc coast. 

recently. Mme. Eames is booked to appear In 
Conrentlon Hall. KoT. 10. Anolher great fa- 
vorite who will aing here thla winter to Alice 
Nielsen, wbo Is announced for Dee. 4. 

Pending the erection ot their new theatre, 
Tbe Sam. S. Shubert. ae Shoberts wlU divide 
their attractlona which are booked taera be- 
hetween ae Grand and Convention Boll. Jeff 
DeAngells and DeWolt Hopper are two early 
comers annonnced for tbe Grand. 

Two well known flgnres In the bnrlesqne field 
who were In town for tbe opening of the Ma- 
jestic were Hollla B. Cooley. the general man- 
ager of Gna Hill's enterprises, and M. M. 
Tbelaa of tbe Columbia Amnaement Co. 
Geatte_IlnTtay. bartneto oonager ot Babes 

aC tti 


American managera that have eaffered tlie 
critic's canatie comment, and critics that have 
undergone tbe manager's boycott may boa dad 
aympathizera to dear old France. Antolne. dla- 
liklne something written aboot one of Ma playa 
by Critic DeNlon of the Eciio de Paris, baa. It 
la reported, refnaed torther adailttance to that 
gentlemaa. Pelllaa*a Mtow crltlca haaa 
tbe matts ap. aad ase awidBtoK a a 
to boycott Ihe writ Kaawa actHHaaaafcr. 

C A. Statr to organizing a new bnrlesqne 
company on the stage of tbe Lyceum Tbeatre. 
St. Joseph. Mo. It will be known aa ae Flor- 
ence Bnrleaqners. and wfll open fn Topeka 

ahont Oet. 28. Tbe company, which eonstato 
entirely ot St. Joseph performers, la aa fal- 
lows: Jaha Mmidt. mnalral director: Baae 
East. Ma WMto. BUorlie Hagoo. Hattle I|H>- 

ham. LoHte daAey. Alice Diamond, qnafa a( 
slack wire arttato; Almeda Decker to nrtng 
pletnrea, Nora Schonewetter. German eomediaa; 
ReorcCi Lobby aad Barry Tucker, eomedlaaa; 
Win Kalcr and ~ * " " 

Walker Whiteaidea . 

time opon any stage, ati , 

Omaha. Keh.. Oct. «. blsBgw aae ttt. 
eatiaed The Jewrta. t.-fUti.- In It Hr. 


Xtie Billboard 

OCTOBEfl 28, 



'Albert Onmble, my old friend, 

Ut hetrt U flUed wHti love tor yn 
Too deep for joa to conipretiend. 

And fellowihlp sincere mnd true: 
Tes. 1 hall 70a. friend of mine. 
With, btut nown atranc witk loTe dlTlac. 

Notes from Helen May Butler's La- 
, dies' UlUtJir7 Band: We will plar Alabama. 
' MUilHlppl. Georgia, Florida and South Caro- 
{ Una until Jan. 1. when we go east to fill some 
big clt7 time. We bad lots of good time 
booke^l for Mississippi, bnt the quarantine 
knocked us oDt. We are plaTiog to (air basl- 
□esB. Any person wishing to reach ns can 
do 60 any time throngiL Tbe BURx)ariL Ereir- 
body is well and happy. The Conntx Ohalrmao. 
Field's Mlosticla, Boater Bton aad a Ur. 
Dooley Co.. an aU wUklB * ' 
of OS. All at* 
kick coming. 

Win Greenabaum has engaged the 
orlelnal Eswalahin Orcbcitra and Glee Clnb of 
HonoIolD for aa exteuded tour ot this eoantiT. 
The ionr opens In San Frandaco this month- 
I. Lindsay Leafe, formerly leading 

of the Bpd Feather Opera Co.. la HI at 
his boma in Portsnioutb, Va. 

. As arlwB I laas In otbcr dayK ' 

■ ■ ■ . Aa I Boae baAward. pal ot mlnb i ' 

A. gentle ' love, yet far too gnat-'V;^-'^!'^'':; 
Hot aoojg ot mine or eren rhyme ;f ' * 

To e'er eenectly catlmata^ "'v:> 
Wells op within mj heart aaC CMW 
Tbe floating fancies In tka'-MlMla ' 
Of my enchanted mcmarx*' 
And eUap banda there deUgbtedly- 

U^t roar cigar from tiiliie. my friend. 

And tut yoor chair back here among 
The bloasoma. and while CrsgraDce blend 
~ With fragranoe. let the erer yonng 
Anil elieilahed tnem'ry we hold dear 
AUgbt and aing In accents dear. 

And ateep oar soola. Al. in the smoke, 
.^.t;-' As when cor Crlendslilp Htbi awoke. 

j;'.; . And to Kltli trailing pen and vOtoi 
>.-: >An* ■■■T^tbniW.meaTe tUaxkynie 
;v->'-^i»joi;:-lli..llK-Mi:<» njalee 

tWbti» ttM^ anaea and dn 

dl4Wl»iil»MH.^ Mil wm Mat 

, .. '. tii~Be - to ' Oa 

"idllf- lWiir I'll my old fiieid 

-f"']. J08EPK FLASBER 

; A. man of efaarmlng and commanding pet«on- 
:':'nll^^^e ne g g etlc to 'a fanlt. a stannch friend 
' Wtttoat an enemy In the world, aggresslre and 
: ainecre. Joseph Flanner, Ullwaokee's reptesen- 
;-tatl«e pobUsfaer and mnsic dealer, atands a 
tower of strength, colossal elterprUe and ada- 
mant resource. 

Bom Id anything but affluence, Mr. Flanner's 
early days vere Oiled with hardships which, to 
his youtbrui soul, seemed aii Infinltam. Under 
the care of a mother of brilliant mind and 
superior cnltnre, be aeqnlred an edncatlon 
which. In the long years stretching ont before 
' him. tvas to prore Ms real salvation. 

In ISM, In the city of Mew Orleans, Lm., Mr. 
Flanner was bom. Eaily In life te CTlneed 
an aptltnde for UleraiT week, and at:tke age 
ot eighteen be was ncmancntlr ei is eoo w d In 
tbe l epce t e ria t star «C «■• .•( ttas 
vapecs m tbe clQ: :«rjH MtMly. 

a Md andl-jlSKrt^ikeB be entered the 
~^Mm.Urammml»:Ma^ Co.. in New 
..japetlence with 
l''>.<K^ tta badness In 

wblcb be " 

2U-213-ZIS Grand ■ 

Bis esdier yeais as an Independent pabUsher 
were far Itom encoaiaging. He waa imfcr- 
tnnate In the scIeetlMi of hi* pobUeatlons. and 
while some of these were merltorloas and proTed 
falrl; good sellers. It waa to the piano and 
general moslcal mercbandlse that Mr. Flanner 
looked for sustenance. In 1887-8. howerer; he 
applied the torch tliat set the mnsic - pabllsb- 
Ine world aflame. Realizing the immense pos- 
sibility of that now world-wide famons song. 
Vbcre'll Be a Hot Time In the Old Town To- 
night, he seized the golden oppcnrtsnlty. and 
secnred the publishing rights. The pbiBSBaaSl 
sales nbJcb resulted proved bis JaflgBHt li 
this instance was not at fault. 

From that time on Ur. Flanner's 
ateadny Inenased. Last year b« 
bcadqnrtcrs t» 41T Broadway. 

r-^'^f* are. 

'aaw^ESSS Me 

of Toiu and tOeap.' l(y Little TJne. Sleev. by 

Among tbe big aeUeis he has published aloce 
bis Inangnnd Tenture are the following: The 
Girl With the Kangaroo Walk: The Choir 
Boy's Dream, by E. A. Lambert; I Can For- 
gtre Bnt Not Forget; When Hearts Are True. 
Fred. Simmons; "Twas Bnt a Dream: Tbe Dan- 
delion: The Bofte. by D. FTDtheroe; When Lore 
Was Yoans. Jesale I.. Gaynor:- A Woman's 
Way. Felix McGIemMm: Hee-t*. Chas. K. Har- 
ris: On the Boad to Mandalay. Henry Trevan- 
' Blon; Mellnda's Serenade; Girt Wanted. Gns. 
C Weinberg; Jnne. Jtme. June. Sears; Tbe 
Ontcaat Parents. Nellie McGulre: My Heart for 
Toor Heart. Shells O'Donoran Boesa; The 
- B e suit e (.U cn, Chas. n. Brown. Instmctlre 
pfeee* for l '•noz In the Mountain. Cotr In Twt- 
Ilglit. Call Kelna: Tonthfnl Dream. Wohlfhart; 
XOmfng GIticT.. Camliert: Glittering Snow 
nakea: Tbe Bectlea' Dance. Ed. Hoist: La 
XascoeltSw Lsnte Ksailse: Beneath My Lored 
:lbwf!»: WMnr, KgcK Lsi* in. tbe Uanntalna: 
~ V> gittfar. Kew; Jast a 

icds by Ler! 'WIIbnr_Pol- 
by Homer DaTis. AD 

X^V^^^^^ HALL FOR 


Ons Hlirs new musical comedy. Gay 
New York. Is breaking (eeorda at all tbe 
stands, according to Bosiiwaa Slanager Harry 
Vost. p^^^ m atinee s an J^^^ l^aone dtief 

ceedlngly bri^t-**^ ■■^•d MMM0t a> 

A. C. Abbott, of the Bamum & Bai- 
ley Show, joined B. C. Whitney's Isle of Bong 
Bong Co., Oct. 1«, at JoUet, m.. aa 




THERE is undoubtedly a great deal of 
truth m the belief that tbe pobllca- 
tlon of popular sheet moalc la a bob- 
bie-iike busineiis, where flrma atnrt 
nltliout any preliminary tLslulng. and 
after scalpiug a few tboosauds off the market, 
null don-n tbe (lag and seek otber OeldJ, for 
Ibe list of mnsic pubUsheTii growi long anil 
tedious If we luelude the transloucs wuo, like 
a ftpliere' of soap Rud water, last Tcry bneOy. 

There sre, bowerer. ' a few naines ' to - con- 
jure with, whose ideas, of the bostness are 
legltlm:i:e and who bolld On tbe rock of Aiian- 
clal stability. In :th» foietroat. of this eery 
tew appears the - wdl known name ' of 8i>L 
Bloom, tt-hose imprlat Ji as badltw to tbe 
music buyers ot oar land a 
for ereiy quart «(. -wattr HMt. 
oret the edge of saE.-asllaaal. yaa can 
find a copy of a BtoMi IMW tMtMSRd la tbe 
cabinet of a baaw.- - . - ■ 

And it baaa't tda- a UMlM to «s ib 
either, for SaL BiaaB is a yosac bss. typleal 
of tbe fact. 'tkli£ .-oowsdaya. ita youtb that 
tells, and a-'fnfM aeelng bim tor tbe first 
time, wodd acMW' credit tbat thia aoave and I 
clean cat ysMK MB is tbs bead of one ot 


Notes from Bowers Minstrels: We 

are harlng a Tery nice season. A fine show 
la the newspaper and critical report all along 
our route. Our first part setting is of red plnsh 
draperies. A ball containing 180 electric llghta 
lilotninates It. Master Earl Plynn, formerly 
connected with tba NewSboys' Quartet, and 
who recently appcucd in s mmber of tlie big- 
eastern musical •strsTag 
and U maUas m. ttg ML 

Joliwd recent^ 
Stsait and OUs 

F. K~ Stearns, president of the Detroit. 
:. Midi..' OrcbeetrsI Association, and a rery 
'.'/wealthy citizen, has signified bis wllUngneas 
. ; to tbe indepcBdeot managers to tmOd for them 
: a SOOO.OOO music hall, and to endow the same. 
Tlie Sbnberts bare iMoked tbe lAfkyette Tbea- 
■ga.^|bi»tjt^tha aeg^aai ^MS.tbsaagjjM Ija- 

innk FrMc, HllM BnXbets, Bodll 

BeK Jessup and Gail X~ 
band Of fifteen pleas. 

Notes from the Barlow & Wilson 
Minatrela: We hare been tnmlng people away 
aince we opened. Aug. TO. Ererytbtag with 
tbe company ia new, not an old feature nor 
act latalned. We cany forty people, two 
bands sad a street pisno far enr parade. We 
are booked la tbe best cities imtn Jnar. 

It is reported that John W. Vogel 
win enter the mtislcal comedy field next sea- 
son with The Bathing Girl, and a big com- 
pany of players. The scenes of the comedy' 
are laid at Cedar Point on Lake Erie. Barry 
Lelghton la responsible for the book and Joe 
Norton for tbe moslc 

Gorton's Minstrels are said lo be a 
stronger aggregation than erer. tiielr special 
feature t>eing their famous band, under tlie 
leadenhin of Joseph Goctoo. jr. Sa< 

been tbelr lat ttac* cpcntag Ife* 

tbe largest enterptisca in the country, if sot 
In tbe world, maintaining, as be does, an 
Industry tbat operates actnsl oOlcea In New 
York City, Chicago, San Francisco, England 
and Australia. 

Besides this, as adjimeta to the aettial Issne 
of aheet mnsic. Sol. Bloom controls tbe sheet 
music departments of two stores In New York 
City, two In Chicago, and one In Boston, also 
being the proprietor of departments for tbe 
aale of phonographs, talking maebines of other 
makes, and supplies In connection therewith. 

The mention of department stores brings to 
mind tbe creatlre adTertlsIng trend of Sol. 
Bloom's busy mind, for It was this gentleman 
who first Introduced almost an tbe methods 
now in rogue In tbe big stores for the. sale 
of sheet moslc for he was tbe first msa to 
eTer bare a department of tiila kind; was the 
pioneer who first .used a piano and alogets to 
demonstrate the goods; was tbe first to ad- 

Tertiae abeet mnsic sales in the dally iwists; 

'at' to aystcmatleally arrange floor 
■ -aslans Cor this daaa of baslneas, 
tbe flrst In handle sales on a plane 
of fMpsctabnity. 

A nature of SoL Blooen'a departmental ca- 
reer baa been hie onraiying adbetenea to the 
Idea Ibat yen mnat sdl (sads abses cast to 
make a prodt. for Us soap bsOks ot 

tbe .pcSoe oC .bis 
ttaws cadesfONd ta 

Hkewtse. DatO reeeaL.. 

In tbls dlreetlaa bata aat ataraya mtt wltb 
sncecss, for there hsre been tbose wbo— by 
some weird proc ess of fceaaolng— d g n r ed tbal 
■insDtlty of sales 'meant pniM, wbOe It really 
meant loss. To these acatlT M.. BlooBa was 
a sort ot nightmare, nr be not oaly fimgbt 
them with tbdr own weapons, bnt he ' coa- 
Tlnced them that .he could bold the legitimate 
fort tndednltely. The result was. that an as- 

ance of rates, and Sol. Bloom Is prominent]; 
connected with It. 

One great factor In the snceees ot this gen- 
tleman is bis office methods, snd tlis treat- 
ment of those who are on bis salary lilt, for 
It Is almost axiomatic that It is better to be 
with Sol. Bloom than with any other bouse In 
tlie business, for the meml>eTa ot his staff 
nre as one large family, 'sad thare la an 

tire absence of tbe offeMtra boMta that Aar- 
scterlaes ao 
for the most 

coorteona person at tte — , _ — 

comprise the Blooaii fcMCtf M ^^-tti^M lh» 

Incomplete wltboat a 1 ' 

■•f tbe priaelnala «l _ . 

looming p fo an tn ently as asanager-in iwf Is 
WlllUm H.- Penn. whose indnstiT.- steadfast- 
ness. Integrity sod fine peiaaaallty, bare jma- 
trlbuled ao much to his chlera aid, and to hl« 
own popolarity: tvhUe bis added talents as a 
composer of music bare made blm Interna- 
tionally famous as the producer of n>e Honey- 
suckle and the Bee, PanST F aces, Xbe F>ox- 
hnnter's Uareh. Cnter DSB Ilniajta^- B^V 
Street Waltz song, and ■HflF aOnn oat Wile 
heard from largely. 

Other attaches to the home office are the 
well known Raymond A- Browne, who in ad- 
dition to writing and composing ditties of as- 
sorted kinds. looks after the professional de- 
partment: Mlsa Bsttlr Foley, chief of the book- 
keeping forces; George Moody, who keeps the 
band and orchestra section In order, and a small 
army of others; while In Chicago, the Misses 
Bloom and Miss Hana Mints see that the 
wheels of progress are nerer dogged. In San 
rranclsco Mr. Lee aeehheimer ia the genial 
caof^ for much actlri^, ' while the otbcr 
branches ate carefnlly looked after by aalM 
and suitable men. Tbe' namea glrca are, of 

course, only tfaoae ot beada of " 

and are a rery small pncentafe .«( 
drawing salary In tbe rarlona sOtaa-aad 1 

An latetcatlng Item , la tbe Cact- ttat 'Sit 
nieaai ham a a bll S b i j l^>M «iuj iatalJMia^a»' lag 

boaie"SMSMB8r H RtrisK tte m e Bw enae to 
either oae style nr tbe ' other, ellber tbroogb 
cbolee or otherwise. 

Tb bis private life Mr. Bloom Is a food talber 
and a deroted hnsbsnd. 'as a beaotlfol little 
dangbter snd a charming wife can amply trs- 
llty. He ia one ot tbe beat known men in 
New Tack's as rial ditdaaw Is a liaaaa a< Ugh 

Dave O. Bernard. 
Ilabt eoawdy part to Tke 

of lM»4tlb Jotaed H ' 

- at i^riBcaeld. 

Vhorad tba 

EnHott X>«9Et«r has been engaged by 

Jsa Flerenea Dasto to play the role of the 
Bail Ot ■aakSD to- ber professional mattoce 
ot The Flayar atsM. 

"Bar Hkiper. who last season played 
a liaim - ipH to tte- pi»rjo S%?SLS^ 
Dora Vbstaa^^S'^ 

Alma KrOBcr has bem engaged to 
pUy the part of Lady Babb In Bertba W- 
Und'a prodnetlon of Sweet Kitty BeH a lia , 

Wm. PftuT, Philip HeebHit ■ Aadtay 
Aaderaoe and Mta. Jane Syl i est er lawa wca 

etigaged to support May Stewart. 

Albert! ne Bensen Joined the Babe.i 
In ToyUnd Co. Oct. IB, at St. Looli, to re- 
place Ohrlstlne 'Hndson. 

Helene xiickeye and A. S. -Uptnan 
tela keen anmcd to to> gt Uv« .Masban 

HoUIs E. Cooley, general manager 
ixr lha eaa HIU entetprlaes. closed the deal 

tng Tnaa. 

M. A. Mosley 'wM 1 
Hooligan Co. next wedl^ 

IfiilaK «• la St. iMto. 


Xlie Oillboarcl 



StoM AmoDff StooM. tlie sw fiQDdermuia 
inmi or tlie German worUsc clu«, U tbe 
frasatloa of BtrUn. wb«re it was prjdoord for 
tbe Bist time Oct. 14. An tnimt>le but phi- 
^nttiroplcaUj minded stoDecnttor, bla dAlisMer, 
t liunddjack; bi« (oremao, ao ex-coarlct, * 
fratchman around bla plant and a boaj«4ceeper 
an tbe prlndpai cikaiact«ra In tbe play. Tbe 


i « »«iiU enDe ttom CtenlaDd. Oblow 
effect that a new hlppodrame la to be 
in that dtr IwfoK lonC' WIUUib 

■a acebltcet of OeTeUnd. teeeiitljr ipent 
am* taapcetlBff tte New Zork H^po- 
BC glTC OQt tbe Infonutlaa Out U 
the Glereland rcaort would be aaM 
TbampMa * Dnndy's. It Iv Mpoit 
Jebn D. Rockefeller will be iMtmmH 
In the new enterprlae. 


Aaoec otber Important cbanges comes tbe 
saiioaaeemeDt tbat Arnold Daly and Llebler & 
Go. hare acreed to end tbelr contract wbereb; 
tbe former appears onder tbe management of 
tbe latter at tbe Garrick Tbeatre, New Tork 
CII7. It appears that a dlsasreement baa 
been reaebed. thonsh neither Mr. Daly nor Ur. 
Tyler will dlMon tlie matter. It la aaU. bow- 
erer, that tbe mttm aad feli .MMnn « 
not agree npaa tbe flQa tm 1m fCMMaA at 
Ike Oanick. 



J. Fred and Obarlea Zimmerman and Harry 
e. Sommers baTe cnsaged Hertwrt Kelcey and 
Me Shannon for tbe title roles in Tbe Light- 
ning Condaetor. a new ttiree-act comedy, and 
I dramatlxatlon by Horry B. Smltb of C. M. 

and A. U. \rUllamsoa*B stor^ by the same 
aame. Tbe eomedy is to receive Ita premiere 
■ee. Tl. 


Kate Ctaztga began an action In the United 
Jgatw Oheatt Ooart at New lotk City. Oct. 
U._ ijlliwl. F. W, FNctor for the reeorery of 
•U* wM* Ite CUImB to be doe ber as 
leraltM aa Froetofa rmftwlbw uf She Two 
Ot^oaat bl* UStb StiMt «kMIW New 
Tairk Oty. Oct. IX. IflOS. Mta flaitMi claims 
Oit sole right to prodoee tbe piece. 


• Bbaa. the weD-lcnown theatrical 
•* Ctoselan^. Ohio, have reeently 
actions by which the Indeven- 
1 win play their Colcnial Thea- 
— , ^J** Colonial has heretofore 
laeeMea to atock. nie dianse wUl oeces- 

*** * turn wm be 


The parents of Sam 8 
lastltnted snlt agatnet " 

nj Co.. In tbe Halted 

New York City, asklaK 4MMM 

tt ait««ine^Mt nf 

genre r««aUed in tbeT 
risbonr. Pa.. laBt May. 

«■ Oct. 10 

" Ran- 

Tt in 

*• Ite UMmnt 
paB|r% aegil- 
itt •» Bar 

the msnsgement of BenJ. Harrison, who lias 
tbe (Uitlnctloa baring lUrteil tbe Oiat ran- 
derUle boose in Poeblo. Tbe opening audience 
ailed the boose mad applauded warmly erery 
act. Thoae on tbe WU were Chaa. Clillnclone, 
J. K. UcPheraon. Adellab. Jamea Dnnn, 
Baby Lncile and Began aad Morlng 
pictures were also given. 

Manager Louis J. Mlnar. of Aurora. 
Ko., write* as tMammt ' 'VHtow arltb my 
theatre was ao goad kit MMoa that tt Jos- 
tlfled me In e ji t — If lBsn*«Btntn 
and enlarging mr baaae ae tt eoaM eoaltetably 
handle any attiacHoD «■ tbe taad. t bare 
completed Ike «Mk ea the eHwHi, aad am 
lost flniAlH ip mr UMT icHHK wkkh is 

being pain tad ftCM br ImM PHasiI. of 


Carpenters, bricklayers and me- 

duuilca are boallj engaged enlarging and rais- 
ing tbe stage of tbe Broadway Tbeatre, East 
St. Lonia. lU. Whrn the work is completed 
tbe Bmadwar aa aecnaimodete any large show 
to Amcrtea. MCaaia. MliV * Batch deserve 
neat cndit Cor tbelr aatMag aflorts to give 
Baat St. Loola th ta tieguei i a flrst'-dlaaa tbea- 
tre. P. H. HIU is manager of tbe bonse. 
The many friends of W. E. Bowers. 

treasnrer of tbe Coart Tbeatre, Wheeling, W. 
Va., will be sorry to learn that he is conHned 
to the Wheeling City Hospital, having re- 
cently aadergoBe aa opetatlca tor appendicitis: 

Uf wim me 

The lease on the Auditorium Thea- 
tre St Cedar Baplds, la., iiaa expired and Mr. 
Ray w. Fay, who has been settaK la tbe 
capacity of business maaagcr, hwTaad ate- 
eral positions offered bla, kat li 'Ml 'Mds- 
cided wlilcb to accept. 

The Majestic Bulldlns COl of Flnd- 
lay, Ohio, has been perfected, sad the (tellm- 
taary plana have beea asade tawaid the erac- 
tkn tt a aew ikiatM Is tfest dtr* . IMk wUl 
be posbed ae that the nsir Owa&e 
in January. 

The Grand Opera House at Bluffton. 
Ind., was sold at reeelver'a sale, Oct. 14, for 
$16,000. Tbe Union National Loan and Sav- 
Inga Asaodatlon of Indianapolis, wbleb held a 
mortgage en tbe iwoperty. was tbe pnrebaser. 

The staff of the opera house at Den- 

nison. Olilo, la Oca. T. Blias. manager; Mrs. 
Geo. Bliss, tieasorer; Sam'I IfUes. stsge man- 
ager, with three assistants; Ed. Onacan. ■cods.. 
and Ralpb Imob and Bay UlBar, HbeiB. 

Manager Hany Bmlch of the I>a- 

vldsoo Tbeatre. Ft. Scott; Kaa.. has booked a 
large number of good attraettaas tor the sea- 

^n. Kreysors' Orchestra of ten pieces wOl 
again fnmiab the mnslc at this bonse. 

Mr. Otto Wells recently visited Kv- 
ansviUe, Ind., with the view of securing s 
Bite for a new theatre to be erected and 
opened next season. It will be Indaded in 
bla chain of lionses tbrongtaaat tbe soatb. 

Dan McCoy has been appointed 

manager of the Family Tbeatre at Scrantou, 
Pa., by Proprietor Slg Graoman. He has 
caught on favorably vflth tbe pabUe, and seems 
to be tbe right sum la tbe ilgbt place. 

Frank Burt's new theatre at Find- 
lay. Ohio, la to be erected by popolar sab- 
serlptton. Plana bare been i>repaicii. .aad It la 
proposed to bare tbe theatre tead^.^JK' gpts- 

ing about the middle of January. 

Ground has been broken for a'lwir 
tbeatre at Cblllnwood, Ohio. Ferfotmaiiege Id 
Latin will be at least once 



A new operetta recently produced at tbe 
Besiaence Theatre. Dresden, is cteating eonsld- 
wable amusement among Americana in that 
city as the Jlrst two scenes are laid in the arla- 
>omn^^^ tte SSSt^ and tha .third »«— g 


wm C. sites, of Sites * Gilbert, msnascca 
of the two Sites Stock Oo., is eonftiedtaiis 
JpartiDestB at the Windsor Hotel. FaimfSkb 
SlU j^*^ _ Oct eocrcapaadeat tcpoeta 

Blessed be tbe veiMtlli. Ifer tfety Adl al 
ways find wwk! Tbat extremely elerer and 
TetsatUe pair of entertainera. Joseph Hart and 
Carrie DeMar, intimate that they wni soon 
return to vaudeville. In fact, tbe offer of 
tn-enty weeks of "New Xork time" makes their 
i*eclsIon almost assured. They have been hold- 
ing back their tonr of Mamma's Paps, which 
was to have been continued from Inst season, 
untU they were able to feel the pulse of the 
sesson opon the circuits, and they hare al- 
most decided that it will be better to take a 
lay-off from beavy company work tlUs season, 
to exploit themselves in Taadcrille. Aad what 
tbe combination boosea • sfeaS ''Iv^ eaadevllle 
will gain, for Hart aad MSse aw staia in a 
class by CbemselTes. 


The erection of a new opem house 
at Ptttdlsy. Ohlow la now aa asmiiid Ihet. aad 
'',">'*,<»«>• straetare Is ts bagiB at aoce. 
l„r'2.'* P"" 'P FIndlST stoXMdsis, snd 

wUl be controUed by rraafc Bnrt of Toledo. 
Tbt balldings u to be sixty fleet wide and 
one hnndred and' sixty feet la Icagtb. The 
tront of the tbeatre will present a beantlfnl 
!?Sf,'.™"'^' l>»!2g along the Usee of Spanish 
•rcbitrctnre. There will also be s flae dis- 
^^^^°J «>«<trtc Ugbts. The stage wm be 
thlrty.flve by sixty feet. Tbe balcony wOl 
. SS"' bundred and sixty, and the gallery 

n»e bnndred people. The boose win be com- 
PJeied as speedily as poaalble. Among the 
gjfkholders sre S. I.. McKelvy. 0»1. Ohas. R. 
g°"-„Ow- P. Jones, J. A. Kinunel, J. C. 
H^-^'l^^'no. N. Doty. Prank Blackford. J. 
V McOelland, Wm, J. Frey, Cbas. Beick, 
W. E. Crates, L. M. Oaboca and H. B. Msset. 

Mills Brothers of Sodua. N. T.. pro- 
prletnre of the Becord. have bad a hobby for 
mre and now materialising for the handsomest 
joeatre of any town the else of Codua in the 
SUtes. It U of atooe, and wlU seat 
**• ™ bonse wUl be ready for opening 
^•^™c 'n January. The proprietors are 
Mc m the bDsIness for tbe money there Is In 
T^" P'*' '"^ tbm attractions per 
m? «tmctnre wlU cost between (25,000 

{K.J'*;?'*" . heated by ataam and 

Utrd to electricity. Leon H. Lenpert A 
of Bocfaester are tlie atcblteets. 

OtiP'S.BSy Movetty Th— trs mt^^aaibUK 


he is, however, reported to be rapMIr re- 
covering from tbe effects of sao^ la tte 
meantime, his dutiea are being i suited eat 
aaalataat. J oa s p b P. 0UI«i^ 

BMmp at tbe Uajsstlc 
t^ii^ baa ohtataed coo- 
itte. that dtr. aad 
Nov. 27. Tbe 

_ , aader 

tbe esaaagNM - 
lwM«T . tbat aC. 
tlaae to 

During the performsBte «t Biler's 
BIp Van Winkle at Matt bi assa's Opera House, 
BoonvUle, Ind., Oct. 10, a small biaxe. caused 
by crossed electric light wires nesrly started 
a panic. Tlie presence dt smoke near the 
atage aad yeUs «C "Fire" from tbe gallery 
did aase daisagc tbaa tbe blase. Tbe audience 
was quieted by sssarsnees from the sctors. 

Frank G. Parry has been appointed 

manager of the Majestic Tbeatre at Hot 
Springs. Ark., one of the booses operated by 
tbe Inter-state Amusement Co. Mr. Parry Is 
well known as a theatrical man of long ex- 

A call of $2S.O0O has been Issued to 

the stoclcholdera of tbe Lyric Tbeatre prop- 
erty, Baltimore, Md., for improTements to meet 
tbe demands of the bnlldlng i Bsn eel a t a . It Is 
said that unless this amoaat Is t w t h wi M li i g 
this bouse will i>ot be opeaed tbis s eason. 

The Henderson Opera House at Ko- 
komo, Ind., which has not been need as an 
amusement resort for tiiree years waa badly 
damaged by fire Oct. 13. Tbiee oeenpsBta 
were serevely bnrned. and the baaae waa dam- 
aged to tbe estcat of aboat tMOn. 

The Fisehsr aad UldqtM theatres in 

pictiog a driveway . wMhi'll 
greatly adnuied. 

Robert Salters, stage manager of 

tbe Marts Grand at Tipton. Ind., la rapidly 
getting bis new force of aasistants la flae 
working order. 

N. T., baa beea appointed asslstaat aisaaasc' 
' fw^tte nually Tbcatte.lB tfiat. 

John Gumpert. private secretary to- 

Cbas. Frohman. has arranged to have built la 
Beoo, Nev., by next season, a gT5,000 opera 

t ^b** i^sL^'ai-MMMaJ'awt^ 
tora^ dowB .«B' midit ass^.M a>iliiBllBis ■"f; 

It has be«i repeatedhr rOMtrted that- 

the cild Kteyla Tbieatie at Tipton. Ind.. Is ts- 
be remodeled and opened as a vandevlUe boose. 

Louis J. Kramer has resigned after' 
a four yeara' maaageasent of tbe opera bouse 

at Mltsdrr ia.vHli;ssc(cMor to F. U Waif. 
B. B. Sweet, who last year resigned. 

after a tbirty-flve years' management at Hie 
Colllngswood Opera Honse at Pongbkecpsle, 

In a Are that destroyed the greater-, 
portion of Carlton, Ulno.. Oct. 7. the opera 
bouse at that place was homed down. 

The new Oem Theatre^, .ConnelL 

It is reported that \ik^ 
will have a new tbeatse 
before next seasoa. 

The bnUdinc of a ; 

Of tte 

er Xsit 

The patrons of DowUng'a Theatre, 
Loganspoit, Ind., wUl bav* tbo plt asu i e of 
seeing some of tbe llnast attmcHtaa aa tte 
road this season, thanks te tt* M» ettarts aC 
Manager Jno. E. Dorrllng. 

These columns recently gave the 
Christian name of Manager Middleton of the 
Grand Opera House, Brooklyn. N. T.. as 
George. It should have been M. T. 

The New Jefferson Theatre at Go- 
shen. Ind., will open Nov. 6 with Blcbard 
MansHeld in Tbe (Merchant or Venice. SeaU 
are selling at live and ten dollars each for tbe 
opening performance. 

The EUcs of HuntavUle. AJa., have 
antliDrlxed their coatiaetois to pi o ee ed at saee 
upon a new $75,000 opera heaae aad lodge 
iHiUdlng, according ta plaaa aad firrpl i r a tlime 
already prepared. 

It Is reported tbat Oeorge Cthennell. 
wdl kaawB la bnipeatlBS ilislsi aad who aaa> 
tails the opera hoaw la .TtesMlnw, OMst . la 
piaaalas tolraet a wsw jdMIt igftiew la 

tbat dty. 

A very friendly feeling exists be- 
tween the employees of the Kraemcr Qraad 
St Elwood and the Mtrti Orasd at Tipton, 
Ind. These lioiisca frcqnenUy excbaagc coar- 

bat plana have ap p a iently Called ta isatadallse. 

The Victory Theatre of San Jose is 
now cootnUed by tbe Belle Xhestre Oo.. and 
Sam. Harris Is resident manager. Hlgb-dasa 
vsodevUle and successful ttuslness prevalla. 

Both MoundsvUIe and Bridgeport, 
subuitis of Wheeling. W. Vs.. will shortly 
Iwast of a new vanderllle boose. Tbe Jsbn 
Amusement On. is promoting both bonsea. 

A. Uater of Newton and Grinnel. la., 
baa porAased tbe opera faooae at Kellog. He 
win bosk about two attraetlflaa a meath. so 
as to assnie good tmslnesi. 

The new _asb sa t oa curtain In tha 

Omer J. Kenyon, advance represen- 
tative of the Kerkboff-Hlllman Co., writes: 
tVe are now In onr seventh week In this ter- 
ritory (KsDsas and Nebraska), and bDslness 
continnes to be great. Tbe S. a. o. sign baa 
t>een used many times, and the outlook ia tbat 
we are just tieglunlng one of tlie l>est sea- 
sons of tbe eight which this company baa beea 
In existence. Miss Nellie KcrfctaoK aad r. P- 
UUlman are receiving aomc spleadld PfCSa DO- 
tlces. Onr restore bills are Or. Mvn aad- 
Mr. Hyde^ a»l The.^ ■taaiii Mlsa^ ■ We.' 

productions." * ' ^, 

Chas. B. Hanford'iji?!^ 
pearlng this season In OU 
SLrew, Merchant of Venice Uld 
cludrs Frank Hennig, Thomas F. 
Caryl Glllin, Alexander MacKcoxle. 
Kline, Andrew H. Toomba, Otto Niemeyer, Fred- 
erick W. Balnes. William O'ConneU. Heniy 
Jabniwn. F. Lawrence Walker. Otto F. Sell- 
hausen, William Sheffer, M. T. Bear, Bobert 
Onen. Thomas Nasli. Edward Irving. 
Drofnah, BUtheryn Both, Blanche ~ 
Helen Baymond and Beatrice Hunter. 

•During the third act of The Girl of 
tbe Golden Weat at the Belaseo Theatre. Pltta- 
burg. Pa.. Oct. 14. the overiomlng of an old 
fashioned oil lamp Ignited a rag used on tbe^ 
stage. Bobert Billiard threw the lamp from 
the stage and stamped out the Ore. Tbe au- 
dience set up a Hpple of excitement which 
was quelled by Miss Bates stepping to tbe 
footlights snd asking ttiat every light in the- 
theatre be torned on. This illomination brooght 
ease to the spectators, and the love scene be- 
tween Miss Bates and Mr. BllUsrd proceeded. 

The roster of the A>r.G«ntl«aaiii: 

Bnrglsr Co., wUdi opened Oct. T;- at aifl^ ' 
ni.. ia aa follows: B. A. BarrlivtaB. maa- 
seer; Bex Leslie Kingdom. Edmond BaftstC 
Thomoa Jelferaon Hardy. Joe H. Lee. Tbbi 
Conrad. George Goodwin, Claode Morris, Cbss. 
Tarling, Baby Sladya, LUIlan llontioae. Lottie- 
Olenmore, Boel Jordan and Beatrice Barring- 
ton. The eesspan la booked over tba Btalt * 
HavUa and- the Qiemwall dKiltik-: 

X>. A. Hellman, acent :«C - tfia^-^Vta':- 
Stoek Col. writes: "1m the past t«i» vmIs g 
we have bNkM two hoase reeoida. mTom^., 
vUle. Kj„ wo Isi aid people away heflM W.' 
At BasMw Omsb evctr ssat tt tto 

^SSSt iSSr^t^ Marie* OUmmf Is be- 
coming a great favorite In Kentucky." 

Fred. Ijeslte Merrit, business man- 
ager for the A Child of the wnderoesa Oo.. 
writes that tmsineas ts good In Kansas. Fol- 
lowing la their roster: Win H. Hughes, man- 
ager: Fred L. Merrit. tinsiness manager: V. 
MltcheU. leada; Mrs. Mitchell, leading lady; 
Homer Little, stage manager; H. Oolltais. dee- 
triclan: Gladys Orcutt, Fay Love, Ada Watt, 
Willis Bonn snd The Campbells. 

Robt. Mantell and his "large com- 
pany bare been doing great business Ibiougb 
tbe weat. Be 1* appearing In Macbeth. King- 
Rlebard III., aad Klaig Cools, and canlas tbrae- 

ears of spsrtal aeeaa " . 

nr.- 7. H. ISM* la 

reports concerning '-to?' 

between Nat Oeednte asd 

iae BDIett aie asate «■. tan. H asetet . It WB.- 
be plea^ aC Has. taiJlMM . that jiMir^wtaay 
Nat nd Matte :flMMr^.:J*safe->S|e\:tt». 

Geor^ Ade bsis purchased at bis 
old home town. Kentland, Ind.. a beantlfnl 
t«.Oao reaUeoee which he wm ttialah tbsouh- 
ont aad s i a wst tt Mo.agrt tttttg.gaa- .tt itt w 
as a gift. 

Chas. A. Koster has closed as ad- 
vance agent of Tbe Millionaire Tramp Oo., to- 
enter tbe boapltal at Oolombaa. Ohio, fee tnat- 
nwBb a.. !■. 9knlsr baa goaa ahead a( the- 

UUie Majr White writes that 
has doaed with the Vie Bin Blether's 
Co., sod win rest eatn after the holldan. 
she goea oot with oac of ber own pUysL 


OCTOBER 28, 1905. 


ERE beslnn«th.Oi|ir 

, _ , . mm in Timmwy Ban anlTCd la 

; lb* laaorlal Bod will now bare 
.. OB talW >t tiw thMiSM. 

n* «alk«at »t tttw mua' XtatK had tb* 

, Bt of flie cold In his bead calli It Bad and 
'■abciliad at tbe HadsoD. 

But Uan and Sapennan temalns Mew York's 
one- beat thMtHeu feet, notwitbataBdinc. 

Joseph '.'But'- 'aaA Ctail»;~'IMlBr : ai« bOled 
above unin Bndl mt Fnctdrt -nNBlr-tblid 


The Qneenlr UllUn. when /MkM .Vaboiit It^ 
■aid: '*Aak aiiTtlUiie of me bat al eat aw 
Inler $3,000 per week salary." 

HappTlaod landed: Wandetlmd Is iniminy 
TltHMonowIand didn't land. Woodland was. tbe 
cause of It an. For the lands' sake! 
, The **M jst eih ma Mr; Baffles" la gobuc Into 
. .Tandenile tU IoIm Babr. Ob. bat to And "tbe 
: jjoet^caoifcr. Boss."^ 'Wbat.a cud be'd be.. 

Klaw & Erianger will present their 
•BDOal DmrT' Lane spectacle somewhat earlier 
Ibia season than QsaaL The premiere will 
•ccor afooday crenlns, the SOth Inst., at the 
' Jtor •. iMsNWIsin Theatre. Tbclr otBsrins 
i:<Ug«fMr<irfa be called Tbe White Oat. The 
"me« and eHecta aie n we e used at 
l4Hidoo, lest Gbrlstnas, lb a on- 
le asne title. \As usual, tteae will 
eiilr'tie ntiUced a* tbe backgraoiid to a new 
book bT Barrr B. Sndth. the AmeriesB libret- 
tist. Di>w moslcal featntee aad: lODca tj wn- 
Itam Jerome and Jean S ebs r arU. and a new 
score by I4idw1|r Engtander. As In past sea- 
sons. Klaw ft Erlanser 'ntlll spend tSO.OOO In 

aevr scenetr. coatnmes and effects, and In 
translat in g- the pcodnctlon to the American 
^ Over stx bnndreil people nrlll be em- 
in presentfns the extrsTaganza. The 
PTfnrtpile aad tbe parts tbe; wUl play 

Hardtack, ttie'-niealbf 'KInr of Ma- 
laria Wm. T. Hodce 

PecTleaa. Ills son Maode Lamhert 

Plump, his son Herbert Corthell 

ParaRon. his »on Edgar Atchlaon Bfr 

f. Princess ChlffoD, the King's ward.... 

Edith St. Clalr 

Simeon, the Missing Link Hash J. Ward . 

- KetbttMeltaa,. a veteran fairy Wm. La cart 

.ne.'fUry Fortnae ....Henrietta Cropper 
. : »csle^ a wlebed fttey.Hei ttet Woct li l n«ton 

ir 'iastat- cancltor ' '.;:.7r..;-..Bdn' Xethrop 

, Pbpalo. courtier . .Monte Elmo 

The blir iMllct restores this year are Tbe 

' , Bldiaiited Orchard, at tbe end . of the. first 
act; Tbe Triumph of Bjmta.,ae'ttm 'Wt 
<«jrathm>. at tbe aad aC nil 
Chrbrtaas of AH KatlonB, at 

■ Obd. BbA of ttese feataree 

Anrtmdicd people. In Ite- ■bAuM-'fte^ 
aa the ftoUs wm be ~ ~ ~ 

_T» niw i lr «.-tew aooa -worda of a man. 
Mile to aUB Usee is: t» de mora rood thaa to 
write pacH ot enlenr tbe Oaj after f dleai 

To my mind Its wen worth wbllc te.ab'C 
Udty to thla nnsoUdted cndorscncat'-.eC. ~ 

Band fay a manager of tblrtr yeeaaff ' 

enre. Ceo. N. Lsenlc, acaml ^SPHfltr oC 
Wen's tonr. has abliau . Me 1MB bimi" XlUlU 

L. A. o. Sboatr maaafer'Af-tta BUaCb Ogen 

Ronae. Paris. 111.: 

"My Dear Sir: I baye been In the opera 
house msnagement for over thirty years, and 
T think I am a IndEe of good mnsle when I 
bear It. Well's Band Is a Krest one, and gare 
nnnsnal Batlafactlon faetv In two concerts on 
Satnrday. I consider it the peer of any In 
. ttU eoontiT or Entope, and I have played both. 
. -Ibe oaly regret I hare to make Is. that this 
. . csnuannttx did not realise beforehand how 
7 2^. gnat the band la. I worked hard for 
v:.'lMl»;'aascsaa. ~ The next time people here will 
: ^taa«r'wlHit WWa Band la, and my theatre 
;~llt ast bi lein ianesb ~ 

•-■ ; For the week of Oct 23 calls for the 
v; cnstemary s p len dM- eatertalnment tor which 
i'r **tte NHTtec oC Taade«IlV>.ls famoos. The top- 
^' StmiJ^ tirt^lf^ with their 

Ike: aasaasnent will be fmUtt^ Ed!'l*° 
^' -elaa and Xtnian Waltone. Chas. Besnah and 
.:'.:aUU. Miner, the Metropolitan Ladles Qoartet. 

Jeanne Azdetle * Co., the Clarence Slaters, Ceo. 
■■ B. Alexander. Clltrord and Hall. Ed. B. and 
' . BoHa White. Tlola Jerome and Belle Mor- 
. . ilBDB. tte Saxarfs. tbe Stanleys, and Wm. La 
iBene^. The. yttagtaph is contlnaed as the mo- 
■--'-i^:.:]igwijgt:jwrtte».v:a^^^^^ " 


Dorothy Kenton, the girl -with the 
banjo, has jnst retnmed to America from a 

■ tidampliant trip abroad, where she had been 
pIsylsK all the thestres and mnsic bans. She 
was compelled to return to these shores to nil 
enpBcementa made here prior to her salllm; to 
Rarope last year. It was thla same manipulator 
of melodies on the hanjo who Introdneed Alj« 
Holsmann's Tankee Grit, march in Europe, 
where It is now belnsr played by some of the 
most prominent bands and orchestras. Miss 
Kcatso has Tory food hwAlos for tbe sea- 

. nm. and she starts ber first week orer the 
Pmeter Cbealt next week. Tankee Grit belas 
tbe iMtaw aC tar act. 


JOtk. VmnlM, tb» viterprtefiie and ac- 
tlee matcni amnawntnt nagnate, la In Mew 
Tock for a few weeks arranging the details 
of some oC bla many theatrical Intereata. He 
Is Jnbtlant. just at this time, over his recent 
sncceas In running to earth and landing In 
prison some of the several people who are 

actlrely engaged In presenting other people's 
proper^ for pnlillc patronage without the con- 
sent of the owners thereof. This is technically 
known as "Play Piracy," bat Manager Ferris 
has a stnnger name tat It, wblch need not 
be IneorpocateA hm, Ua - ettaa daF> ' In an 
Interview with Hr. IleBAi^ to gat* M these 

"I presume It wonld be of Interest to your 
resders to know of tbe first esse of which there 
Is any record. In whldi there has been a prose- 
cntlon nnder Section 40d6 of tbe Bevlsed Stat- 
ntes, aisking It m misdemeanor for piracy. The 
~ Co., Jkaiea U. Glass, manager. Win 

iSlatk baalasaa msnsaer, have been pioduc- 
■r'lHX «( *Ww Dam Wcat, wblcb bas 
B oOr cenritghtcd, and attar b»big Ignmcd 


repeated wamlnga I aWatnaJ a wanaat fteoi 

United States Co tolMISf . ■ W.' 9. Bobetta, 

Of Keokuk, la., before wtaB tktr tod a toar- 
ing Sept. 25. Tbe matter was. gone Into at 
considerable length, the defendants claiming 
that while they were uslnjr the title and ac- 
knowledged a great similarity In the plot of 
their play to mine, that they were within 
their rights; but the evidence showed that they 
had simply changed the names of the char- 
acters, transposed some of the scenes and lines, 
so the Commissioner bound them over the United 
States Conrt. which convenes Oct. 24. at Keo- 
kuk, la., under bond o{ (300 each, wblcb they 
were nnable to furnish, snd were therefore 
taken to Jail where they will remain until tbe 
term ot .coort, ; TUa Iwarlna task . piace In 
Ottnnnra. Ia_ ' ..«fean .' Otimmlamt . Boberts 
came to act I In: '. tto. abaanee of Com,' . F. h. 
Hnnter, <wto waa - <ail|: aC;>lto'-;tfi|r.'* . 

Th^re seems to be no reason to 
doubt the likelihood of DeWolf Hopper's stay- 
ing at tbe I^tlc Tbeatre all winter. Happy- 
Isnd Is eae of tte best cntertalmncnta In New 
Tort^. aaa terito beat aoaleal enter- 
talBBCBt 'at tto ' aaaana;' "ReOetlck; BanUn bas 
written en Inteicstlac - and deter book - and 
there are many tonefnl imiAben In tto DaEaicn 
score. Tbe ideee Is In two acta, and tto coa. 
tnmes are exceedingly beautiful. .whUe - tbe 
scenery and light effects constltote an at- 
tractive series of stage pictures. Hopper la 
bappHy cast, and makes his customary good 
use of every opportrmlty afforded him. Tbe 
artistic hit of the piece, however, falls to 
Marguerite Clark, a winsome little creature, 
so small that she seems but a doll- beside the 
ponderous Hopper. Her voice is marvelunsly 
strong, when one considers her diminutive 
size. She has. In 'Twas the Rose, the prettiest 
nnmber In the piece, and she also slnfcs several 
Other numbers with- tnnefnl effect. She Is as 
OdDt^^aa r Ae :*> dlj^aBt l»aw..^^,Jaay^aii^e 

WUt casUca «(C 
and' 'Ada Beavea s c ores 
ber a r c uit aM e i l - l a iifliIng aoeeesa In tto Udeons 
ihsisilil liaa'aaalllKd to her. Tbe other prln- 
dpalB axe CTcmr matched in ability, without 
aay oae oC- toess • bei ng conspicuous for derer- 
neaa. Tbn men and vnnnen of tbe chorus show 
some good voices, and tbe ensemble pictures 
are, many of them, exceedingly attractive. 
Taken altogether, Happyland Is a happy com- 
Unatton of mirth and music. Hopper and Miss 
and an agreeable entertainment an 


Robert E. Fargo, manager of Mme. 
Cidgrave's beaotlfnl horse and dog act, came 
ta_pMja^n'i^^^nA.,J(aa^eiiati at The 

,._ _ here arrang- 
ing tto eaatna TandefOle bookings ot Cot- 
grove's spedaliy, and bas beoind tte act In 
the best theatres of tbe east. V' nwaiice H. 
Bauer, general press representatlTe ot 4te Carl 
Hagenbeck Ttalaed Animal Show, waa another 
welcome caBer at tbe New Tork oOce of The 
Billboard during tbe past week. Mr. Bauer Is 
tnaklnj; a general tour ot the big dtles In 
this spctlon In tbe Interest of bis attracUon. 
but refuses to divulge "what's doing." Dick 
Ferris aborteued bis stay In New Tork to less 
than a fortnight, havlog been called west 
again on Saturday to attend to some important 
business Interests In Minneapolis. He tells me 
that be win soon begin tbe erection of a 
tbeatre In the Flour City, in wblch he will 
araln establish bis dramatle stock company. 
Rls atorr ot bow easy it ia te a OMVppMr af 
tbeatre Interests la one cttr to atot 'oat any- 
body whom tbcr^ rh ees, Is .falctestlar* Bat to 
attempting the "fteeas sat" same with Fer- 
ris the reigning fbelHi k HlaneapoUs tbest 
ricals reckoned wlthoat -Us energy and busi- 
ness sagacity, snd now onmes tbe tug of war. 
Stm another welcome caller at this oflice dnr- 
Ine the j»st week wss. "Auntie" Bessie Lea 
LIstlna. the youncest character woman In show 
bnslness. Mrs. Llstlna Is tskinc a brief rest 
after seversl years of summer and winter work 
bi stock companies, bnt will soon tesame tor 
life apoa tte atage. 


Monday evenlngf. Oct- 30. Kla-w & 
Erlaneer win present st the Broadway Theatre 
neorire" Bdwsrdes' company from the Apollo 
Theatre. Loudon, in the most successful musical 
production ever presented in that city. Vero- 
niqoe. wlilch ran for over Ave hundred niebtn. 
Mr. Edwardes and the composer. Andre Mes- 
sairer. will come over to be present at the flrst 
night. The great cast of English principals 

Inrlndes Rntb Vincent, Lena Mnltlanil. Vall! 

Valll, Deborah Volar, Agnes Vincent. John Le 
Hay, lAwrenee Bea. Aubrey PItxgerald, Balph 
MBbB, Mbm Hakalaw and Jamca Giaat. 

That splendid actress, Mme. Ma- 
tbUde CottreUy, has added to ber long list of 
personal triumphs npon tbe stage, for she Is 
tbe hit ot Her Great Match, which Maxloe 
Elliott Is sUrrlng.ln at the Criterion. The 
large and fashionable audiences ate giving to 
Mme. Oottrelly the homage of sinecre and en- 
tbnsiastle apidanae which ber artlstle work so 
Justly entltica ber to. As fttr Ulss Blllott, she 
Is dtted with a rale wUA calls tor tto most 
aypittotle aai drikatt tMaiaaBt. tat ato 
nlla to euatluue aa Impartial onlooker. Ber 
great beaatr la Oown to aUUac advantage In 
tbe eesp u nes ber role calls for, bat the char- 
acter wblcb aba taterpreta demands a greater 
actress than Ulss Blllott seems to be. She 
lends none of tbe conylnelng cbarm of girlish 
lore wblcb one would expect; she acts with a 
reserve which- dispells sny Illusion that stage- 
craft might set up. for the observer seems to 
realize that Miss Elliott Is always Miss Bl- 
llott, the beautiful, and no one else. Madge 
GUderstone oflTers a most effective demonstra- 
tion of artistic conception ot her trjlng role. 
She acts with an amaslng amount of trutb- 
fulness; she lends a forcefol Impression of the 
sort of woman aue is supposed to be, and car- 
ries conviction of motive with every move sto 
makes. Nellie Thorn ^ves a dalntr and ar- 
tistic turn to the role she enacts; and Leoa 
Quartermaine displays nracb devaraess. Mlas 
EUIott'a leadbig man. (Au. Ctoity, nwres 
Umsdt a adendld aeter, and aa tte Ocown 
Prince Adol^ convey a an Imprtssloa ot conrtly 
besTlBg aad dignity wbieh «rc plebeians might 
soppoae woold obtain la tto drdes where to 
la aap poaad to more. In Bar Great Hatch 
Clyde Fltcb bas almost written a melodrama, 
still the Criterion audiences enthuse almost as 
spasmodically as though they were viewing 
one of ttoir well beloved society plays. 



The pieaence of -IJUian Russell as 

the feature ot toa tdll at Proctor's Twenty- 
third street eontlnnes to constitute a potent 
factor in tbe attendance there. Miss Russell 
enters her third wpek as the over-topping ele- 
ment of strength in a bill wblch also names 
among Its featm'es Marcel's Living Art Stud- 
ies. Canfleld and Carleton, tbe Three Toscarrys, 
Walter C. Kelly, Leo Nino, and Larkln snd 
Patterson. Vaudeville at the Plfty-elghth 
Street presents Harry Tate's Motoring as Its 
feature. Others In the bill for Oct. 23 snd 
weet are Rice and Cohan. Emma Cams, Guyer 
and O'Neill, Murray and Lane, the Vernon 
Troupe, Hacker and Lester. Mile. Clesso, and 
Cooper and Robinson. The "all star" stock 
compsny, at tto Flttb. Avcnnc awlnga into the 
classic drama far tto week of Oct, SS, pre- 
wntlng Tbe School tor Saaadal wtto Amelia 
Blngtom as LadT Vtaidak' laatoOa Evesson 
will play tto role at thiea otr.tto ala matinees, 
and Miss Blagbaaa wm . appear every night. 

Charles Rlchman win be tbe Sir CbaHes Snr- 
face. Cp at ibe One Hiudred and Twenty- 
ilftb street. The Climbers wOI be tbe stock 
company bill wltb Jessie BonstelL Beatrice Mor- 
gan, Paul McAllister, William J, Kelley, and 
.Tames E. Wilson in the leading ehsrscters. 
The bnslness at Proctor's Harlem Theatre is 
something wonderful to .contemplate, packed 
houses ruling at every performance. At the 
PIfty-elgbtb Street business Is ' not good: at 
the Ftflh Avaate It Is pwd sad at tto Twenty- 
third Kreet Ite atteadaaee Is cNdleat. 

Sroee apaln for the music publishing 
fratemly. During the past few weeks New 
Tork and aB of its environments has been In a 
state of toment 1>ecanse one of our sensational 
newspapers bad turned loose a man with a 
prlre npon bis bead. Tto tto'petsMi wto could 
plcfk blm out npon tto sbaet and address bim 
in a certato stated maaaer' gMO was tbe re- 
ward. Bv<RTbo4to wto was a xaadcr at this 
certain'' |MMv--'^nwdlatdF togan to tonL 
Crowds asaemUrd to tto loeaHllaa where to 
wss dally adrerttaed to^ to; for |rit pletnraa 
were printed, his deseriptisa alvaB, aad tbe 
papers cave each day tbe loeanais where be 
wonld disport bimselt. Tte exclteqient was 

really exceptionable, and tlie affair waa tbe 
talk of the town. On Wednesday of last week 
The Mysterious Mr. Baflles was billed for ap- 
nearances In tbe vicinity of Madison Square. 
On that day Abe Holtzman left bis dirXc at 
TiCO Feist's and wandered forth to lunch. Hast- 
ily devouring a plate of beef and beans he re- 
solved to devote the rest of his lunch-time to 
the searrb for Raffles. And be succeeded In 
landing his man. He came npon blm at the 
comer of Twenty-eight street and BToadwa.v. 
gave blm tbe proper bailing salnte and Is now 
aaOO to tto good tbeiebr. Ttere aeems nothing 
nonsnsl ttot Baitaaun at Mstfs staff sbonid 
succeed In Us detemlnatton. tor It Is sa ad- 
vertised fact that "Ton Can't do Wknw Wltb 
a Feist Song" — and Holtzman wrttiea ttcm. 


Only the very bint aets, that bave 

scored remarkable bits with tte audSences. are 
ever beld over for more than one week at 
Keith's; therefore. It Is the highest compliment 
to the Agoust Family snd to Cresa.v and Dayne 
that they are continued as headUners for the 
week of Oct. 23 at the Union Square Tbeatre. 
But the Agoust Family are still the peers of 
any pantomlmlsts snd Jugglers ever Imported 
from Europe, and their visits to this co unt ry 
nre so infrequent tbat an extenilon af their 
Xew York engagement is very welcome: while 
will M. Cressy has a whole repertoire of orig- 
inal character sketches, so cleverly presented 
hr himself and dainty Blanche Dayne that. like 
Shakespeare, be "never repeats." The rest of 
the Mil Is new. and tndndes tbe favorite min- 
strel taoaologlat, Iiew Solly, In "roeal and 
oratorical dls luttou ee a" } Snyder and Bnekley, 
Arthur Bnaal aad Baale Heeara te their aero- 
batle comedr, entitled WlMUT_Wai«gIeaj Grace 
Jarkano, tte Great IdShmi, ITIflmii BMton. 
Corhtey and Bnrke. Benier and Bta wa . and 
the klnetograpb, with current evento aad teal- 
life comedv In tnovlng pictures. 


Few men In modem mlstrelBy Imow 

more abont applause and encores ttaa genial 
"Doe" Onlgley. manager of tbe RKSt Al. O. 
Field MInstrelff. for as performer and man- 
•eer he baa beard the noise of popnlar aimroval 
for more .vears than one. When be spenks up. 
let us listen; and here Is what he writes to 
me npon the snblect: "It Is meet ttot an andl- 

an apptobatlon, spontaneous sppreclatloB 
rather than an insatiate dealie tor more, ao 
encore Jndlclonsly expressed Is an lacenttve 
to the performer, and establishes a symptthetle 
cord between himself snd his ' auditor. But I 
have seen encores whose sound reverberated 
empty minds. There are encores for the sake 
of encores. I bave known one man to clap UU 
handa and tbe wbote honae tate np tte noise 
and ainland tte aetar'. to tte akias In tbs 
face ot^a toet tbat tte whato teaw tan 


Friends of Grace Cameron, the 

handsome American singer, are rejoicing In the 
success she scored In tar away South Africa 
with tbe beginning of the paat week. Cable- 
grams came to New York on Tuesday momlDg 
telling of her succesaful opening at the Em- 
pire Theatre. Johannesburg, South Africa, on 
Monday nigbt, Oct. 16. Sbe scored the big- 
gest bit ever made by any singer in tbe 
Transvaal, and has baaa oOtMd aU tte tfane 
she wants in Santo 'AUm^-Wbt. wtU, tewcver. 
remain tot alx weete la JSatonnaabnrg and alx 
weeto to Capetown, tor ato bas contraeta ftir 
appcaxaacca to London vaudeville which caa 
not te changed. Ulss Cameron, who is slagtag 
American aonga ezclnaively, will be beat te- 
tBM>iwi«a for ber artistic work and immediate 
to PUT, Palt, Font. Sbe wlU return 
to a— f*** to aboat als aamtte and win. tnna 
' ' " - ""eaaae a Mat to har earn 


From Sasrlnaw, Mich., has come 

John M. Ward, to saceeed Henry PlUpatrlck 
as bosinesB manager ot tbe American Theatre. 
Mr. Ward has long been prominent in popular- 
priced theatricals, teving managed several 
road attraetlous ot bis own, beside acting aa 
manager of a nnmber of prosperons theatres. 
He waa for a long time manager ot the AI- 
bamhra Tbeatre. in Chicago, aad resigned tte 
management ot tbe Academy of Music in Sag- 
inaw, " ' "^^ * 

control — _ — 

seleednc a OMa a* Mfc wwani - - — . 
and tnaDan ansacRir' to aalda Ito dMdnlta at 
their successful tbeatre. 

to come to bis aew paaltlaB at tto.Ami^ 
Stair * Havlln api Ktoi C, BiW^Wto 
>1 tto Aaietlcaa; tena ' dteaaa wMr a 


Where wax reproductions of .famous 
men have held chief sway. Henry Lee will 
now add Ms owb Impersonatlona ot great mes, 
past and present, for on Monday evening, Oct. 

23, he opens for an Indeflnlte fn^agement at 
the Eden Mosee. This resort baa, heretofore, 
held public attention as a resort where the 
studious and inquisitive might Idle away their 
evenings or afternoons, the most exciting ele- 
ment In ttelr entertainment being motion pic- 
tures. Kow, however, wUh Heniy Lee as lia 
leadbig attiaetlott. tt will aatar mafe aloadr 
Into coaapetlthm wlto theatrea of tte vandc- 
Tllle kind. Tbla. ot coarse, taking It tor 
granted ttot Benij Lee^makes good. 


George E. 'WaHen, general treasurer 
of tte F. F. Proctor Enterprises, who bas been 
working for several weeks npon the programme, 
has Anally completed bis share of the work 
in preparation for the concert to te given In 
aid ot Charity by St. Ceclle Lodge, A. P. * 
A. M., of which he Is an active member. St. 
Cecile's Is' tbe "theatrical" lodge of New York 
City Masonry, and bas ranlled npon IM taUela 
of membership scares oC ganaatoent t h a aWeal 
peoole to an departmcoto. ot too geoaMsisa. 
nie ObsHtr Csiaeect to .to .to si*aa at Cte- 
na^^^ya^ O B todg^y^li|;^.-jMS^^ i r^^ 

js' nBOT' vnzuw jumibbi 

The Alharabra will have for its lead- 
ing vaudeville feature, wetit of Oct. 23-2S 
Johnnie Hyams and Leila Metotyre. In the 
bill. also, will appear Clarice Vance, George 
Wilson, Macarte dogs and monkeys, Bnrke aol 
Lallue, TotO, and the Kloss Sisters. The Co- 
lonial will have Jsmea T. Powers, bla detet 
In latter-day vaudeville, as Its teatnre, ottal 
leaders being Jo«epblne Cohan St Oo., lYfd. 

Nlblo. and Booney and Bent 


For the week of Oct. 23-28 will In- 
clade Famine HaU, Alda everton Walker, Hai- 

He MclB toali, and tor Atoirta lwi 

^manTn the 

OCTOBER 28, 1905. 




N THE fiuse of tmnudoua patron 

IN TtUS aun OK tmoswiwiua i»i 
tn, and • Mmt adranee nle, th 
iniiimit of Mr. VATenhain in Tbe 8 

the en- 

, Sqiiaw- 

if.«. WW tMltraed to one week. Tbe Squaw. 
11.11 wtn take the place of In a Btabop'a Car- 
riuw tt WaUack's. New -Tork, thU week, 
ne BMiiip'B Oarrlage will come to the Powen'. 
ttf « long ttoTf, tmt It Is afflrmed that when 
The Sqaaw-Man heard The Girl From tbe Ool- 
den West was to arrlTe In New York, at Be- 
Uaco'a Tbeatre. Oct. 80. nothlns eonld keep 
him from •peedlnc back to Broadwar. At lU 
eTents, Chicago most needs wait till a conre- 
Dlent season hetore It can see more of Mr. 
FaTersham In bis ezeeUeot creation. In cot- 
erioK tbe matter, a momlns 'dally says: "Tbe 
Eioral of this abonld be that Chicago ongbt to 
bold op Its bead, crad Its heels together and 
letine to be dominated by Broadway." 
CUeaao Itked The Sqnaw-Mao. It would 
— u t, tbe capMltr of 


R. C. Carton's Lord and Lady Algry 
wu presented in capital fashion by tbe Play- 
en stock Co. in tbe Bosh Temple Theatre last 
veeb. Tbe play requires a Isr^ cast, and the 
entire force of tbe organization was repre- 
■ented on the bill. Oeorge Alison and Ade- 
laide Kelm played tbe leading roles most ac- 
ceptably, the ford Algy oC tbe former being 
one of tbe beat of his etrorts since Joining 
tbe Players* Stock. Howard Hickman, Morris 
UcHngb and C. MUford OrllDn are others who 
gave an excellent accmmt of tliemselTeo In 
Importaot nle*. The bill wan pactlenlsriy In- 
tetestlng thmagh the Snt appearance of tbe 
anapuy'o aoir mober. Alfred HoUlngsworth. 
a cfeataoMr actv. Hr* H o Hlnga worlb. was cast 
II Uic Soke ot SnDCboroaKb, Alcr's tether. 
Be recently dosed with tbe Bobert aiantell 
compnny In Omaha to accept tbe position of 
character actor with tbe Players* Stock. Mr. 

HoUlngsworth li eoupetmt , and dmr. 
Chicago welcomed Eddie Foy Mon- 

dv allllt. 16. In tme Chicago fashion. When 
lb. Iw made hlo (PMaraiiee a* Jim Cheese In 

at tb* Oiand be was 

, . Ml-BlMtea imtll forced 

to make a aptceb. tt was Ua flrat appear- 
ance since be tried to cbeek the ataaapcde 
daring the Icoqnols disaster. In rcanonae to 
bis welcome be said: "I thank yoo ftom the 
bottom of my heart, and I can only aay that 
I hope yoo will like Jim Cheese and bla dogs." 
At tbe close of tbe Brat act there was an 
Inilstent curtain call, and when tbe comedian 
tried to disappear some one held tbe cur- 
tain fast ao that be coald not escape. As 
there was no other way ont of It he made a 
•econd effort at speech-making. "I am not 
mocb of a public speaker," be declared, baah- 
fnlly, "but I want to tbask yon again. I 
was Tery nerrona mioa wr appaaianeo here, 
ud now I can say tfiat Ittt me happiest mo- 
~" — ' of my life." 


Dan Pishell, 


BIO om 

In a breezy letter. 

Bays: "Tlje GoMpn Weat haa been conquered 
by the mluhty Bammn A Bailey Show. Tbe 
tour baa been a great trlamph — a eontlnDons 
oration — and the papers of tbe coast bare been 
onanlmoaa in proclaiming tbe big thing *Tbe 
taj^ nesleat on earth.* We close Oct. 28 In 
Utua Rock, Ark., onr leiBon belni; somewhat 
^ by the fever conditions In tbe aontb." 

I baa made a great record for Mmielf with 
■ aia . I - - 


^Klchard Mansfield's engagement at 
tbe Onnd at the end of thia month Is for one 

week only. Both be and Mr. Hamltn aoogbt 
2*.f*tend it, but managera In California wbo 
MdcsntRcts for Mr. ManaOeld-s appearancea 
imaM to entertain any proposition for can- 
S!?^ or postponement. HoweTer, Mans- 
■udwfflMtnB bat* In the aprlns. Mi. Mans- 


rJ^S"^?^ George W. Lederer of the 

oohmial Theatre annooncea a cbanga In tb* 
«^)> the orltUiU aataienaBt of 

Oeorge M. Cohan's Forty-dire iSraMi Fmn 

ST^ST'U'**. extended. At the eloae of 

me Fay Templelon engagement, Tbe Bam Tree, 
wth Mclntyre and Beatb. wUlJamp direct to 
Wcago and to the CoIonUI. .lit feaillab «t- 
hanannaa. The OrvbM. fAI-'fl^dMrA* Hba 


Blalrs, Josle and Larrie, have 
n.»S' P'*^ bonding, comer Ogden 

ffliUSf**"*" •»•«'», Chicago, and at an ad- 
Siyw' ot about tM.OOO have remod- 
"eo It into one of the handsomest little thea- 
In the west. They will put on only hlgh- 
OaHL polite TsudeTllle act«, no they expect 
m .•"'oelpslly to the better elaas fam- 
tf^tbe West Side, inie taaa%» wlU open 


The Pink Hussars is a fresh, ex- 
wnratlng draught of new wine from the old 
£SS. ' comedy bottles. It contains swinging 
S iL'^if"'' "J""" K'f'" Jolly clowning. 
Ml ^LSlSP' 2* f remain sey. 

Sai aoMha at tbe <Ma>aiB m.. 

Humpty Dumpty is playing to tre- 

mandons business at the Audltorlnm. A local 

review declares: "A mote beantUnl spectacle 
than BaUMr Onmply Is not to be fooad aa 
the iMarlaMi. auge to-day. Nat arir ia tt 
ezqnlatte k calonns, admliaMi bi eomcdr. 
and attraedsa In nnsle, bat the vast spaces 
and imbonnded leaoocees of the Auditorium 
stage mako posalWe pletorlal eSeeta which are 
anobtalnaUIe In any other playhooae In Chi- 
caao, and In all sare a few theatres in the 
entire eouulry . Tbe stsge plctmco take on a 
and depth which are not to be 


Hap Ward's admirers are accus- 
to tbeir tsTorite In an atnoapbere ot 
music snd song, pretty girls and Itrlgtat cos- 
tumes, ao for poUcya' sake that la tbe nature 
of The Grafter In tbe Grand Northern Thea- 
tre. The piece, boweTGT. baa a decidedly 
dramatic flsTor. Tbe story told has to do with 
the ambition ot a wealthy old lady who bas 
literary aspirations snd an Intense longing to 
enter Into the society of the cultured. Sbe Is 
an enthuBlastlc admirer of a celebrated writer 
who has gained mncb prominence becense of 
bis writings, and at tbe opening of tbe play 
this literary celebrity Is sbont to become a 
gueat ot her bonaetiold. By a chain of clr- 
cnmstances which her young danghter. an ar- 
tlat and a friend ot tbe latter eontnd. the 
Tlsit of the Utnair Usht la deftncd and a 
»y th* 

BOi Oiattcr.^rAfter tbe'tatioaae- 
tkm of the spnrioos writer It Is fonnd neces- 
sary to And an Impersonator for Grafter, and 
by the end of tbe first act oompllcatlaas hsTe 
grown thick and fast. He la bent baar natll 
he la found ont to be a connt(fflNt.Ml.'«| 
from the house In spite of tbe'i 
yoang folks to pioteet him. 


NO. 8 


beoae. The 
t b m aereral 



. tend to 

ct lemoteness 

iBtCTfKca with com 

found alBcwtMn. 

both the atace and. tba 
tba perfocsBBnea a 

arUeh, wtne It la w— . — 

pleta cnjoymcot. both aa regarda bearing snd 
scelnKrattn lenda aU that bappens on the 
aSnT aa lnnalaB oC vnreaUly, Sbly.llke del- 
lOOT. whMh H MMriaUr eSectlTC and ralna- 


'■ne PietblM m el saorpasalng beaoty, and 
the* ehuga aad aadt oac into the other nntu 
tbe masle anppoaedly contained tn Harlequin's 
waadaaems a reality, and eonstsntly em- 


Blanche Walsh has scored such a 
pronounced aucccaa In The Woman In the Case 
St McVlcker's tblit an endesTor has been 
made, wlthoot succeas, to prolong her en- 
gagement beyond tbe four weeka originally 
booked. Extra matinees baTe been Inaugurated 
for tbe balance ot Miss Wslsta's atsy. Home 
Folks will follow Tbe Woman In the Case at 


The theatrical season of 1906-06 in 

Chicago bids fair to be the most soeeesstnl 
In the history of the Windy City. Tbe great 
metropolis of tbe west, with ber bnndreds of 
tboussnds ot amusement seekers, and an army 
ot translenta. ooolng ud going dl tte tUse. 
Is fast baooodiC • pnaMlig cntir «( a* wan 


How pleasant and forcibly do tbe dainty 
Hengler Sisters, who appeared at tbe Colombia 
Theatre laat week, reclaim one of tbe cbarma 
of Tsuderllle— dancing, tbat most dlfflcnlt and 
l^acefol, yet most abused of all the iirts. 
Prom out tbe common herd of mediocrity. In- 
dndlng cotmtless rarletles of awkward, dtunay. 
boisterons and more or less rigid "dancers," 
these exponents of tbe higher ballet sblne 
with a magnitude comparing favorably with the 
old masters. Tbef have so mastcccd the art 
by eanttaned pncUoe and atndr that wa do net 
hesitate to pi ' o no un ee them aae oC the eecr. 
Tery tew poUsbed and Walsbsd daoa oC daaesca 
now before the pnUlc, ejwHbfrtag as tbej do 
to tbe principles snd Unea ot aaae and giaee 
that they Bit orer tbe stage as lightly as a 
feather and as gently ss the CTenlng sephyrs. 

The performance at tbe Columbia opened with 
Lindsay's Dogs and Uonkeys In a number 
of dlfflcnlt feats which took well. George 
B. Elexander did a few old lokea and aome 
new ones and succeeded in keeping op bis 
well earned reputation. Stlnson and Mertun — 
premiere farceurs, consisting of a Tery nerry 
gentleman and a fat lady— got lots ot fun 
out of nothing, snd appeared to be one ot the 
hlU ot the bill. Powell, the magldan, did 
some new feats. Dnlike so many sleight of 
band peTformarai Rnidl docs sot woitj bis 

andlence with a' tcdiana aspe t l tl — ot 

~ ~ AM tsar aso* tm%. 

feats. Be dsaa 
different and ai 
acored both aa_B 
phone playeci 


4anonstrated that they were decidedly 
bctltt'dancen than singers. HInes and Bern- 
IngtOB held tbe Interest ot the andlence In an 
amnalng akcteh. The Btotbers Wilton dosed 
tbe bill with a headline comedy bar specialty. 
They wet* enthnalastleallj applanded. Bnsl- 
ness waa nod at the CstaHUa all mjtk. 

Bnsylay's Taeatlai, Oen. 8ldacr*a new sa- 
tirical moalcal csaedy. nttnLetad tba mnlUtudM 
at the Walnut last week aad aa far prosed 
tbe winner of the aeaaoa. It la aotbing mors 
or less than a dcrer addltSon to Bnsy lay* 
bla aaccesa of former yeara. It would bo 
almost Impossible to quote It as an hnpfora- 
ment upon bis first effort. However, It Is sa 
good snd seemed to please tbe Immense througs 
that wltneased It dnrlng Its engagement at 
the Walnut. Tbe play i» In two seta, tiie first 

being a scene of the Grand Central Depot la 
New York City. Tbe Hood ot femlalaa beantr. 
~ in brilliant and Tstlcd cos tames and 

" " " " " It 


deser ''^ediStiea*~and~prettr metoSn 

trodoeed to the Initial act. and by tbe.- tl 

Busy Ixsy srrlTcs on the sUge esecytblac IB 

gohiiK fall blast. Sidney makes his appeasanee 
In the character of a Hebrew and at once 
wins tbe hearts of bla andlence. He Is Issy 
Mark, the Easy Mark. The act rolls menlly 
on and tbe audience seemed glad when tbe 
Intermission csme so that tbey could rest their 
eyea which had been kept ao busy darting here 
and there snd ererywbere. During the latter 
part ot tbe first act Ixzy recelrrs a commnnl- 
catlon calling bim to California regarding aome 
oil wells, and be not only decides to go out 
to the Golden West In the Interest of tbe 

OIL but also for a UtUe Taeatlon In which all 
" la loin him. Tbn^ tba aaeoad aet la 
Ocean View. CaUv-^dnt. . If 

I Its 


five at*' th^lr deatlnatSoB IB due tine and their 
racaUon Is certainly a hlterlaa one. Sco. 
Sidney Is not the only one who deeerres at- 
teotlon, howerer. As nsnal, he carrlea a large 

and deTer aggregatlott, among them betng 
Matt Kennedy, Sid. H. Forrester, Chas. Le 
-Mler. Harry Lawrence. Barry E. Baker, Carrie 
^•eber, Catbryne Bowe Palmer, 

others too numerous to - 

was far aboTe the aseiaia. tt.1 
feet In CTcry respect. 

'Way Dotvn East sppesrs to base mat Boaa 
of Its old time drawing powers. Tbla nral 
comedy drama la as popidar with dndanatl 
thaattegoen^ aaj|t was aine Tcats^aaa whaa 

tt flat bdHvJbB):bMi%.\^'^*^ 

Mooceria a ttoaater ibat grawa/daacc.jM 

age. Olt seems ' almost laspoMlble that JOaa 
DBTis ahoold appear in anr role Mhcr - thaB 
the mncb perseeated Anna. Robert A-'Fiabcr 
as Sqnlre Bartlett wss anotber welcome re- 
turo aa was 17rScll Collins as Dave, bla son. 
Among the other old ebaraetera were Frank 
Currier as tbe mncb sbuaed professor. John 
Brenaan as the irrealstable funny HI Holler; 
Ella Wood as Martha, tbe gossip, and Cbaa. 
Blancbard as Rnhe Whipple. Mary Deren- 
port aa Louise Bartlett. Bert Plansburg as 
liConox Sanderson and James Galloway as Setb 
Holcomb were newcomers; boweTer. tbey made 

In their respeetlTc roles. 'Wsy Down 

jst played to good business sll week. 
Tbe Forepangb Stock Co. appealed laat week 
In Tbe Little Minister .with MMa Xailnla Jbaa- 
Don playing tht role e( ladr BSbHe'3*''9*'' ' 
Burkhardt playing Gasla Dbtert. 'Attert lacfe- 
ett appeucd as Rob Dow and Frederick For- 
rester aa Capt. Halliwe. Wilson HnmmeU ap- 
pealed to adrantage as Andrew Maelmeker. aa 
elder, . and Brarletta Vaden as Nannie Web- 
ster, flie widow. Tbe play made good, and 
b usin e ss waa good sll week. 

The Boy Behind the Gnu, with tbe little 
eomedlsn. Harry Clay Blaney, was an ezcep- 
tlonally good attraction at Hencks^ and' Her 
First False Step prored to be aboTC the aesr- 
age St tbe Lyceum. The Colonial JMlBB.-ag.. 
the People's and tbe Bine Ribbon 01tii:'l|i^W:.< 
Stsndard both tnmed them away. : - ' - 
Monte Hemandes. formerly aa aetar a< SSSM 
repute, and for tbe past si 110811 yeasa^^dMV. 
keeper at tbe Otand Opera Bogaa la Otoeta- 
natl, died In th» elte- Ji ia tlt a l .nnraday. OcL 
7, of spinal ■ealaallls. . a«sr a— tring tee 
nearly tw» weeba. - TT i fam d ia ysa a eooatai 
of Manassr BSnr Balafbclh of tte Orand. 
Be waa ban Id Basaaaah. Oa.. flftr reata 
ago. Be began bla eaner as mn actor, and 
sesenieen yeaia ago appeared on the sUge of 
Oie Grand as the lawyer, Marks, In sn Unde 
mm'S Csbtn Co. Illness eaosed Mm to qnlt 
- and take the pest Hon at the Otand. 

i'^^taiB..I«wls. who Is now famous ss the <a- - 
'(£&£•' la Utile Jahnny Jones, waa for MV 
y(ata,|t MilnlBg light in minstrelsy. Tbe other 
nisbt at tbe CoUe«e Inn Tom was telling a 
crowd of IHends some of bis early experiences. 
"I sup pos e some ot yoo baTe been to Peters- 
burg. Vs., remarked LewU. "Well. tbU hap- 
pened there. Now If there Is a hot b^ <■ 
earth on a hot day, Petersburg is It. I wM 
with the George Wilson Minstrels at tha Mma 
and we had a manager who losed to do iMsa 
walking on a street parade than any otterau 
I erer knew. Wen, tbla waa oae o » "^t g:- 
bnrg's hottest day*, and aM»_|asmag aomm mt 
mabi street on oarade we tamed to the iwt 
and swre aooa Teat to new in the sobmb* 
of tbe town. AU the boya were dead sore. 
aUB •» BMBBfB. «bo headed Oie parade, kept 
oa walktBg In an abaentmlnded way tiu we 
SBaatvbase been a mile ftom town, and for 
tn alBatcs bad not paned a Uring sonl. Fins]. 


nn miaat e s nao ikk p«»~y • i»..u» . • 

ly a maa bosw In Tlew and t^SfS 'V^JS 
ment viewad aa aa we *tBSS!l*i-*ii3!!- 
alongSMtb ha yelled at^aMa. «» -.that- 

our msBsgvT's name: . _ 

" "HI. there, mister, wbst society IS 

" 'The Sons of Poor Patents, or we 
be here.' I yelled back at bJni. 

•••1 thought so.' be shouted^ at _dB._ 
picnic gnmnds Is two mUc* fnrthw oat^ 
atratgbt ahead till TM^.CHBe «e the BOe 
post and turn to the »ll<bt.V„__, . . 

"This seemed to wal» Bwleto^oat of Ms 
traaee. With streaming fceea and dosty eirtbes 
TTo w«» soaa back at the hotel. But we were 
known as Tbe Sana «t Poor Parents erer at- 


TTtie Billboard 

OCTOBER 28, 190S. 




C. C Babtbam* 

TaL Gansrd. 

By C. C. 




rOR the first time in the history 
at tkc pmcnt Inrarj Lane Co., Uie 
dlrvctoc* hare not been able to rec- 
ommeDd a dlTldeod. Fw tbe (erea pre- 

ceding year* tiie dlTldend baa aTer- 

■gM 15 per cent. General depresidoa In trade, 
•oatlar on tmproTementa Bugseated by tbe Lon- 
don Cormtj Conncil, and tile loaa of Dan Leno 
and Herbert Campbell, wbo for yeara were tbe 
prinfipal draw at tbe Oirlatmas Pantomime, 
-m ctn> as tte diM maooa tor the bad 
" "" ~ " nrrrcr, looka for- 

ketter aoMa.tbts jcar. Tha 
tnMikt £4000 

■ftflkK^'liMC Is 


The two principal parts in tbe new 
.Biblical play at tlie mniMi. . TllWllt ,1JMI HIb 
JSretbren. axe played fe^ 
lb. BKliaid >t-~»Ti 

Herbert Campbell, the well-known 
■Mil ball and paatomime comedian, vbo £lpd 
Mr la. seed SU left £4.477 to be dlrlded 

to tfaa aetiBc ezeeataa; £300 to 

the first evening^ of the re- 
mt the Itfccom. leTeral In- 
tt to tBllT 

Acsl pn>' 

: at: Jte aW Bk Ua^aty-a. 

*>*o*t a bMKMClriHM an 
ABd that Mrs. ^ntatmat, tt an a*-to- 
Is TEXT 'widl awnt or tUi fact 
by tbe reatrietlans Iks' " 
- daring tbe week. 



de Vere, 

-' ■ MiinK^- Clenientme de Vere, who 

gmlmea. ^ kmMtfUIr casaced to alas 
lutzDRlte la BoSi^ ftat at tke fbctkeam- 
ShcMd Fcsttnl, <■■ Oct. «. XUa weD- 
kaswa sbiser lias estaWtabed two icaotdk— 
toe beb« the Mcbest paid ekaick ataser 
i5«^ world: aha iaeel*ed Cor aerenl jeara 
43.000 per aimiBa for HbcIbk oaea a wcdt In a 
New rork cbnrch: "" 

ColHer has gzitned popnlaiity 

«T the jtradBctlan, oo Wedneaday, of On the 
4lniet at tbe Comedy. Not becanae tiw piece 
•™eir went down exceptionally well, for It did 
•"2°?? it aapplled a r>od part for 
tt* dlmlay of Mr. OoUier'a many-sided talenti. 
w. Angnatna Thomas woold hare been w^- 
adriaedtad be made the Duke of Carboodale 
" ■ " ot an g-fM^-.-- J.,, 

The Crouch 

wiilch It wni be r 

-oo Christmas Ere, was fconcafd 
^e fanproTemeots ban beCB ■ 
*as a beantifal modeta lamn 

End Opera House. 


yh » road season is now In 
SSL. ^^T.* *^ «» Fraseat 183 coi 
■MHac ASMBK tbem aia ttaca ~ ' 
BOOB, two f^M|"iT ttna OM^ 

Ktnr. two _ 

The provincial prodnctions of the 
Uf^"!. J** <" Brookes, a eom- 

■i^.^J'*^»»rg_ Cocbett. fomdM^ J. C. 

An amusing story is current as to 
how the DocbefiA of Sotherland waa Orat ana- 
peoted of belos the author of the play which 
Mr. Forbes Robertson produced at tbe Seals 
Theatre on Satnrday ni^t- The ramor goea 
tliat an aristocratic literary person with a fift 
for dramatic criticism remarked to tbe Ducbess 
at the end of an act, "it'a rather cold.** 
Her Grace, so tbe yarn soes, retorted anx- 
ionaly, "Oo yoa think it will be a frost?" 
She was at tbe moment Intently watching the 
faces of the andience, and took the Innocent 
ranark aboat the weather to refer to tbe 
■lltljt 1 1 which was appermost In her mind. 
The literary Sherlock Holmes read her 
thot>ghts, and the irhlsper went rvimd. It is 
aa!d thnt np to Monday morning even Mr. 

Forbes K<fhertson did not know the name of 
the real author of the play, and if this be po 
tbe Story Is good enoasb to be true. No one 
in Ijoodon abonld haTe any difficulty In llndlnK 
tlie new Seala. for tbe boardings are liberally 
placazdcd with a atnet aaap oC the nelghbor- 
ftoofl. AaMnc tk» vdae locatta of the tkea- 
tie sad «C uaaH/ an of tbe iinfcunmiid ita- 
cte. With an the ■aatati at ant asm- 

present of a handaome make-op box, aad Hie 
employees of tbe case abop of tbe New Bag- 
laad Waicb Co. presented blm with a porst ot 

Phillips and Farlardeau, presenting 
the mmf cund y sketch. Bet First Bebeatsal. 
wTlta as foUaws: ~Wa have been more than 
la tta areat. aad ta aay oar act 

Is a Ht wmM he t* c9tcM tt 

We " " " 

alowlr tceoT- 

Owlng to the Illness of 

erford. tbe team of Jim and L 

has been compelled to cancel an Taufcsllk 
dates for tbia aeaaoo. Mr. Satbcrford baa 
Joined Blllle Boward. the Dnteh eomedUa. and 
are dotaK « neeasfal stnglas, ' 
iilkfcl aat. Mtoa nathsrfard is 

ertas ftM rnmmrwttmtik of 

traUaa at her hane ta Sagtaaw, VIch. 

During the performance of Ora 
Cecil at the Family Theatre, Scranton. Pa.. 
Saturday evening, Oct. 14, one of the leopards 
used In the act escaped from Its cape and 
lamped acrosa the footllchtB Into the orchestra. 
Tbe animal waa under tbe inflnence of a dmg. 
which circumstance made Us capture easy, and 
before anyone was in]nred. 

Wm. F. Liukens Joined Romola and 

Winiams at Dayesport, la., Oct. 5, and the 
^eam is now known as Romola. WllUama and 

Lnkens. They will produce burlesque this win- 
ter at the BlJou Theatre. Davenport. Kext 
summer they will be seen in the parks In a 
new three peogle aketeb. written Iv Br. Bo- 

Tbe abor<> Is a truthful repisdoctioa ot tbe a tase settlnga oaed by tbe Oanaya la their trlak 
boose pantomime act wliicli la frtUr Bllh Mfalar nmuni. Ike Ontws iaiMdaet aanr 
Doreltles and comic situations aad IMW dCMT JactftaC Wm Oanj apfMIB Ih htnaHco >B 

an original slack wire act. 

aJaai^^realated^anoa^th e^JoMl part. ^m^gM shortly sppaar aa tw» kids in 

The Strand Theatre Is to be con- 
verted into a tobe ststlaa: The Prodigal Son 
may be transferred to the St- James*s when 
Diuiy I-ane la wanted for pantomime; Mr- 

Porfoea-Bohertson will shortly revive For tbe 
Crown and Carruts at the Scala.; and lastly 
the Aldwjcb Theatre wUl be opened with a 
aew Tcnhm of Bine Bell in Falkland, 


Notes from the Swallow & Markle's 

Floating 1%e«tre; The New Smmy South, our 
new floating theatre, la now on her way op 
the UlsalsslpTil toward the UllnoU river. This 
boat Is tn^ the "Bamum of the Watera,*' 
and fTOTn the press notice* we tiare been re- 
ceiving and the large tmalneaa, we think that 
the New Snany South has established a repn- 
tatlon for Itaelf on its firat season. Our band 
aad orchestra, under tbe dlieetlott of Merle 
Bakar and Geo. c DasldM, are receiving 
Maay eompUment^jB Ma war. Uarab DeVaro 
aad wife, the IJallilan aad the Martys aiatcra 
are hig famdtca. 

Tom HeTron reports that hto Boston 
star ▼andemie Co. is plsylng to 8. K. O. 
over the Naah Cl^niit. X^vy aad tooverldge 
Joined tbe company Oct. 23. Mr. Hefraa has 
bookinga throogh Wlacooaln. towa. niHw^ia and 
tbe soatbera states. Maurice Downey is stage 
manager, and Harry It.' Breen la In advance. 
Tbe roster is aa foilows; Bohnea and Dean, 
moalcal artlsta; Luln Franda. singer and 
dancer: Dowsej and Wlllard. comedy sketcb 
artlata: Mha S. Oshora, imualoglat; BcAaler 

Duld I«wler. wlio Joined Geo. Hoey 

* On,, at Wa la i t a ij. ; Oooa.. last week, making 
Us debar in iha afect* Whafs the Matter With 
BaitaB. waa made the firlgliai ad a aanhcr of 
gcstais tr tMorta Mne trnttag that dty. 

Ftederick James and Florence Ket- 

chtua win play tbe big vandevllle circuits 
In a new aketch written for them by Bob Watt, 
entitled Tbe L«at Straw. He new creatlou la 
said to he full of bnmor, and entirely different 
from anything im>w being iMrasented on tbe 
TaoderOIe atage. 

Smnmers and Winters, Cliarles and 

Sld. have been In Denver, Col., preparing ward- 
robe for their new act, which they claim wUl 
be oae of the neateat dressed blackface acts 
before tbe public. Tbey open Oct. SO at the 
Lyric Theatre, IdDcola, Neb., with eastern 
time to follow. 

Max KiMball. of the 
ban Baalhani ala«e 
baa «gtt the Mfe Cor • 

Slater and Finch say that their 
sketch. Vaudeville Extracu, la what the peo- 
ple want. These people are In thdr eighth 
week as tbe (peelal vaaiHlllt tmimt with 
the liockes Oo.. and thaf aa* MMIMV some 
flattering presa notices. 

Gray and Graham, the mnaltaU bell- 
boy and the mlliury maid, were well rccelred 
at^Deuver, ^Tnl^^^jy^n^r^^J^isli^ltestg^^jtol^ 

work on the lana anvbH* li MMMw nal- 

reraal piaiM. 

Mr. ■aaibiLOentge l<Miki»uud are 

after'r "** 

Rome, Hayo and Juliet, the harmony 

^len^ai^Hurta^ta A^CtaMrri^Bnrlcsqac, are 

Franciaco, and I 
tre at Oakland. 

Billie Merrlam. aerial gymnast re- 
cently dosed s thlitl aciea weeks* engagemnt 
with the Banschcr Oarslvai Co.. and Joined 
tbe Tmr The Oateast Co.. to do his arrlt] 
loop act. and to play the part of CoUle, t^ 
beU bay. 

Little Helen Mendelbohm made her 
randerllle debut at the Jacques Theatre. w<tn- 
bury. Conn.. last week, and was bo successful 
that 'Mauacer Poll immediately engaged bet 
for his entire circuit. She is only Ave yean 

Magel and Adams are on their wai 
east over tbe Novelty Circuit. While la Ihiiii, 
Mr. Nagel. In company wltb Dsly aad JIm, 
pby aad Mr. Dunbar, was Initiated Ma Hi 
Theatrical Mechaaleal Aaaoclatlon. 

Clayton. Jwsklns and Jasper an- 
noonea that thcr are aoorlng a tetnfle hit nssa 
t^l*- Mwlr . fc a t — ». »» IM jaC 
Tbey tmmm ihaMMa-Mr MHtM-ttaS 

entitled DaiMan (iKaa., 

The Great Booth reports that his act 
la a great hit with the Carroll Comedy Co. Con- 
tinning, he Bays, "My glryffocycle ta a amity, 
and my lUnstrated aonga 'are a bit. Cha Be* 
Nutt write roe." 

'H. M. Price, for the past two see- 
sons with the Rudolph and Ad<dph Co.. li 
cesafnlly directing the stage and playing tfai 
part of Angnat Badi, wltb tbe eastern Buats 
Brown Co. 

Vice and Viola are in their fourth 
week with Oeo. H. Adams* Hnnmpty Damply 
Co.. doing spcdaltlea. Their sketch, Tbe 
Tramp, Tbe Bats and Her, ta one ot tbe hlu 

of the olio. 

The Wilson Trio this week at Hot 

Springs, Ark., ope n ed 
meat oeer tte latetaatj 
CO to 

J. Fkaaeis Dooltgr. mwMttd Iqr Dor- 

orothy BBHaev aad' mm Bsaew Is hook e d to 
the beat hsaaea mM tae. Be reports good 
bualneaa last week st Utlcs. N. T. 

The Toungs. Frank and Emily, are 
playing an Indeflnlte engagement at the Mar- 
ket Theatre In Toledo. Ohio, wiier* Mr. Yaa^ 
Is engaged as amosement director. 

Jacobs and SarddL acrobaUe Juibd- 

Ing cnmlnnei. ha*e 

sesson with the QoDaar 
opened in vaudeville. 

West and Fowler are producing 

over tbe Ammon'a CIrralt tkeir uew skit, eo- 
titled A' German Broker. They are booked 
until January. 

The Semon ChUdren, Primrose and 

Martin, ----- — 

week, tfad 


Pat Kdl«]r, tbe minstrel man, closed 

recently with the KlddeU Sootbem Carnival 
Co. to do speelaltica with the Parka Comedy 

Having completed a nine weeks* en- 
gagement over the SuUlran A Consldlne Cir- 
cuit In Waahlngtoa, Tarick and Lalunda opened 
on tba L ah e i s M Ctoealt Monday, OcC 16. 

After a mgrnntHm ct two years Mar- 

velooa BHaMa.MlTlMiMe hMC agala Jobied. 
Tbey have ttae >. ei >t d. 

Lewis aaCBkirt MBTO dmracter ar- 
tists, will MMe'CHMfa ifeiMr Mr Bew Tots. 

Claia-lfUhes Is ID ait tbe 'Winnipeg, 

bo^tal. She la cooraleaclBg, and hopes 
to he at work shortly. 

Burton and Vemle, Kittle and Prim- 
nae. are enjoying a aaeeeaafnl 
middle west drcuita. 

Keating and. Goodwin will 
the OMflefMl at ■ 

csgoTTBiw afc 

John O. BCanafldd writes that balb 
his Faest eoopanlca are doing a dae badacaB, 
Br. BaaaSrld Is growing more and more sp- 
tlmlaWe erer the seaaon'a proapecu. 

Charles B. Hanford. and bis man- 
ager, r. Lawrence Wslker, WMS MMeMFtoj'* 
members of King SataoM Idiat aC ^MeSi 
In Waahlngtoa, O. C, . 

LHwolB J. Outtr an« a nmbber tt 

frlenda ibaa CMraae vMlad a piiftiiaMfe el 
Her Onix SUi, at the Swarti Theatre la 
kegan, lU., Oct. IS, 

The Burrowes Shows have 
their tenting season, aat Sie 
opera houses In tbe ascttNPaak 

ported to be good. 

Olga I^etherwile'a tour ot America 
began Monday, Oct. SS. la WaaUagtoa, D. 0_ 
In Tbe Labyrinth. She win temsln oo the 
boards until April. 

A performaaee for copyright pur- 
poats has been glMB to Sltfest d( T>a fM 
of f*t^mt^f**» aaaw tte aaaw ad Mka aha* 
Tert'B Syataa. 

Kid Koatar baa doaed In advance of 

Etaner Waltert A mfcaalre IVbbp. and Is at 

present .onder the cue of phjrsIeUBS in Belle- 
fontalne, Ohio. 

Manager R. J. Ravenscroft of_ The 

nver Express OSb SMitIa anIiBBaa assd hs^ 


ness, tbe perfoi 
and patioua. 

B. J . Carpenter rejiw rta 

SDcccss this scaaoa Ssr hsih aia 
Uttle Ontcast aad At ClUili 

Uoyd A. Sabine baa Teplaeea Bi^ 

WeUa aa leading man with B. J- 

'a At Cripple Creek Co. 

The Twin City Stock Co. Is this 
month playing at Ironwood, MIcb. 

W. Newtnan reports good business 

OCTOBER 28, 1905. 

Ttie Billboard 


the BMnaceof a Hindoo Prince Scores 
A fifaat Snccess Before a 

WBDNBSDAT cTenJns. Oct. 18, wu 
a rcguUr ••ant nlflit" at the New 
York Hippodrome, tor tbc new 
Tliompioa & Dondy apectade. The 
Romance of a Hindoo Ptliueaa 
waa then produced aa i ancceaaot to t»< Si^' 
«rar apectacle, Tbe Baldera, wUch bad ran 
■Jnce Uie mammotb cntcrpiiae wasjbat — ~* 
to tlie pabUc. In ■adU' 
eemble nomber, tfc aw ^w— 
part of the p( 
In the war of 

AsierlcmB andicMM tm* ^ 

kove was f*^t« tnm top to bottom «ldk aa 
tllllMllllll kos^ which pot Its atav «C a»- 
an«al aMa an it witnessed, 
^tlis IlsiqaU appealed for tbe lint time In 
iMfrira with bcr boopc of afclllfnl l T trained 
ponies, and gave aa ezhlbltUm which called 
forth eothOBlastIc salvos of applaoae.- Her com- 
panr of eqnlse actors la large and trained to 
a sut« of marreloaa perfecUoa, doing tbe most 
difficult feats with a precision and ease al- 
nwflt past comprebenalon. There were a nnm- 
ber of comedians amons tbe lot and the antics 

of the ponies created atatna of iaafhter. Tlie 
act scored a great Mb_aad J9 aa| 

aa a permanent addltlM'l* 
list of faTorltea. 

Tbe most ften&atlonal anlnal act 
audiences bmre erer witnessed sraa pcovMad 
b; Catre Hellot tod a doaen beaaOfil.liaaa. 
Miss Hellot dlsplared - 
tbe giant brutes. p atl_ 

rtea of manoeama wttk a 
Bess of actios whick sna 
Her act la i i imn a ' _ . , _ 
Bade (m kigk IKB kaca. baaaA ts t tb er In 
Ite Iwm of a dxcalar feaee wklck protected 
tks a ad lei i c e ttooi mmr poaalble dancer. In 
alia at tbis pcecaatloa then icmalBed ■ solB- 
titmt ill aunt wt eniweat to mske the per- 
•MBMta catber wni^HlhK to aU beholders. 
It k aa act which wBI cnate no end of cnm- 
aent. snd abonid serre ss s great acqolsitlon 
to the Blppodrone's programme. 

A Yankee Ctrcos on Mara la retained to be- 
gin the perfonnance. and the Ballet of tbe 
Hoara la also slUl a feature. After the«e big 
numbers had been seen and the circus per- 
formance bad l>e«Q glTen. tbe new ftpoctacle 
was produced Iqr this cast: 
-Sanjsolle ........ .James Cberrr 

Prlneest Sepliasilat ..'....norejic« Slnoott 
Hlra Lai . . Vemon Lee 

Kiner Kbaa ^..IFlUlam Bawley 

Slbk Offlcer Thomas DalT 

joa«r sir.^h H. J. SlecMed 

Hindoos. Slbks. Brabmlna. Pathaaa aad Ifo- 
haauMdaaa: Merchsjus. . C l sa ll a ^ SiMMaMst 
Taadsn. niiLilM« Wirtafc ' Mili Haul Del. 
sciB, aishoots BBd Wanlsta. Br tbe Blppe- 
i l — a CompaoT. 

Tbe Romance of a Hindoo Prlnceita has been 
snaaged bj Frederick Thompson, atased br 
Bdwatd P. Temple, tbe music bj MaaM-KWa 
aad tbc acenerr b.v .\rtbur VoegUin. K'iB'h 
two scenes, described a> follows; 

S<«ne I. — ^Tbe repulse of KUIer Khan by the 
Princess; bcr scceptaoce of Hlra Lai; dance of 
the Nantch girls; itUcK on the castle with 
elephants; battle and aelzarc of tbe 
flljcbt and purvult. 

Scene II. — ^KUler Khan and tub a l la 
dMMcate icbt aad laaeaa at tfe* 
Knter Kbaa .defkatci: toat wt tM 
aa cleabsnta; tbdr latiaat to a 
aat wild plaage fraa tbc 

f^Mft MssBts lato a bt< . 

W<m the porpoae of lEtrlac a dtaicr Mea af 

Ua wuli ince. tbe siaiple plot of tbe aflblr 

li MR Trprodoced. Tbc romance lias Ita ba- 
ataakB at a plctnresqne Kast Indian fete day. 
««ta Knier Kbao. a bold Marri dUettaln. aeeka 
her baad In marriage, but la rejected for an- 
alker. Hlra Lai. a Rajpnt of high decree. The 
Emperor's approral of his daoghter's choice 
and bis ssnctlott of msrrisire on the morrow 
sre prodalned to the mnltltode. The hn- 
mlllsted suitor snd hl« • followers, plotting St 
BlghtfsU to yet gain hH end. resoWe npon des- 
perate mpaaurcs. and as the lights begin to 
■llBUner in the prlnceu' caaUe home, and she 
Is seen bidding ber lorer sdlen, the consplra- 
tora bnrry from the scene. They retom. re- 
inforced, moon led on elfpbauts and horses and 
anaed and eager for tbe fray. A scene of 
■erry.maklng by loyal subjecu becomes ooe of 
riot snd melee. The dance of the Kaotch 
girls ends In trrmr. Tfae £mperor. altboagb 
forewarned by a faithful eaTesdropper. It lUy 
prepared for the attack. The gates fall be- 
fore tbe onalaoght of tbe elephanta. the lo- 
sadets flgbt tbeir way to the eaatla. Killer 
Kbaa setaea tb* ■trofrgllna princess aad ha and 
Bba tal wUk • Umk «r 
taa la ta ta ba ~ 
Biadlj la paraalt. 
The aecond scene sf the spectacle rcTcals tbe 
encampment during the Bight, the arrtral of 
the pnrsneni, the battle, the rcscne of tba pcla- 
ccaa, tb* roat of Killer Khan and bla ' ' 

Ibair UKbt ap a rngsed mountain aid* i 

d a ape ia te pinnge. still mounted on tbeIr ele- 

eint. Into the lake Into which tbe mammoth 
ppodrome tank has l>cen conrerted. 
Tbe spectacle Is Intensely moTlug, engaging 
aad ponderous In every way. It rnllsta tbe 
aervlces of a great number of people, sewet 
aC botaea, camela and elepbanla. Tbe csa- 
■■ an bcaatUoL Tba aalHC a " 
la dlspburcd la lavSTaa 

.lag of tba iaaat. aa* tba 

the Tarled color artiata bate a fcaat Ibr lha 
ere. Tbe b aBet aad aJa iaaatea are . wen 
^Iped. and pftMU ft wtt/t ftlll lc U ftii 
tifnl sceac. Tbe abaalbial apaortnltr 
ahow of iplsadKa baa baiw tana tan 
tage of. and AMtIca baa i 
tade ao iialmai. aad at 

elepbanta Md 
menae tank of water wUeb oeeaptaa tba ttoat 
half of tbe stage. This feature waa most In- 
tereatlng. and brought to a norel flnlah a spec- 
tacle wlilch will long be remembered by those 
who witnessed It. Tbe Romance of a Hindoo 
Princes^ may be set down ' as an Immediate 
aaccess, and Thompson & Dundy have scored 
anotber bulU-eye. WALTER K. BILL. 


Joseph J. Walih, advettialBg manager of the 

standard Theatrv. was recently married to m 
St. Lonis belle. It was kept quiet as long ss 
possible, and not until be himself told It did 
It become known. It will be plessant news 
to bis many friends In the profesalon. 

Dockstader'g Minstrels are again billing St. 
LonIs like s circus. His pspcr Is good, and 
there is lots of It. He hss sn adrance.of two 
men. and they eorer the route with tbe theatre 
staff, and It all goes up. A big week ought to 
be tbe result. 

John G. Sheeby. the popular manager of the 
Grand Opera Boaae arrived In town laat week 
and was wataalr greeted on all sides. His 
snmmer aa trnlaicr of the Carl Hagenheck 
Animal Biaar aaa highly sncccastal. aad bis 

rettna I* ika Snad l> aa adnaiait: t» >st. 

LoolaL ■ . 

Tba miH Biaa. aioiifa anad laat week 
after playlag wiat off tba aammer oo tbe lots 
at St. Loala. HIa wisdom waa proven from 
tbe fact that aalr one otit of the tsrenty weeks 
waa Bot a pradtable boe. TbIs has not been 
doae ben for ten yean, and It ptored suc- 

Harry B. Moore of tbe Nichols Chicago 
AmTtsement Co. waa a Tisltor to St. Loola laat 
week. He states that posltlrely they hare not 
bad a loosing week, and are booking south for 
the winter. 

Petchlng Brothers deserre especial mention 
for the clerer setting used for their musical 

tnm; the.r style It on the bill «3 A Maalcal 
Flower Garden. This l.« true, and their act 
was ooe of tbe hits of the Columbia bill laat 

The biggeat horn and the smallest reed In 
the world was used by Noel Poepping In hia 
band at the St. Ix)uls Horse Show laat week. 
liOula Knlttel plays an E-Oat contra baaa ssso- 
pbone thst Is acren feet high and has a bell 
elEtateen lacbca to dlaisater. Oeae Cole, of 
the naw haadi plan tbe Milllrt datlact la 
the world. It la A'4at. tomte e ii laaie a loag 
aad of sack tUa tone that wben Mr. Poepping 
waa asked to describe It be said: "It Is Just 

R. C. LeBnme trrlred In St. Loals this week 
and states thst bnslnesa In the northwest waa 
Tery bad with him. He left for tbe south 
where be expects to bring liack hIa profits this 

Captain Keller and his Zoustc Girls left the 
DalntT Faree EitniTagansa Co. here, and are 
at present rehearsing at tbe Broadway Tliestre. 
East St. Lonls. 

Mr. Dick Richards Is rehearsing hIa troupe 
of loTpnlles In tie opera. The 'wni o-the 
wisp, another by Hiram W. Hayea. of St. 
Lools. Tber wm take the read aboot Not. 
«. ■libaiW' TaTwni in — Ook It arm be 

Lew Dockstader's Mlnsti^Is, while 
In Cedar Rapids, la., recently, chartered a car 
on the Interniban line and the entire troupe 
of sIzty-tlTe people took a pleasure trip to 
Iowa CltT. and npon their arrival paraded the 
afreets and attracted much attention. The 
minatrela enjored the trip Immensely, and the 

Iowa atj people were deilgbted with tbe treat 

Tbe anmm of this dtr htre • peaMoa tosd 
for tbe relief of those aMk aad tajor ed. and 
for tbe aiaintalnance of nea after tsneatx years 
o^aoUre^jwge^^ ne^agejear^ hwgag i 

trolM *r Mtaa aad ItlMiiMa aad are get 
tiBg qalte a lot ef aMoey from tbem. 


THE mnch-heralded prodnctlon of George 
Bernard Shaw's latest play. John 
BnU'B Other Island, was nndertaken 
with a great deal of ceremony at tbe 
Garrlck Theatre laat night by Arnold, 
and on account of the preralllng fad for what- 
cTer comes from the brilliant Irlcbman'B pen. 
one of the best audiences of the year was pres- 
ent. The play. If Indeed It can be crowded 
within that classification, wUI doubtless be 
followed by a fresh orerflow of Shaw cant. 
The witty Inrented logic and rerbal pyrotech- 
nics of its author wlU be lauded, and the ta- 
genulty and originality of hU ptriDt of Tlew 
wni be celebrated In long and wordy dlaqnlal- 

But, sfter all Is said and done, and when the 
Sbaw faddlata bare had their fling. It will be 
dlscorered that a great Mjarttr of «« 
thoogbttnl theatregoers win taffl to aa lB> 
pressed by tbe new play. Tba reason la tta^ 
less tbsn any other of the Oaw ^aaiaa aeled 
In New York this aewcat tioik taUa to qaaUtt 
for Btage r ap eessatatloa. It baa none of the 
^ OlBdIda. none of the para- 
of Too Nerer Can Tell. 

, Jeaee and audacity which 

concealed the dramatic nnlltness of Man and 
SopetaMa so effectlrely U entirely absent. 

It Imaw hawerer, s literary qnallty. a ccre- 
hral ralac that Is lacking In most of the 
dramas aow being written for the Engllah 
stage, aad oo tbla account It ought to make 
btlMialbM nafllaa tor tbe Uhgary.— Iioala De- 
•S^lTae anr Xiik WmM. out. IS. 

Itr. a mb er n la playing The Taming of the 
SblTW at tbe Knickerbocker Theatre. If hC 
cootlnnes to play It the way be played It last 
night we would respectfully suggest that he 
play It with a net. Not that Mr. Sothern bba- 
aelf Is In any dancer, hut a net woaU help 
the sodlence to enjoy the play withoat feel- 
lut that they were In any danger. 

One Ukea up with some relnrtiDce tbe work 
of MUa Alarlowe as Ksthertne. Alwaya aad 
in things, a.sroaiaa with cbataa: tbe 

naa that ^eiv ascr present allace. Wo bare 
lafkalaad f*na leferriag to aar of lb. Salh- 
em'a pi e d eces a ora as Petnichlo, aad tbe aaaie 

mantle of charity might l>e exteoded to Mtaa 
Marlowe. Orerdone aa the part was. she at 
lesst waa reatfal alongalde of Mr. Sothern. and 
In Joatlce to the actresa It can only be aald 
that the woman would be of great personality. 
Indeed, who could Btand out with IndlTldaallty 
In tbe great maelstrom of tbla particular Pe- 

The piece waa beautifully monnted. and the 
company, with some minor exceptions, was 
capable. Bot the thing reeked with nnneces- 
aary boalness. — N. Y- Ere. Telegram. Oct. 17. 

Prom some points of view tbe performance 
was more spirited than the comedies of tbe 
Hard generally receive, although nothing oc- 
curred to efface tbe memory of HUa AJa Itf- 
lian'a Ideal embodiment of the Shrew, which 
has been familiar for nearly twenty years, or 
of Mr. Otis Skinner's good-natnred. quizzical 
and roIUekIng acting of tbe noisy tenaagant- 


This portrait of Miss AnI Hill represents the 
character of Yoong Jotm Bull In America, and 
abowa the costume she wears while singing the 
song- This soDg was one of 'the most sncccss- 
ful In the repertoire of the late Bessie Bone- 
hin, and the costume worn by Miss Hin Is one 
of tbe many she pnrchaaed from tfae ward- 
robe of the late English mnslc hall star. 

Miss Hill's success In her new ly idi ri s king 
has l>een Instantaneous. During th e paa t Sea- 
son she sppeared as one of the featarea with 

A Hot Old TiBie. and she Is tbla act 

aenting her derer character chaafa 
specialty In tbe beat aaadeflUe 
acaaon opened at ' tbe ~ " ~ 
lyn, a few watka aM 

In the best wdwail 

for many sfaAa..ta MMb . JflM BBS '.PailSats 
the entire act ilH 
wearing her 
of Visa ~ 

bresker, which made aoch an 
stoQ two yesn sgo at tbe E^rle 
These eompansoDS aiay fee aa 
JUaawa aad llr..aaihna, bat ta^ are.te: 

at tbeatw goers. As 

(or the laat ot the eoBpanr. the acOns was 
■at of a Hdb otder, and In some cases tbe 
e l oa a tfc n ma esecrable. It requires aa oeea- 
sloDSl SbakespearUn 
stnte bow allpabod 
player la la ooe ot tbe 
nwista at kaawtle art. 

«C Oil'cMSS^ MTbMt flit Ui aad^Mtat 
M ail eaa ^ asads. Be mar be granted mneb 
latltBde k the awtter. for the original la 1n- 
rarlsbtr abaetaacd. aad. Indeed, none of Its 
bolsterooa psssage% except Katherlne's speech 
at the dose, contains gems of tboaght or Terse 
that can not cooTcnlently l>e spared aa long 
as the spirit of the whole la preserred. Tbe 
Induction was omitted entirely, and tbe action 
opened with Katherlne's Impetnotis entrance In 
a storm ot passion In tbe pnbUc place In 

Tba diaracter of Katherlae la ddlghtfttl only 
to ao tar as tbe tender nature of the woman la 
resoalcd beneath the tempeatnoua and perrerse 
exterior of the - shrew. It Is a role of ever 
chaivtog moods, with quick fluctustlons of tem- 
per and flashes of passion, with a gradual sut»- 
mlsalon to tbe gentler Instincts of her womitn- 
bsod aad wifely teadeiaess at tbe clote.— 


KB day Charles A. Maaoa, of 
and Mason, went Into a drag aiiea 
In New -rock aad said to the cMk. 

asked uaa If ke Vksd a aiaa p ai W a- "I dsk" 
aald Charlea ••and aaasr Hdalgi' to aaythtoc 
atro ng er." Theranpaa tta ptcscrtptlan expert 
gaso Mason a glasa at aaiaapatUla, which be 
drank with relish. Nottatog was aald tbr twes- 
ty minutes, when Maaoa beoke oat with 
Where'a that caator oQ yon steie going to 
give me." "Why. I give It to yon with the 
saraaparllla. half an bi<ur ago." responded tbc 
clerk. "Great heavens!" shrieked Mason. "I 
didn't want It for myself. I wanted to take 
It home to my mother-in-law." 

• • • 

George Prbanaa. tbc mtostrel. tells tbla one 

aa an lOmttUlm M- m^- ~ 

try In oidMF ta-baBtir 


"It was yesra sgo In Michigan, tbe laaa 
of Adrian, I think, and In those days I ' 
msnsger, press agent, ticaaacer aad 
everything rise. Vk aaddV^a 

man giss a wssk: •B'lssk;aac.vL--. 

nesa matters flv 1Hi.''-'-na:;^aMaK?ca^t 

honse told ate that be-; 
to coatend with, aa I hi 
as a attaager cadd 
tbaa ka saaid. I _ 
thMr faarte to the hooae. the Utbograph 
eta aad tta sberiir had passed safely, waaa^ 
along caae a fellow with gaming red hair, 
who said be wanted to go In and see If be 
wss pleased with the seats bis family bad 
gotten — they woold be along In a few mls- 
ntes — and he woidd ntnm to the door. Think- 
ing I conid not fail to find that red bead to 
a million, I let him paaa. He didn't re tarn, 
and when I went liack 1 eooldn't find lilm. I 
searched the atage and the Bles. but no ted- 
headed man coold I see. I toM my people, 
but no one bad aeen him. Detcrmteed to catch 
him. I watched tUl tbe show was orcr, aad 
I saw bim to a front seat pWfc ap bla bat, 
from onder the aeat. " " .". ' 
red wig. I went op to Mak.aad'asidig-'^'' -?<•' 

" <I hare ooe of these, tatb M 
mine la Hack. Bat.ltra aa-;aBa:/ 
drtok wtik mm.-:- :■ . 

• • . • ■ 

"Actors have been charged with hsTlng ess- 
alderable nerve, and I know several tostsaeaa 
where the charge tiaa been proved to be trae.** 
aald Col. Edward A. Braden. manager fttr 
Henry W. Savage's enterprises, a few days 
ago. "However, I bad an experience wtth aak 
applicant for a position to-dsy that _waa aMtt -: 
out of the ordinary- I received- a letSH.OHl; 
a little town ap to Canada which Itad Ml 

"'Dear Slrs-^l- 

ot mysdr. and srtibr to < . 

attkn as Icadlag eaaiedtoa. I 

ca tbe atace several ttoica and ay IklHdi^M , 
oie I aa t»tt tanay. KtoOiy aotice a» a«a- 

tcai toea to the tacdoaed Pbot!E»IJfe^- , 
''Imagine my sorprlae.** contlnoer Cok»d 
Bnden, "vibea I looked at the pbotographa 
and saw that the applicant bad toeloaed three 
nbatngraps ot BaynMod Hltecoek to euolBBic. 
b Mi. aavt laaecare a poriUaa : 
liMMr tagettca 
Is wttm tba aaaagcneat af ] 

• • • 

Mrs. LesHe Carter rises every day at noon, 
has her cold bath sad sobmlts to a carefal 
combing of her hair. Her garb at home and 
nnder her cloak when driving, and evenrnder 
the aame enveloping cloak when she goes to 
the playhoose. Is a kimooo. She lovca tte 
Oriental dress for Its comfort. After patltod 
on the kimono abe looks over her lettctsu ae- 
ranges for the repUaa and reada a play. .At ; 
S o'clock to the aftmooa tbe dtnca, dM Mr 
chief dish at that ftasple meal la 
She has two reasons for adccttog 
she Ukes It and beUeveo It Tefy sti_^ — ^_ 
At 5:« she goca to tte theatre, aid at . . 
night she to home again. Her sapper caa^M 
ot two blscolts aad a gtaaa ot mito; ba***; 
doca not relfce t» bed at ooce. as abe Is aadv 
tbe atetssltr o( catefag her nerrea . aM tn 
aee alwas* caansd after playing. She itsu at 
Sm" Ap^M^ -m* sleeps weU. Fonaetlr JM 
arrer atttaltd a ibestre to see a pUr. bat 
now she goes occasionally to a matinee. 
« * • 

Robert Edeson teUs sn smaslng stSfT to 
eonnectloo with the prodnctloa, 
ago, of an unsncceaaful couiedF. 

dire fallnre. dawtog bat 

to BNoKIra dttsea p ii siai to tbe _ 

In tbe ttoat of tbe boiwe there waa tat aae 
occopant— a yonng girl to the sreond low. 
In the flrat row of tbe balcony sat one yeong 
man. The play opened with a scone on the 
deck of a yacht, and aa the lemdlo^ nun 
emerged from tbe cabto and gMed tola toe 
empty golf befSce him. ha vofce bla arst| 
line: : .■ ■ ...l 

"The sea is fMpiR kasa jaa, sso, asmia 
If" . 

-Whereupon the voice of tbe yonng manls 
the balcony responded: "I don't know asaat 
the yoong Udr dowastaln. bat I can see It 


Xtie Gillboarci 

oeroBER sa, itm. 

The BiilbQard 

<Mb«crlp»on. 94 a yoan 6 inonthB, 92; 3 
months, 91 In adwanco. 

TUm BWbeard im for mle om atl trauu 

aiauhimt tlu (Tailed SKUm <»i C«»«*?! ■jjil*.'" 

■Mum on(«r, or TTffii<«r»j* MB^< 

ifllll ckoald irep copy, 
r lo war* M tht in^rmetuma ama 
u«ini»>i. •o»»iiff « ;*« •Kilter 

t ke tod b|> nomrw to Ike JtoMUm 

^Bteomd-Oam UalUr at Pod Q/tetal Om- 

Satarday, October 28, UOS. 

Buiaet Mmtr Foe 

The Billboard re- 
ceives many com- 
munications from 
performers advocating the establish- 
ment of a society for the benefit and 
co-operation of performers. The latest 
Is from John Birch, rrhe Uan With 
the Bm/tm," who thinks audi MB aaao- 
ciattoa would prove to Ite the nliiUon 
of many problems that now vex the 
performer. The Billboard will take 
pleasure in printing suggestions look- 
ing to a aaHOMHtigB «< «M pndeet. 


casket tb« ubra 
Interred wlUi elab- 

Alibcy, Iitata. ISngliaJ, rtiday, Ott. JH ka- 
■Ide tbe tomb of OiaUk aaduUm^ Smmt 
of the Sbakcepeare iMBatat, 

takes to^th^''UMeSS^t^S SmtS 
dett-Cotitta, a doae filn< at Os brine tam- 
I>7- That eTenlnc tbcr were plana la a plala 
hearse and taken to the AI>ber> Haostcd po- 
litx preceded and followed tbe heane aad a 
single carriage. contaJninc the taro aoos of tbe 
deceased and Walter OoUlna, bla ased drcaser 

■od dose rilesd, dosed np the (car. The 
streeta were lined with people who bowed 
in rcTeresce as the modest procession paraed. 
Sntetins the Abbey tbe itreat or^mn pla/ed 
■oftlT tlie dead march from Sanl which cob- 
ttnned until the chapel or SL Panl - - - 
reached and the coffin placed on a i. 
dean then offered a abort prajrer. 
Vt UMS momlliz. In the presence of repre- 
■CBtattTcs or the highest official and profes- 
asaaal etrelea , the ashea of the eminent actor 
were depoaited In the tomb. King Edward 
"by General Sir DIsbtoo Probjn, 
and tbe Prince of 
H. P. Carring 
. Joaaebdd. Cab- 
inet mlnlafw aaC ■Mtaaaioia »iit m *t.i in per. 
am. Ihe AMicr waa t»tlmmXr dtcacatcd artth 
Soweiy wicaOa aad aoaaea ftaa aacMlM and 
lodtridnals of Aacilea, ruma. Ocim 
^gland. a eras of_clMiioe wldte ■oven esBing 
*~ " """ (d, aad 

keeper of tbe pttTy parae. an 
Walea br Ta«l Dsl iniUaia 
ton. eaataam «C as (itoet'a 


Th* first form of The Billboard, in- 
eluding ttie last eight advertising pages, 
goes to prass Saturday moming. No 
advertisements for these pages can be 
(ivess the des ir ed pesi tinn and no 
ahanges can be SMds'lii standing ads 
en any of these pages unless the copy 
reaches us by noon Friday. No ads for 
IIm last ferm will be accepted after 

♦ The Christmas Number of The ♦ 

BiIIt>oaxd will be dated Decern - 
^ ber 2. It will consist of about * 

IM paces of special articles and 
% Mwa pcaAnely innstrated, be- <tf 

tween oovers beantifally lltho- 
^ graphed in colors. The first * 

a^CTgsl^ tons wm dose No- ^ 

eartsr and aocQV^' good posi- 

^ tlon. ♦ 

from the Qneen, 
after the cen 
to Tiew the last 

Tbe aerrleea wes» 
twelTe o'clock the 

more Ho tted 
of Sir Etenxy 

Preelaeir at 
started from St. 

Faith Cbapel. As it psaoid Ifeioagh the stately 
clolsets to the space In I seau Hie ehi^ and the 

aaactoarr the cbolr sang Kiel Ufe la Here 
Oar Portion. Then followed tbe paalm. Lord, 
Tbon Hast Been Our Befoge. Canon Dnck. 
worth, BotMlean of Westmlnater. read the leaaon. 
He waa aaalated In the aerrleea by Bishop 
Welldon. Arcbdean Wllberforce and Canon 
Hensley Henson. Crossing the Bar and Weep 
Ye Not For the Dead were Bang, after whicb 
the organ plajed the march tnm Corl<danaa 
and the casket was borne to the graTe, fol* 
lowed by Lady Irring and her two sons, and 
a few Intimate friends. The pallbearers were 
Sir Sqpire Bancroft, the Earl of Aberdeen, 
Lord Bnmham. Sir Alexander 
ie._ Beetbohm Tree. Iiawrence 
naM^Deira^ Aitbar^iaf, 

corps of physidaas held 
Wednesday bat we bare beta 
tain late derelopmenta. Mrs. 
log her bQSbaiML 

Mr. TIppett la one of the boM tasaa aien In 
the amoKment boalnraa. He ess frosiloently 
Identified with the Pike st tbe Warid'a Fair, 
St. Lonis. and at tlic Pan iaarrlras Expoal- 
Uoa. BaSMo. Far ~ ' 

assocUtcd elth tbe 


FMerlek W. Rankin. IHa e UIsi aC 
<vetaa and mnsleal pieces, bla latest betas Bap- 
pylaad. which Oe Wolf Hopper ]a now pre- 
scBtlBg at the Lyric Xbectre. died in ills apart- 
meata In New Xorfc City, Oct. 18. of typhoid 
t»Ter. Mr. Rankin bad been ill but a abort 
tbne, aad bad Jaat acbicTcd the greatest soc- 
cess of bis fswoi la liaiiiiland. ia wbkk be 
coUaborati.-d Stth B^paali'as SsiSB. Bs ma 


a airard'a CIreaa dosed Ita aea- 
Cttr. HL, Usaday, Oct. 16, 

Bla THB 

Bom to Mr. and Mia. J. P. 
at OwensbOTO, Ky.. Oct- % ■ 
already been named AiSea 
slstant baslneas 
Theatre, Colamblts. 0~ 

Born to Mr. and Mrs Fled Pitney, professkn- 
ally kfoown aa ^.^jf^ Oonnlng, a fflrl baby Oet. 

20. at thcb^hsM. m Wctt U aftsae. Iht 

Unle one w1 " " " 

ney. and Ita 
a singer. 

States waa 

mdtelaw Beld from the United 
PRseat at tbe serrlces and also 
bs t a a t e d fsmlly slneete condolences 

If the market was never 
wide open to the Ameri- 
can dramatist. It cer- 
■ la tliis season. The BngllBh and 
aaccesses worthy of iinporta- 
are so few that American prodn- 
bave been forced to rely chiefly 
our domestic output of dramatic 
material. And. notwithstanding the 
many complaints of discrimination and 
taMA of hearings, the American writer 
of dramas has been round wanting In 
the extremity. Otir snccessf nl dram- 
atist3 have somehow ^inisaeA - the na- 
tioival In pursuit oCVtfie psydtologlc 
sentiment- After a success or two 
Ufce Nathan Hale or Arizona they turn 
tram the sectional or historical color- 
ing to pure character! latton. and . the 
e^Ioitatlon of literary crodiets. ' The 
patron of playa in this country wants 
action — even to a sacrifice of art. He 
wants a dramatic chromo, something 
the poise rather Uian lite 
To hfm s play withont a idot 
Is Hke pea-soup without peas. And 
wha t a fund of incident our play- 
wright has to draw upon. There la 
the Revolution and the French and 
Tndlan war; the expeditions agalnstthe 
Indians in the western wildness: the 
of the Rebellion, and all the re- 
that a new, rapidly growing 
and •'"•'liittia ffr Aror^lled eoimtry 
provide. It IP iMNiswartlty- that an the 
big book successes of the past few 
years have dealt with the circum- 
stances surroimdlng the growth and 
-devdopmoit eC 
Tbe drania la 

THK Lioir And tns:.mouw 

Tbe Use aad The Mouse, a new four-act play 
by Charlea Klein. <ras siTr^ it« premiere at 
the lOdOleacz Theatre. Mlddletown. Cona.. 
Friday. Oct. 30. Tbe east: 

Endozla Sadie Strlocbani 

Ber. Pontlfex Deede Edward See 

Jane Deetle Margaret Gray 

Mra. Hnianini e .Jnlla Hsnchett 

Mln^IfMM^^..... ...... .Carolyn Elberta 

B^prrassaa ..•*... 
Ttooy Bh tetta . • • • . .AagastlB Ds^ 

Shirley Graca BUstoa 

Jefferson Byder RUisard Beaae tt 

Hod. Fltxroy Ba^er Martin Sabine 

Jorklna James Stone 

Senator Roberta E. A. Eberle 

Kate BotattS ...JIailaB Pollock Jotanson 
Mra. jii^-vjjiaiiM H lJer. .Mars. St. Jobn 

Jobn IMtMt-MftS m Edmoud Breese 

MaM Both Blcbmood 

Tha tbcasar the a^day la the power of 
money la Asnteaa poTttVa. A jt^ng wonua 
endeavors to ri aa r tbe naiaa aC bar fstbar wbo 
proves to bo so leas s perssoiM thaa a Jatgr 
of the Snprcme Ooort. no aUt Ja^^ laagiia 
a decision most nnfOTonMe to a gasg of aris- 
tocrats wbo baaaedlate^ aeCBSO bis aaapcs* 
slon. on seeoost of alleged fengrisfltlfs. To 
add to the Interest a lore aeeae eto l ra a aad 
beeomea of eltal importance to the ooteome 
of the plot. 

Both Grace EBlston and Edmnnd Breese 
scored petsonal hits, and lent mnch strength 
to the piece which la conaldered a worthy ef- 
fort of the anthor of The Mnslc Master. The 
papers of Mlddletown praised Tery hitchjy the 
entire production. 

Xbc Uoa aad tbe 

Jofan D. TIppett, late ■aaorfate manaaer oC 
priTil<^es with tbe Hagenbeck showa, and well 
kTiown to Bbowujeu eTerywbere. I« nnder tbe 
care of physicians at the Western Hospital. 
Sprlnjjheld, 111., as the resnlt of serloiiB In- 
Jnrles be received In a wreck of the Boyal Bine 
Ibnltsd oC tbe Baltimore a Ohio ranway. Sat- 
nrdar okbIsk, Oet. 14. The meek occuii oi 
s( ^dagSeld. aear tbo ou 


Ada Hal. «C 

Oot. T. 

■VVU.N*GBR — TTTTfT.i — i IMSaar, stage man- 
ager of Pbllllps' ItaStMu WchBODd. Ind., to 
Slise Fern WUt, of BIdorado, O., Oct. 18, at 
Eaton, O. 

doek to Mlaa Be&tzlce Bamberg, Oct. IS, at Co- 

Imnbu. 0. 

BIXBZ — OAXUSS. — yiank Blxby, aaalstant 

stage Dianatcr aC Ite emdigal 3«b Osw. to 
eeena CMlfc a asaatr «C ttessBS asD- 

Mias Cecelia 

pany. Oct. at-tts UMs OfeMk Jaoeia the 


MAT— iWAIZtlM.— Miss Veraca May. a mem- 
ber of the Liberty BeSea Co., to Mr. Erwln 
Walzem. a noc-professional, Oct. 12, at San 
Antoolo, Texaa. 

WOOIJliiTl'EH— BTSSFTJ.— A. P. Woolheter. 
of the Broadway TbeaOe, ADxct Lea, moa., to 
Mlas Inea Blasell. a aa»eoaCBOBlaBOl. Oet. IS. 
Both parties are very ysps^r psmlt sal 
aron nd Alb ert Lea. 

LerBVBS— lANG.— H. C LeFerre, tbe weU- 
knoivn TSSdevtUe artist, to Mlaa Dolly .Umg, 
also a sandesmiaa. Oe^ 17. at Topefca. Kan. 
en AnUr sppcsr «e the boards as Tbe 
ty cydlsta. 

.-ftaak BIMte^ tbe 
a artiiij i,^- MMaMbM^ 

■ TtwHnl. Caa.. Oct, 4. St tbe 

flC.tte~ ■ " 

aa aa i^cia alugu, 
. 1 1 ail Ills at 328 West 
Itar XMk Ctty. Oct. 10, Death 

. tstte 

died St Ua ' ^ -- - - — 

Be lecNs 
to Esoom bla loaa^ 

Chas. E. Hellls died at Wbsbeig. Germany. 
Sept. 7. at tbe age of Sfty. On Oct. 28 last 

■Hal. Mas 
■ tabs ' masao of ty- 

bat a 

foor yeors MBSMr Cor Jobs 

^Ima. O.. OsL ML. Sh. Taylor 

B amfee of panJyolB st Othnrs, Obd., 
asse to trmvcl to Uma, wtMR lie Ilred 
few boors. 

O'Nea, fcsewB la private Ufe as 
Mrs. Msria Mtfarlane. died la Moakegoo, MIcS.. 
Oct. U, oC paralysis, st the age of T2. The 
deeeaaed leaves a danshter and two grandchU- 

Mome Hemandes, an employe of the Grand 
Opera Hoose. Cincinnati, for the paot six- 
teen years and farmeriy a memt)er of an Uncle 
Tom'a Cabin Co.. died Oct. 10 of aplnal menlO' 
fitis. Hernandez waa bom in SaTannab. Ga.. 
32 years sso. 

CoUn Bttrsess, one at the b. et black face 
comedians of a generatloo ago, died last week 
In Toronto. Can., of dropay. Mr. Borgeas Is 
probably t>c«t known aa "Cool" BnrgcSs, be- 
cause of tbe fact that be Isvarlably demanded 
his salaries In sdrance aad appeared otherwlae 
as a cool proposition to managers. When yet 
In bis teens Mr. Bnrgess was part owner of tbe 
Buijevaa Sc Green Mlnatrela, in which he ap- 
peared with Deiunan Thoaipeon. Pat RedmonU. 
Harry CoUlnson and others. Be api>eared with 
Harerly lo Brooklyn during tbe season of ISM- 
5, when he mads sncb a bh that Jobn B. Strt- 
soa made blm aa offer of gSOO per week, tbe 
■Blsiy that bad ssar been paid a mln 
311; Bsiyess Is aaid to baea in 
aboe aad ta bare 

s aaUse . 

HSny LcClalr. A maa of 

- aaeotlsa to hU art. bla 

..Mtaat his BdraDeeacBt 

Fatroas of tbe best TaadeslDs 

boaacs have beca cntcrtalaed by Ua elcsar 
Imperaoaatlon for many yeara, tor he has beca 
before the footlights ever since he waa a TCiy 
yonni; boy. As oor readera are largely (ama- 
iar with his record at home, we might best 
aay something of his ]onmeylngs abroad, aad 
to that end qoote what be himself said in a 
recent newspaper Interrlew, "I have always 
madp a upeclality of 'oldHlame' parta In pro- 
doctlons," said Mr. LeClalr, and it baa al- 
ways been my endeavor to not only make them 
ftinny bnt dean. 1 am a New Yorker by 
birth, bat have played a rood deal In England 
SDd other parts of the vorld. I wis In Slnbad. 
BIact:-eyed Snsaa and Cinderella In the old 
coantry. hot never took part la tbla piece 
antU 1 Joined the company the gisaea t 

son. I originated dorinda In The Ciystal 

per in the Shakespeare Tbeatie ia 
and waa eagaged to go to tbe Drnry Lsas '. 
tre, Iiaa d so, bat tea wild It to esaa «o 
eoashy to ante ssslislHi Uy losaest. taa 
was with Ma g mWo Uc pndnetloa of At- 
alaata. or the CTsldia Plpplsa. We atarf 
han San Ftanelseo, dosisg there oo a 8aa- 
day Blgbt aad startlag an Monday for Ass- 
trails. Tbe Alp, the City of New Mexico, was 
to atop at Haaolala (or provisions aad «oaI 
and one performaaoo was advertlaed thete. but 
she ran onto a coral reef entering the har- 
bor, and waa delayed long enoagb for ns to give 
two. The Boyal Band fnmlshed the mnslc. 
We then went to new Zealand, where we 
stayed for nine months, starting with Ankland 
and ending at Sidney, where we played for 
two months at the Qoeen's Theatre. We were 
the only American company Id the coootry at 
that time. From N'ew Zealaod we went to 
Anstralla and played two months at Harry 
Blckett's Grand Opera Honse. Atterwsrd we 
played for some months throngb the Interior 
of Anstralla, and then went to Calcntta. From 
there we played throoKb India and C bln a. Tbo 
company waa to eoatlnae and make a cooa- 
plete.tger of tbe world, bat I sot iMBiiwr 

He always made Toronto bis home and aeeeral 
years sgo settled there permanrntiy. uiaiijiuc 
Mra. EMas Stepbensoti Tbylor, arho^ wttb ^ 
two sons and as away daiaibtcca. oiBilio T ' 
O. a. Baokoet. ' — - 

died SDO day bwt sscift 

at tbe niiisfat BsapMal. Qalber. lU. Five yeaao 
ago Cbos. W. Bogd waa oae o( Uw beat knows 
tbcattlesi aewiiioper men Is Now yorfc. His 
ebde at Heads aras large and hU aeqoalnt- 
aaeaa BMat aalkalted. He was Orst associated 
sritb tba MamWr Prcaa aa a writer apon ttw- 
atrleal toplca aad a solicitor of theatrical ad- 
sertlalag. NatursHy he drifted Into tbe show 
Imaloess. He managed the tour of Oertrode 
CoEhlaa and » rved In a general newvpaper and 
managerial capacity with many other attjac- 
tlona. A year ago he mored to Chicago, delved 
into TarloQS branchrs of the amusement and 
newspaper buslneas snd was tbls fail engaged 
by Fred C. Whitney aa adrance agent for the 
Allot- Flsber Co. In this employ he died, a 
Ttcttm of acnte sastritia. FundameotaUy Mr. 
Boyd was a kind hearted and geoeroos (el- 
low. He proved to be bin own worst ei>emy, 
often sllowlng his Impulses to orertMlance hlo 
JiHigment. Mr, Boyd leavqs a widow and soo In 
New York CKy. Tbe body w«s_ ahlpped to tbe 



Alice and the Bight Princesses, in two sets; 
copyrif;hted by M. Wltmark. 

A Gold Finish, la sao aet; oagiyrlgbteJ by T. 
S. Denison. - ., . 

Tbe Oonnty Jndgaw Is Umm acto;*saafngataS 

by C P. Francis. 

Exiles In ArcadU, In three acta: copyrighted 
by W. Hughes. 
Fatty Felix. In three acta; eopyrlgblcd by 

Sam Morria. 

Tbe Garden of Graft, In tmO SSlSI' SV^ 
righted by H, W, Hayea. ^ 
Haft-^aat Two, ia aae act: capyrigbtsd iff 
Dens Ctaik. ^ _ 

~ - Op, la «ae act; oew rHMod by M- 

OCfOMR-iHbr IMb 


W( oui DOt oadtruk* to mua PAPEBS « 
FACSAOSS OB whiob Im r*qair*d «xtxm po«tav* 
to forward, ojUms tb» nvcAuuy unooat of poct- 
U paid. At tha ri«hl hand alda of aama 
r*a nil! Had unonst n^ulrtd. 

Applicatioma for mall adnrtlMd ia ttala llB* 
mux ba aicaad ladlTidoaUy by ~* 

•lua i» Saw Z*ik OBm. 

Mllltr. Un. 1. O. 

. Montoe, TrUJc 

•AT«ltk Uoodr. BBmA Cttmt 

BuBiw. Mn B. Ik •aiMxiiL OtcMto 
Bmr. un- Buv b Many. ^ Iri. r. 

: * MM Urn. X. 

, VteM W. 

Oman. Mn. C V. 
OrACO, Joba * VIlUc 
OcttoTs, Wlanlc 
<Oe Date. Un. 
DaTtR. Grace 
OiTetpiirt, Miode 
OaTta, Mn. M. I> 
DavlM. Un. T. B. 
D«MS«. Dalaty 
DMBMBd. Uniaa 
•OavTM. DoUr 
Dletrl^. Mr*. I.. 
Dolwrtr. Acnea 
•Eaaton. Btaaeb« 
GlUott, Etbfl 
•ElsMr. Karle 
FaalkBCT. Ura. W. 
PiTar, MarpwrlU 
Frndor. Mrs. Trddy 
Fitz. Mr*. Babe 
rlarhard, Itfoiaa 

•F1«teh«r. laabrlla 

Porsarl. Mr*. Fellz 

FmKti. Eunice 

Fnalt. Mra. DoUj 

Gore. Mr«. Zota 

Gr*tc, Glmec 

•Bala. B««ato 

HaU. Uut« 

Hallowaj. BaM 

HaTrt. Bate 
. Batflfld. Mt«. CilM 
. •Bartbomf , NelUc 

•Hasritoo. Malx^l 

Bmdrteka. Boas iBt 

Bines. Jenslc A Ma- 
in 1* 

HodSt, BUMbett 
EMnm. Ura. Ma« 
Boll. Ml*. Mcu lOe 
Hnrd. Mn. T. J. 
Jackaoo. Ura. Bebeeca 
•MnaoD. Ura. CbarUa 
Knt. Vn. Gc*. r. 
Bim Mnw s. r 

NislaoB. Mn.liKnMt 
NbTlUe. Madca 
Kawtoo. Ilia. TMaa 
Noxoo. Mra. Daw 
OUtu. ilMiy 
*OmAr, Janatto 
Palmer, ferol 
*P«ck, Lala Bay 
emt. Uim. k. A. 
PcTclDO. Un. AUec 
•PtdUIpa, Barry * 

B«U GotAoD 
PblUlpa. un. UoMrt 
PhUllpa, Mn. D. P. 
PfaUoox, Ctamaa 
PomeroT, Pearl 
PoireU. Mra. Albert 
Powers. Mra. Dare 
•Eecw. SoUlTaa 
Relu. Un. UUlc 
Reafro. Buela P. 
Richard. iMra. Battle 
Blngl.>, Made* 
•Boma. Roae Sb<>MaB 
Roaentbal. Un. Bcair 
R;der, Un. Frankle 
Sc. Elmo. Annette 
Saratie. Uias 
Sctacner, Mrs. Ed. Ic 

Scbulze, Un. EtaMt 
Semoa, Un. 
Bbielda. UartlM 
Stefrrt.' Boniia (Palm* 

SImpMo. UiB wm. 

Smltb. Klaa 
Smith. Uattle 
Stewart. Un. O. U. 
Stlckaer, Madam 


Still. Mircnerlte 
Stuck. Un.>J«lia 
soiij, r" 

Taylor, Loolae 
Tesaor. Jollette 
Texaoa. Nellie (Blfle 

a. B. 

MeDooald. Uamie 
Mackaj, Mrs. Drside 
Madden. Mr*, unie 
*MalroIo, AoialU Alia 
Mar4i>U. Uay 
Uaitaa. Btbel 
May. Helen K. 
Mellnotte. SUtm 
Mendes. It«ae 

Meatar. Oarette 

Weber. Ito. * MM 

White. Baea 
Winonshby. Bata 
Wolf. UUlaD 
Wonsaard, 0!sa 
Tale. Ulsa Cedl 
Toolln. Alma M. 
Tooas. Mn. Edwin 
Zrika. Jtadaa 


Adama. VMik. 

•Adomoa. Bddle 
ASiloa, Ixmla 
Albj-er, Benzr 
Alfton (Bead Bal 

•Allen. U B. 
Allen. Albert 
Allen. Jeaae W. 
AUen. Winner P. 
Ameileaa Am. Oaw 

(DeKreko Broa.) 
Andrrsoa. J. A. 
Anderson, AUie< 
*Aodrewa. O. 

AmiL a. c. 


Amo (Meehaaleal 

•Arnold. T. B. 

Arqaette. "Wm. 
*Artbnr, Goa 

AtklsacB. A., m. 

AOKustus, 1. F. 
Antnnn. Marreloaa 

•Asatla. f. 0. 
Bnbepck, oacar (I<oop 

Bell. O. O. 
Bellamy, Cbaa. 
Benjamin. Wa. 
Beater, Joe B. 
Beraea. B. U, 
B efnN eln.^Jaa 

mSnriK Wm""** 
Blncksfblacer, Ckt*. 


Bliilr. Clj-de 
nialre. Sidney Ken* 

Blondln. Prof. Harry 

B\of. Otaa*. 0. 
Duardman. R. H. 
IVwk. H. L. 
iiootii. n. w. 

Boaton Opera Co. 
Itoswell Wm. 
Boyer. M. L. 
•Boyd, Jamea W. 
Brew«r. U. A. 
Brewer. Daa 
Rrlaaoii. W. t. 

" ' a. B. 
a B. 

Browa, Joe 
Brown. Jcaa H. 
Bock. Bogcae 
Buhlar. Blehard 
Bnrke. Frank * 

Barrier, Cbaa. 
Borroaglia, B. C. 
Cable, Geo. r. 
•Caleedo. J. A. 
Cain. Wm. 
Calkina & Son 
Oameioo, I. C. 
•Camerstt, Vaaaario 
Cariiany * Slaataa 
Carl. C. A. 
Carroll. Arthar J. 
Carter, Paal 
Carter. Frank 
Caaey, Andrew W. 
Cbaney A Clark 
CbarUoo. Hoddc 
Oeanltar. B. a 

w. w. 

FlaneKaa, J. B. 
Flnnegan, Jaa. H. 
Flaber, Bngenc J. 
PUke, E. D. 
•Ftemlnt, wm a 
•nemlnc. Wm. B. 
Fleming, Eddie 
•Florence. Al. 
Force, Carl 
Forster. W. B. 
Foraythe. S. N. 
Franklin, Chas. 
FnakllB Am. Oo. 
Franklyn, Cbaa. U. 
Praacr. B. O. 
nee, J. Hlttla 
Frey, Baatr 
Fricdmaa, Bany 
Trjr, BaM. B. 
i-ton. Althw H. 

ChUwell, Joe 
Clark. Chaa. K. 
Clark. E. M. 
Cllirord. Geo. A. 
•ClllTord. CbeaterGUae 
Cloas, Geo. 
Cobnro. Arthur 
OoU. J. B. 
•Cole, Lonli A. 
Cote. Klnc 
Cole E. 

ColUns, F. T. 4c 
CoUlna, Capt. B. 
Collins. Boland 
Cbndon, Joo. F. 
•Coakllsf, WIU 
Conlon. Jack 
CooneUy. Pete 
Connerj. Jack 
f>onUaentaI Amnae. ft 

Ex. Co. 
CoDzani, Clndla 
Cook's Blppodrome 

(Jay Cook, proje.) 
Cook & Barrett'a 

Show. Mgr. 
Cookatoa. M. O. 
•Coons, Cbaa. 
Cooper. Clarence B. 
Cord. Dare 
Ckmelloa. B. F. 
•Coryell. Geo. B. 
Cotter. Fnnk 
OMilsoa & Niblo (Bip 

Van Winkle) 
Court. Mr. 
•Cranitoa. A. B. 
Crawford. T. T.. Jr. 
Croft. H. P. 
Crook, Baraey 
Crooac. W. P. 
Orow, P. 0. 
Calm. T. H., Uc- 

(HoMwrtra W. W.) 

Gabriel * Laafaa W. 

W. ShMT. Ucr. 
Gardner, W. H. 

- - 

Oairatt. J. BoM. 
Oaaaaal. Oa«b 
Garin. ttaak A. 
•Gay. Uatt 
•Gclaar, H. (Acta*) 

De Aeo. Mb * MU- 

DeAeaa. The BNat 

DeCUIrrine. 8M 
DeiEstang. Uarcy 
DeKrako, Jean 
DeKreko. Gabriel 
DeMllly. John W. 
DeSbetley-VeiHae Car- 

Dlral Co. 
•DeVaalt. B. 
Danber. Harry J. 
Darltncton. Harry 
Darnell. Prof. JMM 
Darla. B. E. 

Deltrlcfc * 


DerllD, HeniT 
Die*. Deadwood 
Dickson. J. B. 
Dleca. A. E. 
DUlar. John W. 
DUUe, Max 
Dinine. O. 
•Dlnklns. T. W. 
•Dlttman, Chaa. B. 
DIttmore, Wm. 

Dotihtna. W. G. 

Doo'a Cam. Co. 
Dodd A Kellema 
I>od5on, Melrlo 
Doran, Goa 
Doria. W. f. 
•Dorian. Oc*. 
Doraey. B. 
Oooglaa. Oaa. 
Dye, B. B. 
Doyle. B. J. te 
•Doyle. Fred P. 
DicainlaBa Cm. 0». 
jMgas, Jamea 
Dnawre. 8. T. 
Damltwea. Mitta 
OoaalnKtoa. W. S. 
Dnnworth, J. J. 
Doray. C. CnTlar 
Dnttoo Cam. Otw 
•Dnrrie*. 8am 
rmnn * WUaaa 
EaKle. Oscar W. 
Rist L.vnn Co., Mgr. 
Eaatem Cam. A Am. 

Cb.. on. 
Bbersteln .Maze 
EcbUn Am. Co. 
BckharU. The Great 
•Eckles. R. K. 
FMnrards. raol 
EMvvanl5. C. E. 

( Roimd Top) 
F.dnrarda. Wm. 
•Edwards, Leo 
Frfln-ards. Ralph 
Elilen. Wm. 
•Rlafeld. Max 
FJlla. L. J. 
Rnnvcaa Aau Oa. 
Ba ima, . ^^JIi|^Mgt. 

•riMtt. P»al U 
mm Cam. Oa. 
ram Chaa. 

— r. Hattoa 
J. Jl 

. Waller 

OMCfle, Xteot, le 

Slhaoa. W. 
GUnon, Jti. H., UfT. 
QlUettc, F. B. 
•Gllllngham. Al. J. 
•Gll Un g b am. Bdmsnd 

•GUhnan. Bert 

Gllpln. Ed. a. 
Glanfs Cam. O0.J.B. 
Glaaeock. Faster 
Glass. Jamea L. 
Godklo, Arthar 
Goldenbers. Mr. 
Golden Bemedj Co. 
Goiaie, Frank A. 
Gooding, J. E. 
Goodwin. Wm. C. 
Conld, Wm. J. 
Goold. Manny (CoI'd) 
Gral>aeh.S<lioaaUBS Co. 
Once. P. B. 
Gramllng. Tbca. A. 
Grant. Boland 
Gray. Frank 
•Green, J. EUsirorth 
Gregg, Fred (Gregs 

Gripgle. GranTllle 

Habn. A. B. 
Haines. Chas. 
BaU. Franklin 
Bairaeratcla. B. B. 
•Hanfocd. (Aaa. B. 
Bandy Nav. Oa. 
Harding, H. 
Barkness. F^nk 
Harria. Rid 
Harris. Jlmmle 
Ibrrls Sc Del/OSs 
Halloran, Barold E. 
Barley. C. B. 
Harm, Fred T. 
Batdi. B. WaaRB 
Batbaway. B. H. 
Bangan. B. 
narell. P. W. 
Bawlar, WUttr 
Beltaa, Ofeifc F. 

Mr. OleU 

can stNBK Ubb) 

•Hetrlngton. W. 
Heater. Master LeRoy 
Hickman. Ed. 
HIggtna. Bert 
•Bill Barry Willard 
H Hilar, W. J. 
Hindoo. K. Bopa 
Him. LoKsn 
Roch. Chas. 
Hockey. Barry QlUia 
Hoffman. Prof. B. B. 
Hozan, Wiii.((X>lored) 
Bolt. Dsn S. 
Rolllngsworth. Alfred 
Hood. W. D. 
Hoosler Am. Co. 
Bope. Alex. 
Hopkins, Bert 
Ropklna, Bert G. 
Borgan, Roxle 
Homer. Geo. 
Roas & Nanmann 
Hosa. Bert 
Bona & Smith 

.^Haaet. T. P. 
Bemrd, B. B. 

aiMiaid*« W. W. 

(T. B. CMa. Kkr.) 
Hnbcr. Banr 
•BadM. Br UMtg J. 
.•Rachaa. Walter 
Bnltnci ned 
•Hnat*a Vand Clrens 
Huston. Wm. 
Hntchlnsoo. Edward 
Hratt. Frank Z. 
•Ikey A Abey Co.. 
Irrin. Frank (Jamho 

Snake Show) 
Jaekion. John 
Jackson. G. S. (Mgr. 

Jacobs. J-ift 
Jamea. Andy. Painter 

Jarrla. Fred 
•Jeanette Broa. 
•The Jannett* 

JiTomr, Frank B. 
Jobnsoo. Cbas. O. 
Jdinaon. Wm. B. 
Johnson. Wm. 
Jonea. Colambus 
l oaea , B.^C . 

KarUUl. _ 
Katsea, B. 

Katr, B. P. 
K«up, C 
Kayau. Mike 
Kaylor, E. U. 
Keen. Benry 
•Keith, Darld B. 
Keller, Denry B. 
Kelly, John P. 
Kelly. Cbaa. 
Keltow, Ed. W. 
Kennedy. W. H. 
Kennedy, Jamea B. 
Kerr. WUbnr 
Keyei, Frank 
Klgbtllnger, Chaa. 
KUpstrlefc, Chaa. O. 
KUpatrlek Broa. 
KlmtK-rlaln, Cku. 

KISLbeck. W. B. 
Klnc. Jno. 
Klac. a. B. 
•King * Col. B. a. 
Klnc Thoa. S. 
Kliaeb, EdwaM 
XoUcr. Hatiy B. 
Kobaalller. Piaak O. 
KBttatr. M, ]~ 
LaSaie. Cart . 
liBliFctlc 3te. 
LaMaote Baaa.* 

LeBqr. B* 
•LeBar. ' U. 

Ulllcr Mm 
UlUer, John (Dateh) 
XilUe. Slim tiee 
unior & Kaufman 
Uffler. B. 
UUer, E. Lu 
MUler, Joa. 

Cream Conea) 
Mllld. Joe. E. 
•Mlron, Joa. C. 
Mitchell. Harry 
Mittengcr, Whltie 
Miznno'a. Tb« 
Molor, Geo. A. 
Uonaban. C. J. 
Montgomery, E. E. 
Montgomery, Fnnk 
Moore. Harry A. 
Moore. Dr. W. H. 

•Morrison, Lon F. 
Moran. Peter 

Uote. Prof. Uaik 8. 

Morley. C. A. 
Morris. Big BlU 
Mortimer, W. A. 
•Ucrtlmcr. Ckaa^ 
UortoB. J. B. 

Langley. Frank L. 
Landy, Banj 
Landsay, Nap 

Lanser, W. J. 

UrllltTd. Wjlto 
Laskey, Jamea 
Lawson. Joe 
Layden, B, I. 
I/ea-ntt, H. h. 
Lee. Baymaal 
Lee, Joe 
•Lee. Wm. 
I^, Barry 
Lee. Billy (Come- 

Lee. Frank P. 



MlBto. Geo. 

uvSvI onZTMpi. 

Uamr. JasM A. 
Unnlc, TWv 

Uyen. N. P. 

Uyera, Uaz a., Kgr. 

Myers. M. B. 
Uyera. Jeaa 
Myera. T. J. 

Uyen, Pior. Sc 

Mycn, F^ed 
Nance, P. W. 
Nathnal Stock Oo. 
MaliHnc. B. H. 
NeOI. O. O. 
Nclaon, Joa. 
Keater, Barry 
Newman, J. D. 
Ney. F. A. 
NIas, I. 
NIcboUa. CbMa. 
Kldiola. E. J. 


Xbla letter Hat ewery week Tor mall 
matter. Tl'e are not repaired to 
I10I4I aDClalmed leaacn loaser ttaam 
teB *mrm^ excap* mS 
peraoa aiajraaaea. 

Leister. John P. 
Leon. Glrard 
Leroy, William 
Lrelle, Eddie 
Leslie, Jay 
Leslie. Uatt D. 
Lester, Dan W. 

Lerolo, <R. 
Lewis. Chas. S. 
Lewis. Capt. A. W. 
T.ewla. F. J. 
Leytem, J. F. 
T^niTr'?, Cbaa. & 
LIndenatreth. Foote 
Lockwood Expo. Co.. 

H. W. 
Logan. J. W. 
Lone Star Cam. Oo. 
Long. Doc 
Lone. Cocdoa K. 
Lorton. Banker A. 
Lotto, Wm. 
Lode, JaA 
Loary, Cmxl 
Lowe. Leas 

Nixon ft Zbameraan 
Nixon, Bartr 
Norman, J. A. 
Nnll, Sam C. 
Nye, Tom FrankUn 
O^rten, Geo. N. 
O'DoIe, Geo. W. 
Ollrer. A. L. 
Osborne Dramatic Oo. 
Otto. Barry E. 
Orerlln. Albert 
Oyer. B. S. 
Orerstreet. J. U. 
Overton. Hazrr 
Paddock. A. E. 
Palmer. Harry 
Parisian Wldomi 0»« 

Parrlsh. J. C. 
Parker. AB ' 
Payne. JIa 


Pay too Trto. The 
Pieder. B. U. 

•UMCk Snat 

O. H. 

Uraek. Jadt.faBaa 

Chktaa lOBCk) 
InA. Wm. 
UcArthnr. B. C. 
UoCaln. B. W. 

MeOlanaban. Ike 
McClanshan. Fnnk 
•McColIinn. HertMTt 
McCrea. Jaa. 
^feCne. Wm. 
McDade. Q»o. 
McFadden. Will 
Mc<^ary. Harry Wm. 
McGee. M. W. 
MeGbiDla. J. D. 
McKenna, Eugene 
McKesson. Wm. 
M.lcVett.i-. Karl G. 
Madden, Chas. 
Mablam, B. 
Maher i LaPlaee 
Ualnwarlng. Erneat 
MaltUnd & Pascatel 
•Maley. Denman 
Mall. Walter 
Mankln. Chaa. B. 
Uanlcy. C. W. 
UantoQ. BaBP B. 
Uardier. Ckaa^ 
Uarahan. B. P. 
Hattli. n. 3. 

BntttMD. Sm 

•UatUer. Bert 
Uaxim * Gar 

Ma.v. Benry B. 
•Meaay A Aadctaea 

Medlln. B. A. 
Medway, CIm. L. 

Melloo. Lon 
llercl. T. John E. 
Merritt, Prank T.. 

Mrti. Harry 
Meyeea * Uaaon 

Petraln. Stcpbea A. 
PMUlpa, Prof. M. B. 
Fhinipa. Joe (Slmp> 
•Pbllllps. Barry de 

Bell Gordon 
Phillips & Gordoo 
Pbllllps, B. L. 
Phillips, D. T. 
PhHHps, D. P. 2e 
Pblpps. Col. B. I. 
Pierce. A. fc. 
riRmore BMB, <hn. 


Ptttee. C T. 
PoHock, W. J. 
Pollack, Earnest E. 
Porter. Blaine 
Potter. B. B. 
PotU t POtta 
•Powley. W. Jr. 
Powells, The 
Porrera, DsTe 
Powen. D. O. 
Pretty Polly Oo 
Proctor, Geo. W. 
Prond, C. C. 
Pujo. E. P. 
Qoebey. Bany 
QnlUea*. The 

BahHtit, ▼. B. 

•Bar. DavM 
Bay * Bcnr 
Baymer Broa. 
Raymond. Ftti 
Readlek. Frank. Ucr. 
Readlck. Cart (Ugr. 

R«aTl9. Prank 
Redllne. Henry 
B.-ed. C. F. 
Rred*^, Frank L. 
Reld. Alfred 
Reld. HaroU 

Beynolds. John W. 

Beynolda, J. B. 

Blaldo, Clyde 

Blee, Das K. (Bal- 

Bice Floating Tbeanc 
F. H. 

•Richards. Thoa. 

RIckard, Ed 

Ulddloe. Bill 

^ledel. AntOB 

BUey Bros ( O em ady 

Robert5. John 

Robluun. J. D. 

BoblnsoD, A. C. 

Roblnsoo. Wm. 

Rodney Stock Co. 

Rogers. E. J. 

Rogers, Wllam 

•Roaers. Geo., ir. 

•RoUlna. Ueo. N. 

Boaa, Em 11 

Roae. CoL C. B. 

Rosenthal. Don Uarold 

Rouen. John 

Rowland A Clifford 

BnaaeU. F. U. 

BosaeU. DMk 

Roaaell. Bay 

Bydon. Will 8. 

M. amHaa._B. «. . . 

Tate. Whitle 
•Taylor, Albert 
Taylor. Elmoce 
Teaadale, Geo. 

(GUsa Blower) 
Teeta, Broa.* Show 
Tennessee Cam. Oau 
Tenncy. Walter 
Tewncy, B. W.. lib' 
ThCiadeaa. Jim 
Thomaa, Arthar B 

Thomas. B. A. 
Thrasher. Gharlle 
Thitabrr, C. B. 
Tborstoo, Howard 
Tibbctts. Cnahaua B:. 
TIemey. PhU H. 
THIman 8Um 

Todd. Wm. 
ToUej. Geo. 
ToaaeU. Richard 
Traband Am. Oo.J 
Trebone, Charlie 
Trowtirldcc. W. W. 
Tucker Stalk Oa. 
Tail. Charley 
Turner, C. B. 
Turner. Loola 
Tumo, Marreloaa 
Twoc. Joa 

•Vadetwoe^ Otaa, B. 
Taa AUCB, B. W. 
Taa ~ ~ 

Sarcaat. WxtA P** 
Saatdle ftWd*BMar 
achaffer, VUbm Mi - 

Sehenfc. JmA 
Scblelds. Jack 
Schiller. R. F. 
Schwartz, Sam 

Scott, B. A. 
Scott. Doe A Scott 
•BcoTill. Neshlt 
SelbT. Frank B. 
Bemonr, Bmeir 
•Shannon. John I. 
Sbayne, John 
Sherry. J. A. 
Sherwood, Otto 
•Shielda. B. S. 
SUelda, H. S. 
Shielda. Jao. B. 
Shater, Biueat 
Btmpaona. Tlie 
Skinner. C O. 
Sleumsooa, Master 

Smead. F. B. 
Smith, Harry G. 
Smith & Ackermaa 
Smith. Ansel 

Smith'* ColoaaU Sbaw 
(E. O. Smith, Ugr.) 

Smith. J. S. 

•Smith. Lee Ortan 

Baydam. H. B. 

Bnrdet Broa. * Daw- 
ke'a W. W. Al*. 


80pp. Joe 

Spann. C- F. 

Splaln, JnaepB 

Staff, A. 

- r. nnt 

▼•oars, Fraak 
•Vorla. Geo. M. 
•Vavla. Baaa 
Toacaatd, Frank P. 

Waas^'Bor. T. O. 
Walker. Jake 
Walton. Ctiaa. 8- 
Waters. Hugh O. .i V 
Wandle, A. 
Ward. Cnrtla 
Warner, Ed. C 
•Wastahnm. L. W. 
Waablngtoo. B. O- . 
Watson. Tboa. 
Wataon, H. E. 
Waugb. Edward 
Wanglebarg Am. O*. 
•Weaber, B. L. 
Weber. Ur. A UlB Bl- 

•Weloh, Jaa. 
Wcltch, aale 
Wearwortta, Cbaa. ■ 
Weatworth. Walt«K 
Western Am. Oa. 

Weaton. R. E. 
White City Aii- Oa. 
•White. Partar J- 

Wlckham. Geo, 

Wlckllffe, Joia 
Wilbur, Chaa. B. 
Wilford. Chas. 
wniaid A Oa., H. P. 
Wlllers, WUbeha 
Wilson. Harry 
wnsaa. P. B. 
^ Pak. <k. 


•Stopatt, B^ 

m^^. Joe 

Mmrt Dr. W. B. 
SIfwatt Geo. W. 
Btamatt Bdw. a 

Stein. BUey 
Stockman. Jake 
Stoddard. CbM. L. 
Stone. Jno. 6. 
Strauss. Prof tlfHd 

Strayer. J. B. 
Streets of Cairo. The 
•Strosa. Herman 
Stuart. O. K- 
SoUIran. J. H. 
Bwaln. W. I. 
Swearlnger, C. 
Bween. Johnle 
Swiaber. Earl J. 
Sykaa. Wallace 
Syren. DeB 
Taher. G. P. 

Wondfard. U. B. 
Wooda. 8t«<a A. 
•Wooda. Blera 
•Waada. Uc tOutm- 

Woodward. W. B. 
Waikmaa. P. a 
Wartham. Otrde 
Wrlgbt. Rba K. 
WjCtrd. Edward 1. 
W. W. A. earn. Oa. ; 
•ranger, Seoot 
Yeager. W. O. ;; 
Yelknr. KentndlF .v. 
Tobn. Prof. VeiwB i 
Toot. Jay A. 
Toong. Ben. 
TooBC, Boy O. 
ZareU, Ben. 
Zehna. (Elec.BhaoMaB 

ZOda tt tka AC* 


a apeaker ■> kc It m il l l l l tll tM^JL *.' "JS^T 
Wright when he ap»eaia< ■S!*!?''^^'?^' 
tit. New Tork Cltj; TUt ilky^a waateB. ^Oe t;^ 
before a large aodlaaaa wMtk a»»la"™\ ™ » 
enthnslasUcally. Mr. ••■•■•.•■iJ'M*" " 
aodlton with co uiaif la am tka _ iada aa mar 
day and with wlttF *ltB» •* 0«^%.«"* 
London. Among the nOeMC were Jcto mew. 
Homer Daeenport hnitaffle* >»- »»J Jj™- 
Tkeodore Bart Bayre. FraafcUn Pylea. Mjsl Dmj 
lei nataaa. the Ulaaea Guggenheim. }^-*^ 
Iba: vSSb p. Aten; Edward Roae, WilUam 
- ™™ 'bSSSTura. P, K. Bodd. Wm 

CM* PI** •>»» t**""*" .«*!°, "r^rt!? 

kMrkCCn no other American playwright, in that 
bta BiMs hare been added to the cnrrlcnlam 
of the^Yate Unlrersltr In tbe cooree of dia- 
matte literature. Mr. Fltcb will bar^hla playa 
pabllsbed In book form and htreafter lae 
dramatic stodents of the Sew HM*a nw 
tlon win study Fitch as they do ShMU 
The aimbers and Tbe . Girl With 
Eyea wDI be Brst paMIs*— 
Her Great Matcb. iie- t^™,^"— lin*" 
of the Town, and The StBn8«MiW W 

Of the printhac matter and tke aa» 
■iT-.Tl^ir adJba. Flake hear ika 



OCTOBER 28, 1905. 

Xk* Billbaaid waata a. lapnwntattT* is 
mmt tnar. Unit b* your Bta at gMd 
wttf a cood lattar for ptfli' 
MWttl coTnmfMTwi paU. om all 
i«if ( l a J a at i Otvaitmaat. 


XOBTSOKEKy'. — BIJoa Tlieitre (O. Meal, 
-aisr.) The Funsjr Mr. Doole^ 16-18; capacity 
ttntneca. Jno. B. Wllla Co. week 23. 

Westiliiston Park Ttteatre. Edwin Fasten 
Co. In Higb Life week 16; good compw ani 
b«uln«aa. Foater and Lewla* ttaa liiamtMia. 
dcaerrlng especial menUon. 

HmrraviIXE—OiMim Hooae (Tboa. p. LitOe- 
Jaim. mgr.) iBartow Mlnatiela B; .cood p«foRB> 
aace and bnatneai. Jalea Foremtn la. Ciadat- 

• alia 11; plcaced fiood audience*^ 
Teller X4; fair performance. 

mxf cHt BSt alTaa«ly piaridad for. Ocly hsatlara 

glad p«naal addiaaiy saimasaatlj lo e a t ad, wha oaa 

HABIFORB. — Panons' Tbeatia (H. C. Pai- 
aona. mgr.) OUa SMimer 10; daUgiitad Kood 
boslnen. In tb« Iisad «f. OnttoB 12; aood Imsi- 
oesa. Easr Dawaon IS; B. O. (OUi WUl 

r.— 'Noble St. O^atie (A. B. Motle. 
_r.) Tbe OIBc« Boy 9; fair bodiMaa and sood 
p g f ona a nce. The Coonty Chairman 11; doe 
atxnr aad good tHUInea*. Tbe Fortima XHlK Bl; 
fair perfonnaiace and good baalneaa. Tta-'Mir- 
aal City U; ▲ Baeb at Kcgra ao. 

ilMai** Tfcialia- (Frank p. Fol- 
IL 8. nddfa IdnaMs IB: WHU 
Oa. 20-21; A Bnnch of Keya 

HWIII liK. — ^Sloblle Ibeatre (J. TaaneiAaBm, 
ap-.) <AL a. ndd'a ■Mlnatrela 00. 



HINK BLVTF Elka' Tlieatre (Jas. Drake. 

mgr.) Snn'a SUsatrela 7; floe bnalnesa. Over 
Nlagimi FaUi B; excellent patronase. 8bei»- 
paid'a MoTlnr Plctnna 10; good boalneaa. "War 
Dowm^ gMt^; ^ ofc^ DeGraaae 20; Wban Muny 


'■/9MM nuurciSCO.— Calmnlila Tbeatre (Gott- 
.Mk Ibrx Sc Co., msia.) Eleanor Bobson in 
. Itedr 'Mary Ann week 16; splendid boslneia. 
TXtoU Opera Honae. Tbe Grand Italian Opera 

icaaon is in Its flttb week of inceea. 

Hajeaac (B. W. BIsbop, mgr.) Janice 
Maradlth araak 16, by tlie stock company. 

•If lar Tbeatie (E. D, Price, mgr.) Tbe 
CtWa .week U, tar the stock compaar. 

OalifbniU Tbeatre (O. P. BUI, mgr.) Hay 
Baward'a Great Bnrleaqne Co. week 16; good 

■■■■III ■■. 

eiand Opera Hooae (S. Ii. ACkerman. mgr.) 
In Old Kentnckr week 16. 

OrplMiun (Jbo. Mortlaay. mgr.) Tbree Ne- 
Taraa. Raymond and CaTerly. Eiisall and For- 
l>ea, UelanI Trio. Leslie and DailW' Aatkor 
Prince, Browning and Willey, and omiom' gie- 
tares week 18: capacity boaineaa. 

Fiacbci's Theatre (Tony Lnbelskt, mgr.) 
Clatk'a Dot and MoDker Clrens, UlUe San- 
find. UoGrte and Poole. Hadck and Lalando. 
^m. Jr aai tng . lb. and atra. Strand, and others 
WMk 16: plaa a ad aodlencea. 
Jveem Thcsti* <AI. 6. Floomoy. mgr.) 

PHlgta-daa TaodtvOla la attiaetlBg good boai- 
OMEN, ST Pbdan Bldg. 
AHTOUM, Waaon 0pm Haoie (H. C. 
yatt. mgr.) BtM Baiqnnoce In anndar 15- 
jThe Olrl Rem Kay> 1841. 
Barbaak Tbeatt* (Olner MOroaea. agB.) Tke 
Fortildden Marriage week IS, by tha Botatt 
Btoek Co. . ""."v?^ 

Belaseo Theatre (H. B. BUekw«iod^' aiB.) 
A Fool and His Sfoney week 15. 

Grand Opera H«o8e (Tboa. Baker, mgr.) 
For the second and last week the Cbaa. A. 
Taylor Co. wUl present Qneen of the Hlglnray 
week 15. 

Orpbeom (darence Drown, mgr.) Edna Ha!I 
and Carleton Macy. Franz Ebert. Dlzon and 
H^mea. Hal Sleirltt. and many otbeia week S2. 
_C>»te» Park and Tbeatie (Beniy Koeb. mgr.) 
wajrtbing la doing flne InulDen, the Great 
lawffarelll 'a Italian Band being the star at- 
lia« il iai. D. w. FERotrsoN. 

_ lUt amKABSnrO^-Opeta Boose (Martha 
IWlHCr. mgr.) Qm Tadiii 7: good abow 
i — -waa maw. The Oxdey Bepertolre Co. week 

Sf ■2!*i^5^L^?5'* 1*™" Kay'B 18; Arlxona 
Sll^ ga»eet Og nt The. Chaperons 24. 

Bruadwar JfcWtt l . jE. B. Ussenden. mgr.) 
iRi ■ K- H«n. Ed. McAlfirter' 

^aa aaterm, Dw w.;Ma PM«.,LB t«lll« and 
BswdL Md the M Mfct MMnaa mek »; 
fair andleaaaa.- • • Pala^ Xaat Daja 

T hea tr e (Sam. Harris. 

— . m Co. of alxteeo people. 

Blaad and Frey. Hallan and 
nmlly. Borton'B Ptetatca^ and 
atiang bin. 


-r- ' Theatre <K. C. Smith, 
m HIb flraee De Granaaat 
Bfa nucnar 10: 
_ _ _ maid n; - 
'«M; caad ' ' 

„- -_-Bn.Oat. iB^ ! 

tbe World 17;: 1&dar.«iaHlMn -tUm Ms: 

Poira (E. B. Mit^n. msr.) Tom Nawn and 
Odl. Dm FIt* ColnmMana and athcra iBzed the 
booae at mefa pafennaaee i>eek 9. Tbe noOy 
^ Trip. LaDiew * larnaoe. Kattte Keen aad 
Oo.. Delfflore Slatcn. Bawthanc aad Boit, Xb- 
gart aad tke aortas pMm Hack Ift. 

Be Olrla 14; large attenSaaee. >se WAer I6i 
Sarage Opeta Go. 17-18; Iiawrence D'Oraay 

Hartford Opera Honae (H. H. Jenolnga, 
mgr.) Eight Bells II; fair bostness. A Pair 
of Pinks i:-14: fair bDslness. Knickerbeekera 
16-18; Tracked Around tbe World 10-21. 

Poll's Theatre (L. C. KUby, mgr.) Joe Hart 
and Carrie DeMir, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bairr 
and Zlngari Tilo topped a good bUl week B; 
boalneaa good. The Uttle Black Man, Mia. 
Stnart BoImmii. aad otheia week 16. 

WJklBBBUBS'.— (PoU'a mieatre (Hany Par- 
Boaa. mgr.) The Land of Cotton 10; pleaaed 
good boainen. imperial MoTing Plctnres 15; 
Tracked Around tbe World 16; Lawrence D'Or- 
aay 17; Tbe Weber All-Star Stock Co. 18; 
Parla by Mlsht 10; Blehard Carle 20; tTndac 

SoDtbem Skies 21. 

Jacqoea Opera Honse (F. W. Pltapatrlck. 
mgr.) Rossi's Moslcal Hoiae, Tbe Gleasons and 
Honllhan, D'Amile Sisters. Fred. Nye. Will 
Dockray. Dorothy Kenton, and others 9; good 

XERIDEir. — (Jackson & iReed. men.) Boe 
Comedy Co. n-eek 9; good boalneea. A Temp- 
erance Town 16: A iMldnlgbt Bdl IT; A Black 
Sheep 18 ; Sbepberd's Zlvttag W rtllM ' ' 19-20; 
The SIpn of the Groae 21. 

SOUTH BOBWALK.-^oyt'8 Theatre (I. M. 
Hoyt. mgr.) Adam Good (}omedy Co. 8-14; 
big hnslaesB Under Southern Sktoa 17; Van- 
defillt 91; Dtfa Thome 23; Dnid BmB 24. 


WTUaNGTON. — ^The Garrlck Theatre (W. L. 
Dockstader. mgr.) Week of 16, Enrtfs and 
Basse. The BJce Famny. Edward Ijirlne. Lil- 
lian Waltone & Co.. Alexander CHaike. X^nla 
DeLamge & Co.. Lcrenz and Klein, Majestic 
Trio. Towel Smith and Towel, Edward Clark 
and his Kix Winning Widows, and the klneto- 

graph. The Grand Opera Trio. Monroe. Mack 
and Lawrence, Tejl Japanese Troape, and otbers 

week 23. 

Tbe Grand Opera House (Jesse K. Baylls, 
mgr.) A Hot Old Time had fair bnslness 9. 
Mrs. Temple'a TUcgiam plajred to large and 
appreciative aodleace IS- The Ooonty Chair- 
man packed tbe hooae 14. ' A Ibaaage from 
Mars 17; Wm. H. Crane In Tb» American 
Lord 20; Gto. W. Primroae'a SUnatrda 28; The 
Hlghflyera 2; Tbe Sleeping Beaaty and the 
Beast 28: Grace Gewrge 28. 

Tbe Lycenm Theatre (Daniel Hnmphrles. 
mgr.) Wedded and Parted bad fair taooaea 12- 
14. West and Vokes packed tbe honse every 
performance 16-lS. Nettle, tbe ' Newsgirl 19- 
21: Hie Glgbt Bells 23-25; She Dared to Do 
Right »2ai NelEbborly Nelghboca SO-NoT. 
1; OaauinBi.Laat Charge 2-1. 


ATLASTA. — Grand (H. L. and J. L. DeGlve, 
mgn.) Hnman Hearts 4: fair bnslness. The 
JelfeisoDs In Tbe Rlrals 5; excellent bnslness. 
Tbe Office Voy 6-7: pleaaed good basiness. 
&flsa Bob White ft; good boalneaa. The Connty 
(Thalrman 10: good crowds. 

Bi]on Theatre (Jake .Wdla, acrO Blaaan and 
Masan week 9; Ug hoMMaa; P s iMS i aa nee gave 
entire satisfaction. 

Star Theatre (J. B. Thompson, mgr.> Bor- 
lesqne and yandeTlIIe week B; good boalneaa. 

TAUX>STA. — ^Yaldosu Theatre (Clinton Gtlf- 
lin. mgr.) A Bnnch of Keya 11; good bnsinesa 
and show. Depew and Bnrdette Stock Co. 13- 
14; good company and fair bnslness. Hnman 
Hearts IR: Sowing tbe Wind 18; Tbe Coonty 
Chslrnian SC. 

AI,ASBT, — iRawlin's 'nieatre ((^ortatowaky 
Brosl, m^m.) Tbe Et«mal City 10: good busi- 
ness and' pleated. X IRnncta of Keya 13: Hu- 
man Hearts 20: Snxaone SanUe in Sowing the 
pleaaed large aodience* finman Hearta 10. 

BAIHBBIDOZ. — Opera 'Honae (Piwratte A 
Tooge, ofra.) Tbe iBecgar Prince Opeta Oo. 12; 
wind SSL 

CHICAGO.— Hauls «bMiti» Ofltt .J> Da»la, 
mgr.) Week zti BUaa Vaal In Tbe Heir 

to the Hoermh. 

Powers' Tbeatre (Harry Powera, mgr.) Week 
23. In the Bishop's Carriage. 

Grand Opera Hooae (Harry Aakin, mgr.) 
Week 23. Eddie Foy in Tbe Earl and the 

Stndebaker Tbeatre (B. B. Harmeyer, mgr.) 
Week 23. The Nasarene. 

Garrlck Theatre (Samnel P. Gctaon. mgr.) 
Week 23, OIlss Grace Van Stnddlfocd In Lady 


Colonial Tbeatre (Oca. . W. Xadanr, - mgr.) 
Week 23. Fay IhmpMn Jn .IMf4i« mantes 
From Broadway, 

McVlcker's Thaataa : lOaK. OL ' WtaM. Inia. 
mgr.) week 88, BtaaOe IVU* !■ tR Wo- 
man In the Case. 

'Great Northern Theatre (P. C. Eberts, mgr.) 
Week 22. Hap Ward in The Grafter. 

Andltorlnm (MUward Adams, mgr.) Week 
23. Hnmpty Dnmpty. 

LaSalle Theatre (E. E. Mackey. bus. mgr.) 
Week 23. Cecil Lean In The Tankee Regent. 

Cnilcago Opera Honse (Kohn t Castle, mgrs.) 
Week 23, The Fink Hnasara. 

Haymarket Tbeatre (W. W. Freeman, mgr. 
for Kahl * CaatleO Week 23. Dlda. Cola and 

JAnaoB. Taitkae Daodle Boya. RIeff Brotbera. 
Wcat and TanSIdea. Lea Frerea De Kock, 
Iicmaay*a Doca, Warden and Olatidlab, Ernest 
ICDore. VcKhmon aad Reed, Sebnier BtoUicta, 
Tbe Oaara. WelllBKtoD Blstcra. Battta BOwaid. 
aad Geo. K. apaor'a XlnotaMe^ 

Olympic Tbeatre (A. Jacobs, mgr. for KoU 
t <^tle.) Week 23, Thome and (^rleton. C!ul. 
Bordeverry & Co., Heogler Sisters, Wartenberg 
Brothers, EteUIta and Gabardo, Howard Broth- 
ers, Barton and Brooks, Casad and DeVerne, 
Southern Sisters, Tom Ripley, Kohler and Koh- 
ler. W. P. CresweU, The McCarrers, C. C. 
Howison. and Geo. K. SiMor'a KInodrome. 

Bosb Temple Theatre (EUzabetb Scbober, 
mgr.) Week 23, Tbe Girl I Left Behind Me. 

Criterion Tbeatre (Lincoln J. Carter, mgr.) 

Week 22, Queen of The White Slana. 

People's Tbeatre (Wln^eld. Rowland ft OUt- 
ford, mgrs.) Week 23, The Homeaeckeia; mat 
production on any stage. 

Colnmbns Theatre (Weber Biaa.. assn.) WeA 
22. S. H. Itadley In The SaMTt Sat. _ ^ 

Howard Tbcatzt (QL itogma. mr.) ^Week 
SS. OnliMan and libilaa Bart - rannasi, I«Ade- 
lla, Teoea sai Brana, Fogr, OtKilcr and Foy, 

Frank Fagaa, and aaoTing plctnres. 

Alhambra Theatre (James H. Browne, mgr.) 
Week 22. Aetoaa tbe Paciac. 

Academy of MnsIc (Wm. Boctae, mgr.) Week 
22, Her Wedding Day. 

BUon Theatre (Wm. Roche, mgr.) Week 

22. Bob Fltzslmmona In A Fight for Lore. 
New American Theatre (Prank Haple, mgr.) 

Week 23, Vanderllle and Cllne's Klnetescope. 

Trocadeto Tbeatre (Harry it, Bedgco. mgr.) 
Week 22, The Oayeat liaalbnttaa. 

FoUy Theatre (Jamea A. WtmrnrntTf mgr-) 
Week 22. Burlesque. 

Coliseum (Stewart Spanldlng, mgr.) Week 

23, Tbe Horse Show. 

Clark Street Mnaenm (I«al8 X. Badgca, 
m^) ^^ ^ On to b aa ^JM^aa ttib^ ^ Bpaaiiaj 

mgr.) carlo bdl and thcstio. 

■FBBfGFIELD. — Cbattertnn (Geo. W. Chat- 
terton. mgr.) HOwo'a Iforlns Pletarea good 

widaiiee. InaoBsar 10: alaaaad fair bnalneaa 
! Moattlil U; ffeir Im^mi. A MuMd 
OtaflbaBSi IS; Bryants Bnlaa«aato 18: Calr 

BObt. ntaalmniana 14; Dan 

IS: fair boBlneaa. Deaerted at tbo Altar 16: 
fate iNialnaaa. Fa " ' " ' 

Gaiety . Tliaalia 
Groteaqss — - * 
ley and ~ 

Olympic (C. J. UcCann, mgr.) 
Grotesque Randolpha, Wava • 
mingray, and otbers week 16. 

Empire (Jno. Connors, mgr.) Bomola and 
Williams, Dolly LeGray, Cbase and CJarma, 
(Tamllle Ambrose, Bogan Sisters, and others 
week 16. 

JOLIET. — Opera 'Honse (J. H. Henderson, 
mgr.) A Coontry Kid 10: fair performance and 
business. BrlttiNeleon FlRht Pictures 11; fair 
bnsinesa and abow excellent. Tbe Female De- 
tectlrea 12; pleased good bnsineas. Darld Hlg- 
gln£ In Hla Iieat Dollar 12: two capacity bonaes. 
Tbe Younger Btotliers 15: pleased excellent busi- 
ness. Kolb A DUl 22: The Isle of B<mg Bong 
2n; Francis WUaon In Cousin Billy 2S; Fiff, PaS, 
Ponf 29. 

Grand Theatre (Louis (>«ldberi;. mgr.) Wm. 
A. HenuBlngTay, Tonng and -Brooks. Prigansa, 
Muiray and 'Perguaon, Alma I>upree and Co., 
(3em C. Magee, T9ie Great Gay. Maxox and Ma- 
aette. aad pletmea w«A B; baainaaa asad. 

DEOdrnX. — Powera' neabia (J. V. OiTen. 
mgr.) Tbe Geexer of Geek 9; pleased good 
Inntness. Tbe Schoolgirl 10: fair tmalness. 
The Female DetectlTea 11; ' fair boalnesa. De- 
serted at the Altar 12; fair house. Dora 
Thome 13; fair business. Tbe Mummy and the 
Hommingblrd 14; fair bnsinesa. A Pair of 
Country Kids 23; The Gaiety Girls 26: The 
Runaways 27; Why Girls Leare Home 28. 

BlJou Theatre (Slglfried & Ryan, mgrs.) 
Three BnrtlnoB, Bert Lenou. Welsh and Sfalt- 
land, lAicle aad Tflir. Olais WilSiiBl. sad 

others wctt U. - ■ ' - 

4U1EUZ. — Empire Theatre (Chamherlln. Bar- 
rlngton Co., mgrs.) Harerly's Minstrda 10; 
good bnalness. Alice Fischer 11; fair bnal- 
ness. Tbe Schoolgirl 12; good bnslness. De- 
serted at tbe Altar 14; large bouse matinee 
and night. Well's Band 15; fair bnslness. The 
Rnnawaya 19; Sky Farm 20; (Jheny Valley 21; 
Jack Hoeffler Co. week 22. 

OBtloo Theatre .(Patrick 4; McConnell, mgrs.) 
Gordon Eldrld. Two Faatana, Frank Walsh, 
Jl^ti May LieUg, and otbais waa.-U: aood 

OALEmnG.^ndlta(iam (Dr. Tt. T. Doraey, 
mgr.) Dan Tlicrae 8; pleaard fUr baalneas. 

Alice FMier ta A aehoOI for Hoabanda 10; good 
performance and big bnalneas. Midnight in New 
Fork 11: fair show and patronage. ParsUal 12; 
flne attraction and bo^ess. Harerlj'a Min- 
strela <13: Exra Kendall 34; Prof. Flint week 16. 

BI]OB Theatre. Rajvioad and Goode. Xbe 
Sbarpleja, Spaolding and lllaatrated songi and 
mOTlns pletnrea week 16; bnalness good. 

FBAHXFOBT. — ^Bllnn Theatre (Langebrake 
& HuSord, mgrs.) The Little Red School- 
hoose U; fair abow and boaineas. My Wife's 
Family IS; delighted packed honae. Tbe 

Borai Chef IT; eaoeelad. A Trip to Egypt is 
The Little XUdatar »; caacdidr ~ 
an d <h e HmMM tH MMtaed 
fTrliinnnn ITalBl' . Kor. 1; The IS 

Bong 6. 

JACSKBOJIVIIitgi Grand Opera Honse (Geo. 
W. Chattertott, mgr.) Weil's Band 11; good 
business. Voeel'a Minatrela 12; good bnsl- 
ness. Alice Fischer in A School for Husbands 
13; line performance and fair business. Bry- 
ant'a Bnrleaqnera 14; fair business. Parsifal 
16; large boalneaa. Chas. B. Hanford 18; Lit- 
tle Johnny Jonea 10; Sis Hopkins 20. 

KEWASEE, — ^MdClnre's Opera Boose (F. R. 
Shnltz, mgr.) Tbe Laat Rose of Summer IS: 
good show and business. Rip Van Winkle Sept. 
20; fair show and good bnsinesa. Woodford 
Stock Co. 38-30; Under Sontbem Skies Oct 4: 
0am show aad boalnesa. Fatty Felix B; fair 
b aa l aiai . : Onr New Ulalater 7. 

TUmOM. Opera iBoaae. Biyant's Extrara- 
saaaa Oo. IS; Mr p e rt or aiau ce and aood baal- 
ntaa, WMb la HaaM Oab IS: Caltod to ap- 
pear. The Mnumy and Oe Hnmrnlagbltd 14; 

good performanoe and bnalneaa. nmlag of The 

Shrew 1«. 

DIZOH. — Opera Boose (Ohaa. 
mgr.) Angeira CuaUdllgi «Mk 9s 
neaa. Onr New IllaMar Wt baa?y 

Ingomar 20. 

BBAS!EanDB6.-:BndeB's flliera Bboaa (Oae. 
^\ S!?*?>-."«''> * <Jo««otiy Md 9; lood *oir 
and (ilr fia a l at aa . lOdalabt la Hair XbA IS. 


ICSBIOH.— dndlana Tbeatre (H. O. 
mgr.) <Wbat iWomcB WUl Do: fair bnalneaa and. 
performance. Sooaa'a Band 10; apprecUtad by 
good bnalneaa. lAttla TnbiMij labaa U; aood 
perfonnaace. ' .mm. ItaMhaaa Si Iba Bviaw 
Man IS: pa^ad ftOBOd. Sbt Sdo ad Splea IB; 
good bnalaaaa. A W» la tlrtBte abow. 
A«jnaar Bldsa.IsrHWnioiM netaiaa so. 

• (H. Boauaan. mgr.) no 

n.-j-»ri.» Fox aad Snaaaen, l>ei«thea i 
nw CilbDiaa, aasd BOUnMn, and tbe kSwto- 

ope week 16; bnalneaa good. 

(ayatal llieatre (J. & ,> mmnn » mgr.) Bal» 
and Klein, Jean B s a n s aaa> The Mtabi^: Mm. 
Ddlonde. and the kSMdMBM «aA lSt° har- 
ness satiatactorj. . . 

«>OA1IBPOBT.— m mi l ln g ^a.-. ftb a a l i a.. What & 
Dowllng. mgr.) TliO"'Olit< 'aM'no Baadit tts 
pleaaed capacity. Aeroas tbe PaeHe 12; plaaaed 
larsa baaaa^ Uttta J a hnay Josiea 14; ■ g—ti a^ | » 
pleased capaelty. tbe andleoce ooaIdn*t get 
enona^. Y. M. C. A. Lecture Ooorae 16: capac- 
ity. Alice Tlseber in Tbe Sdiool tor Snabanda 
17; pleaaed feabiooable andieuce. Boae Bfel- 
Tille as 6ls 'Hopkins 18; Vogle's MloattelB IB; 
The Boyal Cbef 20; Black Ctooke 21. 

Crystal Tbeatre (J. H. Ammona. mgr.) Tte 
initial pesfonnanee at tiila new bonae Included 
Don <3arl0B Hall and bis tnlaed pnma Uoo. 
Battier SietetB, Tbe Biadja and Uloatrated ian(» 
and moTlng pletoiee week Stf: capaeUy boalneaB. 

MTTNCEE,— Wyaoc «nat Opcm Baaaa «. B. 
wysor, mgr.) Tbe «M aaad Ike Baadit a^ 
pleased 8. tt. O. Wedded and Parted 10; Call 
bnalneaa. The Ule at Spioe IS; pleaaed aood 
bnalneaa, Don Tborne 14; 8, B. O. tittle 
Jenny Jooea 16; T1>e Little Bed Scbooltaoaee 17; 
Howe's MoTlng Plcturea 20; Mnmmy and the 
Hummingbird ai; Vogel'a Minatrela 24; Tl>e 
Triofflpbs of «n Bmpreas 25: Scbnnnann.iHelnk 
Nor. 1. „ . 

Star Theatre (R. H. Osgoodby, mgr.) Good 
bnalneaa week 8. Week 16, Lorlng and Swing, 
XaQnlnan and Beed and olbcia. 

K. WATHE.— Uajeatle Hiaatea (U. B. Blee. 
Tbe Trinmph of Betty B: good abow 
S M^eaa. Two Uttle Walfa 10; fair bnal- 
aaaa. Uttle Johnny Jonea 12; good boalneaa. 
Bn«y laay's Vacation 14; Immense basiness. 
The Honse of (Mystery 24; Vogel's Minstrels 
26; The Heart of Chicago 27; The Mummy and 
the Hammlngbird 28: Mme. Sebumann-Helok 
30: Qneen of the White Slaves Not. I. 

Masonic Temple (F. E. Stoader. mgr.) Bent- 
frow'B Fatblloders 16-20; The Bojal Chef 21. 

EVAHBVniE. — The Grand (T. A. Fedley. 
mgr.) Howard Dorset Co. 8-13; pleaaed good 
bualnen. Tbe Olrl and the Bandit 14; good 

performance and bnslness. Barlow's Minatrela 
20: LoBia James 21; The Eternal City SS; Tba 
Fortune Teller 28; AlberU Gallatin SS. 

People's Theatre (T. A. Pedley, a>8r.> ■ yitf 
Girls Leave Home 15: S. B. O. DBda Vam'a 
Cabin 21; Maaon and Mason 22. 

XSBXEOBD cm.— Van Clere Theatre (W. 
L, Taa dera, mgr,) Tbe Old Clothes Man 2: 
pleaaed lain audiences. Dora Tborne O; good 
bfUlncM. wedded and Parted 11; fair bosi- 
nesa. A Gentleman Burglar IS; good busi- 
ness. AlTtu JosIlD 18; Her Fatal Sta 19: Tbe 
Train Bobbers 21; Tbe Baaa u ' MMragbd. S*: 
Tbe Price of Honor 2S; inVB Vamllr 98: 
The Paradera Not. 2. 

KOKOMO.— SIpe Theatre (W. B. Helmlch. 
mgr.) A Trip to Egypt 16; good bualneas. At 
Plney Ridge 18; fair buainesa. Tbe Royal 
Chef IB: capacity bnalness. Black (Trook, jr., 
20: Her Fatal Sin 21. 

Crystal Theatre (W. B. Flnlcy. mgr.) Loola 
Bates, w. A. aad oaariUa Bohmsk buh Soad. 
Ollmore and OaffOU, and manrlas ptetBica; foad 

AmSBSOK.— Grand Opera Honae (Mlk« DU- 
lon, mgr.) The Isle of Spice 11: good show 
and business. Her Only Sin IS; Tbe Maid and 
tbe Mummy 20. 

Crystal Tlieatre (W. W. McEwen, mgr.) 
Loots, Bates. W. A. and (^mllle Bobme, Feme 
Shlmer, Ollmore aad Carroll, and otbera week 
16; good basiness, 

WABASH. — Harter'a Opera Honse (J. M. 
Harter, mgr.) The Triumph of Betty 16; At 
Plney Ridge 17; fair business and pleased. 
Vogel'a Minatrela 21; The Mummy and the 
Hammlngbird 26; Tbe Paradera Not. 3; Parsifal 
11; Qnlncy Adams Sawyer 17. 

HEW AUAHT.— Grand Opera Honse (Jaa. 
HcNaTtn, mgr.) The Fortune Teller Not. 1; 
Uncl e To m's Oahin T: Murray and Mack IS. 

BIORXOND, — (Bennett Tbeatre (Ira Swisher, 
mgr.) Royal Chef 16; good bnalneaa and per- 
formance. Tbe Isle of Spice 21. 

ItAFAYETTE. — Grand Opera Honae (Jaa. W. 
Ryan, mgr.) Bonsa'a iBand B: good buslaess. 
The Parisian Widows 10; fair bnalness. Aeroa 
the .Pisctflc M; Little Johnny Jooea 17; Togel's 
Mlnatxels 18. 

TXPTOH.— Qteta Osand (K. 8. Marts, mgr.) 
Dwa^'PieiBo^ljU ^Md^bow '^^^J*!^'*^ 

A Trip to Wpp t 38k 

OmWTlTiTi'Bi^adia Tbealw (D. IT. An- 
dre, awe) ' Waddad aad ftrtad IS: sood abow 
and taalBcaa. Bora Ttnme 17; AlTtn JoaUa SO. 

KADISOir — Grand Opera House (Graham A 
Scbelk, mgrs.) Why Girls Leave Home 9: flne 
performance and pleaaed. Dora Tborne 21, 

OOLVXBITS,— Cmmp'B Theetre (B. F. 
cbalk, mgr.) Wedded and Parted 18; 
large aodience. Tbe Clay Baker 17 

BOTTTH XoALESTER. — Langadale Opera House 
(A. B. Estes, mgr.) The Tolaon Stock Co. 
week 16: good bnslness. Black Patti 26: The 
Sun Minstrels 27: The King of Tramps 28; 
My Friend From Arkansas 80; Frederick Ward* 
31;. AL H. Wilson NOT. 1; An Arlstaetatle. 
Tramp 4; Then ahalt Mot KlU 6; The Ubcrty : 
Bellea Ts -BmCb Moving Pleturaa 9: Ohaae- 
Lister Oo. 1S4BI Xbc LItUe HomeBtaad 17: 
<%ntnty Stock Co. 904S. Otider eaoTaa— Parker 
Amusement Oo. week 90. 

OmOKABHA.— (Wagner Opera Hooae (T. H. 
Dwyer. mgr.) (Polly Prlmraae 2: fair bnalness. 
Gertrade Bwing Co. week 16; My Friend tram 
Arkaaaaw. at; Lord Baltimore 31. Under caa- 
T«a — ^Blngllng Bios.' Show. 8; large bnalneaa. 
Pawnee Bill's Wild West 13; fair bnalness, 
Parker Amusement Oo. week 16. 

KUBKOOEE. — ^Hlttton Tbeatre (W. N. Hin- 
ton, mgr.) A Thoroughbred Tramp 17; Boaa- 
acr Toota Stock Co. IS; The King of Trampa 
18; Frederick Warde 80. Under canraa— Blaf- 
Uac Btetbaia 14; - - " 

OCTOBER 28, 1906. 

Xtie Billl>oap<l 



lUES IfOmSB. — Voiter** Open Hoaae (W. 
fXwter, mgr.) Bobt. Mantell 9-10; sood Inul- 
acM. The Prince of PllBea 11; good bnalneu. 
Dock«tader'i UinstreU 13. Home Folks 19-21; 
PUT, Pair, Pout 28; Mra. LefDnKwell'B Boota 
24: Tbe fibO-Oon si. 

Grand Opera Bouse (Wm. Foster, mgr.) Joe 
Welch In Tbe Peddler S-7; packed bonie. Nortb 
Brothers Comedians 8-11 ; pleased good tiosl- 
ness. Yonos Buffalo lS-18; A Boral SUiTe IB- 
21; Deadwood Dick 22-25; Hnmao Hearts 20- 
28: A Wife's Secret 29-Not. 1. 

Auditorium <Wm. Footer, mgr.) Underlined 
— KUtle'i Band. 

Bijou Tbeatre (Fred. Bncbanon, mgr.) Dick's 
Dog and Pony Show, Powers and Theobold. 
OdemaD and Mazls, Cbns Ijane, Oelmo and 
Jack O'TooIe week 8; boslness good. 

CEDAR RAPIDS Greene's Opera House (W. 

S. Collier, mgr.) Tbe Banker's OhUd U; fair 
business. Dockatader'a Minstrels J2; gooi boil- 
negs and pei-Iormance. Under Sontbern Sklea 
U: good boslness. Robt. Mantell IS; Uncle 
Tom's iCAbln 20; Tbe KUtlea Band 21; Tbe Girl 
and tbe Bandit 21: Btmuiti Hearts 25; A Bu«- 
slan Spy 2S; Tbe Kahn FeatiTal OrebeMia 80. 

People's Theatre (Vie. Hu«>. mgr.) Dlek'l 

Doc and 'Pcoj- <%«oi, Adool* Varrio, I 

Bmeat, claadtua aaa taHM, Xttm 
and tbe Magnvb VMk Mt 

WATEBZiOO. — ^Brown's Opera Hoose (O. F. 
Brown, mgr.) Bobt. Mantell in Blcbard III. 
11; delighted good boose. A Jollj American 
Tramp 17; Under Sootbera Sklea 18; Little 
Johnny Jones Not. 2. 

Electric Tbeatre <B. B. JobaaoB, mgr.) 
FKdaclek. ttaa Ottut, MacHal. na. Bovaa*. 
HajM IBd omob Ml 'MkM WMk boat* 
ataa soeo. Mttctell aaA Btoinlact BirlTUn 
and Oaeal. H. J. Brobat and wife, and othen 
ncA 18. 

DUUUftlTE. — Grand Opera Hoose CWtai. T. 
Boebl, mgr.) Tbe Female DetectlTea 4; beef; 
l»nslnc«a. A Jolly American T^amp S; ex. 
celleot bua i n e aa. Under Soothem SUea 7; two 
good boosn. FanUU 10: (Oad boalncaa. Tbe 
tfely atj U; 8. B. O. HIa IIIgtiBiaa tbe Bey 
IS: beaTj bnataiaa, OavOr'a HUaatzda U: 

•diiiia *SS4B:^rbe 

KASOH OITT — WUson Tbeatre (Cbaa. F. Fe- 
dersoD, mgr.) A lillllon a Mlnnte lO; failed 
to appear. Ham an Hearts 13; pleased aodl- 
ence. Tbe Holy City 4: JCood performance 
and fair bnalneaa. A Boyel SleTa 18: Al. Uar- 
tin'a n. T. O. IT: Tbt KOtM I»: A folly 
American Xtaam 90; Bla Blgbaeaa. ttaa Baj 
SM Marlh MmEm* Oiaaaiaaa «i; Tk» Sajak 
»t Bheac 8l 

CBESTOV. — Temple Grand <Bli*br Brea., 
mgis.) In Old Virginia 10; fair show and 
bDBlneas. Eider's Stock Co. 12-14; gwM com- 
taor and boalnen. Walker WUtceide lO; One 
vctfocmanee aad bnalneea, W. B. Patton 25. 

Createn Opera Boose (7. H. Patt, mgr.) 
Jordan Dramatic Co. 0-14; Ceatmry Stock Co. 

POST XASISOir.— linger Grand (W. E. 
Bblnger. mgr.) Mldnlgbt lo New York 12: fair 
buslnvsB. Under Two Flags 16; beary bnslneea. 
.A Sot Time in Coon Town 18;'WcU's Band 21. 

IOWA FAIXS, — ^Metropolitan Opera Hoose 
(B. O. Ellawortb, mgr.) Lyman Twina 3; 
fair bosloess. The IjAat Boae of Summer 12; 
good bnslness. Under Sontbern Skies 19. 

OBKAI.0OSA Uasonle Opera Bouse (Homer 

E. Kendlg, mgr.) Jack Hoeffler Cc. O-Il; good 
company and business. Tbe Wayward Son IT; 
Tbe Last Hose of Summer 18. 

FEBST.— Grand Opera _HoQaa 
Tey. mgr.) Yon T< 
ness. Walker W 
14; Florodora 2S. 

FATRFIEU), — Grand Open BooiO (Iioals 
Tboma, mgr.) Well's Band 30i_ Unele Tom'a 
Chbia »; Cherry YaUey 24; A XUgtat Of "OB. 

T-waw^ ,. oninrt Opera Hoaae (F. In, W«U. 
■agr.) F«r Ber Sake 5: good InsliMas. Bdly 
City 12; excellent performance and bnalneaa, 

ABITA. — Jotanaon's Opera Honae (B. B. 
Gate, oigr.) StelnbUber Stock Oo. 88 and mOk. 
Bla aiSart Sin Not. 0. 


FX. 8C0TT — DaTldson Tbeatre (Barry C. Er- 
nlcb, mgr.) Hooligan's Trip Around ttae World 
12; good abow and fMCked boaae. Sanl of 
Tama 17; tailed to appear. Tim Hocpby 10; 
Tbe Little Bomeatead 27; A Hidden Crime 30. 

Vm Lake Park (Bafer * Lore, mgta.) Tas- 
MOO cantbuuB to tttraet luge imolam. 

. CBJUnm Batrlefc Tbeatre (B. B. Palmar. 
— r.) The Sing of IMibdo 10: taoa 

Oomie Opera Oo, is. 

^^^^ ^Q 

I OaMo lOj L 

Ciniinl fib. iMi: pleaat« fait cmrtb. 

WOUaau' Meaa 
mgr.) jtada SM?* 
Mas. JDUao obmn 

LAWREKCE Bowersock Opm Bsoae. Sky 

Farm 0; fair bnilness. iPoUy mwtoo B: good 
show and fair business. Tbe Bajak «( Bboog 
. U: aaad .pattemasce. 


LOtnSVnXE. — Ayenne Tbeatre (C. A. Sbaw, 
mgr.) The Confessions of a Wife 15-21; good 
sbow aad bnslness. Tbe Man Bebind tbe Gun 

Tbeatre (C. A. Shaw, mgr.) Han- 

MO'a Fantasma 10-21; good business and per- 
tsnnance. Ford and Gebroe week 23-28. 
^JBopklna* Tbeatre (Wm. Relcbman. mgr.) 
DUa. Felix and Bany. Madam Emmy's Dogs, 
lb. aad Hra. Wateroaa, Hosbrr Honghton and 
liBSIier. and eOwca week 10; good bnalness. 
_Baeklngham Tbeatre (Whallea Bros., ragrs.) 
ne Caliromta Qiria week IB; good business 
•nd perfomiance. Dainty Parte Burlesquers 
week 22. 

Uacauley's Tbeatre (Jno. T. Hacaolcy, mgr.) 
Exra Kendall In The Barnstormer 10-IS; aaad 
business. Alice Fischer 10-21: A SchoOl for 
Baataaada wltb AUce Flacber 23-28. 


_;5>W«JI8MIBO.-Oiaiid Tbratto (Prdiey & 
Boreii. mgrs.) Tbe Royal Cbef 0; good bnal- 
Deia. Uncle Daolcl 10; (air boslaeaa. Cbaa. 

B. Hanford 12; excellent pertbrmanee and good 
bnalneaa. Wby Girls Leare Home 14: fair 
bnslness. Tbe Girl and the Bandit 10; Birlotv 
Minstrels IB: Lonis Jamea 20; Wedded and 
Parted 21; JcweU-Kellsgr Stock Oo. week IS; 

The Eternal City 26; Mason and Mason SO; The 
Fortune Teller 31; Alberta Gallatin Nor. 3, 

PADUCAH.— Tbe Kentucky (T. W. Boberts, 
mgr.) Wby Girls Leave Home IB; good bnal- 
ness. Tbe Girl and the Bandit 18; exeeUent 
performance, packed house. Lonls James in 
Vlrglnlua 19: Tbe Man Prom Vermont 20; Par- 
sifal 21. Tbe Eternal City 24. The Fortune 
Teller 25. • • French's New Sensation plays 
river 20-21. 

lODDIiESBOBOUOH.— Prlncesa Theatre (J. 
p. Dugan, mgr.) Chicago Olee Olob 10; good 
business. Crescent Comedy Co. week 28; -Uncle 
Josh Spmceby Not. 6. 

LEZnrGTON Opera House ICtM. Beott, 

mgr.) Tbe College Widow 10; two capacity 
hoosM. Howe'o Moving Plctnrea 17; Not Like 

Other Giria 18, 

WIV(SaE8TEB. — Opera Hoose (Gaines * 
Strotbtt.^i^y ^Mt^kaJDOfK^eUo^ Oit 

Not Ute 


natcker, mgr.) 
good bnameaa. 

{Xkao. IC. 
Oo. S-U; 


HEW O&LEAKS — St. Charlaa ^ 

S. Winston, mgr.) Mile. Ollna Bobe, Citel- 
Uta, Walter Stanton, jr., Nina Harrla ft Co., 
Clayton. Jenklna and Jasper, DcSsRl% aad 

Matoiewa, ud onim mw 18. 

Greenwald Theatre (Benry Greenwald. mgr.) 
The Bose HUl English Folly Co. week 8; One 
basiness. ?bans-Atlantie Borlesqoers week 16. 

Lyric Theatre (Walter 3, Baldwin, mgr.) 

Tracked Aroond the World week 8; padted 
houses. The Holy City week IS. 

Grand Opera House fObas. Fouitoiv aagr.) 
A Modem iMagdalen wptk S| tmitm 
and packed booses. ItmMtr Tnsa 
den HaU week 15. 

Elysium Tbeatre (Win A. Miller, mgr.) Tbe 
Gllck OHnedy Co. presenting tbe Bougea Gal- 
lery week 8; good business. Tea Mights la a 
Barroom week 15. 

Crescent Tbeatre (W. B. aaartli^ ■gr*) AL 
G. Fleld'a Minstrels 22. 

C1I7 PUk. Spocer'a Band wOi fc IS ba sl- 
neas Mg. WM. A. MMSKB. 


I fOOo * Oraat. 
l»l plesMd Sair 

mgra.) iDflke aC 

andkooe. Bhepard'a Bevlag Platmia lS-14; 
fair boabieas. .Wliy OMa Iisaf* Bsme 10; 
Kyrle BeDew in 'Bafllco IS: TTIaBt oC Of 20; 
Flynn Stodc Oo. ireek 88. 

BATH, — Ooliimhis <OUe«r ttona,' ■go.lWby 
Girls Leare Bsoe U; fair Ooalaaaa. ne Wlsard 
of 08 U: ' " " 


BALTHCOBE Academy of Music (Nixon and 

Zimmerman, mgrs.) Mrs. Temple's Telegram 
week 10; pleased good bnalneaa. Viola Allen 

Fecd>a Opera Booao ( B k ao i WtHk agr.) 
Tbe Ooaaly Chalrmaii waA IS; boalBsas Im- 
mense. Tba Wiaasd of O* waek SS. 

Albughl Xkaatte (Bobt. B, irwln. mgr.) 
Tbe Olrl ftom the Golden West week 10: splen- 
did bnalness and attracUon. Lloyd Bingham 
week 23. 

Auditorium (Jas. L. Keman, mgr.) Billy 
Clifford in Ttae Jolly Baron week 16; good 
business. Yorke and Adams week 23. 

Maryland Tbeatre (Jan. L. Keman, mgr.) 
Jules and EUs Garrison, Berxae's Anlmsl CiT- 
cos. Bra Westeott Fire PlrrocoSla|,^IVAW and 
Buckley, Tbe Italian Trio, Tom BaaanHk- and 
others week 10; business good. 

Blaney'a Tbeatre <0. M. Ballanf, mgr.) Bobt. 
OalUord, In For His Brother's (Mme week 16; 
bnslness good. Child SUtcs of New York. 

Holllday Street Theatre (Rernan, BICe d> 
Boock. mgr.) She Dared to Do Bight week 
18; good OomMas aad performance. The Nine- 
ty-and-Niao OMik. S8. _ 

MooomeBttl-neatre (Jba. U Keman. mgr.) 
The Cherry Bleasams week 16: good pertorai- 
aace and bnalness. Tbe Merry Maidens week 

BUsa Xbaatio (P. P. Oraft, mgr.) The Venn 
StoSCOb te Xho ■ " " 


's Daughter week 16 


224 Laarens St. 

ni n Academy of Music (Mel- 

Unger Bros., mgrs.) Myrkle-Harder Stock Co. 
e.14; good bnslness. Empire Stock Cio. IS-IS; 
Banting and Walteta Players 19-21. 
FRBDiZBlCX. — City Opera HoDSe (lYank T. 
mgr.) Arnold Stock Go. week 10; The 
toy 27. 

FALL BIVES Aesdemy of Unale (Oakn * 


i?a?>teir* 'SS Us* OoliiaMTeia& "SH 

Grant, mgrs.) Darld Haram 8; good Imaiaess. 
FenbeiS iStack Oo. ia-14:_gaod 

of r- — 


Skaofr'a New BUon. Week 0, Bellman and 
Hsaco Beaded a good bill wblch drew good 
bnstoeas. Narajo Girls, May Brans, LlUian 
Selgn and othen week 10. 

Casto Tbeatre (A. L. Baynes. mgr.) Jaa. 
Thornton, Brown. Harris snd Brown, and 
others week IB; bnslness good. 

Nickelodeon. Dlda, Anger and Thlabnlt, aad 
others week 10; bnsineas excellent. 

KOWEU.— Opera aoose (Pay Broa. * Bora- 
ford, mgra.) Clara Tamer & Oo. week 0; good 
bnstaiesa and eompa n y. The ITimisdis week 
IB; Tb* BaO Stoefc Oo. ireek SS. 

Academy of Unsle (R. P. Unrpby. mgr.) The 
Hunting DeDeyn Stock Co. presented Tbe 
District Attorney week 0; capacity basiness. 
Tbe Cowboy and the Lady week 16. 

Boston Theatre (Bert Tlhbetts. mgr.) Hlgh- 
claas vaudeville week 0: One bnslness. 

People's Tbeatie (Harry Woodward, mgr.) 
Belle and Welcome, Bob Morray. Elliot Sisters 
and Geo. Newnian week 8: bnalness good. 

B0L70KE, — Empire Tlieatre (T. F. Mmray. 
mgr.) Tbe Ughtlioase Br the Sea 16.18; good 
bnslness and perfomaoce. The CraekrrsJaek 
Burlesquers 10-31: good Iws ln es s . Aaurleaa Vl< 
tsgrsph Co. 22. 

Opera House (Lawler Bros., mgio.) Ooosla 
Kate 17: good performance and oapaoMp bnal- 
neaa. Bensett-AbMlton Oo. 18. 


SETBOn. — ^Temple Theatre (J. H. Hoore. 
mgr.) Will Bogera, Helen Belmer, Cbas. Ser- 
ra, Foy and Clark. Boey and Lee, and La- 
fayette week 16; good business. Tbe Olty Olria 
week 23. 

X>etrolt Opera Ilonfte (H. Parent, mgr.) B. 
S. WllUrd In Tbe'BrlKbter Side week IS; good 
business sod performance. Babes In Toyland 
week 23. 

Lyceum Theatre (W. Warner, mgr.) Gay 
New York week 15; good business and per- 
formance. Our New Minister week 22. 

Lafayette Theatre (Dr. Campbell, mgr.) The 
Heart of Maryland week 22. 

Avenae Theatre (F. Drew, mgr.) Tbe Jolly 

Girls week 15: good bnstncn. The Innocent 

Malda week 23. 

Whitney Theatre (Cbas. Altman. mgr.) A 
Desperate CbaDCe week 15; good bnslnesa. 8e- 
eict Scnieo aaa week 22. 

OkyaMt SfeaMaa - 0, Mash, mgr.) Wilson 
THo, aad other aeia week IS; good baslneaa. 

LAKSnrO.— Balrd's Opera Banse (P. 1. WU- 
mgr.) Panst 8; good boslassa. The Wla- 
laod 14; fair hn a l i w a a mmmslstrt; Im- 
Ststt Osl wsok M; A Jlivonto OMMO 
it The' Bagal'-OhoC ' SS. 
'BUsa TbaatK (D. J. lIstoaB. 'Mg.) Voor 
JOnllBg MOttou. Bokr B«TMaB(V/3«i«;;:and 
B(9aa, (Aria. ChHatopiwr. aad alkaao . week 
16; good bnalness, 

IcinSEEOOK,— CtraOd OpiBK nsaas' Y<BJ^. H. 
Meycrsahm. mgr.) Bap ITard . iB' 00 Crofter 
IS;_Bleas«d Isrge aadicDee. SdilaMs tliiir-t— 
Is Trlmnph gC Betty Ii;'SW'PCCfomi<uice, 
good iMaae. Irish Pawitbrofccss IS; 'aeod niio^. 
My <Wlfe*a PamOy 18; fHoose «< Vystery 22; 
Isle of Bong Boog 23; Fanst 28; Beoslcr filrl 28. 

XASantXXB. — Op«a Boose (A. P. Koepke. 

BAT omti 

.) Tbe . . ^ 

The Parislaa WIdawa 12: good MHsaa. A 
Desperate Chaneo IS; good hoalaeaa. ' Is the 
Heart of Chieago 14s fair b asines s Sown by 
the Sea 10: Adelaide Tharatoa 20: Ole Olaoa 
22-28: A Uttle Oatcaat St4S: The Irish Pawn- 
brokers 27-28; HimiDelehi'o Ideals SS and week. 
JACTSOW.— AthsMi M (H. T. Ptcter. mgr.) 

T| ftk hoalaeaa. The Bdn- 

The Seir 'to tbe 

business. The Isle of Bong Bong 14. 
SOWAeiAC— Beekwlth Theatre. Yogel's 

Minstrels 4; splendid bnslnesa. How Hearts 
Are Broken 10; good business. Our New Min- 
ister Nov. 6; The Irish Pawnbrokers 8. 

BAULT BTE. MABIE, — Soo Opera Hons* (W. 
H, Seacb, mgr.) Tbe Bodncf: Stack .Oat. S-14: 
good business and company. ' .Hhmbb ' 16; 
Damon and Pythias 20. 


imniEAPOLIS,— (MetropbUtaa 
N. Scott, mgr.) San Tlv^weefc S: 
neas. Mrs. WIggs of the 
Francis Wilson 18-22. 

.BUoa Tbcatm (Xhao.>L.. 
Belle of the ITM S; 
Welch week 10. 

Orphenm Tbeatre (G. B. Bayamnd. mgr.) 
Rose Stahl Sc Co.. Barton's Dogs. F iede rM t 
Voelker. Howard Brothers. Lyim Welcher. Snale 
Flsber, NelT and Miller, and moTlng pictures 
week 0: bnsineas good. 

Lycenm Tbeatre (W- W. Ely. mgr.) Booster 
Zouaves. Marmerlte Newton. Green and Bnr- 
tou. Barney First, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. T. Pow- 
ers. Tenle Mnrphy. Sparlo. aad the ' Msaeope 
week 15; good business. 

Unique (C. P. Porter, mgr.) W. P. Cress- 
well. Harold Beckroe and Herman LaFlenr, 
Phil and Carrie Russell, C*tI Baymond, Irma 
WlkoD & Co., and others week 16; good busi- 

Dewey Theatre (M. H. Singer, mgr.) The 
Utopians week 8; good business. Parisian 
Belles week 16. A. M. WALECER. 

ST. PAUX,— Oletropolltan Opera House (L. N. 
Scott, mgr.) Francis Wilson 16-18; good bnal- 
ness. Mrs. WIggs of the Cabbage Patch 19- 
21; good bnslness. Bthel Barrymore 23-2S; Tbe 
Sho-Gnn 26-28. 

Grand Opera House (Tbeo. I>. Haya. mgrs.) 
A Race tor Life week 16; good bnataiesa. Texas 
week. 2S. 

Star Tfcso lw if, a TaaBaOb aasc^) KoDdoo 
Oaletar- milo «aek IS; sliow aleessd aad drew 
hsoew'oO IMP Utm Bnriesqaets week 22. 



OlisiSI 'TMsllB ,Haias. Frerck, mgr.) Van 
deffflo :osBtlaneo to tew week. 

JAS. J. McaiABON. 
■T. UlAMIIk i WaT ldss B Opera House (B. T. 
DaeMson. awr.) WaiMr Comedy Oo. Ml; 
fair hoalaeaa and 
Ues Baad IS: li 
Blghnesa, ttao Bey 

aT.wg»a» xMt Hwiadway Theatre. Foe Ber 
Sake 4; fair h os ln sss, A Bojal SUTe 14: 
gooi basiness. Bis BIghnecs. the Bey 24: 
The Rajah of Bbong 27; Bell Ringers SI; Floro- 
dora Nov. 4. 
WELLS,— City Opera House (H. J. Bishner, 
■j^Tly Holy City 19; Ejlatle T« 


GREENWOOD. — Opera House (S, M. Stein, 
mgr.) Wills Musical Comedy Co. 33; Her- 
ald Square Opera Co. 23; Donnelly ft HatOeld's 
Iflasltels Not. 11. 

JACKSON.— Century Theatre (V. OUs Bobert- 
son. mgr.) Al. H. WOsoa In A Germaa Oypsy 
26: EBle BBsl er la BOiel Klik Hor. 1. 
OOLUlIBUBr— Ootambos Tbestre CP. W. 

,) The Funny Mr. Doolcy SO; 
OO^ BSSi* Co. 23-28. 

ST, LOUIS. — Offerings for the week are do. 
Ing nice business, thongh a falling off Is no- 
ticeable In receipts. The programs as follows: 

lows: ' 

Olympic Tbeatre (P. Sbort. mgr.) Babea in 
Toyland with Its wealth of aeenciT la doing 
a good business. The sbow la csccilent and 
pleasing. Next: Frank Daniels. 

Century Tbeatro (P. Short, mgr.) Uta. 
Lefflngwell'a Boota ta-gaad hoslnsaa. Iliiallsiil 
I cast and comedy. aisS gleaaso iMMOSslr. MOstt 
Lsw Oockstader. 

Garrick Theatre (Geo. W. Floyd, mgr.) Qtaca 
Van Stnddlford la Lady Teaile began ber sec- 
ond week togs''" 
good In ataiT 


Fraacesca Baddlag * On.. Phflls Allca. Wcat 
and VanSlelen. MdUahoa and CSiappeUe, Schil- 
ler Brothers, Bedouin Arabs. Lea Freres De- 
Kock, Three Jackaoos. Mabel King. Mnrry K. 
EUll, and kinodrome; pleasing bill and good 

Grand Opera Boose (John O. Sheehy, mgr.) 
The Panders to good bnsineas; excellent show 
throughout, snd Is pleasing — one of tbe best 
of tbe grmnd season. Next: Sis Ucpklns- 

Gayety Theatre (0. T. Crawford, mgr.) Boae 
Sydell's London Belles returned for a week; 
show pleases and Imperial Russian Troupe of 
Daocen la feature; business good. Next: Harry 

Imperial Tbeatre (D. E. Bosaell. mgr.) 
ert FItsalmmons In A Fight for Lore to 
hoslness: , 

■t. KaBtt , 

Ba^'BjKsAa :iWm. nam, _mEr.K _ 




Standard Theatre (Leo BelebeObaeb. mgr.) 
Fay Foster Burlesque Co. to good bnalBcaa: 
fair abow with good costumes and chorus. Next: 
Tiie Btlgsdlers. 

GMbe Tbeatre (H. B. Blee, mgr.) Tbis 
week's bill includes Doutbitt and Jooea, C Gay 
lor. Adeline Bevenna. Hayden f 
Sheridan. Rice Brothers, Luln 
ttae kinodrome; business good. 

Broadway Theatre (East St. Loola, 10.. P. 
F. BlU. mgr.) Flske'a Stock Oo. 11-18 tO 
fair boslness. Fatal Wedding IB to SOOd ~ 
- " » sosA — ■ - 

neSB. Boat XoiM U-Mj 
om.m— -a. ^^nj, TAMlMt.-'l 

wavaAB CITY,— WOUa Wood (Woodward A 

Burgess Am. Co., mgrs.) Home Polka IB^lSi 

fair bnalness- Frank Daniels In O t rg is n t . 

18-21: fair business. Tim 

Wslker Whiteside 20-28. 
Grand .(Hndaon * Jndali. mgra.) Dal 

Mlaatttia week ^15; ddlghted good 

aims (B. d.' Bilglmm. mgr.) Bappy Beo- 
Ugsn's Trip Around tbe Worid week IS; big 
bnalness, Toong Buffalo week 22. 

Andltortom (Woodward * Bmgeaa Am. Co.. 
mgra.) A Wlfe'a Secret week 15; fair Insl- 
ness. Shadovra on tbe Beartb week 22. 

Orphenm (Martin Lehman, mgr.) Wliard and 
Irene Stone, Sam. Slegel, Emms Frands * Oo,. 
and otbera week 15; gxwd boslness. 

Century Tbeatre (Jos. Barrett, mgr.) Ttaa 
Brigadiers and Battling Nelson week IS; ca- 
pacity business. The Kentncky BeBes week 22. 

Majestic (Fred. Waldmami. mgr.) Harry 
Bryant's Co. week 15; good bnalness. 
Hill's English Folly Oo. week 22. 

Yale's Theatre (Idoyd Brown, rngt.}. 
devUle Is attracting good hastaeas. . 

NaUoDsl Theatre if. fa,flBi(llfB,jt«) ? 
business contlnnea MSO . aDd {USlMMOO: r' 
rllle Is the rule. 

Convention Hall (L. W. Sboose. mgr.) 
In the Wood week 30. OHAS. H. BWATJ«. 

HANNXBAL— dl'arb Tlttatre (JL B. RleCb 
mgr.) Uaverly's MlDStrida •; iSaIr haatacaa aad 
excellent perfomiaacew ■ Tka Pcsale Deteettwea 
10; fair bnslaesa. iWlde Kaaw Only U; fahr 

ahaar aad " '- n ■ wedding 12; 

BlaMSiS<'flSaiS SBStasaa*--' Oawn ^Wbsee tbe GbttcM 
HIUSMBIB nrsiT' II: Mr >it-T— r Dos Tborae 
17: The nonawaya 18; Cherry Valley 20; Sky 
Farm 21: Van Dyke and 'Eaton week 23; Bimiaa 
Hearts 31. 

8ESAUA.— New Sedalla Tbeatre (Geo. P. 
Olendorf, mgr.) An Aristocratic Tramp IS; 
good bnslness and pleased. Shadows on the 
Hearth 17; Tim Mnrphy 20; Tbe Maid and tha 

Mimnny 24. 

Wood's Theatre (H. W. Woods, mgr.) Bob- 
bins and Trenaman. Harold Hoffman, Burnett 
and Wyersoo, Bonnie Gaylord, and otbera week 
15; basiness good. 

JOPLIN, — New Club Tbeatre (t.. P. Ballard, 
mgr.) Happy Hooligan O; good sbow and fair 
bnslnesa. Tbe Murray Comedy Co. 15-17; failed 
to appear. Tbe Pumpkin Bnaker 15; Tbe For- 
bidden Land 22; The Maid and tbe Mummy 28. 

Lyric Tbeatre (Cbas, B. Hodklna, mgr.) Les- 
ter Leigh, Cbas. Carroll, and othen week 8; 
bnslness good. 

ATIBOBA Minor's Theatre (L. J. Minor. 

mgr.) That Little Swede 2; good abow and 
pleased rapsclty. Tbe Bajab of Bbong 0; ex- 
cellent business and performance. The Pump 
kiB Hnskcr 10; bBstaess and — 
At Ol^ilS «S^.%.«M«.Ml 


BU'i'LEB. — City Tliealre (J. A. 

mgr.) Irma Opera Co. 4: good show snd 1 

ness. That Little Swede 6: excellent pei> 
fonnance. Chase Lister Oo. week S; good bosl- 
ness. Boyal Italian Band 18. 

XXSareOV. — opera Boose. Hahara's Mln- 
sMSa 10: good bnatoeea and fair performance. 
The Uttle Bamestead IS: good pertbrnunee and 
hoalaeaa. An ArMeoatle Tramp 21: Bessie 
Hlekifiaa Oo. week 88. 

LOTnsiAKA Barasftt^. O o sta Boose. Weil'a 

Band 23; At OIppla':OMkv'S7: Tbe Wayward 
9.m 20; The (3ay Baker Sot. 2; Wood aad 
Ward 7. 

LAICAS.— Opera Bouse (J. S. Moore, mgr.) 
The Pumpkin Husker 15; good bnslness. At 
Olpple Creek IS; Lewis Comedy Oo. 23-25. 

WABBEBSBURG.— MsgnoUa Opera Bouse 
(Land. Maikward. mgr.) ShadowB: ,aB tbe 

MONTANA , ■ . 
UnWHniTiS TTMlB Usalu ' iO. A*' 
mgr.) May Irwln 10: packed haoae. 
Tlieatto Co., underlined. 

(Ctoatlaacd on »sgs 40>4 


Xhe Billboard 

OCTOBER 2B, 1905. 

THIS 18 IT! 




^•N<yr A. F*AD... 

But a eontlnuouB 


Hiekioes aow operating are anrtgiig 
Tkrae Hundred per caot Profit. 

This machine stmply flU* • demand for a 
proanct (bat was aeliloK when oar f atben 
were boja. Body elcbteai Inetaas In diam- 
eter, madeof ihebestilMatatMl;baaeof 
hearr eabt Iron : welebt IMpoonds. helcbt 
foarieetelcbtlnctaM. RasntttallTenam- 
eled-the body la dark r«d with black 
•trlolDK. the woida "Hot P«anaU" >i>- 
pearlBV In alamtnom leCMrt— the base In 
darfccreenenameL Peannta are kept hot 
hr apMlallr oonstraetad heater traUt tor 
ttwBDipoae^ Nowindeaiiaireet It. Itis 
SmmIUo for tb« maoblae to 1w orer- 
•ionfced by paeae te b y. Mok of a bxtefat 
' k U at Mjmt a the attaotloD In the day 
-pionWi with "bnlla-eres." the 
(mm the beater e«o be aeen a Iodk 
.„..iiiee •* mcbt. HadilBa holda abont 
fiMaBBoaoAt ot paaanta In the ahelj. It 
MM anmt fUS to atock the machine: 
ttto anaoak leMla at about CLOO. Bee 
" ~ lautean be pntehaaed at 
* :et at aeren eenta a 

Staauai aaartei 

m amaUties: In lam 

^ Am ma amount. 

I Boa a ml flueUae— it sells a sta- 
_net that haa been on the market 
IMr. Mnerallona. Ouk hnndred of these 
■MtUMk will produce an Inotme of from 
mSSA»$m » pe r dajp-« 
Biro » bnafnese that t.. 

nm* iraokl«*walB ob lt> 

the Talne of these machines as money- 
makers, and we are willinrto deal with 
yon on a partnenlilp baala; sou ban- 
dllur (be machlnrs and dlTldlng- pronts 
with OS. Terrliory la goinc (ant: many ot 
the lars«st cltle^ are now nnder control: 
inelodlnir Brooklyn. Chicago and others. 
Better write na today. 


MO Pttaeasa Straat^ 


*^Tht Bitthomrd** ^raarit mmtt ta mil tf^mimaU frmm 
afdtmrf*. Memitrf •/ tht fr^tttiam mrt imviud mhttm mm 
nmd ID b*vm tbetr m*tl ajjrwfttd Im r«rtf of Thm 

pyttr miy^v^v BATEB 

Adair, Art: Eb roote with Forepansh-ScHs 
BroA.' ClrcoA. Se« Tent Show Routes. 

Alfredo & Cents: En TODte with Gamptell Bros.' 
Clrt;u». Sec Tent Sbtnr Bontea. 

Allen Jb Kenu (Star) : AtUnta, Oa., Sept.' 2S. 

AJpine Family: Ba. mote wllii iHngHitt Btoa.' 

drcoa. See Tent SiMW iBoatea. 
AlqoMt. NelUe (Ljric): BictmKiod. Ta., Oct. 

2. hidet. 

Aaneilcan Kembora' Quartet: En route wltb 
the Pacadcn. See Maaieal Bontea. 

American Trompeteca, Fwa: Bn loote wlUi Ad- 
elaide Betrman. See Dramatic Roates. 

Amann 4k BRtley: aiaaa * Stoll "Soat, Box., 

AnwHs, Two: Bn route with BldddTa aaatb' 

em OamlTal Oa. See XWway J 
Adelm fWeat SUc): BMt. ma.. 

plKe) Freeport. m.. SO-Itor. 4. 
Albloni. Ibe (Tate'a): Kaiuai City. Uo., SS^: 

(Xorel^) Topeka, Kaa^ SO-Not. 4. 
ArUnstoo 4k OtMOB (EhlUlp's): Blehmond, 

lod.. 30-ICer. 4. . 
Addlatan I Ilrlatilia CHMt 3iac«MtW^<9adu 


Anyna. Tbe (PaaOy): Mioaa Oitr> ^ 

NbT. 4. 

AllMiie. Maae * >Ilas UBmnt (Vtiffilpa'): 
Blfhmond, lad., t^Mt (Oiaiid) BaaUJion. 
O., K«T. 4. 

Aiuinni, The (a«a'a): TanintOk Oat., 98-28; 

(Ktftt's) new Tack City, HO-Nor. 4. 
Aldro Bros. (OfaMoaiapb): Spokane. 

23-tS; (FamBy) Batte. Uont.. ao<«OT. 4. 
Aiiinei * FatBOk She dimt COigheaa): JOn- 

Adi^!^Mleal tBS)t' 
Not. 4. 

AHm, 3larle (BUoa): DanrUte, m.; 23-28; (Cha- 

tle) BtoomtactOB 8(KMor. 4. 
AdeUide. LaVetlte (BattIS * Sawn Wats Maw 

Vcrk City MM. 
AlllsoD. Mr. * 3DI. (CmilSM); 'XUMt Oltr. 

Mo.. 23-28. 

Alierm, Tlie (Bljoo): WIciata, Kao., 23-28; 

(CrrirtAl) St. Jowpb, Mo., SO-Not. 4. 
Adler, Plo. (Orpbemn): Kaaoaa City, Mo., 22- 

AabtoD, Margaret: SlielBeld, Ens,, 30-NoT. 4. 
Albnrtna a Miliar: Bn tsar, BDStanO, 1«-W; 

(CtrcDa Oam) «MlifHM, Bil.. Ifcf. MB. 
Adama A lOMe (■Isa*s>t JMIasai IRs.. 


AlTa, Alice (Bijon): VooadsrlUe. MT. Va., 23 

29: (Bnpire) BrldErport. O.. 26-28. 
Antrim & Peters (Foil's): Worcester, Haas., 


Aabton, Arthur: Frederick, Md., 28^. 
AmutronK A BoUy (OolDiiilbla) : St. Lonla, 
Mo., 23-28. 

Atherton. Akdcs (Garden): Canton, 0„ 23-28. 
Aleiaader, (reorxe B. (Paator'a): New Ycrk 

City, 23 28; (Howard) BoMoo, Maaa., 80- 

NoT. 4. 

Ameta (Park): Brie. Pa., 23-28. 

Aconat Family (KaithPs): Ksw York Olty Bl- 


AipoUo Qoartet: Okonlsec, I. T., SBM. 
Ardell. Jeanne, A Co. (Fastoes): Mew York 

City. 23-28. 

Andeison tt WalUee (StuidKd): OlnrtBMtl. 
O., Z3-2S. 

Adams, B. Bike • Otk (OulBe)! BaMaMK, 

Md, 80-Mov. 4. 
Amatea, Tia (PaopIe'B): flhurhmsM. 0.. 33- 


Bacon, Baraaa a Bacon: Bn roote wlbt Gay's 
Bleetile Oo. Sea Tint Bbow Baateo. 

Ballaa, Oraat: Bn roote wlht Sduoek's Com- 
edy Co. Bee Dramatle (BODtcs. 

Baiiow'a ElepbaoU (Blppodrome): Kaw York 
City, Sept. 2S, Indet. 

Baroea. Al. O., Antmala: Bn roota with Hie 
New Parker Amnaement Oo. Bit Xldway 

Beard. BUly: 'En route wiOi 

atrels. See Mlnatrel 

Bedim * Arthnr: <PaiIa, t*n - 
Beeeber a Slay (AadllNlH)! 

Oct. 23. iDdef. 
Bell a Henry (Coliaenm): IxndoD, Eng., Oet. 
aS-NoT. 18. 

Bernard. Floyd: fio rotrte with Rlnsllnc Bros.' 

Bbow. See Tent Sbovr iBontes. 
BeiTlao a Macklln: En ronte wttti CbrlatT 

Bros.' MIoatrels. See Mlnatrel Roates. 
Berry. Barl: Bn route with Bankera'a Brok- 
ers. See (Dramatic Boaies. 
Bice. Chaa. C, Aerlallst: En ronte with the 

BOblnaoQ Amimwent Co. See Wdway iBootea. 
Bootblack Quartet, Original: En ronte wltb 

Home Folkn. Se« I>rainatle Bentcs. 
Brewers. The A P. B. 3fcAdoo: Bnmla, Soel- 

ete Islanils. Smith Sea lalaodi, Oet. 140 Bt>: 

aetar, Soclete lalanda. Nor. 1-30. 
Brown Bros.: Ski roote with RIocUac Bma.' 

Clrcns. See Tent Show Bootes. 
Borkfasrdt, O.: En route with Campbell Btca.' 

Clrms: See Tent Show Bootes. 
Burton. Blcfaard (Star): Portland. Orr., Indef. 

B^mj^ Tke (HIppodMoie): New Xcsk Clly. 

Wlat 23- 

ZB. - - 

BaiTon'a Anlnnls^ -OhalL fUica'a): Buffalo. H. 

Y.. 23-28; (SbMnS) Vmato, Out., 80-NOT. 4. 
Brown, Harrison a Bi«wn (Cokmial): Law- 
rence, Maa„ 23-28; «3<>tham) Brooklyn. M. 

Y., 30-NoT. 4. 
Barrowe. Lancaster A Co. (Ha.tbaway'a): New 

Bedford. Mass.. 23-28; Fall RiTer 30-Not. 4. 
Barrett Slaters (Maleitlc): Cbieaso. 111., 23-28; 

(Teniple) Detroit, Mleb., 30-NOT. 4, 
BJaaonnette a Newman (Stxvet Fair): Tccd- 

crabatK, lad.. 98-28. 
Broderiek a leaalka (BUoo): Oahkodw Wla.. 

23 28: (BUoo) Appletoo S0-NO». 4. 
Bouine. w. A. a GamiUe Hhystal): KMmm io . 

Ind., 23-28; (PbUUpa') BtchBsad JO-Ber. 4. 
BMkirk a Bleb (Sloharwklt Schsasatsdy. N. 

¥., 23-28: (Orvfeeam BtiWMr. Pau. ao-Mov, 4. 

Barlows, Besahaway (BasMaJt XmnOI, Haaa,, 


Boweiy Nkwabsya' Qaartst (Olfels): Maw T«rt 
City. 23-38: (Idresam) FhUaddpUa. Fa., 
KoT. 4. 

Brsaecr. Oorotby (Krilh's)t ■aataa. Vim, 93- 
38: <Ktlth'sypieeldsa«»,^B. I, jjM tet. 4.^ 

Betnbaidt a Buaaler (BlJou): DsTenport, la 
2e-NoT. 4. 

Bans. Beasle (GrviA): .loUet, III., 23 28; (West 

Side) Belolt, Wis.. SOiNoT. 4. 
Bnrns, Harry (Gennett): Blehmond, Ind., 23 

28; (G. O. B.) MnakegoB, Mich., 80-Not, 4c 
Bnrkea, The Juggling (BUon): LaOroaae, Wis,. 

23-28: (Unlqne) Eao Olalre 30-Not. 4. 

BniDO. Chris. & Uahel Sngaell (Hammentdn's): 

New York City, 30-iNOT. 4. 
Bnckeye Tilo (lo^cenm): Ogden, Utah, 23-28; 

(Korelty) Denyer, CW^ SO-Not. 4. 
Belfort. May (Kelth'a): Boaton. Mass.. 23- 

28:- (Mooow's) Portlsad, Bit., 80-Nor. 4. 
BeUman a Moore (Proetor-a) : Albany, N. Y.. 

23-28; (Proctw's 88th St.) New York Oty, 

30-SoT. 4. 

Brrant a SafUIe (Olpbeom): Hew Oiieana, 
La., aO-KoT. 4. _ 

Beach a aia*'(Wiit and)! Ikuiwlllit wis.. 

23-28. •_ _ 

Besnah & MUtar OtaMMX MOT SHK .OHy. 

23-28; (BorOg Ik ■faaonW) Mew Sib Oty 

30-NoT. 4. 

Barry, Katie (iProctor's) : Ttoy. N. Y., 28-28; 

(Proctor's) ?;evrark, N. J., 30-Not. 4. 
BemsteliM. Tbe (Orpbeoin): SprloglleU, O., 23- 

28; (Grand) Hamilton aO-MW. 4. 
Boaton Olty Qnartet (MhNt^ Wh Af*.)! Itew 

York City. 23-38. 
Beanmont A Hayward (Bijou): Qnlaey, I1I..23- 


Bloom. Gapt. (Orpbenm): San E^andaco, OaL, 
16-2S; (Orpb«mn) Los Angeles 30-Not. 4, 

BeUdalre Bros. (Oolombla): St. Lonla, Mo., 
23-28; (Malestle) CUesco, BL, 80-Not. 4. 

30-XoT. 4. 

BiiTtoa a Brooks (Olympic): CWdaBIN OL. 

23 -2S. 

Brown a Brown (Oipheum): Kanssa Olty, Ho., 

30-NoT, 4. 

Bamea a WaaUtnim (Btioa): Oaecn Bay, Wis.. 

23-28; (BUoo) Marinette W-Kor. 4. 
Bctgere. VaMlt jk On. QI8|lltlg)l 

III., 23-28; .(0MMB) it,' tMHi 

Not. 4. ^ ■ 

BuUleM;^^. . Wm OI 

aV-HoT. 4. 
Bsatlsy. name (AWrtaA)t ^ 

28; (^Uon) Kenosha, WM., SO-Mor. 4. 
Bnaek Vknflr. Tbe Weaiaaful <Ball): Oak> 

land. cel.. 33-93: (AeoM) Baiwlo ao. 

Not. *• ^ 
BostwlCk, Xliraod r. (StUVIQt IMMnts, 

B. I.. 23-93. ■ _ . . 

Bright Bros. (OMaOli . B^aiV. Blfw aMMr. 4. 

Brawn a Mesate (MiM)t B a if a f . na.. 91^ 

No*. 4. 

I. WIlUe (Aoatln a Stone's): Boaton, Mssa., 

Bacon A Vsss (OMqas): I«a 
uioom a Coapae (BiHhn^i 

Boidtrw r i. CoL, a Co, (Olympic): Cbiosgo, 
BL. 33^. 

Browning a Walbr (Otahaam): Lsa Aaaalss, 

Cel., 23-28. 
Brown. Ed. (OiphCMi)t bMBB OMft 


BiKke a Urllne (Family): New York Olty, 

Borke. Al. (Hob): Woonaocket, R. I.. 23^ 
Barnells. Tbe (Star) : Sprlnsflvld. Mo.. 23-NoT- 4. 
Bates a Rneat (BUon): Des Moines Is., 2S-28; 

(LyceinD) Mlnneaiiolla. ]UaB« SO-Not. 4, 
Botes, Loula (Cryatal): ■shaHlt lad., MM. 
BoUnvcU .Jessie (Ha Hiai»ai*a| » Vew >sd- 

ford, Mass., 23-28. 

BsHey a Atiatln (Proctor's SSd St.): New York 
City, 28-28. 

Booth, The Great (Onttd)^3fyeiaJate, Fa., 



Bnrke a Dcmpsey (Hyde a Behman's): Brook- 
lyn, N. Y., 23-28. 
Byron, Henrietta ('Hyde a Bebman'a): Brook- 
lyn. N. Y.. 23-28. 
Buekoer (Orpbenm): Kanaas Cltr, He., 38- 
«: (Ot^soiD) Omsha. Hob., S»-Not. 4. 
ugjs a w-^'"** (ABmmtsa)! Chlesge, BL, 

Bnadwiek, Kaad a Ohss.i Ba ronte wlUi 
BMOsU's Boathem CaralTal Oo. Baa Midway 

Blaek * LHUe (flaroy): Victoria. B. a, 2S- 

28; (Grand) VancouTer 80-Not. 4. 
Bookes a Oortdey (Moore's): Fortlsnd, Me., 

Bnrke a LaBos (Alhambia): New York I3ity. 

Oameroo, Grace (Emp ir e) : Johanneebarg, S. 
A.. Oct. 1-NoT. 11; (TiToli) Oapc Town 18- 

Dec. 23. 

Camtile Comedy Trio: Bn roote with BlngUag 
Bros.' Clrcns. See Tent Show Rontea. 

Carina, Obaa. A Dogs: En route with Ebig11li( 
Broe.' Clrcns. See Tent Stiow Itontes. 

Carr, Albert (Hippodrome): New York City, 

Carroll, Gicat (Alcicar); DeDTcr. Oo1„ lodrt. 
OistriiiiDna, Tlircc (Bippodioaic) : Hew Xak 

city, tndef. 

Clarkonlana, The <llli|)adlWlg)l Miir Vock 

City, iDdef. 
Ooaiia a Sact 

Ost. S-Mer. 4| 

Dta. S. 
Otak * 

Smith Amu 

Oottiell. liOaHt • 

York City. Met 
Ooortaey a ycanctte: 

Chicago AmaaeoMB 10a.: Bse MHwsy lontss. 
(MnmMaiis. Tbe (Sheedy's) : VaB Bt«sr, Maaa.. 


Casad a DeVeme (Olympic): Cbteafo, IB.. 

23-28; (Colnrnnia) St. Louis, Mo., ao-Nor. 4. 
Chrlatopher (Broadway): San Bernardino,. Cel., 

23-28; (Casino) Las Aagelea 3n-NoT. 4. 
(Jbristopber, CbrU (BUoa): BatUe Oeek. Mleh., 

23-28; (Bijov) Kalamaaoo SO-Not, 4, 
Cralne, Long a Grains (O. H.): Macon, Os., 


Carter A Watcra (Batkaway'a) : New Bedford. 
Mass., 23^; (Mohawk) Schenectady, N. Y., 
SO-NoT. 4. 

Oarme Slatcra (Pistoc'i): Hew Y«rk OHy. 

* laspar (Orpheoai)i Baa 

OaL, 9a>He*.^ 

— (Sela'B)! Saaaaa Olty, Mo.. 

V. 4. 

Copeland A I>erTlngan . 1^.„_ w_ _ 
low A Markle ■FMUtg •Mace. - flae 
laneooe Bontea. 

Cbeny a Bates (Howard): Boaton, 
NOT, 4, 

Colhy a Bnrke (Kelth'a): Mew Xett OMTi 

28. • 
Cocliett. Taa. 3. (ayda * BsfenaaM)t 

lyn, N. Y., 28-28. 
CsrmeaclU (Orpbemn): Brooklyn, N. Y., 2S> 

28; (ABiB-mtoa) New York City 30-Not. 4. 
CalTert, Great (Fair): Macon, Gs., 23-28; (Faii> 

Charleston, fi. C, 80-Not. 4. 
Crane. Mr. a Mrs, Gardner (Shea's): T»- 

lODto, Out., 23-28; (O. O. H.) PtlMbUlg. fh.. 

30-NoT 4. 

Cbaaslno (O. O. H.) Plttabnrg, ft., 

(Kelth'a) Cleveland, O., 30-Not. 4. 
Clarke. Harry Corson (Orpbenm): Denrer, 
23-INoT. 4. 

(3omar. Frank (Flom'a): Madiaon, Wis.. 
Oalloban A Mack (Trent): Teuton. N. J., 28^ 

28; (Orpbeum) Beading, Fa., 80-Not. 4. 
Colby Family (Orpbemn): UUca, N. Y., 23-38; 

(Doric) Yonkets 30-Not. 4. 
Chamberllna, The (Keltb's): ProTldence, B. I., 

23-28^ (Keith's) Boston, Msss., SO-Nor. 4. 
Campbell a Brady (Majestic): Odcaco, 111., 


CaTanangb a Hamlltos (Music Ball): Olon- 

Cfater. Mass., 23-28. 
Cajneron A Toledo (American): (Alcago, III., 

23-2S; (Unique) South Cbicogo SO-NoT. 4. 

Qilrman, Thv Great (BI)oa); Mailaette. Wis., 
23-2S; (Ben's) Bscanaba, Mich., SO-Not. 4. 

Clarke A Temple (BUon): Green Bay, Wla., 
23-28; (BUout Madaeno SMIsir. 4» 

Carna. Bmmt (PHMOi^ Barh tt.)! HMT Tl^ 
City, 23 28. 

Orrollton A Hodges (Cnlqne): Winnipeg. Man.. 


Clifford & Burke (Ttent): Tkenton, M. 

28; (Atapbloo) Brooklyn, N, Y., I' " 
Cohan, JoseplUne A Oa. (Colonial): 

City, 23-28; Brooklyn SO-Not. 4. 
Crcswell, W, P, (Olympic): CUeaca, BL, S- 

Oogan a Bancroft (niBilly): Oloi 
Y.. 234St Otaa^ ffB^liasjala I 
coiumMoMk na Rim Ml Jmf, 



Carroll, Mr. a Mis. 
Mich., 23-28. 

Oreaay. WIU M. a Blaai*i Oaras aBsUb*a)t 
K«w York city. 1«4B: (XcUh'a) VkUadalpUa. 
Pa.. 30JNOT. U. ^ ^ 

GhtMk. AL (BUoa): labpcmhiK, SOeh., aa- 
asnwaa) AvAetan. Wis.. 80-Not. 4. 

OMsr a Watsta Oo. (Bathaway'a): New Bed- 
ford. Mesa.. 33-38. 

Oaibcny 4 Staatan <S«tit)i WUhlta. KaBw 

Clarke 'a Tmple (BtftB): flrsMk Bart ' Wlit 


Olatte, lAcy: 8toU Toor, England. 

Ootootal Septet (KetUk'a): CleTalaad, O., M-38. 

CocsweU^ Vsaaa (SlaatllyX Mahaaag OttTs 

oawford * iMf oliAMVt iM iaadta, iML; 


Cramer' a Caaper (Caalno): Lowienoe, MssOo 


Ooaway a BM (Aesdsoy): FtttAuS, Pa.. 

Carrer * VoBaid (Ol|lia*a)t 


(Me a 


S2k«!?ifisr^i: Wi iSik^^fin:. 


Conway a Leland: Blackpool, Eng., SOJfoT, 4. 
Ooote, Bert (Sbea'a): Boirala, N. Y., 23-28. 

GMlg, Blohy W. (flsToy): Tacoma, Wash., 38- 

Caraon, MMam (Majeatic): Chleaxo, IB.. 39. 

28; (Temple) DetioK, Mich.. 80-Not. 4. 
Ootu-ada, The (Star): Topeka. Kan., 2848; 

(NoTelty) DenTer, Col. 80-Not. 4. 
CbcstsT, Tbe Oraat JOryatal): Detroit, Mlsh« 

(Baymarket): Oblnago, ID., 
Odoningham. BOb (Natloasi): Kansas OttJ, 

Mo,, SS-2S. 
CSuOtld a Oartton 

York City, 23-28, . _ , 

Cooper a BobineoD (Proetor'a 08lh St.): K«w 

Sink Cl». 23-28, _ 
Cook a SylTU (Byds a Babmaa'a): BMsHtm. 

N. Y., 38-28. . . ^ 

Colatnas, Boyd, ■ Ok fOMaMll. SMMi Vm 

so-Hot, 4. • ■ ^'j- ■ 

Chatham Blstan d K wtt U gfi llMgW V ^lili.'!*. 


Wayne, Ind., 
Not, 4. 

Chttys. Six Uoitcil (Park): WorcMtcr. Uui., 

28-28; (Kelth'a) BoatoD 80-Not. 4. 
(Carroll * Otadw iOlnvIe): ttfttufBiM, BL. 


OUffaid Ji BBfea (Uut)! VkiMtai, II. J., tt* 

Di^iBaa. I«s.: Moaa A atoll Tour, Bnc.. Oct. 
8-NOT. 80. 

Dee, Boy: Bn ronte with tbe JOeephlnes 1>*t- 

fiy Co. See Dramatic Roates, 
DelaToye A Frits: Rn route wHta 

Bros.' Clrcns. See Ten tSbow Roates. 
Denton, Bent: Bn ronte wHb tbe Plole T 

See Tent Bbow Bootee, 
DeVaro. Marah a Wtte: Ba ronte wllfe the 

Snaay Sontb Pkallac PUaee. >se lllaaalla- 

Bcooa Boattn. 
DeVeMa a Selda: Sn raole with tbe gs ttu aia 

a Bialncrd OstalTal Oo. See iOdw B oa tW. 
Oorkmsn, Maile: Ba ronte with tb» Mb ftw» 

toOkcrs. Bse Maslesi Bootee. 
Oooahoe. Ma A Mattle Nlebds: B 

wUb WMBaf See Mosleal. Bootee. 
DonoTsn, Mm Q. (Oloeograpb): Lsa Aa| 

Cal., indef. 
Drew, OarroU (Rocket): Boekford. BL, 

11. indef. 

Dryden. Cbaa.: Bn ronta wKb .XoOlt Wat* 

Clrcns. See Tent Show SaalM. 
Dnmooda, Three (Crystal Valase)t MsiaiWlia 

Ft.. Oct. 20-NoT. 18. 
Dnnsworth, Pete (Pantagoe's): SestOe, Wa8h^ 

Dard, Jioa. (Bljoa)t lantflla^ H. atdtf. _ 
Pa— wfc las C i | i t s > t AdMi|Mpi Oii . 1^ 
Itov. 4. 

DeOreea, Tbe Two (SnW. 

28-28; (BUoo) Appletoo, Wla^ ao-Mor. 4. 
narrow, .Mr. a Mm. Staart (K*ltb*a): fiaf 
- 1; <nak) Weeasalar, aiMM.* 


Xtte Olllboard 



LAR6EST PUY EXCHAN6E IN THE WORLD. "•^'^^'^'^^■^^^S^^:^^^^!^ 

Man, Bnrt A LMtt (l9«Ma): 

HIIIB.1 Z8-2>i- _ 
numnnll * Mkt (E<Uaon): Spokane. Wub., 


DoiulH * Dooslis (Funll/): Sloox Ctty, U., 

Booler. Brenacr * Bow (Orpbcmn): Be«d- 
lii. Pa., SB^n; (Ktltit'*) Fiwrideaee, B. I., 
ao-KW. 4. ^ _ . 

DotftTml, ttomt iBgm m BaMWVi 

Dtl-A-PtMoe (MlBCT'* B<nrer7) : New York Citj, 

9S-2S; <AIoutr) BroOklTD SO^ot 4. 
Dcmn Hdbctt (Soutrtt's): St. Tboaiu, Oat.. 

33-28; (Family) Lancaster SO-Nor. 4. 
OtamoDd A Smith (BIjon): PUltddpUl, Fa.> 

23-28; (Family) Lancaster SO-NOT. 4, 
Dlion * Anger (G. O. H.): Yoimeatown. O., 


IXiWltt, Bnnw & Torrance (Shea'i): Boflitok 
K. Y., 28-28; (Sbea'a) Toronto, Ont., 80- 
Nov. 4. 

DoKoej t WiUaid (Dolqne): UinneapoUa, 
Mhin , as-eS; (AQdltonom) cedar Baplda, la., 

SO-NoT. 4. " 

'vOb, Cheraller (Folly): Cttieacot m., SB- 
l| (Aaplre) Olereland, O., SO-iNoT. 4> 
Jtis, WaHcT (Keith'a): BoatoUk 
IB: (Park) 'Worcester SO-NoT. 4. 
Day, Geo. W. (Cbase'a): Waablnctoo, D. 0,t 
23-28; (G. O. II.) Plttabotx. Pa., ao-K«r.,4. 
Ooherty Sisters (Arcade): Toledo, O., SMIOr, 4. 
Petmo (Hl«:trlc): 'n'aKrioo, U.. SM" 
Derdea. Dare (N'ovelt) ): TOp*k«. SU 

(Moote'a) Sedalla. Mc, S0.NOT. 4. 
OaTla & Walker: ^Ilddlelawn, N. Xc 

BcadtDS, Pa.. 30 Not. 4. 

D"a * D'a (Star) : llamlUen. Oat.^ 

Dlzoa it BofaMa (Oiphcom): IM JjIftlM, Oil„ 

De Uoo, CMnent , 

KMtar. 4s (BBpin) HOU mot. a-U; (BDplre) 

Datnaao * La* (■BglM)2agMkaa, M. J, » 

Itof* 4« _ _ _ . 
Dy. Btaud. * Oa (O. 0. ■.)! 
* Twn JMIOT. 4. 

ULi WMtoT. 4. „. _ 

Dawaon. Bah W. (BUoo): I^Craaac, Wta„ 98- 

McaidOk Matalta: Kourlnc Sootli America. 
Damni * Wklt&eld (Family) : Foughkeetxile, 

D^'tMSt^S^ * 0». (O. 0. HO: loOlMMpoUa, 

) : Spokane, Waab., 

_ X GOTdon (BUoo): DecatoT, IB.. a*a. 
Bdaall & roclNia (Orplieinii): aaa naadaoo, 
O.I.. l«4B. 

Eaiaore SMm (CfeaM^)t ^Ww lHlIl lW. 9. C, 

(Victoria): New York 

MtiraoaB, Eng., 

Umpire City Quartet 

City, 16-28. 
lanplie Craiedy Four (ampin): 

SO-'NOT. 4, 
■Dunett, Ensea* (•. Ol R.)i 

Mlcb.. 28-28. 
moa-^iOo Troupe (Arcade): l^ledo. 0.. 23-28; 
Brana Trio (Valtt St.): Peoria, lU., 23-28. 
Ehrenbers Jk Andall (NOTaUy): DeaTar, CoL, 

30-NoT. C - , . 

i:ii8wortiia. 9mm IQMaltt VMada. B. 0., 


I\aulnker, B. EL: Bn loote wlQi the Panders. 

flee MosloBl BoDtes. 
Veaalay, JuggVaf- Bn route with Ooa Son'a 

Mlaatrela. See DUnstrel Rontea. 
IMdmaa, Harry: Bd ronte with the Myrkle- 

Buder Stock COl See Dninatlc Rontea. 
FCDteUe * <B4deUffe: Bn roote wltb Bcntx- 

Santlcr Ob. See Borlcaqoe Bootea. 
Fatsoaon 4b 3(aek <IBiBplM): Jobaaaeabmc, 8. 

A.. Oct. lAKair. IB. 
riorence Staten, Thlte (Bm): Stoektaolm. 

swed., Oet. MO (Palate d'Bt*) BrBaiala. 

VmSAm The mat: Bb NOtt wtth r. W. 

BiB't arena. «k« Tnt Bioir BmIm. 
Pacd^* WUaao (anpln)! Tim Mini. B. A., 

~ foota Witt tte OcMt Bug 

Jan* U-Kor. 

OnMOB ft NaA (Gnad): MUwankee, Wla., 23- 
SS; (AmaHeaa) Ctaleaae, 111., 30-Not. 4. 

Cnyi'a Parlor XlMtariB iXHiMu rillli Oty. 
Mo., 23-18; CHavdir) Sapafea. Kaa.. so- 

NOT. 4. 

Grimes, Tom & Gertmde (Family): Richmond. 

lod.. 23-28. . 
Gi-rard, Francla (Orpheum): Kansas City, Mo., 

23-28; (Orpheom) New Orleans, I.a.. 30- 

Nov. 4. 

Gaylord. Bonnie (Faintly): Ottsmwa, la., 23- 

28: (F^amlly) Slonx Caty 30-Not. 4. 
Gardner, Willie (Proctor's 23d St.): New York 

City. 23^: (fiDCtor'a 58 th St.) New Xork 

City ao«aw. «. 

Globe «( OMrth (nuiiawlt amm£':m~ ss- 

28. .. ■■ 77 

Oregson, Florence k Olmlaa (S.: O. B.)l iVMta. 
iKD^K, Pa., 23-28; <o. O. HO TaaapMam, O., 

30-NoT. 4. 

Galettl's Monkeys (Keith's): Synense, N. Y.. 
23-2S; (Keith's) ProTldence, R. I., 30-Not. 4- 

(jcttlob ft Cb.. Mr. ft Ura. (SeU): Stockton, 
Cal., 23-28; (Lyceum) San Franclaco 30- 
Not. 4. 

(3ardner. Happy Jade (Shea's): Toronto, Ont.. 

9S-2S: (Kclth'a) CleTelaad. O., SO-NOT. 4. 
Oeoeio ft Tbeol (Palace): HaH, Edc., 90- 

Not. 4; (Empire) Leeda 6-11; (Bnplre) New 

OaaUe oa Tyae lS-18 (Bmplre) Soatb SUclda 


(Jroae, Bosaell J. (Blioa): Boekted. lU.. 

Bi fOQta wStB 9* 

roK ft -Waid: 

Frank ft ttUt 

Fieia Broa. ft 
X>att«faoa ft 
war Boatea. 

FriToU. Fred: En route wltli tbe Mmray ft 

Mackey Oo. See Dramatle (Rootea. 
Frisco, Stsnor, Aertallst: roote wltb the 

U. S. OamlTol Co. See Midway Bootes. 
Fulton, Cboa. M: New Orleena, La, Indef. 
Flantas, INro (BUou) : OanTlUe, 111., 23.>NOT. 4. 
netcber. A. Blllsr (O. H.): Aobnn, Oil,, 28- 

■Not. 4. 

Fern Comedy Fonr (Trent): Trenton, N. J., 

OUMban 4 Brocee 

SB; (BUOU) QnliK7 SMIOr. 4. 

■~ ProTtdeae*, B. 

ao-HOr. 4. 

loac, Annata (Kelth'a): 

M4B; <Belth^) Boatoa, 

mow The (OrpbeDm): ^riaafleld, O., S3 
mSu»f\ Btehaead, bd., «Mloe. 4. 

jr ftBtaddatd (Ifajaalie): Bot BpilBfa, 

Mor, 4. 

OUIeaa, Two (Cryatal): Locanapect. Ind., I 

(!P n » «iM )t„PHat. N, 

St. Joa<i>h, Slow, » 

*DlM (S««iMr'«): BNoklTB. 

Diawee: Bmpir* Tour, Bsc.. iAVof. 11. 
Detoiar ft Dexter: Donlap. ta.. MJ-28. 
Daly ft Morphy (NoTelty): DenTer, Ool.. 23-28. 
DurbyeUe, Loa ft Fay (KeMli'a) : Boston, Mass., 

De Laceys. Tbt (Cryatal): St. Joaepli. Ho.. 

22«; (Wood'a O. H.) ScdalU 2»-Not. 4. 
Dlda (Haymarket): Oilcaio, lU., 23.28. 
De MUt, (Sertle (SUodard): (andonatl, 0., 


Dlda (Treot): Tienton. N. J.. 28 28. 

Drew, Sydney (Orpheum): Baooklyn, N. x.. 

Doraeb ft Snuell (Ttnt): Trenton, N. 3-. 

De Vtlbls, Grest (O. H.) Alexandria, V«., 28-38. 
De Roina ft Valora (Ijrlc): Terr* Haote, Ind., 

Dobee'a Anlmulit (t'i-<>(>Ie): Cedar Baplda, la., 
' SS-18: (Oarrlck) BurUnstoo 2»-N0T. 4. 
OaOaacii. Mamie B. (Crralal): Deaeer, CoL, 

aS-38: LeadTlUe 28-NoT. «• _ , , 
Onaada, Tba FIto (Tbatcber O. H.): tosu, 
Utah, J>48: (IjTle) Poeatellok Ida.. SO- 

Dw^'. J. T. (NoTClCr): Poeblo, Od., »4S; 

(Empire) Colorado Sprloga SO-Not, 4. 
Delmore, The Hlasea (Poll's): Worcester, 

&Iau,. 33-28; (Poll's) Waterbury 80-Not. 4. 

Dollar Troapa (Trent): Trenton. N. J.. M-ffl. 
way, Artbur (Ifftlc): Loe AnKCles, Oal., Indet. 
BUmonds, Bn ronte with Donnelly ft Bat* 

fleld'a Ulnatrrls. See Mlnetrel Bontea. 
BUer, OUTle (Alcaiar): DenTer, Ool., IndeJ. 
Elton, Sam (Hanaa): Bambors. Ger., Oct. 1- 

ai; IMoas ft Stoll Toor, Bnc-, Not. 1, Indef. 
Umpire (3omedy Four: JQmplre Tonr, Bnc., Oct, 

18-NOT. SO. 

Barle, Tbe Dancli« (O. H.): Fremont, Wis., 

BsleHeta, La Belle (Olympic): (SileiKO. lU., 
23-28; {(3olumbl») St. Louis. Mo., 30-Not. 4. 
Bldrldge, Tbe Great (American): Oilcago. 111., 
23-28; (Yale'a) Kansas caty. Mo.. !!0-Not. 4. 
Blgonas, Les (Orpheum): New Orleans, La., 23 

Bstna. Ed. (Hathaway's) : New Bedford, Maaa. 

23.28: (Sheady'a) FaU Blrer 80-Not. 4. 
Brans. Mr. Mw. (BUoMi nnsMMIa, 

Pa.. 23-98; Ommtmi Itoir Safc OHy. 

Not. 4. • ■ • . - : 

Eknperora of Vnala. Kof (OnhtiMl) 

Neb.. 23.Mt (OlilMllllI) - 

30-NoT. 4. _ .. 

Esber Sisters, Tbe (G. O. H.): Grand Baplda, 

Mich., SO^KoT. 4. 
Bamonde, Mr. ft Mra. Bdwaid (Oipbeom): San 

Frandaco, Cal., SO-Not. 4. 
Btbardo. Mkomt (Park) WorCtiM, VHB.. »• 

88; (Keith'a) Boaton 8(KNor. 4. _ 
Bnia-Nowlaa Trio (Stiea's) : TorontOh Oat, 

aS-S8; (Ualeatlc) Cbleaco^ ni.. 80-Kot. 4. 
■Wa, Mr. ft Ml*. Jack: OaxntkeiaTUIa. Uo-. 

9848; 7oneaboro. Ark., SO-Nvr. 4. 
'iMartt. Grade, ft Co. (MuiUb * BaaaMafa) 

W«r S«rk OitF. Sa-M. 

Foster ft Poster (Proctor's): Albany, N. T., 
23-2S; (Hatha,way'a) New B<-dford, Maaa 80- 
Not 4. 

Ftusesans, Tbe (Bljon): Calumet, Mlcb., 23-28. 
Feiry (Ocphemn): New Orleans, La., 20^. 
Fields ft llauaon (Howard): Boston, Mans., 23- 

Poo. Tons (BUoo): UOoaia, WU., 23-28. 

Flaher. Mr. ft Mn. TClMBf (OtPHB*)!^ 
OrbMins. T.a.. 2841; jjgiBlitf M* brings. 
Ark., 30-NoT. U, ' ■ ■ 

Fox ft aammaaa («taaa|Ut MkaaajL Ind.. 
23-28; (O. 0, K) OMai mtSSSTSk^ 80- 
Not. 4. 

Felix ft BaiTj Co, (iBopkliia'): Memphia, Tenn., 


Padette's Orchestra (Columbia) : Cincinnati, 
O., 23-28; (Orpliomn) .VevT UHesoa. La., 30- 
NOT. 4. 

Fayblo. Adoola (Lyceum): MlnseapoUa, Minn., 
23-28; (Bllon) Duboqoa. U., SO-Nor. 4. 

Itederlcks. The (Plelrwlck): Saa Di^aw Oal., 
23-28; (NoTrity) Loa Anialaa 80410*. 4. 

Wla., aO-NOT. 4, _ " ' 

lUrehn^ Tb* (BtoeMe)! Wattdo*; Bk, U- 

Flrida, Win B,i Baa M la, Waah, 1B48. 
First, Bamay (BUaa)i Daa Molaaa, la^ 

WeMa. lUifimlla: OQ. Ottrt.Pl!:, S% 

tady, M. T J BB48. 
FnBcr, Ma (Olympte): 

las Italy. Mot. l-SO. 
noate ft BWrer (OCratal): Ifoakeion, Ulcb., 


FUber ft Joliaaon (Onad)! JoHal, Ol., 1848; 

(JeSer^a) 8a>tai aw. iy fc|^8 8 4g|^'^4. j^pj^ 

Oolcy ft' Fay (Howard): Oblcacot IB.. 

ft Fay- (Standard): Otnelnnatl, O.. 

Faaan, Fraift ('Howard): Cblcaio, III.. 23-28. 

Facan. Btraer (HTde ft Bebmon'O: Brooklyn, 

N. y.. 23-28, , _ 

Fltzclbbons. Morse ft Drlslan (PoU'a): Bart- 
ford, Conn., 23-28; (PoU'a) UprtagaeM, Uaia., 
30-NoT, 4. ^ ■ 1^ . 

Pamom, Bud, Musical Tna (MBMI9I HM^ 
mood, Ind., 23-28. 

Fillmore ft Adsma (O. H.): Hanklnaon, N. D., 
23-28; (O. B.) &>operstown 80-Not. 4. 

Flentcber, Cbariea Leonard (Oipbanm): lUn- 


c^Mdo: Ea nott «Ub Bttt 

Tent Sbow Boats*. 
Gray ft Oiabaa: 1ft MrtB wM 

BfUes. 8m BoHSitBl aoMM. „. 
Grant. ardacT »taBMMMB*Mt. ..Bnr.Mt 

City, ai4i; (Ml'a) W ar a a at a r, Mtaaa.. 80. 

"^'er ChUdNO. Three (Grand): Jollet, ni.. 
l; (Oiand) Oabkosb. WU., 90-Not. 4. 
ft Boffbes (Bennett's): London, Ont. 
(Bennett's) St. Tttomaii 30-VoT. 4. 
ft West (Arcade): Toledo, 0. 
(Bennetfa) Laodoa. Oat., SO-NoT. 4. 
Gordon ft H«m^jgMn_(Bqs«)l 

■Wla., 23 28s ^Bart) 

Not. 4. 

Qacnox, The (Miner's 8th Atc.): New Yoek 
City, 23-2S: (Nassau) Brooklyn SO-NoT. 4. 

Oofortb ft Doyle (0. H.): Sbawnec, Okla., S 
28; (0. H.) Vlulta, 1. T., SO-NoT. d., ■ . 

Goldsmith ft Hoppe (Gaiety): Mbtaf, H. X 
23-28; (Boyal) Trngr SO'-Not. 4. 

Goolniins._'n>a M Oit H I I (BOtklBt') t 

anghea, Mr. ft Mra. Nick: 
~S; Ottomwa 30-Nor. 4. 
Hoch, Bmll. Jane Bltoo ft Ok' 
Kansas City, Mo., 23-2r " 
lesns. La-, 30.Not. 4. 
nenos Camaras Ststera, 
bany. N. Y., 23-28; (« 
York City. 30-Not. 4. 
Hammond. Mr. ft Mrs. Chas- (^National): 

saa City. Mo., 23-Xot. 4. 
Howard ft North (G. O. H.): Memphis, Tttm., 

23-28; (Orpheum) Omaha, Neb., SO->,'ot. 4. 
Hoa-ord'a Ponies & Dogt (G. O. B.): Harrla- 
burc. Pa.. 23-28; (Keltb'a) New York tStt 
3n-XoT. 4. 

Hefron. Tom (Uniqae): St. Paul. SUsa,. S4Bt '• 

(UnlQue) Minneapolis 30-NOT. 4. 
Helm Children, The (Norelty): Poeblo, 

HamtHircw ' 

WoRcatcr W> . 

OaTlfl. SMt * 

Y.. mm.- - 

Orannaa, Bi 


Caylhir, (heat (CrysUl): 
Not 4. 

Gleeson. John ft Bertha, ft Fred Hoallban (HaUi' 

away's): New Bedford. Mass., 23-08. 
Good, Basel (Gkyatal): Kokomo, Ind., 23-28. 
Glhnore ft OuaoU (Oiatal): Kofessaok ^Ind.. 

23- 2S. ' ■ - . 

Grand Opera SMo (BaBflll) t ^ WHbIIIIW. ' PsI., 


Goyer ft QiNeUI (Pioetop'a &8th St.): New 

York City, 23-28. 
(Mfl Wltb tbe Mask, Tbe (iPark): Erie, Pa., 


OUmore, Stella (Grand): NaahTlIle, Tenn.. 23- 
28; (Greenwsld's) New Orleans, La., 30-Not.4 

Grayce. MarKiret (Gem): ConncU Bluffs, la. 
23 28; (NoTcltj) Omaha, Neb., 20-NoT. 4. 

Gilror. Usyacs ft UoBlsoiBsry: Newark, N. J. 
23-28 . ' ; , 

oiiette autaei 1fi,.0t tLit.. bcMmK- ra. 

OUlen, Tom (POll'a) 


Gilbert 'ohn D. (Bnttlg > IBBWB'B); Mew 

■York City, 28-28. 
Green ft Green (Hortls A Seaman's): New 

York City, 31-28. 
HaU ft Bail: Owoaao, Micb., July 10. Isdcf. 
Harper, LoelUe H. (Qanlck): Bnrllnctan, la.. 

Oet. ». tndeC 
Hatch, Geo. H. (West Side): Janearine, Wla., 


Bayden ft LalLoode: Bn ronte with John Bo6- 
Insoa'a Clrcns. See Tent Sbow Routes. 

Ilayii, Rd. C: Rn roote with Gns Sun's Uln- 
atrela. S<>p Minstrel Bontes. 

Helena, Bdlth (Itouacber'a) : Vienna, Anstm, 
Not. 1-30. 

Henry, Nellie A Ctias. Monisan: En route wtUi 
Nicbol's Chleaco Amnseoaat Co. See Midway 

Bewlettea, Bik * Maa (MBtt' ftttOtB.' Oa.. 


HoUoway. Prof. (Metropolitan): Dnlotb, Mln.. 

Bnntooo. Dad ft Clara (Star): Ft. Worth, 
Tex., Indef. 

Henry, Eugene (BDoo): Lsnalns, Mltfh.. 2S-SS; 
(BlJoa) Battle Creek 80- Nor. 4. 

Hyde, Beb ft Bertha (9th ft Afch)i Philadel- 
phia. Pa.. 23-28. 

Hollaid, Zv (BamoMiattlii'd): NVir.IiMk Oltr. 

hSS' ^ ^i£- ''(myi&>y'^^siJfcy'>a'*' 

Bale, WllUe ft Frances (Bansa): 

Gcr., 1-30. 
Bart. Joe. A Carrie DeMarr (Pob's): 

n<Md, Mass., 2^28; (rolTs) ~ 

Not. 4, -. - .. .-. .... 
Hengler ilMB-:(<lln^Ml> ObtafSv HL* 


Bayea ft WlncbeU (Ftoeber'a): Los 

Cel.. 23-28. 
Ballman, Billy: PottsrUlc, Pa.. 23-28. 
Bacris, Obas. ft Bdna (Family): llahaiMr OHr. 

Pa.. 23-28. 

Hennesay. Jas. (Cryatal): DenTer, Colo., as-18. 
BUI, Murrry K. (O. O. H.): ladiasapolla, lad., 


BoChnsn. Kittle (BUoo): DoTar. N. B.. 8848. 
Howard ft Cuaaoa: Hacentowa, Ud., 18-88. 
Hood. Sam (Grand): Victor, OoL, 16-88. 
Holman Bna. (Ktitb'a): Raw Zacfc CMr, 8B7 

Hayes ft Hcair g u il u i W t -l l a w ai *. B. J^-j^' 
28: (Hyde * Bahasaa'M BssM*. B. fiW . 
^^904toe. 4^ a^^mm^ttx' Biw 

_Totk Ql^j^^BMB. ptampie): iMratt. 

_MB: ta bT) Boebaater, M. T.. 
,'■4. ' ' 
Bawtbara* ft Bart <<aallha«arMt. , .BMr^ Baa>:f 

Haydaii ft Hayea 'IWmt^ mUtSt 'v' Wk^-UmK 
Mo., 2348. _ _ 

C. C. (Olympic): Oileaco. HL. S, : 

Howaid., BattlB {Baifutkat): 

Baieer A llUbir 

Backer' ft Lester (Proetor'a B8tb St): 
York City. 23 28. _ 

Henley ft Steele (Kslth'i): KMT Xsck OUf,.. 
23-28. ■ _\ -, . 

HarrlDCton. Dan (Q^MB H BMMnIk BNIIMni4 

N. Y., 28-28. . _ 

Howard ft Bland (BFde ft BshaMS's): BlOOfe* , 

lyn, N. Y.. 23-28, ' 
Hastlnsa ft Borne (Oolnmbla): Oladaaatl. O.. 


Bolcombe. Cnrtls ft Webb fOrpbeom); 

City, Mo., 23-28; (Orpheom) waaha, Mab., 

Not. 4. .^..i: i.:-__v-,iv..- ■ 

Ball, Pauline (Hb(I% *,iHMaNVt'.<* 

Ctty, 2S-2S. • _ ■ . 

Irrlac Broa. (Aaalta^ Mat Ow aia H 

M. T.. JUr IT, ladsc 
irTigf . FMirl (ftnatta * BtsM^): B istia. M 
IrTlng TMo: Xa roots wttb OhiMr >SsaL*~! 

atreU. Br* MlaaUd Boatta. . ^ .-^s ^ 

laataa ft Bjaa (Paira): BrtdBspsTt. Osaau 

88; (Bnspln) Patttaoa. N. J.. 80-llee. 4. 
Ji^^Hr, * kia. orasallr): Mow Zsik Otp.; 

Jones ft Bntton (O. B.): Balcsa. Haaa., 8S-8S. 
Jackaon Family: Bn route with Blnglhic Broa.* 

Ctrcna. See Teat Sbow Bontea. 
Jerome ft Bdwarda: En rente with Bsaa ft ftl> 

Tord'a Straws. See Tent Sbow 9»gft i-;J^&t: ' 
JobnsoQ. Chas. : En ronte wltb MaQis' BiBV%' 

Circus. See Tent Sbow Boatc*. 
Jooes A Snttcn: En mote with tlie Jamea 

Kennedy Oo^ See Dramatle Bontaa 
JoUans, Hie (Mabi 8t): Pearla, U.. 88-88; 

(BUoo) QnUXT 80-NoT. 4. 
Jacoba ft Sardel (Grand): HamlHoa, O., SMBt 

(Eatlea* Clrcns) Sootb Bend. Ind . aO-Nov. 4. 
Jackson ft Sparks (Bl)ou): Dnboqn*. la., IB- 
IS: (Orstal) MUwankee. Wla.. SO-N«r. 4. 

Jtektoi ft Dooglta. JliiBca (WlBgncft O* B.): 

Ilean. N. xZfS*.-. • 
Jeaare. Crtt ft Bm8 




Hylaada. Tbe Three (BUoo): Marinetta. Wla.. 

88-88: (Ben**) Bseanaba, Mich., ao-HOr. 4. 
Bom* ft asott (Oewry): New Tark GUr. 88-28; 

(Casbio) PHasdelpbU, Ps.. 80-K«r. 4. ^ 
BaTamaa'a Aatsaala (Mi'a): Sptlncfleld. Ibas.. 

23-88: (P«U'a) Bartfsrt. Onn., 80-Not. 4. 
Haines ft Battt Biatsa, Pa» 28-28. 

Biaea ft B«ailB«lsa (BsgUa^): XiBlBllll*. Ky.. 


Boward Broa. (Majestic): €blssft» 
Bnibea. Mr. ft Mrs. Gene (O. O. 

dianapolis. Ind,, 23-28. 
Httltback. Wm.: Chicago, IlL. 33-2S. 
Holmes ft Waldon (31st. St.): Chics CO. 

23-2S: (Main St.) Peoria 30-Not. 4. 
nneRcl Bros. (Grand): DesMoines, la., 23-K; 

(Palace) Dubnqne SO-NoT. 4. 
Bjams A Melnt.rre (Alhambra): New York 

City. 23-2S; (Proctor's) Albany 80-XOT. 4. 
Boldaworttis. Ttie (Park): Worceetrr, Maaa., 

23-38; (Pastor's) New York City, 30-Not. 4. 
Healys, Tbe (BlJon): WlcMta, Kan- 23-28. 
Hobnan. Hay ward A Hay ward (Mlnee'a Sth 

Are.): New York aty, 23-28; (Unique) Brook- 
lyn 80-XoT. 4. 
Bayter ft Jenet (National): Kanaas CltT, Mo., 

23-28; (Star) Topeka, Kan., 30-Not. 4, 
Hilton. Fred: San Francisco. Ol., U-Not. 4. 
Harcoart. Daisy (Park): Worcester. Mass.. 23- 

28; (Keltb'a) PhUadelpUa. Pa., 80-Not. 4. 

"niisBib^ihS S ir V tB yy ^ mait M4ii 


Josoarys. Three (Proctor's 23d St.): New York 
City, 23-28; (Bammenteln'a) New York. (Sty 
80-NoT. 4. 

Jennlnca ft BtBtfirow (O. O. B.): Grand Bap- 
Ids, Mlcb- 88881 . . 

Johnstones. IMSbI <•;'. Ol MiX ZsaBBBMnftj 
O., 23-28. ■ ■■■■^ 'i-.-.--:.^ 

Jordan ft Harftr:. .' MBlK :mm>,. ■!>. ■•••Ail'-i 

Jordan, Great (AasUB^ ^MM^t ..•iMsMi. 
Mass.. 10-28. . _ - i..'.' 

Jeanie ft EUswsrth (Grand): BnalMoa. Oh 

Jmn^'tL Eraaa (assiari): Obleacow BI., a*.' 
Je^e ft Moolsift (Bsalis^: -Bmt Xaik Otty^^ 
JaTk'soiL Oraee (Keith'a): W»w Xttk ..CBjri'' 

23.2s .-• ■■'.■* ■< ' 'X 

Kanfman's iMtr BlcyellsU (Hlppadnste)t - Ws* 
York CJty. Indef,^ . ^ , . ___ 

Kanfman- Bsba' (HbSSIBiS)t UndOO. BIK.. 

July 8-Oet ai.' ^ 
Eantiaaa. Trsope: En ronte wltb 

BlVB.' CarCBS, See Tent Sbow Boot«i. ; 
KeiKkrrwtB ft Gertie: En roote with 

WoodtaB ISOw See Dramatic Bootes. 
Xeltena niee: En roote with the Parisian 

widowa. Bee Barleuue Bont<a. 
BMuTw. ftTtnuaajri: PMtSflDs. Pa., SepC^ 


Xtie Blllboara 

OCTOBER 28, 1808. 

OHAKA.— Boyd's TtaMtre (W. J. Bnrcen. 
mgr.] WtUer Wtalieslde 8-10; good boalnera 
ud cfianpany. Tbe Prince of-PUaco 11-14; biff 
bonca. Dark 16; Frsnk Daniels 17-18; FUC, 
P»«, Poof 1»-S0. _. 

Boiwood Tbeatie (Woodward * Bnp 
u) nndcr Two Fines by tb* Mock ai 
week 8: pitucd O* m B lU tu dt fc Alt 
iwr ta 1^ Hoaac 14-Zl- 
Orpheom Theatre (Cad Better, mgr.) ^ 
Haaudow Globe, Mr. aad Mis. Bsaonds, Tbe 
Kacaite Stateia, Howard Bnttaeis. tanden 
Beckwltb. aad odieis week 8; boslneaa good. 

King Ttacatie (Cbu. Breed, mgr.) Haman 
Jioarts 8-8; good btuiness. Tbe Band of Man 
10-11; bmdnca* good. Sky Farm 12-U; good 
tHiHM. Baitr Tolty IS-IB; Dcadwood Dick 
.nawMSkla 1*41. H. J. BOOT. 
ijnii.i-inBWr ThwtR dtaak & Zennoi; 
mgt.t 'Bmter Brown IMt; r gaad yirnnna 
and boinrsa. Tbat UXtkt.-mmttt' tMHS-L-^ 
bsalncaa and pleaacd. n^CMMO aOIkiA 
Walker WfalteMde 18. 

Ljile Uieatre CH. ^H. OtBler, mgr.) iloelta 
end Onmn, Jbtin J. WUde, Kossell and Doa. 
Asy- and rhirif f ailfnaaa and tbe klaet. 

— ' Onslaad nwatre 
ncra.) Tliat Uttle Swede 
Okl Tlrglnla U; paAcd 

]CUCBBBIEK.-^Opeia. House (B. W. Bar 
tlagttB. mgr.) Win We .We» Twenty-one 10; 
fair bnalncasu' .-/Wkr^UB iSnSSP^SLffi. 

KaJSes 19. 

iPaik TlMtTe (Jan. Btl la a. mgr.) Wine, Wo- 
men and Song Mjf llK F i n . SpeHmaa BI- 

i Oo. was: XkftlEMtfeMiackcr Bndeiqnas 

. (r. B. 
Cktme 12- 

J. Mama of 

w^k. XM»t fair baatnaaa. ▲ . Slair of 
a^aSL Ka^ to be Pltie« r 
a4Bl Tb» nadow Behind The 
Wedded and Psxtcd 2T-28. 

Taylor Opera Boose (M. Moaes, mgr.) Tbe 
OOoaty Cbalnaan 18: plraaed fair houe. Mr« 
Temide's Tdtoan Ui sood boaincaa and com 
Tt Tmn t m^ S St, tDd_p» Beast 
19-30; Geo. tSSBn tOaMoam Mi 
Carl' 28- _ , _ ^ 

Trent Theatre (Edw. Benton, mgr.) We^ 
X9-21^ Doliar Troope of A0ob«t8, Annie Ab- 
bott Jb Co., Cllirord and Borke. Solly Family. 
Carter and Waters Co., Tyee and Jerome, Lats 
Biothera, and Martin Brothers. Week 23-28. 
SMB. r-"""" and Mack, Harry LcClalr. Knr- 
. Hb aad Boise, Dorach and Bn aa el l, Fern Com- 
edy roar, MlUa and Morris, and the blograph. 

a' TTn CCTT, — SaToy Tliaatze. ▲ Itea- 
nge From Mara IT; S. K. O. ~~ 
latli IB; The American lAjid 
Steel Pier. 
Tbe Free 
All othe r 


TQBK 01T7- — Tbe Garden Theatre re- 
aod change* ot bQI take place at Wal- 
lick'a and the Maabattaa. as the moat im- 
portant CTcata fur the week starting Oct. 23, 
Wm. F%T««hajn appears In WalUck'a in The 
Siieaw-Man; Mme. Kallah makea here atellar 
debut In an Engllab-spcaklng tole at the Man- 
battas, aDd BolieTt Manten starts opon a ae- 
ries of Sbakcspcaxlan ptodactloos at tbe Gar- 
den. Another Itein of importance will be the 
prodnetloa of Wonderland at tbe Majcstlcv 
this piece being an Improred aad renamed Tcr- 
aion of Alice and the Bight Prlnccaaes. 
^ Belaseo Theatre (DaTld Belasoo. mgr.) Mrs. 
^Kealle Carter Onlahes her present engagement 
^■t thia theatre with Da Barry, which will 
^pare nm two weeks. Satmday nt^t; ^8. 


at OM heow. 28. 

atopbe Tlifaliii (Cbaa. Frohman. mgr.) John 
Drew. eoatSaolng De Lanry, enters npon tbe 
di^iflt week of hla nn. 23. with boalnesa for 
this heantlfnl entertainment still on the ca- 
pacity order. 

Manhattan Theatre (Harrlaon Gxey Flake, 
aagr^) Mme. Bertha EaUsh. the idol of ererr 
Xlddlah heart in New York, as wen aa a moat 
popnlar actress with many of tbe BngUah thea- 
tregoers, enters npon her career aa an GngUah- 
6P«liklng Btar Mondar evening, S3, presentlac 

for tte Bnt time on any itage, Honiia ▼tana. 

I Theatre (Henry B. Harris; ngr.) liui 
and Sapennan Is stUI packing this hooae. and 
remains tbe most attractlTe theatrical enter- 
ta liim e ut In New Tork. Bobert Loratne, Its 
star, starts npon the eighth week of hlB en- 

RoickeriMcker Theatre (AL H. Bayman 3c 
Co.. mgrs.) Tbe Sothem-Marlowe combination 
•tarts upon the second week of its Sbikeipeat- 
lan aeaaon, 23, contlmiing The Taming of tbe 
Shrew. The bm changes 80 to Tbe Merchant 
of Venice. 

WaHaek'a Theatre (tin. Thea. ifoaa. mgr.) 
Wm. VtaTcrshani. la The S/paw-ltMa, opens an 

Daiy^ TbMtre (DaaW 

C a.tth of the . Btaas a.- t , 

entertainment whlcb preacnlg B0m Idy as lla 
daintiest (eatare, stsrts npon the ninth week 
of its nm, as. with nothing said about the 
ogagement terminating. 

OarrJck Theatre (Chas. Frohnun. mgr.) Ar- 
Bsld Daly and bis compai^ contlnne John Bnll'a 
Other Iiland Into Its ttilrd week. 28. 

-'-all* »ni7 B. Slnw a^.) DavM 

_ David WaiMd tor the eighth 

week of :%bt Marie Hasten* w esnd jeue in Mew 
Toric ala r Uag 3S. M«ka4 mmm» continiie. 

Herald Sqaaie Tbeatie fOfeas. nvfamao, mgr. 
Jbaeph Oawtbstaa ta Mta in Tammany Ban, 

later Mat. 

Uhertr Theatre (Klaw ft Brlanger, mgrs.) 
The Bogers Brothers In Ireland enter aiwn 
their last wsek 2S. Marie OahlU. in Moonshine, 
heinc annoanced to toeeeed them 80. 

Garden Theatre (Benir W, Sarage, mgr. 
Bobert Mantell. opening la BIdiard UI., be- 
gina a season of Sbafceepeartan repertoire, S3, 
nnder tlie guidance of William A. Brady. 

SBToy Theatre (Frank McKee. mgr.) Tbe 
lilghly anccesstnl ran of James K. Backett and 
Mary Mannertng. ia ne.Walle Ot 3tM o, was 
contlnned into ~- - - 
at capacity. 

Madison Sqaare Theatre (Walter N. Law- 
rence, mgr.) The third week ot The Man on 
the Box. featnrlng Henty B, Dlxey. starts 33, 
with boainess excellent. 

Weber's fRieatre (Walter K. Lawrenoc. mgr. 
The Bliae* dsn starta dmo Its third weak 
atJULtaMK t£ 

t tUi Bmhk ti. With laiUiHgaail good, 
awatay .lba a i a a jlL, W. ' VlmgwA mgr. 
be Ann aad tfte ^BBaklB antcra upoii 11 

npon Its 

tenth and last week 9S. ▼croniqne, the new 
opera, being annonnced to anceeed this bean 
tlfol speetacle, 30. 

Mew Amsterdam Theatre (Klaw ft Eilsnger, 
mgrs.) I>nla Glaaer begins Iter last w«ck at 
this boose, 23, her fortnight ea^ag S8. The 
easolng attraction will be the annnat spec- 
tacolar prodnctlon by Klaw & Erianger, The 
White Oat, bnied to open 30. 

Lyric Theatre (Shnbert Bcos., mgrs.) De 
Wolf Hopper. In Happyland, starts npon tta 
third week. 23. A review of Uils attraetlaB 
wHl be foond In another eoloaui of this 

Princess Theatre (ITriirT Millar. Mr) Mar 
garet Englln enters npon tta. gmfc- w nt. Ot 
her triumph in Zira 28. 

New York Theatre (Klnir .Jk'HtaVM tngrs.) 
Mclntyre and Beath begbi tka' aBB week 
ot The Ham Tree. 28. 

Lew nelda" Theatre (Wte. B. Sin. mgr.) 
The Lew Flelda On. eontlMies to attract large 
boalacaa witk Hordlaad aad 
Tbe Xnale Jbatae. 

AcadHV eC Marie .<9lhM8 ft 

mgre.) . 
ters npon bis concladlng wc^. S3, his three 
weeks* stay teimlnatlng 28. The ensnlng at- 
tnctlon Is not annonnced. 

Majestic Theatre (Tobn B. Flaherty, 
On Mondsf evening, 23, Wonderland wUl Start 
QPoQ a bit of a mn at thla house. Saturday 
night, 21, Cbaoncey Olcott ended three fairly 
profitable weeks of Edmnnd Bnrke. 

Harlem Opera Honse (Alex. Llcbtensteln 
mgr.) Raymond Hitchcock ended a ,week of 
Easy Dawson at tUs house 21. Next week the 
attraction will be Tbe Prodigal Son. 

Grand Opera Honse (J. B. Sprineer, mgr.) 
Bfaode FeflJy made her local debat as a star 
at this boose week ending 21. appearing; in 
The Tmth Tellers. Week of 23, It's Up to 
Yoa John Henry, with Chailey Orapewln. 

Westead Theatre. Bra Xangnay spent 
hlghtly profitable week at tills boose, ending 
XI, wim ber gt a tnt a tba ie «C Tbe Bamho Olrl. 
week aC ta Raw Shwa win be the 

Foarteeatfa .Street Theatre (J. Wesley Bo- 
senqnest, mgr.) Uirr Uaihle appeared, week 

ending 21. In Nancy Brown, before excellent 
boslness. Week of 23, The Cnrse of Drink wSl 

l>e set forth. 

Hippodrome (Thompson Sc Dnndy. mgrs.) The 
Bomaace of a Hindoo Princess was prodnced 
at this honse Wednesday erenlng, 18, and an 
extended mention of the prodnetlaa will be 
fonnd in soother cotomn of thla inrae; bnslness 
here contlnnes to be Immense, 

AmeHcsn Theatre (Wm. T, Keogh, mgr.) 
Lottie Williams, la My TMnboy Otd, played to 
dne haalnesa, and gave «xeel]«t oatiaCaetlon 
week ending 21. Era Tangnaj ifMB tbr a 
week of Tbe Sambo Olrl. 23. 

Mnrray Hm Theatre (Wm. T. Keoith, mgr.) 
Tbe Cane of Drink waa set forth tn harrowing 
Ing detail before lacge andlenrea week ending 
21. The BaaedJBnCBBB open la The Great 
Jewel BObbaiT. 

Third ATeane Vfeealie CA. H. Weeds, ngr.) 
The Street Singer opens a week'a engagement 
here, 23, to be followed. SO. by The Ught- 
house by the Ctea. Annie Blancke. In Fight- 
ing Fate, was well rewarded dntlns the week 
condndlng 21. 

Metropolis Theatre (Henry Boaenherg, mgr.) 
Marching Tbroogb Georgia, was weU patrrn- 
Ised at this theatre, week ending 21. Barney 
GUmore plays here week of 23. 

Tballa Theatre (SnlllTan ft Woods, mgrs.) 
Slcadows of a Great City after a profitable 
week, were dispelled 21. On 23 the hero of 
the play began to suffer for His Brother's 
Crime. Next week Wedded and Parted will 
be set forth. 

Star Theatre (Wm. T. Keogh. mgr.) The 
Qoee a of tt» HlgW iln deia thrilled luge aoOI. 

ea waek eaatac IL Che Way ot the Krana. 
gresMT wm be * »w as hard to traTel week 

«t B. 

Dewer Tbeatn (Geo. Knns. mgr.) Wine. 

'Oman and Bong win hold Iiilanonily forth at 
this house week of 23. following a week of 
prosperity for the Worldbeatets. Next attrac- 
tion: Boble's E^lckertmckets. 

Gotham ^nieatre (Geo. Krans, mjrr.) The 
Morning Glories blornn her? week of 23, snc- 
eeeding The Trwin Show, which had a profita- 
ble week ending 21. Next: Ibe Beweiy Bar- 

Ijondon Theatre (James H. Curtain, mgr.) 
Tbe Empire BnrleaqDeta wlB be tlCMM. week 
of 23. i.ast weeft-ae MiMCIlB'waB fOm Wew 
York. Jr. Next wMfe ■allfuil Beaatles 

win be seen. - 

ADner'a Bowery (Biwba A. Miner, mier.) 
The Bohemian Barleeqam' apent a pmatable 
week ending 21, and gare way to the Yankee 

I>MHiie Girls who open 23. 

MIner'a Elebtb Avenne (EdTln D. Miner, 
RelHy ft Woods Big Show did a profltable 
bnslness. week ending 21, an^ gave way to 
Miss New York. Jr., who opens 28. 

Circle Theatre (Lew Parker, mgr.) Weber 
ft Bnab's Dslnty Dnchess prored to l>e a prollta- 
t>le attraction at this iHmse week ending 21, 
and gsTe way to Clark's Bonaway Girls who 
opened 23. 

Hnber Mnsetnn (Jobn H. Aadersea. mgr.) 
Freaks npon the plattnm aad Taadeellle npon 
the stage win serre to eHrW B«>Wg a> fttt 

honae week of 33. 

Teller, mgr.) 
week 23. 

Ne w iL—^ 
Tbe FNtt§8l 

Grand Opera Boose (II, T. Mlddleton, mgr. 
The Nlnety-and-Nlne week IS; Tom, Dick and 
Barry week 23. 

Polly Theatre (Bennett Wilson, mgr.) The 
Errand Boy week 16; Tbe Foor 'Mortons week 

Byde ft Bellman's Theatre (Nick Norton, 
mgr.) Boy Knabensbue, Goolman'a Dogs and 
Cats, Press Eldredge, CanHeld and Carlton, Do- 
herty Sisters, and others week 15. Next week; 
Jas. J. Corbett, Howard and Bland, Bnrke and 
Dempsey, and others. 

Unique Theatre (Frank B. Carr, mgr.) The 
Avenue Girls week 16. 

Orphenm Theatre (Percy O. Wllllama, mgr. 
Harry Hondlnl, Hyams and Mclntyre, Burke 
and Lame, Macart's Dogs and Monkeys, Emmet 
T. Corrlgan, and others week IG. £ph. Tbomp- 
Bon'a Elephants, Oarmendta, and others week 

Amphlon Theatre (Wm. T. Grover, mgr.) 
Jno. T, Kelly, EUaore BIstets, Wilson and He- 
loise, Bice and Cady, and ittbcts week IS. Ber- 
belt Kelcy and Eflle Bhannna week S3. 

BUoo aSieatre (Mary O. Spooacc. mgr.) Tbe 

Ctailur BaU wedt U. Mamadle week 23. 

KCcncjr's Tbeatre (Frank Keener, mgr.) Ta' 
lerle Bergere ft Co., Mlaaes Annie and Jennie 
Yeataans, Frank B. Head and Marion Nellson. 
Golden Gate Qnlntet Doracb and SnsseU. and 
oUiers week 16. 

Lrcenm Theatre (Louis Phillips, mgr.) Hearts 
Adrift week 16; The White Capa .week IS. 

(]otham (Chas. Winiams, mgrl) ftBee BaT- 
enport ft Co., heads bin week 16, 

Alcazar Tbeatre (Pimnk Blxley, mgr.) Im 
perlals week IS. 

Gayety Theatre (Jas. Clark, mgr.) Sherl 
dan's City Sports week 16. High BoUets week 

Payton'a Theatre (S. S. Allen, mgr.) The 
(^Istlan week 16. Why Women Sin week 23. 

Star Theatre (Arch H. Ellis, mgr.) Tbe High 
Badlers week 16. Irwin's Big Show week S3. 

Naaaaa Tbeatre a. F. Fleck, mgr.) Merry 
niiilieaasfa w«A VL GEO. H. HAKB3, 
290 Broadway, N. Y. C, 

BUFFALO Star Theatre (Or. P. C. OscneU, 

mgr.) Otis Skinner 16-18; fair bnslneBS. Tbe 
Edocation of Mr. Pipp 19-21; good bnalness. 
Maude Adams week 23. 

Lycemn Theatre (J. Langhlin, mgr.) The 
stodc company In Qno Vadla week 23; bnsi 
nesa continues good. 

Shea's Tbeatre (M. Shea, mgr.) (Opacity 
houses were the rule week 16. Bert Ooete ft 
Co., DeWltt Barnes and l l wi a a ea > Baan ^en 
All's Arabs, Williams aM .Wl 
and others week 23. 

Teck Theatre (Dr. P.^& OnbA Ji^K.lhe 
Bays pleased excellent iMlBIM ' ^ ^ 
McKinley week 23. 

Academy Theatre (Br. .P. &' 
No Mother to Gnlle Bie W«A 1 
Xhe Flaming Amw w«A 28. 

eartca xfieatn .{Cbas. W. HeUabon, mgr.) 
Tun adsl^l BVlaaiaats week 18; good bnalness. 
Tbe JseeF UB1«« week 28. 

Lafayette Theatre (Chas. W. Bagg. mgr.] 
Tbe Innocent Ualds week 16: good patnoage. 
DteanOand BarieaqDers week 23. 
-- - — — coatlnties niedy. 


E. WolS. _ 

IB tte BUhbp'a Oatttage 19; Otis Skinner 20- 
Sl: She Educatloo of Sir. Plpp 23; Marie Oa- 

un St. 

National (Max Hnrtlg, mgr.) Hearts of Gold 
16-18; capacity bnalnesa. Shadowa Behind the 
Thrane 19-21; Down Tbe Pike 23-25. 

Coek Opera Home (W. B. UcCallaig. mgr.) 
TJraly Sbattack and the City Olrls, Billy van, 
MIAola Bisters. DeWItt and Bums and Tor- 
rance, Wood and Bay, and others week IS. 

Baker (W. B. MeCanum. mgr.) The stock 
company presented Are Ton a Mason week 16; 
splendid busineas. Old Beldelberg week 23. 

Corinthian (H. O. Jacotia, mgr.) Bice ft 
Barton Co. week 16; good business. The Tro- 
caderos week 23. CHAS. W. NELSON, 

TBOY. — Band'a Opera Boose (B. T. Thomp- 
son, mgr.) Mary Emerson 8; good hnslneaa. In 
New York Town S; fair business. Paul GU- 
more 7; good traslnesa. When the World 
Sleeps 8-10; Tbe Maid and the Mummy 12; Hi 
Henry's Mlnatrela 14; Why Girla Oo Wrong 
16-17: West's Minstrela 19: The Isle of Spice 
20: The Sign ot the Four 21. 
Proctor's Oriswold (H. B. Orabam, msr.) 

Tandeimie week 9; Uu a fnie e assO.. IMtui a 

tbe Gicat, nree Mitdidla. JlaaqUw. CMn ft 
Ok, and oOefB wsA U. 

Bavat Sfeaatn fma. a. Bnck. mgr.) Bo 
" — — " — ■• S aMI week; good bnsl 
9; company and 

BnrOHAXTON.— stone Opera Honae (J. P. 

. Clark, mgr.) Panl GllinoM la Captain De- 
9; idaaaad caod beoaa. The ItalS and 

■V aaMMtair tmilmmmm, fUr 
Pitoetsa cue lis _BoeB abaw and 
patronage. In tbe BUbapFa cSnlBBe IB; en- 
thoslasue and le p re e eatattTe aadtoBce. Isle 
of Splee IS: piea aed jane be aae. Weatfa HIn- 

Opera Hooae 
lelghbnrily Nelgtabors 

. J In Tbe Bambo Girl 

12: good perfOrmaiiee and Ihlr boslneBa. Howe's 
MoTing PletnTes 14; good busineas. Intema- 
tlonsl stock Oo. week 16. 

Family Theatre (Fred. DeBondy. tngr.) Phll- 
beooke and Bldny Beyaolda. Sheridan and Mack, 
Alice AlTS, Foster, EOIen Nlbls. and others 
week 8; bnslness big. Adele Pnrrla Onrt, and 
others week 16. 

eXVVZBBVilXE. — Darling Tbeatre fWm B. 
Gant, mgr.) HI BeniT'a Miastids U; alaased 
good business. Christie Stock On. IMAt Satr 
nstness. It's Up to Yon Jiata Beofy 16: 
Howe's MoTing Pictures 21. 

Family Tbeatre (Wm. Calhoun, mgr.) Tntle 
Bing ft Co., Dawson snd Whitlleld, Jack 81m- 
monds. Two Baeketta ft <3o., LlUIan Bender, 
and the Tltagreph week 16; bnslness good. 

drewB, Alice Armin, Lottie Fayette. Cecelia 
Walton, and Sadie Brand 9-14; large busineas. 

HUDSON Elka' Theatre (B. A. M. Deely, 

mgr.) Dorothy Lewis In Repertoire 0-14; good 
shows and fair bnslness. Lymao H. Howe's 
Moving Plcturea; 10; good fair boainess, HI 
Henry's Minstrels 17; Consln Kate 20, 

GEBEVA. — Bmlth Opera Boase (T. K. aar> 
at Oa Altar BL * 

irj BsH 


WIUmn^TOH.— Academy of Mosle (Oowan 
Bros., mgrs.) Effle Glleler In Basel Kirk 8; 
good performance aad flair trasbicsa. Tbe Clans- 
man 10; pleased two packed hooaes. Tbe Old 
Homatead Quartet 11 ; good performance. The 
Sign ot the Four 14; fair boslness and pleased. 
Oorrlne Runkel Stock Co. 16-21. Jones-Adams 
C-oogreas of Novelties and Exposition Shows 16- 

WIHBTOir-SALEM.— Elks' Auditorium (W. J. 
Cromer, mgr.) Barlow's JJlnatrela 2; good 
performance and bouse. Tbe Clanaman B; 
largest house on record, Edeall-Wlnthiope Stock 
Co., 4-T; fair bnalness end pleased. Bfle BUalSr 
13; Donnelly and Hatdeld'e IllaSlUle Ml Wrm- 
pu Oprra Co 17: Tbe Sign of Ae Mae MsMba 
Bob White 23: norence 28. 

ASHEVILLE.— Grand Opera Honse (Oudyer 
ft Reynolds, mgrs.) Woods Browning Stock Oo. 
week 8; good business and performances. Den- 
ver Expreaa 16. 

Auditorium (W. F. Randolph, mgr.) The 
Fortime Teller 2; fair show and good hnal. 
ness. The Clansman 12; line show and record 

HOBHELLSVnXE. — Bbattnck Opera Honse 
(Chas. B. Smith, mgr.) May HUlmas Stock Co. 
week 9, fair bnalness. -Faol Gilmore 11; excel- 
lent pertomanoe and coed baslneesi PHneea* 
Obic 18; BeaatF Deetae ilt XBe Mfa eg <ba Bsw 
23; Nelgbbsslr IT8WftiiH M; .Weatfa MtaaMa 

nil I r lill'liiniBffi fflianfl Ope» Honse (Chas. 
T. Fnller, mgr.) SlsaU-WIathrope Stock Co. 
9-14; good company and fair bosloess. Elbe 
Ellaler in Hazel KIrke 12. when EdaaU Wla- 
thrope Co. laid off; busineas and ahow good. 
Sherlock Holmes IT; Miss Bob White 21. 

BAIiEIGH.— Academy at Xoslc (J. fiberwood 
CpChuich. mgr.) Eflle ^Busier Is Hsael Kirk 11; 
(air busliwas. Tbe Sign of the Ckii 12; fSk 

OKABLOTXE.— Academy «t Mnste. Tbe Okaa' 
man 9s large taonae. Effle Bliaiee la 
14; loed BCriteinanice sod fair r 


COLxnCBm.— Crest Sonthem (O. M. HeOBtr, 
mgr.) Tbe SQuaw Man 9; fair bnabtese. Soosa'a 
Band 12; fair bnslness. Tbe Genlna and tbe 
Model 17-18: The C^osahw 20-21. 

Grand (W. W. Proaas. mgr.) Tlie Clay Ba- 
-ker 9-U; fair btwlnesa. Tbe Faisoo's Wife 16- 

Baiplre Tbeatie (F^cd L. Neddermeyer, mgr.) 
A» Yon a Mason? week 9; idg boslneaa. The 
Attar of FMendahlp week 16. 

High Street Uieatre (Chas. Hsrper, mgr.) A 
Fight for Life 9-U; big boainess. Tbe Boy Be- 
hind tbe Gun 12-14; good tHtsinesa. Hie Bye 
Witness 16-18; One of the Many 19-2a. 

YOTmOBTOWN.— Grand Opera Hooae (T. K. 
Albangh. mgr.) Toledo and Price, Bstelle WOf. 
dette and Co., Yackley aad Bunnell. Nicbol Sis- 
ters, Bertie Fowler, Canning, Womvwood'a Otrcns 
aad tile gertograph w^-ek 0; exeellent tiUl. 

Park Tbeatre (Jnlea Delmar. mgr.) Tb» Serlo- 
Oomlc (JoTemees B-ll; good show ssd fair bosl- 
Wfay Women Sin 12-13; pleaaed good 
b usiu csa, Bodolph and 'Adolph 14; (air per- 
formance end tinalneas. To Die At Dawn 16; 
DerU's Anctloo 17; Tiie Flasfilng Arrow 18; Big 
Hearted Jhn 18; Kellar 20. 

SATIOH.— Vletaria Theatea (0. 0. UlUer. 
mgr.) Babes la njland 9; good baslneas. 
Wm. Faversham In the Bqaaw-Man 10; packed 
house and good pertormance. Tbe Genlns and 
the Model 16; The Crossing 19; MUdred Hol- 
land 21. 

National Theatre (Gil. Burrows, mgr.) Across 
the PacUlB 9-11: good businesa. Chas. T. Aid- 
rich In Secret Service Ssm 12-14; cspadty boai- 
ness. The Millionaire DetectlTe 16-18; S. B, O. 

8ABDV8KY. — Grand Opera Honse (Slngler 
ft Smitli. mgn.) Tbe Isle ot Bong Boog 11; 
largest honse of the season. Flnnegan'a BaU 
17; Old (Hothea Man 21; Hlmmeletn's Ideal 
Stock Co. week 28: Panl GUmore 80: Isle ot 
Spice Not. 1; Wbca WoBMa Iiere 4; The 
Mommy and tba BMaariBBMsd 1^- 
of Love 11; 
Adolph 18. 

CAirrON Andltorinm. Saosa'a Band M; 

great baulDesa. 

Grand Theatre. Tbe namiaB Anew IB; A - 
Boyal Slave 9k 

Garden Tbealteh 
nice bnalnesa. 
Falm OardcB (0. 

Boaa. and mo^taB pl 


UHBICHSVILLE.— City Opera Honse (BMa 
ft Van Ostran. mf^-a.) Qalncy Adama Sawyer 11; 
delighted good bustoeas. Sandy Bottom 18: 
fair hoslaees and attraction. Tbe MlUlooalie 
Tramp 16; pleased good bosliteas. Tbe ClMT 
Baker 10; Over Niagara Ftalle St; Tbe Olanood 
Kmg ST; The iBterenth Hour Mee. X 

BABBKBTOB. — Barberton Tbeatre (A< P. 
Steldrehet, mgr.) Cincinnati Ladlea* Cinaona 
Orchestra 17; pleased good baslaees. The Four 
Hnndngs 18; good business and ahow. When 
Women Lore ZS; The OlaaiODd King 81: Ike 
Typewriter Girl Nor. 3; ft Pair Of Ooantir 
Kids 4; American CemedF Oa. 8-11. 

B1LL8BOBO. — BeU's Opera Bouse (W. F. 
Ayres, mgr.) Vbm Old Clothes Man 8: good 

show and boslaess. SbooHng tbe Cbntes 11; 
good company and lUeaaed. Barlow ft '~* 

eon's Minstrels XI; AMU JTw'" 
■11 SI. 

B'rr'iiiiniviiiTiiti Orend 

Maxwen. mgr.) SUIdred B_ 
large b n s h iiea. Uade Xsab 
honse ssd p e rtwai a u ce . Tbe 


mgr.) OW ]Me~U~Dawi 

nees. Ibea flbatt MM Xm Ml caocc^ B» 
d<Apb aad AdaM 3B; lieHPm Aietka IB; Tbe 
Fonr Hnnttaga 90. 

COBaOOnW.— ttatb Street 

Theatre (>. 
- -deela ••14: tm^ 

OCTOBiER 28. 1905. 


,form»nee and fair tailBcat. FlBBepB'* M 

S^Tnceled; over NlM«> ^ I» U» 

> Ball 

a- v.uv..— , - , In the 

ba°lne«i. Tb. me«nth Hoar 20; The 
Si. of Srlce SO; The Price of I-oTe 81. 
"aTICeS£-Op^ Howe (FlMterwtld ft 
su^r, mST a Poor EflaUctti 12; fair 
SSSSi Baiter Brown 18: eapadty hon«e. 
2Id IttMCttMur Tbe CUy B.ker 21; A Trip 
2*4^St wTsirn the Ct«ui 31. 
"^BBXOH^Nfw Armory (O. O. Haxer- 
•tock mgr.) At Sonrtae Sept. SO^nod bnal- 

Sri Bolbind 8: fair bualneat natattf BaU 
«. Qnlncy Adams Sawyer 14. 

■MJOKOTOH.— Opera House (Independent 
T»Mt«Co., nigra.) Old Clothes Man 10; 
SSJ^ f^T honal. A Poor BeUtlon 18; Alrln 
jMlln 2S; Eldgeway Thayer Co. 24; Plnnegan'a 
30; John GrUBth Not. 7. 

PiaTTA.— May's Opera Honse (Chas. May. 
) SouM's Band 11; good bsalneas and 
S?««Kl. ShootlDg the Chatea 14; fair tnalneas. 
A Trip to EBTPt 24; Land Of Mod asj AlTln Jc- 

"l^caateb.— Cbeatwt fltawt. OMM Bonae 
. Uoicay DaBMdy Co 

(W. H. Cutter. 

314; B~dj«gj^^ 

Isle of SidM 
FtJIa 21. 

Hwra^ Willi u# 

>,»Omt Imilnen. The 

ate IB; OTer Nlacara 

ibia maatie (J. O. Tall- 
nwr.) Th* Woain IB ttc Caw 18; 
kre* andlCDW. BaOolpb and AOolpb 
gTjjjfft boBlneaa and performance. Holy City 

^a'WavTLI.E. — Weller Theatre (J. O. Eng- 
taod. mgr.) The Myrkje-Harder Stock Co. 9 
ind week; good baslness. The Honeymoon 16; 
Ootocy Adams Sawyer IT: Conaln Kate 19. 

DUASA.— ClllTord Theatre (Ed. O. CUfford, 
mer.) Sonaa's Band 12: pleased fair tasloen. 
Tht Old Cllothes Mon IS: fair boslneaa. Two 
Little Waifs 27: Alrln Joalln 31. 

j|g(j0^jfEXlSVlLLZ. — fTwln City Opera 
Heiue (t&dama & Bain, mgrs.) Sandy Bottom 
II; fair Bliovr and business. Alberta OallatUi 
17: A Bwrnazi SJrnT* 25. 

WABKEM.— Opera House (Dana tc I<eeUe, 
mm-) Pretty PeKgy 9: good bDslnesa. Why 
KTomen Sin 14; The DeTll's Anctton 16; The 
Four IIuniliiBB la. ,^ _ 

HONTOH.— Masonic Opera Home (O. C. Bl- 
ler. mgr.) Not Uk* 4Mhvr OMb IS; Mr show 

■Dd bt»iiie«. nmtf» Mmtm XletatM The 

Ekne.niioon 19. ; ■ . 

DENinaON.— Opera BoaaT;' fflM. V. . ■ BUaa. 
mgr.) Tte Oipheom Stock CBk »aafc wt bnal- 
sess fair and company cood. Sk* Stock 
0> wk 2R ^ — ~ ^ 

POBTOBIA.— Andes Opom Booaa (H. C. 
GamplieU, mgr.) Ole Oleaon 11; pleaaad sood 
kailntaa Tse EleTenth Hoor 18. 

MBXB BUTIXOEE.— Henry's Opera Hoot* 
U- «• TBimr. mgr.) The Diamond Bios IS; 
iml tadneai. Tbc meycntk Hour IT. 


UnfilTIITI ril Ift 1Tan1'*T WUud ot Oa 
widt M; ezceUcDt boalBtaa. The Bmbaaay BaU 

Braad Street Theatre. Viola Allen week 18: 
baslness good. Nat. (joodwln week 23. 

(Jbestnot Street Theatre. Geo. Oohan In Lit- 
tle lotmny Jones week 18; bnsloesa good. Week 
23. aarDC attraction. 

Cbestnnt Street Opera Bonae. Woodland 
week IS: medlam business. Joe Weber's All- 
Btar Stock Co. week 23. 

Lyric Theatre. Mrs. Flake In Leah Klesdma 
week 16; boalneas big. Week 23. aame at- 
traction. _ . 

Walnnt Street Theatre. Scbnmann-Belak 
week 18; good boslaeas. Checkers week 38. 

SWk. XMatn. fltnto taaa .a^la week 
M: lasa MMMk Ska :.M« «C *iM week 

Mnr Town 
■ Mnr Task week 

Pitied Than 
Hcarla of 

to. ke 

flou WM&~9; ^ , 

National Theatre. Dangera of Working Olrla 
week 16; good bnslneea. The Qneen ot the 
Hlebblndera week 28. 

Blaney's Arch Street Theatre. The Gypsy 
Girl week 16; boalness fair. Fighting Fate 
week 23. 

Pcople'a Theatre. Barney OUmore la Tlie 
Rocky Boad to Dublin week 18; good baalBess. 
Cnster'a Laat Fight week 23. 

Hart'a Theatre. Wedded and Parted week 
16; good bnslDess. Shadows ot a Great City 
week 23. 

EleTenth Street Opera Honse. Dnmont's Min- 
strels conHnue to exeadeat. 
Kritk's Theatre. Htth-dHTiSPat li a^ 

''staB&id' — '"''^'***' 

. aiaadaid Tbcattc> ^ka alMk «MMav^ka 
W.Had Manlew «•«» 1^ I 
Bac of P eleeH ia a week A 
_roKpangh'a Theatre. Hearta OonratMns 1>y 
tke stock comniny week 19; big baslness. quo 
Tadls week » 

Tnesden Theatre. The Tankee Doodle Olru 
*eek 16; Uc liiisliii sa Gherty Bloaaoaa irsek 

CaHoo Theatre. Al. Bcerea Beauty Show 
week 16; Imalness good. Tlie World Bcatera 
week 28. 

Bljon Theatre. Bmplre Bnrlesqaera week 
18: fair bnslneas. Week 93. Baltimore Beau- 

Lyceum Theatre, (kilden Crook Bnrlesquets 
w«k 16; bnalnrN rood. The Dalntr Dn^ess 
week 23 

Empire Thestre. The New XoA StaiB IS-IS; 
our buKlnnii. 

Bon Ton Theatre. OMNI wwfc M WMh ten- 
*~it TaadeTlUe. 

i at . sayanH Ia aad nn- 

£>ITTBBTOO — Nixon Theatre If. 9. Brk. 
■fr.) Bobt. EdeaoD In' Btronghtart waA 16; 
■he Shepherd King week 28. 
I^Btlaseo Theatre. Babea Is the Wood week 

"2«»BL (HatiT SaTia, nxro The EUht vas- 
sv' OMa. boBla Slnwa and Cttaea Oa r d n c r, Max 

«. Bte hOlB 

Wddna. RIeako and Vniaall. Ik*. BMh. Bcott 
•2>d 9«h«saa. OeKcilt. A. O. Oaacaa. and 
Mhiia week IS. 

^^>hi <aaii7 DaslB, mgr.) Terke aad Adama 
■ Btakcra aad Btwkera week 16; Naniv Brown 
■Wk 28. 

_A«dem» (Bany Wmiama. Jr.. mgr.) New 
wnrFOMa waA l«; aood h asln sss. _ 

mooa Hajaatlea weak IS; Mew Xork Stars 23. 

Bmptre (B. I. UcCnUoosh, mgr.) Bben Hol- 
den week IS; A Girl of the Streets week IS. 


BCaANTOB.— Lyeenm Theatre (A. J. Doffy, 
mgr.) Maty Bmetaon U; good ahow and fair 
buaisess. West's Mlnattda 18; fair ahow and 
good Imatneas. In tlia Blabop'a Carriage 14; 
good show aad boaiaeaa. The Baanty Doctor 18. 

Academr ot Hnale (A. t. Dofly, lagr.) Herr- 
mann, the Great, headed a good randeTlUe bill 
week S-M; hu s tui. sa gosd. Loet In a Big City 
lO-Us Bood boalaasa. Ehnan Hearts 18-21. 

nuid& Theatre (Dm T. McCoy, mgr.) Van- 
deellle headed by Ora Cecil week S; bnslneas 

Star Theatre (Alf. Q. Herrlngton, mgr.) 
BIocBlacmoriM »44: talr 

rnvt Majsatle Tkaatia (Ma !•. GOsoo. 
mgr.) Oeni'a Aaetloa U; good baalaesa and 
pleaaed. OH* Skinner 14; diAghted large basl- 
ness. Why Women Sin 17; good attendance. 
KeUar 18: In the Bishop's Carriage 20; Uogg's 
Landing 21; Marie Cahlll 23. 

Park nieatre (Jno. L. Ollaon. mgr.) CMd- 
DlBg. DeVaoz and DeVaoz, Gas WlUtams, 011- 
lete Sisters, Matthewa and Harris, Panl Ste- 
phens, Hovrard's Dsn and Poaica, aad otheta 
ireek 16: good haitaaaa^ Ma Bahm Veor 
Rlanos. The Olrl Vilk Ik* lUk. AaHa; and 
others week 23. 

SAZSSXOW.— Oiaaa (H. Walaer, mgr.) The 
Sleeping Seanr and the Beast 18; good basl- 
ness and petftmaaoa. i fay I C m eiaaa 14; 


Family (Harry Knanblancb. mgr.) Vande- 
TlUe 8-14; business good. Lillian Jeanette, Ma- 
jor Eelleher. (Theater Blodgett Johoatone. Jlm- 
mle Cowper, Tbe Katsenlammer Trio, Blwood 

BoBser, ana moving plctoce* week 16. 
ALTOONA EleTenth Are. Opera House (I. 

C. Mlstaler, mgr.) The Honeymoon 10; fair 
business nod good ahow. Irwin's Majesties 11- 
18; good business and performance. Sf Stebblna 
13: Xalr performance and good biMloesa. Paol 
Gllmope In Capt. DeboDalre 14: good boslncsa. 
Mngg'fl Landing 17; fair performance and bull* 
ne«8. Tlie Prince of Salerno IS; good show and 
baalneaa. Hadley's Moving Pictures 19; New 
York Stars 20: 'nie Village Parson 21: The 
Great Keller 23; Mme. SchomannHHelnk 24. 

SKAMOKnr 6. A. B. Opera Honse (J. F. 

Osier, mgr.) Dnde Tom's Cabin 10; pleased 
S. B. O. Mngg'a Landing 11; fair bnslneaa. 
Utiy Emerson 18; A Slare of the Mill 20. 

Family Theatre (W. D. Nlelds, mgr.) Pbroso, 
Griff Williams and Vanola Melbnm, George and 
Harrington. Erie and Leo. Arthor Hall. Wm. 

D. StrattoD. and others week 9; good baslness 
and bill. 

70ENBT0WV Cambria Theatre (B. W. 

Sberer, mgr.) A Dangerans Life 11; fair basl- 
ness. Majestic Bmlesqners IS; good boalnesa. 
Mugg's Landing 14; fair bnalnees. Paal GBl- 
more 16: good b osiat s s . 81 BtcbhiBa IT; Edi- 
son MoTlng PletmaB 18: Pllkm «C Mm* W; 
New York Stara II; Ska THWMl nnilB M; 
Kellar 24. ( 

WILT.TAMHPOBT. — Lycoming Opera Honse 
(L. J. Plsk. mgr.) The Way of the Trans- 
gressor 10; pleased fair bnslneas. The Sleep- 
ing Beaaty and tbe Beast 11; good baslness 
and perfonnance. Paal Gllmore IS; good bnsl- 
neas. Mugg's Landing 16; A Dangeroos Ufe 

BVNZBTTTAWIIST. — VaTKinIng Street Opeea 
Bonae (J. C. Plsb. mgr.) Bi StutiMns 10; fair 
boalness. Tke Prince of SaJerao 13; fair busl- 
nes and pleaaed. Tbe Tillage Panon 19: Tbt 
Midnight Flyer 21; Uncle Josh Spmc«4>y 2S; A 
Pair of Country Kids 26; 'Not Like Other Girls 

lOLTOB MUtoo Opera Bouse (A. J. BUbr. 

mgr.) He Sign of the Fonr 19: tine perfonn- 
ance and good baslness. Colbane, Oiase and 
Weston's MlnstreU 18; fair Iwaiaeea Had- 
ley'a MoTlng Plctona 21; D B d e XMB^ Oabln 
26; (Sold Dust Twins 28; Baaiaa Hnrta Iter. 
1; A Hot Old Time 6. 

'WABHIBOTOH'.— Lyric Theatre (D. B. For- 
res, mgr.) Tbe Midnight Flyer 12; fair bnsi- 
ness. Along the Kennebec IS; fair bnatness. 
Uncle Josh Spraceby 14; good business. Irene 
Myers Stock Os. 16-21; The King of Tramps 26; 
KeUar 27; Bndolph and Adolph 28. 

B EBWl C Jt .— P. O. 8. ot A. Opera Hoose (F. 
B. Kitchen, mgr.) A Pair o* Ojontry Kl* 
9: fclr tKKrtneas. The Sign ct the CNaa 12; 
ralr bnslwes. Colhane, ObaM aat Vataon's 
Minstrels 14: good Imataean. The WMlHMlon 
Tn»t 10; Maiy B sss ra sM fli. 

milTnrTTf wa—l «C Xoale (C H. Mor- 
rla. mgr.) Tk» Woaaa ki Ike Ckw U: Pleaaed 
- lasiaeaa. DerU's AnetlaB IS; and hnsl. 
SAae* fro<n Broadwar M; Mir 
QataMe Block Co. 1»& 
; ninl Gnooie 27. 
KOanSSSEK.— Overa BMaa (A. H. 
mgr.) Banning tar OSea ai «aga «_^ _ 
Tbe Sign of the CNas IS; fM* taMM. The 
Midnight Wyer 14: good MT 
Johns 16; The Hdy Oltr Ut 
nebee 21. 
ASKLABS — Grand Opera 

defeld, mgr.) Uncle TUB'S 

show and boslneaa. MMT BnMMl l Bt_ 
'McCann Oo. 19-20; A aafe «C tt* IDB MB; 
Miss Beraey from Jersey SS. 

BSABOK.— iMorgan Gmod Opera Hooae (I«6 
Norton, mgr.) Radolph and Adotpb 16: pleaaed 
good houae. Tlie Four Huntings W; Why Wo- 
men Sin 29; Bnirnll^ for Oalc« 28; Eben Bolden 

BBADFOBS. — New Bradford neatre (Jay 
North, mgr.) Bvnnett-Monlton Oa. weak 9: 
pleased good huslneaa. excepting 19, OCT- 
ll's Auction drew good business. 

BBTLES Majestic Theatre (Geo. V. Buck- 
halter, mgr.) Dora Thome 16 good ahow and 
baslness. Paul Gllmore 23; Bben Holden 25: 
Along the Kennebec 26; The Beauty Doctor 28. 

XXHIOKTOB. — Opera Hoose (A. Bayer, 
mgr.) Mothins Bot Money B: faOed to appear. 
Hsdley's Morlng Pictures 10; pleaaed large 

^■^*ggnroa>-yaeMa^^Opaa ^^ose 

traek M ka*iM. A Mm at »• 

KT. O t »lllT . rr ^ aA-.B^Og M l m Mi.lfc_B. 
OaoU. Bcr.) Dad* 9»mfm QHBlll 


OOLITKBIA.— Oolnnbla Zbcatte (F. L. Brown, 
mgr.) Babes In Toyland 9; good boslneaa and 
elegant performance. Human Hearta 11; good 
hoose and performance. Al. G. Fleld'a Uin- 
stieli 12; packed bouse. Hie Clansmen 14; S. 
B. O. iBIOe BUaler In Hacel Slrk 19; Mlse Bab 
White 20; A Sob «( Beat M; The Sin «( tbe 
Pour 24; Tbe OMMP fikakMB' WT'' 

Hearts 28; Qmet Open Ok., STi — 

ford Nov. 2. 

(^HABLESTON.— Academy <£ Moaic (G. B 
Matthews, mgr.) York Suite r<dks 10; fair bnal- 
nees and good penformance. Babea In Toytland 
11; largest hooae ot season. Human Hearta 
12; good business. Al. G. Field's Minstrels 14; 
fine business. Mlse B<A> White IT; Effle Bllaler 
In Bazel Kirk 18; The Ctenaman 10; A Bon of 
Ke«t 2(1, 

SPABTABBTTBQ. — Greenwald'a Opera Honae 
(Max Creenwald. mgr.) Tbe CHanaman 18; 
record bnslness. Hooligan's Troubles 16; A 
Thoraogbbred Tramp 20. Under canra*— Batch 
C amlTal Co . week IS. 

MBWBKlUt T i O p aia ITuuaa Haloaay'a Wad- 
ding 10; fair bnainesa aad pcrltemance. In Old 
Madrid 16. 


MEMPHIS LTcenm (F. Gray, mgr.) 'Way 

Down East 14: good bnslneia. The — ' — 
Teller 17-18; Wliea Johony Oomea 
Home 19; The CoBege Widow SO-ZI. 

BUoo (B. ii. ataKkask, assR,! 
week 9: crowded haaiML HmT 
16^ fair bnslness. 

Id (A. B. MooIaoB, mgr.) Margaerlta 
beaded gopd biU week good Imslneaa. 

' beaded good bUl mtA 18; 
^'-^ miga nimiiiig Bsoth* 

Ba^i Opack 

M. <BabeTtna. awrj 

strda S: ' SM' pHMa 
Brecay Tune a. IMer 


XSOXVUXX.— Staob'B Theatie IFHta Stanb, 
mgr.) The Ofltea B«T^W|^»e*JN^WMani 


EL PASO. — Myar's Op<?ra House (V. L. Com*o. 
mgr.) Ramooa 1; capacity bnMnesg. Fra DlnT- 
olo 5; fair busloet«. Btbel Tucker Stock Co. 
week 8: big business. Uncle Joab Sprcceby, 
undei'llned. Under caxToa — -Banom & Bailey 7; 
record breaking buslneos, playing to thirty 
thoosand people- 

BAH ANTOBIO— Grand Opera Hooae (Sidney 
H. Welas, mgr.) An Aristocratic Tramp 8; good 
business. The Liberty Belles 9; pleaaed good 
patronage. Kersond's Mtnatrela 11; good boal- 
nesa and peifonnanee. Al. Wilson In Tbe (3er- 
man Gypsy 15-16: McFadden's Plats IT; Tbe Jef- 
fersona In Tbe Bleals Bl; <Way Down Boat 26; 
When Johnny Ooaca JIaidiliig Bome SB-SO. 

WACO. — Aodltaehui Opera Hooae (Jake Gar- 
Unkle. mgr.) An AiMoeratle Tiaiap 11: fair 
hoalneaa. The Idbectj BcUea 18; good boadaeaa. 
AL H. Wllioa IS: large and well-pleaaed an- 
dleaee. Monay and Madt 16: McFadden'a Plata 
18. Under eanraa •Bamnm A Balley Show 14; 
Immenae crowda and godd performance. Gaa- 
kUl tS aralT ol Ob. waefc 80. 

GALVESTOS— Grand Opera House (Fred G. 
Wels. mgr.) Tbe lAerty Bellea 7; good baal- 
neaa and well pleaaed andlences. Moray A 
Mack 8; large booses. IBIiA Comedy Oo. 16-18; 
Jelferwans In Tbe BiTmla 19; Al. H. Wilson In 
A German Gypar 20-21; Btcb Co. 22. 

DALLAS. — Opera Hoaae {Gto. Anty. mgr.) 
Momy and Mack In Around tbe Town 9-10; 
excedlence performance and bnslneas. AL B. 
Wllaon In The German Gypsy 1:1.02; good boai- 
neas and performance. Black Pattl Troaftta- 
donre 13-14: good show and bnslneaB. 

GBEEHVILLE King Opera Honae (Walter 

Beau, mgr.) BUck Pattl 10; good ahow and 
bnslneaa. Son's Minstrels IS; The Liberty 
Belles 19; Uarray and Mack 20; A. Ii. Shep- 
pard 21. Under eanraa — Forepangti & Sella 
Brot hers 20. 

XoKXHlIET. — Opera Bonae (H. W. Warden, 
mgr.) Black Pattl Tndhadoota 11: good boal- 
neasL David Bamai 14^ thlr bnaineaa Harray 
and llaA JB: flas'B MiHtnlB IB; Ubaatr BaUca 
2 0; Aa m iiliHam SkMp *L 

TBDI^E-^aAavt'Opmi Baoaa (Ma. Badd, 
ogr.> Senaad^ Hkntiela •: pleaaed large aud- 
ience. An A ilalo eiatic Tramp 12; good show 
and busineaa. Tbe Liberty BeUea IB; peeked 
bon«euid good performance. 

MKXIA. — Opera Hoaae (H. J. Banaen, mgr.) 
Black Pattl 6; capacity bnslneas and excel- 
lent performance. Lord Baltimore 18: good 
ahow and fair bnainesa. Keraand's Minstrels 
IB : An Arlstoeratle Tramp 20. 

TEBBELL.— Childress Open Hoose (B. M. 
Children, mgr.) Albert Taylor Stock Oo. 12-13: 
good company and bnslneaa. Ute LJbMtp SsBca 
16. Under eanTasa — Hall-Martin OoBa^r Oa. 
lS-1 4; fair company and boalness. 

OLEBUBIIX.— IBronn's Opera Honae (JlM». It. 
Jobaaon, mgr.) Fetenon Comedy Oo. 7-14; Good 
company and tioalneas. Albert Taylor Stock 
<3o. week SO. Under canTaas—BaniDm & Bailey 
Bbow 12; go od bn alnees. 

WAXAHAORIX.— Sheltott Opera Honse (V. 
H. Sbeltcn, mgr.) Blatt Pattl 12; good boal- 
nees. Lord Balttaeie 14; fair boatneea. An 
Arlatocratle Tramp 16; Mortay aad Madt JT. 

TZm,— Grand Opera BoBM (A, Blcka, 
mgr.) Lord Baltknote 10: fair bodatM. Baa'a 
■miattrti IT. Dadw ca u i a a n aii u pi * Bailey 

w»a«g»-_qaMa awiB.Bww. wmm. 

mgr.) Tbe Idbcnr B e U ea II; ■aad aaataM aa« 


BUTLASB. — Opera Boose (Boyle * Kabaa 
mEra.)^G<irWl^jny»Ja»^gWgJaBafc fj^f 

ceUe 16.' _' ■ _ ' • 

ST. OTiWmBflWBMjjfa qmb-mm^^^ 
Waugh. mgr.) DmM HMH- Bi .aN* kHki 

and ■ peffwinaaoe. 


BOAVOKE. — Academy of Music (Barry Bem- 
ateln, mgr.) Buster Brown 10; tine boaineaa 
and abow. Donnelly A Batfleld'a MJastrela 11; 
One baalneaa. Tbe Office Boy SO. 

DABTILLE. — ^Academy ot Mnale (Bmcat L. 
Melton, mgr.) Tbe Denver Bxprees 4; pleased 
fair boatnen. Donnelly * Batfleld'a Minstrels 
IS: pleaaed paAcd bsa a i. I<aaca aoilaid Opera 

19; Tbe Player 
Barkoot Amuaemeat 

Co. 18; The 
Maid 24. Undac 
Oo. week IS. 

BOBFOLK. — ^Academy of Mnale (Otto Wdla. 
mgr.) Krentaer Sonau 10; good baalneaa. Wm. 
H. Ctaa* 16; The Player Maid 17; Thr Celaha 


Oranby Theatre. Qneen of the Bigtridndcn 
week •:.eafadl7 ' ' _ _ - _ - 


Kate Mi gaod attrae- 
far OOee IS; 

- wear vikoinia 


M. Loehai. 
tion and r 

exceUent •McaetM aad (Md ka 
Brawn B»: Qalnij Adaaa ■ a W > ia » BI; Ske ana- . 
man tai ttaeCsae SS: Tbe Ccalaa and the Jledal 

27; Jno. Griffith In King BIchard III. 80; Bean^ 

Doctor 4. 

Andltorlnm (W. £. Kemecy. mgr.) Barria- 
Parklnaon Co. 9-14; pleaaed good bnalneos. My^ 
kle-Harder Stock Oo. 16-ai; good bnslness aad 
pleaaed. Boirard-Dorsett Stock Co. 23-2S: Boly 
City 80; A T^lp to Egypt I; At Sou KIse 4; 
T be Boygl Chef 6; Versa Ma^ Stock Co. T-Il. 

WHKKI.mO Conrt Theatra (Ed. Frnna- 

jim. mgr.) Paul Gllmore In Capt. Deboa- 
ailte 21; good basUiesa, <]alocy Adams Sawyer 
~143; 'Way Down E:aBt 27-28; Boater Brown 3«. 
Grand Opera Hooae ((3>aa. Felnler, agr.) 
Mnrray and MackeT Co. week IB&lBaaA- 

iny and boalness. When the Wofli 

ZS-SS; Big Hearted Jim 28-28. 

UUBXUiaTOH HnntlngtoB Theatre (C. C. 

Bceber, mgr.) Not Like Other Glrla 12: good 
baalneaa. _ Boater Brawa M:_ 

IT; aaad^-JSLiTiU : 

B, _ ; . ■ " 

a. Ssaie M-IS; leased good 

BELOIT. — Wilson Theatre (B. H. WUeon. 
mgr.) In the Serpent's Power 10; fair show 
and boaineaa. In the Land of the Cxar ii; 
canceled. Frank E. Long Co. 16-21; Deserted 
at the Altar 23. 

West Side Theatre CZaglc ft Heacbaa, 
mgrs.) Ida O'Day, Aadicwa aad reld. Bier 
and MoTTla. aad otbcsa wadi IB. Uadcr ea»-- 
Tas — Fetari Baothata C bi n t f a l Oak B44L; ana^ 
le nt co mpany and good buitutea. 

KEHOBHA. — Bhode Opera Hoaae (Joe. G. 
Bhode, mgr.) Her Only Sin 11; fair baslness. 
DaTld Higglna 15; good show and baalneaa. 
What Women WIU Do 18: Bans and Nix 22: 
Nelson-Britt Pletnrea 23; Down by the Sea 2S; 
Florodon 29. 

BUoo Faanr Theatre CP* OlricB, aagr.) 
Three GavMaar .ChMBe^' 'Biftik iMfl • Meaa^ 
Gn>son and ■Mk aft-MaBi wtA lCj'tBMkMa 

BACIHE. — ^Belle dtj Opera Honae (Wm. 
Paol, mgr.) Dan Solly 8: fair bnslneas. Omr 
New Utalster IS; good baslneaa. What Women 
Win Do IS; capadty boslneaa. Banx and Nix 
21; Beaerted at the Altar 22. 

BUoo Theatre (P. J. O'BrleB. np.) 

Wbltealdea, GB"" " ~ ~ 

Tbe Three 

pov mr UA 

Bkber. mgr.) 
b ueln c aa aad 
Wbat Women WIB Do Bt. 

Idea Vaudemie Ttieatre (P. J. O'Brien, mgr.) 
Gfbean A Nash. Dntcb Walton. P. S. LoDomte. 
W- B. Cross. Adelm and oQien week 9: ImbI' 
neaa good. 

JABESYILLE.— Ifyen* Grand (P. L. MyeH^ 
mgr.) Tbe Geezer of Oeck 18: big biialiHga 
Little IdbsDT Jones 9S: Bobt. MaataU IS. 

Weat Side (C. Batdiek. mgr.) Millard 
Brotbera. Prank Ooaer and IhaBan aad Aaw' 
week kaikMw.sni. 


MOBTBZAX. — Hia Majeaty'a Tbeatn fS. O. 
Brookes, mgr.) The Dragon and the fly 
9; Tbe Dnke of KOllcrankle week IdL 

Academy of Haale (Vtad Baworlky 

Lonls MoRlsoa la Pkaak nreefc s: CiialsB'.l . 

In Mooa. Beaaeaka watt 16; Me. HlB>aa«.'j!. 

Thaatre Itancala (Fred 
French atoA eompaay la A 
IM Pannca da Paito watt liL 

Theatre Baral PL - 


Beantlea week 16. 

Theatre dea NooTeaotea 
Parlatan Stock Go. In n 
Vie de Boheme week 16. 

Theatre National (B. BBanaer, 

Gaarrean French Co. In Jacqnca l*Bo 

9; L'Bufant week 18. J. A. (7BAD8BB. 

TOBONTO.— Princess Theatre. Dlgby BaU la 
Tbe EdncatloQ of Mr. Plpp 16-18; good ttaw 
and boaiaeaa. The rool's BeTcagr week SS. 

Grand (A. J. Small, mgr.) Me. Hla aad t 
week 16: ported I - - - 
The 8erlo43oinle Oo»« 

Shea's Theatre (j; agr.) 

TandeTllle beaded br 

ator week 16; good ' 

MaJeaUc (A. J. SaaoB. mgr.) 
World Sleepe week 16: bnalaiaa and i 
No Mother to Gnide Her week 28. 
Stat Ikaatia (P. W. Stair, mgr.) Tbe Dieam- 
— ^ — - good abow and boai- 

J. A. OlMBON. 

. tn. lUMc^ 

mgr.) On tbe Bridge at XIMtht •: caod kaid- 
neea. The EMIaad Opera Oo. 12^14; good ba^ 

IBennetra TnadrrBle (J. H. Aloa. ajgr.) 
dande Fredaclefea and Pmy Don and Julia 
KinfKier A Oa. be a de d a rood blD week 9: 
buslnesa Ba*. VlatdB and (Hayton. Halght and 
Dean. The Olareooe Slstera, Bryant mid aaTiue 
and otheta week 16. _ 

«T. JOHM, M. B.— Opera Boaae (A. O- ^Skin- 
ner, mgr.) The Two Sistrra •'11: plwart BUT 
baalnenB Tbe Gay MaUnee OM. SaimHi.^ 
York Theatre (E. J. AtaaMaK WP^f Wffi» 
lard's LilUpnttana, mtderitaed. 

LOBOOB.— Grand (J. B. Tarton. mgr.) On 
the Bridge at Midnight T: good bnalnees and 
performance. Melbourne MacDoweU 1-3; fair 
boslneaa. Deaerted at the Altar 14. 

Bcnnet's (C. W. Bennet, mgr.) Marttnette 
and SylTeater. BUly Hlnea. Halgh and Dean. 
Clarence SUtera. Bryant and SaTffle. Ban* 
D's. J. Bonce Vbiton and Bda Clayton, aa* 
- plelarea week 8-T: good haalae ea. 

Tli<> Billboard 

OCTOBER 28, igojL 


tak te the World* 
:^mplete to open May 1, IM^ p g — ealli HI to a pppnlaflon of over two mlllioB 
people the most Modem Sammer Amusement Resort of tlie Twentletli Centory. 
Any or all persons Interested In tills great enterprise can, by stating nature of 
their business, obtain further inlCMrmatioB by addressing C H., care of 
The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. 




Oct. st'NoT. a. 

KOpatrlck: Ea roirtr wlti Btf^el, Wataoo * 

Wrothe. See Mnsleal Bontn. 
Kltchle. SI: En rants witti ttx Soathera Ou- 

Vtm Co. S«e MlUway RontM. 
KMb, on Biw. * Niclwlaon (GUcna Onze): 

BroDen, G«r., Oct 2-30; BerUn Not. 1-30. 
K«g» Bns. (BUoo): BatUc Oeek. Mich., 23- 

VUb * KMn (OC7«t<I): ikadeaon. Ind., 23-28; 

(QtMsI) Kokomo 30-Not. 4. 
:^eltj- * YMctte (Temple) : Detndt. Mlcb., SS- 

98; (O. O. B.) BodMster. N. T., 30-Not. 4. 
ftUr ft Kcl«r (Ocun ft Kins'a Co.): Mt. 

▼«aoD. O. 23-as. 
^oUb. ]IlCBaoette (KcllV,): STiacaw. N. X.. 

fUtk.'*) CMrfdoice, B. L. aiMkir. «. 

rtl: BoMaa. Vmi 

' Me^ ai>-H»r. 4. 

(BacUnd} ^ Tfg^ SO-Kot. 4. 

"Itesron ft Da Gunw (Keltlt's): PUWd^Us. 

Pa.. 28-9: (G. O. H.) Plttabats 30-Not. 4. 
^Bj, Sam ft Ida (LTne): W««b CUT. Mo.. 28- 

aS; (liiTle) Wlebtta. Kan.. 80-Kor. 4. 
fiaSto. Gua (Bnlqiir) : Ean Claire. MTIa., 2S-88; 

<B(j<«) Dranth. Ulna.. 80-Mot. 4. 
Koppe ft (Faatcr's): New Tock Cttr, 

■ ■ 30-NoT. 4. 
KliHirley * liEvla (iBoiraid): Boafan, Sins., 

98.2S: (Puk) WoRMtee SO-Nor. 4. 
KaUer ft Markn (People's): MarXxro, Uaaa., 

^omr ft OipHtn fCsl^): JSoatk OUeaso, 

BL, aMfc.,..-.- - 
Kurtls ft a«Mfl«:Bai» (flMK>t>9MBtMi, jr. X. 


Eanon, Kit (Kernan'a): Balthnore. Md., 23- 

Elple ft M<^*i^tilliv (Majestic): CUcago. m., 

23-28; (TcQpIe) Detroit. MIrti., 30-Not. 4. 
KeatODS, Ibree (Hathawaj'a) : New Be<lfard, 

Mas*.. 23-28; (Brde ft Bdnuui'a} BmokUn. 

N. Y.. 30-NoT. 4. 
Klelat. ifDtfcal (Bnrtls * aMMMIt ' >ew 

Tack <Str. ao-'KoT. 4. 
Kdcr ft SbasDoa ( Amphiao) : BfeeUni, R. T.. 

(Olfmple) : 

W. T. ~ 


6«~ NOT. 

at,): Hnr T<ck 

Paclt. Fi:, l-ao. 
ft Ota CFmllT): 

Braekljo, K> 

* Saotdfe (OoioailiU): On- 
_aBaa. c a-- 
BnttPia, ftkcrt 
I-IS; (Tailrtc) 

Kenr. w. c. (r 

OHt. 23-2S. 

SIllC. X«bel TkTlor (Gesnett) : Ind.. 

23-28; (Bajmarkrt) cmicago, m., SO-MOV. 4. 
EeHcber (Irreom): Philadelpbla. Pa., 23-2S. 
Kobler ft Kobler (Olrmpic): Chicago, m., 23- 

V- 28. 


EnabenslHie (Hnrtlg ft Seanum'i): New Tork 

City. 23-28. 

LkFleiir, Joe: Sa route with Forrpangli ft Bella 
s- . Bna.' Clm*. See Tent Sbow Bootes. 

tmatiK. WBUam J.: En roote with Uie Great 
i,> . Xndr SboM. Sea Xidwar. Bootaa. 
- TaifiiT. fi f-T ' TT TlTliM. • • 
i^jr lMOw r* Leonard ffiUMCIi''' - 

I n* Kew Fatter Amine 
:8w HMmr Bootea. 

Ba nate arltli the Great Parker 
at On. - Sea Jtldwar Bootes. 
linsiBan Steten (Star): Atlanta. Ga.. Isdet. 
lAeanla Trio (Hlppodiame): Kew Xork <3ty, 

I4)cler. BCB£ 
Olicus. Sit 
fJlvmm, .Waltv Si 

I«<r ftOk. ]ba.j 

KOT 4. 

\jt Clair, Hanj- (Tient): Xreoton. N. J.. 23- 
28: (Gacrick) WUnUneton. DeL. 30-Not. 4. 

La CUlr ft Weat (BUon) : D»tct. N. H„ 23-28: 
(Palace) Worcester, Uus., 80-Not. 4. 

A<]rUa (Howard) : Chicago. ILL, 23-28. 
Le Caalr & Hapdt (C«»to) : FaU Blru, Mua., 
28-2S: (Oolonlil) L«n-r»iic» SO-Not. 4. 

Lindsay's Dofa ft Monkeys CHopklss'): Loida- 

Tine, St.. S-aS: (Bopklair) " 

SO-Sot 4. 


Tbeo. ft CamlUe (Famnj) : Haielton. ' 
Pa.. 28-28. I 
I^wmaa ft Bwlng (Templa): Ft. Wayne. Ind.. 


Loder, Mr. ft Mrs. IM (BMBIttf*): St. 

Not. 4. 

lucaatCT. Taa Otaia St.): Feala. XSL, ZtrVi; 

(Bljoo) <iaixj 2»-Kor. 4. 
Lenert, R. (Dnlqae): Sbetwrsan, Wis.. 23- 


Le Pace. Biotlier ft Sister (Bmptie): Free- 
port, m.. 23-3S; (Vest Side) Bdoit. Wis., 

30-TfoT. 4. 

Lfaidatroai ft Asdetaon (&TStal): Ifaifteaeai, 

Mich.. 23-28; (Bijoa) Lanatog 4. 
LawMo. Chinese (Weat Side): ' ** ~ 

iM. B. ft Biiili (Ba'B): T>wanat )a, MIeh.. 

•MS: (BIJoa) Odaswt MV^Kor. 4. 
La Crolz. nml (Oralal): Mtlwaake«, Wis., 

liTooard. BUM Kfepknat): Kaasaa GUy. Mo.. 

VHIfair. 4. - ■ 
Lease ft DaOv' 

2S-XOT. 4. ; 
Lamoant ft 
EL, 23-28; 
Not. 4. 

Lawrence. AL (POD'a): Wcreeater, Maas., 23-28; 

(PoU's) Spdnafldd ao-NoT. 4. _ 
La Tloe. Bftward. UOaB Wattcoe ft Ob (Bh- 
^tw;s): ^New^aikJI^^ jMj Jfc j^'^ j^, 

coma 28-28. 

Lnczs. EM. i (Orphemn): Darenpart, la.. 

23-28: (Biioa) LajCroasc. Wis.. SO-Not. 4. 
Le Pa£M. Tba (Kdtk'a)t He* X«tt CUT. 23- 

28. > . ■ 

Loftns, Oeodh 'ObaflMfllS 

Loos ft Cotton (Cook's): EochMtsr. W. T., 

Loce ft Locc (I^c): Tetre Hacte, Ind.. 23-28. 
Latlm, inie. (Colamljla) : Cinclimatl, O., 23- 

La Omtzs ft It Bne (Gem): BavctUB. Xaas.. 

Leslie. Geo. W. (Crrctal): Dcbts. OsL, S3-2B. 
Lokena. Four (Hansa): Baaftnc Ssr.. 

(Miller's) Ranorer Kvr. UB; (Otoeas 0am) 

Amatadaa. HoL. IM*. • 

- to. K)i 

. b laata wltli Woodford Stock Co. 
jtle Boates. 
; r. Raada (Unlqoe): San Joee, Cal., 

ta,«*dcr. Geo. (Main St.): Peoria, m.. 23-28. 
LmoB. Bert (Bonnl): Chicago. DL. 23-28. 
LnooDr'f Dogs (HijiuTket): Chicago, ni., 


Laer. P. (Main St.): PeorU, IlL, 23-28. 
Z« Belle, Wm. (Pastor's): Sew York City. 

Lane. Chris. (Temple): Ft. WaTue, Ind., 23- 

Mangels, J. F.: Ba route with Meyer's Moo- 
arch Ampsemnit Co. See Midway Bootes. 
Msjcelloe (Hippodrome):- 
Marley. Ctaaa. J (BroaAMr)* 

CaL. Aoe. 14, Indet. 
Msrlo ft Aldo: En ronte with Orrla Bros.' Clr 

enr. S-e Tent Show Roates. 
Marxian. The Mystic CWintassaxtCB): 
~ «iB^ Oct. 1-Sl. 

(OUIaiJa •m BtMa^* 

. CUMqae): ftksM. Ol. 
Manrne. Kddle: Ba laoto vllft j; - 

Shows. Sec mteaT Boalaa. 
MartTone Siatna: Ek niaie wUh Saniiy Sooth 

Floating Palace. See Mlseenaneoos Boates. 
Mayer & Irwin: Bo roote with the Barlow Min- 
strels. See Minstrel Bootes. - 
MoCauley, Joe (OtaWac): TflMiaiiiilhi. Minn.. 

Apr. 3, iodeC. 
McClfUan. JSM c a (BUM): Mtatt. IttHI- July 
3. Indet. 

McKcnna. T«d It. hU Dbg (Tbe Oalu): Pcrtlsna. 
Ore., Indel. 

Mer^th Sisters (TItoU): Cape Town. S. A., 

Ocu 18-Dec. 1. 
Merrlom. BiUle: Be roate with TettT, tiie 

Ootcast. See Dramatic routes, 
iivttler. Lew (TItoU): Ospe Town. 8. A.. Oct 

IS-XOT. 30. 

MlddletoB. Ola^ra (IWn): Odpple CMt. OoL, 

MOaoa, NvSMattMae): BMr mk atr. 


lliltcm, Chas. W.: En roate with the Barlow 
Minstrels. See MlnsU^ Bootes. 

MUtfin. Mr. ft Mrs. Geo. W. (Star): Atlanta, 
Ga.. Lndtf. 

Mitchell Bros.: En roots with Sevman-MQlScan 

Mardi GriS Oo, See Midway Routes. 
MotTls ft Morri* (Standard): Port Townsend. 

Wsah.. July IT, Indef. 
Moiry, Eddie: Eo ronte wiht Christie 

Mtnstrels. See Mbisrtel Boates. 
Macks. Two (CrrstsI): Anderson, UL, 

(Costal) Kokaaw SO-liov. 4. 
lietfllle • " ~ - - 

H. T., : - ■ 

Hot. 4; 


CaL. S»-3tor. 4. 
MiOConls. Bectta T. (Valvaa): 


Mastell-a Madonetta Blppsdfaaa Cywallj): 
taaka. Neb., 2MB: (Fadt) SavUa^ How. » 

j— a i wi 's Minstrel Maids (Malaetle): CU- 
eaco, lU.. 23-28; (Tecsple) DetmU, Wek.. 

. SO-.VOT. 4. 

XdMaboo ft Chapelle (Maieatie): OWeaao^ DL. 

23.28; (Tenmla) OalMl^JUdk. ID-Bar. 4. 
MoatsofBciT ft OhaMV OMBWAhI); 

TlHa. Kt, — - 

aO-Hor. 4. 

KOT, 4. 
Mnrphy, W. H. ft nisafla 

Pbiladelphls. Pa.. 2»4a$ 
more. Md.. SO^Not. 4. 
MezrUt. Hal (Orpbeom): Los Angeles, Ctl., 

Msnhassett 0»n«dy Poor (Itocaden) : FtUla- 
delpfala. Pa., 23-28; (Miner's Bowery) New 
Tort CItr, 30-NoT, 4. 

MitcbeU ft CalB (OoiaaBMa): St. Leota. Md. 

23-28. _ _ 


McCnne 4 Grant (BlJoa): Kenosha, Wis., 28 
28: (Unlqnp) Sheboygan) SO-S'or. 4. 

MarioeUaa. The Great (Flom's): Madison, Wis., 
08-28; (Peopla's) 0<kii Raplda. la., 30- 
Not. 4. 

Mnrphy ft Andrews (MaryOasd): Baltimore, 
Mft. 23.28. 

MallaST Bros., Bioofcs ft Halllday (Gotham): 
Biaaklra. N. X~S48: (Praetor'a fiSth St.) 

XfefM. COa nfMalaii): 4MkaM,-K. T.. 

ITrT aiMftllM. Bda 



MlUtaiT Oelet fOsaMftt' BiAai 

28: (Aglt) DaMt 
Minman M» (OniMM)- 

23-28; (Orpheam) Haw t 

Mocart. Fred ft Era (0. 0. 0.): 


Miller, Renahaw ft Jimcr (BUoa): 

UL. 23-28. 

Msriowe, Plankett ft Oo. (Fatk): WORCSter. 
Mass.. 23-28: (PtdTa) BCv BUaa. Oooa.. 

30 Not. 4. . ■ . . 

Mackle, Teabler ft Hack (IMqaa): SBaneap- 

oUs, Minn., 23-2S. 
McCaU Trio (E:mpUe): Toledo, 0., 23-28; (Em- 
pire) OeTelaod SO-NoT. 4. 

^^^T'CtSSalj^'i a 4iis!iy M m*"*^ ^ 
C BM ta t ); BmA 4Measak m.. 

Siarqaanda. The (BIlaB): 

SS.28: (Falaca) Worcester a»>B«r. 4. 
MarTdle ft Cleasan (Otaad): ~ ~ 


Martynoe, Tbe <>reat (Bennett's): Load^ OaU 

16-28; (Bennett's) St. Thomas S0-}(«*. 4, 
Mason. BooMT B. A Marcoerita Kcder (FoVsl: 

SprlnrfaM. ."■ ' " ~ 

XOT. 4. 
MelrUle ft 


Mas Aodoce. I/ea (Vletorta): New Tssk Ciar, 

23-28: (Proctor's) Albany SO-NoT. 4. 
Maglnleya, The (Keith's): Boston. Mass.. S> 

28: (Moore's) Portland. Me., 80-Not. 4. 
McOsoIey ft Donoran (BeU): Oaklasd, OA. 

23-28; (Ctaatca) Saa maetaea SMiar. 4. 
Mandy (TlaclMI^: Ii8B JMBBlHb M, MIL 
MeCarthy. Jfjlca ft Oa^ ff^hlit Mitllli. 

J.. X» 

MaKlDDOo ft Reed (Haymarket): Chicago. HL. 

28-28; (Oolnmbla) St. Louis. Mo., 30-Not. 4. 
MoGloln ft' Smith (Sclth'a): Fxastdcaee. B. I, 

23-28. _ _ _- 

pbla. Ps.. 23-28. 
MelTiUe, Frederick (Oaaal): ObemHx. Ocb. 

11 31. 
Modlca A Lewis: 
MotoTRlrl (Onlia^^ 

Morris, Nina. 

Minn.. 23-28. 
MacOoosM, James (Keith's) : 

Mmphy, WUlatd (Qlataawk): 

T.. 3MB. 
BAthcwa *-JMi» «KaB,<U: 

Mvlnv TMo ruuqae): 

Mllletafalp Slatacs (HssMCd): 
3S4tov. 4. 

Monroe. Mscfc ft Lan 

too, Del., 23-: 
Marced'e Pl ctm es (I 

York City. 23 28. 
Metropolitan Ladles' Quartet (Pastor's): »s« 

Tork caty, 23-28. 
Itetini, The Three: StoU Tour, Enslud. _ 
XartleTe, Lanra (Penton's): BnSslo, N. T., 23- 

KoT. 4. 

HaisUsr ft eras (Grand): BelllnahaM. Walk.. 

MMMI- ft Brownlns: SaTcnpaafc la.* IMk 
B. St. Xoals, m., aO-NoT. 4. ^ 
Moore^ Xom iPsopla'a): nisiiaaaH 0.> >>- 

May ft HUea Oviie): Taflln, Ma, 
UeCarfa D<sa * WmUti WSSttii 

HelBtoib. Battle, ft Ca. (BmVg A aiMSW 

New Xork Cltr, 23-28. 
Nasmyth. BUIy (Cadno): lAwicneee, Vmm^ 

Oct. 23. 

Nlxoo. Geo. F. (U. 8. BotH): MIddletaan, O. 

Ijidef. , 
Normans. Ftre JaoUac: Ba nate wiik AatV 

Bros.' Dog ft Pony Show No. 1. . 
NowUn, Dare: En roote with Al. 0> IMn 

Miaartels. Sec Minstrel Bootca, 

Nina (O. O. H.): Qolocy, III., 23-28. 
Norton ft Nicholson (Oolnmbia): Clnclnsatl. 0., 

28-28 (Olympic) (Stlesfo. 111.. 30-Not. 4. _ 
Nichols SIstera (TMaple): Dalnit. Mich.. Or 

28; (Shea'a) BoSatak M, Z.. MM*. 

city, 23-28. 

Newman. Joseph (Oolnmbia): Ofaieln&atL 0. 

23-28; (Hopkhia') Lootsrine. Ky.. 30-Not. 4. 
Nodos, Famooa (Lrrle): CleTelaod. O.. 
Norman, Mary (O, O. H.): Indlsaapolls, Ind., 

23-28; (Msjeatlc) Chicago, IIL. 80-Not. 4. 
Nsloo, Mnaical (FamOr): Patenia. M. 3^ 23- 

28: (Faolir) Pa as ata ■iMaf . d.-. . . . _ 
Mbbe ft BaWMB €L. H.): tMtKm, VU 


Xatt OtF 

Neraraa, Xke Three (Orpbeom) : San Fisuila* 
CaL. 10-28: (Orpheom) Los Anjreles 30-SoT. 4. 

Nonnaaa ft Btrce (Star): Atchison. Kan.. 

Nye. Ned (PoU's): New Hareo. Conn., 23 23. 
O'Brien. Chas, Sydney: Ba roote with the Maa- 
arch Amoaement Co. Bee Midway BaoM^^ 
O'Dole. Geo, W.: Ba laata with r- — 

OCTOBER SB, 1905. 

Xlie Billboard 



ud ChnlmliL 

t^taMudn i-i— 1 _ 

w^tt*]*H>»; Wllfc JmjWitB* OataaniMlMbsggkKe or Ins trunk. NoUiInK Uk« tt' — . 

nUO. Doabto OTWi, IMJj^ wl» i moiMm t o»« »tt»chmeat «tt<a. TrlpI«OT«n.liajai with suoUm MOT* atutehnunt U.!)!). P.O. B. Chleaso: ooe-lult with 
orcl«r. bstaiie* C. O. D. Wa (ohnuitw quick ihlpmeDU ■lfcl>iiilliiii " 



Slnffls OTen, wclsht IS tb& With boraarWIta. Doabto OTCD. welRht 10 Iba. With bamer 10 Ib^ TrlplaoTen, 

1t Mi Cto Market- Slii«l«OT«B.«l.M^wlth^irMollD»BtoveatijKcbm«ot 

133 South Water St., CHICAGO, ILL. 

OUre Mme.. H&nlioc & ^ Sid (Pftlace): Ant- 
mrp BrlC'. Oct. 14-31; (Circas Cane) Am- 
Ufnlam. Hoi.. Not. 1-30. 

(rnole. M. Jack: CoaocU Blaffa, U., IiKlct. 

Ottr :nck: Ea roatr vrltb the Hooaler ArnvK- 
■nt Co. S«e Wdvraj' Boutes. 

OUtIo, S. (I/jceom): *" " 

OBri. Adel* PnrrU * 

i™, N". T.. 23-28. 
0-paT. Id* (Main St.): P»oria, HI.. 3S-a8; 

(Bljoo) D««tiiT 30-XoT. 4. 
O'Brien & Bnckl«7 (Orpbeom): Saa IfcaoelMO, 

CkL. SS-NoT. 4. 

Qbiti TlK (Hayiaarket): Chlcac». HI-. 

(Mnmbla) St. Loola, Mo.. aCUte*. 4. 
Olto Bros. (ColonUl): Id 
Miner. Alice (01 | i npl « 
S. Y.. Aog. 2r — 
tM^BU (BntplfC 

haaoe^bmv. S* A^ 
rarkhmt: ^ mrt* 
See iuamf Boatca. 
FWTT ft Pnili r" 
. S-Kot. 4. 


_ . Sec JIMny Baotca. 
A BKtscU: Faili. rr.. Oct. 16-Not. 

Bkvkanta (BJlipottaBe): .Mmt Tork 
Utg. so, lo<l<<. 

Uroope. Poor: Oi fante wlUf tt* Brig- 

aOin. 8*e Bnrlcaqtie Route*. 
Pllte. Bnv If.: Ea ronte irlth Bn.ter Brovra 

Btstrn 0» See Moslcal Bootee. 
Prlc* * Knapp (Standard): Ft. Worth. Tex.. 

Oct. la. iadeC 
Pons i Barte <W««t SMe): JaneaTllle. WJa., 

23-2S: (Binpltc) I^SdUe, DI., SO-Not. 4. 
Peachkoir TNope (Proctcfa 23d St.): N«r York 

Cltjr. 30-NoT. 4. 

PMpa. Otiea & Mime (Ptlee'd Boat Sbow): 
Laien. Ack., 23-28. 

ma QMM; 't W iWii iilirt. L. 23- 

PoiT.irs & Theobald (Doffltaloa): Wh>iUj>es, Mas., 

Zl ^S (Lrceoin) LllnneapoUa. Minn-, SO-NoT. 4. 
Peerleea Baimonlc Poor (Calomet): Soatll Otal- 

eago, ni.. 28-28. _ 
Pelot. Fred A Annie (Grand): loUct. IB.. 2S- 

28: (Oljinplc) Cblcago 30-Not. 4. 
Paolo A Itaj-Krw (Colimrtil.): St. I«ala, Mo., 

23-28; (M.JwUc) Cb'.cago. EL. 30-NoT. 4. 
Pnek^ The Two (Bmplre): Hotrnku, N. J., 


PoweJl.' Fred (HopWna'): LoolSTlUe. By., 23- 
28: (Hopktna') Menrpbla. Tenn., SO-NOT. 4. 

Patt7 Bioa. (O. O. B.): Indlanualli^ lad. 2S- 
2S: (OoimalbU) CineionatL O.. BMtaV.^ 

Poolter, Bdw. (BUoo): Q^Q^^^^U. 

P air era , Mr. 
Umll, Mo, 

80-XoT. 4. ■ ._ 

Ptiro» (FMIp): Balttawr. Vi.. MB; V» 

llj) Y ia>lli^ X. T., ao-Kvr. 4. ^ 
Pepper Twiaa. Ika (O. H.): Sbawaca. OUl^ 

fkree ft Malaea WlftlMlt ' JUaneapoU*, lUn., 
(O it * a —>aiiii5r. CM.. »-Not. ^ 
I T. (OeihcaaM- BMiHft^ M. Y., 

IftadM^i^s VfeW* II* Y*. 

Iieleaatciv Cnx.. 
U.. 93-28; 
n., 33- 

Bomalne. Jnlla, & Tom Pitch (BUoa): Mar- 
inette, WlB., 23-28; (BUau) Eacanaba, Mich., 
30-NoT. 4. 

BctiTDs, Mr. ft Mrs. (Lyceum): Mlnneapolia. 

Mlon., 23-28. 
Bawls ft VoD Kaafaun (Ljcenm) : MlaneapoUa, 

Minn-, 23-28; (Ctystal) MUwaokct. WU.. 30- 

NoT. 4. 

Barno-a BoU DoOb Kl, 'lOHMan. 

B^ort' ftmattM^ ^n^tg^p i^^n ^.. 

Badfotd ft Valentine (HippoiMaa)< -iMUoB. 

Eng.. 30-NOT. 4: ( Hipp n itraMQ Ml —art-M; 
Cneoll) Leeds 20-25. ' 
BmMid, Ed. F. (MuTUnd): BalUame, Md., 

SMS: <Kcltb'a) caerelaad. O.. W-No*. 4. 
B«n» ft Bfebarda (iPaator'a): New Toik City 
SS-3S; (BamnMntets*a) Kcw York Citr, SO- 
N«<r. 4. 

Mai, Last (Proctor's): AlbanT, M. X.. 23-28; 
(Kelth'a) OeieUad. O.. 30-Nor. 4. 
Hawill ft Donbtr (Idrceam): Mlueaptila. Mian., 
IMS: (BUoa) DeaUolaca, la.. SO-Noe. 4. 

(Sljon): Battle CM^ MMi.. 

*.Oanlc (Eketrie): Watedoa. 


*. 4. 
Pierce. Mr. « 


PitUe ft McKM 


Picmlo Midgets (Howud): Boaton. Maaa.. 23- 

2S: (Csto) Lavrence SO-KoT- 4. 
Qoeen't Fan. The (CoIombU): St. iMlS. Mo., 

23 28: (G O. B-) ladlaaapdla^lB*, SMIOe. 4 
Qatmas, Dao, ft Kellct )lMk(Oi«kMB>t «»- 

aha. Nrt)., 30-NoT. 4. 
Bamola, WlllUma ft Likens (BUoa): Daecn- 

port. la., lodef. 

KaTetU: Bn roote wltb Oqr-SUl Stock 0». Bee 

Draoatle Boatca. 
Heed. Praaee (Clrcna MMMBit- .Berlin. 

Ger.. KoT. 1-Avr. 80. 
Beata-Tbtreaa (Btppodtoate): New Talk Cttr. 


Bnaolda- loUrtte: Kn ronte wttk HeiM Broa.' 

<CknlraI Osl See Mtdnj Boatea. _ 
■McUe. Dare DerB: Ba raata ««k Ika Srcat 

ftlaaw Sboaa. See Midway Beatea. 
■ * LH ft PaMoat; Ba caata «M tte.flHWiB 
^Wwn^ *B?iSS im8%» oar- 

MQta wnt ao<HsaB*a 

He Boatca. 

Baaa ft Lewta: BeiBa. Oct., Ao*. 21. Indef. 
BoUnaon. Oiaa (SUr): (Xerelsad, 0., 23-28; 

(Academr) Pittsbuc. SO-MoT. 4. ^ 
RUnoa. Poor (Park): Me. Et.. 2S-S8; (0. 0. 
_ n.) Barn*Dtc SO-NoT. 4. _ 
Rocera. WIU B. (Oaak^): Boebiater. H. T.. 
•■= ■=3; traiai-a) wmubcmb. s. <x. ao- 

Rlce Pamlly (Maaart'a): Shanokln, Pa.. 2S.2B; 

(Mozart'a) Mahanojr Oltj SO-Not. 4. 
Rtndolphs, Ototewine (Gaatle): BIoomlnKtoa. 

111.. 23-28; (OlTmple) Sonth Bend, lod., 80- 

NoT. 4. 

RoMoe ft Sbna (Unlqoe): MhrneapoUa, MIbd.. 

23 28; (Oiand) MUwankee, Wle., 80-Not. 4. 
Benlhctoa,^ Marme ft <3o. (Ootham) : Bmk- 
fi«..M. ^..'MB: (aBflM) ntanso, N. 

Uiaqool. Bag.. SO- 

Buaen, BUOB (I«ife): 

Woe. 4. 
Banf. OMa <lS«j^8 


Byan, Ttramaa T., ft Marr BiehOeld (Moore's): 

Portlasd, Me., 23-28. 
Rackett ft 

Nov. 611. 
Baymood. Baby (0. Oi K| 

Mich., 23-28. 
Bema. The: GlorersrUe. N. Y.. 23-28. 
Reded ft Hadley: Glouceatei, Maaa., 23-28. 
BITS Broa. (Orrtn Bros.'): Mexlaa CUy, Max., 

16-228. . - • 

Bice .V Elmer (BMMBBI^S 

Mass.. 23-aS. 

Blchards SIsMK- . 

BlcbmoDds, na tOttMnt Ohm flUK >• T 

23 28. 

Bnaa.Ila, The: BnCTalo. N. Y.. 23-28; Pltta- 

borg. Pa.. 30-NoT. 4. 
Eocbez'a Ponlea ft Ooga (Amphkn): BioOklTs, 

N. Y., 23-88. 
RlpIcT. Tom (Oljmple): (Xiloace. HI., 23-28- 
RelS Broa. (BarmA.*ket) : (Sileaxo, ISL. 23-28. 
Bonaya, Tile Xliree (Standard): Cincinnati. O., 

BnaaeUi LtUlan (fta etua ' a SM St.)i Mew XSvk 

CItT. 23-28. ... 
Rice ft Ootaan (RMlirt 

City. 23-28- 
Baxarfi. Ttie (Putor'a): 


Bice. Fanov (Otriheam): 

(Proetor'a 23d 3t.) — 
Bochefort ft May () 

X.. 33-NoT. 4. 
Beklaw, Dan (NoTdty): 

ft Beat (OoloaJal): Kav Otr. 

SPeople'a) : Leatenwot th . 
MoUoe, m.. 80-NoT. 4. 
BoMvOL * ffiaiiii <r ao >l a ' a); Cl ii tfc aaa tl . O.. 

Alum giiiliWOi ChiUBilt. C 23 


Sehrock ft Rice: Bn rotrte wlUi Byrne Broa.* 

EIrbt Bells. See Moaleal Bootea. 
Sbrodes. The Tiro: En roote with 9am Oeme'a 

Co^ See Bnrlesqne Boat<4. 
S&npaoo, Ed.: Eo roote with Meyer's Monarch 

AtnnMment Co. See Midway Bootea. 
SiDttba, THe Aerial: Bn ronte with Klnclinc 

Bros.' ClrcDS- See Tent Show Rootea- 
Stewart. Edward (Orpbeom): Deaeer. CbL, 


StllMM. The: En ronte vltli WcHk^ Cki^ 

nltal <3o. See Midway Bootea. 
St. John ft LrFerre: Ea roote with Mr. Dooley. 

Se« Mnalcal RooteS- 
Stoek ft Dawaoo: En ronte wltlt the AmctiCUl 

OOTlral 0>. 8e* Midway RoattS. ^ 
Symonda, Jack: En route with OSMBn VlB- 

■treJa. See Minattel Bootes. 
Sorzal ft BaaaU (IJalqae): Baa <Sabe. IHM^ 

aSA'oT. 4. 

SUpIeton ft (Asney (E21t*): Darcoport. In.. 

23-28: (Oyatal) St. Joseph. Ma. 2S-MOV. 4. 
Seldom*. Tho (Kelth'a): ProTldenee, B. L. 23- 

28: (Maryland) Baltimore. Md.. SOJIor. 4. 
Stratton, Wm. D. (ParnOy) IBi as iokIa , Pa., 


Sebepp's Dogs ft Ponies ((taad): ^Mtam 
ona. Ind.. 2S-»: (BopUi^) l ilMSI l ib Kr- 
SB-Nov. 4. _^ . 

Saanels, Manrlce (Idea): Mai i 

: (BUoa) Bads t. JP Mcy . .*. 

— Ifl^MiMlI 

M. 2S-3S. 

Shim' ft mniiaa OBi i y>)t Braouya, m. 


Stelnert ft Tbaaaaa (fhal^>: MmmiiIIIi, N. 

Y.. 23-28- 

SiBHnons ft Hsms: Onbaqoc, la.. 33-28; Mln- 
acapolts. Mlaa.. «0-K«r. 4. ^, ^ 

' Minstrels (Orpbenn): Denver, Col.. 80- 
> 4 

(BUoo): Topeka. Kan.. 23-28. 
Bland) (Colanrtila): OlnrtaasM. Ol, SS- 
28; ' (Hopklna') LonlsTllle. MTt^ 
Sherman ft De Forrest (Hyi* • 

Brooklyn. N. T.. 23-28, 
St. Onge Broa. (Academy): 

Sato O. K. (Proetor'a): Tray. N. T.. 2S-2B: 

(Keith's) PitlUdelphU, Pa.. 80-Not 4. 
Staley * BMeck (KdtVa): R«eMeaea. B I.. 

Sbantytown Trio (Grand): Hamilton, O., 23- 
28; (Orpbeom) Springfield 30-Not. 4. 

Semoo. Charles Fa Ike (Proctor's): Newark, N. 
J.. 28-28; (Proetor'a) Albany. N. Y., 30-NOT.4- 

Stantonne. Lola (Majestic): Kansas (Mty, iio., 

Seamon, Adam, ft Bogera (Orpbeom): New 

Orleans, La., 22-28. 
Shean ft Warren (Proctor's): Albssy. N. T-, 

23-28; (Empire) Hoboken. M. J., 3U-Not. 4. 
Snyder ft Buckley (Kelth'a): New York City, 

23-28; (Kelth'a) PhBsdelphla. Pa, so-Ner. 4. 
Sims, Heoat>Ie (Garrlck): Bixrllngtoa, Xa., 23- 

28; (People's) Cedar Raptds, 30-Not. 4. 
SUnler ft AU«en (Norelty): Losaa. Utah. 23- 

28: (Lyric) PocateUo. Wa., 20-Mot, 4, 
Saiony, GlUiert, ft Co. (Bon TOn ): Salt Lake 

aty. nuh, 23-28; Ogden 80-NoT. 4. 
Stahl, Boae (Orphenm): Omaha. Ket>.. 1S-3S. 
Saxtoo ft MUtoo (O. O. H-): RawUnl. Wyo., 


Setra. Cbsa- (Shea's): Buffalo. N. X.. 2S-28. 
SUppoElkl. Mme. (Q. O. a.): ladlanapoUs. 
Ind. 28-28. 

Snltk ft Baasan (aoaaid): Dsttoa. Maaa,. JB- 


Eh foaia with raa 

Plttabnrs, Pa., 2S. 

Stairieys, The fPastor's): New York City, 23- 

Solly. Lew (Keith's): New Ysrk Oty. 23-28. 
Banun. The Great (Otand): Aitorla. Ore., 
2S-28; (Grand) TancooTcr, B, C, so-Nor. 4. 
ShaipUes. The (Jacobs'): Peoria. lU., 23-28. 
Smlrl ft Kaaaaac (PoiTa): Raw Bana, Gaoa.. 

Smtt^'OlBlk l^i^i- wi* '«s- 


TarltOQ ft Tarlton: Ea route wtth the Breck- 
enrld«e Stock <\>. See Dramatic Bootea. 

Taylor, Enna (Capitol): Glens Pails, N. Y.. 

Taylor. Mae (Falace): Boston, Mass.. Indt-f. 
Troobadonr Poor: Ea roote with the Gicat 
'Wsllace Ocns. S ac T»at S haw B i at iB. . 

DeL, 23-28. ' , 

TrolMt (Orpbeom): Oanka. nfe., IMMr. 4. 

Talaa (Bea'a): BifaiMltta. MMIi^ M( fBI- 

]aa) CaiODMt SO-Kov. 4. ' 
TaaaMslaa Ikaape (Fab): Uaesn. Sa.. S3- 

Nov. 4. 

XMda^ HaxiT (Xccoey's): Bnoklya. M. T., 

(Baitts ft S is M ia ' a): 
I (Smpklna) BMoUyn. 

UMW: Toaken. H. 

(nn»m!%i ABny ao-Ko*. 4. 

Ileyd O.. ft O. (Acme): Sacra- 
Cal., 23-28; (Chates) San Pranclaeo 


Tret ft JenMD (Bowsrd): Bostoo, Mass.. 23- 
28: (Proetor'a SSth St.) New York City. 30- 
S*T. 4. 

Terry ft Lamftcrt: CMlberwen. Ens.. 30-Nor. 4. 
TroesdcU. Mr. ft Mrs. Howard (Proetor'a): Al- 
bany, N. Y.. 2Ma. 
Tnnls. ftltksa (Ha^daM) 

2S -2B. . : 

Toledo ft Pxlea (Shea's): BnffsJo, N. T., 23 

Tbompssa'a BtaftaalB Wlrphet); BMaklya. N. 


Tbome ft Oarltan (Olympic): Chicago. IB.. 23- 


Tanner ft ODbert . (Family): Sbimokln. Pa., 

23-28; (Family) Paaaalc, N. J., SO-Nor. 4. 
Xaibot * Bo«era (Masonic Temple): PtWajae 

lad.. 23-2S: (O. O. B.) Indianapolis SO-NoV- 4 
Tboroothbreds, The Foor (People's): Oteda. 

natL O.. 23-28. 

THome. Hr. * Hia. Batty (Park): Wdm, Fa.. 

To-To (ABhoAi 
▼ance. darVa 

23-28. „ 
Ualta ft Paol: Onhicy. ID., 
▼abnore ft Hortnn (Iknplrc) 

S. A., Nov. S-Dec. 18. 
VsDce, ChrUtlne (Stsndard): Ft. Worth. Tex.. 


▼one. Harry. Macidan: En roote with the 
OoamopoUtan Amnsement Co. See Midway 

Telare. Bdith ft Cnrtia: Bn roote with the 
Great Parker Amnaement Co. See Midway 

Vlloa Bras.: Bn lOMe wiKU Baat'a Ckcoa. See 

Tent Show Roat«& 
VanGorre ft (X>ttis^ (Iv«aaBi)t 

Minn.. 23-23. 
Tasaar Girk. Elgbt (G. O. B.): YoaDSStown, 
O.. 23-28. 

Voelker, Mr. ft Mia. Fred (Orpbeom): Denrer, 
Col., S3-28. _ 

Vale. Helene (Ctook'a) : Bocbeater, N. Y., 23- 
28: <TempIs)_Detrott. _MIeb.. SO-Mo*. _4. 

Vemon Troov*' ' " " ** 

City. 23-28; " 
30-NoT- 4. 

Valpos. The (BUoo): WIehlu. Kan.. 13-28. 
Van. Billy (Maryland): Baltimore. Md.. 23-28. 
Valdiass. The (Seltb'a): FiotMcbw. B. L. 

a Horses (< 
Max., 16-28. _ 
VooWenxl (Shea's): Bnffalo, V. T., SS-2S. 
Vonqnette (National): Kansaa City. Mo.,^28-28. 
TaaCteea (Faspla'a): fl ii rln aa tl . O. 
WDHw aM>t. a 
CM«d Ok. a 
Wart ft Oaate (Family): Bast St. UhOSm. HL, 

WataiB'a, Sam. Fanrard: Bn loeta with Bar- 

•M 4 Ballirs OhtH. am Ast ■«* 

Wayne & Doane: 

WIM West. • 
Welch. John J. 

Cal.. Ind.f. 

Wells. Wm. J. (Orpbeom): St, Paul, Mlm., 

WlUlama. Jad: Bn ronte with Mina's Amer- 
icans. See Borlesqne Bontes. 

WUIlami ft Loss: En roote wttli the GnU 
Parker Amusement Co. See Midway Bootee. 

Wiuixma ft Padre (Star): Cblsbotm, Minn., 

S*pt. 25-NoT- 18. 
Wo)fing'a SatUloDS ft Doea: Bn ronte with Blac- 

llng Bros-' Ctrcus. See Tent Show Routea- 
Walsh. Frank (BlJou): Appleton, Wla., 23-28. 
Whttealdcs, Ethel (JcScta'): Safiaaw, MMl, 

* CiWllit:;'^ 

Nov. 4. 

Wlcbeis, The Tktce (Wood's): SedaUa, Mo,, 
23-28; (jCovetty) Lcnveawvrtli, Kan-, 30-NaT.4. 

WMUun. Frank (Walaat St.): qaelaiMtl. O.. 
28-28. ..J. 

Weat ft l\owI«r MdaUH^iKaiiMBlttb'lBiL: W 


Wlae ft Mlltoo lla I WlBi^n. IMaa , » !»■ 4l 
Whittle. Wm. ■, iCUMli^XMMlaau 0_ 

30-Nov. 4. . • - • , 

^R^ch^^' viz »S^taSSff^SS^SPSi 

30-Nov. 4. 

Wells. Lew (O. 0. H.): IsdUnaDoUs Ind.. 

23-28; (Hopkins') LonlBvtUe. Ky., 3fr.NoT. 4. 
Wllaon Ikio (Msjtaae): Bat Hi**^ Aife.. 

23 -Not. 4, . . ■ • r ••■.^'-''v.-.- ; . -•: 

23-^^* W^B^aa CBaata)f Cfea^iB^ 

WllsoD." A'lf ft Mahe: Bochealer, N. Y., 23- 

2S: (Albany 30-Not. 4. 
WUUims. DoUle (Blioo): Galesburs. lU.. 23-28. 
Wells Bras (BUoa): GaleaburK. lU.. 23-2S. 
Whltcomb. Bask ft Lottie (C!olambU): . 8L 

Lonla, MOk. 2348; (Majcatle) fiklcasow BL. 

30-NOT. 4. . . . .. . ■ ;^ -• , 

Waaher BMit (QvaMIt' "MhNMML ' Hk, 


Wrest Family (Ctystcl): Oeaver, CoL, 23-28; 

(Crxstal) pneblo. Ool, 3»-K«v- 4. 
White. Ed- B.. ft Bella (Paator'a): New York 

City. 23-28. 

West. John A. (Bon Ton): Jersey City, N. J., 
23-2S; (Miner's) Bowery) New York City, 80- 

NoT. 4. 

WaldoQ, Max (Hartlg ft Seamoo's): New Ysck 

City 23-28; (ArniAlon) Brooklyn 80-NoT. 4. 
West ft Van Slden (Baymarket): Oilcacot HI., 

(Majestic) Chicago 30-Nav. 4. 
WoodCerd ft Marlboeo (West Side): Bdett. 

■Wla.. (Onaft) Mict. BL. S S I Isi . 4. 

Waad * Bay tSiSSi atStOK M. X,- Mft 

(ShM'a) Tu m m y Oat.. ■•.|Mr..4. - 
WlkaO, BO^ te " ~ .- — - 


WIUesT Jfitae fScManM): 

a-Hor. 4: (TlnU) Lsadoa. Bac., S-SO. 
wnUaaa A Maihani (Bogkias'): LoolsTme, 

Ky.. 2»48. 

WBaoa. Ototwt (AJhaaftra): New Xcck OUy, 


Willard. (Jreat: AAtalnla. O.. lS-28. 
WlBlams ft Holt: BMhmond. Va.. 23-28. 
Workl'a Comedy Foor (Keith's) : Piorldence, B. 

I., 23-28. _ 
wason SMaa: aalt Laka CUy^ Utah. SMB. 
WUtoo ■ - - - 
WartenbavB ' 

Werden ft daddlsh (Haymarket) : 

Weamgtm Slsten (Bajaaifcct): 


Watson Sisters (SUodard) : Cincinnati. 0-, 

Wocdette, EsteU, ft Ob. (OrtamMa): 

nan, O., 23-28. 
Wmis ft Baasan (ayit-APaMllAtt^' BMrti- 

lyn. N. Y.. 23-28. 

Wells ft Sens (Electric): Waterloo, la.. 18- 

28; (Grand) Cedar Baplds, la., SO-Kov. 4. 
Wood. MBt (Family): Sersnton. Pa- SS.2S; 

(Pastor's) New York City, ao-Nar. ^ . 
Wens. WilUc (People's): Odav BartlK-|iu 

23-28; (Qartlck) BnrUnston SO-MsiTC 
Welals. Oiaa. ft Jennie (O. H.): Chatham, 

Ont.. 23-28. 

Wood ft Bay (Sbea'a): Bttffalo. N. X.. 2S-28. 
Weston ft Walters (FamBy): nasaakla^ Fa^ 

23-28. -■• ... 

Walker. AlOa Orerton (BMIf • Wmmmrwn 

New York city. 23-28. 
Toons. Frank ft Bmily (Market Theatre): TV>- 

ledo. O.. tndef. 
Youngs. Win C-. ft L. May Brooks ((Colombia) : 

St. Lonll, Mo., 23-28; (Majeetic) CtHcago, lU.. 

30-Nov. 4. 

Ynkaws. Moos. (I^ccnm): Minneapolis. Minn., 

23-28; (BUoa) Bsa JIaksa, la.^ W-Ba*. 4. 
Yankee DooOa MSB tB^gwmmnz flMW ^ 

in.. 23-28. 

Yoniif, Tot (Star): Astoria, Ore., 23-28; 

(Grand) Portland SO-Nov. 4. 
Toonir ft Devote (ftadltoilam): loan. Masa, 

23-28. . . . . .i. 

Tonne, Onie. ft --Mfc'-WVHBM|3-'< 

HL, 38-28. 
Barell. Bea ft Bis: Bi 
eta Omdval Osl ac» 

BAm^^l^Jtrsiig^ Si^'Sair%«* 

" see^nrt BftiJwiESSL"''^" ' 
Zarrow. The Great (Park): (ta kte aJ, 0 

28; (Park) Bakertfeld 2B-N«v. 4. 
Zel, Ra.rmond (Star): Sprtnsfleld. Ito^ 1 
Zat Zsms. The (Oem): Ooanen Blollk ' 


Zotka (I«Tle): 

Went Shows 

Wild West 

Swirnn of The Banmm and Bailey 
^ Sbow Artistic aod jSiapKiil - 

Tbe Bunam A BatlcT Sbow wiB elo « e their 
MBdofnl MUSB «f IBflB .aa Sttmdv. Oct. 
S8k In Utile Beck; Atk, 

'its Qnuiimoos codoracBCM t» the 

ir «C foKlen •aeccsw* hdd alaae t>r 

this nezedlcd tented icstcsatkiB. Baariuong 
^ir*'"* — I aad ntlifled ttumiuds bare ticcn tbe 
-Oaltr Tmtliie. abd a beartr welcome mlwnjs 
.awmita tbe "BI$ Bbow^" when It m^atat wkdU 
to enter the land of Gold«n Sunset*. The sea- 
■oa opened Uaich 20. In New York, and since 
-its mansDial twentr-five atatea and two teiil- 
torlFS tan been Tlalted. Ob Oct. Z8 tbe last 
.and the 3Tath pcrfotinuce wat-kii*»T 
. and 142 towns will bare bea 
twelve were State capitals. 

Tbe "Anto-BoUde" ot "Dip of Death" met 
; baa been a tremendous bit and made good 
' in evexT way. All oC tbe performers hare 
wcKked hard and '^"'■'""r foe the eommon 
. eanse— "Snecen." aad Og ba il i iM atafl haTe 
lieen nsUiins In tMr eOwta to aalntaln ttut 
npBtatioB af the aheir. Aed- 
n inr, the-aeaaoa bavtu been a 
In aereial ways. Sie ratna 
1. and to Edward AdlBcton, 
tafle manager, can be at- 
I ncceaatnl ezcnralon boal- 
dlapatcb with wbicB tbe 
tfafrr ba[Te: awved from town '.«to town. 
Si Hew at the &Mt that not one sbow baa been 
mil it or a late opening reported, one can 
gzBSp the valne of Mr. Arllngton'a snccesafal 

Trea—nTT Cbaa. Hatchlnaon with his able 
'^V ataC beaded br John Sterena. first assistant. 
i~ Tkave bandied tbe immense bnalnesa wlUioat 
. one complaint, and w. Whitehead as audi' 
tor. baa established for himself a great record. 
''^^ Ur. C«o. Arlljistoa's able cooBael hma been well 

^ placed, and tbe head* of all department hare 

T^ -wy9r fluaed mad popular Todf HunJltOTi. 
and tttt TccaatOe wniard Cozer bare dooe 
noDden In ttie Press Department of tbe Big 
Sbov, wUIe Car Maikasera Horray. Abbott and 
Hajps. . and their crews have "papered and 
pasted perfectly." 

Peter OooUln. Hsjtt Bamiun. Geo- Fore* 
pansb and BOite Jar Austin, bare justified 
tlkelr reputation as creat twenty-fotiT boar 
men. and Cbaa. Andress as Leeal Adjoster. and 
Dr. R. W. Irers as .th& Sbows pbjBldan bare 
cootrlbated mocb In tbelr respectlTe depart* 
ments to tbe w^fare of tbe boge enterprise. 

MB talflcs to ' end • & 111117 wooiBat fol 

■n aa« »a fcta . aad wbeo Cid ciaif • 
: ton hare 

aa _Oet._.Sa. aadJBU 

aatcv ae eBa dBB bave regretted IhelB 
•nt tblB jaiMH, wltb tbe GoUatli of 
t. Jas. A. Bailer and 
wted "Greatest Sbow 
DtAK. fl. 

the Amusement WaKi^: 
hia BDeqnaled aad'- VBfl 

ytt. J. X 

Ooor aal' 

took tbe eentcr ot the 

O. G. Fallcr. one of tlie 
loOkiaK gttatlr sur- 
apprcbcnatre. was .pnabed 

'Mr. FoUer. la tceogni- 
tlMi:.«C 70or talUifnl and Intelligent weik and 
jilK' entire abstinence from all latoilcatlng 
attanlanu daring the season, I want to pceacnt 
jao. on behalf c£ Mr. Afoaar and mTSeU. with 
tbis little token ot oar esteem and apprecia- 

Mr. Allien then presented Mr. Fuller with a 
handsome goM wati^ adding that "no present 
was erer made to a bfllpoater with mote gen- 
alne sincentr and good win." and expreaalng 
tbe hope that It woold be a popetoal reminder 
of "bow eatgr It Is to do right when one baa tbe 
proper .amooat of moral courage to earnestly 

Mr. Pnller retired, looking rather than ex- 
pressing hfes deep-felt thanks, bnt {Mr. Allien 
fras iK>t yet throosh wDit his pleaaant Gonday 
momiitg tisk. Mr. Hamilton, nrbo was about 
to leave tbe adrertlslng car. was detained. 
trbUe Mr. AUlen addreaMd:MM^^a|r*M.lB a 
waj that n'OQ tbe «xdft8-'a9gBijinl*'nnd ^PV* 
p&tliy of the cronrd. 

BreiT man on the ear, aeld Mr. Allien, bad 
beard with regret ot tala de term Ins tloa to retire 
Ufm acttre aetrlce as Dean of tbe Bemnw 0; 

Bpmio nrs mawtst 

Kthr Paragraphs tqr Fyramns 

(Special to ne BtDboaid.) 
We baTe bad mostly one day stands stnee 

leaTlag L^ofia. which hare be«^ given to the 
eapaeltr ot oar limnenae ampitbeatre. 

At fit. Nnnxabv. Sept. 8, we were reminded 
that we were In ancient BrltaoT bT tbe qoeer 
and qnalnt costnOHe of the people. 

At Qohnper. Sept. 11. ire encoontered an En- 
glish colony, together with a lot of exenrsloo- 
lata from the Isle of JTersej. It seemed strange 
indeed to bave pecqile ask ns qneatloai In En- 
glleb. and arrter wreetllng wltb a foreign tongue 
so long I was almost at a loss boiv to Crame 
sentences in my natiTe tongue. 

On the morning of Sept- 12. on leflTlng oar 
sleeping cars, we were treated to a beautiful 
vie^- of the harbor of Brest with tbe formid- 
able French fleet at anchor. Here Is where the 
Gngllsh and French navie* have be»n frater- 
nlzlng of late. 

At St. Malo, 14tli, we had aD<ither big crowd 
of English Tisitors from the Channel inlands, 
Gaemsey and Jersey. 

Sept. l^th fotmd OS at Rennes, where the 
final cbepcer in the famooa Drvyfus case was 
enacted. The court boose where he received 
bla pardon, being <^ose to the sbow groand^, 
wsa Tlslted by a nomber of the show people. 

At LatBl. letb. a fair was in progreee and 
we bad an opportunity of seeing a typical French 
circna, tlw establishment afc - Mwiaa Wtttm, 
which we foond very IntaaMlkS and flii 9av- 
fcrmance meritoHons. 

Tbe Cirque Bureaa was fonnded b; an En- 
gUab wooran forty years ego atxl Is still coo- 
dncted by ber two aoos -who^ hewerer, do not 


antoa Xark the Cloaing 'Sbbbb ft 
Bailsy'a Adranca Car. 

Oct S, 1905. Is a day that win long 
by Lester W. Mcrray. manager 
* Sallcr'B Adraaec Car Ko. 1, and 
..^^bctnde er bmposters mder his charge, aa 
.''' br those wbose dnties Cor the show bring 

— ^ - «Uk the car. 

i-^lnt ataBd, aad on 
to he paid off" 
" s talw the 

. . , ' te lewaiile 

jai W^'It - ««Mc Soadar -emla* oS^TSi 
gramX stir oC expectatlOB among the men 
' as R- F. (Toby) Hamflton. the Teteran press 
agent, entered Uie car and called tor Manager 
jfnnv* 3Cr. Mnnij. quite nsccfflscloni of 
what was Impendlas, came oat of bis offlce. 
aod tbe men ti o n ded areond wblle Mr. Hamlltoa 
in a few. well- rhn a m , appTcdattrc words pre- 
sented the manager wttt a baadaome dlamood 
stnO— tbe sifC of tbe bmposters and other 
fHends on' tbe car. Mr. Hamilton aald that al- 
ttwmgti Mr. Momy w^B probably the yoongest 
ear manager in tbe clrcns business, his snaTlty 
-ot manner, general ^ood-natcre nnder tbe most 
trying dllBcnltles and bla Ideaa of system and 
metbod. allied wKh bis demonstrated executlTe 
-ability, compelled the respect or all these 
working imder htm. while It also won their sin- 
cere friendship. And -^hlle he was a strict dls- 
elpllnarhin, be was also tbe friend of ereiy 
Indlaldnal bmpsater en the car. 
nr.- Marray - was .flaWr empilsed and bla 
wss so gicnt that- he iwaa lUrlT at a 
r XMcdS'.to.'.ccpieas 'Us -lhaahn. tbe 
I^Uft^' Itt. the dsaa aC lait'aiMaaw the 
.tbait»ea tbe 

was not tmalterable, bat If he did re- 
tire he would do ao bearing the respect and 
e o n lU l M i re and loie at erctr aiaa.ln the eiaphv 
of the a how— and esptrially e< those on Oar KO. 
t— irtth 

sa<d nt. AI< 
vfO. bnt ss 

tarenty-dllk'scar ^sUb the Sanaa * BaOey Clr- 
cos, -I want to preaent to yoo, on behalf of tbe 

men on Advertising Car Ko. 1, this little trtbnte 
of onr love and regard."- 

Mr. Allies then dlaeloscd a handsome sU-ver 
loving cup, which be prceented to Mr. Hamilton 
amid tbe cheers of tbe party. Mr. Hamilton waa 
so greatly overcome that be conld scarcely speak, 
bot the tears welling in his eyes told more el- 
oquently than words botr deeply If had been 
tooched by this evldeiKe of regard. 

AUboogb not traveling oa the advertialng car, 
and using it simply ' as a storebonse for his 
advertising cnta. -Mr. Bamlltoo came in fre- 
qnent contact with Manager Mnztay. Mr. Allien, 
the program agent, and the btUposters, and 
his imvarying courtesy and kindness of heart 
endeared tajm to all. 


Shews, wtltaa 

date ot Oct. 14. aa 

dose season bete to-dar after tldrty weeks oat. 
It Is tbe hngcst aUlcage tonr erer made by 
any- diena at any time.- We made two ttlps 

to tbe coast, and went orer an Oe 

In the west. Next aeaaon nriK 
and better than erer, arltb 
that will create a sensation. 


M. J. Dowllng, boslness repreitentatiTe of 
the Sells A Downs Show, is In Nashville. Tenn., 
completing the arrangementa begnn by Traffic 
Manager Potter to bare tbe staows winter In 
Oat soothem dtjr. Mr. Dowllng annonsccs that 

aC a 

able building, canraa top with wooden sides, 
aboot 110 feet in diameter, with a stable of 
twenty borses. Tb«y were making a two mootbs' 
stay at LavcI to good busln«««. 

We made a ten days' stand at Bordeaax, 
Sept. 8 to Oct. 1. laclnaii*. We bad a beantl- 
fol loeallon «a tlie Flice Qnlncoocea, which 
wpold be I laiisli 111 t» OalOB Sqaare, In New 
Xiak atw. 
^l»e " 

do b 

Focatn (open air 
aght to keep ti>e 
deanx. bnt withoot 
scandalised as 
despite that latt « 
eight oat of Am ta 
big i H l a f a s . 

Edamd ft. mite, 

serred Is tbe same eapaeltr «Mk 
Bailey during their Kuiofwau tear, 
wandering aroond the ^mu id a at Bocdeaaz, Sept. 
28. in a highly excited state baedeHag oa de- 
Urlnm. Upon InTeatlgatlaii. It was fMmd that 
be was JoatUed la being deUiloaa becanae bis 
wue. UQr. ptcsented him wltb a flae lor on tbe 

mSL ill*CBIi slRal ^^'***^ JSaaase»llb*^ 

alar Saadsjr oecuii e u ce at BaiiiaDZ. nera Is 
a law against bnn Sgbting la nnaee. and aa the 
boll ring la locsted on ellj ptatut/. tbe ctty 

PhMM 2851. EstBLblMiml 1843 

Thomson & Vandivoer 




u» , ciwonrwATi, ©. 




Poles aadStakea, BEATS, nan. Btdb 

Fronts mnA Baanera for Street Fairs 



T«at« for ClrcuMs, WIM Wwt 
S W w A . Black Tents. Candy T^m, 
n«B>,iad<l« Baker Ushtiw«Me 
M nrn pv prtn M « KHMHi MB 


■4t»-417 Delaware St.. - - Kanaaa City. Mo. 


All Kinds aoJ Sim 


FOR SALE cHBAP. niM or vmom tt 

i WIS wna.b almost new tents, nearly eraiy 

size, from 10 x 12 to 80 z 120. 


167 SmK tori »„ 






.... BET YOUR .... I l-ll I 9 

From MAGEE & SON. 


Tents to let. all sires. Black t^nt? out 
SDeclalty. Tel. iDoK'CortUndt, 


OUTFITS, USHERS and all others. Send 
Cor Catalog, mention Idnd wanted. 

^edal Attentloa GlTcn the FrofesiloB 


Stock Haogen, Posters and CnU on hsndtoradj^ 
tuliur«ver7 braocli of the Aznasement BosiiiMiB^SewMr 
catftloeao (D) of pramallo mnd Siiq»r^n]naBt 

CataloKQe <Ci Fa!r and Carnlrnl 


<•!»♦ Cocimercial j 

_ , MiSTpmNtiNO CO, 

81* ELM STREET. ST. ini|f«. Vt. 

lighting Systems 

For Ttanb Showsk Parka. 

OCTOBER 28, 1905. 

Xlie Billboapd 



IO-I8 N. DMpMitM 9t., CHICAOO, 11.1^ 



All Kilds lid Sizes 


88 Y<israi 


, (lnoorpor«t»a) 


LX E N T l 






DEAR aiHS: Tbe black (aot IQfxO ttet wo Oldend fWmyoa hasBTTlTed all O. K. %Dd w« must tbat w« mrc 

■urprldetl tbac a tent of ch&t ilza eu btt made la so short * time. We bave tested joor tent ttaoroashlyaadllBdUtobe 
one ot the b«tft t«nts ever shipped out, especlAllj to be made so quick. We have been In the showboslneas for seTeral 
years, and never tiefore in our experience have we seen or received a teat that was so complete In every respect as this 
ooe. We have paid partleuiAr atteaClon to the wajr the tent Is made up mnd we Ond It Arst^claas; we wish also to slate 

that there U not a slncle cbanite to be made In the mimer In which Toor lop la eoHtraeted. W« htfn no trooble 
wbateearwlth the light, as rour tent Is just aa black In the daj time utt Is ntBlcht. IthMonenteaa mti br tbe 
eaeateal people, and we can boastCally say. that it Is the prettiest teat oaAeaMls^, and »^ « v .lyiT^ g^ ^ m^^i^^ 
la emr nesact. M we need any tents In the near faton, we sballliaT* yraqoots ai prion. HqpliiBtila* qgrbul- 
neas reustlons shall remain aa they are, we remain, Tonre tmly, FEBOUSOM A QIX>TEK. 

Write us (or oor price on tbe new tent in the place of tbe black one. as cat shown herewith. 
We have considerable of 10 oz. black dock on hand, which makes an elegant black tent. 
Write for prlcee. . _ 
Use Bolte ft Wcrer s GastdlM Prenaie Ughts. Best and safest for tent work. Write (cr pr 

la CtadMtl 


• ane- 


_ late we 

M fW, but Oct. 
siker. TJ>e abow 
two mile baol and 
I to dooMe and eome 

fee unloaded and tlielr 

»skt oliatacle 
who bad to 

be kept oat oC tke w<o«*aMaV ny tiy cowboys 
«a horseback. In spite of all this, the "all^dsy 
«lreiis^'* as 3faiisscr Hutclilnso& faoetloasly 
alriM Ike eWr ifcmr was (tlndlns at 3:13, and 
the aMMM Mrieraiaiice started at S:10 and 
T a^Ssck. Tb* crentBS perfoonanoe 

It was a esse sC 1 ".^ 

_ . — ^ 

Ike weatbcr la 

at itlCbt. 

Bergcpsc. Fnnce, Oct. 9, 1805. 


Satndar nlSht, Oct. l-t, the John Boblnson 
Bic Bbowa, slxty_^n atrons. crossed the 
and eniaea~'Qpon Its annaal auutb- 
wcdu la the attte. ot 


At SolllTan. HL. there was such a crowd 
of people In the town that three eihlbltloBS 
were clven, the Orst immediately after the 
mcming parade. Tbe actual paid adinli sl en a 
at SoUivsn were $22,361. Ihsre was one bad 
stand In the state — ^Bantonl. BBlr Sondar. the 

evangelist, had conTerted eTeiyfaod ys sad ] 

toed dtlsens were afraid to take >*9 
St the tricky male cc a ted waaMi'IM ma 
tiMUe czpetlcaeed was at A>WB|i %..a 

absat eKht years aco had wUMt mttt the 
Ms sbsmT Tkir Med the wd 

Ike ««BMB ot AUacdoa 
nllMiali i1 the flghtint sbewmea. 

0sn ^^A^fjn«iw^, who Is sbrosd, has cabled the 
eagasement of perhaps the greatest act eTec 
bnaght to this ccuacry. It Is an aatomobUe 
ride down a steep Incline. Tbe aatomobUe 
mnA Its rider IcApins a chasm of 50 

feet, and In making the leap tnminc a com- 
plete somersault. This wUl be tbe big tea 
tare act for next season. 

The RoMnson Show, doling Its elgbty-three 
years of existence, has Introdaced all the essen- 
tial Ideas DOW In voene In the clrcns world. 
They have been Stst In eTetytUas. Tbeir 
Uteat Is a large chart. «■ whUh la falaMd tbe 
reserved seats. Pnrchaaaa «C ' n a siw d seats 
can pick their 
eater tbe drcus 

Msa Is doioE , 

rings. We Dew I M B liiy 
of beary duck canras, la red. white and 
Mae eolora. The flist Idea wss orlklaated by 
■Award Vsb Sbalk. Tbe new tlas is tbe la- 
TCBtlan of Itcdprlek FIsber, onr eqnestrlsn dl- 
lactor, aad WlUlam Curtis, oar boss csnvasmsn. 

Oar. John P. Robinson, wbo Is In aetlre 
charge for one month, allowing Ms son John 
G. Boblnson Us Tscatlon. has returned to bis 
Cincinnati borne. Tht "Geremor" proved as 
yoang as In former days — was the flrst on 
the lot In the morning, and the last one off 
at Dlf;ht. Thlngm moved lively with him on 

the field. A banquet was tendered blm on 
the eve of bis retom, and In bis speech st 
that tjsnqcet his closing words were: "1 bare 
lived to see the clrens s clean, booest Instltn- 
tlon. The minister aad tbe cbnrchman now 
attend, and aa loog aa I IlTC I shall Strllre to 

further ImproTe and porlfy. I am for bnmaiutjr 
In all tUnn." 

The toaoag and aaloadtng of oor show train 
la dowa to a e el apce . Tbe otber alcht Edwin 

Zlegler. one trahisMlar. leaded 'the eantnln 
of twenty eeis to lnM tmu Hntf*. Be has 
the OfiT -eua Haded esary ^gbt tr UdO 
o-doek.—^^ — 

W* are esey e N M s os . Ber. William gbeak 
haMs aer*l(» every Baaday, and leetarca on the 
wild aalmals eeery day. Prof. Psrk Pren- 
tlaa. leader of oar head, la tbe em of a mU' 
later. Base Uaretta. who with ber two dangb- 
tn* u« elar ptrtKOMCTjIe a a^lnlatcr^ wMow, 

jrtB - 




Daring ooi two days' eagigement. Oct.9-10, 
at Cberryrale, Kan., oor genial manager, Lncky 
BUI, together with Sid. DeClalrrUle, aerial 
artist, and W. M. Newton, jr.. picture ma- 
chine operator, were made members of tbe 
E. 0. E. Aerie. No. USI. This brliigi the 
ntuaber ot Essies with tte I«ky BlU dhow 
ap to eight. 

Oa Tawiday «*sBlac the aeMhen ad tte aedae 
an d, their wtree ■iflirilftMrll hllM iii the 

snee a baaqoet wee agreed B aa i i a e t ~HUI 

In boMr oC the three new members. Other 
nbcts of the company are Mr. and Mrs. 
Gtaaacr. lasslcal comedlsss; Mr. snd Mrs. 
WMflnK. cg Wef Hwl i tg; W. ai. 

the ezovtlon ot wcdc ot Aeg. 3B, when the 
eompaay laid oB for rcpatis. That week Mr. 
Beyer pat In st Stsntoo, Neb., playing the 
fair and "sUng a hit. He writes tbst tbe 
show is doing nicely playing Utah and Colo- 
rado ^^l>a^edjMaeB^OTti;^^dtfl^aM glTlng 

dosea next Agsll'Hfe Bcfcr «■ se Ma van- 

Onir coiTeapondent at Oallatiii. Tex., 
wiltaas "Biatrj BnOn •zUhltsd hsia Oct. 

M^Jh ^iUintMJgkMk^JHki^ the dfU 

wccka ta 'lhe aoM^^^Tliae doses at Dal- 
ton, Ga., Not. 18. The Osater Beattsta have 
always presented a UMep i ihlMllf is flal- 
Istla, bat this asasen il 
vaaee a€ tm 
• feat 

A complete Shoot tbe Cbntes, ladndlng MR) 
foot tower. 

SOD bandaome statues la single flgnres aad 

Foot complete band stands. 

tent M ft. diameter wUh aB 

set of drcns sets. : .. ; ^ 

UilUUEB TlCE£3!ft 

80^000,000 Exposition Tickets; can be need 
tor any piupoae. Are on roUa ot 2.000. D» 
' tkBS 2. S. 10, 25. S« ceaU snd OooipU* 
~ Price la lots ot 10,000, per IhM> 

Baae. IM 
8 candle power. We are 

Is lots ot ESQ or more, price each • i 

230,000 New laesndescent Iismpei I 
Genersl Elactxie Hake. 8 snd M ( ' 
!■• to 


150 BegUterlitg Tnmstlles and Tldtct Oaa- 
cellng Uachloes, made by B. T. Bright. BmB 
nacblae le cvd^ed with Fatett BMdtc a*?, 
a doable "g*"*" . 
Top Chopper Baots^ V.'-::* 
Pattern Reelsterlnc , 

N. Johnson, C. F.. W. Henchey. SB., H. Llpp, K. F-. O. Lowaode, H^.. F. Ejzner. C. E. Bong IB.. T. Jacobs, L. F„ 
H. Lamkln. Kleider, J. l>«t>oUeu. P.. J. LAnc&^jter, C, J. GormAD. IB-, if- Lannder. 8.S. 

Tbe above represents neither tbe Nen: York G{ents nor the Cincinnati Reds, but the victo- 
rious Forepaugh Baseball Club, wbiob met the RIngltng Clob on tbe diamond at El Beno, 
Okla.. Sunday, Oct. 8, and defeated tbem. There was oo pennant up, however, and t)esldes the 
boTS bsd the good time for which they were Iwklng. Suffice It to say ttMt the 4-Fsws 
pulled throng with over twenty rone and they succeeded In shotting their opponents off with 
less than thtve. The cro^vd thst witnessed the game was considered the largest gathering of 
circus people for a almllar purpose. Tbe at>OTe team la considered ooe of the beet and fastest 
elTcas touns ever organised. Ttitj are matched for a game with tbe Balaam ft Bailey Clob 
at _ _ - 

Deaeygne, aerlallsts, and Hay Donlap, mu- 
sics! director. 

The show has this yesr had one of the moat 
snccessfnl lessen in Its history. Neither a 
da:e nor a meal been missed, and the boy 
In white has sppeared regularly every Sun- 

Saturday. Oct. SS. Is onr dosing date, sfter 
whldi we go to onr winter qnarteis in Qae- 
nemo, Ksn. Tbe Binbosrd haa " 
weekly visitor, snd spprecUte* 
the members ot the eompaay. 



Twe a t J Besr soldlcn who have been with the 
Boer War SpeeUde at BrigbtoD Beach this 
season have decided to settle In this coantiy 
snd become' eltUens. To this end tbey bsve 
msde sppllcstlon for s settlement on farm lands 
In Bibb Oonnty. Georgia. Tbey have been 
wwktaHT at Lumber City. Qa. An etfort win 
be made to get them the lands they desire, ss 
tber have Impressed the ptmie ot_that sec- 
tkm aat thfr Isw rtlMsBi aad mv at 

Bow. tocmerly of the 

Walter Jt. HUB Show, writes that he has 
bad a very saccessful . season with the Biier 
Rip Vsn Winkle Co. under csnvas, doing his 
comedy bicycle and nnlcyde act. Be opened 
wUh tte eompsMf Uareh S7._at PortafenUe. 
with It 

tre. W. W. Gentry la general manager; L. 
B. Williams, press agent; W. E. Wells, ring 
master aad agiBcatiUa dlrcetar; J. B. Anstln 

g - 

At a tneetlns of the Benevolent Or- 
der ot Tigers with the Bamnm ft Bailey Show 
Sonday evening, Oct. IS, at Austin. Tex., tbe 
following new urt^btf were Initiated: Badolph 
Uerta, <3ee. W. Re^taa. Chas. E. Fears. Sam. 
Botatela. Fred. W. 'Stbes. Bndelpb Bsbunsnt 
snd Bsrry Kelly. Thos do the Tigers In- 
crease In strength snd numbers. 

Frank and Albrigrht. known in pri- 
vate lite aa Ut. and Uts. P. W. Blaiaer. doasd 
with the Gollmar Brothers Show. Oct. 12. st 
Mowraqna, m., and - Jnmpctf to their home la 
Lawrence. Mass.. where mti 

Is seriously UL Their 
street. Lawrence, Ua 

ftl Mt Wlltow 

A. C. Abbott, who has had charge 
of the exenrslott billing with the Bamnin ft 
Bailey Show for the past scasoo. dosed with 
tbst orgsnlsaUon. Oct. M. at Little Rock. Ark., 
to go aa boalncaa manager ot Whltney'a Isle 
OC Boas Boas Oa. 

Ibijor IMnMTMt DeCleo. of the 
Oreat American Shswa, has gone to Ms home 
for a three weeks' rest. He wm shortly re- 
tom to North Msnchester, to take a winter's 
engagement with the AasHsga Uld-irlnter Cir- 

Bert Davis has gloaed with the 

LOM Oalvanlsed boa Ticket BeeeMag ] 
ain Oda Boxes, etc 


aoo Spcdali . 
soa Ooarda at the W< 

600 "EhakP' Oaga. 

500 seu at SSeseds. Belta aad 

Tboussnds ot other Items: 
kinds, aiotots. BoUeia.. Baglati 
Flags. B aii li a g. Opeta 'Chalig^ 

rortebl* Grand Steads ui« Mtfitf i 
em Chain nanoflKliand. 1BMte 
miriMd and ptanuBbnlfeMMj 

pMOVB] • 

F». A. IVfcHUGH, 

SMI OhamplalM St., SUEVCLAMBb Os 


ilVeStW 1 

Can place good acts with Claba at all dmai 
Call or write. MatropoUtan Entartalnnsaa 

Bureau. 421 Monadnock Bldg.. Chicago. lU. 

arranging to go oat with one of the big onea 

next season, when bla wife wUl work with 


The Great American Star Shows 

dosed Its sesson last week at Korth Man- 

dieater, lad. A^ter a three weeks' rest the 

will open op a mld-wlntet clr- 

Otto Weaver and wlffe^ioC ttae Goll-; 

msr Bielhtia Show sre to Meatar, IB-: vl^ 
Iting Ur. Weaver's parents. 

Decorum's Novelty Circus Is play- 
ing dstea In Chicago- Mr. DeCotum hss eleven 
doge aad three monkeys. 

The Great Beno. slack wire artist, 
has retnmed to the Van Ambnrg Shows, arteri 
an absence of three weeks, I 

The Gollmar Brothers Show closed 
its season at Uowesqna IIL, Oct. 26. 

The RlnKiinc Show la booked for 
Ala... Be*. 4. 


T'l^e Billboapd 

OCTOBER 23, 1905. 

«■ koltt M the WorMt IMr at n. 
tor puks aad i 
opnuan. sot 

I BMC MtTMtloiw, mai KCtG ac all 
VUI^ oC iA.00 D«rmlnaM and nqalrMbaCMvan man to 
iBtnumOhlo, ATENTEE and 80£B OWKER. 

There is a Distinot Difference Between tiie 

"National Service 




You will have to believe it if you try it for a few weelts. 


62 N. Clairit 8t^ CHICAGO, ILL. 

WANTED .... 



Carl Hagenbeck Circus, Menagerie i Trained Animal Shows 

CimtraetiiiB Asenta. Press Acnits. Special Asents. Car Hanacers. Bonte Blders. Oheckers- 
ITp^uid leo imiposten* AUmnat be sober and reliable and bare good records and 
xaamsnce. State nillr mgo and experience. Don't want novices, boozers or tonrists. En- 
&oam no sUmps. and consider two weeks' silence a respectful neeative. Address W. H. 
OABDhEB. GenLAdTance Manaser. care Hagenbeck's Shows. 110 W. 3tth St.. Boom J8M. 
Wew York. 

To Bs Opened lovenber 4 

Fortte lew Conceri and Taoderilt 

MOacreaaKIMMSIOrooiicmaiidTaiuMini . 

SSSSSnitM&klDssTnw who eao'plarpJuLOtttsluiid. ASSi mtjfiMif-JSfftMtSMSlISSlS^iSft lot 

MANAGER. RIveratd* Th.atr., Middtotewa. 

G<tlnIliwftotlielateMt»indtidBnHfllUBe^ QuIekseUer. 

SElBe n.5D per doe. One twetto firee for danioiirtcatioa purposes \dth each 
dozen pins. Sample, post paid 250;. 


a4T North Third Straet. Phllad.lphla. Pa. 


ToonKmanorwoinanasneretarT and treanuer ot Us burlMqa* and 

I ta,T» BIZ huldnd 




Zazell- Vernon Co. (Orpbeom): 
Minn.. 30- Nov. 4. 

ZaoclKS. The CFark O. H.): Erie. Fa 
Xov 4. 

Zarelll. Jor (Mus-lc H&II): GIoiiC(st«r. Mass, 
23-28; (ABCtIn A Stone'*) Boa Ion SO-NOT. 4. 
ZlDsarelU (Fab): Weido.. M. OL. 
Zimmerman. WlOr (laplM)! BatMSO, H. J. 




..SISTERS McDonnell.. 

WOl close a special ten week's engagement at Diemer Theatre, (Home Stock 
Co.) Springfleld, Mo., on ITov. 5th. Get your bids In quick if you want their 
services. £ither TandeTllle, road shows or home stock companies Con- 
sideied stioDff in aU departments. Sonbrettes, boys, ingenues and Juvenile 
ImAmIh. Specialties are a reat big feature. 

Addr«8B, «f AMES W. THOMPSON (Fath«r), 

ba . CHiOAOaiLL. 



Albee Stock Co., Bdir. F. Alwe. ptop.: Paw- 

tacket, R I., Sept. 4, inAc& 
Alcazar Stock Co., Belasco ft MBTtT. mgxa^z San 

Francisco, Cal.. indef. 
AngeUn. Alarearet. Shnl>«rt Bros., msrs.: New 

Yori city. Sept. a, Indef. 
A Yankee ClrCDS on Mars: New York City, 
Auk. 30. Inde^. 

As Ye Son-. Wm. A. Bn<ly and Jofl. B. Crjs- 

mer. m^rs.: Boston. Mass., Oct. 16. Indef. 

A Mlllionarle Tramp. Fred 0. Thomas, mgr.: 
BnchanoD. W. V«., 23: PWUlpI 20: Elklns 27; 
Parsons 2S; Davis 30; Thomas SI; Cnm]>erland, 
ild., Nov. 2; Moneascn. Pa., 4. 

A Desperate Ctiaoce, Atfbrey MlttCDtfaal, prop.; 
Bert Howard, mgr.: Kalamaxoo, Mich., 25; 
'Marlon. Ind., 27; Hamilton, O., 28; Cincin- 
nati 20-NoT. 4. 

A Homespun Heart (King Perkins'), B. H 
Jones, tons, mgr.: Bock Rapids, la., 25; Hart- 
lej- 28: Pocahontas 27: Marathon 28: Spencor 
30: Mllford 31; Spirit Lake Not. 1; EsthervlUe 
2; Windom, Minn., 3; St. Jamea 4. 

A Boyair Slare (Gordon & Bennett's Wceteni), 

K, E. Stevens, mgr.: Stonn [«kc, la., 3a\ 
ODame 26; Holateln 27 SiOBS Oltr S: -Wake- 
Held. Neb, St: Norfolk Kor. 1: ' PlHtce 2; 
WtaMi 8: Serlbmr 4. - - 

A BoMlaa acr. T* Dtek-Bmlign,' awr.: Oiin' 
oeO. JIu. set 'MI*. Plata* Vt Oidar Baplda 
28: KcTMSM 9S; Xama «»$ IbirtMntowa SI. 

A Haman Sla*e. Don Uaanfflaa. asi.t Bed 
BIoS. Oil.. 25; Portland Nor. Ml. 

A Poor Belattat, B. W. JCcfcia. nn: Tieam' 
sell, sock, 29; Pontlae ZT; mat SB; But Ta 
was SO; An Sslila SI; Alpeoa Kor. l; Onawa 
2: Cheboygan 3: Pctosker 4. 

A Romance of Coon HoBow (Baatem), A. C. 
AHen. msT.: St. JolinsrUle. N. X.. 28; Cana 
]oharle 27; GlovenTHIe 28: Johnstown 30; New 
Berlin 31; Norwich Nov. 1; Hamilton 2; Wat 
ervlHe 3; Cazenovla 4. 

A Romance of Coon Hollow (Western), Geo. P. 
Haines Sc Co., mgrs.: Elk BapWs, Mich.. 25; 
Charlevoix 28: Gaylord 27: Boyne City 28; 
St, lenace 30; Petoakcy 31. 

A Gtrl of the Streets, with Lanra Alberta, Deck- 
er & Veronee, mffra.: Plttabunf, Pa., 23.1S; 
Baltimore. Md.. SO^Nov. 4. 

A Race for Life. P. H. SnUlvan Amme. Co.. 
mgrs.: Minneapolis, Minn., 23-aS; St. Josepli, 
Mo., 29-30; ChiUlcoth<^ 31; Alton, IlL, Nov. 1; 
JackaonvUle 2; I>ecataT 3; Kankakee 4. 

A Pale of CcKxntrj- Klda, Smith & Banman. 
mgrs.: Glen Campbell, Fa.. 25; Patton 26; 
Clearfield 27; Kane 28: HazeUmrst 30: Mt. 
Jcwett 31; Johnsonhurg Nov. 1; Bldgeway 2; 
St. ilarya 3; DnBols 4. 

As Told In the Hllla, W, F. Mann, m«r.: Al- 
ton, m, 25; Cheater 2B: Mt. Vernon 2r7: Vln 

. ctoMi, Ind.. 28: Ten CHr 28; Padacab. Kj.i 
SI; Cairo, TO.. Nor. 1; Ckibondale 2; Herrtai 
3: Mnrpfar^MTo 4. 

At Cripple Creek, wltb Mflllccnt Brans 'CB. JK,' 
Carpenter's): Mexico, Uo.. 2S: Loolslsas If ; 
Alton. 111.. 28: But St. iKtSls S: AcksODvUIe 
31; Uocoln MoT. It- Pioatst S;'Cbaaipalsn 3: 
Bloomlnston 4. 

At Finer Bidn. M. O. HISKtns, mgr.: Cincin- 
nati, O.. S»SB; SprlDgfMd SO; Canton Not. 2; 
Yoan gsloai l S-4 

An ATistocntic Tramp (Kilroy It Britten's Co. 
A.), Harry A. Mnrray, mgr.: Lexlnxtoo, Mo., 
S; HigglnsTlUe 26; Marshall 27; ChllUcotbe 
2S: MUan SO; Unloovllle 31; CenterTlUe. la.. 
Not. 1: Albia 2: FalifMd 3; Iowa aty 4. 

An Arlstocratle Tramp (KUroy A Britten's Co. 
B)^ S. B. Lester, mgr.: Bonham, Tea., 25; 
OenlaoD 26; Sherman 27; GreenTtUe M{JBah>s- 
Tflle 30; Ardmore, I. T., 31; Dmaat Mar. 1: 
Coalgate 2: Sontta MeAlester 4. 

Arizona, David J. Bamage, mgr.: Los Angelea. 
Cal,, 22-28; Fresno 28; Madera 80; Stockton 
31; Oakland Nov. 1-2; Sen Jose 8; Sacra- 
mento 4, 

Allen, Viola, Chaa. W. Allen, mgr.: Baltimore, 
Md., 23-28; Washington, D. C, 30-Not 4 

An (]frphan's Prayer. Martin Shecley, mgr.: 
EstberTlBe, U., 2S; Worthtaigtoa, Minn.. SB: 
Sthley, la., 2T; Sloox Falls, 8. O.. 38. 

Aldrieh. Charles T., la SacMt Scnlca Sam. A. 
H. Woods. Dgr.: Sttialt^ WA, S-28; 0»- 

Inmbna. O.. BD-Kvr. 4 , _ 

AVbriT' Stock Co. J. T. VaaaShj; ngr.: Z«k- 

«Ts, N T.. SB48: wna>taKtM^ M.. ao-Mn*. 4. 
A Bsval SlaTC (Oerdoa * Bnactt'a Bastera), 

D. B. Woods, mgr.: Warren. O., 2S: NOea 

SB: Sdcm 27: LUbon 28: Bast Palcatlne 80; 

Swood City. Pa., 81: Bearer Falls Nor. 1; 

Welterllle, O., 2; New Kensington. Pa.. 8. 
Adama, Maat], Cliaa. Frobinan, mgr.; BaffaSo, 

N T.. 23-28: Baltimore. Md.. SO-Not. 4 
Actess tbe PacUe. Cbas. B. Bisner Anne. Co.. 

mgim.: GbleafOb m., ]MB 
A Wtadr Oltr, Fnttr * BkS, a«n.:Bnaw- 

boro. Pa., 20. 
A Little Oatcast: Bay City, MlCh., 24-25; Wleb- 

Its Ktn.. 27. 

A Ooontry Kid. H. B. Whlttaker, mgr,; Farmer 

city, ni., ZS; Tnscola 20; Mattooa 27; 

Charleston 28. 
A DanKcrona Life (Gaapard Bna.'). M. E. 

Goodman, mgr.: Ellxabetb. N. J., 23-25; 

Reading, Fa.. 28-28. 
A Boyal Slare (Gordon A Bennett's Nortbera), 

Fred MIHer, mgr: Newport, Ind., SS. 
A Booaway Boy, with Joseph Santlejr, M. H. 
Myers, mgr.: Newark .N, J.. 23-28. 
A Slare of the Mill (Oordoo A Bennett's). O. 

W. Bobcrts, mgr.: BarrlsbaiK, Fa., 23-25. 
A Ttioroagbbred Tramp (Sootben), Bany Dar- 
lington, mgr.: DoDcan. Okla., 25; OsaMacbt, 

Tex.. 26; Anadarko. OUa.. 28. 
A Wife's SeerM: Connell BtnOs. la.. SB; Om. 

aba. Neb., 2B48: D<-a UstaM la., a-Mwr. 1. 
Along tbe Xobawk. Klngslcr A LmtIs, SWM.: 

Boston. Mass.. 2828. 
A Oentlemaa Borglar, B. A. Banlngtan, mfr.t 
Sprtogileld, ni., 28. 

A JoUr AmrrieaB bamp, H. P. Fra aklln, aur.: 
Darld aty. Meb.. 28; Xstk tit Onad-UsBd 
38 ; Cent ral City St: MMbf ItMntm, S| 
Cbcycsnt, Wjo*. 4. 

>«. <fc, W. 
Bsitlaad, On.. 

A Bnman Slave: 
BeldwIn-MelTllle Btoek 'Oa.1 

ADg. 28, Indef. 
Belasco 'nie»ti« Stoek Oa., Belaaco * Havw. 

mgrs.: Los ABgttes. CaL, Aug 28. ladet. 
BUou Stock Cb.: SaU Blnr.. Jiaas., 
Blsbop-e Players: OSMnS, jCSh. M 
Boirdoln Square TiMatre Slock ' Osw - 

Mass., Indef. 

Btjfflncton Stock 0>.: Fall RlTer, 

Bufflngtott Stock Co,, D. B. BnOlnBtaD,'. 

N«<w Bedford, Mass., Oct. 2. Indet 
Bnrbank Stock Co: Loa Angelea. Oa]., Indef. 
Brigs, Floyd B., Torbett A Wallace, mgrs. : 

Oharl. ston. Mo.. 23-25: New Madrid 28 28; 

iPoplar Bluff SO.Xov. 1: Kennett 2-1. 

BeU. DIpb.r, Sylvester Magulre. mgr.: Al- 
hany, N., V., 23; Tro.v 28; Poughkeepsle 27; 
NcivbuTB 28; New Vork CHj 30-Nov. 4. 

Bellew. Kjrle. ■ Lleibler & Oo., mgrs.: Prov- 
idence. R. 1., 23-23: New Bedford. Mass., 2«; 
Newport, R. 1.. 27: Fall River. Mass., 28; 
Worcester 30; SprlngOeld 31; Nortbampton 
xov. 1; "Weteriiurj-, Conn., 2; New Uaveo 3; 
iBrldgeport 4, 

Bnntlnc Emma, Earl Bnrgess. mgr.: Mlddle- 
tovTD, N. Y,, 23-2S; Reading, Pa. 30-Noy. 4. 

Barrrmore, Etbel, (Asa. Frabman, mgr,: New 
Orleans, Id.. 23-28; MobUe, Ala.. 30: Mont- 
gomery 31; Macon, G«.,.Not. 1; Atlanta 2; 
Btimlnstaam. Ala., 3; XBonBle, Taa.,'4. 

Bennebt-Moidtmk Wni A'. — -—- - 

fleld. Mass.. 28-18. 

BeBnett-lfooMea; A. P. Bccd, auK.: X 

X., tt4S; Bnercwn 0„ SOi^NSr. 4. 
BsBhsb * Btskan. with Sorke * Adama. B. B. 

^ . BaltfaiHR. 3Id.. SMB; N«w 

Xerk CUf. 304r«r. 4. 
Bis Hearted Jim (KUmt ft' Gassoto^s). FnBk 
Gazxolo, mgr.: M^ecnort, Fa., 3845; Wbccl^ 
Ing, w. Va., 26-28; Okatea, . 30; Bknes 
TlUe 31: Newark Nor.- 1| atenidsid ^ Akm' 
3: Canal Defer 4. 
BennettiMoaUoa. .0> B..'.Onsba(k, iw>: ''!Blag^ 
bamptnn, N. T., 3848: MOtOl' AdSIBS,' XlSSn 
SO-NoT. 4. 

Bernard, Sam, Okas. Rohman, mgr.: Brooklyn. 
N. Y.. 23-28; New York City 30-NaT..4. 

Bates. Biancbe. Dtrld Belasco. mgr.: Wash- 
ington, D. O.. 23^; FblladelpbU, Pa., 30- 
NOT. 4. 

Bereffford. Hany, J. J. Coleoaan, msr.: Ao- 
gnsU. Ga.. 25; C^nmbla. S. C. 26: Orange- 
burg 27; Macon, Ga„ 28; Columbus SO; TToy, 
.\la.. 31: Montgomexy Nov. 1; Penaacola, Fla.. 
2; Mobile, Ala.. 3. 

Bennett-Moulton. Ira B. Newball, mgr.: Law- 
rence, Maaa., 23-28; Lewlston, Me., SO-cNor. 4. 

Ben Hot, Klaw & Erlanger, mgrs.: PM^and. 
Ore.. 18-28; San Francisco. (Jai, SO-NoT. 4. 

Bradford, Sophie C: PhilllpAnrg, Fa., 23-38. 

Bingham, Uoyd, Amelia Bingham, mgr.: Baltl*. 
more, Md., 23-28. 

Bennett 'Moiillon: Ooridng. N. Y.. 23-29. 

Broun. Kirk. J. F. Merrick, mgr.: Oil City, 

I'll.. 21 -2S. 

Boardinan'a OomedlaDS, Claude Boardman, mgr.! 

Hallatead, Pa., 2B-2S; IitbeitJ, K. X., 

Breckenridgc, Cbarics, Slack Ca„ Bdwln r 

mgr.: Pear. Okku. SS-dB. 
Bnrke-MeClum. U. MdOSM, .■■«.! 
Calmnet Stock Oo., M6b X; 

Chicago, IlL. IndeC. 
Otarter, Mva. ImUc, DaiSd 

York OHr. Best; SL 1 
Castle Sqniic Stock Co.: 
Oawtbome. Jowpb, Klmr ft 

New York City, Oct. IS, ' 
OenCial Stock Co.. Belasco ft '. 

lyanelseo. CaL. iDd^. 
OoIIler, Wm., Chaa. 

Eng., Ang. 28, IBdsr. 

meL Pa.. 23<28. 
ComeH Stock Co.. W. B. OaneB. mgr.: Jean- 

nette, fa,, 26-38; Mew Kenslagtoa SO-Nor. 4. 
Ctaampney. Agnes: Lancaster, Pa.. 23-28; Ma- 

hanoj City 30-'Not. 4. 
Child Slarea of New York. C%aa. B. Blaney, 

Amuse. Co., props.; J, F, Eckbardt, mgr,: 

Saiumore, Md., 23-28; Plttshorg, Pa,, 80- 

NoT 4. 

CarroU Ckmiedy Cb.. Ion Carroll, msr.; Meyera- 
dale. Fa.. 23-28; Hagerstown. Md.. SO-Nor. 4. 

Cook-Chnrcb Stock Co., H. W. Taylor, mgr.: 
FItcUbnrg, Maaa., 23-28; Danbnry, Oom., 80- 
Nov. 4. 

Ohanneey-Kelffor. Fred (Tbauncer. mgr.: BIwoed 
City, Fa., 2B4B: Mooonsabela 80-Mor. 4. 

son, mgg.i ves iSQBassr SS4V| .bssbo 

i-s. : . . .' 

Crodoc-NerlUc Okss. B. NsvBSb Met't: .t 
Pa.. 23-28; flltaa. X. Z.. SSdSi^ 
90-NOT. 4, 

Ohettct^ On 

. lad;, 1846: DartSM, On' 
ao-Ner. I: Tolsde 8-4. 
Ooccocan, Yaac, Alstao ft 

8; Ob- 


sr. facts.: Bsatr; 
SB: Xmaa St';AB> 

av: MSiTOMlIt Sli->knfe> 

Un Nor. ij OslsBhss S| fl«Msar.:ti 

Ison 4. 
Crane, Wm,. Obas. JM 
Y„ 25; Ithaca 38; Bg< 

O., 30-NoT, 4. 
OoloDlal Stock Co.. J. M. Torr. mgr.: Broek. ; 

ton. Mass.. 23-28: Newport. B. 1„ 80-NoT. 4. 
Crosman, Henrietta. Maurice Campbell, mgr.: 

Boston, Maaa., ledS. 
Cogblan, Rose, Archie L. Sbepard, mgr.: Bioek- 

Tllle. Ont„' 25; Kfaigaton 26; BeUerlHa 27; 

Peterboro 28. 
Caster's Laat Fight, Frank O. Bboades, mgr.: 

Fblladelphia, Pa., 28-28; Wilmington, Del., 

Nov. 2-4. 

Chicago Stock Co., Cbas H. Boeskam, mgr.: 

Alliance, C. 22-28; Sharon, Pa.. 2S-N«r. 4. 
OoagroTe ato<^ Co.. John F. Coagrare. ptep.: 

Lyon, Mass., .23-28. 
Clarke, Oeatoo> PlttsOcId. Mass., 29; TNITp B. 

Y.. 26; Aliaar SIsAawlsidam 3^ 
Craek-a-Jsck, dsik' BBIies^ 'avstt =IeaAMS>. 

Vs., 2848. . . _^ 

OcMcat OssMdF 0S.S MUdlsJtswiiHli. .■^..^'IS* 

28. . . r ■ 

Daly, AxBoM, I4(Hsr ft Os^ man.; MSir T<A 

City. Sept. Hi todcC 
Darey ft Speck's Stock OS^: PkOadel;^. Pa., 

Sept. 4, ladst 
Olsmsr SioA Oow: BUlMSlM, iadef. 
.DtaSFt Bcnv. ■>, W.' H XmIIMSO, sifr: New 

Tcrk Oltr. Oct. a. Met. ^ 

Drew, John. Gba.. Fiiilim.., ■■r.t Heir Zcsfc 
OUf. Sept. 4, :ladet. 

DerU's Aaetloa (Chaa. B.' Xaie^lt 
O.. »s riadin n; Mm «5 ~' , 
80; HsiiSea; AadmsK. Bbt: is~ 
p«rt 1; F t ad kiw t • S; ' latsyetto 4. 

OCTOBER 28, 190S. 

Xt^e Billl>oar<l 


DdPeir-tBotdeMe StoSk Ofci »«•■. »; 
^Stgt.: . JmaaomVU. Ma., WUBt BrOBMrldc, 

Oa., SO-NOT. 4. 
Dadley. Ftank: CdunAxM, Uln., 23-38; Stuk- 

Tllle SO-KoT. 4. 
Down Wbcre tht Cotton BloMoins Grow, Breck- 

cnrMse * WalUs. propc.; F. A. SaUabury. 

bus. mcr.: Bed Oak, U.. S3: Albla 31; Baa- 

M7 Not. 1; KnoxTJUe 2; WlnOeld 4. 
DeTonde Stock Co., PbtL Lotj, mgr.: Allra- 

tovrn. Pa., 23-28; Sbenasdoah 80-Not, 4. 
DeGraue, Joarph: Hope, Ark., 26; Texarkana, 

tfx.. 26: MarabeU 2T; 8ltfeT«p<xt, La., 28; 

Uonroe 30: Baton Rouge- SI. 
Dansera ot Working Olrla, A. H. Wood*, mcr.: 

WasUnston, D. C, 23-28; Baltimore, Md., 80- 

NOT. 4. 

Dome, Allen, KeniMr & WesttaU. mgra.: Gait. 
Ont.. 25; Brantrord 26; St. Oatlierlnec 27; 
BamUtoo 28; Toronto 30-Not. 4. 

Dora Tlionw (Bowland & CUSord'a Co. B.), D. 
O. Hartman. mgr.: Bellefonte. P«.. 28: Ty- 
rone 26; Hontadale 27; PtalUlpSburg 28; Clear- 
Held 30: CornrenxTlUe 31: BrookTlUe Not. 1; 

N«« B«tlileliem 2: RejooldsrUle 3. 
Dart TMrne (iBon-Iand & cutcord-e Co. o.), Frea 
Smytta, mgr.: SulUvan, 111., 25; nannghain 28; 
Keirtco 2T; Cratralbl 28: BarrMnK Ml Her- 

rbi 31: Mnrphyaboro Not. 1; DnQMK f| Me- 
I/canMMTO S; 314. Terooa 4. 

Dora Tborae ('Borrland * CUSotd'a 0*. H.). Ii. 
B. Pond, mgr.: FrankUn, IdO.. 0; KHUw- 
TlUc 27: BedAva SB; TUi* Brato »-M: 
WMblactaa SI; Yla ti iai a Her. .It meoaaMd 
S; BoekTlIte Si tawtt ^ 

Don Tbonw (So>rtn« * CW— 0*. A.). 

3 3la7«h mgr.: Briatoi, Oonn., IS; Oai 
; BrUfcgcrt Ill4it_tltw BatM ao-Mav. 1. 
Dnm trvtn Sc*i >• w. Oooai. oar.t Vtottc- 
Tin*, Whu. SB: Laacaatar Mf ' — 

Othkosb Ml tlwit 
30: Marahfleld 31; Wanaan Itvr. It 

Pood ds Lae 28; 
80: Marahfleld 31 
2; EicgnatM, Micb., S. 
OaTld Barnm (No. Z), Jallua Oalni, mgr.: Holr- 
oke. Maaa., Zi-iS: SprlBEfleld 26-38; Plttafleld 
SO: North Adama 31: Hooa]«k Mill, It. Y., 
Sot. 1: MeduinlciTllle 2. 
DavU Barnm (No. 2). JoUiM OikB, aar.t nu 

adalpbU. Fa.. 80-N«T. 4. 
D*Otaa3r, t^wreoce, Danlal IMunav, mgr.: Phil* 

■delpUa, Pa.. 23-Kot.4. 
Deadwood Dick: Dea Uolnea, U., SM5. 
Donglas, Watkina: Bristol, Tcnn., 
DcTon, Flora (No, I). J. B, - 

Grand R«plds, Wla., 21-28. 
Dora 13Kirne (Bon^d & CUfford'a Co.- S.), W. 
T. (3aaklU. mgr.: Moatesaoo, Waata., 26; 
Ehna 26; Centralla 27; ChahallB 28; Mctland, 
Ore., 29-NoT. 4. 
DeVoaa. Flwa (No. 2), J. B. BatMBr« avr: 

SteTcu Point. Wia., 23-88. 
BBlott. Jlaxlne. C. B. DUHncftam, mgr.: Mew 

Zork Ottr, Sept. 4, tndef. 
Bnplre Stock Cb.: Oolnmbna, O.. Indef. 
Bmplre Tlieatie StoA Co.: Boatco, Xaas,, Sept. 
4, laOel 

Bdeaon, Robert, HesTT- B. Harrla, mgr.: dcre- 

land. O.. 23-28; OeiMlLjCtab.. 

Empire Stock Ok.. .U. ]QBl B| 

Ud, 23-28. 
■wing, aertmde: Aidmate, I. T.i 

Ttne, Ta.. SMS. 
Mghlcea Mllea boaa » 

Watcrrlllc 9S: Aiwoala STt^tfeM SI; 

Otooeeater, MaaK, SO: t«aB Miar. 1. 
BdwU-WIntlirope. Stock Oo.. D. 8* 

mgr.: Concord, N. C. S04(ot. 4. 
■MS Botdem W. B Seammoa. mgr. 

Fa. 2S: FiankUn SB; OiceBTtUe ST; 

liahtabnla ,0.. 80: Wazicn SI: 

Mot. I; Akrao 2; BeBefootalaa •; 

fleu 4. 

ailaler, KOe: Jaekwai, Misa.. Nor. 1 
' l<onpaasb Stock 'Co., Ofo. P. & L IVstpaogli- 
nab, mgra: Oliicbuiatl, O., Sept. S, Indef. 
■torepangb Stock OA,: PMIaJalgMa, Sa., Ang 

26. Indet. 
ItankUn Sqnase Matt 00^: 

PrAQkenflrid, Laura: 

dens. Minn., Now. t| 

OIoQd 3: Dulntb 4 
for HIa Brotber's Crime, D 

New York City, 23-28.. 
FVKintaln Oo. (Oe&tr^), Kahn A Behola. mgia. ! 

JanctloD atj, Kan., 23-2S: Atdilion 2S-28: 

Topeka SO-'Not. 1. 
ratt Lifcln Nnr York, witb juUan Rose, A. H. 

Wooda, mgr.: Scrantoo, Fa., 23-23; wukca- 

baire 20-28; Ptatladelplila so-Not. 4. 
For Her Sake. IaoIo a. BUlott. mgr.: Brook- 

faisa. S. D.. 2S; Lake Preston 2S: DeU Bapldl 

27; Flandrean 28; Madlaon SO; Slonx FBRa SI. 
FeiAeng Stock Co. (Eaatem), Geo. M. Fenberg, 

mgr.: ■ Neirnort, B. I., 23-28; Westerly 80- 

K«r. 4. 

IMbetg auxik Co. (WesteiD). WUl Oeabon, 
mgr.: MMdletnmi, Oonn., 23-28; Nortbamp- 
taa, Maal.. bo-iNot. 4. 

Valtn Btoa,' Stock Co.. Jack OUaca, agt.: Bm- 

F.; Lew- 

M Fkll- 

, D., Stt Wa- 

Owns i: st 

. Seara, mgr.: 

- oaater. »a;. 
Sinn Stock Oa., 

latoo. Ma, SM_. 

. nske. Mca., BantaaB Onr 

' adeJpliU, Pa., 10-28. _ 
Itoaiaham, Wm., Lleblcr A Co.. mgra.: (3U- 
— >, 111, 16-NOT. 4. 

Mar, Jobn Ooegrorc, mgr.: L^sa, aiaaa., 
8; Salem 30-Not. 

DlaToIo (P. A. Wade'a). Edwin PatteiaoD, 

■B.: Guthrie, Oklo.. 25; yingSalwr 26; 
BbU 2T. 

nihtlng Ft4e (Geo. B. GlU'a), "Wn, mm, mtt.t 

PhlladelpbU, Pa., 23-28. 
Fatty Pullz, Sam ilorrt".. mRt: Shdbrrille. 

lU., 2S: Oakland 20; Par la 27. 
Franklyn Onnedy Co., Wm. Pranklyn, mgr.: 

Lltdiflold. Neb., 23-28; Broken Bow 80-NoT. 4. 
PltzBlmmona, Robert, In A Plght for Lore, Leon 
Friedman, mgr.: Chicago, 111., 23-28. 
Oagnoa-Pollock Stock Co.: Boaooke. Va., tndef. 
Garden Theatre Stock Co.: cneTeland. O., Ind.'t. 
German Stock Co.: MUwaokee, Wla.. Sept. IB, 

Indef. . 

Gillette, William., Chaa Prahmaa, Bir.S Urn- 

don. Eng., Sept. 13. Indef. ^ 
GUmcve Stock Co.: Springfield. UaM., Sept. 4, 


Garalde, J. S., Big Stock Co.: Jameatam, M. 

X., 23-28. 

Gltrocd-naerlng: HMl OnH, Wla.. IMBl Ben- 
tea BO-NOT, 4. 

OalUtltt, AlberU. in Oonala Kate. Kaae. Sbip- 
man ft CaWtn. mgia.: Frankfort, Kj„ 2S; 
LoilarUle 20-28; Padocab SO: BraaSTtUe. Ind., 
81; Bendi.non. Ky., Mae. 1; Owcaaboro S: 
MadlaoaTtUe S; NBabTiUa^ Tcnn.. 4. 
'ood. Adam. Jlaota Vhampaoa. mtr.:^ Jletiden. 
Oooa.. 2848; Dnntmada M-MOir. 4. 

Gray, Jnlta, In Her Only Sin (Uneols T. OlZ' 

ter'a), Frank T. Wallace, mgr.: DfaMo, IU„ 

23; Sterling 20; Freeport 8T; OUMb, a., 28; 

Darcnport 20-30; Waablngtw 81; Hgoumey 

Not. 1; ottnmwa 2; CenterrUh 8: Albla 4. 
GrllBtli, John, John M. BIckey, mgr.: drel*' 

TUle, 0., 25: Chllllcotlie 26: UuIetU 27: 

Jackaon 28; Farkembnig, W. Va,, 80; Obarlea- 

ton 31; Hnntln^n No*. 1; JiaKfimfl, Xj., 2; 

PortamoutJi, O., 3: IroatOB 4. 
Gltmore, Barner. Bartx SleaiMSMUri aav.! 

New York aty 23-28. 
GoodK-In, N. C, Cbas. Frobman, mgr.: Phlla' 

delptala, Pa, 23-Not. 4. 
Galland, Bertba, Dan<] BcIsbco, mgr.: Neirark, 

N. J., 23-28. 
Ollmore. Paul, Jules Hurry, msr.: Bradford. Pa.. 

23: Brie 26: UeadvUle 27; Alovm, 0., 28; 

Sandusky 30. 
George, Grace, Win. A. Brady, mgr.: Atlantle 

City, N. J., 27; Wilmington. Del., 28. 
Ontx^ia, (jharlea, John J. Kelrana, mgr.: New 

York City, 23-28. 
CUck Stock Co.: New Orlnna. La., B-Not. 4. 
Qacliftt. James K, & Mary Manntrtng: New 

York city, Sept. 2C, Indel. 
Hamilton & Thompaoo Stock Co.: Una, Uaaa., 

May 22, Indef. 

HOUCD Stock Oo., HoMea Bros,, ■nii: Mte 

apoUa. Ind.. "SSar lo, lodef, 
IftinHagtco-DeParn StoA Co.: LowaU. Ifasa., 

jiar lodef. 

Hmnaa Bimrta ('Weatccs). Wm. FtankUa BUey, 
mgr.: Cedar RapMa. In.. 25: DMOIolnea 26- 
28; Bock laland. IIL, 20; HnrUogtan. U., 80; 
BanaSial. Sfo., SI; Qalacy. UL, Not. 1; Mc- 
Oomb 8; Stbamoath S; Galcabiiis 4. 

Beadrleka Beo, Wllllam QiaF. mgr.: Trarciae 
Cltr, Midi.. SB; Bast Jordan 28; Petoakey 27: 
Cheboygan 28: Sanlt Ste. Uarle, Oat.. 81; 
Manlatlqne Nov. 1; Gladatone 2; Bscaoaba 8; 
Calmnet 4. 

Hartlgan A Prltcfaette, 0«o. L. Marloa, mgr.: 
Lorain, O., 23-20; Ikelan-aire 30-Kot. I; Lon- 
don 2A. 

Harrla-Parklnaon Amusement Co., Bobt, H. Har- 
ris, mgr.: Rlctnvood, O., 23-28. 

Honr Hearts are Broken, J. B. Cnifford, mgr.: 
ClnclnnnaU, O., 22-28; Phlladelptla. Pa.. 80- 
Not. 4. 

Hani A Nlz: WoedMock, IBU' MS Ittl MS 

Sycamore 27; BocUoid 28. 
Hitchcock, Baimod. Beats' _^ ^ 

Nermrk, N. J., SS-SS| Iboakira, k.. 

Not. 4. 

Hendenm Stock Os^ W. A K.' B. 
•on, agn.t wa »ei lf, la, 

BooUgan'a TronUea, A. J. Ayleawortb, mgr.: 
Pemle, B. C, 2S; Oranbrooke 20^; Moyle 
28; Nelson SO; Grand Forka 31; Boaaland Not. 
1; Norttaport, Waab., 2; Harrington 8; We- 
natcbe 4. 

Boefller, Jack, Sbow, McKee & DeHolUa, mgra.: 
Qolncy, lU., 2228; Moberly, Mo.. 30-Not. 4. 
Ball, Don C: Prorldene*. R. I.. 2S-NoT. 4. 
Her Wedding Day. Jamea Wall, mgr.: Chicago. 

IIL. 15-NoT. 4. 
His Father's Sin, Jed Cazlton, mgr.: Bostco, 
la., 23; BddyTOIc 26; Knoxnne 87: Pella SS; 
Iloarae SO; Ptalrle City 81; Dallaa Center Mot. 
'1; A^l S; Panora S; Ontbrie Oaiitec 4. 
— Banaoo. Jaa. T. \tel'ljtiii_lBg.; _It. At 



yimn — 

I »M^ 1; Attanta S; 

lie 4." 

la. Lew Oleaaoo, mgr.: AAe- 

TlllcT K. O.. SS-aS; Marietta 80-NOt. 4. 
HSnfWa, Cbas, B., F, Lawrence Walker, mgr.: 
Bigin, IB, 20; Aurora 20; Ottawa 27; Kem- 
nee 28: Galeeborg 30; Keoknk, la.. 91: Ot- 
tnmwa Not. 1; Mnscatlne 2; Cedar Baplda 
8; DaTcnport 4. 
BfirmanD, Adelaide, Bdw. Tboinanr, mgr.: 
Weetminater, B. O., 28; BeUlacbam, Waah., 
20; Brerett 27; Tacoma SB48; WUIa mUa 
3a Ctolfax, Not. I; Moaeoir, Ida.. 2; iMMon 
8; PoUman, Waab., 4. , 
Hojrt'a Oomedr Co.. H. O. Allen, mgr.: (Jamtb- 

ersTtlle, Mo., tS-aS; JoncMxtto 30-Not, 4. 
Honest Hearts (Kltmt ft Gaxiolo's), WUlUm 
Marble, Jr., mgr.: Bngeae. Ore., 25: Albany, 
26; Corrallla 27: Rosebnrg 28: Grant'a Paaa 
SO: Medford 31: Ashland NOT. I; OroTllJe, 
Cal., 2: Santa Rosa 3; Yalle^) 4. 
Haai, Hon ard, la The Millionaire Detectlre, Hen- 
ry Plersoo, mgr.: St. Loola, Mo., 22-28; Kan- 
ens City 20-NoT. 4. 
Hnntlngs, The Poor, Harry DnH. mgr.: Bearer 
PalU, Pa.. 36; Irwln 27; New Oatle 28; Mc- 
Keeoport 30-Sot, l; Wbceliog, W. Va„ 8-«. 
Hnman Rearta (SonUieni), Jay Slmana, mcr.: 
Oriffln.Ge., 2S; Annlston. Ala.,a6; Oadaden ST; 
Birmingtiani 28: DenMpalla 80; Mst ldlan, 
Miss.. 31; Selma. AJi., MOr.-'l;. JtiatllMV *! 
Pensacola, Fla., 3. . ^ « _ ^ ^ 
Hlgglna, DaTld. In Hie Uet Denar 4». ». 
Stair, mgr,; Grand' Bapida, MI^^ 2S«S; 
Toledo, O., 26-SS: Detroit. Uldi.. SB.MaT. 4. 
BoUand. Ulldicd. B. C. WhUCb MOM Mmd^ 
lad.. SB; Anderson. 26: BKMOt fft MtMO 
SB: nankftct 80; Lafayette Stt 'Sena Baote 
Mo*. 8. 

Barrcr & Gage Oanedy Cb.: Ottawa, tat., 28- 

SS; Plattaborg, N. X.. SO-MoT. 4. 
Borne iy>tka, Klaw A Brlanger. mgra.: Lincoln, 

Neb., 25: Sloni (aty.. la., 26-2T; SUaneapolla, 

3Qim., 30-NoT. I; St. Paal 2-4. 
Hearta of Gold, PhU Hont. mgr.: PhUadelphta. 

Pa., 23-28. 

Human Hearts (Eastern), J, M. BUncbard, 

mgr.: Snaqoehanna, Pa., 2B.Oneonta, N. T.. 

98; Norwich, 27; Blmln Wajatfcr SO; 

Blagbamton 31; Milton, Fa, Mar., jl;. Eiswls- 

bnrg 2; Simbnry 8. i-— 
Btmmelrln'a Stock Co.: Sandasky. jO^SSW. 
Haytraxd. Grace. Stock Co., Tom Wnm, W^.S 

Soath Bend, Ind., 23-28. ' _ . 

Hunt Stock CJo., M. A. Hunt mgr.: Obelaea, 

Mich., 23-28. 
Blllman. May, Sosener A Scbnabel, mcia.: HOX- 

elton. Pa., 23-28. 

nammond. PaoUne, Ollfton Wkltnaa, asr.: 

St. John, N. B., 23-28, . 

Herald Square Stock 0>, (Nortbant), Bitter * 

Fanshawc, mgra.: Madison, Me.. 28-28. 
Herald Square Stock Oo. (Sonthetn), Bitter & 

Fansbawe. mgra.: LoBdas. Kr«n4& 
Hlllyer'g Comedy Co.. CMfk -BBIiatb mgr.: 

LynchboTg ,'Va., 23-28. 
Her First False Step (C. P. ■WbHaket'a): Oo- 

Iambus, O.. 23-25. 
Bendeiaon, Uande, Stock Co., Joe. Parent, mgr.: 

Bacaaaba, Mich.. 23-28; Crystal FaRa 80- 

MOT. 4. 

Imperial SbM^ Co.: FroTldence, B. I., Sept. 
4, Indetf. 

(Contlaaed on page 26.) 




Patented AprilSStb. 1805 
IS THE IiATEST prodact In tbis line, and possesses many points of apodal merit appt«> 

dated by tbe optical projectton trade. 
It la Hard aoA Compact, it will not Crumble. 

It Qtvca a Uniform Supply of Ojcxbco, tiac Oaa la «(» to lOO per ecaa. psaea 
And It la Buwianteod by the manufaccnreta to produce lOS Utsrs of Om p«r l>ox, wbichls': 
equal to tiiat of Huy other product on tbe market. Ozoue is adapted tor use In theEi^as^ ' 
priso Calciam Gaa Outfit, audnll users of this outfit should notfail tOKlveita trluL- 

OON81DBR THE ADVANTAGK of bein? able to produce calciam llKbt from prsctl- 
cally pure gases. Compressed gHsesIn tanks contain about 15 per cent, of Imparltlea whldi 
are noa-combustlble. and reduce the intensity of tbe llluminatlnn In like proportion, benca 
u great adTuatage to be ealaed from tbe use of tbe Boterprlse outfit, to say ootbing onto 
convenience aQoT portability. 

It you have a gas making outfit, send a trial ordar for OXONK, bnt it yOB taaTOnttbS 
gns outfit, order both. 

OXOWE lor tbe prodactloo of Oxygen Qas, packed In alr-tlght cans, per box 91.39 

OXXUTHEfortbevmOiicthwal Oxygon ess^pseksd In sir-tight cans, per tma; ...... I.3S 

THE ■ nH ii ',iir i inai tt. "irAhi ■ itia iii son - 

complete wtOt Instraetloiis S39.aO 

THE E. O. MFQ. CO., Inc., CHICAGO ■ 



firaid Gala Week a ej Fall Festival 
CHATTANOOQaI Week Oot. 30 


Sons Oonfaderttto Vatoms 


Daughters of the Confederacy 







STBSBVa. Addreaa immediately 




Attention is foiced upon tlie managers of the JSfew York Hippodrome tbat 
certain nodavllto and q^edili? paiAiniwn advoCIa^ 
tag themselTas in all parts of the country as having appeared at our play- 
house, whenaa thair names have neyer been and will never be on our . pro- 
iio to itoaao ia gBdB r iaa in a Tlmin anaiidtalekahooter, lAioSBlia^:^ 
ingr himself as havlog^ been a feaicaxe at tba Htppodiome. Oolonel Gastod 
BoideTeny Is the only artist of this ohaneter nbo has had place on onr stage. 
It IS; our purpose, in Justice to the Hippodrome, its pacrana aa 
to tatce determined action if the deceit does not oeaae atonoe. 



The firaal GBNy IsM if tti WM, 


Intheheartof thecity.sanonndeclby ttaeArksiuss rtver. Tbree lines ot street cars wltbln 
two blocks. 33 Aeras of Amuaamantn. Tbe Company ownlntr tbe island; all of Its build- 
Inss built ot stone. IKO,000 people to draw from: 11 raUroaus enterine the city: liberal 
patronlzers of amusements: will be one ot the finest parks In the U. 9. Upens April 13. 1906. 
Wanted for the Coliseum, to be completed on Not. 20. 1905. seating 3.500 people. BIG 
BANDS, OONCBBT conPANIBB tor Sunday attemoons and evenings: also to be 
oiierated as a Roller Skating Blnk. Hattitas ia* t§m Car tUs Pnylc. 

H. L lUMIS. I. P. art aai. Mir. CUS. t. UBWB, tat Hp. , 



PAIiACK— Baetdne, 3 
1 ICS drop, elaeav. 


4|mp; I Snow landscape; 1 Cot wood an4l 

Siaa ■ ■owe as., CtaclBoaU, o. . 



Heavy man and heary character woman; mnat bo abte to Join at once. State belKht, weielit; 
and experience. Lowest Brstletteri pay own. E.O. VIA. ClarfaiTille. TejBD.. week ot 2t: 
EavUnstoo. Ky.. Oet.afr-ai Kot. 1; Henderson. Ky.. Mot. Z-Mi Ftsnkfort. Ky.. week of s. 

itntum "Xbe Billboard" mk m m wiiris y wh. 


Xtie OlllboardI 



a aam* tbat oompIetElr 
■tud at the lUr gicanda 

aa« a or «t "Mm" 
Horttealtanl HaU 

A*t BriMtac. with 

■B Mi " : 

teplemaits tagetbcr wltk; 
fn>d for U>e angrj ninuK" 
was tadl7 damaged. 

iBStaatlx >t the wrnlog of dan^r there 
was a roib for the only exit whlcb led tram 
the stand (tand. Tbls aanow passage was 
soon blocked bj a mass of strnKKling and hor- 
zlfled liomaaltT- In a moment the top seats 
were.-abXaie and the Sames were eneroach- 
lag. The ■ttoatioa became desperate. Many 
Jumped to the gtaaoA a distance of fifteen 
feet <Mttj to RcelTe feme bnilief or Uokco 
bones. Tbe heat tiecame Intense and many 
Boffefcd soorebed backs and bomt riftthtng. 
In three mlnntes the entire grand stand was 
tnrnpt In flamea, ^iMt tt^Or the ocenpanti 
~ to escape. ▲ Mik wind carried the 
element t» Ik* 

The Ste -'•tarM onder tte stand itand. A 
. saaoUoe store naed bx one o£ ttae cuuccaaloa. 
ains exploded. A biuret of water waa dashed 
apon the hlaae, hot only to apnad It and 
pot It oat at control. The drr and wdl 
■eaaoned tlmhcia of the grasd stand cai(ht 
laKDedlatebr. and the wind did the rest. 

A namber of people were Injnred, bnt none 
fatallT. Tbe escape of so maoj without mote 
Mtlaaa ln]ni7 la. regarded as IlttJe leia than 

.'W. Ik'- JiMBt at AaMot'f Gteat Ln- 
Bliinr, wittci as eoOowa from At- 
lai^a. 8a.: 

■*We- aia bow at the O to rgi s State ralr. do- 
te «dl after pottlas In ilse biggest week of 
S wina at Cedar Baplds, la. . Han; ihow- 
men who atxed np Atlanta aa a dead town 
are be&v most agieeabi; surprised, as crerr 
da7 baa pmred to be a big one. and all the 
stKiwa are playlnc to capacity. The ministers 
knocked oat pool selling at the races, whldi 
eaosed the association to hand back $12,000 
to the bookmakers. Then the mlnlstpfa prom- 
ised to make It np and to prare that Atlaata 
eoold ran a clean fair sncccaafnUy. They axe 
naklBg good. It Is prorlng to be the aMWt 
neeenfal fair In emj wv that we kave erer 
attended In the sooth. 
"An the soatiwn 

to ebarge — — - 

; at 

tha ftnupB n the auylh'atfr vttj, ImSi 
^^Athe boys are preparing to'csnctf their dates 
■■ther sooth. This Is a great Injostlce to the 
^Hsw people as well as to the ^Ir manafrera. 
will make It Trry bud to get goM straws 
Boatb next year. The fare from Charleston, S. 
Co.. to Tampa. FTa., for a party of twenty- 
flve people with one ^KEBxe car and retnm 
U J780. Thin will bardly coTer tie territory 
moet of the shows most make. The sontb Is 
OTemm with shows, and naiqr eC the bqys wUQ 
atrlke a snag before anow 
onreaaonable rate, the fiik' 
tng oat for 40 per cent.** 


While performing her feat of ascending and 
dcaeendtna a Beren^-fire foot spiral on a large 
^aa ban at- the fair groands, Athens, Ga., 
Oet. 4. JUaaiU la fell a distance of twenty 
ftet, tC^tOm 'OK Iron rod that helps to sup- 
port Hier^splnl. She was BttXDDed. bat la a 
few mlantea was ready for another attempt 
whleii waa, '.successful. 7!lnysrella was one of 

tte lar fieatmci aC .ttt aic ~ 
her. tl«Bt-twfec 

Notes from the Jolly Bnncii Co.: 
Major Chas.- .Oanta, better known as Major, 
tbe Uttle wiBder, la Ttsltlng at Falrfleld. la., 
with his parenta. Mr. and Mnu J. W. Zoaag. 
who have becB wttk the nalar tw'smta, hase 
■la -llliSMIIft. U. We 

! tte ItaRii 
at Bpitag Taller. Hlaa.. 8ept- 
IS. and were myallr eatertalaed by them, the 
aiajor belnc an old aeqcalataaee of Hr. Rowe. 
The malls' la planning to hare a One ezhlldtlon 
wagoB bont thu wlnier tor next. 

Tbe nutnagement ot tlw Ji 

HamptoQ BoadJ anil Portland, Ore. Within 
300 miles or PorUsDd there are 1,200,000 peo- 
ple; wlttiln 150 miles of Hampton Roads there 
are 2.500.000 people. Wlthlng 500 miles of 
Portland there are 1.900,000 people: while with- 
in SU Bflaa ef HaaptiB Boads thete are 21,- 

the TaaualwwB peop l e are flgnrlBg oo a daOy 
attendance ot at least B.OOO people. 

The Alabama. State Fair epened at 

Blrmlngtiam. Oct. 2^ and will contlnne for 

ten days. Tbe fair was In excellent dupe for 
a saccessfnl termlnatlan as Presldeat Eogene 
Fles and General Mansrer B. M. WlUlams gare 
erery detail their personal attention. Tbe ex- 
hibition Is belnj; condacted on new lines, and 
the men back of the enterprise are all aob- 
stantlal boataiesa men. A feataxa adU »• ttae 
open air horse ihow m In lull fl -tK ft* flnt 
six nights of tbe ercst. 

The Great Milton Fair, held at MU- 
(on. Pa., Oct. 3-e, was tn Immense socceaa In 
CTery resi>ect- Fine weather preralled through- 
out the entire four days, and the attendance 
was tbe largest In the history ot the assoda- 
tkm. . If Intetm toptliines to Increase tbe 
Mnton Fair wIU he a Mc erent In a few 

Reh's fair gramA -lOtaw closed Its 

season at Fifdtrlc^ 'IMii, °4Mfc'-ML Jha. t,. 
Beh Bsya this has' teas fte i«oat Maiaa he 
has had for ten yeata. 

Prof. Wm. D. Herrguth, balloonist, 
of Leslie, Hlcb.. writes that he has closed bis 
season. Next spring be wUl bare a new bal- 
loon ontflt. 

C. A. Branden writes tbat notwitb- 
standlng fti. mmt eottoa : cm he baa baea 
doing taMtr WD at Ibe wUUk tain ta Im- 

Prot. Bdchart, ttae aeronaut, came 
la the Itmw rlrer while performing at 
OakTffle, U, Oct. 12. He waa not Injured. 

The Mississippi State Fair at Jack- 
son has been postponed to MoT. 22.Dec. 8. 




T. S. SoUeta, of the Great OaAUl Csmlrsl 
Co., writes as follows rniirnilnr that or- 
ganlxstlon: »^ 

"We close a ntoet saccesstol season at San 
Antonio, Tex., Nor. 2S, at which time we 
Bhsn bare completed a tour of thirty-two 
wteks. So far we hare not lost s day. The 
*owa opened at Angnsta. Ga.. April 18. Since 
that time wa hare been as far west as Colo- 
radi^ as tax aortta as Minnesota and south to 

Tery snooesafnl In seenrlng 

h tbe amosement featnres 

»- • ^ ttae Wg fairs and fcattrali. At 
at. Paai. B b s n wa played the MInaiaiili State 
£»Jr. tte paid admissions wm XIOJOM. at 
XDwaBkee ttar w«e 185,000. lad at Ooalia. 
IMk^ttcj' arcre 170,000. These are ttae kind 
ot crowds that being - prosperity and liisare tbe 
showman three meals a ' day - wl& a little 
comfort and loxury Uu» ni u In. 

"BrctTthlng has run smootbly. banlBg a 
lew acddenta that did not remit Kiloasly. 
The wreck on the Santa Fe at AteUson, Kan., 
did the moat damage, pnttlag two shows snt 
of Iwistn es s for a few weeks, and Injuring sct- 
eial people. A Are on the Union Mdflc train 
between Oenrer and Kearney. NO., destroyed 
tbe animal top and wagon. A peenllar acci- 
dent happened on tbe Colorado Midland Ball- 
road a few mUes west ot Colorado Springs 
while gslBg through a chain ot tunnels. The 
corner ttf an animsl wagon, which bad worked 
loose OD the car. itmck the top of a tnnnel. 
Tbe cage was smashed and the Jaguar which 
It contained escaped. After considerable ex- 
citement and much time Capt. Blccaido 
his asalstanta recaptured tbe »nt'"-i 

"Tbe Stadlom and animal show hare been 
bi g m oney mskera simply beeanse they are 
shows of merit. Tbe (tidliim feitarei tbe 
followtng acts: Oscar Y. Babcock In tbe death- 
trap loop; Pelton, the high direr; Prince 
Yontnrfcey, Tbe Edwards Famllr, Manola Pam- 

Dt, Berfer Bntbeta, and the Stadium Tronpe 
of acrobats. The Animal Show features Cipt. 
Rlcarda, Martha Florence, Capt. DstIs, May 
Hart, trfm lwe Hagenbeck and Mme. Moneta. 

•*Tbe people who bare worked bard and eon- 
sdentloasly to make a snccessful sesson, and 
to wtaoB credit la doe, should feel proud to 
With their ellorts crowned 
Harold A. Buahea, 

«at ■nHa.MMHI snaseatatlTe. has done 
;gf*A:g> jWyter dii? company, and 
■"A sndsa la aac Ua fsr the capahia manner 
hi wMck he tas kaadled Us wmk. W. a nas- 

kOU gmenl Banagei; and Fred. p. Fields, 
treasurer, have done et etyltahig in thctr power 
to mske surroondlngs ^eesaat for the per- 
formers and employece, and bom tbe ananl- 
mons opinion expressed, thtr cartalaly suc- 
ceeded.. It wm be a sM faitli« wkca the 

The Whitney Greater Shows opened 
the fsn camlral la Ft. Scott, g-n , Oct. 16, 
to big boalncas, tea pay shows and eight free 
acts. Jaeqnlata'a Boyal Italian Band was eon- 
■Mnvd <w of tbe beat baads acta la that 


will S. Heck, manager of Heck's World's 
Fair Shows, which pot on tbe attractions at 
the Kentucky State Fair at Lexington week 
of Sept. 18. and which closed Its season at 
that city, rect-ntly t>ecame the proud recipient 
of the following letter from Mr. Gecr^e A. 
Bain. Secreurr ot the Kentucky State Fair: 
Mr. WUl S. Heck. 

Cincinnati, Ohio. 
Dear Sir: When the Board of Control of the 
Kentucky SLatt- Fair for 1P05 was conBlJerlng 
the Question of amusements and attractions, at 
mj Buggeetlon, aa secretarj of tbe fair, the; 
Instructed me to make a deal with you to 
famish the same. 1 did this t>ecaDse for two 
seasons, when a menAer of the Cxecntlre Com- 
nllttee of the Lexington Hortie Show and Car- 
ulral. held under the aiuplces of the Lexington 
Ijodgc of £Ukfi, I had made a deal with jou 
to famish tbe attractions, and round your 
work and your shows so satlsfactot^ that 1 
felt we could do no t>etter than to deal with 
you again. • 

I am pleased to say that ererythlng waa as 
satisfactory. If not moie so, than In tbe years 
p a s se d, and staooM .1 ercr again be tha secre- 
taiT ot a state or aay other tab where each 
tcatmcsaie dt alr ed. I shall entalalj be pleased 
to BcssHatt with na. 
1 assM i«B Ckat Iks dbOss Bsart aC Oon- 


to flatter anyone^ 
mend anyone onleas he xeit ttat be was wor- 

"I haTe fnmiahed the attiaetlona at Lex- 
ington so often and my hnslnsss has called me 
there so ticaaently for thb past yean, that I 
ted most as ainidi at home there aa at Cin- 
cinnati, and feel the pride ot one of her own 

citizens In her bcsatr. her progreaalTenesa and 

her attainments. She certaliily did herself 
proud in tbe matter of the Sceiaekr Slate.SUr. 
It was a naMadsas aassHK aa* aa isabt 
wm ax the niwswaij «r fta Matt IWr st 


"As Secretary of the State Fair, Mr. George 
A. Bain showed matchless executlTe ability, ex- 
hibited untiring energy and displayed rare man- 
agerial wisdom. He Is certainly the man for 
tbe position, and 1 hope for the aate of In- 
snring the snccess of future fairs, that he will 
be Induced to retain his position as secretary." 


Our representatlTe. A. F. Gorman, has Just 
closed two more good towns in Sooth Carolina, 
Anderson tat week of Oct. 30 and Aiken tor 
week ot Not. 6. We are still doing gi>od 
Inml iic BH 

-We opened In Bl^stone Oap^ Oct. 10, 

under tbe susplces of the OUy JNadL^aad eswy^ 
body Is gettiDc jrood sMas^* Oar 'anssariSB 

. A. r. nsiaaa. acaeial f . 

reaentattre and e uutr ae lin g sent: B. C. Joaes 
and Cbaa. Broadwlek. qoeen and ptoanm pea- 
moteia: Harry Fatfey. msnsger of dtafaa-imai 


BxsEET xhb' wufm 

E. E. Swicher- of 'lUpley, Ohio, 
writes: "Tbe Welder CamlTal Co. gSTc a street 
fair here last week tmder the auspices of the 
commercial dnb. The ot^enlna Monday night 
was flue, fcnt It rained and turned colder 
Tuesday, Wednesdsy and Thursday. Friday 
and Saturday were line, Sattirday bringing forth 
the largest crowda erer aeen In Blpley. HI 
Wallace, high direr; the loop the gap and 
high dlTlng dog was good. Vcndome, Train 

Bobbcqr. nsntatlsa, retns wheel, the Otlen- 
tal, Athlette and Afa shows all made maaey. 
It waa a Ug wedc In Ripley, and an wen 
satlsfled. Tbe shows left for Hlllsboro where 
they play this week." 

A correspondent In Galesbur^. 111., 
writes; "The Great Mimdy Shows arzired here 
Monday morning, and by Monday eTenIng erery 
show was np and ready for business. All the 
shows are doing a nice business, hot Porter's 
Picture Show excels snytblng erer seen here, 
nils attraction and the Awitn^i Show are doing 
big business. (M. Mnndy arrired Thursday 
moraing, after a day's absence looking after 
matters at winter qoartrts, Tbe Colonel wu 
weU pleased with ttae managcaaDt of the ahow 
during bis sliwiirs, wbea his treasurer. Van 
Carder, and general snperlatendent, J. T. Por- 
ter, looked after tbe &jaw." 

The Billboard's correspondent at 

Mattoon, m., writes as follows: "The Cosmo- 
politan Camlral Co. was the best that erer 
came to this dty. I was Tery hlRhly enter- 
Ulned by Press Agent O. H. Adsms, who 
stated that hia company bad been playing to 
good bostnen all along the read. Tbe chief 
feature of the Miow u Tantllnger'a Wild West 
or Bomaa Blppodrome, which did gt>od busi- 
ness here. Ther bare fifteen Sioux Indians. 
C. B. Stabl was good In bis high dire. Man- 
ager H. Snyder Is a rery capable manager and 
an excellent gentleman." 

Notes from the Nugent & Freeman 
Electric NoTelty Co.: We bare reorKanLied and 
are going south for tbe winter. We are booked 
In Columbus, Miss., Oct. 23-28, with a week 
each at Starkrllle and Jackson, Miss., and 
Bollrar. Tenn., to follow. H. Kalood's Streets 
ot Cairo and TaudeTllIe Show Joins us after 
thia week. Business with ss Is stfll on the 
tncreaae. Hereafter our company will be known 
as tbe Greater Electric Norelty Co. We ate 
booked solid uDtU Ian. 1, 1908, when we doae 
to reopen In the spring. 

Hariy Small, known privately mm X<, 

tne and Button Oo. aew wlih the 

AMu a sm eat Co.. wHtco Ikat adsr Dae. SB be 

can be lafctsiid at Us bMSSk r 

Montflinawy. Ala. «■ tarn, t : 
Jollr Ban s i s €Sw tw a War 

The Mitchell Brothers, aeriallsta, 
with the Seeman-MUllcaa Co., lost their pel. 
vate dressing tent and BSSt dC'-ttak' aaa^ 
robe br fire at Mt. Pulaski. HL, Ott. Wi - tmi 

cendlarlsm Is snspected. 

Miss Kate Hargrett. known profes- 
sionally as Mjslwlsas Bdna. Is now at the 
hone at bsr < ~ ' 


. Heavy laliif Intertered 

"Kid" Conners, the high diver, paid 
The BUIboard a Tlslt Tenaday. Oct. IT. Mr. 
Conners Is with the People's Oarxdeal Co. this 
season. Tbey are at Atlanta. Oa., Ola week. 

A number of the tents ot the Welder 
Camlral Co. were blown dowa M a aMni at, 
Blplej. Ohio. Oct. U. They «SBS ^ SSa^lasM 

and business was continued. 

Lizzie Snyder, known to carnival 
people as Loretta. baa clooed with tbe Chicago 
Awnaeiaent Co.. and has gone to the hone mt 
her parents. 

X Ooldwdl 

I street, 

Pittsburg, Pa. 

^^he^Detoj^^Hngg^Mtd Btottoi Ctt, 


Hi "Wallace has recovered from his 
Injuries recelied at Manchester, Ohio, Oct. 0, 
and Is again diving twice daily with the Welder 

CamlTsl Co. 

A queen contest helped to enUven 
the street tolr at_abna. Maal^.. . /la* 


Capt. David IjatUp la (eatored with 
the Great Badger State Oaimtral Co.. la his 
ulaatr flMt ««• lato a aat Msa M(r> 

Q. W. linOy, iBlkcr, wMh tlie Clil- 

cago Amusement Enterprise. Is resttnff tn St. 

Louis preparatory to a trip south. 

reported that the White City 
It Co. has closed Its ssasi^ > 

It la 


Pleasure Resorts 

Summer Gardens 


tbe tsICBted bsHlaae wba 
cal sctasol la the asae d 
pat avoa Ibe mad a Hk 
pany to pli 

lethin becaase af aa 

Pinafore, which " _ 

Und, Clodnaatl, Ok fait Mnoa. Ib.lBMk' 
personally condacted the atoae, sad Mr. Bbe^ 
gott instracted In the latstiilsllua. A east 
of talented prtndpals and cret forty trained 
Tolces gare one (rf the most artlstle pertont- 
ances erer seen In open air In Cincinnati, n- 
huninatiohs, llreworks and other spectactilar 
featnres were Introduced, forming aa entirely 
new style of open air entertainment. So soe- 
eessfnl. both arusucally and flnanclally. was 
the Tentnre that these gentlemen at once be- 
gan pls nnlng for the next season, nielr pro* 
ductlon will be booked only In theae parks 
which hare a large lake. Tbey will endearor 
to make each stand a four weeks* engagement, * 
presenting one opera each week. Mr. Beck 
wm at ooee address himself ta tbe work at 

Sans Souci Park, Chicago, will he- 
fore next season be remodeled snd reballt at 
a coat of t2,000.000. as the result of a deal 
dosed last week between Chas. Basterllk. the 
present owner, and J. K. Sebree and Darld 
Maytt ._n ea^ggaagge^^lt^ «c''^M*aiS3 

Many improveinents are beln^ made 
It Bscs ads g« Fatfc, GtoretSTlIIe, N. X., before 
the cold weather antra. A Urge tract of 
land Is feetac plaeed to readiness for the erec- 
tion aC eattsgts next spring, which will greatly 
enhance the heanty of the famous resort. 

Chas. Ackerman. president of The 
Chutes Co. snd - connected with an the prln* 
dpal the s tw i in Ban Prancisco. has Just re- 
an eight mouths' tour of the 
bis trip he cngaced aereral 

. The maawenent «C m-cniM : 

situated near BheMd. n 
bla. Ala., bare decided 
ments for tlieir icaset 
theae wis be a ai 

ocToacR 9k iww- 

Xlie Billt»oap<l 








— I EW YORK CITT promises to 
1^1 develop another "situation" In 
I a blllpoatUi* way ln_ compari- 
* son to ivMok thm JVt mMur 
recently dlspoBcd ot ifM cc »• «oo»«- 
anence. This new situation was out- 
Hned In the news pages of last week s 
Billboard and Is, brieny. this: T he Wew 
Tork Theatrical Manogers^ Am oimi^ 
tion. composed of the mnnng w of ax 
SaSt three-fourths . Of the bonses In 
tfetr Tork. contemplate bolldlngr a 
billpostlngr plant and doing their own 
posting A committee waa appointed 
by the Association to look up the que»- 
OOB' was taken In anticipation of a 
feaailite. It waa reported tliat this ac- 
tion was taken In a ntlc^ga t lon oC a 
raise in the prt ea ,fcr. poB tln g -tn Mew 

Tork City. 

• • • 

Our New Tork representative ad- 
■Wttet us that there are no further de- 
vdoproents In the "sltuaUon" at this 
writing. The committee of the Man- 
agers' Association has ' not had time 
to ooinplete its investigations and 

The serlonaneas of tills new situa- 
tion was fully explained bitonr stoiy 
kat week. With a plant in New Tork 
-City in successful operation there 
would be a disposition on the part of 
theatre Tri ' " * g— In other citlan.tft IB^ 
stall plants, pefore long these Inter- 
ests would cover sufficient territory to 
become competitors of the members of 
the Associated Billposters in the com- 
mercial field. - It is not n cc ess ai y to 
esplaln at greater length what wotild 

■ ■ • : • • • 

er conditions wlilch existed In 
'Tork before the consolidation of 
flw Tan Bemen and New York Co/s 

n^etl^mflv^^tliwtileal li a s ln M g 
'that kept prices for tliat work down. 
OOBSOlidatlon eliminated that competi- 
'tton. and. whether or not prices have 
bMB raised, the possbOlty that they 
win be remains. This latest move of 
die managers may l>e for the purpose 
of heading oft such a raise and in the 
way of a notice to the billposters tliat 
the theatres will not stand for the in- 
creased price. In any event, it is up 
to the present managscs of the blll- 
postlng interests In If sw Tork to sat- 
isfy the theatre managers that there 
will be no Increase in prices for post- 
ing; and to prevent the establishment 

I J. Minor, of Aurora, Ho., ortg- 
oC the phrase "The Pullman 
Car, the Big Cigar and the Hlgh- 
baH." which stirred things up for the 
"gang" In an interesting manner, 
"~ Jv ttm^ .MknrtBK Inlsiigllin 

„ bas been wo gooA with me tor 

- ezeWed all 
■Vca. ror the paat elctat monttia apace 

' SV billpoatlac plant baa been spoken 
' Jw js adranee. I bare been compelled to 

■ !SS ^^L?** boarda, all ot which are 

- S*st— "a-Jw - A coatractlDS asent with 
.•■ Pt_9*PB> Mmt tidd me leeently tbat 

I lMt~Sifttit ut MstMt daat of anr 
^ t?' ^ tsjjss fmJm himtL 

- with a alosle mmMm*' SMi ti veST 
fratUMns. • 1i 1 11 In "a Wise (kat li Ml« 

. ernrthlnc In Us pawtr t» "tilfiw ito 
■oodB." I bave teiiie eoasMHU psmt 
•n mjr boarda bow. and tbe test •Ttte 

; "jace l» eorered with Rlncllns paper, dated 
IStb. and paper adTcrtlalnc attractlODS at 
nr ttratre. 

By tbe waj. thooch It la a Uttla Uta 
to tprak ot It, did you notice tbe con- 

- aldmtlon the amall town blUpoatera re- 
jelTed It the Montreal CooTentlonT I 
thtDk they Jost treated a» little feUowa 
ape. I feel tbat the few dollara I apent 
to citing some of tbe "orerslgbU" ot tbe 
.^wdatlon waa well spent, and I beltcTe 

' lILf?'"''' binpoatera feel good OT«r the 
' S***"** * accorded we wbo beretofore 
-I y—ISt we were only "taDnc on for tbe 

■ 1— K." Let the (ood work go on, 
-V.™" wa win be one big bappy family. 

• • • 

This goes to show how easily the 
Bmali Town billBoalar mm b* Mtfs- 

Hed; that he api 
when he gets it. 

• • • 

Notwithstanding the efforts made by 
the g&ag and tbe official grind-organ 
to discredit him and brand him as a 
malcfontent and a fool, he proved to 
be a very wise man. In calling atten- 
tion to what he terms "some ot the 
oveni^ts eC tbe (tseni letton," te Bt 
the lire tliat smoked the gang out. 
The Small Town billposter will long 
r ememb ers Minor tor bis nerve. 


American Postiiig Senrice Wni Erect 

The American PobUdk Scrrlce of CUcago, 
ni.. baa boagfat a site on West Jackson bon- 
ICTanl, and will consmct a flae boUdliiK for 
ita use. B. C. Campbell, treasnier oC the 
company, has pojchafled land at 178 and 180 
West Jackson boolerard, 30x165, for $22,000. 
It la tbe Intention of the company to eoB- 
itnict on tblB aite a factory and warebonae 
of tbe most modem type, to coat It U esti- 
mated, ^45, coo. The plana and apedScatlooa for 
tbe balldlnf are belns prepared by Watson A 
HazletoD. He constmctloo of tbe bolldlog 
will be a combination of mill and fireproof, 
three stories high and basement. Tbe exterior 
win be ot Soman preaaed brick, with white 
terra cotta trlmmlnss. Tbe first story will be 
deToted to the bill and wagon zoama asd tfet 
second to the •fflees and atablea. wbUe la the 
third the workshop win be located. The wace 
In the rear. BOiSO, win be apaaaed by plate 
glrden, . . 

Chicago— A. DaTto. SOS W. Tn 

m.— Mehlgaa Olty— J. L. Wcbae A Mb 

P. o». 

UyWA. Onmtng r. O. Bccae. 

Das Kolas*— IW. W. Hom. TUrasti Dla. 
g t W i ^inis wo r th W >B. U Gartoa. 

CHckerson— John lUIlar. B. P. aad 


KT.-BiMdhta«-Bnadkiad B. P. aad 

Co. _j _ 

Co, • 

* Bao. 

XOHT.— iBUHngs— A. L. Bafaeoek. 
n. ZOBX,— CkAlnkm-^Eawln F. Wcstwertb. 
X, OAa.— eutesTlUe — B«wland Adr. Oo, 
OHIO.— Oflddletarwii — Arrtbou H. WaltKns. 

OookiTlUc— CtookiTllle B. P. ft Dlst. 

TSMM. — ^Altoona — Charles Bdmnsd Grabb. B27 

6tb are. 

Joimatowi> — Jdmstowji B. P. Oo. 

B. mm nil 

The Waterbury BlUpoatlng Co., W««> 
teibory, Ckxui.. of wblch Jean Jaciiaea la maa- 
ager, asalated by Harry E. ParBoos. la doing 
some big work. The plant corera Waterbniy 
«ini ■orroundliic town. On the boards at prea- 
mtt are Patterson's Seal Cnt Ping. 1.840 
mseta: Waterlnry Herald. 300 sheets: i ni s r 
l«u Shoe. 100 sheets: DantaiT rsir,__Bm 
aheets: OtM Medal Batter. I,ao0 Atets; TMoa 
Leader Cat Ping. SM *ceb: Hew Bsvea Wood 
Fair, 200 aheeta; HaiMS Han^ BWlfeeets; Fle- 
genapan'a P. O. eM jfeMt^Khadibanm'B 
Solta. 100 sheets: 
Gstley A Brenan. 
aheeta eonunerdal 

oiiin suuirr. 

Coonty BOlpoatlag A 
haa Ita main olBee In O! 
that his pUat Is 
and ttatbe 

boares la 

gomery CoobIt. 

Don 3. Barley. WTIposrewr and opera 
boaaa maaagar at St. nA, O. filMi^ the 
«•(* e( Ske Bffikeart. an Oct. IL «Hls at; 
^ni^M tte swtiBss of the Own 

SnS If nr 1 Ba 

nesa good In both lines with Um. 

Watseka, Hi., may well feel proud 

of Its blllpoater. Matt Smith. He haa bea 
tn boslnea thirty yeara, and haa a record ot 
patting np all eontraeta glren him la a MUli> 
factory manner. He la alao coanceted with 
the open boose staff. 

IL T. Davidson, billposter for St. 
Olead. Itlnn.. says that he haa more bnslness 
lost at pnaeat than he haa bad for the last 
fifteen yean. Every Inch of his boards la In 
nse. and he haa lots of orders walUog- 

The Owensboro BlUposting Co„ Ped- 
ley A Bnreh. owners, On s na h ses. Ky.. have 
bnUt sercral laige b is li i rsi m tfe tfvlag a 
total of fbrty boardSL. Att USSS B AM and 
bniliicn is food. 

Allen & Murphy, tte lUHlling one- 
price clothiers of WlnchcaMr. 1^.. bsTe a 
thirty-days (bowlBg of Ktrschhaam Salts, 

WalkOTcr Saoas sad ^g*** Shlrta on the boards 

la that taws. 

Harry Johnson, the billposter of 
WelUngtoa. Kan., reports hla boarda foil of 
paper all the time. Be haa a contract to en- 
doae flre acrea of land for the Street Fair. 

Charles E. Gammon, formerly with 
the Xoong AdTertbdag Serrlee, of Oolambsi, 
Oa., has aeecptcd a pealtlon as fsccoMa of the 
Stoops llfH>iistlsg Oa„ at Chattaaeata. Sna. 


AdrartlaaBaBta aadar this 
pnblUsa waOiy st the satf) 
csati aae iaBa i ' 

- wm 
nts •( \ 

AKK.— Oonwty— J. T. Okrk. bi 
Cottoo Plant— (Boob 4 H 
Helasa— FlbvatTlck B. P. 

A D. 

pabliahad waaUy at a» saifi 
par inasb or H.M pw 

H. Matbswa, M lad i 

Sacramento— iW. A. Ossrwell A 8«aa. 
OA— Atlanta— ai. P. BoosbtM. box BM. 
TfiTi, — ***t St. Laula iW. H. Beamar. 

BdwardarlUc-^elleraianB Adr. Oo. 
Mattooo— <VePbenoB Bros., 801 N. 

Pabnyn — A. C Flaiwr. 


TTrn-r— -rn TirriTiirn ■iiiiTiii iiiiis iii iiiasisaas mtm 
era or \jmfrKax« car. Deacrlbo aama aad atala ISMiS' 

pricm. TH03, K. NYE, HoKO, Ind. Tw. . | 


CLARINET, double bass and piano for vaude- 
ville. Address. B. ELMER I'lTTS. Box I68w 
Bcrantoo, Pa. 

Dl aVC~!!*?-™**'^'"^ ""'"'''^ ''*^*^'^>>'°''ama 
rIAlA tassasanton appimtion. 

DICK a FITZOEKALD. B Ann at-. W. T. 


Oooda— Union B. P. aad Adv. 
OCaaon City— Seary DtehL 

Kajl.-HAHIi1aill Olty Bfflpoatlsg Oa. 

- - P. nkiT. 

LA.^-XslSjrctte-r. E. GMM a Oa. 

* < 

Mm.— Maerts— Oeeaga B. tawTcaet, B. P. and 


A.'. Br*, aas — s i^ st. 

W» Xnf Oideiislaiig iW H. 
dart larria— A. O. aC 
riasflaiii ITilaiHi Taylor, 
SdMBeetady— Obaa.a.BeBedlet tSUV 
Syiaeiue— James Mohm^y. OMnler a 
V. (US.— fiUtetTlBe— Bowland Adr. On. 
OHIO.— dnebmatl— J. 1. Mnrpby A Co. 
Colambot— 6. A. Bjde. 
rostocia— W. C. TcitU a OSi US 
TUDn St. 

Martin's Ferry— J. F. HnassMng. 

Toonsstovn — lU. Qleter. 
.— CarKale-'Wis. H. Meloy. bSK 
Doboto— O. H. Bartow. 8 S. Kady at. 
Bast Tork — KIcbard S. Stal^. 
JohaattfWB— George UpdcgraTCS A 4*. 
PboemzTllle— «eo. K. OberbaHSM. -, 
Tyrone— C. B. PbllUps. > 
B. CUU.— OolmnbtM— J. C. 

Pheaalx-C. a TBMe. 

D. BM 

Hanlmaii IITaiiliiiaii B. P. sag A0r» I 


TEX.— lAmarWlo J. 1^ S t iau e ia . 
BMlSboro TT. P Jones. 
ShMOMUi— IW. J. Harrcy, box 19. 

TTTdir gaW IsA* O lti labs U. HUSaa. 

Vancouver. B\. V. 
SastlacB at. 



■oDOMLD STOCK CO., Aim, OklahemA 

, oata(.ot . 

Ushts. h a ra ass, wardrobe, ecc; an la 
UOB,nadT for the road. Addreu 


Bnncroft. Mich. 

"When tb* nai IMS Mass la i 

Rleer." "Shame OaT 

come As Flowers la ■»« 
ailT'ry Mohawk Ftowa,' • 
BIB* to Sold.'* 



a|| a UWCn — '^'^ eommanlcata wltb caralval co 
WMIICII for arrangvnienta and termr of 
carnival shows at Lake Charles, La. Address, 
LEVT. arc Peat P. T. P. A ■ Lake Charles. La. 

PoraBkladaof Jewelry write Oolamboa Jswain 1 
Oo. Foe eaff bonoos. scarf pins, bat pins, watch I 
bait bsefcela, etc. latest rolled sold F. O. K. abanaa 
each, per do>. Colnmbna Jewelry Mfg. Co.. OSLO. 

Dice » perfect work that a««a tha 
money, nio per aet. Kswirananar. 
ant loaded work, iatcat marked 
cards; oaw b)o«k-oat Inlcgliafma- 
teed perfect arMper bottle. Latet 
boMont maciunea, spisdlca, shoov 
log galleries, eaci, etc Writ* ft — 
new pcacUeaJ 


A MMMt battoB oitiflt only FOUR HfOHU wqtmrm^ 
ffairafclt of prodndos a flnlahed batton plciw* «rv«fy 
llllf Tbe Bmtflst and Klnplast pimetteftl bnttm 
OUMfft on Uio BUket lo-daj. A poaltlTs noMy- 
n*k«r for dm at Vhln, Cnmlvmla or SKkSMtlOM 
BBd oui bo operoted at ony tt —aad pteof^ KO DAUC 

RooM.eAufiRT OR rStsT m BsotnBm ooipi— 

oatflt, laetadtas canylBC caoOf trfped aad all aoei^ 

oorloo roady to work, nt. 


Boom Ito. Mi, n Wimn Street, 





,waam uu u qiuiamthe , 

W«lr-i:: XYKENS. Hs prs a aa U ttws . 



CONf ETTI 22-24 R. 4fll St.. nuuuM. 

asaWaRiwI Quieka.. 

Musician* and Performers. 

Strong mnslcsl act. blackface dancing com- 
* iict. ▼ocsUsts. basssnd tnba player. Trap 
. OlkSTM^tdana and perform- 

Pierre Olty. Ho. 


8t sffe aatomobUe Imltat ioa. packs flat, weliths 
IS 11m: B-Sat Codd corrtn FUbermockl tnri- 
tone. black art frame 7x7 tret. Japanese fid- 
dle, ball clock, changes 14* ^rioDln^r face. Ac; 
at rea-sonable prices. ^^11 uartlenlata aa 
reouest. GEO STOCK. IS.T Main «t . Cln.. O. 


For Blot machUMSa 
or U Ylcwa tooaaL 


jQSt the thll^ for tacking tin and cardboard ^na 
Besry lUsUlbnter aboald b»»o owa. Prleea: wM* 
doabjs extension band.s, S3 mebes Iods, Mcb, W SSj 
triple extoslon taandla is Inches tonp. taas 
nmmoaay wlthlbearder. Hone aent C: o. li 

Tlia OowaMat* mho. Oa~ "•»!Pg!!k*g; 


steaaMaadSabtaha IMsphoaa H,lt 0; wa Hace. 


Xtie Olllboapd 

OCTOBER 2a, 1905. 

/ ^iHKial Stock Co.. Gto. H. TT«iiiflt»»i, msr.: 
'->''V!^'flB Aotonlo. Tex., Aug. 21. ladef 
- '' b ibe Blaliop'a Cania<«. U»blcr & Oo. men: 
■New Yflrk City, Oct. 23, ljuJef. 
Jateaattoul stock Co., BwMs JAuattag, msr.: 
ScbraectaOy, N. X., 23-23; SIntm 30-Not. 4. 
.' In Old VtTgbtSM, W. C. Ware, mcr.: Skxiz 
Fsili. S. O.. 25; LeUan. U., aS; ChenAee 
2<: Ft. Dodee 28; Hamptoo 30; Warerlr 31; 
'Wat«:u> Nor. 1: Oelwetn 2; M&nciieiter S. 
: Jcnr Crom SeiTT (Fsttoi * Perry'i) : aunot, 
W. O.. 27; SeimuTe 2S:i BortieUa 30; Portal 31; 
afooae Ja-w. N. W. T.. NOT. 1. - 
E'^^; Ttinn Louis. J. J. Colcmts. msr.: AtexandzU. 
iau. S; Lake Obazica S6; Bcannit, Icx,. 

niMlltlIrt Kt Fina 2S; Urtjaaa ». 

" OocfaBIa, Ote.« 9B4k» 

' On.: Oivowbocoi Kr., S-S8. 

faiTlaiat &tr Flake, msr.: 

Tock OMsv Oct. as, indcL 
V^tKtartbair-HanlKn SteA On.: Pajrtaeket. B. L. 

EeBar. Slastdaa, Sadler 3SaAdsir. msr.: Qtwoa- 
tHiTs, Pa-. 25; OmmrtlTflla M; Waabinstao 
27; SteobaiTUlF. O., S; OoiiUDima SO-Kor. X; 
Daj.ton 2-4. 

. |r»»fciw^.mi>ni.n OnMT T. ir-ilTiai. tr ' Olvdaw 
Uif ' KUL. 23-28: KerwlB 30-SOT< 
XMnedr'a, Jso. J.. Flareia, Tt 
> , CnmberlaiMl. Ud.. 23-28. 
,'' - Knott. BoaeDe. Kane. SMpman & CMris, men.: 
^ . PnBnujt. Wub, 25: CoUaz 28: Satth Yakima 
/fi^'. 28; Seattle 2M1: Victoria, B. C. Nor. 1; 
^"T;; i MmaHnre 2: Taneoarer 3: New WeatmbiBter 4. 
^1 'Kemdall, Bm. UeUer & Co., msia.: Sprlns- 
Held. ni.. 2S: BIcomlnstan 26: Peocja 27: 
> : JacksoDTUIe 28; St. Louis, Mo.. 2»-NoT. 4. 
.KanoO. Dot.. J. C. Welch, msr.: KaAua. N. 

H.. 23«: LoweB. Uao., SO-Nor. 4. 
"-Kias at Uttata (Eaatem), Bnplre Amnae. On., 
Dicta.: Waabington, Pa., 23; Weyaeabors 26; 
. fi.i.i...u.. .n 2T; New Eeaaiastcii 28; Leee b - 
>v harg 30; Tanif'ixi^ 31. 

KmaeOr. Janca. O. B. Wee, mgr.: Satan,. 

Maaa.. 23^: Portland. SO^Nor. 4. 
Kfais of Ttamps (Weatem), W. H. DaMnpIe, 
r mcr.: Sootli MIeAleater. I. T.. SB. 
V Keiir Gow. Kenner tc Wcatfall, m^: Oalt, 
- Out.. 25: Hamilton ZfrK; St. Ca dietl a e a S: 
. - Tocaoto 304iOT. 4. 

Stott Co.. F. H. IMacaton. owr.: 

.-• JHottonrHle. Wla., " 
paet 27; Sfanawa. 

, Aniwiit 81. 

'EaBcaae, Bra, Sto^ 0».. B. I^Beane, mgr.: 

Brlatoi. Tom.. 23-28; GncmriBe 30-Not. 4. 
' ImUk. Far. B- Biowa, aar.: Fntaer. 

Vt.. 2J-2B. , 
.Lealle, Boaat>eIe, Sim ABen, ■cr,t . ''DiMmi..f»u 

23-28: Bntler SO-Kor. 4. 
Long. Frank E., Stock Co.: Uasttowoc, Wto. 
■ . 23-28; Wa^ipaca 30-Nor. 4. 

LoctDMr, Wtlsbt (Wm. A. Biadr't), B. A 
-- Bxr.: Ptttabnrg. Pa., 23-Not. 4. 

-IbMi^^'Daratlir. John Uac mgr.: Bareiatnw, 
* , W. T, 3S-2S: ait. Taam Mrl 
-I^at tat a Big CUTri 
' - fWooda, mgr.: : ~ 

aik 30-N«r. 4.__. , . 
.Laekaje. WDtoo, Kafc 

.. CoL. 25; CakBadrabdlL- . 

. pla Ckeek 28; Jfmr a»4«air. C 
'E^arom Ota^r_OB^ AL'S. Braai, 
: C 

SaM BtfttmOR. X^'K 
Ita., S; WkUla 
AcdDMce. X. T.. 38; 

'IveeoB 8to£k Otk.. E. G. QnaJean. _ 
tor, Tex., 2S-28; COPianrlie aiMfarv * 

Imrta Oomedr Co.: I^mar, X** 

■a u jia tl e Stock Oo^ Saa Fn 

Haaten. Bdbtrt B.. Wm. A 
Toik atr, Oct. 23, ladef. 

Karlowa Sto^ Co.: Chlcaso. UK Sept. *, 

T IndeC 

Max, Edna, Cbaa. FHlnDas. mgr.: New ItA 

Qtr. Aog. 28, indet. 
ITatlm dara: Calgair. Allierta. Ou.. InMC 
' Ko(Ke-M<£Uliim Stock Ox: - B o rti a tw, - S. Z. 
Sept 18. Indet , •, • • 

- Moroaoo. OUrer. B li * -Okti ' Jg#lMt ■ CM. 
Jnlr 10. hidef. 
llattlec Stock Co.. Waid B. XatUee. Ofr. 

Warwick. N. Y.. 28-28: Boadoot SO-Nqt. 4. 
: Unar dc Maimer. Jobn J. Mortar, mgr.: IBaa 
LtTCTpool, O., 23-28; Bdlalre 30-NOt. 4. 
> - o.XjlUe-HaTder Stock Co. (Baatern). WIH H. 

.Baidei; mgr.: Bllzabeth. S. J., 

i'-^'^.-mrK-muru nmir (weetcra), ' 

;..<:,'.«i*»(^i.s .Oiitea Bar, Wla., 2B; . 

i%fi?itomg£ 'WWlMm T., Bairr BiiMi, mgr.: UncOla. 
ri--i^:mZ>tSt SuUiigi Md as; Decatur 27; Bloom. 

'^'^itr rilead from Arkaugv. With BObt. Sba- 
'.'-i'-.' man. Geo. F. cnatk. mgr~ EaM. OKIh«.n 

^■N.-,EawBee 2B: Tolaa. L T. 

Lewla, tn Faoat, Wallace Saekett, 
,. mgr.: Waterborr, Cbon., 23; Bridgeport 26; 

"^DaabSIT 27; New Haret; 28; Ponghkeepale. 
!.' N.-T... 30: MbkUetown. Nor. 1; Pateraon, N. 
J.. 2l Trentoa 3-4- 
Maaon. Tr""«". N. H. Tedder, mgr.: Lyona, 
Kan.. 23-23; minwood 26-28; Great Bend 30- 
Tfor. 1; HolsngtOD 2-4. 
Mr Tom-Bor <5W. "th I/ottle Winiama, H«iT7 
■' H- winebell. mgr.: Ptttaborg. Pa., 23-28; 
• •Boffalo. N. Y., SO-Nor. 1. 
^^fatka Biaa. (N<h. 1). Joe llaika, mgr.: Snd- 

^Qfv. ObCm 2ft*38* 

Ibska Bna.. irttk SUj A. BeB Sfarka, B. W. 
' dkarka. mgr.: Boekland. Ma.. 23-28: Baagoc 
«0-Now. 4- 

Stetr Stock Co-. LeComte * Flealmer, mgn. 
saa.. S^: WIcktta. aO-Kor. 4. 


OwcnalMrak Kr^ SO; 

Nor- I; Foltoa 2. 
Mortimer. UlUan. In No Fatlxr t» fllMi_Hg. 

3. L. Verooee. mgr.: ToraatOb CM., MMt 

Scnnton. Fa., SO-Nor. 1. 
McDonald Stock Co., G. W. McOoaaU, ■gr.; 

Barper, Kan.. 23-28; Alra. Okla., UMIkir. i. 
Manhattan Stock Co. Salinger * Brcaaon. mgia.: 

Bfndoot. N. Y.. 23-2S; IVuidBCt^MI. OMUt.. 80- 

Nor. 4. 

Morphr. Ttmottir. T. B. BanDdML af*! Bu- 
aas CHr, Mol, 23-SS; naifea. Sil 

Joaeph. .Mo., 27-28; Oamlia, 9^ » Wm . It 

Sionz EUto, S. D., 2^ 
Xra. LelllngweU'a Boota. Cbmm. Frohman. m|^.: 

Itnra Cttr, la., 2S; Ltncoln, Net)., 26; Omaba 

2T-aS; Kaaaaa CItr. Mo.. 20-NarJ; St. Joaeph 

2: Qnlner. ni.. 3. 
Moocebead Stock Co.: Wteblta, Kan.. 23-28. 
Mack. Andrew. Bleb & Banla, mgre.: San Fran- 

Cisco, CaiL. 22-Nor. 4. 
McKlnler, Mabel: Buffalo. N. Y.. 23-28. 
Manner's StoiA Co.: Mjatlc. la., 23-28. 
MlnnrtH Broa.: Cbrlngtoo, Ya., 23-28. 
More to be Pitied that Seamed, Ctaas. B. Bla* 

ner Amnae. Co.. mgia.: TTeotan, N. J., 28- 

25: Blcbmond, Ta.. 30-Nor. 4. 
Mngga' Landing, W. E. apcagg, mgr.: Sban|- 

okln. Pa.. 25: Eaaton 26; York 27; Cheats 

38: CUfamliU 30; Oarilale 31. 

MaJoner'a Weddlnc (Daniel MeOor'a). Ira B. 
Etarnea, mgr.: TajcttCTlUe, N. C, 25; Slna- 
toa 2S; OiiaailBi ST: TaH i am 28. 

MIdBigkt IB t^m Xadn TaikaMinii^ n.. 28. 

Ifamllilil. ItflhlH Hilijlii. O., ST. 

Mia. Wigga o( the OMast Patch. t%M»r * 
Oo.. m^a.; Mllwaakae, Wla.. 

National Stott Co., O. B. I 
iI>««olt, Mich., Ang. 28. tndab 

Nazaiene; Cbicago. IlL. Oct. SS^ ISfliC ' 

New People's Stock Co.. Fred OMMS, W^.: 
CWcago. 111.. Sept. 4. Indef. 

N'je, Tom Franklrn: PnbUcatlca ot loote pro- 
hibited. Any man addressed In eaie «t Hw 
BUOioaid win be forwarded promptlr. 

Nels Nelson, Pertr & Flcaalr. mgra.: Wtable- 
doo. N. D., 2T; Ooortner 28; New Bodrlord 
30; MeinUe 31 Bowdeo Nor. 1; Feaaenden 2; 
Harrer 3. 

Not Like OUier Girls. Frederick Sehwarta. mgr.: 

ClaiksTllle. Temi., 25; Paila 26; HoBr Springs, 

Mlaa.. 27; CSarkadale 28. 
Mettle tbe Neva Girl, Gould & Freed, mgia.; 

Bridgeport. Oomi.. 24-26: Hartford 26-28; 

Ware, Mass., 31; AUwl Not. 1; ilanaicster, 

N. H., 2-i. 

Ketberaole. Olga, C. B. Dillingham, mgr.: 
Waddngton. D. C. 23-28; Cblcaco. DL, 80- 
Nor. 4. . 

SorUi Bna., Comedlasa: Mason Cltr, la., S848. 

ffir-raw Stock Oo., joim Ofiman. mgc: 
. H. CL SMat WaaUagton 30-Not. 4. 

Otaaa * Bias: Mt Toon. O., 23-38. 

Otpkon atock 00, Maud Dogrle. ■« 
tagum. c. a, a, sb4B; n^na smmt. ^ 

Oar tfew IHaWat. Smicr * aaajaca, ai^.: Dc. 
tiatt. MMk »SS: Oiand Bnlda aBOIorr. 4. 

Ob file BiMb* at IBd^M (KHmt it aanolo'a 
Butem), ncA WiStn osr.: Newark. N. J., 
36: teona 26; CIrde 27; Watertown SO; An- 
bnm 31; Ocrtland Nor. 1; Bingbamton 2; 
Utica 3-4. 

On tbe BtiOge 
Western, Daniel 
2B41; Loa Oatos 
Barbara 3; Ventnra 4. 

Old Arkanaaa (Fred Bayxiond'a): Central Cltr. 
Neb.. Not. 1; St. Fanl 2^: Lexingtan 4. 

Orer Nlagam FaHa (Rowland & CDlfford'a East- 
em), John P. Banctt. mgr.: Ulxiehsnue, 
O.. 2E: New PbUadelpbU 26; Sugar Creek 27; 
litasallloa 28; Salem 30; LUbon 31; Alliance 
Nor. 1; NUes 2; OieenrUle. Pa- 3; Sandy 
Lake 4. 

Orer Niagara FaHa (Bowland A Cllfford'a Weat- 
em), L. H. Newcomto, mgr.: Honstoii, Tex., 
28; Galreatos 28; IjaOrange .'10; Yoajctrm 31; 
TlctoFla Nor. 1; Canto 2; FkreerlUe 3; San 
ABtanto 4. 

at Midnl^t (KUmt * Gaaaaio'a 
Dlel Seed, mmt' -Um JhMb OA., 
Oatos Nor. I; Mkaa S; flnlB 

B. L, a. „ 
taaUv * Ofci awa.: Ml BiMr, 
. . mail ail. B. L. ST. 
eaytaa^ tM Anaae Mott Oot. Oone Pajtaa, 

ngr.: Bnoklfa, X. T„ Aaf. 22; Indet. 
Peopla'a Tlisatta Stack Osl: Chicago. HI.. 

Aug. 88; taScC 
Flarer'a -fltaA^Oob: Milnasi^ A, . Aas. B. 

IndeC. • ■ 

Fou-B StoA Ok; "Baar nm m , th m. . Bmlt. 4. 

Pioctoc'a Fifth Arenne Stock Co.; New York 
City, Indef. 

Proctoc'a UStb St. Stock Co.: New Yoik Cltr. 

PattoD. W. B.. In Tbe Last Boae of Smmner, 
3. M. Stoat, mgr.: Ctieaton. la.. 25; Clarlnda 
27; OnncU BlnSa SB; Atlantic 30; Nebraaka 
City, N«4>., 31. 

Pbelan Stock Co.. B. V. Pbelan, mgr.: Ban- 
gor, Me., 23-28; AngnsU 30-Kot. 1; Rockland 

PatneB, KatUJS. W .D. rttsgcaald, msr.: Aa- 

Imn^ N. X.a. Sfr^S*. ■ 
PajUat SlalafaL.''0* Mm 

A]a„ 28-28. . • 
Flekerts, Tbe mv. wpiig Pkkcrt. 

IngtOD, N. 0., 
PaePa Ba 

Bad Bar. Baalh * •aciaa. augta.L — _ 
nL. at; BismtMni. Vd.. M; 

^^*wSsJS^ &;s T«saa, X. 31^98. 

<r the WUte Sam. iu jirw**^ wv: 

Nor. 4. 

Qalncy Adama Sawyer: Wheeling. W. Va.. 23- 

2S: StenbenrQIe. O.. 2S: Yooogatown 27-28; 

Elyrla 30-31; Lorain Nor. 1-2: BowUng Green 

3: Delpboa 4. 
Halpb, Margaret, Bobert Lee Allen, mgr.; Falr- 

borr. Neb.. 24-2S: Tectima<-h 26; AniMm ST. 
Blp Van Winkle. Cb»M E. (yOlton. nai:. T«r- 

aalllea. III.. 25: Bowen 28; Camp^Nllt' ST: 

LaBaipe 28; Altamont, Kan.. 31. 
Blp Tan Winkle (Eller'a) Chas. Bowen. mgr.: 

Pecoa, Tea., 25; Midland 27; Staoron 28; Big 

Springa 30: Colorada 31; Sweetwa'^.er Nor. 1; 

Market 2: Baird 8. 
Blp Van Winkle, Cbaa P. Eller. niKr.: lafol. 

lettc; XcB.. at., Ooal Otcek 28; KaoKrllle 27. 








People who double in big sbow and concert: eood slnKlngand talklns clown wboklaodoM 
torn In concert: two good billposters wanted at once. Can place good side sbow man and 
wife who can imt on side show and make openings, or will let side sbow to good lesponslUa 
party who can pat on side show conptoto. Havo candF stands and banner pilTt|«ns«niiiL 
Can also plsce good <diandeliw SMB aadjnod ossv flook. State lowest aalaaw <iat taS 

tKudntsaaTMiced. Address. ~» 

I OUXOW SHOW, Care of Billboard. 

and be ready to Join on leoelpt o( wtra. 

Roe Ooacdr Co.. Hailaod M. Darts, mgr.: 
Nortk Adama. Mass., 23-28; Olens Falls, N. 
Y., SO-Kor. 4. 

Boe Stock Co.. C. J. W. Boe. m^r.: LoireU. 
Mass., 23-28: Lawrence 30-Not. 4. 

Rnnkel. CkKTlne. Stock Co., 11. Biukel, bus. 
mgr.: DarlingtOB, S. C SS-SS: Snmter 30- 
Not. 4. . • 

Bnnell Broa., WaalBil BlSk'. ■Sbl Msw XtS 
City. ie-2S. 

Bobson. Eleanor. Llebto * Oa_ San 
Jose. Cal., 25; Sacnwcstt ai«r; -EiM An- 
geles 30^'ot. 4. 

Boas, niomas W.. C. B. Dillingham, mgr.: 
Sootb Bend. Ind.. 25: Terre Haate 2B: In- 
dianapolis St. LoolB, Mo.. 28-NaT. 4. 

Ryan Stock CO.. Daniel R. Bysn, mgr.: Nor- 
folk, Ta., 23-28; Atlanta, G*.. SO-Nor. 4. 

Bndolph & Adolph, A. P. Hambetg, mgr.: Con. 
nellaTille, Pa.. 2S; Colon town 26; MoEeeeport 
arr; Washington 28; Wheeling, W. Va., SO- 
Nor. 1; Fairmont 2: Clarksburg 3. 

Rathbmi-Mann, W. F. Mann, mgr.: New Lon- 
don. Conn., 23-28. 

Rogers, B. 0., Stock Co.. Will H. Powers, 
tntn-.: Cattaraogns. N. Y., 23.28. 

Shirley. JTesale: Spokane, Waeb., Indet. 

Snow, Mortimer, Stock Co.: Tnj, N. Z., Aof. 
28, indeg. ^ . _ . 

Sotbera, B. H. SBn SHM S!~S*t - 
man, mgr.: . Maw :SMfc OUT. OsL iMMV. an. 

SpooDsr Sto^ OK. aftlL B.' 8. B pooB sr, B«r.: 
BroiAtni. M. Xm AB^ 81. indet. _ 

Stewart, Slay, ». B. Gtere, msr.: GMorae, 
Tex., 28; WszabaAIe ST; HIUMe SS; MSsIa 

Swata, Made Itxatre: Wallaea. Us.. 9S4Bt 

Darenport. Wash.. 30-'Nor. 4. 
SoUr, Danld. Willis E. Boyer, mgr.: Calmnet, 

Mich.. 25: Hancock 26: Asbland. Wis.. 27; 

Dnlutai, Minn.. 28; Hihblng 2S; Svpertar. Wla-. 

SO; BialiMx^. Minn.. 31; Winnipeg, Man.. 

Nor. 1-2; Grand Forks, N. D., 3: Fargo 4. 
Sherlock Holmes, Gns Botbner & BobU Camp- 
bell, mgrs,: Amsterdam, N. Y., 25; Albanr 

26-28; Uontrea], CSan.. SO-Nor. 4. 
Sites Stock Co. (Sites A GQbert's Sonthem), 

WOl C. Sltea, mgr.: South Boaton, Va.. 22- 

28; Henderson, N. a, 30-Nor. 1. 
Shea, Tliomaa E., Nixon & Zimmerman, mgts.: 

ProTldence. B. I.. 23-28; Jersey City, N. J- 

30-NoT. 1. 

Shadows Ota Great City, Wm. L. MaUey, mgr.: 
PblUdelphia. Pa.. 23-2S; Ttentoo, N. J., 80- 

NOT. 1. 

ShaiplcT Tbeatrc Oo^ Add. 3. Sbarpler, mgr.: 

Bntte. Mont.. SB-Nav. 4. 
SI Plnnkard. wltk J. a tAwla. W. A. Jnite. 

mgr.: Bockr Ford. OaL. SB: Matdad 88s 

Baton. K. M.. 27: IiStattiJMH 
Sbadowa on tbe Heartba '.'Atttsr 0> JMWt ag**' 

Kanaaa OUj. Mo., S8«iW. 4.. . _ _ 
Sbe Dated to Bo Kiskt . (BHtasa). Mms B. 

WaBIek Amwc. Oo.. wmmJt OHMM. ms_J. 


Nor. 4. 
Skinner. OM^ 
Un. N. T., 

Not. 4. 

Sky Fans, Jos. B. Criamtf. mgr.: Bt- Loola, 

Mo., 23-28. 

81 Stebblns. England Amnse. Co., mgra.: Yoik, 
Fa. 2S; Norrlatown 28; Eastoo 27; Pottatown 

8an^ Bottom. Hampton A Hopkins, mgn.: New 

Jlartinsrille. W. Ta.. 25; ClarksrlUe 36; 

Mannlngton 27; Grafton 28. 
Templetoa. Kar. Klaw A Brlangcr. msis.: OU- 

cago, IIL« Wtt. V M t f . . ^ . 
Theatre (MMBlM Msck Oait M i ate sa i Oka.. 


The College Widow (Baatam), Beotr W. Saw. 

age. mgr.: Boston. Maaa.. Ang. 21. ISdsL 
Tbe Prince Chap, W. N. Utwicaee, nsr: - Mew 

York City. SepL 4, indet. _ 
The Truth Teller, Fred O. BhbH^ b^I. Boa- 
too, Maaa.. Oct. 0-28. _ 
Tbe Banks's Child, Hartr Sbagaea, aigr.: Bl- 
don. la.. 25: Keossnona 98; Keitbabnrg. 111.. 
80; Ttola 81; Oalra Nor. 1; Cambridge 2; 
SbcffleUl •; Brmr 4. 
Tba Orarcr Bapreaa. B. J. Bareneroft, mgr.: 
Bock Bin. S. O.. S5: YorkrIIle 26; Oaffoey 
ST: ONeBTnie S8: LtDmis Nor. 1; Ollnlon 
8: Hcwtatty 8; AbberlUe 4. 
Tbe Sign tt tbe Foot, E. B. Bice,, mgr.: NI- 
assiB Fans, N. T.. SS; at. Gattwrlnsa. OnU 
38: BamUtop 87; m ii sj lw Mt A***?!* JM< 
Bellcrill* n; Uater Kv. U Orima 8; Bsr- 
rte 8: Garlpb 4. 
Tbe Moonahtner's Datighter. Roy Kingston, mgr.: 
Boebanan. Mich.. 23; Mlahawaka. Ind., 26; 
Bntler 27; Colnmhia City 28; Decatnr 80; 
Bocta<vter 31; Ft. Wayne Nor. 1; Loganaport 
2; Orawtordsrllle 3: KOkomo 4. 
Tbe Cmae of Driak. Marlboroagb Hardy, mgr.: 
New Y«ck Cttr. 18-28: Ellsabetb, N. J., 80- 
Nor. 1; BaMaa S-4. 
Tbe Sign of the Croaa, Wade L. Morton, mgr.: 
Cbarlrston, W. Ta., 25; Jackaon, O.. 20; 
Aahland, Ky.. 27: Ironton. 0_ 28: Pcrtamoatta 
80: Athrna 81: Lofaa MOr. 1; I«Dctater 2; 
Clrdenile 8; Zenla 4. . 
n* DUmoad King: OanSl Oersr. O., 27; 
- - - 81. 


. ' EepeClalTy BtUpt«d for all hlKh-eteM mCU 





an St. ocaqe stttct 

Tbe 5 Polar Bstxa tew anfasd. 
The 5 Polar BaoiB ba«» anlvcd, 
and can be aean at any time 
5 SpU-ndld Yooas AnimalB. 
All to be Sold. BcaaoMMe. 

HaoTTbanks for oasers Already Bcedrcc 
SHees aSkcd are reu Beaaoastto. 
They make a Sue siMp. 

Sooth African ftnlmrts 
I am arranging for Periodled 
Canstgimients dlnct from Cape Anni. 
Gnns. Aotelopea at all descrlptlooa. and 

Shall be rlslting Soatb Africa myself In Tanasij 
On my retnm from Portngoese Africa. 
' . Obacma Babooos, Cbaema BabaaaS. 

■mm rery good maJee, £10, £12 and £18 caa 

Chimpanxeea. Chlmpanxeea. 
Two Splendid Anlmala. 
Both are tame and ran looae in ^op. 
Lire in the ooM. eonaeqoenrtly acclimated. 
Snakes. Snakes 
AiMcan and Indian Python Snakes. 
All SIsei, at VarloaB Prices. 
Actual Stock. 
At present on View. be seen any tboe. 

1 African Male Lion, Performer, anit small 

show £tt 

2 Full Grown Hyenas for 8 

1 FtiU Grown Wolf for 8 

5 Potcnplnes. >Tarloaa slaea. tor M 

lODog-faeed Babeau, rarloat tlaes, tor.... » 
07 ladlaa Bbcsoa MonkqFa tor (T 



Featured wUli Davenport Bis City Sbom. 

(Cootlnned on page S4.) 

For Sale 

BlevenesrontflteoDslstlDBOtScacM of aol' 
mala, flftr boiaes and ponies. 8 coaclMS, aft 
Tsnce. 3 Bat cars- Or will take partner _1l 
E. Fersnson. Ernest Cook write. BAIX. 8 
SOBTITLEB BROS.. Lancaster. Mo. 

_P«aaut roaster, picture macblar, 
a, roller akalea. For nie °r 


Oilwlii Optra House, Otlwdi^ liii 

K. E. lOWA 

A-Ihonse; well eqilppeds good patron- 
age. First-class attractions always par. 

Address J. W. BinLBB. Mg. 

...WANTED ... 

VIota, cello, basa ptayeri eapabla playlnir e>aMl» 
Jtats trade. AddnssT PROF. w. tSlMPKINSOIi, 



People In amines for Bamal Oomedr: Leader 
of Band and Orchestra and othw Hnsiclans. 
All people plarins amall paitK donbliog 
brass or wl h aperlaltia. i 
Address BOB MAOK. " 
Indlanapollc, Ind. 


eforonedfillar. No two alike. f>anipIo30Ci 
JONN ZIMHER, 2B8S N. BucnttSI.. nilt.,n. 

AT LIBERTY— Slack wire wltbateraoptlcon and X. P. 
machine. Ho lUma. Or will eoaalder partner «<!■>*■"'' 
jLP.aiiwteBtlitbiswistssi., «i» 

OCTOBER 28, igO& 

Xt^e Billboapd 



Reunions, Conclaves, 


airmlnslwni— 'Alpha Bpailna. Dec 
OMator— AUlMiBK OoMMPefil Jb Ml 


buirj-KIrdtr ot tli« B«»t»ni SUr GnaA Cb«»- 
ter. Not. 2. Vn. EE. Salter. Blfm ln »h «m . 

MoiiWointry— Or. Lodse A. T. ft A U. Ooo. 
Pec S. Geo. A. Benchamp, Or. Sec 

Uontsonwrr— Bojal Anb Ibaou' Qi. OlupMr 
Cob. Dee. 4. Geo. A. Beaoctiainp. 


ri««»ta«— P. and A. M. Grand Lodcc. N«T. 
14. e. J. Botknice. Tncaoa. 

n*K*taS— S«T«1 Arch Haaoaa* Gtand Chap- 
ter. Not. 14. O. jr. Roaknte, Tacaco. 

riaxstaff— Knlgbta' Templar Otaad C lnmiaaiWI- 
ery. Not. 14. O. J. BaaktBia, Tdcmb. _ 

noraU— SUM Sportanan'a Aan. Dta. MO. K. 
I,. But, TacHa. 


India. Oet. 

Oct. 34- 


fHyettert ' lla t O, J. 

m W. Ik EtoMaa 

n. W«ota Beld. UMc 
ft. SBltb-€tatc Bi 

RtT. r. r. OAaaa. 
ft gadtb-^acbiaia 

State DlT. Oct. SB. 
Uttle Bock— SUIe Baptlita* Aani. Cob. No*. 

IT. W. r. Dorrla, Camden, Atk. 
Uttle Bock— Klnt'a Daochtara* AWi h l r. Kot. 

— . Mrs. D. L. Wlkwz. Hw WttK. 
Uttle Rock — United CoBfednata VMa.' State 

Dtr. BennloD. Not. 1-8. 

LM Aaielca— Natl. Woman'a Temperance Ohrla- 

ttaa Can. Oct. 2T-Not. I. Soaanna W. D. 

nr. Braoaton, ni. 
Los Ancelea— C. T. TJ. Natlowa Ooe. Oct. 

2T-Nor. 1. Mra. Saaanoa Fry, BTanatoo, m. 
Los Angrlea — Sonthrm Ool. Dental Asaa. Nor. 

M. Dr. C. M. BeOtrrook. 4SB Broadway. 
Bed BlDir — Northem California Teadiers' Assn. 

Meetlns. Ts'ot. 1-3. 
gia ftiBclico Bute Water * Miat 

dm. Saa. M arsak. T. O. 


Oolcrado Sprints— <Amcrleaa Teoaea Nattaoal 
OooelaTe. Not. 10-lS. O. K. Casta. Anrara. 


DeaTCT— SUte Hortienltitral Sodetr. Not. — . 
DcBTeP-tNattooal Alliance of BUlpoatcia and 
BUIcn «( Annies. Dec. I. jr. IMXw^ 
- — - m. 

t<Kia> Stats Ooa. Nor. IB. B. W. Batlai> 

2BT Odnecc at.. Mlddletnwa. 
Snr HaTco — Bortlealtaral Society now* 

Bkoar. Not. T-0. Tkoa. Pettlt, M FMSpsct 

•t.. New BsTen. 
Ncnralk— eooB of Te mp et ma os State Ooa. Oct. 

SB. W. 0. DlekissoB. OB Sharaaa aTa.. Maw 


Horwalk— fUxtr-aeccBd Aanaal Om. s( Boos aT 
Temperance. Oct. 2S. Wm, <X Stcktaaoa, 
S3ft Sbennaa aTe., Mr 

Windsor— Seanhm Orant 
wan Grant, Barttard. 

BisrsiOT or ooi-uicbia 
(TaAlaitoa— Fatrlotle Order of Amerlcass. Oct. 
M-28, O. 8. Maorer. lAveUe, Pa. 

VrasblBttoB— Nattoaal Vngm ct nmauttn 
oc ttic Foartk aaaa, Oct. SS-ZT. 

WaablartOD— District Confedcratloa ot Women's 
Clnbs. Oct. 38. lUss Franeea Grabaan Rtneb. 

WaihlngtoB— lAarlcnltnral & Experimental Sta- 
tions' Cos. Dec. — . 

WaaUsaton — Diet. Snndar School Aaaa. Oct. 
80. Jao. B. DaTTSoa, IM B. S. IT. B. 

Wsslilttcton— Order of Amerleaaa MatL flkn. 
Oet. a, A. B. Oorbam, 1438 Stk at.. N. W. 

WIsshlBcteo— Osidmre and Metal Ti aisa Oaa. 

_?•». «. 

UMilimws Jniii li M mdwBM Htn.' 
Mar. tU.T. O. m mtO , W» ~ 
Mew Tsafc Ottr. . 



t«te. Oil y SsTsa atm^ «( ttMala tl os Cband 


Haeon— United Confederate ▼•tetana' State Dtr. 
Not. 8-B. Us]. Oen. P. B. MeOUsban, St' 

UacOD— Baptist Aan Mectlns. Not. 1«. 

Maeoi^. * A. ». Qt, untn Oaa. Oct. SI. 
Max McTcrhardt, Borne, ea. 

West Pstat— State Federation of Women's 
Clnba. Not. 8. Mra. B. B. Beard. Middle- 

Qartoa— Bpworth Leasn. autiA Dtat, Ooo. 

Not 1-2. RtT. V. rTllMlHm „_ 

nrilniliiston— I. o. O. T. Vik 9m. He>T. 

15. J. W. BalUm. 

Wllmlstton— I.O. R. M. Great Oonaen. Oot. 
J». Gdw. Melotlre. bos 4ta. 

wilmlnst«n-^I. O. O. T. Grand Lodge. Mot. 

IS- laaae W. Ballam. 

ininlnatoB— 1. o. O. r. Sai. ■sBasspwaat. Not. 
J. a. AmMv. tr. sarika. P. 0. bsz 


Cslio— Ohio TalMr lagniTtinent abb. Not. 
IS-lT. OM. Jbo. U, yance, Oolnmboa, O. 

T-S. J. & mscr. flcbmlng, „ 
OMCaso Soft Ooal Mea'a Aaaenm i y. Iter. tt. 
"Ileage Amarlfaii Essex Bwlne Baeerds Assn. 

Msr. — » S*. U. StzoDt, MciLsan. 
OUnoa— iBttMatlonal U*a Stock BzpoaltKm. 

Dm. M: B. auaiw. Union Stock Taidi. 
Chleaso— ItaU. Baptlat Con. (Colarcd). Oct. 

ZS%. W. L. Caaslln, MasbTUle, Ttnn. 
Ohlcago— Mattonal Bc-keepeta. Pirat week In 

Dee. W. B. HnteblDaon. Flint, Stlch. 
Oblcaco — Inter^State Cooimerclal Law Aasn. Oct. 

(3ilcsco— American Academy of Medicine Con. 

Not. 74. Cbarlea W. SotlD, Bsston. Pa. 
Pia»a Wortbem miaols Teachers* Aaan. Oct. 

97.28. B. F. Headrteka, Mortiiea. 
Olney— HortlcoltiursI Sodctr a( Saatbcn nil- 

DOI>. Not. 21-22. 
Bockford— 'Rennlon EialHB TallHIf AMB. Oet. 

28. C. O. Alley. 
SikrlDKlleld— Retieckab State Assembly. NOT. 

— . Effle A. Glaaler, Chleaco. 
Springfield— I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge. NoiT. 

21. Jno. B. SIkes, Springfield. 
Springfield— d. O. 0. F. Grand ~ 

21. B. C. Feltman, Salem. 
Springfield — State Beekeepers' 
Not. 21-22. Jas A. Stone. 

lU-atata iBeclK4Vcfa? Assn. Osn. Mot. 

Franklin— <Beanlon Stb M 
and 1st lad. BattV' 
Smitb, Wlttcbrster. 
lodlaossoUs — American 
Not. 2Z-S4. t. M. 
Waahlngtoa, D. C. 
lodlaospolls— lAmetlcaa 
Not. 22-24. J. M. 
Wasblngtoa, D. C. 
IndlanapoUc— Ind. Ftstenal Congreas Dsn. Dec. 

— - 'Bd. B. Sbroer. lOU Majestla bldg. 
Indianapolis— State Bankers' Asa^ poo. _ Oct. 

25-26. A. Smith, care Al 

IndUnspoUs— I. O. O. I". Ok. IkMIHMBt 
Not. 21. W. H. LeedT. 

Indlanspolla — Retail OWMW 

Oct. ae-NoT. s. s. w. 

» Ha 

Seoat*' aTe. 
IndluiapoUa— Bute SorttenltBral 

iDK. Dec. 6-7. W. B. FUdt. lAHtCaC^ 
JeffeisonTllIe— O. A. B. Stat* " " ~ 

as. Mlaa Virginia Goodwja. 
Maacte-4t. O. U. A. M. - 

Oct. St. W. A. atmA, Mt.M UL. »iie 

Om. Oet ai. ^ 

Sermoor^-Bute Gtange, ot H. Scaaloo. Dec. 

12. M. F liOngfvUow, Warsaw 
SbcIhTTllla — 1. P. 8. C B. Dlst Ooa Mot. —«Jl«a««tat.. l a <lm t >tl » 

BvIInitoii— CMM 
Oct. Sl-Raa. i. 


w. M. ouavd. 

Fncsaea'a Tct. ToL Aam. 

Dee: B. I. Mnldt ^ _ 

Daecapert— Order Bastcm Staa Or. Oaptar 
Osn.' Oct. BS^r. Via. Maria J si k s nn . Oesa- 
dl Blnflk. la, 
DeeMolnea— SUte A. A. M. of the Mystic Shrine 

Con. IJee. B. T. O. Beans. 
DeaMolnea— (Beaaioa Seottlah Bit* Mascoa. 
Dedlotaea OaDilsteiT. Not. n-M. H«na 
L. Carroll. . , 

DeaMolnea— Bute taplement Dealen' Aasa 

Dec. — . D. M. QroTe, Mends. 
Des Moines— StaU MalL Inaotaaes Aaa. <ha. 

Sot. 1W7. Jewme Smlt^ Oaialnc. la. 
Iowa City— Sootheast Iowa Bocttealtntal 8e- 
clety. Not. 22-24. W. T. Btebey, AlMa. 
Iowa city— SUte Breweta' Aasa. Oct. 20. 
lows City— Bonthesst Iowa Bort Society. No» 
3S-S1. W. T. SldlCT. Aa>U. _ 

F«rt Dodge— state LQaaiT Asst. Oct. JB-ST. 

Miss Fieecllla PlckrrlU, Oakalooaa. 
Ottwnwa— SUte Baptist Assn. Ooo. Oet SS-Xt 

BCT. S. B. Wilcox. Des Molaeo. Is. 
Waterkw— Bpnorth Leagoe State Sob. Oet BI 

m -W. B. aamlaon. 

tWImr TfSfbfT-' Asan. of Morth Central Kan 

saa. Kb». ao-Dec I. . ^ ^ 

Oanttt-a. «. KaiMW nacfecH* Am. Ooa 
Moir. — . H 

Seott at 


teiltk Oeater-MWIkMIt JB% 

Mot. so-Dee. t-Sapt. C m, 

Imrg, Kan. 
Dapeks— ABOleBt A AcMfM I 

asaa Valley of l\«An Wm 

H. 0. Bomnan, 


OOTtngton— aute rederatloa of Lakar. Ose. «. 

John Ifoong. LoalsTllle. 
OoTlngton — Patrons of Boabandiy 

0<^ BI4B. r. B. Mokolt 


LonlarUlF— SoBlfesa 
leal Soetetyc 

LoDlsTllle — Sootbem Bomeopathic Aaan. Meet- 
log. Oct. 23-24. 
LonlsTUle— aniU nar ff**" *' ~' 

^jMl^BagadalSk Padaeak. 


Baton BoDgt — Aaetleaa 
Wcefceia. Not. 8. 

Aaaa. Farmers' Isstltnte 

•t. LMto 



If you want to own your <ood> ri^ht. We absolutely guarantee loweat 
and promptMt ahlpmente. All orders shippod same day as received. 


Great King Collar Button 


UniCIIAII 9 A I TED Vhobnlo Jcmjers, 
nUlsdlllAn €b ALlLlli 178-180 Etst Madison St., 


Owing to Ul bwlthof my tfcUiar, who ^ o— J hl» aho w 
Ocloter IMhpfMloflrlwc •ttlmatoaad tMlMdponlMm 
TormrttoiMDMulbtoaMMsm. Ctobalmpiht«t» 

^howiBMi^ prm; DO •lanphccr. Onoflnodcn^flrlflui 
lions, mAl« ukd female ( Aaam and Et«) : 8 nDftll Zflbnc* 

or Bacml Cattle; one BacredTapof India: iTimlned 
Fonles. WJU take sldeeCiow and anj otbcr prlriiegea 
of moj whom that pats Dp dx»wUiK paper, will trade 
"* — oC lt«m Cap Mtlla OlDKle elephant. Want to boy 
Vo skins. Address 
Box US. Texarkana, Ark. 





State particnlsTS. I. 8. ir4H.nHe« care 
ot Billboard, Cincinnati. 


For CnI mi libinson's Uncle Tom's Cabin 

Man for Lacm^addoDUe 6s. Clair; ] 
and doobla EUs*; e"" " — ' " 
doable in orcbesom. 
or vire at ooce. J. B. 1 

Co., as per rooXe. 


Addreas of WM. T. HERRIKGTON. formerly ot Wb. F. 
Ball allow, al>oCBA8.IITTCRELL.ti»lnmaaterotahow. 
PleaM write a* at once as 7oar help Is naajsd at Law ^ 
ranee. Kana. on Hot. S. MB. and UBS. WM. H. BABBXS. 
tS7 novsin St. MscAn. Mo. 



State panlcolais. I. Ss ' 

of Billboard. Cincinnati. 



Oood load band oinn — no. mosic, arKid <roodj uon mad 

omllau sUa; IS Wjs. s fiinn<: csss for It; sood for 

ahow, very fine tront; moo. Oae larKealn olckle-la- 
alot mnalelMX, like new, <s pieces of mnale to It, eost 

— lj_ 3 peonT-tn-slot movljacr plctnr. 

^aiMBia|yy ^W|dlt[o nJt.«l each, H.0O f or tba lot ot 

, BenyrlUe, Clark. Co., Va. 

FOR ikii-^r^ASrsr^^s?^ «st 

actaias B-aatCDn>»tud CsseSS. AU mad* Art. SB 

Tor stai 

Everett Bros. 




Antomatle W ale i M wlts. nOJO 

BpoB Uakta oomplsta witli color wheel 3B.0S 

No. 1 Btereoptleon (Best Make) taoo 

Ko. S StereopUran (Ballabla) U.0O 

no. 1 Rbcostats uer, (Beat).. 

Mo. 1 RhwiMaU OHi, 
No. SHOT. (Rellakhtl 
Ko.— OSt. BhiiialalSL. 
Adjns abla IjSgs ... 

Finely WabM, 

All BongSlMES 

Approved Duplex Cable at lowest market prto.^ 


No- 104 West 40UI St. N. Y.CITY- 


.Jolly Delia Priaglo.. 




People's Tfieatre, Cfiicago. 

'SKtsr aa vrnm 

act SlSs B4atCDn>»ta 

takes tha hit. Look this oTer, Clreolarl 

OBO. a. RICE, 4 Cnderwond St., Aobom. I 

Attractions Wanted 

OnenlnB attraction fur new oppra house at 
« ju^^ jjjjy g^jj . j^i^ bookings for 

ipa]clty business every show. Ad- 

dwairO. ATPaBKEB. OdiD. in. 

....AT LIBERTY.... 

POBt Card or Tintype operator. Salary or 

nereent. L. K CAKDY. Photc'trrather. (.ien. 
Del., LaCro>b. ^'l is- 


Come In as soon as possible o r writ er. Hare 
sometbtoir Kood foC jua. Bsnr BMtWB. 
59 Dearlx>rn St.. Ofcl'aaWt 


Dccacnr. Texas. Capaci t y 600. Some rood 

- ■ " ■ MBMB. Good atlOW 




Story sets of I5 each, tl-00 per set. 
Ject to examination. Caialosue 
8COPIO. WM. ORR. 6130 So. 


BOTeb.U * SplUmsa aiaka. SlBldaanclaala 

diuon. BInals collar oma, p«»a t — 

oapaeltyotmaehlna Ml Brerythlnit i 
sod get the moaay. PHo. snassoMli orl 
Ci3£lN8 a BOH.WIlUamsBay.WlB. 


Fllma, Movlns Ploturo MacMnea 
"OXTururr^ ssciei -B. ' oas oncflts, sxjnas. 
Be. Sew and ucond hand. Lowartkaathalew- 


uaE.BaadolfibSt., CMieaao.m. 

WAIimt— BBOIdHB PERfOBMBBSi _ - - - 

WAIIIEU Flayer. Matt]otn Immedlatslgr. B*bIb 
anywhere It I know yoo. Ipay aU after JoUMB; *M, 


mstraet, UnAhaBA.] 


2IO N. 8th St.. 


PMIadalpbla. ! 

$ $ $ $ 

To latTOdne. oor New Family Raaisdle. wa alk^ 
aaeiita to aeU aor raaatar Dollar ■o<>da farae.udj>aa 
pTo aseats two-thlrda of sale yetea AMP WTI^I 
CanyoS beat tbati gpeak yitA. t e ti l|M y j W>«afc^ 

H. 707 B. Mlehlsan 8C, ImllanafwHa Ind. 


Agent or Business Mgr. 

One nigbt or fiist-clas3 rep. BdttUs 
and a hustler. 

Ok W. SBTTXB, « Ime 






Ops May 30th, 1906 III III Revere Beacb, MasSi 



sS Cent 

TO DRAW FROM: Greater Bosteo, l|200,000 People. Wilhin 50 Miles, 3,000,000 People. 



.'1UAr'«CWM< ■! ■Ill I . that can en- 

tertain wtth mnslc or dancStv. to act as hos- 
tess for me. R. B. camp. Board. lodcins and 
laundry fnmlsbed. State salarywanted. 

jJUdreu W. E. FOWLEB. HontsvlUe. Tenn. 

Most be In Kood cow 

cash. R. F. MUBPHT. 
.Lowell. Mass. 


Voe tlMdli. Batch Boy al Show: Leader for 
. iModand orchestra: other moslclans or small 
.tend. Sister sketch and mnslcal teams. oon- 
- wrTlff"«i irtie widkeis, and soabrette taat can 
atawanddaBea. Oeaton opens Mot- Itth. State 
alIyo«.esa>ilii ■■■■hIim 


T. il. Xhu C. iJ. i M. t'.y. Cu., Columbui. O. 

WaHKD— Vuiclicr "-y'-'" ud BoTCitT Co.: Skat^ 
1,40 dnsleaiKl doabto work u actt, -" •" — 

, ^tehw>]iipmnddAne«m*ni jonuflMdj 

aoBS ami donee. KoodlooklnK and make good. Ifte o rty 

work •» pnpl'. TeU lOl uid •t^ lowvt 

• Hila week JaaonTllto, IBQ. 




nil ^SilS^mSSSS^aSSTii ir 

A, m. m. M. B. 

tiert. S3T St. Ohada at. 

oiee. Dee. TB-Jn. ^ 
ud. WaahtnctsB, SL 9. 

St ~ ' - - - 


*. I.. O. 1_ 

•L. «. W.. WsiMertM. D. a 
i toml e aa Cbeotal Sodelr Oob- 

Oee. IMS. ProC Wto. A. Mawa^ 
New QdHB* 

Cod. Not. 14, 

Dec — . 

Fteeport— State Pomdoeicl Aasi. 

D. H. Knowltoa Farmincton. 
PltMleld— State Dalirmea's Aon. Coot. Dec 

1-2. Ii. W. Oyer Cimberlaad OalSiW 
Pfrtland — State Omltboloclcal Satfsir- BciL t- 

2. Merton Swain Skowhegan. 
Portlsad— SUte Detectlre A«cj. I>«. T. Obas. 

A. Hirwell. 

State OOB. Oct- 1». 
Balthnor e la ilghf 

del J. Not. 2B. Joba B. 
Baltimare— flpwvth Iitecoe, 

Cob. Nor. »M. Oca. L 
' rottoB a«e. 

BsltlSMtS 4s 


■adoT K.T. at Hd. No* 
SS. As. mUer. 
BaltJmorc — T. W. O. A. latetutleul Board 
Not. M. 

BslOsMre — SUte HwtKralttiial Bodet?. Dec. 
e-T. J. £. Baonon, CoUes* Faik. 



■gf*^f*r— All masaffer* haTtny tba Robert Sherman 
nil I IwC attncUosa boolud, Uj Fnroa trom Arkan- 
■aw. or his Repertoire Co., pleaie ootlfr me at once, 
MBtloBlBff datca; aLioall inlntloic boiueo tliat are do- 
Bwjr&tm^ for JI7 yrlend firom Arkanaaw. J. 1^ 

^BffBST, ai«r» Tonpnt D iaiu atlc Co.. H e ll >bo»y.3iO., 

OeS. CUnfirldite. SIX7 a : Prince.. Anse.S Sl-HoT. 1; 
BrldcenrlUe, DeL, 1 M: BaTre-De Gnce, Xd., S-u. 

lOB SALE-A m.tO Kt ot 10 laugliUig gall 
— edoalrSjwOTtlie; aa (rood a^new. J. X. 
SMko- wlBaellSBrnfijM casta or win tnde Cora Cke- 

MSiWisil ssrt >ii|ii<iiii mschioe ol tbe sun. Talse. 

AddrcOT. A. H. SELLKO w. Lake Carer, Fa. 

^ttvsn VACATE SPACE— Coat Dew, OO eaclL For .ale 
V-'-v^pdekM each, lot for Elvht aprlnr winding aolo- 

\ pIctBc* mortifnea wicta tluec cbanges plctore.. 

'—r t wo l e e B ic toi e a for one cent; all In cood order 
r MOothIr more tbaa price naked for alL 
~1,«M ftaa Are. Waalilngtoa, P. C 

8eatlB.reapael^Stt. Good show town. T. J. lAGHT- 
TOOT.X^.ano CItT Bftlposter, Fort Galoea, Oa. 


niwfnn rrtitf'. Dati^t«far Bute Oob. Hot. — 

iizt. B. TnA Hm. SB BroBOeia St. 
9prlnslleld— Fatrooa of Hnrtnailry State Graate 

Oon. Dec 12-14. Wm. K, * ~— 

^katon, ^feTT 
Watfldd— T. H. O. A. IBI 
UMS. Geo. W. .HSimiim 

Gsooen' ProtectlTc Aaai. Nor. 
J. O. Cnrrle. 

P. Edoeatloaal Aso. Last wee* 

in Oct. r. A. Jcffcn, Atlaatle Hloe. 
Kslamaaoo— Bemilan ISUi lOeta. Telsateer la 
tuitir. Ott. as-ST. T. O. aast, ns Lercll 


Ttarene City — State Sondsr M 
14-lS. U. B. BlHcIIe. 



Haokato — State Sntter 
Assn. CJoo. Nov. — , 

Uankato — S<>^b^ni t»«wt 
Oct. K-3S. J. M. 


Bed -WtT^—B. B. Jtlm. 
IJOT. — . W. F. Kcnz*. 

St Ptol— msanou E<>iiatiasl 
Dee. S7-aB. e. B. Mnzwdl. 

St. Paol — State Bdocatloul ~ 
3t Peter— OharttlM A . 

mnd Ottett Maker*' 

JtCkSOD— Ulsswtppl 
Sot. — Baa. J. 

Xttcbec— State 
delT. Oct. 

r. XeSay. 

n^tt 8. a. ft 

K. SL Ben 


BoonnOe— ObaiiUea & Goirectiau State Cod. 

Not. — Dr. A. C. PettUoim. BrookOeld. 
OblUlootbe— Or. Blrer MoiUai Society Coo. 

Dee. 7. Or. Geo. W. e«laca, Bie^orldce. 
HuriMorUla — WtetiRn 

Asn. Norr. 24-25. 
Kaneu City— Sins'. Dei 

State Bnacb, Nor. 
Uooroe CUr-B. X. F. H. 


at. Loola— Inteatate xnk pradneen^ m. Asa 

Not. 27. D. I. Frlalieek. AllenttM. 
Sedalla— Y. M. C. A. state Oon. Nor. 2M8. 


AtlSBtle CltT— SUte Consiew ot Votketa. Nor. 
10-U. Mn. J. U Socle. BaSAenSeia. 

Atlantte City — Bute SnBday-scbse: laps. Hot. 
14-16. E. M. FcTSDwa, 8B5 Bnad st, New- 

^tlutle City — Pstnmt of Htubiadzr NatlaBsl 
Oransc Nor. IS, O. M. Tntmaa, Tippe- 
canoe CUy. O. 

Cmden — Camden Co. Sonday.KbooI Asa. 
Mot. 2. S. B. Thoinp«>n. 434 S. Stb at. 

OkBides— T. li. C. A. Boy*' Dept. SUte Oon. 
Oct. X7-2B. Obaa. B. Scott. Ml Balaey at.. 


Oamdea — Soon of TemperaAce Or. DirMoa. 
Oct. 39. Boa. Slack, IIS Boae at.. TrentcB. 
N. J. 

BUnhetb— Bute redetattOD ot Wemoi's OoU 
Con. Oct. aO-Sl. Mn. Otulce SJlTcrs. 819 
Grore at. 

JezeCT atr— gp ixaUi Leasne Dirt. Coa. Oct. 9S. 
[AS Brtwrti Degiee ot Poeabootaa Ott. Ooan. 
CD Ooo. Oct. 94. Buah T. BeUstab, » 
Pead at.. Trcatoa, N, 3. 
Uof Br.i nh m gm at FocalMBta. Oiest Osa- 
Oct. at. —a k X. BelMaSk SS r—M 

New Tork City— <NaU. IntUtnte of Dental I 
goflem Oon. Dec 9-30. W, Earl WU 
98 CoUese at., ToroGto. Ont, Can. 

New York ntT i.fiielliiit Moaeoa NatL 
tatr Oon. (for. 14-ie. Joim H. 8a«e. 

New York Olt y W a t . laterOtsreh OoaftRMa 

Hot. IfrSL Ber. U. B. - " " 


Kmt TeA Oty- 

Itsw Ted . „ 

Worketa* UaioB SodWy «( tka ^TM. i 

Oct. aS-Nor. S. 
New Zork City— Chi PU Fratctaltr. Iter. M, 

r. H. Meeerre. 26B Edgeeonb are. 
ClMgfekeepate— Besnlao ISBtli N. T. VIolaa. 

ttexa. Oct. 19. W. J. Mcntfort. 
BcmaeBbnrs — X. P. B. C. B Oa. Om. Wm, 

— . A. H. Plah, prea.. lallp. 
Bocheater— SUte Woman SntCraclatS* Mm. Oct. 

24-2T. Mr*. Geotslana Potter. 
SctcDccudy — £^wart:i Lncne AJbsar Diat. OM, 

Oct. a«. 

Dtlca— Kappa BpeUoo Society. Nor. — . tbt. 
Lool**^ Hopkins. 

Wftthlngtonrllle— BenaloD 194th Beet. Oct. 
28. H. B. Muette. BOB Gieene .re.. Brook- 

Weat New Brlcbtoo, S I. — ^wortti LeifM 
B. Oct. as, Artksr H. 
FlsMtlC >. X. 

Akron— SUte Ml 

5. 'w. H. ofeefc. mm 

Held. O. 
Akron— SUte Bct. 
Dec. 5-6. W. «t 

BeaTcrdam— Setwkali AaaenAly ITth Olit. Om. 

Oct. XI. Ann. Borden. 
Oanal Dorei^Teaeheia' Aaaa. Coo. of Eaatcca 

Ohio. Kof. — . . 
ClDClnaatl— W. B. Ok' OH. Mr. Mi. 
Uascle BT..ts, 

et Way 

Bed Bank. 
TtcntoB— fltate 

Oct. 80. 
Newark, M. J. 

ABiany— SUte OateopatUe Sodctr Om. 

35. H. U Obllea, Anboni, N. T. 
Blrm High am— SUte redemtiOB aC W 

Clnhs Oob. Oct. Sl.Nor. S. 

Fazniiani. 42 Main it 
BnOalo— Pidlah Natlootl 

P. V. Helinaki. lOS. 
Bnffalo— Natiottal Ureatock Bxchange. 


OUatao— Oelu Dpallon Fratentr Natl. Ooo. 
Oct. as-zr. W. N. Moore. Brldgfton. 

Iisckport— Nlaxara Od. Tetetaaa' aik. Not. 
— . Warren A. Irea, 138 Wa^itnra at. 

NewtKugb — Bpwortk iMgna Newborgb Dlat. 
C«a- I^at of October. 

New York City— State CharlUe. & Oorrecttons 
Conf. Not. 14-17. Geo. MiiLaligliBn, Al- 

New Tock City — Amertcsn Mecbanlcal Engi- 
neer.' Society. Dec. 5-8. V. E. Hntton. 12 
W. SI St St, 

New Yorl: — NaUao.l Immlcratloa CobI. Dec 

New Tork City — National PedcratlaD of 
Chorcbea and Christian Workers. Nor. 20.25. 
New Ymk City — American Tnberenloala Sxht- 

Mtloa. Nor. 27.Dec. 9. 
New T«M Olty— DelU Kappa BpallOB PraUr- 
Dlty Oon. Ner. IS-IT. Wto. 8. Jobssoo, SI 
MetropoUtaa Block, Chicago, m. 
New Tork Olty — ^N, T. A New Bugland Ball- 
way Sorgeona' Asan. Ooo. Nor, lT-18. Oco. 
OhaSee, 338 4Tth at.. Brooklyn. M. T. 
New Xerk City liatienMihal * 

Oca. OcL Mkr. 

New Toik aty— Anerlets Dersutolaffteal 

Oon. Ore. 2S-S0. Cbaa. J. White, K. D- 
» Harftgrooch at.. Baetoa, Haas. 

rislletko. Taller it4 

. 1 ac CL a. * D. : 

UB- Mot. 18. Sr. Bng*tTt 
Dajfnii BiaiilM S««k Okie Tel 

Oct. as. Allen W. HUlcr. ISM 

Glooenta — Betmlon of Okie Tifloiitear Inli^ 

try. Oct. 18.20. 
Tli>p.r.iie> Waslm 

Oct. aMt. 

Toled. nmii^ * ■sttkiir Mam.' Hs*. 


Medo— Order Eaatem Star Stand Chapter. Od. 

as-as. BUa B. Shearer, IfaryaTlIle. 
Warren — Bathbone SUten Dlat. Con. Not. IS. 
Wama — SUte Wonun'a Snilrage Aam. Oct. 

18-19. Dr. OarrI* Ohaae Darla. SaadoOT. 
Wuhlsgtos— Ohio ncM XUsIS. Oct. IB. 0. 

T. PbUlpt. ColosMSb 
Totmgatown— DaoiMMS AsmHssb BsmMIH 

Scnlon. Not, — , 
ZsDcsTine — SUte FederatloB of Women', auha. 

Oct. 35.27. 
ZaaearlUe _6atte Newapaper Wa 


Greenaboro— 1 


UnU, Ga. 


Oklabotna City — SUte Kedciatkla of Wo 

Clafaa Meeting. Nor. 74tt, - 
Oklahoma City — SonthT 

Meeting. Not. 8-8. 

Fereat Orote— state OaliTBca's 
am. — w ». «fc - - - — 

Cataaiodnii— 'ItenDloo 4Tth Best Pa. Tf( 

teen. Oct, 22. R. w. BartkoMaaw. 
G<?ttjaborg — JReonlon 70 Pa. Veteran Val 

te*r Caralry. Oct. ai-2S. Fraak Ba 

aon. SOS S. HlghUnd are.. PUlsbnrc. 
HaTerferd— aiodem Laopiace Aun. ot iMM| 

Con. Sec. Zr-29. C. H. QraiittlBr. MT 

Walker at., Oaakild g e, Maw, 
LaMoyne— Ohrlattan Endearor Societies af »a 

United BTascc-Ueal Otanrctaee. Oct 26. 
New Market — Seoalen S4tl> Beet. Pa. TolM- 

teers. Oct. 2B. W. A. SUek. *fcaBta.a_. 
Pen Argyl— International tiala* aCHalt w*S 

era. Nor. 8. W. W. Claikw W I*** 

arc., Baat St. ItOBla, m. 

OCTOBER 28, 1905. 

Xtie Billboapd 


5fi The a. & M. B»w«ln Cata- 
ISSfl lofue for thirteen years the 
MONEY M A K E K and a 
.CL-^ vuNET SAVER. Write for 
it, to.4»y ani be convinced. 

IMMLMiMi Stmt, 


Sole »«ent« tor "BmjBOld" 
:hoa and the eelebrsted 

/Igaats ami Solicitors 

We have the Hottest Feir aaB Oantral 

■vrelcles ob the market. 

R. S. GREEN & CO., 

Ohicaco. ni. 

^*OI> JHbib- 
Wa are stiU 

'Orlctaiatora of the well known 
It WoB't Come » Card. 

wtM, n WOB'I <;ome " utra. wa are siiu 
iellliuctlH>in. Eastern Bep. wnilam Green, 

OnaiSt^ Philadelphia. Pa. 

■pie and d ea erl|>tl Te circular. 



arCSIC 00. btrt a lot of Met 

(kn iiid «e« DS. Cbleaso— Wahuli 

New Tort— ii w. as St. 


Open Time 

M Opera liMi«a%I.G. 

iteindodnuM and ftn* flOBMcly. 
.our W. ESkMDGK; 
Manner opera Heuae. Shelby. N. C. 


AT OSCE-Ihe tMlewtac r te wl ai i e paopla toeoapMe 

Qooi Mn bM T j i n « B j n T» nl l» Di»n.inT«al>- 

' to doabb pcop 

mauBto do aoiM aumcten, naa to doabU nrop* 
nd pan*, pluio pUyer to doable kiim iiart*. ThoM 
ettag •pecuuita fclven prcferaaoe. No anicvl Ataow, 
Mtasbow with & rvpntauoo- X«iD« Tonr a«]Ar7 wfa«ra 
jneas rwh It. ud don't aak ImponlblUllM. Tell kU 
toar»t,no time tor romapoaacacc. Tea Mat tend 

Pbotos- FRED Ik ll(X)KB.MaM^Vlla«^P 

BpnnKTllle, Utah. ~ 

FOR SALi: = 


fjnjted foMlDR oprn Aalrt, made by Omad 

» fnrnltnrt? P^mp^oy; performt«d a«ftt. pliuh 

■act; uitcXKl u r.r-w Mu!-. L«? vTld «1 nr.i-e. Man 

a. A. BROl^M. "i»r» Hm t..k..n;.. l:i 1. 


aMModel Boarenir Slol Poital Card lUehlDC* will earn 
gat P w d»r. Picture macliuie* tlio bat, tULMi 
■••mcopo Tlaw* u.go domen. 


147 w. 23rd St.. Mew Torfc City. 


ta B»e towa: dplaic a tweU boilnen. Hare icTentr (10) 
■aeaiMM . »w»n »tnc«. b«w locaUon la city, on >tolu St. 
n< •■JBptuaud all BwcbloMa* Rood ■< Mwudlo 
■"Wgaiaeoedltlea. Aajbodr vaattoc to aet in tb* 
f^wbwaaahcnlaaebaiieeiocetUwbctt at tbe 
SliifS^il''^'^" " oncea* I ban othv bnalnen. 
aP. B1EDER8TADT. H» U»la St.. Odikoah, WU. 


"MrtMSO people. 
Barer oaed: dirt dww. WrHe fltrpenien- 

jm. ac DONALD. GoaTeoeor. JI. Y. 

|lC.T|yC— ItaKhtaC'UiiMand artlitlo iTOCoiiatlan 
r"^""t man. How simple method. How to 

-at. Into brllUAst Md " ' 


plar piano, eeod tor tree book, 
ropular Moata 3U 8, Weatem 

gJTOBORO KANSAB. pomUtlon noo. on Hle«>art 
•acinc .na Union HaclflcR. R. Oood city for all ihowa 
™«"» It- riAincr.rni*. Kor iQCormetlonaddreB 

r. K. oieaoN. 





Plttiboic— Interaatlonal Upbolstcn* Unloa. N«r. 

Plttsborc — American Federation of L,abor. MbT. 

13. Frank MorrUon, ffiB O. 8. N. W. Waab- 

Ineton, D. C. 
FlilladrlpbJa — State Sandar-ecbool A«ni. Oct. 

21-23. Ser. Alex. BeniT. Wltbrnpooo bids., 

Beidlns — Order of tbe Sbepheida o< BetUcbam 

Con. Oet. 2S-2T. Bra A. Wykoff. 2800 IM- 

eril It.. CamdeD, N. J. 
Santiory— Benslon 12tta Begt. Pa, Vol. Aaia. 

Oet. 2B. Panl B. Stoat, MUtoa. 
Snnbiuj — PemssylTaolA Grange Patioes of Bna- 

budrr Ooo. Dee. 12-lS. Frank Obaodler, 

l^oochkenamoD. Pa. 
ProrMence— Branch of tbe Interna tl. Order at 

Kisc*! Oavgbtna aad Soaa Can. Nor. — . 

aarah tUKm Cmv F W h ai ilfc ». U 
VaUey Tocja 9 . «l «. «C JL~flMv <K Ooe. 

Not. — . 

frauaauport— ettte Lntlier Leane. Oct. M-H. 

A. R. Bard, Bcxdiag. 
Wcstebcetar— BaoBloB STth Rett. Pa. Oet. M. 

Vm. 14-X8. OL W. Saltta. 

T. A. O. ~ 


Chataaooca— <Bx-SlaTe Coaxma. Mor. 6-10. 
Ohatlaiiwa Ifcianum Imailgiatlaa aad Qatias- 
tiair OoaXtmce. Nor. »Mw nr. 

nbaialier «( OBBaMaeab 
(aarkanue— T. «, A. SlBte Cm. 


Unmatone— iBpawHt IMgae GNcarllle 
Oon. Ser. 

IBB. Teaebenf i 
a. t. w. Jobsaa^ 


Dallaa — ^Unitarian Cbtircb Soatbem 
KoT. — . 

Dallaa— State ftatemal Oongreea. Nor. 14-1*. 

/. P. Qallbreatb. DenTcr. Col. 
B Pa— AmerleaB MlAlni Oousrea*. Il«>r. 14- 

IS. J. r. Oalbreatb. Jr., Oearcc, <M. 
SOaeml WeOa— Kalcbta ud KatM eC flwcr 

€i«ad Lodse. >'eT. — . t. 9m0tlm, Ul» 

Oaagreaa are., Hoastoa. 
Rosebud — Snlgbta of liberty Grand todsc Meet- 

InK. N'oT. — . Mlaa Annie Yoeam. Hooaton. 
Sesala-ssathaa Gaua M. ■. Ckaich Oatf. 

3aa Aatonll WBtliaal 
Xar. 1. 


UootpeUd^tata Grange, p. e< a. McetlDK. 

Cbarletteerlllc^Iiiteratate Ptaoto Aiea. Oct. 

Z4-ae. Walter Halloday, Dorbun. 
CijBClitMiTC— 'Klnt'a Daocbten' Sute Bzandi. 

Oet. 25-27. 

DaBTUI« — Toons Men'a Cbrlatlan Aasa. of U. 

S. KoT. ao-Dec. S. W. A. anater, 41S — ' 

too It., Atlanta. 6a. 
MartloarUIe— FleU TM Jan. MMT. M. 

B. Oook. Rletaaoad. 
rttir Market— BtwHn MIk Blft. ft. 

taeta. Oct. IS. 

read. Jotattaaa. Fa. 


RIebaoad— Vnited Dansbtcia of Oe OaaM- 
araey State Dir. Kor. 8-U. 
- - ■ -|ti Templan Or. 

Jaoei Paxtoo 1 


Obarletton— 1. O. O. F. Graad Lodge_Ue«ttss. 

N'OT. — . 


«haiteatoa— iBayal AzCh Wmm^ 9m»M CtaV 

ter <ha. Not. 14. 
rwmaat—eiatc Bar Aaia. (]oa. Dee. — . W 

O. Cctcfkla. FarkaAarc. W. Ta. 
ralnaoat— State Banker** Atm. Um, — 

C. T. HItMhcw, PBffcenhl ^ 
Wbeellas — Bebekah State AaaiaMr. Iw. — 

Mra. B. Beiiey, Corners. 

A. Bllliinaglea. Bos 014. Halt- 

Lrist of Fairs 


Bl««lB«bsni llatiaaie Stats Vklr. Oct. SMIsv. 
Z B. U. WlIHatna. ice. 


Pboealz— Tetrltorial Tmlr. Dec. 4-». ▼azaea L. 
Clark, npt. 

Barcfard— Onnn. Da lij a i a a 'a IWc. Xu. 1T48. 
H. Hanchctt, pre*.; W. H, Onr. 

Pair. Mot. U4SL 
Ida— Caddo PaiiA Pair. Oct. ti-Var. a. 
MlBdeB— iWeliater Pariah Fair. Oct. SS-B. 
MoDne— Ondilta ruUk Fair. Km. T-aO, 

n<ilji*B PeBllijaHB'a Fait. Ma*. 

ite nk. War. S48. 

Bmllnston — lAlamasce Fur. Oct. 2S-23. J. A. 
Imbs, g~K-».j B. A. 

J« A. 

Oty— Oklahoma Oo. Valr. Oct. * 
OteetiTtlle Pledmoat Fair. Oet. Sl-Itor. I. 

Baa AatBBIo nan Antonla Fab. Nor. U-SB. 

New Street Fairs. 

8. C— Street Fair asd CaiaMI. Jhir. 
9-M. Bidden Soatbem Cam. Oo.. atfc 
Anderaoo, S. C— Street Pair and CaralTaL Oct. 

'30-NoT. 4. Biddell Bootbem Can. Cb., attr. 
B<dlTar. Tnm. — Street Fair and OsmlTal. >!oT. 
^25. Nogent A Fre mm 'a Electric Korelty 
Co.. attr. 

Jobavm City, Itnn. — ^Ftiemen'a Street Flair and 
Csmlral. Oct. 23-28. W. Oweras, cUeX. 

Mt Vernon. Mo.— Street Fair. Kor. 2-1. Loreli 
B. Eeoeker. 

New-port, Art. — Firemen's Street Slalr and Car- 
olral. Not. 13-18. WUtney't Greater Bbom. 

Portermic, C«l.— Street Fair. Oct SO-KoT. 4. 
NVedlea, Cal. — Street Fair Kor. 8-lil. 
StorkTlUe, MIsa.— Street Pair and Carotral. Get. 

30-NoT. 4. Nagent A J^reeeoan'a Electric Not- 

elty Vo., attr. 
Tliayer, Mo. — Uerctianta' Street Fair. Oct. tO 

Not. 4. Whitner'a Greater Sbowt, attr. 
Wao, Tex. — CamiTaL Aosplcea F. O. E. Week 

Oct. ao-NioT. 4. Oaakin CsmiTal Co.. attr. 
■Walant Rldfc, Aik.— Street ralr. An«pie«B W. 

a «. Mr. S-ll. .WUtaey'a GicalBr Sheaa 

Street Furs aid Caniviii. 

KaDsaha— state Fad«atl«a «t W< 
Oet. M. 

LaCroMe— Natkaal Pnrtty Oaftnact. Oct. M- 

as. J. B. OaldweU, S IVth arc. Ohleaca, 


StUwaakcc— State Teaebata- 

HkUfax, K. fi.— Sona of Tempetaaee Onnd 

DlT. Not. 6. W. 8. Sanders. 
HfllMiOi Oat.— DoadBlOB Wooto'e OUatlaa 
Ma. W4*. IMk A. M. 

New Fairs. 


OharJeston— f»»«te Filr. Nor. 6.1S. ICqetasoe 



Beanfort. S. C. — Street Pair and Osalaal 

KoT. 20-2S. G. Wateihoaae. 
Belton. Tex.— SlicMB'B SMet Ihltw Oct. Si 

Not. 4. 

CbattaaoocB, Ttaa^-flMeC VBk. Oct, sa 

Not. 5. 

OBlnnditn. Ga.— Otreet Fair and Otatni. Mrr 

e-11. Oils B. Grime*. see'T. 
OUrtoB, Ala.— CamlTal and street Wc Urn 

Sfr^S. R. Prank Valeatlac. 
BUnbctb, Ky.— St r eet Fair. Itair. Ht. Oant 

Badger Amusevnecrt Co., attr. 
raktnn, Ky.— Street Fair. Oet. 80-Kot. S 

Great Badger Amasemest Oo., attr. 
Gaffnry, 8. C— Street Fair. Nor. Ml. The 

E. O. Barkoot Aorasemeat Oo., at&. 
GreenrUle. S. O.— etteeit Pair aad Oaralral 

Oct. SO-NoT. i. Tbe E. G. Barkoot Hmrm 

meot Oo.. attr. 
Harrtman, Tenn.— Stt^t Fair and OanlTal. Oct. 

ao-NOT. 4. Win H. Welder OamlTal aad VM 

way, attr. 

Htckmaa, aEy. — Street FWir and OKmlTml. Oct 
90-No*. 4. The Ktebola Obleago tniiiinBint 
Oo.. attr. 

JiekBoorUIe, na.— OunlTtl. Aat^aca Jti 
Tllle Oamlral Asaa. Nor. — . ~ ~ 
ter. prea. 

'.Awrenee. Kasa. — Sferehaata A 
Expoattloa and Mttltair OarslTal. Mer. »4S. 

flraaseharx. S. 0.— Street Hair. Hav. S-ff. 

W. B. Af 

One Inch otapaee. four i „. . 
apaeea.Inp to seven Inclicab-Kk lMI 
per Indt, 


One Incb of apace, fourteen times (threu 
months). tlCOA, and larser spaces np to seTen 
Inches at the same rate per Inch. 

NOTE.-^That bU space Is meastued and 
cbarced lor n slosle colamn : A card one and 
a hall Inches (IM) may be set double oolaain 
three anarters of an Inch deep. Spedtr 
In poor order U the card la larcer than oaa 
Indi. whether to be set ilsale or donUs 


"At Liberty" 


Til Billlflarf PuMsliiii ^ 

416-418 Ell St.. 



» |yHM «tan^lB»KlanK iM? *naaianiat^* 


Direction Geo. Homaris. 


In YMk nntre Baiiding 

New York. 

..At Liberty. 

Have had 7 years experience, 
stand a Uttia of French paper; 
travelioc or permanent poatUoa. 

V. SHsalwy mtiat lie asie. ^ 

Address. J. BESNABD. «are Ttai&A. 
bins Winter Qaarters. Jersey Clty^ 


Advance Agent 

Qeneral oontractlnr and press. Large wacon. 
R. R. show or vandevllle. etc Guarantee to 
deliver the KOOdS or no salary. Balance otW 
andaeasonof tS. Write or wire. The aaan 
Lhat daitaaaa the sooda. Address D. D. 
earaocniuani^^ ■ 



JnTenl'es, Light Comedy or Oen. Bos, 


JovenUes. heavle.ij. zpn bni and fire dancer. 
Addre-'r. HAU DENTON, Gen. Del., Deal- 
son Ohio ' 

At Uberty 

FOB I906 

LMiTFOOT-?" ®- 

Baroone. Address. 


Vevay, tad. 


TOpmoantePlfWbwidtolwBd b^uM^act. 

Heli^ S ft- 8 loue^ 



II Ulbfc tn: One rtriae bus player, one 
Db<a«.onseaUOi nnt those tbat can sing a w 


mmtrwm t.W UXIXOIS. 

WAKTEI>-Ageedaha«. ieallmteapaelCT «a»: mkaW; 
teats m. IM railroad mea bera at wot*. i» a 
Sow toin. AddteM G P. KISS BY. Oroesnlle. Ills. 



The Billl>oar<l 


The Largest and Most Reliable Wholesale Streetineo's Supply House in the Country 








AU C T I O H EB R8 , 






:W AND- 


For the benefit of the doabtiiw Thonws who will vary likely say, 
'*Show Me," we proceed to do so ^tii tlie foreknowledge that our 

price stands at an unparalleled low level never before reached or 
quoted by any other house. OUR PRICE NOW IS: 

ALUMINUM BACK, Gross . - $1.00 
GILT BACK, Gross 2.20 

The above prices are grood so long^ as the stock holds ont. Act 

Hvply if yon want a supply of thesu goods. 












RUGS and 

and HO&IKItY. 









* « ■ • -■ a»--— — 

M I rasns immR uisiffwfNi It 

HanmcRircnt A. H. WOODS. 


Have Som* Open Time After OGt. Z3 

Load Funlljr Theatrw. E. St. I^nla.. Mjrs: *'A boaoUfal 

act: MhoMg^tomaysnsgirtkoMSb* ShlslSA 
tan act: cma wmttfaf feospa efepfsweoBjirtttt^ 

belffht. For ttMi " 
TandftTilie • 
Gnbin, lad. 

WANTED— People and Property 

1 alMpcrsiid diner comblnatloa. I bsirsmge car. Ions, 
VkammaA reserred acats. itthtt. ¥L top. SO middle plec«: 
WB. top 40 middle: &U drcns proper except horsee 
ud wsKoiuL People In evarr line of cLrcos and vaude- 
ville: band leader and men, boaa canTacmao, side ebow 
people, daaccn, alnffen, acrobata, men and women 

«bo can do two or mora toms and can keep In line. 
Hlffh dlTer and Ka|» people wrtta. Saladcaaare. Kota 
Carnival Co. TeU icaU to ns ttrmSght fint latter. We 
IWTareloee. If you are good jcn, can win a bome. 
fsaax's GaxAT YACOo-CncCT^ care of Billboard. 

«.Siidtgart, M... 

. Bopolatton 3300. Cotton Belt Br. 
t Improrements. We bare < 
> cood aMcaetloiia. 


Ppr T^e Mosler Amusement Co. : Band of 8 
' two or three crood shows. THE 

■* AMtrSEMEXT CO . B)ytbtrn e. 

PeniUetoo. On. — Stmt Fair. Oct. ao-Xor. 4. 
' . Monaieii AmnaeBait Ool, attr. 
rtan Angtlo. Tts . a ts mt fklE. Mar. IMS. 

Jdbn nrtelasd. cMk 
' WbltrwTisiit. 


r. a. 



of Alameda Oo. 

v^ftcRleui, MIM.— State 

Aan. Dec S8^. 
Alameda, Cmi. — Paoitzr tawi. 
. D«c 6.9. C. A_ TracT- 
' UbBBT. Ore.— Oential wmmette FooKzy Am. 
Dee. W-S. C. W. Ta^ 
•in Altar. a<leb.—<Waiktcaaw r. * P. I. Aim. 
'K. UM> San, B: Omii. SMta UM a 

umlnon. Ala. — Cilboan Co. Pooltrr Aho., Ox- 
ford Lake Puk. Nor. 2S-Dec. 1. G. t>. 
Sweet, pres. 

ttUntm. Gs.— Atlanta FMItiT Aaaa. Xm. 1T- 
23. 1906. CO 

lltfrara. N. Y.— A' 
a. J. H. Ecott. 

Logusta. Ga. — Ansnsta P. A P. S. Amtn. 7aa. 
8-12. 1006. J. W. KUlluiaworth. 

Birmlnstaatn. Ala.— SUte PeolDr Asm. Dee. 
12-16. Cbas. Baiber, Mc.. 216 N. 20tti at. 

Blackwell, Okla. — Inter-State Poaltry & Pet 

Stock As«n. I>f-c. 26-31. G*o. ^M. Carton. 
Eau Clalrc. Wis — Chlppe™ Valley Pooltrj- 

D<*o X2-15 

BoooTlUe. Mo.— Oentitl Mo. Pooltir AM. Dee. 

12-M. Obaa. G. lUUcr. .ti«x TOK. 
Braekton. Miro nrwttea PonUir AM. BM^ 

lA-lS. G«o. 8. BBtehlaaaB. see. 
BnSUo. K. T.— (KatJonal Federattoa of Amerleaa 

OailiiK nnea Taaelen' Ann. Heetlns. See. 

12. m>. TcBliMler. Jer«eT Cltr. K. J. 
Bating -Fa.— BotlfK Oa. r. A F. 8. Am. 

ObattiMon. Xtuu flUttiMme FaoUiy 

7aa. wS MB. V. F. Hamwr, —e. 
GUeuo MlUi, m ■■HlHliii DL Dm- 

eleta- AM. Dae. Wtaw KwmtH. aec. 

Ciodaaatl. O.— OMtaaatt P. h 9 a AM. 

Jan. IMO. 1906. K. M. ~nwmK. mm, 
Oelbome. Tit Tnlmmn Oooatr fa^ttf Stow. 

Jan. 18-19. im. W. H. Btereaa. M. 
Oarenport. la.— 4M-CttT Faaelaa' AM. Oce. 

U-15. J. B. Von. see. 
Oar ton, O.— DsTtoB FaaelH^ OM. Mk VI. 

C. C. DaTldson. see. 

Qmpoda. Kaa. — I^oa Ouuato BhMcF AMi. BaCL 

5-B. D. M. May. KC. 
Bnld. Okla.— OtiOcK Co. P, A P. S. AM. 

Jan. S-13, 1006. I. W. Sbetldi. sse. 
EhraiuTUIe, Ind.— Pooltrr Show. Dee. IMS. 

D. F. UaeClement. 1034 PoweU aaa. 
nndUj. O. — Baoooek Co. I^aneleta' AM. In. 

9-13. 1906. 1. W. Sbeitdi. see. 
Flint, Mich.— FoaIti7 A Fat Stock AM. «C 
c«e« Oo. ec 12D-I5. 

n. WajB*. 

i F. * r. a : 

Preeport. Me.— 'Reenort Fwfltiy Aacn. Dec. 27- 

29. Geo. P. CMDn. wo'7. 

Fremont. Neb. — Dodge Co. PonltiT A Pet Stock 
As.'m. Show. Dec. 27 29. W. H. Haren, Box 

Fresno, CaJ.— Fretijo Ponltrj," Pigeon and Pet 
Stock Ajwn. Staow. Dec. 16-19. Geo. B. 

Hamltton. O. B outhem- Ohio EMltiT AM. Ian. 
v. Ou HiAna. ace. 

HraliatadL lad.— Wabaah Taller P. A P. 8. 

Assa. Dec lS-33- Fraidc I.. BltTert, see. 
aarrlabory. Pa. — Pa. Faiidera* Aaaa. Jaa. 36- 

27, 1908- Jobn R. Gore. Bojalloa. aee. 
Htmtartlle. Ala.— Screatk AH 

Alabama Ponltrr and P.- a 

Joim L. Bmj, lee. 
(BdlanapoUs. Ind. — Faaeien' Aaas. oC lad. Hk. 

3-10. E. A. rietoe, 8EB a Wi 
lowB ruia, la.' 

bm. a. a, a 

Iowa Falls. la.— Poalti7 and ttma 

Dec 18-22. T, T. WbUe, M 
faeksMTtUe, m. JsekM Mtar 

IS-ie. L. O. Taocht. sec 
Kalamazoo, lllch.-— S. W. 'MlcblEu Foottir 

Assn. Eililbltlon. Dec. ^29. J. 8. Cair. 
Oancaster, Mo.— Sctmrler Co. Ponlttr AM. Dat. 

4-9. Price Haja. sec. 
Lawieoee. Ean. — DoosUs Oo. PooIBw AM. Bae. 

12-16. J. Ualnwarlns. sec 
UacolB, Net). — Nebraska State Ponltir Aaaa. 

Jan. 13-20. 1906. LaOier P. Lodlen, Me. 

Topeka. Kan.— Ponltry Straw. Jan. 6-16, 1906. 

J. W. Bnghes, aec 
Lm Anselea, Cal. — Fonrteenth Aimnal KxSlibl- 

tloo of the Loa Anseles Poaltty Aaia. Jan. 

8-lS. U6S. O. H. Bnrbcldce, aec, 2080 W. 

Adama at. 

VadlsoB. N. J. — ^Baateni Faotall Clob at 6mt- 

iea. Jan. — . lIMe. B. 11. Pockman. IS 

BrIskerhoS St.. Jerw-y Cltj. 
Manfcota. Minn. — Central Mlna. Poaltry Assn. 

Dec 29-90. J, W. KoUman, sec, 
MasOB Ctty, la. — Uader Iowa PooltiT Aan.. 

Teatli Aoaaal Show. Kcr. IS-Dee. X M. 



t. AlL-Stete 
ll-ia. U D. Teatfcf. 

a-M. F. JL 

Itapennic; fit Baiiiillli Bi 

pTa Am. St wMa 

Plceea aad 
Oaear H. OlTlcr, 



Mew ton 

^, A. JPxp^Man Sbhm 

■ 2^-^i«*- H. T. CMrtMrSe..' 

Oconomowoe, Wla. — OeoDomowoc P. A P. S. 
Assn. Dec. 11-16. Frank Beck. 

Paiaons. Kan Soatbeastem PonItl7 

Asaa. BxpoalUim. Dec. 18-22. A. a Ba- 
ker, seo*y. 

footlac Mich. — Sixth Aanosl PonltTT A Pl- 
eeoo Staow. Jsn. 10.20, 1006. Daniel Thomas 

Portland, Me.— State Poaltry and Pet Stock 

Assn. Dec 5-8. A. L. ilerrltt, Anboni, Me. 
Portland. Ore. — National Poultrj Show. Oct. 

6-12. Harrr B. CoUler, sec. TBeoma. Wsab. 
Portland. Ind, — Eastere Ind. Ponltrr Aaaa. Jsn. 

lS-30. 1906. Cbas. McFarUnd. sec 
ProTidence. B. I. — R. I. poaloy Aan. Dec 

6-9. W. I. Brown, wc, • .CMtdaBt VL 
BIsIng Son, O. — ^Blslna Sua 

S-8. Ifarlc Baatlek. see. 



Dec. 6-9. 

**lMlI%?^' -SSiI?'!ie.. MO 

San Frandseo, Oal. — Poultry Show. 
J. C. WmUms. Frtltrale, CaJ. 

Sebriog, O.— Sel^B P. A P. 8. Clnb. Jaa 
1-11. 1906. M. J. BteTans. sac 

ShcXir. O.— SheSir P. A P. S. 

tat week: MaiUa U. Haatcr, aae. 
Taeoma. Waah. — Taeoau goMa 

ST-Jaa. 1. a A. FBtt. M. 

. . . Dee. ; 
West r " 

atdsoo, sec, tal 
Wlnated. Oona. — Weatern Cooa. FMItir Asa. 
Dec — . Haefcated Beodder. W. B. Orana as< 
W. H. OuL jndcee. 
ToaHtMra. P.— iMllMtK Ud IIWUMi T6l 

CtcraMot ATC. Btak. JfaiA S4t, 1906. a 
H. Qicco and B. f. Bowe, mgn., Sn Bntn- 
war. New Teak Clt7. 
HaTethOl. Ibas.— 'HaTerhlU Board at Trak 
Food A ladnatnal Bxvosttloa, Naw ArwxT. 
March 81.A«rU 7. 1906. C. R. Oreeee ui 
B. J. Bowe. acn.. 3T7 Broadwaj. Naw Zsa 

JacksooTine, Fla. — atasoflactnrea' Pare rttm 
Show and Indnstrlal Bxpoaltioa. Not. 14-Ib. 
E. L. Brown. 8ec*y. 

Lowell. Mass I.oweU Betall Ocaeaa' issi tt s- 

uon-1 FiMt BMd tad latoibU fcpwtaa 

Auo^te ML MMjB ^Suf'tj^t!^ ^S5 

York Cltr. * _ 

Newark. N. J.— Newark Betall Graeers' TMl 
Show. May 7-19, 1906. C. B. Green «* 
B. J. Bowe. mtra.. 277 Breadwaf. New xori 


ProFldence. B, I. — ^Botcbers, Grocers and Uar- 
ketaen'a Aasoelatioa of Bbode lalaad Pan 
Food Sbow. Infantry Hall. ProTldeace. B. L 
Feb. 12-24. 1806. C. B. Oiren and B< >• 
Bowe, mgrs., 277 Broadway, New York CKJj 

Syracu«, K. Y. — Syracnoe Grocers A _MMI 
Dealers' AuocIatJoD Food A Inda.trlsl KalJJ' 
•Itlon, The Albambrs. April 19-28. 1906. tt 
H. Green and K. J. Bowe, mgrs., 277 Bros* 
way. New York City. 

Trenton. N. J.— Trenton Betall Grocer.' P«; 
tectlTc AssocUtlon, First Food A Indctrtti 
ErpoalUon. Mawnic Hall. Not, 6-11. C. B. 
Green and E. J. Bowe, mgr.., 277 Broadway. 
New York City. 

Washington, n. C. — Washlngtoo Betall Gra 
Cera' Proteetlre Auoclatlon'a National Foos 
Show A IndastrUl Bzpoaltld.. OoDTcDtloa 
HsJl. Dec. 4-16. a H, Orecn and a. 
Bowe, mgr.., 277 Broadway. New York CIO- 

WorcCTter, Mass.— BctaB Grocers and Fro»'?'" 
Dealera* Aaacclattaa'a Pare Food Show lu- 

oeroMR «k INK 

Tli^ Billboard 




An 800D FiKt, LmI uri Ml THE TUU. 

Not a case of whisky, 
but a case of " mixed I 
bAbies." One pro- 
LancthiWft. A piMittvBiiovBitar.. |aooft.. MOft.aiia8ooft.ieiigaiB. 


Itai of dash, Tim, and enei]g7. 

)d— "no dead stuff." 

»ft. soidinaoofii., 



iOSO taat. 

The Servant Qhi 


Langth 800 feat 



Len«th TSO teat. 

Sherlock Holmes, 





m.— Second Anaoal Ofltaa 
BmiiHas Syatsm Show, OoUanuk' 
IT-M. IMW. Oedina* A Btya*. 
FUk Row VUg.. N. T. a 
JMkMo. MIn.— Mlnl«lp|>l IndnaMal Xxpod- 

tta i«or. 2Z-DVC. 2. 
UOtn, It«l7— Bxpealtiaa. Apta-Sm.. IMS, ate- 

■tr L. SaMMtlaU we.. Mt. Smupc*, N. H. 
Vvw York Citj — Second Anooal OfBe« AypUue* 

ud BulwB STitem Show, Uadlm aourt 
Oinln. Oct. 28-NoT. 4. Ooebnnc & P«7a«, 
mfn.. 1754 Pmrk Row bldf. 
Marfolk, Va. — Janwttown Tcmnteur; ftepeal- 
tloo. ilmr 1 to 0«e. 1, isor. 0. Broak* 
JohBHa. efam. ex«e. com. pro. too. 
npeka. Ku. — Kaiuaa Mld-WInter Bxpodtloa. 
— _^ «. s. SrIckaB. wn^ ax 

■ew lark CUT, W 
Rot. IS-U. 

mooB onunra 


a i > fc i l ill n l l ywmMK<t 

Baalera ia Tkaalrieal. 

Circoa and Parii 

iMtnu wni be pnbHahtd. pfopwly daMifled la 
^ DirectoTT. at uw rate of no te sac rear 
ppoTtiJed tbej are of IS acccptaMe 
ctw. Prfcr ladndea one ycar'a aabacrlpc 
» Th« Billboard. Begnlar adTcrtlsera. who xme 

maUfd to one line free of ebam tor each 
25 <W>ara or tracUon thereof, cerercd Inr tlM«r 
g gy - The DirectocT 1« rerlaed aad ett: 
Moad wMkly-, ebaasM 1b llfm aaaao aa< 

J. OoBTiie. M12 McLean aT«_ GUcaaah m. 

Mtom 00.. 71 roncftoa av..Okleaga 

JTm. Bwtda. MB OrceawM at. S. Z. a 

C»rl Higtutwck. SteUlnsi 
Hoix. 35 N. »th - rfillaniWih 

•rtiuun a z<K^ a oMiir iu J. o. 

l>afc Oaw an 


*■* XhMitrteU lAwyva. Wfca SpaoUUxa U 
Tbaatrioal and drcni Law. 
•WK* H. Boaomrait. M NaMaa at. M. T. 0. 


• oak.« 


A BMly. aoB WabaA aia^ a 

•t, K z. a 

Bialr. ads WabaA at*.. 

^ "»•. S»» ntttaca acBocbcaMr.irT. 

**- t«<da Bat tea 4k tana mm 

••o. Kiatx, EtTBaanUe, Isd. 

neetrlc Oradr Machine Co., NaabrUle, Teaa. 
taplrc Cream Beoarator Co.. BlooniMd. N. J. 

Vtar OfanM^ Xiuli^ SiMBiv SsidMUi •Co» 
nntbccitr n* On Otb. » Seneca. Bidtala. 
n-m. r. Xaddea * Oa^M DMbfaaaca •U.M.Z. 

OgatfaetlM CbL. W Tailck at.. «.Zja 
Bocekbelm Btaa. * B el • • —-■ 


I. Baecateln. U Aaa at.. N. T. C. 
P. C. BlcKctla. SO Asa at., N. T. a 
ilBScr Bna.. 8S Bomir. M. X. a 

Cfaow sad VhaadifaaL 
Falaec Hacae Oar Co.. Chleaco. 
L THBaa oar ItlJc. Oo., Ut. Vcrnaa, n. 

Saw aad Baaaod Haad. 
A. MeBoglL, oa-ci CbapUa at.. Ocftiaad. 


taater * Dtltabaeb. TS8 Poatoa at., MempMa. 
tmim tug. Co.. 10« E. Pearl M.. OactaBatl 

X. Eaaib avMBcaeid, o. 

it. Laaia Oaa<»ttl Oa.. St. Laida. Mo. 
0. 8. Fireworks Co., St. LoqIb and Mempiitt. 
0. a. nac Co.. 2346 OlKwrt are., OlTtssiatl. 

1. m K. ath aU 


Balftooaa, ^crmTiaca, etc 
C3ark Inc.. MUwaokee, WU. 
Kaox. me- Oo-. 51S Batea at.. KdoztUIc, 
tdf« O'sranve Oo.. LaCrome, Wis. 
Qaeea CltT Sue. Co., Bl7m]rer bids., dBCtaaatl. 
Strata mg. Oa.. Fatt Bow Udg., H. Z. 0. 

PsaC r. 3. Btdaa. m ttfallc at.. OUeaca. 
miaaw^ acboal, 2M W. 23nl at., M. Z. a 

dad P aa l a i a in naaa. B unUaa . rastiiiiiiliit, ato. 
WUlaid Oat Co.. an M. at.. Kaaaas 019. liaL 

O. 8. 

116 Nassau Street, NEW 

TOBMiE tm jm. eniE anm, firuun.- 

Pacific Coast igsnts, MILES BROS., 116 Turk Si., San Francisco, Cal. 





sua HKFIrtnB - tLM | NU IttI, hr tim - SSJI 


= |pHMMHIIOUS[ — ^^^^ 



At Liberty, The Powells 




T)eiTls Wheel to Join »t once ; atoo two flnt elus Promoten for profcnonme and balloon ; winterii work to rlslit 

parties. CWn nse two more abows ( Fatlma, wrlte> ; homl of nix pfeovR. State s!I in first letter; mtiBt Join oy 





Reminiscences of Eariy Circus Days, inoludin^ Short Stories by 
aome of the Old Timers, viz: 


■ aalfuasiir" 

OoBtribatea*T«ffT piaaalos atoiT of 
^jgrt^ gW g^jfcaiBan^^ br 

DCTCD PnSVI III CD One of tba moit tamona 
rCICn UURKLIS, an., elown of the old acbool. 


Kaaafaotuan, BmIih la. aad Baatal Baiaaaa. 

MeAUlater. 48 Naaaan at.. New York CU7 
Amerlcui Btacravii O*., 11 ■. Idtt at.. Sew 

Tack CltT. 

Pet«r Btelralopl, ISt Miaaloa at., Sas naaelaeo 
Ohleaeo Film Ex.. 188 S. (Sark at.. Oaicafo. 
Bncene Cllnc A Co.. 2 W. I4th St.. N. Y. 0. 
BUm Vie Co.. n Data a«MIB. BMr Xsrk 


Oaatos MeOaSk SBMi SBIk at.. Haw Xssk. 


Klelae Optical Co., X State St., Qbleata; M-St 

W. taa K.. New Tork. 
3. Lobtn. as 8. Sth at., PbUadelvbla. 
MOea Broa., 10 B. 14th at.. New York CSty. 

San FraBdaeo. 0*1. 
Clatfc at..flklaaaa 
~ at. ILZA 

Maea Broa.. 11« Turk at. 
Nafl Plhn 

Pa the CI 

" ~ " , Oo., ♦! F«k Ooort. 

* Oa., 138 S iwu ee at.. 


Aimta a Co., 90 roimi st., n. t. 

NatMoal Flat «».. ClBdaaatl. Oaio. 
O. I. Ital 


Spbdlaa, CInt Honaa Famitnra, ate. 
Barr A Oo., as stb aTe.. Oxicaro- 
B.- 7. Oark. • Wijttsssit at.. PrafUcnee. B. I. 

HR UIDDY Pi IDCSC Anaaoacmr with tho 

■in. nanni bLSnCao, Bamam « Balla? Show, 
contrlbntM » verr able article on the AnaaBk ana 
Modern Clraia, in which he h«« iieen grmtij aaaletad 
hj-Mr.ChaTlea^eLean.ilr. Ftaak Hyatt, and aeraral 

pnbUcatlona ot aatbentlB klatatr. Skla,lBe~' '— 

withlhaday-tty-day : ■ ' 


Addrsss CHAS. ANDRESS, PubUsbtr, 

a Bailey Greatest Show on 
Boulsvard, CHICAGO. ILL. 

■ NMrlj all the illustrations Id this book, 

1 taave taken myselC and selected frome^ 
are iDterestcU in photographs writs me. 

Tour Attention Just a Moment. 


M ttiimmi, Taa, III. 13 h M, ImMn. 
BilFlrsMamCvrinlCl. M DNt PiMlipt Fir S* 

If You Ised Money Write or Wirs Quick. 

For The Hamilton County Fall 
Fair aii Fanm' Fistlnl...... 

Would also Uke to bear Croa _ 

tloBa PriTiUvM of aU ksada. ToaUaCtta 

LttTMrolbcr Snt^faus tent actiao- 

— OetlnUne. Brefy 

thlaffadTertlacdllke«ctreiui; the people win b* tbmi »«boto weak. Tbto fkir wm <mw aiitb* fa rmers tewn 

nre coantlca, Iwatdcs the entire cltV popalatlea. Bwrrbody at work. Tb«re will be plenty 

of doltan In premlnms to both ladles and gentlemen. Urounda right In hrartof CTbatcanoc gaay 
liKhts. Otherdateacloaaby, following oars. If you get on here joa baog the real big one. wnW M ■OW. 
Addresa all connnnnloatlons to Jab. a. DMXUf, Becretaxy, Station A, CBATTAVOOO A, TEW. ^ 



Xtie Bi 1 1 board 

OCTOBER 28, 1905. 



Scmoiiiili Fony fm Start to Finlsli. Of a Tickling Ckariclir Ail Through. Do Not Miss It, It Meais Moiey. 



Most Papular Rieture Ever Shown, 
i-onsth. eOO feat. Prica.S66 


Tha Bluaat Hit of th* Year. 
Uensth. 750 faat. Priee. SB2.SO 


Punny from Start to Ftateh 
Length. 350 feet. Priee. S38.SO 


Film Ever Made. 
COOfMt. Pr<oe.$66 



star HmIbI Ciuapipli. 

' «;,nMiliMi.N. 


dOM tbe bTUlne. 
Notblns Uke It. 
Inveat » Qo^rter 
In ■ -OIBSON" 
Ton*ll never r»- 
r~-, et»t It. No r»- 
^tJL., marine of Klom 
to <top<wlc or n- 
BOW oolB. Onanutecd or money rotnoded. Banplo 
B cte.. DMamlcL Ajnnto *ad dMlen wmnc«L »lB30ir 

com yUBSK iX>^ Box lOOS BeUwfODt&lno. Ohio. 

Okmper Utg. Co.. t« 8. OUntos sU, Oktarh 
Itmtx, 1067 Centm ktc., eiBctn^tl. Oblo. 
H. O. Brua ft Co., 136 8. Otaik at.. CUeafO. 
XCMe Jainea. 8>»rt Scott, Kan. 

Kleia * UlOcr, 48 Lcaud vL. H. X. a 
o, amcr lOi^Oi^ XunejOttf. Mo. 

mcAM, Murre. rra 

Ifaha aj Bona, OoU Oiaaia, ata, 
na Bern Co.. SSS S. ntahosb at .BotJHtarjrr. 
Tanaoca A iDtbl. 191 N. 0th at.. PtalladdpUa. 


CHICAGO , rr.T. 
Hotel BclBMait. «Dr.. 13B W. Maaiaoa. 
fiftaMfca (iNeir). Xor., ear. IMfc 
CUT BaM; Sar. and An., ear jam. taA 

Corlofltiaa and Blila iliue Seoda ObarfMnM 
af aod BaalaiB is.) 

M. Boltabe. "Dmndanl.'* Oaoer lataad, M. T. 
PraC. Chaa. OatnUe, 3S8 BhwinaeM are.. Bk>oa> 

Held. M. J. 
Cbaa, B. WMtae. 4 Oumthen^ 
J. W. muwmr. 1» W. Ubccty at, 


^ Ok, na nviar. Fhfladelplda. 
Atftcd Gunmitlm. <M Mnmawj. n. T. c 
Bolaraaa ft Alto^ US Vadtann. CtAemto. 
Bacna ThBMM k OB.. XM Waba*. ~ ' 
Slacef Bmb.. m Bmmt. H. t. a 



Bop Com tcoods of all kinds. PrlTUen men 
write for prices, 

OARom cn-r pop corn W( 


>— Mnmidin Bank ud Cablagu 
■^Wt ltu t or It to-dax. MABBY 1^ irBI»- 

Wiannai, TiMiilaa for Obaaaaa aa 

Bolt* A Wercr. 200-300 W. Lake at., 
G««. Tartar. WT caiir at., n. x. o. , 

Storaoptincw^ stSa 
MeAlIlrtfer. « Niaaaa at.. S»w Mk Ottr. 

MPMl michanical amumhbnt 

CkmMi% Tunii Oaaatan. Otali^ RHto 
Whaali. ata. 
ATBltaca-H«<acbell Ot>.. No. T^iaawaate. N. T. 
Cacney LocoaotlTe Wka., 4T4 B'way. N. X. C 
W. S. CSoadezaWB. BneBaTlUe. H. X. 
HerKbcB-^niaHa Ca., K*. l^Mi 
Pmleflek UceiaaU. 907 4tk ava., 
W. H. XAbb. ladianapoUa, Ind 
C. W. Parker, AkUene. Kaa. 

Tba foUawlac Xiima wm iM (tad to i 
of H«» laan - " 

V. s. a 
at., a. T. a 

!k A Oa.. « IW. SMk. H. X. a 


Anwilcaa Pcail lUr. 
Boaa Cwto On, Candlb 

Haadr T ■ ~ 

Oran A 
Tfce Z 


BUhora Broc., 



Wbo Catar Eivaoiallr to tha Ski 
r. Waadt. FlMto.. BoootoB. N. 3. 
trOMo Stndlo. 2M-a(8 Sute at., 
J. W. WItHB. lee state at., flilraa*. 

Setlan in, Antbon, Amenta aad 
Ctaea. McDonald & Co.. S8 WubJsrtoa, fT*rfc!a»o 
Mies Ellzzbetii Mattwrr I'tSO B'wsy, M. T. a 
Will Boeelter. 225 Wsitts^oo mt.. OUoaco. 
Saoeer A Jonlan. HtS Broedwsj. M. T. C. 
Belwm A Co., U*l Broadwar. N. T. 0. 
W. B. Wataoa. 389 Pearl <t., BraoUn, N. T 

wmm nar somu. i«a vwas. u. t. c 
mmma A. wMNi. k ft «■ z.a 


Of Pictorial Foateaa aad Blf Type ataada. 

wm Boeaitcr, S9 WaiU^toa at., 
I. WfeUeaon, 240 B. " " ~ 


iQacciBtad BN8i» 
McAllUter. d» Muaao at. Mew T«tt flttr. 
Cbieaco nka axdunae. US a. Cbtk at, <» 

Bnceoe Cllnc * Co., 10 Xl MIk at.. 

Klelne Optical Oo.. 02 State at,, ~ ' 
" aZd at.. New Ycrk. 

H. «: c 

m tin. flktk m. 



Ackennan.Qiilslej Utfao Co.. Kaa. CMr.- Ma. 

American Sliofr Prlot Co., MUvraokM Wli. 

BeB Sbow Print Co., Slsoamey, la. 

C H. Bock Co., BoatoD, Mas*. 

CkralTal Poatcr Oo^, 717-719 Hesneyin STe., 

MtaneaiwlH. Visa. 
CliicasD Sbvw Print Co.. 140 Stk aTC.. CUeajto. 
Oeaeest Eac- A Pt<. Co., 322 2d at. ~ 

rule, lad, 

laaMaee lAOto. Co., Rewpact. Ey. 


reccea .Piliiltat Os., » Tiake at, <Mi 
Onat W. Rk, Coi. S13 Ebn at., H. Si 

' OOb, Ctneiimatl. 

_B A SIlow Print Co., O. 
Pis, aad Pal>. Os., PtiUaddphla, Fa. 
» ■. Bnr, Baaey hld(., maiiiill 
Stnr romn Waika. " 
a J. Uae,. « iii Ll - 1tgA a» MM, WKaiid. O. 
vaeaetaer pre. Oa^ 

Will Rossiter's Original 

Addrea all mall ~ ~ 


asM La II ail at., MdM^iMa. 



McAlUsto. « Mliaaaa at.. New Xork City, 
cailcaco TOm 9k.. us S. OMk M..- CMcam. 

* Oew. 88 Dcaitaa at. OUcaca. 

^'^./'^^S** * K- ^- C 

Hartiaafc* e^. aw VStart Pmiadf^bia. 

0» . « atate at, OwSSaTm » 

J£>n Sm^TM ■■ Idtk. H. Z. U. 
Xnca Brea_ Ud TM Baa vnadaao. CaL 

or naatriaal tattaehMda, Ccstraota, 
ata., ato, 

l^liareh Ptc. Co., 416 Ekn et., CtadaaaU. 
Crceceat Bos. A Prtf. Co., SB Xd 

Tine, Ind. 
Neapareil Ptc. Oa. 

l»t*Kt U Meaamoce. lOT w. «tk at.. M. T. C. 
And Dsalaa ia doaaatr, ato. 

Mm Herftirth, 2183 Boooe at., (HactaaatL 
Jamea BBjiper. UB B. Oida^la ac. Baliidi 
Mleb. - 
Soamaa A Laadla, 23e 8. CUntaa. CUeaca. 

3- Bock, az Bine Islsad ere. Cblc««o. m. 

Kanafa otmais and DaaLwa ia. 
Aatoaatle On—triieuae Co.. MB Wtttm at. 

N. I. aty. ■ - 

Otme Braa.. Detralt. UlA. 
ConaolUated afaddBe Co.. i24N.»tli P141adrlplilj 
CasBOinUtaB Nor. Ca, 214 N. 8tli it., PWla. 
w.^"**?^,** Punadelplila. P«. 

MlUe Norelty Co.. 11 S. Jeireraoa at., Ohleaao 
SlDser Bna.. 82 Bowery. N. X. O. 
WatUac Wk. Oe, U8 W, - 

Ns clonal Film Renting Co., 
Chicago, m. 

X. a. oJI^m' HARimAm 


Chicago aScaae Wreck Co.. SStli A Iran, Chlctse 

T«r Fair raOaaan. ata. 
Ooe. Xaosc ft Oa.. 02 St. Ctelea at.. St. bNK 

Faliricius, 90T N. Broadway, St. Lool*. Mt^ 
B. Lu Futae A Oa.. BBS Dearbocm at.. Oitmm- 


M. Gerber. 7S9 Sooth at., Philadelphia. 

The GoldstnlUi Toy A Impcrtlnf Co., 12S ■. Mk 

St., ClnclnDstl, O. 
A>f. Goggenliela, SBB Broadway, N. X. a 
Bolsmaa A Alter. ITS B. Kadtnoo, OhleafllL 
TJie H. B. Co., 106 Oual at., N. X. 8. 
I. Blsenstein. 44 Ana at.. New Xork City. 
Lerin Bros., Terre Hante. lod. 
W. F. Miller, 144 Psrk Bow. N. X. a 
-Vewmsn Mfg. Co.. 81 Woodlend STe.. Clerelaad 
Rogna-Ttiarmsa A Co.. ise Wabssb bt., CUtag* 
Will Boaalter. 2as WestatngtOd at.. CSilcsgo. 
Shiyock-Todd Co., SIT N. 4tb it.. 8t. LooiiL Ma 
N. Shore A Co.. 2M Madleoo, Chicago. 
Sbspiro A Ksrr. -iSS Sontb at., PbUaddlM. 
Stager Bros., 82 Bo-xtry. N. Y. O. 
Western Bargili: Hock-. B. MadIaaB,OMMSi 
Harry Welaiwmn. 240 E. Msdiaoe at. OMCBSA 
I. Whiteaoa. 240 E. Msdl>oo at., Chicaf*. 


Prof. S. Ungennan, 70S N. Oth St., Plilta. 


418 Delswsre St., 
Colamfcos, O. 

Baker ft iMkweod Oo., 

aat aty. Mo. 
CCBL B. DaoBTlB A Co., 
n aa ak sil j Biaa.> Ttat Co., St. LooU. Ma. 
I. CTaaaa Co., Datralt. Mich. 
St B. Kaakclr. MS SobUi at, N. T. a 
T»» Xanar Ok. 00 S. WMUastae at. 

P. BMcr T(Bt Ca- Octiatt. ~~ 

n * TiHiUM. ni ■. - 
U.M.- - — 

ACkatBaB»^BlcIcy Cki. IT— an CUy. U*^ 
Am. Ticket Co.. Toledo. O. 
Globe Ticket Oa,. 113 M. ISIk at.. Fl llillMli 
WeldoB. waUaBB ft Idck. r«rt Soltk. AA 


S. B. OiU. a«4 Kala at, Siirincflcld, Haas- 


Q. Nerricae, dd N. Franklin. Chicago. 

(•ee. A. Pstnrel A Co., 41 Warren at, M. >• 


ft 8a« Obw, la OolaMa aw-. 

Ttnak Wks., ir7 K.E 
M. a Xdlly A Co.. Oolomhoa, O. 
Wcatcm Dalform Co., 220 Clark at, Cbleafdk 

nmak MelTille. i«c Broadway, N. X. C. 
Edw. StasTDe. 87 WuMngtoa (t., Chicago. 
Itiearle-Biicklry. 827 St. Jaaea Mdg., N. t- 
Croaa, Wild Beast Mercijant, LiTespool. Bof 

neanett Jewdty Co., ISIT Poplar, PUladelpkla. 
r. N. Matt dlS OeartMra at, ~ ' 
A Oik. IBS «U 


Xtie Oliiboapd 



Tlie FamoDS 
Boxing Midgets, 

■t Adinn. TIM BHIkMrt. 

! AiIgiej!U!LLions 



St* 4Tlh 





A Colored Act tbat Sf akea Good. 

The Bradfords i-"^>^ian 

AMl«M Tbe BUboard, N. Y. OflBce. 



W. A. LAKO. Sit Ogden Btdg., Cblemgo. 




BepresentstlTe, AL LAWRENCE Kent, O. 




Sensation off tbe Century. 

wlthHtot. Rates SonUwrnCanrival 
gsyw aue Itehm. FortMiM 


Bicycle Bill 

Gmt larlet twirler and crcllst. Big norelty 
act. Add. care Billboard. cincInnatL Ohio. 




la (lielr Fhree Comedz V&adeTllle Sketch 

AaSimauM. im, v. T. city. 


wtn Ifclr Irfck billboard. Intro- 
laaa kaad ud hMd to hwl 

t an tlw war Itaroagh, 

Per AM. BIU.80AS0, CladnasU. 



-HiiWE t seen 

"Dot's A UlMO for a Tsda." 

Address B. A. MEYERS. 31 West 31 St.. N. T. 



■qnlllbriBts and contortionists. A big 
UL With OCX* ft Buie»%' Sbows. 
Pot, addreag The Bniboaid. 








■ASOH l»«S. 


Hon«r-THE HOBSONS-Esfella 


BQDBBXBcaeaB (wns svook) 

■i*4 tad tS. 

The Great and Onlj 


PrlDClpal BaK-tack 
irMBtd tlM Gnatcat BntlMqiie Mole 
Aet t ~ ' 


IlMtS «( 

a Splee of Ooardr. 


El»glleh Acrobats. Poor In Number 
Preacntljic an AtMolate NorelU* 



Originators «nU lYalnora of the BOXINO 
STAliLIONB ana OUier NoreJtJe* la 


In a Rare Dlsplar of 

la OilstMl OwslcsHHw. 




PrwntlDg the "Rorai ijalntette" of Trained 
Bqaines &o<3 ThoroD^bibreds on tbe Hippo- 
drome track, abowing all gatta In bamefis. 


Two BljE Featore Acts 
Seasons ise>i-19«6. 

«rtilaatar aad PiuJ aeM «t 

iWo an Hw OiiglaBton «t tbe Triple Jump 
V9 wUh tM*f«dln. CenllemaD at>d Dog. 
A CTMt reatore. Season 1004-5. 



Introduclnl: Backward nnd KonAnrd 

The LasKhlng Bit of 
Tbe World'. Greatest Sbom. 

JIM «nd LOniE 

Foartb CoDS€<;utlTe SeaaoiL 



•( AitMk Tassttttr. 



Aimerlea's BeprewatatlTe 


Aaerloa'i OiraUst aSDOUFB «C TIOOK OX- 

" • OCA, X. Jirtii. per 

Oilina. SafCMtatatlTe. 
at. Kaiir%ik CItr. 

2(0 Eaat Mtk 





finyiM, Tattte. Knockaboat and 

luaggnaMunc ounrN 
■ilk Fttf-r Bna.. Scaaoos UBS to 
At Ubcrtr for ■Winter Beasoo. 


iMpoBslblt Managtre, addrtst caf BHIboard. 


comedy duafl>' 

hum DALLAS, 




Oi>enpd the regular season at the Chicago 
Oper« H ^ pt u. Orpboum Clrcnlt to 

Aatrici's PlNoaeul Skttirial Artist. 




addnw. T. w. OREKNLKAF. Mcr- Sit North Srd Bt.. 

40IKCT, UX. 




...Alcazar liiirlesquers^ 

Ml HUFF ft €0. 


"lloraii!& Itw and Might" 


ICniE of tbe Wire. The moM Momtlooal midair M 

blbltJon tn «xlstcim. For open time a " ~ 

coney bland, or Ut w, isaa .t., N., T, 



— lis 

Tracked Around The World Co. Season 1905-06. 

JIedmond soragham.. 



HuifUMt— A. H. ROODS. Sum II 


Am MOV F«yy.'? 

In Tnekwl Aranad tba WarU Oa. 

MuwiMit L I. lOeOS. Siatoa II 



Tiaakad Aiaaai tka Warid Ct. 

•.LMM. tam 190541. 







CMeBUIli— la.. 

Phillips &60fl!0H 


Address The 




aioroiien time address 

IBJPw yU Ave.. CHIOAaO. 

SeasaMaaal DlsraUac Win Aal 
-PAIH8IAN anxes" co^. 

Tbeatrieai Hotils «- BnrdiagHnMS 


rHFOSMttl IRipHnBI M Wiri air 

EhiTopean Plan. Elarant Bnfll 
SEO. H. HIHES. Prep- isa 

Chlcam). Haymarket Bldg. 


C\ aad A mTl i wui i 
J. A. lULCY. Cor. thf* « S« Sta., 
MaiiAtfw. CHICAGO. ILI.. 


Cafe, Restaurant and Rooiaing Hoise. 

PETE EUiS, tav. «iialKlil.1lL 


Xne Billboard 


We hav* !■ 
tiiul Album ahowlsitf iao- 
■ImilM itx Colors of 
PcMtera. Window Cardiw 

Shall , w* 






1 ;■. ■ ?•» f'^. 




SPECIAL AFPER—^«wlU<<>n>l^l()<> 3-sheet uid 1000 K-sheetDescrip- ^ 
•rcifMk urrcn avee printed in one color, with a reaBonajUe *|9 A A 
amonnt of matter on same tor; ^ifciww 


amonnt of matter on same fOr^ 
~ AT ONE DOLI^B FEB SET. each set to contain i 4-aheet. 
h«BMb dar and data onlr to t 




IN ejumiVAL 

We maniilkMtai* Uw beab and lugwk Una ot 

also cmfet&l, eanes, trick matches, squirt balls, 
"Lloensedto Bntt-In" badges and fobs, toys,balloons, 
bnttons and badges for all celebrations. Over 
different novelties for summer resorts, 
street fairs, carnivals, etc. MTAIOO F>EI 





Tr IP., Carnival and Sho w Work 


New and serond hand, for sale at any time. 
Beferenop anr bank In VaMfd MMml 

HO«- gM W KCTKH ir ■A1A0OW CO., 
Tl-78 yuerton Awe, CHICAGO. 

TADGHl pnaooallT- and by cor- 
tanu FlOF. LctoxuAX School of 

par m. or ho*, (tjo. Lun 
•r no. tItJO per im. tanplaa Me. 
' ~* 8. Bwm7. SC. Louis. Mo. 

• vor n 


And Electriff the World. 


MHM>JtoZp*»n ftrtUt's Tolcn and biilllut miulcal 
<MMik ■UMaomoncT. Price dttalia Cr©c, ' 

nor. o»>sas & x. 

TIE OUUtr-*' 

aoaOIIHlVl! Tlllk Ho— 1 

I oa tha aiackwlK, Mils Cknar- Offn 
Fir. addnai. It F»ny St.. FItUbBiS', 

Si. 00 



Cincinnati. O. 


Greatest Attraction 

... Yet Invented 

Our bandsome catalogue la frae and 

fully describes this machine. Also 
many other styles. Hand, Spring 
and Steam Power. Rotary Pop- 
Com Poppers, Boasters and Poppers 
Gombinen, Ice Cream Freezers. Cab* 
inets, Tubs, Steel and PotoelaiD: 
Iron Cans, Dishers, Soda and Ice 
Cream fpoons, lee Shavers, loe 
Breakaia. Milk Shaken. 

Crystal Flake 

The celebrated article used so ex- 
tensively for improving lea ONam. 
Sample and Bedpe free. 

Gat the Slides 

■IMtt or Hone" and "Thar AU Ipofee Wab 

of Ton," hr the famoiu«itter>A&TMan» 
and your snocess will be iMund. NsBUDOia: 
views. SB«00 per set. 

Tliey Always Make Good 

Piofeaslonal copies free to leeocnlsed stng- 

m. OicliMtntiaiis M eoaw eadu 

try our famona sonn. *ViiM aVUtnTC et Ton" 

and "My Sunbnmt IMy." 

Om Lm Parteo Minlo Oo. 


:Show Printing: 

Type end Enaraved Poster*. 
Dates, Herald* and Dodaers. 
Sketobea snlmilttod on appll* 
oetlon. Qalcfc Wotfc oe efcort 

flHIMGO SNOW PflllT, 128-130 Sill li.,Ulet|i 




Do You Want To Know 

What is doinf anywhere at anx time In aav 
line? If uo, It Is onr bnslneas to tell JW. a 
"yon don't know what yon wanb ant soaas- 
body." We can help yon oat. 

rain nimn iukau, 

206 K. Fourth St.. - CINCINNATI. O. 

Orb HqIb Moving Picture Outfit 

consisting of 1 Lumiere Fnmb teew)^ 
300 Films, 20 metres each, in good 
dltion— the lot for $550.00. 

Badgalap^ - - 786 iisiioi 


Mexican Curios 

Axi« anlek SelUos Nowdttaa. Bead ft 

cataloffoe. BOSS CUBIO CO, LaiadQi Tua 
on the uexlcan border. 


jrrarBontlTato print tromora 

wmun AHsnma or Wiea Flioto*. whlto, « 

or InTUIble. M |i«r 1.Wl Band lor umpu. 

WMimTt MM>te.« 

Hilton^ ll» J»' 



Ox7^n &nd HTdroeeii Om Carnisbed In tAnka for 

StereopCIcoa uta MoTinK Picture Macbtan, All orden 

to any part oC th« 

516 Elm Si reel. 

United States niled promptlj 










SSnd year of great success. For open time and 
particulars add. care Klllboard. Clnc'tt. O. 



scorr OPERA house 



all ttoyaartorBoodattiaotion.. WrltataropM 





LataatlB Marked Csrd& niee, HDU.«iita, 
Blotroat Ink. Nuvelir BUooUdk Uallerlea, 
atruet GameL Km Mod forCatalome. ' 
J AMifS-Mn.I.ICB juro. CO. Ft. Soou. Kua. 

OCTOBER 28, lOCfe. 

The Blllboapd 




We Iisve lmrg» atocks of ioUttwlBc toods on 

wiiicb we wlU makevpeetadsiibaf mMowm 

lont as they l««t: 

CON FETTI Der lb. 5c 

BLAPPEKS or Wife Beaters per sr. 12.50 

lAP CROOK OANES, best aaal- 

Itr per 100 3.00 

No. 5 RUBBER BA^LLS perrr. 2.25 

No. 10 BITBBEK BALLS perer. S.&0 

No -yi RUBBER THREAD...... per lb. £.10 

No. RUBBER TAPE per lb. 2 10 

so 190 PAPER HOBN8. 14 inches 

lone .-iv. p«r«v. 2.25 

No. ^ BLOWOnTS, the Qood'Onepercr. I.SO 

TONS, pearl back pergr. I.IO 

No 3031 GLASaCDTTEB KNIFB per cr. 7.00 


BOOK '.. per»r. 4.50 

Also Notions. Novelties. Jewelry, Ontlerr. 

&c Cash deposit with order: no coods 0, O. 

D. wHfaoattt. Catalocne tree, 


gT VOMJMS, - - MO. 

Tk* Onatcat Wn»f Ifatiny Shootlns Oalleiy Made. 

Agents Wanted 

nw Knit* of tiM World. H 

«Bt anklM. For putnc t 

emn potaton ami plnaapplMi, 

IS differ 

^W#^ Pm>fcWBfcffB* 

t»»o« art af Witt (h 

Atlas Trunks 

■"or Dm vcotMite an w t lbMi t a mK. 
vttb aor PAmnSD SUtniRO. ra^oUi^ •> 
aalla u4 itraM M t ia mh o l . 
On aa talaca a wIM dwatfnllr fcltilm 


An.. WinadalfMa. Va. 


|«rs« UneColn GomtrvIMHaelilBea, 
Snehaaanvaea io acoadask saMsts, hotels. 

y»« Mlaalon St. San Franolsae. CaL 


Blotout Ink. Strippers, Hold, 
outs. Camelbaclc Spindles, 19ew 
Bleefarlo FleKaol. Sat Spindles. 
.a — o««es. 


The moat aMneltva noroliv 
shown ia -MH. Doea all 
eat* thitura. ifcteaaller. 



Sau^ lOe Mft paU, 

< ■■■■ ■ ir iip tm tmm. 

t. EISENS TEIH, 44 An St^ N. Y. City. 

We are headanarlan Cor 

Caralval, Fair aid StrNtata. 

Jeweln Iota, Comb Iota. 
Shear lota, Nothn lota. 
Pnisa lota, BandkoichleCs, 
Baaw lota. Uento. Boola. 
Glass Cotter KnlTMfwrk W. 
Brand TAUawara.!^ ~ 
Shaipane ~ 

«rSMm I«7 Oata, 

Fiali PondB, Knlle-Boanls, dee. 

We buy and sell tor cash, and yon 
will find oar prices 

The Cbeapest In . 

Send tor onr^Bte^aatwtad jOata- 

" Ta 

yon feny In oar line. 



106 Ctaal St. I. T. Cii|. 


The Billboard 

Will hold 20 48-pags copies. The papers can be 
easily bound one at a time; late copies can be in- 
serted in place of the old ones. It keeps the par 
peis flat and in good condition. Sizellxl& 

416 Bm S«r**t, OneinnatL O, 

led ALL the larse companies 
the linn that has the Got- 
into the new F. O. bnlld' 

Scenery and Propertlee for sale for storace charces. _ 
playlnc In Ohieaso this season with the best ot reoorda, 
emment contract for moving all the Federal oBlces ail. 
tng la Chlcaaro. 700 loads in 12 hoars: can anybody beat 
Maine to OaUfomla. and all are well Dleased at prlea. 
hand staff which we can ntllize In reballdlng shows. 

OfBc«, Boom 15, 225 Doirbom St., Tfl. UarrlsjJn 16>t;; 3tndlos, ShorK. Warchou.sos. 107 to 115 
TlnoOD St. Tel. Mouroe 974, CHICACK), ILL. 

The Billboard's Free Emergency Service. 

IKANAGSBS in need ot people bj reason of aooldent, s i e kn eea, indisposition 

or death aie Inylted to 

OS at eltlwr, o^.oiur ofBoes stating tteir 

AJl snob wires are immediately boUattned on a Twy 

with whtobeaoh office is provided. Itiaft ' 

dau and agents who aie'at liberty look In on na daily 
' ~ ' SlilBuaqtilok means of 

OwllBUBtlns on the boaid. 
tbazi^ people. Tblsi 

alwam read 



IsgratA. All WaabAds senC^ns for pnbliea- 
' laeelTed, and Hanuers frequently gat appU- 
* oasont. 

paper oontainfng tlMlr ad 


NEW YORK,l440 Broadway; CINCINNATI, 41618 Elm St. 

wnuc TO 

....THE LONDON.... 


la the iMoaalsed orsan of TaadaTllla A HI a t at 
fladatrtoadly weleoinaat40l Straad. HawT 
York city. Talapbane— snmadlwn. 

Od1| the BEST Sketches, Songe, Comedies, Dramas 

EohTwATT, ^'SSS^f 806 Wiburt Stmt Philadelphia. Pa. 





And make yon a fortone. If yoa hare a 
SONG or BOOK that ta worth anytliinv, 
yon aboald copyright It, Don't take 
chaaciawhea yoacaa secare odr eerr- 
tceaatamaU coct. Sendfor onr SPECIAL 
Orm TO MVniToaS before applrlor for 
a patent, i/ mV pay you. lUNDmK on 
falenititntna^ WeadTiaeU patnta- 


& VAN 

Walter Beemer and His Juggling Girl 

S01O Rliodes Ave.. CHICAGO. 

— IINTVra MCN — 
I haw a Bsw dm (ate gatta). fer ttrtm 

^STt si^&^^.'iS'^rss^ o. 

Bia ij t M as ia oampaltn tattoaa aad lias. 


wV/«f^ CunniiK. Ete. 

Onr DOLLaB assorted box ot One i . — . 

Bo Is the bat sellsr for lUn, street work, or osBTasB' 
luff. Ooete 70a ns per lOa bozee. Don*t miss this ebanee 
of me Vina no or more a dar. We also make private 
bmulB for HKDICUdC BIZ. 

N. uns SUP CO., 3t M« rut puct, cwusd. 



- rbateaa Sallar. aad ta ad 
ilna ToUat or Ooiatln . 
Talis whattoaar to 

, . Xaraaai1a.daf)oaltaBa,wUI 

I send 'CCD. witb examinatSoa prirUeaa. 

FANTUS Rfl. aa ixarbora Bt..aicaff 
Ptoapeetoi sent tias for permaoeat silrlrsai 


BSOVB M Ann St., N. T., Pkctorr Babylon, M. T. 

BlbboQ and ajlTer Trimmed, OLOO par bandied 

,se:a shell 

^^K^^^ Bia PN^rrrsFOR you. 

^^^^^^F W» maanflactoie them tut fMn. 

^ ^ Ckm]Tml*,KeMM:ta,etc See AaU 

Hat Pins, Bea Sb«tts and Shell NoTeltlaa of avaiy 
deecnpUon. We tell 70a bow to aclJ V^AlTTITIBk 

T. N. MOTT. 41M17DtirtonSt...CmClM.llL 

Rllms aad aecaeaorie*. cameras, ieaaes. sons slides, 
new and second band, boosbt, sold and excbaii<ed, 
Bzpert msfhsntrsl repalilns; spocUal slides made: 
moTtac pletoiaa taksatoordar: paKoratlBS. dsral- 
optoc aad i» — — — " ^' 

Bobaeldar. Mgr. 



at abont half prloo. 


. ake», maoj pood aa new. 

Wervtradadln foT**HOLTON** inatrofflenta^wblcb ex- 
cel all othara. If yon want the ben, bay a **BoLtoN'* 
—If joa will have another make. w« bare it for roo 
x^ntk^ ETerytblng for baada. Oar and faar- 

■aln list fne on reqaeaC 



s, saabeBneoominaaMsnuMia. OailMa 
lebssthssBltlseleCBlBSiai " 
latsQclsaftarts nj sassae 
bseene an esnrtwlad lasil 
I taHssvidiFria " ~ 

.TeaAaaelbMin. 1 

111.. Ill mm\ li^l I 1 iiiiwin 1i fill, ■Tli.^.. 

■■ ■ C E NTS 


Boajtht,M>M and exch&njred. Kjiiut&s (?tty he^:! -.uarten 
for iy-Iaon'B k^kxI*- 

.Tl. Stebblna, loss Ma.:u sl. Kahmui oiy, 3*<>- 


New line of comics and fancy cards. "The 
Peerless"— the only slos-proof postal card 
machine made. 300 arcade asack' 
dnoed siilee>. Satonrprica lb*. 




~ ao»FMw»W .fMa.P».. I 

Hiliaita aa. paaA lasws,^swsi^aaj^^e 

asenta, eaaTaasera. stmt. tolr. 
mall order workera send for sample be et ng L 
article on (be awfcM. ♦» P'f,"?'- JJ""- 
Tool and ««.mp<n« Oa.. FMhirteVptlle 1^ 

Ueafioit "Z%s .BaOoani'' tvJUa oasHcrwy odib ' 


Xtie Billboard 

OCTOBER a. 1806. 


Merry- Go - Round. 




78 — wy gt.. • NTtfc Tq—w» da. N. V, 

I for vuMTmli' 

atafen toMre or holet> 

s!a005S/M Month 

W dies CMi be set on a floor or VKwim 
Manufaotured by 

Amusement Oatatters. No. Tonrnwanda. N.V.' 

*laUd«nofUiaTonawanda Miniature Bail 
— "~ IwllhAlr Hrakes. 

A delldoos pupcurn cunf ectlun, pat np In 
piolstiire proof packatres that keepTt IreiSi a 
Jong time. A qnlck seller for theatres, dr- 
enaea. traTallns theatrical and medicine com 
Mnles and all places of pnbUc amosamenl. 
We also make a lanre line of PACKAGE 
BBICK. Inform ns where yoa hold a con- 
fectionery concession ana we will send sam- 
ples and prices. 

BuiGkhilm Bros, ft Etlnttbi, 



"Autamatic" Set Spindis. 

Electric Hyronemoos Cages. 
Drop Cases, Metal Boalette 

^ ^ Wbeel-best ever. Loaded 

Dice and Marked Oaida. Greatest 
eatalofir ever written on gambllnsr. 
Banc to any address FHEB. 

■ A R R A CO.. 
^SS jnfl& ATeBBet - CHICAGO, lU.. 


Prizes aad Gifts for 
aH Games. Jewelry 
aad NoTeMes for 
Somenir Stands. 
Parks. Fairs. Car 
nlTalsaod Theatres. 

Cbeapcal Eatafc- 
HshMit is Myv 

roft, ^ 

ausx OUT 

Singor Bros. New Book of Specialties contains tlie latest and best 
selling Novelties: Jewelry, Cutlery, Optical Goods, Watches and New 
Specialties, issues specially for Canvassers, Auctioneers, and Notion 
Men. Send for one to day. Maiied'frM on application. 

82 Eowciy, NEW VOSK dTV* 




BataMIabed I87E. Tbe oBly apeelfic CBMterOplBBl SmoklBK. QBlclc.-snre ui«l 
pslnleas. AGKNT8—PltMbarc« EinaBad^.BltaK' Store; Ommlia, PrmBk Fozk; 
I.oaIa, Nar'a OraE Store; DeBver, SelioItsBrnc Co. an<l B. niorltz; Salt Lake 

■ns.**. Sam free 


ST IB.'. 

SO IB.......... 

88 la 



XBUHH. AITD BAC CO.. 1S3 Colombia A-re., Pblla«eIplUa, X^< 

M th 

.«« oo 36 

88 IB S8 so 

40 IB S7 60 

Send lor cats. 


—FOR SiOf bomMQuWop; alltlM, ■«» M 

S9M^. wsK._ynxa^ Br««J«>. » But 


Werld's Oreatest asrial ilot. Address BllttsTd; 


Unrivaled Japanese Artlats. Address Blllbeard. GhteaBo. 


Tbe FftmotuTOOZOON IN ARABS. .* | Tb« M&rTeloQs Troupe of 10 FAZZAK ARABS now plkv. 

Sotinffest ftod most •emUonal Oriental i iDff secoDtt succesalol month's ennsement at OlrmMe 
aerobatle performers In exlBteore. Will Theatre. Pkrlp. The^ Are bookad aa fblleva: Mui- 
plaj- a limited ensaeement of 12 weeks ctaeo. BaTari*^ Oct. 1 to U; Ttl— _ ^aaM^ Oik U to 

thrnoghEelth'eCircultcominencZKKOct 30: Lelpslc and Berlin to ^^^^ 

Addzvss all Commnnlcatlons to SIE HASSAN BEX AU, Lena VlUa, Con^ Islaitd, K. T. 

Greatest ot All 

Bickett Family. 

Addresa WM. E. BICKETT. Care Billboard. ' 


The Handy Fnift aad 


BoLtiittin, <nM) urmfd. It lOea (mil 
0fT«mSa low I nilatr of lucr itm. •Itlt- 
It la «..iiaLlc to* .itkhic 4tlkat« 
■{UJ^- •««»« JUUtMMKS tx Un> uftf ^ 
Iha^onlliuiy iMDal.. Tab oo>T BUfitf «lt.t «1U 


btf2arlT,« loopmM ind Mil. 


■uiMpalpUIlOA. ImSSjS 
CUaWu. of (uimc IttMlioMMiiS 


Virginia Homes 

You leara all about Virginia 
lands, soil, water, climate, re- 
sources, prodncts, fruits, ber- 
ries, mode of cultivation, 
prices, etc., by reading the 
Send 10c. for 3 ttimifltt gnb. 
scription to 





5a. m Ou BMIeeo. 

ContoCtl {MsMud dna) - 
COBfMtl MoMm. uKrUd colon, in 
Bad. Whlto ud no* camlmrouia, per ] 
Com. Ooltar. Hand Cos BaMow - - 





3. ISO 


I Will Kcnra I Dtcmt In a biK monoy 
lukliiK, sbort out raio. CoaMdr, 
. talpRwittrt^a ntprtaWy, aHotaT. 

A sure money maker 
th e year roond. Pro- 
fits larKeand Derma- 
Qent. Easily learned 
b y inzmerleiiced 
penona. Wearetbe 
only orbclnators.and 
sell tbe only snc- 
cesHfal vrocen sna 

W. Z. LONO, Springfisid, Ohio. 

S Oatning Baio. 

The Watline 

Guessing Scales, 
Punching Bags, 
Pieton MasliiDBs. 



All kinds. 


Saod for CSttalaea. FREE. 

WATLIN6 ilF6. CO., 

Cblcago. lU. 

716 Saiuom>aLPHiA. fa. 


fearuusna m ta«t. 



41 & 43 Warren St., NEW YORK. 



Alse NovdHcs tar. \ 

W. rectV^mfir otdi from our fuior) 
BaUoiw* et all ki.di 'awl mx% tfait 
(uraaU. c( npniof qa.nt; to 107 
offered o. the nar'htt. 
We .bo caaUm o« cntoaKn tod tk. 
tnd. to bcwar. of iaferior-coodt .od 
(kiw osnbcr. stfttcd at dKtp prlco. 


i(sbbcr BsIlosBs. 
Rubber Balls. 
Robber Coods. 
For Csralvsl Ssles. 

Cane Rack Canes. 
Knife Rack Knives. 

Vow sn7— Ona^loek— 1M per doaea. 
We bare tbelargeat assortment otKnife Board 
Kolves westof tbeHlssiiEippi river. Ourpricet 
are absolote rock bottom. W. also ean? a fell 
line ot Strcetmen's Uoodi. CaraiTal NoTeltles 
and Koodi (or Fair*. We are one ot the oldest 
Streetmen's (npply boau in the Voited States. 
We have thousandf o( satiifled cnalomen. We 
can TOD and want fonr bnalneia. "'O 
aXTSSTlTuTtyo iinleu yoa lay (o. Order* 
atalpped the tame day ai reeeired. Large OalV 
logae Free. 

COB. -roscos a* oo.* 
~ sb, sr.xBKUbJni 


Is tbs piass irtHmTonesnlnoorponilB 
nrwtdKB]^, moat promptly snd swat 
safUy' All or tbe Important fsafenrM 
of O18 Inoorpontlnsr boslnoss an In- 
daded In the Arizona statntes. We 
are tbe pkmser looorporatois. TennB, 
blank forms and oopy of oar Ism fine 
tor tbe asktng. AddiMi 


Aitcons Basana tnlidtaA 



Ibu aterllae'. Bojai Bomadr will 
But can. fiO.OOO eoraa la put 99 
7e.ra 1. tbe record. Noni.tterwDBt 
>ta.e tbQ* b.. reMbe4. tbl. 
woadarlal.p«ciac drive, the pol.on 
from tb. aniem ner.r to rctero. 
Don-e lalB ym«au with Mleeoe. 
bet WfUaMCTfir MflPfi 
iiia««i . i.a SMk aaS Mi 
addcw. f 
TMa jONM STaauam Mra^. 


OCTOBER 28, 190B. 

The Blllboar<l 





Br»liooUnBl>ntto»»olPIier«»rmeiit«andtI»e gmrteru from her Ilmba, wbleb 
feat DO one else <tarea to Inute'e or even fake. SboolliiK tfS bDlUeyea iu 9 aec- 
onda; «alcker titu m. K»tllnE Kan> No Imltatora In tbia r-«t, mm It takea « reiil 
markanMntodolUUNl not m plcmr witb a red noae. Breaklnea Klua ball 
iroiu bto own bead by abooUna tbe trtECer of anotber rifle placed opposite bim. 
Bbootlne and break in g two plecea of aacar placed on tbe bead or an aaalatant 
by alntaltaneonalT nrlns two platola— one In eacb band. Paaalne bnlieta 
tbrouEh a linger rinc beld brtween tbe Oneera by an aaalatant. f loalne ttae 
act with tbeareateat •pee^enlar featan on the atace. A yonne lady dreased aa 
the Statne of laberty aud atandlngln the rear orthe atage, atauotlnBtbe Jewela 
oCher crown, and with, the laatihathlttlnc a bullae - - - 

bDlIaeye In tbe breaat of a laree 

eaxle* thereby rtnalnc a konc aadft^Aldtnc an Unmenae American flac. with 
ereat electrical -ellMta. . -"i ' t '. 



ifjaanpiiaciiwiit. Wkiiatoilva: 



SI W. Stat St.. N. Y. CITY. 




OamlnCandOparatinsSO PIrat-Claaa Vaudavillo Thaatraa Eaat. North wost i 

MA* A Mia^Mi^B^Mi A* ATT VM^na an nam 

67- So. Clark St.. 

«iAt «aia daUTw tta* sooda. 

I Wa«t 


Ill Eddy St.. 219 Denny Bide. 



This Spindle iii Are years ahead of 
Ii is a creeper with 
lately Impoaalbto to 
srastast Candy 

•veroffwed. Send for 

■□d price: also oar 
Ing eoods of every 
llatest woric): Pbss- 
Dlce. Finest Hold- 
New Cold Deck Machine. Block- 
ErerytbiOK tbe best and prices 


Camel Back orthe Ohleaco Spindles. 

SQueeze. bnt abso- 
detect. malclnff tbe 
Wheel or Spindle 
lurtber description 
catalcvue of Sport- 
desciliitlon: cards 
inc and Mbs Out 

ont Ink. Street Gatnee. etc.. etc 
the lowest. 

CO.r FT. scon, KAN. 


iJffiKE!5S"J?P'"5?r*''5'^*°« *'>**H*** Swelehln^ about 500 each: I stallion 

gyfMy VP- A." ""Mt be onder 8 years of age. Also want one bucking and chasing mule; 
SlumOoIden Honks. State price and ail in flm letter. Address 

■ • • ■ - ■ - • ■■ DODE FISK. Wonewoc. wis. 


SEALED PROPAfiAl_S 'or the prlTllece at a CAB0U8EL. la Um CITY FAKK,wUl ba 

.-aaw-w^»aw^ tnrr.-lninnkaiia ¥Miaiii|- Tlii 

W OrsTicr StTMt, oaUl HaTwalMr T, IMS, at io'CloolfF. it. ibarp^ 

For dttatli aad ipMlllokUaiu addiMa JOs: ^a^ABD, Sapt. Cltr'lMb 

.neO >nmlll»ii««aTVwti»H«htto'reWaiu»iaia all bias. .. '• j03.BKR.\ard, 

g iWTTllAmt, y. Ctolrman; tx. Com. < I 'T . . . ~ ■ Sec of Ex. com 


TOURINe 1905-1906 = 

M^ka of <£Uy eoneert CHomntaa aa 
Iw 4MBclal Band, World*a VaEtT 
JHay to Daeember. 

dtle* and towna of the 

October a. 




vviL.i..iyv(M , 

A Modern OiKaalsstloa tor ft 


AMY WHAI.BY,-Prlma Donna Siprtno. 
•OLOISTS: Comet. 

Trumpet. Clarinet. 

Trombone, Sue- 

Pbone. PlceoliN 



Horn Quartette. 
Trombone , Qsar- 
tette. OKthedrSl 
Ohimea. Ae. 

_ Soite M2 
Security Batldlnc 

Hew .S'oric City 

. Eptgkerbocker 
' TheMreaidc.. 38th 

Addieaa a 
rolathw to Band. 

street cad Broad 


r'\ Oaifl J.Manacer'-: 
Address on buslueos 
-r-r,. "ipMteis, dates, etc. 
nimMHstw finiMOT Eai^gmNnts, 
Paikt, Rasaita, Expesttlent, Eto. 


The finest stock of second hand films 
and sonir slides In good cordlclon at 
great bargains. These films have Just 
been returned from our rental uir- 
colt.- Send for list. 

133 S. Clartc St., 



Mr nQW fall bariraln 
list of up-to-date no«- 
elty and agents' goods. 
Don't delay but bend for 
a copy today. I have 
the largest stock -of 
oumic postal ca ds In 
n. S. lOu samples, nu two 
alike, mailed for 60c 
.^oatpaid. ^ ^ 4 

11 jliT _ Va- -.T 



Wrtl« WM. MORRIS or a X. BODODOK " ' 


'2%s.fiiB&oanrtn^aiMiMriii^ odt. 



Films and Projicting Klnitosciiittl 

Bzblbltlon^nodel, Sl iS.OO. DnlTenial Bodel, STSeMa . ;vC 



I' I 

Theopenlng scene shows Alcy and hia best slrl piepailar k Iw i ^ acB nader a Tlaa o u nm A 

tree on the bank of a brook in a beantif nl meadow. Algy Is sent tar some water, while the 
young lady goes to gather some floweis. Presently a Tillainons looldng tramp emerces 
from under the foot-bridge over tlie brook. He discorers the lunch basket and decamps 
with It. Algy'g sweetheart returns, discovers tbe tramp making off with the basket, and 
calls Algy back, who retnms |n time to se^ tbe tramp dlaappearlng lnto;the woods. Ha - 
calaa her flaaia and holfly atarta after the tramp, 
tattattly seated la tka«(ioaa,TcjBa1taiK himself wlOitha : 

mands the basket, wherenpon Hr. Tramp, with the aid of a clnbw persnades Alay to < 
hats and coats, and to retire with him Iiehlnd some bnshes to exchange the reat of his i 
Both soon return completely dressed In each others' clothes. Ur. Tramp now drives AlK7 
away with his club. Algy's sweetheart has been waiting his return. Boon she discorera a 
tramp approscbinc and starts to mn. Tbe tramp runs after her. cbaaes her throng a eom. 
taidsiidoTcrarallteneeu Beaching a toad thaaeiea a ■ 
looAaweater aodlaerldantly a pogUlst tealnlac for a 
plain* the sltaatkMi. The ptise flcbter tdls her ** dere Is nntin to 1^** and goes)>ack after 
the tramp He promptly knocks him down, kldis him a few times, and then canles him on 
bis back to wh-'re tbe young lady has been ^ 
In spite of his black e and dilapidated app 
proceeds to roundly score ber preserver. 



CUKCinbABtf No* M7« 

The ••Whitocapa".;... SSSft. '*l»afnea"-^Tha Oog."...... 

Tha Boardins School GIria 96Sil^ Tha Whola Panua Familir and I 


aialn OlBce and Faetoryt Oranse* R. J* 
Chlcaxo Ofllee, 304 Wabaata Avenne. 

Wew York Office, 31 ITnlon Square. Cable Address. KtirUisn. New Torlc 
■ oyncB poR.piaixD xibqdoii: n axaxxswtu, boap, iwapoB, 


Wanted^' Utiitator 

Of Birds. Animals and Mechanical Sounds. A three- year engagement to the right pait r 
State age. salaiy and full particniara la first letter to THB I.TBAN ILBOWE HOVHW 
PIOTDBB Ouu •» *path River St.. WOlf rttanra. ga. 


Harry and May Howard 

ri I anallnii ■ llrlirlit anil rismr flimmn T'ffmiTfiT Skateb, Intradoclng singing, wiay ata lu gata aaa 
MWmtmltmVtm^j^^m^^ "jt. or cw» ot thk boxboarp^ w&r ws 

iUCK IQRE, SWIWn#?qKR, WANEIE SUBC fM UFE. j U liaM t«uri(aaa, Art. 

W E W I^WT^ V O U 

If yon have a Good Ont-Door Act. We can nae the b«st at all ttaaea. 
Good Senaatlonal Acta Alwaya In Demand. 

« J. Pretoitt BtoklRC AscHoy, ZI6-17 LRHtfetr iai>m«i MtewMrtl*! -Im- 

AGoHum "2%* ABioar^' 

40 «|T^e«tliHil?«tf^€l ■ •• •«?>«^J««- 


Pathe FiLMSl 

, f"--- The Most Laughable Sut^ect Ever Made. 



Jm onr IMtten. We supply the cream of all imaitti&ctiureB as &at as fhey axe made. We 

: : : : ' : : i i' 


TlierBMt^aiid -Newest 141ms as soon as they are mannfactored. This means a supply of 

and always changed WEEKLY VAUDEVILLE FEATURES for 

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