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Amaseroept Weel^^ 

«rATn Mrnft omci. 


Fdrauy 4, 191L 

MAUDE iUMIIIS Opmmt In Ctew t to to r . at 



Tlie Dillboarcl 

EDROBXAIa ..............••.«....•• • 

HEARD IX ADVANCE • .\ ....... . .>> . . * 

NOTKS OF THE ROAD... ; ^ . • 4 

BIOORAPBI<CAI> BKBIGH OV Ik|N JOafBTT. . .;....^,vk..... • 
AlCOBBIUMX. 'WBMK. OR -AMKRICSAvi. ... > . • . . • .^^ . . - C-T 



ir*^nt«un.T-».unBiEir nt wwui XOBK. w .;......«.....••••••.... 1* 

Monoar pioniita ttsvuiif ■ Ata> nzjc mbwb.^ « ; y,'. . .... •-• it 



EVO TOWN 'MpsBBMxsm isimfn. . . . r . • • • • • ••• • • • i*-i* 

BliKZdEBQinB MBW8 .'v. • . • . . . . • 

MUSIC NEWS •. •••• 



dSCIIB NKW8 .-..>.......... 20 


s^UjUl SXNOPSBB'^:^^ • i^.'. 

tnrAitw wT'wrwig' wiBlUll- T^.'.:. . . 29 

PCBRUARY 4. Itll. 




n* wisMisii 

•■i V«MMCt. 


415 to $35 Per Day 

ThI* !■ vkat yon on i 

MachlBP mtkm three elaea 

tana on pl&tei iKxSM. IX: 

tf L. Button plAtea, It U ff» 
ventbia fortaklnc crtKixM.velilc$» 
and taoaaea. Our lateat nuMieL TbIo 
Gamefm Scope. nukBs 6 button pic 
tmaa in one nUnDtB. We ai«o 
Cactoia aammi dlffBraat etrlea 
atreat tte trpa aaAfeM aadaap- 
pltaa farauta Wa la ttaaateM 
Baaa&etanfB of tfea VenotTpa 
8lea»a' Marhina. Sand turoor ti«r 
eatalogna. rlTlnc tan paxtlealara 
M dapoelt reqalred wlta an ordan. 


Pu t. A. laH iMaooerBt^ 

Nzw YORK cmr. H. Y.. U. a. A. 




will fit moBt any bord^ drama. 


For .Sbow People 

EqulpMrt to. 

AnjiiitA. GA. 


■■iring, Mowif ■■vlng. 

To Uaa TbiB Chair la to Male* 

•ieiw w; aicfiiiKTT, 

TMW.Mnat.. CI—I M — I I .O. 

Pwtofinwg^ * Till tag ........... ..m. ..•.>........ 

.^^ets wltb IQaeallUMoas OoinpulM.......V..i.'..^.^.. «..'..... M 

Jlufi^S ' wttiL BSSlaBOVM O0flB98Bl0B. ..*...... ..4^. . . . ■ 

yfflgiMg^y sbA 'A08tttSa . .'^ • . • . ^ • 36 

Burlaaqua ZMntaa > ■ . ........••> 33 

Stock and RepertoIM. .'. ..i..... 39 

> - 

. ................ ...J*. V 

• •••.•....«.# •....................•**.>* .'. ....... - 41 

....V......... ..... . . •*....*. ... ..... ' 41 

DraECTORT '.*.^.. 42 

H£IAD£IRS' COXiUAC2f •••••••••••••••>••••*•••••••• • 45 

^^^BXUBH' UBIP •••••■•'••••«•••••«*•«••'• 48 

X^BT ••••■•••■•••••••••••••••*••••■>••'•«•. S2 

FIUC BmSASB StAXBS.... ..................i. ...... SS 


The A. H. Andrews Go. 

1W-1M WMMk Amm*. 

Bp«noh*B In all l**<flna oltlwft. 

— Prio«.2Set*. SLACKCV 
1021 S. Wood (CMaaMlll 

— RO L L T I C K E TS— 


TaH villi apedal ticket, anv printing, war eaton, seeuratelr nttmbeied, avaix >olJ 


6.MO— $1^ 20.000— <4.60 60,000— S7^ ' 
10,MO— 2^ 2fi.0e0— 6.60 100,000— UMW ' 

it. Oaah with the order. COUPON TICKETS. 8.000-fUO ' llS 
STOCK TICKETS— SIX CENT& Gat the Mmfrfea. 

NATIONAL TICKET CO.. Shamokin, Pann. 


von •TAoc iinb vrim 
Oriolnatere of 


ta'matah all oelera at popular prioaa. 

fir - 

Theatre CUn 


tbcaM cad 

^1 pletnta. iho**., 

». 5! 

eanr taw* chain b 
•taea aad eaa 

iiBii.4uuw. awB 

kud chain, mlm 
■MUac for <M»«( 
dooc nM. Add.-D(ft 

B. ansEL, mmm 

TCRB CO., * 

BapUa, Mich. 












Boand with omr Hmm 
CoU'KoUed Stael Blad. 
lo^ Thiee^7Q.B.*B. 
trunk wood, hand«ivetad 
tipping tm. BBWDfOtL 

depoalt i « <al ia< «a CL O. S. «i— ^ 




, a. A, a. TRUNK COMPANY. 
«• SmltMiaM'at., . . 
447 Wood St. . lot radaial •t./N.a. 

-Paotory: 32-40 laabalia ■t.,'N. U. 

When in the following dti«a uve TIMI 
and EXPRESS CHABQES hy settinf 
"The Same Trunk," "Same Guarantea'' 
from the dealmMow 

MVW TOrtC If a ^iSiaa***! 

Qhlcajm m.. •«••••••< 

AkrQB« OUO* • aaa •••••••j«a«*a«_ 

iUnhaU'VlaM * Ok 

..J. B. 

.0. J. 

AooBota Tnak 

jtaak a. Tuat! 

«a Tnuk tkcttV 

MMv A Oanw Ot 

- Boctett Tnmk O* 

"i1 Traak Bt«f» 
.I4tnla BlaekoT 


▲Dd«non, laA. 
Aoxiuta, Oa... 
BtTUmort, Hd. 
BMtoa, l laat.. 

BsnaaTll, Y,, 

CladanaU. OU 

Cl.Tel.nd, OUOl 

ColombDt. OUO.. 

Cravfardrrttle, iBd.. 

Ciirob.rlud. m4.....«.* 

DajtoD. Ohio....- .......D. 

Datrott. Mich ..ahaSbolt *^ . ^ 

n. Wayaa. lad., ft. Wan* Vtaak-A iMtkor 0» 

Voatorla. Ohio ;...?ha Mar OtotMaO Oa 

rraakfort, tad .....I. W. 0»*t»rt 

Oraod Bapldi, Hleb Paal BIMI . 

HamUton. Ont "—"»"- Leatkar Ooodl Ot 

Butlnston. iDd »....r. Dlck'a Boa * Qa 

IMIanapolla, lad. Okaa. Mamr * Ot. 

LaFfeyatto. lad XMb_* Baaa_ 

Latwaoe. lad... 

Lima. Ohio . . 

lionnniort, Ind 
UlddlttOWD. O., 

...... ...a 

Uobtla, Ala 

N.wark, OWa 

Blttar Baracaa ft B«(0 J» 
KoKIU '™«» 

- . y J •••••• 

Pll n ^JMBIiI B ■ PAs aa^VK* ^^Sr 

Port BnoB, Hleh....Orttiataner Baraaaa Oa. 

Partlaad. Ma t. U Bnekatt ft 0^ 

PortanoBth. Ohto Joha Hjje 

ProTMcae*. B. I Barry ft O*. 

RIchiBoiid, lad UlUar Baraaaa 0*. 

BaslBaw. Mich Uabwaaa Tiaok » 

Bprlngflcld. Ohio Wai. McOgta^ 

■mcnae, M, T Bfialk aa lymk W«jt» 

naa. OUo Ztnar OlotWat^ 

TiDtoa. lad Iharda DaparlMat JNtn 

- — - wnalBMt * oa 

ivitotfa, Ohto 

T^aatoa, N. 7... •■•*••*. •....•...O. A. m^MW" 
Waaktacloa^ a....B(Aa(^ laatfear flood; 0^ 

WhwliB>rvr. Ta ata ft aaUwt 

Wdkca-BaiT.. Pa Bar«ay H. Baaajiar 

CaaN*ma. Ohio Tke Waraaf IMl 

The Theatrical ProfeoaionwQlfti 
ate the Baving of time audi 
preaa charges it; this an 

Watch thia Hat growl 

Mall ordara promptly I 


- II.V.eiTV. 

irAXTBD-OpUgtapb Mo. «, Bdlaoa,, gWMJ 
maeblnM; Pattw Pataloa Play. ^*la oaa o«f!*"! 
UI7 otbar (aatim Blm; ModM B. oaa aachliMa, 
all kisda or ahow and amBaem.Bt (ooda. oin 
llat of yoan. DIXIB nUf BZOBANOA ■<» 
W. 4tli Bt, Owcnaboia, Ky. . 

RATVBE nut FOB 8ALB— SoTeral Boala (M- 
tnnt aoUecti, for iile, eheip; ill la oi*>S*? 
cODdlUon. Pathe Ufa ot Ohriat IBd OncSaugtr 

lat.. . 

Fw Sail— lew CepT if Pilhi Pfenin Kto 

tveli, band-colored. 1338. Add W PAXBI 
Billboard. Oladanaa. Ohla; ■ ■ 


MSO Btyaat. 


8T. LOUia. 

Boom 803 Ulnonrl ItoM BalMlDt. 


WMtMak BaUdlnc. 830 Marktt .St., jaocUoo 
JImM Kllla aod Stockton 8U., Soito «n. 


. ■ ITO Ttapl* Chunben, B. O. 

W. H. DONALDSON, Pu blUher. 

^iWOaO WBSKI.T. Mid CBteied u Secoiid.ClaaB Uatter at Vmt 
a. OMti. . JMtMi an coaaoBlcatlaa* lor tb* editorial ar r 



41S Elm Street, Cincinnati, o., 17. S. A. 

IKataocr Tdepbow, Uain 2T40. Cmble Addresa (reglsttred) "BlUybor.' 

SAXOi— TvoBty ooata Mr 

Uaa. atato maaiTOiiiont. Vnola pan, tlM; 
half pas*. trO; «aait«T paca, (W. a* a«T««^ 
tiwmant nuamiias l«aa taaa no liaaa MMpM. 

SataeriptlaB. . H a jraax; 8 moaikib dl t 
mantha, fl. TayiBUaJta ataaaa. ^^^^^ 

THB «T.T't>a»n u f aala ea an traiaa and 
aa«»ataada 'ttmshent tka Vaitad SUtaa aad 
Ouada. wUah am anppliad by tba UmariB a a 
Hawi Oo. aad^Ita braaobaa. It U alio ea ula 
at Bnataao'a, tT Avaano da I'Opaia. FarU. 
Franoe. Whan sot oa sala, plaaa* notUT tbla 

Bamlttaaoaa iboald ba aadf to 



explalnlDg bU presence at the cUcdb becaose be had to accompany tbe chVftoA'Vk* wwattM • 
e the anlnuls." Tbere U no polDt to Uw joke aowadaya, for oo RepcetaNa ■■■■'•r 
bcailatca to attend a etrcaa pcrfafBuicB tt kt ar ate Mxaa tat No hypocritical pinar ot.tbv 
Amdi. aUta or aodaty (ccU tba llllblut SM* «C Mw "i a tM~ at a clmia bow. . 

Slaee tbcw tUiisi ara to, «• ttStt AOTt ttaw tte Mca that a dteoabelog Ticiooa ud 
Unmoral Is Ita effecta. It mnat be azocbltantly taxed, oosbt to ba thrown In the acrap heap alao. . 
A reaaooabia Ilcraaa tax. a larca one maktns comparison with amaller amnaement enterprueo. u 

entirely proper, bnt the ■ ' *" -»~-~ 

becanae It Is «n«g la thi 
the pear, wt a €«ai»«»allr»lf i 

mx. a larca one nsaklnc comparison with amaller amnaement enterpruea, i» 
■e pnetlea of coaipcUInc elrcaaea to ataod and dellnsr ongbt to be atopped. 

Theold notions of moralt^-diat gave rise to the laws and ordinances 
of extortion toward tfie circus that still obtain in many places, were long 
floce exploded. The traveling tent show is no longer regarded by the 
people as legitimate prey for county and city officials. The old laws 
endure simply because no local opposition is ever made to them. WTiere 
these laws- are of recent origin, the authorities are soldy rei|KNisibIe 

for them. It is high time, then, that the people be enoooraged to nake Growth of Amiueiuont-Bimnt ss in America 
their wishes known, ini. this r^^ard. Their local n ew apap ers are the The growth of the amusement business hi America duni^ the 
Mcnts through whkfa diis may be effected; and as the newspapers are i few years is an 'mteresthig study in l e aiwu ce s aiid devdopnents.' 1 
ne tnenion tor the public, no fitter instrumentality could be engaged, tres have multiplied; parks have increased hi xcmariodile ratio; circuses 
Tbqr have already accomplished much in the segregated districts; but I have taken on proportions that place theai In. the eatery vulgarly 
tl is meet tfiat an appeal be made to them to blazon the iniquity of the j designated "trusts ;" fairs have evoluted into an institution th^t reprtf- 
practices aimed at the circuses, and to call upon the people for a general I sents vast investment and commensurate importance in the world of 
remedy. \ professional entertainment ; lyceum circuits have expanded in scc^ and 

Let US see how fairly the showmen have dealt with their patrons: 
Ihe expense of operation has increased in every department. The 
circus outfit of the present day, even in proportioo to the increased 

character of attractions—altogether it is an era of growth for a|t things 
The amount of capital invested m tfieatres aad tiie poductions iSaat 

revenue from the enlaiged ses^g capacity, costs hnich more than it; occupy their stages is enormous even in comparison Witfi many of the 
did in the past This means that tfie percentage of profit on the original older and eminently more pretentious enterprises, the success of which 
' investment has beert reduced from the very outset. Wages paid to the has turned tiie envious eyes of the world upon the United States. Our 
workingmen are higher, salaries of performers and agents are higher, ' playhouses are more commodious, more luxuriously appointed and more 
transportation costs more-^always on the basis of comparative size, \ expensively constructed throughout than those of any other country in 
provender is more expensive. In fine, the circus proprietor is called | the world. It has been roughly estimated that they alone represient more 
upon to spend a dollar for what formerly o>st him niiKh less. But - than three hundred millions in the coin of the republic. Three examide» 
with all this extra deniahd fbr ootfay, he .lia» mainlained .his old scale |oi the immense expenditures upon the construction of individual '{May--; 
of admission prices; . , jliouses m New Yoik may be dted m die Metrapolttaa 

What has he reoehred' in return ? The cities into which his exhibi- ;$3joootobo; New Amsterdam Theatre $2/1009000; Rippolroine, 
tfam draws thousands of suburban and country visitors, as well as from j 50o>ooo, 

other towns within a radius of many miles, exact an exorbitant license j New theatres are being opened in great numbers every season, and 

fee for the performance proper, frequently supplementing it with an a'^ rapidly as ttqr enter tfie find, Jiew audiences are fotpd to fUl them, 
equally extortionate exaction for the parade. The people, for whose The amomit of mon^ 1 ipn w nil id In atttirt^ffiw is. beyond flw scope' 
wmfort and safety no effort or precaution is sparad, ai« ever ready of.atimation.witfa.aiiy degrtw pf abcnracy.: A.dieiAreis adefiiute asset 
to place their claims in the hands of a shyster lawyer, wlien one of: on wUdi' a vaTtatkm may be plaeed feom'tiie <x>B si dM ati oio of il* sHe^ 
them IS injur«i ever so slightly through sonie cardesaaess of his own .ci»st of building, etc It is different inth attractioas. Tlieir yOai is 

while' in nmvimitw »a ^^t^ ri^^^ ^..■m^m.^, Tk» . ■ ^ ^ • . < . ~ t i a j ^ ^t..<. ^ 

while- in proximity to flie circus property. The average circus pro- 
P"^*?"" incurs as many suits at law every year as a Hearst newspaper, 
and i f even a small percentage of them were proved not to be utterly 
devwd of the justice of their claim, he would find himself bankrupt 
a.ter his first season. Of course these suits being of a hold-up nature, 
"if pressed, as the defendants might have the cost to pay, but 

where local prejudice may have ah influence witt^Oe court in a claim 
that admits of doubt as to the issue, dw showman often oonuders it 
*"^/o settle by compromise and have done widi It 
. 7!.*,*" newspafl)eri Aat have taken up this i nterest i ng question. 
iu» (S- C.) Record has probably gone most thoroughly into 

•etail.. . The following editorial, printed in the Record's columns, » 
ainstratnre of the fair stand that paper assumes 

■trlJa ' ."fiSJ* the city autboHti™ wire atrlrtly complying with law In InnlatlDic upon the clrciin 
tterhTiani ™ almply for a parade, but tbete la no question about It being a mosit 

et Dranir. Jk! Cr ">* Inalatence apon Iti payment reaulted In great dlsaprolntment to bnndreda 
• -It's? ■••I"* a parade becauw of It. Perbepa It may have b<H-n craelty to many 

•w PenideT reaaona of Tarlona kinds could not bare acen any more of tlw abow than 

. for mnaielpatUiaa to 
noat any amaaat tron 

«eaJ i,JlkEl J2?i t hia. ea aalderlng we are now In Ibe twentieth ceatnry, 

«*r ihiTri?fi.SP^.'455S^ •» leglthnale ot-lpctx to bold ap aad extort all 

■wl tl< ml i,n.'''.f?'''^ prrtomancea. Tbt old Idea that the circna la an amtegatloD of the 
Ita trm ;'"'»o';«l"T iraTellBji dinngli the country, InTlog a deadly Mlgbt of e»a Inflnenee In 
•ad tni.'.i 'v''??,.'^" exploded aad dlacaelrd like ao many other lileaa arlalag from Igmranee 
tten iH V.7~ °<>t,.tbe old emitara of taxing It as a vice still remalas. As a matter of fact, 
dtcns ii,„n^»7* .r''"'?""'® entertatament and genuine, naetol Inatmctlon to be obtaloed from a 
«nniin, 1,1,,, »|L'"'11?' »' popular amusenient. A clr»na takea a great rti sl of oioney from 

•Wtniri^ M. .J^ r . " •bowa, but It learea quite a good deal at the aame time. These amusement 
amn liit. DLi^' *" occasional flnanclal drain, while there are many sreepted Ircltlmate bnsl- 
elber V, nlJ^J'""*^ loatance, wblcb are a dally. If a neccs»ary. money drain. These and 
*>ll«r» ^rlri. 12?.? bualneaaea eaally coming to mind, take away bnndreda of tbonranda of 
(M* »i <><, themT^ tod abOTo retnma. yat naTer a thM^J* sl*M to Imposing axorbltant Ueenae 

<■ iiwi. Ji'''l^,,,i'''L^!!E^* ■<»<I <klo«. aa •xcdtcat acbool tgr dbtalalac kaowlcdge and taatmctlon 
ttd rrniif,..^ S^r^^^^'J*^ loatance. tm both to yaaac and old. the alght of braata, birds 
kit (oui >hi... .S!?.''"J"^- bblr loereaaea a deaira toleata more of then and their bablta. 
•blch I'liu iZF^^. "h"* tbey come from, and ao forth. The wooderfal aysten and oreanlxatlnn 
tatniei 1,111 miifc? tJ° ■* performance, la also a TaluaMc object lesson, and other usenil 
l» wIlni-Biiii »J-S? ■•ntloned, along with the IhrlU one experleoeea and the pleasure one enjoys 
anrslciit r ti^. l!22S_r^*"'** of the performance. Clrcoa roanagements fxerclae a far stricter 
• akaotuli-u 'w- -- -P*'y fl condpcl of emnloyea than any other bnslnesa enterprlHe. Tbey require 
Hid sun' .ivS. 1!?*!!* .ahatrraace of lobrlpty, decency and morality. g<-nerally. on the part of all 
•n, la ... „,\A2=L?* >*cnuie attache of a circus, excepting, perhaps, the eommoaeat labor- 
tftlaeu „f to hia coodoet and as respectable In bla manner of life aa the aeerage 

Mte , ..^Z. eeaamonlty. Tbia, aiMI the general laaiateae* anoa teepeetable coadnet. ata facta 
I'M '.',1.1;' J?ot>»>ar Idea of aooa year* ago aad vklch nmalaa to mnb* agteat to tbIa 
Mnm •• , ,r.J^°°'. *>■'' Ifnoraat of tboae who, bepanae of latolcraoee. refnae to lareattgate or 
••Ma siJi 1 .1 1 reputable people and writers who bare trareled with circusea Just to 

^nJfc!» vuWe know what are real conditions. 

Wto sM •noag olber. tblnga relegated to the acrap heap of discarded Ideas, becaoae 

- ' "kPXided, that faoMna, bright and anppaaedly appropriate fnnay Joke abont the "aM 

intangible — sornetimes, atsit. ephemeral. A production that costs 
$100,000, may be either an asset or a liability, according to the judgment 
of the theatre-going public. . 

Yet, while it is compile statistics covering this branch 
of the business, the investment is c b wni f en siir a l e nAAi that m wje M i ited 
in the theatres themselves. . . 

"The end is not yet." 

Not less remarkable is the growth of the circus business. The niillioo 
dollar show has been realized and the institution continues to grow io 
capitalization and poptdarity. Here values are not fluctuating; Imt show 
'a .steiMfy increase that renders ^ecnlation in proqiects a mental nanipah 
la'tion of ndllidns in money. 

The amusement park as a business enterprise is still in its infancy, 
but what a lusty youngster it is ! Our Lunas, Dreamlands, White Cities, 
Riverviews, Sans Soucis, Venices, and other names that have the utmost 
significance in the world of parks, are now colossal in every sense to 
which the term may he ^^lled. All this has been effected within a few 
short years. Brainis, energy and business tact, combined with the knre 
of 'Anwiicaiis iot outdoor anMHfiimils, nit^ be co un t e d ;H>oo to'worit 
even I 

Testing the Strength of the Showmen's Association 

At the last meetInK of the Showmen's Association with the Billposters' 
Associatloii. In Chicago, It was decided by the former that the demands of 
the latter could not be met, and the circus owners accordingly declared that 
ihey would not enter into any agreement with the Billpostera* AaaoctatloB 
for the aeason of 191^. . Despite this declaration, the Billposters' Assoclatloib 

has aSBi-.'emt eoMmel^.la aeveral ebeas pN«itetors. asking that the cob- 
traeta ba aSMiitea §3^ iaMnaad MMnMiy tU Jodiging by the rajdd growttk 
of the Showmen's Aaso^tetlon. .none «C Ms MnHbeis win. be -UlBelir. te. 
contract, ainea the eommlttea -la dtarse' of the' afllBlis ef Oal 

has declined to' agree with- the Billposters* Association. -Thia latter aaMtdatlMb 
seems to lielleve that the showmen will not hold tosether. and "opqit^ tlt|». 
belief, base their opinion, that Individ ually. eteena ttwuaia wm arrnpt tiwll 
terms. The outcome is a matter fiUKi Is iMl^ff MW^rty .an^Mi^ tgr MLpmrifah* 
interested in tent show affahra. • : 

Tti'e Oil Iboar d 

; raiiRUARV 4^ 1M1. 

■■■■ -...i-i. ■■ . 


Tlic Xewlyiredj, tlw mttnetloB billed for an 
•nciceiiunt at the B«jer Opera Honae, Kendall- 
Ind.. Jm. 21, did not appear, the data liaT- 
iac been cancelled ttf Hft. A. M. Boyer, who re- 
eelTCd word that the oompanr la piratins the 
.titia ot a cepjrKMcd plar and baa no risht to 
■a* it, tbm aiafctiiy tk* local manaser Uabla 
Oder tbe law ta eaae lie abonld allow tbe pleoe 
to be produced In bis taooie. 

Manacer Borer icoelnd « letter taat ' tka 
LeOer-Bratton Compaiv. Of Mew lock, «waM 
«f tbe copTrlsbted title of tbe fanMna eartOM 
plar, Zbe Newlyweds and Tbelr Babr, waning 
Um araloat permlttlnK tbe performance at tba 
compuix booked irttb talm under tbe title of 
The Mewly weds, claiming tbat tbe latter com- 
pany bad DO legal rUbts to tbla title, and tbat 
tbe use of It waa an. Infringement apoo tbelr 

^maUatOr upon receipt of tbe tetter, Mr. 
Barer taok tba nkatter np, and aa fbe eompanr 
wUeh ma booked to appiear In KaodallTUIe. 
van. SI. bappcnad to tranafar tint* the dar 
bef«« oa tbere war to tbetr praitoos nlglit's 
^acactnent, be looked tbem ap at tbe depot and 
Ineoraied tbe 'management of tbe fact tbat **^^ 
eagageucDt bad been cancelled. One ot tbe 
BaBagcn , according to Mr. BoTcr'a atatMuat; 
adnlttod that the abow was nliatiac. it 
dostood tliat tbe companjr In t a nda to fllahand 
and retnm to Chicago. 

Tie National AasociatlOD of lIlMtiinI rrpftif 
Ing Uanageta played 4belr drat lumt to ite Blar- 
plratlng caae, and won eaally. " " 

Vbe onezpcetcd aaaooncemeat ma made Jan. 
24. Of tbe naiCBKttOB of ned B. Joboaon. as 
msuaxer of tbe Coloolal Theatre. Akron. Ohio. 
The rpilgnatlon took effect at once, and Hr. 
Johnaoa, who qalta on aecoonts of iiiwiiniti^ 
With H. H_ Fleber. one of the members of the 
neber A Shea circuit, controlling the boote. 
MU probably go to Fblladelpbia aa manager of 

■ theatre there. 

Matdct Manager L. B. Cool, of New Tork, la 
n^Aferai^aad wlU bave temporary charge of the 
• deroted to Tanderllle 

■UMalaat faU. when rieber A Sbea Mcniad coa. 
bol of the hoaw from Ntooa *^ aeoirai am 


Wl PbUbrick, one of tlw star comedians of 
B>™ra Carle's company, paying Jumping Jn- 
^.'"'1*1I*£*S* "2? oomewbat plctnreaqne 
eaieer. Ue started In tiia bnmltle nnad^of 
peuiDt render wMb tbe old BaimimftBaney 
£«°;^o»er '"•bty rem •!». Wben not seU- 

SnSr&tfV^aw """"^ 
r!S!JE2*"«»« mother were In tbe theatrical 
•r!!?!"?^ only natural uiat be 

S'SS'm^!? eSJ** bStoaaTto sX. oSe 

Of Ita maar fbrms. The Utat jear tbat Fbllbtick 
ma a age cleaner In tba dtens he made great 
Uaada with tbe anlmala. parttenlulT^tffSe 

S!iti.*^^^A 'S?* « partlenlar liking to bim 
ndUa bandy domesUc method aadaeemed to 
andatstand orery word tbat Pbllbrlck apoke. 
to. !«•« ap. rtt the «aob.t« ^tSS sud- 

M, Jump tunt th. haelES 
m..5ll.*'*^!!S? J?* *™ aomeraanlta 
Si?*?!,- ,*>'*»U«t «»wPhIlbtlek'a torn to 
■Mka tbe tesp Oie other aetobato and clowns 
■toad aroond glrlng him the Ungh and daring 
Um to ma.e tbe trial. Phn waT giSe. boH^ 
war. and sorprlsed them by gohig op the 

■ntaaee. twlatteg gneetoUy mrS tba Mto 
« tbe psAyderma. This being bla Orat SBSS 
he m« a trifle nerroas and mif 
Judged the distance. He landed on uie back 
of bla elephant frieod. Sklke, and loUad Ic^ 
nombilonaly to u* ground. Sklke, tbrnnta iMrib 
•?n>rl«d. picked hli ap ?Dd«I? 
with his trunk and set him on bla feet. PhU 
^i.Slf^.."i.''?*«""' ""o"* " bit. bnt tbe 
«b0Bg». It was part of the act. and 
ebgiad Um again Toeiferoualy. 

that night on tbe somewhst battered 
BCOUBC on of tbe resnlar acrobats and tbe 
— '••PS'- « rctaalned with tbe drcns flye 
jars, dnrlnc wUeh time he acted In the capac- 
r^S" or caown. n ms l elan and bareback rider. Un- 
^SKtnnatelr, or fintaaately. Jnat aa mv 
««»tnie It, he began to take on lleik. ud «^ 
that he ma gettlug too tai^ to to 
dooble somersaults eren with Sklke's assist 

■ net-. K, he Joined a bnrleaqne show. mSi. 
•saiii he got many a bomp. bnt Prlmmte and 
Oockstader diacorered that he coold alac eoon 
songs withont the aid of a net. naciMa tte 

'■SJ^"*''!'. merry," and digalflad M" 

V a posltton "on the end" in their Hist natt. 
npm the minstrel bnalaan tba aUaaltoos PUI- 
*'£!S!L**£L* U(b*r ah a Mbt to popnlsr- 
prlced attiaetians. nr IkM lata mStt^ 


"Heard tb» tta^ 


"It hasn't leaked oat' , 
And Jimmy Bosen said; 
snd Geo. Mnipby did. 


If all bUlpostlng plants were condactcd as 
Manager Flak conducU bla to WUUannpoct, Pa. 


If we only bad a "Doc" SIhUav to tnaaaet 
bnalneaa with erery day. 


It we only bad a Sherer tor a manager In 
every one-nlgfat atand, and a Kobler, treasnrer. 


Yonr contract for Mabaooy City, Pa.. Is 
signed -M. C. Kaler." Thli M. O. Kaler 
la a lady, a business lady to the extent of not 
only owning and managing the Opera House, 
bat atoa a ta a w m y, a recui^lag plant, two or 
tkna aaadiad aatooas. also a retail liquor atore, 
eoDdiKto aU taaliMas tor an Uwk enterprises, 
and Onds time ta sar: "No, I 'do not consider 
eondoctlng this three mil lion tmalneas ' a bur- 
den. It la a pl aa ai i i a , asd to abow yon, Mr. 
North, that I can and do teally enjoy life, here 
is mj Itinerary for a Florida trip for myself, 
three motor care, cbanltenr, two members of 
family, and we'll bare a dee-llgbtfnl time." 
And She "didn't come from Mllwatikee." 

"Her hair la alt her own, 'tboogb She'a 71." 
says tbe Wilkes-Barre TImes-Leadinr. refarrtog 
to MlSB Kate Sandbom. That's one of (br gems 
I'd like to try on a piano. • - 

Vienna has a system ot fire protOL'tiou In the- 
stres which commands the admlrstlon of the 
world. Tbe curtain never riara on a per- 
formance In Vienna until the offlclal fire Inspec- 
tlon has been completed, and tbe thoroughness 
of tliat inspection Is beyond questloo. A Ore 
Ueatensnt arrlrea on the stsge at 7 o'clock 
and Inspeeto tito aqnad. At tbe wold of cam- 
mand every man mores to dlffeient psrto ot 
the stage— teattog hose, alarma, lite Implemeata, 
water mains, aaeeadlng ladders to tbe gridiron 
snd fllrs. The Ueutensnt. accompanied by tbe 
atage manager, . house snperintondeat and a 
coople of firemen. Inspects erery dresstog room. 
marchlBc tram room to room and Qoor to floor 
In almost military faablon. It Is next to Im- 
ponlble to encage one of the firemen Id roi- 
Tenatlon while he Is on duty. Tbe Ilenteoant 
In ebarge plaeaa tbe men at tlieir dlSerent ata- 
tlona, aomewliat to the manner a aentry is put 
upon cnatd, and tber nerer on any uetense 
'-^ " 1 Aa 




BrtgfeU'a Follies of. IHA. & 

Waitress at tta feoM !■ 

r, Va., talK to 

"Tea. pleaae.'* 

"How many, one, two or thieel" 

of stunned me for a mtoptaw lipt I aald: 
"Cream?" baidtas ap a 
^^ m^ ta U ar lAaler* 

RMk SaQonto, aihfad.ot Tbree Weeks! told 
taa. he emda't deep at a certain hotel not 

Says tba Coaateaa.Otga Tba HataCsldt: 
''A yonag mother jMt-iainit fiaa 

snd engaged a new amu ' ~ 

her and said: 

" *I don't know wbafa 
bnt the little one cries t 
nothing to quiet it.' 

I ■■■■■ «"^. Brtjlt laas sane was 

whatainr Ian* that atottoa MttI 

fans. . - . . . - . 

"I've bSM at lha theatre," inljllaM 
man who Ml baSB conrlTlany abMU. - 

"ThcntMRTMH Ua avgeiad wICi^ "m'TO 
been wa liK tire dayar* 

nd tba batbwft' rpoa see. It 
plar."-j|«ew Tatk Telegraph. 

Buene Walter continues his verbal adTcotores 
to Ctmland, O. EUs latest remarka announce 
Ua diapteaaoia irtth .aa aaaaic to wUA lUsa 
Ijmeea Stair acto- 5^ Wi glar. Xba' BMest 

"I contfdar tlut the American pemie • have 
neTcr yet aeen my play," aaya be. "I do not 
consider Miss Frances SUrr capable of tbe 
cbaracterlzatian of the principal person in tbe 
drama. Tbe whole thing was cbsngcd slmoat 
beyond recognition by Mr. Belaaco's pmdnclng 
method* and by the petsons be splectnl fur the 
caat. la those daya I conldn't imy vbn shonlil 
VViPatta to my plays. Now I can. aod now 
I wHI, bat I have been obliged to endure two 
yaata «I mlsrepresentotloB hefoie the American 
pauie, and to snffer tba eonaeqneat erltielsmB 
beeaose I was In the banda ot a pradncar and 
was powerless. LoodOD wIU tee tbe play as 
I conceired It aod aa I know it abonld be 

All of Which to ratiier haM oa Da«Id and 

A. A. Dauuiaa, for two aaaaona man- 
ager Ot Boater Brown, Is piloting, and loccesg- 
tully ao.Jhe Orphenm Theatre. Altoona. Pa. Mr. 
Pcmaa jto a lya de aa caslablb repatot tog to Al- 
i^S** ^5"' ^9 maaa^ia -bat aa a notaaih 
(tatat aC ibMrtifn.- 


Tba dramatic critic of tba Vancoarer Proe- 
Ince temalned quite cslm when Miss Ellen 1^ 
ry appeared before bIm tbe other day. 

"when I saw her come upon the stage at 
tba ^opoa honae," he writes, "1 cbokcd and 
wept. Ibere she stood, just sweet Ellen Terry 
come bsek'toto life from tbe -dream laodd. One 
ssks me why I wept. Ye goda. what a quea- 
ttoal I would have felt aahamed bad I not 
ehabaa-4 mold bare kaowB tbat I bad lost 
that OM jiMitbaad with all tbe^ wSSk the 
bond of ahccr immas sympathy." 

Merciful beareaal 

Ernle_ ^onnj^ and Abe Halle,, of American 

— - Hall. Chicago, box office fame, are sure 
legalar parties, snd Col. Ttaompsou, tbe man- 

■*?=».2SI!4 the'..*'?'' •»!■ better, 

and THBII, JadiLait. the jtaM asaati It 
Jack Isn't g 1— al a r ^tbea r Beeerwaat to 
meet one. Baceeai. boya, and many lhanka 
tor kindnesaes. 


^Winard Cozey met a ttotterlng chap on 
Broadway raeantly. . w 

"Were yoa baan «ttb tbat ■tattMrT' adial Mr. 

«ol2"ffflJ^ ftlSS yto a r a t d'' to '^^Stoi 

.-"^ ,teH»» **• IWa he hasn't a friend In 
the world ongbt to be ssrlng money," layi C. 
B. Saunders, of the Jos. Galiu force. 


■ ' • • Tint SOHTB. 


L. J. Osrdluer bas sold the Gem VandaTllIe 
Theatre st LsncsBter, O., to Luelan CuUn, 
who will change tbe policy to motion pictures. 
Mr. Gardiner bas aecorcd aaotber bnlldlng on 
Main atreet In Lancaster, which be wlU remodel 
for a TandcTllle tbeatre. He expecM to hare 
U completed In sixty days. 

The Fox Tbeatre, at Aurora, HI., changed 
policy from three shows a day to two a day 
taat week. Tbe bill for the first halt of tbe 
present week was: Mr. and Mrs. Perklna D. 
Fisher, Harde Trio, Dare Nowlaa, aaB . ond 
Forbes, Helen Stuart, Bclaa Mo, :lbMr and 
Norman and Daltoo Brotbeia. 

Angua McPhall, character Impersonator, of tbe 
team ot Noel and McPhall, tras stricken sud- 
denly tU whUa plsytog in Billings. Moot., snd 
was. taken to Saa naaclaeok >CaL,iiba(a IM wUI 
at tba Ofiana Ban^L Hr. 

Me^aP'bad to caaetf ali 

Walker and Stan 
Conaldlne Cireait. 
on a tweotr-tm ~ 
Jart.ltolabed twttil. 
aa djjgre baa^jy^i 

Eaodi. "Xk* ma BA,** to • taat at tk» W- 

Jeatte Theatta, Ba wata. fenalnad nijriMtM 

f OUfftSttD jy^*aaa#i^^- ^hBpfrVsAfllA AAA flSBii^Affth ABA- 

ooda to ai I 

air tbw a l _ _ 
aecooda aaS 'tba/absncat ^aw smmsu ' 
' BBRy P. Dewey and Uniaa ItNlv; 
— twenty waeka with W. J. >1tl* 
to Ooant)7 Oooslns. M aMr 
■Mb ake&i bTv^rt QV. 

aa tbe BaUlraa and 
JaaaaiT 22, 
' They hare 

Max a XUtott, aacat for the Qlri from 
Home Company, traahly admlto that bostorss Is 
not at aU -that might be eapactad, but in bU 
own Tctnaenlar atatea that ths "choat atHl 
walha.*' Mia* Mary caiCW llqr*. tbeleadlng 
rote to thia piodactloa. 

At tbe cloae of bis engagements 'In America, 
at LouisrUIe, Ky., March IB, O orge F. Hall, 
"the Yankee atory teller," Jumps direct to Lon-° 
don, England, opening at the PaTlllon. Plcadllly 
Circus, April 3. This tour will be Hall's second 
one of England. 

Upon tbe condoslon of their twentr-four 
weeks' engagement In SolllTan and Conaldlne 
houses. Walker and Sturm sail (or Soutti Africa, 
and after fnlOlllng engagemente there will rc- 
tmm to tbelr naare country, Anstrmlla. 

While plsytog the Comlque Theatre, Detroit. 
Mich.. Fred iSuT. ot tbe team of Eaiy aod 
Landore, fell and Injured bis knee. The team, 
as s result, bss canceled sU time and Is at 
present laytog off In Midland. Mtcb. 

Emmett and Lower hare aeparated. Maude 
Emmett la now working with ber alster. Vena, 
formerly of Emmett and Shelby. Tbe new 
act win t>e known aa Mande and Teoa Biuaett. 
"Those NoTclty Olrla." . 

Ritchie Brown la doing bis single set oo tbe 
Gns Sou time. His girl set. The History of 
Magic, starta tebearaals Jan. 30, at Akron, u. 
Both acts are booked solid In raadeTllle notil 

The Three Troupers, O. F. .Uger Frank Van 
rosen aod Artbar Pol ton. alaee aemiia wltb tta 
Rlogiing aboar^baia aat toat.a «*«. Ihey 
are In TanderlB^ at a ta a tat ' aa ' tba - W a Wton 


Col. Wlllard O. Stanton bas aaanmed the 
management of tbe. Central Square Theatre, 
I i-nn. Mawi.. micreediog Frank DaWdsoo, who 
will continue In cbarga ot tbe motioa pletate 


Will Marshall, for aerenl years MonttlliHl 
with tbe W. S. Butterfleld Theatrical Interesls. 
bas taken the management of Mr. Bntterfteld't* 
newly acqnired houae, tbe RIJoo, Laaaiog. 

Walton and Vieian, who played at Ma Bm- 

ptcss, ClnclaaalL laat week, wm fo to Xn- 
rope to tbar vwfti. tt kM «••• npSiM -MiM 
left: bar. tf. um- an- 




Elwood Benton. AnMtly «C 
Khuce. has jJgjb^ • 
daiate aata^aaStai- 


Eddie Adair, tbe aong writer, aud E<ivtlie 
Hanaey, are preaenttog a new act, Claortcal 
TOm riMlIeiy, oyer the W. V. If. A. lime. 
They ban aoUA hooktngs until April. 

Eddie (Cnpid) Morris, formerly with Onr 
Miss Olbbs Campsny, and wltb Bert Leslie In 
Tsuderllle, Is now. with the Arcadians, plsylng 
the part of the EuglUb Jockey. 

W. w. Mmltb, manacer or tbe Grand Theatre 
at SprlDgaeld, Mo., has added a ~ 
TaudcTille act to bU motion pMni 
and Is playing to S. R. O. 

The Maurice J. Cunningham theatres In Kan- 
sas and Ulssoori hare abandoned stock and 
taken np TaoderlUe. Six acta, glrlng tbree 
•howx dally, are booked. 

BegloDing Jan. 22, tbe price of admlaalOB at 
the Andltorinm Theatre. Cincinnati, waa re- 
duced from ten to Are ceots. There will be no 
change In txMklngs. 

Frank Orshsm and Edltb RsndaU apea on the 
SulllTsn and Connldlne Circuit, BM ai i ail St, at 
the Empress Theatre. Cincinnati- ^ ^Wl are 
booked solid until September. 

John J. DnPont. formerly of the Patchin 
Brothers, Is' now doing a single act. In tbe 
near future he einecta to produce a new char 
acter change speclslty. 

Dick (Dusty) Rhoades bss snsounced bis msr- 
rlage to Miss Lily Hsrdcaatle, In Memphis, 
Tenn., two weeks sgo. The two will work 
togetber In Tsnderlllr. 

The Deonzlos. aessatloaal caiUlleatIek iamnera, 
;''f. ^'"'^'"■^ ^"■> <rlcoda aad.ntottoaa .at Oam> 
brl(ig\ Ohio. They also pat aa Onto aet at tba 
Orptaeum last week. 

The Hopkins Theatre In LooIstIUo is now 
playlog One Sun rauderllle. Tbe Wslnnt Stri-ct 
In tbst city, which formerly bsd tbe frsneblie, 
la playing stock. 

Emile Weber, slug-r snd comedian, la baring 

■ new act written for Mm Iw Chaa. BiBlllon 

... — ■ - It 

At Ypung'a Pier, Atlantic City, week of Jan. 
31, the Great Omar, the hniaaa top, and hli 
equlllluiatic atnnta. are ot a moat mlraeuloni 
nature. Hia daring and ability giro Um rank 
with tbe gieateat arttoto ot ato claaa ta tbe 
world.— Atlantle City Daily Praa*, Jan. », 


I to ^ 

wecite ) 

on m 


CUOiora Woad,-_ 
baa bees fot«M<tt> 
ber at datea oa 
two dangbtara. 

After betof West Cor two yean, tht Uaia. 
thoo Cooady Qoattet. an aoar wotlilac for 
Ifeaata.. Taylor, and Kaattoan ta aad assvad 

N«a MtUBhr b baobad onr tba Utontato 

time^ .. atatSy J— ary U at ~ 

^k. ^jjjnat .lia aMflo oC My. ~ 

CUie L 

•( Oia ttam ot laCaU aad 

X : tnjht Oaok a. 

to Ui 


■art J. Cox baa added aaoth« 

long llat — tiM Orand Opara Hoaae to _ 
Ohio, which began playing Tanderflls tbia i 

Bother and Kelgatd, to An Brenlng at Uoae, 
were a riot at Happyland Theatre at Anbura, 
N. v., and will play a return engagement aoon. 

Nat Nasatro and Company open on tba 8ul 
llran ft Conaldlne ClKuIt. Jan. 9. at (aaclD- 
natl. Tliey are booked tor twenty-flTO weeks. 

F. M. Fsrrell, magician, baa tniahed hIa aes- 
aon and la to Ithaca, N. Y., tramtog up a new 
act to which be will open early to the aprtog. 

Powers, the Orest, Is meeting with consider 
sble success to New Jersey towns. He carrlts 
twelTS people and girea a good performance. 

Paul Zallee and wife bare Anlabed tbelr ran- 
derllle engagemeato and Joined Tba Oitto of 
IBIO Company for tiM iMlaaee of the aeaaoa. 

J. O. Mngent baa a new playlet caUad The 
Ronadar. It waa praaostcd tor the Bnt time 
at the Oiiibiia .naatia. Biaaavniak M. 

Giaee aad Uoyd Ooanelly ba*o doaed wltb 
Down the Slope onaiaaay aad will •alah the 
seaaon with Capt. McNalr*a Mew Bn. 

Copeland and Smith TMOOMd walk Ult 
day at Richmond, Ind., attar aeieral asiba* 
Tscatlon at tbetr home to Mtddgaa. ' 

Brookes and CarUale open March 23 for their 
third tour of tbe Pantagea Circuit la three yeara. 
They sail for Europe next July. 

Biabee and Coeuelly closed wltb Dom tbs 
Slope Company, and opened in Taoderllle, Jan- 
naty 19, at Lake Charles, La. 

TOm Carter baa left the FarreU-Taylor Trio, 
and to - Ua ptoee win be seen BOly Oark. 
fOcmetly oC Armatrong and CSaik.. 

Doe Keeae, well kaoiwn aa a prodnrlng ctowa, 
wni build a TandertUo aad BMHia ptetae 
theatre to Syracnae. N. T. . .- 

v^ ''^w^*^wt! £- "'iK*»BSiirWi 

Sboir Cor 'tba I 



Marcuna. <^tbe 
SnIllTan aad Cl 
January 33, 

Mile. Berenice has added one more Mar b«tf 
to ber group ot her nerfocaatog Polar baaia. 
.making ten In all. The act la the only aas 
of the kind worked by a wooun. 

O. Stanley Hall, monologlat. la booked solid 
to May on tbe Son Clrcntt, and then goes on 
the Weatem time Indeflnltely. 

Zelma Wheeler and Esale Ooldia are doing a 
slater act. The team will be known hereafter 
as Wheeler aad Oeldie. 

WcahMlth and Bona hare Mparated. Mr. 
Wcntworth to now with tbe BUlle Frledlandsr 
Show In Frcanow Cat, 

Canpbell Bioa.* Olieaa raakce a toor ot Cuba 
early tbto year, aad wlU be aeen at New Oricaot 
■luring the Itoidt Otaa. 

LaTaraa aad Mbam an ptoytas a ato week*" 
cnga g eoii at to tba Cnwford Booktos Bzebaage 
hontia to tk: iMia. 

Oatdaep-'Vtoccnt and Company alao go to 
Europe after flnlahtng np with the SnUlran- 
Coosldlne CIrcnIt. 

Bsroes snd Mann, who bare Jnst flnlsbcd s 
toor of tbe W. V. A. time, bsre opened tot 
Ona Son. 

Woiffbelm's Models will, wtttato a few weeks, 
open on tbe Sulllrsn * Coosldlne time wlto s 
new act. 

..I' Dars-Wsmer Trio will TM oa UM George 
B. Webster time iadeSnltely after February s 

Adonis, billed as "Tbe Act Beaotlfal," opena 
the On^am Clicalt at Loaiarllto.. Much A. 

J. H. Bradbury has been appointed aaalstani 
treasurer of the Orpbcnm Theatre. Dulntb, Minn. 

Pat Crowe Is playing tbe Miller time ot the 
W. T. M. A. Ho la managed by Harry Potter. 

Howard Martyne and tbe Howae Slatera ha** 
arranged a new aloginc aad daadas act. 

worklBB o»or toe W. T.TS.' 4? ,;r 

Tba Artoaaa Trie open aa . 
CIrcalt'at Phoenix, Arto., PMk ». 

Wddta ud Company atart tbelr' tear at tt» 
South January 23. in Kentucky. - . 

Utaa Uabd niea, formerly ot tbi Mm 
teta, la now working aingle. 

The Great Wllher baa been elected to man 
barahip In the White Rats. 

Miss George, of Viola and aeotie^ died a few 
daya ago In Rocky Ford, Colo. 

Goy Crandall bas Joined the 

Company aa .adnnce aseat; 

AfawrleuriluairBni, Ifew 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Ttie B4*llt>oard 


Mr. Danid Deatnr'Enitnett, who was best known 

as the author of Dixie Land, the soul-stirring negro 
melody, which served as a rallying song in two of the 
world's greatest wars, was another of those famous 
men born in the good old Buckeye State, which has 
become famous as the home of presidents. 

He was born in Moant Vernon. Knox County, 
Ohio, October 2^ t 181$.; ' He :died June 1904. 
^[ed 89 jours old. 

Alnio.t everybody knows tfie good old soi^ Dixie. 

Its delightful music is as inspiring to every true born 
American as Yankee Doodle, The Old Folks at 
Home, Home, Sweet Home, or The Star Spangled 
Banner, and other classic melodies. And yet very 
few whose hearts have danced to its strains, have 
known much, if anything, concerning its author. 

The writer, who made Mr. Emmett's acquaint- 
ance in 1868, at the old Straub. Hotis& Hamilton, 
Ohk>t can't help hearing the strdas of Dfiite softly 
wafted across ttie water of thiie,- which reach his ears 

whenever Mr. Emmetf s name is mentioned, as he was one of nature's "Mastodons,' 
good old noblemen, whose memory will never fade. itt's "Gianteans, 

Mr. Albert G. Hatfield is known to all tliea- 
tre-goers the world over as Al. G. Field, the king of 
minstrel men, a gentleman who through his great 
efforts and painsteldng attention to duty has placed 
his name on the top round of 'the blazoned ladder of 
fame, a good pinnade of manhooid,. respected by all 
competitors as tiie finwer showman criterion to eqm* 
late, and it WM to ttig genlkniMi that Ae-pidilie 
should be grateful ^srantiiig the l«gi<m of Asnecican 
friends the chance orVnice more seeing good old XTn* 
cle Dan Emmett. Mr. Field found him living there 
in a little inland Ohio town in utter obscurity when 
in his eighty-iirst year, and took him touring with his 
Greater Minstrel Company. Dan Emmett was one 
of the four monbers wtio comprised tfie first minstrd 
organization in 1843. He lived to see minstrelsy in 
all its many phases, from the "original four" to the 
famous '^factor ;^ the yunfmt "Canq^bdls," the multi- 
tudinous '^Gnris^'^ Happy Cal. Wagner's 'Vav- 
toons," Sam Sharple/s '^'Ironclads," Haverley's 
Hooley and Ejnerson's "M^therians," and Mike Leav- 
So yon can wdl see tiiat Oan Enunelt's star of craafc> 

Dan Emmett was not only notable as the originator of Dixie, but ness eclipsed them all 
jilso as one of the pioneer Big Four blackface coxedians who in- September 19, 1859, was the precise date when Dixie was first pro- 
vented modern American minstrelsy. "Uncle Dan" Emmett, for that duced, at Mechanics Hall, by Bryant's Minstrels, as a "walk around" 
\ised to be the genial old minstrd's favorite term of address, once toM itt their first part 

the writer the stbfy of how he came to write his now celd>rated.sqqg. Dan Emmett was only s eve nt een years old when be left, his litde 
;'I wrote Dixie like evoTthii^ else I ever did, because it hadto be doae,:BiidKe)re home to join a arcus as aimmdni taiA conric stnfcr. Befbn 

and I can tdl ^<m, - Milt, that in those days, most of our sones were the Urth of modem minstrel^, he nsed to play a banjo in some of the 

composed' without much preparation, but came to us quick as mou^t. New York City theatres at night. This was as early as l843< It was 

T was engaged in the spring of 1859, at New York City, 472 Broadway, :n the next year that "Dan" Emmett, "Billy" Whitlock, Fraidc Bower 

with Bryant's Minstrels. One of my particular tasks was to compose and "Dick" Pelham organized the first minstrel company in history, 

comic negro and plantation songs. 1 was also basso in the quartet. "Billy" Whitlock always claimed to have conceived the idea, but the 

One Saturday ni^t after the performance, Mr. Bryant overtook me organization itself was completed in Emmett's room in a Catherine street 

on my way home uid reqiwsted me to compose a new plantation, 'walk boarding house, kept by a Mrs. Brooks. Their debut was at the Chatham 

around' one, with a lively tune and catchy chorus, that the boys could Theatre, February 17, 1843, for "Dick" Pelham's benefit. They were 
learn quickly and sing through die streets, so as make it p<mular. 'Make- all end men and interlocutors— the dig^fied "Mr. Jdhnstoine*' who nmvr 

it good and stroagv' iBaid Bryant as he was leaviuK nie. ' AVe've^ to adays sits in the middle of the cr esce nt and adiemnly rqieats the qnories 

list a new attia^tidn,' tiaii.' ' of Mr. Bones and Mr. Tambo beh^ a later eMlntidn. This origiod 

"Next day Sunday, and a very rainy one at that, 1 was com- minstrel quartet did The Essence of Old Vir^nia. and 4he. Lucy 
veiled to remain mdoors, so I set to work on the song. At first I could do Walk Around. They called themselves the Virginia Minstrds, and after- 
nothing. Mv store of thoi^ts suitable for the desired song seemed wards appeared in other American cities, and even in Europe, so you 
exhausted. I went to my loom window and looked out into the street see that the present day minstrels do not have any call coming upon 
The cold rain was beating and driving down, and my thoughts went these infants of the burnt-cork reign. , . 
back to die good old White Top Days £ne whpn I was travdnig witfi a Emmett composed his other famous song of Old Dan Tudcer, also 
circus. When caught in inclement weather tii IteteNorth, the negroiw Ws Boatman s Dance. Walk Along John and Earlv in the Mornin', but 
with the circus were often wont to wish they werera T»ixie' land. Then none of these ever attauwd to the pqpubnty of Dixie. Ranking as it 
i> sentence, '1 wish I was in Dixie,' kept repeatiS^ itself in my mind, does widi the niore cla.«sical sdectiom of Oe^nnitei^-W^ 
Discouraged, I went back to the desk and set it down, and the rest nial in favor, is still, and will ever be regarded as a rdlC Of the CwH 
^•anic easy. In twenty minutes the words and music were co iiplete. War. Be it in the n etropolis of the North, the town of tfie We^, or 
.•>n<l that's the whole truthful story. Milt, of how Dixie came to be %'illage in the South, its melody never fails to thnll the heart of the 
^v r^tten. Dixie was just what Bryant wanted for thci next week. When patriotic American. Perhaps no other mdody has been so frequently 
we arrived in New York City, the hoysyrm actually wdiistling it in the u^ed in the theatre, to cap a climax, as this emblamatic ballad, 
streets, It made a great hit at once, and 1 smf it eveiy night It was . Mr. Emmett's tour with Al. G. Fidd Greater Minstrds in 1807-08 
«MiipOSed and sung Nortii at least e^iteeii months before it was even was the hust he ever made. Mr. Field always treated Emmett widi the 
'<ung in the South, when the Confederates adopted it as thdr natiohal greatest reject and kindnesi» and at aU times spoke in the highest 
«jn{r, and then the South took it and datmed it as its own. Dixie un- praise of die character and hmale modesW of tins ^d-time Ethiopian 
<loiibtedly prolonged the Civil War. It made heroes out of the rough, impersonator, who never S0U|^t notoriety as die author of his nntvci^ 
nndisciplined Southern soldiers, and when plaved before a battle, sally sung masterpiece. ... , . « 
nerved them for the mighty struggle that- was to follow. The officers Among Mr. Field's treasures is an ongmal program of the 1859 
realized the value of this favorite song, and when the men were dis- Mechanic'.-; Hall entertainment, when Dixie was first play»i and sung 
heartened and disGburaged,vthe band wOold . strike up Dixie, and the by Bryant's dusky comedians. As an incidental matter of history, it 
hanlcned veterans Wdiiila be n'fwed to teM»,'reBdy to die for their be- may be here recorded that Brjrant's Minstrels at that time comprised 

Icvcd Dixie Land. 

. "I bdag a Northern man, a good Unionist and die proven author 
of both words and music of the song, was the only man allowed to sins 

ft in any theatre or other place of amusement north of 'Mason and 
Dixon's line.' It is now often sung universally North, accompanied 
with as loud a 'yell' as was ever heard in the South 

Dan Neil and Jerry Bryant, T. Prendergast, Dick Carroll, Tommy Pdl, 
•G. \V. Griffin. Charles Fox and Dan Emmett .At that time Biyanlfs 
Mhistfds led them all. Tlidr dosest rivals bdqg Geoige Christy's Min- 
strds amd Pdl's Serenaders. 

The ori^ital manuscript of Dixie was throujgh some unexplained 
I neglected to reason either stolen or lost in 1897 or 1898. 
issue it until it was claimed as common property by everybody. After After leaving the Field Minstrels, Emmett was then 82 years old, 
I ha.i published it, I had to prove authorship to keq> from bang sued but was remarkably strong for one of that age, but he never appeared 
'or infringement on other people's rights.". public again. He owed his remarkable health to his tenq>aate.> 

The South did have a sort of daini.uiioa Emmett's song, neverthe- life. ■■ih^^i!^^^^.^; 
■CSS. for he was bom of Southern paKntage^ even though his birth did Should he have chosen to travd again, be would have been ai gicit 
take |*iace ootitkfe of "Dixie." Ifis ftidier was a Vtigfauan« and . hb tninstrd idol all over the United States, but Jie had enough of it^ apd 
motbcT a Marylander. - came bade to his litde home near Fredericktown, to live and die m die 

After his career in negro minstrelsy, he setded down hi Ohk^ about Vicinity of his boyhood years, and nevCT kfUlQloat County s^n. 
^^'c n iles south of Fredencktown. in a londy litde hennitage, and passed ; Tuns ended truly a wonderful and ineful life, 
awa;. the last days of his eventful life. -■'■■■rx .i^-'. .-^ J. MtLTOW TBABSa. 

^ T^H C5 f 1 1 1> o a p d 

FEBRUARY 4< *191i: 

The Amusement Wieek in ^*h^ 



Sbores Big Hit— New Play ' PtKMiounced an Exceedingly 
Ctever and Pleasing Gontrivance— Star and Support- , 
ing Company Meet with Kindliest Praise , 

"MMtittl, Jan. 26 (Special to The BilUward). 
■i-JHm^ tbe niDeb heralded new pUr from 
tka pen of Mr. Louis N. Pukec. wu presented 
tar toe Oral time In anj- tbeatre at tbe Prlnccai. 
M Hondaj nlsbt, Jamuiy 23. Tbe piece U rich 
Ib historic acenea and pletorcsqiw -iishtSns. Ae 
■tscT la of tiM time whan -am TedM mea a 
■bUiteal factjoo and tbe pnxetaM «C Oie flDes 
Dual waa la foil Uooo. 
*~ Act I flada UnaU (]f 

Prime. Ulnlater and leader of Us party, be pre- 
a enta bis project to the Tory Sqnlre, and w 
pelnta.hlm aecretair. He needs tba anpport'of 
tae bank of ^^y^^nn nntll Parllamcat nWVita. bftt 
It U retnaed Um. la aU bla Mi«t M klgM 
aa by an adventoreu. who- la iMiffftdB^ tta 
Intcivats or otber parties. 

Act JI depicts a beaoilfoUy set gtieet. abow- 
lit the Prime Minister's ofllee, whose secretary 
tmna oat to be snotber spy. Tbe fsct tbst tbe 
. . 1^ flaancea la 

— _ — — tfirmn away by 

*anrlr-Bada aqaln^eaetaiT. The adren- 

i-. - -^!*'^ tST'SSjaSEaS jr ifte 
Tbe Sqabe-aeecetarT' li - wat 'MaUio 
te retrlere the error by enttlng oat tbe Boastsns. 

-Act III abovrs Dlsriell's bame. Ibe Hebrew 
who baa flnanced tbe project. Is mined. Tbe 
■dreotDreia- turns op and contesaea that abe 

Instmmental In bis flDsnclsI downfalL Tbe 

^ oOcetB bearing of this. iratTa tbelr peeJo> 
_ , and BlTB Disraeli tlveir sopport. 
JBtt laat act la aomethlns lo the iray of a 
.tnltaa. abowlBC a eorrldor of tbe Downlns 
" nceptloii. iinmedlataly after tbe por- 
Alt" - * ■ ^ — — 

... . eported ID be -Teiy SSi. 

na Prime Minuter lecelTes a ' telegram, bat 
n> contents are not dlmlged. aa bis lady eirtets 
fca Is reading It. The Sqnlre retnms ssfely 
au Isdy-IOTe, and an esda happily. 

Jack Singer Signs 

Ben Welch 

, ''ft"* enB««einent at Eeltb'a Co- 

mnbla Tbeatre, clndimatl, veek of January 
n. Ben Welch, ■ tbe well-known Hebrew and 
Itallaa Impersonator and monotoirtst, signed s 
■"•teact with Jack Sloger. proprietor of The 
an Show, and the Serenades Bnrleaqae 
3m length of this agreement la three 
as yet It has not bei-n decided In 

Kr. Aillaa stands oat promlneotly In this 
prodnctlon as an actor of ability. His Inter- 
pretation of Disraeli Is perfect at all times, and 
tbe autbor has provided bim with lUiej and 
tltustloDi that depict the wondertiil art 'of this 
man. An efficient support has been supplied 
blm. Conrtensy Foot*, am the Tory • Btinlte, 
pcored himself an admlrabla actor, and Blsle 
Leslie showed great cbarm and dramiitle ability 
as the lady-lOTa of the Squire. 
Critical and popolar opulott were as one la 
Ttmi'T'lig DIatiaaU aa cxecedlagly dcTcr and 
gleaalaK caatiifaaec, aad pradtetiDK tar It a' 


Theatrical Producers Propose to Discontinue Sending Com- 
panies Into the State Unless a Lower Railroad Rate is 
Made--Railroad8,0bstinately Refuse to Change Scale 

Tbe State of Oklahoma Is threatened to be- 
come amusementlesa, stionld the rsllroads In 
that territory Insist on maintaining their high 
rate for the transportatioa of theatrical com- 
panies. EUvrard 6. Cooke, general agent tor 
Klaw and Etlaoger, when recently la Oklaboma, 

suted ^y^t ^y^j^^jj^^iy j^ijy^j^y^jjjii^j y j 

adjustattt iC -laU* to Mad«b It wu Mr. 
Cooke's -lateaHan to arraaga a toor tor Bca 
H|ic in Oklahoma, aad for Ihla po rp oaa ap- 
pioacbed- the vadoaa tallioad bcada arltb a 
Tlar'ot ftUac tba'.awwl mwaiilio in rates 
- •■ ■ tbe 

-—-1 of Mr. Singer's companiea'irT Wdebwui 
play. It la known that Mr. Slager «IU pat oat 
OBir or two new lOaows next "u n n , aad It la tbe 
beller of Mr. Welcb. that be wfll be utOi tbe 
■ew abow to be known as the Fan Makers. The 
Dnpersoaator wlU not Join the Singer forces 
Dtn neit fan. aa ho has a Bnmlier of Tande- 
*nia engagements booked for tbe miltad iwasn. 
n* aeqoIalUoo of Mr. Welch k a«taa^tt 
: ■»»» aa he Is one of tbe a- — - - - 
mmam on tbe American stage. 


Kew Tock, Jn. SO (Special to The BUboaid). 
— «ax Spiegel - — — »» — i. 
Car one of hla ' 

a mo at atnnalnc 

leaqne purposes, and gained qSte aiaood 
M praise for her clever work wblW Baa 
vffle here In the East. She haa jinr< 
a ran orer the Orphenm Circuit. 

Barney Olrard hss succeeded In secnrtag a 
mtnct from AL Kautbua. the w«n-knonpa- 
■nist, to,*" * • — — - - -■- ~ 
tt bU 


Owing to the grcst demand coming from the 
eittes snd from fair msnasers for a 
tTe a ttraction than her larger band, 
— — _ Bmar has taken the management of 
aUtad SUtm Ladles' Band of twenty rery 
SIhw Butler's twa bands will be 
costnmea bete of purple 

meed at the Elks' Renaloa - — ~ 
rial oecasloaa Mlaa BaHa 
bMte. .or.aeparata wbaaa 
' aaaoirca* 

Mlaa Batler te aow la Oladaaatt eaniottng 
arnmgaments with tbe DooaldMO litteTcom 
taar to prtot flar bar a fuTuS SruaaaUi 

i^JMnw.- Ibc ape- 


_ city. MO.. Jan. 28 (Special to The 
Mlbonrd).— The Willis Wood Theatre la to re- 
ta the po(«e«8loa of O. D." Woodward, 
'"^ manager, for the aczt 'twcaty 

- u««uaK"» AWE. UME IBM «WVBU 

era. This tact hss lost been aada poMle. 
r. Woodwaid baa been maaager- aM^ laaaaa of 
a wmis-Wood abiee KB onnmc la WU. Hr: 

raodward baa.alao „ 
'nr aad arlaag er. to 
tba aaxt tan yaara. 

A Letter from 


HoaaMla, -Jaa.' t. »li. 

Editor Tbe BUlboard. 
Cincinnati. Oblo: 
Dear Sir: — I arrlTPd here on the 8. S. Asls 
to-dsy, cnroote for Bong Kong, snd ss we stsy 
tiere twenty-four hours, I tbonght I would bsre 
a look aronod to see whsl was deing In the 
show business. Tbe Crest American Circns baa 
lost left here for the Islsod of Hswsll, after 
a Tery xnccessfnl season of four weeks in Hon- 
oinlo. Tbe new Orpbeum, Saroy. Bljcm. Empire 
end Park Theatres (morlng pictnres snd vsnde- 
rllle) are all doing s flne business, st 10. IS snd 
25 cents. Baldwin. Mars and Sblrer. tbe bird- 
men, bare lust concluded a succensfol three days 
aviation meet here. They played to about 
$10,000 here In tbe three days. They are Irav- 
log for Bong Kong sod Manila to-morrow by 
the Asia. 

Honolnla Is certainly the best show town on 
earth of lu size (populstlon. sbout OO.tXM). 
Aoytblag good In the Khow boslness will get tbe 
aaoaajr Sen. I sb lesrlng here to-morrow at 
aawL oa tbe Asia, for Japan porta and Boog 

Ohio Champion- 
ship Race 

The one mile race between "Poor" Joe Alt- 
man, of Cincinnati, and BoUle Blrkhlmer, of CO- 
Inmhos, to decide to whom tbe title of cbsmploo 
of Ohio belongs, wss skated last Sstorday nlgbt 
at the New Rink. Cincinnati. Altmsn woo the 
rsce, thoogh Blrkhlmer entered s protest, alleg- 
ing that be bad l>een fonled. In bla contention 
Blrkhlmer was not witbont bis snpportecs. 

Tbe boya got a good atart. Birkhlowr taking 
the lead, which be held nntll the eighth Isp. 
when Altmsn forged ahead on what Blrkhlmer 
claimed wss s font. Altmsn kept tbe lead to 
the finish, winning by a slight msrgln. Tbe 
time wss 2:S4 2-S. 

It Is probable that tbe boys will meat sgsln 
In tbe rery near tnlnre. aa 3t. Altmaa baa az- 
presscd a wnuasaaaa ttia«» B l t bbl — t-.ti Ha 
latter'a boaw riBk'at 

prodnclIOD, The lower rale, howerer, wat re- 
fused blm, ss the 2-cent fsre law la now before 
the Federal courts. The rsllrosds srgaa that H 
tbey were to ' grant theatrical compaalaa tba 
2'cent fare. It woDld Indicate tbat tht mil 
could operate at thia reduced rate. 

On acconnt of tbe limited number of cities tbat 
Oklaboma haa la which the larger eompanlea eaa 
play. It to abaolntely aeceaaary tbat tba S-oeat 
fata be granted. The big Jumpa that a taar 
of tba State entails practically eats Bp all tba 
prsflta tof tba piodncer. 

■ At a recent meeting of theatrical Intocata 
la Maw York City, It waa decided by the repn- 
acatatlTe producers to discontinue sending at- 
traetloaa to Oklahoma nnleaa a party rate to 
iceued, or tba 2-cent tare U te-«aUbUabed hi 
the agent of the D. a. Circuit Oonrt. 

Tlie fact that some of tbe larger compaalas. 
booked Into Oklaboma City thla coming aeasoa, 
failed to make their arpeatancc, bat atreogtbeu 
the neceaalty of tbe cuoeeasloa la rstea asked. 
Ibc eotnpsniea whiek caneallcd this dty tnm 
tbeto tonta abtata wbea It becana boon t» 
them tbat tbe 8-ceat tata waa la aSect, atai 
Tbe Bessie Abott Opera Oompaay. The Mid- 
night Sous, Tbe Merry Widow, Da Waif Hopper 
Companr. Prlnca of Pltan. Madame Z, aad 
aeretal Cbarlea Frohaaa attraettoaa. 


Two Harbora. Minn.. Ian. 28 (Special to Ths 
Billboard). — J. H. Free of the Happy Hoar 
Theatre, Dnlatb, Mlon.. baa icatad for a parloa 
of twenly-flre ycaia, two lota npea wblch he 
wm begin tba eonatraetlaa of a pfayheaaa < 
la alaty daya. Tba Mar llMMtia IMI coat 
om aai aria bo built •( Mek aa< camaat. 

aeatbig eapaetty wfll ba finv Uaea tbb baa . 

of tba tbeatia b«M laat-adli Xwa Hal beta baa 
been without legltlaMta hwMk Wallet ma- 

vita, formerly of ttw-flto uA Mar 


Come^ans Score 

Wcat Badca, lad., Jas.. » OMctot ta Xba 
bane*a Comedlana occapM ' tba boarda aC na 

beantlfnl West Baden 

Boaae. Tba eoa- 

Kany not only eacaped tba coalomair kiddlaf 
tnded oat by the aophlatleated aad bypererlUed 
audiences of this resort, bat made goad with a 
great big "G." So pronoonced waa tbOtr- 1 — 
ceaa tbat they were preraUad npoa W 
orer and pot on Tbelma. Jan. 28. 

Bnatneaa on both Sundays was big. sod 
the week it was rery good Indeed. 

The Tarlooa bllla pteaeatad wwa aa 
Tto.: Baapinc tba Hanaal^.TI* JMWt 
Tbe Battle o( Ufa. nSc "jriadlM T>*|. Tbs 
Tran to tba Xortb. Tba Mas BatwcaS. 5a» Qltat 
TamptatloB. Adrift la Mew Totk. Tbaimi. 
^ Margy Southwell, tbe leadlag lady, to tbe 
bright particular atar of tbla eompaay. which 
baa not a aingle weak not In It. Harry Waraar 
la tbe handsome and taknted leadlnt naa. Tba 
exquisite snd finished art of Ctemeatlna St. 
rellz. and tba seasoned acting oC.WiD B. Oai 

bane wera a Joy Indeed. Otheta " 

Jerry O'Mera. J. B. McLangbUa, I 
Ptaak Klog and Al. Beaaley. 

It may be aald In parung tbat thto la I 
npartoire company tbat erer made a-'Ut 
Moat of tbe othera aearedy got by. Caibao 
Ooaaaiaaa got the oMaey. 

W.t. Piaw.-.iba loM agaaanr< to belag <.„ 
mtolaM.feraU theaa artaa kaMP • good •how 
wknlbv. aaaTn. oa bavlag aacand Oalbnang 


Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Oooke are rejolelng 
orer '^^,j£|^||^^2^^Ma^^^^^^^'j'''' 


Wilson Ulaner, who. la eoa]nnctlon with Mr. 
Armstrong, wrote The Deep Purple, one of tba 
greslest successes of tbe sesson. hss cootrscted 
with Llebter * Co., to write for them a sequel 
of thla drama to be called Oordoo I.ayIock. 

Killer. " - ■ - . - — 

the r 
been i 

for the leading' role In the new play.' 

inis arsma to be called Oordoo I.ayloca. 
ler. Emmett Corrlgan. who now laterprata 
role of i:,aylock In Tbe Deep Fml^'bi* 
a selected by tbe prodncera as tba IMTmV 


^■-•:-- ^iEa sy:''--:-y ■ * ■ 

BOaaa. tba darter at 7oba U. BM>«r^ ' 
totaair tor^'lbe jB^laf. Btotbna 


died at 


meeting at tba'dicaa 
la Chicago.. - : 

a( bar aaianta; 


The James Ailsms Shows, which at* . wloter 
Ing at Charlotte, N. C. win commence tbs 
new aeason with now equipment recalred fro' 
tbe factorlea of the n. S. Tent * Awalat Co., 
of Chicago. Mocb aatlsfacttoa to aipiaaaanvW 
O. r.' Baradaa,"tlm manager at lba- «tSlMg. 
Mob. la tba wortraaaablp of tba mmt-miH " 



i|he Amusement Week in Amectea 


A'oposed Festivities for Soutiiern City will be Biggest 
History of the State— Aviators of International Fame 
WiH^Ve^Anwng Other Features 


Tampk, FU., 

ooud.)— Tin 

<b* IW Mr MM 
■ Tfmpm, 

. of 

In popBlitlon, to b* 
•eld at Tanpa. VMamarj U to 29, lias evwy 
onmlH of tbs bUgnt In tbe blttory of 
Hut ellT. It la tO'ba had under the aaapleea 
«f tbfl city coTeninent of Tampa and tbe Tampa 
eoird of Trade and tbe Merchaots' Aasoclatton, 
•nd I> pretlded oyer bj Col. Tboma* J. I> 
erowD. who baa been In ebarse of all tbe State 
ralro of Florida and laat jear'a Panama Canal 
wIebralloD. Nerer baa tbere been ancb •otbo- 
4Uaai In tbia clt7 ofcr a celebration aa on ttala 
•eeaaloo. Tampa baa bad on her baada tor 
aaar time paat a elcarmakera' atrlke. wbleb 
thieattaed at one time to dlarapt tbe eaniMr- 
dal toDDdttlon of tbU thrlTUg city. Tbil 
«Mke baa now been bappUr aettled and all men 
tie back at work and are Joining wltb tbe com- 
im Mabnttag tbU eeea- 


(Special to Tbe 
been appolBted 

Battle Creek. Mleb.. Jan. 

auiboard).— R. H. Bllaa L _ 

•Muc^r o( tbe BIJoa Thcatr*. ineeccdhdr Will 
Harataall. who baa been tranaferred to Lanalns. 
irtarre be will be In cbane of tbe Battertteld 
Tbeatie. Bllaa waa tonneny manacer of PoH'a 
Tbettre to Nonrteh, Coan., tad alM 
tatlTe of tbe Ml.^Matt of " ' 
bMdqnarteta at 4 
«sw York. 

W m I m m eeaditkaa la Boath aiorlda bare 
Mnr b*« bMtm thaa at the prawot Ume, and 
Mr, A. K, WrMt. who la ban ropreaeatink tba 

Iha aovlb. Tbe bis blppodraM iriU ba 
ba eatam. Olenn B. Curtlia la aalir 
<• Mw IXm of bis asMBlaaHi aad 
has aalaetad aTlattrs MeCordr, I'oat and Beadir. 

Tha Vaidl Oras faatlrltles are on a more es- 
paatf TO aeala thaa crar and all railroads opent- 
lag la riorida bare granted for tbe entire two 
waak, «a* tea tar tba naad Mp fkaa«ll parts 
oC th* — ~ 


Will be Permitted in New York Theatres— Fire 
sioner Notifies Gotham Managers that All 
Passageways Must be Clear 

Mow York. JIB. W (at^adal to 

~- arm bo i»moSrr^~- 

York tkaatraa. 

to atsad In tlw paaaaaemj' MM 


Boport baa It that tbe Oppenbelmer Brotbata, 
who operate the stock compaaj. with_lls 



t^an. Maaa.. Jaa. 28 (Special to The BUI- 
ateid).— Sloe Mark baa porcbaaed property at 
(be corner of OentrmI avenoe end Ubertx MCTvet 

«Bd may erect opoa It a theattv balldlas. Tbe 
«ltc MCORd ataawee oiar 10,000 saaare feet. 

tt tfeo CUatsa Theatre caae 
■a. SB. wtas tte halt coa- 
ls olMadj^ ads^at the 01^ 
te Draceaga. - Ur. B. B. 
ipted two jreara ase to teaaca 

K i:, Jaa. M (Bptclil to Tbe BDI' 

a-tsi aiS&af^ * 

«B Wedneedar, Vaa. 
pleted proper^ waa 
Sail In foredoaai 

iMoba, vbo attamu . 

and bolld tbIa tbcalie. waa ooablo to 

atfldeDt Dooe* to coattaae. aad the Boattac- 
Ml Oogatrarthia Co.. wbM bad adeanced Mm 
«ia.000. ncpred. ibtn— b tba^ .p. TlOe and 
tndemaltr Po^bld tba pmperly S at forced 
«le, paflng «A>.000. 

A aomber of pramtneat tbeatrlcal people were 
•aoaent at tbe ule. Inclodlajc p. Ray Coca- 
auck and t. ODbert Ootdon. leaaee aod aaa- 
vn of Raraaabi Bleccfcer Ball; Howard On- 
*em. mrasntlat P.' r. Proctor: Bamoel Boaa. 
r!*^*f>"Matat On., aad a tcprceaata- 

The bUdtas waa IMf. bat wbaa tt waa a*. 
oereat tbat tba Baattac-BOn pa^^e wero do- 
'erained to icet tba propertr and try to roeorer 
. ""i'.^ alreidT strnk In U. the other Wd- 
vltbdrrw. It la nnderatood tbat prominent 
'bratriral IstereiU are back of Bnatlna-Ball 
<Bd that a deflalie aaaoonccDeat ceinrdlBt tba 
^mpletlcQ and maaescaeat ot tba theatre may 
be erpeety^ttla^ few waeka. At presaat 


Mr. Robt. Nelaon. of tbe orldnal Nelaon 
JTOnpe^ la atck with locomotor •tail* it C«- 
uan^ P. R.. ,Dd la areaUy In need of aaalttancf . 

tb«t be wtU aot Ure loas sa be la 


ainJTJ,*"?: 9*5:1 *•»• " <8p*clal to Tba 
Wllboardl —It la elated with aoae aalborlty 
tbat . Mil win be preeeated at tUa aeoKtoo 

to .iini"??: '•»">«>?»^ tb»atAa?L«5w; 

10 iiinw thealraa to keen opaa'Vatt aaadar. 

Po«I>ln« Ibo SSmfst^Stto 
it tY'*"*"'*' •»* HartlOrtvwiilB tboae 


ftim"ri"'i""""°' Mlcblnan City. Ind.. 


t»B.f.i..5 I. ".■■J."* «rana opera Hooie. 
"MnffiTM Ita booktasa to tba Orpbeam T 
dK. ."nf?; TO* pSuey of tbe hMS la two 
dSSl. *'«6.*Stf"*«"»y- 8atnr<lay aod 

y 1' .S il'Jjfy -- Mr. H. ». AUardt. prMldcDt 

Change in 


Baltimore. Md.. Jan. 28 (Special to Tbe 
Billboard). — Tbe aSalra at tbe SaTo; Tbeatre 
hara oadertone a complete cbani;>- wltb tbo 
proapect of teneral Improremfnt. Tbe control 
of tbe tbeatre baa beeo acqulrm by J. B. Baa- 
coaa Jackaon. a member of tbe Baltimore bar, 
aad torarr president of tbe MeCaddrn * Mc- 
Blwee Oompanr. Mr. Jaekaoa la eadeaeoibc 
to carry oot pUna for a sood ateek eoanaay 
theta. Mr. Jackson, aecompaaled by Mr. 8. 3. 
Sapbler, returned from Kew Tntk janoary II, 
where tbey aecoted aeren aetora and actreaaea 
ot wide experience to atreoElben tbe company. 

Mlaa Maslne Mlira la tbe new leadlns woman. 
Tbe new membera of tbe company arc: A. C. 
aiorla, Baaenp Ordtraj. Jobn Leater aad A. 
BlIUaB. air. D. P. Dawley, of New Xttk, la 
the bwratate director. 


MIddletown. O., Jan. 28 (Sp«l«l to The Bill 
boaid).— William Oordoo. proprietor of the Air- 
dome, will bnlld a now theatre In Mlddlrtown. 
tbe contract price being $50,000. It wUI be 
three atorlee In helfht, wltb a gTaoad area 
of 00x100 feet, and will bo located oajttaeo^ 
Bar of ThM aad Broadway. Tbe week of 
tSriai^l^i^i^ «U baHdlasa oo the site waa 

aad una 

Ministers Att^dt 
Sunday Shows 

Memphis, TeoD.. Jan. 28 At a meetiac of the 

Protestant Paators' Aasoclatloo laat week, neo. 
Intlona wec« paased condemnlns tbe city adBla> 
1st rat Inn for allowing the regolar tbeatree and 
moving pictnre abowe to ran oai Sunday, aad 
calling npon almllar organlaatloas In every city 
In tbe State to Jola la aa effort to have the 
state Leg lelatore. which Is aow la aasalca. paaa 
lava agamat the Saaday thcattc 

Tbe present city admlalslratloa has allowed 
tbe tbeatree to open on Sondays. tUlowlac a 
regime of reform, dnrlnc which Car mote uiaB 
alx mootba proprietors and performers were les- 
alarly arreatrd erery Sunday. These cases were 
rtcenlly decided In tbe appellate eoarta In tanr 
of the tbeatre proprietors and against tbe form- 
er city administration. 

Mayor Crump, aooa after auaming offlce, la- 
formed a delegatlca of tetoraaera tbat " 
ao Mta H.tffw.aaadfir ssHM 

aeifARD pBNiia CMAiiaBi 

Bsmey Qerstd. who lecaatly eapls»ad Joe 
Barton to appear la hie TUHra ot the Say com- 
pany,- cmpbatlcally denies that It was his la- 
teatloB arben slgalns Mr. Bartoa to hara bia 
n«» say of tbe material he oscd la bis Cataaer 
conaaeHoa.- He also atatca tbafa dialal ta tbIa 

cffbct win ahmtly be fortr * " 

tea lilmeif.^ ': , ..^ , , 


acTeral plalntlga, among tlicm Pnaai o 
& Pawnee BtU. The jrtlatlBa hara a^ 

Msar Tofk, Jaa. 28.— flopreae Ceort Ja 

QoU crsBtsd tba contlaoance of a tempc . 

IsJnBcBoa. rastratnlng tbe lankee Film 0am 
paiur fnm ezblUtlos Tbe Tent* of tba PlalM 
or The Downfall of BoSalo Bill, on tbe amllea- 
tlon of acTersl plain tins, among ttwm BbBbIO 

BUI .and ~ 


1010. . 

Tbe mnstacbe and seatee ot OoL Oody sad 
bis other dlstlngolsblnii featnies coBitltsta » 
Tsloabla aaaet. aceoidlng to tbe complalat. aaB 
sboold not b e eahlblted by otbasa . 


KawbsTir. B. C. Jan. » (Special te Tha 
BUlboerd).— Tbe Oty OooieO baa lefaaad. j» 

appUeattoa to rent tbe Olty Opara Beoaaitit 

^ ■ ige Into tbe IhialllBI 

B. Seany, dty 

nert aaaaon. preferring to 
boalneaa tbemaalves- J- ' 

oc a* ttwtMh 

Child labo^ 


Umlarflle. Ky.. Jaa. SB Mpaclsl to TbeJ 
boaid).—Oa Jaa. IB aad IT. Aa Broadway T^ 
tio aanaseacnt anaatcd far a beaedt ueilWM- 
aace for Bt. Martla'aOadeta ot tbe St. MartbA 
Catholic Ohnreb. Tbe boya of tbe Cadela aa 
aa extra attractlao aecnrcd Martha Belle ITaaa 
aoo. a JorenUe artist, wbs played bonaes la tba 
Central States, bnt who ta at present attaadlar 
acboai here. 

After ber appearance. State Labor laspseMr 
mibnm. at the Instigation of a local dObsr 
women, swore oat a warrant for Jos. H 
msosger of ttke Broadway Tbeatre. ebarglag' 
bim with tbe Tlolatton of tbe Child Labor LaMi 
Tbe ease was beard before s )nry la ~ *~~ 
Dschar>8 Conrt last Ttumday aad tbe 
toiaad a rerdlct dtacbaralag tbor M 
lUa la the third case ef Ml 
tried bsio aad dtemlsaed. 


After experimenting for six weeks with a Bts- 
teen-act bill, the management ot tbe Orpbssa 
Theatre. Glaelanatl, has rcrerted to tbe 
eleaa polity ot eight sets. 

of I 

of prices, 

llM deelsloa to revert to tbe old policy aws 
arrlred st sfter a conference between Gee. B. 
Jordan, manaser of the Orpbenm. and tile liosTia 
omelaJa In New York. During tbe paat two 
weeka an effort was made to boom bvalneea bf 
hsTing ancb headllnera as Teata TIetorls and 
George La^hwood. and It waa annconced that 
other big acts would be seen here later la the 
ssseon. Despite these eaetsetle aSOcta tbe 

crowds fslled to come. _ _ j. 

, Tbe new policy weat MaaaMI at. tba BaadV 
■utlace. Jaaaary 20. 


MoUaa. in.. Jan. 28 (Special to Tbe BUl- 
board).— George a Martin, formerly with tbe 
Star Theatre, Darenport, Iowa, has a s tu ie d a 
flee aad a half year leaao oa the Bast WtM 
Theatre. Mottne. III., from C. O, OoyBe^Jh» 
er maaager and owner. Tbe Cast Cad snB J* 
nader the personal management sC Ife MbMB.. 


aodwdeld. Mo., Jaa 28 (^cdsl to Tto 
Bnihneid>,— Tbe Ben. Olaadarff * Ballard 
Aanasaset Compsay, with Qcetso P, Olsa- 
derff. of this city, ss manager, has Jaat coa- 
pletcd plsaa by wblcb another aomnaer . Ibaatia 
wlQ be proTlded for this city, Tbe naw air- 
dome wUI be erected oa Coauaaiclal stiast,.Ml 
North Sprlngflald. sad wOl saat LdOOu 


TTlT! e Billboard 

The Amusement Week in Chicago 


b Vecdkt Of Ciicaso. Grttici ii 

in Which Helen Ware Is Being 
Louis Mann at McVJck^s 

UfNM Ike 

iloso. Jan. 2S (SMeUl to Tba Bmboaid).— 
I Helen Ware made lier Initial appearance aa 
• jMCBlac mt tte WUtncy Open BmM, 
' " — ■ — ^n, witH 

CU. Fanona 

Ckpt. Colllna 
Hidce SOminen 
Blanche Uaxatott 

.. .. Bar iM 
, .. Wlluam Wray 
.. .. BeleB Wan 

.. IXtttl T lTithl.-n»i 

.. W. B. BandaU 
James P. COCT 
'Lawr«Dc« Sbeehan 
. .. William Wrar 
Bdward C Howard 
Maiy Hltrnmnn 
. .. Elcaoar Btuart 
M Be linls 

.. Otme Caldan 

■mi'-~^-^ Bor Za. Roe 
. ^. K a^MeDoBaU 

J Bfemr XitUe, Qf tbe THbime, bad tbe 
; te lay — "Ibe play does not offer Hla 
^anortanlty sins by the other aro- 
> In wUeh ahe ha* upMcad. jat it Md 
•ttotUn o( tba tttlQSkt » " 
. mtt anji^urtanr bard temt. br tba way.* 
Any IMUe, In tbe Dany — 
aad clnmsy and written wttb 
feopUoua a lecarltT tbat tbe aatboo^ 
Peyton Carter and Anna Alice Chapia, ^pe aa ee 
akac -aeltzdtr "wltn ntter dlarrsmrd for short 
' potest walta and tbe seneial eeoaomles 

•C itajp caoattiii:tbio.-«at-tben la aplmdidly 

ffanailai*wSa'ln*^ 3K S K ?SS d»'!i5tJ^ 
; tr ■tnagth and aba dTea to The Deaeitan, 
wpaalaaaa. vananly disnltr. tin only reason on 
- wttb lor Ita tolerance, and a ware of calm art 
to «eB tiB defeeta and defaleatlona." 

Harry Daniel in tbe Inter -Ocean — "lUss Ware 
la glvea an opportimlty to dlsplar Tcry nearly 
an of the artistic, akin whlcti the years of 
■eemlae bare indlcated-was ten. stmnc. 
Bipplnx pUy and u aetad by lUaa Ware and 
Kar asaocUtes ricbt op ta tke Ublt oC ita ta- 

Ratfon. of -lb* 
dh IBaa Waic 
•■^ly 'deaerred aa tba play 

WMQ the lAj4t cartstn w«r rang down eTery- 
bodj^ left with a fetlicg that It was good for 


at Stiidebiiker 

, Jan. 2S (facial to Tbe BUIboaid.)— 

nioDy, m aatlrltal bnrlaaqne, by Percy 

Mkekaye. opened at the Stadebaker on Snnday. 
Jannary 22, with tbe tdUtrntng east: 

Xhe Ber. Elliott Otey 
Mildred, bis wife .. .. 
Hoaria. bla brother .. 
Mm. &«y,_hia mother . 

.Any IcaUa. at tbe Kewa. had ttn:<«PBlii| 
to aay — ^"Kzeept for tba imiqae aad'-naMBbat 
a< adi nib thtUt at all i ilin faiea' siinlBM- to 

WedKwood Nowdl 
. .... Mlas Crosman 
. .. Wright Kramer 
.. .. Mar toHole embe 
.. ■,. ■ .» ijgr. 

<0aettaiied'sa pace 00.) 


them to have been therv. Hie^play la srip- 
plBC, and Mlsa Ware's worlc was excellent.'* 

tUieppard Botler, of the Record-Herald — 
"The Deserters, to pot It cnidely, baa tbe mak- 
Insa of a holly sood melodrama, and Miss 
Wan plays the detectire masnlllecntly.'* 

bpiiW tUM H AT McVICkgirS. 

Cblcaso, Jan. 17 (Special to The BOlboard.) — 
Mr. LodIs Uann and his compahf opened thpir 
It at McTlckafa Tbeatte on 


Stoddncit S^ys the Examiner-^Margaret Aigpin 
Is Delightful in Principal Role— Passing of ' 
Third Floor Back Complimented 

Chleoso, Jan. 25 (Special to Tbe BlUboard). 
— ^Matsaiet Analln. la Green stocklnsa. a llxht 

~ ~ A. K. W. Mason and_aco(te flem- 

•t the Grand Opera 
~l. with the toUowiag 

Tba Hon. Sobert Tarrer .. .. Iva Dtwaoa 

James Salelsb Wallace Wlddlcorabe 

Henry Steele .. .. .. - Icoaard Howe 

Martin .. Fladerlek Powell 

CoIODd J. N. Smith. D. 8. a . B. BcCTCS-Smlth 

wnUaaa Paraday. J. P Cbariea Garry 

firlee, B. N Oeotxa Woodward 

- Mia. Pataday's Dansbters: 

Delia Pariday Mlaa AlsUa 

Erelyn Trenchard .. Miss Rath Bolt Booelcsoll 
i>.w.M»^.m Hte Oteslix Utttr 

Madae I 
Ckliui . 




Ibi Chicago 

Chicago, Jan. 27 (Special to Tbe BlUboard).— 
A beoeflt performance was a^^^n at tbe Oarrlck 
nieatre last Tbaraday. by tbe Etale Jarcnlle 
League, for tbe poor sick children of CtUeaso. 
Tbe following people, now playing at rarloos 
Chicago theatres, gave their serrlces: Miss Isa- 
bel BrMir'p'ti Alexander Carr. Henrietta ^os- 

. Blaadw HaB, Oont da Beaofiirt. Boi- 

bratflr Bllnn. Blea and Cohen. Margaret Anglln 
aad Tasta ▼Icteria. Tbe yonng ladles of tne 
Oct-Blah.Oiildc Waniacfacd Company, and tbe 
yoaav ladiea of The Covnizy Boy Company sold 
programa. The boose waa entirely aold oat and 
tbe beoeflt was reported aa a hnge aaecess. 

At tbe close of bis Ciucago engagement, Louis 
Mann wni rerlTe Joles Eckert 4>oodmsn's coaer 
dy. Tbe Man Who Stood Stni, and wOl aet It 
alternately with The Cheater. 

( C an tln a fd an page n .) 

People who follow affairs theatrical, may hare 
noticed that tbe name "Moffet" has aopeared 
with considerable regolarl^ oo the photographa 
of stage artists whose pictures found their ts- 
rloDB ways Into the news sections of our dsUles 
and weeklies. Those of tbe profession bare also 
learned that tbe CblcsEO stndio was somewhat 
of s center for magazine and newspaper men 
la their Qoest for the IsKt word In artistic pho- 
tography. To the tmloltlated, it may be well 
to explain that getting more or less tempera- 
mental atage playcia to pose for a new pboto- 
gapbir ia nat Cka niliit tbte In tka world. 


Holdover l%(Mvs 

.GUcago, Jan. 26 (Special to Tbe Billboard).— 
Oet-Rlcb-Qolck Walllngford stUl mna merrUy 
along at tbe Olympic and bids fair to ootdaaa 
The Fortnne Hanter la. point of bui affca re- 
celpta and number of :ftrttRMMMk<^lt la 
rumored that this plsy la* 
antn next Aognst. 
The Sweetest SM In 

^aow atnteb'of Ita _ 

wm glTe way to Tba. (Mil I Vm, aaotbn 
Chicago prodaetion, OQ next Snaday, Feb. 5. 
The Sweetest Girl lo Psris baa been equipped 
with new scenery and costumes and will open 
at Milwaukee when It takca tn tba ~ ' 

(Contlnned on pa|a dOl)- 


Aup rrom uM; 

CbleaM Jan. *I (Special to Tba 
Tbe New Toik BInpodrooe. on Ita 
toar. openad at tba Andltatlnm last Tbeaday, 
January 24. Tbia la one of the biggest abows 
erer boosed la Chicago, snd Is playing to crowd- 
ed hoases st eyety performsnce. Tbe show 
Is dirided Into three distinct parts. Pioneer 
Days, the first spectsde. Is a real blood and 
thunder affair, abowlng life In the early history 
of this eooot^. Tbe Bsllet of Jewels, the sec- 
ond part, ia almost grand opera like, and orer 
fonr bnadred people take part In thia acene, Tbe 
third diTislon, A Trip to Japan, Introdoces the 
midget drcnB, anil Msrcellne, the famoQS down. 


■THaATIIE8.-v :-':--.-. ■■ 

Chicago. Jan. 28 (Bperlal to Tba snibaard). 
— Elinar Olrn's great drsmatte iuei.saa. Three 
Weeks. Ia playing the BUon this weak, tbia be- 
ing tbe second time this play baa been of- 
fered at popular prices in tbia city wltbtai tba 

It U ratbK 

at tIaMa aad aaa iswh at L- 
tona, bat aatartalaiag lanngb 
mlMIy la tbe lapetto t r or 

Anglln aeeka to formnlate.'* 

Amy Leslie, of tbe News: "Green Btnrklsga 
has a deOnlte and atarry little plot, full of ripe 
ton and moch cantlona aatlra. Mlaa AagUa ia da- 

nghttal aa a Mg. — 

last night pradali 
a L. HaU. of tba c 

it eompoaltloo dardsped en a _ 

itly aabatantlal basis, and glm many 

a wfalaaalcal ram. ne play Is of ItaeU a cred. 
Itable eatertalaffleot, bat tba Uoa'a abarn o( tba 
plcaaoie now porcbasable at tbe Qtaad ia dttlTCd 
from the acting.** ■ 

Brlc Delamarter. of tba latcr-Oeean: **OE*cn 
Stocfctsgs la a comedy of many ddlghtfnl sitas- 
tloaa. some exceeding elawtf dlalogiia, a 
tircesy exposltSon and a soUd act of deft elabor- 
ation of a aomewbat thia expedient Into bob- 
bUng bomor. It Is good enoagb for what It la: 
bat for a player of Margaret AagUn'a abiliti es 
It la aa mani ttaa laM— 

..... ^ . 



Cblcaco^ Jsa. ti (Special lo Tbe Biiftasid.| — 
. raibia » ib ma ci i aad his Landan iam n i n y 
amaMad «ba' aaaabic «g -tba-mzd llasr tmA 
at tbe OsiHeiPnaaliak Mandsy, Janaaty 8. 
with tbe foUMrtiV CMtS 

A Cheat .. .. .. .. .. .. Lena Dslpbln* 

A SloTen .. .. .. Molly Paarsoo 

A Painted Lady Haldee Wrlgbl 

A Shrew Kate Chrlyoo 

A Saob Mia. Anaerlay 

A Bully Montagus Bathcrfbrd 

A Hnaqr .. .. .. FkyUa M»k 

A aatyr .. .. .. .. .. * ~ 

The Boss at 
Lyric last 

Chicago, Jan. 2S (Special to The Billboard.) — 
The Boas, a new play by Bdward Wiriilnn. 
~ at Oa UHe Ikaatia. CMc— » Ja 

ensirald. bla aon .. 
Gtlawdd, bis daughter 

, ■ Mlsa 

Lawrence Doacan 

Michael B. Began, •( Bagaa ft Co.. 

tractors ■L. -.i .. Hetbrook BUna 

"Porky" McOir. IM - HMaoMsUTa In tbe 

Poortb wnd B. A. La Motte 

Mra. Cnrler. 

(Cootinoed on page BOi) 



THe Btlltioard 


^Jie Vaudeville Week in Chicago 


At Aiowican Music Hall Headed by Vesta Victoria Offeved 
Last Week-^Englisli Star Pivides Honois 
with Other Aiels on Plrogram 

VMta Victoria warn tbe headlloe attnetlaa 
and tbe bl( drawlnc card at tbe Mode Bill lut 
ivKk on a flftcM act bill of aDoanal merit. 

Tile hlU of tbe bOl w«re rcslatend bj tb^ 
Fl*e JdkcIIoc Normuu, Vnta TletorU. Uo<3. 
Brown ind Cooper and Japlter Brotbera, Ilam- 
ntoD Brotbcn gpaiMd tke^ahew wltk kMeka>><H" 

Olid oa tbe pm- 

T, Tbe Moalcal Welt- 

have appealed to better ad- 

tiBtigt fUttcr down oa tM bill, bat la tbit 
earir poeltlon he did tcct okcly. Teoac and. 
Xarka appeared la a neat ainclas and daaelnc 
•ptelalty aod were weU recelred. Tbeee bo^a 
haTe a neat roaUse of itepa aad their team 
work ia of exceptional merit. 

The FiTe JossUos Nonaaaa appeared flfth 
and jnfslrd alacle, doobl^, moaat and formation 
with Indian dnba. Their act la fait, neat and 
well worked oot and made a decided bit with 
tbe patTona of tbe MoaJc Hall. Qaade Golden, 
.laitrallan Card KIn(, offera aomethlng oat of 
the ordlaarr In hli card maBlpolatlona and tbe 
tUkt caoedr need In tbe act hdpa to make It 
eae a( laleteet. Joha and Mae Borke. Ia tbelr 
aktt. How Patar West To War, made 

Mlaa Victoria atUI cUoca to tbe comedr end 
of tbe tnm and eontlnnea to be a eomedlenoe of 
tbe bifbett tTPe. Brown and Cooper followed 
tbe beadUner and at tbe evenlnff performaoce, 
Tneedax. recelred a reception upon tbelr ap- 
pearance. Tbe7 ainc Znla Bas. Kaiataky 
Danca, Oood-Bye Pal and It'a a Foollab World 
After All. 

Jopltcr Brotbera cloeed the show witb their 

woBdertnl cabinet act. They appear ai Wett- 
emcra and the comedy Is haadled br a wemhar 
of the committee who la aoppoaedly t t e u hled 
by apirlta. Tbe act is plamnac as well aa 
nystUrlDf aad tber had my little 
boldloc the andfeaca. eeea at tbe late bonr. 


Some Notes of the Great and Near Great in the Vaudeville 
World Who Have . Been Seen In and^Around 
\ ' the Bfeeagr Tc^ 

I.e vere nml vmtmn reeclred cnotraels 

for a onmbcr of weeks la aad anwiid Chicago. 
They played the Cantmy icccatly and oiada a 
Terr faTorable Impraaalsn aad was* Imaadlatalr 
booked to ptae tba Iipaisa ikMMwat Co. 
booMs, after which tkir wtU ■• •■• m tbe 
larger cimlls. 

Jlmmle O. Bnrrell and Company are now 
playlnf tbe local time In Cbarlle Barkbardt's 
Tbe Italian. Cbarlea Btracy and Palmer Cox 
ar* aaatotlas Mak lhamla ■aiiill la tha M^al 
of tbe coaadr Mt aad lha aat wBI aa aaat 

Ha* Keagh, mil-known cfaancter womtn and 

- red rec^-ntlv with Ralph E- 

a tood Impreaaloo aad tbe raftime plaao play- 
ing aa rendered by John eonld be modeatly 
Termed a "riot.'* 

"Uod" held the atace for ten mlnatea with 
hta female loperaonations. Be ia the poeiei- 
of a sood ToJce and hla dandac ta excellent. 
Tbe act as a whole la pleaalnc and la a won- 
derfnl deception. Sereral drawlnca by Hnbert 
DeTean won admiration. DeVeaa la a cartoon-- 
lat who caa Oil a poeltloa oa ear bOl and make 
(oed aa ba baa the analltlas aad alaa tbe per- 
— - - 0. Me jad^SaHr Cakes, field 

. - , tiM PVlBUWCSa 

_ »• «ka Mr Ja atb-awaa t a r. 
aad Wb«a daaei Ik* tnt Mf of tbe 

«bow and held tbis poeltlaa dowa admirably 
irelL Tbelr act cooalata of tnmbllnc contortioo 
and acrobatica of tbe better daaa. ia well 
dteaaed and an la an It la a decidedly pleaalar 
noTelty. BObcrta. Hayea and Boberta. in their 
coawdy aketcb, Thm Cowboy. Tbe Swell and Tbe 
Lady, apencd tha lait half of the pncram and 
prored theasclTca to l>e laogh prodocem. The 
act ha* been aeea la Cblcaso aeveral time* oa 
ether drcotta aad It coatlBBca to be the aaaw 
Wc Mt. 

latcat btta. 

Mac tba Ch e ia a, Skatiac. Aready. Tfea Twlaa. 
Xow I baf* t* Cta am htber, aad kw M( 
at fci m ii yaaif. Boat Mo. ~ 

Featiitre at Academy 

~ The headline attractJoa at the Academy laat 
week waa A Uarrled Baehtior. la which Law- 
rence and Black were featared. Tbe act waa 
beaTily baled and Ita drawtns pu we ia were In 
eridence at erery perfonsance. Harrla and 
Randall opeaed the abow with their raral com- 
edy aketek, nfl7 liUea from Nowhere, aad 
•era waO laealvML Their eoaatry atore atace 
aattlBa Is icaHstle aad tha cbaraetcia aa par- 
fayed by this deear pair. Bb«lcd witb tha at- 
aonben of eoaatry Ufa, maka tba act aaa at 
merit. Marie Oolby fTnlabed tba nattlsM aaac 
portloa of tbe eatwta lamt aad MitVa §«■• 
dltloa of LoTey Joe aad aeearal other popalar 
oambera woa faeor. bhe baa a ^ear blsh-toaad 
retce aad her worth can holy be indeed by tba 
Iwgth of time aha baa been at thia booaa. Aas- 
tla'a Animala . held orer from the flrat half, 
prmd to be a hta laoch prodoeer and the com- 
edy derived from tha aetfta mole coold be eem- 
■MBly t a it d • -mnam." Otto Dobca aad 
'liMta Batal IbBawad tbe bic Uasblac act and 
M abart aatlea bad tba SBdiVldcd attaatte a( 
aadleaee. DbtIm tlTcaana- et tftrir 
«peelal» tbey alaK LaeliflrTtsawwil. Paddy Waa 
« Oread Md Man and Barftem' b3. and tbelr 
Rowery dance at tba doaa aT . the act leada tha 
nnlihlns tsochaa which hroaabt atoray applaoaa 
;>t erery peitormaaee at tMa Weat Side hooH 
laat week. Tbe aerentees people moalcal com- 
edy TandeTlIle prodoctkio, A atarrted Barhefcir. 
cloaed thla excellent bm aad dorlns tbe forty 
mlaniM that tbey bold tba atafe ther* was 
"WW a daU mamiat. Tba act carries apa- 
*ai^aeat w a i di aba and apodal electrical 
faceM. Tgcr* are aam catchy mnaleal aoai- 
>H-ra In all and a plot WItltaB aloac «ood llaaa. 
which la compoeed of aaa ti a i derer comedy alt«- 
»iioiu. Tbe act appeaiad ta iaod adeaataco laat 
''•'ek cooalderlnc tba a awaaa a of tba oOetlac 
aad tbe aorronBdliis eeadltloaa. 

narry Sbaanoo'a The Banker'a Child, has 
h<^a coodenaed into a TauderlUe act aad la 
Playlac tba rraak Q. Doyle time here. Hr. 
bbannoB baa aa a rale dented hla time to reper- 
toire and stock abowa, bat bla latcat Tsntvre 
aaa prered to be a ancccaa and we liopa to see 
*ad hear mote of him la tha Oeld of tba two-a- 

"^T'i 8»<'»nll l» back la towa playiait 
u^-^K"* 0- IX'y'* •* booaea. S*aa«im 

III makinc food In erery bi<«aa-aad that ba U a 
JlSt'^ *^ ptovaa. Ha played tbe 
]■■« araefc aa< Maaaaw tajjr laaBaMer- 

Ernie Young 


Chlcaao. Jan. 28 (Special to Tb- Billboard).— 
In Iwbair of the many frlenda of Brsle foaag, 
treasurer of tba American Moalc Ball, (Atcaco, 
we teprlat tha foUowInx article which appeared 
tceaady ia tha Taadaellle acetian of tba Cbicaco 

^ that an 

Ban box- 

laqatry lerealed that 

aalaat rnaali ai Hon waa placed oa aa 
of tba (Bade ob head for Umatory pto- 
pantaty ta tonlac over tbe aaaeta of the theatre 
to the newly formed American Mnsic Hall Com- 
pany of lulnola. a local hoidln« corporatloa. 
which acquired tbe property for eperaunc pur- 
the leaaa remalnlna with wm. Mania. 

At no time were any Irresolarltlea a a ap ected aad 
Brale Touac who haa beea treaaarcr of tba boaae 
aince the Macria toieicats took bold, aad Abra- 

Halle, bla aaalataat. aia atm amillac 

throocb^ tba grat ed wlad aw. niaHoeedi 
" aaa a- yaiaMC baui 

gaieaeat at tba amiili M i Maate HaU. ^aftar 
aa abaeeee s( thrto wtcka. At. Brown haa a 
way 9t aatttatc orer a aaac that la orlxinal aad 
aaaidy dtCannt from -an otbera. Bla piano 
alaylaB makes all of the others alt up and take 
aotles . aat Ma (wttaM apeelaltlcs are ' 

caco . 

Qiicago All-star 
Vaudeville BiU 


Imaslnary bill framed up by Billboard 
rvpreei-ntatlTe from acta appeanas at Cbl- 
ca^ TandeTlIle theatres, Tlie Importance 
of the act is Indicated by poaltioa gieen. 

A— Tbe FMr Blaaoa. Acrobatic Act. 

Majealtc. No. U. FoU Stage. 
B — Hubert DeTean. 

Amertcaa " 
C— Uatoo * ~ 

Uajcatle. No. 6L FnU Stage. 
D— Browa A Cooper. Character Sincere. 

Amerlcaa Mnale Ball. No. 12. In Oae. 
B— Bell Family, Moalcal Act. 

Majestic. No. T. PnU Stage, 
r— Dooley * Sales. "PaTement Patter." 

So. 8. Ia. 



Mo. a. ran 


_aM»- M a. M. la Oaa. 

ia -iki! iT iK. ;mi 

Cammlags aad 
Girl, wtQ ba aaa 
titled Capld On 

la Tbe Typewriter 

1 akoitly In a comedy iklt, an 
WaU Street, which 

writtea expreaaly for her by J. Brandon Walah. 

Meccedea. La Flanlate de Mytterle, baa elcnad 
op for twelre weeks on tbe Anoclatlon tlote. 
She waa a blir drawing card at the Century, 
week of Jan. Id and would haTe been held orer 
(or the KcoDd week, bad It oot been for bar 

by her last year. 

Manager niblaaatngi i, of tbe Caalsow _ 
nomber of bla acta booked ap to play kJa 1 
In the near rntiire. Tbe boalneaa la Incrcsalag 
erery day and the apllt week policy has helped 
wonderfolly In bnlldlnjr up tbe box-olBeo re- 
ceipts. Tbe acta appearing on laat week'a bill 
were; GUroy, Haines and Montgomery; Greah- 
man and Martin, Boycr and French, Court and 
Whelan, Frank Parker Company and I/enoli*s 

Tba Fmtr Mortons are headllaInK the bill at 
tbe Wlllard this week. AmaUa ~ - - 

aaUataetocy that tbe 
book a big tima haa 

headllaar at thla houaa arair 

The Ban Family, who made a big hit at tba 
VajesHe last week bare beaa_bMkM ta 
the entire Orphenm Ctreidl. 
arrangementa for a setting IS 
eral electrical effects. 

Grace De Mar. late star witb A Knight For 
A Day. Is playing with one of the SaUiTsn * 
Cooaldlae road abowa. Sbo played the Bminaaa 
last week aad amved to ba a big drawlas ceid. 

Ed. Prka. atna aiaeMdaa at tba Oula* 
Theatre, aad O a tb a i b i a jfaagar, riiiiairled wMi 
tha heoae. wcfo taatrlad aa tks ataga alHr tii 
•reeiog paitdnBaaea Tvniufi tim.M. Mw- 
tin acted the part of thebaat aaa aad Sarab 
Wella waa the bridesmaid. 

Mlas Oreabman, of Qreaboian and Martin, re- 
fused to open at tbe Casino last Monday, be- 
canae her slater had been refused admittance 
ta tha Btage withcnit a paaa from tbe manager. 

Weber'a Theatre la playing Tauderlllc again. 
Saren acts are booked and Tandeelllo la ckaaf * 
areiy Monday aad Thursday. Babtaaa kaa , 
eteaaed atace tha aev -'■"'fT aad ttto saa 

wU moat llketr be 
aad Comb 

"** gr 
. ttaaa^- 
Bka aad Comb weta beld aiar ft 
at tba Amerteaa Hbale BalL 
aaa a new act la psap a rathm tsr 
aeaaoB aad be pioo da ea that It wfll , 
thing of Ita kind em aee» an tba 



The ran at 

ttie Majestic 

William Kolh. late atar of the summer Wid- 
owers Company, assisted by a capable compaoy, 
headlined tbe bUI jit tbe Uajcatle laat wliktn 
tbe comedy sketch, entitled Tbe ri 111 atasasa 
Shop. The hit of the bOl waa tba Bell Family. 
aoTtity Inatmmentallsta, who carried aarsy high 
boaots. Harry Etanti opened the bill with bla 
Boedtr cOBtactkma aad waa well tccelred. Maa- 
alaf aM Batekv aatsrtalicd wltk aelecthias oa 
tba ^eiOo. Fr aa tb boca. sylopboaa aad chlmca. 
Lg m P u t, appeared aad oCersd imscsaaaatlaaa 
ar aalmala, hamaa Tolcea and iiiiiVal tMln* 
•wata. fjaat. Aoger aad Oaaaaaay. la Jack 
the Giant Killer, ottered a BOTsilty abatck aad 
made a good Impreasfoa. Tliera are aaa aa i o u a 
clerer sitnatlaaa aad comedy lines la tUa 
sketch, and two of the eharactera. Geocga Aa- 
ger and Bmeet Rommel, are of the oaaaaal 
type. Mr. Anger la aald to be the talleat aetar 
on earth, while Mr. Rommel Is the amallaat 

Johaay Small and bla Snail Slatera, were tbe 
only dancing act oa the bin and their abUlty 
In this line la aollmtted. They dress their act 
neatly and are of a pleaalng persooall^. list- 
ton and Lawrence. faToritea at this hoose. r^ 
turned, to delight their msay trleada. Their 
act remalaa the aaaia aa when laat aaan ban 
and also eonUaBCs t».be tba aama Vbf bit. Tha 
Ben Pamllr apoeated aeetntb en tSe usoaiam 
and played heffklgb rtaaa aad popntar Hlac- 
tloBB. Sextette taela. II Tto» a tat» aad tbo 
Honttag Seeae were the fooDdattoa of tbe act 
aad their nMdIey of patriotic alra oaed aa the 
cloatag number took tbe hoose hr storm. Fol- 
lowtnjt the mnslcsl set Mr. J. Francis Dooler 
aad Occtaae Sales did not haee aa eaay time ot 
It, but shortly after their opealmr nnmber tbe 
catlre andlmce was sll sttentloo snd Dooley's 
PaTement Patter recelrcd wcU-deserred svvrr- 
clatloa. wnilam Kolh and Company la uluth 
poeltlon otTeted a aarAtr <B Tba Dellcatesaea ' 
Shop and tha i 

them bdag My Iriah Dearie aad Tlwy At* AB 
Good Amertcaa MaaMS, Mr. Descon baa a ptaaa 
lag TOlee and did eery lUcely la thla poaltioa. 
Tbe roor Rlanoa closed tbe- ah«w wttb tbelr 
Hotel acrobatic comedy dlracaloa la AMca. The 
Klaaao' act icmaias tka I 


Ttie Billboard 


T^lie Waudeville ^eek in MeJw York 


WUiill'iiV'Ctaaracterized by Qockl Taste Throughout and 
m Aural and Visual Delight — A Well-balanced 
NU I^esented Includes Many Novel Acts 

At lut Taletka Snratt b'u Kcnred i Tehlele 
lk>t bids rdr to R<;etT« tbs plindtU at tb« 
mo9t ovplDs crltlGa. ThiB 1« Boaff* Vallate, 

M DitluicKiue meUnge of enlcrtalnloc etmeclta 
wUch bad Ita Ont Btotdwiy appMiute* at 
Kita and Pioetor'i futh ATcniw Ilieatra last 
' J e ti i h C Smltb, wbo atand Madam* 
' li icapontlbla tor tfao nombeta, hmlBt 
" aad vndnead fliem, wtalte Bay Qoeta 
^ maale. Tlneeat BiTan tha boak. 
1* BO pRtcnalaB to plot, tbe Idea oC'the 
■ct liciBf to proTlde tamiant dlretiloiii, of lAIck 
tta 'atatiiMqac Taleaka in the nila of Pan. aa 
■ettvaa. la tlw center. Tbe actloii opens under 
Ika puk-blosaomed peach branches of Pam'a 
MAard. Para and a berjr of street (trlles to 
Aall-ptaik costninea slngina Sprlsfftlrae as the 
Merp h ia muDber. Panx calls a rcbeaxsal at hae 

ttaitiii. We ilKNild oretlook tbe diacrapancy 
St tha lagaa- (■hrnlalta) of two 

aa it fa 'aot aaatadal, «sr tba mart 

. - ^, 

tklB tim* bakltsd 1> 

Bd emiae, irtth t . 
aloe Winter, to tbe aeeaavalBaat of 
la. Tbd seen* tbea cbaagca to Pam'a 

. where a partx la In piosiaa a, and hr 

of dlTervlon, Pam'a fiance. Jack (Fletcher 

Hortm). lings and daocea tbe Ficneb Olp-flop 
with the nine girts, hi i*««>i*Tiy green eostomes. 
W\m Snratt then appears, presenting a onsint 
■bA aUorlng ptctore In a hc»p-sklrt coatmoe of 
aa early 'SCi, and aiiiga When Broadway Was 
a Pastnre. Mr. Noctaa again appaaza with the 
tn a unlbar'enllad g o iJat j (arena, wear- 

Tbe next Mene sbowa the Interior of aa Impres- 
alTa dmrcta, with naT« and chancel, Pani In a 
mamlofulx lorely wedding gown, with sbower 
booqoet, hanging on the arm of Jack, wbo Is at> 
tired In black, and attended by nine brldea- 
malda la white aad sUecr with popplea. Xho 


Nat. C. Goodwin, in Lend Me Five Shillings, a Big FeaAutt. 
Other Acts of Merit Presented— Many WUling 
Ticket Purchasers Turned Away 

The eotlr<> staniling room aatboctad lijr Ule lire 
regnlatloiu of New York was pereaptcd last 
week at tbe Colonial Theatre, and huttdl eds of 
willing porrhasers of sesta were turned away. 
Tbe nbeoomensl stteodsnee wss doe prlmailly 


a red riac-auaicrs BBit, with whip, while 
gtala ara carted aa lUen, with Oni^ abort 
la aad 'wBpa. Pam aad Jack tfeaa. hav* 

_ dwet. AraWa, accoopaaled by an Orfteatsl- 
wdis. ' maa Snratfi eoatione la tUa aoalier ii 
a tnceona ereatloB of poiple and doth of gold, 
with Tnrfclab troosers, pointed allppera aad gem- 
mt iiiiliirt torban. Laura Gayselie ezeentea . a 
i>aan EccentzlqiM, permitting Pam and .her 
enpanlons to change to Sjianish coattnnea: Sn- 
ratt anters In a marrelons coetnme of red. sll- 
war and pearl, harmonising msgnldcoatly. .with 
fe« dark besDty. As she wslka down tba lane 
Smmai by^i^wgle^ow^ gjauaiat M^^Mj rtai 

AD^tar New York 

atU. WOH WEEK, or IAN ss. 
laalnafT Mil framed up by Billboard 
[▼e ftom sets ' appearug at New 
'ZotK TBOdeTllle theatres. Tbe Importaaee 
Of tha act Is Indicated by position glTea. 
A->^ton-PoIo Tnnpe, Acrobats. 

Fifth Avenne Theatre, Fnll Stage. 
U H orace Wright aul Rem DIetrlcli. 
'.Tboaa SoDcwbat UOtrant - Ettng- 

Colonial Theatre, Poll Stage. 

and Blrs. Jsek hlcGtcesy. In T he 
Coontiy liddlar aad- tha -Tlllase 

rifth ATenne XkaAa. with 
Special Drop, 
in Lead He IlTa 
Colonial Thaata^ Fan 

one-act play, 

American Mnsle Hall. Ml Stag*. 
II fcphle Tocker, Com Snanter.- 
■ -* — Hiric BaU. ta Om. 

The - AU-atar bDl thla week possesses aa its 
.Marf featue, three eomi^ete sketches, corer- 
tsg Tarlooaly comedy, moalcal comedy and 
diama. each of whlA woold ordinarily he en- 
titled to stellar honors. In consideration of 
fte Importance of the .engagement of Mr. Nat 
Ooodwtn. It being his Hist essay Into tbe field 
af raodeTflle after a worthy, career In tbe le- 
gitimate, the crown poaltloB la aeeeedcd him 
■ad his eze^cnt company IB t<eBd Ma Fir* 
■MTihifa. valeska Saratt. becaaae of bar (cal- 
Ir iMitabh and csuaaBdable entertainment. 
BaaCe TbiMb. ci a at ad aad prodneed by Jo- 
mak a talth.' la entitled to idace. as U also 
Itat ■rttH IM ' tragedienne. Kmc. Henrietta 01- 
ir who thrills with her one-act playlet. Hdene. 

Ibk and Mrs. Jack McOreery eontrfbote s hl- 
larfooB and tmthfol study of Amerlcaa mral 
types, so consplcnoDSly orlglnsl thst tbey alao 
deserre tndnalcrn In the weekly hall of ttmt, 
Horace Wright and Bene Dietrich win place 
both by reason of their faoltlesa Italian ehsrse- 
terlaatlana and their excellent rolces. Sophie 
for ber TlTsclona abandon sad artutle 
■hooting. Is In the same cati 

(Con tinned on page 50.) 

fal comed.T, U>nd Me Fl>e ahlUlngs. Support 
Ing the aenlal Nat was a company that com 
prised MlBse. Margaret Morvland and PanllBe 
Lord, and tbe Messrs. William Hawtrey, Bob 
•rt Tabor, Jerry Barcourt and Foater. Dia 
fares whl<^ lent Inatre la pieelooa years to the 
npettotre of tha lata Joanb JcBenoa aad Mr. 
eoodwiB, waa ebaractcrtnd br a nap aad apt*- ' 
Ut that k^t tbe aadlnce kvad ap ta a ' 

sketch which woo appredatlT 
J eroked a gale of laughter was Th» 
lareleai Sophomore, the rehlcle of Harry Tlgb* 
and hla Colleglsns. It Is from the pen of Balpb 
and bis Collegians. 

Higsetlc Anna Chandler U i nrwcomer, wbf 
walked Into the affections c>f b^r bearers wlt^ 
a budget of popular aenga, ftaa£ wlt^ guato antf 
Delaartean waring of supple arms thst aag 

I TTctte OoUbert. ~ ~ ~ 

it'a Bl^t, I L»w> It 
I aiuoag her ssBgiL 

Tempest and _ 

nineteen and slxtMB y««a aU KapaMadr. i 

their first appearr ' ' 

m€ dainty daeta._^ . 

ul mm ■ nirir'; 

tt fascinating faaldoi. 

Vhe Eight Original Uadeapa fm Berlin. wW 
we a /eatore of The Snmnm WMowera at thr 
Broadway Theatre, New York, pw a cn ted a gM 
art fall of acrobatic surprises. They tnrnaf 
cartwheels in imlson. romped through a rsTlshln^ 
dance, built pyramldi and boydutebly disported 
tbcmadres, nelr eaatoatea were of purple, witk 
a silken froo tron thst sdmlrsbly displayed 
sixteen shapely limbs In purple allken hose. 


ncy aaag t 

aaectal aid tanwites, _ 

ABioBg tha Gold and CruUkecn LawB, 

Keaaler and Lee, In an entertalalag ■*-"*~r 
act, and Kelly and Kent. In their Unghahip 
aklt. The Dramatic Agent, added ta tbe merrl 

The cIoeloR namber wai Capt. Ifaz Qrober'e 
■qoeetrlao ReTlew. which occupied full itage 

gaaemeala. He appaarrd at tha CIdaBlal Tbiatli. 
laat waak. 

Mme. Marietta Oily 
Headlines American 

A wonderfolly gifted tragedienne Is Mme. 
Marietta Oily, who with ber company compris- 
ing Hardee Klrkland and John Emerson, bad 
the headline position on last week's bill In 
Helene. This Is a one-act play of powerful In- 
tensity, displaying tba effort of a young wife, 
mihi^y janJMta ahagbay ^Jar ii^her'a 

peal ta Iwr B i t >» fo^SuSS aartataaea. Tbe 
sum asked la ao large that the father'a ans- 

plclona are aronaed. and by adroit qocathmlng 
ha gleana the truth from hU daughter. Baring 
glren hla word of honor, bowerer, not to be- 
tray tbe liaison of his dsogbter to her boBbsnd, 
he takea hla only altematlTe to asve tbe honor 
Of his family, and kllla the paramour, wbo Is 
awalttng tbe ootcome In an adjoining room. Tbe 
sketch was splendidly acted, and flre cnrtaln 
calls were taken on Wednesday nlgbt. 

Another dramatic sketch on the bill was That 
Annie I«nrle Song, an Inrolred and nnconrlnc- 
Ing waatem story, played by Bnrr Carrath and 
— Mlas Rnby L.Indaay and 

aa page SI. ) 


Personal Patter 

B. Banla 

IB eompllacBt to Ua tatker, Iftaty I 
has determiaed to tc-naac tha Haekatt 
on West 42d street the WUUaa Banla 
when ka — ■ 

Stahl iB 

Bowsid Pew Is la Chicago at lha Welllagtaa 
Hotel, in the latereat of the Amerlcaa Band, of 
ProTtdeaor, R. I., which he la booking fOr 
of the largcat parka and talra «C Oa M 
daring tbe isaitag s ea soo. 

Fred Wright. Jr., made bla Taaderllle dabat 
St tbe Hndaoa Theatre, Union BUI, N. J., on 
January 30. assisted by Miss Clsodls Clarke. 
Mr. Wriirht wHl be remembered for hla work 
with Edna May In Tbe School Girl, and The 
Catch of the Scaaoo. nia appearance here was 
as Tim In Oar Miss Glhbs. 

Both the CUntoa Street _ 

Essex Msrket Onrt km* .kM .MaaM-lr tbe 
city of New Talk tbtok* NMMlil tw Mta 
picture uses. 

Hsrry and Kate Mitchell hsre sntrcd tn New 
Tprfc after s trip throogt tbe West. Banr la 
'rlag froaa seetre latrmal.lalarlca aaatalaad 

This Week's Vaude- 
ville in Gotham 

Amerlesn Music Hsil— Ma Oosae. with BdBe 
Mollon and company of twenty dancers; Ade 
lalde Kelm and Company In playlet: WUllav 
Ooortlelgh and Company In Peacbea; Grill, Loo 
don's comedy Juggler; TioTato, mmlcal ge> 
Loodoa Qurtette: The Great Tallmaa; Ir 

^ Tangnay; Oai dW 

la Won by a Leg; MafthwM aat «rl 
oaMdy aenbats: Xaaapaat and . Baa 
achleU's MsBikias; Harry Vlrat aa* 
DnAy . flambo OMa, atagtag aad 
Cooroy, LeMalre ab* ~ 

Broox — Prank I^eenan In The Oath; Wara. 
Klare and Ward In Twin Plata; Barry and 
Wolford In It Happened on Monday; Ellla 
Nowlln Acrobats. In Pnn In a Fire Booaa; 
Bcnardl, Italian quick chaago artist: L. T. 

TQB, Tcalrlloqalat: 

at tba Ptaao; BUI 
lia. aad othera. 

Varlcte; Buu Daaa la a 

by; Tf. Two Ooleys aad Ihy. camady black 

face; KItamura Japa, acrobato; BreWB and BIyar 

and others. 

Fifth Arenoc — Andrew Mack, Gerald GrlS* 
and Company In Other People'a Money: Eddl' 
Leonard and Mabel Roaacll: Sol Goldsmith ano 
Guy Hoppe In The Commercial Drummer^ 
naak MUtoB and DcLoag Slatera la Twenty 
AltaUa Juactten: Testta 
aita: AlptaM Tnmpe, doa 
gfe i»?9!to •< Jardia 

by a fan down an clerator ahaft tn Omaha* - 
Charles A. Taylor haa rewritten for tba M* 

of Margaret Bennett and Company la randeTllle 

the aketch. Borrowed Mooer. the creation of 

F^ad Thayer, tbe n ew sp aperman. 
Oota Hall, oae of tbe orlglaal Fencing Girls 

li a ny wi ' " " — * - — — - 


Edmnnd Day, tbe well-kaowa playwright, wb» 
haa glren ua The Eonnd-Dp, baa written an act 
celled The Whirlwind, which will hare earl} 
presentallna In Tanderllle under tbe dlrectloa 
of H. J. Kilpatrlck. known to tbe world of an 
tomoblte racing aa Dare DctII KIl. A featnn 
of the iketcb will be a race between a twenty 
borse power rxclng anto going 129 mllei an boni 
In a taalr reltlni; effort to orertaklog a locomo 
tlTe golDK at full floeed. Tbe identical asa* 
chine In which Mr. Kilpatrlck - — — 

world's ro«<l recnrrtj, will be a 
bata wHI stage tbe sketA. 



Wlule tfaaae c ri t idMn a of films as they are released are intended primarily for the information and-guid- 
anoe Of ediilitton» they ire ako €f fy iwtgiri mwil iiMg to BnmifMtim liy dmwing attention to the 

salient points of merit as well as the deficiencies in the output of their competitors. Producing directors and 
managers of scenario departments find their counsel welcome and their substance of never-failing interest. 

prod n od 

tij. Feb. 2. 500 feet. 
Tlw eomleslltr ot thU ftlm la 

tt* cootlBiMitloo ot tt* «»eetl«B — ^ 

ttnofta ■ wtadoir. Tbe adBbcr oC tb* cock 
h tbe one wbo does th» •Jcetiag tad h» mtr 

tlx rigtatfnl owner of tbo home for a 
lo^er who baa bacn vujlat hia wife 
Of coonc at Om last mlnota all la 
I np. The fllm U tmt cood. 
__f be JiMt a little too m 
^ Ike window bat l»eTCTtbel< 

MS with ezcelkat 

Bm !■ • 

■dtaB iqrlnc bia haad. «t.flM W M lWi Ml 
■MMIWi. Then Id ■ H: ■ : iMi 

TBS was. 

Id tbla dlB 
y^te^ dU^weedJlUi. _ 


Feb. 3. 

la a B »aat atoiT 
«Mtk a <blU cOMti ■> flU 
aiBdmotber*! rctvn to 
(to hoate ot ber patcata 
tftcr tbe yoons wife baa 
ctwed the old Iidr'i n- 
aoral to tbe old Udj'a 
tom«- Patboe has be«n la- 
bctnl Into tbla ftlm la 
Itrte quaatltlee, and the 
ebararter of tbe child la 
iocb tbat la boond to ap- 

■aal. Tha lltUe actreM 
iiiii III! special menttoo 

tha nadt Ikat an a^ bappOr. Tbe 
wmmn ti tbat of tkeir aaw itndlo h Murtand 
Mt la tfl t* tha caad. Tka tim la boaad to 

Ian. SO. 

This la another tood fllm with aome qnlek 
eoaaadr work oa tbo part ot tbo robber, who 
labaa Ik* •lac* ad ■ d— iiig la IMat •( • 



Studio, located at Badfbcd Paik. 

JIMr Tatk City, Im a laise holldlas. two aldas 
aad tbo toot of wbleb are ot daaa. with a 
atagc space araUable ot apptudmately 100 tc«t 
aquirr. With this latfe spaea It Is not at all 
oncommoa to bare three or mora aata ' 
at a 

Betbod of adTertlalav. Pram 
e made wltbln five or ten mln- 
leCBCBt allde said to bo ot greater 
taellltr and of leas east ta tha theatre maaacer. 

atore. eradlar the paHc*. eaeaplac tbeieb> 
trmporarllr. Bat he Is packed op Id a bo* 
with a Domber of "««■«'"■" which are seat to 
a Blner baby cooccaeloo la a park, aad seta 
daddadlr tbe wont of It antn he Inmps oal 
tt Vm ivik ud frlBhtena tbe pabona lata 

(Scenes at jkE fpfsou JiA^ffKn//&vif Q:^ 

MB irr MX. 

Bcie la a boUr stoty 
•1th Tery earetnllr select- 
ad IntCTlor accaety and res- 
tfar Powera pbetosrapby. 
It la the aiaty of al^ 

iOR'8 LVB 

CbmedT. Eclair, 
•a. Has feet. 

Here li a coed Eclair 
Cb wltb eajoyable con* 
ady. It la tbe story of a 
bmffrj Emperor wbo smdia 
the iroma emitttns from 
aaep boUiug la a aobor- 
dhate'i qoarter oa a floor 
Mow. Die Emperor aeada 
It aik the aobordlnite for 

jWae ta order to utiafy bla btmser and tbe 
MMr comBlleo prorlded the Emperor dine him 

Ste^tte' aoboidlaato* ^Jf" *°°*S'*dl»* 

*al^Smam Vt» part'sc'lba tbH* attSdants 
•nrtat him fraa (cttlac a Uts to eat. The 

Cr ofllcer la forced to boy a meal after 
TbK the table of the Bmperor. Tbie ple- 
tee 1* full of tbod comedy aad tboald there- 
•■e prora a good one. 

A won OF OLD OLOBT. I>rama. Tankec. 
laa. ST. 

'Bate la a plot that baa been ae«a la 
oathee on preTlooa nr.realeaa bat arferl 
It la ao worked op aa to boM I 
^waL It la a atory of ta 

ma ward of a merceiury P 
taa conSn^ of tbe Ratem. 
. etaa brr as hia wife after 
•conntpr with the aorth ' 

He la Immediately followed aad aa 

a telesrapb pole only to be eleetrocnted 
aaa «ap to the earth .In parte. Hta followers. 
«C cawMi, leare blm pteaomibly St only for' 
borlal, bnt accordlns to tbe Eclair knack tb« 
varlooa porttona of bla body reaaaemble and 
the whole man walks oS trlumphtiitly. Thla- 
■• a rood film of eDtertklDlas qoalltlea and not 
a word of complaint can be ralaeil asalnat the* 

uwue son. 

laa. Si. 

a*t aatn tha rerr end aa 

ptags aaty aaa mklMt. Ibe ezpoaltfoD ta tear 
hat wbaa the cUaaz .eanca It crowda aeaae. 
coal (aa lata It. It la a tip for the bachelei 
^ aa ba a a mmt terrible tine* 
trytnc to aew hIa orereoat. 
He knocka orer tbe lama 
aad aews bla robe to the* 
caipet ud In fact aukaa 
BStedway at all. Be If 
lacenlona enoogb to adrar- 
tlae for a partner wbo can* 
sew ind all tbe iplosteM 
of tha tews make It a polar 
ta demaaatrato their skOr 
at the aacdle la order to 
wla a batter half. How 
er^ Itaarias learea thaa* ' 
la the tea attar Us aeady 
TK.'^ »ai» beta aeeaai 
pliahed. Tbe plot Is aood- 
and fnn of ton aad the- 
pbotosraphy np to tbar 
Otett Northern ataadard 
Enoagb aald. 


weoM at «aaMa be tmpeaSLs la aar 

atndlOb Aa a eaaa la point may be I 

the lialllaSlId aeene In Tbe Price of VIctecy. 
which b ta be leleaaed Febraary 21. Tbla aat 
which cooatctfMta nature ao closely aa to de- 
celTe tbe ordlaaiT eye. took np almoot the entire 
width of tbe Stndio In order to set tbe^ repaired 
depth. A great many dead toldlais are ahown 
on tbe troond, aitd aa Napoleoo and bis ataff 
enter the pletnre from tbe tear. It will be 
apparent that they ride qntte a distance before 
ttacHas tts troot. 

(Coatlaoed on page tT.) 



895 feet. 


^Tbls fllm la another proof of good Imp com* 
•dy. Sod aod father attend a priae flgbt; they 
jre chawNi by the police Into their own home, 
one policeman followa eren Into tbe hooae. 
gje iwn, bowerer. diagolaea aa a aerraat and 
»TOi!ti iiiii ocilDg and flirtation, tbe remoTal of 
:-ciiian from the hooae la tafely sccom- 
liuti I. as the ofltcer la fonnd to be moat 
•BIBernblo to the charma of the aoppooed kttrh- 
• ■aid. PbotnitTaphy and acting O. K. 



Here la a fllm that deserres special mention 
w l«o reaaon*. Flrat, tbe reallam of the 
••at acene. aa the ware-motion la well depleted, 
emadiy. the ezcelleBt acting of tbe canine. 
TUa foi.terrler, a weader for the apontanelty 
N hla work. p iiil My aecompllshed the moat 
Wjer work ever acej Kl ad oa tha aereea. la tM« 
ES:i,jr*t J'"' » akaeHy aew bat la well 
"""rd. being that ot a y«ai« ■aglMbmaa who 

lU most marry an A^^^-^-^-=^ 
«•"• orer wltb hIa dog, 
* aa ncran liner tk. 

i«4IM. being tbTt a 
Jr wlU most marry an 
«•"• orer wltb hIa d< 

• aa aeean liner. Tb. 

laea nf imperannatlng tbe coosla after baring 
iS?'; rightfol celatlre. bat bla erfl plana 
gr. ffyttatx br tbe ilatacaaaa of the dqc. 

caaahu lie 

la a thug 

Tbe latter oaaeelTca the 

rax. BSDAI. XSAIL. Draaaa. Master. VM. 

.^T*" P'nt of this story, whll* « cannot be 

t"»«;rd of COBTentlonallty. yet la not dlallnct- 
J?""™* angles are woren 

Bridgeport. Conn.. Jan. SS. — It has remained 
two bright yoong men of thla city, once tbe 
) of the gn-ateat of ahowmeo, P. T. Bar- 
to aolTe the qneatlon of preaeotlng elec- 
morlng plctnrea In alt commnnltles which 
aot bare an electric light plant; and leanlts 
«r tbat tbe Parwrll Bcothera hare the ma- 
chine, Itkewlao a fortnne In their grasp. 

In aoWIng the qnestloo of dealgnlng a port- 
able deetrle Boring pletnre derlce, ther bare 

(Coallaned on page IT.) 


After iditeen year* experimenting, nua. 
Hcrbst, reeldlog near Raaleton. Pa., baa In- 
rented what l!i knoim as Briitht-Ugbt Plcttire*, 
a process by which motion plctort's can be pro- 

tectrd In a fnlly Illnmlnated theatre. Wltb 
Irigbt-Ugbt PktaCM •aatoalBia tba «t to 
eansed. aar daaa tba pMaaa Issa any : ag Ha 
cleameaa. . ^ 

Rir msny yesra th<T« has been a oaaar far 
an JnTcatton of this sort to abate tba eo af asloa 
that reanlted from a dark theatre. la the 
theatres where the Inrentlon has been tried It 
has had the spproral of all aadlences. 

The Pat Casey Agency, which Is Interested In 
the Inrentlon. la Inataltlng tbe aystem In many 
Taaderllle and motkm pletnre theattva. 


Bncotlaa baa beca takes ta the asa ot tb- 

-ord "aodleacc'f la coaaeetlon with pabUelt)' 
glrea tbe moTtog picture, daloilng that s 
andlence la a body of beareca, or Uateocr* 
True enOQKb. Mr. lyrist, but reference to tbe 
Standard Dictionary shows tbat the word b- 
often been flgorttlTely oaed to deacrtbe tesd- 
ers of bboks. Howerer. let tbla notice be a 
warning to all ye motion picture synapsis writ- 
era, critics, pea ptiahen and aerlbee that I ' 
yea wonld avoid tbe contumely of aforeaal*! 
petsoD la wrttlajc of atortag plenura patnms. N- 
ta daaigaata " 



This la a otoiT at a 
yoatk cast float bone bv » 
ataca father. He triea bb- 
iial bat la aaable to ta 

. caaa employment wbsie 
opea he drlfU Into erlr 
company Jnat as be ha> 
about decided to end hi- 
misery. Be la unwillingly 
forced to become an sc 
complice to a band of 
tblerea bnt bla honor orer 
eomee him Jnat aa one ot 
tbe plimderera la aboot ta 
atah a maa whoaa boose 

. tbay haia aatercd. Tba 
at* gets tba Jab ia Ut 


The T>po-Pad, from which may be made de- 
algna (or idrertlslng diapltyt, annooncemrnta. 
etc.. Is an Innoratlon Introdncod Into tbe world 
of motion Pictures by the American Typo-Pad 
Company, of Raleigh. N. C. The Typo-Pad, to 

oc'lk^ aaaMB(iHitat*ia& bMaoia'aC IM 'mS^- 

St. Loala. Ian. 31 (Special to Tbe Billboard >. 
— Mcaara. O. T. Crawford and Frank Jtklbot. 
ownera and manaicers of tbe l^rcsata 
bare ulasolTcd partnership. Sti; — 
lag disposed of bla Interetti. 

Tbe lyceam waa opened nearly dra years 
ago and waa tbe ftret large picture theatre. n<^ 
only In St. Lonia, bnt In America, and baa paid 
tome htndtome dlrldemla aince tbe day I' 

Mr. Crawford's reason for dlspoalBg of bis 
Interest la tbat he la glrlng np tbe axclnslTe 
picture business, and la going Into the rande- 
Tllle game. During the past year bo baa con- 
stmcted flre flrst-dsaa flre-proof theatree In St. 
Louis. Wltb seating cspacltles of 1.250 to l.BOO 
and coating from 143.000 to $90,000. Aside from 
tba Bra aow la operation, be la aagsjlatlaa tar 
tea otaer loeatlaas In toe dty aad baW.ea 
them aa fsat aa they ace actitdred. 
Plaaa are now betag drawn for a theatre and 
bonding to ha erected near Sixth and Pine 
arccea te coat two btndred thonssad dbllan' 
wMk a acatlag eapeetty ot S.COO. 
plettd Oils wm be tbe bcgcet 
Tsndenile hooae la the couut r y . 

Tbe oSce building will be either eight er 
ten atorlea and an entire floor will hooae tbe 
O. T. Crawford Interests of which there are 

Aside from operallng these tbeatrea. be has 
bla own booking office from which bla beasea sre 
anpplled as well ss iereral others In the dty 
and twenty-eight ont of town bonsaa. 

Mr. Crawford Is alM> Interested la tbe Osy- 
ety Theatre here, which Is the borne of the 
Columbia Amnaement Compan.T'a attractloaa 
and Is one e( the best psying thestree plsy«4 
by tte aatbia Wbeal. 

•f the-' 

Ma !• 

tared, «b» caies fir 
itatal la te« ~ _ 
tara aad raeoaelMatloa la tba patcraal 

bold. Good photocrapby aod acting tbroagb 

Jan. SOl 

Draiaa. Taakee 

Here Is a eorktag dctectire storx. A l ew il e i 
la robbed by a wUy Italian who gate blm lata 
a tazlcab oa the pretenae ot belag a pi o apa c 
tlTe cnatomer. Aa Italian detecttre la engaged 
to hunt down the thief and bla ezperlencea li 
accomplMdng his end are rety tbrllllag. Need 
leaa to aay. lore entera In the atory and aa tha 
of hIa well directed labara tha detec 

the excrilcat . 
a girl wha bm 

rolea aad -wlB' _ 

hlmaetf and tbe two form 

a good team. TB 

atocy of tbla pletnre allowa much tan. 

romping, tiimMing and upruarhina comedy. Of 
roorae. Foolsbead and his constn partner are 
able to come out nnscathed. because ot tbclr 
seeming limocence. alttioagb tbey are tbe caae* . 

all the exdtenent. This la a good dim aad i- 

TOBV lOUOV. Itals. 
Thla p bo t egc a pble tale ot 



dstoty. Is dMtaeai 
part of tbe Htat 
ta* mnsl patraa of 

not _ 
edoeattaiaL It 

aatboc*a I'fe imt , 

the nickelodeon. He tg aaatMp aaaoclatad wBb 
llteratnrc only, and (tw ban arcr learned tkt 
poet In bis political eoanectloBa. The fllm tresis 
of bla loyalty to tbe old Commoawealth aad bla 
refnaal to mitigate towards tbe Stnarta. Tha 
acenery and coatamlng Is faltbfal to the times 
Tbe photography la abore reproach. 

Drama. fUtoair 1- SOO ftet. 
Tbla u a atoay ot a theft taaplred by Jaalettn 
and the dire penalty ot bUndoeta InfllcteA to a 
higher power tat the olaie. It daala wttk , 
alstcr diaaenaloa orer oac maa, Jirfatly totad Iv 
the two. the meaaneas to which oaa atoeaa ta 
employ to get tbe other, aad the anltelag wblcfe 
abe nlllmately la forced to eadaia. T ' 
la Tcry commendable. 1^ acting ta , 
the photography Is up to the Cham^cM-i 

tCoatlnacd ea page 4t.> . 


Ttie Billboard 

FEBRUARY ^ 1911. 

The Aittusemeiit Week in New York 


At the Knickerbocker Theatre with Miss Maude Adams in 
Leading Role— Local Critics Exhaust Their Vocabu- 
laries in Commenting Upon the Production 

CAST or chanxbcxbh. 

ChanMdcr ... .. ..... .. 

P*tou >. .- ArChor Bjvon 

Blackbird Erncct lawfocd 

Paicoek WUUam Lewen 

Mlsbtlnnle Miss Malwlle Cbaiiman 

Gnat Honied OM ..... CutaT Ton SeylTertltz 
Screedl Mt V»' ^. .. AUea Pawcett 

Scops ,. .. .. .. .. Edward Morrison 

StiTx .. .. Maortce Stewart 

Bnmla Mlaa UUlan Spencer 

Owet Edward Wllwn 

Ctpuneom .. G«oige Bowlands 

Kit* Owlet .. .. .. .. David Manalns 

Oaine Cock .. .. Marburgh 

Fabiter .. .. .. .. Allen Fawcett 

Woodpeckar ... .. i;".. .. .. FMd Tyler 

Cat .. .. .. .. i. .V Walter Stanton 

TnrkeT- Oatt i,-.. .. R. Peyton Carter 

Dnck .. .■ Wallace Jackson 

Gainea Chick Manrtce Stewart 

Cockerel Edward WUaon 

FInt Cockerel .. Edwatd Morrison 

Second Cockeid .. ... .. .. F. Owen Baxter 

Third Cockerel .i .. .. .. D»td Mannlns 

ICacple .. .. ... •• ^. .. S^ced l^ler 

Babbit ._a'Mah W4fM* 

Ten FknCT Cocks— McMa. Bavin ~ 
cett, SUren, Moran. WUaon, Carhart, 
dinger. Jactanan and Qrabam. _ 

8U Toads — ^Messrs. Carter. Stanton. Baxter, 
lackson, Morrison and Fawcett. 

A Guinea Pic tUm Tenaica Uaiab 

Ben Pheasant .. ..i jMpa . May Bla pwy 

Gotnea Hen .. **:-9aM.-lloro^^ 

- Old Ben torn Ada Boabdl 

White Hen Hiss Uarsaret Gordon 

OtMT Hen BUn May Roberts 

Black Hen Miss Ulllan Spencer 

Three Other Hens— Miss Mabelle Chapman, 
Hiss May Sonthem, Miss Margaret Boland. 
Ben Turkey — ■■ Miss Hden Kraft 

Babbits. Birds, Bees,. Wasps, Orasshoppeia. 
and Tclcea. 

' New York, Jan. 25 .(Special to The Billboard). 
— Mot eoonali .good can he aald. Brery one 
oS«n mnda oTpnAe tac »» 
as the namMr and splendor at tha satlrlctl 
ban-yard drana Itsdf. Maade Adama. the 
Charming, the sweet, the lOTdj, were the 
eDlthets addressed the American actress by the 
Tsrions critics. Not that they sans bnt pnlse, 
for this wonid not be exactly in keeping with 
the «rl tics' occopation. If there are polots ttiat 
need sttentlon he feels It Us dntr to point »t>«m 
out. However, the n n anlnil ty 
actress and appredaaaBjBf t 
most enconraglnx. Tarn HHaU 
liW to tba CsUawlaB CuHoat 
. ' ■ - ' ■ ■ ' — ' 

Company Completed 

Meir Toik. Jan. 28 (Special to The BlUboard). 

^Llsbler and Conpany hare completed tbe cast 

oC Ute Bedemptlon of Brelyn Vandray. the 
Henri Bemstelnionls N. Parker plsy. In jrtlch 
Olaa Netbersole win sppear shortly. Walter 
Edwards will be seen aa Panl Vandray, the prac- 
tical husband of the dreaminc Erelyn; Ftanklyn 
Bobms win play Philip Lazane. the poet, wboaa 
sympathy for the not-imderstood wife leada to a 
■ore serious Intimacy; Mrs. 'Sam Sootharn wm 
b* B a im alna SQieistre, whose adoration foe the 
post esoses him to neglect the erring Erelyn; 
JbaC HOsfocd wm hays the role of the stem 
Booa. slater-in-law of Evelyn, and consistent 
critle of that young woman's career. Joe Wal- 
~ Ik a talented UtUe Jnyenile, will play LooU, 
t mm of Brelyn and Paul. Others in the com- 
IM Wallace Brklne, Cliallca HOwHl, Sba. 
Bnnm and Nellie Kalnimli. 


OUtar Hoiosoo, who Is rapidly becoming an 

■ ■ ttaatriesl aSalts tn the 

t BanttsfB CsllfoKnla, has 

on the Orphcnm Theatre, 

LOBjAagdea. "Bit Orpbemn is located In the 
bnalaess center of the city. It will be thor- 
oastaly orerhsnled and equipped Tor the accom- 
modation of traTeling companies playing the 
second-class theatres of the Northwestern The- 
atrical Assodstlon. of which John Coct is gen- 
eral nuwager. Tbe theatzv wm be i«sdy for 
occnpancy under tbe new conditions by ths flint 
of next September. This adds a Tery Important 
link to the chain of orer flire« hnndred theatres 
andac Cwt's direction. 


Then the curtain was ralacd to Its full 
height, and an audit uce In New York bad lis 
first Tlew of Chanteder, the play that took 
Mons. Rostand some ten years to write, for 
which he is said to have received his inspira- 
tion by hearing a cock crow in the country on 
a summer morning, the play tbat was announced 
for production and postponed about a dozen 
times before Paris Anally saw it and whlcb 
has plQoed cariosity here for a long time. 

"It was a wooderfol setting — a farm yard 
with everything built on a gigantic scale, so 
that the human fowls woidd not look too large; 
a great wall and beyond It a towering haystack; 
in tbe foresToand a blackbird's cage the size 
of a box-stall, a great cart, a basket and woodeo 
shoe, a dog and a cUeken borne on the right. 

"And mav Ma.thM*. tka dnck 

and some iwas taoHav ataot w and bis 


"It waa asTCcal nlBBtas MWa 'kt*. came 
on. Mlaa Adama BMUt ha** made a «Blek change 
from her eostnme of the ptologao to that of 
the play. She anteied fnm the left of the 
stage on top of the wall, stslHng Slowly, all- 
hooattad a^lnst tha nay sky of dawn. ~ 
a ttacoatr sooad as eoeka do^ 

, JTaa. SB (SpecUl to tbe Billboard). 

—After BMny fleazs and misgivings ss to his 
safely on a ten days' trip to Bermnda, every- 
thing Is once more jor and contentment In the 
Jerome H. Bemlck booaetiold In W. 4l8t street. 
Where Uose Gamble returned, bale sod mddy 
as ever. He was greeted at the steamer by 
his friends and relatives and other Dotabllltleit In 
tha theatrical field, who escorted him safely 

to tka J»fi H. - - - - 


Henry B. Harris* Dolly Madison in Rehearsal — Edward 
Mackay Engaged for Leading Role of King Love. . 
Other Pertinent Gossip of Stagefolk 

The DaMaMra oHlM hat* 
moos cadKaeysBt ta 
tlon of Bkcnas SIS, 


Ererywoman, Walter Browne's morality play. 
Is to be Henry W. Savage's next production. It 
Is scbeduled for production Feb. !). The house 
to be given over to Its premiere presentation has 
Qot yet been annoaaced. 

The stage of the new Wlntergarten, at Broad- 
way and Fiftieth street, which is to open In 
February, will soon be completed for tbe initial 
attraction under tbe management of the Shuheris. 
Tbe entertainment at this hooas will follow the 
continental idea of Vaxlata and Mnale Ball. 

Joat two weeks isoro and The Balkan Princess, 
with Louise Gonalng as tbe star, wIU iia.Ul ear 

Chauncey Oleott la with as all thia and next 
week at the American Music Hall. 

Society was well pleased with the perform- 
ance ot Tbe Dresm Girl, which hss Its premiere 
at the Plaxa. Monday, Jan. 23, for tbe benefit 
premiere glimpse. 
Mootical has enthused greatly over George 

r Tehlete. Ola Basil, tarn ths pen of 

a. Farter. Bnadwar to aaasr to Its 


Thias' Premiere, 


New York. Jan. 28 (Special to The Billboard). 
— ^Feb. 9 la tha date set for the lltst perform- 
ance of Panl WHstach'a dramatlxatlon ot Thlas; 
the scene ot the premiere vrm be tbe Court 
gjMss ^TfcBrtw^^j^^ggaM. Mass. JSa. M. 


New York. Jan. 28 (Spedal to Tbe Billboard). 
— While tbe fsmoss Bnsslan Dancers, PavlowB 
and Mordkln were entertaining a ^w*'*^''BW^ an- 
dience at the Grand Opera House at Hamlltoa, 
Can., and dnrinc the Interpretation ot U. Ma- 
kail Mordkln's dance in which a fencing boat 
ocean, tiM blado of his sword became loaasmad 
from tbe bUt and as be alaahad at one ot Us 
advcrssrtea. the btsds flew <««t iato the andl- 
enesw dotatg scclOas fadniy te soa of tl 

IQ fhe KDdsclBf Of this dance tbe sminls aia 
now omitted and In their place wine cfaallces 
have been sahstltatsd. The dance has loat none 
ot itn elfe ctl i en e as on aecooat of this cbange. 
These famons dancers with their Buslan Im- 
perlsl bsUet are being highly praised by both 
press and public 

The cast of Chanteder. now teosntlog tbe 
Knickerbocker, Is composed of tbe follOTrlng: 
Maode Adams, Artfaar BjroD. Ernest liawford, 
William lowers, Mabelle Chapman, Gostav Von 
SeylTertltz, Allen raweett. Edward . Morrison, 
Maurice Steward, Lillian Spencer. Edward WD- 
Bowlsnds. DsTid Msn ' 

SOB, George 

ends. Dsvid Msnning. Bertrand 

TIartMKb . Red Hyler, Walter SUnton, R. Pey- 
iM^aHcr. Wallace Jackson. . Edward WIIsod, 
F. Owoa Baxter. Ftcd Trier. 'Joseph Wallace, 
▼eroaica Marsh, May Blaync^, Dantbv Dorr, 
Ada BotbeU, Marcaret OeHM. 3hr >B«her<a 
May Sotbetn. Margaret Bolaad lOd^teB Kraft. 
The Imsinass at tbis bonae IS almost oapceco- 
dented, due to the interest the Americana bare 
loag felt for (bis BosUnd eicatlon. A Nfleir 
ot the prodoctlon will be fMnd la ear next 

Harris Engages 

Keir Tork. Jan. 38. (CliMelnl to The Bniboaid). 
— ^Plsla l,aFollettc, daughter of the Senator from 
Wisconsin, hss been engsged by Henry B. Bsr- 
tls ss leading woman tor Edmund Btecse in 
Percy MscKaye's fantastic Mmaaes, She Bears- 
crow. Mlaa LaFoBetta soaseeda B sa tol to.^wln. 
who was compelled to wtMfa Belli tta (atotaaj 
by reason of Ulneis. 

Contracts have been entered Into for MIto 
Beta Bayea sad Mr. Jack NorworHi to star 
nader' the msaagamant ot Iionls P. Werbs snd 
Mask A. laeachcr. In a new conedy. with mnsle, 
enUtlcd, Little Illto Fiz-tt. hf Wllllsm J. 
Hurlbut. The opening dato Is already died tor 
Febvasry S8, which Is the day after the expira- 
tion of the former contract ot Bayes and Mor- 
wortb wltb Mr. Zlegfeld. Tbe present latentioa 
la to give the play a preliminary sesson of a 
few weeks, snd then brlna It direct to New 
Tork. Oeorga Msrion, whose work sttrscted 
Bttentko . la Tbe Spring Maid prodnctlon, has 
been engsged to stsge Little Miss FIx-lt. 

The n»t East Side snbscrlptlon performance 
takes place on tbe erening ot Feb. 4, wltb Jos- 
ephins Preston Fe rt l flf a false plsy. The F^>er. 

aa the attnetUOb 

the . 

ford pcIsB Isst Fsar. Later ^ays to be given 
sre Nobody's Dangbter, a comedy by MIn George 
Psston, snd Tbe Arrowmaker, an Indian play, 
bT Mary Hooter Austin. Tbe fifty ehUdrea now 
^pearlgg la The Bine Bird will be used in The 

The Spring Maid, the operetta 
Liberty Theatre, his pltelted .qalte 
prslse from Acton Dsvles, toe 
ot the New Tork Bvealng Si 
bsesefaer have truly procoiM' a 

t at jhe 

In aeoodaneo with the peUey ot tbs Ksjaatle 

Tbeatto to heoM big Broadway tavoritea and 
HCCMtM «f pnylans seasons, Wsy Oom Bsst 
beesBie the aechpsat. heginttlag Jan, SI, Car an 
ladHiBiiv •nasasmswr. 

Henry B. Harris placed la refaeaiaal on .Men. 
da)', Jau. au, Charles NlidUnger'i new play.. 
Dolly Madison, in whlcb BIsIe Fergaaea Is to 
star. The supporllng company will Introdacs 
Orme Caldara. Bobert Dempster, Lumsdt-n Hare, 
Arthur Kltno, Carl Hartbcrg, J. U. Bymsi, 
WlUlam L. Gibson. Harria L. Forbes, 
Fielding, ChrUtlne Blessiog, Hriep- T' 
Frances Hemrc. Georgette PaasMSII^ 
Noyes and Bemlee Golden. 

After s month ot drama at ths IctIbk 'Flaea 
Tbeatro, mnsleal comedy was piassntad last 
week by a stock company. Tbs pises wss ea- 
titled. Das JOngfcmstlft. 

Miss BUUe Burke has glrea trssh Interest, to 
her eagsgement in Sasanae at tbe I^eensi 
Theatre by presenting as s cortsln ralacr an 
exquisite Uttle psstoral. by Anthony Hope. Ths 
Philosopher in the Apple Orchard. In this neu 
playlet she has a moat dellgbttai love aceue. m ' 
which ahe ably respoads. 

The Forttme Banter demonstrated hts 
of making a million dollars la a year at the 
Grand Opera Honse Isst week. 

The City, the Isst plsy written by the Isto 
(Hyde Fltch, was presented at the Weat Bad 
Tbeatre last week. Thla Is ths first time ths 
piece baa been given lo New Tovk this season. 

Mrs. Leelle Carter. In Two Women, a play 
by Rupert Hngbes, moved down to the Circle 
Tbeatre laat week. 

Ethel Barrymore entered upon the aecood OMath 
ot her mtd-wlnter ran at tbe Empire aheabe. 
to Plnera'a comedy, TMIawner ot tbe Wella. 

For the impoctaat Oaractar of King Love, tm 
Walter BtowBS'a SMidem morality play, Xve^ 
woman, Henrr W. Savage cadged Bdwata Mae- 

''^tia Skhmer entered apoo hie second week st 
the CMterlon Theatre In Laredan's new comedy. 
Sire. ^ 
Baltimore will see the premiere performance 
of James Halleck field's plsy. To Serve ths 
Cross, on Monday night; Feb, 6. at the Academy 
of Music. 

Mrs. Leslie Csrter began her road tear «■ 
Monday. Jsn. 30, at the I.yrlc Theatre. Phlladal. 
phia, where her engagement Is tor two weeks. 

H. S. Shddon. anthor ot Henor MUlec's asB 
success, n>e Hsvoc, Is not, as ssr 
the sotbor of The Nigger. TUs an 
Edward Sheldon — no telitloa. 

Lew Fields inaugurated his engagement to 
The Hen Pecks, the new musical comedy p(0- 
ductioQ under his own management, at ths 
Broadway Theatre, Taesday evening, Jan. St. 

Tbe first performance of Charles KMn's new 
play, Maggie Pepper, with Booe Stahl aa ths 
atsr, will be given st the Orsnd Opsra ~ 
Maw Baeaa. M^itaWBir a«t, 

BiUie Burke's 
Season Extended 

New Tork. Jsn. 28. .1 
— BUly Borke's 

ceom Theatre, I 

original date. The ont-af-tewa eatat a tM i ti 
which ahe was' to have pUved tollawus her 
New Tork season. wUl be tOMllsd lastaad bF 
Dsnlel Frotarasn's new prodaettoa.' The flevia 
Sisters, originally schedoled to soeeeid Mta 
Borke st the Lyceum Tbeatre. Dnrtng ths 

coming spring she. It Is- " — ~ — 

to a Wer " 


New Tork, Jan. 28 (Special to Tbe BDlbeaia). 
— The tadlei- Bi atton Company wtU iwodoee aa- 
othec cartoon, play toondsd on the plctorea — 
Geome Hclfanns, entiUed Let Geeiia Da 
Tbe same firm baa prntomly ' * 


two mnsleal comedies sloag the i 
oat tor tbe new piece. 


Hew Tetk. Jan.. 38 (BpeeUI to The Bnibeei«l. 
Aa.'M.. Oaltea baa eafagcd Aaaa hmgbSa, 
le (MMUsaae, tor. his prednctlah of Ths OM 

For the rOlcs of Nobody. 
Vanity la Walter Browne's 

pU]^|^^er)rwoman._JHeD^;' yf, 

Cooper Cime, 6rl__ 
Mseksy sod Vivian Blackbam 
parts ot Btatr. Staff and PoS bars 

irlStottiW*'^ Mediae late u 

w. Bama 118 » 

laado D^, Himt 
im tcspectlTdy. ne 

nji; bthic 

l«Mlpcd that ma Aatti at BO- 

meat will eeear lauhcttaicly 

oatHit.toina caalneta. ' na 
taea TvHl ha 
■at yrt ^ 

It la aat naerallr baowa tbat Bdmnnd Braeas, 
wba Is atatring In The Beireetow. was to ths 
ottatasi prednetloa ot The MDsketeers. s dra- 
matic vereloa ot Dumas' The Three Masketeete, 
by Sydney Onady, when It was MtTea tot tbt 
ftat Maw st_ tbe Broadway Theatre. Jtaw Xetfe, 
Marsh .So* 'tola. 


Ttie Blllboara 


Shovym^n^ Association Meets Billposters in Chicago 


At Last Meeting of Showmen ivith Billposters — Each Side 
Formidable in Its Demands— Hopes Are Entertained 
that Amicable Agreement May Be Reached 

Tkt npKt few fooe foMb In tb* Mr.flM 
mt Him to M be ■ war to tbe hnTSHmw 

! ftMBt coofereora In Chlcuo bcMMB tbe 
tbMW eoMBlitee and tb« dlneton •( tb* JU- 
wdatfd Blllpotien w«i of ae aTall lOMBocb 

■• It waa luipoKslble to reach an aKrvemeot. 
This lack ot reHultR was due to two reaaona. I. 
f.. tilt! Sbowmea'M AMoolattoo'a iletermlllalloa 
10 laki- a Btanil agalnit wliat they conalder 
farther Imposition and the belief on tbe part of 
tbe AaMclaied Btllpostera ttiat th« Bhowraea'a 
AMOclailon will not atlck tosetber. 

It la a rcaaonable prediction to itate that the 
blllpoatera will be mlataken In their bopea. 
for tbe Kbowmen doelare that tbey have 

KBlml to atlck. for tbe norpoaa ut — 
portant aaeatlona. Tto' tbeiD tfe* 

BlllpoatM nara ■ndoally- srawn . 

tbe Maatadon ot dcaatle tmata. Aa lone a« 
the ctrcoa men ananallx appeatcd with tbe dl- 
rectora of the tmat and dgned the agreement 
placed lH>fore tbem, all waa acrene. but now 
that they bare dared claim fair trealment and 
Isalst tbat rvawn and aouod argument prerall. 
they are all but treated with diaconrtear, aiul 
tbe latter can be aald advisedly alnce tbe Aa- 
aoclatm Blllpoxtera refused to Itaten to arsn- 
aienta tbat would Influence miblaaed minda In- 

It b heeeailaK .Ike bdlaC mmaag Utboffapb 
prbitere. camBCcelal adeertlaeis and abownen 
tbat tbe alubbomeas ot tbe dlNclon la dratlaed 
to lead to the klllloc of the gooae' thai laid 
the ifolden fgg. Hie eircns waa the creator ot 
the billboard bualneaa. It waa fomerly tbe com- 
plaint of men who built blllboarda tor the abowa 
that they could not «eU them to any one elae 
and tbey could hardly aCTord to maintain Ibem 
eiclualrely for clreoHca. Then tbey charged 
Ibe abowa fltleen or twenty centa per running 
foot for their use. Tbat price waa reasonable 
at that time. Gradually the astute buvlneaa 
BUn began to coorloce himself ttait If bill- 
board adrertlalng waa profitable to Mr. CIrvaa 
It ought lo be to bla baalnaaa %aad ao tbe com- 
aMTcIal bUlpoatlnK baa laTaiaaad. imtn amr 
bDlhoatd adTertialnc baa tdat • part of Ita 
Metttge In tbat it la no loneer a novelty. 
Boarda are no loager held for tbe clrcna man, 
bnt are In nae moat of tbe year. Tet In spite 
of tbia change of condition tbe directors of 
the billboard aggregation would have It un<1cr- 
alood tbat they are rery cbarltable and cnnsid- 
crate to the clrcaa people since tbev no longer 
eisct the foot rate from tbem. Such wilful 
■elf drlu!*Ion la appalling. 
Aa soon aa tbe commercial adverttaera wake 

Sand reallie what baa happened to tbe ratea. 
r Will ceaae. to order commercial paper and 
I tbe. bniboaM method ot adTcrtlalng— t>e- 
SSe. like the dienaea. tbey almply cannot at- 
S2* *!•.. Hewe»er, It la noteworthy tbat tbe 
raegnla" ot tbe blUpoateta are In tbe bnlletin 
aaloess and they wonid Mt gire a anap It 
an commercial men would awltcb tRMn noatlne 
to the paint and bulletin work. Ibe mAi blll- 
poater will awaken to tbia aa one ot tbe motlrea 
for the arbitrary conduct of the blllpoatluK 
tntnlness mme of tbeae daya. 
.JF^f «'•«''» men an> told that they are not 
■uUpbal adrertlaers" and that they are not 
•gjel adrerllaera." Tber don't know bow 
ifT 'ltt to be darned, altboneta It aeema tbat 
2™ ^'■•X.nii* Ucketa. mneclally the latter. 
SL'yii y't — " to the blllpoaler. Tbe ahow- 
■MVJfahMd tbat they were, "national advei- 
Wwir* .and ■ avconllaglr entitled to the 16 2-.1 
jtr.W fc comrolaaloo allowed aollcltora for ancb 
y«- Tb*» Ihejr claimed It they were ant tbe 
•"jmjT tbat they must l>e local advertiaera ami 
rmined to tbe same rate aa tbe local tbeatrea. 
J2f ?'*,^*«'»» Mid nix. Tlien tbe clrcua men. 
Mt abaabed and attll convinced tbat Ihcv had a 
ngbt to breathe and live. Imldly declare<l tbat 
2-„ *" he given tbat they shn<ild bi- 

«l»»n In pmportlon' to tbe aerrlce aecurrd. I. e., 
Si*SJ'*,StiL'*' •he paat. If a to«n 

ZSIjf ,J?*l?'?L W"**"""- Blllpoater re- 

,«=» tieteeta ercn ibongh tbe ahow cor. 
•TWI only sno aheeti or a couple of boanla. If 
Sr.ii"?" •o'i'n.nt ot paper waa poatrd In a 
•mall foivn of leaa than 10.000 popalalinn the 
bnipnater waa allownl SO ttrketa. The amoant 
'""•«<"* waa often more In th- 
Eli. 7? «••» l«'?er city, and yet 

grapp a the renana declared one town mnrli 
latger the blllpoater received four. (Ive anil 
■« llmea aa many llcketa. Yo goila where Is 
II-.T'I!?* L" arrancementT Yet he- 

ninw ine ahowmen have wilfully "lo-.! for sucli 
trl^ll V dim-lora make iia 

"•MM by aaying that wo ahonld alwaya agre<' 

U^nL^T.tSr*' '". ""■"•^ ""ir of tbem of 
ehL,? .'!. iwwitatlnii tb«t hwireTorth will 
li^St J* .""nmerelal adrvrtlaer and all othera 
aJt wh-Tr '".r"' '*«*' pec montb. It matter* 
town* prer aaw ■ street car, 
2225.7 "f "••» »•><• rlllaee marshal llEhts the 
JSTf™ •'"*| ll»ht« or primen the town pumi> 

HWffito .sP':..'"'' «"enty cents. It la no- 
™jame that these towns are nil mntmlled by 

JSll^S'Jl'''* «""*" 0' Aasoolatlnn. If a 
!SIIwi!S.*"V.'J'' ■ '•••c provided he 

IwIJt to fe. 'I "*!L.H"'»*"'a. he would not ex- 
imt im?„ - charge It and he would 

fo7{'V.'c!.*'ra"„''-,,^rv''{;irr''-''"' " 

aieeninerjr, he m,, p,y i,|gh„f wagea, hare 
miewrltrrs and a great variety of let- 
Ua press work nisy be flrat clasa and 

polltan, yet If be oiwrates bla paper In a city 
Ot twenty tbouaund. :ie would not dare charge 
elrcoa or commercial advertiaera the aame rate 
be may be charging fur a almllar jilant be 
owBod In tbe city of a million. Wm. B. Ilearat 
owiM a bait doaen planta, all ot tbem np-to- 
date and aqolpped la mncb tbe aane way. bnt 
hU adTcrtialag rate la not tbe aame la aor two 
citlea la wbldi be pUbllabra papeta. Re better 
learn from the hlllpoatera, for If they conducted 
bU line of papers, regardlesa of tbe population 
or the number of people wbo read the pa|>ent 
they would charge the aame rale In each pa|wr 
tor advertising provided, of caume, tbat tlie 
paper bad a lypewrller anil a neat letterhead 
and steel presses. However, when the clrcna 
presa agent came along tliey woulil expect him 
to pay the aame or a higher rate and fumlab 
tbe paper and the Ink and tickets for alt of tbe 
cItT omelala. 

no bUlpoatlns rate at ladtanapolls la to be 
M centa per montb; and within lltty mllca of 
it la ■ t««ra of MW popnlatlin that baa a twenty 
cent rate, Cbleago will cbarge ttraair' iliiBla. 
and attMBe other towna In tbe State will 
charge ue aame rate, and anrely there are not 
afty-two ChlraRoea In Illinois. 

In apite ot tlM Injustice accorded to tlie clr- 
cna people and all otber bUlboatd adrertlaeta. 
tbe coofafanee aeaaloaa IB Cblca^o were made 
rerr tSNMlM. Tkt dlilMiltloa to be .fair «b 


QrowiagProdlgiously— Promptness with which All MemboTi 
Attend Meetings Indicates that the New . 
Organization Will Be Lasting 

The Showmen'a Association la rapidly growing 
and assumlDS beallby proportions. It eren now 
baa a neat letter bead and haa rented two 
typcwritera, wblcb facta, tboagh Inalgnlficant, 
should at least command tbe rcapect accorded 
tbem by the Associated BlUpostera. 

The last meeting of showmen In Chicago was 
tbe tiesl yet. More Interest waa manlfeated, 
and more prominent showmen were preaeot. The 
smaller as well as tbe larger shows are all In 
It, and practically all of tbem have paid the 
admission fee of dfty dollara and aigned bonds 
ot aereral tbouaand doUara cacb. binding them- 
aelrea to eomljy witb tbe tnlea and ordeta at tbe 

tbat IB all towna where tbe elrcoa asaab 

fan* W MfeB a reasooable agreement with tbe 
biUgMltr aa< the boarda ate not aacd tgr tb« 
aboir. tbat a Haa ahaU be laaactedto an new*- 


Tbe Sparka Sbowa. Tbe Caaaahell sbowa an 
Walter uSm wtn.tfe* talMt aMBltlilaBa. Ap 
plleatlaa traa NMlni ttM* (ha Writaaa Show 

I<oadoa Sbowa, 



but ne oaa waa aaaaeat k» rsftsasat tt, aM 
appiieaUM waa UM m 5e tafelt ■Mtfet 


Begarding the perfecting of aa organliation 
of the character of this one. tbe conatant thorn 
In the desh has been that circus men would not 
stick together. Even tbe circus men themselves 
were much of tbls opinion. • However sncb a no- 
tion la now rapidly dlaappeariog, and It la tbe 
conaeniraa ot opinion among tbe tent people tbat 
tbls «(BaalaaiUB will aot OBtr piova (a " ~ 
It oaa. bat tbat It mm 



la a abowmaa ot tecega la ed abUltj aa< baa a 

■■•lie-ap of the 

paper rery mneh netio- 

tbe part of tbe Associated Billposters* dlri^ctors. 
waa promulgated at the last meeting, but tbe 
circua men hare tailed lo receive any largo 
qiwntltles of said disposition. - Mowerer they 
were assured tbat they would be permitted to 
make tbe beat eoalTact tbej cooid witb the 
local felllpiiatar la aiciy Iowa aad eltr. It be 
wlabca to lestiala blmaelt from ' aulag tor 
ticketa all rtght. or If be wishes to give tbe 
theatrical rale all right or If he persists In de- 
manding tbe new commercial rate. It will be 
O. K. or If be doe* not want to accept circus 
hnslness. nothing will be done aa far as the 
Association Is concerne<I. Tbe Showmen's .\s- 
HiiclsilKn hss tsken tbe billposters at tbeir word 
lo this proposition. They are to send out tbclr 
sRents and make tbelr blllfiostlng contracts m.< 
best they can, Thetr have eatabllsbed a llmir 
abort whidi tbcj will not go oo ratea and on 
ttekela. tbe qneatlea ot ticket* depending npun 
tbe rate charged tor the posting. 

The clrcna people are goinc to Insist 
that they bare aomething to aay about 
the barttalB and that the beat liargain Is fair 
to botb paitlea. llmMlteda of blllpoaters in this 
rnuntiT do Mt *"* A* tieketa. and alrrady the 
showmen are being dettigrd with letters from 
blllpoatera nylng that If they will sbnw tbeir 
nspectlTC tiywna they will be given fair treat- 
ment and "we will not onarrrl about ticket*" 
Is the itetieral coneliMlIng sentiment to such 
letters. AM of the brains of tbe blUfiostln? 
hnslness are not concentratiM In the board of 
iheir director*. There sre some wise ones who 
think nnil who n'sllce thst tbe circus business Is 
cnsh. ami that It pa.vs unto them the full 
aiiioiint. no deduction being made tor commis- 
sion to another bdllBoater who bameaa tt be a 
"Mdlrltor." andTl Bt tle B taWy.. Sb k Bta w that 
posting by the tlltaa la wartk 1 
Tbe abowa «qiHt to wt M 

enV in« MWlwtiw admlMI Ikm 
tofMvjtad to'da better taa l aiaa a l l 

at a leas 

Sadie lleir will appear next Beptember tn 
(lev, It'a arret l« Meet a rrlead from Tonr 
nome Vowo, under the management of her 
brotlier. J. rred Ilelf, the well-known composer 
and publisher of popular song*. Tbe book was 
written by a prominent antnor, the lyrics being 
furnlshetl br YIneent Itr.van, and the mnvlc 
h.v Mr. Heir. Miss nrir will be assisted br 
Sir. r.ewls r. Mulr, the compoaer of 
riar lhat narber Shop Cboid. napPT Nanlty. 
for" the Inst Iwi. sea 
with I.ew rwv'k^tniler, 
(male and female). 


ognlzed as one of the most potent 
ganlxed In tbe amusement boalnesa. 

.\.firr Ibe report of the clrcna eanoiltlet was 
receired, a night aeialon ot tbt BboatiBea'a Aaao- 
ctatlon waa held. Perchance tbe - dlicctoia ot 
the Aseoctsted BlUpostera may at tbe aame time 
bare Imagined tbat tbt ettcns men were aasem- 
blrd in gloom and much eeat down, but sncb 
wsa not the caae. Rather they aeemcd joUter 
and more pleaaed than ever because tbey were 
conscious ot having done everything poaslble In 
tbe way of making a respectable contract, and 
itMw thp.v felt lustlfteil In executing plans that 
bad been merely Inferred prevloualy, . 

It was nnanlmonaly agreed that no ahow would 
offer a local bllljiaater moie tor bis boarda than 
bad been oneea la tbe confaenee of commit- 
tee*, Tbia because It would aot be fair lo do 
any differently aiMt beeanae said pmpoaltloo waa 
poaltleely tbe limit. It win he propoerd to |wy 
a cash |>r1ee for Itoarda and to do away with 
ticketa. but If the price agreed upon is res- 
*aiuible thin the cir-us agent may allow tickets 
at the rate of one for every fifty sheet* of ap- 
per Inelniled In the contrsot. The shows b^ve 
agreetl to stand by each other and will not shnt 
eseh other nnf on the bonnia In case their date* 
are within two we,»ks of fsch other. For In- 
stance, if the Rln^llOfT Show hss a thonsand 
Sheet* contraefed In a town .ind « Wallace agrnt 
happened In and can not get space because the 
date* are close toftetber, ami the billposter** 
board* are full, then the RIngllnge are to give 
the Wallace Show half their rontrvted space, 
the latter show, of course, paying for the apace 
and also relrnhnrslntr Ibe RIngllnga for tbelr pa- 
per If they shsll have posted the same before 
knowing tbe Wallace Show waa coming. 

The eirrnses have also msde an agreement re. 
gar.llnv banners, the number to be limited ac- 
conllng to the popniot'on of the stand. Tbey 
have further bound Ihrtnsplres to remove all 
banners within twenty-four hour* of the exhi- 
bition date, and if tliey fall to do so, tlw Iran- 
ner* are to be liw ai r td biy tbe febuaawa^a Aa- 
sociation, aod Uw ii um tmmit H the ofltai- 
Ing ahow. 

It la also acrred that a iiermaarnt secretary 
la to he employed and that all shows are to 
make dally reporia to htm 'ot prices paM la roo- 
traeta and of an dalasa agala«t rssasettve 
abowa. It waa ala* decided tbat aa attacatr be 
engaged to look after the Aaaorlaltaa'a koaiBtaa, 
In times of emergency, bnt the naia object la 

retalnlnir a lawyer was for tbe paiiioaa Ot mt- 
tacking the Aamclated Itniposler* la the Federal 
court* In case the latter should In any way 
Isane any onlers. or rlrenlste any letters or »og- 
Itestlon* detrimental to tbe making ot ennltable 
contra^ta by the cirmec*. It waa alao geaenlly 

r adsaRMaif aa CellaWBt •Tbia show does 
aot nat tbt killlM8rda.» Vbr tke ptoKut the 
Sbowmca'a AaaocUtloa wlU proceed along the 
theory tbat tbe directora ot the AasocUted BlU- 
postera meant what they said when they wel- 
comed tbt clrtoa astnt to deal directly and nn- 
hampered by tbe local blllpoater. If they are al- 
lowed to do ao. there will not be any of the so- 
called predicted fight between the two orgaot- 
aatloos. bnt It the circus sgenis early In tba 
field report that all kinda of obatacles sre bt> 

Ing put In tbelr way, then tbe fight la on. 

Kverj" " ofilcer except one, and every member 
and many visiting showmen siteniled the meet- 
ing at Chicago, and an era of confidence in tba 
real porpose aod Intention of each individual 
waa estabUabed. , . 

Tba covering ot paper waa again gone Into, 
and again agreed tbat ancb work must be dla- 
conraged. and tbat the cnenae of the Inveetlgat- 
lug of a charge ot covering was to be paid by 
tbia Association, and assessed to the guilty 

The meeting was adjourned to April 3, wheis 
It Will be called to order at the HaTlIn HoMI. 
OIBdBBBtl, and where a full attendaaCB la mC 


Balpb T. Kettering, who ptomotea publleltr 
for Klimt aod Gazsolo'a new Imperial neaM* 
caUa the playhouse "The Pride of tbt WW* 
Side." "Tbe Parlor Home of Stock," aad "Tba 
Weat SIda'a Playhoaae Da Lnxe." 

I eau It tkt rr. ^ 

The management or preas agent who Is look- 
ing after tbe toteresta of Tbe Great Name, 
llenrv Kolk. r*s starring vehicle, has evidently 
trodden on James 0*DonDeII Beonett'a pet com. 
Under the caption. '•An Apology," Mr. Baa- 
neit expressed bis views aa follows: . 

"The editor of this department ot Tlte Bae- 
ord-netald baa te aptloglie to tbe maaageineat 
ot tba tHur caBad Tbe Oreat Name, which to 
vlalble at tbe Ooct Tbeatie. It appean that 
In hia review ot tbe local premiere of this plsy 
In Monday morning's paper tbe reviewer was in- 
excusably atupid and obacnre. He did not think 
Tbe Great Name amounted to much, and he fell 
tbat In performance It was tedious, tbln-spuia 
and rather mawkUb. Tbia opinion he tried to 
set down in coherent language, briefly and not 
ill naluredly. remarklnit at one point - 18 tka 
article that "most of the play waa pnieBBia- 
limlnary,' and that 'you can - kill aiiy tknt- 
act comedy with aa act and a halt of expoal- 

"These pbraaea.' It aacms, mean nothing, or, 
what la worse, mean precisely the opposite to 
wkat It was Intended they aboald mean, tor ow 
Tbnraday morning the management of The Great 
Name printed In the adeciiialBK columna ot (oar 
ncwapapera these woidt: . ■■ . , 

" The Great Xame; MataMI. Vltil. 
Record-Herald,' . _ ■ 

"It la not dlfflcolt to att kow badly tbtj 
er of the review matt b«i« t»|wc aaa< M" 
for reference to tbia article ot Sonday db 
no such commendatloo of tbe play, Cloae ez- 
amlnatloo ot tbe review Is. however, rewardev 
by these words: 

'• 'A delightful girl named Ruth Chattertow 
played an Ingenue part exquisitely — notlilng 
cloying on the one hand nor brash on the other 
— ]uat natural, vital, freah and clever, and la 
a strain of lovely moderation.* 

"Now we know bow the management waana- 
posed upon by an unwomanlike piece ot writ. 
Ing, It thought that the woeda 'natural, rital, 
fresh* (meant to apply to the delicate, pretty 
acing of Misa Chatterton. wbo was tbe htglr 
light of an evening of mncb excessive stilted 
and cloving acting), were resUy applied to the 
whole play, and meant that It was natursl. 
vital and freah. which It Is not, t>eiaic. lo- 
truth, s conveollonsl. insipid trifle. 

•Thns the reviewer did sn Injnatlce both to 
the manacement and Mlaa Chatterton, and t<r 
both he apologlxea, ^ 

"The various membeta ot the executive stair 
of The Oreat Name, bavinc been In the theat. 
rleal baslaees fOr ao«e years, it Is not. ot 
course. crtdlMt tkat tkt •Babby practice k-iowa 
ss •garUlBR BOtleea' wonM be followed br 
them, for the rcsson tbattt ataftea tab htea . 
es[>oaed In this town t kat apUkSW tkt awtt 

hardened nor the least eaperlsaeetl msaageet 

longer sre guilty of It. 

"Manlfestlv. then, the fault In this listaace 
waa tba revlewer'a solely, and be keenly re- 
greta having led the uianagemrnt ot The Oreat 
Name lain atteiaptlnit a mlgar aad lavrodtBC' 
deception ot tbe pabUe. _ ^ ' 

"In fntnre reviews lie win try to kt taaat a)B> 
pllclt." ^ 

That part of Randolnh atreet bonnded na Ike 
eaat Btate aad an tlw weat by CHarfc streals. 
WfeMI waa iMtatIr called Theatre Row. la now 
kaowB aa CircBa B«w. And theie la ]u*t rea- 
son when one coaeldna that Col. James Jay 
Brady, manager ot tbe Colonial: W. W. Fiaa ■ 
man, manager of the (larrlrk, aod Alfred Wlla- 
rnhsnsen. tressurer ot the Olympic, are grad- 
natea from tbe elrcoa school. 


' Harraht Laa Wlltlsma b*a dk 
~ at. aad sniwtltnted aa 

Prank O. Ilnelt 

Meble - - - 


Tt&« Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 






Le^ Fields i^ame to town JannaTT 25, trltb 
vtrt two bamlred people, to bold tbe final dresa 
■vhearMl of tat> big new show; Tbe Hen Pecks, 
which he presented for the first time at Har- 
maoua Bleet'ker Hall. Janaary 26. Mr. Fields 
fsTors Albaof as a starting point for blfi pro- 
4actloas, for the lUfe «f Hamaiuii BIc«&cr 

with can. - 

Mr. FItMs t«Id ■» AllMor newspaper th>t 
Iw cu g«t ■ bMt*r Jadgmcnt on bis plays from 
ths New Totk TtawpolDt In AJbany than In any 
other town, bence bit freqaent opeoioKS here. 

Tbe firat night of tbe Hen Pecka brongbt np 
from Sew York Iter Sbnbert. Xed Wavhorn, 
tVm. Raymond Sin and Rerera] other prominent 
iheatrlcal people. 

J. Ballard Carroll, for years In the blllpostlng 
linslaess. bat for some time rptlred. died at his 

boaC IB this city Isst week. He was kDOtni tU 

4wd «M* In tbe profeselon. 

. •ROQKLYN, Y« . . 

Tba principal unat la tb>atrlfls In Brook- 
bm last week waa tha doalas at tbe Grand 
Opera Hoose. wUdi, accortlac ts icports, has 
bad a Terr dlsastnns i f aw e . On* to tbe poor 
Iheatrlcal boslness. aitd tba ■Baaaacment being 
nnsble to obtain proper attracCkms. 

CommemoratlTe of the appearance of four 
Important theatrical stars In Tanderllle at 
prac tically tbe same time Manager Percy G. 
xmilams. npon whose circnit Adeline Cenee, 
Nat Goodwin. Valeska Bnrstt and Ers Tan- 
goay are booked on coosecntWe weeks, will 
•vlfer a gold "topltner" medal to the particu- 
lar star bringing the greateat amonat of le- 
tvM lata tbe bos office. A Tnir iaterestlog 
eonparlsao najr be brongbt ont aa to tbe rela- 
tlra drawing powers of tbe legltlmste sctor 
agalait the TandeTllle star. Adeline Genee 
Kat Goodwin stand oat GODsplcnonsIj 
wa representatlTi'fi nf the former, and Valeska 
teratt and Etq Tnn^-u/iy are slrong sttractlons 
In tbe tstter. 

At Trsbem, proprlf^tor snd tnanager of tbe 
Trabem Stock Company, which organization has 

oeeomv a popolar ft^itiire of the Huiitiii<-r <-ntrr- 

tatnmenta on Long laland for tbe past lire 
ma. feM glcaM tbt naw Oipbeom Theatre 
m XaArlDa, T«aa., tat tha balance of the 
nraMm. wbers he has taken tala stock eempany 
play an IndsOnlt* cngagemsBt, 
Emma Dunn and Compur. lata ctar of 
Siotlier. presented bar saw aia aat play. The 
Baby, at tba OipbaaB'Iait IPNk^ OB wU BO 

doubt he a H> ' 

Taodernie bill a 
« big hit. 

Will nogem and Company presented a new 
net or miniature wild west exblbltlon at 
the Star last week, where It wss engaged to 
appear w aa extra attraction with the Bebman 
Vaow. noB> a boxniace ataodpolnt. It was the 
bMt Mtia attitetioo tbat bas plared tbe Star 

wf tb«> ^fiSlira9^Rocft^^r^ Ransaa City. Is 
tba new leaillng woman witb tbe Gotham Stock 
Co.. apprariog at tbe Gotham Theatre here. 

Cone PByt*ni contl&oea to he a big hit at the 
American Theatre in New York, where be la 
appeiirlng In TandeTllle. 

Princess Veraab and ber Hawaliana. former- 
ly of tba Toota Pakab Coaapany* pi aaa nt a J a 
-new acTte tt* M «bM M av ataf* ^ 
the FnltgalHl «MC B* Ml MM 


Tba Ubarty Marine Platana 

"big bit at tba MaSantle Tbtati* WfetW 
pmwated on SnndiTi. 

Gertie t« Claire and ber Picks arere an extra 
attraction with tba Star Show Girls at the 
Oslao last week. Tbls week she Is an extra 
attraction witb tbe same flhf)w at tri*. Empire 

Eva Tangnay broke tin- lum^.- rt i onls at 
Vfnr G. Williams' Orpheura Thi-aire Ihtc last 

Tbe Bronklrn Dally Flasle la malcloft a irrent 
liit_ with Its theatrical news, sod la attracting 
attention foe Its Indapaadca f . coai- 
■" " JniiS. 



Manager Lebraayer. of the A< adi my of Jliisle. 
"has arrmnged for appearaD(v of Madame Bern- 
lianlt at hla theatre. Kih. 1« 18- There will l>e 
four performances which will mark the fare- 
Well of tbe Dinne Sarab In tbla dty. Tbe 
Maaical Union of Baltimore baa Sled a com- 
"plalnt with the Pablle Serrlee Conunlssioa 
«galo«t the employment of fOcelsn budt by tbe 
United Railways and Elaetrie Compaar at aan- 
axT rssorts. Tbe milon saya tliera asa pleaity 
nf nnaielana In Baltimore st good. It aoc bet- 
ter, tbaa tbe Italian players, and tbat tbe eom- 

fiany sboald give tbem tbe prefeience. WbUe 
t Is. .toabtfol If tbe commission has any power 
to art In snch a complaint. It Is likely that 
It will be sent to tbe rallwajn company. Tbe 
nninn has a grleranee. becanse nf the presence 
-nf Italian l»anils at Rlrer View and Bay Short- 
Parks in summer. 

Plans are In progriKs for the erectinn Id thl« 
Tlty cf a hlDlwiIrome in the center of tbe city 
that will comoare In eyerT detail with the fa- 
moos ln.stltntion Id New York. A. Lowtber 
Torrest. tbe well-known Baltimore areUteet. is 
preparing tba plana far tbe bidldlag^ The coat 
of the atrnctnre atona will k* $200,000. and the 
aRhltcGtnral Kbana.eC tba MUlas arm be 
- - - - totto 


A eomplat* Mat «f attraetiena ap- 

Kring in tb*. atHM ..MMliMMd on 

well-known firm of lesl estate brokers bare been 
engaged to select a site and as soon as these 
details are completed, the work will l>e started. 
The generous patronage accorded playhouses In 
Ibis clly aognrs well for the establishment of » 
permanent circus. It Is aald that well-known 
New York theatrical nanagera liaTe already 
agreed to lease the tmUdlnc at a good premium 
for a long term of yean. . Accmding to the 
plans, the building will bare a seating capacity 
of Cr.OOO persona. 

In connection witb tbe performance of Tbe 
Belle of Blcbmond at the SaToy Theatre last 
week, there waa a new stage recrnit. Mlaa 
Grace Kennard, irbo resides at 604 North Carey 
street, made ber debut with the Boston Players. 
When she was a student at the Western nish 
School Bhe always took a prominent part In thF 
school entertainments and during ber achool days 
she was tbe Idol of tbe boys at tbe City College. 
This waa dna to her cleverness wblcb aba dis- 
played la tba college playa. Slnea aba aradn- 
ated abe baa bad a yaacalag tot tbm fboQlfbta 
and she baa bearkcaad ta tl* fl> •( Tbaapla to 
]oln tbe professional raakt, Sba possesses 
beaoty. talent and stage p r eae nce . 

Mrs. Bebecca Fisber Cotty, mother of the 
well-known Six Musical Cuttys, died Jan. 21 at 
her residence. 30.14 East Baltimore- street after 
an Ulnesa of one month. Sbe was burUul In 
Oak lawn Cem.'tery, Jan. 24. 

Adam Krats waa awarded the contract for 
the ereetloo of tba new theatre for the Royal 
AmnaeBicnt Company at 1042 West I>ratt street. 
Tbe plana sreia drawn by F. B. Beall, architect. 

haye a trntSga tt^ tat with a 4tptk of 60 


Tbe A<-n<l)>itiv of Moslc was dark last week. 
owlnK (•> i>i'-. proloneed engagement of Mme. 
Bemlinr'lt In .Sew York. She bas been enjoying 
snch pticc*'>'i In the metropolis that her man- 
agers In cbarfie of ber tour decided to allow 
ber to remain awhile longer, hot ahe wilt a(>- 
pear here next month. With tbe appearance 
of Frank Daniels next, tbe season will contfnne 
wltbont a break nntti "tba good* old anmmer- 

ssM-AK wmxiut.. 


The Merry W^lrl, engaged by the Gordon 
North Amnsement Company made Ita first Wash- 
ington appearance at the Lyceum laat week. 
A -<"f<"g and daarina cboma wnalstlnK of 
thirty-W artt^ Maa » Wt «tth Ika big 
aadlaaMS, latOtavlMaM waa aaatbar attrae- 

BOaas Tbat Jack Bnllt Is a little opera tbat 
win ba prcaentad by Washington society at tbe 
CoUnabia naatra oa Fabmarr S and rapaatad 
Ite (DUowlBg Widnaadar aad.nidv. aflMaooo* 
ftr.tto.bmHt eC n/ii OtiS»mSr\mirM^ 

aatlcaal capital. Cm 
taka part ta tka pMfM 


Iha moat Important cTcnt rccoided la CIo- 
daaatl tbeatrleal history daring the paat week, 
was tba ebsnge ofnolley at tbe Orpoenm Tbe- 
ttn. eontnillad br Wmiaffl Uoirla, Inc.. a foor- 
teaa-aet btu bad bacn nsed at as •gperiment for 
abOQt six weaks. bat the Cincinnati pnblte failed 
to respond aa was expected and the Orpbeum 
management found it neoes<^ary to adopt other 
methods to draw the crowds. In another col- 
umn of tbbi Issue we print complete and mure 
detailed acconnt of the change. 

Fine trlbnte by western papers Is being paid 
to tbe bank boyi. Zell and Badgers, who started 
out In TandeTllle last Septemtier and whose 
friends gave them a royal welcome when they 
appeared at the Empress Tbestre. Cincinnati. 
Since tban tbay bare played aa far Wast aa 
Oklaboaia Ctly and aa far naclk In St. FanI, 
inrlndlac all tbe principal dtlM cb Mota. Tba 
Otttimwa, Iowa, papera ciTa a Bpadman of 
critielBma: "Zell and Bodgata. cooiadlana. are 
entitled to the palm for tba Introdnetlon of 
clean, classy fim tbat no one baa bad before. 
Their aoogs and crosa-flre talk la sparkling new 
and the way they aet Into the good wlahes of 
the aodlence by their wboleaome fun, makea 
tbem all tbe more anxious to please, and It Is 
not dimcnlt for them to make erery one happy." 
Tbe boys will wind np their northwestern trip 
Jsn. 25 and after a Thilt bOM at aarcral days, 
they will go on tbelr Bonthm trip. bWtanlng 
at CliattanoogB. Tbe trip wHI tun tmn aa 
far Sooth as St. Aognatlne. where they play in 
Jolmny Bay's Theatre, The Jefferson, Their 
bookings will keep them ont nntll April. 
Last Thursday night at Elmer's Hotel, the 
Freesetters honored Emma Cama. appearing In 
Up and Down Broadway, at the Lyric, and Ben 
Welch, who waa beadllner at Keltb'g Colnmbla. 
with a banquet and entertalnmaat. At the 
session. Miss Cams was presented - With a 

emblematic of_^e or^il saU on. 
opmlaBr »alh^. ~ *** 

B. Hlltar 

stanMI ta Rallaa. 
m naatra. Cladn- 
Iran and Oonaidlne 

natl. tor a toax at tba 

From all Indications, Darld WarfleM. appear- 
ing in Tbe Betnm of Peter Grimm, at tlic 
Grand Opera Hoase thia week, will entabllsb 
a bonse record for attendanro. or at least, reacb 
a fignre Tcry seldom attained. Tbe sale of 
tickets has been enormous, tbe craarda basing 
made wild mabes to aecora .asata. Dariac the 
Clnclonatl engagement Darld >tla»ta WHI come 
here to aae the proilncllon. 

A. L. Blesenberser. a Cincinnati b^iy. U mnn- 
ager of 7aek Singer's Setenad'-rs. laxr vn-i-k's at- 
traction at the Standard. Rleaenl>erger waa en- 
tertained by frtemla- throngboot the week. 

Callers last w.-ek. nt Tli* mllI>>MlHI. laeladad 
B. M. Barrey. general arent of the nagenbeek 
dc Wallace Clrcnt. and Jlllinn Well, repreaentg- 
tire of tbe Harold Rosslter Moslc Company of 

Laying aside all hnalnesa cares, members of 
tbe Cincinnati Chapter of tbe American Imilt- 
tnte of Banking, entertained their friends at 
Moalc BaU. Jan. M witb a minstrel ab«w> All 

" at am 

local amateurs, wbicb fact, however, did not 
prerent them from giving a clever and hlgbi., 
amusing production, B. J. Grote was Inter- 
locutor sLd the end men were Mcssta. Dean, 
lim, Beleer, Itocz. Wilson. WlUlaouon, Bcls- 
user, UoUdsy. BerU, LongenotU, Bills. Scsk 

and Banning. Xlte ballat aingcts ware Messrs. 
_. _ . Bchraaianbeg 

_ lifer and 

Loewe. barltonea. Tba double qnartette con- 
sisted of Messrs. Croo, Dusey, Lewis. Schraf- 
fenberger, Brettschnelder. Bahlus and Loewe. 
A one-act sketch called Tbe iDtrnder, was 
preaentcd by a local dramatic school. Tbe ataow 
waa tba SMana of raising a larec sum of noncr 
fur tba bank clerks* organisation. 

Tka llfliir TdtaaltoM. «Mga 


with a week of nearly all new attracllona, St. 
Louis theatres IkSTe found a slight advance lu 
tbe attendance at their honses. The Chocolate 
Soldier, which la closing lu third week's run 
at tbe Shubert Theatre, bas done a good busi- 
ness, and before the present sea»on comes to s 
close we are to hsTe aereral more ahowa that 
will atay over tlie reanlatlon week. I bellcTe 
that more of the attractions playing this city 
would find It proStsble to stay orcr a week, aa 
tbe fact tbat they aia to atay e iaa lM a «aalre 
to see .beai. and tba oaoaltalatF aC'tha aaa 
night ataada makes It mora pnAtaHa to taka a 
ctasnce on a longer stay here. It la mmoted 
abont town with good antbortty tbat three of 
onr down-town pletnie tbeatrea are aboat to 
close their doors for want of patronage. This 
Is to be regretted, but St. Lools pstroosge down- 
town ts at a mlnlmnm at night, aa being popu- 
lated with people tbat are home lovers they 
leave town the minute their dsy'a toll la over, 
so that there Is bsrdly any transient trsde to Im 
taken advantage of, and If they are to elslt a 
pletaia Uwana la tbe CTtnlnc tbey hare one 
neat door to thcai la tbelr own velgfaborbood. i 
bellere that tba adrent of tbe ten and twenty 
cent Tandevtlla. If it la eontinnotu in tlie down- 
town district, wonld make monty, and aa tba 
Grand Opera Honsa la now getung ready for 
snch s Tentnre. we will see more of theae the- 
atres should this Tentnre prOTe successful. 

Whale Oil Ons (Capt. Folger), snd Idttla Mon- 
day, are giving exhibitions of wbalc baaUat 

expeditions here In prominent 
way. nilF exhibition la af 
eat. The admission la free. 

Uanagcr Oan 8. niUcIl baa d«na mack cgtra 
adTertlanw in annonnelag tbe appearance at lb* 
Princess Theatre next week of Mr. George Lash- 
wood, who, it Is said, will bold the atage for 
fifty minptes with hla act. Fiahell autes tbat 
tbls act la saeond in Importance only to Barry 
Lander, and bis laecat trip ' " 

for tbe purpoag tt- " — 

a nnmber of ' 

O. T. Crawford win open another of his band- 
aomaly eonatmcttd theatres for motion pictures 
and TandeTllle on Febmaiy S. Tbe GraToIa la 
located In tbe aontb end of the city, and will 
baeome part of hla circolt, which now nam- 
bara tan thaatraa. This will ba followad by the 
baOdlav ^«( .ta«. mmi^ ■am^ ysSi tfv Urn 
a " 

coLUMBua, a 

The engagement last week at the Great Sontb- 
em Theatre of Madame Sherry proved the larg- 
eat one from a Iwx omca standpoint of any here 

In recent ytats. Xba original booking eallad for 
tbiae Blibto aad gaa Satortar matlaaa parfarm. 
aitee. Inn when Mr. Boda learned there sraa each 
a demand for aeata be immediately gf la com- 
miulcatlon with tbe manafcnwat aad airaaaad 
for an extra (Friday) matlnaa, aad ana tbm 
It was Impossible to meet tbe demand for Uek- 
ets. As s conseqneoce tbe engatcBcnt waa tba 
largest since DaTld Warfldd played The Maale 
Master here for tbe first time. Tbe abow played 
to approximately g8,000 at tbe five performancea. 

George Dnnmejer. the local manager of the 
Bontbern. waa awakened from hla slumbers the 
other CTenlng and told the theatre wss being 
burglarized. Baatlly ariaing and accompanied 
by a large "copper," tbey made an examination, 
and while doing go aOBM oae tamed oS tbe 
llgbu. The aiocaaaU ••eanar." witb gna In 
hand, ran Into OaatBS. tbnking be waa toe 
marauder, with tbe command. "Handa np!" 
BzplaiMtlona weie aoon In order, and XIr. Dnn- 
meyer Is still In toe land of the IlTing, but be 
saya, "No more for me. Let them cany olf toe 
place; I aban't hart tbem." 

Hymen Meyer, tbe "Man at tbe Piano," 
booked and bOlad for B. F. Keltb'a Theatre, 
took aick in C U ngf, aad waa aat aa laat arnril'* 
bill. Lanra aSSKrw Mr prMaaa act. was 
snbstltnted. " 

Word wss recelTed here by s friend tbst Mr. 
Cbaa. D. Wilson and Mr. Harry Sinbba, who 
gare as saeb good stock at Olentangy Park laat 
aammer, intend opening on May 28 with an ex- 
eelMnt company, nere ia no qneatlon of the 
aC tbelr Tcataia, aa tbelr lapatatloa la 




n ..iiii-Hi-ii wjiu puviiiuuma nunc ncre. 
and Mra. I.«w Wanobaogb bare Jaat re- 
frora a ana c aa a fai ■ TaadaeMla :tflp. to 
He 'to makiac plaiM. inr a taar to 

Miss Franklo Wallace, the well-known son- 
bretfe, playing at the Hippodrome, week Jan. 
21. was stricken with pneumonia while here, 

Mr. and Mra. 

IJacIe Ri-orge Beckly. of tba 
has i..«a In ibe city ■ abort while Tlaitlaa alii 

TM\e WeMier la with tlie r.nw Dockatader 
Band, while Fred, bis brother, is home conduct- 
ing the Commonwealth Band. 

Capt. J. O. Ferarl and his winter soo bare 
made an lnstanlann>ua bit In this clly. Among 
the Interesting thinga are Cant. BeTarra'a seven 
liens. Capt. Mnasfflaa'a camblnallan act of loop- 

■Ma, liaan, haaia aad baar hanaint Msm^ Paa' 
Ita*^ tta iiipi i tg. 


Tbe Sunday lid on all theatres bss not yet 
lieen removed. Tbe new prosecuting attorney will 
not allow theatres to run on Sundays, under soy 
conditions. Several managera attempted to run 
under the auspices of sweet cbsrily, but the 
pros4-cutlng attorney says nothing doing unless 
"all" the receipts are donated. Tbe city ia now 
crowded with Tlsitora who hare no place to gw 
on Sunday. Tbe writer estimates tba arenaa 
Sunday attendance at the dlSaraat thcalraa la 
be Bcarly S.O00. A manager atated hla SoaiaF , 
neaipia aoMoaied to aearly a lanr. 

Tba Andltorlnm Theatre had flea egcMlcat al. 
tract lona for week of January >6. Tlie Bine 
Mouse bad the largest house of the week. 

important News. — ^The railroads broke all 
records last week. Tbe Girl, the Man aod the 
Game arrived in time to give a matinee. What 
U golnj: to happen. 

Tbe Princess Theatre since playing the Sul- 
livan and t'ODsldlDc acta, bare been playing to 
better business, Tbe I*rlncess playa five arts. 
Arrangements will be made soon to change the 
bill twice a week witb sone other dty. Br 
mnninc a split week the Priaccaa will ba a feU 

Manager Hale, at the Lyric Theattc, la aaw. 
toktng Ufa easy aa taadaya. 

Walter Andetsoa aad -wife are late rlallara la 
toe Vapor City. , 

FIT* of the chorus glrla of Tbe Girl, the 
Msn snd the Game "rcatgned" from toe com- 
pany while In this city. 

Tbe W. n. Lewis Stock Company will open 
at tbe Grand Opera noose February 0. Tbe 
compaar eoaaUls of 3S paepla, laelBdlaB hand 
and oanaalra. I hara been lannad their np. 
ertoira eaaaleto at a aaaber at sreU-kaowa 

Among tbe many prominent theatrical people 
aojoonln* In toe Yapor City ia the well-fcnown 
Arefeto Ji. Oaa, fWmerly manager of tha ~ 
hart ni BaHrt^ theatres. Salt baka 
Utah. Ur. CMi la accompaaled br hla iilta. 

C s. Baldwla. . "tha llttia haiaiMga,- It 
spending tba wiatar ban, nrlag to laAsia mm 
welgbt for neat aeasoo. 

Sam Haller. the well-known Chlcaro promotaiw 
ia Tialtlag friends here tor a few weeks. 

Tbe I<yceam Tbeatre, under toe mtnacenegt 
of Frank RItter, la breaking all records. He la 
aome singer. 

Dick Beard, manager nf the Scenic, a pop- 
ular moTlng picture Ibeativ. is meeting nlth 
success as msnager. 

were tbe special sttraclioo st 
Theatre week of Janoary 18. Tbe 
repcrta good lioalnras. 



Tba weak of lannaiT 3M aaw tbe Ug an aad 
aaaianllwi Kansas city baa bad tots year. 
Tka waek of tbe ISto, the Weatern Aaaoclatiaa 
of Implement Dealera met here, aod this meant 
a big bnslneM for the local (liealrea. Tbe week 
of the 23rd wss tbat of the meeting of tbe 
Southwest Lumber Dealers, snd II waa eatim- 
Bted that tbls rooTentloa brongbt three tbous- 
sod people to Kansas City. One night tbey 
boogbt oat Ibe Grand "rhealra, wbera tbe 

OotdaB OM wllk Lnm Wataoa 

aad tka aaat algbt their rasa 

TIN waak of Fabnair S nrtll be an ezreptlon- 
ally lagfa oaa (or Kansas City In that so 
■aaar bW ahan win be here then. At Con- 
TCMaa Ball. Iladaaig Tatraaatol atage ia con- 
eart tor aaepfrtonHaaa aaly, Firkrasrr «, aad 
tha wnito Wood has tha Ms Madam* Shatiy 
Opera, with tbe big rleal attraetloa at tb* 
Shubert Theatre of The Cbocolat* Mdfar. 
Bather a coincidence that two of (be blncal 
shows of tbe aeaaon should be here Iba aaaw 

A touch of reallam was added at tbe coa- 
elusion of the first act of The Two Mea aad a 
Girl show at Ibe Shoberl Tlieatre the week 
of tlie l&thi on the Monday night performance, 
when the airship In which Miss Jessie Btenrr 
and Bailey and. Austin ride away at tbe end 
of tbe first act, crushed to the stage. They 
were not Ininred hut one of the chorus men 
was BtrtKk by a niece of mechaniam but waa 
not hart badly. Hardly any one In toe audi- 
sac* teallacd that tbric bad been a mlabap 
to the almhlp. Earl .Meward. realdrat maaa. 
ger of the Shubert. aaM that lha accMaat waa 
canaed wlien the aaad bag ascd to botoaca toa 
airship broke loose. Just betot* Ibe airship 
arose Miss Stoner noticed tbat eometolng ap- 
peared wrong, hot Bailey aad Anslln did nol 
think It of Importance eaongb to Jnstlfy Ibe 
delay In having It repaired. . 

The play that arsa tbe prise In the lecent 
playwrlting contest at tbe Anrtllorlum Hiea- 
tre la to t>e produced by the Attilltorlum Stock 
Company tbe week of January a>. The play ' 

Is to be given wltbont a title, aa "Ibe play with- 
out a name." and the seU^ctlon of a name ap- 
propriate for It is to be left to the aiiillenre. 
Tlie one choosing tlie winning name to receive 
a pritc of twcDly-OTc dollars. Manat<*r 
rence Lehman said when thIa play was ad- 
judged the best of the eery large number sub- 
mitted tbst be didn't tbiak Ibe title glren It 
by Uia anlhar was k^ as gnltoble as It might 
be. bo an«l Slage nirecler Geo. Ijiak derided 
that the name should be selected by Ibe aodl* 
enres during the week of Its (iresentatloa. It 
Is tlie Inlentlon to send this play to New York 
tmmodlaiely after ita productloa here hr the 
Andltorlnm Sto.-k Company witb the rsaani. > 
menilation of Manager Ijiwrrnce I^bnsn aad 
Stage Dtreclor Geo. E. I.ask. 

Two stars of the sawduat ring are wintering 
In KsoHns city. They are Michael Cahllt and 
hla wife, the later known aa I.a IVtlte VIrlan. 
Mr. Cabin waa bora and raised right here In 
this town ami does a "cloud awing" which has 
been featured wlib aeverml of "Iba big top*." 
HIto VIviaa dan aa: ICM Jaw act. 

- wnAUli w. tasuBT. 

FEBRUARY ^liill* 

Til c Billboartl 



! briefI 


Iliw'ii lb* aw P*U^ of tbc CbutM ami 
friiciram Tbratm wbleb beno tlie w««k of 
JaniuiT S:-'oil. Tbe Cbatcs Tbrati* will play 
nillt wrrka In connection with the Wiirwaui 
TkMin*. Uiib cbarglnK 10. 20 aod M erau for 
«il»hTl — Tb* Idra of maklnc mUt ■■ ab a of 
ESMrV tbla callbrr. and itartkAllr Hi a rlly 
af Ihia alar, will be watctaea wllk kaca In- 
ti-writ by all TaodaTllto pMig*. 

Morriu Bnwh. lata «( K«» Ifti*. Ja a?» 
aiuuMmeet dirartar aT tka pa^ar rorUia- 
iMirn Caf*. 

Art nickman. utace manager of Cbut«*« Tbi^a- 
Ire. r«tunml fnttii a tour of Hntitbcrn Call- 
r- riila. It la «lat«<l the object of (ba trip waa 
•<i arcure boo«'» tut th* prapoMd las crnt 

• Imilt now bflBK IMaaA tr tlw & Uortoa 
(-••lin ronblaalloa. 

January ISIb. - two anr thMtm tf ta ii In 
tbr FlllBMre alivM dhrtrlel. Tkf '. Owiiek aa 
a morloc plriuia beoac. and taa ncmlum 
Ibratn* with tbr«ip ▼audertlle acta and pictiirea. 

MartlDFtll ami timi'*! writH ibli> •him- from 
\t>lllnictoa. New Z<-alaD<l, ondrr date of Dee. 
Snih. Tbey atate tbry llnlabrd tbeir dalm In 
Mflbooroe witb Bmnan Circuit aod will play 
Tainanla. after wfatcb tbcy will play rrtnm 
ilali4 for RickanU and Brennan. Nada Morrt 
iSln«. (?roso»li aprwan* <in #»r^ry bill aod r*»- 
rflrea *|il«^dl<1 DOIIrr*. 

Georic* Wirtb. one of tbe praprlrlor* of WIrtb 
nrotbera' Circoa. of Aaatralia; waa a welcome 
Bnibaard rlalior racrailr. Mr. WIrtk la la 
Anerica to eacaM aeaa bUt eirena seta for tbe 
<«>Blaf aeaaoa. lie la aow In Ibc Baat laoklac 
«*er tbe fleld. 

Tbree Pleeta I.arella Slater* are back In 
rrlwv after a two vearn* abaenee. 

At Dieamland Rlnk. on tbe aflmi<on of 
lanuary IBtb, Mme. Tetratslnl waa preaeotad 
wllb a sold plate pn>nrrly loarrlbrd. aa a 
l<i|ieo of eateein and afTtvilnn of tbe prfntle 

• f Xan FranrUni. Flte hundred acbool chlMren 
fnt natlnoal *lr«. and lime. Teraiilnl aaos 
Til** I.aMt RuM< of Sommer. Rbe waa not In ber 
eonal voice, aa abe cried ao miKb wbeo Actinic 
Maror Kelly Bare her Ibc Raid plate, tbat her 
tear* were leOeeted In bar taaaa, MTartbaleaa. 
tb» emit caiherlna that aai >inMid want Into 

Thlan ar* lookinc rrfj beallby at tbe Atner- 
leaa Tbeali* alaee the openliuc of tbe Armatmac 
Mtwical Comedy Company, aod a atrady baalneaa 
h nnir belnr worked nn. Maiuiicr lloman al- 
«a<4 adili a apIendM olio of three or fotir aria. 

Ill" Fmir Cbarlea. drat apnearance la Ban 
Frmx-l-w. nir^rvd a Tery novel and cleeer act 
at the Rmpmn recrnlly. In their lorn tbey 
laclode comedy, paatoinltne. Jonllof. acro- 
batic work alHl a beaotlfnl traoaformallna. 

I*bll and Kettle IVtera who hmrr Itren atix-nt 
ftem Ibia rllr for a lane time, offered a funny 
brMty ala*la« and lanalcal tnm. All tb* oth-ta 

IS-tham. Varden, .^.r. 
taa. Carter and WalaiW, 
1.*^ and CbapmatL 
Manacer iV J. Ql 

*«'ntlniie« olTerlDK 
vara aoffle mora. 

A cninrldi-nre In that two of OllTer WTilip'a 
tV'Irlira were liere at the aame time. The 
yl*llAr, at tbe Ort»beaDi. and Tj-peo. at thf Era 

Helena Pfnlrtrka. t^wrenre and niufraM. 
welch. Meate «B<I Montrnw. Hertwrt Brennan. 
Jtelen nawwy and Onapane, Baodlnl nn>«.. 
Ward nma. and Threa CallfMala Olria are 
liiy^ plarlWB.iha (Mmnn la Ibt Korlh- 
tmi tnreliait ikl« war. 


It la nimnrrd that Kllmt A Ratinin bare 
aaain leaaed the nijoo Opera Ilnniic for a aiim 
aier aeaaoD of ainck almHar to that olfcre.! 
here ital year. May lat will mark Iba openlne 
n«le. and Reonro F<^x. who afM aa-star- 
rA".'ir.' *'">.'■« i»a«Wa cowpmK wn man 
aie tbt* year> eoterpTlae. 
-iS.'* b«», aaarga W. Paine. 

»ba waa aeen here laat aeaaoa In Tla WIee- 
la now enaelinn tb* ra|* of Prafraaar in 
"•e cf..,t mnipany pr^aentlnn Tbe Girl frotn 

Znrah r»ir;.i Mlnncapolla Shrine of the Maaon- 
ic Onirr will cclehrate Hi. Talenlloe'* Pay hy 
aitrn.llne ll.r ptYfurmanca at the Lyric Tlie- 
airc.,iiy erenlnr. Fehroary 14th. «a maaae. 
iLlr '""""I lb"! tbe ticket aale tot thia par- 
abKt "™'"« ""l onlatTip tbat of many 
niahta prior or aiihaeqnent. 
ii„.*lr. f**"""' h'Te taken place In local Mo- 
ll^~J'''"L'' l^e-'re clrclca. Mre. MIna V. 
■■ammrr baa hrcn added aa an attmrlton «l 
UiIiJ-. t..^.'**"* alntrta* riaaalcal arieetlon^ 

Tfn? Tfci* SST "SEa* J««a*«». ta now eonneeted 
^""dedland^nieatre. and lennle 

Tw^?;«TT. «rtt tb* Heenlc 

Tl,..,irc fo, ^ 

; »'aal rtanklla nmme. It 

ih>..iV;: nU",'"' "•at^n new nwrtaii. |>ler.ire 

atr," , , " ""<•"<.. an at 4< Mrth Third 
Je.'-iUi'":,.?;'^"""""* * •'•"•tinit ba. a. 

••■iJ.lll'r'' J- . '■'arnnm. the pxpiilar character 
Ml^i Theatre Stock 

SJilw./. Jan 22 2S. the drat 

r-nll Xh " i'"' Clly. Randajr. Jannary 
Ifci w m 11 n- M?'"""" ^ Brwrater. 
BtSnVt^V 1 . ""Fnor held a tMmtaa here. Me. 

for 8 'i 7. ..'J"*^ '^'n City rrpreeenlatt^v 
Thc,i~ *«; beadooarlera at the rBl..w 

Srd oi' V"'^'** .xfnndnf . M«M. Jan. 

SEsiafS £ trtwjs la. win bo 

n »|7„!.J£i. "•'«•''•. •I"""* a cOHple of «-eeka 
'"■e. ir.. nwaaim at lb* Rknkert TlHwIfP. 

Mr. cm la now In New York where h* wlU 
remain until tbe opvnlog of lOl'a comlnc aan- 

MIm Warda noward. the new leadlDC Udy 
of the Lyric Tlieatre Slock Company, scored 
hearlly In her o|ienIna ««-«'k appearlns In When 
Knighthood Waa In Floaer, January 22 to 28. 
fibc la tbla week repeatlnj; her aucceas In the 
prodoctlon made famoua by Viola AJleo. The 
White Slater. 

Mcmbera of tbe road abow playinc at the 
Ciilaae Tbcati* th* week of Janaarr tttb, fn*c 
n al*lgh rid* nartr at th* alaaa df Ma afcond 
eeenlnc abow. Tburaday. Janaarr ntt. lin- 
liera of the bouae aod others attended an giwtta 
and after a trip to St. I'aill an etUojabla Inn- 
rbf-on waa atrred. 

Manager L, E. Ltiod. of tbe lala. and other 
motion' picture theatre*, has Installed the lat- 
est ImproTcment In cnrtalna at the tala The- 
atre, this belDic a metal mirror, on which the 
films are thrown and wMtk baa aa attMBtace 
of reOectlnK erery iiilBBla ilBa Bllb fall 
able distlnctncaa. 

6. B. Bl an d ali ban haan traasfened to tbe 
Wondaitaad ntatta anct bariac aocciaafully 
arnred aa 4oork**p*r at lb* Xoreity. E. Mann, 
aololat at Ih* KoTdty. baa baca aaeeaadcd by 
Ernest DaMarala. tenor ot tb* original Kids 
Trio, who will aln> nt tbla tbaatm natn the 
•at leaaaw* tb*br boabjaea oatba 

TOt ePO. O HIO. 

Oneld Klin* atapiwd ore* iMra *• rant* arith 
tha fWMr aa4 da. Sara OMipav «hleb imea 
la at^caaM. Dww feaa BMia Ika Mb bafbre 
wllb tbla attiBftlaa. Tnm IndleaUon* and 
nccse comment*, a soceewfnl and prodtahle trip 
Is looked for. 

Mail la la tbla city for O. D. Jobnaon. who 
la in tbe adrance of tbe neorge Sidney Com- 
pany which will bold forth at the Lyceum. 
Jobony will hare much band absklni; to >l» 
wbeo be mskes his dehnt to oitr city. 

Peter CsTenaoah. the irrand old man. la In 
tbe city niaklnc anmr arrauj;rment» and bUIInr 
for tbe alrlTal Af tbe Prince of PlUen which will 

come to tb* Aadliaciaak Back wMi tka *a» 
la the moat fiUM abaa* paaav aaa; gbiaaa 


Work ba* already started on tb* sew Cmptcaa 

raoeloK pictiire hoose on Summit alravt. St. 
Bemard Oai^ner. oni> nf tbe owners, claiflBS 
that It will aurT>ai<e anythlnc In tlie city for 
beantr snd comfort. 

It la rumoreii that I^olle BettIa, one of tbe 
alOFcn* at the 8niil>eiiiii Th*'atre. la to hare hia 
T«If^» Irt-arcd hy a ii"tc.l New York specialist. It 
will he {lad ncw« to leam of a anccessfal 
operation aod a pleasure to afatn bear ber 
ffiHmllona Tolee. 

Jiie llnrllic. of the Arm of llnrllc A Seimon. 
aaa In tl>e city looklnff over tbe firm's smnse- 
ment niece*. Arcade and Empire, atid their at- 
trartloa Faille* of X*w Terk and Parla playlna 
the loral harlfaqn* hoaae. J«* la ralleil the 
yonna Belaaeo. In lb* batUoaaa hosioesa. 

Msrie Rnsaei Booth. artl» ttlWUIhrn R. Man 
tell, who baa been « ub1 bi< la a loral hotel 
for the past ten day* nn aeeonnt of alckness. 
haa reeoeered an much tbat her pbyalcian. phll 
Reiir. ba* alhkwed ber ro loin ber hnshand lo 
St. Lonls. It waa fesred tbat ber Ulnsaa 
waa imlna to nroTi* fatal. 

Powder snd rhatiman. l*o local bovs of Ibis 
city sr.- inakiuir ih'-lr uf>os1 fatt In th.- «lnirlDr 
and dsnclnir nnmhcrs with the Jo»- nowarxl 
show at tbe Empire Ibis week. 

Dnite rnsae. advance repreaentatlTe of Cecil 
ffiw>nner Company which |dar« this city soon, 
has rreelTeil word from Cbarlea C Blaary, 
owner, Ihst lb<» aald mmnany will (l«*» It* 
tonr *« tb* 11*1 iilMawh ami the.rt ar nt wi 
raawaagr «« aaa* la.atark at the Metronnii. 
Tbeativ la KewTarit as Warrh dth. Mr. Blaney 
ha* Inst tied np contract for tbe theatre f.<r 
ten year* snd In the fntnre wilt l>e known as 
Cecil Spooner stock boose. 

On Jsn. 2S. Ilsmr Ilnrtle. msnsecr of th.- 
.\rc»de Thi-atrc. Tolc<lo. O.. celehrat.-.! th ■ 
twenrr-nlnth annlrersarr of his marrlas*' witli 
a dinner whiih was held at his home. Msnr 
friends su<l relsllves were nrcsent. Followinp the nsme* of the c"«-*t«: Mr. and .Mrs. 
Itenrr Cotan. of Cincinnati: Mrs. DaTenport. of 
New York: Mlaa Rsier I,rarla*. oC H^tagton. 
W. Va.: Mr. Joe llnrlbt. of X»W TWrtt Mr. 
Harry Wlntern and wlft^ Mr. 
Xaat Mr. and JSkJF^Ji Haet- 
aood cbec* waa avMiBa aaa taa 
a mla **aBt ■ 


Lake Manswa. tbe beaotlful rv-'ort a.-r^^s the 
rlrer from Omaha, haa cbance>l m«n.ii:rairnt snd 
will hereafter be in chant* of W. M. Bamett. 
nf St. Panl. Minn. Bovtotorr the resort haa 
been manaiicd by a atrcct car company, tbe 
omwrt, and taproTrment* In new amnsement 
4aTlc*a ha* b«»n alow. Bamelt promise* some 
radical cbaaceK Itleins Lake Manawa a aiO.oon 
danelnit itarTllon and a Shoot the Chnlcs. .V 
passencer ateamboat will pmhshly he built for 
esrryinc tbe people across the lake to the Knr- 
and tbe batblnjr lM<ach. Tt>e shallows of 
the lake will be dred(te<1 and the lake made 
deeper. More free stirsctlons will be on the 
snmmer proitram. snd likely there will l>e sn 
sdmlsslon charve. althotijcb to date tbe latter 
cbange has not been determined by tbe tbe new 
manacer. The new leaa* tuna (or IIt* j*ar*. 

D. Jack Boady. tbe asaaaiwr •( tlw Aawrlean 
Tbeatre. baa left towa. ajM Ma.«fen**baBta 
haa aot as yet been lenraadT Mr. Boadjr came 
h«(* the drat nf the yrar and took orer tb* 
leaa* of tbe William Morris people after the 
falter bad fslled to make tbe American Mnste 
Hill a parlnit ptopoalllon here. Bnslsesa bad 
been pretty fsir st the American. Rnmor saya 
that Sterne one Is holdloe tlie t»aK. A laew man* 
ain>r, Kdward Rs,Tmond. Is to take cbarae. 
Treasurer Phelps ssya the American Tbeatre will 
he booked by the Saie .Vmusement Commny. of 
Mllwankee. rontrolllnc theatres In MUwsnkee. 
ChleaiKi. netmlt. nrand Rapids. Peoria. Ranaaa 
ats and St- P«"'. Raymond waa formerly with 
th* Cr>'*tal Theatre of Mllwaoke*. one of tb* 

The new manncnnmt of tb* Krac Tbeatre, 
formerly a Stair A Harlln bona*, baa Iieen dolns 
a fair Imslneaa In the barlea4)ae line. 

Tb* Gaycty seeo* to bar* a doabi* elocb oa 
the bnrlesqoe business In Omaha, erowdtnt tbaia 
In at erery performance. Their recent Ama- 
teur Night was a Mg soccesa, crcrr Dlant* 
hearty langh. Real lemoaa 
part w b aa ife* caamd m 


Winter fastened Its srip npoa tb* City of 
Seattle tbe past week, which had a tendency 
to eansc the manscers of tbe many theatrea to 
complain of bualnesa belOK light. Commencing 
Jan. 16, Alexander Pantages Insugnrated ten* 
cent T»ude%IIIe and plctnres st tbe Lola Thea- 
tre, rire TaodevUle acts and two reels Of 
motion picture* constituted tbe progrsm which 
msrka aa lanoratloo In Tsnderllle In Seattle. 

It Is pretllcted by theatrical mca that Mr. 
Pantages will make this naw e a ataw an. aaaani*- 
ml aa h* haa hIa biir eirealt and tifii ba MU 
abortly add iCT*Tal other boaaca t» tbla naw 
cluin which la bound to be an Important factor 
In the popnlar-prlced smiuement flcld- 

Plans are now being made by tbe Barrlman 
LIi>e* and the Cblcsxo. Mllwankee and Pnget 
Sound Railroad for Joint occupsncr and openlna 
of the new T'nion Passenger Station which coat 
tSOO.OOn on March 15. 1911. The location Is 
at the cnmer nf Poorth aod Jaekstin, one block 
from the nill Line depot. 

Erery man. woman and cbnd. who ba* played 
tbe Orpbeum Circuit knowa Biddy Doyle, the 
genial stage doorkeeper at the Orpbeum Tbeatto 
la Seattle, will regret to learn of hIa serlona 
lllncaa. Doetora olbr no hop* (oc bia wao iat j . 
HIa allaMnt bolag of a pecnllar aalata wbleb 

halBea plirsiciana. It ta almpir aa '* * 

growth of tbe iaaass. 

"Biddy DoTle'a" right name la 

and for twenty yeara h* baa ba*B w|lk° 
CoaaWla* la a ail aaa ~*~- 

•T. joHm, Ma 

tr*. Mr. 
that plaaa 
tloo. At I 

tor? Inlwi___ . 

ib»n It wlli b* aa* 


Mrasrs. Slinbert made a good aelectloo for 
msnsger of tbe Tootle In Mr. H. C. FItigerBld. 
Together with being competent be la a most 
pleasant gentleman to meet and sbo«!d become 
Tcry i»poIar with tbe patrons. Messrs. S. 
I.. l»rlce snd T. A. Scbsefer. formerly of tb* 
Lyceum, sre associated with Mr. FItagarald in 
tbe box-oSce. 

Manaarr F. N. Blla. manager ot tba BIloa 
Thenlia. ban diaeaatlaoed Tanderlll* nad ■atloo 
I'le Ma tfc nfc tta fatnr* th* boos* wOl b*_tbe 
bnn* •( lha Mlaa Stock Company. Taylor B*a- 
tiett. J. a, UMOwe. Edith Spencer and Ivy 
Rosrmaa aat a i t d aa leading members are well- 
known aad papotar with stock company pstrona. 
Two playa aau week will be tbe policy of the 

Hairy Van Foaaan, who has been Tlsltlni; 
relatlTe*. left ttw past week for New Tork to 
nil dstrs oTcr the Keith snd Proctor Circuit. 

Roolbe and Boothe are Tislltng rrlstlrea and 
friends while rebesrslng a new aketch for eao- 

Jesal* Stoner. a St. Joaenh girl, with Two 
Men and a Girl, at th* 8bnb»rl-TooUe. Jan. 

DKNvsfi. eouo. 

The Elltrh Gardens. Mary Elltch Lonff. pro- 
prletrcM, are makioc estenalT* prenaralUiaa 

for a bis IBll ccawd. Tba jW jtiBa wBI IR Ik* 

abowa wflU an h* tb* Inteat AMMaajjaeMaaaa. 

I* tt> bate another SMMlFtttalr* 

bnlMlap. Annonnceasent ha* bora aaS* a( fke 

three-lot parcel at 1Tia-M Cnrtia street to tbe 
Tsis Amnsement Company. The purchase price 
was tKt.onn. 

Tbe new thestre st Colorado Snrlnga Is rapid- 
ly nesrittir coninlt-tlon. The Islest ty^ of sests 
has been entered snd will be Instslled in tbe 
near future. This theatre Is to tank amoac 
the best In the West. 

rratses of tbe recent Stork Sham Iter* con- 
tinue to be heard tnm all sides. The alMws 
all did a lBIB.a«ar feartacaa. and at tbe aime 

t acaaaa. joLlAJt 

«•** aoaa* of the be*t of 


Tlie Re.t Cm** tvlnce**. a military opera 
comldue. Is aniwonced for early production at 
the PrlDces* Tbeatre here. Ita adrent In next 
season ts unique as It 1* perhaps tbe flrat real 
Slroon-pnre C-anadlan effort In tbe way of comic 
orer* as distinct fixim mnslcal comedies snd 
plar*. The composer. Mr. J. Ernest Ijiwrencc 
and tb* librettist. Mr. Ambroee T. Pike, are 
well-lnwwn Toeooto men and tliey hare created 
a work which I* ssid to excel In sparkllns 
nrlglnallle and brightness. At tbe premiere 
which will b^ earlT- In Pehmary. aeyeral New 
Tork manager* wilt l>e preaent. Tike local 

prodaetlon will employ a cast ot T5 people and 
aa anmacatrtl oivheatr*. 

Monday night. Jan. S3, a nnmber of th* lead- 
ing clergymen of tbe city attende^l tbe par> 
formanc* of Tbe Shepherd King at the Grand 
aa gnest* of Wright Lorlmer. 

The l.TrIc Tbeatre, temodele*! and ii fninlsfctd 
nnder Mr. John abayne*s mat 
Thursday. Jan. S6, prcaentlnit 
*ni* and aaoTlac pletnnw. 


Hanaser George Hlckmaa la rery highly 
alated orer tbe Idea that NaahrlUe is to bar* aa 
nii-to-dat* Stock Ooopaay aaah aa It hMI wbaa 
th* Borl* Stock Oampaar MWaSliw* H tea 
na eaopanr ttat wfll accapf tta 
Ibaatia wUI be nnder the managemant 

gUt, Al. TMicm. a gentleman welI-1 
tb* tt*atrleal world who has risen from th* 
bottom round of tbe tbeatrlral ladder to his 
present enviable position. Mr. Trabem brings 
to Nasbrllle one of tbe most up-to-dste stock 
companies erer aeen t>efora an Amcrlcaik andl* 
ence. aud he promises the f " 

Oscar Altmsn will be Is i 
office at tbe Orpbenm. 

Manager rations, of til* Piftb Asoaa* Tbaa- 
tre, left Madirlll* laat w**k oa a bnalnaaa ' 
and wm risit Mabil* aad K*w OHaaaa. 

A aow inialaillla boat* at Ch a tt a nooga. Tsaa.. 
wbleb la aaBtmSat br tba Oiaaeaat Amnaoiaaat 
Coapaay at Mafbrlll*. tteww opaa its doors ti> 
tbe poblle laat week. Bfr, P. P. Parioog. 
manager of tbe Fifth ATenoa Tbeatr*. and Mr. 
Tony Sudeknm. one of tb* director* of the 
Crescent Amusement Company, bar* icccntiF 
returned from Chattanooga, where tbey went 
to witnesa tbe opening of thla new Tauderlll* 
boose. The bona* haa heaa elirlstaaed Tb* Ha* 


The adrance sal* of the Bemliardt engag*. 
n*nt beat out all records. 

Pt*aa and public proaonnc* Lonla N. Parkar'a 
new play. Disraeli with George Arllaa aa th* 
Jswiah statesman, tb* biggest sncccaa of th* 
present sessoo. 

Tbe Montreal City Council are framing n by- 
law to prohibit any bouse showing fight pie- 

DsT* F*ignaoa (a local bar) mad* sood at 


Bcrton Cbmcbin bai been engaged for th* 
coming sprltkg and snmmer season of th* Alltee 
Stock Company at Kelth'a. The engagement 
waa made two weeka ago while Mr. CburcMtl 
waa playing In the city aa leading maa with 
Robert Rllllard. Next sesson will be Mr. 
ChurcbQI's third sesson as a regular memT>er 
of tbe Albee Company. 

Mr. Sol Branolr. manager oC tba Bnplr* The- 
atre, was conBned tn ble baBH Sir-a MV ( 

last week with a serere cold aMV 

ly eaeaplng pneumonia. 

W. B. Ol 


A symphony concert was glTen Jan. 21. at 
the Armory Opera House hy Carallo'^ Orchestra 
snd St- Leo's cboir of Denver. An excellent 
program wsa preaented and appreciated by tli* 
crowded booae In attendance. 

Mm*. Felicia Koocbae. tbe nottd aoprano 
Boioist, assisted by Prof. Hamld SbeObara. 

pUalst. cae* a recital conaset at th* A i Ml iP 
Opera Hons*, rrtday. >aB. It. _ 
Work nf repairing tb* lioatroa* Opata Baaaa, 

now nnder the management of Gdwald J. Ooo~ 
er, still goes on. New aceoerr is t>elng adde 
A Tery attrartlTc front tn the Opera Ros 
^ b»ea.add»}..aB d all hritUaaUrjaaBlaali 
wtth alaatila MsMa aad *la^jpl^yalgi|^^^^^ 


Mb r. Banott hi hooking trlt. R mr'n 
a a raa a atlcal act. Prof. Bern la working a**, 
eral a»w atnata with bbi piettF ttltl* wife Ro- 
aalla, th* Qaeca af tba Air. 

George A. Janlwr. mnslcal direrter of til* 
Hudson Theatre, s n c e esds Emil Kataanatsln. 
formerly mnstcsl director at this hooa^. SwU 
left tn accept a posltloo with a aaHbaaaiBi 
New Tork msle pa M labln g bona*. ____ 
P. SASBBir. 


Ptqna. O.. Jan. ST (Special to The Blllboardl. 
—Tlie Mar Opera Hooae. which waa oamcd and 
managed by Chaa. H. May. iccontlj. Icaacd tbat 
tbeatf* la gbaa aad Srillraa. a Xaw Tark atm, 
Albert Daagbittr. aaalar aiiwhsr *t tbbi ar* 
ganlaatloa. aaa saaa appeiated local a a anana r . 
Other tbeatre* coatrolled by thla theatrical grm 
la tbla tertlfaffT are: Newark. Loratne, Marlon, 
Bnejma, It ia th* Intention ot th* laaacea to 
book hlgh-cia*a atttacUaaBi ~ 

Roam. A» 1 

3t and Madam * 

here sliortly. 


Tbe cloKlog of tbe Bortls-Grand Tbeatre, Au- 
burn. N. y.. Is said to h* do* to tba tact tbat 
tber* were InsnOiclent (nnds aa band t* par tbe 
actora and help of thla abowhonac. MaJ. T. 
Tonlaaa. nanager of th* tbtatr*. Is allagcd ta 
bar* toft tb* dtp. taklag witb blm all th* 
ready aaoBey. t.ater l e p o tta aay ttiat ba ha* 
been arrested and Is now awaiting tbe aetlsa 
of tht* Grand Jury. 

A Minplgte list of sMtmHom ap* 
■aartas in th* eltiaa tnmMma»i mit 
Mil* pmgm In givwi In th* A 
■Ms i it biihinlns mi paa* HL 


Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

B u r 1 e s q u e and Music 


Reviews, Remarks and Live News Items from All Depart- 
ments of Both Burlesque Wheels, Gathered 
EspedaUy for The BHIlKMnl 


I b«Te often wondered why It Is that one 
reads fto little about the one-nicbt stand or 
ao-called "tnrkej-" burlesqne show, and why It 
ta that there Is seldnm any news pertalQlDg to 
tbfa cla*s of attraction la the bnrlesque pages 
«* any of the lancer, and for that matter, amall' 
theatrical and amusement joomals. The 
answer may be that tbe news from bis class 
or show U bard to get or that the wheel shows 
hmg tarite r and beloK In the majority, are 

<y— QMsatly of niore Importance, and that 

»*— Jf ■— *» eoomnlnit them Is of mote 
•Mnl WcKst and to a laisfr elTde of readers, 
i; ™«r « auy mtt ba trm, tat to u 

Mt the dnty of tb* tMaUMI MMT-ts aifev 
aa aspeclal effort to oXaln " rnmi ' w M e fc fa 
aaMallT dlffleiUt to satber and wbleh Is, In 
■eonseqneoee. of a more ezclnslre natnre? On the 
other band. U It (air to belittle or ostracize 
the one-nlicbter wblch. after aU, Is the direct 
ancestor of the mighty wheel ebow of today, 
and la perbapa responsible for rarloos species 
4it so-called musical comedy wbtcb Is now a 
staple production and which toora the coontry 
with dlgnlfled ansterlty and prosperity? From 
whence did the present bnrlesqne Industry, 
■for an Indnstry It Is. spring. If n^t from the 
one-night stand or "tnrkey" show? and It Is 
•at so far back that the bigger percentage 
" n\ a nag era and owners of the present 
md Colnmbla jgrstems were, to all In- 
thronsb the 

, « deal "dc 

or the boalaeas la a scoeral way. - Staaa am 
many ooe-nlgbt stand ahowa whUh ■tHt -aat 
«Tery season bat there are (Mr at ttolli Oat 
last and that are able to play back oyer the 

'Oame territory, under the same title, and with 
the same psper. The one-night stand business 1b 
«o longer the same and the small town mana- 
ger la becoming more and more difficult to 
approach on the snbjeet of borlesqne. There 
■are, of coorse. still many towns where th" civic 
rvinlatlons are lax and where "any old show" 
will go as long at Its main feature consists 
of a "Olrl In Red," or In blue or In Mack, or 
la uv old color that sonnds like a "cooch " 
"■ !ne are becoming fewer and far be- 
tbe n aa alg fat atand show nmst 

.obaeene dancer. Tha "taahaT'"'' 
la a bnaloesa whick stands aloae . 

who enters It wltboot egpglewe or n aooa 
knowledge of the game la pnctleally aare of 
^Isaater. There Is of course no qncstian as to 
the style of show demanded on the ooe-nlght 
stands, and the one^nlghter billed aa "bnr- 
1e«one'* hart b*?tter Derer open If It la TOld of 
■at least some degree of smnttlness. 

This Is. of course, to be deplored, but It Is 
■plesslDg to note that there Is a gradual Im- 
proTement In the tastes of the mral andlences 
and the shows are gradaally becoming cleaner 
and cleaner. The cleaner the show becomes 
themore costly an attraction Is necessary and 
wbere the fllth rmrreyor was able to get br 
^•n ■ cast of tbire or fottr principals and a 
?* J-iJ"™ Choristers the deaa ihow 

» forced to gtrv a performance wUh a aem- 
ttlanee of a eomnanr aod sarecal aibsMaB of 
gnnd -wardrobe. The ooe-nlgbt stand ^Mraast 
<«rTy a clean and competent axest. a good 
line of paper, a cast of competent people an-" 
a -layoot of good, clean wardrobe. AnotlH^r 
rery essentlsl Item Is the beharlor of the 
Pjople carried as the motley gatherings of 
cheap eboms girls, picked no her* and there 
■or- arasplier managers, lias done mticfa to harm 
tbebnslnesi and to create an errODCons Im- 
prraslon of show people In general. The one- 
a'CTt s tand bnrlesnne business has been Iwdly 
an^ad by Inc ompetent and nnscmpalons man- 
aan and owners ■nrhoee only desire was to get 
amitr and gtt away. But theM days 
t aad thoasanagers are demand- 
■ aa avav season. The one- 

-r-"--, — T-r ' —I aat dead as many bare 

Imagined bnt the daya of getting by ■with a 
fheap and mediocre attraction hare gone for 
erer and the "turkey" of today must de- 
"yer the foods in order to be able to make 
«ood and demand retom dates through the 
■aame terrltoty. 

Rnmor says that MargI- HOton win go Into 
TsodeTiUe with her basband, Oariea P. Beded. 
Their Tarlons friends will wish tbem e»ery 
access, bnt It Is to be serlonsly hoped that 
Mr. Reded will make an effort to secure clean- 
er material than that used In bis recent act 
with Miss May Badley. with the Star Show 

Gns BUI has been clesning np with the 
Midnight Maidens, having recently dlsctiarged 
■aeven principals from the show at Schenectady. 
■This seems to be quite s habit of Mr. Htirs, 
for the same thing was done with the ssmf tthow 
then The Gay Masgoeraders, aboat this time 
■laat season. 

Tte Talaiote Sliteta are dlstiognishlng tbem 

«nr Ha 

to r*rt»w a^SSf aSiM&gM^SaS'or'^nikel? 
■borleaqoe sfaow, and I do not l emo inb ar ever 
%arlaic a written reylew of one In any other 
tbcatileal joamal. I had the pleaaate of auet- 
ta> mr M (Head. Tha Dl aaUraa. who awat 
^ ^ «.r Whs. h. s«. ..M 

eoaaecntlTe sessons with the TCteran, Jlmmy 
F^eaaeaoey, Tom Is now thv proprlotor of Sk'vtral 
one-nlgbt stsnd shows playing aroood the coun- 
try and is fast paining the reputation of being 
the most enccessful of all one-night stand man- 
agers, nis show. The Monte Carlo Olrls. 
the Grand Opera House, at Soaastown. O.. 
Jan. 16-17, where I had the occasion of wit- 
nessing the Tery ctedltaM* perfWataaee as the 
guest of .the genial big-bearted TtMn. I will 
give a brief Idea of the show as 1 saw It last 

The Monte Carlo Girls Is somewhat more pre- 
tcntloos ttaaa the aaaal raa d aai a l dht ataad 
skows aad boasts of a cb«as of Hflsaa rsally 
good-IasklaK aad AmfOf sUa. Xhm to 


Notes of tbe Laflest Successes of American Song Writen 
and the Vaudeville Performers by Whose Aid 
They Are Popularized 


Mr. Victor HoUacadcr. conposer of the Big 
Renie 1910-1911. aMt> tt mtm taanlaf n sac- 
cessfnlly at the lIMapM naatre, BsHla. has 

signed a contract to write exdnalTHy far the 
firm of los. W. Stem & Co. 

Maslcally. Sir. Hollaender Is one of the real 
**catche$" of the season. He Is not only a com- 
poser of ttie first rank In Enrope. bnt bts pic- 
turesque pose as a coodoctor Is so well-ktMnm 
In the orehestta o( leading tbeatisB. that ho 
baa hiuiMi the jdal ac tta 

of wMch It to I 


Playiiv Tanderine, and singing the latest bita at 

little semblance of plot to the book aad the two 
barlettas were aptly described as "A Jnmble 
of Nonaenae." The opening dlscOrers the choms 
on the stage and seTeral nnmbexs were song 
which Inclnded "The French Can Can" (which 
was eliminated upon the evening that I saw 
the show). He's a College Boy, Some of these 
Days and Grizzly Bear. The principal charac- 
ters were capably ^ayed by Loola Golden as 
Jakcr Fi a fcrt a fa a. aad Joa CotUaa aa 
iMtk of whoa dM laasarkaMy waO. 

straight aad Aa r at t sc parta 
and fhoiacd aa oaaMuI abUltr trhik Bad Oatea 
alao d laUa c alsh sd hinelf as a aliataht. The 
principal (Msale lalea ware haadlaa hr Bra 
Saniraa who aiad* a staaalnc 

3Um Snniraa led 
a march. Betty Biowa. dnrlng whICk she ap- 
peared In a white satin military anil while the 
choms made a nice dean appearaaee la Oeih- 
Ings and - white aatin military tiule«. May 
CoUlna In an Ingeooe part alao did well and led 
Spearmint Kld^ with a sweet raezso soprsno 
wblch bowcTec wss hardly sottsble for the song. 
The sonbrette work was cleverly handled by 
Mary Gates, who worked nicely and led several 
numbers thronghoat the action. There were 
seyeral specialties, all of wblch were highly 
cr^ltable partlcnlarly those by Max Fields, 
In a clever recitation; Earl Gates, In some cork- 
ing good dancing, and Golden and Collins. In 
parodies and talking. ' The esowdlans were both 
really clerer and with belter material wonld 
sardy make a good ahowlag. The aambeta arero 
all (air. while some of them were erea good. 
The gtrls looked neat aad clean and were a 
credit to the show. The wardrobe la all good 
aod the changes are frequent while the singing 
li by no means bad. Wilb a few more girls 
and aome added effects the show would stand 
a» Blesiy with acmal wheel ahowa that I has* 

were acH. to aaUUed The Cberriea In II7 Nelgh- 
tior'a Garden. His Cosslncben <My Little 
Cousin) soog Is ' also well-known. Bis Schan- 
kelled . is well-known In every mnalcal home 
abroad and recently was Introdnccd lo Zieg- 
feld's Follies of 1910, aa the feature song for 
Ulaa Ulllan Lorraine. In fact. Lillian Lor- 
raine's Swing Soog as It Is cslled here. Is con- 
sidered the most cliarmlttg and attractive melody 
at all the numeroos hits that hare cropped np 
In the d lt fer e at Zlcgfeld le i uaa - 

■toea the appearaaee of HoMarndar's Swing 
Boas te Uda coaatiT. Ifea CNwaav has been 
the redplaat of msay caMapaaa taa Aaierlcan 
aaaagata, aaHaK hta tor liiaia aad aagllag for 
his serrleaa la AaMtlca. In fact. It Is easy 
to facetaU Itat Maw Incky American manager 
will SBCceed eta Mac. la luring Mr. Hollaender 
from bis present post snd bringing him to 
America to compose the molndlea for, snd con- 
duct some Importsnt musical production. 

Having lived at least Ave years In fyindoa. 
Mr. Bollaendpr speaks English Oucotly sod 
wonld be thoroughly at home here. In fact be 
Is. enthusiastic aboat America and fully lo ac- 
cord and In touch with American stsge Mess and 
pro.Iocllon». In llic kind of a show whlrh has 
entertained nrt>adway (or many years. Mr. Hol- 
laender Is at tala bast aad It is a foregnoe roa- 
clnstoa that etc aas th s i year la over, the dla* 
ilngnlahed composer will ba wMdlng bis halaa 
In the coodoclor's aeat of loaa piBailaaal aat. 
rofxdltao place of amoscmcnt. 
This la another aaia aiga that the piaacat 

day tt alia u to torn* ntc «r a Mghar jtai 

Har Tart; JMl 9f 

United States ClKoit Ceort tar Ihia Dbtrlct. 
dlMConilnnlag the action brooght laat Octo- 
tier by Jovepb Vf. Stem it Company, of 102 West 
38th Btrevt, New York City, against Chaa. K. 
Harris, for the allegt^l Infringement of capy- 
rlcht. In 1005. Ed. Rote and G. Dock copyright- 
ed a sonjc written by the pojiular German cota* 
poser, Victor Hollaender, CKlleU Scbaukel Lled. 
This song was sung under tbt^ name of Swing 
Song by MU> Lillian Lorraine In The Follies at 

In 190T, there was copyrighted and pahllslwd 
hy Ghaa.. K. Harris a soag eatltlcd Waits Me 
TS rm Bwaasr. tha anato at ■Mih waa sutcd 
to bam baas -aatotaet br JMpk K. Howard. 
mm SbatoB. Ma * Back recently aaalgacd 
tbo eaBRleht at the Swing Song to Joseph W. 
a ^ Cab. the latter concern took up the 

laallluled sn action for Infrlngemeat 
of copyright sgalnet Charles K. Harrla npou the 
pound that ibe tons. Waltz Me Till I'm 
Dreamy, was an Imitation of tbe Swing Soog, 
which had appeared In Germany two years pre- 

A settlement has been arrived at by which 
Harris paid Stem & Co. a sum of money, sRreed 
to discontinue tbe pablieatloD of tbe music of 
the chorus and of any other part of the music 
slmUar to the Sehaakel-Ued. aad alao agteod 
to deatiar aU aHattas flataa aad tialia ai Ma 


Gnat ta ba to I«Mb aaC ari Mblai a Hi bM- 
oa Ifea Vkaak tt. Dole dac^ 

The Big City Foor. playing the big time, are 
usiag Uttle Pnff of 'Smoke Good night, aad 
doeliig their act ■with the rousing march nniB- 
ber. Why Don't the Baud Play Dixie? Tbey 
ate forced to taVe several encores on both of 
these numbers, wtilcb are published by Victor 
Kremer Co, 

Harry E. Bnnnell, a local newspaper 
end Senorlta La Marianne Chouteau, a Chicago 
muHic compo^ier. have just written a descrip- 
tive march sonp. Where the Slockvard Firs 
Heroes Fell. They got their Inspiration froci 
the recent stockyard holocaust. The song to 
Issued by tbe Lyric Muale Publishing Company- 

Miss Msrie Dorr Is oslog Kelly's Gone to 
Klagdaai .Come aa ber tottodaetacr 


Iiwta and Bersoc report that Susie Anna Sue. 
patbllabed by Harry Newman, took Ave aod six 
eneore s at each aad every performance at FVnt 
Wayoe last week. 


Tom Qldgley, Laemmle's new manager, la 
kept totor theaa days refnabig aingets copies 
of m a t f a DalMT, Kaha aad LrBoy'a new sane 
It la le att l cl ed for Hiss Stella Maybew, lo Tbe 
Jolly Bacb^ors. 


"Some ot These Days." said Will Rosslter. 
"la BOW an eataMishad. aahalanllal hit. both to 
thla TlciaMr and other paMaat Iba coonlTT aad 
BO a pp r tbta a l te (edtaf Imfta arltbta' ray ara- 

lem regardlag Ha 'going over.' It has 'gone' 
l>eyood nay wildest fligbu or fancv and I 
now apply my efforts to otiier numbers. 
Those a ■ ----- - - 

looka goo 


Tell Taylor Is piilillsblnc a new aoog writtea 
by Eugene Ellaworth. Winnie Ploa Wlnaljeg. 
sod It Is now being sang with IMt MMtH w 
Grace Panst. Anbre.v Rich. Psar ChOk MatoHb 
Bthel Talbot and many otbera. 


The Three Keltha are doing a aeat glaaa 
and alnglng act at the Co agi es a thla woeft. 
When Mlaa Keltb sang Where the Klrer 81 
non Flows at tbe o<<enlng perforauace, aad 1 
Down Where tbe nig Bananas Or 
an ezcellent Imprcasloo^poa hsa 1 

nirry Blcbarda and Ooapaar are 
their act with Tha Kyes are tb* Stan 
Night. Tbia aoasber to a new boUad which 
fair to be - - 

aalta Be Oar Waddtaf Gb 


Haaler Hale CRIIer teporto Iba 

He U a bright 
the Cacnlt^of clMiosIng the 

1^ ■ 


^SSt'mSSXt tor 

Mr. Victor Kn mrr went 00 a lltll* I 
trip laat week and returned ronod^hL. 
(rasa earrylaw oidera fsr Wbeo You're ta Wliaa 
jmhlba Wibt OkUta* a Qtaaa at Toa. Aar 
ad Itaa. Amr Old naca. aad tba mt a( tkr 
yaaag; bat rery hesltby catalogaa. 


Tb« new show which opens st the La Stlta 
Theatre. Frh. li, pnlllled The Olrl 1 Love looks 
like an old-time La Salle bit. thoush the muslr 
Is not from tbe pen of Joe Howard. The l>ook 
was written by Bnnuilda and Kerr tnd the 
musical numbers hy Zaraencka. Three of tbo 
are A Pamlnir Life, rhoebo Snow, 
net Yes He Did. 

<Cootlnaed on pace dS.) 

rCBmlARV 4, 1911. 

The Billboard 


The Amusement Week in Europe 



Music Hall Competition Keen — Older Halls Losing Patron- 
age to Newer Institutions — George Edwardes 
Revhm The WaHz Dfcflm 

Much-talked- of Le Vieil Homme Produced— Madame I'Ad- 
mirale Postponed — Mile. Greta Prozor 
Scores hi Hedda OaUer 

mani to 
mmtm kare 

Tli« ■ta«rrbulil<-ra la Ibr older mnnle ball* 
brtv ire briclaalns to trvmble for Ibeir diTl- 
Urnda. So Here- !■ the caapctUloa rtom the 
■!.'»■ hall*, wtlh whl«b tbej arc now fae* to 
ran- that II ooly M«u a qantloa •( tim ba- 
furi- tb<rir cnatoa wIH aUMat iniad mtMtr w 
thr on-tthtw froai tbr later teatrartloaa. 

Far iMa alat* at aValn t think tba eM baUa 
iMrhr barn tbranrlTn ta thank. Teaia aca 
ihiT M Mw rnnUtloa of prarldltts tha beat 
In l^onHan. At tha aimnt ttae 

tkty 'M* lift bAM 

but one ooljr baa to 

( n m » a» af anjr tbe older balla with 

aar 'that of tba nippodrome. Collseam or Palla- 
Mtm to aee why tbe piiMIe baa turned avar from 
fhrm. Id comparlwni their list of turaa look* 
ilnll and onlBTltlns: titer . lack the aparklr. 
tirlllanre and mayaiacMt rtOljB tt tta 
gcni-rntlon while the 
tbe medlorre order. 

Of coane ear meat f 
(he aM ac*r la that eaeh 

■•I tUtU tmt» a a ttt iet jf a* fbrai ar ahaar. In 
Sm lOT BH aalfelnB kat d«Mla^ AMibar al- 

»■ -*? ■*** <■ '** 

Ml; aaaCher 4avalva' ilptlf aote^ ta tfea eon* 
edlaa. Ail In their war. ai* dMbtleaa exeel- 
Irat: bat one gtm to a mnale hall for a rarletr 

Nor if It that there la anr lark of talent 
about. In tbe prorlncea at the pcv«eot mo- 
oeot ooe eoitld so anil pick Qftr performer* 
wbo^kare jew pl^p ed^ a Laaiaa^lgtjrhoin^flp- 

Ihe cntha CnH Haa lanir k tmtk of enter- 

Br war of coatiaat the perfOnuancea at tbe 
newer and hall* are of oatatandin* 
awrlt. Inst at p i tain t tber aeea to be attract- 
lac all tbe beat mterial ftoa tbe theatm. 
A the Fnlare. Inataare. O ror g e O i aaai a lth. 
Jan. aa« Bdwaid Pa y ae b oth (tfaliM ftoa 
thr O a lrtr are ntttnetlw an teaaen. Qallr 
«M«at.froa the oM trpe of Banle hdl taia 
«hM caaalsted moatlr la ba > ean tr y. thh pair 
of cookedUoa lllastrate bow Innabter can be 
nl«ed br aentler netboda. All their wvrk Ik 
diailncalahrd hr eaae and pollah. 

At tbe Palladlnm Martin Harrer. ooe of tbe 
•oe>t actors we n«»e*a. has dlxcorered that 
tbe TandCTllIe aortleDce of to-dar Is qalte able 
to reallie perfe«tlr the flner Dolnta of tbe art 
of the actor. Mlaa Edrib Walker, at tbe aanie 
ftotiRe. haa alao foand atmadant eTldence that 
the modem andleoce la a mt abore tbe ordlnacjr 
caalc Mac »• opeaed wttb the 
m t m titm B le a il . and dsrlnc the i 
•he held tha packed booae apellboand 

RlmlUrlr at tbe OoIIaenm. OawnM Stall hat 
arcured Max Relabardt. tbe rreat Oerman aetor. 
Heard bl« comnanr fmai tbe Pentrhea Ttkea* 
Berlin, wilt annear In a mlmodrama. en- 
m. Thia will be repreaented In 
— In which la enacted a atory of 
•a>tera life Kranhlrallr reralllDc tbe adrvn- 
tnrea of the Arabian Nlfbta. 

That the moat aatate benda In the Taoderllle 
•totld are nrarldlac eotertatauaents la wblc-< 
tte aban appear, proaen tbe th aai j i that I bar.- 
•rra idraachitt fbr yeata. tbat tha day of the 
■nate ball of the old type haa paiad and tbat 
a new aodlenee has arlsca that will not atand 
r<<r It. Tbe red- n oaed coaedlaa la na dead ai> 
tbe nld'faihloard clowB and tbe aooorr all onr 
rainiitera teallae tbia. the better It wUI be for 
them. Tbo mnale hall of the tutore In ^island 
*>n be an ndjnnet ta tha taadty drdaw 

Oeorce Kdwardea haa jHt tialM* ttm Walla 
S^™. When It Ittt aaw the HiM at the 
S'''^' It Pleaaed ereryona by 

Itii deltclooa mnatc. bnt tbe book w«» dlaan- 
polntln*. The present rerstoa la an entirely 
new one rram the pen of Baafl Rood, wlio telle 
'he "inry with ranch aklll and nlenty of bnmor. 
Artrlia Roaa imtn prartdea the lyrlca. man}- 
Jf them new and fresh and all eatertalnlna. 
S!* .'.5?. ™«'c Is atm tbe heat featnre. The 
yg"""*! dream walta la atlll as much In ctI- 
Jrace an erer and one la cDchanted Ihroachont 
*T IN detlcloaa meleoity. 

pleee la stared oa the moet elaborate 
"■•m'Hl'^t acenery. the coort rtreaa- 
•lb tht opealnR and cloalns acts belna of »nr- 
!'^!!ILS!??*'L""'' brUllancy. IMr Elsie makes 
tuSi'!"*™' 'fsnal sod Robert MIrbaella. aa 
Jjwl. la ciceneat mcally and hiatrlonlcallr 
Tbe Iwa (waMlana are MeArdle and Berry and 
itr laoahter antna throochoat. Tbe 

PJ«* tookn aa ibeoth It la la tar a ma Ions 

"I'l •wrestlno that actora and artressea eamlna 
>• " than tire poanda a week— a elaaa which 1n- 
ciM.lca the malorilr of tbe prtifenlon. 1 am 
•"rrr to »a.T— aboold he iMid dnrimc rebearaaU 
"jne .marter of tbe salaries they are to recelre 
.-ij?* v""" PfortofH'*. I attopnae the tcenrral 
UtI.'Li."" «•>» fearfnl atruMie for 
w^rbre that la gnlng on all the time In the 
"wer ranks of the pmresnlon: If they had they 
aw»bt be shocked. It Is onlte a nsoal thln» 

- - — to be rehearslnr for Are or alx 
y »» Oa enae of a new risy. einecllna to 
ihLi ?Cf C!*^ In the Innt mn, and then to 
!m „? ^" t»Uw and tba thatttra 

• few al«bta. And all they set oat 
. ... I lrK°i'.r^* * "lary aa* I har«\aewa 
where they did not n«aa «*t that vaCh. 

- *"»f<«<lon aex(l|iMalli aad it wHI 

M^, . X.^"."" '-h-t aetlon tbe beada of 

. L.'^lTi"" rraard to It. Perhapa 

t,. If .1. eoooldiT It tOTOlatlnnary 

1 V"' «• ""'""I of their 

em.i TJI Ji they may «nd their Tiews 

'"••l-IeraWr modlfled. 

MJU rr -*» "jny Lander haa aone all rttht at 
"e fliaaww ff ial f lai H it ImM haa* *aaR« •» 

sometime that trouble waa brewlac bot happily 
nolblnc natuward haa ocr ui ied and the abow Is 
aoln« mceilcailT aad I mm told that Lander 
fa mablnff tba M««*nt aat t iaa of bin career. 

The ttoable anae oa hia laat rtalt ta Glaisow. 
Then be waa anbjerted to aamwhat boorlab to. 
termptlone aad la the end he waa eaapelltd to 
tell tbe eSendera what be tboncbt of them. 
What be aald erldrolly rankled and betWe 
hIa appearance this time there were mnora of 
an orcaalzed boxtlle demonatratloa. Fortatute. 
ly-— tt nmy h* on nrr«iunt *tf the preparations 

made by tbe miDa^Eeracnt — exerytblQS went well. 

Another most Importaot dlscorery In rcKard 
to tbe moTtns picture, from tbe educatioaal 
polot o? Tlew. bui* bwn reiwrted. 

The clnemaloKTapb la now able to reproduce 
the actaal process of digestion, thus renderinft 
It poaslble fOr tbe sariceoa to study at lelsurr 
tbe mos* ••qnorta'it aniaa of the dlaestlTe or- 


It Is not ofiea In America that we see a lonfc- 
looked-for and mucb-discuasetl play suddenly 
sprung on the public without ao much as crylnc. 
"Look oat!" That la Jnat what happened In 
Paria thia week. 

Braa before Chanteeler betaa to get talked 
aboat— aad that, yoa know, waa a Ions, Ions 
tlaa aca, thaatrlcallr apeaklac— Le VleU 
IIiiMi, lor Gaanea de Parto-BIAe. waa al- 
ready aa rreat to be waited far la tha draaatle 
calendar. Aetresaea diapnted orcr the principal 
feminine role yean aso.' Yearn paaMd. and 
atlll tbe piece waa not piodnced, the probabil- 
ity of Its being pnt on forming one of the atoek 
materlala for a "story" from dramatic peaa 
at the start of each new aeason. 

ThIa year wa< no exception. I fell Into the 
habit myself, and echoed the mmor ttut It waa 
at last to be produced. Then It waa ofllclally 
announced. It would be oeen before tbe holl- 
tai. Xast caaa a pa a t f ia t w aa t. aad. agt later 



M. Oarrello, connected with tbe "Matey" In- 
atitnte In Psria. baa demoostrsted. by sn In 
gennoua combination of the x-ray with tbe 
clnenutocnph, the actoti proceai of the diges- 
tion both In warm, and cold-blooded animal*. 
It waa welt-known tbat tbe emptoymeot of a 
alitgle X-ray prodnced a tme picture of tbe In- 
terior of tbe hanaa body broofht wlthla tba 
•aid at opemtlaa: ftoaa which It waa aaaamnl 
that ptwrldiiif a anlM a( lastantnneoaa photo- 
grapha were piatatid. ' aa abaatatdx idlable 
teprodactiaa M the Mtanl aettrlUea of tbe 
stooach waaM teaatt. 

Hitherto. It waa CaiMaaMe to photograph 
Baatgea ray ptrtnrea oa aceoaat of tbe short 
ezpoaaia. the ocdiaair clneautograpblc camera 
being foond nnsnltsble. 

Tbe mechanism employed In tbe Carrello aya- 
trm la eitremrlr delicate, and la operated by 
a email motor. haTlng a apeed of S,vOO levolo- 
tloas per mlnnte. Tbe motoe aar ha tegaiatcd 
at aay apeed miulred by mcaaa «• a CMM ar- 
rangement. wMlst tbe apparalw Mr ba tar ed 
to mn nt dllfetent apeed*. 

Wbea the apeed of tba laolor reqnlreo alacken- 
Ing tba iBOtor la operated at glrca InterraH. 
ranglmc froa twenty seconda to one boor, by 
tbe aid of ao Incenion* contact derlce. tbe re- 
anlt being tbat experiments may be eitendnl 
orer a week without personal Interrcntlon or 
hitch lo tbe mechanism. Moi*.<irp. Lnmlere, of 
Lyons, anpplled M. Carrello vHh a siwctsi 
slied Mm for the purpose, as the otdlnary- 
alaed dim was naaulted ta tha «a(k. Tba 
special aim salts tbe eeadlUsaa aC tba dl*-. 
cnnrgea of the X-ray haMa. wbleb an diacaa- 
ttaHMii. ytoMaK aaiy a llailM aaBbrr of plc- 
taNa at rathMa danaliaa. IMai UW to 1,aaB 
lalarfal each a n aa d . By the adoptlOB of an' 
la l a fl tleBt laolloa SOO to aoo rlewa per aecoatl 
«*ra abtalaed. 

Tba apparataa also cnmprlaea a box for ilor- 
lag tbe aim and two film rolls, ror the purpose 
of obTlatlna an.T defects wblcb may occur frofa 
the ordinary llrbl the apparatus la corered with 
~ ' ax. ihKNich tba center of which 
I* paarldjd atUh. a dannniit 
•t «•••«•» lalk «lHi««r iba dblMt Bay 

Le Vlell Bomme might be pat « 
or CTCD until next year. 

Only a few daya ago did ereiybody know 
deflnltely that tbe piece waa a sure go for thli 
week. Yet aucb waa the case, and I bare to 
chronicle Ita premiere. Purttiermore, from flrat- 
night algtu. It Is going to bare a nice mn. Peo- 
ple liked it exceptionally well and aald so right 
out loud, so the antbor, who came on after tbe 
laat act, could bear It. 

Le Vlell Homme la In fire acts. The program 
calls It a ■■piece." Tbat la juat what It la: 
being neltlier comedy, drama, tragedy, farce or 
bnrleoqne. after modem deflnltlona of these 
woida. Xlcbet Foauaet haa married Tbcnae. 
The coapla an aat any too happy to begla wl«<i. 
foe Michel to a aort of rambler and given to loee 
aSalfa which he hat thinly rrll* frota Ma tenl- 

oei tad •aOUrlag wlt». Ncrroaa. w a g i U n. 
Jealaoa. ahe briaga Bp° their boy. ArngmHm. In 
tears. And It la whew Aagnatia baanaAtd 
tbe age of dftcca tbat tha cactahi tiMa «« Art 
I. Mlcbel to Mrty yean oii aad nwtaa la 


We find the bnsband attentin to bis wife, 
hut "the old Adam" Is aalcap la bim jnat tbe 
same. Tbereae baa forglren bIm bis paat sloa 
but tremb.ea for tbe fntnce. She la atlU BUed 
with a passion for bIm. For fire yearn tbeir 
life at Daunhlne. In tbe Sarole. has heeu quite 
traonuM. Michel condurtinE the alfalta of bla 
prlDtlng office sedately enough. 

Mme. Alllo now appear* nn the scene. Sbe I* 
aa aaqnlslte rrcatnre from Paris, comes np to tbe 
coaatly to aettle an Inheritance which haa been 
left her. Immediately Tbereae scents a rtral. 
aad tbe "old «aa" la Sllcbal awakco. Tbe 
l aatlai l« no ahaai b ed la ataadlag goaN orer 
bee own h a a p la eaa. aad father la too ban- chla- 
aug wttb tba lo<^ Miae. Allla. thattha aoa. 
Angnaila. taaibln baad orcr hcela la- Ban with 
tbe baaviy bctaa aay one la awan of It. Pra- 

cocloua aoa of "tne old man'* tbat be la. with 
tbe susceptible. seoalilTe natnre of bis mother, 
Angnstin takes lals, hi* llrst lore affair, ontt 
serloosly. The Indtcrousneas of It does not atrtks 
bIm at all, even that be afaould l>e the rtral of 
bla father. The father wins ai>d Mme. Allln 
bla mlalnaa. atUI Tbeicae I* hllad 
ad It la 

way. He piumlasa 
aka aae laat «dk 
td aaa or ala.HK 
aooad adrka 

Ida, Tha bey •II 

. with Aagaa 

Juftt when she la on tbe polot of drlTluc 
Allln away that she tealUea during a couTena- 
tloo the Irae state of alfaira. Here we ban 
aome of M. de Porto-lUcbe'a Oaaat dialoane. .aad 
Mme. SImeae. aa Xhaiaaa, baa aami of her btat 
momenta la na piay. Wat Iba wmhb eaaaca tp 
be a Jealoaa. panlanata wulr. aad heco m ea tba 
tender. aelf-aacrlHrlog mother. To drlre tho 
womaa away, thoa aatlsfylng a mad desire for 
reageanre. would he killing the sool and per> 
bap* tbe body of her boy. - Tbat Is tbe klad 
of boy be I*, and tue mother knows It. luis part 
of hi* nature being ao like her own. 

Humbly abe beaeeche* Mme. Allln to belp 
her. "My aon love* yon." abe telle her. "aad 
I BO need your help." Mme. Allln agreea to toa 
proposition wblcb la made to her. She win 
not leave Immediately, bot will use every meaaa 
to abow Auguatin tbat ahe doea not care fog 
htm. and at tbe same time will show a great 
tenderness for the father. Michel. Tbe mother 
uses all her Influence on Angtutln now. and 
thlnga aeem to be coming her way. He piumlasa 

to try to forget. He win taka ' * ^ 

wttb the ant aad only adored 
ahe wni -tee blm aome good, as 
they win aeparate good frienda. 
be cured of bla love. 

Mlcbel. however, retnma to tba aceoe. 
f erenUy ha nccaaadra tha heanty to i 
bla aOc*^ ft I* tbaa tar tbe atraU ' 
tin. bnt the woaiaa kccpa Ifee i 
bla fatber. Tbe boy iiiidnall 

ba^ woo. Tbls Is treason ta I 

man be loves. He will co to tha naaanBa^ aaa 
there will be an accident. 

There la a flnal acene between husband aad 
wife. She aska where the boy la. Tbe father 
replies that be la wttb Mme. Allln. Tberen 
presses him. telling tbat sbe love* him no mon. 
that he need not fear telling the tratb. that nO 
she wishes now Is to save bar son. It la too 
late, however, for a measenger daahc* In to aa- 
nnnnce tbe Sndlng of the body Of Anguatla at 
the foot of the itreetplce. and otben blind thg 
bruised body In. ■ . - 

Geatgnde Porto-Blcho bandtoa bbi aaklNt 
with delicacy aad tact, tad tho^ib than mm 
aome roogbntsaea. thi* was to be expected, ana 
in a piece ao long In the making aa tbIa aaa 
haa been. It alwaya reqolrea. of coone. tha 
pollkbing atone of pnblle presentation to get tbo 
rough edgn off. Mme. Slmone. who created* 
as we all know, the Pheaasnt Hen In Chanteeler. 
certainly never did a better thing than her winb 
IS Theme. Mile. Lantelme la capital aa Mme. 
Allla. Aognatln U pUyed by a girl, MUe. Mar- 
gel, who puta consldarahl* poetry Into bar net* 
Ing. Tarride himself playt Mlcbel, aad ba 4gtd 
It weU. 

Tbe Theatre Femlna bat just preaented Hedda 
Gabler, Ibsen's famous drama so well knows la 
America. It waa seen In Paris before, at tha 
Theatre de rocnvre, and It waa tbia veiataa 
that tbe Femlna tiaea. 

MUe. Greta Proaor, a flolabed young act 
with bat twenty-four years to her credit, gan 
a spleadld performance In tbe title part, aa- 
pnaslng with gieat dCTemna tbe cbangea ad 
mood to wbkb Badda tana, aaeccadlac 'atla- 
aetber la Martaat Ih* cbar*eter qalta noL dba 
I* aMy aralatedhy XBa. See Fraada, who piaya 
tbt baiactleactd yaaag wife, Mme. Jean Oa«»> 
et. aa Jalle Kaman. nnd Mile. FranconL aa 
J. Savoy, aa Oeorgea Teemaa, and Loolo 
aa the calcaUUag Brack, an bath 

rAdmlrale. which waa to ban baia 

Ibia week at the Boaffea-ltelllMP 

fOota lAparcarte's playhouse), has beca ptaC> 
pooed on account of the dress rvbearsala and 

premiere of Le VleU Homme at the Benalaaanca. 
ThIt Utter piece, by vlrtoe of it* age. waa 
allowed to take precedence. This waa doaa IB 
order to permit ttie critics to have a 
both play*. Madame I'Amlrale will ba 1 
la th* aext luuober of Tbe BlUboard. 


Thl* ircak taw tbe laat of Montmarin, tta 
pity of La Boltteta order which 1 rerlawed aaiM 
wecka ago aa harlag been prodnced at the Taa> 
devUle. It sraa taken off the boarda to nsafeo 
way for a nvlva] of La Famine Beaoltoa. bv 
TIctorlaa Sardoo. A sort of atailmeat (trnd 
thIa play oa at thIa time, and the flreat perfora- 
aisce waa a benefit, tbe funda to go toward tha 
Sardou monument, 

Tbla piece baa never been revived alnce ill 
preaeDtatlon as a brand-pew work at this aasa 
theatre ta 1B83. Tbe Identical costume* aa 
deaigned by Tbomas and executed by Granler at 
tbe Getbaad-Dachcr boue. were worn by tba 
player*. Htm ataatfc haaaver. have been painted. 
Here la tba caat aff •feawetcrs: 

ClotUde Mme. Slmone-Glrard 

Marthe Mme. MItat-Daltl 

Camllle Mme. Annie Pemy 

Adolpbtaa SIme. CeeOe Can* 

Julia , 

yeanaa .. .. 
Thcodala ... 

Anaa ,. Mate. Inbrlla : 

Fanfaa_ ... ....... Petite 

Pvml^hcl .. ... .. M. 

Cbamprow .... .. .... .. M. Loul* Oairtbk* 

Benoltoo IL Jtdn . 

Prndent .. .. .. .. .. .. M. Jeaa DaK- 

Stepben .. .. .. ^. .. X. Georges locrala 

DMIer .. .-. Sf. Xdgar Becmaa 

Jean ,. .. .. «. .« ...... •• IC Yartfeb 

Bhpttate .. .. .. IC. 1 ant la 

MuUer V. Ch MU o tt aa 

Un atcbltecte IL lUna 

Aftaa Ibt taU «( tba laat ( 


s Ibt fan «C tba laat cartala. TiitWI tp 


Xlie Blllboapd 

FEBRUARY 4^ 1911. 


. 'XEW SOBCa dti. T. 
Set 31; BadA WtiTti 

■V (WafeMdd. av. 



HOT BPKnrOS.— AUDITOaiUM (Joe Bulter- 
BeUI. mgr.) The Girl, the Man and tie Game 
Spead. mgr.) Van 
ter nie. LYHIC (Hanej Balo, mgr.) TauderUle. 

whiting, violet AUen and Barr; Stanley Com- 

fan7, Apdale Circus, Ctaas. lanes and Haode 
iyan, Nell McKInley. Sommera and Starke and 
n* Peers, week of 23. CAPITOL (F. S. Peo- 
■•••.JPgr.) The Virginian 24. KEMPSBB (A. 


ZUaOBOOb— SATOT (Red Bmer. 

BIA (Gottlob. aiUx * Co.. mgn.) The OIri 
In the Taxi week 28. ALCAZAR (G. H. DaTte, 
mgr.) Stock Co. Id In Matrimony a Failure week 
S3. PRINCESS (S. Lovlck. mgr.) A Gentleman 
from Mlaslnlppl week 23. ORPHEUM (John 
Morrlsej-, mgr.) Clayton White and Marie Stew- 
frt. Porter J. White, Chas. B. Lawler and 
Daocbters, Victoria Four. Boranl and Neraro, 
JOUa* Tannen. Ernest Scharf anil Ulllan Bnrk- 
MMt week 22. EMPRESS (Sid Granman. mgr.) 
^ £2?"*?'? iUiiatrela. Lei pioeti SKten, How- 
•Ml nofMUIc ami Co.. Stltllog and Chapman, 
Tte* AlTefwttan. T«a» and Edith Almond and 
S™«» we* J2. CHUTES (Ed. Lery, mgr.) 
BiMdwaj- Unslcd Otmedy €o„ .Aboa Haaad-s 
XIm Anbe. roar' lAMaa. Ouuxics, Bzpoaltioa 
Ftmr and nwring pictares week 22. WieWAM 
(Sam Harris, mgr.) Jas. P. Lee Xnslcal Com- 
edy Co.. TInkham ami Co.. Armory and Adama. 
Valmore. Cook and Cook. Jobnnr Mack and 
moTlnr pictures week of 22. AMERICAN (Ed. 
Homan. mgr.) Ed. Armstrone Mnslcal Comeilr 
Co. and TandeyUIe week 22. POBTOLA fAlbnm 
* Leahy, mgra.) Vanderllle and moving nlc- 
&^r5_Sf** ^ . PBEinUM (P. Ross, mgr.) 
vmwerllle ud plctnres week 22. GRAND (AJ- 
■arB * I>aOT. mgn.) Vanderllle and moTlne 
plctnres week 28. yiCTOBT (FtonUoel & PlgneS 
ngrs.) Vanderllle and morlnc plctniea week 
22. POBTOLA CAPB (M. ll3ch,^M zlSf 
■ky a Russian Troupe. Oxford Quartette. Sui- 
■•nne RemU Aurora Arrlasa and Ethel Leslie 
week S2, 

5jr. rnifr.) lime. Tetrazzlnl 24-27. MASON OP- 
ERABOCSE (W. T. Wystt. mcr.) The Girl In 
tbe TIsxI week of 25. MAJESTIC (Oliver Moros- 
SS- SfLl ^!S^?" P'»w<'" In Harana week of 
»: Elliott week of 30. BELASCO (Jdo 

«. B leek» uud. mgr.) The Lotterv Man TTCek of 
». BDBBAXK rOUeer Ifcrosco. mgr.) The 
g« wee* of 2J. CSAXn OPERA HOUSE (C. 
nTmamcb. msr.) Feirls Hartman and Company 
■a Tae Campos week of 2X: aano ~—p~r la 
Vratau week of 30. ORPHEmi (GtaMMt 

OP mmc (J. W. Lyona, B^tr.) Aa Oa SBa 

Went Down week of 30. 



(Frank J. Fleltas, mgr.) Lena Rivers 21. 

mgr.) The Firing Une Feb. 2, Jaat Out uf 
Colleaa I^aian Twins in The Ftlaa Wlaaem 


Seesklud, mgr.) The Climax 30; Huntington 
anb in There's Many a Slip 2S: Black Paltl'n 
Tronbadoars Feb. 1; Creatore and Bis Band 
3; The Cow and the Moon 4; Tbe City 14-15; 
Buster Brown 16; Blanche Ring IT: My CIn. 
derella Girl 18; Madame Sherry 24: LUllam Roii- 
eeU 25; May Irwin 20. OKPHEDM (Joseph 
A. WUenaU. msr.j Bedwood and Oiidon, Mil's 
(■rata Da WlBtaf% Oava and Feiele lUrtin, 
nMa^ ahapaaB aad DaHdaa and pl c tui e s week 
•C as. BDOn (Chacteswr Bex. mgr.) Eckert 
aad Bng, Sid Allen, Morrisey and Ridi. Gvo. 
IMaatt, The Four Avalons and plctnres week 
oC IS. UBERTX (Ftank and Hubert Baofly. 
mgra.) The Sharkey Players In Thorns and 
Orange Blossoms and Tbe Little Homestead wei'k 
of 23. 

ALBABT. — BAWLINS (A. C. Gortatow;ik.v. 
mgr.) The CUmax 23. CBESCT:xt (O. J. Neon- 
doo ter, mg r.) Vaudeville. 

'AXHEaS.— COLONIAL (A. J. Palmer, mgr.) 
Tbe Itrngr WMow 23. lyric (Oaai Oaodale. 
mcBj TMHOIe. 


CBICAOO ^AnDITORIDM (C. TTlrlch. mgr.) 

New Tork Hippodrome, first week. 

BLACKSTONE (H. J. Powers, mgr.) An- 
dreeTs Balalaika Orchestra, second nefk. 

COLONIAL (Jas. J. Brady, mgr.) The Hap- 
piest Night of His Life, fourth week. 

4^BT (n. J. Hermann, mgr.) Henry Kolker 
In The Great Name, fifth week. 

CHICAQO OPERA HOUSE (Scoige Klngaboiy, 
mgr.) Tbe Kest Egg. tbM mtk, 

ILLniOIS (WiU J. Davis; asr.) H 
dlans, aeventh we«k. 

Gosnell, mgr.) House of a Thousand Candles 30; 
Lower Berth 13 Feb. 2; Baby Mine 17. 

(Sam Kabl, mgr.) Uncle Tom's Cabin 24, Cecil 
Lean and Florence H(>Ibn>ok In Bright Eyes 

SEOATUB POWER'S (Tbos. P. Bonan, 

mgr.) Tbe Sweetest Olil la ParU SI; Kyrle 
Bttllew In -Bafflca Blek. 4; Abon Opera Com- 
pany 8; Iroanoto lUaaticIa ft. BUOU (A. Slg- 
frled, mgr.) Klein Brathars and Sophy Breo- 
nan, Tbe Blnaldos, BUly Swede Hall and Jen- 
nie (Mboin, Cidlon and Harrow, Mnslcal FVed- 
cricks. Bowery Trio. Barry and Mildred, Cbaa. 
wnilams, Avalon Tionpu and pictures week of 

aALESBXIBO,— GAIETY. Five Musical Mc- 
Larens, Cordna and Maude, Keefer and Kline, 
George Evers and pictures first half of week 
of 23. Douglass and Flint Company, Dancing 
Denntlis, Wayne Christy, Paul Gordon and plc- 
tnres last half. 

(W. W. William, mgr.) De Wolf Hopper In A 
I Matinee Idol 24. 

I Huse, mgr.) The Girl and the Outlaw 23; Tbe 
' Girl from U. S. A. 2o; Daisy Cameron in Nancy 
I Feb. 1; The Third Degree 17. BIIOD (Mrs. 
Dan Seybert. mgr.) The Sherman Stock Company. 

XABIOH.— ROLAND (C. F. Roland, mgr.) 
Tbe Girl from Home 24. 

XAXTOOH.— MAJESTIC (J. F. Enecbler, 
SSr^LeMS Biscts 31; Tayl er Ble * Osapany 
STVmaa Xaaa** Oabia m imO Ofc n. Par- 
rU. mm.} Tandevme. OSA5D (Hatbaa Slein, 
mgr.) berette Quartette, (>irran and Mnton, 
MUe. Tuttle 23-25. 

mgr.; Sodini CIrcnIt; E. * E. Bookings) Blanche 
I Wnlsb In The Other Woman 28. THE FAMILY 
(H. A. Sodlnl. mgr.: Sodini Circnlt: Western 
Vandervllle Association Bookings) First bait 
of the week. Weston and Marlon, slD;;ers and 
I dancers; Marie Clark, comedleone; Bosworlb 
and Otto, tramp comedians; Albers and bis 
tiaoiie of tialBtd Polar Bearf, Famllfieane. Last 
half tt «ed^ TelU. tbe Ure wire: Les Aradoa. 
paatonlmleal comlqnea; Eddie Bowley. wooden 

A lerlalaB ad tba Uat of i 

bria^ Bade. T» gcocora icata 




5?t> . Tbe Traveling Salesman week of 29. 
FAinUO W (F. A. Weston, mgr.) wnn>i 
QBlMfa aad Oaanpaay. Poor OIlTem. Mile. 
BMcor. Major jamr* Doyle. Miss Polly Har- 
rer. Great Amertc«o Poor week of 28. BROAD- 
WAT (Peter McCoort. mgr.) The Areadians 
week of 30. MAJESTIC (J. Bosh BconaoD. 
mcr.) Fn-flerlcfc Halira and MoRy Poller. Kle- 
tore. Thomas Potter Dimn, May Nannary and 
Companv. The Rials. Ben Loris week of 29. 
ACKITORICIL Dark week of 20. CWtPHEUM 
(A. C. Carson, mgr.) Love Walti. Hymack, 
n-Redcay Tronpe. Jones and Deelev. Mere- 
Kerlns and Erwood aad Gee Jays 


BRISeEPOBT.'— PABK (Jas. S. rrhmbaa. 

mgr.) Cyril Scott In The ix>tteiT Man 28: Saaa 
Bernard 30. POLI'S (Lewis Garrey. mgr.) 
Onalp. De Haven Sextette. Haines and Vldocq, 
Lynch and Zeller. Wright Rnntincton and Com- 
pany. Wewton. FI'-Mw and Carrol and plctnres 
week of 23. KEENET'.S EMPIRE (L. W. Os- 
wald, mgr.) Blanch Halt and Comoany. Molly 
Sfoore, Great Cliassane and Comnany. Moss and 
Frey. Amitz Brothere and pictures week of 23. 

mgr.) The Commnter: 2.V26: Marie Cahin 27: 
Tale Play 28. POLrs (S. Z. PoU. ngr.> Van- 
dfvilH. KABTFOBD (S. z. Poll, 1^.) Taaia- 

(A. C. Carst 
■dttb Sifters. 


wnjcnroTOV.— GARBICK (w. l Batniaii 
er. mgr.) Amy Rlcnrd and Lester Lmetitaii. 8a- 
ger Midzley and Dawn Elton. Ray Vontgsmeiy 
and Tbe Healey Sisters, Misses Nelson and Otto, 
De DiA's Trained Animals. Kitamura's Ten Ja|», 
Tom Mahoney and i>lctnreg week of 23. AVE- 
NUE (ConnesB St Edwards, mgrs.) Avenue Stock 
Company In Tbe Two Orphans week of 23. 
LTRIC (W. IT. Behner. mgr.) Beaton and 
Jbaea. Banks Dno. Tbe Wilsons. Brown and Bo, 
and plctnres week of 23. 


WASHSrOTOV.— BELASCO (J. Stoddard Tay- 
lor, mgr.) Douglas Falrbanka in The Cnb week 
of 30: Sothem and Marlowe week of Feb. 6. 
COHTMBI.V (Fred Berger. mgr.) (Seorge Evans' 
Honey Boy Minstrels, witb James J. Corbctt. 
week of 30. NATIOSAI. nr. H. Baplay. nsr.) 
Tfet OMBmotets week of »: Mai a. Sarah Ben- 
■Mt week of Vteb. 8. CATETT (Gcorse Pwek. 

Sanj Fads and Follies week of 30. LTCEDX 
flMMBe Kemaa. mgr.) Fnllles of the D!<v week 
ML CASINO (A. C. Mayer, mgr.) Tnublea 
_ a aehnal TtaAsr. Todeaka Keatlas Trio. Jaaa 
•yaa. Maatt aad «M weak «r ML ACADBCT 

GARBICK (W. W. Freeman, mgr.) Tbe Pass- 
ing of tbe Third Floor Back, second week. 

GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Barry AaUn. mgr.) 
Green Stockings, second week. 

LTBtC (L. J. Aabalt. mgr.) The Boss, seoond 

I La'SAIU OMtA: ^BOB «Sl Ei. ■snkel. 
mgr.) Tbe Sweetest OM la Faila. twenty- 

. fonrth week. 

McVICKEB'S (Gro. C. Wsrren, mgr.) Tbe 
Cheater, second week. 

OLYMPIC (Sam Lolerar. .mgr.} Oat-Blch- 
Qnlck Walllagford. tenth wmk, ' 

POWERS' (B. J. Powen, Bgr.) n» Conn- 
try Boy. seventh week. 

PKINCESS (Mort H. Singer, mgr.) The Warn- 
ing, first week. 

STDDEBAKER (E. Sullivan mgr.) Antl-Matrl- 
m ooy. second we^k, 

mgr.) Tbe Detertet*. Mcead week. 

aoD . mg r. ) Vaudeville. 

BUSH TEMPLE (W. P. Sharer, mgr.) Golfo. 

ACADEIIY (Wm. Boche. mgr.) Vandeville. 

I3IPERIAL (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) Old Heldel- 

LE8RAND (H. a Lusraf. atr.) Under Ari- 
zona Skle^ . . 

MAJBSBD aiMia: SL Ol si W, mmB.y Tande- 

EMPB— (Cant SiaatagBF. mgr.) TaaderlUe. 
BUOn rWlB. Boche. mgr.) Three WcAs. 
OOIZBGB (T. C. Gleason. mgr.) Paid In 


CRITERION (I. Pilgrim, mgr.) Billy tbe 

CROWN (Paul Ricfcson. mgr.) The Wolf. 

GLOBE (J. R. Brown, mgr.) The Port of 
MIolDC Men. 

H.\YM ARK ET (J. H. Brown, mgr.) Checkers. 

MARLOWE (Cspt. Montagoe. mcr. ) Tbe 

NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mgr.) Mrs. WIggs 
of tbe CabbSKa Patch. 

PFOP Ur* fJoha Priaee. mgr.) 

WEBER'S (WMht Bna. aMia.) 

ALHAUBKA (WabPt Bmb,. Wtim.) The Fol- 
lies of Chlrae* aai Stev laife 

EMPiRK (B. J^'Baik* mttkt TraaMaalmi so- 
ciety OWi. 

9TAm Ajm 

and Onrti 

A£XQK<— mmS (Wm. Sanrac". mgr.) 
De Wdt Il iapa r la Sha SIMtaee Idni 20. Orans- 
tark 24. BXOOBAVH (W. T. Sampson, mgr.) 

HOUSE (Cbaa. A. Taekacs. mgr.) Bright Eyes 
2S: Madame Skerry 27: Tbe Olii I love Feb. 
3: The Hoaeymoaa nan 4. MAJESTIC (Ooy 
W. Martin, auir.) De W«M IleMer 2S. Tba 

) star 

srami ana Barton, suiibc, 
liac: th e Eb nrilyaeepa. 

shoe dance; Wstdml and Barton, slnitnc, 

talking and yodeir — ~ " 

POMTIAC.— por 
Folk, mgr.) Lena 
tery P b. 2. 

Qnlns. mgr.: SodM ASm> Vhaten Taaderille 
Assn. bookings) FInt half sf wcA ». CleiBfaa 
and Dnnbar, Mackface comedians: Howard and 
La1i^i>ce; Musical Strock, high-class mnsl- 
clan; Tbe Tetsowarl Tronpe of Japs; The Ma- 
lestlcscope. I.ast half of week. T>'rston and 
Marlon, singers nnd dsncera; Marie Clsrk. come- 
dienne; Bosworth snd Otto, tramp comedians:; 
.\lt>ers and bis troupe of trained Polar Bears; 
The Majestlcscopo. THE ILLINOIS (R. Taylor, 
mgr.: Independent booklnRB) The Aborn Opera 
Co. 27: Mile. Aura Psvlowa, M. Mlkail Mord- 
klaead Imnerlal Rn'r^liia Ballet 30. 

nmsixoB — ^PLUMB opeba house cj. b. 

Wl Ulaaat. mgr.) Baby Mine 23: Oraostark 28. 
MAJBSno <CL 14, Day. awr.) Vaadsime. 


E. Hennliig*. mgr.) VIrrlala- Hamed SO; P e th ' S 
Bad Boy 21: Port of Missing Mm 24; Xoate 
Carlo Girls 29: Pscstng of tbe Thlid Floor Bark 
30: Tbe Golden Girl Feb. 3: Henry WooAreV T: 
Brewster's Millions 8; James K. Haetett Iws 
Tbe Man on tbe Box 13. THE CRYSTAL THE- 
ATRE (Howard Witt, mgr.) Edward Boaadl 
Stock C ompa ny In repertoire week of 23. 

Sweeton, mgr.) Mam'xelle 22-23: Kyrle Bellew 
In Raffles 24; Oermsn Stock Company 23-28; 
Raymond HItebcoek 20. NEW MAJESTIC (H. 
Meyers, mgr. i My Clodevella Girl 23: Tlrateta 
Hamed 23: PanI GOaHire 27; DeWolfe HoBBCr 
28; The Wolf 2»: Lnln <]taser la Tbe GM and 
the Kaiser .TO: The Sqnaw Man Feb. 1. NEW 
GRAND (Martin Beck, mgr.) Dr. Carl Herman, 
The Police Inspector. Barnes and King. Earl 
and CurtlH. Narss and Art Bowen. Rock 
and Fnltnn week of 23. 

KOKOXO.— SIPE (G. W. SIpe. mgr.) Keith 
Siock Company 23-28. Mae LaPorte Slock Com- 
pany .lO Feb. 4. 

WABASH.— EAGLE (n. 8. Logan, mgr.) Tbe 
Port of Missing Men 27. Tbe Man on the Box 
Feb. ]. 

BICHKOKD. — (JENNBTT (H. O. Sommem, 
mgr.) Mailarnc Sherry 24; Peck's Bad Boy 2r,: 
Kyrle Bellew Feb. 2: Carl Gerard In Brewster's 
MHIloDS Feb. 7. MtJRUAY (O. G. Murray, 
mgr.) Gas Sun's .Mlnntrela. Tom Powell, KUna. 
Ott aad KIchalMn. llarrlBOB Weat Ma aad 
wei-k of 23. 


Don Staait, booklas assat.) 
ta. «b» ff^g^'Q^ 


TImT>m FMnnlMtllalMMi 


KolSh and ^iwaar 


A Bouquet of Bonsi 
Tied with a Bow of Noati 



Hi Srifiul Hisical HiUKki 

iaiJBP. _CW|M! «IWi 






Xaw tn Vudrvilla. Add. ears WbiU Rata. 




—In Tkalr— 


ouKK n. uc ■cirr auoacoM 

DUK£ and BERT 

■rM« Oaiial n's . 

Carlotta Freeman 


Copper aad Bartdl 

K. and P. TIma 

MOORE and auon 

rraaantlna a Lasnimata C m m tmt 

**A MatrimoBud Subttitato'* 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Ttie Billboard 




CHAS.C wibmiiH. 


Praaantlno th* PlaturMqu* R««ta«r 
"A Night In Napl*a" 

Now In Vaudavllla. 


SlijiV. Danciic aii Coltred CoietiiK 


Feiber & Pho:i's Office. Knickerbocker 
Theatn; Bliig.. New Vork City. 




PraMnUng TAaIr Comady Playlat 




SPCAKINO seven lAiiaUAAl 

UHmEO Tills 

H. Aa DAVIS & CO. 


!• VatiMMII*. MM Mth St., 
■•■••iilturM. Srosklyn, M. V. 


M ms lit! Hn Cnv f Nt 



ki-lth * Pnctor'a Tabloid Stock Co., 
H«rl«m Opera Booae. 

Neary & Miller 



Frank Burt 

■alM.Con«dy THek VloUa mmi 


A Ileuvnger Boy SO; Chocoltte Soldier Feb. 
1; Olrl iDij tbr SUinp«<l*- 4: tilrl o( tbe Moun- 
lalDi .">: llrlslit Ky<'» h: Haby Mine 13; Ilotue 
of a TLoiiKanil Cauillcii Id. GABKICK (J. M. 
Root. niKr. : W. V. M. A., booking ageat) Week 
or Jan. -^S. Drat llalf. Vbll Berg. Mercedes. 
Thre WV^tonii. JitAt Lockbart anil GarTlckj(^>pe. 

ngr.) Uomer Liod and Compaoy. JeM Hale and 
CMBpaur. ntce Eleba i diao a . Bow aad .Oaks. 
Waif Ollbart. mafanl mat Whit*. Tbora. WUU 
aad BnrkD week of ». GREENE'S OPERA 
H0D8B (W. S. Cooller. mgr.) Said Paiba •£!: 
Aborn Grand Opera C.ini|>any In II TroTOtore 24; 
The Goddeaa or Liberty ITT: Baby Mine 
Madame X 31: Tbe Begear I'rlncexa Feb. 5; Jim 
ilie I'eniuan Feb. 8: llomi.- talent 10-It: Tbe 
Men anil the M'jum? 12. PEOI'LE'S (Vic Hugo, 
mgr.) TrnuRdale I'.rotbpn.' Stock Company In 
Tbree W»*ek< week of 2.j. 

Berkell, mgr.: William Morrla booklnga) Week 
of '£1. Itncb Brothers. Gilmoor and La Tonrin. 
TlH- Bra ham*. I'taaolograiiba; Telegraph Comedy 
Four, alnglog aad daacing comedlaoe: Tbree 
Banw Blateni. alasna aad playera; The Amerl- 
eaivope. TOE PRIXCEMC (Victor Sbafer. 
Bsr.) Week of 22. The Prineeai Stock Company 
In The Ilc'.le of Richmond. THE BUBTIS (W. 
KlSock, mgr.; Independent bnoklnga) Bailey and 
Anatin la Two Men and a Girl 2S; Abom Opera 
Compuy 30: Jame* K. Ilarkett Id The King's 
Came 31. THE GRAND <!>. Ilughet. mgr.: K- 
& E. Booklnga) Blanche W'alch In Tbe Other Wo- 
man 25: Mile. Anna I'avlowa. .M. Mlkall Mord- 
kin and the Imperial nus>lau Ballet 2S: Flake 
O'Hara Feb. 2. 

IOWA Crrr.— COLDREN (James U Oakes. 
mgr.) Madame X 30: The Olrl That's All the 
Candy Feb. 4: Tbe Girl of tbe SCoontalna 11. 
BIJOC <H. L. Smith, mitr.) VaaderUle. 

(Bosby Brothers, men.) Ihr Miaaonri Girl 
23: Madame X 26. 

mgr.) Tbe Goddesa of Uherty 2:<: Baby Mine 
M: Madam X Feb. 3: Tbe Norwoiala 6-11. WAT- 
ERLOO (A. J. Boiby. mgr.) The Cowboy's Girl 
28; MlitaODri Girl Feb. 1: Bachelor'a Iloneymooa 
4. OBFBECM (J. W. Mereelles. mgr.) Carr 
Trio, Don and Mae Gordon, The Great Wilbur. 
Van and Van, Mable Barrj-more and Trained 
Pony week of 23. CBYSTAL (J. Jolly Jones, 
mgr.) Gordon and Oonclns. DIx, Tnrner and 
nix, Olympic Ttto, JjMit ud Maura. DaT* Bae- 
rel. Seymoor mmi BaMaaiB. tami aad tbt Gar- 
net los week of 2S. 


AT0HI8OH.— ATCHISON (Geo. E- King, 
mgr-) The Winning Mm 21; TiM PaadaD Play 
22 24: Tbe (golden GM 9t glltMltll Warde 
31; Story of a Country Tam P*. Saart Set 
S: Moose MInatrela (loeal) 14-IS. 

TORT 8(X>TT.— DATIDSOX (Hartr C. Em- 
leb, mgr.) Walker Whiteside In Tbe Melting 
P ot M: St. Elmo 2S: Howe's Plcttjres 31. V.KV- 
DETTE (P- C. Hesaer, mgr.) Aliedas. tbe Hyp- 
notist weekof Al, 

KUTCHmOH.— ROME (W. A. Lowe, mgr.) 
Tha Folmatler Staters Concert and Orchestra 
Oanpany 23. Madame X 25. Polly of the Circoi. 
SB. The Royal Slare 28.. PEARL (E. Wayne 
Martin, nn.) TaDAnllla. 

mgr.) The X e»U " ed s and Tbeir Baby S*. St. 
Elma 26, Walker Whiteside 31. Bard Bare 
Feb. 4. 

LOUnriLLS,— MACAULEI'S (J. T. Macau- 
ley, iB«r.) Kyrle BeUew in Baffles 28. Ray- 
mood Hitchcock in Tlie Maa Wbo Owna Broad- 
way. FM. 1. SHtrBEirrs masonic (x. p. 
Rar Comstock, mgr.) Alias Jlmmla Valeoltne 
<Jamea U. Weed, mgr.) Tbe Operatic FestlTal, 
L. C. Noceat and Company, Granellle and Rog- 
er*. Ftad OapRS. WUliaa and Watatr,.FlTe 

Ward. Bcrs.) Burton Stock Company in 
Tba Way teWla a Busband week of 22. BOP- 
KINS' timng Simons, mgr.) Frank and Ua^ 
WaddeU, Lacier and Cbas. EUaworth, Ledair 
and Sampson, Prank Doim and Allen and Lea 
and Slgnor Arrl week of 22- BCCKINGBA-M 
(Horace McCrockltn. mgr.) Sam T. Jack, and 
(^Mspany week of 22. GAYETY (Al, Boulter, 
mgr.lRalUcklng Girlies week of 22. 

BZifSEliaoy.— PABK (R. E- Cort. mgr.) Go- 
ing Sooie Feb. S: Tbe Lottery Man 9; The 
SpcDdthrlft 10: Married in Baste 17; The Thief 
18: Tbe Smart Set 24: Sis Peiklaa ». PEG- 

and r rank. men.) Tkt MMH IMIV ■■• P**" 


(J, L- White, 

n, Allca Uoilcai 

4. ' 


ius Caba. mgr.) Stieebaii Grand Opera Co. 23. 
B. F. KEITH'S (James E. ;Maore, mgr.) Keiths 
StiKk Co, in ToU Gate Inn 23, aad week. PORT- 
LAND (James W. Greely, mgr.) 4 Brahm 
Glrla. rellncd Instrumentallata; Tbe Newmsns, 
comedians; .\IIte. Units, lady gymnast; Allen 
Howard Ramsa.T, natlre ioa baritone; CrlmmlDS 
and (3ore. com.'dy artists; Picture Playa 23 and 
week. CONOBESS (Emil B. GerstUe, mgr.) 
.Mile. Dolores aad Company. Golden Gate Trio. 
MeAlBlnc aad I>y«ln«. aiaslnc act; UoTlac 


(M. J. 

Lehmarcr. nsr.i 3Ga attiactloa - wtik of 23; 

P^Tak^DaaMrVEeek af 9«l POJUFB OPERA 
HOOSK (Chaa. E. Fsnl. mgr.) The TVaTCllng 
BalsiTflit week 23: The Girl of My Dreama week 
stein, mgr.) Tbe Cliacalate Soldier week S3; K. 
H. Sotbera and Julia Marlowe week 30. MARY- 
L.\ND THEATRE (F. C. Schanberger, mgr.) 
Master Gabriel and Co.. Crouch and Welch. Mr. 
and Mrs. Allison. Anits Diss's Monkeys. Cun- 
ningham and Marlon. Ual Merrlt. Delro. How- 
ard's Muatcsl Ponies sad Comedy Dogs week 23. 
SAVOY THK.4TRB (S. J. Saphler. mgr.) The 
Belle of Richmond week 23; An Old Sweetheart 
of .Mine week 30. LYRIC THEATRE (Bern- 
hard IJIrlcb. mgr.) (micago Grand Opera C«m- 
plL^ In Alda Jan 26. UOLLIDAY STREET 
THEATRE (W. P. Bite. At (Mppte (;ieek 

Qoeena of Babanla week 30. MONUMENTAL 
THEATRE (MoBtagni' Jacobs, mgr.) Broadway 
Gaiety GIrIa week 2:!: .Merry Whirl week 30. 
VICrrOBIA THEATRE (C. E. Lewis, mgr.) Mo- 
mo's Six Wblrlnlnd .\crobats. IJaas and Adair, 
Agniu Edmunds. Hell and Mayo. Barues' Mlu- 
atrel Four. The Tarenteiia Four. Italian Trio, 
Mark Llnder and Co. WILSON THEATRE (M. 
li. Schalbley. mgr.) Gruett and Graett. Zoe 
Tanxl. Boater and Sean, The Torleys, Penomls, 
Jobs Bobn, Miss Doberty's Trained Poales, Har- 
ris and Harris, Jeannette LeBlaoc, Honan and 
Helm, Tbe Oarrlno Trio week 23. 

CmfBERLAlfS,— MARYLAND (Wm. Cradoc, 
mgr.) Bntan aad His JarenlUe Sons Birds. J. 
B. .MeCaaa and.CaBpaar. Claade wcat. Mlaala 
waak af-as. 

B. .MeCaaa and (MBpaar. 
Robinson, aad Iiarwwg wi 
when Lynaa Bow*'* Pletai 



S. Wiley, mgr.) Cyril Scott In The Lottatr 
Man 23, SAVOY (Cbas. E. Cook, mgr.) Roland 
Carter. Betty Urma. Eldon and ClUton. Gns 
Hwahraah'a . Bcaacho Baauca. Black Brothera. 
Tba Aaards, tt h i a d i aad Wdiw. aad plcmrea 
week af S3. BUOU (U M. Baa*, ngr.) Tan- 
dernie. PREMIER (L. M. Boas, mgr.) Vaude- 
■snie. NICK'*LODEON (Wall/?r BlfTilnw. 
mgr.) Vanderllle. 

more, mgr.) Marie CablU In Judy Forsot 24-25: 
Sam Bernard In He Came from Milwaukee 25; 
Bessie McCoy In The Echo 27-2S. POLI'S i9. J. 
Breen. mgr.) Lolo. Spadool. Three Keatons. 
Hoey and Ij-h. Iteld.c and Currier, Field Hroth- 
ers. Duffy and Ktltvard.-* and pictures week of 23. 
NELSON III. I. Ulllenback. mgr.) Yonng Broth- 
ers and Veronica. Tbe Brownings, Demoat Leoo- 
ard and Ward. May Kessler, Palean and plc- 
tnraa week of 33. plaza. Goldstein Broihers. 
Arttar KMC Glendale Qiurtetta. Aaa* AiUae. 
Coa aai Buyd. Hsrry Sylrester. Bertha BMh 
snd plctur.-8 week of 25. 

Burke, msr. i David Kessler 23. Besaie McCoy 
In Tbe Echo 2o-2(!. Sam Bernard In He Came 
from Milwaukee 27. Marie Cabill in Judy Forgot 
ISi. Daniel Rvan la The Black r**x .lO-Feb. 1. 
FRANKLIN SQUARE (J. Fred .McGlnals. mgr.) 
East'tvaaa 23-26. CamiUe 27. Ea«t LysM* 38. 
At Cripple Creek 30 and week. 


BAT CITT,— WABBlXeiOK iW. J. Danat. 

mgr.) Tbe Squaw Man 91-^: The Paaslns of 
The Third Fluor Back 23; Miss Nobody from 
Starland 25: Howe's Pictures 2S--J9: Bobert 
Edesca in Where tbe Trail Divides 30: Tbe Lot- 
tery Man Feb. 10. ALVARADO (W. J. Daunt, 
mgr.) Tbe Stoddart Stock Company 5. BIJOU 
(Dan J. PUmore. mgr.) Campbell and McDon- 
ald, The Smoke Qneen. Emile SuCTera. Heras 
Family, and pictures week of 22. WENONAB 
(R. P. Seaby. mgr.) Vaudeville. 

BATTLE CREEK.— PO^T <E. B. Smith, 
mgr.) When We Are King 22. BUOC (H. H. 
BUss, mgr.) Tt>e Bsma Bama GIris. LoweB and 
Egther Drew, Jcroma and Jenme. Lm Tons 
Fook flaaa tta aa d Kiiby week of 22. 

oonnnSaC— TiBBiTs opbba bouse 

(I<lia T. Jacbaoa. mgr.) The Man on the Box 

23, The Cat and tbe Fiddle Feb. 2, Are Yon an 
ElkT B, The Sbuberts' Concert 15. Tbe Wolf 
SO. Tbe Cow mod the Moon S3. 

IMBT.— STONE'S (AI. W. Wslle. mgr.) 
Tbe County SherllT 22. Miss Nobody from SUr- 
land 23. Francis Wilson in Tbe Bachelor'a 
BsbT 24. Tbe Passlog of tbe Third Floor Back 
25. 'Mrs. Fiske In Becky Sharpe 20, Tbe Cook 
Stock Company 27-2S. Robert Edeson in Wbeia 
Tbe TraU Divides Feb. I. BUOU (F. W. 
Bryce. mgr.) Tlie Three Kandy Kolored Kids. 
Bossell and Gray, Mills and Moolton, and MUa. 
NadJe week of 22. 8UPEBBA (6. Jobnaon. 
her.) Vandeeillfc 

SAOnfAW — AfldlUT (R, Battwick. mgK.) 
Miss Nobodj fMM Stailaad Si, The Jelly Back- 
elon 29-30. AUDITOBIUM (P. P. Waltata. 
mgr.) Mrs. Flake in Becky Sharp* 2S. Howe'a 
Pictures 27. Bobert Edeson In Where the Trail 
Divides 31. BIJOU (W. A. Boseo, msr.) Bi- 
jou Players In Uncle Tom'a Cabin 22 and week. 
JEFFEBS (W. A. BoKO, mgr.) Witt's Melody 
Lab* Girl*. George BaU, Moneta Fls«, Loekla 
and Taal, Cbas, A. (3ark and Ci»n»anr «wk 
of 99. 


imnnidPOT.m, — metbopolitan opeba 

HOUSE (L. M. Scott, mgr.) The Other Woman 
with Blanch* Walah week of S»: The Bejti. 
venation ot Annt Mai7, with May Bobaon. week 
of Feb. B, BUOC OPERA HOUSE (Tbeo, L, 
Hays, mgr.) Polly of the Ctrens week of 29; 
School Daya week of Feb. 6. PBINCESS THE- 
ATRE (Orrllle Bonnell. mgr.) Widow Perkins 
week of 29; The Sweetest Girl la Dixie week 
of Feb. 5- DEWEY THEATBB (Arehla Mlfler 
mgr.) Tt>e Meny Maidens, with Sam Blec, week 
of 29; Billy WatMn and Ut Beet Ttoat week 
of February S. GAYETX THKATBB (8. B. Si- 
mon, mgr.) Tb* Parisian Widow* week of 30; 
Harry Hastlnga' Bte Show ot Feb. 8. 

DNIQOS THBAXBB aacfc BUMt, aifr.) Batzy 
Banker and Ooawaay, Xhe nice Leigbtaaa. Wal- 
ton and Tlvlan, QarOaar and TliiceBe, R. T. Mfr- 
CoaaaU aad Company. Jerome White and the 
MotlMtnk week ot .29 SHUBERT THEATRE 
(A. £ Balabrldge. Jr.. mgr.) The Dawn of a 
^Ds-moCTOw. with Gertrude Elliott, week of 29. 
MILES THEATRE (W. F. Gallagher, mgr.) Tbe 
Fnnr Notrlns, Anita Primrose. Stutxman and 
May. Dick. Turner and Dtak, Frank Bnah. Eu- 
gene White snd the Mllescope week of 30. 
SOUTHERN THEATRE (W. A. Kelly, mgr.) 
Wbltaeld and Ireland, Great Webber, Ethcle 
McDonald. Kramer Biotheta. Ulnattated songs 
and motion ^etntes week of S9. ORPBBinf 
THEATRE (O. B. Baymond, n«r.) Sam Chip 
aad Xaty Matbl*. Marrelooa Dick, Stanley and 
XaiMa. Blaan*. Blaa* and Blims. Alcide Cap- 
Itata*, Bamid Alexander. Ben Beyer aad Broth- 
er and tbe Kinodrome week ot 29. LYRIC (C. 
P. Sallsbary. mgr.) Tbe Lyric Stock Company 
In Tbe White Sister week of 29. 

OmonTW.— GRAND (Tom Btowa. mgr.) 
Tha Um aad th* Mooie 91-2:. BUOO (Naalt 
aad Slmmaa*. ngr.) TanddTin*. 



ersteln. mgr.) Jsn. 23. Blue Mouse; 26. Just 
Out of College: 27. Tbe Girl from Sector's; 
2S. Three Weeks: SL The Merry Widow; .Feb. 
II. Adelaide Ibatatoa: 13. Paal eomoce: 18. 
The SUtmm, ... 

«i f*fa- SL) 




Now playing the longest, most pleasant and 
profitable wlnter'a engagement of our show 
experience. CAPT. O. K. WHITE, care 
Clark & Snow's Mnaenm, 244 Sontb Mala 
Street, Los Angele*. CaL - 


and his 






Seven seasons with Bamnm and Bailey's Clicaa, 

Be-eogsged for IBll- Now plsying winter sea- 
son Id IlonolDlo. Booked by I. N. Cohmn. West- 
bank liMic.. San r^anc'.sco. AddrcM •Tba Bill- 
board." SaQ Franol-'ico, 



nlajlag saad 

solid wHhMla-Pioto Showa I , 

drcaa I. N, Oobea. Special Bapi i aaa ta Uwt ^ 
bank Bnlldlac. San naadacck <M. 


The Handcuff Klnf{ 

says: "Your Siberian Tkaaapoct Ohaia la 
best escape I ever anK." Wa aMl It **■■■ 

tnelndlDg a steel cbala, gaMMk aad BMira 


KS Wash- Btrset, Bostos. 

Sketches --Monolvues 


lataa. Write tM 
X. r. WdTBBdiB^ 


COMPAMT. MO FDbart StraaL 

jMd ISID). PhBaddnkla. 

ira«.Ealaii*d.nin«tTatad Cstalana. 

I CAN PI^ACE: you on tlk« 
InstrnctlT* 0>ni** abaolotely FKZE. I perasa 
ally asalst yon to get an act and engagemaat. 
Experience ann e e e s aar y. Method endorsed b^ 
managers. Thirty yeara' experience- InalJuellffa 
book FBFE for atamp. V. I^DTTTTiB, BsK A, 
Deeator, lod. 

HUa' Opetatoia. ftnit, Ba Ua^ S paelal. WOa, 
aad Brairalsa. BABBX iraiTTIS. t' — 


» SbOw ■ UI .I. I B. 

I BKJffTCBKB. 320 pages 
material. fOt; mj Make-tip Book. Me; 
Amatenia, ISc Catalog PRSB. Addrcaa A. W, 
REnr. 806 Paster Bldg.. MUwank**. Wla. 

8 ; WABTBB i 'i 
Legitimate snbstltal* for Slot Ma. 
ebiaei; patanled; arils on sight for $X. Tar- 

tlcnlaoa. OISHA CO-. Anderson. Ind. 

8XET0BE8 FOB BAXS-U Taadarlll* akatckaa. 
the best In th* MMklil. tjg tha'laaat Man. 

Write to BOLAUD BOHUSl, M & : 
New York. 


• a»mx. 

Mas, pin or stad oa aBsaaiaM 
■*sK^*^**j« m^ ^ Bajj ^M u ?r 



Xtie eillboard 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 


'^Ctty Dads'* of Providence, R. 1., Offer Resolutioot to Pro- 
hibit Standing Audience at Circus Performanoe. 
Mollie Bailey Sliows to Open in February 


Proviaenre. R. I., Jan. 26 (Special to Tlie 
Blllboanl). — A resolntloa preKntM Id tbe Boara 
of Aldermen at tbe Be«filoa last week by Al- 
derman Jobn Kelso oC tbe Second Ward, dlraeta 
the CIt7 Solicitor to applf to the OmmI <i«^ 
■embly for lexli^Iatlon to dlmlnlata dnSit iB 
caae of fire or panic In cirtms tents. 

Tbe KKriatloD wu referred to tbe comtnlttee 
OB otdlnanen, witli a draft act wblch n-aa 
dnwn for iwcaentatiaa to the AaaemUr. the 
■M^Mbk aa fottom: 

.**MI» pfwcletor ot anr drcm, and no man- 
•MT. «r olbir person or penona la ebargc ttaere- 
M^ akul adfltr or pcrailt aor penoo to stand 
•ran; aaC person shall stand or sit. In any 
aWe or passageway or open space sroond a 
rbc enclosore In aoy circns tent. In wblcb 
seats are fnmlahed spectators, daring the 
time of any show or performance, or wbWe 
spectators are pcdent; ana no surb proprietors, 
maoagera or other person or i>oronns nlmll aclt 
or suffer .to be sold any greater number of 
tickets of admlsiton to such circus tent, for any 
show or performance therein at a glrm time, 
than the nnmber of sests (nmlslied therein, ami 
none of tke same shall suffer or permit any 
■tar aaabtr «( persoas to enter neh elrcna 
' aar shew or performsnee then 

Be le« BoBto*T»iiiiil«Mhr to 


"Mexican" Oeeni Baakar la Inn. to Kew 
Tork CItr and liffiraa asa .^t he waa not 
stranded In St. Paal. Mian., same tew weeks 
SCO as appeared In a notice In The Billboard. 
Says he aerer waa better in tats life. TThen I 
met talm he was on his way to take a train to 
Pbilsdelpbia where he said he bad been en- 
gaged by Mr. Powers, owner ot rowers' Ele- 
pfasnts, to ride one of tbe bolls Into a tank of 
water at the Hippodrome there at each ahow. 

Mildred Flora, for years a big randevllle 
card with her comedy wire act, is back in the 
**Tarietles'* doing a singing and dancing act in 

The Bmral-Adtms Indoor Circus played 
Troy, N. x., tbe other week to immenae bual- 
neas, and wss a decided soccesa from every 

Mr. Jos. Legg^-t. exalted nileil B. P. O. B., 
Troy. N. Y., enti-rtainwl Jolinnh- JKizrv. John 
Crater, W. E. Hawks. Jr., and A. T. Phclpa 
at dinner at tbe Elks' Club. Jobn Arcc Ib the 
eqnestrlan director of the Royal-Adams Show. 

Jlr. Agee presented W. E. Ilavrks. Jr.. with 
a line bridle and a pair of allTer Mexican apors. 
The Mt la tk« bridle li one ot the half.hNtd 
type, the aldsa bahw a rsidlea oC a Otlt^ 48 
^ttMMr^jaad NgMMtette^aS^^aC^JAN 


that he had been Im- 
iMointlan h sc a a w ot the 
m •bna lNM laat 


Br vux WHWHTK. 

New Tork. Jan. 98. — Frank P. Spellmao. 
tbe well known amosemeot purveyor Is here 
In New Tork, where be has established oOces 
to book ntunerons sttractlons for the big outdoor 
celebrations for the coming S4>as4m. He is to 
famish all the attractloui for the big doings 
to be held in Porto Rico In February. 

Johnnie and Dolly Mnlllos. well known wild 
west performers, formerly with tbe 101 and 
Dickey's Circle D Ranch Showa. sre at present 
With. John B. Smith Wild Wcat Showa toorins 
the Sontta. Hairy Melatyre and wife, also 
*VnstT" are with the aggregation. Tbe ont- 
■t Carrie* twentj- bead ot fgoa saddle stock 
|g < are at pceacat playlac thread feath Oaro- 

Manager Bark, of Keltb * Proctor's nnloa 
■qoaie Theatre. New York Cll7. Is one of the 
"regular ones." Be says my horse "Slats" 

has any girl beat a mile when It comes to chew- 
ing gnm. 

I.ncllle Mulhall and her hushnnil. Martin Van 
Bergen, the cowboy slnper. are here In New 
Tork with a view to ploetng tln-lr act In vaude- 
Ttlle In the East. There are plenty of wild 
west acts In this rlclnlty at present: the Mnl- 
hall net. WUd Boaan aad eoapaajr. BOlla 
■■iha'a "A Bar af tho lOt taiS7' ~A>la- 
■Mr-naak. One HerabMok'a Kow 1 and No. 
% "BioaAo Bnttera," iiUI aereral others. 
ngr an aeem to be doing nleelr- . 

Taaa Btlx writes from JaefcsoaTllIe. na., 
that he and his Imnch of cowboys, cowgirls 
and Indians are sIlU with tbe Sellg rol.rscope 
Companv at Dixieland Park, and that Immedi- 
ately after the termination ot their present 
cngngement, be will pnt over b new one tbat 
srtll he a i^nrprli^ to all. 

EverrthlnF Is poing nicely on the 101 Ranch 
at Blit^. Okla. The atock are wintering well 
and Jliss Olive Swan Is working oot a new 
bonch of training males tlut will make a novel 
JeandaTlIle offering In tbe near tatmm. 

Dnke R. lee had to caned bla tatat* eaado- 
«lllf hooking* npoB leealpt «C a wlw that fcia 

•aa mia. Idaho. On their way East again 
Utr win stop off at Rli!i9. Okla.. ud Ttolt Mr. 
J. C. Miller at the famous 101 BMIh. 

Hg Santdle retnrnn to the road Wtth ■ brand 
■WW ontflt the coming season. 

Tbe Welrb Show starts out of Philadelphia 
with a big ontflt In the spring. White's comedy 
mnles have been signed for tbe aggregation. 

Jost heard that Joe Lynch (cowboy) formerly 
chief of cowboys with Cammlns' Wild West 
Show. Is located in London, England, where he 
Is married and doing well. 

Neal ^art. the coUeg* bnd eowbor aad buck- 
ing horse ridir, fonanlr ot tbe 101 Ranch 
Sbow. bi at p i isa t wjtflaB tig the •TT* cow 
ontflt at liaaiil» — — 


Both at tb* wlntar-on a rHw In Blias. 0!ils.. 
and ta> that for the rolllog stock near Passaic. 
N. J., the ontnttlng ot the 101 Ranch Real 
Wild West Show is progressing satisfactorily. 
Mr. Joe Sillier Is In chsrge st tbe former, siui 
Mr. Edward Arlington at tbe latter. 

The cinarters for the rollln;; stock was ac- 
qnlred br Sir. Edward Arllntrton Inxt Hinumer 
and It tne most perfectly llltt-d np cnr Tiiilld- 
Inir shop la the country. There Is room In tbe 

Esint shops and bnlldlngs for storing fully one 
nndred cara. Oars In the conrse of constme- 
tlon ran he moved from one denartment to 
any of the othera on tbe portablo tiamwar. 
Thar naed never be enweed to tfe* Matber. 
At present tbett* are thirtr-sls MatuM* at 
wo(k la ttajkapa. balMtar thrjnr «aM aat 


Honsfon. Tox.. Jsnaarjr 27. — MoHIe Rallpy'it 
Groat Soiithprn Sbown vfll open nn the 2^ril 
day «f Fobniary. The show will iiivc «|ull*" 
a niimbpr of new people. All of Ift?tt i*vn%nn*H 
performer)! ha^e h^n retalm-d wllh tho e!cr(*p* 
tlon of the Inrln Famllr. A tnnipo of train*''! 
doKi*. ponlcH ADfl ROats nill hf^ a fcatnr'*. .An 
addltlonol bnpfpge cnr been purchnxcd for 
tbe accoinmodatloD of tbe new atlrflctlon<i. 

sr. T. Rverton. wbo tuu been th* |t«B«nil 


Banners of Character 

Attract; they increase your receipts. Our branen an 

noted foi their character and individuality because we 
employ the best Side Show Artists in America. Now is 
the time to order your Banners for the coming season. 
We fulfil your idea of a perfect Banner. Write us 
r, wMle It to on your mind. 




CDW. P. NEUMANN. Jr.. Praa. 

22-28 North Desplaines Street, 

WAI.TCR -r. DRIVBII. Vtoa-^Ma. 



For Bands, Military, 
Minstrel First Part, 
Minstrel Funde, 
Ushers* Bell Boys, 
Base BaU, Foot ^01, 
Basket Ball, Me., ti 


Be Sure and MtnHbn 
KindrfVnffam WanUd. 





FLAGS . Waterproof Covers 


Ihe J. C. GOSS CO. 

Phone < 

XttebllAed ItW 

Tlumison & Vandhreer 



M« Eaet Paarl StrMt, CINCINNATI, O. 


Made to Order. Wrtta 


Rome, Georgia 


saOW TI^^IftAgL^gWXj^T TOPS. 
•Dd evMrytbtat la eaaeaa. Scad f«r eatalegoe. 


lOt-ll Booth Main Strest 

St. Louie, Ho. 


MjAtalbltiM aad Mil 





• C MtoMean 



Now is the time we need tbe work7wd 
can give quick action and close price.' 



W£ K&TZ rOR XEASB. OASS, SO ft. teOC tor 
sntoBObllee, edTaace. becsaae. 
priTUrce. stock end mcrT7-(0-raDOde. Deeuaple 

sblpploK scrnrrr. 

for ibow and 

circa* cempanlri. BcuoMfeH 
rstee. TKE AUf8 PAX.AOX HORSK OAS 00.. 
Room aii, IM Miehissn Atsdoo, Ohloecs. 


leo OtMn»Hh Stmt, Vtm TMi OHy. 

VUOES. TrII as what yao Oi-ed aad «e wlU 
aead LOWEBT .st lmsta aod Ulosirated catate(. 

IWKKItOIX ART 00., Omaha, Vete. 


Cinelnnatl. Ohio 

THaatrloal-Clroua Photoaraphara. 

CIreua and JuggllRg Apparatiw 

aoMh aatMa aad MaealiiM. Itaap tot «ala- 
loin nWMRB Y*» Wm, OlaataaM. O. 

ODb^ $«• ^^Mi^ 


aiid Show Canvaa 



Wait ot lalt Lake City. I Mr Ma 

■HIT xara e Awraro oo.. 




■Uanflsetaian of 

CircDt and Show C^tmmt 

k KMihr of IB ft I T. Nfth 40 (t M. f. 

Lot of email Tenia, all doas and briakt. Mpa^ 
'.'.'i JKlSf is «!!»■ »WSIUI«» ZBMT » 


J. HAVMN A 60w 

r. M. t. 

raBRUARY 4, 1911. 

11 board 



i„,V*"oi»*tti« • trip to New York .nd 
'^'".^^'B^cIoMd a <Je«l for e«r« and 

2iiMS«nrpir a fmri«ii c« .how 

ZSt iMaaa wtalcb la to bo known aa California 
rMBkTAU Star WIM Waat. 

»li Ida letom to wlnternuartira at Augiuta. 
fl. to aloMiml OTi>r la KnoiTlIle. Teoa., aod 
Silrdm SUfffSr tho entire Mulliall Wild Went 
SmS waa ablppvd to AuKuita. Oa.. on Jan. 
ML CW ZackV^eorgle. Mildred, and Cbarlle 
Uulhall all alilwed I" wluter quarteri and are 
wwklns out new atuIT for next aummer anch 
„ ruplMt and tylDB wild aleera tat wblch till* 
famllr la famotta 

MUa . " 


"i» SamaT Oarrett, MiHa Mamla Ftamrla 
aiul 'llootla Kllllniter and wife ara alao bu«7 

with Ibe nut of Ibe bunch. 


A new tented oreanlullon. which will xn out 
at the openlna or (be iH>a«on, la now oatattloe 
at Sparla. Win. The owner* aod manaitera of 
Ibia Khow. MvrarK. nulier and Cbeney. are 
anarloit no oxiieDi»e In mafclnjc It one of the 
Soeat doK and pnur ahowa on the road. Efery- 
tblnir Ik to be liraml new and from the outloik 
abotiM !« a winner from tbe atart. Both Bul- 
»r and Cbenej' have bad eonalderable ex- 
oerlrnce In the abow boalneaa, Mr. Bnlver bar- 
Ise been In tbe same for aome time, while Mr. 
Cbener baa bet«. tte. «WBer and Danager nf 
•erera'l TaodeTllto MA ptelniw tbeatrea for tbe 
laat four jreara. Tb* antat wilt be known aa 
the Bulger and Cbeoer Do* and Poar Bhowa. 


Trenton. N. J., Jan. 28 John Dertoner. boaa 

caorafiaian. arrlred In camp laat Sunday and 
will afKume charge of tbe atake and cbala sang 
oa repalra. ...... 

T. A. Smltb. anperlntendent of alack, baa 
cbaige of tba MMlnctlaa dfRartOMab. , ^ 

iSak A. BaSSTwM m vMtat.l* mm» Uat 

. W. L. Wllaoo. of Ranaaa CItr. waa a caller 
ao Malar UUIe. 

II. /. FatTCll, aaalatant boaa canvaaman. Iiaa 
arrived aod la on tbe lob, and baa tbe a«at mea 
aalng aome. 

Jolw Welab waa over from Sleepy CUT 
(PhUadrlpbla) laat week. But tbe mere fact 
that John cornea from there doea not alxnlfy 
that be I* a mmnamball«t — far from It. He Is 
n real lire wire In tbe email ahow game. 

Tbe amlllng fare of J. AoguKtna Jonea waa 
•een around on Codj aTcnue and Llllle place 
laat week. Oet a boaeh— eometblnc doln' la 
tbe abow boalataa, . . 

Reporta tm Oal. Codr at bla gdoaa la Ari- 
aooa era aalterlac ta aw tba laut. and tbe 
eatlra Twa Btlla eaaap wlabaa bla ul anrta of 
^at tack la Mtaoaiva apantlaM la tbt Daaait 

ci>a'>. Mettna (Hetal»>, ' acatkafntoa- kaawa 
to the chicpaa (Indiana) m» Okufia wv, .en^ 
while treanarer. waa Aaldaf IMM WMk Maoda 

aronnd Anatlo Tark. 

BefMrta from CoatearUle. Pa., aay that tber* 
baa odIt lieen one case of alckntaa among tbe 
atock atoce they ran In Nor. 24. Tbla li cer- 
tainly a great credit to 8ui>erlntendent of Stock 
•mith'a judgment In boylag iHirara for Iraupln*. 

Tbla ramp la becoming anil* a faTorlte among 
fktatrlcal people nn tbe lacal bllla aal aaeeral 
baee TidtM the real abow^ wlatar fcam a. among 

of AL rMd> air 

lag aome of Al. rM<ra ailaatrel people. 
r%ak»r la bMf at Ma batUaia tbvw 

'dain aaA reneria giaat 


Atwaler. O.. Ian. St.— Workmaa ara boar at 
tbe wtataMaarim of B. O. aoith'n Olrcaa and 
kfaaenm. MlMlav aa4 aaaacatlBK two new 

catea. Oa aaTsS. ~>Clw«kwa.» a Shetland 
atallMB, dropped dead from apoolexy. P. r 
Dnolap baa algne.1 an lot eniverlntenilent. and 
Mra. Dunlap will take ireerreil aeat llcketa. 
ilarrr 0<>Olt« and B. Lewis are the laleat addl. 
ttaga to tha Mat of pnftwmeni. Qeo. U Bartaa 
^in haea a poattloa «b tba adTaaea (oca*. 


Chicago, ni.. Ian. M (Special la Tbe Rin- 
hflanli,-^^*. Patlffaan, awnrr of •«» (Irwrt Pa^ 
teiarm Shnwa. la on a trip to PacMe Onaat 
nnlnla. rrlnming to Kabaaa rtly about Fab. 

DiirliHt tto paat week Ur. Pnlteraoa artinind 
tlj* I'aga. Kan., fair imaada. wbleb will ben^ 
arfer aa INa 
P»li*f»aa ~ 

CaC tha Oceat 


^ahn flraat. wha waa with the 1. R. Baebnaa 
»»«oeaa nrena laat aaaaaa kaa iMwn to-en- 
■•J™-^™'' "III appear In Ibe big abow hand, 
ana alas do s character aketeh In the concert. 

IJeatje n. Weyman. nrtnelnal clown with the 
t'** '"f the paat two aeaanna. h«a 

acain N-rn ent«re<l for the com'ne aeaaon. He 
la now In winter qimrtera at nrenbam. Tex. 

W. II. nmlfrrr. ttie elmii. e')<n«trr. iin.l Al. 
Mania, nf ITnele Tnm faine. hare encagei) 7.en- 
ja. Ike Wonder, with a m-nna mntnanr. to play 
in» elty time until the plrrm. x-aeon opens, 
■li'ill'' Cf^weH win t>» «^nb itie J. R, ne«r 
jwisw tbe coming aeason In h> lilah alllt. clnwa- 
Im r." <^"'"'ft aela. He will clow Ms TSUtla. 
allle lime BhoTif Februarr 14. 

l^'naeald. prinrlnal nnvtiirlog doani. 
i^.V^l"*"' Walton. Anguat down. bsT* algneil 
ft L.""? Jn"*^* Bhowa. opening early In 
aiarrti. at Macao. Qa. 

V.?7.*^-I™» opened oa tha ariBa OiNalt 

J-'ln Sua Brae.* Show. 

einVrfl'' fl?""?- • ffll known l^lrnls agent, la 
r n»i i'.'.*"* *'"ter In one of CInclnnatra prto- 
K r^T'"- be found wllb tbe Oeoiry 

»«<n„ thla aeason. 

..f^''h,;"i broncho bvater. and the Qnccn 

the R.arii, Bat B. BaacS aad 

are now doing 

n aloging and talking act lo 

Otto WeiTcr. of Campbell Bioa.' Shinr. re- 
in] * *- — ■- — ~ " 


turned to bis boms la Dacalar. IIL, laaaaij & 
lU go out with tba Saa Braa? tbaaw tbla 

Oeorirc Womhild will not be with the Fore- 
paucb'Sella !<liow. but will have the cuovak with 
the Yuuu« Bulfalo Wild Wnt out of I'eorla, 

Tbe .Mexican Za Mora family of aerlallKtit 
are enxaged aa a apeclal feature wilb the Sun 
Brotbera' Bhowa for tbe coming teatlac tout.' 

The M. L. Clark Show will opea aatlr In 
March. Mr. Clark baa secured a few more ani. 
mala, also aereral new cages for bis aotSt. 

Bert Weaver, who nadcrwent an operation for 
alomseb trouble at tha Presbytprlsa Hospital, 
Cblcsgo, on Jannaiir' la dalaa alcrty. 

Pranebi Rosier aad bla wife spent Isat week 
In Cincinnati. Hosier Is ooe of the Toledo boya 
of John BoMassa's Advance Car \'o. I. 

Toung sod Weseer. riowna and comedy acro- 
bats, bare algned with Sun Brotbera' S'>ian> 
for tbe seaaon of lOII. 

Clark and Orton. now wlnterlnir in Tn^calooHa. 
liaTc reoiteoed the Eli-ctrlc Theatre with moving 
plcturea'and raudcTllIe. 

HarrT R. Overtoo ban been re-enffoged ai* con- 
tracting agi-nt with the Gentry Br"".' Show;, 
for the coming aeaaoo. 

Tbe nocom family of rldera and wire walkera 
win be aeeo wllb tbe Frank A. Robbloa Sbow 
again next aeason. 

Bert Hale will haadia tba ttaketa wllb tbs I. 
R. Eacbaan Baiapaaai CiMMk "IHln bla 
aerond aaaaoa. 

"tf imti atfNrtlaaBL baa aigBai wllb tb» 
w. a. cSBtatBaKoMMBav tmSS aaaaaa a( 


Clark Rrnttwr^ hnvp ali:ned rootracta for tbo 
aeaaon nf llIU with Howe's tirfBt Loudon Sliowa. 

Car bolMen. All elassaa. Show Cata a apo 
elalty. Sliopa. Harrcy. lUlaota. 

Ml Bailway Kaebango Bafldlac, 


Oaa ladlaa Blcpbaat; ' perfSaHy tama, anItaUa 
for traialai: Ttgcta, Lloaa, saaia, Uonkrra, 
, Os&lcbas. and aU klada of oraamenul 




Alio tronpe of PtiiMrDuiif Cockatoos 

Come and aee theae animalB, or write 


2327 N. 6th St .Philadelphia, Pa. 


lapaifaeteoaditioa. tlOO 
for tha four loaded on cars. 

In. Birieli Ci., 160 Gniiwicli S!., I T. 


matn Snm. MM State aii Canii 

Wa will fatalah j«a rREE s tine front eortala 
or stieet drop of superior workmanship and pay 
you liberally for the exclualre adrertlslng prlrl- 
lege oa tbe aame for a term of one to four 
yrats. Write at oace (or pronoaltloa and reter- 
encea. THB I. M. -MVraBMI OOBTA1N 
ADVKRTI8INO tXK. MM Ml. UM B iaaiway. 
New York Cltj. 


"Ei.Ei.Clrin''fS.7B "EmWw" SS.1S 
"QukirClli" 1.7B "la. 1 Rijal" 2.(9 
KMUI NISI CO^Iictw Ml.. CUcap 


Flar Sbow Paradea, llorae and Pony Acta, Ad* 
aerllalBK pun<oara, etc. Sa'od tor price Hat. 
y n*.m Hat. 

MannraSuilMl Igrk 
Tspolitaa Baaw B as a bti a. ». T. 

Wanted— Bids to Furnish Canvas 

For 12-ft. alile wall. 1.000x3.000 feet length. 
Muat poalllnly tw In arat.claa« condllloa. Ad- 

dtcsa 0. a., can Tba BlUbaaal. }m BNadway, 
Mow York qty. -. ■ . " : 


Want to buy SOxAO round end tent or larger, 
JOB L. OECII. Delphoo. O. 

Yoim^ Buffalo 




Oaal. OmeM 

St.. Caucatfo, III. 


S15AVER. Gen. Mtfr. 




Tonng BntTslo's Wild West Sbow win tosngorate tba sesaon of ISU In Peorls. lU., 
on or alMut April 29. 

Tbla Information la voocbaafed for the benefit of thone wbo tiaTe aeen fit to try aod 
Intimidate tbe management of Young Butfalo's Wild Went Show through the public pre^n, 
by Intimating that cootlnR -nclea may arl^te to prevent tbla ahow from again cnterloK the 
lefritlmate amusement field. Vf^Ue coercion, threats, fear and blckerlnga. Yoong Buffalo 
Wild Weat Sllow_wllt go on tbe road for Ita second aonnal tour, p o aaeas a d of every con- 

■aa Mat it will before the aeason closes, ngalo demonilrate that It lb a liailaf fatKT 

tk» irad Waat aeld. 


111 nick 

BOM BOX oonx orMsmoB. 

1 b^ lasltimata aad baaaraUa i 

of tbla cotattr. aaa af IbrMai. If ant tba brat. WM Wm- 

will be doss regaidleas of s«r sBsata tbat SMT bojaafcja lallHiia Wli> 
exploitation of the coming wM.weat^kaw aCtbalMlaS Slalab aat tha ba| 
preaaed that tbe msnagement «( VaaMI Botala WIM Waat • - 

strictly lo its OB-n bnalneaa. 


If acccsaaiT, bowerer, tbe msnsgtmrnt of Toong Boffslo Wild Wast Sbow 
BP tbe gsoatlst. If sack be tbe order of tba day. aad tba Mgkt wlU ba ta lbs 
to tbe ktdfo waa tbe pastime of tbs pclasltl** aaaaaa la tba plaaaer daya. la 
of aallgbtsaBsat aad p r ogr ess, war AaaM ba aaalded. RswcMr. tba laaas 

Wsat tbow itpcatn tbat Ita aaaasaawat rafnaea to b-^ tba baaa to 

ladMdaal' aad wlabes It plaBte nt dlstlnetlr onderstood tbat tba flat 

bind tbla •atatprise ara w^BSkOr MWie to eaabia tbla new sUat of tba 
lo debt Ita haitlea la aacfe a aaaaat tbat tba laimy. U wa maat baaa 
reslixe before tbs tcradaattaa 1 Ba aanad aaaaaa ttat tha Ti _ ~ 
■bow Is In every senaa Mia than dM* t» taka «aia aC Maalf aad *aalaat Ita 
regardless of cost. 


Fnrtbermor*. tba msnagement of Yonng Bulfslo'a WUd West Sbow wishes It dis- 
tinctly nadetstood tbae ehls Is tbe srlgtnsl Yooac BnlTslo Sbow, tba oae that cemalaaa 
en tonr dnrtac tba aaaaaa of Itld and It will tbla year baeo no conasctton whateeer with 
any otbsr ocaaalaitlai baa ilaa a Utia bordcrlaf npaa tinrflarlto. la otb"t 
Mda, tha «iMMBda ^JTaat ihawjOT aa m tta mOLdt tha tl{ 

APFUOAHn FOB POSmONB— Addrsaa ss Mow 
AWEVA ASS BIDE SBOW— V. C. BaaTer, lOS E. Jfadiaoa St.. Obleago. lU. 
ASVABCE-Loa B. Williams, Oaaaml A«aat, Ut E. Xadiasa it.. OUaas*. Bl, 
aazVBBS ABB SBOtnn— 'Wbttw XsUaa. •» Kblaat St.. Waalaaatl, O. 
OAHTAS ABD SKAXS-Oso. WomboU, Md B. Baari St.. Olasiaaati. 0. 
BABBO— Bau7 Xsra, rstsrstarr. Bl. 
COOXHOVBZ— £ P. WU'y, IIM Upon St.. Hanrar. Ooto. 

Just pagr a litfia down, and then we will go shtad aad audEejpour tent and 
keep it tar jan Bsttt 8priBi> .If ywiddriiaatankaraagrsoBridanblodiia 
it id artaaHy bib wwy to bigiB IgpiiBy VOfW. IVo wiO bava iaan ttma to 

devote to It, and then 

Prices Are Lower Now Than In the Spring* 

Bead today for a free aample of our new C-O Rain Teat Cireua Drill— eometbinc 
«BtMy atir— p htsnt dotible adga— much cloeer ymsn thaa otiicr i 


KttSIS Mf flilSilMd 


and Caroival Ontfita. Tents and Side- 
wall for Salo or Kent. Catalog Fraa. 

Si^rtor Vto4i«l, • tUf Oim. ts 


' QtaccMNf to tha EdiilBD. OoN^r flhoiwiO ' " 
Saaaaw •# 1911. • Hmm eentnietlng alaan, now and noval ■ 
SliBBMt IcgHimatB ConoaBalens for oonnlna aaaaen. 
F. D. CORiy. Mfvw 14 B. dMIi St . Cblaaaa. K. O. OOfHEVs Oan. Aa«. 

fiO-ft. round top, with 30-ft. middle, 10>ft. wall. 6H-ounce Drill all thron|dk. 

Haa been naed one month. BARGAIN PRICE, •143.00. 
wiRKOKPOsrr. ... - - - . will, a^ aoko eittiei^ 


«MO-e4« Meridian Street. 



Xtie Billboapdl 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

IWatnt awi AttractioBt. 

(CootlDued from pMg» 10.) 

mst-> Week of Jan. 23. RarmoDd Bltcbcock In 
Tbe -^an Wbo Owoa Bmmdway; Jan. 30, Francis 
ncr.) Week or Jm. 22. Lillian Rnesell In In 
Search of a Sinner: Jan. 30. Bright Eyes. 
PRXKCESS THEATRE (Dan S. Flabell, mer.) 
Week of Jan. 22. Amelia Snmmerrllle. Uanr 
Blown and Co., Plvrltt. Will DtUon, Larc-olu. 
]C«CaTtb7 and Major, Allen Sbaw, Four NVlsoo 
Camlqnee. OABBICK THEATRE (Harry Buck- 
ler, mcr.) Week of Ju. 22, Jamea K. Hack- 
•tt In Tbe Kins'a Game; Jan. ao. Albert CbeT- 
aller. SHUBEBT THEATRE (JtolTlllc StCdtx. 
mgr.) Week of Tan. 22, Tblrd and laat week 
of Tbe Chocolate Soldier; Jan. 30. The GoMeu 
or UbertT. COLUMBIA THEATBB (Frank B. 
Tate, msr.) Week of Jan. 23, Dlnkelaptel'a 
Gktlttnas, The Neapolitans. Vera Berllnger, The 
■Val Collbrls, Tbe Uesaema, Flanagan and 
■dwafda, Dewls and Cliapln. Frank Fogarty. mo- 
Remlog, mgr.) Week of Jan. 22. Thurston, the 
Magician: Jan. 30, A Winning MIsa. HAVLIN'S 
THEATRE (Harry Wallace, mgr.) Week of 
JannarT 22, Tbe Smart Set; Jan. 30. Bamer 

■elU mgr.) Week of Jan. 22. The Imperial Stock 
Company In PartedOo Bar We ddlUK Tow; Jan. 
10, East Lynn. tSXAXnAMD TBbXU g«o 
Belebenbacb, msr.) WMk of Jan. SI. Tl» Bae- 
tar Girls Borleiqaert, Inelndloc tli« Bnanit TtU>, 
■M Areaha Bar* as apeclal feato iea; Jan. 
m. The JoUy Olrta. OAf ETT THEATBE (F. 
Bawley, mgr.) Week of Jan. 22, Tlie Girls from 
Happyland Borlewmer*. with BlUy W. Wat- 
aon: Jan 30. Bedtx-SaaUey. OOEON TUK.\TBB 
Jan. 22, German Tbeatre Company In Die MIl- 
Uonen-Erbacbaft: Jan. 28. St. Louis Symphony 
Orchestra. COLONIAL THEATRE. Jan. 22, 
Allen Stock Company In Tbe DiTorce Question. 

and Bnrgcss. mgrn.) Tbe Arcadians week of 22; 
Tlw Cincinnati Symphooy Orchestra 3T; Tbe 
▼Intlnlan wee k of »: Mfdaiia 'ttaiir week 
Vt Feb. 0. BHIIBBBT fgiSrUtgmflt. 
The KIsalDg Girl wi^k of BTn* BrtwIin 'Olrl 
mek of 29] The (Aocolate Soldier waok at Fib. 
H GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Hndaoa * ?«^k 
BSCS.) Tbe (Mden Girl week of 23: Paid In Fwi 
week of 29. ORPHEtJM (Martin Lehman, 
msr.) Tbe &nspect. Bland Froellcta. Tbe Six 
Kanrmans. Tbe Five ' SatmuuJaa. Tlire« WMte 
Knhbs, Alexander and Scott. Billy Faminn and 
tbe Clark Slsten week of 22. CONVENTION 
BALL (Loola Sbousc, mgr.) Parlowa. the Bns- 
sian Dancer. Feb. 3; Mme. T«traxalnl 6. AUDI- 
TOBIDM (Lawrence Lehman, mcr.) Anditorlnin 
■toek Company In Monte Criato wt^ •>!, 
■aa* conpaiur In Tbe Play Wlthoot a Name 
liaaA of St, ' OIUJ8 (B. 8.' Brtgbam. mgr.) 
Vte'OM nd tko Stampede we-k of 22; The 
Salt SM Wtek of 28. EMPRESS (D. F. Mc- 
Omr, 'mgr.) Leon Mocrla. Staley and Bribeck. 
ffjiiwi Bomain and Company, Salde Sherman, 
■tee Avallon Tronpe, Harerly and Wells, Slann 
aul Fra nks, Doyle ami FI<Id» wi-<-k of 2n. 
GKNTITBY (3cm. II. I>oiifiriiti, mcr.; Western 
Wheel) The Jolly Glrln wi-ek of Z"; The New 
Centurr Girli week of 29. GAXETY (Burt 
McPhaU. mfr.: Bastam Whasiy Bano: Has- 
tlngs' Bis nww waek of 3S| Milr IntMB's 
Olria from Hnnp yU ad w eek of ». _ _ 

ntanrald. msr.) Two Man and a Girl 22-23. 
Hm BohamUn Girl ae-28. Kissing Olrl 20, 
fMMick Ward In Jnllua Csesar Feb. 1-2, 
Walktr Whiteside In The Melting Pot 3, Ma- 
jama X -t. lycem th heath e (C. u. Pbil- 

toy. mgr.) School Days 23-23, New Century 
OfrU 20-28, The Wolf 20-Feb. I, Tiger Lilies 
Z-*. PANTAGES' THEATRE (B. Beanroont, 
mgr.) Waek 22. Scbepp'a Dog and Pony Circus, 
Woods and Green. Morgan Bros.. Ltbbey and 
Trajer. Maude Manib. Hawaiian Four and tbe 
Pantaeescope. MAJESTIC (Fred Q>aman. 
mgr.) AIto and Copeland. Dan Bobey, John 
and Wennle Ilennlnga. Leo Felller and morlng 

«lctnre« week of 22. BIJO0 <F. N. BUt, msr.^ 
rook as. BiJoa Stock Co. la At Coxy Comers 
nad Qlii from LammIe, Hearts of the Blue 
' BIdte and Little Lord Fanntlem.r week 29. 
AtrDTTOBnlM. The Passion Play 27-;l0. 
OMAHA.— BRANUEIS (W. J. Burgess, mgr.) 
Urn. Wlgss of the Cabbage Patch Jan. 22-25; 
Paid In Fall 26-38; Symphony Orcbesitra Toes- 
day afternoon. Jan. 24. KBDG (Cbas. Breed, 
mgr.) New Centmr Olrla Jan. 22-25. AMERI- 
CAN (D. Jack Boadr. mgr.) Bleker'a Comedy 
Clicna and atx other acts Jan. SS and week 
ORPHUM (Wm. J. Byrne, mgr.) Tbe Fire 
Oammlssloner, Goleman's European Norelty. 
Jack Kaufman and Phi], Tburber and Madison. 
Blnns, BInns and BInns, Josephine Maclntyre. 
Alclde Capltnlue. Kymnast; kloodrome Jan. 32 
and week. BOYD'S (Wm. Warren, mgr.) Miss 
Bra Lane la FortT-ara Ubintaa Zrom Broad- 

*lum«ar.-ouTBB jr. c. Erinm. mgr.) 

iOeu and Man ». I.niO (U sC^gnian. 
ngr.) The Bloe Moose by I^le Stow Omb- 
pany week of 23: same company In Cameo Kfihy 
week or 3/: OBPUEUM (H. E. Billings, mgr.) 
John > P. Wade and Company. Prank Uorrll, 
Alt Grant and Ethel Hoas. Belleclair Bnthsn, 
■I Oota, Miss Sonima Boeamoco. waUam 
liny, week of 23. 


. lUarCEESTEB. — NEW PARK {Fred B. 
■air. mgr.) SOol Kiaa 23. Joseph Sbeehan In n 
Tnvatore SS. At tbo Old Crosa Soada Sl-Fleb. 
1. KICKEIa OUmM Ummyer. mgr.) Three 
jlppOloa. Mabel Caicw. Datmar Tnmpe. Mer- 
4aant and Ftster. and Shaw and Esarta weak 



ATLAimo Cmr.— APOLLO (Fr.-d Moore. 

mirr. ) Tbe Great Powers 23; Jobn Drew In 

Smith 2T-28. SAYOX (Harry Brown, mgr.) 
Blaio'a Qiwi aad SWrita. Fomra. Doralby De 
Sehello aaToaaaaar. BtM.Wbttaslde ami Her 

Belle Onra. VlihK aad ni>ini!i:-rlsl:i. 

^ I Walsh, Ctalia Ibjrmzd. <iiinr a..<l 

pictnres week of 23. 

BATONKZ.— niJOC (Bert Howard. nit:r.: 
Chas. Fltzpatrlek, hooking agent) Week or Jjii. 
23, How.ird Trio, singers and dancers; Diivl.s una 
Callaban; Johnny Johnson, eccentric couiedlun; 
Inza and Lorella, comedy acrobats; Tbe Lt-volos; 
Saehner Brothers; J. Murray Smith and Co. %vll- 
son and Hayca, aldewalk coorenatlonaluts; Hur- 
ry Thall er, elaaslcal mialelan: Harry Ruck- 
ner. UAJE8T1C (Joe Woodl^ booking agent) 
Vanderllle. LTRIC (Lerlne * GImplowltx. 
mgrs.; Joe Wooda. tMWkIng agent) Vanderllle. 
ORPHEUM (Ed. Mason, mgr.) Vanderllle. 

(Montgomery Moses, mgr.) Phil Ott 23-2S; John 
Drew In Smith 2C: Uncle Tom's C^blo 28. 
TRENT (Montgomery Moses, mgr.) Knute Erlck- 
son and Company. Isabelle D'Armond and Geo. 
Moore, rercy Wantm and Company. Tbe Four 
Floods, Vlsochl Brothrra, Inge and Farrell, Jeter 
and Rogers week of 23. STATE STREET (Her- 
man Wabn. mgr.) Frltzl Banblel and Company, 
SmILetta Slaters. Moody and Goodwin. Jnlin 
FteUi^ Slta Dale and Company, BIM Biim- 
moo^ Mi'Siarton Sisters week at M. 


BEw xwx tai^^Mumaa of »i»io 

(Wm. Fox. ngr.) Obanaeeir ^cott in Barrr 

of Ballyroore. 

ALHAJIBRA (Percy G. Williams, niKr-l Van- 
deyllle twice a day, 

AMERICAN UD8IC ' BALL' <Wm. Morris. 
Inc.. mgrs.) VaqdaiUla twlca • 4ar. 

ASTOR (J. lb BoiSa. JUnth BaraiiK- 

closed 28. 

BBLASCO (David Belasco. mgr.) The Con- 
cert eighteenth week. 

BIJOU (A. C. Campbell, mgr.) Henry .Mlllir 
la The Baroe. third week. 

BBOADWAT (Wm. Wood, mgr.) Lew Fields 
iB.Thc Hen PeefcSL : . . ^ 

BRONX (Ptter a. WtlllaaHi, nsK) rnmle- 
Tllle twice a dar.. 

CASINO (wrx. Bowland. ngr.) Uarriagi* a 
la Carte, flflh week. • 

CIBCLE (Hoiiu E. Cooles> mgr.)' . Mia. Leslie 
Car ter week of 23. 

CITY (Ben Leo, mgr.) YaudaiBIl ant mor- 
lng pictures. . • , , 

COLONIAL iPtrcy 0. WDUaaw. Hgr.) Vau- 
derllle twice a day. 

alnek. mgr.) willlaro Colllar l> m Ba Banged 
It I Do. teotb weak. 

CBITBBION (OkaillB .fllNtMa, 'MK) Otla 
Skinner In SIio. JHaMjMk.' ' ' - - 

COLUMBIA it. Hstkatt Hack. Bgr.) Tb* 
Bimawav OWa. ' ' 

DALyg-(Bl>trt Buberlaon. mgr.) Tba Fmii. 
third week. 

DEWEY (Wm. Fox Amusement Co., mgr*. I 
TsndeTille and moving plctiircfi. 

EMPIRE (Charles Frobman. iiicr.) Ethel 
Barrymore In Trelawney of the Wells, dflll 

FOnRTEENTH STREET (J. Wesley Rosen- 
quest, mgr.) VandOTllle and moving pictures. 

GAtETV (JJ. Fred Zimmerman, mgr.) Gel- 
Rlcb-Qulck Walllogtord. twenttelh week. 

OABBICK (Chnrlea Fnitaman. mgr.) Edmund 
Breeao la The S c awe iow . third week. 

OUWB (Obariao DlUlaghaai, mgr.) Blalu 
Jaalt In Tb- ffite Priacna. Ittli weak. 

GARDEN. Bmaat Vtm PoHMt' la aamaa re- 

GOTHAM i\Vta. r 
and TaodeTlllp. 

GRAND OPERA ROUSE (Jack Welch, mgr.) 
Tbe Fortune Hunter. 

GRAND ill-rry Beekmaa, mgr.) Morlag pic- 
tures and randerllle. 

HACKBTT (Ed. y. -QaMMtj. BBfu) . Over 
Jtlgbt. flrtb week. 

BEBALD SQVARB (Harry M. Hyams, mi.-r.) 
Orace Van . Stoddlfonl. third week. 

RIPPODRajfB 'John B. ritspatrlck. mgr.) 
Tbe International Cup. with tbe circus acts, tbe 
Ballet of Niagara and tbe Earthqnake, twenty- 
seeond week. 

HUDSON (Henry R. Harris, mgr.) Nobody's 
Widow, twelfth week. . 

nnrtlg. mgr.) Tbe College Olrls. 

Mation. mgr. ^ Vaudeville and movlntr Tiletiir<>s. 

KEITH & PR0<7TOR'S 5tb ATE Hi. K. )lc- 
Cnne. mgr.) VaadselUe twice a dae. 

KEinr * PROCTOR'S Bijor dbbam 

St.) Vandevllle sad moTlnc pictures. 

lon Sq.l Motion nlctnres and Tandevllle. 


St.) Motion pictures aad vaodarllle. 

icEiTii & PR0CT0B1 BAJuuni mnatK 

HOCBE <c. J. Holmaa. mgro ' ' TaaAe*ino 

stock anfl pictures. 

KEITH A PROCTOR'S 12.-,th St. (C. Hal- 
steln. mgr.) Stm-k. vainlevllle and plcturt-i4. 

KNICKERBOCKER IHarry 0. Sonmer. mgr.) 
Maude Adams In ciiaatsdsr. aaaaBA_«aafc. 

LIBERTY (J. W. JlVtr,. Xk* Spring 

Maid, sixth week. 

tiuCCOLM SQUARE (Chaitea Mfgaaoa. mgr.) 
JfonuLBletBies and Taadaeellla. 

Lmnrs SBVENTR ATB. (Maren* IMW. 
Inc.. mgrs.) Morlng pictures and raudevllle. 

LYCEUM (Daniel Frobman. mgr.) nillle 
Burke In Suzjinne. sixth week. 

LYRIC (S I. .Mnnobelmer. mgr.) Tbe Deep 
Purple, fourth week. 

MAJESTIC 4 Wllbnr Shnbert CO.. mgrs.) Way 
Down East, second week. 

drews, rogr.l Vaudeville twice a day. 

MANHATTAN (Wm. Gane, mgr.) Morlng 
pictures and vandeTllIc. 

UAXINE ELLIOTT'S (Balah Loag. mgr.) 
The Gamblers. f Oyi tea a th weak. . 


UBTROPOLIB (Lcaa Bitv. -mgr.) The Dainty 

MINER'S BOWERY IE. D. Miner, mgr.) 
Miner's .Americans. 

JIINE^.'S PRONX (Thos. W. Miner, mgr.) 
World ef Pleasure, 

MFBRAr niMi. <rt«i ^ 

Colnmbla Wnrinqnera. 

Bal>r ^'Ine. third week. 

NEW AMSTERDAM (Klaw * Eriangcr. 

aw pa.) Madana Sharrr. twentr-thM week. 

mhr ~Ton ■«*•■) 

Xaughlf Marietta. Inlilaeulu watt. 


f.y Xaa.luB' pictures 

(23 rd 

■K ) Tbs 

(Balpb Loog. mgr. I 


NEW THEATRE (Wlnlhroji aiii.-». n 
Tbe New Theatre Stock Company. 

OLY.Ml'lG (Manrlce Kraus. nigr.i Iticn 
Caii.v's itentr Skaat. 

PLAZA (M lUika. aigr.) Vfladerlllc Iwlee 
a (lay. 

PROSPECT (Frank Gersten. n«r. i Vuuderilli- 
and moving pictures. 

REPUBLIC (David Belasco. nutr.'i Uebeeea 
of Sunnybrook Farm, atgbleoatb week. 

SAVOY (Rosenberg BM8., aWM.) .TaMWIIIe 
and morlng pictniea. 

STAB (WBL glos, BlgB>) Stoehlg iilrtareM nn.i 
T aud as l Ua. 

TBBMONT (J. Umm JOhnalan. ingr.) Agues 
Cameron Stock Comiiany. 

UNIQUE (E. L. Well, mgr.) Moving pic- 
tures and vaudeville. 

vicrroRiA (Wm. lUmuicnteln. 

devllle twice a day. 

W.\LI.ACK'S (Cbas. Bumbaa. 
ander Walk, sixth week. 

WERER'S (Joseph M. Weber, a 
Where Do You Live, nineteenth 

WEST END (J. K. Cooksoa, mgr.) Getting A 

YORKVILLE (Marcus Loew. lac.. aigrs.) 

Vaudeville and moving pletiirea. 

OOMEDX (Albert Kauirman, mgr.) Moving 
pictnea and eandcvllle. 

FAMILY (Wm. Fox. mgr.) Moving pIcluKS 
and eaadevnie. 

KEMO (Wm. Fox, mgr.) Vaodevllle and mor- 
iDg pictnres. 

NATIONAL (Henry Loew,. ngr.) TaadrelUe 
anil moving pictures. 

WASHINGTON (Harry Toms, mgr.) ra«id<>- 
Tlllp anil moving pictures. 


iJ. Gilbert Gordon, mgr.) Sara Bernard 33-34; 
l.ew Fields In Tbe Hen Pecks 26-28: Albania 
Orchestra 30; Al, O. Fleld'a Minstrels Feb. 1, 
KiiriRB (J. H. Rhodes, mgr.; Baatem Wheel) 
Craekerlacta 33-33; A] Beeres* Big Beauty Show 

'.) Alma, 

20-28. GAZBTZ (Clear Staear. aur.; Western 
Wheeltno Big Bmlew weak at Si 

ABBIIBa.— JBPFBBSON (E. J. Lracb mgr.) 
Blanche Blag In Tbe Yankee ObrI ML MOTION 
WORLD (E. M. Day, mgr.) Edward Todd, Mor- 
ry and Baker. Bogera. Fontaine and Moore, Jack 
Dreadner, Katfaerine Goodrich aad Tom Llag- 
bam, (Aeater Blodgett Jobnatoae aad pictures 
week of 23. HAPPTLAND (Flank Slmploa. 
mgr.) Mutt and Jeff. Atgyla Fear QaarUlte. 
Rome and Vanlear, Bottar at- MgMd. Bar- 
rlngton and Miller. O'NaiB Bad MUoM and pic- 
tures week of 2S. 

-BBOOXLXV.— MONTACK (Edward Trail, 

air.) Tbe Olrl In the Taxi week of 33; William 
Uatta week of 90. TELLER'S BROADWAY 

(Lw g T eller, ngr.) Safes DaT* wtek of 23- 
aO, SBUBBBT tU. t. Badrlqasi. awr.) The (^ib 
waek of SS; CyrU Seott In Tba ttstlevy Man 
week of SO. MAJESTIC (W. O. FrMley. mgr.) 
May Irwin In Oetling a Polish weak ot »: The 
City week of SO. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (J. 
H. Springer, mgr.) Dark. AMPBION (L. A. 
Nelma, mgr.) Vaoderllle week of 23: Three 
weeks week ot 30. COURT (W. T. Mlildleton. 
mgr.) The Court Players. FULTON (John Spur- 
rier, mgr.) Montgomery and Moore. I.anih's 
Manikins, May Ward week of 2:1. PAVTON'.S 
LEE AVENUE (Corse Pa.vton. mgr.) Corrr I'a.v- 
ton Stock Company In Tbe House Next Dnnr 
week of 23. EMPIRE (George McManus, mgr.) 
World Ot PlaasDTe week of 23: Stsr Show Girls 
weak at SQL BXAB tJamea J. Clark, mgr.) Beb- 
man Skav awafc e C »t Midnight Maldena week 
ot SO. OATBTT (B. B. Deimy, mgr.) Beauty 
Trust week of 23; (^ckerlseka week of 30. 
CASINO (Charles Danlela. mgr.) Star Show Girls 
week of 33: Big Review week of 30. COLUMBl.v 
(Marcus Locw, mgr.) Vanderllle. ROYAL (Mar- 
ens loew, mgr.) VaudSTllIe. BIJOU (Marcus 
Loew. mgr.) Vaudeville. JONES (Marcus Loew, 
mgr.) Tsudevllle. CRESCENT (Lew Parker, 
mgr.) MeBsace from Msn week of 23; Girl of 
tbe Golden West week of SO. GOniAM (Pauline 

H. Boyle, mgr.) Tbe Wife week of 30. OX- 
FORD (Cyma Gale, mgr.) Vaudeville. GREEN- 
POINT (Benedict BlatI, mgr.) Wm. H. Thomp- 
son aad Oompany. Fbnr Melody Monarrka. (Jor- 
dan aad JCais. Gaaak Slilati, Tkoeato. L. J. 
Jobnstaa, Banka and Kl igaaa , WotM aad King- 
ston week of SS. ORPHEmi (Frank Kllholi. 

mgr.) Eva Tangnay, Herbert Aahley and Al. 

I. ee. Fs.v. Two ColejM snd Fay. Fred Urown and 
James Bl.vler. Scblctell's Manikins. Oonlnn El- 
drld and Company, Robert Demoot Trio. Went- 
wortb, Vesta and Tedd.v. and Emma Dunn and 
Co mpany week of 3.1. 

BUFFALO.— STAR (Dr. P. C. Comil, mgr,) 
Jan. 23-25. Tbe Lllr. with Nance O'Neill and 
Charles Cartwrlgbt: JOB. M-Sf. Julian RlllnB* 
la The Fascinating Widow. TBCK <J. Olshel, 
BgrO JiD' 23-2r>. Madame Trunlmdonr: Jan. 
SS98. Tom A. Wtaa In A Geallrman tmn 
UlBslasIppl. I YRIO (J. Caughlln. mgr.) W.-ek 
Jan. 23, In Old Kentucky, excellent business: 
week Jan. 30, Tbe Olrl from Rector's. SHEA'S 
(M. Shea, mgr.; HeniT Carr, house mgr.) Week 
Jan. 23. Gns Edwards, went big: Bert Levy, 
entertaining; Mack ami Walker, good; Henry 
Horton and Company, good: MIcbael E. Fits- 
gerald, good; Fted St. Ooge and Company, line; 
WIUIaaM A Segal, miod dancing act: pletnres 
etoaad tho ahow. - Weak Jan. - SO, Back and. 
nilton and serea other big lime acta. LAPAT> 
ETTE (Messrs. Bagg and Rulkley. mgrs.) Week 
Jan. 23, Miner's Ilolienilan Iturlesimers; week 
Jan. .30. Wllllauis' luiperlalx. CARpEN (Cbaa. 
M. White, mgr.) Week Jan. 23. Tmeadera Bar- 
leaqncra: week Jan. .30. Jersey Llllca. ACAD- 
EMY (J. Ward Worrell. ini.-r.) Vaudeville. 
FAMILY (A. F. Sherry, mgr.) VaudCTllle. 
PIAKA (E. N. Downs. Miur.l Vniidevltle. 

OOKTLABD. — CORTT..\NI> (Dillon Rrotbers, 
mgrs.) The Thief 21; Toby Ljona In What 
W right Left St: Robert Mantell .11. 

(O. T, DnBoIs, mgr.) Tbe Toynuken SO; Pbll 
Otfa Comedians 27-28. RIJOII 18. Warner, 
mgr.) Lsdles Southern Four, Blllv Elllnlt. Frr- 
low Sisters, Emerv and Fav. 23-27. STAB (F. 
Ireland, mgr.) Master Clisrlle Darmwa and 
Company 23-27. NEW ORPHEUM (W. Rosay, 
mgr.) Tanneao and CInxton. Tjinra Dnvis, Eatle 
and Bartletto, snd Frank Rnrt 2.3-2S. 

nU)T.— BANn'.<« OPERA HOUSE (H. T. 
TIluiniisOB. -mgr.) Chicago Stock Oimpany week 
of 23; Sheehan Grand 0|H-ra Company In II 
Trovftlore 31, bVCRIlM (I*. F. Clancy, mgr.) 
Vaudeville. MUSIC HALL, trmaa H. Howe's 

DTZOA.— MAJBBTIO it. O. Bnoka. WbA 
' Byiapha|F . Owiwatra . hi ^iwlali IT 
SnOBEBT (Wbk D. FllagersM. mgr.) 

emoh Gems 

Not ImHaliou 

The greataal I 

the electric 
marveloualy r 
gem. Looks like a 
mood — wears like a dia- 
mond — brilliancy gnaran- 
lerd forever — stands flllng, 
(Ire and acid like a dia- 
mond. Has no paate, foU 
or artificial backing. Set 
only In 14 Karat Solid GolA 
r- mountings. l-30tb tbe cost ot 
diamonds. Guaranteed to contain 
no glass— will cut ^aas. Baat a» 
approval. Money eheerfally lafB^ 
«i If Bot perfectly aa&Metair. 



«SB H. Broadway, 

St. Loais, Ko. mffl 


of SPECIAL SONGS, ACTS, etc., ate. 
Asu skilled niacb for vaudeville. ada< 
airri and aoclety work. If you are IN. 
I can help you UP; If yon are OUT. 1 
can help you IN. Have written 100 blla. 
Aak Ned Waybnm, Meyer Beotham. Jack 
Levy. O. B. o.. Bay *tllea wtia" 


IW. 1. 

Aittwiirs Iqal ttalaiBariif SMits 

haee.baea tke maaieal assiiatlSB at CMcan. 

SSSona ftw*ttia cealBg apclw'aBSrMBSiM^Sa. 
SOBS and Intsfestsd ntrtlas sBoold eoasawalsata 
with either JAMES B. FORLONG, UT POWSfa 
Bldg., or Dlnctor BUGIO ANTINABBLU. • 
Mohawk Street, Bochestar. N. T., ragaioaa 
tatma and open lime. 


of 35 pieces, more or less, la open tor engage- 
menta, Clrcua, camleal or concart Ba_pcr con- 
tract. All ezperiaaaad BMlcUaa. Batanri** 
Ilbnu'y. For forthar aaitlaalaia, addiiaa O. 
ODUMO. Baadmaater. So 10th St.. Mei ~ 

atagtan. Pa. 


A Umltatf Tim* Oftar 



Tciuple Bar Building, Bn>ok(yn, N. Y. 

star Theatea ' Bi»fM|a 

Oayely Tbeatf* Bnokfyn 

Oayaty Theatre Pittsburg 

Star and Garter Chicago 

Always Opso Tims for Festws Acta. 


Our "Saadow" Thaalil 

of Biraattb-aciLT una 
made of 3.ply va a as f - 
Ins. coversd witb imw- 
btd« fibrv Inside aad 
out: hand rlveted. Any 
■peotal sice made to or- 
dir. waira ron <3a*A- 
i^ona. WUklMTmh 
Mff. CO.. 


Large List of New Profea' 
aioiial and Amateur Playa. 

Vaodevllle 8ke (ebas. Stan 
Moaoloaaee, Minstrel Mal«lal 
— -^Ma, MaslealPla ~ ' 


Lrsrn to play VaodeelUa, Oraautte Itnaie 
i2r;!',"Jl?''^'*7'."«'"«- PartlCBlaia tree. BIGBT 
wSlU!^^.j!3?>i*' '<£ isBcaata aad BtaniK 

la anawariat ads, aeatlaa mm BKUlOAnn. 


wm EMI mttub iu. TMir Mvmn ii mahui ii tuiin muuu, m pun, mu ft rhqul, i. t; mn- 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 


\i.'liiivre and Ilealli, AilniiU nnd Uli Dog, Corl 
KM. .11 Goodrich -Miirn.y .u.l Olllen. Tl.o...- 
h blrl». Uyeni i.n.1 Ilerm.n. Sidney Hblelda 
Ln"o.mpany wMk of I':!. OUI'UEUM (Fort 8. 
\,,Mtou. mgr.) B* »ml Howard 
a, Under. J«clcio» I^»rd iiMl MoDtfomeiT. 

■is-S HIPPODBOMK (I*. F. CIjDcy. mgr.) LI- 
r.iiJl SwUt mat Oompanr. 3or Mole and Brolb- 
Laincm Ud Claxloa, Omar and Katame^l. 
IM. Sl«« ■wI plctWM week of 23. 


mp?) CcmtSr?! Hud 93t KSw of Tnmf 28. 

anomrATI.— od&ND Uohn IUtUd. mgr.> 
■IsTid WarSeld in Tlie Uelnrn oC i'eter Qrlniia 
mak of SO. KKITU'S COLUMBIA (Harry K. 
Kboekler, mgr. George I<4'han and Coinpaor, 
KanMil*. J. C. NugHt and vouipaDy. Kajlyama, 
■ SraDTllle and HoKvra, Irene llowley. KreU Do- 
urea and Wm, A. Murpby. Uianebe NIcbola aad 
i-ooinaiur week of 20. LYBIC (Janwa K. Fen- 
iieuy. msr.) Uarry Buliier Is Tbe Flirting Prin- 
.rita irrek of 30. OBPIIEUM (Geo. U. Jordan. 
iiiRr.) Harry Brown ami Company. Krlly and 
Wilder, Jobs and Majr Burke, Larola, Hotert 
Dereau. Tbe Woman la the Caae. Wealoa BfOth- 
vn. I'erry. Earl and Keolon weak at SD. OLTM- 
l-IC (Geo. F. * U. P«nMii«biriak a^m.) |lai» 
iiaugb Stock Compaur !■ Tbt PInttaff Hapt 
^ of 20. EMPB% (B. C ftolilaaZ age) 
.Vat Xaaarro Four. 8. Millar Krat aad Oojuaar. 
jlMloa and Mack. Roblnaoa'a Horaco, Xoigaa 
and Piccadilly Jobnalia. aoil Oaode Rant week 
.if 20. WALNUT (W. F. Jarkaon. mgr.) 
Tliuraloa. tbe Msslclao. week of 29. GERMAN 
(0, E. Scbmld, mgr.) Drr KIdele Bauer ZS. 
IIEUCK'S (George Heuck. msr.! Tbe Queen of 
the UIgbway week of 29. UOBISSON'S (F. V. 
IMIten, mgr.) Albert DwIgbl riayera. STANIX- 
AKD (F. J.' Clemenia, mgr.; Eaatem Wheel) 
Oiieena of th» Jardin de Parla week nt 2B. 
I'KOI'LE'S (Jamea Fenneaay. D>gr.: Wealtm 
V heel) Sam T. Jaek'a Bnrleaiioen wraak at 3>. 

Tk^rSSane'BwSm &ttT *K. ^Viii.'fha 
Unrfeal Wamat. -Wltooa and Banea. Tka Thtc* 

1 eiRbtoaa, Tbe lahlkawa Jap« 23-23. Annlaka. 
Riiby Raymond aod ber daiirloa Boya. tM Bo- 
tvr Van Cimp tod kla ednrateil pig. Cbarlea 
lliirke. Harriet Carter and Tbe lablkawa Japa GRAND OPERA HOUSE (O. U. Ealer. 
nisr.i Cberkera Feb. 13-IS; George Sidney IS-IK 
NORKA (M. C. Wlntrr. mgr.) Mile. Nicblwry. 
Marka and Veneer. Flelda and Hanaon. Cbaa. 
Ileelow. Amerleaa Floreoe^ Troupe. William 
SebllllDg and Cbmpanr. Wra. Morgan, Tommy 
niinn and Jack Srhradrr w«ek ot S3. 

!•-««. mgr.) Nancy Boyer Block Compaagr Stt Tba 
Ptrd R«lo St«ek CeauNmy week of MfM 
Dvt iMw «. oBraicM <w. R. aunmm, 

*>ir.> The Carr Aaaoelated Piayaia wMt tt 

BWnm— BtXTRrs opera nocsr: 

iWm. Oehrlaeh. mgr.) An Arlalwrailr Tramp 
St The Cat and Tba rhldlr ST. My Cinderella 
fllrl SI. 

OAMBRIOOE.— COIONIAT. (nammond Brae., 
man.) S-Ten Daya 24 OlirilECM (Hammond 
Brw.. m»T«.\ VaiiileTllIe. 

KAMSTTA.— ACmiTOniOI (I_ M. Liicha. 
mrr.i Seren Dar* 3A. Tbr Mikado S6. 

of if* • 

VinromiB.— PAtRRAKKa (Barer Ket^- 
em. mcr.t Madame meier 33. Tbe Roaafr ST. 
Ryrle BeUeir la RaOea In. ORAXD OPP.RA 
IIOPUR (Qalit BmIw. miir.) The rv»*- '«))•> 
Cnmpaair ta ReMrlolre. VmW aCX fOm Sua. 
mtr.) newar** Aalmal Clrena. Adair and Beory. 
r.r<>n and Rerlle Allen. Three American Com- 
rviTie Wblto and I>e Oroot and Picture* 

we.v of 2H. 

•XrVBEITTIUX.— GRAKP <A. R. Morely. 
mar.) Irene Jearoa'a Onmnanr In Renerlnire 
WIT. Tbe Monlln Rouge 86. NATIOSAL 
■ n-ni. n. Ilarlabora. mgt.) ta Vaa Bretbenu 

week of 2S. 
TOLnO.— VAI.KNTIKi;. Mr*. 

IWkT Rhame 2<». T.TCBrM. Ceell . 

»PMi. 1. Oranalark F^K 2-4. AnPimRICM 

w»»k ar 98. 


WeALESTKB — RrRBT (A. B. Balea. mar.) 
RIIIt aitfoM la The Qlrl. The Mna. aMTke 

njNB* as. ikt MMir: WMaw m_u*nnv'' 
IB. n. B g ta a w a y . ■wr.t — — 


BVTUR — xtAJESTlO (fleo. N. Burkhall.r. 
niitr.l Vanderllle week of 23: Raman Rearta 2$. 
LVRIC (C. C. Carltnn. mgr.) Mlatel, Runt and 
Miller, E<l and Mrtlle Maaae. Danelng Melroae. 
Xklelda and Root, and pictnraa araek ot 33. OR- 
I'MBinf <B. A. Amy, ath) TMSIa Comedy 
rrnnmnjr. Alltke licyman. Vlaacba aad Nally 
Hark iMniBt and Scottle. Ottce Renard. 
TliMeher and n*aB and rtetnrea week nf 23. 

RARRimniO.— MAJRSTIO (M. H. Melrtrk. 
"•CT.* ITnele Tnm'a Cabin 24. nare Marlon'a 
In^amland nnrlraqnera 2.1. The Rnaar.r S«-2S. 
<>ttPnRI«l (Floyd Ilopktna. mitr.) College Olrla 
w<i'k nf SS. 

HAZLBTOX.— flRANn (John n. Rlaalnger. 
ii.rr.) The Rooary 24. I'nple Tom'a Cabin 2«. 
■ AI.Ant (laa. 11. anil Joa. J. Langhran, propa.> 
7. ••.afraaera. Barrett and Itnnn. Anderaon ami 
llrynalda. Baxter and Lamnda and pictures 
»«* nf 33, 

mar.). IJIIIan Nnrrilea S3. Tba Qlrl la The 
'il "Oman Itrarla 38. Ameriraa Ula- 
*'!y'A-" !W. n reamland nurleaqoera 3S. 

UUIOAaTER.— rrr.TON (C. a. Tecker. 
>»Br.) Smilh 23. FAMILY (Kdw. Moaart. mgr.) 
Tbe nerlt week of 23. 
. ■oKECSPORT.— ORPIIETIM (P. 0. nnnter. 
mar.) The Bine Mooac 21; Tbe Girl In tbe 
Tail 23, 

^"'arti. mgr.) Btalaoa'a Uncle Tom'* Cahia SI. 
".''NA (iQllna Maymr. mgr.) Vamlerllle. AL- 
rnA (John Ilmrrmann, mgr.) TaadeTDI*. 

, BORiUITOir LYCKCM (Thomaa Otbboaa, 

'^S^JP'e'k 38: Al O. Pteld'* Ulaatrela 
. SSl£i ^oha n. Daeklmt. mgr.) A Might 

mgr.) 1 
In The 

KallilefQ Clifford, McAllearey'a Marvels. Slokea 
and Uyan Slateni, Sblmer and Wllla. Maxlm'a 
Model* and pictures weak ot 23. rOLI'B NEW 
ACADEMY Uohu U. Docking, mgr.X Tbe Poll'* 
I'layera in Tbe Girl I l<eft Beblod Me week of 
23. COLUMBIA (Geo. Nelion Teeta, mgr.) The 
Pennant Wlanera 23-2S; Jardin de Pari* GlrU 

lIOUbE (L. J. Flak, mgr.) Tbe Flaming Arrow 
::4: Grauatark 28. FAMILY (Itotiert Ellla. 
mgr.) Tbe Great Elrenon. Rnaaiirr and Hell- 
man, William SIsto, KTeeUMB aad Onapaoy. 
Tta- gtlrllnga, Kennard Urotbefa aad Florence 
and plcturea wei-k of 23. 

CaiiSman, inKr.) Field's MloHtrela 23. Blanche 
Iling In Tbe Yankee Girl 28. Dooglaa Falr- 
banka In The Cub Feb. 10. Martin's Uncle 
Tom-H Cabin 17-18. NESBITT (D. M. Cauff- 
uatt, mgr.) Neibitt Stock Company In Merely 
Mary Ana weak oC S3. Baaw Company In 
Cameo KIrbjr week ot SB. Feu's (Gordon 
WrIgbttT. mgr.) lou* Wild and Company, 
llavil and Thornton, Uany Kelley and Com- 
pany. Stanley and Wiles, Tbe Goventrya, Poaey 
and Baglaod, The Three Nararrot, week of 23. 
LUZEKNE (Leon Fertodlnl, mgr.} Jardtn De 
I'aria 23-35. Pennant Wlnoera 20-28. The 
Paaalng Parade 30-Feb. 1. Yankee Doodle Rlrla 
Feb. 2-4. Mia* New York. Jr., 6-S. DncUlDg* 
H-11. Kentucky Belles 13-1&. Tbe Umpln-a 


HOUSE (F. a. Wendelacbaefer, mgr.) ' The 
Warning week of 23. Eacnaa MaW-Felk 2. 
San Bernard S-S, KEITH'S (Chaa. Lvreabere. 
VaaderUle. EMPIRE (Sol Branolg. 
Tba Spendthrift week of S3. Edna Aug. 

Cbom* Lady week of 30. IMPEP 

(W. 8. Baldwin, mgr.) Baldwin MelrUa Stock 
Company In SL Elmo week Ot 91. BaaMCOn. 
nan.r In Janice Mcredltli weak Od S0k WBMT* 
MINISTER (Geo. F. CoUlar, ■■!.) ~ 
Burleaqnera week of 23. 

R. Matthew*, mgr.) Creatote 30. MAJESTIC 
(G. L. Brandtley. mgr.) Makareoko Dno. Taklo. 
Mnrartto, Dar* and Perde MarUn. week _^af 
23; Bramaoni, Lawrence aad Edwatda, 
Neraa and Afdell Brotbera waak «t 18. 

00LinmA.-COI.DMBLA (F. 
mgr.) VioU AUen SS. Dal^ Cami T ia 9^ Fran- 
c«a Starr la Tha Eaataat War it, Ciaotore 
Band Feb. 1, Bnatar Bm«b X 


miirHH.— LYCEOM laarrace Wela, mgr.) 
Madame Nailmora 23-3S; The Merry WUk>w 20- 

28. JEFFERSON (F. J. Abrama. mcr. I llxlamt.' 

Sherrr 23-23; Tbe Virginian 28-28: LUllan Ktu 
■etl .^0-Feb. I: RajmoDd HItcbcock Feb. 3-4. 
BIJOU (Ben Statnback. mgr.) Oranatarfc week 
ot 23; A MInlaler-a Sweetheart week of 30. OB- 
PUeilU (Max Fablab. mgr.) T. J. Ryaa-Rlcb 
aeld Company. Four Fords. Bowera, WaKeia and 
Crooker. Stepp. Mebllnger and . King. Joale 
Ilealher, Work and Ower, Ih* Ballots week 
ot 21. 

OOLnXBIA.— OPERA H0D8B 4Wm. Barker 
mgr.) St. BIOM 31; Paul ailmare 3S| The Smart 

"iArahur.— MAHIAWB (D. L WnilMnaon, 
mgr.) Lawto Stock Company week ot St. lUTB 
(Capt. W. O. Ament. mgr.) HaZT*l*a Uarlon- 

"iaroxmu.— STAUB-s (Frin stub, jwr.) 

AniT, mgr.) Beo Bor 23-29; The Merry Widow 
20^. MAJESTIC (O. P. Oonld, mgr.) Tha 
Banda Bom*. Lee Beera. Jack Wyat and Com- 
nany, WUIIama and Gordoa. Mamie Hatnlah, 
bogert aad Nelioo, Mlaattd Taft aad.plttBrea 
weSk of SS. oBrannt 

mgra.) Sllaa Rata Vowler. OiH^Fiataer Trio. 
Mr. aad Mra. loha Caeaaa week a« SST 

SL^MoX-lS^'ASO (Crawford and Rich, 
mjtta.) Tbe BItaer Slock Company. MAJBBTIC 
(Frank Rich, mgr.) VaodeTllle. SAPPY BOVR 
(Howaid FOff. mgr.) The iollyldeal*. 

(Geo. B. Walker, mar.) .Merry Widow SS. Tbe 
8laa ot tbe Flatber 3t. .\.lelaide Tbutaton Feb. 
3, Uadime Niilmor* 6. T^YAS (Wlibert 
aad MarahalL mgra.) TandeTtlle. 

m O U B lO X.— PRINCE <I>aT.- W.-l«. mgr.! 
Tha Flowera of tlie Ranch 22- Tliree Weeks 20- 
SS. MAJESTIC (Ch»». A. McFarland, Mr.) 
VandaTlUe. COZY (Maurice Wolf, mgr.) Van- 
rierlllr. EMPIRR (R. B. Morrla. mgr.) Barl 
C. Way Musical Comedy Company In Repertoire. 
OLD MAJESTIC (Joa. D. Olasa. mgr.) Heir 
Is the Hnorab week of 22. Talk of New York 
wee k of 28. 

JAKE8VILLE.— GRAND (P. L. Myera, mgr.) 
Baby Mine 2:i; House of a Thousand Candles 24; 
Father and tbe Boya 2S. ROYAL (James Zan- 
sas, mgr.) VuudeTllle. 

Wllllaioa. mpr.) Daisy Cameron In Nancy 2-2. 
BIJOU (F. Jenks. micr.) Marli- Uaasioan, 

Monahan and Mooahan, Irwio and Ilcnog, Three 
Kclaar Mmr*. Rawaon and Joaa nad Blataica 
week *t M. 


(AlUe It. Loudon, msr.) Tbe Final Settlement 
23-24. When Sweet Sixteen 20-2T. Edward 
Terry and Company 28. TEMPLE (Jotao G. Ap- 
pletun, mgr.) Uoward and North. Charle* F. 
8eamon, Edmund Stanley aad Ooapaay. MUtun 
and Dolly Nobieo, Stoart aad Kdlr. Snolti 
and LHIIputiana and Narrow BrotbciB week ot 

mgr,) Mme. Sarah Bernhardt aad Company In 
lapartolw week ot 33. PRINCESS IH. C. 
JodBOu awr.) Oeorce Arllaa weA at S3. ROTAI. 
(O. JfeBma, mgr.) Tbe Cherry BloawBia week 
of S3. ORPBEUM (O. F. DrtscoU, mgr.) Jamea 
C. Morton and Frank Moore, Marlon Murray. 
Iierxac's Comedy Clrem, Lyoiu and Yooco, Vic- 
tor NIblo, Dm Ferguson, Taaminlan-Tan DIeman 
Troupe, Tooslng Austins week of 23. FRAN- 
CAIS (J. O. Hooley. mgr.) Kawana Brothers. 
Jennie (^rmrd. Garry Owen and Company, Far- 
ley aod Clare, Clara Ballerlnl wek ot 23. CA- 
.mNO (A. N, Sharp, mgr.) Leu Welch. The Van- 
nerMons aod Tha Musical CUftona wank ot 23. 
CRYSTAL FALACB (Mb HOdnL aMr.> JIaaleal 

of 23. 

latloaai daacacn and plpeia aS4B. 


WAiD6.-;ACPIT0RICM 'itf»«*.^Sf**lr^9S&l 
Merry WMtw »4Jft Bar ««, A*Wda 
Tburslnn 81. SIAJEBTIO |B8« BiMBei^ 



WHEEUMO.— VIRGINIA (Chas. A. Felnler. 
mcr.V The Jor Rl.ler 23-25. APOLLO (H. W. 
Rogera. msr.)" Monlln Rouge Olrls 23-28. VIC 
TORIA (Geo. Shafrr. mgr.) .Mlaa Fraakl* Drew, 
The Heidelberg Quartette. BaiMi and Mau. 
The Belb Zamm Ttonpe ot BIcycllala 18-31: Lee- 
trr Rralherajind CMlgbtan, alnsanjnd danccn: 
Tnm ... - — . 

Han I - 



SFOKAWZ.— AUDITORirM (Harry C. Bmleh, 
mgr.) The Three Twin* 22-24: Seven D».t* Feb. 
1-4. SPOKANE (Chaa. W. York, raigr.) Baker 
Slock Company In Sampson week of 22. AMER- 
ICAN (John R. Hoppe. mgr.) Lawrence Stock 
Company In Thr\» Week* week of 22. OR- 
PIIRUM (Jooeph A. Moller. mgr.) VandcTllle. 
WASHINGTON (G. C. Blakealee. mgr.) Vau- 
dermSl PAMTACES- (E. L. Clark, mgr.)) Van- 



IN. S. Rnrlew. mgr.) Graco Oeocae In Sauce 
f^ tte gZU 24.^IPPOD«mW (Manrd Pia- 

Dormaa, Downard and DowaaM aad maaa war- 
lam week ot 23. 


Wllaoo. mgr.) Bahy Mine 24: Tha Haoaa of i 
Thousand Clandlea 2S. GRAND (Api^W* John 
aaa. mgia.) Idraat and Fair. BUly Racebrlt and 

Ada lAKal week ot as. 

TIpert. mgr.) Tbe Klark-Urhon Company 30-li>. 
Tbe Royal Slaie II. Tha; Bed MUl 18. 

HOUSE (Hal. H. Morgijb, mgr.) Tha Royal 
Lllllputlau Opera Company* week of 23. 

XOBOinO.— ROy.\L AltCXANDKA (L. Sol- 
man mgr.) The Fourth Estate 23-28. Edward 
TetiT 30-Feb.4. PRIN(;E8S (0. B. Sheppard. 
mgr.^ Julian Klllage In Tt'e Faaelnaling Widow 
23-3S, The LilT 28-28. When Swaet Slstaen 
30-FOh. a. OBAKD |A. J. SmaU. mcr.) Wright 
LorlBM* la Tha Bbephard Klac 2S-SS. AL H. 
WUaen aO-Fab. 4. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr.) 
Vanderllle. GAYETY (T. R. Henry, mgr.) 
Jersey Lilies 23-28. Sam Bowe'a Loremakera 
30-Feb. 4. STAR (Dan T. Pierce, mgr.) Cosy 
Comer Gtria 38-38. Bob e m l a na SO-Feb. 4. MA- 
JESTIC iftm R SrtSfc. WBfc) . T a a d affl a. 
YONOB aSSSR 10. B. 'l lMa a. gacr.) Taa- 

BOUSE (E. B. Rtckett*. mgr.) Qneen ot the 
MonUn Rouge SS-S8. EMPRESS (Walter Saa- 
ford. mgr.) Tbe Jail Bird week of S3. OB- 
PHECM IQto. Case, mgr.) Sherman De Ftoreat 
and Company. Hope Booth and Company, Bento 
Brotbera, Hanlie Lasgdon. Raymond and Hall, 
Calne aod Odom week ot 23. PANTAGES' 
(Geo. A. Calrert. mgr.) Tlebor'B Performing 
Sea Lions. Tbe Uottoniley Troupe, Emll Bocb 
and Company. Tbe Swr.llah Ladlea* Trio, and 
Artbnr -TurTelly week of 33. MATIONAX. (A. 

w. Giuis, mgr.) Tawitrnia SBAIIV. CM 
Watklns. mgr.) Lawla W«. tiSto IMMI <M>. 

eOy Company. 

mgr.) The Girl nt tbe ModUd Rouge 91. 
GRAND (G. Trumbvll, mgr.) VaaderUle. 



<ilnl Msh That Hy.) 

Wa la Swain Show Co., Ioq. 

KiglitHe«rlini«w, OiM and TiMo Days atfend 

Wanted, any and all thiaga that are: 

New, Old, Ancient, Prehistoric. Cnrtoa*. Exceptional, Startltnf, BewUderIng, Vonsiul 
tying. Attractive. Mirthful. Meebaulcal. Miinlral, Phenomenal. 

Pleaaing Producia ut Nature that are tYeaklah. (except MonatraalUea). Uaaatnral 
Land or Water, Madagaacar Fbally; aiaaaaer "Aatae Olrb,'' 

Ulualon*. Mechanical and Asali ailMIIWlBiH WiWBi 


NoTeltle* (all excIoalTCa). 

Photograph prlTlIt-ge tpatrona aeated In aeroplane) to let. 

Ona mora experlcucfd I*romoter. Blilpoater*, Utbograpbera, 
mtiat furnlah references. Advance brigade, hotel accommodations. 

ExpaHeneed rtognm aellcMor. ar will sell privilege: It Is a gooa aaa. 

WOBKlNOMKM iB att dipartaMata, including aaatatanta. 

Cook Bonaa, Lnaeh Staad aad Privilege Car. (No latoateaatai to lat. 

Ifainb aad AprO an hooked up. Rallroada are 



wni eompriae all that I* Curiooa. New aad HW a ia Bt OB laat aai M Iko air.' It 

ahould draw tbooaaada of ont-ot-town people dally. 

Mayora ara proclaiming Aviation Uolldaya. I'refeaaora of Schools and Collegra are alao de* 
Aviation Day Beceaa. ... 
Board* of Trade* and Buslncoa Men'a Leagues are our guarantees, conaequently we ahoold 
get the mtiltltudea. 

The W. I. Swain Show Co. ha* Inveated ovi-r »2.">.00O In air crafta. 

Everything Legitimate, Moral aod Hef1n.*il apply. Tb.-re will l>e an opportunity tor all to 
get ten bonra' grind that will excel all big daja ur big towns thai the old-timers talk at. 
Thoaa owning wagona ur private cara can be placeil. 

Many appllcatlona received and flt-.-d. .vll will tie considered after January 28th, twblcb date 
Mr. Swalu will be at hia desk In New Orleana. and until opening date. 

All show contract* Bfty per cent baala: conceaslons (rxclualrca) |1S.00 per weak aad an. 
Bootd, Sleeping Aecomaiodation* and Traaaportatloa tiaOO to 913.00 per waakt boat PMlmaB 



aeaa Vkaala aad New Tenia Imperative, 

jyi ahawa aad coneeaslona delivered on 

MaaleUaa write: say all about your entci 
have: how many people you want to carry. 

Two weeka' alienee a polite negative. ^ 

W. 1. Swain Show Company. Incorporated, will gladly furnlah 
and bnvlnea* Arm* ** to Mr. Swaln'a buitinc** tepntatloa. 


W. I. Swain Shew Company 


Gpavter and Telemaehus Sts., New Orleans, La., U. S. A. 


Toa wsBt nERMJUiniT Poatar UkstbstSN PBRMAIimT. 



The Poster Ink Specialists. 






t abjpmit. wnta 8m daUraiod 


Lumbar and SMawd Ste aa te » CMICAtt» ILL. 

BOB wavaut I 


Ttie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4* 1011. 


Interesting Description of Rome's Luna Park — Fair Anoci- 
ations Hold Meetings and Decide Upon 1911 Arrange- 
ments — Alabama State Fair Seeks Aid from State 


In 'a IMClally accorded Jotervlcw granted by 
GbL. F. T. Cnmmins, ^BDiiKfnf^ director and or- 
aiaber of Lniui Park, in the Zoological Oar- 
BoBM, Italy, 1 bad an opportunity of get- 
' — * on the cntertalnmrat aectloa of 

Itat bB ttow. «ad espcclillr ItaUaoa. who de- 
Ugkt la noTClties In tbe shape of amiuaments 
■ad attxactlona, tbcy wilt tiad that ampi* pt»- 
VHfOB baa been made for them to aatlaty tbe 
aitlmtlutlc of ■mnaement loTen, and In 
^f^QowInc 1 enumerate some of tbe prtn- 

OtM a 


and foremost we bare tbe popolar 
Ballwir, and In this direction speeill '«■■•» 
are being made to snch an extent ttmt Mi Vi- 
Hmate aoeceas Is beyood qnestlon. 
Xlw tnek, wklcfa wDI ampaia In length all 

ta Ute cOMtroetlona, w&l be Uld amid tbe 

bMBtUd aataral and artMci^aEeale ef • 

hie in^riT 5&*at*oS«i»^S!SMVBti^ 
Old uBl Water SMe. a apiSl end baVins 
baea funed t» wlad' la aad oat anoad the 
Bonatalos of the aeaaie Ballvay. 31111 Wheel, 
malatnte BaUway. wklcii Is laid aroand the 
Mtlia. enetonr^ eonDcetlng Luna Park with 
the Zootogleal Oatdens. A Circle Swing. vHtb 
a earrylng capacity for 48 passengers; Eat- 
er Castle. MoTiog Picture Show, a me- 
and electrical show, entitled "A Trip 

will also be a aatlia Tillage, bat as 
frt tt. la apdMlded wkat Und. 

<MmI ft i i aai lH i has ate axetod ta tbe Zo- 
■wlril Oaa ls n i a laaaaMeaat Ocaad Baatan- 

nat, at a coat of tSS.O0o. elabocatalr fltted np 
With an tb^ latest ImptoTcaienti aod maiiMBta- 
tlan, with ball room, and hlgh^daas band of 
aniale; In fact, sTerytlilng which goes to make 
op a Oist-claas hotel; tbe fnmlaUog costing 
equally aa mnch again. There are atao artln- 
tlcatly laid out grounds sttached Immediately 
to tbe reetanrant. 

The catering of the restaurant wlU be coa- 
daeted hr the well-known eateccr.. Mr. O. B. 
— : iBffSisftilly QTaanliad aad ran 

r hotels and asotaarantB in 

! cvedaUr at aB the gieat 

•gpoaltiana. and Ikcfefgce I* aadaea^ eayable 
af eoDdnctlng a t sa t a nfs n t that wUl be Cm- 
qoented br aU aattsnalltlea. Mr. Obaaga -baa 
ienired this eoBMHlM tK • P«M dC.Ms IMM, 
and has already iB «Ml|BMWa jMKOlL 4Hi- 
Btns. farmed a eMsaar aC MMM fln trn 'mm- 

ducting same. 

The wbole work of eomtmctloa li Mnc ic- 
tirely proceeded with, and when complete will, 
wltbont qnestloo. be tbe most comprsbenalTs 
park of attractions that has up to now been In- 
angumted on the Continent. 

Intending conceaslonalcea are In eommonlea- 
^ fotm at tbe 

snnlonaient shall be made by April 1, 1911. 
la other years It Is prorldeU that the appur 
tlonment shall be made before February 1, and 
tliat tbe fair association shall be aotUed at 


A committee has been appoUtted by tbe Al- 
abama State Fair Association to work for tba 

pudiMKe or tbjB bill. 

The Blrmlugbam Business Men's Leagae will 
probably get Into the fight to sec tire tbe paa- 
ssge of tbe measnre. 


Sloox City. la.. 
BlUboaid).— Two 

Ian. 28 (Special to Tbe 
etlags of fhir eltcaits auy 


Commlitofs on catalogotrs. prUlleges. 
ele., fbr the year were appointed aod other Im- 
portant bu»lneu incident to tbe annual seasloo 
was tranMSCIeil. Tbe association decided to fea- 
ture In addition to the corn aod agricultural ex- 
hiblta that were featured last year, tbe Htaerii. 
cattle and bog exhibits. The association was 
shown to be lu splendid and prosperous financial 
coadttlon by the yearly reports snbmlited at 
the aieetlas and tbe praaaeeta tor Ull aia aioBt 
caeontagiag. Liberal addltisaa la the picMiaai 
lists In all departments Cor aext ysar'a uir w«r« 
decided upon and partlcnlar attention will be 
paid the womea's department. 


Al boq oerqoe, N. M.. Jan. 23 (Special to Tlie 
Billboard). — John B. McManos, secretary of the 
TUrty-Orst Annnal Territorial, or more likely, 
tba -First Kew licxica Stata Vmir. baa l e lut a s d 

pocpoae of icpreamtfiis ABniiiaenive aad tbp 
New Mexico Fair Aaaodalioa at a meeting of 
Colorado fair managers snd race men. The 
meeting was cslied primarily for tbe porposc 
of establl^blDK a aonthweat racing ctrenlL Mr. 
McManus "went in** on tbe organlxatlOQ and 
W8R successfnl In canslng the New Mexico As- 
aodatloa to become a nwaOier. Fair maaagefa 
at " 


n» iBtenat iliown bj tte pcepto la tbe 
■fMsnas of tlila park foretells a great saeeess 
na CMonel Cominlns, and tbe opcalag of tbe 
ank M eagerly looked forward to liy the pnblli:. 
la eonaeqtienee of this wlde-spresd Interest, 
tbiaga are being rapidly pttsbed on towards com- 
pletion, and at tlie moment there are already 
Aowa and attnctloos In come of conatnictlon 
amoimtlng to more than two b a ad i ad thousand 
dollars (taoo.OOO). to say Bottal^r litoat tbe 
lastaUflsent aad fitting np of same, which will 
pcgbaMr reach aa much mote. 

Wltboat doabt tUa is going to be an erent- 
fU jeer for Borne. In view of the maar import 
aaik Itaaw wUcli an taking plscr — ' 
aatlmate ia from twelre tv 
dinring the coming 

Ala. Xaa. 

**a» to est 

. at f>8.M0 a Tear fbr tlie eaeearaceaieet 

M alata. district and county fairs In Alabama. 
!• bn baa been drawn op by a committee of 
tbe Alabama State Fair AssodaUon. and wQl 
be presented to the leglslattne at Its present 
meeting. Tbe bill was reported to tbe Board 
of Directors of tbe State Fslr Association at 
Ita meeting Monday night, at the Cbaaber of 
OoBimerce Building, and was appmred. 

Tlie blU provides that the leglslatiiie absll 
make an appropriation of 9£i.(M)0 annually for 
the encouragement of fslra. Tbe btU prorldes 
thaf the som shall be appropriated fnim the 
lerenne derired by the sale of fertilizer tags. 
It prorldes tbst tbe money shall be apportioned 
by the Commlasioner of Agricnitrxre and In- 
dustrles to tbe various ' fairs of the state and 
that tbe money shall be given by these fair 
otganlzatlons as preminms for agricoitoral 
products, live stock snd ponltry. 

According to the pnmsloas of tbe bllL 
OBly those faira which hare a regnluly Incor- 
porated organisation shall derive any benefit 
trom the appropriation. The bill provides titat 
tbe Commissioner of Agrlcnltmre and Indiutrles 
shsll make bis spportloninent of foods and no- 
tify tbe fair assodatloos to be benefited st 
ooce. These fair associations, it Is provided, 
■hall be teiialred to advertise tbe preminms 
wblch are given by the state and to make 
an cQnally large appropriation for premltmis 
ftaai Ita own reeoorces. 

It la prorldad that the premhnna (ball be 
awaided or three Judges, one of whom most 
be appelated b^ tbe Oonunlssloner of AgricnI- 
tare and BMaatilea. Tbe other two most be 
appointed- br the fhlr association receiving the 
state fands. One of the two judges sppoloted 
by the fair association must be a man iH>t a 
resident of Alabama snd a Judge of livestock 
and acrlcnltursl prodncta. It is provided that 
the fair associations shall pay over the pre- 
minms to the winners snd keep rejmlar receipts 
which will be mstled to the Commissioner of 
Asricaltitre and after tbor tare been approred 
br blm Hw money will ba laainiH ta tte fair 


An authority on parka and park constmction. whose valuable advice baa 
making a suctress of s nomber of parks. Mr. Bowse, after many years 
variotis parks In aod about Chicago, has now entered tbe park 

Ilea aC tbe aemal thltn la tba 

aMoelatloa have not tK-eo set as yet. bnl tba 
events will proliablj ucvur In tbe following or- 
der: Glenwood Siirlog.. liotchklaa. llclca. Moo- 
troae. Grand Junction, Bait L,ake City, and 

BolK. Tlie officers of the ■«w>ciitl0D are: W. 
O. Bedding, president. Uoatioae; Horace Bnaign, 
Salt Lake City, eecieiaiy aad, tteaaaicr. * 


Jlieh.. Jan. 28 (Special to The 
-State csattot of the Michigan State 

blr U back of the reaelaUoD Introdoced In tbe 
Senate by Senator Frank D. Scott, of Alpena. 
Be asks that a committee of eight be appoint- 
ed to LnTesUaate the State Fair and report 

on tbe tilTlaaMllty of state costrot ilmUu ta 
that la Wis nailB. Mlaasanta or Maw yerfc. Xb* 
pinrldai Ibat tae ari e l lia l ad tta 

resolution , 

Senate aaate Ibne at tbe ceanaittaa. wbBa 
tba veakcr •( tba Hooie aaaca tra. 
la bla rtsela»l«n. Senator Scott raakea no 
that the laeeatigation to 

wn ne tae " " 

for the : 

be asked *S 


of tlie Northwest Iowa Fair Circuit will be 
held early In tbe month. Either Sioux City 
or Omaha wUi get tbe annnal meeting of thi* 
lowa-Xebrasks-Sontb Dskota Circnlt. 

At tliese meetings onlfonn rseing purses snd 
progrsms win be srrsnged. snd dstes will be 
set for all the fairs represented. At the Xortb 

west Iowa (Hrcolt meeting 


ng t 

represented and already harlns 
be Slonz City. Onawa. Bock _ 
Sac City. Alta. Fonda. BodtwaO 
City. It Is understood alaa " 
Orange City win be re] 
mission to tbe clrcnit. 

In the Trl-«tate Clrcnit, tbe members are the 
fnlra of Sloox City, Des Moines. Lincoln snd 
Huron. Its first meeting was last year, and 
the arrangements made were aa aatMwtery 
that there win be ao naiislliMi aboat tta per- 
manency of tbe ofgaalntlaB. 


Rockrllle, Mfl.. Jan. 2S (Si>ecl3l tn The Bill- 
board). — ^Tbe directors of tbe Montgomery Coun- 
ty Agrlcnitnral Society here have elected the 
following officers: President. Joslah W. Jones, 
Of Olney: Vice-President. Charles P. Kirk, of 
Oiney; Secretary, James P. Bogeley. of Rock- 
Ttlle: Tceesamr. Ma 3. Vigglas. of Boekvllle. 

Elerca at Iba t m an. d iwctws were present. 
It wss decided to baU tbe fkir this yesr on Au- 
gust 29-September 1. 


Jscfcson. Teaa., Tan. 28 (Soeclal to Tbe Bill, 
board). — ^At tlie anaaa] meettog of the West 
Tenneasee Agrlcidtoral aad Mwbaalfal fklr A»- 
aodatieo. held Statardar. tta iinnat aMeers 
were manlnonsly r e jl eel a d_aa SDswa: 9, O. 

dnt: W. F. 

of fairs, purses for nmBlog and harneas ereats, 

and maoy other matters of like importance were 
gone over In detail at the several eessic 
It Is twileved that tbe New Mexico _ 
tlon will derive great tieaefits from the 
Isstloo, and next (}ctober the. followers it'tbe 
radng jtame in Alhnqaerqne. and tbtoogbaat 


Leavenworth, Kan., Jsn. 28. — O. J. Bock' 
lln, who has been a prominent camlval man for 
years was a vlaltor at Parker headquarters. 

0. T. Kennedy has been here tbe past few 
days to meet tepresentatlres of the leadiag show 
printing hoosca. A flomOO contract wlB be 

let BOoo. 

E. C. Talbot, general coatractiag ageat tat 
the Parker Shows, will make tbU city bla 
beadqosrters for the next few months 

The Tetsowari Jap Troupe, which is st the 
New Orpbenm tbla week, visited their old 
friends at E>arker's. Tbey were lormeriy out 
with the shows for four years. 

Mr. Ftsrkcr states tbat the dsmsnd _ (Or 
and Iba 


b aa (Spedal to The BBI- 

as Ibsagh the gates of tba 

nt Park irill not open tbla 

aa tike residents and property 

owners have secured tlie list cooslatlog of 2909 
names, asking the judge of ttie higber court 
to prohibit the msnsgement from opening Its 
gates on Decoration day as scbednled. Messrs. 
Joe and NIcboIaa Sctiro^. the manegeca. aiw 
keeping (lalet as well as wiltor& mcMfsJ|f 
Cohan and Harris office, 
press agent last seasoo. 


STlators bu been opeaed Ib CUe«c«L Tte < 

cooslata la pr«ctle«l lottnKtloo la the " 
coDstructlon and operation of ibe moAtr 
plane, by lectorea to tbe mldnit alodeots. aod 
tbe same course br correspoDdeace to those st a 
distant, and flnatlf sctasl flylas on staadarA 
tTpo aproplaoea at the aTlatloa fteU. A tae- 
tory for-tbe maoufacture 4ff T ~ 
be ma Id cooneclioo vlth " 
the atodeat baa acccaa. 


R. Besa, of RST^a . 
New Million Dollar Pier st Long Branch, 
log from tbe smouut of novelties sod < 
slons booked. It Is llkri^ that It vrlU cqnal At' 
lantle City, or 
left aMiaa ta 
sort la tbe Mab 

iriT that It vriu eqna 
r Park. >taMW_bl 
tt the Saaet ewsMSS 


Ontralla. Mo.. Jan. 28 (Special to Tbe Bill 
board). — Tbe Ootralia Fair Association baa 
elected the fMlowing-named o3lcera: J. B. 
BiowB, pmldnt: W. k KMai 
J. K. Pael. iimliiy.<rfcr 

Leavenworth. Kan., Jsn. 24 (Speclsl to The 
Billboard). — At tbe annual meeting of tbe 
North Ontral Kansas Fair Clrcnit held at Min- 
neapolis, Kan., last week It was announced that 
tbe only imes msking good profits last yesr 
were Concordia and Minneapolis. Tbe snccess 
of the Istter town Is attributed to the night st- 
traetloaa, aad a pmdt of «2.000 la credited It. 

Tbe fsOowlnc datea were annoooccd for their 
■w s Maga tbla yeer: ' Sslina. Ang. SP-Sept. i: 
St. Maiya. Ang. 15-18; Riley. Aag. 22-29; Mor- 
toB, Ang. 29-Sept. 1: McPhersoo. Sept. B-8: 
Smith Center. Sept. lt-8: Bellvltle. Sept. 11-15: 
ConeordU. Sept. 10-22; Abilene Sept. 2S-S*: 
MInneapolla. Oct. 8-6. 

wnaon and Goodland were given natll March 
1 to Join. Owing to losses last year. Clay Cen- 
ter will hold no fair this year. 


Esston. Mrt.. Jsn. 2» (Special to The HIIl- 
hosnl). — The directors of the Talhot Connty Pair 
Association elected at the stockholders' meetlnir. 
met in Easton and ontanlxed by electing Dr. 
(Hiarles Iviwndes president: W. West, vlce- 
prrsldrat, snd W. Oscsr Oilier, secretary snd 
tresaorer. Dr. Lowndes has had the oIBce of 
It of the fslr sssnclstlon once before. 

ptes i dsai 
bebw I 


OARNiVAL Nores. 

New Tear's tttff, laifcia Mirdln. a blllp 

with the Pamooa Shows, wss married to Miss 
Etta Garrison, of Ensley. Ala. Mr. Hardin 
waa presented bv Mr. Oarrlson. the l»rlde's. 
father, with a fully p<inlpped printing oSce at 
Rtisley. consequently Hardin, baa "qnit tbe 

nany Davis and Tboa. Salmon have signed 
with -tlie Berkont Shows for next season. Doth 
men sre located at the Barkoot wloteraaarters 
In Macon. Os., msklog preparations for the 
coming toor. 

Messrs. Kakemllirr si>d Gettman have pur- 
chased the Majestic Csfe. st 124 Sooth llllaols. 
street. Indtaaai^l^ lad. Bath awa aia ~ 

ia tbe csrslvsl bariaesa, la 
bcca esgaged far a aambcr of years. 

Haiiy a. Koyes, general agent and railroad 
ce oliael or of the Great Patlorson Sbows. li- 
spendi ng a few days In (Alcago. Next season 
will ba bla fourth eonsecntlve year with tb* 
Patterson Shinrs. 

Krause Greater Shows nre booked to appear ia 
Key West. Fla.. from Msrfh I to 11, aasK tbS ' 
anaplcra of the Kej West Fltrmen. 

Charlie KIpp. a street man. left the city hos- 
pital. Ilsmllion. Can., last week, after being 
connnej there for the nnst five weeka with a 
severe attack of miiscalsr rheumatism. He Is 
now convalescent, and Is at present quartered 
at the Onmmerrial Hotel, where he will remain- 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 


;1*.UO.OO ta tt WMlu la IMt 
IT.M.OO In n WMka to IN* 
16,<n.0« In tS WMk* la 1M« 
18.017.00 Is «7 w«»k* la 1907 

1 auUM Mn»d iie.*U.0O la tj wMki la IMO 
1 mSim Mrnad lll.Ul.OO U tt wmIu ia »U 

tarn wUl k« TCri**d ta pn«vMti*» 
■a. WitU for aatalacM aad trim* 


AMMM and LMiwnwartlt. Han*. 

mmt FMMry, LM«*nwerth, 


Tie BiE Eli Wteel 

FOR 1911 

U tb* MM 4o»a 
t mmentm ot ■■ rh a ni - 
cal aklll. eonblncd 
wltb ycum of ex- 
pcrlcDM. oa tha road 
and la tha nkop. to 
b B II 4 tbe beat 
imaaemeot wheal 
«Trr pot ap, ASD 
WE DO. We harv 
happllj con- 
Mocd tbc braaty of 
iHaOca tkc 

ra to «w» 

ui opmtt m»jt tlUm «|!9->*l**n' jS^j^ 
oa laoaa tnm Cnada (• Bntt Africa. Write 
M a«w orlcv lUt aad adTaocc tafonnatloa for 

- - ni., u. •. A. 

M> wh»el with tha rdlablUty ot cooal 
«klcb plruca tba m aa« alao aaHa 
■■a* ot akMlota nM|r« A vManra 

k tk( 

Mi aM to tuMjiH ftaai aiacc 
(mtilmtt cmHal aad laair e 


UtMt iBTCDtUn and tbr catcbltat 
jtTica la aar. Qaleklr 
laezpcaatva to opera- 
la pteca. Joat 

aapaalca. Alae 

1, Ito JM> ■■ aty»a>rr t pr^pa tba aa* taaarta. 


■ l.«a* ■ ' <■ ' 


WhitB City, Sprinefiiilil, Mo. 

Skating Riiik^ dtHMMi Ffpira Big^ Moit-Oo- 

Round, Vaudeville Theatre, Dramatic Theatre, Billiard 
and Pool Parlor,- Bowling Alley, Shooting Gallery^ 
Gennan Village with Beer Privilege. :: :: :: :: 


H. J. Siim 330'si. eifvlill SI Sprlflcfleld. Mo. 

AIGold Mine for the Sunmer for You, Mr. Concosslooor! 


Ocean Park, Long Branch, N. J. 

The New Amusement Park, rightjon the seashore, in front of the 
New Million Dollar Pier, in the heart of tbe city. Very accessible 
from all puts of New York, Philadelphia, aiul from oootiraous 
territory. Senrkeby tliePBDiisylTanialbiaiMdillKC^ 
roadof New JHMar.s&nBefccMsaiid lMMta.- ■ ■ ^ 

Everything m Oe ftie of attractionB wanted at onee— Scenic 
Railways, Meny-go-rounds, CSoiouads, Csne Racks, Knife Boards, 
J^)anese Bootlis, etc., etc Write at onoe or ieqpply in person to 

ttU Opw MML tal Im HI^ Hhi iHk CBy. 




The three dntinct motions main it THREE RIDES FOR THE PRICE 
OF ONE. Openited last year at Palisade Faik, near New YoriCaand 
Chestnut HOITaik. Philadelphia. 

W« CnrtaMai to Bdid IIm Clida Swmff. 

NOVELTY[MACHINE CO., 2 Rector St, New York City 

II tor price Hit. WM. WTTXITLrXV, Hgt., 
M, lawad Bt.. PhllaJ.lphla. Pa.. U. «■ A. 


For Miniature Railw*)-*. Very prvtty little mm* 
chine. Boy e&n opermte them. 

I. F. lUHUM.. Cmmi MMi Im Tut. 

•A II«»Ma*«]r Wariu» 

I - 

Riding Device Co. 

aeaeasr BROAOWAy. 


Ftemuh Flan., Uaehinery, ate., for Old IIUIb, 
Cnal. of Venice. Chntca, Scanio Railwura, 
Tobogsan.. etc., ate. Alao aaparintand tM 
erection or build complete for 
fifteen yaata' experience. 

Twottiatli Ctntnir'a laUtt 
Parlcaa ct aU ilaieripHuni 
Oaneia o( tba Old Hin aad other FMaata. 


and made la laat. Sold a. rfrr «a.a t « a aal 
I for anrlnic taawtblBc new and aiialay 

c. H. BXMnn. wr., itsa Bjmmn wtttt*. 




Stttf MMqEuiiic Mns 


Snmj tbttL It. Tnnuda, I. T., 0. S. k. 


W* have arery. 
thine of tbe latcat 
and UriMt itoek 

JX WglJt T 
are exclaalTa 
n.8.A.AlCBta for 
tlM gieateat meaar 
makcta, Hamlet A 
laU Watebea: 
Baantaa beat 
MlUac Raiora. 

WkolMala ^ewalara, 

IW-iOl Z. MadlTO Stratt, Wmf, JU. 

Wa an tlw low- 



For Lakewood P&rk, AthiifaL 43a> 

J. BILLET, Mgr. 



Oppoalta Claetimatl, Ohio. Now tagktw mm- 
etmkiDM for wuon ISII. write na abaat a IteM 
tha Cbatra or Wstrr Chotn. OVerlac a aaral 

yctsci« with from Q to 3) battlaahipa aad mmm 
w»r. AdjTM. J. J. WEAVEB, UtlOaw, Kj. 

WASTU) — ^TO bear from Rrllabia Park Man- 
agers or good Circa. People. I bare a ttoopa 
of Performlog Fonlea. tnnpe of Poodle. Dov^ 
and two Beata: alao Bbda. Maaken. aad Oua. 

SHOW, car* Btnboard. Mew Tark. 

« cagea, tor wheeia. ST doa.; BHESUS MON- 
K>n. ..tane. .healthy. (Md rtMd. CIS .aaeh; 

with haiacaa. US each. $U» oa* tritk aidav 
balaaca C: CP. W rite S og -* — — 

^ - AnAano * Mcsnoi 


ont la ftaU 

do. rair. avb xt-u. mi. 


1118 Faraners Bank Bids., 


Builders and openrto w of Roller 

Coasters, Scenic Railways, Merry- 
go-Rounds or Garoinds and other 
Park AmoBement Devien.' 

Write us for BIG BARGAINS 
in Carousels used only a short 

FHk OonoarionB Wanted. 


T ti e Billboard 


Brier Otttiiii of SterieB Told to tiie Latest 

tte Piilnits and Sales Companies — ^Rel( 

and .Leogths of Subjects AfeQivm 



COMMAND (Driaat M- 

lesae Feb. 6; taagtb. 
1.000 feet). — At the 
Dnkr-'s pftlaee, cue of 
the coort oaldi meets 
the Dake's MPhev. Ed- 
wmrd. who £uJB la lore 
wlU ker InHaHf , aad 
hU lore la ndfroeated. 
The ascd Dnk* 1* alio 
nnlttem br tka Kirl's 
cberm^ and commeDdft 
ber Immediate appear- 
liefore bim. The old Dnke orerwhelms btr 
with atteotlooa. which sbe r?palsea. The Doke 
Is wTathjr, and In bla ra^ tows to win the 
Msbtened clil- She rnn^ ImmedlatelT to Ed- 
ward, and tdla him of the occnrrence. Edward 
la Indignant, and demaods an explanation from 
the Doke: tbe latter, angered, snmmDiis bit 
guard* and cooimanda them to take Ua nepbaw 
.aad to. tnrtacc .kiB. Tke Mk« 

■ndf* ttc nCBK% tta tindoor It 
. showliic tbe tsanlxed sM bcr Hmr on 
the rack, .t>elng seared and lot lured. Sha eon- 
■eots to sacrlflce herself and the torture ceases. 
Irma. left alone. In a fit of desperation, sean 
her face with a red-bot poker, borrlblj dlsflg- 
urltts ber beaoUfnl face. Sbe appears In tbe 
presence of tbe old Dnke wearing a tcIL The 
Doke, lifting tbe veil. Is borrlfled at tbe face 
of the woman who was once so beautlfnl. He 
resoaacea all pozvnlt oC ber and commands lils 
■ephcw to appear In the aodleoce cbamber, 
wbeie Inaa Is ttm nUed. nie-Dnke asnonnces 
to Edward that be must many her, being pos- 
sessed or tbe Idea tbat tbe girl will -ba cast 
aside bj Edwanl nhen be gazes on ber once 

somewhat downcast, (or be Is compelled to re- 
ton to Strong bla rent mooej, and la flved pj 


T H E T R A .N S - 
GRESSOR (Drama: 
release Feb. 8: 
leoEtb, — fi-et).— 
"Tbe wa/ of tbe 
tr«ucM**«B to 
bai^^ iBltsi. 
nose celt Ibis man 
keeidr tbta Jim Col- 
lins, tbe oalr snrrlT- 
or of tbe Colllns- 
Clayton fend. 
Forced to flee with 
bnt a borrled faiv* 
. . _ well to Mary and tbe 

baby, tbe marked man had remaluinl In hiding 
for fear years. Then, preralled upon by tbe 
pl e a dings of his sicb wife, be Tentnrcd borne 
only to be captnred almost npon the threshold 
of Us cabla. Beyond tbe closed door. Mary 
OslUos lay dybig. wblla Uttle Begina was being 
graa to Colooel sod ]ln.,%auA tot adopUon. 
nft tsD yaats passed-^Jhs'^OWb. ted Iiecome 
■ taatj la tbe iirisoii, vMIi Us daughter, now 
known as Reglaa dark, bad refosed ber ts- 
rions snitors, aooog them the family lawyer. 
Victor Mills, far the ]olIy yoong uentensnt 
Walter Warren. Hoping to obtain some yal- 
nable Infonsatlon for a case, which was to be 
re-opened. Victor Mills ctllrd at the State Pris- 
on. Here be was taken In cbnnre of by a tmsty 
and later tumetl over to a siiarJ. As the lawyer 
retnmed to tbe office, bowecer. he discovered 
tbat his bat - aod coat '.were missing; for Jim 
Collins, taking adeantagp of the warden's ab- 
sence from tbe room, bad slipped them on and 
made good bis escape.- Two months elapsed: 
then, aa Milts paaaed a small conntry store, be 
ranie face to face with Jim Collins, tbe tmsty 

's list of motion picture theatres Is being rcTlsed for pobllcatlon. Ooni 
this list are' snilelted. lafocoiaats will plesse flU out the blaaka below. 


.'Lscstloa (street sddress Importsat) . 
Nsme and Address of lafotmsat 

beaotUnl (ace. Edward Is aU too wUling, and 
tke Tsa Is sfeoefeed at tka riaalt aC_her 

kcr awar: la»la« 

ber In spite of ber UeodAcd tsee. 

THE MIRBOR (Comedy; lelesto Feb. 9: 
length, &00 feet). — ^Dorotby is bdored by Dick 
and Paol. bnt Is sppsrently onable to decide be- 
tween them- Sbe consnlts a seeress aa a way 
oat of ber dilemma. Dick hears the instroctloos 
of tbe fortune teller, wbo informs the girl tbat 
abe will see in tbe mirror at a certain hoar tbe 
face of tbe man sbe la destined to marry. Elated 
at being in the secret, Dick starta off and makes 
preparationa to tie at tbe Tight i^ce when Dor- 
othy looks Into the' minor. Be gains entrsoce 
to tlae home ot Oorathr br adoptlasbaole 

.'has followed ont tbe plan of tbe s ttr t is and 
flnda tbe face of Dick photographed on tlie mir- 
zor. Dorothy tnms a little too quick for Dick, 
and Us little mse Is discovered. Tbe bnmor 
of the situation dawns on tbe girl, and, of 
coarse. Dick is forgiren for bis deception. Jast 
as Panl and tbe policeman enter. By bribing 
tlie officer. Dick tarns the atteotloos of tbat 
worthy on Paul and the copper marches off 
with tbe loTer wbo lost. Dorothy is pleaded 
at ber choice end Dick radiantly happy at the 
resolt of bis strategy. 

'WHKN THE CAT*S AWAT (Comedy; release 
Feb. »; length, 500 feet).— Mr. and Mrs. Parker 
lesTe their apartments to tbe care of their serr- 
ants. BOcy and his wife, while Mis. Parker 
ndcd visit to her ■atbMS.jMXt. 

a bosiaeas tdfu BHv <ke 
_ nadjr m sM M -. aad ka aartaaa to 
' Us way brtAOag tbe apartacats 

. le of bis master and mistress. 3Ir. 

aad Uka. Stnac, strangers In tlie city, rent 
tbe spsrtments. BUey Is paid a month's renr 
In advance. In the meaotime Mrs. Parker's 
stay Is cut short by receiving a telegram from 
her hnaband calling her borne. Her arrival la 
most Inopportnne. Mr. Strong is seated in Mr. 
Parker'a favorite chair, and sbe Is overfoyed to 
see her supposed bnstnnd. Approaching Mr. 
Strong she places ber bands over bis eyes, snd 
be, thinlting it Is Mrs. Strong, clssps her to his 
. bosom. To make matters, mace complicated, 
JA^^^ar aad Mrs. mS!St£ ^ttH 

wamtn Immediately engage ta a hslr-polling 

match. Happily the pltnation In soon ptralfrht- 

wbo had rbowa bim aronad. and later gotten 
sway with tbe sld of ills cost. Jans' fliat Im. 
poise was to inform the saUncltlsBi tkaai a «le- 
mre of Begtas and the sDceastal Ueoteaaot 

arose In bis mind. He knew tbat tbe girl was 
adopted and tbat iier father might still be 
alive. Kow, if this convlet conld be msde to 
represent himself as ber father, be believed 
that Ueatenant Warren woold hastily withdraw. 
Hurriedly following Jim to bis cabin, tbe law- 
yer gave the wretched man his choice, and as a 
resnlt, the next day found tbem at Colonel 
Clark's home, bresking tbe news to that unhap- 
py family. Belnctantly Jim forced himself 
to read the letter Begtna's mother hsd left for 
ber bniband, only to Hod that It had been writ- 
tea by his own wife, imploring him ' to keep 
tbeir child la igiMrssco ot the post. GlsDclng 
at hia waeplBK &i«|htar, the father realtaed tlut 
Usiy had apokea wlaely— croaslac qoietly to tbe 
tshie, Jim wrote: "I am not yoor father— I have 
Ucd so fsa." Tben, with one laat look at tbe 
Shl. aMa Silently (rom tbe room, aad ere snn- 
■tad Miaaatt at the - - 


THE EARL (Ojmcdy-dra- 
ma: release Fob. 7: length, 
— feet). — Mrs. Montague 
desired that her daogfater 

Earl who had hcaa pwiag 
the cU aaaae llttia afiea- 
tlea. Bat the irtrl had aa 
Aiatilcsa aase theart, aad f l oaii ed opoa the for- 
eign nobleman, much to her mother's sorrow. 
So Mrs. Mootague, driven to desperation, finally 
eV^Ted a plot which sbe believed would win 
the Earl tbe success be sought. A Wild West 
show was givlnit performances near ber snmmer 
home, and the Earl, advised by Mrs. Mootague. 
sought out the proprietor and hired bis band of 
performing Indians. They were to capture tbe 
Earl nnd the girl, who. by tbe way. was an 
heir apparent. Then the Enl waa to be allowed 
to escape sad fiee Oe womaa wbuse band be 
sought. Bat the yaong Aaerieaa saltor beard 
tbe plot aad decided to pay bock the Esn la 
his owa aslK The mow aiaa had cawboya, and 
Jack .«mtd thoa aat Ifea naprmct . Battle- 
snake Bin. to eapttire tbe ladraas sfter tbey 

tiad paptnrpd thp Earl. Tljp couDtprplot worked 




■ii n -HHiMiw nn,* m iwnwuiw ml 

BM'tTAiallip! iMUnnMineGoHMml SnpU 

r«r RalMM Wodn'tfay, Fab. 1, Itll 


For Ralaaaa Wadn'day, 

A Charmlnfl Wm*m« Idyl A TliHIIsr mt 
Rttatf Synopsis oh Tlito TIimi Pvotnpit^ 



AmSBMOnly ay 

DAVID HBLEr.147Foortimi,.IIWTrtCi5n 



Fliek«riM«, Fully Oi 

In speaking of the merlta of your 
machine, I must coDfess that eight 
months ago wbea I took charge of 

what disappointed, bnt since this 
time we have not had a serlons 
breakdown and the expense for repair 
parts worn in tbe legitimate use o( 
tbe asacblne baa bcca less than a 

klaasger for Tbe : 

Writs for Cataloflue, Dept. ■, 



Swanson-Crawford Film Co. 

723-734 Century Bulldlnib 






OH AovEBfissnro to 
sioNAii Axuoxmc 





Ttie Billboard 


n hero, the poor E»tl icqnited qoUe a aif- 
?,r.i.l reput«llon. Mm. Mont«fpe found ttiit 
II..' rral bero waa (Ue man lier dausblcr loTCd. 
,11.1 ib* wai wlllln« to hare blm marry ha. 

rilK NORWOOD NECKI.AC'E (Drama; re- 
ir.... KVb. 10: leoftb. — feet). — ^The dlaappear- 
of tbe famoua Norwood necklace laie VI- 

litr' lo'daUla'ni Mink a —M-d r t a atd wonan 
IrtL vaa ■ iiiMimr •■ ■ ctrtala trala. Eo 
note. iMWHcr, the mvtet rccclTcd wanUng 
to telegrapk. and wb»« tt» «omui was takeo 
S: then wm aa atciia of the cema. Va- 

tit tka dreaaataana there waa noihloc for the 
naltla to (to Mccpt apologize, which lie doea. 
. oaly peraoD who did not believe an error 
had baea caaaoiltted waa violet Graj-. So cer- 
iala waa aba that her aiuplclooa woold be coo 
anMi Mat aada a kat wtth tba eaptala m 

■a; TClMwd Jaa. SS; 
lessth — ).— Edith St. 
Clair, a beantlfal or- 
phaa fin. bclrtaa to 
a larga eatate, la la- 
formed l>r her lawyer 
that Robert Cplm, 
tba yoimt mao wbom 
ber deceased iwreota 
wlabed her to marrj-. 
lui* retaraed from Europe and will call on her. 
Tbr (in wlihlDt to make aore that tbe man 
(be Ik to marry lorea ber for herself aod not 
for her mooer. preteoda to be a maid aod haa 
tirr maid pmrad to Iw tbe mlatrcaa. A almilar 
Idea occun to Upton, aod be and hia valat 
rbaD=e plac*^. Dramatic and bamorooa altu* 
alloDs ATi*<- wben the two women fall la lore 
wttb tbe aoppoacd ralct and tbe botler wke 

U In lore wkjtm — 

tbf> game. 


LY? <Comedy: rilaaaa VMi. 8: 
leiwtb — ).— Now. mtr waa a 
aoldler boy In the army sf Code 
Sam. He tboofbt he'd Ilka tbe 
life nntll they care blm a tab 
and a waabttoard and made him 
official deanser of the aoUed 
linen. Then bla feetlns for Cn- 
rle Sam dimlnlahed and he ai- 
lently stole away, only to be 
rhaaed by bloodbonoda and Anal- 
ly captarcd aa be elooc to tba 
limb of a Meadly tne. 

If Widow ataasaa bad aaly 
.r la the bok. tbe " 
litM fUM ta 

«nM carry and weat te alccp. 

Kelly made anolber let-away aad thia time 
elnled bU follnwrra. Then b« new bnnsry 
aod while in M>«rrh of food stnmlued npon tbe 
ileep tr thief. Kcllr waa abrewd enoach to 
kaew bla uniform niuiit be dlacartled. He cbaBg- 
nl clothlni; with tbe tramp and went away. 

Tbe Rbertfr liad a cood descrlptloa of tbe 
iblrf and bla drpatlea owned good bones. 
Tbrj raagbt Kelly and foond some of Widow 
Morsaa'a money In hIa dotliea. Kelly cried 
aod confesaed to betna a deaerter rather than 
(0 to Jail aa a commoa tblet, ao tbey 
a* the real niprit aad KcUy retorai 
tmt la time to bear tbe aonaet sna. 

Be Ukca t« be a aaMlcr bow. 



MORRA (Drama: 
lease Feb- 6; leoclh 
— ). — It remained for 
tbe fearlpM "IiallaD 
Sherlock nolmes" to 
run down tbe boldest 
awl moot mercileiw 
band of kidnappers 
erer recorded la tbe 
annala of tbe Blacfc 
Rand. Headed by a 
Slclltan Caaractlat who 
had aacapcd fn« Italy 
baakcr la Kew York. 

— mc 1 tettorhrta had bcca lerytac black 
mm m Ihe eMail Itallaa awirbant who showed 
•liaa at ■eaa tml ty. aatll the police were thrown 
Me caafndea by the aaccceatoa of bomb oat 

ta(ea and kldnapploc which followed when a 
rlciim failed to respond. 

Ftaally. a yooac ItaUaa police llentenant. 
Tleitv I-etraata, keOTad far a chaaee to break 


edy: releaae Feb. S: 
leBRtb, 900 feet).— 
IVter Foster baa two 
TCDB. nob and Charles, 
nob. the elder, haa a 
turbulent and aggres- 
alve dlspnallion. whlK> 
Cbarlea is aa ciioally 
iMtk aad abedleai 
aaa. The t«« bava 
ate preae at ad by tbe 
father te tbe Widow 
Walker. Slranp-l.T 
enoaah the aam<' all- 
liffTalla In the hntwrhold of the Widow 
, ; ."l"«»'«n, th«> eliler has a terrible torn- 
*JL."',\ " compliant slater. It \» 

iLH; ■""•"■"'•••I that nppnslie nalure< are 
SZl £, ' ""<•<• Tbercton- It la nplield 

J»a iUo,„,m |K.rmlt< her alfecllona to be gained 
sL ri' "** "iMla Sally. Thi- unions 

ihT.. n »'«wIIt and at one ami the same 
ivi r "••'"•."ow free from carea and quarrels. 
'""""'I'* that the Widow la a welco«ne 

<.,..;' happlneaa U attained. Afltr a 
u., -,rK„", , ']""'."'.•""•«'»»• t" •« arteaeal la the 
►^.ui low I."' «^Pl*». Sob and Wee- 


yoke and auume home control, as abe. Bloinom. 
doea, aod her advice Is to begin at once. Bob 
coaocUs Charley la the aame tenor, and the 
aprlslng resulta In a cyclonic outbreak between 
hoabatMla and wlrea. Astoonded by the aoddra- 
neaa of the aptaearal. the cratwhUs assrcaalre 
lorda of beats bac ema bombte aappUcaata for 
meror. r aiitTaata a Is sitcadaC nadUj, tbu* 
^tm* KnnstBt ptsw ttlMMs nNbie 

MtaaaaisM. AnMac at a Ii 
boislar^ tacethar iH& Jack. .Si 
■ewaat the owaer catantba 


icleaaed February 3; lengtb, M4 feet).— Jack, 
a young aallor lad, reslleaa for tbe aca, can- 
not work on the farm like bla brother. When 
be makea known to bis father bla desire to re- 
turn to the ses, he Is turned from the boose. 
Full or hope be slarla- out In learcb ol work, 
hot unaucceaKful In bla eOTorta. after a lapse of 
elsbt dajM. attempta aoldde by Jomplng Into 
the river. He la rescued and broagbt by his 
tesenar to the home of a friend. Than for the 
Stat tiaae the boy learoa that hla rescuer Is a 
tbief; and be la asked to Join In a proposed rob- 

berr. At flrat be letaaca. bat Oaally rlcMi to 
a laisb MMk tbe 

■- — ^ — ^ at that 


behind blm one ef tbe borgltta la tboot lo 
plaage a knife Into tbe unanipectlng man, when 
Jack, aprlnslor forward.- recelrea ttke wound 
bimaelf. Startled, tbe thlerea make their es- 
cape, while the owner baa Jack carried to a 
room. When Jack la conraleaceot be confides 
bis story lo tbe kindly owner. The Utter ss- 
anrei blm that ererythlog will be right, only 
be must return to hla home. At drat Jack re- 
fnaea. bat teally coaacats. AnlTlac at hla borne. 

Jack aaaayaa 

TBE LAST LAUGH (Drama: rr>leaaed Jan. 
28; lenrth 900 feet). — Ceorge Waring becomes 
Infatoaled with Mls» Lowe aod his wife dl- 
Torces blm. While drlvliv; iliHa Lowe's horse 
rvoa asray atkd flho is berolcalty rescued by 
Dick Watts, a handsome joutb who falls in 
lore with ber. Miss Lowe, attlied In bridal 
gowa. Is aboat to marry Waiiac whea Watts 
mshea la aad tempestooaaly aiTiaila her not 
to manor Waiiag. and as ahe has icallF Icanied 
to lore watta ahe aeecdas to his wlahta. Waring 
Is ftriaoa at haelac hla brUe aoatched Araas hi* 
hattda at the eery altar, hot rcsigna bimaelf 
to hla fate. Watte marries Miss Lowe, and, 
alone, seeks bis fortune In Alaska. Meantime. 
Mrs. Waring baa met a cblldboad aweetbeart. 
Paul Dorkln. a soldier of fortune and a gam- 
bler, marries blm and drlfta to the Alaakas 
gold fields. Watts makea a rich atrike and 
preparea to retnm home, bat meets Dnrkln who 
deecee him. He attempta suicide, snd la fonnd 
badly woanded by Mrs. Durkln who nurses blm 
bsck to health, and. touched by bis atory, 
peranades Durkln to give back tbe gold and send 
for his wife. When she snirea Mrs. Dnrfcla 
leama that she baa befrleoded tbe bosbsnd of 
the girl who baa w i et > g< her home, and stroek 
bgr' »• hamor -of the aitoatlaa hnrsts Into hy- 
Bterleal lanchter. In which abe la grsdnslly 
Jolaed by toe motley crowd of picturesquely 



How a " BaNMI BbMP* Waa "BaKad I" 

The WestiroBr and tbe Earl 

Deals with that phase of the foreign 
nobleman question that is best known to 
America — tbe exchange of a title for Yan- 
bw doUaiB. A certain Enslish Eari tried 
to exchange his for such of wealthy Mrs. 
Montague^ shdrisM nmm wUhikm band 
of her daughter. ' Tbe aoblNMai adwmes 
out a Bcneme to wfai the daug^iter's 
admiration, and. learning of it, a 
certain Americsn-type-of-man schemes out 
a counter-Bchem^-^and the picture brings 
pleeainc order out of the diaos that fol- 
bm. ^ m : Code Woid, CODUKE. 


Anothar Ad««iataf*«* Vlelat 
aray. Da la e U oa 


And ite myaterioiw dtappeetance gives 
Miss Gray fresh food for reflection and 
itolution. Rcflectinpon the frroing from 
custody of a pretty female suspect, Violet 
decides that the wilice error was made in 
the release — and NOT in the detention — 
of the stisjioct: and (ho afteniiath of her 
docision is formed in. a solution of the 
whole BeeUMg wirte. .^^^ 
No. m. Cbd e-WwrJ, NOKW(XM>. 


Reehelio, | 

N. Y. 


it- :n irt t-^ iii fl) 

^ ili!t fSr^ iiSi fiH f!!^ M M 

' ^ i 

A distinct and nidical departure from the beaten 

mthwUI beJound bjrninfiirjpietiineiliibilaniB 
ne Imp wImm' of MomlByi Kfimaijr 6, entitted, ■ 


Ittooneof the most richly stagedaad dabomt^jr 
eoetumed efforts in the history of moving pictures 
and will make many new friends for your theatre. 
The stoty is laid in England in the aixteenthjcen- 
tuiy. The plot im wtmdeifilUy atRMic tWith human 
' laetinc vUlaraoM the moat hard- 
Sea^at joa fak tUa aad FBA^ 

On ThuiBilay, February 9, we releaae a split reel 
containing two" dandy little playlets, "The Minor," 
and "WTien The Cat's Away." Soon after these we 
will release'some of the Imp pictures staged in Cuba 
and we will simply compel you by their merit to 
write'to us and congratulate us over and over again. 
If you care to get the benefit of aU the coin we aaa 
spending < o produc e the best films it tbe world, aa0 

/ ■ ifrji i irfcni Mooing Pkiam Ca. ^ Amtatem 
M 'Im*" Bbm mU linrngh dm Sala Cm. 

Cowboy and Indian Frontier Cdebratioa'^^;^^^;^;;^;^^;^ 
Oldfieid- Johnson Auto Race Saesathaal ■oiwltor.faatt^'Bia. ATli 

NatioiMl Mlitery Tounwmmt 

ra3ST*£(Saitioiia] . 




Tt\c: Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

■ttlred men from many laadl, fctmlag •' tBl>- 
lema of InreslBtlble bniuor. 

A BRASS BDTTON (Drama: releaned Feb. 

I; Ineth 000 fret) Wortblneton Is fiDanclally 

lavolTcd, and recelTC* a letter InformlDg him 
that jliiliiw ImnwUat* payneot of a lance «am 
■■..■■d* ka wm bv tHoid lata liankniptcT. 
Xaat miiBw Ua wUa glTea a dlnaer v*rtj, and 
out oC her Mends has a new pearl necklace 
which Is mncb admired. She loaes the coAtly 
Jewels and Eliza, the sertaot sirl, flnds tbrm. 
Enowlnc that a fearch will be made she hur- 
ries to her master'a toom, removes a piece 
from the bottom of his sIutIds soan. conceals 
the necklace and replaces the tlofoll. Mrs. 
Worthlngton finds the letter, and soapects h<^r 
bnaband has taken the Jewels to ssTe himself 
frtMD rala. and Id a hraterlcal coodltloo coo* 
fesM^ her UioughtH to a friend, who calls lo 
detectives. Unwittingly, howerer. the serrant 
has lef^ a slender cine: while secretlnir the 
Bocklace ahe rested her arm on a piece of the 
aoap. learlnc the imprcaaloa from the brass 
IwttM im 'btr tiMTt. Tbc dttteUr* Sndt the 
" " tfc» saiItT 


THB BED MAirs WRATH (Drama: re- 
leased. Jan. 24; length 900 feet).— To arense 
his vinaw the Indlaa mnsoea the dcaperado, 
~ sticks to tlw trail of his qoanr with s*'- 
perststcnce. Wpondad, he tmaues off lui 
t. tat agaia .tafta mf tha lataatlcai tfaae. 
anpcta aia wwaiM. aa« tha mm taetaM 

Bla anDcta aia laaiiJaj. aiH tha imb taetaie 
•Bsa«e« la mortal emUSt. la lAleh tka white 
man la TanqolalMa. 

leased Jan. 27: lenrth 900 feet). — End soon 
demonatrates his abOltj- to protect himself, 
and wins the friendship of the cowboys ex- 
cepting Lnke, the holly, who loves the boss' 
daoffbter and resents her preference for Bnd. 
Bnd takes Lake's mm away and thrashes blm. 
hot faearly loses his life when later attacked 
laka and bU oompaatoaa. He la saved by 


leased Jan. 2S: length 900 feet). — A grliiplng 
drama interpreted by talented actors. 

MY SON IS GniI.TT (Comedy; released 
Jan. SB: length BOO feet). — ^A comedy la which 
tkr aid awB la aiada' to bellerc bla aoa is 
•t a taliMa crime. 

I WnXi (Oonadrs re- 

laaaa Fab. 6: teagth. 084 
feat). — ta order to es- 
cape from marrying Hor- 
ace, and to ohtaln the 
conaent of her father to 
marry yoong Leudre, 
Lacinde pretends to hare 
become dumb. Lncas 
and Horace go In search 
of a docfav who can 
enre anA a straate 111- 
neas. Th«r happen to 
pass the bonse of Sganaielle. a wood cntter, *ho 
baa jost been Ql-treatlng his wife, Martlne. Har- 
tine, in order to tereoge berself, tens the 
straneers that ber hosband la a moat dever doc- 
tor, bat can only be made to acknowledge his 
skill by being beaten nntll be confesses. Lucas 
and Horace act according to this adrlce, and 
take Snnarelle to treat Lndade. Leaodte 
bribes Sganaretle to permit hira to disguise as 
Ua pnpIL Thus Leaodre mets Loclade. laiclnde's 
~ "~ nt: dtacoears tha SrhMli cipclls 
the booae. and sMaaa fBaaasaDe 

J for miarepicacBtatlOB. ' At the 

emclal momeat Icandie lecelrea word that 
be has inherited a large sum of money — he is 
no lon^r a poor man. He hastens to Gercmte 
to preu bis snit for the hand of hla daughter, 
LDcInde, and as the great objeetloo has been 
orercome, be is accepted. Thanks to the klnd- 
Bcn of I«andre. Sganarelle la then pardoned 


(Comedy; released Feb. 21; 
lenfTth. feet) . — Bomptlons 

attends a theatrical perform- 
ance which meets with Us dla- 
' approral. Stirred to action 
by the mediocrity of the pcr- 
foroaace, Bnmptlaas decides to 
^. . nuiilPi a diamatie dab. in or- 
der to aMar vatfi haw ho eaa act. He se- 
lects Benao aad JWtat witk wUeh to dIspUy 
his talents as aa actor. Wbea all Is la readi- 
ness he books a Ught at the Town Hall to gtre 
a perfonnance- The OTcntfuI Bigbt' airlna. bat 
for Bnmptions ererythlng seems to go wrong. 
To the andleoee Bomptloos la not a bowUog soc- 
ceas aa an actor, and accordingly they diepart 
after the aecood act, learlng the theatre empty. 
Bnmptiooa, disgnsted. rows never to act a^ils. 

SELUNG OLD UA8TBE (Drima: released 
Feb. IS; length. 990 feet). — A mortgage open 
tile old Soothcm homaatesd Is foreclosed. Tbe 
news la too mneh for "Old Maater's" delicate 
health, and resnlts in bla death, qalat and sad- 
dea: a death which learea Us aaaac d' *" 
a am la bar taeaa. la darga oC taw aU 

cellcs of the old slavpry dsj-s. .^ftcr tht- Bale 
of the old home, tbe Klrl Is sent to New York, 
and we see hpr trying to make her way by 
teachinfc moslc. After some time tbe negroes 
also drift to tbe great city, not knowing that 
tbair "Uttla Ultay" is there also. The alrl 
alTM aunlB Imaiii to tbe child of a wealthy, 
tamny, ana thetc ta a young man In the family. 
The result of tbi« circumstance can easily be 
Rurssed. It happens one day that the two old 
darkles see the picture of their "Old Master" 
belnsc sold at aoctlan. They aacceed In ob- 
taining possession of the treasure. Tbe girl 
meets tbe old darkles with the picture, takes 
them home with her, sad. at coarse, "Old Mas- 
ter" occupies a promlasM ptoea ahata tht ana- 
tel. while the old darktss h te asia ffelthfal aanlt- 
ors of "Uttle Missy." 

THB DOCTOR (Drams: release Feb. 7; 
length. 1.000 feet). — Doctor Gray wins tbe con- 
sent of his Isdy lore to their nnlon. Tboogh there 
is qnite a dilference l>etweeo their aces, yet the 
sweet little lady knows that she Is placing her 
life In Strang, tender bands, and that all will be 
well with her. Suddenly the apectator is con- 
fronted with, a sbarp contrast to tbU tender 
scene of lore and bapplaess. la a rlew of one 
In which. aaBow aafl aagallh pfarall. Wa an 
shoav a alaala. kaaMa borne with Calhar aad 
motlier erateblng tbe lite ebb away ftnm tboir 
darling child, lying apoo a poor. Improrlsed cot 
before them. In deoperatton the father goes 
forth to seek Doctor Gray, and belts btm to come 
and save this little life. This by chance, tran- 
spires upon the night on which Doctor Gray's 
wedding is to be announced, and he Is all 
dressed to leave when the hearthrnken f:ither 
makes his appeal for aid. Out of bnman sympn- 
thy, be goes to the hnmble home to flelit with 
death, while hla sweetheart la watchinir and 
waiting for him to come to the gay reception at 
ber borne. At last news eomca to ber that be 
will be unable to attend. Her pride la almek 
to the qatdc. aad. wounded In heart, abe de- 
termlacs to go hRimlf and see why abe Is for- 
gottea ta tba haor of ber greataat btpptnesa. 
She goes aad naa why sha has beaa Caqnttca. 
and ber heart aMTMt'to.tha jMaL a 
who baa w«B tlS«ht aad saeadlba HM 
life. . . 


rATTHFUL (Drama: 
released Feb. 4: length 
999 feet).— Carmrnlta 
Is the dsnghter of a 
Mexican Inn-keener and 
is loved by all. One 
day two young Mexi- 
can mtCIana enter and 
make Tnlsar lota to ber 

riraok Po u gberly . 

a yoong cownnncher. 
enters and protects ber. 
For this he gains tbe love of the ciri and 
soon learns to love her himself. But the padre 
of Carmenlta. miserly, seeking worldly gnin. 
endeavors to pawn bis daughter to a wealtb.v 
Mexican, but Frank appearing on the , scene 
at the time insists that 'Nlta shall be bis. 
Tbe fatter orders Carmenlta from the house 
and the rich suitor swears reveive. Montlis 
pass and Carmenlta and Frank are happy. But 
an accident occors to Frank aad tor a tliae 
he is crippled, unable to walk, Tbe ridi snttoe 
teams of Ftank'a misfortune, comes to tlie 
house and ttreatcos to kill tbe now helpless 
basband tinlass Carmenlta goes away with blm. 
Carmenlta, to spare her hnsband's life, does 
as the Mexican bids, and later when tile doe- 
tor who has called, learns of tbe fcidnanplni' 
of his patient's wife, dtspatchea the sherKT 
and a poese In pursuit. Th-y overtake 
the two when. Carmenlta having rebelled and 
attempted to slay ber captor. Is in danger of 
ber own life at the Imnda of tiM rich Uexicat. 
and Is saved only by tbe tlmOly In t e l fci o n ce 
of the sberiS and Us nun. Pai Manila la re- 
stored ber hnibaad aal tha ltadeaB im- 


(Drama; release Fel>. 
8: length — ). — ^The 
story of Little Sister 
Is laid in the South- 
land and centers 
arotrad a beautlfnl es- 
tate where lire two ty- 
pical dan^tecs of the 
South. The yoonser 
girl is a regular -tom- 
boy, deroted to her 
horse and to ontdoor 
sports. Tbe older Is 
of a different type. In fact has long since reached 
tbe marriageable age and la looking for a hns- 
band at every turn. The hero arrives in a young 
chap from the North who la touring tbe Sonth on 
a motor cycle and meets with an accident and Is 
taken to the home of tbe two alsters. There he 
conTaleacee from bis injniy and of eonrae there 
la ample opportunity for blm to become sc- 
qiialated with the two ^ila. Xha-iMtr marks 
Um for ber partietdar priaa Imt lia.aatorally 
prefers tbe young anew Whm Us yUtt ends 
there is a great deal tt hard fMUaK hat the 
younger girl makes np. hir mlad tkuW older 
sister bss woa oat. ... 

aa ma «k) 


L«t Us T«ll You Why 
YOU Should PurehaM 

Power's CameragraphNoi 


DURABILITY, so thut you will get long 
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"rOWER'S NO. li" IB ubsolutcly guaran- 
teed for one year. 
RELIABI LITY, 80 you won't have to stop 
your ahow to bilker with your madtine. 
^'POWER'S NO. 0" hu8 fewer thhiigi to ad- 
just and is more mtissivc in constnietion 
than any other machine in .\mcrica. . 
PERFECT PICTURES to please your 
patrons. "POWER'S NO. 6" bos received 
the enthusiastic endonement of over a 
thousand purduieni in tbe pu* year for its 
splendid pictures. 

'Bear aU these facts in mind when you btljr 
aadiariston ba\HnE"PO\VER-SNO.a.'' ' 
Catalog "O" tells all about it. 


f-\.r thirtrtMi y.-arn ttir Irmlinj; intikt-rH of iiloIIhu ^itcturt) machlneB. 


iBOT N. Ctark St.. Chloago. 



Monutaeturod undor A. S. Spiogol Patonts 

Announcement, Advertising and Novelty Siides In Molloi 

"Hardly'sounds feasible — seems almost impossible — but it is one of the greatest 
things in a novelty slide ever put on the market." — BILLBO.VRD. 


Chautauqua Film Exchange 


Best independent service. . .v. Call and see us NOW. 

386 Dewbom Slraals Chieaco. 

'a a V - "A'mpcii'anicslly perrt>ct msc hllw for the |iro legtl o^of ^&dy. 
£kw I SICr fifckerless motion plotnres, THE VMXKTcD OH T^Z "WALL 

a^ClOfc BOHT only to be bsd with THE MOTIOOBAPH, 
A UABVEL OF SIMPUCITX cofflblalnc bfutf of desiaa and aoessslUUty 
" an.eadsa^l «a tbe Ka. }-A Modeia. 

This b ibm MuhiBe-THE MOlTlOCR APH 


rian,. fdnt for point, with eenr ataatfart aaAl 
tte ■e st expert laTcstlcetloD— aa* la mhmgm .tta t 
UOnOGBAPH soon leadr. BeaOte Oaialsaaa aM 


of nearest d^alei 

CNTCRPRISE Oin-lCAL M,an W. llBn«elpli'>l«afle,IM. 

7. S. WAT.T.BERQ. Ast. EDW. H. XEKP. Alt. 

S8 E. S8rd Bt., N. T. City. N. Y. MS Market St., Ban Franoisoo. 

J. F. BHOCKLISS. Art. London. Psrii and BtHd. 

SIX lEELS or nUI. ona chlpaaat. wlUi Slgaa mai SUiM, 
TWELVE KEELS, two ahlpmanta. wltk Sltfaa aad SUdaa. 

WABMINO — Yoa saa't est toU doUus for Me, aad yoa saa't cat goad ttea fa* lass moaar. 





315 W. 4th Street. CINCINNATI. OHIO. 



309 Arcade Bulldino, DAYTON. OHIO. 


Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Imiependent 
Output. Reference:— SALES CO., Ill B. 14Ui St., New York. If you are looking for a real Film Service, drop tis a line. 

FEBROARY *, !•«. 

T In e Billboard 



y^ssociation May Be Organized at Aberdeen, S. D.— Jesse 
Carey Wins Honors in Europe — Budget of Other 
Information Pertaining to Rinks and Skaters 

i'Uii':>U'>. III., Jud. 2K (8pt«lal M Tht Bill- 
.«jar.ii —In " l«-"<" ri'celTWl tnin JcMt Cuuf. 
7i." Wv.-iHlMK. !•«.. roUrr itkaU-r. wlio. U bow Ib 
I'irl.-. I riMiK-. Iif K-lln ot llla.BfMt VielMV owr 
• hi< ii'i-*t ^l^^llt•n* ia Itif old '*OB«tiy« ■ _ _ . 

•n.-iui v •lU Tjrmtll. PbImh. of K. Umb. 
.» hi-rv iw woli M 'oko B. I»a*l<lMn. Cnokavo. 
till. Of CB|l*n!, rad nwaj oilier for 

jRutw ot tflnn. On Cbrlntmu dir I »'»' ib<' 
SSmr rare. IwatM* th* world'* nroid. ity 
dblMCv «■» tin kllomelm aod 033 m«trr>, 
wblrb ba« pMarri 00 bj tbe Federal Ion 

«IM) all ttlmtlnj? aHHocIatlona here. Tbe Cham- 
DliKia I'f KuMla, (Jemiany. llollaod, France anil 
BelKluu liH>k pari and I was tbe only one to 
d<i 24 lioiir« wllbout <|ulttloit the rink for a »ec- 
oDd Tlnre were ll.CHXt iM^le prewnt. aa wrll 
II a lEooil inanr Americana wno cliecml. the 
•«ian> nod alrlpea.' I .onddjwdjm tb* net 

imiean rerordu anil all In* rnflcn focoraa ironi 
1 UL lo !•» boura." 


Jge Furrt^st. of San Francisco, who receuilr 
rrlunird front Honolulu. H. I., where be won 
■naor loos dlatanre rarea. la toorln( Kanaaa 
and MlfMurl In Taiidevllle. and aaya he ia dolor 
nwd. He la nievtlDC akaten In tbe local towoa 
where ho aboara la tbe rloka after bla perform-. 
•Ma aad haa a aaod alilaB «( trletnrtea lo hia 
«wdHi ■ ' - ' ^ 

a M. Oelatt. of the Palace Riok, Oea aioloaa. 
lem. mn that llte rink bnalDcaa la tto Iowa 
dtr la sitar and that tbe two Hnka. tfea Ooll- 
•mm and the Palac* an* arraatilac far aoaie 
goad lacra in tbe near future. 



In a recent iMue of Hie Billboard there ap- 
peared a BOilee to tbe effect that tbe new band 
twok waK rvu^T to tie delivered to all member* 
at (lie ai>«>clntlon. who are In cood ataadinc. A 
number of leilera hare been recelred from peo- 
ple In all part* of tbe United State* aaklDC the 
aaaoelatloD to aeod ooe of theae hooka, lo refdy 
to the manT rvqoeeta for theae book*. I waa 
(ompelled to anawer them with a lone letter 
TMgii^«»j hew tbcy tatU ba oMalaed. 

IteMta an tar' ■ aSb a r a oC tha aaaocia- 
<laa aalr. and aa th»r oM tha aaaoclatloo an 
aooraMioa aiim It will not Iw poaalble to gtyn 
the book* away. Tha memberaalp lo tbe aaao- 

elatloa la oolr tl.tM. which Includes emblem 
buttoo. one jear'a due* and hand book. ITbe 
book alone Ii vorib $1.00.) And' all monejr 
received from tbe akalent and entboalaata U 
expended for tlie good of tbe aport. Tbone 
wlffblor to join tbe amoclatloo can do ao b.r 
•endlnc a dollar to Jallan T. FItiserald. aerre- 
tarr, All Weitera Cnkm BnUdlns. Cblcaao. 

Frank H. Baclieller. of Aberdeen, 9. P.. ■ 
real akatinc ealbuiilaat, write* that thla la the 
Orat rear that Abetdwn ba* bad a akatlon 
dak, aad wltk a Mjiiilathiw •( oeer 13.000. the 
aja M a a - aa— .laa fct «a,-.>a -aaod. "We hare 
fMIr ariM boatNM aad tbey are tnmln» 
drt.«twt. imt I kMw aHwr at ttam wiU be 
atttfeen. r will tijr rad aaalf we tuft m 
la* • beaadk tbr vUwl •. A.,- ha willea. 

But Unit imiMllvSMiiWB 

Since the r<>cent cbulU'tiKea hurled at Harlvj 
DaTldaoD by nonje of bl» olJ-llnie rivals, Harley 
look up Ice akallQs acaln, anil In a letter re- 
ceived from bim from St. I'huI. bl» old atamp- 
Ins (round, be alated that he gut a new pair 
of Ice akateK anil trleo tlicm ,out. aad waa 
aurprlied to OqiI tbal be waa ax good aa erer. 
DaTldaoo, It will be remeubereil, lo tbe daya 
of Jobaioa aad Donobtw, waa one of tbe bent 
akatera Id tbe couotir. aad laid awar tbe Ice 
skate* to take up III* foUwi. DaeUtoa baa 
been before tbe akatloc piMi* fir aim twenty- 
two yeara. and la the oolr AatMP k the world 
to day that ba* kept op coDtnMM coaipetltlaa 
without reatlOK lo between jtnt, 


Jack Bruce, treaaurer of tbe Twin Cltleo 
Skatlnip Cluh. nrbo renldea In MloineapollH. 
Minn., la very active and ambition* In all akat- 
IDK iDterests In tbe Northwest, and la prob- 
ably tbe createHt acrobatic abater that ever 
lived. He does somerMUlt*. besd Bitrinri*, etc.. 
00 the Ice with grtrnt Mae.- Aa (br corkaerew 
aplna. plionettea aad iaaUa tat-flMM ' whirls 
be baa no equiL Mr. Bruce teernUy weat to a 
(mail lake near Cedar Lake Road, and •tarled 
akatinc early In tbe afternoon and kept It up 
until the aon cast Ita laat ahadow thrangb tbe 
wooda Into tbe nlgbt. Jack ba* been a gn»t 
entertainer and alwaya mceta any of tbe pro- 
feaalonal akatera who come to Mlnneapolla and 
sbowa tbem aromd the city. He aaya he will 
atiek t* akattaK aa Mas jv Mi piaa iaM^ 

. " ♦ ■ ■ 
Tbe Amateur ttatlaff AuocUtlon of Ssraaac 
Lake, N. Y,. will hold an open air rink meet 
at Saraoac t,*ke. on Wedneaday and Tburaday 
aftemooo*, Feb, 3 and 4. The eventa will In- 
clode 230 yard*. 880 yarda. one mile, one mile 
(onder 14 yean), ooe mile (nnder 16 ycaral, 
three nUea, 880 yard* backwards, SSO yaids 
bardie*, one mile opeo only to amateur* of 
FYanklln. Clinton and E»)»ex counties. 



One of the largest crowils of the seai^oa turned 
out to *e« the Ms triple card at Sana Sond 
Blnk, Friday evening. Jan. 20. cooalatlng of 
two big races and a clever exhibition of trick 
and fancy skating by Hector De Sylvia. Tbe 
flrat race was a two-mile handicap and two 
heat* and a taal ia wUeb alaetaaa akater* 
fared tb* atarter. The tat ksal naa waa to A. 
MrCbcsney. C. GnltlekaoB. aa t aad. aad A. Bead 
third. Tbe second beat was was to h. Rlmm. 
C. Scbafer, second, and M, Newfldd. ttM. Aa 
thla waa tbe fastest beat the foartb uiaa. B. 
Gmletx. quallHed for the lliul. 

The final was won by I.. Klmm. C. Scbafer, 
second, and A. MrChosney. third. In the faat 
time of 7:04 3-3. The feature of tbe race was 
the skatlac of Leon Klmni, a slxteen-year-old 
boy. who bts started In but three races, and 
this Is bis second victory. With a little more 
exi>^r1eDC« there Is no ilonbt but that b« will 
develop Into a roarveloii» speed akater. Tbe 
rccond and feature race wa* a tbree-mlle teaiu 
pnraalt -cac* in which Beaumont aad Palmer 
skated aaaiaat CUawcU and Ptoeter. Tbe teams 
were wm aatehed and the rare was nip and 
tuck, both teams eromtnir the line toisetber nn. 
til the eicbth lap of the tblnl mile when Proc- 
ter onfortiraately stnmbled and lost about 
twenty vartl* before be recovered bis stride. 
Tbe srrldent took a little of tbe spirit out of 
Caswell and Procter and Beaumont and Palmer 
taking advantage of this, by a series of fnrlons 
ooc'lap sprint*. Increaiwd tbrlr lead to half a 

(Continued on page 41.) 


XV> palm Rlrbardaoa and WInslow Blnk Skatea. 
Also RIcbanlsoo MIIIUtT Baod Oixaa aolubl* 
for rink or me ny-ga l aaa d . Part or dl. at a 

bargain. MBBKRT 
New Mexico. 

Oin.T POOL BOOM la Bna 0D«« town of ltt.«Rm 

FOR SALIC at ttaht prtea; 9 Sue tablea. low «- 
pense*! MM tgVjSO .WgMf . JS S? ^'" 
•eiiiBK Mtw.feMlawik ■ 4 Mw *k .wiltB Xtaat 
Pool waaai, 

FOB BALE— 1.WU OnloB Hardware and Mu 
Vflnslow Flbiea. Goamnteed In perfect coodl- 
tlon. i-brau. MBTBOPOLITAN BINK. lOaH 
Bnxdway. New Tork City. 

74 pairs ot WInslow Vineyard Blnk Boiler 
Skates, flbrv rollers, M damp, ball-bearing, good 
order, 0.'>c per pair. Extra parte at Ic each. 
Clamp, clamp acrew, cone, cup, nut. 4 WMhwa, 
•br* wheel or azla, front or tear .tra^k lOe 
each: a aae iU bl ed l»*a wheel*. Goaa* lUMd «« 
appraral. Gaanaleed worth the BMOer. 6W>. 
R. BUsW. New Philadelphia. Ohio. 


Bongbt. aold. ezebonged aas 


joim iftrzzio a ton. 

m Psrk Kaw. Kaw Tae*. 

The Best Rink Skate 

*• bolieve it. ThaBMRte al aNMi« 

know it. Order b Hunple pBir Bad 
b« eanvlneai. Writ* for ft»« eaU- 
logue. We carry B complete Une of 
"Qk lupplioi. W« nwplr .pMte 
lor Other makoa Bf altBtaBJ - - 




SStb Year. 


Automatic Musical Instruments 

for every purpoee. The world's 
50 diffflicot Styles, including 

■ad ooilr 



far Ug t«1pBfB BBtaloc. pietiufaic 

faM and 
in moat laiga aitiH. Writa 
Wurihiar lioe. 

Wa Supply the V. S. GoCamnMnt i»Hh tiatleat Zastrumtmlg, 


UlBtUMBATI (IIT to Itl B. 4tb): HEW TOBX (M a rr w. SXd, bst. B'wsy. a Hh 
Ave.): CHICAOO (tm a MS Wabaab): PinT.AT>Kf.PHIA (IMS Cbeatant); BT. roVIB 
(Bit Pine): CXEVIXAin) (MS Prospoot Atb., 8. E.); (WtUltBTJS. O. (67 E. Main); 
LOBSON. EHOLAND (Now Polyphono Supply Co., Annta, t N<!».m»n BI-, Oi.'or.t St.) 

Henley Roller Skates 

aattai aitnataaaa or B ua ae ud BaOaia. 

Henley Racing Skates 

tr apeed skater* ete if aha r a. and an alaa dealrahl* 
. for tadlTldaal naa, wbaia tha flaaat aad tatat 
" eoaaplato akato la th* autkat I* daatiad. 


Send tor SkaU Catatogna, 
oeielal Pole Guide .V.T7. 


Made to Sorface Rink & Banci Raars 

OvarlOOOln uaa Matfa In turaa alaaa 

For BoUer Slnka, AmnaemeDt Oonpanle*. Daae* 
Bella, Contractors aad Balldan ennwheie. 
3f aeblns eaailr rented to Cuattactoc* aad BaM- 
era at a net peollt o( not leaa than 910 ta tn 
a da;. It Is Ten eaillr operated la wbea tbe 
handle Is raloed It la Inclined to move f m wrd 
of Its own accord. Bollt on the only coreaet 
principle. Gnaranteed to be the REST machine 
with which to produce an even, amooth snrface ■ 
oo any kiod of wood floor, old or new. bard or 
soft. WUl aurface from S.OOO to 7,00O aq. ft. 
once over Id 8 boar*. Two to four time* OTcr 
win make It imoolb and level. Send for otir 

Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. 

Orxanlaad to glea giaatar 
hare a flalabad act ta 
akatlag la ganaraL 

praalaanc* to bona-llda ri ofi «al<ia*l Skatam — tBoaa trha 
aaekliig BThfhItVm Skataia— aad ta prsaota Nitac 

AU the Stort of the Skating WorUI 


Oemiaa Coaaadlaa. ItaacT aad Speed 
part roller akater. Freeanttng 
eatartaming naedty comadj act 
pabUe. Addnai. BUIbaacd. ~ 



Tbe Dara Deell, faatniaa IT-la. top 
•katea. mat ot. daallt. banel 




with Special ScM H y. 

* IBS wTt. a. nia. 


la bar Bazralona Pancy and Trick gkab- 
tag BikibltloB, coadodtag each alg ht wttfe 
a race agalaat an laan la th* Blak. A4- 
dreaa SS4T B. «th Btnat. a***laad. O. 


Oreateat llTlag azpoaent of tbe art ot PaUnage— flnpadar Artlatle Tklek nd I 
Skating — Astonlihlsg Stilt Skattns^lfarraloaa SkaUng oa tar wtgoaa, n* «alr 

PANCY SKATINO iSDKLKSQDB p«rtorm«r. Uanaxers will kindly writ* osrly for • — 

AaJrrM. TS Brosil Str»«t. N. T. City. 





XHe Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4. 1911. 

A peiforoen an mpeetfldly teqiinted to coDtrlbnte their latM for thU dcput- 

loat reach Tbe Billboard Dot lafcar than Friday of each week to laam poblicatlon. 

BtUboaid Cocwaida all aall for ptofaaalnnala tree of ctutfe. Menlwn of tbe i>ror«alon an 
~" ^ htM iMf H d W Mia la can of Hie BOlboard. and it wUl 

T«lranim« Inquiring for 
■ivon in thoM columns will b* 
imlaw answara ara prepaid. 


additional list of Parfomiers' 
a* wall aa a liat of additional 
raaaivod too lata for elaaaifiea- 
ii may ba found In another column.) 

■ Aeta with burlosquo eompaniaa may 
ba found in another column. 

Abbott. Sam & Fay: Box 106 Ola, Ark. 
Abbott * Alba: 1252 Dlversy BUd., OUCago. 
Adcle It Her Lions: 210 E. 47tb it., M. T. O. 

Adler. Harry: White Rais. N. Y. O. . 

Abem. Daonj: 1322 So. E. Bt.. Tacoma, wash. 
Abertui, Tbe: 3219 Colorailo are., Cblcaso. 
Altken Bnia.: SM Bedfucd at.. Fall BlTcr. 

Altkana. tWa OMatl lSia (toaTh* at.. SMr Op- 

Albaol: laes Broadwar. N. T. C 

Alderfer. Cbas.: Deliver. lod. 
Aldracta. Blanche: Athena. Oa. 
Aldrldxe. Chaa. H.: 20 E. Berkley at.. Union- 
town, Pa. 

Alhelm. Jno. I.: Loomla at.. Chicago. 

All. Oeo. (Grand) Glasgow, Scotland, Xot. 
38-MaTCh 1. 

Allen & Kenaa: 12S Brewer at.. Xorfolk. Ta. 
Alllnel'a, Joa., Pelrr the Omt: 43S BlooBfleM 

Anerleaa Slagliw Four: 4I0 E. 168tta St., Brooz. 
S. T. 

Amateidam Qaartette: 131 W. 4Iat at., N. T. 

ABdnaoB * EIIImo: 3003 IxMnat at.. PbOa. 
AndenoDS, Aiutrallan Twina: care Paol Tanalg, 
UM B. Uth at.. N. T. O. 
aiewa A Abbott Co.: SIM2 Uorgan at.. St. 


AbmI * Dorlao: 1S5T B. 32d at.. CleTeland. 
ApeUo Quartette: 63» N. State at.. Chicago. 
Archer ft Carr: Oceenwicb. N. T. 
AraoM. Cbaa. 8.: T. M. A. anb. 1081 Otatral 

St.. Kansas City, Mo. 
Anold, Geo.: Box 103. Shatluck, OUa. 
Arnold * Blcfcey: Owego. M. Z. 
Axtoaa. r.: csrv Faol Taoslg, tOt K. Mth 

it, K. T. 0. 
Ashaer Btatna: 13 8. Xeawtead are.. St. Looia. 
Aner. S. * O.: 410 Sooth 4tb an.. Mt. Tenon. 
N. T. 

AiutlD * Elmnker: 3110 E at., Pblla. 
Araloa Jaggllni: Four: city [Intel. Chicago. 
JkVtir. Mary (Itnith Temple) ChlcaKO. 
AarUaa Family: 1227 E. Tlst at., Chicago. 
Adama. Billy (Bailowla 
'Aval Ion Troape " 
Andre's Urfiia 
City, Mo. 

Adair, Eddie. A Edythe Henney (Orpheom> 
Bocktonl. 111.: (NOTelty) Topeks. Kan.. S-11. 

Armanis, Fire (Keith's) Columboa, O. 

Addlfoa ft Uriogston (Tale) Kansas Cltjr. ilo., 

Adair. Belle (P«ll'a) Sprliwfleld. Maaa. 
Arnold. Tack (Hathaway^a) Lowell. Mass. 
Alpine Tnane. Fire (Sth Ave.) N. Y. C; (Mary 

lami) Palllmocc O-II. 
AlTioo ft BUIto (Orand) PUtlllpsburg. Pu.: 

lOIohe) Inbaatown 0-11. 
Armstrong. Wni H.. ft Co>.* (Majestic! ChUapo. 
American Trmnalera (Oiaad) SaemmeDto, Cel.: 

(Lou Angela*) laa — 

Adelmann, Jo—-'" " 

30-Feb. 11. 

Armatrang'a, Harrison. Ftte CaaariMHaMr Oiw 

(Orpbesm) Spokane O-lt. 
Allen. Iieatcr (Apnllo) Chicago. 
Atclm. Lon (Apollo) Cblcaso. 
Altar ft Barrlngton (City) Blddefocd, Me.; (Seen 
' le> WeatlnnSka «-lt. 

Aadale'* zooioglcal Circna (Ualeatle) rt Worth. 

Thx,: (MalMtle) Dallas 6-11. 
Adoolf (Kelth'i!) Proridenee. B. t.; (OrpkseB) 

Harrlsbarg. Pa., s-ll. 
Adair. Art (BIJou) Battle Creek, MIcb.; (Bijoo) 

Bay City, 6-11. 
AEnerle&D Newsboy's Quartette (Pantajce**) Port- 

Inntl. On-.; (Paota^es') Sacramento. CaL 


Archer. Lou: 053 (Greenwood Terrace. Chicago. 
Abaara CycUor Tioape (Hadson) Dnloa BUI. 

Assell'SMen, Cfrtrodc * Edytlw (Almo) SttU- 

water. Okla., 2-*. 
Alcsander. Hamld (Orpbeimil .M InneapauB. . 
American Poor (Paotages*) Denver. 
■Abeam Ctaas.. T^onpe (Keith's) Boston. 
Allatee & Jeans (Bnllock's) Providence. R. I. 
Atp^Ta Troupe (Orpbenm) Lincoln. Neb. 
Aastin * Smith (Casino) El Dorado, IB. 
ATOloi. Mnstcal (Maleatio) Seattle. 
BaOIles. Fonr: 26H Cbnrch St., Newark. O. 
Baird, Blanche: 12 w. 60tb St., .N. Y. C. 
Baker ft Comnlla: 813 E. 4r,tb at.. Chicago. 
Baker. Sid: 1606 Bace St.. Cincinnati. 
Banks. (3iarler: S17 Park avc. BaltlnoR. 
Banyan. AI(M«: 132 SaUh- St., mmi^titOaa. 
Bareter. Doa: t&t Satth WotlifB IIMtrMS^- 


Barber ft Palmer (I,yncta's) Woonsocket. B. I. 
Barlows. Breakaway: White Bats, N. Y. C 
Bamettg, The: 338 Sommlt St.. Toledo, 0. 
Barrett, Frank: 240 5th ave.. N. Y. C. 
Barron, Geo.: 2002 Fitlh ave.. N. Y. C. 
Barry A Hack: 688 Roger st.. Milwaukee. 
Bartell A Oarlleld: 2690 E. G.'kl st.. Cleveland. 
Baom, Will: 07 Wolcott st.. New Haven. Conn. 
Baiter. Sidney: 1722 48th ave., Melroae, CaL 
Beach, BUly: 120 Baadoiph at., CUeago. 
Beard, BUly: 1401 Drayton st, SsTaaaata, 6a. 
Beck. Norman Ed,: 487 Groareaoc av*., Mon- 

Beck ft Eraos: 14 X .0th at, Pbila. 
Bedlnl. Mme.: 112 Stb are., Chicago. 
Beeeber, Will S.: White Bats. N. Y. C. 
Bees, Tiro: S02 Bryant ave., Chicago. 
Bcltord FamOy: Palace Hotel, S18 N. Clark 

St, (Sileago. 
Bennett BnM.: 3S8 W. 6Sth at.. N. Y. C. 
Bennett ft Marcello: 200 W. e7th st.. N. Y. C. 
Bergere. Jeanette & Rose: 224 W. 49th at, N. 

Y. C. 

Bern ard. Al: 442S S. I-lbertv- st.. New Orleans. 

r»yi*rg-*rr.»iii"-.ri n f 

Brand, Laura Martlcre: S27 Main st, BsSalo. 
Branham, Chas. M.: Sturgeon, Mo. 

Braoo Sisters: Richardson Park, Dela. 

Bretonne, May: Actora' Soeletjr, IdB W. 48th 

at, N. Y. 0. „ _ - ■ 

Brlnkleya. The: 424 W. .<Wth at. N. T. 0. 
Brltton, Nellie: 140 Morrix si.. Pblta. 
Brittona, Three Musical: 720 Liberty are.. Brook- 

Bt^ea. Sensational: 075 Jackimn ave.. Bronx. N. 
Y. C. 

Brlgbtona, Tbe: Rome, N. V. 
Broadway Comedy Quartette: 20 Wllllamii uve., 

Brooks ft Kingman: 2:11 W. :!Uth st.. N. V. C. 
Brown ft DoTls: 34 Focry arc., Newark, O. 
Brownies, Tha: Sth ft Jackaon sts.. Tofieka, 

Browning, Arthur: 9SS Omrt st, Ctadnnatl. 
Browning, Bessie: 340 E. 66lh st, N. Y. 0. 
Buckley, Lonlse: 681 3d ave.. Detroit, MIcb. - 
Bodds, Aerlsl: 20 N. Union st., Aurora, 111. 
Boncbn ft Alger: 2319 W. Main at,, LooisTllle, 

By. , 
Bnnth ft Rndd: 910 Belden axe., Chicago. 
Bnrbank A Danforth: Berlin. N. B. 
Borcb. Billy & Virginia: 018 W, Market st.. 

Louisville. Ky. 
Burgess, Bussell: 034 >i S. Flgneron st, Los An- 


Barkhart ft Benr: MB Baaiala at;. ChkaiHi. 
Buns, Billy X.: WbltvRsta. M. T. C. 
Burt. AI. I.: Bancroft Bldg., Altoona, Pa. 

Burt, Glenn: 714 w. 9th at., Cincinnati. 
Busby ft Williams: 501 W. 144tb St., N. Y. O 
Buskirk, Musical: OS Bamw st. N. Y. C. 
Byers A Herman: 3040 Paxtoo Bosd. Cincinnati. 
Brooks. Franklin A. (Grand) Brentford, Can. 
Brown ft Davis: Reno. Ner.; Sloekton. Cal., 

Bogert A Nelson (Majeatlc) Boaatsa. HSK.: 

(GslTcz) GalTcston S-ll. 
Bentoa ft MdMwaa (Aacbtn CUcua, 
Bathing OMaTtQiifcw) > Qstta, Ulaht (Or- 
pbenm) Salt Zaka Ml. 

This Uank is available for 


xottte data in case you liave 
teniailad upon applicatkm. 




If you an unable to dve routeu and darfn to bave your 
nument wlclreH liBtod,]dM|y .pravi^ 

tiatng this blaok. 


Pennanent AddresL 


There's Oiriy One— DeWitt Sisters 

The moat sattsfuctory flower made — nothing 
like them except the natural. The moot beau- 
tiful display on the road to-day — no ezcepUons. 
Arrange season's supply now. We bare an at- 
tractive offer, lliuili-d to a few Immedlata tak- 


Originators mnd Makem only of 


14TW.46tl>mtrMt, • - CMieMtO 


Tricks & Supplies 

eWWiMMHIla iiwt t««st-iii soup oou aiaaa 

Stt.d a€i4 iMt m4 .BSHt umkIbMIm. V» 

iiiu»M dHw. »*m IMS am l a sa 
, s»«ii»i onw — iu nsu, h.^ i<s «i.a 
la..i.>iTCi.LW>a n«»ti,di«J 

' full tiat- VMM* Hst F.'NT.H 

n«SM<snJni.m — 

l«, BUM I C V. «. 

I SMa.HMsk,CM 

ivf OIMOL.OGI s-rs 
AND come:dia.ns 

Yon can always replenish your stock of lokea 
and gags from our Joke lluoks published for 
atage use. Over 700 PAOX8 OF 1IF-TO-SATZ 
XAXERIAL In book funa, bsoad la paper 

a tl bill. Your monar ' 
Writs right now. 


The airl Who Tames Bectrtdtr. This Is a aasel 
act la a baaJllaar for ' 
fairs, a 
ta ast 

tat MflBB nictaia 
aaa antk. Utfesata 

Bcrns. Miss Leslie: 716 Bocklngbam Place, Cbl- 

Beny ft Berrr: Great Valley, N. Y. 

Bert ft WlUlaiDs: S5 Fowler at. Atlanta. Ga. 

Blann, Vile.: Care Max Ulracb, Metrapolttaa 

o. 2-. ». T. o. 

Blgdows, The: SMI Monros st, Cblesto. 
Biggs, Jag. W.: Sia W. M it, Cliarlollf. N. 


BHyck's. Capt.. Ssa tisasi «ai» Baa Vwaiamme, 

Berlin, Ger. 
Btmboa, Tbe: AM PaelOc st, Applclon, WU. 
Bingham. Russell: 1<nt N. 20th at.. PbUa. 
Bishee ft Oonnclly: Hotel BookeiF, Sswanee, 


Blanchard'E It Happened In Atlaaaat 4Stt Mag- 
nolia ave.. Chicago. 

Black A MrCone: 19 Neponiet are., Boston. 

Blair, Brent: 436 Liberty St.. Hagerslown. Mil. 

Blair A LaFoa: 2040 Amstcidam ave., N. Y. C. 

BUnebaid ft liaiUai UW Ostaela at.. San Fran-' 

Blessing, Vr. * Mm.: 'Boat's BM«I. Chlnigo. 
BlondeU. UaUa: lUl X. Sd aew., Knoxvllle. 

Blossoms, The: Waterrllls.' Ulaa. 
Boes ft Bo**: Sns nr. ^vVrcsna at,, iMlsvllie, 

Boston CItr Onartette: 410 Wafven at., Brook- 

Bontin ft Tlllson: White llats. X. Y. C. 
Bovd. Eddln: S. .Main St.. Ijis AnKelos. 

Boyd. Marie (O. II. i Rslllnecr, Texas. 
Braatz. Selnin: rare I'^iiil Tausig, 104 E. 14tb Kt. 
N. Y. C. 

Bradfords. The: 401 E. Morrison at., Portland, 

BnkM^ ImUM QauMte: IMS S. imi at.. Zaa 

Berplce, Mile., ft Ber Polar Bean (Orphanm) 

Lima, o.; (OrpbeumJ Oaatoa S-ll. 
Burkhart, Maurice (Plaaa) CUcam; (mally) 

Lafayette, Ind., 6-11 

Baraea. Boy, ft Bessie Crawford (Orpheum) Har- 
_,»h*m«. Pa.; (PolPa) WUkes-Bsrre 6-11. 
Blonddl, Mable (Oipbeom) BIchmond, V». 

Bretonne^ Hay. ft Co.: BarbertoWB. 0.. 3-4; 

Eaat Palestine 6-8: Salem a-ll. 
Bow, Martin (Orpheum) KlehBSad, Ta, 
Booker, Harry, ft Co, (DalaBs) — 

(BIJou) Dninth 6-U. V"^""' 

B«ers. Leo (Majestic) IfllBSIIla. TSt I WatiS 
tic) Galveston 0-11. . ' • " ■ 

Blooinqnest Players (ColoalaiV UwMnM; JIUa. 
Boudlnl Bros.' (Orpheum) taatUsi (Olvbsaa) 

Portland, Ore., 6-11. • r^' 

Bowlea, Donald (0>lnmbla) OtadMatl S*!!. 
""J''!!' 'o'KilhS, (Temple) OaSalti IXImpla) 

Bocbesler. N. V.. 6-11. —r-~, 
Bm^. Mr. ft Mra. JImmIe (Orpbenm) Spokane, 

Rrennn, Downing ft Co, (Orphrom) Seattle: (Or- 

pbenm) Portland. Ore., 0-11. 
Buras Sisters, Three (Victoria) Lathyatta, IBS. 
Beyer, Ben. ft Rro. (Orpheum) Mlnaeapolla: <0i^ 

pbeumi Omsha, Neb., 6-11, 
Howers A Devlne (tsis) Sallnn. Kan. 
K^m-erH. Wnltem A Crooker (Kcdzle) Cbicago. 
Bo.vie Bros. (Empn-Hs) Kansas CItjr, Ua. 
Bsrron. Illlly (Mnji-stic) Bntte. Moat; (Wash- 

iDRlon) Simkane. Wssh., 6-11. 
(Inch Bros. ((Jrniid) Madison. Wis. 
Bison City Four (Columbia) St. Loalst (OMBdl 

Indlsnsnolls O il. * .ww!~» 

Bene. Pbll. (Pastime)' Cblcsgo. 
BoolMack Foot. The (Khea'a) BalTata. 
■i iiaa tl aa. jmlaic (Majaatle) Vaeoau, Wasb.i 
. (Oinnd) Portland. Ore.. 6-11. 

mito poB .Toin Aor. 

tmtmm «*«as 111. Bear Ta 


Blow a Uttls In the air and 
avsfybody moat aneas. Sam* 
Ida, 10 oanta: doian, 7fi saota. 


Dept. X Oamabers. N. 3. 

.•> •» LI SAL 


aCAftlBtle stag* , 

ais. Al'V"^*'' 
I wn Mdngtaa A 

Inaas, Vav Tsril 

SfiftNl If Pfifisiiiul kid* 

is «. Mtt st, hat, W> At*, ft B^y, K. T. 0, 

(Cut thU out — It may not appear agalak 

S'.^i?* Mjchlnes, Dice, Cards, rata, wp 
Spindles, Pair Qamea, etc., ezpaaed. Oat 
BiK iiiixtr.eed eiienlar FBBB. BAM. B. 
Box liKo, Hammond. Ind. 

paTeuT* sccDBBD OB rmm bbtubm- 

rniKm* bd. rrsa rapert aa to pataat- 
abUlty. ninatratcd Qolde Book and List of Ift>. 
VMUoaa wanted sent FRBB. 
TIOrOB J. XVAKB ft CO.. Waaliiartos, O, O. 


Magic Masr Acts aaS. 


If!!* catalog fte*. AMraaa A. ■. BBIU, Vab.. 
403 Grand Avenue, Mttwankoe, Wlaeaaala. 


Oatologo* U PietaiaUiBal A Amataai 
Playa, Bke teh aa, Meaolenas. Mlaatpsi 
Johea, Heeitattena, Ma he- np Ooada, 
etc^ sent rBEB. DIOX ft IRZOSB.. 
ALS. n Ann Btraat. Vaw Tstk. 

SLOT KAOWnfra HccoBd-hsad counter sad 

tint will stansr jvg?''%(nS^Mr St 

Detroit, Michigan, 


FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Xlie Billboard 


MID » nmnntMi (Bljao) Pl<ju.. O.; (New Sun) 

^itASwS. B.^.: (Ot.n.1)«, N. y.. 

M«Wt, * Co. (HudMii) Union Hill. N. 

Brati«ni. Mlcli««1 (HuJiKWi) Unlpa Hlll. ji; 9. 

S"' ; iilnn. & Ulnn. (Onlienm) MiDOUiMlto. 
nibuu Ceo., i Co. (Colombia) CiDelnnmtl. 
nJ,m i' I«rrj & Co. (Orpbcom) ClaclaoaU. 

no.w\i ilroa. (O. H.) BlDKbamtOD, N. Y. 

u" , i D»rley (M.J*itlc) Dall.. T.XM. 
filnll. & Hearo (Orpbeum) Oakland. C*l. 
ciwar. rranu: B12 B. *2a at.. Cliloago. 

Ciiwn,' Great: JM Arerlii iiocbealer. S. 

Oilt-rt-r«rliMii. The: rorllaiul. lie. 

r-aiiitron. EU«: Ml Broad »t.. Sew London, 

i-tttwbvU. AI.: 96T AnMlerdim •»».. N. T. C. 
Or & Bbell: 406 W. IStb (t., Kiniu City. Mc. 

Cailli * oSrk: 013 rnwpMt are.. Duffala. 
Carlton Slitm: 463 W. asth at.. K. Y. C. 
Carol Slileri: 1<M W. Ifllh at.. .N. Y. C. 
twolya. Tbc: 213 E. 14th »t.. N. V c 
Carral. Hel»ne: 1745 Warren aie.. CUlouo. 
Carroll. Nrttlt. TioDP*: 1-KM Holme* nre., 

Ca^oU«?l\M:.Mtt UMta Vteta M.. bin An- 

CamTn' BrM.: mSMk !«» iMMn/ „ 
Caalrarn h UMpkjrt . JMte WMi Ft. Vorlh, 


CkMd*. Tbiw: OnrltegtoD. Win. 
One. Cbirlty: Leckpm. N. Y. , 
Caie. Panl: SI S. Glaik nn. CblcnM. 
Caranangh * IrfWCmMri TOO A iMIaM nTe.. 

Kanau-Cllr> _ 

Cbineio. Acrfift; 1019 Onod m.. Kamm Citr. 

_ Ijiao 

"Kanau ■ Cll/i^an. 

Chantrell St Scbuylor: 210 Proepect are.» 

CbanmiB Siatera: 1620 MllbDm at., lodlanapolli. 
Cbaae A Camw: 3910 ■. BalMcd (t.. Cbleacu. 
aark Bra*.: 23IB 8. Sd it., St. LoDla. 
Clawaoa, Koacoe: ITOt Bfownlee at., Marlon, 

Clarion. Beaate (Apollo) Vienna, Aualrla. Jan. 

l-March SI. 
Clementa A Lee: 62» Fltal at., loaiBTlllc. 
Clermoat. Jean: 1(M Mtk Sfa. J!c 0, 
CleTrlaod, Claude A UailMI .llf ftt Aato- 

rla. I_ I.. X. Y. 
Cl^l>er Comedy Foor: 6ST W.' UWk It., N. T. 

Cllio A Sylreater: 334 N; JOIfeat, PMIa. 
ClotlMe A Montraaas SSS WTsms gL, 3ti T. C 
Coitlaa. Ttarr JlMHOlt IM W. iMtM' ft., 0»- 

weco. X. r. 

C<«ML^Tbna Uaalaali 140 SMto aw.. Bllasl. 

Colnmbla Slvaleal ranr: SIS W. '4St at., X. T. 


ColumblaoK. Fire. Inc.: FIndlay, O. 
CookrT-. Clerer: Wanaan. Wla. 

cmk A nriimaD.- 13H Sprlof at., Nawark. N. 

Cooke. Raymond H.i .1] XMMlM St., Anao- 

nla. Conn. • ■ 

Copeland A PMUIpai fltjr. <Hlk at. 9. T. C. 
Cwdoa A^aod: ear* P. IMmIEImII. Utb at., 

pt^lKa, Sis: ii ruk av*.. JIaapcih, L. I. n. 
S°!f**v^i!l!fL?* *■ ItKliaain) at.. St. Paoi. 

AiTb Mtj, 

CAurtner ft JMBatl*: iHt W. ilfh Flaw, Chi- 

Cbwiea. Wm.: 2003 4th .t,-.. s.. Mlnneapolla. 
Cowlea Family: Altonna. Win. 

VSIff- P.: 2M N. .Sherman at.. Bay 

City, Ulrh. 

Crawford, r.len 8.: J4.H Raxler n., ToI<mIo o. 
WJWIOM A Dflenrey: 110 Liullon- at.. lu-lle- 

foatalne. 0. 
fii!.**- TSf' Weboter City. la. 
"SH"';..?'*"' y.a»d«Tllle Coawdy Clnb. 224 

W. 4«tb at.. X. T. O. 

Cnllen Brofc: »ia munniti atrPblla. 
Cnrlla. 8ain J.: 763 Jennlnini at.. .N. Y. C. . 
J?"2''v^* IPoira) Wllkea-narra, Pa. 
r.*Ji.*rT""»","'"^'»'"> Turm, JLtH. 

Cliaa.. ClrcoH (DIJou) Jackaoo. MIcb.: 
(Bljoa) Unalnx 6-1 1. 
Chlldera A Cbllder* (Eaaln'al Roncfrerte. W. 

(Hlppodrome» Cliarleaton tl-ll. 
Ca.lell»ne. Ton.». A Bro. (Francala) Montreal. 
SlL '.'^v"''"- * ^- IHathaway'a) Lowell. Ma»*. 
■ .¥ * Marlon (Keltb'a) Pblla.: 

_ IKel lb a> Boatoa 0-11. 
!«Kr*"t tSrpbemnI New Orll^na. 

rtahiiri O^ll 

'^^"'•'',*,Wei;b (Rellta'a) Pblla. t laiaOB) X. T. 

riiltVn. J,, n. (Orand) RTaniTllI*, iMl.; (Or- 

|>lieiini) Mempblt. Tenn.. O-ll. 
r^.° ? .F^fnnm (Bmpn aa) San rranvlwa. 

O il (OrplM-iiBH «i|t IM» aty. 

Cliirc li,vinnnd (Orpheiiml Boattia; (Cffpkenml 

Ik (Orplieiim) Mlnneapolla: (Or- 

pheiiml .St. Pan! 9-11. 

Wliir"*' Cyclinc (Orpheiim) Ean Claire. 

S!S3S' *'»'''"l (OrpheiinU Omaha. Nrb. 
oil. "I (>«h«w>rn nile*. N. T. 

j_rm.«y A lia.vne (Cbaav'al Waah., D. c.. 0-11. 

\'L'^L?'^:r.r"£ <»«■<»««••) Moiaia. Ala.: (Ma. 
-.i""" l-llllr Hock. ilk.. O-ll. 

* .n»<«wam (MaJcaUe) Skmaport. t*., 

J»*5''?V*fi?. *1>«'»> Wllke».Bim. Pa. 
«M? »i» '.."^"■•» WUkea.Barret Pa. 

oil. '^•'*>l« (Orpheom) Mlnneap- 

fJl'l'"''"-, Alrld (Orpheoral Mlnneapolla. 

CTly u " (OrpbeomI Sloni 

nlll'-'n*.^^"'"'!:'"" «• Wwlern art... Chltaio. 
n! r 2"V; i'. r*""" Mlb at.. N. T. C. 

Imlo* " """» (National) Sydney. Analratla. 

Hay, Carlta: 586 71b are.. N. Y. 0. 

tie Armo, Billy: G03 N. Clark at., CUeavo. 

DeCampe. Goy: Henderaon, N. C. 
DeK«pa Family: 320 Sixth are., N., NaBbrllle, 

DeFaye, Liana A Evelyo: 47 W. 28th it.. X. Y. 

DeHaren A Whitney: 1420 N. 22d at., Phlla. 
O^mare. Jallua J.: 217 E. 88tb at, M. T. 

ooim. niMt is ». irakk ab; OMBkowa atr. 

Delmort ft Darrell: 1S15 9th aT».. B.. Oakland, 

DeLorla. Dick: 218 Swan at.. BnSalo. 

DeMar, Edward: 07 W. Thornton St., Akron, O. 

UeMar Bros.: Cadillac, Mich. 

IleMarlo (Orpheum) Grata. Anatrla, Feb. 1-27: 

(Lelbig'a) Brealan, Ger., March 1-31. 
DrMonde A DInamore: Zaneavllle, O. 
UrMora A Cracela: FIndlay, O. 
Uempaey. Albert A Jack E.: Marlon. Ind. 
Denlekn, Jlnsleal: Oil) Pint at., Macon. Ga. 
Deaanortk Btlh: Ontarhi Hotel, Chicago. 
DePhU Bma.: 443 17tb at., BraoktoS! 
Derbya, Aerial: 607 Central a**.. ConnaaTllle, 


DeVoe A Mack: ManaHeld. 0. 
Ulck. Ray: S22 Ohio are., KokoBW. M. 
DIckena A Floyd: 343 Bbode lalaad at^ WtBtio. 
Dlcklnooo. Richard: Melroae. Maaa. 
Dion, Jack: Crescent City, III. 
DIaton, Madeline: 934 Longwood are., N. T. O. 
DiTolaa, The: 142 E. Sth at.. Maoafleld. O. 
Oolaa, Joa.: ZTO W. S9tb at., X. Y. C. 
UoUa ft Laabatr: 2400 Tth am.. X. Y. C. 
Ooaaai. Dnrfai S4S UbcoIb at.. Johnstown. Pa. 
Donovan A Mackln: 1130 Taylor at.. Ft. Wayna. 

Doria Opera Trio: care Wm. Morris, lae., lOT 
Dearborn at.. Chlcaao. 

Doric Trio: 037 N. State St.. Chicago. 

Dtineh A Rosaell: 801 8. Belmont are., New- 
ark, X. J. 

Doaa. Billy: 102 S. High at.. Colombia. Tenn. 
Douglas A DooKlaa: White Rata. Chicago. 
Downard A Downard: Cyclone. Ind. ' 
Downey A Wlllard: 41 Unwood are.. Detroit. 
Dufla-Bcdear Tnmpc: Baadlag, Pa. 
Dunbar * nabar: White Rata, N. Y. C. 
Dw|^ar. lettla. Trio: lao Scott at., Wllkes-Barre, 

DeVUbla. Great (O. H.) Tipton, Ind.; (O. R.) 

Hamilton, o.. 6-11. 
Dreaaler, Joggllnr (BI]oa> St. Loola: (Palace) 

St. Lonla 6-8: (Plaxa) St. Lonla O-II. 
Dare Broa. (Malestlcl Grand Jnoetlon, Col. 
Darmody (Orplienm) Boston; (Orpheam) DoTcr. 

N. H., 0 11. 

DeRenxo A LaDne (Temple) R<«bester, X. Y.: 
IHlppodrome) Clereloxid. O.. G-11. 

Drew, Pat. A Glarda Newton (Shobert) New Or- 
leans 30-Feb. 11. 

DeAnno A DeArmo (O. H.> Farmlnglon. III. 

Davia ISBpeilal Three (Orpbenm) Dallas. Tex. 

Dopiaa, Frad (CMnmbla) ClDrlnnatl. 

Dattna. Cbaa. (Amartcaa) Blyrla, 0.; (Prls- 
elUa) ClaralaBd 6-11. 

Darla * Moran (Apollo) Chicago. 

DlnkelapM'a Gbrlstmaa, with Bernard A. Reln- 
«ld (Majestic) Mllwsnkee: (Msjeatle) Chicago. 

0-11- _ _ 

Daltoo. Tbos. H. (Folli-^ Oklahoma flttf, Okla.: 

IPrlocna) Wichita. Kan.. O-ll. 
Darrell, Lawrence: Atlaata. Oa.. JS«Mk. II. 
~ ajeslirt DaUaa. iMbT <»}e«- 

( Dome I Mlildlt'tnwn. O. : 

Dallaa. Reulata (Ma 

tic) Ilonstoo 0-11. 
Dark Knights. Ten 

(BUon) Lima 6-11. 
Dick. Tnmer A DIrk (Mllea> Mlnneapolla. 
Dick. Marrclons (Orpbenm) MlaneaoMla. 
DuBn-Rtdcar lVou|ie (Orpheomt IlaBTfr. 
Dnnn. Tboa. Potter (Majeatle) Denver. 
Doyle. Maler Ja*. (Paataitee't Deaeer. 
DeTcaa. Hobert (Ornheiim^ GlnelnnatL 
nara. Jaar. ft Co. (Majaatle) Rockland. III. 
DeRollla A Talora (Majestic) Montgomery. Ala. 
DeTare A Rotb (.\lrdome) Chattanooga. Tenn. 
Diss's. Anita. Monkeys (Keith's) Boston. 
Edmsn A Osylor: Box 30. Richmond. Ind. 
Edyihe, Oorrlne: 22.-) 8. Robay St.. Chlrsgo. 
F.lalne. MaMe: ftM> N. Clark at.. Chicago. 
El Barto: 2A3I X. Hnlllagirood at.. Phlla. 
Klllott A Weat. 3(M HMOflk Qtlla. _ 
Emmroon A WrlgMl SSIl jt. liaH ft..' KOaiaa 

City. Kan, _ 

Emmett A LmnTI (WJ"*! *t".B*">^'-?*:.. 
Bngllah RaaAada: S4S1 W. 1st at., Brighton 

Beaeh. ». T. _ . , 

KolT ft RelaUirh: M4 High St.. Des Moines. la. 
Esher ft Welsh: IKII Rsmstead St.. Pblla. 
Bsp* Trio: 1711 Wells at.. Chicago. 
Etbardo. Naomi: Fair Hstpd. n". J. 
Erans. Bessie: 3703 enlace Orore are. 


Evelyn SlKtcmr On-*>u Rve.. 
Everett Cn.: Sprlntltelil. O. 

Everettn. Fmir (New XlrkeU Lawroncc, M«j». 
Erana Cha». E.. A C». (Orpbenm) Salt Lake 

City. rtah.. 6.11. « . . 

Evan* A Evanx (Ilnn»> MUMtotOwa. O.' ^. 
Edrlngton. Cbas. B.. ft HIa AinerlcaB Baantlea 

(Marrlaad) Coml«>rIaBd. Ud.: (Oarrick) WII- 

BllBgMB. »!.. 0-11. ^ ... 

Rmnoads. The; rittrintlt. Pa.: nonota ttll. 
Ralitina. A. M. LlTernwrf, msr. (Gmprraa) Mil- 

K1hSmJ*Ti»- eatle) KarMlaB. illaa.1 <Bllti>> 

Jackson Tenn.. O-ll. 
Edwards * Raymond (Idea) Grand Rapids. Mich. 
Ely A PloreBca (Orpbenm) Monttr-al. 
Kdenbenc. Ctaaxlla (MaJeMIe} nalveyton. Tex. 
Kllae. Wultr ft W»l*i» lOjrtawi) OS^«L. Oil. 

«. AdaM tt.. So* mwi. 



Pnlrrhlld 8MM0I 

Pama"' Two: While Rats. Jt. Y. C. 
Fanat. Orace: lOls N. State St.. Chicago. 
Fern A Mack: MO »• - , 

Femandes-May Duo.: '•T'ltJa'* •«■• '»•■»• 
Ferry. J. Banks:. »'«»'S?J'M%„. 
Fields. Will II. ft Tji MMIa; SOM Tf, 
wood Park »ft.. CMmm. 
, Xaaala: 1140 € 1 
Finn A WllsOB! 

Fl«li?r Mr. A Mr^i. PorVlna: Il»4 Church 
Newton. MaM. ^ ^ 

KItajcrraUI. Tror: 20S \V. Cr.-»n at.. High I'olnt. 
X C 

FIttgerild. Cha«.: 2410 N. Grand are.. St. I.oiila. 
Kli«c<Tal.l .1 Kano.r: 511 W. Oreen at,. High 

rolnt. N. C. _ _ 

Klovdclla. The: 3n2 H. »t., •aa_pi»im. Cal. 
Fl.vnn. Prank D.: 21 WIUow Pla««. ToBkaia, 

FMH-^XftS as* Watklna at.. Brooklyn. 
rSS* ft BowmaBt SOI W. Illtb at X- J- C. 
Ford A Lonlse: tSS 8. Broad at.. Mankato. 

Minn. _ . ». _ - 

Poato: White Rata, S. T. C. 
Fox, Frank: Revere .Honae. Chicago. 
Pox A Siimmem: Rt7 X. Ifllh at.. K.iglnaw. Mich. 
Foi A Ward: 1117 Wolf St.. Phlla. 
Franklin. Oheer * Co.: 012 X. Oeathom at.. 


Frana. Slg A Rdylhl IS BMtUhB at. 
hamton. N. T. 


Best Cheapest Music 

n<iBnm«tX.TOBft /^_J||k FOf RbllCSa PhelMV Shows 


I Bw f w i a »t Itjom ft 

«lad« tlk« 

A>r"Rinks» Pletm* 

TbooiUUMls 9t TestlBHWIsIs and 
a businsssof fk 
prove ttftttM 

Remember, good music is what 
you must have. 

n« LyoB & Heaiy 
Military Band 


brass band; are pei^ 
,. feet in inatnmeBtap 
tion; play ia.fiuUttosa 
, time, and doaslCStaBt 

of order, 



Bnilt to glTo 
■pleaffid wear 

and steady service. Moat reason? 
able propoaition in the market. 
Send for onr bij; free catalog:. Lowest prieea in AmefieaM Astm^allasieal 
lastenments of the highest musical value, and of £iianatSSd4rifMMlity; lit 
tioa thia paper. 

This Will Put a Crimp in 
Your Hair 

without burning, brcikking or otherwise injuring it. Produces 
a natural wave much more attractive than artificial martrelin^; 


Patent applied for. ^^^^^ 

Will wave a switch or transformation. Set of eight sent pre- 
^fsrtlJO. Money rrfmiedtfnot enUnly u H ^ Kihnh 

8oad fOr Ow laslmotlvo Loaflst A 
Jaam HamHmgtan, eumm> OSaat i<CM HMOtam Aom. 

The Vanity Shop of Kenosha, wideh b in IVluomtn. 


8 and 1 Sheet, Comedy Dance, Levee Scene. 8 and 1 Sheet, Plantation 
Danee, Male and Female. 8 and H.Shoet, Sonc and Danoe. ICala and Fe- 
male. 3 and H Sheet, Comedy, The Anument. 1 Sheet, First Fart. 1 
Sheet, Crap Game. Sheet, Comedy Musical, Hale Team. JU Sheet, 
I^aushinz Head. Also a large line of Pour-eolor Uthogiaph Paper for 
Cll«K,WiLB WEST M|0 TENT WWIjlS. rn^r far ' 





Ann cowsuhmx buxo .. 

— aeawnrnw 8TSEET8, 

•. tf AT Jft J ^ WASH. 

t. MM 

'. Oaa. Mgr. OSBIB O. BBOV 


Sui WnMxiuo^ CM* 
1117 &ad 11S5 Kutet Sl», 
Amaricaa TbMtr* KdC*. 
W. P. 



Xtie Billboapdl 

FEBRUARY 4» 1911. 


MarrelocB: Highland Park, Qulncj, 

rtwer Trio: 16 lamu are.. Rahtray, N. J. 
fl^gOBu, H. B.: ft Calalpa Boaa, ProTideace, 

" ~ Binr: 318 X. Jfaln St., itU Pleasut, 

MB. lb. * lbs. TkMmtaa: Ml* Walaat St.. 

Aaderaon, lad. 
rrltchle t Adams: White Rats. X. T. C. 
rrobtl & Race: 314 W. 23d St., N. T. C. 
rma Trio: 3T05 29tli aTe., S.. Minneapolis. 
VUtoo. Chw. M.: 3538 Indiana STe.. Cliicago. 
VHes. Mabel (Lyric) FnlaakI, Teun. 
•tej Twins Co. (Orptaenm) Dnlnth. Mian.: (Or- 

^■eom) St. Panl S-11. 
normee Tronpe, Amerloan (Xeir 8h) flHfas- 
•dd. O.; (Arcade) Toledo 8-U. 

~tm. CTMi's) Setuton. Pa.: (Temple) De- 
Xleh.. ^U. 
'w^jOlarm ft Far (CobnUl) Ltwicoce, 

»4j V 


ntzHngba. The . 
ftollette & WIcka 

AnsBsta B-11. 
Vacsn. Noodles (Andltoriam) Lrnn. Mas*.; 

(Jacqnrs) Wateiljary, Cona., 6-11. 
Porce * WUllanu (Otpheom) Oakland, GaL, SO- 

Feb. 11. 

rtcToU (Majestic) Uttle Back, Mbt OMMIIe) 

Wt. Worth, Tex.. S-Il. 

Mesa. Co. (Orpbenm) Seattle; (Or- 
PisrtUod. Ore.. (-11. 
■tlinyn K.. A Co. (Lyric) Ooacocdls. 
Kas., 2-i; (Isis) Sallna t^; (Lyric) AbUow. 

rnllon, Arthur (Orpbeo) Ploe BloB, Ark., 2-4. 
field's. Barry School Kids (ApoUo) Chlcaco. 
Powler. Azelle Maye. & Co. (Colonial) Indlanap- 

rrmnees ft Coleman (lals) Phlla.. 2-4; (Imnbo) 

PUla., 6^8; (52d St.) PhQa., 8-U. 
H oo ds . Foot (PoU's) Wnkes-Barre. Pa. 
Ifeaaktys. wnson. * Co. (Pantacea*) Denrer. 
~ f, Wm. (Orpheom) Kansas Cltj, Ho. 
Panl (Oipbeoni) St. Panl. 
L. Mabelle, Ttoope (Hammersteln'a Vleto- 

■MoB's^ jM.'^tUetes (CoIonUI) Boebertcr, S. 

T.: (Empress) Clacinnatl. O., <-Il. 
asbbcrta. Two: White Rata, M. T. C 
Gage. JanltDc: m White St., SprlagfleU. Mass. 
Oallaway. W. P.: 68 Ontral ave., Atlsnta. 6a. 
Satdlaets. Three: UBS X. Stk a*.. I 
Oamald. Jolly Butts M X. SM 
SarTisoa. Batrrll aal QuiImb: WT 

St.. Brazil. lad. 

Oaylor. Chsa.: 768 17th St.. Detroit. 

Oaylor * OraS: 18 AblBgdon Sqoare, N. T. C. 

Osarse * Oeorgle: lOM N. FrankUn St. Pfalla. 

Oeotse 4c (;ott: 214 Lee are.. Sapnlpa, Okla. 

Oeyer. Bert: Palace Hotel. Chleaso. 

Olbney & Earle: 509 Madlaon are., Toledo, O. 

Otboon Bros.: 2 WlDow St.. Brooklyn. 

Olbson. Ted & Kate: 906 Gata are.. Brooklyn. 

MUar * Fox: 208 State St.. Cbtea««, m. 
^ g 

314 W. SStb Place. I«s An- 

^ _ IhK TM SI. 

Gordon, Panl L. 

Oorman & Bell: 138 4tli are., N. T. C. 
Oonnan it West: 18S5 Lexincton ave.. N. T. C. 
Sorton. Ed. ft Lisle: 14 Barrison St.. Detroit. 
Oon. Eddte: Bayaood St.. FaU Rlrer, Mass. 

" TU ta Pearl at.. Brooklyn. 
' — ~— tway. N. T. O. 

, walla Walla, 

Oraat * 


Onapoer. Tbca.: St. Chadea, Ma. 
tor. Bald 26 W. ISSth St.. N. T. O. 

Ktiex» Heleoe: 40S S. Tth a-vv^ 


X Bc»»le: 636 N. State St., CUeaso- 
Sisters: 603 X. HermltsKe are., Trenton, 

. ft Gmet: White Rats. N. T. C. 
-—J. Johnnie: Sew Bninswlck, X. J. 
OrllBn. Xlna. ft Co. (American) East Urenool. 

O.. 2-4: (Norka) Akron 8-11. 
6'5f». Anjmata (Orphenin) St. Panl; (Temple) 
Detroit 6-11. » p / 

{Snman«. Tbe (C»Ino-RInk) Hoostoo. Texas 
OoMen. (naode (Bljao) Osbkosb. wis.: (Majes- 
tic) St. Pad. man.. 6-1 1 

^HS^L*' ^'■'•^J^^S^ * Adeline's Animals 

MWtenni) BroaUym; (Albambra) X. I. c. 

OMfsa * Gott: 'Batto.'jisat.: Bdeoa 8-11. 
Ooctx. Nat (Grand) BradfM. Pa.; (Family) 
Mntoa 6-11. 

Oeorgettys. The (Grand) Syrxcnae, H. X.{ 

((^nd) Ptttsbors, Pa.^ 8-U. 
OataM. Maa«««; .* OOi_ gMtyoi 

P. (Dreamland) Waterloo. Za. 
elen (Orpbenm) Dalntfa. Minn, 
ft Mm (Andltorlnm) Lynn, Mass. 
msey. Ray {Orpheom) Denver, 
rawer. inidrfKl i Dick Richards (Orpbenm) Dn- 
iBth. Minn.; (Orpbenm) Winnipeg, Can., 6- 

CWaaMaatwn) Spokane 6-U. 

(Oilaanila) dnelnnatl. 

Jfc.Waltefa (Aaertcaa) CMcagoi 
iltb * Happe (5th AseOS. T. a; 
' (Grand) S jt ac us e S-IL 
Gossan*. Fobby fO. H.) X-ons Braacb. X. J. 

GIlmore-LeMojTje-Perry ft Co. (Dixie) Jackson. 

Guson. MsrIOB (Shabcrt) Ctlea. X. T.; (Grand) 

Syraenae 841. . 

Gnrrtoa. Jobs B.. *0». OMna) VUm B>L N. 


Gardner ft Vincent (Unlnne) Minneapolis, 
(fee Jays. The (Orpbenm) Denver. 
Oiris from Melody Lsoe (BIJoa) Flint. Micb. 
Oaly ft Eadlsk (Star) Oartea. Xm; (Hm- 

atre) Harrbnaa ^11. 
Baley ft Haley: IIST Pierre Bldc^ St. Zonla. 
Hall ft Briscoe: 56 Ordiard St.. Nonrlch, Conn. 
Hall. E. (Hayton-Estber Collier Co.: Elmhnrat, 


" y: »13 MeKeaa at.. PblU. 

- -Wk at. X. x; o. 

HamptoB ft Bassett: 4866 WlothtDP are., Cbi- 

Hanley & Jarris: 230 Hoboken at., Rntbertord, 
X. J. 

Uanna, Cbesier: Gallatin, Mo. 
Hanson ft Soley: 410 Barstow St., Eao Claire, 

Hardy, Helcne: PlilBa. O. 

Hardy, Jam. u.: 48 Fnllar at_. 

Hamlab. Mamia: 78 Park at., BralatiMt Vna. 
Harper ft JaaMaoa: Box 1145, Muskofaii, Uua. 
HarrU ft Boblaaoa: 1S2 Lake St.. Cbleaco. 
Uarris, Fted: 851 E. 40tb St., Chicago. 
UurrlMn, Leo F.: Ann Arbor, MlcU. 
iiaskeU, Looey: 47 Lexington avc, N. Y. C. 
Uatcb, E.*W^arten: 74 Sydney at., Boston. 
Uatcbes, Tbe: 47 E. ISZd SC., X. X. C. 
Uawes Sisters: 3832 Belmont sve., Chlcaso. 
Hawkins, Homvr. 229 Boyd sc.. Grafton. W. Va. 
Uawley. Geo.: 2US Monroe ave.. Memphis, Teun. 
Uawley ft Baciieu: i;itT X. Iltb su. Pblla. 
Uaynea, Chas. F.: Weathcrfotd, Tex. 
Heather. Male: SUS Mth at.. Beoaonoursi, X. 

Hdntz, Jack: MUU EMOaaS a**.. MlnneapoUs. 
Helena, LaBallK «( W. Ilk lit. Vecaoa, 2U 


Hendersons, The.: IK E. Uoissn St., Sedslls, 

Hennessey, Jus. A. (Central) San Francisco. 
Henry ft l.lrel: 104 W. 40tb at., X. Y. C. 
Herrmann, Adelaide: Gllsey Boose, N. X. C 
ITtssU : 2IMM Jlanltoa are., Loa Asseles. 

It., Denver, 
amj ftUegtenr. Pa. 

tu w. m suit sc. a 

Hlatsn. Lead* • tatUa: MtlfcJk ' 

~ Paaob xas. 


Hsitcorth. Jsck: 128 W. Ertc St.. (^Icsgo. 
Hsmllton. Hsrry: 6S1 3d ave.. Detroit. 
Hamlin. Rarty: 60T Ssctk Western Bldg.. SUn- 

HywjB ft IftmU 


Holmen Broa.: 614 Lake at., CadiUac, Mich. 
Uomewooii, Gertrude: Baltlmoce, Md. 
Uoppe, Vera: Bidgefield Park, X. J. 
Uunard ft Boyd: 0551 Ktsel ave., St. Louis. 
Howell, King; Brennen Hotel, Loa Anxeles. 
Uowze Sisters: 4S & 8th at., JacksonTlUe, Fla. 
Uontlnsa. Fear: Fair BaiM, K. J. 
HoxtaMesk Uai IS — 
Hyatt ft laXata: 

Hyde ft Talbot . 

Hall, (}eo. F. (BijoirTacfeHa. XIA.: (BUaa) 

J^nmtng 8-11. 

Hart & Woodley ((Xdonial) Knoxrllle, la.; (Q>- 

lonlal) Matsballtotra 6-8. 
Hamilton, EsCella B. (Pantagea') Portland, Ore.; 

(Pantagea') Sacramento. CtL, 8-11. 
Hlllonlans, The (West End) Uniontowa. Pa. 
Hampton ft Baaaatt (WUlard> (aiieaaoi (VIr- 

glnU) GlilaaaMt. 
Hauls Braa^.-naaa C»a*> - WMa t 

Pblla.. ai-M. 
HepUoa-AztcIl Ool (Blnodtaae) Ocfdand; 

(Idnte) Dayton 6-11. 
HawtiMcaerailda (Majeatie) MBwaAea^ 
Holt, Bdwla, ft CoTcnmpb) HaaWlaa, Cfea,; 

(Ooarialon) Ottawa e-U. 
BMfler, w. C, ft Co (SmpceB) Xllaartaa: 

(Unique) MlnneapoUa 8-11. 
HoUand ft Webb (Bljoa) Battle Creek, Mlcb.; 

(BUoD) Bay City 6-11. 
Barrlaon-West Trio (Orpheom) Flipia, O.; (New 

Son) Springfield 6-11. ' 
HoUtncer, Dillon ((^Ionian 

(O. H.) Oneaahais 8-11. 

Hogan. Jf '~ 

Han. O. 


Haiilsrtu «fca C( _ . 

am * WMtaksr txta«ic) 

(mtva) Bualiia. lIaaa.,XI-ll. 

HaU Braa. (Bapnaa) Dalath. lUan.; (Empress) 
Wlanlpes, Cu., 6-U. 

Hamy ft DeVora Trio (Lyric) Dayton, O. 

Howley, Irene (Columbia) Cincinnati; (Colum- 
bia) St. Louis e-ii. 

Hayden, Virginia (Frlu's) Portland. Ore. 

Hanaon, Barrr L- (American) East Uveipool, 
O., 2-4: (Orpbenm) Mansfield 64; (Sim) Mar- 
ton A-IL 

Haines ft VIdocq (Poll's) Seranton, Pa.; (Poll'a) 

Worcester, Mass., 6-11. 
Hodge, Bot>ert Henry (Empress) Chicago. 
Henninga, John ft Winnie (Majestic) Kast St. 

LoQis. hl 

Hobi^ft Goaa (MM Hiaitt.- JSat; 40tt X. 

Grand are., SL Laali. Jtaw, 6-fl.. 
Hawley, E. Frederic, ft Co. (POU'a) Sgciasadd, 


Herbert, tbe Frogman (Majestic) Mobile, ftla. 

Hanlon Bros. (Otpkeam) OtUaiid, CaL; (Or- 
pbenm) Loo ftawca e-U. 

Howard Bros.* fly lug Banjos (Proctor's) Xew- 
ark. X. J.; (Keith's) Boston, Mass.. 6-11. 

Hsrt'B. Josepb. Bathing Girls Co. (Orpbenm) 
Ogden. L'tab; (Orpbenm) Silt Lake City e-ll. 

Hart's, Jotiepb, Little Stranger Co. (Lyric) Day- 
ton. 0.: (Temple) Detroit, Mich.. 6-lL 

Hart's, Joseph, Dinkelsplel's CbrUtmss Co. (Ma- 
jestic) Chicago; (Hippodrome) Clerolaad. 6- 

Baarila. BldMrd ft Loalaa (Orpbeaa) S«v Or- 
leaas; (Lijlc) MobOe. Ala.. 8-U. 

Harward ft Hayward (Galecs) galwata^ XB.; 
(IVent) TMateo. X. J.. a-Il. 

HeM's, Jnles. School B«rt * Glda OMn) Ak- 
ron, 0.; (Arcade) Toledo S-U. 

HInes & Fenton: 143 W. 8M at.. K. C 
Hnlbert ft DeLoox (Lyric) Dm IMaai^ 1a.t 

(Princess) St. Paul. Minn.. Ml. 
Hannigan's Polo Teams (Orpbena) I 

Ilalc, Jess, ft Co. (Mzjestlc) CSOr 

nymack (On'beum) Denver. 
HaUen ft Puller (Uajestle) Denver. 
Helm Children (Majestic) Denver. 
Henglenr. MUe. (Pantagea*) Oenesr. 

. *T&ck (pmrs) wmm 

HIckmsa Bros., ft Co. (Orpbenm) Peocla. ID. 
EUDmsD. Capt. Sidney. & Dogi (Star) Stewark, 

X. J. 

Howard ft Howard (OrnhenaU Mtla sa>a« 
Halsted. wnisrd ( rapRo." tftwaiatt, Ol 
Instmmental Trio: Bcctai^ .Otft. Tltk * CM» 

-tts.. Demreci 

Irwlns. nras SSM XL 7|at_ ^ 

ishikawa .Xav O a ain. 7M8 Saaffaaa at., CU- 


Ith. Girl Mentallst (Onmp's) (Mlnmbos. Ind.,' 

nnty) FTankllB 8-11. 
Inness ft Rysn \.MaJe8tIc) Ft. Worth. Tex.; 

(MsJesUc) Dsllas 6-11. 
Isblkawa Bros. (Andltorlnm) Tork, Pa.: (BIJoa) 

Pbila.. 6-11. 

Der, Bnrke ft Davenport (Family) Detroit; 

(Clevelsnd) 6-11. 
Irwlns. Three: Steelvlile. Mo. 
Ince ft Farrell (Pnli'a) WHkes-Parre, Pa. 
Jackson. X^»|^^J8MglPi^ X C. \ ^ 


Jarvls ft Harrison: 26 McKlnley St., Hariford, 

Jeoneta. Tke: 848 X. Wcslen «*„ .Cbleago. 

Jennings ft Renfrew: 714 Droadwsy. Everett^ 

Jerome & Leroy: S14 Mary St.. St. Josepb. Mo. 
Jcbasoa Bros, ft Jotinson: OM Csllowblli sc.. 

Phi la. 

Jobosion. Musical: 388 Elgbtk are., N, T. C. 
Jones, Roy C: UBS BioaMaj, X. X. C. 
Joaea ft WMIsbeadt tt W. tBk it.. X. V. C. 
Jordaa. Eart: 908 B. 8t> it- I «» i ngt o n . Ky. 
Jotdaask Ibice Jossttast. iM XSMaa at,- Cbl 

ihaaoa. W. (Peari) CWiai. IaS.t fOffbtaB) 

Soalb Bend 8-11. 
Jeter ft Rogers (Proctor's) Newark. N, J.; (5tb 

Ave.) X. Y. C. 6-11. 
Jolly. Wild * Co. (Chase's) Waab, D. C. 
JODes. Aieisnder (Columbus) Kewark, X. J.; 

(National) Pblla., Pa.. 6-11. 
Jack»on, Ollie (Cbntea) San Francisco. 
Jooes & Deeley (Orpbenm) Dearer. 
Jenny, Mme. (Mateatlc) LaCrotse, Wis. 
Kaicbl Trio: 1227 E. 71st at., CSiIcsgo. 
Ksriaad. PivC: 808 Beerca a**., Norfolk. Va. 
Ksrtella Braa.: Patctaaa, B. J. 
Kaaftaaaaa. Tba: S40 a »th at., (micago. 
Kaatlas * Vatray: wudwood. N. J. 
Tialai ft Parka: csre Mrs. Davidson. »1 W. 

IBOm st^ It. T. C 
Keene, Mattle: Hotel (Gerard, N. T. C. 
Keene. Dorrls ft Keeoe: 00 Psnnington sc., I'st- 

erson, N. J, 

Kelcey Sisters. Tbree: 4S32 Cbristlsns sve.. 

Kronco-MsnsOeld Trio: Xew Milford. Conn. 
Kelly ft Heaiy: 2738 Flaakfsed are.. Phlla. 
Eeltoers. TDK _|SS Qilillil Plana. OaBaa,.Tca. 

Kenney ft 

Kent ft Wllaon: 8088 Moonie are.. Chicago. 
KIIUoB ft Moore: White Baca, X. Z. C 
Klag Bros.: 2U 4th arc, Schenectady. X. Y. 
Stag ft Baflcr: 206 W. «th St.. X. X. C. 
wi-fJ-T ft BaberU: 320 Baltimore Bldg.. OkU- 

haasa CUj. Okla. 
Kingston ft Moore: White Rats, X. X. C 
Kingston ft Tbomas: 11021 Esmond sL. Morgan 

Park. 111. 

Klein ft (aiftoa: 607 W. ISltb at., X. X. O. 

Klos sistcaa,. 

i4tb st^TK x: a 

Knight Brofba * ~ 

Kniaely ft ReaiMa 
Xohler. Frank * 

Marysvllle, O. 
Kohl. 0ns ft Marlon: SII Foartb sC. Mllwinkee. 
Kolb ft Miller: Dayton. Ky. 
KoUlns. Stnsrt. ft His Banjo Girls: 1553 Broad- 
way. H. X. C 
Koppea, The: m W. SM at,. X Z. a 
Kotan. naak: 808 Baee St., PhRa. 
KraaMta. The: Aaalsinlak. Pa. 
Kraaier-Braao Trio: care Panl Iteslg. 104 B. 

14th at., X. Y. C. 
Kramo ft Xonsen: 203 GeatHa at., Uaaaad, 

Kimball ft Donovan ((}rphaaB) HiaalV O.: 

(PriscIlU) Cleveland 8-11. 

Kari (Poli's) Springfield, Mass.; (Poll's) Wor- 
cester 8-lL 

g an f a anns . The (Orpbenm) Boise, Ida. 

Kane. J. Warren (PoIl>) Bridgeport, Conn.; 
(Keith's) Cblnmbus. O., 5-11. 

KaaUau. E. (Grand) (nereland; (Family) OtU- 
wa. Caiu. 6.11, 

Kanfman Traop* (GnbaaBt ■iK' OBP. la.; 
(Orpbenm) Mhiaenpaili. Maa- ML^ 

Klein ft cnifton (Grand) OewnSz Okallr) 
Ottawa. Can.. 6-11. 

Kubns. Tbree White (Orpbenm) Den Viiaaak la.; 
(Orpbenm) Sloni City 6-11. 

Enlgbt. Harlan E.. ft Co. (Orpbenm) San Fran- 
cisco 30-Feb. 11. 

Kelly A. Weatwortb (FOlly) Oklaboma City. 
Olcli.: (Princess) Wichita, KM., Ml. 

EnriU-Rnsse's Dogs (Prinecaai R. ttallk. Ite.: 
(Orpbeom) Daliss 6-11. 

Kitamora Japanese Troupe (Colonial) X. T. C. ; 
(Orpbenm) Brooklyn 6-11. 

Kelly ft Davis (Griflln'a) Gaelpb. Oat, Can.: 

(Majestic) TV>roDto 6-11. 
Kanfman Bros. (Orpbenm) IMaBlb IMBa,^ 8-11. 
Kretore (Majestic) Denver. 
Kent. 8. MRIer. ft Co. (Baspreas) Cincinnati. 
Ka^Jama (Colombia) Ci ncinn ati. 
K^er ft Wilder (Oipbeaa) (aaelaaatl. 
Kejm. Addride.^ fc^Ooh Ct^ a tatt CMfS* 

Konen Bros., Sbar (BainSSSSM) V. 'Z. C 


LsOandsil: 402 Monlton St.. Xew Albany. Ind. 

IsBelle. Hsrry: White Rats. Cblcaxo, III. 

LeCentra ft La Rne: 2461 2d ave.. N. T. C. 

LaFord. CtaaB. : Brockhaas Edwards Plsyers. 
Teiarkana. Tel. 

Lsbl. Cecil ft Avery: 1017 Lagnns St.. San Fia» 
Cisco. - - T 

Lskolo ft T.oraIn: Palace Hotel. CUbIVl 

LsDelle*. Foor: Decatnr. Ind. 

LaMar. Mlaa Wane: ITCO Mata at^ Cinttnnatt. 

LaMarcbe. WtmSOK dSt W. SSIb at.. CbleailK 

LaMarr, FMk: Oca. ML. Otmi KapMa. XM. 

LaMaze. Bennett ft LaMaxe: 2568 Pltkla aTC.. 

Lamblottes. Tbe: Mt. Tenon. O. 

LaMera. Panl: 27 Monroe at.. Albany. N. T. 

Lsmnnte. Frank: 2018 X. Broad St.. Phlla. 

[.aMonfs Cockatoos: ]S.*>3 Broadway, N. T. C. 

LsMour Bros.: 04 Odar Lake ave., Minneap- 

Lancaster, ^tr. ft Mrs. Tom: Xew CaaUe. Dela. 
Langdon ft Morris: 1427 Mc ttMBry St.. B^tlaore. 

Larlmei\° Herbert: MM 'dS'aSil ■ Wliat. Oedar 
Raplda, la. 

LaRocca. Bncx P.: Bn 8S, Washbnm. Hi. 
LaBoae Brn.: lOT B. Slot tt„ N. T. C. 
LaBaa ft BSiaifa: SI Unie at.. Xewarfc. X. J. 
U|aB* ft Uad: ISS Foots assL, Joasslsaa. X. 

tr at.. FUIa. 
L**8n>BBBa» at- Itar Ortsans. 

at^ BacKland. 

Hotel. (3ilcago. 

- T. C 

laSbe: Mil Katsf 


LaTosfca. . „ 

LaVeen, Ciaaa * 0*.: fl 


LaVIllas. The: Rrand tm 

LaVlne ft Inmnn: Whlfe B . _ 

Lawrence ft Wright: ISaS Broadway. X. T, C, 
T.e<nalr ft Saaaaoa: 113 Sth are., Chicago. 
Leelalre. Leo X.: 810 B. 14tb at.. X. Y. C. 
LeGrange ft Oocdon: SS23 Waataingtoa are., St. 

Lenerta, Two: DitM TTalon are.. (Mcaga. 
I.eniion. Bert: ."C/i W. Washlnston at.. Chicago. 

T.PO Jolly: If^K) Vlneraril t1. Phils. 
I/eRny ft Dlamnn-I: WMIe n«tfi, N. Y. C. 
Ijeslle. Reclna: .101 Tremont lit.. Ponton. 
I.e*He ft Knarle: nC4 N. .1.",fl! st. Cblcaco 
LeVeme ft Johnson: 4S02 X. Seeloy ave., (Thl- 

Liacolns. Foor: 2100 noma St.. Chicago. 

Lettao, Dolpb ft Suale: 14 Prospect St.. W. Ba- 
TC^ Conn. 

Undsay. Cedric: 300 College sve., Anslta. Iflaa, 
Lines, Hsrry: 420 Oth St.. 8., Mlnoeapolla. 
LIugermsn, Sam ft Locy: 705 K. Sth St.. Phlla. 
Llo^d^ Falls: 588 loreit asn.. Gatea, Bocheatcr. 

Loekabay. O. OLt' Wm fW, atccawood. 8. C. 
Loekwooda. Mnslial; 138 Caaaon St., Poughkcw 
sle. N, if. — ^ 

Lois ft Love: 2014 W. 2d St., Cboey Islaat. M. 

Loluet, Kalle: 104 B. 14tta at., X. Y. C. 
Lombards, Tbe: care Paul Tsuslg. 104 B. 181k 

St., N. Y. C. 
Long. Clyde: 1707 Wslnot st. Chicago. 
Lonntwrg, Lon: Lock City lloiel, SxonaaaWa. 

X. Y. 

Loo mis, Clara: 6349 Evana ave., Chicago. 
Lowe, P. J.: 2720 18th ave.. S. Minneapolis. 
Loole-Lcahy Co.: 203 4tb St.. Ssn Frsoclscc. 
I-nblns, Four Dsncing: 1728 N 21at at.. Phlla. 
Lncss. Hssel Heston (MaJeatle) SI. AhI. 
Lnce ft Luce: S26 N Bnod at., Pblla. 
Lacier. Fred ft Besa: Oaaet Bay. MaM. ' 
Lueders ft DeU: 28 E. Robinson St., M. S- fWa' 
burg. Ps. 

Laivson. Al. M. (Lyric) Pnlaakl. Tenn. 

Lobse & Sterling (Grand) (^evelaaL 

Leon ft Adelioe (Alrdome) Chatlaaooga. Teaa.; 

(Urpbeuml :jayanDab, Ga., 6-11. 
LaMotne'a, Billy, Motoring Comlonea (Lyeeoa) 


LaMarr. Frank: ueo. Del., Grand Rapids, Mich 
LsFem ft St. John (Majestic) Bolle. Jlaat.: 
, i W aob h u t sat aaakaai~^aabl, S-uT. 
laagmtOti, x6m (Ualcatte) MMfWai Win.: IOb- 

lety) Sntk ChtSSSTtn!. ^nT^ 
Larrivee ft Lee (Grand) Iroavlile. O.. S-t: 

Lancaater 8S. 
Llnton-8, Tom. Jnngle Girls (BIJoa) 

Creek. Mich.: (BIJoa) Bar city tfu. 
Locler, Marguriet (Majestic) Chicago. 
Lanaing, May (HaChaway'a) LosreU. ~ 
LaTell Bros. (Comlqne) New r ~ 

(Bowdoln Square) Boataa 841. 
Leygbtoos Globe (Dniqae> — 

press) Dulntb 6-11. 
Lewis, Bert (Majestic) Btrmlaghsa, 
Laughing Horse. Tbe (JelTeraan) St.' _ 

Fla.: (Majeattc) Charleaton. 8. C. •-! 

"Ss"s.^*Mi':'* ^''^ <»^iv^ 

tangdOM^XIte (Bijoa) Decatnr. IIL 

LaTor Broa. (HaJsaUcI 

Laac ft (TDsaaeU dfajotk) 
. market) Chief 8-11. 
I«cey, WUl (Orpbenm) Dsllas. TIex.; (Pwltaa) 
• Wldilts, Kmb.. 6-11. 

LaXole. Ed. ft Helen (Majestic) Dca MolaciL la.i 
(Msgic) Ft. Dodge 6-8; (Crystal) WiTirtaa. 9- 

LaVettes. The (Gem) Mnlberry. Kan. 
LaOaIr ft West (l^ile) Crisfleld. Md. 
loreaberg's, t»aa.. (MIege Ufe (Msrrlsnd) Bsl- 

tlmore; (Colonial) Xorfolk. Vs.. 8-11. 
LInd, Homer, ft Co. (Majestic) Cedar Rapids. Is. 
Love Wslti (Orptaeaa) Dearer. 
Larols (Orphemn) Clndnnstl, 
Laaky's "Pboto Shop" '(Colonial) X. T. C 
Xadla. Oca. W. lO t sbtnm) Sebcneeudy. N. T. 
Imefc ft XcOfe (Balbaway'a) Lowell. Maaa. 
XcCeanen Sisters: ia«T W. Xsdana at.. CU. 


XcDonsld. Eddie ft Joba: SM BMttk aiBL. W>' 

kinsborg. Pa. 
McDonald, O. L.: 818 Soperior St.. TMed^ OL 
McDowell. Geo. S.: 24SI X. 3d St., Phlla. 
Mscdonald Sisters: 12 Bacbe St., Ssn PraadtM. 
McOee ft Hsys: White Rats. Chicago. 
Melatyia ft erases: 403 E. istb st., Davenpon. 


MeKees. Tbree: Actors' Society, 133 W. 4Btb 

St., N. T. C. 
StcKlnley. Nell: 2R8 Bank st., Newark, ». J. 
Mack. Lee: .WIcklow Hotel. Chicago. 
XsAs, Two: S45 X. EBtb at., Phlla. 
Mallla ft Bsrt: 231 W. «Sd at.. X. T. a 
Ji»J?~?' iMu m., Cbleaga. 

Stalin ft Malta: 173 Xaeth a?*, iSlaScU, St 

Msagesa TTonpe: 1SS3 lleaaiaa*. 1L T. i;. 
Manning XMos 70 Oaaa' ~ 

MlcbT- . ■ - 

Marimba Bnl (Bnaa) 


Marshall's Quartette: 3808 S. Waahlagtoa at.. 

Marlon. Ind. 
H*r*>>. Earl N.: lOSO 4tb at.. Saa INcsow CaL 
Matstoo ft Salaaa: Oatbaoiriak Va. 7^^^ 
Martla. Dave ft rillli WSiOllaait arc. CM- 


^¥"?' gftiSSSpL^SS^lKf^nk aU K. 

Msrtlnettle ft Sylrester: 6729 I«Ha «t.. Phlla- 

^^'?' Howard: 28 Second at.. Mt. On 

Marvel Doo: care D. Caspary, OS S. 

St., Chicago. 
Msion. Cbn. A.: 121 W. 42d St.. X. T. C. ' 
Masons. Foor: Fslr Haven, X J. 
Uatthewa Lamsn 8.: 310 Lakewond ave.. Lakr 

City, Minn. 

Maxwell ft Dndley: 106 w. edtb i>t. X. Y. C. 
n't c''*' """"'"^ BMg., 

SSf* B.£i?"55!i= ^- 

Mesra. Bergeent: Wl>le TMo: 
berlsnd. Md. 

Melrose Comedy Foor: 3100 Oiarelaai 

Melville. Marvelnua: Interlakea. X. T. 

Mend ft Mend: 742 S. Robey at.. Chicago. 

Miller, Theiesa: IM*^- - ""•"'^ 
City. Okla. 

MRIen^Three Jnggling: 027 Rlilgc sve., Scrfn- 
"lSJS'' ^* (Topsy): 2200 Mensrd St., St. 

Moherly ft Crelly: 3<M ItlioSia are Cbfpaea. 
MolTett ft Cls«.[ ll1B,jSr.«?N. Y. T 

Monaon. R. Thna. : MR 4Rtb St.. Im inaslrr 

M"lKm x!"-Y,* SiiJ^ 

Mnnlrell. (T,l,{- '104 e. utb st.. X. Y. C. 
Moorea. Five Fl.vlng: Rno P «t., Mnncle. Ind. 
Mwe, Floys: care L, Scott. 61 Wall at.. ». T. 

Mnrgsn ft Clieatpr: PbaslBa. Va. 

Jlwrls. Leon: 63 W, wTSl:, JB. . 

>f'>rlon». Four: 2«n Btb St.. Detmit, 

See if 

7o«r name is iaLctlerUMi 


Xtie Billboard 


JjS;^, ' V Il.mllton: 503 W. Ad.n>. .... Jluocle. 
Mw.' k Tr.,ul: Indl.Dt VallteTlll* Mpft' A.- 

Jt^'S:.*i"'iii-•"*«^i7oV-, z.,«,ui,. 

y?"-" Ton (I'oll .) WllkM Barre. (Po- 
rpTisiDrliw**!"!. 6-11. 

H-li -iLrliiKBtM, M«M.. 6-11. 
M"r,U.''iV^mIuK <Empl«) 0.1 Clf, P.. 

2"Vii & I',. Ik ilTlncoM) Ft. Worth, Tel.; (Or- 

abcumi 1>»H«» 0-11. 
uiu<-n Tr..uiHf (Culool.l) Erie P«. 
M»i^." Lh... A.. * Co. (W.rtlB«tOB) 8|»- 

uiSSJ.' A xi«ck (Enipr«i») CloctaaaU: IKm- 

MWi Clili««o 6-11. ^ 

Ultauini. Tin- (UjTic) OrtCTTM^ fL • 
jjltrrll fc I'»'-tt (M.l«lle)C W MI f . O..: 

iim>l»«nii S*<uuial> 6-11. 
MUrb Tlw M1M« (CWombta) 8t. I^i; 

CMaJnt'lc)' Dal^ 



jlcrrUI Otto V 
IbrtlD. DiTr. Jk 

Moore"'GM. *An»tln (MifT AodtrMii) Loali- 

»llle: (Grind) E»in»TlUe. Ind., ft-ll. 
uA:«. Joe B. <K»IU'«) ProTldcnce. B. I.. 6- 


Uirrio Trio (I^rie) MnHtL BL: («n«lc) Ft. 
'ad., 6-ll« • _ 


jl.'^kT olS'VshSiirt) ntlca. N. T. 

drome) CleftUnd. O., •■11. 
UellTllle * HlKlM (0*pb«im) U» Amdn. 
SmtfonTT. ManJul (Ormnd) STTtcui*, N. T. 
SmMW Sl>t«s tOarrlck) Bartlacton. te.; <Bt- 

UIUml Trtok. A DcLoos Statm (Poll'i) Htrt- 
"ori: Cooo.: (Poll i) Slprin««»ld. 811. 

Slirk A Walkrr (8tiem'a> Torooto, Can.; 
(Keith"") Colombo*. O.. e-11; 

Mleift. Sotle. Do« Clrcn» (CtnUI) Toronto. 

Uikimko Doo (Or»Dd) KboxtIU*. Tw^ 

Uirrotiji (Empress) Chine*; (Bmpraw) HDwaa- 

lioMc * Elliott (Bmptcn) DnlDtta. Mian.; (Em- 

■na» 'Wlaalpcs. Cmn., 6-11. 
Mctoaall * OcMnaDZ (Oiphvam) Jameslowii, 

*. D. 

Mcimin. Jobs (WoodrrUBd) Cbarlemton. S. C. 
Mam-. Mtbet Valotm* (BUoo) Battle Creek. 

MM.: tBUoB) Bar Cltj 6-11. 
Xntttt. Praak R. (Prlncca) Vaalitlqm. Ml^ 

(MKaV Appletoo. Wis.. 6-11. 
MrNnttSL CycllBK (People's) Torooto. Can. 
MnriU, Sebastlao. A Co. (Keith's) PhUa. 
Wi^fT. Safer, A 0>. (Bodaon) Unloo HUl, 

M^iaoer. Tom (Poll's) Wnkes-Barre. Pa. 
JhCoanell. n. T.. A Co. (Onlqae) MlaiieapoU*. 
Mefedlib Sifters (Orpkema) DeaTer. 
MeBrae A Hack (EmpiMS) CtaelsaatL 
MwpkJ. Mcbola A Co, (OataatU) ClBd—a tl. 

MroC taha (Ornbcna)' 
Karla-AMo Ttio (Orpbcam) Oaiaka. Scb. 
Xalma Troape (CMoalal) Krle. Pa. 
MffTltt, Hal (Ttrat) Trcstoa. S. J. _ 
Sssh A MnebaTt: 381 Caritoo am.. BrooklyB. 
K^^droe. FHUk 9038 mitial* m,. Oakland. 

visoB. otw— '4 ■iiiiil h* fc MWfc at.. 

T. C. 

SeiDo. Carl: TSl N. Sd St. OnlncT. HI. 
Nevmin. Harrr; 1X2 Fiftb are.. Cblcaro. 
MM>r A Boidooex: 9003 Nomaa are., Chi- 

XIMo A BUey: ISS Third are.. Brooklyn. 
Xicbala A Crotx: Wklte Rata. N. T. C. 
Skkah k Saritk: SU Addtooo m.. Cklcaco. 
Stmt. Man: lU itk •««., CUraiOk 
Itotaa. CL PaMm «StS Kiabark am.. Chleaso. 
Ssttaa. Oreat: M* Mawtoa St.. Cblraso. 

Hmf. Moalral: Xtw BriKbtea. Pa. 
XmsadI*. XataUa (tantiial) Saati 
XMala-Xalaaa'TkvBpa fHiaa* VMIa.: 



!Cuam>. Kat. A Co. (Kmpnaa) Ct«etaBatt; (Bai- 

preas) Chicago 6-11. 
Smros. TbT«« (OaalalM) OtlaM%- CM.: (Or- 
_Pbaa» i_ll«attaaL>M,., ■■ . ■ . 
MHka Xtaopa, Ska .fMnr iMHMl Xoala- 

J. 0, (Ollaablat aarlaaatL 
-— —.atolira. na (Oraod) Pittabant. Pa.: 
.OMlh'at Pi asMt o t a. B. I.. 6-11. 
JWabi. Xeni» (KdtVa) PbOa. 
Ma*. FMr (Mllca) XlaMptHa. 
!Cnla« A ErareMI (OipCeMal Daamr. 
Saaaarr. Mar. * Oa. (StaJraOct IKaMT. 

^rtt In a TmkWi Bktb (ominainSitiwil. 

O'Rrlea A Darra«b! m Pi. Taiirit Saa 

©■<Vmn»ll. Mr. A Mm. J. M.: 'in fc^Ub St.. 

Wstfriinrr. Conn. 
O-po!.. Two: nirana. III. 
Onwr« Thrr^i: .n*.! nrenahaw at.. Cbleaco. 

^14 W, AM at.. X. T. C. 
JUflll, u«.r n.: Th« Blllbosr*!. ClnelnaaU. 
"*••»«; a. Iraia. Cackalooa: fare B. Obermarer. 

151 nmadwar. St. T. C. 

TVddr: 711 Conrtland sre., Knkomo, Ind. 
"wen IVmihT Mar; Sft4T WHh St.. Cbleag*. 

OIM^ Crfcl (VIrtorIa) Wbe«llBC. W. Va.. 

*x!'y ^r" ,i^'"""*»> BfoiUia;. (jUMdcta) 

*T!'r'"«7i'"^' Ca»[*a. St. J.: (Bnk) M. 

"^SJl' W*?**.*) McKeeaport. Pa.; (Oi^ 

_J*a*Twn» Sharon 6-11. 

"JHIe (Marrtandf Raltlmorv. 

wjnit. riinrllo (Poll's) nartford. Conn.: (Po- 

iiC .'*Ei;""' (I>rT»m1«iid) .UobQe. Ala.: 
tJ!r^;} •!'"•.'""<'■ Ark.. 6-11. 

|W,l,..v u-.- TWI nak-T St.. Flint. Wlcb. 
^J^;; . Hen. w.: 2.V14 X. rranklln St.. Phil- 

R:;!V 5.'r 

p~.;..*, Tr!L?"> Pltfabont. Pa. 

p^A^MawHi: 1203 MajMtle Thratrr Bid*.. 

Pearva A Aylward: S0 MtaklnB aiab, .GUmtn. 
Peek A Ferguson: ISU S. fMl aC Blnilag- 

ham, Ala. 
Pelliain A lailg. Platca, Pa. 
Petera 4k CbaabrrUia: 268 24tb Place. Cblcago. 
Pblllipa A XewcU: 318 8. Uoarell at., Owoaao, 


PlFcoIo Mldgeta, Four: Box 33, Pboanleia. N. 

Pikes. Musical: na W. Mv at. Baadlas, Pa. 

Polrlers. Tba: tTMW iS? cSBaSaT^^ 
PoMrr. Chaa. P.: «• Uaola a««.. Bay atf. 

Potter A Harris: 17115 Lelaod ave., Chicago. 
l*o«eU, Archie (Coloosde) Oulocy. III. 
I'oweU. Eddie: White Rata, .N. V. C. 
Power, Cbaa.: Porllsnd, Cooo. 
Prira A Bell: 183 Flojd at., Dallas. Tex. 
l-rlca. Outj M.: »*» Loogwood mn., S. X. C. 



Plckje^^^^fef ^ Bl i i mi Kaaaaa CUr. Slo.. 

PrtMlt Trio (Uajeatle) 8«atil*. 
t'errr, Fraiik L..: 747 Buchanan St., Mlnncapolla. 
Prlmroae. AnIU (Miles) Minneapolis. 
Perry, Earl A Keaton (Orpbenm) Cincinnati. 
Pederaon Bra*. (Sbea'a) BulTalo. 
''andnr, Bobby. A Bra. (WaaUagtoo) 

Probat (Pnlton) BiaaMn. 

Qaeen Mab A WaiaTBriiri Mrt. taCh MIk 

at., PbOa. 
Qalocy, not,: Jadtaaorllle. Fla. 
Qnlgler Biothcta (Orpbcam) Ogdea, Dtah. 
Bajan. Jaha: 801 Gbootean a**., 8t. Loob. Mo. 
Bamoai^ Twa: 448 laca at.. OcnTcr. 
Baadall. BUIr: 1800 K. Oth at.. Daytoo. O. 
Bay, Baacae: 8803 PnMe are., (%leago. 
Ray A WUIUma: 314 W. EOtb at.. K. Y. C. 
Bayaoad, Brelya: 48 W. Erie at.. Cblcago. 
Beading Slaten: 411 W. 30th at.. N. T. C. 
Seed A Marlov: 793 Main St. Dallaa. Tex. 
Reeaes, Boe: 1S53 Broadway, N. T. C. 
ReUly A Lewis: 64 W. 118th st. N. Y. C. 
Renshaw, Bert: White Bats. X. T. C. 
Re*e, Len: 1021 Cherry at.. Phils. 
Rex Comedy Circus. 314 W. 43d at. X. r. C. 
Rex THo: 281 B. 2d at.. Pern, Ind. 
B^ BIII7: toil 1-2 Congresa are., Hooaton, 

Reyaolda A P aae ga n (Ceatral XeUlal) Haaav- 

er. On.. Feb. l-M; (Oeatial ' 

bofs 18-S8: (Ofpbcoa) ~ ' 
Meicb 1-Sl. 

Rbeno A Axon: 1332 Wabai 

Rbode*' MirlDoettPs: 33 W. 

Rlaldo. Clyde: Oawe^o. Kan. 
Rice A PreTOat: 26 CObom are., ComnaTllle. 

HlFh. Miss Aobrey: 201 3. 8ttb St.. Oak Park. 


RIcbarda, Ralph: Gen. Del., Detroit. 

Blebardi, Two Aertil: 283 Jencka st. Fall Blrer, 

BIctoade. Bbnr B.: Toefc Springs. Pa. 
Blaacr-Baado Trio: 338 ScTeatb aticet, Qiaod 

Rapid*, Uleb. 
Rio Bm*.. Poor: 1230' 18«h at,:. 
Bipley. TWn: 336 E. 1338 at. Tt.^.'C. 
Rlppel. Jack: Brixn, Ind. 
Sltctale, Eagene A (Urrle: 407 LIppIncott Bldg., 

Phil a. 

RlTcnhall. Fred: 290 Central Park. N. T. C. 
Roberts. Dalsty Jose: 1319 Htleey at, Bnok- 

Roberta. Hayes A Roberta: Cedar Manor. Ja- 
maica. X. T. 
Robert* A Little: Block Island. B. 1. 
Roberta, Utile Ujtd: 454 E. 47th «t., Chicago. 
■"■ Bobble A Haxelle: 512S 42d are.. Sooth.' 

l"t«»a ^rtaa: 2313 Xaace at. Honatoo. Tex 
RoTina * Ikaadas » Abm OpttA Bane. C 

. . Cbl- 
cago. - ■ • 
Ronaaaflh. Ilrta: 188 ITtk at.. Wbedlag. W. 

Romola. Boh.: 218 Tonier at, Zane«TlI]e. O. 
Root A White: «S8 FInahlor are., Brooklyn. 
Rosen, Clias. E.: 45 W. 117th St.. X. T. C. 
Rown«. Tlie: 438 Unwood it., Bimklju. N. T. 
Ro«» A Green: care Price. 188 2d are.. X. r. C. 
RogSlatefa Tbrce: «S Caaerteed at.. Prort- 

deaee, B. L 
Rsaaen * Dmh: ISM W. Hlgk at,. Spd^ld. 


Roblana A Partloa (Empire) Ironton, O. 
Rntan's Song Birds (Hippodrome) Chirlcstoo. 

W. Ta.: (Alrdome) UMdletoarn. O.. 6-11. 
BasMtnaa THo (PaaUgaa*) Sacramento. Cal.. 

jfart otlta ntatra (X«w Ontral) 

Rnsaell. Xlck * I.lda (Grand) Knoxrllle, Tenn.: 

(Alrdomei Chattaooofta 6-11. 
Rant. Clande (Empress) Cincinnati: (Empress) 

Chicago 8.11. 
Royal Tokyo Japaneae Troope (Rellb**) Cnhtm- 

bua. O.: (Hrandt STramar-. N. T,, #-11. 
Rnasell, Jeaale, A Co. (Prlncetsl Sm 

Ctl.: (Portola) Ssn Pranctaco 8-11. 
Rameaea (Cnlnmbia) ClnehiDatl, 
Rnsaow Mldceta (Grandl Baax 
Rytn. Thoa. I.. RlrhOoM 0». 

Orleans 30-Feb. 11. 
Biee. SaHr A Scntt (Onihramt Uanleeal: fPrae- 
tai>a> Xewaik. X. T.. 8-11. 
RoraaMwa. SMaaar Olalaatlr) CktraaaL 
Reed Bra*. (Arpbeoal ta PtaMlnM^ •-». 
Rome A Blaaa (PalacvfBaBNtaamk S8ik 
RaynMad. Rnby. * Oik (Stra'rt BaMa: 

(Sihea'a) Toronto 6-11. 
Rethakcller 1>ln (Ma]e4tlr^ Dallaa. Tex.: (Ma- 

le*tlc> flrttiaton «-tt. 
no»«nla. The (M«lest|p) Ilivk Islsnd. III.; 

(Oaletr) Sonlh Thlrar" a-11. 
Renaoa. The: Orepnn. WU. 

Rlrhanla. Great (Cnlnnlall Ijiwrcnce. Mas*., 6- 

Roaala. The: 2tS W. 4«th at.. X. T. C, 
Rreda. The: Gen. Del.. St. Paul, 
nirhanlaona. Tbe (Mafcatli-1 Cedar BapMa, la. 
Rnaa A Oaka (MaWtlr^ Cv>dar RapMik la. 
RIala. The (Majeatlcl Penrer. 
Rohlnaon'p ITftra*-* fFinpreaa> Clnclnnaft. 
Rock A Fiilinn (Sb.'.-a» BnlTalo. 
Rnasell A Smith'* Minstrel* (Poll's) SprlnRflel.l. 

Baab IJnr Ttf A Cn. (Majeatle) Ann .^rhor, 

Rnhea.'Tho Three (Maje'tle) Raplda. la.. 

St. John A Rrl.1ce«: 4^- «■ '!':"• N •) . f; 
Ssnfnnl & DnrllnRton: XXm rcnnacroTe at.. West 

Santaqnina. .\rrl.i<l: mn NaT.iIn "t.. Di-nTcr. 
Saror A Saror; .H> nnbbsril Conrt. Cblcaxo. 
Sawrer A Pel.lnat 48 Piai bh t j ^at.,. Bjjtala. 
Schlirrr. Emeat P.!. RIS SL-adI tti XMVra- 

w or .lb _Iv*ii. j w • M w 

I -^b Im K> T. 




Hwa B. einei, imM cmmmii Mfwi 

40 Bf Bist Misieiais ii toerici 
' aid lM|iiM Siiabts 


Fonmost Trombone Soloist. 


Foremost Flute Bnd PIgooIo.' 

Booked 11 weejcs,but some good park timo stlll open . 



45 of the Wiodd's Bert ItdSM Mnaidaiw. 

Sirlgnano and His Banda Roma 

Most Popular of Italian Bud*— ao to;[40. 

'a W 

Nnr YORK. 


Designer, Builder' and Director of Amusements 
the late Ohio Valley Expo., Cincinnati. 


To design, btiild aad'plDduce Expositiona, FBib and 
Filters on Ship and Shoie (copyiight) a big mwetaaat 

of amuaement. FIra 
Expo. A number 
York City. 

itta or AflUated TaadarOla Aatala. coaboia anpnalmatelT 

WW 71818^ wk. aad aboat SOO of the beat popolar-prleed acts wcddr. Tbia r"— " -~ 

to jao. It aaaore* yoa a belter grade at acta, a mote arateaaatle raaf 

In mtj particular. Get roar boos* oa the ctrcnlt that earn aad win 

coata aa ■ait wby ba caattat to "drag" alaa( la a kaU-beartfd MaMrvtaa'saa caa te ' 
m«aliwrPia't ayi ■ilii.trtaartbaBaaiimKa— - ' 

BOOBET a ZABi. whx a xat xzvo tkbova mro 



cux ' im. A aovxK BBOwiroro AXAirazBO babkes a jj>wui b 












Taaalj vlaataa boat ar tmllay. Beat paik la Ifet' 

Om HAT 2T, ISIL WANTia>— A (fear ap-<»4at» 

P. O. BOX 156, ALBANY. N. Y. 


Dercnth Tvar; riMtac year round. Band leader and Mmlelana of all klada i 

and pIsTlnc ctsiiAsvd mnslc; Acttoc People and Stage Director tbat dooble brass; 

DaDcliv SoQbrette, mast be tmall; Advaxice A^ent that knovrs Mo.. Kans., Okla., and Nebr*. sad 
bm* bmiidle>d « two-car cuTms abow. oiw nifcht atAikla. tb*t will poet billa: also BUlpoatcra. Bow 
CmnTacman; Jack Harrvy, write. State all you can and wUt do. lowest salary axid permanent 
■d(twM. Only sotMT, ei|>erIPDC^ troopers nml answer. I pay til after jolnlnjf. Acting peopis 

S^Dfl pri-.rr« 11^''. U rt.i'*hj- kuiuid'T Tnt forn-..-! fur bacj ; al^> HIM Tri;ak_-*, frffiT actUlC 
peotU- that do a t-^.-o 1- cocc^Tt. CilAJS. GKYEIt. r.f xltigtOJi, Mo, 


"THE CASINO" f^o;m; 

for tbe comisc snmmer aeaaoo. Let aa kaaar wbat yoa haTe, Ftaa terms to rlsbt partlee aad 
one ot tb* beat kaowo reaorta tbe Oieat Lakea. Addnaa B. B. KEIBEY, Manager PakUeltr 
Deparlawttt Tb* Ttolrdo Ballwara A Li»bt Company. 



and aw la her afartletb year, la man nondatfai and lateicatJaa tban ever. If propetir 
I* Ibe be*t »oe»^aettcr *a aartb. - Mtnic— GbritMa* A Cbrtatlae— MlUle. koowa aa tb*. 
braded^ j iM M^ ^cM^bie^aBiagd tbg^eoaala^^aesaoii. «■> a^^wy^ 


riie Olllboard 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Sehiter. Mr. A Mrs. Wm. K.: SOS W. ISth St.. 

SmtIcs, Arthnr: 8858 CotUse GroTC are.. Cbl- 

Sedswlck*. Pin: 3300 Atc I. GilTestoo. Tex. • 
^llen, LocIUe: 740 Ocsin St.. New Orleuu. 
S«mon Dno: 1553 Broadway. N. T. C. 
Sener, Vincent & Seney: 11S2 S. Mais St., FaU 

BlTcr, Mass. 
Senzel. Jean: 214 Eleanore St.. PUtsborg, Pa. 
Sbaw. Eflytbe: .SOS X. Clark 8... Chlcagu. 
Shaw, Lew & Nellie: IMS Ogden are.. Cblcago. 
Sbca. & Mabel: 522 N. Main at.. Daftoa. U. 

Bwrtnrlr. Fruk: 014 W. I3Sth St.. X. X. a 
r * Xewklik: U GwMI M.. BtfUou 
oat Vniims cu* Vaal XMiIk, 1M B. 14tk 
■u. N. ^ fit ■ ' 
Shldda *aalMK' BMC Ml BMi^Ma, SfU. 
StaieUi. MbbIc: STB irMwart alWi, Atlanta, 

Smelds. The: 207 City Hall. New Orleana. 
Short & Gllck: Box IIOI, Dalliu, Tex. 
Slddona & Earle: 25(4 S. 8th at., Pblla. 
Sleeel & MatUieva: 321 Dearborn at., Cblcaeo. 
SllTcno & Co. (Paotaxea') St. Joaepta. Mo. 
Simmons. Great: 2072 Ogden are., Cblcaao. 
Slocmka Slstnra: 10* E. 14tk at.. X. Z. a 

aoaaoo. Paoliae: 4945 UteUtaa arc^fdnan. 
anOctta TMo: 8818 Commetelal are., Sontb Cht- 
caao, ni. 

taltb. C. X.: 121 N. Martin at.. Muncle. Ind. 
Smith, Perry I.: Wilmington, N. C. 
Smith & Adams: 1139 W. Van Boren St., Chi- 

Smith A Browa: Ma4 St. Jolu ar*., Tolado, O. 
Solar *. ana: wa 1— iaar. jL Z. a 

JIaslral: ISOS Felix at., St. Joseph, 

. Herb. (Graodt Oleaa, N. Y.. 

ThatAcr * Moore raloMat. ^ 

Am. * Oak tMme, 

X. T. 
Staalcr * 

Staalar. Batrr S.: 906 K. Rmaiiway. Baltimore. 
SUnton. Walter Sc Val: 1B36 Broadway. M. T. 


Star Qoartette: The BHIboaFd, Clndmutl. 
Stedman. AI. & Fannie: White Ratii, N. X. C. 
Sterens & Vemell: 60S W. 10th «t., Connera- 
Tllle, Ind. 

Stewart ft Doaahae: eara Ted Behioeder, Himt- 

Stewart ft Malcolm: Box 87, C^atl 
Stlekney, Loolae (N. Y. Hippodrome) __ 
Stokes ft.Byas: WUta Bats, X. T. 4L 
StoiT. Xoalcal: " — ~' 

Stouts, Danelag: Mr : 
StntanaB ft Mar:' 99 H 

port. Pa 

SBlllTan. Harir: White Rata. X 
Sulllran Bros.: WaTerly, N. T. 
Swanson. Baxel May: CbauBerelal notel. Chl- 

T. C. 

.. X. T. O. 

Mft Mattis St., PUla. 
Pnit. Panl. Beats (r 

Pearl (Tefferson) St. 
(Majestic) Colnmtnu, Oa.. 6-11 

Smith ft Snmner (Grand) Walluce. Idaho. 2-t. 
Salamhoa,- Tlie (E^mprees) Cincinnati 6-11. 
Stephana, Hal. ft Co. (Orphenm) Dalntb, Minn.; 

(Orpbeom) Minneapolis, 0-11. 
Snmmen ft Page (Snperlor) Snperlor. Wis. 
Seaalan,. W^ J- (Orpbeom) Dalntb. Minn.; (Or- 

p beuai ) Mlnacapolla S-Il. 
Hi t kMfa , J 


^ Lsatae, Fogy ft Oar CMttfll B* 
(Shea*a) Tmt» C-U. 
S a iia , E. (8tar> ShciUaa. Wyau 
Susa e et Co., The (Or^ieinn) Slaax Cltjr, 

(Orphenm) St. Paul. MIbb.. 6-11. . 
■ntanda. R. M.. Troapa (Orphaaas) Daa Mi 

la.; (Orpbemn) Sloox dtr S^l. 
Sesries ft George (Bi]on> I toB— 1 . Oa.; QH- 

joa) Angnsta 6-11. 
Sehlchtl's Marionettes. Tho (.\lhamt3ra) N. T. 

C: (Bronx) N. T. C, 6-11. 
Spann, Byton & Citberlne (Park) Manchester, 
X. H. 

SampaOB ft Donelas (Ma]eatle) CharleataB, S. C 
Selblt's. P. T.. Spirit PalntlnKs (Orphenm) Kan- 

sss'Clty, Mo.; (Orphenm) Omaha, Keb., 6-11. 
Syman. Stanley (Xorka) Akron. O.: (Atcade) 

Toledo 6-11. 
Sanfoid. Jexe (Empress) Winnipeg. On. 

Stine, CbM. J. (Colonial) N, T. C; (Orphenm) 

Brooklyn S-Il. 
Amends. Jack (Empire) Sridseport, Conn.; 

(Keeney's) New Britain 6-11. 
BbPrman. DeForest ft Co. (Majestic) Tacoma, 

Waah.; (Grand) Portland. Ore., 6-11. 
SpIswU Bros, ft Co. (Orpbemn) T.lnrsllli 3M>.: 

(Majestic) CUcago. m., 6-11. 
Soren, E. (Star) Sheridan. Wyo. 

I' ft DaCroteaa (Majestic) Detroit. 9-11. 
K MUc (Majestle) Sbiereport. I,a. 

Martin A., ft Co. (BIJoo) Memphis, 
Tran.: (SnUa) Kansas City, Mo., ft-11. 
StalToid ft White (Majestle t Cedar Baplds. la. 
Stotxman ft Ma^ (MIlea) Minneapolis. 
Stanley ft Norton (Orphenm) MlnneapoUa. 
!«cott ft Keane (Shea's) Bnffalo- 
Stanler. Edmnnd ft Co. (Orpbetun) 
Srharfr. Ernest (Orphenm) Oakland. 
Shields ft Gafle (O. H.) HaTethlll. . _^ 
Someia ft Storke (Majestic) Pt. W«ct^ Xks. 
Btnart ft Kecley (Dominion) Ottawa. Caa. 

k: ns W. »*th St, N. T. a 

lan Oentral are., Indian- 


^ , T. Va.; 

(Bijsa) PaikeiBbarK t-Ji. 
TUtmeT. Rank (Oipben) Wm ft atl MO C-U. 
Top o' tba World Iknaem OkitaaB) Meaphls. 

Teaa.: (Oipbcnm) X«r MMi% bu S-ll. 
TSada. Hsnr (Msrylsad) BaWliaiiis. (Chase's) 

Washington. D. C, 6-11. 
Tasmanlan-Van DIeman Troupe (Hippodrome) 

Troopers, Three (Orpbeo) Pine Blotr. Ark.. 2-4. 

Temple Qnartette (Colntobla) St. Louis C-II. 

X^bo ft Tambo (Empire) Sunderland, Eng., 6- 
11; (Becent) Sal ram 13-18; (Alhambra) Open- 
ahasr. Tisarksstir, 20-29; (Estpiia) Sheffield 
27-March 4. 

Thorn, WUIs ft Baike (Majestle) OeUt Baplds, 

Thomhnrg, Sam, ft Co, (Orpha aa s) HaTCibtll, 

TorIey% Tha (FonqrO) ftttata, Qa. 

mine a Jtaaat .111 t.lll .aaBa at, ^. 

Crai 4k Use: 4M Hawtkocaa bm, Mnraik, X,. 

Dtopla Mnslclans: 110 Fanner at., BalMl|.' ■ 
Valentine A BeU: 1451 W. 103d at^ CHsacs. 
Valencia Dno: Honiater. CaL 
Valetta ft Lamaoa: ttW It. Oalr ■l*b..CleTe- 

land. ■ • . .■ 

Valley Porse Coias«F Mart SI .WBaar -Xew. 

ark, K. I. 

valolae Bioa.: SM iMlh waL^BiMaiiisfl. Ooaa. 
Van Alkea. UBIaa: MH* nrartl as»« Chi- 

Van-Barkley Co.: 1553 BrnadwaT. X. Y. C. 
VanBalle Sisters: Sll W. 133th St.. N. Y. C. 
Vanderbllts. The: Oreiland nl.. El Paso, 

Tex. ' 

Van Horn. Bobby: 138 Best St, Dajrts^ O. 
\'arlet.r Comedy Trio: 1515 Barth arc. ladtan- 


rsrln A Varlo: 201 MUts St.. Crrstoo, la. 
Vedmar, Bene: 3285 Broadway, X. T. C. 
Venetian Trio: STi Bos&ell St., Detroit. 
Vernon ft Beno: 1617 Dlrlslon ari'.. Sbn.-ve|M*rt, 

Vemo, Geo.: 2218 K, Lambert st., PhUa. 
.Vice. Fred M.: 213 4th are^ HonMStead. Pa. 
TIetaclne, Merna: White Bats, Cblcap>. 
VlnecBt. John B.: 8S» OUsa at., Mlaaapolls. 
VIrden ft Daalap: mita Bata. S. r..C. 
Taaraata. Tbree (Maiflaaaj BaHlwsia »M. 
▼aldare, W>ails Traape (Trim Ckkago; 

(Sehladler'B) Chicago 
Viracdile, Anthony & Andrew (Grand) Syracnse, 

X. Y. 

Voelker. Mr. ft Mia. Rvdaeirk •••■J"- ••-^a- 

ton. Pa. : (PolF^ flpdaML Maw. A-ll. 
vinretu. Joe (BafMial CSacBaall: ' (Bapnaa) 

Chicago 6-11. 
Talleclta's Leopards (Orphenm) Sen Ftanclsco. 
30-Feb- 11. 

Vlttoria ft (^eorgetto (Keith's) C!o)nmbnF, O.; 

(Lyric) Dayton S-lL 
Volght ft Voigbt (Star) Caney, Kan. 
Van Eppa. Jack (Bndson) Union HU. N. J. 
Van. Cbas. ft Fsnnle (Orphenm) Montreal. 
Waddell. Prank: 2321 Kedzle are., (^ritgo. 
'Waicner A Rbosdes: 110 W. Mala St., PaoIL Ind. 
Walker, Moslcal: 1B24 Biookatde St., ladlanap- 

olls. . . ' 

Wallace ft BmOK: m CkBBsa at..'laiks<inilllt^ 


WaUaee. Veata: ISIS Sth. asc. PlttahBrs. Pa. 
Walton Biaa,: 1416 Ha ii li k a rf at. Canton. O. 
WaltoBS. Sbc W X. Sapedor St.. Toledo. O. 
Waaasr ft Palmer: 21 E. SOth St., Chicago. 
Ward. BHIy: 199 Myrtle are., Brooklyn. 
Ward ft Weber: 1107 W. Poplar St., York. I'a. 
Ward ft Webster: Palace Hotel. Ctalcapo. 
Ward. Starr A Ward: 250 S. 4tb St.. Memphis, 

Warner's JnTcolIe Mlnstrrls:^ Joachim St., 
Mobile Ala. 

Warren ft Francis: Fox IM.T. CheyenoeL W.vo. 
V'arrlrks, The: 1132 Sedgwick at.. (Alcago. 
Wartenbets Scaa.: can >aat XlHriB. 101 

14th St.. -X. X, C ■ • _ 

WashKnm. IVari: S* - CaHMSrsl takwar.' M. 
T. C. 

Washer Brn!i.: Oakland, Ky. 

Waahla. lUasI ft Laaca: 4T1 Mitchell St., MU- 

Walers. Jas. It.: care Clarice, 1560 Broadm-ay, 

N. Y. C. 

Watson's, Sammy. Farmyard Circus: 333 St. 

Paul's arc., Jersey City. N. J. 
Wcadicfc ft LaUue: White Bata. N. T. C 
Weber, Chas. D.: 828 Xhsker sU. PiiUa. 
Weber, Kid: BMca ate, CMcaMb 

Welch, Jas. A.: 2U B. MOi at, xTT. C 
Wella, Lew: SIS ShawaM aaa., OaaaC Bap- 
lds, Mich. 

Werntx, Hayes A Beatrice: 633 Wooster are.. 
Akron, O. 

Wesley. Lornn A Una : Port^moutb, O. 
West ft Benton: 31 School at., Buffalo, X. V. 
West, Dsre Ocrll: 1^4 Hazel St., Danrllle, 111. 
Western Union Trio: 2341 E. ClearUdd at., 

West Slaters: 1412 JelTerson arc., Braoktya, 
Westotts, The: 1013 Story are., Laolatflla. 
Weston Sisters, Three: 282 X. 301 at, Mu. 

Wharton, Nat: eaaa taainaa Ob., 4B barie at.. 


White. Edward B.: 21S E. lOOth at., X. Y. C. 
Whilehead ft Grierson: 2468 sth are.. X. Y. C. 
Whitman Bros.: 1335 Chestnut St., Pblla. 
Whitney, TlUry: 36 Kane at.. BaBalo. 
Whlteworth & Pcataoa: 0413 Uarasaa am., (HeTi^ 

Wllkens ft WUkena: 1533 Broadway. X. V. C 
Wilkes, Ada: Harrison, N. T. 
WlUlama, Chaa.: 7TS0 MerldUa ara. 
wmiama. Ilappy Vraak (HaaMa'a) 

Falla, Oee. 
wmtaaa^ ibnr- JLs ^ m. MM aavb, 

Sgga. Ss*M.: SM W. Mtt at_ X. 
moa ft Banaa: mtiaalaalBij. HL 
Wina ft Bassaa: 136 Maafi55a afa.. 

Wills ft Hntcblnson: 2S3 W. SBth ~ 
Wilson. Grace: 1.'>2T rj!TBHT an 
Wilson, Lizzie: ITS FraakllB al_ 
WUson ft BIck: 73 OM^tm asm,. _ 

^isjo^ i^ssj. w%5siai5r«£- 

Its, Kan. 

Wdfea. Masieal: WUU ~ ' "lnai 
Wolt Moora 4fcTana: Oloo e a rt aa . JCTj: 
wood, imt: WUteBala, X. T. C. 
irood. gUie: SM W. MMk at. X T. C 

Welllngtou Bras. (BUoa) Abenleca, Wash.; 

(Lyric) BayaMad 6-11. 
Wlliard ft Boad (Majestic) Cedar Baplda, la., 


Warm, Percy, ft Co. (PaU'a) WUkaa-Bawi. 

Walton ft Vlrlaa (Caique) MInnespolla, 

Weston Bros. (Orpbeum) Cincinnati. 

Welch. Mealy & Montrose tOrptieiim) Reallle, 

Xavlrrs. Foar: 2144 W. 20tb St., Chicago. 

Yamamota Bros.: Wlncbeater, O. 

Torks. Tbe: 0010 Prcsrott are., St. Louis. 

Yoons. Ethel: 18 W. Ohio St., Chlcagu. 

Yerxa ft Adele (Orphean) Spokaaa; (Orpbeumi 

SeatUe S-Il. 
Yonngera. The (Prlaccaa) Btaaiaa, Caa.; (Di- 
jon) Maaw Jam. asik . Ml. . 
Taw, Doa Tta Ubw mm »llatfiH. a 
Yonag. onir. ft April (Haanenlela'a) X. X. 

a. 6-11. 

Zamloch ft BJlile: lciM> 02d at.. Oakla 
I Zednars, The: Box ITO. I.asrinn. Mich. 
' Zeoo. Ctrl: 344 K. 2.1 St.. Erie, I'a. 

Zerado Bros. : Care B. Lerey, 144 
j San Fraoclaco. 

ZIngarella: 06 Bearer St., X. V. C 
IZnIa. The White: 4129 EUls aia., 

ZcU, Bodgers (Alrdoau) Chattamaa, 
(Majestic) Montgomety. Ala., 5-11." ' 



T. C. 

T. C. 


Catler Stack Co. 
BBIr B.: UsBae Braa.' Mil 
lanaee: Vsaal'a Mlnstrela. 
r. X„: BOafa Klag oC tba a 
uaataat, Uwarl: Tks Midnight Bai 
pare, Jakaay: IMd'a Unatrels. 

Frank J. Fowars* 

, Hairy: Togsl'a lOnatrcla. 

fairtkUd, BeU: rraak J, ~ 

I wrawmd'a MOiSSk SS4, 

Wright i Stanley: Van Bnren Hotel. Chi- 

Wyctotr. Fred: eo Water St. 
Wriies. The: 5.15 W. Romans 

Wright. Original Earl (Academy) BoSala. 

X. T. 

Lyons. N. Y. 
St., San Antonia 

Original Eari ( 


s. c. 

.; (Or- 

^. Ml. 

Woodward, V, P. (MaJcaOal 


Westons, Three (Orpbeoi) 

phenm) St. Panl 6-11. 
Ward ft Weber (Majestic) Cnlar 
West, John A., ft Co. (Majestic) 

(Majestic) Des Moines 6-11. 
Williams & Warner (Orphenm) Memphis. Tenn • 

(Orpbeom) New Orleans. La., <V11. 
Wena, Lew (Otpbenm) Sloni citj-, la.: (Or- 
phenm) MInnespolla, Minn., (i-u. 
Weotworth, Sat (Fceaao) Fresno. Cal. 
WateriHitT Bros, ft Tenney (Majestic) Chics- 
go: (Columbia) St. I<onIs 6-117^ 
Wright. Horace ft Beae DIeM* MMail bra 
;a.) &UUa. ^xTz!. *-ii. 

cose, X. T.: (! 
Waters. Tom (" 
Woods. Lew (G 

Walker ft Stnrm 
Milwankee 6-11 
Williams. Thompson ft (^peland (BIton) Battle 

Creek. Mich.: (BIJoo) Bay City 6-11. 
World. John W.. ft Mlndell Kingston (Proctor's i 
X. 3.: (Keith's) Syracuse. X. v.. 

-(Majestle) Haastaa. Tex. 

auplaa. Two: Pdca'a Tlaatais 
■aai^ Am.: Taari^ — ' — 
Oaaa ft Jackaaa: 

■ssakar: T^era 

H si stlj . Sneat; WaMea Osi, • 
loaaa ft eOlam: Yala 8toA Oa. 
Kaapp ft LIstette: FWd'a 
LsTOT ft Adams; DeBoe Baal 
Long, Ony: KHer's King a( WHt % 
Mayne. ElUabetb: MidnlgU SMa, 
Psrmalae: Fox Mlsatrela. 
PowaU. Clarence: Bleharda 

Pallaa, Uwlla: Kelth'a Stack Co, 
Bay. BlUr B.: Wcair Wffllla waMr «i 
Mb ft Btyaa: Pcck4 Bad Bar. 
Batalche, A. E. : Flamlag Anosr. 
•alasalle. Great: Cbanacey-Kelffer Stock 
Bnsaflls, The: Peck's Bsd Boy. 
acanra. Alfrsd: Boy C. Foz'a Mtaatrda. 
Slmpaon, Oscar, ft Chaa, Woodwart: 

RepertalM Qa. 
Somera, Mailg ft. • Oakt MMM^ Bl 


Ty-BeU Shtcia: Bofal ft Adams* ladocr 

Whl ppla, W aldo: ^ 



on coatnmas 

42sd St., N. 
Me la 

a'a. Easene, Ststnes. Western (Odonlal) 
ladlaaapoUs. . 
a mtma^-ft ^ Sgpsl^ (W^s-sl Toroaio: (Keith's) 


Actron or Orator m 

brn MS to MOO Waakly 

^•n»la l iaa H sa » aJP caisli»<MlU«M 

I iin M n i>i»i l »». l»i.illnr««U«*M 

COM n^vaa^Maa aajha aasaa as I 



Texana ft 

natdcr. Bra: 
Thmnas, a. J.: 

ft WHCbt: 


Ma Twittsetal at., Beaton 

ThompMn ft Etoward: Totratsln st«.. Sairtoa, 0, 
Thompson, Mclrln: 343 Franklin st<^ Batkiai. 

X. C. _ 
Thompson. Veots: Xorth Yalclma. Warn. 
Tliii i bert SIstera: 9S% Msgne at., Bocbester, X. 

Tlat. AL: 12S2 W. 12th St.. (Hileago. 
TOm-Jrrk Trio: care Tanslg, 104 E. 14th St., M. 
T C 

Tapack ft West: 1388 Pear at.. CSmdea. X. T. 
aS!!r\aw ft <bpa: S44S W. Sebool at.. Chl- 

TncCT ftCarter: TIT e«i are.. SeaHte. 
Treatfa. Capt.. Steals: Tonownnda, X. T. 
Tremaines. Musical: 230 Caldwell St.. J^ackson- 
Tllle, ni. 

Ttoohadouia. Three: 288 Park ava., Kewarfc. 
X J 

Xtny. Kclaon ft Tnr: B. >>. BU Xik ]«' Mac », 
Sbebaraan. Wis. _ . . 

- -mr i Sl^idon: 1017 W. Sfste st. Olean. 



Fw Ten Yean 

we have been suppljr- 
isut the pateons of l^e 
Bnibosrd, and like 

"Billyboy," we have 

grown tramendoualy. 
Prompt and coarteoos 

attention to your let- 
ters, fur deaiing, our 
poatitB^iljaaiBntee on 
our worii^ are oome of 
the tilungs that have 

Put Us Over " 






FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Tlie BilAt>oard 



I at Act. 

Coaw With. 

A Oahl: OW» fram Dlil«. 
2Zuu * WlnteM: Hmrry HmOt- 
tlteF* a*tk: BoMiMoo Omm 
fiTte, QB.rt»tl.: 52W JKJ*» 

Amntronn. TUT**: JWy W"^ 

lahner SUtrw: trmtm'a JM« 

AMtla * 8w«l: M«J««tl<». 
Btktr-DeToe Trio: D«l«ty DoebM^ 

Tim* JnnUoc: OlrU from Bapp7 

Butu, roar: CelumbU BnrltaqB 
BAk«r Tmupe: ImpcriilA. 
Bmmtt * Belle: BobiMwo CnaM 
BUT Sbten: C«Ue« OlrU. 
Siito A MeCue: in^".^'*' 
BetBOBl. Xar: C»*taiT Qlrta. 
ML B*II* * Arthur: Paililia 
Si" * Bom: Sa— ardeU's 
EBM * Dnahan: Bckcntaaa. 
SiSr Cka. * Co.: ■olUctam. 

WUte: Gtris 
BSSk. JMu J.. A Oa^: 

SSoni * Oorry: Hiny 
■mil 11 Tk*. Brts^dlc*' 
Bn<7 * Maliew: Irwlm"* Bl» Sbov. 
M«au Ttis: Bcctor Otrte. . _ 

Breidwur (kmtj Qwrtctto: inOa M Futo 

Bnn. IM * Oma: . 
Bartoa. B«wat«. AO*. 

Mmtt * Otir. Onmr OMs. _ 
■BMh-DrTCTt raor: AL BacTM* Bcao^ Aav. 
(kkBl. Wb.: aL Ba a iig B—ntr Bfc i wr ._ . 

LaVtara: Marathon Olrls. 

g«K: Olria Prom Dixie, 
uawtaac* Jt ThooiMoo: BotaemUaa. 
La* SUtrn: HooUa Boaac. 
I<eaTltt * Oaapb^: iSSm da Path MIL 
UflWr * ClajtM: Tliar LBIm. 
Uratr, Dara: Aaaricaaa. 
femr. l^tU: Al. Raanaf Baanty Shaw, 
uaklna, Chaa.: Maaagar Banco la Artaoaa. 
Larrta. Chaa. P.: Atent Caady Oirl. 
Loax, BObt. E.: Agent Mother. 
Lawla * Oreen: Dalatr Ducbeaa. 
I<aaaatta A Her Modela: Rector GIrlar 
LtTlanton Cora: Jardin de Paria Olrli. 
Loekweod Slitera: Star Show GIria. 
Larralaa. Rita, * Co.: Tlaer Ullea. 
Ijaa* Pajaa:, Cbarry Blaaaoma. 
IfajMHe IMeal ran: Braadwar Oaleir Ottla. 
Ifaida * Baatar: Ctar Coracr Otrla. 
Martaak Da*a: Dtaamland Bsrlaaonera. 
Hartoa * Thampaoa: Gtrla from Dixie. 
Uarloa * LUIIan: Centnrr Glrli. 
Marls. Loolaa: Bed Rareo Cadeta: Taalty fair. 
Marr A KTaaa: Irwla'a BIc Bboir. 
Marker A Cameron: Pennant Wlnam, 
Manhall A King: Golden Crook. 
MarUU PamllT: KrntockT Bellea. 
Martla A War*: l^iT Baccaaeera. 
Martla A Damicl: Docklloga. 
MeOoBaU * Prica: Dotkltagi. 
Mdbityi* * Acker: pauiaa a( tfea Dv- 
JfcOariT A McOanrs 

OM* * Wafwr: _ 

, Win H.: Waa V«w Tar*. Jr. 
. A Damw: Kcatnekr BaUea. 

I A Mile*: Fada A rotUe*. 

OOTltia k TiTtan: Oaar Odcmt Olrli. 
<Wllu. Blmer P.: Bam T. Jaek'a Bm 
Oantaa A Hawley: Taake* Doadl* Otris. 
CWinnbla Cbmedy T<m: 
Oaok ft SrlTli: Vaalt rttr. 
Oaoaer A Browa: Bo* Ibaa. 
JamM ■.. A laeU: 
Haw T( 

Oertta A Stataaa: Oaatnr OMs. 
Baa*. Laal*: MHa* af tka Sar. 
D*Tto A Harrla. Mlaaaa: Jardlm de Paria Ohrla. 
Darta. Om. T.: Pat WUt*'* Oatoly ^Uda. 
Ot^lag A Altaa: Imaririia 
DtWall*. Uatoa A lAAlar: 

DIna A Searm: Taakee : 

Otaaa. B*na: OoUeg* SMl 
OikKtTB, n*: 
Nlar Trana: 

I^Mrtlii nuuua: 

Dobar A L*V>r«: Saai T. 7aM 
Daaatte. Tloletta: IfoallB Baota. 
Cirlr & Lalcht: KeDtucky BcUea. 

mMt. MiDde. A Oo>.: Jamr I4S 

■ifwvtli. Mr. A Mta. Btny: Outarr ObU. 
neila. Mil*.: LadT Baeeaaarn. 

^BMK A Hllla: ^iilitaaua ' 
Mcntt. Ocrtradc: Pada A 
AiMm A DdBir: San T. Ji 

A Kallr: Baa ~ 
f»»ar. Mart*: - " 
Stt*. Qntnat: 
n«Rde, Mcnia? 
■to. Ah I' 

rtmadi * 

raoett. rrrt: Wmmmr tSm T. 

n*<dau. 8aa»*I: Aaeat Sotharm-Marlaw* 
fi«k natna: Mlaa }l«w T*»k. Jr. 
- ~- A Bdtth: OlBcar dtrt*. 
- .jaA: Glrla troa Bapnlaad. 
MtA fkaaa: Bte Baaawbow. 
■ 'tSL'i OMa team Bapwlaad. 


HOlar Itatlcal nor: Yatacy 
MlUard Broa., Bill A Bat ' 

doB Bcllca. 
Mitchell*, DumHuk: Mlia New Tork 
Mooarcb: roor: Golden Crook. 

Helen* J«aal*. ^ Co.: CUomhla Bar- 

Ifallca A Coacaa: 
Morphr. Praak. A Ca^: Star Show 
Naddl * B*U: BalUckcra. 
HIbto A " " 

Opp, J«a: KaBtoeky 
Patmcr. Lew: B«|- 
Patrlda*. MOdrad 
Paalaaa, OaMla A BBIi . 

Mart A ICaahaa: Saat T. Ji 

Phalpa, Aagvata: Jardla de ParIB Olda. 
Ptearo Travp*: Parlalan Wldawa. 
PiiaaeoSIa Ptmllr. Fire: Cracker Jatka. 
Battar-Bartwrll Trio: Blc Basner Show. 
Pewder A Chapman: FoUle* ot Kew Tork aaA 

Prarcat A Browa: Moolln Baagc 

B«dad A Hadler: Star Show Girls. 

BaddlBs, Prasc«*ca A Co.: Harry Baatliig^ 

Held. WakcOcld A Jackaoa: Roaaway GUla. 
■cljca, Cha& " - — ■ — ----- 

Boattaa. Adetiaa: 

Blaaldo: Se'tcaadeia. 
B oaa A Shaw: Lady Baecaaceca. 
BaMaaaa. Chaa.: Bahlnaoa Croaee Olrla. 
Bona*. Six English: Irwin's Big Show. 
Baaa, Katherlae: Doekllngs. 
Biiaaai A Oeoexette: Pat White's Oalaty Otrla. 
Balblal A GroTlal: WashlDctOB Bodclj Olila. 
•mm* Dao: Olagtr Olrii. 
B»yoaa. The: Yankee DoodI* Girl*. 
8> *pp*n . Beaaett A OordiiB 
leridaa. ■OctL 

A Ijakia: Ti 

Mdl*. SSmk 

81511 "jSlaJ^'SSS? 

•»« A CaUta: Pat Whlte*a Oalcty OWa. " 

22». Winifred: BantwavQMa. 

Bor|: Partaiaa Wldewa. 
g»B, Bf ; Taalty Fair. 
8*— ^ -Tbe: Peaaant Wlaaer*. 
S55? * S^t: U47 BacMOMN. 

bII^ t"'»"«*J Jolly OWa. 

Hiartll, T*B. A Co.: fitaiaa Skaw. 

Bl;lr"»* .^"»": Marathoa GM*. 

■ISI • '"•'rtee: Americana. 

■vea, Orrtred*: Pellles of tka Day. 

SSr» * R'Tjolda: rallies of tha D». 

"wtaa A Bnat: Waahlagtaa Bael^ Glrla. 

ffiS2"„*.J^«'»: ►arlafaa Wldowa. 
mi V' fltaa ot tha Bay. 

SSzT ^ narrw: BBlctaigahMA ■■ 

2211 'y^* Alit1*r: Jeroey Llllta. 

ftM i*' 5 yit«t»r«lil: Bnwery Bnrl c a ^ aaea. 

fc5»t^ * .?"«»"J: GoMen Crook. 
«on.ton » linna: Imperlala. 
Kinfn, ' •:= J"' Bannir Show. 

Keller I>-,"^^-V?„"i?2'^g2a« 
•»•*••; Ra 

Bviw A 

flttClalF Vrto: Ckcfty 

St. CTalr, Paaal*: I 

Sti ouaaa. Jack: Oe ldaa O aaR. 

Thomtflo, Geo.: Bowery BuilcaQocfa. 
Tombe*. Andrew: CoHece Girls. 

Tnxado lyjor: Bcaaty Trust. 

Tall I t A Lamoev: Taoke* Da*dl* GlilB. 
TalBore. Lnlo A Ulldiad 
▼aa Bar*n, Balea: lAdy 

Tetfdar. Pmaale: ll«a Toi 
TInecBt. noreacc: fUlle* of tha Day. 
TtniB, Anna: Coxy Coraer Qtrla. 
Toa Scrir SIstan: Marathoa Glrla. 
Tyaer. Mylla: AL B a« ia*f Baaoty Show. 

Ward, wni J.: NHm «( tka Day. , , , 

Wsshbara A Dsoglat: WasklBgton Society Girls. 

WatMA Wit—; Oalaty Dneheaa. 

WMck * Mainaad; Taalbr Pair. 

WmKr * «U*m: Star Show Olrla. 

Wkit*. Baaata. BallasB Olri: Brlgadleia. 

WUbor. Craaa: Sercaaderx. 

wmteaa. MoIIU A Cb^: Cracker Tacka. 

Wintaaia A Brooks: Cracker Jscka. 

Wood Broa.: Taalty Pair. 

Worth A Wolfe: Merry Maldraa. 

Tsla A OHolT: CB«y Oonier Otrl^ 

Taak*a DoodI* Qnartette: RsM ■iddin MA- 

doa Ban**. 
Tmrnm Biaa.: DoekllagB. 



M cascun 


Addrcai B^T BAMVABD, lUiiaav, 

Flying Baldwins 

Aailal BataiB Act. 

T. W. eBBEBUUr. lUr., tU B. M St.. aala«, BL 

NOW BOOKING FOR 1911. Parks, Fairs. Celebrations, «to. 




Addxeaa communications to MEAD M. WERNTZ, 4027 Broadway, Cleveland, O. 


Ti» W. l Can's Associatnl Players 

Hi ImhI MrikHS n 





Baa plenty of time with diort jumpa. NoTelty feAtare* And i«a1 Aota writ« or 
Griffin VnodavllU Qrcoll. Varlaty Theatre BUtf.. TMOBto, CaMida. 

BUUnrrAOZVBXDI U ao^ a aaa aa li aiilii ma tr i 
~ aada the UUiUI B BATf HUIBI 

allaa. S4 fast laa» • 

j« wsda as wa maka ' 

ttai tar pats Bta. a apytlghts. ate. .MnXB M 
>U WAUIVT BE.. 0niatBMA33, 

AID Asms 

<0 mU» 1I 11 aC lamnatHMi 
' «HI k* a|ipl«;lated.) 

r: Aaral Irwin'a Big 

, Show. 

V, 9. C 



Abrama. XaAi 

Ad%oa. H. M.: Agent St^AMk CMfl^s. 
Atnaworth. O. R.: Asrnt, fla H^B At tow. 
Allen. Harry: Manager Third »«^«%,£^.2i 
Allen. 81m: Uanager Hoos* af A Iboasaad 

Candle*. _ ,. - ...^ — 

Allen. C. O.i Aceat roUy ot tha Ci waa. , 

ffi^lKH"r«SS«Srk. ...tern 

Andrews. R. a: Haaager Paid In Pa". 
Aak.milUer. Bmtl: Masager BaUey A Anatln 

U..W Klltott Co. 


Stmt. i£« r'' 



Qoth ooTv, p ftfi l rgft iis^ 10 postpaid* 

Tiis Bioscope 

Subaariptien, S2.00 a Yaar. 
86 S hB ftS B bury Avenus. 

The Leading Journal of the Moving 

Hcture business in Europe. Has 
the laigest circulation and is the 
bestAdvertising Medium, bar none. 
Sampla Copy Mallad Fraa. 



la tha rccocnlacd «(gaa of TandeTlU* Artists throaghoat tha world. Aj paarlesns rlsltlac la 
" - g_ KlfW XOBK OmCT. SB w. 



Ttie Blllboaird 

FEBRUARY 4, 1S11. 

iLscnt mn 

Cwraue: Agent mhr BlMb* SwMt- 

Mt la DlxlE Co. 

Aylcswortb. Artbar J.: Mazurer Virginia Har- 
acd Co. 

. A. W.: Aetnt Blanche Walsh Co. 
a B.: Astnt ChaoufCT CMeott Oo. 
■Ml J A.I Manacar The Tblef. 
>»t I.: UaaaRcr Star Bbow Glcia. 
■■n. H. W.: Agrnt Barney Gllmoc* CaL 
Ba»matai , Barry C.: Manas^r Tht Cam 

Btirr, Itmnk: Agent The Tblef. 
Banr. Billy: Managi-r Clara Tomer Players. 
Banett. D. E.: Accnt BUly the Kid. 
Barney. Arthur L. 

Weaten Ck. 
Bates. Omu U.t Jttmt IMMIte at 


Battmrat, Jno.: Acent Stair & Barlln'e Wolf 

Becbtol, F. O.; Acent Daniel Boone on the 

Trail. Wefitem Oo. 
BedwarAa. W. H.: Agent Fleld'a MInatrela. 
B^mMt. BMnej: _Acent_Maii ,00 the Box, 

naePiib SSto. 

_ Agent Pat White's Gaiety 


Blgelow. 3oe: Agent Ward * Vokes Co. 
Blxhr. Frank !>.: Agent Father and the Boys. 
Blalr. Sam: Manager OHIe Mark On. 
Blum. Panl C-: Manacer Frederic VUIIera Co. 
Blnmenthal, Geo.: Manaecr Naoctaty Marietta. 
Bodtoe. C. W.: Agent TTeart of the BMfeiH. 
Bolan. Ben: Agent MldnlKbt Maidens. 
Bond. BoUIn: Aicent T.otterr Man. 
Booth, C. H.: Manager Madame X. Weaten 

Botto, Walter D.: Agent Henry WoodmlT Co. 
Bowea. Edward J.: Manager Macgant miaK- 
tOD Co. 

Bcwiaan, Cha. E.: Uanager One* Oiiirwi 

Z.. M.: Uanager Jjot la aoetatf** Whirl. 


W. T.: Huager Ninety and Nine. 

. Edw. A.: Manager EMa 7anla Co. 

BtadfOrd, Walton; Manager Gertmda Elliott Co. 
Bndlleld, A. Mayo: Manager Bacbelor's Honey- 

SMMiD. Central Co. 
Brandt. Ai. Agent Sonl Kiss, Western Co. 
Bradftvd. Cbas.: Agent Up and Down Broad- 

Brady. B. W.: Agent Sehnol Pays. 
Brady. J. Thoa.: Agent r<>ntnrr Olrla. 
Bragx. Chaa.: Agent Knlrkerbockera. 
Bnndnn. rbai.: Agent Cow and the Mmb. 
Brebaay. laek: Agent Wagenhala and Kanpat'a 

Paid la Fan Co. 
Bifll. W. H.: Agent Bright Byca. 
Bioakn. rhai. H.: Manager Cnmty Sheriff. 
~ , Cliaa. p.: Manager Baymood Hlteft- 


C. H.: Agent The City. 

Brown F. K.: Agent Madsme X. Weetem Oo. 
Brown.' C. Warde: Manager Gaskell & McVlt- 
tj's Boaary Co. . _ „ 

Brownie*. J. W.: Manager Btetson'a U. T. O. 

Bnmrr, Frank Agent Bohert Edeoon Oo. 
Bryan. Harry 3.: Agent Flirting Prineeaa. 
Bryant. H. E.: Agent Otrl In the TaxL 
Bnbb. Geo. B.: Manager Royal Slare. 
Baebhinder. ToUna: Agat Girla Cnn Bapsr- 

land. _ _ 

Bnell. r. T.: Amt UMam Z. Baatem Oo. 
Bnlkle^ Oa^ V.: 

ft Boor 

«Ift>rd Co. 

Cable, fl»*K F.: Agent The Squaw Btn^' Bnnifc- 
or» Oo. 

Oaln.' Uanrln: Agent In Pinama. 
Oalder. Frank; Manager Dnekllnga. 
Oalowell. Jam.: Agent Paek'a Bad Boy. 
Galtaban. Chas. 8.: Agent BereHy. Eastern Co. 
Campbell. Wm. B.: Manager Base SydeU'a 

I^ondoQ Belles. 
Oampbell. Jno.: Agent mat Oat at OOBcsei. 

Oanby. C. 8.: tgmt a 

Okaad. CarapibaO B>s 

Special CCk 

F.- _ 

J B-t Huasav SoMr Han. Wert- 

6at(^ .Mtnt em . 
Cfaue. J. W.: Manager Tale Stock Co. 
Ohapman. Prank: Manager Henry B. Warner 

Charles. F. B.: Agent Chocolate Soldier, West- 
em Co. 

Chenet. Geo. A-: Slanager Way Down East. 
Ohl|iiaan, E. W.: Manager Girla from Happy- 

Manager Bosalind at Bed 

Cutter, Wallace B.: 
Darldaon. Frad M.: 

DaTldaon. _ 
Darldson, ■■' QtX 

No. 2. 

Dana. Harty: Agent Tlrgtnla . 

Dana. I^ater A.; Agent PaM In VkO. 
Oavion, Stanley F.: Agent Ghccktn. 

Dayton, Brightly: Agent Gentleman from Mla- 

D'Arcy, H. A.: Agent John Maaoo Co. 
Dean. Geo. A.: Agent Keyee Sisters' Stock Co. 
Dean. Tnnis V'.i Manager Frances Starr Co. 
Decker. Ed.: Agent Aa tbe Son Went Down. 
DeConrsey, Edwin: Manager Chinatown Trunk 

Delaney, Eddie: Manager Sla Perkins. 
Dt-lmure. Len: Manager Bnnuui Hearta, Sontll- 
«m Co. 

DeMUt. Joa.: Manager Checkers. 
Dempsey, C F.: Agent Girl of the UonnUlna. 
DeMntb. B. O.: Maaagar Vttm Twiaa, West- 
ern Oo. 

Dennis, Harry a: AlMt QM and tbn Baacer. 
Desaaner, Sam: Agent World of Plaaanre. 

Diamond Ed. S.: Manager Going Some. 
Dibble. L. H.: Agent Shadowed By Three. 
DUIon. J. J.: Manager White Captiye. 
Dltinas. H. C: .Manager Smart Set. 
Dixon. Henry P.: Manager Big Berlew. 
Doberty. Camerooi W.: Agent Prince of Bis 

Dolan. E. J.: Agent Tbe Boaary. Sontbern Co. 
OolKon, Alfred C: Agent Tbe Commntera. 
Oonagbey, FMetIck: Uicager Albert Cberallet 
. Co. 

l>oaas«tta, X,ewla K.: Manager Girl froaa -Bee- 

Daonelly. >M. J.t Katto CsUU Oo. 

Donogbne. Chaa. F.: flaaagcr Hiss Hobody 

from Starland. 
Domey, Joa.: Agsat Star Show Olils. 
Domey. Bletaard: Manager Lnilan Rnssell Co. 
Dorria, Albert: Agent In the Bishop's Carriage. 
DortbJea. Wallace: Aaent Tbe BDrsoouster. 
Drew. WUI I*.: Manager Tiger Lilies. 
Dmm. J. C: Agent Victor Moore Co. 
DnColn. Frank: Agent Three Weeka. 
Dngan. Tiffany: Agent Trocaderoa. 
Dnggan. Walter S.: Agent The Bowy. 
Eastman. AMnh: Aiieat The Cite. 
Bberte. BoM. iL: MaM»r W^ atuSiba Co. 
EdBwnaton, Joa.: Agant The Thief Zto. 1. 
Erkhardt. C. W.: Agent Cat and the Fiddle. 
Eckbardt, Oliver J.: Manager Eekhatdt'a Ideals. 
Edwarda. Cbaa. F.: Manager Cherry Bloaaoma. 
Bmemo, Jaa. E.: Manager lelgb D* Ija^ 

BlafMt. KnH: Manager May Irwin Co. 
EInac; &»iT> JMaaaaar Tbe in|aar. 

: y.: Kiawv YsMg K. Hack' 
ett Ob. _ 
OInrk. Bam: Agant Blc Banner Show. 

Clanaoo. B. B.: Agent Panl Ollmare Oo. 
Cotan. Edw. J.: Hanagcr The Bodnd-Up. 
Oohn. I.: Agent Hana Hanaon. 
Cohn. Bobt. 7.: Manager Sool Klaa. Eaatem 


Combs. Saml W.: Manager Marie Dressier Co. 
Cank. C R.: Agent BstM Wartleld Cn. 

Collhw. H. D.: Manager Down In Dixie Mln- 

C B na sdIne . D. A.: Maaagtr In OM Keatneky. 

OM^'f. id'. MSnagar Kawlywada ud- Their 

Baby. Western Co. 
Cook. D. R.: Manager Clifton Mallory Co. 
Cooper. Jaa. E.: Manager Jcrser Lniea. 
Cory. H. B.: Manager United Flay Co. 'a Cll- 

mag Co. 
Coatan. tun.t Agent SapcAa. 
Coort. Orraoby. A.: Agent Maria CabUI Cn. 
Conttn. Jno. E.r Agent Kcwiyweda and Their 

Babr, Western Co. 
Cunie. K. C.: Acant Thempaoa'a FoUf of the 
_Cfce«niOfc.. gj^';,. mn^^f Tttmh Iftf* TU- 


Oraaaan. FUeat B.: 

Cmtckabank. Frank 

Raatem Oo. 
CMtt. Wia. a: 

•Jllmore. Jno.: Agcat Oaahsa * lUnttf Boa- 
ary Co. 

(Jlennon. Jno. Ii. 

tillck. Joa. B.: 

Ollck. H. T. ' 

OllekanS. Chaa.: 
Gate. Weaten Co. 

•loett. Geo.: Manager Newly wada and Their 
Baby. Eastern COk 

iioelller. Alpbonso: Manager Stubborn Clndar- 

>>oldalne, J1. S.: Manager The Rosary. 

Golden, Sat: Agent Dreamland BurleKjoers. 

'^dbne. WUIls Maxwell: Aaent Loltery Man. 

Gordon. Bobt.: Manager Kentucky Bellca. 

Qordoo, Max: Agent Paaaing Parade. 

liorlng, Jno. P.: Manager Firing Line. 

itermaa. Wm. E.: Agent Poorlh Batelsw 

Gorman. Alex. D.: Manager Bolllekera. 

'Srady. Hnirh A.: Manager Jallaa Eltlnge Co. 

Grayhlll. Albert H.: Uaaacrr HImmeleln'a Im- 
perial Stock Co. 

Orearea, Walter: Manager Pat Whlte'a Gaiety 

'Iteene. Artbar A.: Agent .Robert Maotell Co. 
ireenway. Bany: Ageat Klaalag Olri.- 

Creet, Sfasslset * — " ™ 

'Srew. Aaut 

•■rods. Iny: ^■■■a>« ^ 

GiomK. BeaH: Agent Pchsea at piimb.' 
iraber. F. J.: Manager WMaw PertS. 
Gnran. Daee: Ueneger Lore Mefaia. 
■liKgenbelm, Oantal: Manager Wataaal% 

Hale, Geo. H.: Agent Bohemians, 
dale, Jno. S.: Manager Tbe Nigger, with 

Florence Roberta. 
Sale. W. M.: Manager T.1an and tbe MiiniB. 
Bammett. Melrllle: Manager The UtF* 
Samberg, Alfred P.: Manager ImIb MaBB Gb. 
aamboiger. Al: Manager Mother. _^ 
Oamataa. B. A«ant PaUck-a Winter Cft- 

Oamiuad. Ben: Agent Dreamland Bnrleaqnera. 
Hardy. Matlbarongh: Manaeer Boater Tirown. 
Harris. Artbar: Aaent Girla from Dixie. 
Barrla. Zaek BL: Manager Goddess of IJberty. 
Harrla. Geo. B.: Manager Gentleman rrom Mla- 

Barley. Bort: Agent Ninety and Nine. 
Barmon, Victor: Minager Vp and Down Broad- 

Harmon. W. F.: Manager My Cinderella Girt 
daakell. GQman: Manager DoUar Prineeaa, Spe- 
cial Co. 

Hawks. W«Ua: A«mt H. B. Warner Oou 
Isyes. Cbaa.: Ajgent Tba Arcsdiaaa. 
layee, Harry B.: Manager Qolacy Adama Saw- 

aaynaa. D. W.: Agent VloU Allen Co. 
- A.n(Baaasr " 

For repicMatatioii IB this list, fill oat 

Name . 

Agent of. 

Name of Attraction. 

Elmy. Bdwia: Agent Olaairt St; Blaan Co. 

Emery, B.. B.: Mansccr Bci MIL - 

Emery, Boy C.: Atw BaaaUBl at BaC -Qate, 

Eastern Co. 
English. Barry: Agant Bgass «C a TBaaaaad 

Candles, Co. B. 
Entwistle. nirold: Agent Paaaing at the 

Floor Back, 
Epstein, Louis: Uana^g^Imr Whirl. 

ETans, Manrlce _ 
Erans. Bobt. tLt 

Eaatem Co. 
Ererctt. Edward: Agent A] 
Famham. Harry: lUnagcr 
Fabel. Albert: Agent Bnico In 
Pauat. Jack: Manager Oentnry OMa. 
Fedrla. Jno. M.: Manager Chaoncey Olcott Co. 
Pelts. Jaa. A.: Manager Wm. Macanley Oa. 
Fenneasy, Wm.: Manager Miss New York. Jr. 
Fetlcks. Jno.: Agent Man of the Hear. East- 
ern Co. 

FInberg, Abe: Agent Americana. 
Finney. C. W.: Agent White Squaw. 
PiRber. Bichard B.; Agent Tansban Glaser Co. 
Flaher, Sam: Ageat Happy Hooligan. 
Fltfhctt. Ben T.: A«ttt Pannant Wiaasra. 
FWiiaiald. Hanr: Ageat FMag Uae. 
FItaerald, Gerald: Agent Baoaymoan TtalL 
Fleck. Fred F.: Manager Girl tnm Rector's. 
Fletcher. Geo.: Manager Old and the Stam- 

Flynn. A. L.: Manager Kyrle Bellew Co. 
Florida, Geo. A.: Agent Olrl from Eector'a. 
Floyd. Walter: Agent Cyril Scott Co. 
Ford, B. S.: Manager Sanford Dodge Co. 
Ford. Geo. D.: Agent Jefferson DeAngella Co. 
Foreman, J. W.: Agent Kentucky Bellea. 
Folsam, Arthnr: Agent The Bboemskei. 
FbUett. ned: Ksancv Sssn X. Aakns Baries- 

■vwae. Lnnia X: Aaeat CMI Spaaatr Oa. 

FVMter. Bobt.: Manager Ell and Jane. Soathem 


^'ox. L. C.: Agent Goddeas of Liberty, 
"•rank. Wm.: Manager Ethel Ba r r y mur e Co. 
»<inkel. Jo«- W.: Agent Lnnla Mann CO. 
^tinkland. Oeo. W.: Manaaer St. Eloio Co. 
■^nklln. Cb"«.: Agent Bortor Olrla. 
<>*<ler1i>ka. W. B.: Manager Blur Mnnae. 
Fteedmsn. Samod: Agent Rntbem-Marlnwe Co. 
'reefleld. S. C. ; Manaaer RAhert Edeana Co, 
■Veeman. Frank E.: Agent Oaeen of Boheada. 
cviedman, Lena: Aceat IMIlea «f IhlO. 
'Redman. Phnin: Ml ~ — 

"^roat. Sbiad: 

Fulton. Ta^ . 

Fnlton. Hany least 1fw>»a«aij • Stone 


Fun wood. Wm.; Agent Spren T>aya. 
Oalbraitb. Ted E.: Agent Vngel'a Mlnstrela. 
■Gallagher. U U: Manager Margaret Angtia On. 
l^-jjaer, B*. ta - 

lariWd. B. v.: ^ 

wpnk Bf. tb:. Aasat MM, 

Heatb. Percy: Agent LltUe Dameatl. 
Hedges. Barry H.: Agent Collate GMs. 
Hefferiln. Cbaa. H.: Manager Three Weeka. 
Hellman, Dave: Agent Mae Laporte Stock CO. 
Herman. A. W.: Manager School Daya. 
Semdon. Blehard: Manager Girl of My Dreams. 
Hertzmao. Cbaa. L.: Agent Madame Sherry. 
Co, B. 

Hewitt. J. H.: Manager Ole Olson. 

Hewitt. Wm. Judklna: Agent Great Powers Co. 

Blbben, E. H.: Agent Bohemians. 

ftn. H. H.: Manaaer Arthur Doaaldaoa Co. 

Bin taw. Oen. Ikederlek: Manager Bichard Cade 


neadlqr. nad B.: Manager BlUy. tbe Kid. 
Bodge. Oeeer F.: Manager Dockstader'a Mln- 

ManagTr Prince of Pllacn. 
Hogarty. Jan.: Manager UBIan Rnsaell Cn. 
Bogan. Jno. B.: Maneger Waaeahnis and Kem- 

per'a Paid la Pnl! iSa. 
Hoogs. A].: Manager Girl from Eector'a, Sontb- 
ern Co. 

Hollanil. Prank: Manager AL H. Wilson Oo. 
Holllngaworth, Frank: Agent As the Son Weal 

Hogan, Frank: Manager Wright Loclmer Co. 
>Ially. Cbaa. M.: Manager Man of the Hour 

EaxteiB On. 
Rope. I. W.: Agent Xenr Widow. Eaatem Co 
Hope. Jae. T.: Maaagar Olrl la tbe Taxi. 
Hope. Franda Z.: Maasfcr AdrtaMa Tharslaa 

Hopper. Geo. F.: Msnsgcr Ward it Tafeta Os. 
Hoaklna. W. H.: Agent Flael Set a e me at. 
Hnttenstlen. Fred: Agent An Aiistaaatlr 


Houghton. Arthar J.; . Maaafi HaalstaaB A 

stone Co. 

Howard. Joa. IC: Mbmsw qaiiBa «C Ifea JMIr 

de Paris. 

Howard. Wm. R.: Agent Ell Ic Jane, Sonthera 

Howe. Ben B.: Manager Daniel Boone on tbe 

Trail. Bsalem Oo. 
Bnffman. Erwia; Agent Honae af a Thoaaaad 

Candlea. Co. A. 
Hughes. T. E.: Agent The Sqnaw Mas. Oaatral 


Bnrat, FVank: Manager Tbe Wolf. 
Hull. Jaa. Henry: Manager Powera* OsMSdy 

Rurttg. Lon: Manager Ginger Girla. 
Hntcbtsaon. 7. D.: Aseat Yale Stock Co, 
Button. J. 8.: Agent Viola Allen Co. 
Hyde. J. Clarence: Agent Fnneee Stair Oa. 
Ibbetaon. Ftank: Agent Tbe .Barrier. 
Isaac. Pbll B>> 
lack. E. B.t 
' am Co. 

larksoo. Willis F.: Manager Boaalind at Bed 

Gate. Bastcm Co. 
Taekaon. Harry J.: Manager Beolah Peyatar 


Jaeolia. Fred: Agmt Bmdwar„OalM 

r. OB 

At Liberty-Manager 

After} F«1iniary 6, 1911 

For vaudeville or picture show. Have 
had four years' experience. Now inunuge* 

inpOozvTho.itrp hero. F A AI.RFRTUS, 

Ode bull, h 



Ladlea and gentlemen. 8 to 14 plecea. Bxpar- 
lenecd la eU lines. Also Dolph Volgt, awlaglac 

wire artist and norelty jucicllnir act. For aea- 

Kon .Tf 1011 A.Mri«» J. T! rKAr;.\NS. Peters- 


aw Ms aarW act. Me 




1 i BariMt 

b en tmgo i 


WAHTEB— Flrst-dasa ninatrated Singer, lady 
or man. State lowest salary: meat d'-lleer tbe 
rooda. Klntt-claaa bonne: S-plece necheatra. WM. 
.McSHAFFEBT. Star Theatre, Moneam. Pa. 


Wanted. Bar Perfonneia far aerial ,ae 
30 weeks booked. All eipe nse s paid. 

BABS. care BUlt>oard. Cincinnati. Ohio. 

Wat-Biaage Cat « Baul OMfms 

want 12 to 18 
tJotformB: mast 
tBctock. Mo. 



•haae ■ ----- - - 

this way. to write 
>• Mm*. Beat 


Cifti Repertoire ir MiRstrel Slew 

•Iww-hancry. Giv^Dfl''P1, T*»n. A. H. 
HOWET-K >3ranacor. Greeoflpld. Tenn. 

MT*»lop**«. pBFWT to mutch. »«ch nHntM with 
nnme and trtflrwu. $2.^. Color*: Blt>«. wh'tp, 
prlmrmie. rr>l(1enrm1. GIOPE T.ABEL CO.. 2028 
Cottise Grove Arvnxi^. ChlcaRO. 

TAirSEVIIXE ACT — Six n*w <^rlcln»I Vdml^TllIt 
A«*tfi for mmXt^ rharnrt^r. Intrrv^nrlne Pntrb. Iri^h, 
Blark-fac. Fphi*. Toneh. T>n^^ mil T^*m p char* 
mrt^T*. All for 50c. fatampa, X. £. BZLL, Bear* 
d«D. Tana. 

— mu m, mm 


Ciilofa. 2Se per Jar. Rferrll. for 10c eii'h. My 
long erperlenre and Inrreaalne ■al'^ enable mo 

tn alTe mT fti.»nme«i th» ▼4lne fnr th* 

moiw-T. Mr new Me 1011 e«f«Inr trnt free 
EDWIN K. BHOWN. P. O. IV>i 19?. .Mendnta, llL 

MUaKUK or AWATOJCT— 7" nl»~«. hrnml new. 
r**er aaed. Takea for debt. PIrat draft (ne 
Mmb. a asae hannla. W. B. X 


FOB SAUE— Portable M. P. nonth. anhestoe 
lined, metal floor. $25: few irfv>1 nimd. 2c per 
ft. The greatest mlnd rc^rtlng act up to the 
present lime, with all annllsnce* and apparatas. 
tIB. Blue prints ezplalnlna (mnk mystery, hear 
to Boat lady la air. aesrs ta tnm rmUa WMM,- 
the MflHi ftni.-- Bmt t> " - 

la VX. ;T. 


Xt\e Billboard 


Lknioa R. A.: Anst BufMd Dodn^ 
O. D.: A«mJ Ogttp nUmv O*. 

ff n. Fred W.: Afent OWJJJ 
i!!^ M J : AODC Smart Sat. 
jSKr. W. A.: S^al Tloia, tlw Plata and Ck. 

Kibnl'jSnnle" Afent Uonj Stock Co.. Wait- 

OonirdT Co. _^ _^ , 

kJm«d™»*. i-; Aseat TiylOT Stock Co. 
£»ll..pir. I'almer: Aceat Coooty Sheriff. 
KeUar J. r.: Ac»t Tuu Baasar. Baatam Oa. 
K,n'r. Attlmr: A»St BaUar * Aoatln Co. 
KMj Perry UMaMgM Hwwmooa TrtOl. 
Krilcr. Edward J.: Aavat Tba Vlralalaa. 
Kwii^ I-<pu»n: AgvDt The SpaodUuirc, Wcaura 

Ke'ndrlck. Burt: iltniger Rolllcken. 
KeanedT. Joo.: Ac«it Btrerlr. Waateia Oo. 
Kwcli. Cbi*. W.: Maaaier LotUiy Man. 
Klmbsll. hVed: Mtnifcr TUe City. 
Elrback Wdter 8.: As«it BoUlekaia. 
Klncald.' Btrt W.: Uuaser Our Hmw IfiaUUr. 
K1B«. Earl 8.: Ilaiia««r CyrU 8eo« Oow 

iSi, r. M.: AacDt owM's owtr Bay la 

Kirk. K. J.. , r 

~ >. O.: Mausar Olrl from Boma. 

Jaa. O.: Maoaser Bayal Slara. 
Phnip: Maaascr Tba Oamblaia. 
OarU: Maaaiar Vktber and Um Hots. 
, B«a: Asaat Vaalty Pair. 
■Hmr. B. r.: Haaafar PlamlDB Arrow. 
Laaberl. Bany: Aceat Bavaa Oaya. 
Vat, Joa: llaaagar Sllrar nreada. 
LanreiKe, B. L.: Acent Eckbardt't Ideals. 
Liwrrnce. C. P.: Mmatcer Stair * BaTlla'a 
Wolt Co. 

LeiTltt, Leo 8.: Masictr WUUn. 
Lurltt Joe: Utaaiar Qlrla tnm Mite. 
LiiTitt. Barry: Acent Mlalatei*a Siraatbaatt. 
Ulller, Geow: Aaaot Otaoatark. Wmtmm 0*. 
UbBta. Jdl.L C i flW* JM*fc 

uS. Jae F.8 AMt CMniMa Bwtenon*. 
BmSIh. Ctaik: WMfcr Boco la Artaon. 
Iflctiik ChaoL P.z Aceat Caady Glif. 
t«oal. Barry: Itaaacer Cracker Jaeka. 
LrRoT, Bob: Uanaser lillly ClIITonl Co. 
Ltallc^ Joo.: Accmt Cherrr Bloaaoeaa. 
Leater. Ooa: Aceat Kewtoo'e Eaat I.yasa Oo. 
iMter, Bdward: Maaaccr In tba Blibop'a Car- 

imtt, Joe: Maaacer Otria from Dtzla. 
LIb«miu]. J. J.: Accnt Berry Whirl. 
Urblir. Paul B.: A<ent Walker Whiteside Co. 
UeBer. Ju.: Agent Daniel Boone oo tke Trail, 
Eutera Co. 

UcBlsc Giu: Maaacer FoUlea of the Day. 
IMt. Henry W.: Manacer Pair of Ooontry 

link. Baity: Aaat BoWaaop Cmaoa Olrla. 
Ulbcev. bet am: Maaacer Beair Woodraff 

UtOt, B. W.: HcBMcr Oadl Spoomt Oo. 

Ptaak: Maaacec Btc Baaacr Show, 
tewta: Maaaccr B onaw ay OMa. 
X.: Xaaatfr St. Baa. 

Maaacar IMaibU BariaaqDen. 

Maaacar Mrs. WIcca of tba 

OaUaga patA. 
Ltoc, Robt. E.: Acent Motber. 
Iiotlilu. Cbas.: Manacer Botcs Days. 
[«tto. Arthor A.: Aceat Wben Sweet Blztaeii. 
Loblo, Al.: Minacrr Bolieraltns. 
lace. U. P.: Acent Martin's C. T. 0. Co. 
Lodley. Barry: Ac^nt Gdward. Terry Co. 
Latber, B. B.: Acent Mom. Kaalmora Oo. 
l«tU, OancU B.: McscfR IMwatr ot Oaa- 

_ Uttia DibomL 
Acant Wm. OlUatta Oo. 

OT-- - ^ ^ 

Gate. Emmi 
Maeiiiley. J. T.. 

Hackey. Prank H.: Aseat Wnda'a Time, 
Place ud tte OM OiL 

Haddea. tOtft Mgmf 'wSBmtm tMtety 


Milley, Wm. I..: Aceat Billy. 

Maaley. Edaraad: Maaacer Cat and tba Piddle. 

1m\^.immi um Osi— K tkn Jai«la 

,*a Paite. . • ;•..•.-•,/. ■ 



ft Aleats. ftati 

■(Oannn. ■e ai e tt ; AswTSSrt^MM m tte 

Wacnrlde. Robt. w.: Maaacar New Tor* Blp- 
podreme IBow. 

5«g»^ Bd. 0.: Acent AM for Bm^ 
gow»en. Lawrence: Acent Daws tt* Wtopa. 

^!i.SX.*k/«"»*^' — 

■«wi"HI, Hobt. : 
Crtbap Pitch. 

K£;i^'-,'"- Vi- Um" Co. 

McKir^wdT^ . Jf*^*" UPorte Stock Co. 
Ki i~h „ '"''■5.= Manac^' Blancbe Bloc Co. 
"cLir.^ O'v.-.tUmmn Maw. MaataMra Co. 

5Sll^-~.^*o *•= ^l"* I»«>fwoaS^ ■■Mallon*. 
Co • Manacer WB. nnaiabam 

S2Sy il.'»g k; Acent rallies of the Day. 
SJJJ^Mjwmaa. Manacer U«ht Btemtl. 
Kan 52?: ."•"■■t'. Dnatln Pamnm Oo. 

mISS^"w=.. »••»■■•' Paaalnc Parade. 
K^^T'.-Wrttaei Aceat OMM tba Xast 

Hlchaal. Jaa.: Maaacer Bareriy. Baetem Co. 
jfi*Mt JoMnn: Aceat Banaway Girts. 
SnS' ISS" J**- A. Wlae Oo. 

SmU- 3SSi_**!!* ■»"«o»*a MUIlaaa. 
Mmer. OUbaet: Maaaaac Saieaat la tba BaoM 
Wilier. Artb»r: iSSSir dSK P ' 
*•"'<''■• S?**:.^- Tbe Ulj. 

!f.'Mf.''. 5-V o«- 
WliMIeton. M. T.: Aceat bareo Daya. 

S«f~'_'f^= Manacer Baaben In New York. 
X Hi i?*^; •*»»««« Pennint WInaarL 
^if^- 3: ^' Manacer DanM Boone ca tba 
„Trall. Waatam Oo. 

Wltcbell, B. A.: Aceat Importance of Belnc 

^>teb^. Blebard: Ac«it Bthal BanyBon Os. 
Xltchall. Tbeo.: Acent LUIlan BiumII Co. 
MIX, Oayton U: Acent Coburn's Mlutrels. 
IfdBtafM^JM: Ucaasar Otrt In tba Tail, 
tfoara, Cbas. A.: Msnacer Chocolate Soldier, 
Weatara Co. 

Weora, Poster: Agent Cat and tba Fiddle. 
Ifooro, Joo.: UtaiMi Borca Days. 
Meaea. O.: Acent tmU tm ML 
Mot^ Jaa.: Aaaat Wlaa Oair. 
Vottli. Bumct: Awmt Mk Drew 0*. 
Honts, Tom: Maaacer Peek's Bad Boy. 
MonlBao. H. A.: Acent Iba Wolf. Nol 1. 
Waerlaon, Walter: Acent JoUy Gbta. 
Morgan, A. E.: Mioager Iniportaoce of Being 

Woolton. B. K.: Afest John lleehaa Co. 
Moyer, Boaea p.: Agent Cutter Stock Ui. 
Sforrow, Tbos.: Agent Artbnr Donaldson Co. 
Uoraa, IVank B.: Agent Grace Cameron Oo. 
MortoB. Wa4a I.: Manager Thniatoa, Maclclaa. 
Bert, Sonaal a: Agent Uon and tba Moose. 
Uaclcy. Oco.: Agent Bound-Dp. 
M«»a, Wb. H.: Maaacer Xhe City. Wsatcn 

OuSas. '* ^" Bmm a nowiad 

"raa&l ^^"^ Brans* Honey Boy Mla- 

Mnrray. Geo. B.: Acent Sarab Bembatdt Co. 

Mupkr. r. A.: lUaggK Uant Stack Co. Woat- 

'Parl^. 'ftsSk: 'ibU T^VaA* 
Co, B. 

Petereoo. W. T.: Agent Bins Mooas. 
PetttagUl, Joe: Agent DoUar Prlneeea. 
Pbalps, Frank: Mnaigsc Mcfkddaii'n Flats. 
PWUIpn. A.: Age 

PbUMpt'B. 'ill 

eleta Co. 
Pblnney. Artbnr S.: 
c-nlUipe, Maury 1^ I 


PIckMW, 7. W.: Ageat Field's MlnstieU. 
Piarea, Barrle B.: Agent loat Ttall. 
Plarca, P. 8.: Manager Trocaderoa. 
Plereoa, Henry: Manager Bany Clay Blasay 


Plzley, Starr L.: Manager Slna ot a Fstber. 
raioek. Jno.: Agent Dollar Prtneeaa. 
iVnal, L. B.: Manager Port of Missing Mea, 
Co. B. 

Powere. Howard: Manager The Shoemaker. 
Powers. A. A.: Agent Sllrer Threada. 
Preeeott, F. P.: Manager Olrl and Ibe Baitar- 
Prlea. ■. D.: Manager Babert Billiard Co. 
raaot. Babt. W.t Aaaat OaWolt Hopper Co. 
— ^ - - — - 

. Dr. e. W.: 
or*. Jas. o, 



Pyoe. WUI: Agent Tiger LUIes. 
4nlglay. Doe: Manager SJeU'e Minstrels, 
golna. TInccBt J.: Agent Sweateit GlTl ta 

QoIOD. Ooorge A.: Manager Barney GUmore Co. 
icadford. a B.i MnBitit Hooa ot a ~ 

Bacd. t. A.: Manager JoUy 

BaoTeo, A. A.: Ageat Caatnry 

KalcDalt. Prad: Manager PoUy a€ tba 

Balebanbacb. Barry; Agent Tblrd Degree, Oa. ] 
Bcls, LoDls: Mtaager Hans Btnaoa. 
itaed, W. D.: Maaaser Panl SUawta So. 

Baynolda, 4oSBI ' " 

Beao. a £t^~ 

BayaoMa. M. a: Agaat BoOlekera. 
Bayaolda, Jno. B.: Acant Tbe City. 
Ba^volds. Wn. Bartlett: Agat l^lto Bdlnr 

Bbelnatrom. A. I^r Manacer Tba AvgoflMB^ 
Bice, Peter: Manager Billy. 
Rice, Bdward W.: Ageat Light Btetaal. 
Bice, B. L.: Agent Olaaar'a St. Blmo Oo^ 
Bice, B. W.: Agent Girl from D. h. A., Oantial 

Blu, L. A.: Manager Apacbe Kid. 
Bleb. Al.: - - • — 

Blcbarda, ' 


Blcbarda, W. WU 
Wirbsrrtson, Frsak 
Bastsm Co. 

A Flv« Legged Sh#iP 

with Are foil-grown legs; allro 
healtb. A great pet and good 
Make aa offer. Addreaa Hi 

slaMpiiL *'* ta" 

Myers. Sol.: Msaager Tsakea Ooodla Olrla. 
Naiaaek. Tboa.: Agent Manda Adama Co. 
Nedraw, J. w.: Manager Motey Stock Co. 
NeweU, Ned.: Manager Port of Missing Men. 
Newman. Harry: Agent Tankee Doodle Olrla. 
liewton. Cbaa. L.: Manager Eaat Lynne. 
Xewhall. Ira B.: Manager John Meebis Oo. 
Nolaa, 0<«, F.; Agent Ataeae Lnpln. 
Nobe itauu . Jno.: Manager Forbca Bobertaon Co. 
Sortb. Ttm: Acent Newlyweda and Tlwlr Baby. 
Basteia Co. 

Korcross,_R M.: Msaager Uoa and tba Moose. 

Nortea, WIU r " "~ " 

Oaka^AL Kg 


Ageat lb* Bister, witb 

O'DaoBeO. Ptank J. 

natCDce Roberts. 
Orland. Lee: Agent Olrl and tbe Oatlaw. 
lyaborae. liolana- Manaser uomz *l-rau. 
Pace, Wm. A.: Agent male Janla Co. 
Pbckart, J. L.: Manager Turning Point 
Palna. Unla: Manager Mia. Lealla Carter Oa. 
Palaer, Jaa. B.: Manager Tba Vlrgtnlan 
Parka, Ira: Agent Gotag Some. 
Pirker, a D.: Aseat Ado Mooae, Oo. B. 
Parrta. Im: Agent Sqaaw-man. Weatem Oo. 
Paul, Bobt. N.: Agent Beat I«nae, Soatbem 


Patton, B. C: M w—i f JoUy Otita. 
PawUac, Artbar^H^ Acent Saa T. Xaek'a 


Pin*. Bkiir i» 

Johnny J. Jones Exposition Sliows Want 

Man to manage and make openings on Big Electric and Scenic 
production. Girl to sing illustrated songs and do poses. Picture 

Operator. Lady to do Electicia. James Benson, Fitz Williams 
iMgHe. write. WANTED TO BUY— Two flat cars, one mom 
«iiaim£roiit,dectiw sni 011^ Wanted freaks for Big Four- 
ktAkm Sitm. 'WB. iitaoe dne more good show. 

AddrMi, JOHNNY J. JONES. Owner art Manao^r^ 

Two weeks — January 30th to Febrtiaiy 12th,JMiami, Fla. 
W LL'k I Lbruarj- 13th, West Palmbeach, Fla. 

AT ONCE"""f^lMril3 I 3— AT ONCE 

A-l MoTing Picture Pianists tbat know how to cue pictnrea without the aid ot nunte. Gentlemi-n 
only: neat dressers oa and off, strtetly sober aad tellable, not ntraid ot work. Qlgbest salarim 
to tisit BSMigs. lla.lWHB^abflgiitor «WL OMIMlm. AmfUaOKt.CKIBJMX, u. u. 


Ice Cream and Lunch Stand. Ball and Pin Games. Photo Gallerr. Sbootlog Gallery. In f<"^t. all 

lOc games ro hpre. 2.000.000 to draw from. Z>c far*: tcrrolnna of three trollp'T lines. Ele gaot 

Opportunitj- f' r i'^'. ' - } nnd S'^vln^-y. Ocvac Wavo, t'tr. Man to put In MOTlnfi riCtHPM OU pTT- 
centage. Ad.:: :;.\.,:;V 1„ .MOKKlS. Cllntoc ytrtx't. Nrwark. N. J. 

(^mplete Cuim Yavdefille Sliow 

A 90-rt. Top with two 30-rt. Mld<Ilo riec<>8. 16 lengths of 0-tler Bines. 300 Etoldlns Chair*. I'nrt- 
able State, Scenery, Gale Llgbta, Vvlrs. Stakes, Bmill Piano, Marquee, la fact, ever^tbUi.: r- 
qolicd to complete ■ tnt-«laM sbow of tbla kind. laclodlBS eigbt r " 

it. n. 

■ tnt-cliM sbow ot tbla kind, loclndlns eisbt Bawase Wifoaa. Ticket Wapia 
OMMJ tajiy iSSL TSy^iJBS ^^ iSr*^ WSW takw ant Mrtk Ssa lil^ 


prwpcut. ... _ __- —^jsw --■ r 

in iny month, us I dkl tml^ yoMS »g/t wiih a aedieniB 
•tcMqr aU the tiini>. 


Ttte Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Klder. B. Dick: Uanmcvr Bowery Bnrieaaiien- 
KlddeU, R. J.: SlaDager Girt and tbe Outlaw, 
aiesesberier, Artliar L.: Managei ^oiatadtn. 
Bltss. Chu.: MuuKer Girl In Ta* 
Bller. Wm. Frauklln: Acent Tb* 
JUI«r, Vtwk: Afent WtUte CaptlTe. 
Kith, Xo*.: Muuger Mluoarl Uirl. 
SUM), Bod: Hanacar Thoa. K. Sb- a C«. 
Kobte. Iionla: Maaasac Knlckcrtxicken. 
Kokeita. J. K.: Haaainr Th* TUaC, No. L 


BobloBon, SUDL 

Bobloaon. Jno. B.t 

Ocow A.: Asaat L^ah Da XmV' 

BobaitaL Oca 
Bodd, B. A.: Manager 

Jbiddy. Wm.: A«ent Excuse Me. 
~taa>naa.: Agent Cowbor and the TUafL 

Walter M.: Agent Flower at tke 1 

WUl: Manager Jardln da Fnia Ollla. 

Agent Big SeTlew, 
Boeehbanm, Ed.: Uaniiter FDlllee of ISIO. 
Boeenlwiim, Ed.. Jr.; A^«st Bldiard Carlo Co. 
Rosenthal, B. M.: Manager IrwiB'a Big Show. 
Rosenthal, J. J.: Agent Jnllan Bltlnge Oo. 
Boas, £Vad Q.: Manager Bohemian Girl. 
Both, Al B.: Maaagerl>e' 
BowUBd. Jb, M.: 
Baw«,-B. ■.I 
Oe. : • _ 

~ Kwi Agtat Bttaa 

. F. P. 



Sandera, 3, W.t 
lasden, £. .M,t 


Bellon, Cbaa. A. 
Sbafer, Edward: 

Shapiro. Harry: Agent — 

Rhaw, Chas.: Manager Albert Che*al!rr Co, 
Slieehy. Joo. G.: MaoagiT Max ngmsn Co. 
Hhaiu Oanlal " ~ — - - 

Manager Gov aid Ikg 1 

Manager Merry UaMaoa. 
' Imperlau. 



BoiwaMs Agent Maoghty Uaitetta. 
' CoL Wm. H.: Agent Boae Halellle 


BbiSBin, A. L.: Manager Victor Moore Co. 
Shoemaker, Jack: Manager Jefferson DeAngclla 

Schweok. Barry: Agent The Thipf. Eastern Co. 
Slmooa, Bob: Manager FUs and PoUles. 
Blmonda, Teddy: Manager Americans. 
Slmnaon, Ben F.: Agent Woaallnil at Bed Oata, 

Wotam Co. _ ■ .» 

Vaeta. I>. J.i Manager Baeailr, Waaton Oa. 
Smith. H. B.: Agent Vbrtnne HBnter. Baatem 


Smith,: Matt: Manager Midnight Sons. 
Bmlth^ Howard: Manage* Behert ManteU Ca. 
teltta. Merie B.: MaaaaacOoldaB OiiL 
Eltta. rrank I/.: 
■oeckenberger. Jno. lf.t 

maters. Co. B. 

Walter: HanagaV WtWtk Strona'a Play 

Warner. HarrlsoB: Manager Defmdcr ot €am 

eron Dam. No. 3 Ob. 
Wataon, Lew: Manager Waihlngton Bodeti 


Wee, O. B.: Manager Girl ot the Monntalns 
Weedea, Jamea: Managw Tbm Siweinakar. 

Weedon, - - " - 

Weinberg, Wim* 

acn Oo. 

WhHter, A. P.: Agent Hanae at • Thonaans 
Oandlea» Oo. B.' 

WhiH'Ier. W. O.: Manager Edward Torry Co. 
WUibeck, FMnk: Agent Uarrj Clay Blaney Oo 
White, Al. W.: Agent Flake O'Bsib Co. 
White, J. Loola: Manager Beaale McCoy Co. 

White. Geo. P.: Agent Winning Mlaa. 

White, wm L.: Manager rinai BettUi 

WhJttvadale. Jaa.: Manager Folly of the Olreoa 
Wiegand. Cha*. P.t Manager Qoeen «( Bohemia 
WIeaberg. Sam B.: Agent Star ft Garter Show 
Wlrnlwrg. Frank: Manager Star A Garter Show 
Wlckbam, B. A.: Manager Merry Widow. 
Wlgert, Martin J.: Agent Turnlnf Felat. 
WMit. Billiard: Manager All For Bar. 
Wlfenx, Thrm. f.: Acent St. Rlmo OO. 
WIltOD. Goo. \v.: Manager Olrla. 
Wtlk. Jartili: AgfOl Jsh. K. Uackett Co. 
Wllken. Wm. L.: Agent Boater Blown. 
WUUrd. Prank M.: Agent Great CUeatta Oa. 
Wmiams. Arthnr O.: Agent Katla_DM. 
Wmiama, C. B.: Agent Baal 

WUllama, I. B.> Hanaaar Uaafa Adama Qa. 
WUUama. Fiad «.» IfinaBtr Biaualait. taal 

»m Oo. • 

wnilams. Bmto: Agtst' S«r >. Mts*! lOn 
. atma. 

^railama. Art: Manager Panama. 
Wnilama. Cbaa. A.: Manager Arlioiia. 
Wllllamaon. D. R.: Manager Tiger Lillpa. 
Wlllard. L. K.: Manager Time, tbe Place anO 

tbe Girl, Western Co. 
Wllleta. Claience W.: Manager beren Daya. 
WOaoQ. a.i Manager oTri from D. 8. A. 

Oiotial Ca. _ 
WMaoa. Cha*. D.t Xanaaar Xhoa. A. Wiae Co. 
WUataeb. Jaa.1 4pnt Uuf MaaatrlnK 0*. 
WUatarb, rkaaklS^IIM WaTwilHiiSi Oo 
Wllstaeta. ClaxMt ' HSnasw ItaaBJiaitow. 


Wolf. Frank: Agent Teal llHlMl CWnedy Co 
Wonlfolk. Wm. W.r Manasav tB'nnna. 
Wonlfolk. Boyle: Manager WInnInC Mlaa. 
Wright, Fred K. : Agent Wm. Rodge Co. 
Wnera. Chas. ii.: Manager Bright Kyea. 
Wyatt,' Henry: Manager Fighting ~ 
Yager, Walts* n.t Agent «M^' ^ 
Yoong, HasCTi llaugir TiM 
Toong, FlM Stanti Agmt 

Tcomans, L. O.: Manager The Wolf. 
Zelleao. U O.: Manage* Shadowed by Threa. 
Zweltci. Ikat B.: Maaaaat Jga. T. Paweia Oo 

Columbia Burleaquen. FVank Idgaa. nsr.t Oimt- 
ray Hill) N. X. 0.. SO-Feb. 4; UMtaMla) 

N. Y. C, 0-11. 
Cuzy Corner Girls, Sam Itolilusnn. micr.: (Itnyali 
Moatrcal, 30-Feb. 4; (llonanl) llostou, O-Il. 
Cracker Jacks, Harry Leonl. mgr.: ((Sayety) 
Brooklyn, SO Feb. 4: (Olynpie) X. X. a. 0-11. 
Dainty fio^aa (U I^McT'w^&H^)! Ote- 
tropolla) M. V, C, SMMw 4t (Weatmlaater) 



jsP^^ 'Aaant 9»aa. -9aBam Oo. 
L> A.:.Xaaaser Tazaa Banger, Baat- 

j Ob. 

stark.. Jjaa: Manager Brl aa dlerm. 

Btalr. rrmnk ■-: Manager Oaocge SIdasy Oo^ 

■taalsmlth, a H.: Manager Onr Flllafa ftal- 


^y i Mp Baa»^g ^iidt AgMit_Poe ^^ 

, fTiCt ffia^n iladame Sherry. Oo. B. 
Alhart: Agent The Arcadians. 

IC: Banagtr lAdy Bsccaneata. 
~i;t MiBMlt.btlt.pu. 

, (.11. 

DrcamlaiA BarisiqBim. Inr-ONte iw^i Mc^- 
cmy) nttabnig: SMPVb. 4; (Blar) aerelaad. 


Ducklings, Prank Caliler, mgr.: (Folly i I'ater- 
eoD. 30-Fcb. 1; (Hon Ton) Ji'rw-y City. 2-4; 
(Columbia) Scrautou, C-S: (l.iuerue) Wllkfs- 
llarrp. 811. 

Fads &~ Follies. Clins- R. .^riioUl. niKr.: (Gay- 
cty) Wash., D. C aO F.'Ii. 4; (Gojely) nils- 
burs. O il- 

Follies of New York niiil I'arls. K. M. Ilosen- 

thai, mgr.: (Albambra) Cblcagit. 30-F«b. 4; 

(Standard) Cincinnati. )»-U. ' „ 

Fgilles of the Day; aamKa««ert. awhl Of • 

eoum) Wash., U. OL, M-MK 4; CMMMMMMalf 

Balttnune, 0-11. 
GlDRcr Oltis. Lou Hnrtlg. mgr.: (Oayety) l*ltts- 

burg. ao-FCb. 4; (Empire) Clceeiaua. 0-11. 
Girls from DUIe, Jos. LrnTllt. mgr.: (Slar) St. 

I'aul, 30-Feb. 4: (Krag) Oiuaha. tts: (I.y 

cenm) St. Joseph, 9-II. 
Girls from Hsp|>yl«nd. E. W. rtilpinan. ni?r.: 

(Oayety) Kansas City. 3<)-Koli. I: ((Jayoi.v) 

Omaha. 0-u. 
Golden Crook, Jas. nill on, mgr. : (Castun> IMiila., 

W>-N>. 4; (Oayety) Baltimore, 0 11. 
BaatlnsB. Harry. Show (Gaycty) Omaha. 30- 

Feb. 4: (Gayely) .Minneapolis. (1 11. 
Imperials, bim wUllama. mgr.: (Ijifa.votti-) 

Buffalo. 30-Fob. 4; (Star) Toronto. R-11. 
Irwin's Big SboiT: (Empire) ToI«lo. ao-Foli. 4; 

(Star & Garter) Cblcatco. O-Il. 
Jardln de I'arls Girls. Will Roehni, mgr.: IJiy- 

oir at rhlla., :!n.Fcb. 4; (Casino) Ilrouklyu. 


Jersey I.IlU-s. Jus. Cooper, mgr.: (Garden) Buf- 
falo, 3(>-Feb. 4: (Corinthian) Itoebisler. 0-11. 

Jolly Girls. R. E. ration. mRT.: (Stanilaril) St. 
Louis. 30-Ppb. 4: (Einplrt') ludlanaiMilU. 8-11. 

Ketttuclcy Bellif. Jn^. Wttilou. inirr. : iCoItim- 
bla) Boston. aoFeli. 4: lUon Ton) Jersey 
City, 0-8: (F.illy) I'alersou. n il. 

KnIckerl>ockerit. I.ouiic Itrtlilc. niKr.': (Muhawk) 
Schenectady. rto-Feb. I: (Kiupire) Albany. *-4; 
(Caaino) lloston. 0-11. 

l,ady Bnecaui'«*rs. Barry M. Slrouse. mgr.: 
^KjMlV^am)^ IxwIartUe. M-Feb. 4: (1-rople's) 

Lata Uakan, Dare Onran, mgr.: (Gayetyl To- 
ronto. aO-FMi. 4: tOaidcn) Buffalo. 0-11. 

Majeatlea. Fred Irwin, mgr.: (Empire) Clcrc- 
land, 30-FV'b. 4: (Empire) Tdrdo. 6-11. 

Marathon Olris. I'hll Sheridan, mgr.: (Guety) 
Milwaukee, 30-Feb. 4; (Alhambra) CUeagOt 

Merry Maidens. Eilwarti Shsfer. mm-.; (Dewey) 
Minneapolis, 30-Feb. 4: (Star) St. raui, e-11. 

Merry WhM. lantb KiMieln. mgr.: (.Monumeot- 
Hl) Rallfiwins'ao-Fi'li. 4: (l-j'rlc) Alleutown, 
0; (Aeaileniy) Ueadliig. T: (.Majeslle) llarrla- 
burg, S: (Mlslilcr) AliiKtiia. U; (Cambria) 
JohnalowM, 10. 

Midnight Maidens, (1ms. Taylor, mgr,: (8Ur> 
tenoklya. .ao-IVb. 4; (WaUmaun-a) Newark, 

MbaVlow Vwlc, Jr„'Wni. FVameniy. mgr.: (Baa 

Tuul Jersey Clly. SOKWi. I: (Folly) Pater- 
. aou. S-4: (l-userwl Wilkes-llarn-, U-f); (Co- 

liiiuUla) t^niutoa. l»-ll. 
Moullu Rouge, Maiirler Jai-nbs, mgr.: (Empire) 

Newark, :W-Feli. 4: (Iluwery) .N. Y. C.. 6-11. 
FarlHlsn \Vlil4i\VH. 1-'. AIiImiII. niKr. : (Uayety) 

MlimeapeilK, 3<i-l'<'b. 4: (Uayi-fyi Milwaukee, 


Fasslug Parade, MtH* MoHMlug. mgr.: (Luieme) 
WUkes llarre. .tO-Feb. 1: (Ccilniubia) Scraa- 
tnn. 24: (Lay-off at Pblla.. n-n. 

Pennant Wlunera, Kidil. Mills, mgr.: (Troea- 
dero) Phila., ao-Fk4k 4: (lorct-iiiii) Wash.. D. 

C, 0-11, 

Queen of Bohemia. Mas aiilvgel. mgr.: (Gay- 
Ply) nalllmore, 30>n4i. 4; (Oayeiyi Waah., 

D. C, 0-11. 

Americana, Teddy Stmomla, mgr. 

N. y7o„ aolvb, - - 

(5lil Are.. 
4: (Emplrel Newarlt. fi ll. 
Harry W. Thompson, nicr. 

V. C. »0-Feb. 

Beaoty Iroat. 
(Oiynpic) N. 
PhOa., 0-11. 

Bebmaa Shpw. Jack Singer, pgr.: (Waldmann's) 
Newark, SO-Fiib, 4: (Bmplrei Bobokea. o-ii. 



Westem New York 
Firemoi's Convciitioii 

will be beld In SprlngTlIlc, July 23-34-25, lUl. 
Conct*sslons wanted. Address all loqulrlea to 
IX>IIIE SMITH. Chairman of Cnneessloo Com- 
mittee. I>. O. Box 575, SprlogTllle, N. Y. 




Also have a good doable action harp for aala. 
and a single; bargain. 434 Bteecker Street, 
CUca. N. Y. 

Big Baelew, 


Henry P. DInm. mgr.: (Casino) 
»4nrt>..4; (Bmpire) Brooklyn. 9-11. 

Oaa Ait Manager Iha Iblef, Butcfa 

„ White 

iger Sarah Bernhardt Co. 
Baymoad Hitchcock Oo 
^daU'a Londoa Bdles. 

■aniean, ana. v.: 

SnlUean, Bdw. 3. 
Boperlor. Daea 
SydeU, Jack: 
Albot. Levin: 
Vtylor, Ohaa. 

ShaB, Ohaa. 

Trail. Central Op. 
Veal, Baymond: 

TbaU. Charles Mark: Agent Golden Olrl. 
TbgalftaB, naaklla: Manager Old Bomcatead. 
•ffcwnlB "iTtlT G.: Manager My OlndercUa 

OU. »«, lOot , ^ 

~ ma, Banr; Manager Beanty Trast. 

B. B.: MansKcr Mary Manmartag Oo. 
" ~ " MaiMger The City. 

Harney, Edward: Agent Wm. Macanley Co. 
Timpani, B. J.: Manager Jj» Bmn Grand Op^ 

a.i Manager Chocolate Soldier. 

era Co. 
Tladale. Wm. 
Cantial Co. 

DBohay, JnOk P.i * 

TMrata, DaeM: Haaaier VMsth Batate, 
naeen. Wm. M.: Manager Blanehe Walah Co. 
Traaadale, K. B.: Manager Man on the Bos. 
Tack. Sam. !•.: Manager Marathon Olrla. 
Turner. Walter: Manager Walker Whitealde Oo. 
Tanm, Smith: Agent At the Mercy of TIbeilna 
Twltdiell. F. C: Manager Aeery Strong Co. 
Yattey. A. B.: Agent Blanche Blng. Co. 
Vattar, J. B.: Manager Dan Civld. ^ ^ 
VIetsr, Xeon: Agent Bloe Monae, Western Oo. 
Vlan^ troa. K: Ilaaacer na (CUbu. 

Wagner. N. C: Agent TLaula Blaim Co. 
Wall. Jan.: Manager My Arliona Glrl._^ • 
WalaL Ttownaend: Agent Otla BHnaar-Oa. 
Walah. Wm. B.: Agent Old Bomaatead. 
Waltera. Blmer: Agent Wright Trfrrtmer 
Waltaia, Ohaa. U: Manage* Bay — " — 
Walker, mnrl.t Haaang Otis I 
: Walton, «aa, Ikt. 
Wank. Cheater: J 

em Co. 
Warner. Edwin: .M 

Sm Lctlif '.IJit..fHr jmbT-:' 

iMyn. _. „ 

Bohemians, Al. Lnbln, mgr.: (Btar) Toronto, 90- 
Ft!b. 4; (Boyal) dionlreal. 6-11. 

Boo Tons (1... LawTpnc- W»'l>er*Mt: (Emplrf) 
Allttny. 3(^Feb. 1: (Mobawkt S<b m-<-lad>. 

24; (Gaycty) Brooklyn. 0^11. 
Bowery Bnrlesqaers. B. Dick BIder. mgr.: 

(Caalno) Boston. SO-FM>. 4: (Bmpire) Albany. 

6-8: (Mohawk! Scheneetady, 9-11. 
Brigadiers. Uiuis Stark, mgr.: (Star) (Here- 

land, 30-Feb. 4: (Biuplrv) Chicago. O il. 
Broadway Oaleiy Girls. l.aalii Oberwerth, mgr.: 

(Majeatie) Uatrisliurg. Nh. K JMIlM-r) Al. 

toona. 3; (Canbriai JakMtgm. ^ISlSiMVl 

Pittsburg. e-lJ. 
Centnry- Girls. Ja'rk Fanst. mgr.: (Crntnir) 

Kansas City. 30-Ft>b. 4: (Standard) St. Ijiuls, 


Cherry BlosSijniH. Cbai*. F. Ertwnrds. mtzr.: (Ilnw- 
ardl Boston. 30-Fi-b. 4; (CuluiiibiH » Ilor^tnn. 

College Girls. Max -Spiegel, mgr.: (Hurtig & 
aummfuX K. T. C SOAk 4t Ulniay BUD 

N. T. -d;, #>11. 


Blgh-class Tight Wire Walkera, Jompetn, Danc- 
ats. Cyclists, etc- Addreas all corraspoadenoe 


Folding Ortaaa tlLW. 4 oetaeo 
keyboard. Think odi: Mlastea 
logaay FliUsh. This 
aar^ar nastAs- 
wa, fnia and Tone 

e«ar omMai nl 
proni: mmt aa i 

aatlsflad. UtOa.l 

SKErrCH for "gturce F>eO|>Ie 
aomethlag. new; novel Idea arranged to Intro- 
doca mnileil nnmbeta, mmaa (unng «r elo- 
linlat). Dlalaet ehataetar aetar. Taaag aai 
(aingar). Alao t wo comsdy acts fbr light eoma 
dian. nSDEBIOX WMSSMJt, Stage Uaniger 
Wm. Gillette Co., en note. 

Stone Theatre, Flint> Mich. 

era House 

SitatlBf eapaeity 1400. Btasa avtbtns. W 
Btpek aad ie|>. campanlea. Opm all au( 
Flna climate, good anow town. 


FOB BALE— Combined Vaudeville Theatre and 
Nickelodeon doing fine buslneHs. seats. 
Rent g48; expenmn sniMlI: privnti* <-)o<-trlc light 
plunt; ci-ntral hx-ntloTi: ^iinmi JOHN IIAR- 
BINE, Jr.. Xenla, olil.. 

BUSOIBSS OKAMOE— Far sale, oa account of 
resldlat elatwbeie, lA-eent yandeellle aad pic- 
ture show at ViDcennca, Ind.; aeata 4S0; all la 
fimt-clssa shape and doing a nice business. Ad' 
iiri'sa ]<M4-I<M6 Virginia aTenue, Indianapolis. 

FOB SAI,E — MoTing Picture and Vsudeellle 
House, uiMler canvas. Eeentblng complete. 
Good -thing for right man. little money will 
buy. Addreas O. EDELSTIN, OsinvnTlili-. Fls. 


W AH TED — Second-hand Uernr-Go-Bouads most 
be In good condition and low for eaah, lleracbcll- 
Rplllman make preferred. Glee foil deacriptlon. 
Lock Box 747, Horgaotown, W. Va. 

WAKTED — A small Piano, second-band; s 
mechanical Concert Band Organ; a I>ady I'lani 
llayer who can sing Illustrated songs. Address 
PBOF. B. D. ADAMS, Columbia, S. C. 

POX SAZS— <7 Penny Arcade Machlnca. Will 
sell cheap to quick buyer. All mae hlnaa la flrst- 
claaa condition. C. W. KADmUt, K. * K. 
Opera Bouse, Ptttabarg, S, 8., Pa. ' 

FOB BALE— Box Ball Teat, lOgtO, coat *(K! 
complete; 139; new Doll Back, $10. DICK WIL- 
SON, Chllllcottae. Mo. 

Easily learned by mall, A natural Becr\-t. Nat 
a gift. PoaltlTCly no fake. SCCCESS GDAB- 
.\NTEED. Partlrnlara absolutely FREE. O. 
WM. BUBSEIX. Dept. 16, Westohestar, B. T. 


Wanted, good eenwdr aai 
batic aet. Stale ail ta. — 
BUJ.Y LaMOTH B. week Jan. SO, 
•tta, Buffalo, N. V. 

WjaiSB>— Med. People at oncv. for aomaNT 
and tbe rest or winter season. This company 
pays salary evi>r>* Sunday. Novelty Act write. 
Wanted 40x00 trnt or OO-ft. round top: must ba 

vood jihniM-. I-^ir Hair. 4<»x60 tup. irnoil for twe 
war.u.i., fuy JnlL>- top and aide walls. MOB. 
8IKIW ( <) . i:tic «. Ohio. 

The most convenieDt botk ever ar- 
ranged f OT the uae of 
Agents, Performen, eto. 
in Every DetaO. 

Vmi ar* Navsr Sure wl«liMlt 
a Date Beak 





411 ELI ST.. 


In anawcring ads. mention TUB BII.LBOABD. In anawerlag ada, meatloa TBB BILIiBOABD. 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Xlie Dill board 


rii- Of llin Janllii "I« r«rli<. Jon. ilowart, 

„.'..',^.V \l';t'l"''Mur?u'-W.I»t«rk. ^.t <IC». 
"V,in . HMll«n«j«ll.. ao-tYb. 4; (BneklafliaiD) 

:»;Vvi. 4i (CUlUUlLlii) N. Y. c. « u. . 
Ili«u-I«ull<«. Blitt KvDilrlck. mgr.: (Giyt-ty) 

VliHyetr) Uelroll. aO-F«Mi. 4; (Oirety) To- 

riiiito. 0-11* _ j„ , , 

i:<.illi-ki-n>. Alvz. floriuan, mcr.: (Folly) Cbl- 

aO t\b. 4; (8t»r) MllwlukM. 611. 
Uuiuiiviiy Olrlii. r. 8. Clmtk. mgr.: (ColurablBj 

\ V. C. 30-rpb. 4; (Catlno) Phlli.. • U. 

l.'liirlnii»ll. 30-nh. 4: <P»lly) Chlogo. 6-11. 
A>r<>iiaiK-cP. Jtek Singer, mgr.: (OajrHr) 
rlUi>, W-Vkb. 4: (Osil^^St. iMli. «-U. 

i^dnr * Oarltr) 
vtri Detroit. Q ll 
Slar Show UlrU 

St. imiii, 

X. Y. " ■• -■ 

Ky.liM'H. U(Mc. Louiinn DcIIpi. W. 8. OgMMI, 
iii^r.: (Emplrvl lloboken. aoFcb. 4| (Ifntls 
A: Srninon's) N. Y. C, 8-11. 


TlL-<r I.illPK. T. W. DlDklos, 
iitnnhii, SO-FVb. 1: (I.Tceom) 
ilViilurj) KatiHa City. 6-11. 
TpaiiUcriw. Cl>a». 11. WmldroD, mgr.: (Oorln- 
lUInn) Itut-liotiT. SO-CVfb. 4; (Mohawk) Scb«- 

Waihlneiuo SocMt Olrlii. Um Wataon. mm.s 
iKmiilrc) Chicago, ao-VM*. 4: (Annua) Da- 

imlt, 0-11. 

W<i«iira nnrlnqncn. W. B. Wataoo. mgr.: 
i.Oarl Mllwaokre. 30-FVb. 4; (Drwry) Mlnn- 

Wblli-'n, I'at. Galrtjr GIrla. Walirr Grran-a, 
IIII.T.: (Annuel Detroit, 30-Feb. 4; (Ijirajr- 
.'ii<-) Buffalo. 0-11. 

Wtiv Oar: (Bowrrr) N. Y C.. OO-FS-b. 4: 

truijr) rilriMii, 6-8; (Boa Too) Jvrarjr Cltjr, 

WwM af Fleannv. Unda Tklbot. mgr.: IMIa- 
er'a Bmwil X. V. O., SO-M. 4: (gtk Aw.) 
X. y. C. Ml. 

Xaakot llaoillff'Olrla. Sol lljtM*. awr.t (Colnm- 


Araili-uiy of Muvlc Stock C«>., 
N. V. C. Aog. Z». iDder. 

Akiiar Slwk Cu., IMaaco ft aiajrer. Bgrx.: Man 
MoBriara. Cal.. Ave. S». Indef. 

JMne.|iMitna najen, Oco. K. Beaton, uutr.: 
Imllanapolta, IMI.. Sept. 8. Met. 

Aiidltorltwi Mock Co., Oee. B. LmIm. W«r.: 
Kanaaa CItx. Me.. Nor. i. taM. 

Aeeaai- 8l«rk To.. Conoeaa A Bdwar.!'. aign. : 
Wlllulnglon. IVIa.. Oct. 3, lodpf. 

Allan't Cmmllaan. Al. Pearcc. mgr.: (Cam- 
den. N. Y.. .11) rrh. I; nioa 8-4: HerklMr 6- 

*''<•> !;'<x'k Jo - V. C. Mn. mitt.t AHUmta. 

(ii.. Jan. St-r«b. 31. 
BakvT Slock Co.. a«o. Bak.:r. mgr.: Snn. 
kaa.-, Waata., Sept. 4, lodef. 

Bakrr Stork Co., Geo. U Utkrr, mgr.: Tort 

land. Ot».. Oct. IT. laedf. 
'^^J^'^ Oa.. Ofow.I. Bokaiw aaa.! llMiiiWb. 

Wall.. Rrpt. It. lador. 

Ilaldaln-llelrlllc Stock Co., Waller L. IMMwlM. 

mcr, : l>n>Tl<l><ix^r. II, I.. JJoT. 14. MlvK • 
livl.M-,. A .vt.,uo Kiock On.. MrUae** MMai>. 

SI"" l'"'^."'-- ^"•■•i"'"-. Mich.. taMtof. 

nijwi Kt..-k I ,... Klinit fc aaaaMoTMBnkt .fhl 

«««. III.. July 3. Indrf. 

"Yja^^H'ock I'l..: I'awlurkct, It. I.. AW, N. 
"|j*2f »^,'»">JUJjj w. II. UMop. awr.! Oak' 

"'Al. Wol* Cu.: 11 raaa. Tm.. Dm. 
»»< laoer. 

IV'i KlV^ "'•J- C. wuaoti. mgr.: Haiti. 
M^-. N«v. 21. iBdof. 
Honling, Kmnia. .ta«K-lati> Vlari-n. liiiM-li A 
B.f i '2"" = Wa-h.. Dec. IH. iiHlef. 

niirhank Slock I'o.. Olltvr MoroKO. awr.: Loa 

Aasi-lc. Cal.. Inili-f. 

B*?"""*. ft.. aO-Ft-h. 4: SiiriDRflcliI II 11. 
■orner. {«M>e. Slnck Co.. Ilarr.v Hamilton. 
SK SO Fi^". 4: Ptvicott. 

■^J*«JJ.^»««»* m«ek Co. 

Aab GroT*. Mo.. 

IW«I. OMTLWaek oa: Paw «. iCWti. 

, „ „, Sil^i jk 

-Wga. HI.. Ka». T. iadef. 
wl lolli.?^ wacb Co.: Wichita. Kan.. Oct. 

.I'".''- Ollletle. mgr.: 

_"«Jt<'. Mont., Aug. I4-. In.lef. 

jamt ilaj-.-n.: BrookLvn. N. Y.. Dec. 5. Indcf. 

Mf'tWcl"' ■ """»•• 

"^"STiuJ"'?" S^: William., mgr.: 

^34- w-tLsTk. v.. 

^i"T".S*?r?'*»"- .No: I. wni i Culkana. 
r..?i," -. '^aoetoa. lad.. SA^Feb. l. 

t\M 'i."'*'' "aodnaky. O.. .Dt-Feb. 4. 

",;;;r >>■"'• »• ^e"«e. mgr.: 

f.„, 'n<l.. .10-r»b. 4, ■ 

iiiiiHiic Cmiwllana. Noi 4. Will II Chaac 

o! ll'defi^^* ClaelaBBll. <V. Jan. 

^itl^K' k;'"'- "'"'k Mart* TlMaaaoB. 

"'ihSIISS' J*""""'."' A'Wlate PlaTcra. M. A. 
l)]rimi!*i.?''i «■«: PIflaborg 0-11. 

Ifc«l^ Mi^Ifc- ?2:'*t-'*« Wrmooth o-ll. 


Gordloler Droa.' Co.: Iliimeaton, la., 31>IM. 8. 

... „ .. . .. ia^, 

Roacoe, III.. 

Eatulro Stock Co., U. BtadtaTa ■P^> Clarka- 
' Tllla, Tenn., ladat. 

Empire Stock Co.. ICoate Thoavaao, awr.: Holy. 
one. Maaa.. Indcl. 

Forbea Stock Co.. Qm A. Focliea, mgr.: Stam- 
ford, Conn., Nor. 28, Indef. 

Forvpaogb Stock Co., (:«<>. P. A: 1.. IXirvpanKh 
Flab, mcta.: ClDclnoatl, O., Sept. 18. Indef. 

Garrick Stock Co., il. Eoienwo, mgr.: Salt Ijikc, 
v., Sept. 4, iDdef. 

German Stock Co.: Clorlnnatl, O.. Oct. 2, Indef. 

German Stock Co.: aillwanfce*. Wla.. Sept. 2S. 

GiTuian Stock Co., Tbao. Batsatth, Swr.t N. Y. 

C Sept. 34, iBdef. 
Oeniian Stock Co.. Max llanlwh, mgr.: I'lillu.. 

Pa., Sept. 24, Indef. 
German block Co.: St. Loola. Mo., Oct. 2. Indrr. 
Olrlon Stock Oo,t Saa Vnacbico, Cal., ladef. . 
Olaaa Stock Co.t BDOftaa, trac; Dae. 85. Indef. 
Oonlon Aaaoelata StoAfe C^t ChleaBOb IIL. Dec. 

28. lodef. , 
(^>tbam Stock Co. : BiMKIlta, K.' 'T„ Met. 
Grand Stock Co.. M. KaMrir, awf't BaiidlDE. 

!•».. Oct 





Grayce. Hi-len. Co., S. Appell, 

Y.. :io tvii. 4; norwii «H1. 
Hall. Don C, Urpettolie Co. 

.■?« Kcb. 4. 

R.-urU'l. BoaacU. Stock Co.: Sbawnccw O.. 30- 
Feb. 4. . . 

Feb. 1: McCoDoellatllle 3-4: CaMbeiiaad 6-8: 
PIraaant City S-ll. 
Hlckman- lln i Mr Cfe, 1m. ■ ■* rngf" 

OiarleoMa, n.. JMlk «$ WlfnuHB 8, In- 

auimaa Meal Slack Ak. r. P. BUlBaa. mgr.: 

Bniaaa Ideal Stock 0»., Xtt, t. Imt U. Bajrea. 

mgr.: Hoxle. Rao.. SO-M. iTOMltaad 3-t. 
BImmeleIn Aaaoclate PlarctiL. Jaaw A. IlimuM- 

leln. Dicr.: Ilcllalre. 0.,^»fM. 4t Clarka- 

liurg. W. Va.. 0-11. 

Illiumi lrlu liiitierlal Mack' Ca.. JMl A. lilm- 
uirlcln. mxr.: Martca. b£, SS'nab 4i Jaek- 
•oo. MIeb.. O-Il. 

Ifall'a AMoclate I'larara. Kngva.' J. Uall, mgr.: 
Key Weat. na.. OcL 82. IwlMC. . _^ 

Hayward. Grace. Aaaoclate Playamt Oak l.*Brk. 

Chicago, 111., Indef. 
Uolllngnrortb Tirloa Stock Co., tgw Olcaaon. 

mgr.: Bonatoo. Tel.. Indef. 
Imperial Stock Co.: Sc. Loula, ilo., Jan. I. In 


Imperial Theatre Block Cik, Kllmt * Ranolu. 
mira.: Chicago. lU.. DN,.SK, .|ade£ ■ , , 

Indiana Stock Co.: Ba. Bgairwl., Sayt. 4, la- 

Joae Slock Co.: Han Joae. Cal.. Jan. 3. l airf . 
Jearona. Irene. Stock Co.. Tboa. 3. XMtaaa, 

mgr.: Oil City, Pa.. 30-rcb. 4. 
Keith Stock OiL Cat* B. Kailh. 
SMMk 4t " 

People'B Stock Co.: ChleagOb III., Dec. 20, Indef. 
^''H^^'S^fj^^l". P**;* ^- Pemchl, mgr.: 

ta B. Kwia. Bwr.t Da 

too. Ind.c 

K>« aiatera a»»' 

Feb. 4: DeBance S-Il. 
King * I^TBO Stork Co.: Ilellntrs Knila. Vt.. 

:||>-Prh. 4; Clan-moot. N. II.. 0-11. 
Klark-Crban Co.: Sbrrbroeka, Qiw.. Can.. 3a> 

Feb. 11. 

Krmble * Sinclair Lyceom Caail< r Oa.: Otaa 

gow. Ky.. 30-F<b. 4. 
Klark. Gladya, Co.. J. E. Balfonr. mi,T. : North 

■mptoo. Uiti., 30-Frb. I: Warp 2-4. 
Kellh Stock Co.. Jamea E. Uuure. mgr.: INirt- 

land. Me.. April 1%, Indef. ^ _ ~ 

King. Joaepb, Mack Ohhi taaaaHef, ra., Se|*<> 
», ladef. 

LamMM* riayem. D. 8. LamaaaN : MCr.! S|»- 

LtH S klrer piayrre'. Otia OlHer. awr.t' Manl- 
' lame. Wla., indef. 

IdXaaai Block Co.. Loula I'bllllpa. mcr.: Itr.>>k 
"yaTV. Y., iBiief. 

Lyric Stock Co.. L. M. Gorman, mgr.: I.iui-<il:>. 

Neb., Ang. 20, Indef. 
Lyric Stock Co.. Cha*. P. SalMbafT. mgr.: 

Mlnneapolla. Minn.. Indef. 
Lammera A lAldlaw Stock Co.: Prince Albert. 

Saak.. Can.. .10-Frb. 4. 
LaPorte. Mae. Stock Co.. Joe McEnroe, mgr.: 
, SbelbyrlUe. lad.. SO-IWb. . 4. 
Ltwii Stock Co.. W. tf. Lmi. mgr.: Flor- 
ence. Ala., SO-fVb. 4. 
Locke*. The. Co.. Harry Sahaa. awr.S Maakalo, 

Kan.. 2-4: Jameatotm 04; iMOra Ml. 
I.iinc Stock Co.. Frank K. Long. Mulf.; Janea- 

vine. Wla.. SO-Feb. 4. 
Mcrviwi-llo'a I'larem; A«li. ' 111... X. C. :»-Fi'h. 

4: Concord 0-11. 
Mrck Sad Alll Stock Co., Jliu Wallace, mitr.: 

Illchland. Wla.. .lO-Feh. 1; Lancaster S-4; Mt. 

Ilori'h n-.<: llelolt 0-11. 
Minn-'a Bi-i>ertoln> Co.: .Morgantovn. Ind., a>- 

Feb. 4. 

Morey Stock Co. (LeComte * Fleaber"*). F. A. 
Vfndiy. mar.: Btfc Olty. OkU.. aO-Feb. 4: 
aiBiOB ••II. ^ '.^ . . „ ^ 

Mnlfajr Ooaiaar Oa,. 3ta Lea goo. awr.: Creaton, 
la..'a&Mir4i Bed Oak S-lt. ^ 

Miirray-Mackey Co,. John 3. Mnmy, mgr.: tt. 
Thnmaa. Ont.. Can., SO- Feb. 4: dnelph Ml. 

Martin * Jnre Amnaeaaent Co.. Ilarry T. Mar- 
tin, mgr.: Creaton. la.. 23 -Feb. 4. 

Marlno-e Stock Co.. Chaa. B. Marrlne. mgr.: 
Cblcacn. III., lodef. „. _ „ _. 

Morrla-Thnralon Slock Co.. Wiu. D. Motrla, 

M^^.^.''£!Se^ii!%:<S£rUi. >u^. ta- 

National Stork Otlt Miallill. CMB^ Aar. U. 

Nealdti' tlayem: Wflhea-Bam. Pa.. Pec. 20. 

New Criterion Stock Co., Kllmt * Oaizolo, 

mgra.: Chlcaao. III.. Ang. 14. Indef. 
New Theatre Slock Cfc,_Wlntbrop Amea. di- 

rector: N. Y. Cm M*. T..IBMV 
North nma.' Stock ' Olht 
20. Indrt. 

Kaa.. Ang. 

North nroa.* Stock Co.: OklahoaM CItF. Okla., 

Sept. 18, Imlef. 

NIt-lacn, Marie. Co.. Homer B. Qllbn. mgr.: 

Woeo. Tex., SO-Felk 4: TCnpIo 8-It. 
Olympic Stork 00.1 TOnt. Mich.. Jan. 23. Indef. 
Opera Hoaao Playerai PalonoB. ». J.. l»Je.'- 
Onhenm IMayen. Grant LaO^rtr. avr.: l*hUa., 

Partello Stork Co.. W. A. Patttlla^ awr.t CM- 
gary. Alta.. Can., hidef. 

Paaaalo Stock Co.: Paaaa le. N. J.. i aS r ft ■ 

Pajrcen Stock Co.. K. B. I nwiaiMiafc aai^t vHea^ 

0., Aug. 2S. Indef. _ ■ 

Paylon'a Lee Arenne Slock Co., Corae Faylon. 

mgr.: Brookl.Tn. N. V.. Aug. SS. tadef. 
Payton Stock Co.. Corae Payloa. nwr.: lloboken, 

N. J.. Aug. 20. Indef. 


Poll Slock Co.: Scrantoo. Pa., Nor. 21. tndet. 
1>>II Stock Opw: Konrlch, Coon., Dec. 12, Indef. 
I'rhw w a Jg ck^ C augWWag .H. BekaOar. awr.: 

I'rlneeaa 8loekCb.?Dea Moiara. In.. Ang. 28. 


rrlngle Stock Co.. Johuuk- I'rlngle. mgr.: Er- 

••rett. Waab.. Indef. 
Terry. Aoguata. Stock Co.. Walter Downing, 

mgr.: UaTerblll. Miaa.. .10-Feb. 11. 
rickerta, Tbe Four. Co.. Wlllla PIckert, mgr.: 

Ft. Pierce. Fla., SO Feb. 4: Miama 0-23. 
U'-Tler Stock Co.. Harry Kerler, mgr.: Salt 

Lake, IHr. lU. indef. 
Itobyna A Uoroer Playera: Glmlra, N. Y'., Oct. 

3, lodef. 

Reto, Fred, Stock 0>.: Alliance. 0., 30-Feb. 4. 
Sliarpley'a Theatre Co., Add J. Sharpley, mgr.: 

Cantoo. .Vo., 0-11. 
.SterllnE stock Co.. SterllOK A Wllaon, msrs.: 

Na^nee, lad., 30-Feb. 1; Goahen 3-4; Peru 

BIroag. Arery. Co.. Monte TbataBMBa tNCr.: 
Kaar Bedford, Ifaa*., ladef. 

^moner. Edaa May. Stock Co., IlaiF .Olbba 
Spooner. aagr.i Jetaey Oly, !f. J.. M. 8, In- 

Temple Playera: Camden. N. J.. Indef. 
Tbompaun- Woods Stock Co.. Prancla T. Gunn. 

mxr.: Brockton, Maaa., Indef. 
Trabem Stock Co., Al. XMHfa, mgr.: NaabTlIlf. 

Tenn., Jan. 30, mm/^^ 

Trouadale Broa.' Blaek Cht Oaiar BapMa, la.. 
Sept. aa. udof. 

""^SSf- Clam. PUyera, W. r. ■atlFt aisr.t 

Ullwaekee, Wla., la^f. 
Taylor. Albert. CO., B. J. Laaoarre. aagr.: Cor- 

poa Chrtati. Tex.. 1-3; BrownsrIUe S-4. 
Tempeat Stock CO., J. L. Tkmpeat, nwr.: 

BalnUldge. N. Y.. 30-Feb. 4: Wladaer 8-11. 
TrndweU-Wbltney Stock Co.: Oarcooo, Mich.. 

30-Feb. 4. 

Trarla Stack Co,. BUly IVaria, a«r.: Bawling 
Otan. Oh MiC. . . 

Taylor Stock (Jo.. B. W. SkfiWa 

Und. Me., so-rab. «. 
Taylor Stock Co.. KImar Mciaad. Bcr.: 111. 

Cartnd, m.. SO-Ftb. 4. 

YanDyke At Eaton Co.. H. Walter Taa OrkP. 
mgr.: MUwankee, Wla.. Indef. 

Wlnnliiger Broa.' Co.. Frank Wlnnlnger. lagr.: . 
Chicago, ni.. Indef. ,_.^„ 

Wolfe Stock Co.. J. A. Wolfe, mgr.: Wicklta. 
Kan., Aug. 29, Indef. 

Woodward Stock Co.. O. D. Woodaraal. mtr.l 
Omaha. Neb.. Aog- 27, Indef. 

Warren. Edith, Aasoclate Player*. J. W. Bart- 
man, m^r. ; Laconla. N. H.. SO-Feb. 4. 

Wooda Slatera Stock Co.: Rnnge. Tex.. l-U: 
Karnes City 4. 

Tale Stock Co.. Slonte Thompaon. mgr.: Gard- 
ner, Maaa., 30-Feb. 1; Athol 2-4; Kevne, N. 
H.. 8-8. 




(10 years' experient^) with orchestra for 

theatre, concert or dance work, J. PAN- 
COOK, Star Theatre, Moncssen, Pa. 


T Y 



t;,«..l » ir !r.,l..- ..^^l^!..fT, 0:i.- p;-.-,- i,,.rrrred. 

■aal Balr. Crop wi«, «i 
Tai Dtaaa Wig. (UN 
■bnMa, tua aMi ( 





lAcnaaes the itoting 


20 Per Cent. 

Nothing else like it 
made. Years ahead 
of the ordinary re- 
.yolving chair. Prieet 

^THE — 


Wanted for Season 1911 by the 


Ferris Wheel, good Platform Show, one more good 
Tent Show with A-1 rag front. Glass Show or 

Ghost preferred, (no Picture Show), clean ConCM- 
sions. Write Show. Open April 17. Address 

E. W. WEAVER, Mgr., P. 0. Box 987, Atlanta, Ga. 



P»rfbrm«lraln ail lliiaafar Mg show, iMa ah«w, aantert and 

band and Orchestra. 

A good Wagon Show Agent. BlUpoatera, litbographera. Banner Men. l*roKrMuiincra, a good Cook. 
Cook House Walter*. Urooma, Drlrrra, Canraamen. PropertT Men. Boaaea In all departments. 
Chandelier Man for B. A W. Ugbta. l-erformera addreaa OSCAB L(>W.VNDE. T Beach St.. Read- 
log, MasK. Stale Show l>eo|ile. H. C. MOOBK, 2145 Ttb Are., Tmy. Y. All otbata. Sift. 
SAOTBLLB. Homer. N. Y., Bos m Stata toacat aataij Siat Hiae aaS MMHrr tm Kta S af 
alienee a polite n 'gatlTC. I want to boy all fclnda of anlmala. State prieea and wheia they eaa 
be ae«D. 

WAKTED— roopli- for Ten Nlgbta In a Bar Room. Moalclaiu tlaubllnc II. A O., Moaldaaa 
doobltng atate. ^luslcal .Vet doubling hraw or atage. Sketch Teama. Song and Dance Peoala. Oth er 
acts write. Coral ilog or monkey act. Want good Side Show- People: alao good Agent wfta WHI 
iiao bruah: oao good reliable BUIpoater and aober Cook. Oood bone for good people. Show amr 
cloaea. Morta. Bwaaan. -Bj^ Plaade* aad Hanr Orcea. wtlta.- For aale. Comblnatloo Car. 

S4 ft. iBawa aaaaaaavwmit, wm a-a cwatuoBi wvmrt wwt^wmi wiu pt.wi ... a». ,«»tw: v*.M M ^ 
anjr toad; tm alala (ooak beHha ear a people, kitcbea ami SS ft. baggage tvom. An Bectile 
Ught Plant. BaiaMcd oa tracka: a featnia for any amall ahow or carnUal: wire, gloliea. etc.. go 


win atand M. C. 

InapectlOQ en. 

with plant. Haed three eaaaooa. Motlograph P. Macblne. a-1 eomlltlon: 18 n'el» of Film, 
and I.*clniv nidea. Boodoir Baby Grand Piano, new; 00 ft. Bonnd Top. ao ft. Middle Piece, with 
aide wall, uwil three acasonn but In good condition. A bantaln. IS B»n<l rnlfnrins. coata and 

cap*. Il.-n~.M for Illuf: «t..\. .,.!nck-'.ic -li^u. <'. I.. ERICKSON. So..r 'l-.-ias 
r. S. — Stiow »IU OIKU ll,,l l.ja, nUjiU .Matcll 1, lyU- 


In Metal Irtdeaeent.' black and all otber coteta. 
900 dlirerent ahapee. 


47 1*2 W. Third St.. NEW YORK. 


Xtie ei 

1 1 b o a r d 

PIBRUARY 4. .1911. 


AdaiBih Maade. tn Cbutcdcr, Cluu. WHtmn, 

mgr.: N. Y. C. J«a. 23-Maicfa 18. ' 
Aim*. Where Do Yoa XJre. JM. M. -WAtr. 

mgr.: N.- Y. C. Sept. 20, Indef. 
Allen. Viols. In tha WHIte Sister (Uebler tc 
Co.'s). D. C. Corry, tn«T.: Bloefleld, W. V«.. 
1; Qontlntctoa 2: Portsmouth, O.. 3: CbUll- 
cothe 4; rarLenbarv. w. Va., 6: Marlettm, 
O.,. T. 

Airliai of KItt}-. Dohertr-ColUu Co.. mgrra. : 

dcnera. N. Y.. 1; Wellboro, Pa., 2: Towaaila 

4: ' BuiqaehanDa 6; Blnghamtoo, X. Y.. 7; 
Onrootm 8; Klasiton B; WitUeii 10: Ulddle- 
town 11. 
AneD, Eatvtlv. Altnd lllw. 

tlmr C. JUatmt, wop. 

«r:si Wrm^Si m: 

As Ibe Son Went Down. Arthur O. Alston, prop. 

* mcr.: Wssh., D. C. 30-Feti. 4: Bsltlmor*, 
Md.. e-ii. 

At tlie Old Cmm Boadi, ARInv C. AlatMi, 

* mgr.: XMtt ~ 
'Lovell. Mass.; M; 
ton 9-11. 

All for Her. Hllllard Wight, mgr.: Udgerwood, 
N. D.. 1; ElIeiKlale 2; Lliboo 3; LaMoore 4. 

At the Merer of TItierlns. Olaser dt Stair, msra.: 
Detroit^ Mich.. 2»-rcb. 4. 

AcRM llw Great Divide, Geo. W. I^n, mgr.: 
OnQootn, III., 1: Benton 2: Xt Vernon 3; 
Harrlabtirjr 4: MclMnstKno 6: BbMUT: Grar- 
TUIe 8; Albloa S; Mt. CanwtlQ^nnr Clt7 

Arcadian*. The. CIuh. Frotaman. mgr.: Cbl- 
caso. in.. 25-IVb. 4: St. Paol. Minn.. 

Arcadians, Tbe (Special). Chaa. Ftohman. mgr.: 
Denrer. Colo.. 30-Feb. 4: Colorado Springs 
6; Cheyenne. W^.. 7; Skit Lake, U.. 9-11. 

At Cripple Cnek: Boaton. Maaa.. 30-Ftb. 4. 

AngUa, Matsaret, in Green Stockings, Uebler 
ft Co., mgts.: Chicago. III.. 23-Feb. 4. 

Bellev, Kyrle, in Raffles. Cbas. Proliman. mgr.z 
Omytoa, O.. 1; Rlchmoad. Ind.. 2; Maocle 
3; Oecatar, III., 4: St. Louis. Mo.. 5-11. 

Bernard. Sain. In He Came from Mllwankee, 

Bab>x Mine CEaatem). Wm. A. Bradr, mgr.: 
I . C Aug. S3, indet. 

Bmywrt. Btbel. In Ttelawner of the Wells, 
Otaa. ' RlAlBao, mgr.: X. Y. C, Jan. 2, In- 

Bates, Blanche. In Nobody's Wldoar, DsTld Be- 

Uaco, mgr.: N'. T. C, Nor. IS. Indef. 
BUnn. Bolbrook, In The Boss. Wm. A. Bradr, 

mgr.: N. V. C Jan. 30, Indef. 
Bseeae. EflmuDd. lo The Starecrow, HenzT B, 
. Hauls, mgr.: N. Y. C, Jan. 16. Indef. 
Bntke. Blllle. la Snxanne, Chas. Prohmsn, mgr.: 

W. Y. C. Dec; 28. Indef. 
BaboAlan Girl. Mtlton & Sargent Aboro. mgn.: 

** CItjr, Uo.. 3»-FCb. 4: St. Urals S.11. 

I, wltb CseU I«aa * Florence Bol- 

JC Oaltea'). Ghaa BU W^aor^^ mgr.: 

K Look. Uo., 2»-F«eb. 4; QnlBcr. mlTS: KM- 
Ft. MadlHMi T: Ballwtia S; 
QaMianc II1_ 0: Anrsra 10: BoekCaid lU 
Banter. The (Amerfcsn Am. Oow's lae). Wm, 
O. ColTln. mgr.: Salinas, Cal., 1: BoIIIster S; 
flan Jose 3: Stockton 4: Fresno 6. 
Banco In Arizona. Cbas I«eklns. mgr.: Ciere- 

Und. O., 2»-Feb. 4; Detroit. Midi., 0-11. 
Baclielor's Hooeymoon (Sonthem), Gllaon St 
Bradfield. mgrs.: I.BGTange. Tex.. 1; Smlth- 
Tllle 2i S>n Marcos 3: New Brannfela 4; 8c- 
jnila 5: LallDK 6; Gonzales 7. 
Billy, with Sidney Drew: Schenectady, N. Y., 

1-2; Uttea S-t. 
Bu ew s tse'a Mmioas. AL - Bleb, mgr.: Grand 
BapMi Iflek.^ IB-Fcb. 4: Ft. Wajnc. Ind.. 
M: BIdusoad. T; tXPiiaa 8; Sloia Hint* 
. 9-11. ' ■ . f ■ . . .• - 

BHIy Urn Kid. F. B. HsadlaF. mgr.: St. I«Bla« 

Hob. ao-Frb. 4. 
Banlcia Bnmed Away. Oaskell-MacVltty-Canwo- 
<er OL. mgrs.: Farlbanlt. MIlo., 1: North- 
fleld 2: Boeheatar Zs, Owatnua'4s Albart !«• 
8: BIiv Eartk ft -nMiNO Tt-MMMHiO 8; 
Mnbank. S. 1K.9t WSSZ Mtaik. Jtl llHfe- 
Oeld 11. ■ ■• 

Boater Rrown. Bnstar 

Greenrnie. S. C, 1; 
3: ChttttmUm 4. 



■ VMaMaBca, B. Lt 15*4. 

BtiDbaiot. Saiata. In Bepertotra. W. F. 

mgr.: iPhlla., SO-FMk 4; WaaUnBtoBk D. C 

S-IL • . . ■ - . 

Bloe Motaae. The Shabtttt, mm.t'-tlww OrtaiW, 

La.. 2ft-Feb. 4. 
Ben Hot. Klaw Sc Erianger. mgrs.: Ft. Worth. 

Tex.. *)-FM>. 4. 
Corner. -Wni.. In Til Be Hsngcd It I Do^ Lair 

Fields; DiRr.: N. Y. C. Kor. tt, MaCV 
Concert. Tbe. Darld Bdaaeo^ mwbt H.' T. ' OL, 

Oct. 3. Indef. 
Conntry Roy. Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Chleaco, 

in.. Dec. 28. Indef. 
Cortis. .Allen. Mmdcal OouMdy Co.: 
- — Ji . 

rit iilihito^ wPSSSarT^' 

■fi^: lyadan. a. 

. r 44; Seadaad 6; 

. I T; ▼eminioB 8; BIk Pobit 0; Onawa, 

Ia.. llO; Charter Oak U-I2. 
ODananters. Tbe ^A). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: 

Wmth.. D. C. 30-Feb. 4: N. Y. C, O-ll. 
Commbtera. Tbe (B). Henry B. Harris, mgr.: St. 
Paol.' Minn.. 29- Feb. 1: Minneapolis 2-4: 
Stillwater 5: Esn Claire. Wis.. 6: Red Wing, 
Minh.. 7: Bocbester 8: Msson City, la., 9: 
Des Moines 10-11. 
Cllma.T. The rUnlted Play Co.'s Western). H. 

B. Cory, mgr.: LaGrande. Ore.. 1: Baker City 
2: Velsrr. Ida.. 4: Payette 6; Ontario 7; Nam- 
paA Bolae 10-11. 

CooaiF Sheriff (A. B. WcCal. Chas. H. Brooke^ 
mnt: Grand BapHa ma.. 1: Tanafeaisk tt 
Herxin 3: Waupaca 4! OriikMh Br T : 
«: Bed Granite T: XeOavIlla Blaek 
Falls 10. , 

Chomir X.adv. «Htb Kdna Aag.^enry B. Harris, 
mgr c ProTldence. R. I.. 30-Feb. 4: Wster- 
town. N. T.. 6: Ocdenabnrg 7; Ottsws. Can., 
8: BrockrDle 9: Kingston 10: Hamilton 11. 

Camertin. Grace. Co. (Kerr Am. Co.'s Inc.), 

C. H. Kerr, mgr.: Lm Angeles. Cal..29-Feb. 4; 
San piego 5: Sonta An* 0: Paaadena 7: Blrer- 
side -JEt; Redlands 9; San Bernardino 10. 

Cameron. Daisy. Co. (Kerr Am. Co.*s Inc.), C 
■H. Kerr, mgr.: Kankakee. III.. 1: IMami S. 

Cat, and the Fiddle. Chaa. A. Salloa. Ill8r.t life- 
hart. lod.. 1: Cotdwater. Xleh., 3: Adrian 
Ann vArbor 4: OTnaso !S: Flint 0; Kalamaaao 
8: Benton Harbor 0: Goshen, Ind.. 10; Sooth 
Beii4 11. 

Cow 00*1 the Moon. Cbas. A. Sellon. mgr.: Jack- 
sooT^e. Fla., 1-2: Brnnswlek, Ga., S: Sayan- 
Bah 4: Angnata 6: Charleston. S. C. 7: Or- 
aaaetmc 8: XewbeRy Abberllle 10: Oicco- 
vaia u. . 

H. tf- 

Ghackoa, Stair * Barlli. own.: OUeaio, OL. 
2i»-Fata. 4. 

Chocolate Soldlar (Wealem). F. O. Whltacy, 

mgr.: Sacramento, Cal.. C-6; Sin Jofe 7: 
Stockton 8; Fresno 0; Bakersfleld 10: San 
Diego II. 

Clllford, Billy Single, In tbe Girl, tbe Man 

and tbe Game, Bob LeRoy, misr.: L'rbana, O., 

3-4: Columbus 0-8; Dayton 9-II. 
Carter. Mrs. I^eslle. In Two \Voiii4.-n, John Cort. 

mgr.: Phlla., 30Feb. 11. 
Climiix, Tbe (Soutbcro), Unit d I'luy Co.. Inc.. 

mgrs.: Paris. Tex., I; Clarkaburj; 2: Crt'en- 

Tllle 3; SolptiDr Slirlnfis 4. 
Cahill, Marie, In Judy Fbrgot, U. V. Arthur, 

uicr.: Syracose. N. Sl-Feb. 1; Ilartfoftl, 

Coim., 2. 

Country Boy (B). Heaiy B, BUtia, mss^s riilla.. 

City, The. The Shnberta, mgrs.: Brooklyn, N. 

v., so-FI:b. 4. 
Commercial Traveler (P. W. RIcbanlima's). Geo. 

A. Mllli-o, mgr.: Artbor, III., 1: SbvlbyvlUe 
2: Greenup 4; Xoble 6; Clay City 7; Kalrtii-lil 
8: Cyntblana. Ind;. 10; Mt. Virnon 11. 

Chocolate Soldier (Central). V. C. Whitney, 

mgr.: Eanssa City, SIo., 5-11. 
Cromnan, Henrietta. In Antl-Matrlmony. Maurice 

Camplwll. mKT.; Ctilcago. 111.. Jan. 2:t. indef. 
Crane, Wm. H., In XJ. S. Minister Bedloe, Cbas. 

Frobman, msr.: Boston, Mass., 30-Feb. 11. 
, Ch'-Tslier, Albert in Daddy Dnfard. I i:-bler & 
I Co.. mgra.: St. Imala, Uo^ aD-r>'b..4. 
Deep Pn^le, LIAIer * 0««' asii^l X. T. C.> 

Jan. 9, indcL 
Daniel Boone on Yhe Trail (Eastern). Chas. A. 

T^ir. mgr.; UhrlcbaTllle, O., 1; StLreye 2; 

Shelby 3; Springfield 4. 
lisnlel Boone on the Trail (Western): LeMars, 

la., 1; Slonx City 2; Mapleton 3: Ida Orore 


Diamond King, J. Bert Johnson, mgr.: Har- 
rard. ni.. 1; Sbaron. Wis., 2; Hebron, IlL. 
3; (^noa Jnactlon. Wis.. 4; Freeport, 111.. 
5; BlanchardTlIle, WU., 6; Mt. Camdl. III-. 
7: Lanark 8; Foneiton 8; Bynm 10; Qiza. 
beth 11. 

Dawson's Mnaleai COnacdr Co., Jan.' Dawson, 
mgr.: Cartbafa; tt-Vcb. 1; Snan Fork 

2-4. ■■ 

Doiuldson. Arthnr. Sni Wit, mgmi 

C. 30-Feb. 4. 
Defender of Cameron Dam (A), 

all, mgr.: Des Molnaa, la., 

PanI, Minn.. 5-8. 
Daniels. Prank. In Tbe Girl In the Train. Ch<4ii. 

Dillingham, mgr.: Baltimore, Md., 30-Feb. 4. 
Dressier. Marie. In TUlIe's Nightmare. I en- 

Flelda. mar.: Cleveland, O., 30-Fleb. 4: Clncln- 
" utl. S-11. 

Dollar Prlneeiw, Chaa. EVohmao, mgr.: Boston. 

Uaaa» le-Kb. 4. 
Dollar Frlnceaa (%eelal). Cfaaa. Fknbman. mgr.: 

(leden. C„ I: Cheyenne. Wye., 3; N. riatte. 

Neb., 4; Lincoln 6; Topefca, Kan., 7: SI. 

Jo-e^h. >'o.. «>: Joplln 9: S^inglleid 10; Ft. 

Smltii. Ark.. UL 
Drew, John, In Smith, Chas. Frobman. mgr.: 

New Haven. Oonn., 1: Springfield. Mass.. 2: 

Hartfofd. Conn.. 3-4: Boston. Ma«s.. O il. 
Eekhatdt's Ideals. OUver J. Ecfchardt. mgr.: 

Utile Falls. Wnn.. 30-Feb. 1: Staples 2: 

Wadena 3: Alexandria 4: Melrose 5; Fergus 

Falls 0^: Wahpeton. K. D.. »-U. 
Eli and Jane. HaRy Orcea. lur.: Bandog Tex. 

1: San Manws 2: Graagar Si'Xtaao 4: Xatble 

Falls 0: Lampaaaaa 7. 
Every Woman. Henry W. Savage, mgr.: Hart- 
ford. Cnnn., 9-11. 
Elliott, Uaxloe, In tbe Inferior Sex. Geo. J. An- 

pleton. mgr.: Los Angeles. Cal.. 30-Feb. 4: 

Salt Lake City 6-8; Ogden 9; Cheyenne, Wyo., 


Edeson. Bobert, In When tbe Ttall Divides. 
Heaiy B. Barrla. mtt.t ■ lUat. lIMu. 1: Lan- 
aiac 2: Ann Arbor 8t Ma8a, Oi. '4: Pftts- 
boK. Pa.. 6-11. 

Bunaa Me. Henry W. Sarafd, ngr.; PtorMmire. 

B. L. 30-FM>. 1. 

Favandmm. Wm.. In The F^n. fba Sbohcrta. 

mgrs.: N. T. C. Jan. 1«-Fet>. II. 
French Oners Co., Jnles Laytdle, mgr.: New Or. 

leans. La.. Nov. 22. Indef. 
Flake. Mrs., in Becky Sba'p, Harrison Gre.v 

Flake, mgr.: Boston. Mass., 30-Feb. - 4; 

Pblla.. Pa.. 6-11. 
Final Settlement. Monte Tbompson. mgr.: Her. 

Un. Ont., Can.. St BtaMiM St.Omn S ima d 

4: Colllngwood T; OiUb UUmf 18; 

Peterboro 11. 
ntrtlnir Princess, with Harry Bnlger. M. H. 

Singer, mgr.: Cincinnati. O.. 29-Feb. 4. 

Fortune BEmitcr (Eastern). Cohan ft Harris, 
mgrs.: M. T. C. SS-IM, 4; PbUa., Pa., «. In- 

Father and the Boys, with Whi, H. 'ni'^ier. 
Dave Kline, mgr.: Elgin. ID.. 1: Bnefcford 
2; Janeavnie. Wis., S: M:adl«nn 4: v-e^nH*" 
•: Winona, Minn., 7: Ban Clalta. Tna.. 8; 
Superior 9; Dnlnth. Minn.. 11. 

nirbanks. Donglas, In Tbe Cob. Wm. A. Rr.icly, 
mgr.: Washington. D. C. 30-Feb. 4. 

Flrinjr Line. Delamater Ik Norv>s. mirrK.: Or- 
lando. Fla.. 1: Lakelaail 8: ninpa 8-4. 

Follips of 1010. F. ZlesfHd. jr.. agr.: ' BaHton. 
Mass., Jan. 9, Indef. 

Fsnrtb Bstate. Liebler ft Co., mgrs.: I.nodon. 
Oat.. Can.. 2. 

OamUna, Tbe, Antbors* Prodaclng Co., mgrs.; 
V. T. C. Oct. SI. Indef. 

Oet-Bleh-Qniek WallingfOrd. Ooiun ft Harris, 
mgra.: M. Y. C. Scot. 19. IndeC 

Oet-Rlcb-Qnirk WaWwfart. Oohan * Barrls, 
mgrs.: Chlcagoi' IB.. Oac^ 4,--^— - 

Gin I Love. Hairy AildB.'agi 
Feb. 5, Indef. 

Gllmore. Barney. In Kelly from tk* Bminld 
Isle. Geo. A. Onlnn. mirr.: St. ZMda; Mo.. 
2n-Feh. 4: Kan«"« City 5-11. 

Girls, Geo. W. wnton. mgr.: Hatrblnson. Kan.. 
I; Arkansis City 2: Onthrie. Okla.. .1: Okla- 
homa City 4-5: McAIestrr «; Tniss 7: TInlta 
S^WttghniK. .Kan., IopIIn..3lo, 10: Sprlaic: 

Qlil aad the Onllsv^ It. J. BIMell.' mgr ; EI- 
wood. Ind.. 1t Pern 3: Logaosport 4: Valpa- 
raiso 0: MIctalKan City 8. 

Girl from Rector's. Max Ploho. mjrr.: Hot 
Snrlngs. Ark.. 1: LUtle Bock 2: Tev*r'-sna 4; 
Shreveport. La. 5; Jackson. Mlas,. 4t Xatehes 
7: Baton Rouge. La.. )>: Alexanula 8: Lake 
Charles 10: Reanmont. Tex., II, 

Girl and the Rsncer (J. A. Norman's). Frank 
P. Prescott. mgr.: Emporia. Kan.. 1: Serantnn 
2: Valley Fall* 3: Nortnnvllle 4: Atchison 5; 
Wimfctia 8t Vstnore 7; Goff 8: Hocton 0; 

nosfiia jet nnr-iL 

O edde sa of Xherlv. M. H. Singer, mgr.: St. 

T«nls. Mo., 2»-Fe»i. 4. 
Golden Olrl. M. H. SIheer mgr.: Beatrfee. 

Neh.. 1: Lincoln 2: Slonr City. Is.. Jt-4; 

Slonx Falls, S. D.. S: Mitchell 6; Norfolk, 

Neh.. 7. 

Gin of the Monnta'na. O E. Wee, mgr.: Beards- 

. If- ll Hairalhal. Mo.. 4: Baabnell. 

7: Mt. P Isa aan t. la- M> Iowa CMy 11. 


GM aad tkt Stampede (auS^f ± MacVltiy'si, 

Oao. Fletcfaer, mgr.: OmaJi%J>'eb., 30-Feb. 1. 
Glaaer. Vangbaa, In the Man Between, Vaugban 

Claser. mgr.: rittsburg, ^Pa., SO-Feb. 4; 

Daylon, 6-11. " 
G*'nl]ciiian from Mlaalaslppl .(Wm. A. Brady's). 

Geo. II. Harris, mgr.: Medfdrd, Ore., 1; Eu- 

giRL- 2; Albany 3; Salem 4; Porlland S-11. 
Gllli lti-, Wiu.. lu Itc|>erlol»,-' Chas. Frobman. 

uiKr. : Itrooklyu, N, Y.. ao-Peb. 4; Chicago. 

III., 5-lS. 

George. Grace, In Sauce fur tbe Goose, Wu). 
A. Ilraib*. inirr. : ludlauaitolla. Intl.. Sl-Feb. I. 

Gunolui:, Louise. In 'ilie Balkan I'rinccaa, Tbe 
SbuberlK. iiicni.: Ilostnn, Maaa,, 23-SVb. 4. - 

Gllmore, i'aul: Utile Hock, Ark., I. 

Girl of My UreauiB. Jos. M. OailM, aHP'>> Balti- 
more, MO., 30-Feb. 4. 

Girl In ttiv Taxi, A. II,' Woodi, Bsr,: Lea An- 

N. J.. .lO Keb. 4. 

Girl lu tlie Taxi. A. II. Woods, msr. : Moh Ao- 
Ki li'S. Csl., 30-Kib. 4. 

Girl from ttector'a, A. B. Wooda, mgr.: Buf- 
falo, K. a»Mk 4. ■ . - 

Great DtvMe (Biaiy imiar^i): PUa., 88-fM>. 

Orliues' CMu.- Vmt, t. ■ W." B a llw iii f. nsr.: 
Elklna. W. Va.. It ' BaMsvarla 9s Blaton S; 

lleckley 4. 

iXartman, Ferris. Musical Comedy Co.: Los 

ADgole.s, Cal.. Oct. 17. luilcf. 
Uenpevks. The. Lew Fields, mgr.: N. Y. C, 

Jan. 30. Indef. 
HOdgr. Wm.. In the Man from Home, Liebler 

it Co., mgn.: FbUa., Nov. 14, Indef. 
Hamed. Virginia. In the Woman He Married. 

Arthor J. Ayleswortb, mgr.: Birmingham, 

Ala., 1-2; Montgomery 3; Mobile 4; New Or- 

leana. La.. 5-11. 
Hans Elanaon. Lonla Bels, mgr.; Qnanah. Tex.. 

1; Memphis 2; Clarendon 3: Childress 4; Crow 

ell 6; Hamlin 7; Albany 8; Cisco 8; Thurbi'r 


Hitchcock, Raymond, in tbe Man Wbo Osrns 
Broadway, (Toban ft Harris, mgrs.: Loalsvllle. 
Ky., 3t-Feb. 1; Nashville. Tenn.. 2; Memphis 
3-4; BirmlnKham, Ala.. 6; Atlanta, Ga.. 7-8. 

Happy Hooligan, Gtis Hill, mgr.: Nashville, 
Tenn., 30.Feb. 4. 

Hopper, DeWolf, In A Mstloee Idol, Daniel V 
Arthnr. mgr.: LonlsvUle. Ky., 30-Kb. 1; 
Saakraia. Xeaa.. 2t Mempbla 3-4; Hot Springs 
AA, UMt Bock 7: Sooth VeA&ter. 
OUa., 8; OUabanui City 9; Oallaa, Tez.. 10- 

Hoocymoon Trail, Kelly & FltxGerald. mgrs.: 
Logan, Utah I; Salt Lake 2-5: Ogden 0. 

Billiard. Robert, in A Fool There Was. 
eric Thompson, mgr.: Jersey City. N. J-- •**<•■ 
Feb. 4. 

lUlngton, Margaret, tn Tbe Encounter. Edw. 

J. Bowes, mgr.; ~ " ' 

2; Toledo 3-4; " 

Ont., Can.. 11. 
la Old Kaatneky. ft. W. Dingwall, mgr,: Syra- 

cnaa, SL T.. ^FCb. 1: Boehester 2-4; Pitts- 
hots, Pa.. 0-11. 
Irwin, May. In Getting a Polish, Liebler ft 

Co., mgrs.: K. T. C. 30-Ii^b. 4. 
Janls. Elsie. In tbe Slim Princess, Chas. DU- 

llogbam. mgr.: N. T. C. Jan, S. Indef, 
Juvenile Bostonlans. B. E. Laag. aisr.: . Ft. 

wnilam. Ont.. Can.. 1 ; Port AdkarM: M' 

bury 6: North Bay 7-8. ■ 

Just Out of College. BaHnn ftr Campbell, atgn.: 
Pensacola. Fla.. IrQWKf Si Iftto OttF 8: 
Jacksonville 4. 

James Boys In M l isa m I;' MBwaakce, Via.. 29. 

Feb. 4. 

Jspsnesa Honeymoon. Bart BaAart. 

i> mcr.: CUcaaa, UL, twM, I, 
Kidnapped for a Mmfam. Herbert Perry, aigr,: 

Kenyon, Minn.. 80; Hodsoo. Wis.. Feb. 1. 
Kina of tbe Cattle Ring (Eller's). Ed. Hale, 
mgr.: Logan, Kan., 1; Downs 2; BeMt 8; 
Beimbltc 4. 

Katie ft Phelan Musical Comedy Co., E. V. 

Pbelan. mur. : Merlilf^n. Conn.. 2-4. 
Katie Old, Jos. M. Galtes, mgr.: Pblla.. 23- 

Feb. 4. 

Lorimer. Wright. In the Shepherd King, Wm. A. 

Brady, mgr.: Toledo. O.. 3IVFeb. 4. 
Lost In Society's Whirl (Soalhem). L. M. Boyer. 

mgr.; Lnfkln. Tex.. 1: Jacksonville 2: liOnc- 
' view 8: Tkxarkaoa 4.4: DcQnaen. Ark.. 7: 

Ibna 8; Oratk «: Clarksvllte los fttklaa II. 
Una and tbe Xonse. Dnited Plar On., inc.. 

mgrs. : Tankton. S. D.. I: Teraiinian-S: Cft*m 

kee 3: Le Mars. la., 4$ •Ida' Onaa 8| 

7; Webster City 8: Iowa lUla 8; lodtpe 

10: W. Liberty II. 
Leigh. Bert. In the Man on tbe Box. Ernest Lnt- 

Imore, mgr.: Qnanah. Tex.. 1; Oowelt 2: 

Knox City 3; Hamlin 4: Stamford 6: Abilene 

7: Colorado 8: Midland 9; Big Springs 10; 

Sweetwater 11. -jj 
Lyman Twins, in the Prlae'-'^WInnera: Albany. 

Ga.. 1: Amcrlena 2: Cotd«i> 8: Balabiidac 4; 

Idve Oak. Via. 8: ttaWMIIe T: OmMi 8; 

Tampa' 0: MOIbertr 10; Xakaland U. - 
Light Eternal. BIre * Stidgitlt. Havlla, ngrs.: 

Dayton. 0.. 30.Tab, I. iTs^T 
Uly. The. Darld Belaaeo,"BHHf: fnerOUnd, O.. 

30-Feb. 4. 

Uon and the Morse, w. M.'^TIale, mgr.: New 

Orleans. La.. 2A-Feb. 4. n'^ 
MacDonald. Christie, tn The Spring Maid. Wer- 

h« ft Lenscher. mgrs.: N. T. C. Dee. 20, 


Madame Sherry. Frasee. Lederer ft Wooda. 

mgrs.: N. Y. C. Aug, 88, MtC. . , 
MsrrlsEe a la r'orle. LieUcr ft '13a., ' aagnl,; !C. 

Y. C. Jan. 2. Indef. 

Miller. Henry. In Tlie Havoc. Klaw * Er- 
ianger. mgrs.: N. Y. C. Jnn. ». Indef. 

Moor-. Victor. In' th» Happiest NIcht of nis 
Life. Fraree ft Lederer. mgrs.: Chicago, III., 
■ Jsn. 8. Indef. 

Mehan, John. Monte Thompson, mgr.: Sisters* 
Tllla W, Ta., 2: Marietta. O.. 3; Parkersbnrs. 
W. Va.. 4: Otonster, O.. 4: Nelsonvllle 7; 
Atbeaa 8; Galllpolls 0: Chsrleslnn, W. Vs.. 

ManbattSD Opera Co.. Robt. Ksne mgr.: Knox. 

vine. Tenn.. 80-Feb. 4: Bristol 6-11. 
Mallory. CTIfton. D. H. Cook, mgr.: KInrstnn. 

N. v.. 1: Hotiart 2: Windsor 3: Nichols 4: 

Fnlton A ll. 

Ulas Nobody from Sisriand. M, H. Singer, 

mgr.: Lacrosse. Vis.. It.Aibm IM Jllan.. 

2: Decorab. la.. 3: St. CMad. SnaBU. B: 

Winnipeg, Can.. 8-11. 
Meinne, Rose, in Sh BaOkhK.. J. KJIIIrlla*. 

mgr.: Loiilavllla.- Ky.. as-TM. 4| Waift.;' D. 

C. O-II. . 
Madame SbMtF 'On. Waaaa; fi v mr . Ik -IMImr. 

nrapa.: naa MMaaa. Ia..° It Oaadn. fMk 84s 

trsnasB CIlT, Mo.. 8-11. 
Minister's Sweetheart. Dave Altmaa. mgr.; 

Memohls. T«nn. 29-Feh. 4. 
Mnntenn-ery ft SInne. In the Old Town, Chaa. 

nstiin«<t«sri.^m«r.: Pblla.. lO-F^b. 4; Clacla- 

aall, O,. 8-11. 


Mack, Ollle, la Flnalgan'a Ball, 8am Blalt. 

mgr.: San Francisco, Cel., 89-lrab. 4. 
Man of the Hour (Eaatem), Chaa. U. Holly. 

mgr.: Wbeellog. W. Va., SO-Feb. 1; Yononl 

town, O.. 2-1; Pateraon. N. J., 6-11. 
Madame X (Eastern), llenry W. tfavage. mgr.: 
I-rovIdence. R. I.. 1-1; Fall lUver. Maaa., 4- 
7; New Redfonl 8; Brockton 0; Newiwrt, B. 
I., 10; Salem,' Mas*., 11. 
Madame X (Weatern), Henry W. Savage, mgr.: 
Dallas, Tex., 1-4: Ft. Worth 6-7; Waco 8; 
Austin 0; San Anioolo 10-12. 
Madame X (Southern). Henry W. Bavage. micr.: 
Clinton, la.. 1; Dubnnne 2; Waterloo 3; Mar- 
•balltowa 4; Omaha, Neb,, 6-8: St. loacpb. 
Mo,. 8: Topeka, Kan., 10: Lincoln, Neb., 11, 
Jleny Widow (Eaalara), Henry w. Savage, 
mgr.: Oklahoma City, Okla.. 1-2; Outurla 8: 
indiiii. Kan., 4; Denrer, Cd., O-II, 
Merry widow (Weatern). Henry W. Savage, 
mgr.: JhcIcsod, Miss.. 1; Vlcksburg 2; Nat- 
ches 3: .Monroe, La,, 4: Shrevenort 6; Texar- 
kana. Ark.. 7: Pine Bluff 8; Hot Sprlnga 0; 
Little Bock 10: Helena 11. 
Missouri Girl (Eastern). F. W. Richardson, 
mgr,; Waterloo, la.. I; CMar Falla 2: War- 
erly 8; datkarllla 4; Baapta* 8i. ~ ' 
7; Baalr arove'S: BoekweB 01^ 88 
CItT 10: Iowa FalU 11. . ■ 
Miaaaari auf (Ittria H.JC«(tHirat. 80% BHfe, 

*4t ^aMmSS^lS, dC 


3; On 

Man on tbe Box, B. B, Trooadala. mgr.: Rnni- 
Ingtoo, lad.. I: Wabaib 3; BIsBtos 3; Mar- 
Ion 4: Hartford City 8; Uoneie 7: Winchester 

8: l-ortland D: Rlchmosd 10: OnwaOeld 11. 
Mann. Louis. In The Cheater, Wm. A. Brady. 

mgr.: Chicago, 111.. 22-Fcb. 4. 
.McCoy. Bessie, la Tbe Echo. Chas. llllllnKbam. 

mpr. : Rocbestt-r. N. V.. 30-Feb. 1; Luodon, 

Out.. Can.. 2; Hamilton 3-t. 
.MRi'stro's Masterpiece. - Arthur llammeralela. 

mgr.; Boston. Mass.. 23-Feb. 4. 
.MannerlDfr. .Mary. In A Man's World. Tko SbM> 

b<^rts, tugrs-: Seattle, Wash., 2-4. 

My Cinderella Rlrl (No. II. Delamaler ft Msg' 
rls. mgrs.: Knoxvllle, Tenn.. .SO-FVIk 4. 

My Cloderella Girl (No. 2), Delamater ft Kat^ 
ria, mgta.; TIdIn, O., 1, 

Mrs. Wiggs of the. Cabbag-.; Patch. IJeblcr ft 
Co., mgrs.: Chicago, HI., S9-Wb. 4. 

McFadden'B Flats, Barton ft WIsarell, mgra.: la- 
dianapolls. Ind., 2-i. 

My FVIend from Dixie; Phils.. 30-Feb. 4.. 

Madame aberry (C). Woods. Fvaaer * Lederer, 
propa,: New Orleans. La., SS-t>b, 4. 

Macanley. Wm., la Claaamates, Jaa. A. FMta. 
mgr.: Boston. La.. 2; Eldorado, Ark., a: Mon- 
roe. l.a.. K: Palestine, Tex.. 8: GiveavlUe 
10; Sbennao II. 

Naughty Marietta. Oscar Hsmmersleln. mgr.: 
N. Y. C, Nov. 7. Indef. 

Newlyweds and Their Baby (Eastern). LeOer- 
Bratton Ca, props.; Yonngatown, O., 30-Peb. 
1; Dayton a-s. 

Newlyweds and Their Baby f Western). Lefller- 
Bratton Co., prapa.: Elk City. Okla.. 1; Bo- 
bart 2; Qnanah, Tez,. 3: WiAlta Falla 4. 

Nigger, The, with Floreaeo Beltertak Wm. ft. 
Brady, mgr.: Los Angelea. Cel.. ao^nh, 4t 
Blsctalde . S; San Bernardino 7; Salt £aiM 
O^t Utah. 9-II. 

NaalaMva. Mme. Alia. In Befiertnlre. She 8hO> 
barla.. aaaia.: Anatin, Tea.. 0. 

]fo lialbcr to Gntde Bet: (3oiiuabiin, Oi,i 'S^ 
Wb. 1 ' 

Nigger, ne. Tbe tkabacta .* Btadr. ■ ■ipn>i ■ 

Montreal, jOaa,. 88ML4. ^ ■ 
New York Blppodraoia Bhow; Cbfngo. IB.. 88- 

feb. 4. 

Over Night. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. C. 

Jan. 2. Indef. 
Onr village Postmaster (Petiy's), Wm. B. 
Laaaatd. ap.: UMgh, Pa.. 1: WiUlaaa Ss 
Oaodcn .4s Kanawba 6: Bittt Ts BaaemCt 8| 

Faatoa 8; Bode iik Ottoaca It. ' 

O'Bara, Flak*. Al. XcLean,- nsr,:- PHtM. .IlL. 
SO-Fsb. .1: Daeeoport, la., 8; BMhaaaa St H. 

Paal. MIna.. S-II. 
Old 'Boowatead, Franklin Tiwapaoa, mgr. 

: MO- 

4: To- 

wankee, Wiai. tt-Nt, 1: Daytoa, O.. 
ledo «.8: IndlanapoUa, lad.. 8-11. „ 
Old Homeatead (Eastata): lianlMai, . Can., 80- 
SW>. 4. : „ _ 

Oleott. Channcey. Angnalaa H t aa , aisr.: .II, T. 

c. ao-Feb. n. ■ _ 

Pomander Walk. Uebler ft Co.. mgra.: N. T. 

C, Dec. 20. Indef. 
Powell ft Oshan Mnaleai Comedy Co.: Marlaa. 

Ind.. Nov. 3t. Indef. 
Folly of the CIrcna, ft. 8. Staia ft Oa.. awf%s 
Mlnoeapolls, Blao., SB-Fletk. 4: Baakato B: 
ARiert Lea 6: Maaon City 7: Bltcbell. S. D.. 
8: Slodx Falla 9; Yanfctoo 10; Slonx City. U„ 

Panama (Perry's). Art wnilsma. mgr.: . Voaa- 
eroy. Is.. I: Newell 2; JeSeraon 3; Booaa 4t 
Nevada 6; Beaman T; CbUlaa 8; BelbOOiaa 
9; Rhodes 10; Belle Plalne 11. 

Paid In Fnll, B. 0, Andnim. mgr.: Klasatoa, 
Ont, Cmn., 1: Bentfrow 2: Ottawa 3. 

Prince of Hia Race. Oaear Graham, mgr.: Bo- 
liart. Okla., 1; airdelU2: Cnater City 3; Aia- 
pabo 4; Elk City 8; Cllaloo 7; Geary 8, 

Pair of Cbontty Klda. Bency W. Link. 
Warrenibn i a . Ms.. Ss Mok uto 4: » — 
7: MareCBaa 8; 1Ib«m t; Barlft M; I 

Peck'B Bad Boy. Banner ft tSntter. mm,: 

aaw. lad., 1; ftlbloa 2; Cromwell 8: I 

4: OoahcB 8: LaOfaas* 7: Anbnra 8: QaMatt 
8: Naaaaaa Mt BMrtFlaaa 11. 

PoatenirafeMl Chmili Oa. (Omtntt. EMMH 
ft Oolaa. 'MfMit. laia i i wiinHk v Bk. :aafa*> : 

Prloee of .HbM Mnr^.W. Bani'sKk ativ.: la- 
dianapolla, iSK. 88>*%k. 4«. deveUnd. O.. .«• 

Poyn'ter. BenUh, la the Uttl9.ahl Tint R* JiV 
got. Sort ft NIcolal, nuif8.e BaMlaiate. BW.. 

SO-Feb. 4. 

Paid in Foil, Wagenhals ft Kemner. mgi«.: 

Kansas City, Mo., 29-Feb. 4. 
Paid In Full (Oenlral). Colled Play Co.. loe.. 

mgra.; BooDvllle. Mo.. 1: Ooliimbta 3; Jaasr> . 

son City 3: Sedalla 4. 
Paid In Ftill (Snnthern). United Play M.'iBCi, 

mgrs.: Norman, Okla., 1; Poreell 2: Ardmors 

3; Dnrant 4. 
Queen of the Highway, Morrison ft RetTerlela. 

mgts.: Clnclnnstl, 0.. SO-Feb. 4; Indlananottt. 

Ind., 6-8: Danville, III., 9; Qnlney 10; Aitea 

Queen of the Moulin Rouge: Seattle. Wash., 20- 
Feb. 4, 

Rohcrtaon. Forties. In The Passing of tbe Third 
Floor Back, Tbe Sbuhrrts, mgra.: Chicago, III.. 
28-IWt. 4. 

Babaeea oC aoaayhmk fana, M. BMka, ■fli^.l 

M. T. O., Oet, S, Indef. • 
Round Up, Jos Rrnoka, mgr.: .IndlanapoUa, Ind., 

30.Feb. 4: Chicago, in.. 8-IR, 
Robann. May, la tbe Rejorenatlna nf Aimt Mary, 

Ik 8. MIC. ninr.t Xadkna, Ind.. tt 'unwaa> 

her. Wtn.. tAt B la asaprt t a. Mlan„ B-ll, 

|>EBRUARY 4. 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 


niii-rlt" Ulllan. In In SraKb of * Slnnar. lo*. 
'nMilm. mr.: Mrmplita, Tnn.. SU-Feb. 1; 

mrMUkkui. All., 2i UoMI* »Ai New Or- 

lt,^S7. Tiw (Itotrland * CIIBord'a Soatlwrn). 
frn. O. U-Ble, mgr.: Mooro*. Ia, i; 
Jirkmw. MIn.. 8; MerMtaB 3i Mm*. 
t: AtUntii, U*.. d-ll. . . 

' Butarr, Tlip (ItoirliiiHl 4k CIMM**): BlebBuad. 
Va., 30-m. 4. 

itrnmry, Tlie (Itowlinil & Cllfford'O, M. S. 
nvldnlnr. niKr. : Wapakonola. O.. 1; Uclplio* 
■•■ Ullan-H 3; FlnilliiT 4; DrBaiire 6: Tlmn 
T; MiiiiMflrlil 8: SundUDk}' 0; Nonvalk 10; Lo- 
rain II. 

Uusar}. The. GaakrII & MacVliir, mora.: Ball* 

F<>iir<'iip. il. D., I: Di-adwooii 3; PMm 

[luriiii 11; .MndlKon 7: WatertoWD 8; BBMUlgl 

It; FlaDilreau 10; Dell Baplda II. 
IT— T. TiH*. UuwIalMl A VIIITonl, mstii.: Dm- 

M. MaaK. Dae. SA, iDdrr. 
Aan. Md*.. In the Xrat Emt. L. C. Wlairell, 

nsr.: Chlrant III., Jan. IS. tndaf. 
Srotlniwtal Sallr. Cbaa. DIHlDsbaDi. mgr.: Cbi- 

eago. III., Dac. 3S. Indrf. 
8klnD»r, Oil*. In 8ln>, Cbat. ProhmiD, mgr.: 

X. Y. C. Jan. 34. Indof. 
tw**tnt Girl la Parts. Harry Aakln. Sf n. mgr. : 

Cbtcago, III.. Aug. a)-Feb. 4; Mllvankee 0- 


■'4llrt'r Tbroada. Joe Lane, mgr.: Nanalmo. B. C. 
' Can., 1; Ne*r WiNitnsloaK*r g; Anacortea. 
Wjub.. 3; ArllBgtoo 4; Brentt •( StoM Ss 

Ilg 10: VancMmr 11. -T*^^ • "—"^ 
' ««aaw Man (B. B. Fiarea * Oa.'a Wratcrn). 
. . Cd. J. E. Carcn, mgr.: Boine. Ok., 1; 

tM BlBir. C*l.. 3: Chleo S: UirrarUla 4; Saa 

FraDclaco S-Il. 

^luav Man, Will* Am. Co., Inc., propa.: Er- 
aaivlllr, lod.. ,30-Feb. 1; Praokfort. Ky„ ii 
CMrgi'toirn 3: Lcilngtoa 4: L'batunooga, 
Tfno.. 0; Boae, Ga.. 7; AonlatOD. Ala.. 8; 
nimilnFbam 0*10; Uootgomfrj* II. 

Sunnr Smilb (J. C, Rockwi>ira): Ambetst. Wig.. 
1: Wltlrabmrg S; Antlgo 3: Oraajtaa «: 
■fetaHaiidn' S: Tomabairk 6; Merrill Tl- Wmt- 
aaa aiaaa Raplda 0: Hanttoa II, 

Mmi mr*. Stair * Barltn. lae.. ngta.: 81. 

MdBcr. Oaocg*. to th* Jagr RMn. Om. H. XI- 
ciilal. mgr.: Clrrrlaod. O.. ao-reb. 4: TOedo 
6-8; MorracL Mlek.. »; Adrian lOj nndlar, O.. 

SiipcVba. Edwin Warner, mgr.: Norfolk, Ta., 

-TO-Feb. 4, 

Sherman'a Sloaleal Cbmedr E. \. Wolir 

oicr.: Edmonton. Alta.. Can.. g-Frb. 22. 

SlMMD^r. Cecil. Blaney-Sponorr Am. Gib. r^ 
mgm.: Toledo. O.. ."W Feb. 1; VtTirant. 
lod.. 2-4: St, Loala. Mo.. Ml. wagw, 

*"SL..'?te_*''''?!!*»'« MUtenthal Broa.. ragra.: 
Pan Mjtn Jfaaa.. l; Attlebora 2: Potnam. 
Cno;.. .1: Wmptter. Maaa,. 4: CUatoo t- 
nanfner T: Plttaborg 8. vuuiou o, 

Aral KlM (Weatera), Ulttentbal Bnia, mna.: 
Indlaoapolla. Ind.. aO-Feb. 1; New CaitlJa- 
BlrhmoDd 3: Lima. O.. 4: M;n;B,7d ftTwc^ 
To: t^:2'b"rMi[l'"ii!'= "= Coahocloa 

«aart Set (No, it. Banna * VlawalL mn.- 

. Kanaas City. Mo.. IMMb dT 
ia.'^'»:Ffb"7' * »«w J«aafc 

«l<»niibrin. Tlic (mdnic TboBiMMV WMtnl. 
S: Cbarteatoa. _W. Va.. «,4. " 

*Tj%,5h.2 - * «ta^«H!«?: IB Repertoire. 

^SS.kSTN.'^riS'Fh f "V-- 

*'SS,.°K'cb.r5riS.V''4* '-^= 

*»SSbf 4.'**' Chicago, ni., 

•'mJE^'^J.?!"**?!*' t'alt'd Way Co., Inc„ 

""St "St father. Geo. It, Rtvaaaa. mgr,: 

'^l.l "V"""!, Mnalcal Comedy Co.: Globe, 
Aril., Jan. 12-reb. 4. 

SJi-SS"*?' i.""]*'^.*- ^ A. Stantoo, mgr.: 
a' plt ■ « • T-. 1: Cortland 4: Baldwlearllle 

B fltrtSW^.'-.i"--'*""'"* Amatenlam 
Utile Paila lOj OlowrarUle II. 

p^im^ i*«"*»?>. <"o. A. SoIilTaa, mgr.: 

Palmyra N. T,. 1; Anbon 4, 
TWO Amerlrana Abroad (Kaatara). I» i. Barrla. 

? Hiii.SS'T'i WaaMagtoo C. H.. 

Tim- Il"^"? OeorgetowB 4. 

vi..ii^^-.°ff Cat., t: PartcrVuia 2: 
B- aiSi^ ^'"",'"^»*- Coa""«» »i Bakaiaaeld 

IeiS.7.: ^.'.'iSJ.Vtb'i""" 

u'cl.^lr"'' ^•"'j; reanon-.). Chaa. 

TiIiIf"?L.*'!!i» Toledo. O., »-n. 
iMti^*. 'l A. .H,. Wood., mgr.: At- 

^nllll'r? "/?'f»'"JI? Hew B. Barrla. mgr.: 

nenrer. Col.. SO-Prh. 4; Cbereaae WroT «• 

^- ^S.*'- oiliitSrvrSiagSSt li 

— ""■'"'r 1"; Colorado Sprlnga If. ' 
i^li^^iST- Mar Ca. Inc.. mgra.: 

Rarlne wi... B: M.dljoa' «: Relit T: jKwi: 
-TiHT. *• Roekford 0-10: Preeport II, 

Time. tlH. Place and the Olrl (KaVlJTSniYriro, 

Tb,;_"'Sr'"J'- 81. John O lt. 

iffSokurN- x^^'^'Sr * "<-<f"no. mm.: 
5 ••T?- V,:.-?^'^''''' Klngaton 6: 8tbe- 

I'S' 'f?7?i„."""T »• II"""-. nmr.; PnHol,. 
nty 4.' ^"""'""1'™"' »: Sunbiiry .1; .Mahatmy 

^ni!" S^Vb" 4''"" *"'"«"«'• "■"•s Cbleago. 
^RnrinJ^T. <wialemi. 11. A. Rilley, mgr.: 
TS?°ffri'' J»"..iL Wilmington 4: 
■•U. Oaltia, mgr.; ftirlmaeM.. Maoa,. 

!!&5rni':'o'.^"ii?i{:,v t*- »■ 

To Boroo tba CiHMa: llalllnMre. iU^ »U. 
Tbunitaa, AdelaMs, Coliaa * llanla.' Mgra.: 

AoitlB, Tex., 3. 
Uncle Dan'l (C. R. Reno'a). H. T. OUek, amr.: 

Olaaaboro, N. t.. 2; MlUrllle S; Vlaeland 4; 

Lakewood 6: Freebold T. 
Uncle Tom'B Cabin (Marlia'i), Wm, Kibble, 

mgr,: Meirark, N. J., 30-Peb. 4; Ptalla., O-Il. 
Up and Down Uroadtt-ay. with Kddle Puy. Tb.- 

Stanberia. mgra.: BnlTalo, K. V., ilO-n.-b. 1. 
Van Studdlford, Oraee, to Uw VaNdlag «( Ma- 
homet. D. w. Artbnr. mgr.: jr. V. C, Jao. 

17, loder. 

Virginian. Tbe, KIrke I.oSln-llc Oi., tagn.: Kan- 

M< City, Mo., :!0-KL'b. 4. 
War*. Helen, In Tbe Deaeciera. Henry B. Har- 

rta. mgr.: Chicago, III,. Jan. 23, ladaf; 

Widow PerklDf. F,- J. Qtaber. Htr.: XiaaMip- 

olla. Minn.. 29-Feb. 4. . 
When 8irat Sixteen. Erer-Wall Coi,.'IIM,. agn,: 
Toronto, Can., 30-Feb. 4; Cbleafg^ IB- & to 

Wolf, The. Stair * Ilarlln. mgra.: Chicago, 
111.. M Feb. 4. 

Wolf, Tlie (No. I), H. A, MorrlMD bna. mgr.: 
lltcblleld. III.. I: raaa 2; JackaonrlUe 3: 
I'loomlaftaa 4| MIrt •( Anwa Ct -Brtetdere 
7: Boektad ■; l ^ ae jawt •< Otaaa Ml ancator 

WtlUD, Al. H.. Slilne.r R. Ellla. mgr.: Toroatn, 
Can.. 30-Feb. 4: Hamilton 6: Oalt T; London 
M: St. Thomas O: Predonla, N. Y.,' 10; Erie, 

Pa., 11. 

Woodrair, Henry. In Tbe Renlus, M. H. Slngi-r. 

mgr.: CrawfordBTlU*. Ind,. l: Frankfort 2: 

Marlon 3; afnade 4. 
Wlining Miat. Berte Woalfolk An. Co., props.: 

St. Looli. 3t«L. 3B-Frb. 4; Chattanooga, ttaa.. 


Ward A Vokes. In Trouble Makera. E. D. Stair, 
mgr.: Blnnlngbam, Ala.. 30-Feb. 4. 

Wise, Tbos. A.. In A Onlleman from Mississip- 
pi. Wm. A. Brady, mcr. : Rocbester, N. Y., 
30- Feb. 4. 

Warfleld, Dirld, In tbe Relnrn of IVter (Jrlrom. 

fsTld Belasco, mirr.: CiDrlnnatl. O.. SO-FI-b. 4. 
Wfflsb. Blanche. In Tbe Other Woman. A. Fl. 

Wooda. mgr.: MtnneaiKiila, Minn,, 29-Fk'b. 1: 

SI. Panl 2-4. . 
White CaptlTe: Akran. O.. S-4, 
Waniing, Tb*. Tbe Sbaberta. mgra,: Cblcaso. 

HI.. 3»-Feb, 4. 
Wanle. Frederick: St, Joaepb. Mo., 1-2: I-ln- 

coln. Neb., 3-4. 
War I>own Bast. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: N. Y. 

C, Jan. 23, Indef. 
Wilson, Francis. In Tbe Rarhelor'a Bahy. Cbas. 

FVnbman, mgr.: ftt. Ixinls. Mo.. 30-Feb. 4: 

Chicago, III.. 6-11. 
Whltnlde, Walker. In The .Melting Pot, Uebler 

ft Co.. mgra.: St. Joaepb. Mo.. 3: Lrarenirortb, 

Kan.. 5. 

Zvbra. The. Cbais EMbaaa, Bgr.i Xair Haren. 

Conn., 2-4. 


Creatore & His Bsq.1: Cnlombns. S. C-. 1. 

Ronnda' Ladles Orrbcetra, H. O- Rounds, mgr.: 
Moultrie, 00a.. I: Alkrn. S. C, 2: Edgefield 

a-*: Batoatoo. OOa.. (16: DnMIn 8: r " 

A; Wayerosw 10; Daytona. Fla., 11. 


Americaa Male A Female Minstrels. Ollrer A 
wnita. Dgn.: BlaltarUle. Pa.. 31-Feb. I: 
Tarentnm2'4: McKlHgMt-»fc' 
Braiu' Hooey Boy. Goab ~ 

D. a. SO-Fcb. 4. 
FleM'a. AL O.: 

IK: Waah.. 

R. T.. 1: pittadrtd. 
X T.. St Troy 4: 
8; Anhoia D: 

Maaa.. S: , 

UUta Bane T: 

Oeneva 10. 
Poa'a. Ror I 
• dlnga. Tex. 

aotta e-8. 

RelnSeld's. SIg, Lady: Cape Girardeau. Mo., 
SO- Feb. 4. 

RIchacda A Prlagle's. Holland A Ftlklns, mgra.: 

Saa Frandacn. Cal.. SI^Feb. 4. 
TocePa. Join W. VogeL mgr.: Cartbace. N. 

T.. I: Boonernie S: LowrlUe. 3: Watenom 

4. • . ■ 

Skating Rink Attractions 

.\llce Teddy. Roller Skating Bear. Geo. B. 
Crapaey. mgr.: (Roller Rink) Grand Rapids. 
MIeb.. SO-reb. 4. 


(Ooattaaed mm page 39.) 

lap at the dalak. Ther akatcil the d la tan u In 


- ♦ 

In tbe hockey match played at tbe Ice Palacv 
Friday night, Jan. 20. between the Tarn Mm- 
raya and tbe Weat Side Clab. tbe (omer was 
by a 3 t» 0 aeore. Ltae ap: 

Mnrraya— Hall, goal; MrahMt, P.t XfOceaMtt. 
O. P.: Marx, R,: CamiiMi. Ct QrdMMk U W.: 
Gateafoid. R. W, 

West Side Club — Wagner, goal: Hrnncssy. P.: 
F, Foley, C. P.: Howell. R.: Howell. R,; Bo- 
gaa, 0.: Brana. L. W.: C. IVdey, R. W. 

The aetaMb Bestorttt JMInola ttaOoaal 
Onavd a(m g naala . at the it* FMaee .Saehey 
' rtre IniBdred fuarila In onltMm «vre 

In tbe raeea held at Detroit. MIcb., Jan. 20, 
iilfler tbe ansplHK of the Westorn Skating As- 
sociation, Roliert McLean, who sprang Into 
prominence recently by defeating Champion 
I.amy, took tbe half and one-mile Intrmatlonal 
rhnmplonablp erentn, Snmmarlea: Quarter- 
mile. Lot Roe. Itoali R. X> Wbealer. aecond: Fred 
RohMW. third. Time MS-B. . 

Halt-mlie— Robert Met,pan. flrat; lot Roe. 
second: R. L, Wheeler, third. Time. l:SaS«. 

One-mile — Robert Mct.ean, Chlram. aiat: ' O. 
W. Scbvarti. Plttiburc. aecoixl: R. L Whtder. 
Uantieal. Ibtnl. Ttme,S:10S4. 

narraid'a hockey toam heat .4m ' l^itaeeloa 
BeecB eaally -te an ialercoReMMc chaaapMahlp 

game at Bualon, Jan. 21^ Tbe score was B to I, 

That baadwll on Ice Is errry Mt aa esritlag 
aa haaahall «• tend .waa the naaalmnM verdM 
at aa^ lnhdiid tmm «ha. witanned vhar thiqr 

believed iaaa the flrat vame of Its kind trmr 
playa4L BaadaF.- Jan. 22, at Sandusky. Ohio. 
Tbe WIMWH Of regulatloo alie vaa itaked oS 
cm thn'ltawa aiwface of Lake Krie. oS tbe 
n an a abaia eg KeUey*B lalaad. Mounted on 
akatta the playera alogged tbe tipbere with a 
Toateance and glided from bate to bane, illdlpg 
If ueceaaanr and ateallng whenever they got a 
chance. The full nine innlnxi* were played and 
tlie game was woo by A. K. Elfer's team, de- 
faatlng J. C. Porter's team by the icore 22 
to 20. From tbe result of this game other 
gamca will be played la the fntare. 

■ . 
Oomell nneorkcd aome hockey In tba St. 
Mch<4ai RiDk, Janniry 21, Ibat waa too much 
for tbe Yale Seren to follow, with tlie reanlt 
that tbe boya from Ithaca defeated tbe Blue 
by a aeore of 4 to 2, 

A crawa at tan th o naan d- penooa witnessed 
tbe flne akatinir eienta held, by the Dooglaa 
Park Skating Cinb at Donglaa Park, Cbleago, 
Sunday, Jan. 22. Fred Marzotpb. a team mate 
of IloI>ert McLean, was the star of tbe meet. 

Tbe aummarlrs: Half-mile NoTlre — First 
heat: Kaalk, first: Klobucber, lecood: Koer- 
ner. third. Time — 1:45 2-5. 

Second beat: Nielsen. Orst; O. Laedenuuut, 
second; Krajcl, tbinl. Time— 2:02. ' 

Final heat: Kaalk. first: NIelaea.-' aeeaad: 
Klobnehar. third. TIaie~l :«.'>. 

Qaarter-mile ■ IScratcb) — Macwipb. flrat: Zobn- 
atone. aecond: Leedy, third. Tlnie— 0:43 1-8. 

Balf-mlle (Bayak— Xetmaa. diet: Brack,, aec- 
ond: Crokln. third. Tlm^l:43w 

Halt-mlle tOhH) Iinnrtta aUBtr. : Srot: 
Grace UeyeihoO^. aactlrt.' Tit l!81 
Only two finished. 

One-mile Bsndicap — MaaaMi lacnteh). ■mtr 
Norman (7S yards) secnad; lAtd F <18 jaidat. 
third. Time— S:08S4.^ 

Otto Ijiiscn defcataC (OHMT eb a m Blan Mt', 
LaoKley. In tbe mlle.CTCBt Ut tba .BUMnar Ath- 
letic Clob skating racea at Hnrnhoidt IHtrt,. 
Sunday, Jan. 22. 

Mile rice — Otto t.arsen. first; John Langley. 
aecond: J. Hansen, third. Time — 3:10 2-S. Tw" 
other races were on tbe proKrmm. The o ne balf 
mile boya race, troa by Banara. Time— 
1:471-6. Jnnlor nne-thlrd mOe vaa tf titf 
Hansen. Time 1:27 1-5. 



The Houghton Ice Hockey Team defeated the 
lUlnola Athletic Clubb seren at tbe Houghton 
Rtnka, Jan. 23, by a score of 10 to 4, in a 
(aat and spectacular game. Tbia was the first 
defeat the I. A. O. team has suffered and was 
a great aurpriae to the boya. Complaint waa 
made by tbe Tlsitiag players on tbe state of the 
rlak, aa it Is miKh smaller than the one to 
which they bOTe been accustomed. Aa a resnlt. 
ther found dimealty In tmth drfenslre and of- 
(etialTe work, betas unable to make good speed 
nn attack In the Uinrt distance, and being un- 
able to Judge the apeed of tbe local team whan 
on tbe defenslre, Tbe lln>-ni>: Portage Lake — 
Hang goal: Lloder. point: Tratben. covers Cl- 
cotte, Torer: Strand, center: Campbell, left 
wlmr: Exiey. right wing. 

(Hilcago — Ryslop. goal: Mareotfe. point: 
Rompf. corer: Bogan, rorer; Krellwltx, center; 
Mahan. left wing: Marks, right wlog. _ 

Osala Jtrgjd (S). Cleotte at. Baler <»- 
Hahaa. angiiRla (2), Marks. Bacaa. 



Btabk Meal. o( Cbleaco. near the t«o-mllf> 
handleap roller gkatlac race at tbe Coliseum 
Blak at tagm, BLTHoaday night, Jan. 23. 
fiom a field of thirteen starter*. Neni skateil 
ftaii icfhicb and went tbe diatanee in fcU. 


Two beats and a final were akaled Monday 
night. Jan. 23, at the Ice Palace In the fourth 
elimination beats of the one-mile nortce race, 
Tbe following skateta faced tbe starter in tbe 
tirst beat: Dicklnaou. Ryeroft. Norman. Mann- 
Ina. Hrack, Mowat. Scbwelghofer and EUlckaoB. 
Tbe heat waa after a IbM sptlat hetwaaa Dlck> 
insoa and Norman In the order named: Baa- 
nlng. third and Hrack. fourth. Time — 1:4a 
The faUowtas Uaed vp to the tape In the sec- 
ood beat: Kaalk, Bnibn. Oalligau. Stense), 
Flynn. Bnsae. Crokln. ItaUke, Kuebler. Tbe 
beat was <m the loaflag order until Crokln and 
Raslk. of the Douglaaa Park Clul>. Jumped out 
after tbe sixth lap and aet a merry clip. Oalll- 
gaa took the lead on tbe dgbtb Up and was 
nerer headed, aecond place going to Kaalk, 
and tbtrtt to Crokln. The final beat woo by 
Thomaa Norman, who won In a pretty sprint 
(tea James Kaalk. wltb Joaepb Dicklnaou, 
third. The .time waa 3:44 I-B. 

■Tfatiraday night the flrat of a aerlea of one- 
mile race* tor dasa "C" sbateia win be skated. 
In which all o( the apceilr akalan to tUi tiaaa 
wni compete. Gold. sRaae aad broaae madale 
wRI he awarded tor the fliMl. Since the West- 
ern indoor championship ereats which were to be 
ma January 13 and 14 were reCnaed 00 account 
of tbe lack of time to arrange for tbe erenta. 
requesta from all orer tbe Weat have been com- 
ing In from tbe skaters wbo desire to bare the 
Western championships run. Manager Prior, of 
the Ice Palace, before be left for Los Angeles, 
belli a consultation wltb Julian T, FItagerald, 
secretnrr of the Western Skating Association. 
In regard to holding tbe champtonahlps. aad 
Mr, FItrgerald assured bim that If tbe Ice Pal- 
ace wished to apply (or a aanetlon for holdlag 
the Western biiliMr champlonshlna. that be aa 
weU aa tbe f bi w and oBclA o( tbe asso- 
datloa wodd aaslst fat erery aray to aaake the 
erent aecond to none of the ehamptonablp 
eveola ran this winter. Secretary Fttxgerald 
rtwlved a letter from Mr. Prior, from Omaha. 
Keb,. aaking blm to apply for a aaactlsa aail 
make preliminary arransemrnta tar tbe cbam- 
tilenship eaents to be held at the Ica .ralara the 
second week in Febmai^. 

iixiKWS TBAH u wnnnn. 

with a diangcd llne-np sad glailik a RNatlF 
Impmred game, the tlllaola_A.. <X ha thi ay team 

tarrltofy he rataed It Into tbe air, pasalnx all 
tbe players and sboollng Into tbe net. 

The Line-up: Illinois A. C. (3)— llyalop. O.: 
Marcotte. P.: Rompf. C. P.s Marks, ft.; KiaO- 
wltbl Ci Bogu, F. W.; Foler. L. W.. Faag- 
age Lake (3>— Haug. G.: Under. P. W.: Ma- 
ben. C. P.; SIcolte. R.; StlMi. &; WdOn, B. 
W.: Exley. L. w. 

Goria--B5fan (2). Baa«C 18). Masaat« 
Strand, BdMle. Wgaf*. 

JOLUS T.-nnanAUk 


New Xork, Xaa. Ht, (Special to Tbe BlU- 
board). — At a meeting of tbe National Boiler 
Skating Aaaoclatloa It was decided to bold th* 
Eastern profeaalonal roller skating cbamploa- 
atilpB at tbe Metropolitan Roller Kink. Broad- 
way and Fifty -aecond atrect, Manhattan. The- 
schedule of ereata follows: Thursday. Vahb 
2, one mile; Feb. 0, two mlica; Feb. 10, tbtaa 
mUea; '^j^^gfff^U'f^^^J^ s&SSwmSS 



St. Loula, Jan. 24 (Special to Tbe Uillboardi. 
— The Cliarlty CamlTal at tbe Jal Alal Kolltrr 
RiDk opened Monday Jan. S3, with a mooster 
attendance. Manager Jacob Oppcubrlmer led 
the ffrand march after which tbe skaters made 
merry, clothed In some rery tundaome co„tnmee. 
Aside from tbe prixes olTered (or costamea by 
the m a nag e m e nt, the Sunahlne Home, (or whoae 
- vrai la r " ' " ~ " 


Flint. Mlrli.. Jan. 28 (Spedal to The Bill- 
board). — A ruller akatlltg rink baa been opened 
here by George Hartley. It la one of t 
beat appolntnl tiaka la the al " ~ 

ley wUl, In a sbact time, besta ta liar 



The Roller Rink at Dresmland Park, Dvcatnr, 
lU.. waa recently closed (or tbe winter aeaasa. 
On Feb. 14 the boaia at dlicctaca arIB ' " 
meeting to determine their plaaa nar tbe c. 

taaaoa. Bd. Babar 1* tba argU-b 

of ■ 

of Cbtcaao, defeated the Pottage Iiaha aeeaa 
In the second and final game of the aerlea at 

tbe Hongbton. Mich,, Rink. Jan. 24. Score, 
S to 3, Marka waa awltcbed to torer for tbe 
Ttsltora and waa easily tbe star of the game, 
working In every combination play and scoring 
t«'0 goala. 

Marcrtt slatrc<l on the detrnae tor Chicago 
nUI sealed ane af tbe ncatcat faala area bna 
Si a !»■ tiaw. Wltb vrndt la tba inbMto 

a fliat-cUas band. ONE Ntyr AFRAID OP 
WOBK, pleaae arrlte for terma and circular for 


Addices B. 8. DBIGGS. Maaar-r. HIppodrsM 

Building. Cleveland, Ohio, 


N ^ImiMtSnlili m % wr- 
Send fbr SnefilSSate 

T.B. MOTT C0..4IS-4I7 KilMM ST, ODCli^l 

DICE^ 0 






la aaaarntng ads. 


T tm e B 1 1 l b o a r <1 


Of ^«ptet Hotels Muaie Publiahers 
ana .'OmI< " 


ThaatrieaL Circus 

mature. Price btSSka «■• 

to TiM ItUIboard. 

■■eh addltlaiul Una or idditloiul -rlmrillfi- 
tStm, -wlthoat aubscxi p tlon. $7.K0 per annnm. 
Jiam uam wUl be allowed to adrertlMn tree 

<( ehuse for each |100 worth 
dnrln^ one year. 
Tkia nTlaed and cometaa 

or space aaed 

tbir m 


■■««_Br<».. te Boimr,. Hew York CItr. 
m. mam Co., 220 SfadUOB at., CUcago. 


•t^I^g'^Btlete Cqi.. UK nn it.. St. Umls. 

n BdlooB Os., Becd City, Wdi. 
Do ToBda. Box TSO. OtaefO, lileh. 
Jwapta. HTUDbaidt, Teim. 
BU Olalr Olrla, nompaoDTille, Wch. 

1!^ M*<"— -gaooww Kir Zork CUy. 


» Oo, 

«. BebeoB * Bod. SO Aim at.. New Zerk City. 
Bhaock-Md Co.. 824 N. 8tk fL. St. iMil, 
N. Bhnro Oo., m Midlimi tL, CHcuo. 
aiBser Broa., 82 Banraqr, Maw Took Oltr. 
Weatera BaiKatn Hooaa. 2R ■. Ifaitlann, Ch'ge. 


J. B. Hallbos. S8 B. 3Sd at.. New Zork Ctty. 


Q. A. Dantial, S8tl Oarmantown ata., Phlla. 
r. DoHe'a Cannuel Works, Box 119, Hodaon 
Belcbta, K. ). 

BerKh^^^BuCAM, S^^SaanraDd*. H. X. 

CMIM OL Kf. ^ 
Anna Palace Hone Cw Oo^- 

Chleaxo, m. 
SoQtbem Iran A BanlpmeBft 
BnUdlnr, Atlanta. Oa. 

Qoaaa CUj Bk. * Saoood-HaBd Caah Bcglater 
flkw Ut VIM at., fUlllMeCI. (k 




X. z. 

it. i 


Bartola Co., lao Gieeowicb at., lL T. O, 
H. nint. North Watetford. lie. 
^soo^ Arena, Kansaa City, ICo., aad 

?^ ?** »*•• »ew lork City. 

I * Macfceaeeii. Tardier, Pa. 

, - ^"^C LIGHTS. 

I. H. HaUbczK. 88 E. 23d at.. New Zork City. 


^BU_DaMratlB« Co.. 810 FIttk are.. OO- 

«8*. HI. 
K r. OaatboS ft Co., DaBTlIlc m. 
■aaa ArUOelal nnrer Co.. Inc., im-im 
Kilwaiikce a*e., Chlieago. 111. 


■mub S Landla Co.. 417 8. OUaton at^ f^fig n 


W. l*ar 

L. Denebelm 
City, Mo. 


V.^a. Ttat^jfc Awa. Co.. S48 M. 

O K aa. Oeaa aad Bead 

SaUlraa * Btgla. U Canal at., 


IC ttalB OkaMUe Co., UO W. SM aL. >. Z. & 


IM Hk Bowae, Ittt OeaAoca et., CUeato. 

K. mm ciiMiin oi»» M8 w. amt au «. x. a. 


Badaet Me. IX fl; 1404 8d ava.. Haw 


9ort " 

A. T. IMatz. 127 lOdlsan at.. ^lado, O. 
V. L Skrban tUg. Co., 248 Klnsle, CUeaae, 

Luler * Meabadi. US B 
Tunhan ufc Co., 4S> ir. 

C. W. lYalner aifj. 

Co,, 80 Pead aL. Boston, 

, „ „^ MIZERS. 

BaUbers, 36 B. 23d at,. New Zork Otr. 
SUT^ f aaaaa at.. M. Y. a 


,* aOBWabatt are.. Chleam, lU. 

~JM,WJirUtaar Ok. Wrhmatl and Cllcaro. 
a. Mpsle Cc mm W. Ut* at., CUeaso. 

BADGBSip mJTTONai, «T6. 

*SS?^i!?~' * «» it: ***- 

■•JJjjn^'B. Co., 8U Woodland aTo., dare- 

X>a Wc£ileU-Greenwood Co., 123 8. 4lh at., 
WnneapoUs, Minn. — o. »i» 


BallOM Co., 840S Oyhoune aie.. 


rW* at. aBW. O. 

liSANO iiMnrRUMcirre; 

at^ Cln'tl. O. 
•■e^ Chicago, m. 
ati ,aad Cnleato.. 
. BAND MUai6 . 

. - , Awi. oob. mm tu 


- . CUeaco, HI. 


**_^«^ ^«odiwlBa Ctaealt, Cantncy Bids., 


Th* IfeKay Conatractloa Co.. BoekateBar Bldf., 


iC It a lii JJaametIc Co., 120 W 3Ut St., N. Z. C. 


- Ox-^drocea Oea Vannfactaieza. 
Warttmatl f&lrinm Ucht Co.. 108 4th. Cin'tL 
^^%er Br«., 004 OUre at.. St. Unila. Vs. 
nllatMia -CaiclDm Ugbt & lUm Co,. PtttstaUC, 
Pa.; Dee Holnea, la.; Bocheater. N. Z.; Ltn- 
cola, IWh.: Clnelnnatl, O.; Omaba, Neb., and 
WllkajWsi If, Pa. 
latt l^ Calelmn Ucbt 90,, 518 Klai at., St. 

•aO. Knte, BranarUle. Ind. 
T. J. HlAoI * Co., Pearl * Imdlow ata.. CSa- 
daaati, o. 


W. a HVmttord. lOu ICalden I.aae. Naw Teak 

Oleralaad Cans Co., dereland, O. 
•sHlamltli Toy Imp. Co.. 122 B. 4tb. CIsclBnatl. 
U Blaasatebi, 44 Aim at.. New Xork City. 
gm i n i Broa.. 81 Atlaatle arc.. BoataB,lfaM. 
■» WMs ^m» Oa. Ml 

A. T. mata. 127 mdHsa at« XsM«,. <k 

I. * BAstahi. 1 


Taeniinlo lUa B wi fci s, 188 Leka at.,' 

■raMillla. Ia«.t 

nek: aSb Late « 

PWt&ad. Oic: Maurwd. Qoa.. 

Paa. Man.. Oan. 
Hnrphy. a J., Blyrla, (Mo. 
Mcstor nim Co.. 147-187 4th are.. N. T. City. 

Not. Mot. Pte, Co.. 48 r ' " " 

Oblo nim Brsfc, maiL^ 

Path* ClaeaiataiHik CKi 41 

Y. 0. 

Plttabnre Caleiam Usht A nim Co.. Plttibara. 
Pa.; Dea MolBes, la.; Bocbastar, N. X.; Us- 
cela. Nab.; Olnclanatl. 0.; Omaha, Neb.; 

M. Z. Clly. 

tango, 17 Opera Place, CVtL 
, 24S Main st, Norfolk, Ta. 

h.. 1»1 Wasblactoa at., Ch'fe. 

Bp aoc. Oco. K.. es N. Clark at., CMeaso, 111. 
BwaaaoB-Otawfocd nim Bxch., 104im Locoat at., 
St. Loois. Ha; liOolsTllla, Ky.; Maw Orleans, 

D. 8. Film Kxckanse. 81 S. Clark at., Cbicase. 
Dnilcd States Film Bnkera and Importen, 41 

Dnion Sasare. New Zork City. 
Atlaa SoMly Os., HanayaBk, PUIadalphU. Pa. 
J: B. BalBeig, 88 K. 3Sdet., Hew tbtk GUy. 


Vm jMl^Waee Ool. 170 Orecae at., tL .X. OL ' 

OoBsoIldated Fireworks Co.. Raiding, O. 
Grefory Flreworka Co., IIS I>earbom at., CA'go. 
A. B. Manyatt, S2 Park Place. N. Z. C. 
SgaMttag^naw^s Co., 8 c> ea geta <^. B. T. 


at.. Gbleage^ 


IC, I., 8i±Iaetcr, 108 8. Canal St., Cbleigo. 

a. Bewia . m aansaa aL. Breeklyn, R. Z. 

H. O. Mrana ft Oe.. 101 Taa Bnea at.. CUeaga. 

W. S. I.OBg, 172 High at.. Sprtaglald, 0. 


- - .Up - - 


and Tkapplaga for Cirena aad AAvac. 
tiaiag TXsa. 
Bdward BIcke. U7 Canal at.. N. X. C. 
" iba Plnma CO., 812 Metropolitan aTcaoa, 
" — K. Z. 

ClJcago Film Bukeasa. 48 Jackaoa Bird., Ohl- 
Omaha; Dearer; Salt t^ke City; Sia 

10 Flftk eve., M. Z. O., and 
Orasge, N, 3. 
Oiamont Co., Congress stc.. Flashing, L, I., 

N. X. 

J. B. RalltMTg. 88 B. 888 at.. Mew Xaak CttT. 

Chicago, lU. 

Tbe Geo. M. Hoke Supply Co.. 81 S. Clark at.. 

C. B .^iaelne^ 802 «th aWj. ^New Yor k Oty . 

MeS^'siSi* ^fe^ty;' llfawapeiBi^'^MSj 
Portland, Ore.: HoDtrtal. Que., Caa; WksC ' 

peg, Mao.. Cao. 
S. Cabin, 020 UarkeC at., f bllsdelphla. Ik. 

MagneUe FUa Serrle^ Claclaaitl. O. 
Nicholas Fawar Oaiijui Bawas ttUtU T. & 

P.^be^a«-.wafc^^ir».-a» ac: m 

Plttabon caidam Ugkt ft Vnm Co., PlttakMl, 

Pa.; Dm Motoea, la.: Rochsalcr. N. Y.TxS 

cole. Neb.: CIncianatl. O.: Oauha, Mab.. 08 

WtUiea-Barre, Pa.' 
Bherha.-d Schneider. 180 B. 12th st. N. T. O. 
Sooth, nim Back.. 2M Mala at., Neetelk. Ya, 
Stcbblas, Ckea. IL. " ^ 


Swanaoo-Crav „ 

St., St. LonlaT^ 

iraoa. La. 

D. M. nm Bseh., 81 8. Clafk at. 


PAIRS.. . 
The Geo. M. B*e BuM^ oih, •( Bl OaA dk. 

Wm. R, JohnaoB. 80 Pike St., Seattle, Wash. 
Badolph Bioa.. OO S. Btfa at.. Phlladelplili. Pa. 

LoBla OoatetU Ca,. 


Bargain Home, 272 E, Ifadlaco. Ch'go. 

, 173 HIgb at., Tl i rllnd i M. 0. 

OaialTal Oostaase CO., tST^Bi W. Watsr at, 

HOwBokse, Wls- 
■Uts Bekoolta ft Co., 7B-77 E. I,ake St.. Cblcsgo. 


Worthlngton Scenic SlaMlk MS BL JkaMb St., 
Mlshawaka, Ind. 


Wbi. Beck ft Son Co., 10-U SatOeU Place. Chi- 
cfnatl. n. 


FIsir aad 
Claude I- nagea. 
K. X. C. 

]. B. Ballbetg, 88 E. 2Sd St.. New York City. 

Ohaa. A. BtreUxxer Co.. Detroit. Mich. 


war. new T4R CBy. 


IC. Btdn Cometle Co.. 120 W. Slat St., N. Z. O. 


H. Mala Cosmetic CO., 120 W. Slat at., N. Z. O. 

DeWItt Slatcts, 147 W. 48th at.. Chlcato, m. 
T. O. Uott, 418 Deaibota St., Chicago. IIL 

■M^MfS. COL. n Oiaat Mm8 at. 


Natlooal Tisane HfB, Oku. MNM SiaWB at.. 
Brooklyn, M. T. 


Tbe Geo. U, Boke Sq^Iy Co., 81 S. CUrk St., 


HasafaotaniB, Dealois la aad Baotal Banaai, 
American Film Brokera, 1C7 4tb are.. New York. 
Amer. Film BerTlce, 77 8. Clark at., CUeago. 
Amer. Film Serrlee, 188 N. Main at.. Memphis. 
Aatt-Tmst Film Co., 77 S. Clark at., Chl^go. 
Chicago Film Bzchange, 48 Jaekaon Bird.. Chi. 
Omaha; SOTar; Salt Iioka City; San 

nT w. uk at. ova. 

CtndBBatt Film 
Cohmbla Film Oo.,. 
H. Darla. Watartawa, 
Dizlo mm Bzchange 


Kfg. Oo. 


X. a lad 

: Cli 

E City. 

J. B. _ 

H. ft B. FUa 
OUcafO, IB. 
Saamoat Ca^. 
M. Z. 

latemat'I FBa Xkadna, lac, MT Bearth are., 
■*« Tm* — 


Klagacy Mtk. Ca, Ctndnnatl, O. 


Far Stage TTae. 
Bennett Jeweliy Co., lOlS N. lOtb St.. Phlla. 
B. B. Dodge ft Cb., Masonic Kemple. Chicago. 
N. Sbora Co., 280 Madlaoa aL. Chlreso 
Bhryock-Tsdd Oo., 824 N. 8th at, BL LSBk, M 
singer Broa.. 82 Boweir^New Totk Ottr. 
Wcatem Bargain Boose, 272 E. Wsdlssa, Ch*s 

Bdw. Tea Wyck, 1885 Pallsn aTsu. 

OcTCIand Cans Co., Clereland. O. 
Goldberg Jewelry Co.. Ill W. 8tb at.. 
City, Mo. 

Newman Mfg. Co., 841 Woodland are 

Massr Braa., St Bowm. Hew Totk CMy. 
Bar^ tt. WaMaom. Stt B. MeMaea aL. CVgOL 
M. Shoic Ob., 220 Medleen aL. Chicago. 
Bhiroek^IMd Oe,. SM H. Stb at.. SL Lonls. Ifo. 


TerehM, for dreoa aad Taot Shows. 


, Olere- 

B. Z. 


Lyoo A Healy. 20S Wabsib ave., Chlean. 
North TOttawanda Mnslcal Instrument TTSffia 
" ~ Baaewanda, N. X. 

WMItier Co., ClDclnnstl aad CHaWk 


tic Co.. 120 W. Slat aL. K-l^flL 

Ooe. Xougc A Co., 908 Lacas are.. St. Lool^ 

Ooldamltb Toy Imp. Co.. 122 E. -ttb. ClnclsaaU. 
Gordoa ft Morrison. 198-201 E. Madison, Chl- 

O^S«g Jewelry Co., Ill W. Oth'at., Tsaaee 

BsU& Itoselty iU^ OL. ST ORl 

Hew Zocfc City. _ _ 

% 0. MetL 415 Dearbera at. CUcage, ID. 
Bslil8h Bna., 620 S. Bib at.. Phlladelolila. Pa. 
H. Stare Co.. 220 Madison St.. ChleagoTllL 

8lu^ack-TMd Co.. 824 N Stb at.. St. 

Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery. New York City. 

SL Lonls Confetti Co.. 12 & COai a t sirt al aL. 

Stranas X^^Oa, 

IlBlted NoTdtyr 
Western Bargal 



American Seating Co., 215 Wabaab aTe., Ck'go. 

A. B. Andrews. 174 Wahaih ive., Chicago. 

Osnile.Goadle Mfe. Co.. 307 Delaware it.. Kan- 
saa City, Mo. 

7. B. Baltbers. 3S E. 23d at.. New Zork City. 

A. R. Mllner Seating Co.. Mew 


Royal Metal Mfg. Co.. 1821 

B. a. StaSort Mfg. CO.. Cblcago. 
Steel Faraltarr Co.. Grand Rapids. Mich. . 
— - - - ft Td - ■ 


a P. Bath. Abilcae. Kaa. 
A. Betal. 220 W. Idlk at 
GaTtoU ft Cb^. 31 Bead aL, 
Johaooee 8. OeSbardt Oa.. 

PhnadelphlB. Pa. 
Lyon ft ne«lT. !0S Wnhii.h sre.. Chicago, lU. 
John Mnnlo t Son. 17S Park Row. N._Z, C. 
Mortb Tonawanoa Mnalcal Inslrament 
Mseth Tsaewaada. N. T. 

Warllttsr Co.. Clndnaatl aaC ( 

BMte ft Weyer. 8 B. Mlchlgsn St., Cblcsgo. III. 
V. a. Tent aad Awa. Co., 2228 N. Dc«lalasa 

aL. ChlcasiL 
WbaboratZas.. 181 l e g IL 8S»,aL. BL BaalK 


Btafoaptloaaa. Bta. 
C B. St^Uaa, 1028 Main sL,- Kaaaaa City. Ha. 
Baakbena Megle aad MoTclty Co., 1188 Bmedwey. 
- MMr XMk OUf* ' ' ' 

DEVidS. • 

American Box Ball Oki^' 1MB VaB.BSNB at,* 

Indlanapolla. Ind. 
Armltagv ft Oolnn. SpctaBwBML'B. S. 
BII Bridge Co., BoodbaaaaTlh. 
Heracbell.8plllman Co., M. T sa e waada. N. Z. 
W. P. MaageU Co.. Ooney Island, N. X. 
C. w. Parker. Abilene. Kansaa. 


I«0B ft Bealy. 208 Wabash sTa., Chicago. 
"^'■'* Worlltaer Co., Claclnoatl and ulcage. 


Francis BsnnrmsD, 601 Biosdwsy. N. Y. O. 


Amerlcsn Ptim BariNM- IBF dB 
AmericsD Vltagrafh COi. IM 

York City. 

\mer Pllm Serrlee, 77 8. Clark at., Oileago. 
Amrr. Pllm Serrlee. 11U) N. Main si., Memphis. 
AaH.TnHtJVm 00.^77 8. CUtk at., C 

Bih.. Sir w> 


Amerlcsn DeceratInK Co.. MM BL 
BiTd.. Cblcsgo. III. 

Papier Mnchp Works. 
St., Mllwaakre. wla. 


Paal D. Hownr. IfTT IVsrhorn mt. 

Victor J. Krans A Co., Wiihlngtoo, D. I 


43atnaaBre A Oa.. ^nm aee. and 

NaM ft Shfmnel, 144 Park Bowi N. Xi-. 
Far. Eloctils Haass, 


Amer. XIaate Pkela Osw. 
Cnt-Bate Phato *- 

St.. Oblcago. 
Chlcsgo fer ro t yp e CO.. Fetrelipa BMa.. CII'Bo 
Nat'l Photo UaeUae Co., RSBcerer iL. M. Y 


N. X. Ferrotype Co.. IW^ DelaoecT aL. B. V.. 
W. S. Moantford. 100 Maldsa I«ae. .IL. K.Sl. 


mi mi. 


Dselei a In, Aathen, Aganta aad Br uha ss. 

. ..^ j,,!^^ 

Dkk ft FltMrraM. S2> Aaa M.. Nea 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Tlie Billboard 


■n^av Cb., 388 Oww kh tt.. N. Tl-Citi 
Wrablresr I'opcorn U«^M» W n ■JfiSt 

rl> Ht-. Clilcago. 

W Z. Loos. >T3 HHib St.. aarlacteld. O. 


IMBWt niM. JSortta WaMrtord. If*. 



Oudtfk Sprcliltr o»~ *■ ^lmtl» WUt„ St. 

tool*. Mo. 


Of Pictorial Petttn. Wc Tjf Staadi, 
AtsaanHVv £tai 
iaanK|aiBl*y UUio. Co.. Ifanaaa Gliy, Mo. 
iSiHlSnrKtlu t:o.. MUwaakw. Wla. 


MM* ■ ■■8^ OM 

Otatck PrtoUoc Co.. 4M Hm at. CHriMiH. 0. 

CbDitracttoa Co.. Bockefelt«r Uutldloir. 


B««l ticket U*w. maawMl. t*. 


M. ftelB Cotmetle Cu.. UU W. Slit it.. N. Y. C. 

Aai OMiafa is ae«Mi7i £ta. 
tmm Cm. UiM Vao Bona at.. Cklevow 
faiaMB An Ok.. 8888 S. 27 tk at.. OMka. Jla*. 
Mb Hartortb. 2tta Boena at.. Ctaetnaatl. O. 
■«» X<tk SlodloK, 10U4 Tlm«« Bldr. N. Y. C. 
'I'a Scenic dtndlo, 339 STCimoc* at.. Co- 
" M. o. 

I * Uwdla Co., 41T S. Cllotoa. CUcaso. 
* VolUod accalc Co., 2312 lUifeat at.. 

Pail D. BoB-ae. 187 Dearborn at., Chleace. 

film Exchuce, Ow«aabaro» Kj. 



/•Wood Ptaao Plarer Co.. Kanaaa Cttji 
1 * Hcalr. XUS Wabaab a*«.. Chleaco. 
^. »f k WnrUtur Co.. ClncUuuU and aieica. 
B. a. Uoale Ca. 2830 W. l.ake at., Cklcago. 


Otaaead KoTcltr Co., Schraccudy, N. X. 
a. B. Hippie, taw Vina au. PklladelpUa. Pa. 
% B. BoOiaaB * Boa. 142a Wabaab are., Cb'co. 
W. P. Maoccla CO.. Coaajp Iilaad. M. Z. 
a W. Paikcr. Abllaac. Kaa. 
^ J. talUL SS«T W. Van Boiaa at.. Cblcaco. 
«.^.i ya aa « fc, mmUtaem Walk. C<»»7 

'1* M. M at.. PkUadalpkla. Pa. 

Mat Ca. 888 Mjlam at.. Hart- 


t ''28 Bliia UUnd are.. Chlcaao. 111. 

MtMUa Broa. * Co.. OteeBTttle. UL 
■ttataU Art Co.. B305 N. 37tk at.. Omaka. 

& J. Hajdca * Co., 106 Broadway. BreakljB. 
Teat * Awn. Co., 22.28 N. Oeaplaloca 
81,. CUeago. 

W*. Mwak-Mortb Caakridga, 

_B>*a.i_CUca(a IIL 

1^ g. fclay. Blckaaad. lad. 

■mhB Window Okata Co.. Weceaatar. Maaa. 


B. _ I8uafaataiaiB af and Daalaia In. 
V' *y"8 ?^«3L Co., BchaaaetaS. ». I. 
hi' rU*'.* 92a fi* >* afiTFtttabwa. Pa. 
■m * Bealr, 208 Wakaab avi.. oS5««i. IB. 
jpua Kowltj- Cot. Oblcaco. jST 
Ov8. Knale Co., 2880 w. Lako at. Cblcafo. 
■•8glfb Worlltaer Co., ClodaaaU * CUcace. 

auka C. 1088 Mala m» MHBM, M. 

"Mliaa t Biikke Co., 8«a Aataaiaw Tn. 
■ g a a ai m a Baaka Farm. Bos SIS. aM«i 

V. MMl Laaro. Baa Aatoolo, TWx. 


irm. W. Delaacr. 117 Psrk Bow. N. Y. Cltr. 
B. Hnbka. 28* WlUlam at.. Now Yock Cltjr. 


jhteaso FUb ■zebaBce. 48 Jackaon Blvd., Chl- 
eaco; Onalia; Denrer; Salt Lake Cltj; Saa 

a. * H. Pflm Berrlcc, 360 Uoudnock Block. 

CUcaao, lU. 
LauBBila rum Berrlce, 198 Lake at., Cbleago; 

Braaarllla, ImL: Maaaplita. Xkn.1 Oaaka. 

Mak.; Bait Laka Otyt' ItfaaaaMilk MpB.: 

PartUad. Or*.; Uoatnal, Qa*., Vmif WBSo- 

aaf. Maa., Oaa. 
Late Mac* rOm * Baptlr Ok. 814 Boparlar 

at-. Oiavaiaad. Ol 
Lajl Oa.. lac. M Ualoa Bqaara. Kaw Tork 


Bl IjaMa. 828 Markat at.. Pbnadelphla. 
Moratty BUda Co.. 221 K. Sad ai.. M. Z. Cltr- 

raaaMkawIM nia Back.. MU-t Locoat 
gSL^Laala. Mo.; LaaMUa, JS't Haw Of 


Par AU Poipoaaa. 
Tk* Btaytaa tUg. 0*.. n>T8 B. OaA at.. Ofw- 


IL ataln Cown*tlc Co., ISO W. 8Iat at, M. X. O. 

J. B. OUacj, 847 SaUaa aL, Brraeoa*. R. X. 
J. B. Ballbers. 38 K. 23d ft.. New Zork CltT- 
ioa. Maachaa Klactne Co., 880 W. BOtb at., 
Mnr Zork Cltr. 

Par Mr IkOawaa. 

Co*, Zoos* Ox. SSt Lacaa aa*.. at. I<aala, Ma. 
Berk Bm., 828 Bloadwar. M. Z. a , 

U. Darla Soap Co., 810 DbIob Park Plae*. 

Oeldbera Jawalrj Cow, 111 W. Sth at., Kanaar 
01t7. Mo. 

OordoB A Mofriaaa. U8-201 B. Madlaoa Ck's*.. 

_ . IP 122 B. 4tk, C " 

Ii4t. Co.. 37 Onak . 

OoldaalU Tar Inp. Co., 122 B. 4tk, ClaelaBatt. 

Holiday _Nmlt- ' 

aw Zork 



Larim Baoa., Biro Hanta. lad. 
Maanaa* Utg. ۥ.. 841 Woodlaad arc. 01a**- 

Bk^&MA Oe.. 8M H. 8tk at.. Bt. Loala, Uo. 
N. 8k«* O*.. 280 Ma Maaa at., Ckleaa*. 
Blacar Bna.. 88 Bowaqt. H. T. C 
Blaefc tUt, Oo.. 188 Bkaafclya at.. Ohieaca. 
Harry IRiAaaa, StS Madtaaa at.. Oklean Hl- 
Waatara Barxala Hooaa. 278 B. MadlBoa. Ck'co. 
Teat * O*., 800 mkart at-. Pkttadalpkta. Pa. 
L. L. Zaoas Co.. 88 OoraklU, Boatoa. Maaa. 


I. L. 


Bakar * Laekwaad. Ttk * Wpaadott* ata.. Kaa- 

aaa air. Mat 
fliilaaitiaa Itat aad Awa. Co., OiliiaikiM. O. 
Oarala Onadla Oa., Bar Pa towi a at,. Kaaaaa 

aty. Ma. .. 
Doo^iartT Bi*a' Mat Skha MB ML IBito 88.. BC 

I«Bla. U*. 

D. ^.^KA^ife ST^t^^h Mailiia at.. 

Marrar * Oo., tac.. 840 Merldlaa at.. Ckleac*. 
Tbomoaa * Taadlrocr, 818 B. Pearl, doctoaatl. 
O. _a. SbMA^Aaalas On.. 8848 M. Diaglalaaa 

> AND (»tUNOS 
a. c a a n a. o. 


Jaa. B. Hat*. 418 Klacirle Bids.. Clerolaad. O. 

Jaba Ottliala LaaMar <;*.. l«b*r 4k BowaM 

IB8B * WML n Wmbmp ab. M. X. Cltr. 

B. r. Brftkt, Btrawa BMc,. ClcnUad. O. 

Arcaa Tlekat Ok, 880 Deaitaa at.. CUcag*. 
Natloaal TIekot Oo., Bbamokla. Pa. 
Raaa Prla^c Co.. l6tb * Bamcr ata.. Omaha. 

8T Albaay at., Boataa. Ifawk 
* Uck, rwt-Mtt, Atk. 
S Utt. aaa naaaliaah Od. 
* Well, 78 Wooatar at., S. X: CNf. 


0*o. A. Patin*!. 41 Warran at.. How York City. 
Shrrock-Todd Co.. 824 N. Sth at.. Bt. LonU, Mo. 
Blncar Broa.. 82 Bowery, New Zork City. 
Waataia Baixala Hooa*. 278 B. Madlaoa. Ch'ao. 

Batoj^Mk * Bag OBb. Ma >. 

, •'O*,. Maa Itartb at., 
Okb. tU a OUrk at.. Cb'go. 

O. r. Am«a. Hr m. at.. Maw Xocfc City. 

N. ahoi* C*b. 880 Madlaaa at., taieaca. m. 

^ 1,^, lu jTor^ 


1*8 V«t aad WU« Bataal Btor*. 480 
I at.. Baflalo. H. X. 
I*. 348 Graad at.. Maw York City. 

T. O. Mott, 418 D*arboia at.. CbteaBo. lU. 






ah tar 

eantaiita akcu* 14 
addtaaaia. A «alualila 
«««iy parfermar. 

Th« BlllbMrrt Pub. C(B. 

41B CLM ST.. eiNdHHATIa O. 


More 'Dioerting than 
Ei0m Hundrtdt 

yt 1«mm eomphi than 

Skat. : : : : : : 

The gamr ol "Sixteen Hoadred" may Mat k> 
deacrlbed aa an alaboratlon of FIt* — - - 
wklcjk la tore la a comblaatlco of 
Biidge. Bat Blzteca llondred U 


' moB. znr 

418 Elm St., 

Clnolnnatl, O. 



CUateej . _ 

Ml BM Main, Clnolnnatl, Ohio. 


Anto-Electric 44-note Piano 

Good condition. Can be Keen mnnlna 
' Bold (or want o( room. Firat 8128 

at _ _ 

take* ^ XL V. xiiinx. 


POB _ _ _ 

nrat<laaa dim tat aal* or 
!S-»* *L BSE 



HezacheU-8p[llman; 24 tioraea, 4 I Im laiB 
ble cylinder back (ear en(tn*, braa 
organ: everything A-1. Portable Hamaa Booletta 
Wbeel. pnt op and take down In 2 boora; oaed 
BOAll. One band Ocean Dtp, one power Aral- 
tage aad OnUm witk organ and aaguia, all com- 
plat*. Ha** aior* ilga tkoA I eaa kaadla^ Jftt 
. aair tana*. «. a. moutuma. 

rwB «84t, SiK Ban Alliva. 1 Ba* Bnawiek- 
Balk* mabogaay bHllaM tabi* aad 8 nod dgar 
eaae* for aue at aboat bait coot, all cood aa 
aew. In perfect condltloa; a bargain. 
B. A. SMITH, Sparta, 111. 

TZVTBILOOinBT naVSIB-Bcat In tba world. 
Lunette. Black Art. Marionetta Plgoraa. Was 
PIgnra*. Tenia. ICcrry-Oo-Booad. Organ aad 
otber abow good*. Eadoaa ataasp. W. H. I. 

SHAW, VIctotU. Uo. 

FOB SAIX — Small Troope of Doga. Sena 
.8now wblte French Poodlea, can be worked oa 
anj alie stage. Do a 12-oilonte act. Propa 

BDd evi-rythlDi; complete, all ready to met op 

atjil work, Hrln(,'>^ [mt w,>fl[. ,\ddm.a 

E. SUKi'l'.^Kl). IH l.. liN r;ui, Oil 



/fr////;rs you t/zeTc^/re^u//^ - - 


1 y -V' -b- 

poi^f^o mQmJC/rrmj^MMm, Cm.a ■,s.^.r ......... 

0^! RCCeiPT A. ■ CT5. OUR. BOOKLCT AND POSTCflRO CIRCULAR/ FOR. (O CTcJ 5 >■ CA:^f^ ^■t'''* ^^CZP.. 

Ttie eillboard 

FEBRUARY 4, lOlt. 

ojH . tile Sc r ee n 

A 7^ 

br and the 

b In- 

*ttad back agtla to attestd a booM.iHtK. A big 

dUM Is Klnrn la hU honor aad srait pttpwe- 
atkms 5ure mad* ther«for. The joangKV stater 
when Ae comes to doa a ball fown Soda that abe 
la ao Sadl7 tanned that ahe looks like a rright 
asd her older aUter inslats upon her ntaying 
away. < This a^ia cr^tea a nunpos. Tbe tiall 
la ata^ed and an nonanal scene Is portrared. 
Tba arecuior la tianafvrred from tlm* to time 
to tbe mtanda antalde at tba ball room to wbere 
Ibe jvoacsr aMar to andlaee aad with an old 
«mt awB orer ber •booldan la cnTtoaaly wateb- 
ttp bar atater and tbe otber menr makers irltbin. 
Vbe young man atroUa ont on the Tcranda to 
■mrehe for air and comes acroaa the rorlom 
yoong-iKlrl. This offers an opportunity for a 
■p-per'' rlliuax of tbe story. There Is a tender 
Ibt» a^°c and when tt la OTer tlie jonncer 
rt rter Mnda that alttaaoKh east off from tbe 

ane aorrcpuiioosiy takes her lather's 
t4 thnwtac It to bim from a window. 
eaoHw afalto bin. Tbe tUber. an- 
tbe totmafam of hla enemlee. oMars 


tated betwiM two Italian 

hooses, and It meant disaster 
to any one of the Iwlllserenta 
to Intmde Into the oppoalng 
house. Tbe Lord of tbe honse 

gives a feast in honor of the 

arrival uf a wealtiiy foreign noble, whom be ex- 

Kets^o make his soo-lo-law. Tbe dangbter, 
wewr. baa glien her heart to tbe son of her 
(atbef^ enemr- That be. may be prcseoi at tii<> 
tostMd. she aorrcptllloosly takes ber father's 

■ riasd ir — ■ — — - 

deatbrto^nr inember who eaters tbe hau', ~After 
tbe fiatlTlUes, the nnwelcome betrothal takea 
plaeej and the forbidden lover braves deatb to 
aec hB loved one. While tbey are in clandestine 
meetUg a guard Is seen to enter the corridor, 
ao tlte girl hides her sweetheart in a secret 
closet, turning the key and taking It with her. 
Not finding tbe Intruder, the guard Imagines be 
was mistaken. Tbe fsvored suitor, bowever. Is 
anaplcloos and detenninea to watch. At this 
■eaaat. tbe fatber la caUad away fior a ttow 
nl n aa baoar to Ua'aaa-ta^aw eieet leaves 
tbe honaAold In bla abaolnte ^rge. This move 
works; In fsvor of tbe nobleman to more eSec- 
tlvelyr pnrsue bis. watch, and going Into tbe cor- 
ridor fiadB tbe forbidden lover'a cap on tbe floor 
oatslde tbe closet. Tbe situation. If exposed, 
would* make the nobleman the langhlng'Stock of 
the entire courts of Enrope. so be vows ven* 
geance. The slrl realizes her lover'a flanjrer 
In tb^ alr-tlf:ht closet, and makes a desperate 
attempt to release him. but In this abe la sar- 
prlaed by the noble, who secures from her the 
mv, and deaplte ber order sends tbe gnards otr 
wteB abe called to break open tbe door. Tbe 
•naiOB. of comae, mnat respect bis orders, as 
he has been placed to cbatge br the master. 
Later tbe master of tbe boaae retaras and tbe 
nobleman tells the atory to him. and lON tbat 
the Imprisoned lover has met his fato by tkl> 
time, opens tbe door. His antlclpatioa -waS 081^ 
rect. for tbe llfeleas form of tbe forblddea lever 
falls headlong across the corridor. 

celeaac Feb. B: length. S97 feet). — ^Pnacma is 
Dl with throat tronble and PanI la much con- 
cerned about this, and bis sympathy for ber In- 
tcnslfles hla love, to such an extent that be 
pnpoats. PriaelUa. of course. U wUlIng, but 
• ■■Sa IB a Joko declares Paul too young to 
mKOT' Ha aaat grow whiskers and become 
■an maaly. - At tbia point the doctor calla 
to. -treat PrtaelUa for her aoie throat. TUa M. 
Ik la a crank on germs and microbes, 

Oat bacteria lurks In evecythtag and 

and frequent disinfection la our only hope to ea- 
cspe dliicaae. Paul la Introdnced to the doctor, 
hot before taking Paul's hand. Doc dlalnfecto 
it. Maybe Paul Isn't sore, but the worst cornea 
when the dUclple of germlcldea In taking Prfs- 
cilia's pnlae lingers. Panl leaves tbe boose In- 
•anely Jealoua of the doctor, for Priacina, to 
iaaae bin. aeens to be ptaued wJtb the doctor'a 
b ttoat hn m , Bowcrcr. wbea nol arrlvea at the 
dob be has cooled olt a bit aad decides- to can 
■gain to Kee Priacllla. He is net by tbe motbK 
who bands him a note to tbe efract tbat tba 
doctor bxr fortildden bier to see- Panl or rocatve 
his floral tributes If she hopes to recove r. It li 
a ctfe of "Hearts and Flowers vs. Occma and 
If Icrobea." Paul la now farlooa, and determines 
to do sway wltb himself by smoking blmaelf to 
deatb. purchasing all tbe "weeds" at the club 
tor the purpose. This Is rather a slow and dls- 
agieeable method, so be desists. Fnrtbermore. 
be rnuons that tbe flcfcle-hearted Prlscnia u not 
worth It. Prlscina. now cored of ber sote throat, 
to Jooaaome. ° and longs to ace Panl. bot ber 

■cMa^pRventa bar aendtoc ' tor. bin. 

bow aval, aeoda a aottl •^Chm to I 
IHH woald' like to are yoa."^- 9>^thli 
Ika answer: "Let tbe little girl we tbe germ 
factor." It Is now Prlscllla's torn to get angry, 
aad tlirough plfine she accepts the propoaals of 
tbe germlRt. Inviting the engagement kiss. The 
docfor Is abont to kiss her when be catches htm- 
eelf. and disinfects her Ilpa. Oh me! Oh my! 
but she la wild, and chase;^ bIm oat. The mother 
now sends a aecood note: "PrIsclIIa cured. The 
geima and mierobea are gone for good." This 
deeides Panl. aad calling, everytbtoig ends hap- 

■ BBiaTCBiB. napiaiini a- ml. 


TIIE TU11.ER1S8 (DtS' 
ma: released Jan. 80; 
length I.OOO feet).— Tbe 
Count de Champceneto Is 
tbe Governor of the Tnll- 
eries at tbe time of tbe 
reign of terror. Be la 
warned by bis friend, 
Sladame Elliott, that tbe 
palarf* Is to be sacked by 
tbe mub. but be will not 
leave bl.t post. In the 
riotous scenes which fol- 
' be escapes in tbe dress of a dead Repub- 

I and Is hidden by a kind-hearted woman 

aC tba people. Later be makes bla way to Ma. 
dana niiott'a. and ab an bar bsaaa -to aiarcbad 
. tba police aad tb#.jWM|ittoi ftw ,jlto Hf 

doaa tba aa* .at « poatHllon, aad thus 

ad drives Sadaaae to aer caxriage across 

tbe (Matter to aatoty. 

rdeaaed Feb. 1: length 722 feet).— Billy Is In 
love, but he thinks be'a aick, so be ealto in the 
doctor who quickly recogalMt wbat la the mat- 
ter with tbe lad. Thinking tbat It will not do 
any harm to scare .blm a little, the doctor tells 
bIm tbat be must fast for three days. Tb'v 
Billy does faithfully and grown hiugrler by tbe 
minnte. On tbe third dav he geto a note from 
his sweetheart asking t^lm to attend a blrthda>- 
party. He goes, and what to bla dismay tu 
And a great big dinner awaiting the guests, 
wblcb he of eonrae cannot eat. Bather than 
alarm hfs fricnda. be pnto hto food in bin pock- 
eti. and. when tbese are fnlt. Into tbe pockets of 
Us aelgbbors. Bow be geu In tronble with tbe 
doc DoOley and is foond out and pardoned la 
too good to tell. 

(Instructive: released Feb. ll-lliilk'Mt flwt). 
— A. aim of universal latoiast aa< laoliai Hull 
and very entertaining. 

THE St AYE'S REVOLT (Drana; released 
Feb. 3: lenglb 7SS ftet).— Ellaaa, a Syrian 
maid, tbe sweetheart of Gnr^l. attracts by 
ber beaoty tbe attentions of Ranetca, the King 
of Egypt, who has her carried att to bis palace 
by hla slaves. GnnB>'l Interferes but Is cai^t 
over a cliff. When he recovers, he vows to be 
avenge^, and flndlne a way into the palace, 
he takes bis place among the slaves. Inclttnc 
them to a revolt at the proper time. He does 
not see Ellssa. who has repulsed all tbe ad- 
vancee of Rameses. onin tbe day of the great 
feast, wbea naay atavca. be.anaag tlm. were 
needed to tba baviaat toS.' Wbsa. attor the 
meat. Baauasa anaseil Mmarlt MtUag alaves. 
EUsaa begs a dart (torn him, and tomtng qnlck- 
Iv buries It In the heart of the monster. This 
la the algnal for the revolt, which enda In tbe 
reunion of tho twa beactt so evidently totendol 

«e bar bad. aad 

baa ■naa^tS 

BIOB IMD D 8 T R T IX 7APAN (Instnictlve: 
rdeased Fel>. S: length 256 feet). — This film 
shows bow tbe main article of food in tbe land 
of NInpon Is prepared. 

leafed Feb. 4: length 023 feet). — Bnd May 
lesms tbat bis sister has been Insulted by a 
cowpnncber and seeks blm to make him apolo- 
idve. Falling to find him. he sends blm a note 
telling him tbat If be doesn't do this before 
Bud meets blm. he'll put dayllsbt throagb bim. 
On receirtng this the cowboy goes to tbe girl's 
home hot not to make excuses. He draws his 
gnn tbreatonlngly and tbe girl stmgglra with 
blm to get It away. lo the atmggto tba gim 
goes olt and the man falla dead at ber feet. 
With Bnd's note lo th.- drad naa'a packet 
eui^Iclon naturally falls on him, and rather 
than have bis sister Implicated, he assumes tbe 
guilt but makes bis escape, and in a distant 
town marries and settles down. After five 
.rears he Is discovered sad tried, and is about 
tr> be convicted, when iila atater, having beard 
of the trial, arises from her sick botl and goes 
to court, wbere In a dramatic scene she con- 
fesses her shsre in the matter, and Bad is 
freed lost in time to catch bis d.rlog alster as 
she sinlcs anconsclons to the gronnd. 

THE BROKEN TRAIL (Drsma: release Feb. 
10: length —). — An emigrant family wltb two 
baby boys arrive in California over the Santa 
Fe Trail. Pltcblog camp they picket their 
horses, hare their rapper and retire for the 
night. In the morning tbe ittliTT aaada the 
oldest bny: Dirk, to the aeanat ctaBa of tie-s 
to gather dry Are wood to get tba morning meal. 
Dick Just abcnt arrives in tbe wooda wbea a 
marauding band of Apaches swoops down upon 
the unprotected emigrants and utterly destroys 
the camp. In tbe mean time the yoongest baby 
boy Jack has crawled Into tbe weeds aad to aot 
Observed by tbe Indians. 

A company of IT. S. aoldlera aeeing tbe amoke 
from tbe burning wagon ride up and And tbe 
father and mother who have tieen killed by the' 
Indians, and bearing a voice In tbe bushes locate 
yotmg Jack. Tbe locket and chain around tbe 
motber'a neck Is taken and tmnsfcrred to baby 
Jack. Dtck while gathering fire wood sees the 
attock of tbe Indians and thi-oiicb fricht runs 
as fast and a* far as his little legs will carry 
blm. ercatnally isacbing the log rabin of a 
pioneer •ettlcr'a tonlly wbo take bin to. Dick 
tella tbaa eC tba ..attock tor Indtona and tbe 
littio acpbaa b«r to adopted by the' kind-hearted 

Twenty yeaia.later Jack while passing thrangb 
tfiat aeetfon of California stons at tb^ ranch of 
Mr. Dayton, the home of Dick. Meeting Mr. 
Dayton's beantlfnl dangbter. be (all* In toTc 
with ber. Tbe mother asks him atnut his 
famllv and he tells the storv of the msssacri* 
on the trail and shows his motber's loeit"t. Dick, 
the other brother, wbo Is In Inve with the 
daughter of his parents by adoption, n-^ros the 
love tbat has apnarvntly spninf np hetive-"i tbe 
hoy and tbe girl, becomes exceedlnil.v Jealous. 
Dick while traveling a nearby monntaln range 
— _ . — . — . — _ f^jfif, ta. 

- rom to c to 

diiui> of bwdi- 
es aisd watches Jack as he comes nn unaware 
of the condition Jnst ahead. When he reaches 
tbe broken trail be plunges down a stee'> bill 
and Is there found later by Mr. Dayton and 
one of his cowbovs who carry him back to ttie 
ranch boose. On examination It la fonnd 
that he Is not bidly In'nretl. In the mean time 
Mrs. Dayton shows Dick the locket that Jack 
has left wltb ber. Onening It he Immedlitciv 
tceagnlzes the fare of bis mother. Tastsntly 
' l«n ac bba aad b a waaders 

betaft eC fcaeoB. . ■ 


wauB uaveiing a nearoy m 


aa of flw tiafl be' bMea to a t 

released Feb. 2; length — ). — 
If Jnbn was half tbe man tbat 
Molly ta, (he and her father 
wonid have been a great deal 
better off. Molly by ber In 
- - - dtfo - 


^^^^H dnstry and ambltfona has saved 
r ^\ op Ore hundred dollani to go to 
college and complete her edu- 
cation; abe la very prond of her acblevem«-nt. 

John Is a young fellow with extravagant no- 
Uona, who refuses to hold bis jobs as a skilled 
mechanic and Insists upon spending bis time 
In gambling and dissipation. Molly lores her 
brother and tries to Induce blm to mend bis 
ways and make a man of himself. 

Molly's fatber, wbo Is editor «f tbe locsl 
paper, starts a Joarsallatle campaign against 
tbe ganbleta, aad tbey dcdde tojet area wltb 
Ub by raining his sen Taha, Xlwr dtaw tb» 
bagr Into a fuae, «to Us awag. aad jg< bin 

The leader of tbe gang at aHAlHa atorta 
early tbe next morning to gat tab «b«al cashed. 
John hears of It. and to t e m wee attounta to 
kin himself, but la pierented doing so by bis 
alster Molly, to whom be eon f s s aea Ua vrroog- 
dolng. She takes her college money. Jnmiie on 
her horse and reaches the bank In time to de- 
posit tbe money la her brother's name, aaelng 
him from arrest and imprisonment. 

Her biother wakea np to a aense of his amall- 
ness, resolves to make good, gives Molly hU 
note for flve bnndted dollara. aad atarto at 


(Drama; released Jan. 80; 
4 length — ).— Jim and Bertha 
are boyhood aweetbeatta — 
Bertba, boddtng tato woman- 
bood, baa higher ambitions 
than the simple country llto. and y e a raed tor 
tbe big city. It to drcns day aad aU waa. ex- 
citement, Rcglnaia Black, a ettr cMp. MUa 
to toke her to the Mg etNoa. na to aaot by 
her father to keep aa aye. ea than* 
■ She Is petsnaded lib Itwit wllb MMli (or tbe 
city. She leavea a note for ber father tdling 
blm tbat she and Black are to be married 
when they reach the city. Upon arriving she 
llnds the Insincerity of Black's promise and 
realizing ber mistake slips aw-ay and appllea 
to the circus manager for work. She la given 
a chance. Jim secures a position as hostler 
with tbe same show that be may look after 
Bertha. Dpon making her entrance to the 
ring she Is hurt tn a fall — picked np and caretl 
for by Jim. wbo takea her home where ahe Is 
nursed back, to heaUh. - 

As the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dock- 
Etader. owners of the Garrlck vaudeville thea- 
tre, Wilmington. Del., the staff and nnrsea of 
the Delaware Hospital were entertained at a 
box party In tbe theatre Friday evening, Jan. 
20. After the pertormance, a aumptooua repeat 
waa aervrd at a nearby caBs. Mra. Dockatader 
waa aerlously 111 aone noatba ago aad appre- 
ciating the ktndncas aad attention ahowa ber at 
the hospital she gave evldeace of thia feeling 
by aforementioned entertainment. Mr. Docfc- 
stader baa likewise recovvred from tbe recent 
attack of paenmonto and to abeat tbe tbcatie 



Extraordiaan Fiatam An: 




Qias. M. Stebbiiu, 

1028 Main StreM. 


Smv' maaiey hy doing biiAhigsi ptth— . 
■ 4. M. ENSQR A, CO. 
IIOSAshtond BIk.. Chicago. III. 




Power'a Cametagiaph He. i, only tlOO: Clneo- 
graph, g45; labto Uaderwriter machine. (60: 
Monograph. Edison Modrt B., Standard, all 
new, at special rate. Many ether redactions. 
Pathe Passion Play, as new. nnr.: Seod tot Sup. 
33; has many bargatoa to nawiiaag. aoppllea, 
etc. HABBACB « C(V. aornftwl^ PbUadal- 

pbli,-Pa;" ' 

FOR SALE-Edisoi Oie-pii Type B MacHir 

tlOO: other macUnea, tZS np: 100 leeU flim, 
u good as new, flO per reel: afodcl B'a, Scen- 
ery, Chairs, etc. Pathe Paaabn Play. S,U4 ft., 
hand-colored, for rant or sale, 0 teela fllm, per 
week. *6: 12 reela._per weak, 112. DIXIE FILM 
BZCHANGB, 609 W. 4th St., Owenaboro, Ky. 

leela film, elegant condition, 17 per reel aad up; 
so acta song alldea, perfect condition, (LTS per 
set, wltb mnalc. Bend postal for I lata. Good 
Um service furnished at lowest prices In the 
Sontb. Bnppllea. Bargains In new aad aacood- 
hand M. P. machines and gaa making ontflta. 

P. O. BOX 305. New Orleana, ra. 

FOR SALE— Three Ediaon two-pto machlnea. 
all complete, $80 each; two Bdlaoa 

chines, all conplete, nOO eacb; FOna torTtolo: 
Urst-claia condtfioD, <7 to «U per red, KATKR 

SILVERMAN, 105 4th Ave., PIttabarg, Pa. 


Mu.-t I>f runnble coD'^lMcu. I'CONOMY FIIJJ 
CO.. It.'i ATI-., ntiar tVrry Ht.. rittsburg. Pa. 

The Light That 
Never Fails 


ZstabUahed lt7«. 

Oxygen and Bjdiofea Oa* (aialibed to taaka 
for StereepltaM I ' 
All ordere to aa 

far all mekaa ef Moring Pietnre 1 

ciNcwMTi cmcuM um n. 

108 W. 4th St., CINCINNATI. O. 


Imported ChlnavFare, per 10O.......V...... tM >- 

All Leather Purse, per 100 ......l.... 

Trick Match Box, per gross .tB 

Japanese Zithers. |:er gross 7^ 

Fancy Wood Whistles, per gross TO 

Japaoetie Turtle In <31aaa Box, p«*r groaa — .00 

Fancy Colored Return Balls, per gross 

Horse Shoe Mirror, aaat, colon, per groaa.. 1,00 

Novelty Acrobat Skdetona, per groaa UO 

1811 Air Planea, latest novelty, per groaa. . 1.SS 

(Ycncb Lto Air Whistles, per gross 1.2S 

Japaneee Slag Panle, asst. colors, per grosa S.SO 

Tenaa eaab. Pecaonal checks must lie cettlOed. 


641-M7 WoodUnd Atmim, 

Clerelaad, 0* 

I ExlHlitirs^ Bmn! 

I Don't let your Elxchange^hold 
J you up .for postera.'^lAU our 
■ custoums °ai9-'M^i^ed iriitti' 








(At present engaged) yAso tat 
reasons wants a chuige. Would like to- 
hear from some of the big ones. To the 
right party can give the best credentials 
in New York. Let's get together. Addresa 
CONFID£NTL\L, care ^Mis, WUIiama, 
18GainpSt,,NewBile,N; J. . . . y;-,,-^:- - 

old and new machines. Get our exchange propo- 
altlon. Film service, feature ladi^ at llul 
price. Best prices on mschtaea SM'' StrMt, 


Building. Houston. Texas. 

' FOX BEHT— JelTrles-JohnsOD Fight BeprodnC' 
tlon, tlO a day;- two re la. l/iOO reela good 
dim tor T3c nac reel, shipped everywhere on 
leatal. . Wm BvPaaaka. Flay. Write qolek. 

BuwMnKmnrmai axmHiaB, Blooming- 



14T 4tli Ava., Htm Vsric City 



We make narta for all naehlnaa. Wllle aad 

get our catalogue and pricea. Itaanfaetartr af 
moving picture machlwa. Ik BBIX. SOS ■> 
23rd Street, New York City, 

ad8. mallra TBI BlUBOARn. 

Xhe eillboard 



(CestlaMd from W.>' .; 

„ .,.... r.«i tt M g .tiBM tjj« x-ny witfc- 

«i t!i any wsy dMarblns tlw Olm. 
w'ik tito it perfectly euy to 

«» artlSB^operly from • .to«U dli 
K -V! mSiwM Impoirible with tt« appa- 
n- it imjl^ >W fonnar experlmentalUtj. In 

;;rv "ucc«»ral reiulta wltb tnn tm^ar^f 
J ..rpcntier iBdociloo coU ID etabtDrntloa wjth 
: m^netlc inti^rrnptor. baTliMt <>. .rtfrwgaatly 
X TKT bulb .tt.ched. . T to •MM ; jlD«W.«»; 
-.rrinipnt were feU with pnpnM' PMW. auea 

_dlB.-,IUe l«bt .WM 

'^r mtmm of the Camllo appirmtna medical 
ai^nta u« enabled to wltoeaa Ibeae womerful 
roBclinaa of th* itoaueli. BOt .ca eo,. foe t fw* 
MMM. tat npMMd«]r ontu tto .iMa «noM« 

(CootioiMd fnwi page IT.) 

aimmr mrs at bataillb. 

. .ImOm Oatbr. new pliytaK I'Amtnrtcr at 

, at tlila thcatra. baTa'mltt. 
Ifet creator of Chantacler 



wt appMT to tke Batallte plar. Dor, In fact. In 
ear other plar at the Port Saint Martin. At 
leait not for aoiH tln>« to come. 

GultiT. wboae contract waa for llTe years wltb 
Herta and Coquelln. baj playnt aomethint like 
iMrtevn montba of tbe llin*. There bad been 
tome clondi (wblcb were foreeaated In thla- 
(oloaa) aboot the time Cbaotedcr waa pio- 
taecd, betwaeo Gullir and Bnataad. bat IbcM 
Baaatd away wllhoat an opea raptu*. >• •*• 
entfelflt seemed (ereoe, •zceptloBallr ao. atnca 
Chiatcder kad goo* with tbe diaeaida. and an 
aadnly aew piece pot oa. New trooble came, 
Ww tW, wbaa Henry BatalUe read hia oaw 
play to tba Balat Hartia Osmpany wbtrb an to 

tead the ilrat act. .\ndre Bmle had 
a cHbliw aeciw In (hat. BaUille read the aecood 
act. llm. Bejai" had a iplendld chance la 
Ibat. BatalUe alarir>; In with the thlid whea 
Slllty aoddenlr ruee and left the room. The 
mfllM Mopped for a time, tbe anthor (wltb 
tbMiinil aad Heru and the other Port Saint 
UarttalMa) tblnkla* Oaluy aoddealy tndla- 
■aaed. When ha did net Mtam attar baK aa 
bear. Jean Coqaella wrat'la 
did Huls. OBltry aaa '~~ 


are yoa dolns Ibete. 


"Wtai do yoa tbiak; * ba tuiUtt. "I'm laaia- 
Int to be aa electlldaa. A ■hHt'ttM^Bf^lW 
tor me to do la tba acM t*V Vm Iralall far 
aaatber )ob." 

It waa the blow ttt. Oiil'.ty would not play 
la a piece wbera he had <m little to do. Ba- 
talllr waa conaolted. aad he axrced Brat of an 
to bare same ooe other than ilnltiy to tako tba 
part, aoltrr. In a letter to Bnla asd Caqpalla. 
oCtted to pay tba anmant of hU fMfelt It tbey 
woold nieaae blm tiam Ma ceatraet. bat tba dl- 
NClwt eoHpfOBlaad wltb bla: H« woaM rt- 
■aia at tbe Fort Balat Martta aatU TATeatvlcr 
■bedd etaae. aad theo. by matoal eooaaat. bU 
MBlraet 'waoU be canceled, do ooe paybw any- 

Apnpes of Ooltry. It la tat>Tcatlac to kaow 
ipt bow mocb be received for playing Cbaate. 
«Hr. He reeelTcd Jnat 0A.2S0 franca per moath. 
which la tbe emtlTaleat of about tll.OOO. or a 
Bttic over 13,800 a week. This, aa will be 
seen, low aa aalarlea are In Prance, comparaa 
telle faworably with aomc of the beat aamlaga 
u AoMflca, the aekaoMadgcd Bldorado of tbe 
player. Oolbry TccetfM la addlttoa to a sal- 

ea parcsatase, aad bla peeWon- at tbe Pact 
t Xaitia was «alte like Ibat o( ca4lMeler. 
. JtMb gaoM above skew. 

la '«n. idatr and pcrccalata. 

t<at tblags of tba Mas. I 
u amamlogly itWM Witt tlw port. Poor 
W. BncoeDat, of tbe ▼aoaerllle. who waa to 
bsTe created tbia character, will taka another 
part la another piece la aaotbcr tbaatre, ao I'm 
toUL To be more ipcclfle, he la to play the ti- 
tle part la Papa, the new Bobert de rlen aad 
Benrl de CklUant coaedj, at tbe Oymnaar. At 
that, Hegaenet ii aot aore. for Papa la cxpeeted 
to be a cot king piece, and tha prloelpal part la 
said to be a good one. 

I dea't kaow feat bow toag Qaltn wUI lemaln 
attbe TaadcWhe. bat I daarjt.& Mt 

-!*IM a loat eaatiact. I hegr ftb lginBlia« 

' Is biceaw aa aetar-SMaagtr. ' 

tee I'BBtaat. de i*Aaaaar. «ae e( the dar. 
met aclora la mat* Is ta tsbe tba part left 
krMtir. H. DaBiWl.ertt«TtaacrllCri*tbe 
ga^ If la thetcfota a clean ewep bs t ars a a the 
ntt Mat UartlB and tbe TandaeBa. 

A aew opera win be seen aooa at tbe Opera, 
sad next aeawm at tbe Opera Comlqoa. It U 
QweadollBe, by the late Catalle Mendes, wbo 
net ibA a tragte fair, asd KmmaBocI Char- 
prler. The aeaBny baa been ordered aew far 
•jme tlate. The premiere win surely take place 
■bti iprlBg. 


, "a the oceailon of tbe BOOth performance of 
.y*"" Joyeoa* (The Merry Widow) at the 
Apollo the manigemeot aanoonccs that a fancy 
■trea* hall, ilmllar to tbe one at tbe 3001b per- 
rnrmance of the piece, will be gWen. 

wil .at tba n p n a.. 

tbe chief Item oa the 

' ; odtutitnii OR PLAss. 

yjg *j» bsfcia a great wine, it la ti*. 
ggM— I dnMcd br tta majority of play- 
tal,'"c'%-KlM!* aetaral. aeelng that this gca- 


tbe BlUboard, Cincinnati. 

Oentlemea— Kindly pnbllih the foUowlag la 
your raloable paper: Any penon kaowlag tbe 
wbereaboou of Frank Vox, wUI alHia'TilU 
blm to write to Mlaa May Ellaworth. Mr M 
atreet, N. W., WaatalDgton, O. C. . 

May Wbltemore, ot^Albla, la., writes tbe 
Beadcca' Column for tbe addreu of Dudly Lyles. 

Tbe Billboard, Cincinnati. 

Gentlemen — Pleaiie gWe me the pieacat ad- 
dreaa of Mr. Tom Oorman, Jr,. formerly treaa- 
arrr wltb Young Buffalo's Wild Wast. 
Baapcctfnlly yoars. . 

B. Hiasim. 

no Sercntb^Street. Baebcliarni. 

Tkco. SylTealer, TOT Loeoat atreet, ■f^«— 
City, Mo., woald be rery glad to hear from An- 
gekt SmlLetta (bar pcffonner). Aay Infanaa- 
M&'Ms3Sa£' ^-"'*'**^*^ BMdd ba thask. 

The addrvaa of 8. 
■later. Mr«. Nora S. ~ 
noe, Spokane, Wash. 


Aay one koowlog tbe present wbereaboata of 
Mr. J.- C Byaa, tbe Armleaa Wonder, pleaae 
eoomaatcate leith. Hr. Baxtj Uatiia tbinaib Tha 
BlUbaaia. ' 

laearsaatloa oea cer a la g the addtass of Bddle 
Recrea, cleg daaeer. will he very nneb appre- 
ciated. Importaat news twalta blm. C. McKee, 
213 Peyton Block. Spokane, Waab. 

Tbe BlUboard Publlatalng Ck>., CInclnnaU, O. 

Dear Sirs — In yoor Issue of October 2S, which 
has loat bevn recelred, yoa pnbllab a letter by 
Jack Trefal. In which be warns artlata against 
TialtJag Sonth America, bceaime he had tbe mis- 
fortsne to loae bla wife la Para. Brazil. Al- 
thoogb deeply aympatblslag with Mr. Jack Tte- 
fal. It would ba aafatr to tba attiatt la the 
Ualtad autea ta allow Ms atataaiat ts go on- 
Aalleagcd. While edmlttlag there Is yellow 
fever la Para and other parta of Northern Brs- 
sll, your geography wUI show that Para la 
aboat three tbousand mllea from ttala city, 
wlileb la one of tbe healthiest dtiea In tbe 
world. Warning artiste to keep away from 
Soatb America becanse tbere Is yeUow fever la 
Pan. BraatI Is as bad aa waralag attlats to 
keeff awar ttom New Tork beeaoee there Is fei> 
low lMw Ia New Orleana. 

Very trnly yoors. 


>lr. Sam Levy. Box 787, Uttle Rock. Ark., 
desires that Miss Bens Bordeau, at one time 
wltb Sam T. Jack's BurleaqDera. correspond 
with hIa, as be baa Information that will be to 
bar adraatof* la 

"Am very anslooa to find or to koow the prea- 
ent whereaboats of Ethel Johnson, who wss wltb 
The Human Butterfly, at Scarboco Beach, To- 
ronto, Ont., Isst summer. Have newa for her 
that wUI be greatly to her benedt to know." — 
DoUy C. WlUlams, Oen. Del., New Orleana, La. 

Mrs. O. M. CuDnlogbam. 1220 East gth street, 
Oklahoma City, Is deslroo* of locating her 
ion, Maory J. Cnnnlogbam, better known as 
"Jack," and who last season waa with the 
Greater CoamopoUlan Sbowa, doing a high dive 

Prom Mlaa Vacaoa 

quest comes log 
CunnlngbaiBa g 'tM 
at Loola. 

louu, Nllea. P.. a re- 

st la 

"Woold like to know tbe addresa of Harry 
Brown, known aa 'Harry Diamond.' " — Brown A 
Co., MaryavIIIe, Cal. 


"If the man that made high divee with tbe 
CeSree CaialraL Conpoar last, tdl will aaad 

artdtf ae to Bos , 

will bear aomctblag to^^a advantage. 

IQ answer to Incjalry In Janoary 14th edl- 
tloa, Mrs. Carrie Nation is at the borne of ber 
^BtH4>-la». tot Baraelda araaMt Ifaasss City, 


aend g 

Fred S. Hennoo, Oraad Oeatral Hotel, Jef- 

feisoB aveaoe aad Plaa stiect. St. I«bI%. Mo.. 
wooM Uke to feaow the wbsfaaboaia o( warles 

No. X. 

A Billboard reader would Uke to koow tbe 
present sddress of Duncan Clark. 


Shorty" Crownover la critically Ul at the 
of N. C. Parker. O Bar. N. M.. and greatly 
la aeed aC gaaaeial aaalataacai ■ 

Mr. W. B. Kerr, kaosra to a aambcr of etr- 
coa and carnival people. Is badly tn aeed of 
financial aid. Bis wife and tiro ehlldcea have 
the small poa, and oa account of belag 
tlaed. Is nnsble to provide for thoao d< . 
npon him. Mai] and cootrtbotlona addreaaad 
to blm care P. M. Jndy. Mayor. St. George, S. 
C, will reach Mm. 

caisc win ate llsdf boycotted. Siiaa ot the 
hare taken a' straw rota aaaaag the 
aa to whether tbe commlttee^meold 
Tbe result waa emphattallr St." 

Manager Demera la maklos a hit at tbe Salat 
IHdler Roller Rink. This ta tbe moat faihloo- 
able booae la Paris, and the aftemoon tea there 
la large^atj^endcd by the fashkmable world of 

oral tlmea sreekly et the Tel d*aiv aad 
each time. He haa other engagemgita at _ 
Roe d'Amaterdam Rink, and he Is aow bSObed «P 
for Bve vreeka ahead, aolid. 


Piofesaor Pbllltps la glrtag agbMHOag at tbe 

■ — " me 

DaTtdaoa. the skating expert. |g fjtla lUs 
weak. Be vriu leave for Bnaala'ssaOk aaiii be 
Is aebedaled to appear befoto tbo Ckar and 

Curiae In private exhlbttlona. 


Daring the bolMag week asd tha days follow- 
ing, most of l|a JMOaa gMpN hOMsa pat 
on a beauttfallMlfe ir llm sBOelty Cer the 


I,e rogltlve, Andre PIcard'a great snceeee at 
the Oymnase. will be played all ever the world. 
New York. London. Italy. Berlla, Mia aad 
RouBuala will have veraloim aSM, SM Ottm. 
In other lands, sre to follow. 


Tbe Ktolle-Palace baa engaged Colette WUIy, 

Chrlatlae Kerf and Ocorge Wane to appear ta 
■be mlaMdrama. I« Chair (ns rissW. te a 
week ealy. Tkm 
spacttra rollB ta 

I * Chair (pao_ tlssl^ tet 
tbe pitca. 

In ■orepe. wss kmed at AEST&la wc^ 
by a straBge fall. She waa batUait her face 
wbea ahe fell, perhaps eaaaed by falatlag, strlk- 
Ins ber liead on the edge of tbe poecelalB veaael. 
wbiek btofcft .laWcM ag .a d eep wawad. TBkea 
to tt» tawml. rin ankoi mm ajier. 


(Coatlnned from page 10.) 

seen thia aeaeon. Tbe ahow carrlea an oriental 
daaeer. who, however, did not work aa la her 
wont when t aaw the ebow. She appeased at, the 
close of tbe bnrleaqae aad aaeo a yttf desa 
aad graeefnl perfomaBcc wllbeat oalr tbe SMi> 
bIsBeo of a wriggle. The mbrs ihonted for tbe 
wMe tklag. batLa-Nlta. for sncb Is ber name, 
■creir mSled end trickily danced ber way Into 
the good gracea of the packed theatre which ap- 
plauded ber work In a highly aatlslled maBDcr. 
RIaaldo, the vletlnlst, opens with Jack ^Bgu*a 

I wish to aekaowledga tbe receipt of a aaiaber 
of letter* tnm my luay (tloada la borlaaqim. 
While I lilghly appreeUte the thoaghtfalaaaa of 
iheae good feUowe and eajoy their Tetters wUeh 
bring me luny newa Iteau for this eolnma. I 
regret that I have been too bnay to give each 
latter an indlvldnal reply and I therefore take 
this opportanlty of thanking aU of those frlende 
to whom I have been onable to reapond by malL 
Tbla Uat laelodes Billy Bart. Oeorge Armationg, 
Edgar C. Vlaal, Frank L. Smith, BUly Noble, 
George Schlagek, and Fred Bochoa. 

Oase Tine waa highly Incensed whea I stated 
Mat. fea had been letlnd flea Phn gberlden's 
XaaSsB Olrls. snd wiota ae a highly ladlg- 
Bsnt letter. I isttadad tba atatoBsat la a 
later Issae, oaly te lad that mj pisrlsaa state- 
meat waa csstaet. TlM barlag dased with tbe 
- - t ao sslsactiaa ap- 

The members of tbe Monte Carlo Olria Co. 
were banqoeted at Newcastle, Ind., oa datnrday, 
Jan. 31. whan tbe ahow played the Aleasar 
there. OeorKO la the famooa toaaorlallst at the 
"Honey Bee" barber shop there aad la ooe oC 
the beet knoirn typre In that aaetloa of tbo 
coaatiy. Oeoiae is a baatar of mors than ordin- 
ary xepatatlao aad hia aaaiilaa markmaaablp 
bad praiMod tbo tabic with an «S the game aad 
pool^ deUeadto of the leaioa. Amoac ttaoae 
nrsetat ware Tsa SnlUvan and wife. Lewis 
SoMan. *oe CMIIas, Max Fields, Karl Oatca, 
and the three local moaketcera, George Craig, 
the bartwr, "Pop" Brown, manager of the Al- 
cassr, and BUI Beal, proprietor of tbe Bandy 
Hotel. Tbeoe three are well ksowa to aU pro- 
fMalonala who have the good fortnne to make 
Neweaatle In tbe Hoosler Stste aad arc three of 
the moat humorons types In the coontry. Tom 
BalUvsa ta a big favorite wltb the "Thrte Mnske- 
teeia" and whenever he playa the town It le 
nsnslly a slgaal for a big JobUee. 

Jolla Sinclair went akating the other day and 
aow ahe la getttng a new set of teeth. Poor 
lulls. Why oldB't yoa stay srith as for tbe re- 
aialnder of tbe eeaaonl Imagine Jolla hnrting 
berstff OB tha lee after the danseroua falla and 
high dives she tiaed to mske in tbe aksting num- 
ber With The Oay Morning Glories a few aeasooa 
ago. A profceslaaal skster. too. WeU, Well. 

One can hanlly blame Jack Singer for kicking 
at tbe mtblesa and andaclooa manner In which 
borletqae material la being stolen from wo pr^ 
dneer hy another, cepeelally of late. Why. I 
believe that I have aeen tba icravarard pcoeeasioa 
bit from iUg Mofel'a fMlcga.OMa with a 
hair a doaaa iftowathig otaaoo. It'a ahont time 
that steps WON takes to protect tboae who pay 
tor material from tbe pirate aad tlilef. 

Gladire Sean for the paat 30 weeks apeclal 
featun oC Tbe Midnight Maidens, baa algoed 
with Tom Miner to open Feb. 0 aa a special 
feature to the olio with the Jardln De Parts 

■liaiisdiia at the Oayetr, at. I<sals. «a I 

Hiss Moss Baymood, of Harry Hastings' Big 
Show, took serlonsly iU Tbnrsdsy nUtbt. Jan. 
12. while playtDg the Oayety Tbeati* In Loola- 
rflle, aad was unable to vrork. Joete wnaon 
and May Cory took her place. MIm Bayisoad 
will laa a her work la about a week. 


(ConUnoed from page 16.) 

A qnotatlon pertaining to Will Boaalter 
the New York Star: "Some of These Daya 
waa recently anus by the Coortney Slaten at 
tbe Academy, New York, aod at the Oreea- 
polot, Bitwklyn. aod each time they were coa- 
pelled to respond to ao many encores that tbMO 
waa no question aa to tba beauty of the aoag, 
or the worthlaeaa of the leadltloa- Mlaa ray 
Coortaer has a aptadM eeotralto rolcaw wttt 

aataa tbat are aa ton aad ■ 

oTaa owaa. «ba wav Mlaa 

teas Ok aa oogaa. Ao wag lliaa Ooavlaar osA 
goad aooBlB lkOfWtt^iUV^ ■ - " 

r la Ibo ffvtt way< 

Fred Sloop aad Teu Taylor have writtea a 
great new coon aong, entitled Boekwheat Cabas 
aad. It Is. aow Mag sa!Bjv.Saa^Taa. — 

McAvoy and Brooke, who an playlag at tba 
Gaiety, Sprlnafleld, this week, are fentattag 

with saeesss Ibo Batertalohif Maa. aad hsia 


AloisBiIrr snd Scott are 

op wiln jt^sOBg. . Harry Newmaa^ ' 


•r ac Play nat Baibw Am 
sgaaialr Vtto S-favo of 

Tezss T0«a>^ Daaee. 

Ue, writer of Aat 

F. Molr, cc 
Chord, looks like, 
evidently struck 
popular approval. 

F<ml Bckeraon, Carrie Chaae. Boscoe Fox aad 
SoUy Blown have formed a sew qoartette called 

The Echo Four and their barmonloua randitloa 
of Sweet Ansellna and Gee, Bat It'a Great to 
Meet a Friend From Voor Home Town, wlaa 
unstinted spplanse. 

O'DoaaeU'a reportotae of Belt hits to- 
Jp tha BUkatr Mslii gat ynm-oWm 
Id NOW lIsagMlig fgisi a OM iSS 


rlodea Up 
From Old 

Stewart and Hall'a 

Hands Up and Oh, Xoo Bear Cat Bag. 

Uarr; Roae, tbe talented young vocallit. la 
Bcorlng beavUy with Oee, But It'a Gnat to 

Meet a Prlend From Your Home Town. 


Tlie Mnaical Monarcha' 
it'a Great to Meet a 
Town always arooaaa ' 
pitch of appreclatioo. 


My Love la Greater Than tbe World U 
moat popolar aeaa-rlaesiral ballad Xtag i 

-^baa ttSfepSSST^ 

Fred Rose ta featnrlag tbe I 
bit. Gee. Bnt it'a Great ts Mi 
Tour Home Town. 


Leon Errol and Staila Chatelaine, with 

Jersey Lillea Company, hare made aa aztrssc- 

dlasry sacrcea wnhOk. Xoa ~ ~ " 

Mlaa Cbatelalae'B daadac lb i 
ber wtnBlag i 

rai oa the Bight Side at tbo Blgbt OM at 
" l!l*L aad Haee. • " 

Marie Mason Is oaloB tlw 
ence" number, Handa up. 


I up 

fuUoa wltb Qc«. Bot ifm^NAt to MMt • 
Mcfld Ttom Toor Hont Itown. 


Jms)» Haj^ood's andlmcvs B^rer fan to 

plin»e her rvQillllon nf Flanili C^t. 

Bc A BTFHonar amp MsaiaB 

7 ta both aaaraad aaasmattaft. iii j ias mjg 
tan to »mw boaial'tlsaat Oiati' 1 wha» jew wMLi 
Coras aisaaaae aad b a d b a bH a Make nut by «hs bean I 
aire aihibttiaaa aad BBAsmnasy. Buuusm aan. T«f J 
amalle ost. W tMetTHeapaiMeBkBSto 1 

aLD.BBRa. staaioiaci jAanMi;iaaB^ 

Bilk, Spaa BUk. 
.and Cot too Tights aad aUrti. LaatSiMi 
OoMbiaatlaw Bnlta 
to order (or tbeatrieal. i 
atbMIe BSC. aod (or gilss 





A. r. of U. Can JoIb on wlto. 
Ont letter. Wtfe. -— ' -*- 

Ttie B.llIlJ>oard 

Motion Picture Reviews 

(OoDtlBiwd from page 11.) 

It— tot. 


- • end w 

A -notlcMW* feature «« 

The ttan is 

kat th* end la such as win 

lii'flW lood work accompUsbed br Uie, 
St^nnMdiW nan (or tin ^otor 


« U a farce, the lewJt of a ^lent tooth- 
nSJreied by t bather, who In U. jcanmy- 
aotaJd^StSne. take, a tnJn boo.. «dla left 

SSfl^ <Ou> train and coaid »Ot««ta U aftet 
tt*5T<^o»t- The aoJteM MjMi the «lgd 
taoaT and i» repulaed by hl» wife t»ai the 
SSr* Sther arrtvea on K«e. e»«J«»»nf »S 
Sw ^ kaodlnr oat the «*i»«J«*tl» o'tte 
SSUtt auuiSbin >be ch»«d with •ttempt- 
fiM- to loklwc of her child. TbSM Mow to tbo 
S iraTtt* Boat fortunate oeeuirenee that tha 
bnuStliad had. for It knocked opt the 
^^Sars. and hU Ufe was again all hap- 
The Idea of tWa mm 1» almUar to 
other*. The photofraphj was T«rr 

^ M i T Tbanhooser. Drama.- Tetenary 

Bm la a drama with moments of hapless 
JTadnMa. It is the «to«T of • J««»°*?2i 
SSaT^ who to aaTcd from aolcUe - W "» o,wj 

dilW. Conditions In 
iSSt, and he becomes a weaMiir ortls t. Wis 
Shm with hto model, and I«'^.'"?K!5."™S{E 
SJ^ on his household nntU th» UtOe cMld 

SSSr stepa in and brioM l"*,*?."" ^ 
sTSmX ot the model, tho ,55 
w V. g- COM for the deep aocrow that 

BSSEI tha f amny. The artUt U orneomo 
l» C^lateUlgenco ot the child, "nd reforms 
a knnr ftiml& reonlon foUowlng. While tWj 
IJaS aotMieiitlaUT new. It i. oo well acted 
character of a Uttle chUd » nobly 
Sim^Uiat the Mm cannot help bnt be ap- 
fiSdated. The photography is ezedent. 



ta U a real norel Mm, boond to mOM. In 
to Inflict punWiment npon a fnlsDeater oe 

SacMcal dertce. for ponchtafc ZSHfUS* wi^ 
"^Sg the man who. had se ^'^JS'LS^ 


I 'xXZ-in. 11» ■ Comedy. Pebmary 

2. SOO lMt. ' 

U • IMOIV TaodeTaie act projected 
a'tta aoaea. U an ezccUent comedy and 
MtLTtTatan to please. U Is the Jrtoryof 
PtaSMnottTiM leMlng the aid. of brr bw^ 
vtocuagea a Tery eelf^oplnloned man to brtag 
Zmi bick Thi- foncelted wretch repeatedly 
back tUf wronjt women, who Onally com- 
■Sect th.- biiitHii-rer'. nndotog. The 
f. sew point* (er^e 
; can be ittrgoglj 


mmw BOBVOT PATtENT. SeHn. tomedy. Jan. 
Mi 1.000 (*et. 
TIM tut scene of thla picture ahowa tJie ofllce 
mt^ytrr corpnlant young man, who 1* being 
Srtied^ a^end ti tS. .treatment at some 
-hSStt resort. FoUowlng this adelaer. the 

fSa^ia^eeaflMd^. ' A -aamber of trnly 
^StuttaMTB ^Aleh oar hero finds 1^- 

•— - •— AtlCi, 

J'SSS\lm l&MCh an 

takes place. Tha 
na anvBCK mil aorta of physical 

I oerdscs. and peremptorily crders him 
■tinne the use of alcohol bereragca toA 
„ The robost patient finally escapee this 
mtmm bwtltntlon, and tiarlns been on a diet 
flBtMt Ua Incarceratlan, be goea to a teetnKant 
■km he appeases hi* rarenoas appetlt«.^TBin 
an two excmcUtlngly funny eeenea la tt tt 
f*^ When the patient is pat under taa SBOWir. 
sal when he endeaTors to ezawl ammgh h tmall 
asactne In Oe waU. There Is 


85? * M«h Ji. Tegjwgj^ « 

^ktet^BadnS* te^aSTW ™<a to _ 
iMlimiil tin waiters arekept busy bringing 
to tms Bin o( iUAea. . They appear, flre or tic 
teSaT^me iimuement,. the apcctators ot this 

C^M . M io t»ilup ^* 

SeBg. Drama;'" jiroi'siT Mk 

IB Th. Spy w. haT. another lllm 'at th. time 
-^e CtrU War. A Mm wlth a , story weU told. 
I tay. thinking he Is wttliln the Confederate 
" T. dona an aprroprlata uniform. He, how- 
is anpHaed by a-regtaent ot VmOm 
wtu give panalt. Be Is aot fired at. 
: as might be eneetcd. tmtll he reacbea 
-OaldTthen a stogie. ballet Ored by one 
-as' psr^ woinifs Urn. He faUa 

. bTapanecfaad by «ie of th. 

___ who to ton u fli«d on hr *n tirebin 
•ka Bppean on the scene at this moment. Why 
ha atwold be In poaaeaalon of gun la not ex- 
fi^*m^ guid What has became of the reat ot 
ike nglment Is alto a posile, aa only two ap- 
aear at the time ot the capture. The auoler 
Sees ehaac to the boy. who takes retnge to the 
laHBe of the spy. which Is near by, sad with 
■kkfc he is to HMie war eomaetea. B* weapee 
-| the chimney and come* aot aa dean aa 
ha lost- emerged from a bath-tab. H. 
tfet'inr-to bia heme. The tcglmeiit re- 
__..j-aBd^wnaa4t he be gtrcn op. In the 
S^Smt the' spy has cseeped l>y means of- a 
■lalllin; iiiH inth the aaabrtaaee^oe- thejmy. 
MKniH the' measage k» feag-lo Ug Haerlort. 
ST stakes to the hagpttal aal k hanOr re- 
ate«e«'t»'his famUr- ' 

Ite Wotesraphy of this film la splendid, 
aieuso^wieme'effeetsv' The places aelected 
tar the exterior Tlews were wen choien. O^y 
to a tew Instances 'Is detail OTerlooked. Th. 
efearacter mployed to take the part of the boy 
leeks mor. like a gM. while Uie mamierlams of 
the one portraying the negro WHA'Ht toe 
warrli'i It la an toteiesting steO'.'^M.BBt tor 
s tew tnstanees weU evecotfd. ' 

TBS BBOIXT or THS RIU. Xfitaa. 'Dtana. 
- Janoaiy UL; 
jttst what sterj this film to to tdl la hard to 
delcnUie. Hate, lore sad tercnia are the 
three pototo brooght oat. Jim, the foreman <>t 
tile tiBpentlne atlll. hate* Tom. -who U in love 
with SUIy. who la also loved by Jim. On ac- 
count of tlie love that is reciprocated by Sally 
for Tom. Jim hates, and aeeks revenge by hav- 
ing a darkey eet fire to the atlll In anch a way 
that the blame Is attached to Tom. The darkey, 
however, confesice. Jim escapes, la noraoed and 
captured, and Tom Is set to rigUt with the 
owner ot the Still. 

Opportnnltlea ot dramaUe aeUon are paased 

over. Wlut one might expect to result In ex- 
citement, is raahed through. Some excitement 
and considanible action could have been gotten 
out ot the flatic encounter between Tom and 
Jim, but instead, the villain la felled with a 
single blow. The clubs' picked up by the pur- 
anlng party, from their hewn nature, makes It 
evident that they were pnrpoeely placed In the 
woods. Again when the vlUaIn Is captured In 
the swsmp, no effort Is mad. on hU part to nae 
the long whip which he has to Us nee ea s s ion, 
and which it properly handled 'waoM haT« kept 
the pnrsuing psrty at hay tor a while. When 
captured, he Is poonded on tiw head and body 
with th. dubs, wliicli seemingly have no effect. 
The fault Ues to tlie 'working ont of the story 
alone. The natural aceneiy selected to aU that 
conld be expected. The aettog done, the eliar- 
acteiB aelected. Is very reslistle. Thto film to 
worth while tor Its scente Talne 

Jsnasiy 2T. ' 

nils U a story ot the time when the first 
settlers of this country and tbe Indiana were 
olwaya at warfare, with an tocldental love story 
woTca tlmngh It. Balpb,.a young man of the 
settlement. Is to love with Janice, daughter ot 
a Puritan Elder, wlio wUl not consent to the 
young people's taanlace. Balnh to^dlspdled 
bom tha ehnMfa. haate of tha ladtoa laldt mfns 
the peopte, thai gees to xeseae Janice, who baa 
gone' to the aprtog A>r a drtofc. , 

TO eritleiss thto to detaU would necessitate 
Mo much space. Aecordtogly, we will dweU 
only on the more apparent over-sights. In reacn- 
ing Janice, Ralph n>pal«es tbe whole tribe of 
Indians with a single shot, who In their effort 
to capture the girl, squirm on the groond for no 
apparent reason and In fnU view. . TIten they 
attack the chapel where tbe settlen ircre ga'th- 
etcd. aad agato agolrm to 'withto a Tai7 Aort 
dtolaaea of the ploee laatcad of taUac retofc 
behind eoarenlent lege and lieea, . in a *eal 
ladtoa 'ereuld do. Here egato tepolaed 
with a atogle ToUey. The Indiana Cany quite 
a late model ot rifle, while the Putliiuia are 
aimed with blanderbnasee. DetaU has been 
disregarded altogether in this film, and a good 
story Is awkwardly told. 

IT SID LOOK SirSPXOIOirB. Tltaxraph. Com- 
edy-Drama. 7anaary 24. ttlT feet. 

It would be a dlfflciilt matter to deteimine 
under what claaalfieatloo to* mention thto film, 
as It contains a number of dramatic .and comedy 
eltaatioas. We will, therefore, . designate -It as 
comedy-drama. WlOi the possible 'exetvUoa ot 
one' or two ImprobabDItUa, tha tU^- to food. 
It to, however, mllkelr that two levers would 
bMome engaged on the sidewalk. Koe to It 
Ukair that tar oa* woald he m ahant-oilnaed 
aa to Cocget hartog pocketed a .dlaiaoodirtog. 
The atoCT esocems a man who taka bto win'a 
rtog to be tepalicd, and In going from bla borne 
tt a l ewder.- loses the ring on the street. Dpoa 
returntog bone, be dlHcovers the lo^, and after 
making a thorouah search snd not flndlnk the 
lost article, telephones (or the police. In the 
meantime. ■ the ring, la found by a milkman 
who happena to be the lover of a servant em- 
ployed by the owner ot tbe ring. Of ceose. the 
milk man gives the ring to this girl, and when 
alie to anmmoned before the police, -she has the 
ring on her finger. After matters are cleared 
ap to the satlmctlon ot an parties concerned, 
the lorera beeoaw eageged on the sidewalk. Had 
sooM iteattea been aiade that the huaband was 
abeeat-miaded, the eMdatlty ot those who chance 
to'see Mb ptetare wm aat he so scverdy taxed. 
Agsia, It would hsTe been much' better for tbe 
ocrrsnt and the milkman to hare e^rrtod oa their 
lore affaire indoors. . 

The photogrsphy being very good In a way 
retrlbates the Improbability ot the plot. 

Drama.' January 2T. 

A letter Is received l>y the mountalner ft'om 
a trlrad of bla In London, statlnic that be wtU 
have a visitor, whom he Is sending to the 
mountains tor hia health. The stranger arrives, 
snd before long Is Infatuated with the mount- 
alneer*. daughter. They jro stroHlnr In tbe 
motmtalns, and In bis endeavor to aecure a 
flower for Iwr, he falto over s preelplee. She 
aaslsto Urn back to.-lh*eiatta|Nu-. A to cob' 
peUed to retara to 

aaooatata gM. who ' 

The mountain scenes ot tbia Mm are not en 
tlrely ■ convincing. Tbe ittrhtnlnc Instead of 
coming from sig-zag streaks In tbe sky. Is 
thrown from the side of the picture. The 
stranger, when makln;? his appearance, la ap. 
proprlately ctod for the moontolna toslead nf 


The principals employed en 

efficient, the pbotom-spby Is lllleailfl, IBB IP 'fill 

whole the scenery Is well sdeetaC Tih fliwy 

Is InteresttDg and well told. ' ' 

TH£ ITSEKEK'S 7A&AS2. Vltagtapb. Itmp- 
ical. January 24. 383 feet. 
Thto picture shows scenes at a volunteer flrC' 
men's coovcntloii. Soma vetr excellent drilling 

Is given. Jn irUeb tba laddli* ' 

proflcleanf - ,. 

ttngulsUair ) 

,t o What 
— — . altala ' la bx- 
ete the hBCket hctoede 

Vltagraph.* January 2S. Full length reel. 
This film rather belongs In tbe category of 
travel pictures than In tbe comedy class. There 
is little Tpcomniendatlon for the film as a comedy, 
bnt there are several travel scenes that are not 
ordlnscy In pictures, which gives It an Inter 
eating turn. Tbe lAotogniiAy, as to usual In 
Vitsgrsph releases, to Tsiy foed. 

THE nv 'OMMSSOVAUK Dratoa. Esssaay. 
Joausry M; fail laagtfc red. 
Ibe sotatlon ot'tte atacy tald to thto film to 
directly aantbmealto Ito tide. laat why tUs 

should be the case rematos a matter of ooa- 
lecture. The plot U.ot the attempt of a man 
to wreck the home. of- his friend by forcing Ills 
attentlous upon the friend's wife. Tbe huAand 
learns throngh bis wife- of the Intruder's per- 
Qdlonsnessr and In a rage, goes forth to settle 
matters with the destroyer of his lupplncaa. 
There Is a band to band flgbt, daring which the 
hnaband cliokea Into >lnaenaibUit7 lito oppeaant. 
Beiieetoc-hM enemy. dead, -aad htoiaeif a- amr- 
derei^ '^O*: kBdhaAd gBOja^onk^^ akplataa to 

his wtM what he' haa ilMie. 'ahi mmOs-npon 
him to leave, me. eoonlry.. buf. be refases- tn 
listen. It Is while thla-.aeene U going on that 
the husband's victim entern, . begs tha forgive- 
ness of husband and wife, which to granted him. 
then departs, a picture.; of unhapptoees and de- 
■polr. The three principal actors in the film. do 
good work, .lending rsloable. aid to making an 
rnterestlng picture. The photography to bat fair. 

January 28. length' 1,000 feet. 

Details are lacking In thla Esaanay prodnc- 
tlon. which tells a rather Jumbled and discon- 
nected atory of the "reformation of two men. 
One ot the. men.: out of a poeltloa and without 
tiuda. leaves bis wife and goea Weat to. awfc 
bla fortune,. He la seated In his cabin, when a 
bandit mshes In and begs bim to hide him from 
the posse which to porsalng him, oBstliig to 
rewsfd a bos aC:MMy, ot which, by the way. 
the pMMM toivtoy nnMh la aaed. aa he bad 
jDSt MMwdil WtMr'iir ti'ppeal tor aM fNm bto 
wife, and he baa not the foods which aha'ra- 
qneeto him to aend. He consenta, and npoa bto 
dectaratioo to tbe posse thqt the . banat waa 
not hiddea to bto cabin, tbe man escapes detec- 
tion. '- He forms a partnerxblp with the bandit, 
and together they plan to rob tbe stsRe coach. 
Unbeknown to tbe proepector. his wife la corn- 
tog oh that very stage caach to meet blm. she 
having alnce her letter received money from him. 
The prospector's partner accidentally ieama the 
troe sitaatloa. nlloot «C la tloM to pteraat 
bto pal from robblBg hto awa 'Wife, Thto aarrow 
saeape causes tbe tw* aea to decide to refocn. 

The producers have . paid Uttle etteatioB to 
detail. In tbe flrst pert of the film, whea the 
couple fled they hare aot a ceat wia which to 
boy e paper, tbe aewsboy gallantly comes to th. 
rcacu. by maUag tbsm a present of a paper. 
A rather atrangs occureaee. From the scene In 
the prospector's cabin when the posse enters to 
sesreb of tbe bandit, one Is given th. Idea that 
aherlCts are a rather atupld lot, Juat a mere 
turn of the head by any one ot the half docen 
MigBeia In the room would have ' been enoogb 
to leara tbe bandlt'e hiding place. On the wboU, 
the nm to below the Baaaoay standard. 

At a leas Lit ilt' power to mstotate totercst, 
the Edlsea JMWIn a hav. permitted thoee who 
see thla pletata to learn a few momeBto after 
the title, ahowtog on the. canvas exactly what 
situations will arise thtoogboat the entire sliuy. 
The theme telto of s young giri, Um damghtor of 
a railroad prwddent, who aaa beea ton aioae 
with 'a sick mother to a_fMat haaw— a rather 
fsr-felehed situstlon. ' Be haa beea warned 
by the physician tbsl her mother most aaSer no 
aaaoyances. and that all mnat b. kept qalet. 
During th. early evening tbe girl discovers burg- 
tora making preparations to ■force an entrance 
Into the hou.4e. She telephonea to the atatlon 
scent for aid. iDstractlnf; blm to send at once, 
using a special engine, a force of her fatlier'a 
men. When tbe burglars have entered the bouse 
aad begun tlieir operations., ranslng some nolee 
that ssagis to affect th. sick womsn, th. girl 

gaekOy «tMl tbi.i«OB..ana explalna to them 
• MMpNir aCnaijiAff ,.4ato^ la order to 
detata tbea aatll tMairtoa) of the help, which 
to on the way, ss Is shown to toteralttoat 
ecenrs, she serves retreehments. While the 
bnrglsrs are enjoying this hospitality, the police 
enter and eaptoce them. One of the boiglara 
attempta to escape, and tor a brief period It 
seems that this scene will develop Into aomethtng 
exciting, but the man la captured before be can 
reach the ground. It Is the sneeeeelan ot dev- 
etiy devlaed scenes and admirable acting ot tl^ 
' Ipsto thst gives the picture tbe tolcrsst it 

m ZOVSB An the OOTOT, comedy, Bdl- 
mn. January 2S; length OM feet. 

Tme love wins la tbe amn and sobstaacc ot 
this comedy, which, by th. way, to a little 
short of tbe Kdlson ataodard. The stety teUs 
ot a domineering mother who deelres to mske 
s good match for her daughter by marrying her 
off to a Connt. But the girl has an American 
lover, who, In order to be near tala enamorata. 
adopto extreme methods to fnion his licart's de- 
slra. A sncessslon of aeeaee abows how the 
American oatwtto Ihe.aMrther and tha Oaaat snd 
msrriea thf girl, to the chagrla ot tha notber 
and to the delight of the aympetbetic father. 

Edison. Jsnuary 27; length 1,000 feet. 

Like to anmerous other deteettve ateriee, ftor 
sodi as to told to The BIsek Bordered Letter, 
there Is a coDneeted series ot senaattoaal hap- 
penlnxs. generany requlrlag the a p e c tater ts 
atretcb bla Imagination a point or two. Stfll. It 
la a Blm thst many motion pletore theetre 
patrons like to see. regardless of sny Incon- 
gruities that may exist. Tbe plot tolla of a 
detecttve'a Ingennlty In rounding up a man who 
has csnsed the mysterious disappearance of an 
helre»s apparent for his own privste gain. Tbe 
actor In the role of the detective plays it with 
an air of pomposity and condescension In the 
manner as one reads in the novels. The setttoge 
are good, snd the photogrsphy In keeping with 
the' Edison stsndsrd, 

THE VOOS 8I0K HEW. Comedy. Blogrspb. 

January 2ft: length 091 feet. 

in the Poor Sick Men. tbe Blogrspb producers 
have released a picture tbat Is genuinely funny. 
The bnmorons altnstlnns arise In rapid sequence, 
snd tbe manner In which tbe two men enmeshed 
In diOlcnltles make tbelr eacape, provides plenty 
of comedy mslerisl. Ths story centetB about 
two men. wbo, to order to Join In a card gsme 
at the Hnb, pretend to their wives tbat thay are 
sick snd cannot sceompsny them to tbe tbcstre, 
Tbe wires depart wjtboat tbelr eenpaay. The 
men. each unaware of the other's plan, stealthny 
creep from tbelr mom and hurry to the club, 
where they meet. Dnrlng the little card game, 
the place la raided, and all but osr two friends 
are arrested. They have bidden' on the fire- 
escape. When the police bnve departed the men 
are confronted with the problem of bow to get 
by the policeman who la atationed outside tbe 
door. ' tn the raid the police have token eeato. 
hate, etc., snd onr friend, now scheme to get 
some sppareL One of then sneeeafs to obtata' 

FBBRUAIIY 4. 1911. 

tog a hoy's suit ot clothes, while the othv am' 
cores s policeman's uniform. Thus attired, tbey 
arc permitted to pass the guard unmoleated, Os 
their way borne tbey hava many troublea, bal 
they resell the bouse In safety, CJpon the return 
of their wives, the men sssum* tbelr former 
placea, and tbe women, unaware ot the'escspade* 
of their bubble!!, comfort "the poor sick men." 

The film to ebarscterissd with fins setiag, ads 
quato aetUnga and good phoMstapby.; 

Mm TUiBMnft.. Blsflnph. Dtaa'a. Jaa- 

oaiy'fiS. ' 008 feet. . - 

' Oa the perfidy of a yooaa -ana who betrays 
a lortng and trusting girl, fiaasa thto-tala told 
on tlw aerasB. White the convaattaaaUsa el 
tbe plot to paideaabla. thnaih tha •aceUcacy el 

tbe pbototraphy and lafMaaaa ot ataga aettlan, 
tliere are aaveral irksome bliuders thst toe 
scenario writer or producera could easily her* 
prevented. In one scene tbe incoostant tovav 
recelvea a letter announctag that bla father Is 
to a precarious coodltloa, and urging Um to 
come Immedlstely. Ttie paper npon which thla 
letter Is written Is tbe regulation note slae, bul 
wben (In order to enlighten tbe spectat.r of Its 
contenu) tbe letter la projected upon tbo screen; 
It to plainly noticeable that the paper to only 
lialf alae. Wa heard aeveral eoaoMato ea thto 
mlatake. Tha boy reacbea haiM la tlOM to 
embrace hto paiant Cor the laat tima. We asgt 
eee talm at a rscaptlee, where all to Hto and 
enjoyment. Later <fereleppento to the film make 
It obTtoaa that tUa parly mnat hare oeenrtcd 
withto a very abort tlOM after hto fatlMr'e 
death, and thto agato pototo to an overalglu oa 
the part ot tbe producer. It to hardly probable 
that a loving son would be eagroaaed tobleasuie 
so sooD sfter the death ot hto |Ma«nt, Even to. 
atcrmtyped line, "ate months totar." lietwMa 
tlieee accncs woold have icndoad tbe aton 
aion natnral. Tha Uttto waltrcoa doea her srorl 
epleudldly. aad aalda far bar pbyatoal pul- 
chritude, oho la aa extalleat ) ■ 

Tha atory la oamTtfM 

aetogly, am" 1 
above. Bu s film will tob 
BOtloa picture pstroos. 

Comedy-drama. McUae. Jsaasry 28; fuU 
Iragth nrl. 

I West lor a vtolt. 

Uaiy. a pretty girl, haa 

She snubs the cowboys oa every poeaible eeeaalsa. 
tboiuh readily ahs aceepte um lavltolloa of a 
ael^bortog tenderfoot ranchaua to go ridlag. 

whUe they are riding that ladlans 

Dlsmounilng, Msry sad tbe raBebatav 
hurriedly bnlld a Ilttl. defence to keep off the 
redskins. An Idea strlkee the rsnriunan. As a 
ms. be dreasei op a dimmy, tiee it to one of 
th. horaea. and ataxts the aalmal acroaa the 
plalsa, the Indians following It. But to drees 
the dummy, Mary was compeUed to give 4ip her 
riding skirt, though she did it reloetaatly. The* 
tba ranchman, oa tbe pretext of gotog to earn 
SBSB aid. ridee away. Vary to left tioae. Oar 
af the eowbcya, thnngh hto MaMnlus, aees tha 
ganoplag horse with Ito rider, paraaed by ~ 
liana. Calling for help, tba - - 

Oelitog for help. 

boya atart oat. 

captnta tba ladiana and atop the boroe carrytag 
tha dOBBy. Tbey find Ueiy'e ridlag ekirt. aid. 
beeoBitog aosplcloua, compel the Indiana to tell 

what had hapi>ened. Carrylns tbe riding skirt, 
tbey huny to tbe apot where Mary la entrenched, 
bat Iha, at the point of her revolver, bolda them 
off. The boya explato tliat tbey have hroasbt her 
rldtog ekirt and wIU giv. it to ker providia* 

As far as msklng hinsetf usetU to the way 
Of,ppovldtog a brisk comedy picture, father hae 
fallen a Uttle abort ot the mark. In the plctur< 
ntiwr brings hto son to a resllsstton that he tr 
pmnlltlag Ufflself to drift away frsa hto wlfe'e 
aSecttoa by arooslng tbe yoaag maa'a Jealoaoy 
Tbe subject Is s muchTmootsd oaa tiBMSh tie 
msdium of motion plcturae. snd aa a NMUt. tir 
Um at timea tacks totofeat Tha iMtaSSt la* 

The central charaetata ot 
little cfalldran, a hoy aad a gtaL 
diseontont with their bom. and go «at lato th* 
world to carve their tCctaao. fhV m Stw 
employment on a torm. atoppad IT .IM Mitt, 
token home la handcuffs, after belafftkaad i aotob 
paid for their efforto tbe faraSK^^^ 

Tbe children might be saywheio ftoei alg to.' 
ten years ot sgs, tbelr aeUag, boweew. aar 
passes tbat ot aome older people employed by 
the Tarlona Mm companies. Their panrtomlmr 
work la wonderful, considering their sge. snd 
they set cut a pretty UUIe atory to a cenrlncloy 
■'^— 'W. . HandcaBag children of thU age mighe 
rMlnUoaak wImu It U not known tbat tUr' 
— to itopart coatedy toto the pictoie, 

if. Triteetof. m Att, Split reel, 

Tbta split reel Is run tn connection with Thr 
Baby rortuoe Uunteis, and la Ita way la aalte 
aa wonderful. It depicts Menea In France of 
aa excellent natnre that are Inatmctlve antt 
aatertalaiag. The coloring of this film Is both, 
aalaral and eoBvlaeing, sad lust as one mlgb> 
axpeat to behold the aceaae with the naked eye 

Drains. Jsnusry 24. .M5 feet. 

Whatever else Is ssid of this film, ths mae> 
importsnt feature la tbe strict atleatlos to de 
tails and a superlative qnall^ of acting. Ir 
apots tbe film Is somewhat tireaome, eepeclally 
the scene In which the father and son eogigr 
to cOBTarsatton, Tbe atory la epitome runa thna 
Aa fU aOMIer, living In a home for Kidlei* 
receives a letter from bla aon and later a visit 
Tbe ycaag rasa todnceatto father to apead thr 
remainder ot hta lite with bin. bat the wit* of 
*''.^..'~.*rr"'" '■•'!' V coldly. Tbe eon le filled 
with righieona Indignation at tha ontrageear 
manner to which bla wife deperia henelf. and 
force iier to ask the old man'e pardou. She 
doea so reluctantly, and aeeing that hIa Ufe 
Will henceforth be frenght with uahanptaesa, the 
soldier preparea to leave: In the nC bowever. 
the wife repents, snd they induce the father te 
remain. It la not poaaibis to see thla film with 
out being moved. The beart-tonchlng and pa 
tbeOc acene In which the old aoldler takes hir 
grandchildren Into his srais snd csreases thato 
wilt .bring into aw many a scented bit nf "laM 
and Itoea whea thto pktBN to tbowa. ' 

p EB lfUA R Y 4, 


The Billboard 


. (Oaatlaiwd rram pai* U*) 
• •t^tlMi (0 dalall and mecnner of MtUoc 
£Sfi.M«aa thw m now more to thta tw- 

11 XttwSe ••ttfiif U poor or Heli utA 

^ mutton letMl photflfTiphi UkOB CO 

*Th' KJ ion Oompw WM. t» ]• w»U known, 
ri« In •nllating th* werwlem of weU 

2;.wn 2atbo« for llieir Mm prodocliont ima 
Sli policy hM TciolM In turnlabln* Tirl^tr 
iVwmt In Um nl«U far bannd tbe ordf- 
SL wm» natnraUr tbrlr oilclnal eootrlbn- 
Sb at Uil* diM cannot bt wpcctcd to lo on 
SLSmbI. — tboa In ■ limit to tb» prodne- 
Swmu S anr on* nan, at tb* uhm time new 
ai« beUC conitantlr added, and It li 
>«rfc«tlT •«!» (• auome tbat tbare wUI be no 
Glnit otr or breakln* away from tbta polity, 
lit an enliTienient oTu aa Unw cot* «>. Tbe 
MmnaiiT flrmiT bcUera* that Iba pnbUe U de- 
SSdlnJ more and mora ploin tbat •n.awar 
5S the hackneyed contalnlnc traa aoKltr of 
Soatnictlon and altnaUoaa whh* an • Uttla 
Sctivnt from tba owal ton , and MM wewM 
at mam nietnica Cram toeb aoarsta In too wall 
SaStuTtatHtn any oztaiided comment. 

tnMO at pnnent baa a fWrea of four 
^^-'w man, and a atock Mmpany of tan 
aa follawa: lira. Bcrbart Prlcr (Uabel 

nu-aa roiiowa; jara. ovriwK rxiw luawri 
■eUr). Laara Bawyer. Maiy mUer. aert>ert 
r Cbirlu Oglo, Xare MeDeraiott. Jobn B. 
ftoa. William Waat, Charlaa Seajr. WUllaa 


••cbtel. ^ „ ^ 

Haojr of tbna namaa ara ainady wall known 
la the moTlnc plcttna pablle, and aaeb aetcr 
li lecocnlied when be appeam 
■aaldea ihaaa, of eoaraa, a 
an emphwndkKJkt daTt 

oa tb* acnca. 

Sa walehwHd «( tba Cdlaon Stndlo la "Prac- 
~ and tha aMdea tbey bar* baea Uktak 
be dIataMod 

E tha 

aatt yaar «l* azpaetad to 




paca U.) 

^ady aotma and aopply of 'Jnlca" at tha 
caaoUaa. A emm pliwa nvm tha anto 
t« ib a^a|^J| i ^ jaMSw |r^biU wbart 

By tlticblDC tbetr patented electric generator 
«a tbe encloe of an aatomoblle, tbey baTO aa 
am ready 

Bailaatlac tba pUco of asfeMMMI. WkM ara 
lirt of tba e^olpmant* 

"t la Intonded tbat tbe drteer of the ear will 
alio be tbe pletnra maeblne oparator. Tba 
and • Infer and ticket aeller are tha 
of the troupe' or crew. Tbe antoiaoblla 
Win carry Drr pcnone aad all iMnana and 
mat, erea to tba abeet «• wbl« pletaraa 

I Man la to driva tba car ta 

Mhb tha aenatal llna ot ttn*al. 

tema of tba bit dicoaaa ara aagotlatlag tor 
iha aae of tha oottt Bar tbair tweatr-fOW boor 
•an, tealtilac tha ealna tt ahnwlng Berlns 
iMoret of wlater-^aartank tMlatat amta, 
ate,: «• the nacUaa aukiall PmBm t» ■haw 
■ a Bomber of towaa a dHM nt'li • INat 
ippaal to tha pauia. 

I Never Make Less 
than $25 per^^Hfeek 


to b«tlgoa ta «aa 
minnta. raady ta ho 
worn. Oomnlota oat- 
at ps.m, IndndlBi 

tripod, and aoppllea 
to make 400 dalabcd 

plctuaa. B s t r a 

OH. ZI . " plataa. tl.OOpar 100. 

Mt flramei. to »i.7B par paaai Wm ablp 
eaap Uie ootai upoa ncelpt ot 90.00 dapoalt, 
aauaet. C 0. D., 

mftS ^^^-^'^ paakad*_af davalapar 


SSSS?'".,'"'"'' I"^ O*!*! aiaia, or any coed 
J}'*^ eoadltlon aad 

I'M*- r. O. Bon ail. Btyita. Ohio, 

S?, TvSEr^S!. 8omefaanU Don and 
narr TraloU Owik Alao ana Pad Dm. .Wanlad 





Hfiffliit yiMiVji 'jMNiMnr so 

A Oomedy Drama. Replete with dra- 
matie aituationa tempered with a 

.inr.ten^- A^Mxlteel. 

Leng^, approx. 965 feet. 


"TUB Mission in ttiBDBsert 

A Western Feature Drama. A sensa- 
tiOB. A reel you will repeat and 
MfpML Bade in Arizona. 

Length, approx. 985 feet. 

ALL lodipnieit ExchaniBS Bpif 
ABiriciD FIlB 


•ank PiMr, Aaliian'd Bloolc 


iao».M ban TtBt Show, ecaalatlac tCJMO ft 
tat, n ft. traat «f nalntlnB aad ■mftf at> 
tiaeuoaa. coaiAate, S-ln-l abow. IMM ax- 

material, new or atcend- 
fiiC ar aataoMMle. ~ ~ 

NOW Tork. 

U Box 178, lameatown. 

la ii>wrrni< td>, nrn!l«a TRI BILUOAKD 




Addrwaa, Billboard, Chicago, III, 


T*ap Drums, Balls, lilMinCsd 




Widi to loost e in town. 

R. W. OQDBN'; OMmv OMo. 



Tidntr Yea. Addreaa H. L. SMtTB, 
28 W. aad St., Reno, NevMis. 





SUe-AraSMfd JSvl 

rod REE mcauhl 

LsTOet atock emmrm m tm* A tm i m m namta* !■ wmia. U 
scna reaatnd for Ita ,t«ff«c& aa,,fii<e ei l eN f , «.a«# 
IllMdrtilM* er ■ray aavy aaal l ia l««d,. Lm*>v niHtir> 
t«>,>li,i,li ■••naa Mr 1* mmu tft^mrm}. 

tuftni-t. rtias n<Toi.<\ biflu. arUBiv a<ca«. wi». 

Vooda. If 7oa have anr to s^II for qairk caah« 

wiite. autlas low«,t p-'ir- r YHir mito CO., 
Canton. Ohio. 

rOK H«TT Pair M. p. and VaoderlUe Tbcatn 
In Coant7 Saat. Towo 1.000. Bar* opportoaltr. 
Part time. BaTO too many. U Box 480, Oat- 
tncton. ladlaaa. 

VAjraXD— Partaar with amall capita] to Slaal 
OMpaar. aaOar eaavaa. Unat ctro rafonaaa 
I caa. A ttte aai ROOK, can BQl board. 



It la ann i fi Mi iy to aa Ma «atafla aa ta tfea 

dlshoaeat tldnf aallata amL Oahat tall I 
t la aecoBiBUahaa. 9» ajilll lialaa "§mf ' 


one pan)Ott ol 
that luha H 

Thai* are ptanty «C Uekat m» 
ehopprr la a protaenon to tham, taob 

Mm *••»>• Ma N kuKlt« with tollir Mil** 
fiMM Um Iv ttU^t IMM ly Ini 

No ehanea of iNtntH aboat what to do with tieketa after they paaa 
Into tbia ticket "boaT^— 'Hkar ara pat oat of boalnaaa" and defaced ao II 
KOQld be impcaalUa to nao them acala. aot aa badly defaced, howetat. 
bat wbat the aambera on them can he "chaekaC" WMa daakaaU 

As a "ticket box" Is the almpla aonaa. it U wmlk M «• Ife 
altractlTe and glvea tone to any placa. 

Tbe CaOle Chopper la made of th* beat qoartrfed aak aad boUt t*f> 
itRWcly. All metalparta azpoacd ara of poUahad BlekeL MachaalM 
parta t taal ataaL XkTclaaa la H-taeh VMaea pUta. 






Feb. 23-28. Small Midget or Siamese Twi ns pr efe wed. Guanutteed aalaiy and all 
e.xpensea. Answer with photo. Addreaa LEW BAGKBMROB^OinMraad] 

Mazeppa Horse, Wesley Ave., Columbua, Ohio. 




Written by Cbarlrn A. Undhotm 


C. SMITH. Piop.Aaan.lffr. BD.K.81llrB.Dir.0aB. CHRIS. M.aiIITH.B«a.llgr. 

Contracliiig for Seatoii' 1911. 

AddKM. • • - - -WNTEB-OUARTERS, Rox 663. AOOOM. 


Ooaplata Una of CU>DD BSacta, SNOW. BAIN. nmn. Kc Alaa SPOT aad ru>OD UOBTa. 

■TAQS POCKEm, PLOOOINO BOXBS. KHSOSrATB aad aeaaythlas naad In 

. - _ ..... — - ^ . - . 

Bleetrleal Btaca liahtlu. n OWrX M Oarhaa a, lanaaa aad Salattnan at Itm Pilaaa. Bead to 

CATALOaca. ToSETH imeHn BLAJTBXaAX. OO.. Lainat Maaafaetarara ot WM ' 
Stag* Appllaacra aod Kffecta In the WaiM. M* Waat (ath fc iat . Veer Taik aty. V. 




SOLAX CO., 147 Fourth Ave., New York. 


.Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4» 1911. 

• • • I fi-Yff 

mia aATtrttoed t> tfato U«t 
mmt b* sIsdM MiTUIuUy tyM1tiMH», 


Kendal, Dorottaj 
Kenoedx. Hiss Olennell* 
Klrkwood. Irene 
Kittliig. Uul« 
Kocnlc. B<ICB 
KoUit, WUth 
LaOiKirlcr, IVoia 
LaMaTM. Hamui 
LaPMd mtui 
LaQalalBD, no 

OUre V. 
••Atmc*. MUe. ' 
AUaa, Mn. J. CroabT 
Allen. Mlu Ulnnle 
Amerlem. Uln Uttte 

,_. Mn. 

■mr. Hud 
BeattT. V«adl 
Be Gar. Uatl* 
lUU, Hattta 
B«U. Montana 

TiiBin, S*a 


••Abbott. Jack 

Abttelo. Joe 
Acme Amnae. Co. 
Adaina. Janxaa 
Aden, I^Baa 

Albelta, J4I» 
Albert, taMt 
Aldrtdse, Tom 
AlethU * Aleko 
Alexander, Bod 
Alexaoder. MtltPB 
Alexander, Ftajik 
Aler, 3. P. 
Allard, Honk 
Allen Sbow, Mgr. 
Allen, Sim 
Allen, Artbnr 
Allen. Vmm 
Alllsator OM Mtp. 




Benaon. Boae 

■SBotI*. naoeae J. 

Biuian. Qraca 
Bnms Blatwa 
BnUer, Mlia Bcaale 
Better, Basel 
Bntlcr. Am 
••Botlcr,' Ndl 
Oasle, Donie 
Ombi. Bfia. LMter 
Oempball. Myrtle 
Carre. Mlaa Naneba 
- MlB. Obll*. 
Miss Tay 
n't. Mra. Flor 
L, DoOta 

- ' 

Oola, Alice 
Oaaina. Mi*. laek 
Oanneltj. Mlaa An 
■ Obaaellr. Mlaa Grace 

: OoBsellr, l^ote U 
Ouneit. Ida 
OsB^bUa. It<«e 
Oac midied 
Ornaiu Madam 
-'^DaUmaa. Anna 

^S*^ Wm AU^ 
. OaTUrMaiJorto B. 
-Davis. loaslta 
.••DaTla. Iba. 

DaKnko, Uci. lean 



ixaalr. Oertle 
••LfMiaid, Mabel 
]>Bo]r. Bnbj 
•LeBol. Mlse TlTenae 
faelje. Raila 
LerL BIrtba 
UnriM, :Mtjn 
Eewls, mnUe 
MUnk,- Aaetta 
U«Da, Stbd 
IMC, Kti.-'l.'.r. - 
■*Lea>,-: 7eanette Gfaee 
IbgidlaBi Boe .. 
IfeOkalBer, Bettto 
MePenild. lUj 
KeOea. Mm.- Anna 
McKlnley, Mabel 
. ••McMarroD. . Maisaret 
MeMaater, Mia. Seo.. 
McVleker. Oladja 
•Hack, Drau 
••Maker, Jeaae N. 
Mannerlns, Mtaa Melba 
. MaietU. ~ 

Desnuod, Lanra 

DeWolS. Mcs. SdwlB 

Darete, MM 

Meres, klta _ 
MarsMtlts, .MUe 
Maieel, Maria 
MatebaU. Mra. AL 
MaxTlna - 

Maiean. Miss Klttr - 
Maaqaena, Aollor 
Maxwell. Mra. !>. 
••May 00., Bttn 
lllddleton. O. W. 
••>lellTme & Co., Jesa 
Jtlller. Teraaa 
MDIer, Mlaole 
)lllla, Mae 
Mllmm. Bird . 
MltabalL Ml 

UoatiraMTT, Mae 
Moore. Uafa - 
••MoraT * CMnora. 
••.Moray. lAttle 
Mrray. LntHa 
MorTRn. Oeoee 
Motr;«nn, M-*.'!. W. 
••Moa*.. Mr«:- Mayme 
Mnrpbj. Jlirle ' 

••MoriT. itn» 
Mjley, Mls( K|:!y 
(Teal. Ua ^ 

AipboonK Dm . 
Altben. PelB 
Altooa. Tbm 
> • ..,(. iKisle*' 
Anderson. Robert A. 
Anderaoo. JHm 
Antbony, William B. 
Anton. Berman 
Atbocaat. C. B. 
Armatrooa, O. H. 
••Amdt, l«wi* 
**Airatla, St., Banon 
Aahbnm. Veinmi 
AsUtle Art Oo. 

Anatln. Hie 
•*Anstln^ Harry 
ATeiy. Budolph 
Afcry. Diew 
AToa Trio 
Axford, Cbarlea 
BaQey, Fred J. 
Balrd. Call 
Baity, oen 
••Baker Cba*. P. 
Baker, Myron 
Baldwin, Fred B. 
Bammelln A. G 
BanOeld. Frank B. 
••Banks, Harry 

BDCkley, Tom 
Bncklltt, B. J. 
Bnckuer, Artbnr 
BoU, Waller 
Bonnell, W. T. 
Borch, B. J. 
Bnrke, James 
Bnmat. Gbaa. 
Borrli, Walter 
Bnrt, Frauk 
Bnrton, Bany F. 
Bnrton. Clark 
Bosby A WlUlams 
Botler, Itsnk 
Byrne. Amos 
Uable. Ueorgc 
Cain. Bairy 
Cain. Artbnr F, 
Calson. FTcd W. 
Celts Brae. 
Oall. Maarlce F. 
Ca lla% J oa 
Caroeroeu M, A. 
Oaoaqack,' J. 
1 * nn*r 

Oaanoo. T. 7. 
Oaidwell. Welter 
Carlton M. P. Co. 
Carlton. W. E. 
Carraway, Floyd (Xoek) 
Canaway. Wm. 
Carr, Alton H. 
••Catr. T. H. 
Carrlsan. B. B. 
Catrol, Bob 
••Carroll. O. J. 
Careen. Fred 
Cereoo. Ofeaa. Mi 
Oarter. Ilea 
••Oartw^kt * 
Oaaay. Biair. 
C^o^ Mr. 
Caib. T. I. 
CastrllUon, Scnorlta 
Cavanasb, J. A. 
CaTanaoxta, I. J. 
Center ft Bdwaid 
Chambers. Fred 

a H. 

Chance. Bor 
Chant. Pred 
Cbsrley. Colorado 
Cbeny. Fkaak 
Chester, Tad^ 
Ohlmlek, Jack 

DeAnta, Btlly 
••DeBalestrler, Lonla 
DeOlttrrUle, Sid 
OeComm. J- T. 
OeForest. Sam 

DeBath, Balph 

Delaao. Prot. 
Oelaeoyo, WIU 
Delsarwn, Bob 
Delmore, John 
Delroy ft Loe 
DeMotba. The 
Benny. B. 
••Uentnra. Bmiee 
Ocrrlll, F. M. 

DeVeaox, Cecil 
Derelo, B. X. M. 
DcTloey, JMt* 
Devons. The .year . 
IHsmoad, Kd 
Diiaond. F. D. 
■ •wclcKs Itnia 
DUwortb, O. W. 
DIpple ft BosedalP 
••Dlzon, J. 31. 
Doetaerty, Boshey 
iMtlge, B. U 
Donnell, Robert 
iHnneliy. IivbI* 
Donocbne, John 
Donslss, 8. H. 
Downs, Wbltlc 
iMmn. C. L. 
Daalar. W. 
Draper, Ooy 
Draper. Bnl 
Onmllioa. Fraak 
'••Dnmilloa, Frank 
bnkao ft Ben 
Dnlnth Trio 
Domltreaen, M. 
••Onmood. Major 
Dnmont, Major 
Donbar, Barry 
Donbar. Lew B. 
••I>nB]op. Bany W. 
Pnrant, Paul 
Dnrall. William B. 
Oynee, Fiaak O. . 
■art, JolmaF . 
Bari, John I.t< 

Gallaxbara, Hie 
Oallaeber, Geo, 
Oallan. Jlmmle 
Qallaidow Joae 
Galrln, Jas. A. 
GalTla ft Fiaena 
Oaidlnw, Dlek 
Oaidner. Itaak B. 
Sardner ft Lawaoa 
Gacette, Hany 
UHMMk a. a. 
OamiL WtcM 

asTia, rraHi 
Oail, A. 

Uvnnaro ft Band 
Genter, Henry 
••Glbba, Al. P. 
Gibeon, Jack 
Gibson, Marshall 
••Gilbert. Albert 
Glllen. Tom 
GUI. Red 
SOI. Wnb 8. 


J Ohariee H. 

QodlewaU Tronpe 
Golnes, One 
Goldstein, Monla 
GuBxIles. Joel 
Goodman, Morris B. 
Goodwin ft Goodwin 
Goodwin. Joe 
Gorman, Joba B. 
Govldln, Wanea U 
••Graham. Wulard 
OrandU Bobt. 
••Orandle. Bob 
Gtaat. ■. P. 
Gray. W. H. 
••Gray. Ka*»ll 
Green ft TUt 
Oieer. J. V. 
Gregory. Baa 
OrUBth. Walter U 
••Grooaey. Bnust 
Oi u M i7 >• >• 
Snm. Albvt 
Oteeekepf, Bieherd 

Hnstoa ft Martin 
HnttoQ. Jack 
••Hyatt. U B. 
IbbanoD, Bett 
lauao. Billy 
Issaa, Wenea 
Irwia, OeroU 
lablUwa BM. 
Jackh !•. D. ' 
JaeaU, Chas. 
Umm, Bw 
ttmm, Barry 
Jamea ft Parker 
Jamie, Crot B. M. 
James, Wm. H. 
Jamaa, Walter ■. 
••Jaabo Broa. 
Jenktaa, Bd. 
JaUns. ■. a 
JeanlBia. Aitfear . 
jBaiuiL Bd. 
Jewdl; Fred 
Jobnaott ft Carllale 
Johnion, l/ew 
••Johaea<b BUue 
••Jobnson. Melria 
JabuoB. W. B. 
eejobnaon. J, 1*. 
Johnson, Twitter 
••Johnstone, Bal 
Jonee, A. C. 
Jones. Homer 
Jcoes. Dick 
Jonaa. B. Tattoa 
Jordana, Ilylot 
Janaman, Albert 

I^maa, Bd. — 
liyn. B«y 
I4rneb, Danny 
Lynch, Irish Jack 
I^ndon, C. A. 
I^one. I«eaaid 
McAnlay, WOUia 
McCabe, Jaaa» a. 


KaaeU. WUUam 
••Tfaipar, Jmm . 
KaaSaik^iaaii- . 

Beeler, Tim ' 
Keho. Chaa. 

Eeller, B. H. ' . 

KeUey, K, A. 
Kelly, Jamea Mi ' 

Kelly. I* C. 
Kemp. I. T. 

Kendall. P. A. 

tvannmrd. Bd 
Kennedy Broa.' flbew 
Kanno, F^ed 

Besaer, BalHl'" .' 
Elcbl. I, 8. 

Kk«ic, M 

KlaSer, ~ 

O. IL 
. Jeek 
••McGaUonab, Walter 
MeOonaM, Bdw, 
McDonald. UtUe. D. 
McDonald, H. c 
McOee, Jamaa Wk 
MeOlnor, Geo, 
Aclatlte ft Co. 
Mclntyre, M, W. 
McKee, Petty 
McKey, Wm. 
MeNally, Pat 
McMamara, T. A. 
MacMelty, Jamea ' 
••KeNew, T. a 
BeNaiaay, B. L. 

Uann. Oea. 

Uanadeld ft WetCk 
Manafleld, F. 
Mannsl, JaOb 
Marfce, Joe 
Marrlolt. Anther - 
Marshall. Frank 
Maitclla, A. 
MarteUe, Mr. U 
••Martin. Bd. 
Hutla. wm 
Haitta. M. k 
••HarSa. Bd. 
Maitni. - 

Dersn. Oenoia 
DiMn. Lnla ' 
Doaeraa. Bmiv 
ry. Mra. C. A. 

nklns. Mrs. Jnllan 
■net. Maodle 
Btllaon, P. H. 
Bllott. Base 
Bmote. Marjle 
Bmery. MIsk May 
Cmmett. Adrlen 
■rana. Mrs. D. L. 
Rzccna. Louise 
eePBMald. — 

Pattra. MIBB Jeeale 
••Prararm, Mr^ Kalph 
Peek, Martha 
Pryne, Bertha 
PoUea, MiB. r. H. 
Rande,- Mlaa B. Dee 
Bandoip^ HIas TMst 
Bey. Haaa 

foBblaAeact, Dlmplei 
' 'Aoaou. May 

Ifc liua e u l Mra. W. C. ••Rotw^ts. Bthlyndo 

Flaher. Mrs. Cheeter 

••Vlayd. Jewd 
riymi. Mrs. loe 

••Fontatn Marie, ft 


rtanels, MUe. 


Boberts, Florence 
Boblnaon. Allea 
RoDas. Zelma 
Boos, Kitty 
Bonih. Nellie 

BartKKjr, K. L. 
Bamett. D. B. 
••Banett BdwafI 
Bartea. AL O. 
Berth ft Bartk 

BaztoB. Tbooas >• ■ 
BarlStt. Owe 

••Bataa, Ovda 
BataaTl^ua ^ 
Baztaty. B. Jaafc 
Beer, Alfred B. 
Beaaley, Carl 
Beatty. Mr. 
••Beckman. Fred 
Behymer. Arthar 
Belser, Albert 
Btd. 0«>. U. 
Ben. Hetmaa P. 
Ben. C A. 
-- - SUaey 

Boaslle, Madam 
fla-Beta, K. B. 

Shenass.' Key 

Gray. Mrs. Marion A. 
Sieo. Cbariotte 

Smith, 'Hay B. a. 
••Sayder, Fia n eee 
Stalker. Jennie 
Stanley. Mabel 
Staifca. Mabel 

Ban. NaUle 
Hampton. Tjnfa^ 
Baaey. Bdlth 

Bardy, Lonlse 

••BBBlnstoa. Hia. Owf XalUwtt. Bthal 
. Xi. - — 

Bayaa. Iba. 


Trenton. Marie 

Tomer, Bemsrdlae 

(Coatortlanlst) Tomer. Beatrice 

—suiter. Core MIckIa TTpdlke. Aliaa 

Etonand. Mrs. Mania Van 
Hohnsa. Madge 
Howard. Bonnie 

Howard. Mis. N. _ — — 

Bndson. Baatf _ i*'"*". HST 
Banter. Vn. VMMtta Waaema. !^ 

tree. MIsb Kaa Wa«er. Halea 

JUaala Webb. Bath 

lackBBB. Dm Wllbonni. Bath 

jSSo£ Edith ••wnuama. Jal9' 

' yaanea, Mlae Lenrlae wm iaina. Grace 

iSlee. Flo wneon. May 

, Edith H. ZadJa 

Mrs. Eatella Zampe. Mlie 

, Delia ZcuKor »U 

ttta, "Mrs. W. ••Zorra, Ixicla 

- HIas Mae A. Zoleke. 


toaa dlstribotloB oC man are at the onfOmtATI 

_ to uBOittma. onleea It Is ksowa that It -wBI be 

I ta laaalia II tman^ the New York or Chicago bnreaaa. 

' jadleata what < 

An aan aOmtlasd' la tfcli IMT ia balat kilfjrt tta OMHHll <■« 
; tadleatsa tbe ehataatafa • (St. Ionia). •^OMnM. 

IMkaBB. Ham' St ' ' ^ * 

KllUngswoctk. B. II. 
Kllpatriek, Oaa. O. 
King ft Darla 
King, CleTS 

King, CO. 
Klaak, HersMB . 
KlsBs, Fred 
Kline, Sam 
Knlsely, Ba_ 
Koch, H. P. 
Kreg. Lree 
Knmner, Ralph 
Knhlmao, Carl 
LaBIancbe, J. ^ 
LaClede. AmIo 

Bmy ft 

BeaOey. J. B. 
BeyeL Tbco. 
BIdwen, F. H. 
BIgley, Harry 
Blgney, The Direr 
Bird ft Kama 
Blrdaong. Jim 
Birgee, ^eorga 

1 llristpnsrn ft 

Cliurch, Capt. 

Uboreli. U a 

- ■ ".a 


Otaytaa. Jeny 

Clemeaso, Harry 
••Cletsg, P. H. 
Olerelaad, Geo. W. 
Cochran, Warren 
Ooffieo AmuM ■ 
Oegblaa, Harlan 
••Cohraa. J. B. 
Oolaaaatl, Ban 
Colcbar, Barry 
Oete; J. H. 
ome. Sam 
Oola. J. Artbnr 
Collins. EU Whitney 
Mooiltae. Oha* 
Comptoo, Chester -O. 
OomptoB. Jack 
Ocsiley, J. B. 
Obok. Bngene 
Cook, Albert 
Cooper, O. H. 
Corey, Wenen L. 
••Coetrniloa, Ignaea 
**CMrea. Bobert 
Craig, H. B. 

Baaidiua, T. 
Bodeilck, Jsmee 
Bolaa, Ben 
Bella, Joba 
BomIU. James 
Book. T. 
Bonghton. J. B. 
Bovden. SUren 
BosseO, Btny 
••Bracbard, Panl 

Bradley. A. T. 
Brady. B. ^^^^ ■ ■. 

n^t. Boy 
Bray. Chsa. 
Bieanea. Mr. 
BrlsnaUa. Richard 
Brittendan. H. It. 
BrolUer, Bobcit B, 
Brooklleld. J. W, 
Bronaon. O. Z*. 
BrosweU, Herald 
Brothers, wm 
Brown. J smes 
Browa, Arthar B. . 
Brmialea' * Bead 
••Btaae. FiaC, B. B. 

Orsnden, Free 
Ctaney, Benard 
Oraren. Anatln 
Crsyton. Lawraaee 


••Daly, Com Trio 
Danlela, Lyons 
Daniel. Jack 
Danker, Wm. P. 
Danye, Alex 
DacUag, PUl 
Darey, Hany 
Deris. Barry Ai 
Darla. Joe 
Daris. J. Ik - 
Da^ Ja^ 


Eery. Fred 
Bast. Boy 
Batoa, Obmt i. 

Han. Bd. B. 
BambUa. Bddle 

. nan. P, 

ssisS: wiiue 

Bdw'arda, O, I.. 
Eland. Mr. 
EI Barto 
■Icy, Oao. 
Elltott, 8. ■. 
Bllwood. Clits. a. 
••Ely. Wm. E. 
Ely, WlUlam B. 
Gmersoo, Balpb 

, Olaiaaee 

Hannay, B. W. 
Banfotd, Chaa. B. 
••Uanaan, H. B. 
Barklns, Jim 
Bsiper. Bd. 
Barrabs, Tbe 
Hacria. Vtaak 
Barrii^ Earl (BlBg> 
Banla. Jack B. 
Harris ft Bandan 
••aartmaa. Ma A. 
Hartmaa. Vtaak 
Bartaook. Bayn 


Erana, Bal 8. 
Erana, Barry 
Brerett, Oieat 

Fair, B. W. 
FaMaala. Bkad. 

raaSTa. a 
Faiaeu, Bap 
"Fay, Bad 
raagona. Frank 
Peaner, W . 
^togneon, Heny 
Ferley, Jeek 
Ferris, Jlmmle 
Field. Clyde 
Flelda, Don 
Fields, Jeee 
Flnerin, Jamaa 
FInerty, Chea. 
FUdey. Jeae M. 
FInleya. Tbe Ftes 
FUbMty, B. Oi 

•JHasssa. _ 
BasaoB ft Winters 
H<wtey, K. D. 
Uawtfaora, O. D. 
Bay. Cephas 
Bay, Oaleyela 

■mIob^ LsGraad 
BMIaa, a. ~ 

Xattkawa, B. A M. 


Mayer, H. 
Maaetta, Jack 
Meehaa. PnL . 
Macaa, D. J. 
MelDottc, Bngh 
Melroae ft Beers 
Melria. Harry 
MelriD, B<-y 
MerrlU, No^Bn W. 
•Medcaa Bill 

Pearne, Okaa. 

LaBne. Bob 
Laborta, Oils 
f*climsn. Dare 
Lafaletu, Chaa. 
Lamberi, Joba 
Lander. Baa J. .. 
Landore, Bobtil 
I^ne, C. 
I^ne. Chariea. 
lane. G. (Bnakit 

Ed. a 

•iMh, httr J. 
lABgWa. B. J, 
L aaghUn. B. J. 

Lawaea. O. H. 
LeObmta, Fred 
•n«Boy ft DlamoM 
LaBay, Iieaa 
LeBor, Frank 
••LeVeme. BDtaa 
Leach, Chea. (Blaaktoi 
Lee, Dake B. 
Lehr, F. R. 
I«l>ha. Tka 
Lenalt. HIDy 

laoB. OeraX . 

Mlaar, rnak 
BItakall. Mr. D. , 

Mitchell, J. A. 
MItdMlI. J. Ba^. 

Mitchell, C. F. 

••Ml«. Tom 
Moan, BalUe 
'loll, Arthur 

MeatgoiNiy, C 



Morrla. H. L 
Maerts. M. M. 
Wonrla. Dare 
Mairlaea, Bay 
MerrieoB. J. J. 
«f anlaaa. M. M. 


Martoa, Perey 
••Morton. H. G. 
Moaber. Fred A. 
MaUbiL J«ka 

I i lM i fI c k , TobMy 
Utodaaatnet. Wa. 

. ■. U 

BMtoB, tnt U. 

•Beaty. J. B. 
••Bamaa Stock Co. 
Hermes. Kedeaa 
Berman, The Three 
Berne. J, B. (Kid) 
•Bemel. Jtay 
HIcka, Philip H, 
Hlaglaa, Bddle 
BIghlanders. Mneleal 
••HlMratb. Bobt 
Bntoa. Joha 
epistsa. Fred 

mdgUiii, Bart 
Helaea * BsUmp 

Pom. danda 
Bard, wnilem W. 
FartBay. Saa snel 
Poatar, Winiaai B. 
Foster. W. O. 
Fez. Klylo 
Fox ft 
••Tox, I* 
Francellei^ i 

FraakUa. H. B. 
Oasier, B^ B. 
••fleck, rted 

Itegalme. >o 
OuMi Play 


Hope, Wm, PtBB 
BoeUna, BlBMr 
Beerard, Lee 
Bowaid, Lester 
Bowertoa. W. U. 
Howe ft Bartow 
Bowne, Darwta O. 
HnS, due, 
Haffer. Bin y ft G race 
B^gbae. Arthar 
••BolUsger, DOloa 
••BnUInger, DOIaa 
BwMt, Berbart - 

^^^^ H. 

•niala. B. D. 
Laekabay, D. D. 
Legaa. J. T. 
Logedow, A. B. 
Leodoa. WUUam 
Leag. A. L 
••LongfeUow, Mr. 
Laralae. Barry 
Lonla, L. 
Oen, W. I. 
Layal, ftaak 

Neermaa. Ja 

NIcbala, Beth 
Waa. 0. B. 
Xolney. Jamee 
Ncrmsa, Ned 

VOmi. aurefi 
0*Day. Bniy 
•PDaO, B. B 
••OetSng, John 
Ogdea, Mr. Geo. 





CANNOT aa arowAap ip^T iL wa now 

iNo aona ffui'MiMNni m nmMS fo 
iNBOBB lAiB -tmunaati''/ ' 

Eeeon. Betay _ HoAird ft OhalB.. 

Blesalnf Ur. * Hrh UNeU, MUe. 

Brown, tonlse Lender. Geo. 8. r 
Cowlee, Marraloaa^ Fern Mmr. Darid 

ny MUls, Bd. 

OwMtoa, John 0. HltcbaU ft 

Otyndoa. Tellie ~ " ~ 
Ren, NeUle 
Belated, WUIsfd . 
Barria ft BaadaB 


T tt e Billboard 


Ptiloi: O. Li 
I'j-.w, lt«ciT ft 
p. Ji'ha 
!-.rry. i iiirlte H. 
IN-rrr. *!>«•"n!l P. B. 
••;-»it.y. W. C 
••j-hiiMi*. ai»D w 
rUMtf: Burr r. 
pmiliiK. Olyd* 
pi. ki'r.'l. T<MBBI7 
Mi'krrlll, Ttaca. B. 
Pli-nv, J. O. 
I'ii'lr'. Mr. J, a. 
PIrrrt. X. L. 

piiiiiirou, ^nar 
^tlis tut 
P»rt«r. 0. H. 
Porirr, J. W. 
Porierlleld, Elmw 
Potter, Earl 
Powell A BnwK 
PrMCott. C. i. 
Price, BoBl* 
Prico, Mr. H. 
Proctor, Ota. B. 
••Prjor, Ttoa. W. 
Qaerr. Elncf 
ODitler. Aadnw 
•BalUnra. Lra 

■*Din«. Tb« 
BcDdlrmin, Pruk 
Bboads. Prank 
••Rhodea, Ctiu. 
BbiDlm. Dick 
Elc«, W. H. 
••BIcp. C. B. 
••Blcc W. w. 
Blcdcll, Mr. C. A. 
feknrr, Mr. Chu. 
Bllrj. JiniM 
lolwrt, Pltm J. 
Bobcrt. aua. J. 
MnU. t. B. 

■oditrt. Id. 
■oaMlnf. BifiT 

■owaOdO. Om. 
■on, MtHIn r. 

lOWllOd. ti-TMl 

Barn. P. C. 
hwlle. Flu 
■idlford. RIcluni 
KsdT. DmT* 
Bomboldr. i. A 
Boiuk, Bob 

o«». r. 

u a 

•nutk * BUtk, B. 0. 
Stootb B. 

••atiMter, Sforrla B. 
••Stnratt, K. K. 
fltuut, Olua. 
dtntsU. Frank D. 
Solly, Bd. 
:3uinaer, J. B. 
Bondberc, Jdo. a. 
Bondtrluid. J. 
Swlclier. Grorcr 
Tinne, B. B. 
Ttto. Silent 
Taylor, Mr. Bud 
Tarlor. Bobert 
Taylor, Oteir 
"Tkylor, Allni B. 
Teesne, Bmory 
Tcnney, Jack 
••TbeeUald. B. 
Tbom. Mr. N, r. 
Tboinaa, Harold A. 
Thommoa, DaBa 
TtMUBtiui, Fraok 
Tiaaiu HMfata 
TierBty. JaiMa 
Tlncla, iMtar 
••nataa. a. W. 
Tobln, Mr. O&aa. 
ftansB, J«* 
Ttaataaa, O. 
Ttaak, aarcnn c. 
Triplatt. T. D. 
Tttpim. Wm. 
Tripp, A. B. 
Troy, wnilam 

Tarmer, Oaotc* 
Tyler, Chaa. 
Typtoa. Dr Wm 
Talenttoe, a«or|« 
Van Bcrgea. MarUa U. 
Van Oram, Bay 
Taaa. Twe 
Vardalto, B. * M. 
▼•Man. LocaB 
TIckaU. Pnsc* 
Toaxfc Btaak 
••WOamta Timu^ 
Walba. l£r* 0*. 
-WaMM. WMk 
Walea. B. B. 
Walkw. B. T. 
Walkar. Jack 
Wallace. Jobn B. 
Walllna, Jolui 
Waltera, Ctaarllr 
Watta. Aibrrt 
••Ward. Banr 
••Ward. Jacob 
Warn. M. C. 
•Warner. IK>a B. 
Warren, Clyde 

WaMMcUi Doctor 

SatfM. OUR 

. Jaanlaa, Wa. 

■OiBMt, Barry 
Bdiwirta. BIdob 
•cott. o«o. 
Icmtt. VlTlaa 
SnUen, W. a 

w t 

f»«l»«a. Am 

Wflmtm, Oeo. 

J. J. 



Walwr. Uaat 

W»lah. iL B 


Sfmy. J. A • 
■kirwad, MIIMi* 
jkmood. DmiaUi 
nibby. Mr. Cfeaa. 

•*••». J. H, 
"Sbortea. Ollbcrt 
•ipo. PMt 
Wrer, Doc 
!""panj. Dn B. 
»■»._■. B. 

Mancr. T. U 
■**t, CUrita 
••■mith. RalBh 
■■Hb. ». w. 
>Blth. Bd, 
Imlth. S«b M. 

wm A. 


gan*aber«. Carl 
jgaellMbenrer. B. 1 
VSflnley Henry 
■•JOT. W. H 

yt'inp. Mr. Wm I 

•jjMy, K, p" • 
^prlacrord. BU 


Wealey, Banr O. - 
Weadild. Bd. 
WaatoB. mek 
Wbcrry, Jaaeae C. 
"Wblte, Doe Tbomaa 
White, F. B 
••White. Bwcrty 
••WUta. D. M. 
White. Allaa a. 
r)- Wbyte. Mr. T. 
ri'- 'WMa. Cart 
WlalkarB. P. J.' 
Wakor. Bay I.. 
— WIUeBaky, t. B. 
' winiame, Harry * l>. 
wiiiiama, Cnrley 
. WllUama. O. B. 
Wllllama. W. O. 
Wllllatna. Shorty 
Wllllaina, B. ti. 
WUllama, Oao. 
WllllaBe, Bob 
WOllaaa, Itaak 
WUItasbaB. U. II. 
WUIIa. J. A. 
WlUlB. Oao. 
Waia. JBa. B. 
Wllaoo, Geo. 
WIlBoa. 2oa.-B. 
WOaoB. Oiml 

W. J. 

fwward. neon* 
fiowart. Priday 

VMH. AlfMd 
WoodraB. r. B. 

••Wooda. a u. 

Wondana. Vtad 

Woolredaa; B. K. 
Wooten. A. A. 
WarmlBBtoa. W. 

••WoTTkr. victor 
Wrlaht. (AaK. B. 
Wrtabt. Prcd W. 
Wrteht. Baity P. 
(•tea. 7aek O. 
ana. KIcbard 


••San. B. 
BiBk. >aaa 
Bcmer. Bd 

Uok For YduF Name 


Always Blv* «»p«bBPdln9 aMma 
far •neugh In advaiiM ta r«Mh 

2^^d«y«e and If unelalm«d ap« 

or Uaalea] 
■ do. Addrcaa 
and Vaatrll- 

The Gieat Amedcan Favontes 




Eleyen Years of Phenomenal SncceM 



Feature Bands with Feature Acts, Soloists, Voeal and 
Instrumental Quartettes, Comets, TromboDM and 
Saxophonea. Special terms fo r Circ uits. 

HELEN MAY BUTLER, Manager," ^ 
(3are BiinxMurd, CSnefamati, O. 

Attffiiitlc^r JWanagerSy Attention! 


b BOW tiAAf to wibb'wibIiMIb rar tto 

This organization consists of 

16 TatontBd Muaioiano undar Ppof. F. DaPalma'a .Di 

Can inereaae or daoNBas number as you toBy desire. 


TUb band will poaiti\-ely dww 
SHOWS. , TonoB 

WBilmiMb AU 


Tmr. JaMiry > to ftkmi- H 

Apply /or Furtl«*r Data* 

JOHN JOVINE, Rapraaantatlva. 

Raom BO»b'ltalOliBI>BB»BI TUSBI** BulMlna, 
1402 Broadway. . . i • NEW YORK CITY 


(InlBBd'aBaMittiial Camif aai VwAiy Actl 


Special scenery and trained pigeons and roostern. Jiist rompletinR 40 weelcB on Sun 
Circuit. OjR'ii time, Fi.-bruiiry 'Jlst, I'Jll. Add. cure IJiUboani, Cuiciiiuati, O. 


ia|iua»w with W. e taBaL 
FTCaonaeaB a auiralooa 
by caaera laaanfar 
Hiu 0,000 eaadla emaly 
dlatrlbotod aad backed hv 
adjoatabla atarllBS Bickd ra- 
OaetocB. Thla naefelaa la aa- 
■emblad aad pnt la opata- 
tloa la a Caw aalBBtaB.'-^afr 
aoBwa bat a dlM*B wtttMM 
IS caaoUaa par aeaklBB. 
b ^Bjtn-nattr Utkt ■ 
baa tba aaaaa aaamtfaT 
KPBtetloB back o( tt aa «« 
rasMoa PrliBD Pcrtabia M*. 
rhtiiee and Are Lamps IB SB 
by ahowBea ■ 1 1 ij abaaa^ 
Wttta tat OrctilaT aad Price LUt. 

lUkaia mt tka FaaMsa Prfiae Mhmr IJ. 
IBM B. Utk Btxaat, Bt. Inla, Ha. 


. u.oa 
. iT.aa 
. ZLoa 

No, 4B0 

No. 400-B MialaiB Paaa 
Mo. aS-B l^laBtalB Paaa. 
Mo. e-BO. VMBtalB Paaa 
No. S-BB. Itooatala Paaa 
Wa carry a larta Ibw «( Bhanireeka 
aad Baater (ooda at lewaat price*. 
Galalotaa trae. 





ADlnal Trainer 

Joat relDrBcd tram Xargof, Nine yeara* •xpar- 
leocv. Fire years with BIdel and Peton'a Maa. 
aaerie. Fraaee. aad (oar years wltb Mr. Ptaaala 
Boatock In Baslaad aad Amerln. Addreea ea*» 
Tbe BUlboard, 1440 Broadway, Ke<r York. 

BaDd Leader & Coraet Plaier 

for eomins season. ntoromMyflaqMiienoed 
and reliable. FiiBt-aiBaB BBBBrtoird ot 


Fairfax, Minn. 

Musical Bells 


MM-iajrOaxk iliaal. 

Iimatar and Mfr. be 
tba prafaaatoa. Wrttt (at 
onr aew Dlaatratcd caV 
aloe New hlta. Al- 
waya rellabi*. 

Want Actor to aaalat In Stas* Bcbool, 
9t coakhlas aad nbeantas playa. i ~ 
ralta abacrrrd. Writa or caU Vtt 
Cbteaan VL P. J. BtOOB, Ugf. ' 
■aatle Aaaaay. 


wsMa. A. 



^^T tie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 4. Ifttf. 

\ (OoattBiwd tnm p«c» 8.) 

floBiUj.. Janaiy 22, In Tha Cbcatcn. u adap- 
utloB ot Dcr Doppetanach^ Otiaiia tare*. 

T(i« cast: 

Gadmed PUttcmdorf Mr. 

t^kadU Mme. w-w-n^ Cettrallr 

KUj PUttendorf Hlaa Parka Pattaa 

Clemeatlat DeagoD .... MlM Jaaala- Oartar 
"JaA" OcaaoB .... 1.,.. .. ■awaitf'^rtoa 

Aanlia ..^^...V .IIIaa Maria Howe 

Wmir .. Obailea HaltoB 

Henry BuMMiMv •• BoUln balden 

Bandory .. .. Baiald Ooata 

BtOne .. .. ... ..- Mia ■. Kally 

loaaph .. Stadliic H. Chtialdlst 

Ikleda Balloway..' Mlia Bmlly Ann W»Ilman 

^Anir I/calle. o( tbe Newa, had the toUowtas to 
■ar-^'Hr.Haim la ditUiictlr a fane actor and 
tbe bis boiue at McTlcker'a aroae with warea 
aTaa ot mirth to applaad kim aad ealla 
tka cartalB war* aa aatkalaatle aa a 

ttet la. W can arransc a mo a alc of datall 
«qci^^-w aspertl7. In tact, that It bci 
tha eagnaaliic point of the . antlra antartaln- 


Fndarle Batton. ot tha Foot — "Mr. Maan por- 
traya tha diaracter ot. .PUttcndott with a«ek 
raUah. and In the -Intozleatlan aecne ct tha 
inal act he haa tbe moat bfbalooa ataM mo- 
maBla ha has had alnce She Wephona Om, tkat 
In which tha alar nd a 

I who want to pnwbaaa «t im—iiWa istas, 
like two hMBS mod a. UU it hmM- 

efcln« «la«, 
dad wfilL' ai 


M .. .. A 

-by ; 

THB FLAT (ACT. n.).^ 

}ocy Wilckt. a boofenuiker .. .. Allen nuaua 
— ■ ■ - ■" " Dmrld Powett 

Mr. Bntkcrford 
.. Kata OadycB 
.. Ph^Ua jidph 

an artlat 

Cbriiltopb«r Penny, 
Major Tompkloa. retired . . 
Hra. Tompklna. hla wife 
TlTian. bis dancbter .. 
Japa BuBiaala. of tbla city 

';Ttallil jrioOT B i Cllj •« •.• 


An Old Bacbelor Allen Xheauf 

Two IdTcra . . . Mr. PewaU and Mlaa Relph 

A Boabaad and Wife .. .. 

.. .. Mr. Bathcrtnrd and Kate Carlyon 
: A. Jaw O. POBltsB 

IMa^^Mt alsht breathleaa for moment upon mo- 

-Raderlc Batton In tbe Poet — "Tbe Boaa la 
truly representatiTe of life In America to-day. 
In that It prenfiita lo us for the first time a 
belnc that no otber part ot the world 
can abow — the Iriah-Anwrican.'-' 

O. I- Hall la tha Jooraal— *WaMga kaa 
SlTan BUnn a (teat chaaee. and tha near rlaea 
.to It In a gnat way.** 



(Oontinoed from page 8.) 

Macfcaya In Antl-Matrlmony baa arrired no 
nearer hndlng a meaaage Into the dramatic arena 
than ha has In other whlnalcal eootclbntlona 
daUTerad ardently hy himadf and totarated brU- 
Uantly by bis admucra. Miaa Ctoaman aban- 
dons hendf to this dogged tide of liooklih atoS- 
Ing and by her expolalte Tolatne spirit, her 
atverb comedy, her brUllance and splendid a:*Ter. 
Ity and barieeqne. sbe planses cbla literary 
drag-Det Into lUamlnatlon enough to give It 
normal animation." 

Mary Kathcrlne Synon of the Journal — "Hen- 
rietta Crosmftn demonstrated tlie transmuting 
power of interpretative art by placing tbe high 
Ugbta on tbe fiu and frolic of the Mackaya bar* 
leaona aM lettlastfea aatira taka can of Itself." 

JTamaa trDonSL aaaBatt^ -aC tha Baeont-Berald 
— ^"Mlaa riiMiaa was a> Jallr as Miss Blanche 
Biag la ncojaettng her ahatc of the dlreraioa and 
n flood deal aMce dlstlngnlabed." 

tSer Hammond, of the Tribnne — "It la i 
aiansliif, the ' *" " "* 

aatlre written 
a focv of play 
In tbla country." 

noTd D*ll, of the PoBt— "As a dramatic i*- 
prcaentatlTe It was marred by literary 
Th» aotbor makes many nica little p o ln t a, 
reprd^^to^wkt* ^inip t . aa < ^ aas r ^»l^^,^ 

Tames O'Oonnell Bennett, of tbe Beeord-Bar- 
ild, bad tha following to aay: "Mr. Jaxomc'a 
WantlfDl play. Tbe Paaalns of the Third noor 
Back, la a eompoaltlaw that "r*"*". iritk gtaTe 
•ImpUclty and awcetness a tight Idul of eaa- 
. dnet. ne sppesl Is straight and almple. Mr. 
ftobertaoa tetaiga the leaomuca of a taetbnd dls- 
tJngnlahedL^ grandear wnd -darlty to bear npoa 
tbe .paitU:tha.J9navAr...HnjtaUist>B the 
aeenaa ad-tha:^.itBtttfaBt^MaflnK'-jC 2thn pisy 

wlthoat-alnaa ly-itko rmitkm^^ 

at once kingty aBdjglHtlfla. •(« 
Ing, kindly gaie, a 

ton*, a eoontenanea ^ 

tertty and -aympatby, aad, aost sC all;' hf na IB^ 
herent coortllnesi." 

Ashton Steretui, of tbe Cxamlser: *^Tbe play 
was Tlrtnally a ptoecealon of pcraimages; It waa 
wlthoot the daab and eonlUet that make tor 
tha babltnal tW>teniag of the tetatest. tor tha 
dlmazea: the clay waa almoat trualtu i la Its 
leaUy alinpic 'davUelty. r And Ht. Hai h a a B e b - 
crlBon. - tha vtayar. imjalaladr aiijimt, tehtag 
ftls work as a a rl aa a ly aad a» tortag^ as ts aaka 
It ap p e ar nrg a n tl y real to him. waa the moat 
■aactodlkc actor that I bad erer bahaU.'* 

VTederlc Hattoo. of tbe Post: "T3to Ibwa are 
abaolntely natural, there 1* nerer a atralnlng 
tar effect, and agataut thla qnlet backgroond 
nere mores tbe really cxqnialte creatloa ot 
■tebea-BabeitaoD'a great art.'* 

Brie Delamarter. of the Inter-Oeean: "Por^s- 
Bahar t aon and. ble aaaoclatcs acMeTed tbe anc- 
caaa given only to a few; they created an ab- 
aoAIag mood of splrltoallty with the almplaat 
at mcdunlam.** 

O. I.. Han. ot tbe Jonmsl: "It Is a atrange 
play wlthoat icapect fafcaaat at tha lales etSa 
" ^ ■ •.»- - — - 

Gates. Mr. Began'a bntlcr 
Bmim, Ma. Bagan^ I ' ' 


(bontlnned from page 8.) 

John M. noaghtoB 


A idiM^u p aaDlean . nink 

Tbe critics on the Chicago dalllea think wen 
of tbe play. Percy Hamm o nd In the Tribune — 
"Mr. Sheldon. It appears, baa hit npon an antl- 
Aotc for tbe preralllns theatrical uullspoaltion. 
Mr. Bllnn'a characterisation of tbe title role 
was one of . those admirable aehlerementa for 
whtcb be Is noted among the ntoce discriminating 
theatregoera and It fairly efitiaaa him to tbe 

! IMaMftar In tha lBter4leaaB-r"Tbe Boaa 

la tt the type of drama that haapa yon oa the 
odge of year chair aboot llii at laai tma aC tha 
time. It has tbe eatmaAs at iKlpHilllJ. It ■ 
atrong in Incident and 'dUlognc. aaS tt'W >lef«a 
for all there la In It." . • 

Aabton Sterens In tbe Bxsmlaer — "It Isn't s 
emislstent plsy; it Isn't a master play In any 
aense, bot It la a dramatic play, foil of obeiona 
momenta, teiaely written and apiendldly acted 
te the two Drlndpal parte." 

Jaaies O'DaancU Beaaett In Oa Beeota-Htwld 


(Oontinoed from page S.) - 

Tte tall llat of principala for The OIri I Lore, 
tha aaw aaaieal coiaedy which will be ptodnced 
at tha e.-n«ii-, Opera Haose. February 5, la- 
dedea Otara Palmer, Sidney Grant. Grace Ed- 
anada, Oeotge Wnsoo. Artbor Lanceb.r. Garrlck 
Major, Oeorge Pettengm. Maybdln Baker, May 
IflSMir. Zay BoUand and daaaor Sbasman. 

aiaaaar MeateU, who U appaarlag as Bed 
ta. At the Mercy of Tlberlna. Is to sppear abroad 
at HIa Malesty's Tbeatre. tbe coming aeaaoa. 

The BnanH" dancers were rendered anch an 
STatlOB at tbe Andltorlom that they have iecoa- 
■Uaicd their faieweU- to Chicago, and PaTlowa 
'sad Mordkln- win gin another performshce st 
tbe Lyric next Stmday. - ■ 

gnmsder-sbow talk is beard already at the Col- 
onial wbara definite a^angementa hare ,beca, made 
fOr an attraathm te &a heated tana. The 
new place wBI he caDed The Batd Bfe and 
wilt apn at Ois home m April 10. 

j^^^l^ Bagarty. recently In TaQdevllle. baa 
bean la-aagnad Iv Mort H. Singer to appear 
as the "laef** In Tbe Goddess of Liberty, a 
■TDle that he originated at the Prlncesa Tbeatie. 
Ha la also stage manager of tbe company. 

Madlyn Jonroe. ingenue of the atock com- 
pany at the Bljon Theatre, has been compelled 
to retire from tbe. company owing to a serious 
afflldlaB of the heart. 


(Co n t inu ed from page 8.) 

kaewa t» handieds ot the profesiioo as "Char-' 
lie," but whose reel sobrlqnet, when be Is st 
borne Is Charles B. 'Bnrgess. Mr. Buig es a is a 
yoang man. not yet thirty, who atartcd oat to 
be an dectrlcal engineer, and caat hia lot In 
t^ work of photography, aancb to the good 
lock of the Utter. One time ante aa k iaiiian.-a 
member ot the Sigma Na natenltr, stBdeat 
of .Paidae aad -Miehlgan CalTetsttlea, Mr. Bnr- 
geaa la a type of eneizetle yoang bnalneaa man 
whole praecnee In the marta of trade la TCToln- 
tloDlitBg Staid old methods of commerclallim. 

Mr. Bnrgeas recentlv returned from a . trip 
to New Tork,- where he closed a Dumber of 
deals relative to the n?e of MoITet pictures by 
three of th^ Inrg^FA jir --;-:.-!rp ho'L:se^ Id Amer- 




— Pteaenting — 


Introducmg many new and otuiiial nov- 
•TimTAhlgiA on tha AaSdC." 


(Oontinoed fnia page S.) 

Tha Happleat Nlgbt of Hla Ufe la adding to 
Its Isnrcls every day and seems to hare lust 
started one of tbe aeaaon's loog runs. Victor 
Moore, Jonle McCree, and Gertie Tanderbllt are 
In the eaat and tbe hit of tbe prodnctlan la lb> 
7. Oh, vou Chicago. Oh. Zaa Maw 


(CoDtlnupd from page 9.) 

Grace PoUt r. f. riuerly with The l«le of 
Spice, Is now playing with a big Tauderille 
prodoctlon. Tbe act la playing some of the 
Isrger booses on the small time here before go- 
ing Weat on the big time. Miss Potter la play- 
ing tha lagaaat part aad la awklag quite a 
hit. ■« has a alaglag aad dancing act la 
prepamtloa In a h i th aha 'wfll be aaala tad hr 
Jack Sllddleton aat tmt gaadi - — — 
act will be iaanchtd aaiir BRl 
carry a special acttlag. aoaaity 
and beaatlrul coatamea. 

Und Is making a big btt arith hie feaaale Im- 
petaooatlons on the Morris ttiae. He haa otd- 


(Coatinued from page 10.) 

Tbe Bltoa-Polo Troupe of acrottata are an 
Webb'a Seala with aiSMat 

calated to hold the attention of the andl«e» 
to tbe end. *ti"»**t* a n i m a l act that win* 
poaitloa hg caa ae U japailtr merit la ~~ 

G ruber's _ 
wonderfaQr i 


the arte tier off tha 

wtth tha aaity" emerglag thrsagh tha amtili. 
aad tha Maw eoftly fauhg. The ahetchto a 
anml and Tiaaal delight, and la ihaiai lailaH 
by good taate tttroogboat. The woada aad 
mnale «( tha two Intefpolstad aoapi^ Vta 


V MB 94 


it opener, ai 

a^Uei aaA- 

CMla at 

agemcat «( _ ••- «*• 

company ot the Maslewr la 

Sguawman. Old Heidelberg, the wall-1 
German play la tlw offering at the aaw Waal 
SIda Imperial Paid In Pnll, a stioag drama sT 
city life, la holding tbe boards at the College 
Tbeatre on tbe North Side, and Oolfe. a tuaay 

play with a faaagr aame. U at the Baah Tim 

liMff it^FMr Obm 

MOVING PICTURE THEATRE, DANCE HAU:*. 73x110, with Urge tUf^. KeBery ud M4tt. 
electric llgbts. with stsge properties; all furnJofafMl sod readj for om. acres of grxmsA tm 

park coDceulons of all kinds. Tbe last census shows 23.193 lakaMtuts la tte ton of Of aifcg^ 
Trolleys pass the door one block from railroad utatloo; caflBMt wUklMvw VMft flL Wtt ftltffeV 
informaUoQ. inquire COLONIAL PABK AMT7SEMENT Ca, BartML XHT VHft;^ mCMM. «Mi 
l*lalng and Tanrtown. 7^1. 1256 W. Whita Plalna. 


aauij lamna, hnUt at tower caat than etbcfs can qaate yon. Kach caattaet lac e l iea at 
■d attention. I am now bonding a complete park at Gary, Ind. Fire Howae pitrtahia OMaMi 

fee gaeat Scenic Ballway erer constructed st Los Angeles, Cel. Write me your wantau 

PAUL D. BOWSE. 167 Dearborn Street. Chlcaio. 
sown vanans C0A8IEB atis^ bsrkb than oibke m.oou rides. 


Xftini 1^ ai Sippli 

Sappho in Aiaww 

Before trl4:gcr Is bit. 

The only-rdiable aod patented ma- 
chines in the market. 
Pati-nt Ko. ST3003. 

After trigger la hit. 

Ail oibeta are Infringeiaenta, aad 
OMm acc liable to proeecotlsa. 

Writs foe catalog aad pricaa 




w aallbMw Ilaki 
9aat prapaelcian av< 
Large retaiaa oa a i 


the , 

Investment EaaOy aaaagcd. Aay aae 
cMuful. Bnnntog espeaaea haMT aav 
ways n-ady for boaloesa. Na tieidile te get 
i.«Kiplf in. Tbf roars of laagbter from plea 
natrons dras- the crowds better tlisD any ballyhOOk 
Our Improred mirrora are made of a highly poUahad 
olrk.'l compoiltioo metal. Tbey ran not rust snd 

I will not tarnish. Same sppesrsnce ss tbe giaaa mir- 
rors snd answer ssme pnrpoae at far leaa coat. Be- 
ing light In srelght and non-breakable, tbey are tha 
only nallf portable mirrora erer made. We base 

I "l a p .tha taaghlng mirror a specialty, aad can fat 
oM Ueaa that ate lotc te get the ■aacf, WiUi 

I 'ry-Atty for fan """" — " ~* 

Ksyer Building, : 


and his educated ponieik 
Cricket and Saby Nugget, all 
go with his Fancy Roping and 
Bull Whip Stunts. He has 
signed witti die : . _ 'l 


for the wmtof; 



4336 WMlwsrIfe Avs, - OUGAM. 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

T ti e 0 1 1 l b o a r d 


(Cootlnacd from pag* 12.) 

j,.).>*l-*-r burst of ipplauae as abe cam« tnto view 
Ji; |„ r wiinilerfol fytl ter cytnm e or brmra aod 
ti^ t: rroKDKl by a wo^d crft U^ wd _ cyb aad 

tue walk. b<Ms of Ike yaiit fMr aa set, unttl 
« Mrtnl M lAraMDl lita afar the wail aad 
kr fkll^ ta love with tun. Tha awl* and otbrr 
air.l-t plot agalnat blm t>e«aaae be bringa tb« 

''-il'- la humbled at the party of the (uloea ben 
by It fiifhltaic cock wbo baa bvca brougbt In par- 
no«fl3r u* 'do blui up.' Atid la tbe end be aeea 
tbit the Raa riara witbout bla crowlog, and, a 
aaildor and a wlaef euek, be go«a back to the 
rara-rard ta aa«.aaliaCaetlw .te koacat wack. 
nm'» aa daabt tha Hay U a tk aa a «ae$ KaaMi 
lir Aamlcaaa «r ttawir m aikar bbOm. 

•Vlaa Adaaia aa Chaateelrr wa* nam. She 
•aa maaatkr for tbe cock botb la hia haafa 
*( tnoaiph aad l^kla^ ^r!l5* _.?!9!S_*^ 
tnerged froia tha • ^ - 

aoralrd by (be 
ITie aodlt^nce 
aocb a plUbt. 

Tht criticism by Alan Dale In Tbe American 
wia posalbly tbe moat looked funrard to of all 
aad It would aacna fit tbmrefore to quote from 
Ua tbe feUvwIas paaMaaat ••ailaaAdaaBa, kav- 
hc dlaappcaia*- M.-lfek JMrtiClm iM. la- 
SrafMi aa chaatactew tta Mt aa aid aad a 
SSdCbi - - 

Cbanleeler. She waa aat lha 


Diontblsg bird dailytaw wtth .the ttelna 

M that Roaland lateaded. ffa waa vlalatlTe. 

Ktbetle. wlatfnl. &be waa Uaade Adana. All 
oaloD ranlabed. Tbia waa no more Cbaotecter 
Uaa It could bare been Rompo and Hamlet. 
It waa absolutely etientlal for any cobereoee 
tkat Cbanteclcr could claim that tbIa role ataoold 
M mascnllDe.- aod aoper-maacullne. \llas Ad- 

uu'a cbarm, her dellgbtfnl Totec. ber mqnlalte 
wt. her toaamamate art artcatad. Tia ad- 
I «a tha aaa waa too tws for her. Tfee Ilt- 
treaa lifted beraclf by aa 'alaaoat auf i ai . 

effort, but abe eoolda't quite reach It. 
J of tbe rampant, pnine-proud. mock-Tal- 

J Chaateder, one aaw a aweet little feminine 

Mrd trying to aasome Tlrlllty, bat swamped by 
htr human cturm. All loTers of Maude Adama 
Bust admit tbla, and nobody baa ever lored ber 
ai I hare done. If Cbaateeler meant anytbtnc. 
■a l ai a iHna was eoaaaletely alaaed and became 
a arattyt ftailalae eacapade." 

fiaa IMe*a aptaiiaB recardtef the Bagltih 
nitlan will be fonad to be moat liberal: "Loola 
norker ta the maker of the Bagllab Teraioa. bat 
la wisbee It to be nnderatood tbat. aa far as 
paaalble bla work waa tbat of a tranalator and 
aot an adapter. BowcTer. to keep aometblng 
tt tbe poetic form of tbe play, tbe toacta of bla 
Mlridoal pea baa made Itaeir felt. Tbe rerdlct 
d( those wbo wltaetsed last night'a. production 
*aM who are familiar witb the oclgloal French 

Kla tbat Mr. Parker baa I>een cooactentloas 
I week aad aa a4f-«(aelfa aa poaalhle." 

tnm aa Pataa aad 
tfatlMid. were Boat 

were Boat liberally accorded mnial 

_ Dorothy Dorr aa tbe iralnea hea. Matdaiat 
•oidon aa- tbe white bra. William I.ewera a* tbe 
peacock. B. Peytoa Carter a* tbe turkey cock, 
lad Ftvd Tyler a* the woodpecker, were aome of 
tha Botablea that Wohman posbed promlaeatly to 
Ike fnat. Aa Alan Dale aa^a: "Plongea In 
fhatkeca to tbe verge of exbauatton, tbeee acton 
, tkeir liaca well and aiaecrety." 


(Continued from page 10.) 

Mcian. J. p. Oaylord aod T. T. Lreamlac. It 
foaiesaed ■ oorel opening In a pboaattaphle 
aqaraklng of tbe aong tbat gave tbe Htle ta tha 
aketcb, tn llie cabin of the bero. 

flenaro aod bla band of twenty plecea waa aa- 
Mker big nmnber. One of tbe chief tettum of 
' Mtertataarat waa tbe resdltloa of tbe aa- 
ar Italy, Oemaay. Jrelaad._ Scot- 

AMMa, TMfetv. mnee, RonU 
Tha' an occupied fall ataga aet 
aa a scene oa the Qraad Caaai la Tealca. wltb 
ttr oKMollcht ahlalag over the Palaea of St. 
Htrkt, lid tbe Dogea' Palace, aad the eatranee 
'sC tbe baadmaater and aopraao aololat la made 
m a goadola. 

Oeofg* Piiuiiuoe and bla two dancing boya 
aaalrlbated agUlty aad melody to tbe Mil. tbe 



Tbe Qreat Alhlnl, a maglcltn wltb a dry Cel- 
tic wit, and some mrstlfjlng cabinet and trunk 
trtcka, created a aenaatlon wltb bla feats of 
magic and legerdemain. 

Capt, Webb'a Seala. one of tbe moat enter- 
taining and btghly-tralned aggregatlona of anl- 
mala ever exblblled, luTlled great applause by 
their joggllug of balls, dumbbells and batons, 
playing of musical Inatmmenta. ringing of bella 
and acrobatic atunta. 

Sophie Tucker, In a bellotrope dreaa, sang 
a budgt-t of popular coon songs In her own In- 
imitable manner, and Alva York, EOKllsb alng- 
lug comedienne from the London Uttlla. dla- 
eouned rocally ta Uuce coatoaics. oa If the 
Wind Had Oaly ~" - - - — 
Toaraeleea Tbaat] 
ai the Poor Olrl Oat. 

McMahoa and Cbippelle preaeated their 
aheteh. Why Rubble Mlased the Train, playing 
In front of a apeclal drop, picturing tbe train, 
abed of a great terminal station. 

Other* on the blU were The Great Tallman, 
pool expert: Three Maldena from Sala, aUhoaette 
poacnre dancvra; Artbnr Aidrldge. English tenor; 
Mcbolas' Mnalcil Elephants; Helen Vincent, 
aong lUnstrator: Jack Ark. dlaboki expert, ami 
Dora Uartial. " 


who do aereral acta. Prefer those wbo doable in 
concert or band. Midway Daaeer. Miulclui>.. 
Uan wltb Knee Figures and Uagic or Punch. 
Mole Honlle Blder, ant-clasa Cowtioys, Ropers 
and Trick Elders, Indians, Jap Troupe. WUl 
boy educated animal acta; alio TO ft. sleeping 
V. For aale, 00 ft. alceper and flat cara, circna 
baggage wagons. l>aod tableau, cages, ticket 
wagon, tents. J. A. JONES, Warren, Pa. 

ZAOX— WANTED — IXK>K— Coaceaalon people of 
all klad. Bare two baUdIa«* hOaM aad JOMS 
feet. What' haee yon for la tbaal Bis BMiaay 
for a adalatare railway, haaeh aC iiaill ahet- 
land poolea for chBdrca to rUe^ aMtxy-go-round. 
aad anytblag la lha ridlas deelea Uae. Very 
liberal rates to all. MU aukaa oar Ml leaaon 
which will be bigger, better JkM aiCB. Doa't 
be a/raid to yrritf. Will jMir 'wtm aaa al l 
Information yoa desire. B. JC' SKIIMMI-KE. 
Uanager, Hanorer, Pa. 


'''''' ''isst^jtsixisi «: ^ 

pt rr.T.waw CA& FOB B£HT— Inside 63 feet, 
20 feet for Baggage; Big Cellar. 6 Wheel Tmcks, 
Steel Wbe^ls. Car at Hooalclc F«1I«, N. T. Also 
♦111 buj M. 0. R. .iiMrcM, i:. A. JOHNSON, 
SteelTUle, Mo. 

Wish to bear from Maaleal Comedy or Oomle 
Opera Compaolea, with opea date* for or after 
Peb. US. to open new tl2.000 Opera Hooa*. la 
answering, glre date. Sat rate, aambcr la 
troupe, etc. Company with aaall «Nkcstra _V*a- 
ferred, bat Iwt Insisted on. EDWIN B, TtSf 
BOTT, Sec'y.. Brooklyn. Iowa. 

OHXT pool, ROOK In Bne open tawB at 10,000 
FOB SAU at rtUt priee; S&a4aH*g_M «- 
penaes; pay" to (100 ai^.uJdPMI: «Br 
aelUsa. ouer hoslaeea. « AdMaaa ' 
Vaol Ms«m, Xarphyahaiak Hi, 

xonoii ptcTDB£ ouzrm 

exctumged. We want a tew 

machine*. Hare aereral bargat_ 

gaa outflU on band. NATIIMIAK ■MHJOT- 

MENT CO., Dnlutb. Minn. 


TOrmS OAXEKA— Complete, wltb plates, 
mounts, developer, etc. Take* lKz2M alee, and 
finishes picture la leas than a minute. Price, 
tl2; brand new. Will ahlp. G: O. D., If you 
aend $2. TKEL NOVELTY CO., Hoatington. 
W. Va. 

WASTED— Hare a few hoadred dolUra «Bd larT. 
tees to iavaat la paytas Oe «c lOe THBAXBB. 
or will establlA one la LIVB towa. AU, peop- 
oettlons toosMered. What is yoonl Addreaa 
O. L. DAUGSB, 1006 Oth St.. Bocfc lalaad. m. 

f 100.00 hoTs complete Big Peap Show eooalating 
of l<n42 ft. tent. 20 Six-Inch daaaea, big lay- 
out of big pictures, etc. Woiud exchange for 
bunding material, new or wciatrt-hand. ar-atno- 
mobile or other abow gooda. I,. Box US.* Jaaoaa- 
town. New Xork. - - 

FOB SAU^Haadeair Act. Black' Alt OatOt; 

ISO Trick* 
for (tat 
Maw To 


rOS UU— so tt. Bauad Top, ao aide walls, 
•4S: I steel Derrlefc. haad. power. Ocean Ware, 
•ISO: No. IS Ullttary Meny-go-roand Band Or- 
gan, with 3 cylinder*, 91T0; S Jap. Ball Qame 
Alleys, tU. Some Caroaaa aad Meny-ga- iaaad 
Horses and Cbarlota. M^fB'diMI^ filMr 
parte, cheap. .Baae Ball lakar aaBM^ OML BlK 
•.Tl. Elyria, Ohio. 

PAKK TO LSASE— Lake Idlewlld, a beautiful 
atiot, conalatlng of forty acrca, also plenty of 
water for boating, paTlllon euxOO feet, Inncb 
room MxM feet, grounds are electric lighted; 
also contains dub bouse, one buudred and forty 
lockers. Tbe Kenton Country Club paya t5.00 
each member per year. Lake 1* oa* aad oae.half 
mlira North a Keatoa, Ohio. Popolatloa 12.000. 
Ice priTlleg* leaaed to a cbapaoy dra yeaia Cor 
$000,00 per year, . Here I* a big bargala tar .the 
right man. For farther partlctilai*, addma 
A. V. SALISBDBY. Keatoa. Ohio. . 

KNT at once. White performera oaly. Band 
and orcbeatra leaders' and mualclana; end men, 
Rtngera and dancers, female Imperaonator. Com- 
pany opens Feb. 8, near Mlnneapolla. Company 
paya hotel ami transportatloa *fl«r lolnlog. No 
tickets. Anawer partlvulara. Play hraa*T MIn- 
•trri printing wanted: also hotel car. W. S. 
DAVIS, Natloul Bvtel. lUaaeapolla, Mtaa. 

BABaAIir— Bahlbltloa Model, OaeVta P. 
Maebtae.. la da* coadltloa. eomplet* tor elec- 
tricity. ITS. Bead flO depoMt; wBl ahln. tor 
caaaflaattoa. > Mria caadfe dlB. Baa eoadlUca. 
Satb GfXTOS nucaz,, l»a Itnkat, Oaa- 

Bettor Than a Mint for 

■onoy ! 





Can be Used Anywhere 
Geaeimt— lU Own Electricity 
No Gm to Esploda 

Carries Own Troupe and Apparatus 

No Raflroad or Transfer BIIU 

Tmvds Anywhere by Its Own Power 

Just the ThinflT for Medicine Shows 

24-hour Circus and Wild West Agents 

Used in Halls, Tenia or Oalpitf^DcjOn 
The country is mdving pictw cn^. - FcvMneraioait the ]^ 
will give moving pictureB imd i Hugtratod aonra &i towns ha^ns no deo- 
tric light plant. Farwell's Portable Electric Moving Hctine Bgp iipaM nt 
is the only one ever patented which 13 complete in eveiy detail, even to 
incandescent lights to illuminate the hall in which you show. Demon- 
stration at Bridgeport by appointment. State and Circuit • rights for 
sale. No competition. Any infringement 6t unauthorized use will be 
prosecuted bylaw. The entire equipment is protected by {mtents. 
State rights m aide. Send for illustrated descriptive circular. ' :. 

FARWELL BROS.. P.O. 80x3068. 




Mne. 0L6A NERAOOFFi Ru^iu S(^^^ 

Ready to dose all eiigagCTicaife for 

297 Sumnor St., EAiST BOSTON. MASS 

Farce Comedies 
Stock Companies 

and first-Hdass oigaiuzatiiHis wanted that can makB good at &immer 

aMe. " " ' -- 


RANK MELVIIXB. Gea. 391 W. •Mad 9ti««<^ Haw Yaifc 


Australia's Breatest Amusement Enterprise 

Having secured what we require for this aeaaon, we wish to thank those 
■(tiaU who mote in and who have not yet been answered by letter, 
fhioudi lade Of time. We aaaine you that your appUcation will be con- 
Mm» date, 'and we will be tte M B d to hear from other big 
attiaetkMS vie Ijave hctt yet wrfttea ia. 

1440 Broadway. New York 


8.000 — 20.000— S4.00 50.000 — S6.Q0 

10,000— 2.60 30,00qt— 6.00 100,000— S.SO 

Stock Tkkits, 



Time Billboard 

1^ New Fairs j 

[Xdltor " N I Tbe foUowlDs dates bMV* Nfen 
clalaad. and oUier Iain mn now attaastiis for 
OMte mi OTiiiii^ Xk* BimonA wfll pqbllA 
mS «Mk aafiSow I* IMfrlM; ti«tth«rwlth 
■ar eaRMtlaos ■ Ibat my te ■cenaarr-l ' 

aamiltoo— A. * 


M. Fair. Oet. »«. 


nort Wayne— Tbe Great It. Wane Fair. 

12-16. P. T. Striedcr, eaeT. 
Bontlnston— Tbe Hnntlngtaa OMBtr Fair. Belt.. 

M. r. >. WIelMBkiwK. aacF.t M. Harler. 

.V4k L. H. 

Ijunldiaels — On-pn Co. A. tt ll..-||Mk.. M 
' SS. W. A. Botb. leey. 

-The nrrat I.ui«Mtsr ' 
I. C. Aniold. wer. . ■ " 


tartiactai. towa. lao. 9T OtoMtal ts m* BlU 
boaid.)-JI!be unnal ncMlac at tba KMtkeaatein 
(owa FUr AaoeUtloB wuMd at tb* oUea of 
tbcMcTetaiT. C. C. FXnrler, In Bnrllnctan. Iowa. 
■r2«» p. m.. JaBoaiT 26, Tb» Mllowlns 

anocUtlaoa were lepreaeoted: Kt. Pleiunt, 
West Uber^. Iowa Citr, Oolnmbos JnncUon. 
Pnniwllaon. WInflrld, Barllngtaii. 
Tbe (oUaMrlnc oncen were elected for 1911 

W. H. Slitanaii, prealdent: Ohtia BaKaer. Tlea- 
DnaUentro. C. ITii n Inr. JiTilMlJiM IW MMWI, 
■ncntlT* Committaat w^iETVEMHt^^CBla 
BkSMr, 01 O. mnrttr. .' ' ~- ' 

IbMMk Uatf ~ 
ImhWi iMra. 
iMea oC tkta ' 

tt waa tba opialon' of all mtiaban.pNaeBt that 
Mane rndted action ahoold iw takan to Isdace 
the prearnt legtulatne to Ineieaae the approiirta- 
llott made by the atata la aU J>£ cooatj talis, 
tor tba rrasoD tbat coimt7 faira in tba fee<Ien 
tor th* atate fair In wblcb arety aaudatlon (eels 
MiaMted. The meetlnc adjoamrd anbjeet to 
■tif.liW of tba sacrataiy. 
.''.^ ' .. 


, ' Mwa T. Uolealv, tba wdl-known eoaecialoa 

Kfba baa baaa with tba J. nank-Bateb 
Car na aaat ais jaais. baa closad An 
Mon and Ma ■ana to Ua boma In Boa- 
Km. Man., wbata ba wlU remain anttl tbo 
apoBlac ot tbe elieaa 

Baebman's TWilaed Wild Aolmal Sbow joined 
.tfet ]llUer Bna.' InterDatlooil Sbowi Jaooanr 
at Penaacola, Fla. 

Bobby 5>iwro. oontortloalRt. him nlKn*'<l with 
ttlA Motn'iMiMtnii STitr^^-i^ for liilfl ■sj'^iiviii. 

Novelties, J«w«liya 
Si«ir:Biis.' Nn Bm If SiwoaltiK 

. TIM BMtCataiesu* In tli«Ti*d*. 

It 7on are a Oooeeaalonalre, NoTettjr, Jew- 
tlzjr. Notion or Fblr Worker, CuiTamr. 
Btiectman. Auctioneer. KnlfeboaM ■■ ■tUm, 
Boop-la Game, or Geoeral MerckaBit 999 
cannot afford to be witboot It. 
' It oontalna full and complete Une* In new- 
■at Romltlca. BooTenlia. Watcbea, Jewelry, 
~ - - — _ — - Qgg^ Poekst and 
Mettaaa, Oantnl 

_ _ _ 1 ana a iwuimai 

(aa we want to IMV Ikfc kaw at 'l 
na ooaaomets' bands), aao dMB 
panuaeBt addrpss. wa wCH ba 

send yon thl« book fn»e. 
SINGER BROS., 8Z lowerjr, law Tork City 

iDGaodasfiant Lanps 

Wa kaW a ia iaa to Mt aaw taMlBi 

I— pa at aani* «M ptlaw 
elaar, Co.; oeloratf. T«. 



ABOUT U AflBIB flV XABS. ahore front 
Jabdoy the Maaaa Fiatv caa be leased 
tana of jtm, iCaHoaUa to pirtles wbo will 
InpiOTe It as amnaement park or for hotel aad 
-aottaaea; botb wHl pay; place established as 
a Biaamer resort and basLness here; come and 
loreaUsate or write. A. H. SUPLEE, Idlewblle 
Hotel. Betterton. Md. 


written t o order by KXPEBIBNCED and 8DC- 
CBaSFUI. writers. Prices modeiste. Address 
DeBOSB ft BCraBBFOBD, A. K. S5, Boatb 
Beod, Indiana. _- 




B«9Hiw. tliqfSbui^fro^ longer th«i]>iqr .other 

gcarbons oq4tne marliet 

Charles L. Kiew^rt Co. 

LaroMt Importm of name Am 
and Carbon* In AmsriMi 

New York 

San Francisco 



St. Louis 



High-Class Films — Reasonable Prices 


72 DoarlMrn Streot, Chloago. Ilia. 

Sanitary PaffomadDiiinfastaat tor Tbaatraa. $2.00 Mraallaa. irilh spmy. OU farH. H 
jfaahina. tfJO par doifaX-ptn* oana. Bnppliea tor M. PTIIaJitnaa at lowest prioes. ■ 

■ECailAN SHJgyfciY pq^ aea Manl»amMk Ay., Ww.Yorlc Ctty [ 




H. H. FII.M SERVICC, Monadnook Bldg., CHICAGO. 


We manufacture the most extensive 
line in the country. li you wish to 
enjcjjr a sensation of looming big profit, 
'\ m touch with us and our low prices. 
* it now.before you get mired in toe rut 
of poor stuff and poor seuiBn of other mdiien. 

Catalog free. Samples submitted. Quick action. 

COSMO MF6. CO.. 311-312 JL Mieliin Stnet CIICMO, ILL 


IN oim 


Honey aattan far 
stralibt <■ • baoM to _ 
We wQ] taacb yon bow. 

win iBtaiaat yoa. Oor 
^ abd valna tbat «t_< 
" oitmir. 

_ jaa daaiad wUMM la • ■ 


Bouses and Attractions booked. Wonld like to hea r from 
■That Northwest Clrcclt," IHTEHHATIOBAX. AlfimKBn 
Boltea sot and 109. SIS Pandar BtiMt W., Pbona TUS. 


LAWRENCE ' ' " ■ '' MAMB.;' .'"^ ' 

Trombone, Baaa Drtim. (no faker), double stace, I Inrenuea, Ju venllts BidkMMfiiKl'' SOlalat. 
some leads, juveniles, light comedy and centeel I A feature for band.' BMM.aikSlB4 'Might, 
beavies. Height, 6 ft. 7 m.; weight, 17S: Age, 28. 1 130; Age, 26. 


P.8.— ResponaiblemBnacen wantioEpeopte with appeamnca, ability, sol 
Can join on wire. Addreas. L. H.UAXIE, Gen. Del., Chariton, Iowa 

Wanted— For Merchants and Traveling Men's Carnival 

A first-class Carni^ 

To dunr la eonaairtbm with our PURE FOOD SHOW, to be bdd about May 1st, 
1911.; One wMkltiiaL 67.000 in attendsnee IvtyeMr. rAddress O. A. HAYHER, 

W*<aifr • fall lias o( 


•22-t24 N. tth StNOli 
•T.LOUIS. - - - U;«.A. 


At a great bargain; 75% lea 
cost , an amusement device known aa 


ILooatod on comer of Boweiy and 
Kensington Walk, Coney .Uand. 
This machine must be removed wifb* 
in the next thirty days.- Applj 

Abiti. eold RmHi SS..44 birt »..Br'idii,I.T. 

row Piermf n i ni- 


Tbe pletorea are deralaaaC 
toned and flnlshed In a iin- 
(le deeeloplBC aolotloa. Olr- 
ealara dncrlblnf a or — - 
eblne a sent tree. AM BB^ 

Btiatt. CUeaeo, m. 


for rral in<Daa>l Boor 
iDd. S,OW l« diaw 
tore lalkara. btta. 

Honas at 
Wsattwe i 


One ■ecvBd-hand iiortshle Ilamaa Boolette ^ 
for asl '. (-omplpie wlih tent and side wall; snS 
two oioDlhn; uvcrbsnlpd In factory and la Srst- 
elasM shape; Bts horse, tbnr* pbaae motor; tiJK^ 
Bavaa. Hkk. 

nna liilf b. p. awtor. Mr eat- 


rolls of aNMie, una kklf b.p. 

tlealata. write F. C. -HOP80N, Opellks, AUbams 


etc. m: 

XK», Ml otl 

other pet Coons, same knaaa 
- grsat tor ballybeo or atrast 

.INT, N«. WatMflHd. 

IBargaina— All In A-1 eoi. 

0 Electric punoa. «sw to «aoo each; • 

MqbIc Boxes, largeat aire, flOO sat" * 
ConcerU, «tSO; 2 Besloa Mandotio 
(Dew), 1380 each. OD8SI.BR A BT 
Third Ave., Bnntlngton, W. Va. 

Becond-baad Merry-Oo-Bonada, 3S Flgnrea, Or- 
Ean. Motor, and I*owpr. price t4S0. This la a 
bargsln. FRANK ZIMMKUMA>5. U Centre St., 

near Mjrtle Ave. Kwrgrwu. U I. 

CIKOUKO WAVE for sale, ot the Armll 

Itaae A 

Oninn minnfacture; practically new; ercry 
In A-1 condition. WUl aell at a 


Addism Oliaa.BeaMy. » W. Broad St., gaesBaak.Ba. 

BAU— «elle H. P. afaclbna and Btaraoaa- 
complete wllb Film Bos, mod aa Baw, iHi 

"»..^ gl^/iw » 




kaya, BIB. 
Btrsat. CblcaBO> HI. 

BOnOB— Iska'a Showmen's ... , — 

Iwged, tsklog In bnlldlag east. Boom for all. 

uliM corered photo bosrd: sbowmcn'i Innch il 

noon; call aurl hoc: Krrat.-Rt r*-trf.t In the 
world. 152S Market Ht.. hi. Mo. 


JfOjM like jtreenbacka. SOO tor 10c: 1300 for Me; 
Boom 56, 83 Blrer Street, Chicago, nia. 

PURUARY 4> 1911. 

X h e B 1 1 1 b Q.a r €l 






<rf Both Factions for Three Months Back-rA Most VafaiaUe list 

for ExUbHorsf Use 

IIKtlAil DATl»-»AUM Cft 

Wetfonday — Ambnato, Atlu, Ctwmplon, Ncitor, 

Thnndv— Ital*. Imp. AmCTlcmn. 

, — , iBUg,^^Ttonh»Mer. jUu^^Tigg. 

AMUUCAM— Tba Ocnln* fdnma). 
^T f.ttit — Tbe Emperar*! lADch (comedy). 

Tb* nulTC Robber (comedy), 
tup— Uald or Man (comedy). 
TANKBB— Tbe Tulcab UytUT (Amaiat. 

jjr^ TMCb^TMdarfoot. . . ' 


Becnm trom SeaaU*' 

Tnt» WlBter Spottt. • 

ATTH HIa Oraat taciUjec (draaa). _ 

MBROB— <n« MMtnir (drama). 
■lUAIIGI— A Brut Battoa (dnmt). 


4MERICAN-TIW' )llHlm «r IIW -DMntl (fit- 

BIBON^^I' Squaw-B Braicvrr (dnfaiajij'''^**'- 
(fllZ— Back to the Old Homeatead' 
lE^Rlag of Lore ' (comedy). 

^AMtt (drama). 

UtOKDkr, rXB. 4. 


(— Tba Aaplntloaa at <]«rald 


wtet lAjralty and Ln« (drama) 
, CUrer Bai»-(ooaMdy) ... 
JtkM Has (dniM) .... 
Vaat Stvdaat (drama) 
- ■ ■ -, TMdy Baar (<_- 

•ad Paicr ^ 

rama) .... MO 


w Wiaa Dracstet 

. -t-mtad (dnoMi 
»-TMf rkat 111 

>— Ab tmaslnary Bonaw 
•-At tka noka'T^^^ 

na powns oowpant. ' . 

I MMielM Haa (eomady) ......... 

I Bakaanal (drama) 

-J BIda to DaaU (druaa) 

ss-sL naekr Waatan KM (drama) 

*fm iT . 
•-ne I 

[drama) . . 

J— PtBkertoB Maa (d 

•-Beaox Mat Waatad (e«ady) 

Jh* W«»»a Wttboat a Haait (taaa) 
S-'naOlatTlet Attotoay (eomady-dtaau) 

ft? ''*^*SK (eotaady) .... 

SZI 'JSl'J*.'^:^ (drama) ...„i.Ji...... 

■s2Zti.j"tt-A5" .(drama) ...,.,4,.... 

ajJttla^Owathy (comedy) v«..4...... 

idera (come "~ ' 


•Ha a^: ^••iJ-.?* ^ ■tame (dnaa).. MO 
'mSSL*^ • (drama) 

r— Tba TMI 

T— Tiraadladai 


tf— Mdo rocaakeo by Aeaaa (drama). 
II — Uttia Patar'a Zmaa Day Idnma). 
ai-4waadIadaD aad rrahly Waat w ( 

DrtVOT it 

lipa (c«m««y) .. 

lanatr— i 

4-Tka WaU ParUtloo (drama) 

«— airlal a ad Ta aadlifliim m a Mteamaa 

_ l^WHWn •V»a««**a»a«amaa»«aa«a 

M Mwr T aii a i d M nia IHi (••■• 

»^-CiaaSa aad lea Halda (acaale) 

18— Tba Bloa Oomlae Otasnlaa 

1lwraUar*a Ooaar AdnrtiaaaaMt 

,]S-TmMladBm Wltbta a Caak (ewidy) 
WUn CalTary (drama)...*.'...... 


•.Aa Mdlar ail tka ONaa (ddHA.'uaiJ 
wS^MUhaad Kaowa Haw to WW SB 

Pratfdotlcaa (€0Bad7) .•».. ....l 

IS— Tka fWaa Accoaatlaa (drama) 1 

IT— Tba Hotbar'a Shadow (drama) 

n— Tklavaa aa Qilek-Ohaaca Artlata («•- 

>) MO 

: iM 


. MO 



14— Tba B a e a ll (esoady) ....•..»«.. 

I»— A dad WuelBatioB (dnma). ......... 

« Btp Vaa Wlakla (dtamat > 

»-Tka. OUU Ba latt BaSd Blm (dtaa- 

•— Tba boa^aad Letar (aoa 

tl-=>lkt TIcar of Wakadali fiilii^..... 
M— Bypaotlwd (drama) 

laaaarr — > 
•—Tba Paaha'a Daofbtar (drama) ... 
d— Baaaball aad Bloomen (e«mady).. 


10— Brarybody Sana Ibtber (eomady) 

lA— Tbo Only Otrl In Camp (comedy) 

W— Tba Vote Tbat Ooontod (drama) 

it— Bartle'a BraUutorm 


TtM Old Cnrloalty Sbo 
'Wbra I»T« Waii Itllni 


IT — riomnt rayment (comrdy) 
rr— nteallDK a RMe (comedy 1 .. 
SI— Only In tba Way (draau)... 

drama) . 


Bacwood Necklaao. 



K^niapcnaation (drama) 

IT— Tba Dark TUB Uaa (dnow). 
>i— Tte Bar ^ " 

•1— A " " 



T— Aa the Ifaater Ordcn (dnM) MO 

11 — Tba Hoar of f^tta (drama) tOO 

14 — Ob Kentaeky Soil (drama) MO 

11 — A Coon try Qlrl (dnau) MO 

n— no V«w» (dnma) ^ 

IB Wot Bameadwaaea (drama) MO 

M-^-Tba Laat laosb (drama) '**Ret 

1-^S'Stan Buttoa (drama) MO 

4— lEba Commaad from Oallle* (dnuaa) SM 

Daeamba^ . . 

»4— Tba Oattltp*^.flMd CiM 
Bl— Trapped (■WBH) 

'r^^M^ of ttO; 
ambbmum; roM 

■-•Tara, tba Onay Otri (dtaM).... 

a— Two Lneky Jlma (comedy) 

IS— Tba Bommago Kale (comedy) 

IB — Tba BladlBC Bbot (drama) 

IS— Tba raUl MiiUka (drama) 

M— Bar Hoabaad'a Deception (comedy), 
n — A Tronbleiome Parcel (comedy).... 

Sd-.airilaa (comedy) 

»— Xha BtBaw aad tba Uaa (dnna)... 



fSSaT OayUta'a Tlatton (eoM 
B-JIbo Ttadartoet't Rewd-U^ ( 
0 — Aa Arlwma Romanco (drama) 

tS— Locy'a lOTcr (comedy) 

IS— Tbo Borrowed Flit (comedy) 

Id— Tba Battored Brldatnwma (comadr)... S2B 

to— A Dental DIaaatar (comedy) 4S0 

10— The Bonanaa Ktas (drama) 800 

3— Wbaa a HaaTWagla (caMdyl 
S»-Bart' * ~- 

_»-rT ha _ 

i^biuaiy ^_^ _ 


Oecambac — 
»— Lady Bettya 

lO-Tme Salta (e 

— — rawaabap (1 


SWbart Oaia (1 

„ „ Olrl and tba BngUr 
Sik— ^ba B«portar*a Bomaaeo (< 
tr— HIa Beat rrtend (drama) ..... 

T — Rearta of tba West (draau) .. 
14— Tba SberlS and tba DetaetlTa 

SI— HIa Uotber (drama) I 

M— Ttta Ooldan Oataa (dram ' 
*:^5Jf^ •L«*»J»^y Wart . 

• ••••••• a • 

20— Why 


.. 000 



ISH).... Hf 
imody).. 4M 


. 491 

. 4in 

. BBO 



BkjIrSt'lt wni Ba (eomady) 

0— Aad Bba (3ama Back (ecoMdy) .... 

10— Her I^Terlta Toaa (draaaa) 

10 no w Ha Woa Bar (comedy) 

M Bi n Ptaya Bowla (coiMdy) 

TO RoaaUa'i Doirt (eomady) 

j^^ ^y WtiW ft nan (eoMMyy* ■••••< 

(SSSrihSI lulM DrlTm (1 . 

0 n ew Tbay Trlckod Fbtber (col 

la — Bill aa a Joekey (cowdy) 

IS— Tbat la Hy Name (comedy) 4M 

SO— A Dreadfnl DUeaima (drama) BM 

SO— Bla raltbrol rnraltor* (comedy) 8*0 

ZT— UtUe WUIIe Ooea Cyellnc (cooMdy) 2M 

lafamooa Son (drama) dSS 


to tba Old Bomeetrad (draaa).. M4 
December— reet 

T — Natiire*a Nobleaua (draaia) 

14— Brotbera (r 
n— Tbe Am 



laaaary — 

4— Tba I 

U— A Lattar to tba 

l»— A <3Ity Wolf (dL 

'a— Trtafe Baarta (draaa) 


1— iiu Oivat SaerlflM (dnaa) 

»— Baa ^ap ti WfmMMf (iiaidy) 
aJMo nad ddaap) ••••••*. 


ady) MS 

IS— Tba Bowline Oraaa (eonwdy) 445 

IS— Onr Dear Cncla (Tom America (comedy) 4T0 
I»— Tlie Cblld of TWO MotlMfa (drama)... 04S 
IS— Tb* Unaeam of tonnlsaa (eeaedy).. 400 

to— Tbe Lock-kecpar (dramai BBT 

aa — Tike S>»ar of Ilia (co m edy) SOD 

laaaary— laat 
t-Tbe Oraat Ifadal Oeapetltlaa (eeaedy) 418 

).. 4M 
... SM 





%-A. WaU Itatebad Maitlaaa (< 
0 Metbar'a Fortialt (drama) 
Id-TbaMjeoar at BoaUMM 

(COBCtfy) aoaoaeaaoaaaa* 

lO— lly WUfa Bat (coaaady) 

a — Palnlcaa Extraction (comedy) . . . 

«— KUl tba ny (comedy) 

to— Tbe Kmperor'a Lonch (comedy) 
«>— Tbe Blnalre Robber (comedy).. 
Febraary — 

0— Doctor Agalnat HIa Will (comedy) BM 

December — Peat 

' 8-^Tbe Birthday Preaent (drama) 

10— Tbe Poacher (drama) 

IT — A <3brtBtmaa Letter (drama) 

34— Tba Necklace of the Dead (drama)... 

SI— Tba Scarecrow (drama) 

Jaaaary— Ibel 

T— The Red Ucbt (drama) 

14 — A Bomeieea Bay (drama) 

21— The Tmnk Uyatery (drama) 

2S— Mr. iiDntaa Baa Bla aiwiad 
(comaQT) .....9.. ........ ...... 

NoTambar— Peel 

SO— TaUey Polka (drama) SOS 

Decambei^ Feet 

T— Tba ConqoTlnit Hero (comedy) OTO 

14 — The PIICTlma (drama) 1000 

21 — A Desperate Ki-modT (comctly) 900 

28 — Kida of tbe Mouotalna (drama) 930 

4— At Oedar Rid(a (drama). 
11— Sleepy fallow (drama). 

15— Tbafr mtm lOSMM rjaaaamf «•••*.. < 
20 — Tba UbIbM |aNSIV)««*»""« 

21— Lone Weira Treat (dnma). 
28— Tba Heart of an Actreaa (draaa).. 
December — 
S— Opeen of tba MlhUtata (drama)...... 

S— Wectara Joittce (drama) 

IS— A riaht for MUUooa (dnma) 

10— Tte (Hd lflner>a DoU (dnma) 

10— Hermit of tba BIddea Mlaaa (drama). 
Waid of IlBelo_asa (diasMt..... 
of_tbe flatao (Maaip).. 

a-^UiB. Oaarei'a OttoKe (*aam). 

»— Aa Mac'ttfa Awakaalw (1 

10— Tbe Iblka Back Boma (drama) 

3»— Betnrned to tba Fbld " 
SS— Tba little Bamarttao 

2T— A Bon of Old Olory 

30— Tbe Taxicab Myatery (draau) 
0 Fblllmr tbe Camom (draaaa)..... 

the necMc OaM — 


dramai ......... 
drama) ......... 

V. ~ 

BiooRAPn—Wtaatb eT neaaae 

PATHE — The Eacapc fn>m the 

SEUO — The Llltle Clrcoa Rider (ill 

EDISON— Tba Try^ot (coaedyl. 
■8SANAT— Baak aad Laafe-rThHy Maba a 


TITAORAPH— Joan Beacnea (drama). 

BDI80N— BorapUoai ai Roaieo (comedy). 
KAUm— The Bberlira Slater (dnma). 
PATHS — BeartB. Hnncer. Happlaeea (eoaudy). 

Practical Brook Troat Breedlag (edaeatioaal). 

BIOOBAPH— Tbtaa Blatcn (comedy). 
LUBIN— Ate Ta. Tooth (drama). 
3IBUBB— Oaly a Slater (drama). 
■BLIO— Tba Oatae of the Bed Maa (dnaai. 

' immiT. WEB. s. 

SUva'a Revolt (dfaaa). 

BBBANAT— Caraealta. tba Faltbtal (dnai 


PATHB— A Cowboy's Derotedaeee (draaa). 
VITAQRAPR— <|a(*B for a Day (drama). 

RniRON HAinirA<mmiifo oompaht. 

•—The Wlaaaa of maa I«agdaa (drama) 1 
~ ~ Ufa ofa dalaaB (ladastilal).... 

. lM» JUrtt (eoaody) 1 

O— Tba (JaptatA Brlda (ftaaaaj.^....lQ 
IsTia Old aSear Mtaa la Para (ladaaMal) 
18-^ Mooatda Maid (coaedy-draaa)... 

14 — Plga la Pifs ( t oaidy) 

Id— Tba Bed CMae aeal (dnaaH* aad eda 

18-T ba PpUee Parae tt New Tort Oitr_ 

S— la Urn Daya of Chtralry (drama) 

4— aiaep. e«nUe Bleep (comedy) 

0— Tba Ftra Departmeat of New Tark 


0— A Waatera Ml«ht (comedy) 

10- Tba Tkat of IMeiidablp (tema) 

11- Tba Berne of the Seel (daotaMei 
II— The Oardaaar's LaddarJceaMdr) 

IS— Tb* Uak Tbat Bald (draaa) 

IT— With latacaat to Date (caaa«r;dnaa) 

Id Oade'a Bhrthday Gift (coaedr) 

n— Ulha tba Mlaar (dnaa) 



Bnalac (1 
to— The Loear aad tba Oaoat (l 
Xl—>n» Black Bordered Letter 

t1— Tb* TlT-Oat (comedy) 


1 — Bomptlooa aa Borneo (comedy)... 

3— ScUlw Old Maater (dnma) 

7— Tbo Doctor (Dnam) 
s— Two . Talaatlaea (( — 
io.^nu piiBt.r 

14— Tbe Rajak IIJiaBHM 

lO-Ob* OawMf^ TladltaUl 


Sft-na Oreatar OM (dnma).. 

50- Biak aad Uak— Ulad^Uee, 
S4-Tbe Bad MdaTo 


51— A Qimbl» it 9 


dnma) * .....•••« 

S— Tb* R*da*eBcd Criminal (drama) 
T— Tba Oeaat aad the (Jowbava C 

sad l,a]ik — ^Tbey Mak« ■ Hath 

r) 8« 


4— CumfBiti, the Faithful (drama) 



CUld'a 8tf«taftm (drama) MS 

nlac the TaSlM (eooMdr) «!• 

lap 97 Jack, a Baco (onndr) Bit 

~- OoIdaK Sapper (drama) BM 

■latar-In-Law (drama) MS 

1B—n» LaaWB (drama) tM 

5— Whit* Boms (eamtOj) US 

W n» SacnatSoB of aa Hattaaa (cob- 

odW 41« 

JiBUam Back Bto Lort (ina«).... IM 
-Hla WBa'a Sweetheart Mnaa)...... «1 

"*r the BaU (eomadr) au 

- Wmt 

Two Patha (drama) SM 

-whaa a Kan I«Tea (drama) gss 

Italian Bartier (eamcd;) AM 

Hldalght Marauder (comadr)'. M 

IB-fldp Waatsd (comedy) 008 

if— Bla Ttnat (drama) (M 

9— pa Traat Vninued (drama) Ma 

' f» Timliif Mt«ma) vn 

Fmv uS Haa Jeaaedy) 9B1 

.' Wnatk (iC Oraasa Blneanmi (drama) 903 
— rr— , l*et 

Tkrae fltaiera (drama) QBT 

•6 — Heart Beata of LOBS Aao (Drama).. 9BT 
J^PrlaelUa-a- «B» a|jam<mt ^Iw tOaq^adj) tiff 

'V!^!' WMeir of Win Otatt fUt IImb^^ 
•dj) 1009 

.•—IB tha WUdaraaas (arwu) 1(N» 

a— A Tak of Oa lao (dtant) lOOa 

m-JOm OooDiT rair (draau)..........100a 

W— Joba Oonih and tha Cbecnk (faliT 

•toi7) ivm 

' . to IkoMot (drama) lOOf 

Mnma) . 
1 naodoca (drama)...., 

•^aa^limaata (drama) IMf 

f— KwMi'a rather (drama) 1000 

t w a d aaa of the Paat- (drama).: lOO* 

-tt-^o BiTBl Oiamatlata (bar]eHat)..1000 

W— Baddr (drama) ....lOOO 

IB dn BnaHetuBaa'a Honor (drama) 1000 

M— A Bobnst Patient (comedy) 

IS— The 8pr (drama) 

•1— The Uttle Olrcna BIder (drama)... 


■Maabar— Feet 

ha Praaekaf'a WU* (drama) 1001 

TlB-tn« Bamanea (conedy) 

Who Laaaha Iiaat (eoDedy) ....... MT 

> Ooloar icigaaat'a Horw ,(4ri^) Its 
> _Uw aad tha Hia ^^am^.^7^..10Vi 
.=-JlaB_ at DIeorea (drama).....:;..., — 

SS-SSSf"**"* Bg»t..B»eea 
t vpicui 

Ushtja ttaVladair (drama)., am 
v"-vla]k9 (grama).... ...... MO 

BOl]^ CcOBSdQf)' •••■••••••••*«•'••••• flTt 

~ mi Water Jar (drama) M4 

or Onald (comedy) Osr 

-Water UUaa tdrama)....< Ml 

_- -Ooward ar.Hero (drama) 

n — Three Men and a Maid (eomady).. 

-The Olrl tn the Fnm (comedy) • 

Dp- by the Deep (drama). 

Ilook Snaplcloaa (comedy)...... • 

of the Moontalaa (dr^a>.... 

ummsM- mmafa . 

(tema) „.....'T4» 

U— ■ccaaa la Brlttab iBdla (aeaale) aas 

n— /Tha Tyraat of Flccnca (drama).... tTf 
n — Ohamola But (apacttas >.«....... OSa 

^ais^i^Kssa ^sssur: m 

Votk of Ratr (drama) 9T8 

--Waahed Aahora (dnme) OTO 

-wood CatTlac at Brlaar (iadoatrlal).. UO 
,tfea "Klao^Order <dnma>.. Ml 
^Oat^Batam OW 

to Jtm y ft tto BbmbI Maa 

(a rowte y ..••.••.....*.■*••••••.•••«.. SIO 

- -What ONOt Bnt iMraad (drOH).. 

V— Old Nenlif diUdrama) 

■A Weetera Waloaaa (comedy) OH 

IP— la tha Tan Oraaa Oonntry (drama) . . 
Jaaaan— Feat 

- ■— n* ' GMsuim Scare (draoia) MO 

tt-The Owan ottfea Ii. UBaack (dnuaa) 080 

of Bteiv (draam).... aM 
c S^eailal'a Bat (eemalnx* "1 

!• — The BaToit (drama) 0C2 

IB A Fkaatom BIder (mystarr)........ 97S 

II— Oa aaaad Gate (drama) OTO 

,lT-4erad and tha New Bora Klac (Bib- 
lical) 000 

— ~ " "la «M (draau) TW 

«( nowata (eolaiaa 



Artlafa Pey Diy (fuca) ST« 

Wemaa Wtaa (conedy) 040 

ChOd'a Plea (drama) TOS 

e BlOa of Oorelca (tranlecac) 343 

Slm^e Roetlc Tale (drama) 068 

"I af AdBilral CoUcay (drama).. 003 
KUtto UatOaiUcr'a CbitoHus 

LctfeMr (Attvft)* ••••••« 9Kt 

IWtt oC a; MatafB JUi, (in- 

tt^e^.B 1 1 1 1> Q a Pv€i 

• ■4 ••«*.. •» 



A brainy man without enthusiasm is 
like a fine locomotive without steam — 
neither one gets anywhere. We have 
the brains, we have the films ^and we 
have the steam to make the Independ- 
ents the dominant factor in tlw Mbi^' 
ing Piotuie lndiutiy. That we an, nic- 
eeoiMm io rfwom.ligr tha.fitM that we 
havelhalf>f the bunneoo of the eoantiy after an anU B u h t rtte wm pa t i n iBOver- 

ing the past eight months. 

Subterfuge and triekeiy can never 'oilnt iightaoiiaMUiuiiaa^ de- 

EXHIBITORS, BEWAREI men'one of the licensed excii:iuges~of- 
fera to'extend you credit in consideration of^your taking a^higher^riced serv- 
ice than you can afford,, or for any other con^liiwattpi, that is the entering 
wedge of ousting you from your bunneoo. After you an hopelessly in <lebt they 
will dooe in on yon and take flma you a badness that has oo^ you an aapen- 
dituie g( nHugr tfaiiw<haanioiiiii « thsm allowed yonimiiiindiof your 
valuabte tlina and iritoH to boOd .i^ ' 

. If aiqr of you an tfnN iindf!«d at'llw pnaent time, wwiunimfaate with us 
oonfldeotiially at ODoe. 

jmiraervioe now from the following 


MLAIB— Bdalr mm Ox 


AKBBOaiO— «cir Tortc Hotloa 
AIXAS— Atltl FUm Co. 
CBAUPION— The Champloa 
MEBTOB — Darld Honley. 
BEL1AM(}B — Carlton X«baratorIea. 

AMEBICAM — American FUm Mfs. Co. 
IMP— Independent hfoTtns PIctureo Co. 
ITALA-^nr York HoUon Ptctnie Oo. 
BEX— Bex U. P. iUg. Co. Pint releaia 
V*b. lOL 

BISON— New T0(k 

LUX — B.. Prleor. 
B0I.AX — Solas Company. 
THANH0D8ER — ^Tbanhonaar 
YANKEE— Yankee Film Co. 


CAPITAL — Capital PUm Co. 

OBEAT NOBTHKBN— Oreat Northera nia 

! Co. 

ITALA— New York UoUon Plctnia Ca. "' 
POWBB&^Tbe Powera Company. 
BBUAI4<»— Carltw Laboratorlea. 

IMin nttm MsbiitiHK and UBio. 


OiitBlil* ShiiMar 


If you seek satisfaction, results 
in the matter of smooth projection 
combined with low opnatioK cost, 
install tlie Underwriten^Mbda 
VB" with Outsids Shutter. Ah- 
sqlttttty rdiAble. . 


"Gentlemen — ■! bought one of your 
machines two years ago and it has 
been used four hours evei^ day in said 
time and without repairs. How is 
that for an Edloon^-A^eU A Eyde, 
Lyceum Theatn, TMtf HlTiiir fidls, 



eHiOAae, ill. 

(Onuaa) .... 

Baaeae oc UoOy . 

'B_ Taoptatioa (dnusa). 

For Rent-1, 000 Reels of Film, $1.00 per day each 

Write immediately. ALAMO FILM EXCHANGE, Maisoii Blandie 
Building, Canal and Dauphine Sts., New. Oileans, L^. .You ftay express 
cbaiiges both ways. '. 



79 S. Clark St., CHICAGO. 

38— When Irorert Part (diaiat). 
2S — Tk* Olrl Spjr Belhra 

80— The Strancer (drama) . . . 
Jaouarj — 

4 — The Bolted Door (drama) >' 

0 — The Bunaaray Bnflne (drama) 

II — roc the Lot* ot an Baemy (drama).. 

11 — The Heart ot an Indian Mother (drama) 

IS— U*r Chnm'a Brother (drama) 

30 — Robbie and the BeOskuu (drama) 

2S— The Secnt ot the StUl (drama) 

>T— Purltaai aad lodlana (draiaa) 

VehmatT— ' iMt 

1— The SherUra Slater (drama).....;.... . 

5— Tha Trail ot tba Fomoa Ohatoi Misias) 


LOBtK. ■ ■ 

Dacaobcp— . ItM 

h — On tha Mexican Border (drama). .'...i Ml 

( — Rccalo'e Bnnnmeat (eomedri 800 

15— Tba Mualcal Basch (drama) 

10-Tha Dead Latter (drama) 

23 — An Anwrloan Ooont (drama) 

3ft— Maklna a Man ot Bla (drama) SM 

20— Bins Bam Mlna (drama) MO 

ItnatrT— • 1*01 
Z— Art aad tha iMaer (conwdr-drama) . 
B — Hla laat Farada (drama).......... 

K— A Mix la Haska (cooMdr) 

B — The Olmson Bear (draaia) 

E — Birel FIral Flrct (comodr) 

0— Tas Bar at BIlTer Onlch (drama).... 000 

12— The Widow'! Cboica (eomed7) 880 

18— Will It Brer Comt to This} (coaxdr).. lU 

18 — Baar Coin (comedy) MO 

19 — A Brothcr'a Bedemptlon (drama) .1000 

23— Falber lUlwo HlaiatU Coefal (coocdj) m 

20— Father Um MMH).; .-. .>..<! -im 

Dacemoer-' PM 

The atrar Donoitie (oomOy) M| 

ft— The Mezleaa TOmlilaia (aerobaUe)... dM 
T — ^The Animated Armchair (eoaeady).... MO 
7 — Oocoannt Plantattoa (colored aeaale).. MB 
•—Bared la tba Ntck of Tina (drama).. 188 

0— Boap la Hla l^aa (eomsdr) 

t»— Her Bliat ' Bartaad'a Batam MnMBl. 
U— la Bor Vttlmr'o aboMoo (oMMfl^*.* ! 
a—n» JaUaBs (aerobatte) I 

Id — Hohoea' Xmaa (eomedr) 

1«— CharUe and Kitty In B i aaai l e (aeaale) 
IS— Little Snowdrop, (polorad tain taM) 1^ 
IT-^rad br Dlaloi PlorldaBea (draiaa).. Mf 
IS— Oat Bich Qakft rMnaa) IM 

10— Haatlas Bia' UlSO la- Thaawnla (aea- 

ale) . i. ............. m.t s55 

81— Tha Bnaawar Motor Oat (eomadr).... M 

21— Max Ooea Ski-las ( e emady) Mt 

M— The Locky Cbmm (ealand fatty Mia) Mf 
88— Betty's -nrawwka (eoaatr) .9* 

84— Souhlaa ia Forarty Bow (drams).... 1880 

as— Tha- Ataaamant (draau) ON 

aO-Tha BoirllBS tend (eonedy) M« 

85— BanaiBS Away Vtom a nrtaaa (com- 

ody) 0*0 

20— Tlia ABMrlcaa Fleet he Vkaaeh Waters 


38— In rtdl Crf (acenlc) 

SO— Blue Borae lilne (drama) 

so— Catalan, tba MlnetrallceleeaO aniMI 
80— Camlral of Japaneaa IliamfB mTMAi 

(ieanlc) SW 

01— Tha Xaaol Qlrl (drama) .............Mf 

^^^SCTutopIaead PMtlcoat (iMM) 

2— Dntcb Kids (traralotM) 

1 — Tha Cowlwy'a Innoccnca (draau)..... 

• — Aa Intrlsne (drama) 

T— Lora Under DUOeiiltiee (comedy) .... . 
T— Tha raaaral of ODOBt TUatat (dilirto 


0— The BtUb ot BettlMr (drama) 

a— IB tba Laad of tbaBoBkays (scale).. 

11— Tba'Twla Claderellaa (eomady) 

U— I>Baty Bhodeo xakea a BUsht (eaaaady) 
18— Bo' Near Bnt Mot Qnlta (tztek caasir) 
IS— Max la Almoat Married (enmidy),..... ■ ■ 
14— The Battle at Bedmod (drama)..;.. - 

18 — Marrnerlte'a Birthday (drama) ; ' 

M — SaTed by Brr Preyara (drama) 

18— Trailed by an lodlaa (draau) 

20— Sea Birds In Their Haaata .(isd ui^ tlM 

al) ..................... ..........^ , 

20— Tha Tahlea ai« Tnmad (eemafly). 

21— n* Marked DoHar (drama); 

88— Bow Max Weat Ateaad tb* WorM 

(eomady) !S 

88— Qaaollaa for a Tsate (eomady) nf 

20— Bared by Ttlegrapby (drama) IV 

20— Wbiaea' New Slee** (ceeMdy) Sal 

27 — II TroTatora (dranu) *— 

20— Father AnIaat Bla Wm (eomady)... MB 

2»-Betty BeIbAloaB|OM|Odr)..... 
IKV— The Eicapo fMM WtQRtifeo (ilHM>_ 
Dthmary— '. • W9n 

1— Hearta, HaBser, UapplBMO (eemaOy) nt- 
1— Prsetlcal Btogfe Tmt aioediBB t«m- 

eatbnal) qz 

B^^H^a^^S^Sl^S*! 1 

Febniery — 

18 — A rlerolDr of 'TB (Drena) . 




two -thirds on 
makaa M CUT 

oa the first cost 
of your i»m- 
plete «quip> 

• ••nystooker 

£11 makM M. P. 

Vree Oatalaoaa 

No. B-8. 

J. H. HALLBERG, iU'nS-c?* 

EDIBOM M. P. XAOBIHB-aoO feet rtlBOi 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 

Ttie Billboard 



iviiMi *M kv it at Iniit prices. Our sew 

v<>l>Il PBOmS. and ■MUTM yoo of u A l 
■.radr of aeods. Oum WDdrd eltlwr tbroaxh 
nutriMimi M om the coonter 1» Tery prcft- 
» PROVIDBD that the price* at which 
"■,.11 ■•urrhiM It ere right. But the powerful 
■•nm conibtDv UM oat to comer tbe mar- 
iii'l Tber are working to compel 700 to ow 
onlr their fooda. at esoAiuat coat, bnt we 
■re OsMIW M* tfWt to.«T«y war., 


Br contrtctiDs for lb* (Btlra ontpnt of tm 
of tlw larK«>t raetorle* and ellmloatlnc ad- 
Tvrtlaiiia— ualog liialead our (aoion* MUto 
O^l^s SelT aad tte Mnia Uberty BcU 
oSm nolt Teader, aa diatribatfaw naeUaaa, 
wa Bi» eaaMcd to nipplTyoa wttli ^delj- 
rtoM IJbertT BeU Obbi Vtnit AT A OBBAT 

nSma IN COST. 


Ubertr Bdl Ooa Fmlt la a whirlwind ael- 
ivr— popalar wbeierer tntniduccd. Each 
[tackape coatalne five rnll-aUnl sticks of 
gnm dellcstel7 flaTorrd. otcrlr wTsppe<1 In 
waxed paper and tlntoll. and encloaed In a 
haadaoM/ lllhaffraphed outer wrapper. At 

tHKliti mllX tf 111 fMMMES, 

It la BBdaablcdlr tha chaapaat OOOD ca« 
nada. ttaed la i oaai e tle u wllk tha two pap> 
alar new meae»<aialiata— tha Htlla OiMra* 

tor'i Bell tod Uberty Bctl Qam Fniit yen- 
ilrr. It will narrelonsly Increase Tonr proflt* 
Id a Tpr7 abort time. IJberty Ball Onm 
Fnlt can be had oalj of the pateatcca and 

lArffwt Mr™ of CotnOp*r»t^ Marhtnr*. 

Mills Bulldins, - - CHICAaO. 


n> auAT cunDT HAcmm. . 
dUinun'N, lat, kiHit Iraii iiC 



C9««ac> tor Cash 

tlis new moslc and Is In One condition. Will 
do for small show or merrjr Ro ronnd. JNO. 
H. STAIB, «S3 W. Cambria St.. Phllsdelpbls, 

For Sale or Partner Wanted 

^rsll aew «BtartaltinMBt tor local beiMBta, coo- 
el(ls at 16 attractions, all readj to work. la- 
dotn la winter; oatslde Id sammer. Palated la 
cjUtaa, distemper. Profraslonsl talent not needed. 
TUa k a noTrltr propoaltlon and a aood one, 
that will nt the moaer If haadlsd ~ " ' 

. afia MlQioaTd. OlBelBni 

■nd a good one, 
aadlsd tj a Ugh- 

At tta Jight price. Ftiiit RkI. Ubertr Bella, 
Chtck B«ya>. ilk*, rin Oum. and all klnda^ 
la aiiaa a t Machines, adams KOTBUTT OO.. 
P. O. Baa m. Ashnrr Park. N. J. 

FOR BALE— High Dlrlng Trick Dog* and 
DoTce; one Kdlson; one Lnbln. with Btero, Omb- 
tuaed Oaa Bamer: all complete with each ma- 
{Mae. T Reels of Film: SB Slides. Prie*. tSO.OO. 
PROP, HABBT auiTH. Orats, Pa. 

BaNw f 

«aiea for laia at At — 
«ew. ta perftaf 
Uwk Bob «. Mi 

, 1 Oaa Braaawlek- 

taHa aad a aood dgar 
Uir. Wit. allmtd aa 
it^^ tai ia l fc Mdreee 

FOR 8A£B— M. P. Labia Machine. Model B., 
■Oas Ootat aew: 8 Reels of rnme. Screen and 
ereiTtblns complete to hIti- show. »Rn lakra It. 

flaad towa for thintr.'. w r. a.. 
\n Hall Sticet. Aiioi... iow«. 

fWR BAIB— I Smith Premier Typeirrller. tS; 
I CUetga RnttOQ Oamers. (10: 1 Stereoptlcon 
aaj 100 Slides, gSB. p. H. MATTOCKS, Mead- 
•tile. Pa. 


Kind (* new; 

e-pl/ oek Tcnrered opera chslrs. 

30x50: white tent. 

^ — . blsck top. 

. • ."est*, stsge. seenerT, nwrrcd seats. 
2«iil".J^"5.* 'I«hta for both oatflta. " 
BRBBOK, a» Bpreea St.. BuMkrllla, Pa, 

L. A, 

ZTXAXSon rOB BAZS-8 tan oetaeea. sharpa 
•nd Bats, 80 hara ta aU. Maple. la Baa eon- 
lltlon, 110. Blehl OalUr. eooccrt ataa. with 
„«ne condlMoB. 815. Address. O. I.. 
"AMOBB. inOB Ninth St., Bock lalsad. III. 

BA88ET-B IPBDroa POB BEXT— This line aam- 
■aer resort, with new 40 room hotel, all fur- 
Blabed. and 10 sere* of land; located \2 miles 
north of Bowling Orecn. Ky.. In Oreen Rlrer. 
Hf JJH psrtlenlars, sddres*. LON D. HANES. 
•tl atat* Street., BowUng Oreen, Ky. 

Oaljr Aallng rtnk la town FOR RBNT OR 8ALB. 
May trsde for land or Improead. Caa aaally ha 
ounird to tbeatr*. Oaa get yoa a aoad deal. 
0»ll*e,m nalldlng. Foad dn'Xae. Wto.'AddiSi^ 
P- L. MILLRR. iml N. Paullaa at.. Chicago. 

(er akatlng rink. 4 

Acta, TUck akalero, ate., 
^-w--.— PebmarF lat aad 
•waad week ta March, April and May. Wbaa 

I. O. TIMO W. MarllBton. W. Va, 

Oolota, with yonr 
tot (Terr 
Bead 2 ccBt 

'•taap (or . 
«a8ta ataai 

•eyer. TH 

.flgggi^^fcas gas 

BMataa. . MaijUaa goara, aad 

•aai(lt«. Oar coDplala eatalog tor 10 
■pa. Wofa de^gaa and batter thaa 

<"*y Oeater, K*n.. Photo BagtBTera aad Priatera. 



— ; '• rrr- P6llr TM«' ' ' .' ,: ' , — ■ ■ - - 


SEASON 1911. 

First-class Musicians of all kinds for the No. . 1 anil No 2 
shows. Viz:— Cornets, Clarinets. E-flat Clannets, Flute and 
Piccolo Men, Oboes, Bassoons, Horns, Trombones, Bari- 
tones, Basses, Trap Drummers that play bells, Bass Drum- 
mers that play double drums. Violin, Piano, and CaUiope 
Men that doublein band. Low irilteh.wfll be iimI m^Are> 
Jy. Stateoxparience and lowest salary in FBRSr iglTBR. 


A. Ua E8LICK, 2606 TnieyAvii.,KanMs City, Ma 



Ape altvays in tleinaiid, amd-gixxl men earn a salary of frotn $25 to $75 a week. Our 
new book, just published, gives full instructions how to become a successful door- 
talker and lecturer, and contains openings on most evsiy Idnd of show. Written by 
the most successful and best known talkers in tlw bnttaMs. Talkers eveiywhere— 
Get away from that old, worn-out style and get our onruid up-to-date talks. Learn 
how the oest men in the business rose to success. :Aw nan of average abilty can 
become a successful talker if he goes about it in&e right way. Every talker 
and lecturer should read this book. Price Sl.OO. Sent anywhere on receipt of price. 
Street, EI PaKJ," 


Tuba, Double Bass; Strong Comet, Double Oreheatim; Violin and Piwno mmMw Bnas.' 
Ot^n* write. Long season. tbiC ODBflTDBt BiidlMriak'O 


THE B. P. O. or E. 

Tha home lads* at Oraad Seeretarj IVed 0. Babtnaoa. will iMia tbalt 

FIRST ANNUAL INDOOR FAIR, February 9 to 18, Incl. 

Two munmotb Boors for attTactloom. O1U7 two or three (ood midway ahowa wanted 00 
pcicaatasa. Mm Icgitlmata coacaaaloaa, aach kaifa lacka, eaaa rack, bird wheal. 

' ' at.ittr'. ttsBssai . irii>jB> MkyVlMB. a -Mii'.SBseiaa. 

Wba'at aaea' ta 



will aril at a aacrlflcc, tha moat complete Cook nonie ootst In ttie coostry, laclodlns a 
cookln* plant (which la perfect), with four SO saUoo copper, nlekel-pl^tnl. atcam kettlca aad 
two ao-(alloa copper, olckpl-plated, colTef and tea oma, two T-ft. ■ copper, nlckel-platcd. ataam 
tablea, can be nsed aa one or two aeparate tables: three Basgass Waaona and one Combination 
— » ^ Fwa,. .lad. 

Ubiea, can be nsed aa one or two separate tablea: three Basgass Wi 
BascBfle aod Water Wagon, with 000 galloa capacllr, aiBdt or BalUv 
Thb oBtflt wUI feed «B0 people and la la <IS Il S UW ISIll lM sai «t wt 
show catTVlns SOO or more people. AttHm •W.M.HalKBi^mf it 
Atlaatle Ana., AUaatlc City. N. J. 


In good mbdMeaL Origkial isoBt Si;aOO. iife waaMwMffdgsij isAaeiL • HABBY 

MGTZ, Majestic Theatre, Paterson, J. 


AdTaaee WasoBUjOOi Agnit'a Bagay, fdS; Baad Wagoa. tSO; Cartrall, . 
Plank Wagon, $79: four-horaa Canraa Wasoa. SUS; two-hocpa Canvaa Wag 

Pole Wagoo, STS; 
tIS; side Stmw 

Wagoa. $100; Propertr Wagoa, (TS: eight MInlatnre Cagea. (cheap); 60-ft. IRoond Top with two 
40-tt. Mkldlea. lO-rt. Walla. 1090; BO-rt. Round Top with two ao-tt. Ulddlea. lO-tt. Walla. $185: 
ten Intgtha Reaerre Seat*, ttn; ten lengtba Bloea. $j|0: Hnrdia Mnir, Trained Poalea. Backing 
Dook. and other property at bargain pricca. Write for Hat AL. T, WHKIil.KR, Oaford, Pa. 


callable of accommodating 40 paople; moat hare steel wbeels and r's* Inspection for fast pasaenger 
aerTlee. Also a BO or 60 ft, baggage car with doors In cod. Will also boy. If cheap and In good 
condition, a 60 ft. tent with two SO ft. mlrldlee. poIf>!4. H.'sti. Mnge and all complete; mast hare 
St leaat 400 reaerTPd st-atn. Sllte [portlrnlarii *im1 wh*>ro tlir al>'iv,- rail tu t n. A<^iU*-n» 

TH08. P. KELLtr. Boi M. Nowboru. Ont.. Canada. 




■taaka aad Oatlaames aad SMa ahow r«apla ot an klada far a a«a.ln.oaa VMa 8bnw. Nothing 
too flood, atda ahaar Talkna aiMI Oaadr Batebam. Can oaa tluca mora aeotab tap-Plaara and 
Baaa Dmnnara and Flageolet nayats, two Dancing Olria: alao Alaa to raa BaMMl 
and Man to handle balloons and whtpa. atata lowest aslary and all In Brat lattlR' MS 1 
one of the lirat enalpped ahowa on the road, and good accommodation and trcatmat to hST J 
BBM 0A8PBR. Manager Side Showa, TOS N. 8th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. 


Alao Win Wlilbar. Jagalar aad T>a i»a a' Act. Writa er wire. Caa plaea a ttr 

Alao mat pctflMiaais of all UiNIa far blinodroma. Write or wire at oeca what act yoo I 

iDwaat MlaiT. Ws cpea rrb. a, RICmJUinrOA.. ooder aoapleca riKB DBPABTMBNT. Tbbi < 
ha* narcr tieaa played hefnre. so If yon are looking for a good one, write at oaea. Other t 
ooea to foUow. MBTROrOI.ITAN SHOWS, IlICBt.AND, OA. 

roa. inmML bimbvii uuixioti sep biuboabd irai|i inixiiie ADyuxism. 



Moving PletuN MMhlm 

•CttlB satat 
a baxflala. : 

luiaii SiMt Ni. IS Riv Intr 




•«in. m win Bbto a O. D. aoblsst (• 
aaraaa aratnlfiatfaio." m^an yoaaaa aoaa 





Plenty oC, fsatdra 

, ^a. Sa par «sa«. 
eqvy of ThaSr-Wlita Case aat 
Qfia-Melaoa right far sal*. 


ft flO par red: MM 
Powar'a. Bdlaoa aia- 
cblnea, $100: Modal Bl 
gaa machines, fSS; aaaS 
Motlograplia, IIOO. T>»- 
atrea, cheap; wIU hay 
aainp. Conaenaera, BOe; 

sprocket wheela, fl: tlcketa, 7c per 1,000; ear- 
txina, IHc. will trade yon new machlna far 

Si Sr-.JCr^^'^ ?«to,llla.. njm 
f*** MtwaaBi 9 r aaiB, aias aaa aaipmanr was 
boy raaMoB flay, tnaCliBebbMa. 

H. DATIB. Watartowa. 


milVts. O. J. 

pflsTKBS. Baiy 



723 Maw 


Boss Canvasman, Chandelier Man, Slida 
Trombone, Alto, Trap Drummer. 

404 1;. (Uimiui Ti'i: St., San .\iiUjiuii, Tez. 


Kait ba te .A>> 




A wber. reliable Drommer, with good line af 
Traps, Bella and eSecta, for picture show ~^ 
Tbe man with tbe ocatlnaa. A. P. M. 


A real MED. CO. Salary or Per cent., 
man. witb M. P. Maciane. Otbeia 
UNITED QDAKERS, Wabaasa. Mtoo. 

Who wanta a Brat-clasa CORNET 1'I.ATBB. 
competent to fill any posltloo In lti,fatre. cvneart 
bahd or aympbony orrbeatra. Years of eapai*- 
ence In all lines. Nothing too dlfflcnlt. RALPB 
BRAMBLB. 433« Wyoming St.. Ksnaaa City. Ma. 


BHOwa. azAaov mu 

Clrcoa pe if ofa iB dolnc two or more acta; Baas 
CanTaamaa, aast ba Bood seat man; Baaa Iloatlar 
to loin at oBca. Man of good amaiaaea.t, 
worV dog and pony act» ta jtMtB Baa* 

wbo can furtiiBb eight* 
ary; we pay all. 
KnoTTllle, Tenn. 

WASTED— Bb Ooraat. to lead amaU haod: alaa 
Tnba. State lowest. Wsnt Plantation. Snaka 
and VandoTlUe Baonera; White Teat ahoot aOxSS 
Good opealng for two more ahowa anid a taw 
mora conceaalona. Addreaa. ClABK <U.BNITAI. 
CO., WUmer, Ala.. SO-B: McLanc. Waa., T-H. 

rur DoaMa ftatiH -am. Be OoMortlaalst'aB I 
some klad «t aet^ Oaa wbo BUya ^ 
can alng aad work la TandaTtlW ahab 

teach trapeae to altbcr. Bzebaac* M 

fan IntormatloB aa to what yaa caa da^ aaB ta 

character. ENO MeSBATOM, BdCan. Altt;. < 
Oaark Theatre. "■ ■ 

la aatwtflac ais, MaHw-m Bl 

FEBRUARY 4, 1911. 


; FKBRUARy 4k 1M1. 







--Hatch's Water Garolial and Allied Sbows- -CARS 


nnnmoBs of paid ahusehents ov the woeldw 

1«'Cw»-PITTMN»IIO AMIMiBMniT CO.— Ma. 9. \ 

hatchv wAtkr CAMNIVAL ' 

"Waftir-'aWv-'kaili 'm to' 


Oot-clvUlnc the New York 
prrfarm.n, if T' ^^ "*<"g ~ ' 

Barstew's London Wator Pantomimo Com pany'of 26 Paopio 

SrfyWSfcTm. ' mfc'tSp iff g^^^ijf*'*' I*"*. """P*"? liz a^art Lac BoUan. 

' r a-tlrll 

Ika tUa OTK MCB In Aacflea oatslde of tbe Naw Tack 

mm «if Earth'a Maat Wondarf ul High Divara, Triek and Fancy 
Sarimmarst Inoluding UTCA, th« SainoMi PMrl Divor. 




— ^ 

Wa ftifiilalt wmwm nuiHli 
~ eoaUBtaHBj 

of aiarj kii_ 

J abawa wm (lir fkt 
Uaitcd Btatia. ' ■ 

. WANTED— r«atai««WMr 

tmntir^v* (2B)Lady Swimmar*. 


Unr. Oaiaial Sapeiintandent; BOBT. BURKS, 



W. H. RICE, Oananl Aaant; JOB.J.OOM- 

t&iy and Treasurer. 

Hatch lUrtMln^. lOS Foa>& An 

iBtemted parties sad p i usitsc U ta i 

Til wbleh Is tbe largest porttUt i 

*. • imSBIIMIb VA. 

I Cor daacrtpUTa aalatogw of oar wattr caial- 

•ttlMtiM atar eoaealTad and presented. 

When lie UMcfd 

February 11 to 25, at Tampa, Fla. 

The biggest of all events. Featuring the greatest aviation 
meeting in the entiie Spiath.: Curtiss aeroplanes and avia- 

H^ant acts that can be framed up for Midway 
pay 8ho#|k'£|Aye plenty of tents on hand. Want freaks and 
cjinositie^^ show. Good shows play- 

ing; hinttcuid playing best (^f towns. 

Want good Midget IHUtt^ Want Indians for wajS^diilice. 
Key West and other good ones to follow. Address 


> ^ A. T/WRl6lrt1rr Repi«Mntatlvo, 



B«caiise we know thmt yna will Bay NO 
OTUKliS after onoe tiyins the FREE lunplea of 
Our New Fenotype Futtaa or Buttons, if they 

R rove to be tha BEST yon hava aver used Rasanf- 
» of Price. ' 

We shall baplaaaad to- fin jroar orders at the 
following piioaK 

Platea. 1 3-4al .TSo per.lOO 

Mounta . ....... ZSoparlOO 

Button Platm .... .. ....7So per 100 

Framaa . Ma per gross and up 

Owvalopar 20e per paekaoe 

Thaaa are not.Barcain Prteca. I 
am ooly civinc yon what I sava by 
MannfaetaiiaKTiMm Myself. - 
Writa for aampla jwdaie; lant to 

yooFBEB^ - • 



thfli oiluir and you wOU get as 
big a quantity of goods from us as 
you would lor the whole aoiywhen 
dae. Wlqrt B iwiw i iBi onr^psiiMi iim 
that much lower. Our goods? You 
can't gc^ ti|i^ ^fV^ i^Bk*" 
en. We«ipwl^m 


has. ■ "■ 

Wa aond M catalog and 

In writiiig far.oibdog, say if you 
]Bif9 77(B^pegB book. 

We are Hanufacturera, InH' 
portem and Wholesalers 


Stnetannifii iS5^ fhe 

Cane Back and KnUa 
Board Hen, Blch 
Pitch end Fish Fand 
Operators, Street VWr 
and Camlral Worken, 
TraTClIng Uedielae 
Bbows, Circmee, Aisc- 

tloneen, Conccaaloa- 
alraa, Premlon Ot*. 
srs, Schemlsts, M. O. 

lien and Oenertl Her- 


221-222 IMMStrm 

ous naoira zxn 

7mr«Ii7, Wa trh M. 
CaUerr. Csnea, flUvar- 
wara, Tankea Notkaa. 
NoT^tlsa and epaelat. 
asB_ia — 

ttsr 'and Bnhbar 
Oooda, Books and Baa- 
vralra, P r a n I ■ • 
Qooda, Advertlalae' 
Ooods, Slisat Mra. 
Canlral and «FtaH( 
■oppUaa of an- Haiii 

' Otaaa ' Ote^e Ota> '-^^t '.f^ 

I Cost 


Costume & Scenery- Exctiange 

L. HIB8CB, Propxlator. 

Theatrical CSostumM, Sceneriea and IVon boui^t sold and exchanced. 
. V : °; illi ' 'Thaiittieal IfakMipe Mid XniBka. , 
■ OaifliBaaaaata Haaaa Bmaii^ « * • 



Volume XXm. No. 6. 


February 11, 1911. 





AD mar oum- 






Tit Wltantli 



Ifade with 



Nertr break 
Easy to set op 

We make for quiek 
dupment.''- VOO 




wiD ft most any bOTder drama. 




»«nlt»iy,ap « o» — vlng.tJf*- 
. . ' wvliis, Monay^aavlna, 
To UiibTlita eiwlrlsce Malts 
Your auainMs Oraw. 
Writ* Today. : : 


Xtie Billboarcl 

' r ' ' ' 


EDITORIAL .' .....>:^ .•••.•...>.••#>..• t 


^0CT8 OJT -HUB' ROAD* •■••••••••••«•••>■■•«••••*•••••••••■•••••. 4 

^■AJIO"DS . OHj^wjpiih '-V* ^ 
AMUSEMENT WEEK IN AMERICA . . . . , ............... i .... . . • . 6-7 


vAuojayiJLXiB .wjuttL .mcsaccsAoo...... > 




BlIRXJniQinB AMD ■ BIJRIJS8Q1IKB8. . . ......... . .V. . . . I* 



RBASBKBSr 'OOCAJUVT • ••••••■•••*•>•«•• »u • • S9 



CDft'^^DB 291B^VB ••••••• • • • • • a • • • 99 



SKATING RWK; NJBWB^. . — • • ^ • ^ • • •*.> • . • M 
ROUTES — . .■ 

P6rfonxi6F^ DfttMT ..•■••.«■•>•.••.>••'•-••••••••'••■ .^-« • • ••'•-^-'^ SO 

wltli KIMUaiieolu Goo^ 

-■JktttB with _OOlllpABtoS«* • •.Vi*-** • « *'•-•'■ • « ai*^***-* * * 'a'^^ 

^Surl cs^uo IKootttft'' *-*-«^ * SS 

stock and Repertoire 89* 

Dramatic and Mnaical — *^ 

Bands and ■ OVOlMVtiaB* * f • V^^a'* * ...j......^.... ^.s*.'... S^..^... 41 ' 

Minstrels . . . ... ... ......',;>» . . . I • - . . 41. 

Carnival Compaidas ^i^. ;v?^»..n^vv<:'« .'Vr^» • *.«y*^>« aV** 41 

MOVING PICTURE THBAlttB UOT.... .'i^'^;!.-; 44 

- .. > ' - ' ■•- ■ ■■■■ 

MBW CONVBSNnONS V^-. ; ^V^-^ «• > • ^ . . .'• •'. 4( 

TiW*fff^^' issts^^ ^iTi .....-..'.----.---**•■.-•. .'^^ -'. ... i-m . .'. . . . .' 

. - ~ . • . ■ "i : ■ ■ 

CIRCUS Vt INX'ttitrOITAIOTHg. ; ....-...;.>.......-.. 58 

' f • ••••V* , - • 

^TCTjgASEti" '/ I; . .'. 01 

pkbruahy iif mt- 


Foi EVESY niirosB 



estabushed ises 

.174>1TC Wabaeh Avanua, 





s,aos— si^ M,ooe-<«.M t». om v rM 
10,000— ».oofr- *J0 ieo,oo»-iejo 

PmytiUpeMnt. Om> with tt« a rder. OODPON TIGKEn^J 

N AiriQIiAlp ^IpKCl^ CO. 



t BOBMl 

Mall ertfara promptly niladr 


: -•.Vll. 'Yi 



TMn CWi 

Snltabl* for inal) 
tlMitn «>d matlaa 
plctun fthowm. Wi 
carrr ttacw chain ir 
•toek and cu< Ifelr 
ImoicdUtclr. leoal 
Iwad eluin. flit* 
•ntinc tot «nt-tt- 
door uw. Ad d. D ipt. 
TDRB CO., anas 
Bapld>. Mich. BtB' 
ton Offlce, 224 0» 
" ■ _ crei* BtTMt. 

Sew York Offlc*. ISO Flftb Aran 







... mm 


•Mi... U.M 
4Mb... UM 
M tm... Iftja 
»»-00 dtpwit 

with oi 
Coid.KoUad Steal 1 
Inj. Three-i;il7B.B.*E 
trunk wood, bjutd^ivalatf 

tipping tray. BEND 1 
fyOitg m C O, D.'gu$m 


4«r Wood afc_ Ma rArtwi »».tU. m- 

When in the following eitiea 

and EXPRESS CH&QES br gatttM 
"The Same Trunk," '^Bame OuarantM* 
from the dealers below: 

New Tork. N. Y., 

Chicago, m. 

AkioD, Ohio 

Altoona. Pa 

Anderson, iDd... 
Angnsta, Ga. 

.Olmbd BrotbM* 
.....IfanbaU ¥MtJk Ot. 

............ .J. B. SpMnc 

■ AltooMi Leather Oooda Oo. 

Bodaoo Br« 

Ancnata lYoBk O*. 

Baltimore. Md. a J. Dnnn Oo. <2 atons) 

.............. ..^ 

.a. B. 

o. ~" 

.Ufaataaa TKak Fketar 
.flw MaMcr 4k Canrw 0> 

aiawjt Bo&ctt <" 


bSuo. n. r. 

Batt*. Hoat 

CtnelBaaU. OhIOL. , 

Clerelul. Ohto..^...lJiaj_a Bo&ctt Trmk Oa, 
Colombos, OUo......;'.w.WaIUeh'a Traok St«« 

CrawfordarHlo. lad... Ix>aU T" ■ ~ 

Cnmbeiiaod. Md.......... R. H. 

Dayton, Ohio D. LMahatd'i 

Detroit. Mich StaadbOldt * 01 

PL Warne, Ind., Ft. Wayne T^nnk A Leather 0» 

Pnatoria, Ohio Ibe Pettf CloUitns O*. 

PranUort. Ind .J. W. Conltar*! ttm 

Grand Rtpldi, Hlcb Faol BUttt 

HamUtoo, Ont......Baantoa iMtber Oooda Oi. 

Haatlncton. Ind. ..■^^IHck■■ Boa * Qa. 

lodluapolli. Ind ..:..t.0hM. Mtyur a O*. 

laFiyctte. tad.... ....v:.biA a Bta* Oi. 

tebanoo, Ind ....■but PecUaa 

Lima. Ohio The Boorcr Booah Ot. 

Lofuaport Ind Bcbnadcf a Portw Cm. 

Middlotown O Blttw Barnini A Bnny Oo. 

UobOe Ala v^.i.'.HoMIa Tftnk O*. 

Newark, Ohio Bd. Bt* 

PhUadelphla. Pa '.. Wm. 0«I7 

rort RnroD, Uleh Orttcoborcer Haroeea Oa 

PorUand, Me J. L- Bnekett * Oa 

Fortamoatb, Oblo .Joka Bmt 

ProTldeoc*. R. I. .yg. ... . » Hij. A .fla 

Bldunond, ^n d. . . . .«..^..^^||Vlar^^^aHaS' 

ZlMer Clothlac O* 

.Bbortle Department. 

Bnaeaar. k. X.. 

TllBn. Ohio 

Ttpton, Ind... 

1>dcdo, Oblo 

Trenton, N. J..... 
Waahtocton. D. O.. 
Wbedlnx. W. Ta. 
Wllkea-Baiic. Pa.. 
ZaDcarUle. Oblo... 

ThaTheatrieal riof—ion wtUappnol- 
ate tha saving of tima and 
" tUa„ 
Wa«cb Ats liit grawt 

....WilDiactoo a Oa. 

O. A. Ulablar 

Beekor'B Leather Oooda Oa. 

Eta Jk Selfirt 

...... Barray H. Xemmifar 

Tba Warner SMv 


For Sale - Power's MachiBO No. S 

abia 'Leaa. baa X^oivaa'a i 

Bbeoatat. Perfect eondltlon. Pite lUSuOOii lit 
mabofcany colored folding chain. W Mala aSfa. 
Patbe'a H. C. Paaalon Plar, t«r root ar tilt. 
Opilgmph Maehlnea, Bdiaon unlTeraa) and iilbara 
Model B. Gaa .Machine, with tobea and botaat. 
tan.OO. Film lerTlcc, 12 rcela, *13.00 per waak. 
A lot or acraery and cortalna, Bdlson Curaal 
BaTer, new, t40.00. OM TD light Dynamo. tBO.Oe 
1.000,000 ft. mm. at one cent par ft. WUl kv 
8k»w and Amnaenunt Oooda. I waat ' — 

ti# itatpn .mil.. Nxia-nui^ — 

wT^ti^ Bvi 1 1 b o a r d 


BoUud BaUdlnc, IMO Bmulvar. 
TelvpboM 1030 Br7«Dt. 

■ctlUcr BolMloK. • 108-100 Baodalpb Bt. 
• XMcpbooe Central OBU. 



Biitdlos. 880 Market St, .JoactlOQ 

■■ntet. SUto aad Slsektaa Stt.. aolte ai. 

TO tmgt* aiiwUfi. ■■ ft . 
... PMIIS^>liAf•e■;■• 

W. H. DONALDSON, Pu blither. 

-•95™ KfEKLT. end eateicdu SeooDd-CUn Matter at Port 
•tf, Oblo. Addcm alt mnmoaieatlaas far ttw «dl(MW «r ' ~ 

Tills niijuaoAiiD PDBMsnDra ooannanr, 

4tS am awwfc CfcufcwMH. tt; IL fc A. 

ABTEBTIsniO BATES. — ^Twmty ccaU par 
]iiw, acita meantremaat. Wtaala pi««. $110; 
half pace. fTO; qnartar paca, 93A. Ko advar* 
' taam Uaaa aaaaptad. 




ia fa* aato n all tralaa 

aad B«wa-atoda ikfoagkoat tka Voltid Sutaa 
and Oaaada. whieh an aappIM t* tka Amaiteaa 
.ftaWB.Qa. aad iu bruebu. It la alao aa aala 

' I'a, ST ATaaaa de I'Opata. Vaiia. 

■at M Hia. plaaaa aatuy thu 

The ShoMrineii*> AiMwdsHon^aaJiha Mljertsr 

The Showmen's Association continues to thrive, and it is becoming 
more and more apparent ihat the recently formed organization is going 
to last More of the smaller shows are applying for membership to 
Mr. J. M. Kelly, at Baraboo, Wis., while those who had not paid their 
admission fee at the last meeting have all done so since. 

Contemporaneous with the increasing determination of the showmen 
to pei^^bi getting, fairer treatment at the hands of the billposters, 
there aeenu': to. bfis^^^^m^^ inqtiiry axong advertisers and prospec- 

tive adverasets'as to what this agitation is all about — the growing con- 
sensns of qpinion being that if the circuses, the parent of this method 
of advertising, cannot aflFord to yield to the proposed increase of expense 
of the same, then commercial advertisers should not do so. 

It is beo>ming more and more believed that the "big guns" of the 
billposting business have allowed themselves to become dnmk with 
.power. The business has prospered beyond their fondest dreams, and 
ttcgr have b«»me mtoxicated with the ever-uiaeasing appetite for even 
graiter csraiqn iuid^^^^ absolute Control of outdoor advertising. 
It is d^Mied uiat for years they have not given the ser\'ice that tiiey 
should have given, and now that they are prepared to do what should 
have been done before, they propose to bleed the advertisers for all 
there is in it. However, they have turned the screws once too often, 
and with the orpuuzati<Mi of die Showmen's Association, they have 
found thdr first lonnidMite'fll^^ 


. tne patt week idiere^ a general exdiange of written 

• o p i hi o M among the showmen. The following letter was written by 
R E. WaOace, owner of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows. Writing from 
Peru, Ind., on Jairaaiy 26, to some of the other drcos proprietors. Mr. 
Wallace said: 

^ WM unable to attend the meetlnK which occurred In Chicago on Mon- 
iar* batmaa the Shownmls .AiMClation and the Associated Billposters. I 
am "VMT maeh sratifled. however, to learn that the proposition o( the Aaso- 
dated Bmpoatera was turned down anallr and emphatfcaHy hy our eoBunittee. 
I do not ae« how It would have been penlbte fbr onr oommtttee to take anj* 
other stand than they did in the matter, and it seems to me that tha time Is 
BOW ripe to try conclusions on this proposition of billboards, so that wa can 
••• Just where we stand. I do not think the average billposter over the 
eomtry will be in very much of a humor to agree with the Association heads 
. on tho° stand they have taken. This will give us exactly the same privilege 
wa eajoyed before the Associated Billposters came into existence, namely, the 
^aht' fMi.'our oontraetors to go Into a town and make the best deal ponlble 
nr th* aii .ef Hi* besQla. Thtt wm appty not bnir to the rate par sheet, but 
«m alae Miinilm the nimilMr of tIelMti. 

"I hope the Associated BtUpoeteia will atuid aqoaralr «ni the proposition 
they have made, aa In ao dolnr they Witt not dve our eomnilttee the shadow of 
an excuse for doing business with them as an AsaoclaUon. I will ventur* th^ 
optnloQ here and now that it will be very much easier to deal with the bill- 
posters throughout the country next season, and that It can be done on more 
•wror»hIo terms to the shows, than if we were bound by a set of hard and 

tlut rules, most o( which aeem to be in favor of the Association. 
■ .^*Vhla problem Ihvolvaa the ezpendltnro of something over half a mniion 
ec oelUrs tqr elreosee for billposting in six months, and I do not believe the 
MH posters are cofais to thMW ttaat-muUi aMmar «way. wlthlBOthln* oOtred 
la Its place. At any rate. It wffl be latehMtas to tir eoadasloas In the matter, 
■ad tt the shows stick together in tlieir deteimlnatioa to not aeeept tho propo- 
*Moa ot the Associated Billposters, tfeny eanwt fall to reap advnitafee which 
«iu he «m»srsnt as soon as tha ss ssen opsinsw and the dWerent shows are out 
f wear te awapt ltiubeart mace on te as o n aMe 

Appraviqg Mr. Wallace^s letter and sentiment' thereof, Mr. L. E. 
Codce, general agent of the Buffalo Bill and Pawnee Bill SIk>ws, writes: 

"So far as I am oOnoienwd, I am perfectly williog to take our diances 
aU aloqrtbe line in r^rds to the bulpostiaK and otfier ineaiis of adver- 
mgg. T am' equally confident tiiat we will not have aiiy trouble securing 
^g; fa tes from all of the billposters, as individuals. \Vhen it comes to 
' gmets, we can allow them one ticket for every fifty sheets of paper, and 
If this is not satisfactory, let them go without. 

"I think, however, that tiie show people should be well represented 
tt the next annual meeting, whidi fakes place tome time' in Jiily, and give 
chem to understand that we are united as an association as mudi as they 
are, and unless we can have a voice in llie matter of determining tl«e rates 
and tickets, and other oonditkms, we cannot . deal with tiiem as an 'a^ 

elation, but would prefer to do business with the billposters as individuals, 
the same *b we deal with odier peq^ in ^ departments of our. basi- 

G>mmenting upon Mr. Wallace's letter, Mr. Chas. Ringling stales 
that the ideas of the Ringling Brothers coincide with those of 'Mr. 
Wallace. Mr. Ringling adds : 

"We do not see a possibility of any change in the situation. We 
are going right ahead regardless of the Association of Billposters. At any 
rate, I do not think there is any diance of. the shows going bade on thdr 
agreement. I believe that all are sfanding int, and we must do everf- 
tlm^ to make this prevaiL" 

Fred.Gollmar, of the Gollmar Brothers' Shows, referring to the senti- 
ment of the Wallace letter, said : "It suits us to a T." 

The Showmen's Association will hold tc^ether and will do things in 
more ways than one, as there are many impw t a nt subjects for it to talce 
in hand. 

h.tiie meantime it is cqtected that every tent show will refrain from 
s^ning anf pnipoMd iqpeenient sent out by the Billposters' As s oc i a t ion, 
but wSl do same Sbowmen's Association decided in committee andias a . 
wliole, deal idllt tiie tMllposters indi^^ 


Just at this time, die discussion of deanliness and salacity in tiieatri- 
cal attractions is agitating the amusement pur\'eyors, not only in New 
York, but throughout the balance of the country. Broadway managers 
complain that some of the attractions offered in Gotham are of a nature 
calculated to prejudice the public and legal authorities against amuse- 
ments genei^ly, and for this reason they have taken it upon themselves 
to adjust the situation without the muck-rake methods that wotdd be 
used if the deaning up was left to. otfemr influences. . Of course, -piqllie 
syn-ipathy and public judgment are with tife Broadway managers,, feirt- 
their position is more delicate tiian appears on the surface ; for they are 
lajring themselves open to unwariranted though acrimonious opposition. 
The managers of the high-class attractions and of the theatres playing 
high-class attractions in New York are not more of a power in their 
districts th^ the manager playing other dasses of attractions in parts 
of the dty where the first-dass show is tmknown and not wanted. This 
is the reason that those managers who have allied themsdves against 
what is termed the indecent jitow are accused of maldng a sentimental 
and illogical plea to public sentiment It is onfy the shoit-qghted tii^tr»^ 
cal purveyor who cannot see that pandering to the lower instincts of 
sodety's undercrust is hurtful to amusements as an instilntion, there- 
fore, the managers who are opposi^ nndean siiows are die ' 
ones. These will be successful. 


Commercialism and the Drama 

Art and popularity can nowise be considered analogous terms. The 
playhouse devoted to the production of plays whose chief and only 

merit consists of the artistic, has never been a success in America. In- 
asmudi as we have up to this time no theatres supported by munieipali' 
ties» as .AqF. have in Europe'and many of the fore^n oonnmes, we can- 
iiot expect aay private indiWdnal to jeopardite his fortune for die inke 
of art alone. The theatrical manager is in business for profit, just 
his patron is engaged in some other business for the profits accruit 
therefrom. It is not just or fair to expect the manager of the theatre 
or the man who produces theatrical attractions, to eliminate his profit 
and to contribute his efforts to the upbuilding of art on the stage. WTien 
the steel magnate and the millionaire producer of commodities for com- 
merce and construction donate a fortion of their fortunes to the defm> .. 
tkm of the.drama^ die thcaitK manager will not be. found wandi^ wlien 
called opOn'to c on tr ibu te his dure towards'maHi^ the drama of gtta^a^; 
worth artistically and from the standpoint of education. Tt is not consist- ; 
ent, therefore, that amusement managers should stand the full brunt of ;i 
blame because the senseless and silly musical comedy is allowed to^foHow 
a Shakespearean engagement in his house. There ark those- arcp^ the 
producing mans^rs who are willing to sacrifice the greatqrjmrtion of 
thdr profits for the gratificatioii of thdr own ambitioa^^jlml^TO^ . can- 
not -sacrifioeall. The very success of didr efforts te'tipBift the drinn 
depoids vi|ioii the im»lits made h^ 


Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Qtmse Walker, tbe negro comedlaD. creator 
•C ■ mlUIoa Unglu, Is drad after u Ulnen of 
.ttro Mm. To the credit at lila partner, wn- 
auH, be It nid, tbit la .sll tbto time be bti 
■ncK Walker tbe tame ihare of tbe praAto as 
It he w«f* la the team, altboosh nnder no obll- 
■atlon t6 do CO. Here la a negro wbo was an 
Mm^rt* man la vnxf tataUin at^Ut^ud>i 

Clif Wllaoa "doables" on tba Cmt. door or 
the Lycenm, Pittsburg. One at'Tb, WUsoD'a 
strict roles Is '*no children In arms admitted; 
aU others JfUST bare tickets." A lady ap- 
pnwcbed tbe door one eTenlng wltb yonogster 
(T) In her arms. Cllf adriaed her she wonld 
■at be permlttefl to ta^e the yoonsster (?) In- 
aMe^ £ad7 pcomptlr placed the baby (?) .od 
Ita fkct. ClU demanded a ticket. Lady 
aplorgad and svlotteiad. but ttoally left tlie 
ooid (T) standing at tba door and retreated to 
box office to ^ntm tbe Bscaaaary pasteboard. kM mT mH: 

. elover odTCTtlslag 

. nttataig; baa tbe right 

to thia adage of hia: "U 

yoa want t» be up with tbe latkln tba manlng. 
keep away fkem tbe swallowa at nlgbt." Z«t 
<y dais to Variey. wbo Is on tbe Job so cootla. 
aoosly tbat Cltf Wilson, bnslness manager I^. 
eeom. cUlma that Tarley baa reqnasted tbat 
after death he (Tarley) wlabea to be bailed be- 
aeatb the lobby of tbe I.yceam Theatre, so that 
be can bear the pounding of the thonaands of 
feet comlnjc to the allow*. Dnrlng the aommer 
aeaaon. when the boose I4 rloB4>d be wantM a 
ttesb backet of paste placed at the head uf the 
monnd each morning. There's loyalty for yoa. 

Belle Baker, fomifrly a Dewaslrl on the lower 
East Side of New York, look Pittahnrg by storm 
Kcently, playing at the Oayety Theatre. 

Her soccess has l>een InataDtaneoite. I>elaa 
bfouabt aboot by her wooderfnl personality and 
Uagoette, powers. Altbongb only a girt In b«r 
ttena. ehe la a flnlsbed artist. Miss Bsker most 
be BSSB to be appreeUted. This weoderfol UtUs 
singer of ebsrscter songs bss Jnat compleM a 
tour weeks' engagement at HammetatalB'a The. 
atre. In New York, seqrtag tbs moat aenaattoa'al 
bit of tHe season. To qoote Mr. Hammeiateln'a 
words. "VaadcTllls bss a new stsr In Mlas Belle 
Baker, tbe leaaon'a greatest Had: A mnalesi 
.comedy will sately get her, she is too srtiatlc 
to stick to tbe two a- day." 

80 great an Imptcaslon did she leave aftpr her 
flrst Plttsbntg sppsannca. tbst thr manaKr- 
. mant decided to hold her otct aDothcr we^k. 
' iSaetUag nerep before aeeompllahed by any 
•tber- perfotmtr. Xbia alooa ibowa ber wonder- 
Mi abiUtr. 

•he la not aely a atagar at aaan aa Wm a<t- 
tng and expreastas la tbr dmreit'cbaraeteta aae 
pertnura hare never bNo. equaled. 

WhOe aaniag aawaptpera on the Bowery In 
new Tark. sbe wss besrd alneloE at times, 
wbra llaajly a manaicer of a*i Rant Side maslc 
ball beard ber, and aaVrd her to no 01 bis staxe 
and alag. Bbe did, and rrratml so great en Im- 

piessloo she waa kept thore Int1|.flnlti>ly anril 
she -was Anally aeeo by aomc manaicnra of big 
Broadway honaes. after which sbe was Imme- 
dlately_engigad to jUy Um Uigest sad bMt 

J. Fred KTooc hss so popnlsrized bis Colonlsl 
Annex llotel in PltUborg wltb the show folk 
tbat the bulk of tba better class of entertainers 
4aam It a pl a aini a to be his gnssu. Fred de- 
ascea tba palB IbrUa many conrteons ways sad 
Ua Inatnctlaaa to an Ua employea to aee tbat 
tbe show (Uk pot Iki bfat •faventblnf: .It>a 
really a delight to ato*^ tta. IMlSnlal Atmr. 
Plttsbnrg. Beie'a a liat aC^gnaata week of 
Jaa. 16: 

Agenta— Tom North. Newl.rweds: LooU Stem, 
Cboeolate Soldier: Ed. Bosenbanm. RJchard 
Caile: T. B. Peterson, Bine Moose; n. ;r. loog 
Behman Show. 

From Tbrre Weeks (Lj-eenm)— Chas. n. Hef- 
ferlln. aunaaer; Bobert Erans. leanne Tonrler. 
Geo. DniiT Hart, Tack OasT. 

From Green Stoefclna <AMn'. 
V, Leoiterd Howe. Iro Dswson, 

a)— Walter Howe, 

, son, Mr. Wallace 


From Grand Opera Honv (Vanderllle) — ^Mas- 
ter Oalirtel, Al. LaMar, Nan Dodson, VIda Per- 
rlne, Bd. Limir. Ed. P. Rcyninl. Ben Welsh. 

From The ItolIlckiTi (Arademy) — MI'S O. 
Aldrlch. MUs G. Wlnklt'j. Mlaa C. Williams, 
Alex. (3orman, manaKer: Mr. C. Bertne. Grace 
Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Beynolds, Mr. and 
Mrs. P. Earle. 

From Irwin's Big Show (Gayety) — Joe Welch, 
bna Bacd. Alice Walker, Bold Earl, lonlw 
waaiao. Ida Criapl. Looiaa Palmer, Jessie Wfl- 
Iba. >M Irwin. Mr. A. Bennett, MIu Belle 

From Berlin cornea thia; In the aommer of 
1911 there will be a new Paaalon Play performed 
near Blsenach. It was snnoonccd recently tbat 
tbe Grand Duke of Sase-Welmar farored tbe 
BRdaet. bat tta tesllaatlon waa endangered by 
lack of ftnda^ 

Now tbe neecaaary money to amble tbe pro- 
dnetlon, amounting to $50,000. bas been snb- 
aofbed hr anonymona donora, and the Paaalon 
Play la tbna aasnred. Tbe drama to be en- 
acted ta tba work of tbs German antbor, Karl 

'"Bed~ DcBgon. tbe! lastly popolar tieaaiirer 
aC tbe I^eeom. Plttabnrg, baa a motto, a real 
motto, which goes something like this: "Tbe 
agent was l>om to real trouble who leta the 
Are go ont In this world and mlSM^g the Ice 
wagon In the next." Some motto, eta? bat 
then "Bed" Is some treasnrec Oh^ yes, "Bed" 
doMka la 

,000 tue an art 

Burrah! WhUe In Altooaa. Pa., recently I 
beard that tbe PvanaylTanls B. B. Is contem- 
plattac tbe erfctloB of a new atattoii tbart. 
. Jflad TOO. I aar 

"Klddo," tbe short-haired cat which bas tbe 
distinction of being the only snlmal that ever 
was tsken on a ride In an airship, war one of 
tbe attractions of tbe PItUbnrg (Set (3ob Show 
at Old City Hall, Jamtxj 34.20. Xba eat Is 
owned by MelTiUe Vslasaa. at AOaatle Ottj. S. 
J„ and made a sensatlooal fltfht over tbe ocean 
wltb Walter Wellmsn. tbe aeroaaot, aereral 
months sgo. As a mark of diatlnctloo. tbe 
tabby waa presented with a collar made of gold 
and fed chicken Boppers dally and glran-Otber 
dainties wlilcb the less arlstociattg' hMtfla did 
not recirive. "Kiddo" Is said to ka aao oC tbe 
cutest petii of the kind UtIoc. 


When It comes to house press agents that arc 
on the Job and enthusiastically so erery minnte, 
don't oTcrlook w. O. Bochert, of the Lyceum, 
Plttsburj?. Don't know of another In the same 
class. He's what I call SOME PRESS ACENT. 

Tbe matinee performance was sboat half orer 
wben a diatraeted looklag woman with a early 
^ ^ aoBgbt ant tba man la 

. "There an ;>•■•■«■ TMr ebalia ia tben." 
aHe begUi.'^iia tttp mr tnp a alAd la and 
get a bos 4t amMr" ■ . • 
"Xcs, I aae." 'aassstid tbe man In tbe box 


"WeU." sbe continued lodlgnanUy, "I dropped 
a nickel la for my little gin." 

"And couldn't ycra set the candy?" queried 
the box DlBce man. "Walt. I'll see If we can 
get It ont." 

"Ob, yes," answered the woman "1 got the 
candr all right, bat I conldn't get tbe nickel 

to tbe ticket man at laaat. thla remark 

a nsre drama — — — 

_ V ealaTllla Tl 

of PIIMhuil ' 



Margaret An^ln'a lesdlag man tbia aeaaon la 
H. BceTes-Smltb. an EngUab actor, wbo In re- 
cent years has become rery popular In this 
COimtry. Mr. Beercs-Smlth la a member of one 
of the best known famUlea of hotel proprietors 
la England. His father, wbo died a few yean 
ago waa a mlllloiulre and owner of no less than 
four leadmg botela. Hla elder lir:;tber Is now 
sgiag dbeelor of tba Saray Hotel, perbana 

Wmaifl MUtaM. am tU IrUh 
Mt^Ji aMM-Mabai 

Sir — mm « Toans Jtwlab bov. •Ightasn jmum 
of age. An I bire no lUtcrs sad no otb«r 
ivUtiTc^.i of the tmder sex, I bftTo bad no ex- 

perleni'f In Iotp affairs. Plpa«« tell me bow to 
obtain ■ nw«'t.'tti4'arl. I want on* tbat wilt Id 
time bocomi' a true lorlng wife sod belpmate. 
1 do not want one tbat la alwaja looking In 
at tbe jewelry store wladowi - and admiring 
thinca. or that ia fond of lea eraam aoda 
waatinc to go to plaots wbm I* hnvn to 
moDer. I «a OA nort 


iilMM 00„ MM Ml 

"'bq *ow*^|.WI ft j|> ' i 


gtr Olrl of My 
■etat tba Boatoo 

Great Interest and entboalaim preTatIa at tbe 
weakly rebearsals of tbe. BtiawhiUat * . OI«tbler 
pepannaat Store Ctum,' nSHanUa. iftr It 
b Ctit that Cbadwiek'b JMIth la tIEe aaat am- 
bltknia as- wen aa tbe most diamatle 'waik 
yet attempted. 

The ctaoma bss recently been ansmentcd by 
alMmt forty Tolces in aotlclpation of tbe greater 
Tolome of tone reqnlrrd for Its sncressfal pro- 
duction, SDd the parts well balanced, ss they 
sre. and not a detail orerlooked to saake tbe 
affair artlaMsdr aMaMBMU Milk iiiailin 
to outrank T^inff KifM ;|goiMa<.' Ir Ibe 
choma. .," . . ■. ^ ■ ■ 

Tba data -tmt ribiit aC MMaalMa. MMaia, 
•te^ ha*o aarVrSM ^«fiB^ fr thi 

♦ • 

The more often yon see Jos. Osltes' Olrl 
of My Dresms, the better yon like ber, sod 
that's the answer for her surctia. 


The bobble skirt most gol 

The news has been llsshed from one end of 
the earth to the other. Paris baa decreed It. 
Wltb tears and lamentations ereiy women la 
tbe world baa greeted the Information. The 
Bama maid baa lemored tbe btaeeleta from 
ber anklee, tbe . (Silncse girl baa widened ont 
tbe bottom of ber trousers, "sll samee Bailor 
man," and tbe Jlmerican chorus girl has gsxed 
with tearful eyes on tbst tsllored suit which 
•tie bsd msde "for the road" snd wbleb will 
not lend Itself to the new mode. 

So In this terrible situation due credit muat 
be awarded tbe wise maid wbo fotaaw tbat 
socb a state of tbinga mlgbt conn to paaa and 
ptoTlded for tbe emeigeney. 8bc bappeas to 
be Mabel Wllber, prima donna of Tbe Metty 
Widow. Miss Wllber Inrented a gown and bad 
It msde to order at Mme. Zlmmerman'a la 
Paris. It haa a train and. after the fashion 
of the "hobble," Is csught just shore tbe 
ankles. And. oh, the wladom of this young 
Isdyl Tbe clasp which gives her gown Its 
hoblda eSeet. end thus satisfies tbe sopreme 
court a( (MWon, may 'be eaally remored^— and 
prestal tba gawB la no loagar. a "boMde." 

ExecotlTe stair for the Meysm. Shnbcrta' Two 
Men and a Girl, atarrlng Bailey snd Anstln: 
Emil AitketmlUer, manager; Sam P. Geraon, 
hnalacsa maamr: Boraee J. Halo, atage man- 
ager; Harry SnOttBott. aa a U t a nt ataia mana- 
ger; wnilaB Baste, Boaleal dtaaetirrlaaaph 
A. Fortler oaater awebaales BMB IMoIng, 
Oyman; Jamea J. Daddy, maatcr ag anMttles: 
George DnaUp, iMatar jricctrldM; TOHbetb 


but will do so Msy 8 st Charleaton, 

Ita, the girl mcntallat, who recently com- 
pleted a twenty weeka' tour of the A. J. Small 
Opera Honae Circuit In Canada, Is making the 
bit of ber career alace ber return to tbe States. 
Ita's compaiv ladndea l o tuts e n performers, 
aBMQg which are the Ibwieel Barrlactons, The 
Osearoi, logriers; Two Babia, 'the Dancing 
Bell Bops: ^rty and Barry, sketches; Billy 
Grady, comedian; tbe Four Dancing Hobos, etc, 
Mlas Delia Kennedy la muslcsl director snd 
Cbas. L. Fallon Is adrance agent. Dr. B. . H. 
BInaldo la at tbe helm as manager. Tbe com- 
pany haa not doaed In alxty-flre conaecutlre 

The Hamllns, RIcbsrd and Louise, billed 
aa The &ledley Man and tbe Maid In Brown, 
are flniHhlng tbe rest of their Orpheum bookings, 
after which they will tour tbe United time 
nntll June. Mr. Hamlin baa been workloR 
single for the past six weeka during which 
time Mrs. Hsmlln hss been In St. Paul to ap- 
pear Id dlTorce proccedlniig, against ber hus- 
baad._ Iba. dlnno wan araated Jan. a. and 
Vta..B^Mm'wim gMM taa nsa oC ber maiden 
lilM Mtoe-aiaeta. Tbey are playing 
tmalbu nadcr a bttabieni arrangement. 

Wmiaaa Oroaa and Gladys Jaduon. with their 
tbrs^ Bontbs' old baby (Dototby Katie), re- 
joined Tbe Uatlnee Oin aatleal eemedy com- 

Kny. Tbey opened at Xscelaier Springs, Mo., 
bmary 1. The abore cmapaay has with them 
Ibis season the original two comedians tbst 
made The Mstlnee Girl muslcsl comedy com. 
I>auy faoMus tlirougboat tbe South and South- 
west, Dan-Ruasrll and Wm. Gross. Also a cast 
of twdra ebotna glila aal eight priaelpala. 

' Art Adair, entwhde dosm, comedian, musical 
comlquc. acrobat, eymnaat. ainger, dancer and 
all 'around performer, baa Just Bnlshcd up 
twenty-two consecallTe n-m'ks of the W. V. M. 

A. time snd Immediately was handed contracta 
for alxtern more weeka, six orer the Bott«r- 
fleld Circuit by Claude Humphreys, snd ten we;*ks 
over the Interstate Circuit by MIsa Bosalle 
Mnckenruss, making In all thirty-eight conaecu- 
riTc we«k«. 

Madame Pauline, who will be well lecalled 
ta barlDg baaa wltb Boataek'a AbIomI Arena 
for the peat three aaaaana, and tbaia t wtoes with 
OOL rcnri for flee sesaoaa, haa aoir Joined 
Bartd'a trslning qnsrtera at BDIatda Park. 
Newark, N. J. Mr. Birbatd Baaa baa alio added 
bis coUeettoo of bears snd wolraa to thla me- 
iMgcrle, snd Peter Taylor bss added a newly 
Imported full-grown Hon to thla already large 

Artbor Keene, of the trio, Keene. Dorrls 
and Keene, anaoonccs that he Is laying off at 
pteaent at bis permsnent address, where he la 
getting Into pnparmtloo a new and elaborate 
act for next aeaaon. TbIa act will be equipped 
with special scenery and electrical effects, Mr, 
Keeae'a reeldeaee la at 00 Pennington sticet, 
Patenon, K. J. 

Tbe Stanley Sextette, which sometime ago 
sppesred st tbs WUson Areaoe Theatre, Chicago, 
in which sppesred a Miss LsTllIs, wbo was tbe 
canae of a riot oa accooat of her graceleas 
dsncing and ungainly Ognre, Is tbe cause of 
a letter to ua from Miss Camllle LeTIUa, wbo 
desires tbst her many friends know tbat It waa 
not atie wbo apiwarcd In tiiia quartette, Imt that 
she atllls numbers one of tbe Fire LaTllIaa. 

tni. E. Johnson haa resigned as man* 
sger of tbo Coloulai Theatre. Akron. O. He 
msy go Esst to tske s position with Nixon A 
Nlrdllnger. former owners of the playhouse. Be 
waa offered a place with that arm laat fall, 

B. Cool, district representstlre of : tta.IWbar 
and Shea, leaacea of the theatre, ^^WB 'WTe 
temporary change of tbe Colonial. 

Ifta, Hllder Floydeil, of The Floydeile. gym- 
nasia, la at tbe Callfomla Hospital, t/m An- 
gelca. Cel., tecorerlng from the effects of an 
cperstlon- She wss Injured Intenully In s 
fall last summer while performing In the East 
and seemed to ture recorered entirely until a 
month sgo, when sbe was sgsln tsken serlonsly 

tAjrj Locier snd Charles Rllswortb bsre Jnat 
closed a successful tour of Pantagea' snd Sul- 
Ilrsn ft Consldlne Circuits, snd niMm their ar- 
rlral In Chicago wero Immediately placed on 
tbe Princess time thraaRh 1.. A> MMad Apd 
Jotaany Simon. They opSMd at AM >mi)MM 
Ibaatie, Loulsrllle. 

The Three Wblte Knhna who are scoring 
beaelly over the Orphcnm Cirrult, hare been 
offend EoTopean tine for next seaaoo. Tbey 
will most likely lOMat. Their mtMg, MM, 
Bennett and BnCortTwlB'MaBpMr fiMnr«M 
trip Is msde. 

The Snmcer Theatre, which la being bnllt 
to ShrvTeport, La., by tbe Saeoger Brothera, 
wUl soon be oocned. Flee Tanderllla acts, 


John and Winnie Hennlngs are booked orer 
the W. V. A. time iratll June. On March 18 
they open for a tour of the Bntterlleld Olrenit 
tbrongh Michigan. They MS plaMllB ta apMd- 
tbe summer st Pnt-ln-BaK- 0^' WiNM 'ttgy •■• 
building a bungalo-rr. 

Wylder Wallers recently Joined Mr. Walter 
Brownson Jones in tbe cspaclty of agent and 
busloess manager. Mr. Jones glrea a lecture 
with lllustrstloos of bis ten thonssnd mile 
wslk from DsUss, Texss to Noma, Alssks. 

Bill Msrsbsll snd (Hyde Anderson will be fea- 
tured next seaaoo In a new mnaleal comedy 
called Tbe Minstrel Man and tbe Sport, under 
tbe management of J. C. Elllm. Tbey are 
now with MeFaddea'a Rata Company. 

Mlaa Louise Cody, the dainty tittle whirl 
wind daacer, wbo baa baaa- paylag^lh and 

sronnd Clereland, will b( 
of Ody and Kennedy. 1 
of the NaTs] Trio. 

Donald Bowles, last sesson a beadllner on 
tbe Orpheum Circuit In a aketch called Guilty, 
haa Joined forcea with Ida O'Day In CIndera. 
ai>d Is oDce more eorerlng tbe Orpbeom terrl- 

HIas (^Inne Francea (Mra. Tony Rooting) 
baa been booked to play the Orpheum Olrcnlt on 
the same bills wltb tbe Four Buatlnga. Ur. 
and Uta. BonUnc will rctom to their bone In 
raBaB*«i, .N. i:. aboM MIy 1. 


It at 

Halperin, wltb the BUIIe 

Company, while playing an 

Fresno. Cal., was called taf Dasw. to ..wi 
Ibe fonersl of ber sister. She Will remata Ik 
Denver for sercral weeks. 

C1III Msrloo. Ibe son of Dsre Hsrion, and 
formerly of Msrlon and llugbes, ha^ formad a 

w? i^^TaIT timo. ' 7^^ 

Leaa and Beetle AJIaa bavo tmaealad^ 
work oa eeeeoat of Mrs. AUoa'a Bl 
Mra. Allen la OMtgcd to nnderao. aa < 
Tbey are at Hra, AUen'a boan In 

Holser and Goes, comedy aerOhala, basw 
solved psrtnerahlp. Jin Holier la aoir. 
a comedy act with hla wllO, tba act 
known aa BoUer and BeOtob. 

Tbe Nettle CarroB Treope oria^ tight iOia 
experia, playa six weeks la jadUcBB Mr «M 
W. V. M. A. before lolaint Ibe Banaa «A 
Bslley Show for tbe summer. 

Pst Crswford Is now playlag the UeLaaih. 
■In time througb Penntylrsnia and New Terh. 
He baa Juat flniahed fourteen weeks* time with 
the W. V. M. A. 

-Warren and Francia open March B, at baala- 
TlUe. for J. A. gtiraad. .I%a taaa/baa feaMi 
compelled to lay oft- far ' a- MaB^^ttaa-aa iaar 
coont of sickness. 

Bert snd Bessie Drsper, now oa tbe PaHat 
time, will asil for Englsnd somettose te ' ~ 
to onen st the Alhsmbra Tbeatre la 
on May 8. . 

Sngsgements for Dolly Msdiaoa, 
Nlrdilnger'a new play; which Henry Be 
will produce, Incladea Orme Caldara and laah 

Bay B. O'Nell. formerly 9t O'Neill and 

ie making arrangementa to prcoMt a I ' 

musical comedy. Mr, O'NeUl la at | 
lag dales in tbe Esst. 

Tom Post. Iste of Oolmra's Mbutsela. 
jnst Onlahrd ten weeks on tbe Bon time 
playing a few weeks of McCaillB time 

Tbe Muslcsl Boaoes Family open at — 
mond. Va.. Febtnary 0, oo a twenty-elgfct 
weeks' contract arlth tbe Boalbem tiiiiiaiMMt 


LoDcy Hsskell (That Baaed) opegad aa tta 
Orpheom Clfcolt at MtMpbli, Sni. liHM0 M, 
This u Hsskeira alath; MtaiB i aa Mo «»' 

pbcnm time. • .■•..'••>•*:■;'.' 

After Onlablag their boiklSll.'oa the Baa 
Circuit, Mr. and Mra. BatfF VUHlag opaa sa 
tita W. T. A. time la ta eatlraly arw ect. 

William Oilman and Tom Hughes an abOOA.. 
Of ne Man on tbe Box Co.. for B. U. PlattO ft 
Co.. who also hare Tbe Sqnaw.Man Oi. 

Frank Rotledge and Company era . 
tbe Loew Circuit, booked br B, A. Myen, 
bare a tabloid comedy, called Onr WItik 

There will be a beneat perrormsDce atig 
the Treasurers' Club of America at 
way Theatre. New Tork City. Ftb. 1 

Snraaal and Bssell hsra' 
to Ooodwia and Kiliott. Tbey 
■aat woehlag tbe United tlM. 

Tba Btka* Lodge at BapU 
t» aieet thla eemhig smaaar a 
whM wHI cost abont fWMNW, ■ < 

man end Fen too htra u li ii i a to tto L 
after a mceesafnl tour of Oaaaaa. Thar 
a new flnlsh for their aet. 

W. Crankabaw, tbe fatbar ot Bag 
of the Florence Tnope, died 
January 2tl. 

Teme Ternon and Cluit Christopher baea 
formed a itartnetshlp and an doing a laa aet 
In raoderllle. 

George G. Roaeno hss in pceparatlaa a Bsw 
comedy ring set wblcb be will call Oymaaitlea 
a la Cktmcdy. 

Hunter and Rosa, billed ss "SOO pounds of 
comedy," hare opened on tbe Norman JeSsrIea 

Tom snd Btssis Moon saO for En g l a nd ' 
Jnne 28 to open at the Oollaeom. London, Jair 

Brown, Harris and Brown an booked 
on the Orpbenm Cticnlt for. lOlt aad_ |n*>^ 
^ib^^ Sjaaat^.i^Vllw Otaaa4l^^oit> 

lOw Wayne LsMsr bas been boohed foe tbfsa 
months orer the Inter-state Circuit. 

Donsa's Band Is now In Grrst BrICala 
to tbe tour of South Afrlcs snd Aa 

Walden and Company opened their 
tour Jsnusry 23. at Franklin, Ky. 

The Great Bnlasalle la ca nmte wt£k 
Channeey Keilfer Stock Ooaipaay. 

Al Botcblnaon baa «cci»ed on 
clrcnlt ot Ibeatres la 

Tbe kinaleal SUpps base been 
M, uyran to ^ay W> 

a Bags FIi 

In Kai 

anaas Olty. 

T. A. tiaa. 

•|grO|.basa a jww ararical 

Wedding Day. 

The BrooUya Opera Boose Ompany o( I 

lya. Ia., la a atoeh eeapany of orer' two bM- 
drsd stock hsldera and with Joseph Kan aa 
president aad Bdwtn H, Talbott aa strretaiy. 

Tbey ara Just completing a new 113.000 opM 
honae located on tbe main street. It has a 
24x22 feet atsge. Tbe seating capacity Is 480 
Chain. The boose Is llgbted with acetylene. 

Iiools N. Parker Is making some cbaagee ta 
bia new pisy, DIsrsell. wbleb wss recently pro- 
duced. He remslned wltb tbe company during 
tta engagement In Detroit last week, superta- 
tending tbe cbiogei, Geo, Tyler, maaillBl 
director ot Ueblcr ft Co., produeen of tbe play, 
wss In Detroit to wttneaa tbe openlag 
snee of the piece. t;. 

Tbe new aodllorlnm In Grand laland,' Nab., 
bas been completed and Is now booking at- 
trartlona. Tbe aeating capacity ot tbe aa- 
dltorlnB la SJOO. fl. C. Wade ta aiaaacar» 
aad Gee. H. Wad^ ' 




"The clown shall make those laugh whose lungs are tickled o' the sere. — Shak'peare. 

OW many American men and woir.en can call to their over through his great work as "the ShalKSpeai%an down of the age," 
minds the times when tfae^ were children, and at- and well did be cany the laurels &ifllltiB]r earned, 
tended themndert q1 emoym institutioM, ^ John Davenport, who is known to-day as the oldest living down in 
circus. Wben: tiwir fcmdest n^xes realized mat .^unierica. now a resident of Chicago, had a good running mate in the late 
father and motnerpromised to tote ffe young house- laiiiented John Lowlow, who passed away a few months ago, and now 
hold pet, son Or daaghter/as.mi :<»|fr inight rnts in Qeveland's beautiful city for the dead. Each of these men spent 
both, mcludmg oftentinm:4w:ne4PK>r • off^^ fifty years' life in the sawdust ring, and their work will probably 
as wdl. ■ * ~ - - 

How we would eagerly study the gaudy litho- 
graphs depicting the grand and glorious spectacular 

be never forgotten. Bill Wallet and Bill Lake have also passed away. 
The latter was the husband of Agnes Lake, and father of Enruna Lake^ 
both famous equestrians. Sam Lmrand James R^nold«, Joe Pentdand 
and Charles and Alex. FMser, M«tlBaiW(7,>were a sextette that caused 

Rice, in opposite rjqgi,- also made good ann oi m c tm ai H on.a«eottBt of Ut 

splendid voice. 

Doctor J. L. Thayer, who was a great travder and also circus owner, 
will be remembered by some when his face was white. Charles Bdmoo^ 
Sam Pervis, John Stowe and 'BBly Burke, father of the present 

actress, BiUie Bnrke, .die woman with the beaatifal betwitduoir «ml 
. - . . . ^^"^iSto- 

conglomeration of wit, wisdom and sdence, when the bespangled eques- ^ 

trian was the "Mighty Monarch of Marvdous» Miraculous, Exceptional many a smile Aat drove Mnv taata. Then^eie were lamet and William 

and Extraordinary Equitation," and in Cfv ymiOiM tycs the lady in HoUaway, and Dan C^stdto, Gemge Ibdden, Gus Lee and WSOt Aw 
the pinkMid foto fljring trm^TCi^ ms die VGkm^ drews. all of whom could hold their own with any of the bunch. 

Gytnnie and Enltl^dlEquOibnc Empress of ill Ae EarA." And the Phil Diefenbach, of original. lo cent dtcus fam^ downed with 

clown. Oh, just look, as the king of all our childish glory appears! The -■ - - - 

down. How grandly , he struts into the ring and stands on the curb, 
gently removes °his comical-shaped white hat, and politely bows to the 
audience and says : "Ladies and gentlemen and little children, especially 
the little children, whom we all lov^ I wish to thank you for your kind 

attention to-day, and will try and please you all. Now, Mr. Band Leader, 

pleMe give OS a little hannony, and the HtUe lady wiU demonstrate her OiiuAe^ Fowler, 7. Rtusdl, Albert and Aed" AymarrSaiRtia 
activity lipon the beautiful white hor^., JJet-h?^^ and piynn. Bill Ashe, Joe Kenable, Jerry Harper, made a good dozen of fun 

the fftind performances were soon Iti evld«ice. ' makers that was heard to duplicate. Frank Kenable, Ed. Rowland, Ted 

How we would watch every movement of that dear old down, and Crowest, Jack Lawton, Gerard Leon, Barney Shea, "of Harris Nickd 
when he would announce that by oyr kind permission he would sing a Plate fame;" Tony Ashton, famotts as a dog trainer; Frank GOlespie, at 
i<ong, we would often, with one hand full of sticky popcorn and the other one time one of the best young talking and singing clowns in the business* 
with molasses candy, unconsciously grab the leg of our next seat neigh- now rusticating in Middletown, Ohio ; William Maurittis,- of the famoos 
bor, and beanear his pants,, often thinking it was that of our father's. >faurittis' family of acrobats, is still alive in Qnd^nati. 
and would|p. rendndedipf .ottr mistaMes w mother or. little • Billy Ashton, another Qndnnafi prodadioa; Lon Davenport and 

siller wovIM':*^^ would be made Eddie Tri&ior.. of Ae oi^Ml D t te M o rt Bnidiert; mdc Roberts, of 

aiod kindly acoqrted^^bdp old-tima-|ri||ilB;v'*fMt we all wc^ Rnnvty Dompty fame; Tony Pastor, the dean of the profession, whose 

^" and'ikvcr tiMk;ol|d to^^ adfcni;-. * . nme will never die; James A. Hatdi, of Kansas Oty, was "Tony's** 

sid<imirtner for years as a clown ; William Warner, Sam Stickney, Jr., 
and Peter Conklin, of Burr Robbins' circus, still well and hearty; Sam 
Wallett, Mike Lipman, Tom Coney, Tom Barry and Benj. McGinley, 
all donned the grease paint and clown white; George H. Adams, the 

„ _ __ - famous down who often worked upon stilts; Gilbert Holland, of llw 

cept with the smaller dreuses, thewrite? widiM to o^'^caU tlw^ ,to»«^y^ol^nd famih^ wto were America!s greatest riders; Geoift 
tion of the reader to a numbw of fun-makers, wtn wwiim'ht 


How we would lau|^ and holler add clai> our han^ when ilhiiqr were 

Now all the legion of "Old Billy Boy" readers, don't you reme rber 
your first ctrcns?. Don't the above sort of sound a little natural? The 
dear M itiMaii'udiiiai^ bdng altrost a tlnng.of the past ex 

and learned to admire and love for true mankind sake. 

In olden times, a down was described as "one filling a role peculiar 
to the stage of English-speaking people", but bearing some resemblance 
to the qracioso of tiie Spaniards, and the Hansivurst of the Germans." 
The origin of the word is uncertain, some deriving it from the Latin 

co/oRitf, in the sieiMe.of a peam coni^ting it with the, actor 

I might add right here a duo of blackface artists who were also 
known as the burnt cork kings, once wore white, A. G. Field and E. P. 
Christy. Ned Hanlon, of the famous Hanlon Brothers, a family who 
made pantomitre actine famous; Colond R. E. J. Miles, of Mazeppa 
fame, partner- also of 'Barton, lUlnfortii, and iatiier of Lenny -Sraiii^ 

cei;l!Bin Soihdiiiwnaln^^i^ TdirtpiHd'wOrds; 

On the old English stage, the down was the prjivilq^ laughter- 
provoker,. who, wittiout taking any prt in the drarnatic devdopment 
of the piece rq>resented, carried on his improvised jokes and tricks with 
the actors, often indeed addressing, himsdf directly to the audience in- 
stead of confining himsdf to what was going on on the stage. 

Joe Blackburn, "Ricado," Sid J. Euson and John Foster were another 
quartette of fun makers. . Sam P. Stickney, Sr., John Gossin^ BiU Wor* 
relli John Loivett.' Ale3c Rockwdl, all f6llowed^& the Ito e^wwte n pitta 
of downdo-r. Take the Royer Brothers, Archie, Eddie and Irvin, mad 
Frank Gilletti, Wm. Wicks, known as Signor De La Rosa, the blbd 
down; Thomas Tumour, brother of Jules, was twenty-five years as a 


In Shakespeare, on the contrary, a distinct part was assigned to the pantomimist with the Hanlon Brothers, has retired, and now lives in 
down (thanks to this noble author), ^ho no longer nipears as an intern- New York City, 
pore. jiMter, althou^ die pmt he to a certam jextent>ing . In hmonedays. with the white tops were such men as the Stickneyi^ 

wiAhistradftkMnTniheti^^ Gardners. One needed no knowledge of their 

banished from the tragedy, and allowed to ancestry to establish the fact that one of the rarest gifts of the j 
appear only in the after-piece, performing the blessed sense of humor — had been bestowed 
grotesque dances, singing comic songs, etc. upon many of the successful clowns of to-day. 
He is now confined to the pantomime and the From almost the time of arising or early mom- 
circus, in the former of which he pliQhl a part ing until late of night, when the mood was upon 
allied to that of the French Pierrot. the clown, he could keep a whole tentful of men 

By some writers, the clown-jester is s^led and women laughing while they worked at their 
as "a clownish wit, akin to the court fool, different duties. The god of mirth himsdf most 
often called the jester, or the king's jester, have inspired him to make that pad-roo-n dde^ . 


and simply one kind of minstrel 

However, what may have been the origin 
of the down to-day, we recognize him as the 
head, tail and body of wit, fun and enjoy- 
ment, and without the good old cWwn, the 
circus would be far less attractive. 

• My first recollection of the dear old down 
was that of Dan Rice,.and I wiU.never forget 

gation laugh. He would tell stories and aneo- 
dotes, recite humorous poein^ :«nd mate quaint 
remarks about the thousand and onie incidents 
that make up the day's labor. -Ahd in return, 

the other performers would laugh and give an- 
swer, and the ball of merriment would be thrown 
about all the live-long day. 

Strangdy enough, and yet, most na turall y, it 

him ''ud his fankNtt i^ a corioui. f act that » sense of Immor dioald 


Xhe Billboard 

The Amusement Week in America 


Resolution Presented by Pennsylvania Senator Urges that 
Ban be Placed on &ila£ious Theatrical Productions. 
Bin Aimed at Safiiii Bernli»ndt*8 Play 

Harrlabonr, Pa.. Peb. S (Special Dispatch to 
~' BlUlward).— A blU. which whUa primarilT 
JBad to imTent the prodnctlon of Sarah 
WamliBidt'a La Saouuitalac, will atop the per* 
' I at any ataow which may be daaaed as 

or coRuptlre of sood oocala, made 
rmaee In the Senate last week. It 
_ nted by Senator Jamea P. McMlebol. 
tt nUadelphlB, and waa aeat to the JwUdary 
- Oommlttee wUch wUi at 


. Feb. 2 (Special to The 

. .-^ake Wella. bead of tbe Wdls 

Bt Companr. and a ■ot Im factor la 

Ae ^oa Ikeatrleal elreiilt la the Soot^ apaat 
mBtafdar In BlimlDKbam, looking after the 
■■f1«Hii» of a new theatre here fOr the BIJon 
Oaaipanj. to replace the present BIJoo. .Clllpep- 
mm Jtenm, owner of the present BIJon. and 
Hajor of Birmingham haa made proposItloDa tu 
Waua looklnc to the erection of a new tbea- 
tg, a hooaa that wffll seat at Itaat 1.800 peo- 

dMl wIU be coosmnmated n that when 
MM aa tha n i ea en t Btjoa explica. aog>»- 
r Mbg*. the plaea win )y nadr 

'^Jjun^ ^MpfffofL'. . ' 

TliWMlllBII, a. Ttb. 4^ (Special to The BOI- 
Ip ilft i Cbarlw A. Lecdr. who la dramatic ed- 
Itir. K tta TooBSBtowa T^mgtwua, la wHl known 
!■ iuuaaiuiut clrclei. and waa at <ne time ac- 
tlTaly coosected In the boalneaa, - harlnc ap- 
p a ar s ri aa a sun jonler and seneral minstrel 
■artecaier. He retired from the theatrical 
nstnaas some years ago. and became a oews- 
ftftt man. baring been employed on a nnmber 
.tff - wall-known dallies .thronaturat the ' coaatry 
ha waa recently appoTnted aa dramatic 
and oOdal crlUc for the aforementioned 
Ho waa at one time eoanected with the 

Premiere in 


. m.. FMk 4 (Special to Tbe 

M'—BMar Mkia ptodnccd at tbe CTnat- 

flttM TbaatM laat nlsht, a new mnaleai farce 
k two acta. cDUDed Tbe OU I t^ire. The 
book of tbe piece la by C. V. Kerr and B. H. 

Bmlde; lyrics by B. H. BoniBlde and acore by 
Vdka 8. Zamecnlk and H. Sanford. The 
prodoetlan was staged by Frank Smltbaon. 

la tha caat are: Arthur Lace by. Dorothy 
■■■■r. B. H. BaTcaictott. Oeom WUion. 8yd- 
wm .9nst. Artbor Haynaa, Saona B. Patten- 
^B. Harry C. I^on. Olaia Paunar, as-*— 
■ite. Walter Peinai, Onriea Ifait, .Grace 
WImimil. Gladys WUeoz, CurlA Major and 
laaa Bernard. 

Attar a abort road tour tbe abow wm go 
tt tbm laatae Theatra In (Aieaca foe a ma. 


Tbe bOl prortdea aa follawa: 

"That It ahall be tmtawfal for any person or 
persona to 'glea or participate In or for the 
owner of any balldlns to permit, within salt] 
bQlldlDg any play, exhibition, opera or per- 
formance or any other tbratrlcal. operatic, dm- 
mstlc or Tsndemir rxblbttiOB or pctfotmance 
of a lasdTlooi^.aaCillBClaaib tadacaaC-ivaiorml 
or Impure natmi^ ar M MIfW Mai. to cur- 
ropt morals. 

of any prarialoB aC tte flnt aictliB aC fUtm act 
shall be goUty oTa M li l M ta a a r aad IVM cen- 
Tletion thereof shall be sentenced to pay a line 

not exceeding $1,000 or aniterf;o an Imprisuo- 
ment for- a period not exceedioK one year or 
both at the dbwcmaa •( the cOBTt." 


City Officials of Richmond, Va., Forbid Presentation ol 
Powerful Drama — ^Theatre Maiiager in Trenton, N. J., 
Miy » a Remli of ThiiA^ 

Richmooil. Va.. Feb. 3 (Special to Tbe Bill- 
board). — Because Msjor Dary Crockftt Rlcb- 
artlsoD frownt^ n'bCD Le smxv the annottocemfot 
or Frances Starr la Tbe Esslrrt Way In tbo 
dramatic colomns of the local newapaprra, the 
(■□;;agemeot of David BelaMO'a atar and Bu- 
gvoe Walter's play haa b«*en cancelled. Tbe 
aitraction waa booked for Friday and Satnr- 
day at the Academy of Unrlc. 

Mayor Richardson said that be had been ad- 
rUta that the play was not deaa and (hat Is 
all pcobabnity be w«dd baalah It. after tbe 
flnt perfbrmaoce. Uaaagcr Wlie. at tbe 
Acadeaiy.' profiting by pierloas experiences 
with the Uayor. commooicated bis fears to the 
vvoenl manager of the Leath Theatrical Com- 
pany, who In tnra eoaunanlcatcd with Mr. Bd- 


Dimrcs last week cloecd a season's tonr 
■ear the Orphcnm Clrcnlt, and opened on tbe 
jMM time Febtnary 9, at P. a. winiama* Al- 

Theatre In New Tork. On Uay 30, Da- 
ina aalla for BerUa. He win play an ennge- 
mmt ot four weA at Oa^XIrW TliaaliiL f iai 
«aB. opealBc Jnir &; aMobr :t».Mi '.«nitar 
■t tha end of Aognrt ta fCMMi Ui mMM aad 
Ollllhauiii booklnga. 


■asntoB. Oat., Feb 3 (Special to The BUI- 
•MM).— Geo. A. Stiond, treainter of Kelth'a 
ttaa^*, Hamilton, Oanada, wbo haa been ae- 
0aal7 m at St. Angnstlne, Fla.. la tecorerlng 
■latj. Bla father, who la prspdatar «C the 

Icwr raaatic, Hamntaa. aaeniaM Ir tha 
maa-a mother, Mt. "aUaBlMk' JhBHCT 

ta flalt tkalr 


ToA. rcb. 4 (Special to The BOl- 
H. Galtea haa aimonnced the 

ttBumtnr a a ec utl ee staff for hfa company play- 
lay Tbaia, the flrvt prodnctlon 'of which wfu 
ka Mde at Springfield. Mass., next Thnnday. 
AOart Docrto wlU he ~ 

mANCis m cu tcwwATi. 

OUat ftiadi, late general agent of Bob- 
dMi'B Famooa Showa. waa a welcome rlsltor 
at Tha Blllboaid baaaa aOees thia wnek. Mr. 

noun OF woLOorr tHowi. 

Dustin Parnum 
To Play Vaudeville 

New Tork. Feb. 4 (Special to The Billboard). 
— Percy G. Williams bas corralled Dofftln Far 
nam for TaDdcTllIe. tbe legitimate aclor, to 
make his first appearance In the two-a-da; 
booses at tbe Alhsmbra Tbealre. F««b. 27. Mr. 
Fatnnm win preeent a playlet called The Little 
~ ' ' iiipii ml agpaat to Ui 

NEW cmcurr IN wnt* 

Cain.. WA. S (Special to The 
Bill hoard). — A fair aad ncfac^ chtatt *t leren 
wacka haa heca aaxaaiaed hate wttfc Salt Lake 
Ctty aa a western ootlet (ar bniits 

OaaacB tbRmcbont tbe elteall arc made to 
cormiMuid. Uore attractive poiica are brlac 
offered. The naanagcn of the local fair bare 
concluded, bowerer. that It takes more than 
base racing and pampfctaa to make a ancceaa- 
fnl fair, and for that reason will apend from 
three to fire times more for amnaements and 

■ttractioas tlixD fver bt-fore In tbe blMtory of 

the association. They are negotlatlog for the 
Dnltvd Pair Booking A'<sodatioo Carnival Co.. 
and will play a night show. 
A aew paMocfc ia helaK pat la aad fhenUirs 

der to anM 

Tha (tedeaaaa'a Bidlag aad DdnaK Aaao- 
datlon hai taken on a new lease o( life aad 
there ii aew atnas talk of orgaalitac a aiat 


Visits America 

Robert C. Campbell, well-known to circns 
men and blllpostersr arrived In New Tork City 
Friday. Jan. Z7, on tbe Manretanla, from Eng- 
land. "It's a hnalnesa trip." said Ur. Camp- 
bell to a Billboard repreaentatlve. "and I 
hare left Mrs. Campbell and the chlMrea on 
the athcr aide: tliey are la tbe beat aC biiltb." 

do I think of tbe CaBOM at Iba kOI- 

» arrange the Ctrcoa Agrcaaaat tot 
11T Well, to say tbe least. It waa stnpid 
•n Ihe part of tbe billposters and will 
harm to hUlpostlng than anything the 
AaaoeiaNaa haa done for tiw paat tea ycaca." 

Mr. CaowbMI «■ i*Ml • aC tMii to 

West " ' " ' 

a8e& It waa decided to take no ebaaeca m 
the Mayor's dramatic taatea. Tbe canccUaflai 

order followed. 

The Easiest Way la tbe foortb attractloB ' 
barred from Richmond theatrea by Msyrr Rich- 
ardaoiL Tbe Blaa Moose waa placed ludst 
tt^ taw after the IMtl^ ~ 


Jarkaon. Mich-. Feb. -t (Special to Tbe BUI 
hoard). — W. S. Butterfleld, general manager d 
tbe BIJon Theatrical Enterprises, bsa completed 
arrangementa for tbe necessary capital to tmlld 
a new modern Tanderllle boose In thla dty* ti 
aapplant the present BIJoa, which, while 
foruUe and seata 78S, la not ' 
far the constantly Inereaai 

Tha aew i h tati a wm ha < 

tlM. aniear ap to 

an of the ■od aru 

need In preaent-day theatre eonatmettoa. 

It win have a seating capacity of 1,300. low 
er floor, balcony, sod eight boxes, and $5O,00C 
will be expended for coostmction, exclnalTS of 
"e aite. 

Groond will be broken early la tbe spring, sad 

it la expected tbe booae will ha eoapletcd la Oe- 


DnVdl Deering wisbea to thank tbe perforv 
tn and The Billboard for the nomeroot a>- 
awets recelred In reply to hla recent ad U Tto^ 
Blllboardr He coold Dot answer all Inqafllsa 

by mail. 

Ticket Specu- ^ 
lator Arrested 

Heaiphls, TMiB., Feb. 4.— rraak Bomner, who 
gave hla addreti aa New Tork City, waa ar 
leated hy local dataetleee Thornday. 
waa c ha rged wtth a aladeaieanor oa 

docket, hot the real ctaie ot tbe 

the diawetj that he had aecnred a large aa» 
bee ag tieketa for tbe three perfnrmanecs at !>•> 
Walt Happcr. In A Matteee Idol, at tha 
eevm, aad bad been stopping peraooa oo thHf 
way to the box-offlce and tn^lnjt to sell tbaa 
tickets St a large advance over tbe regular 
price. Mr. Wels bad bis doormsn ask SamnaT 
to stop, and oo his refusal to leave tbe lobV 
of the theatre, complaint waa made to tha 
police department and Somner'a arrest followed. 
He anerwaid tetenwd all the tIekrU he ba4 

Ibto n«e hla the toe- 

tgtSmfm him waa tta 
has* atann 

TsxAs ee 0oH 

Tbe Tttaa Ootta^^alaca awotliHto. at «a 
CO. Texai. la aewMaktar cxtcaatre In 

their second aBanal''ahow, Nor. 4-ia. WHa toa 


Port Hnron. Mich.. Feb. 1 (Special to Tbs 
Blllhosril). — One of the Jolly Kacbelor Com- 
psny's rboms meo bsd three toes broken after 
the perrormance In this city, laonacy 31. A 
tronk fell on tbe foot of Ihe Injnred man. and 
wbllc bis Injury is very palntnl, be waa akla 
to proceed with tbe company. 


Vewaf^ N« J*. PMi. 
wanil.— Me Ottoli 

following Itoe-np a'aoccaa la aaaorrd: A. ^ 
airion. presldeot; 0, U Johaaoa. Tlce-prcaMMt: 
U MIgel, treasnrer; S. H. Mayfleld, eecrctaiy 
Directors In charge of dcparttnenta aa follawa* 
C. H. Cox, advertising; W. H. Hoffman, » 
and entertalDment; 0. Strstton, cooceaaio 
John Pall, deroratlon*; T. P. Daocan, progr 
and arranitemf-nl : l. Frledlaoder, excursloa 
ratca; B. P. Drake, women's department: W. W 
PiIm; boIMlaca; Sam 8aa|to aad W. t. " * 

_ the many ImpiiiianaH that are C8» 

tenplaird there will be a 940.000 AfTtcnltof*' 
and Maonfactnrera' BnUdtaf erected. 

It baa been foand n e c eaaa ry to acqnlre morr 
grooad. and a Ure Stock Bzpoaltloe will be aa 
added featnrc Large nremlmBs ate. to be e( 
fersd, and aoltable bnlldlaga will be eoaatraetcd. 

cotton from tha growlac atdk Jto the T 
garment will be uowa to'aeaE 
only tbis. but all of tbe MM eCl 
will be demonatrated. 

Cotton seed from every point of tbe clTfllasd 
world where grown, either In the cultivated or 
wild atate, ' 

seed bn . 

ment. Laat yaaf^ *a» aattcd a pnW «r 


u«rc sf^owD. ei(oer id ine CDldvaieo w 

te, la now bclag recelred. aad will b( 
and « iawa,BadM. jhj, totlwipl M at ■ 
■jdtaa apadaM- a£^Ma.-1L'.ai asnM. 
Laat laai^ ahaw aa tu a a aaaM at 


Hafhor. Mich.. Pah. 4 (Special ta lbs 
VtaM aia aMar way for Iba Mt 
af_a Ibtr «teMK:aMipiad of * 


Ttie Billboard 


Said to Be In Process of Formation Backed by Powerful 
Theatrical and Circus ^agnates — ^Several Large Inde- 
pendent and Ass'n'Plants Affiliated with New Concern 


Resign Their Positions as Director and Business ManafllTf 
Respectively, of New Theatre — Resignations Will 
' ' Take Effect at End of Present Season 

OhlMS^ Vkk. • Clielil to The Billboard). — 
ft to nmand tkat a aew eorpontloD I* fona- 

2 to nny oa tb* bOIpoatloc tntlnen tbroocb- 
tbe Dnltcd SUtM aad Canada, wbleb will 
«atrr partlcolarlr to ttae tbeatraa asd abowa aa 
«all ai coopctt tor commcKlal work. It la 
aadcntood that tbc SoUlTan Os., of New Tork: 
Til* Borousb Cooipanr. of Brooklyn; Tbe lle- 
LaocbJln compaax. of Boffalo, ajid otber la- 
lapcadent plaata, aa well aa qdlta a nambar of 


BrlM Mar 

^ bar owa L . 

<uaa«cMBt of tta 

■ — a* 

_ __ _ jad 
I aa aceooat at tk» 

aaiaata* nalna 

tar betb iug^ 


ta Tka 


Wbccllac, W. Ta., 
Mllboard) — Trmatttr 

- ' l)T Wbleb Balph B. Oaebaa. at Xctart 
I, O.. bfcoowa tbe new ownar of tka diow 
"rioatlBit Theatre" woe Inaed laat 
waak by Sorrvyor of tbe Port Charlea T. Reed. 
Iba tbeatrc baa be«s owned tor aome yeara 
•y W. P. Needbam. of Ifarletta. The eonald- 
arttloo. Thick waa qolte larse. waa not (It«o 
«Qt for pobllcatton. 

Ctptiln Gtctaea la well known alone the Ohio 
(com PIttibntK to New Orieaoa. baTlnc bcca 
ia»a< ta the floatlac ahow ha a lt — tar aaaay 
Man* . Ba wiu eoaduek hia aav aataepalaa aa 
<ka Bpiier rfyer dnrlar the aammer meatha aad 
IS the loTpr MlsKlRflppI In the winter. The 

a<Mt In n w mt Point Pl^aitAnt. 

Keenan's New 


■wriajk. rtb. e tSlpeclal to Tbe BUIboard). 

-Vn>ak r a g a a wia make Ua iiat appeanaea 

at the mtk Al 

Thla la tbe aecond ptodartlon wbleb Seenan 
wOI tiara made In TandeTltle. tbe flrnt belnc 
The Oath, one of tbe moat atrlklnx of all tbe 
keadllne tea tore* of tbe year. 

Keenan will leara Tbc Oath at tbe end of 
ae« week, and wiu take tbe principal role In 
tte new pliy. He hai cncajied Robert Oom- 
•Inp. who waa laat aeen at the New Tbeatra. 
md before that witb the Henry Miller Aaaoelate 
flayera, Marracet Aaglln and many otbar 
Mfd atara. Oeorfa C. Pearce who baa ]n«t 
MM la Tba Clly. aM Mlaa Baldee wnilama. 
■a* aiaan with Ulllaa BaaatH. complete tb* 

aanedy afcetch ttr' 
•"•e^."eenlc SnHHCa 
«at bla daaghtcr, I 
t decided peiaoaal 
■elKbta. In which 
•ew role l« aInUar 
tkat prodn<tfloti. 

win ba 

Baiah, a 

nth j5a»- 


»*rlerlck. JM., rwi. 4 (Special to Tba Bin- 
aajj*)-— The board of Haaaiiera of tba Frad- 
«•<« County Aiirlenltanl Society ba* let a 
•■atract for a new sraodatand. wblrb la to 
■a raniplllad by Joly 1. Bealde* otber *l- 
laipioeeneiita wUI be made. Neariy 
bcaa af. laad haea baca patcbaaad and 
<*• fair iiiiaali lUuiiJ, Tka aaw araad- 
25? J^.!?^ laStTSi ^aifrat^wlSa 

Si ..!?".'• '»a«th of tha ataad. It la enatea- 
•'•'r* Jo, hare twclea prlyate boxea on tb* 
li!?^^ P'*"a prortd* Mr 1.000 ta- 
aeattor capacity of tha 
•tand will b, 8.900, and It will be eqalpped 
ni? UrZJ^'^*"' conTenlence. Tlie atand will 
SSiaL'i?*- , "ndenieatk tha ataaa arm to aa 

Mill mi aad exbiblta. ' 

Tba aet teeelnta of tha OrMt Ftadarick Mr 
2*'JW aa»BBt»d to • aod tha awietr 
SL' t bt debt tor tba «T«t ttma ta twaaty- 
JJ|^^««. Tbia rear-a will ba krt* ««. 

PAIR NOTe« ' . 

. "allM Fair, at Ballna. Kan., will he 

rS.^3F-.?*P*' 1. tha week tollowlni the 


pUata that ham hal^ 
old AMoelated Bnipaatcra, hara aliaady ... 
alBllated with the new eoaceriL which will im-' 
doda amans Ita officer* at leaat one who waa 

prominent Id tbe oM aaaoclatlon. Rumor baa It 
that a number of the more powerful theatrical 
ayndlcate* are tabsrrlbera for a large amoant of 
etock of the oew compimy. aa welt aa many of 
tbe circua owner*. It la aald that amons the 
Incorporatora are tbe foilowinc circus men: B. 
■. Wallaea. Mb BaUaana, Malar Ooidoa W. 
le. W. W. CMe. B. H. Tammen. Charlea 

York, Feb. 4 (Special to Tbe Billboard). 

— fkUower* of the tirama dlacoaaed with In- 
te nat t»day tb* pomlbl* eOecta ono the Doti- 
daa aad pf oc r aaa at tha Maw XkaaHa 
to ceaalt ttam the naUialloa at Wlalhmp 
Amea, aa directar at the tkfatr* aai a( Lee 
Bbobert aa Ita ~ ~ 

late laat nisbt. 

Tha icalsiiatlOBa, It wsa atated. aia ta take 
efr«-i at (ov end nf the prcaeat aeaaoa, hot 
the .llrectom hare nut yet acted opon tbcm. 
WMIe It i« eoa»lderrd certain that tha toaa- 
d*** wBI aak Mr. Aaaa.ta ingaiHii Hi ie- 


(iTen no OTldanc* of lataatlon to altar hia •*• 


Ba I* qootad. bowerar, aa aaaoaadU ,M»- 
aelt tn readlnei* to tartbar tb* plana at Ika 
fonndo* la any way tn Ua poinr aaa Um 
azpraaalon. It la thonsht will to Wt 
Itaals for appeala to bim to remabl at hia 
aent poat for a tlm* at leaat. 

Mr. SmMr|^^tadad aeeaaaitr «< 


With Ita dlny wblria and azblUrattac 
deTkes^ fDUowlaa aTety coocelrabla »•«*— . -j 
SalBcl^e. It wooU team tbat Oaa*y lalaad tofi 
practically exhanated aU poaalbUltle* tar m- 
ter**tlnc DOTeltle*. Catering to tba taadaai 
manifested by th* snmmer m*rrymak«a far 
more refined and tmly ]a*lal type of 
aiait. Mr. Johann Jmseaa. tto — 
aigner and teventor. baa aaiuiac 
at tto eotner of Bait avmaa lad MM 
directly appoalta tto aasalflNBt PribUa 
In piiiiiiiiaa at a r aatlaa. ud «1U 
a onlqiH i 
to tboaa 
dip 1 


Hr. Jatgaaa «ffi prorida tto haat of i 
aa onkaatrlaa which la over SB f*et Icac, 
waa apadalty Imparted fram amtmnr at a 
of fM^OOO, Tto Interior and the cxtaitor 
to atted op la pompoos crandeor, and 

thins will be don* to flTe thla (rant 

ment enterprlae a dlaonctly Amatlca a ekaa- 
actcr on llnaa of artlatle toaaty, with alafafBC 
color aebemca of harmonlooa too*. Mr. 
sen* tiaa - Iwen a sieat traTeler and baa 
apected e»ety amusement center la Biuuaa aa 
— and baa emWiad masj Idaaa ta Mi 
■Hiaa ttot win prera botoI to tto 
I aCBMaaw Haw Xocfc. 


' owns six 


OU Matinee 


Chlcaco. lU.. Feb. 4 (Special to The Btll- 
ard). — John W. Blaladell. Tcteran actor and 

Batlae* Idol of a ceneratloD *co> died here 


Mr. Blaladell retired from tto ataae ten 
Tear* aco* and since then baa Mvca here. 
Death rcftilted from an lllnen Mlluallt a 
poralytle atnke, alx months sko. . 

Blalidell waa bom In Lnwrll. Mnss.. and 
BMdr hia debat at tto old Boston Mu««iini when 
IT years old. After maklnit a pUre In support 
of tbe Fremont artors of that ilsr. &lr. BU1»- 
dell came ttftr snil became leaainjs man with 
tto old Hooley Theatre Stock Conpaay. Ue 
tnnred for many years with JiaaBiai MUctoil. 
whoa* pmdnetlon of Fa acto a. .tka 
atlll icawmbered. 


Renfrow, Ont.. Feb. S (Special to Tbe BUI- 
hoard). — Last year'a fair haTlnx been one of 
tto laoat sncceaafo) In the history of the so- 
ciety, the Ilrofruw Fsir Bnanl la now conshler- 
ln« tbe erertloo of a new «T.O0O main bullillns. 
and tto conierslaa of tbe pcrsent main bntld- 
Int Into aildltlonal horse ami cattle sheds. 
Circus attractions sre to be cnt out. ao<l «(•> 
money apent Instead on better mnsic, on Im- 
prosing tbe already Bne horse display and add- 
lac to the artlstir arraacemeat aCJto^tortlral. 
tnral and acrlmltnral displaya. Aa Wara toa 
laaa ttoa 4.«an papalatioa.- yet 

Deyghtful Dolly 


Toledo, O.. FMi. 3 (Special to The Billboard). 
— PellKhtfnl Dolly la the title of a new three- 
art comedy adopted from the French la which 
Delia Fox opened here last nlxht. The piece 
waa pmtloeed Wallace and IVrklna- 

Dellsbtfal Dolly was written by Henri Uor- 
rant, ami telb a story of the efforts of a yoang 
firi to keep tram her anardlan tto kaowlcdcc 
ttat ato haa been nsarrled. Tto al ta a tl a a* 
than nafOMcd aia ladleroasly tnaay. , 

Mtoi Vox scored a pcaaaoaeed p tt ia a a l hit. 

in%» nikhaa aM ntaaia lUdpilay aw 


Lancaster, Pa.. Feb. 4 (Special to Tto BIU- 

boanl) Tbe Lancaster Fair wilt bold Ita third 

exhibition beslnnlng Sept. 26. Thla la a Baw 

ai>.->oclatlan with new itronnds. contalninc BS 
acres, situated on tto main line of tto I>raa- 
svlrania Ralltoad. OS miles west of Philadel- 
phia. In T.aneaster Cnnnl.r. tbe first asrlcnl- 
tnral county In the Cnlti-d States. 

A large exhibition bnlUIInc SlTxST feet, 
ponltry house, stsbles. etc.. were added to the 
frrotinds Uft year. .\n a<t«lltlon to tbe craisd- 
stsnd snd otber tmpmrcnicnts will be msde 
this .Tear. It has a half-mile track whUh is 
mnsldeted one of the best In tto StatCb Tto 
fair waa rery soccessfvil last year, tto at* 
teadance tolng atout setenly-Set.lkijiaki;^^ 

- ^ ^i^ mS^ X^ 

Play Produced 


a». Ma.. 
I.— nia 

Ibb. » («p*etal_ta »a 

Bmboafd).— Aa AnditaHom Stock C^mtV 
presaated tto week of Janaaty 19. tto lnt_ 
oa any atag*^ O. R- Oooper"* play. Mr. Ca 
Is a local aewapaper man. and thla Is bla : 
tppaaiasee aa a (nil-fledged aathor. Mr, 0«» 
.^er** play waa prodnced by tto Aisiltorlam Maaa 
gcompaay aa Tli* Play WItliont a Nam*, la «r> 
'der ttot the andleneea of tbe week arigh t aa- 
leet a Utle. tto aame ebaaea to tecetra a MM 
of tweaty-Ss* dollam by tto eommltta* Jada- 
lag, CTOislstIng of Mr. <^opcr aad tto naaaga- 
■nt at Itoladltoitam litatia. Mr. Co«»»ai> 
*l» la at a pdiOeal aatan. nd la intos^aa 
SSr at tto hoar, tt was wan pnaantsd toa 
capaUa company, cast aa failown: Carl AathtoV 
aa Babt Morriioa: Mr. Alderaon ta tika MHk- 
*CB Coloael. BalUmore Satterbud; Mr.U^ 
Qaartla as tto crooked mayor: Mr. P*ttl aa 
Black, tto nllroad ototmetloobrt: Mr. (TCtaMi 
aa Oiaat. the independent candidate: Mr, 
attend as tto Cbftt of Folic*. Delray; IB. 
Moor* aa the cub reporter; Mlaa Atkinson aa tto 
comic (trader of Mrs. Storpe: Mlai 
Martin In tto leading rola of Docoihy 
tto msyor's dsnghter: Fsy Bator aa 
nna. Tb* story Is of s crooked anyor 
of offlce sad seeking te-«lcctloa hy alljBB 
■alkoda at tto crooked aaderworld of paBdai, 
a talliaad ahstnetloQUt. aa tndapendeat c aadt- 
data aad tto daaa aaaysr tbat eeentnally waaa 
oat to dean politics. Mr. Cooper baa laM hB 
play ta rariartlle. hat coamlta bhnaeir ta to 
otber loeatiea ttot ••bnoabonta." Tbls taw* 
boweser, haa aeteral of tb* street luasa af 
Ksnsas City. It ts tto intention of Miaaa« 
Lawrence Lehmsn, of the Andltorlnm Tk)(ttau 
and Stag* Director Geonce E. l.aak, to 1 
play oa ta New Tort: wttk tbclr 


I. Pa.. Feb. 4 (Bpecial to tto 

). — Woodald* Park haa already caM- 
a anmbcr of booking* for the •nnaar 
seasoa. From May 30 to Jons 18. Kryl lad 
his Band win be th* attraction: from Inn* IT 
to July 14. tto magnet will to Edoo 
his tond: from Jnly IS to Ang. 11. 
tenia I.adles' Orcheatra wOl dlspi 
and from Anc. IS to Sept. 10. 
cert Band -will tie tto feature. 

Rrery Friday night tto park 
prorlde a fltcworks display. It la I 
Tanderllto win not t * 

PAIR aRciirr: MUT. 

Atlantic. la 
board).— At 

reb. 4 (SpacW l» 

a meetlac at tto BaMa yWV 
icat GtacBtt. a. M. ■afar. aTM^ 
a Bt tad p t a rt d i at aad Cart B. 
III dtr. waa elected aacwt««y tm 

•r thla — - - ^ . 

tto year Mil. Tto foilowinc dataa 
placed: AsDCa, la., (bat week ba 
Atlantic. la., accond week la Bepti 
la.. ttM «nak r 


FEBRUARY i1, 1011^ 

The Maxts^e^ 


Cliicago Critics Unable to Find Any True Merit in the Play, 
Which is Characterized as a Talky Melo- 
drama by Ashton Stevens 

wu^imt do^t tbe LTTie^HSa OB Ubodar 
Usht, Jan. 80. 33ie cait Indnded tbe foUow- 

Blceiter, a tboroosh man of tbe 

Frank MDIa 

weatem cambler 

..Menifee Jobaatooe 

..Gcots* naeett 

ot Kloc Coo. 

" r-. Joaeolilne Tletor 

Maria, aemat ct Caawtn .. ..Virginia Kline 

Ftrej Bammoftd, o( The Tribune: "Notblng 
■ocfa happened tbat waa not planaible. The 
" ""■yr -n* more at fault. It seems that Mr. 
maaf» akUl aa a dramatlat la not yet qolte 
9^ (ilraillliif of clteoniatances fait- 

■.<r ..«»jlMe.<wy !U tt— trleal petrifaction." 

- •^■■VMiU'- *C ' Xba Examiner: **Tbe 
m:m»,': 'n Im ■ leoon in wbat a 

. SSo&Jmt-^ ^* 

__n<r. Sa lBHr4taMB: •'Vbe 
li on* laig, kaMVM>tiiiL 'witt the 
■omlas-after fMh«.Wt te*tt«Tw asL The 
WatBlac la a bov >lMa ftr.iril tovaMIl eaat 
of playcfs.*' V- 

Me ^InteM^ MM^^ '^^S'wMe 

"l!iI»eri?Hatton, of Tbe Poet: 'In tin nun 
^rt 'Wbleli acta tbi* play. Oaofia rkwcett 

THftjMRk f.i^^ AT THE 


,»ab. ~« MpacW .to BOIbeaid).— 
Ipala ae Tka eu I Ijm, tba new 
wblck optaad ^ Jtef I^SaDe 
S, ladoOad Syd- 

_ _ . - Oeoria B. Fetteosm. Artbor iMCxby, 
Oanthj Hoaar. B. J. Bamiacfoft. Hatir a 
I^an.. Walter A. Paaraon, Hayb^ Baker. Gaz- 
Hek Major, Oladya wneox and -Cbarlea Hast. 

^ StaU win 
iB lUnk IB 

to tb» nUnola Theatre 
■aw earn I ily. 
.Jmm-m the 

Said and Seen 



--. jp . : Mnoir 4 fgc HIbM- 

OWiik Vbcn be ts eompbtbiK ■mngements 
U|_aaaiBier stock company at Uie BUoo Opera 
■•■■e. Bt wni rctnm tbe middle of tbla week. 

At. a mmUag of the atockboldera of tbe foor 
eompanlM, The Monroe Theatre Company. The 
Otympic Amnsement Conn^any, Tbe Variety 
Annaement Company and tbe Kohl & Castle 
Company, Georn Caatle traa elected 
Dt. Charles E. Kohl. Jr., aeeretary and 

^ ar. and Msrtln Beck, Tlce-prealdent. 

Theae oOcera. elected for one jeir, will direct 
all four companlca. In wMdh atockholden 
an Mentleal. Thoae pwaant at tbo maatliil 
were Oeots* MlddletoD. JtmU UiaatM. 3tuz- 
tta Beck. Omq* CUOt, OtadwB. XoU. Jr., 
ud Canlliw L KoU. 

Tba Kest Bks;' now at tlio Cblcan Opera 
Rooae. will gin way to a new mnslcal comedy. 
When Sweet Sixteen, by Tletor Herbert and 
Scarce T. Hobart. on Febmaiy 11. Tbe cast 
or thla aodB play win Indode Eocene Cowlea. 
Harriet StandoD. Florenco Na«h. Frisk Doan, 
Seott Wctab. NataUe Alt, Tbomas Sprlnser. 
Florence Gerald, Barrlaoa Biockbank. Ranees 
Gordon and Glnnlo Socola. 

M. BaTlminn'a Orchestra la now plsjlns leqacst 
proframs at tbe Sunday afternoon concerts, mf- 
der tbe ansplcea of the Chlcaro Tnzn43eme|]idsu 
at tbe Nortb Side Tomer EUU. . Tbeae COB- 
esrts have been wen patronized all winter. Sir. 
Ballminn baa been dlrecttOK banda at the Ram- 
mer amosement parks for the past sereral sea- 
sons, and has a well-establlahed repntatlon In 
and troond Chicago. 

AttractloDB soon to folloir Grace G«CTce In 
the Iiyrle Theatre are Iioln Glaaer In The Girl 
sod tbe Kaiser; Moe. Beztha ^ilkk !• Ths 
Ktentxer Sonata: Sotben-Martows fB'msctotae. 
end the New Theatre Company. - - 

acta tbe cambler. Be Itas a consistent and In- 
tereatlng Idea ot tbe character. Joaephlne 
Victor Is tbe slrL The lole Is an exaetlnc one 
and she attaoa It teaolntely. At times she 
atema to be too explosive, bat In her earlier 
aenas with llr. IDUa she aketehed deOnltely 


Is a Pleasing and Diverting Production, is General OpiidoOj 
But Not Worthy of Its Star, Grace George. . 
Supporting Company Excellent ; : : v ^ 

CIilesKo. Feb. S 
On Moaday night, l 
at tbe Ljrric Tbaate 1 
tbree-act comadF tr l~ 
foUowIns eaat: 

BawUaa i. 

,.B. D. CMmwdl 



city. Ind.. Feb. S (Special to Tbe 
i).— Hm Otplienm Theatre. Cocmetly tbe 

''nse.' lasstd fton tbe Central 

^ bmpanr. by Allaidt Brothers. 

was opened to the pobllc Tbnrsday night. Feb. 
S. A. C. Blmmeleln ia realdent manacer. 

ma theatre wnl be devoted entirely to 
vaodeflUe and wIU ffe«ta» Cb* acta of tke Or- 

k B^aaBia twiee a 

ABarat Brothers controlllag twenty-DTe tbea- 
ma In tbe Weot wUI be In a -position to glre 
MtcUban City a Oist-elaaa bin at an times. 

at tbm telle 

ia flaaae te 

William CiUette 

in Bepertoire 

CUcago. FsbL 8 npacial to Tbe BOIboacd). — 
WUUam Gillette, osder the dbeetlon ot Charles 
nohman, begins e fbnr weeks' engsgement at 

the minols Theatre on Monday CTening, Feb. 
6. Darfzur bU stay In Chlcsfro be will present 
Sherlock Uolmea, S<*cn!t Serrlce, and The Prl- 
Tate Secretary. Sherlock Holmes will be pre- 
sented tbe opeDlDK week of hla engsgement. 
Tbe second 'wei>k The PrlTste SecretaiT will 
l>e oKcrod and the third week Seeict MrTiee 
wfll be OB view. Tbe attraction for .Uw 
and flaal week bis not as yet been 


HanUborg, Pa., Feb. 6 (SpecISl to The BIU- 
board) — Tbe deed for the Oipbeom Thestre 
property this city, was, last week, ttaasffened 
from the Bels Clrcolt ot tfaeattcs, Nsthan and 
Blandse Appel], owners, to B:- I,. Koen^e. 
aeneral manager of tbe Wllmar-Vlnoeat Tbea- 
tree, for tbe ownership of tbe latter. The plot 
of groond la described as 73 feet, 9 Inches by 
148 feet and bad prerlonsly been deeded to tbe 
N. Appell Company by Nathan Appall and wife 
on Feb. 2, ISQT. »• esaalianaaa IB tba re- 
cent tratuaetlaa la 91, wllk ~ 

David Warfield 



I at Mar Otimm, 
te»:.m llarttad aa- 
ntamebt at tba new Blaekstoaa naatr^aa 

Monday. Feb. 6. In this new plar Band wB^. 
Add Is aald to bars aeenred a worOr aoe- 
cesaor of Tbe Moalc Master. 

This new offering tdla ' an biterestlnf and 
Borel' story. Peter Oiimm, a lorer of Oowcra 
and plaDts. makes a compact with bla friend 
tha doctor , to retum after hli death. Re iloei 
ag^ tat more so to take bla adopted daosbter 
from tbe clotchea of hia mercenary nephew, 
who la bek tB tba estates sod which be dexlres 
to sell. Mi lMBiinn la. Osslly sccompllabed 
tbrouch tbe oaaclmowMced son of hia nephuw 
whose spltK be takes with bim to tbe other 
land aa the flnal curtain talis. To aay tbe 
least tbe story Is Interesting and aa Interpreted 
by that ifTpat aclnr. Rarld Warflolrt. Is glTeo 

a ch.irrn tbaf .< m n ir. ^ n -! « tl.n nin-iifirn of all 
bla \jim'r». 

A eompieta list of attraetiona at 
Chicago theatrea appears on paga 



■dltb' Daidi .. 

»^ St 

Frederic Hattoo. of The Post, had tbe fol- 
lowing to say: "For those who rare only to be 
amnsed the play will answer Bnrly, bat tbarr 
are aoaie wbo fed that a woman ot aa awk 
sbUltr as this stsr sboold moont eaek-i 
a little higher on tbe dramatic ladder." 

BIchard Beary UtUe, oC ' — ' 
"Saaee for the Gooas la a latbar < 

tramely wdl acted by fonr peoit 

are not eapectallr alatmlas^ bat thay are ao 
wdl baaOed by Miss Oeotge sod bar tbna a»- 
•OdatCB that they drew toan ot «al|| ' 
people wbo ptal>ably went 
tbey were laaghlng ahoot.** 

Aabton Stereos, ot 
tidy Uttle comedy." 

Harry Daniel, of Ttie Intsr-Oesea: 

for the Goose Is s little, palalcaa tragadr that 
has been painted sU orer with a vafT piettr 
coating of white and tcQt nntll It biicnaiae the 
most rollicking kind of comedy.** 

O. L. Ball, of The lonraal: "Hetbert Percy 
la tbe bnsband'a new Impersonator. Ha gtrcs a 
conalstenGy good performance. Tbe bacbelor 
Is dellRhtfoUy played by Frederick Ferry. 
Keith Wakemin acta as the hatband'a lateUect- 
oal affinity and ~ finely m'ng^** . the manner of 
the pretending high-brow with ttie aanner or 
the afbemlBg wcoan. Carolyn KcByoo, wbo 
makes eyes, sets as a friend ot tbs fansil; 
wbo shies st sesndsl. and two sarranta. a 
bntler and a maid, are acted moeh better than 
parts of tbst csllber nsnally at*, by E. D. 
Ciomwsll and Louise Brerta. A Japaaese aerr- 
aat ta Beia« tr >kaak B. nam.'* 


Chicago. Feb. S (Bpadal la^M* BOlKaatt)!'^ 
On Sonday night. Feb. 8. The Booad-ITp will 
cone to McVleker*a Tbeatxe lOr a tw* weeks' 


who atabs . 

prodoetlaa ta aaM ta be 


Holdover Shows 

Chicago. Feb. 3 (Special la The BlUbaart W 
Benry Kolker. In The Great Name, at Ike Oast 
Thsaire. Is playing to capacity builuns and II 
Is prophesied that tba plar wUI roa wcU into 
the anmmer montba. 

The Aoditorlnm. wboce tbe New Tork Hip- 
podrome Is playlOK a limited sagageaMmt. Is 
the scene of Urge and meny erowdi twice s 
day. The Trip to Japan Is tha bit of the 
bill Irat their Is ao little to ^oosa between 
this. Pioneer Dsys snd the Ballet of Jewda that 
tbe difference Is aloMst nnaolleasUe; 
cellae. tbe tsmoas : di ~ " 

CIrcas aie two of tha < 
ofllce leeclpts. 
Tbe engagemeat'c 

Stockings, now ^ 

Hooaa, baa been l l BlHr nB H ea aCNBBt •CCha 
large demand for seata and aba wU ba li th* 
city for sereral more weeka. 

Get-Rlck-Qoirk Wallingford, at tha Olympic. 
Is destined to be one of tbe hlla of tba season 
and bida fair to eclipse The Forttrae Ranter, In 
bomber of performances played at thla tbaatr*. 
Ralph Stoart. In tbs role of WalllogfOrd. la ooe 
ot the trcata of the prodnetlon aad be la aor- 
ronnded tar a very eapahls cast. 
Heleii_W8re, In The ~ 

Opera . 

aUr aad tUa i 

bnalBsas of lla i 

F or b es B o b e t t s ou. la The L 
Floor Back, la playing bis 

Osrrlck Theatre. This play coatalM B ' 

of mstarisl that faolila the attsattaa at tbe ea- 
dleace and makea them wisb tor more. Mr. 
Forbes-Bobsrtson. In tbe rote et tbe Passer-by. 
to dellfbtfld. and with anrh a pUiy aad aaalsttd 
g^ajmeAaat eaat aboold atay la ear mMsl 


Chicago. Feb. 4 (Special to Tba Blllboafd).— 
Francis^ WUioD In The Baebalat'a Baby, tbe 
play which he wrote fbr Umasir. . baaaa bla 
two weeks' Chicago engagement at Fowars* 
Theatre on Mondsy night. Feb. 6. Ifr, WHsoa 
haa nerer been seen to better advantage than 
aa tha chlld-bating bacbelor. Tbs stsry taUa 
bow a little are-Tear'^ld girl wse fOread spoe 
an Irritable bachelor, her onels, whaae dislike 

ancle, entrsacblaff liwailf ai BtiaBjlj Ihal hi 

Is perfectly wtlllng to qoarrd tot bar feSUan 
when It Is prapeead te gtya bar.. B)k;.; Tha 
pany la one of exeaptkmal -aNtf^' balaff tbr 
same as aaslsted Mr. Wlism laat;^ — — — 
harlag bees made a few cbaa 
minor ebaraetera. Mlia BdBB'^ 
tha laadlac IbmlalBe tolc 

FUMIARV 11» «ni. 

Xtte 0 1 11 board 


T!he Vaudeville Week in Chicago 


Entife Frognun at Majestic Theatre Last Week CMtttttotod 
of .Top Notchera — Danish Dancer 
Has Novel Operatic Act 

TiM pngniB at On MaJmUe litt week mt 
made op ot tm acts, all la tb« ezc«U«nt ^ua. 
Master WlU'a Playan. taatnriai Miia Pcrer 
Haawdl, was the headHae ■tlmetion and proted 
lo be an exeallent drmwlns card, bat the bit* ot 
Uw bill wm rrslitercd br Bovaid ud How- 
ard and wniatd Slmma and Ooopanj. both o( 
Khom carried away high hODora. 

La Tortajada. Konpc'a ccaowaed dancer and 
actnia, In an operatta Is ooa, Moicd bcaTtlr. 
Slw prrMDti a dotcI oOerlng la which (be 
pliTt tour different ehaneteit, naklBt quick 
chasgea and alnglnc or daoelas (or each aad 

"BUlT^Oaatea MlsnMA t» fto M«m .at hi* 
manr aa c c ta aea with a new paitMr. tUaaira 
GoTOdalc la the little ladr who leplaeed Ulaa 
DaAiellle. and tod that cracc, dun, per- 
aomlttr and abllltr an sot Ueklat. BWy attll 
Iwlata aad tnmt aad acta ahr. Be alnga a tit- 
tle, danoea aa modi, and with tbe aaalatance of 
Ulaa Corerdale offer* an exeeptlooalljr neat 
aloglof aad daoetnf comedr •kttch. Dnrlos tbp 
eootae ot the dlaloffoc acrera] old worka of art 
are lucd. bat tbe al tnatl o na aad the way tbey 
wm pot 'Orer brontht the acceaaarr apprecia- 
tion, wUch were they aaed by other people leas 
capable, wonld haTa faUen flat. 

In the aketeli. Maatce WUI'a Flaren. Mlia 
Percy Baawell plara • dsil rote, that eC Imij 
Alice Petnberton »ai Master Sance. Xh« acene 
la laid la a room at the White Baft Ian dnilu 
the BlaahethaB period. BoImM Wjwmttt, lead- 
lag gun «C Bar lla|c«tT*a Plajata, :iM«m a 
Tiatt froB Kaatar Bavaga, who aaka the ectar 
to "teat him la awk vaita aa be aeoa ac with 
a Tiew of hecomtag.a me m ber «t hia caaaaaay. 
The Ud plays aeeaea from A» Too Uke It aad 
Tbe Taming of the Shrew, to the great satla- 
faction of Wrnwood. wbOk howerer; baa benn 
to imiiiect that bla ymthtnl and ambttuoa 
caller la iwt "Sfaater" Saragt at aU, bat a 
cbarming rlxeo whom be hag Mt 'thP'SMM 
for^ at a **Minmaiid" p^msmaaea, -umS- tado 
proTea to be .tbc caae. 

Wlllard Slmma and Oo. appeared dxth on the 
ptomm in nindeis' rorBlahcd Flat, prooonnced 
to be tbe maaaleat act In TandeTlll«, oat neear- 
thdcaa oaa at tbe biggeat laagb-getlera that 
his bcca sees, on the variety atage In many a 
. day. Ibami . 'idaaaad op" at ercry perform- 
aaee laat weak, 'aaA Jett sleatr ot cleanlag ap 
to ba dMB alter ba baA AIihed. Bad It not 
- - - - 'Hr ' 

Vesta Victoria 

It la a 

up to 


The reaalta (ron tbe box-oBcv aundpolnt at 
the 3laale Ban dajnc tiM two weeks that Vcata 

yiclaffB btadUaed tbe bills, taacnaa. 

tDIa aad rtcd XatM^a Laadon 
the other ahlatac UgMa aa laat 

— aa a .wMe. waa cseelleat la 

hMhmalHy aMnaatltr. IfcCarr 

Taa Camp aad Kamo'a A Ktght 
Oab, kept tbe aodleocc key< ~ 
pitch of eathaslasm. 

IJe LoretU Twins opened the flftcen act 
pregram with tbeir conedy bar act, and their 
work waa well recelrvd by tbe eariy patnna. 

Don McKay saag ooe IrUh melody and easily 
waa fssw.. She has a pleasing voice and a 
rather high taage. 

Tbe aM aamher oa the pragiam waa The 
"fT!'..^*'!*'- *te carried away Ugh heaoca 
with hIa Dorel aad dcartag teats oa the beoad- 
■ag npe. Keltar haa tmmed op aa act that la 
awiy from the general ma. aad bis offcrint U 
aeat, novel aod eatertalnlag. 
^rio JarobMD handled lite Ulnstrated aoacs 
y the T*d Sarder Masic Co.. aad her reodllton 
•^Jir*".*- Dreama waa highly appreciated. 
FViltowIng the niDstrated aoog. Bafayette'a 
hooadsd, danced- aad performed 
•<^<>i>9tic trmtu that were aothla* abort of mar- 
Tei„n, ur. Bafayetts has carefaUy trained 
hia anlmau aod a whip or a harah word la ea- 
■ireir nnneceaaair. making the act pleaatag aa 
wHi aa entertalniag. 

^Rnndill appeared Is alsUi position and rang 
ill; ,'!?'"• snSclosed with a 

••I'lllna apeclally. Ux. Randall has a dear 
tai .JiL "f*. """"T. and althoogb he U do- 
IK " ** opinion that 

k caoae aoma little dlatuttiaDee ahaoM 

t* a atralght ainging act. 

McCarthy and Major oSarcd their comedy play- 
MrrCi.lh"'.''* Aw^at aad aeaced heaelly. Mr. 
1, ; Slli'..'*^ «<»"«*'aa of ao mean abtlltr. and 

,1 *!!f*S?»" Partlcalarly well carried 

r et.r^J'** Ji^*^**^ iltBStlOBS SBd 

. .".""'a' aad la booad tir plaast tbe most 
rrlilral sndieaceT "» •> ■■■■■ «~ mmx 

ai.Tr fc."i5flyv»*^!I",5» aalvtalameat was 
S. M ^frJif? Hawallaa Kmr. Tbey are 

Sir irl^*** and exceUsat laslramcaltflsts. bnt 
•.r.t as the cloelng featnw is entirely 

v«S rr«r he eliminated, 

xnai .w»! ■••tted things toward the langhtag 
wwoiSSn?' V** appearaBce. Be haa a 
Jl^r*??!!*^ and maaaer aTfbIs awn. n* coin' 

rtiiaS!!^* ■•'■«'»? With light magte. the as- 

tax »e'*.^f?^KI*"»^'»"'»"^ Wg laagh- 
^h^ ui« 'S?^ aad aaag aboat AhM at tt» 
>"«. Hlsa BDmaMreine aaag amtal eatehr 


Boward ami Howard. The Porter and the 
Saltiimau. Ktlll faTorltea In thla vicinity, and 
their dlalosoe, both new and old la a "acream." 
Tbey slog two Bombtra dnrlog the oooiaa ot 
their aetj^^jM^tbe t a r msa i y atatag aaaaber 


Bwliet of Short News Items Concerning All Brandies of 
Vaudeville in the Windy City Qatheced by a 
Billboard Representative 

Boben, LIndaey and Roben, patter comedlana, 
dancers aad harmony aingera, arc working tne 
Frank Q. Ooyle time, and are making good. 

Williams and Ollmore played the Apollo The- 
atre week of January 23. Ttieae boya bave aoma- 
thlBg dlfTereot and away from tbe old atyle of 
blaeifaee acta. Tbey offer aleglag aad talklag 
«t Uife aallhM. aad their abttltr la patHm Ibia 

The Majestic 


Cblcago. FV-b. 3. (Special to The Billboard).— 
The Kohl A Caatle Companlee controlling the 
Xtajeatlc Theatre were not eattafled that the 
Majestic shonld be the beat and most heaatltDl 
theatre lo America. They waoted It better 
than the lieat and have Jnat compialed Im- 
peav e meata la the lobby and la tbe fkamn 
nyer «t paiatlaga. By iatNMac, aa elabor- 
ata totataMat at Itadna-aad OiMaa aiaiMa, 
the layer has beea u aas roi i a id lata a veritable 
marble ball, with a grand atahrwar aad all the 
wtlDscottng. door caps, arefars aad balostradei 
hewn eat of thla expensive material- Tbe walla 
arv coveted with a gold brocade abaded Into 
oIlTe aa a barksroand for tbe spletidld collec- 
tion of palntlnic* by modem masters and the 
Bew relltnit In elaborate plastic work haa beea 
flntabed •olldly In doll icold. KlectnUera la 
bronie anit cnt-glaaa ot the OMMt elaborate de- 
acrlplloa have replaced the former lighting fee- 
tnrea. Rich carpets snd Orlcatal ruga cover the 
While tbe drcorallrr frsturca of the theatre 
hive been thus greatly Improred, the stsge has 
been reHttetl with an entire new eqnipmeat ot 
beantttnl accnety appropriate to the anperlor 
character at tbe heuii^ aad tha booklags for 
tba -lat> wMtr aaa aMRNL flMgaa aw oF soch 
ealaa^aa I 

Maurice Shapiro 
Engages La Pearl 

Roy La Pearl, tbe maa wtth the biggest nos- 
tcal voice In tbe world, has been engaged by 
Br. Manrlee Shapiro, of the Shapiro Basle Pnb- 
Uahlng Company, to alng the sncceaaea of 
thla Orm dnrlng the entire comlog aeaaoa. Mr. 
La Pearl wlU be (Onad la N'ew Xorfc. alaglng 
with all the leading hands In that city and 
wliciever a bead concert is held, look oat for 
La Pearl. 

General Agent Bartley, of the Coolter and 
Coolter Show, which' Is being organlKd at Laa- 
caater. Mo., la in Chicago. A twenty-four car 
orxanlxatlon la promised for the coming seasoa- 

The Bawallaa Fonr completed a tour of the 
Pantagea' cltcnlt at St- Joseph. Mo., week of 
Jannary SS, and played the Amertcan Hiulc 
Ball, la Chicago, laat week, scoring decidedly 
4 la aest ta doolag poaltlce, aod im. 
WlawlaB Iba baaiilir. Taaia Tie- 

style of work over ctplalna their eootlaaed aae> 

Br. Nick Santoro and Company. In the Oraad 
Wlnd-Up, are at the FraakUa Tbaatia thla 
week- Their act la always a aaaafrgaBatkv waM 
and la making Ita nsaal MK Mt at tba ttMtMg 
la and aroaod Chicago. 

Baaale Leoaard. the girl with the wondetftl 
hair, whoae rapid prosreas toward tbe torn gf 
tha vaadavllla ladder has proved beyond a MM 
ttat tdrdi«itt|^m^eitn^aj( for alagla acta 

Mr. I<ee Kisthu . tba aeaoMpoUtaa, whoaa Im- 
peisonatloos tt Mamctna ef avaor — Ifir-nlHr 
appeal to tbe patioM «( tba vwMtr InaaHk w 
registering a big htt ia tfea hotmsa li aad iiinflt 

Chicago. He elalma that aaa o< the leoaaae Cor 
bla sticccss la the besotlfol ballad!. Far KtBar* 
ney and Too, by J, Brandca . WaM. 

J. Aldrlch LIbhey and Kathryn TIrsyer pasasd 
throngh Chicago laat week, ea route ■ from St. 
Joseph. Bo., where they recently closed a toor 
of tbe Interstate Circuit. Tbey wltneased a 
performance of Morris raadevlDe at the Amer- 
ican Moalc Hal] In Chicago, Jannary 30- 

Col. Tbompsoa. manager of tbe American Mo- 
sic Ball, aaalatad in one of Vcste Vlctorla'a 
songs doHag bar tetniabt engsgemcat st that 
honse. and liked sppcarlag oa tha ataga ao 
moch that ba Jcatlaglr aayale kaa "•bmSim.'* 
Miss Victoria has a new ssag; DsaT^nag tba 
Cboma, in wblcb ttie honse saaaagsr calla bsr 
down for trying to get tbe sodleace to Join In. 

Mr. Jack MIddletoD. long connected with 
msiay musical comedy snccesaea. Is plsjiuf the 
leading character comedy role in the big vatide* 
Tllle feotnre act, A Married Bachetor, the tab- 
loid mnslcsl comedy. The character of General 
Snooien, aa portrayed by Br. Mlddletoa. Is a 
scream at every performance. 

"The tronble with vaudeville Is to get com- 
edy eaongh." waa the seattment of C. B. Bray, 
voiced tha atber day la canveiaallon with man- 
aseta la xegard to the laying oat of bUla. He 
had jBSt letaraed IMaa New Tork, aad hIa at- 
tention had bcca dnnra to a taa act bUk «( 
which aine ot them.arcfa of tha tiiialli laflai 

The SUaley Sextette, wUeb la awaed aad. 
managed by Roy Sehrec, the papidar pmp i l atot 
of the Saratoga Botel, will begin s tear ot the 
Inter-State Circuit ahortly. 

W. S- Batterfleld payed hIa rrgnlar visit 
to Chicago last ireek. and was seen st tbe of- 
dces of tha Assodstton on Thnrsday. He ex- 
preaaed himself as belnjr satlafled with the 1 
ness being done !a bis Michigan I 

Chicago All-Star 


ImaslnatT hm of acta- playlag vandevUla 
theatres, framed up t>y Billboard reprceenta- 
tlve. Importance of act Indicated by poal- 
tloo Riven. 


A— Jack MtiLallea. BaUer Skating. 

American Bnaie Hall, No. IB. Fall 

B— Joe Randall, Singing Comedian 

American Mnale Hall. Noh S, la 

C— BeCartbr and Malm'. ~ - 
American MnMC 

D— Oelger A Waltere. Street Slngera. 

Americaa Music Hsll. No. 14. In One. 
B — ^Wnurd Slmma * do.. Comedy Sketch. 

Majestic. Ko. 8, Foil stage. 
W gmella Sammervllle, SIngtag Coaa- 

American Mosle Hall. Xo. 10, In Od», 

0— Miss Percy Baawell. Dramatic. 

Majestic. No. a. Fan Stage. 
H — Howard and Howard, Singing Comedlaaa. 
Bajestlc. No. 10), In One. 

1— Lane and O'Doonell, Actobatte, 

Majestic. No. 11, FaU StagSw 

Thofflss snd Stuart, presenting an eclgtaal 
comedy anccesa, entitled Roommatea. opeaed on 
the Harding time at Mt. Pleasant. Micb., seversi 
weeks sgo. The sketch Is an excellent tsngh 
prodncer, snd when bandied br th«>Be capable 
yoang men. Is anre to be a "riot." Mr Stuart 
Is a juvenile conwdlaa ot the Hist water. 
Thomas is a female b 
tine fataetto voire. He 
atloDs In the sketch. 

iMa sad Bertie Allen are layine og at her 
home la Oahkesh, Wla^ where aha la i 
an ui i mll M . air r 

of a « - - - 

aad bla traopc at aerobala left Chi- 
cago lost Satarday for ladlaaapoB^wbata they 

commence a toor of tbe Orphevm Cbcnlt. play- 
log nntR the Rlngllnic Brathcn* Show opens. 

Tbe Cherry Slatets ba«a beea p lac ed at tba 
Clark Theatre week at Ikbrwarj C -gid.' afc 
sittner-a week ac Fbhnmiy n, bV'.aanaaai 

Ftledenwald. -- ■.i.vii-i-.j/.,"/ 

i- '■- tr^*■.' 
Bert Earl haa the jrtvUegea — ' 
Brothers*' Show for Best i 


Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11, 1011. 

The Aimisl^meiit Week in New Y6rk 


Play Is Clothed in an Atinbsphere of American Realism 
IH»rtra^ing Ambition in AH Its Rawness— The 
' Dialogue Is Cruelly Convincing 

Warn T«rk. ra>. 1 (flpceUI to Tlw Bmbatrd). 
—Ktt tm mur WMks has New York been «■(«- 
Maid to aiiT piemleie to stnac and fomfiil — 
m cretux (kal and Iraman, ao imnlentlitc and 
nnMsaoaa aa vaa offered at the Aator Hon- 
iV« JaBoaxr SO. With Unci and wotdlas (all 
' at aoiar — of strcnjitlk and onfllnchlns dlnctneaa, 
■MB tboocli tlier nach the point of ethical n- 
■agaaaei and oSenslTeoesa, eontilnlng naked 
'.■nCaltr. Cdward Sheldon haa pcodnecd a play 
Bat wkfla It — >-'-T manr at the aame ale- 
■Mto «t TIM Htaat and suratlan McU. con- 
moat antloaa attention bceanae «( ita 
_ from Teneer and bTpocHir. 

, Boea la a character plar not of tbm tarl- 

«Cr Hat deala prImarUr with tha eatanslamenta 
• at taBllr tilt — no. It chooaea a mora eorrapt 
fiU. ami portraya with fnll abajtdod the de- 
wt/ttammnt of a political Irlah-Amerlcan, hU 
tattia throoKh lodomltable, althongh nnethlcal 
aflOct to political distinction and hli atmnle 
fW tha lore of a refined and dellcatelr-reaied 
■vac woman who baa noblT' devoted bereelf to 
Mttlainnt wock. _ 

•teanctb In all Ita bmtal fore* itaapa tUa 
Anaw aa aaaanriinj American. It baa do alm- 
'SfjlCflaaBnlan to tall back upon nnlcaa It 
iMMtr* fia Vina Uaatcr. bot bj compar- 
Saa M» And IhaMova colorfnl drama ao mach 

-*^anaa and nipping that Alan Dale 

_At "It la a better play than any Mr. 
_ 'haa Utharto written. It la certainly 
~ dramatle than aitbar Tba Mlgaac ar lalTa-' 


^ - play.'' 

jiaaUns and lirealatlbU !■ Ik* Boaa that 
_atropolTtan erlUea nrafanad to dea rrih e 
«naw and paycholocua tba dMiaetar of 
' - tba ' asBtMalTa polltielaa. tathar 
. tMr&aeHaloaa aa any 

_ partle- 

. ney and It wallowlttc In reaUam. 

' m latoitlonally done aa to warrant pralie 
tkan dlaparaccment. The Trlhima Ten- 
tmiB that the play ahowa a weakneia In the 
itova aact, bnt OiXm point or Tlew la enersetle- 
3ff fSbattaa by Tarltnu other erltlca. who and 
• mS igj^ tkama a balandns relief — an artlitlc 
It ha tha portrayal of tha haman alda of 
_lltlelan'a character asalaat bis aombstlTa, 
lltable political Ttgot, 


orar hla rtTala, bot who la wflUac te I 

Chauncey Olcott 

York, tab. 
___ae«r Olcott 
a fc ii alta with 

- - Itw - 

to ^ke Billboard). 
Ilnca been known aa 
_ ■atfopnlltan andloneea. 
sntnlaa tBstbls two waefca' 

^lUsd with jBTor by the p»- 

«t tha Aeadcmr of Wa^ laeh ^the 
Kltla have found hia new vaUdaMS tawUek 

•Aa a Mth.iBtiijli« and gananns 
"^^^ wltk thaaa In power In 
~ ' b0it|frtB, be 

'"^SSS'ot eoDiM, tkara an aoogt. tad Ur. 01- 
astt sans tbam. And whether Joyful ar aor- 

-Mr. Oleotfs eompaiqr la «■ — 
mm Ulth BrawBlnc. aa fua ■riatomL . 
baastr. whs flat apons tha hare, bat, of cMiaa, 
mamim laths ad; Ur. flaorse Bydenham aa 
^a fallal I icr. Med Beardon. aa a ataz-caalns 
aod Kn. Mary Johnatone, aa a doTOted 
.SSar ^aycd with alneerlty and Intclllgenee. 
" a «a»>n«if the new aonca moeh applanded were 
the Ifame of Mary, Uy I,and and Kother 
I, for an of which Mr. Olcott and Mr. 
faOI wrote the nnulc" 



_ , unbars 

T: Mr. Ned Reardoo 
Mr. Kesta De Becker 
>. lb. Arthnr Jarrett 
«•'... Btr. Daniel Jarrett 
,'. ''Waa Edith Brownlna 
MliB Alice Martin 
.. .. UlM Alice runll 


a compromlae for the sake of salnlas the band 
of the woman be loTea.- She la nsoally the 
danshter of the man to whom he standa In op- 
position. And In The Boss these are the re- 
tatlooa. ' Asaln, after Tarlous acts, during 
which the wife stands aloof from her hosband — 
they are married in name ooly — aha dlaootars 
that sbe lores bim, or caa ttw !• lata hta, 
a belated happiness Is in ailllC tMM Ifea aOI 
falla OB the last act 


t ^^^^^^^^^^ 

Third Version of Pied Piper of Hamlin ^Produced Last Week, 
Admitted Excellent by Press— Edith Wynne Matthison 
Gives Delicious Portrayal in Name Role 

THE PIPEB.-^ play In foar aetab tv Jose- 
pbiaamalan Peabody. The Maw.Ttiatri. 

Strolling Players. 

The Piper Edith Wynne Matthison 

Micbael-tbe-Sword-Eater .. Prank GUmore 

Cbeat-tbe-DeTU Jacob Wendell, Jr. 

Men and Women of Hsmelln. 

Jacoboa, tue Burgomaater Lee Baker 

— - aradlc Ben Johnaoa 

AbbMr John Sotherltaa 

WnUaa Ueraj 


Xtentlnl wm play fonr weeks 
~ Marietta at the New York 
will Oil a month'a cngage- 
ment tn Boston is this comic opera, after 
which ahe will leare for Holland, .where she 
has been encaited to appear at The Hagne In 
a prodoctlon of The Tales of Hoffmann. 

- that alfbt traadied ehUdica-aaw Hande Ad- 
aiw ta fflSntaBlar at as m a tl Ma last aatvday 

Now la her alatb wack la Iha Striae Maid, at the Ubcrty Tbeatr*, New Talk. 

Herz Leaves 

Madame Sherry 

New York, Feb. 4 (Special to The Billboard). 
— Balpb Ben,- who originated the principal 
comedy role In Frazee and Lederer's Madame 
Sherry In Chicsgo, snd who has been plsylng 
the urt since its premiere at the New Amster- 
day Tbeativ. haa left tha company, and hIa part 
la beinx taken by JTanwa DaiUag, who nider- 

atndlad Baa la CMca«o. 'Aaatber actor la ba- 

_ . . 



New York. Feb. 1 (Special to The Billboard). 
— With Mary Garden .in the leading role, the 
Cbleago Opera Company made its aecond ap- 
pearance at the Metropolitan Opera Roaae, last 
Toesday erenlng, Jannary 31. and presented 
Cbarpentler's Lonlse, another of the modem 
French operas. It was formerly prodo'ced at 
Hammersteln's Manhattan Opera Hoose, . three 
years sgo, and It has erer alnce delighted snil 
interested the pnbllc. Mr. Gampanlni coodoeted. 

The praaa waa maat liberal with Ita worda of 
pralae aad laalattoa. Ckailaa Bout Melaar tea . 
tttrlag that "at an the auaY opcraii wMeb 

(Oastlaaad aa paac M.) ' 

Bennett Takes 
Pasteur Treatment 

New York, Feb. 4 (Special to The BiUboard). 
— HIcfaard Bennett, the actor, la snfTcring from 
aerere lacerations of the haoda aaatalned In a 
battle with a feroclona bulldog known to be 
affccte<1 with rabies, last Tbnrsday at hia coun- 
try place nt Paliaades, N. J. Accompanied 
bf hlB little daaghter. be went to his Jerser 
place to eserclsa bla bloodad English bnlldogs. 

MOK daa .dC BiB aiCia attachaa aU lltua gin. 
Baaaatt And Ira ahota from a taralTtr at tha 
brate. none of which wera vital, aad then 
closed with the enraged anl^ial, and beat it 
Into sobmlaiiloa with the empty weapon. Be- 
fore he had accomplished this, however, he 
was sererely bitten, and ao examination of 
the dog's l>ody proving that it was mad, Mr. 
Bennett's berolsm and presence of mind have 
tenr Inatltote In 23rd atreet. New York. Mr. 
Bennett's berolsm snd presence of mind has 
evoked many tribates oC admlratlfta from bla 

Blllle Rnrke In 

,' and la her. portrayal 

of The Philosopher In Tfca Apple Oldkard, by 
Anthony Hope, which abc' nail aa a preloda t« 
tha Iswar play. Is spsadlaa iher savsath weak 

at tfea 


Martin, tha Watch » Idwln Coihmaa 

Peter, tha SaMlitlB .•...•.'.'.Wttlam Baymoaf 
Anaelm .. .... .. .i'-nira de Cordoba 

Old Clana .. .. .. Cecil Yapp 

Town OHar .. .. .. .. .. ■•bert Hamlltcs 

Varonlka Olive Oliver 

Barbara Dora Jeaalya 

Wife of Hans the Bnteher . . . . Thala Lawto* 
Wife of Axel, the Smith.. Klila Bemdon Keaw 
Wife of Martin, tba Watch .. .. Mary Doylo 
Old Urania .. ..^^^^^^j^.. .. Hia. hot Badtb 

Jaa .. .. Maatw Ma Tanav 

Hanael .. ;.. lllaMar ■matt Bamptaa 

Use .. ..... .. .. mi'.. .. Jeaaette OI> 

Tmda .. ..' .. '.• ii aailbel CampbaP 
Bndt ••'..•-••>.. DoiDthy Vena* 

New York, Feb. I' CipMil to The Blllltoard) 
— ^hat Joaephlne P re i t c a Peabody has pre 
acatcd a production which loica tha growa-npa 
inth a story thst aimeala atrongly to the child, 
as well, haa been admitted with nnaniml^ hff 
tha preaa. Sweet worda have baaa accorded K 
by the metropolitan andlcnees, and Kdlth Wyur 
Mattblaon la recorded aa .hsrinc alven a chaia- 
IBC aad Mletoaa partrayal at m wdtd pipw 
hlaaelf. Tt»m ttw woMa at Jatradacttoa ee» 
talaad la tha Mbnaa wlB aatva ta tapiwa tka 
ncaaalsad qoall^ of tha drama: "Ifea Plpv 
la a play ot ttraigth aad baaa^, •( dliallj aa* 
tendcmeas, a play of novamaat aad aclow wllk 
living dnmatle Intereat. The history ot Ihta 
poetic drama is known well •ooasb by thia 
thne — Its wtnnlng of the Stratford-on Avon pitta 
laat year. Ita preaentatlon at the Memorial na 
at» la Sbakcapeare'a town, the saecess It ha« 
tn the Brltlab dtlea oa ita way to I«nda>. 
when It met with blfh aapracUtlaa, Parhtpa 
It to aat as wan kaawa taat tha plar aai 
witttaa ear tha StMltM asapaUOaa, It aa 
tared that eoataat in tha fbra eC i 
book mailed from America ahaot thiaa i 
fotc the Hats cloaed. Ita K 

Set. Joiephlne Preatoa Paabadr (■ 
arka. of Cambridge. Maaa>." 
The Monday premiere marked tha third appear 
aoce on a New York stag* o( Brownlat*! la* 
Piper of Hamelln. Three veraSona have nvw 
l>een siren, the former two being Tba PiaP 
Piper In maalcal form. In which Dewdf HoMV 
ilajad. and tb* light apM, Baaa, tha Ratp 

Up and Down 


na OMHafa. ekntm njira- 
eoatfiaaa «■ Its wwW a 

Maxlna iniolfa Thaaliak 

One ot the largest bog partlaa ever given to 
atndents of tha drama, attudad laat Aaaday^ 
pecformaaca of Maoda Adaaa la Chiatadar, a< 
the Knickerbocker Theatre. It was given «a 
der the ansptces of the Amerlcaa playgeera, wht- 
reserved tor the oeesalon eiglity-nve seaU tm lk» 
bilcony. Tber witnessed It la arder t« dlteair 
It In foram at their next monthly saeetlag. 

KIsw A Erianger gave in lxmA<m Wedaeaday 
Jannarr 31, a coprright pertoimaaca at tta 

Plak Ladir. a aualeal ewaity tr Iwa CUfP 
aad a M. k. UcLaUaa. «&• fiatTkMiieaB par 
farmanca wOl be glean la Atlaatla Cltr. i* 
mary 10. 

Among tha popular anabara from Tka fftta* 

Maid ttelng whiatled and hummed' everywhef* 
are Two LttUe I^e Beea, The PMtntala Fay 
How I Love Yoor Pntbr Face, and the gn> 
teaqoe dancing aong. On tha Tnek. 

William Ovular contlnaaa bis eagagament l» 
rn Be Hanged If I Do at WDllam CeUiev** 
Omadr Theatre. 

Tha Balkan Prlncees, with Mlaa Lonlaa Oaa 
alas aa the aUr. Impataoaattag the tlUa char- 
aetarria <• be praaaataa la Maw Task OltY ■< 
tha Barald Sqaar* Theatre, ea Tkanday are 
alac, Fabmary 9. It la described aa a sew 
Baneal play u a prologoe and two aeta. Tfe* 
beak ta by ftedcrick Lonsdale and Frank Cor 
sob; tha~ mnslc by Pan! A. Bnbeaa, snd the 
Ijrlci by Mr. Babena snd Arthnr Wlmperls. 

Adele. -Rafter, who had appeared in varlone 
mnslcal comedies, died Jnat bsfaca aeaa .las' 
Sunday a week ago at the 
plttl la Park Avenue, New Tei 
an operation for appendleltla. 

The opening performaaea of the new farer 
comedy from the French, Tha Zebra, the latest- 
work of Paol M.' Potter, waa gtvaa at . New Be 
Tea, befoes an andlenea Indadlag the anther 
aad Ur. Ftebnia, at tha Oraad Opera Boaae, ef<. 
rebmaiT 3. Tha apeelal eompaay that baa beei> 
organised for the performance ot The Sefars, la 
dades the name of A. Hamilton Bevells, Bichir 
LiBg, Lawrence D'Oriay, . Atexaadar Clarke, Al 
fred Hodaon. Sr., and the Mlaaes Adelaide New 
ak. Vera McOord. Irene Fenwick and Dolly 

On the evening of Monday, FCbnury U, Daw 
and Brianger have amnged tor Henry W. ■ar- 
age'a pradnetloli, Bzenae Me, a Bnpert BaCMe 
comedy, to open at the Oatety Theatre. 

That New York theatregoen still like a re 
maacc In (heae Ksllatlc dsjs. Is once more 
Shown by the popalsrity Otis Sklnaar la. now 
enjoying at tha CrlterloB Xhaatra la,niiaiyTg 

i?""-'!!?.'"*'' ""^ • *wia df BkwSii . 

tlOD Of 184B. 

(OMttaaat aa pane M.1 ' 

FEBRUARY. 11, IfttV 


S^lie ¥audeviMe r Week in New York 


At Election of Officers for Western Vaudeville Managers* 
Association, Martin Beck Was Elected to Position of 
President Made Vacant by Deatli of C. E. Kohl 

. At ■ ni<«tlD( beld to Chlcaco. JtmtTj 30, 
Mirtlo Beck iri> rlreted pmlilrat of tbe We«t- 
an Va!ide*l1le iSmmftn' Atwclitloa, to me- 
CMd the litr C. K. Knbl. Mr. BM-k trm* ■lio 
•iMtcd Ticp-prenlilrnt of tbe Kotal & Castle Com- 
•tnr. wblrh opcritM tbe principal MliXlle Weit 
raaderillc theattM. On Wadneaday, Pabraair 

Trmton. N. Nhi • -(li^wtal to Tbe Bill- 
board). — Smoke trom^^ MHllvrlDs towrl In 
cbe buemeat of tbe SHat; Theatre. ■ vaatle- 

elUa bouae, filled the indltorlnm dnrlnc tbe 
^formoDce lant nlirht aiid caovert ciiD"1d«rable 
azeltemeot. Two Princeton atadpntn are under 
aireat cbarged wtib baTlof Indulged lo a 
prank wblcb nil(bt bare caofWHl a panic and 
foia of lire. It la alleged that tbe itndcnts 
arere tbe IrhI to l4»aTe tbe baaemeot. wbetv Hm 
tft waa dIacoTrred. and It la liellaiaC ttat 
Mr wtn mpoDnlble for tbe exclteoMt: 

. ti « a IN SOUTH. . 

San Aatenlo. Tea., reb. 4 (Special to Tbe 
BUIboard).— flam DaVriei. tepreaeotlof SolU- 
ean A Cooaldlne Clrmit. baa arranged witb SM 
Wela. (be local tbeatrlcal manager, to book 
•alll'an A Conaidlna attractlooa In tbe new 
nnttrlli* bouM which Sta Aatoola It to baee 
■en MMoa. DoVrie* U alaa making arranga- 
— Bta to baee aalllean * Oonatdlae rrprewnted 
AaMta, BoMtM. DaUw aad rort Wortb. 


^n«^eHli*MiJpMMilr Vanr. featured wltb 
«>» <>gtfilg:rt> iatHm d* Paria Girls Con- 
MW. dow with ttnt liiww May T. and oq the 
taalh of tba Dmatb aatt oa tbe 8. S.. Loaltaala 
!f Tbey bare cootraeta Car U waeka 
S"* ^'""^ <>P*»l»f •« th* ■ " 

Mar 22. The7 vlU rtmla la 

wrekt. after wblch " — 
Ib rarln; two we 

weeka In Bruaria. 

Fifth Aya^ 

Wltb a golden eoke (bat the Olgbt of lima 
J"' ..'o mellow, Andrew Mack eaallr 
jeorad beadllne boooca at Keltb and Proetnr'a 
!H l«at week. Andy'a flgnn 

£f. ?!?^?-" J'"'« rotnnd, tbaa wben be 

S!i»?«« » «J»«rm the gltU at tbe Academy of 
SSS'.^ l^rteeaUi atraet. bat be la aim there 
*>? ••»•. Aowac tha aoog* which be 
gy^S .wtft.O— >,ltg> St Crta. Tommr Mor- 
2SJjLiJ'*!!LJ*^il4JI«Br <>• »d he Inter- 
J?!?^ aprtgitlr BMedpU among tbe 

.^i"? .'-"^ BnweU aeored Ikeir 

SSl.fliP^'^ with their oeimoal Deno dittlea. 
laelnding Booloo Byea and Ida. wtti anecdote 
•■d Bifly daoec atep*. 

RoenM Orlffln jiceeanted a tabloid veralon of 
I?. 9X*5' Tmwnt-m comedy Other Peonle'a 

Ski. *f. Atenoe In tbe Aays 

booao. In tbe bllarlona 
llS^t, "'■'P'n wee aaalated by Uary Oon- 

.•.-^■"'^r "'"nont and Ffanela Fay. 
tk^^-Err '•»«.'"»« »>"« waa Tbe Wodela of 
li^ .J^'* '^•''A ft—niti to Cart Hearr 

aS,JL ^"'^ "hicb cooiMMr Bnty wild, 
jmirge It. Raymond, BinSetb HmsT Lnoa 
ftS'n'^'vSl^r" «"««i*"S5trtSrilchi5d 
«i? Sti Hoaw aa aacenee Sklo- 

tZ' i^^9S°V Haymood aa Pop Whita. eharcd 
•R .W?L"'9»." *"'> ♦''•'f troteaqne fool- 
.J5^^*w «he giria prored pretty aad nimble 

aeenlH^i'SS Slatera. an 

J** y—t- .">•>«• food with (heir funny 
J!^' *7«««jr.Mlautea Lay-orer at Alfalfi 
I^kJ^-*?. MUtoa^ared the role of 

Sf^h! ?in*^ V^* «<ftl»«« the dotlea 
IL.i' *'■>•'• WMDaa. banai* mas, porter, 

neihC; . I."L? '"'fj'*!'" InlUtlou of Sooaa df. 
•juShL*"'^: T'"'*" ««"«• »o death. 

TerSrV^.,^.1!''"' eontrlbnted by Verona 

with -^jKtf..''?"; ••U* *«»t» mm 
a V«Me h?f'«."^J!!J»l!.***»« • h«<n«^« •» 

glWed'iil-1'!2i_*^l*'' locked ImUde a latticed 

1, Mr. Beck lalled on the Manretania for Eog- 
lanil, where lie will participate In an Important 
conference In t,oodoa regarding the Englleb mu- 
sic balla In which be la Interealed. Tbe gcntrii 
manager of tbe Orphenm Circuit was arc-oaipn 
nliHl by Charlea Feleky, hesd of tbe iiri)b<'tiin 
Prodnclng- Department. While in Kiiropi;, Mt. 
Beck will alio In^tpect tbe Dnal plana for th<. 
Berlin Mnslc Hall, which he. In coajuoctlon with 
Alfred Butt, of the London Palace, has pro- 
jected. Jte Baak wlU iMan l> Hm Car lha 
opening of Ikt IMir 0 t > >I M» Tktltn, WlBDlftf. 
March 13. 


Gossip of the Vaudeville Week in Gotbam— Bits of News 
and Items of Interest to Members of, the Profession . 
Near and Far-HWiKellaneous Notes 

Mr. Frsok Oerth. tbe well-known concert Im- 

fireesrlo, who handles Creatore's Band and other 
mportant concert attractlona. met wltb an acci- 
dent on Thursday, January 20, and saTCiely 
wrenched his left foot, breaking a bone, which 
will lay blm op at hia "Belvedere," Fort iMk 
on tbe Hiiflson Palfsadea for some weeka. Ha. 
lo the Knickerbocker Building dally. 

Mr. G. Molasao baa transferred his proprie- 
tary rights In The Darling of Paris, the aump- 
tnooa terfMlcborean oHerlog which Mile. Mtaa 
UlDar rerentl)' IrliMl out In Paterson, N. J,, with 
great ancceaa, aad the act arlll henceforth ap- 


Current Bills 
at Variety Houses 

AnarlCMl Hoalc Halt— Charlea RIcbmao. aa- 
alatad hr Mahel Frrnyear and Company. In far- 
cical playlet. The Fire Escape; Bert Clark and 
Jane Hamilton, Bngllsh tntTesty stars: Violet 
McMllleo. CIMT Oordon. Jeanette U>WTle. Ma 
Ooaae, with Edne Motion, Jnpltcr Brothers. 
Black and White, and other acts. 

Alhambrs.— Prsnk Reenan la The Oath; Flo 
Irwin In At the Ball; Raymond aad Carerly. 
gleeful Germans; Fred Daprea, comedian; VII- 
moa Westony, pianist: Lawrence lohnson. era- 
trlloqnlst: Kesaier and Lre. daneera: KIgbt Bet^ 
llB Madeapa. Orabar'a AnImala. and ot^eia. 

i.'^^fUka Saratt aad Oonpany In 

Schiwhtl'^'i ^ ^l ^^^^ O ^ ^S , j^^^" 

OUMlaL— Sea Tanuuay: Thj Photo Bhop: F. 
Btyaara, Tcatnicqnlst: Connelly and Webb, pi- 
ano and operatic act: Conroy and LeMalre, 
blackface comedians; Flee Brown Brothers, In- 
stmmentsllsts: Hons and Price, comedy car- 
tooalata; The Six Steppera. Howard'a Poolea, and 

Fifth Aeenne Theatre. — Chrlaly Matthewaon. 
Chief Meyera aad May Tully, In Currea; Ed- 
ward Abelea and Compan}'. In He' Tried to Be 
Nice: Barry Wllllama and Jean Sehwarti. Paul 
and hla Uelac jaathia. atataati Uatostta 


tbe Colonial 

Valeaka Suratt. tbe headllner of tbe Colonial 
bill last week. In her new eketeb, BaaSe Va> 
riete, and Ethel Oreen, dainty alnglag conw- 
rtlenoe. hare already been tboronchly laelewed 
on the AU-atar BUI this seaaoa. and two other 
aeta that are on Manacer wnitama* program 
an la the ramnt All-atar BIU. which abowlag 
la obTlomly compllnimlair to tb* ataadard of 
attraetlana nalnulaed at the OoloaUI. Emma 
Dunn, who was a afeUar light with Jales Bck- 
ai^t Goodman'a play. Mother. In the legitimate 
earlier In tbe aeaaoo. In scoring with eqoal 
authority with John Stokea' sathetle lltUe 
sketch. Baby, tbe acene of which la laid In a 
foondllni hospital. Mist Dunn playt tbe part 
of a poserly-atrlcken mother who la compelled 
to leare her child at tbe aaylnm, being nnahia 
to proTlde for It and later aerka to tccoaer It 
when the finds her bnsband. from whom she had 
heard nothing for sereral montha. bat who la- 
tams with a eomforuble little neat egg to make 
baby aad her happy. Ber entreaties to iccoeer 
her child from the eneeloplng red tape of a 
hoapltal routine, la tenderly pathetic. Aaslsting 
Miss nnss. who pisys tbe i>art of tbe mother, 
arc John Stokes, author of the aketch; Bntb 
Allen and Chsriea Uepler. The sketch made a 
profoond Impreaalon and Is giren star poaitlaa 
on the atar blU. Charles Falfce Bemon. the 
Narrow Feller, made merry with hU maalcal 
tobacco pipe and funny rhymes and small talk, 
aa wM aa by bla amieaqpa coataiM. 

pear nnder tha management of Monti Oeat, <( 
the firm of Oeat and Comstock. An early Bstl» 
iwlltaa engagement la promlaed. 

Martin Sabine, who baa been playing tha put 
of Lord Stonborr in The Fann, wltb WUUaM 
FaTcrsham, at Daly'a Theatre, la going lata 
TaudeTllIe. Bla role will be assumed by Ryo 
Chart, who recently appeared In We Can't Be As 
Bad Aa All That. 

The charges before the Commlsakmar of U- 
ceases sgslnat the. Pat Caaey Ageaey waa T 
on Satarday, Jamif tt, aad ktltr ■ " 
ondentaadfog a( the Cacti, tbe Ooai. „ 
annonnced that thero waa no tuaadatloB (a 

proceeding at all. and tha ehacgea Waco ii 

diately dismissed. Mr. PhnUps, of tbe law Bra 
of PhUllps * Stelnhsrdt, In the Long Acre Band* 
ing. tbe general counsel for the Agen^. ap- 
peared on Ita behalf. 

Ftank Keenan will diapenae with The Calk 
after the current week, being acbrdnled to im- 
pear at the Fifth Aeenae Theatre during ta* 
week of IM. la, in a sew oao-actpiay to OUrc* 

OeorgofX PInca. 

On rebriM^ S. Taadtrlllo'a newcat star, 

Sadlo Heir (PrlnMM of Bone), atiter of J. Trod 
Heir, the well-knewB eompeaer aad nnhllibn. 
left Chleaao la oM of tto Uteot Balek aiM 
aatomobllM. witk tk* tit«HiM of iMWflat Oi 
•reseat iMlarlair tnariaii neerd betweta tho ■•■ 
tropolla or tboMlddla West snd New Teak 
St lesst twclTo bears. Miss Rrlf waa accoiBpa. 
nied onlr tf bcr Bild and > merhiDte. At till 
time of the year, wben tbe roada are is " ' 
worat condltloo. Ihia toomey will be 
preme test of tbe eOcfpocy of the aotomauio 
1* a meaaa of long-distance tTarel. sod tba trip 
abould proTe tbe moat Interesting aotomoblla 
tear eeer undertaken by a woman, and compel 
able only to that of tho Ahemathy 
OkiabMM. lltM HMt «m - 
MFl^^JBMal !• Jfaat • 

Mr. T. xniott Payaaa. It. ■., aunager or tka 
Now Tork faetarr or tba Sdeagrapb Maanfac* 
lorlag Oompaay. ISB Wsat U ( ' ~ ' 

city, reporta ateady 

lesa projecting machine la tto 

lory. On« of tba machlaot bin beoa 
the Childhood Welfare Bzpoaltlea tbal 
cloard at the Ttat Beglment Armory, 

Kaw Tart 


New York AO-slar 

Imaginary bill framed up from aeta apvaar- 
Ing at New Tork eandeellle theatres. Im- 
parlance of act la Indicated by poaltlea gliaa. 
A— Kllamnra Japa. Marrelona Aembata. 

Colonial Theatre. Full BUga. 
B — Ooldamltb and Roppe. ta Tb 
del Drummer, 
Fifth ATcnne Tbeatfe. In 
C — Ma Goaae. with Bdoo MoUoa. 
American Tour. 
American Mnalc Hall. Full Stags. 
D— Andrew Mack, Irlah Singing Com " 

Fifth Avenue Theatre. In One. 
g ■ Q ar a ld OrlSn and Company la 
_ rMfdal Moary. 
' nrik A soaaa Theatre. ] 

r— Tho Gtaat Alblal. Waadsi' 
ABMrkaa Haric Ban. 
Cloae la Oao. 
O— EMMA DUNN. Ule star of Matksr. IB 

Colonial Theatre. FUl Btago. 
R— Mabel Johnatoo. Ventrfloqalat. 

American Mnalc BdL . la Oas^ 
J kb a rteea Cedoea In harVM Wkfel kl 

nitk ilfi* ™** 

The aUr plaeo on the All-star BIU tbla wart 
belonga to Emma Dona and company botb If 

artlattc laterpretatloo aad — ' 


aoTelty or conception. Neeer liefors in _„ 
recolleetlOB haa a TaudeTllIe aketch been aa- 
rramed la a hoapltal aceno without olfeoae. bat 
beiv la one that aecomniiabea tlila reaolt wtth 
delicacy aad charm. Two other aketehea aia 
included la the bill. Oerald Qrlffln'a Other Foo- 
ple'a Money, farcical and hllarloaaly dItaiUaB. 
and Ma Goaae. a gllmpae of the Pailataa B- 
derworld, Introduclag Kdae MoUoa la a fkMa 
of tbe Apatb a .Poaeo. egecwted ,ta a tbwnif 

Aaditw liack. Ikt Malwklla Htl af tta Mfe 

aerrant gW. abowad that be had laat aaaa ad 
hIa ability to entertain, eocaltr and witk e a s e 
dote, all klDda aad condltlooa of plajiaila 
Goldsmith and Hoppo eoBblaed pleaalag aMrt- 
cal harmon with bright repartee la a tiBBllatf . 
dialogue, Tbe Oommereial Drasaaaar. Mabal 
Johnston, with derer Tentriloqalal alaati. I 
herself to l>e tbe equal of say mala 
in Tolee- throwing atonla. A beaatf' ' 
and deztroua opening number la 
the Kitamara Japa. while tho Fl 
drlTtaig a motorcycle at tuU sp asd aa* i 
tbo laaMo of a coidaa tfobo taalbat tkat < 


Tlue Billboard 

FEBflUARY 11. 1911. 

The JLiip^^ in iBiiiope 


.|f^piiii|ppoitant Premieres Take Place in French Capital — : 
Panic In Monte Carlo Motion Picture 
: Theatre — ^Noted American Seriously 111 

ttUam* PAmlnle is the UUe of the oew 
n wUch had Its premier* tbls week st the 
stye of SCme. Com Lapmrcerte* the Booffe- 
lalens. It is interestiiic hot in no world ■ 
wolU-bcater. frnmr In spots wltlioat belof phe- 
aruiTfislTr wigiml. It is tTpieal of the Gslie 
fsiees. In that there Is plenty of aplec aad riaqne 
tftDStUms, also Iiecanse It lias tiie emlistlng 
■ad aeTer-to-be-left-oot' thems of man. wife. 
S^d the wife's "Kentleotan Crleod.** 

Olandlne is the wife of the admiral. The ad- 
■litl. it might be said In paaslsc Is away at 
tta Mortb Pole, or trriiw to gtt that. Hearlns 
•f a son Iron to ber basbaad before ate marries 
Urn, Clsndlne agrees to sdspt talm, hn s glBlng 
to be a tinr mlta of a thins In used of a 
kai; aad MMlds* a ttaadl»-bea, saOor suits. 

^ "» Ma as*.-.- •» karastoBlsh- 

I MB tarns up a twanty-fovr 

K' old. badv- 'alz-toDter from the euuutij. 
is the Act I.-past of the piece. Act n. 
Aswn tte progress me young man haa mad* m- 
i« Vte gnfdanee of bis (tcp-Botber and tbe life 
ha laada la Paris. wbOe tbe third act-xccoids 
atm tortber adrasces: be Is now is lore with 
Us (athei'a wife, and she witb him. lb* ad- 
■taal appears on tbe ae«ie, back Croo tba- polar 
WgloBi. and dedares be hsa no aon. Be Is snt- 
•isentlr intercated In the aappoaed one, bowercr. 
ts -sgre* to adopt him, or rather to take talm 

litto tbe famllr m Ui lectetsir. TUi is lalTe 
t» ae Farts aadlaoee'a tMIags. of cocose. who 
|silt1 not^ tejw sty djlsir Jtt^lma ^ jUjasn ^ ><»m ^ 

^mMMm miaa j a^wm an 

Ootm Ijaparecrle nake* t 
As has a cspaUe company, 


' le Pare la Fronsae (FaQiar, tbe 8eu7)i ■<> 
Tallsfl because of ills lack of courage, hss for 
Ua seal name Dnhamrt. He la a dmgglst. and 
the eaiy- arabttiaa of bla life Is to be decorated 
vUh a certain rnneb "palme," a faTor bestowed 
vpoB certain people hr Ute Ooremment for merit 
tm. some Una «c etiicr. nionlk his daaghter 
■■tliij'e flanca, «ba Is a aepliaw to an Impsrt- 
aht penonage Ib Um WaSitxr of tke Beanx 
. Arts, b* gets -wbat ha wMics. and. gathcrlas his 
.asmmy absnt Mm. ha dtrtdss to go to Fazs to 

In Parte has so many good wlshos as does tbe 
gallant old general. This time It Is an attack 
of castrltla wblch wax iDdaced, It la beUered. 
hy the accident by which tbe General was run 
OTer and aeariy killed a year ago by so tn- 
tomobile. At tlut time his Ute waa despaired 
of and the doetoaa lepottcd a uu i h id and 
braised Uses; ttM •■MlB •(. «hUh-ttc 
General bar IK' dl- WmK'MKK Mb • dBM 


Newest of toiiddii's Music Halls— Masnificeiit 
CMnliiiiy and is tlie Largest 



pay. haa already 

Jirired at a hotel In the dl 
OBt to take a look tor htaiself. In tbe mean- 
ttm* hia wife ' and danahter amnae themaelTcs 
hr watddng st tlie -window for the approach of 
m. Ledonx. ancle of the dance. Tbcy are irjliig 
to gneaa which he is amoog all the people wIm 
as* paaalnr. Presently one man stops and w a te* 
kis band amicably. Hie ladlea smile bsek -with 
vafrntlL The man cressis tbe street and comes 
dgbt on np. He takes oil Ills coat sad starto to 
aahe himself -at hoask-te ha to sot M. I«doax 
■t hD.. bat.g gtnBCBtji*tLdWBp:.tta_Botfeei _and 


, , -ne~seal 

I to and eo doea the fattier 
ef aie cold feet, who geto snfllelent cosrage back 
jBto biffl to take a pnnch at — If. I<edoazI 

Bnt ,whafa tlie nsel TbIa sort of thing goes 
«B for three acts and four scenes, snd Is not 
better and not worse than scores of bnrlesqne 
shows one sees in Americs all the year romid. 
^hla la the offerina at the Clony Theatre thu 
week, the premiere ]ast luring taken place. 
Pete la Froosse — (tonsae Is slang and means 
- - - It is the work if iTiiBadM.fllli 


Is so maeh talk of tile new (or rather 
•ld> Sardoa play. Jnat i *i l >*d afto forty-nre 
yean at tlie TaDdeTHle, Jj» Famille Benolton, 
I think It mlgbt be Inteiestlnc to theatrical folk 
to hear a word abont what it'a like, for tMs 
to one of the' least known of the Sardoo works. 
Ur piece, aa I- stated last week, has been pal 
1 at the Bonlmrd Theatre, where m ' many of 
'^•a ptoja were a^lnally jgroda esd. as a 
^ ~Z a~ drto ef' iRalluMleb 

~ "i life a id. th» gBd- 

— . _ A man hiliiaa .three 

baza to ber beat Mend, asking this 

lady to keep them for lilm since be may be rbsl- 
Icnged to a dnel with the bnsband snd may be 
killed. If he dies he dedsrrs lie does not wish 
the letters to be found among bis papers. Ex 
onnt man. who may be the wlfe'a lorer. Aliu> 
the woman friend, learlng the letters on the ta- 
ble- Betnmlng in a florry to get them, alie ar- 
' Sires at tbe same inatant as the Irate hai«baiHl. 
*%lse me those letters," he demands, Tbe wn- 
toaa rsfnsii to yield them and lest tbe bnsbsnd 
tohs tham ftnoi her she Imms them to tlie grste. 
■ilttomhaBd to a tnty. EMcr -wife, who like- 
I la mrliiM to leara that she to aaa f stts d' of 

» BBT-lH aBd the.lSKt that she haa gambled and 

baa lOmd moon' fkoiii u. man to pay hcf cuSbUfis 
debta. "AU I eaa think of to do," she aaya. "to 
to see the man and ask tliat he rctnni to me 
toree' letters of -mine which will prose coneln- 
ai-rely my Innocence.** 

"Three letters!** the friend gasps. "Three let- 
ters! My goodness. I lost bnmed tbcm." Whst 
the good woman had done tMnklog to hide the 
wlfe'a milt from her hnsband, had been the 
worst she eonld bare done. Tbe letters pnred 
the wife's f i^th and not her trcaebery. 

Some of the Sardon homor-lB-aa good aa It 
was forty-flse years ago^ and home of It Isn't. 

gealssd by toe erttles. sad thsafSSRa- b sasis. 

Ocoerai Bal C. Tomic, a Tctma «r the Civil 
War. and a great Amertesn-Psiitolaa hSB-ilTsnt. 
haa been Tery m for a i iiimls "iif iia sia. m d st 
■to advaaced * ess. eC TIL' toafl^aia/^aBlaetalDed 

yr^Mt MMdg ijtof^ito .: jwr 1 ^ J j^^ j> 

I Nallr 

the ■feat 

Jam to the lefgcst - ptaoe ed SBles- 

la LoodoBt iffwiM^diflhg ~ ijOM pee- 

pie. the prtoe of the seeto to ft " 

lee shUlings. and all aeaU are 1 
saace. The hense U dirided toto 
of srati, (tana, grand circle, and elrtla. 
banding b SMiet np-to-dsta to i 

and It can be emptied In llttia _ 

ffilnntc If neceasaiy. The cost of eieetloa and 
fnralahlng bis been tl.2SO.000. 

At tbe back of tb* stalls there la a great 
palm court where a ladlea* orchestra plays 
between performances and where tea la ierred. 
Cpstalrs there la a aimliar apartment known ai 
the I.0Q1S Qoiaae Salon. Tbroagbant the place 
Is decorsted with Boae do Barry banglnga sad 
BpbolsteTy of the same color has baea employed 
to - 

wcU watMd ■>! hst aal mU watv ii th ofttr 

In addltlaa th* P a B ad I — Is peOTtdcd wtto a 
post-oOec. mcssesger oOkw.- aewa tiekcre aad 
srrltliig noma. 

The bnsisess done has already been esedlCBt. 
In tbe Orat eirbt daja. 73,000 p ar a una paid for 
admlaaJon. Tbe proirrammea bare been'cxeep 
tlonal. It li trne. but lU the same thia la a 
wondcTfDl record. The abow on tbe opcnlojr 
nlaht iDcloded Martin Barrey, la a aketcb 
called The Couplracy, Topsy Stoden, to ber lat 
est dance i B ce e as ta . Whit ChaUla. Oedau 

cnrtaln went op. Be said— and I have haaad * 
other foreign players In America say the saar 
thing— that be wts better treated by aodlcacc* 
In the United Statea than in any other conatrr 
to tbe world, aaTe bla own. 

Certainly orer here there is simost s display 
of reaentnent towtrd the foreigner. If not re 
Bealmeut then: "Too tbtok yon can act; prore 
it. Wc*a* got some players oorselscs. Hot yea 
make good aad *a«r ram ataad fight op to oar 
owB top a e toh . MT 'otbI we'll make ya» 
aacry yoa earner* ' Aare the asrt a( ataoe- 
phete the ftoe tg asr asasUy Bade BsallBB anaad 
OB his fltat -slalt. ^\T--:. r 


^Arsa sluaiuaiuaia^i operatora were ssstoasly 
boiaed as tbe resnlt of s shirt rlteolt la the 
Thettre des Tarietes. at Monte Carlo, this wash. 
Oee of the men may die and both others wflt 
nrottahlT lose their eyealght. 

The Theatre dea Tariele* Is s popolar resort- 
far tbe worktac cissar* of tlie prisripallty. aod 
waa packed when tbe arrldeat oecorrvd. Abont 
tea o'clock (nirbt performancel, to the middle 
of tbe show, flames soddenly Issued fram tbe 
large room bark of tbe prreen. la which the 
apfwratna waa sitnated. Two of tbe operatsc» 
were token eat terrlUy barard. while tbe IhM 
wai (aond lylar oa the r ~ 
waa a panic a w aa g the sa s e tot er s . bat i 
the presence of mlad or the ' 
wss srerted. llaay af the i 
galleries attempted to f 

bnt were rratralned. Meat of _ 

eame down the laddera mn np by to* Sra i 

Oeorge* de Porto-Rlcbe. aatbar of tjt Tlel> 
Bomme. reriewed last week In The Billboard.' 
has tried to make tradition forget Itself. Be 
bai attempted to cet into tb* Acadeny Pran- 
nd fallM. of conrae. I aay of eoorae. 

Managing ^ nuto'eee^sk l^lSo j ^SS.," aaslc'lnif gnBeMnJB*& 

Mr. Glbbeaa 

and boon eompaolocs among theatrical and 
American Ttoltors to Paris. Among the seoil- 
em sere sacb men as Col. W. P. Cody. Wil- 
liam H. Crane. Xat Ooodwlo. Charles Frob- 
■nan. Dan Fmhrnan. George Tyier, Henry Sae. 
age and others, who srerr nroad to call "Hal" 
Ynaog (Head, aad who ceaid aal tonpt* him la 
hlK hoars of daihaeea. sad woaU asC he called 
fslr weather frteoda. ^Marsr** Beary Watter- 
aon. of Kentncky. and s score of AaM>rlean news- 
psper men and ststeamen. sreee also kindly In- 
qolrera after the (Voeral. and to-day tbe .pame 
people are aendlme tbelr cable* aod letters to 
Inqnire after his progrea<! dnrinr hU oew Illoi'sa. 

No man is Paris la so well koon-n to rlaltlng 
theatrical people durlDc tbe pmmt twenty-flee 
years as GeDeral Toanir. and many la rbe pour 
derll who baa "orerplayed hia hand" on bla ra- 
catltm that haa been helped to bla homeward 
ticket and the foil aettlement of bla hntpl bllla. 
Many of tbe good fellows In tbe prnfesstos st 
borne win regret to learn of tbe mneas of their 
friend, and ' wHI wish tor him a sartdy laeoaery. 

Oeneral Tooag Is a aaUse Omtmrnm. snd 
WIS one of the fb aa dei a sad the Mli Saaadsl 
sapport te a Inc .ttaN .«t .9me» Onaetclsl 

HsTtoK iWrVtoa. Becnbardt. Mme. Bejane. 
and other .taptai -playecs. speaking a foreign 
to the^Mtod Btotaa, all .of whom were 
lal tateres^ 

wdl received. I to«k 
to toe visit here tt ~ 
Italian, actor, -*hO 

performed to Italian) than too mlgbt expect at 
a Punch and Jnily show before i crtiwd of grown 
folka. Vet the acting- waa remarkably good. 
Tbe people had the took aa torlr faces of: ■*Wen. 
here I am': hew aafee ae langh," 

Tbe piece waa I Oiesaestl. Act I. «*at 
thioagb witboat a ripple of sppUnse. Me mem- 
ber of tbe andlence siiawed tbst be wss to the. 
least Interested. Zscconl pisyed well. Bnt to 
A<-t n. one eonld see tbst the srtlst was feel- 
log the rhlU of toe booae. Bla plsylng wss 
thnronirbly imc snd to tbe mark: It waa per- 
fret, bnt there were momenta where he- ap- 
peared to act mechanically. That ia, he waa' at 
no moment ont of bla part, or anything hot 
c<irTect. bnt bfs character bad flaabes wbro be 
wa« not tl>-tb and blood. Bat toward* the Iittrr 
part nf the art, where the bnsband flodi ont tbr 
treason of bis wife. Urangb notes foond among 
tttr tmrrtt af- a dead fitoM, rerrsar forgot tbe 
IdcfcaiBBt^JMit aad' ptaiad- Cdt the lore of 
plariait. Hli -fewsrd vaa tllcht. a 'mere per- 
fimetory bsnd-dspplag. bnt when Act III: eem- 
mei>ced. It waa eaay to aec that he felt he bad 
at Isst tamed tbe table*. And be bad. If . be 
started In srctle coldnns he flolshed la s cy- 
clone of . the tropics. He "made 'em laosb.!' dg- 
As I say, I waa Immenaely iotereated In ail 
tbls. The French are great on tonriag other 
Isnds snd sre easily effected by cold andlenrea. 
Tet nowhere hare . I aeen laaa aympathy dia- 
played for foreign artists tbsn right here In 
PsrIs. I remember seeing Zsccnnl's dlstln- 
gnisbed eonfrere sod compatriot Ermete NoeellL 
open B w^k's cngagemeot In Cincinnati, at tbe 
tqMe. Thece was a warmto Ilrrrslly flong not 
af the vMtlfv .Italian player, snd be told me. 
Ifee Brat act toat he felt It aa soon aa the 

caoae no Bebrew haa erer been elected to tli^ 
Academy, and probably will not be. at least 
for a looK time to come. For if Oeorge* de 
Porto-Rlrbe did not socreed. there isn't grcat 
chaaca for any oae eiae soon. Idmoad Boa- 
taad, wbea he wss eaadldsto for oae of tha 
chairs of the *fmmBrtols.~ dertased that he 
woold yield hsftoa arip oae alhsr aathi 

mnce-dc F«rl»«MN^ IW Mllhar of l« 

Bomme haa ■st.teto the Academy anyhow, attar 
a faahlon. alaee be ia librarian toere- 

La Uberto priota the following, wblch I trana- 
tote on aeeeant of tbe feeling It lUoatratae 
aaoag playmakers In Frsore: 

to'bUr7*Jm MMMHad'laihaB*^ 

of them-apliltB ■ . ' >. /^^^v"?*^^^ 

" JMoaaSSJ It I* tbe haarr ■ 
Tbcy entered Into fbc cell of the ' 
Be slept sooadly. besrlly. 

** 'Poor derlir mnrmnred th* new sirieala. 
One of them tooched the aleeper on the shonlder. 
wbo. awakening with a start, started to a sit- 
ting coatnre. 

•The Ma^-Sty ttteBd..the tlae haa csom. 
Ton moat haea caMBh.^ . 

"Tbe OMMBBHi-^riiidl kilB.*--lllF~1ilHto 

"Tbe Aan— 'It will be qnlckly orer wtlK^'Va 
yoowlsb something— a drink or a elgaialkl* 

"Thc.'Cbademned (Wbo baa coBmeaeafl?1a 
tu m h fc ). '■h aak yeo.* •' •'^n 

fHta^taUet tompUlid. the condemned aad.lfc 
eetopaaMaa '■•Bated la tbe waiting veblcle ai* 
were soon arrtTad before a large aqnare bnlldlag. 
TTere toey got oat. Tbe condemned was led 
thmogh a wide' door, then Into aa taaeC room, 
where seren] mm. sll folema-fsced, sst 'round 
Is a drcla. Tbe condemned 'conghed and 
cleared bla tbroat with difllenlty. — 

"Be take* from his perkst a lr— 
Slid commences: T ' " ' 
sets.' The Play 

PrsDcalae Ilatena. ... ; ^-.^■^.t,^ .; 

■At dk o^dock the plsy |g lMl|^*<*tM!tS 

U doaa.'t 

(CoaUnocd oa pace. SK). 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 


Burlesque and Burlesquers 


Reviews* Remarks and Live News Items from AU Depart- 
■NOti- of Both Burlesque Wlieels, Qatlmd 
■ : :l;,Bt9BatMy for The BiUboaid 


It aMCBa u If It wen u ImiwmlWIIty for 
altkir of tba wbMla to aunac* to f ct tbTOosb 
IB wtlf* naiaa wtthoot. at leut. a lay-off 
of Moa kiad or another, aad oow whca arny- 
body wma coBsratntatlnc hIniaeIC that the Eut 
had at last a coaaecatlve aeaaoa wlthoat a 
■latle lij-off tbo newt i* beraMed oTcr the 
«h<«l tbat tbc Uctropolla bi the Bnu baa 
eloacd aad tbat no booae baa aa yet baao dea- 
tnatcd to fill tba sap. Tbe cloalac attract loo 
WW On BOl'o VMtty r«lr. aod Th* Dalaty 
Pthaaa. vkkfe Is MMpr«a Bt* ahaar. wm 

attnelMB bt fhteed to io whM 

thcf'' rOMh Ifeat partJcolar apoke formerlr fliled 
to the MatrapaUa. 

The saws waa hardly a asirrlse a« ramora 
•f nth M etremt bad loot eiled the air aad 
■aay efforta vera ouda to atlmnlata boaloeaa 
at tho booae, which la altaated In a rmtb«r 
poor ioeatloa on l4Srd atnat In tha remote tiT>- 
towo lecttoD o( New Torfc. The sew wcatem 
booM In tbe Brooz baa alao haea aafletiac for 
wut of patioBas* aad m walttac saaae haa 
been played h tf l M the twtodMMk Oii tm 
hopbiK tbat tka atttr MM »• «• •■( «• 

five la. 

The piawata le eMac of tha ICctropalla wm 
aoobtlna caaaa tho OMnaUa people to bnrry 

■p UM ew^tkQ ar the CMcan hoi 
jL*** aiiM h g ^ a^lifci^ jW i a Maaa^ 
ihaar asA aospkto ' tta vkail w 

preaeot layoff 

The Chicago baoae waa to have b et a aaaaed 
the aajety, bat nceat otatetBenta afinn tbat 
tbe new theatre wfll bo aamcd after tbe 47tb 
(treet palaee and will bo koowD aa the Colnsi- 
bla. Tbe hoQoe will ba a vefltabia temple of 
pertectloa and wtu be replete with erery Bod- 
em derlee, wbleb win add to tba comfort and 
aafety of both patron and p e ifui iue i. It la 
more than poaalble tbat tbo tbcatzv wHl re- 
BialB epea au tbe year arooad. Thla. of coane. 
Aepcada npoe tbe aoeceaa of tbe primary aea- 
aaa. which. Jadalac fraa tba we Ku u i a which 

^ theatrical aoceeaa aad lt*a the' aaaa eld 
alacT eTerywbere. A eeaifoetahia thaalra with 
aMrteeoa eoployto. clean ana np-t»dato at- 
trartloaa at popalar wltiaa aad > katt way eat 

lifaetory loeatlaa ~" 
aiasaser wOl | 
pbal proaperlty. 

Meeen. Hurtle and Seataoo'e Glnjcer Olria 
opened oo Sooday at tbe Empire. Clerelaad, 
to big boaloeta. Lew Bortls la bark wltb tba 
•bow and complete the wheel makla« tbe 
•how U heeded by Ed. tM Wrothe. who la 
npporied by rarb eelebrltlea aa Oe«ne Btooe, 
Wllbor Dobba, Sir rrana. Jeaoette Sberwaod. 
lane Le Bean and otbera of like renown. 

_ Pa n Doty, tbe well-koown prodacer, wia at 
wnkea-Barre. laat week and left there with Oor 
-••a and Nortb'a Paaatnc Parade, the anmhen 
W w hteh Aorw be baa been doctoclnft. Dan la 
tha time be iteta tbraofh 
"bo wall aaat eoa- 

^^Theta la a 
the Kaatam 
atihooch ae 

Itliied from 
Orleiai wltboot 
tm time i 
out of tha _ _ 
CltT waa alwaya 
pmubUlty tbat 
aude lar at laaat 

Ow air la tbe eOKt tbat 
Mew Orlcaaa 
I aa yet haea db- 
T> retam to New 
airaaglait at ether aoatb- 
a j e aia e y pcaetlcahia la 
aad altheagh the C i ee u nt 
a (ood Btaad. there la IltUa 
any artaB i a m eata will be 
eaaa Uttle tlaaa to com*. 
♦ . 

ha la tba wife af Ohaa. Tay- 

■ who 

_ MaM- 

D»MnHl» OA at tbe 

J" .W»ndard W latcrtata alTa me a 

•lire of borieaqne aad nercr mind whieb wheel. 

P>eT may nU talk aboat their rnrtoo* taTtwItee 
but the proof of the padding la la the eallar 
«<rrr lloe. Laat aeaaoa. tbe Odnmhla Amnae- 
tr.( nt Company declared a dirldend of 3T per 
r^nt. and the recent meetlas of tha Empire 
rirrnit atockholden luteaa« f tba welroqie 

rent, all of wblrb toen ta ^ — — — — — 

P'<i»I)eTlty of tbe game. 

■ar. tha well 
■ccealb' i 
caa lob* 
Caalaok Bnekiyn. 

.k' ".fJ^!? " O^'n an dooe waatlo, 
tHo ailesed eoatrorerar he t wee a Jack 1 

itarney Oeratd. ~ — - - — ^ -- 

t . lie the b* 
TlinrUlag at 

I eoatrorerar h tt we ea Jack Maaar aad 
tatd. Baraey and Jack anTW tMa 
beat or frieada aad aia tonbtlaaa 

<.iare CUAeaa doaadoB antarday at Baltl- 

>' I U to Join Tbe Boaanr. TMa li Cha Mcoad 
',"::r!?"^*_r**«B Ul* <BlMaf«M beea 
.1 S"J» • 8l"»«»l aheiw, botk St which 

r' 1 J"" "tft In tbe middia of the leaioa. -Laat 
^• "on abe doacd with Tbo OoUoge Qlil* to 
i iJLi* malodratnatic Modecttoa and waa . te- 

^^mben. tba popular bmband of tbe 

v-ssyerr— "Ji*,"' ini«t of the 

siS^ !5S«« ".^"ta laat Tborfday when the 
wTkSll?** WaldaaMBB-a. ' Bmlw oaa of the 
Sihi^i A/** aMBageta la tba 

•rtsaiDeaa and jtcaltaa a WUB wScma Ib 
■ 'ly the abaw-gligS'lf' ^^r"^^^ 

. [aMhi-tt««c 
tooedlana. arc dagf -HMly on tba One Bon 
■t ^iagMaaa ala glay aad.j lano 


Arrangements for Northwestern Extravaganza Practically 
Completed— New Circuit Will Begin Operation With 
[Ten Houses, and an Equal Number of Attractions 

VanroaTer, B. C, Feb. 4 (Special to The 
Billboard). — AmngemeDta for tbe Nortbwen- 
ern Eztravaeanza Whei^l are about completed. 
Me«xrs. Sherman eud Franka pat In a good 
portion of the paat week flgnnag oat tht Ba- 
altle and Vanroaver conoeetloaa. Wttkta tfarae 
montha tbe drcnlt will ha la full 



twa aad tkna-A. U., 
Uaadar. Jan. to, blew open the aafa aad *e- 

cntcd tor their troable orer thirteen himdied 
dollaro, the racclpta of four performance*. The 
Interior of Uanager Archie MlUet'a oOce waa 
wreckedby tbe exploaloa. Of the amount 
taken tSTQ belonged to -the maaager of tbo 
Merry. Maldena Company, and tbe balance to 
tb^ Dewey Theatre. ISSS of this latter aiDoant 
belDg la cheek*. Tbe D«wey*a loaa la corered 
by a barglarr loimrance of $500. Admtaaton 
waa gained tbroogh a trap door la tbe toot of 
tba theatre aboTo tbe balcony and the ofllc* 
forced with a enw-bar. Uanager UUler he- 
llerea that tbe robbery waa planned caratallr, 
tbo tblcrea knowing that he wonld b* onaNe 
to bank tba money as alt at It waa takta la 

Burlesque Magnates 
in Bermuda 

Xew Tork. Feb. 2 (Siieclal to The BIllboaTd). 
— Brown a* a berry from the genial raya of 
tbe aah-tnt)!' *nn. Jamea Cnrtin, manager of 
a nnmlier of barleimiie enterprises operated by 
the Empire Clrmlt. rrtnmnl frtMn Bermoda on 
Feb. I. after a tweire daya' aojoum In tbe 
hennllfal Soouaer lalea. Ur. CnrtIa was oae of 
a party of dr* New Torkeia which laeladed 
Mr. and Mia. Eddie Mlaer. and Mr. aad Mm. 
Too DInklna. pioaalneal la tbe theatrical world. 
The party left oa the 8. 8. '*Oee*nlc" on Jan. 
la. nader the dlteetlon of tbe McCann Tnorlat 
Agency, amid Ice and anow and thirly-alx hourx 
later were baaktng In tbe warmth of the Rait 
atream. A very roach paaaage waa experleoceil 
bat atrangely enoogh the "Uodlnbbera" of tbe 

Krty. Ueaars. CnrtIa aod DInklna. krpt their 
ja and appclltea. while tbe aallor and yarhta- 
man. Eddie Miner, waa pat on tbe hnm hy aea- 


Mr. Curtln waa the only 8M d(Ct(a Kama 
tbaWaada ^ii ring ^bht *^t. ai^TO^ laada 

arlU be at 319 Fender atrcet. weet. this city, 
aad will be In cbafga of los rranka, wba «IU 
ronia the atttarUoa a aad attead to other- boafc- 

Ing amnj 

wiart. ti . ^ . 

be «■! «■ tta load to Diar tba la«ataiBaftaat 
tb— ta ^wmim aaalatJaMy am wbaaTWw^ 

sueenspuL Tuinuv show. 

h tka 'tartttrnfjoiw 
cbarmlag wife. Jack 
er with Tom SalUaaa 

I . . 

a daaaaat day wttk 

"tnrkey" pioaecr aad bla d 

la manager and eqoal owner with xbm SalUvam 
of Tbe Moolla Booge QlrU, which la decMadly 
one of tba best abowa of Ita kind wbleb 
played tbe amall time. I tboroagbly eaji . 

the performaaco of Tbo Moallo Boage Qlrlaw I 

tor the beneSt of the many rcadera ot tbla 
nmn. I berswitb gttt a brief aynopalB «t tfea- 
ahow aa I aaw It at tba Grand Opera Baon^ gt 
Toongatown, O.. aome few daya ago. 

The MoQlIn Booge Olrli la quite a ptetantloiu 
prodactlon. and anllke moat tliQWi of its kind, 
can boaat of an excellent company of player* 
and a large aaa uii iaa a t of really goad wacd- 
robe. The book, or wbat tboe la tiaiMbllig a 

plot, ia caUed Oottle'a Dobot. and tcUa a dbMO^ 
neeted atory. which rcmlada one atroogly af tba 
old farce known as A XMp ta Parla. althaaBh. 
of coarse, many changes bsT* beea msds. Hury 
Wslab la tbe principal conediaa sad be Is good 
The character la Hebrew, altboogh Walab'a dia- 
lect la at timea atroogly Qermaa, aad his atyle 
of work Tcry remlnlaeent of tbe famoas BUIy 
W. (Raatem Billy) Wataon. of The Olria troca 
Happyland. Hla general atyte and manner of 
dellTery. all remind one of Billy, aa do tkS 
many little mannerlama aa well aa tha famnaa 
•llde, which Walah Imlutea to well tbat It la 
really worth whUe. Walah doaa weU all (~ 

the show, sad Is helped aiNli ai^c^ b» Xaek 
Salter, la a strslgbt part, aid Jaall aek. w ba 
make* a good "Tad." WaMar , WnBaaa 
who Is tha aroperly a>aa wtlh tbe »*iaw. AlBa 
data a bit aad get* br aMy. , Tba wanca, tnik 
by tb* way. are an good-loakfag. are beaded by 
May Bnma. who plays tbe leading roles, as a 
aoohretle. looking well. Ringing well and mak- 
ing an excellent appearance In ererythlhg aba 
wears. Mande Oray la another eleeer girl, who 
la an actsnlaltlon to tlie ahow, and whone woch 
in tbe Onale la really worthy of mention. Mlaa 
Gray Is tbe Oriental dancer with tbe i ' 
ta billed aa ••The Girt In Bed." Hert 
tasttfnl and decent, and her terpsT 
la tbe eaaeac* of jEraeefnl motioa. ^ 

Tba sham (arnca abaot tmttn Cbaaaa .(Mi; 
all gaad laak a ta. hat aat weaUr ■ atraag aa a 
ehoeas. They aiaha lluai taa a tb a ag aa to all aai 
the oa* excelleat ftataia ot tbe aboar la Ika 
rapidity of action aad tbe med arltb which aaa 
nnmher follaw* another. The ahow earrtas a 
spotlight, which la a material help to the nam- 
bera. many ot which atv well op to any wheal 
ahow atandard. The faTorite^ were Sierra from 
Maderla, with the girls to bine panta and 
blooaea. wltb rntra and collara trimmed with 
white, led by May Bnrna: Honaa. led by Maode 
Gray, who alom wltb a faint forelga accent 
which Is pteaalng to the ear. Hnnna la a Datch 
nnmber. and the alrla irere taatrfolly dreaaed 
accordingly. Monkey Town In the 
waa aim weU liked. aa_ 
Mande Gra^and Fir 

Tbe Monll 
and carries an 
kind It wnnld he I 
tlomi or expea 
either wheel. 

Tbe exemtlTe staff of The Uonlln Range flirts 
Is aa follawa: Jack Sniler. manager: George B. 
Lowry. adranre repre-eotnf fve: Charles Wetse^ 

moalcsl director. a:i! Walter WUIIsr~ 

penter. 3Y~ 


^lada.aa* «( tha 

am I had ocraaloa 
to mrH «Mto tbm. ~ Aamw Ibeae I maat men- 
tion Ctm*. Leedy. dramatic editor: P. R. Her. 
rlrk. city editor. Will He Beck, eartonnlat. 
and W. S. Harria and WTllla Hammond, all ot 
the editorial drnartment of The Jonngatown 
Tetegram. by which pai>er I waa ii.nat roTall.r 
and llberallT treated. The Billboard waa no* 
Of tbe flmt thlnr» I aaw on the dramatic editor'* 
deak of The Telegram »" that I am anre that 
the bnra will aee thla and will know that their 
kladaea* haa aot an anoa been torgnttea. Many 
to ys« Mtowa. aad , 

Jack TIemey tbe Teteran ailrance manager. 
Is meeting many old friends at hla new Iheat- 
rlral boatelre. at Toledo. O. Wbenerer you 
happen to play at Tbiedo. Juiit a-k for tha 
Orater Bar and yon'll be Jure to And Jack 
there and glad to welcome yon sod to tatro- 
doc* yew to a i e iy eoe worth while to tha amaae- 

swan ai>_>-r.,. the well-knowa com- 

dUns. ars alin.playlag Cnlted «lme and wfll 

rehearaa wtSSaT tba Mb tJf iip s ska—... 

eiaam n t olBclala and .pi 
dactag bla stay. Stsawl 
an «( tba dmowlaa at 


Tti e 0 1 11 board 


Motion Picture News 



Haw great an advance baa been made In moT- 
Isc pictures as tber concern adTertislog will 
be- realized by anyone stndrloc tbe laitue. The 
advertisers at present nalnff tbis method of 
lUaatralloo are all gettlns resollK. As a mat- 
Mr ol tact, bowerer, wbUa morlns pictarcs 
•ajaar • WMM-wtd* popnlarlty. tbeir aiIn>rtMns 
nadbUltln bare not been lareatlcated tboroBKb- 
V> That tbrr are apparait to tb« mauj. and 

"^Mg jBst Boir mncb ootlca fraaa tbe adeer- 

tiatoratty any bo attrlbntcd to tbt abeor 
ttar Md.tlwte. ai Bi t lM rW r «wr 

m -mi 

' WtHng ptctnrvs as an advertising medium are 
icllable. efllcieat and practical. Tbey are no 
tonser an experiment. Tbeir cost Is msde Tea- 
•onable bj reason of mecbanlcal mnltlpllcatlnn. 
Tbeir iDtrodnctlon to tbe poUie has been accom- 
pUabed. tbeir power of -UIwIivtlOB Is Obrloas. 
■ad wbtlr tlie aarfhoo tt thia.givat Md has 
boaa mcrct7 leratcbcd it baa nuAr food Its 
-fnadaw ao fw and la rick la poaalbnittea wbtcb 
wn.. taUni : tba asnat oatraTagant claims aa to 

Tbo aireet of well-IIInatratcd ad*ertlslDK Is 
kaown. Fbolocrapblcallr Ulnttratcd ailTcrtlse- 

- Bents are decidedly more attractlee tban the 
advertisements prtsented by words slone. The 
better Ibe pbotograpb tbe moro powerful Is Its 
adTertJsloc sppeal and beyond all iiut>atlou and 
deobt aalBsated pbotagnpbj la tbe aaparlaUee 

'.Merles* toiaa. - 

"ljunuATB oBcw ' Bmntnt iani> 

Tbe nltlmate naera ot moelnc pletnrca fnr 
adTcrtlslng pnrpoaca will come tram every walk 
Of bnsloesB. At tbe pirneat moment a asm- 

Sot Oma tkat ■aaalaetore heavy maeblnerr. 
I .aa'iiini omaratan. loa-laaders, ami na- 
m Mtd to hatVMllas. mining and Itrfsatlns. 
an. gMw. a nal demonstration which has all 
th»' Situtasrs and effects of tbe original fmm 
— tbe negative was taken, sad posseswi 

Those who hsve so fsr tsken tbe moving plc- 
care oat of tbe smosement categorr bave foand 
that tbeir theory has worked ont la practice 
far beyond even their Boat cntboaiaatte antlcl- 
iMtlon. When an advertising stotr ta bring told 
OB tbe aaieea there bt nolblng which distracts 
tfa ■ttaottoa e( Hm gs^ooker. Tbe argnments 
It* tbe ar* aaautiirbcd by diverting 
' — iftfsr aovtlty oC-Oa aeheme 

^» jaPiSss 

' No sl'nale pbotoKrspb csn conlore to tbe mlad's 
•ye so sctlon Implied by a stationery pletnie. 
The tbrob and moveaient ot lito adda atot and 
Interest lo sny sceaa MdWhtM tUr actin <n- 
plslmi s proe^'T's or daBoaatetaa • ajo Boea Baa 
bMa accompIUbed llMcfe .W ijapuaaOili ky any 

iiMe^ Ja ^posalb la ky 
, 'BOfnv :9leivaaa 


Many large advertlsois lay moch stress on 
ma^ltade of tbeir plants. Ibe •u>lt<><7 

J tlle 

iBBgajnHie wi ijivir »mw ■■■■■» a ty condl- 

tiona of their faetoric*. tbe care with which 
they sssemble their msehlnes. their sbipplng 
facilities, etc.: by moving pictores thriw fi-s 
tnres can be depicted as tbey actnally exlxt and 
pure assertions are backed op by pictorial 


I'kiitographlc sccnrscy Insplrso eanBdence. 
Therefore, moving pieturta aia rrtiable e»- 
poaenta. They.a«aOT.a imlqna podtloo In »h'» 
nnrd aad asa tka aMIy power wliioh can brinK 
tbp notataia of coBBorcial and agrtcoitnrai 
aetlvltlea to the poblle posing as Uahomet. 

A reel of moving pictures welgtis ab oot eight 
pounds. It may bo •aally-eanM and axpirwMd 
lo any part of the conntrr. There, la baldly 
s hsmlet where a .iw^Mtlag mmMaf J» »•» 
avaDable. Movlog plelano are of atandard alie. 
Tba* It wOl-be am "^^SSSM^Ii? 
cany with him tba aetnal records, operations 
and aeenes vrbleb bym«» words sie tnsnillelently 

TEw^ aiT aifv^tlaEg'' ampalgns are fonnded 
on tbe Idea that the cnstomer is Interested ta 

wberv the article comea from and how It Is 

made? How many people are altrartpil to an 
■rtida or product because of the fasclnatmg 
Masw which Is woven around It? The answers 
tSaalh these questions are many. 


Tako tbe atesT of antamobne Urea 
Mm ladnstir from tree to boolevard. BIww bow 
tba grata to taken from tbe llelds, made tato 
floor and prepared for the public Picture the 
coMtraetlon ot an satootablle and the exciting 
taata It must undergo before It U pnf on sale.- 
nadoM Intensely InterestlDg scenes of indoa- 
trial activity In any line and identify the name 
cr ' trade-mark of the maker and yon hsve at 
mar disposal a wondcrfnl advertlaing force. 

ntn there U the moving pietnre day which 
entertains tbe coaaojw wbOo bla biglng ta- 
stlnet U beiacamaed. TMa.pla n «»«••»{>•' 
snbtle advernn* aoar -conealTad. Advertising 
upanDtly^aSSSR tSnttlaIng b dtddaUr more 
BOtnt than a direct commercial announce menl. 
Ana wfU rememlier a name connected with an 
laeMeBt long after tbo memory of P™",'" 
SwdTbas faded. • Moving pictoree makedetolte 
impressions and produce lasting recoUccHOBg. 


In atranglng a moving pletore . play o* ^- 
vtrUsIng latmt, ,mt mS^tti^BW ^shorfd be 
deftly caaec8Mr<i:|>Sn'aiiBt he taken Oat ac;- 
cnracy la not aaiiiBi I (i to dfaaatle effect aad 

that tbe anbject Is not bnrleaiiaad br too 

comedy. These picture playa- ^an^gf- 
compiebenslve. attractive and CUBtlBBIff mn 
the andlble or printed "bow.** 

Trade msrks. slofcsns. cstcb ohrsses and 
namea become living things In moving pietnres. 
ncy have new aad broader slgalOcaneo. they 

The advertlflof: valne of moving pletaraa la 
now recognized by all progressive advertisers. 
I bave stated that "the best advertisement In 
tb« world vrtU BOfar be written becaose moving 
plctatc* an : IIm auperlatire adTertlsIng me- 
dium and agaatd the limitations of tbe pen." 
I do Ml Irtit ttat this ssserUoa la too strong. 

Tbe cost of morlog pictures. Is not pro- 
hibitive aa so many Imafllne. Tfaeir ovpenae. 
as compared to tbe results accomplltthed Is 
ridiculously small. Mechanical mtiltipllcatlon 
is responsible for tbe Ion- coKt, for after tbe 
iwgBtlve has been llnlshed tbe positive prints 


A social affair tbst all connected with the 
Sales Co. will long remember took place at 
Albambra Hall, New Xork City. Friday even- 
ing. >'eb. 3, 1011. It was given by the em- 
ployees ot tba Sales Co. and was most libersUy 
patronised by tbe manufacturers ot accessories 
snd friends. Tbe big ball was thrown open to 
entertainment at the boor of nine and from 
Ibis time until 11:M aooga were rendered by 
talent sent from the vanooa muale publishers 
Including Edwards. Shapiro, Havnand, Reln- 
wlck, Morse and Ctompany, the Music House of 
l.n<*romle and Leo Pelat. Between tbe various 
vocal selectloaa tbe latest, retoaaaa of tha In- 


which are used for ezhlMtlOB coat hot vary 

little. To be more defloite they may be had 
St from tee cents to tweoty-flre cents a run- 
ning foot. 

The cost of tbe negative depends largely on 
tbe magnitude of the production and the pre- 
paratlooa of tbe setting. In picture plsys t»an- 
tomlmlsts poee for tbe plerurea and special 
arenic effects are In maay loataaew dsmable. 
The nsnsl iadustrial aablset depieta bminess 
and mannfaetnrlBg oparaiiooa aa thay dali.i 
eztat; eoaseqaentlr tM OlMni an feaa but 
to take care that ha MUM Mi MIHtanity 
and cboosee bla secnaa with a le g ar a ree their 
valtte to the advertiser. 

It Is adrlsalile In using a moTlog pletore 
dim that s specialist direct the work. Tbe 
negative corrvspoods to tbe ordinary "eofky** 
and quite as moch depends on Its pulling pow- 

Tbe circulation of course, abonld be laid out 
along logical Hues. That Is to aay. tbe pic- 
tnres to secure liest resnUs shonid be exhibited 
t>erore the class of people most likely to n*. 
«pond to the sdverttslnir. Manufacturers of 
farm Implements, Irrlgstlng machinery, etc. 

seek the state and coimty fhira and agrladtaral 
rtag^jilctnroa of mining ma- 

chlaeiT find 


Uevtag pletnrea have a snbataatMl place as 

an advertising medium. Tbey sre reeogntasd by 
Bosrds of EdncsUon all over the world for 
their power to niustrste. They are distinctly 
superior ss a supplemeotarr advertising force, 
sre sofflclent unto themselves when used In- 
dependently and will only be supplanted in 
their snbeie of mwftdasaa by Imotovcffioata on 


time was also foimd for an occasloaal daace. 
After tbe conclualoo of this form of entertain- 
ment the grsnd msrcb wss sunouoced and tbe 
ball started with Mr. Bronlatour, presldsnt of 
the Bales Oompsny. and Mrs. Herbert L. Miles 
tsking tbe lesd. 

Daacea irete thereafter tbe order of tbe even- 
ing, ooe being dedicated to each of the vartotu 
maaufacttirera who operate luder the Sales 
Company banner. Messsnlne boxes areio re- 
served tor each' ot tba oiaaofaetntaia pnaant 
and tba foUowlag facia wet» lo ba Caaad ee- 
cnpylaa . tbsB naa tlaaa to tlaai Oarl 
t ll M a. a. O. ^Bawaa. B. U lUM, loe 

Uaife Dtatsofsss. Pat O. Powers. Oao. A. Ma- 
cce, Devid Rorsley. B. Olfemsn. Harry Raver, 

n. Blsche. Tom Evsns. Bertrsm Adler, Mr. 
Hlockel. Rdw. 8. Porter. H. J. 81 
Mr. Hleraaad aad Yaaanh 




Sin Francisco. Feb. 1 (L 

hoard).— Tbe Poliee OommlttM gf 

Supervlsan hsve taken oadir 1 

pending proposition ao to aaMBd tba ozlatlng 
nlebelodeoB ordltuaos aa to Bibt. u apply not 
only to moving picture ahowa. bat ta aay other 
entertsloments st which moving pl g ta i aa ars 
part of tbe attraetloa. The chaaga to daatgaad 
to block certain alleged plans to gyada the 
law IB queatlon by mixing a little Taadevllle. 
entertainment with picture displsys In order 
that a claim msy bo made that places la qnes- 
Hon are not "blae l as as n.a »» the «wa la 

A special light la being made fbr tbe propoaad 

kmendment by Rev. Or. J. o. tlntbrie, of tbe 
Presbyterlsn Church, becaoae It la atnght la 
prevent ooe of tbe mixed entertalDmeat bowN 
being establlahed only tbtrty.flve feet ^ta»jtat 
from the rear line of tbe church lot. no 

loce forbids nlckelodcoDs within two'b 

feet of tbe front of sny cburcb or aeboal -baOBL 
or within one hundred feet ot the laog aV^HW 
prapcrty line ot aneb structurss. 


The Cbemo-Crystal Curtstn Co.'. ot Bpokaaa. 
Wssb.. hsve pstented s curtata whlo^ thay 
dlalm bss all tbe good polnta of othsr em^ 
tslos snd s few more. It sll tbe good tb' 
tbey hsve to say for tbe srtlcle in their 
spectns aie to be found In the enrtala, 

aniely. have oae ot tba beat — - 

kind OB tbo aurket. 


Fni P. Crlsweii was In Claeinaan laat waab, 
making preparations to start hto aia wctk^ tow 
of the South as lecturer of the dim, Coirbap oaf 

Indian Celebration at Chayaaae. Ao f 

Febnair • at — 


■ V, vwv 

M atomto 

A device for cleaning mevlag plelnto fllaM 
has been Invented snd placed oB tbo marbat by 
Frederick E. Mortimer, of Portlaad. Ha. Oae 
of Its principal objects Is to provide 
sort efflclent meana for tborooKbly 
both sides of the film as It Is being „ 
on the reel. Another object Is to provlds a 
simple device sdspted to be secured to the 
shelf upon which tbe reels sn- mounted; tha 
device comprising a pair of removable peas far 
tbe upper snd lower surface of tbe dim. Thaia 
pads are removably aecured to a pair of hiaalf 
binfted tnsetber and provided with rneaM tST 
lorkluE them In position to permit the Ub to 
nsss between tbe psds as It Is rewound gaia 
the reel. A nsir of brushes are aecored to tba 
device, tbe brushes being desired for ssrsep* 
Ing off any particles which would be liable t» 
Injure the flim in tiasslng Ibe pads. Tbe In- 
vention Is of simple conatructloa. aisd ia aa|d 
«• Ja. 'gciynt.fBr It. purpose oC^aaaaBbls 
cleaaaf BM itdn of the nim. 


St. Lonls. Me.. Peb. 4 (Special to Tbe BUI- 
t»oarrt>. — The New York Film Exehanae. lie sag 
by Sol Carragieo. laat week eoasolidatcd with 
the Carngiaa Mg pgfritoafat, M B W| t J|gr la 


Illatnrv In iH-liig made rspldl.v In the BOtlM 
picture hiii«lricn.. llie!«4> dsys. Wbst with tac- 
tical romiucrrlal cbaisces and new scleottOC dlo- 

coverles. the rw-ople lu the Blm Interests are 
kept busy sdjantlng themselves to tbe 
tlnually chsnglac order of things. Two pro- 
jection devleee thet eio nroaleedby their ac» 
mofers to ravoiotloalaa tba praaaat 

showing moving pletaraa arc beiag 
sroimd nreater New Tork. Tbsae aia tba 

l-hotoplanr or Daylight Picture, contmlled " 
Tbe Motion Pbotoplaaa Ooapaap, 1408 ~ 
way. New Totb, aad Iba BMat IM 
.Motion PIctnra r— ~™ ~" - - 
Cssey. the vao" 
New Tork. 

Pnth Inventions sre ssid to overcome the eb- 
tectlona raised Ivy patrons of moving pictvro 
houses to tbe dsrkneas tbst baa hitherto beea 
ronsldeiad eaaeatlil to a proper ibowlng of tha 
r>lrtnre. Tbeoa objections which sre sppsreat 
to everyooe. raa tbe whole gamot or posslbW 
•iinsster, from ataBpcdc to larceay. Tba to iM 
• loos also maka MaaMa tba pwijutlM « 
sbsnlntHy clear. Uiterieaa plctof*. 

The Pbotoplsne consists of s ebemleallr pr^ 
pared screen and a projecting machine, tlw ta* 
vention of 8, L, Botbapfrt. The stage to 
dsrkeaed, and tha aereen la placed ten feet be- 
hind the foolllabts. boodlog the nictnre. sad 
canslag It to stsnd ont In bold relirf. with aa 
ahondsnce of light lo guide every pstrvo out. 
The Photnnlsae Is lostslled In msoy of tbe 
tbeatras of the Keith tim*. smoax others tbe 
Hippodrome in Cleveland, tba OolDBbla la ~ 
rianitl, and tba Krith Tbsatra hi Pblla ~ 
Columbus, O.. aad tba r " 

R.'h. Herbat's Invention wbleb Hr. Pat I 
cootrols, makes It possible to ezblbit ai. 
pictures to a brilllsntly lighted aodlteelnm ar 
In sn outdoor gsrden. Its utility aa sn sdjonet 
for anmmer parks will thus be seen at a glance. 
Tbe apparatna is In snceessfnl operstlon la 
Bcrsntnn. Pa.: Montreal. Bridgeport. CoUB.: 
Sprlngfleld, Maaa.. snd Altoons and Warreaa- 
bnrg. Pa., among other niteea. Tba Beibat 
ntaehine works upon a dIrMlly oppeoite prlB- 
elple^trom the ordinary projection msdilne. 

AccoTdlog to Its proBOteca, ioslesd of project- 
tof a tight It projeeta a Aidow, whieb ptoccaa 
Iba aMat brIUisnt rsys of niomlnatta.. : ... . 


>■ . bMplk* wllb tba aatrlatlc birthday aea- 
aaa. tha Raa Uoving PIclBta Oompaay aabaa 
Ma Jnt raleaae, Tha flivt Ub to ba iilaead 
*5f.JK"'** *Ws eeowaar Is to dsal w|tb 
aiwtrlotlc subject. entlUed Tbe HorohM ot 1*. 
Which exhibits a itoiy centering ahont Waab- 
mgton in one of his aecoBpliibmenta dnrtag tbe 
llevolntlonary War. The dim Is to be nisassd 
six days before our flrst President's birthday. 

The new plant of the Rex Moving Pletatt 
Company, located In the Csmersgrsph Bolld- 
tng OQ Eleventh svenne. is very complete sad 
np-to-date In its equipments. Tbe prnrssa of 

taklng.;,deTelopiog aad flniihinc the pictara l* 
itlcsilv snd pn 

accompltsbsd very _ 
sivelv from tbe time tba i 
to the. time tha (iBtaM I 
vcei.; Kdwta 8... PaHatt Ipi, 

atlve tstest 

la woaad ai 
■•■a a( tba I 

pmHIARV 11, 1911. 

Xhe em board 



While these criticisms of films as they are released are intended primarily for the information and guid- 
ance of ezfaibit<x8, they are also of very material assistance to manufacturers by drawing attmtion to tiie 
salient pwhts of merit as well as the deficiendes in the output of their competitora. ftodudng directon2and 
managen of aoenario departments find their odunsd wdoome and thdr substance of nevar-fsiKnK interast 

draiu. Kalcm. rcb. 2. 1006 t—t. 
Of all tbe nMdlocn aim* tlie KalMi Compaar 
tKf torntd oat alDC* tb«T bcfu pradneln( In- 
41iB pleturti, tbU on* Ukes nnt booon. Tb* 
director mu«t hsTa b««a In AoatrailK or warn* 
*tbir rcoMU cUaia wben tbla picture waa taken, 
tor It la bard to bcUeTe ^tbat an7 moTlof pie- 
tan prodacer would allow hla companx to do tbe 
tblBza tlw iBdlana did la tbla tim. Can any 
ataiFble pereoa draw on bia Imagination to tbe 
utcDt of plctmlag a wblte man eacaplnc a 
down Indiana eaeb aimed wltb a cUeT Doean't 
blaloiT aay aonawben aboot tbe aeearaer ot 
as iBdiam'a fiBl JWM rralaoN Gomr doMk 
What waOU hnmmU • Moaw ««w aha M talk 
aaaa to aWamf- It aa ladlaa tilba was belac 
lonned tf a band of eowbOT*. do 7<a m>PP«w, 
aiatle Nader, tbe ladlaas would eoaatder It a 
noablna matterT Xbe Kalem Indians do. We 
ilwaya beUewd an Indian aoTer lanbed and 
Mldom amlM: howaver, tka prtaelpal back of 
a« tribe iua, ha was not tbe cblet) showed hla 
aatlifacttoa aoTcral tlmea by frinnlns. When 
lb* brarc wantrd to nfna* a reqneat, or bad 
aceaalon to (cpl7 to a qaeatlon la tbe netatlTe. 
to plainly aafd No. We ear "aald." for tbe 
■sKment of hi* Up* In formlos tb* word waa ao 
aatnnl tb*t tb* word wa* almoat aodlbl*. 
There waa a mafic cbarm, poaaeia a d by one of 
the Indiana wUch mlabt hava hat atM •Beet 
■a tbe picture. Peinapa tha MatB waaa*t 
Aarmlac right tb* day thin pletva waa taken. 

The above criUdima might be eoasldctcd i«- 
rer*. bat ea the coatraiy they are not. U we 
look tb* apae* to point oat aU tb* defect* and 
veakaetscs of tbla ptctora. It woold reqattc a 
cetanw. Pletares of this sort hart tha boalnaaa 
■ore than anything elae. If orlns pletnre patrooa 
aaea lalelllgenee. and tbey eonelder OIbb oI this 
MK an lasolt. The photograpby of tha Km 
mM not have been Imprared spon. and lha 
aeeneiy was admirable. It tb* Kal*m Compasy 
taa't glT* as better Indian plelnm than thla 
let them torn their attcoUaa to other aorta of 
Idietoplay*. Kven tbe hackneyed wild w**t and 
c*wboy pletora* woold b* bettor. 

irntmoim am XOKZO. comedy. Edlwn. r*b. 

Bamptlocu, tb* vmboapolnt comedian. 1* tta* 
skole sbow In tble pletnre. Tbe story of tbe 
dim la new, tbe iltoatlona are extremely farci- 
cal, and Ui* work of tb* entire company good. 
•nmpUooB attends a pertsemaaee ot "bam ac- 
tan," aad la thoroughly alagastea. Ba decides 
<« « a HtUa aeUaff, aal ownlM • diaaatle 
etrele. After rabeaialng hla eeetBeay peedlg- 
laoaly tbry flailty felt competOBt to pssdaea- 
tomro and Juliet. It la when tha CWtaia tlMa 
go the Drat act ot tbla play that tha fOB ba- 
fins. . Tb* flnt acvnr* In tb* pictnree are eome- 
what hackneyed, etpccuny when Bnmptloaa, 
faaslBg a statne Tender, upaeta hla wares and 
make all the etatne*. However, any complaint 
conTentlonallam that can l>* charged agalnat 
(be fliat few feet of tbla dim la palliated by tbe 
MUlader at Ihs ^ctm, which la a.aeiaam. Tbe 

.VMagraph. Jan. St 
la tbe clever 

MUltiM. ilf imi taftaau'ltat 
— aflEft Boat have beta 9Mt in 
naMng him. Aa Sa yletnre pieat ee n a thla 
Mmy la naravelMdi A yoong girl la very fond 
It her dog. aad bar lover feela that abe la not 
living bim cBoagh' attention. A third party 
appears on fbe seen* and anally, after many 
Mowle and icbakee from her flanee, tbe girl 
(stnma bla engagement ring and tame to tbe 
•traager. la real Ufa, tb* girl woold hardly 

Bit op with the soar and dlaasr««abl* dlepoal- 
ra of tbe man to whom abe waa engaged, and 
•van tboogh abe had hecD cajoled Into a promlae 
>l hee emlag Ma vrM*, wsaU have tUed ot bla 
ftawna tmf tasmlasnM ■store sarilsr la the 
tame. Ooa MtaaUoa which aoaiewhat taxes 
the ipeetstoia* credallty oecnrs when the straag- 
er. le aleaed with etampa wbUe bathing. Jean, 
(or that la the dog'e nam*, at tbe commend of 
Ue mlatreea, leapa into the water and rescoH 
the drowning man. However, aa tbla la new, 
'he exairsvratfOB la pardonable. From a acinic 
lad photoirraphte etaadpotat tbi* plctnrr I* vry 


Biograph. Jan. aik WB teat. 


Comedy. Baaanay. Jaa. SI. SSS fSct. 

w^wwrvf, BM«H*j. eao. OA. «W SW1« 

nia dim U a faUIy amaaiBB ceaudy. ot tb» 
aperlen cea at Hanh^aad^^iMl^^thanEa^^ 

TBE JII.TKD 70XXB. Comedy. Baaanay. Jan. 


fonny and complicated altnattooa arlae In 
ripld M<|a*aee In tble Knanay comedy, tbe alory 
jr which concema a' Jllird loTer. who ttlaya a 
K . fsTored anitor and tbe girl. When 

JiJjMWhd the )oke la being carried too far. a 
fpnimn la made, and all la aoon well again. 
It la a very good comedy etoiy, welt acted. 

■V aOOin UVOia. comedy. UMa. Jan. 

M. rnlt length- reel. 
.^S-^^L pletnre la almple, bnt nev- 

"JW- It tells of tbe efforts of a 
t**W »sa to win tbe band of a sirl by intro- 
gga t to bar a man wbom be clatma la a rich 
-_T> carry out hla icheme he la compelled 
" moaey nntn he reallsee be la broke. 
~ 1 matteia woiee, be loae* oat with 
I Vlayers givs the etory One later- 
" photcgnphr. loo. to vsry sood. 

IIS theatre pa- 

of Ut- 

Dafokled In this dim Is a gripping story thst 

should appsal to tha maUan pietais t — 

Iron. Tha . plat tana •( a laaag won 
tls "**flwf J who haa ban Bairiad ta a rich man. 
All la well oatU tbe yonng hnabaad Is Onsndjlly 
nined, end tbe woman llatena to the words of s 
tempter, who promises to nrovlds for her noie 
plessuies ttasn her bnaband la now able It ahe 
wUl leave with him. She coneenta to do this, 
hot while packing ber belonglnga llnda tbe 
wreath of orange bloaaoma wblcb (he wore on 
ber weddlDK day. It brlnga back memor<cif. and 
with It a realisation of the lo]portaDC« or the 
atep abe la abont to take. 8ha dismisses ber 



Tbe Patbe producers deacrve commendation for 
tbla picture, wblcb poaaeaaes much educational 
value. The process by which treat are heed forma 
material tar an. JntaanHag aad oCMaMag dim. 
Tbe piiiigiaiar la aliifc" . 

rsb. 1. rnll length rati. 
In The SberllTa Stater. Kalem hu produced 
a almple and rather trite drama ao aklllfullr 
trvatcd aa to make It Intereatlng from atari to 
flnlak. Tbe atorj concerns a girl, the ulster of 
a aberlff, wbo elopca with a Meilran. The Mex- 
ican la a married man, bat repr«*«nlfi hitnaelf aa 
aingle. The aheriff poaaeaaea a atroog dla- 
Itke for the Uexlcaa. believing htm to bs devoid 
of ebaraeter. but deeplte bis sppesis and threats 
his sister meets, tbe llexlesa and eenseaU to 
•laps.. Stopiteg at a laad-alda baoia (or rsf- 
ag*. tbt lUSaeSa to eoatmisdi br kto wUs, who 
dsnaaacss hlik . Th ^ -* ' " 

Tha coasdr to 'lMa 

sick jroBBg man, who 

to fast for threa days. Ha to 

aweethesrt to a hirtbdsy party, hat rememlterlng 
the Inalructlona that he moat teat be contrtvea 
tbe Idea of canalng tbe dlaappearanc* of tbe 
food by placing It la tbe pocketa of gueata aeat- 
ed neart^. This csosea embarrauini altnatlcaB 
for the anasts. At length the whole secret la 
oat aad tb* snoettte ot tbe faatlag young man la 

THX TBT-OITT. Comodp-diaaa. BdhMa, Jan. 

31. 890 feet. 
The Try-Ont, aa tb* name Impllee. le a stecy 
or tbe atage, InterwoTrn with an Intereetlng 
lore theme. It la a pretty little drama, simply 
told and given excellent Interpretation. Two 
yoang people. barlDS formed a Taudevllle teem, 
after much dlfflcnlty, obtain a try-out week. 
Highly atotsd. they go to the thestM, bat there, 
ta thalraanav. tte M tbait aat to aot what 

they are caneslcd'hv na toaaagafe' .Thttga go 
bsdiy for them nntll thar bava apaat tbair tost 
cent. Paaaing tbe theatre, oolilda at wUeb 
etanda their aeenery, tb* gin la atxack with- tha 
Ides of bnrleaqulsg their own act. . Tbey On ally 
icenre the necessary week In tbe aame theatre 
and score a bit. Prom tbe laat acenee It la evi- 
dent that the people be to each other more than 
bualneaa partners. 

Sellg. Pelt. 9. Pull length xcel. 
The cores of tbe red man la drink. This 
Sellg drama telle graphically of the pita Into 
which ale dvawn the nnfortnnatea who are en- 
meehed la tbe diabolical clotchea ot liquor. It 
ibowa bow an Indian lad, tobnat and strong, 
taken from bla tribe, become* the hero at achool 
throngh hla bravery on the gridiron. Retnmlng 
to hla people be learns that he csn not remain 
with then. Ho wandna away, ta ba aat by a 
msa who oSOrs him whisky. At dnl bs .isfasee 
to toocb tbe Uqtwr, but tb* peranssles of tlie 
men overcomes bis determination, and he drinks, 
enable to withstand tbe craving with which be 
la aleaed for tbe whiaky, he ateela. aad when 
driven from the aaloon, bla muddled brain 
evolvee a plan of revenge agalnat tbe aaloon- 
keeper. Be kUla tbe man. The crime la aoon 
divcorered and purvnera are on bla trail. A brief 
fight, and he paya the penalty ot tlie curse— Ig- 
nomlnloiii death. There Is much icallim to tha 
film, well biooght eat by the Sellg playets. 


Peb. S. PnU Isagtt real. 

SeUIng tb* OM Msster Is a besntltal and ten- 
der etorr written hr Vartha Tonng. It paaaaaaes 
that Ingredient «t aacoeastol play eaashactloa, 
kDowB' aa hnmaa bmrt Intamt Tba stoN 
tha film eoBveya la at IhS' davwtlaa at two old 
colored servsnta ta tha -daagfatsr of their old 
msster. The pletoia opens with the acene show- 
ing the death of the old master. A mortgage 
baa been foreeloeed and tbe young dangbter, the 
only lemalnlng member of tbe family, la left 
upon ber own reaoarcea. Bbe movea to New 
York, and there ekes oat an existence by teach- 
ing mnalc. She falls la loTe and la married to 
tba uncle of one of ber pnplla. An auction aale 
ta being held, and the two old colored aervanta, 
who have alao drifted to New York, In paaaing 
tb*. ptaes ot tbe anctlon. recognise eome of tbe 
fBmltas that waa formerly owned by Ihetr tote 
BMStar. Whsa tbe pletBts ot tba eld maaier 

The girl, wbo Is speeding through tbe atieeta la 
an automobile, paaaca by tbe place of anctlon 
waa pnt on aale, they aocceeded In obtaining It. 
and recognlatng tbe colored people, atopa to tn- 
vesUgat*. .-absa she leama ot the aaermc* they 
had made to preserve i-ielr innater's msmocy. 
Sha takaa them to her home, when they arc aa- 
eured e( a happy place. All tba players In- 
vdvad la tha uterpretatlon of the storv to do 
excellent work. Tbe photogrsphy to well np ta 
the mark sst to prcvlons Edlaon releases. 

BICE auw ax XV JAPAV. EdncattoBaL 
Patbe Preres. Peb. 3. 2S8 feet. 
This picture shows the methoda of barrestlng 
and threshing rice In Japan. A' view la alao 
ahoam ot the prlnlUve machine lued for pol- 
ishing ths grata. Tba ptctnro'to latensttag ss 
well as edneatloiul. . 

■LATSr BX70LT. Dnuna. Path* Pisrsa. 
Peb. S. na feet, 
nto to a drama of tba aU dan wltb tba 

Is thirty gaad. . 


OAXmORTA, IBB wamsssiii- 

ssnay. Peb, 4. Pali laagth reel. 
Peaanay producere have turned out batter dime 

than Carmenlta, ttie Faltbfal. which la a drama 
of the Weet. The plot of tbe film la hackneyed, 
and tbe altnattooa are ot tbe made-to-order 
dasa. Acting and photography reglater the n*- 
ual Baaanay mark. 

aVEEV rOB A OAT. .CbBCdy. TItagraph. 
PSb. 4. pan leagtt lasi. 
That* aia sooia foaay sttaattooa ta tUs Urn. 
which, thoagh. thr that nutter,, to fonay ansagh 
to ba eotertalalag froin heglnntttg to end. Bridg- 
et, tb* eoofc; to a most fstoeiH Tsdy, who Inher- 
its s large fortune through the death of her an 
de. Immediately aha resigns ber position, em- 

{ibaalalBg ber .. wocda with action. She baa a 
over, one Helnrteb. bnt wbom. daeplte lila plcad- 

tog% shs wUl: not sceept. She wsats a titled 
hoaband, and to aceompllab tbla end aba inaerta 
aa advertlsemeDt In tbe psper. Hetnrlch leama 
of ber little game and hlree half a doscn negroea 
to act aa bla retinae, he himself appearing aa a 
king. It la a wlas move tor Bslnrlch, for 

covered that BoiaiHh wm oalr ItoBiwoBdttBg 
s^k^snd thrla.UiBa^fttoga IAmB te tt* 

Sv^ST waum!^sad all to'w3l.^*S»Jn^aa a 


girl being ta love with a ctty chap 
•cconpnaMa an elopement with bIm much 
against the wui-of her father and ber coautry 
hoy lover. When ahe isacbee the city wltb tbe 
man wbo has plotted her mtn ther are accosted 
by a policeman, wbo, being familiar with the 
maa'a iscord, saggeets to tb* girl thst she have 
nothing whstavsr to do with hla. Tbto to 
rsthcr a atraaga ptoesdore, and It to very doabt- 
fol whether orrsot sn American pollcemas, bow- 
ever conaclentloua he might be, would dare 
take the dtaneas thto offlcer did. However, the 
girl leavea the man and Oaally beeomea a elr^ 
eiu rider. If It waa the IntcnttOB and desire of 
tbe eceuarlo writer to write a story on ctrcua 
life, tbla Mondalviat way. of havlij bar Join a 
traopa wotaM have been annereaaaiy. - Howevei, 
It' Bnat ba aald' Oat what MIowa ber eepsiatlea 
frocn tba logaa makea sa' tatsrestlag story. A 
cireas parade, alao a iramhcr of aeeoea of cir- 
caa Ufa srith which the general pabUe are not 
familiar are ebown. liove la tbe end trlnmpbe. 
as lOT* always doea Is pkotoplaya. On tba whole, 
thla film ta a little better than mediocre. 

BOOIETr AHS THE MAS. E>rama. VlUgraph. 
rmb. a. 

Tills picture tells the etory of a bappy family 
being eatranged throngh the erll tsdnenc* of 
wealth. The flrat acene depicts a happy father, 
bla wife aad little girl. Tbe father la offered 
a seat oa tha Board of Trade to a large city, and 
aftsr bavlag accsptad h seaa w a Immagaaly weal- 

thy. BetwecB Acta I sad n. two yoata have 
el s paed. daring wbIA tliM a spirit ef ceMasM 
has' sprang bstwsaa man aad wife. The hoa- 
band diacorera bla wife accepting tbe ettenttooa 
ot a aoclety man; be however makea no reproacb- 
*a to bar aad only itgho, (The leading man of 
the TItagraph Company algba too much In fact.) 
He le later financially ruined when tbe Inevlt- 
able reconcUlatloB la affected. The etory la far 
from being new. bnt the elaborateaeas of tbe 
eettlsgs hive never been spproacbed In a pce- 
vleos ▼Itagrsph releass. The pbetogtapby ta 

saw k mmag tkfim. A mat cnOt li tat 
Am Ban wbo wrttta tba sab^Mko. Ba baa to 

thla mm meatleaed ssveral t as tatlaas thst sre 

strictly apropos to 

oHLT A nsm. 

Itoaaw. IMIea. Vsb. t. 

tba iBtae eaia baai aaaictsad by tba aeaaaito 

writer la worktag oat the eattre story, so crlt- 
lelam would have been warranted. A aommary 
of tb* atocy fdllows: An editor of s sewajiaper 
has set hto mind on exterminating a gang ot 
gamblers, snd fights them through the eolnmna 
of bia paper. n>e editor'e eon ta a sort of la- 
corrlglble and hates work. He fsUs Into the 
bands of the chief gambler, who aUows htm to 
win. l,ater he retuma to gaasble eooM mere 
and In order to be revenged, the gambler kite 
upon a acheme to min the yonng man. Up to 
thla point tbe atory la planatbia aad makea an 
tatereetlng plot, but what tollowa has s very 
aiasaliesa aOect sa the ptetni*. Having wea 
an tbe yaoag Ma*i Bsaey. tbe gambler ladnese 
Mb to alga a aocthlsaa cbeA aa a 8i ' ' ' 

t>ank. Tbe yonng man axeeotea a check tea 
fSOO, aad Ue next BOtalag the 
haatens to tha bank to pe asa a t tbe c 
payment. In ths wsaatlma tbe yoatb I 
toed biB faay. and drtatalaaa to e 

nimm aat Jaat aa be to abeat to t , 

doa OMm. eta tbe revoleer Itoa. itolar ssake* 
ber sppeaiaaoe. aad aollella an explaasttoa. Tbe 
boy telle ber what be baa done, and ah> 
opens ber aavlnga bank, when, lo^ and he- 
bold, there la .Jiut $300 abe baa accumnlatad. 
Rather a strange amount of coin to be b oa r ded 
to a cigar box, lan't It? She then Jumps oa hei 
pony and daahea airay to the bank, twenty mllsa 
dlatant. Tbe bank opens at 9 A. M.. and It la 
tben 7:30 In the momlog, ao abe most hurry. And 
■he most harry, too, for twenty miles to sa 
hour sad a half to quite s neat little trip (or aa 
ordinary boras. She geta there Jiut aa the bsah 
csshler opaas np the bank. ~ 
ot tbe ^ - 

Bseaey. aaysi "111 
etJsbB bttlB.** 

et thto paittealay 

WMdd aat have baaa a crime to give a-( 

•son. Be talght have merely oveidiawa, aa ba#- 
pena oecaaloaally. But If be did not have sa ac- 

coimt there bow In the name of all that to cel- 
luloid, could hla alater open an afccoimt for hlmt 
Coald the csahler tell by totoltlon that the alg 
nature of John Larkto to the check waa boaa- 
fide? Deliberate Inaccnraclea of thto aort are 
Irkaome to movtog pletnre patnma, especially 
those who attead pletnre hooaee rreqoently. 

n. TBOTAXOaX. SpecUcnlsr drams. Paths. 
Jsn. 27. S«3 feet. 
Tbe best that can tie nald of thto film la none 
too good. It would be hard to ovaiastlfflata tb* 
ezeeUeat qoaltty ot aot taly tbe actX 

a^ y ef tbla . 
tbe epsra, froi 

itlag, aeeale 
^ctm hM 
>m whlA II 

. which giaatly 
who contemplate 

IM airlet adhcreaea to 
to taken. The ila_|g 
adda to Its heaaty. 

ttmtnf tbta film ahesdd he sore to 

score which Is srrsnged esprdsUy for thto pie 

-XJLB X.ABT OUBTAIjr. Drama. Oaumool. Jaa. 

Tbcr* are eeveral polnta to tbla picture thar 
command It, and bnt few openlags for crltlclam. 
The atory la aomewhat drawn out In placea ass- 
there la a acene or two that might not be ea- 
tlrely clear to the apectator, however the de 
talto are ao perfectly arorked oat. and the aat 
ttaga are that good. American maanfactarere- 
Bight well amolato the Oaomoat company to- 
stoging ptetnres ef thto lert. A itsga to iheira. 
sad parts of ths theatre. Never be fare have vra> 
eeen e better effect to s aaevlag pie tare. 
Tbronghout. the photography aad aeeale eSetto 
are apleadld. 

AT BVBBXUIB. Travel, aaaasant. Jan. gl 

It ma/ he that tha prtat wa mw waa fhoadL 
la developlag, and It to pnaslhls tba amSav 
waa not at fault; however. It to a pita tMt aa- 
beautiful a pletnre ahould he ' ^ 

tographlc Imperfeetloas. Ibe C 
beantlfnl moontato and walaa 

Peb. 3. MT feet. 
Hen- la aa excellent comedy, very much oa the- 
order ot the Italian barber recently rslsaaeg ty 
the Biograph Company. The atory coacersa a 
yonag gul who la m love with a worthleaa yenng: 
men, from wbom ebe le saved by the darer- 
acbeme of bar stoter. WbUe there aie aaBciaae- 
eOar titastloaa ta tb* alMaia Ihto fhtaa lbs 
■rtodpal thisad oasa wbla tbe jlet ~ ~ 
Stto Bight as irAl haw hasa Visa . 
the work of one Is merely Incldialal. 
of the sctrru Is well tskSB, aad ~ 
playa tbe atobbom yoOBg awaetkeart 
picktBid atyle. Plwlegrapbi geeST 

omS wJaC*S ThsahMssr Msgto 
MWleeked, n taeV^SbnM^'SoM i 
to portraying the atocy ac a Whotaiatt 
vrlts a European nobfa MMg St aa 
glrL Thla film lad'-"™* - 
pbotography U O. K. 

KIB OREAT DUTS. Drama. Great Northera 
Here la a lUm that la remarkable for It* 
carefol obaervance of detalla. The eaat la spies 
did and the atory very amoothly worked ont. It 
deala with a man wbo wlna the affections of an 
other man'aparamoizr, but marrlea a woman ot 
hla clsaa. The former, however, begets s child 
bnt dlea to poverty beeana e ahe Is cast off^ 
'"». Bowr 

both her 

sever, abe sends for the 

newly mantod maa Jnst bsfore paaaing swsy and 
satrorta to bla tbe enatody of tbslr « 
child to be raised to hla home et 
xecegalses hto du^ and the air ot a 
to foUowed by s plesaant endtag. 
raphy to welt np to the standard. 

Champloa. Feb. 8. 9S0 feet. 
Thla to a atory of a qnarrelaomr pair of sis 
tera wbo marry a qnarrelaome pair of brothera. 
the more gentle alater to tbe more overbesitog' 
hiother. and tbe aajost elder sister to ths aseck 
er of the' two brothers. CondltMna, et uaiuaa, 
are extremely nnpleaaant because ot ths settoo^ 
of the ahiew towards her hasbaad aad tbe doBl 
neertng ot the elder brother over hto wife. Psm- 
lly qnsnels TSge_ fieiccl^^tll Ihs twa Bes h s r 

(Ooattaaed aa page M.) 


Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

D MATtf *. ■ 

C17TTT. — Mrs. Rebecca Fisher Cattr. motlier 
oC memben of tlie Stx Miuleal Cnttys, died 
JUIUI7 21. at bar borne In Biltlinon^ alter as 

«C aboat a nuntta. Sbe iraa SB yaaa oC 

----- Aaolea 

n* Onttr CuBllj came to 

mt SS joata asoi. The cbOdreB. all of 
'Wbom are noted moalclans, >recelTed tbeir mnaleal 
tralnlOK from tbeir fatber, Winiam. Catty, irbo 
' tor manx yeus kept an amasemeiit liall on -Soath 
' Broadway, Baltimore. Mis. Cutty waa bnrled 
;VMaday iftemooa, Janoary 24, in Oakland Cem- 
;at«f7. Baltimore. 

TTAW — Mr. Henry Ha mm, proprietor of the 
' Oipbenm and Apollo Ttaeatiea, at Cbllllcotbe, O., 
' dud Jannary 19, of tnbercnloels, asen 86 year*, 
i Tba borne waa loadeqnate to accommodate tbe 
laiSe coDconne of friends, wbleb waa angmented 
by the Easlea, wbo attended In a body. The 
a e i t lc e a took place Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 
o'clock, and tba floral trllmtea wera bcantlfQl 
and piofnse. His widow. Mrs. Lenote Hanun, 
tor whom mncb sympathy la expressed, will eon- 
tlnne to conduct the bnalnefls. 

PSTKINS. — H. ETerett PetUna, manager for 
HzB. Herbert Flint, died at the Emerceney Hos- 
pital IB »•—»-'— nL. lanan Mi at U P. JI.. 
«C Bt^^ auM^^Mfc^tt&a bad been nan- 
ayev Soau WUUt ^'^^ ^ Obrlatmsa -Hla bone 
-waa In Benton Harbor, Wla. He waa 47 yean 
old. and unmarried. Among the fraternal or- 
gsnlaatlona of which he waa a member are the 
Blki, Maceabeas and BacUa. Ha la antrlTed by 

Taa. H. Altkea, wife of 

aisa^' ^Altfcan. the co n tort l onlat. died Tnesday, 
An. 'IT, at ber home In New Orleans, after 
' MnrM weeka' tUness. Sbe was taken sick at 
Bhaton. Pa.. TbankSBM 
on the One Son OlMlt 
boina in New * 
years of age. 

BOWBB8 Otis Bowen, an old-tlmc mlnatrw, 

fuiiueily a member of Beach and Bowera* 
M tastlria snd HI Henry's Minstrels, died In 
Kaeanport. la.^ Jan. 10, after a brief M a i a s 
Ba waa OS years of aire, and la sorrlTed by tala 
Wifll. one daughter and one son. Interment was 
nude In Dobnqoe, la. 

UBBBNOBSN. — At bis residence. 3106 W. 
24th street. Tacoma, Wash., on Dec. 23. at 
10:2S A. U., Elmer Llsscnden died after a 
Ungerlng Illness and an operation. His wife, 
Jennie n. Llaaenden, well-known In mnaleal 
elides, was with blm untU the end. 

ZISfMERHAN. — Jos. W. Zlmmennsn. for sev- 
eral years treasurer of the Gayety Theatre and 
Dnqnesne Oaidena In Pittsburg, died at hla hooie 
tn nttsborg. Sunday. Janoary 22. He was a 
brotb^ of John H. Zlnunermsn, formerly msn 
. agcr of the Bmptis Tleatre In PlttsbnrK. 

SAMF8EIX. — Jsck Sampaell, better known as 
Bsppy Jack Ssmpsell, a member of the How- 
. ard Orpbenm Show, died In Albla. la., De- 
ceaaber 2B, after a week's ninesa. 

EDOAB.— Died snddenly, on December 20. Bin. 
). A. Edsar, known In Tandartlla H Hani La 
Boy. or the LaRoy SIsteta, In T o e a aa, Arlxoca. 
The remains were shipped t» ber boma la llOn- 
nrls, Cal.. for burial. 

BIBE. — Prof. Tommy BIre, an old-tlma mla- 
Bttal, died on Jannary 0, In San FranelM& Oallt., 
from asthms. and waa burled la the Holy Ocon 
Cemataiy of that city. 

BAB. — ^BOly Bae. well-known In the nrofeaston 
died Jannary 11, tn Poplar Bluff, Mo., from 
^snnionla, after an Illness of fourteen days. 

BUjTENO. — Hts. Tbomaa SIlTeno. of Tba 8U- 
Tono Tria. abadowgnphcra. died In I>aka Okarlcs, 
La.. Dceambcr SO. 

POUjITT.— The Infant danEbter of Mr. and 
Kra. Joba A. PoUltt. died to San Aatoolo, Tax., 
Peeambar SB. 

PtTKlN.— Jfr. H. Brentt' Pitkin, manager of 
Mn. Flint, died on Friday. January 20, at Kaa- 
- - nL, ftam kidaay tnnble. 

j L Cjg ^ W. JeMen. tatiwr to 

at Totxlngton, 

' aft*. Kddla Harria <Fay Clark), of the van 
davUIa team of Harela and Clack. gaTa Urtb 
to a flaa bomcliiB btbr bv.OB Jmtuf A, Vm 
Bath mother and diitS an doiav ~ 
A girt wsa bom to Mr. and Mn. J. _ 
Clark, at their booM la Loa AagtfM. .JR 
Mr. Clark was formerly with the 
Bailey Show. 

A twelTe-pooad boy was bom to Mr. and 
Mrs. Edward Lnrla. old-time show man, Da- 
cealbcr U. Mother and sou doing well. 

Bom to Mr. and Mn. Geo. B. Alexander, a 
thirteen poond ftrl, at the boma at Dr. D. 0. 
Handler. In Cincinnati. Jannary 1. 

Bom to Mr. and Mn. Harry Ward, of A Pair 
of Plnka Compaiv. a ten poand boy, at Ut- 
tie Bock. Ark., Jaimair 1. 
lira, FMix BnrOett. (Addte. H. JotuBMD^.^ 


of Sew Terk. a B.. ■»»£• Hn 
■ua Hearts (!lmitbeni> OoaDaaj, aad Mliia Sa;^ 
ila Bocen. alaO of New Tork. sren married 
<ta TUlabaaae^. Fla.. Jannary B- Mr. n»d A. 
JMM*- and Mlaa Jeaale Howe acted aa wltness- 
M. . Sbe bride waa the ncl^cat of many pres- 
i. t a ta a s of fMeadshlp. from aiemben of 

SOUmCAN-WKBEB— As the rcsnlt of a pret- 
ty romanre tbea began In a booking agent's of- 
llee aenral yean ago. B. J. Weber, who eon- 
t rolsthe Weber Circuit of Vanrterllle theat rea 
In Sonth-esstern Ullnols. and Jeanne Wortman. 
a Tandrmie actress, were married last Saturday 
afteraoaa In the Xetbodlst Church at Spring and 
Csefc ana as . Bfc- XmIb. Jan. 14. 

aOr. Wsb^r nipt Hies Nortman In Ms offlce 
iwTeral yean ass wbca abe applied for an «n- 
nmment and tba ft liads hf o benn then, ri- 
pened Into lore aad tMr enxaxement w«. an- 
nounced shortlr after the lltat of the year and 
the wedflinc of lart Saturday wan the rasnlt. 

Mrs. Weber's lart profefMlonal a i iuea ray a In 
New Tork was made with Henry B. Harris' 
prortnrHnn. The Skrlark. 

UTIKGSTOX-HEWITT.— Job. C. Hewitt and 
MlM Minnie Uringaton. botb attadiu of tba 

Ijgir Sta>tnk. lpittit JtL, — i— — 


TlM BUlboard wUl appreciate any Information 
mremliy tba wlicceabonta of Albert B. Tolln, 
wbs Is dNag a strong act la TaalarlUe. We 
bam. a fw»j llhitiig mmw to mm— lute 

to I 


Any one kBowlng tba addicas of loaepli Toole, 
familiarly called Irish, tbe Planlat, pleaae com- 
municate wltb O- O. Phillips. COlnmbIa The- 
atre, Bowling Green, Ky. 

If James Johnstone, bird warbler aa4 wbls- 
tier, will communicate with BarrlaglM. 
Howard, care G. H. Webster CIrcQlt, hi- wU 
learn aometblng to hla adrantage. . . 

The friends and relatlTcs of Bndolpta Gatea 
are leqaeated to coauaaaleate with him at 2MB 
Clybora aTaaas^-'.OMIiaBg . 

The addreas of lOas Eleanor Jenabigs; laat 
season with Keleey and Sbannoa la Tbe Iblcf, 
la desired by J. M. Cone, manager Qncea of the 
Hlghwv Compaar. AMMM M pac nato to 
Tbe Bmbeeid. •; ■ 

■■■ ■ 

_ knowing tbe whereaboata of MIsa 
Maitoile Hall last heard of with tin Raymond 
ntal Unsieal Oompaay, playing at the I^e 
Theatre Oklahoma 01^. Oklsbemk. addiaaa Mc 
B. 7. Ban, Oaaeial DeUreiF. Glilcagok 

a i:.>]ddar, .XstlHl-jnnA:9^^ is 

The Rnibosrd aroaM appndata adrlce aa to 
the pieseat wliereaboatB of Jean Natte Lowne, 
wbo la now appearing In TandeTflle. 


W. B. Holmes, seaetaiy of tiw Bloiig OltT, 
Commercial Club, Slonx OltF. U.. «afH .U|a to 
know the name of tba eooeera iMSB^Btaa 

for tbe SbeOleld Choir. 

The permanent addresa of Duncaa'-CBiillk' la 
Room 1001, 100 Washington street, Obleage. At 
present Mr. Clark Is lecorerlnK nwB paeiiiiia. 
nls, snd expects to join bis femsle mbnMIe to 
lbs Beat Is the near fntnra. 

' Brockton, Jan. 20. 1911. 
The BUlboard Pab. Co.. Cincinnati, O. 

Oantlaaan — X aa writing to yoo to see If I 
eaa gat a doe to 'my brother's wbensboota. 
Tbe laat time I heard of or saw him was ten 
yean ago laat ObriatmRn. Thm i think be was 
with the Heart of CblcaKo Company, and waa 
plVlng Ontslde Boston somewhere; I can't re- 
membCT. He is an Iriah comedian by the name 
of Lonla Jamea Farrell, hot Is called Lon Far- 
nn. He baa. been with a company called Tba 
Jolly Tluee Oampaiiy aboot Utile over a year 
ago. Mr aonala nan got a letter from blm and 
ba wannd my addreas. and aald be waa going 

to Australia, and that waa tbe laat I beard of 
blm. I would like t» hear from blm aa m) 
health la van uttt^ aad I am anxloua to know 
U ka li «Mi STmn . Hy address Is 

- - nOM. MAMIB A. L.ABK1N, 

9 Bldgeway- atreet. 
Brockton. Maaa. 


Monroe, Wis.. Jan. 26. 1911. 
Tbe BQIboird Pub. Co.. Cincinnati. 

Dear Sirs — I want to thank my friends for 
their kind messages during my recent Illness. 

" TS Bsy recorery la snre^ If slow. 


the wfeaceaborta aC WUIaee 

laloiB kla that Us ilitir. Mra. 
_bb 4Ba« .J|BWWCT U. 


Mr. B<tbert Donaldson, Oglesby. III., woold 
like to know the present whereabouts of tbe 
following people, _formerly bonnected wlth^ the 
Good ell Bhowar 

hewa: B. W. Baldwta, aad tbe JOasas 
■Dt'.!Mdto .Baldwto.r:. ^ 


Chleage, - Ol., Tea, SI, 
Editor The Bnibeard. OInctaBatt, O. 

Dear Sir— I, ICn. Cbai. W. Coleman, 
the city of Chicago in atnlghtened 
stances, hsTlng not beard from my b 
Cbss. W, Coleman, since last September, IBIO. 
When I last heard of my bnsbsnd be was play- 
ing with Helene Wllllama In Tandertlle. Mr. 
Coleman waa formerly maoager of tbe Corin- 
thian Theatre, at Rochester. N. T., and last 
anmmcr In the employ of the O. G. Cnwford 
Booking Bxcbange. of St. Loala. Mo. 

Any Information will be thankfnl^ leeelred. 

. nst Bortb 

Frafesslonal name. 


. . 111. 



I, the wife of tbe late Fnnk B. Bllta, am 
flnancially embarraaaed, and any help that yon 
can extend me wotUd be tbankfoUy recclTed. 
I can not get work la my line (adrance and 
press work) nntti spring. Should any one know 
of anything, pleaae let me know, as I need the 
work. I know that a gnat many peojde wHl 
be surprised to know that Mr. Blitz diad a poor 
man. He was sick for yean snd money went 
for doctor fees snd medleinn snd the aopport of 
bis mother, which I do now, or bare done aa 
far aa my money went. I am now wttboot a 
dollar, so yon aae that I need help. I do aot 
•D Mil sdLcH'K^ Priaee this 

rrank R. Blltx), 
1100 Lamar atraet. 
Fort Worth. Tex. 

a member of the- Howell-Keith Stock Company, 
waa married to Hla Lucy Pennall. of New 
ManhOaldt 0.; Jaanary 28. at O ieekaTllli^ .. O. 

A urrtiiit Fwo M PA uy'lrd^iitiitoi. 

Tbe BIBboard, Onelnaatl, O. 

Dear Fricnda— Jnat a few linn from far^S 
Anatrslla. We aalrad to Sydney on October 8, 
and wnat to JWboana to.oMa M tba llisaaan 

Minda, «et « at tbe itaHga^ aad maibalt 

— ^ ^ «Bt jw Vntw m tu 

We weat to tta BMal OatbedS 

and tbea to tbe Oalety to Tehekne. aa we wan 
to opea on Batniday, October 8. They always. 
If poaallila, aire tba artlata two daya' re- 
beans],, sla.: ^nranday and Friday, so that yoo 
sn almoat poaltlTe that yonr mnsic will be 
right when opening. T3ie teaaon for acta open, 
in titia coimtry on Saturday la due to the fact 
tbst In most caaea there are no Sunday night 
trains, and you could not make a jump to open 
OB Monday, so In moat caaea yon loaa Friday 
night to make yoar^gai 

I a week 

one a nl(ht, aad two ■itlBiia; ae . 

Then an twe eliealtL Bnaaaa'a lad BtekBsd'a. 
Bickard'a being the blgk^daaa etacalt. aad the 
flnt In tbia eoaatry. Of eoone, the Breaaaa 
Circnit la rery yoong, and it Is only lately that 
they haye . imported aeta. no one can nadlly aee 
that be la trying to brlnx hla honaea on a atand- 
ard with Blcfcard's. Boweier, Mr. Breiman does 
not seem to bare the class of theatrea that 
Rlckard baa. and does not get tbe ssme dsn of 
audience. Mr. Blekard baa many Imported acta 
on each bill, and Mr. Brennan baa two or three 
on each bill. Of coone. It la only a test with 
Mr. Biaaaaa. to see if imported aeto wUl Im- 

sad tba BMNH they hsn bnoibt 

that be to aew looking for altea to , 

theatna. Then la room for a gnst msny the* 
strea here of the Iiigh cisas. The Mdbonnie 
Gaiety waa always s white elephant, and erery- 
one predicted a fallnn for Mr. BzennaU when 
he took It over. Howerer be baa made it pay, 
eren with tbe repntaUoo It picTloosly had. 
It reminds one of the London Theatre on the 
Bowery. Tbe orchestra la small, but composed 
of fine musicians. The lint part Is atni played 

Ilk* 001 old-tlo« wiwert balli. Tba Mi^Mid iwrt 
eonslsta of. raadarllto acta 

lie W Mt th e Srst pert. ^jsaaF easM tbe'va 
rletx baatoSM ' to', awa/ lirtilad the tliucs. but 
whea eea t a a i l dw a that tUa eoaatry to so far 
from any cisce else, they are progressing rery 

TapldlT. The local acta change their bnalness 
each week, but It Is pretty tasrd for an Amerrcan 
act to do so. as he puts in- a good many years 
perfecting one act. We stayed six weeks in 
Melboorse and did three acta, of coarse our 
tsuglefoot dsndng being tbe msinstay of each. 
Tbe Antixaligns an Matleoed as great pintes. 
WeB. we bar* asea a good many eases of it. 
bat atlB a u ms b aw the maaagen an at taalt, as 

ttar do aat ema lAm an artltf (t) Ma Ua 
fflutriil w iMf at to «n Amis ma vhK. 

weeks. Looks like the old dsys of tbe medldne 
show. » 

Sydney Is s rery nice city, and there are so 
many Americana annnd that yon would Imag- 
ine y<n were to Brooklyn. Tbrrc are two Taode- 
rllle hooass bare, tba Natlooal and Blekazd'a.' 

msanmd, aad ttlnwrtttay Ibaatui alSwIS 
Tbey hare a flae unbsalia aad beatoSM to 

great. It la Jnat next door to Bickard'a. aad 
tbey botb do a Baa boalaaaa. Walter & KeUy 
and Barnold's Dogs an at Bickard'a, and Gray 
and Orabsm aad onrselres are at tbe Nadonal. 
Our dothn an a big curb-stone riot. If yon 
look neat and clean on the atreet tbe natlrea 
whiatle at you, meaning "Pretty Joey," wblcb 
means a "cissy." Oh. It's loreiy. We go from 
ben to New Caatla. then back bare for a few 
man weeks, after wblob we go to New Ssalaad. 
a ad f toto then on to BBSIaBa. - 

"Wlto klad rsgarda aM bsat wUbts to all tba 
boys tor a. atony Chrtgtass and a Happy New 
Tear, ws a»fc 

Staeerely yoon. . 


Batlaaal Theatre, aydaay, Aaattdla. . Decem- 
ber U, laiOi 

The' little -tody whose pletan adaraa the 
front page ,thls week Is the daoabtar of Will 
B. Culhane snd Clementina St. FeUx fof the 
famons three St Felix Sisten). She waa 
Iwra In Brooklya, N. Y., nineteen yean ago 
and made lier mat appeanaee on tbe stoge at 
the age of fifteen and met with Instant snceess. 
Doting ber short career aha has appeared In a 
Wide range of parts tnmi tbe romping aoa- 
bntte to tbe moat famous emotional relea, Aa 
JUlot. Da Barry. Camllle and Sapbo Aa baa 
woa the approral of tbe tbeatregoan of. tiM 
Hlddle-weat and shows a talent - — - 
for ber a place smonc the 

the theatrical world. Next • „ 

seen aa a foll-ae(<Ked alar to a MB awdae U o u 
of Tha .OM aad the Kl—. : 

THOMMbN** NKW companies. 

Maaa.. fab/^d: Mpwial to Tba 

»ety I 

ra Hci 


board).— I 

management of Monte. 

at the Empire Theatre. iMlem: Onera 
LoweU; Opera Hooae. Lawrence: Academy of 
Mnale. HaTerbni. and Bmolre Theatn. Lewis- 
ton. At thn present time snccemfnl stock com- 
panisa ' nnder this ssme msnsgement are In 
epentlon at tbe . Bmnirs Theatn. Balyoke 
m a p wa ^ Ib ga to a.- BreaMea. aad the oiaii 


Worcester. Maaa.. Feh. 4 (Special tn The 
Billboard).— -The Worceater Amusement Com- 
pany has engaged 8ei*1ey Brown as director of 
the ttoek compaBr which is to be. installed at 

Uie new 

n Tlieatre hen. One of the de* 

partotea to be toatand by tbi 
aaNBi^ni. iB..Jtaw.*ze9jgt .bb. 

ductlon of sereral pantomlmae. The direetlaa 
of the pantomimic prodneUoaa will h» made hy 
Florence l>alle, formerly dandng and cberaa 
Instructor for tbe Belaaco-Blackwuod Companlea 
on tbe Pacific coaat. 

Tba new Lincoln Theatn whan cooplstsd 
this mouth will be one of the finest boosaa to 
America, the building alone coating t24B,a00L 
It Is modem to erery respect. wUl seat 
ito: stage ISO feet fM| wan.ta: ~ 


Tlie M Majeette Theatn, BonatM. Tsxa% 
nnder the maaacemeat of Kesan. MliaM aat 
Gagiton la meeting with Ug sactsae., The Beir 
to the Hooraii. The Maa oa the Boa aad XUk of 
New Tork as preaeated tgr tbe PlayatB* M(A 
Company, teceotly packed tbe playbaoBB to tta 

Hiss Adn AIndee has been engaged by 
B. UcCallnm. manager of the Temple Playei^ 
Camden.' New Janey. to take tbe place ~ 
Taeant by Misa Jnae Tlmmooa. 
Jenkins. Hlaa Orace Cobert 
Camilto OnoM hare also Jotaed 

Itaak Whitbeek, tba acsat wbo wis' 
of OecB Spooner for to 
Barry Clay Blaney tbia eeaaoa, 

the position of manager with W. B. Me 

in Camden, N. J., to look after tbe Intatasto Bf 
tbe Temple Playere at tbe Temple Theatn. 

Cbarlea B. Whitney, formeriy with the Hall- 
day Yankee Doodle Stock Co., . to now absfld 
of Jno. A. HImnwIato'a ^^lapeital Bleefc Caw- 

Mr,^^^wbinHir ||2*!gi^^LJ'^2Sf^niSSSIbr'*l> 

Jans 'Wbeatley. iaadtog woaaa at Uto Oar- 
rick Theatre, Salt Lake City. Dtab. baa bow 
soirerlnc with tbrost tnmhie and Is aadar tbe 
care of a specialist, but baa bnrely 
no performaacas. 

Tbe Boasdl Beailel ttock "^p**!! la ' 

a new drsBU^ * " 
ten by BasasB 

Mr. and Mrs. a O. .OtoTCB ' 
Orlflltta are taeeat addlnooa to 
tbe Lowen Stock Company. . 

&'lf%.*aal*^MBr ta i 


Totoale. y»b. 4 (8 
fbr t 

. _ ... I. ^ 
to be 

pceeented for a foortb tami, Ito 
together between saeetlB^ and 
presentation which was made 
oOecra were Initalied. 

Tbe present was s foantaln pen rnrasnd m 
solid cold with s' gold plati^ containing tbs la- 
acTlptlou. "Presented to Bro. B, C. Newman 
by Loral B8. I. A. T. S. E.. Toronto. Dec., 
1010." The preaeotatlon waa made by Wm. B. 
Meredith, who exprsased to Iba great aatsea 
to which Bro. Newman waa held hy the memben 
and the snceen of toe local aadar bla adminla- 
tntloo. Bra. Newmea repUed la fkeUag tanaa, 
thaafclag^ tto losal Cat thdr amiiMtottoa of bla 
•Onti^^i^Jto^^WHB dBtonBlBB* Mtt to 

T. M. A. NOTES. 

The aaand ball of the T. M. A. l.odgs 41. 
aad tbe I. A. T. S. B.. Local RT. RIcbnKad, 
▼a^ ia anaonnced to take place la the Maaoade 
*«. Hay B. Prepantlons on aa aUbogato 
BIB BOW ia.pregren tor tto BBBakv 

" TRIK K." 

"Strike" nme the etdar, load aad 
But at the word no wara of ftar 
Passed o'er the waltlBB BMB. 

No thonght of tods 

Of reat " 

'WrIbeP' came the ocder. At the _ 
Ooatoair to tto theasht that stlrrsd- 
— ' wlto toar and dnad. 

And walMag at J t. tbe command. 

•?.*!!!* «to band: 

No cqr e( "Beah" - ' 

"Strtte" came the order. Tba _ 
I beard it paas-slong the lloe. 

But caused no pata nor aorrow. 
It almply meant the ahow waa o'er: 
Thv ^jand the stoBe. - and awept the fioei. 

.slUwVTiMi?' vBfala to-morrow. 
' ".^'.-^i.' -'.''- W. J. aOANLAN. 
HOI W e pb e as » .0e.. ' ' 


stoe. dilpped ao.tollowlB> droM Ibia weekt 
^*>nr snd WMhb- aad Wcningtoa Braa. wto 
saO for HoaOMaTaho a eemptoto set tor Mto- 
pbey'e doga. - 
Mr. J. P. -Kdley. manager of lbs Honeymeoa 
Company, waa a goeat of Dr. end Mn. 

jy^'S?;.." *2nd. Mr. Kdley tad 

the Walken are old friends. 

Charlotte Mnndorf. wife of Chas. LeMona, 
leading man In Acme Stock Company, 

WBBt an operatloD tor tppradtcltls Jannup, 
S!* J?* "SSSiJ? "Plendld style aad. ' 

he_ont M toe bospltd to a aborf time. 

Jaging tbe aoags nt 'tto'Ofaad. ' ' 

. Ji?*J*2P?J'?"»> *«Ib55 Ntantt 
to tMa dty from ths Booto wbm to waa wtih 
'be PsrkjT Shows, was msrrled JanaaiT 94 to 
55'?* ??.*""!1!',* wn prefnsloBsl. Oa the aaae 
date, Mlsi Daisy, dtngbter of Cbii. addtborpe. 
atage carpenter at tbe Rose Theatre, was mar- 
ried to Mr. Damon Canton, a non-protesaloBa). 

Hi S^'i? «nd Bdw. Bernard ch>sed with 
tta Ptiarie 8txk Co Jsnatir sa. The bbw 


FEBRUARY 1.1, 1M1. 

Ttte Billboard 


Music and the Profession 


Notes of .Perfprimers Appearing in the Windy City and the 
* /; . Songs 

Mnurlo' nurkbudt. wbo b*i been pltjlog 
Ctalc'I" (or mac time •nd sUll bold* (aTor 
here. »>■ oa the bill >t tbe Plau Tbcette iMt 
week, when be wae wttboot a doabt tb* bit 
of tbe Mil.' Mr. Barklianlt ba* a «■/. ill 
kh <i«a wbea It cone* to piaylos TUHltka 
Unr, a* bla lateritrrlatlan of It ahoiea. Ba b 
' ttmtut and weiconml wbir nw br.ap 

Kuber ' Cuirao'. wbo ' bae bevn manaser f>ir 
Muplio'a ratall ilore Id Baltimore, baa been 
aaiMlatel wcMm manaier for tlw fltm. lie 
SW we leewk bU. mmar trienda aad l aM b i n i 
Si lb* ati tM i l QB at bla new beadMaartan to 
5» SiSrSSSSL . BMm Bnlldlag. . 


Harria MbMc HMh* k i 

Collin Darf«. KMveaifuI co-writer of Tama- 
Tama Man, baa written a new Ijrlc. eotltltxl 
Tlie Stan Are tbe Rye* of Nfaht, which In. mm 
anjoDe will aaree. n rrry pr*ltT metaphor. 
Hani H. Prer !<■ eoIlatKirafor and haa writ- 
ten a melodr with a wonitrrfiil Vllmai. anrb aa 
all alniren dellaht In. Victor Kn-nit-r Oirapanv 
U the pmid poawfor of ihl« miralMT, wblrh 
win be on Ibe markol ahorllj-. 


The two Irlah ballada. For Klllamer aod 
Ton aad.Wbere tbe Blrer Sbannoa Flowa, bar* 

J9! !fi3?Wf" VSJH'*'^ Jirttad. soB't 

«■ tb* Mnljtbt >tMd to 
*^ tS» . ■•ledT 

nt "ait- 

— or 

Ted While !> ninjtlni 
■it w aaea In the Wear, 
the PortoU Cafe. Baa 

tbe Harold Boaalter 
la BOW plartOK 

iUM LMta Oatte, 

iSlSi''i. 'SL-If* . — — - — — 

J»~d It aeeeMarr to loapond to nomerooa en 
jorea br ber rtadltloo of tbe Mk Wltnark aor 
CMaw Camalma and Id tbe Garden of Dreame. 

nSiile laat 'wSwEV wUk *tBS*'cMfo Onnpanr 

The soeelir nomber br BnniB.aad fllhtr. 
■ar ffooi iiM ao-caiied papttlar. naabSiS of 

tjjjtr k taklBs a loos aMtt 

witli ». hod Helf, haa 
flw* will b» oa.^ tbo cataioflao of tbe ^Si- 


Tiillii.ii "fi" SJi' «»»»•««• Mi etatarlat 

Ualicd tliBp. 
Mi. ~ 

tkJ*-'!.- ^''<' <lone mncb towarda 

and e»tta credit la dne 
~T tor thr pnpularlalna of tbia catebr Bttm- 

tnthlTK^H^ and Johnnie MrOoIre haee left 

Sw« ih7^i}^f "I" con- 

Sr1iJX;;*l«!P''>«.n>olhoda" (hat bat* been 

wbo npeaa on the. later- 

nun Ifotlnnd. 

Mr. Hani]-, «-hn haw fur niaujr Hcaauns been tbtt 
ranatable with tbe Way Itown Eaat Companr, 
ban eotrcvd TandeTllle. Mr. Hardy la a alns- 
er of repute ax wi-ll a« an excellent comadlaa 
aad la anklaif icuod with tlie two witmark & 
'■'■-Mlada, Wbere tbe BIrer Bbaanna Plows 
aad rar 'lullaraer aad Too. 

ItiircH ami I ^ It**y. wlm an> Mlnjclng and danc- 
ing tUrlr way Info jvopalarlty, around Chicago, 
played Ibe Undra Tbeatn fee the Morris of- 


Brief I^ems of Songs, Singers, Publishers and Aiittiors Now 
Popular in the Metropolis 


I'm On Ibe Rl(ht Side of the RlKbt Girl at 
tbe RljCht Time aD<l Place, J. Fred Ilelt'a noTel 
baaeball auns, will be fealnred In a minatrel 
abow aooa to bo boM la Pitiabara for tb* bene. 
gtaC tka mmnW» Blki>ill OaK la aMek Jack 
Matt aad aiwr aWa aC tfep aanaaal caaM wiu 

Texaa Tommj'a Dance, Lewis p. Jlulr's llrt-ly 
Weatern noeelty rone, la twiog rehearsed h.v 
Sadie Helf, TandrrUla'a aaweat aUr. aad br Ed 



Wbo b ebamekttai'd Priareaa of Bnan. Me will amiear la eaaderlOe.wst aaaaaa aaMr tb* aaiB- 
aiaaMBt ar J. Piml IMf. la a afeelrk. tkr. Bat If* ttnal la Mv^ a MMttnaM Vaat Hmb* Ttimm. 

flee last week. The.v are QMiDir Btst IVppcr 
Rair. wbtoh ailda "ftlnirer** to their fftepj*. 

Dorolh)- Dauncry Ibr little alrl with tbe 
bla TOlco. la maklDR them alt np and take ao- 
ilca with Ha Hwa ara Ika Stan M Xlgbt. 

■ ♦ 

Pete Uafk thp Claargr Twiaa aaloc 
■eeeral of Mpi«M a aaa M e r 'a pa a a l a r anmbera. 
Pet* aaya Qlrl at Ujr Dream* eana (or four and 
At* encoteo at cratx performance, 

■ ♦ 

Bob Dalr. at tb* Utatea Bestaiiraat MMnlsht 
rao.lerllle. la raafclDK a blp bit witk tM Thoae 
Sleigh BcIIb Be Onr WrddlnR Chimea and 
Kelly'a Gone to KlnaiVtm (^>me. 


A new long to be InirpdiKoil In Marriage a 
la Cart*, at the Caaino, Chicago, i* called 
When Johaar Come* Marchlnit Down Broad- 
way, and refera to tb* ataao-door. ratber 
than tb* wanrlor. Johaay. It U th* eompoal- 
tloa af MiM Kilker Rlaart. Ihp Ikalla *( Mar- 
- - • - - ear tbe 

riasa a U Carta. «ha la dtotUvalBM ( 
Oeoi^ce itilwarde»' . fd*r » nir at aa _tt* 
Waataaiaiv arty -'IWH .taar .atap.inMaiBM 


&a«Mrtat mac* aad Palawr. Th* Bla Tbrt*. 
l« •t-tw (NNM Uaa Uvlai oC la Chlcai*. 
iUa- an Mat ret anted from lb* Dta M al a ea 
eteewlt. aad will mo ao awt *■ th* rraakQ, 
ibVlP ItaMw 

warda. Van ana Tlerney, 
oltaer well-known arllata. . 

The Colonial Qnartetti^ MHMt MlanllBnea 
to be Oee, Bat ic'a Gloat la an* a IMaat ftom 
Your Home Town. 

Herbert Cbyne Is acoring the applauae hit of 
the bill with the melodlaua seml-falgb-elaaa bal- 
lad. My Lore la Oreator Than tb* W«cM. 

Th* Maral THo bara added Oc*. Bat VPm •isat 
to Meet a ftUnd from Toor Roow Tbara w their 
repertoire of popnlar miBbcra. 

Dan Ltraer, with Miner** Americana, baa a 
big applauae winner In hi* Imltatloa of Ben 
Welch ainclcg When My Marie Sing* Cbllly Billy 

When a Boy fmi* OM Now Hanpablr* I<o**a 
a Olrl from Traaeaaaa^ aad Oea, BA Ifa Ol*at 
to Meet a Friend tNai nar Miiaa Thwa aaa tb* 
two moot warmly PKalW* NMWn l» IMB All- 
man'a repertoire. 

Loretia Leror. with Al. Reevea* Beanty Show 
Co., la harlDfc extraorilloary ancoeaa with thooe 
llTely rag*. Tbe Oklahoma Twirl and Oh. Too 
Bear Cat Rag. 

My Love la Greater Tlian the World l« a* big 
a farorltr as ever with Helen Maraball. 

Joe Srbwab'a repertoire of Helf bits Includes 
When a Boy from Old New Hampshire Lores a 
Olrl from Tenne^eee, My Lore Is Oreater Than 
tbe World, and Oee, Bat It's Orpst to Meet a 
Prlenil from Vonr lloaic Tbwn. 

While aad IieggMt ara f**tnrliis Tbr Okla- 
homa Twirl with Bathed aaecea*. 
Amaai Mm Halt Mta ktlac aaad hr Pw uA 

Diablo MM gwaat A^Mi^a. 


fNNa mdOT nMBP wMnk ' ' 

laMtat a 

OnmonVs Mluotrels, Pbtladelphla. are fealar- 
tng Cp the Rickety Slaira, I'm On tb* Bight Side 
of tbe Bight Qlrl at tbe Bight Tim* aod Plac*. 
and In a Heart That's Yearning There's a Lor* 
Lamp Bnrtilng. 

Anna Keawlck'a aadleDcea never fall to ap- 
^nd bar raadltlon of Th* Oklabona Tartel aa« 
Om. Bat Itfa Oiaat la Moat a Prtaad tiaa Taar 
Home Tosm. 

Oh. Too Bear Cat Rag. and Play That Barber 
Shop Chord are wlnnlnic much applana* tat Far- 
low and Fowler. 

That original •'aoillence" «on(t. Raoda Dpi 
contlane* to brlnjc tbe (;oo«1inan Slstt-ra ouoieron* 

Andicw Oumv's rendition of My Lor* I* 
~ th* W*tM caatlaaea ta ha H iaa r 




Cameron and Derlln are singing TIpperary 
Twirl. Fnssy Bsc aad Cello Rag. 

Goodhall and Craig cootlone to na* I't* OoI 
Tour Namber with great socceta. 

Tempeat and Snnablne are a big bit at the 
Alhambra with I'le Cot Year Nnmber. 

Taarott pnt on My Prlend Phllllpo and It'* 
going great. This song la alao featured by 
Weston and Bernard. Jack Blioaa* and Aady 
Tombc*. . . ^ 

Orac* Darllac hi a*la« MmMP ■»_Vh 

aod ill^' — - 

Else, ira 

Blssett and Shady are s Mg bit with I're Got 
Yonr Nomber. „ . 

Phil. Bernard baa pnt on My rrieod PbOllpo 
and TIpperary Twirl. . _ 

JohnsoQ and Watta are aloalaC rah MB aaaP 

Number aad Nlabtlngale. ■ 

neoneaat f aait ■■■ ara (ntarlat Mr IM*a« 
rhilllpa, - . _ 

ArlKr Otaaallr. that Irlah eooMdUa. la 
potting TIpperary Twirl erer and says Ifa lha . 
bent song be erer nard. 

Morton and KIsaer are naing TIpperary 
and That's tbe Fellow I Want to 0*1. . 

Oondmao Slater*, nrlle Jeaoelte. j hala Ma- 
Teigh. Norton .Slater* and Fannie MlagMF' at* 
featnrltig I've Got Tour Number. 

Etta Annan la on* big hit with ber new act 
and la using Nightingale. 

Watch tbe namee of th* big bcadllaen who 
are rehear* lag Merer aad. DcMaae'a newnat- 
ter aong, Raaey Lm*. «Miir..B. Ilatwa« 
will pat *a th* aanbet IB • t»m tn*. 

rr. Josi^M, mou 

Manager C. V. Pbltley ha* Bad* arrange- 
mrnla wherebr hi- will tiook a anmlier of K. * 
v.. attractions at thr I.yrenm daring th* bal> 
ance of the aeason and nntll th* B*w theatr* 
haa been built. Mr. rhiller's snnonncemeot 
of this rbanfcr U clad oewa to (li<- !M- Joee|ill 
tbratregolDK pnhllc as It affords them a chanev 
of witnensing a Isrger nomber of Brsl-ela*>, 

^'sjaiisger BUS. of the Bi]oa, Is amch •JaM* 
orer tbe patronage aeeorded tb* BIJon Btani 
Company during Ibeir Initial weok'a aopearanre. 
Re will oae every elfort for a eoatiaaed aoe 

"w. Hemming* in rswlerllle at the Majea- 
tic. and M. rtter, with tbe Century Olrl*. af 
the Lyceum last we.-k. were St. Joa»phlte«. 
Old aetaaiataacea were renewed duriag tbrlr 

iBtktattr. J.W*— — 


Th* Sbeman Utoek Coapaay, nader the nso- 
agetaeat of Mr, Robt. flbenaaa. epeaed la th* 
Waterloo Theatre last week, foe an lodellnlte 

enjcairempnt. Tbe eomi»*ny will nrodaeo tww 
play* each week and ditlde their time between 
the Waterloo aad th* aradleat* Thmtrra. 

jrk.^"e?gaiR.» srsTJirs*^^ 

popular beic. 

Tbe Elcrtrle Parh wfll th* aaaaaa to 

May aad wBI «****at a a^ mjataac* l» 
many waya. Ibaager H. «. Parker haa >rt 
eoatracta Air th* laatallatlaa af a aeenir rail- 
way, aalral taarer. aew Bmrr-go-mand. awl 
many other aew taapeotMaeat*. and to-date 
moat of tlw comeaa laa a bar* been contrarinl 
Mr. Mr. Arrh Wehb. who has been baoilms"ter 
for tbe Taakce Kablasea Show* for the pa<t 

^i%l7r^ ''tSJT'Tg^M'i&.^S? 

tbe street rail—y HM>h»r wg IhW MtWMl 

*"mm7w"a. J. Bwtra^^MttaMfHarjf 

the Billposter* and <%Na MMafHB W tm- 


Rowsnl Pew. lu hia trip thrangb the Wearlw 
the Interest of the .\mrrlcsn Rand. •* FI**H 
deuce. B. I., which ia nader thr diMtiM a( . 
Warren R. Fales. elalni* to bar* aMWfdjMNe 
did booklaga to that terrttory. . H*.*l aa haa ■ 
booked th* tamoaa Baada B aasa (or th* Br**l*r 
part of tbe «oada( 

Max sr. 

Sto. l « *i* Bt to>..4li«et«r aC tha B aada 
tTE* *toa» *d th* ««asto».a*y*i.. toe 


X Billboard 

PBDKUAAY 11, 1911. 

! B I G 



Thin town has s«.m*d about all of the biff pro- 
^OAtloDH of Lew Fields In the past two Tears, 
bat for sorgcou.s dis^play and tnasalve scenic 
effects It has never »«en the equal of bis lat- 
est show, Tbe Heopecks. which opeoeil Its 
-career at Harmanns Bleecker Hall, Jan. 26. 
OrlKlnallr planned for nine icenes, some of 
tt* « e« ii « i> did not arrtTe from New York in 
tiBtt tbe openlnic. and a bnzrled recasting 
luUI to be mad« at tbe last nioqnnt, cotttng it 
d«wB to aiz aeaoes. At tbat tto abMr nn 

toaa b 80 dcnr {bat ft wfil k* • MIciBt. Job 
to knoar what to eliminate. 
A ireek's i>ostponemeat la th* K*ir York 

*tipenlae at the Broadwar will pot tlw abow In 
~ " i MB dtnm aa nDdarHle 

line abape. Lew 

Tor two featmct, tfeMt Mog hiaU 

prominence of FraBk . mataaav aaA 
son's Bamrard. 

F. Ray Comstoct. lessee of Haimanns Bleeck- 
«r Hall, was In Albany for the sale of tbe 
tSinton Theatre property. lepresentlnr tbe Shn- 
bvcta. K. Ac E. bad no known repreaentatlYe 
at tbe blddlnc. 

7. GIlbeTt Gotdon. nuuuser of Barmano* 
Illeecker Hall, la acqnlrlnc 

as an ontaepelalBC press 

over" a cockuc itoir tbr The 

PROVi piINC i, It' fc 

Cttecent Park, tbe popular snmrnrr resort 
Jnst OQtaide the city, was threatened with 
destruction by a fire which broke out early on 
Monday morning. Jan. 30. The bnlldinc con- 
taining the penny Tanderllle and tbe Oriental 
show, was completely destrc^ed. causing a dam- 
age of about 93.000. The work of the firemen 
'«nd tbe fact that the roofs of the sarronndlng 
bnlldlngn were well moistened by the rain dnr- 
Ing tbe Dlgbt, resnlted In the saying of all 
tbe rest of tbe park tralldlncs. 
lb. >ol Sraonlg. of tbe Empire Theatre, baa 
trip to New 

Empire Theatre, 
aoug wr 

Joat latuiued 

SHft In the lateraet of Ki 
' Wu fcaaeaa.. p w a t la t e tB eC the 
mOm la New Tack.- Mr. Braaalg witneeaed 
earafal Uch-daaa attraettoaa. which will be 
wen at the Empire later la tbe aeason. 

Manager W. B. Baldwin, of the Imperial 

xheatie. hi barliig apedal aecDcry iKiilt for the 
nndnctlon of The CbrUtlan,'tlie week of Feb. 


MIsa Anna Mnrka. whose home la Jn this 
'City, met with a serlnnn accident Jan. 39, when 
an antomoblle lo which she and othn membcra 
of the company were rldlofr. collided with a 
trt>il*'y car at Pongbkeepsle. N- T. 

Mr. I/<-o Sleyer, formerly president and gen- 
eral manager of Tanity Fur Park, will be lo- 
'catad at . - 

■agar of vanity Fair Park, wiu he 
Ct aaaaat Park far the eoalac wm 
Oil. S. A. BaRtaiitan. a a au 
nik. wfll darote bli aatlre Mma 

Becky Point, on tbe other 
Inc Mr. Meyer. In com- 
t Park. 



leraaae m noaiDeia 
hastiaa dorlBs^Se 

There has been a decided Ineraaae In boaloeia 
at moat of the Brooklyn tbcattaa - - - 
"week, and U Is hoped tbat ' 
tlnne to increase at all tbe 
remainder of the season. 

Morris TsndeTllte at popular prices Is draw 
log noasnally large bnnsps at tbe Fnlton. Tbe 
management of the Kniton has found ont that 
the theatregoers are In fsTOr of good Tanderllle 
Bnis at Dopnlar prices, and the shows presented 
bete dnrlng the past few weeks bare been excel- 
. lent. 

-AMUe B.'BIIs. tt ea aai e i and manaaar of the 
. SMe • BAbmb AmaaameBt Co., haa rccoTeced 
. hla Ulaess, and is able to be back at his 
Ko. 44 Conrt atreet. 

eta are being rapidly sold for tbe testl- 
_ to be given Manager Charles W. Daniels 
at- tfee OaslBo on the erening of February 14. 
aad'itba ladieatioos are that It win be one of the 
httsast aiCalrB of tbe kind erer glren in this 


The apper aeetlOB .ia aoon to hare two more 
Blas^taiises. both under the same roof. They .are 
to Be built In DeKalb aTenoe, between Broad- 
way and Bnshwick aTenoe. by Thomas A. 
xnarke. of the Thomas A. Clarke Company, of 
nn Conrt St. 

According to present plans, one of the the- 
atres wtll be devoted to tbe prodoetlon of plays 
'and tbe other to Taoderllle. One wm aeat 1.800 
and tbe otbar 1.000l AmmgeaMBts tot the 
lee alBK of the honses baye not yet been made, 
.raa MHillll containing the two theatre* is to 


The Blaney sj^oaer Stock Company Is now 
riaylBg Its eigbtecBth week at tbe Orpbenm 
TOeatre, Jersey City. The aaeeeaa of the com- 
-pany la doe to tbe ezedleat Uaa aC playa pre- 
seated with a conpetant'CH* tt Hetnnailtt'i 
players, and the exeellent dliactefthip et Mr' 
"SpooBer. Since Charlie Blaney baa taken the 
Orpbenm la charge It has proren tbe finx- 
Myins stock company bonse to New Jerser. 
Hm. Spooner appears every Monda.v npon the 
hoard and selects three plays for the follow- 
iag week ao as to let the andleoce bare th--- 
^loice. to decide the plav that la to be pre- 
sented tbe following week. 

Sam S. Well], the popular manacer of Weill's 
Casino. North Bergen, Is presenting Are top- 
nnteh vaudeville acta, with movlns pictures, 
and niostrated soogs every Snni*sy afternoon 
anA erening at tbe old-time popular price of 
fifteen cents. He la crowding the boose at 
:bnth performances. Clevelann's TandevPIo 
Agency of New York. Is doe tbe Inat ptnlse 
fOr the exccIleBt TsndeTnie sent over to tlie 
-Critic State; and If he continues It Is likely 
that he wUl have the booking for several 
'mnsle halls daring the anainiet seaaoa. 

Tbe Ocean Constnictloo Comi»:iiir of l.on;. 
Branch Is ].>aviii;; nothing; uiitluuf to uiako their 
new Million Dollar l*ler the boeiit kuiuuk r »|hi> 
In New Jcfaer. . S. R. Boaoit. general man- 
ager. Is feaalv aagsgsd haoklas. eooce a s l ooa. 
The pier fikSt • ttet dislanea tfom AshoiT 
Pa^ Md It li Ukabr that so ' 
a fnj asa lT pUt «oe flka a sa a o g B al 

eouiMBya, a 

Messrs. Anderson and Zelgler. lessees of tbe 
High street Theatre, were here last we<'k for a 
few hoars, conferring with tbeir local . manager. 
CbJU. W. Harper. Their visit was a sliort one 
but of enoo^ doratioB to eompllmeot Mr. 
Harper on the verj' exedlent attowtBg be bad 
Blade with their |iw| ie it>. 

We nt tut tha-ltst ttaie In naar mooas tbct 
favaci^JMIa Ita. la a. new plar with noslc. 

Iins ill Ihi- Ins 

uniirdlilnMf t*. 

ye:ir fallen iiff nntll It hocitnie 
evitiTluue II. j*et up to il year 

■go it was ooe of the otost iwoUtablv. iiIIti- 
Street aa an amgsemcat atreet baa aavi 

never been 

really ancemwfol. and yet lt<lB ooe of the most 
beavUr travptwd of oar daws-teum thorougii- 

The weather last w as k .' waa- plaaaant enongb 
for the openlns ot tha iMMMr gaidena, and 
baCH* tka moatk. la ftr adnaetA fccvatatloou 
irtll MjMda Cir tha tfommt aaaasa, bow hot 

auilf' Sfa dnya. aft . 

The QatMa IhMtM Stock Opsuanr pre- 
sented Mattae Ulili .at the OSijfftiMitre on 
Jan. 39, and to a mf hooae. Thb' company 
baa been very anecessrat with Ita aeaaon, and 
with the prospect ot their baodaome new tbca- 
tre, to be built la tbe near future, will become 
second to BO Clsi aian atoek company In the 

.Herbert . iV. aaaowwes the ajpearaaee 


aiaaaftr of the Oiphean Theatrab San 
lUi pmIUob Iobc feefarp thr Imiih m 

paat.twaatp-thfM' jrvara. 
■ elrmlt awl baton the 

Manager Harper Informs me that tbe rnm- 
Ing engagement of Vaughan Olaser at the lli-^h 
Street Theatre early In Febriary, will be a 
record-breaker as be haa with BO deflalte date 
for tbe enga;;ement annoonced oidon-Mr 6.000 
seats, which would lead one to Velleoe that Mm 
show bat^Ine^s In Columbus has .Bet- sano w the 
"demnltlon bow wows." 

Manager Prosser. ot B, F. Keith's IliPBfre, 
tells me that only in rare Inatances doow he 
fan to sell out for each perfiwmanee. He la 
iHvlns his patrons Iha.bMt . tba C B. 0. a^ 
ftids and dsaervaa ON.tuaa la gtt- 
ting. . . ■ 

Frank &niler, formetlr manager ot Iba' ShB- 
bert Theatre, resigned his poattlon ae mainr 
of the Colonial Theatre In riavelaad to ii*IW 
a visit to bia naicats to. Parlst whas* thev 
reside. Mr. JOnar- 8t OBa . ttao wsa « 
<n an oRiciai capadtr vWb limai's im 
wild West. 

■ WSt n. GAMPB8LZ.. 


With no special attractions nf crnnt Import- 
ance. OQtitlile of the International Rowlhie 
Congress, In this city at the nn-scnt time, most 
of St, Leola' attention Is with the lixnl thea- 
tre*. The press have given nil of thi m their 
gi a a te at colorBemeat. ana the week sbonld 
prove praataUe far all. 

The lorrle -AmaiemeBt Co.. which opcntMl 
the Casino MotlOB Pletore Theatre on OII'O 
street In this city, eloaad tbe theatre and sold 
Ita contents at aoetlon laat week. The prop, 
erty was Iiongbt by several dilfcrent bnrom. 
The CBBse ot tbe doslag was tbat pjlnit-'irF 

win no doubt again do on' her seeoBd appear- 
ance here. 

Tbe presi-ntatloo here last week of the 
Fathe Film D'Art. II Troratore, at the Grand- 
CcDlral Tbi-nlre. proved to be one of tbe best 
drawing lllmK that has been seen here. It 
was an c-xqnlsltf plet-e of pbotoirrnphy. and won 
the approval of all that !«nw It. It waa pot 
on with all the music n^'Ci's<Krv f"r lt> proper 

For tl»c third time thit* peni^on, Anna Pavlowa 
and MIkail Mordkln. and the Marvelous Im- 
perial Russian I*allet. appeared nt the OdeoD 
Theatre bete, on Feb. 1. and like their prevlotu 

"Ita, drew ImBMOae business, it Is re- 

Ibit 'tach . ajlptanoce has sbown the 
aa^Jbo prieea -at these 

1. ' VABUn^. 

NBW OIIUMfl%. LA. . 

merlciin Mnsle Ilall baa passed Into the 
f Mr. Henry Grecnwalil. the proprietor 
of Said bc^isc, which bore hl.4 name before cbang. 
Ins It to tbe American Music Hall by Wm. Mor- 
ris, Inc., two years sgo. Tbe bouse will be run 
by Manager Henry Grcenwald, with vaudeville 
and moving pictntee aa the attmctlona, as here* 
tofore. Mr. Artbnr Iisopeld has baoB ofpaMad 
manager for Mr. OraaaarBld. 

Manager Jolaa I«yolla's Freach Opera Company 
presented Borneo et Jnltette,.Jaanat]r 20, at tbe 
French Opera Ilouae, for the beneflt of tbe 
Fteneb Free School In thia city. Excellent il- 
oaaelal letnma were tlw result. 

0«rtas to tbe violation nf the child labor law 
In this city. Manager Waller H, Brown was 

flni-tl $7u for throe violations, st $25 eiieh. for 
the appearuncc nf the cbllil actress. Vivian 
Tobln. aged twelve yeara. In Mme. Naaimova's 
A l>oU.*a Uoaae. at tlw S^uiil>lne Thealtv, Jan- 
uaiy 'M-IS. ■ 

Aanonacement waa made br Mr: Oearse Oeae- 
gro, president ot tho French Opera Booie Aaso. 
elation, that of Mr. Julea LsiyoUe, Impresario, 
will have the directorship and management of 
the French Opera House for tbe next three 

Mr. James H. Altken. known aa The Great 
Altken, lost bla wife January 23. After a anc- 
cessfol tour tbrongh the North and East, tbey 
came South, and It waa while tbey were In New 
Orleans that Mrs. Altken took aick and dle<l 
within a few days. Four children and Mr. Alt- 
ken are left to mourn their severe losa. 

Tbe B. P. O. Elks' Lodge No. SO will give 
a Ms bBriesaaa circos February 23-30, for the 
hcsoit tt tMIr Borne Fund. 



Caesar Blvoll, tbe world'a greatest Imperson- 
ator and change artist, headlined at the Or- 
pbraiB laat .weak to a comedr playlet eatllled 
Scandal as a-aastaMnt. He alao sives la- 
pecBOaattaB of the world'a gieataat cempaaars. 
RIvOIl has been away from New York for a 

aiar and a half playing In the Weat and mid- 
e ireat aa beadllner on tbe Morrla tlnta. Re 
vmi return to New York within two vreeks, ap- 
peatlOB In Wm. Morris honses there. 

J. M. Ezum will not go with tbe Robinson 
Shows this season but will accompany Aviator 
Wm. Long on his tour of England. Tbe com. 
pany aalls May 1. 

Nat Nazarro and Company opened last Mon- 
day on the Sullivan & Consldlne Circuit at the 
Empress Theatre here. They are booked for 
twcnty-flve weeks. Another act to open oa 
the 8. * C. Circnit bcfo laat week waa-S. 
Miller Kent and CompaaF< BsaaOBttaS S AetliPl 
called Jnst Dorothy. 

John Alf has been promoted from 
manager to manager of tbe Audltorlnm 
tre. Chas. Morgan baa aneceeded him aa Btaaa 
manager. The Audltorlnm la playinc four acta 
of vaudeville. 

Lillian Kemble, leading woman of Ftarepaugh 
Stock Company, playing at the Olympic Thea- 
tre, has recovered from an attack of typhoid 
fever which confined her at the Hethesrta Hos- 
pital for a period of six weeks. Miss Kemble 
wUI very Bhorllv resume her work with the 
Forepaugb players. 

The Aaaoclate Moalc Publlaben Company waa 
iDMcpocated at Columbus laat WedBesdar by 
vrm. n. Martel, Oeorse B. Uertel. Lonls Ma. 
John H. Uertel and Leal* H. llartsl. . Xba 
capital atock ia tlO.OOO. 

Hartr Fnlton Is actiBC aa'.nrtMaStr .Jar. 
Montgomery tc Stone, thh wtntWtMtof ■* 

the Grand Opera Honae. 

Cincinnati's own actress. Edna Aug. la 
booked for an early rnsagemrnt at the Wal- 
nut Street Tbratie. She U appearing In The 
Chorus Lady. 

At a meeting of Cincinnati Lodge No. 33. T. 
M. A., last Wednesday evening, ten candidates 
were admlttcil to membership. One of the Im- 
portant mstters decided was the dale nf the 
bsiuiuet given by tbe lodge. Tbe date set was 
Feb. 23, and a committee of five. Cbaa. W. 
Sweltior, Bd. HoUenkamp. Frank English. Oao. 
Hamer and A. P. Ttgbe, waa appointed to pio- 
c«d wtib arrangemeota. 

Billboard fallen laat week Indoded Joe 
Caaer and Harrr Seymonr, BMmbera of The 
Qoeen of tbe Highway Companr. which waa 
the attraction at Ileork-a Opera Hoosc. Caaer - 
and Bob Mason are framing op a wild west 
Show, which they will put on tbe road th« COB* 
inc aeaaon, Mr. Seymonr will loin bfa wHlK 
Boea Allen, and go Into vandevlile aaaar lb* 
team name of Seymour and Allen. 

Jot W. Cone, manager, and Frank KIMay. 
atage manager of tbe Queen of tbe nighway 
were Billboard callers last week. Mr. 

DMBpony, V 

been comliui to Olnelanatl aaaaallr 

aaea UK, and Is wBU-known here. The leeal 
aBsasSBient of Tbe QmeB of tlie Bl^way Cam> 
pany waa. ^ayed at Beuck'a Opera — 


Mat Masber and bla wife are dolag vaude- 
ville this aeason. Mat docs not like advance 

BCBO McCrce and bla wife have contracta for 
the Wallacc-llagenbeck Sbowa for the coming 

Mae Davenport, sister of Mrs. Bene McCree. 
made a abort visit to tbe city en roote to Chi- 
cago, where Orin and Victoria Davenport wilt 
play aome time at Hamllna In that c\iT. - 

Uanagor Row,, of tbe Ooltaenm Skating Blnk. 
reports big bnalneaa and haa Joat letamed 
from Chicago, when ha went to natchata BMra 
akatea. It la soma treat for the akatata to 
have all the Paln'a elfecta of Uaonllsht anal 
other novelties during tbe akatlng. 

Harry Piper, who closed a aSort Uffle ago 
with the Panama Company, Is makloc a great 
hit with the Tolcdoans In bis slnolnK at the 
Wayne Orlll Boom. 

Mike Mnnton 1h rooo to be with us and look 
out for all the Kliort stories that he will offer 
about tbe dajH of onc-nlgbtera and once owner 
of The Two Johns Company. He la In ad- 
vance ot tbe Goddess of Liberty, a lo-ceum 

Chaa. "Kid" Koater sends word to all the 
Toledo bofs that he is well and bailBoai la 
great. . ■ • 

Boy BrlU of the.Omnt Theatre^ to C hkeso , 
baa us M hla maUtas Uat. Oted tba bSefi 
doing Ms aBd '.Chartba u oaw im ii Miff tba 
buatiias'aaa. ; 

A oomplatB list of attriietiom ap- 
aaring in the eitiss msnllemd on 
' lis pras, ia .9iv«M in Ml*- dspart- 

FEBRUARY 11. 1911. 

Xlie Bill board 




Krvtl ThoBlMoa. tta paik mao. Iws pnrduaed 

■ ntwm nm tract , in Im Aiwelcs, ■ml it I* 

rjilninl Iw wlH lmiBedUtclr liecia conitrnctlon 
wrk oa whit be plana will be the blgseat 
■drasnre rewrt of It* kind In tbe Weit. 

Tbr Tbeitrieal Treararera* dnb of San Pran- 
rlico Itcid Iti nnt imoker'at t^lc Hall, Friday. 
7iauaiy S7. A Tandarllle procram waa offered 
br acrenl ot tb* principal actors then la the 
rlljr. alao Bobby Barrj and othera from The Girl 
In the Taxi Co., membera ot Hie Chocolate Sol- 
dtrr; Robert A. Flsber, from A Oflntlemaa from 
MlialaalppI Companr, and talent from the local 
Ibeitrra l«ot tbclr valuabto-lHlltaoM. A ■futr 
en)«TaUe time waa had hf, tbt MBban and 
their Boinerona friends. ' 

Garrlnetti Brother* m* WtH t tMtni at tka 
Lois Tbealn. Seattle, wkMt ttir iNt* (m> 

tarrd. . 

Tlie ni-w policy at the Ohntca- Wltwam 
theatm, playlnf ndlt weeka, comntaced Bon- 
diT, Jannarr 22. Jotelat hr th* MlM tto and- 
hiig»^ac^t» d^tto ^a«gV^ 

.f the iMM p£SraM VMM oS' SSSm twlM 
Ct» tame wttk, 

■ Anastrom'B Ifndeal Comedy at the Anvrlrao 
■rowa In ftnw each week, as the Inereaacd pat- 
naage li retr noUeeaUe. Manager BODan adds 

from tbrre t< " 
laK pictntes. 

(OoatlBord oD pace 49.) 

ttT noUeeaUe. Manager 
to (aar vaatMlUd.MUt 


of Mme. LoIm Tetrazslnl. 

the famous colocalnra soprano In concert tor the 
aae trenlDC ot Hondar, Feb. 6, la ConTCDUoa 
Hall, waa the occaatoo ot a musical treat tor 
Ibis cltT. This d^. and one or tw* othet*. 
me the only ones faTorcd bj Madam* Titras- 
■1*1 on her way Eaat fr«« tte' PadSe Oo«*t. 
Mall orders came from all over Tazaa. and 
thm were manr psrtlea made op especially for 
this Kawaa City moslcsl rnssRement from 
■II orer the Soothwest. The week ot Feb- 
nary 6 waa an UQasnally bic one In local 

Two actreaaes new to Kanaaa City made their 
trat appearanoea with the Aodltorlnm Stork 
Crapanr la The Play Wltboot a Name the 
wack of Jan. 20 at the Aiiitltorlnin Theatre. 
Thnesa Martin, romtprlr l«*fldlnfr woman for 
R. M. Bolland. In The nouae of a Tboaaand 

gCudlet, and tor * time member ot the New 
all* Omnaur, cnalod th* part of Domihr 
IP. tu iMdlar fNBtala* cA*net*r. Fay 
«r cont* kna freai tk* Arvia* Itaek Com. 
MM of Indla mqialla ■ ai *ad t>* KU «( Anita 
nnlnmand. au luarau*. 

.v"'? *^ IMMUW woaMa tor 

1 . r^" -T^^^lfrimMr. limn kw 


Work In colna ateadllr oo In eoaatmctloo of 
Sprwkfl'* Ore hnndied tbon- 
«»od dollar theatre, and all Indlcatlona are that 
the struclnre will be read» for nse hi Norember 
SJif.J™''*"* '••r. The honae will hare a 
J* 1^ >»t»on». wllh 800 chairs on 

k«« Bot been set. 
I.?*. .^l"»r''«" An'"- Electrical and 

™mi .k"'.?*!"" o'*"'^ Peb. «. and contlnnes 
oaiii hr nth. with l^rite dally attendxnce. 
..5" , *" Connldlne are senilln* bis allows 
JM Hip hr,, nctn to thrlr Oirrlrk Theatre, und 
"» r>-«iiu la pxceiirnt biinlncfs and the l»'«t 
"•OX-" which the local tlii>*lro rf the circuit 
•a* knowii. WlllWm Tortiokln*. local manaicer 
SLL^ .V* ln»ere»t«. haa done mnch to 
••Wwe the tntefeata of the circuit In the 
•T'*^''"' A- Irmnnrarv 

ffJK.T'i The Qneen Theatre, which formerlv 

rt^, "T '•n*Tllle coneeni, imaataa 

i^wLf J, """""Moment ha« been mad* aa 
to mill '•''P?:"'"? B. * a fsreos iatcad 

tSL If, 'J* niayhonae. 

ThjCleon Cortlsa ATlallon Compaay l« bold- 
2L£« ■/'.^••''!!?** JW* ••■'"•s the hay. and 
2IIvJ&J.*5J!!'!5*** maVInu aerial hl»- 
wy. MsMsa drawfngt aaoa rmwam. 



Jfj^ Seattle theiHre* did s fairly roo,1 bmlnea. 
■rafiler re«ardlea« of the liirlrni.'nt 

ijS^JSSA of the new pollrr of ti-n 

JJ"»5>*JWl» at Ihe Txila Theatre blila fnlr to 
•be flrst. 

OmSZS? S."?**"?"*'* Armatronit MiialrnI 

55;!]™W. » la trouble avaln. Ihia time wllh 
•iMi.r.L??;"?.'!- •' »•!? "»•' Tkeatte. Arm- 
he c,^i ri!r"i "'••?"<»■ »"»k« th* eontrwt after 


all* i^V.! Pr-iTli Ihr wHl-known actor an.l the- 
"»m«V! US"'- I'roTUlence Hoapltal 

teV'" •'•""^ "SSBPit S?i!SS 

iiIII™_'J''* ^'»d!i«w of the local tbeetrlral 

•aaBacr-r. tbeetrlral 
thralrir^i ^..SilSS!* I»S»«nu« waa ^tren the 


at S: 

s'rr"a,!;rS'"v"'v"" «»«»b of.torman O. Bmlth. 

caac, however, as atelee coMNa^ftaB Syzacnie 
this momlnc that the plans aiad* to Sir. Smith 
nnrloaa to bla death wUl be canM fat ta the 
letter, and the arckltecta are now taUaK blda. 
The tnUldlng l> to cost fl.SOO.OO^ina will 
b* the tallest west of Chicago. 

A new amuaement device called the Aato-Raru, 
has beea Inrented and patented by Walter Bar- 
ling, a Seattle boy. Tbe coaalructlon la similar 
to a mcrry-Ko-round, nalDg autoa Instead, earry- 
Ins seven paaaeotcera; the conveyancea race by 
muna ot cables, operated Independently. 
-Jtt. Hmmt Badley, who has been Instructor 
nr tk* aaattt* Symphony Orchestra the paat 
tsN^jrwn. km bNa- nuined for another year 
imfc a •<n«MNaU* gwSaa Ujgm,.. 1 


The Three TwIaiC' tka Ba 
to visit Spokan* ft Mlti: 
three capacity " 


SnlUTBD and Conshllne are hookiair tkdr acta. 
They play fire acts hut expect to run a iplU 
week with aome other city. 

Bert DaTla and wife are here for a few 
weeks. They hare jmt cloud wltb tb* Buf- 
falo Bllla- WIM West Sbinr. Thv kav« nany 
frlenda la <hte CM-^^JBhW km.iMMa-fBr- 

nished cattail* aaC Win tttann (aay <br mt- 

etal week!. 

Maude stn'l. a vaudeville aclreaa, la regis- 
tered at a pmmlDeot hotel. 
Al. BlaiK'liiiril. uf vaudevill* taUM, Is atop- 

plng at thi- llonnrd. 

Ben SliuDt-. n VBU<IevUle pOfflsnBa^t 1* 8*- 

Journlog at tbe Howard. 

T. U. Miller, a pmmlaent vaadeTtUe actor, 
la a late arrival at tb* Hosraid. 

I,. Kramer. waU-ka*wm la raadaTlUe, I* 
speodlng a few weeks at tka BawaHL 

Frank Boogea la dBi alippiic at tk* Bawwd 
for tbe BoasoD. 

'James Brown and wife are located In a 
cottage for the season. He has been wltb the 
Howe London Clrcoa far pereral aeaaoos. 


nag* nirvetor wltb Vangkaa Olaaer** St. Bom Company. 

Tk* Lawreae* Company had to pass the la- 
apaettoa o( tb* Moral Hygiene Bodety. A com- 
aritla* attaad e d a laU a ri aa rehearsal of Threa 
Week! and aeemcd to enjoy It. Tbey pro- 
nounced Jnlgment. that by eliminating three 
llnea the play conld ko on. 

Cbarlrs U. Milobliuaa. ax^ilMtant niaoacfr of 
the American Theatre, has rviilgned. Ilia 
future plans are not known. AiioihiT new |ilr- 
ture houae la now nnder cotrntructlOD. ho I It 
la expectetl to €>pen In a few wcrks. It will bo 
known aa the L.vrlc Theatre and la to be niaa- 
agf-il br C. W. Coolcy. 

KotH*rt J. Qulnn aird at tho booie of his 
part>ats here Jan. 'J3. lie baH been ataRi* car- 
peater at different thpatro.« la l.os Anerloa 
for the paat flvo yearn. Ula father. Jack 
Qutnn, la well known In .tb* ptofsaalao aad waa 
stage manager at tlic AWHtadnai. T lwa tl il ktr* 
for (tzteen yean. 

E. AXeuON. 


The aoaaon la now on In full blast In the 
Vapor City. Thoiiannds of vlaltor^ from all 
the world nro mtjoumlnj; here for the winter. 
TTioatrlcal mnnapera ahould not fall to book 
Ihla city. Vlxltnra want to be ainiiseil. If yuu 
want ''tlio money** bo sure you plav tliU cll.t'. 

Tho Simila.v llil ta Htltl on all ttaoatrox. vau- 
(It'vlllo uuti mnrliifr picture theatres arc lo:<lnB 
luinilrvilK of dollars every Sunday ainco the 
lltl waa put on. A manaieer stated the other 
day: **1 «m ttlad tbe theatres are cloecd on 
Snnilays oiriy I feel aorry tor tbe pnUte not 
bavlag any amnwuieat.** (Then he ■mn*d). 

Tb* pr fik e aa Tb*ati*b Bot .apdags* atv tb*- 
Bliw «C nradevllleb la ptaytaii m aaad 

Jo* Fanst. a^wdl.kaown eoacvaalon man. Is 
bathing at lb* ilaarla*. 
B. Haaaacr baa bam aMjl atiB ■■aaair tgr 

tb* Orpbcum and Lrccan Tkcatraa. II* ka* 

met wllh much success alnce he took the man- 

Tbe I.yrlc Theatre manaaiemeat reports sood 

bnslnm tbr tk* Boub ot Jannair. Uanacer 


llotM-rt Shiverlek. the younj* Omaha man who 
waa Injured In Uamllton. Ontario, by the point 
nf Monlkln'a - swonl breaking off and borylne 
Itaelf In SlilTerlek's okidl. Is aolng the com- 
pany for glMMW damajte*. Tbe company has 
Kiven baa< ftr tbto a i B ia at awalllivc roort pto- 
ceeillng*. ShlTmrk n coaTaleacIng a« well 
aa could be expected under tbe clmunatances. 
Tlila acclilont la one of the meek pecnllar ever 
happenlni: to a theatrical spectator. 

The Kvn I.anic Stork Company's flrst venture 
Into niualcal comedy, usinff Cohan*a Forty-flve 
Mlnuti-!* Prom Br<Midwa.%*. was a Croat aucceas, 
crowacil bpnsea tH'Infr tlip rule all week. Tbe 
S. U. O. algn WHS liuiis tip a few nljjbts. Mlsa 
Lanjr. who never yet has claimed a sinclns 

v>iI<H». curried out "tlie lnlt-r|irt'tntlon of Marr. 
altJO the i'onis Mary sine;*, to e<mi.I advantage. 

It Is said Eva Ijinc liaa Ixx-n olTerp>) the 
part of Icadlmr laily with one of tbe moat 
popular men stars in the coaatiy (or a*xt s«a- 

•oa, when tho Bagni pM*w lala tka. baaib «f 

the Shnbcrls. 


Prof. L W. »*kiitaon. at a mecUnc of tbt- 
Technical Macattm Commlaaloa says that mov- 
ing picturca can be made one of tho srestest tn- 
fluenc^a for good. 

Prices aoared for the Bernhardt enjrasemeat. 
bat not Id comparison with tbe Ottawa vs. 
Wandeier hockey match, when specolstora bold 
ordinary admission tickets of T3e tram gS to 
•10, It waa the ereat ot tb* aassoo la boek«y. 
WtawM^WTO^^kytw^a^t^^ t^SSrST 

B hat tkSr kaada and OttSra. inn • 

coala la IS adBalM. 


That Mande Adama will play a week every 
seaaon at the Prlnceas such Is tbe promise that 
Charles Frohman made to Manaicer O. B. 
Sheppattl, of tbe PrInceaa. while la thia city 
recently. Mlaa Adama ptayc^l to eometblnff like 
tlS.tMO for a week when xhe appeared bere In 
What Every Woman Knowa and Mr. Frohman 
was tickled when, ha aaw Ihe box-odka Itata- 
ment. Mr. Sheppard baa a aplendld Hat tt at- 
traetlona y*t to appear during tb* m b i b o aad 
bnslBcis la Ofty gcr ccat, b*tt*r tkaa la*t y*ar 
at tlila iHinnlar Bi*U ela*i haaaab 

Mr. iSn OrlMa. prealdcat of Ik*' big QrUBa 
Amoaement Company, baa recentlr rotamtd to 
town after a moat -Important bualneea tonr. 

The next big moslcsl event her* wlU b* tbo 
reciui ot Jb* Xnnato 8yapk*n)r„0fs^*alia. 

Schnmaaa ' Mak. aUtlii it 

Feb. la. 


Calne and Odom, who appeared at the Or- 
Dbenm laat week In their act. entitled Sooir 
Tailors, offer one of th* most reOncd sets ever 
seen In Tsneoaver and It la needless to say 
that they acored a tremendons 'bit. Their vl 
la ' one that leavea a nice taste In tbe month 
afterwards, and la tha elaaa that oo* woold 
like bla alater or Bw**lb**rt to b*ar. IT 
TBudeTllI* had BMf* aela ot tbla Mad tk*i* 

woold b* no ■aeaaalty ot w o n yi a g about tbo 
purl^lng ot lb* atag*. TaaeaBTar hopes that 
it wniMt b* loBg boCDia GalM aa* (Mom vlalt 
oa agala- 

TaDeoaver holds oo* record In th* tboattlcal 
line that la a choma glrla' unloo. Tb* glrla at 
th* Grand Mrmed a union hecan** tb* man- 
aier of th* theatre wtahed to bold cboma girl 
contasis every Fridaj nlicbt and refnaed to 
work If they had to take part In tha contrat*. 
The union, however, proved to b* a bofs Joke 
and tbe alrla now appear la tho eenteats as ir 
It waa a rraular part of tb*lr work. 

Geo. B. Howard aad Company bar* ratnnwd 
from a snecsMfnl *naag*B*Bt la W i mo l lllB 
Tbey reopened tbe I^rrii»Tb*ati* b*M «• Ska. 
SO aad wni play a foar w«*ki* e a gai yia t. 

Hairy Mlui aad HarntHI* J 
th* VnistslMtsweb gOHgii J*»>S«- *i» 


Tb* ■■•*sa of araad •per* waa .MMptetaariy 
opened at tb* Idrrte Jamun SB. Alda,W8* tt*> 
Btst op*ia «t lb* arrl** to 6* pm*at(4 btw by . 
tb* Okleaa* Oraad Opera Company. Tb* boaae 
waa «led to capacity with an enthnalastle ami- 
lane* tbat laeladcd almost everybody ot prom- 
IneBc*, WMilIb or faahlon. The andlenr* waa 
distinctly representative of the ooclal and elite 
circles. The preaentatlon of tbla opers K'saon 
U Indeed a triumph. It Is the cnlmloalloo ot 
ceaseleaa endeavor, patience, perseverance and 
diligent eirort on the part ot Mar rer Bem- 
bard IJlrlch to bring tbla company to Baltimore. 
Mr. Ulrlcb. besides being manager of the local 
house, la also maaager of the Chicago Opera 
Hou!M>. and the opera company alao. In tbl« 
dual capacity be baa aome **>>h.** Any one who 
knows anything about desllug wltb grand opera 
people can aympathlx* wltb bim. Mr. Ulrlch 
iTa natli* * *ar dty. aad b* knew what the 
people waatad Bt JBBM aPfCB aad tb* meat 
pramlneat made fivtci: lalil bin what tb*y 
wasted. Tbet* w*i» coafepraec* In which tb» 
wants were dlaenssaed and tbe wanta could h* 
provided If a snOeient manatee waa fnralabed. 
as It wta pointed oat that grand opera was a 
luxury aa well as a pleaante. and It was an ex- 
penalve means of eotertalmoent. l.aat season 
the guarantee fnnd was provided without hesita- 
tion and atarted wllh .goojl prospects bnt aa 
tbe aeason advanced the patronage decreased and 
the guarantoe vanished as the season came to 
the end. Pesplte this condition the people 
wantrti grand opera again this seaaon, and they 
were told that another fnnd was necee'sry. an.1 
there was qolte a atrogsle before It H* wbol» 
amount was completed to assure the appNVaaiv 
of the company. The tiekata tor llie preaMit ara- 
son have all been aold. ■ _ ^ ^ 

The ctimpanr waa MtMOfal; althonsh there 
were no prominent star*, J»t tbe singer* wen- 
good and the andleuco was appreciative of tbclr 
efforts to please them, and there whs mnrh sp 
planse and enthusiasm. Mr. CIrlch appeare.1 
before the curtain and he recelvetl a trememlou- 
ovation because the people resllieil what he b.-i.l 
accompllabcd. While tbe principals were crct- 
cd with a royal welcome, th* andleocc did not 


A eompleta Itat off attrMBofiB^aip'^ 
pearing in the citiea mantlonad en 
thia pks« is giveit in the ttepart- 
mant baginning en paga 22. 

T tt e 0 i 1 1 1> o a p d 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 


W. E. Franklin Reported to Have Joined Danny Robinson. 
Committee in Cliarge of Showmen's Association Affairs 
Issues Bulletin to All Vlembers of the Organization 


Danojr Boblnsoa. of tbr FamoiiB Boblniwc 
Sbowii. bug bo-n n^notUtloK <rllh W. K. Frank- 
lin for th« puHt ■cTCfai OHiDthj*. and the lat- 
est reporta are tb*t Mr. Franklla baa agnrA 
to lend Oiuiiirlal aid to the Boblnnoa Entenrlse 
for the cumins aeaaon. It tbia partnerahfp I* 
aSocted. Ibe Roblnaon oatllt will be grcatlr 
•tttactbcacd ttala mmoo. He, BoMwob was io 
fan last wade looklas aver aoiM ot Mr. Wal- 
" — • ^ It b saU bo wm 


Tbe committee In cbacge oC the affairs of the 
a AsMdstlaB baa nnariSBtad * tbs 

:owlnc n 

Xks dincton of tbe AaaocUted BUIpoetera 

SIS msniiic t» all draw and wUiI west man* 

Sfcw a contract for agitemcnt for dicos bill- 
ons foe the aeaaon of 1011. Thej orge jou 
•to aisn and retom tbe lame hx Feb. 11. W*- 
.wlab to remind yon tbat the imderdsned com- 
flitttee spent aeTeral dsrs itadyluc past, .pres 
^nt and fntnre coodltloaa and the contract nnvc 
•b^lns aent oat by the Aaaoclated Blllpoatera va-t 

rejected hj this commlttrv, for abandnnt rra- 
«ias. We ate cooOdCDl that no membrr o' 

thia Aaaoelatloa vDl tomet the Tcrbal ami 

dnrlns nty cnsasement laul apawin on tbe Sells- 
Forepaosh Car Nu. ;!. I tounil tbe treatment and 
comUtloBs tbe be«t. and wonld say for Baker's 
bcneSt that he ha4 hatter aaka wp and alcn i 
with a nnl ah sw ftr a ahaaga. | 

When asaertliis aboat poor meala. etc.. be la 
radically wranr. t«t I foond that nothluK In ton 
gaud for a aober, workliv billposter: or any 
other position he may hold on tbe car; and ofifo- 
tlmes a bad hotel was bumiied Into, and our car 
maoagor adrlaed us to go elsewhere ami eat. 
and gaTe the boys meal money. 

In closlof; would again Hay t«* Mr. Baker to 
try real clrcuslng and throw off his gruut-h. 

Hoping this finds space In your wortUy publi- 
cation, and wishing Brother* Bai-krll ami llar- 
ru> a pleasant aaajBP, I am. 

■" Touni. 

. a UcCLUBK. 
t'ahsad Of Tha Ocvat 
•Erar atjr. .Is.. 


YouNa i uFf A u> aHOw, 

CUcaita. Jaa. ST (Special to The BUIlMMrdi.— 
<^'mMi V. Searer. mauact^r of Yonng BoSaluV 
wnd West Bhow. la making rapid preparatluu 
for next sesaon. He has onlered seren new 
I'liMman cat* and two adrance cars, makiog a 
twi>nty-flve oar show. Tbi* waxon op* um In 
I enrla. lU.. on April 20. wb*Te tbi> hIiow la now 
in wlnter-qoarterg. 

When the abow lakes tbe n>ad It will carry 
iM'lwwB aoo and 4UO ptople, Jnat about twlc^ 
as aaar n" wvra with t^ «aa< last yaab fVe<i 



^ this commlttee'a action In dfclillng It wbm 
advisable not ts accept any of the proposl- 
tiaas adranead by the Aaaodated BOipoatet* 
bat ts mabs the bast contract s poaalbls with 
tbe ladlTldnal bnipoeteis which prlTtlegs tbe 
dliector* of tbe Anoeiated BUIpotten admit- 
ted was oniB. 

Tbe present memliera and those who contem- 
olate Joining the Showmen'a Association are 
hereby notifled that It Is deemed advisable that 
<hey refrain from signing any proposed agree- 
<aeol the Aaaodated Blllpostera may aend out. 

far the aaaaoa at ion. 



McKeeenort, Pa.. Feb. 4 (Siwrlal to The Blll- 
tManl). — The POlaCk WInIrr Clrcua opened here 

on Mondar te big boslnesi, the bnge baUdlos 
ta which It ahowad bees bslnir packed to snf- 
tbcatlaa. Tbs abssr Is bars onder tbs 'ana plfe s 
of th* laeal Zaglea' whn hsee woM haid t»- 
boost the project whick .has jlMMIjr Mde caed. 
The show la an CKaptlcnalrr ,atMHr .ana and 
consiata of a Domber of tbs best-kaswa- aela In 
tbe circus baslness. • 

These Indnde tbe Four Howards, the OtfllBa. 
<tae six Waltons. the Dellarosa Tnapa. Star- 

iruerlte and ber llonx. Bt-^Mle Melra. the dHer: 

.^raode Borhank. bleb-school rider: Laken's 
dogs and iMnleti. Harry Clark. Albert Powell. 
Bemle Smnckler and a boat of downs and 
ramedlana. Lee Howard is ansstliaa ditaetor. 
with George Dorman. treaaonr. aaC V. B. lib- 
tack general manager. 

Syataaj' WUa Is handllnK tbe prsaa work for 
lbs absw while the adTaaes coatrsetlnK la be- 
lac haadlfd hr W. H. Rlec. 

The show came here from Tonngatown where 
It played a week under Eagle anaplces after a 
successlou of towns for Elks' lodges. The show 
;s|U lay off for a week after McKeesport. when 
ft wOl resume Its lonr to all the 


Beardatown, III. 

fMliar The Billboard. 

Glndnnatl, O. 
t>eur Sir — ^Bead the spaam of Edward S. Ba- 
ther, of Anbnm. Ind., as Bro. Kackell calls his 
letter to The nillboard, and trust the following 
few lines will Bnd apace In yonr salnable paper: 
. It has eolr been lbs paat tw» aia a sna that I 
baee bmi «a the aAraacs aC a teal ahaw, and 

I». Itiiriia, 

la alas i 

a^ apaeial 


TNBtea. V. J., rah. 4 di jljll; » Th» Bill- 
board).— The flag at the uil'.'li 'Iha blaek* 
amilh'a abaps the odor of Oe afla and paints 
from tha paint abop; tha baaa eC the aaw In 
tbe carpenter ahap, alanc with aaiih of th? 
stock and tha yalpa st ^Jsek» ear wait, alg- 
niflss thst tbs work on this Shew Is bslng 
poabad with eyety eoergy tewatda the eom- 
■dettoB, under the dlrectloa ef Tom Smith and 
his able aaalatanta la the sereral different de- 

Sartments. BeTCral new wagons sod cara hare 
i-en buUt this year. 

J. J. Derlnney, boss eaoTasman. with bis as- 
sistant. Mike P^arrell, haTs made wonderful 
strides In tbelr department. 

Darcr Parrtab, tralnmaater. ba» aercral men 
hastllnc tbe work od the train along. 

BBly Anstln aad his **0. K." ace treqncnl 
csllers on the merebsats In tbs dty. Billy i" 
the porehaslog agent and an old-timer ' In tb» 
g«me too. tfala being aboot his SStb year under 
the white tops. Oidy a few of ns left. 

H. G. Wilson waa a caller at tbe qnarters 
this week, as was Benj. Casper, who has the 
prlTlIeges with Welsh Bros.' Shows. Mr. Wil- 
son recently made a flying trio to Waahlngton. 
D. C, In tbe Interests of tbe result of bl- 
iDTCDtlre mind. 

Fred BIddle. boss candy botcher; and Lonls 
Kanltaan wn* neeat esllacs at the qnarters. 

J. T. Wdab and Jfr. BalUj' diafip ed off to 
aee na while en fonte to New Tork thIa week. 

Albert Pluas and Prank Perry recently Jnlnod 
here. "Some Day -When Dreams Come Truf*" 
Is what they all say as they gaze upon tbe "lit- 
tle red wagons" In tbe newest coat of yermll- 
llon and gold- I have wondered what they 
mean by It. Information wanted! 

Beports from Coatesrllle. Pa., where tbe 
stock Is located, are flattering to say tbe least. 
All of the boys are happy and enjoying them- 
aelTcs. while tbe stock has been exceptionally 
well this winter. 

Information from Newark and New Tork Is 
to tbe elTpct tbat tbey are all quite busy wltU 
their end of the gsnie, and considering the ad- 
vanced work In every department and with bo 
mnch time yet left. It Is a sate bet that none 

Attractive Banners Are 

the means of increased business. They give character to your 
outfit. We employ the best Side Show ^ists in America who 
are noted for their ability to construct Banners. The l^est and 
best side shows in the business use our banners. Get in une now 
as we can give you the attention that you deserve. Get ywa 
iiaiiiB.ono«fr:liK.far olur fipee infmrniatum^conocminK Bmiim 




cow. p. NEUMANN. Jr., Pre*. 

WALTKR r. DRIVER. Vta»-Pfm. 

22-28 North Desplaines Street, - CHICAGO, ILL. 


tw Bands, Military, 
Minstrel First Part, 
Rffintrd Fsnda, 
Ushers, Bell Boys, 
Base BaU, Foot Ball, 
Basket Bdl, Me., etiB. 

Soribr UTAIOC. 

Be Sw and Mention 
IRndqfVtiifbm Wanted. 

Western Ulitom Co. 




FLAGS . Waterproof Covers 


The J. C. GOSS CO. "\,V/V,'.' 

Fhana Oaaal MM 

EatakUaM UM 

Thomion & Vandhreer 

> HANurAonmaiia or, ' 






MadstoOrdsr. Writ* 


Roma, Gaorgia 



and cTerythlog in canvaa. Send for eatalocaa. 

iwunrr Hos. ient & wnins ce. 

IW-U laoth lUa Mfaat K. I«Bia. Xe. 


Two-car 8bow Property on viblbldon and ult 

Id Cincinnati. Ohio. B**Ht offer takPB It re^rd 

of valiir. A.l.Ut sn C. \V. KICC.S. FAy.>tte 
vlUe, Ark. 




S E. Mtohlaan BtrMt. 

ia aauNflac ada, mcmtlaa TBI BIUdOABD. 



Now is the time we need the work aai 
oan give quids aotioo and flton priM. 



WZ KATE rOB IX&BK. OABS, BO ft. loB*. tm 
■blpplos acvDcry. aatomsbllea. adTaaca, ' 
prlTUra«> atock aad merr7>co>TOaada. 
for ah ow and elrcna eonpanlM, ^ 
ratra. THZ ABIU rA£A0BK05n 
Room ei*. m MlahlaaB Aauaa. OUaasa. 

ell UL 


1«0 Oiaaawlah Itiaat, 


BMi .Taik I 


nqtinnHT show ranraniM at iowm 

VBIOIIi,_ TUI oa wbat raa arad and wa jnP 

aaad LOWEST aatli 

'Cincinnati. Ohio 

Tnaotrteol-cnouo PHotegfoplioro, 
Clrmia and JonUng ApparatM ' 

Claba, Batona and NoTeltl«a. Stamp for cata 

k.Kur. EDWA&D VAB WICTK. 01nolnn»U. O. 


TvMka. If oiwtor SbkIdbo. Cliameleona. 


4*0 \Va^(htnirt«» Htrwt. Rufrato, ILT 


and Show Canvas 



Woit of Rait Lak* Oltr. AMrcaa 
SVV TZHT * AWVnro 00.. 




Wa wm fanlah yon niBB a fla* fMiat enttala 
nr ativat drop of aapertnr workmamblp and MI 
roa llbarallr far the ezeloalTe advertlalBit pmf. 

oa tbe aame for a tmn of on» to ttmt 
7<-ara. Writo at oaee for nmnnaltloa and rcfar. 
<>iic<>ii. TRR I. tf. SOUTHERN OOBTAIM 
ADVERTtSINO CO.. Bolta 581. 1403 Broadway, 
Now Tork City. 



The Biekqra Tiit & Amiig Co.. Coliabn,!. 



10«-ie Broadway. BBOOnnf. V. T 


FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Ttie Billboard 


. RINO aAlIM tt b— if;; ; 

ft. t. fMad. tlw mlirkBOWB elreiia and tbeit- 

kSnw after a ctaBMoant of two moothi tn tbe 
tanpital at Aoo Arbor. MIcb., dorlDs wblcb 
tlniF be underwent a serious snil palofnl opera- 
tlOD n* Is (siDinz Id hesltli npldlT. and 
will tske fall cbarse or the adraDce of tbe 
•how tbla aeasoB. Bis msny yeara experlenre 
la (bit departincDt will mske blm a Taloable 
msn for tbe orcsalzstlon. Tbe season wlU open 
In Mips, iltr 4, S and e. New caoTaa has 
uta ordered from the J. 0. Oasa Companr of 
l>etrolt. and two new watona are belaf Dollt 
brre. and will be added to tba MMfaMt mrtSt. 
msklnf tbe H. W. Vteed's Kanr lBMr.*M «t 
ibe best equipped of the wagw MMIB W tk* 

Tbe Mooae Cirena slTen at Canton. O.. tbe 
week of Jan. 13 waa a meat ■BceaaatttI affair, 
not oolr from • flDMicUl atandpolBt. bnt alao 
In tbe way «f •ntattatoBant. W. A. Holierdler, 
Bianaiitr of Oie godartaklnc. >Bt on tba (kdlow- 
laf progtan: Onr Ofauda aiid Fedora, wlr« 
watketl. tha Bayal Toklo tronpe of nine Jap. 
agenk. acrobata; Tba DaTenports. bareback 
rMer*: Kent's moslcal seals, tbe Blckett fsm- 
llf, casting act: Hill Bros., arrobtts; Qeonte 
Uartow, contortionist, Zsndrs and Kolms. Ro- 
aiaa finaa. Mile. Clifford, sword swallower, 
■ n^tan Of the concert. 

The IMIowlnc abowmen are employed at Wal- 
vMt-Beera-Orant and tbe Jones Bros.* Borne 
Market. New Vardn. E. 8t. Lonla. III.: Krolp 
(ioucbton, snperlntendrnt of stock: Jim How- 
ard, ssslstsnt: DaTe Cbndwick. Ilucby Cor- 
rlKKD. Jim Errln. ' Jobn ' Gsllsf ber. Cbss. Deary. 
Hawk Bbsw, Stere Sboemscb. Oeorce ninclns. 
Utile Buck. Klrkatooe SoMdley. John DUIon, 
IHiaty Rbodaa. L. Ran*. Ilm Ilowcrtoa Fm- 
per. Jaaa Maab. Blaeky Walton. KM Bmnlmi 
Wm. Harria, Chaa. BUby. Hike Unrpby. Pcv- 
«f* and OcMie Whacler. Stcrc Teafoe la In 
«hanw of refmhnmtai 

Active peeparatlona for the comlac asaaon ai* 
•to udcr way at tba wlbtar qnartan ot the 
. B. W. rrMd Mtw Stow at Mllm. Uleh. A 
aamber of paalea ham been parebaacd. The 
tiaape of ptrtanilac doca will be laetcaaed by 
aaeutr aonttiaalt dot. making two et that 
klad la tha act. Chaa. Alderfer, bead balane> 
taic ttapaaa artlat. with the ahow laat aeaaoa. 
has beea tt-wagtgta. Others eagagcd are Syl- 
rolllat globe artlat. and Honer J. Whit. 
aisr«b. known aa "Whimsical Wbllmarsb." prla- 
clpil clown. 

Tbe followlnc blUpoaters bare stjnied up with 
tbe 101 Bsnch Real Wild West ."how for Car 
Xo. 2. John D. Carer, nanaaer: "Oiiss" Miller. 
B. 11. Mills. "Bill" Barkell. nen<ice RrlfBna. C. 
I.. Loth Cbas. Msnsle. J. Whiting. "Jack" Fer- 
tofoa. Andy Worn. Klodr Snyder. D. W. O'Con- 
wr. J. Nstlre. At. C. Rnhlnton. P. H. Oayaor. 
wni Barstow. C. L. Burna, H. D, Mmdoek. F. 
B. Plaadmtu "anM^.MUIatjrin fena,*at»» 
«r Ike aapjv. Thia wW ha MIM% itatt aaaaoB 
•Hk Ur. Carey. 

"Cbeerfnl" flardlner. last ansfla with the 
Racenheck-Wallace (tbmr* and for llTe yeark 
trllk the.^ original Hagmherk ranks, aa a prin- 
alpal aahnal lialaer. hi engaaed 1^ tbe man- 
■ g i nt af M Rrattora* Skain. fkr the coming 
Mr. Vt. OiiHHner trUI haifla the big eie- 

Ml «f the big ihow. 

Deacon DellnMr*. nf Krle. Pn.. anao u n t e i . 
Is lectnrlttg for tha Onren Amnsrmrat Com- 
psnr. mollon pictnre lltestre In Rlrolra. N. V 
for tlic winter. Hi- will mcnln If ■■•en Willi 
(li,- wlilfp topn the cimlna w^swro. Pellmon. 
wM oTcl^l announcer with Col* Bma.' Hhnw ' 
INK. and side ahoi^ manager ut tha I>ann.r 
Mnlawn Famous MMnra last aeaana. 
_Ap»r 'a extended il»l» in frlenda In the 
Kssl. Blllle Bonchtnn an<l family hsre returned 
W the wlnterquarter* at Amhia. Inil. RTCrr- 
•Wna Is aoinc slona smontblr snd hr May 1. , 
•J* opening dsy. all will he In re«dluL.«». The 
•bow will oiien at nilisboro. In.l. Mr. Boueh- 
<<m npenn his plctare show bere at Ambla. 8at- 
nrdiiT. Feb. i, 

Tiio flection Of oncers fAr WIl of tbe Inter- 
aalloaal Alliance of BlllponIm snd Blllers. 
Jaral gj Montreal. Can., reenlti-il an follown: 
wm. Rill, president: O. Pettlt. vie- pr,-»lilpnl : 
n. Delloo. flnanclsl secretary: J. Deagrnm, 
irMi«nrer: W. n«ll«-v. fcrgeant-at-srms: Jolin 
Hi-Eoroe. bnalncnn ^yt-nt 

W. C. Kniipp l» ninklnc rireparatlons for tbe 
•Jlraara of the John robln«nn Rhnws. He baa 

SS;^t1S;''ie. JS^ri'yas'tjy . b aker baker baker baker baker baker baker 




.T^- Rutlo<^k. whose anceeaa aa nreea annt ■ . 

with the 101 Ranch Real Wild Waafnmrlsat 06 

aeaaon waa to prononaoed, will ha the WnSH tal 

?t7" nf'V W"'^ SSS" S 

.„ ^ •«»l"tanta. )6ha D. Cbiay ■» 

will do tbe newspaper contracting. | ^ 

Ei...".'",.'"",!;*- Beardatown, III., has BQ 
signol with tbe Oreat Patterson Sbowa for the 
coming season, aa ten-day man ahead, makitur 
I»cal rontracta for feed and adTertlalng. Mc- ' ^ 
Oure bad the llthoa on car No. 3. of the , S 
roretiaugb-Sella Show last year. 

catalogue of bargains 


Tanta, Dramatio Outflta and Clr«uatSaata 




,. Boblnson. late of the Cole and King- ' 

ling (IbawB. and at ttrew^nt adrertlslng agent ' 
for the Lyric Tanderllle Theatre at BelleTUIe. I 
I"- has accepted the position as boaa blllpoiter i 
nn Fred J. Rates' ear witb tbe John Roblaano I 
BaowM for tbe coming aeason. I 
.Chss. Ijv. formerly of KtiiElIng Bnilhers' | 
Ijo. 2 car, has accepte<) I ho miuerlnfenilencT of 
the Twin Post Trsn«c<T c... „f ntilnth. .viin 
Mr. Jim i.andergao. formerly stage carpcfilrr 
Of tbe Lyceum Theatre. Is manager of the Irani- i 
fer company. | 

1*0 10 Big Showa hare received sereral cars 
of timber and Renrge Stump and hia car 
knockers are busy hnlldin? several new stocks 
and flats sih] one new elephant car. Ha m- ' 
porta bis train will he ready for the mad by 
March 15. 

Oeo. M. Burk will he neen the rnmlng season 
wItb Tonng RalTalo Bill's Wild West and 
Congresa of the World with h's four hUrh-school. 
eake-wslking honwu. He will be ssslsted by 
Oentlemsn Joe Ronstles and wife. Prloceoa Po- 

A pair of higb diving elks hare been secured 
aa tbe especial free outside atlractloo for the 
8nn Brothers' fthows for tb« coming sasson. 
Tbe act Is under tbe eommsnd of raiteln nel- 
irnire, who was located at Coney Island, New 

Tbt Sblpp and FVItus Circus, now playing In 
Central America. Is made np of the following 
acta: Tbe Orlons. r.a Bella Virginia. The ril- 
armonlcoa. Miss Rilna Brachsrd. Jndae Troupr. 
Mlsa Julia Lowanda and Bemanl Dfloley. 

Fred Locke la at Panmnstburg. O., settling 
tbe estate of the late Janies A. Jsmea. Mr. . 
Jrmes wss a partner In the Locke Show. The 
ahow pmperly Is being wild as well as Ihp real 

estate In order to close up the estate. Paiadaa, Hora* and Vamr 

Oeo. J. CboOln receallr Haaed arttb H, E. ! ir'"^"»_!!f'!?*i. 'L'"™.'52£4..'<^ 
Pierre and Cmnpaar'a -SMiHkim Sqaaw^na 


^n4 .KAUM crry. MO. 





e^O'MS IVferldlan Street. . . - . . CHIC^AOO. 


Show TENTSs Black TENTS. AlrdoMS 
mad Carnival Oatflta. Teata aad Slda> 
wall for Sale or Keat. Catalog Frae. 

Sgptrlar ViUwt, - CLEVEUIO, 0. 





' Mannfaetored by M. 8CHAXKBS. 
lOpoUlaa Am., Brooklyn. H. T. 

a* a (ratal* 

John F. DnsPb. well-kiiAwn tn the clrraa bnal- 
ness ss a hand leader and comet player. L 
slrn-,! wlih one of J. Augustus Jonea' Sbosra 
far the coming aeaaoa. He la now at hla ' 
la PbBoIs. Pa., for the wlatar, 

Arthur Oagnon, Isat' neaaaa with the 
psagh-MIa Hbow. Is at pre a it at Ma ' 
Or nge. N. J., hrraklnr In a aaw 
which will be iren the roining 
new [>ownl« and Wht^Wr Sbosra. 

K. J. Kellv. last si-ason with the 4 1'""- 
* Sella Bna.' Circus tn the capacity of able 
— ""HI this •■•«iu>n h* tnaaeeleii 

-i-iid West aad Texas 

K Onlllnga, formeriy a popnlar occnpant 
yarlooa • advartialac .«aia..& laaMiig irtth 

show Baaage^ will this 
with Tiaaa Bania'a wi 
Rangeta la the aalne raparl 

•d to hla M 
pHraia aacv^ 

engsred a number of well-known agenta 
» the Tsrlona positions nnder bla dlracttoo. 
mbWnoaa. who has worked Kaaa* a nam- 
gr •* ymira wtih other shnwa. wHI haw rtiarge 

■w Ike opposition forces. 

k.IJ*.?ir'? ' • "Od Kitty May, 

Mte signal tat the »e»s«n of lOJl with the J. 
iI'kiT'ill. f""""": Wm. J. to sppesr 
Ini. viV.** '•''anclng irspese and swlnglna perch 
.«i ini ^."*'' Boinan rings and contortion, 
"s'k "11; "''''"'''"t "hd on the 

M LI"*. ^- W*-*""^ Shows. Is engagnl 
t?„S I.'" .'''2S»' ^'fi Bownle A Wheeler 
Sre l".,""", Shown. Inatead «f the customary 
wiu fc. i"'?** J" otrtieatm of ten men 
JJJl^be used for the mnileal end of the after 

anliiu^.'5."i""*' apendlag a few wer'ks at tbe 

wis S?'? ' *" W«l>-»«*oo> 
ebl«1«^ Bametl handlra bron- 

Ir?no«-'r llSf* 'tthont bridle or rtdns. snd 
knonn pri^e. the Ilrlillplesa Woniter. 

«lil"*-L*~"'i!l: fwnell BlnRk. lows. 
m.r siM.^. Tfr™* the wardroho af tba nmi 
S^i ki^wn " T'r"- la aw af the 

!«. >: " wsptrobe wnmen «r llw WMt. bay- 

"">-e. as .leslRner and manager fag years. . 

wJk «»*^'l •"■""""'?""''»« nietnrea doing s 
llittr VeJU^'"!".'",: managed by Otto Prei.«.e- 

riiii r. are also wtlh the caapany. 
<hi i-.^mu,'^^!^' nerfonnera bare signed for 
Pn.f ■SI'n.T"'"''^'"**' Keystone Rhow: 
'ff j^iir'""- I,ovlng. Albert Mltch- 

Ainhnri I^J" ^- "'■'Bory. tbe Oreat 

Xr""r n "'"-kskln BIIV. Wild 

It,,. ,ea,nn opens about .March 1. 

Tew WllllaoiH tn «viirair«',l as trslninnvter with I 
the Downle ami Wheeler Shows for the oom'ne 
aeasnn. Tbe rallwar eilllnmeni for Ihls show, 
which Is now eomidete. InrliMlea seversl new | 
csrs Just out of the shops. | 

tester A. Smith, who was wllh Danny Rob- 
inson's Famons Shows last seaiion sa siteclal 
egent. has retumci contrarts to E,l. O. Kniipo . 
■ e the JohT H..»'lT*m Tpn u\ic Show*, for po«l 
tlott ai oppoaltlon agent. | 

The 8hrlii"m of \tae,iii, IJi,.. will, im KvUriiar.v 
2?. make Ibe ohrUtenlna of (he baby camel 
tiorn at Sim llrothem' wlnler^Marlerm tlW (ra* I 
tnre nf their neit een-innnlal w ia l aa.- Tha baby 1 
will Ih> rsllnl AI Slhnh. 

W. K. Frsnklln was In Nashville. Ti-nn.. re | 
eentl.r. cnnsliVrlng a proposition whleh bsd l*een ' 
«nhir"*i,N| to him hv p*nn.v Robinson to flnanee 
the Fsmoos Robinson Shows In order thst they | 

wcl|.kBawa match writar 

^ .at the Bamnn Show, baa 

wa- teaaatlj' engaged In tbe asualc pobllshlna bnsl- 
at , ataa at Warthtngton. Ind. 

of St. Loals. la training tbe herd 
of elephants with Joho Knblnson's Ten KIg 
Shows aod they give proniiKe of some new and 
ntvel arts for tbls spssod. 

Cbsrles w. Sprscur baa returned 
position' with Ibe nsaen b aafc W aMi 
la now performing the dattM af 
tary to Ur. Wallace. 

Chaa. Jobasoo, (Igbt-wlr. artlat, la playlnir 
In vauderllle at present wllh bla wife. Tliev 
are booked for the season 1011 with the 
Mighty Haag Show. 

Mr. and Mra. Psnl Brschsrd have been en- 
gaged a* oaa of the ipeclal attractlona with 
Gentry Brothem* Shows for tha sesson of 

Elmer a|iA.'*S5B 

"Toby," of the Frank A. Rohblo* Ibow. baa 
now tamed bla band to prixe-flgbting and baa 
a fMr honta on at the elnba In Now Jeraey. 

Ranry Orlgler aad hla band will be back with 
the Oentrr Show tbla year, making hla algth 
season with this trained animal exhibition. 

Circus Tents 

Uannfaetared by 


may be enlarged. ( Frank Brock Quino and pi -. 

Col. Zai-k .Miilhnll has comnromlwil his case have Joined the problhlllon party awl are 

• Hh the Annslarblan Kxposlflon Company. ..- I now strong on the sntl-drink qneatlon. 
KnoxTllle. Tenn. He hss NfwiinM p,,-*-..-.'.! • | ■*FreDchy." the S13.000 besuty. la now tn foil 
o' bis oulfll snd will so on llie with It l:i . ehsrire nf the painting and decorating at the 
the near future. ' Frank A. Bobbins' winter-quarters. 

Cbss. Smith, wllh the sdvsnce car number ' John G. Robinson, while In Chicago this week, 
two. of the Porepangh-Sells Show last a'asnn. ■ secured for the 10 Big Shows, one new state- 
Is advertising ageal fkr Ibg^Agdlta t liwa Tbsalr- fpom car aad one new tmfit. 
In Newark. O. Ha la a aitaAer a* ». A. B | -mmn Is getting lla ftwrc of tent sliows 

■ tbls winter as there sre now tbirly-two one 

TENTS ^s. 

(.AUSU. (,011)11, \1k.-( ,<) 
Kansas City, Missouri 

W'l'iU^ for Our Show Tt^nt-Catiilo";' 

Almoat new. 80x160, 80x140. SOxIS). OOxUO. 
SOzlSO, aCMO, fiOxSO, 40x«0, 38x08. SSaOO. 

30148, SOlM (Mack). 20x3a 300 eanpUf lent*, 

3.000 ft. iMawaU.. aoo " — 

All huBalaa,.. Wtlta > 

low irriuiiM M., 


Itaa hrtrii Bill IN ShhmU Rt I 

r... iM-»i Ti 

Howard Mnrdock, of the Oeo. S. Morgan •'in 
posting riant at Auluirn. N. Y., and a member 
of I. A. n. P. snd n.. local 24. ..f notfalo. X | 
v.. will Join the lOt Raiu-h a« head l.lllposter 
on April IS. 

Tom Adams, tbe well-known trolMmni^ter. 
algaed with tbe Oreat Empire Showx. a n*.n- flr- 
tea a -car carnival companr wblrh will tM> 
lannrhed this spring by Jack Hampton and W. | 
I.. Wyatt. 

George It. Taylor, trombone soloist, snd who 
for the past alx seasons baa handled tbe mall i 
with the AI. P. Wheeler ilbown. will be with I 
•be new Bowale nad -Whee l er Bhaani tbe com- 
ing wason. 

Drimar Andrews nnd wife hnre signed with 
tbe Tankeo Robinson Sliows, Mr. Andrews will 
prove to ho a very nsefnt man omtind the show 
snd bla wife will fnrnlab tbe snake art for the 
side (how. 

Tlie Hagenbeck-Wsllact. Shows and tbe John 
Roblnaoo Show, arc the latest to he equipped 
with mechanical stake drivers, both having 
placed their order for a stake driver machine 

Rarrr Qermalne, agent for Warren Bros.' 
Show the past two seasons, hss been dangerously 
111 with blood poison slnro (VIoIht. at the resi- 
dence of his brother. lie \f now eoovslescent. 

Texas Cooper, who Is well-known Id wild 
west circles, and who was with tbe 101 Ranch 
Wild West Show for a nnml>er of seaaoos. Is 
at preeent wItb tbe Round-Up Company. 

"Shorty" nntch. last vear'a ataS table 
waiter with tbe Frank A. Bobbins Show. will, 
next aeaaon, l>e aeen with the 101 Ranch, which 
Show ha waa with thtaa yeata agoi 


n'a 10 Rig Sbowa are wialering 
at the Tsccaca I«rk wiBtar.winr- 

.... .. .«•• aia la..cbaraB af Olaa* Or. 

tatb Wa «tll.kwirB haaa baatler. 

and two-car shows In the State. 

n<-rt \Vh<-<'ler will be wllh the brigade of the 
1'amniu and Ilalie.v Show, ami will open oincb 
earlier than n^nsl Ihls season. 

Cbss. R. Stori-r. with tbe Forensugb-Sells 
Rro..' Car No. 2 laiit season, has signed 
for 1011 with Tom Dromlleld. 

J. K. Eviston. of the nagenbeck-Wallace 
Sbowa. la acting manager of a l»r^:e Htnre at 
rtamtltoa, Ind.. temporarily. 

Present Indications, being consldenMl. I'enn- 
svlvnnla will have a super abundance of lent 
shows tbe coming Mason. 

The Stegrlat Troape. Bartik Troope and a few 
othMa, kft tha awat and Adaaw ladoar Or- WMriastaa. IK O. . 
Matetn. aad Umii*t wni aaa'la be aeea to 
^ VMr yartr har m a^ tka OMiir 

Chaa. Illlilma baa left tbe -Maefe II 
cna aad la al preaeal aa tba 
Circuit la Canada. 

Walter Main stni glajBi «»- B«9 a OOTMar 
show ont tbla aeasoa. . Ha Mm JmKm Iba fkaar 

mea'a AMoelatloa. 

Howard Damon, of fljsafsra.' 9. wfll be t^e 
trainmaster of tbe liaaMMMcfe-Watlata gbaars 
the coming aeason. 

George Slnglelea wIN aaala ba> wMk Xahnn. 
Carey on (be No. S car iif lb. tM' Haartl WIM 
Went Show. 

Dannv Lynch. tailt | arlla i t aSMt •( tba' Tw» 
Bills Show, baa been la tba KM tar tw* wh^' 


n. V. wblta baa abiml aa aBNttl- .agMit 
with the Frank A. MMIImf Maw far tk»- earn- 
ing aeaaon. 


or NEW VOflKa 

lf *iio fM. tTi rMm of 

CircM and Sksw CuTiieSi 





72 3 Bltia lalanti Awa.. Chlcaao, Ilia. 


"Ex.Ei.Cinn"$3.7S "Einitiir" I3if 
"Qiiktrtitr" ITS "I*. I Itjd" 2.n 

KUUn HUBI ClL.liclirHt.6MeaKi 

t« Furnish Can«M 

IW U-ft. alia wdt tMMjIM feet length. 
Jlaat uoattlvsly be la tmt-dasa condition. Ad- 

draa e. et„ cm The Baibaaid. 1440 Broadway, 

Raw Tart atr. 


Serenl new eteel framed Hotel Can for rent. 
H. J. ABM8TB0NO, 204 Schiller Bldg.. Chicago. 


■■elaa aad Stakea. 

Loweat price. 

PBABL VAN. NortbvlUe, M. T. 

WAMTES, I.AXOX BLAOX TEHT; moat bo gtxid 
as new. Say bow targe asd atate prtca. A. A.. 

raro BlUboard, Chicago, III. 

■a aaawwlas ada. aaatloa TBM BIUBOABD. 


Time Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

mgr.) Tbe City Ki-b. 1. The Sqoaw M«n 8. St. 
Elmo 14. OOZY (A. Woods, mcr.) VaudeTlIle. 

Mr.) Tlie City 31; VlrglnU Harsed In The 
V^in He Msrrled 3. MAJESTIC (W. K. 


t0Wla stock CompanT AUDTTORICM 
— "TtOeltl. mcr.) Ua*. JbatBora 27. 
U. rtuJk amt, mtf.i TaMwOir. 


nATOBCO. — COLUMBIA (Gottlob. 

|taK~« JDOk. men.) Second week o{ The Girl 
te Ik*. Sul mck of Jan. 30. SAVOY (Fred 
BMr. Bc^) Snnaft ircck oT Tb» ChoeaUt* Sol- 
dier week Jul sOl aTdCtgAE (Om. H. DstH. 
■sr.) Stock Co. In Sweet KUtr Bdlalis week 
am. PKINCESS (S. Loileh. msr.) Richards aod 
rnasle-s MlOBtreU week Sa OBPHEUM (Jobn 
Vatrlie;, mgrO Tates' Motortiv. Jtlba NeS and 
Carrie Starr. Porter J. WUte aod Co.. Claytoa 
White and Marie Stewart, Chas Lawler aod 
dangbter, Boraol aod Neraro week 28. EMPRESS 
(Sid Granman. mgr.) C^oa aod Famon. I^ter 
and Kellett, olio Trio. Hart and Berrick, Mar- 
■aret Pr^e, The Chamberlains. Eaacmao Trio. 
TOe Clilc ato Poor and morlnt' pletnrea week 29. 
flHIITM (H. herj, asr.) Tke Delong^ Armotr 
■Mt'-'MiiH. (tar Lablaa, Tliikhain and Co.. 
r. rM. Maileal Oema dy Co. aid botIoc 
week ». AXBBICAII (Bd. Boaaa. 
.r.) Ed AmatiMic XBried Cknedr Os. tad 
Tanderille weA 9. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, 
mer.) Canaries. Three ""g't** GIrIa, AboD Ham- 
ad** Arabs and Broadway Mnalcal Comedr Co. 
week 29. NATIONAL (D. J. Gnnmao, msr.) 
Four Cbaries. McOcoald si^ HoBtiactaa* Jonpb- 
1^ A^«Iee. Carg g| -^e«djtt|^^-M||e~gi||ay; aw^ 

litres wed 29. . 

SAVSIESO— ISIS (Dodge * Qroas. msra.) Ole 
Olaoa 31. GABBICK (WUlIam Tompklna, mgr.) 
Vardoo, Perry and Wtlbnr. BOly Chaae. Oeorr* 
BoDbalr. Beatrice Tomer. Stock Sisters and 
Company. Tbe TesBla Trlo^ Happy Jack 

Gardner and Oonpaar, Tkree NatloBal Comlqoea, 
Btown and XUIi^ Daly's Oooatry Cniolr. aod 
plctares wcA «t SOl FBnnXSS (Fred Bal- 
nea, mcc) Bart Xrercr. I«Wttt and Aahaaoce. 
Heslal and MsBfta%_Slmr . Bpeek. Ti 
Dno. R ob ins o n sat HlHtaB. Bat Pi 
plctares week of Sft. SSAMD (S. X 
m^.) Tanderine. 


BEWEB. — BROADWAY (Peter McCoort, 
msr.) Maxlae Eniot week of 13. OBPBEmC (A. 
C. Canon.- mgr.) Bochez's Monks. James. Harrl- 
san, Stewart and Mnrray, McDonald, Ciawtord 
aad Montnoe. Scbeda. William Ferry and At the 
Waldorf week nf C. TABOB GRAND (Peter 
Mc Ooort. Dp.) The Vlrslnlan week of 12. 

0 y. Bask Bnaaoo, msr.) Tbe Gcorse 
~ p^^Att Camm and nelra, BBly 
TMow Tardon, Perry and WUber. 
aod Pat Beinr week oC 4. AnDITORIUM. 
Dark. PANTA6ES' (W. A. Westoo. mgr.) 
Winkler's Military Dancers. Morphy aod WD- 
" " ~ L B. Swat. Woodford's Doss, AUied' 
Annette Delstare week a( 4. 


KABXFOBD.— PARK (Jas. B. Sbeebao. mgr.) 
Tbe Lottery Man 28; Sam Bernard 30: Tbe Girl 
from Bector's Feb. 1-2: Onr World 3. PO- 
M'S (Lewis Carrey, mgr.) The OOTCmor's Son. 
Taylor. Erantx and Wklte. J. Warren Keane 
and Planlat. Marseilles, The Krsttons. Two 
Peerless Marks, Wien and Brockway and pic- 
tures week of 30. KBENEY'S EMPIBE (L. W. 
OnraU. mgr.) Flint. George aad Company. Uoyd 
■ad OOmod. Miss Raflaite JiMfem. BMlk Uo. 
Tsp Sear and Hame. QMaoa O^wdBw CMpany, 
Marieal Doranda, Call ■^DMHK Sasapa aaC ple- 
tnres week of 30. 

mgr.) Tbe Sonl Ki» M 
Hector's 6. Bererly 9. 


stader, mgr.) The Little Stranger. Nellie Brew- 
ster and tbe Amsterdam Quartette. Marjttierita 
and Edith Brannxtein, The Six BalaskoSs. Ar- 
aand Brothers and tbe Farrell Taylor and 
Clark e Trio and pictures week of 30. ATE- 
NCE fConn(>its and Edwards, mgrfi. ) A Tcn oe 
Stock Company In Girls week of 30. LYBIC 
(W. H. BonniT, mgr.) ilnrray and Blank, 
Kennedy and Company. Wllaon and Jones. 
Miller and Gr-en and nlctnres week of M. 

tfj mte.) Wntoa Laekaye la Tbe Sliaaaer week 
•r>C. VELAmSO (U. StoMart Tkyler. aicr.) 
Sa l b am and Mailowe in Shakespeare week «f 6. 
XATIOXAL (W. R. Rapley. mgr.) Sarak Beni- 
bardt In Repertoire werk of 6. CASINO (A. O. 
Mayer, mgr. ^ Ov orye Primrose Mlnstrela we ak 
of 30. GATETY (Georjje Peok, msr.) Qocen of 
Bohemia C^Ompany week of C. LTCEDI (En- 
gene Eeman. min-.) The Penoaot Winners week 
of «. ACAOEMT OF jrCSIC fJ. W. Lyonn. 
mgr.) Bose MelrHle In Sis Hopkins week of G. 
(SASH'S (H. Winifred DeWltt. msr.) Cressy 
Bad Dsyoe, Stepp, MekUaser sod Kiss week of 

CORT (U. J. Hermann, mgr.) 
la The Great Name, alztk week. 

cmCAOO ' — 


letta •■ Bcgsrtabvl 
la Tke ~ 

the Tbird Floor 

ORAXD WERA HOUSE (Barry Askin. mgr.) 
Matxaret Anglln In Green Sto<±iDg8, third week. 

LTBIC (L. J. Anbalt, mgr.) Grace (^rge In 
Sauce for tbe Goose, first week. 

mgr.) Tbe Girl I Lore, tat WMh. 

McVICEER'S (Geo. WaBBi, Bi^iLl ' She 
Bonnd-TTp, first week. 

OLYMPIC (Sam Lederer. mn.) ftct-BICk- 
Qnlck WalUngford, elerenth wett. 

POWEBS* (H. J. Poweca. mgtJt 
aon In The Baclieloi*8 Hkr, Snt %w 

PRINCESS (Mort H. ■■■W. wpi)' 
ing. second week. 

STtTDEBAKER (E. SolIlTan. mgr.) Douglas 
Fairbanks in Tbe Cab, first week. 

mgr.) Helen Ware in Tha SaHna^ttMvwk. 


Bon. mgr.) TanderlUe. * 

BOSH TBHPLB (W. P. SbaTcr. mgr.) Call 
of tke WIM. 

AOalNeMr rwaa. KoAe. mgr.) Taaderille. 
IMPERIAL (J. Pngrlm. mgr.) Loren' Lane. 
LBGRAND (H. C. Langraf, msr.) Ike Gamb- 

MAJESTIC (Lymfcn B. Glorer. mgr.) Yaode- 


EMPRESS (Capt. Montagtie. mgr.) VandeTllle. 
BIJOU (Wm. Bocbe. mgr.) Tbe Cowboy Girl. 
COLLEGE (T. C. Gleason. mgr.) The Clans- 

OBIXEBIOK (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) Tbree Weeks. 
— At tbe Mercy 


OXS* BUOU (Chax. 
Cbas. Sweetoo, mgr.) A Winning Miss Kcti. 
5. CecU Lean and Florence Holbrook In lirlRlii 

SM 7. The Spendthrift 11, Coonlesa Olea \ ou 
Csfeld In The Newlywoda and Their B;iby l^J. 

KEW MAJESTIC (Henry Meyers, mgr.) He Wolt 
Hopper in The Matinee Idol 28, The Wolf 2U. 
Tbe Soimw Man 20-1, Happy Hooligan 4. 

KOXOIIO. — SIPE (G. W. Sipe, mgr.) Mae 
LaPorte Stock Company SO-FIeb. 4; Harrer Stock 
Company 6-11. 

BicKMOBD,— amm aitm -*m» nevick- 

et^ mgr.) Kyile Bdtew fi^Eaflas T^b. 3; 
Xlie Spendthrift 4: Brewster's Minions 7: Ben- 
Woodmlf In The (Jenlos 8: James K. Haekett la 
Tbe King's Game 0. MCBBAY (O. G. Murray, 
mn.) Knickerbockers Trio week of 30. 

WABA8B. — EAGLE (B. S. Logan, mgr.) Tke 
Port of M'««'"g Men 27: Tbe Man on tbe Box 1: 
Henrietta Crosman in Antl-Malrlmony 13. 


F. Holmes, mgr.; Don Stnart, booking agent) 
Chocolate Soldier Feb. 1: Girl and the Stam- 
pede 4: Girl of the Moaatalss 5; Bright Eyes 8; 
Baby Mine IS; Hoase of a Thoaaaad Candles 16: 
Madame Kaatmora St. GtKBICK (J. M. Boot, 
mgr.; W. M. A.. kOoUac ageals) Week of 
Jan. SO. fliat half. Eddie Rowley, dancer: Bob 
Loekhart, slager; Monett Sisters, Instramental. 
ists; Geo. S. Banks, mooologlst and parodist: 
Les Ardoe, comedy pantomime and acrobatic; 
and GaiTickscope. Last half. Albeis' Polar 
Bears; Marie Clark. singlDg comedleime: Bob 
Loekhart, slDRer; Malone and Malone, song and 
dance; Dan Boby, black face comedian, and 

mgr.) Bowcra. Walters sad Crooker. Wlllard 
Bond and Company. Bany aad MUdrad. Ye 
Gava. Arthur Loftns, Leo FUllcr. Four Cook 
Sisters and plctcrp^ ivfvek of fl. GRKFTXE*-^ 
OPEBA niJi:>K 'W, S C. :rf-r.i l;s&y 

A rerlslon of tbe list of combined theatres U now Iieing made. To procure represeatatian la 

this list Buaaten need only flU out tke blaaka below aad fotwaid tUa lUp to Tka BiUkoud. 
Btata •••••••.'•.••••*•«••«••••. ••••^■•••••■■••••••••••••••■•■a* mite. 

AI.BAirY. — R.VWUXS fA. C. Gortstowsky. 
mcr I I.vmnn Twins in Tbe Prize Wloaets 1. 
CRF.SCT.NT (O. J. Nenndorfer. mgr.) TaaderOle. 

CHXCAGa- ;-AUpiTO R IUM PM ck. mgr.) 

. OOC0SCU& 0mi X. Bcatr^'aaK} « 

-hi- Tka nmim aaan at aSlSk. 

GLOBE (J. R. Brown, mgr.) Darid Hlgglns in 
His Last Dollar. 

HAYMARKEI (J. H. Browa. mgr.) CacU 
Spooner In ThaNilM ef BaUr. - _ _ 

If 1 FT nTTU BTipl Hwlasae. mtr.y n» m- 


NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mgr.) Tbe Wolf. 
PEOP LE-S (John Prince, mgr.) 
WKHKK'S (Weber Bros., mgrs.) YsodeTllIe. 
>TJI*MBBa (Weber Bns.. aiia.) Tba Aaaer- 
leaa OUa. 

KXPIBB (H. 3. Haifc. a^) Tbe Mgadlecs. 
STAB AXD OABTEB (Wm. P se b s, mgr.) 
Fred Irwin's Big Sbow. 

Amur.— TEMPLE (Wm. Sanrage. avr.) Mr*. 
Hcrticrt T. Ellat aad Compsiv. week of 30. 
LYBIC (Waa- Saaraire, amr.) Hopper and Re- 
Tenl be ad blB for week of 30. 

DECATnB— POWER'S (Thus. P. Boata. mgr.) 
James K. Haekett in The Eing'a Game 6: Abora 
Opera Co. 8: Iroqools Mlnstri^ 9; I>aTe Lewis 
In Don't Lie to Tonr Wife 10; Tbe Flirting 
Princess 11: The Spendthrift 15: The Thief 18; 
The Newlywe^ls and Their Baby IT. NEW BI- 
JOU .(A. Slirfrled. mgr.) Patsy aod Sally. Hoey 
and Mozart, .\lsace and lorralne. Dos Rice, 
Sntton and Sot ton. Three Keene Glrla. John D. 
West. Hallen and Hayes and Germalne week 
Of 29. 

(W. W. Wtllman. mgr.) Lower Berth 13. 30; 
The Wolf 3. 

mgr.) Uncle Tom's Cabin 30: Hmse of a Tbon- 
sand Candles ^: Harry Bnleer in The Flirting 
Princess 10: Tbe Spendthrift 14. CBAXD (Na- 
than Stein, prop.) Warren Hatch Company, Joe 
Maglll. Elliott and Warreo 30-Feb. 1. LYBIC 
(F. D. ParrlBh. mgr.) Vauderille. 

KOLIHE— THE FAJHLY (H. A. Sodlnl. mgr.; 
Sodlnl Clrmlt: Western Vanderllle Assoclatloo 
bookings) First half of the week. La Rose Broth- 
ers. The Tbree Marx Brothers and Company; 
Mercedes, mind resder: motion pictures. Last 
bdC at tbe week. Hadyn. Borden and Hadyn; 
The Roaards. nOTelty teeth fTTmnasts; Bond 
Morse, trampology; motion pictures. 

Polk, mgr.V A Woman of Mystery 2; Third De- 
gree 20; The Wolf 23. 

Qnlnn. mfrr.: Sodlnl Clrmlt: Western Vaui^evllle 
.\ssoclatinn bookIDIrs^ First half of wei-k. The 
.\priol Builds, -nerlallsts: Ynckley and Bnnnell, 
comedy musical sketch: Oberlta Sister*, ajicc- 
taeatar. asnrtty dsa w iai Xc f l iat b mi Tamaa 
laavaatF-i^lMff ittt/U^ aMtiaa al^lvBMi. '. laat 
balf -of 'wcHt Tbiec Sbnc Brsfbrni, Jm Baae 
^rother a: Mereede*. mind render: motion plc- 
tnres. THE ILLfNOIS fB. Taylor, mrr. : Inde- 
pendent bookings) Tbe German Plarers 0: The 
House of a Thousand C'snilles 1f»: The Wnlf 21. 

STBEATOB I'LUMH OI'FH.V llorp':' <J. E. 

Williams, mrr. i Defender of C.>m^mn 2'*: 
Jaaws K. Haekett la A Klar's Game 1: A Me«- 

"3, Mjintsinc (C. A. n«r. mtr.\ 

Mine 29; Madame X 31; The Beggar Prince 5; 
Jim the Peimian 8; The Lloo and tbe Moose 12; 
Best People On Earth 13. PEOPLE'S (Vic Hngo. 
mgr.) Trousdale Brothers' Stock Company week 

of 80, 


BeAdL ■sr.: mniaB Itaria kssHagi) Week 
of Paul aad PMd. Daiek timiaisaa; Wells 
and Sdia, riimi Waai and soobats: Orataaey 

Troupe, senaatlona] wire norelty; Lartgne and 
Jaffee; Ethel Alton and Company; mouoo plc- 
tares. THE PBINCESS (Victor H. Rhafer. 
mgr.) The Princess Stock Companv In The Son 
of Monte Cristo week of 23. THE GRAND (V. 
Ii. Hughes, mgr.; K. & E. bookings) FIske 
O'Hara In The Wearing of the Greea 3: Fannie 
BloomSeld-Zelsler 11. THB BIIBnS_(Waa. 
Klinck, mgr.: Independent bosblaBlO Ska De- 
fender of (Cameron Dam 2. -* 

oinnians^RASD (w«. uaut^ a^g) 

Stock Co. 

oaeatbaL mgr.) Taadeetl 

McMaana. mgr.) Oiarlea _ 
30-Fet>. 3: Bahy Mine 7. 

mgr.) Cowboy's Girl 23. Baby Mine 30. Mis- 
soari Girl Fob. 1. Madame X 3. Bachelor's 
Honeymoon 4, Sherman Stock Company 30-11. 
Walker Wblteslde In The Mcltinc Pot IT. Tbe 
Girl of tbe Monntalns IS. OBPHECM (J. W. 
Mercelles, mrr.) O'RItla Barbee and Artbnr Hill. 
Marionette Twins and Company. Van and Van. 
Lane Goodwin and Lane. Bradley and Erb week 
of 30. CRYSTAL (J. Jolly Jono. mgr.) Sadie 
Sheiama, Miller and CleTelaad. Chas. Wayne 
and OombaaXa Btafaama Plmtocniiilia. Barry and 
KatelaAaoa. Flndlay and Jordan. Martlal-Max- 
milian and Company. Joe Tinker week of 30. 


Ich. niKr.) Howe's Pictures 31: Tlie Lion a od the 
MooRe 10: Trarellng Salesman 22. VAni>ETTE 
(P. C. He.«ser. m^. ) Lnts and Ingham and pie- 
tores week of ."^O. 

HUTCHIHBON.- HOME (W. A. Lowe, mgr.) 
Girls 1; Widow McC.irtv 4: Hilly Clifford In The 
Girl, the Man and the Cfmc 13; Olllc .Mack In 
FInnegan's Ball 14: The Trsrellng Salesman IT. 
PE.\RL (E. Wayne Martin, rocr.) VandcTllle. 
ELITE (E. Wa.vne Martin, mcr.) Vaadcrille. 
GEM (A. F. Aldracb. mgr.) Vawlerllle. 

ander, mcr.) Tbe Golden Girl 31; The Girl and 
the Stampede 20: Walker Whiteside In Tbe 
Melting I'ot S: Barry Bulger In Tbe Flirting 
Priaceaa IS: A Brake* Mai ». NEW OR- 

PHBCX A B. Sbaabng. mgr.) Boatla : 

Tniaoa. EOdle Boss, The HaTClocks. Oiok Sis- 
ters and Russell and RadellS 20-Frb. 2. PALM 
(C. F. Menslng. mgr.) Hammond atMl Bevoire 
and Hub aod Asel 20-Feb. 2. SOLDIERS' 
nOME (B. F. Morton, mgr.) The Golden Girl 


mgr.) Walker Wblteslde la The MdllaK Pat U; 
PMI W: Tke TVanWas liliiiaiaa 9*. ' 



In Tha in 


CHAB. C. WILSHIN, Cjtalualva A«aa« 



•A Nlilit In Naptaa* 

. Mar Vaudaviiia. 


fttbV, Dauiqi aid Mmi fimflin 

Feiber A Shea's Ofifice, Knickerboeker 





Unlt»d TIma 


Esponaiits «ff Tatopathy and 

Preph*tle Vlslen 



H, A >pAYI3 A GOk 




H.A.DaTla, ArtbBrH.nny. nodTaahac. 

Wktll. lEEIII ft CI. 



The fi0|s Mitk tki Ciaz| FMt 


Leading Ingenue, 
Keith * Proctor's Tabloid Stock Co., 
Harlem Opera Hoaae. 

: * noOTOE'S, Bsw Teik Ottj. 

Neary & Miller 



Frank Burt 

labe^Comedy Trick Vlolia aad 



FEBRUARY \}f ^9U. 

Xtie JBiIit>oara 


WICHITA.— SEW AI DlTOniCM (J. A. W.ilf. 
»,-r I Wolfe Stock Conipauj In A Ilai-bi'lur'b 
Tn„.viu.~n »«H.l: or 31. CBAWFOIU» (K. L. mgr.. The lltflTj- Widow 3. I'UIN- 
CKSS (L. U. Miller, mifr.) The Baveloelu, JU- 
.li,'. l[o,s. BetiT M»Ulieir» and Compuy. Four 
Couk .sisie™, boutinud Ttlaoa. aad plctnim 
t^t „f 307 OBPBEim CC, M. ^v.'R-l 
Orpbi'uui Stock Company ta Tk* OooBMr Oirl 
wm* a u. FOUCM (C. it. OaanaMO irak- 
Sr6Smit» In Tuc Meitios ntjKmna Bar- 
Vn Tb4 M. Mlkall Mordkin 4. - OOtMCUIi (C. 
StHilfntt, mcr.) Viuderllle. 


aricj Kmuk, iiiKni- 1 ' t'oa Ulrera 31, Vaudi'vlllt 

i,i;;r.i Lent BiTcta F«k. C JMjMaH M BjP M 
< iii,n>ma<:id * Batliff, ■■nj.; ■■■■■■■ MMk 
4'..i(M'anj- weak of >0. .... 

aisr.) BlllT AUen Moalcal OaMfMr waak ot 
' rw>. 3: oirl tnrnmtttMfm 10: 

~ VirctDia nmn* S 


POBSUUk^EfFKBSON (Julius Cabn, 
mcr.) -Itajlar Slork Company 30 and week. At 
Tin- OW CiwM Roada. 0-8 The Climax, 0-11 Ser- 
n. Days. II. K. KEITU'S (Jamea E. Moore, 
mjzr.t KeltUV StiM-k Company In Tile Amazona 
31 and wn-k. I'OKTLAND (Emil U. GeratUa, 
m;r.) Orpheum Diniedy Four, Uoigan and Weat. 
Iljrry Adi^r. Morlnc iMctnica 30 and week. CAS. 
«i> «c C. Adanm. mm-.) Mlaa Mlldnd CalTact, 
I Tlolialm: Mlm Geoncet 
I SoTolty S»ae* 30 and week. 
Irkaaycr. msr.^ Frank Daniels In The Girl In 
Ihe Train week of 30: To Serve tbo Croes week 
mgt.) The Girl of My Droama week of 30; 
•i«"rse ET«n«' Honey tiny MInsIreU week of 6. 
.irOITORIL'M TIIi:.VTHE (JrB D. Bemateln. 
mcr.) E. B. Sothem and Jalia Marlowe week of 
»: Blaoebe Ring Id The Yankee Girl week ot 
«. JUBVLA.ND TIIEJiTBE (F. C. ScbaBtetcer, 
r.) Taike and Adana. Fie Inrto. Belle 
, «allt« ure. Faar Oaettl HIaUia. Keo- 

(C. L. A»d»raoii. mgt.) Tbe Baataa Rayei* in 
Aa OH Swcelkeart eT Mine week of 30: Beat 
Ijrnne week of C NKW TBBATBE (C. E. 
WUtekont. micr.t Harry Jolion. Van Camp and 
Vo.. Tbr Bon Air T^lo. Morton, Martin and Mor- 
i-Ki. Hayoa, l/irInK and Co., Ijockaer Bros.. Barle 
■and Rartlell. Callabau and Callaban. Tbe Skrem- 
ka Slslrrm week of 30. HOIXIDAX STSEKT 
THEATRE (W. P. Rife, mgr.) Betilata Poynter 
lu The LltUe Girl That He Forjot week ot 30; 
Aa Ibe Snn Went Down week ot 0. OATETY 
TREATBE (W. Ballsnf. mar.) Tbe Queen of 
I t eke m la week of 30: Tbe Golden Crook week 
Jacata. mat.} Tke Ucciy WkM week ot SO; 
rtMn of tke Day week C TICXOBIA mm- 
ATBX (C C liewta. micr.) Hairy Boimyae, 
IHammd COmetlv Fnar. Myer Itirrla and Co., 
The Bemirka. Tbe Daati-<. Geonralea and Co., 
ISeoee Graham. Joel p. Corvlo Trio week of 30. 
WILSO.N THEATRE (M. L. Srbalbley. mgr.) 
Sllinno Troupe. Irene McCarthy. Voo Mltael aad 
Mf.mard. Geonce Clarke. Carl Zcno. Crowley 
and Crowkj-. Moote Ward. Both and Boaso. 
Mcore Duo. Lewis Trio, Tbe Grest Horman week 
of 30. LYRIC THEATRE IBemhtnl Ulrlch, 
mgr.) Chicaira Grand Opera Company In Tales 
«if Hoffm an Feb. 2. 

CUM BTni i. nH P — MABTXAND (Wm. Cradoc. 
■fP.) Knox and AWIn. Chta. A. Clark and 
V. Laotelle and Ctompany, Nebnr and 
Tbe MansSelda week ot 30. 


B08T0H — SHCBBBT. Loulae GuaninK In 
TLe luikaa PrtneciB week of 30: Sam Ber- 
nard In He Came from Mllwaokee week of 5. 
B. K. KEITH'S, Christy Mathewson. Chief 
3lTer» au.! May Tally. BUIle Burke's Wild Weat. 
Ptaavphleod MInstrela. Ahem Troup.- ai-ek ot 
aji MAJESTIC. Madame X week of 30. BOS- 
TnX OPERA HOUSE. RlRuletto 30: The Otrl 
"fine GaMen Weat I: The Chlldn-n of B<-Ible- 
■W^Kaaat 3: Carmen 4. CASTLE SQUARE. 
«MK^«W* ef The Itnad to Yesterday 
yek of B. BOetTO.V. Tbe Maeairo's Mastcr- 
Plree week of 30. PARK. W. U. OUe IB B. 

r II...II.H- we<k of mT^ ooSnnAii. 

• The nollar I-rlnceaa week of 3K HOUIS ST. 

Jlr». Uste In ne.-kr sfaariM- we«'k .it 3«: John 

Ilr. n In Smith «e,-k of GR.WD OPERA 

II' "1 >K. At Cripple Cre«-k week of :m): Uncle 
Tom s Cahln WM k of B. TUEUOST. Folllea ot 

Iftln ufvk of 30. lIOWARn. Cherry Blos- 
»T.' '■"*- COLUMBIA. The Kentncky 

•* m WllWW r* CfcHW u- BMery 


s. nil..y. nier. 1 Tb.. Soul KIs, .11; Sam Bernard 
atlLj- , ''•W"^' f- '•• Shecdy. mgr.) Gene 
Joe \\i'«lon and Nellie Lynch, The Tan- 
■ SK-'r». nemlrlrl nrotheia, Llan 

Mg*,! — ■- ■ — — aa«* w« 

. t^»t- RT SQUARB (Bw Ok On- 
-ir.i llneM Kevalcr In Tbe WMMW KbT 
a^.W«l t.r llMWDach and New Yr ' " 

" - ^ ■» "M« a«r* awn'"i'"J 

SSTSS"*- Roae 8laU la MmsW tiSn 1, 
ft'J ^ «■ «««"k S. BW—ra? **. TOU-S 
Zt. ' '!^: Urn aad Company, 

w M I'"'" KellT. Belle Adair. W«(on 
Carr,.ll. Kari K. P. Ilawley and Com- 
IK '•v^!r''^'''J'. Claire and plctntva week ot 

»»i nm^nback, mgr.) Spiegel 

!^ i ' ;•>"«'<)'• «n<I Ashley, VIollnl, Kcegan 
aa.1 )|a, k Wllaou and Dale. Mike Fk-rtl and plc- 
F.?.,^''';f '"JOD (E. L. Knight, mgr.) 

PI .v^'"","'V' Slngi^ni and plctiirea week of M 
;j .»A.v (lj>ild»teln nruthora, tugn.) The Irys 
.Master Harris, .McAInlue 

Daniel Byan In Tl 

SSS^te."**- »-4. T"e «o 

l-kHnVA'. •,-r'J,''"'«ln nruthora, nign.) The Irys, 
IfcLSIff- '"'l"". Master Harris. .McAIi.lue 

•W2alriB^.Vsry Davis and plctur»ti week of 30. 

-WOnCESTEU (John l\ Uurkc, 
" • The Black Fox 40-31. El- 
^tftaaMk*ir' i^oiil KUs 4. FRANKLYN 

i^ tSJU^f*^ McCnrty. mgr.) The Ware Mii- 
a»^5t^??*y Comiiany In Tke IdoJ'a Bye week of 
"T".; ',";„",?"'l«'>y »" T*? Ma»haaa OM week 

!• '*■'!?» ■ ?.• K elly and Mack. -Vtaiell Brothers. 
«iS??^r"-3„°"" Bdwani*. Sekaal Boy. and 


«• hKj^'t''"!^''^^'^"' OrERA HOUSE (O. 
• Hardy. m„,y ^erry 31: Tbe Cat and 

, IV ma uirjB Kioa jaeivoy x,Bne. 'xae Acnie 

tlir Fiddle Feb. 3: George Sidney In The Joy 
HUU-r- 10; Urauslurk 14; Tbe White Sqnaw 18; 
Till' Cutter Stock Company week of 23. FAM- 

11. V (Klwlo Symonds. mgr.) VaudeTllIe. MA- 
PLE CITY (U. E. Uayoes, mgr.) Vauderllle. 
fltlXCliaa (H. D. Front, mgr.) VaadCTlUe. 

tcrteM. Bwr.) Makri Taleatceae Maorae, Terre 
aad Hyaaa, Tmb Slercat* SeTen Jaocte GIrh. 
.Vrt Adair, Williams. Thompson and Cupclaad, 
and picture* week of 29. i 

mgr.) Howe's Pictures 28-29; Robert Edesou In 
Where tbe Trail Dlrldea 30: Tbe Lottery .Man 
in. BIJOU (Dan J. Pllmore. mgr.) Tbe Baiun 
linina Girls, Houston and Klrby, Jerome and Je- 
r.iuie. and pictures week of 29. WBNOX.^. (R. 
P. Leahy, mgr.) Lily Ctiarters, De Arlon and 
lllelile. Buata Laverty and pictures week of '^t. , 

(Joha T, JaekMB. ngrO The Cat and tke Fldille I 
Feb, S. Wko I* Yoor Wife? 6. Thoao Beodersou 
Ktda 11. Tbe Sbnltcrt's Concert IS. Xkc Waif 
20t_Tbe Cow and tbe Moon 23. 

nnrr — STONB-S (O. a. Petanoa. B|T.) Tke 
Saginaw Stock Co. In Uncle Toia'a Cabin 1: 
Rotter t Edesou la -n-hare the Ttall Dirldea «. 
BUOU (F. W. Bryce. mgi.) Sam Barryton. 
Lloyd Coppeni, Luckle and Toast, Frank and 
Tom Riee. MoneU Fire week of 30. OABBICK 
(W. n. Harria, mgr.) Tbe Olympic Stock Com- 
pany In Aiay. tbe Clrcna Girl, week ot 30. 
. . yAOMOM.— ATHEXAEUM (B. J. Porter, 
■Bgr.) Edward Doyle's Orpb^-nm Stock Company 
week of 30, Bright Eye* Feb. 17. BIJOU (Frank 
B. lampmao, ncr.i Harry Bickarda aod Com- 

Biny. Godfrey aad Heoderaoo. Carlos Calqae 
Irena RIef. Clayton and Blef. George F. Hall 
and nirtures week of 30. 

LAVSno.— GLAOMBB (F. J. WUUama, 
mgr.) Robert Edeaon In Where the Trail DW- 
Idea 2. The lA>ttery Man 8. BIJOC (W. ICar- 
sball. mgr.) Dainty Little Jane Bobcrti and 
Co., Wltt'a Glrla trom Uelody Lane. Tke Nettie 

CarraU ~ - . _ 


8AOIBAW.— .VCATIE.MT (E. Itartwlek. mgr.) 
Tbe Jolly nafhcIor» .10. .\rDrTORlUM (F. 
I'. Waltem. mgr.) Robert Edeson In Wh re the 
Trail HIrldes 31. JEIT>:R.S ( W. A. Kluoo. 
mgr. > M. E. Moore's Bah Rab Boy^ and Loma 
I>oi>ne Jobsoo. Emu Sntieni, Comt>T>i'll and Mc- 
Donald. Stcek aod McMastera. JImmie Cassidy 
anil VlTlan Longtoa week of 29. BIJOU (W. A. 
RuMii. mgr.) Oscar F. Cooke Stock Company In 
A CooTlct's Daogbter wet-k of 20. 


G. Ilalnbrldge, Jr., mgr.) Tbe Dawn ot a Tomor- 
row with Gertrude Elliott week of 6. Mlsa No- 
body from StarUnd wi-vk of 12. METBOPOU- 
TAN OPERA HOUSE (I. N. Scott, mgr.) Wi- 
dow Higglns with .May Hnhson 5-8. The Bejare- 
BtJoo ot Aont Mary with .May Robsnn U-1I. Tbe 
ATCadlann with Frank .Moulan aod Julia Sander- 
son week ot 12. BIJOU OPEBA HOUSE (Tbeo. 

L. Hayi. tagf.) Scbooi Dayi week of S. The 

oCJS. IMWBI TBBAOnlUattla lODcr. bhv.) 
BOly WatsaD** Beef Trast week aT 8. The Bol- 
Uekera with Clem Berlngs week of 12. OAT- 
ET^' (S. B. Simon, mgr.) Harry Hastlnga' Show 
week of 5. Tbe Girls . from Happyland week ot 

12. UNIQUE (Jark Elliott, mgr.) Ballerino's 
Dogs. Moran and Moran, Foy and Clark, Grace 
De Mar. Tbe HoeOer Trio. Jerome White and the 
Motloeraiih week ot ORPIIEU-M (G. B. 
Bayniou,!. mgr.) Maurice Freeman and Company, 
Mil,-. Itlsncl. Hal Stepbena and Company, Kaut- 
mau Troupe. Heiu. Monroe and Powell, Loo 
Weill., Neoss snd Elilred and the Klnodrome 
week ot 5. PBINCESS (OrrUle BmineU. mgr.) , 
The Sweeteet Girl la Dixie week ot B. East 

Watda n — a il ; a wtk a*. > . .. ■>l >OTil»Mt_<W . 

Webkcr. * .MkMtFa BkLiSlP^kOdL* ' 

Motkm netana nIMca wak af 8 

mgr.) The Commuters 29-Feb. 1: Blanche Walsh 
In Tbe Other Woman Feb. 2-4; Tbe Arcadians 
Munlral Comedy Co. week ot S. SHUBEBT (T. 
M. Scanlon. mgr.) Bailey and Auatin in Two Meu 
and a Girl Feb. S S: Gertrude Elliott In Tbe 
Daun ot a To-.Morrow week ot 13. GRAND (T. 
L. Hays, mgr.) Scbooi Days, with Herman Tlm- 
berg, week ot Jan. 20; FISke O'Htra in The ; 
Wearing ot the Green week ot Feb. 5. ORPU- 
EC.M tClarence Dean, mgr.) .Kngusta Close In 
rianologne; Manrlce Freiman. Six Fi.Tlng Ban- 
Tardt, ETett-Wlsdom Co., Clifford and Bntfce, 
Gns Oalaw T Moi. PanI Ftaaa. KlaodNaw week 
Jan. JUiomO (taatTOBak.- awr.) Aaaa 
Bra njr, iv-«a(atcawat, tmt tetca atber big ; 
acia, with Maiettleograph. week of Jan. 30. i 
ST.VR (A. Moeller. mgr.) The GlrU trom KUie. i 
with Frank A. Gotrb. week ot Jan. 29; Mirry ' 
.Maidens week of Feb. 5. JVLHAMBRA AND 
GEM FAMILY THEATRE (J. Gllowsky. mgr.) '• 
ViwIeTilli-. KEX TilE.VTRE. Vaudeville and 
lllua ttated aon ga. ^EW PALACE TUEATBE 


VATCHEZ,— BAKER OBAKD (J. Fersuson, Scien Daya SO. 

stiln. mgr.) Jan. 31, The Menj WfeMar: Nk. 
8, Three Weeks; 11, AileUMe IkMIlM: -9, 
Paul Gllmore; IS, Tbe Nlfteb 


R. torn,— GAKKICK THRATBE (Hatry 

Buckley, mgr.) Week of Jan 'JU. Mr. Albert 
ClH-Taller In Daddy Dntanl: Feb. 5. Alias Jim- , 
my Valentine. OLYMPIC THEATRE (Pat Short, 
mgr.) Week of Jan. 2!). Francis Wilson In Tbe 
Br.iliel,ir'» llahy: Feb. 5. Kyrle Uollcw. PRIN- 
CESS THK.\.TUK (l>an S. Flahcll. mgr.) Wt-ck 

of Jan. 29. raadcrllle as follows: George Lasb- 
woinl. Edilh Lefoy, IHltl* Bros, and Co., Fields 
and Coco. Honey Johnson,* Neary Itroa.. Alton^e 
Z. Uya. CE.VTUKY TIIE.VTUE (Pat Short, i 
niKT. ) Week of Jnn Ilrlght E.ves; FVb. 5, 
Aliorn Crand Oiwra Co. SHUnEnT THEATRE 
(Mi'lvtlle Stollr. mgr.) Wwk of Jan. 29, The 
Go,l.u.:.K of Liberty: Kilv TUe Bohemian QlrL 
Cm.UMIlIA THKATIU: (Franlc R. Tale, ai«r.l 
Week ot Jan. 2U. Vauderllle as foUowa: Uonel 
Uacryanire aad >leKce Bsaklae; lUiUi UCe la 
Jail; Tka Adctauaa IB— r» ' P awi f Iwtfc 
Len Carillo, Vom Rlaaoa, Snuaae Hat i a wM . 
AblK and Mitchell, motion pletnrea. AMER- 
IC.VN THE.VTRE (Joo. FlemlnR. mcr.) Week 
of Jan. 29 A winning Miss; Feb. 5, Paid In 
Full. HAVLIN'S TII&ITRE (Barry Wallace. 

raei.l Wi-ek of Jan. 20. Imperial Slock Co. In 
Kellv trom tbe Emi-rald Isle; Feb. ,"5. Billy the 
mgr.) Week ot Jan. 39, Imperial Stock Co. la 
F.isi Lynne: Feb. .1. .\ Chll.l ot Ihe Regiment. 
STANDARD TURAI'Rf: iU-o Belrhenharh. 

mgr.) Week ot Jan 28. SbO JUIf Girls Bnrlesqne 
Company with The GM Ik Mtt aa a apeclal fea- 
ture; Feb. S. New Century ClrlK. CAYETY 
THEATRE (Frank Ilawley, tniir.) Week of Jan. 
20, The BolUcklng Girlies llurksiiuers: Feb. 
8. The Serenaderi. C-0LON1.VL THEATRE. 
Week of Jan. 2*j. .\llen Stock Company In 
Heartb and Home; Feb. 5, Work and Wages. 

ir«W8A8 CITT,— WILLIS WOOD (Wooduard 
* Bni a aaa. lasn.) Waak Jaa. 30; Tbe Virginian: 
Feb. X ancraooa. Maw. lobaaaa Cudskl: week 

5. Madane Sherry. SHUBEBT (Earl Steward, 
res. mgr.) Week Jan 20, The Bolieulan Girl; 
week Feb. 5. The (Hwcolate Soldier. CONVEN- 
TION HALL (Loots Shouse, mgr.) Feb. 2, Tbe 
Russian dancers, I'arlowa and Mordkin; Feb. 

6. cue night only In concert, Mme. Lulsa Tetraz- 
zlnl. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Uodson & Jn- 
dali. mgr^,) Week Jan. 29. Paid In h\xU: week 
Feb. S. St, Elmo, OBPHEUM (Martin Lebman. 
res, mgr.) Week 29. Selblt'a Spirit Painting; 
John P. Wade and Co.. Irene Romain. Wm. 
Ferry, Bellceaire Broa., Grant and Hoag, Floyd 
Mack, actlnr pIctDtes. concert orchestra. AU- 
DITORIUM (Lawrence Lehman, mgr.) Week 
Jaa.- SO. She Flay Wllhoot a Name: week Fell. 
8. MMhaea Stnto*. OILUS (K. 8. Brlgham, 
■ifT.) Weak laa. t». The Smart Set; week Feb, 
5, Baner Ollmore, EUPBESS (D. F. McCoy, 
tea. mgr.) Week 39, Foogere, Polly PIclUe'a 
Pets In Petland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young. 
Herrlogtnn, Mildred I,eater, Frank Mostyn Kel- 
ly and Co.. Mrs. Maber aod Cupid. Boyle Bros. 
CENTl'RV tJo». R. Duoegan, mgr.; Western 
Wbi i l 1 Week 29 Tbe N«w Onlory Girls; week 
Feb. .">. Tiger Ullea. GAYETT (Bart McPball. 
mgr.: Kasteru Wheel) Week 20. Billy W. Wat- 
son and Tbe Glrln frum Hsppyland; week Feb. 
5, Reoit-Santle.v liurlexiuers. 

Swanp.v. mgr. I Ii*le of Sfilce 2. 

BT. JOSEPH.— LYCEUM (C. V. Phllley, mgr.) 
The Wolr 29-Keb. 1, Tiger Lille* 2-4. Smart 
Set S-T. IfciUar I>rlncesa 8. Girl from Dixie 9-11. 
SBUBBRT-TOOTLE (B. .nnjliald. Mr.) Kisa- 
iBg Gin 29, Frederick Waadt IMw iST Howe'a 
Moving Pletnrea 3-5, Walker Whiteside T, Ma- 
dame X 9. PANTAGES' (B. Beaomuut. mgr.) 
Week 2U. Fire Morton-Jewells. Kiltie Dno, Uyke 
Thomas. Buford, Bennett and Bnford. Maud 
Marsh. Thlessen'a Peta and the I'antsgesmpe. 
MAJESTIC (Fred Coamsn. mgr. i WH,-k 29. Or- 
tegii-i, K,'tty Mathews and Comjuny. llaTt-locks. 
Eddlf Rwa and .Morlng Pictures. BUOU (Fted 
BUz. mgr.) Week 20. Bljoo Stock Dw>gkT In 
Beari» lit Ibe Bine BIdge. Same ClHBiiaBy te Oat- 
law and Ibe Lady week Feb. S. 



Kerr, mgr.) The Bosary 29, Apollo Concert Com- 
pany 3«). East Lynn Feb. 4. Walker Whiteside In 
Tile Melting Pst 9, Tbe Golden Oirl 10. Lyman 
Bowr'a Ilctores 11. Casino Okia 13> llauaioon 
Trail 14. Broken Idol 18. EDIMRI (BHiy Hlc- 
glns, mgr.) Taudevllle. 

LJKCOLH OiaVER IF. C, Zrbrung. mgr.) 

Wrestling Match betw«^>n llnckeniichmldt and 
Dr. Roller Feb. I. Tbe Golden Girl 2. Inllas 
Caeaar 3. Tbe Virginian 4. LYRIC (L. M. 
Gamiona. mgr.) Lyric Stock Company in Cameo 
Klrby week of 30, Same Company In George 
Waahlatnaav Jr.. week of 6. raPBECX (H. 
E. BBItaca. .■■«.> Tbe Six Mosleal Cattys, 
Splaaei Biathtaa aad Caamay. T b a i bei aad Mad- 
too^^Bwray I teatt m^aka^^ 

2»-Feb. 1: The Cow-Pnncher 3-t. OAYETT (E. 
L. John«on. mgr.) George Armstrong and Hast- 
ings' (Quality cnioraa week ot 29. BOYD (Wm. 
Warren, mgr.) Miss Era Lang In Tbe Boya ot 
Company B week ot 29. AMERICAN. Lottie 
Mayer heads bill tor week of 29. OBPHEUM 
(Wm. Byrne, mgr.) The Imperial Rnsalan Danc- 
ers, Bert Ox>te and Company. Jarrow. Maraena. 
Nevaro and Mareene. Alexander and Scott, Fred 

gaccr. Uario Alae Ilio aad .ptetmca week of 

Sarr. mgr.) The. Roaary Feb. 8. The Climax 
13 14. NICKEL (Maaael Locentyer. mgr.) 
Five Snilya, Blatk BM. nMRaadw aad Cbrk, 
Great Riehaad*. 8M«aM aad OiaafeaJ week 

of 30. 


ATLAimc CITY.— APOUA (Vrrd Moore, 
mgr.) The Great Powers SO-Feb. 1: Estelle Al- 
len In East Lynn 2-4. SATOY (Harry Broam, 

mgr.) Tbe Laugblnit Taoilita. AlTa Tork. Flof. 
ence Modeaa aad Ogawaagr. BUI aad M*knl, 
Rlgoletto Fbor, Wanes - aad Faaat. T^Coang 
Brothers, Teraalea. Joe Hai d— . foal aad Lane 

anil pictures week ot 30. STEEL PIER. Tes- 
aella's Band 20. YOUNG'S PIER. Jane Conrt- 
bope and Company. Millie CecOIe and Company, 
BeMie Deltole. Ladlle LaefdOD. Gerard aad Bnt- 
rell. Altna Bcotkna. Foata aad Pietmea week 
of .•«>. 

BATQHBB,— BIJOU (Bert Howard, mgr.; 
Chas. FItzpatrtck, booking agent) Week of Jan. 
30. Harry Mayo, baritone; Byana and Harrlog- 
toa: Francesco Redding aad Company; I^- 
Telle and Grant, expooeata ef physical culture; 
Chesnn and Co.. maglrtaa*: FWr Mnslcal Boys, 
mnalclans de Inx; Ward and Colten. ainginc 
comedians: Harry Ro^e. TentrlIoi)Olst; Bnrke and 
Carter: The SlWer Moon; Stelner Trio, com 
ode acrobats: Bljoujcope. MAJESTIC. Vaude- 
TllIe. LYRIC (Lerlne Jk Glmplowlts. mgra.; 
Joe Wood, booklnc scent) Week of Jan. rj). 
Tanilerllle. ORPREUM (Ed. Mason, mgr.; Joe 
Wooil. booking agent) Vandevllle. 

HOBOKEK.— G.VYETY (Corse Pay ton. lewji-e: 

Isldor Cohen, mgr.) Week ot Jan. 30, Claude 
Pa.vton and Cor»e Payton Stock Company In The 
Girl I Ij-ft Behind Me week of Feb. 6: aame 
rompany la The Girl of the Golden Weat- EM- 
PIRE (A. M. ■ BraoEciBaiL ItMM aad mgr.) 
Week of Jaa. 30, BaaaTBbllli .Lw l ia Belles: 
week Feb. O. Singer** Btk aia a Shoar. LTRIC 
(Marcus Loew. lessee; Grant RIgga. mgr.) Week 
ot Jan. 30. Six Imperial Dancers and TRiiileTnip. 

goDMry Mosea. mgr.) ■Thjmaa B. 8beo la Reper- 
toire week of an. TKKUT Q UMt Hm u t Mosea. 
mgr.) Jack Wllsaa, IMkltn Dalte aod Ada 
Lane. Jack Cwnne llr a ad Marcnret Webb. EIsIc 
Fay Trio. T,«tlle Wnilaas ^n,l C.Mnpany. Doro 
Ronen. Hal Merrttt and Hnw-inl's .Musical Ponies 
ai l CiiTnclT r>oe» werk o- ;!n. STATE STREET 
(Hermsn Wabn. mirr. ^ Maltem» Lewla and Co.. 
Texark:insas a" » Villi- rs and Ray Carr .KVFeh. 
I: Frobel and Knso. O-Hirgp Davis Waller Meo- 
gaa'aad Company, and pictures 2 4. 

(Canllntsnl im page 31.) 


WM. LTKcm. Attorr 

K»ltH Ancf Proetild 


A Bouquet of Bong/i 
Tied with • Bow of Neati 

LUCILLE PHELft ft €0. 

Tki Ori|iyl Misical Msnrdi 







Maw la TasdaTillo. Add. ear* WUU Hali. 

Il Hair lanuilar mmHt ikiM 



—In Thair— 




Knita Tnrowlno. RapaSplnnint, 
Fanay Rif I* Shootlnfl, 

CowtMy Uarlat Oanoino. 

Cartotta f nenaii 



Cooper and Bartell 

la thair OoaMdy Playiat 

The Three Fondeliers 

N«««lty C«m«dy Acrebata 


aao. Palmar 

MOORE Mi ElliOfi 

PrmontIno a tjaoitlmata 

"A Matrimonial Sotetitatir 


Tl^e Billboard 


Unittual Activity Bdng Ma^fest^ Iv Pair Secretaries, 

Park Managers and Other Outdoor Amusement Pro- 
moters- — Pennsylvania May I|ave State Fair 


Colombo*. O.. Feb. 4 (Special to Tbe BDI- 
iKMTd). — ^With a program of ■pecches mud miulc 
tiM fonrtb Nstional Cora Exposition opcopd last 
WMk In tbe aodttoriam of the SUte Fair 
■toonda. President Fnnk. o( the National Corn 
Aaaoelatloa presided at the meetlns, (aTe a 
talk expIalniiiK the motlvea behind tbe exposl- 
tioo and lotrodoced the apeaken, GoTemor 
Harmon. Ma^or Manhall and J. Y. Baasel, 
■acrat ary of the Colnmbos Chamber of Com- 

Frnloas to tbe meeting Neddennjer's Band 
•C aii^ plecea save a concert, aaalatcd by 
mm Wllmlaa Bammen. Tocallst of ClAcln- 

Jta aodl- 
mm mil 

The Awr t» betas wdl patnalsed. 
■nrlnm where the apaaUac waa 
■Bad and Spellman'a - WHk 'Ohcna _ 
to Its capacity. Dollar' ■ajor parttoB of 

tbe aTenlnic the elales OK dtoiw a e j with alfht- 
aeera from Colambna and ontalde towna, 

Presldc^C Punk la hia opei>ln( addieaa ex- 
plained that tbe show waa broogbt to tbe peo- 
ple Id the hope of tietterloff asricnltnral eondl- 
tlona. "The poipoee of the show la to teach 
bow to aare the aon and better tbe prodact." 
Ha tkaaked -those who bad helped make the 
anosltlOB a aaeceas. 


• lacd 

Morse Miller la boUdlog a uuutUer of Di-n 

Charlie WUltaras Is frauluir U(i tn-o new shows. 
A. F. Oorman, who waa ip'uersl r«>proseaiatiTe 
of the abow last season, arrived from New 
York, where he was attending to some personal 
boslsesa, and baa doaed a contract to act aa 

general representatlTe again tbta seas o n . 
Sam Ach baa been eosaged 
K. Haddad, the XgfpUaa paloilBt. 

I opeoW day ^raa Oalomlras pur, and 
■■It tt-fr 

•TATE fMa^fOitj PCNI^^ 

Harrlabnnr. Pa.. Ian. 31 (Special to The BIU- 
board). — "Althongb PennsflTanla Is flfth Id ag- 
ttcnltnral wealth la the eonotrr. It has no State 
£alr.'* X. n.' Harmoo. editor of the Na- 
SMBH Mackasaa aad Farmer, et Pttt^org, last 
WMk, at lb* aaaiMl baaqnet of tbe fimr state 
BgHcnltoral. Itsfcatodc bortlealtanl ' aad . dalrr 
ofzanlzatlona. hdd In this cttr. **Wia-aead oaa. 
and wc need It badly. It will act aa • BltB»> 
lant. Wc do not ask Cgr agifl^ battw OMbtOa 
« BO aa a backing. SaA a alact aMMf Jliakr 
the state richer a hnadtad IWB and wmlfl In 
Is reality a loan. 

"I aimnally take In aboat eight Stste Fairs 
In Tarlona parta of the conntry." said Mr. Har- 
mon, "and at an of these I see many Pennsyl- 
vaala exUbtton and many visitors (lom Peim- 
•ylTanla. Some of tbe best exhibits and stock 
azafrom this state, and mncb Interest i« 
Bbnwil In them, hot I feel a cold chm going or, 
■rback when I am asked by the eihlbltors and 
mnots when PeansylTaala will bare its State 

Us left — "and tbe lawmakera leeogalae tlia i 
easalty for a fair la this state, and I want yon 
to xememher that when yoa take no -yoar pen 
wltb m bOI beCote 7a>-te tt wm MM aot or 
H_«Ma yaf . «' atate'.-Mr «oaid 
• »a 

aa promoter. 
__ patauat. Is bnlld- 

log the palmlat eaap. 
. darry Dcott will hi qaecn aad program agent. 

Win SplTen baa daaad en at iae U to be prlratc 

J. Broodle, the hlgb dlTcr, Is at wlnter.4ur- 
teni. havlnc his apparmto* pnt Into sliape. 

Mr. Barkoot has porchased Are new cars to 
add to hia Camlral Limited Special. The 
Barboot Shosra wUl fvm early and doae late. 

jwoK'oir 'DOOK -TAUCiiia. 

A book has been pobllBhed by tbe Progress- 
iTe l>oor-Talker«* Association, with otbcvs in 
El Paao. Tex.. sItIdk Instractlooa In snccefts* 
fnl door-talklnc. The door-talkcr has a KTt-at 
deal to do with tbe succesa or failure of an 
attractloD. and it Is the aim of tbe aottaora 
of the l>ook to pporlde the reader 
atloD that la of much ralne to htm. 


Canton. Miss.. Feb. 4 (SpccUl to Tbe Bill- 
board).— Tbe Madison Coontr Vtalr Aaaodatlon 
will hold ita fair October lT-21. _ Tbe meeting 
will lie aa acrlenltnzal, Uim 
mammt aa ~ 


ttir to ba I 

UHperata, fur a aaaiber of sfaMias past with 
Itai Willi Js llaiie>. la mhI u» have decided nol 
•• mora with iim "wwie itwa" tbta aeaauu. 
bat to be rcatwcit lb ioe aUMar aaaseaKat 
cirdea tuck aa 

J. MacB Umtaa 
wwd rark, at " 
wbo will 
raasat baCova 

Raok Jr,^ 
West ba«a bscb 
Porto Utco. Tbeae t»i 
lurv at l&ia exhibit. 

About March 1, the managen of I 
CouDi}'. Fair, which will he held at 
Teuo., Oe^u l:;-14,. will let contracts for 
sbuwb ana free altractioua to play their fair. 

Tbe fair at Douglas, Kan., will be held 
Octol>er 4-7. it IS piaoued by the falr'a man- 
agers to iKMk bouie altractiona that Imtv not 
been aaed by other fairs aear OoagUa. 

CARNivAi. Nwraab 

Jake ^ _ _ 

way atttawlaaa aa* anawiaaate tbe B. r. 
O. of Elks' ladaec Mr to be bdd at Itah««ar. 

la., Feb. B-18. 

Lew B. Brtetol baa doaed with Brown's 
Amaacmeat Conpaay aad la at Happy UoUow. 
Hot tetawb Ai£rwkaea ba.wU ai aia ln oatu 
May f ~ ; •■ 


Omaha, Xebr.. Feb. 4 (Special to Tbe BlU- 
t>oard). — H. P. Barnet. of St. Paul, has leased 
Manawa Park outright for five years from the 
street raUway company, and will mastge It 
principally In petaun. The lease proTidee that 
the street railway company shall bolld a new 
^ |.«»ii.g paTtUoo to cost $20,000. Other Improve- 
siiBii srSl alee be made. . 

or national al<l bo not f.irfhcomlnj:. the e!tlt(»n» 
are prt'pared to rai^e wtiaivvt-r addltlodiil 
moneys shall be rctiulitlti* for ttie tucco^fni 
undertaking of the ent<-rprUt*. A BuperrlMloc 
architect lias JURt t»ot'n »,-:i-<t<il. and leaillni; 
landscspc artists arc st work on pltni for Iro 
provemcnt of tbe 1.400 aire park wblcli Ii lo 
be the site of the fAlr. Varioua commtttet-, 
and an ezteaalvc puhllrlly bureao have been 
worklaK .ludaililnM|»; Ibr. crfetal aoattaa to 
further Ma. totetyTb jfcgMjwr Pby jytgt. 

• toMPMa arir wbra wis 


Lincoln, Neb., reb. 4 (Special to The Bill- 
board).— Caplloi Beach will have a new at- 
traction this season, namely, a Boman slylf 
of salt bath. The pool will be 130x300 feet In 
size, two to i-lRht feet deep, with runolnj; 
salt water from flowing wells. The scheme 
of Roman architecture will be carried out. 

A roller skating rink, with BOxlSO feet 
llooc anrface, will be auother new attractloa. 

J. Am Barkatalf will again have tbe aMB- 
agimmt at the fart. 


XawailL X. J.. Feb. 4 (8 
iat«).-^be mUalde Park 


T,.cl. a.d f'^^^^ tM^fl^l^ Ark 


South Wevmonth, .Mass.. Feb. 4 (Sneclal 
to The BlUboard).- Tbe Weymonth Agrlcol- 
tnral and Indatrlal Sodetv expended last 
aesaoli and this winter gl.OOO on mnirfaclofr 
tbe toack and pref>arlnc jrrnnnds for lease to 
a drlTlag dab wbleb win give matinees darlnc 
tbe acaaoa p eevlo ua to tke AH Ma. 

Tbe fair aodety win maba' ai'dtaBBe In en- 
tertalnmcnls. and fa place aT .the tcgolar 
stage diow a •trletly oat-«t-doscB prodiietloa 
wm be msde. It la believed l>r tbe Cair aaa- 
aacn that an attractloa wblcb local tbeatiea 
eeonot pat oa will bav* (leate tawiaK pawera 
than one whiefa cna be asaa-toflMV^ 
, Tlje dates of this asaaaalta Ibk to* Bspt. 


Sacramento. Cal.. Feb. 4 (Sperlsl to na 
BlllboanI). — ^Assemblyman I^ncb. San Fraa- 
Introdoced nine bills making anproi>rIa- 

Car tbe Iwiii'i rat of the State Fair 

Ai.. na MOa ladode tbe fdlowtng: 

VBanfactnilatc BtdMlmr. MO.OOO: combtn- 
'attott arand utand and eAIbltlon bonding. glOO.- 
Improve lawiw, gravd Ote walka. provide 
prot-ptlon and conatmrt nnUIe eaoToi- 
w. a^i.OOO: Woman'a BnOdlng. >30.000: 
dairy boUdlnr and dairr bama and e qulinnan t. 
1X1.000: poultry building.. fS.OOO; pemanent 
aaployea and occasion*! beln S0.900: pnrchaae 
aC land adjoining fair groonda. glO.000. 



WIn-trtn fti»|a>in. V. C. rM». 4 ntpectal to 
Tbp Pinboard). — Tfac^ Plo-dmont - Fair Amod- 
■tion Ik now arrwntrtnff for a icraitpr fair at 
thin plare w^xt fall. Oromula and htindlnipk 
are b^Inc entarjrM nod ImnroTed. i>nd other 
ntenal^e arranrpmenta ar*^ belne ma<1f. Wla- 
atoo-Salem. iDclndlnir aubnrhK. biiK now a pop- 
BlatJoD of 40.000 r«K}n]e v-*tb an tniiP''n«<~ back 
raaOfTT to draw fram. ft fa tbp nnrpose of 
tbe fair manairpinnit to h^rp a fnnr or Atp 
dajm* fair, ntnalnr dav and nliefat. and booklnir 

*>|g.>NBr^ ^ ^te a rttMMie 

F^k* Nai I Ml ra^ wMrtafs .fii^v caBaatwtisir 
<k* TMato. OMHaa aad Geaqrtn <»calt 
«■! Ml-a: toaaltoK ban to ai ta aa > dalto aad 


Mam>n. nm.. F-b. 4 fU'veial tn The Blll- 
banid).>— WarkBMB ta. aH . w pa iltl ia , agt bmy 
iSwte aa( is*ddlto7-aa# - fMato "tor tbe 
■bows wbleb win aa a^Jav wHft tbe SfWt 
Shows next a sssn. 'BRKe wmiama arrived 
from Chtragn and baa atarted palntlag aad ea- 
taralnK his Mamto SbeW. 

Balnh {ftnlth arrived fnrn Detroit, aad Is 
bnndlnr a besnHful aeir mitia tnaft tat bla 
Crazy ITonae and Is palattv aai toeMMMac bis 
Katarnjammer Raiitle. • ' . 

State FUr Is held annually. 

, . A Urat-dasa eanlval 

. , win be aangcd. Itils company wUl 

eltber bay tbe prt vBcgt a or play on percent- 
No free attractions will be booked. 


^ Mcb.. Fd>. 4 (Spedal to The 

. . I. — Plans are being tanned to bold 

a aHBl-ccstennlal celebration here for a week 
dactas the month of Angnst. lovitatloiu will 
be aent to President Taft. and Governor Os- 
bom, of MIdilgan, to be tbe guests of bonor. 

An executive committee of live — Dan_Crow- 
1»^ ^ T^fiM.J^ '^s|>i8isd*le' 

mkiR DATaa cuuMMa 

Monesaen. Pa.. Fleb. 4 (Special to Ttie Blll- 
tward). — At the aanaal meeting of the West- 
monland Agricnltoral Society the Adlowlng of- 
flcen were elected for the essnlag year: ii. 
P. Shoemaker, president: F. D. Bamhart. vlce- 
nteeldent; D. B. Fisher, tieaauie t and W. F. 
Holtier. secretary. 

Tbe fair wOI be beld on T^sts da y. WMtoi 
Tboraday and Friday. Sept. 5, 6, T aM 

• al 


West Blocton, Ala., Feb. 4 (Special to Tbe 
Billboard) ^— ^j**"! TfOc af^Hed Jj^^^'J 

la duirmaa aC toa aaapMMa to dbMia aC ar- 

PAm Noraa. 

The Germantown Fair, vrfalefa this aeason 
will be held Angoat 23-28. at Gennantoam. 
Ky.. Is strictly an agrlmltoral fair. It la tbe 
oldest In tbe State. thf« k^ahod being Its 
flfty-aeventh aunnal meetlDK- Tbe amn a emeot 
privileges are sold to one firm, and the re- 
freshment privileges sold st sactloo. 

Improvements wUl be msde on the grotsnds 
snd buIldlDits of tbe Canbr. Minn.. Fair Com- 
pany for this SAason's fair ai>d race meeting, 
wblcb will be held October 3-0. Secretary 
FIraak B. Millard atatec be experts lb* eonlag 


Deam. CoL. Feb. 4 (Special to Tbe Bill. 
boanl).-^laar tepsoveawnts are being msde at 
Taieilto Fsak tor watt summer. Ttie osraers 
win apead ftOO,dW before the season opens. 
The greatest Improvement will be a giant Rac- 
ing Coester. the longest In tbe world. The coo- 
ceaalonalres are Joslah Pierce & Sons, of Pltts- 
bOTg, and the Ingetsoll Cnnstroctlnn Co. are tbe 

Another feature will be the Baby Incubator, 
put In by the Incubator Co.. of New York City, 
the iltst to be placed In a Western Park. 

Have Just flnlahed a new band stand costing 
$4,000. Pelio Satrlaoo and bla band wlU be the 
attractloa for the aeasou. 

Other novelties will ladode tbe Oae-Rlng 

CiTcaa. IHar magaia FUI^ Her ~ 

— — - 


We will add two other big 

Autos and a Trip Through the Alpa, balfe ritoa 
being pot In by onr company. 

Lakeside is a town In Jefferson county. Colo- 
rado, located Just at the county line of Denver 
eoonty (the city and county of Denver being 
one), and la owned by tbe Lakeside Realty & 
Amusement Co. Its olBcers sre all employes of 
tbe park. Mr. Cbas. Kelsa Is msyor and head 
baok-kaeper at tbe park: Mr. J. Me. D. Uvcaay. 
0tf tttitntj, la also atloraey for tbe perk: Mr. 
Max Xasy, police Jndge and bead gate-keeper at 
tbe perk, while the Board of Aldermen In- 
rlode Mr. Ernest Aiken, Mr. Issdore Mossbolde^ 
Mr. H. A. OasUfsoa. Mr. Tboe. Fltsgerald, Mr. 
Wm. Caahlta aad Mrs. Kiaisl AUaa. all em- 

San Diego. Calir. Feb. 1 (Special to TIm- 
Billboard). — ^Dlreetora of the Panama ('all 
fnrals Kximsltbm Compeay aaaert that the Han 
Fltaaelaea-Maar Oriaaaa aialMBinv will ant af 
fee* Ike Btoaa aC toa -ato - Mwa araaalaatlon 
for Hi* iCnralr M as U to a t a Se opening of 
Ibe Paaana Canal. Aa Ibe toat AmerlraB 
port on the Westera aide at tbe eoatlneat. San 
DIegnaa feel that It la l a c a aibe M t apea them to 
cooimemorate In some wav to completion of 
the big ditch, and two milllrms have been suli- 
scr'lied or secured by bonds for tbe local ex- 
paallloo. Sbaold Ibis be laaaadeat. s»l alale 

pat SB Ua asm show Ibis year. It win be a 
wQd vaat and vanderllle combination, ftir 
wWeh tbe paraphernalia has already been pur- 
chased, snd other preparatloaa are bdai 
An admlsnlun price of ten ceata will be^i 
Tbe aCTalrs of the park win - 
In charge of W. E. Thaller. 


We are tbe low- 
est price wbnla- 
aale Jewdty aad 



W^olaaaJs Jawalajs, 

IM-MI E. Kaillscn StT«at, CUeagn, IIL 


J, SmltH 3247VaitStuiBnSt Chia^ap 



SetiA for free llloitrated Il»t of good*. 
T. a. MOTT CCl iS il? tLLIlM^ ST, diUM, I 


FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Ttie Billboard 


I init-clMa baalt 001 
WOBK. mine wmt Mr i 


^ OK 
ir (or 


Aitiianlirs loial ItiSu Bui if SiWsts 

tire beru the modcal iwiiMUaB at Chicago. 
Cl«Tilisd, Tonato ana naoloa'* Faiat (or Ibe 
put two years. Tbrj ara oovapaa far acso- 
tuilofu for tba coaliir aprlac aad MBwar aca- 
' ~ Mrtlea akoald. coBMBicalc 
< K FUBIAKO. in Fowna 

wttk rl( 


«r as piMca mote ar In*, it apni (or' osase- 
Biralii. Clrena, carnival or cuocert per c«a- 
iracl. All ezprrienced luinlclana. BxtnialTe 
Ubnrr. Vor furtb«r partlcul&rm. «iMr««s G. 
GEUNO, Baiidoaitrr, 430 lOtb St.. New Ken- 
tiaftoa. Pa. 

MBX TO TralK— t at* IdtowUH. a beaatltDl 
m»t, eoniiitiDc of teu aem. alao pitstr at 

•atcr for boaM««. pavUtaa SOxSO fact, I 
i«oa 24x40 fret. (Tooada arc electric usbt«4; 
•las caatalBi einb bouae, one handred tad fortr 
tocketa. The Kenton Coontry CInb pays $S.OO 
ea«h member per year. X^ake la one and ose-half 
mll«s North of Kenton. Ohio. Popnlatlon 12,000, 
Ik prlTlipte leaaed to a eoapasy At* j»m tot 
laoO.OO per jeir. Here la I blx barxalB for the 
Hfbt min. For further parttrrjlmT^. address 
A. V. SALISBI'BV, Keaton. Oblo. 

UUh HCd: « feet In diaoeter, 18 aectloaa. 21 
boneo, 4 coacbea. 4 boats, aeala la all 
people: a Ur(e mltttary Itand ersan, 
cylinder enftne and boiler on a track, 
•ttkra, stake pnller and tooln. all In Brsi-cltss 
eaodltlOB. It Is latest make; cable runs beneath 
HatforiD. Alw atll alx Japanese Rdlliur Ball 
TiMcK. Call and lonfc lame over. No mafl 
•uwerod. WUI sell for half price. KREMBR. 
^4 11th Are.. Ions Island City. N. Y. 

Tie Ne EG Wheel 

FOR 1911 

Is the boned down 
e aa en cr oC awchanl- 
cal akin eoaibtnisl 
with years of ex- 
perleaca. oa the road 
and la the shop, to 
build the best 
nmuKviuent wheel 
»^Tcr pnt op, AND 
WE no. We bara 
happily eom- 
blned the beaoty of 
with the tdlabllliy of cunxiructloa, 

. .«•». tba eye and al!«i >uni«flr» the 

••■•e of abiotnte aatety. .V plcarurc to own 
KSd otienitp one of thew lUonvy-Bt'tterA, which 
jrr In uMf rrum CsDstla t<> 8oatb Africa. Write 
for new price list and advaun' Intomalloo for 

mL zu unos coarMnr., bm ms-b. 

IM PKnE'Rl l ll^ 


The picttuefi are 

toned and Onlabed !■ a 

all- devHopla* aotntlOB. Clr- 
rulani dfacrlblac onr ma- 
rhlmw sent free. AMZU- 

CAir nm uT i: photo oo.. 
Dept. X. H.. no vr. itth 

street, Ohioaco, 111. 


fO-V> a 1.000; lean than 
a 1.000. TO crnia a 100. 
Prauios. like cut. $1,19 
per atroaa. We aell all 
■opplleM (ar aUaata pic- 
tare maehlaea at a cat- 
rate prtre. Prtco Uat asM 
itratla.. a^Batc IM* 



inZS^St *!?' mnM. RoiIdc (AUintle 

i«jri.'».j . ""'I'" "■nani.-le.l. leatheratle np- 
nnit. . , ^*!*- "lulpnxut and twita caapleie. 

"nut hr ln(i,ra>iiA«.t — - .- — — ■ — 

"J fi Mlalatati^ 
; fl.Jfio. Mnat Ix* MkUi at < 
""imr. Bid*. «ri5i " 


If a riding device carries a large number of "repeaters," its favor with pas- 
sengers is fully demonatrated. DurinK one day laat summer, the collections for 
the second rides on a Frolic were 43% of the receipts at the ticket booth. 

Give ua your order for a FROLIC or CIRCLE SWING now. so we can have 
your manhhw w d b ' . bar «ho epeBingaf ti n w m ob. .. 


2 Reeter St., New York 

The Gieat 






Elevea Years of Phenomenal Snccess 



Feature Bands with Feature Acts, Soloists, Yoeal and 
Instrumental Quartettes, Comets, Trombomes. and 
Saxophones. Special terms for Circuits. 


Gaie Bniboard, ClniHmiati, O. 


tar.laM| l li MnHif 

Apply for Further Oatas 

JOHN JOVINE. R«prM«ntativ«. 

Room SO*, KnlokartoookarThMtra Building 
14B» Bi ua i l way. ... 


IWf aple Beacli Park 




■I — t «s tokMt «r Mlar* Bist 


"THE CASINO" foMo; oiito; 

■MM. Ut «a 
oaa or the btal mart s ca the Otcat 

IVpartmcat The Toledo BaBwaya tt Ught Oompaay.' 

CMSbis-rScHNC |invs--CMpilite M 

mm NMuu 


~ KATnTiaMTii 

I aaaohina aanad SIS.IM.CO In >S waaha ia IM8 
1 maeUse eanad il7,B4S.C0 ia 19 waaka la IMS 
1 maeUns earned tl6,<9S.C0 la >B weeks ia ISOS 
1 maeUaa saniad tlS.OlT.CO In ST waaka la 190T 
1 machlsa aarssd SIS.ISS.OO In ST waaka ia 290* 
1 machine earned {I8.I41.C0 la U weeks la ISO* 
1 machlna earned |1S,U1,I0 in tS waaka la UM 
AhoTs Scnxaa will ha mlSad ta sraagaetiva aai> 
toMia. Witts ftt aatalww aa< idsi* to 

a w. PARKER 





1«7 DMrbern Str«*t, CHICAGO. 



ted. Woold Uke to hear from Artlata aad Boad Showa at aU Umaa. 
W., Vkaaa TIML 

New portable, pateated ball game attractloii. 
Quick earser at oatdoor packs, fairs: Indoor 
accMaory to bowline, Pod raooia, ahootloir nai- 
lery; alMO adapted for adrertlalna. Wlodlcf 
sprlDK motor Inside flgure of clotDed lifelike 
ball player, each welEhIng ISO lbs. makes 
catcher':* hands and bat. targeta. move op and 
down sn hour. Set op anywhere; stopn crowd. 
Rental, tl a day for 4 mo.; 60c a day fur year. 
Value S500. Qturanty for return must be en- 
dorsed by two I 


Uiiil fidhriis, llini^Mnlik 
Olltr MnNiFmtai Mcts 



tnnq Simt. Ii. Jtnmh, I. T.. I. S. I. 

< •' -•■^j. ''^^■a.; _-,:<v^«. 


la the lale*t InTcntluu and tbo catchiest 
fSMP—MBCT" rtdinc deTli<e In iioe. Qnlckly 
aer 9. aa* tatea doarn. loexpenslTe to ooer- 
altr aad ta tsaHpart ArpM place to place. Jast 
the tUac fl» caiabal sat Aow compaales. Alan 
a tip top ■Mmnafeer te saiks aad ii sa tts . , 
rot price wmM iiiM^tlci HI fir, write 

~ MtkulLIsMk 



OppoaHe Ctadaaall. Ohio, Now booklas c«a- 
cvasloBa for aeaaoa IStt. Write na abont a Shoot 
the Chntea or Water Chotes. OSarInc a naTSl 
spectacle with from 8 to ao batUeahlna aad laea 
STwar. JM*— WBAYXB, tj&m, Ky. 

Xtie etllboard 


Brief Outlines of Stories Told in the Latast Productions of 
. . the Patents and Sales Companies — Release Dates 
and Lengths of Subjects Are Given 


edjr; released Feb. 8: lenetb 

1.000 feet) A yomg men and 

I a yoanir Rlrl are deeply In 
More bat ontortunately so bash- 
' rot that tliey are almoat t<v> 
tlmfd to Hpeak to each other. 
As St. Valentine's day ap. 
proachrs they both see a way 
to dedan tbelr aeotiments by sendtnc eacb 
■Otfcsr m. tMAQtlral .ralentlne, bat la dolns tbl4 
tfear m nnfartmiate, Inasmocb aa they select 
tm TsknttMa which an Identical In appear- 
nw.aad ftad vtacOr'aUka. Tbe last two llaes 
Mat MM Iwck thto tender token, U 

yoa wtU not marry me." Upon reeelTins the 
Talenttnes each Is nnder tbe Impresalon that 
the valentine has been returned and tbe tender 
'orertore of affectlonn rejected. Sadly tliey 
leave the boarding bonse, at wbJch t>otb made 

their home. By some coincident tbey flnd 
OiemaelTes aide by side in a street car. Com- 
tnx race to face saddenly, a Jott Ot th* ear 
eaoses both Talenttoca ta dnp aat M 
tlon follows, with the MHtttat. ttV'MM ** 
an onderstandlnff. 

HIS FIBOT CO.M&nSSION' (drama: teleasid 
Ftob. 10: len«rth BOO feet).— This picture tells 

a story of Abraliam lilncolQ. In the flmt M*cne 

Uncoln glrea a joane priTate a commission as 
" ' 'In iMt he ilw bwtows tbe com- 

. . . .. Btatea 


i would 

like to (o ind ■•• b«r. tat wboie eominuidlnK 
oOeer tella htan that be most report tot duty 
and stay by tbe post. This aeldler fa the ooe 
Tad personally relleyes. Tbe prlvete demon 
at the command to- leave bla jpoet, bnt beinc 
shown the commlsIoD, be flnaUy acGepts tbe 
■Itnatloa and Koe« to visit his little wife. Of 
course bis sbseoce Is noted and be Is atre rt ed. 
bot when bis ttory la beard Lincoln motlooii 
him back to bla post, where tittle Tad bas 
Callen asleep. 

THE RAJAH fdrams; relesse Feb. 14: lenxth 
1.000 feet). — Hnsh Wmcot, a yoonc Enallsh 
oOcer. has been left a fortune and the jraardlBu- 
■btp ot a Toons woman. The Utter resents 
the Idea that a stiansar and ■ yoanc man be 

•na* that tiw —Mm hM baan 
■ad that the »lnae, whl^ ai 
ahlat Moiese ot ucome. aze^ ■ 

appointed aa her pcotsctor. Xbeee < 
la India. When wiacot airlTta In England be 

baa baaa badlr nanaced 

axe one of tbe 
B practical atage 
tha men bcfnt on itnke and under 

»Iaadetahlp of an exnwnvlct. Wyncot. by 
adnlnble handllnie of affairs, brituro back 
the Dffn to'work at fair waj[es. dlKchargtng the 
eKonTlct leader. Tbia man determines opon 
revenge, bnt Wyncot's aeneroBlty to him Is too 
mncfa and he congTatulates the gtrl opon her 
goardlan and Intimates that he msy become 
more to her. an intimation which Is spparently 
about to be foUUled aa tbe story ends. 

(cooiedrt isisaasd rsb. 
T; lenan B8S f*at).— 
Perry WsUa. aa arttat, 
falla fat love with 
Grace AUIaoa. and the 
match Is agreed to. 
Perry Is thoroughly 
devoted to bis pros- 
P4.^'tlve bride, bnt at 
rrrtaln periods ot the 
time he Is so pressed 
' «dth wark^that. It ap- 

Isaa gM that ha ia 
ta oaea an tha Una 

hla atndlo. He aap 

keep his stndio tidy, 

mle, early In the monlnir batata tha artist 
arises. One noraing whUe the asgress Is 
hasy dnstlng sad sweeping snd Perry Is still 
la dieamland. Miss Allison calls up over the 
telephone. She Is dismayed when, we beara a 
woman's voice at tbe other end of the Ilae. 
Tbe voice informs her that "thia la Mr. Walla* 
" — and at that bonr of tbe momlnr! 
the voice says tbat Ifr. Wells Is 

, _^ Ulss AlUsoa banga op tbe receiver 

witb a "bang, thocougbly eoraged. for she Is 
ConOdent that Perry ta a contemptible deceiver. 
She tetnma the rmc with a curt note to the 
loeklesa artlat. It Is some time befne Perry 
can fathom It out. ' tmtll the negro maid con- 
fesses, when 4ie makes her accompany bim to 
his fiancee's bouse, where, happily, explana- 
Heoa are aada jud. the rinc la tcttmad to 3Hss 

(comedy; released Feb. 7: length 423 feet).— 
This Is a comedy jon tha same reel with A 
Woman'a Yalaa. BUv> a . ttaTCUag aateo- 
man, is oat aa tha iaad. whaa ' hn. la aal i aa a 
telegram from his vrlfa atathig that ahe la 
<lying. Bixby makes a dssh for home.' but 
upon bis arrival there be duds bis wife bale 
and henrly. The accident is explained when 
Mrs. Blxhy tells him tbat the orlelnal tele- 
gram bad read: -**My dear Frank. Come home 
at once. I am dying to see yon." Tbe tele, 
graph operator, with the wladom ot Solomon, 
had eat oS the laat three wards la oMar. to get 
the'manaca lato tbe ten- word limit; 

lease Feb. 11: lenslh 1.000 feet). — When pretty 
UoUy Msrtia comes oat to tbe West to tmch 
school ihe Is beset by inaw -mC ' 
the BMSt penlstent and the least 
••Bad" afiOrew. tan tfdBf a _ 
wortblen scamp. His attentions are offensive 
to tha girl, bnt so thoiongbly cowed are tbe 
other town gallants, tbat UcOrew has bl* 
owa way. UcGrew leaves town for a trip Into 
the monatalns and daring bla absence Harry 
Perkins, a yonng V. S. deputy marshal, comes 
to town ' snd is Immedlstely smitten by tbe 
pretty school teacher. When McGrew returns 
and learns Perkins' Jamplog tbe lore claim he 
sends a note Informing Perkins of bis desire 
to see him. Perkins makes bis call and at the 
end of a most dramatic acene snaps the band- 
colls on his rival's wrists, pcodoeios ciadentlsls 
sbowlas that McGrew la wa^M tgr Jka aarem- 
meat BBtbseltlaa for emn5Wl«r* Malfia aot 
only wlaa the gM. bat a atfMaMW taward 
for tha atvtna a( lleOMr. <' > . 

((3eorge Klelne.) 

(Trlck.comedy ; released Feb. 4; 
length. S3T feet). — Jiggers makea 
a record as a most rapid worker, 
when bis sweetheart la looking 
an Ha IralMa wall^ dlca holes, 
eanlea atooa aad . onrtar at s 
rata aavar haCoaa aeeaavUahad by 
maa; he aaally btaate all rswds. 

TRLAN TTBOI. (aeaale; Ntaaaat IVb; 4; length, 
43S feet).— This fllm'la aa aacartloa to aaa ot 
Bnropa's moat beaatUhl ahow places. It abowa 
a wud mountain tenant mahlaa thnagh a nar- 
The scenes aaa: Tha Lamr T " 

the Great fall,; tfea'WlP 

theSanaafW. i 
minaatd at a^t. 


' Uli 

£aa. A 


T^W (Coaia^: lalaaasd tab. 
n: lenKtb, — taat)<— A yanag 
mail j>roralaed bla brMe-ti^be 
that they would make their 
borne with her dear (CVkkI 
mamma. "Alfa well thst Ends Well" — bnt 
the soft glldlnic running cesr of true love aooo 
begins reeelvUiK joltA — and Anally the young 
bnsband packs hag and baggage and retires 
peacefnlly to the turpentine camp to work and 
forget' his tash pnmuas, A telagram summons 
him home aal e h a new aiilval..' Ia. hla anx- 
iety to reach tha RnMIaBt haM,'ha ancoanten 
obataeica at tma tain, hat flaally anceeeds — 
w here w a_ see a ha^ff, tsad tath^. 

TUeLma (Drama: adaasad Nbl O: length, 
— feet). — 'Rielma ta altttng on the ellira over- 
looking, the sea. Saddenly Tbelma sees a_yacht, 
which proves to be tbat of Sir Fh.'^ ' 
too, who Is crnlstng tbe Northern 
lands with bla chnm. Sir Oeorge Lorlmer. Th« 
ask tbe nstlvcs the wsy to Oiaf Oolldaiar'a 
home. They proceed to tbe VIklng'a bouse. Sir 
Pblllp knocks St tbe door, which Is opened. Olef 
greets them cordially and takes a strong fancy 
to Sir Philip. He invites the two young men to 
dinner. Jjiter oo. Sir rnilln asks Olsf for the 
hand of ThelniM. and la accepted, niey are 
married and sail for England. A year bas 


him, places a letter arhera'Vaalma can see It. 

Tbe letter pretends to be In answer to Sir Pblllp. 
Tbelma finds tiie letter, resds It snd goes to her 
room. Her hesrt Is breaking and she makes 
pp ber mind to go back to her father. She 
writes a noto and leavea at ones. Arriving 
home she finds her father dying. She tells him 
of ber nnhspplness. Sir Philip follows quickly. 
Olsf demands an explanation ot Sir Philip. He 
gives It and plainly shows tbat the whole trouble 
was from the machinations of a Jealous woman. 
Sir Pblllp and Tbelma are reconciled. 

release Feb. 12: length, — feet). — Tony. Pedra 
aad una. Capila ata aU ' — 

New Economy Transformer 

(For Alternating Current) 

Delivery after Febnuoy 15. Desi^etl to maet s univenuil demand for 
I ftmn of aatiafaotoiy eurtent-aaviiig devie* at a low price. Made for a 
ijot40ampHm,vitBt45vtitB»ttb» m. For » list of the 
" idgscifiptlTguigiatMw. 

'71" UkMlfe,'INLi' ftpiiPi'li' Ja 

Cowboy and Intlian Frontier Cel«I»^plten ^ ?~ 'tTr^-^i^-ySfrt^^ 
Oldfield- Johnson Auto Race >» ■ ■ ■■ « »■« » '"'^»!^^ 
National Military Tournament Thraabigiaais.'SiJSaa 

Mjijan C§Ml9T-JMflum Caaal ry. r raw H *( 

^ Wiia fot 

TWELVE aBBLS. two ahlpaoaU. wtth 

vou PAY cxransaaB both ways 






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Biggest Independent Film Renting Concern in the UNITED STATES today. BUYING almost the entire Independent 
Output. Itelineooe>-rSALES 00., Ill R 14ih St., Ne^Tork; Uyon aib tookiiigftlraroal FttmSerW drop us a line. 


Tl^e Billbofircl 


■, i-ln-us belonKliiR lo the futber of the Utter, 
iiiiili nii'n are •nltor« for tie hmad «f the JOODB 
., «.n «f tho arene. Pt*o U Umni bT the 
failK-r. which la contranr te tU wlrtij^ C«- 

.reylou. to the aaillag of tiM itaow for America, 
•rue undaanted lo»«r. boworer, takn •■■ opfor- 
taut paasace for tho SUtM, aadflaaUr while 

Mile. Ceprio from W tbe 

lofurtated anliMU. ■aMgHOM M -n 

rillailM V ,. . . 


UAN (Draoa: NlMMd 
W»h. Ss leostb. — «.»— 
BappUr aiM CMtMtr"~ 
^'■arrM. tbe haw •( 
atorr !■ IlTlBC la oa* of 

_ , • citlea. sarronnded br «n lb* aeces- 

Mir MMftrtt of home. Lnred br tha ficatrr 
paaaMUdM of weallb In tbe metropolla. bo coea 
nMK* sad aoon anila hlmaelt In the cwlrl aad 
•■Ml at Welety ana the etock rzcbaoav. Bla 
irlfo la MrrM in the Tortez of hrldice whlit and 
.iMorlallona with the "amart act." The bm- 
Imnil, In tbt' piimult of wealth, bla wife In the 
purault ut plennurr. their rklld ne(lrcle<I, and 
-oon thvn.' la an InaepiraUe irolf between their 
rominon Intereita of domeiUellr. DlicODlent aM 
iinbapphiraa bar* tabea poaae aal oa Of Iboir one* 
liappr home. The eraab cornea: tbo bnabaad la 
ralnni ami eoalemplatra atirdaatractloii. Bla 
wife Irani* of bla falliir*. cone* to bla np- 
parr, obaera anil mmfortii blm» pleadlna for the 

•ake of tbeir rtilld to h»r — 

n««r. Clitpl'iR hia lOTtHl 

reeolTe* to atari orer aK*la, aad 
•Mat rather tbaa riebca. 

A aataa mm a DAT (OooMdy: nltaaed 
m. 4: l*g(tk. 1.6W (Mt).— At t ewk BrMtct 

MrSweenoy feels frrr mnrb dlarontented. 8be 
baa a aneaklnir wsnrtl tor Ilelnrlch Vondlddle- 
bach, the Krorcr, who la Tcrjr much In lore with 
hrr. nrtdffi't come Into po^M'tialon of a fortune 

from an iiuelp who «]lt*J lii AuMtralla : nhc 
cMe9 to llTf aa becooKii one of bcr rast wifaltb 
She bur* a home, makea a hid for aorlotjr, and 
atlraria manjr elesaat (entlemrn of preteaalon 
aoil ttllr. who laj alefce to ber heart In hope of 
aalnlag her forliiBO. Helnrlrb doea aot fir* np 

Bwrnrali blwMf. wW a.Mtawlair 

i« pleaalu for tb* 
■p aad besia Ufe 
W (• Ml iHWt. k( 

aad daoka Maaelf Mt air •^Tbo' Ktaa 
«r ctoaer Isiaad." He prtatat* hlnstlf to \tv 
fair BrUlgrt. vbo Imncdfatelr falls lo bla roral 
blkkasaa. Tbcy are bsttM and aooa abe dlacor. 
eni that abe iMa been doped and- captured br li«*r 
old friend Relnrlch. What follows ber dlsrorrrv 
woiiM \» a shiiD» to tell when It Is so well ami 
lancblnKir presented In this rlrb comedr- 
TIIE DBLCOR (BIbllral drama: n-lraami rvi>. 

T: Ifiidb. MT fret).— This Is a Biblical drama 
performed 3317 rears B. C. a picture of the de- 
alraetlOD of tbe world b5 « flood. The Lord. oi>- 
stTTtaa tbe wickedness of the world, decides to 
dratror li. He lostnicta Nosh to bnlld sn srk, 
or boat. Iti wblcb he snd his thrw nooa. bla wife 
and fhoir wiTea lake refua*'- 11^ I" told to 
like Into tbe ark twn of each kind of all IIT' 
. lag malom. Naah dnr« a* bo Is laid: lb» rata 
' dastaads apoa tba aarib, eeeorlait It witb watar. 
aad tbe peopio aw dss t ra y ad. bat Noab. bis 
anas aad thilr famllirt are aafad. Aftar tmtj 
daxs or laaadallaa tba watar anbaldea. Noab 
acads oat a dora tram tbe ark; It tetaras with 
sa ellre branch In Ita month. After a abort 
period tbe src rrsia on Mount Arsrst: Noah re- 
leaaes sll the Inmate* from the srk: be sad bis 
aooa and tbeir wires build an altar onto tbe 
l.ord. and mak<* aacrlAre and offer up pra,Tcr and 
tbankaiclTlnc for their dellTcrsnce. The Lord 
sets a talabow la tba a^aa a pioaslaa tbat ba 

SO PKVBB (OoaMdrs 
aaed Psb. 6: lai|Ctb. 061 
«t).— Mas att s a d a a bas- 
ic boot aad eai w a 



3|B INO PKVBB (OoaMdrs 

^^^^^^^^^H home Terr .ww.~— 
^■I^^^^V abont tbe spett. Oa bla 
war borne ba pofCbaasa 
^^^^F V ■ poaeblng bs(, and at- 
^ tacblog It to tbe ebsa- 
aat Jft^ MS* dellrr. proceeds to bresk 
^^Mi up bouaekerplng. IIow- 

errr. he dnallr becomes 
,_. proflclrnt. snd one fine 

alabt. wbea Uss bss looked too loox npon the 
Wlat wbea It la red, be cbsUsafes hia frlrnd 
to a pnRlllstle cacoaatar. Bla (Haod accepts, 
sad there la Iba laataataat tttr pat aa tba 
clorea. sad fsr aknt twMtrWBMa baUbar 

TVi.""^ oBBNciMilr. wBl «mm«p atac to 

Introdnced. bccaaaa tba twa MB Mfe twar nnar 
>ksies dnrtac tba aatirt itMrt. 

AN luiTATOB OP motipni lOntl ~ 

nhich the hero triea ta aMriate 
din oc his fsBHms tuibt taaa waFi 
ara with dlaaalnma rSMOltSTr ' 

i.K<:.\u.Y DEAD (Ocaaat MtaiMd rab. 8 
l«.i:th l.oop feet)._A^SS'iJSB»l»artaa 
r^?- .■■'OBEh abe losaa aaolbar. jrtalda 
^.11 • "'•>>. A rear Utar Staalar » 

l^lfi. '.T*' '<> nuarrj wMA ha awaa aad to 
horled beneath hnndreda of toaa of nek bp a 
ptemature blaat. HIa forcmsa sends a tristram 
JL^i" ..^•*"'"'- telling her of tbo ttagle death, 
tor he doesn't know thsl Stsnler was protected 
"J's great mass of rock, snd thsl whsn be re- 
corers conselonsaess he Bnds a way out to the 
opposite alda of tba monataln. Tba awfnl abock. 
.^^.^'•w''" «**«l lH" of bto ■•■err. aad be 
doesn't know who he la. IfaaBiisa br klad- 
\i.'^'S '•'/;•• ?."•"' a toralr «lrl aod 

ni.?. HflP"' • ktwtcb of mmu bto wife 

h. SJf*' boat, but wboa ba arrises 

fr.v„'t" «n»mert agalB. and his 

fstbcr ln law. getting a Iswyer on tba Job, Snds 
..1 ■* .*"''7 '^"1 absent orer sesen yesrs 
Slid Is legjUy rtp,j, making bis wife's mar 
riaijc Icjal. He returns to bla aaeood wife, and 
all live bappiir erer after. 

loP]^ ''"^^1^'^ UniDE (Drama: releaacd Feb. 
m.'Ji. * fcetl.^bo tale opens with a 
marriage after which, sa wss the custom, the 
sueaia nisy games In and oat of the ruins of 
•>"■•••• seeking some hld- 
liJnnSK^' ""nders away alone and floallr 
1 h^/ """'ife floor, whicb clicks shut be- 
.i. 1 mIu •'»»»<> tarrMad. and 

wool shJ'?.'" P"»«t» Ilka ba» owa. a skel 

iS^"i,»5l»tka taa 

capes br tbe aid a( a Uitaa. la bsat Mt la tfea 

aim Itself. 

scrlptlie: released Feb. 10: length. 180 feat). 
— An Interesting mii.iary picture, showing tbst 
Chill has s moat effectire armr. 

SILVER LEAF'S UEART (Drams; relessed 
Peb. 11; length, 1,000 feet) Silver Lesf. a Ut- 
ile Indian maid. Is ssred from a cruel beating 
St the hsnds of one of ber tribesmen br Bob 
Stercaa. a laocbman. Angered at bto hamllla- 
tloa. tba dtograattod ladJan calla oa bu tribe 
to aaaaga tba iaaalt, and la eoosaqtiaaca. the 
Statraaa earateada to ambosbed, aad Steraaa' 
little dsngbtor. Annette, Is csrrled off. wblle 
aterens hlmsrlf. Is badly stnnned by a blow on 
tbe head. Cowboya ride hotly In pursuit of 
the Indlsna. but lose tbe trsll, snd Sterens, re- 
covering cooaclousneis, rides slone In sesrch of 
his child. Finally be comes upon Sllrer Lesf, 
whom be qoeatlooa. Sbe tells blm where bis 
cblld U, but wsros blm not to go near the 
camp snd that she will bring blm Aooette tbst 
alght. He consents to wslt, snd Ister Sllrer 
Lesf appears with tha Ilttla girl. She eau not 
retorn agala to bar pcopla, bowarar. ao the 
bona baa to eanp tbtaa ap la tha. mad ride to 

WAR STOBT iDrams; 
relesse Pabmsrr IS: 
lenstb. fevtt. — One 
sttciaooa. fa aa old- 
faihioafd llTlng room 
of a Sootbem borne, 
two TOooR ladteM l>eff 
Grandmother to tell 
them of Grunrtfalher. 

Grandmother smiled, 
and told tbem the fol- 
iDwIng story: "Be- 
fore I met blm, your grandfather was In tbe 
Coofederste Secret Service. Reinic ao sxpert 
telegraph opcrstor, be wsa detailed to tap tbe 

wires that coaaaettd two Union headquarters 
and aceura what adaaaea lalaiaMlloa It was pos- 
sible to. obtala. ■ She naiaa adirira srata greatly 
worried aboat tba laaiata of iBportaal orders, 
and detailed a iqnad ta laapect tbe telegraph 
Uaes. In the meaatlna tb* Yankees planned a 
decor n»easacs to send orer the wirea with i 
view to holding the operator who hsd lieen sor. 
rrptltlonslr obtaining loformstloo Intended only 
for tbe union forces. The messsge resd: 'Be 
resdr to recelre Important dlapatch late this 
erciuag.' Cnsnspectlngly your grsodfstber re 
turned lo bis post to await the passing over the 
wire of the Importsnt message referred to 
when all of ■ aoddeo a drtacbment of Unloa 
aoldlera awooped down npon him and be certainly 
illd hare a narrow escape. He got away, bow 

"Mother and I were making a new frock when 
anddenly tha door burst open and a Confederate 
ahldler staggered Id. Id t few words be loM 
ns be waa eloaelr pnrsned. snd ssked us to hide 
hira. Altbongb s strsnger to ns his nnlform 
waa a psisport to^dny house In the South. We 
bad just sneeeaded In hldlnc him when the 

Tsnkee aoldter*. who were bo! nn liiti trail 
rasbeil Inlo the house. They wen> <iii;iM.- to rtnd 




A "War Stoiy" with a STORY, 


The beauty of the present theme lies !ar|^ 
ly in its simplicity. Is there anything 
simpler to imagine than that the death 
of a mutual loved-one should bring to- 
gether enemiesT With this as the central 
Idea, the picture tells a iQoral that is worth 
something. No. 185. Code Word, SAKE. 

or FRIDAY, FEB. 17 

Svitlsuee** Bxposed 

carries a message and a lesson to those who 
value the "circumstantional evidence" 
process by \\ hich so many convictions are 
obtained in our criminal courts. The 
worth of "drcmnstantional evidence" is 
to bie carefully weighed and considered 
by nil fair-minded people, and we are glad 
that tU* imI will Iwtax aMMj^ttmtion to 
it. No.' IW. ' Code Word, CHECK. 


Now Get These Two 


Her Darkest Hour 


r. Wmh. IS) 

ThoM aUbiton- iriio loMNr tiio 

drawing power of "Little Mary" 
will be delighted to learn that 
she appeal? in alinost every 
footof thb iplMididl iML It is 

a story of a girl, her efforts 
to make a living, her troubles 
and her final happiness— a stoiy 
ao very sbnple, ao diraot snd ao 

human that it will strike a re- 
sponsive chord in the heart of 
every man, woman and child. 
MaJnA Botoflf fiis wIbim drt» 
iad bflgin right now to make ar- 
rangements to get "Her Darkest 

**The Convert*' 

(Release Thursday. Feb. 16) 

This is great I It is intensely 
ilriniwlinilt da*^ *^ young 
lieiitaiMit jtnid Ut nwsUwit; 

the Lieutenant is sent to the 
Philippines, and is erroneously 
reported dead. His broken- 
hearted flinewaiitanaeaBfait 
and takes the vows. The lover 
returns. And from that point 
onward the action will simply 
enthnU tbe nidil cdloipad njov" - 
ii« pidtara ^^ko/* IMP fihns 

are supreme in every point. See 
that you get them, not occasion- 
aQsTs but emy UflMd waek— - 
and twice aadi wieek l. 

Wianlisf MsaSw FWaiss Cs. a/ Ammrkm 
102 W. 101^ St. NtmYtk. CmHL-mmb. fW 
Att "Im" Fibmt mU lAraafA lAs Salm Caw 


SS^-Class Films — ^Reasonable Prices 


72 DMrteni StfM*. ChlMib. III*. f 

flOB MUXOAL BaMviT miiTioii XBB Bnj<»oA»n wnaM wBiniio ADvaaxuius. 


Tlie Biiit>oard 

FBBRUARV 11, 1911. 

. be was vomewhere aboDt dnd 

all day. Wlien night came, 

kowcTcr, we fooled them again, and aldnl blm 
In Bnccessfnlly making his tll;;ht, Ue passed 
through many dangers safely and reported 1o 

his geoeral, and one day after Ibt) war wu 
orer he retamei] to me, as 1 knew be wonld.** 
TBE U>ST KIBBON (Drama; release Peb. IT; 
iMEtb — feet). — Jennie, the pretty daughter 
of a hardy pioneer cattleman. Is admired by all 
of her father's cowboys, but she smileu only 
apoD one. Dick, the beat cowpnacher In Ibe 
tmmA, Im ber favorite. Seelns a pretty piece 
■ 0t ribboa with which Jeml* has bedecked het- 
■df. Dick toEceated that the ribbon be dlTlded, 
ahe to kttm one piece and lie the other. The 
aame moraine oo which thla ribboa epiaodc oe- 
eoned, the (ktber and motbcr of Jenate are 
called away to aee a sick relative. After aeelns 
her father atarted on the trail, Jennie, while 
ntDmlsif to the hooae, loaea ber abate of the 
llbbOD. which Is picked up by Frank, a rejected 
aoltor. Knowing that Dick Is favored by Jennie. 
Fkank ahows him -the piece of ribbon, and telle 
him that Jennie gave It to blm. A lively quarrel 
follows, the two men t>olng separated by the 
ranch boss, wbo sogKents [hat the party of l>oya 
ride to the ranch fabln and leam from Jennie 
irlwtliet ac oot she gave the rtbbOQ to Ftaok. 
WklW tbe qaanel about the ribboa la aplac oo, 
a haad of Boaka ladUoa ban attaSkad tbe 
Jaaala and her yoaag heotfeer bar the 

I and wladoat. and take tefOc* la the apper 

ataix. The cowboys anira on the aeeae Joat as 
the bdlaoa have braken down the door. 

and Bbaip battle takaa place. The In- 
I m driven away and Jenate and her bleth- 
er rcflcned. As tbe rescned aad .reaencca are 
gathered together. Frank. teaMaIng hia talaa p^ 
Bltton, confesses to Dick that be fhaaS Ibenb* 
It orer. 

WRH ODH OLOt (drama: re- 
lease rat. 13: length D04 feet). 
— ^At tbe carpenter shop where 
the old man la employed, a 
new foielDan la placed In 
charge, and m weeding oat of 
tbe old bands takes place, 
he«ice the old man Is dis- 
charged. He Is unable to secure work. l-ater. 
his savings having been exbansted ami bis 
wife DOW serioiuly Ul, starvation proiulsefi to 
be their lot. AVeary and hungry he is driven 
to make a desperate attempt to obtain food by 
breaking Into a butcher shop and stealing a 
bMket of prOTlnloiis, Be Is caught, however, 
br a BiillBMian aad taken to the Night Cotnt. 
3m..aC •Met: ttn almr. la tbe «fE«epeatel 
•■e. and little eredoiee placca in It. so be is 
pot back In the pen. The judge, a kindly dis- 
posed man. fearing he might have made a mis- 
take, sends tbe oflltrer to Investigate. The 
ofljcer leturns with the report that the old man 
has not exaggerated the case. Tbe Judge then 
releaa«« the old fellow and sends the odlcer 
home with him with aU — naanclal. medical and 
material. Bat It !• taejat^ ~ 
womas's Ufe haa ■ne.oBt:* 

forced absence. 

lett(th 998 feet).— Steve. : a 

pmapts her to wreak vengeance Iqr fascinating 
Steve and have him leave his home. However. 
Steve la brought to a lealtsatloa ot what a 
contemptible brute be has been bfflm .Oaea .haa 
aatlrely weaned him away fteerl>'" ' 
and humbly begs of bis wUa -lb 
Which Ae fladly glres. 

8ALE8 CO. 

mp. . 
(Oul Ijwmade.) 

HOUR (dranu; released 
F^eb. 13; length 1,000 
feet). — Buth is in cbarse 
of a school with a bevy 
of unruly scbolsrs. Being 
unable to control them 
she loses her position. 
She obtains a place as 
atenosrapber in an of- 
llce. bat behw Ivnltod 
br the hiaaa aMn aC the 
worM who la her «n- 
ployer.'She leavea. Tbe 
otaar ■hitta to the home of WDIIam l.awr«nce. 
awidewer. and his tittle danghter Dorothy. 
Bodi. onable to ■ flhd employment, feels the 

■ nei^ of brngeTr and walking on the street she 
•ees a mllfc wagon- atandlng' In front of the 
Lawrence residence. She is Impelled to steal 
as the milkman la temporarily absent, and she 
takes a bottle of milk to be detected In the act. 
Blie la bein^ accused by the vender of lacteal 
fluid when Lawrence pnts In an appearance and 
saves her from further humiliation. He Is at 
once Interested In Both, and takes her Into tbe 
boose and DocotbK haury far a -woman's alfec- 

■ tlOB. tama hCTi Both fc-iitafit a* a member 
at the hensehold and taataa t» tore her bene- 
faetor. bbe la dlscoveied by Doiothy Usalng 
the Dhotogsaph of her father, and an avowal of 
lose ^forced ftom the wMower by the declara- 
tfani «( DoraOV that ahe dealiaa a BMbar. The 
atoiT enda irith the pnyer of tha chU aboat 
toVe ^UM^^aTBS'flnf aia>larha*and 
aad home.. 

THE CONVERT (drama; release Feb. 16: 
length 1.000 feet). — Tbe story opens with Lieut. 
Howard West and Agnes Boyd pUghtlog their 
- troth In the presence of Father Antoa and other 
Mends. • Immediately afterward West is ord- 
ered to report to bis reitlment in the Philip- 
pines. While there a report reaches Agnes that 
West bad been killed. The fact was that he 
was only woimded. Agnes, in her grief and 
desolation, renoimces the worid and aeeka the 
sediulon of a convent and takea the Towa. 
West npon his tetnm to America. leams of 
flccd. Be hurries to the canrent. arrlrlni; 
t-ta time to -wltnesa ttie voluut.-oricc t<> k" 

to tbe leper colony to care for the onforttinates. 
Tbe two mast part, though their hearts are 
torn. The atoqr cloaca with Howard reeeMng 

nvinv a letter oC congiatBiatiaa > Ihr 
a baa«T adiaa. 'aad 'aapartad - Car "the 


YOND (drama: n'- 
lease February lo; 

length — ). — So stu- 
dloos and retiring In 
disposition was Dave 
Bsndal, that no one, 
not erea Annie Rod- 
nejr hetaeit, dteamctl 

of hlB love. They 
had grown op toge* 
tber, and now that 
be worked for her 
father, she as frank- 
ly accepted bis books 
and cuidy as of 

Then, like a bolt from tbe clear sky, came 
the annoancement of her engacement to the 
sailor. Robert Sammeia. 

Qaleily Dave packed np hta few ' 

then, leaving a letter oC ' 

for the 

The sailor and his bride had been married 
fcnt two short years, when old man Rodney, 
nach against the more experienced seaman's 
better lodgment, Indoced bis son-In-Iaw to ac- 
company him across the bay. Scarcely were 
they half way across, however, than a violent 
stoma arose and altboogh Annie with baby Rosie 
la her arms, watched and waited on the shore 
that night and all the next day. the tide hut 
brought her back, two hate.' their aver-tnm«l 
boat and a broken oar. . 

Five years passed, tenr ot Which Annie and 
little Roste had spent la the city, and altboneb 
at Mrs. Watklua'. where they had recently 
moved, tbelr t^-o rooms -were but small an«l 
scantily furnished, the child seemed happier 
than ever before. 

This, Annie learned from the landlady, was 
due to Roste's uew friend, the rising youui; 
contractor on the floor below. So when tired 
of watching ber mother sew. the tiny girl 
would slip down-stairs to "help" her admirer. — 
nsoaUy by cuddUng in his arms and falllni: 
fast asleep. 

One day. however, the cblld failed -to appear 
He called Mn. -WatUaa. -who tald him tbe lit- 
tle one was aMk '^at-mmtt- eot-the room. But 
at the doer. t»' iahUiilw msYatopned by the 

doctor. In a conale' ttitHgU-Jm- mllht 

Sorrowfully the^iaBH~5Sa aati^^^^ 
room, bat when negrie^cilMl; -It 
voice that bade hhn enter. 

Hearing voices, Annie hurried from the bock- 
room. and what was her stxrprise In dlscovt-r- 
Ing that the yoong contractor was none otljer 
than Dave Randal. 

Rosle was delighted. -CHasplng a chnhby arm 
aboot the neck of each, she stoutly dedared 
that DBToma .to he ber. new papa a. pcopheey. 



— IttHS mUW 2012/ 147 ftartl«ll^llMlM 


Ralaaaod Wadit'dny, Fab. 8, 1811 


OHppIng Pathos | Sup«rb Aoting 


A BIttar-SwMt Foto Font 


CORRINQI— Wadnaaday. Maren S. 1811— COMINaill 


TM Oiwtaot Military Piotura a««r PfotfuoMl 

Naator Fllma Are Sold By 

I DAViD HOBSLEf, 147 FtWttAw.,MtW | 

OISTRIBUTEO threugH The Salaa Company 


SM^^tt^SSi ficiile'! 


(Oom-edy; sdeeae 
Feb. IT; length, — 
feet). MM. BOaa 
wanta a Uttle pet 
dog, aad waata !t 

badly. Hr. BoaL 
however, will not 
consent. Uncle BU- 
ly. wbo is visiting 
tbe young pair, sym- 
pathizing with hla 
niece, determines to 
get ber a pet, and 
witbont the boa 
band'a knowledge, doee ao. nmea^ -'the but- 
ler, and Annie, the maid, ot the Boas' bonae- 
hold, have been secretly msrried, and their im- 
loo blessed with a bouncing . baby, which they 
have left In the custody of a friend, as they 
feared for their positions should their marriage 
and the existence of the Infant be discovered, 
lost as Uncle Billy departs on his mission in 
quest of a dog, Aimie receives a note from her 
friend, telling her tbe baby is not well and that 
she must take her away at once. Atmle breaks 
the news to James, and they both decide to 
bclns U to the Beea home. Annie goes for the 
habr, aad retnraa aboot the same time Uncle 
nnr aiil*M,irftb the Oog. A strtos ol amns- 

which raantt .ia the 

Itlcd to keep thalrbaaK and 

ma: releaseil Febrnaty S; length. 000 feet).— 
Grace Harrow la the sole support of her 
parents, her father being an Invalid, and is 
overjoyed to receive an appointment aa school 
teacher. When she tskes charge of the claas. 
however, abe la driven frantic hr tbe aatlea of 

the Mc.Wnr. 

la driven frantic by tbe aatlea of 
«he diatayla aaiar aad daBmrhiB 
» the bey^ Mp miiiiM>7thfc: 

aa pasB M.t 


Power's Cameragraph No. 6 


is in demand all over the world. Its price pnts it within raaeb 
of all. Why buy any otherT Read what our Australian agaata, 
Tbe Greater J. D.WUliains Amusement Co., Ltd., aay: 

The NIcholaB Power Compsny, ' *' 

IIS-UT Nassau Street. New -York, U. 8. A. 
Gentlemen: — Sour letter of Nov. 4th received together 
witb the advertlaement enclosed, and I cerlalidy mast cea- 
gratulate yon upon the way you advertise your machines. 
Vou can rest aasorvd we will do the aame thing with FOOT 
agency and 1 am sure you will find onr firm a live wire. 

In addition to the fifty (50) machines Mr. Uorgan ordered 
when he was In New York, I wish yon wonld please send 
UM at once the following order: 48 I'ower'a No. 6 mectaan- 
lams to be shipped as follows: 24 I'ower'a No. S mechaolame 
to be shipped to our Sydney offlce. address as above. 12 
Power's No. C mechanisms to be shipped to oar Melboume 
(Vie; office. Buttons Bnildtng. 1:2 Power's No. 6 mecbao- 
lams to be shipped to our Brisbane (Qua.) oOce, Courier 

We are now bolldlng a new theatre In Melboome which 
will cost oa for tbe Rronnd and building, (160,000. We 
loteod to make a special feature ot the operating room and 
will spend at least tl,000 in the operating room alone. We Intend to Install two Powar'a 
Ceasacanapha and wilt make a Mc feature cl theau I moat eertalnlysay that oar pietarcs havr 
im p tofed a au d erfa My alaee m have atarted bsIbk year luchlnea, we bare aereral aduillilas 
f e ataw a. which «• will iBtiadaee there aad the Power'a Gameragrapha wUl come In foe their abai*. 
It' In oar lirthntllia tn maba.thla one of the Snest moving picture abows In the worid. 

HqflBBtbat yaa WU Slaa onr orders your personal attentloo, and tmating that we may alwaya 
be aUe to da a ate MilaNl with your firm, we remain, . Yours truly. 

Dated: Sydney, Anatralla, Ds& 18, 1810, [Signed] jr. D. WIBIama, Managing Dliaetor. 

Writia to-day fM> Catalogua "O", daaariMns It. 

NICHOLAS POWER CO.. 116-117 Nanaii 8t.^ N«w York 

- .. • _ _ ... ..^ ..... . • ■ 




n m. Clark St.. CHICAGOa^ 


Side Uanofaoturers in U. 8, of 


airr ciN OUR maiMno list for new suuBcts 





Thla beantlfol Souvenir Spoon la guaran- 
teed Solid surer Plated FCnaA Oiwt na> 
Ish and tha Uteat dealga. IVHto 1»dar . 

for sample and three plana that will Sll yoor hsnse lo capacity. 
UWITCD STATES FACTORIES CO.. Manuf.oturera. 40 Dsarborn St., CHIaasa. 




Ttte Billboard 



Fast Mile Skated at Chicago Ice Palace— Coliseum Rink, at 
Elgin, ill., Offers Some Novel and interesting Events. 
Skating News by Julian T. Fitzgerald 


New Torit. F»b. 4 <R|>«rial to The Billboard). 
— Bnbr Waddrll, the iilicbrr, flntl the plalol 
Tfenrmlav olcbt for (he utart of tbe (aatpat 
mill' roller ikatlng race that ba» ever been de- 
clileit at tbe MelroiMlltan Roller Rlok. The 
winner of tbe ereat wblcb w«« tbe flr«t la tbe 
aerlea for tbe Eaatem profcMlonal champion- 
■bin waa Hanr Borke, the aerenteen-Tear-oM 
•kater rron Snds^port. Cooo. Ula time for 
tbe dlalance waa 3:01, wblcb ell|w off 8 1-3 
■iwiMta rrom tbe old mark of 3:00 l-ft made by 
William Blackbuni la tUO, Bwk» took' tbe 
lead liumedUtrlr after tba ne c ooJ lap bad beea 
BcMKl. aad Ineicaaed bla ad*aDtaf» atcadllr. 
SrinilBK biBdnr br onr tertj rardo. Itank 
BraiNr; « Ktnr Tork. flslabed accoiid. with C. 
uSSSf. ofJMomtfc. «bmi.,„Th» o««t.«»«nt to 
So oSrlM «« bo at two hBooi, tmt wm bo 

aiHwut mgim. . ■•, 

LliPY >K ATg» FAT MILfc 

Cblram''llib._t fflM^d^lo Tbo IWIboaid)^ 

Melailon UM Ono. aOllated wttb tba Ice Pal- 
■n, nptuNd' the OM-nlle told medal banill- 
ttm akallOR ran held at tbe Cbleaso lea Pal- 
' ' aee.' Tbnndar eTenliiE. Feb. 3. In tbe remark' 
tUe time or ibm mlnotea Bat. Leas tban 
IblrtT jrarda arparated Leedr from tbe place 
aad abow men. Dodlpj- Caae (133 xarda) and 
Uc Iram (acmtcb). Tlw acrlea of local 
borkrr ramea will be icoMoa* >l blBbt Tbe 
imile Sox. wbo bare I'tt H W tt tb. Oir 
■aekle tbe Weat Bldara. .■ ■■ . 


..Cbhoie. rebw S (ipooM to.lM BWbaaMI).— 
Ttamdar rvnlnf, ineb. S. tbo Colloniai Bliik, 
Elcln. ill., held Ita aatmal iirias roller maa- 
^■eraiie wbitb wan attended br the El- 
flnltea and tbeir nelgbban la Kreat nnmben. 
Ibe prize* ivarded to the (entlemen were the 
afme as those awarded the ladlea In the neTenI 
clanva of skatloK. Unmasklna took place at 
after wblrb akallng ontll 11 took place. 
Wrdncaday erenlng;, Feb. 8, tbe EIrIo Moioref- 
cle Club will f\re a pnblle akatlnic l>arty. X 
p*lr or Rfcbarilsoa totl-olckle alnmlDom abates 
will he kItcd to tbe winner of tbe fancy akating 
eitalbltlon. On Tneaday erenlnc, Feb. 14, a 
pobllc Ttlentlne party will be esteoded tbe 
patrons bf tbe naaaaccta oC thla popniar flak. 


CUci(o. III., fVb. 4 (Special la Tbe Bill- 
board) — Skatinc in brilliant form, Edmnnd 
L*mj. of baranac Lake. N. Y.. and B. L.. 
Wheel;r. of Slonlreal, captured the feature race* 
of tbe openlDK day of tbe International Ama- 
teur Toomamcnt at Saranac Lake, Jannary 23. 
Laay annexed flrat bonors In tbe half-mile and 
mile erent* and Wheeler romped off with first 
place In tbe two mile contest. Cblcaco entrlea 
made competition keen bot failed to abow tbe 
MceaaaiT speed In tbe Onal beata. nncr akat- 
IV Iv Mlaa MlBnle CnmmlnsK. of MloneapoIIa, 
nd SNaa Calbleen Pope, of New York, were 
mefeatart* betwecB the 

aojarda—nntbaat— Wheeler, tot; Knad, 
iDd: Bebooo. SML rtm^ OOO 2-5. 
.fccaod beat— Mmaad .Lamy, lot: Lot Boc, 
ted: lUrry Ilaleenen. 3rd. Ttaa. Om M. 


iKt MBit li thi WmU fir Skttiv Riiks 

Writ* lot OUaloaaooaadPrtooa. 

North T«n«wantfa. N. V 

Third heat — W. E. Ounderson, lat; Ernest 
Lamy, and; i. A. MrCrowe, 3rd. Time, 0:21. 

KIimI— Bee, 1*1; Edmund Lamy, 2itd: Gnnder- 
Kott, Srd. Time, 0:20 3-Sil 

ilair MUe-«lrat haat--%Mor, Ml Bobaon. 
Sod; Kaad. 3nl. Time, IM. ' 

gccoad heat— nolTotoen, lit; MiwinriL tamy, 

2nd: Roe. 3rd. Time. 1^7 3-6. ■■ 
Third heat — Gnndmioa, let: Btoeet Lamy, 

Sod: MeCrowe, Srd. Time. 1:38. 

Final— Edmund Lamy. ]»I; Wheeler, 2iiil; Boe, 
Srd. Time, 1:38 3-3. 

One Mile— Final — Edmund lamy, Ist; B. L. 
Wheeler. 2nd; Iloe, 3rd. Time. 3:11 1-5. 

Two Miles— Final— R. L. Wheeler, 1st: Ed- 
mund I.amy, 2nd: Uarry Kaa d. 3rd. Time. 6:42. 

Tbe Pboenlz Hockey Club, of SC. Paol. de- 
feated the Cleveland tram at Cli^reland Eljricam 
Jtink, January 23, in a whlrlnind contest wblcb 
waa teemed with brilliant nlaya. Tbe score was 
T to 2. 


Tlie New England ehamplonablps were skated 
Janaary 25. a( :$prlnafli*ld. Mass., t>efore a crowd 
of aereral thousand people. Tbe latge crowd 
that packed ibe Ice made bard work for tbe 
oOclals. Tbe track was a four lap, banked witb 
pine trees, flag* and ribbona. At tbe atartlos 
point blic wide ribbon* were siiipeiided across 
Ibe track, there belOK do aaoir on tbe grounl 
tbe races bavlnc been poatposied twice on ac- 
count of rain. Edward l*. Blekson, of Lodlow. 
Uaaa, woo the half, one mile and two mile 
champlonahlpi, and hi* yoanser brother, Frank, 
tbe Ore mite. Alex Gellnea, of Chlcopee Falln. 
won tbe ten mile. Miss Magsle A. Graham, th,* 
Ludlow, Uaas., giant, won tbe woman's race In a 
walk. Miss Graham, who la 6 ft. 4 Inches (all. 
holds tlie world's rvcord for a half-mile la 1:40. 
In the one-half and two mile events RlckHoo 
was poshed ooly once aod that by IVaiik McMil- 
lan, of Itet Lee. K. J. Id tbo OM mllo,. Rick- 
son got away fnm Urn Ilka a -abac oat ot a 
eannoD. The Are mile race wab a Ime race, the 
skaters belnit buocbed op aattl tbo tape was 
reached, and Frank RIcfcson beat llarrey Rob- 
erts, of Sprlncfleld. by only Ore feet, and Alex 
Grlliwa, winning third i>lace over Ftcd Flca- 
gCTOld of Glenwood, Uasa., by SO feet, 

Aboat so ladies faced aUrter O'Coonell for 
tbe Indies* one-bait mile, and In tbe boy'a under 
16, twenty-Bre started, bnt tbe tnma were so 
fast that a number of contestants coold not 
make them and fell. About lOO boys under 12 
years wanted to start In the one-qosrter mile 
race, but only forty wore allowed to start, as 
there waa not space enough for tbem all. Mor- 
gan D. O'Conneil ref creed. 

Manaaer W. R. WIllcox, of tlie Tam Boiler 
Skatlnc Rink. Fargo, N. D., who baa been en- 
gaging all of tbe best talent abUloable, todud- 
Ing snch stars aa Barley Davldaon and "Jack" 
Fbicb. writes that be Is having a great mn of 
buslnesa and It la mostly Ibroogb tbe good at- 
tracUoos that be io prescotlng to bio patroM. 
The greatest of theae waa Mr. Baricy Darid- 
son. who played there a short time ago, when it 
was 23 below sero* aod a great storm raging, 
yet tbo people brarcd the storm ]ost to see the 
wonderfoT Barley perfonn. Manager WUlcox 
anDoancca that on Wednesday night be will nw 
a grand ptlie mastiuerade. Mr. Wtlleoii has 
stirred ap the skatcm and Is getting »wal 
lot tbe Western Skating AssoelattAn. 
to base a branch ot ue aaaociation 

liAUT 6TIU. wnmiita. 

Tbe three mile erent, tbo fMlm ot the In- 
ternational Cbampkmshlp*. skated at 8*«n« 
Lake, K. Y„ Jaonary 26, went to Edmnnd 
Lamy. who wo> by a yard, beating R. L. 

(OontlDDed OD page SO.) 


XV) pairs RIebatdsOD aa« Window BIDk Skates. 
Also Rlcbardaoo MnitatF Band OigaB anlUble 
for rink or merry-go- r o M d. Port or bil at a 
bsrgsln. MBRRITT * WBITB, AIbDqaar«oe, 
New Mesleo, ' 

ONIT POOL ROOK In Bno opCB town of M,000 
FOR SALB at right price: 8 dna taUMhWW ex- 
penaes; pays 880 to 8100 J ? ."^ . *"? 

selling, other business. Addiesa wUn Tnot 
Pool Boom, ltBT]^toro. m. 

WAKTEIt-^peclal Acts, THck Skaters, etc.. 
for skstlsg rink. Open time, Fsbrasry Island 
lecond weik In March. AprU sod May, When 
answering, submit time and terma. Addreas, 
J. O. TiKrON, Marllataa. W. Ta. 


tt llcrlngton Skatlnff RldlE. DENNT * MTIS. 


Bought, seld. nccbanged and 

repa ired. 

mnzio * SON, 

Fartl Row, New Terfc. 

The Best RnkSkate 

Wthllw it. TkMsaarii at MlMra 

™ow It. Order a aample pair awl 
bb wnvlnogd. Write for free oata- 
»gue. WocarryatiomptoteUneof 
«nk Bupplieg. We supply puto 
for other aukkea <»l "ItitiM 

iwcAw muai um 

»»B HinVAL BBMRnr 


Automatic Musical Instruments 

for eveiy purpose. The world's Inseit and ooljr flmqilflte Use. 
60 differant atyleB. iodudiiis . 

r Wa Supply th» V. S. Goa»mmtnt wHh Muticat Inttrumtntt. 



Used and endorsed by speed 
skaters everywhere. Also fin- 
est, most complete (iaite fo( 
individual tise. With extra 
large boxwood, fibre or aluBifr 
num wheels. 

BaU Baarlag 
Sink Skatas. 
Clab Bbataa, 
Polo Skates. - 

Send for 


Blolusuodi Ikd* 

-r~ Mads to Surface Rink & Daiin Floors 


Over lOOOin UM Matfo In tHr— alw 

For Boiler Rinka, Amnaement Companies, Danes 
Balla, Contractora and BoUdera ererywtaere. 
Maeblne easily rented to Contractors and Build- 
era at a net prodt of not leaa tbu (10 to $25 
a day. It la very easily opersted aa when tbe 
handle ia ralaed tt is Inclined to more forward 
of Its own accord. Built on tbe only correct 
principle. Onaranteed to Iw tbe BEST roscblns 
with which to pnduce an cnn, amootk amtace 
on any kind of wood floor, old or new. hard or 
ooft. Will surface from S,000 to 7,000 aq, tt, 
once over In 8 bonra. Two to four times onf 
will make It amooth and lerel. Send for oar 
TEE, lOJ-lOS N. Canal Strict. Chic^to. Dl. New 
York Offlcv, 1001 tiat Iron BaUdlns. 

Professional Roller Skaters' Ass'n. 

Organised to gtee greater promlBiPto 

bare a Bnlahed act to o»" ' 

skatlDK in soasMl. 

All the Stan of 0IO 



Oerman Comedian, Fancy and Speed ex- 
pert roller skater. Fiesenting the most 
entertaining norelty comedy act before tbe 
pobUc Addiess Billboard, Cincinnati, 0hh>, 


rre»eDtlns tbelr latest mcceu 


With aMdal Beeneqr. 


The Dare Derll, features ZT-In. top cycle 
akates, coaat of death, barrel Jumping, 
blgb and brosd jumping, dancing on tbe 
rollers. Carry own stage door. Playing 
rinks and sandoTlllo, Addreas, BiuokTllle, 
Indiana. . 


In tier marrdotts Fancy and Trick Skat- 
ing Exhibition, concluding each nigbt with 
a race against sny man In tbo BInk. Ad- 
dreas 3347 B. astk moot. Ctafolaad. O. 

Greateet Urtng expanent ot tbo art ot 
Skating— AatsoMdnc SUit Bkatlne— M sk i U so a 


Addicaa. tt Bmo« Meet. K. X. CSty. 


Artialle Trick 

TBS buxaoabd ifokwrft a ^ . » » ».r- > . 



Ttie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11,.1911. 

TelagraniB inquiring Hr rairtM not 
aivMi in thM« eelumh* will b* Igiierad. 
unless answers are prepaid. 


Mmnmger* nntl [M*rr»ruicns are reepectf ally rcqaested to contribute their dmttii for this depiirt- 
Ueot. RoDtes mOKt reuch The BlUtKMrd not later than Friday of eacb week to lUFUre publication. 

Tbe EUlboud Xonratds all man for proferalouU tree of cbarse. Mvmbers «r the profenlon are 
Jwtt wi. w Mli oa ti!tJot.M. feaw .tkcit oMtt addnMed la mm at Xke BOIbiMid. aad It wttl 

. Altrad:' m amlth at.. Wlaalpts Caa. 

* Palmer (lornch'a) tVooaKiekft. R. I. 

Bacdar. Don: 697 North Wittem Bldg.. MId- 

Barlows, Breakairay: Wbite Bats. X. Y. C. 
Bametts, The: 338 Summit gt., Toledo. O. 
Barrett, Prank: 240 3iU ave.. N. Y. C. 

Barron. Geo.: 2002 Fiftb are., N. Y. C. 
Harry i nnck: 589 Koser St.. Mlltvankec. 
Rartell A Garfleld: 2b;«) E. Md St.. CIrTeland. 
Haum. Will: 07 Wolcott St., Xcw Haven. Conn, 
naiter. Sidney: 1722 4Stb nve.. .MelroHf. Cal. 
nearil. Billy: IIOI Drayton St., Savannah. Ga. 
Beck. Norman Ed.: 4S7 Grosvcnor ave., Mon- 

Reck & Erans: 14 N. Sth St.. rlilladelpbla. 
BedJol, Mme.: 112 Sth are., Cliieacn. 
Bceebw. WUl S.: Wlilta Bata. X. Y. C. 
Reae. I^: BOS Binat aTC. Ctaleaco. 
BeiniM FamOr: Palaee Hotel. SISS. Clark at.. 

Bennett Bros.: 2.-S W. 65th at, N. T. C. 
Bennett & Marcello: 200 W. OTth St.. K. T. O. 
Beirr tc Berry: Great Valley, X. T. 

(An additional list of Performers' 
Datoak. aa well aa a list of additional 
retitMf raeeived toe late for classifica- 
tion, may be found in anotiier column.^ 

Acts with burlesque companies may 
be found in another column. 

Witan no. data ia giyan tha waak of 
Kk e>11 iB to. iHiMpplM.; . 

.tMott. Ban * nr: Pok im. dia. Aifc. 
AMett * Albat UR mranvWrd.. Cbtcage. 
Attto * RM Llaaa: 910 ■.Ivih at., N. T. C. 
Adier, BaiiTt Wkll* Bala. IT. T. C 
AhWB. Daaay: USS Bo. B it.. Tacoma. Wash. 
Ahcna, The: SUO CMorade ave.. cnileaiio. 
Altken Bras.: 334 BcdfoM St., FaU WUwn, Xnm. 
Altfcena, Two Graat: S21S OraTler tLflttW Of 

leans. ' • ' 

.>'>iaDl: laos BroadwsT. N. T. C. 
Aldefer, Chaa.: DesTer. Ind. 
Aidracb. Blanche: Athens. Ga. 
AMridKe. Chas. H.: 20 E. Berkley at., Unlon- 

tomi. Pa. 

ji'tipf.... jno. T..: n4iA l>, Ghlcaco. 
All^^Oeo.^ (GrauJ) filassow. Scottaad, Nor. 28- 

'Altoa * ^nna: 125 Biinm^ fb.^ 
AUIiwra. 7oa.. Petar tke Onatt 

St., Hobokta. V. J. 

. Amdieaa Cwaedy laati -IliLif afa^.K ' 
Aawileaa Daaeaia, Six: Wlniih it.-. Tw w isaw^ 
B. I. 

American SInElni ronr: 410 R. Iftsth »t.. nronv. 

N. r. 

Amttaidam Qnaitetta: 18; W. 41st at., N. X. 

Bretonni>. May: .Vctors' Society, 14.' W. 4Sth 

St.. X. Y. C. 
Brlnklejs, Tbe: 424 W. 30th St., N. Y. O. 
Brittons, Three Mniilcal: 7211 Liberty are., Bronk- 


Broadway Comedy Quartette: 20 Williams ave.. 

Brooks & KInfnnan: 234 W. .lOtb St., X. T. C. 
Brown & Davis: 34 Furry are.. Newark, O. 
Browsica. Xlie: 6tlt 4fc Jaeksoa ata., Topeka, 

BtownlBt, ArOMt: HS Court at., Cincinnati. 
Brownlnc. Bsatfet Ut 8. OCtk at„ S. Y. 0. 
niHids. Acrisi: 90 B. IMaa st.. Aaaaca. ni. 
Bnnebn ft Ataer: 9n0 TT. Ssln St., Laalanite. 


Buutb & Rndd: 910 Ilclden are.. Cblcaeo. 

Iturbank & Danfortb: Pprlln. N. II. 

Buicb. Billy & Virelnla: OlS W. Market St., 

LouIsTllIe, Ky. 
Burkhart & Berry: l.'io Eusenle St.. Chlcacn. 
Bums, BUly X.: VTblte Rats. X. Y. C. 
Burt. Glena: n* IT. 0th at., Cincinnati. 
Buaby & Wmiann: 561 W. 144lh at.. N. C. 
Bosklrk. Mnstcal: 68 Barrow St.. N. ¥. C. 
Bntler, Boy E.: 73 B. Fair at.. Atlanta. Ga. 
Byen * Hermann: 3649 Pazton Boad, CInrIn 


Bean * Hamilton (Xair Baa) 8ptlBBfleU. O.; 

(Grand) Hamilton IMlL. . 
BMhab's. Not, Educated Iha CtKM (Onad) 

Syracuse. X. Y. 
Brown &. Davis: Stockton, ' OSL 
Bogert & Nelson (Galrez) OalTMlOB, Tex. 
Batbing Girls (Orpheom) Salt Lake City. 
Bemlce, Mile., & Iter Polar Bears (Orpheum) 

Canton, O.: (PrlsclUa) Cleveland J3-1S. 
BuTkhatdt, . Uanrlce (Family) Lafayette, Ind.; 

(Tarletlcs) Terra Hantc 13-18. 
Barney Bojr. * Baaate Crawtart (Pall's) wnkaa- 

Bane, Pa. 
Bretonne. May, & Co.: Balem. 0. 
Booker Harry, tc 0>.: (BUonV Duloth. Minn.; 

(Mjoo) Wlnnlpev, Can., IS-IS. 
rccra,'I>o (MSJestie) Oalmtea, Vn. . 

This blank is available for 
no route cards. Cards will 

route data in case you have 
be mailed upon application. 

, Aoatfsltaa' Twtat caie Paol Ttortg; 

l4th St.. H. T. C. 

Anael tt Darlant UCT B. «Sd at.. Ovnland. 
Apollo Qnartette: 630 N. Bute at., Chleace. 
Archer, Lon: 053 Qrecnwood Xmit», OM Cl BOi 
Archer A Carr: Greemrteb, Igm^^ 
Arnold. Chaa. S.: T. M. A.'CnAa 

St., Kansas City. Mo. 
Arnold,. Geo. : Box 103, Shattock, 
Arnold A lllctej : Owego, X: T. 
AHusa, F.: caiG Paol Tansls, IM Jb' IMh ttt 

N. Y. O. ^. . •= 

Asbner SUters: 19 Be. MtwtttM' ai«Bi«' St. 

Aoer, 3. AO.: 410 South 4th ave.. Mt. Vernoo. 

N. Y. 

Anstla A Klnmker: 3110 B st.. Pblladelpbla. 
lati Temple) Cbleaco. 
19Zr B. net at.rOUeaco. 
mton (BI)on) Coalcate. Mia., 


Anatrallan Foot (Wbltney) FItcbbars, Mass.; 
(Hathaway'a) New Bedford 13-18. 

American Newsboys* Quartette (Pantages') Sac- 
ramento, CaL, e-18. 

ATalon Joagllns Foot (BIJon) Atlanta, Ga.; 
(Orand) Nashrllle, Tenn., 13-18. 

Amerlcsn Comlqne*. Three lOrpbeimi) Lima, O. ; 
(Prlscllls) aereland 13-18. 

Anlell Bras. (Majestic I JacksmTBle, FU.; 
(MaJaaUe) BlnttuAaaL Ala.. IS-IB. _ 

Adoali (OcphaaairnnrlataiB. Pa*!. OEttth'a) 
Phna.. ia3£ 

AdiT, C. W.: Hot Sprlnm, Ark. 

Alpue Tronpe. Fife (Maryland) Baltlmofe; 
(rorayth) Atlanta, Ga., 12-18. 

Adatr. Eddie. A Edytbe Henney (Novelty) Ta- 
peka, Kan.; (FoUy) Oklahoma City. Okls., IS- 

Armanis. Five (Orpbsnm) Kanaaa CttT. Mo.. 

13-18. • . 

Alvino & Rlalto (Globe) aW m s to w a , gs.; (Carl- 
ton) DaBols 13-18. 

American Trumpeters (Los Aneeles) Los An- 
Seleo: (Garrlck) San Dleeo I3-IS. 

Adelmann, Joseph, Family. (Grand) Indianapolis; 

(Mary Anderson) LooISTflle 13-18. 
' Anaatnmi'a, Harrison, Pbe Commlss loner Co. 

. (Ocpbcnm) Spokane; (Orphcnm) Seattle 13- 

Allor A Barrlngton (Scenic) Westbrooke, Me.; 

(Lewlston) Lewlston 13-18. 
Adatr. Art (BIJon) Bay City, Mich.; (JaSais') 
. Saginaw 13-18. 

Apdale'a Zoological Cnrcus (Msjiitle) Dallas; 

(Majestic) Honston 13-18. 
Arrl Mysteries. Tbe (People's) Cincinnati. 
Anstln. Harry: Chicago. HI. 
Allen. Leon A Bertie: 118 Central are., Osh- 


A'Toe. Mlaa 
' Andicc's Pi 
City, Mo. 
At tbe Waldorf (Orp^•aM' BMnr. 
BanUes. Foar: aOK ^T^CumS St.. Newark. O. 
Baird, Blanche: 12 W. aoth St. X. Y. C. 
Baker A Comalla: 013 E. 4.'ith st., (Hilcago. 
B.-ilre-. si<I: lOne R«ce St. Cincinnati. 
Ranks, Charley: 31T Park aTe., Baltimore. 


Campbell. ALi oar Aaislaidam afa.. If. T. c. 
Cart A BMl: 400 W. Uth sti K«{ias dl^ 


Carle, Irrtng: 4203 N. 4l8t at.. Cblcan. 
Carlln A Clark: 013 Prospect are.. BaiSUk 
Carlton Slaters: 403 W. 28th at., M. T. C. 
Carol Stotera: 101 W. 10th at.. N. Y. C. 
Carral, Hdenc: 1745 Warren are., Chicago. 
Carrall. Nettle. Troupe: 1420 BAlinea are., 

SprlDgfleld. 111. 
Carrolton A Van : 342S .Monte TIsta 8l.( bg AB> 


Carson Bros.: 02.'! .'iSth st., Brooklya. . 

Cssburn 4c Murphy: Mt-lba Hotel, PI. Worth. 


CaKRds. Three: Dntllngton, Wis. 

Case, Charley: Lockport, N. Y. 

Case. Paul: 81 So. Clark at., Cbleaso. 

CaTsnaosh A Lancaater: 700 .\ ImlUna are,, 

Kanaaa (Mr. Mo. 
Cbanelo, AsSUt MB Otaad aisk. Ksasaa CUr. 

Mo, . ■■ 

Cbantrall A MMOrler: 210 Pmsptet «*•., Bioak. 


Cbspmaa Bjamat 10S0 MIlbDrn at.; ladlaaapells. 


If you are unable to ^ve route, and deaiie to bave your ] 
nianent addnss listed, liidly iiov^ *' 
tUi.Uaiik. . ■• 

Sllaa Lealle: 716 Bocklngbam Place, Chl- 

Bert A WtUlama: OS Fowler at., Atlanta, Oa. 

Blaaea, Mite.: csia Max Hbaeh, MsHopeUtan 
oTh., N. Y. C. 

Blcelowa, Tbe: 2062 Monroe St.. (Xtleago. 

Btegs. Jas. W.: 819 W. 3d St.. (Sisriotte. N. O. 

Bllyek's, Capt., Sea I.lons: care Daa Programme, 
Berlin, Ger. 

Bimbos. The: 604 Paclfle it.. Anplaton. Wla. 

BioKhanv la w i B t ton B. Ipttst.. nna. 

BUbee A OoaaaBri BaMl B oe h aiTt nwai 
lU. ' 

Blancbard's It Hsppened In Arizona: 4516 Mag- 
nolia are.. (Chicago. 

Black & McCone: 10 Neponsat are.. Boston. ■ 

Blair A Laroo: WW Anatndaai «tcl. S. 7. 0. 

BUaehaid A Maillar. UW .Oetarla. oTv Bm 

BlasslDK. Mr. A lt(s.t Haafs IMrl. OUeaaa- 
BloDdclI. Mabsl: Ua Vi »a •<«.. KoiMiTnie. 


Blossoms. Tbe: TFatermie, Mimi. 
Boea A Boca: 2318 W. Jefferson st., Louisville, 

Boston City Qosrtette: 470 Warren at.. Diooklyn. 
Boottn A Tlttson: White Rsts, N. T. 9, 
Boyd. Eddie: 020 S. Miiln St.. Loa AagtlCS. 
Boyd, Mazle (O. H.) Balllmrer, Tex. 
Braats. Selma: care Paul Tanilg, 104 E. 14th 

St.. Jf. Y. C. 
Bradfotds, Tbe: 461 E. Morrison st, Portland, 

Ore. . 

Brahm's Ladlca Qnartettes 1190 S. HBI St.. t/tm 


Brand, Lanra Martlere: 527 Main it., Bnffalo. 
Rrantaam. Chas. M.: Stnrgeoo. Mo. 
Brann SIstan: Rlcharttson Park. Oela. 

Bondlnl Bros. (Orpheum) Portland, Oio. 
Burkes, Jnggllns (Temple) Bocheiter. K, T. 
Bai CT.JUir . A Mrs. JImmIe (Oiphoua) Spokane; 

ai^rSMiSS!tit*t^vmmm. rwaand, 


Beyer. Ben A 

Kedzle) Ctaleai 
Barron, Billy r 
Seattle 13-18. 


Brunettes, Cycllnc (Grand) PaMlaBA Onk 

Bison City Four (Grand) IndlSasiMnSl (Oolom- 
bla) Cincinnati 13-18. * ™^ 

RIamphin & Hebr (Griffin's) Tbronto. 

RIdettc. Hazel: 3.144 T.Indell Blvd., St. Louis. 

Barker, Ethel May (Pantages') Portland, Ore. 

nishee A Connelly (I..f-rlc) New Orlesna, 

rrowder A Bronder lOrpbeum) HIbblng. Minn. 

Beban, Georse (Malestlc) Milwaukee: (Ma- 
jestic) Chicago. 13-18. 

naaer, Clarice (Orpheum) CInclnnnll. 

Bamea, Stnart ((^Inmbla) Cincinnati. 

Bowman Bros. (OrnbeiuD) Kanaaa City, Mo. 

Barry A Pbelan (Bsdaoa) Obloa Hni. N. J. 

Barry A .Mildred (MaJasUc) Cedar Raplda, la. 

Tiellcclalr Bros. (Orphenm) Omaha. Neh. 

Ronbalr. Geo., Tronpe (Ma]estlck Denver. 

Berry. Rose (Poll's) WIlkes-Rarre. Pa. 

Batlerlnl's Dogs (Cnlanc) MInneapOllB. 

Bland. Mile. . (Orntaeiiro) MIsneaiMlia. 

Caeaar. Frantz: S12 E. 42*1 at.. Chlcaao. 

Calboan. Mr. A Mrs. Wm.: 199 B. ITtb St., N. 
t. C 

Ca^ert, Oiasti IW AsariB a«a,' Baafeaatav. N. 
Calmt-Piflwn, Thsi nrllaal. lilk 

Caraemo "* - — 


Chase A eanaat 9510 B. HalatssA at.. Cbk 
Clark BlM.< »• M. SA sIm it. CmIA:. 
ClswsoB. Baaeo: 1104 Btoaralsa silTMarlaa, 


Clayton, Bessie (Apollo) Vienna, Austria, Jaa. 

1-March 3L 
Clements & Lee: 029 First at., LoBlarUloi. 
Clermont. Jesn: 104 B. t4th ab. M. T. C.. 
Clercland, Claude A Msrloat OT Olh ai«., As- 

torls, L. I., N. Y. 
Clipper Comedy Four: 5:t7 W. ISflth st.. N. Y. 

Cllto A Sylrrslcr: 224 N. lOtb St., Pblla, 

aotUde A )lonti«sa: 3» W. aaih St., M. X. 
O. * " 

Coattaa, Three MMsteal: 144 W. Beaeea at., Os- 
wego, N. T. 

Odea, Three Musical: 140 Seals sve., Blloxl, 

Columbia Musical Four: 212 W. 42d St., X. T. 

C. ..... 

Columbians, Fire, Inc.: Flndlay. O. 

Conkey. Clever: Wausan. Wis. 

Cook A llcllman: 13M Spring St., Newark, N. 


Conke. Baymood H.: 11 Nlehola at„ Anaaola, 

co^?u4 a naiiiiat. BIB w. imk at, a. t. 

Cocdna A Maad: ear* P. Tanalg, 104 B. 141k 

at., N. T. 0. 
Comallas, Six: 81 WUk m., Maspetli, b L, 


Corteae' Three: 230 B. BaBnaBlOfet.*^ -SP'fe 
Cotter & Boulden: CSf* iBnuMmHMtB, OISA 

Arch Bis., Phlla. 
Courtney A Jeaoette: 1510 W. 14th Place. Chi- 

Cowles. Wllllani: 2003 Fourth ave., Sontb, Min- 

Cow1e8 Kanilly: .Mtomia. Wlj.. 

Crawford. Ulen S.: li:ni B.'cler St., ToledOk O. 

Crawford A Uelancey: 110 Ludlow St., BtiMaa- 
talne, 0. 

Crelos. The: Webster City. la. 

CvsUna. Dlck.t TandsrUla Conttdy Olab. 994 W. 
46tb St.. N. T. (X 

CNoks, Cbu. M.; Uosketoa, MIeb. 

Cnllen Bros.1 9016 BUsworth at.. Fblladelphla. 

Curtis, asm J.t Tas 7ennlnss St., N. Y. C. 

Carnenler, Bttir A XIna (Rl)ou) Owosao, MIrh.. 
0-11: (Sagamond) Chicago, III., 13-15; (Boyah 
ChlcsEO 10-18. 

Clark. H. H. (Orphenm) Dcs Molnea, Is. 

Csmpbell, Frank A Jennie (Lyric) Orlnnell, la.; 
(Oniiieum) Albla IS-IS; (OipbcBm) (Xarlada 


Carr, Wm. A. (BroadwaF) Lorala, On O-ll. 

CtowsU * Oartatci Bartboe, Wlo., O-llt CU- 
•aoa, m.. 19-IBt Daanilalo-lt. 


Cbla<|allls. Prliwi 
moatb, O. 


Fewsll (Boa) Porta- 

OMi<iir~'Cbss.. CIrcns (Ellon) Lansing, Mich.; 

(Msjaotle) Kalamstoo 13-18. 
Chllders 4k Chlldcrs (nippodrome) Charleston, 

W. Vs.; (Buntlnglon) Rnnllngton 13-18. 
Cunningham A Marlon (Keith's) Boatoo, Msaa. 
CHIT, Laddie (Orpheum) Barrlabora, Pa. 
Crourta & Welch (Bronx) N. T. C. 
Cnllen. Jss. H. (Orphenml Mempbla, SlMa>t 

(Orpheum) New Orleans. La., 13-18. 
Cross A Josephine (Orpheom) Salt Lake City; 

(Orphenm) Oltden 13-18. 
Clnre. Raymond (Orpheum) Portland, Ore. 
(niSord A Bnrke (Orpheum) St. Paul; (Orph- 
enm) Dnlntb 1318. 
Charblno Bros. (Grand) Pittsburg Pa., 13-18. 
Cressy A Dayne (Chase'at Waab., D. C; 

(Shea's) BniTalOk M. T~ U4lk^ 
Carle. A. (SAlnSU^ SuSSm tUlhimn (M- 
csgo 13-18. 

(nipper Qosrtet (Majestic) Little Rock, Ark.; 

(Majcatlc) Ft. Worth. Tex., 18-18. 
Oirran. Francis B. (O. H.) MInaola. Tax., 0-1 1; 

(O. B.) Leonard U-IT 
Calls Bros. (Star) 
Marlon. 13-18. 

M.^ fOi)*Mait 

Conltn. Steele A Carr (Rellb'a) PbBa. 
Cook Sisters. Fonr (Majestic) Cedar Raplda, la. 
Cnttys. Six MnslesI (Ornbenm) Omaha. Neb. 
Camm, Alf. A Tlielra (Ms](M>lle) Denrer. 
rhsse. Blllv (Ma)eiitlc) Denver, 
Dnlley A Well: 7r>n So. Wentorn ave., CblcSKO. 
Dale, Dainty Dottle: 202 W. 30th st.. N. Y. C. 
Daly A 0,urlcn (National) Sydney, Australia. 

Davenport. Pearle B. (Carlton) DaBota, Pa, 
Darls, OsMlyai SM. Bnadwar, . MUaaspall^ 
Oarls. MMim: Uth A DaaglM Ha.. Oia IMtM, 

Day, Carlla: B80 7th are.. N. Y. C. 
DeArmo, Billy: 503 N. Clark at., ChleaB*> 
DeCsmpe. Ony: Hendcraoo. N. C. „ 
DeEspa Family: :t20 61b avC. M. MsOkVina. 

Tenn. . . ■ ■ 

De^'aye, uana A Evelyat^T W.-Mib Bl.> .>. T. 



Deloys, Three: 10 N. Wdib at., Oklahoma City, 

Del mors A Dartell: 1010 0th are., B., Oakland, 

(CoDtlnned on page 32.) 

A|[^ts Everywliere 


FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

1 1 D o a r d 



(OantlmMd froio pige fl.) ■ 

liiKW YORK. 

n.^ ) WUIUm Onittto week of SO. Tbe Trav- 
Si^'sS^mu mk of & TEIXER-S broao- 
WXy (Leo. C. Teller, mfr.) BeTen Dmy» week of 
5 Robert llllllart In A Rxil There Was week 
of 0. SHUBEBT (I- J. Bodtlquei, mur.) The 
jCttterr Man W6«?k of 30. Merle CablU week of 
ir SilESTIC (W. C. rrldley. mgr.* The City 
•reek of 30. Bobcrt Mutell week of 6. AM- 
vaiOS A. NelDM. Bgr.) Throe Week* week 
'if 30 mV SVleoa from DIxb week of tl. FUL- 
TON (John snnnrorr, mn.) Byr Cornith. 8«m 
Curtl. end Commny. IjWL JBSgjPjL JorJiM 
week of aO. OKAKD OHHU. BOUSE (J. H. 
.springer. ni«r.) Clorleo FMIx ond Cairo, 

(jbaa. Lee Chlder aad Companr, Jowpblne Sax- 
ton and Her Pleka. The Bohemian Quintette. 
FMda and Moore. I'Inard and Manny. The Fords. 
HalleU and Stack. John F. Clark. Sammy Col- 
UHTOownii and WalHli. DouKlaa and Swift week 
STaOb CASINO (Charl.'s Danlela. mgr.) Big 
Beetow wn k or 3o. Jardlo tli- I>arla airlM week 
•( BMl'IKE tCeorge McManua. mgr.) Star 
Mhow OlrlH vcevlt at 30. Big Kcrlcw week of 6. 
I'AYTON'S LEB AVENUE (Come I'ayton. mgr.) 
Lalglou week of 30. OAYETY (H. B. Denny, 
mgr ) Crackerjackn week of 30, Bon Tona week 
of 6. STAB iJamea J. Clark, mgr.) Gay Maa- 
oneraden week of 30. Big Banner Show week 
of a. BOYAL. (Marena IMW. Bigr.> ynudoTllle. 
BIJOD (Marcos Loew, VgWIWlUfc Cpl^ 

nuiU. Mgr.) Stoek. OOTHAU (Panllne H. 
Batlgb anfTTlM Olrl of the Oolden Weat week 
irfV OHnkaBNT (Ijew Parker, mgr.) The Olrl 
of the Golden Weat week of 20. raid In mil 
week of 6. OREENPOINT (Benedict Blatt. 
mgr.) CIrcumatantial Evidence, Klein Brothers, 
and Sibyl Brennen. O'Brien. llaTet aud Kyle 
aad 0>mpany. Geo. B. Beoo and Company. 
Bogeia aad Bart, Zeno and Z«Do, Lightning 
Hopper and Anns Chandler week of 80. OR- 
PSUCOU (Prank KOhoU, mgr.) Adeliae Omm*. 
Mas Oraber'a Aataiala, llTe Brmni Bralbrra. 
Wllllama and Schwarla. Brown. Harri*' aad 
Brown. Bounding nonhmtt, Keaaler and IM. 
Fanny Rice, and Tlie I'bulOHbop week of 90. 

BDVFALO— STAR (P. C. ConMlI. a«r.) Week 
Jan. 30. IHa Sptadlhrift; week Veb. 6. Beealc 
McCnr. TKtXiJ. OlaheL mwr.) Week Jan. 
SO. Eddie Fn- and Cmmn Cams; week Feb. 0. 
Btrtka KaUeh. IiTBIO (J. Laaghlln. mgr.) 
Week tm. SO. 'Tk* OM tlaa Baetor'a; week 
rob. C Bcolab Pemter. smtA'B (M. Shea, 
mgr.) Bock and Fnlton. T«r7 good; Simon and 
Gardner, Tery good; Agaea Scott and Henry 
Keane, good: Mr. and Mr*. Jack McGreerey. 
excellent ; Bella Baker, fair; Baby Raymond and 
Co.. fair; Pedenoa Bratben, good: Stlckney's 
CIrnii. good. Week Feb. S. Nat WUIa. GAB 
DEN (Mr. WIrite. mgr.) Week Jan. 30. Jeraey 
Llllea; week Feb. 0, Tba UiTemakrr.. I..\PAY- 
ETTB (Bagg ft Bnckley. mgra.) Week of Jan. 
30. Imnetlala: week of Feb. 0. Pat White. 
Aa t eaeb M a ^>«w. VLAMA Ofr. B. X. Dowao, 

ntbewaitr aisr.i TnwHlle. . 

IJ. OlllMTl Gordan. mgr.) Albania Orebi-iitra 30: 
Al. n. Flelira MlnalKla I: Mm*. Traubadoor 
i-:i: rrrll Scott In The Lottery Man 7-8: Tld- 
■Ilsii I'lnyerx D: ITn and Down Broadway 10-11. 
KMI'iitK (J. R. RiMdea. mgr.: Baatem VTheel) 
R<>n Tons 30-Fcb. 1: Kniekerhoekero 2-4. GAI- 
KTY (UKar Stacy. Bgr.: Wcttem Wheel) Jardia 
•If Parla Olrla weak at SO. 

OOBTLAVB.— OOBTLAMD (L. >t. Dillon, 
mgr.) Bobert Uanlell SI cancelled. Sidney Drew 
In Billy 3. Texas Banger 4. Channcey-Kelffer 
Stoek Company 0-11. except Feb. 7 wben Sheehan 
G rand Onera Company will be the attraction. 

Do Bo la. mgr.) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. BTd* 4. 
TniM Weeks 0. BUOTI (S. Warner, mgr.) Wm. 
XCICee and Oompasy. Twaedy and Bobertn. 
Wood's Maateal Trio 30~i. STAR (Fred Ire- 
land, mgr.) Tramble Foor Mlaa Helen Ireland 
30-4. NEW ORPBECM (W. Boaay. mgr.) Mat- 
tlce Slock 0>mpany 30-4. 

PENM TAB.— SAMPSON (C. B. Slawm. nier.) 
Tbe Girl In the Taxi SO. Mar t«BB la What 
Wriaht Left Feb. 1. SletBofa Dad* TaBI'8 
C abin 4. Oranstark 0. 

VnOA MAJESTIC (Ford S. .Vmlcrwin. mgr.) 

Sidney Drew In Rlll.v Feb. 1-3. Marie Cahlll In 
Jmly PtorKot .T, StiiN'ban Oraod Opera Cooipany 
4. OIIPMKDM (rord Auderaon, mgr.) Eight 
KIta Baninl Troiiiio, The Spear*. Branii. Frank 
and Boul 30-1. I.amont and Mllham. Ijiug and 
Smytb, Oenrge Moore. Prof. Ft»nk Welmer 3-4. 
niPrODROMB (P. P. Clancy, nsr.) Miller Al- 
wood and Company.' Catherine and Nelaoa. Sterl- 
'raak Bnrt 80-1. Laneaa. Claston rorapany. 
All an<l Rajah. Sam R. Baeben. Mbui I lila lias- 
kell RIchanIa and Plctorca 2-4. SHUIIKIITS 
(Wm. D. FItxgerald. mgr.) Cheyenne Day*. Mar- 
ion Garaon Opera Company. Detro. Mack aad 
Orih. Emeraon am) Bnleborl. Smyth and Hart- 
■nau. Krcmka Brothera week of SO. 


— ELKS' 


Wert'H Jto'tk. ni«r.) Lew Dockatata^ 
IIIPPODBOMB. ▼nndeetlle. 


OnrOQnrAn.-QRAND (John H. Havim. 
mgr.) Montgomery and Stone In The Old Town 
w».'k of 8. KEITR-8 COLUMBIA (Harry K. 
"bocklpy, mgr.) William Kolh aiNl Oomimnv. Stu- 
arl Barnea. Mlaa AToe. Felice Morria and Cbm 
KrV'j ii'*^*' Cantwell. Namba Troupe. 

Milcli Slaters. Roaniw MIdKvts. and picture* 
week of 8. LTRIO (James B. Fennesay. mgr.) 
' "i~?iStai»' •» TUlle'a KIgbtmate week of 
ORPBBUM (Geo. B. Gordon, mgr.) Mont- 
"""'T and Moore, Tnsco. Alexander and Bertie, 
wiiiiani Morrow and Company. Harding anil 
"lire. Carl McCuUoimh. Holman Brolhcm. anil 
"Ictnre.. OLYMPIC (Geo. F. and L. Forcpaogh 
™n, mgr*.) Forepaugb Stock Company In Going 
5. EMPRESS (H. K. Roblnaon. 
mgr.) The Salamttoa. Mr. and Mm. Jaa. Me- 
5«nn. Rarry Le clalr. Knox and Alrln. Fanton 
Bmnwrs, Cttddy aorrlce week of 0. vrALNDT 
•nil.?' Jackaon, mgr.) Oheckera week of B. 
SSn«w.-^A"" .Symphony ConceHa 3-4. 
irenOK-ll (0«5j^ Hencfc. mgr.) Montana week 
tL?-tJ^?}^^^ T. Pllwa. mgr.) Al 
.in "W"*.' 5!fW«»" "« VarterlUe. STAND- 

Wheel) Lady Roccaoecra week of S. AMERI- 
CAN (Harry Hart, mgr.) Vaudeville. AUDI- 
TORIUM (John Alf. mgr.) VandevlUe. 

AKROH.— NORKA (M. C. Winter, mgr.) 
Ed. LaZell, The Colllna Doo. The Wheeler 81a- 
teni, Cora Yoongblood Comon Sextette. Roae 
and Screrna, John Beed. JdIcb Held and Com- 
pany week of 30. FAMILY (C. M. Stanley, 
mgr.) Home'a Stock tympany In Tbe lotrader 
week of 30. COLONIAL (O. I.. Grover. mgr.) 
Three Relgle Sisters, Mills and Moulton, Ward 
and McNally, Brown and C^per, La Petite 
Zena. Tbe Star Bout 30-Feb. 1: Pero ami Wll- 
flon. Dnnbar and Turner. Hnddlesoa*8 .Valmaln, 
Dan J. BarrlngtoD, Pasey and Raglaad, and tbe 
Star Boat 2-4. 

AIZUinSB.— COLUMBIA (Ra ymon d S. Wal- 
lace, mgr.) Seeen Day* «. ORPHEL'Jf (W. H. 
Harrington, mgr.) The Carr Associated Players 
week of 30. 

UMA TRE PAUROT (L,. H. Cnnnlnsbam. 

mgr.) Montana 28; Lottery Man 2; Soul Klsa 
4; Wayfarer's Mlastrels T. THE ORPHEIIM 
(Will G. WlUlami, mgr.; Gna San Circuit) 
Knickerbocker Trio, soloists; Gals*. Uaperson- 
stor; Howard and DeLors. sla Bl tll llkiifa Mar 
Bears. THE LYRIC (Berger * Dtvk). Tsade- 
vllle: opens on the Stta. ... 

mgr.) I'>ancla McMUIen nh. 1, ^als JMm la 
The White Siste r 6. 

Hartahorn, mgr.) De Ooge Brothers, Brock and 
Compaiiy. Morris Abtahama. Tbe Mabelle Trio, 


'SI ranuer arwpe. 
0tt^ai4 Wtkajjaon. 

|i*SnSt9l VIb «aek 

week^S. AVCAOK Tanderlllc. KMPIRB. 
Irwla's Msjestlcs week of 5. Talratlae. Delia 
Fsa 2. Robert Edlaon 4. AnDrrOBimi. Shop- 
bod Klnar week of 6. LYCEUM- Oeoege Sid- 
ney S-8: Through Death Vsllej O-ll. 

man, mgr.) The Cat and Tbe rUdla S(K rlndln- 
snd Grabame Feb. 0-12. 


BBTIZR MAJESTIC (Om). N. Bnrkbalter, 

mgr.) Human Jlearts 28. Seven Days 30 Bleb- 
ard Carle In Jnmnlng Jnplter 31, Tagderllle 
Feb. 0. LYRIC (C. C. Chrlton, mgr.) Beldle- 
betB Foar, Brae* aad Qordoa. Aatao Blalaa, 
BoaMI a«l ■jrlsastar. Adaais and istatehl*, 
Martin Stud, and pletniw week of W. OB- 
PHEITM (C. B. Amy, mgr.) Walter Stantord and 
Company. Dick Howard Slaters. Chatam and 
pictoree week of 80. . . ^ 

mirr.) Broadway Gaiety Olrla Fpb. 1. Blanch 
Rlnir 4. David Levlngton F\-b. fl. ORPHEUU 
(noyd Rnpklo*. ngr.) The De Barea Sextette. 
Sidney Ribaey. BiaMS aad OMnrtM^OaiaM aad 
wiiiiani. Clark aad l ai dw a a aad Bliat Bayea 

week of M. . „ ' 

LUnuSTEE.— raunW (a a. Tccker, 
mgr.) Madam* Ikaiij 90. Oaagbt la Mld- 
Oeean 31. Foorth. Beirtaeat BaiMI Feb. 2. 
Tbe Man of the Iloar 4. PAailLT (Bdwanl 
Mosart. mer.) Tandrvnie wtek of 90. _ ^ 

ROUSE (L. J. Flak, rorr.) Oramtark 28. Tbe 
Olrl In tbe Taxi 31. FAMILY (Robert Bills, 
mgr.) Paul Edwanla. Ernest Pantier Troope. 
J«me« K. MeDoaald. KMa. "" " 

CMuIon A. Moim Ml 

Tyi.>. jcirdoa aad Oats 
of !io. 

(l>. M. CautrmsD. rarr.> nlsncbe Rlnr In Tlie 
Yankee Olrl 38. Blllv 7. Donglaa Falibask* 
In The Cbb 10. Martin's Vatic Ton's 0|Ub IT- 
18. NBaBITT (D. M. ranirmsB, mae.) Ae Mas- 
bitt stoek Oonpanv In Caaieo KMty week of 
31 Same company In Sham week of 0. POLI'S 
(Gordon Wriltbter. mgr. ) The Fonr Flooda. 
Percy Warren Comi»^nv. lime and Farrell, Tbe 
Cnnrtlers, Tom Mabonev Clark and Verda. Josle 
n'Mecrs wek of .10.: MeAllerv's Marvels. Base 
Perry. Bamra and Crawford. Markee Bros.. Lo- 
lo. Edmund Stanle.v and Company. Zertbo's 
Doca week of «. I r/KR.^"E (lj-on FVrln.llnl. 
mgr.) PasslUK Parade W, Yankee Doodle Girls 
2. Miss New York. Jr.. «: Tbe Dnckllnaa 0, 
Kentnrky Rellea 13. The Umolrea Id. Cherry 
nioosoms 20. Moaltn Range 23. 


noCSR (P. R. Wenilelsi-h— f-r. mgr.) Ssm 
Bernard In Be Came from Milwaukee 2-4. Tbe 
Balkan Princess 0-8. Rxnise 0-11. KEITH'S 
(Cbas. Lnvenberg. mgr.) Vandrvine. EMPIRE 
(Sd Brannlg. mgr.) Th» Cboraa l.*dr week of 
80. The Olrl In tbe Taxi wek of 6. The Olrl of 
Mv Dreams IS. Madame Sherry week of 23. 
Wilton Lackaye week of 27. IMPERIAL (W. 
S. Baldwin, mgr.) Janice Meredith week of 80. 
Nobody's Claim week nt rt Th.- Cb'tstlaa week 
of IS. WESTMINSTER «?eo. F. Collier, mgr.) 
Vanltv Fair week of SO. Dalntv nnehesa week 
of 8. ' Colombia Bnrlesqnen week of 13. 

Matthews, mgr.) Oeatore Mi. The Climax 1. 
Olga Nethersde 3. Bnster Prown 4. MAJESTIC 
<0. L, Brantley, mxr.t .\nlell Brother*. Sol 
Bema. Ijiwienee and Edwsnls. Tbe Bramsoos 
week "f 30, Ad Carlisle. Ssm Ilnod. Redwood 
snd Gonlon. Sampson and Pounlan wei'k of Feb. 

n^.) France* Starr In The Esslest Way :<•> 
Oealore's Band Feb. 1. Bnster Brown 3. Tiie 
Climax O. Black PattI 8. t.ew l>ockstadee-« 
Minstrels ». Tbe Cow and the Mtna IS. The 
Olrl la the Taxi IT. I.TH|C Qir. Ifrach. 
mgr.) Vsndevllle. 

OBEEirVILLE. — RRANn (It.'.T. WbttBIIre 
mgr.) Blister Brown Feb. t. TkO OUaMS T. 
Creatore snd His Band (t 


COLiniBtA.— OPERA HOUSE (Wm. Barker, 
mgr.) Dark week oC Jan. SI: Smart Set Feb. 
7: nine Monse U. - 

KBOXVXLLB.— BTAD^ "»'•• ^If^. ' 
The lUalHrttaai Osnb Cag m ar- so-Frb. 4. ni- 
jon cygid jletla. aMrwt Mr Claderetls Olrl 30- 
Kvh. 4. aSSXO. Tsndeelllfc 

KASHVmS.— THK BUOV (George BIek 
man, mgr.) Happy Rooltgan vreek of Jan. SO- 
Feb. 4: week of Feb. Mam'aelle. THE OR- 
PIIBUM (George Hickman, mgr.) The Trshem 
Slock Company In When We Were Twenty-one 
week of Jan. SO-Feb. 4: tor week of Feb. 6-11. 
Merely Mare Ann. ' VKXPOMK <W. A. Sbeets. 
mgr.) Feb. 2. Raymond Hitchcock In Tbe Man 
Who Owns Broadway: Feb. fl-T. F.lks' Min- 
strels, presented bv the Nashville Lodce No. 
73 n. P. O. B. TITR OR.KND (George Hickman, 
mgr.) Goldle and Hnye*. Lncler and Kllaworth. 
Faynette Mnnme. nixies dslaty dangbter. head- 
llawi^ro>«_a«Jla9L_sa^ Helqi* .seek a( 

■a. aura.) 
aad SesB. 

Caslellalt . . 

beadiineca; Mttai p l ataa aa araak of laa. to- 
rch. 4. 


Ansy, mgr.) Billy Clifford In The Girl, (be Man 
and the Game 30-31: Madame X Feb. 1-4. MA- 
JESTIC (O. F. Ooold. mgr.) Three Dooleys. Bea- 
lah Dallas. Geon* W. Maeiliiiisld. Cbaa; Mar- 
Htin, Basel Macnaaald, De aad Dunaa Bis- 
lers, Boris aad Darl^. The Batbskeller Mo, 
Paul Klelat and plctnrea week of 29. OBPH- 
EUM (Daltoo Brothers, mgrs.) The Tbree Impe- 
rials, Wnnser and Palmer, JObn and Bertha 
Oleasnn, Will Lacey and Jack XaMkaU week of 
20. HAPPY HOUR (Daltoa T " 
Van and Hoffman. Lolle Dodge, 
James McNally week of 29. 

H0B8T0B.— PRINCE (Dave Wels. mgr.) Fol- 
ly of tbe Circus 3-5: Adelaide Thurston T. NEW 
MAJESTIC (Chas. A. .McParland. mgr.) Tande- 
Tlllc. OLD MAJE.STIC (Joseph D. Glass, mgr.) 
The Man on the Box week of 20: Talk of New 
York week of 4. COZY (Manrlce Wolf, mgr.) 
Vsnderllle. BMPIBB (B. B. Morrla. mgr.) Barl 
C. Way Mnaleal COBntany. 
SnXaOBO— DIXIB_ (W. ,U._JBl«WBlac. 


(A. Saul, mgr.) Tbe Cllaus St.- tto Newly- 

weda and Their Baby Feb. 7. 

WA(».— AUDITORIUM (Aaron Laskln. mer.) 
Adelaide Tburaton 31. Tbe Sins of a Father Feb. - 
4. MAJESTIC (Box Brotbeis, ngis.) Tande- 



mgr.) TsndevUIe week of 20. OBPUBUM 
( Tracy and Bather, mgra .) Vaudeville. 

EVZRZXT,— BVBRBTT (John Prlagle. Bdr.) 
Tbis Woman and That Han Peb. 1. SMBHam 
Do Aagells la Tbe Beauty %wt X. Rlchsnl 
Jose le Tbe aUvcr Tbresds 3. Tbe Maa of 
the Boar M. BsfeB Daya 2S. The Kissing 
Olrl SO. 

«P(MUm_ADI>rrOBIUM (Harry C. Har- 

ward, aunr.) Serea Days 1-4: The Qoeen of the 
Moalitt Baogo O-ll; Jeffetaoa DeAngells 12-13: 
Mary Manpering I4-1S, SPOKANE (Crharlea W. 
York, mar.) Baker Stock Companj In In the 
Bishop's Csrrlsge 20-F»b. 4. AMERICAN (John 
E. Hoppe. mgr.! Del 8. Lawrence Stock Company 
In Texas 2»-Feb. 4. OBPHBUM (Joaenb A. 
Muller. mirr.) VandevlUe. WASRINOTON (G. 
C. BUkeslee. mgr.) TaederHIe. PANTAOES' 
(E. Clark Walkar. ■sr.) Taaderllle. 

WBZEUVO— yiRQINIA ((Aas. A. Felnler. 
mxr.) The Man of tbe Boar SO-Feb. I. APOLLO 
«H. Roger*, m^^.l Tbe Traveler* WMTab. 4. 

TICrrOBlA (Geo. 1 

r.) Zba lU Bpniars. 

maslrlsns: Richard Sistm, iBHMa Bl 
art: Oriole Trio, singers; Waakag BMlhaiib 

e<lT twixers. ,W-Feb. 1. 



H. Wilson, mgr.) MIsa Nobody fram Btarlsnd 
SO. GRAND (Appelby sad Jafiaaoa. mgrs.) Sl- 
leat Mora. Ray Dick. Bleach Aldrlch. aad Com- 
pany 8I-I. 

ber. mgr.) Grace Ralrd Stock 0>mpauy 20-28. 
IDEA (Oscar J. Vollcrt. mgr.) Vsudevllle. 

J ABEBVIL LE.— ORANn (P. U Myers, mgr.) 
FVaok E. Lonr Stock Cuuipauy 30. Fattier and tbe 
Boy* 4. The Third Degree T, Sweeleat Olrl In 
Par la 9. 

Wllllama. mgr.) Grace Baird Stock 0>mpaay 29, 
Oonnty Sbetflf S. Patterson Stock Company 12, 
As Told In The Bills 10. Bowe'a Plctnrea 24. 
BUOn <P. W. Jenks. sigr.) MeOaemIek aad Ir- 
▼lat. WMtso snd Brsad. Madaas btalga, Jfarlo 
BaMMB aad plctorea week «C ML 

(Alllr R. I/<ndon. mgr.) The Foarth Estate 31. 

I. ew nelds with Stella Mayhrw In Tbe Jolly 
Bachelor 1-2. Resale McCoy In Tbe Echo .14. 
TEMPLE (John O. Appleton. mgr.) Edwin Holt. 
Clifford Walker. Cadets de Osseogne, Craocb 
and Welsh. Larry Spnihan. Laura Mekl ey. a nd 
Wormwood** Animals week of SO. OBTBTAL 
PALACE (Herbert Claytoa, mgr.) B eece Bma.' 
Mlnatfola vreek of SO. 

Brooks, mgr.) Tbe Old Bomeatesd week of 30. 
PBINCESS (B. r. Jndge. mgr.) The Nlgrer 
vreek of 80. ROYAL (O. McBrlen. mrr.) Tbe 
Coxy Comer Girl* week of 30. OBPHEUM (O. 
G. Drlscoll. msr.) Joseph Rartls. Charles and 
FSimy Van. Edmund Stanley and Company. 
Fi«nk Ely and Mabel Florence. Loba Meroff. 
Cook and Stevena. Rice Sntly and Oeoot week of 
30. FKAXCA19 (J. O. Rooley. mgr.) Tom Cas- 
tellane. I mnairl and .\lvln. Hanson and BI]on 
Gertrude lee Fblmn and Company. Baraa and 
Lawrence- Fox and IVtaieo wee k of SO. OASIMO 
(A. K. Sharp, awr.) BoaCh aad Hart, ne 
Three O are a. Tk e Oteat Wwi W i wtek at K. 


Tloert. mxr.) 
I>b. 10, Ike 
reb. 19. 

•on, SMit'.) 

XOMnrm,— PBIMOM - lO. B. Shspoaid. 
nuT.) When Sweot Bteteea week of SOL Boas 
Stahl la Maggie Pepper week of «. ROTAL 
AI.BXANDBIA (I,. SnUnan. mcr.) Edward 
Terry la Beperlo're week of 30. The Jolly 
Barlielors week of A. GRAND (A. J. Small, 
mgr.) Al. H. Wilson In A German Prince 
week of 30. My Cinderella Girl week of 6. 
SHEA'S (J. Shea mgr.) VandevlUe. MAJES- 
TIC (IVter T. Grlmn. mgr.^ Vandevtlte. YON- 
OK STREET <n. W. H. Moran. mgr.) Vande- 
vlUe. GAYETV (T. R. Henry, mgr.) Sam 
Howe's Love Mskers vreek of M, Boblnson 
Crnsoe fllrla vreek of «. STAB (!>•« T. Pierce, 
mgr.) Miner's Bohemians vrrek of M. Imperials 
vreek of 6. 

VAXcotrrBB, b. a— VANOOinrBB opbba 

HOUSR (R. R. Bleketts. mgr.) This Man and 
This Woman SO. The Resnty Snot 81-F«b. 1. 
The Three Twins 3-4. vtnms Anniversary Cnn- 
nrt Feb. «. EMPRESS (Walter Sanfottl. 
mgr.) Via Wireless week of SO. OBPHErM 
(Geo. (^se. mgr.) The Yotrogman Family. 
Soraghan. Lenox and Cool pany. Eva Mndae. 
Holmes and Rile.-. Weston and Toonr. Mile. 
Sllverada w.-.-k of .Kl. PANTAOES- (Geo. A. 
Calvert, insr.) The Great Reonle Family. Dunn 
siul Glaaler. The DeKocb Brothera. Barrett 

and Bayne. and Max I.aube week of SO. NA- 
TIONAL, (Al. W. Gluts mgr.) VandevUle. 
GRAKO (Joe. Watklna. mgr.) Lewta aad 
Lake. HnaMal Oamdgr O o ^ j a f natfe «( 
Prlaeaaa Hwieal Caaiedr Oaapaar wtak a( PsB. 

VICTOBIA, B. C— VICrrORIA (C. Desham. 
mgr.) Jefferson De.\ngella In The Beauty Spot 
30: allrer Threads .11. GRAND (George Trmh- 

bell. mKr.) VaiKl.-vllli-. 

Graa:e Glatdya 


Sbeelal ai KiRiy. daberftte watdrob*. I«ft 

HoDolnlD, Dec. 27* for Cblna. Before leav- 
tor, slgtied contract for 4 weekn* return date 
at Sawor Tbeatr^. Honolulu. AJilreiu Amer* 
lean Vftuderllle Co. Tlieatre. Shanghai. Cblmu 

ZIP ^^'^'^^^^ 


Now playing the longest, most plesssnt and 
profitable winter's engsgement of our show 
experience. CAPT. O. K. WHITE, care 
(nark A Snow'* Mosenm. 2M Soath Slain 
Street. Los Angeles. CsL 






Seven seasons with Baraam and Bailey's Clrcu*. 
Be-ensaved for 1911. Now playing winter Sea- 

son In llonoltiiu. Uookcl by I. N. Ooben, West- 
back IlMi;.. rr»nrl,r.., Ai!.;r.-«^ "Tho BUI- 

board, " .Sail KranclHcu. 



Now ptartaa saadaiBI 
aolld wiarBMI»VMO 
disaa vm " 


Sketches -Monolqguas 


Baaaoaahle ratea. Write fur 
B. V. I 

, a; *, 


roa Tax raorattioa 


I CAN rLAca: you on m* 
vaudkvilkje: stage 

Instmetlve Caaiae ahaolotely PBEB. 1 pei 

aUy aaslst yea to get aa act aod enxasemaal.' 
Egperleaca anamiaaiy. Method endorsed kg* 
maaager*. Thirty raaisT experience, inattacimi 

■ gn ws laad. J.r.msaaa. 1*1* vijog»..CIwlnnatl.O. 

Musical Glasses 

HhMMMal. lend. *ais la toBs, **ey 
.taaeaadnlay. Pboaa*. r s lks — e ss. eatslogo* 

ttb fan tnf ortBstloB wHl bo as»s ott rsealaa «^ 

Btjaiifs- I- l^imnnetss, OtaaaopliOBr MtR 

IH )~iaibushAv«L. Brooklyn. B.T. 

raka. Pla 

. BOB BAX£— Al the right 
Uberlr Bell*. Cheek Bo.t-. 
d alt klads of Amosenient 
. ROTELTY CO.. V. O. Il4>v 
K. J. 

ElectricTattooing Machine s>t4.7S 

Tattoo ontllta. gl-BO; Color". 25r: Peslgns^ 
New rstslogne ftve. PROF. H. W. REBIW 
\\<a So. I*t St.. West. Cedar RspMs. lows 

aad LitlHa. I 

W USA— Xmas day your mother 
her^ hip. Wss^hi rapMI^U- 


for an enterprlslnit. bostllng pointed bnlletltt 
solicitor: one capable of managing tbe plant and 

" '"^i^'bimd «ojcTSi'83«a — 


FURUARY 11, 1»11. 

rxMtiaaisav luasa. 

(Oeatim* ttam pas*'M.) 

Etvud: ST W. Tbornton St., Akrao. O. 
Mk.: CadlUae. Mlcb. 
(Ontenm) Oratz, Aiutrla. F»b. 1-27: 
. fUlblri) BicaUn. 0«r.. aUreb 1-31. 
| > »V «Bd e A DitumoR: Zanenlll*, O. 
IWIaM. Bobcrt. Trio: 161» W. Utb FtaC*. Chi- 

JiOneeta: Fliidlv> (l> 
XaMed: «ia nnt aC. JbcnK Om. 
unuBunk Batkt OMUto BaiM. C IH«n» . 

DCPbll Bna.t 4« Tftk ab, BnMUya. 
Itanifa, jterud: W Ontnl ave., Oaoaatarllle, 

OeVoe & Mick: Mansaeia, U. 

Dick, Ba;: 522 Ohio ave., Kukonio, Inil. 

Dickens & F1o;d: 343 Bbodc Island at., Boffals. 

DIfklnaon. Bldutrd: Mdrae, Maaa. 

Diston. BladellBe: 934 Lonewooa a*e.. N. Y. C. 

Dl*alaa. Tbe: 143 E. Bth St., Mansaeld, O. 

MU^OB,: 270 W. 38tli St., N. X. C. 

Itilaa * laabarr: 2480 7tlt ave.. M. Y. C. 

Danar. Itarls: S4S Uaeoln at., Jotuutoim. Pa. 

DonovBD ft MscUd: 1130 Thylw It.. Ft. Warna. 

■ tnd. 

Dada Opera Trio: can W*b 'M)ato« law,> 1*7 
' Seaibora at„ CfclnaKO. ' ' . . ' 
Dorte Ttto: m K. aiato tb; Okinpii. 
Daraeh * Boaril: 6M'8.' BwaM 'smk, 

ark, N. J. 
Doss. BUIj: 102 So. High gt. 
DoQglai Ic Douglas: White Batik' 
Downard A Downard: Cjrclone. no. . 

DaabarftnalwrTwblte Bat*,' K. T. 
Dwm. lottie. Trio: 130 Scott Rt.. WUkes- 
Banv. ra. 

Davor. Qco., & Daytoa Slaters (Majeatlc) HoDS- 

toa. Tax.: (Oalfcs) Galveatoa 13-18L 
KbcaBa. Vcm UtadM>- A MMo m. O. 

too, O. 

OalT's CoDDtry Choir (Majestic) Denver 11-18. 

DeTrao. Uobert (Prtoceas) St. Ixnls. 

Darren. Laoteace (O. H.) Colambns, Hiss.; 

(PclBcess) Atlanta, Oa.. 13-18. 
On; Ckrtta (Empicas) Cincinnati, 13-18, 
DaVilMs. Great (O. B.) BamUtoa, O. 
Dmaler. Jngsllnr (Flaza) St, iim^ Ml; QM- 

mat) St. Lonls ±3-at XBgSi. 9uli tt. 

Loola. in.. 1»-18. ■ " ■ - '^ 

Damntg^ jgr^amn) Dorar,- !7.'.K.t OkauolB) 

DaBMD * iJaSne (Hlppodnaw) - 'Cle*elaad: 

IKalth's) Cotamhos 13-18. 
Dmr. Pat, * Glayda Kewton (Shobert) Nev 

Oriaaas 8-IS. 
Vajftt*. Fred (XairUnd) -Baltlnioce. 
DattOB. Chaa. W. <PiiIac|]U) dcTeland. 
DIakalspIel'a Ctulstmaa, with Bernard A. Beln- 

oM- (SaJcaUe> CUeafo; (Oalnmbla) St. Lools 
■ 13-18. 

Daltaa, Tliemaa H. (Prioecaat' WldUSi Kfea.; 

iOraoenoi) IicaTcaaractk 13-181 • 

OaUaa. Beolah (Majastle) Haanaa. Slp:r(MB- 

ceaa> Hat -SpHass. A*, »-1f_ ' .. - 
Daik Katahta, Tea (BMiib) Uaaa. - O.; <C^ 

slaa> Chuaco; . — , 13-18. 
DeHoUls * Valota (Majestic) Bltinliiicbaai, Ala.; 

tUajeatic) UttJe Bock. Ark.. 1^18, 
DeVaie. PaallB^ * Addle Batk (Oraod) Koax- 


Day. G«ol W.* (AiB«TlcaB> Ooiaha, Kab. 
DeMar. Grace {TTiilqne) lUnneapolla. 
Edman tc Garlor: Bos 33, BlebiiKnid. Ind. 
IMrtbe. Corinne: 22S Bo. Bobejr St., Chlcaso. 
Elaine. Uabrl: 800 N. Clark St.. Cbleaso. 
EIBarto: 2S31 K. HoUIngFoed St., Phlla. 
Elliott & West: 2034 ' Ensworth St., Phils. 
Elmore, Gns: 124 N. Emporia are., Wichita, 

Emmett & Lower: 419 Fine St., Darby, Pa. 
EDKlbb, Rosebads: 2841 W. 1st St., Brighton 

Brarb. N. T. 
£meKts. Three: (Empire) London, Enf., Not. 

14-Jan. 15. 
GsihiT & WeUh: 1831 Bsnstead at., 
Esne Trio: ITll Wella at.; cailcaao. 
Btbania. Kaoml: Fair Hatcn. K. 1. 
Brma, BMate: S703 Cottase GiOM 
Brdya Ststcts: 2SS Green aTe.', ** 
Seatatt Oa.: Sprinalleld. O. 

Haode * Vena (Anditorlam) Sillsbnry. 


EIIIk & VcEenna (Fnetac'al Kawaik, B. J.; 

(Pelt's) Scranton. Pa—' tMi^Mt_^. 
Ererett. GsTnell (MUea) MlaaaapHHi} {tfllMe} 

Milwankee. 13-18. 
Emmett ft Emmett (Orphenm) Alliance, 0., 9- 

11: (PrlaclUo) Clereland 13-18- 
'Brans, Chas. E., ft Co. (Orpheam) Salt Lake 

Cltr; (Orphenm) Senrer, Col., 13-18. 
Edrlneton. Chas. H-, 'ft His Amerlcsn Beantlea 

IGanlek) WUailBstOB. DeL: <PaU'a) BerantoD. 

O Catalpa Rd., I'tvvlili ui- 

neenian. If. 
B. I. 

nvncb. Harry: 318 N. Main St., Mt. Fleaoanl. 

FTey. Ileory: ICaj Madison sve.. N. Y. C. 

Frlcl, Mr. ft Mrs. Thototan: 1016 Walont si., 
AttdenMHi. lad. 

Pritcble ft Mam . WMIa Batik M, T. C. 

FVobel ft Base: 314 wTntd at.. K.-T. C. 

FVoio Trio: 370S 30th are. South. Mlnneafiolla. 

FOIton, Chaa. M. : 3538 Indiana arr., Ctilcagu. 

Fi*rrls Bros.. Three (Pastime) Macon. Ga. 

Fltrgerald, M. E., ft Eight Jnggllng GIrU (Or- 
phenm) Montreal. 

Flechtl's. Otto. Tyroleans ((Hiatea) San Fran- 
cisco; (PantaRea') Los Angeles 13-18. 

Fasaio Trio (Scblndler's) Cblcago; <AaUaad) 
Chicago 13-18. 

Fraacp* ft Coleman <S2d St.) Fhlla. 

Fantaos. Jaa^ _Atklataa Cywiiaal ClatlBDatl. 

Field Broa. (Temple) Debolt: (Cook's) Boek- 

estrr. X. T.. 13-18. 
Fay, TWO Coleys ft Fay ((Menial) LamaDcv, 

Mass.: (Grand) SyrscDse, K. T,, IS-IIL ■ 
Fields ft Hanson (Son) Marlon, 0,,.M]> 
Follette ft Wiclcs (Ttljon) Anensta. Ga.: <Bop- 

klns) LoalsTllIe, Ky., 13-18. 
Pagan. Noodles (Jacqnes) Watcrburj-, Conn.: 

(Keith's) Boston. Mass.. 13-18. 
Force ft Williams (Orpbenm) Oeden. Utah; (Or- 

pbenm) Denver. Col., 13-18. 
Frederick. Helena, Co. (Orpbeum) Portland. Ore. 
Fiske. Katheryn K.. & Co. (Lyrlct AblleDc. 

Kan.. »-ll.. 

FWTOII .(Majeatlc) Ft. WlMtk. XHUi Olajeetlc) 
Dsllss 13-18. ; 

Frances. Corinne COmlienm) Spokane: iOr- 
nhenm) Seattle. 13-18. 

Floydells, The: Box 148, HIcUand. XSn}. 
. Psmimi. Wm.. A Oa. (Orpaaom) Kansas City. 

FsT. Era (Hndaon) Uiiian BIIL K. I. 

Fuller. Leo (Majestic) CMar Baplds, Is. 

Feny Wm. fOmbenm) Penver. 

ft Clark fr'niqne) Mlnnesp«ll«. 

Freeman. Maurice, ft Co. (Orpbenm) Min- 

Cnbliortn. Two: Whlto Bsts, X- V. C. 
OniEf. Jn^lns: ITS White St.. Sorliwtlel'l. Mar>s. 
Ganllners, Ihiae: IKBX. Stb it.rFUla. 
Gardner ft lawsoa: SSH 1l.' AMmt ate.. Chl- 

Gamold. MIr Snth: 88 R 21at at.. Chieagn. 
Garrtsan. BarrdI ft 'Gartiaoa: 817 So. nanUIn 

St.. Brazil, Ind. 
Oaylnr. Cbas.: TBS 17th St.. Detroit;' 
Gaylnr ft Graff: 16 Ablnmlon Sq.. X. -T. C. 
George ft (^eorgte: 1048 K. Ftanklin St.. Pblla. 
George ft Gott: 'JI4 Lee are.. Sapnipa. Okla. 

Gever. Bert: Palace Hotel, rhlrago. 
Glbncy A Earle: ."i09 Madison nTc. Toledo. O. 
'Gllison Bros.: 2 WUlow St.. Brooklyn. 
Gibson. TM ft Kate:. 808 Gate* ase.. Brooklyn. 
Gllday ft Vta: 908 Slata at« Chieaco. 
Gteason, Uttle Lew: WUte Bats. kT 7 

{ «:nii.I .V i:ru.-l: WItllt- ItalH. N. Y. C 
1 <:iilsf. Joliiinle: New Itrunswlck. N. J. 

(iHrsim. Marlon ((iranil) Syracuse, N. Y.; {Lj- 
: r'l-l i).nj-ton. c. i:i l8. 

(ialyon & English Cl'lieatre) Harrlman, Tenn. 

Goldsmith ft Uoppe (Grand) Syraena*. M. V. 
, Qrlfiii. Xlaa. * Co. (Norka) ftfeMO, O.: iOt- 

, . \i MMratk 13-18. 

I OeeJ a lu ft BDIott (Orpbeimt Kaaton, Pa,-, 
I (Kellb'a HIptiodtome) Clerrland, 0., 13-18. 
Ollmans, Tbe (Casino) noastoa. Tex. 
Golden. . aande (Majestic). W, PanI: (Miles) 

MlaaaavoUs U-IS. 
Orabei^.' C^ Mas. * Mtlr.' Mellaa'a Aat- 
mala <Alhaaibn) X. T. .C.:- (Ratbawar'ai 
Lowell. Mass., 13.18. 
George & Gott: Helena. Modi. 
Goetx, Nat (Family) MIIIoB.' Pa;; (Baler's) 
PottsTllle 13-18. 
■ Oeorgettys. The (Orsnd) Ptttsbnis. l-a.; 

((rba*«'()r Wash.. D, C. 13-18. 
' GabrieL Master, ft Co. (Kellb'a) 

(Utrdoo ft Marx (inarsyth) AtlaMa. Oa-^. 13-18. 
. Glose. Angnsta (Temple) Detroit: (Ttrmple) 
Rochester. S. Y.. 13-IS. 
Gn>Ter, M'tilrcil. & Dick Klrliarils (Orphcunii 

Omaha, Neb. 
Glrird ft Ganlier (Wastilugtoai Spokane; (Ma- 
* Jeatte) Seattle 13-18. 

Gordon. Frank, ft Bnsv Kinley (Orpbenm) Spa. 
I kaae; (Orpbenm) SeatUe 13-18. 
Rray. Harrr P. (Dnamland) Waterloo, la. 
Goiaana. Bobby (O. H.) W. (tester. Pa. 
Gnrdaer, Hany ft Lnetlle (Bmiiire) Imntnn, A. 
!»-tt: (Hippodrome) Charleston, w. Va.. i:t- 
' 18. 

f^-'itn. .Adeline (Keith's) Phils. 
Hunter ft Boss (Basal) Xorfolk. Ta. 
tlsley ft BBIart im Ftme EMU;. ». Loala. 
null. B. (Sarlni-BMhcr (Mltar Oik.: Blalnrsi. 

, Hallman ft Morphy: 013 McKean st.. Pblla. 
- Ili-lson Boys: 21 E. 08tb St., N. Y. C. 
. I'slwoftb, Jack: 128 XT. Erie St.. Chicago. 
Ilsmllo. Hany: 807 ,2tetb-Westem RIdg.. Mlnn- 

II<n>lM-. Vera: lUdgettfld Park. 3, ' 
Howard & Boyd: 0331 KIsel aTe.t' It. 1 
llowill. King: Breoncn Hotel, Loa Aagalia. 
Howse RlHti-rs: 4:t E. 0th at.. Jackaonrllle. Pla. 
Ilunllnxs. Four: Fair Haven, N. J. 
Iluxtabltn, The: 18 Ollrer at.. Salem, Haaa. 
Hyatt ft t.<>Nare: 1012 W. Lansale at,. Ilalll- 

(Bljoa) Laaalnt. »Mt.t (BIJm) 

letaat M. I ' 

Hammon ft Ijtdl: 484 Oettage St., Bochrster, 
I N. X. 

' namptcm ft Baasett: 4800 WInthrop are.. Chi- 

Hanley ft Jarrls: 230 Hoboken at.. Buthorford, 
N. J. 

Haima, Chester: Gsllattn. Mo. 

Han<oo & Soley: 410 Barstow at.. Eaa Claire. 


Hardy, Hdene: Plqjia. O. 
Baidy.' Jaa. E.: 48 FMIcr St., Toronto. 
Bannon, Ottie ft.: RaaUvt, lad. 
HaiBWbHiHA» 1« Pa* aC amuiaak Maaa. 

Raipcr ft Tamcaaii: Bos 1I4B. Itnskaaee, Okla. 

Harris. Fred: 831 E. 40th St., Chicago. 
Harris ft Robinson: 132 Lake St., Chicsgow 
Harrison. Leo P.: Ann Arbor, Mlcb. 
natch. £, Wanen: 74 Sydney at.. Beaton. 
Hstcbce, «h« 87 |L_iaMa£. M. X. C. 

GaMem * Bnshea: Mlltord. Masa. 
Qoedlbna ft Bn r gcsa ;' White Rata. K. 

Y. C. 
T. C- 

-Jde: 1408 K. Baadalpb St.. Pblla. 

Gordon, Do* ft liae: TIS.K. Utb at... Omaha, 

Neb. - • ■ . . ■ .' : 

Gordon. Pntt XL: SU If. SSIb nwe, las An- 

Gorman i Bell: 138 -Ith are.. S. Y. C. 
Gorman & West: ira Lexington ave.. N. Y. C. 
Gorton. Ed. ft Lizzii-: 14 Harrli<«>D St., Detroit. 
Goss. Kddle: Baymuod St.. Fall Blver, Mass, 
Graluun ft Bandall: 327 Pearl St.. Brooklyn. 
Cranberry ft LaMon: 1553 Broadway, K. T. C, 
Grant ft Brewer: 34 Boyce ave.. Walla Walla. 

Gray, Enid: 20 W. liHb «t.. S. Y. r. 
Gray ft Gray: 1022 Bird St.. Jopilo. Mn. 
Grdina * Co-: SIW St. CTaIr arc. X. E- n.-rc- 
I land. 

Greativx, Heleoe: 408 So. Ttb nri'.. LaGrange. 


Greeawood. Bewlc: R3n N. State xt.. rhicago. 
Gsoom Bisters: .700 X. Bennltage are.. Tren- 
ton. K. J.. 


a: MS B. M at..; AekMrtlle. 

Baatea Sistera: 38S2 BelaaM aia 
Bawley ft Bacben: 1347ltr u<fe at;.^ 
Raynes. Cbas. F.: Weatbarfiiid.-T«t. 
Beatber, Josle: 2133 Slth at.. Benaonborst. N. 


Helntx, Jack: 2104 PactUad ase„ lOaneapoils. 
Bdene, LaBelle: 83 W. Ttb at., Xt. Tamaa, N. 

i Henderson ft 8balM:° 038 XattsMd anw. ItU- 


Hendersiiiis. TImt lOS E. Morgan St., Scdalls, 
I Mo. 

I Hennessey. Jss. A.: (Central) San Francisco. 

Reoty ft Uael: 104 W. 40tb St., X. y. C. 
'. Hart i a aun . AdeUlde: Gllsey Boase, K. Y. C. 

HMaie: 2801 Maoltoo are,, IM Angeles. 

Hewlettrs. Tbe: 1200 90tb at;.. Da«f«r. 

nilbert. Ben: 828 SawmlBmak. AHlMbaav.. ftu ' 
: HUlyers. Tbe: 182 Bv^Mk aC, BMillkwil, 
I Brooklyn. N. Y. 

HInes. ft Fenton: U8 W. fM at.. X-X. C. 
. Hlntoo. Leslie « lalttet StH K.'OtaHand at.. 
El Paso, Tex. 

Hlrscbhorns. The: SSWi So. 8th nt.. Omaha. Neb. 
' Bolmen Bros.: 614 Jjike St., Cadillac. Mlcb. 

Holaer ft Beiloh: 40(2 N. Grand are., St. Louis. 
iHoaamiod, Oertradc: Baltliaore^ IM. 

I'yili ft Talbnl: Torringtoo, Coun, 

Hedge. Jobn, ft INmIco (Oipbeom) LasfftMNftt;,. 


Holland, Clown (Xatn Com Sbow) Clalninbns, 


Huddlesloii Jobn I.. (Murray) RIebmond, Ind.; 

(Hlpiiodronie) Lexington. Ky., lS-18. 
Elorton. Lorraine S. (Bijou) Atlanta. Ga,i 

(Grand) NashTllla, TMB., 13-JS. 
Hall. Geo. K. — - - - 

Flint 13-18, 


Hertierl. _ 

Ark.. ISfW 

Horton .ft 

Eng.. March 6-11; (Par 


Ilanilllon. Bstella B. (PantOBM*) Bacramento. 

Cal.. 8-18. 

Hampton ft Baasett (VIrciatal Cblcago; (Wil- 
son) Chicago 13-18. 
Harris Bros., 'fbree (Nlion) Pblla: 
Hopklns-AxteU 0>. (lorrle) Dsyton. O.; (Shea's). 

BufTak). N. T.. 13-18. 
Holt, Edwin, ft Co. TPomlBloal OIIMn. CUkS 

(Orpheum) Montreal 13-18. 
aoeocr. w. C. ft Co. (Oal«ae) Mhawfallst 

(BmiaMB) Dolnlh I3.1& 
Hollsnd ft Webb (Rljou) Bar CUr. JUttL 
Hsrplson-West Trio (Xew Son) BpilaoOeM. A. 
Ilnlllnger. nilidh III. H.) Oreenabuv; Pa.; (O. 

H.) Baraesboro 13-18. ■ 
Hill A 'Wbltaker (Keltb'a) Boston: (Keltb'si 

I>rovldencc. B. I.. 13-18. 
Hall Bros. (Empretis) Winnipeg, Csn. 
llowley. Irene (Mary .\nders6n) LoulsTlIb*: 

(Grand) Indlanapolla 13-18. 
Hanson, Harry L. (Sun) Marion, O., O-II. 
Haloes ft VIdocq (Pall's) Woreoater. Maaa. 
Hanlon Bms. (Orpbenm) Iiao ftkwiao ••It. 
Howard Bros.. Flying BaalSO (■mm' BaMaat 

(Shea's) Buffalo. 13-18. r 
Hart'a. Josepb. Bathing Glila (OrpbeOB) 

Salt Lakie City. ' ' 

Bartra. 3oaepb. Uttle Strang*^ Oa^ (Tampta) 

Detroit: (TMnpte) BoebaBter. B. Z„;lS-liL . 
Hart'a. Jaaritk. - .BMrioaM^^ (MMpaa.; Oa, 

(Hlnpndmme) Clerdand:' feoinmbiaV ii. 

iMila 13.18. 

Hamlin. BIchard ft Louise (Lyric) Mobile. Ala, 
llayward ft Hayward (Trent) Trenton, N. J. 
Hold's Jnles. School Roys ft Qlria (fttCaOel 

Toledo. O.: (Casino) Chicago 13.18. ' 
Hufford ft Chain (Orphenm) Rockfotd, OLt OCO* 

jestic) Kslsmazoo. Mich.. 13-18. 
Hall. G. Stanley (Grand) NashTllle. Teoa. 
Hart ft Wooilley (Lyric) Oelwetn. la.. 8-11: 

(I>rlncess) St. Psnl. .Minn.. 13-18. 
Huntings. Fonr (Orpbenm) Spokane: (Orphenm* 

Seattle. 13-18. 
Harding ft (Mire (Orpbeuai) Glaeinoall. ' 

5:is?a^"3S5ss. «r- - 

Harringtaa. MIMrrd ft Laaler lAmcrlcaai 
Omaha, Neb. 

Henderson ft Tbomss (American) Omsba, Neb. 

Harrigan. J^s. (Ombenm) Denver. 

Hess. Monroe ft Powell lOrpbeuml MinnespoUa. 

Instrumenlal'Trin: Rcctor'x Osfe. ITth ft (>W- 
tis wts.. Denrer. 

Irwins. Two: 3084 E. 7lal st,. Clerelaad. 

IrwiDK. Tbrves IMsalslUr. Mo. 

liiblkawa 3a|t TMoiw: noo Baasnaan at;. Cbl- 

Ita. Girl Mentaltat (Cltr> ftaabBn. lad.) (Ik. 

melbyrtlle IS-ia. 
tihikawa Bioa, (Bijoa) Pblla. 
Inaera ft Bras OtaJtMle) 

Her. Bar^- " * ' 


larrls ft Itarriaaat 38 McKinley at., Hartford. 


Jenaluio ft Uenlmr: .714 Broadway. KwfCtl. 


ft WMght (SOBttant in 

EUian. Tbe (BUte) Jadiaa. maa. 
Ennnet. KatbRlae. ft Ca. 

■HUI, B. ■ J. . . . - ' 

nSSlnd"l^rten:^a^S&ial at.. Bnr tbma, 

Fkntas. Two: Wblte Bats, V. Y. C. 
Fanst, Grace: 1018 N. State St., Chicago. 
Fenton. Harry C: Princess Hotel. Chicago, 
Fern ft Msck: 840 So. 8th St.. St, iMls. 
Femandez-Mar Doo: 207 E. 87th at^N. X. C 
Fields, wm ft taAddla: SOU. W. BaTena- 
wood Park aiau.. OMgt a.... . , . - _ 

flSf^'^f 1^ fc^r^flffl^Back. 

FUbB'. Mr. ft Mrs. PeCkhNS IM Obaidi at., 

FlSersld, rrroy: 208 W. Green St., High Point, 
K c 

FItxgerald, Chaa.: 2410 N. Grand are., St. Lonls. 
■ Bl^^CTl^ ft^Kanoy: SU W. Green at.. High 
- '-'BLt it -ws— -sriiin... 


FVmer, Art: 264 Watltoat., BjeaMyfc^ 
f*>ri>e« ft Bowman: aw W. imb 
Fori ft lonlae: 138 So. Broad it., Hankato, 

N. Y. c. 

Fax. Frank: B«r«e Honse. Chicago. 
F<Mt ft Snmrners:' 517 N. 10th St., Saginaw, 

Fox A Wsrd: HIT W<at St.. rWla. 

Franklin. Cheer ft Co.: 813 N. Deaibom at.. 

Chicago. _^ - — ■ 

FTanx. SIg ft Bdytba: IS 

. »• X- « m. 

ntOB. N. T. 
m, IfgiMliiMi. 


For Tn Yeiis 

we have been supply- 
ing the patrons of The 
Billboard, and like 
"Billyboy," we have 
grown tremendously. 
Prompt and courteous 
attention to your let- 
ters, fair dealing,, our 
positive guarantee on 
our work, are some of 
the things that have 

"Put Us (her" 

PUCE* 75 CBira Postage paid for cash wKk order. 


Tho House You Have Always Dealt With. 

raiCE, 91.00 



FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Xtie Billboapd 


A Ijnn>: 814 M«ry nt., 8t. Jlmcpb. Mo. 
ilSSSl. The: »M K. W*«urn .Te.. Chicago. 


lIirrinoD: Ottawa. KM. 

JonUn. Karl.: »«> JB;, At^Sfi??! 
Jantto"* Sacdel (Orand) XashTlU*. Teno.; (Bl- 

wWtt;S?ifiRM w. T. a; (teiMai) 
joHt I'wi'id^Kcttii-ai aftmm, ». it.t VUfA} 

I'lltmlwrK, Pa.. lS-18. 
Jolmnon. W. (Orph.nm) South BjDd. lud. 
Jam-*. Alexander (NatloDal) PhWi. 
J.-tivll'i> Mnnlkloa (Orphtuln) Oca Xolara. la. 
ji'HH it IMI (Colonial) Atrhtion, Kao.. 8-8. 
Jaaoer ft JrnlilDa (American) Omaba, N«b. 
KalVUI IVIo: K-.T B. 7Ut at.. Chicago. 
Karlanil. I'rof.: SM Itremi a»»., Norfolk. Va. 
Kam-llo nroK.: I'atataoo, X. J. _ . 
Kanrmanu*. The: 2«> »!• ••^ Chlca«o. 

KMlim * Mnrrar: Wlldwood. N. J. 

K7|,r f I'arka: caie Mr*. I>aTld«>ii. 281 W. 

IWh at.. N. Y. C. 
K«ra<t, Maitio: aoM OM»tJ..W -_T. C. 
K»lly * Henry; SIM nnfeMMM«M 
Kwnr. Uorrla * KaOMt W Fiaal 

TatorMm. N. J*. _^ ^. . 

Krk->'j- Slmera, Three: ••8S2 Cbrlatlana aye.. Cbl- 

Krl'npra. Thi>: 133 Colonial PUce. Oallaa. Tcz. 
KeiiurT A IIoIIIh: 04 lUrrara mn,, AUatan. Maaa. 
Knit & \vil»on: 0036 Moanie CklcafD. 
Kllllon * iluoro: Whlto Bat», W. V. C. 
Klaic Btxm.1 SIX *th mn., SebrarctadT. N. Y. 
Klacalex * Roberta: 330 Baltlmnrv Hldf.. Okla- 

b>iaa City, Okla. 
Klaicatao * Moor*: White Bata. N. T. C. 
Klacalon * Tbomaa: IIOSI Eamood at.. Morsan 

KMn^fc ErlaB»»r: IJBT K. 42n<l at.. ClereUnd. 
Klein. Ott * Mcbolaon: 2.13 W. 34th at.. N. 
T. C 

KIrIn Trio: 4739 Oldrahers are., St. Loata. 
Kllndt Broa. iMaJeatIc) Dallaa. Tel. 
KllnrMter*. The.: Boa 4«S. aawarden. la. 
Klof Slater*. Three: eare Paul Taaalc M>4 B. 

|tel«M*Bni!'**i£WMn*: MM Ucriau Road. 

Kohler. FVank * Maj: CkMtmt aU. 

KOhlTGii* ft' Marlon: 911 Rrnrth tt.. Uttwankce. 

Kelb * Miller: Dajton. Ky. 

Kolllna. Stuart. * Ula Hanjo GIrIa: ISSS Broad- 
way, N. r. C. „ 
Kcppe*. The; 117 W. 23rd aL. N. Y. C. 
Kolaro. Frank: BOS Race at.. Pblla. 
Kramera. The: Aaalomlnk, Pa. 
KtamerBmoa TMo: can Paol Taualc. 10* K. 


Kionro-Manafleld Trio: New Mllford. Can. 
Keaney. Great; }t. T. C 

Kramer. Oanclnc Bddle (Amerteaal GlBClaaatl. 
Kalaely * Doiaey (Palaec) Cotambtw. O. 
Kanen Broo.. Poor (Bammeratela'a) K. T. C: 

IKeltb'a) PhUa. IS-IS. 
Kelly. Jack * VMat CTMMI TtOBMIi, X. J.: 

(Colonial) Xorf<dK,-'V«9 tt-M. ' 
Kaltbt. Harlan B.. * OK (Of(*(Mi) Ogiia. 

flah. 13-18. 

KrlKblry. Great (GraiMl) Hot Sprlnsa. Ark.. •< 


Krnnka llroa. (Colambla) Cincinnati 13-18. 
Kimball A DonoTan (l>rl>clllat Tlneland. 
Karl ll'oirai Worceatrr. Maaa. 
Kraae. J. Warreo (KcUh'a) Coln m tQa. O. 
KaaUn. B. IVaodly) OUatn. Cha.i Wnwala) 

MaMml 1S-18L " „ ' 

KaffkMB n«B|>e (OtpheMv maampoHa;' <Oi^ 
.MMUn) Dntoth IS-IR. 

Mrta A Clifton (FamUy) Otiairai Cka.: (Fran- 

eala) Moatreal lS-18. 
Kobiw. Tbree White (Orpheam) flioax City, la.: 

iflrpbeun) Omaha. Neb.. 13-18. 
KWly A Daela (lalte) Nlairara Palla. N. T.: 

IGrllllD'al Stratford. Ont.. Can.. 13-18. 
KiirtU'-Bnaae'a Don <Orpbeum) Dallaa. Tex.; 

(Myatlri Webb City. Mo.. 13-18. 
Kaofnian Droa. <Orpbeatn> Pnlntb. Minn.: (Or- 

I>hi-<iin> St. Paol 13-18. 
Kltamora Japinete Troupe (Orphvui) Btoak- 

I.Tn: lAlhambra) N. T. C„ IS-IM. 
KeU« * Wantwortb {Pdaccwit WIehlta. Kan.: 

(Onthami) Ua*M««rtk tS-W. 
KWaU. Roae M. (CulnmMa> Aahlanrt. Ky.: 
I tlnntlnctna. W. Va.. 13-18. 
Oo. (Colnintkta) Clnrlnnatl. 
_ . (Emoreaa) Claelnnatl. 
Kennith. Bdwin. ft Co. (Amerlran) Omaha. Neb. 
I«('rrii,l«il: Ma Mniillun Si-w Allwny. lod. 

1 •K.-ll,-. Ilarrr: Vrblli- HkI». 

1a(Vriir« fc la Itno: -JlllI •-•ml are.. N, Y. C. 

!.» Chan.: Diuckhan«. Eilwanla Playera. 

Tfxarkana. Tex. 
Ijibl. Coril ft Arrrj: lOlT ijiKtina at.. Ban 


lakoln It loriln: Palare lintel. CUam- 

lanelln. Ftrar: Decatar. lul. 

IjOtar. Mtaa Wayiw:, IflMl PHMa •».. atwto- 

lAMarrt*. fVaiktet «e Wl 9«lb at.. Chleaan. 
IjiUaae. Beraett ft LaMaae: SX«e Pitkin are.. 

1 ambloltea, Th*: Mt. Vernon. O. 
laMera. Paul: ST Monroe ot.. Albany. N. Y. 
I.anmnte. Ptankt SOIS N- nroad at.. l>bila. 
l.aM<iat** OnekatMia: 1KK« nrratlway. N. V. C. 
lj<Miiure Bma.: ft! Ce>lar Ijike are.. Mlnnrap- 


t-anraaim. Mr. ft Mr». Tom: Sow Caalle. Dela. 
Ijinmlnn ft MofTl*: 1427 Meltrnry at., Italtl- 

Levloo, Dolpb ft Slule: 14 Proapect at., W. 

Uaren. Coon. 
IjDcolaa, Four: SISO Huron at., Chicago. 
LIndberg, Arthur: 374 Central are., Norwich, 


IJndaay. Cadric: 306 College are.. Anatlo. Mtoo. 
Uaea, Uamri dW «Ui U.. Boiilh. Mlonatmlla. 
Uagenuuk Ml* Lwri TOS N. Stb aV, AUa. 
Uoyd ftVUIa: Mi liS& STK. Oataa. BMkcater. 

las Camaa at., 


If. Y. 

I.orkabay. D. !>.: Bog Mi^ 
Lockwooda. Mualcal: ' 

kvepale. N. V, 
Loin ft Love: 'M* W. 22nd at.. Coney Illand, 

N. y. 

lAlaaet. Kalli>: iO* B. 14tb at.. N. Y. O. 

Lombarrta. Tbr: care Paul Taualf, 104 B. 14tb 
at., N. Y. C. 

liont, Clyde: 1707 Walnut at., Chleaco. 

Loomla. Clara: SS40 Eeana a*e., Chleaco. 

l.nWF, P. J.: 2TS0 18th aire., Sonth, Mlooeapolta. 

Lotila-Leahy Coi.: 203 4th at,, Satt FtanelKo. 

LuMaa, roor Daaclaci U3S M. Slat Bt~ FkUa. 

l.oeaa. lUaul BMioa nitjMite) U. ML 

Ijice ft Liwa: ng N. Bnad at., PhOa. 

lioeler, Pted ft Beaa: Onaet Bay, Mam. 

l.oeder* ft Dell: 28 B. Roblnaon at., N. S.. 
Pittabnrs. Pa. 

LaDare-Wamer Trio (Saroy) Snperlor, Wl«. 

LeoDtrd. Chaa. P. (Orpheum) Newark. 0.: (Mar- 
loo) Marlon 13-18. 

T,eon A Adeline (Orpheam) SaTaonab, Ga.: (Ma- 
jeatlc) Cbarleatoo. 8. C, 13-18. 

Lorenberg'a Cbaa.. College Life (Colonial I Nor 
folk. Va.: (Chane'a) Waab.. D. C l.'t-IK. 

Loralo. Oirar (Grand) PlIlabnrK, Pa.:* (Krltb'ni 
Colnmbna. O., 13-18. 

LaMarr. Frank: Gen. Del., Grand Bapld* Mli-h.. 

••m. _ 
LePlm* * St. Joha IWatUattM) IpJbae: ^M^ 

Vatle) 8Mt«lt 18-1(1. 
Ixrairwortha. The (Aahland) Chleaao 9-11: (Ma 

l<atlel Kalaaaann. MIrh.. 13-16. 
I,arrlTee ft Iiec (Colambla) Athena, O.. 13-14: 

(Star) Nelaonellle 15-16; (Dreamland! Mnr- 

r»T City 17-18. 
LlnloaV. Tom. Jnncle Glrla (R1>oa> It-tv City. 

MIrh.: (Jrffera') Saginaw 13-18. 
Tj|T#.i| Pro,!. (PoH-do'o Square) Roat<in: — 

llmr) Plymonth 13-18. I 
l-i-yshtona, Thr Globe (Bnpreaa) Dnlath, Minn.: 1 

(Plion) WtaataK Oaa.. 1M% 
I.enBhllig HMWi,' Itt'^airtMdri 

Lleinaataa.lMa -IPairrt HartferO. Oena. 

*aaBdnM,-.Tk» (Wfaal Dreatar. m. 

Ijine A <PIVianrn (Haymarket) Cbleacn: (r<>- 

tnmblat 8t. Laal« 13-18. 
I.arey. Will (Paattme) WIehlta, Kan.: (Em- 

nrena) Kanaaa City. Mo., 13-18. 
ijiN'ole. Ed. ft Helen (Oyatal) Waterlon. la.. 9- 

11: (Ameriran) Omaba. Kab.. U-IA 
llix-i). nnsh (Orphenm) Saa FH t Befc o ot lOr 

rhenro) Oakland. 13-18. 
lanK. John E. (Venlcrl Erlo. Pa. 
I*Clalr. Harry (Emnre«») Cfnclnnatl 

• lord ft Rohoria fOrnhetiml Kanvaa CIt.v. Mo. 

• en<-nt (iiu<iM>Dt roion niii. n. j. 

r.<eTy. Bert (Kelth'a) Pblla. 
r-anrtott-Loeler Co'. (Kelth'a) Phlla ._^^_ 

M'iSS!wll' ^ {{ S > iil *^8Kf*l^!!SftJ^^ 

Moorre. Mable Valt-ntt-tne (BIJoo) Bay CIt.r. 

Mich.: (Jrffera') SiKloaw 13-18. 
Mahoney, Tom (Poll's) Sprlogfleld, Maaii.; 

(Prortor'o Newark. N. J.. 13-18. 
Moor? A Elliott (Empreaa) Wlnolpev, Cao. 
Moore, Geo. Aoatin (Grand) ETaoaTllla, lod.: 


SWe . 

Utah, 13-18. 
Morton-Jewell Fire (Amerlean) 

(Cryatal) .Milwaukee. WU.. 13-tlL. 
Moore, Tom. ft Staala (Lyric) Ten* Haala. Jml. 
(Temple) Ft. Wayo* lS-18. 

(iftg- - - 

McMiiien. John (WMfflaa«> CkaHaatoa. B. c. 
Marcoua (Emproaa) Jfllwaakaa: mttaat'at Chl- 

caxo 13-18. 
Macka. Two (Poll'a) Sprlnsfield, Maaa. 
Mullen ft Corelll (Greenpolot) Brooklyn, I:t-I8. 
Martin ft Polk (Orpbeom) Dallas, Tex. 
Monroe ft Mack (Empreaa) Chlca(o; (Em|>r<>»i 

Milwaukee 13-18. 
Marcell ft Lrnett (Ospheuin) Saraiuiah, (■«.: 

(MaJrslte) JaoktoaTUla, Vta.. 18-18. 
Mlleh. Xh* lUaaaa (Oataaibia) Oaataaatl. 
Millar Btoa. OCoir Saa) Spelagfleld. O.; (.New 

Morray) RlehnoBd, Ind., 13-18. 
MeKlnley. NelU (Majectlc) Dallaa. Tex.; (Ma- 

Jeatlc) Bouatoa 13-18. 
Merrill ft Otto (Orpheum) Spokane; (Orpheum) 

Seattle 13-18 
McOee, Joa. b'. (Grand) PlttsburK. Pa.. I.l-ls. 
Mardo Trio (Temple) Ft. Warne. lod. 
Mack A Ortb (Hippodrome) CleTeland. 
.Morel to Sister) (Bijon) Quincy, III. 
Morrla. Miss Felice, ft Co. (Columbia) Cinclo- 


McKay & Cantwell ((^lumbla) Clodanatl. 
Mlltoo. Frank, ft DeLou Slatera (Poll'a) Sprlns- 

Oeld. Maaa.; (Poll'a) BTMcmrt. Coon.. 13-18. 
Mamell, Jlamlc (prpkaam) SraMTllla; Ind. 
-Uaek ft Walker (Krilh'a) COIaiiibag, O.; (Graad) 

PlUsbnrc. Pa.. 13-18. 
McDowell. John ft Alice (Globe) Johnstown. Pa. 
MalTem Troupe (Colonial) Bocbeater, N. Y. 
Marathon Coaitdy Qnartelle (Star) M aaaaae n , 

Pa- i_ 
Morray. Mr. 4k Mra. B. 7. '<Slart Saa ftataalo. 


Montgomery A Mrv>rp (Orphpum) ClnclDOsti. 
.Vonow, Wm.. ft Co. (driiljcuml Claclnnatl. 
McColloogh. Carl (Orpheum) Cincinnati. 
IfcCaaa. Ur. * Uia. Jaa. (Emjiaw) Ctock^ 

l-Mchola Slatera (Kelth'a) Providence. B. 1.1 

I (Auditorium) Lynn, Maaa., 13-18. 

I Nenia & Eldred (Orpbeum) Mlnneapolla. 

, O'Brien ft Darrash: 173 D. Val>-ncla St.. Saa 

I Francisco. 

O'Coonell. Mr. ft Mra. J. U.: 478 8u. Malu :«t.. 
I WalMboij, CooB. 
* CPDalaa* Two: Havaaa. Itt. 

Olleeia, Three: 8S4S Orcaahaw at.. Chli-acu. 

Omega: 314 W. 48rd at.. N. T. C. 

O'Neill, Ray B.: The Blllboaitl. riaiilgagll 

Orlwaany'a, Irma. Cockatoos: care B. Obanaayaf. 
' 1431 Broadway. N. Y. C. 

Osboro, ^Mdy: 711 Courtlana are., Kokomo, 

Owen. Dorothy Mae: :i4V47 Ooth at.. Chicago. 
: Omene, Princess: rare W. J. AaplnwalL fMlg 
City. Neb. 

O'Clare. Wm.. ft Co. (Thalia) Chicago. 

Olympic Trio (Empire) Calgary, Can.; (Pan 
i tages') Spokane, Wasb., 13-18. 

O'CoDDor Slaters, Six (PoU'a) Barttord, Cbaa.. 

OIlMr. aanaea <Oi»bao> Pla BInir. Ark. . 
OIlTcr. Clarcac* (FriBcaaa) .Bat Spriaga. ftik>< 


Oiars, The (Aiaailcaa) l^T.- CL 

OdiTa (Bronx) X. T. C.t (TMnt) IVaataa, X. S^- 


O'Neill Trio (Orpheam) Sharon, Pa.; (Orpheum) 

AUentown 13-18. 
Oloott, Charlie (Poll's) New Baeen, Conn.: 

(Hippodrome) CleTeland, O., 13-18, 
Palmer ft Lewis: White Rata. N. Y. C. 
Parks ft Uayfleld: 1268 K. 2«h at.. Loa Aa- 


I'arland-Newhall Og.t 4tk MmmM Wt,-ft»tlS 

too. Ky. 

Psrmalee. Lee: 190 Baker at.. Bllat. MIeb. - 
I'arrla. Jr.. Oo. W.: XSS4 N. Vtanklln at.. 

Patrtek ft Ftanelaeo: Box S3S. Barroo. Wis. 
Patt ft Fatt: ISO Sixth at.. Grand Baplda. MIrta. 
Pauline, J. R.: DansTllle, N. Y. 
PanU ft Waltoa: 738 Sth a*t.. Plttaborf,. Pa. 

nwan. mum p 
inipMliame) I 
5<alh,^rai.. ft O 
wan ft AlTlq (f 

iMMlaga. Tbe: SIO K. Rnadway. nalthnore. 
ijM-lnier. Herbert: 1» 4th aw.. Weat, Cedar 
llaiilda, la. 

inlti-niw. Two: liolrl fjiBmn. PMrla. 111. 
In liM-ra. Iloxy P.: Box 81. Waahbara. III. 
I allow Brsn.: lOT K. Slat at,. M. V. C. 

Lamila ft 

Mmla av».. nuNtmia, K. 

t »Mlie: mil Kater St.. Pblla. 
l.nToska. I.llllan: 009 nnnllDe at.. New Orleana. 
JaToaka. I-hll.; l.W W. 22nA at.. loa Angeloa. 
laVeen, Croaa ft Co.: 71 Hea at.. Rockland. Me. 
T.aTlllaa. The: Grand I'arlnr Hotel. Chlragn. 
l»Mne ft Inihan: White Bala, N. Y. C. 
1.awri>nce ftWrigbt: ISMMraadway. N. Y. C. 
leClalr ft Bhnipaoat ttS Blk amlTCMeaan. 
l-xlaln-. leo mTTm* R. IdMIl al.. N. V. C. 
1.'<.rHni!i. ft Oonlon; 2823 WaAlagtoo are.. 8t. 

I Two: (Win Union a»e.. Cbleaao. 

[••niiiin. jiert: RW w. Waablngtnn at.. Chlesgo, 
Un. Jolly: ireo VlnxTsrKl at., IMilIa. 
l-''li;.y ft Diamond: While Bata. N. T. C. 
1x|alle. Reclna: set Tmaoat at.. BaMoa. 

|M^&il. Cddle * Satat 3M> Saatk aee.. WII- 

! MeltaMdiif'o. 818 Snperiar at.. Toledo. O. 
VeDoweli. Geo. 8.: S4S1 N. 3rd St.. Pblla. 
MarDonald SfaKtlw: 12 Baebe St.. San FTan- 

MrOee'ft Bars: White Fata. Cblcapi. 
M'-Iolyre A Gpotw: 40a E, l.%ni nt.. DaTenport. 

MrKeea. Three: Actors' Society. 1.13 W. 4.Mh 

at.. N. T. C. 
Vaeka. Two: 34-1 N. 3Sth St.. Phlla. 
Mallla ft Bart: 231 W. 4Snd St.. N. Y. C. 
MellB.ft alalia: m Xarik an>.. HalnfleM. N. 

Maageaa TMape: 1338 Baaadwny. X. T. r. 
I Mamtag Trio: 19 Cliattr OiaaA BapMa, 

I Mich. 

I ManbaU'a Qnartette: 6806 S. WaaMa g taa St.. 
I Xartaa. lad. 

Mar*, lart K.: t«80 4th it.. Saa Diego. Cal. 
I Maiatoa ft Balsea: Carboodale. Pa. 

MsrHn. Dare ft Perele: 4S01 Calumet are.. Chi- 

Msr Tina: The Billboard, Cincinnati. 
Martlne. Carl ft Bndalph: 437 W. E7th Kt., N. 
Y. C. 

Martlnetlleft Sylvester: 6726 Leeds at.. Pblla. 
Msrtyn. Howard: SO Sccoad at.. Mt. Clemens. 

3f leh. ■ 

Marrel Ono: caiip IV. Caivair,'-«M B.' aoih >t.. 


Maioa. Chaa. A.: 131 W. 42nd at., K. Y. C. 
Maaaaa. fisar: Mr tUeea. X. J. 
Maxwell ft Dadley: lOa W. ««tb at.. N. Y. C. 
Maxwell, Joa: Boom 12. N. Y. ThMtia BIdg.. 

»• C. « . „ 

Mayae. Ellsabelh: 144 E. 4Stb at., B. T. C. 
May. Ethel: Box 3n8. ChicaBo. _ 
Mayo ft Bowe: care Itert I.eTey, 144 Powell at.. 

Saa Wanclaco. 
.Meara. Sergeant: White Rats. N. V. C. 
Melnotte-Lanole Trio: 4S Maryland are.. Cumtx-r- 

laad. Md. 

Melroae Oomitly FV>ur: 3100 Groreland are.. 

Chicago. „ 
MelTllle, Marrelous: loterlaken. N. i. 
Mend ft Mend: 74-J So. Robe.v St., Chicago. 
Menlb. Jno. B.: »I37 So. 41i«t are., ChU-aiio. 
.Merritt ft Love: Pair Haven. N. J. 
Meyers. Belle: 442 B. IROtb at,, N. T. ('. 
.Miller. Mr. ft Jll%,_ Vtaak B.i ^«»»nS:r': ^• 
Miller. Tberrwit US W. Uraad H**.. Oklahoma 

City. Okla. ' „ __.„^ 
Milton. Three JaggUag: tU IMBa 8ciaa- 

MlteiialL'T^la <T»|*y>: SS68 Meaard at.. Bt." 

Mobeily ft Cn'lly: 3430 Hho<les are.. Cblraco. 
Moffett ft Clare: 111 S. 12.Mh at.. N. Y. C. 
Moller. Harry: 34 Blymcr at.. Dvlawaie. O. 
Montgomery, Itay. ft llraly Sisters: Hrsly villa. 

MapleloD. N, 1. „ „ _ 

Mnnlrell. Chaa.: 104 B. 14tb at.. X. Y. C. 
Moorea. nw-BUIaci SOOITat., llincle^ lad. 
Moore, VtoftLt : cat* U Seall. M Wall r*.. X. 

Y, 0, 

Monran ft Cheater: Phoabaa, Ta. _ 

Morrla. I.e«n: 63 W. Tth at.. Mt. Vamost. N. Y. 

Mortons. Fonr: 388 Stb at.. Delmlt. 


cle. lad. . 
Myero ft Trout: IndlakB.VBStlHHl'mWj; Assn., 

Tarre Haute, Ind. 
Mylle ft Orth: Mnaeoda. Wis. 
MlUer ft Tempeat (Orpheum) Rocktord. III.: 

(Majeatir) Madison. Wis.. 1.1-18. 
Mathlena, Juxxllnx (Majestic) Rocktord. lU. 
Merritt. Prank U. (BIJon) Annleton. Wla. 
Marke. Dorothy (Victoria) Wheeling, V. Ta.t 

(l>rlne<-»a) Vonngatowa. O.. 18-18. 

Mareoataals. Thtaa IKaIth<a) PhlU: 

Merritt. Bal OCaitk'^ FhBa.t IStk-Ava,) K. 

Y. C, lS-18. 
McDonald, CiaaifiM ft SfoalMaa (Ofphaaml 


Marphy ft wlllard. (Pantagea) Deaaw. 
McAlearey's Marvels (Poll's) Wllkta-Barta, Pa. 
Markee Broa. (Poll's) Wllkes-Barrc. Pa. 
Moran ft Morsn (Enlqoe) Minneapolis. 
Naah ft RInehart: 281 Cartton sve., Brooklyo. 
Nealanda. The: 138 Oatarto at., Tleloria, B. C, 

Xelaoa. Oawald * Boisart 188 BL ISSth at., K. 

T. a 

Xeoo. Cart: TSl X. Sad St.. Qnlney. BL 
Xewmaa. Barry: 112 Fifth are., Chicago. 
Xlbbe ft Bordooex: 0003 Konnal ave.. Ctaleagu. 
Xlblo ft BUey: 1S8 Third are.. Brooklyn. 
Xtchola ft Croix: White Rata, N. Y. C. 
NIcbola ft Smith: 912 Addlaoo ave.. Chicago. 
Nome. Robert: 112 Stb ave.. Chicago. 
Norton, C. Porter: 8342 KImbark arc. Chicago. 
Norton, Great: 944 Newton at., Chicago. 
Noaaea, Mualcal: New Briahton, Pa. 
Xaraa. Lea (OdnmbU) St. Loala: (Majastic) 

MUwankec 13-18. 
Xaynoa's. Roaa. Birds (Loa Angeles) Loa An- 
geles ; (Flaeber'a) Pasadeaa 18-18. 
NIblo'a. Victor. Talking BIrda (Kelth'a) Pblla.: 

(Keith's) ProTldeoee. B. I.. 13-18. 
Nlebols-NrUon Troupe (Slater's) PottSTlUe. Pa.; 

(Majeatic) Patersoo. N. J.. 13-18. 
Normana. JoxKllnir (.Vmerlcan) Omaba. Neb.; 

(Empress) Kansss City. Mo.. 13-18. 
Nasarro. Nat. ft Co. (Empreaa) Chleagn; (Em- 
press) Mllwankee 13-18. 
Neraroa. Xhre* (Orphenm) Montreal. 

-~ - (Hgr AM6n6&».lMl««i>l*> 

Pack ft Fergaaoa: ISIS JL 

Imis: plataa. Vm.' 

titf, Wnak L.: T4T Bocbaaaa at, 
Msia ft (SkaaiberialB: S68 a4tk 
' casa. 

Phnilna ft Xewell: 218 8a>. BoweB at., 

Piccolo Midgets. Pour: Box 23. Phoenicia. K. T. 
Pikes. Mnalcal: lOS W. Oley at.. Reading. Vm. 
Polrlera. The: White Bata. Chicago. 
Potter A Harris: 1713 Leland are.. Chlcaglk' ' ., 
PoweU. Eddie: White Rata. N. Y. C. 
I'rlce, C. B.: (Academy) Chicago. " 
Price A Bell: IS2 Floyd St., Dallas, Tex. ° ' 
Price. Harry M.: 934 Longwood are.. K. Y. &'*'.. 
FaadMoas, The (Empicss) Saa Fraadaeo.'."' ~, 
i^jXajaatlerDaUaa. Tex.; (Majeatlef ' 

PIckiea'. 'PoIly. Peta (Biapreaa) Sanaa City. - 

Mo.; (Hamlin Ave.) Chicago. III.. 13-18. 

Perry. Gtor A. (Circle) Chicago. 

Pattee's. Col. J. A., Old Soldier Fiddlers (Ma- 
jeatic) Milwaukee 13-18. 

Parker ft Kramo (Morray) Rldunond, Ind. 

Powell & Daemaaa (O. B.) FraakfMrt. Ky.. 

Ou"ee'^ = M<arft-'W£rBd&ribj!S.&^ 
at.. PhBa. 

Bajan, Joha: 601 Chootean ave.. St. l-onla. 
Ramona. Two: 448 Inca at.. IVuver. 
Bandall. Billy: 1000 E. .1th at., Dayton. O. 
Ray. Eugenie: B602 mirle ave.. Chicago. 
Ray ft Wnilams: 314 W. SBtb at.. N. Y. C 
Raymond. Evelyn: 48 W. Erie at.. Ctilraim. 
Reading Slaters: 411 W. 30th at.. N. Y. C. 
Reeds, Three: Gen. Del., St. Paul. 
Reed ft Marlow: TS3 Main at.. Dallaa. Tex. 
Beevea. Boe: 1033 Broadway. N. Y. C. 

iMFto: 64 W. 118th St.. N. T. C. 

r. BgHt WhIta Bata. N. Y. C. 

k SoMIIlN Mr MMiir 



OesM Park, Long Braneh, Na Ja 

The New Amusement Park, right on the seashore, in front of the 
New Million Dollar Pier, in the heart of the city. Very accessible 
from all parts of New York, PhOadelphia, and from contiguous 
territory. Service by the Pennsylvania Railroad, the Central Rail- 
road of New Jersey, street can and boats. 

Ehrerythii^ in the line of attractions wanted at once — Scenic 
Railways, Merry-go-rounds, Carousels, One Racks, lOufe Boards, 
Japanese Booths, etc., etc. Write at once or apply in person to 
IKKEMMNSnWCnONCiL. bM 2411. nAIn M(, Niff THfc Citf. 


An up-to-date amawairnt park to lease for soason 1911. upon advantageooa terms. I.eitsee can 
baea entire control oeer erery concession, roller co.i«ter. csrousel. restaurant, theatre, roller rink, 
etc. Tfca Bark la well lighted and has drawloK DopuUtlon of lofi ono. FT<-.-!lciit ^tr.-i railway 
(adilltlst. noawt csRSapoadeDce solicited. Addn-M^ i>. J. ch.\mii(:ki.ain. sruu.i "Win. I'a. 



Locatioii aBd lease all i%ht. 
ted. Twenty-five Thouamd IMIan 
baaid," New York Gty. 



X ti^ B ill b o a r d 

PURUARY 11, 1911. 

SSTbam^ Gtaois H* W. 4*M st^ K. T. C. 

in TrloTIn B. Sad St., r*n. lU. ' 
Beynolda/ & DoMgan (Oentnl aUUid) HuoTer. 

Oer.. Feb. 1-14: (Oiftnl JfriUni) liUa««bnrK. 
15-28; (Orpliciiin> Bodapeit, H11118B17, Match 
1-31. • 

Bhua A .Axon: 1332 Wabasb tm., Clilcago. 
Bbaa«^ JIutoMtiM: 3S W. ath st^ ObMtar. Pa. 

jHtk at.. CwiBcn- 

' nmt- 

•fc Woodbury, 

Bleh, Mlas Aabrey: 20t S. Oltli st., Ol 


i>ii.h.rf., Balpb: Gep. DeL. Detroit 

Wflwnlo, Two Aarlal: SaS Jeacka at., Btill Binr. 

BUkrode. Hanr E.: York Sprlogs, Pa. 
Blnner-Beado TOO: S38 Seventh at., GraiHl Bap- 
tda. Mich. 

Bio. Broa., Stout: 1220 28tb at., llUwankee. 
— ■ ^ B. UM St., M. X..O. 

• OMtni noi, ». t; ft ^ 

wtutr- Ian: Itt9 Halaar M.. Biuk- 


Bobett8. Hajrvs tc Boberta: Cedar Maoor, Jamai- 
ca, N. Y. 
BobeiU & Little: Block Island. K. L 

Bobble * HaMOM mS tea ave. 
Twins: 2312 Nance St.. Honaton, Tex. 

& Francis: 31 Grand Opera Bouae. Chl- 

Thrce: 133 ITth st, Wheellns, W. 

Bob: 218 Tomer at., ZanesvlUe. O. 

Boot * White: 888 Elnaiiliis ave., Brooklyu. 
Boaen. Cbaa. E.: 45 UTth-ab; K. X. &. . 
Bobs Slatera. Tbnot aS : OMMCCnd al^, .'EimPl- 
dancc. B. X. 

SaaS ;* Ila*to;:nie W. EUi^ atn. OHa j rtrtt . 

Ba« * Oaka (Saxetr) Cfelcaao »-U: (Orpbemn) 

Batktlwil IS-UL 
Baaaclls. mnas. Otneolii Sonate) N. Y. C. 
Rants. rtaaktOcstenm) Salt I^ake Cltr. 13-18. 
BelDfleld'b, Slg. ImiJ Ulnatrels (Majestic) 

Joneaboro, Ark. 
Koasell. Jeasle. Co. (Pttneeaa) San Olcso, Cal. 

Bosarda, The (GaleM 
Bnsaels, Great (O. H.) 

Oacdnd. K Z.i (O. H.) 

Borne 13-18. 

Boblaon & Partlou (Jas. Adama' Show) Char- 
lotte. N. C. 13-18. 
Beitledge. mnk, & Co. (BIppodnMne) BeadtoK. 

Pa.: (Ganlck) ilon-lntoWB IS-U, _ 
Bidwa, Tbzeo (Majealle) CMar^taplda. 


t; Ou- 

(Oipbamn) Tilncola. KA_ IMfL 
Bocamota. Snaanae QfajM ti l) 

Jestlc) Cblean U*!*. 
Batana* Sons BIrto CAttdoaaa) 

(BIloa) Flqna 13-18: 
Boatkana TtU> (Pantagn*) Sacramento. Cal.; 

(PantasaO San Ftanclseo 13-18. 
BainmT*a Haimonlata (PaTlUon) Bane. Tt., 

Bnaaell. Nick Ic LIda (Alrdome) Chattanooga, 

Tenn.; (Dreamland) Mobile. Ala., 13-18. 
Banf. Claode (Emprcas) Chicago; (Empress) 

Mnnnkee 13-18. 
Boral Tokyo Japanese Troupe (Grand) Sfra- 

eose. N. T. 
. Blebanls. Great (Cotaotal) 

OCelth'a) BnstoD lS-18. 
Bran. Xhos. J.. Blehflald Co. (Otpbenni) 3Cew 

Slevaoa * .T< 

▼Hie. IB' 
Stewart * 

Stewart * 

N. J. 

Stewart & Ualeolm: Bos 8T, Cfnthlaiia, Ind. 
Stlckncr. Loolse (N. Y. Hippodrome) N. V. ('. 
stokes &' Rjran: White Rats, N. V. C. 
Story, Moslcal: I*alace Hotel, Cblcatto. 
Stuarts, Oaoclag: 2017 Nebraska ave., Clilcagu. 
Statzman & May: C19 Washington St.. WllUumii- 
port. Pa. 

SoUIvan, Uarr^: White Bats, K. X. C. 
MoUtTan Bros.: Waverlf, K. X. 
Swanaoa. Haael Majz Commercial Uotel, I'Ui- 

Sylow, Henry: 1353 Broadway, N. Y. C. 

SyU & Syts: 140 Morris St.. I>bUa. 

Sampson * Douglas (Majestic) JacksonTllle, 
Fla.: (7eireraon) St. Aagnstine 13-lS. 

Stewart & Stevenson (Odeon) Cfeatoii, O.; (Na- 
tional) Cleveland 13-18. 

Sampsel & ReUls (Alrdome) CbBttuMMa. TeUD.: 
(Urand) Knoxvllle 13-lB. 

Slzomure &. Jnles (Scenic) Albla. la^ M, 

Scobey Sc Earle (Mlchelsou) Grand UUnd, Neb., 
9-11; (Crystal) AUiaoce 12-15. 

Switt, J. Uonel, * Co. tXoTelty) Urooklyu 0- 

Soils Bros.. Foot (Orpbeiioi) Altoona, I'a.; (Or- 

plieam) Harriabnrf :u-2b. 
SuTsge Sc DeCroteau (MaJesUe) Oetralt; (Colo- 
nial) Indianapolis 13-18. . . 
Stevens, Pearl (Majestic) OalaaillUi, Qa.i Ola- 

JesUc) Blnnlncbam. AIa„ tt-U. 
Salambos, The (Empress) Cncinaatl; (Saw Bm- 

press) Chicago 13-18. 
Stephens, Hal. A Co. (Orpbenni) Mlnaeapolls; 

(Orpbenm) Sloox City, la.. 13-18. 
SuQimers & Page (Majestic) Batte, Moot.. 11-18. 
Sc»nJuD. W. J. (Orpheum) Mlnneapolla; (Or- 

libi-tim) 8luax City 13-18. 
Stlckney':^, Loalse, Pony & Doe (Shea's) Totoo- 
' to: (Tient) TTentoo. X. J., 1S-J8. 
'■■niect Co.. Tbe (Orpheaal 8t. : Paal; (Or- 

pheimi) Dulutli 13-18. 
Sstsnda, B .M., Tronpe (Orpbenm) Slous (Sty. 


Searles & George (BIJon) Anstista. Ga. 

Scblchtl's Marloni-tles. The (Bronx) S. Y. C. 
Spaon. Byron & Catbt-rine (Waablngloo) Bos- 

Selblfs. P. T.. Spirit Palnttngs (Otpbcum) 

Omaha. Neb. 
Synian. Stanley (Areadel B W ado . O.;' (Casino) 

ClilcuRo 13-18. 
Stinv, (nias. J. (Orpbenm) Bnx^yn; (Alham- 

bra) X. Y. C. 13-18. 
Sherman, DeForest & Co. (Grand) Portland. 

Ore. . 

Symonds. Jack (Keeney's) New Britain, Coon.: 
(Oort:' a^^Ifa«U iam(>ton. Mua.. 13;18. 

i A^. It, Co. (GUlls) Kansas City, 

*i-Oo^ (Majestic) (Sileago; (Ma- 

Jestle) MBwnnkee 18-18. 
Swan, OllTe. ft Her Mole (Princess) Ft. Worth 

Tex.: (Orpbenm) Dallas. 13-18. 
Snrlce. Cnddy (Empress) Cindnaatl. 
Stanley ft Korton (Orpbenm) Onak*. Ktli. 
Stewart ft Murray ((npheiun) Da m. 
Scbeda (Orpbenm) Denver. 

Starts. Tliree (Dreamland) Mobile, Ala.; (Ma- 
jestic) Pensacola. Fla.. 13-18. 
Sweet, Cbas. B. (Paotages') Denver. 
Stanley. Edmund, ft Co. (Poll's) WUkes-Barn*. 

I Talbot, Edith: 318 W. 34tb St., X. Y. a 
Tekan, Magtriaa; ISSl Central are., ludlau- 

BUw. Sony ft Scott (PnetoCs) : Xewatfc. N. J.; 

(Maryland) Baltimore. Md., 13-18. . 
Bell Bros (Clrpbenm) San Francisco 13-Ml 
Ratlskeller "mo (Empresa) CinelBoatt 13-18. 
Baymond, Boby (Shea's) Toronto. 
Bosenea. Three: 438 E. 120tk at.. X. T.. C 
Bicbardsoos. Three (FamilT) CUntoo, la.; .(KjnI- 

BM»ir*V^^to toSh^ri^ dDdHaO. ' 
Bwall * «k|kMB),.^aaiiBa aty, 

Roeiiea's. Mlla.. MtekcT* (OcpiMiim) Sa>v«r. 
Bemy. Pat (Ifajcstlc) Dcuvar. . _ _ 
at. J«bn ft Brldgaa: 42r B. B8th at.. X. T. C. 
'ft DaiUastMi: 3860 Penasgrriw *t. W.. 

ikcrial: 930 Navajo at., Denvvr. 
8kT0(y~ft Savoy: 33 OdAard Ooart._CUcai(k 
- lawyer ft DetJna: dt 
achlirer, Ernest P.X • 

W(»th, Kan. 
Behrter. Mr. ft Mm. Wm. K.z SOS W. 12tb St., 

Seabnry Poo: Port Washington, tu 1.. N. V. 
Searles, Arthur: 8858 Cottage Grove avc, Cbl- 

Sedgwicks. Five: 3300 Ave. U Galvestua. Tex. 

Semon Dno: 1S53 Broadway, X, X. C. 

Seney. Vincent ft Sener>' Utt UalD nt.. 

FUI Blver, Mass. 
SenzeU. Jcu: 214 Eteanoro St.. Pltt S b iic 11a. 
Shaw, Edytbe': 308 K. <3ark «t.. CUeagia. 
ghav. Jjtw ft Nellie: 1413 Ogden aw.. Clil- 

TarrlU. Ftank ft Weda: 837 Orkeney at, Pblla. 
I Texana ft Beynoldi*: 2717 Dnmaine St., New 

■hea, T^ ft Mabel:' S22 N. Main st^ I>V*>>> 

■ ■ O, 

~ ~ lan's Doia<: DnaUBt. N. J. 
: ft Xewkirk: T " "" 

flUftVonl Tronpe; 
at.. N. T. C. 

BhIeldK ft Hodgers: It"x S. Brldfseman. Mich. 
Shleldn. Tbe: 20T City BaU. New OrIean>i. 
Short ft GUck: Box 1101, l>alla8, Tex. 
SIddons ft Earle: 2544 So. 8th St., Phlla. 
' Sleirel & Matthews: 324 DeariMm st^. Cblcaco. 
Btlveno ft Co.; (Pantaf^es) St. Joseph. Mo. 
Simmons, Gn^t: 2072 Ogden ave., (Jhlcago. 
Skremka Sisteni: t04 E. 14th st, N. Y. C. 
Slikers. Flyins: 4S K. Broadway. Aknio. O. 
Slosson. PaoUaFr 4B4B aOcklBaB mn^ rbicaao. 
Bmnetta Ttloi tOS CHmffcial afc »>. Chi- 
cago, IIU ■■ .. . 

iOaaHt.'lW v. Van Barea at., Cbl- 

iSt. John ave.. TuUtl**. O. 
~> Broadway, N. V. C. 
i.TM: Box 283, (koInlnK, 
^N y 

Stanley' ft Ckauakeca: UUsa am. ft 'Oak' Lane. 

Btsnley. Fsrry S.: 308 X. Broailway. Baltimore. 
Stanton. Walter ft Val: 1310 Bmadway. S. \. C. 
Star Qaartett)-: The BIIlb<iard. CiDelanatl. 
Stedman. Al. * E^tanle: White Bats, S. T. C. 


I Tbatcber, Eva; Box 120, Oennlaon, O. 
I Tboma*. Toby: 2T0 W. SOth at., X. X. C. 
I Tbumas ft WrlKht: 308 WaUaab. GUaaaak. 
Thompson ft Farrell: 1M XkBMariat atn Ben- 
ton Harbor. Mlcfh.. . ; . - 
Thompaon *.HoiraM: ItaMata-axaw, Sntna. O. 
Tbarbert Siatan: MH -Badiester, 

X. Y. . • • .. 

Tint. Al.: ISSS W.- l»k aC Cfclisasii 
Tom-Jack TMn: cam P.' "^^^f. MM 

St., N. r. C. : . . • 

Topack ft Waat: 1338 Pisar afc. Qiiailaa, N. J. 
Tops, Tapv*.9apc: SMt W. Sehool at; Cbi- 

4L0aMac: m aih asK/BaatUe. 

^; <hala: .ToaawalH. X. Y. 

.laaleaif 330 Oaldwan at., Jackson. 

Tille, m. 

Troubadours, Three: 280 Park ave., Newark, N. 

Troy, Nelaoa ft Tnty: B, F. .D. Xo. 1. Box 8. 

Sbeboysaa. Via, 

Tnmer ft W y a M a a t lAtT W. Stale at., DIean, N. 


Tnmecs. Musical: 1800 FVrlix St., St. Joseph, Mo. 
Tlimey, Frank (Orpheum) San Francisco 6-18. 
Thatcher & Moore (Bijou) Parkersbnrg, W. Va. 

Top o' tht World Dancers (Orpbenm) Xew Or- 

Isiida. Harry (Cbase's) Wasb., D. a; (Mrk)' 

Varla ft Taxia: 301 MUU at.. Crcatan, la. 
Vadnwt, Bane: 3S8B Broadway, X. V. C. 
Vcaatlaa THoi OH Baiaell aC, Oataaik 
Vmoa ft B«w: 131T DIvMon stch BI»a*B|Mrt. 

Venia. am.: 3218 N. IjimlieTt St.. Pblla. 
Vice, Fral M.: 213 4th are.. Homestead, I'.i. 
VIctorine, Mervyu: White Kats, Chicago, 
Vincent, John U.: S'.t) Olive St., lodlanapulls. 
Virden i Dunlsp: WtilU' Rats, S. Y. C. 
Volgt ft Volgt (Gonn Ilutcbluson, Kan. 
Vardon, Perry & wilber (Majestic) Denver 0- 

Vagrants. Three (Maryland) Balllmore; 

(Chase's) Wash., D. C„ 13-18. 
Vlsocehl. Anthoay & Andrew (Grand) Syracum*. 

N. T. 

Voelker, Ur. ft Mrs. Ficdarle (Poll's) Spring- 
Bald. Jlaia.t Wtb An.) X. V. C. 13-I8. 

VlaMTtl. Jaa UEBvnia) dhtawat iMwicaa) 
Miiwuifcaa is-ia »- 

Valledta'B Leopanls (Orpbenm) San Francisco; 
(Orpbenm) Oakland 13-18. 

Vltorla ft Geogetto (Keith's) Dayton. O. 

Temon ft Christopher: St. I.ouls, Mu. 

Vaaco (Orpheum) Cincinnati. 

Waddell, Frank: 2:i21 Kodxle ave.. ChlcaKO. 

W.isner ft Bhoades: 110 W. Main St.. Paoll. 
Ind. . 

Walker. Jfoaieal: 13SI Bioofealde at.. Mtanap- 

Wallace ft Bench; 324 Carmen St.. Jacksunvlllo. 

Wallace, Testa: 1318 Stb ave., Pittsburg, I'r. 
Valtsa Broa.: 1416 Bairlaoa at., (3antoo, 
Waltnna, lb: 33 X. Saparior at., TUedo, O. 
Wanaac ft PaiaMr: SI E. SOth at.. Ckleaco. 
Ward, BObi m UnOt a**^ BNtUya. 
Ward ftTlVUatar: HIaoa BoM, GUaafK 
Ward. Stur ft Ward: 333 X. Ah at;. SampUa. 

Warner's Juvenile Minstrels: 113^ Jochlam St.. 
Mobile, Ala. 

Warren ft Francis: Box G4S. Cnxycone. Wyn. 
Warricks. Tbe: 1I3S BtlKmkk ati CUcasa, 
WartenlM-rs Bros.: cue PMd TMalS; 101 IS. 

14tb St., X. Y. C. 
Washburn. Pearl: GO Cathedral Parkvay, X. Y. 


Washer Bros.: Oakland, Ky. 
WaAIa. Htesl ft Lanra: 411 Mitelwll at., im- 

Water*. Jas. B.: care (Sarlec, ISOO Broadway, 
X. T. a 

Watson's, Samtny, Farmyard Circns: 333 St. 

Paul's ave., Jersey City, X. J. 
Weadick ft LaDue: White Bats, X. Y. C, 
Weber. Chas. D.: A26 nuker St.. Pblla. 
Weber. Kid: 30(8 Kbodes ave.. Chicago. 
Welch. Jas. A.: 211 E. 14tb st., X. Y. C. 
Wemtz, Hayes & Beatrice: 633 Wooster are., 

Akron. O. 

Wesley, Frank: White Bats, X. Y. C. 
Wesley, I^n ft Dna: Fortsmonth. O. 
West ft Benton: 31 School St.. Bnffalo. N. Y. 
Weet, Dare Devil: 124 Haiel at.. DanviUe. 111. 
Western Union Trio: 2241 E. (nearfleld at., Phil- 

West Sistcn: 1412 JeSetsoo ave., Brooklyn. 
Weatoaa, Tbe: 1013 Stacsy aTtL, iMlavllle. 
Wharton. Kkt; can BaaqiMB OBb. dB Keule 
St., Oueago. 

Whitehead ft Grierson: 2488 Stb ave., X. Y. C. 
Whitman Broa.: 1335 Ctieslnut St.. I>blla. 
Whitney,' Tlllle: 36 Kane st., Buffalo. 
WUtworth ft Pearson: 8413 Gorman ave.. Cleve- 

OaMao, o- U-UL 
StsZaaQoartetta 40 
IWhaapoHa iwk 



Tarlton & Tarllxn (Dlxli!) Ilillsboro. Tex.. U- 

Troupers. Three (Majestic) Texarkaoa, Ark.. 

Titcomh. i;,aBelle (Hudson) Union BUI. y.'li ■ 

Tamils Trio OMestie) Desvar. . 

VUn A UmtsSmW. Xake at,. OUaavab: 
Ural * 0«b: . BwllmvMi3v ; Xawaife, X^ 

ntaipla aiasicfaaa: 113 FsrmtV sr.. Detralt. 
Valantlaa ft Bails 1451. W. inod st.. ciiUwco. 
Valencia Dno: Dolllatcr. Cal. 
Valletta ft LaauM*:. ISSB SU dalr arc. CI«M- 

land. ' 

Valley Fnrse Ctanrdy INntt n matr at;, Xeir- 
ark. X. J. ■ ., -•• 

Valois BMi SIS BMlth aiCc BdiHBKt. .OMB. 
VanAlkaa,!. UHlaa: MI33^Pmaffv CU- 


Van-Barclay Co.: l.'i.'i:} Broriilwav, X. Y. C. 
Van Dalle Sbden": T,^^ W. ItCith'st., X. Y. C. 
Vandrrbllls, Tbr: 2fri>,4 Overland st.. £1 Paw, 

Van Bom. Itnliby: I3» lUwt at.. Dayton 0. 
Vn^Wy Comcily Trio: JS1B Ilarth ave., . lodlanap- 

Oriental wonder x\urki-rt4, ^uii drill, wblrllus 
dervish and Itoinan Titrklsli combat. An np-lii- 
date vaudeville uorcliy of Orlaatal artcr' 
Time all open. J. .M, UAYROOVX, 41 Wial 
tim Street. Xew York. 






T. M. 

(Thaatrloat Maehsnleal Aaaeolatlon) 

Purely a Benevolent Aaaoelatlon organised to' 
aid the alck and diattesaed, and to bury tito 
dead, lodses in 110 cities in United Butaa aafl 
Canada. Opens its lodges to the theatrical wwtd. 
Doctoc'a aervlces (rcc. Weekly alck ban " 
the eaa^lavsa «( aar I 

Small dnee. Talk te 

tie and be eooirlaeal .aC 
or tbe profaaaloB, «c ftr 


Dramatic People 

tor St. Xlmo Comi 

•aan^^ MO^ iSSe aalaiy tow— Ifa dead 
stiMi. Jli— a i i aU aanmer. Btate ererythin* 
first Mtar. ftddteas GBftS. NBWIOM. mTt. 
Big Springs, Texas; 3. Baled: 3, Ooaataa: U. 

Deteon; II, Dublin. s 'v --'. ■; 


given tck 

WUkens ft Wllkens: 1553 Broadwayl It.' T. C. 
Wilkes, Ada: Harrison, X. Y. 
Wllks, Monte Tom (I,yrlc) Xew Orlesns. 
Wnilama, Chas.: 2652 Bntmr at.. St. I,auls. 
WQIIams, Frank Chas.: 7720 Meridian ave.. Se- 

Williams, Harry A.: S5 Sells ave., Atlanta, Ga. 
Wllla. Nat M.: 301 W. geth at.. X. Y. C. 
wnis ft Barton: Bloomlngtoo, 111. 
Wills ft Hassan: ISS Msnhsttan ave., N. Y. C 
wnis ft Hntehlnmn: 233 W. 5Sth st. N. Y. C. 
Wilson, Gtace: 1527 I.aSalIe ave.. Cblrago. 
Wilson, Lixxle: 175 Franklin st. Buffalo. 
Wilson ft Bleb: 73 Graham ave., Brooklyn. 
Wlnklar, Hanr: B Waalai 
Wilhnw *-Sls«ert 333 31. 
Ita. Kan. 

Wo1fe!<. Musical: White Rata. Clilcago. 
Wolf. Moore A Yotias: GIOQcester. X. J. 
Wood. Milt: White Bata, N. Y. C. 
Wood. Ollle; G84 W. ISMl at. N. T. C. 
wooda Maaim V. Bachar at;. PhUa. 
Womniaadfa Ifsdaya? BBC W. dB(h at... X. X. 

C. ■ 
Wright & Stsnley: Tsn Bnren Hotel, Clilcago. 
Wyckoff. Fred: 80 Water at.. Lyons. N. Y. 
Wylles, Tlie: 6Xi W. B omana at., San Antonio, 


Wells. l«w (Orpheaa) Miaaeapalia; (Oipheiim) 

Duluth 13-18. 
Wellington Bros. (Lytic) Raymond. Wash. 
Williams ft Segal (Keith's) Pawtncket, B. I.; 

(Aaditoriam) Lynn, Maaa., 18-18. 
wnUaaw. Thampoon ft Copeland (BIJou) Bay 

Oitr. Xlcfe.« (Jeirars') Saginaw 13-18. 
Wniard ft Bond (Majestic) (Mar Bapld% la.; 

'(Family) Moltne. III., 13-18. 
Willlamaon ft' Watson (Paatlme) Birmingham, 

Woodward. V. P. (MajeaUcV OaiiataB, S. Ct 

(Majestic) Jacksonville: fla.; IB-tt, 
Westons, Three (Orpheuffl) Bt. Vaal; COiphinai) 

Minneapolis 13-18. 
West, John A., & Co. (Majestic) Des Molnes, 

la.; (Majextlc) Topeka. Kan„ l.Vlb. 
Wentworth, Nat (Fresno) Fresno, Cal. 
Waterbnry Bros, ft Tenney (Columbia) St Louis; 

(Grsnd) Indlanapolla 13-18. 
Wrlgbt. BOtace. ft Bene Dietrlcb (Bbea'a) Bol- 


'Walker ft Stnm (Empma) VBwaOlMas (Cnlqne) 

Minneapolis 13-18. 
World, John w. ft XIadaU Khwahai (Kdth'a) 
' amenae. X. X. 

WInlaiDs ft Waner (Otpbeoai) Hew Orlcaaa, 

Walton. Otto: care P. Waldmsns, 8B Hmu aa 

St. Brooklyn. 
Ward, Billy (Fairyland) Wash., Ik C: 

(Daly's) Baltimore, Md., 13-18. 
Work ft Ower (Orpheum) Kansas City. Ho, 
wills, Nat M. (Hudson) Union Hin. K. J. 
Winkler's Military Dancera (Pantages*) Don- 


Woodford's Dogs (Pantages*) Denver. 
Yamamota Bros.: Winchester, O. 
Yorks. Tbe: B610 Preacott are^ St. Leal*. 
Young, Ethel: 18 W. Ohio at.. Chicago. 
Yerxs ft Adele (Orpbenm) Seattle; (Orpbenm) 
PorUand, Ore., 13-18. 


Tbe Girt 'Wbo Tames Bleetricl(y..m8 la a a»*al 
act Is a besdilner for moving picture shows, 
camivala. fairs, muaenma. $150 bnya complete 
act, ready to act op and work. Utbogtapba foe 

the act Ftor narticalars, address O. W. AT 

Kfr., 3806 7th An., Bow Xark Oty. 



1403 Broadway, Boom SU, Bevr Toik. 


J.F. HUB, IIU I1ii'll.,'einliull, I. 

■BOW LETTZBHEABS— Otbta. with Toar 
ptoto. ttJM for HO. .Special teriSa ev^ 
act or boalncas. Mention years, and send 3 cent 
•tamp tor aamples. Onr complete eatalos far 10 
SfeSK^ »»• t»tter than 

Olay Oantor. Kan.. Pboto Engravers snd PTtatcrs. 


Catalogue of Professional ft Amateur 
Playa, Sketcbsa, Monolognes. MInatrel 
Joksa, BeelbUlooasMake-ana^ 

ei&j. gut nuoLjnoK ft mmsB. 

*Ma. Bl Aaa Knet, Hew Xerfc. 

Crtota, S8e per Jar. StsaeUa for lOc each. Il> 


^J^ft 'ffxJSS.^^n Vet'^.-^JaJSi^'a: 

PLAYS gj^ifes ^^^^ VADDBVIUJB 
matenu. OO^'lo^M^.^f.op'^t"'^,?,;??,'?.:'"^ 

BEIM, 306 Foster lildjj., .Mlhvauke,., Wi». 

- . ; WABTES : - 

i S^*^ ?*g»?'°«te substilule for Blot Ma- 
«*•■— patented: sells on sight for $1. Par. 

CO., Anderson, Ind. 

(Qit ttb oet~lt may not appear again) 


SiiSiL*«Ei^' Bonleiie-. 
S??1!f*' ''J"*^ "ia exposed. Got wli. ■. 

Box 1606, naMwaod, ua. 

PATENTS ^SF^^P* ^» bbtdbk- 

ablUly. lUoatratcd Oalde Bo& aad Uat^st In- 
natlona wa^^ — » sjss « .n- 

In answering ada, mention TIIB BIUMABD. 




Ttie Dlliooard 


Youiuen, The (Bijou) Moote Jiw, 8Mk., C«n.; 

(8tarui<1) SMkitooa 13-18. . . . . „ „ 
YooDB Ollle. * April (Bammenttln'*) S. Y. 

C • (GrtTupoInt) Drookljrn 13-18. 
Y«kl(o Y>K««n, Xho (M»Jcitlc) Ci-ilir It»|ililk. 

I a " (Vamlly) Mollne. 111., 13-10: (K.mll). 

Cliaton, 10-18. 
Vaw. 1)00 Tin (C»«li>o) Cblcigo. 
Youac Gt-orve (On>>>euoi) ISrooklyD; (1251b 

81 ) S. V. C. 13-18. 
ISloh *BUUe: J080 OM it., OakUod, Oal. 
MMn. Tb>: BOS m Ugtoa. Xlcfe. 

8in rrmcltco. 
ZlncarelU: 60 Bcawr it.. N. Y. C. 
Xol«. Tlie WUUe: Elllm «Te.. Cblcaso. 


ArnoiiU. Cli»«: Culter Stock Co. ' 
Bowman. Blll^- K.: Dt-Hue llroa.' Uloatrvla. 
Hnrlon, Clarence: Vogel'a MloalrcU. 
Calrna, W. L.: EJIer'B King of the Cattle niug. 
Caatano. Edward: The Midnight Son*. 
Dove. Jolinny: Field'* Xlnatrcla. 
Uulterry Slaters: Frank 3. Vowen' Uypoollc 

Ellaa. Harry: Vogel's MInatrcI*. 

ralrehlld, llell: Frank J. Foweis' Hrpootic 

Cilplaa' Two: Price's Ilwtliit. Tbratrt. ' 
aoa*. Sao. : Vogcl'n UUiatKl^ r 
Una * Jgekna: M«tlBM QUI O*. 
Henbej: VofCt'S Sflnamla. „ _. . 
Hercrlr. Silent: Wnlden On.. Uactelan. 
JOBCB * GUUm: Tale Stock Co, 
Kbipp * Llatette: rield't Mloitieli. 
Lemr & Adnms: DeRae Bro*.' Mlnattela. 
liODg, Out: BUcr'a King « ttht C*tU« Ulng. 
Lotber, M. B.: Caadr ()IH> 
Marne. Ellnbetb: JUdatgbt 
Parmalee: Fox JUaatrela. 

rowel). Clarence: Richard* A Prlogle'a .Mln- 

•Ireta. _ 
Pollen. Loella: Keith'* Stock Co. 
Ray. Billy B.: Weary Willie Walker Co. 
Kellly A Bryan: Peck'a Bad Boy. 
Relnlobe. A. E.: FUmlng Arrow. 
Bolaielle, Great: Ckaonccr-EelStr Stock Co. 
Bnaaell*. The: Peck'a Ba* B». 
Segora. Alfred: Btj B. Fas'a SIlaatKla. 
SImpwia. Oaetr. * Om. WMAwaHl: Moore's 

R<pert«lf« OOk ■ • . ■ . _ 
Scaen. Varllm A. * On.: MUMcCs S<re«t- 

Bagral 4fc Adama' Indoor Clr- 

George Srdnay Oa 

ly-Bdl Slalw* 
.Wlilnile. WaUh 

xnaBSk nmmti 

ncM*a MlirtWIg 

ACI8 iimi^^ j^^ 

«Hh which 

I o( Act. 

C*>Bl|>aay With. 

Adam* and nilTonl: Dueklli 
Adams tt Oahl: Olrla tnia 
Adans * WlnOcMt Battr 
Allen It Clark: B«Mn«m*a 
Alpine Qnartette: Buwery RnrltaqotM. 
AlTia 4b Keoney: Tiger Ulle*. 
American Qnartette; Americans. 
Arantront*. Three: Jollr Otrls 
AnnstnwK. Ore.: Bairy Haatlaga' Show. 
Aabner Slatera: Irwin** Big Show. 
Amtln A Blake. Mlaani: Girls rrom Ilappyland. 
Anailn A Sweet: Majestlra. 
Baker-DeVoe Trio: Dainty Dnrhea*. 
Itannana. Tbrt^ JnggUng: Girl* fxooi Hnppy- 

ramai'. Fnnr: ColnmbI* Bnrleaqaff*. 

Baker Troope: Imperial*. 

Barrett A Brile: Robinson'* Cmaoe aM*t. 

Barr Slater*: CoDega Olrla. 

Barto A McQie: MMnlgbt Maldma. 

nalniant^ May: Cvntaiy Otils. 

Ban, Mia S AHIwrt Partalaa WMapa. ' ■ 

BtMMt * Rosa: Bow Srdell'a tMSaa Btllw. 
Berabard h ttanban: Bobenlana. 
n*«lo*, Clem. * Cn.: Rolllcfcer*. 
Black A While: Girls frmn tlappyland. 
mark, Jnn. J., ft Co.: MiM New York, It. 
Hohannon * Corey: Harry Itaatlnga' Show. 
Honnori>. The: tlrtgadler*. 
nrady A Mahooey: InrlB'a BU Sbow. 
Ilrlanta 'Trla: JUtlat OM*. 
Droadway Oooedr QBMMtvt 

Brown. A Greent - ItmtTT BnrlewiUCl'a. 
Rnrton. Kilward. A 0».t - Charty BlasaoDit. 
nomptt ft Gear: Oeatnir Olrls. 
Bmch-DeVere Fonr: Al. Reerea* Iti-saty 
Cabin Wm.t Al. KoereO Beanty Hbow. 
Camntiell * Parker: Boac Sydeir* Ixndon 

rsRi|^|ien A Weber: Rase Sydrll's t.ondon 

Vainplieli anal Cunla: Queens of tlii> Jardin de 

Carlton. Frank A Rate: Broadway Gaiety Girl*, 
Cnrmelo'* ParUlin Model*: Bcpadwajr Oalatr 

Chick ft Chlcklrta: Bricadler*. 
Cl»lr. Ida: Coay Comer Olrla. 
Cole A Warner: Rolllrker*. 
OMaa. Will II.: Mia* New York. Jr. 
C^ten A narrow: Kentockr Belle*. 
Osltoa * Mite*: Farta and mnie*. 
Oofrina * Vtvlaai Coay Coniw GIrlt. 
Odllaa, jumer P.: Bam T. Jatk*a Borleaqner*. 
PMIlns 4k n*wley: Zaakt» Daodia QMa. 
OiiinmUa_ OonwAr rnnri BrnMAM. 
Cooit 4k flylTla: Vanttr Fair. 
Cooper A Brown: Iton Too*. 
Cnnper. Jame* K., A iMcIa: lersey UBes. 
Corbett. Ada; Uias New York, Jr. 
Ortig, RIchy: Coay Cbmer Qlria. 
Crlanl, Ida: Irwln'a Big Show. 
CroaViy, Ilaael: Jerapy Ulles, 
S«rtln ft Slerena: Centory Olrla. 
Bam. lonle: rollira of the nay. 
2!**la ft ITarrla. Mlaum; Jnrilln de Pari* Olrla. 
narla. Q*o, T.t Pat White'a Gaiety Olila, 

DeWolfe, LIntoa ft Lanier; . Lm« Xlfein. 
Olzoa A Hearo: Yankee Osodte OkU. 

DIzon, Uelle: Colli-ee UlrlH. 
Koherty*. The: Americana. 
Dollar Troupe: Beauty Truit. 
Ilreamlaod Trio: Kreamlaod Burleaqners. 

Untette, VMette: Xoidta Boom. 

Early A Lalght: Kentockr Bdla%. ' ■ 
Clllutt, Maude. A Co.: Ti - irr Tftlsa. 
Kllawortb, Mr. A Mra. Harry: CeMny Olrla. 
Emerle, Mile.: Lady Baccioeers. 
KmerMo A Hllla: Roblnaoo'a Cruaoe Girls. 
Ererett, Gcrtmde: Fada ft Follies. 
Farnum ft Delmtr: Sam T. Jack** Show. 
Feeley ft Kelly: Bon Tons. 
Flaber. Marie: Broadway Gaiety Girl*. 
Flake, Gertrude: BrlgB...ers. 
Florede. Aellle: Colombia BurlenqMra. 
Foo. Ah Ling: Bohemians, 
Francl* A Deery: Imperial*. 
Frank Sl*ter*: Ml** New York, Jr. 
Fraas. Slg. ft Editb, 
Frans, Slg. ft Edltb: Gloger Olrla. 
Freeman Bro*.: Girl* from H*ppyl*nd. 
(lallaghcr ft Stacan: Bit Banner Sbow. 
Garden, Geo. E,: Olrla fiom HapiulaDd. 
<;iImore, Mildred: Broadway Galatv Qlrla. 
Uoldt-n, Sam: Waahlngtoa Society OMk 
(ioldle, Annette: Big Banner Sbow. 
(ioodner ft Hugbea: Iropertala. 
Gordon Hlghlandera. Mnslcal: PaHielan Wldowa. 
Gotham Comedy Fonr: Beanty Tru^t. 
Grant ft Catlln: Pat White's Gaiety Gtrla. 
OranvUle ft Mack: Cherry Bloasonit. 
Green, Winifred: Bnnawar Girls. 
Otore* ft Bnrg: P*rlelan Widow*. 
Hall Bro*.: VaDlty Filr. 
Hanlons, Tba: Pennant Winners. 
Hansen ft Benet: Lady Bnecanecrs. - 
Ibrconrt, Frank: Cramer Jacka. 
Harcoart, Daisy: Ilgcr LUIea. 
Hartowe. Beatrice: JoUy Olrla. 
Haaeall. Lon, ft Col: Behman'Sbow. 
Haatlncs ft Wilson: Marathon Girls. 
Hayne*. Beatrice: American*. 
R*ye*. Gertmde: FoUles of the Da^- 
Hayea A Reyoolda: Follies of the slay* 
Haielton ft Bnnt: Washington Ssdaty Girls. 
Ileam, Sam: FoIUea of the Day. 
Helena, I-aBelle: Kentacky Belles. 
Klckmin ft Bently: Parlalan Widows. 
Hilton. Marie: Polllea of the Day. 
HIU. Cberrr ft BUI: Harry Ha«tlW ahMr. 
Holdea ft Barron: Kniekerbockcn. 
Howard ft Lewla: Vanity Fair. 
Hnmes ft Lawto: Fat Wtdta'a Oaitir 
Imboir. Conn 4k Ooilaae: 
Irwin. Bnthr Irwin's Big 
Jama*. Pdor dk Ajsiar:. Jt 

Jaman * Titati 

Jenkins ft FlaTla: Tiger Ulle*. 
Johnston ft Bnektey: Golden Crook. 
Johnson ft Hllson: Imperlsla. 
Jnndts, Les: Big Banner Sbow. 
Kanfman A Sawtelle: Monlln 
Kelly ft Rio: Knickerbockers. 
Keller, Jesale— Venos on Wheels: 
Kennedy. Tbny: Jolly GMa. 
Kerr, MUton: College GIrla. 
KIpp ft Klppy: Knlckerboekan, 
Kin. Etbel: Beanty Trait. 
LaPreys: Marstboo Girls, 
tang, Karl: Girls from Dixie. 
Lawrence ft Hiompaon; Bohemlana. 
Lee Sisters: Moolln Bonge. 

LesTltt ft Campbell: Jardln de Paili Olite. 

Lefller ft Clayton: Tiger Lilies. 

Leraer, Dare: Americans. 

Leroy, Loretta: Al. Reere*' Beauty Shoir. 

Lewi* ft Green: Dainty Dnche**. 

Lesaette 4k Her Model*: Sector Oltla. 

LlTlngatoo, Cora: Jardln de Parla Olrla. 

Lockwood Slateis: Star Show OlHs. 

Lsmlae. Rita. A Co.: Tiger UUea. 

IMO ft Payne: Cherry Blo**oma. 

Xajcstle Mosieal Fonr: Broadway Oalety Olrls. 

Xardo ft Hooter: Coay Corner Olrla. 

Marlon. DaTe: Dreamland Bnr U aqois a . 

Marlon ft Thompson: Girl* from Stsl*. . 

Marten ft UUIsn: Centory Olrls. 

Jdatlo. Loolse: Red Raren Cadets: Vsnlty Fair. 

Msrr ft Erans: Irwin's Big Show. 

Markey ft Cameron: Pennant Winners. 

Marahall ft King: Golden Cnt*. 

Marten Family: Kentucky Benea. 

Martin A Ware: Lady Boccsneer*. 

Martin ft Damael: Onekllngs. 

McDonald ft Price: Dnckllngs. 

Melatyr* A Acker: Follies of the Dsy. 

McOsrry ft McOany: Praoaat WInaan. 

McQtegor. Saady: BrImdtets. 

MOUoae Onaedy FOnr: La^ Bneeaneers. 

Xtkot ft Xramss: Qoeens of the Jardln de 

Millar Hnsleal Four: Jeracy Lilies. 

MDIard Bra*.. Bin ft Bob: Rose Sydall'* Lsa- 

do* Belle*. _ 
Mllcbella, Dancing: Mlas New Yaik. Jr. 
Monarch*. Fonr: Golden Crook. 
Moore. Helene Jessie, ft Co.: Colombia Knr- 


Morin Slaters: Bowery Bnrleaqnets. 

Morton, Ed.: Marathon Olrls. 

Mullen A Coonn: Serenaders. 

Morphy, Frank * Co.: star Sbow Girl*. 

Hadell ft Bell: Rolllrket*. 

JtlUo ft Spencer: Parisian Widow*. 

O'Brien. Prank: CMnmbl* Borlesooei*. 

O^^ena Comedy Four: Qnren* of the Jardln de 

Opp. Joe: Kentucky Bellea. 
Palmer. Lew: R«blnaoii'a Cruaoe GIrta. 
Partridge, MIldMSI: Kentucky Belles. 
Pesl-on. GoMIe ft nilt: Glnser Olrls. 
Pearl ft Meehan: Sam T. Jack's niirlrniuer*. 
Phelps, Anpiata: Janlln ile Pari* Glrla. 
Plcaro Troupe: Parlalan Widow*. 
PIroaroffl* Family, Fire: Cracker Jack*. 
Pottcp-Hertarall THo: Blat Bawr.Bbsw^ 
Powder * CkapoMB: rantaa «r Saw Haik and 

PrcTost ft Brown: Monlln Ronge. 
Reded A nadley: Star Show Gtrl*. 
Redding, Pranceaca & Co.: Harry H«sflns«' 

Held. WaVenclil * JactsoT: Rnnaway Girls. 

Relyea. Cbns. E.; Kentiickr Belle*. 

Rerere A Ynir: Pennant Wlaaan. 

Rnallna, Adcllni: Qneens otttaXnill M rurla. 

RInaldn: Seienader*. 

Boaa ft Bhaw: Ladr B n fc a asers . _ 

■oHwoB. Cha*.: RAMaBan>s Crnao* Olrla. 

ftomu. Mx ICngllsh: Trwin'a Bit SlM«r. 

Roaa. Katherlne: Dnckllnga. 

Rnaser A Georgette: Pat WhIMng B >l a <| Olrla. 

Selhint A Grortnl: WaablnilM iMMr 'Olrls. 

Semon Dno; OInger Olrla. , . 

Seyona. Tbet' XMdBM. JtOalla OMb... ' _ 

Sheppeii, Ranavlt ft' <lorMit' ■• Pt a aafla aa Bur- 



AdditH BERT BAN YARD, MAnager, earn The Bfllbofttd, New York OtT' 


Flying Baldwins 

Aerial Setnni Act, 

T, W. OSEENLEA7. Xgr,, SI« V. Srd St., Qataav. IB, 

NOW BOOKING FOR 1911. Pftrks, Falra. C*tebmtioiM.«l 



to MEAD 



The W. A. Carl's Associated Players 

Iks Recori Bieakers OB til Gis Sn Cireiit 




WM. A. CARR. care Th* Billiward. CINCINNATI. O. 


Has pleatj af thaa wUh al 

GRIFFIN, Booking 111 at, 


hart Jill Kaiaitr ft) 
OrMa V«atai1».Cfc— 


It, TMatr SfeaMM 


IV writ* or wira 1 



iw fSaaaia. 


XAM UFACTUR£I> I It so, send ns descripti on or Jra wlng to estl- 
mste f rom. We msde the OIHCHnfATI SOITTBEBH RAILWAY 
UnOATDBE, 23S miles. 34 feet long. MlaUtnrea get big money, 
wcrtte^toteig^wkenmag * i M wa ni ^tia^UM|»^ ^y * aaafc a aaptlea - 



\ \ ^ BliM rrints mm* 

The Kaimelicrf Raofiiqr and Ceilmf Co. 



Sm if yMT Bime li mltttcrUiL 



The Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

. BUccn: Behinan Show. 
_l * Lakln: Taokee Doodle Glrli. 
4k BocUer: Fads A FoIUck. 
XkhK 'GIMI17 Btaanns. 
.'Clair. Vanntet Boa Snh. 

Itwical: Sam «. JaA's gbvw. 
Jack: Goldcm Cnok. 
. Oeo.: Boweiy BiirlH«iHl> 
. Andrew: CSoUege GMt. 
Tnzedo Four: B«anty Tnist. 
TalTCDo A Lamon;: Taokee Doodle Olrla. 
Talmore, LdId A illlire^: Bohemlaiu. 
Van Boren, Helen: Lady Buceaneen. 
Vedder, FaEmle: Bon Tons. 
Vincent, Florence: Follies of the Oajr. 
TlTltn, Anna: Cozr Comer GIrla. 
▼on Serlr Slaten: Marathon Olrla. 
Tyner. IdrlU: AI. Bcerea' Bcanty 
Ward. .WiU J.: FoUIca o( the Day. 
Waibbom & Dooglas: Washington Sadetr Giila. 
Wataon Sisters: Dalntr Dnchess. 
Welch & Maltland: Vanltr Fair. 
Weston * Waldron: SUr Show Girls. 
White, Boneta, Balloon Girl: Brigadiers. 
WUbor. Crane: Secenaders. 
WUUams. MoUle tc Co.: Cracker JaekB. 
Willi* ma 4: Brooks: Cracker Jacfei. ■ 
Wood Bros.: Vanltr Fair. 
Worth & Wolfe: JlettT Maidens. 
. Yale & Orloir: Co^ Oanaa. OM*. 
Yankee Doodle QouMla:. Bolt MfttBfu XiOD- 
d«o BcUca. 


(CoBtrltatleaB of InfonnatloB tar ttala da- 
partmeat wHI ba apprtdated.) 

.Abbott. Hairr: Agent Irwin's Big Show. 
Abbott, nank: Manager Parisian WIdowa. 
Abrams, Jack: Agent PoUy of the Circus. 
Acfccnnan. O. F.: Manager Maxtln'a U. T. O. 

. Ob- 

A J d laon , H. U.: Agent StaUwTB ClBdereUa. 
Alnaworth. O. B.: Agent Flaming Amnr. 
AUcn. Bartrr Maaacsc X^M- jMOTsak ..<OiU ' Bi 
Allen. Sim: Managar Btwa' af ' ii '1MMHI 

Allen. C O.: Agent PdOf of the Clrcoa. 
ai— i>xTe: Manager Ulnlatcr'a Sweetheart. 
Alaianrtar, F. H.: Agent OnlttKl fUy Co.'a 011- 
■ax Oa. 

Algar, ODIa: Manager CoontrT- Boy. 

Fred O-s Manager Gianstark, Bastan 

kmmhm. B. C 


!adaaa Kvoaba 
Managar Batter Jk Anstfn 

Applctd^ Oto. J.: Uanagar Mazlne BlUott Oo. 
Aimttaae, U.: Manager Ir'aaslns ut the Third 

Floor Back. 
Aton. Undsay: Agent MlUlonaiia Kid. 
AnsUngi, daianea: Agant Mllte Brn.* Bvaet- 

A^^'J'^'ih ''jSS S 'S^ IMlMlitu Tttjgfa'nn 

Badieldar. A. W.: Agent Blanche Walsh Co. 
Bacon, a. B.: Agent Cliamicey Olcott Oo. 
Bailer, Barry A.: Manager The Thler. 
Baker. Jno. T.: Manager SUr Show Olrls. 
H. W.: Affi^Dt Uarnvy Gllmore Co. 

Harry C. : Manager The Cow Pnnch- 

BanT. Vtank: Agent Tha ThlaC 
BariF. BlUy: Manager aara ~ 
" D. ■.: Ai • 


Bntler. Ormond B.: Manager Otaee Van Stnd- 
dlford Co. 

Cal>le. Oeo. F.: Agent The Sqnaw Man. Soatb- 
aia Co. 

Cala, Manrlce: Agent In Panama. 
OiUar. Frank: Manager OncUinga. • 
Outwall, Jan.: Agent Fack'a Bad Boy. 
C ilU blgL CbM. 8.: Agant Beverly. Sastern Co. 
O a mii b aB , Wm. &: Manager Hamt SjdeW* 

i^wMftM^ Ballas. 
Campbell. Jna.: Agent Joat Ont of College. . 
Oanby, O. 8.: Agent ais Perklna. 
Caaad. CampbaU B.: Agent Dollar Princsai. 

■psclal Co. 
Oass. I. r.: Manager tottery Man. 
Caranaagh, P. P.: Ageut Prince of Pllsen. 
Caven, Col. J E..: Manager Sqoaw Maiu WMt- 

cra Co. 

Chapman. Blehard: Manager Bosallad at Bed 
Gate. "yHn 

liaao, J.<.W^^Maaagar Xala 8toek Co. 
iapmao. Fkank: Manager . Maaiy B. Warner 


Charlaa. F. B.: Agent Choeolata Saldlar. Waat- 

cm Co. 

Chenet. Geo. A.: Manager Way Down Eaat. 
Chipman, B. W.: Manager Girls from Happy- 

Oholllln, Geo.: Acent Tba Sqnaw Man. 

Co. ■ , 

dansmami. Ftaak S.t'1Umiam JtMt 

ett Co. 

Clark. Sam: Agent Big Banner Show. 
Clanson. B. B.: Agent Panl tiUmore Co. 
Cotan. Edw. MaDagar Tba Boond-Dp. 
Cohn, I.: Agent Baag HgMon. 

Co. " ■■."■^"■n 

Collier. Walter: Uaoaser wnilani OriUer Oo. 
Colllna, Dlrle B.: Manager The Mlgger No. 3 


Collins, H. D.: Manager Down In Dixie Min- 

Combs, Skml W.: Manager Marie Dressier Co. 
Cone, J08.; Maoaeer Qneen of the Highway. 
CoDsadine, D. A.: Manager In Old KaM 
ColTln. Wm. G.: Manager The Barrlat. 
Conway. Geo.: Ascnt Ole dsott. 
Cook, Chaa. Emerson: Ages.. David .WmM 
Cooler. F. M.: Manager Hwmljrmtt M 

Babr. Western Cow 
qBrtbTB . B.: Ml 

max Co. 
Coetan. <i*o,i Agent Sup ef b a, 
Conrt, Ormahy, A.: Agent Marie Cabin Co. 
Coatta, Jno. B.: AfCBt Mawljwadg gad 

Baby. Westcn flk . 
Coyne. M. C.S Aswt'.nmnsaaang XMlF' tta 


Blray. Bawjhw- '^mm 


.it. Btae 0» 
ItUk. Da U« 

Bmeqr. B. B.: Manager Red Mill. 
Emery. Boy C.: Agent Boaallnd at Bf6 Qata, 

Bsalera Co, 
EDglisb, Harry: Agnt Boaas of a Thooaand 

Candles, Co. B* . -' 
Enttvlstle. Harald: AfMM PaMlbg «C Sbltd 

Floor Back. 
Epstein, Loula: Manager Merry WkbL^ 
ETans, Slaurlce J.: Manager Tba OttF* 
Brans, Boht. M.: Manager Tba ^mmMt, 

Eastcn Co. • . • 

Ererett. Bdward: Agent AL. . WIiMB OOw 
Painham. Harry: Manager MHltlwallit Kid. 
Fabel, Albert: Manager Jainea Boya la Mlsaoorl. 
Fauat, Jack: Manager Century Otrla. 
FedriB, Jno. M.: Manager Cbauncey OlCOtt Co. 

Felts. Jas. A.: Maaager Wm. MagaaMy Co. 

Keiinpsay, _ 
Pctlrka. Jan.': 
em Co. 

Flnberg, Abe: Agent Americans. 
Finney. C. W.: Agent White Sqoaw. 
Flaher. Bicbard B.: Agent Vaoghan Glaaer Co. 
Fishery Sam: Agent Hapi»y Hooligan. - 
FItcbett, Baa T.: Agent Pennant Winners, 
FItsgerald, Hany: Agent Firing Uae. 
Fitzgerald, Qataldt Agent aaaajnaacK XtalL 
Fleck, Fred r.t' Maaasar OM fiaaa Baauifa. 
Fietciier, Oao.! Haaagar "Wl aad tbaStam- 

Flyiu, A. L.: Manager Kyrle Bellew Co. 
Florida. <3eo. A.: Aifeut Ulrl from Bector'a. 
Floyd. Walter: Agent Cyril Scott Co. 
Ford, B. S.: Manager SaatoM Dodge Co. 
Ford. Geo. D.: Agent JeSciaon OeAngells Co. 
Foreman, J. W.: Agent Keotneky Bellea. 
Folsom, Arthur: Agent The Shoemaker. 
Follett, Fted: Manager Sam T. Jack's Borles- 

Fosse, l<eoIs J.: Agent Cecil Spooner Co. 
Fnler, BiAt.: Manager Ell and Jane, Sontbem 

Fox. !«. C: Aaent Goddess of Liberty. 
Frank. Wm.; Manager Ethel Barryroore Co. 
Fninkei. Joa. W.: Agent Loals Mann Co. 
Prankland. Geo. W.: Manager St. Elmo Co. 
Franklin, Cbaa^.Aaeat Baetar OUta. 
Predericka, .W.. B.t StnaMr.Bna Sfsaaa, 
Freedman, Saanicl: Ageat Miflmot-Maitswa Co. 
FreeOeld, 8. C: Manager Robert Edetoo Co. 
Freeman. Prank E.: Agent Queen of Bohemia. 
Friedman. Leon; Agent Follies of 1910. 
Friedman. PhlUp: Manager The Climax. 
Frost. Shad: Agent Forbes-Robertson Co. 
Folton, James: Manager Golden Crook. 
Falton. Barry S.: Agent Montgomery * Stone 
Col . 

- IMIS. . 

Baditot. F. O.: Agent Daniel BoosM OB tba 

Trail, Western Oo. 
Becker, Joe: Agent Boiby'i 3IU»treUL 
Bedwnrds. W. B,: Agat Field's Mlnatrda. 
Belmont, Sidney: Agent Man oo the Box. 
Bennett, Arthur: Agent Serrant in . the Hooa e. 
Banjamtn. Panl: Agent Uaxliie SUlott Ca. 
Bentley, W. B.: Ajgent Jardln de Paris Girls. 
Bera s t a in. Baba: Agent Pat Wblta'a Gaiety 


Bigelow. Joa: Agent Ward It VtAaa Oo. 
BlabF. Frank t.,: Agant Father and tba Btva. 
Blalr. Bam: Maaagw OUIe Mack Ox 
Bhna, Pbal O.: Manager Frederic Tmim Oa, 
BhnoiaBtbai. Oaai.': Manager Mansbtr Marietta. 
Bodins. C. W.: Agent Heart of tba Bocklea. 
Bolan. Ben: Agent Midnight Maidens. 
Bond. BoUla: Agent Lotteir Man. 
Booth. C. H.: Manager 'Madame X. Western 

Botto, Walter D.: Agent Rency Woodruff Co. 
. Bowaa. Bdwazd J.: Utaagar Maigaiat ming- 

U K.: Haaager Loat tit 8oei8ty*t Whirl, 
"lara Co. 

W. t.s Manager Mlaatr and MlBe. 
, Edw. A.: Maaaiag B i p gli ateCoF Co. 

Bradileld. A. Mayo: ar«ii«j— ilarbaTiii'ii Hanay- 

mon. Central Oo. 
Bradford, Chas.: Agent Up and Dotm Btaad- 


Bradj'. SL W.r Agcst School Daya. 
Brady. J. Tboa.: Agent Ceatoiy GIrla. 
Bragg. Cbaa.: Ageat Knickerbockers. 
Brandt. Al. B.: Agent Soot Klaa. Wcatatn Co. 
Brandon. Chaa.: Agent (MW aM -MWiJiaaB. 
Brehany, Jack: Ag<>nt TTifMli ail Ifainari 
Paid la fUl Ca 
— — JBa.^ 

"aof Oau 
BnwB, O. H.: Agent Tba City. 
Baowa. r. K.: Ageit Madaaw X, Western Oo. 
•Mwi^ a WatdaTuaaafw SaakiU * UeVtt- 
fcHa -■liaiy^Oa. ' . gt^tmiri V T. a 

Bnmer, Frank Y.: Agent Robert Bdeson Ca. 
Bryan. Harry J.: Agent Flirting Frlncesa. 
Bryant. B. B.: Agent Girl in the Taxi. 
Bnbb. Gaow B.I Managar .Bagal Slara. 

Boen. F. T.: Agent Mbdama X. . 

Bnlkley. Chas. T.: Manager . Tbwnpaiai'a FoIlF 

of tha Clrms Oo. 
Bnllan. Wm.: Agent Fortima Btrater. 
Bmer, Chaa.: Agent Hnman Hearts. Soothem 


Mnrtoa. Pwry: Manager VarbM Babarlaoa Oo. 
am ^. ■y..-ai.t Manaimr - B iaaiy a t-Ml nal iab i .. . 


For ie|ireseiitBtioB in this list, fill out blank. 

Name . 


Agent of 

. W.: Manager Wade'a Time, the Plaea 
' aaa tbe Girl Co. 
Craaman, Forest B.S Haaaair Aa tM Baa Want 

I>own. _: . ■ ■ . _. _ ■ 

Eattem Co. 

Cnbltt. Wai. a: IBnagar >ntt Ont of Oel- 

''a^^ D. a: Maaagar Viola AUea Oo. 
Cnt^^aUaea Miaagar jBgg'ji JBaa^ ^Bt^ 

DarldBonf Bd.: Manager BaUnaoa OMoa OMa. 
Dartdaon. B. O.: Manager My Clnderalla Olri. 
Ko. 2. 

Daris. Harry: Agent Virginia Hamed Co, 
Darts. Lester A.: Agent Paid in Fall. 
Dawson, Stanley F.: Agent Checkers. 
Dayton. Brightly: A^nt Gentleman from Mis- 

D'Arcy, H. A.: Agent John Mason Co. 
Dean. Geo. A.: Agent Keyea Sisters* Stock Co. 
Dean. Tunis F.: Manager Franes a Blnr 0»- 
Deeker. Bd.: Ageat Aa tbe Snn Want Ovwa. 


SSSSS: X<aat 

«TB Co. 

DeMnt. Joa.: Manager Checkers. 

C F.: Agent Girl of the nomicMinB. 
B. O.: Manager Three Twins. Waat- 

Dcnda.~Bany C: Agent GIri and tha Basgar. 
Dessaoer. Sam: Agent World of Plaaame. 
DIamcad. Ed. B.: Manager Odag SoDia. . 
Dibble, t. B.: Agent Shadowed By niaa. 
DUlon. S. X: Uanager White CapttTO. 
Dltmas, B. C: Msnager Smart Bet. 
Dixon, Benry P.: Manager Big Bertew. 
DOIiec^. Cameron W.: Agent Prince of Hia 

IMan, B. J.: Agent Tbe Eosary, Sontbem Co. 
Dolaoa. Alfred £.: Agent Tha Commnteia. 
Wiiiiailisi Ftidsritk: Manager Albert Cheraller 

Doaaietta, Lewis E.: Manager Old fnm Bee- 

Doondly. Jim. J.: 

Donogboe. Cbaa. W.s 

tma Stailand. 
Dotoey, Joa.: Agent Star Show 
Doener. Richard; Manager I 
Dorris, Albert: Agent Thais. 
Dortblca. Wallace: Agent Tlie 
Drew. Win N.: Manager Tiger Llllea. 
Drum. J. C: Agent Victor Uoore Co. 
DnCola, Ftank: Agent Tines Weeks. 
Dngaa. Tiffany: Agent TracadenM. 

Walter 8.: Agent Tbe Bosaty. 

Agent The Olty. 

Maaagar Wm. Gtllatte Oa, 
Elmoaitaa. Joa.: Agent Tha Thief Na. 1. 
Eckbardt. C. W.: Agent Oat sad tbe Fiddle. 
BeklMrdt. Ollrer T.; Manager Eckhardt's Ideals. 
Edward!. Cbaa. F.: Manager lAeny BlooMma. 
RIffalt. JCart: Maaager May Irwia Oa. 
Btmer. HanFt Mi ~" 

Oalbralth, Ted E.: Agent Vogel'a Minstrels. 
Gallagher, L. U: Manager Margaret Aaglla Co. 
Gardner, Doc: Agent Girl In the Kimono. 
Gale. Howard: Agent Three Twins. Waatecn 

Qarfleld. B, IS.'. Mugger Candy Sti). 
Oenra, W. B,: Manager Taadaa Olaaer Oo. 
aiMaB. J. Frank: Assnt - Vba CUnas. 
eucen. B. L.: Ageat Mta. FIAe Os. 
Oilman. Wm.: Uuager The Sqnaw M». Soath- 
etn Oo. 

Gilmore. Jno.: Agent Gaakell * McVltty*a Bas- 

ary Co. 

Glennon. Jno. I..: Agent Girl la lha TbsL 
Ollck. Joa. B.: Manag ~~ " 

Oilck. B. T.: Maaager. 
Ollekaaff. Chaa.: Tllaaaiar MsalM at 

Gate. WaataiB Oa. 
Goett. a g».t ^^M anag 

Goe^. Alpheoa^ 

GoMaine. M. S.: Manager The Bosary. 
Golden. Nat: Agent Dreamland BDrlesqaers. 
Goodhue. WUIts Maxwell: Agent Lottery Man. 
Gordon, Robt.: Manager Rentncky Belles. 
Gordon, Max: Agent Passing Parade. 
Goring, Jno. P.: Manager Firing Uae. 
Gorman, Wm. E.: Agent ItonrtE Batata. 
Gorman. Alex. D.: Manager Boillckcn. 
Grady, Bogh A.: Kanagcr Jnllaa BItlaae Oo. 
Graybni, Albert A: Maaager HlauHlMl's In 

perlal StOtt Ob. 
Grearea, WUtert Knagev Ftat Wblta'a Gaiety 


Greene, Artbmr A.: Agent Robert Mantell Co. 
Gteanway, Harry: Agent Kissing Girl. 
Greet. Manrlce: Agant Robert Billiard Co. 
Grew, Jno.: Agent Hnman Hearts, Northern 

Orods. iBcy: Manager Dreamland Bnrleeanera. 
Grosslt. Henri; Agent Prince of Pllsen. 
Omber. F. J.: Manager Widow Perkins. 
Goran, Dsre: Manager Lore Makers. 
Ooggenhelm. Daniel: Manager Wataon'a Bar- 

Hsie, Geo. M.: Agent Bohemisns. 

Hsie, Jno. 8.: Manager Tha Nigger, with 

Florence Roberts. 
Hsie. W. M.: Manager Lion and tbe Mooaa. 
Hamraett. Metrllle: Maaager Tbe Uly. 
Bamberg, Alfred P.: Manager tenia Mann Cb. 
Hamburger, AI: Manager Mother. 
Hamilton. H. L.; Agent Polack's Winter Cir 


nammond. Ben: .Agent Dreamland Burlesqneik. 
Hardy, Marlborough: Manager Buster Brown. 
Rarrls. Artbnr: Agent Olrls from Dixie. 
Rarrla. Kaek H.: Maniger GoddoM of Mberty. 
Barris, B. N.: Agent Qnoen of tbe niebway. 
Harris. Geo. H.: Manager Gentleman rr^m Mia- 

Hartry. Bart: Agent Ninety and Nine. 
Rsrmon. Vlglors Maaager Dp and Doarn Bread- 

Bawka, Wells: Agent 11. B. Warticr Co. 
tiayea. Cbaa.: Agent The Arcadians. 
Uayco. Hairy Maoager Qnlncy Adams Saw* 
yer. . ■ . 

Say wuni.'fm 'i. f^ltwnhm^m^ Wt*- 
am Co. 

Beam, Jamea: Agent Kentockgr SMtS. ' . ' 
aeatb, Percy: Agent Utile P i b iWM t • 
Uedgas. Harry U.: Agent College Glrta. . - 
Hefferlln, Chaa. U.: Manager Threa Wesfee, 
aeilman. Dare: Agent Mae laPorte Stock M. 
Herman, A. W.: Manager School Daya. 
Hemdaa. BIAaidt Maaafer OlrLeC My D 
Bertamaa. jOhaa. r " 
COw B 

Hewitt, 'j. B.: Manager Ole Olsoa. 
Hewitt. Wm. Judklna: Agent Great Powers Co. 
Hlblwn, K. B.: Agent Bohemisns. 
tlUI, H. H.: Msnager Arthur Donaldson Co. 
HiBlon. Geo. Frederick: Maiugcr Richard Csrle- 

tluadley, Fred R.: Manager Billy, tha Kid. 
Bodge. Oeear F.: 

Msnager Oockstsder's Mia- 

Msasger Ward * Vokca Co. 

Maaager Qaceaa af tha lardb 

aa lbs- 

aodgrman. Tboa.: Manager PrIne* of rosea. 
Hogarty, Jno.: Manager tJIIIas. BmsiII' Mb 
Uogan, Jno, B.: Manager WagiiShalg'asd KMh 

per'a Paid In Full Co. 
Hooga, Al.. Manager Girl from Bector'a, Senib- 

em Co. 

Rollattd. Prank : Manager Al. H. - Wilson «'«, 
Holllngaworth. Frank: Agent As tbe Son W^al 

Bogan, Frsnk: Manager Wrigbt I.orimsr Co, 
Holly, Chas. M.: Manager Man of the Boor, 
Eastern Co. 

aope. 1. W.: Axeot Uenr Widow. Eaatera t*4». 
Hope. JDO. v.: Manager Girl In tbe Taxi. 
Ho^, Francis X.: Manager Adelaide Thorsins 

dapper, Geo. F.; 
Bosklna. W. B.: 


Stone Co. 
doward, Joa. H.: 

de Paris. 

aoward, Wm. B.: Agent Ell * Jane. Sontbem' 


dun e. Ben H. : Maaager Daalel 

Trail. Eastern Oa, . * 
BnSman, Erwln: A|Ht'.BtoBN aC 'S . 

Candles. Co. A. 
angbea. T. B.: Ageat The B ^ a a M Sta 


Burst, FTaak: Maaager The WMf. 

Boll, Jaa. Baary: Manager Potieta* 0 «aii <i 

Co. ■ 

anrtlg. Loa: Manager Ginger Olrla. 
Butchlnaon. J, D.: Agent Tale Stack -Oa. 
antton. J. S.: Ageat Viola AlMa Oa. ' 
Byde. J. Clarenr*: Agent Fraaeea Stair . Cw. 
Ibbetaoa. Fkaafc: Agent Tbe Bairler. 
baac^ nil B.I ISaager OaUese OM*. 
fark: C. B.« Maaager The Spendihriri. we—i 

cm Co. 

Jackaoo, Willis F.: Manager Rosalind ai R>< 

Gate. Biitero Co. 

JaekaoB. Barry J.; Manager Renlah Pajnta^ 


Jacobs. Fred: Agent Rraadway Ual'iy Olrla. 
laenbe. Manrlea: Manager Muolln Rouge. 
JaMhaan. Clarence. Manager Coaatiy Ray.' Cm. 

Jaanlnga,. .Wak Ageat Jeraer Mile* 
Johaaaa, B. A.:. Agent Saafsid Dodge Oo. 
Jekaaoa. J.'Bart: Manager Dlaamnd King. 
Tohnataoe. O. D.: Agent George SMney fo. 
Jone*, Jack: Manager Tbnraton, Magician. 
Jones. A. Emerson: Manager Goddess of Lib* 

Jordsn. Fred w.: .^Rent Grace George Oa. 

Joyce. M. J.: Agent Smart Set 

Junker. W. A.: Agent Tlaie, tha Place aad flir 

Olrl, Western Oo. 
Kabn. Johnnie: Agent Morey Stock Co.. We«t- 


Kane. Roht. II.: Minager .Manhattan Ojiera Cn, 

Kane. Tbcm.; Aicent Tlie NIaaer, No. 2 Co. 

Katx. Loola: Agent Rohert llllllard Co. 

KatiCK, rtank: Agent Katxea & Phelan Mus- 
ical Comnly Co. 

KaTSBsnirfa. M. J.: Manacrr Klnilns Girl. 

Kemn. Ja*. J.: Agent Taylor Stock Co. 

Kertogg. PalgN«:..AgHrtjn«iBtt«h»rt«, 

Kellar. g. F.j 


Kelli-r. AHhnr: Agent B»II<t * Atwtln Cn. 
Kelly. Perry J.: Manager ITnnermonn Trail. 
Keller. Eilwanl J.: .\eent The VIrtclnlan. 
Keene. T.lpman: Agent Tlie Spendthrift. West- 
ern Co. 

'Kenrtrlrk. BnrI: Manager Rolllrker*. 
Kenneaiy. Jnn.: Asent Itererly. Western Co. 
Keogb. Cbaa. W.: Manager I/Mtery Mnn. 
Kimball. Fr«l: ManaeiT The City. 
KInbaek. Walter 8.: Agent Rolllrkera. ' 
KInralil. Pert W.: .Mansser Our New MlnlMer. 
King. Karl 8.: Manager C.vrll Steott Co. 
King. F, K.: Agent CnrKoirs Derby Day In 

Kirk. R. J.: Mnnnaer Seven Days. 
King. FnNi: Manag<T Ar»ene I.npln. 
Klngstun. R. fl.: Manager GIri tnm ItoMft, 
Kleehner. Jaa. O : Maaager. Mml Stove.. 
Klein. Plilllic Manager Tlie Oainblna. 
Kline, ItavM: Manager Father aWI the Roya. 
KraiiN>. Ban: ■ Agent Vanity Mr. ■ 

^""^^l.^-^^" »•«"•«« Flanrtag Amnr: . 
l-ambert. nam: Agm Serrn Days. 
I-ane. Joe: Maaam Mh*r T Ibm I U " 
(jinnHice, B. I.u: Agent Bekharilt'a Ideal*. 
T.jiwrence. C. F.: .Manager Kiair A Baalhi'e 
Wolf COv 

T^arttt, JjKt B.: Manager Wlldflre. 
I.eaTltt. Joe: Manniter Girls from nlxle. 
I.»aTltt. nnrrj-: Agent >llnlster'a Sweellisnrt, 
t^er, Geo.: Agent Granstark Eastern • 
r.<>hman. Joa.: Manager Cntletie Girls. 
r.emie. Wm. : Manager The Rosarr. Routh- 
em Co. 

T,»eklna. CliaM.: Matinger Piinrn In Arltoos, 
Ij-estn. riins. I'.: Agent Candy Girl. 
I.eonl. rtnrry: Manager Cracker Jacks. 
I,eBor, Rob: Manager Rllly niffnrd Co. 
loslle. Jaa^:, Jkgeat rberry Rloaaoma. 
T,enter. Ctaal . Aitnit Jtewtnn'" Ksat Ijrnne Co. 
tJ^rr. IMwnrA: Manager In the Blabnp'a Car- 

Ij-wla. J.«- I-.: .\Keiii« Qniens of the IgrMa 4e 

Parts. . . 

I.i>wle. l.:«lwlii \V.: >t>inn6>'r Tlie Wamlaa. - 
Lewis. Jiw. r,: Aiteiil giiiviiM nf the Janlla -dP 

I.lliermnii. J. I.: Agent Merry Whirl. 

r .ijier. p.iii n.: Agent Walker WMtnMe Ca.' 

i.ieffliT. jns. : Agent.nasM. Baaae e* the TtaW. 

Eastern Cn. 

Uenlng. Gns: MaaaM! fMHsa «# tb» Day. , 
'•Ink. Renry llanager Fair nf OMmtrf' 

KMa.«li>. B. w.: Ilinii 

IbiMiwwn Crusoe OM*. 

ranaaer C»irn Spnanrr flaw ' 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 




l.tTlnfrito<>. rnof. 
UvliiiatoD, lAfwl* 
Uoyd, Sam 

Stewart: Uaoam li'orjr Woodrnff 

MmBSfer Bis B«Bii«r Sliow. 
MiMt«r BoDawsx Otrli. 

Maniccr St. Elmo. 

Lona. Fnak: Manxar Columbia IturlMniMrn. 
Lobnau. Al. E.: UiBacrr Un. WIm •! Ik* 

Atent Hotkar. 

^■aaa, _ 
Cabbaf* Patcli. 
IxmC. Kobt. B.: 
unman. Cbaa.: 
Lotto. ArtbDr A.i Aft 

W. I.: AientOIrlj. . 
Lublo. Al.: Manaur ■rtjMBlam. 
Uic>. M. F.: A«aot • U-Jf- C- Co- 

Lodler. Oarry: A«ant Uward Tair/ Co. 
LBtbCT, II. II.: Agent Mm*. Kailmma Ca 
t7aU. Damll U.: Uaoagtr Dafcadrr of Cam- 
afOB Dan. 

UarDooaid, W. V.: Uaoacar Olaarr'a 81. Elmo 

Uac^Farlnnd. E. A.: Manasar Uttl» Damocel. 
MacCracby, Cbaa.: Aicent Wm. Glllatia Co. 
tIarMabon, Joo.; Agent Uadante X, Wen tern 

UacVltljr. Karl O.: Agent RMallnd at Bed 

Gate, Eaatern Co. 
Uacaolay. J. T.: Manager Kirk Brown Co. 
Uackejr, Frank B.: Agent Wadc*a Tine, tke 

Mace and lb* QM „ - ^ . _ . 

tiarfc. Dan'l U^i . Mnnagir HdMdan'a mia. 
llarkajr. Akdraw: Untagtr Bow UelTlIIe l^o. 

Agent Waablngtun Boclety 

Uaddrn. Bllty: 

II alley, Wm. L.: 
Uanlry, Ediunml 
Manolal, MUloo: 

Or Pari*. 
Manitdrlil. E. W. 


Uarblr. W. II.: 
Martrll, Oliver: 
Uartln. Waab.: 
Uarlll. D. U 

Agent BDIy. 

Uanar-r Cat au'l tbe Fiildle. 
Agrnt Quf^no ot the Jardln 

Manas^r Tbinl t>4-sree, Co. 

Agent May Bobaoo Co. 
Ajceat ticnlab Poyatrr Co. 
Agent Lady Bnccaaccr*. 

Ageot Red lim. 

lUtkawa, H. r.: Agent Fertana nnntar. Weat- 
am Oa. 

Hgwica', S. T.: Manager John Uaaon Co. 
Uaxttvll. Kdwln P.: Manager Tbe BoaaiT- 

Mayrr. .Fred M.: Manager I.ala Olaaer Co. 
Uayrr I^n: Manager Tbe Arcadlana. 
UfAloer. Frank: Agent Beanty Treat. 
MeCartoll. Ererctt: Agant Daniel Boao* on tke 

Trail. Eaatern Oat 

MarBrldr. Robt. W.: Unnaga* Kaw KM Btp- 

podrome Sbow. 
MeClnre. J. J.: Aci-nt Tbe Boaary. No. 2 Co. 
Maclatyrr. C !>■: Manager Graia George Ca 
MrCllnlock. Cbaa.: Agent TlM Nigger, Not 3 


MeClaiv, Bt. C: AgaM AU Mr Bar. 

MrCaaaell. Laarranee: Agent Down tb* nap*. 
MrDanlel, Bobt.: Agent Royal SUt*. 
Mrlivuald. Geo. E.: Manager .No Motber to tiolde 

McDowell. Bobc; Agent Mrs. Wlcca of tbe 

Catbage Fatcb. 
llrDowell, Ed. N.: Agent Max FIgman Co. 
McEnroe. Joe: Manager Mae LaPorle Slock Co. 
McKay. Frederick: Manager Blaocba Blng Co. 
McLrlsb. Geo.: Manager Mme. Naximora Co. 
UtEntree, Jaa. F.: Agent Firing Une. 
McGltH-ny. C. D.: Agent George Arllaa Co. 
McGluv, Jaa. A.: Agent yoiwood'a Senaationa. 
Mc4irrgor, Geo. W.: Manager Wab FaTetabaa 

"~ ■ ■ ■ "~ Qiaat CUaatt* Oa. 

I (FBaia Oo. 

Mine. Waat- 

em Co. 

McNamsn. Jack: Agent Folllea of tbe Day. 
UrVenn, Sbrnnan: Manager Ugbt Eternal. 
Mock. Fled.: Manager George Arllaa Co. - 
Meat*, Jno.: Agent Joba Drew Co. 
MevalBjc. Moe.: Manager Paaalnc Parade. 
Mraelnger. Walter: Agent OIri In tbe Taxi. 
Hetxger, Frank: Agent Onckllnga. 
Mayer. Banr ■.: Agent Mlaa M«w Tack. Ir. 
Meyat*. Walter: Agent Mly Olrla. 
MIebael, Jaa.: Manager Barerty, Baatem Oai. 

Ktcbal. JoUm: Agaat BoBawar Qlria. 
mUar. LanIa: Agent Tina. A. Wlaa Co. 
Millar. *M: Agent Brewatafa MIUKoa. 

|gn«t, aUkart: Manager aatrsnt la tka Bi 

IfcKarbnla. JL B.s Uaaaaar Qiant < 
McLean, iJ.: Maaagcr Ffika (FBaxt 
Mrlntyre. Bobt.: Manager Baby :t 

Orland. Lea: Agent Olrl and tba Ontlaw. 
uaboma. Bolana: Manager uon Xiau. 

fag*. Wm. A.: Agaac Klal* Jaalajpo. 
taagar Mn 
Palaar, Jaa. B.: Ifanager Tba Virginian. 

Paekaid, J. mma 
Palna, tiaala: Haaag 

Tnalng Point, 
ra. Lcalla Carter Co. 

Parka. Ira: Agent Golag Borne. 
Parker. C D.s Agent Bloa Mooae, Co. B. 
Parvtg, Laa: Agent Bqoaw-man. Waatam Co. 
Pan], Bobt. N.: Agent Eaat Lynne. Bootbem 

Patton. B. B.: Manager Jolly Olrbi. 
Pawling. Artbnr 8.: Agent 8aa T. Jaek'a 

Payne. Barry I.: Manager Heart e< tb* Boefcle*. 

P*el, Notnant Agmt ^ < ~ ~ 

Pearaon. BOBltt , 
Pcaraall. Jna. T.t 

Pcnnypgekar, Bmit: Afgat Tfeg dings. 
Parklaa, Bart B.S Ifaattgar Oieat Powam O*. 
Pertar, Flanks Manager Ttmealing Baleaaian. 

Co. B. 

Patanoo. F. T.: Agaat BIna Motiia. 

PattlsglU. Joe: Agent Dollar Prlneeaa. 
Pbalpa, Frank: Manager McF^ddea'a 
Phillip*. A.: Agent Olri* tram Happylaad. 

Agent Bowery BoileaQaar*. 
: Manager MUdrM and Ban- 

PkUllpa. A. J. 
PbUllpa. R. 
clera Co. 

Phlnney. Artbnr S.: Manager Excuse Me. 
t^Utpa, Maory li.: Manager Tnoa. JaCeian 


Plekeaa. J. W.: AgaM Flam MMialn. 
Pterc*. Bamc rT Agaat Jm* ItwSL 
Pierce, F. B.: Htaasar nociAMva. 
PlertoD. Baary; Mauager Marry laay Blaaay 


Pike, Wee F,: Agent 5fontana Limited, 
culey, atarr L.: Manager Blna o( a Fatbar, 
(\illoek, Jno.: Agent Dollar Prlneeaa. 
Polack, H. B.; Manarer I'oUck'M Clrcm. 
Pood. I.. B.: Manager Port of Mlaaing Man, 
On, B. 

Powara, Howard: Manager Tba Sbocmakar. 
Power*, A. A,: Agent BUear Tkreada. 
PivMott, F. P.: Haaagar OM aad The 
PriM. B. O.: Maaagn Bakert BlUlart On. 
Pricat. Babt;. 1^ ^fiut .BftlfMt.n^m Co. 

nsrax. Dr. Bb w*< • 

Ptoailof*, Jgg, ft: 


Pyne. Wltl: Agent Tiger UHea, 
Qnlgley, Doe: Manager Fleld'a Mlnatrala. 
gulDO, Vincent J.: Agent Sweateat QUI la 

Qobm, George A.: Manager Barney GUmore Co. 
Badtord, C. B.: Manager Bonaa of n T b en aan d 
^ CnndkM^^O^ »-^^. ^ a^n^ qh. Bo. 
1 o» 

Bay'. Whlttaker: Agent Oeontry Boy. 
Beed. J. A.: Manager Jolly Baebelora, 
Keeeea. A. A.: Agent Oantaty Olrla. 
Balehalt. Fred: Manager PoUy at tbe Clrena. 
Belebenbaeb. Harry: Agent Third Degree. Co. B 
Bela. Laala: Maaagcr Baaa Haaaon. 
Beed, W. D.: Manager Paol Gttmoie Co. 
Reynold*, Jaka: Agent tjala Q l a a i e On. 
Bene, C, B.t 

BayaaMiL U. at Anat : 
SeynoMa. Jna. B.: Agent 
Ba^aoUi. — 




Any of tha Now York Farrotypa Company Maotilnaa will do It 

Pieturea taken snij Gniabett in fanlf^n minute. Our Uteat model, No. 4« 

ahanSaixeaof pieturea, frama button portrait and poatal card, up tOBatadia 
» Bicaip or landacnp*. Prieo, front SIS to $20. 

' WataaforbaltoB ora l eg wm g rliin a a .WapartCO 

It will talk for Itaolf. Sonrt fOr our ffroo booklot; It tolla all about It. 

Tnk Fsmtjpi Ci., Deyt. 54. 168H Driaieei Stmt. Niw Ttrk. B. S. 1 


Tbe original bomau dyoaiuo made bla first appearance in Clndnnatt at tbe American Tbeatn* 
laat week. In an original and aorel electrical act. tbat. (or Inlrreat aad daiiBB, la hut to mel, 
CMigbUa doaa aot aae wbat la knowa a» atatla ila a tri el ty aaA aa pkyatdaaa aa« attar aala anak M 

la bandlinc tbe atralgkt cnrreat aaeh an I* aaed te atreet Ughta. taktaB IhMF (W> nmgiria..' BT 
r-laelng two caitaaa logetbrr be fom an arc llgbt. He tbea plaec* a carboa ewa n waya la tkr 
moatk and fonu aa acek aa aaeb aide of tbe face. Be aazt placca two catbonn la the maolV 
making electrical eoanectlon with tbe teetb. npn-adioa the earbooa apart and formlna an arek 
Inalde tbe moatb. lie mIm lljtbtH a clfcar by putting two carbons together. Besides these be 
doea aome rery clPTt-r manlpuIatloR of elm-trlc clnbs wllh changlns colurt-il llgbtsi. In addition 
to tbi*. be has an exact reproduction of the orialnal &nd fsmons electric chair from Aobom. N. 
v.. Into which he allows bimaelf to be strapped and the cnrrent tnmed on for twenty aeeonda. 
Tbe moat astonlablnf and bewllderlns feature of tbe act la tbe forming of tbe are light la tbe 
numtk. which. If one will atap aad coaalder. la almoat beyond the power of nay hniaaa baiag to dni. 

wtaF ba la j 


Blee, L. A.: Manager Apaebe Kid. 
Bleb. Al.: Maaagar Braaratar'a HnUaaa. 
Bleharda. Mckt igart Oanartiy B9. Oa. 

'.I Anat ■alth'a MaCk Oa. 

w.t y — . - 


lUckardk W. . — 

BtaharaaoB. Wnai "W.: Baaagw Hlaaoorl OM. 
Baatara Co. 

Blder. a. Dick: Baaaier Bsaatr B ua ae g na r a. 

RMdcll, R. J.: Uanager Olri and the OnUaw. 
ataasiibaiaar, Artbnr Z..: 


We Are Open for Two First-class Shows 

In two of oar beg* iMBtad fliMtm.oC 300 aiid2«Q0lMatt 
An^lB .1(^1^ fMOitiH. '<SvB fail paittoidMi .BpoB 


63rd and South Park Avo.. 

Chicago, III. 

Cbaa, X, K.: Agent Tbe Uly. 
. OL W.: Agaat Klik Bmm w. 
Mlddletoo. U. T.: Aieal b«TMi Din. 
Mllaao, Jaa.: Manager Baabaa la Kew Tock. 
Mllla. B oba r t: - 

mtckau, a. A.: 

^Ttan, Waatan Ok . . _ 

Mitchell, B. A.: Asaal tavaetaaee at Being 


MltekaU, Wrkaid: Ageat Btbrt^ jUi 1^ ■Ml Oa. 

Veatara 0*. 
Maors, Foatar: Agaat Oat aad tbe 
Heore, Jno,: Manager Baraa Daia. 
Moaro, O,: AgaBtPald la Fall. 
Morrla, Jaa.: Agaat Wlaa Gny. 
Morrta, Baamr: Agaat Jaha Dr«w On. 
Morrla. Tom: Maaagar Fcck>a Bad B<v- 
jfaitlMa. B. A.t ABtat Ihe Wolf, Ma. 1. 
HdRlaaa, Waltan Aaat Jally OMn. _ ^ 
Mngan, A. K,t Maaagar Impoctaac* ot Balag 

HoDitoa, •, X.i Agaat MmUb Oa. 
M^rar. Bnaa V.: Aaaat Oattir Ctaek Qo. 
Martea rt.X k ia.i,i^i ai da t' 

Moxon, Wa. 


Holllgsn, J. T, 

Bamy, Geo.: Agaat Braaa* Boaey Bay MlB' 


array, 0*0. H.: Agent Sarah Berabardt Ok, 
r, F. A.: Uaaaaar Hany Btaek Oa.. Waav 

S»?*»k. Thaa.i 


t Ad ana Co. 

Moray Bleek Oo. 

Hedrow. J. W.t 

gswaU. Nad.t Maaagar Pert of Mlaateg Man. 
"•wmaa, Btiryi Anat Taakaa Doodle GIria. 
_L.: Htaigar Beat Lyaae. 

NswhaiV Ira B.: Maaagar John Maehan O*. 
Man, da*. F.t Agaat Araaaa Unpin. 
S^Ciai- Ik».i HaBtter l>trbt« Bobarttoa Ob, 
"wU^Toa^ Agaat Nawlyweda and Tkalr Baky, 

Nomoaa,^, M,: Manager Uoa and tba Monae, 
~ CmX H«IMdaa*a mta. 

SHOaaaer, Ohaa. MlehBl AaMtBb 



Cbaa.: Manager Oin tn A* 

Jey. WoL rtiakUa: Ageat Tbe Auaaa, 
BUM, Ftank: Ageat Wkltc CapttTe. 
attb. Joe.: Manager MlMsorl GM. 
Bobb. Bnd: MalMgar Tbaa. B. Sbra Oa. 
loble. Leota: Mtaafar KnlekeHMckett. 
~ ~ , J. K.: Manager Tka Thief. Mo. 1. 
B. C: Agent Jaa. T. Powara O*. 
, Jaa,: Ageat Tba Bpaadtbrlft, Bi 

: Maaagar Oav Oaraar OWa. 
B.: Ageat Sam T. Jaek'a B*r^ 

Bakarte.~0*o. A.: Ageat Lalgk Da leer te. 

A. C: Agent Matlame Twobsdonr. 
B. A.t Ilaaager May Bobaoa Oa. 
Wm.! Agent Excnae Me. 
hea.: Agent Oawboy and the TbM. 
Walter M.: Ageat Flower «tUmtUM^ 

_ , WOI: Manager Jardla da VaH* BMn. 

Baaa, Barry: Agent Big Eerlaw. 
Raeeabanm. Bd.: Manager rtlllea of VtW 
Beaaobaam, Bd.. Jr.: Ageat Blebard Cart* Co. 
Boasntbal. B. M.: Manager Irena'a Big Show. 
■Qgwlkrt. t. t.t Agaat Jollaa Btlag* Oa, 
■•M. VM O.: Kaaager BabaiMaa OM. 

5m. iMMgiii*fitrSf jilEiMn'i 

itow*. B. B,; 

Baw. Hany: Agent Aeery Stnag 0*. 
lag*. Percy: Agent Serea Daya. 
=^ - ^. p.: Manager At the M*rcy of Tl- 

Boddy. Wn 
Balaa, Wall 

•altar, Bd.: Manager nirtlng Prtaeaaa.- 
Sampaoe. Roy: Manager Cowboy'a Girl. 


t Opara Oa. 
and B anaar 


aaondeia. fllaade: Agent OM of My Drrama. 
ganndere. O. B.: Manager Three Twtna. Baatar 

S^uar. MekWi Aiaat Tkatallat anlaa- 

aua » 


BtUga. Ohaa. A.t Maaagar Cbw aad tba Moaa. 

Brymoor^Dare: Manager Broken .Mm.- 

ler Many 
Albert C 

rmsMlli Albert Oberaller co. 


ctmtA Amtiui ifWMB natMi 


Bkerwood, Oal. Wm. H.: Agent Boa* Melellle 

^ A. L.: Utagfar Tlrtpr H«S£».5»i, 
' "—"It Maaagar Jeffacaaa DaAngatIa 

8i# Uitar liil fM* 


raoH PACnnnr to unr; 

We manufacture the most ezteoflive 
fine in the country. If you wish to 
enjc^ a sensation of looming big profit, 

St in touch with us and our low prices, 
} it now, before vou get mired in tne rut 
of pow Stuff and pow sellerB of other makers. 
' ' * fkee. Samples submitted. Quick action. 

COSHO HF6. CO. 311-312 W. HIcMfii Stnct CUCAGO, ILL 



WANTED— F1rBt.«Ia*a OaMaw Imiuaininli City has 90,000 popnlatlon. Snrrooadlng town* 
■nil cttle* In easy aeresa. hair aa amay mare. Conneeted by trolley and boat. Sr car fare. 
Good attrarttona will be gtcatly annvclated by people here aa It will b.- a new thing for tbia 
section. Will make a clean ewcep, ELMEB II. SMITH, Mgr., 82 Boylston SI.. SprlngHeld, Maaa, 



Plark-fan- ('••median who raa pat aa coacert* and play part*: Ueary Man ami lleary W« 
l-lam. Ilayi-r: tbnap iMiw apeclaltle* aad danbtbw. bead gteen prefeiMer. 
nAtTUtWOIW, ! 


re»l>ie that caa Jata oa wbe 
•nrdaltira; aun Mkle cafae 

»• "Big' aela« a_waiBed .. ^- 

ceacert fvatwrj. Ba gWi Acn «nmkaaanMrtti 

liberty; Tax.. fWb. W: iMr Ijnkev Tra.. it; Be i 

1 wife tbat can work any place e*M with 
. doable Snd rlotln-, Oomet, dnnbip atafv. 
~ ' laa dnua: anal rrad avlr. 


Cowgirl*, Cowboy* that can do rope irplnning and trick riding. Waatejl. ali or . Icht 
Indiana, two Mexicans. Bmnebo Rltler*. Sharp Shooter*. Johnny Cnrley. Indian, write, and CoIeraOJ 
Cotton, write. Mn»IcUn« tor blc ahow: Ilnbe for bl» sbow to handle ads for sl.k- sh..«-: *'*»»• 
•lo made nnil make ».«>nd openlnit*: for adraiice. ten BlUpo*ter*: Udy »''kd™ "5,.J.'.lt '"'S?: 
two Orli ninl nanelng Olrli.. Colorwl Mlnatrel that doable* in braaa. two Candy Butrber*. seat 
.M. u ,n i r»nv,« Men ad.lri*. SHORTY OAlXAGOR.^Clark'a Wl5«*'-«in«'l"5.AL* "SlL*' »ii 

Ii.^iier,. r.KORGE MILLEK: lllnp ^V^k M en. PER W^k. Sbojr opena ^b^ 

nn.i nutcherti l». O. BMC IW. Alexaadila. lib; all atkaca, UB «»>u»., 

C. U^nch. .Vloxaiulrla. Iji. ' " " ■ •. ' _ 



largest and faat«at groiving city in the Southareat. Addreaa H. BAILET, 318 

W. Miaaouri .\ venue. El Paso, Texas. 

*0B mxiiAii mmwwvr MnimoB ths biumabo waan wmmm 


THe Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11, 1011. 

at Bad Oat*. 

BowxM: A«cnt Nmngtitr ACarlettA. 

irenk. Btrry: Agaat Tbe TUet, Eaatern Co. 
Bob: Uaaactr VuU and IWUm. 

, T^dte: ■ — 

Wa pino. Bas W. 

BleTln, U W wimj 

Smith, a. S.! Agiot DgrtaM 


amltb. afatt: Mauser Mldnlfbt Son. 
Snltlt, Bowaid: Muucer Bobert Mantell Co. 
Smltb. Mode B.: Hananr OoUaa Old. 
Smith, annk I..: AcmE Hkoy Baatti 
Sneckenbencer, Jno. ILi MiMgv^ 

mnten, Co. B. 
Sarldf*. Waiter: Ifaoicar Klwln StrosK'* Plir- 

PMl Maiier Co. 
lira. Flike Co. 

Bbcm Co. 



SaltiLOiv Ci Haaaftr 

B.t Aaaat Tbo*. JoBoniai Co 
A.: Maaanr Toaa Basscr, 

■aatan Co. 

Btaer. Om. 

cm Co. 

atark. IXNi: ICananr Bilndfaia. 
stair, rtank BL: UaBasneaorn BIdiiar Co. 
ni— liiiiTlli. C. If.: Manager Oor YlUaso Poat- 

fftw>^nwff"i Vtad: Acant Ooekatader'a Uloatnla. 
itam. iMda; *f— r" OhoeaUta BoUlcr. Baat- 

an oa. " 
itar. llas.1 Ifaoasar Aa luld In tba Hllla. 
SSS, t- Maaaser ICadama Bbanr. do. B. 
atcaaaman, AXbart: Aaest Tbe Arcadlaiia. 
SoooB*. Hany H.: Manasar ImOj BoceaaaanL 
atamn. Ohaa d Maaafar Katla Did. 
Stoart. Frank ■■' 


SaUlTaa, a««. A.: Uanagcr Tto TUtf; 

■oIUraB. jaoi. v.: Uanaaar WbM* 
aoUlraa. Bdw. X: Manajter Baiab 
Oava: Agent Bajmoad 



Ima: Annt Bajmoaa 
iack: Anot Boa* Jvddl'a 
I«wla: Ifanaaar wpflfLO 

Taylor, Cbaa. B.: 
TMK. Obaa. A.t mi 
Trail, Oantxal Co. 
Taal, Bajmood: Masa^vr 1>al Hoalcal Comedy 

TbaU. Cbarlea Uark: Agent OoUaa OlcL 

Old. Ha. 1 Oo. ' ■ ■ - 

Tbompioa, Harry: Hanagar Beaoty 1Mb •" 
Tbomaa. W. A.: Manager Codso KU^ _ : 
TUton, ■. B.: Masaaw Mary ManaaalW Oa. 

TiBtaU, rnd: Haaagat Tba City. 

ora oo. 

Ttadalo, Wm. O.: Ifaaager Cbocolate Soldier. 

Centtal Co. 
Ttaakar. JBoi. P.I Agaat J^yBa^alon. 
xSwSa. DmMi Kaaager I\9arth fatate. ^ 
Ttaiwa. If*. It» lOaagar BlanatoJIWih O*. 
TiaaaSl*, ■•: Kaaagar llaa on tto.Bes. 
Xiek. 8am. Ij^: Uaiiasar M—^t*^ OlrU. 
Xtanar. Walter: Kanaaar Walker Wblteaiile Oo 
TBnMT. Bmltb: Agent At tb* Uetcy of Ttberlna 
Twltchell, r. 0.: Manaeer Anry Strong Oo. 
VarUT, A. H.: AKfnt Ulanchv Rlog Co. 
Tetter, J. K.: Managpr Dan CoplH. 
Victor, Leon: Axent Blue Moose, Weatera Oo. 
Vlon. Joe. F.: Manager Tbe Climax, 
▼ocel. Jno. W.: Hanaitvr Vogel'a Ifinatlda. 

Walaatock, Morrla: Hanagar Sector Otrl*. _ 
Waggmar. Bodi Agaafr ifiaa Mabody tram Rar 

■.TUnSa Ifami Oo. 
r Arluna OIlL 
M -M — ' Otla Bklaaar O*. 
Li Ag*Bt Old BOaa*la*a._^ 
waiian. mimrnit Agent WrlsM iMlmer Oa. 
Waltan, Ohaa. I..: Manager Happy HooBgaa. 
Walker. Hany 3.: Manaxer Otla flklmier Oo. 
Waltara, Geo. O.: Agent Adrentnre* oCnfiT- 
Wank, Ohcater: A(«nt Peek'a Bed Mfr wOBl 

en Oo. . 
Wataar. Bdwln: Mananr Enpaiba. 
Warner. HairlaoB: Manager ~ 

•na on. Ma. > Ox 
WataoB, Lawt ' 



Wteder, A. P.: Agent 

Oandleo, Oo. B. 
Wheeler. W. C: Manager Edward Terry Co. 
Wbltteck, Stank: Agent Harry CUy BUnay Oa. 
WUte, Al. W.: Agent FUke O'Han Co. 
Wblte. S. IXNda: Manager Beeale KcOoy 

Wblt*. Qeo. 

Wblte, wm Ikl II ■ g- j '- — 

Wblttendale. Jan.: MaMgarMj of tba arena . 
Wlagand. Cbaa. P.i MaaagerQaaan ol Bub a ait a 
Wlaebeig. Bon B.: Agent Star * Oaitw Wm 
tnaaberg. «*aj*: Manager Star * Oaztar Show 
Wlekbam. H. A.: Manager Marry Widow. 
Wlgerl; Martin J.: Agent Turning Pmnt. 
Wlgbt. Hiniard: Manager AU War Her. 
wneox, Tboo. C: Agent at. BIma Oa. 
Wilton. Geo. W.: Manager Glrla. 
WUk. Jacob: Agent Jaa. K. Haek ett^O o, 

^ma% nuk^t'^Kit ateat Cl^& Oa. 
Wmiana. Arthur O.: Agant btUJMd. 
Wmiaaa. O. B.t Anstind 

WBllaBa, J. B.t Mimaaer la>a<n m mnt m _ 

Wnilama, riad q7i Ibnager Qranitait, Sontk 
^ BUBe: Agent Roy B. 'Vox'* 

VraUana. Ait: Hanagar Fanama. 
Wmiana, tau*. A.: Manage 
WmianiaoB. D. B.: Manager _ 
Wmart. U B.: Manager Ttmm, 
tka Ofal, Waatn Ooi, ^ 

— - — — lar S*T«B Dayn. 

v. B. A. 

Manager Tboa. A. Wlae Oa. 

Agent Mary Maaaertng Oa. _ 

Wn«tadi. -Wnaatr.: Agent ^nu Fareertpin Co 
— — ■ flotliem-Matlow 

' WOaon. Cbaa. D. 
Wnataeh. Jm. 

WOatacb. Claxton: Manager 


wire, ardney: Agent Polack'a Winter Clrcoa. 
\71ae, M.: Manager Sam Bernard Co. 
W^ Rank: Agent Teal Ha«lcal Comedy Co 
WooUelk, Wm. W.: Manag^In Panama. 
Woetfolk. Bayla: ManaerWln^nK Mlaa. 
Wright. IM ■.! Aaent Wa^HodgeOo. 
waaia, Ohaa. B.s llaugw Mght^^n. 


Teemana. 1^ O. 

Zailaao, Ii. O.: Manager 

SwaiM. Ikad B.: 

Tb* Wolf. _ 
m^oowed by Tbic*. 
JwM. T. Pawcra 

Americans. Tbddr BiBMada. mgr.: (Empire) 
Newark ••111 (Bowery) N. V. C. I3-1S. 

Baanty TmaC, mrry W. Thompson, mgr.: (Gay- 
aty) Phlla. S-U; (Gayety) Baltimore 13-18. 

ii»tim«i» Show. Jack Singer, mgr.: (Empire) Ho- 
bokea S-U: <HiirtIg & Scamon'a) X. X. C. IS- 

Bis Banner Show, Frank Livingston, mgr.: 
(Star) Brooklyn 6-11; (Waldmanu's) New. 
ark 13-18. 

Big BeTlew, Henry P. Dison, mgr.: (Empire) 
Brooklyn 6-II; (Miner's Bronx) K. X. C., IS- 

Bohi^miaiui Al. Lnblo. mgr.: (Boytfi' M aa tr ea l 
S-Il; (Hon-ard) Boatoa 13-18. 

Boo Tons (L. Lawrence Weber's): (Qayety) 
Brooklyn g-U; (Olympic) X. Y. C. 13-18. 

Bowery Bnrlesqners. E. Dick BIder. mgr.: (Em- 
pire) Albany 6-8: (Mobawk) Schenectady 9-11; 
(Gayety) Brooklyn 13-18. 

Brigadiers. I<onl* Stark, mgr.: (Bmplrc) Chi- 
cago, IB.: (Star) xqwaakaa i>-IS._^ 

Broadway dgligr .Wg O N fUt tj Mfr.: 

(Academy) HttaboiB *-U; (lor) Oaraland 


Centniy Girls, Jack Fanet, mgr.: (Standard) St. 
Lonis e-11; (Empire) Indianapolis 13-18. 

Cherry BlosaomR. Chan. P. Edu-arJs. mffr.: (Co- 
lombia) Boston 6 11; (Hon Ton) Jersey City, 

13-15; (Folly) Patfrsnn 10 18. 

College Oltla Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Uortay Hill) 
M. T. O^ S-U; layoff IS-lt. 
iimabia Buil aa q aa t a . FWMIIt.Mgaa, igr.t Ims- 
oir «-lt: (Weatmluatar) PiorlSrae*I3-lS. 

Coxy (}omer Olrls. Sam Bobloaoo. mgr.: (How- 
ard) Boston Gil: (Colombia) Boston 13-18. 

Cracker Jacks, Hany IwiDl, mgr.: (OlymplO) 

minster) Brtiiwweii ♦■ttt TcMfiaj Baatea IS- 


Dreamland Bnrleoqncrs, Izzy Grodx, mgr.: (Star) 

Cleveland 6-11; (FoUy) Cblcago 13-18. 
Snckllnga, Vtank Colder, mgr.: (Oilnmbla) 

Scranton 0.8: (X.Dzenie) WUkee-Bane 0-11; 

(TToeadero) PhUa. 13-18. 
Fads * FoUlea. (Aaa. B. Anudd. mgr.: (Oayety) 

PIttabnrg, Pa., O-U; (BBplia) OaeeUad IS- 


FoUles of New York and Paris. E. SI. Botentbal. 
mgr.: (Standard) Cincinnati 8-11; (Oayety) 
IxmlxvUIe 13-18. 
FoUles of tbe Day, Barney Gerard, mgr.: (Moo- 
nmental) Balttmaca 6-11; (Xdrrle) Allcntown 

13: (AcademyX BaailW Mt 

rlnborg IS; — ' 

Johnstown IT. 
Ginger Olrls. Loo Hnrtlg. mgr.: (Empire) Cleve- 
land e-11; (Empire) Ttoledo 13-18. 
Girls from Dixie, Joe. iMvltt, mgr.: (Kmg) 
Omaha 6-8; (I^eenm) St, Jaaeph S-U; (Ont 
nry) Kanaaa Otty IS-IS. 
Olria Bran Happyland. B. W. Chlpman, mgr.: 
jO^aty) Omaha 6-11; (Oayety) Mlnneapolla 

Gotdaa Crook. Jas. Fnlton mgr.: (OnyctT) Bal- 
timore 6-11: (Oayety) Waah.. D. C. 13-18. 

Ifantlnga*. Barry. Rhow (Oa.vpt.v) Mlnueapnlla 

C-Il; (Oayety) Mllnaukce 13-1& 
Imperials, Sim Wllltama. mgr.: (Star) Toronto 

e-11: (Boyal) Montreal 13-18. ' - . . 
Irwin's Big Show (Star & Garter) CkWaa Mll 

(Standard) Cincinnati 13-18. 
lardtn de Parla Olria, Win Boehm, mgr.: (Casi' 

no) Brooklyn 6-11: (Empire) Biooklyn 13-18. 
Jetaey LIIIcs. Ta*. Oooper, ngr.s (Oorintbtaa) 

Boctaeater 6-11: (Mobawk) Bdienaetadr 13-18; 

(Empire) Albany 16-18. 
Jolly Glrla. R. B. Patton. mgr.: (Empire) In- 
dianapolis 6-11; (Backtngbam) I^nlavllla 13- 


Kentnrkv Boll«>n James Weedon. mgr.: (Bnn 

Ton) Ji-rncy City fl-S: (Folly) Pateraon »-ll; 

(Luzerne) Wilkes Barre 13-15; (Colombls) 

Scranton 1S^18. 
Knlckerbockera. Lonla Roble. mgr.: (Casino) 

Boston e-11: (Colombia) N. Y. C, 13-18. 
Tisdy Bnccaneers Harry M. Stronse, mgr 

|PM|pl*'*) Cincinnati 6-11; (Empire) (Hilcaeo 

&a*a lUksiB, Dave Ooran. mgr.: (0«rdea) Bnf- 

talo Mlt (Corinthian) BocBeater 1S-18. 
Jlsjesttcs, Fred Irwin, mgr.: (Empire) Toledo, 

e-ll: (Alhambra) Cblcagn 13-18. 
Marathon Olrls. Phil Bherldsn. logr.: (Albam 

bra) Cblcsgo 6-Us fOmm Qetialt lS-18. 
Kerry Ualdena. MiiiM MMJ^^ Oiiar) St. 

Pani e-11: OEnM) iMniWISilnraaam) st 

Joaepb le-lS. 
Merry Whirl, Lonts Epstein, mgr.: (Majestic) 

Harrlaborg 8: (MIsbler) Altnona 0; (Cambrls) 

Johnstown 10: (Academy) PIttabnrg 13-18. 
Mldnlgbt SlaMiM, - ^ - 

mann's) Mtwglk 


Miss Raw Totk. It., wa. BbnaaNr. ant On- 
asma) WOhse-Bana M: fOMMMaTwrantan 
6-11: Lay-off at Phlla. IS-tt. 

Monltn Bnage. Manrlce Jamba, mgr.: (Boweiy) 
K. T. C. 6-11: (FoBt) Peterson 13-15: (Boo 
Ton) Jersey City 16-18. 

Parisian Widows. 7. Abbott, mgr.: (Oayety) 
Mllwankee 6-11; (Star A Garter) (nilcago IS- 

Passing Parade. Moe Messing mgr.: Tjiy-oOr at 
Pblte. S-1I: (Casino) Brooklyn l.ri8. 

Pennant Winners. Robt. Mllla, mgr.: (Uvceom) 
Wash.. D. C. e-ll; (MooDmeotal) Beltlmore 

Qneen of Bohemia. Max Spiegel, mgr.: (Oayety) 
Wash.. D. C 6.11: (OayMyt Plltabow 13-18. 


.mgr.: (oiyeiy) MBHTiiit van (wiritj) wu. 

tmlt 18-18. 

Rector Glrla. ytnrrim Walnatock. mar.: (Back- 

Ingtasm) LonlsTllIc (J-II: (People'^) Cincinnati 

Reeves'. Al.. Beantr Show (Colnmbla) N. T. 0, 

(t-Il: (GavetT) Phlla 1318. 
Benlir-Ssntley. ''-.rt Ken'Wek. mgr.: (Oayety) 

Kanaaa City 6-11 : (Oayetr) Omaha. IS-18. 

'^M;:reV)%io*^. %.s;f8&b>?^3 

18. . 

Itnlllekers. Atag. Ooroaa. xuct.: (Star) Mll- 
wankee 6-11: (Devrev) Mlaaeapnlbi 13-18. 

Rnnewsy Old*. P. M, Olaik. mgr.: (Casino) 
Phlla ft-11: (Start Itonnfelvn 13-18. 

Sam T. Smith's, Oco, T. Smith, mgr.: (Folly) 
Cblcaeo R ll: rXvenne) Detroit ].-t-I8. 

Serenaders. Jack Singer, mgr.: (Gsyety) St. 
tools 6-11: (Gsvety) Ksnsss City l.'J-IH. 

Star & Gsrter Show. Frank Welsherg mgr. 

'Gayety) Detroit *-ll: (Gayety) Toronto 13- 
. 18. 

Star .<<bnw Olrta. John T. Baker, mgr.: (Ml 
ner's Bronx) N. T. C, 6-11; («th Ave.) N. Y. 
C 13-18. 

Academy) PIttabnrg 13-18. 

iMk ffciMih Letttf Lilt f«r 

Srileira, Roae. London Dalle*. W. B. CMa p baH. 
niKr.: (Burtig & Si'anion'al N. V, C. 6-11; 
(Murray HIII) N. Y. C. 1:1-18. 

Tiger Lllles. T. W. Dlnklna. mgr.: (Cenlliry) 
Kan.xas City 0-11: (Standard) St. Louis 13-18. 

Trocadcrns. Cbao. II. WsMroa. mgr.: (Mahawk) 
SchLni'otady 6-S: (Emptnt) AHiaar Ml; (Oay- 
ety) Boston 13-18. . • 

Vanity Fair. Joa. PetttngUl. mgr.i <0«y«^ 
Boston G-11; (Empire) Albany 13-IS (llefeatrk) 
Schenectady) 10-lS. 

Waahlagtan Suetoly OM*. I<aa WalaaB,- ngr.: 
(Avcoa*) Oetnit 6-UtT0iatair8tie) .Mkato 1.1- 

18. .. 

Wat*«B^ BprtlUBItg, W. B. Walton, mgr.: 
(Dewag) MISMajialS •■II: (»iar) St. I'aal I.t- 

Whlie's. rat. Gaiety Girls. Walter Orenven, 
mgr.: (Lnfayelte) IluCfalo ClI; (Slar) To- 
routo 13-lS. 

Wise Guy (FoUy) Patenaon 6-8; (Bon Ton) Jer- 
sey <at y (Colnmbia) Scrantea 13-13; (Lu- 
aetnei inihe*.Barre 16-18. ' 

World of Pleasure. LonIs Talbot, mgr.: (Stb 
Ave.) X. V. C. 6-11 ; (Empire) Newark IS- 

Xaakee Doodle Girl*. Sal Myeca. mgr.! (Tren- 
dsea) PhBa>. f-Ut (!«••■■> imBn Oi O. 


Two (•-) 18x2-1 nre-proofed drops for sale. One 
net, one full drop. Hades. Spectacular scl 

Oicat for aoTelty act. Ooca at fWi 85 down, 
balanae C O. & BIg -banala. Addnsa DON 
PATBIO. ear* BiBbaard, . daalanad. Ohio. 

Stage Coacii for aale. 

Wild Wiit ag ^ 

be oaly oao of the orldnal Deadwood Stage 

.jacbesleft. A Concord and In flrst-claaa shape. 

It will last for years In the show bualnesa. 

Prospective buyers send for photograph of coach 

and terma. Address JIM HABTZELI.. Chadron, 


FOB BAI£— SOxSO Black Tent, with aU poles, 
stake* and ropes. Very best material. Used 
only S months. Oood condition. (Tost )187: goes 
for $100. Wire deposit. DREAMLAND TBB- 
ATBE, De Bidder, La. 


*Bd solid eolor 
' Ohio. 

WUl Sell SiiuUI 

Ctke«p for CMtk 

Has new mnsle end Is In 8n* eondltloo. Will 
do for small show or merry go-ronnd. JNO. 

B. STAIIl. mi- W rnmtirln St.. I'l.l lad. Ii.hla, 



You can always replenish your slock of Jokaa 
and gags from our Joka Booka galillahad tat 
sta ge uj »e. Over T06 PAOSB OP wMMMMSC 
KATEBIAX. in book form, boand la gapar 
covera, aent by mall, postpafal, oa laM^ a( 
s 81 bill. Your money back If not tetMMlHy. 

Write right n ow. 

TKZ ooaviE O0„ 
77 Baaa Itraat. Mew Tg<fc l^- 


Tricks & Supplies 

Send 4 



A Umltatf Tim* Offor 

Bptelal OOer I SIbs BhalU I x u 



solid I 

aoi. 1* On* I 



C. P. Zaidtor Onun O*. 

OspLO, — - 



Temple Bar Building; Brookljrn, N. T. 

Star Theatre 
Gayety Theatre 

Oayety Theatre Pli 

Star and Oarter 

Alwy Oyg Time for F«atav* Aota. 

FOR SALE — lliinilcuCr Ail, in„.l. A,t <liitru. 
Spirit Cablni't, MaKlclan'a raiTiiil. t,- <.iitni, rU.i 
190 Tricks and Ulaslons. Catalog and clrculsra 
|or ataiB^ OBO. A, BKU; OlVt. 4. Anbam, 

Two IMk Son BtQ AUaya, 1 On* Brnnswlck- 
Balka mai»ngany billlaM table aod S good cigar 
eaaea for aale at abont half coat, au good aa 
new. In perfect condition; a bargain. Addreu 
Lock Box 4. Mnrphyaboro, 111. • 

WAMZ TO MUX — Merry-Go-Round or Carousel: 
than s 40 ft. machine. Qlve full 
I Orat letter. 

J. T. CANKON. Boody, lU. 


Second-hand naehln*. OIt* l 
and foil Information In first 
RBBD, Box 218, Bmyma, Del. 


WAKTED— Second-hand Merry-Oo-Rooad; must 
be In good condition and low tor essb. Benebell- 
SpUlmau make prffcrred. Give full description. 
IXKk Uoi 747, Morgantown. W. Tel 

First-Class Bb Clarinet 

Experien<^ in band and orchestra: also 
solo work. AiidiMB "I* Ni," m.Bush St., 
Chicago, HI. 





iB^wcao. N.V. 
IIW BfirMiea. Ail Malpped and doing 
OHAR OimOBB. (Sswego, N. v! 

BKAU. ATTBAOIIOn BOncrX— Tb* National 
Theatre at Leesrllle, Ls., Is now under new 
management. Attractions carrying 18 to 20 peo- 
ple or leaa desiring to play Leeavllte. miiat con- 
tract at least Iwo necks In advance. Aililri as 
E. V. RICHARDS. Jr.. Ilox 413. Shrereimrt. Ijt. 

Five-cent Theatre In Chicago for sale. Pine 
location and establlsbetl iiatronage. Slanda rigid 
Investigation. Clearing from tSO a week iiii. 
t2.7S0 cash. No agenta. Address P. A. M., 
3443 Schnbert Ave., Chicago, Ills. 

Lyric Opera House 

IVM. SniFSOM. llMMcar. 


CBONBB, aw W. 

Ml enstsBas aad drsperlta. I 
dlBd X. a Jkad lov 

aor iB osia- 

Musical Bells 



SSSaWa&w^SnSTUS? ' 
Oaiesilnaasa aad had haMli 

^tP BgjlBT.. 


, ke*t. 

Oivs oxhibitioaa aad amhaaaoner- RuomMMir^ v«*r 

mxama eo^t. Wrtt*neDMparti<-ti'..r« t.> 
IL 1>. BCTTH. gt*tl*B C. JArKSiin, HIOH 


aad Ootsoa Tight* aad abtrt^ : 
Oomblaatloa Bvlta aad paddlM* Mdi 
to order (or theatrical. 
atSMla aae. 

IM So. Kaln Street, 
Open the_ year round. Congress of 

Lea Aageles, 1 

^ja of UTlag C 

otiltle*. Palace of illusions. Chamber of Bor- 

' Onr|. 

rora. Menagerie, Free Vaudeville aod Motion 
I'ictore Theatre. One adralsslon (o sll, Wsnted 
to hesr at all times from Freaks and Museum 

People In general. Those vrbo bsve written, 
write asaln. T«o weeka' alienee a |>olile nega- 

tlTP. IlnuarilH ti) all frlemli.. J. SKY CLARK 
anil I!I-Hin:UT C snow, rr .prlol.irs. 


,,ru PLAYS— 5ALf 
J4 iA4 LA SALL'. '.,1 III 


""ml wSaaS!%Mmir'bam& 
■:nT tbhSw; (M^BMw^t., Haw 8*r 

ford. Mass 


fajmd 1 

■>n Dr. na*ra Tonaeeo noon aod Iiaiitone Pill* 
-100 per oentpmllt. Big Sellers. Specially prepared 
afgnment thak delivers the coin— can't reiint tlia 
logical talking polnta— write for (nil psrtlculiuii. 
Eldcc^ Suttartaoh Dept. IM. St. Joecpb.lla. 

TbH* 4* IMa Ohntp'ttiLi 
WWwrt 84111 at., botwecii 71b Are. aad Vway. 


UAtt Soul 

Balr. Crap wis. St: Olowa. 
»oi Drsss^Ty.^tlJSj^lmp,_f 

noi; 8IUMABR I IB asgmifaw ada, bmbUmi nil BUUKMBD. 

FEBRUARY 11| 1911> 

Ttie Bi 

lll>oar d 



Ai'Kili-iiiy <>( Muxli' Slock Co., Wiu. Fox. mRr.: 

N V. C., Aug. 20, lDd«f. 
Acuif Slock Co.: Krentt. Watb.. liul«(. 
Alcaur Stock Co., BcUseo * Manr. nmro.: San 

Fraaclico. C«I., Aog. », IlHtefc 
Arcade Slock Co.: Newark. N. J.. JWk K taM. 
AntiM-BcRtoB PlaTan, Geo. B. ■ W W ik, mmf-t 

_ o. B. 'BMtiB, 


I 'AtlaMa. 

AodltorlaiD Stock Cb.. Geo, 

Ma CIV. Mo., Nor. 0. lodef. 
Areoae Stock Co.. Codoom & Edwanla, mgrs. : 

WnnlUftoo. Del., Oct. 3. liulef. 
Allan'! ComeUlana, F. AI. Pearc*. mgr. Hwmi, 

N. Y.. e-11: Utile Mte IM*, 
Alloy stock Co.. y. oTAnirt < 

Oa., 23-Feb. 21. 
Baker Stock Co., Geo. L. Baker, msr.: H|M>kaiu-. 

Waib., Sept. 4, lodef. 
Baker Slock Co., Oeo. U, Baker, uicr.: I*nrt- 

land. Ore., Oct. 17, lna«f. 
Baker Stock Co.. Geo. Ii. Baker, mgr.! fteallii>, 
Waib.. Sept. 11. Indef. 

Belaite A Stone Stock Co., Bdaaeo 4k. INaar. 

niCf8.t Loo Anselea. Cat.. Indef.' 
BUM Playera. Sailnaw 3Uth.^•mH. ^ 
SjMl Stock Co.. Kllmt A GanMS. mgn.t Cbl 

cam. IIL, lalT 3. Indef. 
B^a^ Stock Co.: rawtoeket. R. I.. Aiie. 8. tn 

maho'p'a Plajen, W. B. Blabop, mgr.: Oakland, 

CaU, Indef. ^ ■ ,^ _ . ^ 

nittner. BUI, ttotk Oa.|: ■ VMMk «M..:BM 

£>. Indef. 

BiMtoii nanr% Oeo. 0. VOaon, aflr.: Baltl- 

niorv, ll£. Mev. SI, Indef. 
nuttlat. Biaaa. AaaeeUtcd Playera. RaMell * 

Dnw. Seattle. Waab., Dee. IS. Indef. 

BntMk Stock Cb.. Ollrer Mnroaco, msr.: Loh 

Anietee, CaL, ladet. 
rnrton Stock Co.. Cbaa. BnrtOB. mgr.t t<airiaTlll*, 

KT: Dec. is, Indef. 
Ihijrrr. Nancj-, Stock Co.. V. R; mBlltf. Sasr.: 

S|>rlncfleld. O.. 0-11. 
liii<'kI<-7. Loulae. Stock Co.. Harrr llnmliton. 

mir. : riMCOtt, Aria.. 5-18. 
Brown. Kirk. Co.. J. T. Uaeaulay, msr.: Can- 
ton. O.. 0-11. 
Balrd. Crnri-. Stork Cb., Mw B. CsHs, ■!*•> 

RammoDd. liHl.. O-Il. 
Colleiie Sioek Co.. T. O. Oloaeaa, msr.: Chi- 

Cairo, 111.. Xor. T. Indef. 
Cbprlud Broa.', Stork Co.: WIeblU, Kan.. Oct. 

17, Indef. 

Comcira. Harry, Playera. J. W. nillette. micr.: 

Boltc, Mont., AOS. 14. Indef. 
Coort Player*: Bronklyn. N. Y.. Dee. n. Irnlef. 
Crata, Joba. Stock Co.: Boalon. Man*., Aog. SO. 


Cr<«««nt Stork Co.. Percy Wllllama, mgr.: 

Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept. S, lodef. 
CrrKcnt Stork Oi. Stepben Stembarb. mgr.: Mr. 

VemoD. N. Y.. Jan. 10. Indef. 
Cbanncey-KellTer Stock Co.. Fr*^l Cbann.^ey, 

mgr.: Cortland. N. V., 0-11: Rome 13-1)1. 
Calban>-'a Cotn<-<)laiiK. Will K. Culhaue, mgr.: Pa- 

<ltir«h. Ky.. O-ll: MiTflrlil lO IK. 

C^iUmnr'n CnnirtUnliK. <Iro. Prnr>»M*. mgr.; Leh* 
anou. Ind.. 0-11: SnlllTan 13-ls. 

CBlhaoe'a Omnllana. Maclyn .\llyn. mgr.: Wil- 
mington. C. 0-11: Qreemlllt- IS-18. 

Colbaoe'a Cemedlani. Wb. II. Cboce, mgr.: 
Bleemlogtoo. Ind.. ^aitJbiMMPMt IS-ls. 

Catrall Cboedy Co„ loB .CIiiMll. taw> Sali»te 
T«le, O.. O-II, 

Darta Slock Co.. nany Dorla, agr.] PlllriMrg. 
Pa.. Sept. S. Indef. 

Dominion Playera, W. B. Lawrenee. mgr.: Win- 
nipeg. Can., Ang. 3S, Mef. 

nirtrht. Albert, naytfit Cincinnati, O.. Jan. 
». Indef. 

l>«I.ary. Lelab. Stock Co., Moote Thom|Mu>B. 
mgr.: Norlbamnloo, MaM., 6 11; Fllrblxirg 

ne.%rnioDtl ftuteni Stock Company, lint. K. Dair- 
•nn. msr.: Cartbage. Trx.. 0-11: T^ler 13-1^ 

DeRnamr. Truman. AiwnUle I'layer*. M. .i. 
Bmrer, mgr.: Utneola. Tex., 0-8: Plllabnrit 

llagi*,* Bdaraid, Co.. Bdwart' Dtgliu Mr.l nac- 

flo CWek. Mlcb.. 6-18. 
ivnigberty Stock Co., Jim Doagherly. mgr.: 

MUea City. Mont., O-K: BUUngn 8-lB. 
Dyament stock Co., A. M- Diamond. luirr.: 

Plymonth, Ind.. 0-11: Payne, O., 13-18. 
Empire Slock Co., D. Ilradley. mgr.: Clarki- 

Tl'le. Tenn.. Indef. 
Rmplre Slock Co.. JInntp Tbomnwn. mgr.: IToly- 

oke. Maaa., Indrf. 
Rrkbardt'a Mrai«. oilTcr J. Erkbardl. mgr.: 

Prraua Fall*. Minn.. OS: Wabpetaa. N. D., 

9 11: Watertown. S. 11.. 13-1.1; RntMl IS-18. 
Forbm Stock Co.. Oua A. Forhee, ntgr-l Stem- 
„for.l. Conn.. Not. 28. Indef. 
liin-paugb Stock Co.. Geo. F. A I.. Forepangh 

Plab, mgra.: Cincinnati. O.. .Sept. I.H. Indef, 
Oarrtck Slock Co., M. SmHr«nn. mgr.: Salt 



Rorinan Stock Cb.: JUlMMlWe. inik.'PqM. 33. 

C rmm Stock Co., Mks DnlMll. mwr.t ' PMta.. 

Sept, 24, lodef. 
nermaa Stock Co., Tbeo. BargaHb. mgr.: N. V. 

C. Sept. 24. Indef. 
Cermaa Stock Co., Hra. r. Welb, msr.: St. 
_,I^»l»..Mo.. peL 1 Indct. 
nirton Stock Co.: San Pranelaeo. Cal.. Inder. 
2'«5» Stock Co.: Beoaton. Te».. D»-c. 
Oorden Aaeoelat* Stock Cb.: Cblcagn. iii., ivr. 

W, Urtef. 

Oetham Stock Co.: Brooklyn. N. Y.. UuWt. 
vraad Stock Co., it. Keener, mar.: Ui-xllnic. 
„ Pa.. Oct. 14, indef. 

a«orge, Glailra, Slock Co.. Joa. II. Il.-niu'r, 

Gr^bame. Perdlnand, Slack Co.: Vm WeM. O.. 
nraycj Helen, Co.. N. Appcll, H^t tlornoll. 
•I M. ^ v Olean 181R. 

Ilaira Aaaoelite Playera, Kngene J. Hall. mgr. : 
n.f '^T'- 0«t' '"''•f- 

I * : J-oweH, Miaa.. »'«h. 1. 


nW**' It!"' AaaoclaU Ptnyent Oak Park, 

Chleaao. Ill,, Irnlef. 
nirknaii-neMey Co.. Jaa, n, rrouillove. mgr.: 

Blpomlngloo, HI.. Feb, 6, Irnlef. 
Holllngaworlh Twina Stork Co.. Lew Gleaann. 

mgr.; nooaton. Tex.. Indef. 
Ilendmon Stock to., W. J. * B. a. Iteoilera <ii. 
it"*r*.' _<"i«rtton. la., S-n. 
•lenrlrl. Buaaell. Stork Co.: Pleaaant Clfy. <>.. 
■ 1.^,"= McArthor 1.1-18. 

Illtlman'a Ideal Slock Co.. So, 1. I.ucy .M, 

kH*?- .""v. .Colby. Kan.. S-St Nor tea 0-U: 

...^enalnaton IS-IS. 

Illmnielein Imperial Stock Co.. .\. It. litnyblll, 

«gr.: jKckMn, Mich,. S-ll. 

St. Lonia, Mo., Jan. I, In 

Harvey StoA 6o.t Xokumo, Ind., 8-11. 
nillman'a SMak OO,. r. I>. Hlllman, mcr.: HII. 

dretb. Neb,, M; Mlnden 911; Elwood 13- IS; 

KoatU lS-18, 
Illmmelcin Aaaoclale Playera, Jdo. A. HImme- 

leln, mgr.: Clarfcaburg, W. V«,. e-11. 
Ilan, Don a. BaMftoIre Co.: Elbam, Ul.. 6- 
. lit Jgsegf dlik Wliu 13-18. 
lajgnlal Stock Oo.: 

Imperial Theatre Stock Co., Kllmt A Oazzolo, 

mgrt.: Cblcago, III., Dec. 25, Indef. 
Indiana Stock Co.: Sonth Bend, Ind., Sept. 4. 

Joac Stock Co.: Sao Joae. Cal.. Jan. 2 Indef. 

JearoDK. Ireui-. Stock Co.. Thoe. J. JcaTona, 
mgr.: -iltoona. Pa.. 0-8; HantlaaAM Ml. 

Keltb Stock Co.. Jamea B. Mooe«rBBr.i Port- 
land, Me.. AprU l». Indef. 

King, Jootph. Stock Co.! Lincoiter, Pa.. Sept. 
5. Indef, 

Keltb Stoek COn CaM S. Keltb. mgr.: Madlaon. 

Ind,, S-11: Atoxandrin 13-18, 
Klark. Oladyi, Co., J. B. Biltoor, agr.: iUm- 
mu. Maaa., 6-11. 

Slatera Steek Co^t DaSanae. Oh' O-lt: 

III. Ob. .art. 3. In- 


ClarfnoBt, X. II., a- 

Klark-Urban Stock Co.: Stacrbrooke, Que., Can., 
30-Feb. 11. 

Lawrence Playem, D, S. Ijtwrence. mgr.: Spo- 
kane, Waiih.. De<-. SIL. . InMb . 

Lewla OllTer I>la}cra, o9a OHnT, SWAI Kaal- 
towoc, Wli., Indef. 

Iireenaa^St^ Oa^Knla PblBIpe, agr.t Bnok- 

I9tle Mock (Om Ik It. Qonnan, mgr.: Uneoln. 

Xeb.. Aog. 29. Indef. 
I.rrle Stock C&. Cbaa. P. Sallabury, mgr.: Mln- 

neapolla. Mlns.. In<l«f. 
LaPorteVMae, Stork Coi. Joe McEnne. i 

Lafayette. lod., t>-ll| BastlSStM IS-M, 
Lewla Stock Co.. W. H.: iMrtl. I 

aprlnca. A«^ S-M, 
Locke«, Tbik Jnmr 

Kan., e-8; XMOIS Mil 


Long Stock Co.. rranb K. lytDir. 

■lock, lU.. 0-11; HarTanl 13-1& 
Marlowe Stock CO., Cba«. B. Martlo, 

eago. m.. Indef. 
Monrtt-TbwntoB Stock Co.. Wa. Bi 

Mllwaokee. Wla., Indef. 
Morrlaea. Undaar. Stork On.t Unm, 


McDowelle'ii PlajM*: Concocd. X. C 6-11;. 

WInaton I.I-IS. 
Mork-Sad-AII Stock Co.. Jim Wallace, mgr.: Mt. 

Horeb. Wla.. 0-8: Belolt 0-11. 
Moray Slock Co. iLeComte A Fleaber'a). F. A. 
Murpby, mgr.: Clinton. Okla.. 0-11; Cordell 


Morray-Mackey Co.. John J. Murray, mgr.: 
Goelnb. Ont.. Can.. 0-11: Oiiat IMS. 

Manbattan Stock Co.. C. Waleett Bn a eil l, mgr.: 
rarlbanlt, Minn.. 0-11. 

Mnlrey Comedy Co.. Jim Leagne. mgr.: Rr<I Oak. 
la.. S-11: Ottnmwa 13-18. 

Marka Bma.' Co., Srsle Mark*, mgr,: Wood- 

Xationiii *steilPSrt*ifcnilV Oaa;. Ang. 18. 


Naabitt Playerai WUkea-Bam. Via.. Di«. SI, 

t W0.-1 

ir.i Cbl 

Xeir Criterion Stoek Co., nimt * Oanolo, 
■era.: Chicago^ III.. Aog. 14, Indef. 

New Tbeatie Slock Co., WIntbrap Amea. direc- 
tor: X. Y. C, Sot. T, IndeC _ 

XurIk Bma.* Stock Co.: Topaka. Kan.. Aag. S». 

Nortk Broa.> Stock Oo.> Oklaheaa CHr. Okla., 

Sept. 18, lodef. 
Nlelaen. Marie. Co.. Homer F.. Ollbo. mgr. : Tem> 

pic. Tez.. e-11. 
Olympic Stock Co.: Flint. Mlcb.. Jan. 33. la- 
Opera Honae Playera: Pttenoo, X. J„ Indef. 
Orpbenm Playera. Grant T -a forty, mgr.: Pblla.. 

Indef. _ . 

Partello Stork Co.. W. .\. PaitaUn, MfM Oal« 

gary, Alta., Can., In.U'r. 
Paiailc Sti^k Co.: I'aaMle. 91.3^ Maft _ 
Paycrn Stork Co.. E. S. L a WIWI t aVM, 

ledo, O.. Ang. 28. Indef. _ _ _ , 
PaytoB'a. Laa^Ttaaa Stock Cb., Cone Payton. 

mgr.t Biaojlill f T.. Atig. 28, Indef. 
■ — ^ Payton, mgr.: BolMken. 

ni„ Bm> Mt in- 

Oo,. a D. PicnakI, mgr.: Tam- 

nal. JsSgf. 

. „ Slaefe Oowi Scranlon. Pn.. Xov. SI. Indef. 
riii steek Co.: Norwicb, CWnn.. San. tt. In- 

P riacaaa Sto ck Co.. Victor B.' MMht, SVtl 

P l l si ' li y S&I*^?'^l&g l l nWia. la.. Amt, 

Pringle Stock Co.. Johnnie Pringle. mgr.: Et- 

erett. Waah., Indef. 
Parklnaon-Farr Stock Co., Robt. T. Parklnaon, 

mgr.: Akron. O., 6-8; New Phlladelpbla »- 

Perry. AoEn.ila. Stock Co.. Walter Downing, 
„mgr^i^ nnTerblU. Maaa.._afe»e b^y..^ 

PMMfC. SIS'-* 


Plckcrta, Tbe Four, Co., WIlUa 
lUaml. Fla., «-26. 

Heeler stock Co.. Harry R«Tlcr. 
Lake City, Utah, Dec. 19. lageC 

Sbennan Stock Ca: Elgin, III.. Indat 

Stanfuil * Weatem Playera: BlaUia, X. X., 
Jan. as. Met: 

Spoooer. Bana JCv. StnCk OaM Mair OMa 
Spooner. ■fr.: fljaiy CWr, M. In Oet. S. In- 

Scott Dramatle Oo.. J. 3g- SMtt, mgr.: BaBUOer. 

La.. 0-8. 

Sterling Stock Co., Sterling A Wllaon. mgra.: 

Pern. Ind.. 6-11; Monde 13-18. 
Strong. Avery. Co.. Monta Thompson, mar.: New 

Bedford, Maaa-, Indef. 
Sberman Stock Co.: Waterloo. la., 30-Veb. 25. 
Temple Playem: Camden, N. J., Indef. 
nompaoB-Wooda Stock Co.. Francia T. Gtmn, 

mgr.: Brockton, Man., ladet. 
Trabem Stock Co., AI. Traban, mgr.: Naab- 

TUIe. Tenn.. Jan. m. laM 
Trooadale Broa.' Stock' Ofct Olil 

Sept. 20. Indef. 
Tnner. Clara. Playera. W. r. Baav. 

Mllwankee, Wla., Indef. ^ 
Taylor Stock Co.. H. W. Taylor. aa|r.t 

moatb, N. H.. 8-11. 
Ttaela Stock Co.. Billy 

Ofcen, O., Indef. 
Taylor. Albert Co.. B. J. Laiaace. ngr.: Laredo. 

Tez.. 8-8: PearaaU 10-11. 
Tempeet Stock Co.. J. I.. Tampeet. aigr.: WUIe 

MIMf. Pa., 9-U: Hawley IS-IS. 
TanOyke * Baton Co.. B. Waltar 
_n>gr.: MUwankce. Wla.. Indef. 
Wlonlnger Bma.* Co., — — — 

ChleagOL HL, indef. 
Wolfe Stock Co., J. A, 

Kan.. Ang. 2», Indef. 
Woxiward Stock Co.. O. D. VlaaSi 

Omaha, Neb., Ang. 27. tadafe 
Warren. Edltb. Aaaoclate Playem. J. 

man, mgr.: Derry, N. H.. e-11. 
Wooda SUtera Stock Cow: Boekpsrt, IVz., »-ll. 
Tela moek_«b., JtaMa Tk ma p ain. aBr.: wuii- 
-"I Tf a B p rn* SSst - ■ 

W. Hart- 



Oiiiinatoin nod Mnkan ooly a( 


147 w. Man 


striking Maciiiiies 

89 fwt 

V. F. HMMIU ot,. eMiv nUMk H. V. 



flRHNV" RMHM wMi 60. 

or anrtM HH company, fbr moatba of April. 
Mar aSUna.,'. Change Mll» twice wi-.>kly. Popn- 
lallMi njinn uM the hualntio la hen-. Call ron- 
tlane ywr engagenient all anminir aftor Brlntol. 
In tw.i «r«l rlami i>ark-<. Writ.' IIAIUiY IIKRN- 
8TKIN. Ildrtnelliig Tli.mrc IirM..l. T.-im A'a. 


RUinT' Sramatlc, Opera, Norelty, Mnalral or 
niNi> (Vawdlra for circuit of lowiw. Oawego, 
Watertown. Full<». Oneida, Kouk'. lll<'n. Herki- 
mer, I.lttle Falla. (Htrtbace. on iHrtiMitasi- or 
certainly. CHAS. I*. GILMORE, Oajrrkn. N. Y. 
p. a.— (.Ia'<» Hl,iw<-ni. CarnlTal. Me.llrlii.> Sli.iwa 
or am> «aL,(.-,i r..r <l, ,'li' i:,,, 
N. Y. 


For Lakewood Park, Atlanta, Ga-, 
J. BILLET. Mgr. 

WAMTED— Fur BiTeralde Park. FIndlay. Ohio, 
for arnonn 1911, A fine audltorlnm for rent; 
Caronarl. Mi-rry Go-Honnd. I'hotographer, Showa. 
and othi-r anium^oient derlcee. 

TRICK " rlBaBa 
Ilhu. CataloK inalndod 
Sena «c. Kaglo, 9n*- S. SIS Ittt, S. T, 



— roR — 



Tapaa TIM lilNsn^ Cin«inna«l,0. 

>•. Itaaiaaa and Mmkri Ownen). cap- 
able people In an Ilaee. band aetata, alater 
teama, dancing Bonbrette, derer dramatle wo- 
men, character man. beary man, eomedlan. ape- 

elalty people, oreheetra leader, donblo bead. 
atroDg act of some kiml to feature. Only rap- 

ablr ixs^il.- hiM- :iiiv rlinnri- h.Ti'. i:,,-t 

Clan Id (l.lliMc I..1II.I. .^ll.lrr^H l';lJ\K.i:i. K. 

WAirrEJ>— l.aii.v .virotiais or Gymaaata; ringa 
preferred; nrlght not urrr 140 Ibe.; belgbt not 
oeer flre fret MTe Inchea. Good amatenr eon- 
XVU all In Brat, wltb plwto. Thia la 
-gt and booked aolld. Addteaa 
Alk COWLBS. Detroit. Mian. 

•VIOK, A KAMO PI.ATBB far Meil, 

Shew: tool faker, lady or gent, that can doable 
In acta: tell all la flrat; make aalary rlgb* for 
we pay all after Joining. Other portnle writ^. 
.Addreae CUFTON RE>llnY GO., week of Feb. 

«. Wlnitato, Iiul.: wivt of P.-h. in. I liid.'ii, Iml. 

The iiKHft «eB«wtat boAt/vtru- 
ranged for tte iln fll 

Agents, Performera, ete. 
in ETOTjr Detail. 

Mmvmr Sura 
■ Date Book 

bitiiK Ibps tf til 

HM tutu 

" lOe. 

• aca 

411 ELI ST., 

eiiciiiiTi, 1. 

At Liberty-Manager 

After F«bruaiy 6, 1911 

For vuideriDe or piotun show. Have 
' es p s fisn c e . NowmusM* 

At lAtrlj^ Inr SeaMM If U 

igh-si^hoolet], Edueatetl and Triek Poggf 
id Dog. Do not object to wacon ahosr.. 
" " PROF. O. A- WUiT, 



age 8 and 8 yeara, doing a klgh-claia norelty 
mnaleal act. Ckange for S algSta. Ifan glaya 
Tlolln and trombone, wife, plaaok Sbr aiMHMg 
aeaaoo, prefer atock or good aadlclaa abaar. Mgir 
playing randeTllle. llanagcn of Taodaem* tfia- 
atrea. It yoa want a good act. write Ibr open 
time. Achlnia TIIU 8.MITB TRIO, 1T> Geoigla, 
Ixralu. Ohio. 

AT unnrrv 

Sirio Bb Comet Phyer 

iwlth Bandar 

U. WhMI. nil 

WAITED, hr tlOHl H. il0ll6tl'S R.R. SHOW 

Ten moatb-plec* band, bar team, atngle and 
doable trape, jngglera, a good alnglng ami talk- 
ing clmrn, rerolTlng ladder act, tronpe of doga. 
lady for alack wire, or any Kood act that can 
make good tar a aoe-rlng ahow; alao 

agent. State all la Stat letter, 
yonr aalary rigbt. Sbow 

an adrance 
Xo per. Make 

opena at teilagtoo. 
ind.. April 1.1. Addreaa all mall to J. H. 
MORGAN, eii Sooth Tth St., LoalarUle, Ry. 

WASTKtt— .V-l riaoo Player for plctnrea and 
▼audoTllle: trap drnmroer. <-omet plajer. »lolln- 
lata. B. F., S. I>. comoiiuna. sketch team. 
Muat be np-to ilnlo profile, tutx'r ami reliable. 
TIcketal No. .Wilrctw V. J. rORTKR. Prop. 
Klectrle Tent Stiun-. lnvrrm*H.<«. Fla. 


'Inwialbto FortunaWrltaMr 

I" to 

. . kaaL . 

8. BOWER, 117 Barman St. 


InlAEaoUd BOtddtaaaoadi 

any atylanna.pmortnoooa 

MUd— n* m aw ay In agy a aaa, g^ Wrtte foe I 

>t ret»4l boofeUt. apMial aH«*a aa4 rt«e "O* 
WDTC TUXrr CDI C&. m tab ■^l*''"**^! 

la aanmtag aOa, 

m Bn.UOf It. •BBIMlM ^ : 


Tlie BiIll>oarcl 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

EqnaUtT. III.. 8: OnrrOlBi: JjUon 10: Claj 
City 11; Jit. Cannd 13: Princetoo, Id<1.. 14; 
abflbuni 16: Fannmbors IT; B^mera 19. 
An ArlBtocntlc Tramp (Aals» Bras.): Ella- 
worui, Minn., 8: Slblt-y, la., D; Bock Baplds. 

Allen. Viola, la Tbe White Slater (Uebler & 
D. C. Curry, mcr.: Brooklyn. N. Y., 

Atrl»«l U Kitty, Doberty-ColIlDa Co. mere.: 
N. v., 8: Klasaton B; Walilen 10; 
—I III Bmawstrair 13. 

k QamM Optra Co.. MUton & Sar- 

apoIU fifc'JSi, 

"^and* m|St bSi£mS' ^SflLS; '^SSSr.^SJt 


At the Old Cross Roaila. Arthor C. AL<ton. prop. 

and mer.z rortland. >Ie., U-S; Lewutou. 9-11. 
Adama, Maode, In Cbaateder. Cliaa. Frffhwan, 

mgr.: N. Y. C, Jan. 23-Marcti IL 
Alma. Where Do Yon Lire. Jos. IL IMir. 

mirr. : S. Y. C. Sept. 26. Imlef. 
Anclln. Slarsaret. la Green StockiasH. Llebler 

ft Co.. tDRr*.: Chicago, 111.. Jan. 23. Inilef. 
.Arcadians. Tbe. Ctaas. Frotaman. mgr.: St. 

Paul. Minn., S-II: mnneapolla 12-18. 
Aneadlana, Tbe (Special), Chas. Frohman. mgt.: 

Salt I«ke Cltr 8-11; San Franelico. CaL. 13- 



At Cripple CRck: Bostoa. Maat,. 6-11. 
Boas of Z Baneb. Gvo. W. Attdwtr, mcr.: 
Atoka. Okla., £: Caddo »: Lehlgli 10; CoaUale 
11: Ardnote 13: Solphnr 14: Paals Vallef 
IS: Norman 16: Pum-ll IT: Cblcbasba 18. 
Mae Mooae (EaatemK W. B. lYrdertck*. mer.: 
Ph'dmoat. W. 8: GiafMn B: FUnDOOt 

10; Boekhaaaat Mj. WttHm " 

1.*: TTulonnm^ Ml, ia;.annM»' 
vine 18. 

Bnixer Btown, Boater Brown Am. Co.. props.: 
JacksoDTUle, Fla., 7-8; Albur, Ga., 8: Macno 
10; Coliimbps 11: UoDtgomerr. Ala., 13; Sel- 
s»» >fe |ybB» IS-IB;' OoIllpOTt; mm.. IT: 

ftlkm Ual. Dive Beraioor, mgr.; Denvcr.-CM. 
S-Ul Beolder 13: Ft. CoUina 14: Chejenir*. 
Wt*.. 15; N. PUtte, Neb.. 16; Gotbenberc IT: 

Bcnfeaidt, Ume. garah. In Bepertolic^ Wa.-F. 

Connor, mgr.-. Waahlnston. D. C •401 'MA- 

Bond. Ya.. 13; Norfolk 14: Atlantle CHT- X_ 

J„ 15; Baltimore. Md., lG-18, 
Bohemian Girl, Milton & Sargent Ahon, men.: 

Sc. Ixinla, Mo., 5-U: I.oalaTllIa. Ky..- 12-18. 
Bright E»ca, with CecO Ijean and nanaee Hal- 

Bwwatat'a Millions, Al. BIch. micr.: Andecwm. 
tat^ Bs Ttm Bante »-U: reoria. HI.. IZ-IS: 
iri-"!!*'" 16-18. 
B nl n » Bmnrd Away, GaskcU-MacVItty-rarpen- 
tar Co.. mtcn.: MonterUIeo. Ulna.. 8: Uflhank. 
■ m. O.. •: wnimar, Mbm.. 10: IJtcM>M n. 
Baby Mine (Eastern). Wm. A. 
M. T. (X. Aag. SS. igM. 

BUacka^ ia Mbaly'* Widow. Dgrll Ih^ 

. I, mtt.f X. T. a. Nor. 15. Iniaf - 

anna. HMbrook. In Tbe Boa*. Wm. A. Brady. 

mgr.: N. T. C, Jan. 30. lodef. 
Bnrlce. BUUe In Suzanne. Chas. Frohman. 

Bwr.: N. T. C. Dec 28. InOeC.. 
BdDcw. KnlcL la BaflCB. Chaa. Frahmam. Iw^ 

CtaiBM*>' iTlMm. wit 


Bahy MIto rWeatemI, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: 
Iowa City, la., 8; Mollne. III.. B; Rock laUnc 
10: Mnacatlne. la.^ 11; Borllogton 13; C a ato n. 
IIL, IT. ... 
Boaton Grand Opera Co.. Henry B«M|. 
Boateo. Mann.. Nor. 7. Indet. ' 
— tke Xid. F. K. Baadlay. micr.: St. XobIs. 

' * AoMm. IB Two Men and a Olrl, The 
___lertP. mrra.: St. Panl. Ulnn.. 6-11. 
Beraaid. Sam. In Re Came from MUwaakee. Tbe 

Sh a be i ts, mirrs.r Boston. Mans.. 6-18. 
Congo King. W. A. Thomas, mer. : VerniiUInti. 
S. D.. 8: Elk Point 9: Onawa. la., 10: Chartrr 

Oak 11-12. 

Carle. Rtcbanl, In Jumping Jonlter. Praz'H* & 
I.eilerer, mirr.: WIUIaiBsport. Pa.. 8: BiDKbam- 
ton. N. Y.. B: ntira 10-11: Koi-hefter 13-liS. 

Choma Lady, n-ttb Edna Anjr. Henry B. Ilarrla. 
mm-.: Ottawa. Can.. 8: BrockrOle •: Klag- 
stoo 10: Hamilton II: Toronto 13-U. 

Commnter*. The (A). Heniy B. Hacria. asgr.: 
X. V. c. S-U: aalttoaie. Jfd. IS-W. 

Commateta. Ibe (B|. BMor- m Umim. ■ 

. 1toehe*ter. Mlm.. S: Stwaa Cllr. b.. I 
Volnea 10-11. 

Coutmf-refal Trmveler. Coo. A. MHIeB.' mcr.: 
Fairfield. HI.. 8: Cynthlana. Ind.. 10: Vt. Ver- 
t:on 11: Equality. HI.. 13: Benton 14: Eldorado 
I.": nerrin 16: Jobn.*MiD City IT: Harrisborg 

CHmax. Tbe (United Flay Co.'* Inc. Western). 
H. Cpr^iyiJiri w ii ■.^ldn..j jtB ii«ae ^1: 

teOo IS: iMna. vj M: ,B >lg » a» VT:-Ogilcii 18. 
Csgaty' Sherltr (O: E. Wee'al. Chas. H. Brooke, 
mgr.: Xeills'-llle. Wla.. D: Black ElTcr Falls 
10: Ban Clain. 12. 
Camemtt. Grac*. Co. (Kerr Am. Co.'a Inc.), 
C. H. Kerr, mgr.: Blverslile, CaL, 8: Red- 
lands 9: San Bernardino 10. 
CaX aad the FUdU. ^^Sv* 

Onae. Wu. BL, In U. 8. Vlnlttw , 

nobmaa. mgr.: Boatoo. Mass., SO-ftb. U.- - ISB, In., I: Be l n i end "ML 

City. Tbe, The Sboberts, mgra.: Sarannih, Ga., . OM of My Dreams. Jos. M. Galles. mgr.: New. 

14-15. I ark. X. J., a il: Providence, R. I.. 13-18. 

Chocolate _So1dler (Eastern), P. C. Whitney, Girl tr(Hn Home, R. G. KlopatoD. mgr.: Farming- 

mgr.: Plttsbarg, P«.. 30-Feb. II 
Chocolate Soldier (Central). F. C. Wbltoey, 

mgr.: Kanaaa City, Mo.. 9.11. 
Climax. Tbe (Sontbem). United Play Co., Inc., 

mgrs.: Hearoe. Tex., 8; Groesbeck 9; Mexia 

10; Corslcana 11. 
Climax, The: Mancbeater. X. H.. 13-14. 
C'onnlry Boy (B), Henry B. HarrU, mgr.: Pbila. 

30-Feb. 11. 

Checkers. Stair tc HaTlIn, mgra.: (Sncinnatl, 

Deep Pnrple. Llebler & Od., mgrs.: 

Jan. 9. Indet. 
Daniel Boone on tbe Trail (Eastern). Cbaa. A. 

Tealt. mgr.: Decmtor, Ind., 8; Portland 8: 

BladMSi: HMtagtm IL. 

Danid nasw aa tbo TnU (Weatan). 8. A. 
MltdMU. Bdr.: SMtasOB. U,, S; Fany »: 
MltcMMUe 10; Kcvtaa 11. 

Ion, Mo., 8: BOQDe Tern 10: DeSoto 11 
CIrl la tbe Taxi. A. H. Woods, mgr.: I'rorl- 

dence, H. I.. 6-11. 
Grimes* Cellar Door. J, W. neliaiiser, mgr.: 
Wllllnmstin. W. Va.. 0: Norlhfork 10; Blue- 
Beld 11: PixuUootas. Va.. 13: Bedford City 
14: Rcwnoke IS: UartlaaTlUe 16: DanTiUc IT: 
Lyncbburg U, 
Girl In tbe Tfesi. A. R. WMda. Mga.! ItettM, 
Va., a 

, Girl from Rector's. A. H. Woods, mgr.: Jer- 
Wa- ! sey City, S. J., 6-11. 

Gin and the Stampede. Gaakdl * MacVttty, 

mgia.: MRwaokee. Wis.. S-ll. 
llacEatt. Jaa. K.. In Tbo KlBg^ Oaasa (Wm. 
-\. Brady's), F. J. CIntmn, mwe.i IntUaa- 
spoils. Ind.. t; Rlcbmond 8: Andetaon 10; 
Munrte 11: BranSTllle 13: Owensboro. Ky.. 14; 
radocah 15: Memnbla. Tenn.. 16-IP. 
ueymoon Trail, Kelly * Flttgerald. roeta.: 
I aramle. Wyo., 8; N. Platte, Neb.. 9: Goibcn- 
Itors: 10: Kearney 11: Grand Island 12: IJnroln 
13; Beatrice H: MarySTllIe, Kan., 15: Man- 
hattan 16; Hoi ton 17; Soldleta" Home, Leaxeo- 
worth 18. 

Ilarned. Virginia, In Ttie Woman He Married. 
Arthor J. Aylesworth, mgr.: New Orieans, La.. 

DeABgriUs. XeOeison. In tbe BeantF bot, Tbe 
Sbnbarta. mgra.: Seattle, Wash., M: Spo- 
kane 12-13. 

Daniels. Frank, in the Girl In tbe Onla, Cbsn. 

DlUlngbam, mgr.: Richmond. Va., 7-8; East. 

on. Pa., 9; Reading 10: PlalnBeld. N. J., 11. 
Dressier, Marie, In Tlllle's Nightmare, Lew 

Flelrts. mgr.: Cincinnati. 0.. 6.11. 
Dollar PrInceFB, Cbaa. Frohman. mgr.: Boaton, 

Mass.. 16-Feb. 11. 
Dollar Prioceas (Special) Chas. Frohman. mgr.: 
-St, Joacph, Mo.. 8: Joidln 8; ■r-'TtT^j 10: 

Ft. 8ml& Ark.. 11: Bat Sorlaii OTuttle 

Bock 14; • 

3-11: Jackson. Miss., 13; Taaoo 14; Mennhla. 

_ „ _ . . . feMT 

Mkumr. re*.. 


r>nn't Ue to T«ar WMe: Daeator. lU., 10. | 

EU and Jane. Harry Green, mgr.: Santa Amim. ! 

Tex.. 8: Balllnger 9: Miles 10; San Angelo 
II: Sweetwater 13: Colorado 14. I 
Every Woman. Henry W. Sayage. mgr.: Hart- I eric Tbompsow^ mgr. 

ford. Ojnn.. 9-11: Baltimore, Md.. 13-1J-: ; old Kentneky. A. W, 
Edcson. Robert, In Where tbe Trail nirldea. - - - 

Tenn.. 15: Uttle Bock. Ark., 
IT; a an- s ap a st , 18. 
liana baaoa, LatdTBels. w 
8; (aaeo •: Tharter M. 

Hitchcock. Baymood. In Tbe 
Broadway, Cohan & Harris. 
Ga., 7-8: Montgomery. Ala.. 
New Orleans, Ia., 12-18. 
Hopper. DeWolf, In Matinee Idol, Daniel V. 
Artbnr. mgr.: So. McAleater. Okla.. 8; Okla- 
boma City 9: Dallas. Tex.. 10-11: Ft. Worth 
13: Austin 14: San .\nionio l."*: Galreston IH: 
Houston 17-18. 
llertmen. Ferris. Masleal Cnmcdy Cou; Los 

Angeles, Cal.. Oct. taM. 
Hnuieclrs. Tbe. LMT VliWL Hi::.!!. T.^ C- 

Jan. 30. Indsf '• 
Hodge. Wm— la tba Man Wtum Wm». 

* Co.. ainut Mhu. Mr. 14. ladrf. 
HlUlatd. Robtrt. la A — 

lUlngtoo, Margaret. In Tbe 

Bowes, mgr.: Detroit. MIcb.. 64: 

Ont., Can., 11; Toronto 13-18. 
James Boys In Mlaaoorl (Kllmt * flBaaifPSI. 

Albert Fabel, mgr.: Ft. Wsyne, IM,.' IMl: 

Logansport 13; Terre Hante U. 
Jorenlle BastaalanB. B. M. Smm, — fci'lfcilb 

Bay, Oat.. Can.. 7-8: aHSjMsw •: .MaSU 

Sie. Marie. MIcb.. WiStmtU 9tm. JIarlr. 

Ont.. Can.. 16-18. 
Janis. Elsie. In the Slia PKaeesa. Cbas. DU- 

llngbam. mgr.: X. Y. C.. Jaa. X ladet- 
Jolly Bacbelon^ l..ew FMda. 
Can.. 6-11. 

S. C 8: KMcbenr »: Abbemie 

th; OreeaTflle 11: l^arttabaci; IS; Cbariotte, 
R. C. 14: ColmaMa, S. a. IS: Snmter 16; 
Parllnetoo. IT: Wllmlttgton. X. C. 18. 
XUirord. BUIy Single. Bob LeRo.r. mgr.: Col- 
nmbof. O.. 6-8: Dayton 9-11: Cincinnati 12- 

>*- ™.- 
Oowboy'a Girl. Roy W. SomrrBon. mgr.: Winona. 
Mlrni.. 12: I'laUrtlew 13: Cbatfleld 14; Ar- 
radla. Wis.. 1.': Crandon 10: Merrill 17: Wao- 
san 18. 

«-|><^>laie Soldier t Western). B. C. Whitney. 

mgr.: Stockton. CSl.. 8; Fresno BaasB- 

llel.t 10: San Dieso 11. 
Culller. Wm.. In m Be Hanged If I OSk Iiew 

Pleltb. mgr.: N. T- C-. Sore. 2R. indef. 
Coneert. The. Darld Bdasco. mgr.: K. Y. C. 

net. 3. Indef. 
carter. Mrs. Leslie. In Two Women. Jaba Cart. 
■ mrr.: Phnad<-Ipbla 30-Feb. 11. 
Cbbin. Marie. In Jndy Forgot. D. T, JUDmt, 

WW-- Biwoklyn. N. T.. 6-11. 

JtaM. Aik,. S: Onnk •: CtetbstHle 
VK jttttaa 11:- Maaguaa IS: Osaway 14: 
XSIeeiB IS; Aftodslpbia W: Freneott IT; 
Stamps 18. 

Lion and tbe Motise. United Flay Co.. Inc.. 
mgrs.: Webster City. la.. 8: Iowa Falls 9: 
Independence 10: W. Liberty 11: Cedar Raplda 
12: Anamosa 13: Oelweln 14: Mason City 15; 
Alcona. 16: Ames 17: Boone 18. 
Leigli. Bert, tn Tbe Mao on ttie Box. Ernest Latl. 
more. mgr. : Colorado. Tex.. 8: Midland 0: 
Big Springs 10; Sweetwater 11. 
Lyman Twins. In Tbe Prize Winners. lyroan 
Bros.. mgri<. : Ocala. Pla.. fi; Tampa 9: Mu|. 
berry 10: I.akelanit 11: Hartoa- 13: Orlando 
14: Hanford 1.1; Palalka M; DayMma 17 
Jaeksnnrllle 18-181 . • ■ 

Light Bternal. RW. MalT * batbi, 
FhUa. 6-11. 

Lion sad tbp 

W. n. Hale. 

„ „ L_. „. ^ .. «-": YonngstawB, a, a.] 

Henry B. Harris, mgr.: Pittsburg. I'a.. 611: ing. W Va 16-18. 
Washington. D. C. 13-18. — - '-- . _ _ 

Elliott. Maxine. In Tbe Inferior Sex, Geo. J. 
AppletoD. mgr.: Salt Lake, U.. 6-8: Ogden 9: 
Cheyenne. Wyo.. 11: Denver. Col.. 13-18. 
EQlott, Gertmde, In tbe Dawn of a To- Morrow. 
Llebler II Co.. mgia.: MlnneaiMlla, Minn., 6- 
11: St. Panl 13-18. 
Bxcnae Me. Bnuy W. Savage, mgr.: Hartford. 
Conn.. Fraddaaee. .B. L, O-U; K. T. C. 

18. Inlet. 

East Ivaaatv.'IBMnailliL IPaa.. tt-lfl. 
Eltloge. Jidlaa. la tha ^ aa rtaatlag Widow. A. B. 

Wooda, mgr.: Boston. Mass., 6-18. 
Father and the Boys, wtth Wm. H. Tomer. , _ ^ _ _ 

David Kline, mgr.: Eau (Halre. Wis.. 8: So- Jesse James. J. W Rrownlee mgr.: 

perlor 9: Dnlntb. Minn., 10-11: Fargo. N. P.. Pa.. 7-8: Sooth Bethlehem 9. 

IS: Miles City. Mont., 15; BlUlnga 16:: LIt- Kolker. Henry. In tbe Great Name. Henrr W. 

Ingston 17: Boieman 18. Sarage. mgr.: Cbtcago. lU.. Jan. 1. Indef. 

Final Settlement. Monte Thompson, mgr.: Orll- ■ Kallcb. Bertha. In tbe Kccatarr Banats, Tbe 

Ua. Ont., Can.. 8: Midland »: Uadaay 10: , Sbnberta. MBk: MMMb 3L Ml^ 

Petersboro II: Osbawa 13; P«rt BOpe L>: j Katie Did. Ha; X. iSaMa Mr.s nOa.. S- 

Coboon 10; Kingston 18. I |>b. II. 

Flake. Mrs., hi Bcd^ Sbam. ^triaon Grey , Kissing Girl. John P. Slocnm. mgr.: Cincinnati. 

Flafee. ^r.: Phna^Ta-U: Inw Barea. Coon.. . o., 13-18. 

IS: WatcctarT 14: BartfOrd 13: New Mtaln t ,m In Sodely's Whiri (Sontbem). L. M. Boyer. 

16: Sprlnffleld, Mass., 17: Worcester l.«. ' - ^ - 

ttartane Banter (Eastern), Cohan & Harris. 

mgra.: Pblla.. 6. In-tef. 
Fairbanks. Dooglas. In The (^ Wa. 

Brady, mgr.. Chlcsgo. ni.. F*. C M 
French Opera Co.. Jnles Lisyolte.' awr.: Bi 

Orieans. La., Not. 22. Indef. 
Follies of 1910: F. Zlegfeld, Jr.. mgr.: Bos- 

ton. Masa. Jan. 9. lodef. 
FaTer»bam. Wm.. in The Fann, Frank WDstacb. 

mgr.: S. Y. C. 16-Fi-h. 11. 
Firing Line. Delamater & Norrls. mgrs.: (}nlt- 

man. 6a.. 8; Tbomasvllle f>: Albany 10: Amer 

leoa 11. . . - ■ V 

Fonrtb Estate. LKHv* Olu..Wnk: . 3liMrtceaI. 

Can.. 6-11. " 
Fortune Hnoter (Westm). CMiaa ft Barrla, 

mgr«.: Cleveland. O.. 
Flaming Arrow. E. F. Kreyer, mgr.: Pboeals- • 

vllle. Pa.. 8: Coatesrille 9: Norrlatown 10; 

Reading 11. 

Oilroort^. Bamey, Geo. A. Qninn. m-rr.: Kansa.* 

City. Mo.. 5-11; St. Joseph 13-15: Omabs, 
Neb.. 16-18. 

Girls. Geo. W. Wilton, mgr.: Vlnlta. Okla.. «: 
PIttabnrg.- Kan.. 9: Joplln, Mo.. 10: SprlngOeld 

Girl and tbe Ontlaw. R. J. BIddell. mgr.: Michi- 
gan Cltv. Ind.. 8: Benton Hari>or. Mlrti.. 11-1'!: 

Casaopolls l.T: So. Bend. Ind.. 14: Klkliart 1.".; 

Wareaw IC: Marion 18. 
Girl from Rector's. Slax Plohn. uitr. : Haton 

Booge. La.. 8: Alexandria O: Ijike Cbarlea 

10: Beaumont. Tex., 11; Honston 12: Galvextwn 

13: Bryan 14: Anstln 15: San Antonio 10: 

Waco IT: ndlas IC . w 

Girl od «ha Baaair CT. A. XaraMaTa). Rank l>. 

Freneott, mar.: OoT. Kaa.. 8: Bmina n: 

Hortnn 10: Troy 11: HIshland IS: Seeerence 

14: Robinson 15: Morrill 1G: Hiawatha 17: 

nails City. Xeb.. 18. 
Girl of the Monntalos. O. v.. Wee. mgr.: Mt. 

Pleasant. la.. 10: Iowa City 11. 
Glaser. Vanghn. tn Thf Man Between. Vsugho 

Glaser. mgr.: Dayton. O., 6-11; Cdomlms 


Rentlemsn from MNslssinnl *Wm. A. Br>dy s). 

R^. H- H»Tia. mgr.: I'nrtlaad, Ore., aratlle. 

Wash-. n-U. 
Gsmlders. Tfe*i> AallMlw FMaHMS Ok. 

N. Y. a. Oct. ». ladef. " . 
GeoTKe. Grace, la K^nce for the Oaoae. WS^ A. 

Brady, mgr.: Cbteagn. ni.. Fsh, C MeT. 
Get-Bleb-Qnlek Walllngfoni. Cobaa tt- Bnrrla. 

mgra-: K- T- C. Sept. in. Indef. 
Get-Rld»41alek Walllagfonl. Cohan A Harris. 

mgn.:- Cblrago. IIL. Dec. 4. lodef. 
GQIette, Wm.- la Bqarbrire. Cbas. mhman. 

mgr.: Cbleaga*. BLi.- FMC db MsC - 

Gin I Love HatF AMda. wtt-t OalMBSb I".. 

Feb. .1. In'lef. 
Grenstark fEasternl. Baker A Caade. -agra.: 

ClerelaiHl. O., e-11: Xorwalk IS: Adrian, 

Mich.. 14: Teeomseh IS; Meread !•: Jonea- 

Tille 17: Lanalnic 18. 
Oranstark (Caatral). Baker A Castle, mgrs.: 

Newark. X. Y.. 8; Canandalinia 9: Dunkirk 

10: Loekport 11: Clyde 13: Batavla 14: Wat- 
kins 15: Wellshoro, Pa.. 16: Danarllle, N. Y.. 

17: Hornell 18. 
Or*nsterk (W«^tern). Baker A Castle, mgrs.: 

KnoxvBIe. Tenn.. 6-11: Nasbvllle 13-18. 
Canning. Lnnlse, In The Balkan Prineeas. The 

Sbnberts, mgra.: Profldencc. B. L, S-S. 

pUa. Veaa.. *n. 
LKV/Tke. DarU IMmMt. mgr.: ClartaaatI O.. 


Larkaye. Wilton. In Tlie Stranger. I.. S. Sire, 
mgr.; Washington. D. C a-ll. 

Lorlmer. Wrlgbt la tbe ■ bip bs fd Klnc Wa. 
A. Brady. — r.:, mH c flU MI. 

Letter}' Man. Tbe Sbabati^ agin.; Tanslag. 
MIcb.. 8. " 

Madame Sherry {Sonth>-rn). Woi>.'s. FVsri'p « 
ledeier. mgrs.: Mobile. Ala.. 8.9: Pensacola. 
Fin..'!*: Mootgnmery. Ala:. II: Rmne. Ga.. 13: 
Alb lias 34: AHfata 13-1*. 

U bisas Bbmr IWMrtn). Woods. Friiz-e A 
ledeier. aara.: Kaaras nty. Mo.. 5-11: Dea- 
Ter, Oil.. 13-18. 

Madame Sherry <EasliTu>. WtssN. Fraxee ft 
l.ederer. mgrs.: Mabanny City. I'a.. 8- Ash- 
land 9: Sunhitrr 10: SbanMikin 11: Wlllllams- 
port 13: Corllsnd. X. Y.. 14: Cllea 15-16: 
doretarllle IT: I.ock|-»rf 18. 

Maeanlajr. Wa.. In Clasiaaatea. Jaa. A. VHts. 
m gr. : F al l a i m. T*K.. 8: n ii i aili W: *her- 
man xl; BadMUB 13; Cfarbsfvfne IS: Tnarlcana 


Manhattan OiM-ra Co.. BoM. Kane, mgr.: Rrlstol. 
Tenn., «.ll: Snarlanbnrg. C. 1.1-lP. 

Meefaan. John. ,Mont,» Thoransnn. mer.: AIIm-os, 
O.. «: OslllmHIs !): Charleston. W. Va.. 10 
11: niinllnKtoM 1^: Porlsrannth. O.. 15. 

Mallm?'. I'lifiiiu. D. IL Cook, mgr.: FWIaa. N. 
T.. 6-11. 

Wtnnlpec. Caa.. S-ll. 

Melville. Rose. In RIs Hopkins. J. R. Stirling, 
mgr.; Washington D. C. 0-11: Blchmoml. Va.. 

Montgomery ami 8loiir. in The OM Town. ("lias. 

Pllllngbam. mgr.; Clnrlnnatl. O.. 0-11: St. 

Lools. Mo., 12-25. 
Msn of the Hour (Eaalirn). Chas. M. IloHv. 

mgr.: Paterson. N. J.. O il: rrorldence. R. 1.. 


Madame X (Eaalern). Ileniy W. Savage, mgr.: 

New BcdCad. Mass.. 8: Bascbf. Heirpari. 

R. L. 18; BSIsa, 88aau gnriiwBlia.-ile.. 13: 

Bangor M-W: Barflaad'M-W. 
Madame X (Weatera). ITenry W. Savage, mgr.: 

Waco. Tn., 8; Austin 9; San Antonio 10 12; 

Honston 13-16; Oalseataa 17: Beanmoot 18. 
Ueiry Widow (Baatatal. Riiww W. Ssnge. 

mgr. : Denver, OsL. - mnt 

13: iMdriii. 14: OrMST' 

Me. n.. I6-18. 

Madame X (8«iutbemt. lleory W. Savage, mgr.: 
Omaha, Nrb., 3-8; St. Joacpta, Mo,, 9; Topcka, 
Kan., 10: Uaeala. Kah.. U: Slaaa Cttj. la.. 
1213; YaaMsc S^K. id: jiB i fc B i VH aUaa 
Falls IS; Masaa ONrria.. l^KaCnaa, WK, 

Merry widow (Western), Henry W. Savage. 
uiKr.: IMue lllutT. Ark.. 8: Hut Springs 9: 
Lltlli' Itock 10: Helena 11; Jacksuo, Tenn., 
13: I'aducab, Ky., 14: Eraoavllle, lud., IS; 
Indlauaiiiills. lud., 16-18. 

Missouri Girl I Eastern), F. W. BlellardMB. 
lugr.: Kagle GroTc, la., 8; BackMiT 
9; Webster City 10; Iowa Mk Hi 
l>aler 13: Matabailtowa 19. 

Majrai^ibeJBiB,^B. ^ ^j gi aadai^^a8i'|j»^Wta| 

UraaSrid II:- fc tb h as lll a d: Lebaaaa 14: 

CrawrMdarine U: Blarond 16: Alexandria 
17: Andersoa la. 
MaeDooald, (MsHp. la Tbe Spring Maid. Wer- 
ba ft Lueactaer. mgrs.: N. V. C, Dec 2d, ia- 

Msdame Sherry. Frasre. Lederer A' WisaAli 

mgrs.: .N. V. I'.. Aug. 30, inilcf. 
Msrrlsge a la Csrli'. l.lelilcr A Co.. cisrs, : .N. 

V. C. Jan. 2. Imlct. 
Miller, lleorv Id Tbe Havoc. Klaw A l^rlanger, 

mgrs.: N. "Y. C. Jan. 9. lodef. 
Moore. Victor. In the Ilappteal Mght of his 

Lite, Frasee A Lederey, sagra., Chicago, IIL. 

Jan. a. indef. 
UrFkddea'a Flats. Bartsa A Wtowell. agra,: 

Abroa. O.. 6.S: TMSCstawa 8.11: Oevalaad 


MaaUll. Babeft. la Bepertolie. Wa. A. Brady. 

aq:r.: Brooklyn, N. T., 6-11. 
McCOr. BMde. in Tbe Echo. Cbas. DlUlngbaai, 

aagr.: BalTala. N. Y.. 6-li. 
Bannering. Mary, la A Man's World. Tbe Wtm- 

berts. lagrs.: Spokane. Wash-, 14-lS. 
M.v Cinderella Girt. Drlsnsaler A Norria, aigrs.: 

Toronto. Can.. 6-11. 
My Friend from Dixie: Brooklyn, N. Y., d-U. 
Msm'telle: Nashville. Tenn.. 6-11. 
Man on tlie Box. Monte Tbompaoa. aagr.: Oaill- 

polls. O. »: Cbarlealon. W. Va., 10-11: Biut- 

Ingtoa 13; Iroolon. O., 14; PortaaoDtb 15; 

Wellston 16: Cbllllcotbe 18. 
Montana (Kllmt 4: Caxaolo's), BeBfy Klad. 

mgr.: ClarlBBall- Ou S-Me. 

B«(b(h WB. tkJ^pSh. 

Metropolttaa Of wa < 1 I 

mgrs.: X. C;. .JMK Mk I 
Man of tbe Boar " " 

5- 11. 

Man on the Box. W. - 

Whitewater. Wis. 8; 

10; Delsvan 11. 
Molt and Jeff. Cbas Dalten. mgr.: Jollet. 111.. 

S: Aarora 9: Elgin 10: Madison. Wis., 11. 
Newlyweda and Tbelr Baby (Eastern), Leffler- 

Baattaa Ca.. tasaa.: laaarilie. Ky.. 5-11; 

Bvaaavnia. lad.. tS: Tlaccaaea 13: Robloaoa, 

BL. 14: Terre Bante, Ind.. IS: Charleston. 

III.. M: Decatnr 17: Qnlnry 18. 

Newlyweda and Their Baby (Western), Lefller- 
Brattna Co.. peso*.: Wonbaa. Tes.. 8: Paris 


Saa Aataaio IT-IA 
Nteaer. Xbe, wMb Flatvaee Bsbula. Wa. -JL 
Brady, mgr.: Salt Lake. C. S-U: QBM 
IS IS: ProTo 14: Grand Jnaellaa. OsL. tk 

'l>esdHIIe 10: Sallda 17; Caooa City 18. 
Xangbty Marietta. Oscar Bamraersteln, mar.: 

N. Y. C. Nov. 7. Indef, 
No Mother to Oolde Her (Kllmt A Oaxxolo'sl, 

Geo. E. McDonald, mgr.: Boebeater N. Y.. 

6- 8: Ctlca 9: Boaton. Masa.. 13-18. 
'^'^..2!'^ Hlppodiwae Sbowa: Gbkago, UU 

SO-Ibh. 1_ . 
Xtaasr. net was. A. Bi s» . aVkr.X; T.. C •■ 

Ok Mm.: i. VL - tkHMu ' mm-t 
Ariku 18: Biibii Ms Baa^ It; I 
B. Bex.. IT: Dealag 18. 

Old Hoamiead. ailb E. L. 
Tbaapssa. acr.: Taleda. O.. e 
Ind., 8-U: I.Mltsvine. Ky.. 13-18. 

Onr Village Postmaster (Perry's), 
I'onard. msr.: Bancroft. la.. 8: Feoioa 9: 
Boda 10: OtIOM 11: W. Beod 13; Rnthven 
Mi S aa b ssa U: Bagal M: INirabsaaa 17: 


Otbfa. Fbbe. AL BOeaa. awr.: RL IM. 

MItm.. 5-11 ; Sllitneanolla 13.18. 
Onr World. Prank MrKee. mgr.; X. T. C, FMi. 
6. Indef. 

Over X'ght. Wm. A.. Brady, awc: X- V. r. 
Jan. 2. Indef. : . 

Y. c. so-Frb. 11. : "r^ 

Over tbe ipibi (BadaajrVt. JseT 
Aurora. Neh..-ll: Cnatgand *t 
D., 10. 

FCWFBad Bar. Biaaer aad Oatter, agra.: 
**BC- iajU 5,5 Ganatt •: Bagpanee 10; 
Ha. Bend 11: Gary IS: MIrblaaa City U: 

- - __iry IS: MIrblaaa" City 
Knox 14: Crusm Point IS: BlMWlai I M: 

Ufayclte 17: Champalga. iU.. W, 
Tolly of llie Clrrns. A. S. atera Cn.. agta.: 
• Mllrli-H. S. !>.. fi: Sloox mis »: Vankfoa 

Id: Sl.iux Cll.v. la.. II. 
Panama fl'cTry's). Art Williams, mgr.: Col- 
lins, u.. 8: MeUwaiae 8: Rbadesi la: Belle 

^Ta*tJH.ffl«« »«s ^«l|i"b 
15: War«w. ^..-ISt O ii| H. .J|» niiiii 
l>al 18. 

I'sir at Caaatn RMa. Rmf W.. tMU wm-t 
MateeUae. jAk. 8: Maesa, •» - Bp*a>r^A8| 
Hannibal 13. - 

I'rture »f IMIw-o. Henry W. Range, mgr.: 
(levelanl. O.. 0-11: Kharun. Pa.. 13: New 
OastI,. 14: Erie ir,: Ilntralo. N. Y.. la-l*. 

Pomander Walk, llebler A O*.. awn.: M. T. 
r.. Dec. 20. Indef. > ■ -- 

l-owill A Colian Musical OsasdF €b.: Bartaa 

Iml. Xnv. 21. Indrf. 

Polly 4>f iiif cirriis, Fri.dorlc Thompson mgr.: 
Austin. Ti'^.. 7 8. 

Paid In Full. Wagenbals A Ki'mper. mgrs.; 81. 
Loafs. Mo., a-ll, 

PaM In Fan ICmlral). United Plav Co.. Inc.. 
mgn.: Aonwa. Mo.. 8; Springfirid 9: Car- 
thage 10: Webster City II: JopHa 18. 

Prince of Bla Rare, Oacar Otabaa. aar.: < 
Okla.. *: Watonga 8: Aaadarim.W: " 
11: IS: Btasa n: Baana lli : 

low 15, 
Poynter. Beulah, Rntt ft 

falo, N, Y,. 6-11. 
Quii n of III.. Highway. M<*rriann A Heffertla. 

mgrs,: Iti,llana|iolls. lori.. 6-8: nanvllle. III.. 

»: Qulucy 10: Alloa H; «. - - - 

Qaeaa af tbe 


Royal RIsre. Oeo. H. Rbbb. aar.t VbyctlMOie. 
Ark,. 8: lientnnTllle 0: Bamii W: Kaska 
Siirings 11: Webb Cl^.^ ^'i-'" 


13: ydlVHTj.^^^ 

Haaad I^^ Jtovu'^^asabi^ avp.t* 


FBBRUARY 11, 1911. 


Bol)«>a, Mijr, la 
U 8. SIrr, mttkt 
I'aul 12-18. . . _ 

Huiwll, UUlMi. la la iMTCk of a SIddct, tm. 
BpioIu, mgt.i Ntw OrtoMM. La., a il; At- 
Unu. Oa.. 13-M; KaoxTllIv, Tenii., IS; Ctut- 
tiouuo 111: Nuhrllle IT. 

Boiuirr Tbtt (Bawland A CIHTurd'a Suotlieni), 
W. II. Leialc. taMt.i AUanU. G>., 0-11; Cbal- 
taauuKa. Tkraa.. l>-ia. 

■Marjr. Tkr. OMMI * MeVliir, men.: Water- 
town, K. P.. V: BNOklnc* 0; naodRiu 10; 
Dvll Rapid* II. 

Baaarr. The (Itowlaoa A CIKTord'a). M. B. 
GoldalD*, msr.: ManaflfliJ. O., 8; BanduakT 
•: Nwwalk 10: Ijonln 11; Eljrla 13; Hbrlbj 
U: Aabiaad IS; Oalloo 10; liacyma 17; Can- 
ton IM. 

R^MH-ra of SiiDnybronk Fnmi. Jom. nronka, mgr. : 

X. Y. C. Oct. 3. Indef. 
RolierlWD. Fnrlirii, In (be I'aiulaK ut tlir Tblrd 

P1iH>r Ilark. Tbe Sbubcrtw, loam.: Cblcaao. 

ni-. Jaa. rst, iDilaf. 
ltd Mill, II. B. Emnr, micT.: OlotenTllIa, 

X. v., 9: Sartlnca 10; Qlcna FolU 11: 8b«r- 

braafer. Qua.. Can., IS. 
RIaiC, lllanrhr. In tbe Yankn- Qlri. IiMT flclda, 

■gr.: Baltlmon. 3U.. e-ll. 
.■•HircTkaw Kowlaad * ClKTard, men.: Baa 

taa, Maaa.. Dae. St, tadcr. 
■OTfr' Tbirada, to* Lug, mgr.t Abcnlraii. 

Waab.. K: Olyuinta ft OMMlhl W; Van- 

cuuri-r II: AHt«>rla, Oifc* IS; HBWMaa 13; 

CoTTallta 14; Albaar K; — ffai M; Mlrcr- 

loo 17: Salrin 18. 
Sla IVrkloa (C. Jay BmiUi's). Eddie Delaui-y, 

mar.: Harrotlabunr. Ky., 8: Lawrcnccburc 9; 

lalrm. Ind.. 10: Itedfora 11: W. Btden 12; 

Btoomflrld 13; Blonuilnston 14: MartlDKrllle 

IS: Unlnn lA. 
a^vafr Man (H. R. Plvrc & Co.'a W«-iit4'm>. 

Col. J. E. CaTeo, msr.: San Praoclaco. Ciil., 


■waw Maa, Willa Am. Co.. Inc.. prop*.. An- 
aMaa. Mi-. H M fpalaiaaai. •-M; ataataam- 

-caa wt MflMB- OTt wigMfoaa li* 

Mnsr Sooth (J. a ■aekwcira). Wanuo. Wla. 
I>: nraad Rairfda Maanloa U; t.aCn»ae 12: 
TiTuqoa 13; Hccdabarc IS; TMnah 10; Black 
tiTrr ntU IT: NrllliTllle 1g. 

OOTa, btair * HarllD. Inc.. pmpa.: SUnn- 
— 'tiaa., S-11: Mllwaakee. Wla., 1218. 
■St. Oco H. NiTOlal. micr.: Toledo. 
CM: Mirml, llleh.. 9; Adrian 10; nndlar. 
A. U. 

aa nm an'a KOalcal Cooiedr Co.. E. .\. Woirr. 

net.: Edmonton. Alia.. Cm., S Fvb. Tl. 
Spunner. Cecil. BlaD(>T .Hpooner Am. Co.. Inf.. 

mcra.: St. Loots. \lo.. O-U; Ctalcaan, Itl.. 

13-18. . . 

■aal Klaa (Eaatem). Mil 

nictakais. Maaa.. 8. 
•gal KiM <Wcaian>. _ . 

MmtKkm, Ik, a: Caaal iianr Ooakwinn 
W: CWMte II: Wkacllac. «; Va.. 13-1.*.. 
■Vradtbrlft. nv lEaatera). F»»d n le Thninp- 

•nn. msr.: Roeheater, 
Ont.. rao,. 

N. X., T-S: namlltnn, 
9-10: Uindon 11: Toranto 13 If. 
Bean. Zelda. la Ihe Neat En. b, C. Wfcnrrll. 

ncr.: Chlcaao. III.. Jan. ie.1aM: ' 
•klaaer. Oiia. In Site. Ctaaa. VMBBaa,' msr.: 

X. T. C. Jan. S4. Indef. 
Smart Set (No. 1). Barton ft 'Wlivrll. mgn.t 
Atehlaoo. Kan.. 8: Omaha. Neb.. O-II: Council 
Bloffa. la.. 13: Fremont. Nrb.. 13: York 14: 

Uneolo IS; Dea Molnca, U., is-is. 

Smart Set (Sonlbera). Barton tc WlaireU. msrs.: 
ClarkaTlllc. lean., 8: UopklaaTllla, KT., U: 
Prlaceloo. lu; Paducab 11; Cb|i% UL. Us 
Carboadala 14; Marlon IS; DaQiiila U; Vm- 
traUa 17: Mt. l-erooa IS. 

akaakaa.;Jaanab. i. A. Saodcra, msr.: o*wr(«, 
X, Km •: Watcrtown 9; Ugdcaabort 10. 

*acatnl 4HH la I'arla. liartjr Aaaui. uisr.: Mtl- 

. ataakao. Wla.. m. 

SI. KlaM tOcaMali. Catlcil Piajr Oa.. lac. 
. nsra.: Wittf. Ark, »: BcMaaTlUc 1«, 
Seeea Uara. Wa«cahala * Kompar. mgtm.: PhU- 

adelpbia 0-18. 

J^- ^- ■>•<> Marloara. la Baper- 

tolte, Tbe Sbobcrts, msta.: naablncma. 1>. 

C-. 0-11, 

Starr. Francea, In Tbe Kaaleat War. Darld 8e- 
laaco. tti(r.: Lancaster, I'a., 6: Allouaa »; 
Joknalown 10; Wbeelln*. W. Va.. 11. 
Spcadtarlfi. Tbe (U'eatrro). Fmlctic llumpaaa 
-.■«»•: Mattuoo. III.. 14: Uecaiur 15, 
SlallU Boae, In Maggie I'epjier. Uenrr B. 

Harris mgr.: Toraaio^ Can.. 0-11. 
■catt. G^rll. la tka Lati 

Xaalclan. Dndley McAdow. mgr.. 

Oatmt. Mleb., S-ll; Cblcago, 111., 12 23. 
■a I m i f l ean a Abroad (Eaatern). L. L. liar- 
(la. mn.: 1ft. Blerllog. O., 8: CrookaTlll,- ii: 

_L«tBiiW: Xamr City 11. 

Three Waaka. Lalgh Uotrlaon, asr.: Chlcai;.!. 

111.. 30-Fah. 11. 
Lncl- Tom-a Cabin OMIM}. . Ita. Klhbl:-. 

iKKr.: I'hUa., 0-11. 

L'ncle Tom'a Cabin, Lena Waahimm, mgr.: War 
orly. S. Y.. 8; Homell 0: Elmlra 10. 

Up and l>own Broadway, with Eddie Foy. Tbe 
Sbuberta. mgr.: Albior, N. Y.. 10-11. 

Cncle Tom'a Cabin (Al. W. Martln'i). C. F. 
Aekermao. mgr.: Boalon, Maaa.. O-II. 

Tan Stoddltord, Grace, la tbe ParadiM of Ma- 
homet. D. V. Arthur, mgr.: N. Y. C Jan. 17. 

Vlrslnlan, The. Klrke LaShelle Co., ngra.; 

Uenrer. Col.. 12-18. 
Widow .McCarly (Hen Craner'a); Klnaley. Kan.. 

8; 8t. John 9: StalTord lU: Larnvd 11. 
When Sweet sixteen, ETer-Walt Ctk, laa- awn.: 

Youngatown. O., 8: Akron 0: imlB Wt V»- 

ledo 11; Chicago. III., U, laiiaf. 
Will* Mnalcal Comedy Co., John B. Wma. mar.: 

Jackion, O.. 8-11. 
Weary Willie Walker. Vie Crane, mgr.: Poaca. 

OUa., 8: Newkirk U: ('alrfax 10: I'awacc 11; 

Stillwater 13: Coahlos it: Wollnioo IS: Cbaul- 

ler 16; SIrond IT; Urlaiow 18. 
While Sqaaw. Lirali F. Werba. mgr.: GIOTcn- 

Ttlle, X. v.. 8: Rochester »-ll; Port Huron, 

MIcb., 12: Flint 13: Sallnaw 14; Bay f:ity 13: 

Owosao 10: Lanaing 17; Adrian 18. 
Wolf, Tbe (No. 1). B. A. Morrlaon, bus. mgr.: 

Boekford. III., 8; tTeeport 9: Oiion 10: Str<>- 

ator 11; Ottawa 12: LaKalle 13: Pern 14: Falr- 

hoty IS; Uacoln 18; gulncy 17: Bnrllngton, 

la.. 18. 

WUaaa, AL H.. Sidney R. Bllla. mgr.: Umdon. 
Oat.. Oaa.. 8: St. Tiimn Si ftiliala. X. v.. 
M:-Mtu Fa., n; llMtllniiJ> l_Mtp> nie 

it; Ely^W* ■ "J* „ 
wiontnic Mlaa. Basla WaaiMk Aaa. Obl. lae.. 
prop!.; Chatliaam, Shaa., S-n: AtlaMa, Ga.. 


Ware. Ileleo la The Deaertem. rleory B. Ilar- 

' rla. OM^r.: Chicago. 111.. Jan. 22. Indef. 
Wirflrld. DitM. In the Retora of Peter Grimm, 

Oarld Bt'lasco, mgr.: Cbicagu. III.. Feb. U, 


Way Down Eaat, Wm. .V. Brady, mgr.: N. T. 

C, Jan. Zl, Indef. 
Wllfon. Fraoela. In tbe Bachelor'a Baby, Chaa. 

Frohman, mgr.: Chicago. IIL. a-IB. 
Wolf, The. Stair ft Barlla. a«ia.: Chicago. 

111.. 8-11. 

Warner. IleatT B.. la. Allan Jimmy Talaatlae. 

UeMft ft Oik. HB8.: Sb laala. 3Bi^ s-ii. 
WUMi|. HIStaTSTnt IMUSi IM, Uab- 

ler ftOa.. mgta.: ' Uaeala. Sah.. •: BaatlnKa 


Warde. Frederick: Ft. Dodge. la.. 8: De« Moines 

0: Marshalltown 10. 
Woodroff. Henry, In Tbe Genlna. Mort O. Slof^er. 

mgr.; Richmond. Ind., .*<: Shelh.TTille 9: Le-t- 

Ington. Ky., II. 
Walih. Blanche. In tbe Other Woman, A. H. 

Wooila. mgr.: Food dn Lae. WlaL. ^ 
Ward A Yoke*. In Tronble Makern. B: 

mgr.: New Orleans, La.. 5-11. 

Ol SUIr. 

acati. llyrU. la tha Laticn Maa. 

^ _ CWF. 

••Jja IHjlfc Woanahala ft Kemper, mgia.: Ham 

Tlni^, the I lace and the Olrl (Eaalem. K. A. 
u Can.' 7^0^ n>«r.: at. Juha. 

^'S.^:."^ "»« iWcatera), L. K. 

Hlllard, mgr.: Baa DIegu, Cal., bU; Banu 
aactera lo; Ventura H; Oxnard la: Paaa- 
I'uowaa 14; lUrefalde 18; bedlands 

dcoa U; l'« _ 

_18; faa Betaanllao IT. 
aMM'Waoha, " 

LWaaha. Uorrtaoo ft Ucfferlla. tngra.: Am- 
!l""aai. ». . v.. a: uioraraTllla »; tMwcgo 
_ »PS Mmlana Us TaraalOb Caa., 

Si'ii'".'!^*,'!'*- **: Amatanlam Utile 

Si!'! *«: ««»»«»»llla lis Jahoalowa IS: hcbeo- 
actaay 14; SchuylerrUla 18; Beanlactoa. Vi., 

nroogh Death Valluift. K. P«ai aa>». Chaa. 
Talnlo*'^.,''|{%^ Brfc *SPifr laSflaiiinlia' 

-%J'*» ^ U- Wooda, mgr.: _Blr- 

■Uaahaa^Alm., a-U; New Orleans. La., 13-18. 
Ill ISF Hanrj b. Uartla, mgr.: 

Ira.iliug Baleamaa (B). liaa« B. I 
l-.olllaa. Coto.. as Lsnawat 

, 13-18. 

. Uatrta. mgt.t 

I.I. . 1 -• » — Jt •: Boulder 

lu; t-olurado SpHoga .11; Victor U: Pneblo 
LI; llucky Fbtd 14: Tiloldad IB: OaiJaa City, 
■n,^»."v,. UStcblnaon 17; Wichita 18, 
Third lK-grv«, Uoliad May Co., Inc., mgra.: Bel- 
*lderv. 111,, B: Kocklutd 9-lu; l-teeport 11; 
Aurora U; Kewaaea 13; Monmouth 14; Oalvs- 
ourg lo; Bttvator M; kankakeo 17; Ulooiulng- 
Ipo 18. 

aWM ^€tf, Henry B. Barrlt. mgr.: Brldga- 
BorUaglea 9: Yot*. Pa.. 10; 


WIncheater. Ky., •> 
10: ShaOimna 


Tha t l is ii. isl« O. A. aaUlaai 

■aUlaaa. aigr.: 
" 'S; AahU- 


Uounda' Ladles Orchcatn. B. Oi M oa nJ i. oagr.: 
ImbUa, tia.. •; ilaaaaaaa Waycraaa lu; 
Hajtaaa. na.. U: llaat»l U; GalaeaTUie 14- 
M; lUlaa. Oa., IT-IS. 
aoaaa and tUa Band: aiaagow. ScotUad. IS. 
Cuathruige la; Aberdeea 3U; Dundee ;:i; Edlu- 
bucg St; Stm CaaUc, Kag., at; Middleabocougn 
24: BaaiiHaat 3S: Bcaiuuroc ' 
' " ----- . ^ 

American Mak ft fhaalt lllattBila, -tlUtar ft 

wuua, man.: lirh aaiBatt. Ira.. 
Big City waba W. togat ai: A a li a t^ ' X. V.. 

b; Nadia* »: laxkpon lu; Ba^m ii: LeRoy 

IS: Mm M: Uoanell U; Addlwn iC; AnduTec 

17: vraballla 18. 
Dockalader a. uem : Columbia, S. C, 9. 
Eraua' Money Boy, Geo. t;Taua, mgr.: Balllmo.-e, 

MO.. «-ll. 

Flelu'a. Al. C: S> racmr, N. X.. •: AohOIB U. 

Uenera lu; Detroit, Mlaa.. IB-Mk 
Fox t. Hoy E.. Lone Slar. BBdM CMWa*: Xav- 

aaota. lex.. B-B. 
Klcharua <a cringle's, Holland & Fllklns. mgta.. 

llanforu, Cal., b; Viaalla U: BaKer^ovld lu; 

Oatarlo 11: Yuma. Arls.. li>: Tvmpe U; Mcaa 

14; ifBiiait 13; luccon lu: ii m i h itaai 11: 

Abbott'a Vaudeville Co., S. U. Abbott, mgr.: 
Uypsam City. Kan.. B-Il; Alia VUla 1J-1». 

Adama' Caralral of MoTaltles: Katmbatg. B. C. 

Baraum. Pi«(. J.- IL^ llagMaK CMlF« .Ou «- 

11; UenOock IS-IB. . - ■ 
Caacy Broa.* Co.: Alhaaa, Wla« Bt ' HaSBaad 

9: aib Lake 10; Waathato Ut Piaadni U; 

FUcld 13; PhUllpa 14: Park riUi U: aattet- 

nal 14: Mellcn IB. 
CMalaa, Great, Chaa. Colsln, mgr.: Flint. Mich., 

S-ll; Ladlagtoa 13-18. 
Daniel. Magldaa. U. A. Biaca, mgr.: Rock 

Mart. Oa., B-a: taBaa N4I. _ 
OaahlagloB VauiliiBla COh^ Bmar ChaaMi mcr.: 

Ualc la, S-9. 
Edwaida' i. S., Animal Show: Kanut City, 

Mo., tadef. 

OUplaib The, Hypnotic Comedy Co., J. U. Oil- 

BiarW.: LeMan. la.. Ghankca S-U. 
■Sart^Wala Shew. Bg. S. tlUala. mgr.: Ua- 

lOTlllo. UL, a-US Mo tS-lB. 
Utchflcld, Kell. Lrconmltea: I'almertoa, Pa.. 

8; Laecyrllle 9: IIo«m> 10: SammefrUla II; 

Celtenopio 13: MeKcea Roeka 14: Blekoiy IS; 

Bornbam IB; Palmyra 17: llellartoara IS. 
Maaeot, Educated Uurae, 11. S. Magolia, mgr.: 

San Antonio. Tex., Jan. 8, Indef. 
Mortoo-Keenan Show: Wllla l\>tnt. Tex., B-S; 

Mlntola 9-11 : Leonard 13-lS. 
Myalerlotu Smith CO.. Albert P. Smith, mgr.: 

roada. la.. 8-9; FoaMtoy 10-11: Maaaoa IS-. 

14; Rolfe IB-MrUMMaa ll-tt. 
Newmann, the MBBl;. HniMIMt 

Waah^ t*. . ^. „ 


St. OetBHdaa'a CHIIiiB sC 
Pa.. Jaa. tt. Mat . 

Thompaon'a, Frank B. .— 
wiB.. B-D: EiuaaB M^lt: 

Karnum 17-20. 
Todd'a United Sbowa. AL Todd. mgr.t 
Tex., 6-11; Tlofg 18-18, 

Walden. S. Worden. mgr.: Frankllnton X. C, 
8-9; National Soldiers' Home, Va.. 10-tl: Man- 
ning, S. C, 13: Tlmmooarllle 14; Allendale 
IS; Whltmlre 16; Honea Path 17; Troy 18. 

Wright, Jaa. G., Aeronaut: Culvln. Okla.. O-IO. 

Zenda.* Martin ft Godfrey, mgra.: Clinton, la 
5-11; Sock Ifland, III., 12; Belrldere 13-18. ' 

Looka like greenbacki. |90 for lOe: |200 ter She: 

&00O tor tl.OO. MODERN AGUrn OOMPAM. 
•a SB, S3 RUer Street. ~ 


Campbell's Colled . Sbowa, U. w. Campbell 

mgr.: Arkaoaaa City, Ark.. 0-11. 
aark'a Carnival Co.: McLaln Jllas.. B-11. 
Joaea*. — " ~- 


11: CUsbMb n-u. 

Kanltl'B gbow. C. J. Keppler. mi:r.: Montl- 
««la, lOaa., S-ll; Bogalnaa 1.1-18. 

Sboira; Bieiimoad. Ga.. 6-11. 

i-arnivai i,o.: MCL.ain. Jiiaa., B-ll. 
Johnny J.. Expoaltloo Shuwa: Miami. 
.SO-M^^: Waat Baach l»u. 


Bosinsss Managir 8r Ami 


For Circus, Carnival or Dramatic. 

Addr«*s J.S. HOFFMAN. 
•40 Kant Ava.. BROOKLYN, N. V. 



with perfect feet grown from hipa. A marreloua 
drawing card for side sht,w or pit show. Have 
two One tMnners. Will svnd photo If desired. 
Addieaa E1.I BOWE.N, 6:iOS Green Street, Cbl 


OacaeC, baritooe. tnba. trap dnunmer. one good 
alt aronnd performer for three nigbt Taudetllle 
show. Moat change. Ticket If 1 know yoa. 
. . jg.M, UgBHt. 



the oUmt lidf and yon gefc ai 

big a quantity of goods firom us as 
you would for tbe whole aoywhen 
dse. WbyTBecMseoiir prteesan 
that much lower, Our goods? You 
caD't get their eq;ual as ^toSk mak- 
aa. WeeaBeei to BiUacUmi, qiJak 


For StraBtmBntVcndoiii flfilwiiihti^ ttat no ww aha in tlia 


.tales andahip 


large 77efa0B Imok; 

wx nmxiT 

Stiaetmea. Vendoea. 
Caiw Back and Kolfe 
Boai« Men. Blah 
Pitch aad Flah Foad 
Opctatot*. Street Mr 
and OarslTal Warkeia. 
TraecUag MedSctne 
Showa, Ctreoace, Anc- 

Ws are Ifanufsetuien, Im- 
porters and Wholeaaleia 


221-222 lAnStnit 

ther and B ah bo t 
Oooda, Booka aad Saa- 
eealra. P r a m I a a 

Oooda. Adsartlataa 
tJooda, Street Fhlia, 
CaralTal and Pleale 
Bnppltea of an ' 
etc.. etc.. ate. 

Musical Gomezes 
Farce Gomedies 
Stock Gompanles 

and fust-class oiganizations wanted tliat can make good at Summer 
PaikB. ^wBnuut be refined and up-to-date and guaianteesnaaoii- 


nUIUI.HBIkVIIXEo Gaa. Sir.. W. 4aad Street. New Yorh City. 



•ZBXBAK Booanra oims 


^^h:' new YORK CITY. 

r. Oea. Xgr. OHBIB O. : 


at 8a. Olaik St.. 
Ohlaago, m. 


SaatUa, Waak. 

icATTRics J. Birurs. 

un I 


W. r. 


Xfte Biilt»02ircl 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 


Of Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers 
and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus 
and Park Supplies, Alphabetically 

■AdrcrtlaemenU not oxcceitEofr one lloe ia 
Ingtb will be piiblisbed, propiTl.r clasjltted, lo 
ttaU dlnetorr. at the rate of «1U for one year 
Uaaes). provided tbey are of an acceptable 
imturc. Price iDCInde^ one yenr'u subscription 
■ ■• Tbe BUlboard. 

Ench additional line or adilltUmal clawlflca- 
tiim. wltboBt sulMtcxiptlon. $7.50 i>er annam. 

One line will be allowed to advertisers free 
■•r ctaarse for eacb f 100 wortb of space used dur- 
Inc; one year. 

Tbla direclocy Ik rerl»e<l and corrected week- 
ly, cbanges In flrm names and addresses belai; 
n-ciiTded as toon as they are received. 


St; LMris MklKr CK^ MB PIm ■t.-tt laeb. 

Belmont Sisten BaUoon Co.. Beed City, MIcb; 
aOa Oorotlqr Dc Vonda, Bos 7M. Otsego, Mli-b. 
Prof. Cbas. Swsrtz. Homboldt, Tenn. 
Ibc 8b CUIr Girls. Hiompsonvllle, Ulcb 


Box 78, Jlsdisbn Snoare, Xew Tork CItr> 
Silas J. ConjDC. McLean ave.. flilfm. lU. 


.\ rricaa Dip Co., Box 34, ZanesrUIe, O. 

Nlepage & Co.,* 168 Say St., Toronto. Oan. 


F. «. Unle .CK. S890 W. lAke tt..'aiHti. 


Wm. Bartels Co.. 160 Greenwich Ht., X. T. C. 
LlDwocd a. Flint, North Wsterfonl. Me. 
tlumc'B Zoo .Vnrsa. Kansas City. Mo., ami Ueu 
T»r, CoL 

ImUs Bokr. 348 nrand St.. Sew Tork Cltj-. 
Wens ft SUrkensen. Ysnlley, l*a. 

J. IL Hilllivrc, an E -rux st., Xen- York City. 

Cbas. U. Kiewvct (.'••.. 39 Curtlaailt *t.. Niw 
Ysik Ottri v. . T.i 

AMnnaAL flowum.. - 

o.; 310 rmk mtm^ cu- 

t Jk Co., DsnTllle. IIL 

"■I Flower C».. Ine-. I<t7T-lS» 
Chlnfo, III. 


■^teea ft Xmais Ool. 41T S. CtlntoQ st,. Ch'SD. 


C. w. Tralaar.ail^ €*>;.,:•» IMt Ht^ BMKob. 

' MIZER8. 

I. H. flsUbeiv. no E. 33d St., Xew York City. 
X. Power Co, lir. Nasxao St.. .V. Y. C. 


Lfoa & Realy. 205 Wabasb arc.. CbicuKO. 111. 
KMOIpb Worliiirr Co.. Cincinnati and Cblcago. 
C 8. Masic Co., 2930 W. Lake St.. Cblcasu. 


OeMoolln Bros. & Co„ 1030 S. 4th at., Qreen- 
vlUe. HI. 

Newman Mfj;. Co.. SU Woodlaad vn^ Otw- 

land. O. ~- ■ 

Tbe n-eaden-GreeinrMa C&., IS3 S. «tfe at; JUm- 

neupolls, Minn. 

Xonkwcstca BsUooB Co., 2405 Clyboame are.. 


CInelDDstI XoTritr On.. SM nth sL. Cfn'tl. o: 


Fillmore .Music House. S2S Elm St., CIn'tl, O. 
Lyon ft Bealy. 2as Wabash stc., Ckieaaik, m. 

TfBissr. Osh, Wsi Is— 11 saA CMeaso. 




St;, jam. o. 

U. L Tent ft .\wn. Co.. 'J:!-2S N. Uesplalnrs St.. 



Bsaaett's Dramatic Ejcciango. .'9 Dcarl^om st.. 
■ ' Cfelciso. 

«M apsrtar Tsodirine dteaO; OmMbt' BUit.. 
KunffM CXt7, Xe. ' * 

BUILDERS op;iiioiNa: Imvicks. 

Tbe SIcEay Canstmedoa teL; BsdBtMtar BMs;. 
Clereland, O. 

JL Stein CdOMtle Co., 120 W. 31»t *t.. N. X. C: 

CIseiiiiiaU Csldmn Usbt Co.. 108 4th. Cla'tl. 

Erker Bros.. «0t OUve at.. St. lioals. aio. 

Flttsbms Calclam Usbt ft Film On.. Plttsborr. 
Pa.; Des Moines. Ia.; Bocheiter, N. T.; Lin- 
coln, Xeb.; Cincinnati, O.; Omaha, Neb., and 
'WUkes-Barte. Pa. 

St. X«Bls Calclam Usht Cb., SIO Elss St.. .St. 

W as — a • Chldnm U«rt>t Works, 180 
St., IMMit. Mich. 


Geo. Krats, ETsnavlUe, Ind. 
T. J. Nicfaol ft Co.. Pearl ft Ladlon- sts., Cin- 
cinnati, O. ' 


W. S. MoDntford, 100 Maiden I.anc. New Vnrk 

Clereland Cane Co.. Clereland. O. 
Goldsmith Toy lni[>. Co., 122 E. 4tb, Ciiidunutl. 
I. Elsenstein. 44 Ann St.. New York City. 
Nassella Bros., as AtlSBtle are,. Bostos, Xsss. 
Newman 31tg. 6U WoodlMd ave.. Orte- 
land. O. 

S. Sehoen ft Son. 90 Ana st» K«w 'XMfc City. 
Sbrroefc-Todd Co.. KM X. 8th St., St. iMls. Mo. 

N. Share Co^, 230 Madbon St. Cbleaso. 

Singer Bios., 82 llairerr. New York City. 
Weittem Bargain House, 272 E. Madison, Cb*so. 


J. B. autttts, M £. Sid St., Hojr xMc atr. 

G. A. Dentzel, 3641 HsibmOIOWS MK. 1 

F. Dalle's Carousel WiNfcS, BOK USl 

Hdsbts, K. J. 
ITsiSfhsIl nnlllmaii Co.. N. Tonawandn. S. X. 
0. W. Filter, Abileue. Kan. 

CARS (R. R.) 

Arms Palace Horxv Car Co., Montdnock Block, 

Sontbem Ifon & Kqiilpnifnl Co., 217-10 Grant 
BnUdlns, Atlanta. Ca. 


HMmat Co., Inc.. I.*; W. 6th si., t'inclunall, O. 
Toledo 'Cbcwlns Uun Ca, fiMi Jacksun »t., To- 
' Itd^ O. 


L. Dcnebelm ft Son. -1222-:4 Oak *t„ Ksiss 
CUj. Ho. 


D. S. Tent 1fc*Vw? Ct;' SsS's. UmplataM 
St.. Cbleaeo. 


SnlUna ft 




M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 130 W. Slst St.. N. V. C. 

Paul D. House, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago. 

M. Stcln Cosmeilr Co.. 120 W. Slst sr.. N. V. C. 

Madlson'a Bndscl Nf>. IS. fl; 1401 3d are.. New 


Fort Warne Etpctric Works. Port W'tiyiif>. luJ. 


-A.- T.' Diets, 127 Mlcblsan st- Tidedo. O. 
T. 1m. Tkrball Mfc. Co.. 346 Elnzle, Chicago. 


Lanier & D] 
Tornbu:i Mfs, 
Iambus, O. 


A. C. MiM^m JUdUsaa at^ToMs, O. 

.C(w. Jn .BHrf »{.,, .Um>. 


Rnecktaelm Bros, ft Eckstein, Banfsoa ft Waala, 

Cbicaso. lU. 


Wm. R. Johnson, 80 Ptk* St.. Ssattla, Wash. ' 

Rudolph Bros. 520 5. ulta St.. Fblladelpbla. Pa. 

St. l^onls Confetti Co., S 8. OonunercUl st., 

St. LodIs, Mo. 
U. S. Fireworks Co., Memphis, Tenn.; St. Louis. 

Bareala Huose. 272 E. Madlsaa. . ChTav. 


172 HlKb St.. SprlnsOHd. O. 


Carnival Costnme Co., 20T-2S3 W. Water st.. 

MUwankee, Wis. 
Frits Sdionltz ft Co., 75-TT E. Lake St., Chicago. 


mttUaftaa IsMie 8tadtai, M8 ■. loscoh st.. 
JlMhawska. 'IM. 

w. ; 

Wm. Beck ft S*a Ok. 10-13 OsttM Plaee. Cla. 

danatl, O. 

Fair and Park Amosements. 
Clande L. Hagen, Room &01. 1402 Bvoadwax, 
New Tork City. 

J. U. HallberK. 36 E. 23d St.. New York City. 
Ctasa. A. 8ti«lhMsr;(Bow Sstnit, HJeta. .. 

Jos. VenehcB. 9S6 W, Mdi- sib.~JbrX.''a- - 
Unlvetsal Elte. Siacc Ughtias Ok. M8 Br Bed- 
way. 2Cs«r Xoik Clt7. -= 

st atafioissMie cbL, mW. instst:; s.>r; a 


M. Stein CosmeUe Co., 120 W. Slat St., N. Y. C. 

OeWItt Sbiters. 147 W. 46tb St.. ChlcsKo. III. 
T. O. Mott, 415 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. 


Holiday Novelty Xfg; Co.. ST iOrtat'Smiies St., 
New Tork City. 

SaMo^__Tlmc VtB. Co.. 300-307 IlOTsea at,. 

Till- Cbirui:<i Kli:UI I'lclun* Co., M S. l.'lark si., 


Maaafa iitsi e is . Wislw ia sad Ssatsl S a r as s ii 

AnMoleaa .VUai Broken. IST dib aT«.^ Xme York. 
Amer. Film Si*rrl«e, 77 8. Clark St., Cbicaso. 

.\mer. Film Service. 1B8 N. .Main St., Memidtfai. 
.\nlJ-Trusl Film Co., 77 S. dark St.. ChlcuKii. 
CUlcuKu Filu Kxcbauce, 40 Jackson lllrd., Chi- 

caKo; Omaha; Iicurcr: Sail Lake Clt.v; San 


Cincinnati Film EscbauKC :II7 W. 4tb St.. Clu'tl. 

Columbia Film Co.. :M>1 W. 371b lit., .N. V. City. 

II, I>avltr, Wntcrtowu, Wl>*. 

iNxle Film KxckitOKe, Owonsiioro. Ky. 

Bdlsuu Mfc. Co.. lU Fiflb arc, N. Y. C and 

UraUKv. N. J. 
J. IL llallbrrtt, 30 K. Sid St.. New York City. 
M. ft II. Film Servlrv, .100 Monadaock lllui'k, 

CliIeaKu, III. 
Gaumoot Co.. C*aif;n.«s tire, Fliisbintr. I.. 1.. 

N. Y. 

International Film Traders. Inc.. 147 Fourth 
uve. New York City. 

S. Lubln. 1120 Mnrkcl nl.. fbllaib>l|ililn. Ph. 

Laemmie Film Service. Lake ki.. Cblt-uc<>; 

Evansvllle. IimI.: Memphis. Tenn.; Oinab.-i, 
Neb.: Salt Lake Cit.v: Minnespolls. Mlim.: 
Portland, Ore.: Montn-»I, Que.. Can.: Wlnni- 
IH-e. Man.. Can. 

Mnridiy. C. J.. EI.rriB, O. 

Meator Film Co.. 14T-1IS7 4tta ave.. N. Y. C. 
Xar. Xar. Met. €o..-^ Tork St., 8sa Flaaclsco. 
4Nde.- nik SMk» 40 8l TMfi atL° ruliialioi o. 
Paibe aermatnvraph On.. 41 trTsSth at., X. Y. 


Pittsbiire Calcium Liirlit ft Film Co.. I>ltt>lHirK. 
Pa.: Des Monies, la.; Rochester. N. Y*.: Lin- 
coln. Neb.: Cincinnati. O.: Omslia, NHt.: 
Wllkes-narre, Pa. 

SaUx Co.. 147 4th arc.. N. Y. CTty. 

Sontliprn Film ExrhaoKe. 17 Opera Plan-, Cln'ti. 

South. Film Excb_ 243 Main St., Norfolk. Vs. 

Standard Film Excb.. 101 Washlnstoa sr.. Cb'cu. 

Spoor. ReoL K.. 03 N. Clark at.; CbicaKO, III. 

8wanson.Cn«rfM PUsi Rxck.. Mtt4 Lscaat St. 
St. Lou Ik. )(a.: T.—Isi IHi*. Ky.: Saw Oricans 

F. K warn- K s e hs aiia . in i*. Ghnfe St.. Chleairo. 
VMtt StsisamM -BtofcHs sM taporiMa, 4i 

rUm fli|ean>. X«r Tork CNf^ 
Atlas Snpply Co., Mana.vuok. Pbllidelphla. I's. 
J. H. IlaUberc. 36 E. 23d St., New York City. 

Tha AallMrfas Oc. MO O iaiai sL. X. T<-C. 


ConsoUdalFil FItvworks Cb.. ReaMsf; O. . 
Grecoty Fireworks Co.. 115 DeartmB Stn Gb*VW. 
A..K. Maztyatt, .12 Park Place, KT^T. C' 
Scbeaeetadr Fireworks Co.. SrheoMmilr. X. T. 
CnltcC rmHtorks Co.. Trenton. N. 


ICadfllph Bros.. SSO M. 8th St.. PMIsftflsMs. Vtt. 
V. S. Tent ft Asm. 0>.. SS-S8 X. DMptotam at.. 


M. L- Scblneter. 103 S. Canal St.. Cbicaso. 

S. Bower. 117 llarman st., Itmoklyn. X. Y. 
Spindles, Clab House Fumiturs, Etc. 
H. C. Evans ft Co.. 102 Baren St.. Chlrsco. 

W. Z. I»ng. 1T2 Bieh si.. Springfleld.. n. 
Xaka-ap Boxas, Cold Ciaam, Ztc 
M. Stein Cbsmellc Cow. 120 W. Slst St.. X. C. 

Onks NovcIf.T CiK. Ostakftsb, Wis. 

Plumes- and Trmppinss .for Circus and Adser. 

tialng Use. 
Edward EIrke.. 157 Cnnsl xt.. N. Y. C. 
Srhaenbs Flome Cb.. 013 Metropolitan avenue. 
BRiakUa. II. Z. 


Klneery Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. 0. 


W. H. Barton. Gonlnn. Neb. 

Taklto. Ottawa ft Co., lOC E. Ijike St.. Chicago. 

For Stage Vsa. 

Bennett Jewelry Co.. lOIS N. Iflib St.. PhHs. 
R. E. Dodge ft Co., Msaonic Temple, Chicago. 
N. Shnra Co.. 220 Madison at.. Cblean>. 

aat X. 8th St.. St. iMds. Mo. 


Olb St., Kansss 
■8 ssk; Cla w- 

Xaw T«tk CHr.^ 

Dsaae. SIS C lfsilBoa. Ch'sn^ 

Mir. Tsa WtA,' 1083 Pallan ai«., ClndassM. 


Cleveland Cane Co.. Clcrcland. 
Goldberg Jewelry Co.. lit W. 

City, Mo. 
Newman Mfg. Co.. Otl' WSoaO 

land, O. 

Sineer Brothers, 82 Bowery. New York City. 
Harry L. Weislmnm. 242 F.. Madison st., Cb'go. 
N. Shore Co.. 220 Mnillnon St.. CbliraRO. 
Shryock-Todd Co., 321 X. sth sr.. St. Louis. Mo. 


J. M. Nangtaton, notcl Miiyer Bldg., Peoria, 111. 

LIGHTS. ... 

Beaceni, Torches, for t^rcos sad Vast Uiows. 

Bolte ft Weyer, 8 E. .Mlehlgsn st., Cbiesgo, III. 
U. 8. Tent and Awn. Co.. 22.28 N. Dcaplainca 

at., Chicago. 
Windhorst ft Co.. IM-lpO X. ]2th St., St. Loals, 

" 'MAWib'LAN 

8tar«aptie«BS, Eta. 
C. SI. Stcbblns. 1028 Main st.. Kansas City, Mo. 


Ba wbsj^l^l^'iiil :l»wjltir oi., lUS Braadway, 


Am^ean Box Ball Oa., -.laoit- .Tna. Barea at,. 

.vriiiirnce ft Oaiaa. Ht^MnrMj*, N. v. 
Kii i-.ri.iKe Oa.. ■ n l h saiir . in. 

HiTsi'licll-Splllnian Co., X. Tunawauda. N. X. 

W. F. MsiiKi'ls Co.. Cuuey island, N. Y. 

(.'. W. I-iirkiT. Alilli'ue, Kanoan 

A. J. Smith, 324T W. Van.Buren at.. Chleaso. 

•Km. .WoMHsia. atB X. Sd St.. VUHa/t^miTK. 



IO'**o ^ llesly Wabusb ave., Cblcago. 
Rud»l|ib Wurlltzer Co., Cincinnati and Chicafa, 


FrsixU Ilanneruan, 301 Broadway, N. Y. C. 


American Pllai Bcsfens, m.dth a«H.'.ata« XlMK 
American Vltagraph tb^ 118 XasMO St..- SCMr 

York City. 

.tmer. Film Service, 7T S Clark St.. Chicago. 
.Vnier. Film Srrrlee, N. Main St.. Mempbla. 
Anti-Trust Film Co.. 77 S. Clark si., Chicago. 
CInclnoaU-Iluckcye Film Eicb., 317 W. 4tb St.. 

CliU-tt;M> Film Bxcbaoec 46 Jack^ai Itlvtl.. Chl- 
cupi; Omaha; Denver; Salt laikc City: San 

Ediwiu Mtg. Co., 10 nrib ave., N. V. C. and 

Orange, N. J. . _ 

tiaiiinont Co., Oiogww swSi, flNabisK.: 1^ L. 

N. Y. 

J. II. Ilallbent, 30 E. 2:M st.. N.-w York City. 
Harbach & Co., 811!) Filbert st.. I'blladeliitala, 

It. & n. Fllai Scrrlce. 300 Moaadaock Block. 

Chicago, IIL „ 
The Geo. M. Oaio SVplr 'OK, M 8. Clsfk Ot. 


C. It. Klelne. 002 Otb ave.. N. Y^. City. 

Laemmle Film Service. lUO Lake st., Chicago; 
KvansrlUe, Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.: OsMhs, 
Neb.. Salt Lake citjrs Minsaaiialla, . Mir- - 
rortland. Otv.: Mont(«<ai, Qaa.. CU.t 
peg, 3tan.. Can. 

S. LttMa, oeo Market St.. PhllaaMnlila, {"a, 

MaasMIe Flta Servlee. CtsHaaatL O.' 

Ntehota* Power Ot.. lis Xasvan si.. X. X. C. 

rathe Cinemalograiib Co., 41 W. S3lb St., N. Y. 

l'llt>burg Cslclum Ucbt ft Film Co.. Plttsbarg. 
Pa.; Des Molnei#. la.: Riicbetier. N. Y.: Us- 
coln. Neb.; Clnclnnstl, O.: Omaha. Nelk. and 
WUkcs-Barre, Pa. 

Elierhaid Schneider. IflB E. 13lh at.. N. Y. C. . 

Sooth. FIbB Bzeh., 818 Msia St.. Xortslk. 

Stebblns, Cbaa. M.. 10B8 Mala st, Kansas. CHy.- 


Standard Film Exrb., 101 WasUngtoa *t,. CM. 

Swaaaon-Crawfonl Film Exchange. I0II4S Locnat 
~ Loals. Mo.: Loalnllla, Kr.: Xaw Or- 

^BaOb. 81' 8. Ctatk.Sln . CMssfa, 

C. 9i 


. .. ; PAIRS. 

W 9m. X, iiske Supply Co.. St S. CUik' Ot.. 


I. Braunelxs, 4M Flatbusb, Brooklyn, X. ' 

Uviin ft Healy, 206 Wabosh a*^;' 
North Tonawanda Musical Ia~ 
Xarth Toaawaada, X. Y. 



8M at.^ 
NOVBIaTl^ . 

Co., MS IMW aT*.. -! 


Coe. Yoose ft 

Ooldsmlth Toy Imp. Ci>.. -SSS L . 

Critrdon ft Monltoa. I8»4n B. M si M sso CM- 


GoMberr TeweliT CO.. Ill W. Olh at.. Ksaaas 

City, Mo. 

Holiday Norelty Mfg. Co., 37 Great JooM St.. 

New York City. 
T. O. Molt. 415 Dearborn St.. Chlcsgo. III. 
Bodolpb Bros.. B3«> S. Sth St., Philadelphia. Pa. 
X. Sbure Co., 220 Madison St. Chicago, 111. 
Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New Y'ork City. 
St. Lmils Confetti Co.. 12 8. Commercial at.. 

St. Loots, Mo. 
Strania Mfg Co.. 355 BraadwaT. New Torit Cltj. 

Q^jd samtr <:•„. aiK-R Mh ave s. v. c . 

^ h th ura Bstpsls Baase, SIS .Beat: Madlaea St.. 


.Vmcrtcan Scatinc Co.. 215 Wnlumb ave.. Cb'SB. 

A. H. Andrews, 174 Waliash ave., Chlcsiro. 

CaTOlC'Roudle .Mfg. Co.. 307 Di-lswsre st., Kan- 
sas City. Mo. 

J. JI. HallbcrK. .10 E. 2:1.1 at.. New York City. 

A. R. Mllner Seating Co.. New fblladelpbla, 

Boyal Metal Mfg. Co., 1831 Dearborn St.. CM- 

monwi sifB. OK, 

mesi vataltaw Ov. .Onnd RanMs. Mich. . 
WiiaesalB' Ii n s ai i r ft, Veneer o>.. IVirt Wsah^ 

llultalo. N. 

Isftaa. Wis. - 


The Corner Co., 30.1 ^larybinil ^< 

Cbas. T. Mnrrissey Co., 213(1 IlarrUon. Cbl- 


I'. F. natii. Abllpne. Kan. 
\. Herni. 220 W. 14ih si.. New York City. 
Cavlnll ft Co.. ni Bond at.. New York City. 
Johannes 8. Geldiardt Oow. 3034 Lawresce stw 

Plitladelphia, Pa. 
r.Tnn ft Healy. SOS Waltasb are,. Chlra■•^ 111. 
John Muncio ft Son. 17ft Park Row, N. Y. O. 
North Tonawanda Jliislcnl liMtniment Works, 

North Tonawanda. N. Y. 
Rudolph Wnrlltser Co., Cincinnati nnd Chicago. 


.\merlcnn Decorating Co., 1403 E. Irving Park 

niTd.. CIllesBo. 

Cnmlvnl Papier Marlir Works, BOS-SW Wast 
Water at, .Milwaukee, Wis. 

IHnd.OL nsirse, 107 nmrham st.. GbleaBS. 

VIetar 9, Biraas ft Oa.. :wsiMninnai,' B. a ' 


i(.,f!alsanf«'* Om.-Pwia Bvt:,^ aa« sai at.; ntt» 
haro. IM. ••■ . • • 

FEBBOARY 11, 1911. 

Xtie eillboard 



KlagMT Ml*. «».. ClaetaMtl. • 


NwM * aWim** tM I'urk Bow. X. X. C. 
fkr Baotrle PiBaas. 

I' S(. Miwlr Co.. SO»U W. tdke at., ailcaiiti. 


luvr. MlDiiip I'liolo Co.. VKt W. ISth, Ctakiini. 
i-nt-ltaii- I'hotu Hniiplr 0».. IMT >. Balatcd at., 

rUraso K<-rr<>l)'|M> Co.. Vemtnt BUiC., VU'lt«. 
Nat'l Phuiu Macbtne Co.. 8S Bmttt at., N. V. 

X. y. B-milyiH- Co.. 10S>i Itclancer »'■. N. T. C. 
W. X. UiiiinirnnI, 100 Malitcn Lanv. N. Y. C. 

YoiWr -A Carl, N. W. cor. Ttb and Vine ata.. 

CMdMWil. it. . ■ 

BMim ia, AathoMi' AnU* aatSnkon. 

Irtek * ntrcivalil, Srt AM^t.. Xvw Yaik CItjr. 
.\MBb K. Ilrlni. »m Vywter tUilir.. Slllwankc*. 


Itradataaw Co., 380 Qnwnwlcfa »!.. N. V. Clljr. 
liirDbliccr P ii nw UK SNMca at.; B a — to 
lUnlra CUT Pvvmm WMa. 46 Itete CM* 


KnrklM.lni IlroM. Jfc Kckftrln, llarrtaoD and pMrla 
Htv.. Cbli-agn. 


W; Z. I»DK. IT2 lIlRti at.. SprtacOild. O. 


K. K Kaali MacUw- I^ .-.1M nHMl M.. Bao- 


il. FllDt. Norlb Watcrford. Mv. 

Tiar OninoilHUi IMano Co.. Columboi, O. 

My -.O^ ■aW- » »Ma l a..BM».. St. 


Anuatnnii Snakr Co.. Xao Aatoni& Taxaa. 
KmwDavtlle Maakv Parm. Bos sn, Bnnrn«*lllP. 

VOM LMia. Mm AatMitok SniM. 


Wm. W. Ii«iaW7...m Itek tar. Xnr York 

W. B. BaMa^ 9M WIHlai at., tar SMr.CIt;. 

7or niaatratad Bonra. 

( lilcaco Kllni KscIiuiiki*. 40 JacknoD RIvU.. Ctal- 
vaxo: Omaha: Itfuivr; Salt Lake Cits; 8ao 

II. i II. nua itarrlM. aw MiaaHao* Blott. 

Cblcaico, III. ' 
rjiemmle Flliu Smlr*. 1M Lake at., Chicago; 
EraD>Tlll>>. Ind. : Mrmnbla, T«nD.; Omaha, 
N«b.: Salt I,ak<- Cltr: Mlsaeaiwllo. Mioa.: 
Portland, Orr.: HcMital. Qae.. Caa.; Wiaal. 
OCX. Man.. Caa, 

jijtc 8tM>n> Film * Snppljr On. 3U llnpi>rl<ir tt.. 

'■ii Vnlmt Sitnaro. New York 


GI*T«tan<l. (>. 

I<erl Co.. Inr. 

■H. Uibln. use Msrki't al.. Phllnili-lubU. 
X..V..II.V Sllil.. Co.. irn K. St.. N. V. City. 
.■iwanwiU'Crawford Kilm Exih.. 1041-.~> Uxnat 

«l.. .HI. Luuls Mo.; liOuli'Vlllr. Kf.; Near Or- 

Ivana. La. 

Xdraui* Whip Co.. 287 Elm xt.. WmtOi-M. Uaaa. 
For All Pupoaet. 

Tbe nrayloii iUi;. Co.. 77-7» S. Clark at., Cb'eo. 


at Xaw Vark OV- 

^Rir auM. : . 

M.-.WMb OmmtOe Oa^ 199 W. Slat at.. T. C. 

J. B. Claaer, SIT Sallna tt., Sjt«<uv. N. T. 



.Krkrriiiaiis.QnlCI«f; ..UUw. Ki 

ferltak Wktm fHM C^ 

naadiMM Utbiw. C*,. JCrirpart. Ky. 
Rntiort Wllmana. 3MM Cnmntw* kC. Bnlla*. 



Of Thra:rical Letterhaada. CoDtrmcta and Pro- 


ruiirrh IVIntias Co.. 4I« Kim «!.. ftnclnaatt. O. 


MrKar Cffliatntrtioti IttH-koMIrr BnlldlnK. 

Ctrrrland. <l. 


Nail«na] U>.l| Tlrk*t C... Staaaokln. Pa. 
Ifalral TMwt Ca.. Stiamokln. I^. 


M. Stela Cownellc Co.. ISO W. Slat at., N. T. C. 

: And Saalart ia Soaaaty, Etc. 
Kuceni' Coi. 153S Van Rurro at.. Chlcaco. 
Enkrboll .\tx C... .vnn X. iTili ,t.. Omabii. N»l.. 
John nprfnrili. Slfct Itniim- «t.. Cincinnati, O. 
Xfw York .Sliiill.™. 1004 Times Bids.. .V. T. C. 
ttrbellV .*!«.,.ito stiMlln. 339 S^camorp at.. Co- 
Itimbn,. (k. 

Snmiaa ft l.ainlls Co.. 41* S. Clinton. Chicago. 
Toomr.r & Vcillaii.l Srrnlc Co.. 3312 Market at.. 
St. loula. Mn. 


Paal n. Ilnwav, 107 Ilparboni St.. UilcagOk 

I'lxti. Film Exrbancv. Oarrnabno, Ky. 


lu-rrj-.Wood Piano I'laj-fr Co.. Kanaaa City Mo. 
Lyon * Oealr, 305 Wabaab arc., Chlraso. 
Bnilolph TVorltiaer Co.. Cincinnati aw) Cliira:-. 
n. s. Mnale O., 2»30 W. t.ake at.. Chlras". 


IXannoil Norrlt.r Co., Scbrt,rctadT. S. T. 

E. K. Utpplr. sfto Vine at.. Phlla, Pa. 

R. nolTman ft lion. 142l> Wabaah a»i>.. Ch'go. 
W. F. Mangel! Co.. Cooct lalaml, X. Y. 

.W. J^arker. Abllonc. Kan. 
A. J. fmltb. .1347 \V. Van Itnn-n at.. Chlcaco. 
J.^J^aiyWjotigh. Hhcrldan'a Walk, .Couey la- 

Wm. Wnr'mttta. sm x; M 'af.. milaMiAla. P». 

Calhmin Show I<rlat Cn.. IM Aavtaa at^ Bart- 

font. Conn. 

Riinej- slKiw Print. I.II>prt.T I,ogan at*,, Cln- 
rlnnall. n. 

R. nock. TSS niae blaad a«.. ntlrago, IIL 
IVMnnlln lint*. * Co.. aiM>Brllle. IIL 
Kiikrholl .Vrt C<n.. XIKi N, S7lh at.. Omaha. 

K. J. rin.vdi'n tc Co., 100 nmailwar. Itronklyn. 
''•«5v_T??' * Co.. 23.28 X. Ucsplninc* at.. 


I J. II. Ilalllinv. 3B E. S3d at- New V<irk Citr. 
Im. Menehon Electrle Co.. 300 W. SOth »t.. Xew 
York av. 

For Fgir FoUowen, 

*W. Vongf Co.. WVI Lucas arc, St. t.oilIi>, Mo. 
Ilcrk UfM.. 039 BroadKay. N. X. C. 
E. H. UaTto Soap Co,. 310 UbIob Park Place, 

Gol.ibrn; Jewelry 0£. Itl "W, 9a at.. Kaasaa 

Cliy. Mo. 

Oonliin & Morrlaon 190-201 K. Madison. Cblcago. 
Col.UiuItb To.T Imp. Co.. ]22 e. 4tb. Cincinnati. 
IIoIIJ.}- Norrlty Mfg. Co.. 3T Crvat loara at.. 

New York Cltj-. 
Lrvln BroK., Terre nanl<>. Ind. 
Xrm-aua Mfg- Co., 041 Wooodland avr.. Clcre- 

tank O. 

liht]niA.XMd Oik. m X Stk at.. St. Loul*. Mo. 
X. ilhat* Co.. SSO SItdlMa it., Chicago. 
Slac>Y Broa.. 82 Bowery. X. Y. C. 
Slack Mfg. Co.. 120 Franklin sr.. ClilcaE". 
Harry Welabaum. 350 MadUm at.. Cblcapo. III. 
Wcatem Bargain Hoosh. •j7; K. Madlxoo. Cb'go. 
Yoat A Co.. nn<> Pllhrrt si., ftalladi-lpbla. Pa. 
I., I.. Yoang Co.. (e> Cnruhlll. PoatoD. Maa«. 

OanaioBtCa^ .OaasMM ntk. PiaaWag. L. -!.. X. 


Bdw. K. Broam. BOK IBS. SlM« ' 


Wm. JMa«n..X«Hk CaahrHge. aiaM. 


Aim-rkaii Koib r Rink Snpply Cm.. SmOutky. «. 

''iPV* Xollcr Skate Co.^ 1133 Wanhlngion 

nirO.. Chli-aitii. III. 
M. C. llenl.\v. KIrbmond. Ind. 
Kamarl WInalow Skate Co.. Worrcatrr. Maaa. 

Kaanfactorara of and SmIw* Ib. 
niamaml Norrlt.r Co.. Schcnrctailr. X. Y. 
*. J. Flahcr A Co.. 4S4 2d arc. rTtttbiirs, IM. 
M?," *.nc»l.v. 2(1.% Waliaah ar<>.. tWcago. 111. 

Mllla XoTpIl.v Co.. ClllcHKO. 111. 

!;■ JI'K'c Co., 2«I0 W. Lake at., Chicago, 
ilitil.iiph Wiirlllicr Co., Cincinnati ft Ctilcago. 

UtMa On,. inss Main M,. Aadlfaan. lad. 

Raki r & Lockwood. Ttb tl VtsnlMtr *ltU'K>B 

«!» Clt.T, Mo. 

Colnmbna Teat aai An. 0*u. CMa ai t Ma a O. 

CamlcOoiidte rii. W DttaWM*. It., Kgoaua 

City. Mo. 

Doogberty Bnta.* Tent Cot. lOB-B. Vala at.. St. 

Loata. Mo. 
J. C. Gov it Co_ Detntit, Mich. ' 
D. M. Kerr Mfg. Col. 1007 W Madlmn at.. 


Mnrray tc Cn.. lac.. «40 Meridian at.. Cblcaco.- 
Tkoom * TandlVfcr. 8W G. Pearl at.. Ctn'tL 
V. a. Trat * AwBlag Co.. SS-3S N. Deaplalnra 
•t.. Chicago. 


Kaanebnrg Roofing and Celling Co.. Cantoa, O. 

Wni. IWck * itoaa Co, lO-IS OatMd Place. Clo- 

Chicago Codlaaw Wiirfcit. W llMibatB at.. Ckl- 
«%4^^Sm^bw» an «SilB<tt al» St. UBh,.3to. 

Jaa. n. rioge. 410 Bectde Iililf.. aamlaad. O. 

John Gllllapic LnadMF Co.. toialnr * Sawaid 
at*., Chicago. 


Slcgman * WelL 78 Vr<«»ter at.. X. T. City. 


n, r. IMsM, Sttawa BMic,. ClanlaM, 0. 


Amw Ticket CA.. TtM PniTham at., Chicago. 
Xallonal Ticket On.. Shamokln. I*a. 
Reca rrlntliiB Co.. loth ,v Harno.T sta.. Omaha. 
Trimoiint I'n-aa. S7 AlUniij- at.. Hoalon. Masa. 
Wridou. WUIInmf tt LUk. Port Smith. Ark._ , 
WeMaa. WllUaaw * Uek. Mm FMnetoM. CaL. 

Slcgman * «N>n. IS WMMer JC T. Cltr. 

Franci* FHcfce. Warfcr^ Waah. 
Xaaaella lUw.. 3S .\l1«ntU' noalon, 
Reo. A. Palaiel. 41 Warmi at,. Xew York City. 
Sliry««k-1MI «■•,;«» -X..** •!„ St. Xeala. Ma, 
Singer BrM.. f^^i^n^t.^^ptV^^^.^, 
Weatera Rargala llMWy 912 C-lMMa. OVso. 


ni-lN'r Trunk Hag Milt. X.'-Ib«MOiek M.. 

rhIladclnhlB. . _^ - 

n. n. * B. Tl«H* Oa.. 44T .WMI MU PlUgfearg. 



De MoMlIn Itrna. * Ca. lOM 8. ' PoBItk ' 8t.. 

Greenrlll... 111. 
Weatem Uniform Co.. 214 S. Clark St.. Ch'go. 


Paelflc (Oast .Viiiiiai-iiH'at Caw. 

BIdg.. .Seattle. Waab. 
Tod Sparka* Theatrical ExetiuuKe. Ontnry Bide.. 

Kansas City, Mo. 

C. F. Aasea. SIT E. 33ib at.. Xew Tocli City. 


X. Shore Co.. 330 Madfaon 8t„ Chicago. IIL 
Mnger Broa., 82 Bowery. X. T. City. 


Putnam's Pet and Wild Aalaial Star*. 4B0 
. WaMistM at,. BaAOgk -X. X. 
ImiTSm, MS Chaad at,, tar. Mk CUp. 


T. p. Mati. 4tS MaikotB at... Cfelcafa; IB. 


an d^S^^^ jrjmilt and rigged^ A^nts for 

FOB.SAIX— CapyiigkM Ikiaa act Maaleal Farce 
Comedy with thirty dlgfaiaut atylea, are-eolor 
lithographic apecial paper at two caata a aheet. 
IncludinfC all rl^tits: also coMoiaM, cvta, etc. 

ZOE. Billboard. ClnclnnatL 

70S BAXE— Oomhloed Taodernie Theatre sod 
Xlckelodeon doing fine bnalnesa. 305 aeata. 
Beat MS: ezgaaaea aaall: ariTata alc^e lU*t 

1^ ffiraS«sf 

„ oC "Stataaa Bb 

as aa atabocatta of Plii.' 
tais la • coaMnatkD of 

- Baadred U 

b ad a a y i ul go. it 

In aaaiaa and pitflUIa tat the 
BO and of : 


n. r. Brlalit. mnnra IMi1|i..' derdaad. 9. 


THE BILLBOARD is prepared to offer, as a premium, the 
most complete and cawftiBy compHed scco mitt Bg ledlier for 

THEATRE MANAGERS ever invented. A prominent manager 
of theatres in the East and North has for years been working 
on this book. He has succeeded in producing the first really 
impoirtant sad time^sviiv. leeord-boolt em offend the puUie. 

The Theatre Record 

is complete in every detafl. and enables the manager, by devot- 
ing a few minutes each day to keep & complete and accurate , 
account of all business pertaining to theittie, and puify As* 
phcea the mote wnnbewome and i ieeeB BS rijy w intern 
involving ledgers, journals, day books and cash books. 

Send S4.00. Get THE BILLBOARD for 52 weeks and 
THE THEATRE RECORD will be sent absolutely free. 
Use tha sttachBd 

Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Gentlmm—EnchMedfimd 94,00 for which send 'ow'The BiUboBid for 
fifty-tiro (82) weeks and • eoiigr <>( Ihs Ibmtn Rseoid. ' 

Name ..........;..•...••*...••....' 

Street Number • 

<Sty State 

Subscpiptlen. $2.00 a Ymp. 
86 ShaftAsbury Avenue, 

The Leading Journal of the Moving 
Picture business in Europe. Has 
the largest circulation and is the j 
best Advertising Medium, barnone. ' 

Sample Copy MbIImI Free. 



daa wm ItaMl a Mcadls wdcoate at U Mreatar Wi C. . NKW \ORK OFFICE. W w. 
Ssmitr^li street: T rt sg h aar . WW 

nriie Blllboapd 

FEBRUARY 11. 1911. 


SmaO Town Nickelodeons in tlie United States Data 

Wm Be Made 

firtHn Tfane to Thne 

Watarford — E. J. Wilder. 

Weat!i*Tl7— AmcHcan HalL Henrr Black' 

ABMclcwfc Ball. John MeCbUla* 
WayneabuiK— Mlaanla Theatra; E. B. ri 

Bitoo: w. -■ ' 

Caalno. • 
Wrtt CtaMtcr— araod Opera 

J. P. fiteall, msT. 
WUUamaport — Grand. 138 n 
Lyric. 117 W. 3nl »t. 
' ' 38 E. 3rd at. 

~ . BobC 8. 
C DMkma^ US W. 

Arctic — New 0«n Tlwilrc; Tlw Qcm Amnm- 

neot Co.. 60 Bernard at. 
Bristol — Star Theatre: Demara. Hope at. 
HasTlUe— HaDTlUe Opera Hoase; K. Uarcotte. 
Kawport — Bijou Tbeatre; BUoa Tbeatra Co.. 

Tbainea at. 

Star Tbeatre: M. J. Wliwell, 134 Thunea aL 

Newport Opera Honae; Coba & Croaa Co. 
Paacoas — Empire Theatre: J. Madaney. Mala at. 
Pawtncket — ^Kelch'a Tbeatre; C. Lorenborx. 

Jloaic HaU: C. LoTenbmx. 

gecaleXkeatre: B. 8. SalTinl. 44 Broad at. 

Star Tkcatie: Bdd * Davla. IM M. Main at. 

Wam^-Lnraa IhaaM: XL f. Pat. Hala «■! 

Joyce ata. 
Beiraa'a Tlwatic: P. T. Fox. Valo * 
Wafwlck — Tbomton Opera Hoaae; 

Broa., BlTcrpoIat at. 
Wtaterly — Opera Hooae; C. B. BUraa.'' 
_BUr Theatre: C. W. Omu.' 
Woooaocket— Nickel XbaaliB^ m IM> at.; S. 

O. Dasatoo, mgr. 
I^ti'a Tlieatrc. 48 Mala iL; J. DoaoTan. 


Blioa. BUea KUg.. Mala at.: I.. Baler, aasr 

^. — . Omu. U WlbM. Mir.. Bait 


' flaiBdeii — Gem Tbeatre. 
Ckarleaton — Pastime Amoacmeat So.: laa Sattle. 

Wlaonla Tbeatre: John McDonald. 26S Kins at. 
Obcster— Mjratlc Theatre. 

Iftctie Tbeatre; A. W. Mowly. 

Mlaanhj^ Mllea F. Storm, oucr.: 132 Oadadea 

OpMHila-^jllp: ran- rai-n-ort. mir. 
nofcM— Bit* Tbeatre: 8. W. Loock. 
B oor g etowB — Frank tt DaTla. 

BectTlc Theatre; D. C StmpUK 
OrecDTlIIe— Bijon: Curiltr & Uagaa/MBk 
Colonial: S. A. Qnlnerly. mgr. 
IjTic: 8. A. QnlnerlT. xagr. 
Iduicaater — Harper A tClnf. 
Laa naa Wallace. J. Y., ft Co. 
Itorka— Opera Hooae. Ualn at. 
mi l l orrie Theatre. 

~ " • Tkcalxp: J. N. UeDwc. 

UO XasaoUa at.; W. B. 

at.; T, 

Majntic: L. J. 

Banter— Tsrric: W. A. 
Union— Piter. J. J. 
Walteraboro — Edlaonla Aniiue. Co.: S. Plna. 
Main at. 

EdlsoDla Theatre: 8. Flnnt-y. mgr., Ualn at. 
Aberdeen- BlJou. IB S. Main St.; C. W. Gates. 

Wobater— S. D. Behfleld. 

BIJou Theatre: S. E. 
Wolaey— A. Martin. 

Bristol— ralrylaod Tbeatn; Ftl 
ment Co.. osia.. State et. . 
Xacle Theatre: Patteeaoa Jti 

mgn State at. 
BiownsTUle— Electric Tbeitra; PIttman & Mul- 

ClaTeland — Gem Theatre: R. Van Hatcher. 

Odeoo Iheatre; GwiOD A Zlesler. 
OOTlnstoD — (Lyric Theatre. 

QTersborg— Psisce Tbeatre, Mais at.; Jaa. Beott. 


_ , jay eCt Boa Sbepar^ mar. 

^ygw rng Opga Borne; J. M. BObertwik 
rraakUa— Star Theatre; W. H. '-j— 

Humboldt — Elrctrlc: B. M. Cmtcbts. 
Jackaon — Ellie. Liberty at.: Will 

Capt W. D. Ament's. Ilbertr st.-" 
Jellleo— JelUco Amnaemeat Co.: Wl^ L. 
Jobnaon City— Edlaoola Theatre; W. K 

Edlsonla Theatre; L. B. Claik. 
Ciebaiiait— L^le Theatre; E. E. Adams. 
M^enale— J. S. Caaten. 

WocrlstovB— WoodcrUnd Theatre; L W. Top- 

^rla— Olzle: a' C Jackaon. 

■■•aat Watci^ 

ii»-DaaI i T wati a ; 

J. Wat- 

-M — Electric Theatre: J. 0. HeOaln. 
--..-.-ima — Dlile Theatre: D. H Wllaan. 

UalOD CIU <:.;:. i" \l.,r['. , ■ - 

Dublin — Tbe Kmplra Tbeatr«: Wb'*QL 

El Csmpo— Cbas. Boflagna, 
BIglQ— The Miles tie OM 
El Paso— Empire T h wIiH ITI 
El rsso at. 

WIswam Theatre; Campbell & Combs. IM San 

Antonio st. 
Crystal Theatre; J. B. Townaend. 

El Paso— Empire Tbeatre Co. 

MaJesUc Theatre Co. 
Ennis — Majestic lhaatre; C. C 

West . 
L^tlC Tl 

H. E. Daffj, Bigr. 


R. W. HMrb A 


'9. icriiNr Oh. 9. 

Spencer. 911 Hooatuo 

FlocesTllle — Opera Booae; Paoat ft Uartln. 
Fbrt Clark— Soldleta' Camp; Wm. Tsylor. Post 

Piort Wort" ■ 
Port Woi 
Alamo M. 

II. Cobb. 
Scenic Theatre 

P^ace Theatre; Feegles ft Ward, 1010 Mala 


Oraad Tbaatra; MIS llate at. 
I^yeeaaa Tbeatre; J. ArsaoC, HI _ 
Blograph; H. Winkler, 1404 Main at. 
Orpbeom Tbeatre; I. .W. Commlnca, 1811 

Main St. 
Standard Tbeatre: P. 


rt Worth— Majestle TbMMt 

ment Co. 

GalTeatoo — People'a Theatre; People's Theatre 


Star Tbeatre; A. Baiehio, 2>I2 llaikat «. 





eslTca. ... 


Majeatlc. • ' 


Vandette. ' ^- 

GalsesTiUe— Msjestic Tbeatre: Wm M, KM- 

rick. . ■ 

Gatearllle — J. E. Oabome. 

Geotsetown — The Altdome TbMlm Vead- 

lett. mgr. 

Grand vii-w— Majestic: Moore ft Jears. 

f'.raDsrcr — MB)fi;Tlc Tlipatrf': Hill A Mllt-haTTi. 

(Irt-oilIU^ J. I.. Vr-jr,.:!. W kt 1 .■ I'. W 1 - .D. 

Sao Marco* — Grand Opera House: Tliafei^.l 

log I'lcturea. 
Sequin — Wondetlaad Theatre: O^C. 

Internatioiial ' ' ~ 
Bbldeuborg — II 


llillbiwini llarrT Boor Theatre; Ben ft Wal- 


Sitlpbsr aprlttcs — Lyric. W OsUese al.: M. b 

Uooic, mgr. _ ^ 

Teagae — Empire; T. H. Weaia. 
Teagne — Joe C. Gage, 
lyuiiilt' — .xiajeailc: nask Lncsa, mgr. 
Tenell— UamiT Hour; U. N. Cbesiull, mgr. 
Taylor— Majestic. 20 4th at.: J. A. Sleadsaaa. 

Csn^'jlB'a. Mala at.; JT^ft. itbaa, rngg. 

Texarfcaaa — Biewa'a: C, T. Brewa, Ma W> 

C^^STbiS^ Sit W,. WmmttU 
Tfc M tet— O. Peteiaoa. 

Tyler-S. Saleb. .. „ , „ — ^ 

Dialde — Opera »ou«e; Bonoer A Harrloit. MMi 

Vernon— nrvsBilBiiil; 11. K. i. reefer, mgr. 
Waco — Veadome, 400 Auitln sTe.; Boi Broa.. 

DIxIa Theatre, 407 Aoatln are.: WOI 

Alrdome, IIS N. Stb at. 
Ualcatle. IIS X. «U ak 

bonpeea ft Oe. 

N. -STSanate: Majesties 

Idle Bamt. 404 tl lMa al^: C T. WMIhm. 

Cear: C. W. Oatca, Bgr.. K S. Main st. 
K ltlnl id i i i a i Dewttt BaU. mi:r.. 410 S. Main 
at^ ~ 

BHIa Fb anbe Pita nlaad Theatre: A. 1^ BrawB. 
Brltton— DreaBtaad; Claada & aitab a 
Brookings— Pleaaaat Boor Tkaata^X & 

Caaten— ColUna. George. 
Chamberlain — Cotter ft ^"tltMfki 
Ct»toT — Wm. G. SlrGrPcmr. 
Seadnod— Fairyland. Mala, aaar tee St.: Jaa. 


Deadwand Tbeatre: Wai. Oatea, 7r., anr. 
Hen Rapids— (TRcaea Brae. 

Bamond — Ben l>«citt. 

^ktnn— W. J. DoM^ Jr.. Be. JIah at. 
Fact Plate— Oartaa, Gcine. 

O: K.: 

Bnroo^BIJoo. Dakota are.: Joha B. OoBBota. 
Jr.. mgr. 

BoBOD— The Lonnge -Theatre: F. Q. Bheratt and 
^ J. V. rariaon. 

Theatre. What SMat 0Lt 

tama—aOaa^ Union Theatre. Mala, aaar Wall 
at.: T. J. Byaa. mgK. 

Secntc MUl at., near Plae; Mr. Batias; mgr. 

t-yric; O. F. Trialer ft Wm. Ooz. aBgrs^ 

Reo; S. O. Prothera. mgr. 

Loyal; Blodgett Bros., mgrs. 
Msdlson — Berlin Tbeatre: R. A. Kroeger. 
Mitchell — Maytmrd: M. R. Toumler. mgr. 

Olympla: M. K. Toumler, mgr. 
FhllUpe — Bijoo Theatre: W. H. Bntna. 
Flatie — BUoa Thear ~ ~ 

Readers will confer a lavor upon 

panjr by callinc the attention of Um editor to aajr. 


Name of Theatre 

Kame of Mana^r 

Location (Street Number) '. 

«f Informant 

AhUeae— Majcatle Tbeatic; 
Plaa at 

Aaaaillla — DcaadI: Stall 
Ttegcas Graad; FiMcy 

Anstls— Elka'. 818 
Tale. ei6 rmignas saekt 

Daaid ft Camp. 

Casino. TOO 
absll. mgra. 
BalllDger— Vaodette Theatre; J. J, 

Jr., Stta at. 
B«T City— Donbek ft Keller. 

Opera House: O. Kom. Boa. MB. 

BeaiuDont — Imperial: J. cieaaaaaa» wtgt, ' 
Cozy; }Ir. . Kalpple, mgr. 
Electric: Cleausoaa ft Chrlstepber, aagra. 
Theatoriam: C Blancfaette. aigr. 
UsJesUc Theatre; T. R. Eskes. H* Crockett 

Beerllli' — Rnperba Thratre: C. A. Tressey. Box 

Blg_8prtaga— Ilctarlal Electric Co.: W. B. 

Tbnaat at.: Stack- ft Stemrt. 

Bro\vDwood — Majestic: ITnrrlpoo A Eran*. oiKra. 

Brad.r — Lyric Theatre: J. Li'ty. 

Brenbam — Family Circle Theatre; E. T. Deal 

Mm. 116 Main at. 
BmtroKviiie — Cflfonl Thfatres 2. C .^IMhrd, 
aad J. Crlajra. Jr. 
B. C. Wsnatm ft W. Wmmm, MaM st.. 

B; a 

BapM— DreamlaBd. SL Joe at.: W. A. Taylor, 
John C. Haines. 
A. H- Dancan. 
RedSeld— Marlow Theatre: H. E. Behdeld. 
Ealem — Tandette Tbeatre: E. Zeltlow and F. Pa- 

Balem — Unlqne Theatre: J. A. Damoa. 

Bisseton— B. E. Beard. 

Bioiix Falls— Jewell. N. I'hlUlpa aea. 

Olympla. S. Phillips sre. 

Oaeta. 8. Mala are. 

Dreamland, K. Phillips are. 

John Kearr. 

Speardsb — SoesrHfih Tbeatre; Chaa Cooper, mar. 

Star. Main ft Foorth ata.; WBlls Kent, mgr. 
TcrmnUoa— Electric Thestre; Mra. Ctiaa. Looson. 
Watectowa— Idle Boor: C. I. Karhaaaea. Bgr. 



BroamsTllIe — Celford Rink Cm. 
Bryan — H. R. Carltt. 
CblldicM— Croas ft Prie. 

B. B. Morris, 
tasea— andla'a Electric 

B. Jodla, mgr. 
Clareodon— AUebetry. 

Pastime; H. Mtilkey. mjn*. 
ClarkBTlIle — Lyric; C. Beard, mgr.' 
Clebnme — ^The Beet: MIsa Annie Clemeniii. n-gr. 

The Lncllle; J. F. Thompson, mgr. 
Clifton — Majestic Theatre; nill & Kelwin. 
Coleman — Dixie. Colladp.- ■»•.•.: n. C. II..iveir. 

Corpus Chrtstl— Costal Tbestie; Drnio ft Guile. 

6IS Chanaatalf a~ 
Sea ■MeTbsatra 

Water at. 
Corpoa Cbrtstl— Wto. 

Corslcsns — W. B, BiWak MB BasMa at: BUon. 
Mateotle Tbeatres^taiBas * Ilatibeas*. no 

W. Collins. 

Cotsleana — Bilon Theatre: 3. P. Stpplagtoo. 
Cnero — Dreamland Theatre: II. C. Moorbead. 
Happy Hour Tbeatre: Mrs. C A. Bllger. 
Main Ht. 
Palbart — ^Texaa Granii: O. n, 
Oecatnr — ^W, B. HIggiaa. 
Del Klo— male Tbeatn: a .ObaiiMlaa Ittaltz. 

Btactrte: M. 

Rcnailar ft Bills, 1^. o. ouwrv. ^s^wm 
Empiie Theatre; P. ElUs, S. S. Bqnare. 
Weatherfotd— People's; Geo. Hsil. mgr.. 112 Crt- 

West^Bem-a Tbeatfj: Tally A Shaw 
Wbltaer— Electric Main at.; John D. WblU. 

Majestic: O. B. Barrla. mgr.. Mala St. 
WIeblu Falla— Majcatle. T16 Ohie aTo.: J. M. 

A5SS:L.'»mm^ as..: B. B. M..*. 

rM^nS ladlaaa ere.: B. B. MmiK Mfb 
WlaaMoc*— Electric Theatre: CL MMay. 
Taakam — ^W. 8. Olaen. 
Bayal Theatre; C. 1~ Snyder. 


Anarleaa Parka— I«xU Theatre. B. D. Cat^ 

rolttera. . 
Bearer — Isis TbMlMS F> 

Bingham Canyon 

Blagbsm Center— Old Craw Mnate Ran. 
Btlghsm City— Opera Boose: P. I. Koford. 
Brigham City — Br^ham City Onera Hooae Co 

P. J. Kotaid. „ , „ . 

XoTCka- 1. O. 0. F. Opera Boom; J. Bopfer. 

Gem: F. E. BIgson. Box 214. 
Roreka- Elka' Parllloo. 

Logan— Lyric Theatre: T. C. Jensen. 2S6 •. 
Side East IL 

The Oaks. „ . 

Morrsy — Happy Honr Tbeatre: Morray. Aasaae 

tncDt Co. 
Ogden — Isia: Uarry Simms. mgr. 
Onde: BstTTSImms. mgr. 
— WT olaiaa. 

He: ^^^^igj^^^ »»a«^. 

Opera Hotise: 3. H. Adani»._i"CT. 
Paysoo — Oayety Theatre; O. H. Done. 
PtyaoQ— George CrsbUI^ 

tero B Mea Tbeal 


O r oeetaa J. B. ^ 
Bsllettarme - Oaeta 
BamUtoe-^. F. Ln 
Henrietta— Majeatle 
B. HIgglns. mgr. 
Hrrvfon] — Star; J. F. Slanlcir, 
BUlsboro— Dixie: W. M. " 
JseksonTille — John Morris. 
Jacksboro— Msjestic: B. R. . 
KanfBsn— Msjestic; Qark * 
KIscsTlUe— ra«lla ft Gaa'er. 
X,smpassss— MOvtaa ft Wla~~ 
laredo— ElecKIa niatHt 

Kelly A jnanmas aav-sr* 

Electric I'alaee: wRmm m 


Lockhart— T. J. Wllllsma. 
Lockhsrt — ^Theatre; A. D. Baker, mgr. 
Tjifkln — Boo-Hoo: T. MoelMi.-ii. 'uir- 

Ifsrlls— Alrdoaa. Odcaaa '*a-B. B, ata.: B. 
Homer CdaB, msr. :'j*>> 
Electro. ralaM a a » W b il at ata.; ftlbact Leey. 


KsHtaall- Palace, Bolllver at.: B. A. Bell. mgr. 

Orsnd, WashlnRtoo »t.: W. J. Shlrers, mgr. 
Msrt — Lyric Tbestr.-: Victor Coolc. B«-» 
MrWl B BCT^W aaie . Cheataat at.: S. Jaaae 

C ivMtot. Ollbrd Blak Ch^ 
set r- BL ~ 


Lyrlt Thestre: Wh ftM J i.^^. 
Sandy — lala Theatre: Lester Patt. 
BmltbOeld— J. F. BUIrard. 


Barre Bosch Bro>. 
I Batrs— Opers Boose: K. Bobaa. 

The WhltneT. North n.: Jaa. Whitney, 
Bratllehoro — Nlcolptl: DulTy ft Leonard. 
Borllogton— Lyric Theatre: Qolglcy ft ' 

Theslorlnm: QaUv * WmMb. 
Borllngtoa — Stsr Tbaatfe; 

Ctalho Tbeatre: Smith ft ICcMHS. M 

Thestrs; E. a. 

ndMUaa— L. B. Beafler. 

Mln-rsI Wells— Yale: L. A. 
Kava-wita — I'«.pl,--rt Ttieatn.; Al„ 

ivople'a Then I r.-: C. M. Caa^i. 

I yrlc: Sirs. S. I). Rogers, mmr. 
Kawjr'loches — Olympic Theatre: N. C. Bleane*. 
New Boston- Electric Tlwaire: R. M. Oarldasa. 
Oraiige— AMoae. Float * Vxlb sla.: H. 

I ~ftre*t. . . _ ^ 

■smwirk— Idle Baaaa Vhaataas - O. M. 

I '_ — ■ 

' I^mdnarlUe— Star TV alw; K M. MNye'lMnB 

Block. Main al. 
Mootpeller — Pare A Doyle. 

R. B. Leiand. 
Moatpeller — James Roach. 

Pslsce Theatre. 

BsToy Theatre: S. Ma«"uco, 2« Main St. 
Rlsarhsrd Opera noose; J. P. Leiaad, fa 
Ms la at. 

DenlnoD— Arcade Theatre: Q, 
Main at. 

Idle Hoar Thialre: J. N. Sti 


Denta*— MaJmrtlc. IB W. tiak at. 

»• W. 

Paleatlaa— Alrdsaie. Oak ft BaaaN 

O'Cooaell. mgr. 
Majeatle. Main at.: O. W. Banla. 
Paria — Rljon Theatre; B. nil(" ' 
Jewell Theatre; B. W. TIONO 
Pioneer; KIdr Bma. 

Plttaborg- Electric Theatre: R. 

I'latnrlew — Alamo; J. D. Kerr, atae, 

Plann— K. D. Ohershain, 
Port Artbnr — Olympic]: B. C>> Ulamm, mm 
Lyric Alrdome. Klftb ft taalla ala.?! 

steams, mgr. 
Quabnah — R. B. Morris, 

J. y. Hnrtea. 

Qnanah AninHi'toc-iit Ca, ' ^ ■ 

Porki¥>r" — W. Harolll. 
Rackwen— Bearadaa Bina, ■ 
Roaad Beck—Tbe BleeMt tlw ali e i W. 


Rnnnd Rock — Robert Carlsoa. 
San Aogelo — Crystsl, 314 Concho are.: 
Bros,, mgra. 
Lyric, in Chadbaarae at.: J. Cbealaa 
.oan Aataabi — ^Aarara: P. Oain. ai^ - 
S aj wu u i ^MaJeatlc: A. >. Caeper aad j 

Ward. mars. 
SbeiaiaB— Lrrie, east side Sqnire; Miss 
I tlee Palrrhilds, mgr. 

. . — ^. _ . Wlla sa. 





T^raTTlIac flbew: Prof. A. W, Allea. 
Rnllsnd — Craou Thestre; cosa. S. Fuller, mgr. 
Rntland— City Opera Raaae: T. A. B«rle. 

Ooloolal Theatre: tjaeala. ft FaUarTMf 


Bt. Albans— Theatnrtalk N> Bala att 

ft ninke. mgra. 
Rt. Jobniibiiry — Lyric. Eaaterti rtp.; Cirlo 

BlanchI, mgr. 
Globe. 02 n. R. al.: Carl Lynrh, mgr. 
Swnnton — Ttieatr,*; W« Lb ORBB^ aife. ■ 
White Rlrer JnactliB-4l«afiHBtt 

Htrkwrll, mrr. 


Alexanilrla— Kiln-: n. Tl. KIna. !<nillb at. 
J. R. N. CorlalD. M. L. Rllbill, A. 8. 
kin. 420 King at. 
Berkele.T — Oreenliod Tbeatre: Mra. Frroch. 
Berryrllle — Lyric, .iiain at.; Percy Crowo, 
BerFTTllle — Dreamland Theatre: W. A. 1 
Brlalol— The B. L. Patteraea Co. 
CharloUcsTllle — Lyric 313 E. Main at.; 
LeIetaMa. amr. 
Art. m W. Mala at.: P. J. Psnll. mgr. 
Bas. Sit B. Mala at.: Andrew Bell. mtt. 
Cllrtoo Fee g t W aad w j a ad Theatra; ft, 

Haoir. mgr.. Bba SR^ - 
Clirioe Fargt^-BfcMe Ihaatni X, RL RmI 
Palace Tbeatn^ Veamaa AlbaaMu i 

our. I 


J. t. 

FEBRUARY 11. Mil. 

Xtie Billboard 


DuTlll« — Oaletr. M»ln "L; Mr. mfr 
lllilf N. UulB Mr. ll«rker. umr. 


fart Monro* — Arav T. M. 9, *. „ ^ 
Ront Uo)*l-^Winco PIclM rMlW. Itala At 
J. !•. PolBta, ■«». 

HuD^ion— Sinv XMBVi r« 

ILrrli-mfburs— VlTglDto: W. 11. I 
E<lliM>ul*: Onalvl Wlor. tagr. 
I'rliKvu: W»s.C. Itorart. mgr. 

n*lT*4ere Tbcitn; C. M. CiMjr. 
MajMtle Tbaitn: F. B. Cu*y> 

GiTctr ThMtre; Main »t. 
msrbntrr — L««<l*r Tbcitrr; K. T.' 

Un. Cora L. Bloiut. 
UirttuTllli — PaJat* Tbeatra. 
NawporC N«w»— B«U Thntrt; 
Co., WaahlosloB arc 
art S a n a Q. W. 

f4B Vt9m 

View — Tbr World la Molloo: Otto Wells. 
flrtaSKirt— Vlrnlnli : R07 B. HoUtlnr. mcr. 

O. B. jADPa. mfcr. 
TtM* rowrni, mitT. 

ABOTicam Ttealn: 1. 

J. AiUacMa. 

Lite Tbram: WkU*-*, 
f^amoath — nraaailaM 
Blaad. mgr. 
Pa'»r» TTii'iire: C. A. 
PalaakI— D. Kob»B. 
-Slcbmoad — Cria Tbcatre. 
MMoakr — ^Tli** Annua, JrlTrrvoa tt 
I Trie. 18 Caiapbfll are.. W. 
Drdrjc. 8 rampMI aT*.. W. 

rvie: O. W. Mooorj. mrr 

I: J, W. Mrrtl*. prop. 

■WajaMboro— 8an>r: J. M. 8l««*j. nsr^.Wayw 

-■WytbcTlUa — ^WrtlWTnir 

Urn aad BliMlek (ta. 



.kbrnti-co— Brx: Alteo •I»oaBb«r«r, "gr. 

Ilrron it, . 

Starlaad: T, J. X.yX*. agr.. SflO E. Hrroa tt. 
Arllactao— Ocm TlM«tn: J. Lanrltaea. 
MllucbaiB— Kere'a .Tbratr*; B.- O. Kara, 
■dsr.. lOS W. HoUr at. 
B*ll nMtra; W. A. Qalmtn', wtgt^ 111 M. 

Hallr a«. • . ■ .. 

Orand Tteatl^ Wm, 

Riinr tt. 
LaPrtflr Tbaatre: 8. 
Illh at. 
Mala*— W. B. Wboteoaibb 
-Valar^. W. PhlUlpa. 
Biaaiiiliiii TfliiiU Tbaatia: OL 

Walla Walla— Ideal Theatre: J. KeKlrk. 
Tbeatorlam Tbaatre; Northwest Amaae. Co. 
BUoa ThcatTt; Kllar * Janet, BS K. Main at. 
IkaOtaa Tteatra; B. E. amltb. 3d * Alder 


A. X 

rbec are. 

wzR TuonnA 

Bamwall — B. B. Stoltb. 

Belllstton — BelllBfion Amaaemcat Co. 

BlurOcld— Ljrle. 11 Blaod at.: Cbaa. B4iatnberg, 

rnacaai^ tt Blaad at.; W. r. Ifcncfta, mgr. 
I'aawroa— New Cameroa. Iteldfa at. * Kaliruad 

arc: U. Qairk, mgr. 
llHirtea on — Bojtal. SST CantM al. 
OiloBlal. SU Capitol at." 
Idrlc. Ill Capllol at. 
KIk. IIS Cbarleaton al. 
.Iliarlra Towo— Itrx: E. G. Ilvaaoo, msr.. Waab- 

InicluQ and Geonrp atx. 
CUrkiburg— Od»on, 813 W. Pike it; Fred L. 
Pickett, mar. 
BUoo. *1T W. UalB at.: B. B. Blmcral. mar. 
■I l ri i ia AreDga- Theatre; ATenne Amoacmcnt Co. 

Okay Aoiaaemeni Co., Dirla ii. 
Blaa UruTC — Orpbrtua. Mala at.: Waller N>'iil. 

rairmoBt — Dial* Tbcatre; If. M. ttama, 230 

Main at. — . 

Oraftoa-^. B. B. PbUlipa. 

nizls: At. K. Belt. mtnr.. 13 E. Mala at. 
RIBIOB — raoleoaar — Santa. 

Falrrltod Tbtatre; Sasts * 

Ljrle Thrattre; Graham * Wood. 
HoBtlnctOB — ^Hippodrome; L. B. 

Oem Tbcatre; Marloa Johoaoa. 

Taadofflt Tbcatre: O. A. Kesnedr. 

Woaderlaad Theatre: ]. A. Bams. 
HBBtloatoB— Theatre; Wm. CbaOa, aagr. 

Paatlma Theatre: Max Totttt. 
CanoB — Caraoo Ball: Auduiaaa A 
Caatle Bock— A. 1. UeSUBaa. 
Cte Bam— Roaa CaaMaar. 
^MtUIc— KmplM ntfllK.CL 
Baytna— Wef 
Ifala at. 

Darlea— CdamMa ^ 

Mmela-Star nMtn: OtUm * Wftat. 
■tea— Bn naalft^MMa fartar .. . 

lleirltt at. 
««B Tboatia; 
Bewltt ava. 

nraad: Bd. Xeiaoa. mar.. ISW 
Star: A. BtBcdow, bit., in* ' 

•«aldeadal*-Uck ft ^Il lHafj. .- 
Barrtaa toa-*TfeaalMS^K ' SnfljliB* . - ' 
Boqalaai — Ro^atoB. Ma ft K atakt T, ftL- 
Irr. BKr. 

CcBtralla— 4Tli«alt: E. J; 1.<<ta. msr. 
rolfav— B*ll: r. J. Rniorll. mar. 
■Balama— Star M. P. and inatrated 

tfttalameat. rirat an. ^ 
■K*Im> — The Kdlaoa Theatre: Watia ft 
- Qamia A Garter; O. B. Kelao. 
Uad— 8aB Araninas. 
Maarae— Star Tbaatfo. 
-Maatcaaa*— Bdtaaa Tbeatra: Qamm ft 

•tar Theatre: B. B. Beacla. Box 2l«. 
Mt. Teraoa — Baaa Oaapaar. 

Vaatlae Tbealn: A. O. Belbert. 
Baatb^TablBa— Ideal Theatre: B. A 

*<rrle Theatre: W. r. Marrlmaa. » K. 1«t «• 
Sfhipfer't Arenoe Theatre; F. S. Sehaefer. 
No. Vaklma — Orpbenm Theatre; Oratton ft Beb- 

OlTBpla— I.TTic Theatre: J. C. Chatter. 121 B. 

Fourth at. 

Acm<- Thp«trp: F. \\ . St. Peter. Foartb at. 
Palouae — l,jTtc Theatre: ~.. n. Franc*. 
Ptie»— Rieetrlr Theatre: 0. C. Mellaa. 
Proaaer— paatlme Theatre: A. P. Rmai 
Port Townaend — Bomp 0>mpanr. 
Pallman— The ley Theatn-: W. O. Miner. 113 
Uain a.. 

Id— Ijrle Theatre: O. B. Bclaner. 
e . — BIn a Jbemtig; tUj» ' ' 


Artbar VWm. 

Martlw4iBrc— Weat Kln( 8t. Theatre: C. F. Man 
■peaker, mfr. 

MrM'-dien — ^Theatorlsm. Sixth at.: A. P. Brink 
mier. mar. 

I 7rlc. Tth A Maraball ata. : W. L, Snear, mar. 
Moooocab— Collaeom Opera Booaa; Oollacam Co. 
Moal^MBCtT — Waad erl a a d Tbeatra: 8. Bakea- 

Morsaatawa— Ona« T baa t ri; B. A. Ckriaty. 
WalBBt at. 
Arcade Theatiat .W. ft.' 
Moraaotoim — Xaar IVbBa 
Swlaber Tbeatn; B. A. 
Monod»Tllle — FklnlaMi. M. 
ftnitkPuln; Mr. Tboa, B|tr. ' 
Tliealorlain: Lem RanvT. Bar.' 
Nea MartlnavUle— Paallaw^ Mai* - at;: B. E. 
Cupler. mar,. 
Falrrlaad. Naetfe B*.: O. ». rMn< bw. 
IMrk^^borc— I«ile: L SC. MtMHk mgh. Sie 
Market at. 

miaa: F. U HanB. BBr_ -dSS Itefcet at. 

Mar: P. W. Battett. aiar.. 424 Jtarket at. 
PMWlip l I daal; eeotfe B: Banea, Bfr. 
PtedBoat — PtadBOBt Opera Boaae: Cbaa. Bar. 

ttivamlaad M. P. Parlor; H. Watklsa. Aab- 
aeld tt. 

PrlBpetoit— BoTtl: W. T. Dlckaoa. mfr.. Mercer 

I^t. Pleaaaat — C. M. ft C. A. Daabenr. 
Ilarenawood — OokHilal; J. W. MrCo;, mjtr.. Mul- 

beny at. 
rnowaaa B iJt ft Thrlar. 
Baamiila dawaau Theatre: 

IIlreaBlaal. Woods at; Ban ft 
Mpenet-r— Lxric. Mala St.: H. H. 

Sehwender. nam. 
at. Albana — Bectile Theatias B 

ninaiitoa— J. S^Tatca. 

B. D. Ba«awi 

■tt ffM Saac 

ft J. M. 

Oraod Baplda — S. 11. Smart. 
Green Bay — The Rojral. 101 X. 

C. U. Goodrich, mgr. 
-erne. Eaat Pine au; I. W. 
Ortea Bar— Lorrle Tbeatnt — ' 

211 WaahlBCtoa at. 
Oreea Bay— Majcotle; J. A. 
Bayward — Blcfc Braa. 
RodaoB— Thcatce Dcllsht; Clark ft Johaaoa. 
JaiiMTllle — Dreamland Theatre: Maurice DaJton. 
Electric Theatre; K. Pappaa ft Co., W. MU- 

waukee at. 

JelTeraoB — New Orphenm Theatre; Qouldea ft 

Koppel, Main at. 
Kankaona — Electric Theatre; Nngent Bratbeis, 
Keooaha— Grand Theatre, JIarket tt.; Jtdm W. 
McCoonell. Jr.. nagr. 

Palace Theatn. 3M Mais at.; A. Alflrr, mgr. 

Gem Theatre Mala at.; Cbaa. Paelal, mat. 
L» Croaae— Electric Sksatia( W. Bi. BacM, lU 
a. Poortb at. 

BIJOB Tbeatre. 
La Croat*— La Cnaaa Th t atw ; W. 9. 

Lrrie Tbeatra: W. B. PaatB*. OT . 

Madlaoo — Grand Theatre; Bbaiaaed ft 

Madlnon— Majestic Theatre; Mr. Blederttadt. 
Ijik.-mllln— .MajMitlc; O. A. Wodke, mgr.. Lake 


Uaaltowoc — Vaodette Tbeatra; Irwln 8. lAd- 
klK. 8ih ft York ata. 
n. H. Flolacber, 311 W. 9th tt. 
Manitowoc— CijraUI Thaatra: A. M. Baaa, MB 
N. 8tb at. 
Park Theatre; D. B. 
tta at 

— _ — . ^ 

Urnaaha— Vaodette. Main M.; C. C Kennedy. 

Memimoalc — Electric Ttieatre; H. A. Cntler. 
MaaumlDee — Broadway Theatre; L. Wlllaa. 833 

Majeatic Tbeatre; B. A. Cutler. Mala at. 
Merrill— Coamo, 808 Main at.; Charlea Btaehle. 


Mootello— MoTlag Picture Theatre: P. QaaaUna. 
Monroe — Electric Theatre; J. T. Waadbaw 
Neetub — Idle Hoar neatre; - Wat. 


Mer'Mac: Wiacooaia are. 




Saolinntlab— Acme Theatre: J. 

OIS Flr»f at. 
8ao1irvml>)i— Flrrb VIdler. 
■aatb nelilngbaaH-La rcUl* 

Wntnon. y ' ' 
■oatli ftend— Sbl 
Hflf ner. 
nitne Theatre; J. !>. Stall ft 
apraanc — T>lmp Theatre: J. Oaatl 
•praaue — ,s. a. Onrdon. 
SMMaa— >. I,. Ware, 
g fc aa Kwplre Theatre: n. P. WIIIpII. 
Taalaa— Opera Houw; MrCleaaan ft Co. 
TrwpBlab— <«Taad ncalre: A. Peranl. 
Taanmrer— Itaaaa Tfepalre: Ona Riiter. 

Cbartea. bet. Mb ft Tib «t«.: Imt— 

Waller, mfr. 
Iyr!c. Ctarl.^ .1.. bet. «tb A "lb "Iv: Scoti 

A Son. mcr«. 

Wealnn Fairyland— J. W. Feay. B«X BW, 
l.rrle Theatre: Anlt ft OMBllHMk Obailia tt. 

Rrand. John Rladenacb. aW- 

Weato a J. B. 

B* 9» Piflla.' 

t B. B. Potl^ ai ana. 

AnlU-o— l*aUre TheatI*; H. B. 
.«4i6 Stb are. 
<>T-<tal: n, B. 



Tjrie. CoHege are. 
MaWle. Oaileae a»e. _ 
AfMand— BIJon. SlO Second »t.. W. 

l*Tlnce»». m Second at.. W. 
Ane'-^tt — Princes: Wea. Warner, mar. 
narahoo— Oea Theatre; C. A. Booth. 143 Sd at. 
ReaTrr DaB— Tartety Tbeatre: M. B. JohaaoB. 

nearer AMMaMM. Cbbt UuMm ftaft. 
Beloii- Lyilt; fc- ftiaad a<».: Vlaak HtCbrihy. 

mar. ■ - ■ • ^ _ . 

White, m aiatr. tl.t .BL **a»Bfc_awr. 
Star: Otaaa ft Bmm. mbrl; MS B. aranl 
Berlla — Wl 

Bmcf 'Ibeims ■ ■ , .j - _ 

Barllagtoa— Crystal fbtatta; WMAmb ft TM». 

Cheataol at. 

Camhrtdge— Cambridge Electric Tbeatr«: Wllber 
ft Co.. Main at. 
suae rhlppewt- Majratlc Theatre: I.mch ft Pre«.-Bt. 

1 Chlpt^wa Falla — Jonea A Coaarore. 
Ir B. I CmlnhT — C^llaenm Theatre: Jake J. DIaoh. mar. 
I t.e r ere— Vaodette Tbeatre: M. Baaaew. 
i)e ivr»-llalnUc: J. A. Sfsatar. Mr- , Clalie— ralac»: W a W a e * -ft MeUmal 

I.rric; W. II. RIega. mgr. . . ^ 

mgerton— Seeale Ttettre: BayiMnd ft CUrfc. 
I vrlr: Fmak Mc^rthy. mgr. 


The Palac* Tteatta; Rngleraan ft Wright. 688 , Ban Oalra— Laiqaa, 

Ma'n at. 

Ban Oalra— L«iqaa,^atslaw 

I Craeen. agra. 

> J. H Welrh. msr. 

Vanrnnrer— PanI ft Bryant Theatre: Ptol ft FXr.l dn I ai— BIJon. 104 S. Main -I.: W. > 


Waliahiira— r.rric Theatre: l^rk Tbeatre Bids. 
Waltahnrc— Mathew ft Daela. 
.2*1 * 2»n«— t>»»»m Tbeatre. N. Seroad at. 
•Walla Walto— PaalW Thaatte: Bbenaaa ft (Mb- 
aan, B.aL MfM." ' - . 

Umltb. mar. 
Para I. So. M^la «t.- 

Ft. Atklnaon — ^Raat ft B , 

Pt. Atklnaon— ShW tlar 11*ai1*t Cj s ii li 

Kta^liSa ,; » * 

— Bhctriet Bt O. 

caw. Ptart St. 

Xew Loade a -Oper a BoiBe; WUkM ft 
Ocopomowoe— Cryatal Theatre; Waat 

Oconto — Mtble Hall. Stir Theatre. 
BIJOD Tbeatre: Otto E. Haea. 
Star electric Tbeatre: Mlaa Mabel Rail. 1411 
Main at. 

Oabkoab — Soperbam, 171 Mala at.; Charlea Gra- 
htm. mrr. 

Lrrie. 183 _aln at.: Or— ft Hcoae. mgra. 
Park Fa O a B aToy Theatre; O. — ~ 
PsvaabM— W. C. Clark. 
WslsBili Tlsome; J. L 
PSmthe— O. a..OtlhHe. 
Plymoath— Kcw Cryatal: M. t. WeMeidt. mgr. 

I'lymoDth: J. J. Greeka, mgr. 
Portapp— Electric Tbcatre: Pink ft NIcaeycr. 
Part Waablin tea O p era Ifaata; Bataaarte ft 

Prairie "^^^^tSaSllStfiSM MM MsB ft 


Pralrte da Cbiia F. P. BBttt. BCsMa *t CMea. 
Rarlne— O^hSBB Ibtalia: & B. BalMn, 

Imperial Theatre: Cbrlatenaoa ft Kcoynrk. 

Retlgranlte — BUon. Bannennan are.; C. A. Oini' 

dpr. mgr. 

Reedabam— Electric Tbeatre. 411 Mala at. 
Rbloplander — Jotm Banna. 

Palar« Theatre: Htntuw ft Hanna. 

Kljnn: Ranaon ft Taylor, mgra. 

Orand Open llomte: Hanaon ft 'DiTlor. mcra. 
Blee Lake — Fnnnery Tbeatre; W. Bant. I. Fln- 

Rlcbltnd Center— F. F. Bmltb, 
I. Trip PtioioplaT: E. A. Thranaoa. mgr.. vm 
Center at. 

SbehoTgaa — Dniqne. 

Calqae: ). W. Jeaka. 

WrtejCbaagajJP. B. liiai l ft Sft at.- Wh. 

inatb MBw i a tM t jrie niMlf*: M 


8. Milwaukee — Ban? Tmeadell. 
Sparta — rnlqne Tbeatre: D. Cheney.' 
J. I. JlekW. 2 M. Watar at. 


1*n«*lmp. 4^ 
StongbtoB — V 

Sturgeon Bay— nfiartail 


Oi>era Booac; L. Wtetiair. 
Electric Theatre: Lew Wtetlag. 
Superior— BIJoa: United Theatret Co. 

Saror Theatre: K. B. Radfleld. IIIB Tower 

Parlor Theatre; J. E. Mardman, 116 Tower are. 
Tnoab— Electric Theatre: Cbeaty ft Bnasoa. 

Ttatb ■ffmrb ft Beyer. ' 

IB* Btieia Baiptie 'ThiaUst F. Baaft. SUB 

Adaaa St. 
TIrMina— P. P. Sallk. 

Vlroqna Electric 'VWatr 
Wanlieaht — Ualqa* Tbaati 

itias e. B. 

Main tt. 

Watprtown— Empire Theatre: «< 

T..TTIC Theatre; Archer ft ^ 
Waahham— P. J,_ Beatler. 
Wanna ra — Beit 
Idle Roar 

•treet. _ 
Wanaan — Glrcirir. S88 Third at,: C, B. Oarld- 
ann. mgr. 

Majratle. «13 Third at.: a B. DarMaao. mgr. 
araad Opera Hoape. 4Sg Piarth at.( OL S. 

ETaoaton — Electric. 

IhIm Tht^alrv: Mr. Bmbree, mgr. 
Prootler— WhilDty'a M. P. Show; Mr. Wbllaer. 

OrccB Blrei^A. T. AtBtsft 
O. P. PMtar. 


Idrcenm Theatre: A* F> At 
irtao a P abl ie rftfU BL O. 
tamarcr— BdlstB WsMs 

Kaw Blaetrle Tbeatre. 4tb ft Mala ata. 
Ortea Blrer— New Lyecoa Thaatra; W. ft. 

9. f. 

Whllney'a M. 
Lander — Dizle ~ 

Lander— Jaaca B. Bill* 

Potior ft Wright. 
Lander — Cook ft HomabnrgtV. 
L,aramla — Electric Thcatia; 

Oprta Uouae; C. B. Boot, 

star; O. 0. Tlttaa. BIT. 

lorric; Fred Cametoa. 

O. K. Theatre; P. ~ 
Monorctl — Mlnera* Cnlon. 
New Cattle— J. B. Leek. 
Bawllna — Dan Qnlalan. 

O. K. Theatre; B. P. Petereco. 
Back Spring— Albembta Thaatta; MnUB • 


Oraa d Oncra Baaaa; SAmn ft Pwtl. 

Orposnni XT' 

Praat at. 
T. Berta. 
Sber l d ta Pa a tlaa ThaatroLj 

Ble ete le Theatre: O. BL . 
BtacrUaB— Star Thaatra. 
Sheridan— Mnrray ft Marlcr. 
Siuuiae — Fletcher Theatre; O, Dl tlctchar. 
aoperlor— P. A. Manly. 
TberaopoUa — ^W. T. Sloaaa. 
Green Tree Tbaatre; W. T. Sloana. 
W. B. Sfetbeney. 
Uptao— nhUe Ball; K^uaaaaa : 


Baair- B. G. Britt. 

I.. F. Baroat. 

B. Batrlaoa. 
Hattlefofd— Starlaad. 



Calgarr — Starland 1 

8th an. 
Calgary— Standard. 





BUoa. ■ 

Mtariand? 3C. 




Fort Saakatchewan— Starland. 

Illxh RiTpr— MatlBoa ft WUaoa. 

Harry Nelaon. 
InnNfall — I'rlnreaa. 
I>>thbrlilge— Enrrka. 



MP<llclne Ilit— W. 
Lota & MeBae. 
E. D. Bentley. 
Uclcod-^. D. Mcl 
Plncb^r — Lyceum. 
Red Deer — Lyric. . _ 
WeataabaarlB— BUoo; Mf. Beataa, 

DicaBlsai: J. "iJSlSSSi."*'* 

BUoa; A. Cteaaer. asr. 
Lyric: MBlcr ft 

star; A. a M— *■ 

Sbaria. _ . 

1 jiaam W. J. Plataat : 

BrandiOD— Elite. 
Carherry— W. Johaaoo. 
Carmen— Lyceum. 
Dnuphln— A. B. Unasoa. 

R. DnetberiT. 
Peloralne— J. C. Jeaklaa. 
Gretna — Lrrie. 
Rartney— W. E. CtawHot*. 
Mellta— Paatlme. 
M^rden— Stattand jJaat . 
N'eepawa— B. T. Pagalt. 
PIpeatone-Bam iOMT" 
Poetago La Pia lt l l 

art. mgr. 

Portace LaPralrtc — G. Wi 

A. E. Mellon. 
Selkirk— D. MacDoogaU. 

Vlnlon — Opera 

«lMim M- 

^ jSSr'at.! 

WM»ewater— raa Thaalia: ftmfttaHk.ft Mn- 


Ha'ln— It. SIsiilon. 
llu(ral-> — Arthur |-...vlp 
Orohrla — llarv.'.r ^prlnirer. 
Caapar — laa. O. Tligram. 

Wlllett ft CarroU. 

TV'mple: A. T. 

I'll yenne — Lyric. SIS 
Grearea. man. 

Geo. B. Sykea. 

On^benm: E. I*. Bmery. agr. 

.Mlaa: Tom HealT. mar, 
C»>dy— 5. C. BIttt, Box 81S. 

Yiai'r * Worat. 
rumberland- Faddea ft Co. 

niatuondrlllf — Whllney'a M. V. Shi>w: Mr. Wbit 
ney. mcr. 
Electric Theatre: Faddea ft Co. 
Itanirlaa — H. P. Jenka. 

Wm. P. Sbeehan. ^ _^ — 

KTiaatoa-BdltOB BIcelile Thaatta; Oiay <Mb- 

Bathnrat— Jobn ledger. 
CampbeUtowB— W. 8. Dlmock;^ 
Cbatbam— Jaa. D. Jobaaton, Baa as. 

B. Babtnean. _ „. 

Palace; J. D. ljb"-y. mgr.. Bos IM. 
EdmnnatoD— Cryatal CUy Theatre. 
Frederlcton— UahiB* Tbealia: W. 

Wljoo Theatt*: Cba«L BUahe. Bi5_ 
Oem Tbeativs OotM' BMaiSt. Bar. 

Fri'tlerkktoti— Ijtltk 


«>per* non«p. 
Moncton — ^Winter * T.prttl. 

Eaatern Amnaemfnt Co. 

Bntrrprl:* Aaateaeat w 
Xi-W Caatle — O p tr a Iliinai. 


K. S18 Chailatia 

Mt. laha— Cecil. 
SL John. N. B.— Bappy Bait 1 

at.: A. K. Moadel. Bgr. 
St. John. N. B.— Nickel. MS eiilaloa tt.t 
H. Ootillnr. mgr. • 
Star. S81 Main at.; R. Newcotnh. agr- 
Oem. 4143 Waterloo at.: Pied Trifta, 
Calqne. SSaH Chariotta at.; F. 9. 


m Chariotta tL; P. ft. 

-BIJoa Theatre Co. ' 

The Billt»oarcl 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

ui>ellka— KniKbU & Dioglitets of Tabor. M«y 
9-13. Cbas. DeoDls, 112 Sodle M.. ~~ ~ 
Kom«i7, Ala. 

Wot Blockton — Red 3Ien CuaMi. 
TiMM. UcCamber, ucy. 

IMt Bmltli — ^Atkamu Retell Merchmoto' Ano- 
elatioo. Jue — , 1911. B. O. ~ "' 

Uttle Bock— DraestaW OowcMte. 

UttJe Bock— State. Field Sleet of Scboola ami 

CoUcKea. April — , tou. 
Uttic Bock — General Reonlon Coofedarat* Tet- 

•na*. Uar lS-18. 
UtOm Bock— Arkanaaa AaaodatlOB «C .VM ..lB- 
_ nniie* Aganta. iUy — , ini. 
Uttla. Back— Arkanaiu Ti i iliir'. IMllaMllM 

tm» Tl, ItU. .. • 

BOreka — ^United Ancient Order of Druids (JnrW- 

dletton of California). Jane 19-22. Cyril 

Alex GoKlielmoor. Oralds Hall, 611 Laeana 
_ St., San FraodaoB, CaL 

Lm Anseles— AaNdean SMIcal AaaoeUtlon. 
June 37-30. Dr. Oao. K 535 near- 

twm are., CUcago, IlL . 

Sth at.. Eaatoo, Pa. 
rasadena— AmadOMI lAnBt ■ 
18. Geo. B. t»i*r. l^m 

itu.; H. H. 9m, mv- 


Otmiti^-Cilondo Brtan Jawclen' AaiocUUoa. 
ST. FMd W. Snaan. cor. Mth aad 

atL O. • - 

1 Tkaia AmmlMtm.' tmrn 

District Oiaad lodga Ita. % faiMMMA- 
wt Order of Boat Brtth. »nt>M. Vlatar 
Abrabam, CloelaDaf ~ 
vaorer — Am. Dcotal _ 
to. G. Laj-ton Grin; 
^ Bts., Pblladelpbla. Pa. . .. 
Denver — American Stiricieal- 
— . 1011. Dr. ClioH. A£. 
Club. Denver. Cul. 

DMttr-JtatlsMl JtaoctailM 

— w ini. ^ X^BnOii? 

J Cel. 

DraTer — lotematloDal rrlntInK ft 

Cnton. June — . lit 11. W. F. HIcker, ■BO 
Charles BIiIk. Denver. Cnl. 
Denver — Boyal Nelebbora of America. Slay 11. 
Jira. ifj-m B. Enrlabt, 701 WaBblngton ave., 
Kanaaa city, Moi 
Qtasd JnoctloD— Colorado Cbrlntlan EniN-nTor 
OaleB. Jnne 15-18. Mm. Robt. Croabli-. -131 
Cooper ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. 
nnle-^Salorado Rtate Suoday-school Aisocla- 
ttjfc- Jaaa 13-16. Jobn O. Carawa. «vt-. 

° Vtw Imdoq— Cooaectieat l o a ls^ of n*U_,^ 


WaaUngtoe— Planmnad AaM>eUtl0D of Amer- 
JUf — . 1911. B.-B. Braoctaer, Boom 
•aoa, 1 Jfadlaon arc.. Kair Tork CItr. 
. WiaUMtOD— Xallonal Wboleaale Lonher Deal- 
eta'AiMOdatioD. March 1-3. E. F. Perry. M 
Bnadwar. New York CItj. 


Oalaeaville— Knlxbta of Pyttalaa. Marcb 8. W. 
B. I«atlmcr. Tavarea, Pla. 

Xampa — Florida State Pharmaceutical Asaocla- 
^ Uon. Jane I4-1S. J. H. Hooghtoo, Palatka, 
^ Via. 

■ a««aiA 

^Amerlciia— M. W. U. Grand Lodge A. F. * A. 
Uauns, Jane, 1911. Sol. C. JohasM, Savaxi- 
nab, Oa. 

Uacoo— 4>rMt Onoaell of Geonla lapiwNd Or- 

Cedar Rapids — Grand Lodge lonra A. F. & A. M., 
June, 10-15. Newton R. Parvln. S«^. 

Cedar Baoids — Iowa State Retail Merchants' As- 
socIatloD. May 33-21. Ira B. Thomas, Des 
Moines. la. 

Clinton — Dobnque Arrhdlocesao T. A. Union, 

abODt Jnoe 1. C. I.. Anderson 109 Curtis St.. 

Dubaqae. la. 
Council BIuBs — Wi'nta'rn Iowa Editorial A-oao- 

rlatlon. Feb. 31. K. X. Stcvena, Silver City. 


Duhui)oe — National .\aMiclall0B ot I>tler Car- 
riers. Slay — , nil. 

Mnscatloe — Dept. mt laVM . O.: A. 'Ba. pmbably 
June 6-8. Geo. A; jCMtuW. JttBl». BboM, Dcs 
Molnos. la. ■ '" ■ 

Otttimwa— Icina Sta.e 111 OllallSa 1 A. B. E.. 
May — . 1911. Jas. A. Coidsoa. 1015 Blveralde 
a*«., SiMix CIt7. la. 

aio«K OMy- J owa P hanpi s Hmrf Aagsdaiton. 
Mar mT r. a. FrnTDampaM. 


Belolt — I^teslant Eplacopal Churcb C. of Sc- 
lioa. May — . 1011. - Rev. L. B. Benson. 
Ellsirarth. Kan. 

Emporia— Grand Contmaodetx Knights Templars 
of Kansas, Msy 9-10. Tbos. J. Aodetaon. 

_Onad Becacdar, Tgpaka. Kaas. . 

nmtm of qSmSkat, Xar n.. r. t. 

9tnmv- Lawreaee. Kaaa. 

Kansas CItv — ^Kaaaas Bankers' AsMclattoa. 
probably May 21-SS. W. W. Bowman, Topeka, 

Kansas CItv--Kan«aB Christian EDdea%-or Union. 
Jnne 20-22. Clara I.. Converse. Ottawa. Kan. 

Seneca — Fe*leralJ.»n nf Catholic Societies of Kan- 
sas. Mny — . lOM. .^nttaonr Kobu. Hays. 

Toneka— Kait-JIK KuntTal Dlrei'tor*i' Aiiftoolatlon 

Jane — . lail. M. Fenwell, secy. 
n»eka^-««a*aa PharauMfaUeal Aaaoelatlon. 

Mar tt-SS.' Bobnt I««raiaa.'Plf«abarg. Kans. 
Wfeblta— 4Sraad Cbantee Order Eastern. Star. 

May O-II. Mrs. Delia Bennett.. BntAlason. 


w> - xTJCKT 
Lnillsvlllp — Nat>o>ia) Rdectlc Medleal AlHHle|->. 
tlon. June 21. Wm. P. Best. JC D» S2l)t 
B. loth nt., Iiitllanapolla. lod. 

Crowley — Granl Lodge I>a. I. O. O. F. March 
ML^ll^^ DieklasoB. S33 Camp at... New Or- 

bk* Obarlf»-W. O. V. lliMb — , nil. F. 

Mtsr OrlmiM— CdIIH 'OsanaWrial ft anlais of 
IM. aad »hw. Mar IMl. ■. K iMkert. 

New Orle*"*— n. .\, O. ot. D., 9mm C Bsniy 

Keith. 4MI Caaal, 
Kew Mrle^na — ^Lonlatana Stat^ Vhanaaoaatlenl 

Asanclaiina. Stay n-11. Ren. W« XcDiiiE, 
20.10 Uagaitae st. 


Animata -Mnlnc Mnlleal taailllalll»l__ TtlBI 28- 
29. W. nean MooIMd. JL K. VS Oowtcas 
St., Portland. Jie. 

PortlaaA— Petblen slKtera. May IT. ' XeBIc C. 
Tofpen Faothbar Harbor. Me. 


Baltimore — I>aiiKhtera of tL 

— . 1011. Mrs. Herbert B. 

St.. BrooklvD. N. T, 
Baltimore— Train DIapatel 

America. .»pne J. F. 

art are., fblrago III. 

Bammor^— ^.^' ^^'^,Ji" ' ^*^*^|j*|ff; 

Iln at. ' • • • ' 

Bin* Monotaln— .Maryland PhgHBaMatMl Aiao- 

etatloo. Jnne E.' r. StllF, MB W. 

Pratt. Baltlnor.'. Md, 
Braddock Helithtn— Msiylaat TlMiMnf AMOda- 

tlon. Jnne 2T-'I0. Ini|h V/ OUtWlP* Obesa- 

pcake City. Md; . -. 

Lonaconlng — Marrlaa4_ BlatO 

claMoo. Tone T*iL ' ~ 

Point. Ud. 

laadpolBt— Onad Lodm of Idaho. K. o( P. 
. Xoaa 31. Tames H. Haite, 6. X. R. C 

Coear d'AIene. Ida. . . 

Twin Falls— Department of Idaho 9j A^ B. 
Jane — . 1911. Geo. Hosklns. A. Ai O^rBopt. 
Idaho. Capitol BIdg.l Bolae, Ua. 

Blaomtagtoa— Bbiomlngton Antomobllc. Rhow. 
ntimarr 30-22. E. E. Plerson. secy. 

BIoomlmrtOD — Blooinlu;:t«n T{as«.ball .l^wwiclatlua. 

Febniary 13-18. E. E. Plerson. secy. 
Bloomington — State Convention fiwedlah Repuh- 

Ucan Lragne of Illinois. Marcb 9. A. F. 

Blooroqolat. OOt W. Grove ttt. 
Oilcago — International Circulation Managera* 

Association. Jane — . 1911. Jos. H. Taylor, 

care Evenlnir Press. Grsnd Rapids, Mich. 
Chieaga— WlMlesale Saddlerr Aaaorlatloo aad 

Xatloaal SaddlaiT Mtu.' AnaclatloB. Jaaa 

IMS. Ilsaiy otfeoMr. lOS taShlla at. 
Cfeieago— XatioMI -.Aaodatloa of doOiIers. 

Joae 9^ SL Chntteab IB Aatar Places Kair 

Tork aty. . 
Chicago— Chicago Ktaad Olab. March ST-S9. 

Geo. D. Kenyon. T108 Emerald ave. 
Metmpolla — Egyptian Hostleis. Jnne — ; 1911. 

Wtllls B. ward. secy. 
Peoria — IIIIdoU State Uodertakeni' .\»soclatloll, 

Jnne — , 1911. H. M. Klrkpatrick, Elmwood, 


Bockfotd — state Betall Jrwelen' AsMciatlon. 
SbF Ooow Elbe. 3963 Madfamn St.. Cbl- 

BaSr'^m—* intaofn nuarmaesntleal Asaoeia- 
JUtJMU r. B. Bv. W B. . 

Ma. XAnBla»!liaB~'6eelor BHft.. CUcago. 



SbelbyvUle— Indiana Mnsic Teachers* Aaaocli- 
tloB. Jaaa sr^. Tames Bacgan. «1S S. loth 
^8t.. lafSyette. lad. 

Soatb Bmiil— Indiana Aamclatlan Master Bakers. 

April 18-19. Richard Tolst. Terra Kaote. iDd. 

Cedar BanMs— Iowa Snaday-school iturt****— 
Jtaaa Fraak F. FItcb, «im: Oha.- Bldg~ 

la. ■ - 

AMMbot»-^A. * I. O. Kalghta of Malta of Mass.. 

Jane .18. Frederic H. Wilson. 919 Colonial 

Bldg.. Boston. Mass. 
BoMon — ^Rebekab Assembly of Mawa. Ma.v 

Sarah A. Barry. 47 Monument Sq,, Charles- 

towo, Mass. 

Boston — American Aaaoeiiftton of Mopenm Oi- 
-ratora. Jnne B. Paul M. Rea. Charleston, S. 

Boston — Norses .\jtsoclated .\Iiiniiiae of the V. 3., 

May — , 19U. Antes a. Deans. City Tnber- 

enlosls Hosplul. Detroit Micb. 
Boston— Kolghts and Ladles ot . HMar. May 

10. Ssm Hathaway, secy. 
Itoeton— National Coa l i i i ai a sC Ofeaiillaa and 

Corrections. Jime T-UC Alwwadir. Minson 

Ft. Wayne. lad. 

Bmtoa-Hmgktaci or UNfCr. MMr 10. Emily 
A. BaeML.Btb 1 Paila wL. JMbsro. Mass. 
Boston Oi8«r «( tta Btalsfa Wft. Msy n. 

Mn.- Carrie A. 

Brookllne— Federaiag Bafs^ Cl«b«. Jtae no 
Arthur B. i«aeh. Bis mill a. Bsualaiy, Room 
306.' 9 OMgNN at..' BMtM, JiMk : 
Hsl i r e k s 1 'M w l Ma - ' at ' Aanvlsa. .xir 
vr. H: BtaBML Bosm W. Pallatd Mk... Iaw 
an. Mass. 

Xorthfleld— XortUeld CoafmnMr* * - lammer 
Bebools. Tmo 10 to sbmit B(|rt. 18. . A. C. 
Woody. East KotthHeld, Mass. 

Springfield — Annnal Conr. Dlorese Western 
Mass. fEpIseopal). May 10-11. B«t. Mar- 
aliall E. Mott. North Adama. Mass. 

Sprinetleld — Women's Forelsn Mission Jubilee. 
March 6-7. Sirs. C. O. Bnmham. pres. 

Sprlnjrfleld — German-American Alliance. May — , 

'Springfield — Annnal Conference Bureau of So- 
cial Research of R. I. May — . 1911. Prof. 
- Cart AroawM. dminaaa. Bsowa DniTerslty, 

Tsont^^^SweiSh 'jt'saa, ' Vet, Vol. AMsnclatlon. 

Jnne IK. Wm. If. Wade, i«M X. Main at. 

Fall River. Mass. 
Wnrecster — Ms«!«a''liiiaeHs Catholic Order o' 

Foresters. May 24. Daniel H. Magalre, 17 

Wocesatar at, Boston. Mass. 


Detroit — F. O. M. A. Convention, Jnne 5-10. O. 

U. FrlcniJ. PrPfJ. 
Detroit — Natloojil Gas & Gapollne Enjrlne Trades 

Aaaoelatlon. Juni- — . mi]. A. Stritmatter. 

22-» E. 7th m.. Cincinnati. O. 
Detroit — MIehlgsn Christian Emlearor Doton, 
-jr>nM. 3g.3S. HamM D. Splea'. JPaw Paw, 


Detroit- .Vmcrlcan liualuat Trade Association. 
June 5-10. 1. K. Wrttlager, care Hettinger 
Bros.' Mfg. Co.. Kansas City, Mo. 
Detroit — Krateinlty of Operstlsa JIlliMB of 

America. June 5-10. . Jos. F. Mndhr. Bw M- 
240 L.aSalle St.. Cblcaso, III. 
Detroit— Order of the Star of Bctblebem. June 

27. TboB. J. Crowe, secy. 

Detroit — Western Golf Association. July 2.'>- 

28. Cbas. B. Wlllard, South Shore, Chicago, 

Detroit— Michigan Sons of St. Geoige. July 20- 
22. atsphaa TIerrlll. labpemlng. Mleb. 

Detroit— MMdna Betall Jewelers' Aaaociattea. 
July U41. 7. Davenport, Battle Crack, Ulcb. 

Detroit — ^Michigan Funeral Directors' Asaoela 
Hon. July 18-19. J. B. Mclnnes. Grand Rap- 
Ids. Mich, 

Grand Rapids— Associated Ad Clabs (Central 
DIvIalan). Jnne — . 1011. A. M. Candce, Mll- 
waakee, Wla. 

Grand Baplds— Garment Mtis.' Aaaoelatlon. 
May 16-17. W. E. Caldwell, BUUbarOb-0. 

Port Haron — Grand Lodce F. A A. Mar 33. 
Lou B. Wlnsor, Reed Clt.v. Mich. 

Kalamazoo— Lincoln Voterx' I.eague. May 10- 
17. J. K. McCall. pres., 70 E. Axtell St. 

Kalamazoo — ^Michigan State Association of Build- 
era. Feb. S3. Jobn t. Whirl. BUrcaa Bldg.. 
Detiolt, Mich. 

Lanslag— State Beleetle Medleal A Bdrgleal So- 
ciety of MMUsta. Jaaa T-B. Jos. E. a. 
Waddlngton;,. 31. K. L. b &. IMO W. Va»> 
ren ave., Oetnlt. Mkh. ' 

Port Huron— Foresters of America. Jnne O^t. 
A. H. Saunders, 004 Termoat ave.. Detroit, 

Saginaw — ^Mlcblcan Slate Homano Asiociatlon. 
May — . 1011. Jefferson Butler, aecy.. 121 
W. Phnadelphin are.. Detroit, Mich. 

Saginaw — Michigan .\udnbon Society. May — . 
1911. Jefferson Butler, secy., 121 W. Phila- 
delphia ave.. Detroit. MIcb. 

Saginaw — Grand Commandery K. T. June 13. 
H. L. Anthony, Sturgls, Mlcb. 

Saginaw — Michigan Music Teachers' .Associa- 
tion. June 27-20. Jss. R. Bell, &.-I0 Wood- 
ward ave., Detroit, Mich. 


Dulatb — Modem Samaritan Council. Jane 0. 
W. A. Bleken, secy. 

Mankato — Minn. State FWIeratlon of I ahor. Jane 
19-21. W. E. McBweo. IHiIntli. Mlna. . 

Mankato— Northwis Hia BkM tikH OuaMiail. 
jDoe 18. E. O, Bin, m M M4b. X., Via- 
neapolls, Minn. 

St. Paul — Grand Lodire I. O. O. F. of Minn. 
Jnne 14-10. A. I/. Bolton. Odd Fellows' Block. 

St. Panl— Dept. Minnesota G. A. B, Jnne IS- 
IS. O. S. Clark, asst. adj. gen.. New Cap- 

St. Paul— Grand Lodge A. O. U. W.. Miaasaota. 
Feb. 31. Cbas E. Lalson. 40T Sicaad Am. 

St. Paul — ^Fvelght Claim Asaoelatlaa. Tana 91. 
Warren P. Taylor. BIchmond, Vs. 

Blloal — Supreme-Dam Independent Order of 
Beavers. May — . 1911. A. II. Parker, Sn- 
prrme- secy.. P. 0. Poi 757. New Orleans, Ls. 

Brookhaven — Mlaalsslppl Press Association. May 
a. J. O. McOnlre, Taaoo City, Ulaa. 

Brookhaven — Rebekah Assembly, I. O. 0. F. 
May 14. Mrs. Jodie Rnbnsb Moaa. MerldUo, 

Bnoktasveii — Grand Ixxlxe I. O. O. F. of Mis- 
alaslppl. May 0, W. 8. P DotT. Oraatds, 



Df\ (it — SonlhiMtut Mlaaourl Dnimmera' Aasocla- 
ll..n. May i'. 27. Ed. P. Irving. Poplar Bluff. 


JefTirnou City— IletH-kab AKs mhlv of Mo.. I. O. 
O, r. May 16. Mrs. Allle E. Pouodatooe. 

ljiSLS'^^&"iJSi I. O. O. F. May 

It-U. fTV. Wflkenon. St. Umla. Mo, 
Joalln- MlasonrI State Dental Association. May 

— . 1911. S. O. A. Rnb.v. Clinton. MO. 

Kansas City — Grand Chapter Royal Arch Ma- 
sons. April 25. Robert F. Steveosoo. 510 
Pine at.. St.M,nnU. Mo. 

Kansas City — Grsnd Council Royal & Select 
Masters. April 2.'>. Itobert F. StereDson, SIO 
Pine St.. St. Louis Mo. 

Knnsatt City — Mlaanurl Bankera* Aasoclatlon. 
»ay 24-25. W. F. Keyaer. Bcdalla. Mo. 

'^rya';tj?»'aiSW 8tear«fiK: 


St. Lonls— Greetera' of America BoM Clerks, 
Week of Jnne K. Roland n. Hawks. St. 

Nicholas notel. Snrlnglleld. III. 
St. Txinla — TDdepeod"nt Petroleum Marketers' 

AsKiiclallon of the 0. 8. May 9-13. W. C. 
I'lutt. Rose Hide.. Clerelnnd. O. 
St. Loul" — Mls!w>url Socletv of Retail Jewelera. 
June 20-27. H. t.. Ralneti. Mar.vvlllc. Mn. 

St. I.OU1S — Nation* Coopers' Association. March 
7 0. Fred J. B< nner. 4136 N. 2d St. 



ltCo_:_- '-. ■ 

Gas BaUoons, 50 C-M S2.75 per groflB 

" 60 " 3.25 " 

" 70 " 3.76 " 

" 110 " 7,60 " 

Whi8UiiigBaUoons,60C-M, 3,25 " 

" " 60 " 3.75 " . 

WhisUing SaiiasM aOinalMS 

loDg - - .-. - - 3.50 " 

BagPtpe^BWo rtedeoloiB 7-60 " 


DeporitsivdMdobaUorden ieiiiaO.II. 

DInet finn tiie*] 

l:incnin — Nebraska Stale Fimersl Direct oca' As- 
sociation. Jnne IS-IS. R. B. Skluer. Kel- 
Igh. Neb. 

llncoiR — Nehrasica Rate l»,>velrtpnient and Con- 
s~rvatlon Conurese. Fi-hniary 23-24. 

IJnenlii — Nehrn«<ta Tbn'slierinrn'n Association. 
Fehmsry 14-15. 

Lincoln — Nebraska State Pamllure Dealem' .\a- 
aoclatlon. Jnne 20-22, 

Lincoln— Nebraska State Bpeftwasa'a" Aasocla- 
tlon. May 22-23. 

Uacoln— Nebraska Stste Rennloa of Uattod 
Bpaniali War 7«lenaa. April 3S-2T. 

Lincoln— TCebraska Cleaners A Dycis* Associa- 
tion. May 10. 

I.lncnln — Nebraska Independent Telephone Aaso- 
elation. Marcb 7-8. 

Omaha- State Aaaoelatlon Y. M. C. A. Marcb 
2-.%. J. P. Bailey, secy. 

Omaha— Mlaaonrl Valley Medical Society, starch 
— . 1911, J. Wood Paasptt. Rt. Jo-. »n. 

Omaha — Qraad OMnaaadMy^- KalBlila.. Tnaplar 
of Xeb. -Aaril ^ Wl..' KMMlTwbMew Or. 

Omaha — Ladles of the. Mseabee* of the World. 

April — . 1911. Mrs. Anna DAIars, Or. 

Recent. 1712 Parenr«rt wt. 
Omaha — ^International M-ater Poll-'rmake»-*' As- 

snclstlon. Jtmc — . mil. Harry D. Vonght. 

as Liberty St.. New York City. 
Omaha — Nebraska Grand Todffe A. F. A A. M. 

Jnne 0. FVancIs E. White, secy. 
Omaha — ^Nebraska Press Association, Jnne — . 

1911. C. C. Johns. Oeand Island. Neb. 



Tlia N«w Catalum UiM'eiieHt - 



At laat a calcium i_ 
ootflt that' prodtMce tlks 
mam light at the minimum ex- 
pense csn be had. Tbe 
fecto" solves the problem. la 
thla light yooi set more . gu 

prcssnre than In any other cal- 
clam light, hence a more power- 
ful light, and at leaa 
bec aoa a oC lu geatratlac 

It la tia ilmltat ot „ 
llghU aad Mfarallr tk* 
la Don-ezploalve, never gr'' 
of order, and coiaplels, 
only 15 poonds. Tbsrs . 
frilla alwat the "Perfectot" Ifa 
Just a plain calclimi aaa maklaa 
cutni that produces the powarfu 
light that you moat have, aad 
above all at the leaat posalhlo 
coal. Bvery •xctassgs aad daalav 
In lighting OBtSU shoold 

thla Ugtat aad ~ 

who la focesd to aia ■ caMoa . 
this sue. It's the Cbsapaat la < 
the best. Write for mors psrtlealsn, 
ship C. O. D. upon receipt of deposit. 
$25.00 complete with homer. 


m> I>«arbom 8tr«,t. Chli.«<o, 111. 

are no 








Western New York 
Firemen's Convention 

wUl be held In SprlngvUle. Jnly 23-24-2S, lOtU 
C OB M Mlona wanted, Addresa all laqnltlaa t» 
UWUI SMITU, Chalrann of Oaoceasloa Oia- 
nlttee, p. O. Bos 8T», BprtasrWa, K. T. 

If yon hava gisaa av aB bopa of orar ■•ttlas 



you arc In the same posMlun that I was IB 
several yeara ago. Yon \vt\u- plaluly your nam* 
and address and mall It tutlay tn W. S. Reed, 
lioz 218, Smyrna, Del., and I will aend to yon 
by return mall a free sample of (he herbs that 
will cure yoor catarrh. 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 



Itfon—Grand CbapttT O. B. S. of Nevtila. June 
1617. Mr*. Jumt. n. WudJn. lao W. Uberty 
«. . • 

Clarpmont— Orana OdrnmaadMy Kalgbts at Mal- 
ta, Maloe anl Xuw Bampablra. -Jaaa 14- 
IS. Tbomaa O. Salt, « ExduBCa at. Port- 


Nulloail AnoelatloD 

Maatert of Daaelas. June 12-18. P. W. Kehl, 
Madlaoo, Wli. 
Atbary Park — General Synod of the Beformed 
Clmrcb to America. June 8. Rer. Wm. n. 
DeHart. D. D., Barltan, N. J. 
Atbary Park — New Jeraey Pharmaceutical Aaio- 
clallOD. Jnoa 13-M. Frank C. Btatalcn, Slla- 

A^tie catr AWairtiB atr n«w» nam, Apcn 
U-2S. Walter J. Bnaby, Rotal Deaala, At- 

InUe citr, N. j. 

Atiaatle Cltr— Mew Jeracy B. P. * Dial. Aiao- 
cSnW. Mair or June. 1011. Cbaa. Iloeen- 
craaa, P. O. Box Lone Brancb, N. J. 
AUaatle C1t7 — Shield of Honor. Jnne S. W. 

T. RearTi MO Cathedral at., Baltimore, Md. 
SewMk— lalcmatlonal Aaaodatloa far tke Pra- 
nuOm at Smoke. Jane 38-30. B. C mwln. 
CItr Halli- Toioolo. Can. 


Albaav— Xaw Xork atata Aamclatloa of the 
Harl Aaan. of Klatlonarr Knslneeni. June 
S-IO. E. E. Pni^, 130 tint xt.. Roebratcr, 
N. S. 

Buffalo — Mot]«rn Wouilmco of America. Job* 10- 

24. A. a. Tra<-nklr. 1006 D. S. Mofsaa BM(. 
Ckaulanqna — TIiaulauMua Inatltnttoa. Joae 2B- 

Aus. 2T. rcrrjr II. Bojuton, aeCT- 
Elmlra — N. V. State Sunday-School CoOTentloa. 

May 3I-Jnne 3. Alfred Day, aapt. 
New York — Inlirnatlonal Aasoclatloa M. of D. 

Jnne 12-17. P. 11. Kelly, 135 Beech at.. Ho- 

Iroke. Ma«*. 

N.'w York— Muale PaUlaheta' Aanelallon. June 
13. Walter B. nacber. 4S Cttaper Sqnara. 


Nlicani r»IIi>— New York State Ul 
.\tsaclallon. Juar 20 '^. Gro. I.. Gfl 

OifCBwlrli arc., New York CIO. 

-llOk ». T. 

Rocheeter— Oermaa-Amerlcan Alliance of the 
Bute of N. Y. June — . 1011. Henry Pfelf- 
ter, 833 81. Anna are.. New York Cllr. 
Becheater — New York StaM._Aarla, Fnlmal 

Order of Eagle*, 
eleakt aecy. local 
Main al.. Weat. 

Saratoga Sprlna* — Woman'a Bellaf 

— . 1011. Elliabetb M. WatfffeMMk : wr.ab 
IMth at.. New York City. 
SjTaniie — Rolatela-raaalan AaaattaMaa «jf 
America. Joae T. . ImSnMi L. |IiB|MiB. 
Brattleboro. Tt. 
Watertoara— Orand Commandery, Kalfbta TtMp> 
lar*, Stat* of New York. Joaa SO-Sl. Jaka 
B, BoonlBCton, 7t E. Slit it.. Xew Tork 


AriwTihe— Grand LoAgt Knlfbts of Pythlaii. 

Jaaa IS. W. T. nnllowell. Ooldaboro. N. C. 
Oraambaro— North Carolina Tracbera' Aawcla- 
tiaa. ftaa }«•!•. Piof. J. W. Paralay. Wla- 
" " ». ft 

U m bo P Mtaa Oianntrclal TMvriai*. Xnw »■ 
A t. X. Oteaaar. St Pant. Mlao. 

) jnwka— Batokab AaaamUx.Jaaa M.JHf 

sraB, w. °ik Stan wan. FMsaw s<> »• 


' *> ia»-r. O. E. Jon* — . lOIl. 

ClBrhiiwtl— Wonan'a DalTeraallit Mtoalonary .\l- 

lltae*. Jane 21. Ulaa Jennia Warwick. 021 

Batler at.. Raatltaa, O. 
Cltrelaad— National AMOdattoa of Bldf. Own- 

aaelallm at OMa. Jm -M. Hi Bms- 

CMBmtaa— Order at nmiaa OaamweU Iratil- 
era «r Aaerlra. Jaaa 9S. Cbaa. O. Daalal. 

•npitnne nrey.. <B8 X. Park at. 
namilion— aran<l Tmple Pytblao Sl*tcr« of 
..Ohio. June IB. 1.1. Klh OlTcn. Sidney. O. 
Hamilton— Orand Ma* nt Ohio. KalBht* at 

Pythlai.. Jitnc 13. A. RMbWrtk ItV. . 
Lorain— Snn« of Veteran*. JBM -% WU. i. 

T>. narneit. Findlay, O. 
Marlon— oulo .xrmiailab at OtaMav .laplB* '* 

Offlrlala. June 31. O. 0. MiMBIB. aMT** 

treai., Sidney, O. 

ton. o. 

Knl<1— Oklahnum Stale Firemen'a Aawclatlon. 

June OS. 1. nnri FoKter. Chandler. Okla. 
Onibric— riklaliniiia Sii-iday4lcho<iI Aaaarlallan. 

March 7-0. r. II. Mcbala. 1100 K. inib »!.. 

Oklahoma riiy. Okla. 
«>klBbnma Cll.v -Crnnil Conncll of Ksns** « 

Oklaliomii. May 2fl.2S. Oco. R. Ilooiirr, 

craad aerretaty. ' Alrhlaoa. *Kan. 
^"i** — jMlabna* Cbrlallan RadMimr rnhm. 

«at 1S.I& . . jUMt K Sala, bM. .nbbi. 

- . ouoov ■ ■• 

A^Uaad— amh Annnal Raaaawneni 1. »r 
Ornmn O. a. n. Jnne 5T-SB. C. A. Wllltnw, 
Ant. AilJI. n<'n.. Uoou 331. I.ablic rile.. 
Portlaml. <>rc. 

Aatoria— Grand Temple Pylhtaa Slateni of Or- 
'Bon- Jnne S». Mm, ilair B. IIi«iip. Kla- 
math VbUa. . ' ■ . 

AiieBbtnr atiwOmiHi aiw« a* Ot at 

£*■ .lleMr Mrfbriii. 131, Utb al.. 

_ Bearer Van*. Pa. ■ ■ 

nontidale— p. O. S. *C JCoHhweatem • Bennlwi 

Anoelatlon. Inge — « IBIt. John n. Cole. 

PblllntburB, Oratr* Ca.. Pa. 
McKeeaport— Penoa. nivlainn Son* of Veli'ran* 

u. S. .V, June 1S.34. w. n. McNnlly. Iloom 

215, Oilil Fellnwa' Temple, [■hllailelphla. P*. 
Philadelphia— fliitnvaac OMincU of V. B.. Joat 

H. ■ W. o. Welaler. car. Secy.. 1M X. 

•"M rt.. . 

PblUdelpUa— Electrical . 

Rcclment Armory. Mh. 

aoo, 1000 Chaetnnt at. 
Philadelphia — Trarelara" PMtaatliw 

Uoa. June 12-17. T. 8. hmu, 

at.. St. Lonia. Mo. ^ ^ 

Readlnc — Ponaral BaaaSt lunniallw. 

0. CadwaOadar. Mn OfeMtMS at, 

pWa, Pa. 

Scraslon— Wmnan'B Bditt CotM Amlltew to 
th* a. A. B. JUa — » ISU. MH. IbMa 
Lyoeh. 1432 Sbefliaia at., pittabnrr, Pa. 

Scranton— Penn*. State Dental Bodety. Joaa 
S7-20. Dr. Luthrr M. Wearer, 7103 Woodlaad 
are.. Pblladelpbla, Pa. 

8crMt«o-«vt. ot Pnu^ 0. A, B. JBat 

ChealaSrito., PbSS^^.^^ C » 


ProTldeace — State Council of B. I. O. V. A. M.. 
April 2S. O. C. Barrow*. If? Sorrento at. 

Chamberlain — Grand Lodge A. F. A A. 31. Jnne 

13-14. Oan. A. Pfttlgrew, Slonx Fall*. S. D. 
Cbambarlala— Orand Cbapler B. A. if. •Jnne 

15. 0*0. A. PettlKrew, Sloaz Phlla. S. D. 
Chamberlala--Ona< Cba»lac Ok U. M. Jona 13. 

Mr*. A. U WNHaBMoa, taOlS* at*,. IMIaon. 

Memphla — Grand Cornell Tenaeota Beral Arca- 
num. Match 21. W. H. Gray. 4 Baal BIk. 

NaabTllle— Soathem Betall Shoe Daalern* Aaao- 
clatlon. Mareli — . 1911. Aliea Meadora, 

NaahrUle— Klna'* Daughter*. May — , 1011. 
Na*hrllle— T. P. A. ConrenUoa. May — , 1911. 

B. W. Brantley, aecy. 
NaabrtUa— SUte Oirlaloo V. D. a Uaj —, 

1911. — - — "-^ 

Norfolk^-nekat ABrato* OaaaanltaB. 



B pokana ■ Crand CbaalM O. M, SL iraablastao. 
Jaao IB. UtMoSTDeaMMat, astflTntb 

. Wash. 

Spokane— draad Ixidge F. A ^ 3ttaMN «( Waab- 
ington. Jane 13. Jlorace W. TayttV. lIa*onlc 
Temple, Tacoma. Waah. 
Spokane — PaclBc Coaat Adrerltalnic Mrn'a Aaao- 
datloa. June — . 1011. C. 0. Chapman. I'ort- 
l*nd Commercial Clnb, Portland, Ore. 
Tacona— Oraad IiOdca of WaahlastM i. ft ft 
P. JOaa e. Lania P. Bart. TUft PaiMo «Wk 


llnntlncton — United Commercial Trarelers. Jnri*- 
dletioa at i^.^a^lrslnla* and^ Maryland. 


.Milwaukee— RebekBb' Mata' Al 
8. Mary F. OahW, StS SI. 



BIkhart Lak' 
elation. June 
myra, Wla. 

Ft. Atklnaoo— ' 
elation. Jana 
feraon, Wla. 
Krooaba — Deotacber Krlegerbond Wlaconaln. 

June 17-10. Ouatar Goenther, Chilton, Wl*. 
Madlaon— National Aaaembly of CItII S^rrlce 
Ck>mmi»alooa. June — , 1011. John T. Doyle, 
D. S. ClTll Service Com., Waablngton. D. C. 
Milwaukee — Improved Order Heplaaopha, June 
13-17. Frank E. Plelti»r. Supreme Secy., 
Preaton and Cathedral at*., naltlmore, Md. 
.Mllwaokee — Grand Chapter Royal Arch Maaona. 

Fleb. 21-SS. Wm. W. Perry, aecy. 
Mllwaake* — Grand Conncll Royal A Select Maa- 

ter*. Feb. 33. Wm W. Patrr. aaey. 
Milwaukee— Wiaeaaila li KloblBM SHp . Iboot- 
era- League. Joa* ^H. ■ P. baidel. 

City Hall. 

- ----- - jtnc s. 

at.. Mad 

lion. Wla. 
Mllwaokee— Raintar 
May 22-24. J. P< Jtaiabv... BM.'ft OoUlB- 

wood. O. 
Milwaukee — Amertoaa ^ 
Jnne 20-23. 0. ft XabM, MM MM* it.. 

CleTclaad. O. 

Mllwaakaa— Pw^ Phod Show. May 1-7. Panl 
W. itaoM. •» Frederick are. , , 

-Mllwaukea— Wlaconaln Uelall Lumber Dealer*' 
AaaoclatlOB.. Fl'b. S1.S3. Paul Lachmlnlat. 
818 Goldamlth Bids. _ . . 

.Mllwaakeo— WI*conatn ft Upper Peninsula of 
Mtchlaaa Brewer*' Aaaoelatlon. March —j 
1011. I<. L. Caufy. Maleatic BUIir. 

Mllwaokee — WlKvnaln Millers' A<K>clatlon. Apr. 
21. B. J. Lacbmaa, N'eenab. Wla. _ 

Mtiwankea— Wlaeooain Blata Canrentlaa. Boyal 
Aicaaam. April 21. C D. SImanda, aecy. 

Mllwaokee— Wi»eon*la C»nal»t"W A. * A. Scot- 
tish Rite Manvn*. April — , 1011. Ja». II. Bar- 
ber. In*. Bldg. 

Milwaukee — Wlaeomln AaMClatlon. Sopl*. A 8n 
prrrlalng Prlnrlp.-il*. April — , 1911. . J. T. 
Hooper, pre*.. Aablaad. Wla. . . ■■ 

Milwaukee— Wl«cuu«ln nill Pn*ten' Aaaoelatlan. 
May 10-11. E. J. Kemp. Slieboygan. Wl*. 

Mllwaokee— Wtacnnain Raa .V»si)clailon. May 17- 
IS. Henry Harmon. «i'cy. 

Milwaukee — IlllnoU Ic Wlaconaln Retail Coal 
Dealer*' A**oclatlnn. Jnne — , 1011. Frank 
E. Lnken*. Monailnwk RIock. Chicago, 111., 

Mllwaokee — Wlaconsln I.nJiie Imlependent Order 
of Odd FeUows. June — . lOtl. Rlchanl Hoe. 


Mllwaokee — Wlaconaln (Jraml Lodge P. A A. M. 

June — 1911. W. W. Perry, secy. 
Oahkoah — Wlacoiixlu Stale ItowUng Aaaoelatlon. 

.March 4-18. F. O. Gaugrr, Box 545. 
waukeaba— Stale Mrdteal Soclotr a( WlaeomlB. 

June 7-0. Or. Cbaa. Staart Sb a M aa, Mad- 

laon, Wla. 


Barrle. Oat.— Grand Orange Lcdga OatarlO Wtat. 

Match 8-9. W. ritagecald. 14S Xoiaa at.. 

ToroQlo. Oat . _ 

Onelph, Ont.— BrtaO Merehants* Assn. of Can.. 

Inc. Peb. 2!kM«reh 2. E. M. Trowern, 21 

RIclnnoad St., W. 
Uonlretl. Our.— Retail Merchants' Assn of 

Can.. Inc. Ptb. 14-15. J. A. Besailry, 80 

St. l>enlB at. Torontow Ont. 
Reglna. Saak.— Saskatchewan Winter Fair Board. 

Maich 20-34. P. Brdlay AoM, Seer. ^ , 



Nmb SsM-nriliiii raus 

fine of notions, canee, knives, flash goods, jeweixy, ] 
specialties, souvenirs, etc., at lowest prices. 

Writ* tor our lars* oataloflu*. Mallod fraoon nppllaatlen. 

LEVIN BROS.. Xerre Haute, Ind. 




Evary Saturtlay at Newadoalera, lOe 
■y a uj lperlp tl a w. KaQ_a 

COMMITTEES wanting exhibitions see 
the Airman's Director of men at liberty 
and now abowlns- Write for free satnple 
copy and advertising rates. Read every 
week by 95 per cent of all practical air- 
men in America. Every Issue filled with 
valuable Information. 

PUBLISHERS OF AERO, 21 SotA SA Stnet, St. Louis, Mo. 

At U 

A sober, rdiable drummer with go6d line of traps, bells and effects for 
picture show work. The man with the ocarinas. A. F. M. Address, 

To Furnish Wild West 

With nUaUe Gbcus or Ruks, Honet mi People. Now with Queen of 
the Ifighway Company. JOB OASBY,- GMegr A Hmob, m nmta'or 

BiUboard Office, NewYork. 


Good, live Manager for up-to-date Park. Euiploymrnl from .March int to Labor Day. 

', Mdaiy and referents first letter. Corresiiondencc confidential. 


Wanted for the Host Elaborate Cami^al Attraction in America 


Sob«*r. reliable caniiTal people, A-1 operator. Open flr«t of Mnrrh. IxMist »waiMm. Kor fiale or 
tra<I<*, 25 r«'fl« of fratiiro film. Want lo buy uii-t()W-ii plntfnriu wnKmi an,! jTfniit liorH-', bI-mi otter 
fnnkti, \V.\f. II. WILXIAMS. Wlutt-r inisrttrH. Mni'-.n. (in. 



Our adrcrtlalBC 
rt the moDey 

Get onr price* on soap and toilet arttclea. They wni tntere«t yoo. 
■SSOrtHi packages vltb vaiaabte premloms bave the flanh and raloe that 

IConey jffttfrt* fnr ranviHH*T*f and fakem On^ yonnic man rlt»ar^l »1.0OH.53 In fl montha 
tiralpht ..II !» N. •.. c-n: At- t.-.i .V.lnK: n« w.-Il? If n«f . [w.Rtal t-nlay. 

Ve Win t«ft.h v.. 11 E, M. DAVI3 HOAP CO., 308 Union Pa.rk Cuurt, t^ilcafw, 

The Famous Winslow Shows 

will open tbp 101 1 va«>a In rarly unrlos:. larsrr niul better than crer. Jlair wattaella* ) 
ibowa, Fferrl* wbtvl, iDiuplog horw M. U. R. ami otbrr rMlof derlma.. WaM 


UflHnBhM'nt BtUpnatm. state aire. exp<-rlcni>e. pay jonr own. to E. D. POWLfR. care 
liatiaud' Print. Ca.. cSlcaito. ni. Mnslclans, 3 cornets, 3 clarlneta. 3 trombonni. 2 altos, barltoDv. 
baaa and dmma. Mmt double B. « O. or B. S. (Most hare Ideked '«■> S 4>. State aU la 
flrat letter; also woman for lends and iren^ral biz. Thta la a tiaa*«ar 
April at Abilene, Kan. Address MGR. 1'. L. KIKSCn. A hlte aa t K a i l M . 


by non-realdent oimers. Propertx with eqolpmeata coatte aboat 163.000. and locatrd "» I'"'°'2J5'i 
tborooshtara In MempUa. IVdd. Bnlldms baa aboM STvMM aqoara (Mt bard loaple .0'»'^ ■I^.'^a 

cwadlT abapt tjMO, 

ns UU— 1 Beneb(U.8pniman Merrr Oo-Jtwrna: to^ MeWne and oreanl^^ 

jMt Mgaa Jnat oat of icpair ahop of AblUnc. Ja«. t, IMLAIao 1 farter -M. C. K p»> 
naSiworuT part. Eulne 02 Hue, iiut in bctt. ISUt. Onaa awde new at Alexander Ltrui- 
mao'a. K. cTMoITlaat jnt; used live weeks. 1 Condemaa Atria Wheel Id jood shape: •> bo"* 
iiowcr casollne cnslBe, monnled on trucks, only uiieJ S moalbs: Wavla make. Two 
ma'wnS Now bSs painted at wlnter-qu«tcrs at Topeka. Kansas 2 MInlatare »-»'''»JS«f»5 
for sheOand ponlea, 1 bnokboard for poats and 1 single one: tbrokoBoatj. atagle » 
sets ot barnessTslnale and double: silver mounted: some nerer been wed. Hare taafc Bgg«»_5" 
SO-oi. duck paraffined top, 20t4O, 1 a tent. i:-'xH. lo-oz.. i ao-ft. B. T.^btwia a«w_T-ft. wTO. 
Reason for aellliig. taking out two-oar sbow and cannot use It. AajroM ^nfVJ^J^' 
or eome and see and bid. and we will do bnaloet<s. If you can t i 

or come and see and bid. and we will do bnaloeos. ^ , ^ — 

like to bear from a good B. & O. Ijeader, also a Stase Director IH • 
and alao people that caa doable B. * O. Will acU any inrt «C Mk 

cStm SwpiwH toe - 


Ttie Billboard 

fURUARY 11, 1911. 

ihm Scraon 

(Contloaed from pige 28.) - 

tog bim to ber borne 80<1 sbowhis him bow 
badly bcr parents needs the money she earns, 
aod be promises to reform. Tbe Tery next dB> 
Iw brM^ tiis word and paodemonJom reisu. 
Otaee la artrcn to tears. Unless Ibe can eoottol 
her paplli she will lose ber poiIUon. WItli 

atrcostb bom of despair sbe deter- 
naribls tctxlbte bar with pbystcal 
tka staitted bollr mUn* ber 

. . ber heavy nilar hu descended on 

bla obstinate head and bla mlaeblerons hands, 
and wbfo t*he ffeta thronsh with him be la a 
cowed and blabbering boy, who rons borne. Bis 
father — a grim old farmer — repeats the dose, 
and leadlnff bIm back by the ear. commends the 
tcaclier for b«r action. Grace la later abown, 
happy and contented, baring paid off her par' 
ens' debt!, and recelrlng the wtiBK. hanece of 
bar paplta — (oremoat amonc t 


ma; released Feb. 4; 
lensth. — ft.)— Ores- 
oiT Holmes, the "Cat- 
tle dac «r Arlsnna," 
plaaa t» analgamata 
his Taat poaacssiona 
with tboae of I>on Ro- 
mero, a Hexleaa ranch- 
er, who la madly iotal. 


nated with Bath, the 
CattJ,- Kingt'a daaghter. She In In realMT.U 
tore with Jack Hamlin, a young conrponebsr. 
They are Inrlted to a housewarmlng by Ro- 
nero. Aa Jack arrlrea &t the house, **Billy** 
Banaoo, .a yonng cowgirl, taken Jack In tow. 
Uek.aiao U lb wre.wlth Bath, bat la afraid 
lb let her hasw, aod opoa Bath'* arrlral at the 
beosew Jack h a eows a vary dowaeast. "BUly" 
avcations him and be teUs her of a home made 
deaolate, a father'a m order and of his valo search 
for tbe ana man he wants to meet, a man whose 
hand la marked with a blood red croaa. Ruth, 
promenading with Komt-ro, dlHcovt'r.s Jitck.^ 
"BlUj,** pretending to sprain ber aukle. asks 
Bomero to ssslat her to the bouae. This learea 
the young people aloae. Komero remlDdit Kutb 
vt her promise to dance with him and she sc- 
cepta ue prolterred arm. Jack dlscoTers oa 
~ band tha red erase he haa baca seek- 
I la about to kill him when ha bean 
Tolce eaUlag "Fbther," Jack tcallaea 
that Holmes Is tbe tether of the girl he wor- 
ships, drops bla goa and rushes from tha aeane. 
Holmes demands that Roth marry Bomeny. ahe 
lefnsea. Romero plana to kidnap Bath, hot 
"Bowie" Bob, before he commlta the act. In 
alBts on a written agreement from Romero lO' 
TOlTlng htm. Bnth aends Jack a note, Imt on 
his way to tbe botisc. be Is knocked meonseloos 
and Ruth Is carried away. After the most 
exciting scenes ever ehown ia a pietoie. Jack 
mtm.m iiamt at BatVb 

<ilrania: r<>U>aBed Feb. 

length — ).— When 
the stem old Judge 
was notllled that 12 
d«-clded men had ar- 
rlTed at a verdict and 
were waltlag to da- 
liT«r aane ta tbe 
eoort,. a hnih fell 
O'rar " 

ard appears oQ the lighting ground well prepared, 
and the manner In which he Taot|alabes bis 
foe la aa iBdlctoai ft It la effectlTe. 

• . tvz. • • 

THB ORPBAK'S FRIGN'D (drama: releated 
Feb. 10: length Til feet).— Uttle Jack's mother 
baa lost died, and coaOded her aon to the care 
of bis grandfather, from whom sbe bad been 
estranged tor many years. Tbe Rrandfathcr 
regards this adoption In tbe llsht of no un- 
pleasant duty, and the boy la left rery much 
alone. One day be makes friends with a stray 
dOf, and, brarlng his granilfather'a nraih. 
leads the animal Indoora. cinly to be acolded. 
whlla bla friend la abut out. During the nigbt 
lack bears the dog bark, and dtvsslng bIm- 
aeU, atepa ont of the honse. Accompanied by 
tha «"'■"■'. Jack aets oat to flod bis mother. 
Irat has not gooa far, whan, tliea oad weary, 
be falla adecp on tbe graaa. Tbe dec trots 
back to tbe boose and attraeta the grandfather's 
attention unto be detgna to follow tbe animal 
to where lite boy lies. Tbe sight of tbe poor 
little lad slecplos peacafbUr toactaea the grand- 
father's heart aB^ha jaMMrtr rtbkW baS bla 
charge. Then Iba dov » adopladia • ■ambsr 
of tbe family. 

THAT HORSE nU) RI.'N (comedy: released 
Feb. 10: length 272 feel). — Giles tiaa Juat 
drlTen ttom the country to town, and halting at 
a cafe, leaves bis sober horse and enters for a 
drink. Here bis appearance causes one of the 
customers to Indulge In a few roach iokea, anil 
ones, suddenly turning, qolckly throws the 
jester out. Tbe latter, reseating bla ejection, 
determines to have bla revenge, and acoonHns- 
IT sliaa tbe b ai se .gsad feed, with tbe result 
tbaf wbea SnM aaMMoces to drive off. the 
haraa seta oC at a hard gsllop. Otlea, quite 
imnsed to his steed's sccelerated speed, can- 
not pull him np, with the natural result that 
tbe horse , creates much damage. Soon a crowd 
follows In purKUlt of tbe runaway and thoir 
numbers are augmented as Giles, In his wIM 
dicrht. bears down upon ■ hand-barrow, a cart 
with China, a frult-atore. etc. rinally, poor 
Giles end!* bU carper by smashing In tbe walls 
of a house, and bla pursuers entering, mske 
things lively for tbe countryman, who la rer- 
tsiolr awf filmed agaiaat than alanine 


rOBALS (comedyKlra- 
ma; release Feb. 15: 
linKth 950 feet).— 
ThroDgh a scries of 
triUlug mlahspi^. Kath 
orlne Crtniby oii-i'ts 
thrc*e stranjteni In her 
far-off Weatem town. 
Each o( .the three, calls 

rtoa. Xba arlaoaer. 
nala bat bopefol* look 
bla ataad la front of the fat and aearthed their 
(MOB far a aign of eocoafamnat. . Bla iMtbar 
aad the girl smiled cheerusir aad wblapered 
words of hope. Tbe Isst seoaa IB b lOBS aiul 
bitterly fongbt murder trial waa* abOBt tO tako 

eare. Tbe case had attracted WOcld-wUe la- 
rest for the munler was myaterlonsly com- 
mitted aod the only evidence sgalnst the ae- 
cosed vraa purely circumstantial. Tet the jnry 
esDvlcted him aiid b* waa aentenced to death, 

Be iS lira afXaa iflMttoad 


.Kly; release Feb. 13; 
Irnglb. 522 feet). — Mr. 
Faddleway has bad 
enough of work. "What 
la the nse." says he. 
"We work too hard, and 
the pay Is too amall— 
vbi: (iMtngjpka^ 

ptii w iiwi to aoeh aanta- 
ment. Mr. Faddleaway 

provalla upon hla comrades to go on 

•'Btrlkat" Accordingly, st tha given time, they 
' all walk ont and retam to their homea, re 
•olvcd opon tsking s pleasant holiday with 
reetlng and festlvitlea. Par away from tbe 
doaty wochahopa they Inhale with Joy the pnre 
•Ir of ffaadoB. Mr. Faddleaway in a bnrst of 
banillaUy, lavltca hla trlenda and fellow wock- 
tmm ta mm witb blm. However, tbe atriben do 
■at M.;!! tUaca aa plaaaaat aa tbar aatlcl' 

e'ai. Ihata la a lot of work to be done about 
booae. and aome of It— the moat naplaaaaaf 
bind — must be spportioiied to an Idle hoahaiid'. 
Mr. Faddleaway Define to diaiice his mind— 
ha calls bis frlenda together, and In big voleo 
dwidls upon the fact that tbougta they have had 
a dcUgbtfol time. Idleness is the root of all 
«rll. and. therefore, tbey had better return to 
Ibair work. So. led by onr breezy friend, they 
alt go liaek to the shop, every one of them 
agreed thst that dnsty place Is the bspptest spot 
OB earth. 

TBE EUXIS OF BRAVERY (Comedy: release 
Feb. 13: length 434 feet).— Mr. Coward Is of aa 

Kacefni a disposition aa bis wife la beUleoae. 
ing jostled by so ni-temnered pedestrlsn. Mr*. 
Coward becomes very much pot ont. and Insists 
that ber husband engage In a daet with the Impo- 
Bte onnder. Poor Mr. Cowaril Is at bla wita' 



PPT. tbla,8ar 
wmaaa eaii« aaieep 
erowinc over and fkmd- 

atallment collector. Ilcnco tbey lose their 
furniture. Coincident with this they receive 
word from tbvlt aunt and uncle thai they mp- 

St to diaa with them the seme day. - Tbe 
t amWt ptedlcameot aa tbar bava^been 
tibf thair rrlailona that they wen grttlng 
alOBB flae In the city. They have to keep np 
an api>earanc« of prosperity. They dl»cover 
that their netirblior in tbe next dat ban left 
tbe city for a day and ttiey decide to apnro- 
prlate bla beloni-lnKa temporarily. This they 
do and likowIt*c laite advantage of bii» well- 
stocked larder and acme extra sulta of bla 
Clothes. The aunt and uncle arrive and tbe 
neighbor retuma to And the Oat empty. Inves- 
tlsallon leads him to the boya* room. He In- 
dignantly takee back his possessions, the ancle 
and aunt leave and the baya are left aa they 
started— with an empty flat and a snit of 
pajamaa each. 

TOO .MCril AUNT (comedy: released Feb. 
0: length 430 feel). — Clareoce. a moch-rnddled 
boy. but la tha apirit of doelltCTwell develoMd. 
pretoada te have a vlelamt ■ • ' tum ^ aaie*/ la 
order 'ttat ha' atar ranala bma 'tram sehool. 
Be la iiifiaaifBI aa to aa Us mother and 
aaat aia abaaarasd. but beta bis fatter takea 
a^nnd. Tbe deelor. who baa been called In, 
proooances It a case of "hookyltes." Then 
tbe father applies the slipper. The youoK 
man la completely cured, and ptarts to ecliool 
with no great anxiety to sit down. 

ling ber propose la as a 
chilli (liH'H a toy. She dreama — marrlM In furu 
to each of her admirers, her experlenci'H are 
harrowing — gay eovlroiuneJlta In band wltb 
Intrlgne and tears — a bouse of S4)uali>r wltb 
privations, bimger, brutal treatment, and Ibi'n 
driven forth bomeless, alone and uncared for. 
Bbat awafesa, bat so startling are tbe after 
elfaeta^ that aba dsatroya tha proposals with a 
solemn vow to evar remain single. . Yean after 
sgsin we look In thst window aad aae ber with 
oidy companions, ber dog, her oat. and her par- 
rot: also the sole connectkn intll .the past, 
which ia a bos containing tbe tc w p p fnpaaala, 


niS LITTLE PARO (drama 
releaaed Feb. IS: length — ).— 
"Tbe Kid" lived In the East with 
ber mother. Tbe fstber had gone 
to Nome when tbe cry of gold 
was at fever height, hot he never 
taUad to aod • little mauey 
haaa oecir VMk,. . lb a concert 
iian ' be berama laealvad In a 
flght and thoy carried blm home, 
but be recovered: thanks to the 
care of a gambler who ran tbe 
place. Ttaen the boys gmb- 
stsked him and he went bock 
to hla ^aim until be struck a 
rich vein, after working himself 
to a point of collHpse. Anyway, they aay the 
toy of bla rich Ami klile.1 blm: and the gambler 
took charge of the remains, but did not notify 
ths wifa back East because be bad beard sbe 
waa 111. Bat be did send home some 
money. Just ss tlioogb nothing hsd happened. 
Well, the mother pined away aad they- borlad 
her In the village chnivhyaid. Ber dying wish 
was that "The Kid" be aent to her father In 
Nome. So the gambler vraa notlfled to meet 
"a yonng" lady when tbe stage arrived. "The 
Kid" was received by a motley throng of 
gally-dresaed miners who bsd donned their 
best to greet the "Eastern Belle." but the 
only passenger proved to be a little tot with 
golden curls, sttscbed to whom was a tag re- 
vealing her Identity.' Gambler Jack, to make 
a long atory abort, fell for "Tbe Kid" and 
tbey grew to love each other. Be didn't even 
ten ber about tbe death of ber flitbar. hat 
evaatiully aold ont hla piece, b i aa ia t bar baak 
East aad gave her a good edacetfoo. 


leased Feb. 6: length 9K> feel).— In this drama 
Is told tbe story of one rhilin Na^b, who ad- 
vances rapidly from the poaltlon of a common 
laborer to that of general manager of one of 
tbe wealthiest and most Important steel mann- 
factorlng Interests: tbe marriage of tbia young 
man to bis Iwybond sweetheart: bis wife's con- 
tentment With ber lot: snd then the flaal dls- 
mptlon of tbelr happy home, dne to tbe chsnged 
enadltlaaa attondant upoB hla- rsoid advaac* la 
tb*. •mmmnM wiMld. The dopletloa oC NaA'a 
eraMM Mwflfbll, afttr be baa ibawa eaaela- 
slvely bla ptefcrmce for a singer of note. 
wtMoo eborma and fascinations lesd to bis com- 
plete iradolng. Is s strong scene. Ills snbse- 
<inent reformstton snil retnm to his wife's home 
1h nhown In the cloelnir wenes. 

OX TBE INRTAl.r.MENT Pt,AN (comedy: 
n-IeniuHl Feb. O: lenctb 5(10 feetl.— Two chape 
from tbe conotry arrive In New Tnrk In tbelr 
search for fame and fortune. On their SOC- 
ceas Is dependent a Isrge sbsre In money wbleh 
they will receive from a wealthy node and aimt 
If they make good. Tbey flt op a amsll flat on 
the laatallamit plan and Ihea look for a 
dak TMa Iher aM It ir 

- 1* n •— 


A SQCAW'S BRAVERY (Drama: releaacd 
Feb. 3: length 900 feet).— To force Scqnila to 
marry blm. Roaring Bill captures her and her 
aweetheart. Black Bawk. Sequita threatens 
to plunge a lighted candle Into a barrel of 
powder, which would blow all to eternity, and 
the scared rufflsns permit the Invem to racspe. 
Each Bccnsea the other of cowardice In sub- 
mitting to the Indians, and In a scullle tbe pow- 





two - thirds on 
electric bill and 
makes BIB CUT 
oa tbe first cost 
o f your com- 
p 1 e t e equip- 

■II maitaa M. P. 

nee Oatalagos 

No, B-8. 

J. H. HALLBERG, *^ ■w V»rl» Clay 



niE FEAST OF FOOUSIIEAP (Comeily: re- 
leased Feb. 4: length, MO feel). — A come<ly 
In which Foolshead. the Itala cemedtaa, plays 
tbe leading iwrt. 

Iia.'tbe gilt aientailat, and her eompaay of 
fourteen vaotlevllle artlita, have returned to the 
States after playing all the principal citlea la 
Ontario, snd tb -stres on the B. J. Baall Olr- 
cult. cbaa. L. Fallon has baaa te'af e agia ft 
tbe company for a year, and Dr. B. EL BnaHb 
Is at thp inHiiaKcrlat helm. 


That'B the dsvtes that savoo UovlBg Pic- 
ture mea two-thltda an tbair aleetrle 
light bnio, aad yet glvaa bottse light. 
dm: m-M* cat a« M wMfel. WaB 

B^iolsl^ 18018 


Imparted (Silnawsre, iht 100 

All teatber Ihime, per 100 

Trick Match Box, per gross 

Japanese Zltbera, per gross 

Fancy Wood Whistles, per gross 

Jspsnese Turtle In Qlsss Box, per groee. 
Fancy Oolofed Betuta Balls, par 
Boiaa Sboa aiinon asst. e<Hora, 
Koveltr Aetabat ■belalaao. 


. S.oo 

. .TO 

. .76 

. .78 

. .to 

. 1.M 

Terinii cii^h. Perwinsl chiM'ka must be certlAiNl, 


641 C17 WoodlAiui Av<3nue. 

LARonr ecALKM in tmk world m 






I ion Main Straat, 




Flrtallty ■ulldlna, PORTLANO, WIAiNC. 

FN SMl-^i OM-piB TipB B MicHm 

1100; other maehlnea, fZS op; lOO'teela flla. 
U good aa aewt <tO per reel; Model B'a, Scea. 
ei7. Chain, etc Paths Passion PIsy, S,U4 ft., 
haad-eolorod, for rent or ssle. d reels film, per 
week. 10: 13 teels^r week, tI2, DIXI8 flUI 
IXOHANOB, SCO W, 4th 8t, Owenaboro, Ky. 

BAXOAiaa a tilmb a»o boso suDEa— loo 

caela Dim, elegant condition, $7 per reel and np: 
SO acts song slides, perfect condition, t>.7S per 
sat, with rauoic. Bend postal for ilato. Good 
Urn service tnralahed at loweat prieaa la Iba 
doatb. BoppUia. Baigalaa In new aad aaeaad- 
band U. P. Baebtaaa aad gas auhiag aatflla. 

P. O. max MO. Mew Orieoaa. La. 

fOS ItTfr— Tbtaa Ediaoa macblaea. 
all complete, 980 aach; two Bdloon one.pla me. 
chines, all complatc, tlOO each: PUma fur sale; 
Srst-dsaa condition, ff to tl8 per reel, UAYKB 
SILVERMAN, 109 4th Ave.. PlltlbarK, I'a. 

Moat bo nwiMi imillii WOIIOMT .fltM 
(M,. 4th Ava,. .aiat- 'fbwy : Wtj,- 'g m abaii . ' »; 

Beat bargalna In 

price. Beat . p rl w o'lB" 

iooih. mawm wttM _ 

BaUdlBg. Booaton. Tnea. 

XOnOV KOTDU OUTtm boBght. aoii, and 
eicbaaged. We want a fa«r' aMM.Iaia Mdal 
aaaeblaea. Bava aevarel barbalaa BF i w i l lla and 

BIS ootdla on band. VOmiBrVmm- 
ENT CO., Dnlnth, MIna. 

YOH BAUE — We loaned gaoo on six reels of film 

Part arc oolocad. Local 31. P. mea aay they are 
fine. 01 .ao. W O:t»-— I ■ WUl atMHoa.iia cash. 

BOl _ - - 

I will eell my aeir 

eemptete for SIO 




9 ■ e 


We make parts for all maehlnea. Write and 
get onr catalogue aiul prtcea. Ma onfa etorar of 
moving picture macblnea. L. BETZ, 809 B. 
Sid Street, New York Clly. 


S^'^pb. 'l^r^^oCR^Dndennrlter'^a^jaf'lttl 
otlograph. Bdtioa Model B., SUadari, ^ 
new, at epeelal rale. Many other reductions. 
Pstbe Pssalon Play, aa new, low. Bi*Dd foe Bop. 
S3; haa many bargalna In machines, suppllea, 
etc. HABBACII i CO., 800 nibert, Pbluidol- 



for five or ten cent Ihrslre. Csn operate Edi- 
son, Power's, Patbe. Experienced In pletnrs 
shows. You send B. R. ticket. Steady, sober 
and lellible, LESLIE A, MITOIIEI.U care Be- 
tel Victory, cor, Jerfrrsmi A Randolph Sto,. Do- 
ttalt. Mlebigan. *^ 

Pewvr'a Ne. 2 Pletur* Maehin* 

Almost new, with screen, are and ealcinn e^alp- 

— — _ .. 1( 


Condition guaranteed or money refandad. .\Ad<. 

mcota, theatre cable, elc. Worth IIM aa 
stsnds. Best olTi-r tskes It. Mnst oHl i ' 

O. A. BAUKR, Spsrklll, New York, 


Ttie Billboard 

(CaatlnMd (Nat PM* U.) 

Rv«ri:e Atnutronf ud Bob On tm dolu a 
,1.1.7 . ct Witt the H.iUnf. Bbow oo tli. 
E«.i'rn Wheel of burlMQue. They opn MMt 

iJSIm l» tiMi chief liTralraT-B.«( ■U 

r. >rH aoT of the neUlbMrt talk lot um mm 

'■'to B 

of tiM 

•( tba 

••J:'T*»t«i. «>. ot tt. cM-t 
•nd on* tliBt kaowa aU tba npaa at; 

luhnnj. to eallad, dalB* Oat tti. m 

la. I oD» Ot bla blnaat aaaMoa^^ 

Iilni»r Walten. *~ JKff . 2* 

Indinc 'a ^J^^ VL 

in Uebomleli. «t oar dtr. bw Ntvnnl 

Saut. Joa l«n wiurcad-aab caam baila 
ud « bUek Talet, wba aaeorted blm to tha de- 
^ He did wall at tba eontaet and wbaa be 
urlTPd boma tba Wabaab waa on tlma and all 
ib> Toledoana laeabad blm witb open ansa. 

Otto Kllarca, tba bnaUloc local minater 
•f tb* Aodltorloin, baa bla booaa booked np to 
Ibf middle ot Marcb wltb aoma of tba bls- 
awt ibowe oo tba Sbnbarfa ttea. 

An ad appaaiad la om ot tMlocd papera 
far a plane plarv <« ■ iff*^ pletnra booaa, at 
atTfB ^an • «» •mar oa fct a 

- ■ ■ — -• mm ;IiHk Into IblB. 

■ma a( tM miHM tkMtlca 

"TicUe UeUIUIan baa Inat tatnnea from tba 
anllal of tba world. DeSanee, O. Ha waa called 
•MO to be a candidate (or tbe dectfam of major 
ef the »ald ettj. . _ ™ 

Uananr Lawrence, of tbe Paycen Flajera, 
at tbe ABMticaa. with jb a a y IMon of new 



(Contlnoed frem pace M.) 

rop Omnan, 
ItM niaylag aa 
■^Ua boalnci 

of tbe National, alnca be baa 
•t tba S. * 0. Mta. 

■och lomnftO. 
baa asala opal 

Sm cent morint pletara booae. 

nator and Merle are bere attar an abaaaee of 
tM yeaia. Thar Intend plarin* aboat twalva 
weeka oo the Cbaat, and wlU depart for Ana- 
liallt, their home. 

Charlte P. Hall, fctmerly proprlrtor of tbe 
■icDoaoogb Th»iti«, Oakland, who hM ba«a 
en the alefc lUt for aerrral moDtfaa. la Mt aapl^ 
look lax aa wril ai rrrr. He aara it WIMfll tP 
ftt back I n the bnaln wa afaln . 


Work roBtlaaaa on tha "what to ba" tha 
ABrrleeo Xoele Hall, which If (ar fMii cob- 

Amant Bttlboard nOcn wm Ahoo Hamad, 

riprlelor of the Hamad -naapa ot Araba, who 
at preeent AUlsc ttaa vrer tba Pantacee* Clr- 

called. ' 

Pop Minrlee Boeker. tbe wcU-knon aide abow 
nan. li at preeent In Sootbem Calltomla, wbcre 
he abowed tor three coaaecntlTa moatba In Loa 
Angelta. Be atlll haa tba bis aaake. and la 

M» making tha nialler towaa. 
. Bate Itaeaaa. '•tba |rtmdaaaa with a aalle.*' 


(CoBtlnacd from page IP.) 

■': Miname Lawraaca Lahmaa. «( tba Aadltor- 
laa Theatre, la maUac «aMa a faata 
Pntran of tha Andll ~ 
Cmpia;. Thtia aia 
ataflea ot mll-kaowa 

rlHet and trlenda aad aawa oT tfeaa ^ ^ 

whmaboota and tha* aaaa miinlfij SmU 
tnm "the man la tba boa** or •nba «M la 
Ue |H><" of tbe iraek'a perfacnaaca and pae- 
rorncn. Thla, Maaafer Lehman aaTa. la tbe 
OUT program of tta kbd la anr theatre In the 
toontrr (Bd la daaarrlag of all tbe altratlan 
U aria. Uaoaaar Lahmaa eoodaeta ttala de- 
partment bimaclr, oceaaloaallT writing Itema, 
tid with the aMiataaea of the Orphenm'a big 
Piga dtpartotPat aad opportnaltlea. 
: Jteama CItr haa a now oatdeor theatre law. 
f» oW laahea prarMlic for tbt rwalatlaa of 
MMer iheatrea aalan •lh•t^MMM* amaa- 
■•Ma waa laHodaoad iato^ka. WHaBnaat 
rSS' penMta that aa^aBldatP tbaatie. 
■Mom. leerobow. «r vlbor (iaca or imMNBt 
•r entrrtiinmeat la^lba MaMb (hall ba wlibiB 
e«e knartred and Str (MO) teat ot a«p prieala 
Jvelllna. flat or anartawBt hooea. tt a^r aoeh 
"» opcraird wlthta tha area aamcd, they 
nan he ilerlared a nolaaace trader tha ordl- 
aaare. aii outdoor atnnaeoMit pUeea now ba- 
nt opT.teit are not to be dlatrnM nntll tbeir 
prearnt lln-iuea erplre. 

nlitht of Prtday, Pab. B waa Ohorna 

HThe New Cenlarr Oltla, ~ • . 



■■■ MMitlaaMI''-^Niia''iia^^ 

<»r»ri..,k the fact that Jl waa the lint time a 
»T»M,i onorii wa. preaoBted here wltb half ot tbe 
•iZT, '■;"'l»"r<l ot Amertcaa iclria. There were 
•jv^nir.flie Of them, who cam« from 8t. Paul. 
iVi Ci'wgo and other Waatota eltlev 

fcr .m" Zl'* ♦««»ed la Chicago " " 
rnr ihia opera cempanj. The ~ 

^" ■gwft t> a _lSrlc waa bollt . 

"mSMoM^ *^ taTUhaaaa at 


(TiMl opmi tan gMTCd 

that the booae la laadeqaata for tha narpoaa. 
Tba bnlldlas la owned 1^ Mr. Otto H. Kahn. 
one ot tha dlrcctora of the Chicago Opera Oom- 

paDjr, aid alio at Ow HatrapoUtaii. Ha tc< 

haogbt tha adlalBloc property 
aad aaath.aldao ot tba hoUdlBg. 

• at BMklag asttoiloM to tfit . 

Mr. Kahb alio bad BUaa diawa tat 
: bat tha a anr aaa of tbo opera haa 
_ many ot tha pmmlnaat dtlaeaa who 
Wtta pmaot, aad ther bar* itattd that they 
would glea flaancUl aid to tbe project of erect- 
lag a now modeca opera booaa that would ba 
aaadant to prorlda tor ear opera tor tbe next 
tweaty-flra raan. Tbe fact that aoelety leadera 
haro recognlaed tbe need of a modem ball room 
for aoeUl aSalra baa glTen aome Impetna to ttala 

A eotaailttaa will bold a eoaferaaea with Mr. 
OMA ta. dliewt tba atttar. Thoae who ad- 
fPiatP. .ilia pralact aspaet to ralaa a taad of 
MMtmO Mr tbe panoaa. The baa xoon wIU 
ba eoaattaetad la eonJoaetioa wltb tba opera 
hooea. aa tha lot la ampla for both. It tha pUaa 
are aettled tha apara baoia wU ha eraeted lir 
a ttoek company of local flDanelera aad not 
by thoae who are lotereated la the opera com- 

Tba plana tor tbe new Empire Tbeatre on 
Wcot Fayette atreet hare been completed, aad 
Architect Otto O. Slmonion wUl aak for blda 
tblB aiontb tor tbe oonatroctloa of the balldloa. 
Thla will coat aboot SUS,O0O. An appllcaUon 
waa Bled at tha BolUIng Inapectoc'a offlce laat 
week tor a ptralt lor the erection ot 
tha tbeatrek Tha baOdtag will ha three atortea 
high with a baaemaM. It wVrhc of brick, 
atoaa aad ateel. with torn eatta. and copper 
trlmmlnga. The lobby and eatraaca anil ba ot 
oeaamenul metal, Ughtad by rarl-colored eleetrle 
Ugbta. Tha Interior wtU be fltted oat In pel 
lued oak. The project la being llnaoeed br 
New Tork capltaliata. 

Mr. Jamea t.. Keman entertained tbe lamatea 
ot the Jamea Lawrence Kernaa Hoapltal and 
Indnatrlal School for Crippled ChUdrea at tha 
Maryland Tbeatre, Janoary 27. Maater Oahrlel 
waa one of the teatnrea on tbe bill, and after 
tbe performance he gaTe a reception to tbe 
ehtldieo. Mr, Keman recently gare a largo part 
of bla fottoaa to thla laatltnttoo aa a penaaaaat 

To Bare* the Creaa la tba titia ot a aaw plar 
by Jamea HaUrek Bold that irin reeaira lla 
premiere at the Academy ot Mnale. Feb. dL 

Owing to tha atrlncenej ot tbe child labor law 
la thla dty, aereraf acta which carry children 
were obliged to cancel their engagementa at lo- 
cal theatrea. The acta were to appear here 
thla week, ne pervona concerned applied to 
the- Uairor tor permlta, bnt aa the enforcement 
of the law la In tbe bands ot tbe Maryland Bn- 
i*aa of Btatlatlcs and Information, the appU- 
canta ware aent to tbe Borean. Bowerer, the 
appUcaati wara latnacd aad tbe police were notl- 
flcd to bt aa the taokeot tor aar rlolatlona ot 
tha law. Aar vMaliaaB ot tbo law ar* aabtfect 
to a aae ot tioa tM to 1180). 

U. J. Labaaarar. anaaagar at tba •AaadoT' ot 
Mnate. (•taiacd bona laol week attar a laar ot 
InapactloB of tha Weetem CIrealt of the era- 
dicate. He accompanied S. P. Nixon, aanlor 
mmber of the dim at Nlzoa and Zimmerman. 
Mr. Lahaayw U aow anDerrUlng manager of 
— — . — . — Klxon and Zimmerman 



' (Ooatlnoed from page It.) 

Ooed miwie la becoming more popular with 
Omabaaa. Hln Millie Ryan haa crgaalaa aa 
Omaha Oraad Opera Btndr Clnb with a member- 
ehip ot aarenty-llTe. Tbe eoclety haa prodnced 
n Ttvratore. Paoat and The Oardrn Scene 
frea Paralfal. Mlea RTaa bee recenllr writ- 
ten a TBinahle lioak. What Brrrr alncer Sbonld 
Know, giTtBg a thoroogh and exbanatlre knowl- 
edge of what la reqnired of the candidate for 
grand opera honor*. The book la hating a llra- 
ly aola aad la recommraded by teacbera and 
prtaa owa U a b e i e. 

Tba Baia and Braodela •chool of AcUiw baa 
bad a proopafooa year. Some of the gradiiataa 
are Ulm Qwandollae Patea with tba Caatoe, 
Now Terk: Mlaa Vletaa Patea. oa tha Orpbavm 
CIrenlt. aad Mlia Bdna Levi, with tha Balaaco 

The May Hoaleal P>eetlTal will ba greater 
than erer thla year. Mlaa Mary 
bom In Omaha bat whaaa\tMa9:1(. 
win take actlTe part. Mil 
teraatlooal repatatloo. 

Tbe Amerleaa, tmder a new manager, la do- 
lag good hoalneea. Coaatant change at thla 
booae haa hamtDtoce hart tha boalaeaa. Pre*, 
pecta are good tor a aoecoMbd aaai 
poblte aia Jott beglanlBg tP'tlta'ta 
aad 80 cant raadartlle, 

Tbe Oayotp 

Rrw*a attraeltaaa ■ aia tatfear riaqoe. tba 
Oayely ntfll balda tba Mgceal patiaaaga. 

Tba adeaaca- aal* tor the two Madame ah a aa, 
Madame X aad Kadana Sberir. waoM tadleato 
crowdrd boneee at ererr performaoeo. 

Manager 'William Itymea. ot tbe Orpheom, 
baa a aew hat. Ttala In Itaelf la not remark- 
able, bat Billy MTa; "For the flnt time In 
fonr montha I hare ftqaeeard In enongb apare 
minolee to pay • tlalt to a baberdaaber'a and 
get a new bonnet." And that meana that the 
MllMWttttojNiMtat. Ol^inim haa been alar- 

^ • H. J. BOOT. 

; VANCOUVER, B. & ! ' 

Mr. Oardoa Black, eecretary of VancooTer 
Lodge No. 34. T. M. A., wonid like to hear 
froB all traTclhut laemhera ot thla local. HIa 
addrtoa la ladS Albnel attaet 
Dan fhenaaa, who waa t aal ui ad at tha Or- 

pbraa laat areek. learaa that a aoaMa of Iota 
that he pnrcbaeed beic when ba jlint MM tm 
yeara ago hare tncreaaed BMrM^'Mp^ Ih 
■ralne bnt Pan atate* that they Mo aot la tt 
with tAke Sbermao. N. T. 

Cntll rrccntir the Mllnoatlag la thla city 
waa controlled br one firm. iHit now there are 
tliiee Onna In tha fleld and the rivalry lietween 
them la rerr km. Althoagh competition la 
a n pnoaed to be the life of trade, lo thla par- 
llmlar caaa It la net and tbe naera at tlie hlll- 
boarrla are - anfferlng areat loaa. 

Blyden'a Playera will go on tear Feb. U 
with a rnMTtolia ot thrta plecea. Two-atght 

Manager Joe Walfelgg dC tha- 

elalted Seattle laat 

With hU theatre. 

Tba Lawla and Lake Company are In their 
laat weak at tbe Grand and wUt be followed 
by the Prlnecaa Mnalcal Comedy Company, 
wblcta will ploj a taar weeka' cogagenaat. 
Ur. Wnilaai BbonBaa, ot Calgary, waa la 

^ w« .laat weak la — " 

ctoealt that Ig. ' 

For Parka, Ttiiatr— gBdl 

Clear, 66. Ciieraiji. 

BAnrnr eleoxsidoOi, 

U Wahiaan AeeBaa, 

Ferrotype Pfaitee I 
^ and Buttons ^ 

ra CENTS PER 100 

Andgnaiaataad to ba Hint gnaBty. Pwnra itt 
Certainly I will, by aaa<BBs.yoa FUB a tiW 

9 \ 


PlatM, 1 3-4x2 1-B...............TCa parIM 

Moiinta ...... aw o par ,00 

Button PlatM ....TCoporlOO 

Frame* OOo parflfwawand up 


When yon bay from ma yoD aare 
tba Dealer* Diaooant aa I mannfao- 
ture everything I aalL 

yttta Ug 1«> Mt^fcWM # a»ni 


96-98-100 Maiden Lano. 




Ferris WhiMl. useful Carnival Paopto In all ilnM. 

High Divar. 

Would Inqr AT leaaetiiree baggage can. Legitimate oonoenioirii'iranted 

for Mathews and Brown's Magnolia f Minstrel Maids shows, the Big 
Beauty Show. Shyster single soubrettes, two comedians and pianist 
Frederick Turner, Nell Chissiner, Effie Hudspeth, Smuckler Sisters, wiila 
or wire Macy and Mathews. Meigs, Ga., 6-11; Boston, Ga., 13-18. 

*^ i?A J R J A P^N " 

Opw "lElmib^ 13411^ ilacla. State 

: -fkkwaiqiijt Auipioes Natibiial Yaoiuril 

Wf X Kl'l*!?! \ I Seosatioiial Free Acts, good, dean Percent- 
VV 1 CdU m age Shows, ConcesBions and Demonstrators, 

^^^HB^^MMMOB Liuette or similar show preferred. Ridins 
Devices suitable for indoor work. Can use three Single Girl Acts and 
Jap AeL Six "weeks in state armories to follow. 

PICKMAN A PAULUS, Proprietors, Elmira, N. Y. 

Smashing Records E verywherei 

m HOUWOODS, Hypnotists 

$1.378.70— lOe. 20e and 30e. 




Oat oar pneea «■ aoep and toilet artlclea. The* 
wlU latereat no. Oar admtlalag aaaorted paekagea wltb 

rOit IHOWS, claNlTAlJI, wm. Mooey-f*ttrra for eaa- 
aad takera. Oaa yeang maa cleared (a • 
Are yea dalag aa vrllT If not. 

BATn SCAT 00. 

. aeod noatal to-day. 
aat tlaioa raik Obart. CHIGAOO. 



Heme w a Htt a; aaar pahllc acbool. Beaatlfol anrroDodtnaa. Addma MBS. PRANK COOK. 
Uoraeana, M. 3. DMaaea (ion New lork City, forty minutes, ivii-phont. 2S7 iiur«-merr. B«ck 
ot FalMga Park. 






ill boar 4 

'Moe* In U:2S 2-«. Be *lm 

.Mi« emit. Tbe race at 880 larti *atlag 
. MAwuds. wu won hr A. JUaon. 'at Haatnal. 

witk EL Z. HalToncn, of Ch lco ao. i w wWI . Tb* 

Mm waa 1:45 3-B. 

' Wtmnk Neol ' and John McDonmld, two of tbe 
■Ballaat roller -akateta la tlie co<wtr7, Usoe tlw 
' UUawlpf 'rhallaiiiit ■ to aoj team of rela; akat- 
- an IB ttaTliilWI Statea; Beaumont and Palmer, 
; aC a w i ; ti na fcii ed- Tbey wm akate on kbt 
' ^ tk* j. « m « IHun name.' in or oat of Chl- 

. J at ite Bfi<mlnr..tndb' OM- 

-BoUi bavo ■won owdala ~ ' — 

„ JDle (rant of tbeir racliq; 
atmtm jucerted tir addradnc ' 

I . . 

^■cat half, ttie Ullnols AtUetlc aeren toyed witli 
'ilka Pboenlx team, of St. Paol, in tbe openlac 
^ank aC tbe aerlea of two tbe loe 

;em «ltk tht iMtf wtmi t iar ttae ui It 

BalBted street, Chicago, 

VSUas op s score of 8 to 0 at tbe eul of the 

ball on roller akatea waa rerlred at 
Junur 21. when Kats'a Klt- 
— j'tt-Q.r-aim 

A new atar was aneoTeted at Sana Sooei Rink. 
OUeaco,. niday nlsbt, Janoarr 2T, ia Ulltaa 
OaawvD, who won the one mile ecratcb race 
ftaB a Held of nineteen atartera In the (aat 
tlaa of 3:25: 1-5. On aeconnt of the nameroiis 
antrle* It waa uetti ae aij to nm the rmce In three 
haata and a flaal. the two faatest men In each 
kMt, tb« tbM mmm la tte lutcst-beat qnalUr- 
- - - - - . pi„j„_ at Ancrtlea. 

CU Oailaoa;il(. 

Proctor and Gnlllckaon oat of the race wbIA 
■aaolTed Itadf Into a Ogbt for aecond place 
featwees Carlaon and Angelica, Caswell leading 
br aboot twenty feet. Carlaon flnlabed aecond 

ntr feel 
. flilrd. 

JOe Runpton, of WteUta, Kanns. aged 22, 
MPke tbe world'! continnooa roller skating 
ftuscd Jannarx 27. at Wielilta, Kaitsaa, akatlng 


Inal game of hocker plajed between tbe 
X Bocker Team, of &t. Paul. Uinn., and 
na minola Athletic Club, of Chicago, was 
g^aj^^nn^ 28. ,at tbe. Ice Fa^ee._CliIeaso. 


Obe of the beat nnlsba erer wl tntmJ la tk* 
lacna at tbe lee Palace, waa afcated JanaaiT M. 

the teat aC the acxlew at CUaa *V races. 
Iks taeh- WIS Aalhd la -taw heats and a Anal. 
■Iks teat kcat was wan Itr Vtti. 3. llanolpb, 
K. W. Leedr. aeriaid. and Vkank A.- Klobn<dier. 
ttteA. Tbe time waa 1:34. Tbe second- heat 
ra br NeU. N. Jaeobaon, W. O. Slmnimon. 
asanl. and Hioa. Norman, third, lime 1:34. 
Yhs' flaal was one of tbe cleanest races skated 
at the loe Palace, and after tbe ' foarOi lap. 
was one contlnaal ronnd of spicy sprints and not 
OBdl the last Inch of the dislanoe - was akated 
easid be winner be picked. Jaoobssn stsrtsd 
off wttk the ctack of the too. Oatttr 

S3bg im Kkt tmt. Wltk Mm Bste Isvs ts 
• graad e i MMtln ^ of paaitlaii ImHtl i n waa 
Issahft oat bx SImonson, Xazaolpb end-MoeaMn. 
wMek waa kept op imta the flDHh was ttaebed: 
Ob Ike last lap. Manolpb cama ont ftom .third 
^~|0B on tbe back stretch and In trying to 
1 tbe pjle. slipped snd It was his only good 
ane tbat sared bim from a bad spQL Stmon- 
aecing that Msrxolph hsd lost his stride. 

np a good sprint snd crossed the tape s 

Winner orer Msrxolpb, who finished second and 
— third In a blanket anUb. Tbe time 

t, being skated in 2:28. 


I flnel oC tbe 880 yard emit 

Ijenty. tbe champion, wltlt- 

Irmwlag aa a competitor,' marred tbe Intematlon- 
sl iifc»t<n[f Championship race<' at Montreal, 
f*m^»^m JuDsry Tbe first heat wsfl skated 

In 1:28 and the second in 1:45. Starters tn tlie 
■nal were warned that there was to be no 
and a limit of 1:30 was placed on the 
Lamy won in 1:33 l-S and tbe ofWrlsls 
sd it no race and ordered it to l»e.a fated 
lamy refnaed to come oat and wltkdrew 
mat Ika rvt of tbe jnogtam. Tke innnariaa; 

22a Tards-r-Tlnal— Ednmnd lav. lat; W. a. 
tsilawi. Sad; K. I.. W be ei er , and. Xtae. 


, ass Tards— Final— DeeUred no race. 

One Mile — Final — L.. Wheeler. 1st; Barry 
.Kaed. 2iid: Boe. 3rd. Time, 3:18 3.^5. 

Three MUe»— Final— Barry- Kaad. lat; B. I.. 
Wheeler, 2ml; W. E. annderaoa. 3rd. Time, 

220 Taid Hurdle — F. B. Bobaon. ,1st; W. B, 
lua d ei a o n. 2nd: FIndlayaon. 3rd, Time. 0:31 Z-6. 

aao Tarda Backwards — A. Kaaon. lat; I,. 
Paala. 2nd; Byrne, 3rd. 1'iBie, 1:42^1-5. 


- » «. * . . -- 'i tko firth and last pre* 
llMAtr^L:r>-* t >^Ire. race JaoDsry 80, at 
Ika lea Palace, in %e fast time of 1-.37.' Frank 
waa aecond and Otto Brack ttlrd. 

Korman. who Is doing 
la the races at the Ice Pslsce. 
back to foorth place while Klobncher 
lead wMeh be bdd for tliree laps, wliea 
tMac «C larlBf behind. Joaqied lato 
m aad aat a tccrUe pace wkick he csa- 
fSr the kalah of tbe race. Sadiela won 
B0VCII7 race, mnning fonr tape to wn- 
on skates. 

Final srrangements bare I>eeiL completed by 
tbe management of tbe lee Palace for the hold- 
ing of the Western Indoor Ciiamplonsblps to be 
Ikeld Monday and Tneedsy night. F>tbmar7 6 and 
7, at the Ice Palace. Secretary Julian T. Fia- 
gerald baa mailed entry blanka to orcr 100 skat- 
ers to aS parts of tae West.' aad ha nas tbe 
aaanrance aa tke anMse at SB tiw prominent 
speed skaters, sad the list oC eatriai vfll far 
exceed tboee of the IntrrBatliaal meet. Bcbert 
MeI«aB will baTC a great chaaaa to show the 
Chlcaco skstlng fans wliat he can do with 
Skntm who are In bis dsaa, as be will hare 
a chance to meet tbem all. Carl Ahlrotb, of 
St. I«ais. wbo has held the Northwest cham- 
pionship for seTcral. yesrs, wlU be here, ss well 
aa Oacar Blankenmelster. who writes tbat be is 
in One shape. Artbor J. Hess snd B. O. Bmnst 
of CleTeland;' Cel . Dnbe. of Escsnabs. Mich.; 
Vtra T. Johnson, of Lanrimn, Ulch.; T. FIstier. 
Artbnr Tanmsn and others from Milwaukee: and 
Aateta from St.^ taal, MtonrsjOlla^^ai^ ^er 

' " ^- are now 


Ike evcBta. that are 
to -be akated are as follows: OneHDoarter mile, 
oae mile, three laOe. oaBlislf mile, one mile 
jonlar dumplonahlp, ladlea* half-mile diampion- 
shlp. 22C-ysTd dssh. two mile, one mile noTlee, 
440-yard hurdle. Tbe noricc race will liSTe 
some of tbe best noTice Skaters erer seen In 
competition, as they liave .been working out at 
the Ice Palace for seTcral weeks, snd see sl- 
aoma of tbe other elaas 
wU basa a large 

bare tbe 

■ A NEW BtNK. 
A new and op-to-date skstlng rink has been 
feteeted at Union City, Pa., by E. M. Cooper. 
OB Ifaln street. The dimensions of the rink 
ara 214 feet long and 50 feet wide. The rink 
ia aebedaled to opa on WsaUnstoa's birthday. 


To some extent this tells In binnorooB style 
the real problem the makera of playa now face 
when taking their wares to tha drat tliestrt of 
Ftance. Almoat sure of bsTlng It lalb s ed . aad 
disliking to brand tbe work wl ty,ll:Wtt 1 tbe 
inatant it is pot on tbe market. trillBn.-aas tsk- 
Ing ttaair pieces to other liiinsis - • 

3ks tet.gC six 

giren at the Chatafet naatre kr b 
can, tbe faasooa danecr. She sabde a 
impression aad repeated '-the bogs 
met with two yesis ago here. Her program was 
made np of fragments of the Orpbee story, as 
told In tbe dance. 

present to see ber work were tbe 
: Koxlere. tbe.wilter; Ooltry. tbe 
aetoav- sad otters ooite as well known. 
Mme. Uelba. tbe great stucr, sow la Paris, 
stopping with friends in tbe BoOISTsrd MsIAer- 
bes. Is conflned to.her bed wlflua same attack 
of grippe.' Fhiaiclaas aedan' aba Is la no 
danger, bat tkat k 8t«sr ta kaa* dawn eompll- 
eatlons. she wlU he Obliged to keep to her room 
for seroal wetfa to eome. 

Zrette Oollbert- is the beadliner « tb* Al- 

ii at the 

Director of ika 

. 4a IB aC latfme^jMJia ksM, aas it 

wm lrswia -«a >a kdfca ke^Srfll JkTSa^ta :s^ 
..sse Ma dansa, tt -k^«^ 

JcMA Cany, the Americui roller racer, now In 
Paxlo. this week met and defeated In a twe-nty- 
ODe lap race tbe third, fonrlli and Oftb meo in 

tlic recent twenty-foar boor ^rliid. Then was 
a priae far the man who was ahead "at the end 
of each three laps, and Carey won the entire 
pooL The cTent took place at the Tel d'HlT. 


Le Fen dn Volsia, at tka Tbtatro Mfckel. Is 
to be taken to laadn. .SkliL Ha-laMat plar 
by FrancU de Cwlwat, kaa Mat wiS tiaaHirslTi 

saecess here. 


Lncien Gnltry, creator of CSiaotecler, Is not 
to make tbe American tonr reported^ some days 
sgo. After rArenturler flnlBbea at tbe Pikrt 
Saint BarOn. Oaitry win beirlii rebsarsals at 
the VaodeTlUe of Le Trlboo. 


tie Bols Sscre (Decorsting Clementine) Is to 
be tsken off st tbe Vsrletes next week. 

Fire stsrtlng in the fnmsce room of tbe And!- 
I'^'irm s hmti a g . rink and snmmer tbestre, at 
Hastings, Nehk.^ boned away tlie 'sopports, tbe 

flM^aawBjMBta^^ baasma^ea^rtag with 

tar Jb» 


(Ceatinaed Cma paga B.) 

be the biTailable complement, not oaiF of Intel- 
ligence, bot of a keen pereeptloa and aa Insist 
into the heart of affairs. I know of no more 
fitting bsadmalden' to wisdom' tbsn blmaelt. 

OlTe me s trae hnmorist, and I wHl show yon 
a. real nblleaopber. The old saying that "erery 
socccasfnl circns most have a down," can not 
always be sobstantlated. as last sessoo tbe 
Gentry Brotbers gare what tile writer thinks 
their Tery best production to tbe people's satla- 
faction altbODgb this eompsny of brothers, like 
faaUIr. are famona for slwaya glr. 

a.jagb^daas Aav. tbey bare slways nsed 
lMrBvailaBtaiaaaa..jmcB " 

the]> omitted tbis 



tie of proprietorship intentional ob- 

a dawn was not only ex- 

Bsetsi to attend te his tunny saylaga and coo- 
fcsl aaonu kat be would cxtrad Us doOes into 
risaalai alMiist cnty otha act. ao matter what 
the tata sslght be. 

Acu were not eatlidy spedslised then aa 
now, whole families besides tbelr osrn loatlaes 
would take psrt in most erery set placed and 
the command of "CTerybody In tba leaps snd 
gronnil tumbling," bid to go, except the female 
members of tbe families. 

Aa the circns increased with the pobilc de- 
mands, the aize of the white tents were so eu- 
largcd that they could not glre Justice to tbe 
Tolces of the sloglng snd tslking clowns, so the 
spedal or featnre prodndng clown was bom. 
snd now almost erety clown act la done in pan- 
tomime, except the ^rrnlngi wbkb la asoaUy a 

Bight here Is where soch grand and glodons 
work Is done. So, kind readers. I beg yoor In- 
dnlgeaee Cbr a few minutes, ss we hsTe been 
prscticslly commnnlng with the sngels in tbe 
former part of this article. So I ask you to de- 
scend to esrtb ooce more and listen to tbe trae 
word prsises of the fsmoos mirth makers. 

Jules Tnrnonr, who has been orer fifty-two 
yean as a clown, and now in bsmess as tbe 
Blngltng Brotiiers* greatest prod action in this 
Use. ia known by all professionals ss what la 
now tensed a tme gentleman and a hard, con- 
se h B ll s uj mrfcer.. saya that a doae rlTsl_to 
~ li. " " 

Bice, who w as ao Ma ts Daa; 
Daniel aad Wmiam H, Oi 
ley, -wumalear' Walker, 
The latter named gentleman Is tbe reel king's 

lester, and wore cap and bells. He knows more 
lines of Shskespesre tlian. most students, snd 
to-day he reads Ben Jonson snd Byron under tbe 
tent flaps while waiting for his turn. Mlsco is 
now 71 years old, aod still bale and hearty. 

Spader John.coo and "Silvers" Oakley, of the 
Crest Bamnm and Bailey Shows, did wonderful 
work, and were known for the grotesqoeness of 
their eostnDcaJ and the exaggerated alxe of 
ttete Hsek- a a d the ladks sna character of their 

big atmr of Anra^^SSMbg (^lage^a^^. 
Sr.. Inventor and prodoeer of comedy skits; Tbe 
Two Csslnos. the little msn snd the little bigger 
msn, in parodies on Caruso sad the Professor: 
Tom Boberts, tbe fnnny Welchman: Frank Mor- 
ris: Ckrl MilTO snd Pete UIItd, Die Zwel kom- 
Iscbe Brnder: Boy McDonald, the Scottish chief- 
tain; Billy Bice; Tbe 3 Proalta, German Ag- 
goata: George Bsrtzel. Jr.: John Miller. Frank 
Schadel and his great mnle; Max DUlae. the 
great Amerlcsn clown; Cbss. Bell; Chss. Hor- 
ten. tbe great humorist; Felix Under, Germany 
the Great; John Tripp: Barry Xecds; LO Kers- 
lake. "Baipyard UI.-' the Imv farmer and 

Ihdy ~ ~ — 


— ^ -leier: George Xld< 

_ . B. CamU; UL aal 

3 Uardoa. ScandlnaTlan dooaa. R< 

Ml dieaa; Hany Ore ea;. Data Olatk; 
Kilm the ItaUsa dswa; Art JsrrU: 
i rtat as tlb ; ■d.-Ward: Daaar OHIs, the 

Albert Osston. known at tha iMltiaaate 

talking and alnglng clown, and well may no earn 
his title, commencing with -P. T. Ban am Ibat- 
gomery Qaeen. Sells Brotbers. BingUng Brothen 
John Boblnson'a 10 Big. Barris' Nickel Plate. 
BatcheloD and Darts. John O'Brien, M. I.. 
Clark, Tbe Cooper Shows. Burr Bobbins. J. E. 
Warner, Al. F. 'Wheeler's New Model Shows, 
snd Witt a reeoftd of orer fifty years as a clown, 
hot " 

hnt now aa aettre aa a kitten; aad John Wlng- 
M4L aaethtr btigkt bK MtoMt br IM Wy- 
letts. of aeold B i lB iafc u k I ksaa r aaA >M 

ling aad DeOnao Brothen* Cktaa, balk gaai aad 
strong; A. BnaCh, Red Raaadik Cbatta B k Mi 
ney. and tba good old taaas, Kaaaadr sad BmIs. 
known as tbe giraSe el ea as at tke aid RoRla 
BrotheiB' Dog axd Ftar Bksaa; Hany Wat' 
son and George Richcl. ■9bs Ctowa Baad."- at 
tbe Blngllngs. snd sloeg eooisa alas WataoB sad 
hlB Farmyard Circns. Then the Great Garl Bag- 
enbeck and Wallace Shows presents JasMS Batb- 
erfoiM. Art Borplla and Fred Jinks, sB fsmoos 
prodndny clowna, who were aaaiated by orer 
thirty good fun makera, who alwaya kept tbe 
eiDwd in one cootlanoos theme of pleasure snd 

. ^ — ™- — Jlssmj Spdgga and Burt 

ifea BeWBsea Shown, fol- 

sad BaUs Bead, of the 

Dode FM Shows: Jolly Jeaan, tka Occat Wag- 
ner Show pet. and John WIcka and kb siiils. of 
Warren Brothers, and Edward X^aa. of tlw fa- 
mons Bossble Shows, moat Dot be fargotten 
"Get-tip, illDd." 

fO. Allen, principal aad prodselag .elova, u 
slated by Psnl Jerome, Jaaaa Homaa jSeph. 
tha orlgina] Bebrew down; fiareh Bagsr. Bhlrias 
Boberta, of the Campbell Brothers' Great Caa|. 

condudea my ceaiembeied list of fna prwIailM 
men known ss clowns, aod aa there ts sniiis'^*^ 

abont thU wholesome sort of eatertalameat tbd 
Is dlllereat from anj other form of dircisloa. the 
writer la led to bellere tne the words of tka 
fsaoaa poet. lien Jonson: "Beshrew ^m. te> 
clowas If properly. Indeed." 

Ba wge H. Weyman. prl^pal down, wllk ib 

good sssistsats. with the Dode Flah.siow mS 
U aa laat. bM not laaaL 

_ jwnlag aa# 

concert act with the J. E. Henry Bliow; famav 

not be forgotten, aa well 
Jobnsle Crossett, ia his high itdt do' 

Elogcald, principal prodndng down, and Kd 
ward Walton, Aognst clown, will both be witb 
Son Biotbots Show, wbleb aaaos cany la Msrch. 
at Macsa, Go.;. lmmt,m^.^ — 


or exchange. Tent. 38x20, Alligator aa 

Banners, complete show. Lire Alligators at aD 

• Iks; Wb!:- r- r « (:;t.'r BClir.lJs. Write fof 
list. AIJ.Hi.'.ToK FABM, S'aipLar, Okla. 

Ten Bed Band Solta trimmed In white aad 
gold, nearly as good as new, sixes from 38 ts 
40. Sacrifice for « MBS. NOBA TAB 
WINCLE. 401 Taylor Atc, rvjnwiKn. OblSk 


Canary Birds In cages, for wheels. t7 doa.; 
BhesQs Monkeya, gxxMl slsed, healthy, S12 eachi 
Dodging UonkieTa, with baraesa, complete, (Id. 


nm auB— i.<Mw 

Window Fibres. GasraalaM 

Cheu. bOnSOTCUKUi. 
mr. Uaw Tmtk City. 



Oomplete, ready to set op snd do bnslseas. Tbis 
is a magnificent ootfit. costing gl.200. 1 haw 
retired from the road and will take tbe small 
sum of 930O cash. This is tte abow that gets 
' — — Itf^ n tMtan 


tige. Tbia ia jaor 

one. Now stored in Merldlsa, 
CAPT. W. D, AMENT. JackaoB. 

WAiriED, HOTEL CAS— Will ICBt at kaTa-dk* 

that is fitted or can be fitted ta "~ — 

be first-daas in erery way. Ad 
BBOS,, Dea Uolnes, Iowa. 

WASTES TO BU~r— A Canraa Alrdome with 
ffnall canoTT f:>r htAgf. Beats for two or thrsa 

hnih!-T^l. y.r^t N cbea;^', Wbit bir^ Tou got! 
THUS. ATKI.NiO.N, S33 A. Waaf S'.., ToJedo, 0. 


Ws pot np the biggest snd best Sc box. lap* 
dally desirable for theatres, plctoie shows, dr- 
casca and parka. Onr peaaats aia < 
prepared ao tlwy stay fresh sad swn 
pesaot la the watM. Packed 
Ik • J itfdk » L1» 
*• JMBHKJify- liJi^Tokla, 

WABTIfH JocsHoB for a large op-to-dats Ca- 
roasd; alao larve cardboard organ for sale cheap. 
H. OOOm. 2» •. Tioga St., Philadelphia, Pa, 

. OowB. KecTO. 

WASTED — Good TsndeTiUe acta on comaiasSaa. 
Good bouse, good pattonaga. Write or wtia. 
KEBK8 BBOS., Rntetpriae Tksatze, BlglB, Tex. 


lar.:.- ci'al- j frr-', 

*<•''. l.;rar..1 Av.-r. 

A;dn>"« A. E. REIH, Pob.. 

la »n»w«rini: adv rcpntlon THB BILLBOAHD. 


liSf'^?*..?'*^ Player aad Trap Dnnnmer; most be shle to fill pictures; tra& drnamsr ta 
elfeets. Good steady position, good salaries. No booiers tjr trldets seed apply. Bnsi 
gwd si reaiaae e.. AgpUtaats not fnlfllllng. these (cqnircmeats wlU be dossd artdiMtt aodes. 

finiAL Sf Alts ^iMMiiOT^^^^N^ 

SBCONb CALL -^3412 Calumst Av«., Chicago SECOND CALL 


- Platform MMMiib Own Fronts and Coneasalona 

H. HMMMUnKLO. Umnmatr _ ' 8ID. BULFORD, Oonoral Agon* 

mranm nwanns.- ..aai^ a^^jErTTa ^ =~ -^d^AX, SMAPPT UTTLB BAILBOAD SHOW. 

sr« sssi5^."La'iri.^-s.5rs-'t^^ 

.about Clowns. Dlring Yenns, or say real aensatioo; Msn to ran Annex, Vaetatn, Pnndi, Ksgle, 
Fire King. Ventrlloqnlat with fignres. Strong Man or Woman. l.ady Impalement, Sword BwaUowsra 
and Walkers, Second BlKbt, Snake Enchantress (we fnmish snskes), Cooch Dancers, Han with 
Cannon Camera and a Wire Worker for lot. All pririleges for sale. Porterfldds, Brown FkadlF. 
Jsmea 8. Belmo. G, B, Wililsms. Bobert Bobetu. F. F. Bstcbelder. Fred Sbon*. wrlteT Ho 
booze, griff or short cske, WHl pnrctiase one or two more smsll elephanta; ststs height MM 
price: a psir of IJsmas; 80 or 70-ft, top with two mtddles: no rags, Begsrds to friend*. 

}. H. ESCHUAJf, Lindan Hills. IflmMSlinHs. Xlna. 




Want both Orchestra and 
SIMONSt,,Faiibat7,IIla, . 

Win» or win Ck Jl 

fVBRUARY 11, 1911.. 

Tlie eillboarcl 


NSW TOM pwE:fg»iSJ?^J**«: 

'^SSoRA <P<«T o: Wtlltami. ■ w.* 

jSinnCAN UU8I0 ball (Wm. Ifonla. 
•aT^Mcn.) V«u««Tllle twice ■ d«T- 
jUbSb (i- Bufort. iD»r.) The Bom. ntc- 

■'^KJJ^SCO (D«r!d BeIa»co. OCT.) . Tfce O«o- 
'«rt nineteenth week. ? -j-;' A ^j-^, ■ 

lilJoU (A. C. Campbell, mgr.} . WftW-UI^" 

IB The TIaroc. flfth week. 

BROADWAY (Wm. Wood, m«T.) L«w 
riflilK In The Henpecks. \ „ . 

BBONX (Percy G. WUlUan. nv.) VMde- 



-OtTT fWl* TMJ'"] 

^USunUUi (Pmr 0. Winiami, mir.) 
^■fla twIea a day. 

^mUASf corj.iRR's comedy (f. r. com- 
■tHkriiSM ■ Winiam CoTller la I'll Be Hiosed 

5lW*»n>*'' __ ^ . 

CKireRtON (Chariea IMbmaa. msr.) OUa 
•ktaner In Sire, third y nfc ,.' - . -v^ . 

COLUMBIA (J. HetbMt' MMkf . HVlV >AL 
krerro' B««nty Bbow. _ _ ■ 

DALY'S (Robert Eobertaoo. mitr.) The Fann. 
loortb week. . „ 

DEWEY (Wm. fot Amme. Co.. mgn.) Ta>- 
tttrOIt and moTiii« plctmaf.. ; . 

EMPIRE (Chariea rnMM^^qN- 
0(irTBioK Id Trdawaey af - nt IMIiL listii 
week ■ - 

nett. mrr.) TaaderUle aM awHac pletarM. 

OAIETT .(J. Fm* r iM ll W . hB. ■».) ^ OH- 
BIch-QnIck Walll«aHrt.-lLlVU ■nl':***^-^'- ' 

OABRICK (Chaitaa y ii h aii . ; iwKl - Mr 
World oneoed 8. 

GLOBE (Chariea Dllllnfham. mgr.) 
laali In The 811m Prloceaa. alzth week. 

OARDEN— Braeet Vna P oaa ai J la '' 
etpertolre. seventh «Hk> - _ :- 

GOTHAM (Wm. nBi'aar;t-,'llMM 
aad Tinderllle. ■ 

GRAND OPERA ROUSK (Jack Walch. awr.> 
Xbt Commnterm. „ . 

OBAND (Hatiy BeekoMB. Bcr.) Iforliit pic- 
tare* ndraadeellle. 

RAUiRIT (H. ▼. Cln i n ly; mgt.t Over 
lltaM. ifartk 'waek. 

mUAlD aonAIll (Hanr U. Hyama, mft.) 
flliil Tao ataddtfatd. ftoHh week. 

HIPPOimOXB (loha B. ntapalrlek. outr.t 
Hi latenattooat Cop. with the clrctB acta. 
Ha Bi llet of Nlamra and the Earthquake. 
MMB^-aectvsd week. 

HUDSON (Henry B. Hatria. msr.)' Nobody*" 
Widow, thirteenth week. 

Hnrtlg . mgr.} Roae R y deira I^e odoa B^lea. 

KEBinrB'-imBi»''AT»im <■•». «. -mc- 


UtCmt. D(T.) TandeTlIle twice a day. 

At.) Vaoderille and moTinff pictisrea. 


(IMaa 8q.) VaodeTllIa aod moTlnic pictnrea. 

9t.\ TandcTlUe and OMKeln^r nlctnren. 

B * PBoonwa RABim opw*- 
(a JvBMm, aa^ - - - 


_ , r.) Stock. _ „ _ 

UKKEBBOCKBB (Barry O. Saaioer. mgr.) 
dtaafcArtama Id Caiaateder. third week. 
UBraTT (J^W. Mayer, mgr.) T*»,B>>fc» 

LnccOLH SQUABB (Chariea Vrrgwrnm.- m^A 

MoTtac pictn rea aiWI T aodeTtlle. , - -. i 

lie.. mm>.) MoTlnc pictnrea aod TaadCTlBtL' 

_ LY CEPit (Daniel rrobmaa. agr.) 

Baike In Soaaone. aeTeatb weeter- .'^': 

LTBIC (Sam S. * Lee Shubftt ^ 
n» I jeep. P nrple. Sfth week. 

KAIBSTIC (Wnimr.8hol>eTt Ca.. mgra.) Wa.r 
' Ban Baat. third week. 

■ecatelD. racr.) Tandmflto tarica.a-aar. 

aleta rea aa d eaada^flla. > - ^TT _ 

Mi^ncB- HUorra ibbwi: cmb^. Mr.> 

jniBR'S POWERT (B. D. Miner, mgr.l 
IMIb Rrnige Rnrleaaoea. 

MINEK'8 Emmn AVBMUB IR. D. Ulaer 
■»T.) WnrM of Pleaanreb ■. 

•ad (aarter Company. 

JTRRAV HILL (rred Waldmann, mgr.\ Th ■ 
ColleM Olria. 

NAEn'OVA'S .10th ST. (Rvloh I.«n». mgr.) 
BahT Mlae. tonrth week at thla theatre. 

NEW AMSTERDAM (Klaw * Kriaaxer. 
■gjM Uadame Sherry, twentr-foorth week. 
-"iSL TOBK (Klaw * Brianger. n^ra.) 
BaarhtT Marietta, (oarteenth week. 

"BWTBBiWrRB rwiatbiop Aaaaa. mgr.) The 

Tajane Bteek Ommmk,'.-., . 

•"nmo (Maarlea ^KmC hbt.! . Ike 
Cacker Jack* sy,;:;; 

PLAZA (Ted Maika. awr.)- Tialafl 
a diT. 

PR08PRCT (rraak Oaiatcn. agr.) 

"'jT-fyL ""^'"W pictnrea. 
REPrrir.ic (DaTia Pciaaco. mgr.) Behecca 
o.'SSL"'™'* nl»e<»«»th week. 

..5*^21 'R'wnh'rg Biaa.. agiiL) TaMteattle 

and mnrlnc nletnraa. - .- -^ . . 

aad Taoderllte. — - 
^ TBBM OItT. II. loaea Johnatoo. mgr.) Agnea 
" meiaa R hijk Comnany. 

_ipnoPB IB. L. WcB. mgr.) Moylnc plctarca 

_TicreBiA Boor (UBinR ■mmL.m, ~ 

irll*''5? 5 »••■ Weber, mgr.) • Alma. 

wEU?"-!? »»«Moth week. 
^^EST END (J. K. Oiokaoa. mgr.) ,1ha Mlg- 

fyWiB DT (Albert KanSman. mgr.) MMtng 
•»TJ!2» !?• ♦«nd"llle. 
JJJMMTIWbu rai. Bwr.) VatrtarOI* aoA 

" NEMO (Wm. Fox, mgr.) VaadCTtlle and 
ojoTlog pletarca. 

' NATIONAL (Henry Loew, mgr.) Taadarllle 
and moTing plctoiet. 

.WASHINGTON (Harry Toma. mai.t UoV- 
Ing pt^twaa and nodeTlIle. - ■ f ■ 

VicaTA VtCnONHA HILb ovkr. 

(Contlaacd from page •.) 

popular Dumben, among them helpg Who Were 
YoD Wlib To-night and I Aqaalotdy. Poat- 
Urely Befnae. 

Fred KarDO'i Com(>dlasa doaed the tint half 
of the ihow, and daring the coarse of their act, 
A Night IB a London Clab. glgglea, grloa. smllea 
and lond langblog reigned supreme. The act at 
timee becomea atUy aad dlignatlDg, bat the 
cbaraetna partnrcd are aa aataral. that one 
caa aat htfp .hat aea Ma (aaaF aMe oC the slt- 
aatlaaa. aad tha inrtl li a aliiag MU. 

" " •( the 

eaplag. Mr. 

and did wM. 

Immediately attar tta — a rt i j mti, — i waa 
a abulBtng of tint, (katter aad a BMaB ncep- 
tlon. the atgn flaahcd. and the loog-hoped-tor 
Veata Victoria appearml. She sang aeTcral of her 
old aaeeeaaea. and waa forced to slog the okl 
taTorlte, Poor Joho. It la easily seen, by the 
resnlta during the two weeks' engagement of 
Mlaa Victoria, that ahoald the recclpta at the 
Uoale Ball fall oft to any great extent at aoy 
time In the tntnre. the painter will be set to 
work, the deetrie light wlU Saah, and Vesta 
Vleterla wQI be called apaa to dl^lar her abU- 

Oelfer aad Walteie. moaleal aztlata.- and 
Jack MeLaUaa. reiler akater, ee e ai l ed the last 
poeltjona «e the bill, aad held the aodlence 


The elaalBC 

waa allotted to Oar* 

Dell, who ooer Loopfas tka 
high eallhre. Their 

of axceptloaal merit, aad kad lafy Mtlla troa- 
ble In holding the aad teae t a ,' avaa tkaiigk they 
appeared at a rather late hoar 

other acta on the bUl deserrlnc of mention 
are Waterbary Bros, and Tenoy. maalcal come- 
dians; Ai. Lawioa aad Vnaeea Ntcaaa, ejciiag 
and bag ponehlagg Jtwalg-aad IfcigwaaJtf 'kiagera 
aod entertaljieii^'apd Aaaaaad KMi^' Bfca Danc- 
ing Adonla. " ' 


((joatiaaed ftom page 13.) 

George P. Umphy, who la now with The 
Newlyweds. la only ooe example of the real 
ralnc of the gennloe bnrlesque eomedtao. Be 
la a big farorlte ererywhere aod his clever 
comedy work la one oC the big hlta with the 
show. A deal of the show conatata of material 
which ia the original property of Unrpbyi anil 
hie funny cook-book monologue and hla OTer- 
remembered Scbnltaeltjacb. aa well aa his oM 
Unea of "Well I'm a son of a gon" and "Ob 
(or goodaaaa aake" oonlda't help remladlng 
one of Dfaw^.n^K Uttia a .tag HaatM ago 
when Oe«q»;-«BBjk»r9a a*^-.4kMr. Tbo 
Newlj ■agjj-a.BM^ akwr aaB>aaB kaMi or a 
comjeteat •MpBraT^ayaa alHiajj^'a deal 

I waa boa- 
■and tkeatrlcwl 


tka cooatxy iUU that 
at Mat of 

the Baat aad Middle Weat. 

dtercaae la the general recelpta haa 
by nuBT of the ikova wUA 
wm fortnnate enoogh to atrtke the rainy aec- 
tlooa. Wet weather is often a help to the l»or- 
tetqne theatre, especially when the rain comes 
on snddeoly and the theatre la centrally lo- 
cated. A ideasant cTeoing. anddenly Intermpted 
by a downpour. Is always sure to Improve bnsl- 
aeaa eondltloos at the borlesqoe house, when 
waytarcta are glad to Bod aome place of ahelter 
vhara they can paaa a comfortable evening or 
a f t ai aeoa. and wlaere they can escape from the 
m-wlB at tha dcBcata. It la la sack casca that 
tha kattaaqae theatia la beaadted by rata, bat 
where the rata beglaa early la the moralag and 
|M«u« ta ctseantty all t hi ao g h the day utli tale 
la the CTcalBC, tha reaalta are alwaya acgative, 
iniamneh aa the bed weather driree people home 
and Drareata them from coming downtown at all. 

All ta an. there la hardly any qneation as to 
the right kind of weather for- the bnrleoqne 
show, and for that matter, for any other kind 
of show, and that la floe weather wlthoot ex- 
treme In either dlrectloo. It la easy to rave and 
to complain abont the weather, hot aa It con- 
fronts OS with a condition over which we have 
abaolntely no control. It wonld seeaa- -that It 
wonld be boat to accept coadltlons as they are 
aad to bow gracefnlly to the loevltable. 

Condltloaa oa the oaa-alght atanda have also 
been rather bad aCM^aad Ifca **tarta~ ama- 
ager will donbaaM tik jpat «kia flia MF «en 

la over with. 


I am In receipt of a very congenial letter from 
oor old friend. Billy Bart, who iaforms me that 
be l< dolBc Blcdr with The arena OIri In vaa- 
devUle. The act laHhad lla eagamnent over 
the Ombeorn ttaie at ladlaaapolla. Jinnary 33 
and win open at the Fifth Aeenne Theatre. Hew 
York, on Fehmary 4. Oood lack to yoa both. 
BUI. Who la 'there la the boatneaa who docaa't 
Hd kig vemtUa wU*. aad who la 
^^}f!!|**^*M^ «M Mm^ the 

Oa* af Ika beat kanwa advance mea In the 
aae-alght ataad hnalneM la F. O. Sprowl. who Is 
(hla Hitna 'ahead of Tom Snlltvan's Monte Ctrln 
OMs. Mr. Sprowl la now completing his Sfth 
•ee*oa with the popolar Tom and Is making 
good, the ahow havlag had bat ooe layoff since 
the opmlng of tha leaaoa. 

Margaret Ring haa been honored with a place 
on the impplement of laat week's Police Ga- 
sette, and tonka well la her picture, showing ber 
leading her well remembered Frital Scbeff nom- 
ber. as with The Panriag Review some aeaaoos 
ago. Margaret Is this eeaaoa with Jack Slng- 

•fa Smaaden. aad la atUl nalac tha ' 

.If la M«y (or tka wkitf aB«|g ta talk about 

tbeir hardships aad trltadallaaa. bat Jaat take a 
slight gisnce at the tronhlea of the ageat ahead 

of the oae-nlght stand bnrleiqae "turkey." Tb 
him It la work. work. work, and then some mora 
work. The show Is forever at bis heela. and It 
Is op to him to Hod thestres enoogh to keep 
the ihow working. The work of booking alone 
Is a boalnesa In Itself.* and the man who goea 
oat abead of an attraction of this kind needs 
to know his boalnesa. and, above all. to have 
the energy and determination neeesaary to make 
good — and It'a ao caay cinch at that. 


Among the vlalton at the opening of the 
Polack winter cnrcas at Yoangstown fast week 
waa OUT friend. Tom North, and his charming 
wife. Tom Is doing some gregt work ahead of 
The Newlyweds, sod Is certainly baming np the 
territory with every conceivable Idea In original 
advcrtlalng. In thla towa It'a a hahy loot, aad 

*!^!S!F^* V"" ton°4..n. tkat Jkk mdhb afa 

•an flUcd with material -ftM Ika MUe MB 

ut the vcraatUe Tom. 


Mamie Howe, well knowa oa both wheela. and 
last season with Jacob* * Jennon's Gotden 
Oooks. Joined the Billy Wstaon Show recenUy. 
Mamie Is the sister of the famooa LIsette Bows, 
aad to the .wUa H WUIIaa Bamhard, of Swan 
aad B a j a kB d..iwU kaiwa ia.>nilmai aad aow 

Mwle MelvfUe Joined the Al. Reeve* Show 
at Chleago reeently. Marie closed with the 
Charlie Boblaaon'a Cmioe Olrls when that ihow 
played the Windy City, aome aeven or eight 
weeks ago, and apent her Xmaa bolldaya with 
friends In Chlcaga She evidently soon tired of 
life In the western metropolis, and the yearn- 
ing for a letnm to ataga life probably canaed 
her to accept the' gist opeadag which prascnted 
Itself. Mlaa MMteMi^S .MaMB^M'tbe 

ffr^trtj ' 

Masle Boward. who waa laat ieaaea with Web- 
er * Rush's Dainty Docheaa. aod daring the lat- 
ter part of tha seaaoa with Hartlg * Seamon'a 
Ginger Olria. la now irith the Polack Winter 
Cfrcos, which la plsylog the larger towns and 
dtlea of Ohio and Pennsylvania. Made la well 
known In bnrlesqoe circles, and has been with 
both East and West, having been Idcntlfled dar- 
ing her theatrical career with The Star Show 
Girls, The Tiger Ulles. The New York Stara. 
Th* Boa Tona. The Parisian Widows. The 
Dalatr Doaen, Vanity Fair and The Qlnger 

a cboma girl, and Lools 
aC the Star aad Oarter 

M tka atase of tha Qayety 
me^ Wla.7V 'ootlce Umb 

CoiiM The First 

The monkey with a human edu(»tion who 
is brealuDg attendance recmda for nana' 
gers at every perfonnaniK. Tlie Ootmt is 

S resented by nis trainer and owner, Viot. 
[arty De Rosa. Permanent addieas, 
THE BILLBOARD, Oncinnati, O 


IS "PO'taace. Dnderatand all aiooad 

* *** B. QBIXB8. Baldwia. Wlo. 


For April 1«t 

Will AlimI Traiiir 

Address GERALD IRWIN, General De- 
livery, Uanayunk, Philadelphia, Pa. 


■avaOnw-Fourth by Paying Caah 

Write for oor Big Sample Ontflt of SUka. 
Dreaa Ooods. Itllltnary, Doderwear. etc. Othera 
can't tooch oor caah prices. Exclnalve territory; 
make ten dollarv every day. Addrea* Dept. 430. 

MOSS IXk. St. Xranli. Ma. 

emoh Oems 

Not Imitations 

The frn-ateat triumph of 
the ••le<'trfc fornace — a 
mirvclouvly reconstractrd 
gem. Looks like a dla- 
monil — wears like a dia- 
mond— brilllaocy Roaraa- 
teed forever— stands Bllag. 
■re and acid like a dla- 
Bea<l. Haa no paats, ton 
or artlflelal backkg. M 
only In 14 Karat Solid Oold 
jnoontlngs. 1.30th ttomtaS 
diamonds. Ooaranteed to i 

, DO glass— will cot 1 - 

approval. Money el^m 
'^™". perfectly 
Write to-day for < 
Jewel Book— It's ( 
asking. Addrcw- 


St. r 


Novelties, Jewelryg 
Speoialtle t. _ _ 
iHL Rmv iHik flif S^idHlks 

Tha Baat Catalaflua In ttia TrMIa. 

If yon are a Ooocesaianalre, Movdty, Jea^ 
oIiT, Notion or lUr Worker. 
Btxestman, iuLtlnaasT, 
Boop-la (lame, or Oaa 
cannot affod to ke wltkout It 

It fonts In* tnll aad complete Una* la aiw- 
e*t Nwaltts*. BowcHlra, Watch**, J**s i«J. 
llMiBtalB Faoi, Optical Ooods. Pocket aal 
Thhla Ootlerr. xaake* Nadoos, Oaialral 
Ctooda. ate. ttc, at wholeaal* only. 

Br wtlaOiag a* that yon an a legltlBate 
dealer (aa we want to kan thtokaak «at «( 
th* coaaamsrs' hands). 
psimansat ' sddrea*. w* ittU 

aad yoa thla boak ftaa. - 

Tobacco Habtt Jaiiidffil 

forma of Tobacco Habit la ISiai 0*1 
tlve, quick and permaaani i * ll * > , ana 
Ko oravlng tor Tobacco attar th* drat < 
to three hoiea tor all ordinary eases. Wet 
to* reaulka In every eaaa or nfnnd moany. Send 
for our free booklet giving tuU Inforautloa. 
Elders' BanaUriam, Dept. U St. Joaeph, Bo 

Emraw Biun msTEK 

at litlitle Stage Daacc*. 
a waelaltr. 




— Prie*. 2S at*. SLACKKV 
1021 8. Wood St.. Ct>loa|«klil 

We Baanfactore and keep oa kaa^ 


The- Bill 

- pBNMiAinr nriMi 

.pjrrzaERA|.iy8 letjeil 

the Utter pt- 

ItDiB Banr B.- Kud, of CU- 
kcd third. Lwnr eoTered the 

11:22 2-0. Be also won the 4M 

' nrd mcBt. The nee mt 880 yarda akattnc 
■■tt iiUa. was WOD by A. Uason, ol Moatml, 
wUh B. U. BalToneo. of Chicago, aeewl. Hie 

rrask NenL"u4 Jobn McDonald, two of the 
.--amaunt roUer*«katan In the coontrr. laaoe the 
r.'loaawlns rtnlTwiia to ur team of tdij atait- 
' am ^ tho Qallat StatnTBaiuaar Md PalMr. 

i puLfaii ed. Thex akate «■ aar 

Uota aaaw.' IB «r oat oC Chl- 

afCDaoaM bare -a record of 

.„ j i a rlir nJlea for a taaaa laee 

j^ite ■tiaea BtlmitaB at tke Rlrarrlew track, Cbl- 
-tlcasOL BotlL haTe won medala that' would cover 
•^Aa wtele front of tbclr raclsf aolta. CballtBge 
bo accepted bj addresglni; SVaak NOd; XaO 
Wttmrth Halated street, Chlcaso. - - 


of 8 to 0 at 4te I 

. . -ChleagOb Janoair 2T. 'wbrntar "hr 
of 8 to S. n>e visfton were nnable to 

Pooh bah on roller' skates - wan ' realTed at 
Ifadleftn Gardens, Juaumrj 27, when Katx'a Kit- 
tana defeated the Madlwn Stam 7 to O. Tbia 
■ la tha Ont same of pnata ball played In Cblcaso 

^'■aw atar -was ancorered at Sana Sooel Blak. 
. Mday Bight, Janoary 27. In Iintan 
who won the one mile scratch 
. Held of nineteen starters in the 
of' 8:21^- On account of the nnmerona 
aotrles It waa necessary to ran the race in three 
iaata and a final, the two fastest men In each 
beat, the thlrtl man In the faatext-lieat qDslify- 
las for the Onal. B. Proctor, B. Ansellca, 
WnnX Neol, Cbu. GolUckBoii, Carl Carlson, M. 
Oaawell and A. McChesney were the men wiio 
faced the starter In the final. A mill at the 
fat HcChi 

eomer with Ore laps to 


Proctor and GaUlcbi ' 
ilTcd Itself iDlD 
Carlaon and 
'%'l*oat twenty feet. 
8Mk AnceUea third. - •. 
««a -won by F. Wright. 

- >: mw woRU>'s boixeb bbcobd. 

Jot Hampton, of Wichita, Kansas, aged 22, 
brrka the world'a contlnaooa roller B a n tin g 
re<:OTd Janoary 27, at' Wichita, Kansas, akatlng 
n. total of Mcbooia.. He feU taintlns at the 

ne Bnal came of hockey played between the 
Pboanlx Hockey Team, of St. Panl. Minn,, and" 
tbo Illinois Athletic Clnb, of Ctileaso, wai 
played Janoary 28, at the loe Palace. Cblcaco, 
aad rasnlted In ^ victor for the tri'^olor aeven 
by •.aeoio oCS ba-lk' .■- ■ 

Tha race was abated In two beats 

■Tbm Orst heat was won by Fred J. 

K. W. Leedy, second, and Frank A.-KIob«diar. 
third. The time -was 1:34. The aeeood- beat 
was won by Nela. N. Jaeobson, W. O. Sinunson, 
■SfOlMl. and Tboa. Norman, thlni. Time 1:34. 
Tha fiaal was one of the deanest races skated 
at tha loa Palaea. and after tbe foortb lap. 
waa one contiaoal round of spicy sprints and not 
.mn tba laat laA of the Aatance -was abated 
«gM te ulainr k* pickad. Jaeobson started 
'tKmUU'Vm oaek at ttosn. doady followed by 
■tm^ aaC Maxaalpb, Wnwisnn and the- others 
tBnsr In the rear. With three more lapo to 
grand exhlbitlan of iiositlon Imntlng was 
HMPtont by Blmonson, Uarzolph and-Morman, 
wbfeh was kept op nntil the flnuh was reacbed: 
On the last lap, Marxolph came oot troai .third 
position on the back stretch and In trying to 
'l the pjle. allnied and It waa his only sood 
ne that aavad him tnm a bod mBL. Simon 
m I fin that ----- --- --- 


third In.a 

fast, being skatsd ia Sd*. 
piaitar mile. 


A dlspnte orer the Onal t>f the 8S0 yard eTent 
rssnltlng in Eklmmgd Lamy, the champion, with- 
drmwlng as a competitor, marred tbe Internation- 
al Bkatlnr ChamplonsbJp racee at Montreal, 
Caaada, January A. Tbe llrst heat was skated 
In 1:26 and tbe seccnd ia 1:45. Starters In tbe 
paal w ere warscd that th ere waa to be no 

^MmA tt laaa «M MhcB It to be akated 
•i*a& - Lamy -refused to came oitt and 'withdrew 
Mm tbe r*at of tbe program. Tbe smnmarles: 
^S> Tarda— Ftaal—Bdmimd Lamy, 1st; W. H. 
loeksoo, Snd; B. L. Wbeder, 3rd. Time, 0:21 

- ^30 Yanla — Final— Declared no race. 

Oaa line— Final— B. U Wbeder,. 1st; Hatty 
Kaad. Sad: Boe, Sid. •Bme, 8:ie »«. - - 

Wtaaier. tei; W. '.B. Gandenco. Std. Tlsae. 

■HO TaiA Boidlo-rr. B..Bobaoii. 1st: W. E. 

~ ~ ; nadlayson. 3rd- Time, 0:31 8-5. 
- ' eardB— A. MssoB. iMtz f- 
Srd. nt>e, l:«t-4«.;. .-. 

-•••». --M i*o arai and last pre- 

U^SUTii^P* ' v>'^r» face Janaanr 30, at 
tha los Palacv, in Ihe fast time of 1:37. Frank 
Klobaeher was . second and Otto Brack third. 
The race waa skated In tbtee heats and a Ssal. 
The first beat went to Klobncher In 1:38 3-S. Tbe 
•*<-iDd tmt was 'won by Norman. In 1:39. Tbe 
thlrtj heat was won by Scott Mnnnlng, in 1:42 
t-i. As tbe skatars were sent away In the 

final, yoong Norman, who la doing aome sense 
tlonal work In tbe races at tbe Ice Palace, 
dropped back to fourth place while Klobncher 
took tbo leod wbleb,_he held, foe, three lapa..wben 

oa 1a!l lai'Mti^ 

tlnaefl te the Satah mt the race, 

the Boselty race, rnnning fonr lapa to Wll' 
son's six on skates. 

Final amngcmenta bare been, completed by 
tbe management of tbe Ice Palace for tbe hold- 
ing of tbe Western Indoor Champlonablps to be 
held Monday and Toesday night. FVbmary 6 and 
7, at the Ice Palace. Secretary Julian T. Fitx- 
gctald baa mailed entry blanks to orer 100 skat- 
era ta all parta of the Weat. aad be naa the 
aaanaaee of the aUrles of sU tlM i-tomlitent 
spaed akatoa, and the list of entrlea will far 
exceed tboae of tbe lolematlanal meet. Bt'bert 
McLean will have a great chance to abow tbe 
Chicago skating fana what he can do with 
akaters who are In his class, aa be will bare 
a chance to meet them all. Carl Ahlrotb, of 
St. Louis, who has held the Northwest cbam- 
plonshlp for sereral yeani, will be here, as well 
aa Oscar Blankenmeif<ter. who writes that he Is 
In One shape. Arthur J. neiu) and R. O. Bmnst 
of Oereland: Cel Dube, of Escanaba, Micb.; 
■kad X. Johaaoo, of Lanrlnm. lUch.; T. Flaher. 
Acthar TiOaman aad othaia ttam Kllwmokee; and 
ifeatan from St, Paul, UiaaeapOUs. and other 
Northern points hare promised to send In tbelr 
entry. Then the Chicago cracks who are now 
Inradlng the East In tbe Intematlonal Cbam- 
plonabipo, bare entered. Tbe eTents tbat are 
to be akated are as follows: Oue-qaartpr mile, 
ooe mile, three mile, one-half mile, one mile 
Junior cbamplonahip, ladles* half-mile cbamplon- 

Bhlp, 220-yaid dailLtw* mOt, mr —~ 

-MO-yard harlla^ Tha aosles -ai 
aome of tbe beat lie f l ea afeatsaa 
competltloa, as ttwy haTe .been workliK oat at 
tbe Ice Palace for aereral weeks, and are al- 
most as speedy as some of the other daas 
skaters. The ladles* race will hare a large 
entry list as several good skaters hare sprung 
bi the last two mootbs. Tbe junior cbam 
' ''■anP* alao lm»»aoaa^T^T *o«dyonng- 


PARIS NKW« Lirrait 

(Con tinned from page 12.) 

To aome extent this tells In 
the real ptoUem the makern of 
their warea to tha 


"Bm first of six performancea.^1 * 
glTCD at the Chatdet Theatre fit 

She mhde a trcmeadons 

aad repeated -thO huge success she 

aaot -wtth two ycaia ago boo. Her program was 
nude np of fragmenta of the Orpbee story, as 
told In tbe dance. 

Among those present to see her work were tbe 
Bcnlptor. Bodln; Noxlere. the writer; Onltry. tbe 
actor, and others quite aa w ell k nown. 

Mme. Ifelba,' tbe great singer, now In Psrls, 
stopptag with friends In the foolerard MalAsr- 
bea. Is esBlaed to her bed wltlv:A serere attack 
at tP^BTT PbysIeUns declare abe la In no 

: that m order to keep down compll- 

ahe wm be obliged te hasp te her room 

:02IaL H( 

^.at the 

Alpbonae nanek. Director of tbe Oymnaae 
Theatre. Is 111 of la grippe at hla home, and It 
will be aoaia days before he will be able to te- 
snme Us iattca, it is said. 

Jesse Csiey, tbe Amerlcsn roller rmeer. now In 
Paris, this week met and defeated In a- twenty- 
one lap race tbe tbtrd, fourth and fifth men In 
tbe recent twenty-foor boor grind. There waa 
a prixe for tbe man who waa ahead 'at the end 
of each three laps, aod Carey won the entire 
pool. Tbe erent took place at tbe Tel d'Hlr. 

Fen da Volsln. at tbe Theatre Mlcbel, la 

to be taken to London. This, tbe lateit play 

Ftaa Btartlac ta the . 

torlnm akatta* rink aaf aHnMr''«haatia, at 

Heatings, Neb., bmn ed away the *^svpporta, tbe 
Boor crashing into the baaement, carrying -with 
It tbe tallety, cloak rooms and offices.' Tbe 
rink was owned by Mi. Batty and managed 
by Joe Schllck. 


rare example of proprietorship Intentional ob- 

In years gone by. a clown was not only ex- 
pected to attead to hla fnnay aaylnga and com- 
fad aoat% bat ha waald cztcad hla dattea lata 
act, M aattK What 

Acts were aot entirely specialised then sa 
now whole families bealdea their own rooUncs 
would take put In most erety set placed and 
the command of ''ereiybody In tbe leapa and 
ground tombllng,** bad to go, except tbe female 
members of tbe families. 

As tbe circus increased wltb tbe public de- 
mands, the alze of the white tenta were so en- 
larged tbat they could not glre jiutlce to the 
TOlcea of the alnslng and talking clowns, so tbe 
vedal ar laatace paaiadac clea n ntas born, 
and aew aUaaat anaw alawa aet la daaa la pan- 
tomime, eseept the « i | » s a tat, which la aanaUy a 
nntson clown tons. led ta the bead down, who 
generally arranges all apcdal featua ptodne- 

Right here ia where stMb grand and glorlons 
work Is done. So, kind readers, I beg yoor In- 
dulgeaee for a few minutes, aa we bar? been 
practically communing with tbe angela in tbe 
former part of thla article. So I aak yon to de- 
scend to earth once more and listen to tbe true 
word praises of tbe fsmoua mirth makeia. 

Jnles Turaoor. who haa boon ovar Afty-two 
Tears as s clown, and now la hanaaa aa the 
Singling Brothers' gmtest prodaetloo In this 
line, is known by all professlonsis as what Is 
now termed a true gentleman and a bard, con- 
BclentlouB worker, aays tbat a dose rlral to 
Daniel Rice was George L. Fox. who was called 
the "Grimaldl of America." He waa the orljj- 
Inai "Hampty Dompty." Then there was Daddy 
Rlce, who was no kin to Dan; Johimy Patterson. 
Daniel and William H. Gardner, Charles See- 
ley, "Whimsical" Walker, and Albert Mlaco. 
The latter named gentleman is tbe real king's 
Jester, and wore cap and bdl*. Ba kaowa more 
lines of Shakeoeara thaa. Baat ataOcnta. aad 
to-day be reada Ben J o a as a aad .Hjisii ander tbe 
tent oapa nhOe waMac far Ma tn. lOaee la 
now n jreaia aid, aat atm hala aa* haaity. 

Spader Johaaoa aad "SUTeca" Oakley, of tbe 
Great Bamnm and Bailey Sbowa, did woBdertnl 
work, and were known for tbe grotesqoeoesa of 
tbelr costnmes.' and tbe exaggerated else of 
tbelr feet and the lodicnms character of tbelr 
headdresses. Then there wss gtwyiiiiir Broa.* 
big army of downs. Including Gecsge Hartzell. 
Sr., Inreator and producer of comedy skits; The 
Two Caalnoa, the little man aad tha nttle Wner 
naa. la parodies on Camao and the PnCeaaor: 
Tom BOberts, the fmmy Wdehmaa: Frank Msr- 
rls; Out MIlTO and Pete MUto, Die Swat koo- 
Iscbe Brnder; Boy Mdlonald, the Seottiah eUet- 
taln; BUly Bice; Tbe 8 PrasUa, O a iia aa Aa- 
gosta; George Hartzel. Jr.; John XlUer. VkaaK 
Scbadel and bis great miUe; Ifsx OlDae, the 
great American clown; Ghaa. BeB; Chaa. flor- 
ten. tbe great humorist: Felix Under, Germany 
the Great; John Tripp; Harry Leeds; Lll Kers- 
lake. "Baipyard 1,11. " the lazy fanner and bla 
Urely pig clrcns; Harry Green; Dare Clark; 
7ames Spriggo, tbe Italian clown; Art Jirrls; 
Harry Wentworth; Xd.'Ward: Denny Coortli, tbe 
ente caparer;- George Kidd, a kldder sure 
caanchs B, GamU: Bd. aad XIke Judse and 
Tha • Ifarina^ S e aa dl a aT laa downs. Now aioos 
comes Albart Oastim. kaown at tbe legitimate 
talking and singing down, aod well may be eara 
bla title, commencing with .P. T. Bamum, Mont- 
gomery Queen, Sella Brotbers, Bingling Brothera 
John Robinson's 10 Big, Harria' Nickel Plate, 
Batcbdon and Davis, John O'Brien. U. L. 
CIsrk. The Cooper Shows, Burr Bobbins, J. K. 
Warner, Al. F. 'Wheeler's New Model Shows, 
and with a record of over fifty years aa a clown, 
but now as aetire aa a kitten; and John Wlng- 
tldd. another bright boy. followed by Fted Wy- 
retta. of tbe old DsiCaabaA Sbowa; Jack Pbsd 
ud eeatga Oaaraa. "Uttie Bed.*' at the Dar- 
ling and DaOaao PTotbeis* Circus, both good and 
strong; A. Bnscb, Fred Rimnels. Cbarlas Swee- 
ney, and tbe good old team, Kennedy and Besta, 
known as tbe giraffe clowns of the old Notrls 
Brothers' Dog axd Pony Sbowa; Harry Wat- 
aon and George Rlcbel, "Tbe Clown Band,"- of 
tbe Rlngllngs, and along comes also Wataoo and 
bis Farmyard CIrcna. Then tbe Great Carl Hag- 
enbeck and Wallace Shows presents Jamea Botb- 
erfoM. Art Borella and Fred Jlnka, all famona 
prodadng downs, who were assisted by orer 
^rg nad l a a jak a n^ who alwaya kept tbe 
cfmrd.iB aaa eaatlaaoaa theme of pleaanre and 
langhter; .Harry ClaA, JIaau' Sprlggs aad Burt 
rUb of the good old John Robinson Bbowa, fat- 
lowed by Fred Renno and BlUle Baad. of the 
Dode Flak Shows; JoUy Jenaro^ the ttaat Was- 
~ ~ John Wlda am Mk of 

ind MmM bMb «C fa- 

JEd. Alien, principal aad prododng.. clows, is 
.._ w . Horman Jtaepk. 

aUted by Paal Jl^ 
the orlctaal Hebaew . 
Bsbina. of the Cam 
ad Ida ted Obswa. aad 


; Barch Bcger, Sblrlar 
fcattKra* Great 

toa. ~o(~tte ^^OMSa'JOOifi aad Jal^ ^ 
eaa, of the Oran Bead Shawa. aad ihlaabom 
coadodea my Tf sa ibsrr d Hat at laa-pistadZ 
men known aa ciaaraa; and aa thtts la aomcSS 

abont tbU wholesome sort of entartslnmeat ttas 
la different from any other form of diTermloa. the 
writer la led to bellere true tbe words of tS 
famous poet. Ben Joosoa: "Besbtew ma. W 
clowns It properly. Indeed.** 

George H. Weyman, principal down, wHk ili 
good assistants, wltb tbe Dode Flak. Show mmf 
not be forgotten, aa well aa laat, bat not least. 
Johimle Croasett, In tils high stilt clowning 
concert act with tbe J. B. Henry Show; /ug«e 
glagrsld. priadpal prodndng down, and Bd 
ward Walton. Aognat dosra, wBI lutb b« wltb 
Son Brothers Show, which opeoa early la Marefc 

at Macon, Oa. ; Young aod Wearer,- 

also wltb tbU thow. 

or exchange. Tent, 38x20, Alligator and Animal 
~ •-— Lira AUIgatora of all 

Write for 

Ten Bed Band 
gold, nearly as aa 

40. Sadiiee for . 

wnwgJ^ dW. Thilag Am, ( 

Canary BIrda la cagea, for ahiilB.' 
Rbeaos Monkeys, good slaed, bedthF.' 
Dodging Monkeys, with tiarseaa, eaoB_ 
Bend fS with order. ATLANTIC AND Pi 
BIBD STOBE, 238 E. Hadlaon St.. ~ 

ner Show pet. and 
Warren Brothers, and 
mous Bnasble Shows, 
"Gct-np, Maud." 

FOB BAZX — 1.000 Colon Bardwasa 
Window Fibres. Guaranteed la 
Broadway. Haw Tork GUty. 


Complete, ready to aet np and do boatneaa. TMs 

Is a magnificent ootfit, coating $1,200. I hafa 
retired from tbe road and will take tbe email 
anm of 830O cash. Thla la tbe show that g«ta 
money where others often fall. It'a a featms 
wltb any carolral company. Ox>e tbat adds pra» 
Uge. Thla la yotlr ctiance to own a real lies 
one. Now stored In Merldlsn, Mlaa. Addnaa 
CAPT. W. p. AMENT, Jackson. Tenn. . . 

that ia fitted ar can be SnaA ta Hi* 
be fliat-claaa la afetT wv« ' ~ ~ 

BB08.. Oaa — — 

atnall canopy for atage, aeats far two or thiaa 
haadred. Moa t be cheap. What hare yoa BStf 
ATKINSON, 233 A. Wade St.. Toltda, & 

Wa pot up tbe biggest and beat 6e box. Bqm 
dally dealrahle for theatres, plctnre abowa, dr- 
and parka. Our peaanta are fTr*r*1>ir 

prepared ao they etn I 
any peaaat tte watU PacM ! 

Price sum. 


WABTBW .1 oration fOr a latve op-to-dato Ca- 
rooad; also large cardboard organ for ssle cheap. 
H. OODEN. 219 B. Ttata St.. . FhOaddphla. Pa. 


ClUft llMHIB wmaw lndlaa.tmaC 
etc— aoecaaa. Paaiilisa no iiwaM iialal 

Go Kurrxar. Mrr.. au atb at«l. fC T. 

WASTED — Good riadeTllle acta on commlsaloB. 

Gool p --"! ;.atrar.JK'', Write c*r wire. 

MEL'K.S liEO^-. i;a:eT-,irl«e Tteatre. Clln. Tax. 


Large catalog free. Addreaa A. B. BEIM. Pub.. 
403 Grand Arenne, UOwankee, Wisconsin. 

In aaswsriag ada. meatlaa THB BEUBOABOl 

A first-daaa Plaaa 
tunlah effeeta. 



be able to fill plctona; tiap- dtnamer te 
. good ealarlea. No booxera or trldoa aead apply. Meat 
act faHining tbeaa raqnlrements wUl be elasid arttSoat 
' trap drummer who can double on soaso other laati 

a T. 8MITHEB8, Idle Boor, Aberdeen. 8. D, 


CALL— ^ — 3412 Calumat Ava., Chieage SECOND CALL 


Strong Platform iShewa, Own Fronts and Coneoaalena 


SECOND SEASON AND A LONG O-NE. Want Bosa Canvaaman, Chandelier ICUiaBdWarkbM 
People, Band Leader aod Musicians, a few to donble ■ ■ - - - - - - 

be tbe Inrarisble complement, not only of Intel- 
ligence, but of a keen perception and an Insight 
Into tbe heart of affairs. I know of no more 
fitting handmaiden' ' to wisdom than blmadf. 
. Olre ne a tine hnmotlst, and I arlU ahow yon 
a.iaal pWlciaepber. The old avlag that "every 
agi I iiasnd ekcas masa have a tlowB." can aet 

■Iwajs ha* wBtttMatttHaMm' at- iHt flMiaa the 
fleatir ftialhsii gsre wfcat lha tnltar thinta 
tbelr -raty hast p aoda uU ea to the paside*s aada- 
faetioQ atthonh thla eompaay of acothefa, like 
the BlngllBt nolly, are bBoos Cor always glr- 
Ing a.hlgh-dasa show, they bsee slwsys nsed 
a clown nntU laat aeaaon. .when the^ omitted this 
nmnber, and tbe sesson wss successfol from a 
B n aa c la l ataadpolat. aad this certainly waa a 

, -., . ^ - ---- -- -trlng, Perfoimera with two oe — .- — 

for big show, concert or annex. Troupe of Japs. Jap Cook, Jap Car Porters, two Jap Worfclaa 
Gllla, Comedy Bar Tpatn. Bcnndlng Wire. Lady Oymnaats and Cootortlonlata, Singing and KlMCk- 
jU)out Clowns. l>ivlDg v*'nuH, or any real aensatloo; Man to run Annex, Lecturer, Pimeb, Magic 

Fire King, VentrlloqalBt with flgnrea, Stronc Man or Woman, Lady Impalement, Bsracd Swalli 

and Walkcta. Second Bight, Snake Baekaabia'-(«a tarilB aBMM). Osoeh Daaceta, Maa 
Cannon Camera and a Wire Worker foe let, ■■J^'mmitamB-Mla jmtm.' PorterM^ Brown F> 
Jamas S^^Belmo, O. H. Wllllama. Bjhii r ^ai^aa; B a Hh i l fi i ii , ■tad Bboae, -write. 

■^*'.'!!!L***& ^™ jswHihgHijc t«o MM* aaan aiaphihti: Mate bdght 
Pclee:.a'iMlt«(vIllMat.W.«r fl^L.j^ ao raga. Betards to friends. 

alle aww 
s a ^ B> 

ght Mi 



AN A-1 

Want both Orchp 


ftm and Band work, if can get it. Write br wire O. A. 

smoNs,, I 

FEBRUARY ,11, tM. 

Ttie Olllboard 


^emoh Gems 




(^^pw. air.) Ctanncej Olcott 1b Banr of 

"aQiamBRA (Pew O. WUUams. asr.l 
^^BlCAN"t.i:SI0"HALl. (W». MorH^ 

^BHjfsCO (Darld Bel»KO, agr.) Ih» Coo- 

tert nineteenth week. • _-;r - ■ 

«ijOU (A. C. Campbell, mgB.},»mw Wmr 

"bBONX (Percy O. wmiMi"; ■•r.* 
""ftiis^ 'w^L. RowlcDd, in«r.) UmnUgr 

omr (Ilea IM ■««.> • ■■• ■■•»• 

*y£oxm. (Percy O. WUlI»tn». m«r.) V»a- 

"^rfLt.'AlTcoiJ/rKR'B COMEDY (F. R- Com- 
ftork. niRr.) WlllUm Conier In I'U B« Hansed 
If I Po. elerenth week. 
CBITERION «airle« rrobipan. mfr.) OtU 

*gS^Si**(£''BJSm Mam. mwr., Al. 
mttftff B««»ty tb0m, 
DALY'S (Hubert BOIifrtm..aiv.). Tke haa. 

faortb week. _ _ _ 

DEWEY (Wnt rw Amoar. Ok.-avnL) 


IfoORTEESTH 8TRKET (J. Wealey Roaea - 
aucst. mcT.) VandeTlUe and morloc plctorea. 

OAIBTY ,«J. Pt«d Zlmmermaa. awr.) Oet- 
tlth Quick WalUaitart. tin»IM««»- 

OARRICK (Cbaita F i nfc aa a . '^■■ft) Oar 
Worid i«»ne* - ■ . i^ii'. ■ 

SABnCX— Breeat Vaa PMawt ' M 'Otmaa 

aapcttoli*. aerenth »eek. 

eOTHAM Pox. micr.) Marine pletnrea 
nd rmnJertne. . . 

GRAND OPERA noCSK (Jack Welch, mgt.t 
^be CommatcTa, - ' ' '--i 

GRAND (Harrr Be»l laaa ■ — ».> ■--ItW*^- fle- 
iaiea and TaBderllle. 

BACKETT (Bfl. V. Oomerir, m«».) Ow 
HMt. aixth week. _ • 

' BXRAtn aonARB (Harry M- HjaM. Bsr.) 
One* Taa Steddlford. Martt weak. 

BirPODKOUB a«ka fllmltl*. awit 

Ballet of Nlacata aM T«ka 

. tllll ICMltll WMfc.' 

■attic, mcr.) Boaa Srdell'a Loadaa Bdlf*. 

'Baboa, mcr.) Vaodeeflte and mOTlna plo- 

■cCaae. mcT.) TaodeTtlle twice « daF- 

■t) TaodcTille aod morlox plctorei. ' - 

<UalQn 8q.) VaodeTllte and raoTlnjr picture*. 

a t! T aa fc T lllf aoil aaorln nIetMMk 

ao B * rmoanan nABm op*"' 

■WJBB tC J. Bolmca. mgr.) Vnnda»Hlc. ateek 

aad plctnreru 

KEITH * rROCTOR'8 123lh ST. IC. Hal- 
•trln. mcr ) Stock. randerUIe aed ^Marco. 

KNICKCRBOCKEB (HoiF O. aaMBar. Ba^r.t 
Nande Aii«m« In Cbaotedn^^ ttL _ 

UBERTT (J. W. IfayWt'BW-Y 
Maid, aerentb week. 

UXCOT.N SQtTARR (Cbarlea Fe rtna im. aarr.i 
Mailair plctarm and ratideTtnc. 

LOKWS 8EVBNTH AVE. (Xucoa I^oew. 
tac.. ncn.) Movlwt pictnre* and Taaderllle. 

LTCEDH (Paslcl FrakiiMn. mgr.i Bmie 
Bute la Soiaaaa. aircatk week. 

LYRIC (Saai 8. *.Lia Mtfrt. Baw ^pt.* 
Tke Deen Purple. Mb M<k 

MAjnrno miinai ibwBih Oi^. awrii) wt9 

ten Eaat. tbird week. 

•etateln. mar.) Vandertlle twice a daF> 

MANHATTAN (WiB. Oaaa, .Mgr.) MMtar 
•IctDrea end Taaderllle. 

_MAXINE BU.10TT-8 (Ralfk tMK H^.l 
IV Oamhler*. afteeoth week. 

^MIXER'S P OWERY (B. D. Miner, miir.* 
MMBaBaaae R arlea oaea. 

BnWgfltroHTH AYBWOK fB. p. Mlarr 
wniM of PICSMWa 

MIXBR-R RBOWX :«■■ B. Mmk mbt.) Blar. 
and Oarter OfmmKMOt* ^ - ' 

MHRRAT HILL Jtm WMIteiw.' awr.^ n- 

Collfw OWa. 

NAZIMOVA'8 aMk Bt. iK4ak Lmw. mcr.> 
R•^T Mine, fonrth wack at tUta tkaatrau 
Madame Sherrr. tweato>tanih 
KBW YORK (Klaw * Bllaacer. 
Hanehtr MarteHa. fonrteentb week. 

NEW THBATRR (Wlnthrofi Amea. m«T.> The 
"•^ Tlieafre Stock Oompanr. 
. OLTMPIO (Maatica ncrsna. aucr.t Hae 


w*. CVtmak Oemteo, mar.) Vaodc- 


Bmiin.10 n%VM Palai^a. Bsr.) Bebecca 
«C amraTRmaih Far«. alaataaMh waak^ 

•»2in«»«Bir nktataa. liTT^'.. 

and Taodernie. ^ . 

TREMONT fj. Jooen Johaataa. mgt.i Aaaea 

CimcroB Rtnck ComiMny. 

PNIOrH (E. Well, mir.) Morlnc picture* 
«a.I TKndFTllIr. 

VICTOPIA (Wm. Rammeiateln. m»r.) Van- 

ir'aPr«Ui*"SC:"'» •5nm"»'"« pIctorejL 

^WAUjAOn (Okaa. Batahaa. asr.) Foai- 

•■ijWrt*. MTtMk week. 

_'[W!»*5 ««a. II.. Weber, awr.) ' Alaa. 
IlPSU?*-!."" ^J"*- tweatlatb weS. 

^WEST END (J. K. Oookaoo. BRt.) Tim NIf- 

'^^'derllle aod moTlna » 
' "MEDT (Albert K« 

^AMItTOBa. Baa. 

NEMO (Wm. Fox, mgr.) YaadCTllIe and 
nioTloj; nlctnrea. 

NATIONAL (Henrj Loew. mcT.) TaoderUIe 
aod moTlOK plctniea. 

.WASHINQTON (Hairr Toaa. ■•(;) Ma*- 
Ins pictnre* and Tanderllle. 


(Contlnned from pace 0.) 
popQlar Dumbera, among tbem beloc Who Were 
YoQ With To-alcbt and I Aqiolatelr. ^oH- 
tlTclF Bcfaae. 

Fred Karae'a Ooaiedlaaa dosed tha Ont halt 
t€ tba abair, aad daHoa tbe eaone pf their act, 
A Might la a LeadM Clab. gigglea, grin*, imlles 
aad lead laaablag wlgai d aapiim*. The act at 
Umaa heeoaea ttllF aad dtagaatins. trat the 
cbaractera iwrtnyed ara to nataral, that one 
cia not help hot aee tbe fnany aide of the att- 
uatioDs, and the reanlt la a atomiy llalah. 

Cbarlea Matthewa apcaed tba laat halt, of the 
progrtm with high Mi Mnn tWBiM aad 
leaplnc. Mr. lUtthaws-lB «atr SMl IB Ua Una 
and did well. 

Immedlatelr after tbe norelty act, there waa 
a ahuffllDg of feet, rbatter asd a grand recep- 
tion, the alsn llaahed. and the loDg-hoped-for 
Yeata VIetaeia anaared. Sha aaag aceeral at bar 
old anccaaan, aia waa farced ta alag tba aM 
farorltc, Faar Joha. It la eaidy aeen. br tbe 
teaolta diirloc the two ireeka' eocacemeat of 
Mlaa TIctaria. ttiat ahoold tbe reeelpla at tbe 
Miule Hall fall oS to aor great extent at any 

IB th a.fatwa . .iba palatwwlU ba act to 


Oeigcr aad Walter*, mnaleal artlata.- and 
Jack TfefallaBi roller akaier, oeeopled tbe laat 
poa W oa a ao tbe bill, and held the audience 


(Contlnoed from page 9.) 

The eloalBc poaltloa on tbla excellent bill 
waa allotted to Dare Lane and Cbarle* 0'I>on- 
aell, who offer Looping the Bnoips, a norelty of 
high cnllbtc. Their aioaatlag aad tumbling are 
o( exripHaaal aae rlt . aad bad eaay Uttia troe- 
ble ta baHlBg.tba aadlncea. itib Tbiagb tbar 
appealed at a ratbtr lata haar 

Otbar acta oa tbe bUl deserring of meatlon 
ara WaterlHirjr Era*, and Ttaaj. moalcal come- 
diaaa; AL Lawaon and France* Norman, cycling 
and bag ponchlng; Morria and Sherwood. alDgcr* 
aad entertaloen, and Leonard Kane, The Danc- 


(Oaatlaaed from pace 13.) 

Oaoiga P. Ilaipbr. wha la now with The 
Kaa ljae d a . la obIf ooe axaaple of the real 
ealae tt the geaafaw horleecme comedian. He 
la a Ug tarorlte eTcrywhere and his clever 
comedy work la one of the big blta with the 
ahow. A deal of the abow conalata of material 
which la tbe orlclnal property ot Morptiy, an;l 
hla funny cook-book monologue and hia erer- 
refflembcred Schnltaelbaeh, aa well aa his old 
Uaea at "WaU I'm a aoa at a gat" aad ^-Ob 

Draw*a Tiger UUea a fbir 
whca Oeorge waa the life of tbe abow. The 
Newljwcda Is a daady ahow and can hoaat of a 
competeot company of players altlMWch a deal 
of Ha suceeaa Is b o ea at ly daa a* aar aid friend 

George aad bis drag. 

While In Yoaagstawa recently 1 waa boa- 
pltabiy entertalaed br the local theatrlc«l 
managers there aad eaaaot refrain from men- 
thming the naoiee of Joe Shagrin. Walter Hein 
l*eh. iL Elaleldt and Jack Prle*. 


Reports from all orer the country atate that 
rainy weather baa apolled baalnesa at most of 
tbe stands throoghont tbe Eaat and Middle West, 
and a large decrease In tbe general receipts haa 
been experienced by many of the ahowa which 
were fortunate enough to strike tbe rainy aec- 
tloos. Wet weather Is often s help to the bur- 
tbtatra^ cspadallT wbea tba tala cornea 
"lealy aad tbe fbeatre Is ceatrally lo- 
A pwaaaat aeealag. aaddeeb- latermpted 
la ahiw> nrt to Tmpraie bosl- 

, at (ha borlesqne boose, when 

wayfarer* are glad ta Bad some place of ahelter 
wbeta they can pans s comfortable erenlng or 
sftemoon. sad where they csn escape from the 
tll-wtll of the element*. It la la mich caae* that 
the burleaqoe theatre la benefited by rain, hot 
when tbe rain twgloa early In the morning and 
poors Inceaaantly all tbroogh the day nntU late 
In the eTeoIng. the reaalta ate always negatlTe, 
Inaamuch aa tbe liad weather drWea people home 
and prerenta them from coming downtown at all. 

All iB alL tbtre la batdlj aa; qncatloo as to 
lha Itght Had at weather Ut- tba borleaqoe 
abavv aad ibr that aaatter. tar any other klad 
a( ahav. aad that la Oae wealber wttboat ez- 
tteaa la cither dinetiw. It is acar to rate aod 
to complala abaat tbe weather, bat as It con- 
troota.a wtlh a taadltlna ^a»«c. whieb we^haee 

^.feitt:1h BMHt chMIhn BB.thar aic 

Ooadltloaa oo tbe ooe-nlgbt slaads hare alio 
been rather bsd of late, and the "tnrkey" man- 
ager will doohtleas be glad when tbe rainy apetl 
la orer with. 


1 am In receipt of a eery coagealal letter from 
oar old friend, BlUy Bart, who Informs me tbtt 
be !• doinc niceir with Tbe CIrcn* Girl lo rin- 
derllle. The act flnlshed lla engagement orer 
the Orohenm time at Indlanapolla, Januaiy 3S 
and will open at the Fifth Arenne Theatre, New 
York, oa Fcbraary 4. Ooad InA to job bath. 


Oae of tba beat knawa adeaaca aKn lo the 
ODCMrigM Btaat hBriaeai la r. O. apraart, wba la 
tbla iSaMi-hhMi a( Vaa aaUleaB'B SloBta Carta 

ssi fe*sr^fir«ft!2V^.h'K5 

t atiM. 

Margsret Ring has been booored with a place 
on the auDplemeat of last week's Polire Oa- 
sette. and look* well In her picture, showtng her 
leading b^r well rememtM»red Frttsi Scheff nnm. 
ber, IS with The Pausing Rerlew soaw aeanoiu 
ago. Margoict ta thia seaaoa arlth SmA Stag. 

aad la atfll bbIbb lha dna aasa- 

It Is esCT for tbe wheel agenta to talk ahoot 
their hardahlps snd trlbnlstlons, but Just tska a 
alight glance at the troablea of the agent ahead 
of the one-night atand burlesque "turkey." To 
bim It Is work, work, work, snd then some more 
work. Tbe show Is forrTcr at bis beela. sad It 
la ap la bla ta Bad. tbesUaa eaoosh to ken> 
tba ghasr aoeklsg. The wark of hooking alone 
la a b B clB a a la Ittaltr aad tha man who goes 
oat ahead of aa sttraetlaa of this kind needs 
to know his boalneaa, and, above all. to haTS 
tbe energy and determination neeesssxy to make 
good — and It's no easy cinch at that. 


Among the rlalton at the opening of the 
Polsek Winter CIreiia at Yooagstowa fast week 
waa oar ftiead. Tom Jtarth, aad bis ebarmlng 
wife. Tom Is dolac some great work ahead or 
Tbe Newlywedi, BM li eertatiilj bwalag ap the 
territory with 

MaiBla' Ho««. wall known on both wheels, and 
last aesson with Jacobs A JeraoB'a Golden 
Oooks. Joined the Billy Watsoa Wkaw laMtly. 
Mamie la the slater of the (Bmooa UaltB Biswa. 
snd Is tbe wife of wnUaa Baahglt,'«C Bwaa 
and BaahaTd, will kaawa Ib hadMBM Ml aow 

In - 

Msrie MelTtUe lotned the Al. Beerea Show 
at Chicago recently. Marie eloaed with tha 
Charlie Roblasea's Crasoe Girls when that show 
played the Wladr City, sona aeiCB or eight 
weeka MOw^aad «aat^lMr Zaua halldaya with 
Mends la Cblesga. She erMe aUy soeattred of 
life In the western metropolis, sad tha yearn- 
ing for a return to stage life probably eansed 
her to accept the first opening wbteb presented 
nmiU. jnaa SfeMUa was tesC " 

with the 
" Is 

Masle Bowaid, wba waa last seaaoa with Web- 
er A Bash's Dainty Daebeas, and during tbe lat- 
ter part of the aeaaon with Hnrtlg A Seamoo'a 
Ginger Otrls. la now with the Polsek Winter 
Circus, which Is playing tbe larger towns and 
cltlea of Ohio and PeunsylTanla. Mazle Is well 
known In bnrlesqne circles, and baa been with 
both East and West, having been Identlfled dar- 
ing her theatrical career with The Star Show 
Girls, The Tiger Ulles, The New York Stsrs, 
The Bon Tons, The Psrialsn Widows. The 
Dnlnty Dncbca*. Vanity Fair and The Ginger 

Miss Sadie Yoong, s choms girl, and Lonla 
BMer. dectrlelau. of the Star and Garter 
Simw. were married oa tha ataga at the dayaty 
Theatre, st Mllwsnkee. Wm^T^ tmSttJMi 
Roteckl, Jsnusiy 27. 

Count The First 

Not hdtetioit 



The ereateat triaaph oT 
the rlretrle fa r a a e e a 
msnehwaly recoaslrneted 
gem. TiMks like a dia. 
mond— weara like a dIa. ' 
mond— brllltsncr cnarta. 
fceil foreTcr— stsnds filing. 
Ore and acid like s dla- 
monrt. Has no paste, foil 
-r artificial hacktog. Bat 
only In M Karat Solid Gold 
l-30th tbe cost of 
diamonds, pusranteed to eootala 
-? glass— wni eat glaaa. Bent os 
STJ'LJ'^S ^SwrtnllT tefimd- 
wSt.'laSS?'*-!!-' -!»™!£S«!?5- 
Jewel B?^ 


f. Broadway, 


The monkey with a human education who 
is breaking attendance records for mana- 
gers at every perfoimanc^ Tho Count is 

S resented by nia trainer and owner. Prof, 
[arry De Permanent address, 

THE BILUiO.VRD, Cintinn^iti, O 


Miair sad plelBta inA. 4ta fiiy fkr Mms. 

A union man. Most have ticket. Addreca 

B. QBIMES, BalJwla, WU. 

AT UBEimr 

Far April 1i 

Wnd AQimal TraiMK 

AadrMi 0KRATJ> IRWIN, Cknmi'lN^ 

livery, Manayimk, Philadelphia, Pa. 


Bava Ona*Fourth by Paying Caah 

Write for oar Blc Sample Outfit of Silks. 
Dress Goods. Millinery, Underwear, etc. Otilers 
caa't touch our cash prices. Bxduslre territory: 
ty^del lsw er sgr^d a ^ Wri 




la aM* UnHa« Statas un* Caaia* 
M. AlphakatlMlly •ttmmw** 
C«ntalna BlMUt IdM nBmM mm* 
address! s. A valuakla kMk Mr 
ovary paitaii n ar. 

Tha BilibMrri Pub. C«. 


Novelties, Jewelry, 
SHtU Mis. Mff MM It SfMwIII 

Tha B a t C«tatogu« In tk* Tra^ 

If yoa are a Ownaasliiiialie. Moealty. Jas 
elry, Motlca or SVIr Worker, Oaai 
Btteataaa, Anetlanaar. Knlfeboard 
Hoop-la Game, or General Merehsnt. 
cannot afford to b« withont It. 

It contains full snd eoBpIste llass Ui 
sat NofdtlsB, Soarcalia, Watchaa. Jaw«hy. 
■\Daatala Faaa. Optteal " — — 
Table Oatlscy. Taabaa 
Goods, etc., ete.. at a b ii l iiaa 

By HUs^iag 01 that yea are a 
dealer (sa ws want to MB 
the KSiailliiwa' hsads). sad 
psnasnsnt addria. we will 
Bsad JOB this book free. 
SIN8CR HOt.. K Mmtnttt Bew Tafk i 

TibiM Hibtt flMNsM 

forms of Tobacco Habit In n to l» hoais, Apoal- 
live, (julck and permanent relief. Eaay to take. 
No cr«v1ns for Tobacco after the first doae. Ono 
to three boiea for all ordinary eases. We cnaran. 
t«e results in erery caae or refund money. Send 

(or oar fr»* boolllet siTlne taW Information. 
Klders' Suatarlam, Dept. 1» St. Joseph. Mo 



Stage-, ^aces. Tea B a arlag 
Ve* Tirii Ottr. 

HIIW I II — PrtM. 2C ata. SLACKBY 
llUn i VtatllL.i«Ba*«t.ClildB— >lll 

covTviiiSb wiost Mi. 

We aiaabeiBn aad keep oa baad. ■ 
ahl||k-aM(yntog tne p e i nk m er a ssda I 

wniB « «r caiL wurr. wauiiiw, 
■..m.ltti*. WU hmla. Ma. .vT?; 


Ttie Dill board 

PURUARY 11, 1911. 

for BaU adTertlaed In this lUt 
iBdlTidnallr by addresses. 


LsGreels, Mile. 

"I^MsTiie, Nonas 
LallayiM, . Noraa 

xSMS^Mm. Om. 
I«BiHk Bra 

••Lnurd. Ifabd 
Ijaof, Josephina 
I«Ba7. BntiT 
•LcBol. Miss Tlra 
iMiy*. VMM 
I/STl. Btrtha 
I«wls. Helen 
I«wis. Hlsa B*7 

BorgtM. leu ' hmg. Iln. 1. V. 

Bortm, Mrs. CUiaBCs mi^sbs, T«SMtf« QnM 

Batter. IIIsB Basite MHmnni, Bas 

Bitlar, Baaal MeOralnsr. BaWa 

CampoliaUa. Madam M. McDonald. Msx 

Csnfns, Mia. S. J. McKteleT. Mabal 

OaxTs. MIsa Blanehs ••MeMama. Margant 

OanaO. Mia. Ote. HeMaatar, Mia. da*. 

Carter, Mamla MCTIckar. OUdjra 

2H!?^'k-JS"" niaek. Pi sas 

OMtla. Ppnia Magls, Ml« 

Ctamat^lte xMsker. Jaaas M. 

MaietU. Bosa 
Maiaal. Maila 
MaTahaH Mm . 
Martta. Bnls 
MaiTlna ^ 
Maaeaa. Mtaa XMy 
ManaU. MMi Xi. 
•*May Oi^ MM 
MeaAnra, Madca 
•*Meeker. Mayliella 
••MallTina * Co.. Jaaa 
Mtananl, Mair 
MDIar. T<naa 
Miner, Daisy 
MQIar, Miaala 
Mmcr. Obetry 


Oat, mUfaa 
Cr^sa. Masfa liDng 
. Ctartytloi 

DsTla. Btvlla 
BsTia, Joanlta 
•MlaTla. Mn. 
■TDaEapa. Mrs. Acaaa 
Datoranto. Baa* 

_ Bmslr 
MiB. 0. A. 
Dowlbc. Franeia 
Bklaa. Mia. JaUaa 

Host*. Haa 

••Moray * I 
Moalsy, Hra. Wm. 
Moray, LoMa 
••Moray. I«t11a 
Mama. Oaaaa 
Morrison. Mia. J. W 
••Morton. JoaapUna 

••Moaei. Mia. 

Mnnliy. Maria 

••Mortr. ana 
Mylay, Mlai Btlr. 
M inna. T tl mgm . „ 
Ruelliiu|>. MMa. 
IVorton. ^ovatte 
Oaklay. Bata 
O'Brien. Loolaa 
Oaden, Oartmda H. 
Qrlltr. MDa. 
Palmer, Madame 
Parker. Miss M. M. 
PuUiurwt, Babe 
Fsrr, Lola B. 
PattoB. IfOU^^ 

^iS^Mia. Jas 
Vrands. MB*, 
rraeman. FUaay 
••muar, Paail 

aafnay. BtalU 

OaUoinv, .Bdai 
Gatca, Bowaaa 

•nr. Hi*. 
Oiaa n, MrSL. 
••OiaJ^ Ban _ 
Snlec. Mrs. Walter 

<>• FNk. KMIha _ 

Baymond, TMzla . 
■cDlnatan. IMU 
••Benaee. XlBto 
Beno. Aollna 
BIchard, Emma 
Rirkln, T.aalaa 
Blaser. Wad* 
Bltchle, Estella 
••Bhlaaheart, DUi»Iaa 
. Bnbblnam. Mar 
'■^ i^Bolwrta. Btblyate 
^Iv^BAbartt. narnn 
" ■>■ • BaWaasB.' AUaa 
BoblniMn. B. ' 
■ Borkwrn. Katloyaa 
*i Bflllaa Zelna 

Ban. IJnian Rose. Sadte 

Ballo. Ennlea Itaaa. KIttr 

••Haabaasb. ilrs. ^nu^ i^win.m>m. 

B uif,_UMtm HotledKe. Mlsa B. 

••BanllCMa. Iin. Sa-Hna. M. B. 

„ . ifaaoett Blatna 

Bajaa, lIBijr^_ ScbdeB, M1a» E. 

BeheneK. norenea 
Scott. Wal'BOt 
SeesDan, BCaa ^ 

BeTman. Adah ••Seymonr, Beaale 

BoUaod, Mrs. Kamla 
Bolmas, Madfn 
Boward. Boaala 
Boward. Mra. N. . 
HGonraTd Sisters 
Bowie 6T»tera r 
. BoBttt, Beatri ce '' 


Smttb, Tbelma 
Smltb. Hay B. 

' Sootbeilaad. Allea 

Staifca. MaM 

Star, T.nifaii - 
Star, Bnth 
'Strode. Mabel ■ 
StnU Slsteia . 
lUlbott. Bttael 
Tanaka. Ton 
■ Vampletoii. Uiaa Bath 
.Tbomton, Comella 
Thnpii, Clara 

Jaeqnaa. MlM 
Yaflnaa, He . ■ - . 
Teknaoa.- Hia.^MBtriIa 
Kan, Mary F. 
Keatney. Delia 
Kcltb. Mra. W. 
tMSr. -Mlaa Ma* A. 
■MtaL Decatby - 

Keanedyr Btaa ffleBBella ••Tcraa. Kmnrlta 

Kinsley, * Alice ' Tientoa. Uarl# - 

KIrkwood. Iiaae . .Tomer, Bemardlna . 
Knenlc. BelaB - - Tnracr, Anna 
Kahnle. Bdttb ' TnnHr. Baatile» 

Ldeil. Faait Updike, Alma^. < .... 

Gfilriar. tna . ValentiiM, Alberta 
ti&w. .Bwlni : :>•.- ^.'JFwiKanK. wmi.-aMt .T: 

▼an. Mn,Xi 

TemoB. May 
Vinsoa, Z. W. 
Wayne, MM, 
Waaema. Mlaa f 
Weblloi. MaM 
Wblte. May 
Wlckoir, Irma 


Wooda, ' 
1 SaB»a. Mlaa 
Zasser. NaU - 
•*Zurra. Locla 
Zoleka. FrlaesM 


■•Abbott. Jack Bowden. SIlTen 

Abbott, Cbirlet Bowen, i. M. 

Abstein. Joe Boyd, Bobby 

Ackley, UlTsses Bcoall, Bllfir 

Acme Amnse. Co. ••BraoaKL tmA 

Adami, Gerald (Babe) Bndy. 1. O.- 

••Adamaon. Walter ~ " ~ — 

Alexander, Bon 

Alezmader. Milton 
Aley. 8. P. 
Allsid, Monk 
Allen, Jack 
Allen, FVed 
Allen, Sim 
Aniaon. Koy 
Allsman, Cbas. 
Al^ana(^ Doa 



Brlnae,. Ed. 
••Btbkerboff. PhU 
BrltteadaU. H. I.. 
BnlUcr. Bobart H. 
BronaoB. 0. Ii. 
Bioawall. BanU 
Brown. Jamas 
Brown, Albert 
Brown. Artlnir B. 
Brownie* & Bead 
Backner. Artbor 

Amment. Chat.' 

jSoS^ wSua B. 
Aatoo. Bermaa 

Arakl. Tan 

Anastrauc. O. B. 
••Amdt I.SW1B 
Arnold. Tom 
Arnold Sbow 
••Artatla. Br., Ban 

Burke; Oaoi. K. 

Bnmer. <lhafc' 
Bntrls, WaMr 
Bart, nank 
Borton, Hsny T. 
BortOD, Clark 
Bntler, H. I<. 
Bntlar, Itaak 
Byrne. Amoa 
Caeaar. FraalB 
Cain, Barry 
Gala. Artbnr 
Calaay. Art 


Ayery. Draw 

O^laik Xoa- 

Cole, Fred.O. 
Cooper, Frank L, 
Cooper, Cbss. 
Cooper. C. B. 
Corey. Warren L. 
Codtelio, Jack 
••CoatrlUlon, IgnseB 
••Cawiai. ttub«r» 
Cox. Fred 

Cralae. Lons & Crane 
Craytao, Lawrence 
Cressy. Will U. 
Crotton. Otto 
Cross, BllUe 
CoHaB. Wm. P. 
Cnnnlngbam, XT 
Cart, Oareleas 
Caster, Bngtnt 
Cntlar. Frad 
Daalala, lowas 
Daalal, Jack 
Danker, W. P. 
Dsnya, Alex 
DarUaa, PbU 
Dart. Jamea 
Davey. Harry 
Darla, I^ank H. 
Oarla. J. U 
Darla, Jack 
Davis. BoU 
Davta. Frank 
DsTla, Oee^.U, 
Darla. JckB lb 
DsTli, JIa 
Dawsoo'a Dos Show 
DaAman. Will 
••OeBalestrler, IiOdU 

DeEatmnff, Marcy L.- 

Dtfcceot, Sam 
DcFranclsco, Carloa 
Dctaporte, Wm. 
Dd>«i. Cbaa. 


DeBntb, Balvk 
Delano. Prof. ■ - 
Delsartate. Boh . 
••DcO. JlBMIto 
I>elBefa.Mi . 

Mrey A tea 
DeMntba. The 
Denny, B. 

••Dentnra. Bartea 
Daremont, Mapoleoa 

••Pay, Bod 
Fescons. Frank 

Fenisen, Artbor 8. 
Fenner. W. 
Prnvick, O. E. 
Ferris, JImmIe 
Field. Clyde 
rielda. Jeaa 
Fleldioc, Bert A. 
Floersn, Jamea 
Floerty, Cbas, 
FInley. Jeaa M. 
FiDleya, Tbe Fire 
Finn, Tomy 
Flnnecan, Jaa, H. 
Fisher, WUllaa 
Hahirir. B.- a 
Ilaia. ABdNV 
••Fleck. Fred 
Plctrb«r. Ctaaa. W. 
Florida. Geo. A. 
Flowers, Oscar 
Flynn. JoHepb B. 
Ford. William W. 
Forrest, Joe 
Portaey. Samoel 
Fbater, W. 0. 
Fox, Klyls 

Vntft Carr 

•^TOK. li. B. 

Fraaler, B. 

Freed, H. T, 
Fiveman, MItcbaU 
Fnrciline, Joula H. 

Oalar. Plar 
Oallasbar, Oaob 
Gtllanlo. Joaa 
OalTin. Jaa. A. 
Oanard, Larry* 
Oant, Babett B. 


OartcBd. Doe 
••Oaraar, E. B. 
Qarrctt, Homer P. 
•••lariett, Sam 
••Qataa. I. 
Oatea. J. H. 

aan ta indtrldaala U can at Ihl 

(It aar) aack la IdaatlBad with or la wbat UbB 

la. addraaaeaa AaoU ha MaatlM IV t aawj ac a ll a i 
la tte addraaa of mall aaat t» thsas. TUa Insaisa piaa 

ts tniabia la Tha BOlbaart'a 

AB aaU a d tac tla sd la thia Uat 

tf the ^ 

klafly indicate what 
he la eafafod. 
the aaae a( the ahow 
asUroir or da^tck 

Boatoek, Jamea W. S2e 

Elmore, Baymond B. Se 
garailla. BWa «c 

■•«», JaOtaa «• 

ATon Ilia 
BaOey, Ollrer D. 
BaOey. Frad J. 
Bailey. Wbltar 
BaOr. Nick 
Baity. Ddl 
••Bakar Ohaa. F. 
Baker. Boy 
Baker, lljNa 
BaMwto. Pop 

Camrroo, B. A. 
Cammack, J. Wait . 
CIsmion, T. J. 
Cazdwan. Watklaa 
(SirltoB H. P. Olb 
OarltoB, W. B. 
Oamway. Flayd (Task) 
Carraway. Wm. 

BaUMa. Ra« ■. 
Baldwiii. fiaoiga 
BaBanTwatter _ 
BaaBeld. Fraak B. 

cum. Bab.: 
^.0. J. 

Barnee. Jerry 
Bamett. D. B. 
Barrett. B. I,. 
BaiTin, Dutch 
Bairypatls, Sara 
Bartae, Al. O. 
Barton. Tbomaa J. 
Bartlett. Owen 
Batrbelder, F. P. 
••Balea. Clyde 
Bate*. t.e«lia.A. . 
Bean. Bert t, 
Beatty. Mc 
Be<-k. T#w 

••Carter. UBeaEi X 
Oaitar. Daa 
••Cartwrlaht ftVj 
Oaaay. . Beaqr '. v 
Caaco, Mr. : 
Cash, T. I, ^ 
Caatrniton, SlfcMMa 
OaTaaaab. J. A. 
Caeansngb. X J. 
Center ft'Bdwaiil 

Relcrr Albert 
Bell. Nnrniaa P. 

Bell. Frank A. 

Bell C. A. 

••Bell Amose. Co. 
Bennett. A. W, 
BerlaKe. ITennan J. 
B<TTy. MHea 
Beyel. Tbeo. 
BIddle. Fred W. 
BldweU. P. H. 
BIgley. Hany 
Blcaey. Tht Dtret 
Bai. Meb 
Bird * Kama 
BIzdanng, Jim 

Chandler. Barry 

Charley. Colorado 
Cbslbam. Cicero 
Cherry. Fraak . 
Chester. Cham 
Oirliitenaen m-'BMI 
Christy. >r. 
Oinrch. Cspt. 
Clark. J C. 
CTarK'e. Harry O. 
Clark. L. B. 

Cisrk. Bonnie 
Clark, Charley T. 
Clay. R. R. 
CTay, B. H. 
Claye. Rlrbatd . 

Blrteh, Barry 

BlaektaiB, HantagB ' 

Black. Ted B. 
Blackle. Barber 
Blake. R. O. 
••Blaadiard, I<aoa A. 
•Blamhardt. WaL 

BliMlKOe. Jack 
Boden. C. W. 
Boden, Artbor 
Bolan. Ben 
BowUI. Jamea 
Bonbomme, Joe 
Book, T. 
Boas. Walter 
••Boas. W. B. 
BnaghtaiC' J. B. 

Clipper, Ttar^ 
OncliraD. Warm 
Godf. Walter A. 
Oota PhlUp 

CoIaaBBtt 8aa 
Colcber, Bany 
ooia. y. H. . . 
Cole, Morris - 
Collins, EU Whitney 
••Conias. f!k*a 
Compton, John W. 
Comptoo, Jack 
. Condon, H. O. 
Conley. Charley 
Copea, MnatcaL ^ 
Cook, AIb«t 
.Cook, Walter. 

DMrni, Ftank 

DsTcre. Cbaa. 
Dlamood. F. D. 
DUwortb, O. W. 
••Dixon. J. Jt 

Deaogbm, Ubm 
DooleF. Jama* • 
••Ooeeey, Bddla 
Doraey, B. 0, 
Dongiaa, S. E. 
Dore. Boy 
Downs. WhlUs 
Dawna, O. L. 
Doxler, K. W. 
Draper, Ooy 
Draper, Ban 
DrooUIoB, Itaak 
'•Dnmlllon. Ftank 
Dryden. Cbaa. 
-Diika* * Ben 
••nomoad. Major ■ 
Dnabar. Bany 

'Paalap . Wa rty W. 
Daratt. wmiam B. 
Dyer, raiil. J. W. 
PyBan. «*-orae 
DVnes. Prank O. 
Esri. Johaay 
Earl. Jnbn J. 
Eary. Pred 
EaMtman. Artbnr 
Ksat. Rny 
Ealno. Omer J. 
Rd^oherg. Charlls 

Oennaro It] 

GcDter. BcHT 
Olbaon. Jack 
Otbann. Eroeat Cedl 

Olhma, MirtbaU 
Oifford. nad 

Oniaipla, D. B. 


oni. Wm. a. 
GUmore. Pan] 
Oleaa, Ohariaa ■. 

Olroox. Tim 
Oodlewakl T Haip a 
Oolnee, Ooa 
Goldsmith, Mob 
OoldatelB. Morris 
Goncllea, Joel 
Gooding, Marsh B. 
Goodwin t Goodwin 
Ooodwla. Jo* 
Gordon. Paol I., 
trcnaaa, Joha B. 
Oooldla. Wairaa U, 
Orac*. BUekey 

Etiwattia, ^ 
Kdwaada. -'lMi> 
Bland. Mb, 
EI Barta 
Elrtrldge, (ligk 
Eti-eyn. Jack 
railot. (Jny 
EnilaoD. P. H. 
Ellis. Gen. H, 
Elmnre. RaymoDd B. 
Elltrnod. Cbaa. B, 
••Ely. Wm. B, 
EmeranB. BalfA 


Qraat. B. P. 

••Gray. Woiaall 
Green * Tklt 
Greer, J, P. 
Gregory, Ben 
GrIIBth. Prank 
Orlgg. Wm. A. 
••Olllen. FrsnelB J. 
.••Oroooey. Krasat 
Groaa. Albert 


EmmciBOn. Balph 
Bmmy. Carle 
Englert, A. S. 
Enaliah, Panl 
Eatrldge, Texas 
Ersns,. Geo. . 
Erana,. Hal S. 
ETana, Barry 
Ererct. J. 
Ererett, J. Preston 
Ererett. Great 
••Brera. Beanie 
Fair. B. W. 
f alrtaaka, IM ■ 

^ Bnj. 

OtaMAapf, Blehara 
Orabha. Chaa. W. 
Ornbbs,- CuAv 
OBlDter, L. 0. 
Oathrte, W. t. 
••Rack. BawaM 
Badlcy. Deck 
Bagne. Gnalaf 
Halnea, Bdwta B. 
Hall. Ed. E. 
Hammsn, Otto 
Bamhiln. Eddie 
••Hsmbarg. Albert 
Bamlllon, Geo. W, 
Baadler. Jeaa 
BaBBry. B^W. 
Haafaci, Ohaa. M. 
Bank: Boeky Ht 
BsratampoB, Cbrlito 
Barklas, Jim 
Harraba. The 
••Rartman. JOka A. 
Bartsonk.. Rsyea 
Bartscll. O o e ag a 
••HssssB. K. 
Hawkloa, Bijph 
Bawlij, O. 

Hswtbom. 0. D. 
Hay, CepbsB 
Beatoa, LaGiaat 
Ri-atoB, 8. L. 
HestoB. Fred M. 
Benderson, Earl 
Henry. W. H. 
Henry, James 
Henry, B. C. 
Henry, John 
•Beary. J. B. 
Bermsa, Maxleaa 
Hrtman. The Thiae 
Berrlrk. F. B. 
•Benel, Jcny 
••Hewlit. Wm. Jodklna 
nicks. Pbllln M, 
BInlaa, Bidto 

••flildtath. Bobt 

Blltoa, Joha 

•iawrence, LarrJ^■• -■ 

I<eaeh, Jack 
I<ae. Dnke B. 

l.egert. Goa 
Z>eoQa Show 
Leonard, - Larka' ' 
••Lratrldse, Oaa,-"- 
I«Boy, Jack O. 
Lealer, Bobart 
Leatar Bkeir 

ItfWis, A. 
Lima, Max 
Uaeilek, Tatav 
Undenatrsat. 1^ 

BodgklniL Bart 
••Hoeya. The 
BoflTman. Lew 
Hoiloway, Max 
ll■^■ne• ft Rolmai 
Baits*. Barry 
Bootey, Lawroaa 
Roorer, C. L. 
Bope, Wm. Pena 

. ••Uila. B. O. 
T tmtm, wnilaa : 
••Longfellow, M^ 

Lotbalr, Pred 
Z/OttO. AL 
, Lorelaad, Joha 
Un, W. I, 
Loyal, Fraak 

Lylea, DadlgF' 
Lyia. B. 

Bawaid. Ltalajr 
Bawartoa, W. K. 
BawB * Bariaw 
Howae, Danria 0> 
BbB, Cbaa, 
Raff Bros. 

Hnffer. Bmy & Grass 
RoKbes. BtUy 
••ayuagar. onioa 
Baal. W. M. 
RnntlagtoD. Frank 
Banter. Joha B, 
Bgi^la, Larr 
Barley, Tboa. 
Haatoa * Martta 
Bnttoa. Jarft 
Ibberaofc Brnt'-V'-r^ 
Immo, BUIy- .'- 
pematoo (Dope BmA). 
trsaa. Wr - 

I«b. Bay 

Lyaeh, Bi 
Lyadoa. 0. 

'Lyon. Geo. W.- 

MeAb*. L. 
McAlllatar. Jeay 
MeCaba. JaiMa A 
MeOaha, Jack 

Meaay. JoT 

iha, O. M. 

leU, U' 

Iiwla, eernU 
Jaeka. L. D. 
JaraM. Cbas. 

Jama, itay 
Jamea, Barn 
'amea * Parka* 
Jamea. Pfof B. B, 
lamn. Wm. B. 


JokoaoB * OarlUla 
Jobnaoa. Uw 
••Jnbaaea, BtkM 
••Jobaaoa. MalTta 
Johnmn, Cbaa. 
Jobnann. Otto 
Jobaaaa. Twittsr 
••Jabnateaa, Bal 
Jonee. A. C. 
Jnasa, Homer 
Josee, J. A. 
Kaha. Mohaaaad 
Raaell. wiiiiaH 

Keafmak 4m. 

Belly. Jamea B. 
Kelly. Thna. 
Kemp. J. T. 
Kendall. P. A. 
•Ceaam, M, 
Kennedy, 0, 0, 
Kennedy Bnia.' 

Kenno, FrM 
Beaaer. riatley 
Kidder, C, B, 

Khnt. c. o. 
Klaaa. Pred 

M. n.r. 

Krea. Lee . 
Kahlmaa. CM B. 

Kyle, J. T, 
T,aRlaBrb«, J. W. 
LaBreqoe, R. E. 
LaBnrtaa, The Three 
Lsrombs, J. B, 
LaCrosae, Monte 
LaFerer. Bany ■ 

ftffly\ SJSI . 
LaBne. Bab 
Lahnrta. OHa 

T.arahert. John Ren J. 
l ander. Edirin Q. 
Landore. Rnhett 
Ijine. Ctiarle*. 
T.jine c. (Brtioha) 
Lane. BO. e. 
Laaa. Phn 
Tjitlo. Jallaa 
Lsnabllo. B. J. . 
LaVeU, IVaak 

McCoonsU. Jsek 
••McCnlloogb. WaM^ 
MeDemott, Barnr 
McDoaaU. BAv. 
If^eaaU. Uttla B^ 

_ . O. ». 
McOalaneaa. >. I. 
Melattr* m Oo. 
Mclatjm. K. W. 
.HcKr*. Patty 
McMabon. Annk 
McNally. Fat 
McNsmara. T. A. 
HtcNelty. Jamea : 
MeNnrwey, H. '" 
MeBaa. J. B. 
Hack, JlmaUa 
Hack. Bad N. 
Maco. Fraak 
Maaa. Oaa. 
Maaola FUUIf 


Harchlo. ^ 

Martella. ja. ... : 
HarteUe, Mr. ' 
••Martla.' BL .i,---: 
Martin. Balph ■'. 
Martta. Eaka ■■.^i).,- 
MartlB. B. J. : i..L, 
Martta. N. U ^m' 
••Martta. M. 
Maol, Boy A. 
MarTTlla.Ckaa. ; . 
Msahaa. PraC 
Melaotle. Bogh 

Merrtn. mShbi 

Meyara. JaU 
MDaa. Wm.'M' 
MlUer, MM»\ ■ 
Miller, Mac* 
Mlllara. Fraak B, 
Mllla. W. J. ■ 
Mlllaoa * Baaa '< 
••MltcbalL Liril* ' 
Hitebeuri. B. . : 
MttcheU. Ma. B< ' . 
Hitrbell, J. A. ., ; 
MMekalL J. ML 
••MU. Tem^^ v: 
Moeo. Bania 
Moll. Arthur 
Monday. Jamea IK ' ■■ 
Moody, Balph 
Mbodfey * Oaatia . 
~ B. 


••Marako. karttK 

'^^^ B^ 

MofTla. M. H. 
Mnrrls, Daaa - 
Morrlsoa. Bay 
MotriaoB. J. I. 
••Marraw, Barta 
Mortna. Percy 
••Manaa. mTo. 





Crel«hlaa,^oliB a . 

Ran, NalUa ^ . 
Rarria * BaadaB 
r,aNeta, Mil*. . 
UiMer. Sao. B, 
Ibaar. 9«iM 

Mllla. Bd. 
Mltrbell A 
. Neraiu Troupe 
<H4aatds, . Tha . 


FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

Tlie Billboard 


lUnMMhh Ht. A. 

UiiriibT. Ctai. 
••Ilnrphrt *; 
mamr. H. O. 

••NUlO. Pl«5; 

••Honiiiai J. A. 


O'Owal. flU»«» 
O'MU. H,,B. 
••Oettlnc. J»" 

••Orloo ■ 
OrUncy, Felix 
Ortb. I'ercr 
Ort». '^»--_. • 

MlTer, Doe 
Silver*. Byroa B. 
tflDHDOna, Oraswell 
-•Slauw, Mlaaa . - . 
•■tapMa. DM k. 
MX. amor 
•milk, a. W. . 
8ml tb, Brnc* V. ■ 

■mith. B«b M. 
amitb. wui A. 
••Hnlpley, Htejcy 
AnrOw, w. B. 

Snyder, BDUMt 
Boon, Billy 
•owilna, Mr. Wm. ■. 
■pMiir. K. P. 

••Sprlastord, Ud 
■UTk, IrwiB a 

■UtMT. Oami 
StMl* * CoDley 
«Mph«B. iti.JTom 
atvpheiuoD, H. 0. 

•tavas. -Joka >. 
Stawis. BmX 

Pey«r. Dj™. 
Pbllll|i», ChM. 
phlUll*. BtRI' F. 

ptckcrel, nMV 
Ptoit^ J. % £ 

PKteifleU. HM 

rvttcT, But 

r«wtu • Bwwt 

riMeott. C. J. 
rrl<». Mr. H. 
prtebe. Henn»i» 
Princ«. J-Jton^ 

• Mfttoi * stttk a. e. 

Btos*, CbwiM 
■toaa. B. 

••8tr»»ler, Uorri* B. 
Strlekmnmi. Chu. 
••Bttratt. B. D. 
Stoart, SVulk 
BtnrsU. Itmpk D. 
fttyle, iMOkld 
BolltTUi. Xtaa 
■9- - . 


Tilt. D. W. 
TUWC, B. 1. 
Taylor. Babart 
nylor. Oft 
VMgaa. Btaflcy 
TmmtBl. Q. 
Terty Twlna 
—OmMMA. B._ 
TberUm, Howara 
Tliom. N. 
nomaa, RafoU A. 
Tbomai, W. U. 

Btchtla. Walter 
kanaUM. Tlw 
Bandleman. mam 
BcDO, 0. R. 
BanBliaw, Bert 
Btynolde. Earia 
Milct. 0. B. 

■Inar. Mr. Chaa. 
SSe, Mr. Joa 

TraBtnaa. a _ 
Ttaik. Claraaca 0> 

Trlplett, T. D. 
Trlplett Wm. 

•5& ■ . 

Tnrldi j ■ 
Taraar. <tagy 

Mian. BO. 
Biiaalai. Bany 
Bolanila & Lcnoce 
Boaar, Peter O. 
BewUBd. rra« 
Boyre. r. O. 
Bosell, F. A. 
Biditord, BIckaid 
Body. Dava 
- iSbaMt a. A_ 


fcwill. Oaa. t. 


Botlfdiei ^ank 
Byan Broa. 

■t Clair, Blara« 
Baltifaber, Don 
•aamy, Oaar 
■aaipaoa. Bay 
■anden, I. A. 
**tmn1aa. Wm. 
ttadera. Bakart 
■aadnaky, J. M. 
Basdenon, J. O. 
■aaadeia * C 

ft «. 

▼ann, Barry 
Taataia.. Ixi«aa 
Vermlnr, Ostaeppa 
Vlncaot. Beary 
VhiU. Otto 

Wal&u M., * Oa. 
Walden. Uaek 
Walker. Jack 

Wallnr. Jv*'- 

wStm. CkaMla 
Wamooeka, Dr. 
Waimar, O. B. 
••WaiA. Bany 

Ward. Bd. 
••Ward. Jacob 
Ware. M. O. 

Wairen, Ctrda 
Wanaa. Wayaa 
WaakbwB. O- A. 
Watactary, t. W. 
Watara, Jaka 
Wataoa. OUS 

fckaScr, 9n» 
■ehinrli, Prank C. 
■ebaiMt. Bany 
■thwarts. BlMa 

Bcottr A Carlla 
tCTjlIen, W. 0. 

Wm. I. 
BeltMTt, 8. 8. 
ttlnia, AroD 
Bealor. W. 0. 
aeTinoar Twtaa 
■hunoB, J, t, 
DiinBoa, Walltr 

^•pherd. B^B. • 


••Shortaa. atOwrt : 


Wearer, Bay 
••Webb, rrank B. 
•'WalaM'. Wb. 
Walak. H. B. 
••Wan*. laka 

Waalvy. Harry O. 
Weat, Sara 
Wrat. Oeo. A. 
Weat A Fowler 
Wf^terton. Frank B. 
Wcatflald. Bd. 
Wbaocaater, JBO. 
Wharcy, lamcae 0. 
Wklta, Danny 
Wblla, J. W. ^ 
Wklta, tkaajV. 

Wlatkara. -r. >. - 

WObar. B. W. 
wnkm. tUf tt. 
WOkanoB, O. 0. 
wniliaa. Butty * U 



Alwiiy« «lv«' forwarding addrMB 
n>r BneUeh In «dv«no« to rM«h 
you. AdvartlBCd lattBrs ar* held 
'*^«Odaya, and if unelaimad ara 
< *rwardad to t|i« dabd tailtor wff ie» 

Wllllama, Oorlay 
Wllllama, W. O. 
WlUtama, Biiorty - 
WUIIama, H. B. 
Wllla, B. B. 
WlUIa. ato. 
WlUnian. Waltar 
WUaoa, Afck 
WUaoa, Oaa. 
WIIaoB. Jm.;B. ' 
WUaoB, Oral 
Wllaco, W. J. 
WUaoa. Harry 
Winn. Chaa. 
••Wlnterbottom. ' 
Wolf* * Laa 

WoodaoiU md 
Woodyard. T. J. 
Wren. Slim 
Wright, A. A. 
Wrlabt. Obaa. 
Wrlfht, Prad W. 
Writkt. BaiD P. 
Yamaaatg, Mr, K. 
Tatoa, W. B. 
Yamer, AI. 
Ytiarra. Rldiard 
**Yoang A Mannloff 
TODDX. Bill 
Zarvldo, Count 
••asau. H. 
Sara, Edwla 




OrT. Clifford. Mala Maml>ar ef Tha Cllf. 
tarda, CalabratMl Swora Swallowara. 


\ . ... -^ .M 

Who paMad away Fab. 82. WO. Qana.b«laot 


Novelties and Speolalttet 

StoaataaaB aad Caa' 




Nc. 84S Rinatala Pans a.« 

No. 490 nraatata PM* IM 

MO-B >WWtilB.^»Bk.»«»»ii', 
Mdb ^k*S* WMakala.9Ha«««*«** IVJte 

IN carir a Uiit llM «( 
aad Baiter aaada at 
Gataloana ttaa. : ' 



apot, niaatratcd, OperaUe, aad ' NotcI vi«lln 
6olo Artlata, or anytbloK norel that can be 
worked from an opeo platform aoltable for a 
pSctnrv mtaow. 1 can atre yon ooe to two week* 

at Elllc TIaeatre, MertdUn, MIn. Want altxac- 
tlTa people wko wear awvll wtidiaka WM arc 
Dot tuo itiy to wear II. Addma OAPT. W> D. 
AklBNT. Jaekaon. Tann. 


[aal ka^a.' ''Ak* aral.«la*a randarllla paapla. 
•a.oaat ka Ma aood. Want r>ad cook al ovrv. 

an IB iwl! Wrtt» or wire AU BT. 
PIBHBB, car* Parker AmnBcmt'Ot Company. 
Lafktn. Texa*. wevk of PVb. 5-11. 

WAHTXD aUIOX— l\)r My Wife'* Hnaband Ca 
riAKO I'LAVER to double bra**; MAN and 
WIFK for llaht ch*ract«r part*: man muwt dou- 
ble brai-": TCDA and BARITONE prvferred. 
Other .MU.SIC1.\NS write nr wire. EOT B, 
ffWTT T F Y Box 296, Qultmau, 0*. 

WASTED QUICK— Medicine rerfonnet*, doublea 
and slDfles; muit change atraac tor ooa weak. 
Tell aU Toa do and aalary la drat lattar. Add. 
aB!i m-.A. mO KBLB. I^fWlaalUak . (WkMawan 

Batasla. Alabama. 


▼AUDEVILU AOIS— Six new original, raada. 
rlllo acta for ualo characUra, Intrada^bw 
liuich. Iriah, Black-face. Rube, Toogb, Daaft 
Tramu aiul llebrvw character*, . all tar \ Wm, 

sunpi, U. B., Btardaa. Maa. . 




Can place two good legitimate ahowa wltb neat frame-up, to Join at once; one Platform Show: 
openloff for DlTlog Girl Show. I.esltlmate Cooceastona write or come on. Cane Back and Pbota 
aallary open. Wast ooa atraac aenaatlonal ttaa act. WUI boy ooa Combination PuUmaa aad 

?^K5! Siu'wnk'n*! ^.th^^ToaatrfMr yaaia: DoOiaa. Ala-.^raek^Wk. lo! ' Sam* mata 

good one* to follow. Also want Colonel Piind. All mill iMWercd. J. C. SIMPSON. 

Manager. 1". S.— IIiu WIIIh-T. Luw itxjut Crli3- 1U)115*>? 




Oaa Ballyhoo Show, one Grind Show. Jomplng Botaa Carry-aa-AIl. (Vtloted Perfarmaia, Oaloted MmI- 
elana. good Band. Man to take charge of Stadium and Stadium- People, Vanderllle People. Olrl 
to alog, poee and do lerpentlne dance, Door Talkera. Can nae Cooceaalona that don't conlllei'. 
Win rest or bay good Car. Can plaea Jap Taaa Wheel, llaa to raa Blaetric Tkaalre. WlU I 

Arkanau OHr. wuHk'timk Biiiii; 'm: 'M: IlaMii^'iik..'i*-iM,' 



We Want g 

Navamaa far Aa»aa M a l i»a. 
•TowBa — taaawttli tka aaoda, 
-howta tkat Aia DIffarant. 
PkaaAttaaaUaaa wartk walla* 

Lost tfaM oll^ M §•! < 

S. N. MAYFIELD, Swqr, W«eo» T« 


Wanted— Candy Butchers, Thrc^. . 
Oriental Dancers • 

Must be young and goodlooken. Sbim<qienaearijy in lindi;.. 

modations and treatment fine. Address HBNRY EMGARD,; 
Privileges, Mighty Haag Shows, Box IVJ, Shreveport, La. 

itelf** FuMM Baf CaMhMtor 

Sapported by the 

ImpiBiial : Band p£ Rome 

Now Baiafcfag America 





Sevinth Siccessfol Seisoo in Gentral llliiois. Has the folloiiiiK 

For the Summer Season of 1911 

Pkoto aad naalal Caid. 
NOnCB— Will aaU tha ntnakanat i 
.taUfo:^Md >c|k»lm. jial aW.O ' 


1 teaatala*. 


——AT LIBERTY--— ; 

AU «>ffeni from caatiiiK aad letum aet to IiBO. FEENBB,-14:1R^Mi 


Ttie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11» 191V 

Miitiiiii'PiCliite RiSivBBWi 

* (Cootlnoed ftom p«ge '-15.) 

worm llDall7 tnroB Md nnilta In ■ complete 
Tlctory for tbe gpotle bosband over his Tlxenliib 
wife aod the centlir wife orer her ▼txcolJ'h bo»- 
band. Final oapplDeaS'ts at last accomplUbetl. 
and pennaarotly establlsbrd. Tbe Idea 1* dis- 
tinctly norel, and tbe company reallzea aome 
mlsbtT deTer work oat of the Itaea which rr 
■alt la a nry catntalntns itory. Tbe older 
ritttr, ■■ tbe abrew. la mj good. Tbe atoi; 
k iBat tbe IcaM Ut drawn cot. but la oot gnU- 

&iC «Mii to tbe estest that tt loMa latccaat. 
pkottgnptar li writ ap to the Cbamptos 
■taadaM. aad the panlM inaDDer la whlA the 
plot la dereloped la denrrlni; of pnlae. Not 
a word afaliiat tbe photoxraptvy- 

roOUBBUB ja xhe kuekaxooiufh. 

Oooadr. Itala. PA. 11. flpitt laaL 
. Thl» la a vetr good fllai (or eoaiedr. tbe mac; 
ladteioiHi section belnv tiie tbeatre balcony' 
aeene where Foolahead mixes thlosa op moit 
donaly aod tbrowa tha whole aodlence into pan- 
draunlom. Tbe iBTerted flln idea la polled off 
dererir. bat the dnadltlea oC tt» h»M» U «i» 
•lotcaqa*. Tbe aetlag la THr'-f g aaf.'.' <aad 
«lwtogniphr> '.■'.••.' 

Split reel. 

Here la a dim that portrays farce, the story 
centering on tbe adTentnrea of Ferdle. who 
boys a pair of aboea that are too tight for 
him. He goea to tbe approach of a bonse 
lean np against .It to eaae bis foot, bot 
eelTes a Bower pot on top of bis besd that a 
maid In one of the apartments aeddaBtaUy 
fcnocka off the wtDdow-alll. Be bdnga tbs re- 
mains op to tb» owner and bla p na e a ca l%ot 
eoone. mlaeaaatntd hr a Jealooa baA a a d. m« a Mt ter- ft t eb ad. fat will ~ 
Bi Witt tbe andlcace. the ' ' 
Iff t» tbe Powers atandsid. 


Ksb. 11. BpUt zeeL 
Xhia ta tbe accaad halt of tbe reel wUA 
tlalne VMdle's Xew Shoes, it la a 
lent undertaking, and can be highly 
ed for Ita edncstlonal and smnaement Talnre. 
Tbe aim concvms Itaelt with Mexico, showlag 
typleal aeenee of the people, the atieeta, the 
vegetation, the character of the ctops, tbe cna- 
toms, etc. The views that they hare selected 
ei* each aa itlTe excellent veneral Impreaalona. 
Thie half of the rrleaae alone Is worth Ita coat. 
The photography la very good, for which rea- 
aoa one feels a thorongta acqoalntanee with the 
cooBtir throogh which oae aseoia to be ' 



-TOO wras Aim, 

. p. 430 feet. 

Tbe .etory ooaeeme itaeU with aja iadnlgent 

^ « — A-..-..^ 

prank of 

MWIt«(>_wb Jetcr^ras wUh ^Uw^dladJ^li^ 

I the pran 
>.to enjay troancj, wb y etere both 

a Mpbtw^ wtojrows entirely too 
UaMMtihv m 

beuM Ma-MBt are'aeTloniff " repeieed.' ' .Xhla 

la canght in the 

driiM. lMrtbe tmtb to ny 

_ Jmlfir caaStloa nreralls. Ita 

la atMTe eenmre. and the acting la Terr 

thf >'oiin>j;itrr cleierrlng special mention. 

nOX THE UTE OX XUOHm. drama. Qraat 


Thia Is a distinctly worthy theme and one 
that will be adrantaseoasly placed In any the- 
etre. It Is an old atocy laid In distant Boaala. 
whetefwe the atmoaphere Is novel and entertain- 
ing. It Is s story of a gttl Improving the condi- 
tion of her parenta by abowlng kindness to a 
wealthy Uod owner at the time of Inlnry. who 
had prevlonaly Instilled her mother and caatl- 
vated b*r falber. The acenery la most faithful 
to Bossla. and the type of Bosalan peaaantry 
[Irlng tha flim a dls 
The pboloftnphy, 

la alao rtw leellatle. ain 
^Mvjto^^MaUtooal valoe, 

• Tw» cotlete dupe 

laatalliMBt plan, bat fall to pay tbe necessary 
aaeoDt at the retired date, wheietote ibPir 
poageulOBS ate remnTed jnat MCof*' a wealthy 
stmt and ancle wire them they ate aboot to pay 
them a visit. Driven to dlstractlim for tear 
their relatlvea mlitht he lafloenced by their 
poverty In not willing to them moaey wblcb 
wonld otberwlaa be theirs, tbe boys steal the 
effects from a nelghlwr'a room, who la not ex- 
pected for a ronple of days. Bat mnch to their 

disappointment. Jnst aa tbe aoat aad sad 
dining at the horrawed taUe^ tbe ilitbtfiil 
vta (vlnm aad dieeever wbeee tbdr (On 

meat baartlesah 

aee Ib great wra< 



tbe eont l o eeme a eoaspaaalaaata and anesks Uie 
boys a roll of bma wUdi i ' 

tbelr worried 

aUnda. The aabataaee of tbia fllm allowa for 
ceaalderable eomedy. bat It aeenu that the pocsi' 
.bnitlea have not been thoroaghly worked oat. 

TBI BOaWOOS nCKLM.CE. Drama. Than- 
booaer. Feb. 10. FnU lensth teel. 
Detective Tlolet Gray flgnrea prominently in 
this atoiy. She brings to llgtat a very bidden 
theft of a necklace and accomplMbes It In spile 
of tbe fact that the police authorities have wag- 
ered her that abe waa engaging herself npon 
,an Imposalble taak. It la a lead alair. w<^ 
vrorked oot. The acting la eoty gaod aod JW 
dctalla have been given earelM . atlmtlou. 
- la, «e 

1*, SR tsct. 

■mTtlw d«Si5l^ig'S ^ 

laCi'cMAtcr. tbe- evertamlns of a mmrament and 
.^Vb», batteraw down of a honae wall, etc., an 


It a rather groteaqoe comedy val' 
' — ta^amt otbeta, bal 


v^'C'Bdalr. Feb. e <W4 feet. 
'TUB atMr, which la one that baa a diffeient 
: tn"t» It; In BO mceb aa a.aun la compelled 
•aaaaome tbe »de of a doetdr tbnngh the force 
M a deb. Tbe comedy ta dietlaetly BeUirlan. 
aaa prrsents many Isnghable situtlaas. There 
la a tendency to become grotesqae which la not 
allagethar commendable. However, the ingeo- 
nnta achemee to wbtefa the yeoog eanrtter re- 
f—'m In order to gain hia bride fttm the ab- 
oorMng feature of this dim. Tte pMograpby 
K op to the Bdair 

that prseaM tt jkat^^na Mt' be said lb 
have much dMSetkoT- aedocid to iraoiialt. it 
Is bat the story of a robbery, the pursoal of 
the thieves, and the Onal recovery of tbe 
atoleo money. The fllm Is exceptional when the 
scenery la taken Into cooslderatloa. There la a 
Cullneaa of beantlfol road carvea and a great 
display of etineatrlanlam to which the atory 
givea plenty of opportunity. The aeeacgr de- 
picted la vvry cbaracterlatle.aC tkS WmUt aot la 
prettier than tbat seen on 
alona. Fbotosraphy O. K.. 

XHx imutoB. osaiip; >■■■.' .. Mi. no 

feet. ■:• ; . . 

Here !■ a very pcettT aMT Ud'ane that can 

tx> Ulghly cummeoded.. Iaitl''<.ima 'Iflaa Plck- 
tord doea some of tbs cleeetegt wolfc that she 
has yet pot into action for the Imp Company. 
It Is the atotr of a girl who Is almcat driven to 
destractloa over tbe over-attentlreoeas of two 
roltots. In order to dad oat which one Is to 
many her. aha pays a Tialt to a fbrtons taller, 
who Infocma her tbat by peering Into the mir- 
ror at a certain hour of the algat. abe will tee 
the face of her fntnrs bnshand. Oaa of the salt- 
ora overheazv the fortooe teller'a peopbccy and 
sppeam on tbe spot at the psychological moment. 
Tbe story Itself la Indlvldaal and can not help 
but pruve entertaining. The acting la very 
good and the two enttom' parte ■ balance Ter> 

eteuiy. Tba jb a t ng f a ply la;.Ok K. .Skia.ia one 
of the beat na nnt An lap ha* pol ont re- 

THE FATAL CHABX. Drama. Itala. 

This la an old story of the faithless husband 
settlDg enoaab of life with a charming enticeT' 
via aoJ attvuipdng Co revtTt to Ula old home. 

lUa child is moat pleased to see him, bat he It 
enable to win back bla wUe'a aSectlona. In 
aplte of the fact that tbe ehlld tzlea moat 
agaoosly to eOset a leeoaelUatiao. A 
poiat oC tbIa tha war dtaMwamiB on 
tba part of tta tajaitd with. .nta- la aadMibled- 
Ij • iiiamiailsiii on her part wtuch ahoud be cor- 
ceeted. Pbotography veir cood. , 

Foweso. Feb. 4. Foil length reel. 

Thla la tha abn of a vagiaat love tbat aaaia 
Its Onal lewaM .aiter a moat dlaeoaraglag mase 
of stxennoas adventnrea. Thla pletnre Is below the 
usaal Powera atandard' and the osoal carefal at- 
teotlon to details baa been overlooked. Instead 
of employing broncoe for thla Aim they have 
used hones of mnch more stable build. Tbe stury 
Itself Is not clearly drawn. ' Tbe pbotograpby, 
however. Is well op to the Fowon atandaid. 

TOUSX) AOAm. Drama. Oreat Korthem. Fab. 
10. Fan length rceL 
The story of this fllm la good and very en. 
tertaining. It Is ttist of a servant msrryuig a 
yonng doctor, the psreots of whom object most 
strenooosly to the marriage. He neglects ber 
later on and casta ber from bla home and never 
heara again from her until atie la shot by a Jaal- 
a vandarllla net on the 
trnar hartaad^ aa ber 
to fl^f^in a pso u Uae 
from hIa ta-MkS care of tbeli joaan ebUd. 
Thla be MPM^agrtea to do..aad bnai* to 
Us new iurS &gtag tt Ma 

foaUM^ aa ' tetip^cmm ■ ats ay tn^t 
rightful daui to 
scenery bava " 
raphy la 

8. Fall length rteL 

The theme of thU reel la melodraaatla lOt 
very Interesting, because it baa a new tno Of 
a atory of repentance and wUllog conslgimient 
and return to the cell for peat tranagreaalona 
of a father rather than to harm the chancea of 
his dsughcer, grown to womsohood. There Is 
a nobleneaa in thla parent'a natnre that la bonnd 
to appeal and win tbe approbation of the aud- 


pralte becaoK of Ma-aataMlaeM.aad'IMk iNm 
the tttoal eonedr that la oidy taatamaaat to 

bofle egne. 

_ . Drama. Feb. 

la Ttl feet. 
In thla Aim a very enjoyable atory la photo- 
played. By the will of a dying mother a child 
la given over to the coatody of her bnaband'a 
fatber, who baa never forgiven hIa son even 
unto bis death for bla marriage to thla woman. 
The ehltd la most closely dlsclpllued. sod In- 
deed, baa a very miaerable time until be makca 
the acquaintance of an Intelligent dog. who 
puta the whole boasehold on tbe proper ba- 
frlendablp by bla saving the young child 
death thniagh bla iBtelUgeace. There are 
t TtfT patheOe rnota ia^Ua flia that are 
capably haadled. Die pbotogmphy wia dla- 
llnctly Lurlan 

heara again crom ner one 
one enltor while doing s 
stage. She aenda for bet 
Ufe la faat abMag awe] 

ilS of 

Those who bava been watching the recent Tan' 
kee releaaea that center aboat the experiencea 
of the Italian sleath, will not want to miss thla 
lateat release. It U well op to the detective 
tftory In Its thrllllug quslltles, snd Is one thst 
is bound to appesl to so sudlenee that care foi 
stories of tbis nature. It gives a glimpse of 
black hand life and methods that baa not yet 
l>eeii projected on the acreen. The acting la open 
to cenaor*. bat In every Inatance tha photog- 
tapfajr la w I* Ih* Zaahaa standard. 

••ICS. Be la. howaear, trapped at hia own game, 
and he aad nia band are Ulled by an ezplaeloi 
which thi^ eanse thcmaelves tbnmsh wnagllnx 
and qnarrellng In their cablSL The explosion 
comes Just In time to kill them before the re- 
veoslog band of iDdtans Is about to destroy 
them. An ohaervsnce of detail In this picture 
'a noticeable and tbe acting of the Indian aqaaw 
added materially In makUK thIg-Mlaaaa ill: 
tlnctly worth while. The fMtyCMIV WaB IMl 
op to the Blaon standard. 

P^tb. OL ' goS Cast. 
A yoong hnabsnd who by rising to wealth 
Urea of hU Uwfnl wife and dalllea with an 
a ui a a a, bringa great nnhapplneaa Into bla wife's 
haaw. Be I n al R otea dlesroe proceeding*, which 
«aao to tha'aa^ of tha aetrteg, who repodlatea 
blm Car not atatlttg tha tma fecte to her. Tbe 
divorce la prevented, and a feeaoelllatlon takes 
place. Thla fllm deaervea notlea beeanse of the 
nprlghtneas that has been woTen Into the char- 
acter of tbe actress, and the wife opbolds her 
psrt by her acting. A careful obocrvance of 
detalla la noticeable In thla plctore. The story 
Is one that will be found utetestlng. Not a 
word can be ssid sgalnst tbe pbatogrspbF. 

WBZ* THE OAT'S AWAT. Oomedy. Imp. 
•. 000 feet. 
Imp certainly baa tbe right Idea of fiw and 
doee sot fan down In the least on thla release. 
It la tbe story of a- Janitor snblettlng the spsrt- 
menta of a traveling aaleeman and wife. In tbelr 
absence, to another yoimg eonple. CompUcatlona. 
of course, enane most thickly, with a final clear 
ontcome. Tbe acting of Mary Plekford Is very 
commendable, aa Is slso that of tbe other yooag 
wife. Tbe wboia ptodaetlao deaarraa a weed of 

(0*Btia«M^'M'»a|b'!Ui) ;,; 

the leoitam of tte 

lag. amashtng. tanging— tetgld with bmttlily- 
land, hectic, vibrant, and sttidded throughout 
with that vernacular tbat gorglee In the larynx, 
hot It rarely Bpokea,.Ur. Mwaid Shcldoa'a .plajr, 
The Boss, produeei' laablijitt at- IhO - 
leaat kept one on the iea li i i as h B at' aaoip l a l a 

"There la no lealstlng a draatic appeal tbat 
tbe reporter would call 'elemental.* It got at 
the root of thlnga and eent all veneer to smith- 
ereens. It called a apade a spade every time, 
and It refosed to beat about the bush. It bad 
tbe horror of 'reOnement' tbat a cowboy wonld 
feel for kid gloves. If thsee were two waya of 
aayfag one tnlag. aad the eaaiar war waa the 
politer, it cboae tha Mia titteOlt. MMMi It 
aeemcd mote rtallstle. 

'Often daring tbe acofchlng progreaa of The 
Boss thia told. There Is nothing like a tooch 
of natnre on a eommnnlty tbat holds nttnre la 
abeyance. Bat occasionally thla didn't tell. It 
seemed to be dragged in for tbe pnrpoee of 
eltber shocking or canalng comment. Often aome 
of tbe 'res.' Ism' of The Boss went against tbe 
grain — any grain. There was soch sn utter lack 
of Idesllsm. such a painfully direct and swinging 
attack once or twice It seemed as thongh softer 
methods woold have been of aome avail. 

"The elang need by the Boee and by Porky 
McCoy— vnrr pletnteaqoa aad at tUnca con- 
Tlaeiat— Irntatcd oeeaatoagUr. There was no 
sailing nnder fhlae ealors la Tbe Boee. Every 
Iwdy said a trifle more — rather than leaa — than 
he meant, and be said It In ancb vibrant vehe- 
mence that It waa nnmlttakable. The big, big 
D'a were thick as Valtomhmes Irnvt-s: tbe h — I'a 
fell 'With dull and elckenlOF tiuidK on a some- 
what Alanjr-fBtlgued stage. This wns of course, 
reallRm. It waa what la called 'atroog meat.' 
bnt viands of s less developed frsgrance are more 
nonrlabtng to the anaemic atomach." 

Much of the attength of tbe drama la Ira 

peUcd br tbe •xeeedlnglr effective work of tbe 
company. Tbe work or Badly Btevene tamed 
oat to be a eevdattoa. vrbleb^ eoopled with tbe 
ability of Helbrook Bltal. gnalM a Jlah de- 
gree of aeaelad wam . ^IrawMF Aa Maw will 
persist b itaass of Its -fkraa Ista he assaf b at 
the pataoaajt tbe Astor are eno to aao a Best 
Amerlrsa draaM. ' . 




Kmlly Stevens 
. . . . Henry Bsraent 

Kenneth niM 

.. ., Helbrook Bllnn 
.. .. B. A. La Motte 
a . a • Both Beaeoo 
.. Mha- U. Traogbtoa 
li,*^ Bammoad Dalley 
•. <•...; Walter Dame 
.. '..'"■taak Bherldan 
Belle Paul 
. .. .. Miss Cells 
. . Prank Julian 
Jamea Macdonald 
. .. H. C. Weir 


James D. OrtawMd- 
Donsld Orlswold .. 
Emily Orlswold .. .. 


I>awrence Duncan . . . 
Michael B. Began .. 
"Porky" XcOay .. .. 
Xra. Oaylat 

QatCa *.. .»'.. a. a. 

Davis .. . 

Scanlan .. .. .. .. 

Arvhhlsbop MUeaa .. 

A Cook .. 

A Frvnch Maid .. .. 

A Parlor Maid 

IJegt e naat of Police 
A Mlir Odlccr .. .. 
Police oarer 

Baan v 

raid Est: 


(Contlnned from page Ml) 

B. J. Ratrllire la now playing tbe lesdlng role 
of Remy I>e Margyl tbe part created by Robert 
Warwick In Two Women. I.ealle Carter'a vehi- 
cle. Others In ttie comnany Include tbe orig- 
inal rant of principals who anpetred dnrlag the 
New York engagement. Harrison HnatsT Ttnn 
don Hnrst. Harry O. Carlton. Belea^tasir.' lily 
Cabin and Mile. Andrse Oordajr. ^ - ■ 

THK nrait OHARMB. 

(Contlnned from page 10.) 

Iowa the theme op to the departnre of Hamelln'a 
rhlldren. dancing merrily to tbe accompaniment 
of the PIper'a Ante, and then takee a read of the 
dramattat's own choosing to the cave la tbe hllla 
and Itack to HaroMtn nnd vepcntanra for the 

Thla excerpt from tbe Herald will enlarge 
open thla point: "It la really tbe old alory of 
tbe Pled Piper of Hamelln. wtib a new poetic 
twist and s bsppy eadlag. Tbe piper lores 
all the children eat of Bsmella. to taiaaaa him- 
self of the meaa, uraaplng bnigbna of that town, 
bot the supreme love of the molber of one of 
the little ooea perenades him to retam them all 
again— and ae he pipes them haek. Woand In 
and ahnnt thla floe old legend Is a love etoiy 
tbat Involvea the Bnrgomaster'a dangbter snd s 
strotllng player. 


have come out of France aince tbe production of 
Oonnod's Fanat. I;nnlae la tbe most honest, and, 
as I think, the most beantlfnl. and I aay with 
oat offense tn the lovellnesa of Pelleai. which 
In tbe nmal aenae. Is not an o^ra. What 
Paeclnl did whimsically and pathetteally In I<e 
IMicne. . ChaiBMtlag hta done aerlooaly and 
dramatleally rln r^ XaoleB. Hie cbavaetera are 
nearer to hnaanltr- than 'the JIgbt-bearted ar- 
tists of the fkirmn'a opsta.** - ' 

Tbe Times makes tha ^^Mlowtng eoomaat 
wblrh only goee to atceaafhen the -statement al* 
ready made that tbe opera baa met vrltb tbe 
concerted approval of Ita foUowera: "Tbe flrst 
prodacllon of . Charpeotler'a nnera dtaconeerted 
tbeaa. who dlsmsWy abnnk their beada and pee- 

die tea that Nav TMt'L 

Bor enjoy a work bo easeatlally Pariilaa~lB 

spirit and pnrpoae, devoted. In fact, to tlw most 
perfervid gloriflcatlon of Parla. of tha Joys ai4 
griefs of t certain pbaw of lite In Parli— tha 
phase called 'Bohemian,' exploited by Margar 
and a boat of his Imltatora,. and commonly re- 
garded aa the real eaaence and typical manifes- 
tation of Paris. But New York did spprscltle 
this picture which Is so graiAlc. which has so 
much outward allurement. ; and la ao vlvaclaea 
aod amualng, and again touching and pathetic. 
It accepted even the raptnre and the ecstasy 
which Parip, tbe word and the thing, lammoaa 
up In the breaata of Lonlae end Jollea and lhair 

cempa nl eas. even It It woold. aat-whslly 
ataad the bbIob of oatwa ta a llw t aad of Be- 
etle symbolists. ■ anattlaia aattaeagaat. intb 
which Cbsrpentler. jgo .ptMiated It. All Ihto 
fervor over a MMMtlBal .OialCBetloa may aaam 
to tbe Aagto-aaiOB oinfl'aaaMthlag like a poia. 
Bat there Is evciy assorance that tt Is net s 
pose: and. Indeed, the whole opera of Xjoolea, 
of which Chsrpentler wrote lbs libretto aa well 
as the music. Is Intensely sincere aad bears Ihs 
stamp of conviction. Thla commaode aympethy 
and appreciation, even If It la dlfllnat to adopt 
the point of view which is bo wholly lacking on 
this side of the water." 

Author of 20 big New York Suoomm 

Now til On Bnt WHtir ii VMinli 

Acts -of all kinds written to order, sod good 
original Dramatic and Comedy Sketchee. .Alwaye 
on hand. Cheap for Caah. Uttia acta made over 
for Big Tine. Bend stamp (or lUnatrated Oat- 
alegoo. One dollar «sr Waa^r Badgat of lOJM 
Langka. One danar (Br^M «p4a-data Fan- 
dlea. Poaitlvely no cheetaata. lataat ap-t» 
date -end thirty days ahead of date, ams.r 

Snrcesaes gnsranteed or money icfanded. AH 
Mall anawered. Send Night Mceeage or Wllla 
to-da;, OBAB A. XATUH^ UtM 

EewTeifc OltF. 

HTFVOTBT WASTES— Boat be beat in tha 
bualnees, with novel Ideas, for iraek stand la 
highest clan honae. Mnat he a flret-ciaaa eater. 

talner. Address "BTPNO," care BU (board. Ota- 
clnnatl. Oblo. 

FOB BENT — Jeffrlea-Johnaoo Fight BepfOdim- 
tlon, glO a day; two reela. 1.0OO reela good 
fllm for TSc per reel, shipped everywheie eo 

rental. Will buy Passion Play. Writs qnlek. 

too. Ills. 



Song Ridea. 0. t. BUWHT, UytU. OMa. 

WAXTSD — Baggage Car or Cemblaatlon Car. 
mnat have ateel wbeele and peas M. C. B. 1^ 
spectlon. In excbtBga for a M.OOO Anto, a M 
h. p. 1 Paaaenger Tbomaa Flyer. In good tarn- 

ditlon. JAB. UcCAUOBBT, 100 SUth Ave., 
LaOrange. Ills. 

WAXTEI>— Baggage Car, a(>oat TO ft., steal 
wheels; most l>e in good condition and peso 
spectlon. Could use a Oomblnatloa Car. - Do 
scribe fully. W. P. NKKDBAM, Oea. OaUvegp. 

Padttcab. Ky. 

FOB SALB-Cbrtp. One Mlaea 1 Pla B. r. 
Xachlne, flae order, UxU Cattata Oaihaaa, otk 
glOi One Optlnaph Ko. 4. alaaat aawk OailaB. 
Uodel B. Oae Machine. Beel Ftla, S Boac MB. 

ITB. WM. WIIX1AU8. ISI Eatdl Ave., 

moml. Ky. 


Wtahes to locote where there ia oonaid- 
onble clarinet work for spring and ium- 
mer. Experienced in all linea. Ho ooloa. 
Aa F. of Ha No booM. Am »Iao A-1 piatM 

t mwr. B wtwfciwBM. AddnM.OI**BI« 
NBTIBT, «■!• BOttwiud, CliHiaBati,'0. 

WAITEO AT OBOB— Olrde Bwing : sta le 
- eBB dltloa . TBATERl 

FOB BAU:, OHEAF— Theatre In Andereso, lad. 
Seats OSO. Oood for picture abow, TandevfUe er 
Block. Bant only WO per month. Good loea- 
tlon. LEO ROUS, 739 W. Oth, Aaderaoa. lad. 

^gj^ ^^^^ro^Bg^H lgh I^^^S£M?|g 

FOBUUFUES, prairie 
b w. CT lw, etc. Boy directs a 
LuiwOOb FUXT, ease Fete apln a Farm. 
Waterferd, Balae. 

best. Smaller than a pencil, BemL. 

Kit. 10 centa. BOOEEr XOVZLTT^ 
Ito M. Ban aiBga Bldg;, Ohtoa«a> HIa. 

liafirlUklsg m- 
ssd Mnlif Plotara Matllsss 




(ContltHicd from pi(« 11.) 
Miv Mr. n. 8. miler. who U eoT«to« O* 

(Otatliratd' (MB p«g* 11.) 

■SiTwtaaw Mt. rrom Unde Tom to TiodeTlIlt, 

gU'^^Sfnl ■erol»U from Nippon, with 
iStOBilT embroWerwJ drop and coatamea. and 
SiMriDC f««U Of dMterlty. n»»d« gooa. Oder 
SSrSl^ bin war* any and Patan. eoawdr 

IBST^iirtc rw tttuuk v.4.-<-;v>--~.-:...;".. • 



(OoBtlnaad trom pan 11.) 

fwiM lad aiodo 8mia. ttogow niidjUjeMi; 
OolambU Comedj FW. Jl— WKsfl^ . ljW t 

(CoottBtMd (ma paa* IM 

mnble and aeaalc end. bM coaMlMU* 
SSSSkt <o tha datatta •Mbaa w S'^'g^ 

S nriom iii o MWH to Whtak tb* Urn U nb- 
SHSk^ la l> ehaifo of tba mIm 

BlalTartUlu and and tba norclty o( hla 
SSk haa attracted eoaaUetabla attaatloa dor- 
S^iht pait few WMka. Joa U puttiac hla 
&• iS^a la tor tliU companr whleh la aorc 
i» mitaa tba nmiU. Ha U now ««it on an 
aitraatd^ J»* .MM; 


Belftit. Urn., rrt>. 4 (BpMlUl to 1*» BIU- 
toar4).— At tba aaaiwl maatlaic of tha Waldo 
ODODtT fair dirtetora tba roUowtna oOcaia 
vo* ilrcted: PiwMaot. John B. I)"B«^^»•«^ 
pmldrau. BalWTB Tbompaon and OnUtord D. 
PradirioD: aaetataiy and ttaa«uar, OROi I. 

■ In Ita 

It w«. nMad to MM *J'^ 
load Uio tbo eantar Bald cad Ik* 
MM witb tba baard of twtaafc, 
Hrba aodatir bad tba laisoM atn 

MMOCT at tbair lT**1t*' ■HOllbl -M.-mm aaajriji 

Cil^^BtS?taSiB% MBa »& lad a 

' 'v.. ■i4yiitvP(Mi!;^it^:^v :■, ' 

Batrar Dam. Wh.. '•JL* JMWW to tW 

bMd from Baplaaabat M *• S:JI^*!&.^ ^ 
for trlala a( Ml; »T,«* wm ba of- 

^- oihlMta ataM all 

fD* apadal attiac- 
, Taral tbonaand dol- 
M tba immn da dartas 

3a « 




Mall aa 13.00, aad wa wDl aand yon oor 
■•tbod. alao ent ninatnitlBC tba Bathod 
•aplorad la icoadTtng tbu taalt witb 
Ooadeuara. ▲ aUapla tnataeat whlcb 
lioam yon acatnat btaakasc from a 
dnaabt or baat. Jaat wbat yon aia 
taiSc tar. aaad t»dar 

>M Park atr*«t. Datralt, Klok 


Roller Skates 

■tnay * Barry aad Wtaalow uka. la tiat- 
tfiM nodltloa. Obar wbaala. Wa hava ba t waan 
ttiaa and foor bandrcd paUa aad wlU taka 
•LOO a pair. Tbla la a gnat baraala to aay 
ff'iJL'L'L**'** Bkalca. AdSiaaa Ur. J. 

IBLDON. ^Y^f** Vub; Mawark. N. J. 

nntm mmi naiMMft una n 
v ow iiiT i^ 

ooata la. Bracy mail bttasa on an 

at WbyT Bccauae It doe* tEe work. 

Band (or tba booktot glrlnc yon a foil dcaerlp- 
tlon tt tba MOBTUaB nuf OLBANBR. 
Fldallty Balldbw. Mrtlaad. Malaa. 

Bara yon aean tba aaw "TBBK OF TMttUMLf 
pnulal BelUns on tba atrccta of Nov Tit^' 
wlUUra. Bead 12 casta tor aamplo.ta 
ZLB CO., Now Boeballo, H. Y. " 

FOR SALE.... . 

V 6z6 CAMI 

WiM itt lKt--Cwpliti Orckatia 

Maat plajr TaadaTlBa. Untaa »aapla aiil7 win 
bo a ceaptod . Plaaa, TloUa. Ooraat, Drama, 
CUfiaai. noaboM. Mm t» Aii 
ladlaa or fintlaMaa, ' 







wltt flood pictwv 
▼aodamio Aata, 1 
Plaae naycn. ole. 

Mow Oriaana, La. 

. Blncla and Doobla 
Uloatratad Slnccra, 
for caab, Itctnre 

wAiraxD TO Btrr 

Tant, or rxchamtp Moriiut Plcturr Ma' 
cblna. Addn-M ii. iiehmaN ktaim,. H«iaB- 
nab. Oa. 

FOB BAIX— 81i Trained Ooota for aale or 
trada for antralBM atoek. What bara yon? 
8ae MS. WUXIAU HAHN. Dal.TlII.. Dela- 
ware Co., Ind. 

FOB BALK— TOxBO Tent, oaa riaa Trick Box 
■M MaU Ba*. Wantrd Plaao na)ac. laM Job. 
Prefer one who can work oa ila|ib CIgBli I.A- 

MOND. PhlUlpabort. Pa. 

ooKBnrATioa mtt un tmrabiz 

Made of open hrarth atael. BrarT knife an- 
tooiatlnlly graiDd. ready tor oae. SUdea work 
perfectly (new pallrni). Hare orercomc all 

d»rf-ct. of knlTM fttrmerly marfcetnl. Pro- 
noonr^l [>.-rr''-t by mr^-tmpn. $4.00 per groaa. 
DOKSTIC mo. CO., Box id, Ooahaa, Ind. 


Place yonr orden 
BOW for open- 
las o( the aeaaon. 
We make the aet- 
ap qniek 

'~ for CatUofoa. 

W oi aeed. Oiadaaati. Oble, IT. m. A. 


BImllat. OaioclM M - Olbav olMat aat) to 
daabto aaan comedy pm nB 4a atiatt ozblbl- 
tkm. Man (or comedy Itirmtactar, TatoatOe 
Vooag Team far tontm and cbamcter Irlabman. 
Otbera write. Oommnnlcata quick. Long aea- 
•oo. A PAIR or PINKS CO., Bneka Sprlnca, 
Ark., B-S; Berrrrtlla. 10; Ballnaaa. U&. 11; 
SpclBcdale. Ark.. IS; myetterflle. Ark., 14. 

roB azxT— oBAjn ovsba ■ovb at 

Ark. " " 

town. Oood abow towa. 
tbe aei 


Bmitb, Ark. PopoladM ai,«00t ^ff^jff'J^ 


CURIOS. KTC - - > 

WaMot gl 

-f .... 

ffMHI Will 
la Ibo raablt 
. AmaHcaa Bas BaU AUay. Two otbera 
floated orer f3,000.00 Biot yoor. BViar 
otbera oeer f1.30O.OO la two moatba. FVnir 
otbera took la 13.300.00 In alna nontba. Oo In 
tbia bnalaeaa yonrarlf. Yon can atart witb gTS.00. 
We let yoa teat It wlthoot riaklajr aay mooay. Nearly 
7.000 alleya aold to date. More popnlar to-day than eecr, 
ThMe alleya pay from (30.00 to 175.00 each per week In any 

town. No (ambllnn derlce. but tbe beat tblns on earth for clean 

-!"<"f<i>«nt and pbyilctl exrrclae. Patronlaed by the beat people, who form cTaha and brint their 
f V** ,. ° eipenw to Initill or operate. No apeclal Boor re<]ulred, no pin boy needed. Recelpta 
marly all proOt, We acU only one coatocaer In towna of moderate atae. Write for booklet and 
oaay pay ment plea. AMZBIOAM BOX BAIX Oa, UTO Van Bares Btraet, mdianapaUa, lad. (SO) 

SAJA9 €|Nypii!$ Ji^^ 

Ready to cloae >U engageawnta for noxt Beaaon; ' 297 Sumner St., E. Boafam; Mmb. 

Alao Pnllan'a nnlformrd Concert Band. Can place any merltorlooa Platform or Tented Attrac- 
tions. We h«Te the featmvg that draw the crowd. Want to hear from Lady Vocillit to alaa 

wllh tinn.!. Mniit hn>.- Tnli-.. .nd joxl WHrilrnN-. Ail<lr»*« NICItO AND 1/XlH. F.-b. 6-11. 

Al>l>t vlU<i. l^ , IS IB. JenuiD^ Lm. 


— -•M .VNB atAIN •mnCTB OP! 

THE E. Q, tliSIXm ilM 

WANTED for tbe opentns of the aeaaon Itll. for tha abora data, two iqt-to-date Show*. Ca> 
place a faw - more Oincaaalona for a Ions aeaaon. Wa can oae good Lonatta and Btatne Ham. 
two Door Talketa, also Plantation People (Faontlenqr and wife, aad Chaa. Barria and Oraaa, 
write.) ExdiulTe Noreltlea and OonftttI primes* aold to Baoban ambers for the aeaaoa of 
1811. MUledserflle, Georsla. K. of P. Stnet Vatr to fOUow Macon. Bis pcepaiatlaaa and oa- 
t8aaty«jM*sitlMaK.Mr ytt^oraMa^ ^ droai M m ^i^^ 


(AFTER FC&l.ll) . : 

Trap Drummer-*-' *".-- Pianist 

Bara aad play balla aad If iiiiiaiilaa, 16 yaata* exparteare Plaalat aiparti ad la all nam 
Anrtbiag good. Prefer lorition n. j. tribhth. nmaim.r don aBAtinn. pimitt. »st > 
4lb attaat, a^rlasaeM. IU>. matij oi- joiotij. 


o DyVYS 

starting Batorday. Feb. 18, 1911. Wanted, all ktada of OonceealoBa. Bide Sbowa. .Novelty Af*t 

Iirilaa Ibrtaaa Taller, Shoettns Gallery, Doll Back. Aftteac Dodsci. tplalat*. All 

MILT J. CBAMDAU., Uttia Bblla. M. T. 

M A J>i A G E m Si 

The eocceea of yonr abow depanda oa tba aaa abaad. If y"!*!* laottv fat 
boatllns Agant "good rep. prafaffod." addnaa caia of ■. HUB] 

Chicago, ma. 




J^AIH Ort^B — /SB Mm na C 



basdle eixT look that won't ran thaoagb a martdna. An fmIm haea tlMea aa d era It 
condition and worth twice aa much as Taak f»r tbaai. 2.000 Tmat aad I^OOO laUViaMI 
i«ds to aalect ftom. Send for Itot aad prkaa. A. J. CI.APHAM. Vs Beat Ifltb Hiaot. Wow T« ■ 

PUB uoTvui •nntflF 

nU Me-emnawa WBBll WBIItMa 


CARBONS-BIO,axM,p« 100. ai.10: SJPBCJAL^^mDafor Powar HaahlBaa. 
ARCO,e.M.porlOO,.1.00;ELECrRA. ^^i^^^Tl^^^^r^SS'iSSIi. 
6xS-S, per 100. $3.05. Roll of 3.000, 16 «M. 

>FaotamadDiriBlaatant(orTlmatna.<aMs«aalIoa. with apray. W (wM.I. 
" ' Llfltal nriT »iAm»mS.rJSiiam at towaal pifom. 

-"-'-^ f fttegJlHagi fin ■ Nmw Voric City 



suam AoooBPKP mm imebi 

TldrOV. A* 


'nr It e ~B 1 1 1 b o a r d 





pictans, to mt _ , ^ 

la otdcr tbat It iiu7. «t the nme Obe, SIl a denund totjcnAVbt SDd dv of TtSbmrj, 
m hart mad* I t ■ hl rtoriol subject eonstracted trom this beantlftil tbtn* of James Whltcomb 
bust's poon. "HUE OU> MAN AMD JUL" BVom the tlti« yoa aw. no doobt. read the 
bccstb or bomc, bat for fesr tbat 70a may not be familiar with the storr, we -will amj that 
we bare cboaen It tot Its edocattonal aerrlee, and becaaae It afford* ample apportrmlty (or 
the greatest and most macnlfleent dlsplsr of milltarr splendor, military atmo^^erc, ai>d the 
brar siy of the tmttte-Beld ; belns a teptodoctlon of tbe famous conflict at Pctersborx, Va., 
U86. between Grant and Lee. 

W e preaeot in tUs subject tbe remits of man; weeks of serious stadr. and In releaiins 
•*X'UI5 OIJ> UAN AND JIM." -we ar« sobmlttln^ to your most acarcblne criticism, a prodoe- 
ttoD. on tbe merits of which we want tbe CHAMPION ElIAt COMPANY'S repntatlon to be Oxed. 

We write to 7011 In Ibis strain, becanse we know tbat sometime 70D will be boond to 
hear of It and will want It. We therefore write to yoa In adTance so tbat jon^ maj do yon' 
dnty b y .—, br iwiisiif and Iqr ioac ->atsaaa, -aad asa tkat jwar eTrhsnte snpplios ns wttb 
•^ebm OU» ItAK Am latr :■£» a^aSiiM «C 9«ar .MMaaaa we need not tSlyoa flnit yoar 
~ wuitB mnuny' vaetada, with tte tiu^ aC^ Wlurttr, tbe cbatse of caTaliy, tbe 
at sabers and tbe faselnatlnc action of the battle- Add. Ws know yoa like to see them 

^*!^^|^bav*' made tbla on a trcmendoos scale, and an tbat we ask Is tbat wfaes tbe txamp 
'•C JW patTona'- feet and tbe dap of tbelr bands baa died away, after tbe Orst dar 
'•rm it, Jost alt down and write ns a line, tdllnc na what yon really think of that r 
— dvcrtlalnc wai be vecy attractive and if yoo will let ns know' aft' 


We take extreme pride in drawing your attention to a Banner Fltm whi^ we 
will appropriately release on February ^nd, and fittin^y^ cbmmeniorate Wash- 
i ngton's Birthday. It is reproduced uom the atinuiK American and widely known 
Poem of James mitoomb BOey. eotitled "tOE OIJ> MAN AND JIM." 

You wiU antidpiUe tiw vma^ of tkii nal with aigBnie« m we have cnatod 
a large demand for it wmcmit tiki «aAMIinii"ttHpi|^'ntaMiiw adTntiaiig the 

country over. 

The vastness of this production, coupled with the tremendotu cost, will only 
be conceived when projected in the Theatres, and we are enthusiastic in predict- 
ing its unbounded success. 

We will be pleased to receive your request for all advertising matter, and we 
earnestly soUoifcyanr valued Older. IladH4gtUi^:]jM.:«iHjNfkap|]Fdn'jMliee to 
us, but to yoatiaCudyoiiradifliitan. " ■ - ~: --^ \ .'-:- ^^^ -^r 

A pn>iiqit*m|yfMMkyntvBte highly esteemed.- -Respectfully yoani^ ' 






Moyiog Picture Theatre IJtt 


Annapolis — Boyal Prinens; F. Budder, mgr. 

Unique; B. W. Williams, mgr. 
Clasa Bay— ir.nsasn; Mat Malaa. mtx. 


Happy HiHfc- 
Sidney — tTnlqae.' 

WtiidsDr— StasdanL 
WalfTtU»— Nickel. 

n. X 

. * : 


. A. Scott. 


BownanTflle — N. Bnttoa. 
BraeArUge — S. lAmbe. 
Bobiicagen — ^A. 8. WeUsmaa^ ' 
- ■- ■ — omingB. 

atle Amn 

Dnlyen. . ... * 
CUnCoo— Majestic. 
Coninswood— Bed Mm. 

Cockrane — Sa-roy. 

Cobonn — Coboors Amoaement Oo. ' 

B. Baymond. 
Cbealey— U. Blbbn. 
i^Mm Race— W. 

Idla Hour. 

Goelpli — Orlflans 
McMnUen * ~ 
J. a Greene. 

HaUeybmr — Placa. 

HamUton— OolaaU; O. Sk Odlm. Ug R. 

James et. -. . . , ■ 

Crystal PalaM .HllliMt 'CfeVgMb' ■K^'-V B. 
Kins St. - ■ - 

~liB K. f^irtaia, mgr., 147 S. 

»; Tted 7. Bogers. mgr., 80 N. 
Li. Kins, mgr., 24 W. Merrick 

Hanoi ei — j. Dama. - * . - 

HMaieek — Wonderland. ' 
Ingeraon — A. Eley. 
Hespler — ^Notton & Mnsson. 
BontsTlIIe — S. Lambe. 
Kingston — Simmons . 
F. DaUey. 

A. Borrows. 

B. Up 
. King f 

Thi _ 

W. H. Bos 
Lindsay — ^Ibe 

- Sent St. 

iTcenm: HI Mo 

Wonderland: Tn€'U 

Ustowel — O. Sproatt. 

LcBidon— Majestic Tbeatsst 9pa<:'Siacaa. 
231 Dondas st. 

Uttlqae Theatre; B. 
at. ■, 

; X. 

Star: Geo. STwanwlck, ^ 
Ixmdon — Bennett's Tbeatra. 
Mannora — ^P. Pearce. 
Midland— SaToy. 

Mitchell — Wonderland- 
New Hamborg— A. Hi 
W«w LIrtard Ore ad Oveca 
Mew ICaifcet-4 Bhs. 
Niagara FMli riiauW, 
North Bay— Vai • — " 

Boyal: W. B.' 
Norwood — I>yrlc- 
Owen Soond — ATenn*;: 

Wonderland: T. 
Orillla— 3. Xambe. 

A. & 

Gans u o qn e 'Btar. 
Opera Hoose. 
Palace: B. Taylor, 


W. H. 

Ottawa— 7. N. Stapletea. 
Empire: A. Attwdl, Ml 
W. H. Maynard. 
D. giarlebola, 

H. F. 

Parry Soon d K 
Pembroke — ^Peegl 

Pertb— B. W. Msita, 
Peterborongb — Boyal 
Oeesgs at. 

Princess Tbcatief 

Crystal llie alw; 
Oeorge at. , 
PstflftovBngb, Ont.— BoyHy 

PIctDO — Seo. Cook*. 

FOrt Artbnr-Gayetr: A. OoefaM. 

Lyeeom; G. Taney, mgt. . 
Port C M b uimie B tlea.^^ •• . 
Port Periy^-G. McQMaleM. 
Frcacott— A. Delaney. . 
Preston — ^Bcement ti tfbittm. ' 
Benfr«w — S. Collins. 
Samla — Empire. 

t. H. Manley. ' 

BoyaL •- -. . 

W. Stein. 
Sanlt " " 



E. Walker. 
SeaXortb — I. G. 
Slmcoe — ^F. Pnrset. 

Smith lUls— T. W. • III 

SoatbamptOQ — ^BdL Blohn. 
Stratford — Griflln's Thcatrcu* ■ 
■ — O. Prayer. 
Oat Oraad, IB (Muto at.; 

OBtaito at: Omilt * 

andbmy Anmsement- Co. 
St. Oatberlaca— Hippodrome; T. 
St. Catbarlnea — Lyric 
St. Marys— M. Ktchardsoa. 

Mrs. Mnnn. 
St. Thomas — Empire. 
Mlnsbsll « Boyd. 
Id ls. HOnr; 8-_ Greea tc 9 mm, 

bet at. * ^ 

Star; P. MlncbaU. — — - 
Tb»iiiii'in — D. J. 


Tborold — ^Mr. James. 
Trarton — Oeo. Cooke. 

8. Solmsn. 
WcQand — Grand; Mr. Dawdr. 
Oiezoi — ClaAe Bros., 

Wallaeebnry- M. McBaw. 
Waterloo — B. Fsdna. 
Wlarton — ^W. Aahoaft. 
Woodstock — Bojtf. ■ 

Adiroadack JaaeUta- 

Alymei^^. Laslgae. - 
Bcrthler— AntoamK . 

Bncklnsbam — t. M. 4aaMa> 

/. CriaetletCL " 
Canbbnawaga — ^Wm. WOIdai 
Bastfam— Nlckd. 
Fbnbam— James T. Hesaa. 
Giandmere — Palace. 

GseenvUle — ^Mr. miwti"*. 

Barn Dalaclaa, 
HUl-lUkslMpa. . 


Pare Boyal. 

Jollette— Blogrspb. 
.Opera Boose. 

Lschlne — Imperial 

Ttanotoacope HaU, 
LachDte — Tftoscoiie. 
I«Tl»^. Oa^ 




Presenting s norelty and cbaracter ataglag 
and daocinc act of real merit. gUteca mln- 
sC cUrcr week, atastd aad 

jCnwd Your Hoose! 

•• ■ U«g Wlf*l 

filttll Muey! Bist Cm! 


lUntalferThrM Days. Tan Oellara 
n«fiiM«tf an Raturii of Pteturaa, 

. gaatcta, banacfa. aaaooace- 
^ aad other adsertlslag matter. 

jSTt sr&e-wsjfvsirtixss^ 

lag tcatmaa ut tbe titeL Thia wm ast 

FEMUARV II. 1011. 

The Billboapd 



a Bntaonat. Alwo prewatiaK 

«r tb« irrvat c om p n a w of tte ' 

ut on the Wm. Morrtj time. 

"The Sign of the Flying A" 




"k PIttskin Mliliiuira" 


BJiUt ml eotamOr. Both hUarloaaIr 
intsch maUac rt>rt from tin Bf»t (not !• 


•aitk riMr. AaklMMl BiMti 


St. , 


St. Jeaa— TbDotoacopr. 

8t. Jerome — TbespUIe. 

8t. Jobm- 
St. Martin— L. I^aTOlr. 
St. Pie— Oljmphla. 
St. Theme — Oaear TfeM. 

JolM Aodettc. 
Bbawtactoa Ml«— Aoditorlaa. 
Slwtbnake— A. ti, Z" 
aemeat Theatiik 
W. IJp.rt. 
Bocel — LaeoatameapBi 

Sorel Tlieatre. 
Terreboone — T<»rTeb 

y. Poetru. 
Thnt Blrera— Bljoo. 
▼ailejacIdP-Maitlnean Broa. 

Waterioo— O. J. A. Chacaon.. 


Vternle— Gem: B. w<i*ari1a. 

nrnqoe: W. Flaety, mcr. 

BUoo: a ataplaa. mi^ 
Fort Oeoise— stariaad. 

Gtaad W oi ha U ^licOi— »». 
Ho aum — *- 
Kaalo— P. 

Exhibitors, Beware! 

j Don't lekyonrEtediw^M^ 

I yoii up for posters. All our 
I ciistomen are. siippUed with 


! FREE. 



Tins — 

Sdr n "5**^ * Mlaaa^ijlMMMqtaM-cUM 
SLi r -*^'**> n^MOl- Mailt fclMllaaltea 


Naabao— Crewa A Oiu' 

Ctewa Tbaatnu 

Opera Tkaatra. 
Hriaoo Cm; X. 


Prtawa nijpcit 

BaTclatoke — A. J, 



Victoria— Cnad. . 

^"^S!r'~""**«** W.;- X. M. 

Uatr. mgr. 
Baae. n aa ttap at.. E.; T. B. Molr. msr. 
Maple I«at. OlUTnie at.; J. B. Voir. aigr. 
■oral. ButlasB at. W.: B. Uaiwsrtk. 


Prlaecaa. SS Hastlaaa at., E.: W. 

Prorloce. Baatlaia at., 

H a atla g a at., K.; Scott 


EUctrteTM Wa»tln«a at.. W,; Bm 

' OamO 8^; B. 



Ca^ a 

17. Caraara -St.: -41^ B.-8tlitaii. micr. 
By, 800 Block GraSTtlle; FamOr -Theatre 

Co., am. 
SaTCT. IZS HaatlBca at.. W. 

Star. SSI HUB at.: 
Ta at aaia i. B. " " 

dated AaiaaeBemt Oo. 
rietaato— MaMIe Tfciatm 
Boaiao naatic; ISM ~ 
»a»iiM neatra: !«• 
Ctj aaa t ; 1313 Bmad ac 
WTl Pa a ta t Bt aadard. 


: Lambert * EM- 
IC Ftanrtb, Bisr. 



Kaiptre Tbeatra: JL U. _ . 
KoreItT neatic: Horettj Ttiatre 
Faih tVatia: TWtia AaaK, C 


Koom Ji 

Prlae* albcH- 
Bcs(B»— mte. 


ne OalHBMa TbaaHe OompaaT. dov owbIb* 
and apacatlac foartcea th aa trn la the Soalb. 
hare opraed a pew booa In Bowllnic ureen. 
Ky. n* tbeatra haa a aeatlax capacity of 
NO, aad haa be*a pUrtac to 8. K. O. boalaea. 
alBCa Ita opratac. a a PhllUpa, Vncral 
uaaccr ot the mafiaar. aad C. A. Ctjlrera. 
aacretary and treaaorer. nara ao ««BCh plafMd 
with tbe bnolneaa aeconied tb* koaaa. that th^ 
epeopd aaotber booae In tha Htr oa laa. SO. 
ThIch vfll t>e kvowa aa tha OalaaMa. 

Uablcr aad Companj- bare iet< l red tha fal- 
lowtac tdenam tram Joaapk U. Ha^ar. np- 
raaeatlac the Galhalle cittana ;aC CAarlcatoa. 
B. 0.^— ^Tba OithoUca at 
fal lo Ulaa Tkda Aim 
conpaaj. She coald hataa 

far a week had aha laMM . — - 

Oodapaed aad wW look «oa Mr Mtn Mtt aM< 
aaa la Ttie White Slater." , , 

Liew Row. tocniRiT theatrical maaafer et a 
New Orleana theatre, aad taora reeenrty of BI- 
teil, MlMt. haa taken ehar«e of the Opera 
Hooaa at Oalfriort, Ulaa.. aoccecdlns Bd. lians.- 
who haa retired. . _ _ ... . 

Btlly De Roae and Jack C. BathertBrd bare 
l«»t coopletM an operetta far . H lla. T fcalMa 
Tnllaaaaaa which will recrl^ Ua fKMNta la 
Boaten. week of Pebraair SO. 

IMIMI (eel trate- 

a K W.— what it 
with a Braah Outfit — 
Hidf tiM 8 to 16 cotp wUeh 

you are now paying the 
Electric Li^t Compaiqr. 

Also svre mw-balf <rf tbe 
lamp eumalhy using eo volt 
inlaid cfm 

Uw Obeek Cunent. whieh 
ii faraivflriar to,Alt«ipating 



r Gaa. OuoUds or Keraaeoe; IS H. P.: walaht 
UUO Iba. Uat »800, ashjaet to dlamat. 

vans X04UT ma oAXAXoan 


You Can't ARonI to Miss 

largest dealers la naafac l i ktiua i 

for ap^I.l (1l!»connt_s, C. O, D. or csfih with ordem. 
SFECIAI-Ty CO., 46 Eilt Hlh Stmt, H«w Xart Clij. 

pula la Haw 'T«fk?'^Sid£SiM''«iiia' 


mcchaJolcallT parfp«t w^ t**'"^ fo j^ thj^^joj ectf on of 

tickarlaaa taaUoa aiatatsa. 
SOax aaly la ba Sad wia 


At Last k 

This is the Machine-THE MOnFlo'i^R APH 

that ataada oompariaoa. point for potot. with ct«tt ataadard aiachlae aa 
tha BUZket nader the moat expert hiTCatlcaCion — aad la alwaya tha vtelar. 
XBa im UODEI, VOTIoeBAPa aooa taadr. Saad far Catalona aal Baiaa 

CNTKMPRIseomCAt. MFO.CO..Sn W. Wandolpt«.'mt..CI»laaBO,lll. 

J. K. XALLaZB0, Act. BDW. X, 1 ' 

M a. Ord 8*. JI. T. dtr. T. OS Kazkat It., 

J. T. BXOCKLXBl. Act. 


I — St^B 20.000 — $4.00 

30^000 — 6.00 


For Rent-lOOO Reels of Film, $1a00per day each 

Write iminecU^. ALAMO FILM.' EXCHANGE. Maisoa Btaoche 

'SiB.. Mejr 








Brb B. Batter hat porchatrl tbe Intercat ot 

la now opaa ta all Ura Coaeaaaloaara aad Sboanaea. WU alao place' aar aaar Bldlac Daalea laaa 
ablr^ rioaeat park to the city: twenty mlaatea' rUa froai mala atreet: within leach at Ibiaa < 
llor*. Best drawlns park city, uracat dance paTlItaa aad awlmmlm pool la city. S 
SecDlc RaUway and Old UlU, fi«e TaadarlUa and Band Oonccrta. nrs-ccat artmlaahia, CaM 
to ao.000 peapla oa Soaday. Addiaaa J. H. KMIUB. Mcr. S«>tcat Park, raaaaa Ctty. Ma^ ~ 

nr YOUR extmx w rulik o&r»8 is KxiLWtmin, 


Xtie Dill board 

PiSRUARY 11, 1111? 



Hik, Dodr. flbom, Brcnham, T&m, ■ 
nxmaosh-Sells Bros.': Baraboo. Wlik^ 
_ OOoM^ 221 ImUtn U Pl« «»). 

k\ BinkM. 

■ob&MB'a. I«ba. U Big 

O.. (CHaiteBatl OOca, 

Bmk.'. Otntna OUr But. Mmm, w. • 

m«dcr A.Downla Sbowa, , OzftcO, Fa. 
roDnc Baffilo'i wnd WMt, FMdt, m. (Ot 
flna. UW B. Madtaon at..- OUcan^ DLr 



3 Laige — 1 Small 

thwehigh,a<ee^Bg ' 

— 30— 

"And Then Some" , 
Toilets — Lockers ' 

Staal Bnks Beaiaa 
High-QMWI. Ttipii, 
Twain Air TsIt* 


Joainai. nanntaad to 
pan M. u. B. inspae- 
tion.alao Bouthan^^. 
snd Urminsl inipae- 

^k^V tion at JaokaonOTlla, 

OV^ Florida. 



Could also b« used 
for Dining Room, 
Storage or ooavert- . 

Berthi Mid sSCk 

Wlh rent to responsible parties, $25 weekly; deposit required, 8300 for its safe return. 


For further partioulara address 
DELCHER, Managar Duval Thaatre, JackaonvllU, Fta. 

J. K. 
a. ITIh ava.. CMamb 

HaiTla na Bna.' 

Fasa. m. 
Habcr Bras.* Show, 


Bonrnt BQl'a Sbow, 

Jonea. H. D.. Bldlac ^Oanartas * 

Aiidamm. iBd. 
KnmMj-i X, I. T. Bugeh. P«r7. OWa. 
KcUar Broa.' Wison- Show. OntlirleaTma, 
Kins Bn».' Wild We«t. I.t-xIiiitoli. Kj. 
Umpa Broa.' Ncwnt SIiowb, ,<tii«roB, N, 
I«Taat'a aog Xwt Mow, XktswaoBilIls, 
Iioeka. nad, "*■ — ~- ^ — ~ ' 


OgraaU, Maaddateb, and Bar Big BaaCk «( 
Bbekbarriaa. «BT Ada at. OUeaso. ni. ° 

PazMll. O. W.. A Co.. O. W. PariMll, msr.. 
Oanaal. M. C. 

oUlar. Gas. W., Xeoktlaal 

Ottr.'-'nA. iiUam, ■ 8a.> . 

yn* WasU >aystt»Tnia. Aift. 

gr.. Boaier. N. 

■B.Blppel. mtr^ Bas M. mok- 

Any corractio&s or additions to Tha BlUboaird'il^ttiiil'4 
«rlBte>>qaatiaM aaay: ba aaeoidad on Uaak bafom . 'i,'' 

Nama of Show.. 

^' y . y^;j^ .tf^^^.■■,Wi■,'J y ^ l .'^ 


. Baal Trnd Wart. Oaa. Kirck. prop.. 
BoK aU-Hodala, la. 
- -, laaaa. ifo. 2 Bhav. O. 

- , Jattn, B. bTIMk 4l>«sistla.'"W. a 
' - ■ d Shsar. 

Bar B. Rancfai Wa 
Bar X WUd Wast f 


Bma.*' OrMt^r OaUjm 
Carmeji, OUa. 

Bootbton'a, BDlle, OnrlaaA ghsa. 

. Brawna'i. B«.. OrerluA ^><^ I 


's Dag. Ptar sad • 
Bm. LsBlarlUa. Kr, 
W. L, Bhowt Saw < 

Bridth'a. B. 

O.. CMoml ntin in > Tialaad" dal ' 
dtton. Atwatrr. O. 
<9gar Btn-a Wild West, No. 1. &".W. .VnriMk 
Aatas Baplds, Ueb. ' ■ : . 

. r WMts ift...:A a»aetlasa^.--aBaBlM .flL 

:«aad.-' wa,.; yisiiiinii- aagw; — 



TTcaka, Coiloaltln. Mldgala and nt Paopia; tboaa wbe lUTa aarac trsTClad (Mtatsd; gsed ab 
Idaea ItsUaa Baad. two goad OtatMM-ta'amk'Mat d( mm la iai;-.imi»<.: Ia«tBrar aad Tralsa, 
•ar OaMeh Waim. Wantad. OaoMiuitiaBi'aar; aot lass ttu' W faak.~dUt'wtaM traefca; moat ba 
cbeap for cash. Tbasa ihowi bare nerer cloacd. Beeo on tbc road (or OD* hoadrad tad thlrty-A 
wccka. Alwaya pay aalarlca and make tha bis' iTcnta. Booked for atason ot. ISll with tha 0^ 
bis asansatloiv tha Dultad Pain BooUns .AaaoeUUon. Boatad thtoosh OSaada, ' Maattwast saS' 
WMtHB 6Ute Fain. Etracst, ostrich mth with Mas . actara. writs. Wm^ sC Nk, JL . 
iburwaak ot nto. U. Ocowler, La.: waak of Kb.. 10, laks Ofaailas, Ls. ■ '■. ' ' , 

Wolcott's Model Shows 

Caniulii|liWllHlitallHr, CNk-lNsi,IMIilick. j 

Esduaivie. All must join at Hirii Springs, Fla^ week of Februaiy IS. Addraaa ° 
wires Gainesville, Fls., week of February 6, JOSEPH DION, wire or join. 


Clrena people of all klnda, RIdera with or wltboot atock, aboat Btc sood Clowaa, OasHas Acta. 
Tioope of Japa, two bl( FVatnre Acta, alao Blllpoatera and Oaoeral Aicnt, Boaaes tor all dapait- 
iaenta, food Man to handle Bolts & Werer Ucbta. Wot Bide Show, Colotad Fbrformara that dosUa 
In braaa. Maii_ to_ do_ l*iiDch and_l|agic^two_Oriaital ]^MBcar ^^ hat_do i ~ ' 

All addreaa M. I. CLARK If; 
Colorado Cotton, write; ai 
and John Craaaartt, write. 


r, w aartaar to (omiah twaaly haadi a« wBd wa* 

. Waatsd,.Biaa(li6 Bostais aad Bopaca. Hara opaa dates Air carta sad taia 

aa a facial free attraction. ' Ooaraataaa ooljr and paid ahew oa paieeataae. Partlnlars. addraaa 
B. a CABUBLE. Msr.. 2549 UUwaokasATanna. Chleaga. U.; snarMin-ti lat. addf-aa Ml 
W.- last^ Stjaat. yew York- City. ^ 

I- . • , .-• v;.r":i: 

Animal Circus 


Walah Broa.- 

Bbow: 708 M. 

wflllaina, ~Waneea, DoK, Pony and Monkey Oir- 

cua: 224 Let- at., Fltzxerald. Ga. 
Woody'a Combined Sbowa. Aft^, Okla. 
WoDdarland Teat Sbowa, J. 

BtleBboro, W. Ta. 
Wren Broa.. I/elpalc, O. 
Tankao AjarrlcaB Bbow, 1818 S. Mth' at.. 

I.. * Soaa' 
Naw Ifaa 
PhUadalpUar'K - 

Vtank'a ^feiw. ' F. 
atias. la. 

wnd Weat Sbaw. MT W. U»th at., 
Ta*. M. T. 

a - Ma's 

Aagssts* Os. 

Cole * Bogars: Baa Aatiadtt. ^— . 
Oooiter, w. B.. B. B..ns<n3aasMtar. Ho. 
OkawfMd.' Bd.. * Bona* Mmt- nSa-Bhsta, lad. 

DeMott'a Combined Sbowa: Tower, Hlch. 
Dnlanay'a. Sam J.. Bis Trat Bbow, Ptaa OiOTe, 

-.Barbmaa> The J. H., Bnrapean Oliess, Haifa 
..-* BniB. idmeapolls, Minn 
■^Wetxt, Adam. Sbowa: Sealy, Tex. 
Bkaaklla DoK_a Fooy Shmr, Beayar Olty. Mab. 
bTw.. Maw Show. |mb Oisat st^ niss. 


For Circuses, all kinds of 
Tent and Outdoor Shows, 
Concession and Street Men. 
Write for Catalogue. 


104.6 N. 12th St., • ' 



Complete, with seats, stsge and etc. Price 
moat be reaaonable. Will alao rent combination 
UTins and bassase car. MEININOEK AKD 
FLTNM, Orerbolaer, Oklaboma City, Okla. I.ady 
Moslelaaa please write. 



Solo and lat Clarinet, Eb Clarinet. Solo Cornet. 
Baritone, one more Alto to doable tIoIId pre- 
ferred. Bass Dmm and Tabs. Sober and re- 
liable men only. State Ralarr and experience. 

CHAS. OERI.ACn, T.rJ rnrr.ifl Htn'.'t, liufTalo, 
Ntw York. 

Wm inansorata'nB'VIBBB IMDOOll BBABON In the mammoth akatlas rtnk, NOBBIBTOWM. 
PA.. WKEK FBf-aK'iaUi'BsapleaB Beaver Triba d2 fmp. O. B. M. 1060 mambara. Tan weaks 
to follow, then the ssbbct' aassoa. Tblt will be the moat complete Indoor drcna erer pot oat. 
beaded by the world*a graateat trained wild animal azblbltloa (formerly owned by Col. rraadi ' 
I^etarl). In addltloa there will be other clrena featniea, maklns It tbe premier ot tbam alL 

WANTED— All kinds of legltlmala CoBcaaaloat, Kalfb ^ " ~- ' 

one. Poaltlvaly ao graft of ai^ "~" " " 

experienced Bspoattlon Booth 
Ijirayatta Hotel, PbOadelpbla, Pa. 

gitlmala CoBcaaatoat, KaUa Backs, Case Backa. and aar other daas 


Naar ladlaaiqpolla 




Shows.- For ftwtksr 
Indlaaa UBIea TrsetSoe Onaipsay. 

FOB I£ABE, FECK'S BAD BOT— Tbe gieateat ot all fandeal antfwaaa OSftala wenap 
getttag tenltorr still open. Csa foralih complcts eoDpaalaa all roatsd sad booksd, ;tlioioiiU| 
e^ialpped with asaaasBiT apaelal aeaaerr and lanm llae of llthegrapb and pictorial work. BOTAIAt> 
Dutch Comedlao, amall Saobnttea, oas (or. pilaalpsi. Bag sajl sMMr Ikifa Sfaad. 
derer apeclalUea and gaod aiaglag Toloaa iW MO..S OOilCAinrr'j^ '"I* 

hnstle, Plaalst, sight : laadw. Stats lowsst; pay «wa. ' Ilo fkaqr sslarlss. tddnii CURT 
sad Bep. Peek's Bad Bey. ■ "flaiwgttawa, Ky. Par Add.„ Bam^jCSV^ 

WANTED- For Covington, La., Blo: Mardy|2r(pt. 

Right on tha main alraet where parade paaaea and where 100.000 anactatori' are all day al^ 
on the bis day. February 28. Can one one Kood BallylMo Sbow and a couple of good Oaaceaaleaa. 
Ko graft. Will sell Noreltlea exclnilre. Want good Balloon Uaa, and woaM Ilka to hear trM 
Jack Babbit, Sborty Williams. Willie Shaw, Wlllta Edwards for Plsat Bai« ' ~ " 

Grand Piano, two Cylinder Band Orsana, one OS key paper alaya ' - 
write C. J. KEPPLEB,; Concesalons write J. P. NDOENT, aa aaM 
g-ll; Bogelast, la., l«-aO; Corlagtsa, La., FM». aS-Usrcb 1st. - ; ■ "tj ' f .; 

Some uoprlnelpled persona are exhibiting a painting of Obrlst aad f«ft tiflt gat adrertlalag It le 


It Is a rank Imitation (not duplicate), of the original, which Is copyrighted, and any lafrlags 
ment will be Tlgoronaly prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. $1IM REWARD will bapald Is 
anyone fomlsbing Information leadlns to tbe armt and conviction of these pirates. Wclta Si 
my cxpenae. Managera lake note tbat:th^ are llablr for damages Id pcrtDlttlng this fake 
to he CThlMtsd to their benses. W. P. THOMAS, Oia Munitey BIdg., Wa»!ilngton. D. C 


I here tbe foUoarlng la c l a rs a '^ wMa' _ 
Clereland to eapaeltr. "Whits Blava^ 

82 alldea, gSS: "Jeaae Jamea," SO slldea; _ _^ 

graphic- and Type Paper." Write qolck. F. P." MIWMBIJJ, ITM B. ISUi St., CleTalsnd7 Ohio. 

.^UdiB^-ftr satot an scWaal aad tried eacceesaa; U waeha'la 
la Aafle" (ajtirtaaar), lOdMes, (45; "Why Olria Oo Wiasar 
slldca; ISO; The Seheak Polaoning. Caaa, 80 slldss. f2S. U9a< 


FEBRUARY 11. 1911.' 

Ttie Billboarcl 


.E)X^T R A O R D I N;A R Y ! • 

the Billboard 

ihaiiflUMting th« 8umm*r AmuMmant Siiason for 1911. will be the largest numlMr dmstod 
' te outdoor- or •p«n«alr «muMim<»nts w« have ever Issued 

• In text and flluatimtion, outdoor amusement enterprises will be featured. Parka, Street and 

Agricultural Fairs, Circu8e8,Wild West, Sea-side Resorts, Roof Gardens, Summer Gardens, Expositions 
and Carnivals will be given space. This special number wiU be invaluable to every Bltmager, A^nt and 
Performer who is connected or identified with Summer Amusements. The many lists consisting of 
Conventtoo Datea, Fair Dates, Paries, Performers' Dates, Carnivals, Routes of Amusement Com- 
panies, make it a valiiable number. It is kept for future reference and passed from hand to hand. 
In order to increase the sales on the news-stands, this' Big Number will be bound in a meg- 

nifleent lithograph cover in eolera, a special design appropriate to the season. 

The circulation in America will be immense; also reacning foreign lands where the English 
laqgUMe is spoken. 

Words era too tame to am phasize the fact that thia la going to be the greet- 
eat number for advertlMr* we hava svar printed. Notwithstanding that the expense in 
getting out this big number is greatly increased, there will be no advenee In the regular ed- 
vsrtMng rates except on tIliB thiM oovar pagaa. - . ' 

' Adwertleera enM bwiefH tar fSHMraina iUielr eepy long 
K WiU five tinii te aakyBor M in aa attnMve omuumt aai nMrva si 

- IT WILL M ItfM^ 1^ DATID;THt;MMl. 


We cannot assure the insertion of copy received after the above date. 

The Billboard Pub. Co.. '"S'^t^i'r 416 Elm 8t.Clnclnnatl,0. 

LoDB DiMaooa Tlillpfcoai> Main 2760. Okbl* AMmm CasslMand) "BUyboy." 

nswTqraoniCT! . ax. Loua omn 

m MM.ftssAMr m wmiii mh nk a ohm 


."it k piisr iMiiBia: 7S% kMtlian 

cost, an Siuiisement device known as 


OOnar of Bowery and 
Walk, Coney Island, 
line must be removed with- 
in the next thirty dajra. Apply 

lUk ItWiMHf lt.,i4lrtitlt.lrtlpM. 

Otlj •kitlnt rtak In town rOR BXNT OE BALB. 

lUj tridB for land or Improrcd. Cu tuMj t)» 
to Ih^.tr^. C.n grt you ■ good Ural. 

Wl*-tini ll.iIlillnK. K,.ii.l ,1 u 14,-. \VI«.. Aildreaa, 
p. L. MIKIJCli, *M7 N. r.uUu* HI.. ChloSO. 

tent wttta poTca and atakra, tlO; 

iaM> striped caodr tent (do wall), polea and 
eUtL 110: SO Itaslht. a*« aeata to l»(tb. can- 

" — SO Jet KIDD U«llt. 

Bare otbrr 
A t s tro n, 

M~3Mn,' MO: two-arm, SO Jet Kll 
alt^ lwy aolt. — T«r nwd. JlS. B 


Am., Dstrsit. 


Ud plir 
»d4r«. "P, 
tfUaU, O, 

mS*^"* AX OVCnC for MUIIooali«'> 
wue, weaaa for cmotigBSl iMda, not to 
ZSf^.'^JL?' •*•» Bwltt, Uan for 
n*uU*. Ooocdlan tor 8Uly Kid. with apeelaltj. 

e^*!iM. <*■ BAIX. AUanta, New 

pk. nikjttt WsfUad, 10: Cuoga. ll; Nan- 


MisiciiRs fsrfirutPattarsonSliows 


AddHM L 

Altos, Clarintts sad Dram- 
B. JfeAnUAN. MSltoBfUls, 


jOller Broa.' 101 Rancb Wild Waat. tot InfOr- 
gailoo apply or write to TKOr. D. I* BAMCA, 
•M« 8hiw Axenuf. St. I.aul>, Mo., C. 8. A. 


S£BVSl*??Ji»jSJ!!?'"iJP'>" •>•»• sood Tolca. A 
2S"^J. niQ oPPOBtUNlIY for the risht per- 

tpul Bkoto: MIM wlU bs ninrned. BOB*. IJMI, 
y»- Pat. AtlanU. Qa. 


I'lnold aaod 19e for aa "Aa<lCT>s" Tssils iBfl 







MUblp for TaoderlUa, fain or caralral. SSiM , 
fSlh pole test with 8-ft. Bida wall, well roped : 
otla Oaa coodlilon. with polaa and atak*. »0: I 


Don't be a loser; get a 
machine that has proTen 
itsdf . A BiiMiWiia fliat 
has only one cost, and 
that-is the first cost.- - 

lUs is iviiafe maiiies 
the money-makera that 

Tha Quality Davlaa af tha Amuiamaiit Una 


1. .X 

■•^i'- r-r.-..- 





II Mill «oO.ADwtssl. 

3S3S-41 Germantewn Avenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 



HatGb^s4Klrter Carnival and Allied JUnnvi 

Have (doeed to date three of the largest State Pair contract* in America. . .W.-Hw 
RICE did it. We will have five others. KEMABLB. INDIVIDUAL SHOWIIBNf 
before closing with any company for the 1911 season, make them pwva. to.'yau 
what contracts they hold. WE CAN AND WILL. WRITE US. 

WMITID— All kinds of Water Acts, Swimmers, Divers, etc., male and female. 


Hatali BulMlng. 109 Fourth Aeewue. Wttaburah, 1^. ' • . 



For Tented Shows end Qutdoor 
Amuaementa. Send fer Catalog- 

' 600 W. Lembard atraet. 


Twaatr^areB mllea from Fbrt WajBO, 4B 
Plate and Vaodalla Uiieo 

Jort coovleted. Hrntm fonr bondiad poapla. 
Oood S8zI8. Four dreolns rooma. Will. 
PANIBS dnrinx the remaloder of m^mmo, foe 
tbree daja to week eaoicemeiit. No abow here 
tor loaf lima, and eomptnj can do azceptlonal 
bwlneaa. Do not write uoleaa joo ara rellabla 
aad haee sood eoapany. bend Hat ot plaj* aad 
■•opie who ara with roo. Addreaa. ATOS 
OPERA HOnSK. Sooth Wbltler. ladlaoa. 


... oR;ciiiit(aiiTY 

auke«' aad liabiiuim. - Ada 
Bos UO, AlazaadiiHi Is. 


; r-ialAbKII OII SUBOIlblllATK 

.ilnbaitlMmMa — ^Morris', Proctor's, Interstate, Poli's 
A. R dr M; JiUIESSWEETLANn, No. 129 Fulton St J i 



RaUnerBros^ BisCQmlM Si^ 

want isod''rn<ete;ei)iiesi''^^ 
modatloas'tks Iwst tbsi • ttstdsis 

qnlck. Bliow opena Baldwin, gla.. 1W>. M. 


Addl«it(r«AUaR BRO&' SHOWS, BaMNiB. 



tMt <•■ att Iks gma: IsBtd- 
waa 8-pleea Silia. 8wA (no act, 

oM BlaaL Itat can doobla la bcaas. two food 
imlilSr lain— il WIU aen SMS taa* — 
piaas, pictare marbloe, fllm, modal 
baaaan. Sbows will open AprO lat. 
tlon OB application. Addreaa P. A. 
Mgr., Box lOZl. Mnakocca, OUa. 

WAJITID— To book attractlona (or Opara Hooaa. 
NQaa. Mlrhlsan. Iloaae aeata SIS people. Pop*- 
Ittion e.OlXl. AcMrefia . . 

LMJN.N i'lATT, Soath Bend. Ind. 

UmaKya OAUIVAZ. OO., wantu one mora 
IV«a Act. Stnas Oomettot. Colored Pertormera. 
who doobla. Onod opening tor two awre abowa 
and a ttw neat conceMiIona. WIU bar att 
Ot Laddeia aad Net, alao Ballooo. Moat be 
and cheap (or caah. OVBTT, MI83.. S-IU 


Vaa Dyke, Scenic Artist 

atas* UaBaaar. 

sr Hsaaawial abliitr. sSsv 
■at. Pats or unoaenent leaatt; 

aty. Mo. 


WiU hereafter be known as 




FEBRUARY 11, 1911. 

_F«lr Aam. Sept. 

— :m Slope H6~^Sm7~Mpt. 

22. B. T. HobiiiKb, MCy. 

PuboiT^-OanbiBj AcricOttnrsI Bodely. . Oct^ 

' f ii t iai PUtMet A. * x.' 

7. W. StoH^.M^. It mgr. 

JJblan— Bdweide On. Fair. Sept. IS-IB. J. 
Doty, Mcr- 

Altamont— AltamoDt Aerlcnltnrel Fair. Auoela- 
tl on. Sept. Il ls. Frnl Numcr, seer.; N. b. 
Blown. uiBC. 

Bieese— Bre««e D. & F. AaeocUtlon. Sept. IS- 
22. Ane. W. Onm, m«. * jmr»:>.* --..'. Jt. 
; Ofasriestcn— ColM Co. AgdealtMiaocinr; '^MK. 

22-28. w. o. ouaccob aecr.- . ' ■::/■;:>- 
Fteeport — N. W. ilUnoU A^rteiiItiua|!"AaMta!< 
Uon. Sept. 6-8. 7aa. Bcmer, ia<r;:^<i«V^ 
Sandanoii. mcr. 
Oalena— Jo DaTleaa Co. Agrlcaltanl Soeletr. 
Sq>t 2S-29. a. 0. Bllih, aeejr. 

■ Top Oi>._ Asrlodtiiiml AnoefaiUaB. 

-Oet. 4-T. 


rmberlaiid Oo. Mr/AiMrla- 

B. B. CUh. 

Jicon Co. * 

Sept. 27-29. CbMS. B. 
Joallii— Bock laland Co, 
12-14. F.J.. Wbir 

Mt. TatBoo— Mt. Veniod 'Mr~^* Asilealtnni 
Ana. Sept. 2e-2>. OMa;-'B«.KMcr. aecr.; 

V, J. w. iMth. Bsr. ■■ ■^ ^- 
-;!rairt««i T a ia MTfe AgrlmWiml F*lr. Sept. 
U-a S. B?g Tanaaitoat wqr. - , 

Sept. 1. W. BataOj^awr. . 
< BoblnioD — Crawtol .'Ckif Qcna^'-Mr. { 

25-29. Heniy OoBHar, . ■acr..T^B—eaiiTUle. 
* W. A. Wood. msr. 
yieniM iTolmann Co. Fair. Anc. 22-25. C. F. 

TliwnM. tccT. * mgr. 
Warww PalB ir Ajiilgiltn ral Bodatr. Sept. 19- 
- : 2S^. J*. JttckaBflpav^ -^^c-. '-^ • 

li. KMM<(F, 'aMF.;: X. 

Barney, mgr. 
. OawfordSTille— Montcomery Co. Ualsa AgAeoIl 
oral SocletT. Anif. 29-Sept. 1. J. H. Faster, 
•eer.: J«ae W. Oanloe. msr. 
Cnwa Point— Lake Co. Agrlenltnral Sodetr. 

Aag. 22-25. Fred TTbeelei; aecy. 
rUmoaBt — ^Falrmeimt Mr AaaodaUon. 
■J ' S-U. Joha B. Uttle. ■KJ'. ~ 

toD. jngr. ■ :f.v:i , .-„.., . 

Ft; Wajrae— Ft^ Wajae MtdAantiUtoD. ^ Hpt. 
la-W. P. T. SMOar. •aeg^-* — " 


1S-U. 7. 3t^ 

Stw ■ Caitle — Henrr Co. -.AnieMtam 

PrabablT A». W. ;K:^ir<ii 

QrcasAoKO. ud. - • f 't'^A'^^ 'j^ 
ruiptnMvX^Fair. A^lg■^1^ief^^?ii^^M■ 


Bloomlteld— DaT'a Caastjr Agilcnltnral Society. 

Sept. 12-lB. d. C. Leacb. eecr- 
SIdore — EUrdIn Co. AgrSealtmai Society. Sept. 

5-8. H. 8. Martin, aecy. 
foira City— Big Riar Dlairlct- Fair Aaodatloii. 

Aug. -1-1. . J. P. Mnllaa. aecy. * ingri 
UMac maUf r- lXttlU J gpg IM c. .".Sept., 11-lS. . C; 

Ukaaank-auaaaM l>ifcu*Wi«rtflw . «-7. 

■ ». p. Hk>f«ii,;aa«s->.»r:'^..^y"--' -' ■ ■■■■ 

Hlsmmrl Tillij TlililliMl 

dety. Sept. IMl.^rij^.'gf. 
Vitional — CUytom - Oo.' - Agrlodtatal ' Society. 

Sept. 5-8. Henry Laefaaen. secy, ft mgr.. Gar< 

xktQIo. la. - : ■ 
Spirit Lake— Dicklnaon Co. F»Ir AaaodatlOB. 

JTnly 4-S. Walter White, aecy. 
Victor— TIetor DIst. AgrfcidtDral Society. Aug. 
. lOrlT. 7. ; .P. BoiwUiig; aecy. " 


Bilblt^^teUI Ci^ Fate. Aian. Septi ST-SO. 

W. 8. Oabel. secy.; Wm. Winn. mgr. 
DoogUa— AgrtaUtnnl Society. Oct. 4-7. J. 

Clay. secy, ft mgr. 
FnltOD — Owse Vsney Fair Anoclatlon- Sept. 

1. F. B. Ntles, secy.; Ed. T. Dsn. mgr. 
' LawnDce — Douglas Co. Fair Assn. liatter part 

of Sept.' Elmer B. Brown, secy, ft mgr. 
IfePhenon — McPbereon Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 

5-8. Milton Hswklnson, secy. 
Sallaa— Sallna Fair Assn. Aog. 2»^L L B. 
.. B. VMtle. seer, ft B«i^ 

^ Twilta Kansaa Stat* W^ ;}»^ Uf1S. H. 
- : -tk Cook; aecy. ft mgr. 

Pera CTeek — Jefferson Co. Fsir Assn. Ang. 16- 
19. E. B. Berry, secy., Bn e ehel. Ky. 

- " h9 c t, rnt._M m. i-B. 


v^hutn^t— Nantoeket Ag rlenltnral : 

BelCast— Waldo Oo. Agrtcttltaral - 
IS-IT. Onto j: IMekay. aecy. . 

- - rui; Xpt. 4-T. 


J. U 

Ekederick — Frederick Co. Agricultural Society. 

Oct. 17-20. o. c. Wanblant aav. 
Hagerstown — Hagentowa fUr. Oct. I^IS. D 

M. Staler, aecy. 
Tlmontam — Maryland Stata Fair It JLniaHlluial 
Society ot Balttmora Cbi. SaftTMl Jas. 
8. Nosiear, aecy.. Idtherrllle, IM. 

Benton Harbor — Soatti MlctalKan State Fair Aa- 
soclstlon. Sept. 26-29. Fred Fclton. KCf. 
* mgr. . ; .■ 

CadlUac — Northpm DIat. Fair 1 1SIialaHia. Sept. 

12-15. 1. M. TerwUllger, secy. 
Fowlarrllto— ToirlerTtlla AgxIenltBHI: Boelety. 

Oct. 10-llL Geo. A. Hawmaa. ia. 
OayUcd— Otssga Oo. Fair. Sapt. IMS. A. H. 

Vsn OorasL aaor.' 
Ithaea-OiatMt Ot. Inlcnllml loelety. Ang. 

2»«ept. S. A. IMMl. aaey. * mgr. 
▼aan>--«aMato Os. AgdcMltnal Bactaty. Sept. 
^-it, aacr.. ■■ . : - 

Albert I«a— neebom Co. Agrlcoltnrsl Society. 

Sept. 20-22. o. M. Peterson, sec;. 
Ohnliy— Tellow Medldna Co. .Fair Assn. Week 

Morris atama Ca: AgriefltMalTseelaty. Sept. 
21-23. Oca. W. Belae,.aaej. '. 

Bocbester— Olmsted Co. Agrlcnltpral Society. 

SepL 26-29. F. E. CDtUng, secy., BTron. 

St.:Cliarlai .Winona Co. Agrlcnlttml ft Indna. 

trial '»ar: 4»- Sept W;.>:S. ~ 



Lait from 25 to 40% longer; give a stronger, steadier light 
than anj other JmiiorlMd or J o M os t i e eaiboiM.°~ ; ; 

They are the only carbons producing an absolutely white 
light without the slightest tinge of either yellow or blue. 

BIO Carbons are used exclusively in the finest theatres in America, whare 
the finest light effects are demanded. 

We appreciate the opportunity of furnishing free samples to ciitieal Mid 
prop«HiY»«tage dectricwna and opetators.. . 



Flame Are tampa aad OMiifai to Aawiaa; . 

CHICAao . . ■:' - 'OeaH riMNCISCO 

Canton — ^Madison Coi. Fair AsMcUtlon. 
17-21. W. L- Dlnklna. secy, ft mgr. 

Ctaba — Crawford Co. Fair Assoclstlon. Sept, 25- 

S9. I. C. Walker, secy. : Geo. S. Mcintosh, 

mgr.. SteelrUIe, Mo. 
Sedalla— MlaaonrI State . Fair. Sept. Sl-Oet. T. 

7olin T. Stlnsoa, aecy. ft m^- 
gt^ .Jaaapb— iDter-Stata Urn : Stock 'ft Horse 

■iMMr.- Sept. 25-30. J. (x xano. aacy.; J. B. 

Keir, atgr. 

SnUIraa— Trl-Coi. Fair AsaocUtloa;: V JUinit ' Oct. 
1. J.. P. wmtsms. secy. 


Qleodtee — ^Dawaon Co. Fair Association. Sept. 

lS-21. Fred J. Oonldlng. aecy. 
Great Falls — Nortbem Montana Fair Aaaodation. 
Sept. 4-8. ■ CoU Hnblnrd. ae^. ft mgr. 
Cbadnm — Dawes Co. AKrlenltnral ft Fair Aaso- 
datloo. Sept. 12-13. B. F. Pitman, aecy.; 
A. B. Adams, mgr. 
G«rlng--Scotts BInff On. Fair Association. Sept. 

Sl-St. A. B. Wood, secy.- ft auB,-. v. 
Sladlaaa— Madison Co. Fair A s^oflaWia. :■: SW*." 
: 12-Ifi. J. li. Bynrarsoo, aecy. .-, . 
Oaaka Pooglaa Co. AErlctdtnral Society. Sept. 
i^ W-Oafc'T. S.' Wi Berrey, aecy. 


Itwal . ft Veciiaalcal 
__ Fnak.B. Magnlret 

8e<7. ft mgr. - 

SEW J i»'itm^ V -.; .. - ■ s 

Trenton — Intpr-State Fair Association. Sept.' SS- 
- 29. U. B. Margernm. secj. ft mgr. 

Osmbrldge— Csmbrldge Ysllejr -Vgrlnillnrsi So- 
ciety. Ang. 21-2S. E. B. XortoD. secy. . 
Cnba— CDbaTiair ft. Baslag . AasoaUtlai 

aaok'.H;: swiCL aacF.; A 

mgr. • 
Henrllle Ulatm.Cn. Walt. .Aug. SMS.. W. 8. 
Doylah ae^. ft oni. 
~ nsOo. 

Jo^Aipleaitnal Spdetj-. Sept. 

M i T t mSui Agrleattaiai Sadatr:'' Sept. 
M ' J. B. Bartoo. -aacT.;- T. 'T. VtaaagaB. 
mgr.. NorwIcJi, K. T. 

Boraell — Great Homell Fair. Ang. 29-S<<pt. I. 

Clyde E. Sbnlts, se^. ft msr. 
MorsTla — Csyoga Co. Agrlcnltunl Assn. Aog. 

29-Sept. 1. C. A. Silke. secy. 
Nassan — Bessaelaer Co. Agrlenltnral ft Liberal 

Art Society. Sept. 12-15. OeUner I^md. secy. 
Patadam— B. T. ft St. B..:T; Asriedltntal Sod- 

ely. Se^ M. W--B. Oatfc; aacj. 
tbnmanabing— Calon . Agrlealtaral ft .Bortted^ 

nral Society. Ang. S9-Sept. 1. Gny O. Hln- 

men, secy. 

Waterloo — Seneca Cb.' Agrlenltnral Society. 
Sept. 26-28. Ed. Nogent, secy, ft mgr. 

Otaad Forka— North Qakota. State Fait Asso- 
gaMi p.: j.aa^- MB. / Bacliallajt. .^ac«T. 

Dayta a l ia a teomaCT : Oto.: -AgfleglltBtai ' Board. 
Sept^ SaaL K. Qalaaa, aacr. ft BUT. 

mdtavnie— DeSaBca- Oo^< AsrIeiiltntarSoelety. 
Sept. 12-IS. B. r. Armatrong, aecy. ft mgr. 

Klttsmsn — Kinsman Stock ft Agrlenltnral Asso- 
ciation.. Anir. 22-24. H. 3. Fobes. mccy. 

Uma — ^AJlen Co. Agrlenltnral Society. Sept. 4- 
T. C. A. Graham, secy ft mgr. 

Marlon — ^Marlon Co. Agrleoltnral Society. Sept. 
28-29. Jas. A. Knapp,. aecy.; Elger ft Knapp, 

Ut. Gllead — Uorrow Oo. Fair Association. Oct. 

3-e. O. J. Miner, secy, ft mgr. 
Napoleon — Napoleon Fair Association. Sept. 4- 

8, G. M. Bleger, secy. 
Blpley— Bipley Fair Co. Ang. 1-4. I- H. Wil- 
liams^. aaCF* #'aui^ 
Bock niiilaja.. ifaHa .O^ AgHoiltoiai - Society. 

Sept. ITi^S Tag. X. Xvman. seer.r Feneroy, 

o. i . 
Sandosky— Brie Co. FUr. Sept. 12-18. F. H. 

Zeibe. secyi ft mgr. 
Sidney— Shellv. Co. Agrlenltnral Society. Sept. 

12-15. I. E. Bnssell, aecy. ft mgr. 
Wapakoneta — Anglaize Co. Agrlcoltnrsl Society; 

AOS. S9-Sept. 1. A. B. Sebaffcr^ aacy. 
WaiiiB Tiiiiiilmll Co. Agrlenltnral Aaaodathm: 
>4UVi SS41. Bomer C. Mackaj, aacr* - 

MMtaCN— Hew State nir. . Oct 9hl4. Bmma 
B: Kadi. aecy. ' 

Carmlchsels — Greene Oo. Agrlenltnral ft Mfg. 
Society. Sept. 19-22. W. A^Bnth, secy.; 
Tkos, PatteeaoD ft K F.' Pennington, mgrs. 

rancastet^Lancaa ter Co. Agrlcolttnal' Fair Aa- 
-aoclatlon. Sept. 28-29- I. C Amold,. aecy.. 

Mnton — ^Mnton Fair ft Nortbnmberlaod Co. Ag- 
rlenltnral Association. Sept. 10-22. Wm. O. 
Mmdock, secy, ft mgr. 

Nazareth — Norttaamptoa Co, Agrlenltnral ' Soci- 
ety. Sept. 12-18. J. A. i>..i.fct— r 

Beading — Great BeadloK Fair. 8al«fc,':9Mi.^.:BL' 





w. B. n 

41 If Hisiciais ii taeria 





I ; . ForemogtrtatBBiid' r iBBjB. . 

Booked ll weeks^but f om* o.ood park time still open 



46 of the Wodd'a Beat Italian MimWsiis: . Fammi ia liatlCHenHVbMH:'^ 

^ii|g;nano and His Banda Ronia 

■ ' J ; » • Most Poptilar of Italian Bands — 30 to 40. 
IMuMa^Mit of HOWARD PEW, 121 Wast 42nd St.. NEW YORK. 



AtPArin, Fain im| AM MM | i| lto Mrt i . Impkn 

Tke Oiaataal ha.^SdHF-.siM Hnv^SUhw i|.<MS 
LaasUag lOmr lkaw; Sial iNiMWw ang aHisH 
the AmnsaauBt Xaaagar. iJinta latnrna aa a aauB 
iQTestment. Eaally managed. An ooa caa Ba wmt- 
cvinful. Banning erpenaef harOy' aaytUac, Al- 
ways ready tor bnalneas. No trooMa to gat Ifea 
ixraple In. The roara at langtatcr from * 
patrons draw, the crowds better tbaa aay b 
Oor Imptored mlctota art made of a IrigUy I 
nbekal compoaltlon aetal. " — ^ 

rota ana aaawer aanc pupoae at fgt Haa aMt>'W 
log light la weight and B0B-taw«aH*. ttaFant 
only really portable; ndtaofB.aiar Made; wa nam 
made the lansblae mirror a ape^alty. aaft aaaj 
nlsh Ideas that ar* anre to gat tka BMMgb^. 
to-day f or fu ll partlcnlara. t. K, . SAIM 
May»r BnlMlaa, PBOBIA, IIXIWWB, ' 

P o rlamu oth — ^Mcwport Oa. 
Sept. 10-a. John If. ~ 
Bnatol Ferry, B. I, 

Mitchell— lUtcbell Com Belt Bxpoaitloa. Sept. 
23-30. L. L. Ness, secy ft mgr; 

Nashrllle— Tennessee State Fair. Bip( 
J.' W. .Bluamrm, secy., ft mgr. 

■GDes Co. Fair ft Agrlealiiiral 

l lap f .^ ia-14.- Jas. K; Blaekbata, aacy. 

San ' AotOBlo^Intematlonal Fair Aasoclatloo. 

Nor.v3-12.' J. M. Vance, aecy. ft mgr. 
Waco— T^xas Cotton Palace Association. Not. 

4-10. S. N. Msygeld. secy, ft mgr. 


White Hirer Jonctlon — 'Vermont State Fair. 
Sept. IP-2Z. F. Zj. SaTls, secy, ft mgr. 

Fairmont — ^Fairmont Fair Aaaoelatlob v SepL 13.. 
' John 8v Scott, aeqr. ;. ^ p. Slaiion. iitgr.>-:_> -j 

Bearer Dam— Dodge Co. Fair Association. Sept. 

2!(-29. : C.= -W. Harrey, aecy. ft mwt. . 
DePere— Brown Co. Agrlenltnral ft Fair . Aaao- 

elaUon.< Aog 28-31. Herb. Jf.^Saith.^ aecr. * 

Laacaater-^taat Oo. Agrlenltoral - Saelalr. 

■ Sept. 13-18. :W. P. Bowdon, secy. 

Mineral Point— Southwestern Wlscooaln' Mr. 

Aug. 13-18. T. M. Priestly, aecy. ft mgr. 
Monroe — Greene Co. Agrlcnltiml Soelely. tagL 

13-ie- Iceland c. Wblte..'aa<F. ft>;aa& 
Plattarino— Big Badger Fair. ; Ant; j Wl ltt. t. 

C. H. Orlbble. aecy. 
Portage — Colombia Oo. Fair. Ang. Sp-Sapt. 1. 

F. A. Rbyma. aecy. 
Plymooth— Sbrbonraa Co.. Fair. ScpL B-S, Otta 

QgflroB, aacy. 
Tlola^mckapoo TaBv AsileHII 

I., QrlBo. aecgr. ■ 


Alllston. Ont. — Alllston Asrlcnltorsl Society. 

■ Oct. 6-0. W. M, Locktaart, secy. 

London, Ont.— Western Fair AssocUtlen. Sapt. 

S-ie. A. M. Hoot. secy, ft mgr. 
Onoodan, Got. — Agrleoltnral Society. Oct. 2- 

8. Wm. Simpson, secy, ft mgr. 
Petcibomagh. Ont— Patarboroogh ladnitrlal' Ba- 

>; blbltlaa. _8apL IMS. F. J. N. Ball, i 

.'Baatiaw. ] OaL-^teatMar Aarlcoltntal ' 

BapL aO-SS. W. a. SnanltM, aecy. 
Bodtton. OaL— World's Fair. Oct. 10-11. David 

-Bell. aeey. ft mgr. 
St . John. N. B.— Exhibition Aasoclstlon ot the 
, City and Ctwnty ot St. John. Sept. 3-9.. B. 

A. Porter, aecy. ft mgr. 
:.Sbeawater, Ont. — Teeswstrr Agrlenltnral Socl- 
' ety.i.Oet, 4.S. John Farqnbalaon, aacy..- ''-. 

fr,is;. ,'.... ••.-1' 

PEBRUAAY 11. 1911- 

Tlie Billboard 



of Both Ifactioiis for Three Months Backr-A Most VahiaUe List 


LObla, Maltea, Mlf . 

HOKDAX niB. .«. 
•iOOBAPB— Heart Bratt of Loac Ago (dniu). 
UniM-^ DoDbl* Elopemcat (corned]'). 
SSniFBEBBS— 9J» Hm the Bosliis I*Ter 

aUO— Too Uuch MoUier-ln-L«w (( 

■DISON— Tlie Doctor (dmna). ■ 
QACUONT— Tbe StrOBCeat Tla (dnaM. 
jUgMs' MotIbc Day (comedy). 
tm Imlutor arBIoodla :(camadr1 

Jirgm' MotIbc Day (comedy). 
tm mrta for Tmnty^TO <i>f Cw aady) 


■nSOIl— Two Taleotloea (comedy). 
DBBAN-BCLirSB— On tlw Border of tJia Fonet 

Caudltn Iron Center, Fort Artbar, Can. 
MTBB FKERE8— Lecally Dead (drama). 
KAUU— Little Slater (drama). 


noOBAPH— Prlicliia-« Eotaiamaat Kin 


C8BIN— Tbe Petticoat SberlS (tomady). 
lOUBB— Tony tbe Oicucr (drama). . 
nUO— TMma (drama). 

- FBIOAT FKB. 10. 
■DDON— Bla Ptiat Commlaalaa (drama). 
EALBM— THe Brakes TraU (drama). 
PAIBB FBBBI8— Tbe Mlaaiaic Bride (drama), 
of tka OUUaa XMapa (dMOlDtlTe). 

■UBAT— Tk* Bad IfaB** DaanMl (dnaa). 
QAimoNT-Ilapotoaa Id in« (dnoM). : 

p^ %SS*il3Sl5S^- ' 



Maker— fwm 
-pAaOIdBUvar MUMlBPCTB UBdoltriaU Wm 
B-^fe. M eaatatt Mai d (enm edy .drama).... 1M 

Ir^B^^m (e€aBady)..........,».,Mi# 

»-»M CtoH iMl (dtnatle nt 

4cow#4y) ■••*•••••»■••••* K • « 

■k-A Chrlatmaa Ouol (drama) MM 

9-«doca. Oa pnut OH (druu)....UW 
•-jA Puallj of ▼emtarlaaa (cnmilp).. M 
*» ^* a Baaaaaec of Barty Barka (drama) UM 
■Mi^kw Stat 
^JS^ a< OUTdu (dfMU)....lM| 
"^."gtla W in . <MiW<tet..j.M». HI 


m Bll WUe'a Bwectbeart (d^ 
•-^ftar tto BaU (comedyi. 

%—thm Twa Patka (drama). .......... 

B— Wbaa a Ifaa Lorea (drama)....... 

»— Tie Itallaa Barber (ccvMdf) 

tB-Vba Hldnlskt MaraodaT TcaiMdy 

IB— iBal» Waalad (eooady)..... 

If — Bla Traat (drama).... 

W-Bte mat fttUUad (drama) 

•—Iota's Tnaiu; (drama) MS 

M-«ha_P»ar BS Man (riiMadP)^..—... fM 
M-4rWmth «C Oraaca Bloaammi Hiipdl M* 

^Thraa Blatera (drama) MT 

S— Heart Beata of 1.011s Aco (Draasa).. 097 
PriaeilU'a BoncemcDt^ln (Comedy) Wt 

IS— WiMt Shall. We Do With Oar Old. 
IB— fMbar Mka (drama) 


«— A^XUa «C tba Baa (tama) lOM 

i»-JMa nSSk nd Ik* OtatM (M9 

^rcSmd" t 

ta FMmaat (4 

M— Tba Baattara (draaw) .. 
•>4HtIalaa and Ibaodara (( 


»— Tka . 



B Bkidawa of tbe Paat (drama)...... lOM 

tt— na Blnl Oiamatlata (b ui liag i a)..10W 
t«— Baddy (dnaal.*........... ..1000 

g-to MMlfiiwiA HcMT (draaM)....-..-»MlO 

H— A Bataat Patlaat (eaaedy) 

ArnUKta (drama) . 
rather (drama).. 

Sy (drama), 
ttla Clrena BIdcr (drama). 

S— Th* Cora* of tbe Bed Men (drama) . . . 

t— Oto Moeh Kotber-lB-Uw (comedy) 

f— Ohaima (drama) 

. IS— Tba BarrlTal ot tbe FItteat (drama) . . 


i*-4ba Caloar Haigaaafa Hona (drama) m 
Vt-nm U.W and tba Haa («nBa)....10ie 

W-Ptaybc at Otmrea (drama) Mi 

W-nCfm UNf atlimal Motor Beat Baeea 

«— A OSS UMm (ftama) MT 

M-jaMJUflbtte tba Wladaar (drama).. MT 


•-AWaiterB Nlcht (eomady) «• 

l^t of rrlcadaUp <aiaaui)....lM« 
of tba Baal (dmerlgtHa).. Md 

K~aC" " a nra n a n i p (araawi.. 

ftS? ^'•™f of tba Baal (daaerlpttva) 
^rSS* SS?*S!*^* Laddmr (camSSr).'.. i«« 

v-jna lataceat to Data (eomady^tMMt) UM 

Bfaattol Bn&lu (drama) lOM 

^»nt and the daoat (comedy I..... Ml 
SIjIH Blub Bofdorad&attar «draM> . . .MM 
^gjJ^Try-Oat (eooady) .....T^ITT^.... Mi 

I— Bomptloiia aa Bomeo tninHtfii.'. . 
{-djUIjyr Old M..t»r (driSSIZ'mwi!. 

^ M8A11AT. 

_<r«"a) .....T.7....V?r:... 

g^Jke oreater Call (drama) 

"-^^Bad Maa-a Gbtutmaa Olft (dra- 

,tt^oamM;i-;iii;- wVrt- (teUii::: 

r'g* S«MaMad Ottelnal (dram) 
ttSru * te!-M< tt e gawbiw 

ii-i-aiJ*?f* SSS'*' (drama).... 
g-a. Wa PapardoBabla (drama)... 

BlSu.w'H.^i If** teonady) W 

Leak— Tbay^Iak* a Maab 

*-'J»a BaoMUaKSpn iMMi*'«M» 

M— Tb«*iaby 1 _ . 

SB— Tha Oorseo ot tba I 
_ (Bccnlc) .••**.•••'•••'.•«••• 

31— Tbe Lmi ~ - - • 
31— At 



4— Jlsien Looka ror ■ Ji* (trick ( 
' -Krlmmcr Water Iblli te tba i 
Tyrol (aeanle) ... 

1«— Hetta'a . 

la — Bar ladlaa' MaMar' (dmial 
ai— Tba Litti* ■liHWiii luMn'- 
ai— Wben Lovan Fiit (dnaa) 
Olrt Spy BadM* 

_ttfr4^li) • a-a aaaaaa**** 

■tnager (dnaa) 

«— »a BidtBd Door (draau) 

•—Tba Bimaway BbcIb* (lUlMi). 
11— Per tba Lore of an Baeny (daaa 
IS — Tba Baart of an ladlaa Motbav( 

_ _ Brotbar (dmmal .'......^ 

a»— Bobble and tba Bedaklna (draiM) 

»— Tba Beoet of tbe BtUl (draau) 

B7 — ^Patltaaa and tmllaaa (drama) 

PW>mary— p 

1— Tbe BbertlTa Slater (drama) 

8 — ^Tbc Trail of tbe Pomoa Obano (drama) 

8 — Little Slater (drama) 

10— The Brokeo Trail (drama) 

IS— Orandmotber'a War Story (drama) .. 
H— Om SMt. IWm. (drama) 

Faqoot (diaaa) 


IS— Tba Moalcal Baacb (drama)... 

I»-na Dead Latter (drama) 

M— An Aaurleaa Ooimt (draau).... 
2S— Maklns a Man of Him (drama). 
M — Bloa Horoe Mine (drama) 


Bmy (eamady) 

,T-Tba_ Old Watar larfdrama) 

OVpM (COMMA^) aaaaaaaaaaaa By* 

Unas ^dnaw)** a oa. 

maim ggaTwmaiy) 

eU In tba BBa (tcmidy) 

Dp by tba Daap (dnona) 

M— It DtdXaok B i ia p l clauB (eoocdy) 

W— Tba OM of tba Moaatabm (drama)... 
2S — Daey Jooea In tbe BoDtb Seaa (comedy) 

81— Jeaa Beacaea (drama) VTd 

Pebmary— Peet 

. S— Boetety and tba Man (drama) 981 

4— A- Qaeen for a Day (comedy) 1000 

7— Tin Delate (Biblical drama) 9TB 

- la BrItU IBdIa (acaale) 

U— Vbenmnt ad Vlaiaaea (dtaaa).... Mf 

U— Wood Oarrtas at Briana (ladartrUI).. SM 

IB-^ tba Klai'a Order (dnma) Ml 

M-Tba BaBaCB^Mam {MamaK- dM 

l—Oaly a BMar (draau 

( Bimi e Kletaw.) 

»^ PhaalNi Btdar (myataty).. 
IB i»b* Ciaaad Oata (dtamaK.... 
W Meead ami tba Maw Beea wHg 

Ileal) 7777l 

■B-aii Oaftrina OM (drtM) 

m-V^ Klagdam at newara (ealwat ••■ 


M— (tba OM Bom* (diamal 
M-Oala tad Abal (odored 
jp-ga _ AdTMtnram (drama) . 


Arttafi Pay D ay (Ibr e*) 

Mn^kA^a •••••••• 

■m* «c OMika (ttsMMfM)... 
i«U BoaUe TUa (dtaaa)..;.. 

at AdmlrU OailSBy ttauaa). 
Iditia Matebaallar'a Ob^- — 
' Latter (ftaiM). 

g-A^CBBd'a Plaa J< 






3 — Art and tba Lesaey (uiiaadi drama)... 

5— aia Laat Parade (draau) 

B— A MU la Maaka (comedy) 

B— Tbe CrlmaoB Bear (drama) 

»-«lrol Pint Pirai (eemady) 

nv at anrar Oalek (taaa).... 

IB— Tbe WlM»^ Obolea (eome^r) 

1»— wm It Brer <3ome to TbIaT (ceaMdy).. 

1 0 a a » y Coin (comedy) 

1* — A Brotber'a Bademptlim (draau).. 
23— Pktber Make* nimaelf D*at«l (tfiity: 


) 9TS 

rnaaday^— BtaoB^ jPonfaraB'TbaSEkoMca!^"^ 
(Tednciday— Anbroal*, AlUa, Obmplf. HaaiM; 

tbaraday — It 


KCLAIB— Ooeter Asalaat HI* WUI (eiMldy). 
"~ ~ - ' - _PBW*a Ogm — * 


BISON— Tbe Half Breed'a Plan (drama). 

P0WBB8— Ferdle'a New Oioet (caa*4r). ' 
THANBOUBEB— Tbe Waatetner aad MB 

WEDiraSDAT riB. •> 

AMBB08I0— Tw L i IIUBW M a 

SaToy Car 



NBSTOB— Tb* ' 


ITALA— John MUtca (drama) 
IMP— Tb* Minor (comedy). 

WbcB tba Cat'* Away (comedy). 
AMBBIC^AN— TOO Mocb Anat (comedy). 
Oa tb* InataUmeat Plaa (coaMdy). 

VmOiK-Jn» Balled MIn* (diana). . 
SOLAX— Vat Oat (comedy). 
TOAMaOIlBBB— Tbe Norwood . 

LUX— wpbaa'a Vtlead (drama). 

That Hora* Did Bon (coaMdy). 
YANKBB— Waa Sba JnatlfladT (draaal. 


ITiTil Pnnlabaad at M* OMMatMMBh (• 

14— Charlla and Kitty In 
Id— UttIa Saowfiop 

IT— Baaed l9 DMa* 

— - Rich Qolek (drama) 

la TianiiBia (a 

l*itaa«way '] 
c Ooaa ftt- 

Motor Oai (< 

leatof^i tUcy tda) Mt 

M— Batty*a Birawvtfta (cenadp) ......... Ml 


98— Tba BowUnc Btad (iiiiiti) ... . I 

M— Banalnc Awap IMM • BMMM (aoa- , 

edy) ....... .. 

'M Amerleaa 


-la'PnU crry (aeenle) 
-Blue Hotaa Mine (dr 

line (drama) 
tba Mlnabal ' 
at Japmm** I 

pl wDl faiaBdf 

a— Tba MWacad MOeaat 

9— DatcblOM (traaaNBM) 

4— Tba Oowbav^ laMtoMa (*aiM) 

a — Aa iBttlcaa (drama) 

7— Lsra UadOT D I M- a l llea fcemady) 

T-Tbe taMtal mt Oonat TWitat (lnir» 

UTV) aaa>aaa***a*ss*>*aaa*ka>*aa*« 

•—Tba arOa ot Betttur (dram 
ja th*.lAad etttAMaatapa 

'igftAV,. _ 

IB— Max la Almcat Married (iimiiy). 
14-1b* Battle at Badwood (diaam). 
la— MaraaeHta'a Birthday ^^ua^ 

nad ( com edy) 


W*at Arosad 


T9 Oaoolloa for a TXule (c om e dy ; 
98. .e*T«d by Tall ■- ' 

M-WUffl**> Naw 

27 — n nontor* (draau) 


a TXule (c om e dy ) ITI 

ilcfraphy (drama)........ w 

r ilaara (cf ady) mk 

(drama) 9*4 

-S^tbar Aaalnt Bla wni (eoaady) 
BoUa All 

SO— Tb* 

Aloac (eemody). 

ip* from th* TbllertM (drama) 

1 — Haarta. Baaaar, Hepp fw ea (e 

1— Practical Brack Troot Braadlag (* 
catloaal) •.««.........••........« 

~ 'a Beedt (dram) 

_ latry In Japan tlaalim.lfie) : 

4— lA Oowb«9*8 Detotedaaaa (draBa) 

An Imitator of Bloodia 

10— BcTlew ot tbe CbUlai ' 

SCrlptlTO) a a a aa ■>»•••••«•••*••• ■ 

6— Max fIujlie_Bcatta«^V%t« fMMlr)* 

IB— A aerer Boaa (c om ed y ) ... 
IS— BUtbtol Max (drama) .... 
11 — Tha Poor atadeat (drama) 
la— Tba Crippled OMdy- Bear (• 

M— Little Nell'a TMaoc* (drama) i 

M— Tba Coaxpeeted Baaavmaaa (« 
SB— DBreaaoaabla Jealooay ( d ie ma). 

taBlBt (eaaudy) 

Maplp Bb!dl'(Sna)*?i 
U-KaMy (drama) iti 

»-Tba Mtl-a 
•—At tba Z 

B— Tb* Mirror (comedy) 

i^Wbea tbe Cat'a Away (eoaadr). 

IS — Her Darkeat Boor (drama)...... 

IS — ^Ttie (>>nTert (drama) .......... 

THB : 

IB— A Flacky Waataen KM (drama). 
lB-4to Tramp BleyeUat (coaMd;^). 

T!4CrPiakert(a Kan 
Mat — 

WItboat a'sMui 

l»-JIba Dtattlet AttoMr 
10— A Tip t* HaabaadB(« 
14— Maata Orlata (drama) .... 
XT— A MMtana Um Btoiy (< 
I t L ae ata ' THala (comedy) .... 
81— A MoMa Baart (drama)..... 
94— A Wlte'a Loea (draau) 
M— Uttla Dontby (coswdy) 
Maaoperadera (< 
Mpni (draau) 

I»-Aa ladita'B TMt (diuu) .... 

eirl ot tba Flaiaa (drama), 
.ja CatUa Buon> Daaabta* (d 

M-^Tba Fate Pace Macaaa. 

IT-iAb iadlaa<B ~ 

'aZ^l^lia Bed Man'a Wratk (drama).... 
n— TiW* Of Bad. BnwB .(diaaa^ 



Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11, 1911:- 

' M— DUa~ Fbraakta bj Aaua «nm*)....IOB« 
•I — Ltttto Fatac*! Xmu Dv (drmma).... SOU 
•t-4wwdI«don ud PcolitT Want tn a«t ' 

Mantad (comnlj) .....MO 

M III ■Ilia -of tha Bn^lna Driver <dnJM) mi 
M Oranilfitlm'a nt« (cara««7) BOU 


Wan runtUa (dnmal MX. 

"TWMdXadam u a Polieamaa 

. Odi 

-ja— Ofaoda aad iea Flalda (aerale) ........ BW 

U—Vb* Big* Domino Dlatnise 

' U— SUIar'a Qoaar AdTertlaement 

M g we ed lcdnm Wlttaln a Caak (eomadr) 800 

TOa'a OalTaiT (drama).... SOO 

." ■ - , *eet 
i'IHm WlBfav 4)icto (eom-- 

' Vr'-'-^''^aftrt.^»B-B*/|^^*^^^^^;;^^My^^^V. .. . OOO 
ody) BOO 

Fala* Aeeaiatlga (dnma)......;iMO 

-O^rit (drama)....... HO 

B— HaapaUtaB .Takule lUaada <ae«ile).. m 
'nxaadtaaaa . BpoUad ' Haolataad'a . Zmaa 
(coBMdy) . .BOS 
No rway jMOle)* >'••••'•••••••>•*••• QWf 

. J a^a m ^mfT^ -Mm- Taart Dar' 

2:tf*iSMli£iii(*Ri^~> - am 


.—^ •« 

(coBady) ...•*»*•.•••••«••••••••■ no 

— tjutm of Branaaa (AOM): .......... Mt 

14 — Tttm Bacall (caniedr) Mb 

l» — A Bad FkartnaHon '(dcaaa)'...: 

i^Hav Kind ot..Am.Ghalr (eoaiadr)- 

^VMt M a Maad (eomcdr) 

4taa Be*aaslDc Fletnre (drama) MO 

aa—Uj Sua la Ootltr .(come^j MO 

IMraaty— -Stet 

a— OiaclmicB of .tbe Ymase (dnuaa) 



_ ; Barca Wtbar 
; Omlx Gtrl'tn Canm^ 
I Tata Tliat Comtcd (dnma)' 
I f -llarU a'a . Bralaatorm (Maadrt ' . . 
M— Tbe^ Old emioattr fBiap' (draoaa); 
M— Vbas Lam Waa Blind -> (draaal 
XT— Pmnt Payment (comedy).'....'^ 
IF— Stcal&V a Bide (eomedyi 

U— Only In tbc Way (drama) 

■Wimary— Ffcat 

' t— AdtUt (drama) 

T— Xbe^ Wcalamer and tiM Axl (Odb- 

—Jam and Xaw (drama) 
~ HlUlonalrc m"*'— i (dniaa) 

-" — fygcward (fabla) 

.Uldhood of Jack 


M—Vtit Ttear of Waktfeld (drama). 
t> D ypnotlaad (drama) 

Taifaa'a Dansblsr (dnma) 7. 
^" and Blaameir-feomtay). 

IF— Tha Dark lUn Hat <4iaaB) ^ 

M— n* RatncB (drama) .-. 

n— A Saerlflea— and Than (drama) 

T — ^Aa tha Ifaatar Oidaia (dtaaa)...... MO 

U— Tka Hom:,of Ikta (drama)... MO 

U— On KcDtaeky Soil (drama) MO 
IB— A Country Girl . (drama)........... 

n — The VoWB (drama) 

IB— Vor Bemembrance (drama).... 

SO — ^e t.Bat t.aiish (drama) .......... ^ 

■Mraarr — Veet 

1— A Brass Bottoo (drama) . . MO 

4— The (^Hnmand from Oalllee . (dnuna) MO | 
SUiool Ma'am'a Ooorasa liiaaw ' 

I PP9BDIIBU.r : - 

December — 

j%-ilb» Bnmmasa Sale (eenady) 
IB_>nia BIndtnc Bbot (drama) ... 
»— Vha Fatal ulstaka .(drama) i.. 

TtooUeaaoe fanal 
JiUaa (casady) 
aa — TUm atnaw 

S— Ida. flayUft'a TUtois 

(eoMdf) . 

and tba Maa (draaaa). 

U— Oa Bammed BtaT^naady) 
IB— 4naa Battand Brtda^ooma ta 
U— A Dental Dtaastti (conady)...'.^*'.;. 
19-*Fhe Bonania Klnc (diama) 
S— Whan a Man's Sui^e (euMdy) ... 
N BiiUe'a Bandit (cotnedy^iaaBal.... 
•V— The Gcnlna (drama) ... 
S— The maalon In tbr Deaert (drama) 
•—The PittahatK Mmionalre (drama). 

. KMb .>Aaat ^(coBcdyl 

■■;i»-Om'1tm MdMBt'Itan (eamady). 
^^ATQiilet Bfatfav at Bamm (comedy); 
. M— IB the Land of Caetoa " 


■. 625 
.' 4EO 
. MO 

.. MS 

_mghb^g^eomad7> ^ 


In CaPMfla (scenic) . 

It— a* Old nd'tb* Buglar (drama). 

ST — ^Bla jwBK.^v^v 
Mhraary— . ' 
1 Hint iif Lot* )coiiied7) .............. 

Il^^tut Out ( e gmady). ................... 

B-^nsed 'Peta (comedy) 



I the DataettTo (dcaaM) 


The man i n bus in g <alc ulatg 
from the^time jie's ^ffl in tHe "| 
mormng until be closes bis eyes 
in slumber. 

The ezhibitcff. is a sbaij> (»lcu- 
lator. HereV a Btt3e'cid<jiihttion 
for him: 

k If each one of you feeds the 
* ibfimt mtmopoly the -flytocial 
nourishment for which IT is wholly dependent on YOU, how long 
will it be before the monopoly outgrows your (xnnbined power and 
malaB YOU idqwndent Oil IT7^^^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ " 

As a matter of cold business calculation, the solution is tliat 
you must seek means. of es(»pe from the menace NOW. 



BiaOW— Mow Tack -HMioa Ptetnre 
POWBB8— The Powos Co. 
TBAMHOUSEB — Thanbooser Co. 


AMBR0610— New York 
ATLAS— Atlas Film Co. 
GHAHFION— The Champion 
NRBTOB— Darld Boialcy. ' 
BKLIAKCB— Carltoa 


AMERICAN— American FUm Utg. Oo. 
IMP— lodrpeodent MOTinc .Fletmpca Os. 
ITAI.A— New ratfc jljtl— ..Wat— On. 
BEX— Rex U. 

Feb. 10. ^ y j£u ■ 'f^> i'|. j (y'.''"' 
BjjWI^-Jfcwr Xarti "Mo t iBa'. J BiU i i o Ciw.' 
UJX^R. Maar." "--^ 
SOLAX— aalax Oonpoar. ".. 
YAMKEB— Yanks* mm Oa. ' -. 

OAMTAi^ -eMiini/ raMO.' 


. Co. • ■ •■ = ' '-'•v:- 

ITALA— New York Motion Pleton 
POWEBB— The Powera: Oumtany. ' 
BBILlAIiGB-Oadtaa labssamdaaii: 

■ ■■■ • '■w^*r**:RV■*;^Vte'^2iIi*f>; 

AU otiiere'(^eriiigrth<^ brands for rent can suppiy'xAiiy duptss or 

worn-out subjects. • • ^,:, ^i::,.:;--:<:/i_; 

X«fMBito Mm Sct^ dOO ST^M'aLi . 


Dlzte Film Co., IMS Chamber cS_ Ooc^i 

meice Bld^,* ." ...... 

CallfomU nun Si.. 10« U ~ — 

at. •• ^ Angdea 


Ca.«peratiTe lad. ■ FUm Co., Barclay 
W. H. Swaam ran KB.* Ill m 

imm oT OF ootviaiA 

B. & W. Bllm Exekaafe. 22 I* D»''_ 

.- WaaWngton 

t WOm Ex.. 428 atk at., M. W.. 

Bljon BBm A Am. Co., 122X Qraod are., 
..............w........ .«•'., Kinsaa Otty 

mo Walaat at.. Kanaaadty 
""~ Ook, OsBtai~ 
#. ............«^. ««*.... St. 

Antt-Tmat Pllm Oo.. IB 1. Claifc at.. (AlesKO 
Globs FUm acrTlee, '10T B. Madlasa at., Ch'so 
H. A H. Film Benlce Oo., 9B 'actaro 
BtTd .. 

Taeaimla Bllm ■sii—^v.a 
■taadatd VBrn Be' UBlBk 

nmuvA . . 

Central FUm Ssrtrica (So.. 110 N. Illinois , 
St., ladlanapoUa 

Wichita FUm A 
ket at.. 

lib Mar* 
.... Wiehlta 

Dlzle Film Co.. TCO Malaoa - Blaadie^^ 
Bids., McWi'OrleaBar 
■ •• ■ '.XABTIAEO 

B. A W. nim Ex., 412 ■.'.BalUmoc* at., 

i..., Baltimore 

. Oaaaolldatcd Amnse. Co.. 28 W. IXlna- 

taa at. Baltimore 

Boston FUm Bental Co.. OOS Washlnaton 

St. Boston 

W. Orsen Film Bs., 228 XraDoat 

, sta* fjoB t on. 


Bmptre FUm Ex UO Bl Mlh at. 

Great Baateta Film Bx .31 ■. Mtk at.'. 

Hndion Film Ex IM ' B. 14th - at. 

Prerleas Film Bx .....Ot Fifth «!•. 

Wm. Siefater F. Bx.. .llB.r " 



' 4— Days of tba Early Wsot (drama) 

u— BUrs Widow (cOTsdy) ....... ^ — m 

18— The WIU of a Wsatsra Maid (drama) 

20— Why Be Went West (drama) Ml 

I muniary— Rm 

1— Judxrd by Hlcbcr Power (drama) M 

8— Bloa of lore (comedy) 

S-At l>oaUa ZivaUa. 'Baaeh (Osaodr) . Ml 

«»d* .BIdfc, ■ « » . itii. i-^.:. ...... Oaytaa 

(aacInnatl-Bacfe^rt inm Ob.. tU W7 
4th St., Ctnelnnatt 

Toledo nim Ex., SIS S'operlor St., Itoledo 
Victor F. bcTT., Prospect A Batoa tts., 

United V. P. Co.. 112 Main at.. Okla. Olty 

It West. FUm Bx., 


FUm mt~_Ut B. ath at.. FblladalphU 
BdOBt Bb. «U BVny at.. FttMbara 
F. a K Ok, 44 N. Mfe at, Ptana. 
Ki-«4 ;A!(«h at. PWIt. 

Pacific Film Bz.....GIoIm Bldg. 

WeBtern FUm Bietu» ';, SOT,.. 

Motion Picture Distributing and Sales Co. 

Ill East Fourteenth Street, New York City 

IB— Bar nTorlts Toae (drama) .... 
14— Bow Be Won Bar (comedy) .... 
18— Bill I'laya Bowla (comedy) 

IB— Bosalie's Dowry (comsdy) 

10— Aunt Jnlla's Portrait (comsdy) 
•O-Ttm Wrltaa a Poem (comsdy).. 

. rS» Btval Bnatne^IMem „ 
4-^ow Tbey Trlckad IMhot (< 



. M 


. in 

V— XSVW MK...mwm 

IB-BIII as a Joekoy (comedy). _ 

IB— Thai Is My Nome (comsdy) M 

IB— Oer Three Piopoaala (comedy) Ma 

W— A Uteadfnl Ollrmma (drama) M 

m— Bis Fslthfol rumltaro (comedy) ttt 

27— Utile Willie Goes CTclinc (comedy) at 

I 2T — An IntaouMis Son (draaaf W 

I Febmsry— Fisf 
3— Back to the Old Bomattcad (drama).. Ml 

10— Tlie (tejiliaaV IMend. (drama) Til 

.10— That. Hena Did Baa" ( e i m a d y) ....... Jg: 

1 7 B ieawB BU tW B iai BCwIw y.s C iimi l 'g 

.Sfw^JC^tlHft 't'OWBtCQClC '(OOBMlyf mat 
::A*tAB ,F1IJ» OC». ■■.^..: ■■■ ■ 

14 BrothMi (drama) ..•..«. ..>•.• 

21— The Arm of tka Law (draiu) 

28 — ^Tba OBtca*t*B Balratlaa (drajaa)... 
laanary — 

4— Tha Straw Blda (comedy) 

U — A Latter to the Stork (drama)..... 

18 — A city Wolf (drama) 

«B— Irlaa Bearta (draau) 

Inhmary — _'l.L..._ 

1 — Ills Omt a a c r M oa (drama) . 

8^nss Anybody asaai-Kslly 

IS— au uttto^nitf; 


Oeecmber— . ■ 

U-Tbe BowUng (kua (eomady) 
13— Onr Dear Cada tHa Aaarlea (comsdy) 4r 
IB— Tha Child ot Two Molhsm ^draaaa). 

t»— The Moacam ot BnenlSBa (esaasdy). 

M— Tha iMk-kooBac (dnmal.. M 

, »-Tha I(Hr of Blia (oomaAy) M 

'faanaiy— Fsw 
h «-^»e Oraat Jiadrt Oowtltlonjesgsdy) 411 
I a— A Wen MatAed Harttaia (comedy).. 488 

_ . .. (jrjBa) mC 

Soatksasa Bamalel 

18— The Jeaknsy of 


18— Uy WWa Bat (csmady)^..... 
28— Palnleaa Kxtraetloa (eoaedy) ... 
13 — KUl the Fly (comedy). v-"*ii; 
-10— The Bmpenr's Xan«h' (cssMdy) 
M-^Tha BloslTe Bobber (comedy) -• 


•^-Iloctnr Acalnst Bla Wni (comedy)..... 
IS— Mr. Fkddleaway Is On Strike (comedy) a 

13— The Elixir of Brarery. (comedy) 4l». 

ao— The Heart of a Warrior -(drama) 

20 — Bo«pltal tor Small Anlmsla (edoeatkm- 


ST— Punch (drama) "J 

2T— Beware of the Bomb (comedy) _«» 


and the Tern. ^ 

nxii (oi. ■•: 

■•-.King rhlllip tbc Fkir 

plan (drama) 

t pMember — ' . -"i 

1 :Matmaa Latter (*8mBl .«...;>•• 
a4-Tka .Kecklaea «f tB» IN— Wr— i)... 
81— The ■ Bc a i eti u w (dNaMi)«>^«..i.y...... 

laanuy — ' " : ' 

7^.^T1ie Batt-Ucht (drama) 

14— A Bomeleaa Boy (drama) 

"rhS'Tmak Hyatcfy (draasa) ■ 
ll« .-.;2lBH^ -..g«»- jpla .jjlwIXB Dcm 
'(coMtQf)' ." 

' - -Tbe crlailaal -CUaTB 

I Deceuibep— 

14 — Tbe Pflcrlma (dnuia) 

21— A Despeiata Bemedy (comedy). 

28— Blda of the Maanbrina (drama). 
I January — 

4 — At Cedar Bldae (drama) 

II— Sleepy BaUow..(dcima). ........... 

15— Tbe& Mew iOHi 

29— Tbe UoB'ta 
I fMmaiy— 

' 1— Tha Btldal Trail (drama)... 
' 8— Tha Transcrcssar (drama) .. 
IB— The Uaht Bajond (drama) 


JdnHBO) . • ^ . . . • ' 

y) f^^. ... .... . 

rtlAI OOliPAMT. 


IB— A Ftaht (or lauisaa (dtaau) 

-The (Sid Mlaafa I>QU-(dnma) ...... 

16-^etadt o( tha Hlddea MlBaa (drama). 

IB— A Ward ot Dade 8km (drama) 

28 — A Tenor of the Plalaa (eeBsdy)... 

28— Tha Inaaae Belieaa (drama) 

80— Tbe Ulaalns Bridccroom (drama).... 
I January — 

2 — Mrs. DanTefs DtTorcs (ttama) 

e-nw Royal wiifeboa* (myanty cooMdi 

ao-Bstamed to tha FM« 
aa-Ow Uttlo Bamarttaa 

27— A Bon or <Md Olery 

80— Tbo Taxlcah :llyM)CfF (drama) . 

I FMnuty— • 

■ (drama). 

la— A Betolae of -'TO (Drama) 




FxtrierdiRirv Fiittrit km 

Nofr^rscklns. Bafsty, atrHtatb. ' 


BeoBomr. riMlblX* 
Oead for olmUr. 


FUJI FOB BZVT— six re^Ia, tMOl }} 'SS 
812.00. All In ODS shipment. U.' >v!',£;''Jf 
boiutbt and sold. Addreas, TBI QINT"* 
TBAOIMO CO., WalertowB. Wla. 

FEBRUARY 11, 1M1. 

Tlie Billboarcl 




wm mtma im.i«. 

Good tobjccti — good condition— clemned. 
no P*r iMl— flO |Mr rMl— no pw iMl 
0.0. 9. MiMt «• MNM anafHtlMIt 
XmI ■ 

4ad iMji year mansy back tf yoa ai« 
Mt ntltf«d. Ttatt'i what we neaa br 
a •qnu* a«l. Be qaiek — Write te^y. 

Tr«TelU>s ExblbltonI Be aura aad (It* 
joor permanent addreaa wliete mall la 
•ore to reach 700. Toa'U hare to lautj. 


nt JklnMMi, . : Mi 

«!NM1IM. lUINOn. 

I Never Make Less 
Than $2S.OO Per Week 

Tint's what Mr. J, 
4)Ua., wrltea. Do TOO m 
fttn'a BO reaaoa jay sai 

D. UcAmall, or Lawton. 

want to do tlie aamcT 
>aa caa't Joat drop sa 


Yon will tbes learn 
more abont tlw , 

A.lVf E RA. 

■ □a tti« pboto bnttoo 
bualor**. Con^te 
outfit, o 

olr Tbla 


aantltea to 
flnlabed pletalM. 
■illlp ootllt upon >^ 
rrlpt of f5.00 dcpoatt; 
balance c. o. d. 

m and TOO wUl 
IKH alwaya 

Bqnare plaica 
fat bnndrtd. ~ 
ft hondral. 

£htiw< tlM 

11.79 per aioaa. 
OUaaf* ramt] 


M CHIT a tM IM «(.■«*. im-vm >tHk mk 

i: gaCik^iS'lSM'i^ 
O*., Dipt, m OUaWi HL 

' Stonet, Uaaamaiii BbilB, Oooba. No- 
Canea. Wblpa. and a Im liw;«C OaiBlTal 
loMa ot all kladi IW CWM^silMHN. Cat- 
baa. Datmtt ;^«paliM;'aa; :ai; iiX; O. . Q. 


ST. LOUIS. - . U.S. A. 


^ 7<>ur line of bnalMM. aDd%il8bed 

awtMara •( ear ayitem ofp -^' 
faoia (Or iht aaklng. I 

ft\ UMUMt ■ora.TT 00. 

m> taaat, . CiBaiiin.a, Ohia. 

Slot Maiclitikciis 

A4 <« 

h aii 

»»»ttaf ati^ 


Enormous Three-Ring Circus 


Produeing for th» Season of 1911 an attraetien costing $1 ,000 par wssk 

B. u, aiunaa, uaDacai ASent 

W. B. Qnloatte. Adrartlaiac .Acent. 

OL W. Bo e ba a a n , Baataaaa JIaaaser 

TafSM BaaTer, Ttetaorer 

Partlaa daaMas CBfagemeata (or the aeaaon Uli; alM^ld addicia tb* Mtowlnc departmenta 

B. L. Bnumaa. Oaoaral Asent nn Molnea. la. 

" ■ Dee Molnn, la. 

Dea Molnea, la. 

668 Nineteenth St., Dea Molnea, la. 

Qhaa: IHraaney. BqiuaMan Director Pani, Ind. 

'Waodr Tan. Mnaleal Dlr«etor..;....,........,,„..„.......UB W. Bioadwar, Ifaoek ObaaS, Pa. 

.V"*"" J?'^l ^'^lii??!."—"*' WinoMd. St. Loala. M«. 

B. F. Bmery, Manager Op-T>iwa AHiMllisi............ .nayer, la. 

John Fepperdlne, Manasrr FrlTUegee Clyde. N. T. 

Delmoa Andrewa. Grnrnl Prcea BapnaaatBtl**.... ^....^....i.V Perry, la. 

George Darta, Saperlntendent Coomilaiuy Granger, la. 

Cbaa. Kelly, Soperlntendent Canraa ..'...'.w.;..Vi..;;rV;.V.v;lO aaqtbwell,' Danbnry. Conn. 

lake Poaey. SllperIntend<^nt .Stock VUBMiwUt An., Clnelanati. O 

John Boyd. Soperlotendent TrantiportatJeB... Graaaer. la. 

Wbltle MfOnlre, Boaa Animal Man Granger. U. 

Blaekle WUllamaon. Boaa Property Man Granger, la. 

Cockey Olbaon, Side Sbov CaoTu ......Ormnevr. la. 

Orrllle 6p«cr, Sopcrlateadent Ughta Mitchell, Ind 

Art Bowwi. llaMgn Lowjb Cg.j... Dea Melnea, la. 

Boaa Aaheraftt Bu po rlBtaoJaot' Tld Mitg ^.. ...................j.......,..,...,,...,,.. .Granger, la. 

Geo. Johaaon. SnfjerinteBdant Bepatr 'SaportMamk..**..*.**.. ..Oraager. la. 

WANTED— Ten candy bntchrra. Hat iaat'SIt tiMf'gMav,. ad 
J«bB Fepperdlne, Clyde. N. T. CiB;'Wi.'«W "4r tW SMM ■ 
BUCHANAN. Dea Molaea. la. 



«t tk» OMiIti •( roor 

I niiat coofeaa that eight 
nontba ago wben I took charge of 
thla theatre aad fond the 

tlaia we haTa not 
breakdown and the 
parta won la the 

for repair 

Toon alaecrdy. 
ntBD P. DEAN. 
Manager for The HartfM. 

Wrltofior Cataloflu*, Dapt. a. 




^ Great IL J^^i^ 

Two Bxperlenced Agenta, ttuee good Door Thlfcera, M. P. Operator. A few good ahowa 
per ccst. Two High Claaa R»c Acta. Colored Mlnatrel Performers In all llnea, Singera, Dancera, 
any act aaltahle for mlnatrel ahow. Cometa. Trorabooea, BarUones. Toba, Alto, CSarlneta, Trap 
Dmmmer; for Colored Band. Prefer mnalclana that can double stage or orcbestrm. Beat of ac- 
eoBBMdatloaa wIU l>e famished. Salary ante. Long season of eighteen months. Territory thla 
laaa wttl ha from Ooaat to Coaat, Indodlng the Northwest .od* Canada. Can oae concessions 
eg an kdada. ma abow will open at Port Worth, Tex., week of National Feeders' and Breedera* 
Fht BMck Show, Match Uth to 18th IndoslTe. We now hsTs eight weeka booked solid. Addreaa, 
B. Ik Qeaeral Manager V. 8. Camlral Co., cats T. Allea's Baal Batata Omoo, Btchang a 

I Riding Device Co. 

& • 186 2gT BROADWAY. 

= Iteniiali nans. IfadiiBaty.aia., for OMMIlla. 




Released every Triday 


S«1 a >^ Company 

147 FG'.iklhiVE N:>' i. 



Never, Never, When 
Yon Bay QUAUTYt . 

Ourpiioes'aressgood and onr mal>: 
ity 100% better . We knoiv^iriM «a 
esq lis sndnsBEFDNDa 
if m imric is 

LetterIteads»Pott«cardtaad Cols 

Of every tleacription oar 
We want you all to tiyiM. Yoa 
not be diaappointetL 


Of taan yaaia' aaiietieiiee. 
_Tw«at iatb. gtMy> lataat 

2 OmaneftliiiOMimaDdi 

The Smith Greater Shows' Season 
Opens March 20th 


Write na for free sample Poet Card and par- 
ticular, of oor mirror device tXiat take. hr. 
different positions with a alngle expoaote. 
Beat money-making attut la the hlatoir at 
Poet Card Photocra^. Na naca Inrahie, 
aad ae laora coat ta mafe* tbaa the a wtlaai y 
Paat Card. Addreaa, J. -II. HAINianMl 
Bldg., PeorU. IIL 

Now eoalractlac Air ( 

«t im. Hare an opening for frat-dasa ahowa. Some prlTtlegea stIU 
oaaTt' . - .... 

air arifUctea United ar azclnalTe to lespoaaThle part lea only, ^ant muand wife tor 
iMetIa Bbow.^ AiMraaa all commDnleaUooa to THB SMITH 



The Big Inter-Provinelal Stock Show and Raee Meet off 

- Western- GBnadav 

Vmia to4ar. 

n V it a i i a; 920,000 In premlmia.' Ttvie day ahow from Angnat IB; 40.000 peopla I 
iVneea tvacee for sale. Attraetloaa wantad. _Tba lieat ,abow town la weataa 

A. O. HABBUUM. Mgr., P. O. B. 

Alberta. Caaada. 

Business Opportunity 

Chaaes to make hig money. <slck actioa u s t sa 
aaiT. I hare IS Dectric Plana., neatly aU 
placed, earning money, which I moat aall ts 
cloae tv a partnership eatate. Two Paarlaaa, 
one Majeatlc, Jr.. slxieen Begala. all lB_tat 
class repair. A barfcata for wxne eat. 
reasonable. Write at once. C. J. Md 
«S Laclede Bldg.. St. Loola. Mo. 

WAMTSD— Alt MoTtng Ptetare Tbeatrao ta 
to me 'm* A'UgSwMg; Jl^ffl^ 


^FEBRUARY 11, 1911. THE BILLBOARD ■ - ^^^rf^i^sM^^^i^ 








, ' : OF THE AGES :.- 

^ja^^ our remarlad)le, jiewj^^ : ^ 

'^^""^pf^^i iN^ mere l!2U[i aiSff lefergy daiio^^ 

: ground that the heretofore necessary darkness is <;q0-^ 


V No more sir^i^^ 

30ie scre^ beiic^;^^ wondel^[td jhtyefiti^ 

HplK in the^case of' all Inltalltu will probably " ". -^ isii^^iTr ^..^-r^ :V 

;fl|^aq^,iip»^JbvH^ 0w process makes the OM.and^rti||.ltiH^ 








I Wini 1 l|IDIS,S^ MajKliciiNtnl Bill^^ Ul, 


■ V HERBST^S- — ^-^^-^-^^^ ^ 


h K^-: : ' And any.an4 aUJmfriii^^BD^itB upon^vw 

..-i.^:^ — .-: 









■ - 












I. 1^ Ij Bj no axes to grind. That is why it is fair, frank and fearless in all 1. |M I Mm 
P .lm F. F. things* It has no prejudices and no predilections. It is edited and W*. IM I Im 
JL" .MMiM^'MSiM pnblidMd In the interests of the profession of amusement en bloc, M X m m Am 


Ttie Billboard 




I. ILL. 


^ Opera 

Tit WItMMll 

L Mi VtMirCa. 












SHUBERT ATTRACTIONS (IllUStratlMi)j ..... ^ • 


AMUSEIMENT WEKK IN AMERICA .....>'.. .v.'....<i..< 


AMuuioDNT ^wnic<<nf ■dbopb. 




■ •'•••«•«•*••• WJ* *'* ' 

.* « • • ••••••••• • • 


■ ". ."' ' ""^ 

OUTDOOR- Nl!«WS^*« ■ i> • tr*.*** • • V« • « « • 

ROUTK^-^ * ■; " 

Performers* X>at«B ••■^v. • i 

» • a^ 

E(,UFte84Ud •- • • • '•'•*• • «> « • • • « 

' flboicliE -'<kBA .Sfly^'^Bi^i^v^*'* * * *^ • • • • »•*•••«'•••« 

Bands and Orchestras....... 

Dramatic, and Uoalcal -••••*••••••••••••»•« 

v A-Tmi. Dollar Bill 
May Lo bk'GiDbd Tp You 


iatair time*- that, if, jpiatfn- «diAg 
SoutnemterritdrT-. " 

Type and Block Work— 6, 3, 2 and 
1 Sheet fijgures canj.ed in stCMk for all 
sizes stock dates. ~ : . 



>ToVaaTlilaClialifa^_ . 
:y«ur ii *ss(ja i|WWty^c.i 

^i.V .'^ ^- -.-.WHI. Totfay. - • 
"#^;a«pfc«f. BEHHETT. 

«ir.MlBt.. CInolnnatl.O, 

all - ppypgwj- ^ ' 
^- cufcnncaxi^ 

Carnival - OraDpaiites *••'••#•••*••«••••«••»•••••• 

BJInatir^^ ."v. •••••• '•^'^ *~* 

WtbUbs Rink A tt f f j flU B| M « • <| • • « • • • 

FILM SYNOPSES ^- • • • i • • •ij^* ?,V * 

TE1£ATRSS AND A!raRACTIONS.'«*. ; t . ; I; ^ • « • . • • ... i 





:.. 6 
.... f-T 


.. 10 

.. u 

../ XI 

.. u 

.. u. 

.. IS 

'.. 1« 








Til At Hi IMnNfS III 

1T4-1T« Wekaah Avaan*. 


■ranehM In all I«a4lng eltlM.^ 



Twr own apeeial ttekai, aar printiiic anv oolof^ aemuatdy nmnborad, 9wmr nU 
S.m»-91M aa,«M— $4.80 60,00»-«7.S0 
10,M*— 2.6B 2«.M»—S.W 1M.M0— lOM 

r—^|il I OsA with the o rdar. OOUPON TIOKEIS, 8,000— tUft. ta9. 


NATIONAL TICKrrCO^' ' "Shar^eklri, Pann. 


Orlglnatara of 


8m> rO> KKW nxusmxTZD oatai/miux. 
SIXTH AVE., BET. 24th and 26th STS., - N. Y. CITY. 

turn. New lork OUf. 


. BTZEL n km 

a Tbeatrt Chain 

r AbMlttolT 

SoltabU far aaali 
Uwttr* aad merte 
picton ibaw*. Wt- 
^a carry «bm chain la 
•cock and can akte 
ImniedlatalT. DacoM 
haDd chain, ala^ 
.«atlax for otit'Of- 
door M*. Ai O. Da at. 

BjBTBML raan 
TDsa 00.,- onaff 
llapMi. mck. 
tea ojaeT^M* oS 





te. I4.M 

94-im..: U.W 

W-ln... 1«.M 

M-ts... X7.M 

«»-U... U.W 


with ewr Row 
CaU.a*lUd Sua! Btei. 

la^ Thraa-plyB.B.aa. 
trunk wood, kaoMTiiloi 
tipping tiaj. BKNDVOB 
■iM -«B o^o^n. aMhwaSL 


447 W«e<t St. 10> Wrnittfit mt~m. «. 

Fkatery: 88.40 laakatia St., hTs. 

PiTTSsuna. Mt. 

"The Same Trunk," 
from the dealers b«ow: 

Nrw York. K. T 

Chleaag^jIL KantaB IM4 * Ofc 

Anxnata, Oa 

BaltlmoTC. Md.......'.^ 

Boctoo, MaM.. 
BDCnoa. Ohio. 
Bniralo, N. T. 

BDtte, Mont Ha 

CtadBaatl, ouo n* Htbte A Carnr Ot. 

... ^ B^a^ . 

Cimbctlaad. Md 
DartOB, Ohi*. 

Detroit, aileh^ _ 

Ft. Warne, ima.. Ft. in^^aa ■■— ^ u—i— .<» 

Fbatorla, Ohio Bt IMh Oothtaf Oik 

nankf ort. iBd ...J. W. Ooaltar'a mm 

Grand Baplda. Uleta Paal BUaa* 

Hamlltoo. Ost Hanlltoc TaataiT Oooaa Oik 

Hostliijton, Ind F. Dick'l Sta * & 

iDdlinapolla. lod Cbai. Manr S Ot> 

I-.Payette. -Ind - - ^ 

l>baDoo, iDd.. 

Kobne AU 

Nswtrk. Ohto..... 
Philadelphia. Pa.. 
Port Boroo. Mich. 

PortUad, H* 

Psrtimoath, OUe. 
PmidanM. B. I.......: 

Blchmoad, lad 

SatlBtir. Hick 

^rlsffldd^ COlo 

Oittaabarscr ITaraiw 

....J. U Bnetott S Oh 

UAcmu TivBk Oh 

Wm. MeOinili 

Tbe Thestrioal Prof esrioa vBl I 
ate the saTiag of^ time maAi 
press ebarges njr this an 

Wateh this list growl 


with WisaHiw. AotaaaUe ni* BUdt. 
SHa has Kowan'a OoRCBt BsTar i 

BkMrtkt. Pcrtacti 
■akonnr eolond tol 
Patba-a H. O. Paaal 

OpUtrapb Ua^IoM, HIl 

Modal B. Oas lUckla*. witk 

128.00. Film aerrtca. 13 raala, tU.Oe par 
A lot Of acaacry and cnrtalna, Bdlaea Owiar 
■aT«r, naw, HO.OO. On* TO llsht Dtbsbo^JBM^ 
: 1.000,000 ft. Blm. at one cant par ft. WSTpV 
' Bhmr and Anoacmest Oooda. I mat r " 
i and, Jtatnra Film. . DIZIC FlUf SXC 
i Mr W. »Mrth SttMt, OwM*«% >y. 

XHe Billboard 

THE llADi^PN*^ 


Now at 76c par, 100' 
Baton ntitM^ IMNMI" c 
liaehlnM 7Qc p«r100 


it par day with any •# 



MKw YORK errv. u.'s. a. 




Walk, Oonqr Idand. 
i fluut Iw imMived with- 
in tlM next thirty days. Apfdy 

Uab, laU InHi Cc. 44 bwi Si. lr'ldi«.I.T. 




pontion laat seaaon. Finest outfit that 
«aa ever framedup. CcwtSl.200. Only 
naed 2 months. Will take 9300. Have 
retired from the road. Ask any show- 
man that nw it. Now stored at Au- 
gusta, Ga. Addreaa 

Capt. W. D. Amant. J«eksen.T*nn. 

roa aaiX— HoTlns plctnr* ootflt. BdlsoB exM- 
MdeD Bpdel, electric banrr. iterMpUeoa it 

tfS iiMn t, ■ toes and ilMrt dl<tue« owtIjis plc- 
ty leas, Ukc-op,- ccwlod, rlMMtat, oo* ml 
■■i stsgt csUt.„cxtia coulatKr, roO tickets. 

•ta.. Madx to go to.*^ 

mu-l hncMi (Nff) Ifrimlip 

Amde for IJb^rty B*n or Operator B^ll Slot 
M s ct ll — AJdiTiM R. TOWNSEND. 12t& * 

'I<ot of amall Awliwl Ca^ea, aajt- 

■Km BBlmsl ibow, sad JnnsI* baaaen. 
Also ■oaken, sasksa, birds, etc. 
8 N. Ntath St.. PMIad^^ia. Pa. 

Bets, ma^alio bUooadr Dye 

Caa«d7 Oiiatnme*, 
. 400 Cbaln, etc. 
MOORBBAO, PszsMS, Ksaut, 

MUX— Alidome. nattac 900. la collesv 
Psyiaatloii, Mo oOwt ahana,. Om^ 

int ULX— 30 leacths braaa-MV'MlR' bine 
«ktw scat*. A bartata U taksa at sow. OKO. 
—Haw. Wo. Bie lyceom BMc..'PlttitHirs, Pa. 


eu always place food ahows saA*'* 
TV ihow that baa not doaaa- fw.' 

" DA Via, — 1^— - 

■»«r». oao. c. 
ail*.. 18-18. 

I^E.BBOW mx— Send for new lllntnted lUt. 
aiaialaa pkotoa of bic aeasatloDBl carloaltles for 
■PSiiana JM S-ta-oae shows. List free. Fbr 
'9*1.!!!^'**^ horse la tbe worM: S moaths oia. 

-9*i_"wnssc horse la tbe worM: S moatt 
S...*?^. i**^: r e g l a t ai e d slock; aUO. 
«<*rt.jgated swstte ikari — 

aOTIOX— lake's 

ifntKi. - - 

UflfMl. taklBc la bolMlaK 
coreml Dhole hoMi 

22i *»?_•■" 

^ artera eo- 

Boom for all. 
■t skaanaea's loach at 

y«M. 1«» Matfcot at., at, Loats, Mo. 

^ , Si-tyr MACHINES 

to bar, PeaoT Arcade IfiikksW 'mm 
*. Mb attret. FhtladdpMa, ra. 


From Oiir'yiewpoint — and there is no doubt but 
what we occupy a position of vantage where we can 
overlook the entire amusement ficsld — this is going to 
?lM»,»%ieM; Jim jDoteaa tliere 

will be a greater number of pu'ks in operatidfi, more 
county fairs, more airdomes, many carnivals and fully 
as many, if not more^ circuses on tiie road. The sea- 
^Jin irM^ ytaXf bnt^^iifiyeiiti^ gia«»d^wlien 

Hi did finally get started, to encourage '{Mminment 
promoters to invest more heavily for the coming out- 
door season. Realizing all this, we have determined 
to itiitfttlfe^biiDi^^ by issuing the biggest silMi 

that.we hsviB, W6' malcB' A pwwifiiift 

like that you taiow that something out of the ordinary 
may be expected.- You have seen our other special 
numbers and you know that we will have to "go 
floin^^ to brauc oniro^^ '7et Wo hftvs . prom* 

ised to break it,^ and you know that a promise with 
"Old Billyboy" means something to be fulfilled. Be- 
cause it has pursued this upri^t policy since its birth. 

volume of high-class advertumig and a larger paid 
subscription list than nearly all the otiier amusement 
publications combined. • ^ - : : : : ^ £ ^ ' ; : i i 

outdoor amusement field. It is fiankty conceded that 
this branch of the buaness belongs to The Billboard 
alone. Supremacy has been won by years of consist' 
ent effort and by ma-Icing the paper so valuable , to: 
thdn mtoMM m by Hie publi- 

cation of complete'^Iists of all Fairs, Parks, Carnivals, 
Expoffltions, Circuses, etc., that they could not well do 
without it. We are proud, of our clientele^ and it is to , 

perous outcome of the coming season that we are go- 
ing to a greater expense tiian ever befcwe to make this' 
Spring Number, which will -ber . ; 

March 14& 

something li^^M'b^ 

unusuatliiUiaieBt to all of orw; will contain 

the largest number of pages we have ever published in 
a Spring Number, fuid Uiese pages will be profuse in 
illustrations and t^^j^Mdug mi^^ 
deaigiiied oofv^^^edk^ 

Old advertisers, who have Used The Billboard 
for years, know ttiat this ia.the.Mie: grand opportunity 
prcaentsq.evcaDr.^rij^ wjeachjeveiyon^^ 
daiSpqi^ aia|jg^ments ; vn<|w lMl^^ir^||ra ne^BIGat ' to m- 
ser^an ad. in this big issue Co leam what the old ones 
know already — that The Billboard: stands alone as 
the one ^pieat advertising mediuin-<|n .its. particular 
field. MmiMfuig copy aiiolJd 1fttt«^ ^ 
the best p^tii^D^ao^ 

t-yy fTiBt^ CO. 

I Ne 

25.0ePer Week 

Ihat's witat Hr. J. D. UeAoiaO. of Lawtoo. 
Mia., wiitao. Do na want ' to do the aaaiaT 

why 70a caa't. 

_ — . . _ — „ Jost dray — 

I postal lO-SAT, sad cat oor 

nsc oaxazioa. 

Too win thea leara 
more sboat tho 

C A.N N O N 

sad tbe photo battaa 

ootflt. ortr 
CAnroV. tripod aaa 
aappllea to stake dta* 
flaSbed ptetaica. Win 
akia oaiat apaa m- 
s« 18.00 . 
- cw Sb d. 

Onaraateed soods at hoaeat UileSfc . Baj alT 
■ aad yoB win aot cot *'stna«.'^ Oas aav «aa> 
!assanalwsvB *'««ao back.". . 
■Mqam piatsa flir sO siesta, auabtasa. SLOT* 
,ar\aadRd. Best «aallty sMiaata. Ste^ufl Me 
9n hnadred. PUtes for an photo bntMa an- 
sWacs 11.00 per hoodied; (Ut fraaies, lUO to 

S^Staa'^raWpo Os.. Pept. MB. Ohlea«o. M. 



Rates and tenoa w ajaa abl a Ba p w w 1011. 

TrafellBg AGtors, AneDtlonl 

Toa ' can make btr . _ 

broMered .waist sad dicsi pattens, diairik.'fstti' . _ 
eoata.^ etc. Priced moeh bolow retaD pcltta., 
Alao make Ideal prcmlams ex, aaavaalra.. .WSItp ^ 
for rrce'cattri«c,-No.. 1924 and a satp ls a . BM* , 
BHOIDERY A IMrORT CO., J»34 PtsaL ttfCSt.' -V' 
St. LoolB, Mo- . ■ 

Get a Qesnlne Hlodoo Good I.ack Ba( If : 
waat good lock. Jaat s few left fraiD s « 
it I braa^t traa- Iadla. 

WAm BT WntE 


(Lady pnfSRSd) to. slac lUastrated saaca. - ■ 


who lesa sios fli^ preferred). Most w**- 
cheap. Permaoeot. Slato aU la Jrat. O- .X- 
DAUOKB. M«r. Lyric Theatrs. LaSalle, lU- 


siv euiciico. 


BSTtlBS. writsu - 
na.. Vtbria. 

!t Player. 


llMsy: Vaipeoa and Wm.. 
aaSL. K. EVANS. Areh»r.. 

■wa« w».—.» — muatdo* 

Md FbST Want Cotrtin* 

Ni^laifi6,lii«tiieA-I. BERTGILL- 
MCHt, Ttmaaeii, (Mo. j 


Send photo^; State salary wanted in first 

letter- Add. J- H. FULCHER, Whitting- 

ton Park, Ilot SpringH, Ark. 

iiiiiillM4@ffiH« Bass I 

For Palaoe Theatre orchestra. State low- 
eat aalary in first letter for evening work 
only. Aadicaa FAIiACE THEATRE, 

dty Act. Ma at -—j... 
aaaaa baalaess. BIEKT 
Hssth Vcraoa. Ind. 

, asd Kor. I 

Valssa aps « 


state what jon hare and sire foil 
Alao want orteen flaaby Band Dalnjlias 
place Actors that MSbU 
mer; alao Lcadinc 
The only company 
aiiiaaaekilf kaad — 
Jllas.. tnm Mb «. 

Xtie Billboard 

Il^lP^tdr #fiony'' Past«)r, the Father pf l^^^ 

Antonio Pastor, who was mor»'ffcihlji»rter iDtown to 
the world aa "Tony," wm bom inmKmj^giltjenr.UiJ.»tt. 
His name, like Baraum or Dan Rl«k Fttk.all Amwlauu. 
will never die, but like the beaatlnd' Bnes of tlM;te- 

mortal Tennyson's famous brook: "Men may cMM mad 
men may go, but I go on forever," will truly answar the 
name of Tony Paator In Times' eternal history. 

'^onjr" was anlvenally known and beloved In the 
ahow world, and began his show life at the age' of six 
yenr.-i. His debut was In the Dey Street Church, at 
Greenwich Village. A year later he joined Earnum's 
Museum, at Broadway and Ann street, where the New 
York Herald had its home for many years. This was 
In the fall of 1846. It was either in November or Decem- 
ber, trying to quote from memory the exact language 
to the writer, eighteen years ago, at which time his 
quastor century as a manager was commemorated In his 
Kew Toric City home by his legion of friends, both pro- 
fessional and non-profesalonal as well, he stated, "f 
was only a boy then— w lnfant prodlsy was what they 
called me. I -rtayea t>»:fwli<wil—.:i».the minstrel 
troupe, and had ft TOtttf ivliiflli,- «u considered quite n 
marvel. Then James Rajistaad. of the firm of Raymond 
A Wiiring's Menagerie, imlell. built the Broadway Thea- 
tre at the comer of Broadway and Anthony (now 
Worth) street, gave me ai Job In their menagerie. We 
started out on the- road April 1, 1847, and I appeared 
with the minstrel troupe which at that time did Its per- 
forming in a side show. We had no night performance, 
a." the tent had to be taken up early In order to give 
the tent or canvasmen full swing on the menagerie can- 
vas after , the evening ex)Ubition: .8o all unbeknown to 
the managers, we sot into the way of renting churches. 

court houses and the Itke^ and slvlns evening perform- 

ances In them. We Iiad no means of advertising save 

by starting out a negro with a bell to cry our show 

around the villages we stopped at, but we used to pack those houses, and to 
tell the truth, I flrmly believe we were making more moiiey than the menag- 


~Bat deitlnir cave me a Mdc ° One nfcht we hired' arsehoot Iwase about a 

mile out of town, and'held-a veiy successful performance :there. After the 
show was over. I started to come to town across lots with my tambourine under 
my arm and my wardrobe over, my shoulder. Suddenly I fell Into a hole, ani 
there I lay bawling for half, an hour at the bottom of a halt dug well, when 
they came and fished me out more dead than alive. There was great excitement 
4>ver this Incident, and the old man for rather nay father) got wind of our 
performances, and put an end to them. We traveled then through the South 
and back to Pittsburg, wbere we closed my first season on the road in Novem- 
ber. Just then, Welch, Delavan and Nathans* Circus came to Allegheny City, 
just right across the river, but now known .as Greater Pittsburg. Famous 
names these showmen :were la thoae days. Welch bollt a big theatre. Dela- 
van was the toaadar^cW'tlMi IMlavaa n^waob sA Attaay, 3ll'.T.«^aad'aa toK JMm,.' 
Nathans, the onIr ii>iM'«f (be thriiiB'' alive, and 'now aa old nan and « weaniiy 
lesldent of New York City. .He was one of the most famous clrcim men of 
his day. 

"Since this. Interview .(atbieh was eistateen years aco). Mr. Nathans Itas 
passed ..'tn tlM^']■■Aw■rtMfrav4M^■He' aad eactUy cares are .naknowK /.liy two 
brottaem VMik-MwB^niy^ViBtmv were members of the tirem compear. Mr. 
Nathans wanted to know it X did not want to go with a circus company. T 
said, 1 did not object if my mother was willing.' and it was agreed that I 
should go with them to New York. City and asjc her permission. At that time 
there were no railroads over .the mountains, and we had to cross the Cumber- 
lands In stage coaches. We did not strike a railroad tintn we reaebed the 
old Baltimore and Ohio, at Cumberland. Md. I remember when I first joined 
the menagerie. It was at Cincinnati, Ohio, then known as the Queen City of 
the West. We had to . go. over the mountains by stage, and then take the 
steamboat doira;^tlM ;Olde:::y|ver. - ,wes>s; fcem ..New r Tevk., Ots was deeased-- 
fast tinier^'- ■ ; ' ' "1!"-^ 'S.r^*':''- " " ' ' -f'r-- 

"Mr. Nathans got the consent of my mother, and I was apprenticed to 
him. In reality, it was to learn to be i>n equestrian and acrobat, but as these 
things were not legally recognised, my apprentice papers read that I was to 
learn to be a farrier and veterinary man. Under such colors I went to Phila- 
delphia In the fall of 1847 with Welch's Circus. Our i>erforraance wa» tn the 
Amphitheatre, which stood at the comer of Ninth and Chestnut, where the 
Continental Hotel now stands, and I assure you that nothing sA the present 
day eould'Compare for magnificence with the spectaclea that we hroocht out 
there. We had both ring and stage, the latter a trenwBdoaa aflUr. and the 
companies were very fine. Joseph Foster was stage OMaacer.vaBd'.feMli' mar 
brothers took part in the circus performance. 

"Frank Pastor was one of the first somersault riders in America, while 
Hilly Pastor excelled In tumbling. Among the familiar names that I recall la 
our troupe of actors were: Neafie, Charles Foster. Mrs. Mary Duff. Radcllli;,lt : 
inost excellent comedian, and others. There we brought out The Devil's Ane> 
S Devil's Horse, and such pieces as Putnam. Mad Anthony Wayne. 
eadOid.Man of the Mountains. These were what were known aa horse pieces, 
•no were brought out in a style that you never see equalled nowadays. W* 
also had a grand chorus, and nothing was 'spared to make these spectacles 
♦fiectlve. • 

wonder how many old Phlladelphlana can' remember when the elephant 
coiaaibns' got loose and went on a rampage, and the militia was called out 
.? There was an event. I -tell you! The menagerie was back of 

L <f< where the Grand Central Theatre now stands.. One day the dephant 

Killed his keeper. We.were rehearsing a apectacle^at the time, "when the news 
c.tme over that old 'Colum* was destroytag^the'menaserttf .bullrtlnc and was 
Rolag to te■c: dOl«^t^mUdeIphia. there ww aSr-niotii i&eaielnir that morning. 
I copie carae'over't'o the property room after.guaa. but the ' best we <^>uld do - 
wr.s to give them some old Revolutionary pieces,- rusty ana nntlquatnl, 
would do more damage at the stock than the muzsle. If anyone was so rash 

•>« to Are one otL -When I got out Into the street. I found that the militia had 
i.ccn called out. and the 3tr ee ii> i|a»''-packea with qaaklnv^^aeldlem, ready to 
pel this novel foe. The ar^itlMldthe front poeitloh.wtt1i their bis guns 

I »1 "P^" menagerie entrance, and all was ready to treat the' elephant 
; m ae lld shot and shell If he showed his nose at the door. The exclteraont was 
Tremendous. X, boy-Uke, oUrabed upon the top of the roof, and looking dt.wn 
' trough the glass skylight, could see the elephant tearing around, klllini; all 
lie harmless animals. Tike kangaroos, m'onkeys. eta. but he was too smart 
"^"^clt theoamlvorous animals, though he had the lions, Ugers and the 
i-V. Iw*' '^Unu etate of agitation. He was also smart enough to keep away 
ih , Poata which supported the roof, for his ipstinot seemed to tell him 
rl>, »n? •">"'cked them down, the roof would follow, and he would share the 
■ate of Bamaon of old. Aa I was on the roof at the Ume. hU tnstinot was 
•iiso a good thing for. me.. Several times the Infuriated beast trle&^to mount 

the stairs which led to the street, but 
were too weak to support his weight. 

. "At li^ John Nathans, who was then young and 
athletle and fnll of courage, got a rope and tried to 
lasso him. It was an hour, perhaps, before he got the 
first coil over his tusks, and then, one noose after 
another, until finally he was thrown on his side and was 
helpless. Then the keepers mahed In and prodded the 
rascal with their terrible iron prongs. For fifteen or 
twenty minutes he took his punishmont in silence, for 
he was a game and stubborn old feUow. but at last he 
gave in and began to 'holler' for mercy. Then it was 
that old Driesbach, the animal performer, mounted ithe 
elephant and made a stump speech on his prostrate 
body. 'Napoleon,* he aaid. 'had a monument of UvIbs 
skulls^ but I feel proader tkta%MiwolMMi an my ttoin^ 
ment of Uvlng fleut.* 

"We had to go thnmsh a eoane of training with 
the ballet master in those days bOtora we could think of 
being circus performera, lOr siaeefUaass was the Itoat 

requisite of a uuiroiriuiii. It WMtJBMa oC a fMtm* ttu 
hard work or daiigennn 'fialB.' 

"John Mar was eloww. .Bow. Weill remember himt 
Dan Rice was another : nieiiiiber at'tlM company, also 
the Rivers' family, Tom Nevfllew-WllO afterwards be- 
came a great writer; Billy Klncaid.- Ed. Derina and 
Signer Germanl. In fact, the circus was one link in that 
chain of shows, which finally waa evoluted Into the 
Oooper. BnOar Baranaa'aiMW^ By this time i cooM 
ride eaoagli to flOt'olt. I was never a great success aa 
a rider, but I took part In the gTAni entrees. 

"James Hernandez was the star rider of that day. 
and to my mlad of all days. He was the prettiest aad 
neat graMlM'iMer the world has ever aeea. Otheia 
may do more tricks than he. but no man ever put 'foot 
on a horse who was his equal for grace and beauty. 
Milt, you speak about Stickney being so graceful, you ought to have seen 
HemandSz. and you would certainly change your mind. The ladies used to 
rave over him. His right name was Skelly. He was a New York City boy; 
and was an apprentice, of old Jobn RoUnsoa. 

"In 1848 I went out with a company to Boston, and opened with a ctrena 
in the old Fe-lei^l Street Theatre. From there we went to Albany and Syra- 
cuse, and then:e on west to Ohio, but in July the cholera broke out, and after 
losing several members of the company and finding the people too much 
frightened to go to the circus, we concluded to wind -up business, and after 
playing your town (Hamilton), we journeyed on to Eaton, Ohio, where we 

"In September we started South. Jobn Oossin was with us as clown, aad 
we also engaged Bill Worrell. He was a bully ''lown. and .was the father of 
the since famous Worrell Sisters. I was now a full fledged circus perfonaer. 
I coold tomUe a little, ride a little and do the ornameatal In the mlastrel 
:pertenBaaeer whidi in those days was held in' the rtaff withont extra ehamk 
. "Nell Jamleson was ringmaster, but he died, and- Z was promoted to be 
ringmaster tn his stead. This was a great honor for a atrtpUng like me. The 
position was very prominent In those days when the clown was a big part of 
the show, ani one had to play interlocutor to a merry fellow, who waa'Ukdy 
to spring all sortaof unexpected CNPS OB yva. X iMid boeK.-ta.HlMel'aad baa 
a fair education, and it stood me^'sbod stead wben' X'eaom to wrestle inik 
Worrell, who was an A-1 clown. 

"After the gi^nd entree, it was customary to have a comic song, and It 
was during that season that I made my first appearance as e comic singer. 
I were calleo. paBts. a red vest, a yellow coat, and a venaUton nose. - Tka 
first Miiiir T remember staging was a topical song, entitled. ThlURs Z Xtont lAa 
to See. T also sang. Teetotal Society, Wedlock is a Ticklish Thing, and My 
Grandfather was a Wonderful Man. 

■la the spring of 1S67. Mr.'WorrcITs daughters, Sophie and Irene, fiiat 
apsearcd. Ttiijf a|er^.c M ld i e > tlM)w.''Mrti JaaeeJ the H otaplp a Md-tlie Hlitfc* 
land Fling on a board in the rlnig; We were oat ^twi. years, and (iCbeed In Baltt-' 
more in the fall of 185T. Then we came to New York- City, and opened la tha 
Fowery Amphitheatre, at Xo. 37 Bowery. Just below where the Windsor now 
stands. It was run by Richard Sands and Quick, the original flatfoot psfty. 
Sands was a splendid petfecmar.aaid a fiae looking man. John Nathaaa 
Frank. Billy and myeeW all J ol a ea - Vbm -esapany. I had the honor flC 
being ringmaster, and as my apptaattossUp-was at an end, I enjoyed my fliBt 
real engagement. I was given the bt^salunr ed six (8C.00) dollars per week, 
which was a grand one In those days fnr a ythuur chap like me. My posltloa 
was that of general performer. I rode, tumbled, held ohje cte <a lanr -dollsalk 
operation, by the way), and played In afterpieces^ I ■lia:pliVSd:ni9BSMlar ' 
to Aleck Rockwell and John Oossin. 

. . *n .rmua»mtt^ oT 1S52. and then went oat wMh ami 

and'HnBrnnaP- tiwa pe. .and' weat down Bast. Joha Xjovett was my eiowa «■ 

X had pot to be proficient as a negro banjolst, and I got extra winter '' 
UM.arcus was not going, doing negro business. 
"Th* next two seasons I was with Lievi North's circus. I traveled as rlaa- 
master to Ben Jennings' clown. Then he was. taken sick, and I took his plaoe. 
This was In 1856. In Chicago, then not-a very large city. We opened in aa 
amphitheatre on Monroe street. Among the shining lights of the company 
were old Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, the dearest creatures In the world, and 
parents of Barton Hill; George Brown, who afterwards kept Brown's famous 
dhOV lMMsa;7WiA wrote Putnam, and married X,onlsa Pray, the sister of Mr. 
BlBy Were n ee and Mrs. Barney Williams. Old Coney was stage manager, and 
the spectacles we produced with real horses and horsemanship were simply 
gorgeous. There was also the famous Kellar troupe, with their revolvlna '{ 
stage and wonderful tableaux, the like of which no one dares attempt at the - 
present time, though T think there is a fortune in it for the right party. 

"In 1857, I^went out with Mabie. Traveled all winter, and in lS5g. 1 
Joined his Eastern" show, clowning at the big salary of $40.00 per weelt. X 

also got extra for appearing in the side show, and also sold my sony 

I made fully $90.00 per week, which was big money la those Una. 

"Now. Milt. I am afraid that my life history will tire you out, as It Is so 
kaleidoscopic in character. In 1859 I went down Sast with NaUuun' cireoib 
and we played on the Boston Gonunon la JaaaaiT. tbe last :time tt was 
permitted. I also waa wKh lOasa ,aaA Aysaarte^roM la IfML .Umb X' 
west with Sands 'utd MMbaMT'eMM^.tteB frOn this eompaaar folned i 
Ing and Rodgers" circus. .;:,• . . ■•< 

"In 1861. deserted the circus. Ssr.Vnuik Rivers' Company and sang comla . 
songs. In his troupe were Joe Wheelock, Shirley France, whose daughter waa 
Kittle Blanchard. now Mn. McKee Rankin, and Ella Wesner. Then ba6k ta'^;' 
New York City, to open with 'Rodgers and Spauldlng's circus. w 
"It was on.the atnd day of March, 1865, when, with 8am-8barti«rJM'^%'' 
partner. I starlSff — t-Js a manager, and secured "VOIifn OerJwCiil ;lBE3iiwiqfc>: 
4- i ■ . • friiMiiMiij ■■■ iT.i -T .•.-•^.<i^~?^.,->;.v'^';^. 


T ii-e Bill bo a r d 

FEBRUARY.1% miv; 

The Amusement Week in America 


— Cooo.. Feb. 10 (8pmU1 to Tte 
- i-J»i— *»«rj womu, a modani idaaUtr 
•-— < BT Walter Browne, waa (iren lu nra- 
Blcre by Henrr W. SiTace at ParsoD'i Theatn 
<■ ■eo. B, and wu recelTcd with manUeat 
aMCOTil by a larite and faabionable audience, 
^ed to be a wonderfDl armboUe cnetlon 
tbe trials of woman upon ber pU- 
In qcett of 1ot« and make* a atroon 
to all loTcia o( Intdlectnal. - drama.- 
aaa haTlns aeen Slattctr la ber mirror 
for Oa-gnat tOr-lMimttdi-ot lore, 
-*r. jwr fg mfmmg k Iter" 

- way tb - 

.In tbe city abe enten tbeatrical Ufe wbeie 
aaa attsbn rame bot loees Modeatx. Sbe en- 
cooBtns Paaalan and Wealtb, botb oc wbom 
*»»» to win her and nearly do so, bot are anally 
lapula e d. Bean ty dies on acconnt of tbe 111* 
wWcb Bverywoman baa compelled ber to lead 
na Tooth la compelled to answer tbe call of 
IBM. Bentt of Tontb, Scanty and Uodesty 
Imiiar aoii«ht by Paaalon and Wealtb. 

-r •■«■• •» X»Btb tat aaalat- 

2?«H? J" IB bar old bom. wbeto 

— ^SSyrMt"^ « taw 

Of tbe ezecllenea of. tha pndDEtlOB Bada by 
Ur. BaTan tt la Impoaatbl* to'apaak too Ucbly 
na aeaiwry and coatnmea w»i« appropriate 
Bad m perfect taste wbOe erery member of tbe 
oa«t ae emed to be cboeen for bis or ber special 
n am tot tbe part. Lanra Nelson Hall, as 
nwoaaaB, dominated tbe play and ber con- 
IBB and rendition of tbe cbaracter eoold 
VHl ba bottciad. U. OMper CUSo. aa - No- 
. . . . 

I oC'Ikt 

a ttaoatrical ataodpoinf li excellent, as tbe act- 
las of tbe company eonld not be excelled and 
tbe cbaracter work la splendid. Tbe scenic ln> 
Tcstiture is all tban can be expected tor ita ap- 
propriateness, bnt tbe ploy does not make any 
deep UBpteaiioa on ttaa andlaaea and It Cslla to 

pleaao^-jaa.tbMB •-to.:aatfelW'.aato««rair •( ~ 

tereat ta- 

Boaa .OnllhtoB, TOm'* Swcetbeart 

.. ....'....Miss Helen Holme* 

Mrs. Uary Bartlett. Tom's )Iotber 

Miss OllTe West 

Mlehad- Grogan, a Sexton 31art Cody 

PKtiei' IloEaa, a Hnaeh-bacfcid Bay...... 

Tbomas -Bartlatt. Bcothar at Bar. J. J. . 

Barttett.. Hr. HuoU Toobmsb 

Ber. J. J/ Bartlett. a P*n*h Pdaat.....^ 7,^;^^q^ 

^MMlatloo seems to be 
as tb* weeks go 


by snd the 

selres tbat tbe proposition 
oommlttee tepcesntlng tb* 
poateta was not accepted. 

■retT day .tbe memberm are receiving nnm- 
■ran* letter* of encontagemciit In tbelr actoal 
protest of the nnreasonaNe demand* of tbe Blll- 
postera' Association. Tbe elrcns men did Doi 
realise tbat tbere were so many opposition 
plants In tbe business, or tbat tbete were so 
many bnlletin planta that an eager to take dp 
tbe posting line of work too. Then a Isrgc 
nomber of offers bara been -made by parties 

wbo ezpres* tbemielTt* wlUaf ta ««ct op- 
poatUon bUIpcsting plsnls t» baMW toMl.tbsat- 
rieal and drens posting. ICasr U Watri c a l man. 
agcia have offered to blB tbe dreoM*. In fact 
tha. iboirmen an well *atl«fled tbat tbey. will 
■■ot ''OBly-held tbe lr own Association together 
'bot.'tlmt -tbey will socceM in adTertisloa tbelr 

.'Tb* nlllDUte . result of tbe friction betwceu 
la bound to ba Iba aboU- 


Itaor*, Md., Feb. 7 (Special to Ibe BIU- 
Serre The Gross, a play writtea. by 
Ballaefc Reld, was glTco its picmlen pcr^ 
— dtjha Aodoay ot^UosIe,, robrnny «. 

M . ■otoaa 


Jfeb. 10 (Speelal-to Tbe BUlboanl).— 
— Bssment park. RiTenrlew, wHl 

attention to aviation stants 

Mr. IB wotUog oat tlUi plan, aa arta- 
^idd of twenty acrta la.aaw Mw pngaMd 
Br tha summer, and dyaamltac* an at WNk *■ 
Sf «»— .to mpa. Bolldlttga wffl ba.onctod illor 
n* 000*11 uctlon and dlaplay of aareplaaca.' and 
Anlag the sesson a number of aslaaantonma. 
mmtm wm be beld. in wblcb tbe leading blid- 
■am eC tbe world will be innted to psrtlcipste. 
management la not going to take sny 
I with Inclement westber this year, and 
Bortaned tlieir season tbrre wreka. Tbey 
"t^opoB IBtfl May 24, snd win close Sep. 

and abowa-^OBltot and 

mm atffl ba 1 

tmm an now 1 

BImilew make* 

a fcatnn of Hg plenlea, 
. ■ It baa a thirty aer» grore 
_ the main psi* and also a big atblatle 
- lUny big organlsatloaa and aaetotiw bar* 
anaady secured bookings for tlie eaag" 
asar, wlildi wm give sdded th ousan d* 
tlf_tot tbe park c uu ee asl onalrea. 
' n* BaBagement Is In the same band* tbat ha* 
■ada thia one of tbe most succes sfu l amo 

la the world. . FanI W. Cooper ta 
. ^J*. P. TUarlna Is tnaannr. and 
jm..^ , *t **— ■. naentary. Phelps and 
Oabar loek aftar tte prlellesea. and Charles 
B. Ibdoen wtn again ba director of publicity. 


^Xba company operated under the above tlUe 
In- coB^cted an detaOa tat tha Unaehlng o' 
Wm .ntnAa and bood*.: Tba eoopany has made 
jpMlrallni far a chartor and to ba laeocpontsd 
m9» mt* aC PMagylTaala. Plttabarc. Von- 
■■mm. - C bart aw l . .agd MonoBgabeto an tbe 
ansa In which tHa eaavony will opento. The 
abltet of tile new company la to condoet bigh 
eUaa theatres In the cities mentioned, and all 
th satiea are to be bnUt large enough to enabl** 
them to conreniently handle tbe fltat-elsss 
load pmductloDB. Sites bsve already been se- 
laeted for tbe erection of tha theatres. Tb" 
Bsstem odlee of Bdwto T'-v.'iiigT 
«ba are canytng aloBg. tbB Ml 
MrpTis* i* located Im tM^ 
nttsbnrr. Pa. 

.I*it Metcalfe snd company opened at the 
aaiaatol Theatre. Indianapolis, last 'Waek. In a 
aasr act caUrd Fioaniall. It made a dnMaC bit. 
Ifr. Ifetcalfe Is playing J. J. Byan'g iiiiM «■ 
tt* Mllran and Conaldin* time. 

poster* are not only olTerlog to ezclade tb* 
tickets from tbelr cootrscts snd msnj circus 
cootrscts for this sesson hsT* already 
made witboot any tickets, while a fow 
In consideration of tbelr other tenna beea 'H> 
lowed the one ticket tor each Ofty poated.. 

Tbe elms men sre conOdent fsto was kind to 
tliem when their proposltloo was tnmed dows 

and IC the aonarcb* and king* of tb* 
cUtad BIUp**l*lB JbMfM a. 

cireo* mm m», i^--- " ' — ' - 
mistaken. ' Or If 

of tbe Mllpotter* oter tb* ctmntrr an oat 
ginning to set next to eartala dreoawtaaew 
ttiey are agsln mistaken. Then is a legltimsto 
work for esrh of these two associations to do, 
•Ten If tbey do not mske sn agreement wItB 
each other. 

Among recent letters written by drcos pr»- 
prletors repljlng to Ur. Wallace'* letter pub- 
lished In last week's Blinwsrd. wss tbe tol' 
lowing written by John 0.~ Roblnsoo. of Cia- 

"I b*T* laad with a great deal of talMWd 
tha axtiaet* of letton pobltshed In Tb* 

b**M Iraai tb* ncn* at U», i ' 

K B. ■. WalBcT aad Mr. 
fdatlT* to tb* atoBd tb< 

taken against tb* Asaoelattd — 

1 hearUly agree with Uama. jUaiUas, Wal- 
lace and Cooke. _.■ . 

"Ton can rest aasnred tbat I am wflllng, la 
fsrt. mora than wllllBg to take mr chaaee* la 
mtard to blllpostlng and divera other ■Mtboda 
of silTertlslog. We will surely aoUfy . our cas- 
tomers thst «• sre coming and I do not for a 
moment doubt bnt tbat ninety per cent, of the 
billboard owaeiB wHI. a* ladUidaala, aceept sag 
tenns aa« PWMM iW*a. V-^SA^JSf S 
will get tm mUtm mm Ih* p^BjtAjptt.lM 

"^iBtaBd to ataad 

A**oclaU*a agnCMMfaad I 

mrner will do the **im. I 

a foil le pi esentatloa of all 

I tbe Ctnclnnatl meedng April a." 

Writing of tbe Wsiraca L*tt*r. IM OoOaar 
saya: "Mr. Wallsca's Ttawa an asaa aad- wa 
eaodldiT scree with bim. W* f ' 
or ' four yrsrs wltbeul sl|r ' 
showmca will ataad pat.' 


New Totfc Oitr. Veb. U «p*el*I to The BUI- 
bosrd).— Cbailca B. DIUIagtaaB. tba theatrical 
mansger, has beea unable, owing to Ulnees; - to 
attend to tlie details of bis various ventures 
for soma time. His nines* pnxsled bis phy- 
alclana at first, snd. while tha case ba* now 
been diagnosed. Ills condition iB saeb that -an 
operatlan msy be neeossaty to tba near fnture. 
Wbila Mr. OUllngbaai's coodltloB I* aot tbOBgbt 
la BiriMB'«Bongb 

PITt«iMI» Vfi t^il.: A * ..0P1W CLUB. 

Ptttibarg, Fa., Feb. 11 (Special to Tbe' Bill- 
board). — After seversl years of petitioning and 
other effoTto to secnra a charter, tbe local lodge 
of tha K. .A. hat*. atla*t: " ' 

doim at aa _ . 

Ntoth atreet, and Tight to the reiy- heart of 
tbe tbeatrical district. 

Tbe local boys have not gone about tbelr work 
witboot due preparation and tlie reanit is a 
perfect snd commodions club house, which is re- 

Sleto with every convenience snd sceessory. Tbe 
ouse liss four floors, . sll of wideb are occupied 
by the X. it. A., which ha* bean T*ebrl*ten*d; 
aa far as tbe dob I* eoneanad, Tb* Tbeatrical 
Men'a AasoeUtton. Tba bona* I* elegantly fOr- 
nlsbcd and boasto a eafa, bar, ■pcetal dining 
noma, gaasral sitting nom, writing raom and 
library, bnilard and pool mom, as well ss a 
nnmber of private raooi* for business or cards, 
A spacious parlor eouneting with tbe bar. Is be- 
ing upholstered entirely in green, sod will be 
known as the Green Room. Here will be tbe 
general meeting as well ss a room where all 
dob notices will be posted, snd tbe mall rack 
kept. Tbe loesl boys are Jubilant over tbelr 
new home, and oxtaad a bMrty l«tltatl*B to all 
visiting brothen to lab* adraataga af It* per- 
fect hosiiltsllly. . . , 

Ed. Lang li atw 
tn la Cblcsgow 

tb* CMmMb Tbea- 


PIttiborg, Pa., Feb. 11 (Special to The BUI- 
board). — Tba Chocolate Soldier ba* bad such a 
snceessfnl engagement at the Alvin Theatn 
tbat tbe management gave a ' special p*rff~ 
snce this morning to aceoramodato pimllc 
Tba entlain toae at 10:80, 
* given thia afternoon. 



Ksstoo, Pa.. Feb. 11 (Special to Tbe Bn|. 
board).— The Darling of ParU ia tbe title of a 
new pantomime act which Uorrli Oe*t produced 
at the Able Opera Honse Moodsy nigbt. G. 
Molssao stsged tba act, and M. Sal' " 
tb* BOte^MUe. Mlaa Mlaar. ~ ~ 
paar, *aD|iail*d by taaalgf 

ilvall wrote 


LINE; ■ ■ : 

Norfolk, Vs.. Feb. T (Special to Tbe Blll- 
bosrd).^ — Mile. Pauline,- the animal trainer, suf- 
fered aerloa*. Inlnrlca -yesterday attenoon when 
one of ber l**>*iil* ■wag aa. bga^tBd .knocked 
ber .to tbe :4|«ui^B*(i(i*>at|iMWWa laaAod her 


Cedar Rapids, la., Feb. 7 (Speclsl to The 
Blllbosril). — Tbe Prlncens Tbestre of this cll.v. 
wss gutled by Are. which stsrted In tbe bsse- 
ment about 3 o'clock A. M., Peb. 8. The csns 
Is unknown. The Interior wss severely scorched 
snd the stage ami scenery completely wrecked. 

Tills theatre wss built Isst summer by.' Messrs. 
DIcbotd aad . Tonag, of BaaAs. Jl. T., st a 

ce^nS abMt 9IM00, nTlSSa^ Js.O()o is 
eorend by lamnae*; . Tfea -tUilii .wfll b* re- 
banc. : - ,. : ^.■ j 

Jo* Welcb iBd Bn W«Ml HW Mk -Mllng 

Business Manager = • 
of The LUy Dead 

lndUa*psIl% Ind.. rtb. S (Spsclal to Tb* Blll> 
boaid).— Charfes T. K. MUler, at Maw X«*k 
City, bialao** msnsgcr of David Balaam** nt 
Uly Company, died lu a hoapllal bar* tbi* BBB. 
ing of nraemlc pbiaonlna- ' Mr. -MUler cam* haaa 
y e a terday from Cincinnati to a dytag iDBtW. 
and waa nmored to a botpttoL Be wa*d4 yaatf 
rid. At «a* tla* b* w*s coaaected wltfe **t<>al 
□tedBBatl pap*r%_aBd was alao-a hotel dart la 
be Queen City. Ba waa a asombar of the fiBBliy 
CInb, of N*w Tark. 

Mr. Miller was to CladnnsU 

coming of The Lily to tba.Ljrle, when 
oame upon bIm. Be hsd been alliag tor a ' _ 
time, bot diareganlcd tb* advlca or frlenda to 
rest. When he left Clndnnstl be waa In a dytag 
eondltion, snd wss wsmed by bis pbysiclsa that 
to attempt tbe trip might prove fatal, bat bO 
Inslated npoo attending to his duties. MIllN^ 
roulaa wen tok«n to New Tark to r bnrlaL- 


Sedslla, Mo., Feb. T (Speclsl to The 
blard).— Doctor Hugh W. Wood, owaas aa 
Wood'* Tbeatr*. *ad a pioneer tbeatrical mimi 
was tooad d*ad la bed ber* to-day. H* waa M 
ysan old and loavea a widow and oas mam. 

Pbyalelaa* anr d**th wss do* to Btlabfa 
ftlgjMi . , wMfc wbfcfc b» had b**a aflMadnr 

'^S'IhS Bicta* WO*d baUt to ■•d*Ua the trs* 
opera baa** to Oialxal Mlisisiil Bt* bad • 
monopoly of lb* tb**tflral bwlbito up to *•*• 
ersi yean ago, when tba Bsdall* Theatn waa 

boilt. A nomber of years ago aa attnctlam 
was pisying st Wood's Theatn wbca OuloasI 
J. West Goodwin, s vetetaa editor, then pnb- 
llsber of Tbe Basoo, criticised Iba cast vlgoraaa- 
ly. When Wood snd Ooodwto met on tha stnac 
the next day Goodwin wa* asaanlMd by Woo* 
and crippled for life.. A damage anit foUamd.- 
which (loodwto won. >.< 


Stcrena Pdut. Wla,, Feb. 11 (Spadal to Tha 
BOlboard).— A. W. Oaria ha* aaaoaed the man- 
a>aaMat_*f lb* Chaad Opara Hooaa, *Bcc**dlaB 
W. li. »l ia** u . «b* ba* resigned. Mr. Call* 
win aa a l to a* to apccato tha Ideal Movtag PW- 
ton Tbaatra^ at wbtch ba I* tbe owner. 


Lonlsrtlle, Ky.. Feb. 8 (Special to Tbe Bill- 
board). — An ordinance regulating and licenalas 
moving picture shown. waa tot r o du eed by AMer- 
BBB O. W. Scbmllt aad tb«B traaaBlttcd t* 
tb* lower board for camldiMtta at tb* BUtjiig 
of tbe General Cotracn " ' " " 

Provides for a 
Ilccnn of 110 
B*rlat pleton onebla* 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 

Xtie Blllboara 


The Amusement Week in America 


Much IHicum^ at Coii|rl;;^Si^are theatre 

Ztetun At Tbala, • plar In kcta, hr F«ol 
WIMach, WW jilmi it* flntMrfcRuae* oa uy 
•uwitt tb* Coort aiiuM Tbeatn, rebraujr «, 
tti lane ud apptceUtln aodlenca. 

BDtlelied itacc Kttisc* u m>f alScwt uxl 
cemplele la dcUU *■ coa coold wlita, with 
Cbumlos mu«lc ot Maucnet, and worthllj pn- 
OaBted dnmatlcallx. Tliala easUjr woo Uw Tcr- 

4let of "KTcat." 

•a iratlwi. aad Mia* OaUte ami--' ' ^ — 

at applauaa la tb* 
- That* ibooM taW'^M, • 

•SSTaniMSM OKhMtn, iwta^ OMettoo ot 
Bani Bmoo iltrtr, was pmliewwrtbjr. Tlie 
latilcatr mualc, liicludlDS the Apliradlte Ballet 
and MeUltatloo, 'wmm baautUnllT pU7«d. 

Tbe Repabllcao . aara: ■ "PndgcU«Q r ot the 
. drama Ttiala iraa a' beantUnl atagc apeeUelc. 
Aciinc ot anperb : lomaaUe rigor b7 Tynaa 
P«w«r. Mlaa ColUer. a wlaaoax. not a baashtr 
nala. Oae ot tbe moat anbltlooa nndertaklni* 
at tbe umeat aeaaoB.'.' 

Tbe Caloo aa;*: "The pla/ call* tor a aaaa 
allccBl pioduetloa, aad Mr. Oallaa baa aot atlalad 
la tBT detail. II I* t* b* 40QbM that aar 
4Mnt iitodiwcd la SprlocatM baa b**a nart 
layttoialy aMoaiad aad coatBoied tor a decade 

aajra: 'Tbato. aa Mr. Wtlalacb baa 
enrltleo hi* draau, la ImpreaaUe aad dlfoUled 
alwiyi. Tbe icenea ax* admirable In aeqaeace, 
the arruxemeat at dlalosue wortbr ot tbe bl« 
Ibatae opoo which the plajrwrUbt haa aelaed." 

oat-ot-town people preaent were: Paul 
^. Mr. and Mia. J. M. Oaltea. Paal 
Jar Wltaark. .Balpb C. Ben. Attbor 
a, 7. Dodd, Acketaaa CaaU* aad Btmr< 

,. : CAST. 

Thai>.~ a 'coarieaaa of' Altxaadrla. > 


DamWI. a bcnnlt ot tlM Theban Deeert.. _ 

TnoD* Power 

MMaa. a Plfta, titcnd of Tbala.. Arthur romat 

PastM-aC AltnadZlir-.'fMeDda ot'Tbala 

B*roirdefM.';..,.'..^;'..i.r....V. l>. OnoTUIe 

Dorloa A. B.' Imeooa 

Cbare■a.^, Praakltn Jhoe* 

Ailitolniloa Bdmood- Mortloier 

New Cdmpahy ' 

' Tonete, Oat.. « '<■»•(».<•, Xka, BIU- 

bu haaa iaeerpatatfd ^..tba-Oalart* Oowm- 
wot to earrr a*' la Venioto tba boalhwa at rid- 
iu ichooia, ahatlBC Haka, bora* abewK raoda- 
«iu* pcrtotmaDC**, aad. other f^rma of aatar- 
talament. ,n» sew coaipanr baa an autbortaed 
capital at (SOO.^MO. It la alao porportcd to 
|iTe theatrical aid citca* catcrtalaawnla. 


Partlaad. Oc*.. Fab. Oiaat pnoaratMaa 
an Mac aad* bar* la Ih* .wiatat-daaitcn of 
the Naithwaat AauMacat Omumbt fhr the drat 

Bwaat AauntMat «t-f»^ fhr the drat 
^ ^ M On toad. lUa «-irr-^r wtll ««ea 
wcf* under local anapleea tho iaat week ta 
April. Enrrthlnc new troet ataka to balarlas. 
Ifr. a. 0. Wllbar, the pramater of tb* orfaalaa- 
«laB. haa been caaaectaa with aota* ot tb* 
urarat eompanle* oo tbe raad for the paat 
V"'!? T*^**- and OD ttw exocntlT* ataS ot tb* 
C. W. Parker Show* for tour atrataht nata. 
Be waa aciieral aaeat ot th* AL. 0. Barae* 
nTfalMd Animal Olrcoa, local coo tractor with 
tte BoMaeea-Seaaiaa Bbowa. aad haa alaa been 
coaaecled with the P. J. llaadr ~ 
aela>er*a Oljmplaa llbiiaa. aadal 
capaeltlea. Be baa aaaodatad \ 

«t Portlaad'a leadtac 

oaUo(« la T«rr flaturln«. Soa* et 

tine the Nortbweat haa alreadr baei 

The Northwoot AmnaeiaeBt Compaay WlU cam 
fl^tMld abowa, Ot* free acta, iBt 
Wa flerlcea. 


Untdlan. Mlaa., Keb. 10 (apeclal to The BlU- 
board) — ^Th« or(anIaatlon of the MlMlaaliipl- 
Alabama Pair waa perfected February ». with a 
■eairtlal of ta4KC00. rariy .acrra ot land haa 
••••^patchaaed, aad the erection ot a OMdem 
jmM ataad aad other bolldlnn will beain at 

dalae flaed are October 17 to », 
ew.JMCMnt a(-tba l—raalaat liwiallM *ha 

•r.'2lfl£j'"^'l!f>'"tL*^ VlatUli aad «h* 
V, Percy OUI*. abntaf aad daaclac aotcltx 

[•» 00 the paTaoMat Vhll* oa hU way tmia 
tho CoannercTal Hotel to the theati*. Hooday. 
f.i^i,,?: ••'"'Nt OB tbe back of bte bead, aa*- 
eoBctiialaa ot the brata. Dr. r. t. 
a atleadbw Mr. Maelair aad A* . to re- 

BaalUdra . . 



Walter Whit* 

John McBea 

aa Athenian Fred. B. Hanion 

Frlenda of Thali. 

.' Cyatbia Fane 

Mary KItoabatb Forbe* 

Mariaa Alrtaader 
_ Orr 


Mid»wiMw SM^^ ivifh Cliaflitockr* 

'■•'J Cbntain Sevonl Other Important Offerings^The 
: Zehra and Other Plays Now in PKepanitibii 

c: arlew Frotaman beaaa tala mM-wlater aaa* 
ara jt^^^^^^ irt^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^ 

Buu* Bark* tewaa^ . "to 

H* aanoancea for further prodnctloo thta lea- 
aOD. The Zebra, a French farce In three acta, 
adapted Into Enallvb and alven an American 
aettlof by Paal M. Potter. Next Monday be 
will present Ethel Barrymore In a novel doable 
hill called An Ereolns with J. M. Barrle. In 
thia Mlaa Barrymore will pceaent for ttie 9x*t 
time la Aiaerlea the Scotch |tl«ywTl|dit'a new 
OBC-act pleeat Tbe Twdre Poind tlm>} 

nu m whea It waa pi aae at ed at Mr. nchi 
■apartain naatit. n* toah bOl cC tha i 
lac. bawmr, win b* a raelral of Mtv Banr- 
BOie'a- neat aaecaaa. Alice Slt-by-the-Fli*. 

Mr. fnbman haa glTeo oyer the CrttatlM 
Theatre for a ran of Fraaee and Lederer'a 
daeUoQ ot Tbe Bappleat NIsht of Bla Ufa. IB 
wbleb Victor Moora has tbe leadlns role. ~~ 
plana tor Mr. Frobman'a atara are aa " 

Maude Adama will contlnoe bar i 
Bcatand'a tamona drama. Oliaati 
KnlekerlMcher Theatre, New Totk. 

loba Drew wm te« tbe Weat-aad thai 
la W- SoBCfMt Maaghaa'a aaw caae^ ' . 
Ib wbleb Mr. Oraw attalaed a maaikdda 
- la tha SbB at tbe — — — 

ceatteae* la her bbbuI 
at the Bmplxw Theatre. 

'wmiaai OlUatto wUI toor la hto rerlTal at 
tamona autcaaaea laelodlnc Sherlock Bolnaa, 
cret Serrlc*. Tha Prlrate Secretary aad lea 
Mnch JolmaaD. . 

On Feb. 20. BUlle Burke, after a tOB •( 
three montha at ttie Lyceum Thaatra, Itaw 
York, bexlna her toor ot the Sooth and Weat 
In Snaanne. her ezqolalte new coiacdy by Ftaati 
Foaaon aad Femaad W lth a l i r . She*> 
aenta aa a caHato talaer to thto • 
AatbovHopa'a playlet, 

'%iXmSr^u» baa food a deUgbtfMf^ 
bid* Ian. S. Mlalater Bodice, tha aew Otrnm 

Ad* eooedy. Be wtll eontisne all aiaa na ■ 
tbia amoalnK play. . 

Otla Skinner wlU continne all thl* ^aaoa ■ 
bla aew romantle comedy. Sit*, by Benrt baew> 
dan. aathoT of Ttta Dnel. tonrlac the Boath 'aad 
Weat, ImmedUteiy after tbe dooe of bto a» 
icagement at the Crlterka Theatre to Haw 

Kyrle BeUew will rlalt Obleaco aad 

delpbto to the tartral ot hto faaoua icI*. 

St. UmU. Mo. feb 10 (Special to The BUI- 
hoard).— WUItato Oatea. twmerir maaaaer of 
a local theatre, pleaded goUtj la Criminal Coort 
t»day t* a cbraF* o( eabaadlac 9S2.1M from 
tha thiati* aad waa . acateaced to eerre two 
yoaia ta tbe pealtcatlary 

Later Jodce A. Wllaoo Taylor permitted Mr. 
OaioB to withdraw hia plea and announced 
hto tateatloa to larcatlsat* .whether a proralsr 
of IfaBunlty fton panlabracDt waa' made to 
Oarea ta. today him to realora 'tI4.000 ot the 

TSa^cSS^Attotney recommeaded a paroled 

MaMnrUt. Van.. Feb. 8 (Special: ta'.na Bm- 
~ bin baa been latrodoced Ir 

thtaliea la thto atate. 
I to tha ealr city to tbe alat* 
itiaa 'aia itnewed. 


laHNr'lwaae of tbe ledalatarc Kohibltlu Saa- 
thtaliea la thto atate. At >»«*int_Mem- 

Harry Van Voeaaa late of the Oohaa * Bar- 
ito MtMtrcla. doeed hU twenty-toor wceka* con- 
liaet on tbe S. * O. Ume laat week at tbe Em 
pieaa Theatre, Cincinnati, 0. He opena an 
eleht weeka* encasement oo W. F. Kecte time 
at B. St. Loato, >%b. 30. after which he foea 

kaak tha 1. 4 O. Chmdt. 

The Stranger 

^ Produced 

WaMdagtea. D. a._Fab. U firtal t* Tb* 
BUIheatd).— ChaileaT. Baitj^ n«w ccMdr 
drama.' Th* Stranger, waa la we atu d laat Moa- 
day nitht at th* <3*1ombl* Tbcatr* for the 
Orat time on aiiy atace. The l aod ii ce r to L. 8. 
Sire. WUtoe Lackaye appeared to tbe prta- 
dpal tele: hIa leadlnc woman la hUaa Marial 
Starr, laat aeen here In Tb* Storm. 

The Stranger telli tbe storr ot a yonng maa'a 
light to orercome a monopoly and to win th* 
hand of a iclrl. lie eucceeda, bnt only after 
a most bitter atmnle. Daaay teUa a 

atory eSectlrely. AU the " 

thamaelna adoilrahly. . aeBed_. _ 
gaT*. a aoparh toterpTcteOoB' to tha 

■:.X- ■ 


Oae ot tbe wUdeet demoiutratlona Imaginable 
took place at B. P. Kelth'a Theatre, Colombaa, 
0.. Feb: 6. when the Old Flddiera, the head- 
line act of tlie bill, coocloded Ita tarn, with 
aaklBg the ataembled audience to atand and 
alag America to their accompaniment. The 
w^a of th* playhooM rang with ebeera aneh aa 
at* aeldom heard . anywhere, and th* dd fd- 
lowa concluded their act la what may be right- 
ly termed a "blaie ot glory.** 

After alx OMntha' rellremcat fraa the atagc 
««F Watato .haa daHded lo 

in totu aa'far aa the I 

Coaat to bia own dall^tfal comedy, Tbe 
elor'a Baby, to wblA he ran for a wbda i 
eoa at tbe OMIerloa Theatre, New Tork. 

Mr. rnhmaa haa booked bla toor ma 
coapaalaia — two each ot hia tamona New aoffe 
•occeoaaa. The Arcadlana. and Tba DeDa* 
Prtoeaaa, far Into Jane. 

AU told Mr. FNhman haa twenty-eerea S^ 
traetioaa aow playlag to Mew XoA aad Oa 

dine in Louisville 

Leotorflle. By., m. tlV^*^ •» 'f'^Ht 
board).— Beginning Mb SaiMUTas aad Oa^ 
dlM wlU fDislah th* b ooh l a ta far th* H«ag» 
Tbeatie. The Prtoeaaa Tbaatrteal Brfb a agg , 
of thto d^, haa herctofoie had th* coattaet. 
Sam DnFrlea, repreaentlng BoUtraa aad Om ^ 
ttldlna. who haa been on a toor oC tb* Samfe. 
completed tho aixangementa. Six acta WBI 
be bookM and to cm^uncUoo^ with _ 


alttr ««-lty "JS^^Bj-to^-^ 
iT^ralhaard BTiBf 

alttr analty 
Soa^ tatrodnelag 

'■•^ ■ - Th. 

to aew teottof. 

la htoek. wha to 

befhre atartlag *• 

of the world at tbe head ot hto own a 
to atoo Tniay sutttog the dnlahlng totiehea cb 
totaat hook. The Voltuiee of VaadarlUa, 

Th* hook toOa ot tha 

_ HaiT Oraaaton made IMr 
to Chicago with their aew 
the Flaaa Theatre aad 
They bUI thamadrea 
or^aadarme. Mlaa 
CraadaU to a beaatlfnl gin who weaia aaraat 
^mmttg. gowaa aad Mr. Otoddlab to aa d- 
count alager. 

TaWnee Bnther*. Bngllah pantomlmlata. aad 
the Three BngUah Baeebuda. dancing and foa- 
Ing are hooked op natU Jnne S9 on the W. T. 
M. A. tlm*. A. ML Meyer* tamed th* t rick. 

Haven.. * 
.Wbn* fOllag a tbre* tfUMT: «Maa(flHBt 

tbe OuItoB Thaatre at 0 

" the Three Maalcal ' 

ahto ta go 
Thaiaday. i 

typhoid fercr. 

act for th* 

Feb. a oa 

• eieaias pwCH 
leeooat of aa a« 

fie waa iciaBred 

J* ta lecoreflog. ^ 

the aeaaatloaal dancer. U agato 
the Standard Tbeati*. St. Lotili. daaetoc 
Egyptlao Snake Dance. Her former 
raent at thla lu>a** waa Ohrlatmaa 

ah* Introduced her Tnrklab dance. 

appaercd with a aambcr ot baa^«n «w . 
panlea thto aeaaoo. . ,.■ ■ -." i 'liya.- 

DaArele. the mag lrtaa . , tm:- MWi#iMt<BMtB. 
aad Jatotd Bowacd^i OqklBB^ BhtM^MIItoBcw 


Time Olllboard 

FEBRUARY .18^ 1911. 

^^fik in 


Tbe Girl I Love, Title of Musical Farce dhren Premiere in 
Chicago Last Weekr^^ 

_pUeMW», Tth. S (Spedtl to Tbe BOIbothli.— 
Tm Sin I Jjore, ■ miuieml trnm u ltl i i iM tJ » ty 
O. V. Xacr; IjTies br R. H. Bncnaldi^ and mo- 
Wt hr JMiB B. Zameoilk aod H. L. SanCmd, bad 
tta snmIcK at the I^Balle Opera Hoom on 
■W. Febnuuy ' S. Tte f oUowIds 
ilpala aad tha puis th«f_ aamiaa Id 


Gexx* WIImb 

Sydnex Grsut. 

■Artltnr Ha ju e a 
B. Pettensfll 


Glabella Btkcr 
Walter A. Peanoa 
Cimrlen Mast 

FCRT Hammond, of tbe Trltanne. Im M 
thla play, remarked: "Notwltbstaadtic ' tt* 
Aasdlcap-^ciiatamaTy In wocU thlBga— oC a Ten- 
arable and nnexhOiratlnc Ubretto, tbe pertorm- 
•ae* ia ao brlsbt a little ptcaant of color, motloii 
■ad waam thMt Uumm In attandaiira ai - - 

Appomattox Bona .. 
Bnir Phibbs .. .. 

Hy low 

Juk Hiddim .. .. 
■kid DooIcT .. . 
nenretu de Kentba 
mas Koogcn .. 
V. ir«t»h.w ,. ,. , 
PoUun .. ..- .. 
Bard -.. 

_ _ m itfiiiHti M iH d to wa 

■t tb« XsMint, aol te an thlnta tboa !■ erl- 
Aenee of Mr. AaUaa'. nadonbted lataatloB of 
^Mn|r^Ohle^g^ aa bandaomaly moonlad aa at- 

book. 'BrlUlut Olaza Palnwr anl Oraee Bimond 
ara - cbaimlnc— comadiaaa - alaai ■ exetUaat." 

O. Ik Hall, of tbe Jonmal: "SIdner .Grant 
la a picaaant atoger and an eaar dancer. Clara 
Palmer U one of tbe nation's pilu aoDbtettes. 
who doca ao - manx thlngit bo well. Of tbe 
otber lalamelT'-ladeB Tonns women ara Oraca 
SoNBd, Daratlv-.BgnMr, OltM wnew, 3la^ 
btna Bakci and JaM Baraard." - . ' .■- '- . ' 


With David Warfield, lading Superb Cast, Lauded to the 
. Skies-^Hie Critic Characterizes Pfaiy^ As Most^>^^^ 

Chicago, Feb. 9 (Special to Tbe Blllbottd) — 
David Wartleld, one of tbe master actors of tbe 
dax, opened at Uie Blackstooe Tbeatre on llon- 
dar DlibL Pabmair 6, In Tbe Batara of Patar 
OrlnuBw. nilMlBir are tboie amplafa^ !■ tbaln- 
te«pcefcrtliD»:«<!^th la pr odnction; ■ ■■' •:-y<^-::\i':\' 
/ ,f...v.'.i ■■• xBB. CAST. ■ : •V-''_asii'-.." 

OUean' Veb. it (Spedal to Tha BUIboanl). — 
A lHnM;Baebal«r, oa« of Urn latest neceases 

V*lm aad wmta-. aia by I. wraaid Bwarta 
ad Bany 8. I<orA. A eompetant eoopny of 

twenty-two paopla baa been earefolly aaiactad 
to latarpret tbe Itrely book and the Utcan eiils- 
tnal mnaical nnmlMtv.. The show la equipped 
witb ten ebanxes of coatnme. extremely elegant 
and noTel, and new acenlc effecta. The cast la 
keaded by Mlas Estella CleTeland and J. L. Mld- 
dkton In tbe leading comedy roles: The roater 
•r tbe company la aa follows: Misses Orloo Bar- 
tea. Marguerite O'Nell, Cedl Andm^ Bath Al- 
. te. Wm Anderaoo. Trixte MDart. Mad* Hyaaa. 
»bea ^Nam, Oraea Pottar. Masia OaWdb-Hd- 
aa lAv««. (aazlea Warran., taaeaf-lfayoL and 
Maaara. Rormaa Scott.. ttniOUer. Harry Law- 
•aaea. Mayaatd Black. 'WqUarHama and Jlm- 
^^Lcrt. Tb* caacoth* ataS coaatata .'Of 
nank Kenaasy, boalaaia nunagcr; Ilmmy I>ord, 
' ataga aianager; Ifotman B. Scort. asalatant auge 
JaanagcE. aad Bart Casey, master of properties. 
_T|ia eeawaar wOl tonr under, tba dlrei^tlon of 

.Wbo experts to ~ 
^"i and Went. ■. 


Clilcago. Feb. 11 (Soeelsl to T*e Bmboard).— 
-A "farcical satire** in three acta, by Tbomp- 
aon Bnchsnan. Presented la Clilcago at tba 
' Stadebaker. Feb. 7> ISU. uadK tbe dinetloa 

/ . or wniism A. Baaar. bar- Bt ' 

aad bis compaayv. wflh*'tfta' 
•■ as foHowa: ■ . 

' ■tere Oldham, apedal estnaMDaaiC'^ tta 
LoolsTllla <5oDtIe»JaBtBitf_j;^.i :'.w! 
. . *- •« - 'Doaajlaa ' Valitiaaks 

Jadge Wblta; ;laagwr>jf>jjit^mate faction 

-. .. Cbailea Stanley 

aeka Rlag .. .. >. Jaaics A. Marcos 

Hop Olbbs .. .. .. .. .. Robert Weasels 

Toiuuiy AdanU .. i. .. Olaf BkaTalan 

Charlay.Ball .. .. .. Bmar Booth 

~ Tohn .Hnideiaaa 

. Hany XattOMr 
leader oC tbe Baalows-u. 

Z L Bj:gtsr 

^;1IPah Sealow, the oifly: aaa, lett -i^ ..'.c:^ - 

^I!bA Bentlcr. 

,Tnden MeFlaU^.;:a ^kl|b|r; OB ' tbe Beniow 
"Bide .. ..^.y 

Blaine Cole . . 
Mark Potter . 
Son IVvwBoik 
Allea Bentley 
- — Ktor 

Beniow .. 
(Contlnned on page 62.) 

ph Greene 

George Batca 
.. Jack I> Rnv 
.. B- Maraban 
.. Bath ghepley 
BUnAe Xatdl 

James Hsrtmao 

Andrew MacPberaon .. ....... .. Joseph Btaaaaa 

Bar. Henry BatholaaMgr • WlUlam ^ Beag 

Cot. Tom Lawtoo Joba F. Webber 

WHlem FetT Ha] ton 

Kathrlaa .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Jaaet Daabar 

Mis. Batbolommey .'. .. .. .. Maria. Bataa 

Malta .. . . ...MailaJEaMjaidtv. 

. Ol L'Etell. of tbe Jooraal, had tha faUawlaa 
to aar: "Tbe play ta a Tletoiy tat Ita prodoeer 
baeaaae he baa beea aUe to amotber tba BaTa. ■ 
like oacaoDlneaa of a ■haatlF atOiy ' It tM J 

tent beanty that 
rererent and fairly i 

tei^ of tbe soul.*' ■ ■ ■■ ■ 

Frederick Batton. of tbe Poet: 
remarkable new play of tbe present aesana la 
DaTld Bclasco's ne Bclara of Peter Oilmm, 
which was aetad laat alcbt at tba Blaekataao 
Theatre." • - ' - ■ . • 

Amy iMdle. of the Dally Kewa: "Ostld War- 
field la a heaatirol aetor, aad that stands to- 
Tealed la lettera of gold as he allows bis waa. 

darfol IndlTldnallty. bla gaaloa and In ' 

accompUsbmenta to be abaorbed glorloaalr ' 
tbe eon of Tbe Betnrn of Peter Orlrna. a t 
derfal play, with the beat of Darld 
wlnga opoo Its heart and aonl.** 

Percy Hammond, of tbe TrlbuDi-: "it Is a 
atraoge play, tbis Betnrn of Petrr Grimm, and 
pertiapa tbe most andsclous of tlie senermtjon." 

Erie Delamarter, of ttir Inter-Ocean: "Mr. 
Wameid plays on his sudlenn st will. Quiet. 
naabtmslTe, moments wlthoot a Ilue to speak. 

laataa srarr actae. ne ebaxaeCar bo . 
laTesia with ddtifetMllr qaalat . aad"; toneWaB 
baauB paataUaM; ba ■»?s s la a (eg at kIbdiF 
haaior, bafwa bla traaalati«B In wbleh vmt 
one abaiaa." 

Oapt. A. C Anaon. one of the beet kaowa base- 

" Isfoes ot'OaMfa — " 

4sap'lBto TandeTflleprooiiaeaec, 
eerai the Bamlla AiaaaalMatio the B— 

Chicago's Bunch 

The Warning 


flblrago. Tab. 6 (l^eelal to.'Tba BUibaafd).— 
The Waaini^ which Ured bat one watt at tba 
Prlnrees Theatre. Olileag& was withdrawn ftom 
that abcwhooae oo' Satiirday algbt. February 4. 
Whether tbia prodnction la to be pot In tbe 
Btorehoosc or rewritten, is not known, bot moat 
likely tbe former fate la In atore for it. It ia 
a play that la'sald to remind one of many otber 
productions, and ita main faidta seem to be that 
too mncb time' is taken np talking about tblnga 
that have been dlscnssed aeveral nmea before m 
the play. Howerer, many I good qualitlea - are 
clalniad, bat they are not snfong enoagta to offset 
the mfftiflrrnr ' that comes from the tedlons re- 
haaUBB' aC: aoorerasUon. 






11 (SpeeUI ;to Tbe Billboard).— 
Is the aureat. attraetloa at 

the Bl]oo^aN>;.b^ of tbrOifn. aad Ma, Cow- 
boy auTbM fnai iSo HlM' lo lka ' 



Said aiul Seen ^ 
: inChicagp 

ddeaM rab. U QIpaelal to The BiUboird).— 
— wm ^sad Biiaiw. baa been: appointed press 

agent for. the New York' Hippodrome now play- 
log St tbe Auditorium In Cbleago. Be takes 
tbt- place of Sam P. Getson, who. has ratomed to 

New York, 

The Columbia Theatre, la which burlesque will 
be restored to tbe loop dlstrlet, will be opened 
Sunday afternoon. February 10. The new play- 
hotiae will be operated on tbe plan In force at 
the blshly snceesafnl New Tork Thestre of tbe 
aame name. There will be weekly changes of 
bill dnrlog tbe regular aeasoa. and daring the 

snmmer s borleaque atock eompaarawlllv-bneo. 
poaacssloa of tbe boose. Smoking will ~ 
ted In : all parts of the ' 

Xleiria .Osiaoa, insnsgfr of , tba mldiita amea^ 
Uvat.tbe M«w Tork BlppodNme, at tha Aadlto- 
rloai;; arm. leaye for Parle neat' waekj From 
than be will go to Iterlln. where ha will aatab- 
Utb' a flildget city of three hundred InbabltanU. 
D. mpts, one of the midgete.' wlU nanan the 
troope ' at tbe ; .Aodltorlam attui lOvTitaBon 
lesTcs. ■ - ■ 

Don BafclaTa'^JBrbtaMBa' 
the Flaber tlata,"^^^ 




(Jhlcago, Feb. II (Special to Tbe Bniboard).— > 
At the Aadltorinm, the Kew Tork BIppodroaM 
la atteaattag auar ' ta ita pactariaaBeea, t^lab 

to alfilaaaii.- A^Hawb a( tba .WUi - 

S<*aB. and a boaa ballet et Jearila la' 
I. Also a fnll-Bedgrd circus Is pat «■ 
aldgeta, wbo ride pooles, perfena am 
tbe trapeas, walk wire aad do many other f ' ' 
Msrcella^ tha ItoMar of Mlrr 
fuD, and ' AttMriplM aa mvaui 
the top ag*nb.MMBi(ttaik'la 

head. ■■ *■ ' 

At tba Out XbaallB.; Henry ' Relker, la Tbe 
Great Name, la planBS to tbe largeat buslo 
In the hlstoiT of ■ 
to the hox^ ~ 

e tUa compaar-laa^tlB? 


la tbe 

aet-Btdi>Qii& Waniagtord is 
tUy on at lha Olymple Tbeatie: 
niaa, and baa firmly eaUbllsbed 
hearts of Chicago thntregoera. 

Johnatona Porbes-Bobertsoo. In 
of tbe Third Floor Back, la tbe hit of the aea^ 
aon. The play baa taken neb a bold on tha pub- 
lic that bla brother. Ian. la booked to bring bis 
ipany, that baa been tearing tbe waet la tbe 
1^ abow, to the Princess Theatre, naxt Sni>- 

Tb« Pasaing' 


lo .Opera Heos*. Helen WsiOi' In 
ia playlac bv isat waak la^U- 


_ Chicago, fieb. U (Bpedal to Tba Billboard).— 
TBB BAOHBLOB'8 BABT. comedy farce by 
FTancIa WBaoa.. P reaeatad by Franeia WU- 
.son and his . esmpany la Powera* Tbeatre. 
VObless^c^Hi. 6, mi. The cast: 
nsmaa Baacb. .. .. .. Francis Wtlsou 

JtaittB' Date . .. .. . .. CKareaee Bandyalde 

Thsodere Batlea . ; . . . ^ Bkbard Oecdoa 
OoL John Calfatt : ..rVbaMa V.-^taer 
forbeo .. .. .. .. ■. aoMaaO'>«iadl 

Hra..Brookaeld West Mrs. Ogdea (Jhllrt 

Wlalfted West Edna Broaa 

Mra. Bmlly Streator ... .. Eleanor Barry 

Martha Calrert Beacb Bthel Downie. 

CkJlored mammy .. .. .. .. . . Tlralala ttsa . 

Nurse Baattlea^.Bhaw . 

Another nniae. ... .. .. .. 1«alsa'" " " 

A tatn a . .. ' .. ... Harold*. 

^J;:^.. v'. ( Osati aBad w pata'-:4».V«<': yiK}^ -: -i 

i ••■■:oifcLriTKi:iw.-itKwiinywfey»;. 

ChtCito. reb. 11 (Special to The Billboard).— v 
WUUam OIIIette*s am olferinc aa eimmleled 
laat week : waa Sherlock Holraea. FoUosrlBC la 
tbe eaat that Interpreted this nrodnctlon: 
Sherlock Holmes .. ..... .. Wllttam Gillette- 

Dr. WataoB Cllfloed Brvci^ ' 

John Fonnaa A, Romalne. Oalleader -. 

8lr Idward Lelghton Itank Aodtawa 

Oooat TCB' Btablhais .. Ba«M - 

FKMtUARY 18, 1911. 

Xtie Olllboard 


Vaudeville Week in Chicago 


Tlie C<^«M to Manage Vesta Victoria-^Mr. Lait Will As- 
Mt^i^ement of Music Hall in Connection 
S ; ;%ith Hig Other Duties 

Cbleaso, Feb. 11 ^ 
—It wu wttb ■iocM* 
Tttompwa'* nanr 

tB'Vb* BUlboudi.. 
Mbmt OoL Wm. A. 
Ohlnso leuneA 

kM* w-»r «til« dtr. Th* OoIOBel, dnrins btr 
mnm MaSae*. valued ttw catccm ud nnwct 
ofril Mww wio «•»• ta tooth wltli Wm. H. 
la "nun ot execattn abnitr wbow efforts In 

.DT fleld Bt« boond to brtng ri»nlU. 

Colonel Tbompeon bu eonwiud to manes* 
Vesta VictorU 'nj ..fK „°'° 

Vesta Victon* m « www im» cui^ 
to Uawall. the PhmpptaW. Am£»IU. Cjpt 
Town. Sooth Africa, end U»8tr«IU Byttle- 
ment>. Col. Ttompooo confeeeen It 
as uiuch a sorprln to klmadl M iTb v'MV^^ 
"anV frlonds. end Ul«t„iBe_iMltt« 
bron'cbt up untU MiM, .TiejBitoV MVisemnt 

at tbe Ainerl««B' JI«»l« ito 
iV. Mtaf VletertTTs to Mew York 

wbere ibi to formln* • eompanr. wblcb will 
«ln tta Mnr at Ottawa, Canatla. on Marcb 0. 


Cblrico. Feb. 11 (aptetu to TW BI1I»0M4)^ 
Dare lSwIi will eute kto mpMiwm attte 

uS to To5 WI*. .«jr »M^fl«i «l«bt. Tbl. 

IAN R6railTM|N V/Vr f RIM6E88. 

chicaro. Feb. 11 iMeMmn* 5'"S<»!j>::3: 

Tb» I'aMloe of tb*^pt^l|aor^Baefc. whj^ 
U now belns acted wItk'iANHI •■<«•■• •* 
Oarrlck br Wbea-Robwrtwp. i wltt. ■Iw 
Tlew at tbe Princeaa Tkaab* aiBt_«aakJ| 
laa RobcHeoQ In tbe rala aW^iv aan — 

a'Uite^ at M» Oarrick. iTt aaM an 
^imiMrSar cut 'wlU aapport him. 

The Majestic's 
LastaVeek's BiU 

Cblcart. Feb. 8 (Special to Tbe BIQbood).— 
Tbe bill at tbe MajeaUe laat waek opaoed with 
Prof. L. KaniK who ttnaa UmnK • Ilo niM 
Expert. Bla cxhlbltlai «t tUa a« HU-d^ 
fencp waa Terr totanstlac. Xto Ball Stolen. 

•a Tke tamaa, who preeeated rarima toato ta 
pemaaanlp that coagminded altratloa. Bow- 
erer, aaa ta donbtAil whether thia was aeaaat 
for an act or an adrcrtlaement of the Palmar 
Mrthod of Writlnc. 
Tbe Tan Brathera. Jo* and Cmla. offticd aa 

'"^i^** ^^^^^n^ ^^^^^^(Si^Siii^a^ 

«M tt* nat^af .Biick -tmjktor.^ Vbn* war* 
M fa* dnU BOibeBta. aad tha aeOw «C lbs 
oitot caat carried oat coarlaelBclr tha 


Ur, Vraak Uurall. better knows aa The Ckl- 
Itomla Bor, oBUcd mneb of tha aama material 
he did when last acea at tha MaJiaUe. Bis alnc- 
Ins, aa aaaal. Is tbs means ofseeotlns (or bin 
coB«Mrrable cathaslaatle racocalUaB. 

Iiriel ZantwIU'a oaa-aet drama, As Rafcr, 
Never Laad^waa ptaantat hw USm Balaa Oraat> 
Irjr * 00. Tha ataar tobaaad «■ «h» tkaoay that 
at the aooMt irt^telh tha Mat aoaNlimaa 
wo aaaum oAr ag& a liaile <nUI a( tMt 
Urea. Two fall ataga aafttoaa are taacd. Tbe 
etorr la mthsr tia aa B i a e^ bat well acted. The 
flnt aeeae la Ibit «t tha DDChaaa* maaaloa to 
laadoa. December IS. IWT. Tha DnCbaaa la 
retnnla* from tha bnrlal ot her hnaband aad 
falls at hrr doorstep Ojia*. Aftsr a abort wait 
a wooded scene to AnstraUa la ptaacatad with a 
hut to one elde. M«da«. tbe wits ot Joha. 
<> aeeo waiting the retnm of her has- 
baod. Orallte. aa abortotaal, eatcra, with 
a taaka wUch ka has hOM. aad which ha 
maeta wUl strra as toad tor audaa. Tha 
hea«« ot>oias«> hoeto ara heard. Baiold. a 

_ i r. — - !■ a J Us low to I ■ ■ M Bi M— i 

rctnea to.ttsMBtohte. bat to aasUr «a« mr. 
Joat aa tha coapto aia akoat to dopa. Yaha va- 
tnras sad diacosna ttat Ma wito la aboat to nm 
awB]r with tha TsadMr. ' who^ to Us awa ceaa- 
? A <aal Is •oaastad. Banid 

iteta flrsrihot. mlaaea aad ta aCoat to^ kOlsd 
t>T Joba. wben Madco. from behind a atnmp. Htm 
tier rerolrer and klTla her hnaband. The aborto- 
inat eamea on th» aeeaa, dtaeoTara Joha deal, 
•nd la killed hr Bazald. 

If li'SSS**. 't «».«.«tor7 wen trtd. tha reaioa tor 
#»..» '"*L»'«*tot la tha melodramatic aimttoaa 
. Sli Oh'Jtotsfh that It ta a dream of 

S..??'"* woman. It perbape wooli] be mot« teal- 

aa paca BS.> 

poteted snceeasor to OoU Thompaon. Mr. Lalt'a 
lone connection with tbe Unalc Hall qDSllfles 
him for tbe position perhaps better than sior- 
one clss that coold hare been sppototed. He 
Is scqnalnted with all tbe dftalla of tbe bosl- 
neas and bla Inherent abllltj makes It erldcnt 
from the ontaet thst the Amerlcsn Basle Hsil 
Oompanr will not regret tbeir choice. Althoncb 
Mr. Lalt bolda the manacerlal reins, he will 
■till contlaoe ss pesos leprescatsUee. 


Budlel of Short News Items Concerning All Branches of 
: ~ ^yaudeville in the Win^ 

'■ ■ /-j: I:- :,:]■. ■. BiUboard .Representative . 

Cbleaso. Feb. 10 (Special to Tbe BUIieard). 
— One of cbo most snmptoonalr fonUabed ofllcea 
In (^Icaso Is tbe new homo ot the National 
Theatrical - Corporatloo, now located at 112-114 
Randolph street.. This rapidly srowtng Una 
may be compelled to s e cu r e an entire new floor 
In the near future on account of their erer In- 
creasing bnslnesi. 

Hayes snd Vt'rooe. a comedy aong ond dance 
team, ailsd In for Msasgcr >loatagiM oC the 

J. L. LAIT. 

I'boto br Bstasae. 

Bs waa Mcaatlr appotetsd manager ot tha Ansriean Uoaie Hall. Chicago, to socceedOoI. 
wm. A. TboinpM. ••JadT* <aa ba « famllUrly kB0WB>^ haa baaa emasetad with tbe AmedcaB 
tor a aombar a( roaia la tha eapasitr aC ptosa laiaisiMallSK ^ 



Chlcaaav lab. is (apactol to Tha Bnihoard).-- 
Owlas to a caatratNtar eear a etoasa to 

coaliiel% otmal Mmbora or the Whlto Bats 
at iawlta. «ba waio appautoa last week at 
tha Haalta Asaaaa Thaatia. ntnasd to go ea 
oatn a asttlaaBant with tbe management of tbs 
boose bsd been teaehnl. While an agraencat 
was under dlsrassloo between tlw two tac- 
tions. Oapt. A. 0. Anaoo. who bad arrlred at 
the theatre tar hla turn, waa called on to III] 
ta tbe breach, and of coarse, an ecaedad to 
thoronghly entertalBlag the aodleaca oatn tha 
matter behind tha .ata«a had bacn adjoatad to 
all parties- sstMhetMa. attar which tha lag- 
slar pMtono aaea taa iiloa« a»oe thlr. 


Oakland. Cal.. reb. 8 (Special to Tbe Bill- 
board).— Harlan B. Knight. Btsrrtac In The 
Chalk Una, which la being playrd ot« tha Or- 
phean Oltcnlt. and Mist Litllan Tnlkmaa, who 
is also spftearing ta tha aketcb, w«m taanlad 
to Saa Vraorlsro last Boadar attaraaen. 

Chleaia. IMk • (iMld 
:ha acta aaw pat «b at tta 
as* haaa danaaast MM I 

American Music 
? HaUBiU 

to' Tha Bmbeaid).— 
American Mnale Hall 
has* haaa infiaaiS CM* twsaty-Mro to flttco. 
Ihe bm last week waa mMitv. TtoXar^w 
caggswcns, a coaMdr MjKi r.tHi^ ^-^^JK > 

nnmber ot dorsr and srlSttH tMaa«a,IM.«IMH 
snd elMted s^toaaa. , ^ i -■^ir v' 

Nrary Brothers, a claatr 4aaMiB 
Blared taod team work aa« Mr ■•to MMlBt 
deaerred reeegnltlOB. _ . . 

Billed as tbe warid*s famooa jnmper. sad ss- 
alatcd hr MIm Doria Bceea. Charles Msttbews 
perfonnod soms woadertnl feaU to this tana ot 

Perhaps the cinetest and daintiest act oa the 
hUl waa Mtth Laror. an Bsgllah tiactac cooa- 
dlcaaa. Bha ahowed good tasto to;tha 
ot her soags snd readrrrd them to a . 
nuaaar. Mlis Lcraj ta tha p«tataM««( • 
tag pataoatHlr aad a taa* vales. 

HBo. Jtoinattaa aj* BaaJ — 
Btrda has* bee* apaha* aC to _ 
tola with the pralsa ttat tMs act 

» lint half of last w^k. aad 
well receUed. 
Tha hia laat Mtk at tha Wlllard Tbeatn 
profS« to ha a satr aajorabto one. and waa 
beadltaM kv the snrajn p apalar comedlenae, 
Waa Bila Oit WakaOeld. whaae aongs ss nsoai 
prared rery entertaining. Ber rendition ot Pala 
was s decided hit. One ot the msny good acta 
on this blU waa Mlaa Gladya MUla. wboae Tlbrsnt 
contralto Tolce leartacd far orer the (ootllghts. 

A real treit la In store for the patnas of tha 
President Theatre next week, when Homer LInd 
and Company lo tbelr erer-locreaslng popnlar 
sketch, Tbe Opera Singer, holds forth. Mr. Und 
bss been connected with high-class opera com- 
panies for many years past, and tha mansgsmsnt 
ahonld be congratulated on betas' ahla to "aflw 
tbelr clientele a aketch ot thls^M, BhBll asa- 
tainly merits unstinted pralee. 

Tbe Kraok Q. Doyle Agency bad a nnmber of 
good toms booked around town the past week. 
Some ot them wrre: Frank Bosh, at the Crystal: 
Amelia Bingham and Company, at tbs Wilson 
Arenae; alao Barney Fagan and Henrietta Byrsa. 
at this boos^ and mm BtaatfonL at tha Apaito 

Theattok Mto — ' " — - 

maar r 

At tha lialtatk tkaaba laat wtak, Xtaa Haw 
naaklla. ehaiacttv atoaar. aialatadfar " ~ ' 
Orcca at tha ptaaat Bads oas ot the msa. 
hlts ot her eatr soeeeaatal Taodssms 

Ulia Pranklln'a readttloa ot her own longa i 

than pleated the sadlence, snd special meatlia' 

■bonld alno be made of tbe loralnabte aaalatanee 
afforded by Mr. Ore^n at tbe piano. 

The Empress olTera an rxceptlooally atrong 
bin for this week** first half. Amoog some of 
thr acta of tbe S. A C. road sbow booked at this 
tbeatre are; Harry Le<nalr, the Bernhardt of 
TnodeTUIr, playing a aatira on O. Bernard 
Shan-a* (Hropatn; Mr. aad Mia. ttm, B. McCaaa. 
In t7ncle (Aatlea, at ChaiMaliiaat Tha Matabaa. 
prrseailnc a idratlirMhMtlM af tkcMcal 
" », " 

Suffiestion for 



Imaglnarr hill framed op by Tha Blllhoard 
repreaentatlTe from acta appearing at Chf. 
cago TaodeTllIe theatree. Ae Importaoea ot 
the act Is Indicated by position glTco. 

A — **lfoney** Johnson. Moaologlat. 

American Mttste HsU. No. d. In One. 

B-Ctasrirs Msttbsv^ANMi, . ' ' 

American UaSM iM. Stab •. fM 

C— Billth Lrror. Slagtag Comedienne. 

American Mosw HslI, No. 4. In One. 
I> — Leona Tborber and Barry Madlaon, Com- 
rdy Sketch. 

MaJAtlc. No. 8. In One. 
E— MIsa Helen Orentley . * Co., Drsmatie 

Mslestlc. Mo. T, In Oaa. 
F — Oeo. tsahwood. Singer. 

American Mnalc Halt,, No. 11, In One. 

0— IBBNE FRANKLIM. Character Slagsr. 

Majestic. No. 9. Fttll Stags. 
H— Ben Welch, nrbreir CharaSlllMallMBb' 
MaJesUc. No. 10. In Cm. - 

1— OUlfenta Boys' Bsad. 1 
- .HbB. TK». Vt, Ml 

• THE. 


Chtcaaaw Pah. M Wparial to The Blllboardi 
— Tha^Haibatt aad daiBalaa Ttto of Connr 
Aadal CasttoB ^saaatla, opaaed the hill at 
KaMa Asaaaa n*atre, sad recelred a nomi 
ot wall-osiaed rocores. Tbelr work on 
baia was fast and tbelr comedy orlglBal. Dar 
■ad Walker appeared second on tbe program, 
with singing snd dancing of a high-class natare. 
lUlowtng DsTls snd Walker, Welch. Frsscls 
sad Oompanr snosarsd ta a mnslcsl coasdwtta, 
Tha nip Mr. Itop. Tha act was wcU Motaesd 
aad tbo eatasdr aaoalcal portlsaa wdl aetad. 
Misa ▼eta Bsbsria. Asmcter coatsanaa. ap- 
peared fsotth aa tha program, tealnrtog tbiaa 
Ktr good ahaiaeltr toiltatioaa. Tha bOI waa 
daaad hr thalMa tC NtsalMtertatona. HwaB, 


Chkags. Veh. IS IBpcHal to 
■ Oe ae g a Arttaa spaocd hto < 

meat rototdar. at tha Staaa — . . 

la DlaracU. tha maA hctaMad aaw ifugr hr 
_ . _ . — which to to toar 

faliKldaBt ot tbs boy- 
Bsla Ltalla and Utr- 
to tha cast aapportinx \lr. 

^Me. Amu^gijniejtit New 


Walter Hackett*^ LatMit wim^ Qeaerously Praised by 
New York CriticsHi^^^^Piay is Disparas^ Plaj^ 
.^Eq^iadf^ly Porta 

•IJB WOBLD. A drama in tarn aeti, tr Walter 
' Backett: Ganlck. 

Hli, Conatance Sommers 

Hartxrt Moder 

Dr. Jotm Uorley 

Fanona .. .. , 
Arthur BaHton 

. .Doris Ki 
..Amelia Oardner 
..Ifalcolm Daaean 
..Campt>«U GolUn 

..Alice Pntnam 
.. ..OUve Untnj 

..Bcilicrt Bndd 
..Vlncant Senano 

Mew Tnk, Vab. 11 (ftiedal to The BUHmmM). 
~ kDCM.' tnmtm tram raatraint. eontont- 
t» MUw wttK tha miihirtanr are cbar- 
"m ' t UilUM ' Oar Wodd. tbe latest 
rM-tt* OaniA Theatre; br the metro- 

rerlewecB. An inboepl table reeeiitloii 

erldentlr been accorded 1^ for tlie critics 

jme not tin ' least* loatbe to OMparage qnlte 
fndr. Their chief point of erlttcal 'eontcntiaD 

tm 1 ItKlt with the drama Itaelt— the le- 

Mt ol the lolwr of Walter Hackett's pen. 
Tk* cast npbeld portlcalarlr Dnli Keane in 
the role at Hope Sommeis. tbe Innocent glri; 
who Cans xJctlm to hezeditsXT moral lAxltT 
bst recoTera Jnst on tlie t>rtnk of pvif cialon* 
Amdia GardDer as the tainted mother; Maloflm 
Dmcan as the frenxied loTer all too -- - 
•las a eime of heredity, si ~ 
— ■ ■ ' - . «f . 

Onr World, which on Uoodar 
_ St is Ukelr to be a rerr brief 

at the OacTick Theatre. Tlio Idea of 

the piece Is nnpleasant enongh. hot in the mlnd- 
eC a Plnero It conid be worked ont with bril- 
liant and conTlncing lesolt. Mr. Hackett's 
play ia ttoigr- The public Is InTlted 'to ae« a 
loTwj' Ktrl taken from her attractive home in 
the coantry and poahecl down . tbe tobosKan 
sUde of "plessnre' till sbe comes to tbe TefT 
aidce of rata and looks orer tbe brink. 

all thia to gratUr tbe whim of an. « 

- man, who thinks tliat alx niiiitha of 

Bigm^ Opera 

of wlilcli tlie beaatlfnl Hope is tira pteaent re- 
minder. Tbe eminent medical man has an In- 
tlqnarT*a interest In tbe past and selentllle in- 
terest in the fntnre.' His son is in lore with 
Hope. The einlDeot ..H.: D,. pkctetibe* six 

Alan Dde dtapanaes' In rather - a TebcmeBt 
tone. luTtnc printed the ColIowiDc In Tlie 

. (OHUnisd M lisca SOl) ^ 


Answer CaU of tlie (ferim ReaiMHr^l>Baith : o^^ 

Ilaywili^^^^iUte Qlooin OyerTlieiit^^ 

Aaiodalei ' 

New York, Feb. 8 (Special to The Billboard). 
— Owen Klldare, ' aathor of My Mamie. Bo«e and 
The Reeenerattou. based npon his own life, 
died at tbe Manhattan Instltnte and Hospital, 
Waid's Island, Saturday, FebnuiT 4, at 10:30 
from pareaia. bom which he had hsan 
_t for mora than two years.. Ska sad 

snddenly. tiM Imnedlate camt of a eon- 

TiMan. ' Kildan will to remenibered beeanae 
of the remartfablenesa ■ of hla eaicer, not leant' 

.p. jn., 

lac to read nntU thirty and then wrlttiiK a 
wHI.aad plar of hto Ufh which sran him the 


-JAB posmxoN TON loimnoAU. comic 
mmn. Ik.ttna neto^>rv:ifc'.Vtt.i:-pMi»Wh. 

lohnpdoa .. .i- ..Wenm Albertl 
WWt. Phar .. .. .i .. ..Werner Albertl 
Kadeletne .. .. .. .. ... ..Jcamiette Allen 

Mme. de Latonr -..Mannette Allen 

BUon .. ^. .. '..HegMed Bmck 

AleiDdor .. ... .. ..Slectried Bmck 

Hanmlse de COrey .. .... ..Adidt Knelms 

Boss ..... ..Sclma Weber 

Ooodnetor Oarl Ton Wesem 

Hew Tork. Feb. 18 (Special to The Bm- 
hoazd).— Tbe Srst of a aeries of vopnlar opera 
naffermaneea in German was nmn last, week 
at the trrlaK Place Theatre aad the ftdlowtoc 
to IB exewpe fkom Tte Anmrleaa on this point: 
-•*▲ !■» — d ehiirftl andlenee had aaaam. 
- rt^. to: flad -aot perhaps whr^Kslser 
Is so e iiuslaut In his admltattoa of 
" " im. and partly to bid welcome to 
who tisTe names In Germany, 
k selected for tbe. openlns of the 
Le Poetmon de lionlnmean, an 

'• • ■ --t OBntinoed on page BO .) . ' •■ • • " - i . 


Kew Tork, Feb. U {Special to The Bill- 
board). — ^Frederic Tliompoon's New Xork pn>- 
dnetlan of Tbe Spendtlirift. Iir Porter Emerson 
fiowae, wHl open its Boston encagement at 
tbs Hollls street Theatre fat that dty on Feb. 
90. Edmoad Breese. who e i s at ad tb» part of 
Bldiaid Ward In Kew Tork at the Hndiai 
Shantre. win Rtnm to the company in Ma Old 
' ea tiiat date^ BOI>ert T. Hslnes. eojeaced 
ijf^ke time of ISr. Breese's retttemeot of ttie 

rot the bnsband. wHl be withdrawn to 
m important part in A Cl>nd of the DesCTt. 
new drama 6r Mr. Tbompsoo. which wBI 
t P Ul i a an a arly igrinit prcdnctfcm . , 

w«w 'afei ^^':^O indai .to.Tto am- 

I f^ rtj — TSf a il a a y i jhM a n ' angaced Robert Zar- 
.Mteg..«Br B 'leading part' in bui prodoctlon of 
. Emm and TUhes. at the Dnke of York's 
TEiiIiii; London, on Vebmarr 20; . The play is 
a new farcical comedy ^ ^W. B oaaerartMa^ 

PKCTt ^iSt'to'^merlea ui71SBM^«?%iM: 
tnm to Bn^snd. ■ •'•'f:,'- -- 

Wmiam Bawtrr has tacn ogaged tr^Bir 
B. Harris to originate, an laaportattt. past Bi 
■ . «c . Bala : rniii i ti?r - to -Ctaadea i Klrd- 

Bnalneaa Uanaxcr Uebler & Cominny's Attractions. 

Blaii^e Baties 

New Tork. Feb. 11 (Special to Tbe BUl- 
board). — ^Itt celebraUaa. tf_Jhe one handr 
performanea-of Kabstofh-wlMMi: la -wileh 
plays the stsr role, UiBB Blandia Bates at 

tmlned the asembers of lier compsny at sapper 
at 8benT*s last Tuesday erenlUR. Tbe psrty 
indoded 'Addside Prince, Hiss Edith Camp- 
bsU. 'insa Oorothr^ShMBUte^ Bnm^JUeBaSj 


New York, Feb. 11 (!!peclal to Tbe Blllboam). 
— ^AH of the scenes of Excnse Me, the Bopert 
Hughes farce which Henry W. Barage ofTererl 
at tbe Gaiety Theatre heKlnnlOj; Monday. Feb, 
13, are located aboard a Pollnian sleeping car 
wliidi la part of the eqnlpraent of an oterlaDd 
^ ■ tram ChlcM» to fli 


title of The Bowery Kipling. He was born IP 
New York City In 1864, later became a wtoa 
Hgbter, a profSsslenal flabter, a soldier of far- 
tone, nilboater, deck laborer and manager of 
sporting nod tbeatilcti reotni**. Kfldata pidM 
blmaelt from aanalld a arro nn d bigs by hant 
work and rose from a rooah, tmachooled Bow- 
ery life to real success. In IMS be took to 
writing action and Anally becoming aasoelat* 
editor of PearsoD'a Magastne. He orgaalaaA 
and became bead of tlie Klldare Pnbliahins 
Company, was a trustee of the National New»- 
bon* Aasodatlon and a director of Social Bet- 
terment UoTcment. Howerer, for tbe laat two 
ycara of hia life lie bax lieen eonOaed In tbo 
Ward laland Insane asylum where h* ~ ~ 
hit dayik - - 


New Totfc. Feb. 11 (Special to The Billboard). 
— 'The 'Whole theatrical ptofesslon and realm of 
playwrigbto wiU be griered' to learn that one 
of tbe most capable of tbeir number, Mr. Walter 
Browne, playwright and actor, died early Thurs- 
day raonung, Framaxy O, of pDenmoola, in the 
Anduhoo SanitarlDm, 8 St. Kienolas arenoe. New 
York City. He bad a premonition, accordlnc 
to his own statement, that lie would breathe hla 
last before tbe curtain would be rung up on bi> 
sew morality play, ErttywomtD. He predicted 
hla death to bis wife Isst Uooday. but hspe& 
that lie would lire long eaoogh to wtti 
premiere psrtstmanea of Us laat vndi.. 
or at least to aHe to t«M tba MrtM'c 

eritica upon Ito premiere pisstntaUsB at ' 

fort. Conn., which occntred inat eighteen hears 
after his death. He nrged Mrs. Brvwne, on tbr 
Tuesday before he died, to sttend a dress re- 
hearsal of the morality play in order that h» 
might know liow it Impresaed a nnmber of to*- 
Tiled persons. Being aaanred by tils wife that 
tbe drama was liberally praised be seemed to 
be rellered of a great worry,' bnt could not kec|> 
oft tbe grim reaper long enough to read th* 
criticlBma aeeaded hla last prodaetlan. Th* 

New Tork, 

8 (Specisi to Tbe BItl Boilta, .the new comic 

to-«All(k.'Mbd< asoB to appesr 

nnder the B h ibai t managsBMnr hare begun with 
tlie first can for the dwna to tlie beginning 
of tbe work on tbe mosletl numbers.' The 
music for tbe comic opera Is by Tietoc Heibert, 
the be^.to Jtatharlne Qtewsrt and loaepb Rer- 
«^ jj^SgtB. 'ttone^ nwr the 

New Tork. Feb. U ' (Bpeelal to The Bflll 
Ijoard). — Frank J. Uelniyre Is nlaytng hla 
farewell eneafcement in yamea Forbes* comedy, 
The TrsTellnff Saleaman. Mr. Mclntyre wfll 
l>e aeWi late In the sprlnu In a try-ont of 
Howard FItxslsn's cometly, Tbe Rnoba, which 
if It comes np to expectations, will be used by 
Ur. Kelatm Ihia canto* asasaa aa a 

Balkan Princess 

Has Premiere 

THE BAI.KAN PBIA'CESS.— A mosicsl play In 
prologne and two acta. Book 1^ FtedcrlcR 
Ixniadale and Frank (^inon; music by FMk 
A. BnlieBB; lyrics by Paol A. Bobeaa aad AVf 
thnr Wimperla. BeraU Sqmn Theatre. 

Tbe Grand Dahe'SKgta*.'.. ' i. JMbcrt Warwick 
Coont Boethy .. t...,i~..'.. J. B. Pratt 

Capt. Radomair .. ..' Kenneth Banter 

Uent Varna .. mto Macklyn 

Max Heln ; .... Percy Ames 

Blata Teddy Webb 

Ixmnger at the "Bobemlan Bestanrsnr' 

Harold de Becker 

' Harry Leweilya 

^- _. J Robert KUllkea 

Benri Berbert Oorthell 

Uagda .. .. i. JIar Bolsr. 

viga .. ••' «« ,« a* AUce BnMtP 

Bona .. .. .. ...'▼Mg WhUiaaie 

Paula .. .. .. ..'... '.. Bsaa Tbastoae 

Teaaa '..'BSbhy B. Nichols 

Carmen ; (Mrown Bomero 

MMgherlta ... .. Daisy Jamas 
•• V ■• " •«:.4". .. Peggy Merritt 
at lhS''"llshemlea Itostsnrsnt" 

SjlTla Clark 

Btepbenle of Balarta . . Louisa ! 

(Osntinned an page 30.1 


THE HEN-PECKS.— A musical play In two aeto 
and alz scenes: book by Olen MscDonotwh; 
..Jmaste hy,A. Baldwin sloane: lyrics by B. Bay 
.. AKto;;' Bnadwsy Theatre. 


Bliss -- -- 

Henorta Peck ..... . , 

BeoTletta Peck .. . 


Dr, I. stall 

Henderson Peck ,. . 
Veiliena Peck .. .. 


Psnsy MsrshmdMr ., 
Weenie Wlatsrl*' , 
Henry Peck ,.. ;» ..• 

Bute ■ .. . . ,. „_ 

Henolla Peck Rthel.7c 

Ayer Cattle LanTenee Wheat 

(Continued on page SO.) ; 

Sam' Wataon 
-Ocrtmde Qntnlaa 
. .. UlUan Lee 
. . Joseph Keno 
. . Bert iMlte 
,. Stepbtn Msler. 
, .. Edith rtoat 
Tcraon Csstle 


New York. Feb* U (Special to The Bill- 
board),— Bert Felblemtn has been tppeinted 
business msasger of Oeosge- K, (Chen's The- 
atre at 43rd street and Broadway. Wslter 
3. Klngsler will be ptsas repressntstire and 
Edmond Plobn, treaiorer. wtUi. Kichnrt- Ooben 
as assistant, . ; .. , ..' . •■; 

.^AtUn^onal Now York, iwww on 

The Vaudeville Week in New York 


onM:it|Aiim Last Week— Chas< RjciK 

V i-^nian and Company Heaided Long List oi . 

^^^^^^ V B 

New york. Feb. II (ap«clal to Tbe Blllbaanll. 

Om of tiM tmt iMUnnil tillli tliat WlllUm 

Uorrli, Inc., bu prartdrd tlilt wuon draw ca- 
MCltT boom to the American MdiIc Hall laat 
Vi*k Tba top-Uncr poaltloo waa beM by >b<- 
alftcd AcMTtcan lecltlmate actor, Cbarlea Blcb- 
oan and Compaa;, prctcnUac U>a Ulariooa 
comrdT >k«teb. The rin Eacape. Mr. BlebmaB 
slirrd tbt rol« ot Ham Wllaon, «ad waa capably 
astlated br >llaa Mabel rrenrcw. • MtOitqM 
rouiK womaa. aa Grace BaBdifMa,.feM ■■■«••> 

rouos womaa. — .-^ s^-,: ■ 

and Cbarlea «lbCT aa tba bcUbor. 3aM loho- 
aoo aa Ua OIH Upataln^aad ■ flrcmaii at* In- 
cluded In tb« ptetw*. - turn WUaoB baa bad a 
diaactceiMBt wltb bla flaaew, and tUnklog lo 
oateb nattara Dp, ba takaa a, room la the hotel 
wbrre abe and her owthcr ai; atopplas. It 
aioTM to be on the aaoM SoM wltb Qnoa'i. hot 
diallkaa the Bi a aatape obatnietlos one of 
tba wladawa. and telepbooca the otBee to bare 
tbem to cbaaco bim to aDoiher room. In tiM Inter. 
«al be eollaU the aerrleea of a bricbt bellbox, 
•Bd baa blm dellrer a box ot Bowen to her with 
«■!« card. Ba la cbasrined a moment later to ra- 
eelre them hack, tocather with fonr other hoxca 
at Bowm »Ueb bad beta aaat to Qnet 1v umd. 
mona admlftra. hot which Oraee attrlbatal to 
•Xon. and ceaaaqaently ra f ai d . OlviBK hia salt 
to the bell-bap to: b* j w iwa. Tom MnpfH to 
Uke a abewer bhtk te OM MMalw Mtt MB. 

' flra ta aooBdad. aot tba dear 

when BB alana oC 

la wabad apaa ^ a aeaainy-anirad Tonng wo- 
mum- wbe raabM tor tba flre-«aeape bcfbre aba 
(caHMa Ae la set draaaed fbr tba atraet. Tom 
la hla B. V. D.'B dlaeemra tha lady to ha Oraca, 
Mt hBTlac BO dothaa to wear, taaia to c oma oat 
to paeUr bar. At last a bapw tbaaght aMkca 
Mm, aaa he teaia doara tba roMier ahower ahleld 
CroB the bathroom, and wrapa It aroand bla 
form.. and then atalka forth -to be a bero. Grace 
makea a abow ot repelUnc him, hot when Tom 
dlacorera that .all iahe-haa attempted to aaTC 
tram the Ore la a picture of himaelt, be reallxea 
that aha la only telsnlnc antar.- and he elaapa 
her In bla ama. At Uua taaetua tha door la 
thrown opco. aad the ■ bdlbor appaata with 
Toa'a Uuaaei B orcr hla arm.- aa the eottala da- 
The eorUla la talaad agala, rcraallac 
U a dlagtac aMMaea. aad the Olri 

Wm. Morris 

Maw Tdrk, TCk - 11 

tr^SS^ .to«„, 


Cpataira clamberioa down tbe llre-eacape. tu 
cooiplela tbe pletare. Ur. RIcbman la ebarac- 
terlatleally excellent Id tbe role .ot Tom, and 
Mlaa Frenyear reveala uninapected talenta aa aa 
actrcM. while Oiarlea 8Ub«r la a Tcrttable In- 
camatloB of the frcah. tlp-hontlat bellboy. 

Ha Ooaaa, retained for another weak, lapaatad 
lU aocceaa, whlA waa larsaly .la tha aatnra of 
a peraoaal triumph for Bdoe MoHoo. tba Aaglo- 
rmcta letfCM and daaeer. A want aC ptoplc 

(OMUaaad oa pace dd.) 

the Important character of Nobody la. 
Walter Browoe'a morality play, ETerywoman.- 
Brnry W. SaTase baa ensaced H. Cooper 
Clllle. who by reaaOB ot bla Ions experience 
aikl training In tbe lefltlmate drama, la eape- 
dally «<iolpp«d for the Intricate rote In Mr- 
Bn>wiie'a aymbolle drama. Tbe character of 
Nobody la deacrlbed aa a whlmtlcal, CToleal, 
aardoolc aad aaacwhal watkal IsaM. Ba dt- 
tlreta tb* pMlada aad «MIaBa«,''aad-la'aa» 'at 
the domluat chiractera ttroashaat na dra caa- 
ilrtea of the drama, 

_H. Cooper CllSe cornea ot old tbaatrlcal atock. 
Bla mntber waa Acnca Kemlde. whoae sraad* 
f?J.^ *9* ■t*Vban Kemhia, brother et John 
i'bllUp,. aMllai,.aad Uie taMam lb*. Blddona. 

Mr. aiHa. cattOBBly eaoogh, bataa hla the- 
atrical career la tha choraa of Ptnatore, and at 
(tie umo tiat waa nnderatady tor tbe late Rich- 
ard MamMd la The aoreerer, atterwarda play- 
IDK the Setgeaat et Police In Tha PIratea of 
Prnxance, and tha aaatry In lolaathe. rollowloa 
tbla be waa encaged by tha lata WUaon Bat^ 
(elt to leplaee E. B, WlUard at the Prlncaaa 
Tbeatrc. London. Be remained with Ut. Bar- 
rett for a nomber of yeaia, playing aocb parta 
aa lago, Icllioa, Qlanilua la CUto, Tha Bplder 
» Tba sum King, Annyttg* la The Ushta ot 
u«dMLaad Satan In Weir SUtcheU'a drama, 
eallad The llaaqna. Be thaa toored Aaairlea 
with Mr. and Jtav KMdili. ptafiw « " 
«r chaneteia. wIlA was 'iSDwMd 
eoaaeeatlTe aaaaeaa aa a alar la M 

■wpettoire, laeladlaa mch chaiMtaia aa Bene- 
dlck^Uoylock, Wolaey, Klekard UL. Md later 
aa tlaale aod MeDhiatODbalin. Ba waa three 

ror tbe laat three yaara Mr. OIW* baa 
iKTn with William rareraham, playing Don Jnl- 
lan In The World and HI* WltS, Ihd QtdlM In 
l<;rad. Aa a reader ot blank «ana b* baa (aw 


Ooard).~Ne»t AdI tha Kalt?aTbeatM wlU ka 
<n« to TaadeTttla. accocdiv ta a atata- 
?.mL V*L *^ tv Baaldent Manager 

JMMB, tha MaTraaalv (ran t& ta tthttr 


Notoriolis Aictic Explorer Signs Contracts for an Extended 
ToorMMoving Pictures Will Be Used ^ tlM 

New York CItr. Feb. 11 (Special to Tbe Bill- 
board). — American lore of fair play wUl Inanre 
■ laiia attaadanea -at tha Maatattaa Ovcra 

!tKa drat dlaeorery of 
tha Korth Pole. Tha rmin gleen by tha Doe- 
tar f«c flnallr cnaacnttaw w aMwr npan a raa- 
dwrUIe atage. after haeuw lanaad aapaatad ad- 
fen, cooplcd' wttk cUttaflaK ' 


artMa apprarlni; In Tanlerlllc. . 

Dazie to Open 

Wfnte Gsurden 

Mew Tork. Feb. U (Special to Tlic BUI- 
boaid)'. — Ulle. Daale, tbe dancer, has been en- 
gaged by tha.ShaberU for the Initial prodBC 

tloa at Mr ■•v.:WMMv OaiiMi an .pialway 
and raiMk alinet. wkan K apma a mOa later 
IB the aeaaao. 


iadlanapolt*, lnd„ Pah. 11 Wpaclal to Tha 
BUlboatdJ,— Joka I. Byan, ot ClaelanatI, leaaae 
tt the Ooloalal Theatre, announced to-day the 
nioMcana erectloa ot a TaudeTllle theatre la-Ia- 
danapolla, to coat tllO,0O0i. and to be llnahed by 
September 1. The work ot cooatroctloa probably 
wtU l>e atartcd March I, or March 33at the 
lateat. The entire Intcatment wUl total (335,000, 
Bni costnli tbealtaa la • anmbar «t torn* 
lalhla terrltn^. and la that ae^alrlac additlagal 
aAl aC whSeh are davotad ta BapHar*stlaa 

The Bill al 

tiie CokNdal 

New York. Feb. 11 (Special to Tha BUIboard). 
—Op la the lobbr of tka (MoaUl Thaatm la 
diaplayad an elaborate work ot the Jaweleta* art. 
a atx.palalad dUaaoad atar. that Maaager Percy 
O. wUlUaa win.canlK oa tbe Tanderllle atar 
who haa draim lha ataat moaer Into the boa- 
oOea ot hla thaatta darlag the paat tonr,weeks. 
The conteataata are Adallaa 43caee. Nat- O. 
Ooodwta. Valcaka Snratt and Era Taacnay. The 
latter artlat appeaia lo be tbe winner ot the 
eontaat. aad thoee who bare been In attendance 
at tha Colonial dnrlag the paat week, ban had 
a temarkahl* demooatratloa ot the woodertnl 
away the erratie Bra ezerclaea orcr her Uege 

menta. la tbat he baa canaed to be made a aoT- 
Ing plctore abowlng In a moat atrlkbtg war hla 
reralOD ot what actually tranaplred In eonncctloa 
wltb the now famooa polar coatrOTCimy, ot 
which bo baa twen tbe central llgnre. and that 

he la aeUfdr tatctaatad la hai1i« tha atav 

^jsj^asf j Lii!iA » a. -a^ra 


Uma, O.. Kb. 9 (Spaclal tih Tkl 

—Tbe new Lyrle Theatre. wUA 

heia by Ueaara. U J. Beraer aad Than. P. 
Doyle, waa opened oo Kb. T. with aa eica^ 
t tonally atmng bill. The hooae. which wOt 
play SnlUran A Conaldlna time, la eoopleta la 
mry detail. liaTtatr a aeatlng capacity oC TBSl 
an OB tha ground floor, and a atage laiaa 
enoDgh to take care of tbe majority oT tSa 
big read acta. Tbe I,yTle U nnder tbe aaa*. 
aacmeat of Cbaa. C. Deardonrff. who fOmeilr 
held a stpdlar poaltloa la Oreenrllle, O. ilaa 
being manager eC the One Son homwa In Xlaaa- 
Beld and Uaitaa, O. The bmse atalT Inelodaa 
Uayaw IMIt. taaanrar; Wm. Bhodta. 
manager: Gcorga Bcaatr. alaetrMaa: ~~ 
niaa, " " ~ 


New York, rrt, 7 (Spaelal to **a 1 

—Dr. Lonla De Talela Wilder, fhlher af Itat^ 
BhaU P. WOder. the hnmorlat. la dead, at hte 
borne here of heart diaeaae. Be waa TS yeaia 
old and had been aetlrely engaged la tha 

Eraetlee of medicine la tbla city more than a 
alf a centnry. 


Vtank Hilton 
the Palaea In 
Jnna^ SI 

De Long Siatera open at 
- for Biz wceka. atartlag 

Fifth Avenue 


New Tsrfc. Feb. 11 Mpadal to Tka Bniboaid). 
**?^*f.^"' tta aitreme ezceUencn «( 
tta bni at Keith aad Pioeter'B Fifth Aeaaoa 
ThMtze laat may be gained from tbe tact 

thatalx of the niae acta that Maaager Ona 

iK!" S!S'*1ti*IL^~«a.*« BUlbaM* 
altatar blUa ttia aaaaaa. Tba alallar taalan. 

both by reaaoB of popalBr 

and general eotntunment, wna Catrea, _____ 
Bnlgar'a baaeball comedy, with Chrlatr Matthaw- 
eon aad Chief Meyem. the etar Mteher aM 
eateber reapecUrely of tbe New Torfc Olaatn 
They were aaalated py May Tally, aa a ItaBlalaa 
baaeball entboalut. who Interjected aooie clevar 
Imitations of famooa women at the hall 
Matty and tbe Cblef lUaatrated tha M 
prored atylea ot dellreiy and eatebliv; 
n mn l ng Are ot amnaing comment. 

Edward Abelea and Charlotte I.ander made a 
big hit In Oraat Stewart'a domeatic comedy. Ba 
Tried to be Nke. which we rerlewed a thrtalght 

Panl Seldoma. Mllau baa Claiaa. aad darar 
poaets. appeared la tha Urtng MaiWa OMapa, 
which we deacrlbed a abort time alace. Othar 
all atar acts were: Frank Fogarty. the DnhUa 
mlnatrel. who mingled anecdote with aong; the 
Melnotte Twlna and Clay Smith. In a potpourri 
ot eonga, dancea and bnmor galore, and Maty 
Norman, tbe witty carleatnrlat. who U elected 
to the bnt tbla week by reaaon of her new and 
original monologue. Some Women 1 Hare Met. 
Mlaa Norman does ber act In one, entering aa a 
aodely girl, with a Tyrolean turban, and Im- 
■ MMg*"* a high petaeaage In a arand millinery 
cmMm, ant a aUttaraly drodge wltb Ump 
toatlNM and ahnflUag walk, to lUnatrate. Xaa 
Can Tall a Woaaa hr Bar Hat. Mlaa Taimaa"a 
gown, which greatly Intaraatad tkalMtolBt e»> 
tinsrat, waa ot roaa aaUn. wttk aiwiMa «( 
chiffon and gold lace. Teara, Ttata. Team, 
llhutratlnx woman'a most telUng wespoo. aad 

Tbe Elegant Salealady, " ■•• " 

acter delineation. Her c 
aa danced by tbe athletic | 
womankind, and The Ai ' 
much appreciated bita. 

A norelty area offered by Samaroff and 1 , 

Bntalan peaaanta, wbo abowed On .\ SnadV 
AtteraooB la Natlre Land. .The Columbia CoMdv 
at .Cha^ WIttroek. TtodL 

Foot, _ ^ 

Packard. JMk ■toaada aad Jack Kcraa.' created 
' of lai iil m tnl hr thdr harmoay and fML 
dosing attractlCB waa prcacalcd hr Tha 

TlUro ShitlTcy Btathenh Batopeaa 
~ Id of apli 

marrda, vhnsaeeiaed derold 

aplaea. Thep 

tied taentM-lfM iQto kaota. and performed other : 
remarkable tfhi Wf eroklag great applanaa, aad 
caoalng -many who regard the adreat of aa 
acnhalle torn aa their algaal to get thdr 
to amend their opinion of thoee offcrlagB. 

Tba Highway Amniament' . . 
Ita Highway Theatre, natbah. 

day. March 4. B. C. BoekweO, the 

•tatea that they will play foar TnadarSla mOM, 
changed twice weekly, and toor teala at Ubhl 
changed dally. Tbla Is one •! the ehala at 
amaU time theatne_thM Iha^Mww '^f-T 


T It e >iEi 1 1 1 1> o a r a 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 

The il}ttu§em^n^ Week in Europe 


Gnat prcpuvtloDs ua already Kotnc on for 
tfea rala pertormaiice at the OorooaUoa, which 
la to celebrate the Coronatlfm of the Kins all4 
Qdcco. a committee iaclndlns all tha heaOa 
« th* tlwatzieal raofoaUn has been fatmea 
I Ukdr to ataad oat aa od* of 
~ at the apodal taaUnaa of 
Inc Qaocs* la taktnc Uw 
katncat penonal Intanat In tha oecaatoa and has 
• aaked tJiat ao fiur aa pftaafhla, araiy actor and 
a c ti« »» at recoGnlaed poiltlon ahall h* Isdnded 
ta the program, which, as aooa as completed, 
win be sobmltted for tbe royal apprtyral. Al- 
leadr tlje performance bids fair to be the moat 
eolaasil affair ot lu kind Ul England'a thaat- 
ilcal blatory. 

Breryone now expects that as soon as the 
yaar of Coort moornloy la op. It wUl be found 
that the new Klne and Qneen will bs Jost as 
keen and (cneroaa patnos ot the stai* aa the 
lata Klac Edward. Both of them ban alwaya 
baas astnmaly food at tha t haam sad op ts 
■sraa or atglit months aso nidjr mltaad-n aaw 

Oaorsa'a penonal tasta In ^lars Is 
rather more camptcfaenalTa than that of his late 
tattaer. In particular he has shown a marked 
Interest In the more "adTanced" drama. At 
the time Barker and Shaw were rnnnlns the 
Coort Theatre and presenting the latter*a plays. 
King George was one of the most tetnlar at- 
tndants. His tsTorite of the series was John 
•oU's Other Island. 
Talklnc about Borally and - tba theatoe. It 

— bt. b» ■iMjMMa ttot -^,|ffl5j^-*[^ 

' vm ' brbiff to Ba0a9d''rlB 
t tima. tba Imperial Ballet 
tb* Opant fTamai ot both Uoscow sod St. 


These great organlsatlona, which are snb- 
aSdlaed by tbc Cxar, aia able to present ballets 
with a completenesa and magnlflcence anlniown 
ontxlde of Russia, and the whole corps of the 
two Ihoatrea. Dnmberlng orer ooe hnodred dan- 
cers, la coming to LoodoD for the seasoo. Nl- 
llBSkr, the moat fsmoas mals dsncer In tbe 
wactfc who waa the talk of Paris two yeara 
~ who ratnsed a large salaiT ts Tisit 

la coming for the mst tima to Eng- 

ts appear In the ballet Cleopatn and 
■at ptoduetloiis of tba St. Peteraborg 

roe aema 
■Maon at C 

box and ftot 

whole of tha wonderful and 

Boontlngs. sceneries and coatomM win b« 
tnooaht from Rossis, snd tba balleta wIU be 
ataaed with tbe completeness end tteaoty for 
wblcb tbe Imperial Opera Is tamed. These bal- 
lets will hare their own place on the program, 
distinct from tbe opera works to be submitted 
each evening during the atsNS*. 
Tbe demand tor boxas Cor ttl Onad Opera 
at Corant Oaxden thla OonoatlaB .7**' 
lataat arar •zjarHDcad. n» Blatr 

ha[Ta aliaadir ooaunandad tba Boyal 

1 tan an parts ot tba world applications 

are being tecelTed. The Corooatlott gala per- 
formance will Ix- au hlatorle erent. 

The most exclualTe theatre In tbe country 
la ibortlr to be opened In tba Waat End of 
Iiondea. It will ba known aa tba BondolT The- 
atre and will ba tha naarcet appieaeh we bare 
to tba UtUs naneh theatres wUdi an ao 

lljgta]. a« oC tba ttainti* aC tba. na 

AccomaMdatloa lii btfav pnrldsd 
paople and tba Mala ara bnOt la tba Md Oi 
atyle. althoogh ther are adapted to maat araiy 

requirement of ■ modem comfort and luxury. 
The cheapest seat wIU be $2.75 and tbe boxes, 
which may be described as mlnlstnre drawing- 
rooms. wlU also be moch blKher than the or- 
dinary LoodoD theatre. Tbe stage Is tiny bat 
is lilted with sll the moat Dp-to^te lighting 
^ects and staee props. 

The whole of tbe decorstlons ore most be- 
wllderlnc and impreaalTe. tba lloveit, the bay 
tiaaab tba taU caitfleatleka. tba manmlal .tab- 
fits to bamactaUmd jpoata. . tba Oisak altar 
■ana' and taa laoaial (anonndlncs, 
Mitcd for tba.poatte and 
I sC nia aatsctalnments to ba la- 

m aocMy oiafim will support thia 

thaatf*. wblcb wtn dUter from all 

I that yon cannot get In by pa>iiiK at 
Only French comedies snd trsKtMilea 
-Odaaad bat it is most likely that the 
I win ba apeclalized with. 

\ Flench artistes sre to sppear. 

tha siaat traytdlsn from tbe 

Pana. wm open the tlieatre 

ftoa some ot bla beat-known plays. 

while Felix O all peso, the great comedian, wni 

Spear In tha latest Aanch farces. Besldea 
tae, many other French artistes have been 
.booked and It Is hoped that tbe theatre wUl be- 
> aoaia tha raga of fashion-folk during the comiag 

cgaa b 

A good deal of expectation was created by 
the annoanctMUfnt of a new Plnero play but now 
that It haa arrived. 1 don't thinlc anyone would 
aay that . It has created any great sensation. 
~ ~ rloc Mr. Panmote, Plncio baa latcaly 

_^ ^,bls ^""ty' maiiiia ii ihs manner of 

.-.Oltk and aran tba lighter aeanaa In tha 

■ecood lfn.,Tan«oaray.. Tha play la a aeream. 
la a KtUDK at iMnj- flna conudy, hot altboogb 
It la pleaAv the large audlanees at the Com- 
edy, tha general opinion la that It wotdd be 
much better If It were not ao long drawn-ont. 

Tbe piece reslly resolTes Itsdf Inta a cu uulry 
hotiae pnczle — who kissed tbe frovemess? The 
young ladv In (lat^Uoo la Joeepha Quarendou 
(lUas Marie Ix)hr). who. full ot high splrlU 
and fresh from tba eonntry, attracts tba no- 

taken In baad br a aMdftd yamiR wife (Miss 
Lillian BraHhwatte) and among other Irksome 
duties be hss been compelled to preach a ser- 
moaetta twice a week at family prayers. It 
la Uttla wonder that be . flnda tba new gor- 
simss a *»itgi.««-i Ammmm. and. tu hla ardour 
ha Uaaea'har. .Aa 'a,. aMftw -aC^ fact the **pre- 
dpltatlng cause" waa that bba .bed suggested 
to him the beads of a discourse upon St. Poly- 
carp out ot the Apostolic lihicyclopaedia. Bot 


. with Big Success at Chatelet— Amblgu to Have a 
: V NewPlay Socn-— Maw^^ 

L'Ancetre (The Ancestor), a lytic drama la 
three acta, by M. Ause de Lassus. with music 
by Salut-Saejia, vi-as pnxluced in Parla, thia 
week for the flret> time. Tbe Opera-Comlqua 
bad the honor. Like Don Qolctaotte, tbia piece 
4iad bean aaaa bafora la tha praeinces (on VM>. 
M, 1906. at Moata Carlo), but tbe real pre- 
miere was that Jast glTea. - ^. . 

It la the sombn atoir of a Ootslcan Mood 
fL-ud— a la Breathitt Ooaatr. Kanlaakjr. Two 


A I«ndon Kseaclta. 

any esse the fat is In the lire. The other 
mataa ot the boos* base dlacararid tba klia 

and tba dlieoTc» at tba oOiadtr'tetM op the 

wbAla. ot tba nat at tiM play^ : ' ' 

taly for SIi 

salna to aUeld bUa. It' ia ladasd Sortnnste be- 
eanaa aU ' tba wlTea In tha boon. laapectlDg 
their bilbanfls. decide thst sa Imnury must be 
held. ' llfc . Ksamnre Is deputed to msks thIa 

He does ao with the most outrsgeons srro- 
gsnce. Every one is qaeatloned even a pompouif 
Privy Councillor staying In tbe bonae. No one 
is free from soaplcfon. Finally, to eaae the 
sltoatlnn, tbe private secretary of the OsnncII- 
lor. oat of A pedaotlc chivalry. conf«?»i(i**a to 
tbe deed that he baa never even attempteil. 
Bot tba mala fact la that Paamiire Is "prc- 

tba ssma joaeph^ datertslnes to bsve a 

prlTsta rarenga of her own on blm. At the 
last moment iba appraprlate Panmora's ser- 
laat moment she spproDrlste* Psnmore's ser- 
to preseh with s load of guilt oa bis hsad and 
not an Idea about St. Polyeam la bl* ailV' did 
bead could hardly be eoualled Car f ltba Hi tt 
humor and stage msDScement. 

Josephs la. of course tbe main flsnre. and 
Incideotally. tbe triumph ot the play. As 
pisyed by Msrie Lobr, her natoralDeaa. and 
aa atlan si aipcaadyaaeaa mads It a amttcr Car 

(Cbattaned aa page 08,) 

tamlllss. tbe Pietra-Neraa. and tba Fablaala, 
hare been at war tar luny years. . XaaV n- 
baldo^ of tba Piatn-Ntia cJaa. • 
amy of Napoleoa Booaparia, 

native 'TlltaaF' sad tells in lovSj 


il, aar tBt Maipllcate mat t a i a, tba lattar'a 
foster-iuicr, 'Tavlaa, ioaca bar biift to blm 


A iiermit, in order to prevent further blood- 
shed. Is trying to act as peace-maker iMtwccn 
tlie two famUlM, bot NuoclaUi. tbe blind old 
grandaMlbar of the: FbMaalBt wlU act bear to 
a rseaoaillatlan.' Flaatly, aeMaa aa aid ride, 
tbe old watsaa flf«a:st laadaaa md (womaa-IIke) 
kUls, aet tha laat at Iba Phtra-Munu. bnt 
Vavlaa. tha laat of Iba PbUa^ 

The curtain' Cslla OK tbla aeeaa aad' tbe aud- 
ience Is left to goesi at wbat bappeu after. 
The nnale fbUowa tha old forma of doats, quar- 
tettes, solos, sextettes snd choruses, snd Is brtl- 
llsnlly orcbestrsted. Uost of Sslnt-Ssens' works 
desenre a •tmllar compliment Tbe orchestral 
scheme of tbe bumming ot the t>ees la quite 
pleasing snd sccording to certain critics, seems 
to bsre mora Invlratlon than any other paa- 
sage of tbe opera. 

A ballet, I-ea l.uclolefl, In which flgurs a lot 
of while Pierrots with a aingle black plerrot 
(illlle. Naplprkowaka), Is one of tbe most eatar> 
lalainc -parts of tbe performance. Mme, Uarl- 
qalla arfsngad It to tbe music of Clsnde Tsr- 
^ mlasea who assisted kOla. 

rsasa, sad tba jroaai 
Wa p le ib aa sba dsnrai 

inrad It with great spirit. 

To think that on an empty stsgs. dimly 
lighted, without furniture or decorations, la oa* 
of the Isrgost theatres In Paris, simply aad 
severely hung with grsy drsperlea, a waaian, 
though young, cottrasious aad beaatlful« das* 
dalnlag the help of all artlOee, should bara th* 
piesnmptlous folly, since she cornea aloaa^ ••• . 
tirely alone, on the great ataga, adorned . jntia 
aUnpla eella which glorify, wttbont Impedlas, tb* 
llTlBC statnary of ber body, to axeente, or fttbar 
to edebrate the Otcek dancea In ber bare feet — 
to think that she could catch and retain tba 
attention of. an enthusiastic sudlence, keeplnff 
tbem charmed, entranced and moved, even when 
aba tamslus still — and for two boors snd a 

Sncb Is the eloquent — if somewbst Inralssd— 
tribota to tbe dancing ot Ulaa Isadora Daacaa 
offered by Henry Batallla. Tbla woadarfal 
artlata la now In tba nldat ot a seriss ot isatl- 
neaa^t tto otatalar^naatos.;^ Iba, la^eoallns- 
lac tba Manndaaa nmaa wbM tba flnt aatl> 
naa mat with,' arpMbapa tba iPee f la flaw- 
ing In Tolnme. Ae preas la almoat aatlrolF 
oa ber aide, tbODgh there baa been a tendencr 
of certain professlonsl dancera and ballet mis- 
tresses here to belittle the art of Hiss Dnaesa. 
Some of these, with an uptlit of tbe boss, aiam 
go so far aa to say: "Dancant DnncanT MnM^W 
Hiss DoBcan? I hare nerer heard of berl" 

Of eoaiaa thIa la eltber the tblaneat hypocrisy, 
and at the aame time tba daepeat. or a daptte 
of iCBoraneo hard to bdlara poaatbls. At least 
one leading Paria daaear at aatloaal, atan In- 
tematlonsl lapatatko. aeowad'i 
anything ot DoaeaD aor dM ab 

derfol pregreasl A ttaAar aC. 

miu she Is so IttUe op Witb tb»'l 
has not even heard ot «aa at Iba | 
ot the preaant dayl ".' 

So tba soccoss ot Ulaa Dnncan at tba Chatilak' 
Is a real rtetofy. Brcrybody la talklag i' 
It. The papcra ara fbU of It. Moat aU of I 
ahrlek bar praiae^ Pertaapa aoma of tba OIMP,/ 
"artists" now, araa It tboy rafoss to aaa bWe 
win at leeat hear of lUaa Oaacaa aad vwi 
bare to ask who shs la. Tha apaelal iiiallnaM 
wUt and the last ot this waek. . 
lae Hugucnota wlU ba rsrleed at tba aalta- 
tbla week. Ume. >UU LItelnns wOl 

I* Bol Matt. • 

thnr Berasda, li L 

Theatre aad wBl to BTB d aead aflar'La Tialii 
8 h. 47 wttl bar* flaGbad Ito raa. 

draau. by Ar- 
at tha AmMra 
~ "Mala d* 

of tba 

tntnra Bcaaat. Tbara 

The play la baaed apoa 

Dauphin of IVance by tba i 

will be an Intradncllon Into the plot of Iioala 
XIT. PbUlppe, tbe Princeaa Palatine aad UsM. 
de Malntcnon, all actual characters la history, 
and ooe o.- two flctltloos chsractera. A leva In- 
trigue lu which all theaa people flgnre, la of 
t'ourne one of the main threada of tba alat. 
M^^Dnqueane will Intcrprat tbe Tola «( XgBto 


I bear open good sutherity thst La Bargy will 
Dot play at tbe Theatre Sarah Bernhardt, aad 
with the Immortal Barsh bersclt, this cumins; 
spring as wss Brat snnounced soms months psst. 

I-e Bargy. sa I slated some time ego. has 
tianded In hla realiroallon to the manaceuh iir 
nt the Oomedle-FrancalK- . Tbrrs exists, or r\- 
Isted, more or less coolness there. 'Sr> msko tlin 
resignation elTactlve tae must band It in again- 
after, a etitain period at time baa paaaed. Tlw 
Naptharii atoca at Uoacow demanda that tbla 
be dam. rbaar that Iba restgostlon wUl act 
be renewed, end will thus lapse, with the result 
that Le Bargy will remain wfarre be la. 

According to a tbratrieil man who daclareil 
he aaw. tba contract between Miue. Bembaidt 
and La Bargy, tbe Istter was to baes playe<l 
Mephlitoprlee to Mme. Beruhardt's Pbust Ed- 
mond Boalaod't rmlon (now being gotten Into 
shspa, aeeoMllas ta my Infomaat) belag tbv 
one aaed. - Aflev tbla the great actor an<l tha 
Orat actrasa ot gVaaeo arere to have created 
togethar two mora new works, tha aaoiM at 
which have not bean glraa ool. All tbla Is aaM 
to have eoUapasd. Been tha cootmct la aaw iaM 
not to cslat. I asked H. Manrlea Batabardt 
abont Ult, directly be bad coma back ta Paria 
from tbe country where be spent soma mealbs. 

"I shall raviv* La Dame de Montssrean stter 
Ijrm Noces de Pannrse la Sniahsd, M. da Ma* 

playing tbe rote ot Chicot. After this fsTlral I 
shall prodnes a piece by Albert Acremant en- 
titled. Ongnsss. Onstsve Oharpentler la noes 
busy on music, to go with It. After thst Will 
come tba RmslMi Maioa oadir Iba tasplcM of 
the Prinee Zeretelll. with Busslsa opetss snd 
ballets. Tbeee arlU take na up to about Juue." 

Not a word aboat La Bargy aa may bo seen. 
So I asked him, repeating Iba stotT -I told 
above. He replied: 

"I can't ssy a word aI>ont that. Walt unlit 
my mother gets back to Paris, Howsrar," ba 
addMslnllleanlly, "I can say thst yoa ara well 


La Tlargt Wla. tar. Baaiy BaUnia. wiw t* 
bsTS been pndoeed oAglaally by MTTsirlda, a* 
the Benalsssnce, Fior ressoas which ara not 
qsltn clear, tbe aotbor trantartad Iba play to 
the Oymnase, where, as Tba Billboard has 
ststed. It ran for tha better part ot a year. A 
BBit for breach of contract, tbetafoia, waa flled 
by the diMppolntad M. Tarrida agstoit >l. 
Baunie. The suit was begna before tba raa ot 
tba Foolish Virgin eommenead sad thaagh- tba 

(Contlaned on page O.) 

Burlesg^U§;an4 Music 


IiSw~u3 am lapartwrt with'mfr >wF. Mur 
■•Btnn u* ealloas as te tb« n i i i tn w ud ac- 

canor of IMlr procnm. and tketr «xniM u 
tfeit few PMDU uok at Uw pracram. Tbu U 
all raj fnia, altboosh it only appUc* to a 
mtain data of thaatreiocr. and whlla than 
arr miDT who pay Uttla attcntloa t» Iba pro 
fitm. tai who can IttUe for tb* namaa of tba 
pcrfDrmrra wbo (o to mike op the eaat, there 
If ilio a bis penaalaie of CTeir aadleaea, aad 
«f the more IntelUmnt claia of plaTtoera. who 
ate Interealed la all th* lafarmatloa tba pro- 
grain can giTf. and wha w* aqnllr dlnoaM 
when tber owat with an locaiwt ptasram «Ueh 

when ther owat with an locaiwt ntatram which 
U ao badiy.^if ■» g» fly » My. «>g»fr 
aaca of a ChiMaa paHi^^iaCbMi vhMb It la 
" ~n ■ MHltto •( iafacaatlaa 

*Mr. tiM natham lb* aeeo- 
■ TKh» mn fiarlat parts. Of 

■udST oilhar l%i 

vw or th9 pMflto 

tMtrw tht MralaMlf pilaM *!•■(•■'<• ia tba 

mlBorlir, and as a teoeral into barteaqoa wo- 
rrtmi are aa correct and as 'carefully compiled 
aa ilir prccrama of the Oiieat tbeatiaa in tbo 
tooDtrr, bot It la a fact, and a deplorabla on* 
at that, ihat one oftra naa Into a raeklcaaly 
printed aheet. with locatTMt UMa. tWl «( tT' 
while la - 
program . 

the attraellc 

program .that I now refer to. Ma bwlaaqBa 
theatre, atrlTlns aa It la to Hod 8 piMa aad a 
leTel with the hooaea of the twtter euaa, ahonld 
leavv DO iiooe ttoturoed to cleeat* Itself la ae* 
ei7 drtall. from the alaadanl of lu attractloaa 
dovn to the qnallly of paper apoa which Ita 
idTerflaemeDts aro prlntad. 

A cheap and Incorrect pragna la aat aaly a 
Buljinre and an Infliction to tha nadieaea. bat 
It U ao oireosa In tlw adeartisats. wbo are re^ 
RWDied lo Ita pagaa^ and a rank iasalt to the 
pcrrormers wbo ara conaected with tba sImiw. 
A clean and correct prccrain aboold anrelj bo a 
almple matter, and It Is high time tliat those 
Who aio rsBpaaalhla tar writiac tba espy aad 
itadte tbajnot ikMUiilta a Uttla. aMia at 

wffltlaa apoo 
waa nggeated 

tba fiBfaitjr aC a i 

Reviews, Rioiarkv flund Uve News Itenli finom All Depart- 
nwntf of.vBMIi Burlesque Wheels, Gathered 
Bipeclally for The Billboard 

-'■'^■■'i^^MM' .Bjr- SYDNEY WIRE. - : -y../ }, . . 

If , I. anbla»;la ibm wiM ^^^jui: 
norlng lo the araraga tbnticwiicr, it to M ncw- 
Kct ptogragh aad tbu appliea partlenlarlr to 
that form of aalatulnment known aa borleaqoa. 
la anr caa* ll ta a nnlaaDce. espeeUlly to the 

niargaar wha tak«a aa intercat Id tba shows ba 
aUiiiaia aad la tba people who help to en- 
tMtita htai. Altbaoah I am loath to admit It. 
IiaaH aajr that It la gcnerallr at tha burleaooa 
Ibeatia tliat we meat oftea na ap agalaat this 
offending detail of theatrical incldaatal. and it 
aeema a abas* that soeb s almple wrong can 
not once and for all ba righted. To whom the 
fault It dne tor tbti (rsqaeat deliaqacner It la 
bird to ear. althoogb the sgenfcrap r aa tn tfag the 
anrarilon coeered U surely la s moesors to 
blame, aa It would hardly bo a diOcalt autter 
fur him to insist apoa a pcooC. Ciam tba, printer 
baadllag the loial wailt^aad. at^HMtM— <«» 
SSStttt tMg wiaSit,.a<BMFR"«°« 

AU of tba bava wHlba glad to bear of Bar- 
ur Amefa aaw poaltiea,. as Barry Is one of the 
BCit loiewB aad certainly Ibe mott popular 
director In the borleaqac boalnesa. Har- 
wtlta the Cnieoe Olria but baa 

now baea aMolatcd to the kadcrahip oC the Star 
aad Oailar.<|rtMMa,>.«*ita Uola Ipaolar, af tte 


Notes of the Latest Successes of American Song Writer» 
Tli^ Are Popularized ; ' 

eHMMKi MtMilC NOTiai 

(fllPitlai to «ho BOIboavg.) 

wUa az- 



Which hlda fair to be 
Twaptatlea Bag, wbleb 

-OfalM XIrogpa, tba ■taaatioaal MgM wt 
Mitg, playtag at the UaJesUe Aeatre. 
Untnsa. Iowa, last week. ai« ostDg Wlto 


Althoagh t baee Boee Una 

the abore-aeatloaad iabjeet. It 

to me by my old friend. Jake 1 , 

1 ahould again guide my pen against* this Da- 
grint erll which Is a diagraoa to bnrlcaqne aad 
to those who guide Ita destlalca. Jake la again 
with Qordon and North, and Is making quite a 
little aalaa ahead of tbelr fanuma Iterrr Whirl. 
wUch is making Western Wheel audlencca sit 
ap and Uke notice all along the big llae. 

_ Hurt erety Mooday^B the Kast, and eeery 
gnnilay In the W«et on certain stage* oa holh 


Klrat Choma Qlrl — "Qee. what a email atage." 

Srcood Cboroa Qlrl — "I ahonld aay ao: It'a 
got the Detroit hooaa beat to a cream poff tar 

rirat ChoniB OUI— "For gaedaaaa aako. Bow 

CI met Frank Fieemaa tha'olher day aad araa' 
sd to tee Mm oeea agala. I wu aittlBg la tba 
Vtt of a ceruta Pittaburg hotel, whaal beoM 
e nujM> Ilk* aa ascat, wbo waa taUlag aa later- 
Ntnl boncb of the varita «t hia attraetlea. Ia 
the coura* at Ua caattfiatM^-ba taeMeetallr 
•rallosed that tba abow had Jaat hrebo ail 
hmiae records for Ibis' ssasna'a ■attaees st the 
SV"^: Wsablagtoa. rraah U ahead of Max 
■pb'Ret'a Ooece of Bohemia, and tba taeotd waa 
*a>l<' at Ita opening day at the Waahingtoa 
hmi*F on Mondar. rebmary «. TbU abeuld help 
to iirarr the ealoe of a tMlly good Bgeat. 

Rtitx time I meet s msBsger er an sgcat. 
>b<'r olwara aecm to hare a kind word to apeak 

or Jni.nny UcAieer, who is wMaly kaova imoac 
""'liK'luera aa ao all-aioaad good feUew and a 

ruuiu'ient Uchct seller. Johnny la treasurer at 
J2*^War.^g*A)p«, and certalaly kaowa how 

ir .vi>u haeen-t eeen the Police Qaaette of last 
.*''^.f ""W »l«ht away. ImtgUM a big 
•cur., .r.diine reading ••aeeer Bacing CrookT" 
L"""'"<>"i>'ly underneath of which la a photo 
■r"M,, „htch Inrlndee UmIo Boble. tha popular 
n-;.! J""!?"- Sim UaUer..^ BaM> Karttataa. 
ttiit Mmythe and the .wMw^adftfia.aalaMB. ^ 

II, V o," t^farlle Rohla*ea<a Onitaa OItIb aliycd 
.Mliimbra, Chleaao. the ether week. IhUeae 
Into the dreeaing raean, which are sll- 

H."!"'' 'ill'" »'•»«'• •♦«!• a whole aet of 

III ttlll"-!?.^*!!'-'-^'''"."''' •>?. chonia 

lT.,;'l' m!?' ""Lpumber led by Ida Bmcraon and 

{!:.r:.J2"'i. j«' g^«>y ^ i>' ».^.*^ «»« 

bi Oma^t. at tha 

Thaati*. Xsir Tark Cltr- 

Star aad Oartar. baa tahea Anui^aM aail tlen 
aa leader with the Craeoe Olfia; Haor baa 
haadled a nomber of shows daring the past 
ten yean and haa taken care of the moelcal de«- 
tlnlee of tbe New York SUra. tlyde'e Blae BIIh 
booa, W. B. Watson's Beef Troat, The Boo Toss. 
Tha Psrislsn WMows. The Osy Masquersders. 
The Orasoe Olrls sad other well-known bur^ 
Take alt year k»tM, hoys. 

.tf .M»..<M. 

JImaay Weedon le back again In barlaoqae and 
U baadllag Messrs. Wballea * UaittU'a Kea- 
taekr Brnea. rerfocmei* sad show pceala ia 



Jaha C Hart haa i*«aalL 


There hare been <inlte a number of change* 
with tbe Qoeen of Bohemia, and In addition to 
John Hart'a Joining tbrro hare been aereral ad- 
ditions to tbo rsat, Amoog tbcae are Lou Brlce, 
who la a brother of tbe famoQs Fana.e. and who 
haa receatly cicoed with tbe George Bvaoa Hoo- 
ey Boy Mfnatrela. Mr.- Brlre. whn Joined tbe 
ahow at Pbtladelpbla. will play a blackface part 
in the abow. 


Jake Uebermaa ha« '-een rather lonesome of 
late and waa bearing tidic a gloomy look when 
t met blm recently. It la rumored that Jake 
had bad a falling oat with a eertata Ihir 
eUnwr whn sfaMi^IlM arhJe? aWaSSa 


- ^ ap. 

Braedway Oayeir .Oirta, . wtth.,«blefe attnel 
oar Mead. Jafc».,la.jt«*^flBg.^. Aa w aat t 


tbwhiaf Cams. Ika aaw ssag ttam tbe 
Muile CainaBy*a catOac, baa haaa takeo 
DP by msay of tbe best "popalsr soag bit" 
ainjters. and Tell Taylor reporta that the aoog 
cannot help being a winner, aa be cannot take 
care of all the rcqnests thst keep poaring In on 
him. Tell certainly deaerrea a great deal of 
crcfllt In patting orer many talta from bla boose, 
and we hope, and fell aare, that there are "aome 
more yet besldn." Good luck. Tell. 

Tbe Victor Kreracr Company baee launched 
another goo«l aallor on tbe pra of popolarlcy. and 
tbia time It Is a waits song. Tea. Beys, Let's 
Bare a Time. Miss Blsncbe King Is at tba helm 
of tbia popalar anmher. aad Is sorely slaeilag It 
aeerthe ^eeo^tf StSS '""^ 
^JI^i^^'VM^ saS*parlSra 
on this nnraber st once. 

Gossip from tbe Will Roaslter oaeea aaym that 
MlM Kila Holt Waki'Oold. wbo besdllned laat 
week's bill at the Wlllard Theatre, haa In re- 
Iwatsal for some of her Chicago eosairementa. a 
Teraloo of Some of Tbeae Daj-e, whicb. when 
added 'to her ivpertolre. will be the blggc*t bit 
Mlta WakeSrM nsrs. There Is a gicat deal of 
truth In this atatement. aa Miss Wskedeld's en- 
tertaining qualltlea sad .readlttoa of a aoog are 
wen knawa, bcaldra tha tact that they ai» In- 
DDiMtaHa 'mgl*^ aai dtaUe teams now osing 
this catchy anmber. 

Mnnre ami Cbrtaty Bratbei*. la a,Uttla bit oC 
mlnstretar, are going big alaglac n tbt OaidM 
of My Heart. an.l Ibe aplcy rag^' Bad twttn, 
both from the Wltmarfc oOce*. 

l*« Woods, tbe lire-wire manager for wni 
Roaslter's New Tock ofllce. was In Chicago last 
week. He reporta a btsbly sorcrcsfal aeaaoo 
thoa far, and Is beamlnxly enthnslastlc over Ibe 
Chicago publisher's ltte!>t manoacrtpts. and plcka 
sereral of them lo be next sesson's biggest sad 

daya aa » la la tha Weait at the prraeat witHar 
Sophie Tarktr. Ibntr lla|«^ Belie Baker and 
John Baxter ha«a aajdaltld the eoag. In Sew 
Toek Town, aa OHF. laasa aettot* can. 
.■• An Beanaslev '~ " 

Compsoy latest ones. Aik for Uoney Ssi, % 
besntlfol orw Soutbera serroade: Any Old Wsy 
Von Cook Cblckco la Good EnouRh for ^le. a new 
Irrlng Jooca coon aong, and anotber good 
"wench" aonf. Keep a Moris', Don't You Neres 
Come Back.- 

One of tbe moat likeable and fetching songs 
hesrd In some time wss the aoDg, Id the Ganleh 
( Ur Beart.'Wblcb was so ably rendered by Miss 
Darany Draw, of Crowley and Drew, wbo played 
tba WUta Palsca Tbestre s abort time sgo, 
All BBBber is one of WItmsrk's best, snd aboold 
lavfa a lesder for them. 

Tbe Boose of Shapiro report that Come Jee- 
ephlaa la Mr Flying MaeUaa. kaa aeeiybodr aik 
la tba air. aad it would aeem that Jeasiihiaa w3l 
bare plenty of company for aeoe time to fmt. 
and the only way poaalble for her to c< 

wUl be that the "air la not beary 

Howerer. we are assured by people wba 
thst the air la not full of boles, beni' 

flight la continned IndeCnltely. There nte i . 

being broken erery day, both tslklng mschine 
and flylnc (Note. — rerformers. plesae copy). 

A pranounci^l bit wan scored laat week at the 
Wlllard Thi-strr. when }|lea Oladya Mills sang 
TVU Taylor'a popalar aoog, Down by tbe Old 
Mill Streaoi. nsing tbe pictures, which hnnghi 
tbe naaber loonds of .applause. It would seem 
tlist The Old Mill Stream baa an cadlosa flow, 
aad we are aure that all performers osIng Ibis 
song sre of the same mind. 

The Ted Snyder Mnsle Compsny ate reaping a 
jBst iBwaid aa their alaf, Klaa Ma Baaey. Klu 
Jle. aa tUa anmher hgrirelag BecHn and Ted 
Snydo' wtU eaOtaw a giee« aanF oT the pteeeai 

up-to-tbe-BlMMa inagi Ra • 

be told wf ■- - 


of Wltanrva mam biti 

I«araad ta LoewTaa. 

BweeiF. dB of wMcb wU ba 

Daniel J. anni*aa. 'who la appeal 

tain Barry, la alnglnat tbe new stii 

march eong. TIiey'Te WOB Bteiy Nstioa^ 
But Their Own. sad ereallag a senaatloa. 

Ibe Singing Stewarta are making good tbeto 
name when they render tha new baas aole. en- 
titled. Neptune, aod alao tbo big song hit. Where 
tbe River Shannon Flows. 

Johnny Small and Small Slaters, who played 
the MaieaUc Theatre the week t>efore laat. antt 
were one of the biggest hlla on the bill. an> 
DSlag Uy BIgblsnd Qneen. which Ibey bsre ren- 
dered three seaaooa. and haee now added a-aew 


addltiea to their aet ._ 

MlMlSli ftiag'T'''^*-^^ * 

with Wltniark's aOBf 
Back to Babrland. 


A dancing trie who are becoming rery poa. 
nlar ia tba aet bUled nadcr the aame of Teoaa 
Brothers aad Teroalea. The elrver daadag, 
charming penenslitles snd lieaotlfBI caatanwa' 
of the trie alwsys please their aadleBce. They 
ara featnring HeaiF and RraBeo'a new flirtatloa 
soag. I'm Looking for a Nice Tooag Fellow. 

Bums and lAwreoce. known aa The Ratbakel- 
ler Dno. are preaentlng a singing apeclalty thst 
Is getting the Dtoaey tot them. It Is a tare 
that ata In nicely on any Mil. They iafena aa 
thst Rmoett aad r«w1a> IB laillaM" aaiBbar. 
Mt! Whate a Funny Little WMdMg li, kSBa 
of tbe featnira of their art. 

Our ataaaeh follower. Tsmsay Wsrd. tbe ec. 
eentrle dnaelag comedian. Is featuring Jelf T. 
Branea's comle soag. If I Coald Sre At F«* 
Ahesd As I Csa lia JMM. snd teila as that 
this nnm)>er la M*: SBm laahlBC gsed tbr bias. 

MIsa AEor* T i o es dal a fa a eery baay gtit tiwea 
dsyt, plsylDR many nBseentlTe weeks In Sew 
Tork City an'l elclnltr. MIsa Tmeadale la pre- 
aentlng ■ khi specialty sway from other chIM 
arts, and bee cbaractera are ao true to chll<t 
life Ihat many timea alie baa decelreil thfisn.l. 
lence Into the belief that they were serlni; a 
genuine child l>erform. She la opening her fl<-> 
with Henry and Braneo'a I'm Looking for a Nlr^ 
Tooag Fellow. 

MeaacB. La Msite snd Flaher inferm ns Ih^l 
Myl^What^Saav JJtlie 'Waet^.Tbls. Ia is.i 

slngiag this 1 

MBibeF tot arer two afeoatbs. 


Fire iMrtly deatroyed the Grand Opera ITons** 
Snpertor, Wis. ■ SatonlaT. Febroarr 4. ranalna 
a toaa of tSO.MMt. AsMe from the loes to the 
Uwatro tbe LBUan Maxwell Stock Oempan- 
wbkb bad bent playing at Ibe bouse for aeTeral 
daya. lost aheat $S.OOO. ladndtanr apeelal ste^ 
ery aad coalumea. Tbe theatre hoBdlaa. wblc^ 

waa ealaed st S»>.000 
(aat. of Ita Tsloe. 
aim tbe comnauT bad neat 
lag and refnrnlshlng tbe bottae. 


BtTvwn and Roberta* Big Show closed ita 
season at GreenTllIe, Wis.. Feb. P. after a aa|a> 
son of fnrt.T-etgbt weeks. The compsBF HVK^ 
reopen Mateb • at Qnltmaa. Qa. '- <.V'i;'< 

OCX BUST with your adsartMag far.tba^^' ' 
ntul flprlag Special Mambar of Tba Bltibaarl. 
Laat tocma doee Marek 11. If yoo want to arlt 
your park t e a B ssBle a s er setart bis attraction*, 
ba Maa aad fM yaar ad.-ta Ola giadt aaliac* 

Tt&e Billboard 

FEBRUARY it, 1811. 


BmrrlBliaic. Pa-. Feb. 8 (Special; to Tbe BUl- 
Jioaiil). — bUI to cbufe tlie preseat law tluC 
ireqnlres moTlos plctora theatreg, except lo 
•cla«s of Uie Unt and aecosd daaa. to hare 
tbrett -parallel' four-Coot aJales was tntroduc«d 
;te tin House .Uat wtck by Frank Gray, o( 

i;ii»*praacat- lecnlwftnns arc objected to by 
.czlilbltocs of m o t ioQ pictures aa pimctlcallj pru- 
AUiitliis the me ot nanow balls tat tbelr alioAS. 
twain feet of the widtb ^^J^ tequlied tor 

ptoductUw. Ibe llkenMi tt WuUngUB and Un- 
I coin is verr real and tbe nprednetloB ot tbe bat- 
tle acene baa been caicMUr worked eat ao as to 
I avoid all poaaiblUtlea of eaateiirMiDiea. Tbla 
; aim U expected to let ■ ■taadud (or all fnture 
Champion relci 

loC tte bolU- 

. kr ttt> ot»j 

wmafHeoi tbe 'widtki aiTtte mUes to the boib- 
Jier of eeela In a low acnes tbe ball as (ol- 

Wliere tbe rom aeioaa tbe wldtb of tbe 
bnlldins contain elgbt seats or lesa, on center 

jilale tour feet wide; more tban eisbt seats but 
leas tban twelve, a four-foot center alale and a 
two-foot aisle at eacb aide wall; twelve seats 

Mt more bat leas tban twenty, a fooi-foot eea- 
ler aisle and a four-foot alale at eacb side 
well, er at least one foor-foot aisle for every 

itweatr leats or nait tbeieof. 

Oajrtala John O. Delane. cblet (sctoiy in- 

dVeetor. wtU eppeae . the paasace ot any bill. aiyak to tbls one tbat will meke it 

Mr 'BMi* aMT «r pcoUtable to coodaet • no*- 
Ibk plctorn baalacas la norrow baildlagi, lAleB 

tte aaya are Bsnally ndslr ' 

uiwelllofia or atoces .e«r" ' ~ 

wbldi he bold* to be 

ilbe hells. ■ ; 

■ ''iil4BflllP'ttALL A .BIO''«U:d<BBM> ' 

New York. Feb. 12 (Special to Tbe BlUboaid). 
— About tbree buodred people, tbe employes of 
the Independent Motion Picture Company of 
America, and tbelr guestji, thronged the I^ealle 
Booma, at ii3d street and. Broadway, laat Satnr- 
^lay eveslnc. Febmary 11, In attendanee on their 
ant amiial noeptloo. Ur. Ceil Laeaimia.«ad 
his fsmllT hoooccd tto . nnmblne >trttt ittalt 
■SMe. ilr. Tjemmle leadlnc the gxaad mank. 
alao eontilhated the moaic, UscArtbnr's Or- 
tUlt"~t in thst capacity, playlns aire 

1 the moale houae ot Laemmle. Ed- 

:%aid Oeexr and William Arthur, vocaliata, ren- 
~. aeveral selections from the popular aottss 
__lbad by this hoose. Tbe committee in chsnee 
v( tbe affair consisted ot the foUowlas ■■atlo- 
mrn: Jack Cohn, Bcxt Slebei, ' 
Kelly. C. A. WlUat, DoretU I 
JliHi'sain and Sosejie Gandlo^ 

^C-iliW, I^IVENTION.^ 

New Tork City, I>b. 11 (Special to The BUl- 
-boatd). — A distinct novelty In the motion pie- 
tare field la tbe Alabaatia. a new effect which 
WIS demonstrated yeateidO for tbe bat time 
b«f urc an American audience, et tin aflaaa ot 
the Vltaacope. Company. 10 East 16th Jrtieet. 

Xhe aBiela ot the iBttodneUoB of tlie new In- 
•eeatiea pfemlse to be sevolntlanaTy, demunstxat- 
llok aa It doaa ptaetlMUr e new principle in mo- 
tkm picture projcetlsa and arrangement. The 
Inveatlon ot th« Alabaatra makes posaUde the 
^reaentstloo of motion pictare accnee alisolotely 
plastic upon a special stage, wlttaont Tiaible 
"projection screen or space- The private demoa- 
-stratlon tbst was accorded members of tbe 
«rc<s end the motion plctora Industry, give 

dMMlaa thst it wlU auet lM«.«}th 

% 'ar aceeter thsB that 
nceaasStlea In BeiUa. 

1ft gnaeoting tbe Alabsstra. a a p i el ii ll r, «»■•" 
tflimlad stage Is used, set with aeanr J dMC*: 
urlata to tbe snbject enscted. Tbe apeeuUir 
taken aim pictures for this porpoae sre not 
Oxed Dpon a space or screen of projection, bat 
appear aa abaolotely free-atanding, bodily flgurea, 
lihe alabaster, upon the middle ot the atage- 
They move forward and backward, and in any 
directloo, like human beings In miniature alas 
would do. Four subjects are being preaeoted 
tbla week, although over I,20(> are readr. <oc re- 
lease as soon aa the American or ganfaatl e n la 
The anbjects represented at tbe 
-Wn The Pance ot tbe Three 
I :a«d the Head of John the Bap- 
tt» Tight Bope^ end Xhe Jilted 
Xb* Doiananta of tba 

to. Binle._8Bd. tb^ cSS^'** 

by vrncJkzboIsiDg tbefr aelidaa -irlth 

a tsIUag mschlne. . ^ 

Tbe height ot the entire stage la eleven feet, 
and tbe figures sppearlng thereon are sixteen 
Inches high, vrlth Oe width ot the ptoeeeiilam 
«rch seven and aa*-baU iaM^AaB*:jnbL-k|il|t 
sboat foot feet. Tba davlkV«C' tfe»>; 
ten and one-halt fiset. 
Thas It win be seen tbat-tba 

cur be packed Into amaO' «0l_, — , 

-set np br two men wlttalB tm rhaoii^ In m 
^ tenf ■ " ■ — 


In ao maeh as Sosdsy, the 12th la the annl- 
-rersary of Lincoln's Blrmdar, and ten days later 
that of George Washlagton. Hark M. DIntenfais, 
manager of the Cbsmplon mm Cbmpaoy, has de- 
cided to release s distinctly worthy mm, entitled 
na Old Van and Jim. Tbe atotr of tbia film la 
the photoidsy ot Jsmes Wbltcomb BUey'e hlstoc- 
leal poem by tbe earns name, which will lend a 
beantlfol and appropiiete theme to the prodne- 
tlcB.' -Se la going to great ezpcnsa U getting 
■e and is in no way stlntiog tbe 
_ierear. The atorr le laid araoad 

. betwcco Grant and Lee at Feteia- 

bm^'TaL; Joalrbeltee tbe close ^Jba'Q^^^^tf. 
Ample umxatimlty Is theseOm aflMtd;**,* Ma- 
play ot military taetlca,- batHiaMd 'taiMllt aad 

It is Indeed s eredltaUe tmdertsldiig end Dln- 
tenfsss is moat enthnslsstle concerning its sne- 
ceaafnl appreciation. He has added a Isrge iram- 
ber of performers to his cast, havliig an entirety 
of one nnndred and forty-one aoldlexs, boreea and 
artmcry pieces. Tlie figure of Abe Uneoln and 

Is oompeaed ot maar Jaadlac aaoelag picture 
aaanc Ibe'atalak ' .VHpldint v. a: Neff 
talaad tbe plelnte' Dta at a banquet. Among 
Hioee in attendanee were ftaaldent Melt, - Vlce- 
nrealdent W. A. Plttls. Cooneent: Xlreeaaier O. O. 
Dopols, Lima; Secretary C. CX Carter. Clncln- 
nsU, and Uax Steams, ColambM^j 

HuhroRY'iit'iiDiapH?^ ISl 


New Xork, Feb. 8 (Special to The BUlboard). 
— Ground has been broken for the new American 
plant for tbe Eclair Film Co., at Fort Lee, N. 
J- In tliis city the Eclair Film Co. intends 
proilacing American anbjecta In .American style, 
getting away from any almllazlty to their Ea- 
ropean product. Fort Lea eriU prove to be 
a moat satiaCaetao' loeatiaB. aa it Ja bot a balf- 
bour's ride ftom tMr<-;Mav.Xsik oatee. The 
factoiy Is. net C8rj<(MB. .thBt:'«C- tba Cbamplaa 
Film Co. and ate TCR-aibr^ ttii Patba ^aat at 
Bo and Brook, M.;Xv.nw Mab plant wOI im- 
doobtedly be llnHDa>"aB0at Oie heglnnlBg of 
this spring. 


Usrlon, O.. Feb. 7 (Special to The BlUboard). 
— A movement to form a National League of 
UoUoa Picture Show Owners was insngnrated at 
Halloa. O., Febmaty 0. at a directors' meeting 
of tbe Ohio EUilbitois' Lesgoe. Tbe association 


Tbe Security Ticket Selling Mactilne manu- 
factond iur B. H. Uaylaad Theatrical and 
sncclalty Uasafaetaring Company. Brooklyn. N. 
v., baa been highly cempllnicntad hy a number 
of alekelodeaa meaagera who have inatalled 
tbla coatrlvanea. In addition to greatly bcUl- 
(a ting capid baadUag of tl^ta the Invention 
la n poaia«e goataatM agalaat diabeneat ticket 

The Edison Compsny baa Jast 

complettoa ot plaoe for prabeUy tbe meet tsI- 
Qable contrlbatloQ to the motMo picture world 
since tbe inosption of the ladosttx. It is no 
leee than a aarlea ot reels, to be cdeased et 
fieqneot Inteerala, ahowlag tbe moat Important 

— ; — • ""•^■■'ir-i-'i'-^ • 

THS aRKAT MdlUtllllN IN- 
■ CW EABIM g ■ 

A fact which baa baas dlnatlng attention 
opan the Oiaat Northern Uma le the aarvlces of 
the etandard Oanlah aeten, whom they procnre 
aa subjects for tbelr piodactlona. Tbe cmi>loy- 
ment of these thestrloal stars for moving picture 
purposes baa insured a quality of acting tbat 
differentiates tbe Greet Kortbem film from a 
number of its competitors. Amongst some of 
the subjects wboae faces we grow tsmUJar with 
are: Johannes Psulaen, Martlnlos Nleisoo, Oda 
Nidson, Carl -Ustrup, Alvin Neuas (from Nenes 
Ttieatre, Berlin), Herr Lagool, Mrs. Zangenberg. 
Booae, and Mr. and Hrs. Aggerbolm, ell of whom 
bsve a great following la and abaot V " 
tba acat 'oC tbeatite ImportaMa -ta 
This ta an accomplishment thst maac not oe 
overlooked, sad one that Amerlcea manntectarers 
have lieea trying to aeeompUah. but with only 
Indlffemt saeccss op to tbe praeal. Tbe Greet 
I Northern Film Oompany, or Xordlak. tbe Oanlah 

• title, made many efforta for a aamber of years 

• to accomplish what tbfy now have, but eacb of 
tbelr prevlooa trlala waa wtthont snceess until 

j less than a year ago. The ectoce, together with 
1 the stereoscopic effect which the Great Northern 
DpUebed. hsa helped them to Inereese 
itueatal capeeitt', where they aia now 
_ tao wathtf films, which WU tfaattly 
be gtvaa aa Amadcaa market. Amoogat future 
releases now m prcparstloa will be a native 
offering of Shakeapesre's Hamlet. This la ex- 
pected to pe a banner film, as greet oi>portanlty 
la extended to pocttay las pndoetlea la its 


I., Maw . yeife; 

events in American history from the discovery 
of Anerles by Christopher Oolnmbne op to re- 
cent timae. Bach leei imi not only be eoa- 
pleta In itaelf, bot In order to add Intnest tbe 
BdlMui Company anaoaneea that It wOI not 
haaltale to doIIo a atecy-aronnd the mein Isci- 
dent. at the aama time prceerrtng strict hU- 
toclCal aeeoraer. This Is tbe plsn which the 
company baa ancceastolly followed In handling 
subjects of national Importance relative to sen- 
Itmrj conditions, and It la t>e]levcd that tbe 

aame {dan will be popular with the series now 
nnder way. In other words, the company be- 
llevea that to educate tbroogb the medium of 
moti o n pictures It Is first neceaaarr to Intereat. 

It may readily be Imagined what s tremea- 
doas valae this series will bsve to edncators 
sad schools aa well SB to the 

he geoeral paMIc It 
tttfTtha.aalSaeta win 

:^.9Smi ^war;;^Datalli 


' '"life ' X. ' Hailbiwr. :'; •The' ' H eensm lae i r .Ilea" 
l e iMii l a a number of recent aelea of the Ko. 1-/ 

UoUogrsph, snd ss an evidence 'of tbe entire 
satlsfactlln they are giving, submits a copy 
of the f<d]owing letter: "Redding. Cel.. Jan 
1», 1911. J. EL Ballberg— Dear Sir: I re- 
ceived the Hotlograph some time sgo and air 
now potting on a beantlfol picture with ssme 
and weald neve no otbev. i am running aboot 
hardly a Jump with tbe 

Zoors ■iBceicly, 
J. M. HIOHT. Mgr.. 


After a long sertca of experiments s trans- 
former for alternating cnrrvnt baa been pro- 
doced by tbe Edlaon laboratoriea that woold 
seem to bsve st Isst met tbe aalverasl demand 
for s satisfactory ssvlng device tbst tbe ex- 
blbltor conid pnrcfasse et e reaaonable price. 
The Economy Transfonaer is a new departure 
in lostraments of Its kind— a brand-new design 
with absolutely new and distinctive features 
which. It is dalmed, give It a distinct sd- 

native land. Tbe background sod scenery is to 
be that ot ElalDore Caatle Itself, wblle the 
groanda for ths pradoeiton will be tba erigtnsi 
SBBoaadlac «f tbta ar-" ' ■ — • 


New Yori, Feb. 11 (Special to The BUlpoatd). 
— BUla Oohea baa been made agent for tba 
taaMns CSUIt Koa.laflammable rUm: alao Ulaal 
Hdrok' dcv<doper for movtac pletm filsu. both 
prodneta of the f^rbcntibnng, oit Elberfeld Co. 
His offlce Is BOW located at illT Bodson street. 
New Tork. 

(Mica was forawrly maoMtr- «C the Movlag 
Pictare Deportment of tbe Sl«nlBa..'1l||*||nwh. 
s fsct which Disced htm In londTwIik lha iHde 

In:whleh lie:le: aow eeasmaed..^.''''.^ ''.''>'>''.'<>: 

Iha' Bag Motion Plclnre Usnnfsctarlng Com- 
. baa bisxed s new petb of endeavor for 
heir competltora to follow, in prescnttog with 
eacb release a handaome new Utbogsapb for 
display In front of tbe motion picture theetre. 
Tbe lltbogrsph la In four colors, sod the design 
Is encircled by a golden - frame effect, which 
greatly enhance* Its beauty. A copyright nas 
been applied for on tbla Idea, which la orlglniil 
with this enterprising company. 


'.'ownerahlp of nlaa. 
tbe Montana Imaaa 

. o( Bntia, Hont.. dotiag. tba 
ooatae of «na year. Jaaoair IR. 1010, tba ieam> 

pany owned one Ibeatrc, and etnployed tea peo- 
ple. January 15. 1011. nine motion plctora 
tbeatree were being operatnl '<r them, snd st 
which 125 people were emnlor I. Tbe ofllcers 
of the compsny sre: F. T. Itiiley, preeldeat: 
George H. Orombscber. M-rreUry-lmaarer, and 
Wm. CntU, geoeral mansger. . 


Chicago, Feb. g (Special to She BUIboardi.— 

At a Btealini baM «• SuaiUf altafuea. Vab- 
raaiy 8, at 'fk»: haadqaattara of tba MoHaiaaa' 
Ualoa, at IM Washtngtan at., Chteago^ by the 
Federation of I«bor, a move was asade by Ito 

ators' Union of Chic 

Orievsnce Committee, which aaratad 'tba-(lptr> 
atora' Union of Chicago, Local No.- 14S. nam 
that organlsstlOB. The Operators' tjoloa la aoi 

directly caoaected with the IMeratlon, bat 
tbiongh Its aUianea with tba Intematioaal Al- 
liance of Theatrical Stage Bmploycs. comsi un- 
der tbe mice of tbat body. 

Althouh not generally known, the laterssl 
treoblc u aald to eoaalst of a tew members, 
who poipaaa it a a i m a ta ba. to diaorgaaiaa tbla 
body Car . tksir Bsiasaal . gain. ' ..: Sewaver, their 
efforts came M U|*t akd laa al tad in practically 
dlsorganljlag tba local «al«g. It la tba 

tloa of many of the ataadtaat awmbeta to np. 
bold tbe nalon. If poaslbK'Tid themsel*ea at Ma 
nodeslrabU element ■ and teorgaalse with tba 
proper sort of executives. This, however, daaa 
net mean tbst all thoae at the bead were faog 
to be at faolt. Some of the otBcess wsre strong, 
ly opjMsed to tbe cbsrter which waa received to 
a few and pieaeated at a recent meeting. Thu 
charter waa -received from a atoto "fl^^nl aad 
gave tbem autbdrlty to pronoto the iatereeta of 
tbe Tariooa atage employea. 
From the ecvt of aotorlety thie ebsrtsr hsa 
:*od, It oeMenUy wUI dto to Ito Infsnv. ss 
, aatt laaay of its pdata srcta direct eaao- 
slti<« to tboae promolgaled by the opporiag lia- 

It to I 


John Bonny, oaa of tbe^^Ttlagragk^^jlajn 


Among dncinimtt's bevy of operstora. two 
thst rank In tbe flist-dass sre WlllIsm New- 
msn snd Cbsriea Kckhsrdt, who srv conDeeted 
with Lobln's Tbestre. - Manager Loola Jacobs 
asys sny maoager wUl find It herd to antsi^ 

iton wttb .tbo. vMlttiM 

waa surprised by a letter from 

be baa not aeen or heard from to tea yeaia, Xba 
friend waa vlaltlng Los Angeles, Callfomls. aad 
saw Mr. Bunny in one of the Vltagraph Ufa 
iwtrayala. lo part the letter aald: "I ak* 
Joyed yotir work very moch. I can asaoie yaa 
that yon are vciy popolar with Galifamte amt 

day and aaa j««r «wB faae aat 
lake dinner with as." 

Mr. A. B. Smith, aomatimaa dsatgastad at 
"Vltagrspb Smith." received s awet coidlal 
welcome on bis rctsm from Borope to tbe ala. 
dice laat Satnrday; eveiyliady wu glad to see 
blm snd be waa Just aa glad to see them. MX. 
Smith reporto s most Bourlahlng coodltloa of 
trade to the Banpean and foreign marketa, aad 
be la moat happy to say Tltagraph life per- 
trayala ars booming sad drawing peoole to lbs 


WadMadav ai _ 

OalC^^W^ Kew Xi 

Oatjio, pioMlatoia, tan 

teUe. a ■•▼Itegrsph XlBbt~ iscepllaB, w 
waa attended by three of the Uiscat'iaa<l 
refined aodlcaeca we bsve ever sees, nar wniO 
calbaalastle to their welcome of the goast' of 
honor, who was Introduced bjr Mr. Spedoa. as 
roproeeatotlve of the Vltsgraph Company. Mr. 
Oostollo made some very happy remarka tbat 
were received In good part. After tbe receptlea 
tbe Meesra. Oetjea enlertalned Mr. Oostello aad 
bla fMend with a beefsteak dioaer. dariac 
which, tbiv ptaacatea blm with • eair baadsMaa 
travallBg nag. 

Tba beat employed la the aacaad part af A 
Ibla of Two Cllln. on which Dr, Haaalto. 
LocF. Dernay and Mr. Lorry ssU from Parti 
to Loadon. b the ••Belt Moon.'* need ta the 
Rndsoa^tM. oMMtlaa, .It woold Rt?^ bo 

lateicatlof ' 



New York, Feb. 11 (Special to The Billboard). 
— Beginning Wednesday, March S. the Solsx 
Oompany will release tvro reels per week lastead 
of ooe. as la their present program. TIda com- 
pany baa been in exlateoce bat three noatbs. ssd 
tbelr present enterprise lo Increasing opeaka 
tratl fHr. their qaallly. There la no doabt hot' 
tbat Mogee baa boUt op aad attalaed tbst faasl. 
aeea tkroogb bls saergy. Be especn to ewlag 
Btwind amongat tba aschaofao wllb. odnoN 
asmples very sbertly. . v'v^'^";''- •■ ' 


Chicago. 111., Feb. 11 (Special to The Bill- 
board ).---TI>ere has been mnrb uwijecluilng M- 
log on lo tbe film cltdee ot Chicago aa M wbst 
toe resolt would be la the recent caee of tbe 
American Film Bicbaoge, olloa the General 
Pllm Company against tbe Amerlcea Film Mfg. 
Co.. also of this city. In a hesriag held re- 
eeatly befoie Jndxe Cooper ot Chlcsgo. s motln* 
for a tomporary Injanctlon was act grsatod, 
and^the Judge refused tba complalaaat'a ir- 
quest relstlve to tbie 

At s recent exUhlHoa glvea et tbe 

tots of tbe Chicago PUmlixcbsaga. the Pioaeb' 
Amerlcen Producing * Ufg. Oo. nwacatad a 
new eogle of tbe tllle gome. Thetot mbblag 
titles tor performers. The film conelata of 
shoot fifty. Ut t and gjiaa. g ahotf .aoaaoiwamaat 


Toronto, Ont, Feb. 8 (Bpcclsl to The Bill- 
board).— 17Dder tbe building fegnlatleaa which 
bsve recently been strengtbeaed, any bolldlog 
using movsbls or ststlooary scenery la daaeed 
ea a theatre and snbjeet to a license fee of 
•100 per aaonm. Tbe NIckelodeona have bcre- 
■ ^ oaly paid $fl0 per year, aad ataea tbr 
t egnlatl aji bee.beea •aeds^JHMbW-jC |^ 


proprietor ot the Hotol 


IIIB Market street. Whaellag. 

Mr. O. D. 

Bronavrlek. at 

W. Ta., baa opened a flae niekelodooa to oaa 
ot toe rooms on ths grooad door. Beetdea bla 
maaagtag a hotrt aDecaaafally Hr. 



^^^^ W these critidniw of films as thegr are relwsed swii fatoided priniirily for the infociiistian«nd gnid- 
ancffof exhibitors, they are also of very material assistance to manufactiirers by drawing attention to the 
salient points of merit as well as the defidendm in the outpu^of their competitora. i^xxludng directors and 


EeUlr. Feb. IB. BS tt*t. 

Tkl« l> • •tonr of a poor bcd-pcckcd. dlmloii' 
Htc bubbr, wba tau tliriTa bMD MMeetod I* 
tke will of ■ UirM-taaadf«a-p«nia4 wU*. B* 
laallr tiim e( bU uohapnr •Tlitwtf aad d*- 
eiirrt UmwU «• ■irik*. fiat wU» itCatM to 
•Umr hln to taiTc hla war afewt' Ik*. Batter. 
iBd tmoMdlitcIr pracMda t» ckaatlM. Mm aaat 
■•TeKir: Tte aavlboda Im wbiek aka acceap- 
lUhe* bn- panMM ara aoek that Ibta . Xelati 
llB t> poalllraly wortb wbfla. Thia eoatdr 
Im ml rich ■nd one tbat la booad to canaa 
taojcbier In any aadl«ore. Tbe ct>atnat betwaaa 
Cfta little dwarf ot a bnaband. and Uw poadar- 
soj Klfr Is wfll otwcrrtd. Tbe pbotacrapby la 
Ttrr aood. 

THE vT.rm OF OOVBAOZ. Comfdr. Eclair. 
r*b. IS. 434 f*«t. 
TbI* la aaotbrr baaom comnlr. It la tbe 
atacjr of a marrKd mao vbo la Incited lo a dael 
tr a dnmlal'a ellilr, tocetber with ■ balltcoae 
wife. So eibllaralloc and ln*lmatlas' — ~~ 
taa tbat be la not eoly pi ofl a li aad aa 

m ik*.«Mi. tat ar du KijiMta - 
' dHttaUIr tm no mm wU St f . t 
. Tw f ha l at i apfcyli »efr m»S-^ ::. 

mft iaozLs or an bbsam. 

ma ttm portnya tbe dreaat of • 4lM«in«ad 
partralt painter. Be dreama tbat bla maatcr- 
tlecc cooMa to Ufa and leada bim to rala. Cpoo 
viklsf from bli deep be flada a vUllac par* 
cbawr. and In order not to lead tbe life de- 
plct<^ in him drvam. makea tbe beet peealble 
aoaploj-iiiFnt of It br aiding bla laotber. Tbe 
atorr U quite drawn oat and doca not prore to 
be ronrlDclna. Tbeo, too. there bave been qolte 
a anmber or a almllar nature, ao tbat tbe dim 

^ Ml be recoamcBdcd tor Ita JadlTtdaallt^. 

OOimiOATnnf. Ps»en. 

It TOB at* iookinc for comedy, bere It I*. 

- - - 


eat aboTc alt otber UUnga. Tl f a l| • i 

MItT tbat area man eomadr caiU ■■«• 

■aallied hj tbe companr. bat. ot cootaa. «• moat 
faaieiiiber tbat tbe leleaae tad to bo kept dowa 
to a thooaand feel. Tbe pbeteffrapby la O. K., 
vblrb allova Ibe rrltic to aay tbat thU la oaa 
•f the brat rrcenl Powera* raleaaca. 


nta la tbe aterr of a aeaorita wbo loree an 
AMiran SoMler W. bat tba maid U wooed 
tv a Urilcan. wbo U aided Is bla andearora by 
tbe (Irl'a fadMv. Tba two foil all tba gtri'a 
attrmpia. tbe Meileaa area wooadlnc tbe Amer- 
ican. iioweTtr. at na adeaataaeooa moment tba 
Mcilcan laieadi to Ml* tba irtrt Id her borne 
■a order to aceompllih bla pnrpoae. and aieea or- 
dcra to a markamaa to wateb ootaldo tbe win- 
dow aad abaot tbe drat oae wbo atumpta to 
McbM. Vonettlac bU otdora be poUa at tte 
SrUI* •M.w Uandt ttet Tba Amerlean tban 

wbleb powera baa bsllt on tar bimaatt. 
la. Indeed, an lalcraatinc flim. 


vmtM mmnoM nan. Powen, 

TbIa la a atory wboaa parpoaa it I* to portray 
■»e of tbe bardablpa endored by tba alarea of 

R'*.?" •»« "'«• •« *•>• «Vb teloca tbe 

Cl'll War. Tbe atory eooceraa itaelt witb an 
oclomoa In a famUy wblcb U aboot to be forced 
iJ-!''J »»«cta at anctloo becanae of an orer- 
Ita^ Boctfan. Tb* aetoroeo la ot alaoat 
7A. *bleb rcaaoa aba la moeb 

dealred br a enml aad Ul-amalac pUnUtloo 
»y»ar. ^Bowarer. tba aoa ot tba dtaraptlai 
MjMpM cbamploaa bar 'taoa* aad Unally ne- 
CHda la keaplu bar la bla booaebold. aa rata- 
Iteea from Katlaac eoata Cocward wUk tba aee- 

la (ood. bal fbere la a poaalbUlty ot ita pro*- 
1°; nIfenalTe la tbe aontbem. diatrleta ot tbIa 
SI <»<:»o»o» marriaa lata tba while 
I?X i" «•"• »• •Wtwwtal 

fCi-i-".'."*'""v Bw!*"" •» Vbm warn tmjt 
m rl27-."..?; *• '«o»meBdad »a tetetaotla* 
nw tbe nickriodeoo andleaec*. : /vV : ■■ . 

e>D, IT. 831 feet. 

niiHZ ••""T 2' ■ lore alck m'lld, wbo Ammi an 

employed, l« In love with %tT. Her malady la 
ao Intense tbat she Oropa diabea and dlatnrba 

hSi i! 'iS^ ""'^ knocking to a bTo alatSi 
S?; ,t.«I*»."^»«d tor tbo cempaay to pal 

Sir «su:?« f 

**""t?P "SF^.S^JCF oomwn^tmitr. 

Lax. rab. IT. «» l»o». 

iJSf t,..^ ««o4 turn 

JJi?*,"' ?' !<»«••, ood one that caii be ap- 
l«Kl«ted by the Blekelodeoa aodleaeco. It la 
Ila"™. J'A'wnt .to aeo Ua andertaka tbIa arark 
^a away wilB it. 

American. Feb. 10. 1,000 feet. 

Bere la a aerloua drama to theme, bat oaa 
tliat allows for some very pretty acenery aad 
pbotocrapby to be coupled with aa loteraaUac 
atory. It wap apptoclatad by th* audlaae* whia 
lt, :j««.abfaM'MMadi'aC Mat 

XBB SASKEST HOUR. Drama. Imp. Feb. 
13. 1.000 feet. 
In tills film Imp bsa portrayed a atory of 
great iweelneaa, one that can not help bot te 
popular. A young coaotry achool teacher, too 
young to control ber . actiolara, la dlacbargcd by 
tha board of tmataea. She becomea a atcaog- 
rapbar la aa oSco, bat la Inioltad by ber em- 
ployer. I«aTtac rather tban ataad far aneb' ac- 
tloa, ate briaaa great aead opos kafaalf, aad 
aaaUy ataala mlik ta order to bara aowiatbtt to 
eat. 8bo ia eaogbt la tha act. bat te^trlaaded 
by a maa who later takea her Into hla booae- 
bold aa booaekeeper for hla yonng daogtater, wbo 
bau recently loat ber mother. Tlie widower 
aoon Soda toe ex-school teacher a rery dealtabic 
peraon to marry. Tbe atory la very good, poa- 
alhly doe to the work of Mary Ptckfocd. TtM 
photography la well op to tbe ataadard. 


14. roU length reel. 
Bere la a very good story, one appropriate for 
tbe bolldaya now nnon os. The story deala with 
two loTen, one woo Jolna tbe Northern army, 
the other tha Soathcn. Both aeek the aame 
girt, tba aoatbataar la aa boaorable way aad the 
Horttwaar la a Jaalooa, mcao manaer. Id a 
eambat tha aoatkmaar la tahea capUea aad la 
■dMmtad hF th* laOlNa Manhmar oatfl tt* 
girl laady loeatea dIb Ib ptiiao and alda him la 
bla eacapc. Tbe gnaida aboot. aad laatead ot 
woondlag the rebel, kill the girl, wbereapon the 
two aoldlef* become frleada after they Sod that 
tbe object ot tbetr Jealooiy haa baaa *o tadly 

remored. Tte aettlng ot tte * 

nod ooe ttet lenda a deetdt 
pbeic to the prodactloa. 


Feb. IT. FnU length real. 
TbIa la a atory of aa Bnropean baron and 
aa American lad la lore with tbe same girl. 
Tte nobleman and tte titlo-mad aont coaapire 
to rvmoee tte Tanks* from tha dangbta^a af- 
fcctlaoa, bot ttey are moat aadly ootwItlM. Tb* 
ADMiteaa aoltor l> airaatad on a ebarga of dr- 
eamataattal . arManca k j iii iiM o( ,tte . Dtataaded 
ioMdo orih* hotaoi who, fc»aa n t . fada that 

Ma iMt wacfea exactly 

tloa» aad be la himself 
yoaag girl aod tbe 
aaltao. Tt 

te Bleaalng. Detail baa been watched, and tbe 

fitetography la almre cenaore. While this .film 
s Dothtng aboTc the ordlnarj. yet U will meet 
With tte approTai of nlckelodi>an andlencea. 

^BX BXMOV. Ambroalo. 

If yoo are looking for a line piece of work, 
well preaented, with aome eery pretty aeeaery, 
yoa wai then need aeek no tortter. Thla la a 
wooderfol ptetoplaF 
well bandied aad 
detalla. It can te 
for Ambroalo. 

•pMilt* to hi* axpaeta' 
' tatea to JalL wbd* the 
yonng aoltor ara tepplly 
There la comrdy In thla flIm that will 

iwaraaa'. aa am aa^Mipsma^wa. 

TbIa la a atoiy ttet haa a great element of 
lack of real Inceatlro for aolclde whtch conae- 

a neatly deatroya tte wholeoome elTect of the 
Im. It la the atory ot a newly promoted dep- 
Dty pot eo tbe trail of a robbery, bat In mn- 
ntng down tbe cnlprlt te Onda bIm no other 
tban hla own brotter, which ao grtrrea him In 
the cooalderallon of bla honor tbat he lakes bis 
own life. Hla cteracter la Indeed too golden to 
paaa wlthoot cenaorc. Tte ptetogmphy la very 
good, and tte tradag ot th* trail t* nawt capa- 
bly dooe. TbIa allowa far aomo etorcr h ata* 
maaahln and aome well-aeleeted aecaeiT. Tte 
acting la very good and tte photography ««n op 
10 the (tandaid. 

_ yna. comedy. Mas. Fhh. IT. 
Fun length nel. 

Rcr* ia a lllm ttet la bonnd to te popntar ttt 
tte very reason tbat tte comedy la good and 
clever and of the right Idea. In Taaderllle a 
atetch of thla kind Is bonnd to prodnca icieami, 
and when projected from tbe machlBe will bare 
exactly tte aame etfect. It l» the atorr of a 
moat lamentable mlx-op, where a dog la anb- 
atltnlrd for a baby, and a teby tor a dog. Tbe 
atory la capahlr written and the complication* 
are of a alde anlttllnR Tarlety, Tbe pbotographj 
Is well np to tte Solax atandard. and the acting 
ably taken care of. 

THZ UORT BSrOMB. Drama. • Neator. Feb. 
IS. Foil length reel. 

The Light nejond preaenta a ilory of a teab- 
fiil yonng man. wte after years of aeparatlon 
from tbe girl whom b* loeca aad wte baa In tte 
Interim terome wldowid with a amall datlfhtar, 
again mreta his earlltr ehol«*. tbiaagh th* acci- 
dental agency tt h*r dan^ter. with tha laadk 
that faint heart la awaidad ■ hla prta*. al> 

lh<mgh Maleii. Th* acting oTlh* AlffhTaraM 
apeclal conalderatlon, for ate aceompllih** q^ta 
a part In a yery aatlafaetoiT aunntr, /Tte 
ptetography la well np to tte MeaMr ataadaid 
and th* aeltacja mpaM^ acceaa^jtad. Tte 



Thla I* a atory toll of dark apota la which a 
poljagmaa la aecwad tf^^tataatkMaUTahaotlaK *( 
h* pNflgaii^. hM d 

ooarrcl, tet really tbe aaMM(d.*hot at a anp- 
poaed bnrglar, wbo, bowafW, Hjlia tbe ballet, 
which penetrated tbe fellow odecr, wbo had 

ioat teppened to atep Into tbe way. Tbe atory 
B latereatlng, hot with all la qalte commonplace. 
Tte Idea ttet tte ratlona porta wei* mada to 
tt tte plot la nppannoat la ~ ~ 

. , MTBHTt" CO. . 

A SOUnS SUmraT. Oomedy. Lob In. Be- 
leaaad Fahi. 9, tnU length real. 
There are aome eecy fanny altnatioiia la thla 
Labia comedy, wMcb, a* the Utla ImpUea. la ccn- 
alncted on the elopcmeat of two eoanlea, tte 
women In the oaae telng mother and. dangbter. 
The chief comedy la extracted from tte eCTorta 
of mother and dangbter to keep ttelr plana a 
accret aad not pamlt tte other to canaa ob- 
atadta to te piacod In the way to their teppl- 
aaa*. It 1* aa aatertalalag aobject. well handled 
te tte acton eoaeemed In lu Interpretation. 
Tte photography come* np to tte eatabllabcd 
Lobtn mark. 

TOO XUCK KOZBSB-nMAW. Coaiady. Sellg. 
Beliaacd fhhk > FaU length naL 
Who*' tte aahJact-Bottar ot thia eomady i* 
not new by any meaaa, with tte eapabl* treat- 
ment gtren It by tte Sellg ntodaeciB, aa en- 
tertaining film baa been deTeloped. It la tte 
old, old atory ot motter-ln-law'a hooalam and 
tte aon-la-law'a erentoal eracnatlon of hla home. 
Tte hiuband la thla caae aeeks a tnrpcntlne 
camp aa the place of hla retreat, bot from which 
te la called later by a telegra^e meaaage, tbe 
eonteata ot which tte apectator la not per- 
mlttad to know, althoagb tioB tte aettona ot 

JnifflP* ^ *BK " ttA " g U*lir*lhf*l*'«g 
eltrant bntaad nah**, tSnriaf aimt aa onm- 
erote occaalona for (aat dilrlng, tat imma- 
diately la te dlacbarged whea the magnetic 
telegram la produced. At laat ha arrlrea teme 
—yea, he'a a prood daddy. It has wxae bally 
comedy aittutloaa. 

OOOTOK. Drama. Ediaon. Releaaed 
Feb. 7. Length i ,000 feet. 
Thoogh Us thrme la simplicity Itaelt. tbat 
aoperb treatmeDt which characterless alt £3illaon 

releaaca glrcs this drama — Tbe Ddctor— an ap- 
pealing Interest that la sustalolng througboat 
tte entire length . of tte Aim- The nim conreya 
tte atory ot a doctoi'a noble heart, aaeriflclac 
-wtet ia Boat tovhlm to aar* tte lU* *( a 
pleading fatbar'a. Child. Tte.'daelor. who la at 
th* ptanael* of •hla profaaaloB. Ilatena to tte 
enlreatlea ot tte deeps Iring tathnr, ttet h* come 
and aara bla diild. wImm* eaia haa bcfa giren 
np aa tepeleaa by tte attending phyalclan. Be 
tearkena to the call of duty, altboogh It la that 
Tery eTcnlug at a reception the anoomicoment 
of hla engagement la to te made. Ba tenda a 
note ttet he cannot attend tte reeeptlaa. Hla 
bride- to-te la otnug to tbe qnlck by bla saaming 
lack ot attention and Ms fallutc to glTO ax- 
plaaatloa lor hla ahaence. From a aemnt ahe 
learn* wham tte doctor haa gone and foilawa 
him to tte home ot tte poor man- U la then 
ttet ate racegaiaea tte nobiUty of har flaac*. 
n* doctor, with ooaaaBBat* aklU. haa aond 
tte driMTa Uf*w Th* Wl*** itiapaM haadic 
ttelr p*na aapacbi] 

fnl pt«aentati*a.^imp!.w HBSi«nnnm 
fleleat to aay that K " H Bp to tte 


TWO ▼ALEVTZnS. Comedy. Edison. Re- 
leaaed Feb. 8. Length 1.000 feet. 
Thcr\- Ik only ooe drawback to this Aim. tbongb 
It in a allKht one. Tbe story, wblcb la a mighty 
pretty ooe. la a little drawn oat — padded — lo 
use toe trsde parlance. It la one of tboae Hgbt 
comedy subjects wblcb tero t>een released with 
regularity by tte Bdtaoo Company. Two valen- 
tlBM eoBW piMiy chaa to aeparating two lorcta. 
tet a (artBnata iaddaat bcnga to light an ob- 
aemo coadltioo, aad all anda tepplly. CapabI* 
acttag and la* photOfraphF ara nrthtr OMata 
to tte tlB. 

nXOVOEST TSS, Orama. OaBBtat. Re- 
leased Feb. T. SpUl t**l. 
Oaamont prodnceca ter* ceow into tte daaa 
ot nmHae ncodnetloaa with thla raleaao, tte 
thamo of which haa been teed tteqaently. There 
Is lira* or nothlBt In tte lllm of otter than or 
dlnaiy merit. The photography and acting are 
matteia well taken care of. 

nOOBRS' XOVntO oat. comedy. Qatnnont. 
Releaaed Feb. T. Split reel. 
Thla aim la a' comedy plctnre of tbe alap-atlck 
Tarlety, and aa good aa the genet*] mn ot com- 
edle* of thla kind. Jigger* Is compelled to more 
on accoimt of nolay netghtera- Packing bla be- 
longloga In a cart, be atart* off. On a ateep 
grade, Jtggeta and hla aaslttanta lose control of 
the cart, and In Ita ntedpltoua dlgbt, many peo- 
ple and nnmerooa obataciea are knocked down. 
Jinan wade* Into tte *ea and doca tte Joiuh 
act, diaappcartng in a wliale. Fnm then qur- 
l*n Jincn I* aoon nmored aad l*tt OMtlng oa 

Tboogh tte atacF «r tu* tta I* *lapi* aMogb, 
It la ao well haa&d that ooa'a lotatcat laBld 
from *tart to dBUh. It t*tl* ot tte cOaitB oC aa 
older aMar to eorn*r tte aOMtiaaa of a xaaag 
man, wte lore* tte IltU* alster. Tte y a uag aa t 
girl lattima the affeetloa ot tte man. D n p lta 

th* •Sorts «( tte aMtar ilatar « iibbw ti«p 
tte Faoa. Bafa m ^ "H m |m 

the prUe heraelf, ber J 
attention la glren to i 
tte mor* enjoyable. 

Blograph. Releaaed Feb. 9. Length Wt 

Tte aame faolt with which many fall rrvl- 
OMncdl** arc beset— padding— arise* In tbIa Blu 
gnph mbject. which. If pruned a lltUe. would* 
afford more anaspler action. WItbal. Lbe Blo- 
graph nndnean tera gUea ua a Um that Is cn- 
tertalBlag. It taila of two anitcta. whaao tUtni' 
to win tte 1^1 ar* tnnay. Uf B a i a a. tte lahl' 
loTor wtna. Xte playan do t«f caad ' 

Ber* we ter* m atory eav i 
ot Bomeo and JoUet. Sta.,_ 

anupatby exiatiog tetw««a «B* 

girl and her dandsotlne loear. n gg r at a that thr 
scenario writer of thla photo-play r*c*lT*d Mr 
Inspiration from tte famooa SnakeopOTlaa tng- 
edy. On the whole the plctnro la good, aod ex- 
halea a strong atmoapber* of cblralry. Just 
whether or not tte prcaent form of aalat* used 
by tte world'a analea waa employed la 111* daia 
of eUraiu Is doahtfuL Tte pSbotsm - 
pletaN la ■■ad, aad ite aettlnga osa I 
with tte chancier of tte play. 

TBZUIA. Sellg. DroBa. rthmary a. MM 

Marie Corelira f amoiw . norol has been csre- 
(uUy followed In tbe production of thla pteto- 
play. Of course. It la Impoaslbla to abridge a 
DOT«l of this lenEth In 1,000 feet of Aim. hot 
tte most striking scenes tere bees carefully 
worked Into tbe phoio play. Of particular In- 
toest Is tte last scene, allowing tte talflre oa 
whM tto last of tte VIklnga Joomeya lo Val 
aula., no** who haro road the book win nDd> 
this plelar* rwy iat*r*atlw, *ad any itet auy 
tet tee* ted that plassai* irlU get s Md-Sw 
ot tte myatarloM stoty by s**las ttto SBBiST^ 

IZOAUT DEAD. Patte. Draa 

1.000 feet. 

A more perfectly aet plctnre and a BMrr faal- 
tstlc acted pboto-play has not come ander oor* 
notice for aome time. A scene in which qtiarry- 
men are bjastlDC rock aad In which tbe hero of* 
tte atory la aupposedly killed, la tbe most 
tttHl iat aad ■ttr*ctlTe cccae we bare wltneaieO-- 
B • Uag UaM. Tte greateai attention to de- 
tM|B haa b**^ *h**rT«dr and aU ot tte anani ' 
B_a,Batnralaaaa whiefe nla***.,*^'' 
crldclia. -am at*ty fiwBi 

tan* haa been *****««< 
**UtoM MalBlB a Botii 
p kf B',d|>i» crltldam 
a*ir a* lb a* motion 

IB* ar* *oac*fa*d. 

te lotte, ailhoagh< 

A FWBff.Bua aanlaa a girl te lot^ allhoa«h< 
tte m I* oppMod to tte anion, telng in toe* ' 
«rlth another. Tte hosband, whU* *t work. I* - 
(m*b*d teneath a moiutala of rack, tet ia a~ 
satracwioKia manner escapee through a car*. Ba* 
laacB Ida memory, and teTicg been foond hF a- 
yoong girl and har fatter, la Ukea to their home 
and mused teek to health and atrangth. Later ' 
te mantea tte girl. While playing a aelectloo ■ 
Ma flnt wU* caoildcr*d h*r tarorit*. hi* mem- 
ory mtama. and te raallaaa hla tsrrlbls coodl- 
tioB. Bstonlag to Ms isnmr hsm*. hi ~ ' ~ 
wife married to her foraaer *WB*th**(l 

retunis to his second wife, as ha la 

legally dead, terlng been ahaaat a(**a F**n.- 
The story I* rery •ImUar to tte t h tetilt al pro- 
duction. Tto BIsht a< Way. ' 

emotional tgUm ii SMB' !■ " 
tte wholoTSi oSt'lfe* 

TBE MiaarNo BaiD£. Poifeai' 

mary 10. 800 feet. 
There la an Ineffable teauty In Ibia plctnre ■ 
that la teyond written dMcrlplIoo. Tbe colored ■ 
Tlews of old and mined caatle* lend to the 
•ecnes ttet atr at grandcnr which miut te seen - 
to te appreciated. Tte acting Is teyond all 
criticism, aad trhlla Ite atory la not exceedingly 
It is eery pretty sod anOclenlly la 

of soMlers , 


1,000 feet. 

VEnar or the rHTT.Tdir thoovs, Paihe. 

EdncatlonaL 180 feet. 
This picture stews merely a nnmbor of aceae» 
la wbIA a 

Kaleu. Fehnaiy Ml 

This plctnr* wo* taken la the same toccMty ' 
where Uw KalcB Csmpany haa teen pradoelna ' 
Its Indian ptctmco. Tte atacx. whil* not la any 
sense new. has •noBgh strcagth to tetd lb* in- 
terest ot tte spectator ontU tte end. Deplctlne ' 
ocenea of pioneer life tu America, tbe film telN 
a atory of an Indian massacre and tbe subsMiuent 
iDcMrnces In tte lire* of two boys who esrapi' 
tte cruelty of tbe Indlsns. On tbe wtele. tbl> 

fictare Is very moch better tbat tte recent 
adloaoietBic* m*d* by tte K*I*b Compauy 
and «al.d " — —.^^^ 

wte ha«B f 

KI8 ran OdmnnOS. Dram*. Kdlson 
FCbraarr 10. l.OOO fMt. 
It Is an ' old stags trtck to Introduce Into a 
production altuatloos and acrues tbat will appeal' 
to tte patriotism of the audience. Sacb an In- 
trndactioo la mada lo thla Rdiaoo drama. 0» 
anhjcct for patrlotle appsaral h ilB K ^d" 
LlBCOla. sun. tbU doca oat mmt 
ralM ot Ite aim U dlml B l*h*d8«jNaT---- 
this Edlsaa snUset anst_tratMI^ b*^clai|sM a*; 

>■* chamdcrMI 
to an kBBBiMT. la 

Tto atary. wMch to of 


Tl1ckj^..m All b o 



nSUHU WEEKLY, and entered u SaoondHUus 

JbB.:lbtter at Post-offlce. CladaMti, Ou 
AMtiii -ifi commonlcatloim for tbe •dHnrld or 

' ' Inulness department to 

.416 Elm Street, Cincinnati, O^ U. S. A. 

_ Dlatanca Telepbone, Main 27A8. 
<kUa addiCM (Bfxtotered) •■BIUTbOT." 


BoIUtas.. 14«> Bmdinv. 

iebinrr Bandlne. 103-109 Baodolph St. 
Telephone Central 5034. 

Boom 803 Mluourl Tniat BaUdlng. 

Wcttbaok BandlDK. 830 Market St.. Jimetlon 
Ibritit. Elite aad SlodElM Bti.. Mte 121. 


m napla Cbamben, E. OL- - ■ 


121 Km Moatmartre. 
Telephone 222 — 61. 

AWESnsntQ SATES.— TweBtgr cent* par 
Ubs. scita meaaaramast. Whole pun. nUt 
half pace, flO; 4«aztn MC*. fX. 

Vo mttn- 

, anXBOAas 'la tm nU tm all tMiM 

traawaataada thzonglisat tha OBilad ttBtoa 
[ Cbaada, whlek an aappUad- hr th* Aantan 

K^^3v staai/iwilfjr. tUa 

Bemittancea ahould he made hy poitH>Sea or 
axpnu money order, or reiriatered letter ad- 
ttT«u«d or made pajmbln to The BiUboazd Pnb- 
Uiliinc Ooaapan^. 
The aditoi oumot undertake to ratnm nnto> 
' ti oocraapoBdaata abanU kaap 


Mew Tork, Feb. 11 (Special to The Bill- 
board). — Geo. U. Cotaan'a Theatre at 43rd atrcct 
and Broadway, will throw open Its doora to 
tba pnbUe for tha Orat tlma oa tbe aCir i aoun 
ot Monday, Feb. 13, with a apedal Llncoln'a 
Birthday matinee of Geo. M. Colun'v comedy. 
Oet-RIch-4}aIck WaUlosfoM. which wlU Iw 
moTrrt from ttip Gaiety Theatre to the nnw 
plajhouiH- la onler that Oohan'a Theatre may 
he opened by a Cohan piece. Oeorie KaUter, 
et 13 West 3Iet atreat. dealnad.Oobaa'a Thaa- 
tn, which wu bnUt onder Ida panoaal aapra- 
ftilaii by tbe 0. L. Qttj Qnaboctloa <»in- 
pavy In aeeordaBce with the moat nuidam tech- 
mgoa tu cooatnetlns and eqolpplnff an amoae- 
aant plant ceablnlns the maxtmam ot vom- 
. (Ht, emdencr and beanty with abaolnte ■•afctr- 
Vha Are dapartaaant has prooonnced Geo. M. 
"I'a Thaatra the aafeat la Amerlea. Tbe 

ig capadty la aUfliajr orat one ta o paa n o. 

na aslis ata ae aninaMr' "~* " " 
m M 

The main entrance on Broadway Is jtist across 
the sidewalk from the aubwaj exlta and en- 
trances and In bid weather one can step dl- 
tteOr from tbe sahwar to lha Uiaalia withoot 
— ■ — Into the open. A nard. ftatoie of the 
ansa la a dacaaatlTe ith saia wUtk laclndea 

d Mcaea ahowlac tta lUa and a nM a w i a . 

•e vOae. u. Oohan aad hia «nd^ SMklas 
jHRl palntlnca ot tta Wcm Oohaia fai wtena 
atagas ot thefr career attract Immediate atten- 
tion la the lobby and la tha ahdltorfom lara* 
en palatines, brmiaatly nimnlnalcd draw tbe 
era to tha broad Men above tbe boxes and 
proacentnm. The snhjects chosen for these plc- 
iuita axe: Give Mr R cgar da to Broadway, a larse panel directly tbora the stage 
aad whldi ahowa UtUe . Johnny Joaea watddnz 
a hMneward-bonnd' ateamer leart^ Saothami»- 
tao: Tbe Taakca Mac* at Bocklnicfaam Palaea: 
~ ------ I 'Xoa'M a Otaad 


_^ in a typical acene 

ftam that nmateid coinMr. The color scbeme 
eC' tbe theatre la. In btfet. T^rrlan.pnrple and 
tfk^iii^x allTer. Marble la freely nsad and tbe 
. fnmlaUngs are ot the richest nutetlala ttaMWh- 
. tmt. Mr. Cohan haa made his dream of the 

is^oiiro^uinAjOF- GEO. M. 


ne aztsrlor oC .'tlMi theatie ta' eanled ont In 
term eottn. Iron and hcooie.. In .modem Tran- 
sitional Benalasanee -:wlth elahomte TestHmlea 
and mnqneaa tont In a part of the mala fa- 
cade, ne exterior Is treated In ' llnlsh. 
cream wbMc terra cotta. witb a Tety low Ba- 
Ished slaae ciTlns a soft lostre llke:.n' aeml- 
poIlded:aaiU«i bnt bdnf pemiaaat^lni^iimr 
and cleaiaid..bT^<he ;weather.--'r" -:;.-;:;V!;i-;.-::-:;-i, 

The eBtlia^hi0aiac^ other than t^aAvibrw 

- - — Tla.'tfythia^nMMlrifSt^j 

The mala lobby on Broadwiiy Is carried oat 
Is the aame style as the exterior ot tbe bnlld- 
loe, in Transitional Benalasanee, with a vanlt- 
ed celllas, richly deatgned and itaitBlMd In metal 
cirects. ' with a hish dado of Benoa marble. 
The tnterrenlnc frleae of moral palntiass glrca 
the history of the Foor Cohans. 

The lobhy la enrlekcd with doors aad hoz- 
oflice front of bcoaae ' and plate glasa. and tha 
ceilln; wtikr tma iwilriaecat- ebanMlH«;v 
Ished in metal aflBet -ID match tbe other metal 

Between this lobhr and the theatre proper 
Is an entresol; tbe treatment ot which Is a 
gardt'n effect In Vert Uanrtn marble aad caea 

The theatre Itrelt Is treated In a Transi- 
tional Renaissance running to the early Spanish 
Benalasaaee. srtik baatr baaaiad . aad agnafa 
paneled eelUac '«ltl|-' lia iatlNr-.-almrta .> aad 

■ t e w tnciodiBg.^ t btv«ml at;;i ■ ■■tt liijl^ 

YccC Vttnriiip s. bssBtttkil ftiffc 'jiwff. 

The theatre bnlldta«-prepar.-lB>eK.4M:S8tMat. 
OB a plot of Kniand'' US -dhi 

feet, B Inches deep*: ThO^thOBl , 

Office are la the FltajBald'.i BnlldhK t ai tUTWt a g 

te Bcoadway. ■ , .^j^i^t^ji — - 


The braad aadltorltun la planned with the 
Special oblsct ni' Tieir of brinatnc erery seat as 
close as DOsalUle to tho stage, and the llnea 
ot sight bare been kept clear so that sn ex- 
ceUeo t command ot tha .entire stage. Is had 
from every seat. 

Tbe color scheme of the Interior Is In T^lan 
porple with old Sheffleld sllrer effects. The 
side walls haye a Benon marble base with' tbe 
walla bnng with tapeiitry la the Tyrlan pur- 
ple, brokea with an old Ivory, all over pattern. 

Tbe ■ draperies are In Tj-rlon pnrple, plain 
relonr with Sheffleld silver trimmings. The 
MM ^ eB^ia^^pai^^a^Vlll| ^^ .y ^ m. 

drama, ■■ " "' 

The auditorium Is lighted by' a Tu ags t e a In- 
stallation with specially deaigned flxtams In 
keeping with the ' decoratlva aebeau of tba 
hoose and Is the lataat . lUlIK la .op^ti^data 

llRbtinK that ba-i eTeC.|MB^.tamBad tB'^'lEai^ 

tre. Tbia apiiiips not anty to tba a i iMli i i t iBa - 
bat to the stage. 

Tbe SDdltoHum Is mppUed with an ahnnd- 
ance of tempered frevh atr. which la carefully 
dfatrlbnted tbronpbout the entire honve in ^e 
nsoal manner of the best mcdam piactto*.. ' .A 
tefrlgeratlng plant will cool tha' ataga aid aV 
dltorlom In anmmer. 

- The stage, which Is a marvel dt awabaaiaal 
tagaanllr. It tba beat eqnlppad In thte 'convtir. 
TlMte hi an mnsoallr large Instatlatloa of draa- 
alag rooms aiilBciaat to accommodate 100 people 
aad aa comfortable aa a hotel. 

Xlie bnlldbig .-la ttaoroeghlr llreproot with 
eaurla aa all aldta except on 4Sra atiaet, wblcb 

8prbiglWld. 'W^ artSjiiwial 4e .Tba BlU- 
board),— Tba MM fHver . and UtamI , Taller 
Fair Ohenlt bcU Ito anneal aieellBg In.Soflng- 
Beld, last week. ' stewards from twenty-one 
conn tics In the state attending. OScers were 
choaen and dstea fixed for fairs tbta year. 

Seeretaiy W. H. Knlgbt, of tha American 
Trotting Assa<;lstton, was preaent and de- 
livered an Interesting talk. Interpreting the rsc- 
log rales. He anncested that tha fair board 
"play to tbe grand atanda" to Interest the 
people In the raclns events. Be asid this 
co ald bo done by providing the. driven wlih a 
■bowy uUlfortn. 

. no matter of oflvrlng tndncemento to horse 
omtm to attend tbe eonoty fair was dlacDSaod 
- ■- daddad br 

are . - ^ ... -. - .... ^ 

Chlrago, Feb. U iBpaatal to Xka BIIIbaai«)«— 
In talklog of tba eoatag' part •aiaoo, D, 1. 
Mnlvey. of the Amosament OsBstroetlon Com- 
pany, speaka very enthnslaatlcally aa tollows: 

"An bidleatlons point to one of tba most pros- 
peroos seasons In tbe blstoty ot amescment i«- 
aorta and parln. At tbe pr e s ent time we hav* 
mora advance orders for eqnlpment then we 
have ever bandied In an entire sesoon since oai 
organisation ' la 1880. The largrst of the new 
parka ar« bclog bnllt la the Went. tboiiKta tbe 
Eastern Statea are eajorlng a large shsre ol 
them. Ohieam Hckii'viilnNt HMaUog, are 
adding newrf8H»Sg-t» Sg F waSn S& list 
every dsy." ' ' ; ; 

Mr. Mnlvey's eompaay placed all of tba tides' 
In tbe beantlfnl Lakeside Park of Denver, while 
White City of Indlsnapolla la another of tbe 
firm's masterpieces In beantr of eoostraetlon. 
The compsny has conatmcted twenty-live com- 
plete parks In the past ten years. Other mem- 
beta of. the tem ara.W. H. Labb. prsrtdaat. and 

uniKca xo aixnn ue com 
at aooM lewrth and It « 
motloa (beta aiFbaaid I 
mento It maF'.da ae bF' p 


tynchtonrg. Va.. Feb. l.T (Special to The BIII- 
board). — Beoresentatlvea from Qalax. Tazewell, 
Radford. Boaaoke. MarttnsTnie. Blcbmoad, 
Lynehlnirg. Pet e rsb u r g . Danvnie. SnffOlk, 
Fartavme aad Emporia, here last week, 
fonaad tbe Tlraiola Fair Clrralt. The race 
Biaata , an ot wblrta a«B to he held vritb sgrl- 

eiiltiiral fkin. will besia Sept. A at Oalag, aad 
eloaa Noramli er « atEm peda. _ • ^ . ■ / 
^%e oflccvss g. B. FattsvaoB. of Fetvnriiiii g, 

prcafdent; F. A. I<oveloek. ot L>Tnch1inrg vice- 
president, and 1. P. FIlppo, of Roanoke, aec- 
retary- treasurer. 

Oalax. Tasewell. Boanoke. Rf-dford aad 
I-yDchbarg hare been ronneptpd with the 'Vlr- 
(dnla-CaroItna-Georgla Clrnilt for several Tpara, 
bat drew ont to become IdentlDod with Ib'e new 

GRAfip yilV8Te.RH. CI|tCU|'l(: MBEr- 

Kansas City. Mo.. Feb. 7 (Soeclal to Tbe Blll- 
board): — Saexetarlea of the fair* of tbe Grand 
Western Circait met here to renlate tbe con- 
dnet and: arrange datea of fairs. 

-Fvr^^^ctaaagea vrere ' tnade , and only one ot 
nato/vas-tbs mattscet poiaas in tlM pare ann 

^^^^^M^'-£i^-^:<biiaaiii-' Ona 
iOaMOBr ^ s .lWp ias ld a at of Orand' Waatem Clr- 
«eItvia8r^>Fear,T:j(eaUcBt; W. H. Jotaaon, of 
tama seeretsir a(^Uda- 

.vaanKWi-vnur.: norvxanonix; vTHlsfd Bmim, 

aaculsij. of^tbe-Haward Oomrty Fair AaaMla- 
^tea' tlyajlta etiittteat^ and toaaa- 

OHIO oineuit ' OATm. 

Wapakoneta, O., Feb. 10 (Special to The Bill- 
board). — At the meeting of tbe twenty-one 
members of the Mad Rlrer and Miami Valley 
Fair Circuit Ihe following dates wore arranged 
for holdtaj; their respective fairs: Xenla. Aiij:. 
8, e, 10 and 11: Carthage. Aug. 14. in, 10. 17 
and IS; SprlngOeld. Aug. 15, lO, IT and IS: 
Balltfeataiae^ Aog. a. 10, 17 and 18: I/indon, 
Ang, 2S. SS, 34 aad 2S; Urbaaa. Aug. 22, 23. 
St and 38: Waablngtoa C H.. Aug. 32. 33. 24 
and 35; dtanarUla. Ang. 33. S3. 31 aad 23; 
Wapakoneta. Ang, .,9, 30, SI aad Sept. I: Ohio 
i^tale Fair. Ang. 28. SO. 30 and 31 and Sept. 1: 
Kewport, Aug. 28, 20. 30, 31 and Sept. 1; Day- 
ton. Sept. B, 0. 7 and 8; Marysvlllc, Sept. S, 6, 
7 and 8; Blanchpater. Sept. S. 0, T and 8; Con- 
nemvUle. Sept. 0. 7. 8 and 9; Lebanon. Sept. 
II, 12. 13 and 14; Kenton, Sept. 0, G. 7 anil 
8: Trv. Sept. 18, IS. SO, 81 and 32: Baton 

5 aad ai chwend. Oat 8.-<i. B a ad »■ 

New York, Feb. 10 (Special to The nillboard). 
— Werba a 'id Iiiexpher have closed a contract 
with Fred C. Whitney for an Immediate pro- 
dnctlon In Great' Britain of The Spring Maid, 
tbe Belnbardt operetta In which Christie Mac- 
Donald baa made soch a brilllsnt success as a 
star at the Liberty Theatre. Mr. Whitney has 
sailed ■ to arrange for Its Inaognral perform- 
aare in Loodon. 

Aa tba Anstrallsn rights were dlsiMSed of 
laat Werba aad.TBliiibir, Jfte aprlug 
Maid' wm be beard l^^^iitp 1 .!> Ckm iSpert- 
aot ^ - 


to The 

BarllesvIIIe. Okls. M U Otoccial 

Billboard;.— Tbe indepaadaet Alidoma Man- 
axe rg of Northern Oklahoma. Soatham Kansas 
and Arkansas at a recent nteetlng, elected 
lobn F. "Dad" Fllna, of thla city, secretarr 
e( tba clrealt, Mr, Film will arrange (or 
w m a wy attraetloaa at tlia atadomea la the elr- 
cnlt taldBdInt Panona. OoBVrllla, Kowat^, 
Pawboaka. Ft. Smith aad Barfleavflle. Dram- 
atic and mnslcal companies will he booked, 


Albaqnerqae, N. M.. Feb. u (Special to The 
BtUhoard),— Oo-opeiatlng with the Sonthvreat 
Baee rarenit Aaaaeiatiaa,_tbe race program at 
the Kew Mexico. ftate>alr. to ba bold beta 
Oct. 0-14, la expeetod to be aa Ideal ana. f 
aewly-formed circuit Inelndaa' - -■ — 
Coniaa. Lamar, Grand JnnctlW, _^ 
and Alhnqnerooe, N. M. Joha- >. Tftlliimie ~V 
secretary ot tha eircnit. ■ .. '■ 

A meetlag of tba legtf, ibip gawilbllaa. »a« 
also bold .and tba ptaw .ftF tbla :Fail<»- fair 


Spokane, Wash., Feb. II (Special to The 
BlUbosid).— Tba Waahlogton SUto Fair, lo 

eatad at Marth TafcimaT^win — ■ 

tm Ihr an ^i^tpmprlatloa of 

axBxa rsir, lo- 


DATHAN FAerfOliy^flliiOyAL 


/' CPMvtltla ipage.). . 

A nam vaatoni la 'tbe aMMng flald 
haa laat haea attempted by Carl Laeramle. ot 
tbe Imp Maanfaettwtag Oempaay. win, at con- 
siderable expense sad na little pains, bss ane- 

ceeded In procnrlng s nnmber of films throughout 
the Cobaa territory. For tbia purpose, bla en- 
tire company of profeealonel people were sent 
direct to the locality, and a moBl favorable group 
ot Incidents and sltnatlons aecnred for the mo- 
tion ^camera. 

The ilrat of these novelties the enterprising 
progenitor has entitled PIctnrelanil. This Imp 
rdaaae of Febnisry 20 Is the first picture made 
by tiiat company In Cuba. It la taveated with a 
wealth ot tropical setdan, and la a work o( sn 
from a aeaale aad dramaUe atandpaiat 

Tba atoty ot Pletnteland epana with tbe ar- 
rival of tin Imp Stock Co, 

very nnlqne lanoTatlon, aSordiag pletnro patrona 
an opportnnlty of seelag la raalltr tbe people 
who have made the Imp nlma famoaa, accurately 
peraonlfled. In traTeirog coatome. The char- 
actera In the sUcnt drama are welcomed hy tbe 
Coban hoolface, oellghted vflth tbeir nrraand- 
lags. la tba next atene they aslly forth to pn>- 

dnca tho fltat pletaxaL The prodaear baa wtaely 

chosen a Cnban romance for tbe sitnatloa. Baatta, 
a beaatltnl Cnban maiden, la baloeid hr 'Pablo, 
a yonag conrtler of her own atotlaa.'= imiRlta la 
qnlte romaotle and aometlmea ttiaa 'et-tbo at- 
tentlona ot her plain lover, Wallace Crawfoid.' 
an American tonrlst. Is led her wsy In search of 
sdveatare. and meets tbe comely Cnbsa gtrl. 
She brings htm water to drink, and he gases 
Into her eyes. Crawford, not flndtng tbe onpor- 
tnnlty propitious for clandestine love-msklng. 
learea the girl. That evening, however. Pablo 
meeta Boslta, and with bis guitar, sings her a 
love song, I'll Cbsnge the Thorns to Rosea. 
Bested beside him she la lulled to sleep by the 
doleet tones o( bia laatmment, flba dreams she 
meeto Mm and be.adoraa bar irltb rare Jewels, 
and «be leraa blm, Ha-.pwpaaea marrlaga, aad 
abe takea bim at bis mnd. whereat ba becomes 
pntocxed. She leada to the ehnreh and calla 
forth the venerable prteet. Tba Ameileaa trifler 
hecomee alarmed. In tbo aiaantlme. Pablo baa 
discovered tbe condltloa of . alfalfa, and aim. 
moning the father and mother ot the girl, tliey 
repair to tbe steps of the cathedral. When tba 
priest qneitlona Crawford aa to hIa latentlaBa, he 
declines to marry the girl. Then It la that 
Pablo and the relativca apiwar oa tbe aeea^ and 
tba.glil azblblta her abame and dlsappolntmeat, 
Crawford la attacked by the lover and his tela- 
tlvsa. and bet '>Cor the TatcrTeatlon of the ptiaat 
vnmld hava.:aenBrad barm.' J>aing the slterca*' 
tloa, Roalta atraktM Cmm fear .dream; Pablo li 
aaatcd bcalds bar' wllb ':bla .iiillar, Tba girl la 
contrite and inalsta noaavaa Imaaadlato anrrlage 
with ber lover. Psblo. 'Ibe eaccaMBF la pe^ 
fomad la tbe presence^ -kar lama witaaiaaa, 
aad fbe, drama: c l oM».>8^e^aetew;er-' " 

returning to the hostelry, where Ibey don street 
clothing snd leave In their motor ear, Ibe pic- 
ture cloaca with a baaatlfnl trapleal aeeaa. 

In tba title page cat aia. aeaa tbe eaHie 
dramatic parso a nd ot tba Imp EtoCk Oompaay 
which have taken part In thla onlqoa prodnctloa. 


The Oldllelds, sfter a aoccesaful engagement 
In Uonolulu, have gone to Bhangbsl, Obliu, for 
tha American Ctnematogranb Vandcvllle . 0>m- 
paay. Th^r .are tiwjirat ^Ameileaa act booked 
and aaat to tbe Ikr Eaat:^ rCB'>tO-,tUa tlma Ana- 
trallan acta hare baen ' eaad ,'ekdaalTalr. but 
aa the suilleaces are compoasd principally ot 
AmerlcaDfl. a change to American varletlim la 
demandeil. • 

Funny Prank Foatcr, the black-face com- 
edian, accompanied tbe Oldilelds, and la with 
them In Sbangbal. . 

Tbe Wilson Slstera and (Jountesa DePonrlna 
are booked to arrive on the jMixt stesmer. 
They sre billed for a long cngsgement. 

According to Mr. Oldfleld thero will be a 
nnmber of houses througboat the Orient tislag 
vaudeville In the near tutare. Tliere are now 
three bouses In Jspan using nstlve acts, aad 
these hoosas vroBid play auent acta U ttwy 
coald ba aeeoied. 

Mr. OldfleU idao 

coDid he boUt op 

vaadevtUa agent .could gat . all 

getber and agree to take 'aeta.'( -It: eoald be 
arranged ao that acta open Ia,''HoaaIalB and 
then Jump Into Japan, opening Mtaln either at 
Yokohama or Toklo. then play Kobe and' Na- 
gasaki after which they could "proeead eit to 
ShangbaL From therv they coald go to Pekla. 
Hong KoKng. and other Islaoda Boath. 

Tha coat of living snd salarlaa la 
Cblaa ate about the aame aa la; tbe 


buy -JlM bon 

— ^ 


.IIOROAN-WEIBZ.— Frank Webs and Mlaa 
Eva P. Morgan. Iioth membera of tbe New Bra 
Ilaailag Palace Theatre, vrere married In Et- 
aaavllle, lad,, Febroatr 1. The wedding ear- 
eaMBF waa fallowad by a teeaptloa. after which 
the esople left tor a few daya'Twslt .with tha 
brlde'a panata la Leavaowactb. lad, A taw 
wceka' waddlag trip tbtongb tba Wcat wilt tal. 
low snd naea their latan Mr. snd Mra, Welm 
wUf aske {hair home ia Web Cttr. Kanaaa. Mr. 
Weira waa for toer aaMaoi bandmattar wllk 
floating theatrc^^ad IbaT^alta was foe Ibe 

at tba Maw-: 

WeIra waa for Umf 
floating thef' — — 
same period 

BIOMET-BDCK,— Cbaa A. BItBtf'. bU 
waa nalted In wedlock te XfiTSteallinDi 

on TanosiT 24. Tbe hrldeematda were 
Martha Holly, Mra. Mary O'Orad 
Jessie Esterbrack. of the MonUn 
pany. Mr. Joaaah Otoaar, ,Mr. ~ 

sger, t-*-* = — ' ' '-' 


' ' ' ' ■ '■' DEATHS. f'"C^''^':'' 

BAKER.— Wlllism D. Bskar. I, _ 
broker, age SO. died aoddeoly hi ObtsagO, laB, 
22 of heart failure. Mr. Baker waa wall kaowB 
In tbe amnsemcnt world, not aloae la thla eooa- 

try hut In Euiopo as well. AaMur Mr. Bahar*a 
BonwToas trienda la tlie pi iifaaaliai aslght ho 

(tormerlr Baaeta Brotbeie), Was Grace 
ritt and tha Messra. TaaaaU aadlrem^ I 
time ago Wm. M.-Beaeb. wbe laiwoU-iaawm aa 
*'^..*<^!?''> P''omoter, etc., tonaad a. nailiiiiabli 
with Mr, Baker, to take charge of Ua tbaatre 
department Mr. Baker waa a firm baUovar to 
the Actors' Fond and contribated' to it (redy 
withoot letting it be known from what aooreo 
It cama, A dangbtai^Uce. Katbaria Baker- 
Sbeebaa and a alater, Mra. O, Knhns. of New 
xork, anrvlva him. Intermcat waa at Oraeo- 
land Cemetery at Chicago. Ian. 20. 

C0BTI8.— Owen B. Cnrtla, connected with tba 
Mande Henderaon attractions for threo years, 
died auddealy at Boaemaa, Moat.. Jannarr 
aged forty years. Death waa doe to typhold- 
PDCDDoalt. Ha letTca g wife. profeaalonalUr 
known aa Mauds Norton, Battag Ua tbeatrieal 
SiS^l..'''*?'".. bSanaaa, maaacar at OaB 
Rerhcrf a stock booae at. CaadaaTN. Pltlf 
borg and PbUadelphia. alao advaaee leptooenta. 

t'v* f or Howard',and Chaa. B. .Wats. Be 
Sl!l 'ii'm^.'^.J' snceoaatol saaaoa ot twenty 
flS.wT?!*!. ^^l* Otto Ktaaaa'a Wood Sltteti 
Stock,- tonrlag the Southern Statea, leaving tha 
eoBpany aa Bnatoa. Lai, and isjolalag tba 
Hradersoa Oompsnv at Red Lodge. Moat. Ths 
pbyalclaaB dalin tb* anddea change of cHmato 
'S. '**F<^''>J2 dasllu HU body was 

shipped to Wsablagton, D. O., snd interred la 
the family burial groond there. 

MNNEDY.— John Keaaedy. late boas hoatirr 
S'^9*i* J"!*"^ "x^- Inbarcnloals, at 

Schlsdeckcr's Hotel, In Bsrhor Creek, Pa., on 
February 3, 1911. Mr. Kennedy haa been la 
poor health for two years. HIa remains were 
aeeompaaled to bla horns at East Liverpool. O., 
•T Capt, Smith and Bmll SchladeckerT^ 

DaLATNB.— Alber^ DeLame, tba eon of tho 
wan-known talker. Dee jr. DoLayna, died sod- 
f*^ the born* of bin parcsta la Fraaktoa. 
£»t«^">L». aged 14 Teara, His fsther hsa 
M. :<ke-;.&Mt of the BadiSkla Ben Sbowa for 
tbg r:>ai».tw e seasons,' ' ■ 

Vmqam^-^mn yr. Jitikm, a vetomn show 
mra. dlad at tog*.!" Albaay.H. T.. Friday, 
Fsbinary 8. ThMF*tbtae MaM age ba waa 
tor'a Vheatie, Albaagr, ' : • . .i' . •■- 

« SUUZLIT,— BlU'Baaallt died la Albany. Oie,. 
.JaaauT IS. of seariat. fever. She waa the wife 
g^Mjl^Bd I^snsdMts aad a member of the Beaa- 

:M>l*OiU>fc'T'Wmv W. Beyaolda, tor several 

■dnt,at. Briatol. Than,, tor Xba 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. ' . T ll « D 1 1 1 t> O a P €l 



DeCrdt RiniE Manager ^rraoging to HoiM V/ofid Cbanipioo- 
sUp Races— Sailors Hold Polo Match at MetfOpoUtan ' 
Rink-rOther News and Gossip 

RAOi* AT p antorr. 

Dctnlt. Ulcb., Vfb. II (Spectd ta Th« Bill- 
boudl.— Marnier Peter J. Bhtm li ffltklns ir- 
Tunnran to bold tua world's cbamploublp 
rMM (t tb* Warn* Ourdeaa BiDk ilwat Uw 
Blddl* o( Uareb. Ml tb« Btar ikalan «( the 
cenatry wUI appear la Datralt to dafaatf thair 
Mtton Tfea caataat wfll ba Cur Iba ooa and two- 
■n* chaBpimtalpa tiM trlan amooailBK to 
uga Oicar Naaaun, wbo bald tba wotld'a 
ckaaptaaahlp tar oaa mUa la UOT, wUeh till*- 
to won at Bt. Leala aad datmdad la «aa of 
tto (tcataat racaa an iceoid at OincliioatI 
■btn ha defcatad a Add o( nlnctaca akatara, 
•fll ba a pattMpant. • Neomaa was a eontaat- 
aat la tba cbanploaalilp racea at Octrolt la«t 
ftar, bot owlDf to tto fact tbit be waa not In 
lb* beat ot eottdltlon waa nnable to abow bla 
old form. 

Be le worklBC oat dally and (ettlna In coadl- 
tiaa Cor the PIttaburc meet, after which be will 
letora to Detroit to take part In the world'a 
(ftamploaablp taeea to ba held here. Anotbcr 
rooaiiler wbo wUI akoir cUaa and b« a 
bto factsr ta tha racea la Jataala Kfaha. a 
tocal lad. who fa baatlac an eoaaara ta Ohio 
aad Ukhlgaa. Other taat acs who aic amonit 
tto (Btrlea ate ttfm Caicy, rnak Baeoo. Wll- 
Ha BUckbora. BolUa BIrkhtaMt aad Oeo. La- 
PaiBk tba^iMaak chaantaa. Maaaaac ttaa 
^jig^aigi^hrjMj^Twj^Mr aC Ika .•MMr 

Pfsf. Harold Daoaell. of Philadelphia, known 
aa the baoiaa top. la plartof a week'a ensaae- 
amt at the Wayne Oardena Blak and mcetliic 
with great aneeees. belaa tba llrat akatar to 
amnaa the patrooa atnce Prof. T^ler aad Ulaa 
Barton (aTe an exhibition o( fancy akatlas on 
tto lltUe wbeela thdt draw a record-breaklnc 
altaodtMa. araaoa «t ISO*. 
. Prof. Doaaall breha lha world's rmed 

tto Tlak OB Wed n esday awtag. Veb. S, when 
to made ICl fsrolatlOM lK.>kto ipta, btaaklas 
Darldsoa'a record ot UOk >, 

•«t wrai all 

Doanell ia 
towns totore f0la| 

latanda lo pm' 

anr Ibatona. 


New Tork. Trb. 8 (SpcfUl to Tba BlUboatd). 
—With omr eifbt haodred and flfty nalfonied 
aallors rrom botb ahlpa present to witness ths 
eOBlrat, the crew ot tba Baltic defeated tba 
Loiltania by tto score of 4 to 2. to roller polo 
fame decided at the MetropollUn llallvr RIak. 
The teams played tba Kaallab cam*, which dlf- 
tert allghtly from the American rarltty of rallar 
polo, la that It adheres a little more doeely to 
■he hockey (ame as plaj-ed on Ice. The toal- 
taala Ore wsia ceapletely oatclaaaed, not only 
la idaaea aad akill. bat also la speed on Uw 
nlleaa. Captala Baaaom, B. N. B., of tha 
Ballte. aad Cantata Charles. R. N. B.. ot tha 
Lasttsnls, acted as honorary Jodam. The acara 
aad Itae-np folloars: 

alUc. Poaltloa. 

, Olrvar, Oapt Center. 

bT Otiilda Rack 

Jn{M ,.Laft 

Ward. Capt. 
R. Orecory 

■ ir 

' .'iii'''.Miin r. 


Write lor Oatalognaa and Pilaaa. 

■bsImI hntniBMirt WmIii 
ItorMi Tanawsnria. N. V. 

., ••"•'r~!"''''*'!3"S Brsaa. Waid. Car- 

il'"v. 9?.''*"' Jndfea— O. A. HObaea. of 
the Biltlc. aad J. B. BD(b«a, ot the laaUaaia. 
Referee— E. W. Jones ot tto Urerpoal Ataataw 
Hockey AasoeUtlon. 

Before the contest, a two-mOs rsce for sms- 
tears wis decided, with J. Tlmmey. ot Newsrk. 
scrstcb, the victor. In 0:20 2-5. P. asrk, thirty 
ysrdt. second, and R. Van Dnyne. third. 


0>lanitnis. O., Feb. 8 (Special to The Bill- 
board).— Rollle BIrkhlmer cangbt Charlei Wil- 
son sfter a mile snd U laps had been corered 
In the punolt mce at Smith's Roller Skatlna 
Risk. Two falls, one la the flfth lap snd one 
In ths alevaath, attar the mile, cut WUaoa's 
ctoaeea dowa. BIrkhtaier won a aide bet and 
pmao pnt np by tto rInk people. Tba time 
for the distance was S olontea and 20 seconds. 


Melle Msisasrita D'Omel. tbe prvtty Parlalan 
skater, wto baa enatad a asBaatloa la France 
with bar "I hw dM valaa aa Irols." baa Joined 
hendf with Oaainie Oa Vaodray. tto well- 

' akater wto taat year made aoeh a auc 

trip In tto SUta oC Pa a a ayl e a nla and 
, Mtia D'Oitet win «oiao to America lo 
company with Da Tandrey and tatrodnce tor 
skating noreltlca to tbe American akatefs. .Ber- 
cral cogsgeiBenta tore already been slgnsd to 
that effect In Maine and Massacbnaetla. 


RIchmaod. Ind.. Vcb. JO (Bpeclal to The BUI- 
board). — Fred Miller sksted tweaty-fonr bonra 
and eight minutes on rolleia at tto OoIlKina 
coding tto endurance teat with a iccord of Iff 
miles. Be waa a to a ii d aad alsea a aiaaay 
abower hy tto MM WbaB lMiM*i^. H 
eislas ite araiiri roMN Mr IHIULI aad ta- 

dnrance. , r 


New York, Feb. it (Spn-lal to The Blllboanl). 
—The twomlle Kantera profeaalooal roller 
akatlog champlooBhIp wan won Tburaitay nlgbt 
by I.. Maaoo, of Newark, after an excltuac 
race decided at tto Uetropniltan Boiler Btak. 
Tto Newark skater, with bla team mate, C. 
l4inMy.««Mk tto MM_at the start, .and. sat 

.J Bitdae- 

port. and Prank Brower cnw bakM aad the 
others tralltag In tto rear. JlMM btU M to 
Ills sdTsntsge altbonsb Barka aude a gaaie 
effort to take tto lead within three laps of tto 
finish ot' tto race, fooling, bowerer. In tto al- 
taoipt. aad tobif dlsqnalttcd. Mason ensasd 

inSk la KuSh. 


Wutii'^teaHti fir FIni-elNS Skatiif Itak 

St good sonuaer resort. Bnlldlnr preferred or 
will bolld. 8KATINO BINK. Charlotte. MIcb. 

Boogbc, sold, exchanged and 

* aov, 

Vsw York. 


«OBv iraSiao 

m Park Baw. 

: 1 rOB BAU : : 

WnrHtier MUltsry Band Organ No. 12S. with 
drums and cymtols: oaed one season. A tor- 
gain, a. I. WARS, Barry, nis. 


Saveral HundimlAlPalrw 


OWa slaa, eeaJ w Ial f ibB* pitea. ' 

Th« Siitellfffo Co.. Louiavlll*. Ky. 

FOR SAIX— 1.000 Vataa 

Wlnslow Flbies. Onarantaed _ 
tlon. Cheap. UKTROPOUTAX 
Broadway. New York City. 

FOR 8ALE-0ne OO-tt. R. T., three SO-ft. mid- 
dle plecra. marqoee entrance, all complete with 
nolea. slakes, falla. tackle, mata gays, cto.: 
flag tolyarda. 8 lengtto O-tler n e ai esd ssots. 
IS leagUis lO-ilrr blaco, stake fnliar, two bUl 
tmnka. Rntlre ootflt oaed Just one aeasoa and 
will to sold to aotck buyer for <5M cash. Also 
hsTo four gasoltas lights. 8 msatles to each 

M»U te Sirfict Mok ftDaici Fliin 

Ovwr toeo In uaa Miad* In «h 

Par Roller Bteto, Amnaemeat Oompaalea, Daaaa 
BsUs, Contractors ai>d Builders arerywton 
Machine eaally rented to (Jontraetors and BaOd 
era at a net piodt at not lean tbaa glO to CM 
a day. It la toit aaatly operated aa wtoa tto 
baadle ta lalaed It to tadtaed to more torwaal 
a( Ita owa aeeacd. Bollt «a tto oaly eartaet 
to tto Ban Buchlas 

dtaibla. Onaraateed to 
wtawbkh te pNdoM 

SB say kind ot wood door, old or aetr, tord or 
soft. Will snrfsc* rrom MOO to T.WSO a«. ft 
once orer In 8 toon. Twe te four tlaee eeet 
wlU make It amoeth and Ural. BaodfW «■! 
nai, lOI-m v. OaaU Stnot. Ohlaacab a. 
Ta« OBae. USl Vlat In 


UmaMi'A.iea tnt. 


BSth Te 


Automatic Musical Instruments 

Flato Flu*. 

for efoy purpoM. The woM^ 
SO different styles. UKluding 

nMOrekaatra. PImIb*. 


SkatlBi Risk Bamda. SS-^to ftmyM tU 
itiwadcMUltopyB— ^. VloUa n«ae. 

Wtulitaar waa tha p io n oa r in tha rigutila i 
day tha wotld'a laigait mannfaatuiar. Bianefcea in moat 
for Ug ti paga oatuoc pietiuiac tha antira Wiiriitaar liaa. 

W* Supply thm V.S. CetfarNiiMiit iftth tfaaleal Instrmtnmmtt. 


IT to Ul X. «tb)t nWTOBX (88 A 8T W. 
IM Watoafc)! ' 


Wa belioTe it. TlMBaaada af < 
know it. Oidar a Mmpla pair and 
b« aaanriaaad. IMIa fer frea eata- 



for other inakoa of akatoa. 

Prafissioiial Mr Skaters' Ass'n. 

In general. 

All the Stars of the Skating World 


Qenuan Oonwdlaa, Fancy and Speed az- 
pert rallcr skater. Presenting the moat 
swtertstahif noTslty comedy act befor* tto 
pahUe. Addfcaa BlUtoard. Clnctnnail. Ohio. 

' ■ .iBB'^HlJtRSBS 

with «Melal Bceoery. 


Tto Dare Dertl, fea tores ZT-ta. top cycle 
skatca, coast ot death, batiel Jumping, 
high snd broad Jumping, daadng on tbe 
rollera. Carry own atage Ooor. Playins 
rinka aikd TBpdeTllIe. Address, BrookrlUe. 
Indiana. ^r. 



In faer marraloas Fancy and Trick gkat- 
Inff KxMbltlon. conelmUnc eacti nlsbt with 
■ nte« ajcalDit any man In ttie Rink. Ad- 
drt-M 3»»i B. 66th atteet. Clereland. 0. 


Itrtng azpoBent of tto ait a( XIM 
Baanng astwilibing Stilt Skattag— HaaaMMK'. 
rANOT RKATIN(>BDRI.B8QnB pertsmar. 
Mdraaa, n Broad Street. N. T. aty. 


Ooold. oaa a BMd VaodeTlUe Act. I.a JUNTA 
BKAXINO BUIK. 8. B. Behyaer. Mgr.. La- 


The Billboard 

FEBRUARY 18^ 1911. 


Potpourri of News ItMtt Concerning PaiM* FaJniud Other 
Outdoor Amusement Enterprises Gleaned frbm 
; the Week's Correspondence 


Detroit. Mich., Fob. 11 (Spwial to The BUl- 
board). — Uivervlew Park Is prepario^ for tbe 
record seaMon of Its career. Tbe ceDBUB ffbows 
tbat Detroit leada tbe eltlea of tbe •conntry 
Id Ita growth at poiraUtlaa and Detroit taao 
■git'OM amiaameiit park aad tbat is BlTerrleir. 
TMa is a alcBlOcant tmet,- and It meana tbat 
boslneM at tbis nwit will . now »— Vr 
larser. Tbe auaagaaicat lealln IMfc' ' Bad 
la tbetefora dlllscntly panalac Its ' dcdand 
palter ot conslsteatly ImpcovliK tte lioimdii 
■ddlDK to the attractions and stvtiic tfa* naoniB 
new and better delights and acasaflma. Cam- 
mandiiiff as the park does a mamlflrent and 
unobBtmctcd Tiew of the Detroit River and Pell-- 
Iiilc, the director) have seen the ureat value 
ot a bigh pier on the Terr edee of the bunk 
So thejr have built a pier 2sn feet Inni' 
and tblrty-tnro feet wide which will be UberiillT 
(applied with benches and be beautKollr llKht- 
ed dectrlcltr at nicht. 

UUfonI Stem, tbe manacer •( .th» paife. 
tunks tbat a ladlefons ose of bands and Tan 
derllle. alternating one an'otbcr. will atTord the 
best attraction for tbe Casloo. New ridlne di-- 
rlces are beine ioatallcd. oartlcnlarly the Frolic 
wh'ch Is belip bollt by the Circle Swing Ope- 
rating Company, of New York, and a Third 
Degree. For- ootaldc free attractions there will 
be, besides the regglatlott acts, aeroplane ex* 


Portland. Ore.. 

FelK U (Special tu Tbe Bllt- 

k>. condnctcd by the United 

AMMBiBt Compani' la destined to become one 
of tM Boit ■ttraeriw amoiement parks on th>- 
PacUe nope. Cater ths 

tie Is also putting In a lurRi- nntatorlnm and a 
number of siuuller cooLt'sslons. 

Vanderllle and musical comedy attractions 
wlU baplarsd at tha. tbaatra. . Baada wm also 


Portland. Ore.. Feb. 11 (Special to The mil- 
board). — On account of tbe early opening of 
Council Crest Scenic Park (April 1). tlic man 
agement lias already begun work on the grounds 
and the Installation ot attractlona. The man 
asament Intends to construct a biirh oitserra- 
tory. eostini; aboni 430.000, and an ice skating 
rink costlnic fSS.OOO. The park Will b* ma thl< 
season on the "no ebarsc tor adit' " " 


loiement parks _ 
sup e r il sfen ot Prral- 

dant John P. Ootdrartho . tanirita xscra 
•pot on tbo htotorle Wtllanwtfe BiTar. Is now 
beInT tran4to-«M Mo 'a Tiri-il.l« Cab-;land. 
llondrvds of mechsnles. gAdenem ant artlxta 
have been enKaged t>r tba management In onler 
tbat the work ot demolishing old buildings 
structures, tbe etecUng .ot new oars -wlOil 
been completed by Sunday. May SS. wfeM M* 
been selected as tbe opening day. 

raihapa pne ot tbe Boat notable hnpiove^ 
BiatI ' which will enhance tbe natural bcan^ 
•f n p.Oaha wlU be the tran^aBtlag of 0^ 

Ot. iBuMM JNmlinlk''- ikC,; baintifnl -•■««»• 

waida. :■ - ■ f v. 

Amusaaaati ' MMii'aa and ■ attractions ot a 
hlgber StaMM thtk 'tktt'df former years will 
lie offered during the coming Drawn. Do- 

linrtinK from thn former ctiHtoni uf rliarglniP 
xttlmNHlon to band CfmrertM Klven In tbe loz- 
urlent Aortltoriom.. all- band concerts will be 

. . aC.hMiMtlopa. fuw Cdc 

.ffMK: nan HAQKR8TOWN. 

Sld.. Feb. II (Special to The 

|«rrThe lla^erstown Eleetrlc Park Co. 
Mi' ;hiM ' Incorporated here nnd tbe article* 
oe~taaocpaeat|oa twwaidcd to Anaapolls tor 
racard. Tbe lucwrporatoni are Cbatles W. 
W4lfMh*r|Cf. William J. Bragunler and Danl*' 
C. Gilbert. Tbe capital' stock of tbe company 
la $S.00O. Ttie company baa acquired a tract 
nf land in tbe aontbem suburbs ot the dtr 
tot a baseball saA uBManMnt path. SMOIoas 
aad at^v 'haUIMn flw^. MaHafiaMHaB''«lll te* 


Toronto. Ont.. Feb. 8 (Special to The mil- 
board). — Tbe referee's report, eompletiog the ll- 
qoldatloo of the Toronto Park Company, was la- 
saed last week. 

Xegotlatlons are on tor the purchase of the 
Toronto Park Company's property, incindlns 
Searhon Beach, by tbe Bearbiwo Bacurltlaa. Un- 
ited. Tbe rcqalslte aMjorl^ of tb» etalilton 
and bondboldsrs baw eaa s a ai id, aad tbe etben 
win be notlfled or.'Ow wMa^^i^itait^. Then 

tbe api>neation tsT • mBSiMmWlIm ret- 
eree's report will b* WBS W * bsMM lit. Itaatlee 


. One report hOR It that tbe nark w'ill be open 
this coming summer, an usual, for amu<<einent 
patposea, wbaterer may be done later, assnm 
imr th«t tbe proposed sale siiii Ilinijb, 

' F. H. Bletaardson M ptaslSaM aC OSltearboro 
■nuti tlaa. Umlted. ' 


MMBMaa. UMk. Feb. 11 ffnedal to Tb* 
BraiwaMI). — n. p. French has taken the miin- 
agement of T.ake illchlgan Park tor the sum- 
mer. Mr. French Is also manager of Warerly 
Park, at r.anslng. Mlcb. 

Tt la Btllt nn^'ecided wbat class of attractions 
will be presented at the local park tbealrr. 
1'his matter la in the bands of L. I. Montasue. 
who Is connected with tbe Empress Theatre. 
Cblenjco. Free attractions, banfla. eta^. will 1m> 
l>oeke<l. The park maoaEemeat Wtt cater 
stmngly to exenrslott bnalncas. : - ' 

At Mr. Fmch'a paik la f Jaahat. the aame 
paM» M ban baea ta mgae. the mat two years 
wiirV.IMlowBd. An- »a ti l p Maas •( Ibaatrleal 
" "laaa wffl he beaM la «ka theatre. 


WIeliita. Kan.. Feb. 11 (Special to The 

Bnibo*trfi). — J. T. Nnttle. mansjrer of Wonder- 
Ir.nd Piirk. I* bulldiic a Giant Thriller, one of 
the b'Eltest rides In the country. Tbere will be 

aaa aoaw piengr acaair ancliu.' Manager arac" 

The Boanokr RaUway and Eleclrle Ooni- 
pany. at which J. W. H anea el i la aaaani ■aB'. 
ager. wui agata ip . w ai s ll iM HT ataa at 

Boanoke. Ta., this annacr. The park theatre 

la run by the same company, nsing motion pic- 
tures anil rauderllle. This Beason ' a large 
amusement paTlllon. for wblch coocrwlons will 
be booked, will be erected. A small orchestra 
will be another attraction. 

Toledo Beach. located scTenteen miles from 
Toledo, O., WlU ojien Its fourth season early 
this summer. Tbe beach U located on tbe 
Iskes and has been styled "the Atliintlc City 
of tbe West." It la Operated In conjunction 
with the Toledo Rallnrays and Light Company 
by a ButMldlary conwratlon. the Toledo Beach 
Company. E. R. Kel»ey U manager of tbe 
publicity department. 

The piirk situation In I.Iinii. O.. for ilie com 
ing seoMiD U Ktlll iinM-llletl. a» llorer I'nrk. 
formerly owneil by tbe Standard Am. Co.. I» 
still tied np In the courts. However, it Is 
highly probable that It will be taken over nnd 

Manager J. Fmlisln. wbo will again hare 
chaise of Al Fresco Park. Peoria. 111., during 
tbe comlag aoauner aeaaon. has ncelrad word 
Mm Pteaeter - At ta t be iiy . of the Attsiberry 
Baa^ that' all ot hie performem hare ioine<i 
the Umlelaar Vabm. 

f. D. KeCTlal will , again bare the manage 
■aat of Broad BIpplenrk. near ladlaoaiiolls. 

— " PaiKj aaar AndetiMm, tbis 
m MBtfSllSd tr tbe In 

J VblOB TiaeHaa 
at indawwa. lad. , 

Tbs.nallfF of tbe ftea^Tbsatie, TMedOf O.. 
tu ay wsMaw^tbsatta jB^^Bttft]r._wlU_be 

Log ~ 



The St.. John Ezblbltloa for 1911 will be 
formally opened on the afternoon ot September 
2 and will remain open until 10 o'clock on tbe 
erenlng of .Sept. O. This exhibition, which was 
formerly held only every second year, baa al- 
ways been tbe premier fair of the Maritime 
Provinces. Last year St. John received the 
Dominion grant of $50.00n and wan tlmii •-ii. 
abled to grestly oxteod and Improve ttn plant, 
and the Bshlbition AaaocUtloa has now derldnl 
to Blake tbe fair aa SBntial areot. Owing tn 
Its geographical altnatlon aad ita commercial 
Importance. St. John Is naturally fitted to is- 
the fair town ot the tbne Maritime Provinces 
and Its exhibitions bare always commanded a 
BiDCh larger attendance than thoM of any other 
town 'la: tbat section. ItH lodutitrlal exblbltH 
aM rtways worthy of attention; Ita cattle and 
MUttr shows laat year were the best erer held 
la the provinces and Its amusement attractlooM 
aad "Pike" proved to be great drawing cards. 

initortnnatelj, accordlne to the opfnlon of 
*o<ne. St. loba has ao taae-tsaek In cdnnectloo 
with Ma tair g wadfc altaengh .races are 
usually held eoBcaneatlF with tbe exblblllon 
on a track aboot three miles distant. Tbe 
Fair Association, however, have never admit- 
ted that this was any drawback an it meani* 
tbat those who do attend the Khow are then' 
tor the purpose of examining the eihlldln lunl 
greater satlnfaetlon accrues to the exiiiiiitoni. 
Tbe concessionaires atone the "Pike" aliio claim 
tbat- the St. John Fair Is a good Held. 

Special attractlona for this year have not 
yet been definitely settled but wlU probably in- 
clude elaborate dreworfca at night. Taaderilie 
entertainments both aftcmsOB and erenlng tn 
front ot the granil -Stand as w<dl as la the two 


mala ~ 

la tbeii 


New Iberia. La.. Feb. 11 (Special to The BIII- 
iMard). — ^The Sonrhwestem CamlTa] Company, 
which bss been playing the "sugar cane" conn- 
try for the past eight weeks, will end its en- 
gagements In South LoDlslana March 1. and 
turn north, with its route tr.lrersing Arkaniaa 
and Mlisourl, T>lN.'^lng beneOlii exclunlTely. ThiB 
organisation though timall in its Inception, h*s 
had iznirormly good buHlneiiB. due to tike compar- 
alively dry winter season with wblch Louisiana 
has been blessed. 

The Une-np eonslats of sis psid sttractlonB: 
T. J. Todd's Twentieth Century Merry-go-roond. 
J. £.' CoDley. late of Campliell Bros.' Circus, 
with bis Dixie Plantation Minstrels: Dearth's 
Bleetrie Trio VsodeTlle Show: Copt. W. T. 
Stewart's .Gorilla Show: Meek'x Electric Pal- 
ace; Witbero's Soake Show, and Blxtren con- 
cessions. Prof. N. Bark, btgb wire act, and 
Madame Lasceles. with her troope of twenty per- 
forming dogs, fnralsb the free attractions. »lg- 
oor J. B. X.aCt>ml»'s Italian Band ot twelve 
pieces Is also carried. 

The ofllcialB are "Cbuck" Meek sad Guy E. 
SoIUger. managers: C. A. Braden, general 

The company U playing Ibis week at New 
Iberia, La. It will take a two weeks' vacation 
the lant ot the month, and on March 1 will 
consolidate with other interests to fonu a new 
venture In tbe carnival Held, as the New Expo- 
sition Shows, with Increased capital, new equip- 
ment, and splendid advance booking for 1011, 
Several new shows have been added and tbe 
concessions placed thus far arc boonia and 
bigh-atilker. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Plntold: glaaa 
aad slipper wheel, Mr. and Mis. A. S. Clark: 
slat rack and Jewelry wheel, Mr. and Mta "Cur- 
ly" Rlcbanls; candy wheel, Mrs. C. A. Brsden: 
cat rack, Mrs. G. E. SuUlger, long range shoot- 
ing gallery. "Dad" Ott: novelties. Dick Itooihe: 
novelty snooting gallery. I.. J. Hawklna: cook 
house. Mr. and Mrs. English. 

Last week the carnival men, throngta force of 
clrcumBtances. had unuiiual opportunities for 
vl!(ltlng parties with live companies doing busi- 
ness In sunny Loui(^Iunn within a radlua of fifty 
miles. Nigro and Hooa at St. Martinsville: the 
Great Eaxtem Shown at LaFayette: Seed's Car- 
nival Compau}- at Melville, and tbe Southwest- 
ern Carnival Company and the Laehman Greater 
shows both at Abbeville. during tbe same 

week, furnished street fair features galore to 
tbe "csjun" residents of that - territory. 

A late addition to tbe Great Eastern Shows 
are SIcElwee Bros, of Jackson. Mlcb., with 
their tbree-abreast new Parker Carousel. Ni- 
gro and Loos have added a number ot pieces to 
their musical roster from the National Stock 
Company Band. DeBpIte the stories of bad Fet>- 
rnary weather b.v the old-timers In LoolBlans. 
the present beautiful winler season lends en- 
couragement to tlie belief by all bands Ibst SB 
imnsnally good flnish Is ahead for the winter 
seaaoa In Ijoulslana. 


Lynchburg. Vu.. Ffb. 11 (Spocial to Tlu- Bill- 
board). — At n nie^tiD}; here of reprt'scntnttvcs 
of ttrejri* Vlrirtnln apricnlturn! fair uKsocIatioDB. 
a circuit to be knowa as "The Virginia Rare 
Ctrenit.'^ wai formed, the GaUx. Tasevell. Rail- 

enlt, Mtb wbM tber kad besaMtatlBM Nwal 

The offlcers elected are: J. H. Panersoe. Ivt- 
ersborg, president: ' F. A. Lovelock, Lynchburg, 
vice-president; J. H. FlIppOi Boanoke, SMTv- 
tary and treasurer. 

Tlie dates agretM u[Mm SlWt 

September O S. Calax. 

September l-.;-l4, Tatewell. 

.September IU-21. Radfonl. 

September 20.-J0. Roanoke. 

October 3-0. Lynchburg and Martinsville 

October 9-10, Richmond. 

October 31-Novembrr 3. Emporia. 

October 17.21. Petersburg and Danville. 

October 3«-3T. Snffolk. 

It Is probable that the Rlchoond aoil PelerS' 

hurg-Danville dates may lie switched to make 
the State Fair a wiH'k later. 

Those prenent wen?: G. F. Carr. Galax; I.. A, 
Scboix, Roanoke; J. II. PatterAon. I'eti'rsburg; 
II. N. Fitzgerald. .SnlTolk; L. M. Hart. Martins 
vllle; F. A. I.ovelock. I.jnrhtMirjr; o. P. O*»ogli- 

aian. Danville: H. C Prolisel. Taicwell; J. L. 
art, Farnivllle, and E. E. Gordim. Emporia. 


Beginning on the nth of OctoN-r. inil. tbe 

greatest stale fair nf the Roiithwent will throw 

open Its gates for Ita 2Tlh annual enterUIn- 
ment ot Dallas. Tex. Beginning at 10 A. M. 
the flnevt band and vandevllle attractloni* that 
can be necnre^I will open the program In tbe 
New Coliseum, lasting for two honrs. At 1:.'!0 
P. M. the races will begin, consisting of two 
harness and Ihme running ersats imA after- 
noon, and altbsogh belling la jwaMbltaa. purses 
sufflrlently large to attract tbe best tslent In 
tbe Uniieil States will be olfenil. 

The exiMiHltlon building, textile and fine arti* 
liiiilflliia. acrteiilture bolldlng. diilry btiMillllg. 

kennel liiillill'r;;. implement . bnliding, flaliery 
building. mauurnrtur|>rs' building, and In fact 
eveiT department nf the fair will he thrown 
open with an arrav of exhihits second to none 
In the Cnlletl States. I.aat. but not least, tttf. 
Midway Pike will be In full blast with a cul- 
I'-etlon of instructive and entertaining shows. 
Ai^^iit $43,000 WlU he oasrsd la. jMaHaunM and 
iMiri^es. Don't Him Ika-Glii. Oct. 14 «• SD. 
IncloslTO. ' 


Ksiisas City Mo.. Feb. 7 (Special to'TbS Wll. 
iMiard). — SiM-retnrles of till." fairs ot tiN ~ 
n-«alern Circuit met ben to r^'giilste Mm 
end arrange dates ot falm. 

Few changee were made and only one of note 
was the matter ot pnrses In the pace end tmt. 
wblrb were fixed at a range of from $400 to 

Dates were mede as fnllows: Brsnfcfleld. Mo., 
August 1-5: .Alonrm, City. Aagast S.11S VaftttK 
Anguat IS-IA: Mnrahail. AngUSt t^Ot TBd«»f Sd 

euce. August m-Sentemh(r It LMseawoirtb. 

Kan.. Senlember 4-7. 

The following officers were chosen: Gns Gan- 
non, viee.presi.innt of Or"nd Western riniiit 
last year, president: W. FI. Johnson, nf Inde- 
j>endenee. Mo. former secretary of Indonondenee 
Fair, vice-president: WlllanI Smilh. aecretary 
of the ITownnl Connty Psir Association since 
Its nrganlxatlnn. seeretaiy snd trrssnrer. 


Butler, Ps.. Feb. II (Snerial to Tbe Bill- 
board). — Reprraenlatlves of Ibe Coal. Iron & 
Oil Fair Aasoeistinn met In the ITaIfI Nlvon 
and fixed tlie dnles for the fairs next snmmcr. 

The dates annonnceil see: KItlannlng. Anc.; Butler. Aug. 22-20: Indiana. Aug. in- 
Sept. 2: Du Dots. Sept. fi-O: nrnokrilie. Rent. 
12-10: Clarion. Sept. 1(1-2.1; Dayton. Sent. 20- 


The Anollo Fair Associntlon was ndmltted to 
membership snhjert to the ratl"c.iIon by the 
asweiatlon. If Apollo Is artaltird her dates 
will be ellher Anc, fl or Oct. S. 

The fair sssnelatlnns sad the BMa -who rep- 
resented them St the meettnc ^.sa Mlosm: 

Apollo — Dean Clark, f.. Todd OWMS aM tt. 
T. Oitlnn. 

BrookvlIIe— Mr. Wr'ght. '■ . 

Bntler — I. >». r.etehner. W. .B. 
Geo. A. Sehaffner. 
CIsrIon — S. S. Langblln. 
Pavtnn — Vt. Cochr-n sid A. It. 
ItaRols— R. n. WcCrelgbt. 
Iwilaaa— nsTid BIslr. . 
rmaaaiBp-rB. n. HsIlKi!*', and Ikr.V lli S. 

OAnnYua Aix 

aaa nc «tt*ir$r mmt iman 

1 maohlns earned 
1 maohlne earned 
I mschlas earned 
1 machine earned 
1 machine earned 
1 msohlne earned 
1 maobins earned 

Abore figures will 
tomers. Write 

16,(60.00 in 28 weeks in 1S0« 
IT.MS.OO In 29 weeka in ISO* 
«ie,eM,00 in Si weeks In IMI 
{16,017,00 la n weeks la INT 
iu,t6a,00 la IT weeks in IfOf 

Jia,S4a.OO is tS weeks la ISM 
ll,Ml,ao in n weeks U MM 
be vstiflsd to prospsetivs ons. 
for catalogue and prices to 


Abllon* and Leavenworth, Kana. 
In Ofrio* end Factory, Leo won worth. 


Saod iar OiMiar. ■ AtitMnvUs 

Kew portsble. pstcated ball . 

Quick earner at outdoor parks, . 
acc.-saory to bowling, pool vooois. shooting gal- 
lery; also adapted for ad*ertlslng. WIlMUS 
BprlDg motor InsMe llgnre of dollied Ufe-Uka 

. . _ . led Ufe-Uka 

ball player, each weighing ISO IIm. 

catcher's bands and bat. targets, move np aad 
down an hour. Set op anprbete; 

' — i Mta 4 

Rental, )1 s dsy for 4 M'i 
Valoe WOO. OnarantyTS' 

dorsed by two persoas. 



AbsolutelT aew, latest model. Ksglne (AUaatlt 
type), snd sis white ensmeled. leatbstelta. ap. 

bolstered csrs, tonlpment snd h " 

Built by Inlerasuonal MInlatoia 
Coat tl,200. Unst be sold at ooca. 
Pittsburg BIdg., St. Paul. Minn. 

Aitiiareiy's Rqil Italiai Biri if SiWsts 

bare been tbe mualrsl sensation at Chlea4m, 
Cleveland, Toronto and nanlon'a Point for the 

Gist two years. Tbey sre now open for aego- 
stioos for tbe coming spring snd summer sea- 
Moa and Interested parties ahoold communicate 
with either JAMES B, FURIANO, IIT Poweia 
BIdg.. or Director BIAOIO AXTINAUIXI. S 
Uobawk Street, Rochester, M. T., MsafAac 
^erms and open time. 


at SB sli s sa aisre igr less. 
Bsats. Otraas, ' csmlesl « 
Met, All sxperleaci " 
Ubranr. Wtr farther 
(lOTiINO. Baadmaatsr; 
•iagtoa. Fa. 


"Cateh tha .Brass Blng and Oct a nee Blda,** 
We BuriM) tbe beat Braaa Trimmed midr. liaa 

• oaronaei Rings, 


"A Kew Ad Bvery Week. 




OppoBlto CInclnDBll, Oblo. Now booking e«»- 
reMitons for season 1011. Write ua about a Sboct 
the Chutes or Water Cbutes. Offering a nsTsl 
spectacle with from 0 to 20 battlesblps sod mea 
Of war. Address J. J. WEAVER, Lallow. Kv. 

PARK ram ] 

A good Psifc.'fsr the ilgbt M**r witk gsad aa- 

WAMTED— For Riverside Psrk, FIndlsy, UbK 
for sesson 1011, A flne sodltorinm for teatt 
Csroosel, Herry-Oo-Round, Pbotograpbar. SbowaL- 
aad Btbsr amusement devlcea.'KouNo men 

Are you going to start out next season with tbe 
aarae old wnrn-out tunes or sre you going to be 
np-to-dale? Better ship jrour organ lo my * 


Xtie Blllt»oard 


I^UIBtAH A OTA TK^iyAllt.: 

«;i,r, vciHirf. U., Wb. 8 l8lieH«I_to The Bill- 

M^wiwft. WwIwwUr. F»li. 1. l>r. C. C. Mc 
cSmmtSm viM'ti-d prwililent: B. B. Eiii«t. Ilr«t 

JJJJ.'a. QiH-rlwu. treMiirer. and I^iuIk .\. 
Hmi-Bn-rtioir. wtTCtary. .... 

Tlir ,l«l.-» for.tlie f«lr wfro for 0.t. .. 
i„ N.ivciiilwT r. luuklnR I iiIx dHr fair.»li>K of Ibe f«lr will •t«rl Mnnli 
Mil ••lulu iiiwitliK" ratnimlKn will tm cnrrlcsl od. 

At ilii- inwUng. a |»ro|i«»»ltloo waa bruiiKlii 
ui. wii.1.11, tlic dirvctm dnlMd la pttm-at 
KiVm- III- i»K.ple of tbe Pattah « BniiMlthm 

•H^Mfiillr i-arriiiL .thfai moiwr will I* mml 
Si'w . i7SSn»St. m^aiaon hall. Jexill.. 
biill.llni:. orw hoSfbarna. nw caltle. •wl"!;- 
■liM-u mill imhI ImriiH anit ■ niaaafartailMf bnUd- 
rJSfc' "vilh lUeK n.-w a<I.mi00». It wMl Malt.- 
ih? niKtr fair of LooliiUna nak wUh all lli 
li'idliiK f"l'a of Ibe Bontll. 


PIrrrp. S. P.. Frb. 10 (SpMtal !• Tb» Bill 
board).— Tli«> lloani of MrlniHnrv baa fiirmo 
lalMl Iba- Miowlail Kl><^luli> nf appmprlalloiiH 
Jniivd'fibr IhO aaMtartlne and Improvi'uifiit of 
. iiif tl»*f hilf ■! Hwoo ff ""■ 
fie following ar* annual ri-imlar approprla- 
Moaa; For promliiina. *.'.O0O: i-uttoillan. »l.-'fMi; 

l^araliri of billldliiKK. ai.Oim; itatary of kpc 
lettrjr. fl.l'OO: oRlrv r<'nl and cirrk hire, 
ilJOu: cxm'nw ixiHclnc »1..V)0. 
. & addition to Ihp aNivi- llio follnwlnc *p- 
nrMirlallon for ImproTi-oiciitH w-n- rt*<-oni- 
mmdnl: For purrlinw of mldlllnoal Rnmndi. 
irm.oiwi; fcmliiK. »I.Oi*i; w»i-r«Ki' in and to 
rninmda. )■*•■•><•<': artvxlan well. tn.O0n: mlnfral 
bulldlns f.L.'ion: new poaltcy balMlnjc. t.i.WIO: 
Bfw borw. bam. f.1.lMm: tour ahMii and nwta* 
banw. *3.nao: c«nnplt>io wouaa'a nalldlac, tSt- 
(KW: addliluu and ivpain to anad alaad. fLWU. 


Mmooloo, AltM-rta, Frb. It (8|M>clal to Tli« 
Blllboaril).— Tbo clljr at Edmonton lit koId* 
aomr lo tbr osblUUaa llBa.^ta»< jmir «IT<i.000 
waa aprnt <>a tfeoir M* mir aw aada and tbta 
nnr the;' aw apMrtfi* inTI^ mm: finn.- 
WO of ibl« will k* *|i«M M a arw Mark parii 
Ion ami ibi> kaUaca «B a .nanula«lan*rv' iiaii 
and otbrr lia|miWBi«nia. ' TaUaa land into 
voiiiitdrratlon of whir'h 1-17 actva bare bwn 
ar<|iilr<Hl. ibv KiluKinliiii Kihlbltlon AiwoclatloD 
will hav'p liy tli<' <•!«! iif ilila Tear «iM'nt tXiO,- 

000 on fair icnitintlw unit builuhicii wtlhio two 

Span*. Tbr fair mannc-uipnt will put on a 
TV-dar oliow lkt< yi'ar h<';;lnnlne AuK. lA. It 
la raia-vinl that tin- ■ilrndaorc will bo In tbr 
Tirlnltr of MiOon. 

ElPvrB tbouaaiul ibdlara la racr iHUvm aiMl 
ISn.imi In iNtrwInnia l» brine offrrrd. Tbr Eil' 
■oaiaa FaW. wlB " "" " ' 

wMrh In ta ba M._ - 
filjr M ta Jimg. tS. 
Aa» IB. 


^.tUa H abar a . Pa.. Sopt. n tXprcial ta The 
RItnmardl.— Tbo wwpr of tbr |i r < i| ioaad bin for 
Ihv (watlon nf a twmmlMlon lo.ormalM and ran 
durt a atatr fair, ha* ha»>-aatllB»< hr nirni 
brra of tbr eomuilliaoa w p iaaaatlaa tb« »tair 
IjTr-atork Rrmlrra* Aaaorlatloa.. Slato Dalrr 
ralnn ind Sutr Ilortlrnltoral Aaioclatton, and 
Ibr mramin- nili be pal la ebarc* of Rfproarnt' 
aflrr E. K. Joucn. of AtiaqnrbanDa. for prvaen- 
tatlnn In Ibi- llouar wltbln a moiiib. 

Tbr liira U t«* rrrnii* a i^MnniUalon of Dint- 
mrmlMTn. lo lie Mniiti'd Uy Ihr ifovrriior. lo or- 

aaalar an r&hlblllon tt> lliolildi* Ibr liritl protlurta 
Of rrrry niiinl); and lh<- rlMiIrr exhlblta of tbr 

Muatr and ainallrr falra. Tbe rommlaalua la in 

iwMraT ikadlloB «f tMa cItT. 

Tbr approprlatinn lo bo aaknl for will lie otrr 
tl.'iO.nnn to pmvUIr for iln>t c<wt of around and 

Till- iiiinmlllii> «'ll ninlic » ilcli-ruilnrd rlforl 
In liarr llii- fair bill ko ilir>Hi):li. and la It ban 
tlif IndnrM-mrnt of tbr lbr.-c liinm-ntlal ontaDla.1- 
•l<2» II brllrrwl that It will lirveaie a law. 

The fHMMto ar HMrMMR M tha iMMalarr 
■railVHMIir at tmfe awi liiaB aa ■Mfiwlta cam- 


(Ndnnibm. O.. Fob. It ISii.-rlal ti. The Itlll 
boonlt.— Tlir National Cori Show 1ib» n.if mo' 
with IN> auiHiorl from Coluniboa pvmilr that II 
Aw-rvra far aoaie iraaoa or nthrr aa« the at- 
Irndancr waa ande ar laraalr •* aal-aMaw 
■•popir. The dlrMton haw M aiafii WwlaMii 
J-hanih.-r of Oommrrcr for ttaHr lark af.|a>w nn 
n lummlns tbr rntrrt>rlar and wr ttnt tt WP 
iiianr n moon brforr Columlma Will a«* »l'- 
Hiow aaaln. Kl«rwhrn> the dllfrn'm rommrr 
rial bn<||r« «-nrkrd up lntpr>>at In (lir affair an" 
In o»» amall ini>naiiro niMtrlbult^l to lit- HiirtT-*. 
Of Ihr rxpnaltlun Iml II In a fai-t lliul h.r.' 

biialnm ami nnifcaalonal iiroplr hiri' iiiii.i ' 
lllllr or no rirnrt t" forthrr thr lnl<'n-»l» .«r 
Tlir ahow. .\a II coniir«im*ncr ihrrr wa* a di- 
rldnl lai'k of Intrivat. 


Klmkanr Waab.. Vrb. S i.S|irrlal to Thi- mil 
""""I' — Tlir annual mrrllnK of tbe North Ta- 
rinr Fiilr Aanorlrllnn wna hrld hon' Feliruary 
-. 111 llir Chainhor of roinmrrrr, .\innnB tho 
L. 15"!.'" JE*"Y '«<♦» «"'> »• n. Johnaon. 

Sv%*l'.7 fall"!'. W, far.". North Yakima: W. 
W. RalllRvrr. jMlaton. Ida.: I>r. War. Mnwviw. 
Wa.S A. W. Itnilitra. Biilao. and ttnbrrt II. Coa- 
«TO»r. Kiaiknno. l>KtPK fi*- ihi. fKlrn ar.. a* f.d- 
i..w«- ,\iiEii«t 2N. r.'nlrilln. Wiiah.: !«.'olrnibrr 
J. \anrnnTi-r n. c. I'nrlland and !*rattlr: Srp- 
irtnlirr II. Malriii and I'-n.llrtnn. Ore.: Seplrm- 
V ^I""" Walla. Waiih.: .Sept. M. North 

A . J'"- and Nrlwn. n. P.. 

Vi;r J^- "nokanr an.1 Nrw Wratmlnatrr. It. 
«.. IVIohrr n, l^wlaton and nolar. Ida. 


^iT? JI""J!S"» altf»»lh«B. , ;• , I 

•iHDC Of wblch were UarlleaTllla, CoffBTTlIla, 
Pawbuaka, Tolaa aiMl Paraoiw. It waa- ana^rd 
to orsaalaa aa lad aaaad a at clr etilt. 


i'crtan la Prairie, Manitoba. Feb. 11 
(SpreUr to The Blllhoatd).— The Portwo An- 
nual Ezblbllloa af lUl WlH ba hrM Jaly 10-13, 
and the dlrwtofn m aatM|MlhNt ta ifthli lili 
prrrlooa ilininii rrialliw la attcndaaee. eotrlrx 
and attrartlnna. 

II. O. Colrnian, tbe new manaRrr of tlie fair. 
1* at tbr pn^M-tit time on it trip t.> tbe Rnni 
with a view of niundlof ap attractions that 
bare merit and drawing power. 

OontraclH linre hern let for a number of new 
bttlldlnira. and llie Eroiinda will be greatly Im- 
prored In apprarance and lay-out. 


IjiPorl... Iiul.. K.-b. 11 I.SiHTlnl to The Bill- 
board) — The Lal'orte Connty Fair will be held 
Aa*. SO-Si>|il. 1. Tbe oScera an- J. K. Bon. ll 
■rtaMcnt: J. A. Terry, accreUry; J. Veoe Dor- 
laad. trvaanrvr. The circuit haa not yet been 
anawM. . fMk 10 will ha Iba data at the 
Bcatlac ta 


The Campbrn'B I'nitwl Sbowa are touring 
Arkannnn carrvlni; the fullowla;; ahows and freo 
u.-tH: Cani|»b«-II'^ Animal Show. Frank Streeta. 
manaavr: Bin CItr Jlln"trrla. E. W. Hall, 
manager: Kninan Stadium. Kay ZImmera, man- 
ager: Nick Trldett'a Vanity Fair, CampVII'n 
KIrctrIc I'ttlart'. Frank IrwlD*a Big Snak.- 
Show, CaiiiidM-irit Ki-rrl!* Wheel, under the can- 
of Smoll.T .Mooro. one froak ahow. Tbe mnslo 
la turaUhrd by Walkrr'a Pickaninny Band un- 
der tbe direction nf W. M. Walker: Prof. Cox. 
hallaoa aacenalona. and Harry Dewey, blgh- 
dl*er. afa free acta. Tbe rancraalona are: Joe 
Coanvll** cook bona.-, cawly kltehew and hlgb 
atrike. Lewta Hlllmaua* alana atom a W. Aa- 
iWMina* ruby glaxa, Chaa. Uataaa*a law^y 
wheel, Ben Fauat'a. lap alore. Jake nnat'a 
plnac pouK, i.«>wu «it..iM*'a d.dl rack. Carl Balrd'a 
d.dl rack; llotTa Ionic ranse aalierr; O. W. 
Snuwiu'o linlfo rack, cam- rack' and iTlWhlll 
bowling all.-.r: MrK. RoUc palailat. ' Ti* tt- 
BrlBla are; 11. W. OamptM-II. om 
a{r.-r; Cvo. W. Lli.»tne. promoter. 

Capt. navlil Ijiillp will bare a atock com- 
pnDv nn.l.-r canTai*. playing through the New 
Englan.l Slaten. Tbe fratiirr will lie hia 
double bigb dire. A ton-piece baud will alao be 

T. llaMMon aiiil WInt.Tft Streeta of Cairo la 
>>rlna fniuirtl up on n iti.*f.t i-labMata a^oa far 
the arawm of liill. The »^hoW In lo wtatdf 
iiuartera at llarrlnburg. Pa. . 


At a lu.-elinir of Ihe «llr.-<-t..rK .if the Grt-al 
narke County Fair, held at <:rr.-DTiile. o.. tbe 
following ofllrpn wen- for tbia year: 
Prcaldenr. M. I~ \VelM>nlH'n:pr. .trninum, O.: 
elee-pmiideui. I» N. K.-<-.l. i:.-ti\,.hunr. O.: 
tieaaurer Ril. .\mmon. G»nl»n, <). : necretary. 
Frank I'hiwingrr. tiriH-nTlllr. O. The date* 
for tbe pomlng fair are .\iig. 21-2.'.. inU. Tbe 
rare r(ait«e will lie changed tbla aprlag to make 
It remUtlna 1mm aad. irMib. With tbe new 
•teel graad ataMI koU lM yaw, aail with tb» 
new innnel nmler tmck aad new bocae l,ama tb.- 

falr e^inlpiiieot la In tbiH Te.peet ••.Hnplotc. 

XAJfAOEXa or PABKS aits fairs are 
ready to inrchaaa aanaemeat derleva aad all 
a<irta of material far the aaMwr. Taa-aaa mcb 

I hem all with a» aitwil 

- Nimhiw nf n* lilL 

iimA 14. JMeeHhwawMa tpm aet here 
by March II. llrnd eopr la now aad «et the beat 

Special Xui 


wlU I 





1. .M.-inI Shamrock, long iilu $ .7.*. 

;t. Hllk Mpwi WiamnK-k. fancv Ulltnari.. . . i..'U> 
a, MIk Bow Mnnimck. flBt ilani Pte. fancy i>.no 
4. Kallu Hlldmn Bnarllea. 9.fM0l«d bntton .LMl 

Shaiunvk. H.M l^Me Centi>r and IMn 1.1% 

~. I. arc- fancy ..(ilk ll>iw aii.1 llonH-id»«. Tin :i.ia> 
II. Cnpl.l lIlMpi.- Ikdl. !>haiur..rk 2ipim Kllk. . LMMi 

:.>l. ivilnl..ld IIUII..U and Sln-ainera IMm i 

IrUh Clay 1'Iih-. <;r.-»'n SliaiiinH-k 1.7.'. IrUli F-lntr... rr..**,* l.itH .^iilv l.-.^5 

iJlrKc Catalogiu- FIIKK. Sample l.lne, gl.W. 
N.. inMHlK C. O. Ik. M.Mi.-y nuiMt W In full. 

NEWMAN MFO. CO., CItvolaBd, lkl».l 




Don't be a loser; get a 
machine that has proven 
itaeir. A maddne that 
has only' one cost, and 
that is the fiiBt cost. 

This is nhat makes 
tbe money-makers that 
tiiq^sra. . 


Th* Quality Dsvie* of <Im Amu — iwwt Lino 






Oil HrrtnumAN Wallw y 


Concessions Wanted for Season 1911 

Handsome and attractive grounds and buildings. 
Nothing but first-class concessions will be consid- 
ered. Liberal teims will be given to right par- 
ties wifb the right kind :of amufauents. Fudn 
need not apply. Addreis . opnimunieations to 



Mtag GaRHiK, Mmi-Gt-liais. 
Bthir MMQ'f mhi Mcis 

lEWiEu^nuiiUi IN. 

I tbML' Ma YUMMiib ^Vi* la'ta A 



-And H«r- 


Artists. Eleven Years of Phenomeoal Success. 


wUk IValim. .Win. lli lllit^- VanI flMnHClMI. OhwIp. 

Titiintwnr* and Suopbonva. SIpeelal tern* tKr CImilta. UEUSS ilAY BCTLBII. Maoaiier, 

ran' Iinn>oar.1. rinrlniiBtl,- Ohio. 

Riverview Park, Detroit, Micli. 

Opens its sixth season on April 29th. 

.V lirXOKD KumnM-r In <-xr«-ct«l. 

rity In Ibc country. l.iiOit.OOtt pr.ipic to ilraw frocn. 

SmuiI».tii. Iiflllilayn, EVF.KY tUiy. 

■n»> OXl.Y p«rk In or i»«r city of Detroit 

SIX cur lliii-« run to tbe (ati 

F.\STti«T KMiKlDS 
i'ark njiei 

To Concessionaires and 
Privilege IMen 

We want tbe IteKl !>lH<«rm Gamm an<l I*rtTlIecn. If yon baTp the Rnoda, write' at' 
lurtlculan to MILFX>KU 8TRU.N. Managrr KlTrrrlew Ihirk. Detroit. Hith. 


Coasters, Scenic Railways, Complete Parks. 

I ran i«tiulld >(xir aiitlquatr<l FUnue BIsM at amall cost and make a moilem, iip-ta-4ate ride of 
It which will get ble uioney. On mm ««k I mttt aare yea SS« lo S0%. WTtte mt yvi want*. 




Xlie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 


Young Buffalo VlakiiigT^deiitive Plans for Season— Downie 
and Wheeler Surround Themselves with Capable Assist- 
ants — MoUie Bailey to Bei^m Season Next Week 

,■ wtow, . ■■ 

Tbe Yotag Bnffalo WUd Wat. which has 
twea ttaonnisnly mrEanlxed by Cat, V. C. 8eaT- 
tr, tlM PeorU, III., Bbowman, for the comtnc 
woaon'i campaign of the more Important cities 
- . * -of this country, meana a cooseqaentJal addl- 
>■ . tioo to tile llat of tbe laiser outdoor amnaement 
. 'irsanlzatloni. With Its newly acquired mtgnl- 
tadff and ancmented features tbe Young BoSalo 
WUd Wast ahoold prove a acmog and aggrcaalTC 
v, «init(adar for both position and boBloeas smoAg 
: Ih* neaafMI Icsdecs la taated entertalansnts. 
. ' Tfe* m»m. tzaln wOl eooslBt of twaur-tonr 

■■ Pmr'tttr saSBta and bDIsm. otlat two sd- 
..."Tanee eara and seTeral brigades la spreading 

•'-fiv-'i^** advent of the abow. 

" ' . Col. Temon C. SeSTCt, who la the geaeral 
s«j«_ ||»t lart leu's pragnm will 

I this 

Tlw spsetacnisr nambers will loclade Tbe Siege 
«t tfea AUiml lallltsiT tonmaments by actnal 
OD-UBltsd Ststas and Biltlsh soldiers: Shooting 
'bs %Bn. as enacted la Ohsysans, Wyo.. 
— joaatr iw tta atUmUm. at tatVttMmt 
BssstTSlt, wffl t» showa. with isammetti nUln* 
' sesBsijr. ahswnw tha sasla stnst ait Ohsyeane 
for a h s ffcii wiiMl. ma bin oC amnti wUl, of 
«oan», muraet maay of tbe tamllUr scenes 
and Inddants Indelibly connected with WUd 
. West szhlbltlona. 

Prominent among the special features will be 
..exhibitions by Annie Oakley. Cant. A. H. Bo- 
Sacdns, rred Bnma, Lew Snnlin'B txoope of 
named boTlnea, HanUn's ZoosTes, - twenty In 
Mmber: Belea Bnasell'i "Calsmlty Jane" 
«0l>glcli' bcaaa baad: Oordoa and Oordon. cast- 
tas tts h«ttl»-sx: Osom ▼andertarg sad hla 
jgmA mg»t nito AlUa's blae ilbCm Hone. 
VMrijaia. .KUte. aUa aaddto aapvt aad 
wrUpi Vsnv SMaiik BnOslo Vsrana -aaA O. O. 

A. L. SalTSll wfll bt 
.aod oOleUI anooaacer. ncd 
lag the big aombsrs, will 
la tha aisaa. ■ 



wlHi a eompaay of bosses sad hesds of dspart- 
menta. nearly every one of which la an ^old- 
rlmrr.** wbo baa proTen his worth and Shlll^ 
In years of actnal serrlce, many of tbem In 
tbe employ of ollher Mr. Downie or Mr. Wbecl- 
«-r with tbrlr dlfft^reat eoterprlaca. 

The advance will be beaded tr P. J. WtttM, 
tar tbt past teyen years granal aiMt for ths 
Whstlsr Maws. H. A. Maaa wS look sflar 
ths pesos la adTaoc*. also ha«o ths bsbstsI. 
'Snsnlstoaot tho hmiBv of tko ibow; Rad B. 
^ThM to r win bam cbirg* of Ito. 1 car., vhtlo 
jr. m. Psttit win look srtsr ths oopsMm 
Kcess. B. n. HsTdni will be ncnisloa aflMt.' 
* coapany or plckt-d blltrm will couiplStB ^ths 
advance forcvs. 

Back with the sbow. D. Q. (Dad) IfllM« 
wm be aopcrlotendent of working forces, with 
Morray Thatcher as sislstsnt and expeilsaccd 
hssds over esch different department. Tbe 
eataran. Chaa. (Popt Evans wilt be snpeiin- 
teaflvDC i>r ^rock. sort Witlr^r - Allen will tiave 
' eftsige of the pooy aad ring stock. Oapt. IT. 
Ijjj aw wm^ baw ' 

'^hanir'. sT ths trala. ~VmT 
mseter mrcbanle. 

Nearly all of tbe Dawnle wskuor which have 
■heel mnlred and painted at Mifllaa. N. T.. 
itave alaeady been ablpped to tbe Wheeler 
nnarters st Oxford. Pa., to be followed In 
March by the balance of the outfit -IncIndlDjc 
"tlve stock and cars, as the new aggregation wDl 
open St Oxford early In April, 


Stoaewin. Oklt., Kab. 10.— Brerything ts 
I'mgreaslnir sleely aroond the qnsrtera of T. B. 
TTeorr's Show. Cbas. Bverton Is training the 
-Hhetland pooles and menage horses. 

The folIowlBC neonle bsve signed: Prat. 
Wm. Mitchell. P. Shnleds. J. S. Wblttrell. WH- 
■har earner. Clint Melrs, Edward Walton, mn- 
.slrlsas:. Johanle Ciossatt, prtadpal down: Tom 
VRttay-. slack wira mad suglo ttapess: Arthur 
4nnr. ftacmaat B. Hcarr. Beaaa ridlag act; 
Ths Klasldss. sonlUhtlstst Chsa. aTseton. eqaes- 
trtaa director: Goldls. serlsl srtist: Mr. PesrI. 
Rnman rings; Capt. Barney Lee, in charge of 

This season Mr. Henry will csrry one of th^ 
-largest menagerleK for an overland show: ten 
double cages of aolmals, besides two camels. 

yak. one llama, one dser. 


Kan B. wnusnn. the sdvsaes dircetar of Oa 
XISMv BdSiIo Wild West, aanoonets to The 
-Wnboard that bo has abradr Uaad up Us ,ad- 
saaes fsreas (or tba enaalag ssasoa's essapalga. 
■aad ioMav fiom ita peisoaael. shoOId prova one 
or the atroBfcst amy of avant eoarlen on tbe 

The rostar Indndes Loo. R. WtUlsms. general 
agent and traOlc manager; Frank C. Cooper, ad- 
vertising manager; Frank Fishaker. contraetlng 
press aicent: Lew Fnller, press sgent st large; 
H. L. (Bnck) Maasle,. local contractor, with the 
vsteran, Ed. M. Cake. In charge of Adssace Chr 
!to. 1. aad C. J. Admire, boas bnipastH, with 
tweaty laea. Cbarlea Couier .win he aiaaagcr 
at the Ko. S Car.. wtth_W. W.Jttsbs to gwr^ 

*9 ^la paper, witb Hlosa bflbia 
mMMv. spMlal aasBt: Hagh 

Slon agent; D. 3, Bevlngton In chsree of pro- 
grams and bugle brigade; Richard CavanaoKh, 
.Bialllng clerk: James A. Bcntley, press sgent 
back, and O. )U Hoorer, eheckamp. 

ns eooater aad roral nmtea will be pro- 
granuaed by are cowImv bogleis on btraeback, 
and .Bobert Porter has been eootracted to gtve 
stereoptlcon sad movlag pletmcs flre days In 
advance of the show*a apMaraace, the display 
reprodndng many of the xonng Buffalo spMlsI 

The variety of printing to be used, both plc- 
todat sad descriptive, will be nansBally at- 
tiMtlf% wratlog many sobjecta anoHSl .to -this 
(tons SC bntertalnment. 


Harrlsbnrg. 111., I>eb. II. — Work tasa pro- 
greased rspldlr at tbe -wlnter-iinarters of -WlfMn- 
mann Broa.' Sbow tbe last few weeks, owing 
to the pleasant weather. Iisny Eaaaa, who 

win have t^ ' 

of an tho la 


WledemsBB has last i s tur nsj- 
caster, Uo., where he pnrchaaad 
gage wagona, two flats, t — 
camel and eight more draft 

Tbe following people are wlnterlag hers iralt- 
Ing for the opening: Wirt W. Dsaaran. Bcnry 

Fraak Mcanyze aad wUa, Hsnr Monla 

k .-OaadaUttNl 

aad wlfit 



Houston. Ttx., Feb. 10. — .vftcr ten weeks la 
vrtnter-qnsrters, tbe Mollle Bailey OhOWS WlU 
Start oat Feb. 23, with two new cut. 

The Bailey outfit la a vaudeville ahow with 
sevpQteen acts, atxl hidudrs the followtng per- 
formers: Three Bsllcy Bros., In seven sets; 

BaUey Sisters, In foor aeU; Karl B. Larkln. 
laiidtr: Mike Bwataea, la three acts; . Chas. 
BijlSBi hanel Jampart Martin, contortionist, 
no Show carrlas tinlasd males, pontes, goats, 
don and blids. A baad of ten pieces- will be 
nndsr the direction of Piot. W. K. BaQey. 8. 
West will have charge of the advance with 
AlUe Balhr .Is. ' ' " 

LAMOf0^^i|lO|/ IHOWliO^ 


shew wni be ealaiaed to some extent by tbe 
addltlOB of n few wagons. There -will alsn 
be a new caniope. It Is the Intention of the 
minigemfht to make this one of the best- 
equipped wagon shows la tbe bosloess. 

Prof. Chas. Randolph Is bresklng a tcoan - 
of doga and ponlea. Xlmer B. PorterlMd'W^ 
bare rhsrge of the sids sbow. Uoyd Ussser 
be bandmaster. Oris Traver. In cbarae of esit- 
vaa. sM IJoyd Xoiaa. sapsriataadsat of stock. 

■ AT^a ao aaiwy QUARTaBa. 

Jetwy City. N. I.. Feh. 11. -Work b i w o ei a s 
sing aatisfsctorllr at the- wlnter.qnartsrS Of 
the Frank A RobAlns Sbow. Five Bew esgea 
have hrvB hiillt and three mace cars will be 
sdded to the show. T. Reary Rite will be 
genenl agrat. Ch^*. Chapman, manager of tbe 

" MB advertlslnir cur. miii I), p. White. 

•f the anmber two aclK-rllalng ear. 

.Nana AND THaaa. 

By uvr vs4oiax. 

New York. Wb. 11. — ^Understand Yoang Bnf- 
ttltfs WOd WMt has ilfDed Fred Bum ti ^Itf 
of CMTbovs, €apl: Bofiidoa aad Aaols Oaktay 
as f laal Mi sa la the snooting Itae, aad - Bonlo 
Vemoa as "Steer boUdOfger" for scasoc of 
1911. Tbe oolflt win consist of 37 can. 

There Is s mmor aroond thst CslUocala 
IVank, Cbl. Bhodes and Edvrard Arlington are 
to pot oat a tea-car wild west show. It has not 
been e'oaflrmed st this writing. 

Also nndsrstand California Frank aad Osl. 
Each Mnlhall have come to some UaC ^ nn 
agtcemeat as to the oae of tbe MolbHl OTMt 
with the Caltfomla Frank Show. 

Miss Loellla Mnlhsll and her ranch bora 
(Jim Oabriei and Martin Tan Bergen) showed 
their new western set at Keith snd Fmetor's 
SSd Street Thcstn recently, irlth a view to 
plaelag It on the Halted Time. The act eon- 
alau of s high-school exhibition by Mlw Mnl- 
hsU sad her horae'*a«aTeaoiir," and slagtaf 
by TsB Bergen, the cowboy hsrltons. Jim 
Osbcisl rldea a borae, while Sflaa MnlhaU doaa 
aome faat roping. They carry three boTses 
and work on fnll stage Id a special act. 

Eddie Betsfud has the Indlsns with tbe New 
York Hippodrome Bosd Sbow. snd Jsck Car- 
llale haa the soldier atrlng. 

Charles Bobbins is shipping a wild west ax- 
gregatloa cooslsUas of twsnty-dva hsad of 

hera down t hs r s. 

Idas JP.v iMIaan Is boeUnff the atttae- 
■Vataaa" Oeerge Booker, fanay rUafi 
lis naatg, bron^ bnster and "Big" Or 

If 1 ■ 

ComptoB are smooc the priaelpsi wUi 
perfonneis to ntske the trip. 

Wish to say that In laat week'a Issne of The 
Billboard under "Blng Bam Gossip" there was 
sn Item saying that one Otto Preusser was 
managing the outfit that la ahowlnK throngb 
Wisconsin with tbe Cbeyenne rrontler Day 
Celebration films, and thst Bufl Vrmoo. trick 
roper, and Goldle Bt, Clslr were »l»o with the 
company. Although th^ appeared at tbe Chey- 
enne Frontier Dejr Oslshratloa snd are showing 
In the movlaff pwtarcs. they are positively not 
with tha abosa^amd aorlnc^pletnre company 
to .w tsoa Hwf «tg/S* tm St^ acts._ J Tm 

Attractive Banners Are 

the means of increased business. They give character to your 
outfit. We employ the best Side Show Artists in America who 
are noted for their ability to construct Banners.' The largest and 
best side shows in the business use our banners. Get in fine now- 
as we can give you tbe attention that ypu deserve. Get your 
name on <mr Un for .oiv lliBe information oonodnDiog.BMiMn. 



p. NEUMANN. Jr., Pres. 
JOHN e. MsCAFFERV. Trsas. 

22-28 North Desplaines Street, 


edwaho n. utzinocr, SM'y. 



For Bands, Mnitary* 
Miasird Pint Part, 

will wild M, Mt 11 Of 

Ushers, Bell Boys, 
Base Ball, Foot Boll, 
Basket Ball,' ate., eft 

ScKlsr Ultm. 

B€ Sttn oiuf XwHon 
Kind qf Uniform Wanted. 

Western Uniform Go. 


3; i!s»') sfPii;iiio^ SUCH Of !»(«' itsi 



FLAGS Waterproof Covers 

sf'D to« Mb :«;jiOL «•!: iirono h»so iisf 

^he J. C. GOSS CO. '"mV/V," 

Thane OtMl i 

rrtablUhsd INf 

Thomson & VandifMr 



•1« East rMfl StrMt, CINCINNATI, O. 


Mad* to Order. Writ* 


Rom*, Goergia 


SHOW T^^g^B^^^E^^Tgi^j^X TOPS, 

tbreKnY niiWtAwmifiSr 

lOe-U Boath Ibla Btreet, Bt. IioaU, Xe. 



723 BliM lolond Avo.,ChlMge, Ills. 




• c HMiiia^ii atiMt. 

CNieiiiaot Illinois 



Now is the time we. need tlMWUkMI 

can give quick Mtioii and eiOM priNi 



WE HATS rOR UABE. CAXB, BO ft. laac. for 

■hipplnic nofni'ry. antofnobllcii. edTiDCe, benreae. 
prlvlli'Ki'. hliick and merrj-go-rounili. DealraSie 
for Hb< iw- a mi c-lrcuM ntmnanir*. Reaeonabia 
SiMm M, in Mlshlaaa Areaae, Ohloaf*. 


SMim ia wad Aatnal., 

IMOtMBWich BtTMt, Vev Torh Oitr. 

THE FtincBT SHOW PAnmaoB at iawsst 

paiCEB. TrII u> Tcbac jroo Bred eod we will 
Ki'ud LOWEST <'Ktliiiiili! anil lllaitrttnl r.t.lot. 

KNKEBOLX ABT 00,, OmahA. VeS. 

Clroua and Juggling Apparatua 

Clutie, Ilitons am! Norrttlra. Stamp for cat!- 
loanc. ESWAHD TAK WTOX, "Ir-'nneW, O. 


vamn, Baffaleb R. t. 

UOOB* WHS Wnr. Iw».car Show tVoprrty. 
on exhtbltloB aad aale to Cluclonatl, O. Beet 
Offer takM It regHdlnu of t.Idc Addrcaa 

0. W. BIQOS, FaTottrrlric-. Ark. 


and Show Ganv 




Went of 8«U Lake Clly. Addrrca 

Buir TENT * Awvnro oo.. 



We wUI tyram M nm. a Oae fraat eertala 
or .tMtt drop U MOMmr workBMBehl» aad au 
Ton llbaralljr tor the eicla.lTe adeertiilaa vrtet^ 
lege on the eame for a tem ef aeew IMT 

yp.r.. Wrtf. at once for n """ " " 
eacH. THR I. U. BOt 




B. J. HAYOBN A Ca :. 

PBBRUARY 18. 1011. 

Xtie Blliboartf 


nal* at IIM iMl aod Miy OoUto St. ddr 
wSrld'* champioaladr MiSaK.lwn* xlder who 
•DMirtd at Cheyenne, Wyo., lait Ausuit: 
Saoi* 8t. CUIr. care WUI ftosen* Wild Weat 
met. Itemple Thomtre. Detroit, Mlcb., Feb. la 

■JO to 25; Cb«»e'i Thcatra, WiablngtOD, b. U 
tVb. ar to March 4. (In rtal two a day flrll- 
<.'la» TaodaTllle tbeatrea booked by Uia U. B. 

^'^uS Vernon U at preaent dotnf Ua fancr 
runing anoclalty In Arlaooa Joa'a BrooelM Buat- 
l^. Inoiber bl( vamtorUt* act owaad jy J» . 
aua Hombrook. Tlia act pUyad tta BM|^ 
Square Tbeatra, Baaton. Maaa.. wMk et 

'''Mn. JaM Woodead. ot New York Olty, who 
fiienda eacb tumniar la recteatloo oa the 101 
Raneb at Bllaa, Okla., and wbo la well-known 
to all eowboya ot the 101 llanch and Bnffalo 
fllll'a Sbowa. gaTe a party to a few of ber 
weatem (rienda laat week. It waa a delight- 
fal affair and bogely enjoyed by aU .p c aaa n t. 
The excellent aopper (ollowed a tagnlar wild 
v(t»t aeauce held at DurllDg'a Riding Aeadeny 
on W. eoth stro«t, whef* wcateni' aporta and 
paitlmee, aucb aa roping, riding and quadlUlaa 
CO boraaback In which Ura. WoodeDd pamed 
MiHlt aa akUUal od iiocaaback aa aa/ ot the 


naaa wlia. nda tt» 

llT aaddle turned and tba " 
aa a riding atopped atlu aa 

iinit the atrennoua exerclae. 

lira. Raj Ttaompaon. the sote<l eqaeatrtcniw. 
wba with her horae, Irma O., who la with Ona 
Bombrook'a big Taudeelllv art. Cheyenne Dajra, 
waa taken auddenly III White niajtlu lb* Bho- 
hert Theatre. UtiM, M. Yu Hb. % Wd bad 
lo alar oT«r In Utlca. la aapaeted to 

Join ibt- act oaxt weak In Harriabnrs. Pa. 

C<4. Zack Uulball, Oharlla Uolball and UU- 
Jml Uolball and Bamaay Oarrett are all at 
t'alKomla Praak'a wlnter-^uaftam in Aognata. 
Oa., wltb (betr atock, preparing to tak* tbi* 
la tba 9ila«. ciealar. graadar lhaa arar. 

Saadeta. tba taacr rider, form- 

Baoeb Sbow, write* tnaa Now 

ba baa 310 aoraa .ot land down 

there, and do nor* abow baalneaa — the almple 
life tor hlai. 

"Wlody" Weldenaaa. wbo woo fame with 
iba Two BUIa' Show ai a foor-bon* Soman 
rider, la alao In Nev Mexico In the mlnlna 
tonalneea, and according to "Wind/** It la notb- 
lag but Doneta, ao I ftieaa no more while lope 
for blB either. 

Mr. OeOk Wttler. of lb* 101 Ranch, waa In 
Xcw Xork City a taw daya age on baalneaa. 
a* hai ratwaed to tba "booie pen" to attaod 

tba aiirii. .. 

MaDilea and Pattaa. twincrly ot MulbaD'a 
trud Waat. la at pfceaat located In Sooth 
Itttaboix. Tana., and aaya ballo to all trieada. 

BaU la Itv 


TItr tollowliig are wintering at tba Dodo nak 
vloierquarteta at Bmibani, Tex.: Cbaatar 
White, anperioleadent: Prank (Dnieb) Wdtatar, 
baa* canTaaman: Walter Weldennadt. boa* 
hoellrr: Ulka Rooney, eqoeatrUa director: \>' 
f. Waldata, baodmaater: George Loley, treaa- 

ler Dialler, elephant tnlaar. 

etiateodent ot paint abo|i: 

waiter; Loalaa Oooeha and OaOk 
^,Xbo Polaek Winter CIrcua baa baaa Blay|B> to 
Mf boalaaaa tear aloce It opened at Oaana. 0.. 
•emal wceka ainct. The only unpraSlabla ataad 

recordad wma that nf McKee*iK>rt. !>•.. which 
waa played darlag the week of Jan. SO. nader 
ibe local aaaplcea of the rratrrnal Ordar Ot 
kadra. The abow will lay off for tea dUa af- 
ter wfelcb.tiM remalnlnn lhns> w-rk«. far WMcb 
<x>Dlracl* are bWd. will be |>la.<F<l. 

Oeorge Bon, general maoager of Siin llrua.' 
Hbowa. u apendlBg ■ alx weeka' racatlaa at 
Hot Bprlnn. Ark., aa the goeat of Wm. Uaa- 
rtte. Ot tba Manrlce Batb llonae*. Mr. Sua 
write* ni: that there la a big colony ot divn* 
aadUwatrieal folk* aojoaralng at tbia popslar 
teaort. Mr. Bon la accompanied by Mr*. Sun 
and Ibeir twa dingbtaf*. 

Prank Hardee, wbo baa managed the aide 
•lioira with Ibe tiode Flak onlflt, baa algoed aa 
otnagcr ut prlrllfgei and taaeral anoouacer. 
naak did not take any chance* with hi* road 
aaaw Ihl* araaon. bot baa twen taking tbtnga 
eaay WItb hi* wife, Oypay. who U one of the 
wal-knoara anaka ehamer* In the bualaeaa. 

.''Sl.'^ .7*11™'- Korope.d animal trainer 

•t nillalde Park. Newark. N. J.. Iiaa rrcelred 
aSoniatra llgraa* to add to hU already largv 
gyp O^.ltetWJWd tiger*, and baa langht i 
IS!?* 9* JBBMdt faat ot walking and bat 
aa ocdlaarr two^octa rope, 
at above tn* arena floor. 
Of tba "Paatp Family" at 
. tbeatrea are: Mlahler, Obaa. 
u ^^^-i — j„<>n>*enm. John O. Oomtor: Kaltb'a 
Jlajeallc, RMard M. Connor; Paatlma, Morrla 
5 iS*""?!-'''! Orand. Wm. W. Connor. Ool. 
Motrl*. Omaar. Sr.. la the general adelaor. 
Oacar lAwaada, 

aaa la a Itadf aa i 

MiMcliml twelea te< 
tba «ltoaaa..Pa.., 

««*lt«W *aw fliic tba <««BlBg aaaaoa. 
..5L*!**J Mawlaa baa been aa^agod 
I WItb ~ 

anoibar aaoaoa 

1.. — ^- •• Sob Btoa.* Bbowa. apaa- 
rear nader tba Sna baaaar. Ra wfll act •« 
I.U •* attat^^^- ^" 

"••iiT promotar, back 

•Te?..^ «»a rataa aC bU aaw 

on A JJ*?.*' t gte w la nMalat It 
•■i.h„^^f.''£l." ** "Bap** "oow 
Jll.J^""'^ waTwibfTlaeeaai •( Ma 

th'e'poi!!'.?' ■!!.• coatraetiBK abcad ot 

tba abow. 

aaataM>lat*a pnttliw oat a Tan 

^^^^^^^^^ a^^^ft 
'^■^^^^^aoa^a anH 


' ot 


. At tba. Old Mattaoal Stock Tuda at Kaat St. 
Lonla^ HL, «ga eaa Sad aocb old-tlmaia aa "Wla- 

S" Oaltagbar. ••Uttte Bock." Cbatlay Dreary, 
_U|bto OoiriBaa, Bngbl* Shoemaeker, "Bnga" 
■wj, "Xooag" Banft, "101 Pate." 
_Clb|it. O. DImltri, manaaar ot tba Soaalan 
Caaaack Raaoh Bldaaa, wltb bta Mo. 1 teoano 
la engaaed tar tba oaaaaa at UU wltb- 1 
Totuic Bnffala Wild Waat. Xha Ma t traup 
wUiEa wltb 0001181*0 Baltooad Sbawa. 

Tba Downl* A Wbaalar Sbawa haaa. aOia t ad 
tw^tba oaatteg.aaaaaa aa a gi^aatJi|^atga»- 

loS^/t; teibr aa u^aaMoSv mSSfla.*''^" * 

Prat. AUea Perklna. ot Loa Angelr*. Cal., 
baa arranged wltb Bon Brotbara' Bbowa to tnr- 
nlab an original act of performing: aeala aad 
aaa HoOa for the coming tenting tour. Tbta 
taataia will b« bearlly adrertlaed. 

O. A. Berger. formerly preaa rotentv tor th* 
Jonea Broa.' Wild Weat Sbow, Bailed laat we«k 
tor Panama, wbaie he will collect material tor 
a aerlee ot newapaper and magaalne atorle*. Ba 
will ratnra via Ban Pranclaco. 

D. Q. Miller, auperlntendent of the Downle 
aad Wbaelar Show*, la enjoying a* brief raca- 
tlon la the Soath. but will ■hortly retnm to 
wlater-qnarter* at Oxford, Pa. 

Sydney Wire, wbo baa been acting a* general 
preaa repreaenlatlrr tor the Polack Winter Clr- 
cna, la atlll handling the pnbtlclty deatlnle* of 
The Polack Booking Bxcbange at tbeir general 
office* la Plttabntt, Pa- 

"Buiter" Cronla,' wbo baa bad tba 
prlTUege with the ~ " 
left the eirm* bnalni 
where be la working 
vertlaing acbeme. 

Tom Blaplnjt waa a caller at The Blllboaril 
laat weak. Ba llnlabed bla foarth aeaioa wli 
the Hlppodroma In New York. Blaplng .will >< 
Been at Dreamlaiid, Ooaey lalaad. thla aaai- 

Inelndlng tha tnapara at the wlnter-qnarter* 
of (he Yankee Soblnaoo Sbowa at Granger, la., 
are: John Boyd, Wblty McQnlre. Oeo. John- 
•on. C. Qlbaon. Pred Oay, Roaa Aabcroaft and 

Tom Gill. 

Frank ... 

ling Broa., waa 
ago. arraa 

oum 8tiow, 

Rrooco Joba BalllTan aajra that b* win aot 
follow the fair* •• " ' 

one of tb* be 
line, n* baa 

P. A2. Paak^, fK^mmmmrr-mmm •^mmm^mv^ umn 

wttb the 

Two BiUa' Shor iMg ow M n aeaioa. 

Ilarry Clark, wbo baa been all wlatar wltb 
the Pnlaek Winter Hhowa In the capacity ot 
nrlnclpal clown, ha* algned In a almllar capac- 
ity wltb Howa'a Oreat Loado;! Sbowa. 

Betaard (Kid) WaablaaKa. 
far tba Andltorinm Theotia, , 
Va„ will be with »n« o( ibe big oaea tho coo' 
lag aeaaoo, 

C. Hoaa, wbo baa be«i aaoadtag a taw day* 
a. Pa„ — " " 

Polack Wlater Sbaw a . Jua 

ncoiLaMi ia BOW- li OliWIdsii 
ig at a-anrvoad aiiifBil^Bi- 

Monaa, npreaenllng the Rlnir- 

la Biiinibaig. nkt a ttw daya 
r SL Mkk .SlWS ai a ooarteoo* 

BalllTan aajro that b* win aot 
fair* thla aaaaaa tat will pot ant 
beat wagOB ahaaa w tba wild weal 
laa bIredUa fM|i0 Mt.tba aeaaoo. 

adaartlalag ageat 
Patk a rab ut g. W, 

lo Wanaa. Pa„' wttb a. AigMtM fmrn. Ma 

Soaa to Mow Torii. la UtViiiMnlB S 
pellmaa ofllcea. 

It la true that Waller L. Main will be In the 
Said agalo thla araaon. and prenarallouA far the 
new abow are already made at Oenera. the Main 

W. II. iDIke) Franklin, belter known aa 81 
Perklna, the original rulie clown, la playing wltb 
Oeo. M. Bork'a Wild Weat thraaghout tbe Soatb. 

Howard Damon baa algned wltb Ibe Bafca- 
herk-Wallare Show* ■* tralnmaater for aeaaon 
mil. He la epenillng Ibe winter at OeiieTa. O. 

Bugena Woodworlh. of Cortland, N. Y.. hai< 
•Igaed aa maater mechanic ot Ibe 101 Ranch. 
He arrleed at Paaaalc. N. J.. Feb. 1. 

Tbe new Ihlrty.two whiatia calliope of tbe 
I>owdIp and Wbecler Show* will ba operated 
Ihe coming aeaaoo by AI. P. Wheeler, Jr. 

Bardd IIooiMr. bUlpoater wltb Rlngllaaa*, 
aeapha ot UtO. bag itgaod wltb tba Vaabar 
Roblaaaa Sbowa for tbo 



for tbo aooaaa •« 


>lo)M VmI 

Viaceat Barag, elowa wHb 
L.ondoo Show* doring tha aOBM 
at Pblladelpbia, Jaa, ST, 

Jack I. Mylla baa 
Bparka Sbow. Ha ^ 
work ot tba abow. 

C. R. Clarke haa bM.OMjpOi lOOal COq. 
tractor wKh the John If. wBBHsMb Mklng 
tain aecond aeaaoa. ' w ' . 

atrard . Laoa. :tbO dtllWM tfimffSS* 
traral thla coalat'SMSIlflMB IB WkW Bob- 
Inaoo Show. 

Ward Kl 
Locke Sbow. 
tort. O, 

tb."- tiL'.a*:s& is^iu^ 

tba coming aaaaaa. 

Iniidiseait lamps 

For ftiAn, Thsatraaaad Sliawa 

Glear.fic. Colored, 7g. 

cosTiraES, wiod, rrc. 

We maaotactora and haap oa haai, foadp to 

ahlp, aeacfthlag thap*"^ 

Write aa or call. BO: ^. 

S. «tb StNal. SK Iiaala; !•» 

Harry Allen, tbe well-known ttxer. will again 
trarel wltb the Prank B. Robbloa Show next 

Dan Bodder. trap dmmmer. goe* out witn 
the Hamnm and Bailey Sbow again thla aea- 

' Pat Kelly, tbe Irlah dancer, goe* ont with 
Lolgl Broa.' Show* to do clown and concert 

J. Auguatu* Jone* I* apendlng a tew day* In 
Chicago, at tba borne of bla tHend. Praafc WU- 

_qiBt0B M. Nawtaa and George Boyd wll 
agala ba wilb tba Soa Broa,' Olrcua next aea 

— wttb Son Brother*' CIrcna thla aea- 

aaa win ba loider the direction of John Shelly. 
— PaoTB. Ijewla, annnoncer. wbo waa with tbe 
TWO Bina' Sbow, I* wintering In Richmond. Cal. 
^. Jaa Bogbaa. preaa agent wltb Frank A. Rob- 
blna* Moor, Ji bow wlaterlag In New York. 
.- Maa lil^ .tt tc gmt Wajtar U Main clown 
H ■fW. inlk as MM Olgar Oonpaalea. 

Maaboa. lacaaOy baogbt 

_ ___ ___ 1. Angnatoa Jooea a Tialt 

laat araak at bla boow la Warren. Pa. 

Th* Aerial LaPaTette*. Bert and Agni'«. ar. 
with jthe Pollj of tbe CIrcna Company. 

Claude Orion goe* wltb tha Boblaaoa Show 
next aeaaon la charge ot tbe atoek. 
The Four Kellya. wjr* act. ara ajtaadlng a few 

lb la «latar-«Bar- 

wni opaa tbo 

dajra at tbaU baaa. 

Circus Tents 

M a nt f t a e tnrad by 

W. H. LUtHBAUIN, CtvlaglM, Kf. 




Circas and Show CanTates, 

Canvae Workataaary daaartptlaa 


For Show Parade*. Bora* aad Poor Acta. AA- 
Tcrtlalng pnrpoaea, etc. Bend for priea Ilot. 
Manufactured by M. 8CBAXXBS, tUttlk K**. 
ropolltaa A**,, Brooklyn, T. 

rOB SAUe, XIBT— 30x70 top and 7-tt. waUo. 
made Of Hao aad white etrtpe. Top roped la 
eery beat laaaaar poaalble. BBRBBAIIDT * 
CO., 122 8. Capitol Are.. IndlanapoUa. lad. 

WABTX3>, BOTXZ, OAB— WUI rent or boy, 
t^t te attad.or oaa ba attad. to UnJa* 

-^t — — Tkr- 

Only the iKt iHt It til Cte^^ 

Bare good 
boy. Tba 
Tbat'o whv.Ca 

Caniie-6ouilis Mfg.Co.\^^gj Kansas City, Missouri. 

Writs for Descriptioi if Oir Sptcial Airsliip "Ttit-Giriies." 


side Show People of all Kinds 


Aim. without anakea. Ftaaka and novd^ MlSk i 

. .. Shmr; also Uptinni altnotioa. 

iioTHiiia too aid OR too oood. 
Address, Vsrnon C* SMwrg Q«n. Mgr.t or A. L. Salvall. 

1M C. Madlaon St.. - • - - - Chicago, III. 

OwiDg to Misrqiresieiit^^ 

I Need One Aerial Bar Performer 

For Gircos Season 

BURT DELNO. week of Feb. 13. Orpbeum. Memphis. Tenn.; week (rf 
Feb. 20, Orpheum, N«ir Oriaiiis. .. ftnasncpt sdorMft— The Chslfaort, 

Indianapolis, Ind. 


Show TENTS. Black TENTS. Altrfoaaoa 
•lid Carnival OirtBU. Toala aad Sida* 
wall for Sala or Kaat. Catalog Praa. 

Sip«rl«r VladiNl, - OLEVEUID, 0. 

New and SeconiH iand Tent s Ahraifs on Hand 


MaH«lan St.. 



Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 


■AU ANY. N. v.. 

Ptiotasraphs on exhibition in the lubby of 
ICarmanafl BIe«ckcr Hall annouoce the retorn of 
Bert Lytell. Albany's stock farorlte of last 
year, on .March 20. for a spring and summer 
!<<-a»>a. lie will brlnic his wife, Kvelyn VauKhn 
as leadlos woman and wUl come here direcl 
txota a Tery sacoeKsful season at tlic Alcazar 
In San Francisco. 

It la geaeraUj andetstood. thousli not or 
adriBrtMa jl l M i l i l tint F. r. Proctor irUI fln- 
iM.IM^.aMBlaa nastre and make it a bish 
oaM -mterlile hoow. .ImtIdc his tlnatn or 
Sonth Pearl ctiect tv chtapac Taaiitrill* and 
pletnres- ^ . . . - 

J. Gilbert Qonloa* maiUKar'- bC Halaanaa 
Bleeclcer Hall, waa a mmt at tbe dinner u 
tbe Albany Chamber of Commerce at the Bon- 
Ven £yck last week. 
Townaend Walsh, In advance tot Otia Sklnnar, 
kla motber In tbia eltr laat 
WM. B. ~ 

. PROVIDENCi,vll; I. 

the atteo di b t t at tfce tereral 

tloQ pletaxa booaaa aafferlnr the most. 

Miss Anna liansblln lately aliened irtth The 
Girl of My Dreams Company and now appearinif 
with the 8 bow at tbe Empire, Is an old-time 
favorite in this city. baTlDg appeared here as 
m child dancer. 

Sit. B. Ij. Royce. manager of the Casino, is 
■Caia on the Job, after a short, bnt sharp and 
•etkMia Illness. 

Ovetluard In Keith's Theatre, conyersation 
■tr-a. Saw Totk man: "Wril. tlila Is my first 
cnMtnee irlth lady nshefs, bnt. from the ex- 
ealuat tnalmamt I turn raealnd. I aln- 
eereUr iiapa tbat It iria apt ba .aar. iaati 'tiKr 
are all iigtat;.» .V: .• ."' 

In Jnsdw t* FnC. Bialm aMI Us'SMHlM 
Fleas. It la tMlvta. aiK^thit ttmfitSSSST*^ 
sacemrat o( fHi. aBt/:«ttS: tkne -mtfe* W 
Its Initial a w ) — rw i wf . Ii tfe* tat la Oa MMq- 
of tbe hoow. 

~ W. E. 

brooklVn, n. y. 

>LaBls Eries baa been apiwiBted nwaager of 
^tta Star Tbaatxe^- M i mcift i ilnb ta Jaaw J. 
Oadt^' irtM baa Mttnd ArtiK to n bcalth. 

ca conaectcd with B^«e aad Bell- 
fly twenty yearn and has serreal 
_ ' dnrlni; tbat time of tbe Folly, Gay- 
Mar Theatres. PreTions to tbat he 
!omA manager and Is ooe of the most 
men In the theatrical buslne»j. Tbos. 

. formerly of the Payton fortes, succeeds 

Mr. KrleK as stsee mannecr at the star. 

On Monday. Feb. 20. tbe Court Theatre will 
reofien after a three weeks' bnnsc^deanini;, 
•nterlnc nnon an entirely new policy of pre- 
" — — '— owledged stac*. ta the rerlTnl of 

W" formerly known as the Escle Theatre, and 
w&lle It has UDTer been a successful cnierprlae, 
It Is a ipicBdId piece of property. The new 
owners are reeoealsed buslnes-i men, and hsTe 
bad much experience In tbe show baslnesa. 


RMaid Hyde. presldMt aC. Iba Hyde and 
Bebman Amassment Osnamr. with his - wife 
and two donsMnm laCt laaf weak ft* -MIm 
Brach. FtotidB,' to apead the teat at tha «la- 

Blaetrie sisns are so common nowadays that 
they attract no particular attention unless tliey 
aie aaeaaalljr elaborate, hot there Is one slin 
ta Biaokija which, beeanse of Its pecnliarly 
* aoaa location Is betne fsiren'mnch at- 
aad caaalnic much comment. It Is the 
w rign m tbe rogc ot tbf> 8«m S. Sbn- 
bart Xhratltt,.' wUcli wan liafatcd for tbe first 
time a fMr dar* ai»>. The sicn merely displays 
tbtr words. "Shnbert Theatre" to tbe east 
and to the west. In letters elsht feet hiRh. 
bnt the words can be read distinctly for miles 
in all directions, and so tbi^ playboase la bolnc 
talked about In sections far remote from It. 
Tbe theatre Is tbe lartrest structure on the 
Micbest eronnd In the Boshwlck section, ami 
the sisn dan twsa«r«i> CMt ahm -tha roof. 
It I* — — -* 

8T. L0UI8, MO. 

The local situation theatrically Is not mater- 
ially chansed from that of last' week. Amon( 
the local drcos talent, everythlnjc Is bustle, and 
It la not unusoal -to see them In sirups, dls- 
playlac their eontrsets. which is a sure prrdlc- 
tfam that sommer Is not far distant. The eimi- 
mer xsrdena hare not as yet shnvn sny setlrlty. 
hot statloaeir Is bdny osed In greater qnsn- 
tltles in tbe last few daja than at anr ' time 
•iiice the season closed last year. 

O. T. Crawford opened the sixth of his stritts 
of blie Tanderille theatres in ttals city, on Feb. 
U. The New GraTols Tfaeatre. on the sonth 
side of tnm. Is Ms latest bnoiie. and bu a 
seatlns capacity of l.TOO. The theatre repre- 
sents an expenditure of $m.0OO. Vaudeville and 
motion pietotes will constitute the attraction. 
It l« jw Ba it |iaj>M; tta_lmo»miwBea t a at ~ 

this year; 

' TO net away (Mm ton ardent fHends. Jahn -B- 
flemiax. manaser of the .imerlcan Theatre, of 
St. lAOls. and Uiss Jessie Condson. of Ewlnfc. 
ito.. went to BeneTlSe. lU..' FebmsrT 2. snd 
were married by the Reverend C. W. Nichols, of 
tile First Baptist Chnrch. After a dinner In 
Belleville tliey returned to St. Loola, where they 
have fitted up a handsome home. 

^Ir. Boaeoe Buckley leslgned laft week from 
the posltiaa of treasurer o( the 47amek Theatre, 
and win d«vte:,bl« flrtm* to a coaimenlal lliie 
nr h na l a im . n^waa-nicrattcd-'that ha tank this 
step, as he had made maay Menda aaxmc M* 
IMtmns as well as In . the pmfesalon. Mr. W. 
TlnKnerman. formerly . of tbe PTlnceaa. succeeds 

Tbe Thorp vtrotbers last week tinrchssed tbe 
lease on the Empress Thoatre in East St. T»nis. 
•nd win. It Is said, aire <be people of East 
.. Side Home iMtrelty In tbi) show line. The theatre 


New Haven ia nacb cea ma a d over tbe aiov- 
ins pietnre ttaeatrea. Mr. Ifmlolnh nihliiaiL a 

son of Morlts Stelnert. In idninil iST It 

harpsichords and elavtrhoida t» Tua IhlrSalty 
«ill carry tali Dame to poitetlty. aad «ba b 
regarded one ot the keenest musical critics we 
hove, has pnUlcIy taken sides against the mov- 
inc picture as a form of amusement. Dnrlnr 
the past week Mr. Stelnert introduced In the 
board of aldermau. an ordinance prohibltlnc tb*' 
keeping of a moving picture show la tha tame 
bouse where people reside. Xka aMNMaW' alao 
nrfaida children under fuiutoaa MBta af^ aa* 
fteaoentlng the hooses. 

Mr. GltCen. the advance man for Mrs. Flske. 
tnia ia town a day or two this last week ar- 

M«hrs2?£''KSSJ*S£,f^ "—"^ "^'"^ 

Mr. Giifea when U 8Wr ttilwai iia the 

present trip ot Mis. VUkt^ rnM oae of a. dinner 
party given by Mrs. Scharta. nee Miss Helen 
Pitkin, for .Mrs. Flske. at which otlii-r Buests 
were Ella Wheeler Wilcox and Mr. Robert Wil- 
cox, who were the house euests of Mrs. Schnrlr. 

Mr. Gllfeu's. description of her wonderful 
home anil tTv>in«*n(1onB charm Is fxooil to bear 
for as Helen Pitkin. Jlrs. Schurtx had ererv- 
bodv nt her fi-i't. 



ExeilenirBt wbidi mlsM hav« tanml oat la 
y. ■ <* .» .wnr aerlomi aataie took place 
S*«ng_the Initial perfocninee of When \«. 

Twenty-Oneu whieh was being piaiantei* 
at the Orphcnm Iheatn Iigr the Ttabern Stoe< 
Company on the opening night. Jan. 30. .- 
crnckluc of fire was heanl toward the entrance 
anparcutly In the vestibule, and In a momen' 
the larKC crowd within the Orpbeum was on 
their foet. .\ score or more were in tbe aisles 
about to mal£c a msh fdr the exits, liot br » 
nnick action and presence of mind of Manacer 
.Al. Trabem. who suiothernl the Src with dirt 
ami cinder*, a panic was nvertpd- 

COnneOman \L S. FlanlKan. of the nineteenth 
ward, of Xashvine. Is havioit a hill pre- 
pared for Intmilnctlon In the city cnnnea pro- 
TlAhig that all places of amusement la Nash- 
ville. InHodlne the Imll park, most sell stand- 
ing room at less than the regular price of ad- 
mittance. "When a person pays for a seat al 
a show or to anything, for that matter." saj> 
Mr. Flantga n. _" lt he Is compelled to stan l 
durtac tha. .paiVotauUMa - ho should not be com- 
pelled to-pay-te' a-'aMt he doesn't get." 

W. R. ARXOI.n. 


Not siuci- - Soattie Day" during llie Alaska- 
rokon-PaelUi- E!(pnsltl>m has there bi-en such 
a celebration in Seattle as on tbe ereninir of 
■Jan. 31. The occasion being the news from 

Washington, D. C. that San Franrlsm had re- 
ceived tbe Fanapa-Cadle .■noaitloB la lOlS. 
also the Chlasotk' wM' an -cNsieatlMr thair Xcw 
rear's bOUdaya: .Mde Hie atrseta look like a 
Mardl Oraa. A party ot im promlneat busi- 
ness maa aad wmnen left Reattle a few days 
SCO for San Pranelsco and Smitliem California 
all wearing "ini.»" badges boosting for the 
Panama-Pncifjc Exftosltlon In Ran Francisco. 

The Landers Stevens Stock Company will sne- 
ceed tbe Raker Company at tbe Seattle Theatre, 
commencinfr Feb. 12. Tbe reason for tbe 
chance Is the nncEcd breach of contract. 

A boys' band will give weekly rooerrts In the 
smaller parka of Seattle daring the romlna 
samniar. The first tebesisal waa given Feh. 2. 
nnder tbe teadetshtp of Prt^mr O. E. Caran- 

Davld Brattstrom. the well-known Rwedlsb 
comedian, and tbe Alhambra Theatre Company 
presented Ton Yonson for the benefit of tin- 
Swedish Hospital, week of Jnn. 30. 

Tlie Beck Theatre Stock Companv. ticailnl br 
wmiam C. Dowlan and Virginia Thornton, which 
the Peck Theatre In Bel- 
time, closed Jnn. 30. 



The Princess Skating Rink has opennl np a/ler 
being closed for several months. It Is being 
managed by Tf>be Tonng. a man well known 
among the skating people. 

John I*. SoUlvan was engaged by the Eionlsvllle 
Times as an editor on the sporting paga Feb. 3. 
Jolm Ii. makes a good sporting editor, as there 
Is no maa who has a larger acqnalatance among 
sporting men as the former champion. 

The Walnut Street Theatre, which was for- 
merly a Son bonsc. has been -taken orer by 
Edward Darls & Compan.v. They -will continue 
to play stock. Blward Davis A Company have 
been working on tbe Keith time. 
C^.SUalcy .Hall Is now on the Princess time. 

fAi.T. 'iUIMmJUtB. 

Miss Frances Slosaon. leading lady of the 
Baker Stock, playing at the Spokane Theatre, 
iiaimd.aa .empthm and got In the limelight in 
tba'aawnpapen, tefaatOK.^to wear tights ia the 
iwadoettoa of -If ' I:>'.Wai« King. The . nstter 
was flnsBy patched ap' by,' aUowIng the little 
actress to wear a long caiw,- 

Tbe New Tork Sympboqy Orchestra, nnder 
the dlrecttoa of Baalavslor. have engaged to 
play ttafaa);iMal8:at,:jlatal(MtaBi Park, begin- 
.alag Jriy..fc'r;«;;v;..s;.<!.^irU^S»'v;, ■■ 

KANSAS emr, mo. 

FMd Steward, treasurer ot the Bhotaitt Xbe- 
atre. left the week of Jan. 2!>. for (Aleago. 
where he was calleil by the Sbubcrta to act as 
treasurer of their Garrlck Tlie/itre there- Mr. 
Fred Steward is tbe brother of Mr. Enrl Stew- 
ard, manager of the Shubert Theatre here. 

As soon as the seats wont on ?^nle tor tbe 

Madame Sherry engagement at the Willis Woo<I 
Theatre, the week ot Feb. S, the management 
OC the Uwatre conceived the novel idea of bav- 
1B* a hoae pimnograpb Installed la the lobby 
or the theatre, playing all tbe tuneful popular 
airs of Madame Sherry. Tbtt attraetctl great 
crowds, .and made iMisiaeas aaedlent fop tbe 

The Orpbeum Theatre celebrated Its thir- 
teenth birthday. Sunday. Feb. fi. It was opened 
as a vaudeville bouse. Feb. O. 1608. but as tbe 
new bill for the week cammence<l on Sunday, 
the 5th. tbat day was set as Its odlelal birth- 
day. During tbe thirteen years tbe house has 
been under the management of Mr. Martin 
Lehman, the present mana4;er. 

-Manager A. Judah. of the Grand Opera 
House, left Feb. 4. for Miami, Florida, where 
he wlU aajor a flahlas tiip oC aboat tare weeks. 
Mr. Jirtak fiB tanMnM aM MMCMtftf aac- 

Saturday evening. Feb. 11, marked an abrupt 
closing of the popular Auditorium Stock Com- 
pany at the Auditorium Theatre. Since its new 
opening. Nov. 6. 1910. the Andlforinm has been 
nnder the nianagemoTit of Mr. Lawrence Leh- 
man and operated under the Orpheura Interests. 

who secured contrni of the Andltorium Tbeativ 
about tbe first of January on a flvajaar' liase. 
No advice has been given nut- as yet eoacaialag 
the future of tbe Auditorium. 

Amateor dancers were given an oppbrtuiiity 
to exhibit their dancing ability Feb. 4. at tlu- 
Ginia Theatre, when a contest waa held at the 
performance of Tile -Smin Set Oooipaay. Casli 
prises were gtvea anA'thata Me quite a anm- 
ber of partlelpanta. 

WXi. W. Sn8I.IJCV. 


Madame Tetmzlnni was enlerlalnitl li.v the 
society people of Denver during her recent en- 
gagement her. The n^al seating capacity was 
j^ld out before her arrival, and arrangements 
were made for 1.000 more aildltlonal seats, all 
of wliicb were sold. 

Tlie new Shubert Theatre U going up ver> 
ripidly ami will be completed for the 1011- 
lulS sraaso. . ' ... 

So awk kaa feaca -dnaa' oa the M stt la :Hiea- 
tre -fior •oma-.-ftnae. . ' 

Big crowds.eoatiane to go out to tii« wintcr- 
uuarters of the SfOs-Floto Sliows. 

Tbe Broadway Theatre, as well as the Tabor 
Grand, have beiMl enjoying a very nice 

Tbe Orpbeum. Majestic ami l*ai 
tirnie to enjoy a nice patr onag e. 


.\ benefit program of vauilevllle- stmilx was 
given nt the Ljrric. Sunday. Feb. 3. which dls- 
closeil some real talent. Mr. Abe Kleman, a 
mere lad. look Ihe bouse by storm with his 
clever Hebrew Impersnnatiaaak Xn Klimaa is 
a bom performer and bin wsck l ec al asd msch 
newspaper puhlieily. 

Poor moving pietnre houses were recently 
placed under tbe bnn by City Blectririan Slirli- 
aelaon. because the.v were running their -ma- 
chines by motor nml not by hand. Tb9 were 
closed np for a few days. 

Robert Shiverick. tlie yomar Omabaa who was 
I m p al ed ty tt» sw oad-^iolat of Mordkln'a sword. 
daHaB ' a prHSnfmaaee of the Russian dancers, 
la llamntan, Caa.. Is convalescing. 


aC tta tyrte 
.wia ae» 
fmtm p. laaa aa lialiaji 

MaMot fa Mlaaaapolls 


Ma a aa er ClBi% 
Theatre Stork 
curing the set., 
man. .^Tr. lace 
last week, 

MisH Myrtle Vinton, a Mill City girl, has been 

secnreil for a brief nerio«1 bv Manager Orvilie 
Bunnell to appear In lends with companies play- 
ing at the Princess Theatre in East Minne- 
apolis. Miss Vinton opene<l Inst week. 

A reci-nt Ttsltor on oor Rlalto was I. C. tlk>*> 
Spears, well wm e a t h i HB as (otaier msnsgcr 
of Ihe old iMMaa aa« tt the MDes Theatre. 
Mr. Spears h now engaged as manager for 
the Maytag-Mason Motor Co.. Iocs led In Ixm 

Among tbe motion pietnre ttieotres opene«l 
In Minneapolis recently the Cosy Theatre, lo- 
cated on Central avenue. Is as the terms Im. 
plies, a very cothfortahle place of entertain- 
ment. It seats JRT people nt present hut will 
be enlarged to a seating caneelly of 289. Man- 
ager David Dahlqnist stales that be will make 
other improvements in the Interior and ex- 
terior appearance of the honae.. Tbe .Oogy idwarH 
Independent fllma and TsTrmn W niiarlil a fl Mi a ai L 
Is singing the lilns tr ated songs. ' 

Miss Wsrda Rowanl. the new leading lady 
of tbe Lyric Theatre Stock Coippany, snlTereil 
a sprained ankle when entering the thaatre 
Friday evening. Feb. 3. She' attempted to pro- 
ceed with the produrtinn of The White Sister 
hilt talnteal after Ihe first act and was obliged 
to go tbrongh tbe balance of the play seated in 
a chair. 

The manager of the T,ake Street Theatre, a 
moving picture, hoase located on Lake street 
near .MIeollat -aifaiiaa^ has ' been vrarned by 
Bnlldiait iBSpeet o c? >. O. Houghton to cease 
viotatlair tba Heatre , Ordinance. The inspec- 
tor says that the maaacement hU np all the 
seats, the two nsrrow aisles and the space in 
tbe lesr of the sesting section: and that In 
case nf Ore considerable loss of life 'would oc 
cnr through this ovemowding, ss very utile 
exit space Is left ooen. Mr. Hoaghton says 
tbat if these cmMlllleas eontlnne Ite will re- 

quest the mayor br HQ 
lieenKe of this theatlO. 

A well-arranged and eonitMrlabte motloo pic- 
ture ibeaire, known as Ihe lola Tlieatre, has 
recently been oiiened at 1418 .B. FlaaUle av. 
enue. This haaie la maaaaai Iv WatliMr.W. 
Brsden, well kaam . ta MtHMaMUa ~ nr . Ua- 
former asaoetattdn with tbe IMnne ' Theatre 
Htaff anti nt pres«'nt «mine«ted with O. P 
Van Duxee's Twin City Calcium and Stereo|itl- 
ron Company. .MIks Jennie OreeD. who form- 
erly sang at the Sei nic Theatre. Is rendering Ihe 
llhiHlratcd hoii^k nt tlie lola. 

Annouttcenieni Im made that Paul Donaldson, 
treasurer uf tbe .Miles Theatre, Is euBaced to 
Miss Madge I.amtM-rt. We always thought that 
Paul was a couttrmeil bachelor, bnt since he 
will dare to euter the ranks of tbe Beaadtctli— 
well, ccongratulatinn^. old ruan, . ,* 


The loeat Lriaa «( Blw Ko. ao, win giat a 

big Macdi Ores (AiniiTal Bail la the Uc ball- 
roam at the Elks* Home, Feb, ST. 

Kew Orleans Is gelling. out her annual Manii 
Rras carnival colors. All of tbe principal 
streets and many buMlness houses and r4*sidents 
are beginning to dectirnte their buildings wllb 
King Rex's colors, purple, gold and green an*! 
Ihe king's crowu. Also many other colon of 
hnntlngs and dags, all along tbe route ot tbe 
King Rex nr,^ tx'lDg strung with m.vTlads of In- 
cnndesrent <>leclrlc lights which will make the 
mate of the pageant a Masc of glory when II- 
inmlaated. Canal street, the Broadway of ttie 
(Yeaeeet City, is a mass of eleetrle lights al 
night. Klac Rex ariil arrlTe ta Kew orteans. 
roalac ap tba Mlaalartppl Bl«cr oa his private 
yacht. Feb. 3T, and win ti a veta e the principal 
streets ot the city, then going to tlie King's 
Palace. Tuesilay. Feb. 28. will be Mardl Oraa 
tta.v. when tlie King Rex and his court will 
traven*se the main streets with his magnificent 
liageani of about twenty-three Soata. Tliere 
will be many merry maskers out on the streets 
this day. King MfHuns will open tbe csmlral 
with his pagT-ants coming out of their den Fet>. 
S3. Tbe second ntgbt pageant will be Klnc Pro- 
teoua and hia Krew. who will parade with their 
tableau pageant of alioot twenty-threo floats 
Feb. 2. . 

The last ami mosl lieautltnl of all will be 
King Comas and bis Krew of abont twenty- 
four floats nt much gnmlenr wmcb will wind 
up Ihe carnival season for 1011. A carnival 
hall will be given after each ot the paiadea at 
the famous old' temple ot music, the French 
Oiwra nou«e. 

The .\merlcan Institution of Banking Men 
gave a very piicressful randevllie and minstrel 
show .-It the fashionable Athenaeum. Feb. 4, 
Soini- of the prcimlnent performers were: An- 
drew E. Rehire. M. Jowob mile Lionel T. 
Scott. Robert Palfiey. Miss Clara Lee Flonmey. 
Allen Gregory Miller's play, Aa the Bonk Says, 
the Beniard SMdda Dually oC aetata aad 
a cui wi iii . HIaa 'Aaaaata Aleat. M. SanKnaa*. 
Miss Oaraella ' Caoke. Braesllne nieher. Mrs. 
U. F. Peeot. t_ P. Pecot P. J. Forrester. Wal- 
ter Coqullle's sketch. The Old Basin Sand 
Rank, with the follnwlng cast: J. W. I^pwI's. 
Miss Coralle Renaud. S. Roy. Jr.: P. Mans- 
xer. J. Kronenljerger. J. Ferrell. W. Dane. F. 
Roth. C. Kingston, and S. r.uti. Cbris. Socnia. 
was stage director and Pruf. Geo. L. O'CoB- 
nell. musical director. 

Many prominent l»anklng men -were present 
at the performance and took a great Intetest in 
their employes' beoeflt. 

Tla Sacred Heart' Vshers* illaatrel Company 
will giTo a benefit aerrormance (or the Chtn- 
rhnba Institnte for tlH> Blind aad Deaf at tbe 
Olympla Hall, Feb. SO. A . 

As announced by Manager TlHimaii U. Camp- 
bell, of tbe Tulane and Crescent Tbeatmi. and 
Homer C. George, press representative of the 
tespecllve houses, they will bold a big anfo- 
moblle race meet In Ibis clly at the fair 
grounds from Feb. 24 to 2T. many of tbe best 
drivers In Ihe world participating In same. 

The New Orleans Symphooy Oreimrtra will 
give tbeteiaaeaad l aaslaal . aoa g r t - at . the Atbea- 
aejisa, ■ Pmk 1^ CsadBdae Beveela Cfc. . Vlraah 
will he <ta rharge. 



Mr. II. n. Wylie, an enterprising business 
man ot some note in Cleveland, was In this city 
recemly on business, connected with the coming 
opening for tbe seaaon of tbe celebrated resort, 
knosm as Grimsby Park, beanllfally situsled aa 
Lake Ontario, about thirly miles west of bflOw 
Mr. Wylle made qnlle a snccesa of the pork last 
season, and wllb several Impcovementa Is ante 
Imslness will boom this year,. 

The celebrated Schuliert Choir. H. M. Fletcher, 
conductor, of this city, will make a trip l» 
Detroit, Cincinnati, Rochester, aod other Ameri- 
can cities TKxt year. 

The premiere <if the new Canadian opera, The 
Red Cross Princess, will Ik- at the Priaccta. 
Fehraanr 3». It will run r«r three alghta. 

Ur. Joba flrilBn. bead of tbe big OriOa 
Aanaeawat Cqmpsay. Is now In Enokln, Caaadl. 
oa important Imalaess connected with hia large 
and e w r-growlwg eircnil. 

JOSitP il oiMm^i; 


The Rlaney-Spnnner Stock Company, onw 
playing Its suceensrnl Iwentlelh week at Ihe 
Orphenm Theatre, Jersey «:ity, is arraaging 
In give Ita palrnos Ave pboloa ot the leadlaB 
iirlnclpals, Mrs. Spooner as well aa Hdaa Hay 
Sposacr ha«a ,«aln*d the trieadabip o< «ba aa- 

A eompiata IM of aHnwUom 
paaring in tha cltlM iwi mi o h iJ oi» 
tttJc^saM te aivili In tlM..dlil^rt« 




iii>>v fi-<-i jii«aBi-.i iii«t tUtflr €■!■• 

T'aii^'wlll roninlii tor mmiy "■■••k» tu roniB. ■ 

ttani » Wi-lll. iiroiirliMor of Wtlirn C«»lDO, 
Nurtli HiTKi'ii luK iKKik"! «n I'laburate T«ude- 
vlllu bill «lmMi|Il> Cli'Vfliiml'» V«uiU-vlllf Acvacy 
.If New Vur* for Ht. luauffbrmBomma Catholic 

*%rt SLB«irrt. 

•Alt WMMOnCO, OM^ 

San Frniiflwi at pr««.lit la the pmuilval i-lty 
III tbr »«irl.l. uwln» to the fact that It wa» 
iliown an tliv alle of the l'»ii»in«-l'»cinc Inter- 
■istlonal Kipaalllua. aDd tlM> nvnn «ru nv*lT«<l 
wllU rcliiltluita and Kntlludf. Tlie mr .rr- 
nUi-d tbf new* lb* vltr bad an luipn>in|>tu 

^.rr daioMir M tt^>^'Mi«Hl the Amrrlcaii 
banria "or amaie paradnl tlw prinrliuil 
(ITCct*. and ■ xn>iit ■■>■■>> uhvIIhk naa held uy 
■iir Htlu-n* In tho ChamlMT nf Cutumrrce. In 
Itm wrBlDa^lIif wratbiT tM-lm; muat perft^t i 
fbr malD thonHiRbfarMi wcrt- »]i-u»«'l>- rrowilf^l 
and a ri'Bl t-nrnlv'al waa In iimKrvu with tbr 
daual hornrt. hella aDd confvtll. that It mnlndttl 
4iae of Ni'W Yi-ar'a *r«f. All the caf«^ apvn» 
taxed I" cajuiclly, ami 'FiJaco went in aleeji 
f.i'llni; TIT)- uappy and n-aily to »ake up llit blic 
laak or oCTcrluK tn Ibe world "ibc RKalLUC fair 
that will eTiT be beld.** 

A pure food abow will lie bvld at tVlatoaa, 
CaL. March Se-Anrll 3. Inrlualre. MiMrli of the 
rpari baa alrradr been >'«nir»el<>d for. Frev 
«iaM*tta and an arlatlon tue«*l la Wlnff amnsevl. 
UUkcr Burbaak will have a larice exblblt. 
, Thf aaDual Roae Camiral will take plaer at 
tiaota Koaa May 

Thive of the Rtlffalo Blira Wild Weat acta 
are tat hrrr now. wmrklnK uB I'antaitni' Clr- 
• nil. Tin y nr>> AIhiii llamad'a XIan AlBh*. Rajr 
TlHMipiwu. «liii bla bunv. Joe Bailay alid.Itrr* 
lla'a Zouave*, all atar arta. 

OrlKlnal YouiiE Kiilfalii. Ibe crark ahut. waa a 
Pillboanl TlKltor. He la plajrlng orcr tbc KraeHi 
llotrell Circuit. Yoniuc Mttiralo meDlimied that 
iH-al aM»aa k* wU^kcM .Ua aini .WM W«>t 
sihowi aM IB ■ ■ 

. Itortnaa Oallik. mi . 

Il hft» arrant luK dalM> Tto ba>d piijra • an- 
ana at Idora Park. Oaklaai. .wkm laat iMaoa 

ther wefv a blv aorceaa, 

OlarrniY Kolli. late of Kalb and DIU. baa 
s'-citml rnntracta to plar ih» Ond>eam Circuit. 
Kolh will beail a company of Idne people aiul 
will prcwnt Tbe IX'HcateKjwn arenc fr«»lD Tbe 
Snniiiirr Wldowera, 

llie followlnic perfomii'r> arrlreil Jaiitiary r.O 
from llonoliilii. wbere tbey played from fiHir to 
"Ix wt^eba' cDcni^^meDta: Van Uarclay Cbmpao^'. 
of iliree |ieot>le; Banea and Weat. Malan and 
MrCratb. Ed. QolKlCT. GUdya Mlddlrton ami 
Jarnea Bowe. 

The Wllaoa Slat era write from SbanstaaL Cbl- 
■a. Ibat thtx >>» plajrlaK a awc c ena tul iwvlTe 
week** MmMMM at Ikr AMfTlm rmiaTlUe 
I'ompaar'ThnrtMb The OUIeMa at* aa the aame 

hill. . 

Caatlenaa aat Moatcomery wrote tbia otOre 
from Shaochal.' imder date of Januar.r s. that 
iber bad Jnat flolabe<l their tour Ihronph Ana- 

tralla anil tbe Phllh>plne lalandM. and were 

very »ii<-re>Kfiil In their akelrb work. They are 
now playlDE in the Orient, and mention that aal- 
arlea. traoaportatlooi and llvlne exiiennea are 
altnat tbe aatne aa In Amerlea. Kncllab la 

apoken rrery whetr. and moat all cltfra hare Tan- 
anmt aad iMtlac jrietm IhralM; 

.n». lataat aam fNaa If aaa lrt i i ■iMitaBa that 
all tk» tbeativa haw eaiabtani end arm ba mn 
■ ■iff aw manaMineDt. .Vt iireaeDl Atp hnn»i<« 
at* affprinc TaudeTllIe and mnalns pictnrea, and 
ttie enmnelltlnn beretofore ha« been ao keen that 
admwalnn price* dmpi>ed to lo. 15 and » renta. 
"-•••eh with the lilfc aalary INf. e\iH'ii«lT>> ad- 
Ti'rtlalns. etc., left no prodt for tbe manaitera. 
"tt la unde^ato.^1 that the new raanatrement will 
eloae «p aomt' of the honaca and operate the 
heal Incateil onca. and aire tbe piiMIc more 
ehaacea an-l better TandcTllte with a new ached- 
weaf adinlaahHi pticea. 

TV Ctatm Theatre ta now preaenttnc all la- 
aiea tlitt atlend the Monday niatlni>e and Monday 
■Wrt |i«rfaniicaee altraetlve aiuivenlr. In the 
ware »e faner article* and er<«-kerj-. 

Twe Mnal'al Bentleva made » lerrllle.hit at 
lh» Raroy Tt-eatre. Ilnnnlnln. «-id will remain 
follT alx weeka. 

Tl>e neiT Rl-hmond Ttieafre ni>ena Marrh 12. 

Jo^n Ton^ldlne u aiN-ndlnE aereral diya here, 
loo'-lBa O'er hia Inierenla. 

'.em Plalel lilaekfxee eonirdlan. left S^tnr- 
J»y. Kebrnary 4. on steamer Sierra, for UoDO- 
IBlB !• Ml ■ four wi>eka' cUKarement, 

Rcns I 

vANcouyiw, p. c. r , . 

Mr. Charlea MHami. lb* Iwiti Caiiadlaa 
eetnr. haa nneiHHl a riramatle ae>rW H Ikbi rtte 
end la known aa the Rmnreaa Praidalle Aea«. 

em.r. The arlmnl la under the natrnnaci> of " 
v«alierf«..nfonl. manaiter of the Rmfireaa Tbea- 
The nntilla of tbIa arhnni will receive 
prartlral atase tralnlns annearlnr from time 
to lime with Ihe Ranfncd riayera In hlih-claaa 

Tlie d<-dle«tory performance ef tbe new C. P 
If. Onera llooae waa beM «a reb. B. 
■ V^" ewnpanlaa bi» aeeklia a charter to 
.eVi'' •..eeenle rallarax to tJronae Mnnntaln. 
'Ilia railway win ha atmllar tn tbe mie iiow 
In operation at Mt. Lowe, Oallf. 
.^'■"■ker Rlrkrita aaaniiBM tba eamimaeat 
^'^'!"» Iba tanaaa ataiNr. IMr 1Mb. 

be ona of lb* nnakat eretila of 

IT. Thla will 
<ne aeaaon, 'and « 

The more lb* iMMWIblllllea of an aHinclal 
<'e rink In thla elir are looked Into the more 
""■y ap|i*t|l. lb Baatcnt dllaa wkat* tka rluka 

A eomplato li«t «t attmetleita ap- 
pearing in th« eitiaa mantienad on 
2!|'*^P>fl* given tn th* depart- 
"""' ■•Qlnning on page 34. 

anr-la-<l|HTatli>D they buve ahowu K'X'd returoH 
ftl* thadr InveNlnient anil If an artlhclal It-e 
rink were o|K'iii-4| In thla 4-lly aloOK the aame 
llnea aa tUoNe In the eaatern cltleN there U 
no reaaon to ihniht hut that the Vancouver proj- 
ect would prove jnat aa aueeetiaful aa thoMe 

Our old frleud IIUI Mctaler baa left for Hot 
Sprlasa, Ark., for a alz wcefca' Tacallon. 
_ Mr. Kal Laawea. i naaa aaaraaaatatlaw ot the 
Orphran. baa letamii Iktai a flip ta ' 

and Seattle. 

Mr. II. 8, Rdatao, manaiier of the Vaneonri-r 
KxhlbltloD Aaaaeiatlon, vlalted 8i>okane t» at- 
tend the l>aeiae Italr Asaoclatlon mcetlns. 

Serrral new eompanlea In tbe muitral com- 
edy line are belnff orftanlaed In VancouTer fur 
extenalve tiMira over tlie Inleroatlooal Amuae- 
uient Aaaoclatlon'a time. The (boim will be 

<'onalderalily above tb* 

rented In tbeiv i>arta aapi iLiatly aa 
tumea and ai-enery. 

fleo. B. Howard ami Coiupuny are Klcniil for 
a alx wontbM* tour to open early In March. 

0an fttienuan. of Jay ClrrtiH fame, wot out 
conalderable literature ailrertlaing Sherman 
Lake while idaytnK here recently. 

The Jelfrlea-Jah oa oa aad Moran-Nelaoo tliehi 
plrtara* bB«*.b*M coatiacled Car Wcalm Can- 
ada iba* aat wntm MNr tka dbrrcftaa of ih 
intetaatlaaal Aa wa a n at JUaodatlaa. 

Ncicottatlona are mder way for three mort 
elahorata .Tanderllle aiul motion picture thea- 
tre* In tbfai city. 

Mr. Phlppa. formerly manaxer of the Grand 
Theatre, baa opened a picture bouae on tlaatlnK 

The lowna of .^Minttaford, Samaa and Chll 
llwack have Iteeu quarantined on account of 
*tinall-pox. wbli-b. It la aaid. waa broupht In*" 
thcae towna by an Orphana* Home Juvenile 
hanl from the Stale ot Wasblnnton. 

There la eoaalderable talk almit a aiimme 
park and roof |ianl*n betas Inatalled dnrlns th 
cvmbi( aaai u wr . . both entcipri*** belac baodUti 

hy loral ptaiMlMl. 
Tbe raanmtw Babl 

ilbltloD Aaaaeiatlon la hn' 

•mnwlatlona for next Aneuat 
l]r? (air trill he held at Ilaatini. 

J. M. MeLEAN. 


.\lie Sbapina. formerly manaiter of the Ca- 
ll no ami Empliip Tbeatw a of tbi* citjr. ha* the 
maaacaaaeat of tbe loar of Dave La wl a, They 
are now idayinc tne Whitney Theatre in Cbl- 
caifo. Sam Ruae. another Tttledoan. la a 
member of the aame company. 

Frank tttalr. one of the leading advance 
a«enta In tlie country, wtm made bla blF^eat hit 
In tbe advance of Kauat In the on^jijjhteN 
aome yeara aro, la In the city handllDK aTf^the 
hnalneaa for the Oeonre Sidney Company. Frank 
looka cotHl and baa a amile that not wear 
off. Reanm — he la married now and his wife 
la with hire on a ahort trip. Mr*. Stair will 
return to I heir borne a«»on. 

Chrla Mjera was taken some time ago for a 
member of The Rnund-t'p Cimuvany with bjK 
maauue' wben he attended n hn-al bsll. Now 
that they are pninj: t»* have a lionie-talent af- 
fair. Chrla haa been renuesied tn aK«(n take 
the part of a Mexican. 

The new Keith bonae has the iktace anil tbe 
aeatinc of the bnnae ahnnt ready for the fln- 
Ikblnic loncbea. Tbe main entrance will be the 
n«^t that will he btistled alonr and tbe new 
tbeatre will bare a -tmrlnit epenlnie. 

nudlejr hack at bla eM *taad and Ms alan. 
Inc Is brlniilnit bark all Ma old admhera at tbe 
Hooit Koae. 

W'm. Bnllen ami Matthews are In tbe rity tor 
the adranee of The Fortnne Ilnnter. 

Bill rhilllns. the old apni-tlsbt klBK. who 
did tbe imrk to all the numbeni of B. C. 
Whitney's Mow am naanmar ram ato. 
la In the eltr kaadlhw-tbe pnapa «r .ttc SMacy 

Aronnp the talent that la comlnff ta-fb* front 
In thealrlrala. la the work of La ana Bnrrad. 
who atarleil with rbnm* work amaa tbrr* jeara 
aeo and now is pIselaK aa l aMwt l aa t part with 
the Slditer shear, nar. wwfc. ls'abai'* tbe aear. 
afe. Kmmit Callahaik aaitkit Med* boy, a 
snft.ahoe dancer. Is with Ike mm aad bla work 
reeotvi-n manv encores. 

Harry Clark, the old einwn. has tetnmrd 
home and will not look for any more camlvala 
In the winter. The town hall*' do not hit him 
.Inst riabt and tho«e who aay he I* amonjt the 
dead are cr^ay. The n^iwrt atarted ahoot th" 
atlraetloD playlnit a hall In Pennavlvanla which 
waa connecteil with a livery atahle ami an on- 
dertaklna ahop. Now for much work for tlie 

The dry* were well repreaente<l at the per- 
formance of Temperance Town at the Amer- 
lean tbe past waeh. Ram Rebwak, witb a baaeb 
from 'FMta& A,: Oeocpe' KevaK. fMMi' IM- 
traala. O.: Ikatt** Rnaealbal. ftwa IbMlinc 
Oreea. O.. and Phil MePtaan. of Brran. O.. were 
present. To at Ihe coiwKtlons of the tonus. 
Iber retnrneit borne on special ears with a larcr 
onantily of near-beer. Tbe show handled 
attoover beverace than they ronld handle wlth- 
ont Tlolatlnr the laws. 

Edward Channel. • freaanrer of the American, 
haa many hrlaht notices each week In their 
proaram. alwut tieonle** ace*. Whv doe* Chea- 
ter Serirent overlook thla man** atrooc mind. 

M. B. Connell. the pavmaatcr of the Hock- 
Ina Valley coal decks at Columbus. Is In the 
city atHi haa not onlv the anmmer fever, hut 
thinks serloaaly of siartlnit a dramaUe school 
«r aellnit. 

Our Sydney Wire, the btirles>|«ie writer of thla 
paper, la maklnc the hnrlrsane attractions take 
nolire to bla spicy pac* that he mmlshrs each 

Rnht. RIpiMo. the hustllna iHihllclty man of 
the Empire. I* dolnic the advance work for the 
new hotel PeOi>hn. Ilia tripa are to tTlereland 
each week to All up the vacancy at ' tbe 
hotel on the arrival of the hurleaqne company 
from that city. 

Wade Morton wUI soon lie with ns with 
the adranee nf Thar'tna. -Wade la some fellow 
and knoara all thb IfMM aad-tke real towiui ia 

Harry Winter*, nf the Kmpire Theatre, ban 
bla box-otUce Mtaff In exenlOK attire and tbey du 
look tbe part. I^jok* like a two-dollar bouMe 
on Broadway. 

Cheater Harsent. the utility man of tbe Hur- 
tle A Keamoii hoUHe* In thla city. 1* placlnic 
Home bii; ahowa In their ten-cent houae, the 
Arcade, lie make* a weekly trip to Cblcagu 
tor feature acta and tbey are always tbe Kooda. 

It ta saU that Jaka Rose will ***• Mm Tb* 
Man on the Box Oimpany. which hi tMMMainK 
III Chirac* (or a weatem trip. 

Joe Hawley, one of the local hlllats «( this 
city, has contracts for tbe ■iblaaw Ukaaa ftir 
tbe comlns atimmer. The aala kaa k al a lalard 
aad Joe ia plmuied «Mb mmKi ' 


Maiiacter llarr; K. Shockley. of Keith'* Cul- 
niiihia. has announced a numlH*r of ftood beaU- 
liiier* who have been booki'd for early appear- 
ance at the Ci4noibIa. Tbe ll*t Indudea Nat K'. 
GiKxIwin In U-nd Me Fire Sbllllnga; Adeline 
Renee anil her company: Gus iCdwards' Souk 
Revue, and Christy Matbewaon. Chief Sleyer* 
anil May Tully. 

.\ S|>rclal featnre with The Lady Bucraueer* 
at People's Theatre last week was The Arrl 
Mystery, a pualnic act, which reeently playe<l 
tba Morris Circuit. This week the added at- 
tracthm ia John L. BnlllTaa and Jake Kllraln. 
the pDSDlata, who are aldlnc In brintcing Ihe 
crowds to aee The Rector Girls. 
' Cniarles K. Miller. adTaneo aiient for David 
Pelaaco'a The Lily Company, waa taken seriously 
III durioi; bis stay In Cincinnati, but despite 
ailvii-e pnice«>ded tn Indianapolis, tbe next ntaiid 
of hi* comiutny follnwiiift Cincinnati. A dis- 
patch from that city datiM Thursday, stales 
that Miller died In n local hospital. A more 
detailed account of hi* death I* slven In Hn- 
other column. 

The next meetluK of CinrlnnatI iJMlge No. 
33. will he held March 1. There are aereral 
appUfBtlaB* on flie !• be di a piaad of at Ital* 


Hie Eaalest Way ci-rtaloly bad a very "hard 
lime." and In a very '•[*H-ullar way." (-oDvinr«f«l 
our "theatrical cvnsor." Iter. I>r. Htelnmeta, 
that we win be pleased to aee MIsf Starr sod 
her alKive company la the above- mmq<l . s are t 'i » 
fol play. nareuiMI eltr. BlefcaMad. kaiied the 
company, and w. Belaaco arlied Mr. T«alii f. 
Dean to "bike It" to ib* Little Sww T«(fc of 
tbe Sentb and-ser how tkej' woold be leeeired. 

Mile. Pauline, a leopanl trainer, saffered In- 
tense psiD 1a*t week, csuaeil by her protege*. As 
she waa slioiit to enter the arena at tbe .Majes- 
tic Theatre in tlil* city, her pet leopard at- 
tacked tier. Throncb llie effort* of several per 
formera on tbe aanie bill, protialdy her life nms 
saved. Another trainer waa ordered from New 
York City, and tb* act received (real press no- 
tice* from the local Bapeiak MIleL-gaallar will 
rest in tbis eliy oatlf Me t etaw ia eatlrrly from 
her arcldeot. 

Mr. Barney Friadmaa kaa apala *al*frd the 
portals of the Coloalal. thi* tkae aa asaiataut 
to tbe manacer, 8. W. DoaaMa. Xeatly erery 
one in the *'profe*b'> rreoitnites his perpelu'i! 
amile aa of yore <two years acol. 

Just heard from Mr. Monte Carter the Norfolk 
bred Hebrew comedian. .Monte has Jolneti the 
Alphln and Farfo Conwly Sdnfc Co.. at Los 
.Vnjsele*. Cal. And he say*: '■Tell the boy* lo 
look out for some irolden fruit — nraujre* — fnun 
the fairest land in Ihe world." .VII capitals, 
and he knows. 

Mr. Carter 1* a m^pbew of Mr. Kahn. the 
actor r<>pre*entatlve of Callforaia, who is closely 
"real friends" of the pmfesstoik 

J. T. Herrlrk ha* last poichaard tbe resort 
named White Cltr. WItbiB a few miles of tbe 
rtty. He eaoieiB|iI(it«B --lenoTatinc same fur 
blKb.rla*s colored iieapl*. 

Xow comes tlie annoaneement that the Ara.I- 
emy of Music, a K. A E. house, win Tacate for 
the open door. Hereby Norfolk will he henefltiM 
bv the class of Shnh<-rt attractions. 

Mnie. Sarah Wemhardt and her company will 
be th« attmerlon at the .\cadeniy of Mnalc- 
ahortly. "Plvlne Rarsh" has srircteil a* her 
prrarnlalloa lo Narfolk. ChmlUe. And la lam. 
the entlee Ministerial I'alaa af tbe citr appeared 
before the mayor aad •adaetd total to eloae tbe 
door of tb* pl a r k aa** U tke maaaceeieat doa'l 
■sake W. P. enaalir. Xav. Serahanlt's man- 
acer. ehanae tbe veblele. Tbe mlilstet* claim 
that Madame b*s shown to other citle* a belter 
attraction out of her reeertory. And now an- 
other miniater of the Yiddish faith claim* she 
win shine better In Camlllo. What could she 

In my next letter I will write the ontcome of 
this distnrhano' to "advanee »ale*" 



In the'mllMI* of •«ne Ih'alrtcsl mansEers there 
exhita Ihe opinion thsl this city is a pnnk show 
town. It I* true that local thentrejrners sre 
<t1*erlmln*tlne and critical, bnt slve them the 
ripht kind of altraetion* and their patronaire la 
overflowinp with enthualasm and e.vtr*vaffance. 

Rlcharil Man*fleld and Robert Minfell alway* 
had (Treat anoee** In pWHluclnc Shakespearean 
p1a.vs In thla city. The ponniarll.v of theae playa 
In thI* city can not be e^nlalnetl. hut If Ihey are 
prodilee<l with aood aeente Investiture ami Kooil 
actina there will be rrowded hnn ar * ererr- time. 

The week of lybmny 13 wHI he tan «C later- 
est and actlrlly at tbe Aeademr of Maalr. Wil- 
ton LaefcaTe irlri^ fonr iierformanees In The 
Rtranmr front the 13th tn IKth. Then Sarah 
Rerahaidt gtre* fotir performanrrs from the 
16tb to ISth. Mr. Newman itlvea an lllnslrafed 
leotoce on the afternoon of the t^th. Ellen Ter- 
ry pivcs an Illustrate.! Irelnre on Shakespearean 
characters on the afternoon of the 14tb. The 
Wavnestioro (Pa.t I.odce No. 731. R. P. O. E.. 
will run a special excnrston to this city FVH- 
mary 18 to see Sarah Re-nhardt. The train vvin 
be a atdid resllbnled Pullman. 

A dtenateb to tbi* cit.v, Jannary stated 
tkat J ai iak KeiBan. of Baltimore, waa arraated 

Id .Vllmny. N. V.. January 27. on the chars* of 
aHHaultlUK Mis* Katherlne McOratb. a member 
ot the AI. Keeves Company. It t* nnderalood 
that the cauite iif the trouble waa a loug-stand- 
Inic dlaaKri-ement between Kernau's wife and 
2IIISS McGruth. It la alleRed that Keman struck 
Miss McGrstb on the head aeveral times, after 
which she went Into a byatcrlcal coma and a 

Syalclan hail to be railed. A Jniy trial was 
Id at Sebriwctady. iU, K*faaa ta a sua of th* 
nieraa theatrical maaaaer. Jaaam U Keman. 

of BaltlBMre. 

Mlsa .\nna Walker, who ia Ihe chief feminine 
andrrstciiy fur the cast la The Girl nf My 
Dreama. was entertslne<l at the Country Club by 
Mia. Charles E. Ford, durlnc her visit last week. 

The BnlldlnK Inspector has a Husplrlun that 
the law ituvenilnie electric llirhtlnic In tbe larse 
theatres Is belnic violated, so be Intend* to beicln 
a c rasa do tn Inveitlicate tbe matter. Ills atten- 
tion was dlrecte.! to tbi* matter recently when 
the- Ilvbta in one houwe went o*it ilurlnir a peIN 
formance when the theain* was crowded, and 
leavlsR the audlenie In dnrknens for flfteeo inlB- 
Dtes. There mlaht lisve been a panic wItb BCrl- 
ous result*, ijttoted the Inspector. . aadh* wUi 
have an Insneclloa aude at «ace. TM-fC^ 
visioo* retinbe aepaiat* *lcetile antMaa HT 
the 9tmmt^ Pwcr -aad aadttarinm. Red liabta 
■aat lie^triiBmiac at tb* *zit* at all ilmca. 

Tke JaaiealfcilB*Clab, eonpoaed of newspaper 
men of Baltimore. Kave Its annual show at the 
Lyric. February 7. Tbe houae waa packed for 
the occasion. There was a lone program of In- 
teresting things for tbe guests and the profea- 
siuuula who a»*l*led In entertaining were: 
Blanche Rlnic. doing a apeclalty: Al. Carlton 
and Valerie Bergere. from the Maryland: Booey 
Boy Evans and James J. Corhett, from roca's; 
MarKhall and Kluk, from the Gayety, and aa* 
act from the play. To Serve tlie Croaa, tram 
the Academy of Mnale. 

One Uuudred ami Iwealy-dTe Bewabwr* f«o» 
Decled with Snb-StallnQ Xow S. *r tk* Baitl. 
aiMV N«w«. were rItcb a twaT Prbijarjr «, an* 
at faMl'a Theatre. 

tbIa wail. « L 

Baal BalHmoce alieet. 

ored beeanse they sold mora napIIB la iMr «*• 
trict than their fellow atlMra tP-atttr^Ha. 
trfels. TlH' performance 
Tiito and awTins ptalawa. 



Boston. Feb. 1» (Special lo The Billboard).— 
Rowlanil and Clifford's suece*»ful play, Tbe Ro- 
sary, ha* smashed all records for a popular- 
priced attraction In Roaton. Opening on Chrlat- 
mas Day at the Globe Theatre, the life of th* 
play In Roaton was a huge goess, hot Boston 
grew tu like It. with the reanlt that to-nlgbt 
close* the sizty-aerenib straisbt aarforma ae a 
of the play in Ibta rily alac» CbtMoHia awt> 
Inee. Never before has tbe Gtake nMati* bteo 
known to play dailr m a .tl aa e a , aatll..<>e JU; 

sarjr was forced to adrartiM MTataUam laat 
week, and agala tbta weA. amc ta the ia- 

mena* snbotban patronage. 

Rowland and ClttTonl announced to-day that 
their next aeasun's undertaking will be Tbe Rock 
of Ages, which will hare Its rhrlatenint; at tb* 
Crown Theatre la Chicago on Eaaler Sunday. 
April ID. It Is said this play wtll follow along 
the lines of The Roaaiy in religloaa rtawa. Tb* . 
Rosary, howerer. wUI be I*pMtt4 acala nasi 
season by Rowtaad and (nUnl. ^- 

Edward W. Bowlaad. Jr.. Ip amaulBa Oaa> 

prew dcpartawat to laafeMTaflar tr Wallw I. 
DuMaa. a fncaatr Boat on nawapapenaan. 


Zanearflk^ FMi. 11 (Special to Tfc* Sm- 

boardl Ian** B. rnnnlaiEbam. irbo baa baca 

playing lead* with the SchnlU Stock Coaipaay 
bete, win leave that comp-.ny Fell. 1». at which 
time the winter season will terminate. - On the 
fnltowlne Monday, the commny will agan 
open with a new atage director la the per- 
son of James E. Bllaa. late of Paby Mine 
feme. The rompany has been aperattop «a the 
commonwealth plan, bnt baa aes^kff 
aln^ alone amooth lines despite 
snree**. thus tbe leoraanlxatlaa. 


Indianapolis. Ind,.^ reb. 11 I8p»cl*l to Tjlf 
Blllboanll.— Tbe B. >. Keltb Company will tab* 
control of lb* MaJeMIe Theatre bete and It 
will he n**d far papniar price »andevllle. The 
Majestic baa been a stock eompaay bona* for 
three seasons. Applleattoa for a receiver for 
the Benton Stock Comiwnr. which has been 
plaring at the Majestic this season, has been 
msde In the Circuit Court. Philip Brown, sd- 
vertlsing msnager of the company, haa beeo 
maile receiver. Previous to th* Renton Com- 
vaajr tb* tbratre was •Kcapied by the Frre- 


New York. r*h. 11 tSpeclal to The Blllboardi. 
— By an arrangement made thla week Ml** An- 
nie Russell comes under the mnnagetaejrt Of 
Llehler and Co. for a term of year*, m- paa iap 
Immediately. II Is the pwpo** of the Bria to 
exploit Miss Rnsarll ia « a*rl*a 
which the pfiaelra] flgni* •kali be ef »**«« 
irith which Miss Rns«eII has been ao soeeessfollT 
assoeiated— the incenue comeily role. The Brst 
olTering will be The Rackallders. described _by 
Its anthor. Reoice Bpecloa. aa " 

e<ly" In thn« SMa. f . lrbl*e aad Oau. It 
give The RackidHet* a ■ atahie rat la 

of the star. 

ready to pnrchaae amrsement devleea and all 
sorts of msterlal for the snimner. Too can reach 
them all with an advertisement In tbe SoiInc 
Special Number ot Tbe BIRboard. wbleh win b* 
Issued Match 14. AttrtcUMMMPjM let km 
by March 11. M|vWMP«ilttM.ta*l 

lluusen uui (jerturinent an mpacttoUr icqocatMl t» eoBtrltivte tbeir date* tot this 
Boatas moat reacb The BOIbMsl aot latw than FHday at eacb weak to Insnre piAL-„ 

~ I all aaU ftr l ii ilMrt i iml i fw« cif diarge. Membcn of tbe profnatea an 
'la can of The BOIIwatd, and It wtll 

In tfMss ootwniis will iyiiortdp 

Mileas answers ars prepaid. 


(An additienal llat of Pt C oi m wm ' 
0«fry% m wall M a Oat of addttlonai- 

may ba found in another eelurhn.) 

Acts with burlesque companies may 
f a u i i d In another column. 

tha WMk of 


Hanj: WWte Bata. K. T. O: 

Abatns, ne: Sas Odondo arc. 

Altken Braa.: 23* Bedford it.. Tan 

Altkena, Tiro Great: 2319 -Grarlrr -at..- 

Albanl: lfl05 BnMdwaj-, N. Y. C. 

AJderfer, Cbaa.; 2>enTer. Ind. 

Aldracb, Blanche: Athena. Ga, 

Aldildge. Cbas. H.: 20 B. Berkley it, nnlon- 

tfwa, Pa. 
m a te. Jno. ■L.: 5430 -Loom 
.A^^^.^ (Grand) Glaagoir, 

* Bertie: 118 Ooteal'.ara, .fab. 

.'Kra:^ wmet It.. ilbsK M. T. - 
Allen & Vensa: 12S Biewar tU^lmlUtL. - 
Allisei'a. Joa.. peter the aHSsTSBafaaSdl 

at., BotM>kca. N- '3, 
Alraao, Madaan: r-Vii aOHttMl^ OL ~ 
-^2?"^'*' 8-« W is fi; M» K Ittia St. Daca- 
- tar. m. . . ... 

Andean CamrOj rmtzm M aM. K T. a 
<f ncm Danecis, Sb:: 10 ~ 

AMMa^Mlaartalir^ nrv «M st. X T 

A^Bsaa 4k BUaoa: SflOB lAcost a 
aaacnse% Aostrallaa Twin: cate 
. 104 b: f4th St.. N. T. C. 
AdiwI ft Dcriin: 15S7 E. 32d St.. Clereland 
Apollo Qnartctte: 539 Jf. State St.. Chicago 
Anchm, Loo: 863 Greenwood Terrace, CtUcafo. 

lgL^^^2^L5k^.ii» «a«», 

tortd A Kickv: OMBSk H. T. 
^KQ^ a' 1>aiH. M* a. Mtk at.. 

N. T. 
Atutin A Baal 

Axoma tumrt 

7 3110 E at.. Phna. 
" Temple) CUcago. 
S. rut at.. Chicago ' 
I) Saslnav, Uicb.; (BUoot 

AOagHm l^^i (Cailiio) PKtalMitg, Pa. 
AmxettiB, Three (American) San Frandaco: 

(Loa Angeles) Im Angelea. 20-25. 
AvaBoa Troape (Orpheom) Eao Claire. WU. ' 

AnsiDt »oB. (Keith-B) Piefia(aee..B. L 

Ainolda. Chas. (Atbenaei — ~ " — 
J4affla.'BIIl7 (Temple) ~ 
lahtstmls. o.. 20-2B. 

(Hathaway's) Xew Bedford, 

(New Portland) Portland, Jle., 20-S. 
1 SewafaoTa' Qoartette — ' 
mntOb CaL; (Cfaotee) Baa 
Aralaa. Jwfifihg Fmr (Grand) 
(ECopkln'a) Loatomie. Ky., i 
American Comlqnea (Prlaellla) 

(Colonial) Erie, Pa., 20-39. . 
AitieU Bros. (Uajeatle) BtmlaakaB. Ala.: fib. 

Jestlc) Colnmbos. Ga., 20-25. 
Ad^ls (Keith's) PhUa.: (Grand)) PUtsbnrg 20- 

Alpine Troape. Fire (Forsrth) Atlanta, Oa.; 
(Orptaenm) HarrisbnrK, Pa., 20.25. 

t dalr . Eddie, A Edythe Hennej (Folly) Okla- 
homa Cty, owa.; (Frlnceas> WlehlU, Kan.. 

Armania. Fire (Orp h t iuu ) Kaaaaa 'Cilri' -Jfc: 

(Oriibeam) Omaha. Keb.. 
AtTlno & Blalto (Carlton) DoBois, Pa.: (tniC) 

Butler, 20-25. «Mnw, 
ABerleaa Trumpeters (Garrlck) San Diego, CaL 
Adelmstin. Joaeph. PamHy (Mary Andaraon) 

Iioalsnile; (Orpbenm) Hemfiiit. Tenn., 20-25. 
Armatrong's, Hatrlsoo. Fire Commissioner Co. 

'^O^ienm) Seattle; (Orpheom) Portland. Ore., 

Alfsxetta Sisters (Uajestic) Oiatanooga, Tenn. 
Alkr A Barilngton (Iiearlstoa) Lrwlaton. Ma. 


Anl. Mile. (Bmpresa) ClnclnnatL 

Aldrldge. Arthnr ((^heom) <^ 

Azmoiy & Adams fPantages') Dcmer. 
Aadree's, D. J., Stodies la Porcelain (OTpheom) 
Omaha. Xeb. 

~ asti W. Chsrch at.. Newark. O. 
s U V. ipMk aL. «. Z..a 

: 122 Smith at.. Winnipeg, Can. 
aer (Ijaek-al WiManliit. B. I. 
m SWtt inatam'aHfrViane- 

Baker A ComsUa: 613 E. 4Sth at.. Chicago. 
Baker, Sid: 1606 Bace St., CInclnnstl. 
Banks, Charley: 317 Park are.. BalUmare, 
Banyan Alfred: 122 Smith at.. — ' 
Barber A Palmer ~ 
Barrlar. Don: 

Bariowa) Breakaway: White Bata. N. T. C. 
Bametts, The: 33S Summit at., Toledo. O. 
Barrett. Frank: 240 Bth a»e., N. Y. 0. 
Barron. Geo.: 2002 Fifth are., N. Y. C. 
Barry A Hack: 588 Soger at., MUwankee. 
Bartell A Garfield: 2689 E. OSd St.. Clereland. 
Baom, Will: 9T Wolcott St., New Baren. (!onn. 
Baxtec; Sidney: 1723 4Sth at., Melrose, Cal. 
Beard. Bllly: 1401 Drayton at.. Sarannah, Ga. 
Be^ Nonnaa Ed.: 487 Orosrenor are.. Mod- 

Back A BeaM: M^at. Stk St., PhHa. 
Bedlal, MBc: US Bth ave., Chicago. 
Beeeber. Will S.: White Rats N. Y. C. 
Bees, Two: 502 Brysnt ave., Clilcago. 

I XsMca Qaaitatte: USS S. 

1 at,. I-a 

Chaa. it.: Stnrgeon, Mo. 

__teia: Blchardaon Park, Dels. 

Bretonne, May: Actots* Society, IW W. 4Sth at., 

N. Y. C. 

Brlnkleya, The: 424 W. Sgth St.. N. Y. a 
Brittons. Tbiea Meilcal- OS Uhcftr am.. 


Brotdway (Jaai^ OHiMlit M .VMms aas,, 

Brooklyn. _ 
Braoka A Waman: SM W. «tk St., N. T. C. 
BMwa A Onu: S4 Wuaj are.. Mewaik. O. 
BrswBlea, The: eih A laekaoa sta., Topeka. 


Browning, Arthnr: 033 Omrt st., Cincinnati. 
Browsing, Beaale: 340 B. EOth at.. N. Y. C. 

Bnch Bras.: Edison St., BIdgeBeld Park. N. 

Bndds, Aerial: 26 N. Uoloo St.. Aorora, 111. 
Boncba A Alger: 2319 W. Main St., loalarllle, 

Bimth A Bndd: 910 B^^lden are., Chicago. 
Bnrbaak A Oanforth: Berlin. N. H. 
Bach. BBIr A TItslaU: MS W. Market St.. 
IioaiatBIa. *j. 

Bnrkbart A Berry: UB Bngaala at., (Aleago. 

BomhaDS. Dick: Bome. N: T. 
Boma, BOly X.: White Bats. N. Y. C. 
Bart, Glenn: 714 W. 9th at.. Cincinnati. 
Bnsby A Williams: 5«1 W. I44tb St.. N. Y. C. 
Boaklrk, MdsIcsI: 88 Bsrrow St., N. Y. C. 
Bntler, Boy E.: 73 E. Fair St., Atlanta, Ga: 
Byezs A Bermsno: 3A49 Paxton Road. Cincin- 


Hinklln A. (0. H.I Berlin. Can, 

IB A Of" (GsIriTi So, rhlrago. 10-18. 

TUb Uink ii tnrailable fpr jmte Aitil in 
no' route cards. Ciidi iHIl te mtfliBd upon applicatioii. 







If yoa are unable to oye route, a 

It adAmJUiedalmdlr fnw 


Permanent Addresa. 

Belford Famllr: Maea BaW. IIS X Clark 

St.. Chicago. 
Bennett Bzoa.: S8S W. 6Sth at., N. Y. C. 
Bennett A Maicello: 20S W. e7th St., N. Y. C. 
Benway. Happy: White Bata, N. Y. C. 
Betxu^ Mlaa l,ealle: 716 Boeklngham Place, Chi 


Bett7 A Beny:' Oicat Taller, H. Y. 
Bert A Winiaan: • Baate. A. Atlsala. Ga. 
Btann, MUc: can Slas TBiia; JBMaalltan 

oTh.. N. Y. C 
Bigelows, The: 2882 Xnnc at;,. 
BIgga, Jas. W.: 810 W. Sd at.. OMHette, N. 


Bllyck's, Capt., Sea Uoos: eare Dss Piocramme, 

- Berlin, Ger. 

Bimbos. The: 404 Padfle at.. Appleton. Wla. 
Bingham, BnsaeU: 1633 N. SOth St., PhUa. 
Btsbee A ComeUjt Hotel Bookery. Kewanee, 
■ m. 

Blanchard'a It Happened In Arizona: 4510 Slag- 

noUa aye.,' Chicago. 
Black A Xe<>ine: 19 Neponxet. are., Boataa. 
Blandiaiil A lUdln: lUW OctarU sL, Saa fltaa- 

BioSr JBM: sm '^ .M -aaa* 

Tens. ■ -' 
Bl ossom a. Thax_;^HMv4Bfc--]flaik ' 
Boes A Baas: WB 'V.-'JSHnta sti, Xaabmie, 


Beaton <^ty Qiurtette: 470 Warren at., Brook- 

Bontln A TlUaon: White Bata, N. Y, C. 
Boyd. Bddle: ai» S. Mala at. Loa Aoselaa. 
Boyd. Maiia (O. H.) Banker, Uk, 
Braatsi. SAaa: case mTSmc, 104 B, I4th 

St.. 5; X. a - ■ : • 

Bradfocds. -SbK^MI K Itmittmr hti^l V^rtlaai. 

Ore. - ■ - 

Br Mala at. BbObIo. 

Beban. George (MaJesMc) 

St. lODls, 20-25. 


Bldelte, Haxel: 2544 Unddl BM., St. Lonia. 
Barnes, T. Boy & Bessie Ckawfocd (Colonial) 
Norfolk. Va.: care Max Bart, 1493 Broadway, 
N. Y. C. 20 25. 
Besn & Flamlltan (Grand) Hamilton, O. 
Braham's, Nat, Educated Flea Circus (Hippo- 
drome) CleTeland. 9S4S. 
Bathing GlrU (Oipkaon) Uaeota. Neb., 20-25. 
Berenice, 3(ne., A Bs Mar Bears (PrlacIUa) 

(^ereland: (Coloalal) Brie, Pa., 90-28. 
Booker. Harry. A On. (BIJoa) WlaiUpeg. Can. 
Bondlol Bros. (O ip hfe n a) Saa Frsnclsco, 20-25. 
Baoy, Mr. A Mrs. Jlmmle (Orpheom) Seatilp. 
Brenon. Downng A Co., (Orpbenm) Ogdeo, Utah, 

Beyer, Ben. A Bro. (Kedzin) Chicago; (Grand) 

Indanapolls. 20-2S. 
Bamn, BlUy (Majestic) J^eattl.-. 
Bnneites, .Cycling (Empress) Saa Frandaeab 

(Uhcrtj) BL tAarly. 

Pa.; tOQBtao Bnaasck. 90-2b. 

' — CJty Bsar (OolaaMa) Cincinnati; (Mary 
iiiMl La^MIle, ao-ZS. 
Bash A Pty a M (Oipbeeai) Sonth Bend, Ind., 

18-18; (Gayety) Springfield. III.. 20-2.*>. 
Bessette A Besaette (Prancala) Montreal 30-2S. 
Bootblack Quartette (Shea's) Toronto. 
Bretonne. May. A Co. (Orpbenai) taatailllr. O.. 

18-18. . .. 

Borrow. L. B. (Imperial) JMMtmtU MS.: (Prln. 

eeia) Plymootb 20-25. 
Bamettc. Bobble: PortsauMlh, O.. JM-ni Aah- 

laad. Ky.. 30-23; Inmtoa. O.. 23-3S. 
Barte. Seta A Mae (Orpben) nailaasll. 

Bailqr CMape (OipbaaH) CtadnstL- ~ 
BiMiB. Vaa,. A Co. (CoiaaUa) 
BAMs, SarcB (Keith's) PWBa. 

Breea, Harry (Keith's) Pblta, 

Brown A MUla (Malestic) Denrer. 
Caesar, rraats: 512 B. 42d St.. Chicago. 
Calboott. Mr. A Mrs. Wm.: 133 E. 17th at, B. ' 

y. o. 

(MUM, Joe: 1842 Indlsna are., Chicago, 
Calrot. Greet: 154 ATcrlll avc., Baebcslar, X. 

oarert-Parfcers. Thfi Futla^. Ma. 
Cameraa, ElU: 381 Biaaa at. New 


Camabell. Al: SOT liaaliitsai a**.. N, T. O. 

SriVTBhell: <01W. 18Jh at. KaMsa City. Mo. 
Ckriau Irrlag: 4203 N. <lat at, Cblesgo. 
Carlln A Clark: SIS Pi aa atet aea.. Buffalo. 

Carlton Sisters: 483 W. »th St.. N. Y. C. 
Car<a Sisters: 104 W. 10th St., N. Y. C. 
Carral, Helene: 1745 Warren are., Ctlcsgo. 
Carroll, Nettie, Troape: 1428 Uataw* arc.. 

SprlngBeld. Ut „ . ^ _ 

Carrolton A Tas: JMalB .Villa. St* ' laa 

Canon Btos.: 8SS Wfc Biiiajba. 
Casbota A Mnrphy: Mrihe Bata. rt 


rsMfla Three: DarUagtog. Wis. 
Oaae, Charley: Lockport. N. Y. 
Oaaa, Paal: 81 Bol Clart aU Chicago. 
Omnaasb * T lacaatir- TCO A ladlaaa aec^ 

Kanaaa OV. lsfe-_ _ . _- ... - 

Oiaoelo, Aerial: fNl Msal SNk. BaaSM tX>, 


Chantrell ft Schuyler: 218 Prospect are., Brook- 

Chapman Slaters: 1828 Mltban at, la a i a a aje M s, 
ChaW A Oaoaa: IBM B. BaMaaA at. CM- 

Clark BM8.: Sm KM ^ als. 

Claii " 


I-March SI. . . 

Clements A Lee: 829 First at, Loalsrllle. 
Clermont. Jean: 104 K. 14th St.. N. Y. C. 

CleTeland, Oaade A Madoa: B8T Mh stc A«- 

CUto A SjlTester: 224 K. W> st; FMjS. _ ^ 
ClotUde A Maatnae: <SS W. mk sla'II* »> C; 
(Soattas. nise Maileal: IM W. Maaca St.. 
B X 

* Maaleal: t4S Seals are., Blloxl. 

la Mnslral Poor: 212 W. 43d St.. N. V. 

s. Five. Inc. : FIndlsy, Ol ■ 
Coaker. (Uercr: Wanaao, Wla. 
Cook A Hellmao: ISM Spring St., Newark. N. 

Cooke. Baynond H.: 11 NIcboU at, AeaseU. 

CODO. - • 

Copeland A Phflllps: »• «^^8<!S *L>t^Jft 
' - A Maod: cat* P. TaariB. M» 

Plak aec Maapeth, U I.. 

at, N. T. C. 

(tenaUas, Six: 81 

N. T. „ 

4>rr»«» Xhiee: 238 S. Sxchange st. St Paul. 

Cotter A BooMhe: eare Norman Jefferles, Bth A 
Arch ata» fhOta. 

Conrtney A Jeaaette: 1310 W. 14th Place. Chi- 


Cowin Family: Alteona. Pa. _ . . -JJ 

Cnwtara, Glen 8.: 1438 Baztar at, ToMAjk. 
Crawford A DeUncey: 110 l aJlaw at, BsVa 

Xhe: Wchater dto; la. ^ - 

Dick: Yaodetflte ObsmAF CWb, 2M W 

48th 'at.. N. Y. a 
Oooka. <3>aa. M.: Muskegon, Mich. 
(ToUen Bros.: 2SI8 Ellnrorth St., Phils. 
Curtis. Ssm J.: 763 Jennloca St.. N. Y. C 
aark A Ttimer (Princess) San Diego. (W. - 
CarpenUr. BUly A Ntna (Boyal) Chicago. 2B>tik 
Cotton, l<oIo (Warbnrton) Yonkers, N. X. 
Crowell A Gardner: DaDTlUe, lit, 16-18." 
Campbell, Frank A Jesala lOnhcaaO Or 
U., IS-IS: (Ciyatal) Ma Btattaw 

CalM ~ 

OanaO, Nettle, Troape 

MMu: (BI]oa) Battle < 
Cf- <"•-•.. CIrcaa 

MIeb.: («■- 

(Alldera A 

W Ta. 

Cross A laasiAlas (Orpheaa) OgOea. TOah. 
aUTcfd * BeAa (Oipbceai) Datatb. Jfta 
<^STW~f Broa. (Grand) Pltlabarg. Pa.: (IBaaifai 

Waah., D. C 20-26. _ . . 

Creasy, wni M.. A Blanche Dsyna (■an> 

Buffalo; (Shea's) Toronto. 20-23. 
Carle. A. (Asblsnd) Cblcago; (Ljda) Chicago. 


CHpper QaaMet (Malmtlc) Ft. Worth. T^: 
<Ma]eatlc) Dillad. 30-23. 

Cole A LcCrandall TYlo (Hippodrome) Beaonf. 
Pa.: (Malestic) Waah.. D. C 20-25. 

CarroB, Hetne. A Co. (Baplre) MUwankae. 10- 

18; (Star) . 

Carroll, Chaa. (O. H.) Lrhlshtga. Pa.. lA-Mi 
(Pergola) Allenlowa SO-SS: (NMr Bahaat D» 

Tcr, N. J., 23-'i'.. 
Cherry Sisters (Slltner'sl ChleafO. 
Cartllo, Lew (Orpbenm) neneer. 
Carter A Watem (Majontic) P in sia . 
Dooley, Wm. J. (Ixm Angeles) MB fylni 

(Garrlck) San niego. 20-25. 
DeMosey A Barinn (rnlon) St. txmls: (Delmar» 

St. tools. 30-2-%. 
Dslley A Well: 7S3 So. Wrslera arc. Chlcase. 
Dale. Dalalr Datlla: BB Wi Mik at. l^J-J 
Daly A ^rar— .... ^ 


Day, Csrits: ."iWl 7lh are.. N. Y. 0. 
DeArmo. Pllly: .Vtl N. Oark at.. ' 
DeCampe flay: H ia j h r isa. M. C. 
DeCleo, Itm^i- " 
DeBapa F 

Tenn. • ■- _ 

DeFaye. T.lans A Erelya: 4T W. 38th wt^-1L T. 

c. .... 
DeHiren A Whitney: 1420 N. 22d st. PMlB. . 
Detamsre. Jollna J.: 317 B. 08th St.. N. 
Dcloya. Three: 10 N. Webb st.. Oklshoma OMV. 

Okla. _ 
DeMsr, Edward: OT W. Tbornlnn it., Akran. O. 
BcMar Bros.: CsdtlIsc, Mich. 
beMsrlo (Orpbenm) Gras. Austria, fhh. 1-XT. 

(Ueblg'B) Bmdsa, Oct.. HaMB Ml. 

AgenU Everywhere 

► 71 


FEBRUARY 11^ 1M1., 

Ttte Bllll>oar«l 


Ih-Moode A MjMi 
IkfUoot. RMttf 

I»r«e ft — — ^- ** " 


w Y 

liMttawo. nichird: M«Iro«. M»i». ^. „ _ 

MlrLlIl. TSe: U2 E. 5lh »t., Mauflcld. O. 
"C Jo- "270 W. 39th It.. M. Y. C, 
o .n 4 Lenb.rr: 2480 7th «Te., 
»L"r: Don.: 3*8 UDCOta Ijt^ S^^ff^,^ 


imrla Op*r« ^IHjs 
Urarlioni »U ™ 

Doric Trto: •••„»• ■Hp JsiS^^r 

ImL'bUIt: 103 So. aiich it^OaL 
ImSu * Doo(U(: White Bata, 
IMMud * DowMrd: Cyeloae. lad. 

Dnltmra. JUttu: e«»» Mcataa Hoone. i« 
Uoatar * riaar: Wbit* Bala. Y. C. 

liS^LMIK Trio: 130 Scott M 

Ue^Mc * *Mt iiUry Aodenon) 

t'Ztw Onod) XrauTlfle, 20-2S. 
DevS. Geo., A Dijton 8lit«» (OUto) Qalrn- 

to?Torr(MU«5lc) MobUe. Alt.. »i25. 
OcVm. PaoUM. * Addij Both (Oruul) Cidnm. 

ill! 8. C: (Orpheom) Sarunah, Qa.. 20-2S. 

DaiJ»U. LauTMca (PrlncMrt ^^t^ Sfc-US 
liar. Carlta (Bmpivaa) Cl a fI — a tlf tmmmmaml 

UiTulcr. JusfUac (Easle) B. BC. 

lUl— »IT (FkaBUIa) Nashua. N. B. 
mSo 4k LaOue (Keitb'a) 

(Gnad) Ptttsbnrs. Pa., 20-23. 
imm. Pat., * Oladj-a, Newlon (J 
Orlaaaa. lS-38. 

7laB«) BattUMaa. 

rooar. Art: 2«4 Watkloa at., Brooklro. 
Forbaaft Bowman: aoi W. llith at., N. Y. C. 
rord * Loaiac: 128 So Broad at.. Mankato, UIdu. 
Voate: Wblta Bata. M. X. 4. 
Was. Vtaak: Ba wra anaab cfcliiaaii 
roz * BuaiBen: SIT N. Mtt at.. Aclaaw, Mich. 
vy>z * Ward: HIT W<df at. PhlU. 
rtaaa. 81s A Bdrthc: 12 Botebklaa at., Blotham- 
too. N. Y. 

n^r. Uanreloat: Blchland Park. Qolocy, 

Fraaar Trio: IS Inoias ave., Bahway. N. J. 
Ft^n»n, a. B.: • CaUlpa Boad. FravMeiu.-*, 

r»a^ BMVt a» a. tUlm-f£, Mb-Haaaaat. 
IMd.. Mr. * MH. SSmTiM VUMlt at.. 

t>«Hon. Thoa. H. (Orphnm) 

(Cdambla) Kanaka OtT,, 20-81. 
■lark Katahta. T«« (Caalao) Cblcarj. 

(Uajratlc) Ft. wSb. Tax.. »«. „ 
INtcveU SlitKa (Proetot'a) SJawa*. k 

(SbabCTt) Utlea, S. Y.. 2<>-2S. _ . 
Iiallu, Bculth (Prlnccaa) Hot Igmik 
(I3k»') Pine Blatt ^»J». _ ^: . 


Uao Coart * Wbdan 
(Schladlci*a> Chlcaso — _ 
. lioTc. Bar: 14U B. aik at.. 
OtiBa TIMpa^ Ika milt-— 

DaVc^BakMat SW W. 


Dirilnc of Parla (Ori>b«um) Brooklyn: (Alham- 
bra) N. Y. C. 20-30. ^ 

D'Arrlllr, Jtaaett*: 202S X. Clark at.. Chi- 

Uoolrr A Salra (Colnmbia) ClnelnnatL 
DfMir. Carrie (Kelth'i) Phlla. 
n-Armmd. laabfllr. A Moore (Kelth'a) PkOa. 
lioir A WiUti (foira) WUkaa-Barre. Pa. 
IMrlr, rata/ (PoU't) Wllkaa-Barre, Pa. 
OaaUaaa BMara. Tkrta (PaatamrV Oamw.^ 
BtaHB * Oaylar: Bas 8ik IMrkMBBdi M. .. 
nrtka. Oaftoe: » 8. Bokar at.. Cklea«a. 
■alw. Mable: BIO N. dark it.. Cklcaco. 
■ Barte: SS3I N. HolUnrvood at.. Phlla. 
miatt * WMt: S9S4 Ellaworth at.. PhUa. 
Daare, Ooa: 124 N. Emporia are.. Wichita, i 

Kiel I 
Emmrtt A Ix>vcr: 41S Ptae at.. DaxtT. P*- I 
Bacllah Roaeboda. 28*1 W, let aU Brtsktou | 

BMfh. S. X.. ■ ^ . . - • I 

I4Jan. 18. 

Urr A Wriak: IfCtl Baoatead at.. MHa. 

tea.THe: 1711 WcUa at.. GbieaBa. 

Bthatdo. Xaoml: Pair Ham. K. J. 

Kraaa. Ttml*: 37X1 Cottan Gnm a«a.. Cblcairo. 

CTelja Slatvra: '27,2 Qrv^n my*., Ilrooklrn. 

Kinvit Co.: Sprlmtllrtd. O. 

r-lvarda A Raymood (Dreamland) Trarerte Cltj, 

eilla A .McKrant <Polt'a) Bcranton, Pa. 

GI7 A Florrore (Orphram) AUenloirn. Pa.; (Or- 

pdmai) Eaaton, 20-23. 
EBmrt A Eminrt (Prlacllla) Clerelaod. 
Brnett. Oarnrll (Malmtlc) XUwaakec; (Mala 

Bt.> Pearla. lU.lO-SS. 
■raaa. Cbaa. Oa. (Orpktaa) Oasrat.^ 
Brtm^A O aada a (Oipbeam) Eaaaw Gttr. Mol. 

Edrlaatna, Cbaa. R., A Bla AmericaB BtWiha 

(Poll'a) acrantno. Pa. 
EamooAa. The: Wllkraalmrs. Pa. 
Emmett, Maode A Tpoa (Tbeato) BIcbmond. 


Edrnb^nc. Charl ja. «la l' 

_ .- Admiral at.. Sew Barra. 

mtcfcia A Adaau: WkMa Bataw H. % ft 

Froao Ma: tnt 2ath m«.. fiSik. Ml 
PttltoB, Cfeaa. JLi MM-ladlaaa aiaa., 
PltsBnskaw »• 4ftMM.a«tf»a. OuS. 
Flechtla*. OMat TTjlllilw CPiuiia««a) Laa iM- 

Fowler, Kate (Empreaa) Kanaaa City. Mo.; 

(MaJeaUc) Oea Moloea, la.. 20-2B. 
Fieemaa. ^Manjlce (Columbia) 8t. lAiola: (Ma- 

k«'4Ma <Stb 

KaUe) MUwaokaa, ao-2Sb 
ritaBanid, M. BL/A Eitfct . 
At*.) N. Y. C. 90-SS. 
I Faaalo TMo (Aahlaad) GUeafa; (I^da; CUeasu. 


Fnt7 TWiua Co. (Orpheom) Spokaae. ao-SS. 
! Florence Troope. American (OiafeaaaaJ Zaaea- 

TUle, 0.. 18-18; (Orpheum) N.-w^MS. 
1 Field Broa. (Cook'a) Bocheater. ■. Z,; (PWl'a) 

New Baren, Conn-, 20-2S. 
i Far, Two Coleya A Paj (Grand) Sjrracuae, N. Y.; 
I iPoU'a) Scrtntoa, Fa.. 20-2S, 
I Follette A WIcka (Bopklnal LoalerlUe. 
I Facan, Noodlea (Ketth'a) Boatoo. 
I Force A WlUlama (O iy be inu ) DeuTer. 
Ficdeilek. Hdcaa. Co. (Otpb«aB) Baa Franclaco. 

UtajHMe) IMtah .,«M.t . OBalaaUo 

Prlendlr, Dan (O. H.) 

(VandcTllle) St. Icnacec _ 
Francea. Corlnne (Orpheom) BaMBas tBBhaam) 

Portland. Ore.. 20-20. ... - 

Fox A Mlllerahip SUtera (Poll'a) 

Pa-j (Kelth'a) PhlU 20-28. 
FOo, lee Tuna (BIJou) MM. 
Ferrlj Broa.. Three: H lliiai. Oa 
Fantoo'a. Joe. Athleteo (Baapaaad OHaaaai (Em 

preaa) MUwaakae ao-asT^ 
Fla a a aaa 4k BBpaida (OOteatbla) Cfadnaatl. 
Ferrd Bata. mtfb) wnkaa-Barra. Pa. 
noma, Paal (OnkawaT ~ ' 
Poltoo. Arthar (Impan 
Goaaaaa. Bobb^ ^^„" ^ 

1 1910— ATTENDANCE. 9.000,000. WE'LL BEAT IT IN 19111 J 



Most Gigantie Outdoop 
Amua«m«nt Enterprla* 
In America 

Where live ones 


reap tbe coin. U yoi 
tlus money, write to WM. M. JONNmiLSi 


lU are sure you have something that will 
Saay. 77 Jaafcua IM,, Cklaegab For 
Show*, writs to Man * CUWEB, aame addreaa. 




_ -ko: WMte Rata, N. T. a 
Praat. Once: 1018 X. Slate at.. Cblra«o. 
Fnitim. nanr C.: Pttoeeaa Hotel. Cblcasn. 
P*ni A Mark: MO Bo. Mh at.. St. iMla. 

Femindrr.MaT Duo.: 207 K. Wth at.. N. Y. C. 
PWila. Win n.. A T,^ Adflla: SMt W. Rarena 

wonrt p.rv mrr.. Cblcairo. 
Flwbenr. Nannie: 1149 8o. leth at.. Phil.. 
Finn A Wtlaon: 1003 laard aU, LtMIe Rock. 


n>!M-r. Mr. A Mra. rcrklaa: IM Ckmck at.. 

Npwinn. Maaaw 
nttaerald. Itart M W. OfNB BUk Nkl. 

X. c. 

Plt^^ld. Cbaa.: MW X. Omad an.. St. 

BU W. Oict* at. Bl«k 

.wuj TniB for the entire anminfT by 
adrertlalna riwr art In tbe bla 8prln« Special 
^I1mtler of The Rlllhoard, Manacera of nnldoor 
mwnafiiM depend «« tkta aaeelnl anmber to 

Oraod. Tlqlaia (I 

B. St. Loula 20-28. 
Gardner A Stoddard (Maleatle) Roekford. III.: 

(Enprcaa) B. St. I«ala 20-23. 
Gray A Sallabory (Orpheom) (^ndnnatl. 
Gardner. Happy Jack, A Co. (Majeatlc) Deo- 

Cabberta. Two: White Bata. M. Y. a 

G«8C. iBSBlkW: ITS White at.. SprlasfleM. 

Ganin-r A tJiwaoa: 3S2S X. Aahlaad are., Cbi- 

Ganitnen. Thicc: ISSS X. tth at.. Fblla. 
GariMld. Jolljr Batb: 8S B. Slat at.. Chleaao. 
GarrfaoQ, Barren A GanlaaA: 817 S. rranklls 

at.. Brasll. lad. 
Gaylor, Cbaa.: 788 ITth at.. Detroit. 
Gaylor A GraS: 18 Ablncdon Square. N. Y. C. 
(^rse A Georsle: lOM X. Franklin at., PhlU. 
43c«Tse A Gott: 214 Lee aee.. Sapolpa, Okla. 
Gerer, Bert: PaUce Hotel. Chicago. 
Olbney A Barle: SOS Madlaon ave.. Toledo, o. 
Glhaon Broa.: 2 WIUow at., Brooklyn. 
Olbaoo. Tod A Kale: 908 Galea are.. Brooklyn. 
OlMay * ran: SOS Stat* at.. Chlcaco. 
Olcaaaa. UtOe I<aw: Whit* Bata. X. X. C. 
Goldea * HaahMS Mllfkid. MMa. 
Ooodboa * llMBiaa; IVUla Bata. IL X. C. 
Goodman. XwTSw X BaaMah aL. ttm. 
GordoD, Dae A Itoa:' TIB X. TTIh ak. Omaha. 


Gordon, Paol L.: 314 W. SBUi Pliee, Urn An- 

(>orman A Bell: 138 4lh are.. N. T. C. 
Gormin A West: 1886 I.eilii»ton are.. X. \. C. 
OortoB. Ed. A Uxale: 14 Harrlaon at, Detroit. 
Ooaa, Eddie: Raymond at.. Fall River. Man. 
Graham A BandaU: 8 27 P e*rl at., Brooklyn. 
Granberry A LaMon: ISSS Broadway. N. X. C. 
Grant A Brewer: 84 Boyce aec, WalU Walla, 

Cray.. Enid: 28 W. ISSIh at.. N. Y. C, 
Gray A Gray: 10S2 Bird at. Joalla. Mo. 
Grdlna A Oa.: «M« St. dair aaaw. X. B.. Clew 

land. _ - ■ - - _ 

"Tu!""*" ** lalliaBiew 

Greenwood. Beaal*: .Mt JLJpMr at.. CM-«en. 
Groom Slatera: MB Bi. ■■■HaBa- awK. Tren- 
ton, N. J. 

Gmet A Omet: White Bala. K. X; (. 
Qulae, Johnnie: New B waaafck. K. i. 
Oraalley. Helen (Orphenm) Mn c o la. Nelk: (Or- 
i) aioaz City. la.. 2088. 
Batiy A lAclUe (Hlppodrana) Ckarlea- 
lae. W. Ta. 
Gelaer A Waltera (American) N. X. Oli (Plau) 

if. X. C 20.88. 
Olbaoa. Sydaey C. (Colonial) Norfatt. Ta.; (Ptoe- 

tat»a> Xewark. X. J.. 20-23. 
•iMtBle. Bernard A Dorothy (Bronx) X. Y. C; 

(B taa ai i u lal) Brooklyn, 20-23. 
OanoB. Marioa UdTtM) Oaytoo. O.', (Kaltb'a) 

CleTclaaS S MB. ; . ■ 

''"ji'Sr* * **** fftiriU .«B»aa«i^ Pa., 
Qrtato. Mlaa. * On. (OrphavB) Newatk. O. 
OoodwiB A Bniott (KelU'B Hlppodroaae) Oeee- 

OoMen, Claude (Miles) Ulnneapolla; (Ciyatal) 

Milwaukee 20-28. 
Gmber'a. Capt. Max. A Mile. AdeUna'a, Ani- 
mala (Rathaway'a) I«weU. Maan.: (Coloalal) 
Lawrence, 20.23. 
Goeta. Xat (Slater'a) Pottarllle, Pa. 
OeorcettTa. The (Chaae'a) Waah., D. C. 
Oorrlon A Marx (Fy>n>yth) Atlanta. O*.; fl^rte) 

OhittanooKa. Tenn., 20-28, 
Oloae. Anynsta (Temple) Rncbeatet. X. X.: 
(Oraad) Ptttahon. Pa.. 90-28. „ . ^ 
Mildred. nirk Rlrharda (Majaatle) 

1 RIDING ravKsm 

» 2SS aST Broadway. Naw Verfc 

a Ftavlab FUaa. Machinery, etc.. for Old MOlai 
SS Canala of Venice. Chntra.' Scenic Ballway*. 
. Tobofaana, etc.. etc. Alao auperintend tke 

2 "ectiog or build complete for nperatloiH— 
— fifteen yeara' experience. NOTICE — This 
^ company now controU the PATENTS of the 
" Aqo.rama Company, anl la oppn to yraat 
oa LICENSES for the operation of ao Old MIB 
^ opon reaaonable term.. Any pernoa or pa^ 
«9 aooM who may be operatlna wttboat bum 
aaa UCENBB. or tbe Infrinaemeat of Ik* abava 
B gATBSTg la aay torn, wfli ba ^ 


Opening at Nashville about the middle of March. Three shows with neat fronta 
and one strong platform show and a few inncessioiis. Ball Rack, Novelty Shooting 
Gallery, Hoop-La, Chewing Gum, Pick-outand Long-range Shootinz Gallery alroufy 
Bolti. If you nave aamed^cdimraiit write at once as evetything will be limited to 
give everybodv a ehanoe to IHe. Good opening for a first-elass Meny-go-round. 
Would like to near from a good Free Act, a uniformed Band, Promoter and finA> 
class Door Talkers. Shows address GEO. B. ELLIS, 135 Fourth Ave., S., Nashville, 
Tenn. Concessions address DA\1D S. KLOWER, 1909 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. 
All mail urLswertd. 



Girl Show that can put on vaudeville. Can use one more Grind 
Show. Will furnish top and front for Electric Show or any 
other good show. Can use good Plant. People. Also want 
Advance Man. Stat? lowest in &st letter. Wul send ticket to 
those I Imow. This show never doses. Concessions cone on. : 
No snft. Will Mil exddmvt on novdties and eoofettL 

noMe^Miu., Feb. 13-18; Brandon, Miss.. 20-25. A. G. RATLtFF»l^. 

Bathing Privilege For Sale 

(noMt BgMh on«iMiai<MiC Ulwt) 




Jinwavkee: (Orand) Imllanapolla. 

Oordoa. Piaak. * Roae KInley (Oraketna) *at- 

lie: (Orphenml Portland. Or*., 8048. 
QlraM * Qaidaer (Maleatirt _nentlle: (fliaaa) 

▼aaco«itt..>> 0.t 
neley 4h Mvt IW 
Hall. B. ■ " 


(Cootlnoed on paite iM.i 

* jBfenrat. 


- onsRAii Busmas omoE 

nxxxvav avo cohcpihe blpo ., tbiro 


FSR9 UHOOUr. e«a. M(r, 

OEVOtAL Booxnro omoB 

8VITE 7, 1440 BBOASWAT, 




Un and UU Market it., 
illilniii XhaAtra V4a.. 

w. r. 

for anmmer aacasement. Now playlna aueeeaatoUy, twice dally, with Mew York Ulpiiodr 
Boad Company. WIU we play citcuaeol Wa'al we reckon. Wake np before hayln* lime, ^ddrraa 
LBO BBDKSWICK. N. T. Hippodrome Co., Aodltorlnm Theatre, Chicago. IlL, nntU Match let. 



<1,402 gtoaa at 10c, aOc and 30c -. 


.^J^-: OpeatpaiLO. 

Tne Bill board 


Jima^ LrtMt I^Mp^ioas of 

^flii iPfttents and Sales Companies — Rel 

(Qui T twill K.) • 

PICrnSEUlKD (de- 
■crtpttTe; i«lease nb. 
30: leDsth 1,000 feet).— 
Plctureland U the tnltiil 
attempt of tbe Imp Co. 
in Cnl». Ttic film Is 
oniqae In Its wny and 
r*ally two stories are 
pbotopraptied. Tbe ar 
rival of the Imp Com- 
pany In CntM prepared 
t» tmm.tot pictures and 
:t>» mi i Hli of the com- 
pnf an. tbe SntTOdnc- 
tHT pletnies. In tte. next aeeoe tber sally 
.(Ktta to engage ia tke wwk at pradadne a 
ptetnre. Then comes 4he stasT. > Cobsn Bo- 
mance. ' Pablo loves Boslta. Wallace Crawford, 
an American, meets Boslta and Is charmed by 
her. Pablo Is forgotten while the sirl's thoughts 
dwell opoa Crawford. Sbt^ falls to sleep and 
dleams. In her dream i»be Is won by CnwfoitL 
BmIIb In her Inooceiice tblnki: Crawford means 
knoocabljr by her and she directs Us steps to 

the ckBKk and asks the pil ja t. . tp " 

aanlBcc^ CtawfM — 

only tbe latcmntloB of tba pi Iff aasca the 
iifr of Uie faltbtess AaseHcaa. Sarias the 
KtrugElv Roslta awakens to flad It aU a dceam._ 
She bt contrite, and tbe diaam elaaea with tbe 
Tcnerablo Father onitiae Boalta aad PaHo In 

AKTFUL KATE (comedy;' release 'Feb. 28; 
leneth 1.000 feet). — Uentenaot Hammoml Is 
ordered to ]oU> hU reelment In Cobs. Uls be- 
trothed. Kate Stanley, Is heartbroken. She ex- 
acts from him a promise that he will be true 
to her and not IndolKe In any dlrtatioas with 
tbe dark eyed senorttas. BammoDd Is only 
too wUllDi; to swear eternal caastaBcy.' Kate 
places in bis watch-case a ffestapaph .01 ber- 
adf. kisses ber nwnly soldier, and tto IcaTS- 
takte is sctjr afleetionate. Tbe scene rercrU 
to COba. Tlial :Baninond aniTes aad Is im- 
pcieswd arltk the eaontry. Kate baring tdattTes 
In HsTaaa receives an invitation to pay tbem 
a Tlalt and eaeerly acceptj>. thlnkioe ahe wHI 
meet her lover. She is apprised of his arrlTSI 
at Harana, and, knowlnc the predllectloa of 
soldiers to Blrt. resolves to Investliate. Attlied 
la mantilla and Spanish costume she coes oat 
on tbe street and is Immediately descried by ber 
OeUe loTer w>»;Ja IniMaK fgr.aa odicatnte. 
Ha. does aot icaifiiB-'tK'.aad, «• ker aaaer. 
ha attampta a. fil l ■! .afclatlaa. lha a spa l iis 
fetaTfeiria to iabtattad and «01 ast be de- 
■taC ^ Is olistssnl Iv aa Hca ta accede 
la Ms adiamts Hsmiasad seeks aad is stseii 
an UitrvdactiOB to tbe silL Kate, by arts .b<jr 
Vnown to women, obtains pos swsl a a of ber poif 
Halt from Us watch. Tbe neat scene reTerA 
back to tbe States. nammond has retorsed. 
■a loses DO time in vlsltlns Kate, who hss pre- 
-cedcd him home. She accutte^ him of flirtlna 
but be denies it. Kate opens his watch and 
finds tier pictnre irone. She Inquires the reason. 
He Is nonplosseil *at proceeds to lie artisti- 
cally. Kate playfnlly bids him dose his eyes 
- -^^^ •— — ' — 1 so and 

cally. Kate plurfnlly 

cases blm of bb perBdy and BsmDoad can oDly 
state. When Hammond takes his dLimlssal 
lUecatty ai^ leaves, alie aKriglltcdly starts to 
rriallblai llamminU am i^^lidlj ntams at 


BOUSE (drams; re- 
lease Feb. 1^; lent;tli 
— ). — BelnB thrown 
npon her own re- 
sources, without a 
practical edncatlon. 
Nina had eladly ac- 
cepted >t«a> Aucn'a 
offer ta aasist ber in 
ber datltB-as bsvse- 
keeper for Cteter 
Sheldoa and' his sob. 
lack. .8ha teU sort 

- -.^HI-.aBC.''.taMr' ikat 

mjiler ber 

Jack also pitied the orphan, and pity ripene<I 
into love, bnt here. Carter Sheldon Interfered. 
Waltlnir ontll his son bad ^ne away on a bnsi. 
nesa trip, be dlscbarged the tiA. aad then, 
sltboagjh Jack pleaded for bla sweetheart npon 
bis retnra. tbe father remained linn. Jack most 
ehoose between them, and Jack chose Nina. 

lire years bad paned since her mairlase 
■bill Nina was atilekea arttb yellow fever, and 
lhaiM Icaa ilttia Gtatee abaald catch It. the 
■atbK.'tnafe' baa «hM «» Xkne Olden. a friend 
ar the aane. Bat the wbate town was placed 
nuder ttnaraDtlae, and long ere Nina bad re- 
covered or Jack retumrd to care for the little 
ooe. Nance had Jtunpeil qourautii^u: and tbotigb 
they' searched diligently for two years, not a 
trace of *-ithtT had been found. 

Nauce bad Dot prosjiered dnriii;r Iheiio two 
yeart:. and ber temper, oev^r of the best, bad 
grown gradoally sbaiper. Ilad she not stBI 
cherished a faint hope that Clarice's parent 
would ttuB np ta icward her. aha woold. ba«a 
on the aticat: bat aa It 
■If wIMi b l— ^ ar 
sappeiless tabbed. 

.Clarice, howerer. bad made IHsnds wtth an 
old aceatlenaa who passrd their alapa an his way 
to baalaeaa, and Bndlne the child aa ndnpiiy. 
and Umself so lonely, be paid Naaee band- 

se nnl y; tlien. adopted tbe little one as Us asm. 

Bat scarcely had Clarice become aceuKtunird 
to ber new home than a fresh Joy awaitMl her. 
Jack bad at last gotten trace of Nance, and 
from ber learned that his child had been ailopt. 
ed by Carter Sheldon. 

Impatiently be bnrrled to bis father's bouce, 
where this time he did not ask In rain tor his 
wU*. ma Urn* UtUe CUrice was tbna (lead 
fir.'Ma-aHaa.-.and all was wcU. : 


FOR HER SAKE (drama; 
released Feb. 14; len^b, 
— ). — On tbe eve of the 
ClvU War. a younp Soulb- 
em girl chooses between 
two snltors. Tbe man of 
ber choice goes to fight uu- 
der tbe Stars and Bars; the 
oae who la rejected thiowa his fortnncn la with 
the UnioQ. Later tbe yosng confederate Is 
captured aad the oOcer befoce. wbon he Is 
btoa aht to be qacstioaed tamo aat ta be his old 
rlraL Bat the nuu In biaa b ladclns In 
eblratar. Be taimts Ms belptaas tee, pots blm 
In a cell, and by harsb treatment tries to brent 
hl.«* *T>Irir. The girl, hearing of ber lov. r's 
plight, determines to resone him. She eludes 
tbe sentries, reaches the ontslde of his prison, 
and passes the man a file with whirb ho cots 
away the bars. Then the two flee, but at the 
last moment are discorered. A sentry fires one 
shot. 4»aaib bat the tnsltlres reach 
tbelr -baaBt^BM.-tM»';a!Bn. The ■Union volScer. 
euBged at tba latap s ' ac hi* enemy. 'takes up 
tbe pnisolt ^Imieir. ' Be tracks' tbe pair to 
the Klrl's home, and statlonlns'bls men around 
the ' boose, be, pistol In hand, enters alone. . He 
smashes down tbe door and finds tbe man be 
wants. Bnt be does not arrest blm. Tbe con- 
federate, grief-stricken. Is t>eDding over the 
body of his fiancee, laid out for barlaL Tbe 
aentry's bullet. Instead of killing a man. had 
extingnlshed the light of bis loved oae's life. 

CHECKMATE (draau: releaaed Feb.. IT; 
lensth — ).— A. yaasK bataaa. had ma .sattaca, 
oae a Fteneh nehlsaBB,iaaC. tb»'albar -KTSaat; 
American ba s l n es s man. Tbe gbraaant msors 
the nobleman and Is grieved when the girl 
selects the American. Tbe baron vows ven- 
geance on bis soccessfol rival and induces the 
annt to aid blm in his plot. Tliey accasic him 
of a crime and with circumstances against bliu. 
he Is sent to prison for ten years. Bat hiB 
sweetheart Is faithful to him and determines to 
prove his inDooence. Koriunp favors her ami 
the plot is nuraveleJ. The Freocb baron thrn 
took the place in prison made, vacant by the 
•C .aa lanoceDt man. 


I.AXD (comedy: released 
Feb. 17; length — ). — 
Corinne. Intensely de- 
jected over the reftisal 
to admit her to the mo- 
tion pMsR Ibastre on 
accoanc' a( bar alaib le- 
Itevea tbe asnmr of a 
little newsboy from 
whom a crowd of ur- 
chlna bare st,di-n papers 
and ' money. (;enerously 
she gives the boy -n'liat money she has and 
tllreets him to tbe theatre, thereby hoping to 
help him forget his tmhappy plight. Corinne 
tbcn cODtinnes on ber way. and npon her ar- 
rival home tells her grandmother of all that has 
bapiwned. Graodmotber sympathises with lit- 
tle CarlBB^ aad to parity the Uttle sU >be 
gets aat a laiae.bpc at * 
to piar with. 

The little *M faUa to steep 
a. It is that Uttio DoUy Is 
by the miala. She fsUs into tbe 
beads of a drcns nunacer and is trained . to 

bo an expert bare-bock rider. Ten jliaia alter, 
passing a small village in a paxnd^; _^a .. Is 
recofnlxed and restored to tbe lorllK aiaii ' of 
ber parenta, aad alt la laapploes*. 

setM. Ti length 630 feet),— 

t re th a Bn Ihlla In laee with the pretty fUngb- 
ter of a miner. Jim Jackson, the girl's father, 
proves to be an uncouth fellow who interferes 
with Bill In a saloon. Bill is not aware that 
his opponent Is the father of the girl he loves 
aiui soon suceoclfl In knocking Jsckson out. 
Later the girl biings ber cowboy lover home 
and Jackson, reco^izinz Bill, docs not give him 
a warm wdcame; la fact. Bill is ordered to 
leave Grace nkae. ' ^ few weeks later Jaclcsan 
omanlsea a tdrike .among the miners, the plan 
belns to- raid the engineer's hut and ,make oir 
with the money. Tbe scheme succeeds- and Jack- 
son makes off w^tb tbe cash box. Tbe engineer 
attracts tbe attention of Bill by firing bis re- 
volver. BUI and another cowboy ride off In 
pursuit of tbe ttalef and capture him. UUl In 
very much surprUed to find it Is Grace's fatbor 
and finally, snatching the cn^b box. be releases 
bis prisoner and bids him rKU* olT.- A day or 
two later Cupid sets a careful trap and Into 
It fUla BUI, bla sneetbeart and ber father. 

HATIIAA U>VF.STnuCK (cosMdy: rdrasrd 
Mk. IT: Iea«th 3SI feet).— Matilda CaUa in ton- 
«lth n tiMSB, Xba Oc 

aavBca as ifea tmrnm '' 

aaC tte dtvtae M U ast kindled la Ms aiMe I 

itillESTORLIST 2013." lH 

Ralaasa of Wadn'day, Feb. IS, 1911 Retaaaa of Watin'day. Fab. 22, 1911 


Matchleaa Photography and Brilllar%t Acting. 

You'll B« Sadly Disappointed if You don't 

"In the Commissioned Ranks" 


For Reloasa Wodnaaday, March 8, 1911 


N«Stor_rilms Are Sold Only By 

I DAViB IliBSLEY. T47 ftrt kn, Hf Yirt City. 











TBE OLD STORY— (about picture machines) — You 
haTe beard it a thousand timea — niifcf iliai, .lajj^i 
Steady pictures, DoiaeieaB opeiatioD. Ev«ynidnrw 
Lines iMtt told you hia imMma fa 

Too want loog aerviee— 
You want insuraneeagaiDstb — In h w r ili 
You want freedom from repafr bl l ii ' ^ - 
You want satisfied operators — 
You want a machine that ne\'er causes 
■worry; that requires no attention but 
oiling and cleaning, and does not de- 
mand a thought except when your show 
is on. . . . . 


In one machine only — 


Tha Perfect Motion Ptetura' MasMa*. 

to buy a picture machine, diNit Cril to 

send for Catalogue "O." 


IIS-IIT Nassau Street, 


T H A Nf H O U S E ^ 

. wo -A- WE3EK 


AV. ffOMMBV 21 

The Georg* Washington Special 


One of the b«t '*Thanhou8er Patriotic^.*' 
Bow advance word of belnlei'.'Tie^w of the Hesi- 
nansatTmiton reached u'liahinRton has ever 
been a mynter>'- The bearer of the mes-saj^e wafl 
the ver>* Patriot Maid here portrayed, who, 
m-i(h her American scout awcetheart severely 
wounded, cleverly dineuises her^lf and lakes 
to tbe American Commander the message (hat 
spells the capture of the entire Hessian force. 
No. 187. Code word. Patriot. 

"And a Child Shall L^ad Tham" 


Was one of tb(it*e remarkable youngBters that 
IKjverty could not ttown nor miwry aour. Fc.r 
he merely acted aceardinii to hia lichta— anti 
they arete atfans vidl I 
n«s. HewaaawWMdai 

aa may have been expectetl. The wti^Jttgtt 
iriiat tlie reel takoi up. 

No. 1>W. Code word. Hero. 




r-twlwy ontl In< l->oulIor rdflirnHon. in-ontf^st "Wriitfm" rvrr uimW- 41MncM-Johnt<on Anti» 
Raw. JbrUllmc unrHtjr Mm: Natli.iuil .MllltBry TiMirniiiii.-iil. llalinn Oinlrv: l-"r.-i.i li Aiilo llacc: 
~ jg*!?. ^**l* . a— > BaerH. i-tr.. i-tr. (lur ri-«liiriK will IkkinI y.nir irimliuK.. l.>.f« K""! I" 

Write lar tnm aat atnte ilal«x wanlfil. SimtIhI imprr. 

FEATURE FILVl CO.. IndlanapoIIa. Ind. 



FEBRUARY 18, 1911.. 

Xne Billboard 


Pn5iiw«l iMil tlH- film >lnl» *"!>b;f 

ilLJiu ii.-.rcU of bur cor miIownJ, I'ooc Matilda 
uV i"rll«b|p Ijuly IHO' ■"•J areman !• 

Zrn iu..r.' . tliaa llu- i.niTertilal I)autbi>rae, 
llHfr la "auiuetbliiK dolnir. 


IramNl Ml, n; 

Mbn wUcTa 
1 bIrlMtf'. BaUiy. wba 
1 wm aa aftlat. decided 
that the moat pli-aalBs 

I iinw-nt be coold gltc 
Mm luveir «lfe wonld 
Ih- ■ iM'aDtlful portrait 
of Ikt, iMlnted by liliii- 
wlf. Now to i-xecute 

Ihf work without a iolt- 

alili- moilfl w«« th<? nixt iir<.bli-ui to At 
Unl li'' ""'k """ In'" conajfoce 

•ail Mi-n-llv "Mil ti''f «" « "I'Klel. fittio* hrr 
.«t la bl« wlfi- After a tliae peopj^ 
kmB tu (.■"""li" alKiut a airanae womaa who 
In tbo artlafa aindio behind lock aad 
krr Tfc.' wife bemn to hear the** «M«Mn. 
mZ hrr father, uwtber. alaler aad bmllwr 
luiMd the rlllase mob la detumaclnic the dloloral 
wl ffrlBK huabnnd. Tbe portrait waa nearly 
■alalwd but to dlrert aiW|ilclaD, a rbanKo of 
liodria Muxt b<- made. w> the cook wan paiueft 
lata i«rTlce alal tbe wurll eonttoainl lu a i^mall 
bouM- lu Ibc untaklrlii uf town. But tbe fainlly 
tmrkrtl hini there and throuith Ibi- keyhole, b«w 
liitu kIt'wIuK tbe picture be waM workluie on. 
Tlii'ii Ilii-y bun<l tu (bf r«MiDj aiHl cuafronted 
klui with ill* Rul". Of ciiume. one can tuiaKine 
what hapia-ned when they aair tbe portrait. 


WAURIOR (dtanu: releane 
l-Vh. 30: Icaitth 083 feetl. — 
Jark luTCa Itatay. She, 
Iwwever. will not lUteii to 
tilM avuwala ai« «he Mtni^lil- 
rra blui too Idle. Jack Joiua 
the army, anil at tbch- part- 
' In^. Dalay «clv«.j« Jack a 
kirket aa a luketl of tier 
ihlelltr. aaainlac hlia that 
xhe.wlU wait natU ha re 
lariM. with hoaar. I« ctahn 
hbi.hrlile. Uraed oa l>y bU 
at home. Jaek HKhU 
blniMeir. .V few 
nan later ha rtwrt n* to claim iila lovi.*! taie. 
hHl, ataa; DklV kaa im.r«>«l away, alul do om* 
ran cHv- kin a riew a« l<> her wUcn'a!>"Ut'<. 
Veant liana l>y — Jaek haK never uiarrlcil. One 
.Uv Jm U »c< i" a carrUkV I" liic atlackiM by llie 
rDctiiv. .\H the carrlajsc «Ufhc?* Jiai«t bini be 

n-oKultc'* within the fare of lita helored Ilalay. 
The racTlaRe aim contain* UateTa h ai h a a i l anal 
two rUlilren. lie d<« nut a li wr ^wfcaj; raise 
to take iwea taa lon of him. bat at tkr nak of 
fek MTB Ur*'. atlrr bavins anatalnrd aerl<nw 
la, nat ta Ike orruiuinla of the nrrlaite. 
Ihr vartteaaent la un-r Jaek hanla back 
tar lorfeM *a Dalay wb<i bad proTi.(l unfaltbftil 
to'tkr MB who had rberlidiril her memory. 

nmiPITAt. FOB tUt.^LI. .\XIM.\LS tdeiwrlp-' 
tire: teleaM- fWi. 20: lenclh 2)M r«-et>. — A eery 
lnii'rc:<iliii: hi^iltutkin waa i.alabliataed In I'arla 
ximc iliur nm-. wherv tbere are facllltleH for 
rarlDZ rt>r loat or abandoned amall anlmala. By 
il.-vnc^ tbla loatitutioo ha» l«.crtroe a iHatpital 
for iiilmaN. Tbe lllm ataowa n>uie of IIm' 
IMtienta thai barr roaie to be tivatol: the otvr- 
, and d o t. taw at trarkt OKm thi- c«- 

TITE SAI.TI!n MINE (lirama: l a l w* Feb. 
10; lenictb, 000 feel).— Ruma "MUg** ■ Mliw. 
hoplnc to aell It to Ilarker. but Oaela. a Kam- 
bler. wins llacker'a money. Hacker waylaya 
Oarla on a lonely mad and wouoils blni, but li 
■eared away by a proapertnr. who heara the 
abot, aad carrlen Uarla to bla eamp. Tbe wallet 
dtopa out of Oaeia* pocket ami tbe proaprctor 
tooaca It la tha wa«an. Tbe proapector atrlkea 
a rich claim aad tidia hbi wife, Darla orerheara 
klai aiMl flica clalai paiicta Irat, drlvtas tha pro*. 
poetor off, who hitehea np and (ado tha loat 
wallet, which he decldea to keep la pajriMal of 
kla itoleii mioe. DaTia atarla I 
and dlacovcia that It la "aalted' 
op ligr Bamn (or Hacker'a bcaHtt. 

rep la paraMt of 
: to wmik Ihp Blae 
d"— Ike m» fhketl 



lenxtb, 000 feet).— SaU to bp n 
well-acted drama. 

(Comedy: releaaed Fck. II: leoiilh. 000 feel). 
Poidakead attMita ■ ahirlt pletarr akow and 

takea mnUlM ta the.act^w eCthv 

on tke-a uM B,- —lllaa M* « paA af 

A QCfBT EVBinXa AT HOME lt«Be<ly: rv 
leaaed F<-li. i:i: leniclh DKS Awt).— «ennCP Gib- 
aon la a r««uimerclal traveler who haa Jaat re- 
turned Uoinc. Ilia wlfi- la dcllahled tn nev fcllB 
ami Kla'lly a|.<|alra<n.<* lu bbi teqOHt fOr • nod 
olil-faabloiieil erenluK at kaiar . Wit' arWiDora 
lutemjpt the quiet. |N-aeeflil ewalap; -iMMI fMMir 
GtHirae auffcra terribly. 

IN TUB I,.\XI> OK f.\fTl> iilranin: n-lea»-d 
l-Vli. 10: leuKtb IWO fi'eti. — .\ >ouii-.: enjsln'-T. 
employed In running; claim llnt.ti. la in b>ve with 
tlic •laoahter of ibe mayor of Ke,l cbm<l. He 
baa been lold by the slrl*a failier to mak- K<iod 
before pmpodaic marrlace and the itratllteatlon 
of the yaninx iieavle'a lore ilepemhi wmm tbe 

iioaalhlllty of tbe euxlneer'a dl atot e tj wff « Hood 
<ih. .\ rallroail uuDcnate elalla iM Olewl. 
luke llaber. an outlaw, alalncta the uaeiute 
to bold blui ftir a bic ran?.ouj. TItc youniE 
enirtm'er Una Mi'D tb«. alMliictlnn auil with hflp 

Hiicceeda lu fr.i-ln^ the mskimte aad caploiring 
tbe nullawa. The wludllp ahowa tika- PMNPiate 
ctMNialnt; tbe yi.unK enKin* er to bitlM a JlHe road 
au,| lie* iiulou ol ibtf loTera. 



(Caawtbr: n-leaied Keb. 
neth, MS feet). — After 


DETBCnVE (CMnedy; re- 
leaaed F^b. R: leaitth. 500 
feet). — Tlie eomeilltn'a 
methoilc aa a detective 
are anlqae and aauwInK. 

RV (lleacclpllve: rdeaaed 

Feb. «: lewttk. aop fcett. 
— Thia iPkliU la aa.tke 
a a me reel with Tweedle- 
dum as a J>etectlve. la 
It are abown tbrllltnit 
_ nuMoTets aad dartnii 

-V*nUa feat, by ihia world-fi 

, THREE MES (Drama: reh-aaed Feh. 1.-.: 
'••«'». »<<0 feel).— Xell |a the Idol of the eamp. 
.Ulen la favored with her alli-etlona but she de- 
'1,17* marry him unlll he baa proren hi" 
Jbllltr |» rrfraln from .Irlnk. At the YcUo*- 

TaTcrn a itiau has hla (locket plcki-d bv a 
gmhlrr. ami llie In.Uju erpoara the thli-f. Nell 
■jawa a rernlrir. rhamplonlna the Indian In 
S" •t^'"' 'be money la rrtnrniil to Ita 

!*alW jjwniT. .\llen. bavins aatlafled her tbit 
jTfaa Inai hla apia-titp for Ilqoor. wina her 
5fa*.^hal after the marrlaae be relapaea Into 
» ajd waya, aad hla ahlflleeaaeaa leave* Sell 
•ealltale. A former admirer of .Nell. Pedro, 
•taodanme, thrifty Mexican, la (nrlona al the 
"•Jael of .4,1,,, Yhe Indian farrea her to ac- 
erjrt a KiE of cold nneireta which be baa found. 

" "''"J' '™> l"» aad Viaea It 
naiMliic and drlnlilnir. The Indian tell, the 
Mexican, who atarta off In n inonatrate with .\l- 
V le""*' "■■eh.-a the cabin aa Allen. reaenllnK 
^e"l» reproarhea. atlnoka her. Peiln) Inler. 
•crea anil la fnrlonaly «et upon by -Vllcn. In 
"TT •I.TeUM- Pcilro la ciimpellcl to kill .M>n. 
aa^acmmpanleil by Nell, makea hla eacaiie. The 
•aoiia. Who baa been tnlllnc Pedro awl baa 
yvw -i»e wmcale tbronEh the window, cornea 

la e hooae. He knowa that tbe camp will 
" *P ileatli. an,] that the Mciloiii will 

C B Hther Inatlce Uiir nicrrv. lie lii.Iea 

™ 'T .*a*"-.a»l when tbe Imly of Allen la dla- 
-«uSS.*!r "a aeewaed of tbe crime, and 

SrS^/^^ pa deflrwe. raaolied (a aaerilra, 
W- far the bappbMM aT jMI aa« Pedra. 

F.T"- "•^'••! '*"P»'t>'!» rt^^N (Drama: n-Ieaaed 

lie J.' ':'"•■'>'■ nOf) f«.l)._nick the huahand of 
Iriii.^. danehter. Dalay. la cflminit home 

mi he.. ".'■"'"■■'^ "le aale of enltle. Dalay 

lM.r.1 . ."""r >•''»: l» In « •»'<•>'- 

™r.l ami ahe on hora^hac^. The half.beee«l 
them with hla pala and aecure 
1 . I''"'"" "J" nwry. however, for 

- J. i niinte.l on a fle,.( hnrae. Kallooa home 
IJWea "''U '<«' eowhoya, by deaperafe 
id^S™* """ 

mi — ann toe cnwbnya, by fleaperafe 
iSTcj^?™' »'e old who are 

i£w ■ ™?nl'>« B«ht with their puraocra. 
5!;i.*ai 'J!r,j!:»7!to«; jr> jricked OB ««UI 

IS: leaietb, 

readlaic a aFwapaiier Artirlo 
reeardlaK OM Ttichtwail'a rlac 
la the werU. . BHI aad Jimmy 
two happ9^0btalfeF'ebaracterR. 
hit apoB 8 flPB n aat aome of 
Tlsbtwaira easT mm»r by hold- 
Ina yotm*; TIshtwad for a raaoaa. ' ne boy la 
a mlarhlef -maker and all-aroaad aalaaai e. mak- 
ing It ao nncumfurtalih- for hla captom that they 
loae no ilnie in atteiuptluf; to negotiate a ran- 
aom of two tbonaaud ilollara for the boy'a re- 
tnm. Ola Tlshtwail ntx-lvi's ihia communica- 
tion In the li):ht of a ><ke anil o^mea bai-k with 
a eoonter prolaialtlou t.> take the lioy off their 
banda U|iod payment of twenty. five ilollara. Bill 
and Jim dually finti It nerefwary to accept tbe 
pruposltliin. allbnuiib tbe boy. when turned over 
to hla father, ai-ta np a howl like a calilope and 
klcka like a oinle. 

.\ .ST.\«r. nOJI.VXCE (Drama: rele«s<-d Feb. 
17: lenslh. lOia) feet).— The oiieulns K-ene of 
thla picturi. abowa tbe rebearaal of a Civil War 
drama. Here la ahown tlie alert atage manager 
wllh bla dlrlatorlal waya, the leading loiIy and 
her Jove aBbka b t t wo the heavy taan aad 
tbe beto; aai. atWBb t*- wVi ' tk tn laat 
two parta ai» iiwiat J !■ tbe rMI draau at 
their lives. Tb« Utile lady'a affection Ilw wttb 
tbe "heavy" man. Amnm-d lu Ibc beart of tbe 
hero la tbe creen.eyetl monater. Jealooay. wbic* 
reacbea a climax when ho placea real bnlleta la 
tbe revolver iimM In the play, removlnic Ike 
blank carlrldcia. In Ihia way he hope* to le- 
more from his tialh the "heavy** giaa. . Bat 
fates onlalnetl otherwLae. anil hi* ■■■■ 
riea. It la furtuoatc. loo. that Ikp. ' 
criminal tolent la not revealed. 

Feb. 21: leniitb, 990 feet).— Tbia drama carries 
one back to the ilaya of ancient Greece. Two 
aeulptor* tiecome rtvala. a yooni; eirl. daufchter 
of a patrician, being the Innocent cauao of their 
rivalry. The tlrlV father dcalrea a comiwlltlve 
evhIMIlim of the arulptors* aklU In maklne a 
life-alae flpnre of llie ;jlrl. When the fuTlier aeea 
Ibe work of the fic^t arulplur be ia rather dlaai< 
potntnl, and the atalptai ia aa, Ra vMta 
hla rival'* otailMk' aai BailiB Ika obatw nn 


^tfry-^afe lM(r« Mh..'M: IniRb 
^■^^4 M** feet),— Paal Har- 

^"^■"^^ — vey la In tore arllb pppt- 

ty Mariratet Cameron, 
bat tbe match Is ob- 
'K-tiil to by Marsarrt'a 
father, who atatea that 
titey can not itet mar- 
rlnt until Margaret's 
elder alater. Jane, la 
happily wetldeil. Jane U 
a splnaler. Paul triea 
out aome of hla friemla with Jane, hut they 
quickly vanish when the.v get thoir Br&t lo»>k 
al her. It later derelopa. wlu'n Paul la tn '.he 
llimea of draoalr, that Jane bad been fccrctly 
weddett to Slenor Vacher, her mnale teacher, 
for alx monlha. havlni; kept the matter qalet 
for (rar of her fhtber'a d iaap pw a l. • Ot- l| w i i i " 
Ibia make* tbe road cirar tar. UMBlNt'.and 
Paal. aad Ibe kapnr «nne«to arakjnd «Maln 
Ike paiealal blcMdnir. 

TBB CATTLEMAN'S P.\Cainn (Drama; 
release Frb. IS: length, 1000 fret).— Ftaak Car- 
penter, ranrb foreman love* Oladys, tbe danich. 
ler of the raneli owner. Father object* to the 
match, and favtira a anitnr named Brockton. Af. 
Irr a dramatic scene, father disnilaaes bis danicb 
ler and Carpenter. The pirl, wllh all confldenre 
In her aweetheart. leave* her father'a hooae. .\ 
year coca by ami fliailya falla 111. To crown th» 
cllniav of misfortune, young Carpenter loses bla 
noalllnn, anil 'la wiihout money. In deaperatlofa 
he jrocs to hla f ather-in-Iaw'a office to bCft for 
atil. but Unillnr the old man ahaent he rifles tbi 
safe, nut unluckily, be leaves bchlml one of bla 
alovea. .TVben the father letnras aad 


Last from 25 to 40% longer; give a •tronger. steadier light 

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ntefcariMs, Fully OiMniitMd. 

The taken from a lat- 
ter aent oa by Mr. Fted P. Dean. 
Uaoager Poli'a Bartfoid Tbeatre: 

la apeaUac «C tba aarlta of year 
machine, I .anat ca at ^ a a that eight 
montbi ago when I took ebarge of 
thla tbeatre and toond the *4taB«- 
ard" machine Installed I waa loma- 
wbat diaappolnted. bnt since this 
time we have not 

half dollar. 

Tooia alaeeialy, 

AMERICAN MovmG ncmu 



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Time 0111l>oar<l 

nSRUARY 18, 1011. 

-pocndt wttk • MM. Cupcntcr to unstcd. bnt 
bafote bt b ttfw awu. Olidys. who has heird 
tbe nolM. arton ftom her bed and aUncerg out 
Into the room. Tbe old man la stricken with 
-Mr at tbe sight of tier. forglTsa his aon-la-Iaw. 
— ' tlie iberiS, and begs Ua danxhtct'a 

falaaia IM. 

a PKtty Uttia snv 
gtrl abont alz yeara 
old.' attara from camp 
and loeea ber way. 
Sbe to foond by Jack 
Darwin, a wealthy 
bactielor xeatOlnK tn 
tbe nel^blwrbood and 
taken to bto home, 

'vi ■-"^•TJ"'"^ Aakln» the Uttle waM 

ipadd Uto to Um mt kte kooa* ate ^ps 
*SS ^""da and wtnoa her am t— -ril Mt aack. 

- of affeetloa tonelwt tii* taebdor'a 
Heart and be decldea to adopt her. ' Fonrteen 
nara <inlekl7 para by. In tbe meaotlnie, Dar- 
win baa learned to lore Zon other than aa an 
adoptrd daoghter. One afternoon while seated 
«a a matle beech on tbe lawn In front of ber 
-. home she Is approacbed by Valno. a handsome 
^JVWC Snar and reqneated to parehaae-a baaket. 
"gjMHilliiM^ t» bv ■IttaMiglt nneoBadoiialr at- 
'MatoSo^r^^ :hndBoaw flaea o( the dark 
' auautact- -Talna' aahs- Beta to Tialt the nearby 
gypsy camp and amnlne the many styles of 
baakrta they baTs fhr aale. Zora accepts the 
Invitation and later on caUa at the camp. A 
tow wecka later she bega Darwin to accompany 
her OB a ylalt to the temporary home of tbe 
waadmra. At Brat he dedlnea, bnt later 
«misenta. AirlTlng at the camp one of the 
gypales rcqoesta permlasloD to ten Zora's for- 
tune, .imile being paid for her aerrlce the 
gypsy recognUes a birth uatk oa Zora's arm 
MoA deelazes Zora to ba bar- daoghter. Kzplar 
a toke place aad Darwin .lellB how be 
the Uttfe irandcter and took her to hto 
Valno who to a dose observer of these 
proceedings, later on follows Zora to her home 
where lie intercepts her and be^ ber to retnm 
to her family and tbe roTlng gn>87 life. Zora 
ilateDa to the pleadings of her gypsy lover and 
- flaally decides to accompany Mm. As tbey are 
' Jtboot to leaTe Darwin meeta them. Zon tdto 

"Skaimiw^S^iibnwiaTtfa* nSS*'^ father'a 
: T^lnSxSRuSL ^MnS*THK ^^MIOT Cdtama; re- 
lease VM>. 24; length — ).-wOhB Branacomb 
leaTCB hU yonng wife PriscHla and goes to the 
forest to chop wood. While FrlselUa to busy 
with ber work she heaza a faint knock on this 
.door. Opening the door and stepping ontslde 
■she finds leaning agalnat the van of tbe cabin. 
Ponns. a Peqoot Indian, badly Injured. Help- 
ing him Into the bouse, tbe fclnd-bearted ' Pnrl- 
taA toaa dresses his woaod and binds It up. 
•Tbe Indian, rising, thanks PriadUa, telling 
rber he wm aome day repay her klndneas and 

Bth later King PhOIp incites the Peqoota 

tt'aiotter mirtoing sgatnst the whites. -Ponoa 
— ■ — the plot rans to wsra PitocIUm of 

daaiar. Thanking tbe Indian for his kind 
action aoe mshes to the woods where her hus- 
• band to working and teUa him of the Indian 
raid, and they both run for the stockade which 

■ they reach Just la time. In the meantime 
Rmna haa rejoined the Indians and takaa part 

'•la the attack aa aa staAadik Xbe Indiana aie 
.■nally repnlsed and the whites' -leaia' the fort 

■ to'retnrn to their homes. Jnst ontaide of the 
.atockade PrIaelUa Onds tbe desd body <4r 
-Fonas. She gives a cry as she lecognlzes the 

Indian who had waned bar and tdlf bar bo- 
band. Standing betota tha daaa-'baOr ba idasps 

■ ber In hto anna aid, titca :,tt«i :ibr their 
, p i aa ui iiathm. 

^8 A P P K BK- 
TICESHIP (comedy; re- 
leased ftt). 13: length 68S 
feet). — ^Betty to taken out 
by ber mother, who finds 
that home to a poor place 
to keep such a wild and 
tnihnlaiit apMt. Tha fimd 
" Battr U ap- 
In a mlUl- 


taiaglaa "tba naiflt. and 
In short order the poor 
girl la looking for another 
The ahoemaker's. pastry cook'a, bard- 

-«ue shop and grocer's, are all the scenes of 
. *a(r clevn pranks. How she snbstttntos a toy 

iiico Bdsm cheese, whieb flies 

Ma.^ipaaa_:'.«b9 the poor deAs atlanvt to 
.wm n.' m too tunor for description. 

trlsl: released Bleb. 13; laaglb Silt feet). — 
A most Interesting Indnatzlal dim. ahowtng In 
gnat detail and exquisite nflon bow Uie los- 
cloD9 fmit 1h Drepared for the market. On tte 
. aaxne rwl with Betty's Apprentleeahlp. 

A WESTERN COUBT&BIP (drama; itieaaed 
• Pcb. 1£: Length 715 feet). — ^A cowjmncher to 
.deeply In love with the daugbter of tbe ranch- 
man for whom be worka. and tbe course of 
true love runs nnooth until a tenderfoot from 
■Boston makes hto appearance In all the flnery 
pcodnred by an - Eastern tailor. Tha soaceptlble 
. gta , M to jiatoidr ta iQtovltk'^ «ba . aaalanMr. 
i gMyto tbe nwaat.'aC'.tbB:.nBgb:aeB «r the 

-W«*t At • dme» tto C0iqvin3ar flads biO' 

aelf left decidedly aloae and flahlly daddea to 
t^ke desperate meajmres to renin the r e gar d 
. of bis erstwbne sweethent: ^Soldlng up toe 
.entire party with two big revolvers, he compds 
the girl to accompany him. and the two oo 
tbe back of a alnicle horse take a wild ride 
serasa the anow covered ground to the nearest 
.« h«pi naa ' a hogae. Tbey are both pursued, 
bowevcr. a ad he fO rs th e marrtoge Is coDsnm- 
■i 'a t s d tbe ciowd btests Into the rami. When 
flW gill aeea ber lover aboot to be m-treated 
' at -the baada of tlW' ootiaced crowd, . her aid 
'^Bfssrd Car htm sp r lna s teto belac and nabuc 
. «B> or ber lovers pinoto. <h»r baid «h* cmwd 
at bay wbflr-tha Ib woM a M i ■ IHgbtoaad Mm- 

-tstor parflocms tbe ccrsBosy. 'aod.all 


THB AXOTOn, (educational; releaaed 
IS: Irnglb 2fl6 feet).— The life and blatoir of 

.a member of tbe Salamander family found' tn 
Kextco and Europe, which exists in two forma 
— with gnu and w4thoat. Tbe Him to highly 

.entertaining as wtil aa cdoeatloDal. On the 
aa*jr«4 wttb A':We «t«m Booanee. 

'. WHOTUmHKIBU (eooedy: rrtsaafd-nh. 
XT: l<i««b dW- ttketl^WbUBes to to tore, hot 

•behix a baAfd and- timid yootb. he does not 
aiak» greet pr o gr es a at the hooie of hto In- 
amorata. In vowing hto passion 

-becii* tbe glri hsEoa to Mate 

In hto eoosternatlon he takea hto leave to 
rqilace It. Immediately after Us departure, 
there enters Whiffles drcassd to the clothing of 
a sboemsker with a pair of slvies for Hademol- 
aelle's mother. The family to sstontohed, then 
ugiT. tb«B tbey think it a great Joke, and 
gban jfca-- ahriania k^r proteata that be is notb- 
pm bat.> ' a b os m a kt r. theto humor turns again 
. *hA they thniT the gentleman out 

of tba wndow. mneb to hto great .dIseoDfltate. 
Sraiesir ooald be have tooebed tha grenad when 
WhIlBcs retoras with tha vaae wUeh he had 
broken, and to Immediately seized and thrown 
ont after the manner of hU former exit. Of 
conne, Whlflles to not Whllllea, and yet Whlfllea 
is Whimea. and Joat bew Whiflas to hoto 
Whiffles a^Mtj^HM it b«tt>MplalBad by 
seeing the O*. whUh^Wtdc bo wM bjr the 

A BOY'S AST (drama; released Feb^ 17: 
length 442 feet).— Tbto film tells the story of 
the courage of a llttia lad who to left at home 
to take care of Ua tatont alatsr. Xbe aobjeet 
to on tha aame «ael wltb 'WbWe'a Doable. 

releaaed »b. U; length JMd feet).— Lieut. Scott 
la waterbir bto borsa at a atream. when he 
la approached by a beautiful Indian maid. It 
to love at first al^ht, and leaving hto horse, 
the'yonng offlcer atroUs off with Yellow Moon. 
A' yonng Indian brave seeing tbe borse nn- 
Mthcrad aad alone, appraaeSes, and Ondlng 

tba aOcMli aaw. Oolt~Kiwb« oa tba aatf" 

■^»»-«Bra-dyiiBeip«i>tedly and 


itedlT an< 

„ — . . Ua Scott 

tba halanoa of the Indian tribe, who, of conraa, 
blame tha Uentenant for the death of their 
tribesman. TSiere to a gennal uprising among 
tbe Indiana, bnt Scott < makes bto escape to 

ThoTonghly aroosed, the Indiana 
take to tbe war-path and completely annihilate 
a detadunent of cavalry. Scott to sent wltb 
lelnfarcenunto and to captured. Tdlow Itoen, 

" tt, rides for help and arrives Jaat to 

to aave tha.yoong aOleei'a Ufa^ aa.tba 

- haro . bin bonid to — ' 

»■■ " ■ " - ■-- • 


(drama;, releaaed Feb. 
14; length 975 feet).— 
Tommy and Jimmy are 
much In love with 

with thto 

world's 'waaitb. bat wfee b boontltnllr blessed 
with cblvabf^ IgMhtoied, by Dolly. 

Tom and nm dadda to get her a valenttoe. 
Tbey purchaae a gingerbtrad horse, but before 
they reach DoUy'a home their appetite geta the 
best of them and they greedily devour tbe 
token of their youthful affections. Joe bargalna 
with tbe shopkeeper for a stick of candy, to 
be paid for by running errands after school. 
He jmrrles to Dolly's home and presents his 
valsBtlne to ber. Just ss Tomnv and Jimmy 
hava given her the remains of the gingerbread 

anoa^ bnt ulth'poor auceeaa. 

hdja bba'ant w 

8 to tbto 
fast - ■ 

_ . She rejecto thdr gift, aeeipto Joe'a. 
aad trlamphantly, be walka away with tha fair 
Dony, Iravlng Tom and Jim dlagrnnUed and 
rebuked for their- greed and sddahness. 

WHEN THE LIGHT W.4JiBD (drama; re- 
lessed Feb. 17; length 994 feet)^ — Ann and Gor- 
don are both artists nnacqoainted with each 
othsr. They go ont Into tbe open to paint. They 
ai« located some distance from each otfaer^ 
Gordon to accompanied by his colUe dog. Hav- 
ing an eye for the beautifu]. Gordon to at- 
tracted to ,^Ana and tries to make her aconatot- 
- - - ," bfidog. 

Id to 
" to- 

love. ' 

Gordon works - hard at his profession, and 
throogh constant application at hla easel, he 
OTertazes bto oealght and becomes blind. Ann 
has not seen mm nr some time and dsea not 
know of Ids plight imtn she r ece l ra a a note 
from him, making known hto affllctloo. 

Jean to hto faithful companion and comforter 
and she tries in every way abe can to express 
her sympathy.. Dtocooraged snd disheartened. 
GordpD. led by Jim. makes bla way to tbe 
river, where he meditates suicide. 

.After receiving Gordon's note Ann hsHteiis 
to his studio, finds he has moved and searches 
for him until slie locates liim, assisted by Jean, 
at tbe river's brink. 6be tenderly pleads with 
him and leads Urn to her home, aBsuring him 
that while sbe to able to work be shall never 

(Coottoncd on page 40.) 

"Wa make parts for all 
get our catalogae and ptteeSk 

mertor picture martrima, Ik 
38id Street. New Xotk OUj. 

'aals Hb, alegant ce D d lt biB, 97 nor Nd and npi 
■« aato aaoc aiidaa. paHbct fondlttiio. $i.n per 
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ttolisarvlee farntohed at lowest prices to the 
lotOL Supplies. Bargains In new aad seeond- 
laad Vf^ msr-hlDPS and Kaa making outflto. 

p. O. BOX 305, Ntw Orl^ttw. T.a. 

FOB SALE — Three EdIsoD two-pin mtcblnes. 
vU complete, SSO each: two Edison one-pin ma- 
•Sltoco. all complete, glOO each; FUms for aale: 

dtat-daaa condl&on. 97 to flS oer reel. HATSB 
snVKBIIAM. IdB 4tt At*.. PMriMni, 

■OOROMT ' nuf 

St.. Plttatnirg. Pa. 

SSKIBIX0B8. Bast bargains is 
old and new auehinea. , Get oar ezehange propa 
altioa. ram servlee, featura rsela, at right 
pHee. Beat prices cb mjtctalses and service. 
Kntb. OMIora TOM SBETIOB. SU Hstsa 
BoMlac. ROostoa. IVsaa. 

XOXIOV nOTUBB OVXTRS boogbt, add. aad 
asebanged. We want a few mere lato nuidel 
asaeblaeSL Have aevettf . haraalas to elaetiie aad 

— wd'noniAL -igaaT- 


Demand two 

T*o first two ''llIP" 

An Innovation tbet will be wHcamed by 

to follow. 

It yon are not showing two "IMPS" a week yon are knocking joar own game, 
a week from your exchange — and see that you get them. 


"PICTDRBLAND" Is the Utie of the initial Cuban release. February 20th. If the excel- 
lency of this picture Is any criterion by which to Judge, tbe expense of aending two producing 
companies to a dime where exterior Ecenefl can be filmed tn tbe dead of winter has been Jnatlded. 
"PICTURELAND" is a beautiful and elaborate production, wltb a pretty love atory told in aa 
Intensely dramatic manner, interpreted by tbe stars of tbe "IMP" Stock Company. The nettings 
are gorgeons, snd tbe picture has for a plot a romance of love. Be sure yoo get Ihto fllst 
Cohan ideaae. 


••ABIFUL KATE." , the 
romantic . little comedy of 

release of February 23rd, In which "Uttle Uary" 
Colian-Amerlcan love affair. In vrblch a haadaome 


^ats, to a 

fiancee figure as tbe principals. It to a rich production, aet In a hack-groaad of tropical aeeaety. 
IwwUderlDg In Its loveliness, the locale hdng taatefnlly adected to irhlcb to partray tbe actiaib 

"Uttle Mary" appears at ber beat aa a Spantob hcanty. handaomdy gowns' '~ " * '~ ~' 

that country. It to te«i>sd> comady aaab as baa made tbia "niPT Oanwaar 
KATE" is a film yoB ean fMtOMi aadfBako kaad. 

/nJt prnifr n l Moeb>$ Ptttan* Cs. «/ Anmrtem 
102 W. IOI$tSL.NtaY»rk. CwtLaemmlcPnt. 
AH "/wa" Aba aatf (tfaw* Om Satm Cs. 


Mc.o[^e BoD'J <Sc Co 
1C>7 :":;;:">k;in6r rhK;;!-:'' '.W Sv. ". 'r-- l 

or WUM, em •klpaaat. with Sliu 
TWEKVB BnUs tm ahlpaMato. with SUm Mi 

WABMIM—Tm MM art arfi MMtoaita, aad ya« aaat cat aaod 

siLvn tAvn wiu MVE vmi siivib ass?gif 'fjswi'^aKS.-'-^ 

Uyi6EST smoF 1^ 


that won't raa tbroogb a maeUae.' All 

For RenHOOO Reels of Film, $1.00perd9y each 

Write immediately. ALAMO FOJl EXCHAN<!ffi^flli%Dili 
Building, Canal and Dauiibine Sts^ Ne# 0^ Yoii jpBy i 

charges both ways. 


Ftor sale, BDI&ON BIOVINO PICTUHE MACHINE, complete, giiarsnleed to be In perfect 

condition. Onc-pIn njovcmeDt, with Irnnes to nt yonr throw. I'rlc«» SIOO'OO. WItl (hip on 

npfrnvnl if (Trrwsl r. «1 nn.l riiir. MK chnrk''-" HKwiir.-rl. TilE GRKATEB KEW 
FliVt BENTAL CO., He Eilt lllh StrMt, Now York City. 


FEBRUARY 18| 1011. 

Xtie Billboard 



J. Frank Hatch Makes Effort to Introduce Water Show 
NoVetttot tbat'Will Revolutionize the Carnival 
' and Street Fair Indtutry 

II cvur Ibe old idagr'ut hisierjr repettlnc It- 
Mflf were true. It li certalnl;' tnie wiien applied 
to tbe nmuKOCDt tnulneiis BOd ttae more or leH 
tendbr bat ccrUln periodical ictora ot all ot 
tbe ftmooH feature* wUeh lum, tnn Una to 
time, let tbe world a UlUnf, baa agabi and 
aaalD been demonatratcd to alauat every tuaoeb 
•tt Ibe creat amnaaaMDt worid. Uke faahloa 
aod aiylee ot clotbloc. tbe public appetlU Tarlea. 
aod Mat la to-day a Terltable eraie, la to- 
mmum a dead and eaatawajr playtfaliMC of public 
iiMaiiiaini nt Tbe camlTal btnlneae, onca eo 
iSSSwa and popolar, bad Ita day, and crad- 
yailyfrucd and fllekerad until tt dwindled to a 
(air aliuKlInc afctesatlona. none ot which eoold 
be coomered aa hisbly proBtable Teittaree when 
coupared witb tbe mammotb orgaolaatlona ot tbe 
ute Prank. OaaktU. Fraidc O. Boatock. Percy 
MuDdy. FraDCia and Jo*, retail, O. W. Parker, 
J. Fraok Hatch. Beem a n and Ulll l ean . aayder 
aod Wright, and otbrr of the mora faauwa niif- 
aatra of the atieet fair bariaeaa. ^ ..^ 

Wbam«r tha faaaoa^. ftr tto.dadlaa o( tbe 

" — 1 ten already 

Kaalzatloo. which U imIuk tb« Oyluy uiaeblne aa 
Ita malD feature, U appareotly meetiog with 
every anoceaa. Uke all other noveltlea, tbe 
aeropUae will aooa become obaoieia. aad It will 
only be a qa aa tl en ot time betoee aaa tj Imvllns 
orgaatatlM la the couatry will ba. (eatiinng 

oaa or OMiia at tbeaa.mai - - 

tbay wm be Tlrtnally aa 

■•naent parachute dvaeeot. wbleta baa Ions alnco 
paaaed into obKurlty aa tar a* Ita drawing 

power in coacemvd. aud It will once trntr* U- 
ui» lo the caroival roaDascr to keep an open eye 
oo future poaalblUtlea for noTelty and new sen- 

Aa 1 before stated, there Is no doubt wbaterer 
that ahow blatory, Uke all other bl^tories, repeata 
Itaalf, and that wbleb la now a relic of the peat 
eaa often be made new and attracttra wben 
preeeoted with up-to-date aurroundlnga. and the 
eanlTal manager who wUl delw deep 
lata ttae paat to drag up sbbm taut f 
waader to tb* man to wbon the aatwo 
world to looking Cor oalvatioa. 

Ainnag the Mbr oaialval ai . .^ 

ttnek l« tbe .gaiw aad wko are atfll flna be- 

walfeera and life aaTcra, loir roller*, and eTery 
eoocdlTable fwm of aquatic performance Imagln- 
aUe. Tbe center of tbe buge lake will be oc- 
cupied by an Inmcnae etaffe. upon which varlooa 
appropriate noreltle* will be abown. while a 
water ballet of ooiypheea and principal dancera 
wlU perfotm a faaclnating baUet, wblcb le lo 
terminate with tbe dlaappearattce of the entire 
troupe, which dirts almnltaseooaiy Into the water 
to diaappear toreTor from tbe gaie of the aatoo- 
labed apectatora.' 

I bad the pleaanre ot recently Tisltlns the Taat 
wlater-qnartara ot tbe Hatch Aamement enter- 
prla aa, whlcta are altnated wttMa a f»w allea 
ot Plttabotg. aad waa aatoalabad at the woo- 
derfm aetlTlty tbe plaee preacated. Carpen- 
ter* and decorator* were eeeiywltere. whili- 
produeen aad atage direeton were already 
hnay getting the Tarloua companies In shape 
fur tbe primary openlnjr, which takea place 
diirlDjc the latter part of April. A number of 
profriwlooal ■wimmers hare been engaged, 
while twenty of the beat foreign water experta 
are already on their way to America in order 
to be here for tbe general rehearsals, whleli 
will commence next month. 

Arransementa are belns made to secure tbtr 
PlttJibarv Natatorlom for water rehearsaU. 
and to ' constitute a school, where tbe experts 
can Instruct their pupils In the' art of water 
walltlns and ' other dlfflciilt stunts which will 
form a feature ot tbe ahow. Among the many 
noreltlea wUl be the ballet. wUeb wlU ba ap- 
pniariataly named "Lee Bntaate de le Mer." 
eaa wbleb wilt be p e ifu raied entirely hgr yeoas 
fIHa walking and dancing npaa tbe aatfkee o- 
Iba.'watar Iv meaaa at a ukw aa< tepioeed 
water shoe, arhleh kaa lacaatlir baaa . lavcMeil 
br a wndl katmm t bea tHe a l paa «a l e a ■ aad agent. 

Tbe HatA flbeira win eoae as a lerelatloa 


I devoted to the subject, and tbe epinlona of 
MB well-known promotern, managers and 
«BM*alOBalre« have been openly aired, I will 
felraia ITom dwelling any longer upon the sub- 
ject more than hy saying, tliat. apart from 
the vile policy ot poor abowa and flagrant graft, 
the bnslnrsa waa, at tbe best, a nine day* sron- 
der. and like' all otiier pnblle playthings, soon 
«w>r« Itaelt down to Its nreaent condition. 

Alfboogb tbe carnival enslne** b*s been long 
■Maptted by many of It* foremost pioneer* and 
erlclnatora, lltere are still a few who have re- 
mained Id ttae bnnlnesa. BOd have managed to 

H**e at tbe ead ot each seaaoo wItb a alee lit- 
tlobtlaact.lo tha credit el tke aha% Ambk 
!.'i«ae:ai» tbe famena g. w. Patten Mat Mi£ 
T"*'^ Bayder and Frank Batch. Tbcee mes 

ail represent tbe aorvlroia.of the erIgliMl la- 
•lusiry, aod have been able to remain In the 
name aad make money by their nragteaalve 
inelboda and tumorable deallnga, and have made 
"iiitlnnal elTorlB to create and Introduce new and 
••rlglnsl fealurea, which liave given the business 
"" oceaK'nnsl boost and rmb stimnliia. 

Altbough a deal of praise Is donbllrss doe 
to thoae energetic and persistent abnwmen who 
have stnrk to tbe ship and have vtrtuatly kept 
■be carnival noae above water, there la no db- 
eniaing the fact that the bn a la t Ba. from a gen- 
«<ral standpoint, waa la a far fNaa •neovraiinii 
o'Uilltlan, snd tbe Jnnab* and nsnal pesalmlstle 
"bow prophets bsd already lonit since given an 
■ be mme as a fnrlom hope and had prnnonnced 
ilictr angnst verdict* aa to tbe Imptohablllty of 
IIS ever rranming Ita former atatus among the 
>'nrli>iia show Industries. 

.k7*** Ibe public to alwaya looking for some- 
tning new, and that the viae showmen Is ever 
«! Ibe alert for new Ideas snd sltrsetlons to 
^f^^Jf'l' Inoaflable appetite tor novelty, U 
I!/**!*!!''"^ and the destiny ot the futnrr 
•Hif*'*'** tbe carnival proper depend en- 
"rely apM tM» fact and open the poaatbllltlee 
^i^-KSL '"S-."'*'"'*' of pay and free 

q> ' .Jwa annnlana.' Ia already working 
M't'lMa dtoeetlea,. aad a tmraHat or- 

llevera In Ita atabUlty. U J. Frank Batch, ot 
Plttabnrg. who was one ot tbe toremoat plsoccra 
ot tbe original bnstnea* la America and the 
founder of the still tamoos Hatch Carnival Com- 
pany, which baa arninally toured ttie country 
toir the peat twdve eeaaooa. Mr. Hatch, ever 
on the Molnwt for iww Ideas and Innovations 
with which to Improve and embellish his shows, 
has at laat hit upon a novel Idea which will 
doabtless revolntloalsa the carnival bnslaeaa. 
Oolng back to the day* ot Captain Psnl Boynton 
and bto fsmons World'* Wster Show, wblch 
toured both America and E?orope with socb woo- 
derfOl Boccesa and which waa the big feature ot 
the renowned HorUenltural ■sUblUca at BaH't 
Oonrt, Loodeo. during tbe aeaaaa ot ISBS, aad 
tbe furore and chlet topic ot tbe faisona Aatwarp 
RxpoalHea ot UM. Ur. Batch baa conceived the 
Intereallag Men of producing, for the traveling 
seaaoe. a complete lepcodnetloo ot tha famous 
water ebowe or Sea tJon Park. Otympla. XmOob, 
and the Boyal Aquartnm. where tbe famona 
Reckwith Family made awlmmlng the moat pop- 
ular ot all tlie health-giving aports. The new. 
water ahow, aa conceived by Mr. Batch, win 
embody all of the wonder*, ot the water abowa 
of the past. Including replicas ot the tamoos 
aqostic pantomime* given on ttie artlflctal take* 
at the ever-remembered Ctyatal Palace, aa well 
aa new aad tnodlfled tae-tlmlle* ot all of the 

predaetlona which have been 

the mighty New Tork Hlppo- 

xie'natcta Water Bhnwa will travel aa aa ag- 
gregation, and win Inelode a certain anmber of 
■bowa, which wni coostttnte a midway, while th^ 
main attraction win consist ot tbe mammoth 
water simw, whirb will be given In a hnire tsk- 
which will be dug by an advance brigade, and 
wblch will be enclosed by a apacloos Brandstand 
and lofty scenic sldewall. The main entertain- 
ment wl)l consist ot all manner of water ttunta, 
awlmmlng races lny awlmmera of all natlooa, 
high dlrlttg eooteela. trapeaa dtrlng. water playa. 
and pantomlmea, aqaatle dowaa aad Ja atai fc 
boata and water eintl of aH aatieaa. walw 

to tha amuement world, aad tlwre to little 
dnulit aa 4o tbelr tdtlaaate amiiaa A caae- 
plete mUwar of par attnettooa and prlellcgaa 
will be carried, and oaly the beat of t*Rlta(T 
win be -played. A nnmber ot tbe lain and 
better atate taire have been ce 
and aereral of the heat knewa 
promoter* are already on the road. 

Mr Hatch Is aangulne aa to the anecesa ot 
bis Dew project, siMl saya ttiat 'be will spea 
every cent be noaarana to aaka- the new show 
the T*ry beat 
ever t*aen tbe 




TOP KTAIW P ma .... 15.00 

No. MS MvalidM saaia**f.»«*«* 
No. 4Hr Itaatala g i M: ;^..... 
No. MO-B Fountain Vm»..'i.,-. 
No. 43'B Fountain Peao..^;...' 

No. e-BC Fonntaln Pen* 21.00 

No. 6-BB F\>nntaln Pens S4.20 

We cany a large line of 

and Kaalar loada at kdnat 

CataloCBe fHe^ 


•llntli and Uiaaa 


Wa carry a fall line ot gooda tor high pitch and 
■tract conier aale*. Clieap Jewalry tor peekaga 
oto; White Btoaa Ptna. Rlaca, Stada aaO 
Oattoaj, Saaarab t 


S22-824 N. ath 
ST. LOUM, . . . U.«.ik. 



Long experlanctt in th«ai 
«tro ahtf mil linos. . ; 

Fine library. 

Ralph BramMe 


Celfo, Flute and Piccolo 


Two young men. Sot>er aod experienced la aH 
lines. Locate or travel. Addtesa StUSlCIAIOb 
31T Danpblae St., Kew Orleans, La. 

litltaatikMM aa tha kflt 0M> 

aaa'wtlk the HatatAMk-WaUaca g i g gTlggg 
with the BaOaey-Bnttaa C O mady On. whM 

to tonrlag tbe Sonthem Stateo. 

OXX BUST with your advartlaing tor the An- 
nual SprlnB Special Nnmber of The Bll.board. 

Laat forms cloae March 11. It you want to sell 
year park coneesstons or aecnre big attrectlona, 
be sure and get your ad. In thto great ootdoor 


Walter Hnbbell, who baa been playing Agnlla. 
the Indlaa Slave la na ■agtal. 8 Uve (Kaateni) 
Compmat, Cac the saM-WMateea weeks, baa 

been Iraaafetted to tha Weatcn, Company, 
which to under the management ot Oco, H. 

Henry Jerome Furer, manager ot Vme. Una 
Rosalna, annoonce* that this noted singer will 
soon sppear In America. While In tbis country 
Mm*. RMsIna wUl travel over the varlona vaude- 
ville circuits. 

Arthur BtlU manager ot 
Company, anaaaacea tr 
will begin a mm oC 

Omia Barbae and 


-at flNlio./Th. 

At Liberty ti^S^,^ 1911 

Fnr (Hrt Show or Sido Show. 

EARL W. ACTON. Box 633. Eato^ Obki. 


Piano Playf r 

Read and tranapeaa. l*«llabla;aoad hablta 
Add rasa 




Ilalat. K ap a ito uc a d la alt theatrical tla*B. I 
net n i s iipim n l. Ubeary of ataadardma^^ 

at* or tnvdL Add. LEO O-ROBK. lOS IS 

Do net 

Locate » 

St.. ProTldeaee. B. L 

WAnZD, OnaMtie Paento for 

Oamaay ia Beptetebe. . 
or* Air Dotca, Irlah aad Ugkt 

Vadar Oaataa. 

or* tnr uaiea, inaa ana ugnt comeoyi 
far eld ledy. eld maid, lead and aoobratte. 
1—1— IT to Jest famine with an A-1 eel 
Of tomidlea airi fane comedies. WUl epea 
■ay 1. VsaltlMi permanent, with aalair. 



Xtie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 


Ballmui & Mnipby: 013 HcKein «t., ^Ul«. 
Halperln, Nan: 1821 £. ITtta «t.. Vvamt. 
Bml»aa Bojs: 21 E. SHUi St.. N. Y. C 
Halwortta. Jack: 138 W. Erie St., ClUcaso. 
HamllD. Harry: 6V7 NortbwMtem Bldi:., MIddc- 

Hammun * LjMI: 4S« CatUse at.. Koebcater. 

N. Y. 

Itamptoa * Bawttt: 4M» Wlottanp avc. Chi- 

* cago. • ■ 

HMler * ImnUt tM BolMikcn at.. BattwDM. 
X. 1. 

Uanna. CbM>t»r: Gallatin, ilu. _ : ' 

Hanson * Sulcy: 410 Bamtuw St.. GlalM. 

iiorily. Ilrlfiit-: riqna. U. 

Ilanly. la*. ■»» Pnllor nt.. Toronto. 

Harmon, Oiiii- .\. : Frunkfori. Ind. 

Uamlah, Mamie: T<: I'lirk at.. Brulntn'v. Mats. 

Harper * Jamewn: lim 1145. llogko^fee. Okla. 

Harris & Boblnifon: I'lU>' CliteifB. ' 

Uarrla. Fred: tOl K. Joili Bt.. Ckk'ai*. — 

Harrison. Leo F.: Auo Arbur. Mich. 

Hatcb, E. Wam-n: T4 Sydney at.. tkMlan. 

llatcbw. The: 47 B. 132d at.. N. V. a 

llarelucks. The: 443 B. 3a at.. lackaooTilla, 

■rimj' ■ 

I1awli& * Bachen. 134T N. lltli at.. PhUii 
Haynea. Cbaa. P.: Weatherfonl. Tex. 
Ilealbvr. Jusle: Mtli St.. Ifc-iiwmUiin't. N. 


Hrintz. Jailc: Jlot r-irtlantl uvi-.. Mlnu:-:i|"'l>'. 
Ilrlvttr. Lalli ile: lit AV. TlU at., Mt. Vuru.rti. X. 

Hemletauo * Sbebluv: XSt NaUonal an-.. lUl- 

IMmSk nin Wa tL ..ilmm»:^ MMalia. 

Renrouuiii. AiMaMtt .Ollwr BuOM, X. T., 

HfWk-: -JMH Maultildjini. XM 

HeHiftlrx. Tlu-: 1300 SOtk M.^ 

HUb<-rt. Ben: VJK SaarmlU a»e.. AnrabMiy. IM. 
iliiijiTx. TiK-: r.i'J li^ir ^tb at., Beaaoaiiarat. 

Brooklyn, N. V. 
HInea & Fenton: 14:; W. 02d at., X. V. C. 
Hlnton. Leallo tc Lettlu: 'JOTM B. On-rlaiul at.. 

El Paao, Texan. 
UinteUiania, Tbe: 3S0S S«. Mb at.. Omaha, 

IMaar * Baafcli: 4IM3 X. Onmd an:. »t. 

Bolmeo Bnw.: 014 Lake at.. Cadlllar. MIcb. 
Uomeiroatl. Uertrade: Ualtlmotn. Mil. 
Hoppe. Vera: BldRrflfld I'ark. X. I. 
Howanl & Boyd: S.V>1 Elzid iirv.. St. Loiilk. 
Howell, KIhr: Bn-nnen Uolol. Lna .Viifi'lis. 
Howxe SlBtcra; »:i E. nili Kl.. Jiu-kwiiu ille. Fla. 
Haxtablrx. Tbe; IS OIItit M.. Snh'm. ilaiw. 
Hyatt & Le.Non-: Itns W. Laiivnie M.^ IMltl- 

Uyd* A Tallwt: Torrlnalon, Conn. . 

Barton, Lorraine S. (Oraixli Kuatarllli-. Tenn-; 

(Hopkla«) LnilxTllle. K.v.. 20-25. 
Jlcnnlnca. Jobn & Winnie iMajMtlri Kork la- 

Uod. Ill-: (Majntlc) Madlaou, Wis- 20-25. 
Itllt * Wllltnker iKeltbV* I-rorldi-lif.-. R. l.J 

tShva-a) Buffalo. 20-20. ... , . 

■UiwklDa-Axtell Co. i.Sbi-u'»» Duffalo: i.Sh««'a) 

TOTODto, 20-23. ^ 
Uontlaga. Four (Un>beunt> aMttlvs Ul ii i * ! — ) 

rariUBd. or«.. ao-as. ... ... 

Bmaek (Orpbtnm) Kanaaa City, Mo.: )0r- 

phcom) Omaha, Neb., 20-23. 
BnrlDCtoa, Mlldnil * Lcater (UaJ«>tlet Daa 

Muluea, la.: «Re|>nl«lci OUeua, UL. 3043; 

I White ralaei') clilniiro, 33-9B> - ' ■ ■ ■ • 
Kuwiey. Irene Kirand) ladlaBapaUK <Mbw 

Urand) KvaOKTllIe. 2t>-2.'. 
Ifitdii:>'i-iuu. Jobn I- (Hlpiiwlroaie) LexlnKton, 

Ky.: iMaimtlc) LllUe Bwfc, Ark., 20-2.'>. 
Hall. <;eorse F. (BIJoa) Flint, Mlch.r tN«w 

I Atk.: (MtlMttei rt. Worth. 
' Barim 

Atk.:' (MtjMtteT Ft. Worlh, *«., 30-23. _ 
Jaakall, Looay (Orpheuni) I>i<« Molnea. la.. SMSw 
^Barino * LaTrlvkn iIIIpindrooM* UTvrpoA 
Ena.. Mar. S-11: il-avillon) New Cattla. SMB. 


Banitlton. Hitella B. iPaatagta) Ja 
Cat.: (Cliuti'ii) San FntMlaMi^ SMIL, 
Ilamiiton Biwuptt iHrari Chteaaai . 

CalsaiT. Can.. 20-ar,. 

Holt. E<lwln. & Co.. t(ln>bPnm) JIOOtHBl. 
Boeflpr. W. C. & Co. i t'in|irei>H> DnlMb. ' 

(Empress) WInnlpeir. Can., 20-23. 
RulliitKLT. Dillon (O. It.) Bameaboiv. Pa.: <'IIa- 

Jeatlc) Butler, 20-25. 
Hall Btoa. (MaJettJc) Butte, Mont.. IS-2; 
Baaloa Broa. (Ocphaom) Loa Aintalea. 
Bairaid Braa.. Piriav Banjoa (Sb-a'ai 

(Bhea'i) Tsraato. SMS. _ 

Harfa Joseph. Utile BtniatlW Co. <Teiqia) 

Rochester. X. Y. 
Hollntid. Haiipy Doc (MaJ.-itIc) flinttanooaa. 

Hart'a ' JuKepIt, BatblBtf Glrla Co. iOrphenm) 
Uacola. NabM JMSi ...... 

BMaii^^^bai«~irXaaiw ' (Onad) .PitMiov, 

Bonia *. Cbata <UaitaHe> Kalaiaaaoo, MICh.; 

IMMI 9atUv Ciwtk to-a. . . 

BiM^ inlea. School Boya and OlrU (Caalno) 

Cbleaso; (Orptaeum) Lima. O.. 20-23. 
Hunter Ic Runs (Wilson) Baltimore. 
H-a1IU)rs. Dol-. .Vnlmals (Wilson) Baltimore. 
Ilarrlt & Rko.IiiII lOrand) Esi-unaba. .Micb. : (Bi 

Ji.ul AiM'N'Iou. Wis.. -JIVO.-.. 

Havutioil SisiiTi* (Columbia) AtUetiJi. O. 
Hurley. Frank J. (O. H.) ilartlnabor?, W. Va.. 

1«-18. _ ■ .;_ ^ 

Bnlmea * Riley (Maleetlel Tacoaw. . Wa«b.; 
(Orantti PortlamL nn>.. 20-3S. 

SIamI i&t. SSarr, **€■»* ^alqiiel Ulaiwap- 
aUk. ■■ 

_J ^BTT^n (Or]ib,-rtro) Deover. 

___Pa Abon. Nine Ar.nhii (Paatagei**) DenTer. 

laatniBiental Trio: Rector's Cafe. ITth & Cor- 

tla His.. Denver. 
Inrtna. Two: .1CS4 E. "lot Clerelawl. 
Irwfna. Three: Steelrllle. ifo. 
lablkawa Jap Troupe: 7300 Saugamon St.. Chl- 

Ita Company (O.^) Sbelbyrllle. Ind.: (O. H.l 

Jaryla t Harrlaon: 20 McKlnley st.. Hartford. 

Jeaaloga -A Beafrew: 714 Broadway, Everett, 

Jerome & Ijenri 814 Mary St.. St. Joscpb. Mo. 
Jeunetjt. The: MB M. Western are., Chicago. 
Jahoson. Bros. A Jobosou: 6243 OaUoarUU- at.. 

43fS Cbrlatlkaa aTc., 

VmhIb, 104 E. 


lB<ina * iSiu (Majestle) 

WBl Oalreataa 9»«L 
Xackaao. CleaMalas .StO ' Ai«u. O, 

m, 9».t (Oal- 


JobostoD. Mualcal: 388 Elsbtb am., X.' T. C. 
Janiea. Harrison: Ottawa, Kan. 
Jonea & Whitehead: 47 W. 28th at.. X. Y. C. 
Jordan. Earl: 200 E. Stta at.. I^exlngton. Ky. 
Jordans, Three Jassllng: 0.130 Jnatue St., Chi- 

Jacobs & Sardel (BIJon) Atlaata. Sa.: (Oipkenm) 

JackaonrlUe, Fla., 20-2S. 
Jeter A Hogem (Colonial) X. Y. C; (Graiid) 

Syracuse, 20-2S. 
Jolly * Wild (Otmnd) Plttabnrg. Pa.; <Kel(b'a) 

Columbua, O., 20-20. 
Jonea tt Dvely (Otptacom) Ouaaa. X«b. 
Jarfcaon. Joe (Gvpbenm) DeuTcr. 
K Trio, Three: 310 Sanitary Hotel, Liucoln. 


Kaicbl Trio: 1227 E. 71st St.. Chicago. 
Karland, Prof.: 500 Reeves arc., Norfolk, Va. 
Kartello Broa.: Pateraou, N. J. 
Kanfmanns. Tbe: 240 E. .tStb st.. Cbleaao. 
Keating & Murray: Wildwood, N. J. 
Keelry A Parks: care Mrs. Uavidson, 281 W. 

IBOth St.. N. Y. C. 
Keene. Mattie: Hotel Oerard. K, T. C. 

Kcne. Doris A Kaaaa; M PanalogtoB at.^: Pal- 

eisuo, N. J. . . ' - '■ . ■ 7- 
Kelcey Slatera, TliMe: 

Kelly & Henry: 273S FriinkfonI ave.. I'lilla. 
Keltners. The: va Colonial Place. Dsllux. Tex. 
Kenney. Great. 20G (.rove St., Mllwiuikee. 
Kenney & Hollia: 04 Uar^-ard are., .\llston. 

Kent & Wilson: 0030 MoDitie are.. Cbieaito. 
Kllllon & Moore: TVUta Bata. X. Y. C. 
Klncsley & Roberts: aTaSlBaiV.BUf.. Ol-'- 
labooui City, Okla. 

XImMMI ft. nwaMMS 11031 KsmMid at., Morgan 

kjaSTt -BHa aiww .3887 E. 42d st.. Olevduvl. 
KIvlll TMol CidenWri: nvi-.. St. Lool*. 

Klein, Ott * inikelsiiii 2.VI W. :t4tb si., X. Y. 

Klindt Brm. . raUfsatlc) Dallas. Tex. 
Klinereltetw. The; Box 402. Ilawiirtlen. la. 
KIoi* SlNlers. Tbree: cure I'uul Tan;-!;:. lOI E. 

I4th Kt.. N". Y. C. 
KniRbt Bros. & Sanli-lle: 4430 Sheridan Road. 

Chicago. . 
Kuliler. Frank! * Majr: 3M flb' OnitMft st . 

MarysTllle. O. 
Kohl. Oua * 3larlon: Oil F<nirlb St.. Mllwau. 


Kolb'ft Miner: nnytun. Ky. 

Kolllna, Stnart. te Hia Banjo Glrl.~: Broad- 
way, X. Y. C. 

Koppcs, Tlie: 117 W. 2:i<l st.. X. Y. C. 

Kniaro. Frank: 003 Race *t,. Ptaila. 

Kramers. Tbe: Antlaalalk-n. 

Kmmcr-Bmnn Trin: eat^- VaM 
14tb at., X. Y. C. 

Kramo It Normen: 20S Rnatlln at.. Hammond. 

Kronco-Manaaeld Trio: Near Milfaiml. Cimn. 
Keatons. Temple) Baadltva, 'Caa.; (Ooarinlon) 

Ottawa. 20-23. . ' . • • 

Kelly & naria (GrUBa'a) SiratftM, OBtk Can.; 

ICriffln'a) Berlla. 20-25. 
Ki-ltben. The (Masonic) Ironton. C, 16*U. 
Kendall. Rose M. (Hlppnorone) HOBtlaBtoB, W. 

Va.: (Hlppoiinune) Obnrlrslnn. 20-23. 
Kuhns. Three White (Orpheuni) Sioux City. la.: 

I<h-|>beum) illnneapolla. Minn.. 20-33. 
Konera Bros.. Four (Keltb'a) Phila. 
Kelly, Jack & Violet (Coloaiai) Norfolk. Va. 
Keigbley. Oreat (Grand) Hot Suringa, .\rk. 
Kremka Broa, (Oolnmbla) OlaclDaall. 
Kari <P«ll'a) ■eraaMB. Pa.. SO-SB.. 
Kasbbnafnaacals) Uoatnal. 
Kniabt. BaHaa B.. * Co. (Oii>bram) Oftlea. V.: 

(Otiibcnm) Salt lAke, 20-23. 
Kaufmann Troupe (Orplieiim) Dulurh. .Minn. 
Klein * Clifton (Franrals) Montreal. 
KnrtU'-Bnsse's Does (MaJeatic) Webb City, Mo.; 

(Majestic) .<(t. Jiwph,^1iD4lb 
Kanfinan Bros. (Oruhrtim) fL 

MInneapolla. .20 -J-t. 
KItamnra Japaneer Troupe fAliiambra) X. Y. C; 

Kirecnpoint) Brooklyn. 20-2S. 
JCIrksmllb Slater* (U'rie) Dayton. O.: (Hlpim- 

•Icoairt OtoT^aad 3IMIL . 
KeUaj ■ . waMWurlii -lOriihenmi Ij-araaworth. 

kS.: lOolBBMaV Kaama City 30-33. 
Kolb * Miller (•lnli>n»'<tt'ii) IMurlniull: (Cnlo- 

nial) ImlUBapolts 20-2.->. 
Kelley A Kent (Poll's) WIIki-s-Barn- Pa. 
I.yneva iKoMnson's) Cliiclunull; (roliuilal) In- 

I'tanapnlis 20-23. 
l-iiCcnlrn & taltue: 2401 2(1 ave.. X. V. C. 
I.J1 Font. Clwa.: Biocklians.Edwardi( Playern. 

Texarkana. TM. .... 
IjiIiI. C'oril * A««iri IMT IdtlRiiia al.. Ran rran- 

rl,iC». ... 

I •'koin A Lorata;. 'nlaae Hatel, Chicago, 

I.aliellos, Four: .. OlMltar. Ind. 

La Mar. Mlaa WaiTBat ttM Frinta at.. Clneln- 

bSan«ia. rhiBUi*: MS ir^ aotb at. Ctaln'go. 
LaVarr. Bouiplt ft IjiMaie: S3M Pltkfai ave.. 


Lumblottes. The: Mr. Venmn. O. 

X,aMeTn. Paul: 27 Mi>uriH- si.. .V)l>uuy, N. V. 

lamonte I'tauk: 911* X. Broad at.. IWa. O i i jte >asa i i1gW, ih ii aj ir l iy. X. . v. c. 
LaMoure inM.1 M <Mlar lakv aww.- Idaueaii- 

olls. . . • 

Lancaster. ^Ir. & ^Irs. Tom: New Caalle. Dela. 
Lanedon A .Morris: 142T McHenry st.. Italtlniore.<lngs. Tbe: 210 N. Broadway, llalllmore. 
Larimer. Herbert: 12H 4lli nf<o.. Wcat, Onlnr 

Rapid*, la. 

LaRenoa,. Two: Hotel laReiM Peoria. III. 
LaRoeea. Boxy P.: Box OS. Washliurn. III. 
t ,.»,-ae vrit: Oia Ptb are.. N. Y. C. 
LaRiie & Holmes: 31 LIMIe st.. Newark. N. I. 
LuSslIe & Llnd: IXi Foots are.. Jam«-^'lown. 
X. Y. 

I ■■«;•■, ■. Trtii Kater sl.. Phlln. 
LnToskn. Lillian: 00!) Ursnllue st.. New Or 

LnToskn. Phil: 133 W. 22d <t.. Los Angeles. 
Lavarnle. Franco & Palmer: 017 N. Clark at.. 

LaVt-eo. Crnaa A Co.: 71 4ka. nr.. Bneklan'l. Mo. 
LaVlllas. The: Or-ml Parllh! lintel. Chleno'. 
LnVlne A Inmsn: WhMe Bats. N. Y. C. 
tJiwr«'nee & Wriirht; iXil Bmadwff.r. X. V. C. 
LeClalr A Sampson: 112 nth are.. Chicago. 
Leglalre. I.eo M.: .M9 K. 14J>th at., X. Y. C. 
X-eGrangc A Gonion. 2R3.1 Washington are.. St. 


Leuerta. Two: OSKI l/alan are.. Chicago. 

Leaoon, Bert: SliO WaMtgttgt it>. Cbieaco. 

«a«o.' ■,- •■ - -, • 

tm. ttMrt ino TlaeraM at.v'Hana. 


PMl (Oipbeum) 

Leslie, Reclna: .KM. Tremont St., Boston. 
Leslie A Knade: 924 N. 33th at., Chicago. 
LeVerne A Jobnson: 4802 X. Secley uve.. Cb! 

i M P rii iUJt at.. West 

LoTlDO, Dolfib A 

Ilnvcn, Conn. 
Lincolni, Four: 21.'>!> Huron St., Chicago. 
Llndberg. Arlbur: :i74 Central ave., Xor«Icb. 


IJndsuy, Cedrlc: 300 Cu11.-kv ave., Austin, Minn. 
Lines. Harry: 420 flth at.. South. Minneapolis. 
LlPiEcrman. Sam A Lucy: 703 N. Cth St.. Phlla. 
Lloyd A Falls: 58S Lypll ave., Oalca, Roche>(- 
ter, N. Y. 

Lockabay. D. D. : Box 140. GroenwiMKl. S. C. 
Lockwooda, Musical: 133 Cannon at.. Pongh- 

keepaic, X. X. . . 
Lola A Lvnt 3M4 W. « ((...Omv Maid. X. 


Lolsaet. Kalle: 104 E. 14tb at.. X. T. C. 
LombaTds, The: care Paul Taiulg, lOt K. i4lh 

St., X. Y. C. 
Long. Clyde. 1707 iralaat at., CUcanow 
Loomia. Clara: OSW'Bvaaa am. Oklaaan, 
Lowe, F. T.: ST30 IMh aee., SamlirMiaaMp- 


Loole-Leahy Co.: 203 401 st.. .San Frtiuclsoi. 
LuMns. Four Dancing:: 1T28 N. 21x1 St.. Plilia. 
Lucas, Hazel Heston (Majestic) St. Paul. 
Luce A Luce: »2rt X. Broad at.. Phlla. 
Lueler. Fred A Bess: Onsi-t Bay, Mas*. 
Lucdera A DeU: Si< B, Rubluson at., X. S.. Pitts- 
burg. Pa. 

LaCrandall: MS Jlarttaa st.. New .Albany. Ind. 

LaB^llc, Ifnrty: White Bats. Chicago. 
Levitt A Falls (Bcncon) BoatoD); (Ballock's) 

Providence, B. I.. 20-25, ■ 
Uoyd, UuRb (Orpbenm) Oakland; (Ol|iMam) 

Los Angeles 20-2.';. 
Lament A Mllham (Shea's Young St.) Toronto. 
Luder, Lucy. A Cbas. Ellsworth (Orpbeum) 

JacksoBTllip, Fla.: (Bijcu) SaTannah, Ga., 


LaMar, SUw Wivw (ItaJaMffc) Clyalsataa. R. 

c. ■ • 

UntoB's. Tnm. Jungle SMa (MtW> Lansln» 

Mich.; (Juffera) Sagiaair i04B. 
UatoB-s. Tom. Tropical Ma Ida ( Pf k rtin ) Hot 

Barings, Ark.: (Macaaa) ft. Wfltb. Tex.. 

iMuard. Cbaa. P. (Mhrlnnl Marlea. 0.t (Oraad) 

Colnmbns 20-23. 
Leon A Adeline (Maje^dr) Charleston, S. C: 

(.Majestic) Jucksimvllte. Fla.. 20-23. 
LorenlKTs's. Cluic. College Life (Chase's) 

Wssh.. II. C: (Keith's) poila.. t*a« MA 
Lorainc. Usciir (Keith's) ColnmlMMt 0,1 (Onad I 

Svrnruse. N. Y.. ■JO-23. 
I.ii.Marr. Frank: Hen. Del.. OraBd . BapMb. 

Mich.. l.'J-25. 
LcFetTe A St. John (Majestic) Seattle ,^ 
Longworlhs. The (Majestic) Kalamaasa. MIeb.: 

(Bijou) Battle Creek 20-33. 
LaT-ll Bros. (l>astime) Plyiiioatli, Uaaa.: (Bul- 
lock's) Prorldeaee, B. I, 

Leyghtons. gUll*' ^j^jgg]^ 


Llvlncatons. Tkfee (KehVa) 

N. Y. C. 20-23. 
Lane A O'Donnell (Columliia) SI. I^inls: (Grnud) 

Indianapolis 20-25. 
Laccy, Will (Empress) Kansas City, Mo. 
LaTemc A Johnson (Lyceum i Sau Fraaelsco. 

Lubins, FVinr IPantagea') Denver. 

Littlefart, nn^<(Of^^ 

MeCon aaH.MalHtit mr W. XMWm at.. CM 


McDonnld. Pdille .* John: 2IU Smith ave.. Wll- 

klnsliiirg. I'a. 
McDonald. O. I,.: SIS Suilerlor sl.. Toledo. O. 
McDowell. Geo. S.: 24.31 N. :t.l St.. I'hiln. 
Macdonald Sisters: 12 B»ebe St.. San Franrl>co. 
JlcOee A Hays: While Hals. ChliaBo. 
Mclntyre A Groves: 403 E. ]9th St., Davenport. 


^IcKees. Tliree: AeMM* Bi»latf»' Ht W. MUi 

St.. N. Y C. 
Macks. Two: 343 X. Wth at., FUla. 
Malla A Bar*.: 331 XT. Mil at.. S. TC. C 
Meiln ft Malla: ITS Xartk BT*^ nalBSaM. X. 


Maagean Traoiie: IBM BvaMwaTt K T> ft . 

MannlBK Trio: mClnUT at., Onad ' Baplila, 


Marshall's (junrti'tte: 3Wie B. WaSblngloB St.. 

Marlon. Ind. 
MiirHli. CIiiik: .'KV, Itlb St.. Milwaukee. 
Mnrsli. Karl N.: 10.10 4lh sl.. Snn DIcro. Pal. 
MarHlnn & KinlKon: C'lirbondnlc. Pa. 
Mnrlln. Dave >t I'crel.-: 4SI11 t'nlnniel ove.. Chi- 


MnrTliia: Tlie Illlllinard. Clmlnunll. 

Marline, Carl A Budolpli: 4.'V7 W. .'>7lh St., X. Y, 

0. ' ' ' 

Martlaattle * BirlvMilart OIST ZieedB «!» milB, 
Martya. Ifswaia: 38 BecoMI st.. Ml. aemea*, 


Marv<>l Iluo: .-are I>. Ca»i>nr.v. C:U< E. .IDIh st.. 

Mason. I'lias. .\.: 121 W. 42d "I.. N. V. C. 
Miisnns. Kf>Mr: Fair Haven. N". J. 
Maxwell & Dndler: 100 W. !l«lh N. Y. C. 

Maxwell. Joe: Room 12, N. Y. Theatre Bhlj:., 
\ Y C 

Majw. BlizilM'lh: 144 E. 4Sth St.. X. T. 0. 

May, Ethel: Rot -"MW. Clilrnpo. 

Mflvo A Rowe: enre llcrt l.<*vey, 144 Powell at,. 
Sail Frnnelscn. 

Mesra. Sergeant: Wlilte Rnis. X. \. r. 

Afelnolte-LaXolft Trto: 4R Maryland ave.. Cum- 
iH-rlanl. Md. 

MelroDe Comedy Pour: 310fi Omveland nvi'.. Chi- 

.^'4-lvlll... MnrrebHis: Inlerlaken X. V. 
Mend A Mrnil: 742 S. Rnhev sl.. Clilcngn, ni. 
Menth. Jiio. It.: 20-17 E. 41<1 eve.. Cbli-ago. 
Merrill It Imvo: Fnlr Hnven. X. J. 
Meyers. Belle: 442 E. l.inih St.. X. Y. C. 
Miller. Mr. A Mrs. Frsnk K.: Shrevcimrl La. 
Miller. Tl'cresn: 118 W. Grand nve.. (Ulnhoma 
City. Okln. 

Millers. Three JngffUng: 037 Ridge ave., Sevan* 

Ion, Pa, . ■* 

M"eh"il. I..da (Top»y) Sano .MeBard »!.. ». 


MoWlr A Creliyt 34-10 RiveteB are., fhleagn. 
>MMt ft Clnie: 111 B. ISStb at.. X. Y. C. 
Mnlli'r. ITsrry: 34 BIymer at.. Delaware. O. 

Moiiliro'wenr. Ray, A Renljr maters: Henly VII 

In .M-ip'eion. N, T. 
Monirell. ('his.: 104 P. Mih at.. X. V. C. 
Moor.B. Fl.-.. Flying: ma V St.. Miracle. Infl. 
Moore. Floyd: core L. Scott, 03 WaB St.. X. Y. 


Mort'"n Si Chester: I'hoelius, Vn. 

Mn-rl». Ij-on: Kt W. 7Ib St.. Ml. Vnrnon. X. T. 
Morions Four: 2fln olh St.. nel-nll. 
.Moss A Frve: BTO 7th sve.. X, T. C. ■ 
Mn<l Twins: 3.34 PByelte at« .nrldBelim. X. 3- 
Mnrray A HafantaBt lMII W. AdBBIa'at.. MBBCle. 

Myers ft Tront: lo<liitua TaiMhiTllle yitwifnm' 

Assn., Terre Haate. Ib4. i. 
Mylle ft Ortb: MBaea(la, Wla.. ' 
MrrradMi (OfiOenai) CaaaiiiMini' III. 

n. u <iirH>). WfrtHiM . III. 

emoh Oems 

Not Imitatioiit 

The greatest trluBiph of 
the electric furnace— a 
msrvelously reconstroctad 
gem. looks like a dia- 
mond — wears like a dia- 
mond — brilliancy gnaraa- 
tee<l forever— atanda Bliaa. 
Ore and acid like a d£ 
mond. Raa bo pasta. foO 
Jir arttilelal baekfig. aS 
only la 14 Karat Solid oSS 
mounting*. I.30th lbs r—*^^ 
diamnnda. Guaranteed to • 

no glass — will ent glaas. ^StaS 

spprorsl. .Money cbeerfnlly raBlM 


eil If not perfectly saua 
Write to-day for ov^ 
Jewel Book — It's fp 
asking. Addreaa— 

. 463 X. Brasdway. 

' St. touli. Ko. 


Is the latest lurentioa aad tbe catchiest 
"AMUSEMBXT" rldtag derlee la uae. Quickly 
act op and taken down. laezpeaalve tu oper- 
ate and to transport from place to place. Jaat 
the thing for ountvsl and show roiupanies. Alto 
a tip top money-maker for parka and reaoMi, 
For pries aad descriptive folder, write 


Tbe Big EB 

Is tba belled 

castDca of nadMBl* 
eal skni comblasd 
with years of ex- 
perience, on (he road 
and In the shop, to 
build the t>eat 
amuaement wheel 
ever put un, AND 
WE DO. We have 
happily com- 
blned the beauty of 
the wheal witb the rellablllly of constructloa, 
wbkb Blaaaia tba era aad alas satlsOsa tba 
ansa a( abaalat* adaiy. A pleaaate ta own 
aad operate oat «C thasa Mwy-gattaia, wblab 
ore la use from Csnads to •tOlB.^' 
for Dew price list and sdf 

Baodhaase, lU., IT. 8. A. 





819 East Mfd Btiaet. OUsas*. Ob. 



Temple Bar Building, Brooklyn, N. T. 

star Theatre Brookly 

Oajrsty Tbeatra 

Oayatr Tbeatra 

Star aad Oarler 

AIwayB Open Time tor Poaihm AoISs 

TATTOOING elIectIuc maciiTiiS! 

Price, Sa.SO Eaicli 

il. F. BARBER, 1019 Yino St , dncinniti, 0. 

■HOW LETTERHEADB — Two Colors, with your 
pboto, $3.M for aOO. Spedai dealgiw tor every 
act or bnaineas. Heatloe ynnta, snd aead 3 ca>t 
■tamp for MiDplea, Onr complete eaulog tar 1A 
otsBipa, Mora de^s sad better tbsa 
rver. THlTcLAT CBN'niflt BXOBAVIXO OO., 
Hay Center, Ksn.. Pboto EBgrarera aad Prlstora. 

SLOT XAOHIXES FOB HTIl »t tba risbt 

g;Vp*r' nf:^"J,^..!^'^l'.J'^f.«^L»«?..^»?*- — 

Elks, Pin Gum, and nil 

Machines, ADAMS NOV 
7m. Asbnry Park. N, J. 



(Mion. SSe per Jar. Btrnclli for 10c each M? 
toog ezperieace snd Increasing sales enahls n» 
9V enatoiBrrs ibe beat raloa for tba 

If I U Bsimsts. Rte. KUPPnr 

■ ' ■ Bfr. 14* Ith Av*. lew York. 

oaawcrlna ada, neotlea THB BIIXBOABn 

FEBRUARY If, 1911. 

Ttie Biiil>oar<l 


MiJMrt Krcil * E»» <8t«r) Aurora. IB.; (P»in- 

Uvl CllOlon. l&.t 20-25. 

Mllllr & IVmpoal (Mijentlc) MlUlwin, WU.; 

(CfjHiul) Mllwuukee 2M-2S. . _ 

jjirim. (Sill Aw.) S. y. C; (M«llti«tU0) 

Mo^^liVsUiIt'<«ii\ori*«im)J'eurl». III.: (Majri- 

Ik-) Kiiliiiu«»». „ , 

uawta n»c (V«rl«tl«i) Ti'iTO Itaule. Ind.; 

SlJi*!'™ norotliy <PrliKMiw( y<iung«ti>wn. o.: 

• tnn>l><-ani) Canton SO-S>. . _ ' ^ , 
JlMnv. MalM-l ValrntiH-UH iJpBit») Muslaaw. 
Mlrb.: (HIJiMi) I.unaliiK ■ _^ „ , 

Jlvlvlllr ft ltlMtl<M iqnjhtniii) Jtalt Lake CItj; 

(Oit*MiiM> l>»n»w.,Ori.. , _, 

M«rliNi-jH«n>ll Klve (nrratall Mllw.uki*. WU. 
Maim-. T..m. & 8t«p.l« (Tfinpln Ft. Wayne, 

laO.: « S.H11I1 CblPaio, III., 20-25. 
Marn^iii iKIiini-rVi Clilram. 
Miilli-ii & t'<in'lll ii;nTnpolnt> Brookljrn.> & Mai'k ( Kmpr'-'"') Milwaukee; (Lnliiue) 

Mliiix-atxll'. , . 

MiTn'll 4 I^-iM'tt cMnJi-nllc) JackaonTlilc. Ha. 
Mllih. Till- MIs!'!'* lOrplietmi) Mi'iuiibla. Ti'un.. 

Millar Ilr.»>. (\i-<v Murray) KIcfanMiuil. Iml. 
MvKlnl. v. x.-ll iMaJratIr) lIuiaalaD. Tr*.; (Ma- 

l«.<ili'r Giilvialon aO-2S. ... 
Merrill te «)■«• |Ori>lipaai> Seattle: (Orpbeumt 

ilUhSlU'riiiSr'ii vS&K HUtCTa (I'oU a* BjlOae- 
norl. Ci«n.: iKellhV* Rmtna. MaM.. 20-45. 

itifUr ft <';iniwi'll INpir (Srand) KvaaaTllle. 
lol.'; jonilii-miii MrmiihU. Trim.. SIMS. 

llM-k ft WalkiT (liraiKli l-ltialram. Pa.; (Pn- 
ir»| HBrtlluB. !"!. .Ma«»..' •-■»-2.-. 

llapllwr ft Mwlirr iKmiin-yat rini'lnnatl; iKiii- 

Iman trl- iA|i«ll..> K..ulKi'liunc. BuiwU. 10- 
•iM: illiii'ai llaiiiliiire. <ivrinanir. Vara l-ol. 

.UrCormli'ii & v. aiian- ill«uilntonl Ottawa. Can. 

Mnv slKfin* iOri>lM*Miiii i'liu'tiinatl. . 

MuVrnv. MnrUiii. ft «'». <Ki-llh'sl Pblla. 

Mr( Cnrl ifnl'mi" Mtnn'ea|wll#. 

Maxiiii" li'oirai Wllkea-Barrr. I>a. 

Mur|ili>'. W. II.. BlauriM' Mrlaib. * r... utt. u- 
viinii Omalia. N'rb. _ . „ .. 

Na«b ft niaeliart: Ml Carllnn a»r.. nnmljlyr.. 

Ncalamla. na-I IW llBlarto M.. VIctnrJa. H. 

Xriwn^'oawaM * Itawar: 1M R ISmh at., v. 

Xemo.'^Carl: T2I N. 2d •».. Qui ".v. J'l. 
Newaao. Harry: 112 Klfib av. .. i iilmirn 
XIbb* ft nonlennx: 0000 Noriumi nve.. CliliaK". 
Xibin ft nilry: 1.W TUIrd a»<-.. llro.iklyn. 
McbDia ft Ctiili: White Rati*. -N. Y. C. 
Mcbniii tc .Snillli: 1)12 Addlfoti are.. Cblragu. 
Name. K..l..rt: 112 .'.lb av*.. CMtano. 
Xocton. r. Porter: 4tU2 KInhark aw.. CblcaKa. 
Xartoii. Cn'ni: (M4 Newlna «t.. ChleaNO. 

Xamba Tronpr I New nraadt K i a»a rH I» . IMkt 

lOnihniBit Menntala. Tmn.. S»-33. 
SaTa«. Ian Olajeatlr) Mnwallke.-. 
Naynnu'a. Roa*. Hlnla (rii'rlier"«4 l'ii«iiil.-iia. 

<'al.; iDarrlrki San Dli'sn 2ti-2.V 
NililoV. VIelor. Talklns IHr.l« iKi-IIUVl I'nA-- 

lilenre. U. I.: <l..vr|pl n«.vt..ii. o.. -jo-i-i. 
MHinIa- Ni'lMili Tnanie ( .Ma Ji!.! !•• i I'nt.'ruvn. X. 

J.: (I'alaret llatletnn. Ta'.. 2i>--J.'>. 
Xormana. JiiaKllna (Bniproao KaiiM" ril.v. M".: 

(Maalrl Kt. I>o<l|:e. la.. 2»-2.V 
Nararp>. Nat. & C". lEmiiriw*! .Milwaukee: 

ll'nl-iue) Mlniieapnlla 2<»-23, 
MelMiN Klaiero • AuillKirlumt u-iin. Maaa. 
Nevlna ft Krw»al (Or|ibe«im> Kanaaa City, 

<()r|tUeuilll l>«H* Mi>tni.a. la.. *JI>-2.%. 
Nnrtoii tc Ilil»rll (t'liliiilr) Mliiiieaiiolla. 
Nallniial CinuliiuiK. Thnv (Malevllet Itenter. 
Ifllrlen ft IMrrab: 173 D. Valaaeta at., tail 

Fnnelaex. Cal. _ . 

OTo aaell. jl r. ft Mm. J. M.I.4Tn R.'Maln at.. 

.WalatlNiiT. CIsiUis 
(•'IMiHt TwM liavaM. in. 
«Hln.r». Tbn-^! 3941 llreaabaw »•.. (Iileaao. 
llmen". l-rlmvaa: eatv N. i. .\«|>lnwall. I'ulla 

fUy. Mi-li. 
iiMii'ira: ai4 W. 4.'W at.. X. Y.T. 
ll'Nelll. llay n.: The nilllawnl. Olm-liiiiall. 
I»rli«.'«n>'>. Iniia. <'.K-kai«»w: ear.* R. oIn-i- 

inayer, 14.11 nn>a<lway. N. Y. t'. 

<Ma>rn. Tnltlr: TU CoiinlaiMl avt>., Kokniw ln<l- 

Owen. I>»ralir.}t«r* "0*T VH^-^iP^'nb^ 
OTiare. WmT ft (ta. (AiMriraal OataSa. 3M^. 



ni.niililo Trin ll'nnUitea't BfaiHiar. ^ 
oToiiimr si.t.'r«. Sin 4Pairal lUrMbid. .OMia.i 

il'.ilr?.! Ni'n- Haven 2<|.SIil.- 
OIlviT. I'lnrenee (TrlnrfMil ITnt t|lrill|pi. ' Ark.; 

(Majenllr) Utile linck 20.3S. 
fWIra (Trenit Tn-nloii. X. J. 
H'Xelll Trl« (nrplHMiin) .\llent«n>ii, ftu 
nirolt. Charlie <lllp|Halroinel CiMWiantI: 

(rhai<e'>> Waali.. I>. C. 20-i.-,. 
"lly. Mnrl. lta (On>li.'linO riniliiuall. 
• II"T. Caiiilll,. (r.iliiiiilih* Cltirlnnitl. 
■■alnier ft I.e«la: While Ilata. S. Y. C. 
ParlM ft Marfleld: ISOR R. 331b at.. tj» An- 

I'ariaiMl.Xoarlian Cn.: «ll RnaarU aTV.. C«r- 
Pannalei.: Ab tmkJtMt. ^„ 

<>«irl<<k ft l«ranelaem Mac «». Ilemia. Wla. 
!;«" * ■'«<t: inOMirtli M.. nnmi Kaplila. MIeb, 

Pauline, i. 
I'lnll ft WalMat 
IVan-e ft .\yt«ranl 

INMh ^ajU. ^raad Kaplila 
•nl: .MS MleMmn ave 


iBan mw.. Chi- 

iv-r... \ Miiwm: I'.iv. Miijt-Hlle Tte-nire lllili:., 
' lilrni'ii. 

I*''''k A; K.TKiiMin: rjl2 N. :>ilh -»-. Itlriiilns- 

'-111. A'n. 
•ellnni liiilc: pjaiea. Pa. 
I -iTr. I'Vank .l»: T47 llueb>na>i oi.. Mlniieap- 

«**J-a * ChMMiaiMlM SM Mih PUiw. Chi- 

|1.<n|... ft Xewi'll! 3IM l«iv ll.nvMI Ki.. Hw..«.o, 

r'^';'<iln MblKela, r<inr: Box 2:1, l<li<i#iili-ln, X, 

IMi . -. tm W. Oler at.. Reedlmc. Pa. 
.. ri-r. Ti„.: While Rat£. Chleaim. 

I'lW. ll K.l.lle: While llala. X. Y. C. 

!.'"•• lAearteniyl Cbleaao. 

fVi^ *„n<'11: IW Flnvil at., nallaa. Tes. 

Harry M.; in4 UnBwoo<» are.. X. Y. 

"Ifnnil* VIrlorla. tl. C. rail.: <M«- 
m£?ii ^•■'^». WR»h.. 20-25. 
CJl"'" * Jni'tninnn (OrnmH Xew Allinny. Iml. 
•TiMmae rs>nr (flreenpnlnn Rrooklyn. 

Pendletona. The (Bell) Oakland. Cal.; (Nation 

al) San Pranclara 20-2S, 
Perra, Tbe (MaJeHllc) Ilouataa, Te>.; (Ralrezi 

Oalraalao. Tea., SO-as. 
PIcklaaV PcMr, Pata (Hamlin Ave.) Chicago. 
Pattee'a, Col. i. A., Old Kuldlcr Flddlera (Ma- 

Jeatic) Ulltraukee: IMaJaatiet.. CUnuM 30.23. 
Purler ft CraTea (Blioa) Jaekaaa, lIMki 0*»t- 

Jeatle) Ann Arbor 1»-3S. 
Perry. Cene A. (Circle) Chlcaco. 
I'aria by NIcbt (Xew Kan) SprlOROaM. O.; 

(Uayety) lodlanapolla. Ind.. 3028. 
Patrli« ft Co. (KmpreaH) Cluclnnall. 
gueen Mab ft Welx: Ilrlirx lintel. Maatk IMb 

It.. I'blla. 
QulDi-y, Tboe. : Jackaoiivlllo. Klu. 
QulRley Bros. (Orpbeum) Ues .Molnex. la.: (i)r- 

pbeum) St. Paul, Minn., 20-23. 
Rajan, John: Wl (Aooteau ave.. St. Loul*. 
Ramons, Two: 448 laea at.. Dearer. 
Randall. Blllj: 1000 E. aib at., Uayton, O. 
nay, Eqcenle: 0402 Pralria ara.. Chiean. 
Ray ft WlUlama: SU W. OHh at.. JI, Y. a 
Raymood, Brelya: 48 W. Bric at.. CBlouie. 
Reading Slitert: 411 if. 30th at.. X. VVC. 
Rceda, Three: Gen. Del.. St. Paul. 
RtHMl ft Marlow: 79^ Main at.. Dallaa. Tex. 
Reerea. Roe: I5.VI Broadway. N. Y. C. 
Rellly ft I,ewlB: (M W. llWh at.. X. Y. 0. 
Itenxhair. Bert: White Uat«. N. Y. C. 
RpKe. Len: 1021 Cherry »t.. Phlla. 
Rex Comedy Clrcua; 314 W. tJil »t.. N. Y. C. 
Rex Trio: 201 E. 2<1 at.. I-ini. fnJ. 
Reynolda ft Doneeon (Central M<>lMnli Ilnouver. 

tier.. Feb. 1-14: (Ontral .Melllnli .MasUebura 

IS-2A; (Orpbeum) Budaiieat. Ilnneary. March 


Rbeao ft Aaora: 1332 Wabilah are.. CblraEn. 
Rhmdea* Marlooettea: 3:i W. Ktb at.. Cheater. 

RIaldo. Clyde: Oawejco, Kaa. 
RIee ft Praraat: Sv Cabam -ar».. CMIIn^Tille. 

Rteh. Mbw Anhraft am a. Mtb'at^. Oak Park. 

Klibarda. Ralpb: .OhlM.. Uatialt. 

Rirhor.ia. TWO AartaU aw fthtt a rt« Vail Hirer. 

t'lekrniie. iiarnr.a.!., Tatfc HirtliH, fi. ' 
RInner-l'endo IMot M •MMIfe'al.i OlMMi Hap-. 

Ida. MIcb. 

RIa Broa.. Vanr: I3S0 SSth al.. Itflwaakee. 
KIplcr. Tern: 3M E. 13Sil at.. X. T. C. 
RIppel. Urk: Braall. lad. 

Rltohle. Eiiaene ft Carrie: 407 Upplnrott Bids-. 

Klvenhall. Fre<l: 200 Central I'ark. X. Y. C. 
KolM'rta. Dainty June: 1310 Ilalatr at.. Bmok- 


RnheriK. Ilnyea ft llabHta: Odar Maanr. 1ft-' 

malea, X. Y. 
BnheriK & Utile: Block Klim.l. R. 1. 
Kolx-rlr. I.lltle l.nnl: 4.'rt K. 4;ih ft.. I'hleas<>. 
RdhlMiii. Ilnldile ft Ilatellc: .M2S 42il iive.. S.. 

KoKeri* Twlnn: 2^112 Nanre hi., lloualon. Trx. 
Rolaiul ft Franria: 31 flrand Opera llnnae. Clil- 

eafn. , 
Rnmanaffa. Thiwi UH.tTlh at.. trheallMt, W. 


BflUla. Boh: 21S Turner at.. ZanearlUe. O. 
Mat ti While: RSS Flimhliir are., Brooklyn. 
fiaM. Chaa. E.: 45 W. H7lh at.. X. Y. C. 
RoaeBMi. Three: 4.111 E. 12(ilb al.. X. Y. C. 
Roaa BlWera. TlM«»: OS Caawrford ai.. Prar|. 

denea, B. I. 
Rotala. Tbe: 318 W. 4«th at.. X. T. C. 
Rii-iaell ft Davia: 1310 W. niob at., SprlnRfleld. 


Itolilann ft Parttnii (Jo*, .\daaia' SbowV Char- 
lotte. X. I'.: IJaa. Adanw' i>bn«rl Rock Rill. 
.S. I".. 20-2o. 

Rlp|n>l. Jnek ft X.-llle rsii:nin) TIffln. O. 

KlHianU. Or^-at (K<-ilh«i llin> lEnipIre) 
PIttalleld 20-2.'.. 

Rlrhardrans. Three (Knlili-) Cblcnso; lilehloil- 
ler'Hl rhleaco 20-23. _ 

KolM-nx. Dainty Jane. Jb Co. <MaJ*atl«> Kala- 
mann, Micb.: (RUoal Rattle Orrek. 30.33. 

KiiKera. Frank (Onhmiml Halt Lake Ctly: (Or- 
pbanail OflhlaB '9o.S8. 

Rajaa. Ma (Aadltorlaml ClaelDnatl. 

Rnaa ft Oake« (Orpheaal Rarkiard. ill.: <Ma. 
Jeatle) Madiaou. Wla.. _ ■ 

Ruaaella. Rrent lO. H.) RnHIV. X. T.: <0. W.) 
Srbeaectaily 20-2.'.. 

Rntledlle. Frank, ft Co. (r.arrli-lo Morrlmown. 

Iliibea. Tbfve (Ornheuni) I.lnciln. Xeh. : (Or- 

l.lieimil Kanitai. Cltv. Mo.. 0<V2.V 
Roeainnra. Suinnne (MatesIIr) Chlcnao. 
Rutin'a Sum BInIa (Bljiiti) Pli|im. O. 
Rnatlenna TrIn (PantaKea*' Kan Pnnrlaco: 

(Pantaa**') Loa .\n|ielea 20-33.- 
Roaaell. XIek ft Mda IMaJeatle) nlnaln«rbani. 

]|aBf."ciaiide (Empreaa) Mllwankeo: (Unique) 
MiBBeapolla 30-23. ^ , „ 

Ryan.. Vim. J.. Rlrhlh-lil Co. iTempIv) De- 
troll 20-3.1. _ 

RIee. Unlly * S»«ilt iMnrvlnn.Ii ItoltlBWce: 
(Cbaae-a) Wash.. D. C 20-2.-.. 

Ratbakrller Trio (Mnl.'silr) Montconier.v, Ala.; 
(Maleatle) nirmlnehini 2<v.'.-.. 

RtHSl Itro*. (Omhenni) S.ui Krnn.-l-To: tOriihenm) 
Oakland 20 23. 

ttnherlv*. Tlie (Ornheii'"i ("nelMiiiill. 

Ree.1. Will. n. : Oiill.iilu I'lko Orand ave.. 
NaahTllle. Tenn. 

Rnmatn (M«le»tli') D<-nver. 

Rnren Trio (llnmnieri'ipfn'*) X. V. C. 

Itelnfleld'i". Sip.. I.ail.v MIllKtrela (Star) Ml 
plil>. Tenn. 

Reilmoml ft Smith (UUon) LuwrenrvvUle. Ill 

•».\»ih» ft l»rl.>ae,t 4Sr «£. ilPth a t, X.' ». CL^ 
Panttord ft nnrllnataa: MM PranaBrere at., IT. 

ffanlaiinlna. Aerial: "to Xarnio at., Denter. 
BaToy ft 8aenT: .10 llnhhanl Court. Chleaen. 
Sawn-r ft Pel.lna: 41 Pi-mhlna at.. nnlTato, 
Schlffer, Frneat P.: ni,- X. .lib ol., Lp»ren- 
worth. Kan. 

Srl-e'e-. Mr. & Mr». Wm. K.: .>:i>S W. I2lh at.. 

Seahurr Pun: Port Ws«hln»lnn. I.. I.. N. T. 
Searlea. .\rlhur. S.<.ls rnttnfr Grtnr- are.. Chl- 

eaico. ^ 
SedKWieka. Five; .VtO!) Are. I. Oalrealon. Tn. 
Hemnn Dim: I.VM Bmadwae. X. V. C. 
Seivr. vi..eenl ft Seney: llfS CL Maia at.. Pall 

niver. Maaa. 
Reniell. Jean: 214 Klenno'e »t.. Pllt'bllTt, Pa. 
Bhaw. FtlTlhe: .W V. Clirk »t., Cbleaco. 
mi^ar. Lew ft Xellle: 144.1 Oclcn ave.. Cbl- 


Shea. Tex ft Mabel: .122 X. .Main it.. Daytos. 

!lbi<diuan*a Dosa: Dnmont. X. J. 

Sivrer ft Xewklrk: IS (lomlell at.. BntTalo. 

Shiavflnl Trnuive: cire Paul Taiialic, 1(M B. 14th 

•t.. X. Y. r. 

Shli-Mft .* Ito.1crr«- ItoT 2f>. Itrldeeman. MlCb. 
Shlrliln, Tbe: 207 Cllr n«ll. Xew Orleans. 
Short Jl Olirk: t»o\ 1101. Dallaa. Tex. 
SIddona ftKarIc: 2.144 So. .lib at.. Pblla. 



AddMM BERT BANVARD. Mmmcw, owo The BilUNwrd, New Tort atj. 


Flying Baldwins 

ftailal RataxB ftet. 

T. w. easEnzAT. vtr.. m v. art m., aafaHr. m. 

NOW BOOKING FOR 1911. PftKks. falra. C«l«bratton«,«toB 



AddMH eoliimiiBiwtiau to MBAD V, WBBim, 4tm Bnadmv. Gterctead. O. 


Tin W.A Can^ issociited^^ n 

Til Racori Bmkers as tia Gas Sii CIreait 


spRinanKLO. o. 


Wii. A. eARR.Mm Th« BMIkoatd. CllieiilllAtl. O. 


ita; IBiaf I ti Mnai II • 

JOMW JOVINK, Wopwntetlw, 

Room act, KiilokBrboakorTliaBtra ■ulldlno. 

1402 Broadway. HCW YORK CITY 

Summer Attractions Wanted 


BartlMvlli*, P^Bwiinsfcii. Okto;. Arsons, Cpfffoy vill*. N 
ta, Kans. and Ft. Smith, Ark. Alrdomas. 

Dranatle, Musical wU Novaitiat 

15 weeko with letiiiM to aU fint-elatu 

any of theae live toiWM. Open let ewek 

DAD FLIMN, - • . • . . 



VAauaftCTUHEOI If ■o. aeod oa deaerlptlon or ilrawlnt: to ikiI- 
mate f rom. We made tbe (nHCIMirftTI BOTrTHESN BAILWAT 
UNIATiraE, 23S mllea. 34 fact Ion*. Mlniaturea Krt bli; uinney. 
axcUa Intereat. when made aa we make them. W e m ake a p. .I lea- 


Xtie Billboard 


Slcsd * Matthews: 32i Dearborn at.. ChlciRO. 
SUtcdo tt Co. (Pantage*') St. Joseph, Ma. 
aimmoDS. Great: 2072 Ogdrn stc, Chicago. 
Btremka SUtm: 104 E. 14Ui at.. N. X. C. 
Silken, Flyliis: 45 N. Bnadira;, Akron, O. 
SkMMn. Pauline: 4StS Mtehlcaa btc. Cbtcago. 
SoiUetu ITIo: 8S18 Ctonimerclal aw.. BMith Cbi- 
caso. III. 

Smitm C. X.: la N. MaitlB (t.. MoaeK lod. 
' \ Perer I.: WQailastaa. N. c. 

* AimK 1U» W. Taa Baren at.. Cbl- 

Blllboard, CladDBaU. 
WUIe Bata. N. T. C. 
W. lOth at., Conner.- 


star QnartcttM 
Stedmio. Al. It- 
Btevesa * ▼< 
^fOe, lad. 

Stawaxt * Doaakne: can TM adnocder. Bunt- 

iBgtan Ckamben. Boetoo. 
Stewart ft Earl: 125 Eoclld are.. Wood bury, N. 

Steirart & Malcolm: Box 87. Cmthlaiia. Isd. 
Stlekoer. Loalae (N. Y. Hippodrome) N. Y. C. 
atokca ft Rras: White Rata. N. Y. C. 
StocT> Mnaleal: Palace Hotel. Chlcaso. 
Stnarta. Danctog: :m>17 Nebraska aTC., Chicago, 
jtntzman ft Maj: 619 Waslilnstoa at., WUUanu- 

pprt. Pa. 

WUla Bata. N. X. C. 


Srioar. ReiuT: ISSS BroaAwari JL^J^'C 

Syti ft Sxtz:'l40 IfonH «t.t '!MI 
Sailth ft Arado (Oraad) RaakvOMi. — . 

SCnlea (OapbcamV^DaUaa.. 

Stareoa. Peari (MajeaUe) Bi m i l ii gfa a m . Ala. - 
Sollra. Fire (BUon) Bangoi; Me.: (Bl]oa) Lew 

Stewvt ft SMTMBOB (SatlaaaU devdaiid (0 

H.) HjrU - 
jo^Unoto Ja 
Out. Caa. 

Saapael ft Bellly (Graod) Knosrllle, Temu; 

(Majeatlc) Charleston. S. C. 20-26. 
Sampaao & Doaglas (Jeffeiaoa) St. Angnatlae, 

na.; (Majestic) Colnmbna. Ga.. 90-2S. 
Skxibey ft Earl (CrraUl) AlllaBCl^ Kj*. 
Salia Broa.. Fonr (Oipbaoa) lUttUtmt. P*. 

..^ l^ha (Mew Bmpnas) Cbloago: (Era- 
„, I jfUwaOfeea M-29. 
StcDheoi.' Hd. ft Oo. (Orphenm) Eioox City, 

la.: ((trpbeiUB) Kansas City. Mo.. 20^25. 
Bammm ft Page (Majestic) Bntte. Moat.; 

(Wasblogtcm) Spokane. Wash.. 20-2S. 
acaolan. W. J. (Otpheaai) SiUBjatr. U.; (Or 

pbeinn) .~ 

Soapect Co.. The (OrpheomJ- 

(Orpbemn) MlnaeapoUa aMB. . 
armaB. Stanley (Caalno) Ghleaca; (Orphcoa) 

fl^/*i&.*lf\AIkWBbra) N. T. C: (Maiy- 


■ y i aoaaa- Jack (Cook*a> KorthamptoD. Man. 
SbeniiaB. DaTamt ft Ob. (Empress) San Fran- 

3fartin A., ft Co. (GUUb) Kauaa City. 
St. Joseph 20-22: OMkl. S»49. 
aite^ Kosr* Co. (MalSBr ^Biaakee: 

(Hayaarket) (nUcago 20-25. I 
SdSffTltoil MiOaaettes (Kelth'a) IpbUa.: 

(Ckaaa-8) Wash., D. a. 20-28. ^„ 
SaalM. Are (UalesUe) Batte. lioat.: XWaab- 
Imaa) Spokaae. WaA.. SML < 

Stmrart ft Maraban (i^aatni> K 

iMlal) ». T. C. 20-25. 
■HMbI ft GroTinl: 6804 ITth are.. Brooklyn, 
dlasiaisa. Fire (Orphenm) Omaha. Neb. 
Talbot. Edith: 218 W. S4th St.. N. T. C. 
Tekara. Xaglclsn: 1831 (Central STenne, In- 


Terrlll. Prank ft Fnda: 857 K. Orkcaey at.. 

^ Phlla.^ B^»*te tat Haiiito'iL^ Itajr Or- 
leans. . . 
Thatcher. Era: Box 129. DennlsaB. O. 
Thomas. Toby: 270 W. 3»th St.. N. Y. C. 
Tliomaa ft Wilskt: SIB WeOa at^ CUcac»- 
Tkoaipina ft nadk Mi IMIaEtat.aU ■ 

TroTeUo (Dnlqne) MlnoeapoUa. 
Thomta ft HaU (Otpbeom) Dennr. 
Troapeia. '" " 

UUne ft Mm 
I ral ft Diit 

Utopia Moaldana: IIO Farmer at-. Datasit. 
Valentine & Bell: I4S1 W. lOM ' ~" 
Valencia Doo: HoUlater, Cal. 
VaUetU ft Laaaoa: 1320 St. (Sate aTe.. den- 

ajlajgatotl PC Wjjrtb. Tex. 


TiiMBiim * mmntt: 


Tbmbert Bteters: Msgne St., Bocbestar, N. 

Tint. AL: 1252 W. 12th St., Chicago. 
TbBi.Jai^ Trio: care P. Tsnalg, 10* E. 14tli St., 

T^ek'ft'West: 1388 Pear at.. Camden. N. I. 
lopa. Topay ft Tops: »M2 W. School st., Chi- 

Tracer ft Carter: TIT «tha»«-aeattle. 
Treat's. Capb. .ScalK SMBPMBaa.B-_X> 

Tllle. m. 

H gy. lMaa a ft ftsyr JL T. Ik nd. %, Bat 8, 

mlcr'^*61yndoo: 1017 W. State st.. Olean. 

H. X. 

Tamers. MnslesI: 1806 Felix st.. St. Joseph. Mo. 

Tsnds. Harry (rjTlc) Dayton.. O.; (Temple) De- 
troit. Mich.. 20-». _ 

Torcat ft Flor D'Allza (Majestic) C^attaoooga. 
Tenn., 13-25. 

Tbompson. Bay (Pantages') DenTer 13-25. 

TInney, Frank fOmhenm) San Fraadscn; (Or- 
pbeam) Oaklaod 20-29. 

Ibp o' the WarU Daacna (ColaMMa) GbKtenti. 

tSStt'cmmlr Km (BdJlonU) Wayoesbnrg. 

Tambo ft Tambo < I li smbra ) Os I ssti ii w._ Man 
Chester, Eng., SSSSr iVHpiMi 8MMH z7- 

Uarcb 4: (Empm BniM 9-nt fPldMc) 

Bnll 13-18. 

Tweedy ft Roberts O^road St. Casino) Ptna. 
1hsman(an-Van tfleman Troope (Keith's) Colnm- 
hos. O.: (Sbea'a) Buffalo, N. Y., 20-2S. 


10130 Pamell aye., Chi- 


Tan Alk 

Van-Barklv Oibi 1BB> Biaadwaj. K. X.. C 

Vanderbnt^'^nHylfini ^ 

Van HocOt 
Variety ~- 

Vatia ft TailB: Sn XIIIb at.. Ckeatoa. la. 
Vedaaiv Baaa: BHB Bieadway. K. T. C. 
Venetian THo: ETl Eaasen St., Detroit. 
Teroon ft Beoo: lUT Dlrlsloa aye.. ShrcTcport. 


Vemo, Geo.: 2218 K. Lambert St.. PhUa. 
Vice, Fred M.: 213 4tb aye.. Homestead. Pa. 
VIctorlne, Metryn: White Rats. Cbtcsgo. 
Vincent. John B.: 820 OllTS St.. Indlanapolla. 
VIrden ft Dmilap: White Bats. S. S. C 
Vancello (Otpbeom) Jamestown, N. D. 
Vaidon, Perry ft Wllber (Majestic) DenTcr; 

(Odean Cafe) San Praucisco 20-25. 
Vaggtu^V :?3ie (Ulssloa) Salt Lake City, 20- 

Vann ft Hoffman (Boyal) Sao Antonio, Tex. 
Vagranta, Uzae (Chase's) Wash.. D. C- 
Voelker. Mr. ft Ita. Frederic (5tb Am.) H. Z. 

a: (CtalaaiaIL.I«wraice. Mi 

VIneettl. Ja« 
DedU's £■ 




Volgt ft Toigt (Palace) Great Bend, 
Vassar Girls (Empress) Cincinnati. 
Vanls, raanas ((MiauB) DanscE. 

Wagner ft TTllslH! US W. Jf^^MTPaaU, 

Walatat W»gt 

WaUaee ft Beadi: SM Canaca at;, 

Fla, ; 

Wallaae'a, Jack, CaAala«K «M 

an.. St. iMla. ' 
Wallaea, Tarta: IttS ilk .ma^ 
WaltoB. Otto: caie P. " 


Waltcm Bros.: 14IS Barrlsbnrg St., Canton. O. 
Waltons, Six: 38 M. Snperior st, Toledo. O. 
Wan»r ft Palmer: 21 E. 30tb St.. Chicago. 
Ward. BUly: iBB Myrtle are.. Brooklyn. 
Ward ft Webster: Palace Hotel, Chicago. 
Ward, Star ft Ward: 250 H. 4U it.. HeawUfc, 

Warner's JnTenlle lIlBaMiK IMIt 

Mobile. Ala. 
~ ft naada: 

r. K Z. 

I4th at.. N. T.- O. 
WasUnna. Pearl: BO Cathedral 

Washer Bros.: Oakland, Ky. 
Waahls, HIggI ft Lanra: 471 Mitchell et., Mil- 

Waters. Jas. B.: care Clarice, 1500 Broadway, 
N. T. C. . . 

Wataon'a. Sammy, Farmyard dceaa: MS WL 
Paola aTe., Jetaey City, N. J. 

WeadIck ft LaOoe: White Bata. S. T. C. 

Weber, Chaa. D.: 836 Taaker ai—Pblla. 

Weber, Kid: 8U8 Bbodca aye.. CUeasa. 

Wclefa. Jaa. A.: tU E. l*fh at.. N. T. C. 

W«mt^ Bajaa ft Baatxiee:' 63S Wooster aT*.. 
Abno, O. 

Wedej. Frank: WUte Bat*, M. T. C 
Wedcjr^ Lyaa ft Una: Portsmoatb, O. 
West ft Bentoo: 81 SclHiol st.. Boftalo. N. Y. 
West, Dare Derll: 124 Bezel at.. DaoTllle. ,in. 
Western Union Trio: 2241 E. Clearfield st.. 

West Slatera: 1«12 JcSttaon as*.. BiDoklya. 
^ ■ ~ a«a« tadasfna. 

Weatoaa, Tba: 
WbartOB. Nats 

WbilAead ft Grlacaoa: 2«M Stk 
WUtaaa Brea.: USS Ck»taat_Bt. 
Wbltaey, Tmey: 38 Kane at., 
Whitirortb ft Pearson: 0413 ~ 

Wllkeni ft WDkens: 1553 Broadwar, M. Y.' C. 

wnkes. Ada: Harrison, M. T. 

Wniu. Monte Tom (Lyric) New Orleans. 

Wllllsms. Cbaa.: 26S2 Bntger St., St. Loola. 

WUIIsma. naak Gkaa.: TOO Xetidian arc., Se- 
attle. - ., 

Win lama, ft.t Si ■•Ob ate.. AtlanU. 

Gs. "1 

wnia, Nat M.: 301 W. oetb St.. N. Y. C. 

Wnis ft Barron: Bloomlngton. 111. 

Wills ft Hsasan: 166 Manhattan aTe.. N. X. .C. 

WlUa ft Hoteblaaaa: 2SS w. S5th st~ IL X. C. 

wnsoo. Oraee: UV LaSalle m.. (Melgiw ' 

Wllaoo. Unla: ns IteafcUn St.. r 

wnaoa ft BUb ^n -fiMkaai atab. 

WItkrow ft OW iaa t Mt K 

Ita. Kan. 

Wolfes. Mnslcal: White Rats. CUeaga. 
Wolf. Moore ft Yonng: Gloneester. N. J. . 
Wood. Mrt: White Rata. X. Y. C. 

Wood. OlUe: 634 W. lB9th at.. N. T. C. 
Woods Mnslcal Trio: 1511 W. Backer st., Phils 
Wormwood's Monkeya: 554 W. 4«th St.. N. Y. 

WrUcht ft StaalCT: Taa Baren Hotel.. (Hilcag'/ 
WyekoO; Ttmtt 80 Watar at., Lyona, K. T. 

^So^S" ^* *^ " " 

WelU. lb. ft MKa. WU. J. (OtaaS) ML 

m.; (O. &) Bmaboso 90-3S. 
WllUrd ft Boad (rarally) Mollae. 

Ft. Wayaa. lad., 20-25. 
Wheeler ft Sister (CssIao> ChlCSgg 
Williams ft Sterling (3d Asa.) K. X, 
Woods-Balton ft Co. (HaacM 

(Globe) CUeago 20-25. 
Wel ls. Lew (Orphenm) Dnlntk. 20Ba 
wnilams ft Segsl (Andltorina) 

(Colonial) LaTrrenee 20-25. 

Wllllaaia. Tliaaiimiii ft Oopetand (Jefrers) Sagin- 
aw SdekTlmioa) Lanaing 20-25. 

Woodward. V. P. (Majestic) JackaaaylUsu Fla.: 
(Jefferson) St. Aognstlne 20^23. 

Weitona. Three (Orphenm) MinaaafMB; COr- 
pheom) Winnipeg. Can.. 20 2S. 

West. John A., ft Co. (Majestic) 'n>peka. Kan.; 
(Folly) Oklahoma City. Okla.. 20-23. 

Wentworth, Nat (Fresno) Freino, Cal. 

Waterbury Bros. & Tenney (Grand) Indlanap 
oils: (New Grand) EvansTllle 20-2S. 

Wallter ft Starm lOnlqae; Mloncapolla; (Ea- 
press) Onlath 20-25. . 

WotU, John W.. ft MIndcU XMhIm .fUlk'a) 
PiBiiatats. B. L, 20-2S. 

Waid. Bite fpalr^l BalUMa. 

Wright. ciczlM*: Athletic Ass 

Wacfc ft Ower (Orpbenm) Omaha, fCCk, 

Taaiamots Brothers: Wlocbrster. 0. 

Turks, The: 5610 Prescott stc.. St. L 

Tonns. Ethel: 18 W. Ohio St.. Chicago. 

Tegawa. Yskko (Family) Clinton la., 16-18. 

Yerxa Sc Adele (Orphenm) Portland. 

Youogera. The (Starland) SaskalooiL 
caan.: (BUsa) Prince Albsat MM 

Yonng, Ollle ft April (araaapai 
(Bronx) N. Y..C. 20-25. 

Yonng. George (12Sth St.) N. X. 0.; (Amer- 
ican) Boston 20-25. 

Yorke ft Adsaia (OslBBrtiU) Oaelaaatl. 

Zamlok ft BiUie: 1080 lOt tL, Oakland. Cal. 

Zadaata. The: Bss ITS. Lawtaa. Mick. 

Zeao. Osrt: 84* B. 9d at.. Erie. Pa. 

Zerado Bma.: rtre B. Lerey, 144 Powell st., 
San Francl<>co. 

Zingsrella: 08 Bearer St.. N. Y. C. 

Zola. Tbe White: 4120 EUls STe.. Cblrsica. 

Zell ft Bodgen (Majestic) Colombus, Ga.: 
(Grand) Knoxrllle. Tenn.. 20-SS. 

Zaraettaa, Maslcal OvTlc) AMUne. Kan.. 10- 

laiiiiliaai. Teddy Slmoada, asgr.: (Bowery) N. 

X. CL. 13-18: (FoUy) Patersoo 20-22; (Bon 

Toa) Jeraey CHty 23-25. 
Beantj Tmst. Barry W. Thompsoo^ngr. : (Ga.r 

ety) Baltimore, l.t-18: (Gayety) Wash.. D. C. 


Behman Sbow. Jack Sloger. mgr.: (Hurtig A 
Seamon's) N. Y. C, 1318; (Murray HUl) X. 
Y. C. 20-25. 

Big Banner Sbow. Frank LlTlngston. mgr.: 
(Waldmann's) Newark. 13-18; (Empire) Bobo- 
kes. 20-25. 

Big BcTlaw, Heoiy P. DIxaa. mgt.i (Miner's 
Bnaz) K. X. a. M-U; (Stk Aft.) N. V. C, 

jfT.t (H«mid> Bos- 
ton 18-18; (Colnmlda) Boston S04S. 
Boo Tons (L. Lawrence Weber'a): (Olympic) 

N. T. C. 13-18: (Gayety) Pblls.. 20-25. 
Bowery Barlesiiaers. E. Dick Rider, mgr.: (Gay- 
ety) Brooklyn 13-18; (Olympic) X. V. C. 20- 

Brigadiers. Lools Stsrk. mgr.: (Star) Milwaukee. 
13-18: (Dewey) Mlnneapolla 20-25. 

Broadway Gaiety Glrln, Louis Olterwortb. mgr.: 
(Star) dcTcland 13-18; (Empire) Cblcago, 20- 

Ostaty Glrla. Jade Fanst, mgr.: (Empire) In- 
dlanapolla 13-18; (Bocklngham) Lca>3«Ulc 20- 

Chetiy BlsaiOBii, Cbaa. T. Edwaida, mgr.: <Boi 
Ton) Jetaey City. 1S-1S: (FtsUy) Patnsan 18- 

18: (Lnzeme) WUkes-Bam 20-22; (CalambU) 

Scranton 23-25. 

College Girls. Msx Spiegel, mgr.: (Part) Bridge- 
port 13-15: (Gtlmore) SprlngOeld 16-18; (West- 
minster) ProTldence 20-23. 

Colombls Bnrlesqoers. Frank Logan. mgr.: 
(Westminster) Providence 13-18; (Gayety) Bos 
ton 20-25. 

Coxy Oimer Girls. Sam Robinson, mgr.: (Colam 
bla) Boston 13-18; (Bon T«a) Jeiaey Qty 20- 
22: (Pally) Patctaoa 2S-JS. 

Cratte Jaeka, Bmbj mat awb: (Cialafl) 
PbUa.. U-IS: (Gaje^t Baltfaaere SIVSS. 

Dalaly Dacfean fU Lawrence Weber'a): (Ca 

alaa) Boataa 13-18: (Empire) Albany 20-22; 
(Mahawk) Sdwneetady 23-23. 
DreaaUaad Barieaqaera. Ixxy Grodz, mgr.: (Fol- 
ly) Olcasa 13-18: (Star) Milwaukee 20-25. 
Dnckllnga, Frank Calder. mgr.: (Trocadero) 
PhOa.. 13-18; (Lycenm) Wash.. D. C. 20 25. 
Fads ft Follies. Cbiis. B. Arnold, mgr.: (Empire) 

(HeTPlanil I31S: (Empire) Toledo 20-25. 
Follies ot New York and Paris. E. M. Rosen- 
: (Oayetj) Umiartlle 13-18; (Gayety) 


FaOIca af tba Day, Baiacr GIraid, mgr.: (Ms- 
Jeatte) Harrlsborg 15; (Mlahler) Altaoaa It: 
(Csml>rta) Johnstown IT: (Aeadcssy) Fltts- 
bnrg 20-25. 

Ginger Glrla. Loo Hnrtlg, Bfr.: (Empire) To- 
ledo 13-18: (Star ft GaHer) Chicago 20-23. 

Girls from Dixie. Jos. LesTltt, mgr.: (Centam 
Kansas City 13-18: (SUndsrd) St. Lools iO- 

Girls from Happyland. E. W. Chlpman. mgr.: 
(Gayety) Minneapolis 13-18; (Gayety) Mil- 
waukee 20-25. 

Golden Crook. Jaa. Fulton, mgr.: (Gayelr) 
Waah., D. C, .13-18; (Gayety) Plttaborg. 20- 

HaatJasa*. Harry. Sbow (Oayclr) MUwaokee, 

13-18: (Alhambn) Chicago 
Inperlda. Sim wnilama, 

treal 13-18: (Boward) 
Irwln'a Big Sbow (Standard) 

(Gayety) LooMDa 

JsTdIo de Psris flfeta . 

pire) Brooklya n-M; 

C, 20-25. 
Jersey LIUes, Jas. Cooper, 

Schenectady. 13-15: (Empbc) • 

(Casino) Boston 20-25. 
Jolly Girls. R. E. Pattoo. mgr.: (BncklogbaMi 

LonlsTllle 13-18: (People's) Cincinnati 
Kratncky Belles. Jaa. Weedoo, mgr.: (Lainar> 

wnkaa-Bam 13-16; ((Mnmbla) 1hr•w^w U- 

18; laj off at PbBa.. 20-25. 
Kalcfestboekers. Lools Bablc. aigr.: fralamlila) 

N. T. C 13-18: (Caalno) Pblla.. 90-23. 

itre) (Aleaxo IS-18: (ATcnne) Detroit ZOSTt. 

plre) Cblcago 13-18: (Arenne) Detroit 20-25 
LoTe Makers. Dsre Goran, mgr.: (Corinthian) 

Bocbefter 13 18: (Mohawk) Schenectady 20- 

22; (Empire) Albany 
Majesties. Fred Irwin. mgr.: (Alhambra) Chi- 
cago 13-18; (Standard) Cincinnati. 20-2.%. 
Maratbon Girls, Phil Sheridan, mgr.: (Gayety) 

Detroit 13-18; (Gayety) Toronto 20-25. 

^ngral) Xoa- 
• li-lSf 

X. X. 

tu>a uu wt ua nmit «««« U; l t ia , - 
t,i»rs«iM thfm. a«a Utmm mm isaa aaa 

, StUliI OlMe — Uk tShaf Ms lea l^m 

Icaakia ' 


Onr "Ssadow" Tbaairt 
•••I Tnnk la a isM tst 
-•r strenrtb-sull.T XJMM 
I SAva TAni.T. It la 
»ad« of S-ply TsassT' 
nf . oOTsrad with raw. 
Id* ai>i« lasMs aM 
•at: baad^lTstsft Aar 

PIAYS %^ud£mil?sta!aVaAS 
■ BBn ■ W Moaplonea. Minstrel MsteHS 
JokaT Msslesl PlCMS, Be<ll» 

Dislsaaia tfafco-aa O ss to eta. Catalans fk«a> 
TTs. DKMISOW ft 00.. OcPt. I e. Ohleaso> 

Tobacco Habit Banished 

forms of Tobscco Habit la 73 to 13* boors. A posV 
tlTs, onlck and pennaBSat nllaf. Easy to take. 
No etSTtac tat Tibsrrs after tba arst dose. One 
III lliaa iaiM 1m all wMaau 1 sins Wegnaraa* 
Ma anMF aaaa •* lafand money. SenA 
urn tf*m — - - 


Blow a little in tha air and 
e y aty lwwiy niaat ana aa a. Saa- 

SV, 10 aaals: doami, 7S caata. 
Dept. Z. aasts nb si a . M.X 


Sometblag new. BeTolTlng Rubber Reel: nerar 
rnns aier: neTer slips. Pnt on yoorsrif la. 
MaaUf^ Better. '^"^^ thaa ' 

OLMn m wamr* museum. 

H« Sa. Xaia ilnal. Loa ftagalaa. OaL 

Open the year rowad. Oongreaa of UTtng Cv%- 
oaltlea. Palace of niaatooa, ChaBber of Hga> 
rors. Menagerie, Fice VandeaUle aad MetlM 
Plctnre Theatre. One sdalasloa t« alL WaataS . 
to bear at all times fKMa Pteaha and Maaeaa 
People In general. Tboae who hare wHttsa, 
write again. Two weeks' sUcnee a poUta nega- 
tlTe. Regarda to all fHenda. J. SKY CLABiE 
and HERBERT C. 8X0W. Pnprletora. 

Fire-cent Tbeair* In Chicago far sale. Flaa 
loestloa snd establlabed patraasae. Stands rigid 
InTrsrigatlcn. Clesring from 3.10 a week Ol 
f2.Tno cash. No agenta. Addreaa r. ft. it 
3443 Schubert Are., aicaco, Hla. 

Lyric Opera House 

' ' ViLBOinON. Maaacar. 

Ssatlac capacity 1,200. Stage anything. Wanted. 

atocfc and rep. companies. Open sU ' 

Fine dlmste, good sbow toirn. 

Smitb. Ark. Popolstli 
town. Good sbow towa. 
paalaa l«r tba aaaaa 

at at. 



4iiM send 12c for an "AnUer'a" Poaxla. aad 
WT Tb eatrlcal Wig cstalngoe. PBBOT EWINO 
^TPT>T,T HOtTRK. IWatnr. 111. 

chines; patented; sells on sigbt for fL 
tlcnlsrs. GIBHA CO., Anderson. Ind. 



raSRUARY 18, 1911. 

Ttie Otllboardl 


HiRT Maldos, Uwaid Bbater, rngt.: (Kruc) 
oSih.. Ihfcw 18-lS: (Uycwml 8t. io«pTi, 
ie-18: (OMnCT) Kanaaa City 20-SS. 

PlttijSSriMR^ i8«»f) CleTeland 20-26. 
Uldnlgbl lialdcoa, Chii. Taylor, mgr.: (Em- 
pire) Hoboken 13-18: (Hartls A SaunoD's) 

K. Y. C. 20-20. 

UlM .New York. Jr., Wm. rtaatrnj, mgr.: Itj- 

off It PblU. 13-18: (Citino) BrooklTO 20-28. 
Moullo Rotjc**. Maurice Jacob*, ragr,: (FoUr) 

Patenon IS-IS; (Boo Too) Jencr City IS-IS; 

(ColanibUt SeraatoB 20-22; (Uiii>rae) WUkM- 

Bam SS-2B. 

rarlaUn WIdmn, r. AMmtt. agr.: (SUr * 
flartcr) CMcago U-18; {Qajtx) Datcolt. 20- 

PMslHC Parade. Mo* Mf ia ln g. mgr.: <Caalao.> 
Btooklja 13-18: (Kmpl»> Brookljrn 20-29. 

Prnoant Wloorra, Robl. Ullla, mgr.: (Moan- 
Bcatal) Baltlmofc 13-18; (Lyric) Anentown 
SO: (Acadcmr) Readlpc Si; (Ma)«atle) Harrta- 
kartc 23: tMlableri Altooaa 23; (Caabrta) 
Joboatoim 24. 

Qoeea of Bobrmla. Mai Spiegel, mgr.: (Qay- 
rly) Plttabara 13-18: (Empire; CleTclaad 20- 

Qarena of (be Jardlo dp Parla, Joa. Howard, 

mgr.: (Oayety) St. Loola 13-18: (Gayety) Kan- 

ua City 20-23. 
gertor Olrla. MoitU Walutoek, Mr.: (pMBle'a) 

CInclnnatt 13-18: (Folly) ChkaM.Mi. 
BMTM-. Al.. Beamy Sbow (GayiSt ' VMll.. 13- 

18; (Star) Brooklyn 20-2tS. 
Rents-Santley. Bart Ktndrlck, mgr.: (Gayety) 

Caaba 13-18: (Uayety) MlnDeapoIla W-23. 
RoblDaon Craaoe Glrta. Bd. DaTldaon, mgr.: 

(Garden) Boaalo 13-18; ((}ortatblaa> Roeh- 

eatrr 20-3S. 

KalUekera. .Alex. Gormaik^Biig^ (Oawej) ilia- 

r.: (Mar) Bnok- 

■eapolla 13-18: iStar) St. 

Kaaaway Olrla. P. 8. viaiK, I 

lyn 13-18: rWaldmana'al Rcmik M-SS. 
8am T. Jack'a, Geo. T. Smith, mgr.: (ATrann 

Detroit 1318: (Lafayette) Boffalo 20-23. 
Mnntdtn, Jack Btsger. mgr.: (Gayety) Kan- 

aaa aty IS-Ut- (OafMr) Owfea 20-29. 
Star * OHtw Amk .:J^ . 

(Oaycirt Tmmam- M-Mfe Wn g f > BaSala 30- 

A«c) X. T. ou- n-w: ~ 


Sydell'a, Roae, Lond<« BHto^ .V. -S. Campbell. 

mgr.: (Mnrray Rllll X. T. CL. »I8: (Park) 

Bridgeport 20-32: (nilBaWk'-aMHSeM 33-S. 
Tigtr UUt*. T. W. DHklMk asr.: CMMdaril 

SL .iMlp »W: iMsslw) MmvMO W- 


Xlwdiiaa. Ctaa. B. WaMmui. mgr.: (Oayety) 

BaaMa U-lSs (OalnMa) N. T. C. 30.33. 
Taaltr PUr. Jaa. Mttaclll. mgr.: (Emplic) Al- 

kapy tS-tS: OMawk) SehMieetady M-M: 

(Oanly) anoUira »3B. 
WMkhgtM SbcMt OMa, Laa Wataoe. mgr.: 

(tafliyette) Baffalo 13-18; (Star) T»mnto 3n- 


Walaoa*a BorlcMnirra. W. B. Wataoo. mgr.: 

(Star) St. Pan! 13-18: (Krag) Omaba 20-22: 

(Lyceom) St. Joaepb 23-28. 
Whlte'a. Pat. Gaiety Glrla. Waller GrpaTrti. 

Bgr.: (Star) Torooto 13-18: (Royal) Mon- 

tieal 20-23. 

Cite Ooy: (OoIambU) ScraDton 13-13 :(Lnierue) 
Wnkea-Bam 16-18: <Ttaeadaro) PhlU- SO-SI. 

: (liy- 
1» Bal- 

Taokre noodle , 

ppum) V-a>h., D. C IMS; 
timofv 20-28. 


AUaii*a Comedians. V. .M. Oarce. mgr.: Uttir 

Falla. N. Y., 13 18. 
*%y Slock Co.. Y. C. Alley, 

Sa., 23-I<eb. 18. 
Academy of Unalc Stock Co., 

X. T. C. Ang. 28. lodef. 
Acm* Stock 0>.. Ererett, Waah-. ladaf. 
Alcaaar Stork Co.. Belaaeo * Mayer, nigra. 

Saa pyanclaco. Cal., Ang. 20. ladrf. 
*— ^ Koek Co., Newark, X. J.. Jan. p. In 

Stock Co.. Oco. B- Laake. mgr. 
Ctt3r._lla,^ Xov. ^ tedef. 

Oa.. Ooaacaa * Bdwaida. mgm. 

„ , WL, Oet. S, tadcC 

. Ocaca. Co.. Dare (Jnria. mgr.: Raelae. 
Wla.. tS-lS: Belolt 20-3S. 
"OSJ; Comedy Co., H. Price Webber, mgr.: 
Brigcewater, N. a. Can.. 13-20: Urerpoal 

Boycr. Nancy. Stock Co., Fred R. Wlllard. hn». 

mgr.: Newark. O.. 12-18: Canton 10-53. 
Bncklp.T, IxKilae. Stock 0>.. Harry Hamilton. 

mrr.: Prescott. Aria., B-18: Wilson 10-24. 
Bakrr Stork Co.. Geo. U Baker BSr.: fSv 

kane, WaaJu, Sept. 4. ladaf. - , 
•aker Stork Co.. fico. L. Bakcn .aV-t Vntt- 
.tod. Ora.. Oct. IT. Indef. 

^ >Mdt Cf.. Ota. U Baker, agr.: IhiI- 

^ Stock <5».. Walter 8. Itald- 

Jj. mgr.: ProTldcne*. B. l. Iter. 14. In- 

■Hawo A Stone Stock On.. BeUam * Stone. 

mem.: Ixm Angclni. Oal., Indef. 

BIJon stock Co.. Kllmt & Ganolo. mgm.: Chl- 

."t"- I"-. July .1. iDdef. 
d^f ' ^•''»«*^ »• «»- 

RUhnp-a piaj-rra. W. 11. BWiau. ■■r.; Oak- 
land. Cal.. Indef. 

Mltner. mil, stock Co.: EI Paao, Tex. Dec. 

_5. ladef. 

■egoa^P lay . Oeo. C Wllaon. mgr.: Bal- 

■■SlI"*.' Bn, Aianrtite Mayei* Rnnell * 
P^w. mgnt.: a>att]». Waak.. Kn-. m. In- 

Rnrh«nk Stork Co.. Ollrer Uoraaen. mgr.: Ia)» 
AnKolm. Cal.. Indef. 

Co-- Clia«. Rnrloa. mgr.. Loala- 

C^nlliT Stock Co.. Allen O. White, mgr.: Taek- 

•on. Mich.. 13-18: Adrian I0-2S. 
Chaaylln stork Co.. Cbaa. K. Cbamplln. mgr.: 

Aaaapoll.. Md.. 13-18. 
WnjjII Cnmeil.r Co.. Ion Carroll, mgr.: Obrlcba- 

rllle. G.. 18-18: Crook rrllla SMK 
•Va'.'KK'""! SfcT^Wkn «. T., W- 

C^^^%^\ ... 
Poaghkeepala, N. T.. IS-Ml 

.J52SK ^OIJB TOa tor the enUre aomoer by 
!?»*rttalag jMur act ta the big Soring Specid 
>nMer,o( tba BtUboafd. Ua^gera of ootdeer 


OS thia apaelal anmber to 
VMthejawhat y«a hava. 

Cboate Dramatic Co., Harry Choate, mgr.: Naa- 

Too, III., 13-18: FannlngtOQ 20-25. 
Cooke Comedy 0>.: New Smyrna. Pla., 13-18. 
I^lbane'a Comedlana. Will B. Coltaane, mgr.: 

Uayfleld. Ky., 13-18: Jackaoo, Tenn., 20-25. 
Calbane'a Conedlan., Geo. Peotoae, mgr.: Sul- 

llran, Ind., 18-18: Bobloaon. III.. 20-23. 
Cnlbane'a Comedlana, Macklyn Allya, mgr.: 

GteeoTUIe. C, 13-18: DeHance 20-25. 
(Cnlbane'a Comeolana. Wm. H. (Jhaeo, mgr.: 

Loganaport, Ind., 13-18: Kokomo 20-38. 
CoUcge Stock Co., T. C Qleaaoo. mgr.: Chica 

ga, ni.. SioT. T. tatif. _ 
OaSriaad Biaa.' Ska* Oa.t WIcMta. Kaa.. Oct. 

It. iadcf. 

Comdl'a, Hany, Ptaycn, J. W.- ODIclta. mgr.: 
Bntte, Moat.. Ang. 14. ladef. 

Conrt Playera: Brooklyn,' N. V.. Dec S. ladef. 
" " ^ .: Boatoo. Maaa.. Aag. " 




: Win- 

Cralg. John. Stock (30.: 

Crescent Stock Co., Percj- 

Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept.. 3. Indef. 
Creacent Stock Co. Stepben Sternbaab mgr.; 

Mt. TemOQ, N. T., Jan. 16, indef. 
IirArmond Slatera Stock Co.. Geo. E. Dawaoa. 

□ler.: Tyler. Tex., 13-18: Dentuo 20-25. 
l»*^L.acy, L«lgb, Stock Co., Monte Thompson. 

mgr.: ritebborg, Uaaa.. 13-18; Merldca. Cooo.. 

20-Martb 4. 
Ooogherty Stock Co.. 31a. 

BUItnga, Hoot., 8-15. 
Ooarle Stock Co., Edward Doyle, Battle 

Oraek. Ulcb.. 0-18: Maiahatl 9»SBL 
Dyamont Stock Co., A. H. DlaaMBd. 

Payac. O.. 13-18; Ororer HUl 20-29. 
Darla Stock Co.. Barry Darla. mgr.: 

bnrg. Pa-. Sept. 5 Indef- 
Domlnlmi Players, w. B. Lawrence, mgr. 

nlpeg. Can.. Aog. 29, Indef. 
D'Otmand-PnIler Co.: Joplln. ICo.. lodef. 
Uwlgbt. Albert. Playem: Cincinnati. O.. Jan. 

9. Indef. 

Bckhardt'a Ideals Ollrer J. Eckhardt, mgr.: 
Watertown. 8. D.. 13-15: Baroa 10-18: Pierre 

Emplra Stock Co., D, BiaMer, swwi 

tUIc. Teaa.. tadcC 
Bapbe Stock Oa.. " 

lyaka. Uaaa.. I 

rt aaat Stack On.. B. W. ft aai t , 

Point, Ida.. 13-18. 
I>Mtica Stock Co., Ona A. Forttm. mgr.: Stam- 

foM. Com., Not. 38. lodef. 
Forepangh Stock Co.. Geo. F. * L. Forepangli 

Flak, mgia,: Claetnnatl, O., Sept. 18. ladef. 
Ootdlater Btoa.' Co.: Albla. la.. 14-30. 
Orayee. Helen. Co.. N. Appdl. asr.: Oteaa. 

N. r. 13-18. 
George. Gladys. Stock Co.. Xasc H. Bcaaer. 

mgr.: Hamilton. O.. 13-18. 
Garrlck Stock Co., M. Emerson, mgr.: Salt 

Lake. D., Sept. 4. ladef. 
Oaimaa Stack Oa.: Ctaelaaatl, O.. Oet. 3. In- 

Oennan Slack Okt: IllhnaSkm. WkL. Sipk 35. 


Genua Stack Oik; XkB.. BMiiara. aagr.: N. 

Y. C Sept. 14. Mcf. 

Oetman Stock Oa.. Max HaaUcb. aisr.: Phlla.. 
Sept. 24. kidcf . 

Oemaa StaA Oa.. Mrs. F. Welb. mgr.: St. 
Loola. Mo.. Oct. S. ladef. 

Olrton Stock Co.: Saa Ftaaelaco. CaL, ladef. 

Glan Stock Co.: Boastoa. Tex., Dec. 25. In- 

Gotham Stock Co.; Brooklyn. N. Y.. Indef. 
Orand Stock Co., M. Keeoey. mgr.: Reading. 

Pa.. Oct. 24, ladef. 
Hall. Don C. Repertoire Co.: JanesTllIe. Wis. 

13-18; Belolt 20-23. 
Bearlcl, RqsmII, Stock Co.: NelsoBTflle, O. 

18-15: UeArtbnr 10-18: OilllpoUs 30:22. 
RUIman'a Ideal Stock Co.. No. 1. Lncy M 

Hayes, mgr.: Kensington. Kan., 13-15. 
Btllman's Stock Co.. F. P. HUlman. mgr.: El 

wood. Neb.. 13-U: Enstia 10-18. . 
HhBmeletn'a Imperial Stock Co., Albert H 
^■Ikybin. mgr.: Albhm. MIcb.. tS-18: ntat 

Stork Oa.: Akno. O.. Me£. 

Maade. Attractloaa. Jaa. Pareat. 

Lewlatoa. Moat.. lodef. 
HatddaaoB, Loolse; Co.: SprlngHeld. Mo.. In- 

HalPa Asaoclata Pluvca, Bag. at i. Hall, mgr.: 

K«r Weat. na.. <fi£l^ MtC 
Batbaway'a BNek Ofc: XjKmtK, MaaCL. IkkL 1. 


Haynrard. Grace. Associate Playetac- Wk Park, 

<^lcago. III.. Indef. 
nickman-Beaary Co.. Jas. D. PimSkwI. mgr.: 

Bloomlngton. ni.. Feb. «. ladef. 

Hoillagsworth Twloa Stock On.. Lieir Olaasoa. 
mgr.: Hooston. Tex., ladef. 

Imperial Stock CV>.: St. I.oula Ho., Jan. 1. In- 

Imperial Theatre Stock Oi.. KllBt 4k Oasxolo, 

mgnk: CMr aB» m^Bafr SB. MtC. . 
Indlaaa Slack Ok^tlk. BML-lalL. BiSk. 4, 


Jearona. Iicoe. Stock Co.. Thoa. J. JeaToaa, 
■gr.: OcaiSeld. Pa.. 13-18. 

Jew Stock Oo.: Saa Joae. Cal.. Jan. 2. Indef. 

Keith Stork Co.. Cato S. Keith, mgr.: Alexan- 
dria. Ind.. 13 18; Fern 20-25. 

Klark. Glailys. Co.. I. K. Bslfoar. mgr.: Sonth- Maw.. l3-ir>: Wlllliaantic Oaaa.. 10- 

■ 18. 

KcTra Slstrro Stock Co.: nnallastaa. IML. IS- 
IS: Marlon. O.. 20-25. 

King * Lynn Stock Co.: St. Jobnsbnry, Vt.. 13- 

Krith Stork CM.. Jame* E. Moore, mgr.: Port- 
land. Me.. Ann nLMa^ _ . ^ 

King, J n arpk r WatkCilt ■ Ch i all i. Pa., tm. 30. 

LaPerte. Mae. Stock Co.. Joe McEnroe, mgr.: 
Rontlnglnn. Ind.. I.I-IS: CbsrlrXon. W. Va.. 

I,ewl« Stork Co.. W. H. I.cwis. mitr. : Hot 
Sprlaga. Ark.. 6-lS. 

Lockra. The. Co.. Harry Soboa. tnirr.: I.os"n. 
Kan.. 13-15: KIrwIa 10-18: Dowan 20-22: 
Stockton _ 

Long Stork Co.. Fraak S. iMib :asr.: Rar- 
Tard. III.. 13-lS. 

Lawrence rlayem. D. 8. Lawreare, mgr.: Spo- 
kane. Wash.. Dee. 25. indef. 

Lewls-OllTer Pla.Ters. Otta OIlTer. mgr.: Mani- 
towoc. Wl«.. ladrf. 

Lyeeaai Stock Co.. Lmila Phllllpa. mgr.: Brook- 
lya, .N. Y.. ladef. 

L^He Stock Co.. L. M. Oaea aaa. a.^: Ua- 
caia. Neb.. Aag. 20. ladef... . -. 

tjrie Block Co.. Clua. P. SalMoir. WK: Ma- 
neapolls. Minn., ladef. 

McDoweirs riayera:- Winaton. N. C 13-18: 
DanTille 20-25. 

Merrlman, Henrietta. Slock Co.: Ptene. S. D.. 
13-IS: Lead 10-18; ~ " ~ " 

wood 23-24. 


Molrey Comedy Co., Jim Leacne, mgr.: Ottnm- 

wt, la.. 18-18. 
Mnrray-Mackey Co., John 3. Mnray. BBgr.: 

Gait, Ont.. Can., 13-18. 

Maobattan Stock Co., C. Wolralt Ban I II. B«r.: 

Mankato, Minn. 13-18. 
Marlows Stock <io.. Chaa. H. Marrto, mgr.: 

Chicago, ni., Indef. 
Ueck, Donald. Stock Co.; Low.ll. Maaa., Feb. 

4. i ^Lj 

**mS??\55S»ka!J^lfc?"ind5.°" *" ^""^^ 
MM^aaa. UMiay. ■M pa.i Ljaa. MkMj Sk- 

Nattoaal Stock Oa.:- Htatnai. On., Ai» U. 


Keabitt Playera, D. M. Canltman. msns IFHhm. 
Barre, Pa., Dec. 20. Indef. 

National Stock Co.: Oenance. O.. 20-S5. 

New Criterion Stock Co., Kllmt & Gazrolo. 
mgta.; (Alcago, 111., Aug. 14, Indef. 

New Theatre Slock Co.. Wlatbiop Amea, di- 
rector: N. T. <L. Me. ~ ■ 

North Broa.* BtaS CKr 

2>. iBdat. 

North i^rna.* Stack <3o.: Oklahoma dtj, Okla.. 

Sept. IS liidaf, 
Olympic Stock Co.: lUnt. MIeb.. Jan. 23, In 


orgacuBi riayeta. Qiaat iiaiaxiy. nsv.: nma., 

Parklnsoo-Farr Stock Co., Robt. T. Parfcinaon. 

mgr.; Mooonxabeta City. Pa., 1S-18L 
PIckeru, The Fonr. Co., Willis Pldntt, our.: 

Ulaal. Fla.. 13 18: Ft. Pierce 30-». 
Perry. Augusta. Stork Oo-. Walter Dawalag. 

mar.: HaTerblll. .Masa., 0-18. 
Partello Stock C!o.. W. A. Partello. mgr.: Cal- 
gary, Alta.. Can., indef. 
Paycen Stock Co., B. S. Lawrence, mgr.: To- 
ledo. O.. Ang. 28. ladef. 
Payton'a Lee Arenim Stock Co., Corse Payton. 

mgr.: Brooklyn, N. T., Anc 20, ladct. 
Paytaa ~" " 

Dee. la- 

SIMS Ob.: IxSagOt IB., ] 



Perochl-Gypaene Co.. C tic Perw-bl. 

Tampa. Fla., ladef. 
Poll Stock Co.: Srraotoa. Pa.. KoT. 31. ladef. 
Poll Stock Co.: Norwich. OM«,. IIae IX Mef. 
Princess Stock C<>.. Victor R. S t k aB ke . .ncr.: 

Darenport, la.. Indef, 
Princess Stork C<>. : Pea Moines, 1... Aug. 28, 


Prlngle Stock Co.. Johnnie i*rlngle, 

etett. Wash., indef. 
Bosar-Maaon Stork Co.. 9. -CL M 

Kokomo, lad., 18-18. 
Revler Stock OSb. Barry Reeicr. 
Lake, v., Ote« Ikdef. 
Pianaa. mm. 




Rflbyna Playaaik 

N. Y.. Feb. C ladaf 
St. Claire. WMfted. 


mgr.: Fraakftrt. M.. IS-IS: 
March 4. 

Slerlloic Slink Cn.. SterlinK A WIIhoo, mKri*.: 

Mnnrle. Ind.. 13 18. 
Strong, Arerjr. Co.. Monte Tbompaon. mgr.: 

New Bedford, Mass.. Indef. 
Sherman Stock Co.: Elgin. IK.. Indef. 
Stanford it Western Players: Rlmlra. N. Y.. 

Jan. 23. Indef. 
Spooner, Edna May, Stock Co., Mary GIbiM 
- - ierary City. N. J.. Oct, S. 

TMac SiMk Oki, W. Imitm, av.: Dorcr. 

». H.. 1S-18L - • _ 

TraTia Stocek Co., BBlF Ihaik^ ai^.S BairtiBg 

Green. O.. Inde^ 
Tempest Stock Cik. 3. t. Tr B I | i*at , Mgik:' Maw- 
ley. Pa.. 13-18. 
Temple Playera: Camden. N. J.. Indtf. 
Thompson-Woods Stock Co., Franda T; Oinw. 

mgr.: Brarktoa, Mass., indef. 
^ahem Stock Co.. Al. Trabem, mgr.; Nasb- 

TlIIc. Tenn., Jan. 30., Indef. 
Tieosdale Bros.' stock Co.: Cedar Baplds, la.. 

Sept- 20. Indef. 
Tamer, Clara. Playera: W. ■>.' MatF. IV^r 

MUwankee. Wia.. ladef. 
Taa Dike * BatOB B. Waiter VaaDyke, 

■Bw. mtaMikBi^ fodef. 
iroSto SMeca Start Oo.: Oacpna Chrlatl. Tex.. 

18-15: Laredo 10-18. 
Wlnnlnger Btoa.' Co., Frank Wlnnlnger. mgr.: 

(Hileago, III., ladef. 
Wolfe Stock Co,, y. A. Wolfe, mcr.: WIrMta. 

Kan., Ang. 29, Indef. 
Woodward Stock Co.. 0. D. Woodrai. 
On ^jp. M ek.. Abe. *t .Ji ' ' 

Novelties, Jewelry, 

Ttf BMfc Cf l O B — ta 

U yoa are a Oooccaaloiialre, Norelty. JkWi 
eby. Notion or Fair Worker. CanraaaMl 
Sticetman. Aactlaaeer. KaUeboard Iba; Oaaia, or Oeneral Merebaat, yon 
lacd fa ' 

be wltboot It. 

It coatalaa fan aad complete liaes la new- 
est Noeeltlea. Soarcalra, watches. Jewelry, 
Ftonntala Pens, Optical Oooda. Pocket aad 
Table Cutlery, Yankee Notlona, OandTal 
Oooda, etc.. etc., at wholeaale only. 

By aatlafylng oa that you am a legitimate 
dealer (aa we want to keep this book ont of 
the conaxmen* handil, and aendlng na yoar 
permanent address, we wlU be pleaMd to 
send yoa thia book free. 

SIN8EI IMS., K ■iwsiy, Nw Tiili Mly 


Ba« ]leiM3r>-WaMlas far TWI. 
Baqalek. writ* today. SaU «ba 


Dtartllog new tnTontloB. Jaat 4 
Makes Commoa Lamp a Tasor 
I^mp. Cnu oil bllla In two, lia 
mantles to bieak- BTllIllUl^whK• 
Uahl. Low la ariee— sells Uka 
wUdlbe— S to.fla arsrr heasa. 
Listen: Asaera. Cish. aan. 

''amIekeaS. ssaleaS ael]«r I wrav 
saw.- Krelcer, Mo-.dearwd «•! 
saa week. Exciting bnainea^ 
easy, pnitftable work. ~ ~ 

$42.00 A WEEK 

Men nr women, this Is lonr opportunity. EXPEBI> 
BNOE IS CNNE0E88ARY. work all orspaiwtima. 
~ ija MOsey — t»e IndependeDt. Not for sale la 
We aXn joa proSeotlon and territcwT FRKX. 

T-oo-EOUMS WAMTEI>— 30tk Oeatory. 
S2-ft, BencheU-SpUlman make; moit b* teJNOd 
shape and cheap for caah. HARRY KAXMOK. 
227 TmmbnU St., Detroit, Mieb. 

writs — ■ ■ ■ - 

>E]fKB8j XOXIOEl ^— 
arranged for yonr act at rca- 
aoaabia pricea. Addreaa FRANK BBBNHABIirr, 
Billboard, Clnclmiatl. Ohio. 

Bare jsar muate 


■•■■^^"■^^ nhia Catalog inchided 
Bai*. S, STt astk at., W., v. T. 

Bead BO ms a sy, bat wiMa qaiek for InTormation, 
DO IT HOW before tfalao Ists. 

SdfatjFiirdiiCs.. aw McIUBUk.TsU8.0. 




Nerar, Never, Wlua 


OurpfioesaiBaaBObd aod esr < 
ity 100% bBttsr . Wekw 
can fio andmBEPUHDj 
ift.oar #Bik is aot «1 

Letterheacb,Post«ardsand Cats 

Of every description our smisltj. 
We wantyou all totiyvi. xipe.llQI. 
not be dia^Hiointed. 

H A8JW >007 

jit almule derlee of aeries of forward and back- 
ward dips. Space 300x30 feet. Pleatr tlBM ts 
bond and place If yoo barry. Fateated Jan. 81. 
19U._ls(jEMkala. *. Ji, MUaMM, M Uf- 

lint letter. 
Sunday . To 
OcDIa. Georgia. 



Save Ona-Fourth by Paying Caah 

Write for sor Big Sample Ontflt of SUks. 
Dreaa Goods, Ullllnery, Underwear, etc. Otbeis 
can't tooeh oar caah prlcce. Eacinalre terrltow; 
make ten dollars erety day. Address Dept. S|k 

. Briniaaey i 

MsaatadtaiiKsotldxaUdlaaaadaaanaltnga. wiua 
yea any atyls rtni , pin or stud on apat«sBl-«a ab argea 
pvenala — wia w y Is aSiasaa. gi^ Wftts aae na^ 
Mastnrtad baetlat. s saa l sl sri n a tm4 rlsg • 

•mc TALLCT ca ca, tm 


Xtie Blllboarcl 


ABnsioH.— xsw '>iOBu_ai. T. maxk. 

m(T.> Adelmlde XkBMM SlljJn* >M 
27; Madame Stacnr ML «OBT IB. B. 

mtr.) VaudeTlUe. 

SASSDElf.— GADSDEN (CbnK. E. Meeki, 
ZDKT.) AdfIa<I<li> TburKtoQ 20; Tbo Tlnia. the 
- run; and tli« Gtrl Uarcb 1. AMDSG-U (Wake- 
flvld. awr.) TaaOMtn*. 


Ue and Brooki. FiciroII. Was Bertlut Benlur. 
Briiia and Aston. Ulaa Alice Mortlock, CUppec 
CoBcdT Four week of 8. CAPITOb- IF. %~VCB- 
mll. met.} Flower of the Banch IL KMUB- 
NEB (A. M. Ybaoez, mgr.) Den'olt' Hopper In 
Matinee Idol 7; Merry Ttidow 10. 


BAH FBAHCIBCO.— SAVOT (Fred Busey, nisr.) 
Jaa. T. Pawen* la Havaaa w««4e of FeU. 5. COI.- 
DMBIA (Oottlob. Mars .* Co., msn.) Third 
wvek Tbe Girt is the Taxi ir«ek ot 6. AUSAZAB 
(O. H. DaTls. msr.) Stock Company In The Foil- 
luck week of G. PRINCESS (S. Lovick. • mcr.) 
The Squaw :tran ntfk of U, ORl'HEUM <Juhn 
Morrlsey, iiii:r.) Frank TInney, Amy Butler aoS 
Quartette, Muxlm's Models, Reed Bros., Mme. 
Valleceto's Leopards. Neff and Starr. HD{:h Lloyd, 
and Harry Thte'B Motoring; week of 5. KM- 
PB&SS (Sid (3ranman, mgr.) 3Iabel McKInley. 
Emily I>odd and Company, lliree Boebrs. Uam- 
mood and Forrester. Fred and Elsie Pendleton. 
The Roealres. Merland Comedy Trio, and morlnic 
pictures week ot 5. CHUTES lEd. Levy, mgr.) 
BapoU. Chartrcs Slatna and Balllday, Tanner 
and Gilbert. Pealaon and HUl, Broadway Mosleal 
Come dy Company, awl mortnp pictures week of 
Q. WIOWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.) Deylln's 
ZooaTps. lk>tson and Lucas. Dean and Hankm. 
James Lee's Moslcnl Comedy Company, and mor- 
Ing pictur.s week of 0. NATIONAL (D. J. 
GrBuman. mgr.) Sullivan and Coosldlne Vaude- 
TlUe and. movlne pictures week of Feb. 5. 
CAN (Ed. iloman mgr.) VaudeTillc. aod Arm- 
Ktrong's Musical Comedy Company week of 5. 
POBfOLiA (Alban aoA tiealir, mgn.) Vaode- 
. TOto ana navlnic plclnw wMk of 0. ' P]tEMlir.M 
iV. B oaa. . aasr.) ▼aodernic and aaovliv ple- 
tucK' week of 9. YICTOBY (S. Plcnet. mgr.) 
Tanderllle and morlDc plctuivs irr»k of 5. 
OBAND (Album and Leahy, mgrs.) VandeTlIle 
and movim; pictures week of 5. 


SllUVKB BRO.vnWAY (Peter JlcConrt. 

mcr.) Mabel Hlle week of 'M. PANTAGES' 
(W. A. Weston, m^.). Abdul Hamad's Nine 
Arabs. lack Amory and Miss Lanra Adams. 

waak aC tS. ' AtllWRMUIUL Msaliin EBIot t 
te Ste iDftrlor Bex week of IS. MAIE8TIC 
Ik BnA BronsoB. mgr.) Bomain. the Three 
XMImmI COmliines. Brown and Mills. Carter 
tmA Waters. Daly's Country Choir, nappy Jack 
Gardner and Company, week of 12. TABOB 
GRAND (Peter McConrt. mgr.) Ilarry Bnlger 
In The FItrtlnir Princess week of 19. OR- 
PHECar (A. C. Carson. msr.> Cbarles E- 

Erans and Compaoy. Famous Tanis, Tbomas 
and Hall. HIbbort and Warron. Jw Jackson. 
Leo Caraio and Force and WUIIamsi. woek..of 

XBnmMS. — 'WSSrrS (Earl Cuoley. msr.) 
Along the Eenebeek 5. CRYVTJIL (W. R. Oren- 
«acC Bsr.) Gnlliver's MMeets. Bailey and 

BaiMr «t*k of 6. . 


BBZDGEPORT. — ^PABK <Jinnes B. STieetun. 

mgr.) The City 8; The Z4*hra 10: Grace Van 
StnddUord 11: The College Clrls 13-K. POLI'S 
(Lewis Garvey. mirr.) Joho B. Hymer and Com- 
pany, Krlstoffy Trio. Tbree Llvlnfrsions. Percy 
Waiam and Ompany. Black Brothers, Savler, 
and pictures week of 8. KBBXX'S EMPIBB 
(L. W. Oswald, mgr.) Wblttler Jnee nd Oom- 
pany. Ccdllns and Wehh. Bert and Bos*.. The 
Bylnststs. Bnrran and Wlittbaiue. iBd pletaies 
ws»k of «. - 


.mgr.) J<*n Drew in Smith S-*. POUH (K Z. 
Poll mgr.) Onalp heads bill for WMft aC 8. 
HARTFOBD (S. Z. PolL mgr.) The W*M of 
Mystery beads bill for week of 6. 


■WHJCniGTOir.— OARBICK (W. L. Dockatad- 
er. mm-.) Maud Lillian Berrl with WIU M. 
.Vrm.ttrnujr. Johnnie Gormnn and Company, Monle 
Mine. Robert DomoDt THo. Belle Ouba. Barton 
and Clarkft. Miss 3t*acmt Pitt — J Company 
and PtetmM ii«»k tt S. . XVWBXH (Ooaacaa * 
Eilwsnis, mgrs.') Amar StoCk Company In 
The Bl.<!linp*s Carrlifge week of 5. 


WASHIHGTOir— BELASCO (Ir. Stoddard Tay- 
lor, mgr.i Mrs. Leslie (barter In Two Women 
week of 13: Henry Savajze In Erery Women 
week of 20. XATI0N.1L (W. H. Bapley. mgr.) 
Robert Eiteson In Where the Trail Divides week 
of 13; Ellen Terry 18. COLUMBIA (Fred O. 
Bnger. mgr.) Robert HilUard In A Fool There 
Was week of 13. OATimr (Gcdnr Btdk. mgr.) 
OsHOB Crook wett ot 13. LtCTOX (Eocene 
Keman. mgr.) Yankee Doodle Glils wM of 13. 
CHASE'S <H. Winifred Oe Witt, mgr.) College 
tJfe week <»f 13: Dostln Famom week of 20; 
Maud Raymond week of 27: Frank Keensn week 
of Mux. 6: -Andrew Mack week of Mar. 1.1. 
CASINO fA- C. Mayer, mcr) Blake's Animal 
Circus. Mark Llmter and Company. Willis 
Bivtben. Howanl Dodaoa. Looise Elliott week 
at *. .lUnBXW. ToMlnflle aM ptotam*. . 

' nr mar, ■iji cmuw opera HotrsK 

'inMk'X :iMlag.; wmr.y CsnAt in The Web 
Ml. ODD rnXO Wy opera HOCSB (AUled 
Snsi, wr.) wmiam TMplet awl Osnpaajr In 
CM* a Bssklns T.S. 

AliBAHT.— RAWLINS (A. B. Gbrtatowsky. 
mgr.) Buster Prawn D; The Firing Une 10; The 
CItr n. CBESCENT (O. J. Xcnndorfcr. mgr.) 

ATLANTA. — ORPHEUM. Baymoad Bltcb 
eodt In The ilan Who' Onus Broadwsy T-S. 
UBUX Tbe Rosary 7. FOSnnCH. Vnde- 
*ni*. ■ anOU. VandevlUe. 



New York Hippodrome, third Keck. 

BLACKSTONe <H. J. Powers, mgr.) The 
Betnm of Peter Qrliuk accoad VMk. - 

coiiOMAL Um. JrTltaidr. MgrO btto BM. 

first week. 

COBT (U. J. BSnuBn, mgr.) Henry Kolker 
In Ibe Great Xsim, aerentb week. 

CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE (George Kingsbury, 
mgr.) When Sweet Sixteen, first week. 

ILUXOIS (Will J. Davis, mgr.) Wm. Gillette 
to Berertoire. second week. 

GABBICK (W. W. Freeman. OCT.) The 
I'osslne of the Third Floor Back, fooMk weak. 

GRAND OPER.\ HOUSE (Harry AsUb, msr.) 
(Jeo. Arllss in Dlsrsell. first week. 

ItYBIC (U J. .Unbolt, mgr.) Lulu Glaser In 
The Girl and tbe Kaiser, first week. 

mgr.) The Girl I Love. 

McTICKER'S (Geo. C. 
Bound-Up. second wet 

OliTMPIC (Sam Ledenr. 
Quick Walllngfoid. twelfth 

POWERS (H. J. r 
Baby, second wecft, ^ 

PRINCESS ObR B. .aofcr. »K.y IM Bab- 
ertson In The PsasbiB <a tke TUM Vlaar Back. 

one week. 

STUOEBAKER (E. Snlllvan. mgt.y D. Fair- 
banks In Tbe Cub. second week. 

mgr.) Dam Lewis In Don't Lie 10 Tonr Wife, 
first week. 

AMERICAN MUSIC H.\U. (Col. ITm. Tliouip- 
Boo. mgr.) TaudevUle. 

BCsa TEMPLE (W. P. Shanr. mgr.) St. 

ACADEJIT (Wm. Rocbe, atgr.) TaaderUIe. 
IMPERI.\L (7. FUgltai SMT.) Pal' - — - 
LERRAXM <R, C. Lnagra^ mgr.) 

Who Wins. 

)US£ (O. V. uennei, 

secoDd WMk. . 

;. WBBaB.-lMBr.) Xka 

enr. Mir.): Ott*BMh 

aillehril awl Wii 

(B. A. SodinI, 


Parrlsb. i>rop.) Jt 
Hard 0-8. 


mgr.; Sodlnl Circuit; WMMia VaadevUle Assn. 
bookings) First halt of week % Barke's Musical 
Dogs Dan tCober. Udektace vomedlan; Th« 
Ixnettas, art OMdels: Tbe TInce Dales. In A 
Trip Around the World: motion piclnres. Last 
half of the week, Tlie Ortegas, comedy aero- 
bats; Buster Brown and Mury Jane: Jan Dc 
Frey. gyiisy Tiollnlst: Post ami Hussell. The 
Three Bicbardsons. THE MOLINE <Fivd Leav- 
ens, mgr.: independent bookings.) Consncio Bai- 
ley In Baby Mine 0: Tbe Girl of the Mountains 
12: House of a Tbovsand Candles 18; The Wolf 
10: Walker Whiteside ta Tka^ Melting PM 'JU: 
Forbes-Bobertson is Ibe FaiilaB fttbe Third 
Floor Back 21. „ 

Folke. mgr.) lale of Bplea ds Tbe'TbM De«i«e 
20: The Wolf 23. : ^ 

mgr: Sodlnl OUndt.' Weatera TandeTlllv Assoc. 
Bookings). First bait of week, the «tb: Hawley 
and Abbott Oumpaay; Melnottc Lanule Trio, ac- 
robatic wire artists; Scheie and CuU-. comedy 
acrobatic dancers; Grace Dexter Ui»im>s. come- 
dienne, motion pictures. Last half of week: 
Bnrke's .Musical Dogs: The Three Dales; Dan 
Bobey. blackface comedian: The Lorettas Art 
Models, motion picture;. ILLINOIS (R. Tayior, 
mgr.; Independent BooklDgsl Tbe Oberammergan 
Players 0: The Ho\i^ ot u Thousand Candles 10: 
Consuelo Bailev In Baby Mine 10; The Wolf 21; 
Trlxle Friganza in The ^eetest Girl In Paris 
Mar. 4. 

WlUlams. mgr.) Ian Robertson in The passing 
of Tbe Third Floor Back •: The Woif II: The 
Thicd Degree IS. MAJESTIC (C. A. Day. mgr.) 
Geo. Gralley. Chnreh Caty Four, Ethel Talbot. 
ProC. Arnold and Pony, first half of week 12: 
Brooks snd Csriisle. Emiy Pearl. Bice Bell and 
Bocbards. Stiaataa' and May> last halt. 

UBBABA.— ILUXOUTttad Maor. atgt.\ Jas. 
K. Hsckett 7: Mante Calls OMa Si Tbe liOa o£ 
Spice 11.. 

Stata ... 

city .... 
Name ot 
Name of 
Chaiaetac ot AtliactloaB 

MAJESTIC (Lyman B. Gtorcr, mgr.) Taods- 

EMPBES.S (Cnpt. Montague, mgr.) VanderlUe. 
BIJOU (Wm. Koche, mgr.) Sore Shot Sam. 

CO LLEG E IT. C. Gleason, mgr.) 
CBITEBION (J. Pilgrim, mgr.) The Cow- 
boy Girl, . 

CBOWN (Paul Bickson. mgr.) Mrs. Wiggs of 
tbe Cabbage Patch. 

GLOBE (J. K. Brown, mgr.) The Wolf. 

HAYMABKET (Wm. Boche. mgr.) Tbe Cal 
and the Fiddle. 

MABLOWE (Chas. B. Marvin, rn^rr.) Tbe 
Bishop's Carriage. 

NATIONAL (J. P. Barrett, mgr.) The For- 
tunes of Betty. 

PEOP LE'S (John Prince, mgr.) 

WKBEB'S (Weber Bros., mgrs.) Vaudeville. 

AliHAMBRA (Weber Bros., mgrs.) McFallen's 

EMPIRE iU. J. Herk. m'irr.l Lady Buccaneers. 

STAB AND GARTER (Wm. Itecbe, mgr.) 
Parisian Widows. 

XABIOK.— ROLAND (C. F. Roland. iDgr.i 
Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin. 

AlrTOBV — TEMPLE (Wm. Sanvagc. nif^.) 
The Goddess of Liberty 5-6; Delia Fox in De- 
lightful Dolly 0: Tbe Queen of the Highway 11; 
The Allen Stock Company 13-18. BIOOBAPH 
(W. T. Sampson, mgr.) The Dancing Two John- 
stons and pictures week of 6. 

HOUSE (Chas. A. Jackacs, mgr,) Blanche 
Walsh 17. Tbe Spendthrift 21. Henrietta Cros- 
man 2*. MAJESTIC (Goy W. Martin, mgr.i 
Ttte Passing of tbe Third Floor Back 11.12. 
CASTLE (Guy W. Martin, mgr.) VandeTlIle. 

(Sam Kahl. rnp^r.) Mrs. Herbert L. Flint week 
of 6: Kyrle Bcllew 14. OBPHECM (Sam Kafai. 
mgr.) Tbe Eagle And The Girl heads bill for 
week ot 6. 

SEOATUX. — POWER'S (Thomaa P. Bonan, 
mgr.) The Spendthrift 15. Tbe Thief 16. The 
Newlyweds and Their Baby 17. Kanehe Walsh 
21. Sexlmi7 Boy 22. Tbe Smart Set 3S. The 
Third Degree 28. BIJOU (Z. A. Slefrled. 
mgr.) Lomune Dudley and Qimpany. Rlllmsn 
and Roberta, Ward and Webber, Aldine and 
Casslty, Four Comrades, Ear OHnedy Four. The 
Mora rts. Dayton. Oberlts Sisters week of A. 

FRKKPOBg. — OBBHEUM (Bender & Foster, 
mgrs.) Annood's City of Yesterday, Ed. Bom, 
— atai and Astmao. Undr bee 6-8, BUOU (Mol- 
Jlr and Caaantt. agia.) Four Kinds, Emily 
Paai l. Al b ert D erby. Greee and Green 6-8. 

(W. W. Wniman. mgr.) The COllqrs. The Bd- 
wards* Trained Dogs, Tbe Sttllmans. Mary Ann 
Brown week of 6. The House of a Thoosand 
Candles 1.1. 

KATTOOH,— M.4JESTIC (J. F. Koechler. mgr.) 
<Harry Bulger In The Flirting Princess 10; The 
Spendthrift 14. GRAND (Nathan Stein, - mgr.i 
Tbe Four Andersons, Abbott and Alba. Al. Alln. 
Jos. K Becaaid and Company. FoRester aad 
Dofd. Bmbt Falter ii«ak o( .^ I.TBia.(B. J>li 

mgr.) The Coontry Boy 5; The Gardner Stock 
Company 012. BABBISON (A. A. Fmdenfelt, 
mgr.) naak 'Ramson, Jimmy Regc^ A. A. 
Fniden teit aad Jaltiu SInykIs and Company. 0-0. 
8BEBin*]t (XSd T iiair. a«r.>. naak Partah. 
aiMl " 


EVAKSVnXE. — XEW GRAND (Martin Beck, 
mgr.) Bsrrows-Lanesster Company, Cspt. Geo. 
Aug Company, The Neapolitans. Klanaj^an and 
Edwards. Geo. Austin Moore and Cordelia. Four 
Dolnos, El Cota and Bnssoe Orchestra week of 
S. WELL'S BUOD (Cbaa. .Barceton, mgr.) A 
Wlnnlac Mlaa S; n* abandtbrlft ll; The New- 
lyweds aad TbabP BBto- 19: OsCIl Xieaa and Flor- 
ence Holbrock' In SSftui^F^^j^L*?^ Bern- 
Happy HooUtam S; .n» 'nS? tt^** 

widow 22. ■ . , . ■ 

KOXOKO.-T:im- (G. W. SlM. .aM'.>. nirvey 
stock Compaar C-U: ■««r^3£HM«Midi Com- 
pany 13-18, 

inpHIOBB CPXr-4«PHBDM (A. C. Rem- 
meleln, mgr.) WlboD and Wilson, Ckpt. Stan- 
ley Lewla, Bosk and Pejaer and pletutea week 
of 6. 

ers, mgr.) Brewster's Millions 7; Henry Wond- 
n-ff In Tbe Genlns 8: Jamea K. Haekett in The 
King** Game O; The Man on tbe Boat lOl NEW 
MURRAY (O. G. Murray, mgr.) A Nljtbt WKb 
the Poets. Dennett and Sterling, tiarrv ~ " 
Parker and Kramer week of 41. GO] 
(Clem Gaar, mgr.) HHuemann 15, 


F. Holmes, mgr.: Don Stiuirt, booking sgt.) 
Bright Byes 8; Bnby Mine 13: Tbe iVoIf 18; 
House of a Thousand Candles 10: Madame Na- 
slmova 24; Lower Bertb M.2S. RaRRICK (J, 
M. Boot, aaar.; W. T. IT. A., boofclog agt.) 
Week of FWn. dk Biat bait: Bobert WIngate, 
bene soloist; Bob Loekhart. singer: Marie GIrard, 
bimiorlst; McGrath and Yeoman: La Rose Bros., 
and Garrlekacope. Last half: Colton and Dar- 
row; Bob Lorkhart, singer; Bob Wsyman: Bow- 
ery Trio, comedy act: Mysterlons Fontinelle. and 
Garrlckscope. » 

Berkell, mgr.; William Morris Bookings) Josle 
and Willie Borrows, refined singers anil dancers- 
Madeline Sack, violin vlrtuoDo: Franklyn Gale 
and Company; Tbe Free Setters Four. Jones. Mur- 
ray, Drury, Pickett, singing and comedy: The 
Great Etiropean Florens Family, marvelous acro- 
bats, and motion pictures week of 6, PRIN- 
CESS (Cbaa. Kindt, mgr.; dlreellon of (mam- 
berlin, Kindt Co.) Tbe Princess Stock Company 
in Cape Cod Folks week of S. OHAND (D, L. 
Hngbes, mgr.: K. A E. Bookings) Fannie Blonm- 
CeM Zelslcr 11. BORTtS (Wm. KHnek, mgr.; 
— — . ... BaOij In Batar 







Praaanting tha Ploturwaqu* Rowlaw 

"A Night In NaplM*' 


SiDEiBf, DaictBK aid Cotorei CsMfiais 

Feiber & Shea's Office, Knickerbocker 
Th—twBldg, Nwr YaifcOHy. 






OPCMTie SIINl im ilCT 



Expononts «ff Telepathy and 
Prephatle Vision 

aPEAKiNo aevcN LANauAaca 


aA .DAyi3 & co> 


— C*»t iDCiUclM: 

H. A. DsTls. iLTtbur IL I-erxy. Fred Tanker. 

WALIA, MEEIfti & 60. 


In V.ud.vlll.. aMBMtliSt.. 


Tki l0)s Kitk tti Cdzi Flit 



Leading lagennai 
* Proctor-a TabloM . aMk- Ok.. 
BaiteB Omm Bmm> 

k nonrm^^^ ' Vew voik itntp. 

Neary & MIIIm- 

THE DAiieiiia 



Frank Burt 

lalwComady Trick VioUa mm* 



Tine Billboard 


SUBVOVZ. — UAJB8TIC (Jake Hawntlial, 
luKT I 'rS> UlulikM. Artbur UvoiIds. Uh>» aiul 

li».ll.'y. mcr.l Sweetcat Olrl In I'arl« IH: The 
i^rnvnalhw of Aoat M1117 •£!■ The Woir 20. 

IOWA Cimr.— COLDRBN (Jami-a L. Oakei, 
mirr.) Babr Mine 8. Tbe Ooldeo OUl 17. Nor- 
S^Mw^ck o( ST. BIJOU (H. L. SnUUi. no.) 

I B«(Nie.ak. - P8ABL (B.. \gmir 
Tlw Oip^nil antOwn. K ww- 
Taro Darwliw. S-lf. Pa t taiaau 

illany McJIaoua. mgr.) Baby Mlue 7. 

OTTVMWM GHAND (J. K. Jl'«J«*. . mft.) 

lubr Mine 4; Flfty-roorth Iowa BcjclDifnt Band 
57 tUttUIOK (J. If. lUmt. mgr.) VaudivlllH 

WATEEtOO.— 8VXDIC.WK (A. J. Dusbj. 
tUKr.f Iiucbpl«>r'H llunf.vnu»on -U The Norwoo«U, 
hyiinnllalH Oil: .Sbennan Stock Company 1318. 
\V VTEltlXXI (A. J. Bniiby, mgr.) SbrnnaD Stock 
Omuianv Jan. ao-Ft'b. 11: Walker Wbltnlde 17; 
Till' Ulrl of tlH! Muimtalna 18. ORPUEDlf <J. 
\V. Mi ri'i-ll». iiiKr.i .Morlry and Ut-wey, Butord 
IK'UDi'it mill OuiiiiauT. tlultoo llenwao and Bol- 
ton, rrarl K. Pofiejoy, Tbe Ortaney Troup* week 
or li. cuVtfTAk «J. Jelir Junm. mgr.) Mr. and 
Mrs. nob PIMMmmd*. CUflMM TrIOt Batntt tod 
Earl. Tboav Poor Kidi,. lllla. Foocon. Tbe 
Arniuji. MunlKonuTy Mualral Duo in>ek ot 6.. 

FORT SCOTT.— l»AVII>SO.\ (Harry C. Knilrh. 
iii»r.) raid lu Fall 7: Juki a Wouan'ii Way 11: 
Tlie TrareUuir SaleMuaa VAUDEITK <■'. 

(', IIiTHiT, luitr.) Thv Lavcttea and lie Vers 
IlrtilhiTK and pU-tiireH week of 6. 

BirrcmMBOH.— IIOSIB (W. a. Lowe, mjcr.) 

lli-llu lilU 11. TraTclInc Maleamao 17. Mil' 

(llvd 18. Bill ~ ■ *~ 

Martin, mgr.) 
ren RtttMt. Thu 

LEaVbSWOBTH.— I'EOl'lJJ'S d". 11. Alex- 
ander, mgr.) Wnlker Wblti-slde lu Tbe Meltlnic 
rot 5: l>ii!wl<in I'lay 10-11: Ttap .Matinee Clrl 
12. NEW OUI'HEUM (M. B. ShanU-rK. insr.) 
.^mold's (.iinmrils. Jim. Peter .Mabi-r. Frank 
.Mustyn. Ki'lly and Company. The Klliutt and 
.Vi-bn-ll Iiruilifm M. 'PAUl tC,_V. Meoalnic. 
niKr.) Kux aiHl ' unncNCt MM BainMNMl aiHl 
Kowall 5 It. '_' '■■ 

BABMBB.— BtJCr .411. C - BaMk.. IMV.) 
Iloow ntj-TbaunX CMriMa Ui Pmm uTPUl 
U: Tb(> mmlBir SalvMnni 54: Lyioan Ifowe 
Marrb 4. 


il Frank. mi:n.) Cbarleti Johnson and The Kelt- 
Intfji week of 0. 

LOUISVILUE M.\<-.\ri.KVS iJ. T. .Maeau- 

ley. niBr.l Ilella Km In DellEbtful Dolly .'i-7. 
lnl|ierlal BnKHian. Ort'lH-xtra S II. SIimBUT 
.M.V.SdXIC It: nuy O.iniKt.K'k. nier.l Ijilu 
<lla»*er week ef r». Tbe Itiitieniliiu (31rl week 
of li. AVE.NTK (C. A. Shaw, nisr.t The 
Newl.vwedft and Their Babr we«>k of <i. VnlA 
in ran week of 12. K^ITII'A MARY .\N- 
HEIISnN (Jamea U Wcvd. msr.) Top U' The 
World llanccis. Tbr Police lupovtw. Wynn 
aM Jehnlnsa. Irene nowliT. Baptlate and 
ytamtioi.' Lcn Pol and Palfnqr and Bartmt 
w«.» of fl. .WAI.XCT (McCnrtlir * WifU, 
nicrs. I Tbe (Ireat Illrldp wc«k of 5. Tbe 
^:nu >°mni Mexlm. week of 12. nOPKINR 
I Irvine 'SIuiiniTi, nifn*. i The (Ireat KInxo, Saide 
WhlthiK and the l'e|HT Twins. Zeano and 
/i'nnn, flalllirHn and Waril. and Janltn De Paris 
"I'.'k of 



NEW O&LEAMS.— TUL.\NE iT. C. fnuipU'lI. 
uiin-.t UllUn Itivaell In In Search of a Sinner 
•"vk «r 3; BnyatoBd BItebcoek In The Man 
Wbo Owna BiMdway wrek of IS; The Dollar 
I'rlnrmn w<>«k M 10. DAUPIIINB (H. Grcru- 
w«li1, msr.t VIrfHnIa llHrm-il In The Womiin 
He Married we<*k of ."»: Mile. Annn rnvIowH. 
M. Miebai'l .Murdkin ami Ini|ierlnl Itiisislan Bal- 
let wwk of 12; I)e Wolf IIuiunt in The MatlneO 
Idol week of 10. FRESOn OI'KK.V IIOI'SB (J. 
I.ayone. mm'.) l..ayolIe'a Freui-h 0|M'nt Compnnr 
In lin IlaBiienoiii, I.e IVtIt Due week nf S, 
CBBSCBNT (T. C. OannMI, dirt.) Want and 
nlH* la ttw TnmM^. Italnni wwk of S: The 
Thter week of IS. WRPIIECM (J. niatro. mgr.) 
Or. Ifcrnan. Tho«. J. liyiD-Kichfleld GomiwDy. 
XlM Undea Breknith. Wllllana and Warner. 
Kwer and Maek. Lnwy Ilaakell. Kra«s Trio and 
lilcturea we,-k nf «. GBKRNWAU) (H. Qien- 
walil. mcT.) We-Chok-Be, Ptailllpa' Pony and 
l><ie act. Herbert Kelly and Koceland. Bamaey 
.^inteni. and idi'turen week of B. LYBIC (B. I- 
Perry, nier.) VaihleTllle. WINTBB 6ARDBN 
(F. n. Cha"!'. mitr.) Vaiiderllle. SnUBBKT 
lA, .MllKuan. mgr.) Bark. HAJKBTIC (U B. 
Kawyera. mgr.i Vandwille, VI<m>R (J.' B. 
1'^:. '"Br.! Mnateal cooeily ami randeTlllp. 
(•BAND (J, B. Pram aiMI Bnan. nigta.1 Tande- 

&!%^*'>^ <'• B- t^biv ■"•1 i*""'- 


WMI1T i* B l>.-^EFFKBS0.N (Julius Cahn. 
■Wr.t. At tto Old Cmm Roads «-8: The CUmai 
MI. B. P. KEITH'S (James E. Moore, mgr.) 
Mltlra' Slork roinpany In N'IoIk> week of A. 
PBBTLAKH iJames W. mirr.l The Flte 
{Wn and The t^iilly KM. The Zoyrram Dainty 
J™™* W"«kli. Maaiin and Murray. Tbe Foar 
jfSSSV Baibera. and iilrtnrea wi-ek of «. COS- 
BBBSS (RbU n. aenitlte. 'mgr.k Buckley. Mar-' 
lla..and Cnbnany. The Coles. Sam Barberm. and 

Ptoimw wMik of 11. 


STS?"'^'" n>l"''> To Serve llip Cross week «: 
Wllkin In The Stranger W-I.l: Sarah 
Bprnhanli «».i8. forp'S opera not'sE (C. 
a. Funl. mgr.l George Evans and his Honey Boy 

. ..,".',!?'"';'■•'* «? *: The Commulera week IS. 
;V ' PJ?.**'*?' TIIBATBB (Jelt. O. BrmtCUib 
"cr 1 THanebP RIn» In The Tanker Olrt. waal i 

;'rM^''rj.'"2"»" week ja. MAKTI.AXI> THB- 
.STIIK (F. c. Si-hnnliergor. mgr.* Nellie V, Nleb- 
ol«. \nlerlr Iiersere and Co.. Al. Carleton, Ward 
"ii.I Oirrnn. Ronloii nmthera and Moolton. Al- 
liine Troii|«<. The Chas. Ahem Troupe. Three Va- 
n. XKW TJIKATUF. (C. E. White- 

iiirat. mgr.! .Mr. ami .Mrs. Jaek Carlton ami 
I '"yers DID ami Wnr.I. The BnrUnoa The Mus- 
lenl Brlgga. Marie ^Vorrnp^ The Slolner Trio, 
"•run ami Sulelnll. The Stanleys. Sam Dunn. 
VtV": Callahan ami Co. we.-k (1. SAVor TUB- 
i s? 'f' '•• Anderson. mgr.> KrsI I^rnne week 
Tiii'lt-K!"" IS- IIOI.l.IDAY ST. 

TIIK4TUK (W. r. Bife. mgr.l As tbe Sun Went 
vi'.%",.Sr':''_?i_*'» Frleml fmrn I»Ule week W. 
J ii-ioUiA THRATRR <€?. It. I^wla. mgr.) Kthel 
'"^Sv^S- JlfKee and Po. Cornelia and WB 
Sexton's nream. Lester. Ijinrte and 
22:?.*'- ""Sft** Sl'l'rs. Chaa. A. CTarke and Co, 
m«l\'Vi .9*''I?l^' TIIBATBR (W. U BaUaat. 
iiigr.l noMea Ctook week «; Th» Braalr TWtt 

tagoe Jaeoha, mgr.) Follies of ttie Day week 
6; Pennant Wionera week i:<. WILSON THE- 
ATRE (M. L. Scbalbley, mgr.) The Aiutrallao 
Trio. Don Fayblo, Qtwen and Harriet, Valentine 
and Bell, F. J. Hurlar„MHl« Fliiillga, <Ncnroy 
and Russell, Tbe War«li^- -jliliilf Owjac. Wal- 
droa Broa, week 6. 

ncr, mgr.) Cbas. K. Cbauplln Stock Company 
week ot 13; Elka' Mlnatrela 20; Dalay Cameron 
'£!; Tbe Cow and tbe Moon Manh i. LVBIC 
(Jacob F. Ebllng, mgr.| VanderUle. 

(nrABEBLABll.— MARYLAND (Wm, Cradoc, 
mgr.) Cbas, K, Champlln Stock Company lu 
Repertoire U-11. 


8. Wiley, mgr.) The Cilrl from Rector's lo-ll 
S.tVOY (M. It. Sheedy, mgr.) Smith Brothers. 
Duvc Ferguson, Nelson and Otte, Two Musical 
Norrlses, Flnlay and Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Mark 
Murphy. Jarrla and Martlne week of 6. BUOU 
<L. M, Boas, mgr.) Vauicvlllr. PBEMIEB (L. 
M. Boas, mgr.) Vaudevilk'. I'ALACE (G«o. Gra- 
ham, mgr.) Vauderilie. NICKELODEON (Wal- 
ter nieelow, mgr.) .VaudoTllIe. 

uiure, mgr,) Tbala D-11. POM'S (S. J. Bteeo. 
mgr.) (jUs Edwards' Scbool Boy* and GIrIa, The 
Kratoos, The Peerless Macks, Mr. and Mra. 
Fred Voelker, Tom .Maboney, HIvkey Trliilets. 
Frank Milton and lie Long SIstens, and pictures 
week of e. NELSON (U. J. Ulllenback, mgr.) 
Frey and Fk-Iils. The .Mitchells. Bob Ferns, 
Dunn. Wiirren and Mack, Marie Laurent. Harris 
and llurrlu. and- pictures week of G. 

WOaCESTEa.— I'OLI'S tJoa. C. OUMIe. mRr. I 
Cildle Leonard. .Motfett and Ciare, Karl. Fields 
and Carroll, Spadunl week of 6, FRANKLIN 
h'UCAKE iJos. McCarthy, mgr.) Tbe Telephone 
ulrl week of WURCESTER (John F. Burke, 
mgr.) Maestro'a Masterpiece A^; Grar* Van 
Suidillfonl In Tbe Paradise of MabiMMt T: 
Madame Sherry l.t-KS; Mrs. Flske in Becky 
Sharii IS. 


. BATTLE CB£EK.— POST (E. L. Siullb. mgr.l 
The Cat and the Fiddle O: Tbe Ixittery Man 7: 
The Edwnnl Doyle Stock Company G. RUOC 
(II. il. Itllsj, mgr.) Sully and l4iursen. Turn 
Fletcher Duo. Hickman Brothers anil Company, 

Joe Flynu. Here Jaoseu. Tout Fleleth-r flu*., 

Hickman Brothers ami Cimipany, Joe Flynn, 
Heir JanMB and - ComiHUii. ami . plvliuva wwk 

BAT Oirr.— iv.VSIilNiiTON ' iW. i. Daunt. 

mgr. ) The Stu<ldard Players In Tbe Man of Her 
lliolei- week of ,". RlJOl' (Dan J. Pilmore, 
mgr.l Linton's Jiiusle Ulrls. Wllllaius. Thomp. 
sou and Ct*iM-land. llonnald and Webb. .\rl 
.Vdalr, Mabel Valentine Moore, and pictures 
week of S. WENON.^ (R. P. Leaby. mgr.) 
Vaudevlih-. NEW .\RMORV. Eugene Laurant. 
Magician T. 

iJohn T. JacUsoii, ni«r.) Kllen Terry (•; Tbe Wolf 
LU: Ihi- t'ow Slid iliu M.soi J.;: Til.' Cutter Stock 
Cwiinny 2T-Mur. 4. 

FUBT.— .STONE'S (Al. W. Walk-, mgr.l 0> 
ear F. Cook Stock Cowpaar 3: Tlw <:at aad tbe 
Fiddle «; Tk» lAttmr AaB- «t.. !:<•■•> . Berth 
Tblrteea 11: Tba Wblte Glaw 13. . BUOO (F. 
W. Riyce, our.) Xettte' Carrol xyaoiMt. Qneen 
.Mab aad Waba. Beefeaian and' Otoaa. Dainty 
June RaiMrls and Company, awl tderarex week 
of B. 

MCBS9V.— ATHRNAKI'M HI. J. I-ort.r. 
nigr.i nimmeleln Stock C.mitiauy week of 0; 
Prighl Eyi-s IT. ItlJOC Frank It. L.inipnian. 
mgr. I OradiuT and Revere. Eleanor Utis amt 
Company. Witt's Jlelody Ijine Girls, William 
'Tyler. .\la,viiit' Rentlngton and Picks, and plc- 
tnres w.-ek .if 

LAKSmO.— lil.ADMKR (Fml J. Williams, 
mgr.) The I.ottrry Man S: Tbe Country Boy Feh. 
i.i: Tbe While Anaw l~r Uraualacfc 1%. Al. •:. 
Field's Miiniw la iK. BHOC (W. Mar ah aB . mgr.) 
Miss tdnia fWrnae Jaefesoa with X. E. Moore's 
Rah Rah Boj-s. Bessie Bruwnlng. JImmIe Cas- 
•Idy, Porter anil Craves, Tlie Famous - Carlos 
CI reus Tronpe week of «. COLONIAL (W. 
Davis, mgr. I The Oscar Ciook Slock Cinnpany 
til The Village Parson week of C. 

SAOniAW.— .\C.VUEMV (E. llann lck. msr. I 
Ellen Terry .S; The txillery Man II. Al'DI- 
TORICM (T. F. Walters, mgr.) Elks' Minstrels 
17. BUOC (W. .\. Kusco, mgr.) Oscar F. 
Cooke Stock ComiHtuy In .1 Man and a Girl week 
Of fi. JEFFEBS (W. A. Rusco. mgr.) Gna 
Sohlkc'a Baau Banu Olrla. Loweii and Esther 
Drear. Booslna and KIrhy. Lee Tung Foo.- Jtr- 
eme and Jerame week of S. 

U, Uarfc. mgr.) The Lbttcrr Man 4: Them llrn- 
dermn KMs iloeal) 7: Granstark lit, 


VnnfEAPOUS.— LVRIC (Cbas. P. Salisbury. 
niKr.) The l.yrle Theatre Stock Company with 
Miss War^a llowani anil John tnee In Glitter- 
ing Glorlo week of 12. BIJOU OPERA HOUSE 
(Theo. L. Hays, mgr.) Tlie Wearln' of the 
liiTcn with Ftsk O'Uara weelt of 12: The TV- 
fender of Cameron Dam we«'k of 1». DBWEY 
(Alvhie Miller, mgr.l Tbe Knillekm iritta Clem 
Berana wvok of 13: Tbe Brlgadlem week «f 16. 
OAYBTY (8. B. SImoB. mgr.) Tbe OirU from 
llanpyland week of 12: Tbe Rrntx-Santley Show 
im>k of 19. UNIQI'E (Jack Elliott, mgr.) 
Tl^irello. Itoliert llislge and Company, Carl Me- 
Cnllough. Walker and Stnim, Notion and Rns- 
sell. Jerimie White and tbe Motlograph week 
of I'J. PB1NCE.SS (Orrllle Bunnell, mgr.) For 
Iter Bnithi'r's Sake week of 12: Monte Cristo 
wi'ek of in. ORPnECXI (G. B. Raymoml. mgr.) 
Vaudeville, SOmiERN (W. A, Kelly, mgr,) 
VamleTllle. SIICRERT (A. G. Balnbridge, Jr.. 
asi^.l nnk arrek itf IS: Mlas atabo g tw » 
StailaBd with maa Olive Tan 1»A SBTBO- 

The Areadlaiia with Jdtoa ^ 

of 13. MILES (W. V. eanairiiet. owr.) Van 

OBOOKSTOM.— GRAND (Tom Brown, mgr.) 
Tbe Three Ttvlos 12. BOJOIT (Nault ami Sim- 
mons, mgrs.) Sandow and Dagneau. Rose 
Grovn. I.oril Hoberls. Paddock ami Paddock, 
wwk of (I. 

DULUTH.— oill'IIEIM (W. R. Pelrong. mgr.) 
Clllp A .Marble. CIllTunl Jl: Hnrke. Illnns. Rliiiis 
anil BInns. Aleiile Csntalne and pictures wei>k 
nf B, l.YCEIT,M (H, E. Plorong. mgr.) Father 
and the Bn.ra 10-12. EMPRESS (J. I~ Malt- 
land, mgr.) Vaudeville. 

mgr.) Tbe Arcadians week of B. May Robsoo 
la "rhe IMnrenatloo of Aunt Mary week of I'J. 
miTMnrr it. M. Srailnn. mKT.V Bailey and 
Aoatln In Tim Men and a Olrl S-S. Mlsa Ger- 
trude RlllatI in The Dawn of a To-morrow 
week of 13. GBAND (Thro. t> na,ve«. ■ mg*. ) 
FIsVe O'llara In The Wearing of tbe Green 
wrvk of S. The PefMidfr at Caiamn Dam 

sa. AAataMa" Thai 
I Aalr Mr 'art 

week of 12. ORPIIEUM (Clarence Dean, 
mgr.) The Imperial Russian Danccra, Ida 
O^Day and Donald 3owIe*. Marreloos Dick, 
Kaofman Brotbera, Qutnn and Mitchell, Frey 
Twins, The Three Westons. Catherine. Florence 
and Juliet week of 5. MAJESTIC (Jack Cook, 
mgr.) Montgomery Moslcal Duo, James Mc- 
Cormack and Eallnor Irrlng. GayneU Ererett, 
Cordoa and Maud, Paid Pcrtr and pletuna 
week ot S. STAR (A. Moeller. mgr.) Tha 
Merry Maldeiw week of S. BUly Watson's Beat 
Trust week of 12. 


ler, mgr.) Buster Xroi - 
25: The Newlywvds 
Girl In the Taxi 28. 

striB, asr.J Fl-b. 8. Three Weeka; it, Adelaide 
Thufaton: 14. Virginia Hamad: 2U, MetmiwIitaB 
.\mu8emeDt Company; Cobura MInstrelit, 


A BurKcss. mgrs.) Week Feb. 5, .Madame Sherry; 
week Feb. 12, Delia Fox, In Delightful Dolly; 
week Feb. 2U. fYaacIs Wilson in Tbe Bachelor's 
Baby. MIIUBXKT (Earl Steward, na. auir.) 
Week Feb. 3. The Chocolate Soldier; W«ck Sab. 
i:t, Mme. Naalnora In repertoire, aHAKO 
OPERA ItOUBE (Hudson and Judah, mgrs.) 
Week bleb. S. St. Elmo; 'Week IS, GUIs. OUPH- 
bUM (Martin Lehman, res. mcr.) Week 6, 
William Faraum, Lee Uoyd and Jay Roberts. 
Work and Ower, Callahan and St. George. Bow- 
man Bros., The Uavelocks. AUDITORIUM 
iljiwreucc Lebiuan. mgr.) Week 5. Michael 
Strogofr. UILUS (E. S. Urigham, mgr.) Week 
5. liarney (Jllmore In Kelly from the Emerald 
Isle; week 12, Tbe Mlnister'a Sweetheart. BM- 

PRESS (D. b\ McCoy, msr.) Week 3, Billy 
Vau, Carl Pantxer Trio, atay Orletta and Iked 
Taylor. Hntch-Lnsby, Priaea aad Oalgano. Tbe 
U> Notes, Cbas. Wayne aad Onnpany. CGN- 
TCRY (Joa, B. OMKcaa. Dcr,; Western Wheel) 
TIser lilies week 8, with Matt Kennedy: added 
atlraettOD, Zailah: week 1:2. Girls from Dixie. 
<:.\YETV (Burt .McPbnll, mgr.; Eastern Wheel) 
I Week .">, KolllcklifK Girls; week 12, Jack Sing- 
er's Screuaders. CONVE.VTION HALL (Lools 
Shouse. mi;r.) Feb. 0. Tetrarlunl. 
• BT. tOlfta— GABHICK (aarry Buckley, mgr.) 
U. B. Warner In Alias Jimmy Valentine week 
ot S: Matsaret AacUn VS. MtYMPIC (Pat 
Short. ■«*.> Kyrle Bellew la Ba«(a week of S: 
The ABaienr Craekeatan; MoBtnoMcy and Stone 
13. PRINCESS (Din S. Fiahell. osr.) Vaude- 
I rllle as follows: John C. Rice and Solly 0>bcn, 
' Kelly and Wilder, Jupiter Brothers, Bennington 
Krotben. Mattle Lockettc, Musical Lowe, Robert, 
Hayes and Rubirts. Stevens and Zalerlo week 
of 3. CEXTCKY iPuI Short, mgr.) Abom Eng- 
lish Grand Opera Company In Repertoire week 
ot 5: Balalaika Orchestra 13. SHUBERT (Mel- 
ville Stolu. mgr. I The Bohemian (ilrl week of 
5: Marie Dressier 13. COLUMBIA iFrank H. 
I Tate, mgr.) Vaudeville aa lalioers: Annette 
Kellvrmann, WllUrd Slmms and Comtiaiur, dem- 
ons and Dean, Tbe Navas, Earl and Cnrtli^ lltaar> 
key, Gebiler and Lewis, La TurtaJada. and mo- 
tlnp ufeltirvs sreek of S. AMERICAN tJnu. Flem- 
ing, mgr.l Paid In Fnll week of 5; St. Elmo IX 
IIAVUS'S (Harry Wallace, mgr.) Billy the 
Kid wts'k i.f .">: vliieen of the Highway 13. 1.M- 
PEBI.Vl. III. E. Russell, mgr.) Imperial Stock 
■ Company lu A Child of the Regiment week of 
."i- Lottie, the Poor Saleslady 13. GAVETY 
(Frank Uawley, mgr.) The a'erenader's Iturles- 
I queiH, including Lew Kelly week of 5; Venus on 
Wheels: RlnaMo: Qneena wt Jaidin De Paris 13. 

- - . . . J j.^,^. 

Tiger Llllea 

l.i" UOLUNIAU Tbe Allen Stock Company in 
Work and Waj:«>s week of 5: Two Orphans 13. 

SI'. JOSEPH.— LYX'ECM (C. U. I'hilley, mgr.) 
The Smart Sot. 5-T; Tbe Dollar I-rlm-eisi »: 
The Girls From Dixie 9-11; Barney Gllmorc In 
Kelly from the Emerald Isle 12-13: Merry Maid- 
ens llVtS. SHCBERT -TOOTLE iH. FltsgeraUI. 
insr. 1 Wiilker Whiteside la The Melting Pot 7: 
Madame N !>: Tbe Chocolate Soldier 13-14; 
llonevnionn Trail 19: Nashnova 3I>.M. BAjX' 
T.vGis' IE. Beaumont, mgr.) Kleaa ■■■aMrs 
Horses, Hane.v: and Company, .StemHoa aM 
Xugeut, Maude Marsh, Mantell and. Freslnl, 
Wilson. Franklin and Company, and pictures 
week of 5. M.\JESTIC iFriMl Cosman, mgr.) 
Cullen Brothers. Henry Bolker. The Elliotts. 
Ynlll and Boyd, and pictures w.H'k of 5. BIJOU 
(K. J. BlU. mgr.l BUOU stock Com- 
pany In Tbe Oatlaw and the Lady week of 5; 
Captala juK Staiifg «e BMMla week u$ IB, 

LTHCOLN.— OLIVER (F. C. Zehruns-. mgr.) 
The Dollar Prlnci-ss 0; Howe's Travel Festlral 
7: Walker Wbltcsldc In Tbe Melting Pot 8; 
Madame X 11. LiYRIC (Ijw M. Oorman. mgr.) 

WDeeis; Kinaioo; uoeeiw w .iacwus ^ r 
STANDARD (Leo BelchoibML aiir.) Nt 
tory OM's Borlesaueni. laelwHos Lady 
as a special fwture wi*k of S: The -nge 

George WsshlBBton. Jr.. with lonrte Slock Com- 
pany week of 6; Some Company In The Country 
Chairman week ot 13. ORPBECU (H. E. Bit- 
tings, mgr.) W. H. Murphy. Blanche Nichols 
and Company. Carrlllo, .Clark SUtera and 
Famum, Nevlns ami Erwood. Aldro and Mitchell. 
Rofsell and Divone, and others week of 6. 

OAASA. — RRANDIES (W. J. Burgess, mgr.) 
.Madame X S-S; Tbe Smart Set In His Honor 
Tbe Barber D-IJ: Polly of the Circus week of 12. 
BOY'D (Wm. Wsrren. mgr.) Miss Eva Lang In 
Mv Wife week of 5, KBITG (Chas. Frank, 
mgr,) The Girls From Dixie B-8: Tten Xlghts In 
a Bar Room 0-11. GATBTT (K L. Johnson, 
mgr.) BBly W. Walsoa and Girls from Happy- 
land week ot S. AMERICAN <Bd. Raymond, 
mgr.) Morton Jetvell Tmajw. .\delo MeXdl. Oto. 
W. Day, Barrett and Matthesn. Harrington. 
Mildred and Lester. Edwin Keoogh and Onm- 
pany, and pictures .week of S. ORPHBI^. 
Spirit Pslntlngs. Six .Musical Catty'*. Ike Sns- 
neet. Bellclalr Brothers. Stanlar aad Xarton. 
SniirrA Orover. Ben Beyer aad BrstKer. aad 
fl tl ats a week of 5. 



mgr.) Caught la MId-Oceau e-8; The PInfe I.ady 
10-11; Mrs. Sarah Bernhardt K. SAVOY (Harry 
Brown, mgr.) George Primrose. Murphy ami 
W«<st. James A. Kesman and Company. Fay 
Bond. Beeil ami Allen. Countess Bossl. Heely 
awl Adams. Tbe CIcrelaihls, Joe La FIcar and 
lilctnres week of «. YOUNG'S PIER. The 
Little Stranger. .May Eir 

Bob and T(p Coa 

Weston. Alice De 

tnres week of d. ^ 

CAKDEH.— TBMPLX. Temple Players in Out 
of the FMd wvck ot S: same company in Are 
Yon a Masonf week ot 13; same company .In 
Paid In FnU week ot SO. 


airz. — ELKS' (Frank Storta, 
Olson 21; Three Weeka 23; Tbe 

(CoaUaoed aa pace 38.) 

YUU^U'» l'lt:K. ine 
Ellaote, Dlaon and Dixon. 


WHITE'S coiar molb 

TiM T^w* Funnlwt M ulM on til* 


m innrrABUs 

A Bouquat of Songg 
Tied with a Bow of NMtneaa 




Til MiM IhBinl 
LEW.iLIEnT cmitti 







Vaw tn TaadarrOIa. Add. aara WhHe Bala. 

The Laf rasei^s 





1[?U]^ and BERT 

■•■I CowpBBokara !■ VaadaTllla 

KnlfaTnrawlna. Rap* Splisniiia. 
Fansy Nlfla ShooUnat 
Cowboy Lariat DanalaiK 



Cooper and Bartell 

K. and l». Tlma. 

TIb Tkm Fondeliers 



Praaanttna a Laaltlmaaa 

*A MRtrimonUl Sob«titati^ 

Sulllvsn 4^ Consldltta Clrsutt 


Xlm« Billboard 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 


Ladle* Orcbemtrs, H. O. Ttniinfll. 
-TiUe. FI«.. 14-16: Tiftoa, Oa^ 
_-idge 21; ColumbU. Aim.. £!; Dottaaa 
a>t 9B»7 24; PanueoU. m., 29. 

* BU Band: AberJeen. Scotland. 20; 
a.; Bdlabo^ a^^«w^Oa«U<», Bai ^, 


Adu^ lUnd*. la Gbaatadn. Cbaa. mfeouo. 

■sr.: W. T. 0.. Jan. ZS-Uanh 11. 
Alaa. Whan Do Ton Lire, Joa. 11. Weber, 

mgr.t K. T. C. Sept. 29. Inilef. 
ArilH, Ownve. in Disraeli, Llebler & Co., 

mgn.: Chicago, lU., Feb. 13, indet. 
\a tbx San Went Down, Artbar C. AIkiod. prop. 

* mcr.: Fblla.. 13-18. 
Aa Told In the HUlf, Story i Wilbur, mgn.: 

Buorar. Pa.. IS: Hagetslown, Md.. 10; Win- 
.ehaater. Ta., IT; Fnmt Boral 18. 
Allcn'a Xoileal ComeOr Co., BlUr Alien, mgr.: 

Beaomoat, Tax., e-18. 
Aemaa tba Gnat Uvlda. Oco. W. loron. mgr.: 

flbenmm. Ind.. M: Pannnborg 17; Hrmen 

18; Coalmoot IB; JaaooTlU* 30; Bloomlngton 

21; Bedford Zl; Loogootec 28; Salem U; Or- 

lenog 23. 

.\t the Mprcy of *nt>erlUK. Giuer ft Stair, mars.; 
Grand Rapids, MIrb., 1218; UUimukee, WU., 

Allen, Viola, In Ibe Wblle Sister (Llebler & 
Co.'Ji), D. C. Carry. niRr.: Rrookljn. N. 

Aborn EngllBh Grand Opera Co., MUton t Sar- 
gent Abom, mgra.: IndianapoII*, Ind., IS IS; 
IjOUlaTlIIe. Kr., 20-22; Columbus. O.. 23-25. 

Arrartlini. The, Cbaa. Frobman, mgr.: Mlnne- 
afioUa, Ulna., 12-18; UUwaakee, Wla., 18-29. 

Arcadlana. Tbe (Special), Cbaa. Fraliman. mgr.: 
6mn Prandsoo, Cel.. 13-3S, 

AogliD, MarKaret, in GMaa Stoektao, Uabter ft 

Co.. nigrs.: St. Looia. IfA. UkUT^ 
Aj^^PPtc Creek: Wore— tax. Tfaaa IS-ia. 
BaEy Mine (Eaatera), Wlfc . A. 'toalF. -Mi^: 

h: Y. C„ Aug, 23, InSS • ^ 
BarTTBore. Btbel. Chas. VMaaM. - mgr.: tt. 

T. O., Jan. 2. Indef. 
Bates, Blancbe. In Nobody'* Widow. I>aTld 

Belaaeo, mgr.: N. Y. C, Nor. IS, Indef. 
BUnn. tlolbrook. in The Boaa, Wm. A. Brady, 

mgr.: N. V. C Jan. 30, Indet. . 
Bnrke. BllUe, In Soaanne. Oba*. IMtamu Bsr.: 
. M. I. C. Dec 28-Peb. 18. 
■a«aalr (■aatam). DaUaatar * Kactl^ be.; 

■nbt PatacaoB. K. J„ U-lSi DMar tOt Boatk 

BatUaban. Pa., tl; sbaawMn 28; Mt. Oamtf 

23; Ashland 24. 
Beierly (Western). Oclamater * NORia, lae.. 

mprs.: Denlson, Tex., M; Dnrant. Okla., M; 

DaUas, Tex., IT: (IreenrlUe 18: Sdphnr 

Springs 20; Ft. Wortb 21-22; Waco 28; Aoatla 


Black PattI Musical Comedy Co., R. Toelckel, 
. mgr.: Atlanta, Gi., 13-lS; OrecnTiUe, 8. 0.. 
18; AsbeTllIe, N. C, IT; Salisbury 18; Dan- 
ville. Ta.. 20: Greensbora, N. C, 21; Wlnston- 
Ralem 22; Durbam 23; Bosnoke, Ta., 24; 
Lyncbburg 25. 

Bacbelor'a Honeymoon. Qllaon A BradOeld. 

Boa* of ZBancb. Q*o. W. AttabatTi a8r.i 
PanU Talley. Okla.. ISi Hocmaa 181 PaMD 
IT; Chlefcaaba 18; OUaboma Oltr 18. 

Uliie Monae (Biatem), W. B. Predertek*, mgr.: 

Morsantown, W. Ts., IS: Unlootown, Pa., 16: 
Kfuttdale IT; Omnersrllle 18; Wbeellng, W. 
Vs.. 20-21; WaablogtoD, Pa.. 22; Waynesbarg 
£1: Cosbocton, O., 24; Cambridge 28. 

Hoater Brown. Buster Brown Am. Co.. propa.: 
Uolill.-. Ala.. IS-IS; OulCport, Miss., IT: Hst- 
tleaburg IS; New Orleana, La., 10-25. 

Bnken Idol, Dave Seymoor, mgr.: Cbeyenoe. 
•«ryo„ IS; N, Platta. Mcb.. 16: OotbenbQrg 

*!i — " — ■ .«.— I 

, ia.. tt-uL • . 

* lanant Abon, mgn.i 
^18; fadlaaapolla, lad.. i»- 

Banco In Arlsoo*. Chai. Leekinx, mgr.: Boch- 

ester. N. T., 12 15: SyrsruM 10-18: Boatoo, 

Ussa., 19-2.1. 
firewater's MIIIIods, AI. RIcb, mgr.: Peorlt, 

ni.. 12-15; SprlneBeld 4ft4S;-St. Lonia, Uo.. 

I».2a. ■ 
BarrUr, The (American Am. -<^'* Inc.), Wm. 

O. CMtIb. mit.i Gradta-'Bui^'^OM.. IS: Bad 

■naS, OaL. m CUco. 18:^3^111* 18: Xary*. 

vOSaS: WbodlaBa 21: Tallaf* 38: Napa 28. 
■Mfe*. BtiUa. in BwianBa. CtiM. Prohman. nsr.: 

V. Z. a. Da& ae-Pah. Us-Bntoklyn 20-25. 
BNlaw. Kyne, in Baflw Okaai Prdunan, msr. 

AfadlMtn. WU., iSiiminink** 1«-M:^ 

m., 20-25. 
Baby Mine (Weateia), mn. A. 

Oanton. m., IT. 
Baaloa Orand Opera Co., Fli-nry Russell, 

Boatoo, Ma**.. Nor. T, Indrf.. 
Bemard. Sam. in He Came from Milwaukee. The 

Shnberis. mar*.': Bo«too. Has*.. 6-18. 
BtUy: (Hma. O.. 32. 
Ben Hot. Klaw ft Brianger, uxni.: Oklaboma 

City. Okl*.. 18-18. 
Barrier* Burned Away. OaakeU-MacTitty-Oarpaa' 

ter Co.. mgrs.: Wabpetoo, K. D., SO; Llabon 

tl: Rllaodala 22: Oake* 23; Bedfleld. S. D.. 

24: Clark 25. 
dbrtrr. Cbaa. In S^vi-n Hlstrrs. Daniel Prota- 

inan. mgr.: N. V. r., rvb. 20. (odef. 
Ccdller. Wm.. In I'll Be lianeed If I Do, Lew 

PIrlds, mxr. : S. Y. C. Not. 28. Indef. 
rrmrtrt. The. DsTid Belsaco. mjrr. : N. Y. C, 

Oct. S. Indef. 
(3offlmcTelal Traveler. Gi'n. A. Mlllen. mcr.: El- 
'^n eade. 111. . IS: nerrln 10: Johnston City IT; 

EbsriabaiB 18. 
Okrekna. iRalr ft Bavlln. aw*.: Alma. O.. 

.1»-1S: TnaoaKtaata IMS: Xewarli 30-2*. 

SO: Goon RapU* tt-M: Baaoa Mr MPMr >*; 

Perry 25-28. 

Clifford. BUly SInalr. Bob Ldtoy. mgr.: Cln- 

Clanatl. O.. IS-lft: I.onlaTtlIe. Ky.. 19-25. 

Carle. Rlrbard. In Jnmplnir Joptter, Prazee & 
Lederer. mgn.: Rfw'besler, N. T,, 13-15. 

Ctaom* Lady, with Eilna Anic. Henry B. Eti 

mar.: Toronto. Can.. I.t-IM; Clodnnatl, O., 30- 

OUaiaz, The (Tilteil PUy Co.'»). H. B. Corr. 
mgr.: Pooatella. Ida... IS: Loon. JItah. Ml 
Btlgbam IT: OaSan 18: 'BMi»^I8t 

Hi Ofaad JoBctios. OoL. 3*:. 

88i LeadTtila Mt lUMa .IBL 


Cat aafl the Piddle. Cbaa, A. SaUta, BAI 01^ 
eatai ni.. 12-18; Hammond, Ind,. IB: J^at. 
IIL. SO; Aurora 21; Kenqsba, Wl*., 22; Janc*- 
Tllle 33; Madison 24: Red Wins, Mlon., 25. 

Cow and tbe Moon. Ctaa*. A, Selloo, mgr.: Co- 
lumbia. S. C. IS; SoBtar 18: DuUiStaa IT; 

Greensboro 25. 

Cbmmntei*, Tbe (A), Benry B. Harris, mgr.: 
Baltimore. .Aid.. 13-18. 

Cowlwy'* GIri, Boy W. Sampson, mgr.: Arca- 
dia, Wis.. 15; Crandon 16; Merrill IT; Wan- 
aaa 18: Grand Bapid* 18; Tomab 20; KU- 
baom 31: Weataeld 32; Mew London 24. 

(%oeolale Soldier (Waatem). P. C. Whitney, 
^."■'■^IS' Aueiea. Cal.. 18-18; Salt Lake 
City 20-22; Ogden 33; Cbeyenne, Wyo., 25. 

Carter, Mr*. Leslie, in Two Women. John Cort. 
mgr.: Washington, D. C. 13-18. 

Crane. Wm. H., la U. S. MloUter Bedloe, Cbaa. 
Frobman. oigr.: Boatoa. Maaa.. ao-Fah. lb; 



Oraaman, Henrietta, la Aatt' 

gJSSSionTS;. "= 

Cahlll. Maria. In Jp4»' Porfot. D. V. Artbnr. 

mcr.: Phlla« IML ■ ' 
Country Bay-(B}. Baur B. Barrla, mgr.: Pblla.. 


Cboetdata Soldier (Eiatem), P. C. Whitney. 

mgr.: Clereland, 0„ 13-1& 
Chocolate Soldier (Ciantral), P. C. Witltney, 

iiiirr.: Tapeka. Kan., 15; JopUn, Mo., 16; 

.SprlngSeld IT; LltUe Bock. Ark., 18; Pine 

Klutf 20: Memphis, Tenn., 21-22; Nashville 


Climax, Tbe (Sonlbem), United Play Co., Inc., 
mgn.: Waco. Tax., 15; Tampla 18; Taylor IT; 
AasUn 18; San Aatooio 19k^ .. 

iM^. i>.in»e. r.teMar ft On.. sWM^t K. C-. 
Jan. 9. Indet. 

Diamond Klof, J. BBtt JshSMW. nsr.: Walnut, 
III., IS; Wcnooa Ml QUO ITt Toloea 18; Spring 
Vall«y 19: Lacon mS: MaMata 33; Atoo 23: 

Macomb 24.25. 
Ureasler, Marie, In Tlllle'* NMitmaN, Lew 

Fields, mgr.: St. Louis. Mo., 18-18. 
Dollar Princess. Cbaa. Frobman, mgr.; Boeton, 

M«a*.. le-Feb. 35. . 
Dollar Prince** (Special), Cbas. Frobman. migr.; 

Memphl*. Tenn., 15-18; New Orleau*, La.. 


Drew, Jobn. In Smith, Cbaa. Frobman, mgr.: 
Boeton. Maaa., 8-18: Woreeater 20: N. Adam* 
a^taSald 88s jblm. 88: tiSSSm 

iMWraMr. «lth iMDa tatt Kaasas Cltr. 

Excoae Me. Bamy W. laTafa, oisr.: M. T. < 
P»b. 18. tadef. . 

EUIIott. Maxine. la Tbe Inferior Sex, Oae. J. 
Appleton, mgr.: Denrer. Col., 18-18: Kanaaa 
City, Mo.. 20-2S. 

Ell A Jane, Harry Green, mar.: Big Sprlnas, 
Tex.. 15: Midland 16: Odesss IT: Pecos 18; 
Carlsbad, N. M., 20: Boswell 21. 

Ererywonian. Henry W. SsTsge. roer.: Balti- 
more. .Md. l:l-IK: WsKhlnKton. D. C. 20-23. 

Edeeoo, Robert, In Where tbe Trail Dlrldrs. 
Henry B. llarrlK. mgr.: Wavblngtoo, D. C. 
18-18; Norfolk. Vs., 20-21; Richmond 22-2S; 

Roanoke 34: l^aehbB^ 3S. 

■BtoM^ Ovtooda, la tba Dawn o( a To-Botsaw, 
LMilw ft Co., msn.1 tt Pad. Mlna.. IS-ia 

Eltlaca. Jnllan. In tba Faaeloatlne Widow. A. H. 
Wooda, mgr.: Boaton, Maaa,, S-18, 

Falrbask*. Dongla*. In The Cob. Wm. A. 
Brady, mgr., Chicago, 111., Feb. 6, Indef. 

French Opera Co., Jnlea LayoUe, mgr.: New 
Orleans, La., Not. 22, Indef. 

Father and the Boys, with Wm. H. Turner. Da- 
vid Kline, mgr.: Mile* city. .Mont., 1.); 
Bluings 16: Llrlogston IT; BozL-mau 18; Ratte 
19: Anaconda 20: Great PaUs 21: Heleoa 22: 
illswiula 23: Spokane, Wash., 24-25. 

Final Settlement. Monte Tbompcon, mgr.: port 
Hope. Ont.. Can.. 15: Cobourg 16: Kingston 
18; Benfrvw 20: Pembroke 21; North Say 22; 

Flake, Mrs.. In Becky Sharp, Hurrlsjn Grey 
Flake, mgr.: Hartford. Com.. 15; New BrII- 

rortane Hlintar (Eaatera), Cohtn ft HarrI*. 

men.: Phil*., 6-18. 
Follies of 1910, P. Zlegfeld. Jr.. mar.: Boatoo. 

JUas., Jan. 9, Indef. 
Flirting Princess, with Harry Bulnr, Mart B. 

Slater, mgr.: Denver. Colo., IS-llL 
Faversham. Wm.. In llie Faun, Frank 

mgr.: N. Y. C, 16- Feb. 25. 
Fortnne Hooter (Western), Cohan A Harris, 

mgr*.: Toledo, O., 13-18. 
Firing Line, A. O. Delamater, mgr.; Troy, Ala., 

IS: Andalusia 18; Brergreen, Fla.. IT; Pen- 

■acola 18. 

Fleming Arrow. E. °F. Kreyer, mgr.: Salem, N. 

3^ IS: MlllTlUe 16: Lakewood IT. 
Oatablaia. The. Antbors' Prodoelng Ot.. man.: 

N. T. C, Oct. 81. Indet. 
Gat-Rlcb-^ldE WaBJogfofd. Cohan ft Barrla. 

T. O.. Sept. 18, Indet. 
Gct-BIeb-QaIck Walllngford. Cohan ft Harris. 

mgn.: Chicago. III.. Dec. 4. Indef. 
Gillette, Wm., In Repertoire, Chas. Frobmso, 

mgr.: (Alcago, IIL, Feb. 6. Indef. 
Onnnlng. Lonlia, in Uia Balkan Prlaeeaa. Tbe 

Rbuberts. mare.! 
Girl 1 Love, 

K'h. 6, ladaf. 
Olaaer, Lnl%jB,|fe*. 

Shnbert*. — — " 

GUmorev Pan! Co.. In iMfe • Ullla Qwca. Oail 
moat, Thx., IS: Oa lw a t aa 18: Booatao ITi 
San 'Antonio- 18; DaBaa ttt Anatia 88; Ft. 
Worth 81. ^ 

GOmow, Pan], in Sod ■ Utila Oaaan, Carl 
zollnar. mgr.: St. Jobaa. N. B., Oaa., 13-18: 
Halitax. N. 8., 10-2S. 

«nia. V. T.. 1T| BomaU 18; Andorer 20; 
TMoaidi, Mich., 15: Morenel 16: Jonesrille 
IT: KanalDg 18; Grand Baplds 18-22; Kendiill- 
Tllle, Jnd., 23; Brysn, C, 24; Angola, Ind., 

Onnatark (Central), Baker ft Cattle, niinv.: 
Watklna. N. T., 16; Wellaboro. Pa.. 16; Dai:*- 
Tllle. N. Y.. IT: Bomell 18: Andora- 20; 
WeUsTlUe 21: Olaan 23; Mcadrlll*. Pa., 28; 
00 CUf M; IkaakllB 88. 

flrtaiai* iMUar - Daar.-.X: W. BAanaar, BMtr.i 
Baanafea. Ta.. IS: VartlnaiFllIe IS; Dani4Ka 
17; I^ehlnrg 18. 

Lrtter Lfal far 

Ub., 2S. 

and tbe Stampede, Gatkall ft MaeViity, 

';i^ A% ^SSSSSSt S: 

Giaaalaife (Waatem). Baker ft Oaatle. nisfa.: 
NaabTillc, Xknn.. 13-18; Cbsttaaooia SMSw 

Girl and tbe Outlatr, Robt. J. Biiaaai mjnr.: 
Elkhart. Ind.. IS; Waraaw Mt InMNjWl 
Alexandria 20; Tipton 21; MBBCla Bt SMW 
Castle 23; Hagcrstown 24, 

Gllmore. Barney, Geo. A. -Qulnn, mgr.: St, Jo- 
seph. Mo.. 12-lS; Omaha, Neb,. 16-18. 

Girl from Rector's, Max Plobn. mgr.: Austin, 
Tex., 15: San Antonio 16; Waco IT: Dalian 
18; Ft. Wortb 20: McAIester, Okla., 2t; Mus- 
kogee 22: Tulsa 23; Ontbrle 24: GI Reno 25. 

Girl and the Ranger (J. A. Norman'*), Frank 
P. Prescott, mgr.: Boblnaon, Kan..„lB; 
MorrlU 16; Hiawatha IT; Fall* Cilr. Bab.. 

outer. Van^n. ia tto Staa BttWML VsMtea 

Glaaer, mgr.: OelMalMi. O., IS-lSi Mlla.. 

Pa., 20-2S. 

Gentleman from Mississippi (Wro, A. Ttrtilysl. 
Geo, H. Harris, mgr.; Seattle. AVaab,, II-IS; 
Tacoma 19-20: Ylctoria, B. C, Can.. 21; West- 
minster 22: VancouTer 23-24; Belllni;h:im, 
Wa*h., 2S 


QIri sad tba Oawk (Win B. Laeke'a),,0(ur B. 
BMana, oigr.: ' Bodnnll Olty. la.. 15; Lobr- 
ellla 18: L&te City IT; (3owrIe 18; Ames 31; 
Ogden 23; Grand Junction 23; Scrantoo 24; 
Glldden 25. 

Girl* of 1910. O. M. Touns. mgr.: Alexis. III.. 

15; Moscatlne. la., 19: UtiDnlbal, Mo., '.Vi. 
(Mdees of Liberty, Mort H. SIdsit. inKr. ; To 

Icdo. 0., 1218. 
Olrl of My Dreams. .Io». M. Balti-t. mgr.: I'rorl- 

dcncc. II. I., 13-lS. 
Girl In tbe TralD, wlib Frank Daniels. Cbaa. 

DlUlngbam, mgr.: Newark, N. J., 13-18. 
Gieat'a Playcrt. Ben Greet, mgr.: narifurd, 

Ooan» lT-18. 
Olrl*. The Shnberts. uiffrK.: Kaniuut City, Mo., 


Olrl In tbe Taxi. A. II. \Voods. mvr.: Fall Blrer. 

Ma**., 1T-I8. . . 

Olrl In tbe T*xl. A. H. Wool*, mgr.: UakUad. 

C«l., 1818. ^ . 

Olrl from RecforV. A. U. Wooda. mgr.t Btat b 

lyn, N. y., 13-18. 
Hartnian, Ferris Mnsiral Comedy Co.: I<i» An 

gclcs. C«I.. Ott. 17. Inilef. 
Hen Pecks, Tbe. Lew Field*, mcr.: M. Y. 

Jan. 80, Indef. 
Hodge, Wm., la tbe Man from Home, UeUer 

ft Co.. men.: PtaUa.. Nor. 14. Indet. 
Hans Hanson Co.. loola Bala, msr.i drbttaMr. 

Tex., IB: Start 18: OaleoR IT: O f g nMll 'W: 

Bryan M: Faleellna 91; laekatafOV 98: Lat- 

kln 28; Garrlaoo 24; Carthage 35. 
HIggtns. Darld. Id Hto Laat Dollar. K, l>. 

Stair, mgr.: aereland. O.. 18-18;, Blyrla 30; 

PremoDt 21; Morenel, Mich.. 22. 
Hackett. James K.. In tbe KInc's 0'ai« •Win. 

X. Brsdy's), F. J. t^suBmsn, mgr.: Paducab, 

Kr.. 1.1: Memphis. Tenn.. 16-lti: Hot S|irinii*. 

ArV. '-H: Utile Rork 21; Ft. Smith 22: Mo.VI. 

loK-r. Okla.. 2.1: Munkocee 24: TnUa 2.'. . 
Honeymoon Trail. Kelly A FitsOerald, nicri.: 

.M«rysTlllp, Kan,. IS; Manhattan 10: llolMa 

17: LeaTeawortb 18: St. Joaenh. Mo.. Ift; 

Trenton 30: KlrfcarlUe 31: BraASeld 33: Ma- 

coa 38; MAafly 34; Baaalbal 38. 
Haratd. Vltslnla. in the Woman Be Marrlad. 

Artbnr J, Atfeaworib, tasr.: Memphl*. Teas. 


mont, H; Om 


BltCheoA Bajniond. IB tkff ■Mtm .Wtg UWim 

Broadway, Cohan & BsMa; a^ta;! Mir Or. 

leaoB, La.. 12-18. 
Hopper, DeWoir. In A MaUaee Idol. Daaiel V. 
. Artbnr, mgr,: San Antonio. Tcs., 18; Gal- 

▼eetoa 16; Bontloa lT-18; Naw Orleans. Is., 


HUIIard, Bobcrt, la A Fool Thai* Wafc fiiliMlll 

mpson, mgr.: Waablagtoa. D. C. la-Uk 
Hlte, Mabel: Dearer, Oolo., 18-18. 

_ _ - Hfoo, ngt.s 

Thompson, mgr.: Waablagtoa. 
lite, Mabel: Dearer, Oolo., 18-lC 
Human Heart* (Sontham), C. B. 

KnoxTllIe, Tenn,, 18. 
Hons* of a Tbwifod Ca a dla*, 8lB AUao, aar.: 

LIncolh, BL. H. 
Happy Hooiigaa, Oos BOL wfr.t OMaBaM. 0., 

12 18. 

In Old Kentucky, A. W. Dlngwdii_ BMr.t 
YouDgston'D, 0., 13-15: WbeellDf,. W.^8., 
16-18; BalUmor*. Md.. 20.25. 
nungtoo. Margaiat, ' 
J. sowM^ mgr.: 







The most coOTcnlent book erer arranged for the 
a*e of Managen, Agent*, Performcra, etc. Oom- 
plete la Ewy OetatL 



416 Elm St.. fClwelnnatl^ O. 



Igordon & 


Jewelen and 

BaUb. 1888 

. XU. 

We are the low- 
est price whole- 
aala Jawalry and 
Norelty Booaa la 

We bare erety- 
tblng ot the lateat 
•ad largeet ■lock 



We at* aSdaslaa 
D. B. A. Ageata far 
the greateat moaap 

maken. Himlet 
Raynold Watche*: 
also namllton beat 
aelllug Raaor*. 



Send ftar frea tilnaliBtad Uat of 
T.B. MOrr CO,lll-(IT 8UI8M St. 




Write for price lint. WM. WUBl'i'LKlM, MsTm 

got N. fixvitid Ht . I'hnL<1oliilna. T^. U. 8. ft. 





■ ••••a***«« laOO 



CHieftoob 11 

TAl II OK iiiin 

The picture* ir* derelopad. 
toned and flDlsbed In a ain- 
gle dereloplng aolntloo. Olr* 
cular* deecriblag oar_m*- 
cbtnea aent free. AHBBI* 
D«pt. K. v.. 7»0 W. IStb 
Btr»rt. Chlnaro, III. 


««,E0 a 1,000: lata tbaa 
a 1.0C0. 10 ceala a.lOa 
Ftamea. Ilka eat. -SLU 
per are**, Wa aeil all 
aapplle* for minut* ple- 
tnre maehloea at • cat- 
rale price. Price llat aent 
ursili. Ont-Bata Bhala 
8ur;>lT Co., IMT g, ari> 
■tad St., Okloag*. HL 


FOR _ 

In 8«ad eoodltlaa; bmp la 
Pair. New 4 h. p. BUrt__. 
knockdown wagon. Ba** aOMt 
compela me to dlspoie ot lbs 
low price of 8600; srorth •" — ' 
Pen. Del., Tampa, Fla. 


FOB balk OB TBAOE— 15 Trick TMei^one*. 

1 Antomatle^Head Beading' Machine, 'w'^loaaoi 

friBRUARY Ifl^ 1911. 

Ttie Billboapd 


JudIh. Elnl9. In llw Slim Prineeia. Obu. DU- 
Ilnsbim, mgr.: N. Y. O., J«a. 2. Indet. 

Juki out o( Coiltge, Botbner * Campbell, nsnLi 
Cvrdcle, am., 10; Amerlcu* 10; MUleiilWTUw 
IT: AngMU 18; ODlumbU. 8. 0>. 20: OrMB- 
Tllli! 31: BpuUnburg 'JS: AahcvlUe. N. C. Xi; 
Morrtotown, Turn.. Ml KamiTllI* 3S. 

jatuM Bora ta Mtnourl tKllmt * Ounle'si, 
AUMrt IkM. mgr.: St. ImIi. Mo.. IO-SS. 

JufvDilo Boataalau, B. R. Lane, mgr.: Sanlt 
Sir. Marl*. Mich.. lO-iS: Saiilt Stc. Marie, 
Oot., Can., lS-18: NcwbufT, Mich., 20; Mob- 
uiuK 21; Xacaaata 22: Konrajr 22; Inn Mooa- 

Jolly" Uacbelora, r«« WUUii Mtr.r' MmIimI, 

Can., 18-18. 

JrMp Jarae«. 3. W. Browalee, mcr.: PatlnlU^ 

Pa.. IS: Sbamokln 16: ttuoburj 17^ . 

Kailr Dill, Joa. <tl. Oaltca, mgr.: Cbleaco, IlL, 

Feb. IS. iDdet. 
Kolker. Uemr. In tbe Occac Mama. B«IU7 W. 

Savaite. mn.: Cblraao. III., Jan. I. Indet. 
Ktllcli, Bertu, In Kreutier Svuti, Tlia SlB- 
bcrU, ogra.: Akron, 0., 22. 

f.4irlm(r. Wrigbt. In Ibv Sbrpbrrd Klu, Wm. A. 
Bradx, mgr.: jTolumbna. O., IS-la; DeCnit, 

UlT, A*. OaTld Ilalaaco, aagr.: CtaeUwaSt, 
" -■i Ja&aivalliL lad.. »42: Umla- 

mgr.: Malrcra, Ark., Ut;AAMtttii» M: 
PrcKott 17: Btampa |g|: mBSt^^ 
drr* 2>: Marlanoa -JS: rumtt DItir M( ftarrla- 

hur( 24; Jonrabom ZA. 
fjon and tbe Moum«*. United Play Co.. luc, 

mgn.: MaaoD City. la.. 15: Alcona 10; 

Amn 17; Boon« IN: Drm Molon 20-Z2: Ksox- 

Till* 23: ODtrrrlllr 24: Albia 25. 
(Jglit Btrrnal. Rice A 8Ulr * HaTlIn, mgra.: 

Jrnwr Ctty, N. J.. l.-l-1g: Pataraoa W-3S. 


(.ackajr*. Wlltaai. la Tho atraagor, U 8. Slra, 

mgr.: Baltlaort. Md.. U-lt. 
Mgli. B«rt. Id Tb» Man oa tba Box. Brawl I^M- 

moi*. mgr.: Claco, Tea., 15; gtopbaoavllla !•: 

Cftmancbe 17; Coleman 18, 
fJon and tbr Mooae, W. U. Bala, aur.: JooUa, 
Mo. IB: Ft. Seott. Kan.. !•: PltMbmg ITj 
gprloggtld. Mo.. 1*. 

MarltnnaM. rhrlMlc. In Tbp Hprtng HgH. W|»- 
»<a * Lnrarhi>r. miro.: N. T. C, tUtt- H. 

Matlamr Rhrrrr. mmne. I^pdrrrr A WaM*. 

mgra: N. Y. O.. Ang. 30-Marcti 4. 
Marrtasr a la Carlp. UeMrr A Co.. mxrn : 

N. Y. C. Jan. 2. Indef. 
Mlllrr. Ifmry. In Tb^ llaTOe. Klaw gc ErlaoKPr. 

mcra.: N. Y. C. Jan. 9, Isdef. 
Iluorr. Victor. In tbr llapplMt Night or III- 
' Lit*. Ftaacc * Lrdrrer. mgra.: N. T. C J". 

tedaf . * 
liMlaaa. Bnry KM. mgr.: IVm. Itnl.. l.i 
ladlaaapella Ig-IS: OlUwa. tit. W: 
30: I.lnmle 31: Blooalagtiio 39: Owatar 33-. 
Bprtncflald M. 
Mr CiDdtrrlla Olrl. No. 1. Dtlaautar * Morria. 
Inc., mgra.: Chattaaooga. T»nn.. IS: Itonir. 
Oa.. 16: AUaala tT-I8: Hpartanbnrg, 8. r . 
30: Cbarlolla. N. C. 21; Sallaborr 23; Qr<rnt 
boro 33: DaBTlll*. Va.. 54: Lrnrhbarg 2.V 
Mr CIndrrrlla Olrl. 2, Driamairr * N«rri< 
inc.. mxra.: SI. Tbomaa. Ont.. Can.. '.I: 
WoodalMk 1«: Ramllloa lT-18: l.oodon ?»: 
BraUfeid 31: IVtrrhora 33; C<>t>->unc 23: IWII.- 
yUtf M: KlngatOB 35. 
llaa aa U* Bag, Moat* ThomtHwn. mgr.: Porta- 
BS!*''i« v>> llfS WrIlatoD 18: Chllllrolba 18: 
WInmalaB W: *prlng«rlil 2S: Ijinraairr 33. 

"V !* ft* ^9*t Tmaadal*. mgr.: Craw- 

!S«*7n'». lai^ U: mmwd W: AlazaadrU 
IT; AodrrMD Ift ■Caaaatg a mf SO: abanvrlllr 
I'i.P'T'S!'^'* ^> (wttBliw S3: afjmm 2«; 

Bedford 35. 

Man on thf Box (TVi-.n-rni. «. B. Ptrfr* * Co.. 
mgra.: Llrlngaton. Monl.. 15: Ulaaoola U; 
Wallacr, Ida.. 17; Sp<.kanp. Waab.. 1S-1» 
Mrt-ailrten'i riatii. Ilarl.m A Wlanrll. mara.: 
CltTrlaod. O., Ll-IN; WaablDKlon D. C., 20-2-V 
Macaulry. Wm.. In riaaamatra, Jan. A. Mtg, 
mgr.: Clarkarlllr. Tei.. 15; VKarkaaa 'Ut 
BatnTlllr. Ark.. II: NXrport Sfl IgBHhlta 
„»• Poplar BloB, Mo,, 25, 
. ttottgtin Omm q^,_BaM. Kana, mgr.: Spar- 
..^SS^JSs, '"■*1> Onlambla 3n-2.'i. 

Old QtealcMi). r. W. BIrbardann. 

»"'•! .MMdlrabore. Kg.. Mi Mllea. Vnn.. 
IT: Coal CMwk I»: Boekwmd 90: Partoa 81: 
Joiiih Plllabnrg 22: Tlillahnma 23: MnrfrmH,. 
•«W« 21: I.»ban«n 23. 
Mrlrlll,-. Rom-. In Rli. Ilopklna. J. R. ttllrllna. 
mgr.: Rlrbmnnl, Va.. 13-lS; Norfolk 20- 

Madamp Staerrr (Wratrrn). Woo.)a. Fmai-r * I.«<|. 
l*drr»r. mitra.; Atlanta. Oa.. l.'\-IS: Colnni- 
S £;- Aiiaiiala. Oa.. 22: CharWt.m. 
S;.*— !2i "arannab. Oa.. 24; Jackannrlllr. 

Madama ttkmr rW»«t»rn>, WunlK. Praap « 1*it- 
5S!"_"'iI?' f"'- «»■»*: •■oloMdn 
rii»^-M?' C<»p»MUH>. Wjo.. 21; Salt Lak» 

*'r Ky '"■'"y <llaat«ra>. Wend*, ftaar* * 
Klnnlon 25. 

Mmiirom«-.r A Rioor. In tbe Old Town. Cbia. 
lillllncbim. mgr.: St. r.nuU. Mo.. 13.26. 

Mailaoie X (Eaatem). Il-nrr W. Sarago. mgr.: 
kiir'T; 1*^111; iv>rtland 1«18: Harar- 

wn, Maia.. 20; Lawn-nre 21: iMmrO 22-23; 
Manrbealer N. H., 24: Burllnaloo. Vt.. 36. 

Mailamn X mealm). Haorj w. Saran. mgr.: 
""''.•<«•• !»».. 18-1«: Oalreaton IT; Bean- 
w?' 'J.* 8!''»»*iw'- W-SO; TViarkana. 

Jm,W g'oik'54"36'*""' 
if'r.TiT.? •loolhanit. Ilrarr W. SaTaga, mgr.: 
Mllebell. B. D., Id; Moox Falla l5: Maaoo 
'J: I-aCtnaae. Wla.. 18: Vlnona. 
Minn. SO; Red wing 21; Raa CTalre. Wla„ 

M^r*;, n-',"!"" ^" Oabkoah 35. 

'';"•'"">. Henry W. Saraga, 
R*^Va JonrtLm. Colo., 16; tbit Lake, 

ii": i*'": n»Tn«nllno. Cal.. 30: Bcdlaad* 
•l^lrrraMe 33: Banu Barbara 23; San Mago 

Willow <Wi-atern). Hanir W. SaTaga, 
vi„~ «»«oj»llli, lad.. 15; tadlaaapnlla IMd; 

Mr"?;., 'JE2.'."«'1» '^'•a 2«: Springfleld 28. 

Ai.i"". '^•C""- »"">•• '•■'■'I'. 

All TI..- «'«ka«P. Waah.. H-15. 

'"^ naltlmor*. Md.. IS.IB. 

SlVr Pwu.."lTl8''^'''''*- 
"K; ^''1" "I,.,""' *^«W'aa' Patch. UaMer * 
■ ""g".! CMngn, III,. 1«.ia. 

Mlnlaler'a Sweotheart: Kanaaa City. Mo., 12-18. 
Mlaa Nobody from Starland, Mort B. Singer. 

mgr.: Mlnneapolla, Mlim., 19-22: 8L Paul 


Nangbly Marietta. Oacar n iillgtllg; mtr.: 

N. y. C. Not. 7-Marcta 4. 

No Mother to Oolde Her (KUakt St BgWMlll'i) 
Uisirge E. MvUoiuld, mgr.: BaitOBk Ifiaa.. 
13-18; PhUa.. Pa., 30.25. — — • 

Newlywrda and Their Baby (Eaatara), Laffler- 
Bratton Oa., ptopa.: Taira Haute, lad., IB; 
Charlealon, III., M: Decatur IT; Qntacg 18; 
Kanaaa Cltr, Ho., 1»-2S. 

Xowlyweda and Thalr Baby <WcatcRi), ItfOler- 
Bratton Co., propa.: Ft. Worth, Tez.. 14-18: 
Waco 18: San Antonio 17-18: Galreatoa 10: 
HooatoQ 20-31; Port Artliar 22; Beaumont 23: 
Lake Charlaa, ta., 24; Lafayette 2S. 

Nigger, Tbe, with Florence Koberta, Wm. A. 
Brady, mgr.: Grand Junction, Colo., 13; Lead- 
Tllie 18: Sallda IT; Canon City 18: Victor 
18; PtMMo 20; Colorado Springs 21; Boulder 
22; Ft. Colllaa 28; Cheyenne, Wyo., 24; Gree- 
ley, Colo., 35. 

NaatmoTa, Moie. Alia, la Bcpartolre, Tbe Shn- 

Tifn' ifgiSfiig^; *Ti' 

New%rk aippSiaiMl&wrbfekac«, IU.I 24- 

Vah. IS. ' 
Oiir Worid. mok MCEgg. Bwr.t K. Y-Oh fib. 

t, iBdat 

Orer NIgbt. Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: K. T. C. 

Jan. I. Indet. 
Ola Olaon, J. H. Bewltt, mgr,: 8UT«r Cltf. N. 

Mei.. 17; OemIng 18; El Paao, Tez., 10-90. 
Oar VUlace Poatmaatcr (Pcrry'a) Wm. B. Laen- 

ard, mcr.: Sanborn,' la., 15: Royal 18; Paea- 

boataa IT; Ida Grore 18: Breda 18: Danbnry 

2<l; Battle Crei'k 21: Vail 22. 
O'ilara. Flake, Al. McL.c-an. mgr.: MlnneapoUa. 

Minn.. 12-18; Anatin 20; Maaon City. la., 21; 

Uea Molnea 23; Ottnmwa 23; Hannibal. Mo.. 

24: Moberly 25. 
Old HomeatMd, with X. U. gaader (Denmaa 

■ vi% Kr., u-u- 0igT4lai5rcr. Sty 

Old numeetojd. with Wm. La«raaM il) 
TtanaiMoa'a) Flmak Tbemnaoa. i^gr.: Tkaaton. 
Ont.. Can.. 15; PictOD l^Cobont IT;- tVler- 
bofo 18: Pott Bapa 95: Oahawa 91s Uwlaay 
»: MMlaad a; MMtoJM^J^liiMMd 

K, V. 

ISntan-ter Walk. Llebler * Co. 
C Doc. 30. Indef. 

Pair o( Country Kids, Henry W. Unk. mgr.: 
Qnecn City, Mo.. 1«: Trenton 18: Bedford, la., 
'--<>: Bopklaa. Mo.. 21; Clarlnda, la., 23: Corn- 
IDC 34; Crealoa 2S. 

I-ovuier. Beulab, Bart 4k NIcolal, mgra.: Nf«- 
vt. N. J.. IS-IS: Brooklyn. N. X.. 30-25. 

Panama (Penr'ai. Art Wllllama. mcr.: Ft. 
MadlMo. la., 15; Wataaw, Ul., M; Canton.Mo., 
IT; Hannibal 18; Milan 21: Osgood 22; l.iiiiea- 
port 33; Jaaeaton 24: Bethany 25. 

Pnace ot Pllaea, Henry W. HaTage. mgr.: Kr:e. 
Pa.. 19: BaAda^ N. ,Y.. I»U: ItMiSta. Caa., 


Pack's Bad Boir. Baaasr * Oatlar, agia.: Croara 
Point. Ind., 16; Bcnsselaer Id: LaPayette 3T: 

CtMmpalga. lU., 18: Danrlllr 30; Decatur 22: 
Paris 23; MaiKhall 24: Braill. Ind.. 25. 

fort of Vllaaing Men. Bowland 4k Oaafccll, men.: 
Indlanapolla. Ind.. ISIS; 1>[>lrdD. C. 16-18; 
Uaytoo 23-30. 

Prlorr of Ills Race. Oacar Grabam. mgr.: Mar- 
low. Oklo.. 1.1: Comancb* 16: Wanrlka IT; 
Ryan 18: Lawtoo 19: Altna 20. 

Paid In Pull. WagcnluUs A Kemper, mgra.: 
LootoTllle. Ky., 12-18; Ctaelooatl. O.. 19 35. 

Pasaiaa or Iba Third Floor Back, with Ian 
Boliertaoa. The Shaberta, mgra.: Chteago, III.. 

Powara, Jauwa T., la Hargaa, fhg Shupcrta, 

auiTa.: San rraaelseo, OaL. '.WiL 
nak Lady. Klaw iKMaaaar, awB.! PhUa.. 

Polir of the cirriin. piMltrfg Thtapiga. ' gwr.: 

Omaha. Neb.. 1215. 
PaM lu roll (Central). Unltnt Play Oo,, lac, 

mgrs.: PItUburg. Kan.. IS: PafgOM 16; In- 

deiiendcncc 17: Coffeyrlllo 18. 
Paid In Full. II. M. Horkbelmvr. mcr.: Salt 

Ste. Marie. Ont., Can.. IS. 

Queen of tbe Highway. Uorriaon A Brfferlln. 
mgra.: St. U<aU. Mo.. 12-18; Kanaaa City 

Queen of the Mnnlln Rouge. Samuel Hork, Ofr,; 

noli.-. Ida.. IT IS. . , 

Rrbrrra of Snnnvtin«>k Farm. Soa. . Illa»>». 

miir. : N. V. C. <><-t. X In.l. f. 
RabMt's Foot Co.. I'at Cbapivll. niKr. : Da.Ttona. 
ria., 15; Ormnnd 16: St. AuKiistlai- 17: Haat- 
Ings 18: Palalfca 20: Bawilwnir -Jl: Reddlck 
23; Miranovar 23; Intrrlacbvn 24: Green Cora 
Sprlna 28. 

Bound Dp, Ma. Bmoka, mgr.: Chicago. III., 5-18: 

Clnctaaatt, O., 90-28. 
Royal SIaT», OtOk H. Bubb. mgr.: Clinton. Mo., 

16; Sedalia IS;: Pallaa IT: Jaffataoa City 18; 

WashlagtoB 10: fWlBa SOi DaSalo 91: Bonne 

Tisrre 3; Deataaa Mllaelaa 34: St. Uaiya 3S. 
Roblnaon, Hay, la the KajareaatlOB of Aunt 

Mary, L. S. Slrr. mgr.: St. Panl. Minn., 

19-18: Owatonna in: Red wine 20: LiCrosae, 

WIS., 31: Diihuiiiu-. la.. 22: Darenport 23; 

Mollne. III.. 24: Dra ^lalnPK. 25. 
Ruwll. Lillian. In In Searrh uf a .-dinner. Joa. 

Ilrotiks. miir. : KnmvlUi-. T. nn . 1.^: Obatta- 

nooca 16: Nr(»hvllli> IT: I.. \ltiKt"n. Ky., 20; 

Cbarli-aton. \V. V«.. 21-22: lUmnLki-. Vs.. 23; 

Lyncfahurc 34: Salisbury. N. c. ir,. 
Boaary. Tbe (Rowland A CllSonl's No. 1 Co.): 

Boston, Maaa., iadef. ... 
BoMuy. The < Rowland A OMoift Ma. S OMI 

Pittsburg. Pa., lS-18. 
Boaary, The (Rowland A CllSkml's No. 3 Co.), 

Wm. n. uraile, mgr.: ChattamH<g*. Tenn., 

IS-I8; Knosrille 30-36. 
Rnaary, Tt>« (Rowland A Cllffoitl'a N». 4 Co.), 

M. 8. Ooldalne. mgr.: Aahlsnd. O.. 1.1: tlsllon 

Id; Buryrus 17; Canton 18. 
Ilnhertaon. Forbea. In tbe Paaalnv of the Third 

Floor Back. The Sbnberts. mgra.: Cblcsgo, 

III.. Jan. 23. Inlef. 
Bossry. Tbe Gsakoll A MacVltty, mgrs.: Msn- 

wato, Minn., 15: Farlbaall 18: Northdeld IT: 

Hastings 18: Winona 19: Rochealsr SO; Owa- 

tnnns 31: Albert bra 22: Oaaga^ Ia„ 23; 

4*harlca Cltjr SI: WattrlT — 
Reii Mm n. R. miin. m 

Can.. 18: Qaebee lS>ff. 
!iv-lnn<<r. Oils. In Bin. Chaa. IMiaua, Bkgr.: 

N. V. C, Jan. 34-FrS. IS. 
Btarr. PrancM. In The Kaalaet War. Itarld 

B*laac«, tagr.t Plttabaig, Pa., IS-lSs Bniok- 

Ijro. tf, T.. aO-9B. 
Sam Ktaa (WMtara), Wtteethal Biaa.. agi*.: 

Wheeling, W. Va.. IS-M; Yonagslowa, c, 


Sllrar Tbreada, Ine I.ana, mgr.: Albany, Oia., 
IB: Bwgene 18; SIlTerioo IT; Salem IS: 
Partlaad 10-35. 

ika. Que.. 

(OoBllaneA an paga 41.) 



We manufacture the most extensive 
line in the country. If you wish to 
enjoy a sensation ot looming big loofit, 

fet m touch with ub and our low prices, 
)o it now.beforaTOu get mired in the rut 
of poor stuff and poor Muim of other maben. 
Catalog free. Samples submitted. Quick action. 

COSMO NFS. C0„ 311-312 ff. Wdipi Stmt. CliEUO. HL 

Oat aar pclcaa aa aoap and tnflat artlelsn. Tku 
Oar advert Islng assorted packagaa wttB 
hara the llaah and raloa that gat Ifea 
Irerybody nsca tham. MAKB ORBAT SODVUnU 
POB' SHOWS. CABNIVAU. BTC. Money-nttais (or ea» 
TaaaaiB and fakera. One young man cleared tI,O0B.BS ta S 
mcntha straight on s house to booso csnvass. Are you doing as wrllt If not. seixl t>oata] to-day. 
We wUl teach you bow. E, M. DAVIB SOAP CO., 406 Da via Bld«.. 14^8 Carroll At».. Cliloeaa. 


Money-csttais tar 



te naitad on aaeb, blgkast grade, caa* ot 8,000 packagaa, 

thas «• par S* package. Sccoad grade, witk beanUtol Inbd, 
•titr. SsJsW aaaa. TIdrd grade. aaaM laM aaS «aaatM|r.aa 
I. ■BK gjf SBIglM caaea la ptapocUagb Mmu MBfe.nHb 

$3S.Mt flailtal 
atyi* paekag* aad qnaatltPi 
grade, SKkOO per caaa. ~ 
Pnaapt aklpmeata. Sai . 
cola aa^la* operatora who are nalag aor xsuax SUV, 

S4S Jaaihwa 


> ■ . OHMMOa tt4» 



Plgnn Bight Coasters, Scenic Ballways. Shoot the Chatas. Badac Oaaa t a s s, Thmtrsa. Mcttg-Oa- 
Ronada. Wa buy and aall aratTtklag la th* park bnalaaaa. W« IMS SSW.fBlSl 

good concesitons. We hare bnllt twenty-two parka comidele. aad asar a haadn 

anrt .mall. .\MT'SKMPNT (-(iNSTItrCTION CO. n-'t Dnilr Willf . Ch!<-a«o. 

lUKlaucu I'tiuua llaiKluI^b 1221. 

Ijocml and 


' Opana Saason 1911 Mlay lat 

WAMTItO. TWO ViBST-CIJMS PAIIt ATTBACnONS. Can place Trained Wild Animal Show. 
WUd WgaL arDMt aadFMir Show aad two good Platform Shows. WUl sell tbe folkiwlDg Prtrllegea 
egelDCtam OMkBoBN n« IdOieh, Kalfe Back, Cane Hack, Boly Poly. Jap Games. Bird Wheal 
sad Baao-la. AU araat Sa Srat-elaaa frame-opa. Brerythlnc new this araaon, stcu the territory, 
whicb. wo caa c«a«lac« yoa. la the best In tbe country It It la lire onco you are looking for. 
Addrcaa «olck WlU, H. WBIDBB, Mgr., Box 112. Coalton, Ohio. 




Look oa orer at XaroatOb Ausoat 28-Sapt 9. PtrtBaaant addrna. Hlat, meklgaa. 




HavinK own Portable Cdonial Building, auitaUe for ntiiking week or Psrk 

atancku This is ths liassi iasoba&JbddUt aow jte 

ness keeping me from taUng out fhb eoniBg sssson. Address 

DR. H. K.SNYDER, 5847 Baacon StrMt, Plttaburg, >•. 



largeat and faateat growing city in the SouthweHt. Addreaa H. R. BAILEY, 33S 
W. Miaaouri Avenue, El Paso, Ti iah 

FOB SAXX-Oaa dIMrt, ■sg U l g Ci l iai il . SS aatBH . . 
aU In good shape. Oaa Baetite CkiaaagI, SSit. ShMb, 4S SBlgMn^ 4 ( 

two motors, all In good sbspe: will aeU with Bsod park Icaaa la tka ■ 

Urge city or 3SO.00O: cbcap n-atal; price reaaoaable. One Slgnce Bight 
park, owned by traction company, la Ohio; flae lake: about 200,000 to . 
I5.S00. Mgure Eight Coaster located In good park In Arksnaas; rental IM af t>» 
celpts. Can remain or can tw rvmor^. Only been ran aI>oat six montha. 


Btoaaaa aad Attnwtloaa booked. Would Ilka to hear from ArtlaU and Boad Bbowa at aU It 
•^tat Northwtat Circuit," UTZByATIOVAL AMVBUCZXT KXCHAVOK. YaaoeaTsr, B. 
SBS .as S>S. Stt - «^«a. — 


Blllboar a 



(Coatinocd trom pace 38.) 

Time, tbe I>la« and the Girl Marcb 1: The Cli- 
max 4; Tbe Sqaav-man 6; Th« Girl from Rec- 
tor'a 10: The Great CMnatawn Trunk Myatcrr 
ST. GEM (Abbott * Hooaton. mgr.) Vande- 
TlUe. CRYSTAL (Joe ScotU. mgr.) VandeTllle. 


BBOOKLTB.— MONTACK (Edward Trail, 
mgr.) Tbe TraTrilnK Salesman week of 6; 
George Evana' Minstrels vcvi-it of ^lA- 

JESTIC (W. C. Fridlej-. mcr.) Bobcrt Mao- 
leU week of G. Grace Van Studdltord week of 
0. TELLER'S ftROADWAY (Leo. C. Teller, 
Robert Billiard Id A Fool Tbere Wns 
week of 6. Cbnaoce.v Olcott week of l:t. 
Frances Starr In Tbe Easiest Way week of 20. 
SHCBERT (L. J. Rodrlqaes. mgr.) Marie 
Cawn Id lodT rut^ot mak at 0^ XiMst Ton 

. aiid Companx wMk tC 1«i .: ASiraiO.v 

(L. A. Kelnu. mtr.) Tbe OU IWB Btetor's 
week of 13. BIJOU (Uateo* Loew. mgr.) 
VandeTllle. COLU^IBIA Qlareas Loenr. mcr.) 
Vaudeville. ROVAL (Uaccos Imir. mgr.i 
VandeTllle. JONE.S (Marcos Loew. mgr.) Vau- 
deTlUe. PHILUP.s- I.VCErjr ILoala PblUIpx. 
mi;r.) Stock. PAYTON S LEE AVE. (Corse 
Parton. mgr.) Old Jed Prouty week of 0. EM. 
PIRE (Gcorce McManus. mgr.) Big RcTlew 
week of O. Jardln De Paria Girls week of 13. 
CASINO (Cbarles Daniels, mpr.) Jardln Ue 
Paria Gteia week oCO. Clark'a Ronawur GlrU 
weak aC IS. OAYBTT (B. B. Denny, mgr.) 
Baa Vuom waak ot & Boweiy Bnrlcaqners week 
oC IS. OBPHXmt (Pkank KUbola. mirr.) Nat 

C. OaadvlD aad Compaiir. . Kltaann Japa, 
' Maria aad Bmia Hart; Stidlen and Cotalll, Tern- 
pent and Smiablne. Gene Greene. Rarfx Breen. 
Tbe Rexng. clrrnmatantlnl Brldence week ot 
A. OREENPOINT (Benedict Blatt. mcr.) Ger- 
trude Hoffmann & Co.. Ediranls. Van anil 
TIemey. Wormwo4Hl*B Animals. Barry aofl Wol 
ford. Marirnerlte Starr and Company. Andcr. 
Min and Gaines, Chalk Saunders, ami Mr. anil 
Mrs. Edwin Connolly wi-ok ot 0. CIlESfEXT 
(lew Parker, mgr.* Palil in Full wrok "f C. 
Portr-llve Minnies from Broadway week of 13. 
OamAM (Panllnr H. BarU. inBt)_ Tte . Wo 

tbe ^la ^^^' '^ 

_^ BALL 

(J. OUbatt Oacdaa. afr.) BMtM lrBpboiir Or- 
^aalta S: CjrrU SmH la Aa Lottery Man T-8: 
TMdlab Players f>: Eddie Foy and Emma Cams 
In Cp and Down Broadway 10-11. EMPIRE (J. 
B. Slioades. uiur.: Eoatem Wbeel) Bnn-ory Bur- 
havnta 0-8: Trocaderoa 0-11. GAIETY (Oscor 

■taaey. mjp*.; Wc*stem Wbeel) Gay Momlnc 

atorfea week of 0. 

AVBUBjr.— JEFFERSON (E. J. Lvncli. mcr.) 
Tbe Robyns Pla.rers wwk of 0. except 9, wben 
Al. G. Field's MInstn>ls will be tbe attraction 
Mmc. Scbnmann Hclnk Mar. 3. RHRTIS GRAND 
JJ. M. Roaa. mgr.) Toby L)-ans In Wbat Wrlgbt 
Vin S-T. BAPPYLAND (Prank- Simpma. mgr.) 
The BbeDy Trio. Klimebrew Brotbem and Klara, 
FnDcr and La IH'H'i Big Mnalcal Comedy, an^l 
picture* week of A. MOTION WORLD IE, M. 
I>aly. mar.) Mnsleal Irrlnir. Owley and Randall. 
Terepln and . Rrlirens. Fred Morton. WUIlam 
McKcan, Zrnnoll and Boutin, and pli-Iiircs week 
•f 0. 

Texas Ranger 4: 

pany 6-11. except T: UadMM tbl ' l iy I4t 
Carle IS. 

V. lioBols. mer.) Three Weeks 0: The Wblle 
Fqnaw 7: Arrlral of Kitty BIJOU (S. A. 
Warner, mgr. I Kelso Lalgbtan and Company, 
Anllnc IVLIale. WlnMat wKwa a Vita, tn Do- 
bR& and Doc week of A. XBW OHfUKOSt (W. 
Bai n r. awr.) Tajidaitn*. 


-JMt anS .Adai-.. 

OlkT*. TaaUoato Japa, Bnmie, Dorothy De 
flh iWa a nd Onanany week of o. 

OMwaOO.— BICnARnsn.N iwnnnm J. Br 
rleson, mgr.) Berlba Kallcb !>: Sbeehan t^rand 
Orera Company 0: Three Weeks 11: Rlrbnnl 
Carlo 10. 

nnCA. — SnCBERT (Wm. D. FItsirerald, 
mgr.) Lillian Sbaw. Tbe Silver Bottle. Cooper 
and Robinson. Three Escardism. Dean an<I Price, 
Harvey Devovd Trio. I.ynch and Zellcr. and pic 
tnn-s wi-ek of n. M.VJtSTIC (Ford S. .\nrter 
mm. niKr.) .VI. O. Field's Minstrels 6: The Bed 
MIH 17: Eddie Foy In I'n and Down Broadway 8;^ 
No Mother to Guide Iler ft: Richard Carle In 
Jomplnjr Jnplter Itvil, ORPREUM <Ford S. 
Andemnn. mgr.) Xellle Brewater and The Am- 
ala rtam Onartette. Cheater. Bladgett. -Jnkaataa. 
■mmP am Bnatelle. TnrpIn and Batoana. Mnst- 
cil IrrlMC. Prof. Ftank I. Weimar, and pie- 
tare* week of «. BIPPOOBOME (P. P. Clancey. 
mcr.) De Pauline. ERen Xlblo and CompanT. 
OlBsa and Wbeeler. Owley and RandalL Blllr 
Rkeat*. MIlea and IiaUnd. and plelnrea week 

NOlcrFl Carolina. 

Ik Omn> ■dr.t Heln*m*n T: Lew Dockatndpr's 
Hlnatrels Blaek PattI 10: Creatore's Band 
II: The Vank>-e nirl witb Blanche RInit 13: The 

; Cnw aii-l th- M.Min 14. ALAMO (Mooie. mgr.) 

-CR^ -T.. ITnmnes. mier.^ Lrman H6we^a Ptetnees 
11: The Climax 10: The Cow aad tbe Sfoon 22 
The Sqnaw-Man 2S. 

■WrlT.^TNGTOlI. — .lOriEMT OP MU=ir (S. 
A, Sehlofis. mcr. I Eni:lish Grand Opera Comnany 
T: Tbe CIIn>ax 13: Blsncbe Bins In The Yanke* 
tm mer.l KIncaM emi Btanlej-. Ba r ne y T«« 
kin and pletmve week of n. 


ODfCTKHATI. — ORAND (John ITavlln. mirr. , 
Th- I.nv we»-k "f 13. KEITn-S COLrjIBIA 

IHarry K. Shock!- y- mcr.) Y"orke and Adams. 
Camllle Ober. Tbe Top O' th* World Dancers, 
Sfme. Reason and -Company. J. Francia Dooley. 
BL Flanagan ami Neely Edwards. Blaon CTtv 
Qnartette. -Kremka Brotbera week of It. UTBIC 
. I James. E. Ft>nne««y. mcr.) H. B, W»en»r 'n 
;H'«-< Jimmy Valentine week of 12. ORPHEr.M 
fC-o. n. Jordan. mfrr.> Mme. Marietta Oily 
Artbor Aldrldge. The Robertys, Jobn and Slae 
Bnrke. Harry Gray and Jane Salisbury. Llttle- 
ford Brotlier" and The May Sisters, Tbe Ball'-y 
Tronpe. Ethel Deane and plctmvs week of 
OLYMPIC (Geo. F. and L. Forepangh Fish, 
mgrs.) Tbe Forepangh Stock Company in Such 
A UtUe Qneen week of 12. EMI>RESS (H. E. 
Rnhlnaon. mgr.) Vaaaar Olrla. Patrice and Com- 
paar, BOaller and' XOeller. Cartta Day. MHe. 
: Jlai «ad, I. W; Oler week of 12. WALNUT 

(W. v. Jackson, mgr.) Tte Girl, the Man, and 
the Game week of 12. AUDITORIUM (Jobn 
Air, uii;r.) The Great Le Moines heads bill for 
week of 12. UEUCK'S (Ceo. Benck. mgr.) 
Happy Hooligan week of 12. ROBINSON'S (F. 
V. IMlsen,' mgr.) Albert Dwigbt Players and 
Taoderllle week of 12. STANDARD (P. J. 
ClemeBrs, mgr.; Eaatem Wheel) Irwin'a Big 
Sbow week of 12. I>EOPLE'S (James E. Fen- 
nessy. mgr.; Weatcm Wbeel) Sector Otila week 
of 12, AMERICAN (Ilarry Uart.* mgr.) Tao- 

AKROH.— CrOLONIAL (Fleber & Sbea, mgr.) 
Bums and^ Tbomas, The Stanleys, Tommy 
Dngan. Frank Sheridan's Players, Fred Jarvis 
and Frederica llarrlrMW and the Four l-ondons 
0-8. When Sweet Sixteen 9. Tbe Skatelles, 
Lackuer Brothers. Boll and Carson. Graft Phil- 
lips. Frank Sheridan's Plavers, and Eight Vaa- 
(sar GIGrls lp-11. NOItKA <M. C. Winter, mpr.l 
Wagner and DIrrs, Teguie ami Daniels, Zeb 
Zarro Troupe. Francis Murphy, The Hawaiian 
Dno, The Four Dlxons week of 0. GU.\N1> 
OPEKA IIOLSE (O. L. Elsler. mgr-) The Clio- 
colate Soldlec 20. Bertba Kalicb 22. At Crip- 
ple Creek 33-3B.. 

mgr.\ The SonI Klaa II. OSPnBOM (Ham- 
mond Bros., mgrs.) Vaudeville. 

(X>LinCBUB SOUTHERN (Geo. Dunmeyer, 

mgr.) Zelda .Sears In The Nest Egg 13-IS. COL- 
OMAL (J. V. Howell, mgr.) Wright Lorimer 
In The Shepherd King 13-18. UIGH STREETT 
(CHias. W. Harper, mgr.) Vaughan Glaser In The 
Man Between 13-18. B. F. KEITH'S (W. W. 
Prosaer. mgr.) Old Soldier Flildlers. Mme.' Beeson 
and Company, J. C. Nugent and Company. J. 
Warren Keane, Ernest Pantzer and Company 
wee k of 5. 

W. Wortmao. mgr.) The Boaan 0; Lower Berth 
Thirteen U; Matlanal Stock Company week of 
20. . ■ . . . 

FDIDLAT.— UAJESTIC (J. B. Swaffoid. mgr.) 
Tbe Rosary 4: Tbe Man Between 8; Tbe Cali- 
fornia Girl* 0. 

LUA.— THE FAUBOT (L. H. Cunnlngbam. 
mgr.) Soul Kiss 4; Dantcl Boone on tbe Trail 6: 
Wayfarer's Mljistrel 7: Dangbter of the Desert 
Wa.vfarer's MInstivIa 11; George Sidney 13; 
Billy 22: Bright Eye« 24. ORPHEUM (Will G. 
Williams, mgr.; Gus Sun Circuit) RIva L.irsen 
TMo. actv>bats: The Three American ComIc|ui-s; 
uelene Hardy, Impersonator; Al. Haynes-Jolla 
Redmond Oimpany; Cooghey Trio, mutlcal act. 
LTRIC (C. O. DeardoorS. mgr.; 8. ft C Time) 
Fmklrn Brothers, tsomedlnna; Xmma O'Nell: 
Tbe Honra: tt» Bdaond%' aonOlotlati BoRon 
.— FAIBBA^CKS (Karl Becker, 

eOKAStOV. — LYCEUM (Thos. Gibbons, mgr.) 
Thomas E. Sbea In A Selt-Mnde .Man week of 0. 
POLI'S (John H. Docking, mgr.) Dan Burke and 
His <:irl«. The Four Musical Hodltea, Six Cas- 
Irlllions, Taylor, Kranz and White, Sbarp and 
Wilkes, Slg. Maximo. Gvnid QrlOln aad Com- 
pany, and plctorea vaek tt .•. POWS KBW 
ACADEMY (John B. -DaddaBi.'nWB.t Xb* Ml'a 
Slock Company In BhaU Wa nqilTa RarT week 

of 6. COLUMBIA (Oa& XriMB 9unu, mgtA 

Tbe New Duckling* MtlltaXairjrailL 
9-11: Edmond Haya la Tba' Wlaa Onr. UMBl 
Kentucky Belles IS-IS. - - 

HOUSE (Fred J. Byrod, mgr,) Madana Sbarry 


(D. .M. CauSman, mgr.) BUIle 7: Dooglaa Pair- 
banks In The Cub 10: MazUn'a Cnele Tom's 
Cabin 17-18; Local SO-Sl. XESRIT (D. M. 
CaafmaD, mgr.) Neabitt Slock (^pany In Sbam 

O; Same Company In The Prince Cbap 13. 
POLI'S (Gordon Wrigbter, mgr.) McVUery's 
Mjirrels, Rose Berry, llnmes and Crawfonl. 
JIarkcc Brothers. I^-olo, Edmund Stanley and 

CompaD.v, Zcrtbos* Dot;,^ w,:,-k of 0; ]iIaxlmo. Dulf 
and Wa'isli. Kt-Uv aud Kent, I'atsy Doyle. Onalb, 
Foj| and Mlll.TsIi'lp Slsler.s, Furrell Brothers week 
of 13; Martiehles. Al. aud Fanny Steldman. 
Harry Breen, Goldamltb and Hoppe week of 20. 
LUZERNE (Leon Fetlndlnl. mgr.) Mist New 
York, Jr., 6-8; DaO^ta S-Ui Kcntndcr MIcs 
13; The UmplM Mt Oiinr B l oiioa n 90i SMnlln 
Ronge 23. 

HOUSE (L. J. FIsk, mgr.) Sidney Drew 0; Rich- 
ard Carle S. FAMILY (Robert Ellis, mgr.) 

mgr.) Nancy Boyer Stock (Company wet>k of 0. 
NEW SUN (Geo. Sun, mgr.) Tbe American 
Florence Tronpe. Millar Brothers, Sophie Everett 
Company, Blant-he Bishop. Harrlfon West Trio 

we,-k of c . 

,STEUBENYILLE, — GR.\ND (A. R. Morley. 
mgr.) Eddie Lucille Phelps and Com- 
pnn.v. The Romn Duo. The I.orre Trouiie 0-11. 
.N'ATION.VL (Wm. (]. HartKbom. mgr.) Tbe 

Brckrr-Lanetstvr Com|uin,r. The Moalerltta, Tbe 
Four Alpine*, Joba P. Baed. Tba D* Anoa. week 
uf 0. 

TOXXDO,— TVALBNTINB. The Paa l nna Hnnt- 
rr wvek of IS. LYCBim. Tk* Oaddcaa of 

Liberty , week of IS. ABCABB. ' Tafdaniie. 
AMERICAN. Hapho week of 19. BMPIRE. 
Olncer Girls week of 12. 

Tln A Van Ostran. mgrs.) Human Henrts 10. 

tc Lltnli, iii)--rv.l Tlu- Drnnimer Boy of Shilob 3 
11: The W.ilf. li. 

ragr.) Sehultz Htm-k Company In Love and Dnty 
week of 0. ORPHECM (H. S. Carter, mgr.) The 
T.elgh^. Napoleon Deresmont, Larlavee and Lee, 
Tbe Three Dreamers, Rogers and Mcintosh. 
Melllalre anil nanillton. Eilne.v Brnthera and 
(^impany. Ouite. Clay Mantley aud Company and 
pietnrp* we-k nf 9. CJMXO <W. 0, Oplmhy 
nwr.) Onimhr Btnek OiMliani III n* ranili week 
of e, IllPPOhROaiB imSv Blamm. %gr.) Vau- 
deville ninl pictnre*. 


glTTl m U R O NIXON (T. F. Kirk, mgr.) 

Robert Edeson In Where the Trail Divides wei k 
of fl: Frances Starr In The Easiest Way week 
of 13. AUVIN (Harry Davis, mgr.) Tbe Choc- 
olate Soldier week of A: Bottaem and Marlowe 
week of 13. GRAND (Harry Darls, mgr.) Gus 
E dwar d* and hi* Song Bern* week of e. DU- 
QUBSNB (Barry Daels. mgr.) Davla Stock Com- 
pany In The Uan on the Box week of 0; same 
company la The Uon and tbe Monae week of 13. 
JjXCBViX (R. M. Gnllck. mgr.) In Old Kentucky 
week O: Tbe Rosary week of 13. OAYE'l'Y (H. 
Knrtzmnn. mgr.) Fads and Follies week of 0: 
^leens of Bohemia week of IS. ACADEMY (II. 
Williams, mgrp . Bi an S n aj Jnl alir OMrts week of 
iL CARNEOta KSZb lCniwB. fi Travel 
Talka 15-22, • 

terstock, mgr.) Mile. M4na MInar ami 0>ra 
i>any. Tbe Raven Trio. Ely and Florence, Tbe 
Venetian Four. BaRT Fax and Unierahip Sis- 
ters. Wallace and Chapman, Stewart ami Mar- 
shall, and - plctna* week of tt, ORPHEUM 
(Fred OsterKtock. mgr.) Madame Sherry 4 
Frank Daniel* In The CHri In tbe Train 0; The 
Lafayette (MIece Stndents In The College Pro- 
fessional 14. KEDMEY'ER (Ijiwson A Srhnnars, 
mgrs,) Ader Trio, Itlddle an,l Jthyme, Anna 
Bond. Dorva and Deleon, and pictures 0-8. 
PASn.ME (I. M. Thomas, mgr.) Terry Sisters, 
I.amt>ertl Trio featuring Baby Edythe Lambertl. 
Hunter and Chubb. Ray Russell 0-8. Cora 
Mlekle Hoffer and Company, Horar and Wright 
George MeOee. Uneller and Ten Brooke 0-11. 

BCAZEBXOV.— GBAKD (J. B. Blaalager. mgr.) 
VandeTllle 6-8: The Man of the Hour 14. PAT^ 
ACE (Jamea H, and Jos. J. Lauehran. props.) 
Tbe Fire Jnggling Jewels. Canflcid and 4>rlTer. 
Dal* and Tkoyfe. and pictures 6-8. 

UUMTUKJDOV.— GRAND (J. Sewell Stewart, 
mgr.) Irene Jearon'g DtMMUC OMpgy S-U. 
mgr. ) VandeTllle . m^-- ' - ■-- 

mgr.) RaaaU Bl »• Ibtir.WbMBt «|m 

Way 10. -• • • ' • - 


mgr.) Tbe -Man nf tbe Ronr 4. The Girl In 
the Tsxl 0. Jumping Jnplter 7. The Easiest 
Way 8. Mme. Sarah Bernhardt 20, FASIILY 
(Edw. Moxart. mgr.) Bert T^lle and Com. 
f>any, Georire D. Sander. Percy and Emma Pol- 
lack. At.' Herman. Klntlng's Animal*, Six Im- 
perlsl Dsneers week of tt. 

IfcKEESPORT.— niPPOnnOME (F. 0. 
ler. mgr.) The Broadway Olrls 8-0. 

Silk, Spun 811k, Sllkolinc, Worsted 
and <^tton Tigbta and Shirts, Leatards, 
Comblnatloa Soil* and paddlnga made 
to order for IbaatrlanI, Bfnaalnin 
and athletic naa. Send fsr fclN lUt 
and samples. 

Sneoauor to Joseph Bolaa, 
JMSfySt.. ■rMklyn, H. V 

Musical Bells 


3800-10 N. Clark Street, 

Inventor and Mfr. to 
the profession. Write for 
our new Illustrated cat- 
SVI Slt» 




kayboud. think otit: Hiaaioo 
Oak or HabotaBT Flnl*u. Thli 
la nut beaaar offer Haat Ao- 

tlon. Bellow*. Caa* and Ton> 
ercr offerad: shipped on ap 
proval; sand no aaoasy njiltl 
aatiaflsd. iJttla Ola M Ho. a 
Onler today. ^ b WBITS 

MFG. CO., mw.Mstnie* 

Cbloaco. lU. 


RocM PLAYS ' SAL E cmic*«;. 

3* LA SALLL ST i LI . 


E8ca(K-r<. Mirwi ]i4>adlDff. Majcfr. N^w Act* mnd 

CreatloiiH, iukI Foroml hnnd bBrnalnn. Addr^ni 
W. ALllKK f ri-i!']', ]■:.' u-r m. New n«l' 

ford, Munn. 


Circus in«n— medleine maii'-ttlda aboir aptelerK. 
■t¥ttat men, Toa e«n snalc* moumj hnnd over flBt 
with Dr. Elder's TobNceo Bnon snd MAntone PIUi 
—lOOper centprnflt. Big Sellen. Specially 
ftrKtini4^nt thni d«ltv«rfi thn coin — CAti't rt-Hist the 

lOKlral ttilUtnwr ii..ltit.fl -w-rltr- f.-r full i . (i rf 1 li I 

Qder's Snnltarfum. Urpl. 101, Si. Jow:ph.Hft 


Scbool Ot AitMIe Stag* Daneaa. 9om OandnB 

a apeelalty. 

Stndio, 870 Lexington Arenna, Vsw York City. 


Tbe Olrl Wbo Tamea Electricity. Tbis la a noral 
act. Is a beadllner for moving pictnre abowa, 
carnivals, fairs, museums. $150 buys complett 
act, ready to aet op and work. Litbograpba fot 
tbe act. For nartlcular*. addreaa O. w. ALUB, 
T** .OMy« - ■ . 


""""""^SifrSW WANTCD ~- 

FV>r TaudcTHIe act; must bo an A-1 bl*ek>f*ee 
eometllun and sble to make etMal; muat h*TO 
good singing voice, tenor prefernil. Amateur* 
and stars of tbe. hotel lobby, slip It to Georep. 
I never played "KEIT" time and all 1 want Is 
a real performer, not a bot-air mercbant. In 
ansnerlng, please aeiMl late pliota which will be 
returned. Anawar aniekljr. XX, care BUI' 
board, dnelnnatl, OUn, 


on eostnme* and draperies, . CRONICB. 206 . W. 
4?Dd St.. N. T. C. Send for Butterfly sanqde: 
SOe In coin. 


HO0SB. GOO'arata or over. Uust be caiwble of 
being bnllt np. Am a live wire, experienced 
and reapoiulbfe. Will consider lease on new 
building. Befereneca. Address "SUCCESS,' 
Chicago Ofllce Billboard. 

rn I tl* I a Et>, pree report aa t» nalent 
ability., llloatrated Gnide nook and XM at In- 
reatlooa wanted sent FR'tE. 
J. ETAHS * 00., WaahlngtOB, S. 0. 

Catalogne of Profeaalonal A Amateni 
Play*. Sketcbea, Momlogoea, Mtnatnl 
Jokea, Bccltattons. Stake-mi Good*, 
ate« aent FBBB. SIOX * IXTZOBB. 
iXi, at Asa itwal. Baw Xutk. 

Grace OIa«lys 
Sino^i*' and Dancers 

Special acenery, elatMrate wardrobe. I«ft 
Boiwltdn, Dec. 27, for China. Before Ie*T- 
lag, aigned contract for * weeka' return data 
at Savoy Tbaatn, Honolnla. Addrcaa Anier- 
kaa V Sit ffla 0»» 



Now playing tba longaal. meat gteaaant aad 
proOtabl* wlnter*a aflgavtunnt of oar abow 
exnerlenca. CAPT. 0. K. VniTB, can 
Clark tt Snow'* Museum, 344 South Main 
Sircat. Loa Angeles, Csl. 


and luB 





Will hereaf tar be knows a« 



ad*, maatlMi TBI BOIBOABD, 



mix VXOB »• AUBA. 

OBLT nona 

~~E jkpoaTTgg 





Seren ieaion* with Baraum *nd Bailey'* Olicm. 
Be.cngaged for ISlt. Now playing wlat*r_aaa> 
aon In Baaolnln. Baokad br L n, O ' 

bank Bldg.t Baa macuM*. 

board." Ban Ftanelaeo. 



Now playing raodeTlUe on PacMe Coast. Booked 
soIM with Sella-Floto Shown Season 19IL_ " 

dreiB I. N. Cohen, Special BepreianlatiT*. W**t> 
bank Building, San rmnelaco, Cal. 

Sketches -MonoloKUis 


Original work. Iteaaonabl* rale*. Writ* for 

estliiinli'. ciicliishiK »tnnil>. II. P. JTATJIRAW, 
glS N. ClUtou tllrenl, Olaan, N. Y. 



YOST A COMPANY, 900 Fllbait I 
(EstablUbad U70), PI ~ ' 

Now. Balacgad. lUnatraM < 

I .CAN i>LACBE YOU on Ilia 
Inattaetl** Oanna abaolntcly rBBB. I pataon- 
ally aaalat ]«* " IMImS* SSSS"^ 

maoaii '" " ' 

nil MM m Bim MCHB. u 

AU gnaitatewL J. r.B*n»*a.M»»Tln»St,gialanal1.0. 


^SKETCHES, sao page* Tau* 

material, BOc; my Make-op Book/lBc; HI 
Amatenra, IBe. Catalog AlBB. Addteaa 
BBIM, 306 FB«ter BIdg,, Mllwaukao, Wla, 

(Cat tbli out— It mar not appear aiala) - 

at Slot Machines, Dice, Card*, Clam, Bonlett*. 
Bpindlea, Fair Oamea. etc, expoaed. Get wla*. 
Big lilnatrdcd etrenlar FBBB. HAU. B. CO.. 
Box inos, Hammond, Ind. 

EleetricTattooing Machinf s,t4.7i 

Tattoo antSta. SLtoXoilate. 38c: Dealgna, 
Haw atabWM t*am>-now: H. W. BOl 
tatst, Weat, Cidir Baplds. 

IMS 8*. 

la ■amnfing ad*. njntloa TRB BIUMMSn. 

FEBRUARY 18^ 1911. 


Let CailleDouiile Your Incoine 


You will realize what a good thine j^ou have missed and 
bow your ittcomct can now be doubled if you will aet on 


Requirefl but little time after regular hours. 
These machines are part of CAILLE'S SYSTEM 

- Detroit, IVIicl>. 


nuDTnnm —PRoviiMtxeB o>rnt»A 

BOtSB (K. K. ircDitelKhwftr, am.) Tte Bal- 
ku rrlanm O-R; Exmw U* •.11. 'KBITH'8 
(Ck». I»r«nbrrK. oixr.) Vinilrrllle. EMi'IRR 

(Sol BmunlE mirT.) Tbr CIrl In tht-' Tralo •ri'vk 
6; Tlip (Slrl of My DroaiiiR Mtilami* StiriTT 
Wf«k of 20. nil-KltlAL <\V. S. Balilwtn. mjcr.l 
N'oboil}''* llaini wppk i>t 0; The Chrtallan wtt-k 
It iX WESTJIIXSTKU iCra. F. Colllpr. mitr. i 
Dalnlr Ducbra* Conipan]: w«<pk at ColiliDMa 


UltlbrPK. niKD IluKIrr Droirn 4; The Cow anil 
ihc Moon 7: Lew Dockaladrr 10. M.UKSTIC 
(O. L. nrandilrr. ■DRr.) Umlvood ami GorOon. 
Mm llooil. «aiii|i<M» and Dannlaa, Ad. Carltalc'a 
DMtowD I'antomlmc Companr wrck «t t. 

COLUniA — COLOIBIA (P. t. Brows, 
mgr.) Til.- Cllinui tt: niapk Patll 8: Lnr Dork- 
tlaiW-K >iin«irrla D; Tli» Cow and tbc Mmn 
U: The Girl In the Tul 17. GRAND (PM R. 
.nta, Miir.» VradfTlllr. • ■ 


<>OLV)C*U.-«l>RnA IHtl sV iWiii. Itnrk.r. 
ur.) Muari HM U: lilu.- \i.<uf.- i.-.: iiiiiii< mui 

Mai aiBnM In Tbv Man. Ibv tilrl nii.1 the <:ani.- 
^ACnOV.— MARIiOWR <M. Kahn. nicr.) Ilu 

wnr to Th.- Mwy VTMow 19. 01111 (CiPl W. 
ft Anenl. miir.t Jw ami OI|ta HSrin IH th* 

SVOl^nXX.— BIJOU (rr»<1 UaMIn, msr.l 
Qnutark «-H. ailAND «Prank Kosm. mjcr.) 
Lawrrniv ami Ktlwarda. Anna B. Falmor, IV 

aiKl Itolh. Kitnriniin ItnilhprK. The Mil- 
lariljww'k of 

«*"?*?™-— '-V Kl M (Clnr.iioc WVl5. niRr.l 
»L5"".'J";5.'" ' M»"-< ll" Hamilton In Tlin c 

?'y».R!SIR??' nitfkcock -i-S: Unman H.^an. 
■w.JS!l V""*'"- .l-'"?'" Dsckwim. irilllamM aiul 

S.T. <HuV(r, mp.t Cri>a«oiW« Baud 10: 1^ pimai 
•n<« St. ^AIBTY <Mrs. Shrppard, prop.) VaiidCTlllc 


aPOKAJHE.— .\rillTOKlVM lllarry C liar 
wanl, lUKr.i llic Vlui-ru of the MihiIId Knuicr 
O il: J<>ITprM>a U* Aagrlkt IS-U: Mny Mau- 
••erinic U-K: WmiM H. Crana 24-81. «ro- 
KA.Vl! (CkariM W.* York, mcr.t »ak.-r Hiui-k 
l-oniimiiy In If 1 Wrw Klnit All. AMKRICAN 
iJobD B. lloooe. wtcr.) Drt fc;-»""fi'J"', "KS? 
Conipaor tn Ttir A>liiilral>lc..Krbton r>-l1. OR 
l-nEDMT U aaap h A. M|ll<pr.t»jir.l VawteTHli-. 
PANTAaR» iR, Ctark-W»lker. «Mir.j V«ud.- 



WHEELING.— VIRGINIA «'h«>'. A. Fi-IdIit, 
mirr.. Dark. COUHT «E. U Mucw, mfr.) Clo 
clunatl Ci-nnan Stock CoaMBr.lRjtK ■9*!L'^ 
•■n»tT«-lch 7: Thr Iron Man a. AMIX0.4H. \\ . 
Romr*. DiKT.) City Ciiib BarlMoaen ••It. VIC^ 
TORIX «M•^^ Utafrr, mm.) CorSon Rrntbm and 
ibiU lialiinl kawnton: Tbo MaraiUm Quartatta: 
Km; MSrSmTeomniy ak- im: Hairy paviaa. 
I<lackra*i> CMliilUn: Mrk Conwajr. Irllh com- 
•'•Han Ml ' 

liatKT. inirr.t llonrlftla ••nmninn In Autl-Malrl- 
UMHU- K: Illnmli.- WkI<1i Iu Tin- OlUi-r \\ ouian 
»! A« Tiil.l 111 111.- IIIlN 11. iPEA \nmt 1. 
Vollcrr. iiit-r. I villi'. 

MXESVnXE.— liKAND (P. I. jyran. mgr.) 
Wu. II, Tornrr In »'aihi>r iiiHi Tha mr* *l To* 
ThlM Pltrn T: SwMtrst Girl In nwM Mk 

lAllle H. Uwidon. m«r.) Al. II. WIImhi In A 
Iti rman Prlnci- « 7: ft-ri>n Daju 8: Th* Siwnd- 
thrift t>-U>: Thi- Churn* I.ailJ- 11. TE.MPLE 
iJohn <!. .Vppl.-I"". liiKr. > .Morton ami Moore. 
Ilonry ilwlon on.l OoTTii>:iiiy. l..von« anil Yi>»co. 
Mr. ami .Mm. Allli-i.n. K-nr «>'Xi-itl Slsi.-r*. llirrj 
Hanbrm an.l <-iirMi.i «.-.-k of tt. CRYSTAL 

l^^irfZXi^Tl^t!S^^ I THirh. Claytoa. «,r., Vaudc,...,. 

n. II. «li.aii and W. It. Mark. RaoMwa. I 

SdThl'n"-?""'- '-Trtril and Riiflannirlh. Bran* 
»w The nalaan week of tt. RIJ01.* I Ran lliala- 
^:'''.."'i.«'-> MjClnrtwlIa Olrl week of 13: Wart 
iaVtfSU'?."" Tmnhle Makii^ wf*kVt 111. 

am^SS!F^r^l'^" i'"'^ Ulekman. mar.) 
Suv^i'S "S?"* "= Oratialark l.1-l.<l. VEN- 
II Bvu.v" ^..^ST''^- "oniau llearlii 

Mot -JIDITORHIM (De l>onc fllee. 

BF'j. I gaur Ali-uanln- llonel 17. (iltA.VD 

i. Matlhw. Darin and 

SWii.ti'i."'"'*. "'••"»■ n«. Ilnllanil. I^mi. 
narlliia. ami pirtumi week of «. 

Ai»..» TEXAS. 

Si 7 ». « -^-'I'-'v" l-"liy of till- cif. 

•uSn (WLherl * Maj-nhall. 

AmHSSt".!''''*'' orERA iiorsB 

* iwIIi- — ■'' .^"-■?il""'*L» Their 

•an a-ii. 

«B Ikv* •( Mwaid w 


... . _ n«hv 

K-"™'. M""'*'" 7. Madame Xail 
lO-ll \i i fIrQ-S^",JJ"«*"' * Manner 

hw Aiiiai 'T ' ■•••"'<'' «•»■« r-ontnan.*-. Whil- 
Clri n. and idelnei-n wiH-k 

Wali™ I'ld.'*""."^ <I>«lt..o I'rothen^ mirm. i 
5™."" •'•iwna. Ml,. ii„„,, an,, The Llltl. 

Terriei. bV • The Little T..i 

*«i5rirf -. rrjnKl' .«"■.■•"■•<«■ «n.l pletnre. 

!5i«. .^".sT:;i';T'„v """"" 


M. Brownlne. 
I.a Pearlo 8li<- 

.> Polly 
Irl from 

W»\ Jl" ."-"KOTIC ICUaa. A. McFnrland. 

«"r Tlie K'n^- bIS"""" ■? SIrlBnano 
TIC (Jo. I? .J'**"* «• MAJK.S. 

« ek V.'JiV"'- .?'«•••» Talk of Xow York 

"X-l I r,;„ S,7\f**'""''Sr W««. "«r.> Bund 

i"v {vinn';;^.'- «*• wa?4i;,aiS?v.5r 


«.'MinS^'^i?;"ii?V'"* rtPRR.\ nOlWR « 
.Nartt2?rti''SIT**'"JI»«. <Jte» «*<*•". •««'.» 

Mlnklnnlek. nier.) Svtob 
7: Al. II. Wllmai S. 

MONTREAL.- PBISCESS (II. C. Judpe. nipr.* 
The Fourth Estate xvwk of 0: Lew Fleld'n Jolly 
llachelon week of 13. HIS MAJB-STY S (11. Q. 
llroi>ka. niBr.t The Siiil Kl«« week of «. RO\ .VI. 
(O. .McBraln. mgr.) Bohemian Barlexpicf* W'*k 
of «. OBPllEUM (G. F. I>rl»e«ll. mi!r.l Sell 
o'Urlen awl Company. Roland Weat and Com- 
pany. Fltiperald JuKCHiic Otrla. Jaini-a F. 
Kelly and Annie M. K»nt. Mu«|pal Johuwna. 
Narron Iln.tbera. Slnart aad Kfel^. Tte** 
Xi-Tepro« wei-k «r 0. CARINO <A._X. ""arp, 
mRt.) Ri»y Uaeefonl, The Kl»» Gold Puat Twlaa, 
Tho Thw» NIenlaa. R*ei-y and Meljinithlln wwk 
«f 0. CBVllTAti PAUVCi: IW. II.»lBe«. niBr.) 
Tli» Aertal Danloiw. C.M»« nla. Eno.-h. Tin- Hu- 
man Plrt Wrt'k of «. FBANCAl.* (J. O. Il.oley, 
mar.) Three Shmtlea, Mr. ami Mm. Roynohla. 
Two Roaea. Eildle Clark. Fox ami Evmi^. II.iK's 
Marrelou* Doaa week of a KI.NC. KDWAUn. 
Oelanla Neal. Duniont and Lamar. (leorce and 
Ijirrt. EBIe I.aeml» week of 0. 

Turner, mar.) Barbara Tennant 7; The Final 
.tettlemrni H: J. P. 8he<rh«n Orand OiH-ra Com- 
pany 14: The Ixrtterr Man IS: Di-nninn Th.imii- 

aoo In Tho Ohl H.»m-»l.-.l.l IS: Mv riii.l.r.ll:i 

TORONTO.— l'RISCTJ« (O. 11. SlR-iipurd. 
niBr.l Hone Stah! In .MasBle replier fl-11: Hie 
Kiiendthrlfta 13-18. UOYAL AI.ESASPKA (S. 
Sidman. mgr.) lite Jolly Havhelor« tl-ll: Mar- 
garet llllnalon 13-18. GRAXn (A. J. Small. 
niRr.» Jly Cinderella CIrl tI-11: The Choriw Laily 
t.1-J8. ailR.V'S (J. Shen. mgr.) Vamlevllle. 
M.\i)8KY HALL (N. SSjw. aiajj) The M-tidela. 
ladin Choir «•». MAIRfrriC !P»««LT. GrlBln. 
mgr.) Vai«l»Tlll« Yr»SOK 8TRBET (C. 

li; Maran. mgr.! Vaudeville. STAR (Dan T. 
PlfN4>. mar.) Mlner'a Bohemiann (l-ll: Pal 
Whltr'a Gaiety Olrla t3-lS. OAYETY (T. R. 
llaniT. mgr.) Roblnaon'a Cmsoe Glrla S-II: Star 
and Oartvr Show 13-18. 

lIorSR (K. R. Rlckettn. mgr.) Bnrna 
Coneert fl: Tripp Reeltal T. EMPRE.SS (Walter 
Sanford. mgr.) A Kenlncky Feud «. OUPIIKUM 
(Geo. Caae. mgr.) Four .\vol.i*. Billth Montrose, 
nunlap and Vlnlen. Proalt Trio. Roliert Rolaral 
wi-ek of (V P.\NT.VOra" (Geo. A. Calvert, inirr.) 
The International lloha, The CYomwells. Nap 
Handy and Company. Anderson ami Evann. 
KlerlV Saxophonra, Kittr Vtnemt and Ray 
Mmnela week of 6. NATIONAL (Al. W. Glllla. 
mgr.) VandevlUv. bYBIO tOto. B. Howard, 
nigr.) Itowanl Playwra ta Jack Straw ««*k of 6; 
■amo Conpanr in Bnalacwr wwk «t »: 
Rnw ComiNMur la Maa iMka wrck ar, ». 
QRAilD (*ia WMMaa. MSV.t'nM MiMflaa Mml 
«tri OmbmIp OaatlMnqr «*M •««. ". 

This Will Put a Crimp in 
Your Hair 

without iMoaiiv^fafeBkiqg or othaiwiiBisjariw it. FtadoM 
» — r M i iilwB.f w utA mow Bih BBl iw Ami 

Will wave a switch or transformatioB. Set of ei^t sent pre- 
paid to fl.^. r^^U^mt milttif m llt fii^^ 

Jtan Huntington, Chicago OiB<!o: 1406 Michigan Aae. 
The yanttyShop tifKtno$ha, which is in Wiuomin. 


HRiBtHoaTlokrt RBdnhsvaBtmsp 
nt« eomMrtaimtt for eveiy SMit in the 
house. Eliminate* sU emn and dis- 
putes. Portable snd besvtlAiUjr finish- 
ed. Roll curtain seenies entire contents 
of rack. 

The Carson Ticket Box is the most 
practical box on the BMUlMt, bsvinR 
separate compartmeStB tot dUfertetly- 
priced tickets secured by lock. 

Send foriltaatiatad booklot ahowlna day 
racks, adraassmlaraeka and tiekatboxea. 
CARSON TICKET BOX Two Nivora. Wla.. Rahway, N.J 



Tm WBBk nmiljMICIIT Poster Inks that ai« KRiliUliirr. 



Tha Poatttr Ink Spaolallata. 



moM, BAxnaa. btbifs. bailb^ 
_„»a. pxoriLia. •xasz vLOOBXBa. kxa 

Alwaja «■ haad tor pnopt ablpment. Writa tat dallaaraS prlcaa. ShtpsaaBta aaSa 
la aar qaaaUly daaliad. 




Get onr prlc«a on soap and toilet article*. They vrni Interest 700. Oor adTertlalas 
Bsaortetl packages with ralnable premliims hare the fliah ud ralne that get tha moner. 
Mooi-y ffi-tlern for onvapwm aTui fakpv-i. One youDB mas cleared yi.(X)8.33 Id 6 montlia 

BtrtlKtit en a h.-ii:Hc r.) houn- ranviss. An- tou d^Inff as wr:i? If r-it. prnil [n>^t«l tt^laf, 
Wi^ will t. ai ti ji,u ti.iw. E, M. DAVIS SOAP CO., a08 Union Plrk Court, Chlciga. 



CaWtWdrtss V*UCICITY wis 



.71AM BsnCB — «S Rim ea L'IknvsasiTm — 



Xhe Billboard 

FEBRUARY ^a, 1811. 

fram pafs 28.) 

. OAtni OMT. 
tBtoiw KldDe.) 
HUWRAGEITES (comedy; re- 
leued Feb. 14; length «a5 rcet). 
— ^Became their hnsbuds en]07 
the gentle art of flsblng. the 
women of the Tillage tow Tcn- 
grance and oetradxe all tbelr 
ooaband*. After manj Indlcrons 

attempting to do wltlioot the tyrant 

mm, tfaKT flad It bopaaslble and rejoice In the 
MLiiiu of tbeir exstwikll* hated mnnf liwia. 

tje; tclcaaed BVb. 14; tawth U» Cnt):— Tto 
mm Bbowa ATlgnon and «h« Blrar Bbone, Eb- 
traace Gate and Bamparta, the Belfry of the 
Town Hall, the Clock Hook of 14tb Ceotnry, tbe 
Pspe'a Palace, the Walk to Rock of Domee, 
▼anna, Vmcnenre from the Brid^. the Snspen- 
■loe Bridge. Bnlna of St. Benexet Bridge. Fort- 
teas of St. Andre. Ancient Carthnslan Honistery. 

BAOI. AMD DATID (Biblical drama: released 
nb. U: length 128 feet).— Prom First Samuel: 
9 An d Saul eyed DaTid from .that day and 
Corwaid. 10 And It came to pan on tbe mor- 
Innr that tbe erll ^ilrlt fnn Ood came npon 
Sanl. . . and there itaa a JaTelln In 

Saol'a band. 11 And Saol eaat the janlln: for 
to WM, I «ni milte D>Tld eren to the will 
with It. And DaTld avoided ont of his presence 


AT THE Btro OF THE BOAD (drama; re- 
Uaaed Feb. 18; leojctb S38 feet). — In wbrlcb two 
coonterfelters are followed to their oat^of-tbe- 
way den and captm«d throngb tbe efforta of a 
lUttt. They manage to paaa lome of 
. a a yooDg newa-agent. He Ii 
I while (pending the money. While ha la 
eaatody. the alxter traces them to tbdr 
baa them captured and pcoia hir 

In their Ignonmce of tto MIlL Ikv wander 
ont into the terrible denert and idaat die from 
thirst and the bomlng beat; how they are 
foond by some American prospectors and nursed 
back to life; bow Jose lies la a delirium of 
ferer and Faplnta tnrns to another, and the 
lang aaaich of the pattest r 
aon, wMck la iww i Jed at . 

Tht .wttlBfs at* real apA 
tiaaa betmraMB taarai 
twlel Mi™ 

alna nt-lto;,flMat 

rSHX FLOT XRAX "FAIIZD (drama: Tdeaie 
Veb. 21; length 81g '*eet> ' ATi.oatlaw. narfeed 
With the "Flenr de Us" (the lymbOl wUeh was 
branded npon tbe sbonlder of twaj Skracb 
dmlnal) making bis way Incognita- ItoMgh the 
eoontrx accompanied by bis alstH^^H- -Mvally' 
•Dtertalned by an hospitable lord. 

Be makea loTe to the lord's dantfrter, and 
plana to do aivay with hia rlTal in her affec. 
Mans. HIa sdwme faBa. Ha then amngea 
a dad with the man he wonld have aasaaslnated. 
Bla sister la so hart by bis evU plans that she 
caTCals his tme social position and makes It 
Imp u as lble for him to sccompllsh his derigns. 

PICl'UUBS IN CHEMISTBT (edacatlonal: ro- 
Icaae Feb. 21; length 173 feet). — Showing In 

E detail the formation of nnmcaona prodocrts 
irr**"'*! Ftoeeases ahfefc laalli require 
!.«■» rtiwii within a <wr iiHi' time. 

(Oeoisa Klelne.) 
ma: released Feb. 15; length 1005 
feet). — ^Tbc dim Is a reTlral of 
an old drama founded on the 
marriage of King Henry Vlll. 
to Catherine Howard. 
Tka Doke of Nmfolk, friend of 
' Hal," marries Catherine secretly. 

aecs Gathertae, lorea her, sweai- 

■be ihall be Ida wife, at the same ttma icgnests 
Hbrfolk to many Margaret. Hearr^ slater. 

Xocfolk. to aTold manylng, pratenda fleaOi 
and la placed In tbe tomba, expecting to be 
ttletacd by Catherine. She. bowerer, deserta 
him and manriea the king; Margaret aavea Nor- 
folk; Henry flnda Catharine nntalt^fal and Ae 
is pnnlslied. 

THB GOLDEN giasLB (drama; ideaa* Ml 

22; length 882 feet). — Ito, a i>«i«.»-— yonai 
Bartiarian, faBa in lore with Velleda, a prleat- 
ess of ttie Dmids. She forgets her tow« and 
Ustena to his itoir at Ion. The Dmld 

pilty at the (Soda, adae the 
a ecadea an conasltcd and 
, to ito, who la 

gnflty of sacrilege and condemned to 

By a clerer mse Velleda saTes Ito from 
casta away her golden sickle, the aymlMil oC 
ber faith, and seeks aafety in lUgbL 

REtUKG A niOKK8TACK (Indostrlal; re- 
Isaae IVh. 22; length 113 feet).— Tltls picture 
was taken at Brockliam Brick Walks, in Eng. 
land. Bricks and mortar harlng been remored 
fkom a portion of tbe base of a lofty chimney, 
lengtba of stoat wood are snbstltnted. These 
are saturated with on and Ignited. The chim- 
ney amokea fUrlonaly for the last time; then 
ta. oat n^mkkcB length measnres Itarit along 


ma; TFleised Ftt. 16; length 
— ). — In . the eariy aerentlea 
Capt. Halns, liis wife and a 
score of tnuty tarn set aall 
for tbe West Indies. The 
flrtb day ont llnds them encomitering a heavy 
sea and the sighting of a strange Teasel that 
afterward proved to be flyliig the black Bag; 
at tbe warning shot, she bove to and Capt. 
Halns. wife and falthfnl crew were hauled 
abeaid and made captive in tlie bold. 

- - into the 

look and 

, ' eaptnre of 

pfrate craft by the a pp r oaching man-of- 
war who ere this time bad signaled a request 
Of surrender. A few moments later shells were 
bmsting aroond tbem; • ~ 
the leaking tnb and f$ 
Capt. Halns and irifla a 
the man-of-war. 

TBE PADRE (drama; release Feb. 20: length 
— ). — ^It U in the early days of Csltfomla. 
Father Sebastlsn trudging his way on foot from 
the mission, his attention Is attracted to the 
wan of an Infant coming- from the crest of a 
ridge. He finds the body of a Spanish ipoman. 
Kitting beside Its-i^esd mother a Uny bibf 
grecta the Padre's gaze. 

his ansa, the 
by an 

. _ Kd tba 

can ot ibe it | i 1"r ■ f eblM.. 

Tears paaa by and ire see lb* Infknt grown 
to manhood, atnog, bandaome SBd- a true wor- 
abiper; the bright eyes . of a pretty Spanish 
maiden turn the bead of onr Jose, caualng blm 
to forget his duty. 

Bow. after the Padre baa iratned him of bla 
daager, be dincgaida tto adrle* «f tbe Iktbir 
■M IM l» tba al^ «dlh Mb ~ 

★ WtLT AHD HIS PAI. (dra- 
ma: lalsaait Vbb. 16; length 
— J Boy* wm be boys and 
CWT boy haa bis hero as a 
■■M of what manner o( man 
be wanld Uke to be when be 
grown np. Jim, tbe 
U sniyVi Idea «C 1 
ought to be aaS' 1 
bis faithful sdmlrer and pal. 

Madge Is the "angel" of the ranch and there 
la not one of the ranchers who would not lay 
down his life for ber. Jim loves ber and she 
is not averse to bis sttoatlaab Xbls aroases 
Jcalooar sC a • ■SMmMaMi - Mssieaa who 
attempto to embrace Madn aat la qoldEly 
tamped down and out by Jim. 

Tbe Mexican i^ota revenge and tils villainy 
la overheard by Billy. He notlAea Madge and 
she tslltea the cowbois toarUwr anA leads tbtm 
to the aaslij ^s Bsss t -gm bai^ bss» aaggssd 

to km him. 

Madge and ber friends arrive In the niek 
of time to save Jim from being crushed to 
death by a rock which the fiends are abont to 
bnrl npon him from the precipice above. 

A running battle between tbe cowboys ssd 
the "'Tt*— takes place and aoon the wonld- 
are captured. 

Jlm'a bands. When be 


Aummni motion pictbiie cditiur 

Eriravrdiaarr Fittim krt: E^^^'^ShSSS 

Noo-cr&dlikC, Mfttr. Btmvth. Send for drailtf. 

MUM J. fiftta nmT co^ 


10» Main 


Xatc* Uine of EdlscMk Ooodi 



PDwer'a. completo ..^.^.^.^^ 

Ediaott one-pla. eeaaM* 

One Double IMaasMr ••••••:•*• 

Acetylene Tank 

1,000 reels of Film, per reel. 

>••«-••.... 70.00 

........... 75.00 

... 4.00 
... S.00 

300 sets of SoDg Slides, per set 1.75 

All goods sent for examinatloa on receipt of 

I. WILSON, 131 L 14tk SL. New Tarfc. N. Y. 

(Se'di^^SiM'jaled^r S» 
the pirate craft by the ai 

UMag tbe infant tenderly la 


Are you looking for a Morlnp IMctrrre Theatre? 

Here Is !•- v.-i- o:-^-. r'..'»"'. invr-^tu-atf. i:rE, 
care Blllb.;3:J, CiLciiiLsti, OLlo. 



ni bealtb ceaaon for teUlog. Address 
^BH untie, PBAersburg, W. .Va. 

Bwtric IMrt fhit ftMPplete $210.35 




TbU outfit indudM The Celebrated Datrolt Kcroaaa* Kmpum and 
Dynamo of aafflcleat capacity to faralah oanaat for jtNV. AlS aad 10 
16-C P. Tungsten Zjampa for iUumiiiation. 

Total coat of opcratloa froai 8 to 2S caats par 
Gives you better light tban you can bnyl OiTi 
aa at nuht. Can be operated by boy 10 ynrs* old. 



HriiBi Pietnrs laehiits, $35 Up 

Power's Cameragraph No. 5. only $100; Ctneo- 
graph, $45; Xobln Underwriter macblne, $60; 
Sfotlosraph, Edison Model B., Standard, all 
new, at special rate. Many other redactions. 
Pathe Passion Play, as new, low. Send for Sap 
S3: has many barsalns In mtrhlnes, snpplles, 
etc.. ELABBACH * CO.. 8W ashett. FbOadel- 



79 S. Clark St.. CHICAGO. 



Oomsdete Penny Arcade Oatflt conaUtlnc of 
Eflium PboDOgrapbs, Matoscopes, Plctnre Ms- 
chiim, Pottcblcf Bus. Atliletlc. Blowers ud 
Oue*. M§clitiiea._Jwni_ •^_to Usbert^^ off er. 

*"iaa At* 



TWO Wall BalM 

Make nlemid fnot: eoopletdy famished; snlt 
esialfia eaanav.- Rattl Orgu, BUeys, with 
aaalaiu oshbMsl ■saaled en wacsa. IS.nun- 
tie" Bdraer Bslte * Weyer Usbt. ms Is not 
a lot of limk, bot In line order and «a good ss 
new, Chesp. HEBMAN WIIXERT. West 8th 
Street, Coney Island. New York. 

8 EiMMirvBmn! 



_ ott c oB wl Bntaaig. Hirii- 

inp horf=e macTiinp. SALSBUBY- 
N CO., Caxton Bldg., CUvslaad. 


TWO BIO aaaoAac cars for sale 

One 6S-ft. long, fnlly e<inlpi>ed for fast pas- 
sender serrlee, with steel-uicd wheds, triple air 
Tslre. and ^ aaoasia appUaaeca required, bis 
donble doors eas sai, Is.ttted with a modem 
kitchen. large J oa M i iis t a stcd dlnlBC car range, 
hot and cold water boHem; dining roocn will spst 
16 pe«»le at one time. Caab price, $1,800. Other 
car m-ft. 0 Inches Inside messnre, baa sicel- 
tired wbedi and tuUr eqalpped (or fast paurn- 
ger serrlee. Isrse donble doors on BOTH KSD3. 
basssse wasona can be loaded Id one cod aad run 
rl^t through the car and oat tbe other end. 
Not arrewaiy to ^lead a doUar ea cither ear t«r 
1 price, $1 .BO0l Can can 
T. Wsated ts kn. a 
ao-ft. Stock Car la pcrftat esaJIUoa. Mane 
cash price for It and where It eaa he atea. Also 

cnf^ mnro PTI.KPRANT: mtist be llnauB SO Work; 

I ] Iowa wsRSB or pit 



rO» BiTTf My entire Uostng Pletnre Ontflt. 
eonalBtJna of gaa enslne and ABamo. moonted 
on wagon. 20x50 black top, Edison norlng frte- 
tnre machine and 140 cbslrs. For sale st a 

bargain if Uikin st W. T. BAXTEll, 

What CL.^r, luWIl. 

FUJtS for sale or exchange; all In One condi- 
tion. Moat of tbem Ilka new. Talnes from $S 
to $30. AU Boeds aenr sifcjtti te eramlnstloo 

M. P. Machi n e . 2,000 tt. Film, SoBga, 
Curtain. $75. U. P. Mirhlnfs. $13 op. P. P. 
Blldea and FHrna. Bargain Usta, atamp. The new 
M. P. Ught with let. $2S. F. I.. SMITH. Am- 

■tCTdUDt If* 7a 

FOB SAUE— Selig Polyacope M. P. Macblne. 
good as new. ererytblng complete, ready to ran 
by electric or caldom usbt. A bsraaln; #00.00. 
EDW. MAXM1IJ.1AW. MO 8. Matgas Strtrt, 

FOB BAXE— Tent. 70x100. M-ft. wSU. fhlr con- 
dltloo; Uptown Wagon for (teak, swell; Ad- 
Tance Wagon for small wagon show, good aa 
new; Two-beaded Glaat, 10-ft. tall, and banner 
10x10; Big. Six and HyronsmoDs Wheels, Box 

dSM^^?aaa^ ^ p' 


tors; 1 BoathaVXfBBi'.M; I , 

years' old, Tetr laqie aad ^smcr 9n> ' 

AIXIGAIOB nUtK, Solphnr, 0U>, 

FOX nULX CBZAF— One Baternrlse Stereo. 
I^aten, Oas Tank: Screen, 200 Slides, IJSOO 
TIcketa, Instractlon Bo<As, etc., Canrlag Caae, 
good aa new, coat $180: only need a tew tin 
WOI take $SS. $10 down, balance O. O. n., 
wfll trade lor — ' ~ 


you up for posters. All our 
customen are supplied with 

gupm fm EXfilAMSa 


Gnwl Vw IkKil 

GET Busin 



MttilMil MEwl 


Rantal tor Thraa Daya. Ta« OellBf* 
R*»Hndw« ass Jtotstrsi at WaiBsaai 

Lithographs, pestcts, bsaasfs, aaBMBCt* 

mrnt slides and other adrertlslng mattsr. 
Oor corps of artliCa and photosrapbara 
rlgbt on tbe gronnd secnred all Interest- 
log featum ot tbe trill. TMi *rfll a$t. 
conflict with yoar preaeat avIlML :r J#> ' 
proTed br lU. ImnKdlats'-aHlpBMt SV' 
lecelpt or money order. 

AMrisB** Xamst ma Ssalan. 


ftegro^;_jgLUn i. $00; ta wa ot 4.000. WjJ. 

si ._ 

FOB BAIX— Ona TO-ft sleeper, » stata c o oma. 
13 berths, large baggage or prtrllege end. WOI 
paM M. 0. B. lospectloa on any B. B. six-whsrr 
steel tmcka, steel wheels, in. flne condition. 
g.jno. completely fnmlabed. resdy for toad: 
$2,000 oofamlshrd. Very large possnm belly. 
Also 60-ft. biggige car In perfect coodltlon: haa 
4-whecl steel trucks, steel wheels. Pilee $060. 
Car; can be aeen at AUaata, Oa. Addreaa O. P. 
*» Whitehall St., AUanIa, Oa. 

Bed Bead Balls Maaed in white 


WCTOM. m. Tkflor Am. 


and . StUjW^liMB 

FEBRUARY Iflb lSlt. 



Rush Your Advertisinil f or the Bi^ 


Last Forms Close March lltli. 
Dated March ISth. 

The BiUboard 


CCMtbnud ftMi' l 

IMtiir r H.. * JoUa SfadMNi-lB'-SwibtoIre. 

CtazMn Wllatach. msr.: VWeOma, n,' 18-18; 

CInrlnnatl. O., 20-23. 

Sznvi Set (No. 1). BartoB A Wliwtll, men.: 
Liacoln, Nrb.. 13: D«« Uolnea. I*., 10-18; 
PfMTla, III.. 10 22; Sprtnsaelil 23; PiDa 34; 
Dnritur 25. 

Saart Set (a'.iiittifrn). Barton Jc WLnreU, mfra.: 
Marlon. M.. IS: OoQuola M: CeatnlU IT: 
Mt. Vrmon IS; Olaty ■ Tl» gl —H t . iJd.. 21; 
PHarrian 2-^: Mt. Vwm^mt.Vmmnm, Kf., 
W; Uwrnsboro 23. • ' 

flu Prrklos (C. Jay aamnsV SMt* DelaoPT. 
■fr.: Jlartlnnmt. tt*. IK i>i>Ma 1& 

•qoaw Mu. wnia Aa. C*.. Im.. prop*.: Ameri- 
tm. Ga.. 15: Maraa 18: Wajenx* IT. 

•saaj- South (J. C. Bockirelrs: &r«<1abarr.- Wta., 
IS; Tomab 16: Black BJrer Fa>la 17; Nrlll>- 
*UI» IS: Marthnrld 19: Stialer 20: Uenomonle 
11; SiUlwatrr. Minn.. 22; Lake Clt; 23: Wi- 
basba 34; Wfooaa 25. 

Aennin'a Munlcal Comcdr Co., E. A. Wolff, 
mgr.: Edmoaloo. Alta.. Cut., 8-Peb. 22. 

0pooo4.'r. C«<-i:. lUanej-Spooon Am. Co.. lac. 
■vr>.: Cblcaso, JIL. 13- IS; Clanlaad. O., 

•t. Bm OlaMr A Sla^ tt. taali. Mou. 

U-M: Cblcaca. lit. IMm; 4^ . : 
•vrrba, Edwia TTiiMI. JHI .I'lMlHItL TOUl. 

13-18: Ailaaca. Oa..n 
SUiKT. Rrorsr. !■ tt*.- . 

mgr.: Klndlar, O.. W;' 

Pa.. 20.23. 

School Da.rj. S:alr A BaTlIa, Inc.. msrs. : Mll- 
«aak»<. Wli., 1218: Cblcaso. lU.. 18-Mar. 4. 
•wtrtnt Girl ln*ratia. Hanr Aikln. m(r.: 
apekfocd. BL. IS: ftMfMt Us^QlaMa. la 

»: DobMiM IS: inmnim Pat 



Bool Kin <Eifl(ni). Utttralkil 


B. Co.. 

I>r., msn.^ HolTok«. M— ^ Mi Xartkampton 
« "IT; ' 

I«: X»w RaTra' Conn.. IT: 'BrHcrport ' 18: 
Trtnton, N. J.. 20.22; PlalaflfM S3: Boonton 


Vktnner. Otis. In Stre. Ckaa. FNbmaa* mcr. 

X. r. c. 818: Atlantic City. X. J. 

Jkllfniotrn. Pa., 23: Beadlnt 34s.I«a 

Sears. Zelda. In Ibc Nnt Sfs, U.'-C' 

^mrr.: Cnlnmbna. O., 13-18. 

Vlakl. Row. in MacKlr iSrppcT. Rrary B. Rar- 
. Tb. msr: noffalo; N. T.. lS-18. 

•cMt. Crrll. In tb» LottaO" Han. The Sbaberti. 

Baw?^^^'iyji'ifc al'i? ITmtiiw ■■(•.: Bnt- 

■*T«n Kttr*. TTacrahala A KM>|wr, ncrs.: Svat- 

tl». Waab.. 12-ia. 
WTrn na.TB, Wafabals A Kemper, m(T«.: Tay- 
lor, Tel.. 15: BrjtB 16; Oontcant IT. 
«»• of the Pather (A). Geo. H. BreaoaB, m«r.: 

ClarteTlIIe. Tel., 18; Ft. Worth lB-18. 
Blna of the Father (B), Oeo. H. Breanaa. myr.: 

Cedartovn, Ga.. IS; Daltoo 1«; Mottnettera, 

Traa., IT: Lchaaao 18. 
m. Dmo (Ceatral). Ualtcd Play OOb. lae., mcrs.: 

CoDvaj. Ark...U: Knrport IT; Batearflte IS. 
Shea. Tbomt* C to aHHMr^ A. H. Wood*. 

5JT : narrliharK. P*..lS4«:1kD*lyB. K. T.. 

20-March 4. •-• - ' 

Bqoaw Man (Wratera), B. B. .fton *J.OA. 

mrrs.: Modeatn. Cal.. IS: MHC«« W Wfll 

IT; TiMilla 18. 
•peadthrltt. The fB), Ftcdeile Thompson, myr.: 

Dccatar. III., IS: BlaoataclaD 21. 
IVal. Barmond, Moiieat OM*«y Co.: autoB. 

_Arll., 13-18. ■ 

Thnniton. MaKlrlan. Paiiliy TUliliW, —r.t CW- 

eayo. III., 12 23. 
lUef, The <Clt.T Ca.\. A. H. Woods, myr.: X«w 
-Orteani La.. J.1.18. 

nrt. The (Eaateni). O. A. BoUlTaa. myr,: 
jgWgU. ft...M; OU CUT. Pa., IT: Meid- 

Jtoa. sc. "Oaite^ nayr.: PhUa_ M-SS. 
Ttec, the Flan and tha CM (BMtcn). r. A. 

Wlllapd. myr.r. — 

10; San B 

Tncaon 21; 

N. Mei., », 
Ttajw Week*. HerrhnB A ReOMIln. mrra.: 

Toronto. Can.. 18-18: BaSalOk K. T.. 20-23. 
"JV (Eulera), U A. Staaton. mgr.: 

SJHl'mile, N. T., 15: Baulaytea. Vt.. l«: 
-JMMaaeM. ilaaa.. IT; La«Teae«^8. 
™w>|h neath TaUer (A. K. Paaraon'a). Ch««. 

*- .Cnaa. myr.: Oaytaa. 0.. 13-1(: tadltn- 
-apolla. ladJly-lS. 

TTmitay Saleamaa (A), Beary B, RarrU. myr.: 

I». T. C, 18-18. 
TrarHlny Ratenaaa (B). Hearjr B. Harris, myr,: 

jjaeky Port. C^. .U: TriaMad IB: Ondaa 
-Jl*^. Kaa., 18: RBtcMMaa IT: tneMta 18. 

Galmimry. m., 18: MnSot M: Kaakakw IT: 
BloomlnKtea 18: MM M; ' PMrttae W: Pair. 

Three Week*. Myk MHttaaHi afr.: BrfU*. 

Jf. T.. 1,T.18. 
^.I**,!"'""- M- Oaltea. myr.: CleTelaad, 

O., ia-18. 

TMef. The (Weatern). H. A. IHlley, myr,: 
Jlarennei. lad., 15; Prtaeatoa 16; Oweaiboro, 
-Ky.. IT: n*nd«(«oB 18. 

Ttanton^ Adelaide. Oohao * Harris, myra.: 
Xlaa.. 18. 


Cncle Tom's Cabin CAL W* 
Kibble, mgr.: Phlla.. lA-lS; 
22; Sctaatoo 23-25. 

UnmM^^SSivdoa IT: Johaatom ill 
Uncle ToB's Cabin (Stetion'*), Leon Waahbnrn, 

mgr.: Norwich, X. Y., 15. 
vr..alr. Alan. Co.: Mineral City, O., 20: Saltne- 

vllle 21; CarreUtoo 23; Aatatcidan S4. 
Van ^addlM. .OfM*. Ik tkl Kuaike of Ma- 
homet. O. Atthar, mgt.x BraaUya. N. X„ 


Tlryiultn. The. Klrke LaShellc Co., «yia.: Oca- 

Tcr. Colo.. 12-18. 
Warfield, DaTtd. In tbe nriiim of Frter Orimat 

DaTid Belaaco, mcr.: Clilcago, IIL. Feb. 0. 


WoodraS, Benry. In The Genloa. 3I«rt B. 81a- 
■er. mgr.: Charleston. W. Va.. U-l($ fttfetta- 
bnry IT: Whecllny 18: £. tiaiapsit. ^ M: 

Salem 21; AllUnee 22; Canton S; Xev Phlla- 

delpbla 24; Marietta 25. 
Wllla' Mnalcal Comedy Co.. John R. Wills, mgr.: 

roTtamontb. O.. 13-18. 
When Sweet Sixteen. Ercr.Wnli Co.. Inc.. myrs.: 

Chicago. lU., Feb. 12. Indef. 
Ward A Vofces. la Trouble Uaker*. E. D. Stair. 

mgr.: Memphis. Teaa.. 13-18: NaabrUle 30-25. 
Weary WUUy Valtay. VlC GHM. awr^WMU- 

too. OkIa.. .li: Oaaihc M; atMBi ni Bils- 

Waid The. Stair * Ravlla. aayis.: dklcayo, m.. 
. SU: St PaaL Ulaa.. IMS. _ ^ 

WUIa a«aaw. Laaia P. Wciba. iiyrj: Bar City. 
Mich.. 15: O an a a a M:- Laaaiay IT: Adrian 18: 
Bentoa Barhar IS: Btthart. lad.. 20; So. Rend 
21: Kalamaaoo. Mteh.. S: Grand Rapids 23 25. 
Wolf. The tXo. 1>. H. .\. Morrison, bos. mirr.: 
FairlmiT. HI-- 1^: Lincoln IC: Qulncj- IT: Fiir- 
llnytoa. I».. IS: Mollne. III.. IS; .\Io»catlne. 
la.. 20: Bock Island. III.. 21: Princeton 22; 
Pontlae 2n: Kankakee 21: Valparaiso. Ind.. 23. 
Wolf. The (E^sterni, Tom Morrotr. has. mgr.: 
Moneaaen. Pa.. IS: ConnellSTllle 18; Vsndet- 
yrift IT: Tarcntnm IS. 
Wll»on. -M. H.. SIdnc.v R. Ellis, msr.: Oil Cltj-. 
Pa., 15; Bearer Falls 10: Canton. O.. IT; 
F.ljrla 18: Toledo 10 25. 
WlDDlng Mlii. Bovie Woolfolk .\m. Co.. lac.. 

' ilani*. Ga.. l.t-iS: Blrmincham. Ala., 

Wsldmaaa. Ednard. X I. Macrlaaa. awr.:.^ter- 
Tin*. X. v.. IS: Xravleh IS: tTsItoa 17: Ham- 
Utott IS. 

'WV Doarn East. Wm. Bradr. mgr.: N. T. C, 
Xaa. SI, iadef. 

Wl Bon. FTaurU. In The Bachelor's Babr. Cbas. 

Frohman. mgr.: Chicago, IIL, S-IS; Kansas 

Cllr, Mo.. 20-25. 
Warner, H. B.. In Alias Jimmy Vslentlne. Lleb- 

l*r A Co.. rnffrs.: Cincinnati. O.. 13-18. 
WbltPSlde. Walter. In The Melting Pot. Llebler 

A Co., myrs.: Waterloo, la., 17; Mollne, UL, 

Walsh. Blanche, la Tha Ottg WW isa. 'A. B. 
Woods, myr.: MOmriKCk JVMm.IS^S: Pcarla. 

ni.. 18; Biw wAt lSB IT; LsbfBtiak lad., u; 

Zev--. Th>. Ctas. SMaaaa. a«r.: X. T. C 13. 



Abbott'a TaadeTine C». S. 0. Atbott. myr.: 

AUa VM. Kan- .»-.lA . 

AhaiaaL naL ByaaalMa. S. B. Sweet, mirr. : 

MctaMBaTlIo-, IS-IS: Blyylnsrnie 16-ls. 
Adsms', lames. Show: Cba^tte. X. C. I.I-IS: 

Rock Hill. S. C-. 20-25. . , 

Adams' Camlcal o( Norcllla* A Palace of llln- 

sloas. Pnfc H. D. Adaaa, Mcr.: LaesrlUe. 

S- C ^tts.Ota 
Raraaaa. ^^aC* ' y.. 'BS* 


Caaey Bna. A Osl: BaliMiat. Wis., 16: Mel- 
lee 18: IioB Belt , ^. 
Coltlaa, Great. Chaa. <M«ln. mgr.: Ludinytoa. 

Mich.. 18-18: Maahte* IB-as. 
Daniel. Maylelaa. IK A. Bieea. Mir.&FM- 
moot. Ala.. M: ya ih sa a e n w 17: A aais t a a 18: 
Talladasa - . „ ^ 

-yam^ Ohm^t OcV UatstkaB. la.. 

I. S., Animal Show: SaBM City. 

Usk. tadef. . j_ 

Fllat. Herbert L.. Mesmerist. A. K BS(nn 

mgr.: Leilnyton. Ky., 13-25. 
Flint. Mrs. Herbert I... J. A. Ijict, mgr.: Mar- 
lon. Ind.. 1S-18: So. Bend 20-20. 
Olln'ns, The H.rpnotle Comedy Co.. J. H. on- 
rli. mFT.:' Estberrllle. la.. 1915; Spencer 
'•-18. _ „ 

Hamilton's World Wonder Sbova. C. P. Ram- 
ntoB. Biyr.: Cwwicr. La.. M-U: Late CkaHes 

naaey'a. Bmr. lilBaM Ben aaS OMa: N 
YcTBOB. IimL. IS: B TB Wu a w w i a JT: MMIm* 
18: Looyootea 98: Salem 91: OilMmi 39: 
Rnatlaabary 23, 

nerhert^Mnla Shows. Bd. S. anyia. aw.: Ma. 
m.. 18-18. 

nowatd'a Orphenm Show, O. B. DaAvrto. mf.: 

Cananton. Mo.. 15-16: Lexinytaa 17.18: 
Lea'a Qlasa Blowera, Jack Lc«. aiyr.: War- 

reatoB. Va.. 1S-18. . ^ _ 

MtahSeM. Nell, Lrteamltrs: nickotr. Ps.. IB: 

Barahsm 16; Pslnjrm IT: Heller lo w a IS. 
Haaeat, Edneated Horse, H, S, Mayalte, myr,: 

SsB Aatonk). Tex.. Isa. 8, ladat. 
Mnrtoa-Keenan Show: LadOMW. ' IMm ilS-IS- 
Boahsm 1T-18: nenlann 98411 BanM, Ws. 
39-38: Coalyate 24-3B. 
Uysterioo* Smith Co.. Albert P. Smllk, myr.: 
Rolfe. Is.. 18-18: LanrrBS 17.18: Petersoa 90- 
31: FBBlla* 93-38: MIMted a«.3S. 

~ Vt. H. W wa uH . msr.!. 




the otiMr halt aadyim viB gsfeaa?^ 

Mg a quantity of goods from us i 
you w<Nild for the whole anywhen' 
else. Why? Because our ixioes an 
that much lower, Our goods? You 
can't get their equal as profit mak- 
ers. Wo cbmI :&i alfeMlifiBb qptt 



We send no catalog and ship no gooda to consumers 
In writing tot catalog, say if you want StreetoMifi 2BS>pa|B or ths 
large 776-page book, and state when last you reoeiyed 

StrcataMO. Taadoca. 

Cane Rack and Knife 
Board Men, High 
Pitch and Fish Pond 
OperatorK. Street Pair 
and CarolTal Workers, 
TrascUas Medicine 


aires. Premium OIt- 

er^, Schemlsts. M. O. 

Men and General Mer- 

We ay* 


HBtEn LUES 111 UKVtt 


om BXBOsn 

Jewelry. Watchca, 
Cntlecy, Caaaa, bUscr- 
wara, Yankee Notions. 
NoTcltlea aod 8pe«lal- 
tlea iB Immense va- 
riety. Oniek selleis 
la Statloaery. Dry 
Goods, Soadrles, Lea- 
ther and Robber 
Goods. Books and Soa- 
renlrs, P r e m 1 a as 
Goods, Adrrrtlslny 
Goods, Street Fairs. 
Carnival and Picnic 
Supplies of all kinds, 
etc etc., etc. 

Parker's Tezss Combination Shows: New Salsa. 

Tel.. 18, 

St. Germata'a CoUeye of PsMHiyi "BBflB> 

hnry. Pa.. Jaa. 23. ladet. 

bompaoB'a One-aiaa Clicaa. Ptaak B. Tbemp- 

soa, Biyr.: Brld y syor t . Wta.. IS: Steabea l<- 

19: Baronm 20-23: Sylvaa 98-9S. 
Todd's United Shows. AI. Todd, mgr.: Hogs. 

Tex.. 13-18. 
Wslden. 8. Worden, mgr.: Allendale, S. (' 

IS: WUtnlsa IS; Bonaa Batb IT: Tn^ i& 

IS-lSi i 

Adams A Statal Shows. J. w. Stabl, myr.: 

NeWeton. Miss.. 13 18. 
Campbell Ckilted Shows, O. W.. Caowh^. mgr.: 

Oomai. Ark., IS-I8. 
Daels Amnsement Co.. OaS. 0. DMlil affv: 

Braxtoa. Miss,, IS-IS. • . 

Orest Esstera Caialiat Oh. 9k'. m ."BMO* . 

mgr.: New RhoiMb lA^TiS^St UkOBBM*. 

deace 20-35. _ - . .^-^ ■■ ■. ■ 

'"piSm £nl^ ns. ° iSB^'SailSt^SsET**' 
JbtcbsI's SUdlnm »m-^ T. IL JSScaaL mft.: 

Colnmhta. Miss.. 13-18. 
Keppler Shom. c. J. Keppler. mgr.: Boyalnsa. 

La.. 13-IS: CoTlngtoQ 20-25. 
LscbmaB CaraiTal Co.: firowlay. La.. 13-1*' 

Lake Chailsa 3S-SB. 
Littiejoial^ HUM Si law. Xlvt Oak. Phk. 18- 


Ifatropolltan Shows: Oeflla. Qa.. tt-lS. 

New Olympic Shows. Uacy * ICattktWa. mtla.: 

Boston. Ga.. 13-18. 
SimpsoB'a .Oiaatar Skawa, J. C. S l ia y a M . myr.: 

TNgr. Ala., ta-1*. 

Smith, jaha B.. Shows. A Boflhlo BanA Wild 


-WSat: Ahbeellle. & C J3-I8. 
Walaa Amnaemeat Co. 

Tnaha. Tax.. U-18. 
WWaattra IMd ~ 

C- D. Wales. 

Via.. IS- 


BIy City (John W. VogeVs): Horaell, N. t., 
15: Addison IS: Andorer 17: WellsTUIe 18: 
Gsletoa. Pa., 20: Wellsboro 21: Willlamsport 
33; Lock RaTeo 33; Bmnorla 34: Warrea 35. 

Doekstader's. Lew, O, F, Rortye, mgr.: Atlanta. 
Os.. 15-18: Colombns 17: Montyamerr. Als.. 
18: BIr layhsm 90: PeaaseoU. Pla.. 91: Ha- 

ns aqalpmeat. SeatJay eapaetty BOO; 
turn popalatloa or I0,000. and OO-day 
at Latoola Bace Track: sltaaied ea 
Only TandeTllle theatra 
Uanr other adrantagea. A Ilea pn 
a^lB. LcsTlnc city. InTcatlyatak 
S. BBAOLBT. XalOBla. Ky. 

Sraaa* Boaey Boy, Osa. ' 
N 7 18-18 

neld's."Al. O.': Detroit. MIeb.. 13-18; 
20: Jackson 31; Battla Creek £!: Kl 
33: Elkhart. Ind.. 34: So. Bend 23. 

Ooy Bna.'. O. R. Gay. myr.: Dorer, Dcla., 18; 
Mlltord 18: Sallsbory. Md., IT: Denton 18. 

Bteharda A Prtiatle'a, Holland A PItklns. myrs.: 
Pboealz, Arts.. IS; Tncson 18: Tombstone IT: 
Biahee IS; Doaylaa 19: Clifton 20: Moteaci 
91: Demlny, N. Mex.. 22; Sltrer City 23: B! 
Peso, Tes., '34-20. 

St'^ I^T'g Rink Attractions. 

AMca T*ddy. BoUer Skathiy Bear, Geo. B. Qtsy- 
s^^^mgr.: (Oalety Theatre) St. Paol. WsSm 


American Tralacd WUd Aalmal 

Baiaar of NaUsaSt 
Bnrk'a. Oo. IL. 

C. 14-16. 
Bawd- ft.. I lim» 

ti e - B i 11 b o « IP tl 

FEBRi/ARV tti'wnr 


Aaj't'sUe, of tbe DaOr Keirs. "As 

• Binwrlctat. Ur. Wllwa hu iocid .„ 

■Bd Doyvad tta* sren^ . actor -wbo "-tries- -bu 
Mt at MDdlaK "rdilelec.* His fun ti 'cod- 
orixbul and dcTcr. His dlalocDe 
lean and at least brletat It not 

and httnctiTe- if not hoiaoTODS, except 

m ■ orelets glTe-and-taiCe coarenatloii." 

Parer Hammood. of tbe Tribone. 'says: "Ur. 
WHsoa makea a alncnlarly double- api>eal In 
Ms Bnr farce Tbe Bacbelor'a Baby. He is a 
•art of sandwich man — one aide of blm snortinr 
■Bd talllns all orcr tbe' laxsitnre and tbe 

attar liilj imsjlsa In the.aaft tmdi of 

Wru and ronaacaw _ . _ 
to tfe* Mtaaar «r 

. Wniain Bnc7 Batch 
r «■ .,■ ii . . Albert Parker 
'- - .-.t i^ V. Stewart BobUna 
.. GrllBtb Kraas 
Philip Sandford 

"flililfaaf~llrtlwi •• .. H. A. Morer 
.. nederick Waneee 

« - John F. Hlnes 
„ Howard Undsley 
AUca Faulkner .. .. Louise Batter 

Kia. Fanlkner ^ Mary CampbeU 

Madae L.arral>ee Kaiton Abbott 

Soeae Uatnnt Oreen 

Mm*. Bmeedlej .' Name BOblnaon 

' Blcbard Bearr TJttle of tbe TrOmne, bad tlie 
Cdowtnc to say: "At tbe eod of the second 
act tbe aadlence Insisted so ttaa euttala bdns 

X Daw- addlttoa to tbe ctaonu of tlie Qoecn oC 
Wobimla la lUaa Ceoisle Ifartin, who Joined- tb* 
abow at tlie Garetjr, BaltlaKne, a lew daya agti 

Odlra. tba wvBdertnl swimmer- and direr, la 
beeomliiK quite an attraetloa la boriceqne. She 
U blUed to -appear as the added attiaetiw with 
Heaara. Jaeobs & Jccmon'a OoUen' CMiok. for 
their PlttshnB week at the Oarety there, week 

of Mtcsaiy^S. XT " 

bot OUra «■ 

Among tbe new sddltieiis to Oit east oC tlie 
Queen of Bobemla is tbe spsrkllnc little Cszrie 
amndeil, who now married, ia dotna a neat little 

" 4a>elna set with her hoshand. Jack 

'■et Isfcnows as Henry snd arindell, 
' » sood. When I last saw Carrie 
t araa a paay wiCb Hnrtlg and Seamon's Follies 
lAw Tork and ParU. thrtt Tbe PoJlIea of tbe 
XooUn Bonce. 8be was a good loakln( (ill, a 
food singer and an energetic worker. I once 
happened to catch her in a single oo dboma glrra 
contest Bigbt. and was anrprtsed 'at .tier ablUty. 
I alBO aientloBcd her in this colnmB> and tlmi 

of tbe Beeotd-Btealil: "Jfs 

_ ~oId plajr. and It's a line thine to ne 

■batloek Holmes again in tbe Oesh. Mr.-OII- 
latta's sappoTtlag company is, la most ayts, 
aOelent. Mr. Mntem's Morisrty !<tan1s oiir 
■a tbe high light of the p c ifcnm ame a^ICc 
tHD tile work of tbe star, and Ulsa 'Rntter. 
Miss Ablwtt and -WHItam Blley Hatch are eoa- 
TlDeing In' the' roles of tbe glri, tbe rillalnora 
nd tbe Tfnaln respectlrely. Mr. Brace ia a 
bit eolotless as Dr. Watson, bat tbe part stcmii 
to demand It.** 


1 was tbe pioneer in this business, snd alt otben 
are simply mistaken when tbey claim tbfs honor. 
I atarted TaaderlUe that: was 'flf for women to 

"In October. 1S73, I opened on Broadway, 
Hoa. SS5 and oSti. opposite tbe MetrgnUtan 
Hotel, In Tocy Pastor's New 

Here I remained nntll USI, wtaB I 
liBBrteentt^Stieet.^ where 1 jjjgt bCCB. 

SSST ^arttar* osa^'W ^as 'pcetty ss they 
Tlie tUag I am most prood' of ss s 
Is the dlseeeciy sad brincins oot of 
Tjntmn BnsseQ. She Is the gem on my diadem, 
tb* bllgbtest diamond of my bright collrctlon, 
snd I nerer Mold tell yon. Mllt, bow proad I 
wm of ber as I gave ber stage name to her. 

- "Helen DaoTray , -whu danced onder tbe so- 
tclanet of 'Uttle NeU.' as weQ as Margaret 
Hih. aa 'Baby Beo-^n.* also began with me.** 

Slat <3oodwla was a Tony Paator man long be- 
toe be became famons. John WDd and Gcoige 
■algbt were two big fdlows who started to 
gja> tbe dram atic ladd er w Ufc ~ ' ~ 

Oa^Jrta btioaga to Us dhacHbad flsck. Bat tojok 
aft fao list of managers, msny of tliem star 
pacflasaies^ also who grsdnated from Pastor's 
Dttk gaoel: HaiTlgsn snd Hart. Josh Hart. 
Cbarlea T. Ellis. WDIiam Harrla. of Boston: 
WUiB Glrard. Harry and John Kemell. tbe elder 
Fat Booney. 3. C. (Fatty) Stewart, Hallen and 
■art. Harry Miner. Kate Csstleton, Daly Btok 
O. Jl. Gsrdner. Morray snd Minpby, Gns Wil 
Hams. John T. Kelley. tbe rolling mlB maQ 
Cksries T. McCsrthy. Xrans and Hoey. BUly 
Barry, Monroe and HIce, Deomsn Thompsoik 
Pattl Boss. Dan Sally. St. Felix Sisters, SCsttie 
Tickers. Gormsn Bntbins. Sell Bgigess, Wis. J. 
, Jtmar Hm. Teata TBIcr. Biirti Bone^ 
Tcatai TkMa. and 

a owe .■neh'toTbn.i 

Star' and- Flo - mrtn. Frsnda -Wilson 
! Bbdier. and 31aggle Cllne. an started 

tbe civil War. while with the Frank 
Company. Tony arqnsed great paMotIsm 
appealing on tbe stage with s large Amerl 
eaa nsg. slnglbg Tbe Star Spangled Banner. 

Tfans. this ;dant sfaowman of tbe Twentieth 
Centniy passed to rest, fredoesday erenlnp. 
Aagnst 26. 190S. at his home. "Kerry Cottage." 
Whitnev aTenne. Clmbnrvt. Xong Island, aft<>r 
an fllDes5 of two weeks. He was 72 years old 
and death wss dne to s genersl ptiysteal break 
down. He was snrrlred -by a tonag wUt. Vrs. 
Josephine Pastor. Tbe foneial 
bdd oa Sstnrday. Aagnst S(k 

at St. JiUbiloaww'g 

, l^it^laid 

In state from oneOVtoCk ~' * " — -.^ - 
a'cloek Sondsy. 
enndncted by tbe 
Srergreen Cemetery. 
* Tbe following gentlemen acted as pallbearers 
H.' 8. Sanderson, representing tbe New Tork 
Irodge of Elks: John T. Kelly, representing tbe 
Brooklyn Lodge of same order; Ralph D. Moore, 
the Actors* Order of Friendship: Clay M. Greene. 
Hie lADba' Clab: lames J. Morton, tba Comedy 
Onb ^naagr 

pace. ■ 


TAKE HOTICE. — If yon want to get an ad- 
▼ertisement In the trig Spring Special Number 
oC 'Ae Bmboaid. It most reach tbe Cincinnati 
aOee before Match 11, when tbe last forms dose. 
It Is going to be a hammer. 

It. D.. : 

1 Ja- 


Tbe eeaicdlaa tbea with the . 

dsBly III. PMI Sheridan asked Bnssel to tr. : 
to handle tbe part. Bnssel tried and more than 
made good; and signed the following sesson, I 
bcUere. with Louie Boble, at that time Iden- 
tMed with Herbert Mack, lie has since been 
eomected with the Cherry Blossoms snd Night- 
ingales (Western -Wheel). Tbe Kentx Santley 
Show two aea?ons. The World Beaters two sea- 
sons, Tbe Columbia Burlesquers one seasou, 
sod now back with tbe old love, the famous 
Rents Santler. Bnssel is a good «lngi-r and 
an enerKetlc worker, poaaesxlng tbe facQlty of 
playing almost ereiy coaeelTahle diaracter. 
Be Is at bto best to Jew, nbe. Oateb. Irish, 
tramp. Italian and ceeentrle. and does a teally 
good singing aad 


I saw a bnnch of ciiorus girls from Dare Mar- 
lon's sbow last Sunday. They wer^ harrying lo 
make a train, and would yon beUera U when I 
teU yon. fiut at least four of than had- copies 
of tbe cmrent issse of The BliaiiM* aadtr tbeir. 
dainty annal 1 teU yoa. the sHa" Mkt Tbe 
Billboard as well ss tii^baya. 

A special message (Nni Toongstown states 
that Jack Sntter, manager of tlie Moollo Bonge 
Oiris (Torfcey) waa arrested there on tbe atter- 
nom of Fe^nary 8, and charged with giving an 
indecent performance of the show. Be was held 
on $300 baa, which was aubsequently reduced 
to $100 tlirongh tbe mediation of Joe Sbagren,- 
manager of the Grand Opera -Hoose, at which 
theatre Stittex's show wss plsying. Joe ssked 
the cWef of poUee If Setter had committed inm-- 
der that the baU ahoidd be placed so iiigti. Tbe 
srrest wss msde on the eoniplaliit 9t a party of 
local women, who objected Oelr basbands 
witnessing a shew to which l%ey. the scomen.- 
were not admitted. 

' ♦ 

Mabel Bludale. one of the star dioms glri> 
•srlth the Broadway Gayety GlrU- (Western 
Whed), dosed with that attrsctloir on Satur- 
day last and prtjceeded to her home- In Kew 
York. Miss Blsdale Is to ir^-rr iij In a eew 
days to a prominent Ni-iv i k i i nery. dealer, 
Frank -T. Stack. Jr. Miss Blsdale wUl not 
return to the ataga w Mb-wbId h she has been 
Idcntifled nr aatsaal anaaaK , for the oast 
two sessoM i«a waa wOk tka-CN««ty Gtrlii. 
She was also srtib the Gay iftirnl^^lorie' 
daring its last aeaaoa aa a wheel prateetton 
and when It won coatraHed by Messte. Balder 
and Hall. 


I bare a dandy story which concerns a bull 
terrier, the property of the well known man 
ager of the Detroit Gayety, Mr. J. M. Wart 
It is far too good to ten bwe. aol ahaB Mre 
It for tbe OljiiLnallsas^eg'tba^aiieag^. srtU^ 
am -lnformed'-|i-:ta'.aBPta» iieMiBinr la. 
these .pegea. 

FMd ■MMl.*' ttli Haaon with Jack Mason's 
Beats Santler Ooanpaay (Eastern Wheel), Is 
noted for Us >uasiial TacaaliUty and general 
ability as an all aroond cbaracter and general 
bnrleaqne comedlsiu I remember blm with al- 
most erery burlesque sbow be has been idcn- 
tifled with, and can recaB him when be was 
property man -with Phil Sberidan'a City Bporto. 
some nine or ten years sgo. It was that aea; 
son. If I remember rightly, that bo Brat tried 
his band as an actor, with jach ancoesa. _tbat 

(Oou tin ned IMlpM 

opialon ss Mr. Wsilaee 
posting qoestion.** 

The latest application for memliership to the 
Showmen's Association Is Fred Bncbansn. of 
Des Moines, owner of tbe Tsnkee Boblnson 
Shows. He thinks tbe smaller sbows hare as 
much or more to gain by tbe succeesfal opers- 
tisn of tte Aanelatioa tbaa the larger ones. 


Peoris. ni.. Feb. 11 rSpeclsl to Tbe Bill- 
board). — From belDg one of tbe most illy- 
eqolfiped cities In tbe rolled States In the 
Butter of thettres. Prarls. Ill„ the metropolis 
of the dlstilllog district promises to become 
one' of the best. Tbe latent candidate for 
favor Is tbe Lycenm Theatre, a baodsome vau- 
derille hoose. oceup.T-Ing the site where Weajst'j- 
Theatre formerly was located. Tbe Lyceam 
will be a medlnm-prlMKl rauilerllle bonso. ant' 
is certain to become > favorite. It opens ear- 
ly in Felinury onder tbe direction of Its bnU,1- 
en. tba trnOrn. TbcaHa OM«aar. i' ^" 
Nix OkaaiMag -k; ainlMat:. JU 'B^ 
Tim tnmtiai. sad Cbaites Xatbaa. 
snd tressnrer. 


New Tork. Feb. 11 (Special tb"Tbe Bill- 
board). — CyrO Kelghtley liaa been engaged b.r 
I.lebler & Co. for the principal male part In 
support of Miss Annie Bussell in the forth- 
coming prodnctlon of Tbe Backsliders. Mr. 
Kelghtley Is a comparatively recent acqnlsl- 
tton to the American stage, baring come from 
I^ndon to be leading man fOr Miss Blllle 

WUl seQ Galatea maat 

$150: wm sdl far $40. . 

nioslon. $40; one Aln IBnsioa. $M( aaa Hat 
form ninsion. $20: or will take in aMMr.'Witb 
small cspltal. for part aeaaon. Ok'^L'-BdlX, 

3S0 Noble Are., Bridgeport, Conn. 

FOB SAI£— $1,300 Mnitary Band Olgan. ST 

pieces mosic, like new, $490; 2S Penny Arcsde 
ilachlnes, cost $1,500, good sbape, ^S5: Tbe 
Vemans' Electric Antomoblle Skates, $1T.S5, 
adeanccd mo agy and ex- 
T. a. coif , Caa- 

TOK SAIB— CowMaed Taa 

Nickelodeon doing 
Bent $48: 

For Sale-17 Two-ann SBnliglitsS 

eight 6-arm Sonllghts, 2S Air Tanks with 

Isg eqolpmezits. eXght boxes for B-ann Sonllgbt, 
mnd 17 boxes for 2-«rm Sonllsbt. made bj Sao- 


i'h ' 



Moslcal and Comc-dy Artists. Good harmony 
singing, rlolln snios and Imitatiuns, featarioy 
Blanch A. I>wls. the sheminienal caatrallo, aad 
Gerald A. GrlBa. tbe arigiaal I 
Plenty at 

New Catalogu<^ 

For Season 1911, of 

Primo Show Ligkli 


Portable Machi; 
. Now RiMidsr. 

A immtiBr cif 
greatly imiiroved 
vas, atena and outdoor light* , 
ing devices arc offered. . *■ - -' 
Special Lamps aad Win! 
Systems for conceasion maJi- 
BtreetmeiL The "Hydio-Hioto" PortabW 
Li^t Madiiiie for pbotagraphoB. Wptfl; 
for Dew catalog aM .. 
establuhed. , . ^ 


104-C N. tatli St.. St. IdOMla. 


wbo caa plax comedy part In nndcrflle tfcetck. 
Good eagasMDefit. 8Utc f«U pwUcalAno AdA. 



we have been snp^y- 
ing the patrons of The 
Billboard, and like 
"Billyboj,'' we have 
grown tremendously. 
Prompt and courteous 
attention to yont'M/t-^ 
ters, fair dealing, our 
positive guarantee on 
our work, are some of 
the things that have 




Postage paid for cadi WKh OTtder. 

PBICE. S1.00 


The House Yes tUv Always Dedt With. 



' FEBRUARY 14, 1811. 

Ttie Billboard 


Bobbie Bumette 


8boat0r and Comedlin. m^tln^ with bis 



Capable leader. Invites ofTers for 
the remuning, also the summer, 
season. Theatre preferred. A. F. 
of M. Address D. TOPE, 1105 
East North Street, Canton, 0. 

Prof. Glas. Lefflbernr 


um KcaotATie nua siuTa 

AddKM S80 NUwIceath St., Unwmakee. WU. 


Gentry Bros.' Show 



BROS., aioomlaiton. Ind. 





Oock|MtN4Kkport Fair. AIR. 


Ut«OB-C«iiKU Slate Fait. Oct. IO-SOl Harr^ 


0. M. 


Allanlk- — Caw Coaatj Fair Auo. Sept. IMS. 
Ctrl B. HoSnaa. «ec7. 

BloomlnatoD — Dm*ia OouDlr AsrL Sac. Sepi. 
12-15. H. c. Laacb. tttr. _ 

Breeite — BrecK D. ft F. Aiaa. Sapb- V4lL A. 
N. Granx, ttcj. 

Bbcaiodoab — Staenandoah Fair Aaaa. Aas- Il- 
ls. A. W. Gold]>erK. accT. 

Tlplon— Cedar Coontr Fair Aiao. Srpt. S-T. C. 
F. Sliuiucrtuaker. aec/. 

Norlon— Norton CoDQt7 Afit. Aaaa- Ans. »- 

Sfiil. t. M. F. GarrltT. aaaf. 
Smith LVDter — Smith Coaotr Fair Atm. 

&-.H. n. C. SmIUu aecy. 

Aoc. SO-8epl. 
Sept. 5-7. 

Baii ial i wa X alaaa Ctawtr Fair, 

Z. Chittria vnaon, aaor. 
na cMflBe-toh te Ca. Fair 

Auauat Ovaara. accr. 
PatU— BoartwB Oe. AaH. Soe. Sa»l. 4«. Ctaaa. 

A. Webber, aecy. 
SeottTllIe— Allen Cooatr Fair Am. SiFt. 14- 

16. S. J. Bead, accr. . 

Lake Charlea— Calcaalea La. Fair Aua. Kor. 

^'st^'orrs.' LbSSTk. ^IniSSiAaa:. aacr. 

Fr<-«part — Fmport PoMttly Aam. Bib W-S9. 
Geo. r. CofflD, aec7. 

Maa«a<iH ii a g . TT a 

Barre— Wocceater WcaC Afil. Sac. Sept. »-SD. 
D. B Bleek aecr. 


Gr«*n?IU< — GreeQTllle FW 

B. C. Eck»r. aeey. 
Marquette — Marqaette Coantj A«rl. Soc Sep*. 

4-8. W. A. Boaa. lecj. 
MarabSdd— MarsbOrld A(rl. A Sort. Boc^Aaf. 

^JM. M» H. Hatch, aec;., Kortk .ManlMta 

Uaaak . 

Aoatln — Mower Cooatr A«rL Soc. Sept. 37-29. 

B. H.- Smith. aecT. 

CanbT— Tellow Medlelaa Ca. Fair Aaaa. Oct. 

Frank E. MUIai%JM^ „ 
Shakopee — Scott Coanty AbH. Bacu > ■§■(,. .M-IS. 
r. H. Bclaes. aecy. 

Mlaaoola— Wcateni Montana Affle ttaw. Oct. 
1S-21. A. J. Brelteoatein, aecj- 


Aloswortb— Brown County Ajrl. Soc. Sept. 27- 

29. C. W. Potter, aecy. 
Tecumaeb— Jobnaon Co. Agrl. A Uedu Aian. 

Sept. 27-S9. J. B. Doa«Ua. a wy. 

.\lbnqiieniue— New Uaiie*' Slate FMr. "'Oct. 

14. J. B. McManni. aecy. 

jUtamoot — Albany Cooaty Asri. Soc A Expo. 

AOS. 16-18. Fred Kecnbalt^ sag,. . ^ 
BalaTU— Oeneaee Co. AstL Saa. Sapt. 30-33- 

mtilffl'i^iSKini igr- im •- s — ^ " 

Bodaeo'lS&H^USahtiWtM Ob. AsH. See. Aoc. 
29-Sept. I. Geo. A. Fetria, aecy. 


Attica— Attica Union Fair Aaaa. Sept. 30-29. 

WUI P. Uble. aecy. - . 

Cadit — Harrlixm Conntr Ago. ■aCr IMIt S-b- 

C. M. Oabnm. aecy. ... ^ 
Columboa — Ohio State Board of Acrl. AtlC. 38- 

Sept. 1. A. P. Sandlea, aecy. 
QieeDTllle— Darke Coonty Airl. Soc. Au«. 31- 

25. Fraak neajdagcr. itey. _ 
London— Madiaaa Oaoaty Pair. Anc. 32-25. Bd. 

T. Sboncta, aeey. 
Marietta— Waahlactea Airi^.*_Mtek. 

Sept. 19-22. Dr. WiK T j lltM t aa«. 

Crbana — ChanpaiBB Oa. -Avn. Saa^ Aa< 

Taa Wert— Taa Wert AsrL Soc. Sept. 4-8. K. 
Waibaea. aeey. 


Tbomaa— llionaa Commeielai CMk Aaf. IT-IB. 
Chaa. A. Grant, aecy. 

DoBola— DnBola nriTtac AML SiFt P. B. 

Grleaemer. aecy. 
Bxpoalttoo Park — C^nneant Lake Fair. Ans. 3S- 

Sept. 1. Cbaa. T. Byers, aecy. 
Haaorrr— nanoTer Agrl. Soe. Sept. IS-SS. J. 

B. Miller. »ec.v. 

Manslleld— Smythe Park Aaaa. Slit. ISJt . Bay 

C. LoDKbotbnm, aecy, 


Salt Lake City— Utah State Fair Aaaa. Oct. 
£-7. Horace S. Bnalsn- aecy. 


SbeMnn Jiinrtinn — Pninklhi Co. Fair Aaaa. Sept. 
2-8. Geo. H. Duntmore. aecy, Swaotaa. Tt. 

Uartlaaallle— UarttaarUle AtMctIa Aaaa. Oct. 

s-s. T. B. mm, Ma^ 

Spokaae-^lpakaae Intetatate Fair; 
RoM. B, OMgrore, aecy. 

Wat n laia w.j ralertg»rB In li i C > — l> 1 
Sept. IMl C W. BarK aaaF. 

Fkcelloa. Ont. — Weat 

laa. A. Gray, aecy. 
Fortata La Pralria. Haa.- ^ 

■kM. Inly 10-lS. Htrrr ( 
Taaceaacr. B. C. — Va acuu iat 1 

SIHhFt. St B. B. 





la nmm aO-Va 


J M |MiiMU.aacRuan nuMB. 

Too^aaea pay.aaw.paqny ontil yoo ba^ 

^^S^^ - T«ayaeafay.aa«.pag.ymitilyou haj. 
_ ^ mm aaea .aiia«aaaBoaa_tnia i]ffri>Hjraoe, iniui 

ak aa-DlaiMwI tic j^reladWalthaiB Watch, witti Patent H«ir-1 
Waia. aajttyU...fM aprinf, inanratylepUlnorangnTedCaacrisht 
t— e S <i a o»aMwtfc la Toarownnaoda. 

Wa trwt awaey haoaa t oaea— . NomatterwbereToaHvo.orhavaaaan^ 
yoor aalary, we will traat yoo for a hiah-onde adjusted WaHtuoB Watd^ 


Aia WATCH cnmrMOusi l^s^^w 

iNtMT.tzu»8a>atait.cyci«a.m. aasygigr.. 




Offaxn to CInoa Acts, Anima l Acta, Senaatlonal Acta and Featnre Attractions of all kinda, MOBB 
VOBK and abartcr raUnxd Jnmpa tbaa any other office la America. 






EMabllshMl 1893. 

85 Etoavar St., N«w York . 

Specfai Price for 1911 ao Dor Ferrotype Dry Plates 

For All Kind* and Mahaa of Photograph 
»«acl Camaraa 

L^lfnliJSi^sr^} 75c PDF 100 

Meufita for Squar* PtatM • • - tSe par 100 
Othar Slaaaof Flataa, Mounta and Poat-oarda at Rlaht Fri( 

National DwMlopcr, raady to uaa. 2Sa par paakas* 

II k lift ili JibiliMf kHi IWK . 1ll:IMS 


People with Singinr Voices. Geodeoiea Doabllng Band Ghren Preference. 

Genteel Heavy Man, General Buriness Man, Chanuster Woman and 
Soutaratte. . Oar Show undor cvDraa. v.Onp to.three night stands. Glad 
to hear bom any who ht» ircnfeed ff^ -vat neyioiiuy. Solid -mss^ 
work Id right people. Rehearsal at Houston, Texas, about March 6th. 
Can also use a few good. Musicians. Address. PARK B. PRENTISS, 
care of Royal & Adams Indoor. Circus, week February 13, Des Moines, 
Iowa; week February 20, Milwaukee, Wis. ; then. Gen. Del., Houston. Tex. 



furnish the attractions. This will be the fint free one in TT. WO RTH in eight years . 
Stock show to follow week of March 13th. Monday, March 13th, Roosevelt Day. 
WANT— ^Hi|^-ciAak<ShawS and Concessions; Carnival People in all branches; Prt>- 

etc. Address H.SNYDER. 

Eaat Front Strast. Ft. Worth, Tm. 

Conyne's Aeroplane 


oSTBAirAexii^AiiB AU BW A£TEar» i 
v aefODlaaa af aaor owa and a.: ^ 

aefoplaaa at yoor «wa and 
lldty at ha*^ the Brst 

Taa WUI kan tfee «xclnsl>.- 

aaH la a da far one it-r 

lI^OTCHEB. . ^^.M: .'K .'"LAWl 

il be 

'JS- waat a TOF-NOTCHEB 
are maktnc sood In >»■< 
mat a lira one. get 
aad lafonnatton. l's<' > 
ao Information will ' 
carda. It la a bic s..-^-- 
Araaae, CEICAGt'> 


■:--r .^- lot i 
■,. i.-ttetaead, a| 


la Metal Ir> : 

. mat 


47 l-t W; TMIaa • 



FEBRUARY fa, 1911. 


Iff Agents, Hotels, Music Publishers 
and Dealers in Theatrical, Circus 

■ and . Park Supplies, Alphabetically 

Advertlwm«ots Dot exeecdlas one line in 
tmngtb win be pobUabwl, proparTr cXasolflcd, in 

VUm dlrector7, at the r«te of |tO for one ye«r 
{68 Jiraea), prorlded thej «re of an acceptable 
nature, price fododes ooa year's snbamptloo- 
te Tbe BUIbosro. 

■teb sddltloiul line or additional clasBUlca- 
tloo, vltlioDt Bttbacrlption, $7.50 per inTinin. 

One line will be allowed to adTertUera tree 
tt ebazge for each f 100 worth of space used dor- 
iDg one year. 

TUa directory la revised and corrected week- 
ly, ebances In flrm Damea and addreases belns 
ncoTded as aoon as tber ate recelred. 


New Xotk citr. 

~ A0VKRTI8INO ammcuM. >■ 

-.|l^^ tS itf»,..«iaMr-Cti:,'MB 



BOK T8, Uadlaan Sqnare. Tork CltT- 

■HsB J. Conyne. 3308 Mcl«an aTe., Cblcaso, IIL 


Aftlean Dip Co., Box 34, ZanearUIe, O. 
taepaice & Co.. 108 Bay at., Totooto. Can. 

H s ti e Ji aU-SpilImm Co., No. Tooawanda, M. r. 

^1^'. Paiiwr. AbUeoe. Kan. 
■. MMe Co., 2S30 W. lake St.. Chicago. 


Wm. Bartels Co., 160 Greenwlca at., K. Y. C. 
UJiwood H. Flint. North Waterford. Me. 
Home's Zoo Arena, Kansas City, Uo>, and Den- 
ier, OoL 

tools Bohe. 248 Qraod at.. New Xocfc OHr. 
W*n> A Mackensec, Yardley, Pa. 

t. B. Hallheix. 3S B 23d St.. New Zork City. 


Ohss. Ii. Klawert^Co., 30 Cortlandt at.. New 
York City. N. 

Botanical Decorating' Co.. 310 Fifth ave.. Cbi- 

cato, m. 
[. F. OasthoS ft Co.. DsnTUle, 

lAaA .AxtlflGlsl Flower 


C tey Inc., lW7-ie79 


9mmm 'ti Lsndls Co., 417 S. OUntoB at,; 
a W.'«kBliier Mts- Oi>.. 80 Feail sL. Botton. 


X,:KMr Oh^^lIS Bssnp-st^'K. X. O. 



Lyon ft Healy. 20G Wabash ave., Chlca(0, 111. 
Badtdpb Wmlltnr Co» Clneiimatl aiid Cbteaco. 
O. a. Mnsie Oi^ jSSk. Wi^Xt^ ptw .flbtsBSo. 

BAoan* BifTroNii^.aTa,. 

OeMonlln Bm. Jk (k^IMW l.'«h'ilt,;. OiMB- 

TUie, m. . 

Hearmao ittg, Co.. 611 .Weoduaa - Otaiie- 
laad. O. 

Ba WeDdeH-Greenwood Co.. 122 S. 4th at.. Mln- 
Bpapolla. Minn. 

■': IfcrtfcjWstiiia; ' lIM l fe a^ -^Cn^aiW 4aylioiin«' ata.^- 

Antomatlc Bssehsll Co., 

OtaeinBstI Hevdtr Oa.. .SM nmiti^t atartb .BL: 


D. S. Tent ft AWB. Os^ SMB 'lt. DSHttalBSB St.. 



Clias. Bernard, 909 Sector Bids.. Chleago, HL 

Beanstt's Onunatlc Bxchange, 69 Dearborn St., 


Xhd Spazkr TaaderUle Olrcnlt, Oentniy BIda.. 
TTsnsi- City. 3Co. 


Coutmctloa Co., Boctef^llsr MjlTLi 

. M: Mete Cosmstle Co.. 120 W. list st, H. T. a 
Oz-Eydiog«B Osa Xasafsstnran. 

(Haelimatl Caldinn Ught Co., 108 4th. Cla'tl. 
■tker Broa.. eot tNlre at.. St. Loola. Vo- 
nttxbnrr Caldom Ugbt ft Film Co., PlttabDix. 
Fa.; Des Uolnes. la.: Bocbeater. N. T.; Lln- 
coln. Meb.; Clnrlnaatl. O.; Omsha. Meb., and 

jigtit coi,:a£^m^ at,. St. 


Geo. Kratx, BransTUIe, Ind. 
T. J. Nlcbol ft Co.. Pearl ft Lndlow ais^ Cln- 


W. 8. Uoootford. 100 Maiden Lane. New Tork 


Clereland Cane Co., CleveUnd, 0. 

Goldsmith Toy Imp. Co.. 122 E. 4th. Ctoelnnatl. 

I. Elsenateln. 4« Ana St.. Mew Xock City. 

Naaaeiia Bros.^ tt Atfiiitle at*.. Baatsa, VaM. 
Newman Ufs. On., SU Weodtaad an.. Clerc- 
land. O. 

8. Scboen & Son. SO Ann at.. New Tork City. 
Shryock-ToOd Co., 824 N. Sth St., St. Louis, Ho. 
N. Shore Co., 220 Madison St.. Chicago. 
Singer Bros., 82 Boweiy. New Tork City. 
Western Baiiain Hooae, 372 B. Madlsoo; Ch'go. 

J. a. BsUhers. 36 E. 23d St., Mew Wk-'CUJ. 


O. A. DentxeI,.S6U QetDSBtowa aire,'. Phils. 
F. DoUe's CsToosst Wsdks, Bes US, Hodsoa 

HelaMa. -.M. ,J..'>"C" 

BcniE^^kaiaeB^ag' jL^a 



Anns Palace BMa ' 0»' Oik, 


Soatbem Iron ft Equipment Co., 217-19 Grant 
BDildlng. AUanta. Ga. 

^ySa a£;C Wlffi aa H; - ft 


^ . K.. 13 yr. Wh st.i.OtaeiBaatl, ft 

TUato ^ OM^w aai.%a, m^aete . at. ««■ 

' ■■'cigars. 

Ik' DenAdm ft Son. 1222-24 Oak il": Taaaia 
OUy, Vol 


Vow end ' BieaaftSaafl. * ■ • ' 

U. S. Tient ft AwB. Ofc, «MB^ K. Wwililitnas 
St., Chicago. 

Oaaea, Dens sad T*W Tid Chsziota. 
SoIllTan ft Eagle, 16 Canal at. Pern, Ind. 

M. Stelo CoameUe Co.. 120 W. 3Ut at, N. T. 0. 

Pan! O. Bowse, 187 Dcailiaio St., CUeaso. 

^ v.COU>vCi|EiMlfcv:---^^ 
M. Blaia'Oaaastle'da^ m W^ S^ X. Xii ft 

Msdison's Badeet Mo. IS, *1: IMf U at*., Xaw 

Zork City. 


Fort Wayne Electric Works, Fort Wsyae, Ind. 

A. T. Dlatz. 127 Michigan at^ Toledo, O. 
F. L. Tarbell Mfg. Co., 246 Klnzie, Chicago. 


Iianler ft Otleabacit, 248 Botler, Cincinnati, O.' 
Tnmlmll Mfg. Co.. 460 N. Market FUce, Co- 
lomlKia, O. 
A. T. Diets, m 
E. B. Knott ~" 

Bod<^ph Bros, 520 S. Sth at^ PhUadelpUs, Pa. 

nsfclsl St, 

t tt. Mi, 

^ iMK :'0rniiii'''ai^- 

coHwEirhoitfk ' 

aadtkalai Bros, ft Ecfcateln, HaBlaaa ti 

CUeasob ni. . 

Wm. B. yobnson. 80 Pike st, Seattle, Wsah. 

Bodolph Bros, 520 S. 5th at., - - - 

8t LonU OmCettl Co.. 9 8. 
St - ■ — 

IT. S. 


Western Bsrcsln House. SR B. JfaMm, OfMO- 

W. Z. Lone. 172 High St., SpringiMd. 0. 
&»Jww Pencils, Fsos Powtos, Bio. 
I. |I^«ri 28 Union Simste. M. T. ft 

CsmlTSI ' Costume Co., 287-289 W. Water at, 

Mllwaokee, Wis. 
Mts Scbonltz ft Co., 75-77 E. Lake st, Chicago. 


Scenic Stadlo. lOO E. Joasiia afc, 

Ind. •* ■ 

auA ft Son Oi, 1MB QaiBiH Maaai, Ola- 

o. ~- 

Faif and Sark AsxaaoniaBta, 
Clsnde L. Ha gen. Boom SOI, 1402 Broadway, 
New Tork City. 

r. H. B^BMg^. M iL M at; M XM 

Chas. A. Strdlnger Co., Detnii|i^ lOafei 


Piztons sBd 'SaflactsiB Car: Sbeafe-* aaC^Bdiraet 
NstlonsI Z-Bsy BeOsetoTiClk.' S2t ladnpB BItO.. 

fpfc iriattja, SaO Wi DOtii St., R. T. ft 

BC. StsRe UchtlsK Ob., 

lork CltT. 

L. Klawert Claw,:.M Cedlandt at., K. T. ft 

. EVE, Brow peficiLa 
«■ ttiiii » iii i a t n , cifc.nD ir^uuaki a. t. c. 
-■■^••*!ACIt;|»OWDBIt- '; 

FlMttlBR ::KOWBR& 

¥67fflr — 

OeWitt 'mtm.. 1' 
C ft MMV^.H 

Holiday Korelty Ufg. Co., 37 Great Jonea at. 
New rork City. 


NaUonal Tlssoe Mfg. Co., 305-307 Bergea St., 
BnxAlyn, N. 


Tbe-CUeaga Fisht Picture Ca, 81 M. Otaib at, 


Xasafsstvrers, Saaleis in and Bantal Bsrius. 

American Film Brokers. 1S7 4th are.. New Tork. 
Amer. Film Serrtce. TT 8. Clatfc St,, CUCSgO. 
Amer. Vtlm Sctrlce, 108 N. MilB at, Memphis. 
A'nU-Tmst Film Co., 77 S. CIsrk at. Chicago. 

Chlcaeo Film Exchange, 46 Jackaon Blvd., Obi- 
cago; Omaha; Denver; Salt Lake City; San 

Cincinnati POm Exchange. 317 W. 4th at. CIn'U. 

Colombia Film Co., 301 W. 37th at, N. Z- City. 

H. Daria. Watertown, Wis. 

Olxle Film Exchange, Oweosboro, Ky. 

Edison Ufg. Co., 10 Fifth are., N. T. C and 

Orange. N. J. 
J. H. Ballberg, 36 E. 23d St. New Tork City, 
a. ft B. FOm Serrice, 360 Monadnock Block. 

Chicago, IIL 
GsmnoDt Co., Congress sre., FInahIng, L. I.. 

N. r. 

International Film Traders, Inc., 147 Foorth 
are. New Tork City. 

S. Lubln, 026 Market at. Pliiladelphia, Pa. 

Laemmle Film Serrice. 194 Lake st, Chicago; 
ETansTlUe, Ind.; Mempbla, Tenn.; Omaha, 
Neb.: Salt Lake City; MlnoeappUa, Minn.; 
Portland, Ore.: Montreal, QaSke'Daa.t Winni- 
peg, Man.. Csn. 

Morphy. C. J.. Elyria. O. 

Mastar Film Co.. MT-IST 4tk .B*a». X. -T. C. 

MMr. xer. Piet ioa.. «B XMA at. Baa Ptaartaaat 

Ohio FOm Bzcfa., 40 8. Ihird at. COInmhna. 0. 

Paths Cinematograph Co., 41 W. 2Sth st, X. T. 

PIttabmv Calclnm Light * Film Co.. Plttsbarg. 
Pa.; Des Monies. Is.: Bocbeater. X. T.: Lin- 
coln. Neb.: Cincinnati, O.; Omaha, Netr.; 
WIlMea-Barre. Pa. 

Xbe Powers Co., 241xt St., ft WakcBcia are., 
N T C 

Solax Co.." 147 4th ave., N. T. City. 
Southern Film Exduage. 17 Opera Place. Cln'tl. 
Sooth. Film Exeh_ S4S Main St., Norfolk. Va, 
Standard Film Bxdt. 161 Washington st, Ch'go. 
Spoor, Geo. K., 62 -N. <3srk St., Chicago, HI. 
Swanson-Crawford Film Exch.. I041-S Loenat st. 

St. Lonis, Mo.; Loatsrllle, Ky.; M«w Orleans. 


Thanhoaser Co.. New Rorbelle, N. T. 
IT. S. Film Exchange. 81 S. Claik at.-Chleago. 
United Statea Film Brokers and ImputHIB, 41 
Union Square. New Tork City. 

Atlas Sapply Co.. Msnayonk, Philadelphia, Pa. 
J. B. Ballberg, 38 B. 23d st. New Tork City. 


The Antl'pyros Co.. 170 43reena st.;:'V. C. CL 

ConsoUdatea Plreworks C6., Beading, O. 
Gregoiy Fireworks Co.. 115 Dearboca st, Ch'go. 

. „^ Scfcsneetndy. N. T. 

CfcVi glwatBi, : IH.. J. 



U. £.:«ialllaattr< UB C Osiaal st^ OH^^ 

8. Beaar^' Itr Baimaa st. Brooklyn. N. T. 


Madlaa. Otab Btaas Pamitnte, Etc 
B. ft BrsBS ft Co.. 102 Van Boren at, Chicago. 


W. Z. Long. 172 High at. Springfield. O. 

ICake-np Boxes, Odd Cream, Zte. 

M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 w. Slat at. H. T. C. 

Oaks Novelty Co., Oabkosh. wia. 

Plamaa sad Trap ^ba^i for Circaa and ^drsi^ 

Edward Bicke. 157 Canal st. N. T. O. 
Sdisembs Flnme Oo.. 612 Metropolltsa STennc,. 
Brooklyn. N. T. 


Klngery Mfg. Co., dodnnatl, O. 


Safely Electric Co.. & Michigan see.. 
W. H. Barton, Gordon, Keb. 

Taklte, Ogswa ft Co., 166 E, Lake st. CUeago. 
For Stags Vss. 
Bennett Jewelry Cc., 104S N. 10th st, Phils. 
R. E. Dodge ft Co.. Maaonic Temple, Chtesgoi 
N. Shore Co., . -r. 


BQdoIph Bros.. n» B, aOi at; _ 
n. 8. Ihnt ft:Am Chki SM8 X 

riry xweu <i. xuu sc., srnxis. 

ft Co.. Maaonic Temple. Chtesgoi 
,, 220 M sd i sen st, Chicago, 

Edw. Tan W!r^ IWB Panu 'sTSb; Cfaetaaatt 

CleTelasd Cane Co.. Clereland, 0, 
QoMbew^wdiy Co.. lU W. 6th st, Ksnaaa 

Mcwnian ]a|^:.'Oki;i'; 

land. O. ' 
Singer Brothers, 82 

Rarrr L. WeMisani, S . , 

N. Bhnre Co., 220 MsdtsOB at, Chicago. 
Ouyock-Todd Co., 824 N. 8th st, St Leots. Bo. 

J. B, Ntnghtoo, Ilotel Mayer BIdg., Peoria, in. 
Terchaa, far Ctreas aad Shat Shews. 

■ ~ DL 

-aiaLi .'.acre- 
Hew Tork City. 
""""" st, Ch'go. 

O. 8. bat aad . Ara.'Os>,- - 
WMh^^SPo^, iMt-lBS JT. 

IStbat.K. iMla. 


C. U. Stebblna, 1028 Main at.. Kanaaa City, Ma. 
Bamberc Magle sad Morelty Co., 1103 Broadway. 
New %«?OltF. * 


. ■ . ■ •DEVICES.*-.. -i-v. , 
AmertrsB Boa BaU Ce,..^188». Taa^'BBBaa at. 

W. T. 

ArmUige 4k anlBa. . flprla8*IIIe, N. X. 

BU Bridge Co.. BeeflliMitft. IIL 
Hersehell-Spniman Co.. N. Vanawao 
W. F. Mangela Co., Coney laland, 
C. W. Parker, Abilene, Kanaaa 
A. J. Smith, 3247 W. Van Bnran St. Ohlsseo. 
Was. Worfflsln. 208 N. 2d at, PhllaiMphltirPiu 


Lyoa' ft Bedy 9uS Wahadh aveki Ohlaasa. 
Bndolph WarUiaer Oa^;; QteelBaatl aad Chletgo, 


" ^ MENt:AOCtlONi^ > 

Francis Banuerman. 801 Bniadway. N. T. 0 


American Film Brokeia, 167 4th are.. New Xcrk. 
American M, P. Uach. Co., 101 Beekman at.. 

N. Y. O . ■ 
American Titagrapta Co., lis Naaaaa st, Mkw 

Tork City. 

Amer. FUm Service, 77 S Clark at, Chicago. 
Amer. PUm Serrice, 168 N. Hsia st, Msmphli. 
AntI-TraBt_Flla 0^17. Jl OaA^MLjOfelaaHi, 

CindnnaU. " 

CMeaaa FUm Bsehaage, 4B . 

Denren; MtvIafca-vCWrj: I 

Edison Mfg. Co., 10 IMIfe asi^'^'K S^ftii i 
Orange, N. J. ■; 
Gaomont Co., 
N. T. 

J. H. r 


H. ft B. Film Serrice, 360 Monadnock Blach. 
. Chicago, lU. 

The Geo. M. Boko Sapply Cow, 81 S. ClaA at. 

"■«;:• X; City. 

I Xake'et, Cht e aa et 


a s. oos-i 

Laemmle Film Sen 
ETsnarllle. Ind.; 

Keb.. Salt Lake GItr; 'JUaaaaMUa, lllaa^i 
Portland, Ore.: MoatKal^ One., Oa.: Wlaafr 
peg, Man.. Can. 
8. Lnbls. 02« Market at. Philadelphia. Pa. 
Magnetic FQm Serrice, Cincinnati. O. 
Nicholas Power Co., 115 Naaaao at, M. T. C 
Pathe Cinematograph Co., 41 W. »th st, M. X. 

Plttsbnig Cslcinm Light ft FUm Co.. FlttttcBB^ 
Pa.: Des Moines. Is.: Bsefaastsr. H,: Z.!:."^ 
Neb.: CInclonstI, ft; Onsha, **"' 
~ 'Batte, Pa. 

V lOB BL ISih at, M. r.^ 
, 245 Mam at, MMMk. ^ \ 
. loss Mala at. Kanaaa CttP. 

StebMna, Chas. B., 

Standard FDm Bxch.. 161 Washington at, Chl- 

Swanaon-Crawford Film Bxclmnge, I04I-S ^^'^ 
at. St. Loola, Mo.; Lonlsrllle. Ky.; Msw- Oc^ 
leana. La. 

U. S. FOm Bxch.. 81 S. Clark at. CUeasa 


L Brsonelaa. 491 Flatbnah, Biooklya, M. S 

Lyon ft Hasly. 200 Wabaah an 
North TOnawaods Moateal ~ 

North Vtaawanda. N. X. 
BoMpfe Wamtxer 0>., ClndnnsU aat :< 

V'v - : NOSE putty; ■■ 

M. Mala OMHHe .Oa,. UO. W. Slat ot, a 

Coe, Tsoge ft Co., 906 Loess are., 8t 

Coldsmitb Ttoy Imp. Co.. US ■.. 4lh. Clwrtssatli 

Gordon ft Morrlaoa. 1M401,B, Madlaaa B~ 

cago. ~ ■ .X :y . > - 

OoMbtrg Jeweliy Ca., ill at; 

CltTt MO» 

Holiday NoTrtty Mfg. Co., 87 fltaat Jeaaa at. 

New Tork City. 
T. O. Matt. 41S Dearborn at. Chleaae, III. 
Bndolpb Bros., 520 8. 6th st, Philadelphia, Pa. 
N. Share Co.. 230 Madison at. Chleago, 111. 
Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New Tork City. 

C* ' 12 8- Commercial at, 

St Lonls. Bo. 
teaaaaBfg,C«. SSSBioadway. New Xoift Citr. 
MBMdltr aoB-K^are,. Xi;4^ 

Amerlcu Seating Co.. 215 Wabash are., Chgo. 
A. B. Andrews. 174 Wabash sve.. Ohiesgo. 
CsnlejSoadle Utg. Co., SOT Delaware st. Kaa- 
_ sss aty. BOb 

I. B. BaUberg , 86 B. 2Sd at„. Maw Tort dtp. 
ft.^lL. BOaar Baatfas p»., Beir: Plillajalphft. 

Bard^BMiiii'^^ im'^^iulbmiiL^^^ 

SlaSOtd Mfg. Co:, Chlesgat,' 
—"m Co.,_ grand Bapids, Mleh. 
. Jimher. * Taaatr Oh., ,P««t, Wa*. 

Wla, ■. --. ' ■ Cv-^S- i<v...vw^<;'->\." 
.c- ORANGEADE.:^''' •••.-ii u- .;i . 
nis Oaanr;Oo^;m.:i|Uiylaiiid:'' 

Chas. Stviaeiiiiaa^-^iiBak;-' , 

eagOk •■■ - ■■.■•..vTTvt^r-Vj}: ■ 


ft F. Bath, Abtlsae, Kas- 

^ 'Ji »«•» Cltr. ' 

GarloU ft Co,, SI Bond at, New Xork Wty. 
'^AujiM B. teNwtdt Co.. BOM LewieaM at. 

Phlladdahla,>PB. ■ 
tayn * wwly. JOB ira 

John Boale & Ita, In 

.— - are., Chicago^ IB. 
Ffetk BfMr, ll.^ro.' 

Oanird ftpitr 
Wala» afcV^ 

PBBRUARVrie, 1911. 

Ttie Billboard 


■( If. .T. 0. 


Pial D. HowM. 167 DenrbOTn •t.. Cblcaco. 

▼Ictor J. »»»«» • Co.. WattalmttM. D. 0. 

■.'flUmuo * Co., PtDB >n. and 23d St., Pitt* 


, Co.. ClncJxmatl- 


i'ft Siilmmel. IM .Park Bow, K. ¥. C. 

IW aiMtris VUaM. 
'V 8,11016 Oe.-. 39M W. I«kc wt., Oblemgo. 

Amer. Mloule Photo Co., 720 W. 12tli. ChlMfo. 
c" B.t* Pboto Supply Co., i«T 8. HaUtcd .t., 

CW«Bo'^e"ojT«» Co.. »*fW^ Mtt.* ai'w. 
Kat'l PHoto MacIilDa Co.. H •camr St., N. x. 


TouDg A Cmrl, N. W. cor.tttk°'«M 
Clnclnnitl, O. 

SMien ia, Aathm, Acuta . aad Bnkais. 

Dli-k * ■ ~" 



Bradibaw Ok. 3M Omnwleh «'.. N. Y. Cltar. 
DlrabirKcr Popcorn Co.. MS Seacea at., BnOalo. 
Qird«n CItT ropcora Worka, M Stat* at, Ckl- 

Bwkbctn Bnw. * Bekalelo. Hanlami ana PaocU 
POKORkl MACHliin. 


a. B. KBsit.ilachlBa Co., IM PeaM M.. Boa- 
tan. Ham. 

XkWMd H. tUrt. Narth WatMTtai. li*. 

l>gag Igaclalty Co.. 80S TUafto BUc St. 

. «r MiMital PaataiB, Btr SShj* atMia. 
Strcaman, Ste. 
i-QnUleT Utbo. Co., Kanaaa Cltr, 

Bbtm Print Co.. MUirankc*, Wla. 

— St.. 

)M]«n in. Aathon, Acanta . and Bnkaia. 

(ilpli B. bS^lJOS Vwlar Bids,.' HBwrnnkec, 

iria. /v .,- . 

I Prlatlnt Co., 416 Btm at.. Ctnelnnatl, O. 

HatloDal Roll Tiekat Co., BbamoilB. ' ft. 
t<r*I Ticket Co., Bharaokia. Pa. 


■. Stem CoamtUe Co.. 130 W. Slit at., N. T. C. 
And Daalan in Be anaty. Zte. 
Bactae Coz, 1528 Van Bum at., Chlcaco. 
BakrlMll Art Co.. BSOS-N. STth St., Omaba. Keb. 
Ma HcrfBTtb, sm Boon* at.. Claclnnatl. O. 

'j^^^VSaiiw" Ckk«.^-<^'''Sj ' Wl^^^gritaso. 

' •CBNie'RAIt^W 
BUdD. Bowat. ICT OaukaMtirt^' CUeaBaL 

Blala PUm ■aekisc*. Owanaboto, Ky. 


Beoy-Wood Piano Playar Co.. Kansaa City. Mo. 

* Realr. SOS Wabaib an., Chteafo. 
Baooliih Worlltier Co., Clnclaaatl and CblcafO. 
v. 8. Miutc a>., 2930 W. I.aka at., Chlcaco. 


Maaond NMclty Co., BchanccUdy, N. T. 

M. B. nipple. g» viae at.. Phila. Pa. 

^ BoOmaa * Son, 142» Wabuh are.. Cb'go. 

W. F. Maasala CorcoMy laland, N. Y. 

C. W. Parker, Abnana. Ku. " 

A. 1. Smltb. 82«7 W. Vu Borcn St., CMeaco. 

J. Mccniioocb, aiisrldsn's Walk, Ooneyla- 
. land, N. y, 

Wk). Wnrffleta, 208 N. Sd at.. Phlladclplila. Pa. 

OaJkmiB Skew Print Co.. SM Aaylna at.. Batt- 

elnnatl, 0.'. , . . 


tL^a- ^ ■><>* Mend nra., OblcaBe. III. 
BUiMi In Btm. « Co.. OraaBTlil*. III. 

Wli. Wmm, Norib OtwMtitt, 

Aajrrican Roller Blak 8nppl7 OOy Bandaaky. O. 
""5° OhteS*.'*"'* WaSStton 

' wiaVirSitirBbbVlfttiiiilii. Maaa. 

«*a — — 


ICaaofsctiirers of ud Dealers la. 

Olamood NOTeltr Co., Scbeoectsdy, N. X. 
A. J. riaber & Co., 434 2d are., PIttabais, Pa. 
tyon A Bealy, 206 Wabash are.. CIiIca«o, III. 
iZlUs NoTclly Co.. Ctilcaco. lU. 
O. 8. Mnalc Co., 2830 W. Liake at., Cblcago.- 
Bndolpb Wnrlltier Co., Clnctnuatl A CUeaso. 

AnnitioDK Snakn. Co., Ban Aatonlo, Texai. 
jvdla. 9mIw rum, Bcs STS^ BDnmarUle. 

ni Aatanto, TWaa. 
• 80NQ BPOKS. . 

wm. rr. iiii!$Miri.'iu'.ratk.9um,-»im Xork 

W^&'miMmi:m-imm\*4 Vfir XMk.OUr. 

Tor ninstratad Bones. 
ClUcsco Pllm ExcbaDge, 48 JacksoD BWd., Ctal- 
cefo: Omaha; Denrer; Salt Lake City; San 

Chleaso, lU. 
Laemmle PUm Serrlce. 198 Lake at., Cbleaito: 

Bnasvllle, lad.; Uempbia, Turn.; Omaha, 

Neb.;' Salt Lake City: MlnaeapoUa, Mlao.; 

Portland, Ore.; Uontrcal, 4)iK.> CdB.; Wlul- 

pcf, Man.. Can, 
Lake Sbore Film * Bappir Ok, SM Bil||ail»i at., 

Clereland. O. 
Lerl Co., iDc, 24 Cnlon Sqnara, Vtw York 


S. LDbIn, 926 Market at., PbOadelphla. 
NoreltT Slide Co., 221 B. 53d at., N. T. City. 
Swanson-Crawford Film Exch., 1041.5 Loenat 

at.,. St. LooJa, Mo.; LonlaTllle, Ky.; New Or^ 

leans. La. 

AdnoM Whip CO.. 287 BIm at.. Weatfleu,.3Iaa8. 
Tor All Faipoaae. 

Tbe Brsyton 3Itg. Co., 77-79 S. Clark St., Ch'co. 


Slaser Braa.. 82 Bowery. Kaw Tnfc dir. 

it. Slain Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 3Ut at., N. T. C. 

J. B. Clancy, 247 Sallna at., Syracuse, N. Y. 

t. a. Hinnrs. »B B.: at at; Bb» Teik City. 
Joa. ManAen Beetrie Oo^ BSi W. BBIB at.. New 
York City. 


For Fair Follvweia. 
Coe, Xooce Co., 904 Locaa ave., St. Louis, Mo. 
Berk Bros., 528 Broadway, N. Y. 0. 
B. M. DsTia 8aa» Co.. SIO Onta Pnrk Plata. 

Cbicaso. •■ 

Goldbers Jemhy Oow. Ul W. BIB afc, KMaaa 

City, Mo. 

Gordon A Morrison. 199-201 E. Msdtaan. Chleafo. 

Ooldsmltb Toy Imp. Co., 122 E. 4th, Cladnaatl. 

Holiday Norelty Mfc Co., 37 Qiaat Jooea at., 
New York City. 

Larin Broa.. Terre Haili< M. '- 

Newman Mfc. CO., -SU 'WaaodlaaB >«•.. Clere- 
land. O. 

Shryock-Todd Co., 824 N. 8th St.. St. Lonis, Mo. 
M. Sbore Ca, 220 Madlaon at., Chicago. 
Slncer Braa.. 82 Bowery. N. T. C. 
Slack Htg. Co., 126 ri-anklys at., Chicago. 
Barry Wellbaom, 2S0 Madison St., Cblcago, 111. 
Western Bargain Bonse. 272 B. Madison. Ch'go, 
Y«at A Co., 900 Filbert at., noladdphla. Pa. 
L. L. Yonas Co., flO Comhlll, Boatoo, Mass. 

oanuMnt OK, mH naauns. it. L, n. 


Bdw. B. Brown, Box 18^ 


Baker A (.ockwooBi-tlh 'BC 
sas City. Mo. 

Colnmbos IMt sat Awb. 0*h 
Camle-Oondto On, aOT DA* 

Main at.. St. 

Madison St., 

Cl^'. Md. 
DowiectT Broa.* T*nt Ca, 109 S. 

Loola. Ifo. 
3. O. Ooaa A Co.. Detroit Mich. 
D. M. Kerr Mfg. Col, 1007 W 


Murray A Co., Inc.. 840 Meridian at., Chicago, 
nomaon A Tandlreer, 818 B. Pearl at, CIn'tl. 
n. 8. Tent A Awalttg Co., 22-28 N. Deeplalnea 
at., fniieago. 


Kaaoebnrg Boodng and OrlUns Co., Canton. O. 

Wm. n<-rk A Sons Co., 19-12 Garileld Place, Cin- 
cinnati. . 
Chicago Cnaliime WmtM, M pMlibmm i^ Cbl- 

A.'VSinr.'ni WalMit.«t,.tt I<aiil.'lBi. ■ 
Jaa. B. Bofe, 416 Electric Bldg., CleTClud, 0. 

John Ollliaple Luiibar' OKi Imbar *. Btward 
ata., OUeaBA. ' ; 

: v THBATRlCAtr JPlllOPBirriESi 
•latmi 'mai- mwamttt^tk, - Z. ..«nr. 


Arena Ticket Co.. 800 Dearborn at.. Cbleafo. 
National Ticket CO., Sbamokln. Pa. 
Beea Printing Co., lOtb A Harney sta., pmaba. 
Trlmoant Prau. 87 Albany at.. Boatra. Maaa. . 

SSa«!5. ^J^SK * aS S^Hbaa^bak 

V^/''V;-tWHTi;'V Mi- 
■m-wm. w. i Biiaip t ^ ,11. «. «!». 

rranela Prieka, Bnrley. Waah. _ ^ 
NaaaelU Broa., «» Atlantic a«., Boaten. Maaa. 
ato. A. Pataial, dlWarren at, New York qty. 


The Edlaon Co., Orange, N. J. 


Balber Tnnk A Bag Co.. ISa B. 

B. Bk* B. Zmak Co., 447 Wood at, : 

■ ' . TURNSTILES. - 

H. T. BrlgM, 'BMnia BNIg., OMMbal, ft 

De Moolln Broa. * Oa., 1880 S. WMMk St, 

GreenrUle, III. 
Jas. B. Blrach A Co., 208 E. lackaon at, Ch'go. 
Weatem Dnitorm Co., 214 3. Clark at. Ch'go. 


Paetde COaat Amosement Obto AaMlaaa Bank 

BIdg., Seattle. Wash. 
Ted Sparks' Theatrical Exchanga, Century BIdg.. 
Kansaa City. Mo. 

O,. K ■Amt, 217 B. 3Stb at.. New XMk City. 



Putnam's Pet and Wild Animal Store, 490 

Washington at, Buffalo, N. Y. 
LonIs Bube, 248 Qrand at. New York City. 

T. a If att, «1S Dtaakana at.. CUaaaai. IB. 

Asbestos Curtams 

O i w a 'ljr fcalK and rigged. Agenta Ciaa«rn«it- 
lical Stags Hardware. 

Stk and Main Sta.. Clnolnnatl. O. 

The game of "Sixteen Hundred" may beat be 
described as an elaboration of Fire Hundred, 
which in turn la a combination of Bnchre and 
Bridge. Bnt Sixteen Hundred ia more, mncb 
more, than a mete bodge-nodge. It literally 
aad pindia Car tha aawary. 

mafeaa aa-aad ot mMh mid 

hilarity. - 

It appeala attongly to the sklilfnl player alau, 
for Its pasaibUltlea In the way of subtle atrate- 
glea and elerer eoops are well nlgb countless. 

AlSCImSt;. w.' w . Claalaaatl. O. 

THE BILX£OABD is prepared to offer, as a premium, the 
most complete snd carefully comiMled aoooimting ledger for 
T^ATRE MANACaSRS emr iaveB«ed. A praadnont iaaiHiser 

of theatres in the Bait and North has for years been working 
on this book. He has succeeded in producing the fiist really, 
important and time-saving record-book ever offered the public. 

is complete in every d^ail, and enaUes the mainaKer, b> deiyot: 
ing a few minutes each day to keep a complete and accurate 
account of all buuness pertaining to his theatre, and easily dis- 
places the'mdve cambenome and ncceaiaiily eoaaiiBcated a^attm 
invdving ledbeB. jounials, day boohs and cash bo^Jcs. 

Send $4.00. Get THE J BILLBOARD for 52 weeks and 
THE THEATRE RECORD will be sent absolutely free. 

Use the attached conpon. 

TUB! nif .T.nrtAim. ■Ptm. fwi. 

GbMiMBtf,Ollil». .. T 

Qiii a mm---BuiiBa»ASiiAHJn BMboid for 


The BiBsn 

SubMriptton. StJSB m'-V* 

pjctuie'twistiicss te Burape. Hh ' 
the largest circulation and is the 
bestAdvertising Medium, bar none. 
Samai* Copy Malted Fraa. 



U S I C Br A L L 


Xtie Billboard 

FKBRUARY Iflj, 1911. 


(Continaed from iiage II.) 

priaeil maDj who have only bebeld Miss Tan- 
giujr's eccentric work, was Call Your CUms. 
: tiMMo Omv, Jew LaskT** taUoU moUad 

wss a dose wcood In tasor. Tte 

pook to Btwnl CUrk. and tba mnal 
Ijnfea mm hr Boachma and Hamrtiacta. eooi- 
Mms aC Madame Sheiir. Cbarlea' J. Stine and 
alaate Fleming: luTe the principal roles, belns 
■aalatiid br Ulaaas Anna Kenwiek, Katherlne 
Tallwt,' Effie Van Born, Allsa Crals. 3Jargaret 
SUouDcraiaD, Rntfa Sammers, and Bessie WlUlard, 
and Messrs. Ensene Reading, Waldo Helneman. 
Fred' Lloyd, John Hamlltoo, Qany Leonard, 
Hanr Hoffman, and Jack Slbler- ^l>e cboms 
I* ■IIIIMllUlf HmilMll, miiliii pink dicectoire 

' ■ " ' er. wltli srera TellB 

to heliotrope satin 
hati and miBTe coatimea In tbe Paris kick. 

Ed. F. Beynazd, wltb bis Tentrlloiinlsl pro- 
docttso. A Momlns In HlekSTiae,' aeoced Ills 
nanal He Ut. Wtien Uie curtain rises, an anto- 
BnMIe u aeen comlns dovn tbe moimtain side 
In tha •arlj' flosli oC dawn. With each sncces- 
■Ue tnm of the road. It becomes latter, nntU 
finally It stands oat In the fan light 0( the 
stage, a great red tonring car. containing Bey- 
' nd a negro hoy and a white woman. Ohal- 
tr aatb Dewhany, the llaa-liaattad town 
"~ -nho agolit* a slnam oC water tram 

I as an crrldeDee of Us lmpottanec, the 

_^ Mglna. It Is hard to realbe that aU of 
the aefion of this -mMinif uttle play is con- 
Mbated by one man alone. It Is the most artis- 
tic achlerement In tba realm of TcntrUoqnlai. 

The Five Brown Brothers, comedy musicians, 
playing opoo the xylophone, sazsphone and other 
dUBcult Instrmects, were well recelted. 

Jack OonneUy and H-argaret Webb presented a 
noTd act eilled A Stormy Finish. In which Jack 

Coonally played with artistic distinction ' 

— t plaalattc pieces wttb-lito ktt 

them tba Sextette from Loda da 

' amaMMr. Ulaa Wabb; wbo pu ssi ui s an operatic 
lolea of power and sweetness, appeared flrat In 
S' slmpla ftaek, ntumliig later In an elaborate 
dseoDste ■own. Tka sketch darims its aam« 

' tMi5tf'*5SiOT5M'%i?sBffll^ 

ttif* t» Hmt «war. ifer tSteIn 

l-t» ICataa tnUdly amosM In a bUck- 
.SSIM The Pinochle Fiends. 

America's torenast daneeta. 

ont of the same nnmher of bazrela In sncccssi^e 

BIsck and White, two pretty- girls, dreiied en- 
tirely aa their names Indlcsted In the sombre 
and bright shades, performed attractlTe flg- 
nres In the Old. Italian aehool acrobatic ballet 

TlMBnthan irotaa. ■ast sls . l ie tftit i m d sen- 
sstions) snd eoale staals oa the barlaontal bars. 
The comedian, diaassS .as a grotcsqne Irish- 
man, kept the andtSMS ia a roar with his 
comedy falls and imanMetM nanenrers. snd his 
partner awakened admbatlaB wltb Kracefol aerial 
somersanlts, simnlating btrd-like flliht. 

Gtlf, the sarcastic jnggler. In whltefsce. was 
retained for snotber week, as waa also Trora- 
to, the mnslcal KeDlaii. who literally makea the 
Tiolltt talk. 

I lively jlc steps, xbe letmn oC the 
was the simal tor aoma 
shIU tta P^Uh. 

'f^^.; MUSIC HALi. 

(ContlaasS ftaaa pace iii.) ^. 

' tie employed In tlw set, wblefa' ■hows'M* ot Ifes 

'■tbleres' kltehana" of Montmartia, la Paria, 
on a nlsht when wealthy BngUah Tialtors are ex- 
pected. Seated at a loog table the grlsettes and 
the Apacbes slog a drinking song to the clangor 
of wins bottlea and moss. Two Britlab coaplea. 
In tb.^ coDTOT of a guide, seat tbemaelves to ob- 
scrre this pbase of the underworld. Ua Oosse 
enters snd performs the s^nsuooa erolntlona of 
X.a DaQS« Noire, and later La Valae Chalunpee 
wltb her loTcr. When the festlrltlcs sre st their 
height, a riral Apache stalks In sod tba men 
II2I1I oter Ua Oosse. the newcomer apparently 
— - ■ - - ,Yn tdght. 

ad cigar- 
J revealed 

1 tba toor- 

si aSb tba party bcvaks op with the ntmeat 
rmcar asd goaf MUmm. la marked contrast 
t* tki btftdy tnkh the ngUiih people tbdoght 
tour urn. 1m ikltch is given a moalcal colw 
bff ItaBS £eba^S li ynn j y scure, and proves 

alteaetive oCMbc 

"-■Were dark and Hamilton to curtail their 
bki-tch Homewhat, and to snbetitutv mure plano- 
loKUf features — in which tile man efipevl-Ily ex- 
cels— lu place Ot bis tiresome and unconvincing 
Huale. My Tokohama Qneen, Um would make 
a iM'tter appeal. As it is now, tnair aet saBasa 
materially by lack of spead, sad a fooaled fln- 
Ish. Tbcy ara much too. elavet aatsftalaats to 
penist la spollIaK tbeir set by taeas pateat de- 
iacta. A bobu awetL- with ciug«r.ealarcd wis 
•ad beard, and a tmek coat, the tails of which 
— dSWB In front meets a hsndsome girl In a 
' drcva. and angases her In a banterinx 
rippling with ' clever gibes and 

. change to ermlnea In the costnme 

•C tk* gtri, brtugs a transformation' In the swell; 
wbo dolla his besrd and wig, and performa some 
sttmctlTe musical antics on the piano. A marine 
drop in two Is lowered, and to the man'a Tocal 
. Invitation, Come . to the Seaside^ the girl ler 
■gills. anktaMThK eatrsacsj^^ 'xte'Sti'^' 
a aatti^^tlSevbSSw'eSKan^'&e baa a dane- 
iag. BUBber witk bar pittner. As a flosle, the 
afiiraBcnttoiMd Yspaaese (t) song, ily Tokohama 
Queen, la glvaa,- wtlb the man in a Chinese cos- 
tume with a qnene, an artistic offense to which 
the American vandevtUe stage la Ices given than 
that of Europe. The couple have considerable 
pccaooallly, and an ahnndance of misdirected 


(Continued from page 6.) 

Georce Wbltefldd Chadwick eompoeed the in- 
cidental music for the production and Oeorge 
Uarlan staged It. ' Xbe antbor unfortnnately did 
not live to aee the presentation .of the creation 
of bla genins,.|ie haviait died .snddanly In a 
Mwjr«^ bnpltu tba atgbt beftm-lt 


•f tba Court 

Wnilam . Johnston 

John Peabody, Jadge of the Coart, later 

Goremor of Maseacbnsetta. .Ralph Delmoce 

B. P. DastUi, Prosecuting Attorney.^,.. 

• .Ur. BImow Cooper 

O. B. Btaebban. AttoiBcr at Law^rw^ J. Brady 
')sbtaa»'a^hMinE..>...Ilr.'<W. O. lagbram 


(Continued from page 7.) 


Paul •- 

Adhemaa, TbalS' 


..Mr. Granville 
......Jlr. Jonea 


Ibsis' eoak.......Jirdiwy OreenatRct 

Oraek Slave Oiila 'to Thais. 

Crobyle ...Winifred Kingston 

Uyrtale Maude Boms 

First Egyptian Slave ...Daisy Eorlgbt 

Second Ecyptlan Slsve .Oars Wdsb 

Tlilrd EX7PtlaA,81av«....,.,.. Frank Stein 

Foortb Ipptiaa Ban. Hazqr I>ev«r 

Alblaa. «V«lor •( tta iniltai- Sisters. ... 

The TnflrMWiMI . ' " 'TffWM ItntHfr Darts 
Uula Plt...«..«^*>*».,.««.y.;^*-«V«lllsi Klngstoo 
JooftthftA '•••••••■•••••••••••••^••'•'•■Mtw Bnnu 

BoMlte «*«•*••••••■•■ •■■■'••••^••••SCtas VtoilkM 

A ' p^ rt lcft ••••»•••■•••••••••■••••••••« • jOh Vbda 

Oikes of tbe Vblls Slstets— Misses Savoy, 

Middletoa. Blnmer, UcBrlde, BeU. aberldan, 
Bstey and Crane. 

Hermlte of tbe Tbeban Desert — Messrs. De- 
Vlnne, Staley, Case. Frey, Dltword and Elwood. 

Nubian SIsTes — George Johnson and Vlrgtl 

niB»— The Bsdr ObtisUsii Kra. 


tbe MedllL 

ACT in— TbS 
den. Nlsht. 

ACT IV— The Oonrtyard «<. tb* ■ ihast SC'tbS 

White Sisters on tbe Afriau dMM •( Ikt Sllitl- 
terrasean. Afternoon. 

Anotber act of first Importsnee Is the Wild 
West stunts ot Weadlck and LaSne, a liandaome 
yonng conple from Wyoming. Tbe act occu- 
pies the fnll stage, aad runs twenty mlnntes. 
Sllsa l,al>ne makes her entrance garb ed in a 
fasdnrnting corxSoroy western cowgtzi cualuiue oC 
norple, on the back, of a wfldly backing poar. 
weadlek. In sbeepsUn chaps, ted Uenss sad 
wbll* fUt eowponcher's hat, with hlgh-baded 

boots, stmts on with tbe stride of tbe 

_ja. and deftly Olps a noose around each 
jar of tbe pony tat succession, and then las- 
Ite hesd. while diarglng In a mad gallop. 
'~'"r her bofae. Miss LraDoe skips rape In 
cowgirl tssbloa. and then Weadlek cihlblta his 
stmite In that direction, lesplng back snd forth 
thnogb a seven-foot noose, and tying knots In 
■rnnty-flre feet ropes by tlirowlnx. Keeplux °p a 
naming lire ot 'eomlesi comment, Weadlck 11- 
lostrated how tbe westerners hobble refractory 
wives. Aa a finlsb to tbe act. Miss LsDoe spun 
aanaly»«v»ifact itf s«pe In.aSaitat aooae. while 

a wad ot 'gum. : ' 
AagostlBe aad .Baitlcr., a 


'Wiahes to locate where there ia consider- 
able darinet'wotk for spring and summer. 
Experienced in an lines. Dosoloa. A. F. 
of M. No booze. Am also A-1 pi aao tUMft 
Best references. Address CLAIUNJSi'JUflV 
care Billboard, Cincinnati, O. 



Opni It lorriitm, Pa., isik of Fib. 2IHb. 

. A UH PICEB IMP. O. B. M._ 

; WA NTED— All kinds of good, clean 
(PBW 'concessions. 



Phllatfalphla, Pa. 

Latayatta Hotel. 


■ -•. :■ v'Or A^'i. .kinds:" : .t""^.' 
foe ssls. ' Plsfc-eats, ate. Csa saaply na wltb 
foil eetat Stat* wbst m waat Address J. 
a LAKOMT, US3 Bresdway. New Torfc, N. T. 

WAjrTED — PI rat-class Dentist to travel with a 

Standard Medicine Company. Salary or per- 

CfutaftP. Write <jnlck. DR. J. DAVinaoN, 
Lambertun, Minn. 

How To Oet On Ttie Stage 

Good, sonnd, wholesome sdvlc e for the youthful 
stage aaplrant. Price 10c CBUBCH PRIMT- 
Dia CO., die Elm Street, OtndaaatI, Oblo, 


bisr ± 

Wa ter to w n . Wis. 

nun n» BSVT— « reela; <6; 
an la awe sUtosMat. M. P. sue.^ 

- - 1014, it p. 

stsntly oa baad. ' Add. nSB 

(CO. — — 



Letterheads, Envelopes, Cards, 
Contracts, Foldera and Henlda 


Send 4 ceata in atampa fbr cat- 
alogue and time poatHmids. 


41« CIm St.. 

Clnolnhatl, Ohio 

E&TT, SEASON 1911 
Would like to connect wltb A-1 Amusement 
Park that rcqolres the service of a WIDE- 
Promoter. Am thoroughly posted with the work- 
ings of nnmeroos American parks, having acted 
as correstMmdent for a well-knowa amosement 
psper. I kiuw tbe game. If you bsv* tbe 
money, I esn Incrssse yonr stteadaaee If It 
baa fallen olf. Address WIDIS-AWAn. SS* 
2-lth Street, OntteDberg, N. J. 


After Feb. 23, bsTs • weeks' open time. Either 
of four dances, Turkish, Egyptian, Snake Dance, 
or Dtnce of 1.000 Mirrors. Rave worked for 
leading bnrlesqoe manacers this acaaon. For 
terma, photos and referencca, adtlrvaa her man* 
ager, JACK BANDAU., 818 So. I8tb, St. Louis, 
Mo. Xou can't have better than tbe best. 


Wants Side Show Uansger, Stewsrd, Boaa Can- 
Taaman, Party to mako balloon asceniiloiia, and 
other atrong free aboiva. Concesalona to rent. 
EDgagementa already made with Joe Berrii are 
for this show. Want to pnrcbaae a small U- 
msle elephant. In future addtesa COUB A BIOS 
CIBOIIS, Oenevs, (Ashtabula Co.), Ohio. 


HHt read tt sight, (or vtodevllle show. liong 
eacaaemeet to rlgbt party. Sis shows per vreek. 

HAMMKBLT, BUoa Tbeatre, Hamilton, Ohio. 


30 to 46 Inches high, $60 up. SpoU and solid 
color. FBANK WITTE. P. O. Box 186, Cln- 
Unnati. Ohio. 

BEST' ACOIDEHT and health Insurance for 
Snapan, Old rsUSble esaipaar. 91,000 death 
beaeatW weekly tademaltr. deaUa <$10> week 
ly for eydone or wlndsMim aedamt. SIOQ 


tlmoDlalH. AKenta. this la a winner. 
MTU ACK.NCY, llajlou, T.^iao. 


;ency benefit. Beglstered key-tag and band- 
sejd wsllet glvan free. COST ONLY «2 
Bend to-dsy for circnisrs snd teis- 




to double stage or piano; also Plaalst to doable 
'.sua or on stase, with ■aed bablts. 
^ height, weight, tKr^ BOB * 


. CO,, Elktoo, S. D. 


f or doga aa 

Dojle, and Kelso, 
SHOW, Kcrantun, KmaUif-^'i''';! 

State all. Dad 



We can aupply yoa with all kloda of Texas an^ 
Mexican Snakes, freah from oar Snake Farm, 
cheaper than others. BQskea fixed safe to ban- 
die. All orders shipped the same dsy received. 
BROWMsyilXB SNAKJt JPABll. P.^O. Bex 2TB, 
B m w ns v U le, ■ Tessa. 


Two Stsadsrd Books, "oopyrl^lsd," en -this 
sabjcct. Anyone esn leam. Canal Bxposltlon 
oominK, Big nay. Spielers', bsrvest. Be rssdy. 

WB SALBr^omerasoIt, .-High Dlvtng, Tilek 

nEu,' Ctuik PUno. WtU ■ezchanga' dogs 'and 
dOTCs for ai ms, m agic What liave -yoa} FSOP. 

'Slid I)ov^^^KtetaCT Jtechlne, lot of good 

BOB ISTiB nersnben-aplllman Steam, iftaek 
UscUas, In goot.pmmtkn, jsso cssb U tabn 
at oaes. . Jast OHtiswi. Intliis is4aad sad 
swin g painted.' ' Stored at Banca, Tsz.- 
JUIX kASPBB, Iowa City, Iowa. 






LICIii!!lll ' 


Write us for free sample photo 
and particulars of our mirror 
device for photofp^phihg in 
five different positions with a 
single exposure. A novel idea 
for a post-card and the best 
money-making stunt in tbe 

rajmy. . • ;• i-i— t- ^ ? 


Hotel niayer BMe., Faorta,' Ilia' 


Get the best at the 
best prices. Special at- 
tention given^Circuses 
and Tent Shows. -We 
ship onfday Xord^r 
40T N.DssiilalnssSt. 

•tiMlysraM "tee.M" ■aefelae 

mice. SM.eo 


iiMTeun H.. lu.. itm« cn*k. 


WanU people la all lines, to opea Usieb lat. Is 
Tenn., under canvas; week standa; seven abowa 
a week; 9 months' work. Salary sure. 1 psy 
all after Joining, Two sketch teams, mnaleal 
team, a dancing black-fsce comedian, novelty 
man. Salarj tbe best, snd none but tbe beat 
wlU do. Mait change for week. Also piano 
plsyer. Address B. 0. J0NB9, Hotel Victoria, 
Chicago, Ills. 

WuM-rFar Ihi ilinii|lN Stuk tiiir Cum 

Bep. people In aU Itocs except leads; tboea doub- 
ling 6rsss preferred,. B. *. .O. Lesder. Mnsl- 
dass thstwere wltb my ibow wMttSosM lift 
season, writs, Bbow opens taMjMliSNlLfe 
Mareh,^UIdtees B, X H fllli BWB r iNi 
Park atrest. Shawnee, Okla. 

Will book my Varris Wheal and Clrellns Wave 
inth a celiahla-tawnlval. Company, Bot-sir p>» 
S!>*1^' •lamps. OITO T, BHBINO, tM 
Olty P«rb Avenos, OolaDboi, Ohio, 

^ 13 lllt> oa 


ilotioii Picture Review*; 

(Cmt^nned from p«c« IB.)- > ' 

(npti. .Wetmnj 10. TM — 

TliCTe !• embodied In tbil tttit Wtgr ot » 

■; of 

VlUgrapb producer* >»»»• •i"*",/* tfi* 
ductloo, comp»«t» In •fUf MU M. - M* 

tatloo of tbe «Mfc' li:]u|Ur MtMlCM*r< 

1,000 tcct. 


t. Bid M«ii'« DawafaU there I* no derU~ 
tfoB trom tbe course adopted In tbe ceDcral mn 
Swim Wnt nrodactlou. It t* ■ Olm of tbe. 
Sn* «( «Me>> «• tea w mtajr. fdtucd 

■irlt Mtn« 

Ford & Miller 

Hie Ducer and the Todler ate meetlnc wllb 
nccni all tbroocb the Wett. Ur. I\>rd'B dasc- 
tag aad UIh Miller'* TodUns. eomblaed with 
■ M » eonady, niake It oaa at ttm beat aeta in 
eontr:^ ^jiida to awlkar Uluta Ban 


Agent or Manager. Am sober and reliaUe. 
Not aftm!d to uae the brush. Can join at 
ODce. Will fumiah reference. Address 
8. T. DUFF, Gen. Del., Kanaas City, Mo. 


I bare bwn worklsc «lth tbe Adam FViaer 
■bow which li now at wlater^qnarlcn at Sealer. 
I^iat. 1 want empicynwDt pMtalalng !• nade 

neb at rnnnlDK band 

ornn, piano or caltlK . 
^rlBia, -■ 

NpTiesi 'v Norfieci >iiOTicEi 

Wr mil pay yon ItbcraUj for tbe excloslre 
tiU^rttalng prlrllege* In jonr tbeati* fwr ■ 
t«nii of one to Ore yeara. Write na at once 
fornropMltlon and r»r*r«oc««. TBB >. M. 
SODTIIBRN 0OUPANIR8. Balte 031. fCnlcker- 
bockpT Bld(.. 1402 BtoidwaT. New York Cltr. 

..For Sale— Cdlaon Plotur* Maoliln* 
£*e-pia: uke-up, etc., aad all la lood abapc; 
^•X •■I' S piajacttng laas, nt of 80 
•Natah'AaMrieaii war alldca aad U VaCk'a Bad 
nw aiMta, tira good tan rcela «f Uai. ate Uaht. 

IIORRIS. Mew Ira naatlac Palace, ^apelcoa- 
eOle, La. 


for Ktreet ud «pm hooat. -Blaek-taN Oont- 
dian who caa fake moale fat .WMdaltlMj Ikatcli 

Team, one maat play Ir-' ' — * 

loni: cniaaaBaab " 
Biin-n writ*. ' " 

Wantaa— iCirous Blu«« 

;Bwrt»^ with Iteka, atrlngera, 80-f t. round top, 
w ri. middle piece: must be (n gtxM condition: 

•!"''H>>«*. alao lljhta, cook booae outfit la cood 
tmiilUoiL ala».M-ft!: ' *— 

only naed elaht time*. Ircn 

g'., Elytla, Ohio. 

* P. .0. Bex 



#• waat the best abowa obtalaabis far thetacasoa 1011. Open Portland, Ora... la April. Piur 
prlaclpa! clUes- la. OiMoa. Waablnatoa. Idaho. Montana. Britlah Colombia. Baaaaa aearly booked. 
Bbowa mnat aot conolct. Want A-1 Talker* to handle followlsc (bows on percentage: Ula* 
Browne of liOniKlo. Jangleland, Consreaa of National Daoclnc Olrla, Chief Okom and Sooth Sea 
Cannlhala. Want IS acta for athletic circus, thoae that double prvterted. Two thowe dallj. 
Two Keasatlonal AcU to frature: Concert Prople, Mnslclan* double B. & O. Will buy Freaks, 
dead, allre or maDQfBctnred, for abow, Nntnre's Oddltlm and Cnrloaltlea. Want Fat Fcople, 
Midgets, aianta, and other oddltlee. Coneeealona will be sold excluslre. Will glre Fierria Wheel 
apcclal propoeltlon. Not one In thia territory paat fire, years. Will boy or lease 50-ft. Bagcage 
Car. Oeo, Chapman pleaae write. Tell all first letter. WATCH C8 GBOW. 


H. e.' WIIMI'II, OMMral M«iM«Mw 



Oaly aaaaeaiaat patk apeiattai-ls tte tUj. Orar 900.000 ts 4raw trom at Se fare. Bast ptopi- 
sItloB for making Ug Boaey la tbs aallia West. The tOUewlng Conceaalona for *al«: T h eat r e, 
Roller Skatlag, laclbdlBg saw ■ ■ ma io l* tiak and equipment, Cafe, Boatloc, Jap Bidllag BaU Oaaie. 

Popenra aad FtaaolS, ala. BMa ItaMihalldlng suitable for Pool and Billiards. WANTED— 
PVrH* Wbsdl aaA sab ■aii*.B«r :»iL' Ontooor Acta 

J. w. 

and Moalcal Attractlona pleaae write. 
MUKCBBOIT', Lessee and Manager. 

Saja's Columbus Military Band 

45 ITALUN SOLOISTS and MME. 0L6A NERADOFF. Russian Soprano 

297 SumiMir Street, - 

Colle^r and Ilnpbrtw of^ltlure Animal^ I 

Moiia^ 3iialMi% etc. 

Will itBllilan to Borneo, May 26. If you wish platform or pit attrac- 
tions, come to the fountain head. Mail letters by March 1st, care Wav- 
erly Hotel, Singapore, Malay Free States; after that, care The Bill- 
board, San Francisco. 


Wagon abow People that ran Join on two weeks* notice. Long aeasos. Salary anre. Man and 
wife for Aerial Act, Rlngx and Trapene. single and double; Wire and Juegllng Act: Oroond 
Workers: Acrobata that can work three iind four to act: Contortloulsla. All performers to double 
In acta In concert. Can <•» a amail animal Act coaslatlac at docaaad meokeya. Wanted tar 
8ldc Show. Ulau Blower. Cooceaelon Pespl^ -OtKlfW Ba^kSliw aMk 'da an 9 SS ~ 

Band, uniformed prcferreU. Perfonncrt •it' W ' — ^ „ . . 
Agent, Box 2SS, Birmingham, Alabama. 



WAMTID— nf«t.daM. Mats) . 


OarhMlUts for Congress of Wondcfs: Maa with M( aerial . 
tba eamlfal business, to take cbsrge of stadium, to fnmtsh 
Addreaa Augusta. Oa. 

- fa a oa ^SS te STLaiat 

othcp dicaa acta, 

kow compiets enept top sad ftoat. 

WMTEB, qywK, fir M sr. urns iwisaiEiT n. 

A Manacer for Plantation Show. One that 'can 'make his own open- 
ings. Either salary or per cent. Wire E. W. WEAVER, Manager. 
No. 6 Boulevard Teirace, Atlanta, Ga. ' 

A natural park. Bight years' honorable record. PRIVILEOB PEOPLB adTlss as ta lly wbatTaa 


We hare ample !<g»ce and some floe stands not jet 
Can accommodate oiio nr two additional larce permanent I 



manding long leases, 


Complete line of CLOUD Kffecls, EiNOW, RAIN, FIRK, Etc. Also SPOT and FLOOD LIOETTS, 
8TA()B POCKETS. PLDOOINO BOXES. RHKOSTATS and eTerjrhlnjt used In connection ■with 
Electrical StaRe l.lfrhttnf;. rKPORTED Carbons. I.«cia«s aad 0«latin»i at Low Pricei. S«nd 10 
aaati fcr rAT.M.OCri;. Joseph MENCltrN KLECTKIOAI. CO., Larg.-t Msinifacti:r,-ni of 
Bectrlcsl StaitP Amillnnd i niul EfTi-ctH li] ttii- Wurlil, a* W, 30111 ■$(., .N(iw i.irk CltJ. U.,H, A. 

ValenoJiJyLBanda Verdi 

Now placing succeasful Theatrical and Vaudeville Seaaon. 
A big 'hit everywhere. Re-extgaeements the rule. Spring 
niul summer time now booking. For term* addreaa CHIPMiB 
MUSICAL EXCHAN6E, Band md OidiMtra Bvpt., Statamgr 

Hall, Chicago, Ills. 



■ad laade tojaat. 

CUd aa reptvaeatctf and gnaraatecd. Bead In 
aemathtM new and willing. 

"The SigD of the Flying A" 


"Th milll SfUlMfl" 

A drtiatatie isxpositlon of youth- 
ful folly and its ineritablfl har- 
vest of regret. A fllm jKwrandi^ 
ence willBke. 




A film that tdls a tragic stoiy 
leading to a fhrllling climax and 
ending in a situation that is 
truly laughable and funny. 

lit tiipMM hBtkmm-tf. 
UmiciB Fili 


Bank ri«er. Aahland aiaoli 



Oood sablecta— good coudltloa— cleaaaA. 
n* par nat-«lO par t«al-«10 pw iMl 

AbA aayl Tear noney back If 70a ara 
ast aatlaaed. Tliat'a what we neaa by 
a avure deal. Be quick— Writa to.dar. 

Aarellng Kxblhltaral Be aura and glra 
y«Br permaaest addreaa where man Is 
lan ta caacb jun. Toa'U bare to bort7. 







A aSAMCE WOaXK W.ILLLE — Good location 
ftir Morlng Picture Show. Apiil; ictb and State 
St., J. A, GONSOROWSKI, Eist St. I.oills. W. 
Phono St. Clair i:.'06-R. 

FIT — Perfect running condition, projects per- 
fectly steady picture, baa magailnea, leoae^ 

bargalB.' Lack] 

m. Watna. Okla. 

VaVTSD— Blllpoater who ran post .and IM!»> 
graph, for Borer Jriae Jamra Show. ' TMrS 
work/ Martbs aMa ta iola Match 1, la Maa.. 

No boose. * -.--.I .-m^m — ^. 

Address ' 



AppHeitloo* for mail adrertliea In thU Ust 
BHt bi algned ladtTidaaUr by addrenwi. 


. 3ffic. 

Allen. MI» Minnie 
Alma (Fat Girt) 
Alton. Stella 

~ t. Mis* UtUe 
, Myrtle 
Bear. Mn. Alfred S. 
Baattr. TadaU 
Beanfort, Mn. Joe 
BcU. Uontana 
B«U. Mia* Tbco 
••Bener. Mlaa Jennie 
Beoaon, Bow 

Jooca, Pt an eaa 

JonlOD. Anna & Co. 
Karr, Mis. B. F. 
Karr. Uaiy F. 
Kearney. Delia 
Kendall. Rose Mamto 
Kennedy, Ulas OlenneUe 
Kinsley, Alice 
Klrkirood, Irene 
Kabnle, Edltb 
JUBell. Mn. 
T.«Blinrh«. UUIan 
LaCratler, Cena 

••Barla. Fiaacaa J. 

::«Kui«n. Mln B. 


Biooka, Mia. Alice I 
Braoka, Anna La* 
Brawn, Hilda 

'.i Bucber, M a mto 
Boell, Mailon 
CuTfess, lona 
Burton, Grace 
nuriuD. Ura. darcDca 
tiiitUT, Mias Beaale 
Butler, Basel 
Coennr. Mra. F. • 
Cump. Kate 


LaNolr. lira. Geo. 
LaSiUe, Bdna 
LaTeme. Qeialdlna 
I.aberta, Mra. Mary 
Labmar. Ella 
LamoDt. Mile. 
I-ancdon, Lnclle 
Iiano, Maxle 
••Lawrence Slatera 
Lawrence. Mn. J. B. 
Lawrence. Kitty 
LeCIaIr, Gertie 
U-Marr, Edltli 
LePeail, Mn. 'Hanr ., 
•LeRal. JUaa yi*MM: ; 

Campobello, Madam M. LeRoy, Bcatilee 

Cantana. Mn. 8. X 

Cantor.- Mta. / K. . 

Canall. Mn. ObaL . 

Carto . llual* 
' Caaa, Dora 

CaaaiaajMlaa Fay 

CasOe, DoMa 

Cbtorront. Mra. IlOF 
. Cbrlnty, Mn^O- w. 

Clark, Mn. Bddia 

CUrk. Helen 

Clark, Catbura 
. CUrk, Pearl 

C-Uton, Qladaae-, 
'CUfton, Ethel 

CUIlns, Mra. Jack 

Lea, DeUa 
LoaTltt. Jllaa Mae 
I.enox, Cecil 
Leonard, Faonia 
••Leonard. Mabd 
••Laoaard. 3fabcUe 
Leror. JoaanUaa 
LcaUrtk. IWIli^- ; 
Leater. Babr . - . 
Lvil, BIttbn ' 
r.ewia, Pcad 
Lewta, Helen 
U>wia, Mian Bay 

DanUIa, Mn. Ddla 
Dartlnc. Mlaa AUee 
Darwin, Helen 
Darey. Mra. W. H. 
DaTlB. Grata 

Davla. BMUa 

••DaTla. mia Wamtr 
Mlla. H. 

• SlatM 

Dtdriek. LooU 
Dctorante. Boa* 
Dennla. Mn. J. C. 
Deanend Slaten 
••Denamora, Tlvlan. 
Dodaon, EUna 
Doneras. Emaly 
Doney, Sin. O. A. . 
DowIInt, Franet* ... 
Enert. Charlotte 
EuSnaTji^ JoUaa 


Undy. Mn. e. 
London, Ennna 
I ore. FranUe 
McCannm, Sne 
.McDooald, Flon 
MeDooald,. May 
MeKlnley, Mabal 
>feNaI]y, Mlaa Babe 
•Mack. Drena 
••Maker. Janle N. 
Manneilns, Mlia Melba 
Manal. Marl* 
Manhall, Irene 
Marteb, Bertha. 
Martin, Tbaieaa 
Martin. Eaale 
•Martin. Mlaa Beaala 

Maacan, Mian Kitty 
UaxwelL Mn. L. 
••May Co.. Ethel 
.Maaelle, Mlaa 
31lMdows, Madce 
••Meeker, MaybeUe 
••MeUrlUe & Co.. Jeaa 
••Melnotte, Adelaide 
MelTln. Mia. Frank 
••MtadelaobD. Mn. 

••Male Mra. A. O. 
^Uaatcomary. Monte 

*Sbtv. Lotao 

■•Inirton. Josephine 
• MlBte. Edith 
.MUball, Lodle 
**Mnmro. Margnerlt* 
Myley. Mlaa Kitty 

MOlIa A. 
• Indta. Lonlaa 
-MFanehctb. Minnie 
••Fenton, May 
••Faora, Leona ... 
TnSv^. Mn. Maignt ilJSti^lKff 
Freeman Carlotta 
Freeman, PUney i—m^- 
••Fnller. Pearl ( . .. SJHr'n— iiia- — 

onw.ini«!:r. rSR.*S..M.M. 

Parr. Lola B. 
Patten. Mlaa Jeeale 
Patton. Jeasle 
Pr:<noa, Tlolet Pbaama 
••Pearaon, Mn. Balph 
•apiaice. Couta . - 
Prlmaa^ PrlneiM 
rmt, Bcrtte 

Sana*'**' " 


Beno, AnIIna 
BIdiatd, Emma ' 
B"»y. Mn. Lee 
Bltchle. Eatella 
Rot>erts. Florence 
Roblnaon. Alice 
RockareU. Kathtyw 
Roliaa. ZcIiM. ; . > 
Bntlcdgc. MlarB;. 

'OnF* Cbarlotta 

StVa Bntb 

Gray. Mn. Marion A. 

Oraen. Mm. F. L. 

♦•Grey, Banny 

Han. Lmtan 

HallD. Ennlc© . 

••Q^bantrti. \fra. AMBa 

Hanaon. Edna 
Hardy, Loolae 

Tbnaka, Turn - ' 
Templeton. Mlaa JnrtB". 
Tbomaa, Emm* . 
Tbomtoo, Cornelia 
Tbropp, Clara 
Tompklna, Mn. Chas. 
•ToYohTSenorlta L. 
••Ttoyon, Seoorita L. 
Tnmer, Anna 
Tnnier. Beatrice 
ralentlne. Alberta 
Valdaie. Beesle 
VanNally. Mlaa Elale 
Van, Mn. Jeaata 
.nofkttJfiM Andy 


Wa AbBn, M 
lyne. Mrs. 



Webller, Mabel 
Wclla. Mlaa C. 
White. May 
Wlkoff, Inna 
vrilboiDn. Bntb 
WlUlama, Gentrndc C. 
••Williams. Joicy 
WUaoB, May 
Woetaler, Maud 
Woods. Loin 
Zampa. Mlaa 
Zomoga. Madame 


' astaaii. Mta._ 
Baaaen. Mn. T.^ 
Bayca. Mn. Bsaali 

- Haaei. Mra. 

Helena. Edith 

Henry A Uzel 

Heas. Loolae 
,. ••Holler. Cora MIckle 
':!i>'He!Iand. Mia. Mamie 
^^^HritTT* " Madce . 
-"jCHbward. Caasie 
^Howard, Kena 
S^ Boward. Boonl* -C..; 
r^Hiainrd. Mian Ball* r 


' laekaon. Bearie' 
^ ^aoqne*. aaias 1 
; . . Jaaaao. Mm U, : 

-:MawM..^iamii*-- . 


'SehOKk,^ Fleiaqee 
Bceoian. Ma* 

Beymu uf. Hmta 

K^Mfey.' Qoldle 
••SISoDte, Mite, 
taltb. Tbdatn . 
"^^tanler. Mabai:. 
Bnr;.I4Bla' ^ 

••Abbott. Jack ' 

Abbott. Charles 
Abbotta.' The 
Abrams, Morrla . 
Ach, Sam 
Ackley, Ulyssea 
Aekley, A. V. 
Acme Amnae. Co.' 
Acnir, Jerry 
Adair. Carl 

Albricht. Dui X. 

Albnrtns. Sam 
Alethia A Aleko 
Alfred. Chas. 
Allen. W. S. 
Allen, Frank 
Allen, Fred 
AJllaon, Boy 
Allsman, Cbaa. 
Alpbonxo. Don 
Altben. Peter 
Alward, Musical 
Amment. Cbas. 
Anagnostakon, Geo, 

- as B.. 

Btrtch, Harry 
Blackban, HaztiMD 
Blackbnm, Mas - 
BUck, Ted B. 
Blackle. Barber 
Blake. B. G. 
••Blanebard, Wm, 
••Blanehaid. Leon A. 
•BInmhardt. Wm. 
BMaoe, Jack 
Boait .* Oonnor 

Bdlan. Ben 

Bon-AIr Trio 
Bonelll. James 
Book. V. T. 
Poothe A BoDltae 
••Boaa, W. E. 
Poswnrth. J. 
Bonltler, L. K. 
Bonschle, Nool 
Boyd. 0. E. 
Bozzel. W. E. 
••Bracbard. Paul 
Brady, J. Tbo'mas 
Bnnbam, Cbas. M. 


Anthofxy, H 

Bring*, Ed. 

. jerboir. Pbll 
Branaon, O. L. 
r^'noks- A Bnokr ■ 

Clark * Beny 
43ark. Bonnie 
dark, Obarley T. 
Claye. BIcbatd 
Claytoo, Harry 
Clayton, Jerry 
Clemenao, Harry 
••Clergg, P. H. 
Clinton. Cbarito.' 
Cody, Walter A.' ' 
Coe, PhUIp 
Cogbland, Jay Wm. 
Goban, J. E. 
Oolcber, Barry 
OOtek J. H. ' 
COte. MoCTto 
Coleman, Wm, 3. - 
CoUlBa, EH Whitney 
••CoUtna, Cbas. 
Colton, Bert H. 
Compton. John W. 
Conley, Cbnley 
Cooley, B. T. 
Copea, Mualcal 
Cook, Walter 
CoIaroMl. Elt* 
CiDldnr. J. L. 
Cole, Fred O. 
Colton. Cbaa. 
Columbia. Panl 
ConkUn, t. V. . 
Cook. Mr. AlbK^DI 
Cooper, Fnak^ 
Cooper. Cbaa.' 
Corey. Waoen L. 
ComaUaa. The Six 
Coscia, M. 
Costello, Jack 
Cotton. Don 
••Oowen, Rot>ert 
Cox, Fred 
Cox Family 

Coyle. Walter V. ^ , . 

Cralne. Look A Crane Crana. Hal 8. 

Creatore. Fraorlsco 
Cressy. Will M. 
Cronin. Jack 
Crotton, Otto 
Croaa, Blllle 
Cnllen, Wm. P. 
Cnnnlnffbam. Wm. 
••Cnmn, Fraocia E. 
Cot, Canleaa . 

••Dnnlop. Harry W. 
Dnnn. V. A. 
Dunn, Harry 
Dupres, Fred 
Davall, William B. 
Dyer. O. B. 
Dyer, Capt. J. W. 
Dynan, George 
Dynes, Frank C. 
Earl, John J. 
Earl. Albert 

finHMw. A. 
Edwarda, Ibo*. F. 
Edwards, Jo* 
Elckmao, Cbarle* J. 
Eland, Mr. 
■I Barto 
BUridge, Geo. 
Elliott A BeLalr 
BUIot, Gny 
ElUs, Geo. 
EUla, W. 
EUlaaea, The 
Elmon, Raymond B. 
BUwood. Cbas. U. 
Blays, Jack 
••■y. Wm. E. 
Bmenon. BlUy 
Emeiy. Bay 
Emmetson A LeClear 
Emmy, Carle 
Emory, Joe 
Bnglert, A. S. 
Enalltb. W. P. 
Enacnberser. Geo. 
••Eallnger, Hal W. 
Bilridfe. Texas 
Bstrldga. Cbarlea C. 

Bmet. J. 
Brwett. J. Preatoo 
Branlt, Starling 
' BTCnt*ia._W. B. . . 
Fait. B. W. . 
Falibasks, Frad 

PclBlierir. OtaM. 
FalrOeld, VancB' B. 


, ~ Tbe beadqiiarten of tbla gntnltona distribution of man are at the CINCISIJIATI 
aOcee, wbeie aU sncb matter afaonid be addieaaed, unless It la known tbat lt -trtt-b» 
men eoBtoitnt Bk eddiMlMa t* nceh* It thraosb tbe New York or CUeeae konm. -. 
'IB addnatH^iaiHtt'' tavtanMiiM' iB'dni kc-Bha -Bnibaaid,-.klMir''kiillea*e*i)lint<'eaii^ 

I'M-'IdiBtlirt lirvbMiMMttaB/a*^ 1 

Baateek, Jamm W. 
Elmon. BaymoDd B. 
GameUa, Blate 40 
Hafina, XMa ' Sie 

AxmatioBg; Cbaa. . 
Aimatroac, O. S.' 
••Arndl, LewBi'. 
Arnold, Cbaa;. 
Arnold, Tom 
.Arnold Show 
Amnt. Cbas. J. 

Atklna, Benjamin 
Atkinson.' W. n. 
Attell. Mr. 
Anstln. Robert 
••Austin. Harry 
Anstln A Cnrea 
Anstlna, Tbe 
Arery, Drew 
ATon Trio 


Brownlee, J. W. 
Brownlee A Beed 
Bryan. Harry J. 
••Bryant, E, 
Buckley, Tom 
Bnanell. W. T. 

Bark*. ' 

Bnrna. Fnd *... . . 
BnrrU, Walter * < 
Bnrrowa, WatMB''' 
Bnrt, Frank - 

Bjraa, Asm 
Oaasar. nania . ' 
Gala. Bany. 
Cain, Barry J,.- 
Oalney, Art 
Caiaon. Ficd W. 

. CalbaoB. P. F. 

. Can. Maurice T. 

>. Caltahan. Oomadlana . 

^ OaUaaan, Walter 

Bachtel, Wm. 
Bailey, OUrer O. 
BaUey. Frad J. 
BaUay. Wliltay 
••Bailey, Barry A. 
Bally. Nick 
Balid. Carl 
Baker. F. 
••Baker. Cbaa. F. 
Baker, Boy 
Baker, Myron 
Baldwin, rrcd B. 
Baldwin. Oeonavi^sS 
BallBlL Wallar i. „ . . .^ 

Balaaab. -c.-'F,'^ V->*''ii"JSIoway,,«inae» '. ■ 
amnOfM, Framed' -.V: ftofSlgan^A .:;.' ■ 
••Bsaka." Hanr^'^.' ':'*4^^h f^S"*'' •'>: - 
Banics.-.7eRT, ■ y ■ : ■■ ^^fi*!!**. ?i W- ' 

'Sanett. »; Cbbboo^. 

Barrin.^ o.^ . v ^a^u. p, at,^:,^ 

•BariypatUt-"Ba»at .,siuw.*jH>W.?^A'.^ 

Barteii.;'-JohB'A:- iV-Oninray.^nB.".:.^^^". v 
Barton^ Tbomaa J. ; .i Carrier, B.-'!.:: 
• Bartlett. Owen .- . .. Camll, ; O. C. 
Batebaider.. T. ,F. v.. ; - .Carroll. Jamea . -4 

••Bates. Clyd«i;~-.ri..'. .;.>Carson, Cbaa. K. , 
Bates. Leslie A.; -V Caraon. Cbaa. H. ':■■■_■■<.> 
Bean, Bert,' ■( ^ ■••Carter.-LlncolnJ.. ,. . 
Beck. LeW' ■-'i.''-,-"-:ii !i..;Carter. Don B. .-'■ . 
•^Baekmu. FM j^^FifHIart^^ 

Belcei^ 'Albert ' 
BaBTj&baa (OUe) 


-Ben.'' A 
••Ben Amnae. Co. 
Beieer, Loals J. 
Berlage. Bermaa J'. 

. HeriTr.Bj£B.',i<>j»*%V'- 
Berty. ■Mnaavf^'is,--; 
BfFa,i^b«ai;lS-^-'.i-, .... 

1 M(;aiiaiaBd^ Cbanaesr. 
'Canter, .tc-r. Bdwarf 
flhamber^-.-- ftad ■.a''-"';:-'y' 

Chaaabara.*'' Oka 

Ualbr. P. M. 
DaUaa, Frederick 
Daae. Pmf. Wm. 
Daalala, Jack 
Danlela, John 
Daniels, Lyons 
Danye, Alex 
Daillnc, PhU 
Dart. James 
Darld, Frank 
Darldorf. A. 
Oavla. Frank B. 
OaTb. 0. U. 
DaTla. O. I., . 
Sarla. Jack 
Darla A Dailar 
Darla, Fnnk W. 
Darla, Geo. (Batcher) 
Darla, John L. 
••DeBaleatrler, Lonia 
DeEataag. Marcy L. 
DaForeat; Bam 
OeLaso. Okaa. 

SeBntb^ ; Balph > / 
DaMoOa, Tba . " 
DeVare At Baaiater - 
Delano, FraL - - 
.••OeO, Jlcamle . 
.DelaoDt, >ted 

Faalkaer. O. B. 
••Fay, -Bad 
Faagoii% Frank 
Fenlgen, Arthur E. 
Penner, W. 
Fielding, Bert A. 
Fielding A Carlos 
Fields, Bay 
Fleaber. P, p, 
flaa, Xomy 
FUaegan, Jaa. a. 

Ftotdiar. CbaM. W. 

Fletcher. K. D. 
Florida. Gao. A. 
Flowers, Oacar 

Flynn, Geo. C. 
Ford. WUUam W. 

Forepsngb. Geo. 11. 
Porroat, Joe 

Poster, B. M. 
Fox A Carr 
••Fox, L. B. 

Francellaa, Tbe Great 
FraakllB. B. B. 

h. t. 

DeiMy axae 
Dent; BaleUh 
Derrmont.'' Napoleon 

.Diamond, Cbaa 
DIckey'a Wild rWeat' 
DUwortb, O. W. 

.DUworth. oaie' W. - ■ 

-Dlxoa :At''MiBek> '-j-'"' 
DIxoB.-HanrB. tr" 

■Dlxon'-^P,-.«:,:jyWii^ ■.'■ 


Dooogtme, , Jrtn . 



.l)o#»;s,*w,i.:.,.t.. ,', 
Dawna..'WbItle / ■ ri 
■Dmnm-rO. Is: 

OaSiSber,' Oea, 
„OaUui. JlmiBle , ^ 

Orallardo. Joe* 

OaUlgerj.: Cortey 

GalTln, jrae„A. > 
,Oant, Bobert a./ 

Oaata. B. J. 

Gardiner A; Lawaon 
^.Oaidaer,:iHainr - - , 

Oai*tt,f^Ban»;'^'.v: V' 


'>?|!oinntti^taoB*r P. 

'Vi'-Bwl'. .'° 
'^a*ralda. ' Maaleal ', ' 
. Olbbs. Al. P.. . . 
Glbsms,' Jack , 
OlbaoB. Xnett Cecil 
Glbaon. MarahaO-'-' 
rt. ASSt s - ; 

Gllmore, Panl ' ' 
Qlronx, Tim 
Qolnes, Gu 
Goldamltb, Moo 
GoMsteln, Morris 

OOllOOtlDC, Jolltl 

Obodlag, Marsh E. 
Goodrlde, Jack 
Goodwin A Goodwin 
Goojdy, Cbarley M. 
Gordon, Paul L. 

faka 'JL...:;.. 
9-9' ■■v'Vii 
natifeey' ' 

••Orandle, Bob 
Grant, B. P. 
••Gray. Raasell 
Green A Xaft 
Gregoir, Ben 
Graaaer, F. Sport 
Orunth, Frank 
Grlgg, Wm. A. 
••QlUen, FnncU J. 
••Oroooey. Ernest 
••Oulse, John 

Gatbrle. W. J.. \ ^ 
Hadley. Fnak B. • ' 
aaaaa, O aa ta f - : 
HaUc. Barrcr ' 
HaU, Ed. B, 
Hall, Orwan 
••BalL Albert 
HambUn, Eddie 
••Hamburg. Albert 
Hamilton, Geo. W. 
HamlltoD, Geo. W, 
Hamilton, Glenn 
UaDllton, Wm. 
Hammond. Billy 
Hancock, Btram 
Hank? Rocky Ml. 
Hanney. H. W. 

••BaidlBE, rnak ■ 

HarUna, Jim 
Harlow, Jack < 
Harnman, Otto 
••Harrab. R. B. 
Hamba, Tbe ., ■:',;'.'-.','.'j 
Harrta, Tbomaa >.'..- 
Harris, U B, . ■ ■ ■. 
Harrison, HoraC*..\ 
Harrison, T. B. '9^. ... 
Barter Show t 
••Hartman, Jobn A. 
Hartmao, Frank E. 
Hasklna. Harry 

JMba, W. B, 


Jeaaea, Waldo C, 

Jerome A Lewla 

Jerome, Sidney 

Jersey, B.. R, 

••Jobnaon. Billy 

JobnaoD. Cbarlea 

••Jobnaoa. Melrin 

Jobnaon, Arlbur 
■ ■ Jabnaoa, Chas. 
'. Jobnaao, Otto 
' J«aaa, J. A. 

fa* ■ 

- Jacda^ Van . 
' Kaha, Mebaaied 
Karl, Wlaard 
••Kasper. Jewel 
Keller, Ooldwtn 
KeUer, H, H. 
Kelly, Jamea B. 
Kelly, Tboa. 
Kelly, ^gene 
Kellya. Tba Four 
Kcnd^. P. A. 
Kenaaid. Ed. 
Kennedy, C. C. 
Kennedy, Jack 
Kaaa*dr_Bras,' Sbow 

_ iU#mF 

K*iaa. Clanaee 
Kidder. O. B. 
Klcnay, BIcbard 
KIcbt OUrar 
KlUtngaworth. R. M, 
KtaiOaBon. Mr.'* ifin. 
King, 0.0. 
King A DiTtoy .. 
King, Leo - 
Koch, H. P. 
Kolb, M. B. 
Kreta. Wm. 
KnUman. Cari B, 


■ UBI n A e, J. W. 

^' .••LaKclUcn 
. ,'>> lUMarr-LeBoy Tri* 

I.aBoy. Barry 
. LaBoy * Bayea 
. LaBne. Bob . .. 

LaVeU, Fraak 

flMfflm T.«nM«Ml^;.^"i"- ''r>^ f.«M*M 


Bar-- - 

Heatea, LeOraMT: 
BeatOB. S. L. 
Held. Barry 
BendejBon, Earl 
Henderson, Rnbe 
Henley. J. n. 
Renty, W. B. 

Henry, Jame* 
B eaiy, B. C. 
Beaiy. John 
•HeaiT. STb. 
BcriMTt. Caiaa',- 
Bermaa. M«lWia.".-;\-''.r 

Hermana, The . Tlii»*.l>^i^_ 

Berrlck. F. B. ; ' ;.SSFtoB. ». ». 
He«ie A .WlUlama ■M.ts^- Om. 
Heaslo. Al - •■' - J^aPayBe. Bariy: 

•Henel. Jerry bBor. Jack C. 

-•ilfwitt. Wm. Jndklna ••LeVerne. HUton 

Lampe, Bd. 
Lampert. John , 
Lander. Edwia 0/ 
f j»viii» Ed. 
Lane. Obarita 
Lane, W, C 
Lane, C (Broekaf ' 
Lang, Bd. O. 
Laager. WIU 
Latlo, JUlM 
" " ~ ». . 

nialt. Bort 
Hlffhlandeni. Sloalcal 
Bllbert, Ben 

llbert, Ben 
Bllderra, Chaac:' 
HllioB. Joba : ' 
Bint. Petrr ' 

Redaea. OUrer : ' 
Hodgklns, RiM>' 
••Hoeys. The ■. . ^ 
Boirmsn, Lew "' 'I- i 
Rolden, Wm, 
Rolloway, Ma«'- '.. J-i 
Holton, Rartx ' 
Hoover. C. L. 
Hop Frog Man 
Hope, Wm. Prnn 
Horeh, Hairy 
Boaklna, Elmer 
BonltOB, Panl 
Howard. Hany 
Howard. Birt 
Howard. Cbaek 
Howard. Wm, .- • • • 
Howerlon. W. -H, 
Bnffer, Billy *.< 
Hugbes. Blllr~ 
Hnxo. Prof. 
••Hulllnaer, Dillon 
Hoot. W. M. 
Bonllngton, Fnnk 
Hnnter, Jobn H. 
Bordle, Jjtrr 
Rardle, Lerl 8. 
Barter, Tbea, 
Boston A Martin 
Hyatt, Mntao W. 
IlUagworth. B. 

Lrarb, Dan M. 
Leacb. Cbaa. (Blackle) 
••Leanee. The 
Lee, Horry L. 
La*.- Dnke B. 

uSktMk%Bfci ' .1:- 

•.'.!v"te* t^, W«»(N»'..;-- ■• 
Leon. VIelar' 
■ Leona Sbow .<"- 
•n^ooard. (»aa. WU 
••Leotildn, Oc*. 



LiBdenatrcet, Wm, ' 
Linger. Bany 
Unrllle. Clyde 
Us ton. A, B. 

London, '^U_ 
Long, Wanea 
••Longfellow, Mr.' 
Lotbalr, Fred 

Lm&ai? John 
Lore, W. L 
Loyd, ■. H. 
Lnnklna Show 
L^kena, Wm. 

I*l0k B. T. v ' • 
LynebTmrii 'Siift 

Iremalae (bepe Fiend) iSSSl 'Sf^ i ' 
Irrlag, I. w. V; • -£ ' , _ 

JaSaiJ: Bart : Wl*. MaeflF 

JaeobI, Cbaa.- ■ ■■ MbAba,''^fc 

^!!Bf^.',5•F_:-: V fieoSi, jack 


ffigSg'..J'.i"*— APPBAB IN THB LIBT 



BaeoB,' BeisT 

OnlaMoB. Jobn a 

Bia,- V — 

MitAaU * aaaaf 

uui, Ndll* RSnaT'nraa* 

FEBRUARY 18^ 1911. . 

Xtie Billboard 


aicOnaaeU, Jack 
MeCulloacli.^ Cjtl 
••MrCuUouch. W«It«r 
]|cl>"<lr. Eddie 
Mcl>"iiald. Edw. 
Mcl'uuald. Uttle D. 
Mcl-ull, HOT 
••Iti KarUDd, ». B. 
Mc<:..ivil, 0. A. 
McGl'-KK. O. 9. 
UcGutuutfM* J. 4- 

Mclntiri) A On. 
MelDUMb. B«*»lt , ; 
Melatyi*. Biflir; 
McI^M * BfJMI * 

M*s«iir. P«t . 

McKm. J. 
Slack. JinuBto 
Maco, Fnak 
MalBC, WUl 
Maogcan Troup* 
uano, Oto. 
Mano. Waller 

Muds. Toa . . 

Uaiwfleld A Welek 
Maiirllle, C. Rollia* 
Marclilo, Almerleo 
Mnraball, Albert 
Martelle, Mr. It . 
Martia, CU*. , 
Uarlin. K. U 
••MsrtiD, Bd. 
Martin. Lnke 
ilanvtle. Chat. 
SlaMulla. PrlDce 
Maaitir. Al. 
Maul. Bar A. 
Uanitr, A. G. 
Utek. C. B._ 
Uelloa. Mr. Chaa. 
MclTllI*. Howard 

UelTlD, Hor 
Merfditli, M. E. 

Meiij NWtbeTa QtMM > 
•llexInB BIB :' ' i' 

Utrtt. f- l>. ■ . •• 
iltfm, Jallua .'^ ' 
JilckelUD. Bliry 
UIIIK rr«d 
Ulllvr. 0^a. U. 
miter, J. FraucIa 
Utllelte. Artbnr 
KUte. W. J. 
MOta. Chaa, 
Mlllsoo * Bow 
•Mlnort. Tbt 
••Ultcbcll. Lnllr 
MIlclMll. Elbrrt 
MItcbell ft BrownlDS 
Moar. Eddie 
MiHidaT. Jamea. F. 
Koodr, Kalph . . 
lloore, Udl<i B. '. 

Pickett, W. t. - 
Pierce, Mr. J. S. 
Platarotl, ToBjr 
IMatU, Jake 
I'Innkett ft Bitter 
Peraall. T. ■. 
Pom, Wm. 
PoUod. Ur. ft Mra. 
••FoUjr o( the Clrcua 

Pound. B. Ifi - 
PeweU ft BiMNr. . ' 
Powen, Freak 7; 
Powere ft Paallaa 
PMecotI, O. J. 
Preaaej, Clue. 
PreTDat. I>oala 
Price. Hal 
Price, 8te»e 
Prtrba. Herman 
Prince, 3. Morcaa 
I'llora. Tbe 
Proctor, Geo. B. 
Pme. r. 

••Pcyor, Tlw*. W. 
Qnukri Aaanw 
•talitaj. labm 
'.Itaee, F. t. 

Randiii, Hinr 
Raakla. BCrbirt 
Rapaport. M. T. 
Rarriek. T. !> 
*Rat&lwra. Un 
••BaTotU. Wm. 
Ramon ft OUn 

Ray. E. C. 

KaymoDd^ WaUi m 
Reed ft ffuswott 
ReMI. MUes ft. 
BtjneWa. WmSm^ 

RicbaMlaoa. B. 

Rnberta, W. H. 
••Boblaoo, Bobert 
Roeaalns. Barn 
•tocera. WUl 
Robrer. W. B. 
Rolaade ft Leoore 
Roear. Peter O. 
. R oeeiiiaii. Morria 
R«i«IB7li. HoIlT 
Rowtand. FnA 
Boaell ft Bomb 
RaHll, r. A. 
BadKona. Btokaid ' 

lloore, Banr 
Maoaalll. SiMB . - 
VoDlcoacry. Bm : 
MoDtvwierr, B,' 
Moran, Jack 
**Jlora]r ft Connor 
Maccan. J«e^-*"j— 
Morr^lock ft Wateon 
iioeoce, Jean B. 
IforrU, V. If. 
••Xorrla. Chester 
MMil MG,- Bay 
Menliok. J. 7. ' 
•ntooow, Karl* 
**3lflftmt He Ce 
IfrMlMd. G. C. 
Mniasle. Mr. A. 
Ilaocer. L. A. 
Manibr, Prof. B. 
Iforphj, ObaaL 
••Murpbr. T. Thro. 
Mrera. Ilarrr 
Mren, AI. F. 
Mrere, Howard J. 


— . - w. - 

BatMce. rmak 
■ oBraa. BttTT 
' Saser.'^lrloB B 

^ 8aid^r*0*tai$ 
W SM^aon, Rojr 
' KaDi|if|M.ft OoBftaa 
Saadeta. 1. A. 
Saadnilqr. U. 
■ Saatl. BarlMra 
. StBBdan'ft Camerao 
C. C. 



Sckam. B. C. 
Rchaldt. Bert 
Scbwarta. ChiiL 
S«hwartl. SlaMO 
Scplt. Wm. , . 

Seoitr M iJnrtiB 
lenball Broi.- ••oI^.JS"- 

52f*% *• ' SfTnwar. I*ete 

gRVTu.u..a. Ib'a'SSTlJSBS, 
Kalra. Vj. niu) SbeSJi? ; 

Manball ft Ktag 


Xanler, V. H. 

Sanirr, Mat ntbbr 
Xaamaa. H. J. .Uorr ^ 1 

ood. « 

r. Mr. Obaa. 


XrlMti. Mort 
Sri Hon. Fred 
••.NelKoa. Ortea 
Xeiaoa, Bd..!,. 
X)<«*la. Onat 
"Xlbo. Pnrf. 
N'trhola. Bath ' 
N'lBr. O. 0.. <■ 
Nntlman, Lealar 

KataeT. * 


O'Dale. William 
"o«"ln«. John 

Oatrrllac. Geo. F. 
Owena. Jack 
ParaoB. Geo. 
Pirirllo, Jack 
PaltoD. W. B.' 
Paul. Ed. a ■ 
Pearce. CD. 
pranoB. Raipk J. 
PMrce. Rntirrt 

Priimr. ilarty L. . , . Mai 
•yrlB, Ja^ . . . ■ . , •: ■ Slai 

IVraei, ' 
Pblllhie. Harrr P. 
PMIllm. Chaa, 

*«8hortea. .Qllbcri 
Bhonti.' Ckria. 
Mores. Fraafttlt. 
Slimpthlrr. XaBMf 
Rhmma. Tha " 
Shnn. Peet 
Sthler. Dorar* N. 
Weirrl. Joe, .V. 
*8lmpaiw. Don B. 
^■ma. Pete .-j,.-.,. 
m>«t«!an. Oa«.->^.>;v, 
■Is. Barty .;■■.■.■,•:■>■;;:■• 
Skiff ft Clai* ^ ■ 
meet. Cbarlla 
Smith. Broca^T.' - 
Smith. Walter 
amlthsoa. Jeeae 0. 
**8alplcr. Bearr 
Rnrder. Ramer 
SOTder, BmaMt 
Sowaloe. Mr. Wm. : 
flpenccr. Banr 
""maanlr. Paot 
larlnitronl. Sid 
jAMd. laa. 
Slaoler. Jaaiea 
Ktantna: Walter 
mark. Irwla O. 
Steele ft Coaler 
*trara«. Doe 
BtepheaaoB. R. C 

•illeriliig nroa. 

_ ^1 . 

4k Xar 

War A Bt. Oalr 

^mloa. Dr. Wm. 
nrede. Mr. B. 
ValadoD. Paol 
Vaa. Woodr 
Van Benraa, Ifarlla O. 
VaDderallne. 8. 
Vandlrere, P. 
Venn, Rarrj 
Vans. Two 
Tan Skalp. W. 
TasTranken. J. H. 
Venwick. BdwaiH 
Vaaaor. Wllloa . 
Vadla. a. W. • 

Look ForYour Nane 



AtarayB glv* forwarding addra** 
•BF.anoMah in advano* *e PMoh 
Advartlaad laMara ara hold 

StsTeaa. Ftad 
Steward. Oaorta 
StUaon. L. 0. 
Bllrk ft Londoa 
Stocktoo, 0*0. 
Storey. Balph 
Btrlekannn, Chaa. 
Staart, Frank 
atofk. J. L. 
SuIUTao, Tom 

'. B. 

Sattoa. Barry 
Sutton. F. M. 
"Sweeney. John 
••Sweet, aeo. D. 
Tanael. Asgla 
Taylor, Robert 
Taylor, A. W, 
■Taylor * DeaaeFt 
Taylor. Oscar 
Taacne, Bmocy 
StaBloi. a. - 

Thactaa. Sawaxd 
Thoaaa. Baadd A. 
Tbonaa, W. V. 
TbompaoD, J«a . . 
Tbarmaa. B. I., . : ; , 
TtanlU, Mldxets 
Ttbblh. w. a. 
TIfer BlU'i W. W. 
•TUIaon, Ben B. 
TlnKle, iMter 
••Ttntoa. B. W. 
Tippa. Barry B. 
Toartclotta. FMd 
taak, CT ai e aaa C 
TJorer. 8. B. 

Walker. Jack 
Walker. B. T. 

Walters. Cbarils 
TValtaea. Harry 
•♦Ward, Harry 
Ward. Ed. 
••Ward. Jacob 
Warn. M. C. 
*Waner, Ben B. 
Wama* Warsea 
Waahfewa. O, A. 
Watarbsry. jr. F. 
Watklna. Bany 
Wetsoo, Cits 
WataoD. Jack 
Watt. Bob 
Waofb, B. M. 
Wearer, Ray 
W«aT«r, lArry 
••Webb, Frank H. 
••Weeka »"ik M. 
Weir. Kirk 
■ ••Welaer, Wm. 
Welch, WlUlam 
••Welah. Lew 
Walab. 31. B. 
;Wasterton. Frank B. 
WMtM. Bd. L. 

WU k aiaa a. O.. & 
WnUama. Benry 
WlUUma. Corley 
Wllllame. P. 0. 
Wllllama. R. 3. 
WUHanw. W. O. 
Wllllame. H. B. 
Wnia. B. R. 
Wlllman. Walirr 
Wllaon. a«o. 
Wilson. Jo*. B. 
Wlllson. Barry 
WIlMO, w. J. 
Wolfe ft Ue 
••Waoda. •. ». 

waodyaid. T. J. 

WtaHB. A. A. 

WMSM. A. A, 

WHgkl. Chaa. B. 
• WHfbt; BaiiT P 
..T«asasatak Ifr. K 

▼on rter Will*. laa. 
WaMell. Fnak 
Walba. M., *' Co. 
WaMra. Mark 
WaMms. Tjji^ 
Walk.T. Uttv 

falaa, W. S. 
Tana, BMahl 

Toeeo. Balk 
••TMinr ft Maonlnff 
Tenna. K. E. 
Tnnnc Bros.' Show 
Toaatr. Walter B. 
Tooananae. Bd. 
ZareMo, Comt 
□ Cliaa 

7.<-v«. Kiln In 

For Band with Howe's 
London Shows 

A-l Eb aarlnet. Bb aarinrt. cither to double 
Ttolta, OaUIOK* Pl ayer t o doable .band, aai other 

WABTBD— Moalelana and Actors that dodHa 
brass,, tor the Blondln Show. Comet that d*a> 

Mas atac*; Oattoaat, 4oaMs ataia. AU klad* 
of MnaMaaa .tkat MM* ataia. ar afahtatn. 
Work tba'aRr ' araaad;' Oaaeaa ahem. ' Unat 
ba «Uh t«dKM wtra. Addma LBO BLOMOIN^ 
Slaaar; tiCJS^ IS; Caraoo; Xa.; 17; Bon Ami. 
La;. JS; BiBpilii. Ia.i M; IndlBstoo. La.. SL 

'ABTBBaWer Oea. V.. Kail, Yr.'s Onat 
kad iefja Bhann; an Adnoee Aseat for 

wafoa abow.Aktiat can and wilt pnt op paperi 
alao . Parfara^ dolus two or more acts, nod 
Talklns Cl«i^ need to worklas with trained 
stock, and olMr nsetul people. Also bare for 
sale. 73-tt. top-wlth SO-ft. middle piece, la laa 
eoadltloa; alao «n* tent, 48x90, with W-ft. aid* 

wall, ja jaaS caadlHnn. ready ta aat a*l on* 
taat. tf-fTnaaa Mp. with 8-tt. aHa wBk^and 
OM A t*at,lSlCs-tt. waU: «m ' ' 

waani baa. 13 f*at ioag. heaeltir camt. aatar 
Bsad: alee one ahettaad pony that does a aaeaaae 

act The entire lu upei lj can be eeca at the 
qaartera. Addreea GEO. W. BAIX, Jr., Boa 
a, BraasTlUe. Wis. 

WABTBD — Iddy Trombone or Clartooet Playsr; 
alao Lady Piano Player for orvbcetra. Vbr par- 
tiealars. addreea MANAGER. Box tS. Fernm. 
Okla. P. 8. — Woald like to bear from SantfOcd. 
lady trombone playrr. 

mSKUUiS— TnalaH.nih ari Keoli 

wasted for Soldiers* Bome Band and Orchestra. 
tSS and (SO per month and aislataoaBea. State 
ezperleDca and all Orst letter. . 
Otnera write. Work pel iiiaawl. 
TBB, Muiaon Olty. Teaa. 

WABTBD— Lady Aceabata er Oysaaaals; Hncs 
pfefanadt welgbt aot avar MO lba.i helsht net 
•ear Btw. Cict flea iaehca. Qool amatenr coa- 
aldwai. mm an la flret, witli pbota. This la 
a ta«n «B l aa A aet and booked aslM. Addreee 
AL. C0WLE8, Detroit. Mlaa. 

Learn BBAOX BTBTEX of playlax Taaderllle. 
DramaHe Uoale. Transpoalnr. Arrsntlna. Par- 
tlenlais free. BISHT BZADIITO bo(£let. tea 
Its and stamp. KNACK BTODIO. Dept. B, 

— nis. 


Good etrslvht tumbler. Moat do cood atnlT. Tell 
all In flrst letter. Ticket U necesaary. To Join 
a trio booked eolid tor 20 wreks. Must write 
at once. Address Lock Bos 8SS. Barron, Wla. 


Streetmen and Asenta to aell Voltaic Electric 
laaelni and Bleetrlc Belts. Bis moaer. Send 
ISe for sample pair Insoles or belt aod get com- 
plete price lilt of a line ot toods that aelland 
pay yon handaome proflts. THB BLBCTRIO 
J^rUAKCK ca, ine. isai. Bnrtlastoa. Kan. 



Dnntle ad VMlnllli Piiili 

in aU }ms,aii(I .muaiciaiis douUing band, orchestra and stage; 
low pitcn: ESeetrician and scenic artist to double stage or band. 

Larry Iviwrenre, Vorpll, R:iney, McMurrj-.w rite, Ncwcomprstown.O. 

WaiiM fir Hiwe's Sreat Unln Cnis 

SEASON 1911 

M2inSE"Mo'"'**^ Calliope Player. Address C. B. TimOnr. 

and Comedians. Address H. L. BAWLS, CItIc Qub, ItHacs, N. Y. 
SBVifS o Csu"" Butchers and one Man to run Lunch Stand on lot. Addresa L. C. 
_ M IT . T . R R. Parsons. Ksns. 

n!SS>£ST''B£tS!?* *^K.Z?^*J?'.Ji5?_*"° Lunch Car. Addresa W. K. SCOTT. Vetoaa, Fa. 
SSI?"2f^ HABKT SELLS, Verona. Fa. - . . 

Ufht Mml Aldraaa ««K HlOKB^ SSriff^^' '^^^ ■ 
Cooks snd Wslters. AddrcM BABBT rEBGDSON. Veraaa. Pa. 
Bxparleaeed Animal Men. Addresa W. M. BBtiDKBSONTVeroaa. Pa. 
. .^^'^ ^VT!^'^ Olrcaa BlaekaaUtb and Capable Animsl TTslner to hiaak alaphaata. 
Lady Principal Ba«r, Small Qroond and Aerial Acta. Addiaaa J. imeiTAN, TenoarPB. 



la tha Boath ICABOB eth. 

i -r-^-w— — =~^~ — ™ People la alt departments, two more Stmwn ttit 

dw't COlBlct. Henr-Ofr-Boaad, two am* £«BntloaaI rtee Acts, Mnslclana. Will also |iiN 
I^laaBaad. FlanUttoa Ptsale tkat doable. la brsaa. ComedUns snd other Plant People, ona MM 

Oa Hartb, April 24th. FtarU WbeM. Bamsa Baalctta WbsaL Bamaa Laaadty. UaiielaBB aaA 
aU Snt-claaa Shows. WILL BOY S 8LBBPIM0 CABS. 1 BAOOAQB OAB; wiat ba lape>d 
dltlon snd eiieep for eaab. Address FBISCO MABDI GRAS AafllSBMBKT CO.. SBb W, 
At*.. St. Lools, Mo. P. 8. — We point wltb pride to two of tbe best AGRMTS la Mwl 
WALTER B. KERNS and TB0MA8 J. CANNON. Tbe followtns peonto writst Hpffia.] 
sad srire, George P. Moore, A. A. Woolen, J. J. Johnaon, Ed. Kenne. Dr. Ooatea. 

MnalClanil fnr M(r nhnw band^' 
Sl'ABKS. MaULKrr. ^llaUiry. 

•.' UuTta a^i^t ai^^ 

tromhocm, birltono. 

M«yipr^48ss8 Janes Show 


Eddy. SO: Waat. St; Italy. St; all Tezaa. 


Ferris Wbed. One Good Platform Show with A-l Rag Front 

Can uae Fat Qlrl or Big Snake Show. 
Alaclac, - - 

writ* or wire, 

Want Vauderllle Team. 
WiUa ar wita, Prafar 


Stase. eccncry. dreealnk noma, aeata. ereiytlilns complete to aet 
aammcr. Promaaeed to be tbe most com ' ' ' 
mlddlca, ataal caaler polee, etc. Addrsaa 

I. ereiTthlns complete to aet op. Th* ontflt we OMd laat 
complete and prsctlcsl In America. TO-tt. R. T.. two SO^ft. 
rsaa WINNU«]BB BROS., Mnaeatlae. la. Ft, M ad l a wi , la.. 


FerJolinaon *. Lowaiy Big aanaatlonal Mtiataal Cntarpriaa Annas with thft ONMft. 

Parkar •hem,; Baaaon 1*11. 

SU* Show People. Bteaks. Corloalllea. Straace and Cnrlona People fer Maaenm. Colored M nslej a a a . 
Cbmedlans. Slnxera and Daocers. both ladles and (rentlomen. Addresa P. O. l.OWERY. 50 Kaat Zaaf 

Street, C.ilniiil.ui, Ohio. All otti.rn «i!,lr,-(S li. J<)l[NSIlN. ICT Miinr.x- .^vi-.. [>etrOIt, 

UiCb., uutll Msrcti 2o, Ihtra arv. V,ti:mX. raik^ r Sl..m. 1.. a\ i-nwurl ti. K«i.ii«Ji. 


0. L Adams Combined Shows 


Want to hear tnm deaa moaey-cettlar sbosrs; slso tood freak and plaMoite ahow. Coac^^ 
of all klada srrlte; nothlaraold ezelnslTe yet. Want 8-plec* Itsllsn baad sad one seDsaUDHl 
free set. Want a aood adnnce aiernt that can produce the aoods sad knows the Southern terrltaty. 
Bare now. Merry-uo-Round, Ferris Wheel, Plantation, Snake SiMnr. Want two cood door talkenk 
Kerrls Wheel. Merry-Qo-Ronnd men snd performers for hippodrome snd lunette sbow. Tnk 
Shellds. Bill Horklna ami Roy Brandt, write. We op*n early; oprnlns snd roote wUl be annouaced 
later. Want to tjiiT t\v(, riiity foot bac»«»f<* car«. aU-wbe^l trucks. Address sll mall to 

OTIS L. AD AMS. Lock Box 282. Boctwood, Tennaaare. 


Has (deatr ot tiaaa with abort Ja 


sad real acts; wrlta or wlrs p: 
Uwiaty Tbeatre BaUdlas, Tonmto, 

.MB .MBSQAft.] 

Tti e Billboard 

FEBRUARY 11^ 1911. 


^ j|cA~ " .tConUimea. tiom'_ p«ge ■ '^^i' 

ttBttricnu: "At tlio bPslnBloK of tbe tblnl 
prt-'-or Our World aL tbe 0«rTlckr(TI>«a'e last. 

-w. _..<L_ ,^.,wlUl 

' tf^t. tills Meinlii;;lx^ptfr«oaaI qi»7 U 
ilattUiif duit; :u|iob the nearleil^an of a be- 

' «riU«nd audience: 'Wouldo't you Im more com- 
CtrtaMs In badr . . .r . . ■ ,■ 

v--on tiM braign |iclaiiM«:thit MaiiMk ia 
wlMt* anscte fear to lr.«d.' tiN ttttor of Our 
World, Mr. Waltrr llaekett. bas dealt In 
fclttba. bat more or 1*^ theatrical. Inaoodance 
witb heredity, the call of tbe blood and talnti. 
What he seems to knotr abont this frolicsome 
topic Is reallr quite cxtraonllnsrr. Also 
iininslDs;. It Ik always ratber droll to see an 
fnt-xberienced author floaoderlng In m sea that 
■ruakl swamp, 'and has. stramDCd.. Car-ialghtler 
aiHl dercr. Our World Is almost too mndi like 
Uitrleaqiw to cooslder aerlonslr. That It was 
ant': la ■trangt; that it was prodocrd Ix 
Mnngct." ^^^^ 


(Continued from page 10.) 
DK'mbvrti of the cast, as *reU as Hcniy W. SaT- 
tbe pr-Hlucer. arc all ereatly .affected st the 
plajwrlgbt's death, for tbey were In hopes of 
bclag able to personally coiopUmrnt Hr. Browne 
Bla new production as belnc hia greatest 

ant. Tha deceased was fifty years old, 

la York, Eosland, and adocatad at Eton 
and Oxford. Be waa one of tka ocl|dBal'*88t 
ards In the pndaetloa of Ollbarti 
uppTas, and created for himssif 
Colonel In Patience. He also occnplcd roles 
In." Pinafore, loIaDtbe. The Pirate nr r. n.-iiiice 
and. others, lie was a trareler of Uu- ^lulu- be. 
(Via he entered npon bis career of playwright, 
" *cU he accomplished sn ondenlsble sncceis. 

I And for the comedian there may be added satis- 
I fsetlon in the fact that oeTer, aa far as can 
'.be.recaUad, has he Jnade people lauch'so hard. 
.The ezttitme felicity of tb<»e In the thesttea'wss 
in the scene In which, potting as an Italian bar- 
ber.- Mr. -.Henry Peck, one-time farmer (Mr, 
Fields), 'gets hia opportunity tot rerenga m tba 
iglaaa^Ung hero who had Inrad Us daugktar 
from her happy heme In Craabsny Cora. And 
as Mr. Fields, In tbe character atMCSald, pro- 
ecdad with the operation o( sinvlBS this angular 
daatnycr of his pesos of ralad, tbs ontlre and- 
Isnco was In a prolonged paroxyam of laughter. 

"With the plctottally gart>ed Misses Filly aoti 
Brenoan presiding at a railroad lunch coanter, 
Mr. Field erentnally had an opportnolty for 
more fnn with a pneumatic tube, through which 
various missiles are hurled Into bis face, a stren- 
uona form of hmaor, to be sure, but In keeping 
with tha^ gcnatai; 'biidy>bDrly ' naccaaaiT to thia 
style of aatartalOBaot. The Haa-Paeka. la, in 
short, what tha co nBi nnJ Bmadwaylte wonU 
dub a mighty good' show; and aa-anch It Is pret- 
ty certain to be proapcront.'* 

Special mention was glTen the" Vork of Ver- 
non Castle. Bthel Johaiwn, Lawrence Wheat, 
Gertrode Qolnlan, Stephen Ualey, I,nilan Lee, 
frank Whitmin and Blossom Seeley. Praise 
was extenited to those who were in charge of the 
staging of this prodnctloa by almost all of the 
scribes. . The garment creations were most In- 
genious ' and ' contributed much to tha sacccaa of 
ona of the aongs cztolllag tbe nUa «C . '^Ctm 
Skirt." . - .-- ^- •■ 1 - •■■ 

tbe role of the 


(OHdlaM^ fiMm page 10,) .,.; ^: 
;Ke# York. ^.10 (taelal; to Tbe Billboaid) 
— rOally capotlsoiisa guu. f "'"g loeaa^ daia^ 

tonna. tnnieAil. moste, ingenloaa fwuiai. I 
Louise Gunning ate tbe rhliif liiailillalfllia 
TJia Balkan Princess, tbe latest, mnaleal eomt^ 
^blch luul its' premiere at tbe Herald SQoan The- 
atre'. Xhursdsy cTenlog, February 9. 

- "fia oplnlona of tbe scribes sre not iins"<m' 

.aa^to. the socccssfuLmn of the pisy. with the 
tlnilar name^-'for some find Tbe .Balkan Princess 
"■Igllsh type, one oot pungent' cnoogb for 
r.* wUla ottwa. aia piaaaed with the pro- 

, -- aay:<' :"iaiB Loniae 

waa tha.ataK. Ska gaak tba title part 
Staglienic. who algnel -away her 

_ - ' tha throne. 'of Balarla ' rather, than 

many .one of alx prlndess from whom she was to 
select /her .husband.'. But Bobert Warwick, a 
manly,. though Tery Bohedilan prince In tfae-per- 
aon of -the. Grand Duke 'Serglns, .sared her the 
aacrlMs 'by teatiag. up .the document and pledg- 
ing bU '.tiadylar IrpthJ . Berglna bad-tefnsed to 
obey flwtloyal acdcT; ^ come to tlic palace and 
. p r s s jiitMil oisWf 'ia> a tnltor for Ber Hlabneia' 
t Baaa9<nMkiPrfnev~Kj«:ted those who did cuine, 

St a ,1tgn> prince ao acclaim hia engagement 
.... '^Sg^"?!'-- *Ul».«be went cot to aee a 
bit of illBs,%t8lda the 'palace wailo. WUIe In a 
Bohemian- cafaLahe,jneC tbe Omnd Doke Berghia 
He did jut .know her .aa4.alie did not know blm. 
But they, lored at flnt.jllght. Tin y danced and 
ksns toct'ttier and were Detrothcd a week af- 
ter, despite some elererly derlsed obstacles." 
The Tlmea, In. Its criticism, disparages slightly 
' but landa PanI Rnbens' mnaic in high terms: 
"There Is plot to The Balkan Princess, but It 
Is mostly of a so-called comic sort, InvolTliig 
two strangers, who come a-thlerlng- to the 
paloea; a charwoman, who watchea the Princeaa' 
■- I a elowalah waiter ia a rsataoraat, 
•appeared years befaae. aad who was 

I hare loot bis life la the eaaaL And, 

J the entertalaosent aU la all Jekse ladad- 
ed, sod which, ioggest that It. OaoflMlBi «M» 
laaghed at Jokea. Tbs -meat haTalaBghadatiaaita' 
of thess — It Is soother ot-.thC' Uad -wkUbJa, kaatr 
described by refexvnce to -the' Bishop's- -flHnooe 
egg. and which. It will be maemheccd, -waa 
aald by the young curate who ale It. to be qnlte 

good In partn. 

"What an> cbU4y liit-Aijig te.make The Balkan 
Mnccas tbe sort of sueoees- liere'-wbieh it: aa- 
peara to bare been la-Loadoa .are.penaoaUtlaa.- 
foloes and comediaae.- ,:Tissi •aeeptsd. .Uxtame 
well enough. It ia -beaatMBUy. atacad wKh aar- 
•nl^tarss,that aip fwUKTMlSwii aad.wUli 
pliBl7.or.Msr-la.-«gataaa"M«?pcS&lE^ la 
uea. with eoaaUetaUe HTaeltr te^ooF Bat 
(he comedy raise, whteh might bava baSB boat 
op to good adnataga hy darer 'tfMrM, go for 
Uttte hare." . 

The World maa In much the aame ibne ss the 
nnea. hot adds a word abont the snitablllty of 
Babert Warwick to hia romantic rde. 

Loolae Gimning Is pralaed as a flgnre of 
atrsngtb to the mnaleal comedy:' fnrtbcrmore, 
the Bhnberts bsre at least cmbcIlIalKd the play 
aad addad taatnea of atrcngth-to it that wUl 
et. aa llaf aa l iBjr length 

:TNi| iiVIMeics'raoMoufiiBio 

((TontiniKd (Nm pate W-l 

BeuelU Peck 

Montgomery Mnggs .. WrmA Bobherts 

Lanncclot Gaggs .. Haccy Fond 

BarloU .. .. 'r. .'.^.Joaepb'Kane 

.Mrs. Unrgatoyd .. Kaa Brennan 

Xalsr Maalay .. .. Haael Allen 




"IB 'tkkw BMlcaT'Dl^r 

M tka Bnadw^^iieatfa. VabraaiT 4. he 

; wUk. him n 'jpioi^ of gebsral Jmtly burly 

aad-Mateaa'antertalaaeat, orlglaal comedy and 
acente accompHahMantg. Aa a comedian Lew 
Fields bas long bc^ leeogaiaad, bnt tlie atreh- 
QOtu demonstratlan . eooplad with the eoaslder- 
able amonnt of hsnnlcas nimsense. Ingenious 
staging and the atore of variety In the way of 
ainglttg and* dancing si>eclaltlea,' contrlbnted' to 
by a nifmber-of clever people, glves-hlm a new. 

of aogjecting any ' aapieaca -w:. paraiyaani oi 
loB^ter^. n*. anulei''.\ wM!i9tpnefBL.-.;liaa ' not 
bes^ g» e^aiWr;a M ii ia ig»}aae^^ 

.ma' TlaM:eaB;beZmtM.a8 foDMn::^^.*^^ 
atam wha^aa gbe c a a J .la laaMag Ma ' 


(Continued from page 10,) - - ' 

^'t of the 'apt 

'.'The aingers ware Werner Albertt (a tenor, 
who, by bis friends has been described as tbe 
■snccessor to Wachtd'), and Jeanaette.AUen, a. 
Mew York girl, who has sung at the Berlin 
Komlache — Oper. 

' "Bren three-quarters .of s * eenturv after 
Ita first Paris performance Le Postnion, wlt^ 
Its Ingeonons .«tory of the rustic who was 
suddeiuy transformed Into a cotirt singer, and 
ita gracefal melodlea, ia atlll worth hearing. - 
''Ttie simplsr Qerman methods used by the 
artlata la Me :caat did. not deatroy Its Gharm. 

Ac^iiiii(|\V'imioN OF EVBiiV>lir6- 

Mew' Tack. Vab. S . (SpKlal . to Tbe Bill 
bosrd).— There la no doobt thst Henry "W. ' Ssv- 
age la lending every effective effort to properiy 
Introduce Everywomim, which . opened «t the 
Gaiety - Theatre, Ifondar. Feb.- U. TO aid 
In its iNirpoae he baa pnWUhaa ' aa'^Aetlair Ver- 
sion or th*' DMdaetkpM«C«wMMM||^~ 

modsm mcraUty |dsy vUek -WwSt< Bfnae IL 

written. Tt bas been printed .^forr pctvate aae 
only and la Indeed a noet ebnttieiidable 'llndar- 
tal^la■...Tb« -story. of''woman*a ptlgHmage In 
'onest of love la printed* exactly aa siioken on 
the stsge ami a short hot concise mefstory in- 
troduction asserts the purpose for the play. It 
explalna the symbolic ..'and abstract virtncs. 
vices and conditions depicted in ttw- drama anil 
explains the reason for presentlos an allejcory 
snniclently dramatle and aonl-atlrring to form 
an atteacttre .aUge ta lgtajamaat aawt 
rrom flia pajcpoitigiaai auanaaMa. 7aa 'iraa 
book .Ia a recenlooa of a t li ' Wii i i lW i a ia t it on the 
part of the Savage forces. 


l),-^)i>aa.'f^4aa'a: X<aa A<. 

■Omipeny wfl] play Its saaBoal Itanhattaa 
.aMr..aBBai*>aant .Bt the Osand Opera man. 
^*^W'""*'*g at the .rlose of ttie>TcgnIsr ■■wffn i 
ia <llay. and crmtltnie tmtll late In Awgnst. 
Ur. fi^'ton -wm vstvlvs the . RnaAway sdc-. 
«sssas St. his - popolar- price seals of -10.' 20 and 
M ceBts.'"Hie '' Pvytoo .Stock- -Otmipany st the 
.(hand -Opeia -Soose ratU .'be '» 

Horn. All the ■ 

akasa.;wim ,fee . 

tans and r ece p tiooa SB tbe stage -'eacb aa 
made -the Peyton players ' fsmoas far tbeir boS' 
pltaUty.- • . : . 


New Tock. Vsb. U (Bpsclal to Tha BID- 

board) - Ohanteder and liaade . 

on tha thnaboM «f tbair wnaU 
Knlckeriwckar Tbaatia. 

.Tha tcUowiag Ja tbe. complete.: cast 

lib at tba 
of The 

Zetira, vrhleh opensd at. the'OarrIek, Monday. 
Feb. U: Bamlltan Bevello, Bleble Lhir. Law- 
rance D'Ocsay. -Alexaniaer Clarke. Alfred Hod- 
son. .Sr.: Beiclnald Maaoo. Ernest Oossart. Heory 
Hall. John Harrington. Adelaide Mowak, Vera 
UcOord. Irene Fenwlck aad WUhelmlna Lewla. 
. ICsia af .'the' onest of The Bloe aBMI^ came 
hrta- the Vew Theatre last week, 
sons ia of Tba Lead 
thndgb tbe Palaea 
dooK. to the 

end. peopled 
sons. _ . . 

Henry W: Ssvsge fiss-lsagacM H. Cooper 
aitfe for the character of MOSody In Walter 
Browne's morality play. Everywoman. Mr. 
Cllffe comes of old theatrical atoek. His 
mother waa Acnes KemMe whose srandfatber 
vraa atepbcn Kemble, biother of yotan PhlUlp. 
Charles, and the fanoos Mrs. SHNlons, ; 

Hanty W. Savage's revival of 'Tbe' Prince' of 
THaaii! " riilsj aad Ladet'at- mnaleal ' comedy' 
deaale,'.' la meeting :'i*ab t a b a l ona .eoccees .In 
Iba^larger. eitlea -aft tbe >ntd4le,- Vast, ,Ti: 
gMeat. Is tbe. eighth .seaa<Mi-«t>-tha j^ataaalaV 

ThIa' Is Otbi ' Skinner's 'laat'.'wsA at th*' Crl-^ 
terlon Theatre In bis role of the aCtor-kiog Ih' 
Sire, bv Henri Lavedaa. 'author of The DneL 
He WUl be followed by Victor Moore In The 
Happiest Night of His Life, tlie new Vtaaee 
and l>deter iiMgieil . plaea.. V' ' . ..4;.^.. . .1 
-Ethel BarrynMM-ii witb aa at;,MvBmj>l«s 
In AUee, Slt-bv^tbe-Ifie aitf alao.M J. K^:Bar^ 
tie's The Twelva-Poimd Look' Both r plays are 
oa tba SUM bill. . Tbay opened Uouay, Feb. 

Lew Flelda Is now tmrtnninc the secmd week 
of -his engscement In The Hen Pecks, st the 
Bibsdwsy Theatre. Tbe worda of the piece a^* 
~tos Vsenoaooah: -the notes hr .A. Baldwla 





Newark, New JtirUiy 


Big and snjfdl Biding Devices, Tent and Open Air Shows, Side 
^ Flatfdm Sto^r 

Percentage or flat rental. Park enlarged to fpttf 'tlmiM its fonner 
size and entiidy rebuilt. Chance of a lifetime. AU j^vileges for 
'iiile: REliiEMBER that : Newaric 

is a manufacturing city of over half a million people. Factories 
woridng full time. Park only 12 minutes from the very centre. 



Wiio cin work at Agent vbiBi Manager 
or a«l^int and Seooiid 

.■>:'.r"fy-' . 

Op«n' for HALL SHOW, Canuval. or Circua— Ex- 

perienMidln'ftlL ' • -' ■ :;:v•^•^':';'^■'^.-^•«r.:'•»^■■ 

High-class Press A^nts or General Agents. Expert 
Promoters. Top Notch Fuceni. Close ContaM^rs. 

Can handle anything in iiuiiiiii^ii^ 
too big. i3na;-wdi!iil)Bi-b^ ' 
make :g(iods;. ' 


JBoth <aU -da^ wfldoBiai/i^otvi&dkl 
.dnllB distributing. 



Cats oi We Ws MAMm. 
Nb.B East Goart Sir«i«t» Glnoinnatl. Ohtoe 


14i^ J4 St., St Paol BiiiiB. 

State.knnit prioe In fint 


in-^UBiirry^foii lEMiM or imi 

ff.i!fi i?. i:ui.-c-ner- I 

iv-.>---> - j,;t<># 






with MmMIiim In niM^MMSii 

.... ^^^y 



ntiy In the WkU, with flasbv ootflt, .Uigh Striker, Baby Back, Olsas 

if wheel. Novelties, Country Store, and other good cooccsalooa thst are oipaSle'oC gettiM 
mooey, as I will fnmisb tlie towus. All coocessloBa aald esdatfw;'> WOt' fvnUgb SwiD'' 
_ J[ House, complete, to good cook house mac. It yoB iniat-ia ■ht^Wlik.'iaulHacMM.. aaf aak.. 
appraelats good treatment, this la the one 3ou aro laSSam: ^:~llg^lBBg:'gj!Sg»^ gSl-- '^:'Tg 
ltXli».; ,aiiia.' Owner aad Proprietor. Delhi, U>oi^^umf^^^^^^^^fT^ ^^l^^^f^^: 


' jnvr Toxx oitt. — AOADnrr or- msic 

am. Fox, mcr.i Acidemr Stock Coopanr Id 
I Warrrni of VlrgloU. . 
^AUIAMBRA (Perrr O. WIIIUaM. mgr.) Tan- 

fSiilBHuVMD&IO HALL (W^UmtUl-Uki^ 
Mm.) VandeTllIo twice a <!»y. ■ ■ 
^STOB (J. U BntDUd, mgr.) Tbe B OM, tbM 

"belasco (DiTid Balueo. mgr.) TIm Ooii> 

Mrt twntJtth wcok. 

Sijon (A. C. Cuaptell. agr.) Bmrr UUler 
IB llie HiTO«. foortli wj**.- , , _ 

"raOlo'tpS^.WSSSr^) TMitnir 

^^3bIwJ'(W. L. Rowland, mfr.) Harriase a 
k Carte, •etenlh wret. ■ 

CIRCU (Hollta B. Cooler. iB*r.) Tbia houao 
wit dark lait wr«k. _ .„ , _ . 

CITV (Ben Uo, nirO TaudMlU* na nMlac 

''oEO.'lf. <X>BAN THBATRB COotaaa * Rarria. 
■in.) Oet-Rlcta-Quick Walllocford ofieiwd ttm 

cb'oKIAL (Percy O. Wllliama. mfr.) Van- 
^lllo twice a day. 

■lack. mfr.) Wllllani Collier In I'll Be Ranged 
U I Do. twelfth week. ., . ^ 

CRITERION <Cbirteo FTobmaa, Bgr.) 00* 

' ^kwBX (Wta. >ta Am. Co.. afn.) Vande- 
fOie esd nwrtac pletnraB. 

KMPIRB (^anes Vtahaan, . mgr. i Btbel 
Barrymore In ber alklh we ek. 

TODRTEBNTR 8TBBVT (J, Wealer Roera- 
aeeit. mgr.) TaodeTflle and moirlnr pictures. 
OAIETTT (J. SYcd Zlmmennan. mgr.) ffrcnee 
- Me ODcned IS. 

. OABRICK (Cbarlea rrobman, mgr.) Tbe Ze- 

^■^iSi (Obatlea IMUInckam, bit.) Blala Janis 
li n* Bin Prineca, lereatli wecft. 

OARDBM. Emeat Toa Pwnft .1 
fteertolr*. elcbtk week.- 

SOTBAM (Wn. Itat. Mgr.) UMla 
Ml TandeTlllr. 

GRAND OPERA nOC&B (Jack Wricb. mgr.) 
fbe TraTellor Sale*maii. ' 

ORAND <BartT Reekmaa, agr.) Uoelag irie-, 
tma an a Tan Jewlle. _ . . ■ .. 

BACKBIT <Bil. r. OaMtir. MtKlivOVW 
■Ifht. seieatk week. 

RntAU) SQITARB (Harry U. Hrania. mgr.) 
lanlae Onnatnc In The Balkan rrlDceaa. aecnnd 
week. _ 

BirPODROMB fJoka .B. Ulnatrlck. mgr.) 
The Intemitlonal WNk' th« «NH MlK^Jit 

Ballet of Niagara tkt BulbvHM. nrnv» 

foerth week. 
HUDSON (neary B. Rarria, mgr.). ^fobody'a 

WMow, foarteeoth week. • • • 

• BUBTIO * 8BAHON-S UimiC RAU< (Sam 
■MMg^ajir.) Beae Sydell'a London BelIca cloacd 

Ji'tRIBD ATBKHB <Edw. J. Mc- 

mgr.) Tandevllle and mortag pictpfee. 


IQ. B. MeCnne. mar.) Vanderflle twice a day. 
QM It) Vanderllle and kiorhur picture*. 

Kirra AND PRoorroR's bijod dreau 

lOWoa Bq.) TanderiOe and moelng pictnree. 
(Wb St. I Tandeellla and moelag pletnrra. 

(0. I. BelaMS, mgr.) TanderlUe. alock 

■llttelD. mgr.) Stock. randeeUle and pletnra*. 
^KNICXBBBOCKBB (Harry O: Sommer. mgr.) 
Maade Adama la Cliantecler, foorth week. 

UBBRTY (J. w. Ifayrr. msr.) Tl» Stirlag 
Hald. eighth week. 

LINCOLN 8QUABB (Mama Loeir. Inc.. 
■gn.) IfOTtag pictnrea and TanderlUe. 

kl Wag 

^ ^.^^"^ 

ju5ain IRJJOTT-K~'(Biki^- Long,- mgR) 
■HJIamblenralstcentk week. 


1*S BOWBRT (B. D. MbN*^ ' ap!.) 

— ^«*moRni ATBNU* (■. iiiiw, 

■eiL25?_«yir Show Olrla. 

•^■WVH BWUVW U W«-wn WBPM.e.^ 

.BAraUOyA'S^ »tk^ VtMtn^ (Ralph Long, 

HBR-B BRONX (R. D. Ifteer, 

RAT HILL erred Waldman, 

Bb Reelew. 

.iniBRAT HILL (Fted Waldman, mgr.) Bi 
Pa Loadoa Belle* eloaed week ending II. 

igr.) The 
r.) Boee 

IB,) B ahT Mine. ■«> week at Ula theatre. 
_ WM W . iiMTBBPAM i (Klaw and Briangcr, 
■BkrllMlMW B i HJ. - twenty-Bfth week. 
, —BBW TOBK (Klaw and Brlangcr, . ngrs.) 
""■■♦y MarletU. sneenth week. 

[^TBRATBR (Wlntkiap Amea, mgr.) The 

~~- .beatrr • 


mUfcty MarletU. sneenth week. 
' mS'S.HRATBR (Wlnthiap Am< 
"'KJS'**'* Stock OompaBy.' 

(Makriea iGS^ .mgfc Bob 

BPBCT (IVenk Oereteo. mgr.) Tandevllta 
—'— tictnres. 

(DtTid Belaaco, mgr.) Bebecea ot 

.tirm. twMiialk^iNMb'' 

at (Ro*eaherR/'jSM;;^Mk) TliMhrtUU 

"*",(wm. m. mgr.)-lfg«lBf ptetBTM gad 

TREMOKT (J. jamea IMaalaB. Mgr.) Agaaa 

, Ohneroa Btoek Oomnany. 
JNJWDJTMgt U Well, mgr.) Uortng pictnrea 

>;.^l22(^|^IUA ^Wm. Banmerateln. mar.) Vande. 

mI}?'^JAJ^f OABDBN (Geo. R, Kllman, 
•^irlBSSS't-JS^ nfwlng pictnrea. 

•- raSm^PJ':^ Oookaon. m«r:, , 

PAHILY (Wm, Poz, mgr.) Vaaderllle and 
moTloK pictarea. 

NEMO KWm. Fbz. mgr.) Moelns picture* and 
raudcTllle. . .. 

NATIONAL (Henry IMW. agr.) ▼aadartUa 
and Btoring ptetaraa. 


For the summer season of 1911. 
No act too large for us to handle. 


SniU 7(»4n-0l, in Baarkois Street, 
Adam* bptaaa BUtg., CHICAGO, ILL 


DIM, SS.OO. Card*, S1.0O. Catalog'ffM. 

NATIONAL SUPPLY CO., !•> 486, Ititoa, ■•. 


"Ei.Ei.ani^.'|I.Ii "EmUir" tUi 
'iMhrmr 171 1b.1lqd~2.fl 
nWUI BIUI CO.,RietH Mcdicap 


Oaaary BMa In cage*, for whaela, gT do*. 
Blw*a* Uottkey*, good alaed, haaltky, (13 each 

Dodgtns Mookeya, with Iiarse**, cooapletr. gl( 

Bend »■■. wllh <]rrt. r. ATI.ANTIfl AND I'AdirW 
BIRD M1X)KK, rtH K. Madlxia HI.. Chlc«l[u. 

Wantsd — Biil« to Furnish Canvaa 

I>>r 12-ft. aide wall. l.OOOiS.OOO feet leoctb. 
Moat po«l(lTel7 he la flnt-clam condition. Ad- 
dles* C. O.. cire The TllIUKunl. Hin Ilroaiiway, 
New York Cltj. 

TOBB SIBL or hoy caa work In nit with my 
Poieaplne*. Decid* aoar to bare nint ii Porcn- 
plaaa to belpnm to theMgger bosloeaa — more 
aeeey. UNWOOO fUItT. Karth Watarford, 

Ikaatia — , — . — — — 

aaaagaaaat. Attraetiaaa carrying 18 to 20 peo- 
pl* or lea* daa'iliii to. play LeeeTliie. moat eon., 
trad ^t ^t^*»^ tw> W**ka in ady.noc. Addreea 

itia at LaeaelU*. La.. Is 
i*at. AttraeOaaa 



4*3, Kbr^Teport, La. 

Ball, Sbootlag OaUeiT, Popcorn, Candy. Norel- 
tte*. Bobp.|a, Oiatk KaU* Backs, Oatt OaUery, 


Looka like J 

Rooa B 



I«iBa catalq g (n 
40 Ornf At 


The "Royal," at LaBall*. DIs. Tiwa 14.000. 
Oalr as mllea from Chicago^ All n*w,_el*gaat 

ital laMaH aaHan- Prier.' gS-OOO: tw»ttiir<i* 
i l m » ii .- » <a f a a» a*I J. p<Bi h — ai . Aitteaw WAR- 

roR. BiTW 0—1 aist.«iM* .1 

pricv md naittcalank A. > 
h*\ Are.. BaOaln. a 

rOB SALX— HaadcoB Act. Blaefe Art <MBI; 
Dept. 4. Aabnra. New Totfc 


Oil Still WInM Baniie Car 

Not lee* than 08 Met. T> Bvy 8 or to leaitba of 
reaerred aeata, a amall ton, about SOxOO. 

DBCKI.'.S D(X1 A PONY RnOWa, 821 i.uttrell 
street. Ku.»tvUir. ivcn. 

BAIBS THXATRS, Boaaek* Xaptd*. V, a; 
aeating capacity BOO; do oppoaltlon. Uanofac- 
tnrtag town and gboat walk* erery Satnrday. 

"-Ta wanted. Write or wire f«c 


QSaamLL nORS. ATTBrnOVI— Th* Looe 
Tree BlivBeperlmeBt. ct Lone Tt«*. Iowa, wants 
a Sl«l.dMa Camtral, with good band, tbe week 
of Hay 3Bth or Jane Bth, UU, Tbe ltd will be 
oS to eTerTtblna that la on tbe aquara. Lone 
Tree la tbe beat, amall wet town lo, tbe Stale. 
BT*abody,wTU«;. ,8. C, C4JIL, ^rea. , U<oe OWe 
Fti* Dep»rtn)*ntl . .• i 

aOBOaWIONB WAJTTBD ror Kaeelalor Bpiteg*. 

aprlBie. Mo. • • ■ V , 

WAVTSa AX OmB-Wir ll*d. Show. Usn with 
pletnre machine with See good reel*. Stale It 
yon do apeelaltle*. Othar* _«ood rwrfomior* 
wilte. CABBV * LANDON. Oeti. I>.V. Indian- 
apoll*, Ind 

WAXTXD— Real Med, People for my bic abow 
tbe reel of thi* «e*aoa end dl annner. BalaiT 
erery Sunday. Slater team, Dorelly act, aniall 
band of alx piece*. Wanted, BO-R. romd top 
and 30-f I. ntildl* piece, a pad doc. monkey, and 
atotland pony. Addf**a Uaaagir nrnfr Oon, Iw- 
ton, Ohio. . • 




E. E. GILLIHAN, Manager. ST. LjOUISi MO* 

1 12 Weeks to Recognized Acts 

6 weeks in St. Louis without a R. R. FSNi 
in Fir«t-oloiM... Fire-proof Titeatres .e««t ■ 
1 Ing $50,000 ^aeh, with full •quipinmit* 


In MIsMurl, Illinois* Indiana, Arkansas, Kentucky 
1 and Thhw will pirofit by having us book your house. 

IP Wt:'«Ul''hJMi'jiE;in^ 



If you want Beta that arrlv* 
en tima — than mak* good — 


if you want eenewMllve 
datas, sbart Juatpa and sme 
tnenay, mmk fm e—afc wtUi aa 

at one*. 



IPMMflDfN'CK^ 'k:. I. 

W. B. PALia, 



uwH a. fiWHti; jndMt mwn. 


' IbMOMBt Trombone Soloiat. | Foremoat Flute and Pioeoiou 

Boek«tf 11 WMkdgbutdomd good park tlilM still op«n 



Sirlgnano and His Bands Roma 

Manaaamaiie e> 



lilt J|hi R. SnIMi Sliows aid Birffaio Ruidi 
Wild Wast ExhilritiM 

Oalatea, Loaetta. Qboat Bbow. Bit Snake, etc. Caa fvaltk tap* for aar of t>M» att iactloafc 
wm Blace Jap Bowltn* Alley. Knife and Can* Back. Glaaa &t*ad. Bird «e IMl WBaM. WBOOI 
aod Noielllca atlU oi>ra. WIU box TO ft. or orer Oomblaatloo PnUaaas Car at •'aMMMaaia 
ca«b, and Hora* car to accommodate 30 borwe. Wanj J or 10 Cb«rei»e l|^teaa far WBB. lW tB. 
Will aell bait tntereat In H. 4 S. Merry-Oo-Bonnd booked^ wltb iheie abows. 6r place xMlMMtT- 
Co-Roond nan. Can place Coudcrman Pcrrta WbwI. Tbla l> a Nlnc Car Show, carrylna tb* blM**> 
*nd b**t Wild Weot Bhow aod Old PlanUtlon 6bow of any In the biulDe», bntdc* aeeerel 
othNTM awl la ib* bsalneea. PlaylnB oo tbe main atrcel* of AbbeTlUc. S. week 
111 ffSlI- mTllaaairtW." n Oi. 'FWi. ». wlia other aood ooee to follow. Win boy Jam»« Boja of 
MiamMl at BtiirSi Bm Bar FRaa. Aleraya roon for 1It« conr.-«<<loni. witb ihc- »i>..w that 
MtirSo^.^m^SBM^ Ad.l>v«.. JOHN K. SMITB. 

Bel* Owner aind <~ ' 


(8uccc«8or to the Edwin D. Corey Shows) 
, ar 1M1. Now eontraotlng elaan, now and noMl 
«*a«e*^: elaa togltlmata eoncasalana for eoming aaaaon. 
r. P. cowry. Mgr . 14 E. 4«th St.. Chloaga. E. P. COREY, Oan..A«t>^ , 



Xti e Billboard 

FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 


CContlBoad 1 


■null wonder tbat eTcry nnmirried nun In tbe 
kaue proposca to ber, sad It seems qnlte ut- 
urml wbm she tells her two most derotcd sd- 
■nlrvrs wbea tbey propose at the same mooteDt. 
tbat ttaey bad better draw lota as to who aball 
marry ber. Artbnr Plajtair, as Paosmre, 
makes the sncceas of his life and manasea com- 
ftrttlj to lose blmaelf in the cbaracter of the 
■portlnc old maciatrate. 
Tlw piece la nil at bolaterona (an tbnoglumt 

kat at tte. auna tine it la ataOM witk 

cT wIt and haaur. tta ' aatlia la 

•hrnaghaot^ aaMclaUr an tbfe fndnlae aaK,.bat 
It la an cood-Baaitad and aonaj'.' and nakea a 
fliif erenlaCa amaaament. There la too neat a 
lark of "stamina" to make It anrthlns like one 
of I'tnero'a best, and those who went expectin;r 
another Second Mrs. Taooneray mnst bare 
gone away disappointed. All the same when II 
Is trimmed a little more and la played a lit- 
tle quicker It will he Car ahpre tka. aHUaair 
mn of playa with wbleh we am caafkaaiad'at 

~ " ^ .^Jlla;i|lnB op the Idea 

i; At at Dwka or YotTa Shantre. 

D'a -tilal mia - erUotlr aiilllr le i i t for 
K be' doea atace aar lenrals they wai 
oe pnt on at matlaeci. 

Great atrldaa are heiac made with Earl's 
Conrt, which ander the proprietorahip o( John 
Calrin Browo, Is expected to lehooad late popu- 
larity this season. . A. L. V. Hott i* tha man- 
axer and aiiart from a One amnaemeni procram. 
there la to be a Tery wonderful exhibition of 
International antlqn^ AH the same I am of 
the opinion tbat the more tbe place Is derotetl 
to amnsement simply, the better It will no. 

■ A real Rood show has been Rlren this week 
ben by Geo. Ballaanr. with the American 
~ " ~ do, in Klait.- at . the wii ' 

. JT' Ja^adaa -alv', Cldrblooded 

. three Uaxleto 'bonaa - and the 

ptoea baa CTtdently qoite cangbt tb* Caacy of 
the pabUc. 

Despite danlola Sir Herbert Tite la Ukaly to 
be ronnd In America with his foU eempuy next' 

■ ntnmn. . Before he iCDCa he will first prodnee 
the iwsaeat aaTal play. Drake, with Oscar 
Asrhc and l Oj Biayton la. the cb lef'parta. . 

-;-iiARi»^'Niwrii- triT^^ 

(Cootlnoea Crbm past^S^V' 

Slay had a fine aeason of It. tba na baa ended 
efore the salt. Tbe Indse tbimd that the 
aothor was at (aolt la Um matter and Tarilde 
at daqpiM to tbe tnaa oC |S,miO. Tbia ataoaat. 

a few days will be able to leare Paris for 
London. Sbe will spend tbe remainder of tbe 
winter at an KasllsQ waterlns place, perhaps 

The Theatre des Arts will bare ■ premioe 
thla week of le Uarehand de Paaskms (Tbe 
Fasalon Dealer.) 

I'Beurs da Satyte (The Satyr'a Bonr), la the 
name of a oat-aet piece Jaat aacvaa by U. 
Gcmler. It Is ta vacae, by Ewi a t Qaabert. 

A comediy In three acta, entitled, la Beranelie 
d'Ere (Etc'b Rereose) baa Just been completed 
by Gerard Harry. 

Lc Sola Saere (Decorating ClementiDc), 'orlll 
be withdrawn from tbe Varieties this treek, 
and tbe first days of next week will see the pro- 
doctlon of Les MIdlnettcs (Girl Workers), by 
Lonls Artas. it Is a comedy in four acts. 

Hehearaals are going on for I'Olaeaa Blen 
(The Blnebird) at the Theatre Bejane. Both 
Mme. Bejane henelt and the wife of tbe author. 
Slme. Georgette Xabtanc. are assisting. The 
Maurice Maeterlinck piece will be seen here for 
the lltst time the middle of FefamarT, 

Apres kloi (After Me), by Benry Benuteln, 
wlU he seen for tbe first time at the CV>medle- 
ftaaealae, fU>raary U. This wUI be Ue dress 
rehearaal (at which the critics will be present) 
and tbe premiere will Uke place EVbruary 13. 


(CoBtlnoed from page 9.) ■ 

Toaac Baffalo, 

iini. ,Sb». ftodkk. 
naa^v 'jdmb^- .tnMa'> 


I,aat week I iald:tew the Italian actor, Er- 
mete Zaccool. came to Paris and Ulerally 
wrenched applanse from a reloetant aodienee. 
After he .bad done this bis snrcesa here almost 
bowled htm orer. nis enicagrment. which was 
for a few performances only, ended this week 
and at a bancinet giren In bis honor, most of 
tbe notables of the profeaaltmal world were 
tbet* to ten . him how mneh they appreciated his 
■lt. ; OtbelIe waa the laat piece ba played. He 
aeamly baa the pbyaloo* for tba portrayal of 
cbaneter aa tm», b bla Ideal. Imaifnea It 
Id be played. b<f bSa« aat* iolSrto tba 

Bbadat type. aay. bot dtbe aam« bla leadlac 

' af tba line* was extremely fine. 


ITnder the patronage of »Ime. Rartet and 
Honnet-Snlly. of the Ojmedle-I'ranoalse. tho 
••Thpstro dt»» Chrfs — fl'OeuTn'*' has be«Q formed, 
the bnlk of tlie members being recmltrd from 
■■Mag tba younger acton aad aetietaes In Paris. 
•Tb* «hf*et of thla aiaaelatloa Is to rerln 
'1 of tbe Ilteratnie of the stage which 


lb Valla IValaa. and e l aaa b s i e . 

to bo used emnalTaly. It Is almoxt an Ideal 
arrangement and will aerre an admirable pnr- 
pose. Les Jnltres and Brailamante. by Robert 
Gamier: Tbeophlle'a Pyrame et Thisbe: Badna'a 
Zaire; Fontalne'a I.a Coopo Enrbantee, etc., are 
among tbe many playa to be bronght ba^ to 
the slaca..and It Is hoped.' to popqlarlty. 

. HbraoN PICTBKK8.:;- i ^ 

I nndetalanl that a Paria~BMttoa' picion 
efalne bone bei aa.wajif JWa.«lim|laiij|bi niai 
: of Bnaala. Tlis liMwralg JajwHOirii't iiisar 
lorer of thla (uaa 'ocr-amMMnRirmpamlly 
when the plctnrea are retersed and leded off 
In this topsy-tnrry fashion. 

Tbe FroKb Academy of Sciences. I am told, 
has Jnat Tccelred for their consideration and 
recognition, a patented derlce for a combina- 
tion motion picture and talking machine. It 
la aaid that thla dUBcalt problem has at Inst 
been aoired -with abaolnte pcrfectloa in<i thnt 
henceforth, as soon as this style of machino ran 
ba pat on the mtket, aetata, singers and ao on. 
wffl baire tbatr. 

Tbe aleraba 

and Sir. Hairy Madlsoo, 

In On ■ flbopplnc Tour, diablayed considerable 
ability aa hnmoelats.- Mr. Madlson'a charactarl- 
zatlona were alwaya paramohnt. 

Irene Franklin. late alar of the Summer Wid- 
owers, offers a rei>ertoire of original character 
typea, in sooga of ber own composition, with 
mDSIc by Bnrt Green, who presided at the piano. 
A very pretty setting was used, and tbe selec- 
tions giren showed tbe woDilerftil TcrBStlllty of 
this little woman. 

Splasd- Brothers and Co.. In tbeir pantomime. 
The (teatlBcatal Waiter, cloaad the ahow. The 
tattatptalatloa ot tUa'act aeeaaaltatea fOor ehar^ 
aetata, wbleb im» aaaamd by Vtaak X. Splasel, 
(>mauaea 'VMrtw, Jb%:r^MiM(l-aa« Jolia Baa- 
•eU. ' TM|pi^t:»l<iyf.T%f,llwpll». . ■ ■., -.j 


(Continned from page S.) 

"Honey" Johnson, known as The Man In the 
Golden Shoea. and A Study In Blade, waa a 
plaaalBg dlTcnlon. Hla monOlaBaa material 
avoided tbe old beaten track. It proiad biicbt 
aad hcoagbt fwtta.aiaalL OBPlaaae. 


_ bllln^'^ to.'lht wor- 

rimaat of wUay. Tba act waa toll otffoad com 
cdy and waa appr<«lated by the andlence. 

leaaatta I>ee,' a aolalat, aang aeraral polialar 
■ongs. Her ability aa a alnger haidty wuraBla 
that she be billed as sncb. Her adMla iO taka 
the high notes reaolted In a ai reach. ObBa mtay 
of ber lower notes were fist. 

Quite tba bit of tlie blU waa A Night' In a LoO' 
don Secret Society. Thla act la p i ea an ted in 
three scenes, with tbe ssalatancs of ahoot eleven 
eharacteia. Ohaa. ChapUn, as Archibald, proted 
himself a real eoffledlaa. 

rrank Hartley, a loTanlla Junlar. dtd'sereral 
Ofl^aal and dlMinllf 1iig|llag~Ttata" Bla work 
ai lilllliaM wMitfrmlUt tttH >' -^T- 
' Biaaah aod a. aaar-uiA 'Ataea dl< 
Teision, ptcaeotad. aemal cbaiaetar aoaga that 
prored entartalntwr. - ■ 

Gewge Laahwooq. ifba baadllatd ttaa^lU. was 
compelled to aaaoN* aaMM' 

2' 'J?'" fg ^gf^'VB? 

be has braasBt. ma 'laaa 

one. ■■ ■ ;■'' 

Tbe bni wsi closed by Tbe Callfomia Boya' 
Band. Besides tbe playing of Tarlons pieces 
tbafe boya alao went throngh sereral athleUe 
■tnta jnM^vay drlUa. it prored a 




tbls dlaeorety to the medical _ 

1 by the Doctor r<-Taditi. was the motion 

, nucblne. A Tery InteresUBc lectme on 

: tfea mbjtet. accompanied by tbe fiuns ahowtng 
. Ika alaobea wiggling, was gUen at the Pastenr 

tbls week. The machine has now 
; takaa Its place at the Inatltnte alons with 
' tbe tet orti. ftoaacaa. teat tnbca and other aelen- 

Tlie Ack yohnsoo-JIm TeSHes fight pictures 
':aif tlllt aa exhibition In Paris, iba. taa-batit 

'.yatlMVa'.tha longest any one film eraVi'ljad'^lMn. 


Xna* Carey, tbe AmetleaB lollar raeer. baa 
JtBt coaie back Cram Ulle. where be raced the 
. n«l6b efaampton. l,cxDr, 100 lapa, or abont six 
1 and two-thlrda mllrs. Carey won eaally and 
,. was gtren an oration by the people of that 
' city. A delegation met him at the train and 
aaw him off with honors. 
.' Tlie St. Didler Rink Is doln^ a good business. 
. The Vel d'HlT. Boiler Kink, the Istest to 
atart.-In one of the most popnlar. BoUer racing 
and .bicycle racing alternate there, the combtna- 
: tlon being wen liked Judging from the tie- 
; aicadoaa cfowda always pia a iaL ' taM OC ttc 
>':bleyd* profiaalniials aia ttaMac -ta- oaMp. the 
Hats wtthi the' nOar pwifawliaiila^aa Motara 

' Tmtte OoBbert' deata her 'cBsagciBeDt at the 
Albaabnt the last oC tbla month. 
- IktfoU la-g|u tka;:Oiynpla. 

afiSLlfclbaTligWtia in the Ust Baibnard M 
m ar gilpja. la weasarlog rapMly and wtlbta 

The -la^tbaT,. 
.Mta^ 'Wigga it^^m^: 
Crown ■-^■.•-.'v .... 
>j^t:. tba attiaetloa at tba Bnsir Temple. 

na'aliiUr'aaanaay at the Marlowe Is inter' 
piatlag la: tb»-Bulben*a Ghrrlage, wbQe the com- 
pany at tbe New Imperial la offering Paid In 

The Girl Who Wins Is being Interpreted st tbe 
IicGrand, snd Manager Gleason, of tbe CoUeec 
Is offering Tbe Right of Way. 

Tbe Cat and the Fiddle la bonaed at the Hay- 
marfcet,'and the Fortunes of Betty la nUylng 
tbe4tifk ■Idp. being tbe attracUon at-tejla.. 

; .;THe;(HIB;.AT:.nVD|BAK 

(Cca filmed from page a.) 

b bl* tvriew «o ihla ptodacHon. Ptrcy Ham- 
mond, of tbe-Trlbnne. had the following to aay: 
.••in this idar Mr. Donglas Falrbqnks, a spirited 
sctor of debonair 'Jnrennea,' Is ensbled to pose 
pleasantly for three honrs as an air and ener- 
getic newspaper man Impllcntod In crrtaln pip. 
toreaqne and satiric hostllitlDn between war- 
ring Clans of tbe wilderness. The combination 
■OOrds llTdy entertainment of a -trlfOiMH aort. 
and thoogh Mr. Bncbanan's shatta adgbt be 
aimed at something of more Import to people 
who go to the plsy. be orobsMy eotdd ' have 
tMnd no funnier taritet ' for them than these 
cvldaatly' 'oselesa motmtalneer- controrerslea." 

Harry Daniel, of the' Inter-Ocean: '•Bnt Mr 
Budunan has succeeded admtrsbly and Tbe 
Cab affMda about as 'imieb fnn as coold pos- 
alblr Iw crowded Into one alngle erealng." 

Felix Borowskl, of the .Becord-ITerald: ^"Tlie 
prInelDal intenireter of Mr. Bnchanan'i piece 
was Oooglas rabrbanks, who accompllabcd cf- 
fcxtlTe results. Charlea Stanley aad James A. 
Marcos gave good lesolta as Judge White and 
Zeke King, tespeetlvely. Mr. HacDcoald as 
Noab Benlow and Joseph Graeaa ;aanBl4(fl It 
to he erldeat that they were 4~ 
and Miss Shenley looked pretty 
gaglngly at Alice Bentley." 

TAKK JfOXIOK — ^If yon wast to get an dd- 
vartlaenent In tba big S^ag 9p*daLltaBb«r 
ot Tbe BOIboatd, It mast rea«% -ttitOlilUpfiH 

oaee before March 11. when the — 

It :la goiog ta'ba a Iwnam a r . ' 



Do joo want to know bow to ntlllie the most.powerful and myst^lons force of naturet 
Do yon value control over otheral Do you valne the means ot secaring triendahip and per- 
sonu influence T Do you value the power to conQuer pain and baniah alckneaa, to re- 
form a mlaguidcd friend, to gain .buslneiik snccesa, to gain wealth, poaltton and 
bapplneea? If yon do, you most learn to Hypnotise. Why not? No other accom- 
piubment Is w> easily acquired. It can be mastered in a few houra* 
time, without leaving your home. Then you can surprise and startle 

all your friends by placing others under tbla 
hypnotic apell and making them tblnk, act . „ 
and feel Just aa yon dia&e. YOB caa pcrfom tba » 

hypnotic spell mw 
and feel Just aa tuu amm, 

most vronderfnl aad aataaadlog flsata and, create 
fun and amuaement f«r iHHim at a ttiae. Tou caa 
make money by glriag oablhltloaa, curing dUeasea 
or by teaching the art to otbera. la abort. Hyp no- 
li biii Is the very key to Health. Wealth and Happi- 
ness. The cost of leamlnc la hut a trifle. Sacceaa 
snre. InvcstlKate now! Write st once for free U- 
Instnted bookiat on Hypnotism, Personal Magnetism. 
Magnatlc Healing, and other occult adeacca. Jaat 


M. P, BET JS, 

BAY 1^ 


Located on (he ahores of Lake Erie, near Euclid aTrnne, Clereland'a most prominent tboiooghfara 
and tbg^ ^aka^^ga ^Bcolwardj^the most beautiful antomoblle drive. PariL, lltnaC 

And wbat we consider a real novelty and the greatest drawing card ever Introduced la nay •Hki 



The fioaat on Lake Ktla. We vrtU apead ahont twenty 
bieafcwalai^ . ,«a wlB' lamdaaa aawal XOTHb r ' — 

I ef.a 

■fTlb|M« '-" ''AWLt^MTCI^s'' 
naa Ati 


Aaythlag In tba plwfc"M<'-feilij>Vj'lli» 

attsatloa, Aldraoa ; ^..v.'.- ^i,-''^'-' ', • ■- 'iif'y;!^'sf>.i\Av''%''^K^i:\ ■ 

Watah'ffM' thti 


In th* Amusamcnt BualiiMS 

Trostler's Scenic Ball Room 

dancing will be- a thoosand- tlniea more Interesting ■ tbio ' on ' ab oidtaary* 'daacw Baai 
dancing Is- CONTUITODB.. and they- CAN -NEVER fill llm Ooor. - ■ 

for.'It la abaoli 
Amuaement Co. 


■uLper '^ootraci 

Co., and„a» per contra 

BZAoxsor mmBi^toBX aaaaa , 

VVir. tfnu apd^^^.ther' InfoirmattMi,, 


^Ba^ U Jtoo m ^we aie^w t>"njllgB|^f ct r' Th e 

— - - .. ... ..... , 

■■ '" ■"^^''iP.'^.-'.V'/:*.'.'-' 


TiibaTi:iMi<i''BUiw^ . . ' 



IM. F. Trostler's Latest Spectacular Production , 

? Carnival of Nice 

Operatic Ballet aad Kovat Flreworka. BBAUTIITUL, CO&TOUBa— BUUMHIATB 

ADM OF OBIOINALITT. NOTE— M. F. Tioetler's prodnctloos, '^riowttlaad.'* " , 

"-dretlda." etc.. etc., appeared for eighteen weeks at I Jina Park. ' Otorelaad, aild 
LABOBB ATTENDANCE than any Concert Band or Sensstioual Act la tba bloloiv' ' ' 
tr m DOUBT. ASK 31. F. Braaalay, L ee aee * General Manager of Laaa raiki ' 
BBAin TO BOOKltbarOMtaaTorMICB. For patUealan, address 

. Oaidaa," 

F. Trostltr 


CLcyKLANP. o; 

FOB BA£B— VLWO m V EM l' MEM T— A air—WULVX WTinXD WOD tfXKA&'bmww. 

lYamed to work In stores and' bnlldlngs daring winter mootha and under canvas ia warm weather. 
Outfit cocaiBts of over forty well-built snimsl and bird cagea, and large glase eaaea for reptUss. 
one aqaare cnmored push pole top, with lO-ft. walls, sboat 14 bsnnecs. one large oma 

with electric motor to ran aame, also tools signs and everything needed with aneb aa onUt, 
The lire atock at present Ume Invokes about 11,000. (Sboulil be iDCtcaaed a little by isrillg.) 
Tbe ctgps, cases, tents, baaBcrs' and orgsn with other paraphernalia cost more than tl.aoo (outside 

^♦^vi'^ai*^.!: . JS'lt'SS 

Ltmch and Storage Car, aleepe 
account of emantlog ahow 

SHOW PEOPEKTT rOB BALE— One 04 ft. Combination Blecper. Lni 

eO people and has 12-whecl tmcka and line cellars; reason for aelltog is , 

!?* purchased new w wlthjaooued room. Price ISOO. 10 epic snd span, ffashy Bad 

i!^ji*'K.*^''^'^?*. ?*.'£J*&?***'?'«S*!t Men and Womea*a Bntry aad 

Parade Balta. «a> for lotiiJkt MiMaua'* BaMmr Salt. pric*. vA; 13 fln« Whlta JHelouta. Vw 

'*'J.?f' * 'f™'lSK'^»"'!L5!^?^"?ff' Vila's*: 

condition, price »I00: 1 One Crass Caoe. price MS: X MlaUtnta <:age. ptfia .t1Vk?%aT^- ,==3 
permanently tbe giving of atrset parades Is Oc reano we at* arlltaS IbtaaTMSdi 

Hoe two wheel Pony Cart, rubber tiro, price |25; 1 Mammoth Behanm Clmia Oook 

good SH IifW, r.^',; ; nni- liin nu.l -Tr.f Trinikii, price for both ttS. TbO BbOVa 

hargalun. AiiclrL-«» tsLiN lUtoTiiKiis. Cfiiirai City Pork, Macon, Georgia.. . 

F E B R U ARli^ iMI. 

Ttie Billboard 





M Reldi^icil^lB^ Most Vahiadite 


lf«adaT~-EclaIr, Imp, Yankee, AaMrieaa. 
TuMday — Ulaon. Tower*. TbiohoaMr. < 
Vednewlay— Aiubroilo, AtUi, Champ(oa«'.! 

Bellaocc. _, 
TUamiUT— lUla. Imp, AmerleaD. 
rrldar— Bison, BOUs. nMnkMHtw 
Satuniay— tinat llortbMI, Itala. TCTCMb 

tol, Bdlancc. 


aOUIB— Mr. nddlwMtf oi . 

Tto*%{slr of Braverj (comcdT). 
IMP — B«r Datknt Boor (dnaa). 

Tha OooTrrt (drama). 
TAMUCB— Sarad (mm tlw Btoetrte Cbtlr (dm- 

41iniC '^A.QaM.BfnlBff atr iHa*. 

TOESDAT ntB. 14. 
BIBOK — A D«imtr's lienor (drama). 
tOWBRS— An (jiiroreaeen OompUcaUoB (comr 

UAl^KiisER— FV>r Urr Sake (draaalp; 

^kllBBOSIO— Tbr Dnoon (drama). 
.AXIiAft— Coala of Fire (drama). 

IPION— ner Three Propoaala (drUM). 

^B— Tba Uckt Bcjrond (drama);'-"' 
IHCB— Hire* Hen (drama). 
IXJXA— The Fatal Charm (drama). 
IMP— Th* CoBTert (drama). 
AMBBICAN— In the Land of Cacto* Unnt). 

BISON— A Warrtor'a Smiaw (drama). 
SOLAX— (Sorlane In Dollylaad ( c BMId y ). 
nANHODSBR— Checkmate (drviM* 
-^^C— Bronebo Bill, tha Brare OMriN# 
KitUda Lorritmck (eooMdr). ! ■ 

XAMUB-BfT Btrtbdsr iMpril 

9tMilt NOBTRBRN— ■1ilw\Alani. 
nSU— Who win Bat tb* TorknT 
— IWBBS-Dnder BoMbcni Sklaa (diaaa). 


(Carl Lanmmle.) 


S— 'na Wlae Dracslat (coaady) 

S— Ba-OBlted (drama) , , 

»-«halr rirtt llli , 

S~8^J-^"P& (dlMBiii.J«Ji(»" 25 

i»— HU Firat PatltM'tBMMy>i>i>«}«>*. >■<'■> 
Ber. OoodUWAToSt^^ 

a^aid Br &■ «w 

S— An imadDatr ■IMM^' (tMMin>»* 

>— ne UU-op (COMMy)"''«>>>V.a'...a'.... SM 
f— At (he Dnka'a Commaad (dtmm|....IO0O 

•—The Mlrvsr (coawdj)' 000 

When the Cat'a Away (eomadr) 000 

'Bw OukMt Boor^ (vuH) 1000 

(•••••••^•••« al^OO 

■ • m • • «lwO 

I • alOOO 




w-^ntli«r*t Uv« '(dnm) ............. 

E vtS"'*.* OowtabiB uomtoft ••••••••• 

S— Ae Plnkertoa lUa (drama).'.. 

S— Bean Mot Wanted (eomadr) 

Woman Wllhoat ■ Beatt (dnaa) 
lO-^Ttar DUtrtet Atlonwy (comedy-drama) 

1I>— A Tip to naebanda (comrdr) 

JJ— Moote Criato (drama) 

Ji— A MoDtina Ijcrn Story (comedy) 

l<*»»r»' TrIaU (comedy) 

— Noble Ilrart (drama) 

^ Wife'* liOTa (drama) 

itUt OoNthr (««Bady) 

B? W'Sl H. M ji a (eomdy-draaa) 

^S-ww wjr tw (drama) 

«J~?'5J^*y!S_"*8«. (drama) 

»1-A Trip Ttmwgh Mexico (aeeale) 

y-jt». P a jor M w u OM>p)leatl«i lewBMV) 

Sklea (diaM) 

jf» DaaiMar (drai 
Maoeaa (drama). 

JaanaiT— ...^ rret 

(comedy) 000 

U— Sow Tweedledum Paya nia BUli (com- 
edy) SOD 

U— Cleoda and Ice Fields (aceolc) SOO 

IS— n* Bloa Domino Dlaralae 

'IS— Tallor'a (}iiccr AdTerllaement 

IS— Twcodledom Within a Caak (comedy) SCO 

23 — A Wife's caleaijr -tdraow) ooo 

February— . iket 
1— Tweedlednm Tklaa Wlatrr Sporta (eom* 

«dy> ..." SOO 

1— The Betora from Seaside Bathing (com- 
edy) COO 

8— Twecdlednm aa a UetecUT* (eooMdy) SOO 
e— Tha Saeoy Cavalry (dea arl p U fa) a SOO 



a) imo 


... aoo 
, aoo 

, 000 

. SCO 

, 000 



S— Who Wan m <M|Ht (dtataa). ...... SOO 

22— NeapMltaa^leaaie UlaaSa (aeaak).. aoo 
2t— Gteedlnesa bpollcd PnoMtoaS'a Zaaa 

(comedy) ••••••••••••«•• SOO 

— In Norway (scenio 600 

20— The Bottle (drama) 900 

31— A Jralooa Wife's New Year's Day 

(comedy) 800 

31 — Norweclan Water Falls (scenic) 500 

Janoary— Feet 

5— ADtoolo Tosearino (drama) 000 

7— Fbolahead aa Intpcetor of Hygiene 

(coBadr) 800 

U— Jaaaaa of Biagaaaa (drama) 000 

t«— The Bcean (concdy) 000 

10 — A Sad Fkaetnatloa (drama)... 

21 — A New Kind of Arm Chair (comedy).. 
21— Visit of a Friend (comedy) 

20 — The Beeenging Plctnre (drama) 800 

38 — My Son U GuUty (comrdy) 000 

Febrtiary— Feet 

2— Coachman of the Village (drama) 000 

4 — ^Hm naat of Foolnbrad (comedy) 800 

•— loha MUtoa (drama) 800 

11 — WiBlabaad at Iho KInematogtaph (com- 


g— Aa Iadlan'B~raopemeafr (jrama) 
'^gjjWIlBS the Terror (drama)..- 

t-Ja the neart or tb»8l«m« Mmm). 
iSri^ *f"l" Oo»ottea cuaia)... 

l^Z^ "n'lran Trapper'a Prlia (Sma).. 
J2-S« C"** Claim (dra«a)i.i.. 

IJ^iaa Ned's Deftnao (drama) 

IJ-Jbe R«l Skin's Secret (drama) 

S-^.nm Maa'a Wrath (dtama) 

I' Brataty (drama)... 

ii .^»"'» Xmaa Day (drama).... BOO 
'I— Twecdledam and Frothy Want to Get 
^Brried (comedy) BOO 


Looklag IMmit . (IIMo)..iiu 1000 

SS-TIM ChnilBoof : it auk Itefcaway 

idfWBAJ . • •1000 

ar— Tbo ofc wsM bm («nM) looo 

80— BypaoVMC -'iBRHBS) •'••«•••••••... ...1000 

JanouT— VtMt 

S — Tne Pasha'a Danghter (drama) 

S— Baaeball and Bloometa (oomsdy) 

10— Bratybody Savea Fttbar (eoaMoy).... 


IT— Btrtia s ItrataatofB (coBady)* •••.■••* 

30— The Old (^irloalty Bbop filUM) 

24 — Wbra Lots Was Blind (dtagw«»<<i> 

27 — IToinpt I'aymmt (comedy) 

27— stealing a Bide (coaaSr) 

SI— Only In the War UnHtfn.... _ 

FWimary— net 

3 — Adrift (drama) 

T — The Wretemer and the Earl (com- 

10— Tbe Norwood Necklace (drama) 

14— fbr Jitr Sak* (drama) 
IT OillillUa (drama) ... 


34— ma BetOfo (drama) 

St— A SacrUce— and Tben (drama)... 
Janoary — 
T — As the Maater Orders (drama)... 

11— Tba Boor ot Fkta (drama) 

14— Ob Xeatne^ SoB (draaaa) 

18 ' A Ouim tr y Glri (drama)...'... i» i 

n— Tba Yowa (drama) i. 

2S— Far Bcmambraoca (drama). ...... ' 

28 — ^Tlie Laat Laagb (drama) ...^iVd!!. ' 

1— A . Btaaa Bntton (drama) 
4 — ^Tbs Command froa Oaltlea (SinMI.. 
8— Tba School Ma'am'a Cooraio - (MBMr 
11— 3bo.Ut|lo ATcnger (drama)!......... 

MB (drama) .......'.....'..... 

, 800 

, 000 
, 900 





'a^^a°n' liftSlHSiSSSnykKo CO. 

December— IVat 

I»— The Fatal Mistake (drama) 

22 — Her Hosbaod's Pec^tloa (comedy) 

2S— A Tioableaome ratcci (eonadr) 

2S— Oirltca (eaaMdy)„ 
si»-<nio s«bbw aad tta HiB Mm 



In. aarll(»** Titttora (( 

ba TItadCir'oot'a Round-op 

O— Aa Arlaoaa'Bomanrc (drama),;. 

13— Lacr*a Later (comedy) 

12— Tba Bartowcd Flat (comedy) 

16— Tbo Battered drldegrooms (comedy) ■ ■ • B3S 

10 — A Dental DIaaater (comedy) 450 

1»— The Boo ansa King (drama) «00 

3R— Wbca a Maa'a Single (comrdy) 1000 

SO— Bertle'a Bandit (comedr-drtau) 1000 

so— The OcnIos (drama). ...... ...........IpOO 

FArtiary- Feet 

2— Tba HlMion ill tbe I»r»rt (drama).... 

ft— Tba Pittabarv Ullllooalr* (drama). .1000 

»— Tbo Math Aoot (comedy) 4«2 

8— Oa tba laatalBMnt rian (comedy)..... ns 
]8-<A Qnitt Bicalasat Bona <conwdr)..lO0O 
ift-lB ttiibiM^roMtaa |WbNnM)....'.t..imo 

Oecembrr — Fi-^t 

21— UU Mother (drama) »oO 

28— llic Golden Gatea (drama) 8S0 

Janoary— Vett 

4 — Daya of the Early West (drama).... 

11— BUI'S Widow (cooiedy) - 800 

l»-Tbo wm a(>jnjlamlf8MrMna») ^ 
2S— Why Ba INM MiStfMMI MB 

Flebniary— Iteat 
1— Jadgad br Blghar Ftotrer (draoM) 8sa 

5 — ^Btng tt lam (comtdy) 

S-AtDMUa Tlooble Baaeh (comtdr)..- 890 

Propoaals (dtaan) fOO 
— and Jim ((■ ' "~ 

. 433 
. 402 
♦i MT 

^ . 373 


December — 

33— BUI Playa Bowls (comedy) 
33— Boaatla'a Oewir ( cW Bdy) 
80— Anat iaua!ti n^toatt-fii — 
so— Tim Wrttea a faaaa f( 

6 — The RWal Engine Drieera (drama). 
0 — now They Tricked Father (comedy) 

13 — BUI aa a Jockey (comedy) 

" " "■ " leoBcdy)... 

. aer 

. 408 
. 483 

IS— That la Mr Mama (i 
IS— Har^^w ^^^^^^(^^^^ . . . .. ^ 

^^-^A^^MMaoB ( ..... 

3 — ^Back to the Old Homestead (drama).. 044 

10— The (>tshan's Friend (drama) 711 

l»-4t«t Hana Old Baa (caaMdr) t!2 


31— The Arm of the Law (drama) 

28 — The Ootcaat's Salratlon (drama) 

Jannan — Feet 

4— The Straw Bide (comedy) 

U—A Letter to tba Stock (dnna). ....... 

IS— A db; Wolf (drama) 

S9~~Irlab Baarta (draaia).........^.*..... 

1 — Bla Oraat SkMSce (draul.«..i>.»u 
8— Baa. Aarbodr »ga^ llr<Wpi8SW-«»» 

).ag ,^?B0 CaBBHMl . 


1»— Tbo Child ot Two Motbera (drama)... B4S 
IB— Tba Mnaeam ot SoTefclgna (coaady).. 400 

28 — Tbe I^k'kecper (drama) SST 

2ft-^Tbe Fear of 'Fire (comody) i 380 

Janoary— T*Tt 
3— The Ortat Medal OimpatltlOD (eomady) 48ft 
S-A WeU MatebBd Matt&ca (eonadr).. •• ^ 

B— Motber'a Portrait (drama) 830 

10— TbaJOaloaar of Beatbo a ta - Baaniat 

(OBBBjldy) _«.... ... . ..... *•.*.*.* 4TB 

' Wub 4 BBt iOBMadr). ;..***•*.*** 



ipb. Labia. Paths, 8^. 


Friday— r 


lay— Blograpb. Lnbtn, Uellea. Sdlf. 
'— Ediaon, Kalem, Pathe. Tltagrapb. 
lay — Essanar. Gaumont-KIelne, P^ba. Tl- 


30— na BtaMfo BdMar (cogMV) 




BMmary— Fevt 

0— Doctor Agalnat nia Will rramedy) 084 

IS— 0(r. Fiddlraway la On Strike (cooiedy) S22 

IS— Tba Blizir ot Brarery (comediy) 434 

SB— nw Heart et a Warrior (drama) 083 

SB^Boapltal f«r Small Aalmala (cdocatloB- 

27— Paatt'i 

^—aummt, ( . . , 

Mareb— ..fta* 
S— King Phillip tha Fair aad tba Tern- 

plara (drams) 075 


yyjft^*** ***** J ********* . 


24— Tba Necklace of the Dead 
31— Tbe Scarecrow (drama)... 

T— Tbe Bed Light (drama) 

14— A Bometen Boy (drama)............. 

Sl^^nie TroDk Mystery (dtanm) 

" 't. Mogglna Baa Bis Sawing Done 

4— Tba CMmlaal Chief a Captaia (drama) 
11— Fbond AgalB (diaau) 

31-^ Ptaperate •Hemedy ■ (e^ 
2 S' - Bl d a ot the Monatalna (« 

4— At Cedar Ridge (drama) 

11 — Sleepy Hollow (drama) 

18 — Tbrlr Nrw MInlater (drama)... 

2S— The Man In 23 (comedy) 

Fybruarj — 

1— The Bridal Trail (drama) 




.. 880 

.. 030 
.. 985 
.. DOS 
.. 888 



33— Tbo Patrnabop (dnMUikj^. '..>>•<•>•' 
~ " UebatSTDara (oaaiMr).......^*. 


S— 'rta NllMcap (comedy) 
ft— Salmon Fishing In Canada (scenic) 
IS— Tba OM aad the Barglar (drataa) 

ST— BIB BmI IWM. f<l<MM).....V.. 

dWf > "._ j yp B W Jjrt • • • • a a 

% fjOMMflV I ^aaaa ■••••*■•■••« 

l^br aa i y « 
3— Blag ot Lata . (CBOHdr) 

lA— MIxod Fata ■- ' 

IT— CBriaaata 


December — 

18— A Want of Uncle Sam (drama) 

S3 — A Tenor ot the Clalao (comedy) 

30 — Tbe Insane Bcircaa (drama) 

30— Tbe Ulaalnf Brldegrooai (drama) 

Janoary— "Bel 

2 — Urn. Darner's DiTorce (drama) 

S— Tba Boral Wiabboaa (mystery conedy- 
dfaBa) .............................. 

S— Ab Brrlag tW^ Awaku 
10— Tba BUka Back Roaao (i 
SB-^Betaraed to the FMd (r 

S3— Tba Uttle Samaritan (dL 

*T — A Son ot Old Glory (drama). ...v.... 
30— Tbe Taxicab Mystery (drama). .v,'^>.*,i-. 
Fbbniary— , i-W-S" 

e— SMiIng the Camoria (drama). 4K<i'i'.'«'. 
- nraa tba JaatlBad (drama). 


at 1* IdtasM).. 

TABLE or »gT.g*B 'P« 
■fgimp^y, SBB. 3S. 


LUBIN— A Show Girl's Strstagem (drama). 
PATBB — Betty 'a Apprenticeship (comedy). 

Plneap^e Caanety la China (ladnatrlal). ' 
SEUO—Oba Sarrital ot tba BltM fdMBB). 

EDISON— Tbe Rajab (drama). ____ 
OAUMONT— The Refoimatlon of tbe BaSfe 
gettea (comedy). _ . . 

LaaJmarka of Attgnoa, Franco (sceale). . 
▼CTAOBAPH— Comaamlng Lota (draaMK- 

■SBAIIAT— Oettlng Slater Married (a 

E0I80H— TteBaaasa of Bed Chief (drama). 
UBBAX-aOUFaB— Catbertae Boward (drama). 
PATBB— A WMsiB Oeartablp (drama). 

Tba AaaMl. (BdaeaUaaal). . 
JCALBM— O iaadaiatkB r^ War Steer <MM|. ' 

MQMABH FiBbm Btolka. (drama). 


MXUXB— BUIy aad Bla Pal (dfaoM). 
8ELI0 — Tba Bnccaaeera (drama). 

BDISON— A Stage Romaaca.jtaMa). 
KALEM— The Lost Rlbboa (•■■■>• 
PATBB— WhUBe's Doable lOBBMdn.. 

Yn^£Sm^y{Sm&um Waacd (dtHBB). 

BKABAT— Tbe Cattlemaa'B Daagbter (drama). 
OADMONV— SanI and Datld (BibUcal drama). 

At tb e Bad of tbe Bead (drama). 
PAXBB— Ueot. Bcott'a Narrow Kacapo (drama). 
TirAQBAFH— Tbo Mew Stenographer (LiaiediV 


'S^%>'~PBllea IMM «r ITbw TM CUT " 
(daecrlpttte) ......*................ WS . 

21— TboMte They Played oo Bamptleaa 

23— A (}hrlttmaa Ctiol (drama) MOB 

27— Bldora. the Fralt Olrl (drama). .....UOB 

28 — A FamUy of Vegctarlana (comedy).. MO 

30— Tbe Romance of Hetty Borka (drama) 
J an nary—. . 

S— la tbe Daya of Cbltaltr <draM).... 

4— neap. Oaatlo Meep (BBmidr).....;..- 

0— Tbe Fire Oepartmeat oT Heir XMfc OH7 

(deecttptlTB) JSP 

5— A Weatcta Ntabt (eeau^) BOB 

Taet or VMandahlp T«BBia)......nOO 

Il-rSe BaBBe of tbe Seal (dtaerlpUta) . . . 300 

11— Tbe Qafdeaer'B Ladder (eonadr) JOB 

IS— Tbe IJak That Held (drama) ^...-. jJBB 
IT — With Interrai to Date (comedy-dfcama) luua 

IS— Uacle'e Birthday Gift (conedy) 

SO— Mike the Mlaer (drama) BW 

84 Aa Brentmi Kranlng (drama) . ..^H 
SB— Tha Lorer and the Conot (cemcdr>..^S 
zr— The BUek Berdeicd Letter (dtam)..IM 

31— Tbe Tr y ea t (aenadr) .«.... « 

Febmar^— • _ ^ ■ . 

1— naaiBlMB aa Beana teeaaadr>.»"— 
S-MUw 'OM Xaater (draaa) 
T-4ka »BelBr^(drana) 
B T a e -^Be aHa Ba (MmaAr). 

10— HIa First O am mlaBloti TdfB 
M— Tbe Bajab • <*!«»"Uv-l«H 
13— The Reason at Red CUtt ( 
IT — A Mam Ramaaee (drama).. 

21— The Rlral Scnlptors (drsma) OBJ 

22— Mr. Bnmpttooa. Detectite (comedy) ••.gO 

24— The Price et TIetorr (drama) lOOO 

S8— The IroB ; 


20— The Greater Call (drama) 

30— Hank and Lank— Blind Men (eooMdr) 
24— Tbe Bad Maa'a (ArietmaB- Oltt (dra.^ 


31— A Oar' 

JaanaiT— . ._ ^ . . „ . . 

3— Tbe BediaMB. 9WBH:'|WmB)«> 
T— (tbe Oinat 

11— Tba Sop' 


14— ne Olrl of the West (drsma) 

17— Rta Master's 8o« (drama) lOOO 

21 — ^Tbe BoMer Fan»»r (drama) 

24 — A Sin Unpardooable (drsma) MB 

28 — The Two Refomatlons (drama) lOOB 

.11— Tbe Jilted Jaker ( e a n tdy).. 
31— Hank and . taalH4lMV . Jlafc 

Febmary— ' ' • 

4— Carmealta. the fbllhtai (drama)... 
T— A wenaaTa Taica <eancdr> 
T— Ten Wetda tsr Ttraaiy-f 


It — The Bad Man'x Downfall (drama)..! 

14 — Oettlna Slater Marrlrd (comedy) * 

15— The Cattleman'* Paagbter (dnoaa)...! 


December — 

10— Tbe Ijvsnn (drama) aae 

22— White Rote* (coawdy) •••• »>■ 

22— The Recteatloa ot aa . Belreea (com- 

•edy) ; 410 

SB— Wlnntas Back Bla Lore (drama) 8B4 

SB— HI* Wife's ilweetbeert (dfana) «> 

SB— After tbe Ball (eoaaedy) 

2 — The Iwa Patba (drama) 

B— Wbeb a Man tores (diaiM) ] 

B— Tbe Italian Barber (cMBMr><..£^*W*v 1 
IS— The Midnight MsrairtBty fMIBaastS,<u^^^ 

12— Help Wanted (<.oiat4l|| 

r-Sre Onta 

Ttie Billboard 

raBRUARV ia» 1911. 

boat FulllUed (drmma). 

SB— Vttta'a Trndag (dimma) . 

' 9-^Ttar9' Blaten (dmna> 


6— Hcut Beats of Long Ago (drama) ■•• 89t 
•— PrIaclUa'a ^gagement Klaa (comedj> MT 

Da. With Oac:Oldt... SM 

• ^■'•*»*«*b*bbV*«c' 806 


Aznwuiti (drama) 

S— Bamona** VktbO' (drama) 

t Wiiiliiwg oC tlie Past (drama) 

U— ^Rie Bival DnmatlBta (bnrlewiae). 

r 10 — Buddy (drama) 

T i*Ti SBKUatunan's Honor (drama)... 

^fotfMjt loamcdj) 

■Mar (dnma)... 

i^-^ Cacaa of the B«« IfM ftliBM}. 
•— noo Much MotlMr^li4vr taMHflr}** 
nclma (drama) 




15— Tb> SiiTTim of tha Fltlaai 

16— ne-Bnccaneera (draau).'._k. 
(drama) ■*>•••*• i 

.^tU'a SacrUloe . 

I. •( Oonacienee (afun).. 

.*. ' ' ■ VlTAailAPB.-".' '• 

Patauibw— ■ I*«t 

-W— Xbe Ugbt IB tb« Wlndnr (Onnal oaj 

i'M CUncy (drama).. ........i.....; 89S 

■-i'-tl - Jm" ^nd tbe . waU ' (dnma) 888 

. .tji^ln Neighboring :.XInKaams (madlenl ' ' 
comedy) ..*. «i .**.•*...••'....• • .9QS 

l( IMr bi lAT* aad ^ 
. g^JSaek^aDd-', . 

> (faniady) ....t.a.'.v* 

T— Vb* Old Water Jar (drama) ....1 

■ SO— jWctor Copid (com«4y)........ ...... ■■ 

SfU— Water Lilies (drama) 

. Id— Coward or Hero (drama) 

'. IT — Three Men and a' Hald (comedj) 

' 90 — The atrl In the Film (comedy) 

'.n— Out Up by tbe Deep (drama).. 

" ~ : Did Lwk tavldaaa (eaaady)...... 

ha'-OM or tto .MauBtalaa (dramai.. 
aalB tb* aoBtli SWB (comedy) 

) 073 




[can Beaesea (drama) 

...^ aad tkk Sfan (drama)..... 

QOMO for a Day (comedy).. 

Dalnge (Biblical drama)...... 

.. 98t 

Laagna of Mercy, (drama).. 

.t tbe'Wblta-liaii'a Door (dnma) - 

'14 (Tniiiiimliif Tofii (drama) 

t^T—Wboi tbe Xlgbt Waned' (drama)...... 

'. IB^.Tha New StaDOCrapbar (comedy) 

■.r-; -, ;i jmmjMiaauimm.-^ii'^'-:~. . •' 


91— ^e Tyrant of Florence (drama) 070 

(3baBola Hunt (aportlng) .833 

-A Mazlcan'a Romance (drama).....' •■ (GO 
- ehlng In DeTonntifre (trarelogna) . .. M8 

^sT*. . . . - . J l^et 

. MCk pt.Halr (drama) ■:., 

(dtama)......;;..';^;.-. mo 

atManMtolaaibrlal).. 820 
l^_Oratv (soBSj ••••*■•••• 001 


arltetl- (drama) 990 

I'tbe Border ot tba FOreet (drama):. 885 

nadlan Iron Center. Port Artbl 

Canada (edocatlonal) IM 
IB — Catherine' Howard (drama). 

^ny> the Oreaier (drama)..'...'..: 

lS-«Uly and BU Pal (dimma) 

St— The Golden Sickle (dnma) 882 

SZ— TMIing a Smoke 8Uck (IndDsMal) 113 


Pactmhrr — . .Feet 

32— A .Weatern Welcome (comedy) 980 

SO — In the Tall Oraaa Comitry (drama).. • 
j^Anarr— Fitet 
^T-Xse Crimaon Scaia (drana). ...... 

|»-n«a Owaar «( ttalULBack (dnina) MO 

tS tba iQSamTcdMiM) 

• ■.;•-•.•:» * ' ■ - 

• ■ aAmtwm'. 

(Gainga Klelnc.l 


~fi>' ma ClDdereDa Otri (drama) 7BB 

~1w Klncdom of VIoiraca (colored ho- 
tanleal) ....... 220 

— . 732 

... 279 

WB g 

Jaaoaxy — > V^t 

g— The Artist's Pay Day (faice) 973 

T — The Woman Wins (comedy) — . 04S 

— '. (3iJld'a Flea (drama) .IBS 

"w HUla Of Oonica (ttaTelogne) 

ttrnti* Bnatle Tale (diana)...... 

lath of Admiral Co^gagr (draaaa).... 

14— nie IJttle Hatchseller'a . (Arlatmaa 

IT— The Sealed Letter (drama) 837 

IT — ^A Water Contest (tntdogve) 108 

SI— Tto Klepiaaaniae'a Bapantaaea (dn- ^ 

Voctmie Hantcra (drama) .... 

I OotSH Ot tbe Bonne Bim , .Ftance 
saalc) .•»•••••.•-••••....-•...... *o*o 

laat Cnrtaln (drama).. ......'.■■ 

~ Btldr (aeenle) 173 


era Looka for a Job (tTlck.comedy) S37 
^.Hlmmer Water Falls In the Anstrian 

TttoI (aeenle) las 

T^na Btronjceet Tie (drama).. OOiS 

T— Jiggers' MoTlog Day (comedy)..'..... 393 
IIt— Napoleon in 1814 (drama) — ......... 707 

.21— Ancnsm 'leaves (dcacriptlee) . . , 185 

' ' ^ittinMUn of the Solfragettes 

* . (caflsedy) .•.»••..•...■*..•..■*■•■■ 86o 
■Bd'.Haixs of ATlgnon. lYaiiee (aee- 
bIc) ■•>>•■•.*•••«•■ 338 

MTnd.DBvld (BIMleal drama)... ...128 

eC tae Bead (diama)..... 838 

jjjined^ (tema) .818 



Josh Billings once said: 
"Konrider the postage stamp. 
Its usefulness konsists in its 
ability to stick to one thing till 
it gets there." 

Now, a stamp does not stick out of principle — ^it has none. 
But YOU have, and you must stick to what's going to butter 
your bread. 

: WE'RE TENACIOUS. We're battlisg for ybu. and 
TEIfA6ltV on your part means Joint prospef Ity. 


the exhibitor has the most logi(^ reason in the world for sticking 



AUBBIOAN— Amerleaa Wttw^-" Wa, 'lit 
B^AIB— Helalr VUm OH. ■ . . 


BISON— New Xork Mbtta FMon OOb 
POWSBS— Tbe Fowaia Ooi. 

AHBBOKIO— New Tork. Ifotlon Plctnre Co. 
AaiAS— Atlaa Film Co. 
OBAMPION-uXbe ObaMpVm mm Co. 


AHBBIOAN — American FUm Ufg.' Oo.' 
UUP — ^Independent Morlng Pictnraa Oe. 

~ew York Motion PletnM Ot. 

J If. P. Mfg. Oo. — - - 



BISON— New York Motion 

LUX — R. Prienr. 
80LAX — Solax Company. 
TH AMH0 D8EB— Thanhooaer 
XAHKBB— ■Xankw rUm Co. 


llotioii Pfeiii 




ABtiiaU, simple, (wmpuct, light-weight and efficient transformer, made for 
a maximum of 40 amperes, using 45 volts at the aro. ■. Qui not llUin O^tK 
even on dead abort circuit. Inexpensive to maintain. ' 
or contact levers to bum and arc. Complete information upon' I 

AO GainilM'lSiBianKineto8cope8,^p^ and acccaibrliiViitre 

idehtiBed by this trade-mark. 



We have sold every theatre inaii',w|ho has seen them. One exchainge 
has sold $200.00 in ten. dajrs. When you see will undentand 
our enthusiasm. WRITE TO US. 

GENRE TRANSPARENCY CO., 507 W. Clark St.. Chicago. 


Cloth eorer, poeket ms», 10 omU, pottfmid. 


m>B llirrnAL benefit mention TBB BILIAOABD ITiOaN WBimta ADYBBTIbBBS. 

airl Spy Before Vickibors (dra> ' 


SO— Tbe Stranger (drama) , 


4 — The Bolted Door (drama) 

6— Tlie Runaway Enalue (drama) 

11— Ftor tbe Lore of an Eaemy (drama) 
la — Tbe Heart ot an Indian Mother (drama) 
IS-rSer Gham'a Bretber IdnuDa) ........ 

20— Babbla and tba Bnlikiiia (dMuaa) 

SS-JIha Baetet of the Still (drama)....... 

27 — Pnritana and Indiana (dnma) 

F^brnary— P««t 

1— Ibe Bbrriff'a Slater (drama) 

a — ^Tbe Trail of tbe l^omoa Cbam (dtam) 
a— Little Slater (drama) 

U^— Tbe Broken Trail (drama). 

15— Qrandmotber'a War Story (drama) 

IT— Tbe Loat Ribbon (drama) .......> 

22 — ^Tbe Open Boad (drama) 

24 — ^PrlacUla and tbe Feqoot (drama)..... 
Marcb— IM 

1 — Sailor Jaek'a Beformatlon (drama).... 

5— The Mexican FUUnater (dnuaa).....'. 
»-The lrl*.; n » M|n i n MriM>>..,...>- 

December — ' ',' ' iba* 

15 — Tbe Mnalcal Rancb (drama).......... 

19 — ^Xhe Dead Letter (drama).......;.... 

22 — An Amerlean Ooaat (drama);..; 

iannary— hat 
S— Art and tbe Lrcacy (eomedy.drama) . . . MO 
a n ia Last Parade (drama) atv 

' S— A Mix In Maaka (comedy)........... «• 

»-na Crimaon Sear (dfalau ;. ;.'.;.. ' 

5— Fliei nraf Fire! (ewMn ■"•>>•. 

Day at.BllTer' Oaich .Miana)..;. ass 

12- Tbe Wldo»'8 Cbolee (caaMdr) ....... ata 

1B-.\VIII It Ever Comt to TblaT (comedy) TU 

16 — Baay Coin (comedy) 300 

19 — A Brotber'a BedemptlOB (drama) low 

23— Father Makes Blmaelf ITaefDl - (comedy ) 9TB 

36— Patber Lore (drama) 1000 

30 — Bis Boens Uncle (comedy) 1000 

aVbniary— Faal 

2— Age T*. Tonth (drama) looe 

6— A Doable Elaperoent (comedy) OM 

' (—Ska Petticoat Sberltr (comedy). .:...,lMi 
■n-^Snmm (Jlrl'a Stralaicrm (drama). J'kiXT' 

rATnR-PREi)i». • 

December — I bea 
10— Get BIcb Qnirk (dramai TM 

10 — ^Hnntlnc Sea fjooa In Taamania (ace- 

ale) aa 

21 — ^Ttae Bnnaway Motor Car (comady) SdB 

21— Mas Ooea Skl.lax (comedy) 4M 

23— TM Lac^ (Jbarm (colo^ fairy tale) aoT 

SS— Betty>a rtrnrorka (comedy) Sa*- 

11 OaiiiiblHe IB Forartr Boar (drama).... 1000 

aa-Tba AtoacfMnt Mnuaa)... 890 

M-«ba Boarltaa ■leai.vCeoMrt S44 

W— BaaalBc Away FlmaVfllNnaa (com- 

■ • a • • • ■ o ■ * • *** • ■ * ■ ' 

ZS-TTbe Amcrlean Reet la FVMMh Watern 

(topical) ...•.......••.■•.;.;;••••. US 

2t — In Full Cry (aeealc) m 

50 — Bine Borae Mine (drama) oao 

80— CaUlan, tbe Mlnatrrl (colored drama) nS 
80— (^rnUal of JapaaraF Firemen la ToUo 

(acente) ' ■»,...'......«•..•......•.... . sao 

51- ^Tbe Taqal INil. ^SnM)'. , looa 

jamiaCT— Mot 
9-Ae. Ubgdaced Petlleoat (draaaV..... 

a— gatcb KMa (trdralocner lU...... 


tire) ;.i;SiiS;>;w«l*'^*^; 

0~Tlie EtIIk ot BeltblS.(dnWl).:..k«l< . 

B— In tbe l.aod of the llniikTiTa. (aoaMat " ' 

11— Tbe Twin Clnderellaa' (comedfV;'...;.^ ■'* 
11— Dnaty Hbodea Takca a Filcbt.(coaMdF> > 
18— So Near But Not QoJte . (trick, cemcdy) 
18— Max la Almoat Married (comedy).... 
M-gnw BatUa, at Badwnod (drama).;.... 

jt-^fnarlta^ atrOdajr (drama).... 

IS— Bared by Ber Prayeta (drama).!.;.. 
10— Trailed by an Indian (dnma)....;.'... 

20— Sea Blrda in Hiclr Haonta (adlKialblB' 

al) ............ 4. .... .1 * .v..'.. i. *• • 

20— The Tablea are TnraiS (tOMil»).;.... 
n-^Tbe Ma^rked DolIar~%MaSKn.^^ 
23— Bow Max Went ' AfonS uia Werld 

(comedy) 688 

23 — Gasoline Tor a Tonic (comedy) ITS 

2»— Bared by Tolfcraphy (drama) Tff 

S~IL.T'***'<*F Mra»a> ;ik IM 

Sr:E'!?"/5f '■*?;"»• ?'"» feeaaedy).... W 
Betty ■ Bella Ainna (remrdy) W 
aOr-Tbe Baeape from the Tntlerlei (drama) • 
Febroaiy — -SM 
}— 5"rto, Hnnser. Hamdann (coosady).. «» 
1— Practical Brook T^wt ^^Uaadlai^da- 

. -J'*'!!?"". ■.....:.;*.. 77. «l» 

3— The Slaee'e Berolt (draBM).... nt 

3— Blee Indnatry In Japan (InalmcMre) |M 

4— A 0>wt>07'a DeTotedaeaa (drama) 08S 

O-^An Imitator of BlondIn (comedy).... MS 

10— Berlew of the Chilian Troona (de- 

• eertptlre) VTT. 180 

}— Max Haa the nnxlne Ferer (comedy) Ml 

a— Legally Dead (ilraroal 1080 

1?-JS« M'wtojf Bride (drama)...- m 

H"~S"?£r. "r""* <<lraaM) ..IM 

18— Betty's Anprcntleeahlp (comedy) 080 

J2^f ''iSJP'?* S'VTVt Jn C>«»a (lodaatrlal) •» 

IS^^X W^sterfi-ConOshlp (drama) TIS 

J5— Iffif—^*"*!!." (edoeafional) 800 

la— Lleot. Seotfa Nammr Kaeipa -(MMi) Jh 

IQft UIB-i, 
»la o( aim,,. 

ft. Morlac ■ — - 

atrea dnap; wlB NT 
same. BHaoB. PomA 
Lubln new maeblaaaV 
8100: uw'd Motloarapk. 
» . ""I*' B. gas oat- 

£!*• £Si **® electric reilocora. 830; aong sets, 
M. .Wn ttada new macblnca for old onea. Will 
mgr-mmm, ■ aa b loes. PsmIoo Play. 

H. DAVIS. Watertown. Wla. - 

a ainger and a gentleman. Addresa 

HIPPODnOMR. Cotambna, Ohio. 

WAima> FOB CASH— Marine .FIctan. Ma- 
Cblnea, Films, Tenia, . Chain, etc. HorlnCPi*taw 
ninndes ot all klnda bought and ao1d;^int. t. 
TAAtME, 6 8. lOlh St.. 8t. Louis. Mo. 

WAHTEB-JeirrlcB-Jolmson Fight, PaathiD Play, 
And other fealnre Slma; also want Sketch Ttai 
Lady mnat be a^.to play piano and atasU- 
luatratafiigagfc^. A. OIBlfe. Pallaa, STP. 

rimuARY 18. 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 





12 " 

13 " 
8 " 

■MM » 

■.SOIT 0 

.MOO 0 

5001 8 




Interior dicns 
FtrformliiK Blmliaats 
WIM Animal Bill ~ .v 
Hale * 'Famal* Pvlaalpala -to 

varloiM RIdiar Acta . 
Lailr I'rloelpal in vaiia«B-WC> 

lD( Ada 
Trick Molca 

Aerial tt Horlsootal Bar Vet- 

Acrobatic OrottDd Act, Male ft 

Slack Wire FerformetB 
Japiane Jasyllos Act 


son 0 
sou « 

sua . 4 

— s 


Cewboja la ITucr Uaaeoveia 
FMomlac Uona 

5010 3 

S082 3 

1-137 8 

1448 8 

1«(W 1 

1073 1 

8004 1 

■Vmai* PrlnciiMI 
OaablaatlOB Clown 
OoaU>liiatl<m JuccUnc, 

tal St Aerial Act 
Qnecn of tbe SerpeDta 
Male & Female CoDtortlonlata 
Portrait of Frostier Scout 
Fight of ScODt & Indian Chief 
Cowboy Paatlmea 
Cowboys In Fancy Maneorera 
Aerial tc HoiliODtal Bar Per- 

Moaleai Cloma 

Wo. ' Bin -DatwipUM 

5023 . l-Sbeet Hale * Vtaaal* PriadpaU 

SON 1 - ti^rSiSlAtk^mAm 


SOU .1 '" Lady Principal 

BOM .1 •• Male Principal . ' 

sots 1 Trick Mulea 

floor .1 , " WUa Animal BUI : . :.' 

son. . 1 .** Performlns ElepbaalS i. 

8004:^ -l- :"' Perrorming Bean . • 

5029 1 " PerformlncUona 

5034 1 " Exterior of T«Bt- • ■ 

9039 - » ' " Eiterlor ot tttX 

1404 8 " Do(8* PODlaa.- 

Vo. Bixa 

1430 1-Staeet 


IS " 

1 " 

■MB 1 *■ 

(MT 9 " 

3048 1 " 

3046 e 

5027 e •• 

5028 1 •• 
5000 20 " 
EMS 19 " 
SOB ^ - 

Fortntt- aC Vtaatlcr Beaat 


PeifUBlOK Ltaft 
PerfMmlac Uaoo- 
f erforminc rbnW 
Doca * Poalea 
Doca & Ptnlea 
Uon Bead 
Lady Menage Act 
Ladr Menate Act 
Parade WUd Wcat 
Cowboy Paatlmea 


nig MMf. all new deilirna, Uthograpbed In the very brat manner, and wfl 
Writa fir lllnatrated catalog. wiUTX FOB PXICOEB OH BPECIAI. PAPEB, 
We ofierate oor plant day and algbt. and make prompt ablpment at all tliaaa. 


MEW YORK OFFICE— 201-202 Kniekerboeker TheatM BIdg. CHICAGO OFFICE— Suite 52. Gi^nd Opera House Bldg. 

Beginning Wednesday, March 8thy 

Every Week 





RELEASE delaj^Company 

147 Fowlh AraMMb NEW YORK 


76 CENTS PER 100 


Thorouchly equipped with tha Baaat madiiiiaiy. 
toola and fisturaa, uaad aatnahralF for the man- 
ufaelura ot my Street Ouuma and SoppUaa. 

Thaonly SiraatCamara Faotory In tha 
world that makaathalrown FCRROTVFC 
FLATKS which anablaa ua to siva yon tha h a t 
Fattp ly pa W ataa antf Buttana Ihu hava 

"riMMffsHSisTdto^ipsiliBl^ "^''!!'*'' 

no par 100 


Platoa. 1 3-4d 1-S . 
Mounta , 

Wriufor mi eatalosiCl 
and SttpoUaa. Trial pM 
platea or bnttoiiB aaot Itm, 


••-M-100 Mlaldan Lana. 

p p L L T I C K E TS 

1A.000— 2.S0 

M,OM— f«M 
90,900— S.0O 

I0B«M>4 ' 

60.000 — St.00 
100.000 — 9.80 


ao.;<y •> 

Shimokln, Pa 

t ♦ ri -V 'I a • 4 I •<••*•« 
A..* V .-a. li 4 1 

>, ■ •, ■ f, ;., ;■, •,.:.>■, ,/,v,,». •< 

UNcow PARK^ c:hicago 


Summer engagement. 30 weeks, . .High-class organization. Pullman car 
accommodations. Address. )t[ENR\' JKERN, Director, Petersburg, 111. 

A Boid Mine for the Sonmsr for Too, Mr. GoncsssloDorl 


ALL KINDS ^r^oiiei 

Ocean Park, Long Branch, N. J. 

The New Amusement Park, right on the seashore, in front of the 
New Million Dollar Pier, in the heart of the city. Very accessible 
from all puts of New York, Philadelphia, and from contiguoui 
temiaxy. Service by the Pennsylvania RaQnMde thoOontnllWi^ 
road of New Jersey, street care and boats. 

Bvenrtfaing in the line of attractions wanted at once — Scenie 
Railwnpi Itaiyrfo^ouikta, Oaiauada^ Oane Rado, Kiife Boardi, 
Japaiia9( y B9iBiaia; 9tftv#i!>^-^ WHtb ifr<w^;^» opjly In penm to 
TIE OCEAN CONSTRDCTION CO., RNfl 2411. Part Itw BMt, Riw Tift Cftf. 



Undar tlia DIraatlon V. BAVBTTA. 

Frtk nn usT SEttiis at Binani beich pul 

ii IMTWDUCIWO-. — . ' ':'}'. ^ .. ,. ■ '^■^ 


V. BAVETTA, 165 Laffertz Av0nu9, BROQItLYW, Wa Y. 




Bayao Oonea aad Otaa Ot«aB..bare" 

aU~ other atnata "tied to a tiae>* (aa 
Battllns Nrlaoa weoM aay). Watch 
It np — notMnc aa nod ai tbe eoae 
biulneu — It }oa uuike good gooda. ot 
coQr«e. 1 teach yon the whole boal- 
Dea3 — five 70a the flneat llaa off alsaa 
and other "apell-bladera" joa erer 
M< laid Tonr cyee 00. Yonr own aana 
«U-<x>.„ tmai OD tha liooa wltboot extra 
charge. Sana Oapolaa oparata orar 


lalated w lie eeoe hoUan. (warth 
aaaanj. .Saad all eaah iritt ftm 
— ■ OataiOB B lik ' — 

■Iwer* were. el. 
wsT'wIll be— ~aa 
eaUUoB de Isxa" la 
tbe Cone Una ead 

3S0. Z.00 
fiOO, 4.00 
1.000, T.M 



ElectflcIP Tk, Kansas City , Missouri 
September 23 to October 8 , Ineluslv* 


. . . »\v.' 


At Last iSSHSa^^ 


ot I 

Thb b the Machine-THE 

the naifcet nader tha aieat 


pafait far point, with erery ataadard Biachtoa y 
■ KreatlgatloD a a d U alwaya tha^atotar. 

that . _ . . 

the naifcet nader tha aieat enert , - . 

TBI lOU MODEL MOnOGBAFH aeoo feady. Saod for Catalogoa and Baaaa 
ot aeataat dealer. „ 
CNTKRMIISK OPTICAU M FO . CO.,Sn W. Randolph mt..CMaaoo,in< . 
J, K BAXXme, Act. KDW. K. Z ^ 


FEBRUARY 18, 1911. 


raBRUAfiy 18^ 1911. 




GLOBE nCEET CBOFfl^.r f^y 

cnntTAiNYUMB;/ < 


I -v.';-" ■ 

CALGIUH GAS SUmiBS -' v^^^ .. ,, . 



' Phone, Gramerey 8S17. ■ 

NEW nmM 





FEBRUARY.281, .JS^l. 




:A11: our CIUK 


Praapt SUpniali 


Tka WlMMtli 






Nerer wedc 
Eujr torsct'iip 

We make for quick 
di^ment. 100 


HEW LIHt or 


W E S T E R N 

win fit moet any border drama.- 


. For Show People 

jSntkerityiron Equip 



THB AlCDGnMBllT:ivnBK lOXjAXBSeBOA^. . ...V . ir. • • •••••••• . • . . ^ 




THE AMuiusiosirr wsBK'isiir'iniilidopii. 

MOTION PICTURE NEWS. ........ ... . . . . . 



' OUTJLXtQB'iiJfWU .1: .> . ."U i^^.^ 

nOLM STNOPSESB ;•. . ^ ;^ i. . .-. . . v.; 



• s.p ft *** V • • 

,.\r. - - 

. 8 

. 10 

f. 13 
.. U 
.. 16 
.. 17 
.. 20 

.. 84 

■ « J • 4 •*« • • • • 


iBtoek and : Bepertoire . 
I>raiiiatieal and Musical 
Bands and OrcheBtras - 

Skating Bink Attractions ....••t../.... ':.;.«... 47 

MiBeeilaneooB 47 

Carnival Companies ..*.«>..•■■••••..••••••***••••••*• .. 47 * 



NEWFAIES ............ 

* • • ■ mim • • m» • ■ 




.1.000 snus ' 

The ft. H. Andrews Go. 


174-17* Wabash Aw.n«*. 


Branch.* In all leading oltlM. 

■nf.*Pao» . . vlwg^LW.- 
■vififl, M enay-savlng. 

iToUaaThl's ChslrlatoMaka 
Vour BUBlnan firaw.: 
Writa Today. 

it^ .-.:-<|EO: .W. ■EHMETT^ 
: :^^W.Sth St.; ClnMnnMI. O 



Tour own special tiidcet, any printing any colors, aceuiatdy numbered, eveiy roll 

iMNW^l^ k \ . 60,000— ' 

10.000^ 2.^0^ : 26,0^ 100,000-10.00 . 

Prompt shipment. Oaah w ifli the oiito. COUTON TICKETS, 5,00!>-^.500. 1x2 
STOCK-TICKETS— SIX CENT8. Get the samples.' 

NATIONAL TICKEIT CO.. Shafi19.kln. Penn 

theatre tMis 


BaiUU* for ntali 
tbeatn and. mbrlas 
ptctnra ahowi. W* 
carrr tlWM chain ti 
■tack aad can »r 


ImmMlfttelT. B 
baod cilun, lue 
seating for oat^ot- 
doo r 01a . Ad d. Pe pt. 
B. S TSgli FDBSI- 
Rapid!, Iflcb. Boa 
ton OfflM. 224 Ooa- 
greaa Sttaat. Boataa. 
New Tork OOea. ISO nrtta Atmiw. 





Bomd wlda oar Naw 
Cold.Bolled Stael Bind' 

In^ Three-ply B. B. & B. 
trunk wood, hand-riveted 
tipping tiay. SEND FOB 


62S Smithflald St.,- ■ J . 
447 Wood St. „ ^ im Fadoral Stn N..S> 

When in the folloiiaiii citiaii 'ia«e^T^ 
and EXPRESS CTAROES bjr gettliif 
"The Same Trunin" «8anie .Ouaiante^ 
from the dealers beiow: - •• .<''- 

New Votk. M. Y.. Olmbcl BrotkM* 

ChJcago. lU IfaritaH Field A Oo. 

AkToo, Ohio J. B. BpeaMT 

Altoona, Pa Altoona Icatkw Oooda O*. 

Anderaon, Ind. Bodaoi BtM. 

Annista, Oa :...AaKiista Tnak Oo, 

Banimore. Md O. i. Dam O*. (S statai) 

Bcatoo. Maaa......... W. W. IVlMk^ 

Bncyroa.. Olila......... 9. B. Bfca 

Buffalo. N. T......,:...i....naBk a. PhflUaa 

Butte, Moot...... ...... Hontaaa Ttmk FUtacT 

Cloclnnatt, Maldey A.Oamr O*. 

aeveland. Ohio UUj * Bockett nmk Ok, 

Oolambaa. Ohio. ^ Wallach'a Tmdt Waa 

CrawtoidsTlIIe, lad... ;.....IioalB r' 

CDiobetliDd. Md ..B. H. 

Dayton. Ohio .......D. .Leoohaid'a 

Detroit. Ulch :.8hadhoMt * '0L_. 

Ft. Wayne. led.. Ft. Wayoe Tmnk * lieatbar Oa. 

FVxtarU, Ohio...... Tba PatMr Clothlat.Oft, 

Frankfort. Ind J. W. Oonlter'a BoM 





_ latotf aw «iMiM at tt>>utaa.|i^lnS«it 
Mall erdara pramrMjf fllM. 

r 6 1 .rite ta^fO WOK KEW ILLDSnUnD OAXALOOaB. 

SIXTH AVE-.! Bj^^ 2Atl^^9ft^2Bth Srs., - W. Y. CITY, 

Orand Baplda. Mich Panl — 

Rannton, Oat BamiltOD Leather Oooda Oo, 

Bnntlngton, Ind V. Dick'. Son * Oo. 

Indianapolis. lDd.......^».,Cbaa. Mayer A Oa. 

LaFayette. Ind .I«b A Bett. Oa, 

Lebanon. Ind ....Slhart FerklM 

Lima, Ohio The Hoorer Bamlt O*. 

LoKancport. Ind Schroeder A Foetar Oa. 

Ulddletown, O.... Bitter Bameaa A Banr O*. 

Mobile, Ala UiMf Tmk Q, 

Newark, Ohio. . . ........^.'•»».^.... v."..B b. Si' 

FhlladFlphla, Pa..v..'...;.........;WU. OirV 

Port RnroB, Mich. .:;.0(*MMtt*C'BazaHa Oil 
P ortltn a. He... ....,..>; J. L. BracluM * Oa 

Portamonth, OtaSo. . ■ ^ »Vi a..^. ...... . .jmqi Bear 

Provldeace, B. I . .Berry A m. 

Birhmnnd, Tad...... ...untar Baroeaa Oa. 

flaclnaw, Uleb..... Lleberman Tnmk Oo. 

BaTaDnab, Oa ...Bayannah Tmak Vtetscr 

BprlBKfleld. Ohio ..Vfm. , UdmS. 

'S y racuae. N. Y Byia e aa . Tmalt won. 

TUBa. Ohio.. Zlner dotblDC 0>. 

Tipton. lad.... Bboitle DepartMStJItM* 

■ P!!^ •-• • • • WUmtajtoa Jk^ 

iieathcr Oooda. Co. 
.W.>...^...Ct>, * Salfett 

yion ft 
.-'tiitHand etceasiv e taj 

: Trentop. 
WaahliiKtoB. D. Cf.Bl 
Wheellnc. W.' Va.,;.; 
Wllkea-Barce, Pa ' 
FJiorarir ' 



Get a machloe that can DO the work-^Dd .do ft w wr j i j d 
and for a good Ion* time to eome. : r .' ".ir. ■ . 

I>>t th>- liles aboBf tta orMaat; ■aiMiif.^aa.' " 
SATE— 0£T M A rmwm wijfcT wf j-^m.ii,»^ 

KOnOOKAPE. • •■■" ■> '\--^.-.V7.', •■■V- 

Tbls la a day of proKrcRi. Time Vee p* on eomlBg and coing and oU 
fBshloDorl marhltios muBt h(- rpplaced with TH£ XOTIOOBAFH.' XOBT 
DTTB AWT.T:. B ncPIX, ACCE8SIBI,E Slotlon rictwr liaehlne an tb..awrkct. 

and XBZ XAOBIBS XKAT FBOIEOXS TBE.miXsra!nn;t^: :^:.;.^:;-:^'U 

■ MAWroArymnKn aim rmnaiBn- wi'.''?^ ■ „ :-:i^?^:'s4-..:y<>f-;<aartfft<Wf WJa*l6— Wo ' 

IBame for aala at an Uiu ea. 
Bice .mahocany .eoloicd follllai 
Mod. B. _taa mieblne, tSO; nod 
Um ualrerMl Biacblne, flO; 
ilaa. ..nwal wta. rOR BBN»-Pa< 
rr-waakT Bdlaoo aaa jnaaia 

Will bajr all Unda^ae AmTjs,^ 


llac chairs, eoe aajki 
■ nim le per ft.! 
n and OJf ■ 


FEBRUARY 25, iMi; 

iTI^tv e e 1 1 l b o a r cl 

Ako** l« • ltk*BcM at Lvlcb B. Traftuu, Llme- 
Itilf Me., Innntor of • new tickrt emblnrt, 
■id* b7 tt|» OriDd Bipldi Cabinet Co. ThU 
ggilTl cabuet ii ■ cumbloaUon with a caab 

rmr and a ball scat plao on Ita ootalde corer. 
b aoiali and compact. Floe tor amall upvra 
tamn ni balU tbit bare tirket adriocr ulc 
MOK itoT*. For _pricc« addrm U» D]«pma 
Co., CaaaDOTla. N. T. Mr. Trattaa baa ■ Mw 
mtrana for t i ap cM tat rioa. B». wJU (lat 
tt <■ bT hiaaelt. ar wltb B -bOy JwtMr. M b> 
MBtwTaBr. BswIU alM. ~ 

win •iM.«rti.-t*:i 

^ anr<.to:tt» 

Than $2S.OO Per Week 

tkaf* what Mr. J. o; 
AH*., viitHk Oo TM waat* t* 
fhiM^ M Nuoa -why 700 eaa*t. 
• ■*■**) TO-BIX, sad Bat oar 

Tod ' will tlMB lMi» 
BOK aboot tbr 


; AM E RA 
land tbe pboto baitoa 
'boalncM. Ooa^at* 
ootllt. ao^ tas. Thia 

, OAMVOV, - tripod ud 
I aopvlka to aak* 4011 
' taliriMid pictatciu WDJ 
ablp eotat apen rr' 
, eclpt of «S.OO dcpooK: 
baUoc* e. ». d. 
■Mia*. OfootMSl 
SwaaiMd cooda at bOBi m urlcafc Mf •( 
m and 7«a wlU act get "ttoBg." Oh' anr BBB 
<M*(a itwaTB "e«aia back." 

Imua Plata* tor all alcan ■acbtaea. 4Leo 
f« taadtad. Beat qnallty moonta. Se aad SPr 
PUtiB (ar an 


WW xou cm. 


MlUuica lunmds (or Parka, Snmnar BMorta. 

nuTnr vomer iukeu An> 
^ ATtaAonoira or thx woiobi 

■•farfe eoaplau wttbont tb»m. «amln> (1,800 
*»r«- with proper car* wUl laat SS 

BfHd for citalonr. 


^TO HANDLE OUR— " . • 

New Safetj^RazorBcbt 

Can you give away Safety RazonT Of course you can. Everybody wants one. 
Who wants to pay S5.00 for a Safety Raxor wbsn th^ can cet one faom you 
FREE OF CHAROC Hw riunpert^ mnmtr, mkOmSi jMwti;^ tjafc^f 
Razormade. '." 

Our SBlMy Baaor Box cootalas: I Caka VltA Haial Shavloc Soap, lalaa Met 1 
Fhelal Ciaaa (or uaa afttr ahavlac. valaa tSe; 1 Boa Buratcd Talena .rawdar, ralar S8*t 
1 BotUr l>r. Parkar'a Wutr LotlODTor oa* after abBTlBC. ralae 23e: 1 Kti Boratrd TUcam 
Powdvr (or nae after abarlaK, raloe SSe: 1 Aatilanat I'aaeU. Beala Cuta. ralur 38r. Total 
Talav. tl.»9. ONE SAFETY RAZOR WSOtR Wllfi BACH BOX. T17 It and yoa wUl aay 
that If jun conld not gel aootlMT juo vnrald not arU H for 0.00. 

Tbrae artlclee an* bantlaomrly labellrd and are really of Ihe rerj hlghcat qualltr. 
gnaranlevd under Ibe lUre Food and Drag Act. Make* an awful Oaxb. 

Tb«- wboli- ontfll, (LS-t wvrtb cf abarlng Soap, etc.. and tbe Safetr Baaor Sto— OOSXS 

_ . . 

113% PHOFIT. 



Bond 35 centa for ooe of tbiW nrw . 
Noral Maik-7-lnaker*, Joat olT tb* prtM. 

FABsxB mmiKat WMMn, n» 

MAY 27tlt 

WANTED— stock Company for Theatre; also Big Open Air Attractions, vm 
give five-year lease far Good Riding I>evieeB. Oan place Bdiiiisttyv Photo 
GaIleiy, ^ BaUaiim^ Hioop:LB,Popeorii,:iM ChfBnMai TaQy, etc. 

FOB MU— Ubd^oM Bf^^^ 

LUNA rittK^yWDGS^ 




noM rAcnwT ^ 

1 We jninniiDtiinttlie most ttrta n riw 
'line in tiie coimtiy. If you nidi to 
enjoy a sen8a>k> looming big ivofit, 

St in touch witb us and ourlow raioes, 
0 it now, bef ue you get nmed in tbe rut 
of poor staff , and poor of otiwr 

cism vn. ct. 311-31? w. NfcMpi stntt enuB. lu. 

Hanhes that will carry 


Get the best at the 
best prices. Special at- 
tention given Circuses 
and Tent Shows. We 
ship on diqr order 
reaflhn uk ' 


407 N. Deaiitalnea St. 

CHICACft; lU... . 


j^ght. Sold and Exc hangeT 

«s what you have or what you 
2*. 3(May special— Alandanm Tape, 
wonts pec.pound. 


Htm Vork. 


Owing to streets b^ng cut through and tunung same finfo Indldiiffi 
lots, all amusement devices such as Circle Swing, Draamds, Old Mill, 
Toiu* of the WotM, House that Jack Built, Miniature Engine. Cars and 
S.OOOfeet Railroad, Shooting Gallery, Baby: Back, Picture Machine, 
Gash Raters, 'I)ianiBtiles,. Buj^jina^ same 
must be sold. " 

206 E. Broad St., 


Richmond, Va, 


0«t oor U>w prtcvs oo tJ>v 


■ Wni aot twi. Send loe (or aaaiilB'aC MB IBW 

- 8-ta-l tool. 

■l i.. vaoiAiax ne. 00., 

CoslmctoiGooiiiir lOOtb iniilnrsari iioHpii- 

v :^^ ?;* OF JUNE 26tlv lOT. 

Largaat CMtensIal tear keM la Obl«. 6|i'dl^~ktna MeiBB. Us foiaea. W«Blad,1li 
Attnetloaa. /rBBk. B MH | M» "ii - l i« f<3 ««^ tf ' ■ fc Vv.»<tiJS.!tt»- 

to s*< tba 
N«» booUag. Writ* at: 

im. U UcDOTTBUU* UiaSM?%a£etoii!*OhlL 



24^060 "Velvet Coaster 

one Oayl IjaSt season S mmmi^^mmmimmmm^mm^mm^m^^t^ 

record! - Thia aame road earned over S80,000 in two bcmoiib . Otbera eqiiaUy-as nod. 

Tb« VELVET COASTBK haa paid laigor dividends than aqy other rittcdsvlge. 
Positive proof furnished. For partieulaia, address, - . .' S '. - i' 




FEBRUARY 28), 1^1. 

Im e B 1 1 1 1> o a r d 



In San Francisco Will Offer Attractions Similar to Produc- 
tions Now TQuring Eutern Wheel-rSeveral Houses 

Sm mneiiM. IM. l» (SpwIal. tok Tht BOl- 

boiiTd).— Sh* A M fl w .llM l Cl l '.0«l «rt y ■ FlO- 
dnrlnc AnoetaOoa. m aaw eacparaOoa. la tha 

litest tblnc bera Id uiiiMmaiit dKl«a. The 
iDCorponlon are: Bobert !<• Tmrto, pmUIent 
■nil gcKnl muucer; Tony Lnlmkl, tIco- 
pmMeDt and treunrtr, and Uoota M. Carter, 
Mcre(ai7 and pradaclni maaaier. Sam Bania 
ud F. C. Keck are olrectora. Tba object la 

to ornalie seTeral moalcal comedr companlea 
and atart a wbeel on tbe coast almllar to the 
Eutem Wbeel. At preaent tbe Cbato Tbea- 
tre and Wtrwaa of 8aa rraoclaco, wUI book 
tbe abows bera aad Bacraaento. Ban Joaa. Oak- 
land, Stockton and Bcno bare been amoved 
for. It la a VSO.OOO corporation and will bo af- 
Ulated with tbe Amarlraii Olrcolt of Tbaatrea 
and Cafea. Tbere certainly la plentr of room 
on tbe coaat for a Oropoaltioa Ilka tbla. 


PIttabny. Pa.. Vtk. la ;<BpaelaI to Ik* Blu- 
board).— aaiCT^D>Tl^' »iaptlalor.vaC- tb« AMa 
Tbeatre. on nbu IB nMoaead^t^.analBtaaat 
of Jobo B. BafBiUi, t armt Hf a wdl'taawB 
Plttabarc newapapar aua. aad bow eoa of tha 
wvU known tbeatrlcal BMa of tha coantir. aa 
manaCT of tba AlTin Tbeatre. Mr. Be^iolda 
■ncre^ii W. B. Uoflrtl]. O. J. Benoatt, 
Tcbo baa been aetlat manaser of tbe Alrtn 
■iDce the retirement of Mr..l(errlU. will eon- 
tlniie to be connected vltb .tbe booae as a per> 
aonal repreaeoutlre of tba Sboberta. 


JaimtTille, Win;.. Feb. IS (Special ta Tbe 
Blllhoord).— The Sweetest Olrl In Paria. wblcb 
Bhowrd berp Feb. 10. broke all booae recosda, 
for a one-nlzbt atand attnetloa. Tbe cnttaa 
bouse waa aold oat a dar batata tka akow. . It 

awaaadnataa UwtabOBt 

awjy" l a i a al ii g atandtag , i 


Cellna. 0., Feb. 18 (Special to The BOlboaid). 
* N. Uowier, wbO baa beld tbe leaaa of tba 

New Theatre 

at Ft Smith 

n, talui. Ark.. IM. IT (Bpaelal to Tha BUI- 

Ml, «m 

' *to"~ 

Tkt da I 

Netba or « 

■■iw. AT*., evo. jfl |u|isuat n xna nui- 

-Tba old traopan, aad thaaa aawar la tha 

Jtt a laadaaark for thia 
hat in» haaaaa, tt 

Tha new haoaa will te naaaBad to a-A. Uek. 

aiedem la atarr aeaaa. luad Meattd la tba vatr 

is"!-! °" CJJwford. PbUler * Uhmas tUaa, 
wbieh will make aoiaa Ofteaa or twtatr aa* 
tewi added to tbU eb^t^hTlhriSS tS, 

7*111. ' 


.B da> 
> Tha- 

jeara. — _ . 

«wl tat Witt ptataUr ba aalM .aw Maw Tl 

J!*' ^?^',J^.^* (Bpedal to Tha 
r—r "<'>- — Police Cnmnilsaloner Btecbmaa haa 
HS™_a"efa tbat bereafter no algna of aar 

to *»b?*/.,'^ '"•'?V2* "» Of theatraa or 
riM.^ t5!£l!S! «»«*«ea on Bandar- Tbla ta- 
ajden nmt^w ascMt tha deelrle moalna- 
MM.. Tif S^i^f^ Bot oaly ta tha fom 


Cblcaso, Prb. 18 '(Special to Tba Billboard). 
— Now that Ocorco it. Coban ba* flnlabed bl« 
aaw t han til] oa Broadway a well-fMinded mmor 
baa It that be will turn hia attentloa to Chi- 
cato and construct a modem plarboose In tbla 
city. It Is said tbat be bss bis rri on tbe 
site of tbe olit Orpbenm Tbeatre on WanblnK- 
ton street. Acenta for acTeral itood proper- 
tlea here bare let drop tbe fact tbat Mr. Cohan 
la In tbe market, sod anaonocement of bis In- 
tcntloo to bnlld Is expected stiortly. 


City Dads Pass Ordinance Providing that All Councilmen 
Be Recognized as Play Censors — Theatrical Managers 
Regard the Aioveolent as a Huge Jdce 

Omaha, Nah^'Mb.' IB (Special to Tbe Bill- 
board).— Maaahwit aC^'.^the cltT coDncn bsTe or- 
iginated and adtfptcd a plan tbat wUl enable 
tbem to aee. free of charge, all of the 
tbeatrlcal pcodoctlona coming to tbe city. 
Thar win aot aoly ba aoabled ta ara tha dgata. 
tha-dfaaa aad th*>MMr;iBaM^ hat. wllhant 
paylac a aaB" " 



: hr tbe pasaaga it a dtr 

win auke all membcia of the 

conaell caoaoaa of 

abowB of amy ehaiactar. ^ 

It la hlatad In thaattlaa aad aoma other dr- 
clea tbat tbe ordloaoce wan paaaed by tba 
cooncll In order tbat tbe me uib e i a mar act aa 
"spongea" and aee tbe abowa wltboot paylac 
an adffllaaloQ fee. Tbla la aHeaootiair daalad 
by the members of tbe coancn. wbo laalat that 
the ordinance la for the pratset|oa of tba pab- 
Ue. eapaclaUy tbe j«ang, aad to kces a biw a 
that aia "aS cakC* Sfm BttMb ta tftta (to. 

Theatrical managera on a a i q ai d ^ tfca jM- 
tlon taken by the ellx eavcll. 


Mew Teck, Kabu IS (Special to The BnUioard). 
— By an arrangement entend Into between 
Uebler A Co. and London Charlton. MIsa Beaale 
Abott will .shortly atart a tonr nnder the dl. 
teeUoo of Mr. Chailtao. 4indalad wtlk ~ 
In tbla enterprlaa «M:BB 
baritone. Tbe Oiet 
early In March. 


jLI?r-.£5.''"*...«!f*P'« •»« PWtealant Paaton- 
"bleb haa complained of the flanat- 
i.ill^ £|2* '"•'i* are aeen tbroocboat tba 
•it tlirwlSf an Baadaya aa wtil aa throagh- 

Sew TorkJ^b. IB (Special » 

mS* \P'wi^'"J^.P^- t"' pnnaprt>oiiedy 

ini Bn»aeif la to atar. 

t.yJl'-> iBM^ Wycbartya drat appeanace 
nadaia vatt.ataea her atarring tearla.'Xba 

THUmilCAL »idT»i. . 

^< >>eat Lareaea Ooacert and Camedy Orni. 
KJ. nL."!;?!"* foarteenth week tbrongta 

and Oklahoma. Wblle playtBg Mayarllle, 
SS'ii— ">t-opa became ao enlnppy 

w^Mra. Beaoejt. the tlSet aeUar. waa forced 
them dewa the atalra. Th«. 

Aobm, N. T.. tub. U dpNld'tO n* Bin- 
board). — At the matlaea paatlQiaiaMi » of Tbe 
JiOTO Boate at the JeSacaoa Theatre. Mr. Camp- 
ball . Trarera, - leadlac nma with tbe Bobyna 
Playetp, accldeatly abot a wmaan In .the fore- 
beia with . the wadding -ct r big - Oolt pistol. 
During the aceae then la a-Vaal add following 
la a- atnittle. It was la ' thIa ' Baaacr that 
tbe gon waa diacbarged. A wamaa altting In one 
of tbe front rows waa atroek by the wadding. 
The womaa waa lead to one of tha patlon and 
after belos ftTaa medical atlMttai waa taken 
to ber borne. Nothing seriooa wtti develop, only 
a near In ber forehead. - 


Yeidkr City. Feb. II (SpecUL t» Tba BOI- 
board).— Bar. Father Bennett, of St. Joaepk'a 

Boman Catholic Chnrcb. Jeraey OlUr. bovgbt 
2.000 seats, tbe entire aeatlnie capaef^ of the 
Orpbenm Tbeatra, Jeney atj, tot rcb. .St. 
wbea tba Blaaey-SpooBer Stock Company wlU 
preeent, by reqi>eet of Father Bennett. Janice 
Meredith. Tbe reeelpta will wo lowarda tbe 
^btaedt of the cburcb, orer M.OOO baa been real- 
tatd. Thla proree that tbe Blaney-Spoooer Stock 
Obcapany la welcomed In tbe Critic State, and 
that "Moral Playa Pay." 


1. J. Berrlff. the .proprietor of the BoUer 
- — — - , haa ■ " 

Blak at St. -Mi... 
tar attractUw pai 

e e elead a.aeheiae 

ta hIa itak. Havlpg 

bietniM un ahowa la eooaadtM wttk Skattas. 
iliairtU J^^^ aa 

Decatnr. III., m. IS (Special to The Bni- 
board). — On W*b. B, Jamta K. Haekett played 
here tar the baaeat tt the alae aa b e ra at tte 
'■ Tbaatiaw . After th» leaapi ww* V 

Employee Bobs 


LltUa Bock, Ark.. Feb. 1« (Special tone BOI. 
board), — It la alleged that an employee of the 
Capitol Tbeatra, Uttle Bock, Ark., broke into 
tbe box-ofllcc and atole t2S worth of tlekcta, 
which were on aale for Mlaa UlUan BoaelL He 
also stole Manaser rred Penaeirs typ ewriter 
aad ^wned, It at a local pawn ahsp. ''ft la ' ta- 
— - that ha laft.tMn wItbaBt Mytw hi* 
j i wta amnl wotthim ctatta 
la of UtHe Be^ ~ ' 

^^SOA to 

Mew York, Veb. IT (Special to At aoibeaid). 
— na beat reaaoaa ezidaaalory tt why Oaaale'e 
Not A Bit lAe Mother have bm aaptfled by 
F. P, Adaaaa. at BIB ITeet llOth alieat. and 
to hOa haa baea mraadad tha priaa ac «tSO ef- 
Qa. llf . t|B JMBk. MBMIBUb 

sisterly deTntte. aa tt obtalaa In the Blllatt 
family, oecaaloaallj'tBaa bito a anbatantlal ex- 
penea aeeotmt.' A'tclefram receleed receatly 
by Uebler * Oo. contains tbe newa tbat ilim 
uaxtne Blllott, who la appearing In ttn Weat. 
In The Inferior Sex, bu made a rather (brmld- 
able mooey-aecrlflce In order to see her alater. 
Oertrode Blllott (Mrs. Forbes-Beharttaa), who 

la atarring In The Dewa of a TaJtaMaK Maa 
Haxlaa la playlog an eocagemeat ta Oeotar. Bad 

waa booked next week In Kansaa Cl^, Uhw 
Oeil iud e le playing tbla week In St. Paul aad 
la booked next week In DenTcr, Whea Mlaa 
Maxine leaned of her alater*a booktag. abe de- 
dared tt wag too bad they abonld be ao new 
and yet not meet. After a little tboaicbt. Mia. 
Maxhe wired tbe tbeatra In Kansaa (Hty tbat 
she would cancel two days of ber time, standler 
the loaa betaelf. Then she telegraphed the 
alar of The Dewa of a Te-Mocioar that tbcie 

~ ta jai jiBa^Kltd WBtam M ita. l<rttw 

Mlaa Abott waa brought to tbe United 
from Italy by Uebler * Oo. tor the r 
of creating tbe title role la the Bnt 
'nedactloi of Maac agPa Vao bd. a P(<4aft 
cefrapted, by eana. dntaraacaa 

■ tfiiAauiiiR .f miiQiraa 

Klglo, m.. m. 18 (Special to Tbe Bffl- 
board).— A. O. Shade, for the past_sli moatha 
secretary and treasurer of the Tblelea ead 

Prlckett tbeatrlcal compeay, haa been 

n:anager of the Majestic Tbeatra at ' 
ton. III., one of Mr. Tbielen'a r 


T^madi. Mich., Feb. 16 (Spedal to Tta 
BUIboard).— Baker and CaaUe'a Baateni Oaaa- 
pany of Oranatark. with Mlaa Oene LaMetto 
and Alfred Bwenaoo la tba leading rolee, haaka 
the bonaa record for thla Mtead attiaatMB at 
tbe New Bcadlar TtaatM, Jib 

Theatre Destroyed 
By Fire 

Ratoe. N. M.. Peb. 14 (Specbd 
board). — ^Tba Collaenm, the local 
totally deattoycd tim at as 
14, tbe damage M 
of $18,000. The 

dlag waa a compantlrely new eaa 
by Haso Seabort, proprietor of the 

wSl&^iayaa thaaa Fob. is. J»dnda_la 
tha wreckage. Tta ttoope raloea their pnpertF 
at aboot J|.BOai, __ _ 


aad oai . 

Baabart Bob 


New Tork, Febmary IB (Special to Tta BUI- 
board), — Wallack'a Tbeatra, In tbe near fntate, 
will ba the aecne of tba oddeat tbeatrical catar^ 
talmnent that baa erer been aeen In the united 
Statea la the eoune of a year^lhe pta^nUUoa 
of Pomaadar Walk by a caat made np of ehU- 
dren. Only oace before baa a feat of twa aort 
baea atlampted. and that waa laat aprtot aTjaa 
Alias Jimmy Taleotlae waa gtren by ah "mU 
kid" caat. tba pioeecda being tnrned orer to the 
fond for the Varktog Qlrla' Home, a ehaiRy at 
which Mia. Jiraea Spmr was the taod. 
For the Boral Pomander walk performance. Mra. 
Speyer will again take charge of aSalrs. vae 
money reallxed tbla year will be darotad. ai^ 
prUtely enoogh. to St. Mary's Free Hoapltalveiir 
Children, In the aasoctate membership of which 
ina. Speyer la a director. ' 

-Uebler A Co., aianagen of Pomander WiAk, 
and Mr. Loola N, Parker, author, win permit the 
naa of tha play, and Mr, Cbartes Bnrahaat, 
manager of 'WaUack'a, wlU gtre the theatre 
tbe apeclal matinee pettoimaace, Mr. Bngh 
Ford, geaoal atage director for Uebler A QlI 
wm tralB the klddlee to tbe way they ehootd 
go., Tta hdi^tcBt l e aagito ia ta tta paataadaa-^ 


Lynebharg. Mh. U (Bpedal tone BBl- 
beard).— Aa ii ii ummuX la fltoda M|« nfe. „!«. 
that I^aebharg.lfll talM a I 
atra by Ihae 

■laaa: haa beca anetatad pteaa avrat of the 
SSSrt Tbeatra. orSat dty, to fill the ra- 
caacT caaacd by Sol, Daa going to DaHaa. Tex. 
Mr. Beanmoat, wbo Bret entered tbe preaa Ma 
aa the fOoader of the ptooeer American aewa- 
paper In ManOa. P. I., baa bad coaatdarabto- 
experlence In tbeatrlcal work, aa well aa ame-' 
adtertlalng speelallat, and has woo auov aswr^ 
friends aince lololag the Shnbert forces ■ - 
Other chaagce which hare heea aaadh^MMV 

T n «^ 1 1 1 1> q> 

Week in AmeEiaa 


and Prosecutor Have Tilt Over the Case of Former 
Theatre^Manaser— Governor of Missouri 

St. Loals, Frb. IS (Special to Ttie BUItioaxd). 
— A Miuallon bu be«n canted In the Oazva eaaa 
tV Bt. Z^oato bj rvaaoo of a cut batwwdi IhB 
ud tlw ptoaccotor wltli trfard to tbe al- 
pnaiUrt Oartro bj the campur 
•( 'U«. nrturnlnic what he hait 
bi he wu ehatfed to have pee^- 

- ^_ 1 ehatced to have 

ant tlt-OW. ae which u* uld 
lew retaiaad. . 
:?"««r Taylor cho— to tgaon tb* pMHeatoi*a 
•■■■■t for parole, and the proaecator ooir malDr 
that lis will luiTe tlM accnaed ctlaaaad on 

•'■oUe pnaeqnL 
VA tartaar coQipl 


HL^Tkb. 14 iapMdal to Tbe Billboard)! 
" of a DiBh-teiwIon wire plimceii 
rhaaas uat nijcbt. UotIok pIc- 
to be eloaed. aad : Ibeatdcal 
~— — — >d other eatvclalaoirata cur- 
Tba break occuned-at aiS aad ie.«a» 
itn U:OS that the lliAta <m* ataln 
At Um Star Tbeatie. wUere the 
_ — —iB Btoel: .Companr la. plaTloK. tUe. end of 
tta third act bad almoat been mebMl. Can- 
ftlL.Tr" anhaUtiited and on lampa' llicbted tbe 
BalUabta ftir tbe remaloinc . art. The niMe- 
tffla bUl at tbe Otand bad to be aburlmed. and 
Tm* -^'Sf^L^*'**'''^ at the : pletnre 


' Itow Tbrk; Feb. 16 (Special to Tbe'siUbidUttt. 
*-^aa Board of Jjacrmcn paaaed? aa^otdiaaDee 
SS: "v..*" preTCDt ticket apecnlatat* bom 
•■— '-leM in the atn^ta. The Tota waa 
^ -TOtaa - beloff Kcordod*- for . .the 

Uaaoea pmiitblta absolotdr tha lale 
Mttia attNta and Ozta a OaiSrof UO 
JMMBt te 10 dan Cor aaak «Ma£a 

T^w" law" doea ' not" aSaeit Itaa ida' 
la botela or other boOdlaca. -. 

iii^ Poynter's 

>awaik. N. J.. F, b. 18 (Bpadal to Xha nu- 
toaa d) — Thrt ouiniy iitue aitiiiaa. Baolah F«ra- 
«K, pnMttd her lateat plar. Iba Uttia April 
at tbe Colnmbia Tbaatre. rrldar atttf- 
aSS EftLilL. H"' "J h«r bfanda fram Xaw 
nak wttoaaaed tbe performanor. all c inra—liiy 
■•Mm opinion that Hlaa Foynter bad landed 
.winner. .FoUowlns tba adrlca of aama 

M Im nil ■■■■■■ UI . 

by OoTemor Badley'a dedarlnx that if tb<' 
atatemant of facts warranta It, be will direct 
Attoniey^Seneral Major "to anlat, to the end 
tbat tbe aealaa of . joitiee mi^ ba aqaally aula 

talned betwaaa tbe nnbUe and -tba deCnd 
The 43oTc«or baa nUad upon tba 'OtanttM 
Attonnr aad'tha Adga iB tha <aaa-BW,a i 


ffelween the State of Texas and the Ringling Brothen. 
Much Mooted Question of Bade Taxes is 
Finally'Seitied^"' " ^^ v">-" 

Aaatln, Tex., Feb. 14 (Special to Tbe Bill 
bnard). — A Bettlcmeot was reached Feb. 1? 1' 
tbe Flfty-tblrrt district court in the clreaa In 
Junction aolts brought by RtnKtlDjt Rrutberii 
at al. against former State Beveuue Aiteot .Me 
' Bioaald. to 'enjoin tbe collectloa by tite stiit» 
lanooe; asent of a citcna tax, and as a rvaalt 


; CAST. 

7'j!S*ZS^*Jh >"»"«» WwlB bale 

Owp — N*»»r did Btaal.aotlilB'.. ....... 

...Kettle Louden 


;.Chaa. B. Phlppa 

■Mi. ▼ff—»-IJk» Aoia wca^..*llaa IVyatar 

P«rlt fiii*lai fw a laoaoea.. 
«— ^' iiiZ^''" •■•*-• ' i ' • ''»«•.. ^SdwlBa LarTln 
g» ■ ■!■—»- W te la«a....,vv;.J«>ha Buwara 

ma. Blaabetb yenaa— Sweat and luttr.. 

...aadle ataaiaaatb 

t^-mxtmrtat at tha ▼«»«•.■«■ 
later. The April Ladr a^ .tSST 

•— iBlailar af tha Tar-M n--^ 
MM Ma la tha r 
«— laa BMMb li«g 


llll> M»di.--T htfBwhlate Hntrt. wtdalj kama 
m a. fc roWa .^BMtaB. plaaa^ftr vtta ihaatrtcai 
paat l i. la to be tan daws aat it'nBUcad hr 


Odcaco. FWk. It (Special to Tbe BtObaart). 
SjOM Hakat BairlaoQ. Is prirata tttr. Hra. 
•VmT Bmwi. ' aoa .or tha bMt-fcaawh 


AppearlDc in Bcnty W. Savage's producllon, ^adania Sbcriy. 

Actress Faints 

Vtw IB tka MdMM that wii 


Under tbe aettlemrnt reached tbe tajnnctlohe 
are dlnolred. and tbe state, aa tnterreoor. re 
coTcred Judgment for taxea amounting to 1900. 
half of which hart been prerlonaly paid to Cap 
tain McDonald and tbe balance paid yeaterdar 

It wlU be rvniemh-Teil thst at the time of 
the anlt the stale lntervene<l In the Injonctloa 
suit obtained by the Itlnallogii eerana Captah- 
McDonald netilng up claims tor taxea at dl( 
terent exhibition atanda about, tba atata for 

■bows and coaeert prmn 

There wri« aerrral eaata far tana'! 

bat the ahow penidr preTaBed te tha aaafo at 
OoaUcaaa and Waxabacble. At Ooralcaaa tbct* 
waa a criminal action bad laat Octolier, and 
tha ahow people- woo oat .thera: to tba effect 
tbat Dnm 2 to 10 la tbe'ervnlnic caaatltnted • 
co u t tea aaa perfonnBce and 'the eeort here ans 
talaa thin caatAtlm. 

Now It la true that while tSOO la embodied la 
tbe Judgment, yet balf of tbat (t2S0) waa MM 
last fall to cover a claim on Kl Paao. rather 
than litigate the onriitinn «o far ont. 

The Judgment obtained In tba Dlatrlct (Jonri 
at Anatin. Feb. 14. ^lrli'cr conOrma tbe'drcisIOD 
of the Con«lcana Conrt In tlie aald cflmioar 
case: and estsbllstaes similar rallnjr coacemlna 
tbe rights of the Bsrmm Show at Waxahactale 
and denlea In total the claim ct tba atata tor 

a i de abow aod concert taxea. ■ ; ' 

The JnAsnmit .la baard aa taatlMMr tafeM- 
hat la tha rtanl^ aC 'aa- aatkaWa a ju a t aii i tr 


* - ' .•**■■ '*'' 

'iniiUrortk.'ibaJrrMr'tS (Bpeebl tD The BIO 
botid),— A BMfCBMt taa been atarted by Boy 
C. narrls. aerretarr of tbe llerrbanta* An/y. 
elation of Ellaworth. Ue., to orcanlaa a pm* 
food sbow cirenit and bare all tha ahowa la 
tha attta of IMIw IMtow. attat aaehaOar. . U 
ia.acM«'iiHrt.'lMa;MMM M;aB:.aCMaMa *» 

Edwin F. Rush 
.Quits Burlesque 

New Tork. Feb. 15 IBpcclal to The Btllboatd> ■ 
—After tbia aeaaon borleaqna, te which Md hr 
is oue of Ihi- |il<iiie<-ii<. wilt know Edwin P. Boah 
BO moteu Buab aalled for Bnrap* on Feb. 14 ^' 
complete DrguilailiHn for the rights of a mngm 
play, with wblcb be will tnaugnraia bta debnl 
aa a manager of a flnit.clasa theatre. 

Aa many peraona already know, Bnah la Ibr 
moving aplrlt of the promolera of tba Apollo 
Theatre In FbrlT sixth street, which wlU be » 
csled Oliuoslte the Follies Bergel* and 
to the (lloba. Tb* plana of the thratia i 

and wmh will 

TC an 

SMS&:i»tMik''Bo''MpMfi1o tNl tha ihMiiie 
with piOdagtlaM fran hia aam faatafr. aad ta 
tbla end he baa «ao* abiaad to asatdaa apUoaa 
OB two focwlan playa. 

Prior to. Mb dapartare he. aada artaagaiBMitt 
to withdraw from tbe bnrledqaa BeU at the Md 
of tba eurrent aeaaon. Tbe a lU n atl M hOB O a a» 
tba Boa TMm, will be leaaed to a aloak 
nada, apol a aumhi^r.of . aetata, -■ . v 

•nciiiwmoN ' BiuL-.«iaiiBi& ' 

Waiblngton, Feb. la (Special te Tbe 
baard). — Tbe bill alelng tbe approval of 
graea to tbe holillna of tbe Panaaa-r 
poaitlon at Ban Franrlaco WM 'fM> 


Dean, who la a CtBdnnatl girl, 

baea in tor aome wceka. She baa bravely keiil 
at bcr° work, but oo tba day- of her cduapae, I 
waa feeiinc no liadly - tbat Dr. Boekhlll waa 
aomBHSed. He adviaed her. to take to bar bed 
at ooee, bnt Mlaa Dean ntoaad and laaiated 
upon aianmlng her lole In tlie draau. 

Several time* aha lateted and at-tba cloa* 
at tlie play coBapaed. ■ Pr. BaekbBI. at her 
qMttan te tha Bamet 'Bnaaa,. atatad that it 
«iaol d he H*nal wwka lieAica lflM.;D*aa .cpaU. 
OMaaaa^hae.. irta,j»(|a,;.£,j,.gs.»^Kifc*icisjiiv t" 

Asks State to ; • 
Build Theatrics 

Bdatoa; nb. IS (Bpwslal to Tba BUIbaard).— 
According to Oeorg* B. LothraB. playwright, 
there are great anmbem of potvatlal. aaiafa aad 
artreaaea in Hassachuaetu, and It' laV'tlaia :1b 
Blate ealabllibed a chain of tbeatIM' w^lcb 
tbrlr talent may be developed. 

He addressed the committee oo legal affairs 
at (be State Booae In favor of hIa lilll. wlilrb 
la dettgaed to-glve tbe CkMnmoowealtb a chain 
of lOieta tbeatrea. tfaroocb. the taxation nf nrl 
vatvly eondncted tbcatree. . The mrararv re 

2 aim all plaeea of amoMDunt to pay ovor 
• •the Stato-.-lbelr prodta ta exceaa of ten 

Jtr.. LMBNr'<'aid>to 

owht.-.l*'^'- " 


koautaar. taleat of tbe 

bjr President Taft allb 

a pea 

— sold at I0:M o'clock. 

Afterward tha wa wu anaaatad . te :A«tlM- 
Ptaaldeot B. B. Ilato, of St -BiparitlM (Dmb 
aad will be rahlMiaa «l 


That Creatore atanda nnlqM ateeBC bead 
maatera waa demoaairsted at tbe Andltarluak 
Allaau. Oa., on PebraabT T,- where, before aa 
andlence of aeveral' :lbonaaiid, many ' at wbuai 
bad bebelrt bim far' tbe:llrxt' time,- ba waa- gITM 
a 'big. ovation wUleh waa also lateoded- for tb* 
faad >fnr theio>aaai:!«f .tba AtlaBU .Moaleai 
~ ■ aawliM aC wbW* 

rr;-.-; •• 

witbont a welcome naatlng plaee. Wor yeai> 
ba baa wanted to bnlld a show bonaa. himacif 
be aald, but for blmeeir and many othafa renUle 
and bnllding roata are altogetber too hUh. II 
tbnoaht the alrnggllnff laleat aboold recelvo a 
helping band. Tbe need of each oisat i aa, he 
aald. waa general tbrmghont the Stele." 

Whra Mr. liOlbmp had •alahcd' hla ar«aaMil. 
J. Albert Brarbelt. attora^ for the tbeatrlrai 
managera' asaoclalioo of Boston, cot ap aan 
aald with a sallr be didn't Ibink an ar(0- 
meat against tbe pasaage of tba bill waa ae* 
esssry, but pointed oat tbat tbe leglslatloB d* 
aired by Mr. Latbrop waa imcoaatltntioaal aad 
that the State bad no right to- balld thMttaa. 
'There would be «d beaaat to.tha atata.. u4 
to.. maintain ancb tbealtM ,1iaiM..maa..a ..blB 
"he added. 

Ttie Bllll>oa'rd 

M^e^k in Ainierlca 


Rumors of a Dissolution of Partnership Between Two Pow> 
»ful Vaudeville Magnates Substantiated by Late Devel- 
ppmeats-rrOiylsipa wUl n^^ 

; « MHiIrt tonaMUbdud) 

r.r. Fivelor and B. r Kci&^ta Mb* aStctod 
to BOW certain. VMctlon batwacn Proetar and 
Brllb U mM to baTe ezUtrd for aama tlma 
bat tba dnl Irakis* pcrmlttlDic public know 
Irdge of tbs fact waa dIacoTcrad on Deeciabar 
tl. when, la I'ortlaDd. (Uia companr bains 

• corporation formed In 190d under 'tba lawa 
of Maloe), at a bearing before Judfe Pea body, 
Frederick F. Proctor and Sjdnej B. Larrabae 
were appointed receWeni of tlie coapanj. A. 
iH-tltloB waa iouDpdIateljr lUed by B. W. Kaltb 
aiklpc that tba rccatrenblp be TacatcA ■bA * 
bvarloc «*a appointed for . January Mk Ala 
beartas waa poatponcd oatU VMraaiy - U. 
. WUb tba Kallk aad PiMtwAaMaeMBt Om- 
^w^aMtlg^ ff^bM^^ r;jP»oetar. iit» ». 

dent of aaeh other. Tba paaalac ent of ezlat' 
«nc« of tba K. A P. Company will In no way 
affect the vaodarllle l>ooklns arrannownta now 
In fore* between Keith. Proctor, WlUlaai, Bam- 
cneratetQ, and other manacera. Tlia MMrai'lJ 
clearer tentn, la merely to ceaae tba ^aWBV <• 
(atereata l>etween Proctor and Keltti. 

The bonaea alfected are Keith and Proctor'* 
nrtb ATenoe, Barlem Opera Ilooae. . Onion 
0qaar«, 33td Mnet. S8th Straet. and 125th 
ttltwt Tbaalita to Uaabattaa. and Kdtb and 
PNCItt^ Thaatr* to Jaiicr City. 

llaila tba Ftftb Aaaaoa 
,tt waa aiMiitill by 

tba dMnUoa Ibat ' at tba tfiaii tt 
tBk aaab ahouM acala hare aneh tbeattaa aa 
•Mdd ' ban beca hia In the abaenca of tba 
aabOBK comMnallon of Intereata. Thia arranaa- 
Bant would brtac Into Proctor'a poaa e aalon the 
S8th Street and the IZSth Btrcat Tlmtrca, 
owned by htm, and the 23rd Street Tbaati*. 
which waa formerly under Iraoe to him. Tba 
Onion Sonar* wonki have aoot to Mr. Keith, 
In accotdante with hIa former leaae, aa wonld 
ika J*f**r aty hooae which Ur. Kaltb 

MM vm ta. tba Mb plaelbg tba btobaat aals- 
* ytT'tttitb . pfiert*« ■ tbaw 

Chicago Perfonner 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - 

SjjMV IMk'M npatlal t* Tba BMItowd). 

aelor waa atabbM aad aamdy baatea br two 
•uppowd eompanlona wbo wara In tha cab- at 
the ttm*. After laklns wiiat ealnablea be had 
they ordered thm drlear to atop, aaylos: "Tha 
tbcy would wait tar aoma trlndi." and told 
lilm to take Ur. UeCarthT to hi* hotel. 
Michael nyna, tba cab driver, became aua- 

VMlen* and attar drlTlii« a few block* atopped, 
nd laaktac nto tba cab foand McCarthy- lylnr 
Mlh* toor blaadtaa. Tha matUr waa at oaca 

Oaife attaat 

•TjaainJBil., Feb. IT (SpacUl to Tha BUI- 
aaiWI,— .y itb the letttnic of a contract tor the 
•lS>''*at1j» work baa tieen alerted on a raiHle- 
•nr {kfttl* iMfa. Tbe bDlldiBK to coat $40,000. 
■nl M amM by Booch Morrill. O. Lacley. 
SSf VLS'S"* !"^ conatcled wltb idora Park. 

ti«bT5Jig3f?,'5: p"— «• 

•a'^e^'SS.uYar? ^*o^f 


ii.'ck laland, ni, 


^b, U (SMtUl^ta 
-lal Tbcati* al •*€* 

iV,! i""7i'i"'-r"'^ tmoniai xncan* at MO Ja- 
^ '.."'-,;J* ?^ vadar tba manamaat aC Jit. 
2;..-;-JS55fe' »«»•' TiatKlaTrwbo la aa oM 
S?! •iP"1??*** "»"»*«br(- mmea from tha..(:al<>^ 
™Th»al»»_OMni>any -at. Sortoafleld. ni.i^'aad 
jaceeeda L W. M«rtla, Who ha«> retonadtto bla 
2511* K-'?^'.*"?L^,''*««^ ' l^l*' tcott- 
5 VS. !■'•. T"*- «■ old amploir 

ante Company, being a atagar of 


wMeb esplraa IMF - _ 

to do. Tba PUlb waa Jaaaad br Pncto: 
tmn tba OOan aetata, and at tba time of tba 
K. A p. coaaolidatlon ba waa In emtnl of the 
houae. Tba property waa parehaaed later by 
the International Bealty Company, wbleb can- 
celed tha F. F. Proctor leaae *Dd la*aed a new 
one to tlie Keith and Proctor Company. 

It I* claimed by Proctor that the Inlernatlonal 
Bealty Company 1* B. F. Kellb. It *uch I* the 
ca»e, tha anawer t* tliat fallnre to renew tlie, 
le**a baforo May 1 will leare the Fifth ATcnue 
Tbeatra In tba poaaeaaloa of B. P, Keltb la- 
ataad of once dmc* baeooUnc a Proetar enter 
priae. Fmetor caataiMla that tba tbeatia be- 
ioaga t» bla; Keltb aaea,«(bifwlaaw Banea tb* 

A eoaalderable noetlea of BatMaF^ baaitac 
In the caae wa* dented to Sa laMBw aC Mr. 

Keith * amdant (he being to FlocMa at tba 
present timej. In which be daaica apeaMeally 
Mr. Proctor'* charxe* of mlamaaagaiDeBt. em-! 
atatement* that lie argnea would tend 

(OenUaBad on page B4.) 


Riimp^ Has it in New York that Nesotiatlons 
to Unite Morris and Loew 

Morris Denies Report 

Mew Ta(k. 'nb. IS (Special to Tba Blllhoard). 
— Vbat a deal la tnder way and that oegotlatloaB 
are In progreaa which wUl iwlte the Intereata 
of Marena Loew with thoea of WlUlam Morek 
la tb* current report along Broadway, although 
from the Morrl* offlcea cornea tba"iK>thliig do- 
ing" etory wlien the niblect I* liroached. The 
report **y* th*t Loew will come Into coatrol, or 
at least obtain an Intereit, In the American 
Mnalc Ball and other Morrta bonaea. 

If tb* deal goe* thronab, *o tlie report goe*. 
a ebeaaer grada of TaadaTlUe win be adapted 

to ttb ltadi toMM. mm u mmm 

Mbi. Urn., fbbw W.— Matbooma Mae- 
aad Ttattaia Draw Traacott, who head- 

3^ le bm at tb* Americas Mualc Hall In 

'Chicago, laat weak, wara algaed np during the 
engagement tOr four weeka ia atock at the Im- 
nerl*l Theatre In tbia dtj. opealBg Match U. 
Tti* opening bill wfll b( - - - - 


-I ■ 

tbatwn to I- 

as laa naoa baa It. ^ _ 

aad tba Aaierlraa Mnate Ball In . 
Otntwaa to Olaelanatl. and tha 
OUeaga^ Bealdaa tbcae bonaea Mania ta 
tba booklac fbr tba Fulton Tbaatia la Bn 
aad tba Pnataaa Thaatra la St. Uiala. 

lataraatad wltb Morrla la . tba drealt 
baaia Ua nama are: Fallz Iinun. Boa. 
thr D. aoUlTaa and tha aaut* of -rjttu 
SmilTatt. The report haa It that Utw will pC7 
ea tata tto eticolt br poRbaatai to* 

_M r X^J' <»ltaolal to Tha Blllhoard). 

r '.' ■ ^S^fJ'^ aboctl^ opee a booklnc of- 
•fit, u.^V I** CIlT.^irwra to afflflatM 
h ..^i? IfbiM kbd lit. Waada. Mr. Bealar 

"« old perfonaer, 


■ii^*>awi>;jAltbaagi> tto aHy iStoetar f- 
Sgf -** «t8*_l gl i i l l|Wiatlaa. Mna^rMaatad 
mat ■MK^'Mk' MM. -M .- H y hon a baw tb*«> 

.•.I.. .1-., , 

Performers Injured 
in Auto Accident 

(»attaaooga, Tenn., Feb. IB (Special to The 
BnUioaTd). — At an early hour Wi.<lin.ixl«j- morn 
lag, Feb, IS, fosr peraon* were mot* or lean In 
Juiad la aa antomobne aeeldeat wblcb oeenned 
OB the (%lckaauagaa road. ' aear baia. two 
woaicB aad two mea. Xbe two waaii a an 
McHIa aad Mar Ocataiar at Kaw OiHaa*. wUla 
tba MB ara feaMaata of tbIa dtr. . 

Tb* elrla an nadaeHla a t t m aia. Wbra 
tranllag at a high nte of aiwad. the automobile 
aktdded and threw the occopaata -oat. > Nellie 
Otalager aaffered a brabca aiai °.aad .brvlaea 

idpt *^&^^SpL^ Ti"fiijyj|s^ibKii!r* 

Maw TaA. fftow IT (Spedal to -Tba Bniboard). 
MaCart. of the eaiiderin* company' 
bla aana. died Feb. le. at hia mi 
aw Weat Porty-Bflh atreet. HI* 
jnond to tl>e undertaklog parlor* of Rob- 
ert - S. Onddy. TIT Third aTcaue. McCocd'a 

, pj^lsbaii. Pa. na laana a 

a»*r iJike, la., Feb, 14 (Special to The BUl- 
board).— The Clear Lake Doatton and Amiiae- 
meat Cnmpaay an erecting a Ijike Shore thea- 

i«!irj;iMtto|/«i*Mltir;;y .^<to OMtoMd. 

Nivif''TiiiiiKTRi'''<^^ ■ 

Maaaa 01^ la.. IM^^ Id mMelal to Tb* 
Blllboacdt.-^ aew Prtacaaa ^baalra, maa- 
agfd by Atttw^aod Heffaar, waa apt 
IVhnary IV fto ttoatn _bM a cut 
Tim araia aad «B pGiF nadaTlllo aad 


W^lis Acquires 
Savannah Theatre 

board);-gato,lhga aa aaili l a l ia taM^Mr- 
rbiaed -fRia L. ^'WrnaaAr. a Waap aa tto Or 

pbenm Tbeatn of tbIa dty far aaww pcaia. 
By thi* lateat-acnnlaltlon.the Wella Olr^U ceS 
tiola two TaodeTlUe bon«n la tovaatob. Tb- 
ndlcr ,ot (to booae will be the aan* M tolMa- 
fata iaadbtnie.' Tto pnrchaae ptiet.Mi aH 

ijtospirfMAL BUY S M/Mnna 

' Datoqo*. Iowa. IVb. M (Special to Tto BUI- 
toard).— Br a deed died and recorded la tha ef- 
llce of the cotm^ recorder. Jacob Baaeathal 
become* the *ole owner of tlie Majeatic Tbea 
tre. The purchate was made by Mr. Boaeothal 
from th« Dnhoqne Opera noma Oompany, tb* 

purrhii>e price being $100,000. 

Tbln IB r>-sarded a* ooe of the moat Import- 
ant real eatate tranafera that haa oct ' un ed ^a 

tto eitr to " " — 

one of tba 

Ibe eltr< 

rott Dodge, Feb. IT tdpadal ta -Itb^lM- 

board).— Tan local capitolb4a baia- ~ 

comaaar widi fWMd " — - 

vaoderlUa ,tif 
teraed attar 

baiQ. ji wBa^^' b 


Anbura. N. Y., Feb. IS (SpecUI to Tto BRI 
board).— Joe. O. Brooke, at one ttm* maaager 
of the Majntlc Tfaeatn at rtlca. and tb. 
JeffnaoB at Aubare, N. T.. under the Bel* CIr 
colt, baa tnraed to TandFTlIle. Mr. Brooke to* 
taken tha leaae on th« Bnrtla-Oraad hen aad 
will oKer bfvt-cl*** TaadaTtllc, Tba honaa at 
tto pwaaat la boaktd to tto lea Waad Attaqr. 

patia, fallowed br Glunond*. redora aad Xm 
TgacB. Mr. MacDowen U a great fanrlto biao. 
bartv appeatad at tha Sotrarbaa Oardna aad la 
credited wltb being tba foondar of tha ataab 
(tar *y«t m of modem tlmca, tnaugaratbaa tt 
at the old Hopklne Thaatn la flblcago. Mao- 
aeU aad Traacott . ban be* 
- - TBOdaTlUe, ^J^^. 



. Fargo, V. ».. »\»b. tt— A deal for a 
of about t*B theatrea la the Northweat. tawbla 

FAIR. • . 

Pltt*bttrs. Pa.. Fab, » ( toM l al t- 

board).— A apadal diapata traai X. tMk 
annooDcaa Itat to baa doaed ceatnctato 1 
attractlona far tba Detnit State , Frir. — 
Hatch baa racantlr created comld*nMa*a» 
meat among carolTal peop l e by anuuuncing ta* 
perfectloo of hU Water Bbow. 

A Thrilling 


boaidl.'-Tml ajniar wa* »" «*• ^f^yVL!* 
tba aaadealUe performaneea at «» jSSiSSi^'Sf 
B*«e laat week, wbtrta wa* thomaigUr aa- 
Joyed to tb* big andtance preaent. ,It waa r— — 
hoalr anaoanced by the managemeal thatal 
barber wonld •hare a man In the cage oi 
by Lnken'a lion* In fall Tlew of the aa — 
Ae act of the Ilooa aloo*.pre*e d to be a 
drawing card all week, aad tto aadleaaaa .,^ 
nUed at the maaaer to wbleb TtaM pr 
baadlad tbeae animala. • Tba paopla, bewaog 
rather daobtad that aa ooHMer woold ban «* 
nem to eater the cage. But at a P*;*"*"^ 
oo nbruarr 10. Arthur Djor. a barber, paj 
aeated himaelf. bnt the mM orUtnally **l*egd 
for th* ■having proccea backed oat. Sot to Oa 
ipTpoInt the Mdlence, Manager BlMtagar. »• 
Roo*e, Tolnnteered to hccome tba aBb- 
i^rt. and th* act wa* polled OB. 

During the ahaTlng prrweae the —— , --- 
roulderatilr aad wen ""bowbat wwaa. 
ir«« kept to abbleatlaB toTtalaar^"to— . . 
watched elea^ e»eir me»*a»eBt.^- j^. 
Ilaaa tamped fioa tto pcMtal. bad waa.l 
& AMMtack to «to tratoar. 


ABban. M. T„ Pbb. IB <fiP*(<^ ULS^Z 

boSdT-Jtto Wib. »«brBB W5»2«l»!™«_£.-sir 
riStooB a« ato db at tb a M^-^J^SSL 
The comaaar to ii»ai|iiiii fl of IB alack atM 
™ ^ pStaS; ^rSrt.elaaa dnmaa. 1^ 
Bobyaa la tto pndacer of th* T*nd*»g* 
ilSSbia. Tto CoaSil for the Defeat., ttj 


In th* foyer to the tcrfte'THi*W t P!" *j^ 
m.. oppoalU the. box^Bce toW t%fc^g JT 
tognph' group a» tSe bjwa mjr » "JW-^gJ 
taga ago a coaple af raaa* ftg— »'? '»*S.S 
tlS^ eotraare Md to* ' » TSSS-.^SSTS 
noylaad waa readr to baad aot ticket*, eae er 
lb* naas mea nagbt idgbt of the plctuna. 

to bla compaataLWitb a look »» 45!«^*J"«I 
face. aaJd! '"©•me. oBj^ BOI. !**• **an IH* 
•how; Ifa tofteai.'* Btolnt Mtoito» 

HouwiiMrruRWSTo vAUocyiM 

MBwaeke*. Wla., Feb.^ ^^-'''S^ISSSt 
wbo owaa tho Kmpire and Cotomida .IhiaU*^ 
- ptttnx hta nopilr « 
. A...W^» 

wtll ictora to nndeTflle 

waa I 

ttma aad 



Week in 


Ian and Forbes Robertson Appearing in Passing of The 
Thiid Floor Back at Princess and Garrick Thealre», \ 
■ Respectively, Paralleled by Critics 


A. plMT In thm icU by Jerome K. JeroiDe. 
. presented at the PrlBCeM Tbeatre by Mr. Ian 
Bobertaoo and company. The cbaracters Id 
. - flM'tat Mt «r iw ilai— ma as follows: 

A Ba0j 

A Hoisy ....... 

A Satyr 

..^■^i.-^'.,^.;inm Don Beritase Bfelciia Pusoos 
...;;;iW£i'.>.HIa Alya Be«* 
.......Jam Marl* Bodspetb 

Silaa Blanch Blpley 

Leslie Palmer 

.......Itlsa Oertrnde BoawcU 

........ ....W. O. Billing too 

E. Stoatt VInden 

BUB ley Blown 

........... EtcilMA't QarUboTiie 

_ FcbL 1< ^Bpedai to Ite Bmboud). 
of the Chlean papen ham taken ad- 
of the poasninily to oompaze brottaet'a 
In the 'kame puy. fa dllEaiant tbow- 
It 10 liappeu that last week. Iin 
RobertaOQ played the same Tole aa tala bntbar 
Is playlnc In the Paasiss at tha Third noor 
Bade. Vtebes Is appesitnc at the G&rrlck and 
Ian at tbe PrIncfW, 

Blebaid Hesry Uttle. ot tlw THhnne: "After 
wlliwaalnc the perfocmaiice of The PaaaSns of 
Ike Ttalid Floor Back, at the Garrick, tbe pio- 
Aoetloa at tbe Prlneeas elbaely resembles tbe 
performance of Ktnc I<ear. by tbe poplla of 
the BfBncham HIch ScbooL From- the one 
■Icbt stand Tlewpolnt, tb« company at tbe 
reDcta nlg^ ba eoaaUcnd aa tooA as any 

"Tberk !a a eoaKldcrjble diScfaan 
la ja» Banner of actlnc of Ibeae l«o men. 
which ■Heels the lapicsaloa which tbe andilor 
reeelTcs of tbe nlay. Foiliefe Kobrftano is 
emloeatly sptritoal. mystleal and abaorblas la 
the role of tihe Pasaccby. Be tliimra a maDtle 
of art and peraonallty over the dtaou whlcb 
keeps one from looklnc carefoUy into tbe 
strocture and tecbnlqae of Mr. Jemne'n work. 
Ian RobertaOD. at the Prlocess. Is mnch more 
matter of fact. Be Is an actor acllni:, and be 
lacks entirely tbe almost sopemataral atmoa- 
pbere la which hia fanwma brathcr so aaoccaa- 

foUr-«BNi«BhiBMib**.v . - 


Is Disraeli— Play is Erudite and Characteristic, Thouth 
Apocryphal, Say Two Leading Critics— Ceofse 
Ariiss in Leading Role is Praised 1; 5 ' 

A MW pl«y In three acts, tar Let 
X. Paifeer. Pieaeated by Gcocse Arlua and 
Ooapaar. st the Onad Opera Boose, Febcosry 
IS, mi. With the foOowIUB cast: 
The Duke . •( OIastoab«iir .*. .. Charles Csiej 
The DaAsaa of Clastaabny .. LeUa Bepton 

Tiscoont Codworth ■ • Geoffrey Dong las 

Lady Codworth Conytance Elrkham 

Lord BraOke Got Coonlncham 

Lady Brooke ' Jbscybliie Bemhsnit 

Clarissa, I.adr PcTCUnr' ... .. Elsie Leslie 
Charles. Vlscooat D « e fwH .. Cbortensy Foote 
Baajaasia UaracU .. .. .. .. Mr. AtUaa 

Nk^ Play 

'Tf— . — ■ Casoa 1b three 

,. S^vjOmm. PnacBtcd Feh- 

at flM WUtiier Opera Hooae. 

Benedict .. Samoel Boae 

Prlngle .. .. .'. i. Kdward 3. PeU 

_ . ILCtatt Alfred a Winn 

i^M* MUao .. .. KeU McLeod 

tank dancr .. Bad McDonald 

Hordaaa Stranse .. ... .. Bayaoa MeSbeciy 

DnTid Coates .. .. ..'...-.-^i. .: Tietsr Boyal 

Mrs, Ooppeldae .. .. .. .. .. .. 7ane Babeock 

lbs. Benedict Gladys MOntasne 

ICabel Etta W^ym- 

Bene Amaze Ben CJonnelly 

Cow* Tere De Tere Mae Connelly 

VDddla Twlnkletoes Mabel Girling 

Pansy Bloom JIarle Welter 

Amos Doppeldse Dave Lewis 

Chicago, Feb. 16 (SpecUl to Hie Billboard).— 
me Becord-Herald bad tbe foUowlsg to ssy: 
*^«lB rather Inexplicable alfair iraa performed 
Mtte Whitney Opera House last erenlng by Of- 
people, mo worked baid to earn tbelr sal- 
I. Tho audience belnc in an anprselatln 
B, nva them mnch •-ff^ i rq iiiMSOl 
Brie Delamarter. of tha btar Oetaai' "Dtn 
unbf landable ambition of H aJt hg '■latlTe 
American comedies by American snfhon. wlUi 
American aetors.' Is not likely to be leallxed 
with Don't Lie to Tonr Wife as a curtain raiaer. 
TOs piece was nnreUed at the Whitney Opera 
Boose last ereulng before an andlenee which 
■scmad to divide its time in eqnal parts of mirth 
>t SUA Ikcsh. norel. ^dtlns Tmage ent-np tac- 
ths u taUlOK OB the. leethcir cu and endor- 
In^ poUtelyj^a i H ee g i aen of Tapid dIaIo«ne 
-fXh* tfot «t the aOSsIr 

, Feb. 18 (Sneclal to The Billboard). 

vOIH I LoTe, the new Askin Drodnctlon 
*~ recently opened at tbe LaSalle Opera 
: BsTe a anndal m i tlii s a oa Sonday after- 
aooa. Feb. IX, - tar Tbe B aiii i aa l GM In Pans 
Oompanr. tbe fignaer oeeopeot of the LeStne. 
Be play Is rtdi la many new ttlnn and is be- 
te thoeooiriily cnloycd and recommended by 
those who hare aeeo It. 

Henry Kolker, in Tbe Great Name, at tbe 
Cort, la enjoying a long ran at tbla coxy thea- 
tre^ Tlie play is ioterestinir and entertaining 
and la rarronnded by an excellent cast. 

(>et-Ricb.Onlck Wallingford. at the Olrmple 
TbeatK. celebrated Its one boixlredtb perform- 
on Friday. Febroazy IT. and It twa-oOloe 
— " — — , a* 

•Iktatse. D«*U WatMd. 

_ _ PMcr Sifmm. la dra-wlnar 

. adailiam ' to this . aew Aowhonse. Mr. 

WiuikM. In Oh new- pradocttoo. Is glren op- 
portonltF tn disolar bis matchleas art. his ten- 
oem e M of . aentlment and deft tooch of fanmao 
Inteicat. • . . ■ 

Forbps-BOtierfaan. In Tbe Passing of tbe 
Udid Floor Back, has entered onoo his three 
last weeks at tba Oarrick Theatre In this 
prodnetion. FonowfmC. his amcarsnce here be 
wm go to Kansas Otty. . BChmeaiwIls, St. Paal, 
BUIwsnkee and the ofhcr lamr dties. 

That amazlnr entertainment, the Kew Tork 
Hippodrome, which Indndes a large Tsrlety of 
acts. Is still at th<» AuHifnrinrn. pntert^lnlnp 


Mis. Kod Items ;v;. .V. HeiMiil Bale - 
sir Michael Prabett ^. Dasti Xmeac* 

Bagh Mcyen .. .. .; .. .. .. J. Ii. Mackay 

Loalv iMInhe .. .. Alexssder Calten 

FoS£S^lS%hSSSSn*T*" ' Chessaua 

Batberford Hermas 

Dlsrarll's bntler Doogtaa Ross 

Dlsrsell's gsrdeoer Salst-Clalr Bayfltid 

Flooka, a rural postman . . . . WUfrld Seagram 

A clerk Dodler WO** 

Chicago, l>b. IS (Special to The Billboard).— 
Frederick Battoa, of tbe l\ist. remarked s« 
follows In bis rcTlew: "TbOogb natiuallT of 
loose eonstmctioo. the drama glres Mr. Arllss 
a good opportunity for one of his remarkable 
stodles of cbarscter. sod also affords soeb a 
toocb of mM-Vletomo manners and tblDklng." 
' Amy Leallc. of tha Daily Nawa: "As a plsy 
and leaclatiea af a tyaa. - Taals Paih«s*a ola- 
rarU aparkles. raaa WWl.Md daetlcMy aa« 
shows qnall^ aWch eofht la tarn' chaiiUaglT 
opoa tbe wen read sad opsa atalUj attmed lit- 
erary ears. B«; aa ftir tta .hetac a tMHi e ct e*- 
Umste of the mataatle WiariaslltH at the time 
be alternately relgBed as petBie mlalster or dl- 
Tlded attention with Mr. Gladstone, the role m% 
dellTeml by Parker throogh the dellsbtfnl ac- 
tor, George Arllsa, Is only a shadow of attestrd 

P e tty Hammood. of tbe Trlbosc: "Mr. Park- 
.er*8 attempt to pat Disraeli into ft play restUts 
tn a mo d e r ately Intavsatlng eshlbltioa of sa 
apocryphal tboagh chareeterlstlc segmeat la the 
eaner of the Bset tesrlnatlag dgnrc la EngUsk 

Jaaes OT)eaa«n Beaaett, of tte Bweed iff r 
aid; 'Tt fc mtedl wtOl pwt» IWgoaw. PMtr 

plasty - oC ^ 1 lib y aettir- The 
plaaaed hat at w ttaie «eltc«.". ^ 

Said and Seen 

• rf^a_ • 

. V;>::^r:^4ndEhl 

Appeaziai; at the Opera, Ho 

In Tbe Olrl I Kjot«. 


Hnsleal version of My Friend From India. BotA 
and lyric by W. C. Dnocaa sod Frank Smltta- 
Bon. Unsic by Karl Hosclma. Presented by 
Joseph M, Gsltes' company in the Colonial 
Theatre, Chicago, gilMimj 14, 1911. The 

Etastns Underholt — ...Bert Baker 

Charlie Dnderbolt Jed Prooty 

Tom' Valentine Freddie J. Mlse 

A ug o atns Keeae Sb«Tar^.......Clarcoc* Barsey 

BeT.^Jamea Taiiadia .......^..^.D. .W. Market 

■^taituB^^' ■ . • . ..^ .^F. ■ -js# Bavls 
BU Jioiaa ......■....^i...y."i.OIII>ird P. Bann 

The Glaasmaa ....-.....'••'•••••..William Doyle 

Katie irnderlMlt.'»i..i.i..i.i... -Florence May 
Gertie 1Tnderbelt'>;'....;.....;;....ADna Wilkes 

Mariaa Hagste ;^i^^y;g.Vjy. .^^^WiitCMj 

Adelaide 'and Hn^Ma, Ineldsatal" .la Ilia .pea- 

Chlcsgo, Feb. IS (Special to Tha 

—Amy Leslie, of the Dallr News: Khtfa Oli. 
enaa. fatnoas and nntldy, la made ' loMiaMe 

by tbe exqnislte art of La Petite Adelalda, 

who does two aellghtfally poetic and seDsnoos 


.-.Floteaca' Nash 

er.XMhXoBood •••V"- 

- CT»,it«n iii Br*>ckhsnk 

Monslenr Beaoealia: ;.I«iIa Frsokllo 

Eleanor Bradford '.V^.i.^..';.;.>taacea Gordon 

Mabel Bradfard ,,< I.Belra May 

Orldley H. M. DolIIrer 

Chicago, s«b. IS (Special to The Binboard). 
— ^Amy Leslie, of tbe Dally Newa, beaded ber 
raelew aa follows: "is Berbert Trlompta. De- 
ligbtfnl soog play. Charms aodlence st Chi- 
Hobart coatrlbates book. Cowles, Btaa- 
Doeae and othac .favoritce. ~ 

Jg Florsnee Mash- . t> 

0.-Z,. Hall, of the Ja 
rery weII-balaoc«d 

' aa>Mr'^lj 

Chicago. Feb. IT (Special to T»v« Blllboirdl.— 
Two l»ew smlltog faces msy be seen looking 
tbroogh tbe barred window of tbe hox-oOlce 
at tbe PrlBcesa Theatre. Tbey are Fred Stew- 
ard, late of Kansas dtr. and aewly appelated 

^ri^Taahaaaw. la aailM*. .«• 

lS%SSa "* ^ati!!S^?'s!uh^^ " *" ^ 
and «a the MtowSSw day Orieael Baehe will 
Install Taaderine and marine .pletwtea at this 
Te.t sl4e home of m*lndrama. The company 
will disbaad (or ooIt frar weeks and will tbea 
begin operattoaa at tbe Blion Opera Hovae, Mln- 
nesnolls. for sn extended snmmer season. 

Rsymood Paine, comedlsn of the Blino Stock 
Companr, win Join the Imperlsl Stork Oompany 
oDder the same mansgement of Kllmt A Ou- 
soIa on Marrh 6. 

We are told that Tbe Sool Klaa win daae ta 
three weeks oarlait ta the fact that tMa I ~ 
tloa has vfayci ' 

TMK jmrl and 'hlEVKAlilnt 

An operetta In three acts, 
Jamo and hook by ~ 

and her eo mpaay . wM the character* cast 

. .Jnlloa HcVlcker 

MelTln Stokes 

Bobert Virlan 


Kaiser Joaef n... 
Harea von Loebeo 

Ton Beater 

Cooat Btenfeld... 
TIbor Berenyl .... 
Fraaa FoMca^r •-- 
Hans Tange, tam._. , 
Peter Wenael. tsltar-at 
^ Von Schmoller. tta 

arrgt. Koioeiw^'VCi^.'ATr, 
Batoaeas aae taeaa 
Conntess Tea BaadsiV ... 


Ohrisfl, Lasge's daughter 

Chicago. Feb. 16 (8i>ecUl 
— PeiCT Hammond, of aka 
Mmrfas ta aar: "Aar 

John SlsTlo 

.... O a oig e T,eOfiard 
i... Alfred Darling 
..Florence Morrison 

, Carrie LHte 

Bdlth Decker 

Lain Olaser 

to The BUlboard). 


OMeago. Fab. IS'lBpedtl to The Billboard >■ 
— Sopported by a company from New Tork 
City's New (]«maa Tbestia, Smeat Voo Poa. 
Mrt. « fanoos (JcrraiB actor, vlU begia a tw» 
weeks' eagsxcomt st the Prlncias ttsatr* ob 
Moaday^night. - - — - - — 

^ . sxcomt st the Priaecaa. 
Moaday; night. Feb. gO.- OB "* " 
Md latnrday Btehts.: .T«B.- r 
the ■Rkmaa~ — — - 


Xtie Billboard 



The Notorioaii^>De BMofoit Qijpi Which 

Includes a Number of Well Known Acts — Many 

Cblcaco. Feb. 18 (Sp«dUj*»'^*rWJIbo»rt). 
-A n'lwrt was nude that ■^••••rart'* stage 
. .rcrr h«d ccmr to m cod. ■ rilMWa Jt bj» u 
fir ai Win. MorrU U LU « t « i— a. tat tt« Oonnt 
orsaDluil a ramnaax of bU awn whicb will 
»iirt on tbe iwid ""W- •^»^ 
mat b* ka< trakat Ms aoatnct witk Wm. llor- 
SiL to^. ttMSftia M.faned to appear at tbe 
OnbnuB'la GUMHHit tat tbe we^ of Pcb. 
C^oirwer. I« a« Intarrtew wltb the Cooat 
at tbr Metrapole Botel. Chleaso. abowa tbat 
acronllDK to a claoae la bla contract be waa 
wt It fanlt. The clama teada aa followa: 
•Tbis roatraet Till b« aoll and Totd nnlcea tb* 
tbrrk far $1,000 drawa oo Wm. Morrla, Inc.. 
on the Greenwich Bank and In my taror It 
botiorwl before thia contract tak«a effect." 

It sToms tbst tbe CooDt had recclTed a cbeck 
for $1,000 for a prcTtooa easacenent and bar. 
loi: prewnted It at tbe baak far paymeot It waa 
dltbonored on aecovat of not bnaic properly 
sUninl. Tbe dKck.belns dl a tMim aed tbe Oaat 
filled to appear at tbe Oipbcnm accndlnx 
to hla ova atoty be did not bccak Ms eoatraet 
aad la not luder aar ebllsatloaa ta bla farmer 
eaiDlayeia. Uadonbledly aaitber party la at 
fliK^tat tbe coaipUeatiaM tbat anaa from 
ttb tebihallty gata Back caoaa for talk that 
eettaOa ba< aa fnadattan. 

fkeOMarbaa bcca my boar tbe laat week 
e iM B lil H a cenpabr aC bla awn. Be bu ae- 
ctired teriMal ooted TaaJeinie acta tron Mew 
Tork City, alao three acta tnm abroad, which 
baTe oerer appe a red la ttala eoaatxr ticforv. 
The leadinc attraction oa tbe bm will, be tbe 
noted Eagllata ball terrier. Bob. aad hia maater. 
the Ooont. wblch hare Droren my popolar 
wbererer thIa doo haa ap peared. *tbe Ooont 
aad hIa maaa(cr. llr. Wlleas will tm««I la a 
prlrate car, aa al*e wlU Che reat of hIa er- 
caslaatloB. Tbcy will- opes la Waakcsaa, OL. 

__ .. . Mh, MOl^ecial talba BMbaaM).— 
1g|4iteatflMk neatw fR Wm. Monla. Inc. 

ma act. la dlSealt U> 

3 — Fred miaaw aad 
akMrh. Thta akctch 
•Hatalns mncb lai 
the actorn were 

la a cooedy 
bMMa and 
Artnt of 

„ h la their 

parte. Marb of the beat waa the yeonc lady 
wba flanM «ke part af tbe nald. 

flayed tbe part af tbe nald. 
^^»— Till legja^Oo^^^ ffSIf^ 

*—Slt. Jlera. ik* 
tieman with a ■aal iianiiai iiaiia aaa waa 
rr..T,^ cooHnel*^ ttat Ut Htla la destrecd. 
II' "III nndonbtefly ba beard o( aa a beadllaer 

before lonfr. 

_ ^F-V DeMaee, aa Beetrleal Oaaeer. Ulas 
KeMxr^a eirntB wara t t k i l art leally applaod- 

toS*!™* ""^ «WXa'3l6rtterty win, 

5!? « "naleal act eoo- 

>.«>» «al««tliae< aMiaiMl —aabeia waa 

The art 

wh* are ^ 

T-r:«ri Baitb aad'HlB «aa 
Tni' iK an aalaal .Mt tWt li 

Cblmco. F-b. IS (Special to The BJIlboard). 
Crrilf S'L Orein, of tbe Oat* Ttteatre: 
aThuJ^A?" '»"* Wtbered tocetber 

tE? 5?!i"'»» • »WT »tron(r bill. 
eJ^i J.*T!5f 'H- acrobatic barrel Jaaip- 
*n. 'Illilved eeeta etJaaiplK. baBd.baUBclas 

•nu'OKlrd. Kacb af tba iaemtatt ol tbla troope 
*» »»lrated eakMeeey unS^AiSeMn iSS- 
dwUin"- JtaJklB. and eccentric 

«"»• In for bl« 
SSZ:. frallfal af wranl 

frfiU'r, y'r^itl \^ preeented by »fr. aad lira, 
mS.'. ''.'^ »o be commeaded on 

. --_ -J be commeaded on tbelr Jnda- 
acf ?<"lt.ri.".l people want, tn fact the 
laii.V;,! h2'^""J '"0 »wo<> «o wind np wltb a 
■■'"1 il hymn played en nnalcal belle. 
^a.N.llBe Sack, a Tlolln Tlrtno«>. la a yoanj! 
SlfcT - li^"" "? <'*••• H" nMidltlon 

a \ii Ifv."" cliealcal and popolar nombera 
It ..•I.Z; .1" commanda attention and makei 

.n hJr'XJiS'liS:; ' 

ff Z.ii'i' heen wHM aa an eererai timce 
SdV er^?""",^ an tbe ptalae 

St" j* «t 

CO Snnday erenlnc, ' Feb. 10. at the Schwartz 
Theatre, and from there will tour other larKc 
citlea la lUiaala, MlfbHaa and other alatca 
la tba MMMa WMk 

■ SOM of Ika' acta vkick wBI arrnanay tbe 

Oooat oo hIa toor are:' Tbe Great RIbicb Act. 
Japaneee junlera. flrat appearance la ADcrica: 
Princeton and Yale. Jean Salibnry. belnc direct 
from Loadoo: tbe Rome Santnd Trio, the Four 
Danclnit Belle*, and other acta well'knowa on 
both aldea of tbe water. Tbe eompaay will 
eoMlft o( aerca acta beaUca tba featare^ tbe 

Noiw jof the Qreat and Near Great in the VaudevPte 
; WotMrWho Have Been Seen In and^Arouiid 
the Breezy Town 

sir. Morton. a( tba t 
la able to be awt a*al 


WllaoB awl Wllaoa have accepted tliae, open- 
la Bratoo Harbor. MIcb. 
.Jocrla Joaea. tbe orlirinal p e ifua> e coob. haa 
retaracd to Cblease, after aa abaenee of foor 
weefca. baelBK mtt witb bic mmcms in BIoob- 
Inctoa. Fteeport and Wankcsaa. 

The Boab Temple opened wltb Taoderine on 
Wednesday, Feb. l.'>. and will continue playln; 
Tanderllle. acts brine booked by V. Q. Doyle. 

Nick Beddy. the Italian ainger. wffl be at 
the La I^te . Theatre, Cblcasa. 



▲ppeuinc tn. TaoderiUe. 

American Music 

Hairs Bill 

Cblcaco, FeV IT (Special to Tbe Billboard).— 
Manacer "Jack" Lalt. of thla popular Tanderllic 
honae. offered hIa patrona thirleea acta Inatead 
of tbe oanal aflcea. Stereaaon aad Kami la a 
alnclnc and daadat act. epeaed . IkrMI . aad 
were well rrcclred. 

Tbe Bennln«tea Bretbeca were ea next, and 
peered all Ibat tbe pracram aald of them, be- 
Ina rerltable "OlynpUa atbletea," and tbelr 
dlmlay at maacalar nttfeeiloo wonld atrike ter- 
rar to ataay a "wbitc aaaa'a hope." 

. , la aa artlalle ncal olferiac. aaaa 
aeraral loega la a eetr ake manner and eined 
the applanae offered taem. 

A Jncaler. Freak Hartln. waa Tety eater- 
talBlBF, aad did aoaw verr dWealt feati la tbli 
line, aad by bartaK ■» allp-aH.arkatettr la bla 
act ahowed hie akUI la tbla be aatb aT tbe Tan- 
derllle fleld. 

Scott and Wllaon hare a rery Borel Introdnc- 
tlon to Iheir acrobatic act. and althooth the 
real acrobatic week ea tbe ttf» la of rery abort 

Majestic Theatre 


Chlcaso, Feb. IT (Special to The BlUbaatd).— ' 
The bill opened with Bisner and Oorca la a WW- 
la<. danclns aad talklac act. wbkb Katna eaqr 
IntereetlMt aad catertaiala«. Thla act eraa M> 
lowed ^rBSh Wblla aad iatir Xha Btta H | bM . 
boon naalpaUMn. wbfck la aaa at Oa kaat acta 

of Ita kind aeea bere a beata la eaiae time. 

Mlae Soaaaae Rocaaiora. bOled aa "Tbe Girl 
Wba Slaga.** lawaeeftal lea^ l a_a eatcby 

•ihS^ai^ ^LSftaBSy&atwf.: 
d alaiai^aad lacalira a wry 'Saaa i 

Next followed Meyere, Warren and lyoB, pre- 
aentlnic A Uttle of Ererythlns. a hodse-podce 
of mtrth aott moalc. Tbe ataxe aettlnc ahow%a 
Mlaa Allen'a drawing room, the part beTnf taken 
by Mlaa Mildred Warren, whoae rolce la abore 
tbe averajce. Mr. Lyon, wbo played tbe part 
of the lorer of Mlaa Allen, aang aereral aonsa 
that took with tbe aadlence, bnt tbe honors 
ahonld (CO to Mlaa Lonlae Meyera in the part of 
tbe maid, wboae wondertnl a^matlOB aad aat- 

Bruoswick Brothers, slncera. have 

Indefinite eoKaj;ement wltb C. E. Dentoa* i 
Gotambla Theatre, Mempbla. Tenn. 

Mlaa Oannette Baytnoad. a rrry clerer ilaf 
ins aad danclac aoobrette. baa accepted eoa- 
traeta (Or tbe'eatlr* W. Q. Doyle Clrcalr. thla 
belaff her fliit appearance ta tba Wcat. 

Ftaak Uadaa, aa eld Chkace ietcr aad tMhw 
of Bdaa Barlr iJadea..«M b Kay Weef. Ma,. 
Monday. IWu. liL • 

Mr. Mttmmt a*ilk. ttm McHHi jnf ' 
the toad adetea^ la acala playiac fi -u 

Mr. Barry Waterman, one of tbe booking 
aseata In F. Q. Doyle's office, waa called home 
hr the recy eerere lUneaa of faia mother, what 
wa are (lad to aay, la now mncb better. 

O a ma a Fox. who baa been tbe director of Ika 
BIJoa Theatre, la going into randerlUe. 

Mr. Edward Darta, a headllner In Tanderllle. 
^111 open tbe Walnat Street Theatre, I^ooiarDle, 
Ky., oa March 1. with a Ont-eUia atock com- 

^t&. wnUaaa UahtCgot TMchar wm «■ at 
the Hajeatle Theatre oa Saaday. flUh. tS. arta 
a new act written by blauelf. • Thli belac Ua 
first appearance In rande/tUe. 

Francla McCarthy, tiie well-known Chlcaaa- 
nctor. la In a critical condition here aa a re- 
sult of an assault. Be was atabhed in a dosen 
places and bis condition Is serious. 

Geo. Deonro, formerly or the Geo. Deonro 
Comedy Acrobata, was compelled to withdraw 
from tbe act on aceonnt of sickness, which li of 
such a natore tbat Mr. Deonro will aerer ta 
able to return to the footllabta. Mr. Pe eaea la 
now rooe Into tbe pboto reprodactln bariacaa 
wltb beadcinarters la Chicago. * . 

Glea Bart haa lakca. dHk.MSB la Ika i 
of WaWar ReeCe i " 
her af 

Su^estioiis for 

Imaginary bill framed up by The Bill- 
board repreaentatlre. Importance of act la 

indicated by position alren.. 

A— Scott and Wilson. Actobata. 

American Mnale Hall. Xo. B. In Oaa. 
B — Melboome MacDowell aad Vliwlala Draw 
Trescott. Draaatle CbBtdi. 

American Uorte ^: IWt 

C — Jobnny*StaaIey aad Mta 

SketiA. • ^ 

Majestic, No. O. la _ 
D— A Night In a TntkM 
and Dramatic ShM' 
Maiestle. Jitb T. lUt 

E— Church CItr F " 


Anerlcan Mosle Ball. No. 10, In One. 
F— Taacob Maalelaa. 

Americas Mnale Hall. No. II. Fall 

0 — Quion and Mitchell, Comedy Sketch. 

Slaleatlc. No. S. In One. 
n— GEORGE BEItAN, Dramatic Sketch. 
Majeatic. No. 9. Pnll Stage. 

1 — Bertie Fowler. Comedienne. 
American Mnale Hall.- No. T. la Oaa. 

'Slalwlle; Xa. Kk Fan 


(taM-ltar' ■■Ka tnm tbe unwritten hMMQr iC 
Aadcat Egypt.) 

Alex. PanUgea: Ita 1 
rauderiUe. adiri 


Alex. PaatacM, tta Onclaa, patcoa af aaade. 

Edirin T. laiij; tte-«alF piadacer la Ita Greet 


Mile. Mercerean, daosease of Oriental concep- 

prank Hooper, who doea props antl leadinc bn^t- 

Way back In Seattle. In 1883. beforv the rail- 
roada bit tbe trail, la tbe daya wbra Paget 
Sound waa tat a whisper, aad Ooat Islaad ailr 
a kid. aae AlIU Pasta, a bdd. bad man. tat a 
aaarlyr to bte cooati^a caose. aroosed the aieepy 
IMIowcia of tta desert. 

Twaa aboia tta mighty XUe, and here he 
•wttUy deeceadad apoa the pale faces from Ab- 
— ^ - - ^latorf • 

other hiatorfcal cotmtrlee. 
Aribi waa a Greek of high caste, a great sol 
dier and a atateamaa. likewise a phllowpber. 
He came from one of the oldeat noble familiea 
of Nome, 1 mean Greece. Be had llred In Low- 
er Egypt for many moons, but had ncrer met 
Uttle Egypt. 

Wben war came oo be msbed to tta tiowt 
(Of the hoaae)< aad tbere did noble work. ArM. 
It waa diacomed. sallM forth aadrr a aaaa aat. 
bla owa, hat after ta had captand 
tta tmta came eat; bla aaiae waa * 
mlghtf aama It waa, fior ta ««■ 
tat Ita mttrea. 


X ti e B 1 lib €> a r «1 

FEBRyARy'sn; wn. 

The AMsiiiient Week in New 


A Marvel of Architectural Splendor, Opened to the Public 
f Cjbraacy 13-^Winter Garden will be Formally , 
. Opened Early in illarch : 

m*m T«rk. Wrb. 14 (Special to The BtnboarA). 
— Ow Q«orge H. Cohan Thcatn. at Broadwajr 
tad. Fsxtr-u>iid itrect, opened with Get-Rlch- 
ftili I WaUlncford as Ita atcractlafi. on Monday 
■stSnc^ Fehmary 23, 1911. It waa a caae of 
•.Oobaii theatre opeoux with a Cohan attraction. 

O e ufge Kelater raperrlaed the architecture o£ 
A» tteatre pervooallj, the actual hnlldlny be- 
by the C. L. Gray Gooatmctioa Com- 

May. Tba main entrance ot the theatre la on 
Hn4w> where an oretluisglnc eanopr allowi 
fi» patnas to atcp ttcm the aabway Into the 
JBgCSSmw- - 

_ eapoMd. to the Inclcni- 
Of Hie weather. Ae Interior ot the 
tkHtn is carried oat In tcm eotta. Iron and 
tBnae tn UMtdem tranaltlonal renalaiance de- 
i^V** with elaborate TeetOniles and marqneee 
Mlt Is a part ot tbe main facade. Tite theatre 
^■'"♦"r proper X> on Forty-third street, on a 
atet of sroond flOe hnndred and twenty-three 
W one handled feet. ▲ srwu limnher at anx- 
tutj ozlts hare bctn i ii SB iwI . 'Hw main 
Ubhr. oo Bnadwsy, liaa a Taalted eeUlac, 
aaUr dealsned and flntahcd In metal effect. 
Bto sntcrrenlns frleaes consist of moral palnt- 
portraylnc tbe history of Tbe Four Co- 
feaa.' Tbe soMects forthoe plctnres are Giye 
r Besarda to Broadway, me Ta&kec' Prince. 
■*!« a Grand Old Flas. Oet-aicfa-4)nIck Wat- 
^End and The Man Wlw Owns Broadway. The 
! aetaeme ot the theatre la Tyrlan porple and 
Jtld tflTcr. The new theatre liaa a capacity 
IBBwIm ately ooe tlioasand. Ooocfa Co- 
iTs atan cares ma CoaDd Um la naetleaUy 
mmw walk of tka ttaatSS wodd. team aator 
t»«aaacar, ftaa aatkar to fndoeaE. . It la In- 


'.The WIntar Osiden Company, which aisnmea 
(ha ■aaacaaunt eC tlic new winter Garden at 
Oa eomer of Broadway and SOth street, an- 
m muL t a that the poidle opentnc ot thta latest 
aad . noet nnlijTie of New York theatrical en- 
toiia III ■ wiU take niae* some erenlnjc daring 
Aa waak of March 9, the axaet date to be an- 
— ^— - - - which is 

Double BiU 

Zaik. M. 10 ttpanlsl to ns Bmboard). 
' her dODltle Barrie 

at tha Apirt Theatre last Kooday 
to the onanlmoaa pralae of tlM crUlca. 
■It-h7-tbe-rtre. whleh pr«#edMi the ahortiVr 
The Twelve- Pound I^oofc, waa admirably 
If anytliinc, Mlas Barrym<n Is better 
; for her port than site was when slw played 
I tkra years sco, and there la no doabt that ahe 
as Mis. Grey, the mlddle- 
I Omw, om " ' 

of her role. Tha work of tlie 
<Mt was commendable, altiujash a slight 
BtlofI of oneTenneai^ coold he made. Charli^a 
amntoo, as the qnlet bat hamoroua Colonel Grey, 
aad Anita Botha, as the ourst:, were llbually 
[e^t— ^ by tl>e prraa. Thr latter part of the 
»fii (almm ill of the eT«nInjc was ^Ten orer to 

y. M. Bai-iin'a new srttrvr, the Xwelve-Poimi] 

Look. It la a play written on tiie saobbesy, and 
a w-*-r''' soecess. termed by tbe i' 

e-Jt.'lKitosd the likaoma Ufe 
*~ ifba .wUh. oC_Etan:( . nnak 

to biaiM kalghtad. 

' pleased with hlmadf aad tha 
a aeeompUsbcd In Hfe. Kats. 
IS Bowa tlisd m Ills idolatry ot cold, 
leares liua to (O smoosst real men snl 
wnoen. snd aCter cettlns a typewriter on credit 
to -work at iumie antll ahe lied earned the twelve 
oiPll l Bt* to pay for the machine that meant free- 
Cbb from wealth and Its stasnatloa. Tbe ^oang 
■oHaman, after marrylns another wife, meets 
«lth a almUar ezparlenee. wlu> «t the concloalan 
aC tha drama mihia «ot tfooi ths ataga with tiie 
'PMBCd iBttBUoB of pnrdualaf a nadUha to 
iaaoow a typist alaok Thia la aooawhat of a 
■aw aasle » • tfR tkat la haoad to appsal to 
Ika aobcr aaa SBUit I inHrin - It Bpa>- 
gSjlarty. atiahK,l> .a>;aga ttat ateda M^a 

OC «M''«r>«ha British 

OB ho qB0t•d!'«a7fbl]awa^<■'with 
' "» vrtaelpal role, tha 
wimrtUnm that Asold 

• Bttiof fxacsdr aad.a langk to acad 

hUas Barrymore, as Mrs. Grey, poaaeasea an 
(Odent typist presence, a rery cheerfnl aad 
human Tlgof, wherefore her effectlrenesa la the 
part was ao rreatly to be appreciated. Hardly 
Maa tntereetliis was Mrs. Sam Sothem's inter. 
athm ot Lady Sloia, and Cliaa Daltsn aa Sir 

Un and wlil ha , 

Idaa «C TaiteM aad Uorie HUL 

In fUa eoBoeetloB. the Winter Oardsa Osm- 
pany calls attention to tbe tact that tha p>o- 
dDCtlona at the new playhouse will not be made 
ander tiie snperrlsion of Mr. Lew Fields, who 
is too btisy with bis own nndertakioics to de- 
Tote the necesaary time to another eoterprise 
of masnltnde. hot by J. O. Ilaffmin and Wm. J. 
WOaon. Mr. Helda has expecttd to ananie 
ua aartg. m- tbat la itftftt |y ^gMag tt^'^ 


Latest New York Success Contains Many of the French 
Elements of Cooiedy—- Newspaper Critics Find the 
RrbdnctkHi 1 

. farce In three 

.11, MtW. Garrlck Tbeatre. 

aeta, hy Paal 


Com, Fsrragut L«e . . . . . 
CoL .Georxc De Pej-ater 
Lleat. Aglocoart . . . . 


Prof. PcrlBbtah 

Oraat de la Benye .. .. 
BoUlBcer .. '.■ .. .. 

A. Hamilton BcTelle 

BIcble Ling 

. Lawrence O'Orsay 
.. Alexander Clarke 
Alfred Hadaon, 8r. 
. .. Beglnald Mason 
. .. Snnat Ooassrt 
.. .. Henry Hall 
. Xoto Hartiaaton 
. .. XSOlldt Moirsk 

:RETA STAN wood. 

In tlM east of Kicaw Me, at Ike Oayety Ttavairv, New Vuck City. 

Up and Down 


Charles Dillingham, theatrical manager. Is 
BOfferlng from acnte Indigestion, aj^grarated by 
grip, and wlU take a Tscation br adrlce of bis 
Dhyslclan. who oreserllMS rest and ctunge. Mr. 
Dilllnglum has not yet decided where he will 
go. bat he will probably leare New Tork thIa 
week for a lengthy holiday, 
. . Mr. Lae Shobcrtiand Mr, Modest .Altsehoier 
have arraaced >to>ai«e « «ymplMay''ceaeart' in' 
tlMxHIppodrMMiSondsy aftemooa, Mhich 6, for 
whM th^aeatr wfll:be sold at from flttaen to 
llfty - cents. Tlie Bnaalan Symphony Orchestra 
will play. 

MlM Margaret Wycherly has iMen engaged 
by Meears. IJebler A Co. aa principal com- 
edienne In Tbe Blackalldem, by George Bger- 
ton. In which Misa Annie BobwH will star.. 

Misses Dors De FUlppa snd Lionls Kwdl' 
Will altetnato. in. tiie title roto.ta;,Madaae-'BDt- 
tnlr, wUA la rerlTod In IEn^lib::ta^,:tka-Aboia 
Opera Ooa^aay at the Majsstle> Theatre-, this, 
week. ■ 

' One of the largest, tlxatre parties of . ttw' 
year In New 7ork was glyen at ths Liberty- 
when more thsn one t bo o aa n d Coloinbls Unlfar-' 
■Ity students witnessed Tlie Spring Maid wltb,> 
Chrlstte MacDonald In the ieadisa role. . 
- On tbe eTcnlng of Monday, Teh. 10, Mr' 
BalMrt KaataU presentad Bnlwer Irtton's fals- 
tnsleal drama, Blehellen, at tiw Hyi»naa Thea- 
tio Ja.Veir BkTaa,.as ii baaaftt.AirJ' 

Simon's Application 
for Receiver Denied 

New Tork, Feb. 20 (Special to Tba BlUboard). 
—Cyras S. Slmoo, of Chicago, was deoled tlie 
application ot an appointment for a rcceWer 
for the iDteiests of Fraiee and Lcderer In the 
attraction, Madsms Siier^, by Jnatlca Psge. 
of UM ■ up te ut a Oeort, last week. At the 
time wtaa dw Altma MMliMt to atar Miss 
AbarbaadI was ahaadoaad, nmea, who was In 
oo tiis deal, dosed hia eoatraet with the aUr 
to Frasea and Lcdersr. it Is sllegcd, tor Bto 
Oft cent, ot the prollta of the Ireaea eooedy 
in* threes acta aa Madame Slicrry Is costonarlly 
billed. It appears that the eompaay Inio 
strictly to the payment of the flse per eeat, 
for the eenrlces of Miss AberbansU anltl tho 
aaadliw>;'ODt of a second and third Madame 
■heriF' eompenles. Befmal of fall payment of 
llro^per esnt. on tlie proflts of these road com- 
paolaa OB the graaod that tlieir agfeemeat with 
the rislntllf .waa-tor the aerrleaa o( Mlaa Abar- 
:|isi>dl:;oalF;eaased' Simon to esfry the Better 
-to ;the'Zpelnt;.;at where I^crer and Pt a aea open 
bearlagi'otha^-^dalma of Mlas AbarbaneU Uiat 
alie.4iraS:Bewr under contract with Simea aad 
dld rBOt erea know blm, stopped all sae tor past money 
She.:. dedslOB > by Jastlee Psge against 
la tbe ODtsiNW,.«C;,tha '.irlHto procednre. 


New York, Feb. 18 (Special to The Billboard) 
— With a Dickering and neighing, Tbe Zebrt 
Paul Potter's latest Tersioa of tlie French con 
cdj, haa gaUogcd lato tha Oatfick Thaatn npoe 
rather a ihort aetlea. It will ha laealled ttiai' 
Oar World opened then oaly laat Wfeh, bat er- 
Idently cooid not stand tlie rerdlcta of the 
critics, for its exit esme somewhst too preas 
tore for its aaeceasor. The new play haa ^eei^ 
sign ot ooe that wiU not be saddealy dtsplsced. 
bat neTerthelesa, becaiae of tiie luste In tiring 
Ing it to tbe Oairlck It haa a tinge of the no 
dnlslicd sod' not salBeleatly rehearsed la Its 
pieseatatlim. ' A tew alghta. lloweTer, will no 
doobtedly dispel any rraaoa for '-farther coo- 
pialato oa Ihia acoie, aa the cast which ha> heem 
selected la fUlF eaaahla^aC 
ralea to aatiiii aaSSaM. -; 
sioa, of ceana. la gaOlF-aC 

tialltles to cemadr. bat to nerothaliee Indlrld 
nel and np to date, for as Alan Dale gbserrea. 
"ATistioo Iiss somethlBg moic to answer for. 
It crested the basis of a plot for a aew play 
that opened at tbe Garrlck neatrc laat night. 
It It la reprehrnalhle to make new and amnalng 
sitnations on tbe stage, arlstloo is terribly 
gallty. There le really mnch to make for smnre. 
meat In the aew tsrec." - These laddeats arise 
from the expedient adopted by two hosbaads to 
ran awsy from town tor a iraUday from domes 
tldty. The hnabsnds In qncettoa pretend to lie 
enthoslssts ot arlstioa; sad make vmagte la a 
dlrlxlhle balloon piloted by a famoos Frcachmaa. 
white. In tact, (bey dally with the white light* 
ot Broadway. All woold have beca well— fna 
their point ot rlew — bat tor tlie snanlrloas na 
tare or one of the wlrea. T%at sasplcloas wife- 
played with great spirit by Mlaa Vera McCotd— 
sets tbe lull rolling which I* to tomlsh gayeiy 
for Ue andienee hy npaetttog aU the wen-laid, 
piaaa ot the errant haihaada. 

Moat ot the erltlea agree that tha aew fsrce 
has mach to eomaiend It. TT 
folio wa: "In brief; tUs I 

■ebra eremrd to be the iff 

eolofa did ran at tlmea and the sltnattiaB' amr 
a bit ot tbe typical French farce thai glltoe 

i jarUealhg :. tS m t f .«r. 

(OoallBoed <e page SI.) 



KxciiM' Ue. RiiiMTl llnghes* new farce, pre 
aented at the Galetr Tbeatre Uat nlsbt la one 
real lolly entertalnmrat Bcfordlmt to the Be- 
lorlty of the critlee. The nadcrUoed idea of 
tbe farce rererto 4* the day* aC hedge pedgr 
comedy, bo ua dliae. teaf a s l ea aad a hsea par- 
trsysl ot exanerated hotoaa tnm. win la 
genloas Indeed are tho altaaHMa that occur 
doring tbe pmgrcsa ot tha pfaur wbiCh la bail> 
aronnd tbe experlencee of a aaahar of psoplr 
00 an orerland limited Imand from C!hlcago to 
San Francisco by way of Bene. In the crowii 
that learea on the train are to fonixl a 

bibalona boabanil, his wife at tlie point of 
diTOtce; a clergyman who parposes to dlire 
gsrd bis profession and enloy some of the 
shsdy nieaanrea ot life, an eloping bridal pair 
who missed the mioliiter on their wajr ta Ibe 
depot and who eonaeqnently era piaM ■ til* 

(OoatlBoed oa aaae n.). 


!lal to The Bnibostdi 

New York. Feb. 18 (Special to The Bnibos 
-Next tatudayvM. VaMis Ferarl »1U 
tan. to .«5f . « 


tbe eomlog • 
traordlasiy la 


18 (Sneclsl to Ae Bmboanll. 
■ stage 

New Tork, Feb. 

— R. n. Baraalde, the afage director of the flip 
podrome for tlie peat three years, slso anther 
of the hooka of the extrsTsgansa and mtip 
dramstle plays honaed , la the . big theatre,, bs*.. 
rnlgned in owy, ap ladiaato<j, .to.ldeeti|i! 

tie. Hii snccMar nxanai mtommg. , ■ "^tie. 
who from Ms past connectloae is wcB oaal l ae s ia 
tor the position 'to which he hss b een eleetelii.:. 


New Tork. Feb. IS (Bpedal to The BHihoardl- 
— Mroe. Msriska AIArldi. tbrmeily of the Met 
ronolltan Opera Compsny. sad her dsagbter. 
MIsa Mecke Aldrleh. defiarted tor tbe (Jontlnrot 
on board the Kronnrina Wllbeim. ot tba North 
German I.Ioyd line. She expeeto to slag at tlf 
lloyal Opers, In Mnnlch. and at nveral of the 
Ttslian opera honaoa. Her aon, Frank, was t 
hsse accompanied his mnlher on thia trip, hot 
after he had come down tn the pier be decided 
that he wnnid stay In New Tnrk with M' 

ithm. nen>ltr •qalllbtttt. plixlog 
ill.: .wm. lw;.aMa atltb Ma 


^jFJi^r B t 11 1» o a r <1 




The IrKSittible Eva Considered Best Drawing Card in 
Vaudeville -Other Acts at Colonial Theatre 
Last Week Meet with Favor 

Et« TiiMCUir. the Irrwliittblr rommllrani. 
jrld mer tor ■notlirr wwk. wan malo «be hod- 
Jar (tirarlloD ar lb# Cnlnnlal <1nrlnK tlir wn-k 
Imt rIoaMt. NVIibfr IwlriiirDI vraibpr. iH>r iip- 
lamrA pannrata c<>al<l prrTall aaalmr tbr 
oufartliia of b*r prrM-nrr, laritr liotmn asalD 
fulinc at Ibe nnprr Btnadtt'ar plarhmw. Od 
UondiT Dl(bl MI«a Taainiaf «a» pnwatnl trlro 
• diamond mnlal Klilrh vaa awanlnl hrr hy 
Uaaap-r Prnr O. \«'llltama aa Ibp sn-aim 
Jiavliut rard u *anilarlllr. own brr MInw eon- 
ataliora. - Adrllaa Om*. Xal C. flnndvln and 
Valraka llaralt. tb» aaranl hrlae haMl onna tba 
(MprrilTp box-offlrii rrrrlpra of llip rlral arar*. 
Cra Tancnaj'a art la •■aMntlallT Ibr aamr aa 
«bPD rpTlrwMI laal wrek. 

Ab art Ibat pmrnl aa n*r arrtml to Mlaa 
TaDKiiar'a Is pnpalar apprai ira» Ibai of T\tr 
KipnftiloB Foar. ramprlalns lb» Ibrro Atnanlar 
eratb«f* and Rradr. aiaal'al aatrrialiiM*. Uk* 
Sra, ih»r did Ihalr wark to aor. oiaktair fl*p <Ua- 
tlnrt cbiDgaa I* mMWm: opralnit la Mitr 
ffm wUtt eoatimiM. rkaMtlmr in f»4 avlrat 
«arb, Ibra in drrn imlta. I* Racllab walklair 
aolta af nndlali riit, ami MntahlBic Id Itritlab 
<0(*. Aoioon Ibr annm th<>y iMtnml tlnwD la 
JanflMnini. Tom, Tnm Tn*. Old Mnnn and 
i)B U'iblta Rar. a mral Muwmhlr. Thr Rn«arx 
Md Tlia AOTll nmrna ■rtt» «>«aaj-»<l aa In- 
dlramratal aambm. X atnni that ran^hi tb« 
fanrr of tb* andlraor iraa tb* plarlnv of two 
Mrapta at oa<<a br oim> of th* rwDB n'D. 

llaiTlana ArmalmaK'a oor-art plarlrt. Clr 
«iiiB«taatlal KwUntcr. iraa wvll np«rlf«4. It 
li atrimiilx dranallr la t«a*i vltb aa aaHMlaf. 
«*la of poardr niBBlaa thrwuita. Tb* wran wl 
of thr roapaay la aa follmra: Vamnaa. XT. R. 
Dowllnit: taitbrraar. frrrf ilnilih: flamMrr. 
SIrbard March: 014 RiwH. R. A. RraM*: 0«i^ 
oian. Jnbn K. Xpwaaan: trlatiman. Palrirk Fnj; 
Mr. rarllalr. Rarrr Itnrvfeardt: Tbe naaa. Joe 
floflf: Pint Taanr, Charlra Caarjr: Raaan Pro- 
' idn. Al. Wllaaa: Tba Kllaat nat>. OA. R. 

I Onart AttniAnit, flaalaw UtIbs- 

taadn. Al. 

^ . TlM> aroa* takaa.rlaf* la a Jair 

Tmb Wwaida mHilrlhalnl a Taatrlfmnlaf act 
Itot «aa fan at anTCllr. AHIivd aa a Palar 
kaatar. irllb a tfaaiair alnillarlr raa i aiawi . be 
•mciim la a 4lwii«al«a nf the Xartk 1^4* ««•• 
(roraraj that la axrrnHallMjr (WNT. ifr ataaa 
a BirlndlAn^ r^fraiD, lAtavjIia ' IvawaBMia t« IhP 
dunfflj, an.t whlrh tba 
aiUatlN arltb IbcB. 

New Yoric ■ - . 


Fii.i. mn \TRRK or frb. is. 

IiMflaarT Mil framMl np by Thf RIMImip' 
rvpiaaaalatli^a tmm a«>ta apiwNirlnr' »r Vpw 
Tflck TamWrnip th^afrr*. Tl»p imnnrtanrv 
Of Ibc art I* ladlraim hjr pnaltinn gfrrn. 
A—Aacwllb aart llartlar In A t'ohiuc Bar- 
. tft ■ptHaltr. 

AaM>rlnia Maalp llall. FMI Ktagc 
ft-nal Umltt. IMMwair Mnnnli«lit, The 

Collfitp Ibw rmai lianrlck. 
_ _ Fifth ATrnnp Tnnilfat. IB Oa». 
O— Tmoi Edwanta. Tcalrtlnqetol. la Tba POIar 
Colnnlal. Flill 8taaa. 
D— Rxpniltlon Font. AlrxaadcT Broa. and 
Urady. )in«lral Act. 
rnlnnlal. In One. 
B— ilarrr Pmim and Conpaay la A Caa* 

M fllrnrr*. 

AMIII i. a."':"''''- nail. VWI Slafleb 

"* »ajw Vraaama. araaathMul Acrobatic 
„ _ "Mn Atcbbc Thaalrc. Pnll Stage. 
O— Cawwr nimll. Man of 100 Rol>K. 

Ais'rlpan Mn>)p Hall. Opps Id Osa. 


riftb Arpnna Tbpatrv. 
, .. corr In Onp. 
J— lioTarda MnalPBl IVmlPa. 

•i'a C. OPE NINOS. 

—SSSL^SSLf"^ <8r«^l«l to Tb» Rlllhnardt. 
•~| ataH a inar tit lb* RnlllniB..aBil «N>q«MlBr 


Tha Ijat 1m-Ih4m nafimra-rjiaiWalw: 
Jjpk OnlAlP. lagalb aad Maadlac aad 

A'bar'a- Palar npara. 

Km w.™I51*'_.i» anwwa^t tbat thp aixatpr. 
Mr *"J fTr*^* "fffrln* aTltten h.v 

•SI Aa 'ggagi" ».a«W «< My JjatWaod. 

-"iiTlMiart^^Sftsjj; «g.!!5iA'>q!£u'»jg: 

Cnl» Bnil JohnwiD'a £Umbo Otrls ar« uni]Q«s- 
ttonablx one of the beil colornl actit Id vaude- 
vIHp. Six rlractoiiB youoK women ami two 
funny ramMlIanii. a biK MtrappInjE ba^ao. and 
a tfbnrt. funn.r llitlp moke wltb a tenor voice, 
nrnvble the niffrlmt^Dt, whirb la ctaftrnrterlied 
pi'otj of lir^ aiMt moTftiiWDt. Amoos" their 
■Mp .U» U9 Thar* Oolair foa*. Pboato Bvowb* 


Gossip of the Vaudeville Week in Ootbam— Bits of Neva 
and Items of Interest to Members of the Profession 
Near and Far— Misoellaneotu Notes 

New York. Prb. 18 (Special to Tbe BlUboanI). 
— Xpxt iprlns Al. H. Wooda will produce a new 
opprplta entitled Dadelaacb. 

Rpwle Abott, wbo waa to appear In Taobel. 
bnt wbo faond tbaa oa her handa wbea tbe 
propoaed praAMtlaa waa aat made. «rIU next 
aiaotb atart aa a aaaeatt laav with OaeM Biap- 

- o. ■ 



if. aaar at the Oayalp Tbaatm. Moar Taik OMp. 

Vesta Victoria 
i Show 

* ■■■• ■•«—..■• • ■, , •- 

New Tork. PVb. W (Rpfdal to Tbe Blli- 
boanl). — Vpata Virtoria waa tmt nf tbe abow 
at ihp Plaaa Muair llall laat niKlit and ihl' 
aflprnonn dnp to a tmnblpaontp pnld. At Ptt- 
ilar'a matlncc Mlaa Victoria aana wltb aomp 
diUpnlty and waa Inatbp In alTp thP parorc ao 
rliaimnvlr damanilNk . tha taallp a«ink>fepd to 
lha laabitMl crlMk. At tht l«a ahowa abe 
ailaapd Mlaa Tlctoria*a plarp waa flllpd tba 
Fnnr Amaranlha. a daaplaa apt. trim wi 'i p takee 
In fiill nakp-nn la a taxi cab fmm tbe Aiaer' 
lean to Ibe Plan, Mlaa Victoria la bUIad 
to headUaa at the' Aawrlcaa aeat weak. 

Current Vaude- 
A ; i ; ■ viUe Bills 

Albambra. — Rarrlnoa Anaatraa*^ 

tial Rriiipncp: Jnba a. lipaHT aad OaaMiaap to 
T<HM Walkpr oa Mara: Al iahrna. tolaalral aMB- 
vlniilai: tionloa aud Mam. Omnaa Maalfcpm: 
rn-Mi. MchllMiar aad Klaa. eBlprtatacr*: Blla 
XiiwIlD Comfiaar la Fas Id a Flrpbooae: Tbe 
!llx Sti'ppvra. daDCPra: Tbp Boamlinc Oocdnna. 
armhaix; Mabel Fonda and Company, elnb- 

AUH-rlran Mualc Han. — ^Vpata VIctnHa. Enj- 
llah ponu-rilcBiM-: May Gllnnrp, Floreu Family: 
Oclscr aod Waltprn; Rlcbanla and Montmap; 
I4I - BpIIp Chltialta: Orpat JnpltPi*: Rohprta. 
naypi* ami Rnhprta: Rlrpy Slatera: Cbaa. Keona. 
Ibp Fiiniiy Fakir; ctker*. 

TnaairSar»MrV 5l?*lba'"»i2S»2!i?3lt 

Br a eootraet recently eloaed. O. 

producer of paotomhopa. becoosea geoeral ataaa 
director of all Morrla Oeat'a praductlooa. na 
life of tba caatXBCt csleada arar a patlaa «( 
tbrec yean,. IMaiaa laaaw m|mp|S m-mm 
gaBtoaiii^ trtmm Inw '^SSFvt, jB 

Apca at tolba data aat (or tba opealac at tk» 
aaw VoUm Banna. vhM Jaaaa C uSkf aad 
mm B. BarRa are crectlns to Weat dMk 
•treat near Broadway. Alfredo Cnrtl. tta 
ballet maater, airlTpd In Npw Tork tbla WMB 
aiwl will aoon coninipnee rebeanali. 

Prank McKee, bead of tbe Interatata Aaaaa- 
mpot Company, arrompanled by Mr*. MeKaa. 
aaOed today for Enropp. Mr. McKee'a tlla 
abroad will be for plaaanre. Anerlea wlU art 
«*t.>^ ^alB foe three moatha. 

TjMtoB ai* biiokM to appear to' ^ 
WnUaaw dtcnlt of theatna. opaaUw 

Rack _ 

Perpjr O. 
March «. 

Edanud W. Keeley. laaaaaei at tba irm. 
Pox Clmdt, BMonw tbe loaa af Ua fatber. wba 
died at bla b«DP bera laat Wadaiadaj. al Ite 
a»p of atxty-elght. ^' • 

Cbaa. trwta, of Lewta aad Rlley. i iiMiIti 
atrona arm apt. baa bppn'plpctpd cbalrmaa of Ika 
alck mmmlttea of tbe Wblte Rata. 

A dnpllcate to Ibelr anceeaa reaiatrnd arar 
Wnilaaia ClrciUt la bete^ JaS 

'S** Jew- Harrpy. UtSr Ml 

ifwtajM^the OMbef^ttea. eo wblcb57lfiS 

Tbia week Trorata. the tIoIIbM. latHM Ik 
Lradcn for a loag eaicairmwat. 
Oris, tbp jeatlac lousier, baa atOI ■ Ana 

to mglatid. 

TbIa week (P»b. 20) VpaU VIctorU U at tba 
AmprtcBB Mole Ball. lactdPotaUy tt la bar 
faiawell waM^ to Aaierlea, befora retamlw to 
her aattra Kaalaad. 

Wacanhah aad Kataaer wfll bar* thraa 
tiaya companlee ea toar mat a*a — 
paoleo arc on tbe road at tfel 
plartnc tbIa anceeaa. 

New Torfc Lodge No. I, T. U. A., wm MS 
Ita next BcethMi Snnday aftcraooa, MaNk 

(Coatfaaed a* i 

The BUI at 
5th Ave. Th 

baa tbe boaor or MkiM tba atellar baoaea aa^S 
Mil at Keith aad fStt^ntSiAlSSStnSgSZ 
and of the BlUboaid AD-ttar Bin7rw£!^& 
»»» »»klcle U a draaulle ahatcb tMai tha 
of Ollrer Wbltp. called Man to MaaTa « 
playlet of Xew »ork RfC. Mr. Kecnaa'a k, 
that of a banblc worklagaan, wbo la coaa 
to lira to a damp and nolaome Eket SIJa tMa> 
mpDt. tbe naaanltary condition of wblcb baa 
killed bla wife, and baa now canaixl bla Uttla 
apjaa-paar^ dangbter to faU prey to dipbthala. 
Tbe Bglato Ttaaa terpallag tbp recepttra i«S 
aaa aMaac Br. Biooka' repMpncc. Tbnmgb m 
opea WMlaw the anow la •een talUncTniS 
IHicter (George C. Pvarce) lafBnM Sa mS 
(Mlaa TTnman) tbat be baa ta aa oat to^B 
aiorm to attpad to a profeaaloaal can. aai W 
tell any rialtora tbat bp will retnra wllhto Ite 
brar. Joet aa bp gora. Tbomaa Oracemaa (BoM. 
CUDirolnaa). tbp wpaltbj ownpr of an Beat BMa 
feopmpol tbat baa bpcome a pobllc diagraca. » 
ten pxcltrdly. and bpga tbp maid to aamaM 
tbe noctor to attrnd bla acTPD-ypar-oId boy, wbo 
la dyiag of dipbthpria alan. Tbp maid ran aaly 
bid Ma wait, and wbl'p bp HdjtPU In appreb» 
ma. Jna niab, the worklnaman calla to accva 
lha aai tl iif a af tbe Doctor for bla lliUe glrL It 
la a cariona ecpoe. tbe ncetlBjc of tbe mllllonatoa 
aad the prolptarlaa oa tbP connoa gronad of tba 
portOT^ aOce, bat tbe rich naa baa aaagbt tl 
bnman ayrapatby for tbe "wpakllnga." aa be 
nnfppllagly ralbi tbp dwpllpro of tbp teoemcata. 
Jim Drab tella tbp otbpr man tbat be bopea to 
meet tbe wicked ownrr of tbP aqoalld tpncoteat 
wbPTPltt bp llTpa. and aa man to man. makp bla 
arronni for tbp draib of bla wifp and thp UlaeaB 
of bla Phlld. Tbmogb a rhaacr rraark of tba 
■aM. JIbljMm Ifea MnMHp «r tba alker aaa. 
aad MhThta that be wm a re a aa Ma larpd oaaa 
- " ■ ' « at tba Darter tar 

Tha Bald learpa tbe room, and JIa 

— Joor. aad tbe« after a tertMc atraggla 

rWPea araceman lata aa adMalag room. Wbaa 
be baa 4nBP tbIa, tbp tPlPpbODP rtaga. aad wpakip 
Jim anawpr* It, and reela fmm tbe a*«>aga ha 
rppPlTP*. It u to tbP plfppt tbat bla rblld to 
dPad. la rpapooae to tbp mald'a frantic demanda 
rbat tbp door 1>c oppopd. bp ot»p,Ta. and almal' 
fa a raaa l y tbe Doctor eompa In from tbe atreal. 
aad aaba JIa what he can do for bim. Jim (ana 
Mm brabMlp tbat It la toa lala. aad pt e jm wa Ja 
1* attt-iaia tba algbt. O aaiaeer . wbea ma 
nnrtara leana Jla'a MeaHlp. ha aaaataa bla tbat . 
be ban )nat conie fmm bla baaMi Il l dglBi od 
tbat be baa attendpd bla eblM. aM tbat abeja 
ImproTlnr. While Jim Drab tB rreltng wm 
BilnaM doaM and frar. tbp Dor tor dlrlnea Oa 
tmih. aod accnaea Orarpmaa with pprpptrattad 
a prnPl boax on tbp wnrklnamaD br nalact'tba 
tPtpphone extpnaloa tn tbp room In wblpb be waa 
mnllnpti to ponrpy ' the anorlona maeaat*. * -na* 
Dr. Branka fnrtbar rarmla tbe tap* tbat » 
Mra. nrapeman. nMned Iv bpr roma>a» aWctlMa 
who eongbt oat Jim Drab-a little alck lia j fBB 
and necnred aereaaary medical alla a Wia far tiK 
RaallalM thia. Jim takea a ttltia bairti a* ~ 
tbat babaa baagbt tm hto «hM. J<aC«BB 

X Im !e B i 11 1> o a r d 

FEBRUARY 25, 1911. 

ji^itsement Week in 


Music Hall Situation Still Furnishes Matter for Discussion. 
'. Nothing Startling in Legitimate Theatrical Circles 
Happening— H.B.Irving to Tour Australia 

' Bcjond the fact that we bare had two new 
plajn tbli week there Is Dot mach to ctuOTlde 
with lesmrd to the theatrea. All oar araaations 
Jut DOW are ceateted nmad the Tatletr taall*. 
▲ moat tnniciidaaa battle 1* waeioE betwMS 
at tbe ptcmt tlaa as icsaraa reallr 

I nUie la aMw to' tm mai cMpIoc 
i^oeat. An tte'MML taktas tUnn an 
' tbe tbeatica an done l«*ttr wen. and 
BO one baa mneh eanae to complain. Tbe (act 
IM tbat monrr Is moch more plentlfal'loat now 
. ttan It bas been for aeveral yean, sod amoae- 
nta are natarally Srat In ttenefltlng by tbe 

Tbe moat Inteicstlnc of tbe two plars of tbe 
week te Ftcd Tny*s aal JaUa MOmA : 

oat of . a Job, la tfas shsps . 

- . Is rtrDlUiDc . about in oar midst, tba alay 

Is Teiy moch in polat. 

Irader. tbe Wqab * 

It. they ootht to be aMs ta 
ton. . 

It most be a crest nllef for Terry and bis 
wife to icrt away from Tbe Scarlet Pimpernel 
type of play for a little while, and tbe pmwnt 
piece docs gty^ them both a real opporrmiltT- 
It certainly came as a shnck to moct of Terry's 
CdtmcB ta seehlm^p liiyllnK^te mSt 

masrai of s toy ktavAom. Ilrtac a life of vice 
tal Psris. wblle bis blcb-Mmled wife tries In 
TSln-to net bim to (o back to bis Mnsdom snd 
msbc snothpr attempt to win bark bla tbrooe. 
Bot It Is an of no Qse. The cowardly waster 
CTcn eses tn the lenirtb of pswnloK bis crown 
Jswela to csTTy on ao umcreasfnl Intrime with 
tbe wife of an obacnre money leader; be ofTera 
to renoance tbe kingdom for tbe Tepohllc's bid 
of ready money down, and flnsUy sbdleates. -4 
to Bad that tha.la4r of Ms lima air wai 
Mm tot tfea sake tt tke tdte «MA fea^:kM> 
vAAalaad IB tka sad. 

Tha n i p ca slioands with to i. Id ea l and 

tlona thnKvboot, an^ gt-m both to TtaJ and 
kls wife wonderfol oppartunttlea of fine aeUBR 
In tbeir own atyle. and tbey mak» tbe most of 
tbem. Tbe- cnlmtoattor areoe la where the Qneen 
threatens to throw herself snd son down from 
tbe window If KIok Cbrlsttan win not abdicate 
In bla faTor. ThU la aplendldly , ImpreMlve and 
it mealed Mln Tfeltaan In a new llfcht as a 
laaUy One emottoaal artrna. T*ttj plays bla 

■ only 

ksTe fomia aaotbcr wlaner. 

I 'Wife 

The other new piece of the week Is Tbe Wlt- 
aesB for .-e Defence, by A. E. W. Maaon. nro- 
daced by George Alexander at tbe St. James 
Qicatre. It la s drams of mmsnsl interest and 
It uiskes the jcrestest demsnds upon the plsyers. 
capeclslly npon the leadlDc lady. who. In tbe 
Pttson of Mlas Rthd Iirtnc. haa for once s part 
. laslly salted to har abUMas. KzccptInK tbat 
w tbe flrst Bttht aha ana otar-acmoa. she 
' came tbioai^ the ordeal la trlimiph. 

The story In brief la tbat of a well-meanlns 
bloniler of a man. who. to prevent what he be- 
Ueves to be the inerltable conviction of a wo- 
man on trial for the morder of a bmtal and 
dmnkcD bnsband. comes forward at tbe laat mln- 
ate and ^tcs evidence on her behalf which ae- 
Cnica her acqnittal. But Immediately afterward 
be tdls her that be wIU retract that erldcoce 
lialna ahe^ hecaslt. within two years, eonfeaaes 
to the obaa. The pl» oneaa with a flae scene 
between the nabsppy Stella Ba llaaly e and ber 
bnsband. an Indin aOeUt ^WMfrVMaritabte 
akm tbe relations'ar tbe two ate set forth la 
tbe mnst strlkfnc fanbloo. Then comes the crime 
snd with It the appearance of Threak, one of 
Stella's former Inrers. who messie. ahe bas shot 
tbe hallr to self-defence, and eventnally. by his 
erldenee. itet her off. The beet scene comes 
when Stella pleads to Tbresk for mercy wtaeD 
he Insists on ber telllne the tmtb to tbe man 
to wkaw Ae has Jost beeome eoesiced. Probsbly 
aar'toan hot Aleaaader wnald bare nude the 
aart mt Th i es k no lalwUSh tbat symnsthy wonid 
■ase tt»m e alte i iy wHh tbe woman, bnt aroldlns 
-lUa. tlliaa*! ulna as mwb ImnreaalTeDess to 
the past thaf the areat emntlnoal power of 
Stella was as aceeawr to coorlnce tbe sna- 
tence as bIm. 

Taken altoaetber. slthnoab the piece can 
hardly t>e deecrlbed ss belar of the srmpatbetle 
order. It was amcrera. With the leartlDK parts 
ade<TDately tUIed. the other members of the com- 
pany Ml — an easT task. As the boaband. Steph- 
. en Rallantme.-lTston Ijle makes s bla sncress 
while leslle Fkber Is admirable as tbe yonoK 
la soan tespects tbe niece rhsllefiites 

" I wlik Sirs. Dane's — ~- " 

' It 'alBBds the test ' 

An Inteivalliur flmre walklnjr down the Strand 
last week wrs Gns Kerker, who waa on bla wav 
to a rehesneal of The Pelle of New York — aonnds 
like old times, dnefra't It? As a matter of fact, 
thl* time tbe Belle ia only to run for a few per- 
fmasBces, bat Edns May or Mni, Oscar Lewls- 
aaha. as we arast now call her. Is 
her letlmeBt to •'tay the part of _ 
gbA eoee saen — this time for charity. 

It Is nnderstood tbst H. B. Irrlnir bss slned 
a contract with tbe Jainf^ C. WIlllamsoD rnitUt 
for a tour of tbe chief clflea of the commoa- 
wealth. Tbe repertoire will consist of Sir Hen- 
ry IrrlnK'a f^tock and aome of H. B.'a own me- 
eesaes. A flr«t rate company win ro with bIm 
snd Is ex-^ted to sail In tbe sprina tn order to 
_bejte time to open la th e ddlabtfal AoitiaUaa 

The bealtlM;«HMBB coach wblrh Is bein; 
nsed la tkrpMMOlial Beau Brocade, at tbe 
Globe ThtalM L vwaa.'toiill by a London firm of 

coaefc ■■■aliilnia ater aae baaiiad jcaia as» 
far the thM-IMke aC »awtaatla> ■ wll ifc 
flBTfiaaiai bi aiB s id It (ton Ita sa 'ati to I8IT. 
la order that It might be ladaded In tbe Eng- 
lish exhibits at tbe Chicago exblbltlon as a 
spedmcB of old Bngllsh esmsge bnildlng. Tbe 
original cost of tbe coach waa £7.800, sad It 
Is stfll In perfect co^tisa. 


Despite tbe snnonnccment made some time 
ago that George £dwardea. tbe great muslcai 
comedy merchant. Intended to ease up and rest 
on bis laorels, be eeema to be getting hosier 


A New Play at the Varietes — Opera Has Premiere at MaiW 
aeilks— An Entirely New Brand of Plays Scheduled 
for Presentation at tiie Gymnase 

lea Midlaettea (The WafUas OMA a«w the 
light of day this week at the Tailsta^ aae at 
the Baalceard theatraa. It la a caantr b tsar 
acta, aal Loale Arlaa Is laapaaaMa te It. 

I feasa tiamatai "BMIaetM" ft aw HM 
gift. That Is the way the tetaa haa esaae to bs 
recognized nowadays, tboogh really It ooght only 
to apply to tfeat.claas of yoong girls who act aa 
asalatants and apprentices to drew and bat 
mafcen. It Is to this gronp tbat the heroine 
of I.ooIs Artos' new play bdongs. 

Pleire UatblTCt Is a stndcnt. Bla one paasloa 
In lite is tbe slndy of tbe career of Cleopatra 
and ao be ratht-r natnrally paya less attention 
to his wife than he ahoQld. Likewise he paya 
UtUe thought to bis dotbiag, sad isoka oM 


Kav'oC tha Ti 

he created I_.e Tribua, 

ha la 

than CTcr agaia. At the pititBl iBoain 
already acUrely eagaged la the picparati 

patting on the Ioog-ex|>eeted Coant of Loxem- 
bcarg aa aoon aa Tbe Walts Dream bas mn Ita 
coarse, and bi addition to thla be bas snotlier 
Prsns Lehsr creation on hand in - tbe shape of 
Glpyy lore. This latter piece cootalDS three acta, 
the aecond only of which cornea under tbe head 
of moalca] comedy, the othera being dignified by 
tbe name of comic opera. Tbe aecond act Is in 
Dreamland. Tbe piece la to be pnt on at Bis 
Majesty'a Tbeatre — of all places — during Tree'a 

By tbe time yon get tbla, Zena Dare's mar- 
riage to Manrlee Brett, aecond aon of Lord 
Esber, srffl be aadeat history. As s mstter of 
fact tbe wedding Is a noteworthy one becsnse It 
looks like belnjr one of tbe few stage and peer- 
age marriages Ukely to tnm ont sstlsfaclorily. 
Tbe bridegroom la a yoong slater not oTer-eo- 
mmbered with bralna. bat a good sort all round. 
His father and mother have received the irlr] 
with open arma and really have a great affeclloo 
for her. Zens will leave tbe stage now as anon 
aa existing contraeta are fnlSlIed. It la aboot 
seven yeara now since ebe llist came into notice 
and aince tlut time, with her sister Ptayllla. 
she hss crested tbe pletme iMsteafd heanty sad 
has pmbably been pbetacrapbcd aMia ttaaea 
than say other six women to the world pat to- 
tfctber. She bss never bad any real ptetenalona 
to being an actress — nnlike ber sister, who seema 
likely to develop Into s real ertlat — bat ber 
face and dcnre have ninjallv beeo onlte aofS- 
dent to attract andlencea. Both girls are real 
favorites in tbe pmfeaslnn. and desnlte the fael 
that thay have heea m ora dlscaaaad tliaB any 
pssaeat atoito4|saanftlaat ao one 

ksct-dUMad aaa 
s all right and a 
Gcrmslne, the ha 

hero's wife, wesried by the lack 
of attention and tired of the Jokes msde. by 
ber friends st tbe expense of ber boabaad. Is 
only too esay a mark for des Ardana. who 
makes love to ber for all be la worth. Dla- 
gnsted with her home lite. OermalDC. on a all- 
ly sobterfOKe wblcb ber boaband sees tbrongli 
In an Instant, lakes a trl|>— abaents taerselt from 
home with ber friend. Cnt to tbe aol^ be- 
eaoae he la ao IMI, bat wllhaat aar ilMhaUat 
taaraiia Ua wtttar har tont; ^-^-^^-^ 
g ood, plena aato ahsvt to 
In slience. 

Wslklag in tbe Tnllerlea, . 
with Jnlle. Jnlle la a mMlaatte, 
beartetl rounj; thing of elxhieea st most. She 
has s coDfab with Pierre. She falla In love with 
blm. Why? It Is one of the myaterles of 
love- To ber he la s cavalier, a aavant, a bero. 
and abe telle bim ao. And. lol the scatea fall 
from rierre'a eyes. Tbe tendemcaa which Jnlle 
shows for blm awakens tbe Ion which hu for 
ao long laid isiiaaat la Ma.- snd hs becomes 
what JnUe IMafea ha to: a loear sad ■ esvallrr. 
Bat the saa ka a t a tore ta tor the erring Ger- 
malne. He has a great (oodaesa for the aym- 
pathetic little midlnette, bat doara la tbe bot- 
tom of Ilia heart all tbe tore srhleh la there be- 
longs to Qermalae. JBUa baeMaa hia ■liln m. 
and the two are vary kipiy. .' : , . 

Oermslae. of eooraa, asM- kaato tl' all tliu 
She baa a rlvall Horronl Uks OMat — It net 
an— women, she decided tbst tkla waald aerar 
do. If anybody else isw aaythlag bsBdaome or 
knightly or lovely in Pterre she wsatcd blm (or 
herself, and abe loaes no tima in getting iMcfc 
to the scene. She baa oot been rtsny wicked, 
only miw lae_j ya tha^tflljaa.. aad P ita Mi 

u^eSea^ral ■aka'hira^^SrlT^ 
I ha oahapviy wltbaot it. She ceaaolca hM> 

end . - 
lag as It 

would ha L ... . 

self srith aaolber. ber Oaaes of the old days. 

Grabnre, a plnmber. She knew all the time 
that ber hipplnrsa was not going to last, sod 
when tbe flnal day came abe waa ready for 
It. and had her mind all made op befocs band. 
So Grsbnre for her. 

Tbe Parte press tccelTcd the piece well. Uke- 
wtae did the pnbllc. The csat la made np of 
real atars. Mile. Mlstlngnett appearing In tbe 
role of JoUe. Max Dearly, with whom Mile. 
Mlstlagoett created the Daace d'Apacfaas. aoms 


aa r n s iiBla lar. aaete e( Plctie^ to eiwllsal. aaA - 
mic. Bearer, as JaMe's pal, QiMMlK. ii aaa 

at the real hito at tbe comedy, r " " 

wlie^ Ociaala^ to U tbe bsods-aCta 

liiiilfi'aM'-at ' 


laat wtA I told of tha atenricra of I/la. 

ectre at tbe Opera-Coalqae. This week at Mai^ 
aellles, the Opera-Moalclpal gave (or the tost 
time, soother oi>eta, tbe scene of which Is IsH 
In Corsica, and, like tbe other, the plot binges 
aboat a family fend. Robert de Plera and Gas- 
ton de Calllavet, antbora of Love Watches, la- 
eoastant George and other slmUar plays, are 
the creators of the book, the moslc being by 
Jesn Koognes, sotbor of Quo Vsdis (tbe opera). 

Qlaa Bsttlsta. sevca yeara before tite cnr- 
taln riaes. klUed tha hNthar aC:«ka hctoadkr 
at gcadarmcs. CeceaML aa< tkM-toala'UMlf 
scarce. Since tbst time the cHaralM to IHS 
for Oeccaldl ia to aveaca tfea *ath of bU 
brother hy the capture it BatUato. BInells. 
daogbtcr of tbe bt^sdler, a beaotltal Carmeo 
sort of creature, withoot any promptlBic on ibc 
part of ber father, enters Into the scheme of 
things, and plans rerenge on ber own hook. Mi- 
chel, aon of Battlsts. Is in lore with ber. sod. 
believing bis a t>op«less css« be decMes tt> 
leave tbe coantiy. Hla mother begs blm to itix 
In Ooralca with ber. and be is on tbe point of 
yielding when hla father latnaa from the braah 
to ace hla faaUy. Ha leaoa sC KMhcPa km 
and decides bla to BMet hla. tha Citfeer. at aa 
appointed place at dawn, sad together tbey 
wm fly. 

Blaells, fearing aometbing is op tboogh hav- 
ing no Idea what comes to Michel and tells blm 
ahe wm be hla wife, providing he snU prove bis 
trust ia ber by teUlos her tlie aeeret ot hla fatl>- 
er-s biding pUce. Michel yldda. The third act 
ahows the courtyard of the geadsrmes ot Cor- 
sica. Battista baa been captured by the brigs 
dler and* bla men. Rlnella la there and ah* 
tens tbe prisoner how It was tbst his own as* 
betrayed him snd at what prlcel Tbming, Bat- 
tista cnraes hla aon, who. la a traaay of aad- 

— - hatred caaMaad. aelan a 

aae at tta — daiaa a M kWa hto 
■ aha. drlW. AashBalBcM. Be. 
after all. has aalr mlliiaid &. net a( tha 

la. Aad that^tta aaaa «r tfea aev 

La Tcadatta. It to la OHn acto; 
Aceotdtag te a Paris theatrical aaa who wir- 
nea a ed tbe p^ermsncc. the piece waa a success. 
There wss s desl of cariosity oa tbe iiart of the 
pahllc, sa well aa amang profesaloaala, as 
whether Nonguea would repeat the auccess he 
won In tbe music of Qao Vadls. It la generally 
accepted that be bts succeeded. Tbe second 
act (where nattlsLi rrttinis Ukevtaa ia- Jb» 
love duo between Mlcbel and Blatfia) IB aWB 
to be splendidly composed. 


Bere'a a new Idea. The theatre is lee aa- 
resl. It never plctnres Ufe aa life really is. 
Too mnch Is left oat. No msn. tslka aa a atage 
hero talks, sad ao woman acta .as a stags wo- 
aaa acta— to iiaj dai illhi aa iiia snd I sad 
all Bee It. A imfifflgiT ■■■ li n aat sm 
ap aad take tka tnrtt MrUa inaHiari He 
]n>t goes ahead aad ifleeaa hlaaelf to death 
wltboot a vrord, aaleaa he he a Jelly-ash snrt 
of chap, or he grteraa to aUaace notll time 
cores him. one or the other. The atage makes 
s half day paa In the apace of thirty ralnntcs.- 
Time never forgets Itaelf In real life Ilka that. 
On the atage a room ia never empty for a sec- 
ond If tbe stage manager aad play-aothor caa 
help it, and the characteia come and go la the 
moat aystematic order and always -at the par- 
cologlcal Boaaeat. Uh to set Ufea that. T» 
aake a leas ataty taaser. the aav lAs^ of 
aUga teaUaa aaya the atsce Vuft raal at all. 

The aew Idea la, attar sahiailag aaaa of the 
abeia dlaaertattaa. to 1UK>-Taallaa ea the 
atage, to has* aetata act Oka laal Bfe aca act 
and actresses like real Itto woaea. Let tblrLf- 
mlnnlea of real life acting not pialsBd that it 
li halt a day, bat 5iut thirty lalaatet oat "f 
the bero'a life. This Is the "Tbestre Imprcs 
alvc," aa Ita creatora call It. and M. Bonr » 
the directing person. Perfonnioccs of tbese- 
"ImpresalTc''^ or realistic pUra ire to be fltcn 
in mstlnee form st the Qymnaaa. 

La Scnlptenr de Uugnea (The Mask Makert 
U the Utle of the flrst "ImpreeslT' play to be 
seen nnder If. Boar's management. It Is la t^rae 
acta, sod bas for Its aatbor a y e nng ater, rrr- 
Ooaaaelynck. If I am correctly Is- 

Ji hat ta a u -thtee yesrs ^d. 
sBufe aafcic. :Bs fiahloaa. false 

iaaas. Be Is astrtsd sn* 

decs not lovs bis srlfe. Bs Is ia lovs with hl> 
■Istsr-ln-lsw, who llTca In lbs mbm booss srltb 
then. The aister-la-Iaw retoraa tha iSaetloD. 
aad tha wife catebca the gsllty caaato ia 
set ad aaMBB leee to 

FEBRUARY 2S, 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 



"Don't Sing the Chorus" or any other part of any Song until you hav* deeid«d for youiMlf whathttr 

-V';^^.^^';-" ■ V .-'•r'nettbo..pioai0 Is nMtritorioius..' - 

■ yiHf Wttiimid imti a plan by whieh prefosalenala will te Miabtod to Icaap in taiieh wKh aH tha 

Id a plan by whieh prefoaalenala will ba anablad i 
k te wMk, without aetually having ta aand far 
puMlalraiv wMI ba r apraduaad fn Tha Bill 

produetiena of tha varioM 
of aavaial aenga that ara ffrasli 
a awg a will fea 


; .?. lr. - Copyright MCaUa by JEROME H. REMICK A CO. - - . 


As ay sad IR-Bv*ac3; Bar-ri - ean, MS - Vcy andKew.ney, 

Ilaa-lon, Scan- Ion, Kirk and Don-Ua, Der-Hn, Kcv - Icr, Walsh and Coo- Un, 
Ro • sea.brr- and Har-ris. Co - hen and Bo.uas-kyv 

Hea - nea • wty 

Graw, all to ■ gcth - cr thout Ifar . nh! 
Falk 'arc the men who rule New Ifbtkl 

TbgrVe all (ood A 
Th^Ve all good A 


> ji ji ji I J 

Raf.fcr-tY and Bw, 

toe M? - ty, 
Ilara-mcr-struiaEd Goest, 

■ Cot- ij and M$ - Qneea, 
Shea and Fin- ner - ty 
Stern and Ro - sen . gaesi. 

Rooaey, Coo-acy, 
Far-iefl Car- roll 


^ J l ■'|M' f 

B8T.irltoia i aandtiDjaa M 

T r 

nr 1- tamr I aaa>aal Ifi* wik - 

aat joa, Ibr I 

,Wbai ordering Piofcissbntd G>pies 
say 3^ «w it in 


Watch this page every weeik 

Motion ^^ictttr ^ %ey/s 


jEditoirvjbf Newspaper in Small City Sets Forth His Opinion 

of the Future of the Industry as Based on 
. - Unprejudiced Observations 

Baa tbr motloa p l«ti i i» cnaa w a cbfd lea 
.ttalt? That was a qoHKlaa pat to ii» rnj re- 
.Cratlr. iiKl aflrr aamr jripara mnwUplnit at their 

faariualliiir *(brlD<>. 1 am iilraMid tu antmiine* that 
*I brill VP ibrm oolj* falrXv In Ibfir latmucy. 
l^MiklDf bflrk MKnt* jt^nnt. we «if flu* crude. 

laniiihtK. (lanrlns. distorted flsiinM. hupiomhI to 
'be charHCterx. In tlio ttwentlj* llttii* Mtfck t(»|tii 

irtlh ibe wiiiilns olreet fair ci»luiniDleK. and we 

BUirTH at tUc wonilerfnl advancvoieiil Ibal ao 

Ite ff ' "nTl ^■ir^iirWft-T^ fe-''"***''' 
. 1»' Mwh^ gmit nlMir' kM' Ibb linpr*n>arat 
«Mn 'lwaMll fdrwarO. tbat If tkr ildw «r ibr 

HkMtii ai» aada irtain. tW at* mlmmt ^. 
Wmr ' amlmtoad aa leiHilaiai* draaia liaair. 
ICn. ihV pirtnrp propwtlli* la ■nl aa' lbp wmtr, 
1>at Increialns lo pMnlaril>',' «lMlt 'ltWlM4MM 
la iHii sn-alljr orerMooei. wt Uk I tasM M MT 
ia file .ratie. and liaillf an. 

Too manr pernoon In the amaller citle* are 
tryinK to nmke a llvlnp o«t nf a fetr bnndrrd 
^llar* Inreated In imnrtx eiinliipeil and rentl- 
lated More hat <llnva ami merr rmljr bnlea. »llb 

vonraii flima Ibat an- rlietip lo prifr anil rheaper 
te appMniiea and effert. atal arkleli baa made 
' ' ' i anVer In eHi»e<iaraer 

«taM»: an miNr 

at iSr brat ' 

w in - tbat tba IMMIr Inrra a 
fenw Rtml Ibr pcngnn mar I* 
. a portlaa iir tbe pnUle wni 

. I nor tl aB M tm 

(o to Ibeae cheap aMwa nllin* ar 

II* OM lapanur" aaclt'ttat win b* almoat ant* 

which maaiia a falllnK 
Aew'rrlnK luinMW. 

Bat tte -tbie ail It mij. tbe mntlnn plrtnre u 
bere tn ^tny, Irrefipecttve of bim who bnttfi Info 
AO orerrmirtleil Held and irnea to the iMd. In 
their latereetlns ami reatrnl effrct aMO 
wbo Inlnr at Ibe deak. tbe emnter. tbe 
(br dltrb. or It aialtrra not wbet»^ tbnv ia an 
tomdatllda dndre M atimi thn* coodraaed 

«ltlna« nf the hlsbiv art. that w iia la mr 
IT In. lha leiriuniaw m.aay " — 

. .'■vj^bfy^** . ao€ ■•■^.'.iMt; 

- .*.i!' B ia iJ l '" d J »aa lole w tad In th» operattr ra- 
IHM' whirh rath* Fieeea made a abort tina 
UMw ' In prndnrlnf II Tmrntnre on the pletore 
•rrran thr French inannfiic»nt»r» enterrd ■ nrw 
«iata tn the morlna ptctnre deld nerer before 
4rod«1ea nfioa br an.r one elee. Comment aroaa 
4inlte freely cnnremlnir IhN -nmlert-iklnir anl 
«l*nr pnx'lrted fillnre. rinwc-er. the reanlf of 
<he nnilertnklDic proTrtl Ihot Pafhe Prrrea bad 
oni1eTtfi*en a verj prorttable Innoratlnn whieb 
ther Intend fnllowlnr nn. ■n<c tl'Ie of thrlr 
-aecnnd operatic pmiln»tlon h^a not yet' hccB 
annonnred bnt It la deOollely oo'le ta 'o n d tbat 
alaaa aca aadrr war t*. :i*«rMla<v .tba.atory 
-Mlto an**« •( Mi. of •■ri!"*H5_»»lodttj. 
The <>niiif*a warb . a« .>tbi«a f4etaraa la 
«arefnl1y mmt a rtla i lfnUy d"ao. • The amonnt 
of exnenw. tm a l l ** tn nrndnra a arblect of 
thla mind faa b» KlaanMI from th* fart that 
It tekea on* party one day lo color ten feet 
4»f film. A« each reel la one tlionffnod feet 
*m» and fh're arc a larce nnmher of coplea of 
thta reel prlnte<| one can readily nee that tha 
4iMt la mnrb bisher than that IvqnllvA to piadaeo 
tbe ordlnarr releaee. 

The eitm expenae I* I w iii n d In tha armnatna 
af fbr nrore nf the ofiera to the neenmpaar- 
aMt of the fdi-ture. tn nftalnrlnc II Tmrntora 
Cboa. r. Mnlter comnoaed a ixiok of rarenty- 
•■ne pa^ea In or^er to aeenratelT deacrllie tha 
aarlnna phMca of the atonr hy the melody, 
^ere were one thnnaaod of tt'e plino prorea 
pr'nfe*! nrwl In their next elmllur nn*iertatlnjt 
thev w'll hare to hii''e a lerrer nnmlier than 
thi*. Th^lr mlrro-clnerowto-r^nhlrnl Inreatlca- 
-tlnne which «heT reoort nnon the eerem In pnb- 
llr view. «neak hlahlv for the character of tbe 
work In --hlrh Piiibc Frerea la cnr«ccd. The 
.arnerlment* are all cairlcd oat orcr In their 
f WM b laboratorfeo. 


rblcafo. Ibb. U (Rpaclal to m» HRIboart). 
— trr. Jfllino Mayer, nf tha laaaalo Film 
flarrlr*. rhleafo. la now tmvlloit^Car that 
<o e r*^n and nvo'na hrnncb odicea In tha ▼artoixa 
qnartera o» the Sfatea. Ia«t week Mr. Si-urer 
«ee.-»-^ oP'c^ In the Iowa I^'an «nd Tmrt 
Fnli'lna. T»ea >folne«. I^.. from where the 
Caemmie Pllm Serrlpc will rtl«tTlhnte flim to 
th"'r W'^.'om »>iitmni«. Mr. Slnirer will toon 
luVe unother trip for the aime imrpoae bnt to 
A*ber terrtterv. Mr. t. TT. Ken baa aaannMd 
'«l» dntlea wtth tbr CblcMta a«le« fanne i jy «aae 
br vr. H »iio n. Aa a ^rnwfli a Waa nC.'Iba bW> 
^itaan oC MInw aiBiaVirm at the Oblcaan of- 
waa. nreaented. witii a bnndaoma travol- 
tar 1e»a*'^leh he orlTea verr h'arhlv, 

■That the American nroilnct I« heeomlor oopn- 
lar In Unr^ne 1« ntn'nlr e-lnred by the rfnt 
mmtf^ of the Amerie^n Fl*ro->lfc. Co. releaia 
Tenilerroot. The We-tern Tmoort and FUm 
<>>.. of Tondon h«Te already dlipenaed for 
twenty meln of tM« Dim and ara | >«|t»tlnit 
^H*ie. Bevtifi'H Bendlf. anotlier A iu aweon Film 
5«*c. Co. reiemie. the We«fem people claim will 
aa«r.7« aboct thirty coplea. 


la hi taceint of a letter from 

Comnanv. 24tat and Rlehardena 
ICrir Tork City, adrlalna na tbat yonr 
hi vary anslooa to commnnlcate with 
rpOB WTltfna to the Powera Company 
looto for two weeka will be fnmlahM yoa. 

lo octpMaaM lham aatU aomethlns belter 'U 
prmfnecd, and tbat la. Ibeir popalarlir with tbe 
poorer ciaaa who can not afford to attend tba 
bltrber claiw hn«M^. and wblcb brlo^ii aubabloe 
anil some sorrow to their hearts, for amoof tbe 
almoat ecdleits repertoire tbiTe are many taken 
from povert.v'e ilfei>eiit depths. 

Ia places tbrrr may be a dpclloe, bnt all over 
the nwUoD plclnre * nttrprlia U here to alar, 
arlib aa aadtaaa ■ jaartbllHy, aC 


Gaumont Type of Camera Not to be Considered in 
Charging Infringement of Edison Patent— Warwick 
and Pathe Machines Still Causing Litigation 

On JannaiT U, lOlI, an order to abow caoae, 

alpwd by B. Henry Laeombe. United Statca Cir- 
cuit Court Judge, and addmard to the Inde- 
pendent Moving Pirtorea Company of America, 
Tbomaa I>. Cocbrane, tta seneral manager, and 
Carl Laemmle, Ita pmMent, cailed upon them 
to show canse on Jtnoary 20, 1911, why they 
ebonld no. be adjndscd In contempt of coort as 
for disobedience of the Injooctlon theretofore 
Iwucd la' lha eate, and ontmI on tbt Slat day of 

na, '»»t.iid!pMM^f^^ 

m pMnra booM. tbr Uta. «aa 
1 afMUaabaaL Wa*A br ICM. 


New Tork. Fab. 30 (Special to Tba Billboard). 
. — ^Two bondrtd aad ttftecn employee of the VI- 

nlhera In enjoyment aad aaH lla lnment- Tha 

profram fnllowlni; tha bBMWt Iteelf eomprlaed 
Ihe latest Dim made bgr tfo conpiny. entllled 
The New Sienoerapber. a arcond plctnre abowlna 
how aod where tbe Vltaaraph pictnrea are made 
wherein eacb employe saw blmielf In bla own 
department at work; Mra. Ellnore Trimble, of 
the 'atoek company. - with a aoprano solo; Flor- 
ence. Tomer appeared In Imperaonationa; Mlaa 
F. Jeaale Smith, alio aninlst: Banr Mayo, look 
and atofy: Lawrence Mmhle, rerllaliaaa, end 
many other rontrlbntors, coaclndlnK witb' a Tl- 
tarraph portrayal of Tbe Tale or Two CTUea. 

All the Ir'ltaKTapb persnnalltlra weie preaeot 
from tbe blithest to tbe moat bnmhie. Tbe itrest 
patberlnit were entertained with pnre enjoyment 
and all bad a most 'rIowIok report on tbe anc- 
cesa ot the IBll banquet. 


Mlaaonil Talley'a Kew; Pbotoplay honae waa 
fnwaally wtmt H tta. poblle >>!).. «. Tbe 

nir for a pictare thea- 
$10,QdO. and la entirely 

tre at a cOBt aT ahnnt . 

modem In every respect. It la donhtfnl If there 
Is another town In tbe Tlnlted Rtates. tbe slue 
of MIssonrI Valley Ibat can boast of Ita equal. 
On .tbp opaalnr alsht orer 1.000 pmple w«ta la 
— o. Pratt la -* 

and Pathe cameraa prior to that time. Tbe order 
to show caose woo based upon tbe oflUarlla ot 
Edwla I. Staadlah. Joaeph F. McOor. Fkoaa Uita- 
maaa aad Chorlco A. Baebbee; . aat tatar' an 
aflMarll of Albert C. WIccbers waa addodT Tbeoe 
aOdarlta set out the use ot Oaomoot eancroa la 
July and September, 1010. and charted aame as 
an Infringement of tbe Edison patent and a vio- 
lation of the Injuortlon. Tbe aOdarlta alao oat 
at the allrsed ase of s Warwick camera In Jnao, 
1910. and cliarKi d that ai an Infrlnxrocot of the 
patetrt and a vlolafloo of tbe Injunction. 

Tbe returu ot tbe order to ehow cause was 
later extco^Ied by the coort to January 20, 1011. 
On that day. counsel for Ihe defendanto, Bon. 
William J. WaUaca. f ocBfMr Jaalor O.TS, Clr- 
enlt Judae for tbe S tV oii Malt, nit Mm. 
iloaatoa Kenyon, Ean,, af na Jn o( ■•■JOD * 
Keayon, of New Tork. appeaitd bafWa tbe eont 
prepared wllh alBdarlta. opwarda of alsty. lo 
aomhrr, setting ool Iba loog and mtemdrc and 
general use of Oaomont eamrroa and olber timl- 
Isr csmerss of the beater type to Ibe knowledge 
or tbe complainant and Ita emissaries; slao set- 
ting ont that no onlt had ever been broaght 
against any aneb camera aa an IntriatetDeat or 
any claim mode or notice girea that It waa an 
lofrlnaement nnttl the rplaode In tbe ease egaloat 
tha Cbai 

In December taati 
alao ibat 'tba boalor caamra bad not baca laal^ 
defended la tbat aaae, and that ila coo aliu e ll o a 
and mode of operatloa and the remlta oUtaload 
by Ita nor had been ml e represenled by the son- 

Slaliuint lo the caart tn that coae; tbat tbe 
lanmont and other cameraa of Ihe beater typa. 
when prof>erly understood In their troe eonslmc- 
tlno and mode of operallnn and resnlta, do not 
belong^to tha Edlonn or Warwick type of paalllTe 
teed dloTkaa- ^nat atl%t hR iha lal{rtMfdB(^a( a 

dnce iBtermlttont motloa. hot betoag nthot m 
the Blograph typa. where tbai* la OMm or laoa 
pooalhlllty or 'aHp. and which tba CIrcalt Ooort 
of Appeals In the case agalnot the > msrlraa 
Maloscope and Blograph Company iMld wan net 
an Infringement of the Ediaon pateat; and laally 
aettlog ont new refetcncee of tba prior art wUck 
were not proved, or known to tha Circtilt Ooort of 
Appeals,.- In either of tbe former ceeea igil^rt 
the Amotlcan Mntooeope and Btogrtiih Co., 
whlab.dliaiaap tba Wlooa poaWra &«ami{tt«l 

Sift w^SraOaM^ ' * 

owlBg to Oa mat anaibar «^ tbe' detelSwS' 
aOdaTltab and for leara to 8Ia replying aflUaetta, 
The coort granted a poatpooeaicat to Wedaaador. 

February 1, at II a. ^ 

A*, that time, defendaata' 
their defense In a printed volnme of 

rotinofl nreocatod 
a printed volnme of 395 pagaa, 
Inrlndlng 02 aflldavfta; Imt complainant's conaaN 

read i typewritten italrmrnt to tbe court with- 
drawing Ihe motloa for attachment for cootempt 
In so far aa It- related to the naa of Oaomoat 
cameraa. The algalflcaacr of thia octloo the 
complainant -will ba apprcclaiad irbtn It ia atataA 
that the deteadaata' afldarit obowod tbat nab- 
ataoUally Ita entlio bo al n ea o alaee lUMb. mtk 

when tba prellmlnaiy lataaetloD waa amat i 

It. had been baaed . . 

the nse of. the Oaomoot 

Tbe paper read by complalaont^ i 
court won In full aa foUown: 


TBlOr or MBW. fOHL 

Momx noiiw Mtam ooMPAiR. 

CARL laem: 


~ Uf Aim COCNKEI. 

Tba coaplalaaat btiabr IWoNflF witbttam 
•0 mncb of Ita motloa lo paaiab tba detoataal 
for (oatempt aa relotoa to, or In aay way baon 
npoo. the defeodaota* noa ot tha Oaomoat. ae 
eo-eallrd "Beatet" type ot camera, refetred te 
In tbe motion papere, and eonOnea itacif tn tlM 
pnaeentlon of toe motion to thooe rlolatkaa 
wblcb larolve tbe nse of tbe Warwick type el 
camera. We take this action because It Is art- 
.lent from Ihe character of Ihe reply aOdartli. 
eo;ipled with tbe fad. annoanced In open coort. 
ihst the Chsmploo raae, la wblcb tbe q n ia t ti w 
of Infrlngrmpat of the aaamoal camera w*t ia- 
rlded. la not to be appealed, that It li 
fendsnls' pisn to try ont the qoeatloa of ta- 
rrlngeraeot of the Oaomont coiHra la Iba OMM 
of Appeals In tbeoa enatcapt gmr ea d l n t a . 1 
not on a preliminary Injanctloa aMtloai' aal- «• 
sgree with tbe riowa of defeadaaM* oaolar «a» 
sel eaprea a ed la open aoart, tbat a aoltaa M 
punish for eoatempt to not th» DMewdtac ll 
wblph to try oot a qneotloa of Infingeanent, _II 
connael desire lo have tba Bndlnga of thla cowl 
with respect to the Oaumoot camem reslewod, 
they msy do so by taking on appeal is tba 
Champion ciuui. 

IVhmary. 1911. , . 

Commenilng on thla alalement ot eompiala' 
aatM oanaael la opea coort. It . HMaalate a niA- 
fir admtaalaa tbaVtbara to • B*»MH*<'SP ^ 
frlaarment loTolred In Ibr ai*> a(;'lba Oameat 
and similar beater type eametaK..-.>a<..tb> t. 
the Jndrment of the complaiKBfc BS"; <1i <Wj8 
Is nnder general Injnnctloo will or n aaMatofi 
of roort If be nsen Canmoat cameras. 

Tbe atalement mlalit he regarded as meaning 
that. In the Jndgment of complainant, the qnee 
tlon of Infrlnitement eonid pronerly be raised oo 
a motion for prellmlnarr Injoncttea, altboogh 
In the caae of a motion for pialimlnarF iajaar- 
lion Jiiet aa In tbe caae ot a motion far at- 
tarbmeot tnr eootempt. It la well aettled low 
that tha laf H anamaat mnat ba dear, otberwke 
the molloD nmat- ba denied. Bnt later la tbe 
day. Fehraary lat, romplaloant'a connael, Mesaro. 
I».ver. Dyer * Tavloe. formalla withdrew a mo- 
tion for a piellmlnarT tnlnnctlon pending In the 
Fnslera ntslrlet of New Tork, and which Itood 
for bearlnr on Pehmary 10, and which would 
have hmngbt up tbe question of Infrlogcmeot 
by Ibe Osnmont camera, not on motloa for at- 
tachment .for eonteaqtt. bit aa a Mttaa far 
Ilmlaarjr InJondtabr^XbTalNMatiMpa M fSu 

withdrawal are thsaei 

On Xnvemhee SI. 19l«. notice ot motton iW 
brellmlnaijr InJnnrlInn waa oerred upon Adam 
Rearl, Jr.. Charlea O. Banman and t.oala Bar 
■teln In tbe snlt hy the Motion Pletnra Patente 
Co.. against them In Ihe Rsatera Wstrlrt of New 
Tnrk. These napera altrged only the use of War- 
wick or similar cameraa. The defeadaal^la 
rtecemhey IPIO. Hied replying alBdaTlta la wbM 
they referred to tbe Oanmotit camera and deaNa 
Ihe Hie nf pin or aind feed cameraa. ^ Tbta'aM 
hafnre tl)e derlstoo in tbo eaoo aminatcAi 
rhamploii Film: Co., which ..Utter dedahia "wai 
flied on Decenher in. iniO. Snhoeqaently. aad 
on or ahnnt January Tth to lOth, 1911. eomplijn- 
snt made ' snd filed rehnttsi sffldavlts fnuy 
deserlhlng the aanmoat rsmera snd Introdnclni 
photogranhs of It snd alleging Its use by the de- 
fendants In Jnly. 1910 (a nse which had not heel 
referred tn. It Is to be noted. In complainant's 
original affldavlta of Nor. 3K. 10101. On Jan. 
ntb. dafbMtonla* connael notIM eomplaiaaari 
dOMWot- tbat teaaa wmld ba aabcd to Me MB- 
4laTlM Oeflradlns the Oanmnnt eamera fram tbt 
charge of Infrtnrement and on anbatsotlaiO 
the aame sllldsvlta Ihst were to be used fol 
that purpose In the csae against Oarl Loemml* 
snd the Independent Moving PIctnrea Co., ani 
this iMtlee was renested on JannaiT Slat, aftai 
Ihnae s^darlls hsd been aerred' la tbo Itjttw 
raio. Th la^ mo ti on for I jIwnetlBE ajatoat lEaa 
aa€ . .^ajl ^afbaaa . tu aa^fc . j^fc wa ww ^ • .' wHP- . 



' While these critidamB of films as they are rdeaaed are intended primarily for the informatioD and guid- 
ance of «ddbttbn» ttegr an dso of inty materid aaililMBB to wiamliMtuwra "by ^mrfng ittentfoii to tlie 

saUent pduits of merit as well as the defidencies In the output of their competitors. nt)dudng directors and 
managecB of scenario departments, find their oounsd welcome and their substanoe of never-failing interest 



■Unou bar aad tb» am of a par- 

two bappr- 

to bold hla 

Er'nuomr''n» "Bojrr bow»»ar. aecaia to ba a 
rtrtUMa yooBC Imp, and ba nakia ic rtrj tn- 
tSittttaa tarbto caplnn. ' Tbaae two captors 
writ* tSa old gamtlaman, offcrins to releaae hla 
MB am pariMBt of »2.000. TOm father, bow- 
mr balas veil aeqoatatad with the dUpoalUoa 


MB apoB pa l u i eat of f2,000. 
•rar. bitaf well aeqoatatjd « — 
ul mta^MTOoa natora of bli onpfiog, — 
Iba captora a ooontar pmweltloB. oCetias to 
ttUer* them of hi* ooo nppn pajraaot 
Tba coDthunma daTUtry of tha mas fallow 
■a*t ttaa aeeaptaiiee of thli «mr: kni^htlfe. 
■ad ba la latonwd oadcr mocb pi 
to TafT aood, aad eoaedr mT 
tnm iht timxr run: 

— ' II. 


Tte Brtt Uw fMt o( tbia film rcreala a aceac 
u wia<h a nbaaiaal of cItU war drama la brlns 
tald. The Ion aSalra of tba prlaelpal acton 
(iraa the plot aranod which tha atocj la worked. 
II ortar to via tbd toTd «( tka iMdlag Udr. tb« 

^ cutililM for tba mora aolld 

anr ■■■ «te la lorad by th* 

I bM • maji tma daatb. Bow. 

fM'a father, aa (k* ■ ^ . 
auea the flrfa oldar hMar t* ba 
Tha fallowing •ItahllOU •!• 
bi whieh the rons wa aa a w — - 

patab batwemt tba oldar aiatw aad aoma of hte 
MaSta. DafoctnaatalJ', tba ddar alater la not 
MMMad of urmwrkaMTpbTileal polehrltwle. 
udtta ool; one of tha rooot man tntrodoc*d 
at for whom ah* can eat«rtaln ajy Uktac to 
Uifssted. There are other aoltoco who eTidaotly 
il« anxlooa to marry bar for her naoatary paa< 
... .» — jnrt 

hot *e can not aaa au of — ~— — -- 

H tha Toonc lover la ahoot to alTo.iip In daapuc 
S Imaa that tba older alater ^aa bean aactatly 

•laiTlad to ber anale taaebar. Of eoorae. after 
thla davalopaant, ba baa no dlffleolty In obtain- 
ing the parental ooaamt to a oaloo with, bli 
awaetbeart. Wbll* aoma of tha aeanaa are 
la not BP .to tba oan^ ataadaid. 

WMd dlniHibt ttb wry 

Two yoimg wn are TCiy fond of aach other, 
hot the yOQDgcr feela that hla pal la gWlDg too 
much attenllOD to hla aweetheart. Thla la merely 
iDCldental, howerar. and does not affect the atory 
to any large degree. Aa In all Weotem ptc. 
tnraa theia la a TlUaln. In tbia caae tbe erll 
oaa Is a Mexican, who woold fain enjoy the 
MMdihtp and Iot* of JIm'a swMtbtart. Being 
lapolsad tj Jim In aa attempt to force bis affee- 
" - aa tie yooac lady, tba 
> aad caaeoeu a aaat d 

_ _ r plots n- 

j_ daataid ntaltatlan. 

Barlat sMeMM ta oratpowtrUuc Jim with the 
aid of aararal Uesteaas of doBbtfal rapatatlon. 
he peeeeada to Itind bin to the aide of a noon- 
tain. Intending to borl a larga atone opoa tbe 
nafortniute cowboy- Of cooraa be la foiled by 
tha tbnely Interrentlon of Bnddy aad Jhn'a 
cowboy trienda. Thla photoplay Is a teal bmIo- 
diamatle thxUler, and so ttiong it to ba le- 
palalTa to the mora intelUgent morlng picture 
patron. If the Mexican had In mind the kllUog 
of the cowboy, he woold nndonbtedly hare nacd 
a sptcdler aipadlMt In nal lUk. Wa bsTs a 
. It flaaatf aiMMr^J*! 

niipbMMlur cMcam tha 
rancher aad bis daogbtar aad tb 

raacb. Sba father Cseanlha ^_ ^ 

young maa, bat tba wrm na trtaBpfeaat. The 
rather iMina that tha riV^ ta* diMheyed hla 
wiahaa.' Re dlaaalaaaa barT^ Latsr aeanaa ahow 
the yoaag ranchman oat of work, and hla wlfa 
aerlooaly UL Bctamlng to tha girl's fstbcr's 
home, the yonng ranchman flnds hhn shseat and 
In a lit of desperation rldea the aafa. He ia dla- 
coTerad In thla act and tb* Irate father la ott 
the point of caoalng hla arreat when bla daogb' 

far, "■ ■ " ■ ■ " 



aa Improhahia aeanaa. Taken aa a 
■omewnat batter than medlocta. 

Cab. IS. CM feat. 

tt Is 

to ba 


to — 

A. simm iMu w B laochlsvooa diapsati 
taken by her atotbar to a mUUaaty abop 
apprenticed. Tha gM, howarer, baa no 
lection for this work, and her pranka I"' 
early diimlisali Sba naeu with g. 
after t 

tbe sL 

Ths Ola li I 

This. flUn Is of an cdncattonal natue, and 
allows to what proccaKa ibe pineapple ia anh- 
Jaelad before it rcacbea the conanmer. 

OOranBIP, Drama. 

(tab. 10. TIS feet. 

While tbe Starr has a nnmbcr of improbable 
altuatlona, the aaaldnlty with which the pro- 
doGcr foUowa datalla amply rcpaya for any In* 
oongnutlaa the plot may anffer. It Is mtbar 
doBDtfol wbethat or sot eren a cowboy, howater 
deaparate thla gentry la anppoaed to be, woold 
dare to eatar a room fllled with other cowhoya 
aad at'tba pelat of a rerolrer force hla awaet- 
beart to ItaTt the room with him. This cowboy 
Is la lore with tbe dangbtar •( a xaacb saaai. 
and hla aCactlaa.te lataiaad tbe~Srt aatli 
a tenderfoot appesrs aa tbe stena. mitaatad 
with the city maanettama and iophlatleated flat- 
tery given her by tbe Eaatemer, ahe aooa for- 
geta ber fonner lover. Bat be la peralatcnt. In 
the end, bowerer, ihe dlscoven that a brare 

teart la better than a sood peraooal aflilrvaa and 
panafera her affectton to ber earlj' lover. Tbl. 
picture to np to tbe oaual axcallaat atandacd of 
Patba photography. . ' ; • . . 

TRX AZOLOn. BdacatMd." Mflb fM«g. 

Fctk IS. 200 feet. 

One wondeta how a pholographer can accomp- 
lish the aeemlngly: Impoaslblo feat of photo- 

Kaphlng tbaae anlmala lo their natlva liaonta. 
lentldc photography has sorely been dSTaloped 
"'^h.sUte of aarfbctloa.. That thla la trae 

tkn of InfttageBrat on s motloa of ptellmlna^ 
lltaBCtioB. Bat late la the afteroooa of Fab- 
faaiy lat, complalnanfa eoanael, aa aUtad, 
vtihdieiv thla entire motion tor InlnnetlOB In 
ill Ita hrtncbaa, „ ^ 

The Dotiee of withdrawal of tbe motbm far 
■aJonetloB agalnat Kaaael and otbara waa aa fat- 

III TH» oiBcmr oooRT br-TjnLOWgiP 
•urns. >oa iH» » AaT»BW distriot 




~SBU n., at ri, 



Of OaSesl Ih^aSSitaBt 

dg WUI Stiect. Mew Tack a^. 
Btra-Taka Motlaa that we betetar wlOdraw 
ihi motion far HSUmiaaTy tnjanetloa heteto- 
~ tUa caae wbleb la now eat for 

jua natkad 

10, itll. 

ng notice la hereby ack- 
of rehniary. IMt. „ 
Ot Caoassl far Defendants. 

npaaled hv the fM- 


laellots at, 
Raasan Street, 

" ' Terh. rab^nsry 1. ItU. 

f>>< I'.fr'. ,r. bI*! ■:>•- ..-i; 

tb thla ease, fba Mniliutf gMHii la doc 
m TiaiTSraHrSet that, the 

Monilay next. 
II b* at li 

ao ahofny. aad alnee thee* 
many poalponemeota ot tba bear> 

tor prellmtoai 


«•«■ win , 


^ on tha motion ior "prellmtoaiy Injimctioa, 
ZfJ*?.^* decided to withdraw that motion, tarn* 
{warily at laaat, hi tba cxpaeutloa that tbe 


Ti>. a^tnadon, 
iiKel la the 

lB.-tM defaadaata* 

■ " it Mot- 

Oanmont camera, and on complalnaat's own mo- 
tion for attachment for oontempt for tha nse of 
that camera, and the complolnant'a eoanael, 
after are days' atndy of dafeadaata* afldarlta 
<a that taaaa, hare dfcUnsd <o meet the laana 
la that way. end haro wMhtawn the motion: 
aad demMu^aoHhsaL to the owe agalnat 
Adaa Tsiail. <».. and st h a t au la Rreiddyn. bare 
taadaiaA the iMaa «■ g nMUnn Ibr preliminary 

Inlanaflan. nnd the aamplalnaat baa declined to 
■Met the Mane eraa la fbat way, and baa wlth- 
diHWa Ma moUoa for aocb preliminary ln]nne- 

Thto cotne of the complainant la fall of alg- 
nlflcance to the mannfactnrera and nacra of In- 
dependent Moving PIctnre lllma, becanse, aa waa 
abown In the caae agalnat the Indapeodent Mov- 
ing Plcttire Co. of America, a very large pro- 
portion or the enllte ptodnellon ot tbe Indepen- 
dent maaafactnrars le made by tbe nae of Qan- 
■ant canmiaa. Oainnlalaaat'a conaa in yielding 
the qaeatlan wlthonTa ating^e aaasaa to eon- 
■na the w«a nlgb nnlaerad egnert^eplnlon 
ot tbe ttada aad of lu adrlaaia. Oat the Oan- 
nmat camera la not an I nf ri ng ement ot tbe 
Bdlaoa patent, aa tbe aame baa been cuualfued 
by tbe CIrcalt Osort ot Appeala, and aeema 
to COBflim, alao. the prior practical Judgment 
of tbe eomplalnast'a offlcera and adrlaera, aa 
evldroeed by <belr coocae heretofore, and op to 
within a moath or two ot nraeeedlng agalnat all 
Inalancea ot tha nae of Warwick pin or atnd 
eameraap bot not proceeding agalnat any la- 
7 the nae of <3aumont or - 

New Richmond. Wla., Feb. 30 (Special to 
The Billboard). — New Blchmond tM>aata of three 
theetree now, tbe old atand-by— Rogan'a. the 
Lycenm (a new opera hooae). aad. t he..aem 
(moTlag plctnrea). Tha laat-aamaA la wNhant 
doobt tbe handaomeet little theatre ia Msrtb 
era Wlacaaaln. haTtng Jnat been decor a ted and 
painted op In elegant atyle. Handaome treaco 
designs are pat on by those real artlats, the 
Braaa Brotbars. who alao painted all the rar~ 
talna and acenery for a handaome little atage. 
Thla theatre aeats 2S0 people, and has elerated 
arata. It la np-to^ato In orery way. 

Laat Thoraday bight, the Two Bllla' pletmea 
were ahown here, and despite the fact that the 
stow waa here lait anmmer. the attraetlan drew 
" booars. W. 8. Bhannoa la 

Mr. J. B. Ballherg. ••Tbe. Bconomlaer Man." 
reu uita among hto recent eqnlpmenln of motloa 

Rlcttne theattea, tbe sale of flamiacAie Xampa 
I H. I. Paradia for hla theatre atWlMln. N. 
O., and opera chain for Paradia •'Haaka, 
Oaswall Theatre, Klnston. M. O. 


Michael A. Taata, tbe Eastern maimgcr of the 
Acme nim Oompany, ia now ont an a awing 
throogb the Middle Waet terHtacr la the la. 
tacast of thla comsaay. Tbta film Bxebaagc 
and <tn branch oOeae hare been tnraed orer 
eattiely lo tba ootpat ot the NaUoaal film 
Maaafaetnrlag A T laalag Onmpany. «ad 
mlatSa eClKw Thntn Is ahoheSTlUam 
biMlf «C IB* aa ' — =^ • 

MovifMi 'pwrium . jhukphmm. 

_ 'aSJKj 
itly ahsMd. ns 
bcaaUtaf fteta 

The^Pate.^ madan pletntn heaaab l aia ta i at 

~ ~ "~ "tarenportb lown. waa 

Palm la Oaraapactfa meat 

ae, being madam aad np- erery .reapact. .The treat to of an 
Oriental daalga and b- brIUIanthr lighted. ThU 
booea la apetattd by Chas. Baridl. owner and 
manager of tbe American, Darcaport'a only 
TanderOle play hou aa. Mr. Berkell baa placed 
John FbOllbcr In.peracaal charge at bis pletnr- 

' The Pl y mo u th Tbaatrek a new merlBg pletnre 
hooae. baa e pea ed on PIf m e n th afaaaa awl 
Third atieet. Mlnnaapella, Mlaa.. nndar tbe 
managesiant ot Mrs. Clara Slgfrlad. a. F. 
BleSto has now the cattre Intecaet la tbe 
Northern Thsatra an the North Side, formerly 
operated ta him In coajnnetlan with Mr. Om- 
ber. Ooat Ueonrls Is now aaaaagar at the 
Royal Theatra on the West BUe. 

Tbe Olympla motion picture hooae waa opaaad 
aa Jaa, tl. la Nasbrllle, Teen. Tbe theatra la 
andae 'the aaaaagameat of Mr. o. Bnneh. and 
" ' 'it baa been doing a rety 

wm ac mmm- The ama.ahem_at 

tbig kgiig^lM 

tm*. O i mHi . Titagrapb. Ibb 

14. 9TS f^t 
Two yoang boj*. Tommy and Jimmy, are In 
lore with the aame gtri. A third party whoa<p 
naaie la Joe. not being pbaaeaaed of any great 
wealth, hewersr. la abnadaatly ehlTalnns.lEIow 
Joe dnito trtasiphsarMr hto HtsIs CanM tbr 


ne waam do all lertt ot ladletaae 
Mg Bad ahna-.i^^to ^^^^^^ 

A motion pletnre hooae to nndar conatroctloo 
In Lima. 0.. and when completed wUl ba known 
aa the liycenm.-. It.U being bnOt ^ B. B. 
HoSmaa aad win.auha tte dftt BletaN,hMe 
to open hcio. It la agneelad ta hofrN MV 
by the latter pert «t tUs maatb. 

A new motloB pletntn theatre, namad the 
Paatlme, baa been erected In Iowa City, la., 
and ManaiwJi^Darw h iadttrti ^^ 

pacity la BK% Vhe aBaanft .naeSg haalBaB was 


Frank B. Bahla. sa old dtcna man. who con- 
dncta a large poat card abap on tbe Boardwalk 
at Atlaatte City. InbnBdMS a m ei i a g ptetara 

theatre at PleeaaatiflT - - — - 

hare the thaatas ready 

A BOW mertng picture hooae aallat 
"In Tattn ~- 

oevllably happens, the anffragettpa In ttau 
atory And It Impoaalbla to do without the itern. 
er aex. The ' 
thiagia - - 

umuRxs or aviosov, naoE, sceaK 

Oanmont. Feb. 14. S38 feet. 
Thto aim ahows a aambsr ot hiatadcal 

marka, aod la a *t — " " " 

aoDs Interested la 
delecUble treat. 

18. 138 feet. 
Aa Ita title Impllea, thla pictnia la a Blbltaal 
drama. aatUng fbith la epltoae the " ' 
Ita la the Uaao " " ^ — " 

moot. Vib. ISL 838 feet. 

This story la somewhat hackneyed and dealt 
with tbe arreat of an Innocent party and tbe 
aob«e<it]rnt conviction of two coanterfeltera. The 
cleTerncea of the girl, who prorea her brother's 
taaaemca, ia ane of the featnrea of thto diaa. 

TRR VVOQAnBRB. Drama, gellg. Feb. IB. 

Thla to a rery thrilling pletore showing the 
capture aod eacape of Captain Balnea and hto 
wife. Baring embarked for tbe Weat Indlaa . 
they an <mtta*aa tr m baad ot pinlaa. bat tbe 
Umely Intanmtisa tt a aaa»«t.war sarea tbe 
sallaig fkWB the paaaihle fbat ot walhtar the 

on page 00.) 

.1 -'AtrUi:. 

Mr. Morton P, Hanay, fonnerly "■*»«gtf gf 
Um OoioBlal aad Oaloaaade Theairae^ B " - 
Ola« #■ Wwbmnw !• flMMd a norlav 
ahow which be calla tbe "Naaewan." 

Bod Atklnaon, proprietor of a moving 
ahow In Vancoaver, has gone to Sydnayg' 
W., to engage In a almllar pnranlt. 

Manager Harvey haa opened bli NaaaWBB 
tloa plctore theatre In Decator. 111. Be fig SB^ 
gaged Martin Panalnger as opantar. 

Oalra, lU., haa a 
It to caUed Tbe ~ 
O. O. Bntebl 

first exhibited In 
ton, rebraaiy d. 


atie la Blkhact. lad. 


New Task. Pab. IS (Saedal to Tbe Blllbeargi. 
—New Boaga recently added to the J. Fred Belt 
catalogne are: Texaa Tommy'a Oknee, by Bilgar 
Lealle and LewU F. Molr. wrilera of That Bar- 
ber Shop Chord: Give Me a Shore. I'm FaHlng In 
Lore, bj Wm. Tncey and Jaa. McGaTlak, who 
are the antbora of Gee. Bnt It's Oreat to Meet 
a Friend from Your Home Town: Banda Upl and 
O, Mtoa MCCae. by J. Fred Helf: the tak tw» 
being uaed by Blaacbe BlBBk 


New York, F»b. 18 (Special to Tbe Bniboard). 
— Abner Orcenberg to now manager of the pi« 
feulooal department for the J. Fred Belt Com 
pany. Be anccceda Nat Oahorae, who haa rone 
Into randevUla with Pred Wataon. Oreenberr 
waa formerly cooaecled with Shapiro. 

Thto ircek a party ot eoealUta with tbr 1. 
Pltd Belt Company atart on a three weeks' ilem. 
oaatntloo toor. Tbe opening atand will be 
Boaton. Five alngera — William Tracey. Jam.^ 
OaTlak. Fred Oempaey, Ray Fraxler and Gwrg. 
Sinclair — comprlta the party. 

Mr. Belt waa In Boaton thla week, makloE ar 
raa g amiata tor tba tsnr. 


'Batlagflaid. Mass., Feb. IS (Special to the 
Blllboaxd).— The Oloba Tbestre, st 110 Msto 
street, opened Its daon to the pohlle Pebnury g. 
and capacity andlencea haTe heea tbe rnle alaee. 
Tbe theatre, which was hollt sad Is owned by 
J. C. Bnrke A Son. haa been leassd by tbe Glabe 
Amnaement Company of thto dty. TUs compaw 
also operates tbe Spa Theatre, In PtttageM. P.. 
B. Eager to tha managing director ot ^ 
pany, and rceldent manager of the 
aire. The policy of tbe hooae to to pi 
clan randarlUe and moUon plctwa. 


^ti e Billboard 

FEBRUARY 2S, 1911. 


ISSDI:D weekly, ud entered as Secoad-eUM 
Maa Matnr mt Fuat-oOiM. ClneUuiaU, O. 

A* tk* adltoilal «r 
■mt te 



6. BoUaod BalMlDg. 1440 BnMdmr. 
mtpbone 1030 Bryant. "'' " -^.^ 


•core wltb hto"'ai 
a pantomime Kat. 
torlns act. 


Stg Dawn, who did 
act, alBO dona a poa- 
"pN; niMIoDbtcdlr 


PANGELO. — Grorse Pangelo. the ahowman wbo 
Aral Introduced toto this country the aensatlonal 
"hoochee-coochfe" dance, and who also waa 
known aa the father o( the Oriental carlo ahop, 
la dead In Mexico City, according to mcssaees re- 
celTed Int week. Pangelo was the proprietor of 
lb* coomsloa known ss The StrKts of Cairo 
at .the ' lAotslana Exposition In 1904. Panselo 
wu aa AmlBlan, nad cooeelTcd tin Idea of 
btlocUqr bm mmn of tta Orient wbo were ex- 
pert* la tbe Sana dn Vcatre. better known dor- 
Inff the World's Fairs of Ctaleaso and St. Lonis 
AH the "booch-a-ma-cooch.** Amitar the famona 
artists whom he brongbt orer to exploit thla 
dance were 1a Pelle La Rosa and Le Belle Ri- 
tlma. He exhibited them flrpt at the Chtca^o 
ErposItioD where they created a furore on the 
Midway Plaaaince. Panxelo orlclnated the 
^ ~ « ttataca-of at 

Westbank Balldlnic. 830 Market St, jnoctlon 
Market. Ellis and Stockton SU.. Snlte S21. 

- MO T*«Bl» Cbai^beta. B. g > ' 


121 Bo* Montmartn. 

Telephone 222—01. 

^BITEBXIBINa BAXZS.— Twaaty caata par 

OB WITXIIOawn la far aala jn an Mas 

end mil ili liiiiaQiiMl tba Itattad SUtaa 

mmi Canada, wblak am aanliad^lv tto I fnarinan 
Va«B Co. and ita >niii«*aa. It la also oa lala 

at Bra nta no'e. S7 Avasaa de I'Opeia, Pszis, 
riaace. When not on sale, pleaaa notify this 

Bainlttancea shsaU be madajv paatijin a a or 
axproas money order, ev a'"""* 
djsssod or mads payabia ta 
Vddac Oianpaayi 

SatuHay, Pab. 85, 1M1. 


*• The BlUboard. 

Cincinnati. O. ' ■ ' 

Doar Old "Billy Boy"— la Ban|BHL|l 
BlUboard, I read the artld* .«C W. 

on "ISO ITamoQs Clowns." 

In peniMinK name. 1 waa Tery mnch snrprlaed 
to flnil out that tiulte a few names which at 
one time worL* honaebold words dnr lny the cS^ 
C11H M*aHuu. wiTe omittMi. IWa pa rfaa pe was 

nu fatil: uC the trrlter of tbia aitlel*. bat tBtg 
bm been due to a allp of menuier. and I 
haiewllh bead yoo a list of some clowns, wbose 
naman will be readily recogniied by many 
readaia of year Talnabie paper. Amonic those 
wbo eioatad distinct and decided hits in their 
partleolar line, I will first mention Luke RUen, 
wbo made tbe "Pete Jenkins" act famous, and 
many of tlie mralltca will recall with pleasore 
tbe drunken farmer, who interrupted the per- 
formance by fallinic OTCr the rins rope and 
Inst missed being tramped on by tbe mnnlns 
borae, who aftarwatda monntcd tlie iMna and 
atrlppcd his farmer dotlM* alt and flaiabsd a 
araad ridias act la ropolatloa eostnaie. Uke- 
wlaa Jamea B. Uaek. wbo oilKlnated tbtf "Rnbe" 
elowa, and amre tban obe town coostabla baa 
been made the lanchlnB stock of tbe entire coo- 
arnalty dnrlng parade by ^Inff to more the 
~' ' wagon out of the way In order tbat tbe 
' I might proceed. Mr. Maeka baa had 
imitatora, wbo hare been exceptionally 
good in tbis line of work, bat there nerer hss 
been any one who could equal the originator. 

Xext, Sam Binehart, who achlered more fame 
and pcrbaps was paid a larger salary than any 
otber down leaper who erer Jumped over horses 
and elephants. Mr. Rinehart died sercral years 
am, aad waa burled at Colnmboa. O. 
^taB algbt be meatloned Loa Sfwa, wbo 
aerrcd nnder tlia Boblaaon. Wallsea, Sdla-Bloto 
and Tsrlons otber liannatB. for many years, and 
la eonsldered one of the l>est prodndng downs 
in the business. 

WIlUs Ct>bb. for yeara wltb tbe Sell* Bi«a.' 
Show, with his troupe of * 

Frank Cotton and bla 
also an amostng bonA; . .. 

Bob HnntUag. wboag wMMaa. «as tta aoiy 
clown to own aad aaaaatk aa nall-aa mtma, bis 

awn eitena.- 

Mbanl* Slarnr. «bo was a knock. 

,'dMrn, wag petbapf In a daife /.tooat 
'^aalilE'ena of the best xround tnmhlera 
.known, ta the circus hnslness. There wflB 
Cnotber JiDlia Mniray, a popular singing and 
talUar etoWB.' wltb tbe Bob Hunttlng Show for 
yean: this Is tbe Mnmy of Mnrray and Mick- 
ey repertolfe companies. Also Kennard Broe.. 
wbo created oceana of iangbter with their an- 
tics. Also Danny Syan. Pbtl King. JImmIe 
West, win DensToye. John N. SoxkU, Billy 
Wheeler, W. H. Qolnnette and I. L- Fnsoer. all 
of wbom were iwpnlar alnglag and talking 
elowna In yeara gone liy. Among tbe last men- 
tioned, it may be added tbat Bmy Wheeler Is 
now a preacber in Texta. W. H. Qniaaette Is 
a circus agent, and 1. t>. nmer Is a successful 
commercial trareler. 

Wininm SIcbrode was an exceptionally doe 
pantomime clown, and aerred Hanlons msny sea 
SODS wltb tbeir apectacolsr prodactloni. Sam 
Dickey, long alnce paaaed to the great beyond. 
who. altbooah palated in the regnlatlon elowa 

' " IrMi^dliuact.^snd 

EOLIS.— Mile. Foils, wife of James A. Mor- 
row, well known In the circus circle, died at 
3^ppa Park, Fresno. Cal.. on Feb. 9. after an 
Illness of fourteen weeks. Bir. Marrow and wife 
were assodated with Al. G. Barnes' Animal 
Circus for the past three years. . Mrs. Morrow 
haa been In the drcoa bnsinssa . Cac . tbe paat 
nineteen yean, and baa tni«g4''«n^aHM of 
tbe biggest shows. 

UNDOK. — Prank Undon. of Hall's Asaodate 
nayers. died at Key West, Fla., Feb. 7. Mr. 
Uadan bad iMea an actor for nearly lialt a cant- 


If tbe man wbo bad tbe . family band on a 
camlTal company that 1 met at Paola, Kan., 
last aummer will commnnieate with me, lie 
will learn sometblar to Ills adraatage. 

W. H. TIBBlTg. 
Baa, Mgr. Vka M a rt wM. g a t aa ii M»m, Wllbnr- 
too, oua. ■ ■ ■ 

Would Musical Story kln>ll.r answer DOB Bai^ 
clay's correitiionilence. Atldresut, Fob. 20-20, Ly- 
ceum Theatre, Port Artbnr, Out., Can. 


Any one knowing the address Of Obe«tcr 
Wright; familiarly , known as Cbea a{:Obi^the 
Pianist, please commun'cate wltb w. &~voat. 
Wigwam Theatre. Genesee, Ilia. 

' Mr. . Wniiam A. Baby. SO Bigb street, Nor- 
folk. Ta.. weqld like to kaow tbe ptesaat wberc- 
abont8«^ MseSga'S^pS^^^ 

Any one fcnowlnp tbe wheronbouts of Mme. 
Clitirmlan anj Siodwinas. acrobats, kindly In- 
form If. S. Annable. G Maine street, SpringdeUI. 


eonnaciM' wlHi a. 

Mr. M. W. 
would like to 
G. A. Slater. 


Mr. I. O. B}«n Is at present In Dallas, Tex., 
and wni be In UtUe Bock, Ark., about Uarcb 

1... .. . . . ■ ••• ., ■ 

_iU Mich.. 

liaC MiN aafuta. 


^ir If you have not already sent copy for'your advertise- 
^]|' appear in Spring Spedal Number of The 
Billboard, yon should do so without delay. First come, first 
serYed. Don't wait for the grand rush. Give us time to 
.set up, your ad. attractivdy and to place it in a command- 
.il^:, P!odtwn. ° Tli^^ Nomber will be bigger t|ia|i H 

baa erer been before^ in brder to- iearry the great Yolaine 
of advertisingtjfrqm adyeitisers who.^ have long since 
;^ljM«]^^ |he jalw of thisSsfwtl ;,oatdooffii..Bnmb!W^ That 
'':^is ttwi rlMw«»n-y<i»a shiaiiiid '''oM'piwty'iofl^^ plenty 
of noise, if you want to be heard. Another reason is that 
your ad. will be read hy .eyeryono mfam in^ol^ldopr• 
ainiuenuiiits'^'the <rinyyii^ii^^ 

yon will not be charged any more for space than in the 
regular iffues. , If yoa are in .New York, tdephon* 1630 
Biy)urij|;.«rlf 1^ 8934^ aai'^oiM:of 

In Key Wesl, and tbe news of his deatb. wbUe 

wltb mncb re- 

not a snrprlse, wss recelred 
gret. He Is sarrired by Mrs. 
dsngbter, Edna Earle Undon. 

CLATTON. — W. A. Claytsn, a Taaderllle per- 
former, died at tba Oiaat mctbara Batel, Oaand 
Forks. N. D.i aa Mfnair U. Hm dacaaaad was 
forty-tbrea yaan at age. twantT^eeea yeaia of 
which were apent ss an actor. Bis wife, who Is 
an actress. Is la New York City. 

BDRKB. — Mr. and Mm. John Burke, with the 
City Club Burlesquera, which played the Apollo 
Theatre. Wheeling. W. Va.. Feb. 6-11.- lost 
their daughter by death in tbat city Fell- 10. 
Interment was In Moant Calrary cemetery. 

DnCET. — Hetuy Famswortb DIxey. an old ac- 
tor, died at Ithaca. N. T.. Febmary 10. He had 
been attftering with paralysis for the past ten 
years. Bis wife. May Brooks, is a Boston ac- 

I.EACB. — ^Mra. Alfred Leaeb. aged 74. died 
at tba family baiM at lfattiB*a.IwiT. O.. Frik 
Ilk Ibt «w ittb MMMt n^Uij. ImSS. «w trail- 

AISTON.— Hamr a^Ataloa. staMav 
nfactarer of tbeaUcil ahtHk Stil at lui 

In Chicago, on rcbowr 4; . .. ' ' 


Colorado, on Febroair I 
wife and motlier. 


BVANS-WBIORT.— George tMgbt- and Sba. 
"Doc" Enns. wMow of tbe "Doc" Brana who 
was killed recently at MCComb. Miss., ware mar- 
ried at Hattlesbnrx. Mies., January 30. Botb 
afe memlwrs of tbe Darls Amoaemeat Company. 

8AVEBY-T0W7IER. — Cbas. SsTery. owner of 
tbe Happy Hoar Tbeatre. Blaghamton, Mew 

~ .te wsdiofk ta VfiiiBea Tamai; 

Tba Uenriakaai 

ircsa Ooai|> 
reacb yon. 

■ ♦ 

Persona knowing tbe wbereaboota of Frank 

Readick, wbo bad a stock eoaittny tbtongb 
Kansas and Oklahoma In tba BPrlag of lOu) 
pleaae notify Bert N. Braca, SMS So. Main 
street, Batetalnsoa, Kan. 


-JStAiP- l»>'Ly. Paciae atreet. 
Ph ilasaipMa , Bfc, la jag ajrtiga to knew the 

rs-wg SsaSSE?^ 

If Mr. J. O. LersB wonld communicate with 
his rdatlTra. be would be doing them a faror, 
V *bey. are, wgr. Boeb wwAd abaat bim. 
Anyooa kaMrtea f la .wbenASia atai{i address 
F. M., eaia oT tbaaa calBMa. . ^T^- ■ 

George W. Farrell, Clark Hotd, Bamboo. 
Wis., would Ilka to know tta addraaa at Barry 
Ebbeta, last .heard of — "■- 

Mr. O. O. Cherry. > i 
'rBlondie," please ojaHanlMlf With W; Rod 
ges. Orand Thealre. Had tad IIImIob atreets, 
San Praf elaoo, CaL 1» 

jS maUm^iMm t» waated br 

Talk, waa 

mtar Tbe BmbeaiC 

Dear Sir:— A note la Tbe BUtboatd recently, 
atated tbat Buff Vernon and Ooldle St. Clair 
were with the Cheyenne FnnUer Ontflt Will 
Jon kindly correct tbat if poalble in yonr 
Cdnmaa. They are not with tbe oatflt. Thor 
are featured In tbe morlaa plctnree of the Chey- 
enne Frontier Day. which we carry with the 
ODtflt Tex Berry is «lth ns. ddag bla raping 
snd trick riding act. Thanking eoa and Tbe 
Billboard for year tronUe, I rental i ^^ ^ 

Feraona 'kaawlag the addreaa of Saafcrd B. 
Rlcahr. tsrmcdr with Weat Mlnatrals. please 

notuy P' B. HaMT Piiatiac Oonpanri Food du 
idm^kl- tlilalf^^|.ii»- ' 

InlsrBMtloB watited' ot wh«reaboatt;«t .taan 
A. Parker. ~ " - ^ 

■rker. Oiadoatad bom Wbeatctalf llbltnn 
latic Scboal ta llSS. Her oMast stater has 
and hir aMthar la e«r lew.. ;Aay.. lawiM>. 

VtSku, V. 

A. a. 

Mr. 0. O. Lee, Oklab theatre, BartleaTlHe, 
Ofcla., wonld like to commnnieate with Z. A. 
Anger, who waa agent for tbe Danrllle Amoae. 
ment Company In 1000. 


The brother of Lonia JetUngtaoff, or "Whitle." 
as he is commonly called, wonld like toThBew 
bis address. Anyone knowing his address jtraai 
notify Frank Wulfbom, Delpbos, Ohio. 


Anyone knowing tbe addreaa of Howard Porter, 

ot Loeil L A. T. a. B., No. 100) last baud ef 

Mr. p. H. Qilloway IB anxlons to locate Ui 
son. John Galloway. Persons iokowiog lUa ad- 
dress please notify P. H. Galloway. 100 Colon- 
nade Building, Toledo, O. 

MIsa Fay Pleison. Box 987. Nowata, Okla., 
woold like to know tbe whereabonu or Mlsa 
Haiel Black, lut beird of In ColTeyvlUe, Kans., 
on Taoderllle drcnit. and Roth tlaydllf, last 
heard of when playing with Girls. 


lira. T. L. Baird, of Bocheatar. Pa., la raa 

the whaieaboala of 

Any Information concerning tbe wberealtoots 
of Howard Breece. last beard of with Bobby 
Foontaln Show, will be thanktolly rcceleed bv 

iUm. U. P. Uttleletaa. ot IM Jackaoa atieat. 
New Deeatnr, Ala., la very aaxloaa ta know the 
addraaa of ber son. T. P. Uttlejoha. 


The BlUboard baa an tnvilrr aa to what twa 

- - -EaawaBS' tfea.' whatoaheBla' ef ^oba A- 
Toow, emplarad aa a^ blUpaater, plaaaa astUy 
Mm^tbat^W dlMW Ia >ay aiek, aad to eoM 

nadlF alvlaa aa thmsh the aalaina eC year 
raiubto aapi^W^ta^^Aw tta^gat—ia l» 

Beader. ~ ■• 

Anyaaa liiewtas tke. ' 
Mnrpur, aalmid' f"**" — 
Mlsa Eletra 

Can yon or any of yonr l eadeia gHa m» Iht 

of Mr. Oram Chapman, who bad 

rith the Al. O. ' ' ~ 

mcnr-io-roDnd with 

last sesson.— Herbert Oodd, 14B Atiaatle aTeBaa^ 

Winnipeg, Man.. Can. 


Local No. 61. I. A. T. 8. E., desires to knew 
tlie wbarabouta of Fred Allen, carpenter wltb 
Bome show. Anyone knowing hla whereaboata 
please commonleate wltb B. T. Kama. Oee.. 
Local No. 61, 1216 W. Third atreet. Canton. 0. 


MInneanolla. Minn., Feb. 10 (Bpedal to The 
Billboard). — An Immenae audience greeted the 
annual lienellt entertainment of Minneapolis 
r»dce No. ISO, T. H. A., airen at the Metronolls 
Opera Honse, Friday afternoon. Feb. 10. Major 
J, C. Haynca opennfl the pmjrram with an ad- 
dress of wdeome. The foiiowinic acta were 
contribnted. aa waa also tbe nse of the opera 
honse: May Babeaa aad Oompaar, la tbe 
sccoad act tteoi Tba BelBr«aatlaa aC Aaat 
Mary: moaolMme, by Fnller Malllah. ef The 
Dawn of A Tomomw Oompaay; aiaflas act. 
by Oenrse Armstrong, from the Oayatx Ibaa- 
tre: dancing act, by Orace DaMar. ruique 
Theatre: Tldln aeleetlona, by Edward aad 
Blanche Hons: dancing act, by Bobble and 
Rasel Robinson; tbe Kaufman Ttooiio ot 0^ 
pllats from tbe Orpbeon, Tbeatrai Blw Matleal 

Hswallans from tf — " — 

snio hy Cbriatiaa 

A new tbow will be nn the road this seasoa, 
known aa the Circle C Ranch WUd West. Ue 
<^S^ ^4LM.v*IV awaer and maaagar tt tbe 
on tut. . Tbfer Ti wa iii . two aMbaata,. Caar 
camels and dght eagea et aalaida 'wffl lit car- 
ried. The csnras for the bte aad sMa ahowa 
has a1read.r been recelTed,' ' 

Oeorne Miller will haee. <bania.' of the bsg- 
gage stock, and Peg IMKr lSe. llaf alacfi 
D. McTiaajrin bejw lg$H 
will bare the pit shasr.: . AaTabeW^aaeaaTKafA 

> iipiifNsoN ciRciiJa 'Losii^suit. 

Richmond. Ky., Feb. 18.— A Tcrdlct for tdOO 
was rendered against tiM Jotaa Robinson Olrcoa 
by a Inry here Tbaiadajr awnMaa.: .Tbe.aaout 
la to be mmiwnm^ ■ aatfJ^gBTallTBtiflri' 
rnied for Tk^TauSw^ HW «<ta. 

|aNa;tifefB^ japla atttbe diwa-eall apaea. ,<,-:;.^:.: 

■"-•'"■■'births.:;;- ' 

. 3hj Poland la rejolctag oirar the aillTal «t 8 
baby girl, bom to .Ug;v«IM MVt' <■ 
roary 11. . ,. >> ---';iSXr:.:3>i' . 

After working from the Btt of Kay. ' 1910. 
to Febmary 11. lOll. wltbont a break. Bngene 
Wolffbeim'a Rronxe Btatoes spent a two waeka' 

FEBRUARY 26, 1811. 

Til e Dill boar <1 


Burlesque and Bur lesquecs 


Reviews, Remarks and Live News Items from All Depart- 
of Both Burlesque Wheels, OatliOTed 
Especially for The Billboard 


There >rn so many confllcttDK rcportfl rvKfirOlag 
ttae burlesque situation for next season, ttiat It 
U luTdiT ufe to mke nj Ktatemvats until 
vome definite Information ha* been siren out for 
publication bjr Uioae In olDcUl antborttjr at tbe 
luad ot dtber ot tbe two wlieela. Tliat atanr 
dungec an to be mide to more ttuw eertalD, 
■ad quite a few ot tboae holdlnc trancblaea on 
ketk ctacnlta are inare tban llkelj- to be nriaalns 
wImk tke near maim iwffftnr 

in BiMern Wheel circle*, thm arc etroni 
rumora as to tbe m»r>j cbangva wblcb are ex- 
pect<^, and altbooxb little la jet knowa reffard- 
iDg Just wlfcut tbeae cbangea arc to be. It to 
pnctlcally certain tbat qolte « ntunber of rhanEf" 
win be made In the manasemeot and jtrnfral 
policy of tbe circuit, wfalle quite a ft-w nrw 
lltlea majr be expected. Mernn. Jacob* ami Jrr- 
men ■u wocUbii enenetlcatly to the (toot, and 
ma^ poaslb^be bolmr* 


of one or 
opena, while It la « kmnrn 

fact tlMt tbrr are lerloaair contemplatlnt ma* 
ner sloek at aerefal o( the better pajrtnc oiNiiM 
e( tbe Oolambia clienit, and hare laid plane to 
handle. In addition to tbrlr Pblladelpbia Oaretr, 
tlie Oaretja. at Baltimore, WashloKton and 
Plttabutg. It la alM certain that Jack Slniter 
will bare a ahow next avium, and It la 
true tbat he h* oo the look«Hit for exceptkinal 
talent with wbkb lo onianUu- bla new prodnr- 
tICB*, which will dooMlvaa be a credit to tbia 
piagtiieilf burltaqna ploacer and a rerelatlon 
M all latewa t e d la tbe etolatloa o( tUa ai>- 
ahead foca or medera Iheatrlrale. Amonir thoae 
alieadr engased tor the Singer ettracllnaa for 
next aeaaon are: Ben Wdcb. IVte Cnrly. I^iu 
HaicaU, Will J. Kennedy, Eileen Sheridan. 
Nanette Conltoo, and manr other atara of like 

To Jack Sinner mnch of tbe prabio for tiM* 
wonderful adrancemeut of latter day burleaquf 
la due, and all who remi'mber hia atartllnit crea- 
tloo* alnce tbe days of Tbe t'aaalnjr Rerlew will 
eertalolr agree wltb mc In thia matter. Both 
«r the Singer abnws tbIa acaaoa ara far ahore 
the average of tbIa aeaeon'a prodncttona oo both 
wheela. and It ia aafe to pneoma tbat ererr 
eSbct wtU be aaada to avpaaa all tmmrr eMart* 
wk*B_tiw cwtata m «« ikr mm wMch 
Hr.tSiBgar haa' la aMm wr aeat a«a«na*» bar- 

aaxtig aad Saaaeo'a Olager Olria, with Iml 
few ekaogea, b abeat aa good a abow aa It Waa 
laat aeaaon, and with the exevntlon ot a few aiU 
nor fanlla, atamla op well with olber abow* ot 
Ita elaaa. Tbe only chanitea wbkb are noilei^ 
able are tbe ellmlnallnn of the Cbrlatmaa tree 
In the opcnine arene, iu»iue new and better waril- 
rotK\ aiKl a few new savri* and situations, wblrh 
bare erldenllr been InterpolaK-il by Eddie Wnitlie 

Md Oaont aioiie. wbo are aim the nalaatan 
dC.ttt MMT. n* priaclpala are pmeileanr 
aB the aaata. aa fa* aa the amrr Important rnlve 

iMlatf Jarifar^ ItlnrtiM ta the anmlaib 

Dr. Ooa^Oia la the aeeond part, while the Oer- 
man character, an elererly hanalled laat araami 

by Will n. Want, la now In the banda of Vllbur 
nobh. who aires a very rredllablc perAirmanre. 
pie atralxht parlp, formerly In Ibe hands of 
Oeorae llctta. are now taken care of ttv Jnini-M 
Wilson, who makea a nice appearance, ilrx^Hslii^ 
the chararten with detailed ailenltoii and r*'od- 
tag hia llaea la a clear manner, while his alng- 
uw la a all that can be de«lre>l. The_pnnelpal 
feoale aar again with Jane I.e Bean and 
Jeanette Sherwood, both of whom an> a ereallt 
anil an oraaaieat lo the show. Mlm I> Ih>an 
waa In great torn when I saw the show, and 
all of her aoBKa wen- la-nullfully rendered. 
P-clally When the Old (inken Ilneket Was Now. 
and last season's pretty number. Pansy, which. 
or the way. has bet-ii rastly lmpn>re<l by some 
new and atlractlre wanlrohe. some of the girls 
weorlni? knlckerlwckeni Instead of all dreaaee as 
■aal year. Prlmroae Kemon. who playa Ibe eon- 
biette relea. Im a clenrr ami winsome Mlaa, and 
berapeelaltF hi Hw olio waa a very worlbr offer- 
!**• .allaa Seaioa I* rery young and anoiewliat 
Unnatore. but la erldenlly a comer, altbonah 
work wmilii be much ImproTiNl If ahc were 
Jo learn a tew step* In tianrlng. Marty Semon, 
um MIHiT. Daa Bnlllran and Charlea J. Jllll 
■" help to make np the reapecllTc characters, 
while a gnoiMonklng hnnch of girls help greatly 
\} S I'felly niimbera ami ataire pictures 

. WMeh_were produenl hy the rersatlle Ed. Rog- 
. The olio locluiles The Srmon I)no. In a clor- 
er singing ami. talking act, and'Slg. and Edilh 
mni. In one of tbe terr beat trick and com- 
edy ryrling art* errr aeen In a bnrleaqne olio. 
The work of thIa team baa Improreit raatly. the 
man baring latndneed aeeeral new trick*, while 
. . o' ^1** haa alao Improred a 

Ileal. George StODn la worthy of credit for many 
Utile sltaatlona which brlna foHh Uugbler aa 
well as for a lot of really clercr dancing In 
toe nniiibera: Jungle Hand, with Prlmroae, Semon 
•bj other principals, and In an Indian number, 
waiea has also l»ci*n improred by a new ward- 
™*^.. "he work of Ed. liee Wrothc, although 
of the alow and dry rartety, I* a wekromo 
eoaage from the aTerage atyle oC tho eeary-day 
Imrlesiiue conedlan.. aad Ma naaaaer. wbleh 
?!•?•'!" .'• ««•' hamor aad troe orlg- 

l!?"!?.'. " •»y 'onlta w'th The flln- 

ger nirla they are hard to dnd. and Ibe moat 
aeratlaoua critic cnnlri make no anggeallon noleaa 
■.'J'no to Mcelerato the grflan aad to haatea tha 
is *'■*■' ***<■ I* hlHWi «* 

Clarence nurdlek. wlia Waa anaaled oa the com- 

John r, llarl, the wcll-knnwn doiie liiipenioD- 
■wf, who ha* bcea ao Inug IdenllOedjWllh Weat> 

Quci'li of Iiuhi-mta John U uow trtivt-linK- H 
was n>c<'ntl>- ntatcil by a theatrical paper thut 
Mr. Hart waa no longiT plajlog tbe dope flend, 
but thIa waa evidently an «rror. for John la 
■tilt portraylojr ttiat perullar typo of character, 
and Ih un^ «if ttie hits of tbe hdow. 


Odlra. the charming ami wonderful little 

_ rmlug _ 

awTmiiMT, a tbIa weA liaeklng Ibe Ptttabnig 
oayety, a* .aa. adiai ainaalhM for* Jaciiba 
and Jt'rmoa'a fl wda a Crooka. Odiea haa 
as act which for tme ai-enlc beaaty aad 
real talent stands alone ami unrlralled. ami 

It la certain tbat many, will attempt to 
Imitate bcr work, altbouKh It will be uo 
eaay tank, for at a r*wIutTii.*r and biieh and 
omami'iital aiT.T, Oillva han them all tied to the 

poit. Tbrrc arc few people wbo are awan< of 
the fact tbat Odlra ha* lieen a ciefor awlmuer 
for year*, an-l I have often wii a d iw d why she 
waa Bot long alnce dlaeorer>-d by the fhr-aeeing 
■aautr oa the lookoot for a real novelty. In 
aMIUOB to being an exrellrnt awlmuvr. tidlva 
waa alwaya c«nelih>tvd tin- fastest lady walker 
of tbe agi', aud with her dainty feet Incased In 
a mlnlatnru pair uf water shoes, »be once walked 
down Ibe far-fameil Rlrer Thamrs, a feat which 


Will Close with Max Spiegel's Queens of Bohemia Company 
and Retira franS^igB Li^»— CooMs Awaid Manftoa 
ft in IlMir Sidt Agabist Hor^ 

The latent news lo burlesque la the auddvu 
resignation of the popular May Florlne Linden 
from her place In the cast o! Max Splegcl'a 
new burlesque show. The Queens of Bohemia, 
of which she playeil ttie leading female role, 
that of tbe adreuturoDa qaeen. The aiaiifco- 
meat of the abow waa extremely reticent in 
the matter and mmld glre no further laforma- 
tlaa, hamd iinaSiml^ the lavart. Mlaa Ua- 
daa. atiM ta s. aOikoaM MHiiMtitlta that 
■ha waa leaetas tha ihow aaMy oa aecoont 
of her desire to retire from atage life, and aalil 
that she had only Joined the abow aa a faror to 
Hr. Spiegel, with whoae prodoctlon. The Col- 
lege (ilrl*. ahe made her burlesque debot laat 

.MIks Linden, who waa formerly a Bhaberl 
star, creatvil quite a sensation In burleaqoe cir- 
cles anil l>er maoulficeot gon-ns wero a onlrersal 
wouficr and delight. At the close of last aea- 
aon, .Mliw Linden playOd tha leadlac rol* In 
Gorloa * North'* Merry WMMt h« Malsaoil 
when It waa annoutieed that -tta Mag 'Waa to 
play tbe Rmpire Circuit. 

Bhc has been wltb Tbe Qm-vn of Bohemia Vat 
a few weeks, baring replaced Jean Sallabary. 
who waa obliged to ctoee on aceonat at alrk 

Uataa artll alaaa wiik Xfea Qmmm 

with the ("apt. I'uul lt...vl.Mi Wnrld'a Walet 
.sh.iw. of whuh tniiipi- odlra then a aiMa; 
Is-r. Her sucwss Is well ili siTviM. amlall a«' 
her <dd friend*, anil lliey are. inaari -WSo ffS 
this mitlre. will. 1 am *«ins lata alt fa wMlas 
her long and nmtlnanl aaceee*. 

I don"! nmiemher «»r havtag area a fuanler 
or nion> appi»|irlate ael fiw a borlewpie «"« than 
that of Frank Kynm and I^mlae IjiMgibw. and al- 
thongh I liave ai-en Ibe act nn several .llltetent 
■NTaaloa*. It never w-ein* I" I«»m- It laiich-pro- 
dudng Iin>|».nsllle». If liiiiKhlua sets an- r«'- 
iiulr«.|| for twnlts. ami ihi-n- U no donbl a* to 
this iinestlon. Iheu The lin.h- Ivieetlve Is almnl 
as gnoil M Bi'livlloii as 1 cnii think ot for a real 
iillo winner. 

I am In rei-elpl of i leller fnmi iiiir old 
frleml, <ie.irri. 1- wh.. In i-llll 1" .■..iillno- 
ment awallliiir the ilerl«l..n "f Ih,- ••ourls. lie 
lella nie that muuy prute««hiiiiil friends lisvi- vIh- 
Iteil him and lia»v hel|ml lo hrblhlen the weury 
hnrira hy llieir ehivrlag |i*»«eB»<^ He U 
elallv gralefnl l« the roembeni of tbe uisii.v 
linaine vompaolea whMi have visllwl wllkes- 
llarre. and who have found lime li> rmi over anil 
•ay gooil-day ami to speak a few khi.lly 
of hope ami Hhw for tlie lonely |irla..lier. who. 
after all. I* one of us. and Is enlltleil to our 
help and consideration. 

.\niaog the recent rlslt.irs wer.- Tlie Yniike<> 
IVxMlle Olrls Co. (Wi-stern Whwl). which In- 
rlniksl Messrs. Jih- DIximi, fmilliis ami Uawley, 
PIxon and Hearu. «nd nihers. .\nnllier rec-wt 
visitor was that tsipnlar king of gp'd .te'lew*. 
Frank Mdager. wlio la Ibla aeann ahead nf The 
nncklliiga. and wbme fltat irialt la wnken>narre 
waa lo tieoiile Maitmi. The nH>mlH<ra of The 
Pennant Wlaaeea alao abmreil thidr iti-n<>w«lt r h.r 
BUlwerlhlng a gemlly mini, which was tendered 
t» Mr. Marhm hy hia old friend. Frank llanlnn, 
.wke. along with Mr*. Oraec. of Tlie Tliree 
flmres. was fon-mnst in the ko-xI \v.>rk of i-.>m- 
fortlng the dlsln^asoil man. I have also re- 
■luealol to iHentlnn the niemlsTs of Tlie Ml«« 
New York. Jr.. Co. tWesleriil. who have also 
disnlaveil much lntere«l In the case, anil who all 
have helpiMl tn |l»lilen the great load of allllc- 
tloii which l«>ars si> heavily iii>ou our nnfnrlnnate 

m a_ At —1^. ..a^ \tlsa_ Vuaa* X'fwV 

friend. Among the rlai>»T*rrom Mlsa New Jwk. 
Jr., was Pal lillrben. of Tbe Itaaelntc Mltrbella, 
who haa Inm a MM (Irlead to arAritr, aM.whn 

has aorer triallfd WiUMw-Bario alaeo Marlna'a 
eoaanemeat wllhaat gajrlaii hha a OMBtMrtlnit 

(CMllaarA aa |«s» Mi) 


at tlic Kiilptrr Tht'iiln'. Tnli-dA. OA Satimlal'* 

March -I. and will rvtuni wllti bt'r hiMhaiHl-tw 
their tiotne Id Nctv York. : 


New York Feb. 18 (Sneclal to The Billboard). 
— Henrietta *l-ee. who with her hnshand. Chariei* 
B. MorrlsoD, was dlachargcd from a Hortlg 4t 
ScamoQ borleaque show because she refuaed t« 
wear tlahts. won a second renllct In the So- 
preme Conn before Jnatlce tloir. 

The Jurr gtre to Mlaa Lee aad kei 
a lodgment for tbe fall time *< ttgr i 

gat a aaw 





aaee aa a barieaqae manager la eonneeihn 
with Harry IlaatlDga and tbe Bachelor Clii 
same few seaaoa* ago. Mr. Arnold Is a Clu 
rlnnatl man and Is a abowman of long an 
rarleil experience, baring had bis show schiml 
Ing In the rery center of the buslneas. He waa 
at one time eonoeete.1 with the circus business, 
and baa trooped with »ev.-ral of the heat »nown 
teat shows on the road. lie wa* ako. fur 
aeveral years. IdentllM wllh the camlral biwl 
nesa a ben that toraa oC aa w f tmia t wan at lis 
beat and when forlaMa ««fa Mas aiaihp la th>* 
atfeet fair field. 

Martin Oiill.l. who has hn-n idayhMr vaade- 
vine with a small stork com|iany. a Mia Wa* 
bllleil aa Martin doUd and bla Vtutn. and 
which ha* jMt caadaded a *iwr«Mflil aeaaim 
of tweaty-lhaaa 'woeka aeecthe tlwt San ami II. 
R. Polack twa, haa. doied. the act aad I* 
now reheatalHt a SiSh U Mttor *aa*^Ue aad 
hnrieaqaa. HfL Oallfa aa»ttwt,i« ■jaa^mar 
nett. who wa* la** aeaaaa wllh Ilanjr naatlag* 
Big Show. 

is It tniO that Pete Curler la lo he wllh 
Jack Singer neat aeaaon? Well. I should sny 
ye*, tor Jack told me an himself and that Nn i 
all. Hen Welch I* to (dam the burlesque flmia- 
ment with hi* flUtetlog preaenee and Jack 
Singer la going to make 'em all sit iii> unil 
say •*tTncla.** 

Roas and Shaw report a auccessfnl season a» 
an olio feature wltb The t.ady Buccaw-era Com 
pany. While In Cincinnati they bad Reo. Tallsi 
make th4-m an entire new set of scenery. Tliey 
hare a norel act and ate going hig In all Hie 

I.i*w Krlce. the clever young brother of the 
versatile Fanny, la going big with The Queen* 
of llohenila. the hit of his siie»-lalty hef — 
Imitation of Bert Williams' pantomime 
game, which Lew hanillin to perfection. 

RInaldo. tbe wlxar.1 violinist, has bi-on mak- 
ing a big hit In hurlesque. and Is still wlH: 
Jack Sinner's S«-r.-nailers. Our list l« ulr to 
the tar-«eelog Jack. He certainly knows how 
to pick the borlcaquc winner*. 

By F BJx w amr. 

Innovations In the theatre aia faicw Saeh 
■aiked advance In playhoaaa foaatraetloa haa 
S!i?m*de within thonMl ^Mdo that anytWng 
Sa^lcolarly original la legaedad with exmodiO' 
aiT i»«ere.t. Ailog* th.f are aew are CeaaraUy 
coaflned to the prodnctloaa, and one theatre anjr 
another la bolll along the conrentlooal Unea aas 
nothing of the exceptional la adraneed. 

But Chicago la soon to have oMCd a thaal- 
rical building which >^ • <>»*1»J* fSSl 

la American atmctioea devoted to tb* tboatr* 
and to tboae who are * .Patt of It. Thto win 
be the combined CMdaeMa 
era' Hotel, la (Hark atrett. Bear WaahtagMk 
which hy tha time thla appear* la print ^ be 
almaat leadT for Ita formal opening. 

ThTtaUaiai will be a decidedly aterMtlng 
pUce for theatrical folk. It will cooiblne all the 
idrantage* of a modern play-houae. hotal. carea. 
placea of dlreralon and reception rooma. Nothing 
like It baa been built In America .hefor*. Ih* 
. "tliect. J. E. O. I'ridmora. .coneeieed tha Mm 
from a building be riewed In Italy. »0lM» 
atvbllectoral arbeme . he added many orls «l«l 
Ideaa. and th* naalt fai altogether a snccMa. 

Th; bMlldlag. with Ita »"■"»'»"'«•'!!* 
and reception rooma. poml"* !2.'7„ifc TfSi? 
Dlace in Cb cago for the Ihentie folk. Their 
eaaSirt *Bd ple*«ur* hare been taken Into con 
SdaralioB In Ita conairoctloo. It. of course 
Sin appeal primarily to "■"•'<■•' "SSfetlSi 
raudevllle performers. l.erau»e tb* *tt»«rtlon* 
m the theatre will be of ihe «>">ffl!*_I,t!!TV: 
.Dd Ihe boiuM- la situaieil In a »'£'j"J' •It* » 
thr • heateo track ' of the maaMal aad two-a- 

" Tbe'VueTtre will be knotni «»• WMBWa. 
taking lla name fnim lb* CMambla Amnaemcnl 
tompJoy.Vfhlcb ilU aappl g lU al.uractlooa Th. 
Th^faoui; wlU occupy fgirlB«w of 
f b* tem*lnlng fire Boor*. WWk a»«»?5'2L55: 
lobby on the ground flour aai 
anite* on the lloor* In front 

I'n'^euS!: -«". •JKSS?*r'^ 

SSSlL^ Tte St enSn^T. beginning at the 
SSS%d ™hebulldlng, la to th* rathskeller 
JTtt* teJeminT. one oi the oddeat and moai 

!SaSSi puce. Of r.^'ffiL&iJi«*afSi*5i 

aeeond entrance leada to lb* nUff* ST SSl"Lzi 
tb* third and fourth to tb* ba^ls ^ ^a . 


If.*/. Tbm wm h* a m»«aaal«* Boor of boxes. 
•"«•• raoM wm w ■ ifj^ ^ closer to 

fb^^awSe MS«"ta7w ^ Chicago theatra. 

iS? -? —Ml iSrVn side t>ov<-» Smoking will be 

iSSSm borleaquc theattva and moalc bal l*. 

xSe aeaUng arrangement Is unlaue and pMft* 

b*« hSS ipplled for '""^^ °tK^ 
IB Iheorooienadea belweea tb* act*. Th* w» 

£,a'a w'5?tag room and »• "KJiiJiV, 
Urely flnlahed and decuraled. *h* dyoraure 


-S^l'tK e^-tSSSint Of 

SSU' and pineli are decorated ta*»d««g» 
SSS£» laaerlpttem aadahMdaTlaalgWt 
iSl fc wltt H MaM aad failm an 

and Wftnm ^ ■ ■ 

Till*. .__ 

Jo* r. L*wl* ha* l*ft„"» Columbta lla«- 
dTparla fr^ aa > a a lawa^aMaat«;._ ^"JJJ; 

Taming Pointy 

Ulaa Anita Julias. U-'t Mssion »oger- 
BKt".. in I'anama, ha, icf. ^^'^'^^^ 

SJl4?.'e- •5?-'*J?d°fna'"b« litaS' j'S5!'««l. 
5r^'Srian''s'Sw'%la,l« «* -J*^ l-J^ 
She baa two number*, a »ong to 'hoatai mw 
i.tis ami a daoc* Bomher la tha aeeond PMI- 


X ti e e 1 1 1 b o a r d 

FEBRUARY 25, 1911. 




I B I G pJ=S X ©^^^^^ N 1=1 AMU S E 


E.lilie FoiT R ooDlmct wlih the SbaberU ex- 
pired OD Ftb. 11 and lie closed bis season In 
I -ii nml I»nnn BroaiJway wltii Uiree record- 
hr(>aklDe honftes nt llarmanos Bleecker Hall. 
K<-b. lO-ll. 

ManaKcr GIllK-rt Gordon, of the Hal!, became 
a glmw manaeer for one nieht onlv. ob Feb. 
la . wlw tt be pecwMullj- presented two EDcllsb 
JMjrtanen. I'ercr French and Dr. Houston 
£!*HP<i*< > jiortomunce sometlilns 



of German drama had a treat lant 
"Week at the Sbnbert in viewing the perform- 
anee of Ernst Von Possart. the noted German 
actor, and his company, iir. Von Possart Is 
.general dln-ctnr of the Court Theatre at Munich 
and came to this country b.v special permLoylon 
«£ the Prince Regent of Bavaria. Four plays 
~ ■ ' uted and those attending tdalmed tbi> 
. ^ .tt* CaiflMU laacMSB. .WW aat 

Ua ait. 

_Ctaila> S. Bmd kaa ■oeeecdad Wl 
nMIar aa auaacer or tbe Broofeln' 
Tbcati*. Be haa antuned bis new ti 
la aov <n charse. Hr. Breed cornea ta 
Ijn from Omaha. Neb., where he wai 
of tbe Kms Theatre for sereo yean, 
tbat time he had been Identltled wltk tba 
rical business in varlona parta aC 
liavinc held a number of 1iii|iiiiilaal' 
the Stair A Harlln Clrcnlt. 
_The Coart Theatre will be reopened iloudflr. 
Peh. SOl bx Thomas E. Shea, 
.can* PaytOB has accnrrd tbe exclusive stoclc 
riichts l» Wwmya ta BIda JOhaioa Voaac'a 
™« latteiy Staa. 
^'S^ *^ anwaiaaee or Corse 

Pama at feta awa th s aU a tot a week's en- 
' fy*"— * in Sefcial weeks am be 

■ppcarM at bla own theatre for one perform- 
ance at a Sundar concert and the tbeatn was 
Kold ont half an hour before tlie show started. 

Tbe Itjrde ft Bebtnao Amusement Co.. after 
mootbs of hard eSort, baa sncceeded in ect- 
tlne as an extra attraction at their Gayetr 
Theatre for week of March 13. the famoos 
Samoan DItIdr Wooder. Odlra. Tbis adiletl at 
traction. In cooaeeita wllh. 
will make the weak aC ~~ 
for the Gayetr- 

UaaacH Ckariia W.. DuMaL arthe Ghaino, 
tad a testimaaial M. M. at wUah. ia aMI 
tloB. a pacfhnaaaca waa slnw bv 
pcofesslaoal tslent aad a iiiiiabiii lir 
BtooklTiiltes who ooce "trod the boa. 

Mr. Charles DowUnc traasnicr'oC the Green 
point- Theatre. Is open for concratolatlons. he 
haTlnK married recently Miss Harriet Mntphy. 
Tbe weddine was the culmination of a real 
box-oiSce love alTalr. as tlie bride has been ifr. 
I>owlini:*R aSBl.stant the last two seasons. 

Peleitate William O'Grady, of the Brooklyn 
Botoosh Committee. United Brotherhood of 
t>n psa t*i s and Joiners, stated the strike of car- 
tfhawia aa flie A. Thompson Scenic Railroad. 
»t Csoey IHaad. temaJns practlcaUy the aame. 
wMi nnall cfcaaeea ot a settleaieBt. Tbb 
atrlka waa a ianaj jam. as aealast tbe em- 
Pbvaeat at aoa — l o»- caipenteiiL- . Ae cna- 

J* la saw aelaB o^ aadcr tS^paTSSp afaw. 


McGarry and .McGarry. featured with The Pen- 
nant Winners at tbe Monumental Theatre, bare 
a dancing act that with many dltBcalt steps, is 
one of the greatest novelties aoJ unique prcsen- 
tations seen here for many days. Durius the 
dance. FehmaiT 13. WUUam McGarry slipped 
and wialaid bte aakle. aad be will be obiused 
to nnala qaM te aerecal waaka. TU» «ksa 
the tbiid time la as maay weeks that (Us acci- 
dent has happened to him. An laMatate was 
called to take bU pUce. His (HMi t«»e ad- 
Ttsed him to eliminate the manf dWeOIt steim. 
bnt be has continued In vain. 

The Waj;es of Sin was the play presented by 
the Boston Players at tbe Savoy during tbe 
week of February 13. When the cnrlain rose for 
the lierformance Momla.v, the audience expe- 
rienced a great surprise. The program staled 
that tbe character of JalUana Bloegs would be 
enacted hF 3Um nka jfirla BMO. UlliEartnBately. 
at the laat ■oaiaat SSTllMI «M aot appear 
at tbe Ibsatit. as she lacase aaMealy ill and 
was coB ja ed ta ber .apartaieaU at tbe St. James 

Mr. P e F lare s t F. Dawley. tbe manaser of the 
' ta that at a 

after hsvinK Mimcli-iitly leased their InterCTt. 
she further exliibltod far their beaedt all the 
specific tricks of lier trade. Vocal gfvammt* do 
not constitute the art of singlnc. haUkiC aa 

pyrotechnics of tbe coloratura maM a 
rioos claim to one*s consideration." 


Uanager Lovenlierg. of Keith's Theatre, has 
engaged Miss Eleanor McEwen for the Alt>ce 
stock Co. for the scmmer season of 1911. She 
has been associated with stock companies In San 
Francisco and Denver, and for three lessons as 
Inading woman with Creston Clarke. I.ast season 
stie bad tbe leading role la The Fnrtaoe Hnnl- 
er. and later Joined WtUlsm Glllelle In reper- 
toire. _ 

Miss Uly I«aa nade a ble hit at EelU's 
Theatre last week. She arrived la New Xork 
from England on Tuesds.r. and was Immediately 
booked by Manager Lovenberg to fill ont Miss 
Norwood's time, who was sntferlng from a s;*- 
las Lean's si>waa m-rre llie BMi^t 
heca ' ^a a laaif ihhe* 


The Baltlmoie aad Wiablastoa basiaeas men 

-were oiAnccessfnl ta their etforta to hold a Pan- 
ama celebration IB Wasblaston lo 1915. Al- 
thottgh San Francisco was cbosen as the expo- 
sition city, the Senate Committee wonld not 
consent to a national celebration being held at 
the national capital for fear it would detract 
from the exposftloo. Is view of the fsct that 
WaablastoB la sereral thoosasd mUes from the 
n. i U sa -Oate. Bat etlll there Is hope that fn- 
tase eowdittona may alter drcnnutances and 
the celebtatloB mar be held ss planned. 

Tbe same committee which anccessfnlly ac- 
conapllahed the recent Jackson Day celeliratloa 
la Jaaaan. U at work to bring tbe Democratle 
JMtooal OBBTentlon here In 1812. A mass meet- 
iilK or eitfsens waa held la the Council Chambers 
at the City Han. February 8. and a committee 
was chosen to undertake the task. 

3Ir. James L. Keman entertained serenty-five 
rm» from St. Joseph's School of Indnstry at 
Me JCoTland Theatre at the matinee. February 
■ 3b. Kenan derlres considerable nleasure 
ftaa tbts iKaenalty. and many Institutions sre 
tkeqaeatly farored In tbia aaaacr. 

Bnlldlnic laapeetor ITMha raaeeatlr issaed a 
wamli^ to theatres iiniilit exit Ughts. He 
received a letter from a —hiht* of a morlng 

fiIctnre theatre, statlnjr that a meeting of ttie 
loTlng Picture Exhlhltsca* Association, held 
Febmary 8. the membets asKed to comply with 
the tettnlatlona. The inspector was pleased with 
their wDlIngness to comply with tne law. T:;e 
rrcalatlsns reqnire red lights to bum at exits 
' alTtiw tlaa whUc an aodleaoe is present. 
- Vhe baUiBK at 408-ilO East Baltimore street. 
wUeh was (ormcrlr ooeapled as labia's Theatre 
for marine pictures, hss been leased br tbe 
Moving Picture Company of America to Victor 
G. Pappss and C. Constsntlne. from Philadel- 
phia. After extenalTe alterations, the projterty 
win be transformed Into a handsome restaurant 
and dinJns room. 

John K. Mclver has been awarded a contract 
to enlarge tbe Pickwick Theatre on North IZ^vr- 
ard street. It Is Intended to Install three hun- 
dred additional aests and Improve the exit facil- 
ities. Tbe alteratlaas and improvements wHI 
cost about n.MIOl 

.\. stage romance eidadnated In matrimony at 
Oiktend. Cnllfomls. Febmsry 4. Miss XUIIan 
Volkman. daoirbter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. 
Tolkman. 3;.T7 Eastern aTenae. lo thia city. he. 
rame the hrlde of Mr. HaHaa Kaisht. Both 



Erecte<l la 1910. this theatre 

- - - ' - . is 1 

seating capacity of 1.200 Is oae of tbe miii.t mnd.-rn 


It «Mk qaiek work to lewilte this 

sad nfeiaan bat deanita tbta ^aag« tbe 
iiaaata'w—t aa smontblr. TMa chaiwe did 


emciNNATi, a 

Patronage at tbe two llrst-class bouses In this 
city was about equally divided laat week. B. 
B. Warner. In Alias Jimmy Valentine, at ttie 
Lyric, and Nance O'XeU In The Uly. at the 
Grand, were the most Importsat sttractloax. The 
Colombia had a good Tanderille bill, and the 
Walnnt had Billr CIMsrd In The Girl, the Man 
and the Game. 

Unnsnslly warn weather last week serred to 
crowd the downtown streets in the erenlng and 
tbe varloua amusement bonsos. Inclodlng Ave 
cent theatres, did a very good business. Tbe 
cnrrent attractions are very good. Sotbem and 
Marlowe and Tbe Boond-Dp occupy tbe Lyric and 
Grand reflpectlTely. 

The Family Theatre, Ctnclnnatrs latest sc4nl- 
slUon. opeaai lisadar. Mtaaiy M, Tav Httle 
mention baa baaa gtnm tUm thaatas 
papers, aad It la ceMent that the aHnaccmeat 
wished to spring a surprise on the pobllc, ss It 
was not generally believed that this boose would 
be ready nntll the middle of March. The policy 
of tbe bnnse will be contiouoos vaudeville and 
motion plctnres. 

Paid In Fnll Is tbe tnirrent attraction at the 
Walnnt. and A Stranger in a Stiaaae J.aBd la 
being olTered by tbe Forepcngh 
at the Olympic. Keith's and t 
offering high-class Tsnderllle. 

Sarah Bernhardt will hegla ber tbree-day ea' 
gagement In the Qneen City on Fehraarr 33. 

Kotwitbstsnding tlie enloglstle comments tbe 
diva. . Tetraxrinl. has N-cn recelTing, the note<l 
aong bird failed to cause any great seosatinn 
In Cincinnati lo«t week. She apl>eared at the 
Music Hall on the night nt the 18tfa to a Isrge 
If not overlv polite audience, lo commenting 
opon the fliv.i. a momlnc newspaper said in 
part: "She made grimaces, threw . kisses aad 

th ta Hi. after ae 
saastsbtp of this 

the contractors ha 

Walk baa bach lesnmed on tbe new Awhw 
ae*eral weeks' MIsatas. The 
is theatre Is atm la deabt, hat 

hare decided to flnlah the tlie- 
atre and leave It to the courls for Dnsl settle- 

Manager Georce Case has bad tbe Orpheom 
neatre thoroughly renovated and redecorateil. 
and It BOW looks like a brand new theatre. Tbe 
ladlea' waltlac room has been handsomely retnt- 

°*^lTaa * CaaaHlai'a KaaJ Shew XO. 4 
played bete week n< VMChMr IS. aht la the 
biggest Shaw ««cr hiiathl fy. tha-E. > fe 
Circuit. ThM ahaw laeWb-aaM Man aa-Masa 

J. Mortoa. UMaj-aaa BndltN aad WUtekM 

and GrlelBon. 

Joe Bonner, a Vancouver boy, U playing leads 
with tile Princess Musical Comedy Co. at the 
Grand. Joe has been awa.v from tbe city for 
alx years, and be n'celved a royal welcocne home. 

The Welsh Male Choir of tbls citr will In ail 
probability represent Vancoarrr at tlie Esrl Gray 
■aalcal aad draaatle eoasartltlsa to be held 
la Wlaalm Oe watt aC April 24. 

local amatcnr aetata are eadeararlng to get 
the Fark Commlsdoaets* pemlsaioa to ludd a 
paatarsl plsy In Stsoley Park, In commemora- 
tiOB of the coronation of King George. 

Music lovers of this city learned with regret 
the announcement that tbe engagement of Mme, 
Calve bad been canceled, owing to ber Illness, 

R. G. Knowles. the inimitable Canadian come- 
dian, is receiving a big reception oo bis third 
visit to South Africa. 

MIsa Dorothy Loye, a young Mlnaeapolla girt, 
is rece l T la K czcelleat aotleea la BoaU Africa. 

Otiliada Taa Dyck aad Ear Ihta. who a|i> 
peered at tbe Orpbenm here a few weeks ago. 
bnt were canceled at Victoria, are now playing 
oo the Paotages' Circuit, but are working sin- 

The Cromwells whs alajed at tha PaataW 
n^cently. had thrh' aaMeMai 
the ■•isdf" la tha act waa i 


Hnslness is excellent st the Vancouver 0|>era 
House, and the Orphrom and Pantares' report 
excellent hnslness. J. M. McIXAX. 

Mr. HanT Brewo. ot the wdMaaara aande- 
Tllle tsaai. Brswa. Harris and Bi aa i h. vaa In 
towa last week, laying off, due ta aa tfleer on 
Us left ana. 

at tile Westminsters, the only bur. 
B In the city. Is big. Tlie roatloees, 
si stron;:Ty to ilie ladles, sre picking 
tbi> nl;lit shows ate alwsys 

. WAS|llllflTON,.0. C 

No comnlalnt coming from the theatre man' 
sgers at this stage of tbe game. Good attrac- 
tions are bringing out the crowds. 

Ellen Terry will cloee her tmm 
tbe ilational capital tbIa 
land Fetimaiy 2S, 


Tbe eolsiad pspalaftai at 
a - thcaite. eatli^ r ' 

hare _ , . 

Howard. Six cemcdjr acta. lacMHaff Tanl aad 

Instnimental music, sad three tbansand feet 
of moving picture nima csastHale the daily pro- 
gram for tbe present. 

Robert Edcson. who plsys Where tbe iv«" t" 
Tides, at the National Theatre this week. Is tne 
extranent of the American Indian on tbe stage, 
and accordingly haa Inrlled the Indian represen- 
tation In Congress, coas l stlsg of Senatora Clapp, 
Curtis and Osrea, and Rcpresentatlrea Carter 
and Harrison, to stteod s performance as hia 
guexts. El>. WTNN. 


Tbe mnsic latara aT Athurta tamed oat ea 
mssse Feb. a, to bear Crestore and bis l.^noni 
band at the Mammoth Anditarlnai. For irrer 
two hours Creaiore held his Urge sniicnea 

spellbound. The Audllnrliim was almost taxed 
to Ita capacity, and as em-h piece wn.^ tinlshed 
over 4.000 people cb<'cretl and nr>pVBi'f1e-l to 
such sa estent Ibst an encore follotted. 
Thm laaei theatres olso tcndereii some extra 

" ~ Mt we<'k. 


LounmuM, tee.. 

One of the haest aM ass* picture 
booses In tbe fnontiy afm t In Loatsrllle last 
week. It Is owned and oiierated by tbe Crystal 
-Vmnsemeot Co.. after which the honse was 
named. Tbe Crystal Amusement Co. Is a new 
organisation and Is now controlling a chain of 
houaes In Louisville and Soutbem Indiana, of 
which Mlchal Switow la preaident and ceoeral 
manager. The new Crystal baa been pnttlng oat 
the S. B. 0. sign every night since It bss start- 
ed. The new bouse Is sltnsted In the businesa 
sectlofi of the dty. and has the admlsaloa price 
set at hra ceatsL nat laa hima are aaed. sad 
It baa a fsm plaia withillia.- The new b oaii 
hsa a e cBi e d the ati ima at Chas. Bdwstd Ham*. 
soo. one of the meat popnlsr theatrical men In 
LonlBviile. as boose manager. 

The Hopkins has a new scale, prices having 
beetk changed since tbe S. & C. People have 
taken it over. It was formerly a 5 and XO e^at 
house, bnt now is charging 10. in and 2S cents. 

Joe Starter, maaager of the Broidway Amnse- 
aaeat Osu. la wcnrlac a hroad smile since bis 
up. He s«.va be wisbea 


This week here Is rsthrr aB_aBBsaal 

Bsmorh as each ptajAswh-Ja i 
tien for a fnll week. 


It hart t>een anDonnc<»d that Vsughsn Olaser 
wonld pla.v a season of stock at the Colonl"' 
this spring and summer, hot on Mr. Glaser's 
arrival he f^w fit tn modlfv the stateiaeat 1^ 
saying that "all nmngctncnts bad aat bcf 
completed and be did not know a be tb e t he wfll 
play the CJilonlal or saaaa alhar HwatHj^- W 
there Is really aolbiaK MMMe aa ftt... iMMBik 
Stnbbs and wtlaoa will be with aa agala idar- 
Ing at Olenlaney Park. 

The new Hartman Theatre Is being riT^lie.! 
to completion by ttie tMaildera. a larce force 
of men being constantlj' at work. 1_ 
stand there Is a penaltr. at ^ 
every day after June t 
ready for occupancy. 

WM. H. CAMPimi. 


Miss Irma La Pierre, of Thr Serra Rsy OoaH 
psnr. cnUsp sed aa th e gat da ^ait the ssstlaaa 
fieift aaia ace a t_ tha^Ahil tin— i. Tlwa^rs aad fas 
raaleaee waa disailsasd. " At tbe ^eealaiE pe^ 

fkHrmsare Mrs. W, H, Annleton assumed tha 
rsle on a half-honr's notice >ir« Aitfdefoa 
Is known oo the stage as AdciaMc I.slrd, wlW 
was with the Jessie Shirley Stock Company. 

The Lyric Theatre, a new mnvlng t^lctnra 
house, under the management of r, M. Cooley. 
was opeiml Feb. B and Is doing a spleadM 

«m aa g tbe skelrhta amfctaK.vaod aa the Weet- 
cm elrcalls are Tlw CM- Bevaeter. hy Lester X. 
Treffry, and The imiMmalre. 1v Mlltoa Francis 
CIsTlie. As its title wnoM Indicate. The C^rib 
Beporter has an the atmosphere of s newspa- 
Mr offlee shoot It. The rsst Inelnrtos Vntrr M, 
TVeffry. who plays the title role; Miss Msxlne 
nde. rrlM Is tbe girl In the case: Mr. nrsnt 
Charchlll. who hsndles the role of s conscience. 
te^ aMt city editsr. aad Mr. Howard He See. 

OFT nnsT niOHT AWAT, s»d send la yaar 

ad to appear tn the Spring Special Xaaiher 

of The pilii>oard. If yon want to reaeb tb 

pie who bur ronr goods. This Mff < " 
her will >>e iient on Ma aa m' aal 

Ton can't afford not ta ha-1 
farms cinse March II. 


Xlme Bl llboar dl 





T XT i""im«"i D D T 17 I? 1 



Tke Tme rioetz-LareUa Sisters crested ■ 
M-nntloo St tbe Nstloaal Tbestn week Feb. 
S with tbelr Kraceful sod oorel KTmnastle 9t- 
trrlu. Tbry played tbe Grand TtaMtrsr flacn- 
Bent week of t'eb. 12 wltli FrasDO, ItmJkfmUm, 
San Olefo and Denrer to toUow. tfmim- at 
tbr MaJeMie week oC JUick 18. 

Oank V«*«fc aMHAUHaMM. li kMMJfr 

tbf iMcm»Tfcfc ■ >»T — i wi b I «Mfer.tMe 

there. - .. ... J . , 

JIaMk wn* ■W'JHMb. IBW. ipHI;. Jordan 

!— 5. --^-^ — -'- wa- 

nt tt* 

and proMcd to UI M 
Art nickman Is now maaascr 

acccewfal Oarrick Theatre, the 
ib<- movlDS picture theatres here. 

Mutt uf the mcmhers of the Great Amerlcao 
SIkiw. nlajlnf In tbe Saodwlcb Islands retntniK]. 
wblrb included Slegrlst-SUbon troope, Dtaa. Polu 
ft War, triple bar eipertn. George Settler and 
tioupe uf don. Tate Ducrow, owing to a mis- 
take In leaTlnc lime of tbe ateamer. was left 
liebind, bat bis iMCcase csme on. Four Weldooai, 
BvB Beno remained behind and will mske a 
trip tbransh tbe plantatton on tbvir own se- 

'31 to as MMlvcb wttk 
at the sr. maela 

The James Past 

ba* been booked figr MwU na we a b n giarlnc ipUt 
«<eks belwcra tbe Wlcwam and Gbalea Tba«- 

The XOrthcxB CallfiDsmln CUnm Kalr ssnns 
at Sacrancnto PM. IS to IS. 

A sprlnc canlTal wilt be bcM In the Bleb- 
aMDd District dorlBK AprU. 

The annaal eoorentloa of tbe Flrvt District 
of Intenatlooal Alliance ot Tbeotre and Stas* 
Emplorees of tbe United State* and Canada con- 
TCMd la Oaklan d. Feb. O. Peiegn te; tttm Cal- 

&aSb*«r J«ka F. lSlil?'r«J'V!*P. Dnri. 
president sad aecretair of the Oakland local 

Charles Drake, tbe well-known doc tralaer 
who Is pls.Tlnic on tbe coast wlib bis wife, 
known mm Madara Camllle. was serloosly iD- 
jitred wblle in Sloeklon, Mooda.r. Feb. 6. It 
\% claimed tbat a parl.v b.r tbe name of Clarence 
Marshall, a laundrr waaon drlTer. asssnlted 
blm. br knocklns falm down, and Drake atmck 
his head on the sidewalk and It Is feared that 
he has raSeted conclusion o( the brain. He 
was taken to the Bmencenc7 hosnltsl snd sl- 
thonitb be iccalaad cooscSoosaess tbe CoUowtoir 

it^''%tatei« 'iS^'mS. DtJhn''ttBt* Umliall 
was Snak and la a bsBIcettat msod wksa ke 
■ atea nttia a Hi. sad Mrs. Drake, wbo were on 
the atreet, ezeielstnc tbeir do**, aad that after 
laanltlac Ura. Drake, be stniek her to tbe 
aroond and then stmek Mr. Drake wbaa .be In- 
terfered. Urs. Drske. altbonsh oo tbe rerae 
nf nerromi collapse. ptrC on tbe act at the 
narrick Tbestre In the eTenlos anasslsted. 

Art RIckman. atace manager, was arrested 
{«T Tlfllstlng the child lat>or law. Hickman 
allowed tbe nre-rear-old daoKbtcr of itt. and 
Mrs. Jsmes P. Lee to cootrlbote s slnirtnc tarn 
asft aa Boon aa tbo child appeared on tike atace 
OOcets KnoDS and Kidder, of tbe PaeiOc 
llnaMBO Sorfety. anealcd. BMtmaa. Be ic- 

H«F .. 

Prince Yoatorkey. "KInf of the Wtte." 
vbo retamed from notwlnln. was lihmedlatelT 

tiooked br I. N. Cohen. hN mnniicer. to open 
at the Empress Theatre, wci k Frb. lI. 

Alex PantaKes Is hrrc oa a buslncM rlslt. 
and It Is rumored tbat he la endesrorlnc to 
close a desi to teaae the tbeatre now In coo rue 
of conMmciton on Ellla street, which was In- 
tended for the WUIlam Uorrls Clttnlt. 


«T. LOUI8, MO. 

The opcalaK thla week ot tbe St. Loals Anto 
fhow. St tbe OsUscM. ictees OS an niMed at- 
trsctton orer Ust week, aad tke *a«r IMa T«ar 
Is sttraclinc BMne tatartat tkaa aaaal. wkkb 
wonid mean Its anet«n flaaaelanr. Asaoa* 
uie ttieatrea bnalneas Is. ss ososl, only good 
In spots, the exception this week beinc the 
rolnmbta Theatre, where the appearance of An- 
nette Kellermann made atandlne room at a 
prenlnm all of last week, and this week Is 
proTloit a repellilnn. Tliln honae baa done a re 
tnsrkablr P«d hitnlnrna all aeaaon. and wonId 
.JJJd o» to l>elleTe that vaodoTllIe la tbe iKipnIar 
•■'"B In thla city at lea»t. The standlns room 
'SiJ ""■ta'aa done for the two weeks of Mlaa 
KellmauB'a enitajcement onir shows tbat the 
aal hBe Is %olck to take adrantage of aood 
•"I'"'"™*, and aa the protcrama that Blled 
ont both nf Ihefe weeks bare been away abose 
Ifc J.'?""?.- "» seatlan • eanadtr of 

■be„Col>'n>bls tested st escb Berfucmsnce. 
^biie the season thns fsr has been behind 
tlinoc provlmia. the other hooaca In tbo citr 
nave had aplendld attractions, snd tbe olil.r 
r<>n»on that can he airen for the falling off I* 
'hat the people cannot afford »2.00 and $1..V> 
fnr « wat. The Colnmbls, with 711 cents for 
""_h"t sest. snd with no opposition in tbe 
oowa-town diatrlet. has reaped the beneflt. ami 
- ZSS, . "t<^l»nf class of shows pnt on, the 
WNIe has become forced to recognise the fsct. 

anaplcloos eeeaaioa was the nrenina of 
J.„J^i'^'"!^'» Theatre, tbe alxtb ot the O. T. 
TiILt'''"' t*"'" th«il»«i «B this cl»T. Tbo 
theatre, which la boilt of solid concrete, is a 
iT"!"!"?! '•''^ »' arehlteetnte. and the oceoing 
SyfJl? were unable to get In tbat wanted to. 
?_'■'.» acatlng rapacity of l.TOO and the 
paraad hnuaea of each pcrfaraiance Satnrday, 
or the drat coat ot conatnieilon was can- 
JJJSt . Motion piclnres and three sets of Tan- 
^•"aiBitren at each show for the one price 
? a qasisslea. lo cents. A» Mr. CrawfoM con- 
■nets Ms owa booking exchange, he la able to 
get the best Taadnlll* tttn, tor It takes three 

Sri; ll' .".2. "g. hia citcnit. ani 
all of hia theatawi k aia aaa 

ag do the large bouses. They are now playing 
ovar tbia cirvult two musical comedy companies 
tbat canr a cast ot twenty people, and U 
paonnc a tremendooa success in all sections 
«t tbe citr. Oa February IS, groond was broken 
M ike anaaih tbsntra on tbla circuit, which 
will be IsMtM to tka Bortk aad of tbe city. 

S i L to w a d ak tto eMpiethn hr two 
mote, whiek wU UM a coaplcto dreolt of 
tbe city. 

Tbe Brut Tlew of tbe daylight mostag pictures 
In thla city was at tbe Columbia Theatre last 
week, where they bar* been aiade a aefiaeat 
pert of escb perfotawM. Skalr adasat baa 
pioreo a aaccesa. and sua igptrt ts see tbsat fmt 
oo at other place*.. 

Tbe Jsl Alia Roller Rink has been con- 
ductlog rareH all aeason. and now boasts of 
cresting the smsteur skating cbampioosblp. 
Rocco Plorlts. on Jsn. 2d. went a mile lo one 
mioole and tbree and fire-tentbs seconds. He 
la tiut serenteen yesrs old, snd owns a hand- 
some gold medal for his reconl. In sereral 
matches since, the honor has nut been taken 
from blm. We eitpcct tbat be will be entered 
la tke tiiHnliagTsal- 

an their churches like the actors do tbeatrei it 
tbey studied tbe arts of speech. 

Society wiu turn ont In force when the To- 
ronto Antomoblle .Show opens at the Armory 
Fehrusry 2S. It will close Msrch 4. 

Tbe Empress lliestre is. the name of s bsnd- 
aome new nonse recently opened on Yonge street. 
The keiue has all tbe latest improrements and 
tea a Mating capacity of 400. A choice line 
af . to ij U ia. «|etaca_aid lUaatiated aoaa are 


On Feb. 14. Zurah Temple. A. A. O. N. M 
S- gave a theatre partr at tbe Lyric Tbeatrr- 
attendlng tbe performance of Glittering Gloria 
by tbe Lyric Tbeatre Stock Company In a body. 
The boxes were occupied by paat potentates 
and members of tbe patrol, tbe patrol member.* 
acting aa a reception committee to welcome 
the guests before the petformaace commenceil- 
Sneclal music was rendered by tbe tbeatre or- 
aad • cvtato calaag aawad to addUlo 

Pierce anal Mason are attracting much at- 
tcntlon St the Gem Tbeatre this week, and in 
eoajDnetton wllb Adama and ColTln. make alwuc 
tbe beat bill of the Gem's present season. 

The third lecture of Elmcndorf, at the Odeon 
Theatre. Feb. 14. proved to be tbe best thns far 
of his aeries. Tbe snbiect was Vienna, and 
was niucb endorsed by both press and the au- 

A unique piece of adrertlsloe was presente^l 
h.r Manager McllrlUc Stolts. of the Shnhert 
Theatre last week. In a window on Olive 
street, a poster used by the Tlllle's Nightmare 
Comnaagr. wa* awaatrd and tbe pletore cat eat. 
In jrnidM.sraa tke ttftas Ikalaaaa ad Ulaa 
Dres sie r,- m her Aaiaclcr. fMad' la a St. 
Loota woman, wbo waa hind to p<ise In this 
cnt-oat. The Idea crested mocb publicity from 
psssers-by snd the press. 

A mnrcmcnt Is nodcr way here in St. Louts 
to build a tbeatre to be devoted exclusively to 
the coIohmI population. It Is to contain tbre<* 
floors and a flrst-class colorrnl stock company, 
with change of blU each week Is to be Instsllo!. 
As there are In the nelghhorhood of SO.OOii 
colored people In this city. It la bellered that 
the Tcatai* wlU prove ancceaafni. 

Cavallo'a Bead haa been agate engaged tr 
fumlak Ike bnad cea u r ta far Forest Park High- 
lands thla aBaMBev.r Tbk> mafcea the Afth con- 
seenthv se a aan fti» tUa band. Mr. Pete Cav- 
alto, tto lca*r. has aade thla part of the Hlgh- 
landa* aeaaea a featare. Rts mnsie and ar- 
rangnaiento aia fiaai the best bsnd leadcra ot 
Naple*. Italy. 



The theatrical attractions this season are mor. 
ally a grest drsl better than the offerings ot 
last season. Such Is tbe opinron of ' Staff In- 
spector Kennedy, of tbe local Morality Depart- 
ment, which wields a censorhlp over the local 
plsces of amusement. 

Mr. Renjamin Scorllle. an expert ttaeber la 
tbe arts of speech, says t hat cls m m sa eeaM 

to the pla.v. The 
members and thehr 
rmnfced aa one of tke 

9t th 

«BB awU ailsd wit- 


The locHl offices of Stone and Wetxter re- 
ceived a n-lre from Ro}tton Feb. D that all bid;* 
are now la for the stnictursl steel to be used 
In KIsw & Kriancer's uew Metrupolltsn Thea- 
tric In Seattle. The fouuUation Is already com- 

One of the city parks will soon acquire an 
Oriental brilliancy, by the instsllstlon of a 
huge Japane«>t* pnpotla Inntem. eighteen feet 
IR height, which was preseateil to the Park 
Doard by K. F. Riaine tn behalf ot Mr. Mat- 
sakata ot Kobe. Japan. 

Arthur MeCornilck. who Is mft»log a trip orer 
the SnIllTan tc Cnnsldlne clicult. was a caller 
Feb. 6. Mr. McCorniIck ts accompanied by hH 
wife In a rery pretty little railroad aketcb 
calle*! No. .4-1. of which ho Is the author. He 
S.1J-8 tbst In all his th,-ntrlrnl experience, he 
never re<-clviMl surh elegant trrntment as he has 
on the S. & C. Circuit. (Vhlle In Seattle an 
automobile was at his disposal snd Sunday af- 
ternoon he was handed real money by the man- 
agement for him and his company to get their 
dhmer aad harry back, as It wss tteces5ar7 to 
doable their act. to take care of the large Sun- 
day . mania. After aereral antomobSIe rides 
OTcr Seattle*8 bonteTarOtf and degaatly-pared 
streeta he baa h tc omt aaito a heea t ar tat tbe 
Queen City. 

James Vlakes shot and Instantly killed his 
sweetheart. Miss Game Gillette, and sent a 
bullet Into bis own brain In Seattle Feb. S. 
dving shortly afierwanls. Miss Gillette was 
shout 28 yesrs of ace and formerly a member 
of the AnustrOQg TheatrlesI Company, which 
recently played at the Star Tbeatre. Vlakes 
turn San Fraaelaco to Seattle about four 
aia and la ahoot thirty -eight years old. 
: r.WM a QurvOTPTrwnr 


. aa at- 

_ . erfacManeea eC Madame SkeRy 

week of Febnuiy S, every day to tbe asa* 
Tbla dcaire la not aeeaatoaed alona tor th* 
that tbey loM oot erery seat to the hooa* 

The maaagement of . 
tre would like to bae* 
tended the wrf 
tbo week of Feb 

at eTery performance and turned many away, 
but becauite of tbe appreelatloa shown by ttie 
audience as well. "We hsre not had such 
aaltsfactory audiences from every standpoint. 
Ibis season before," said Mr. O. H. Buckley, 
tbe assistant manager.. "At only one other 
lime lo the last two years has the boalneas at 
the WUllvWooil Theatre been 
that was in 1900, with Tbe 
tbe attraction, and that only 
formaaeca ad tbat abow wf- 
Madaito -nMT hat ikMk. 
equaled tke rceaed eC Tke 1 
an extra perftormanee.** 

AU the honae records of tbe Shobert Thea- 
tre were broken the week of Feb. B. with The 
Chocolate Soldier as tbe attractloo. Abso- 
lute capael^ waa done at erery performance 
with people ataadlns In erery Inch of space In 
the theatre. Uaauer Bail Stearard waa de- 
lighted at tMaTtoSaae 
way Kama* dty leak 1 

The French Grand Opera Company, of Xew 
Orleans, will play In Ksnaaa City a week thi. ■ 
vrlng. Thla annoonccment waa made to a let- 
ter lecelsad tnm Jala* Layelle. the manager 
ot tke eeaiMVi M^aagaaMnent wUI open 
Marck 211 at tke Skabeit Theatre. Th* 
lection of the operaa tbat will he played here 
haa not been made but It to piebahto tbat 
Louise and La Roheme will be among the 
nnnher, tocether with the favorites gtren by 
tbe cnmpany ham laat aeaaon. 

Fied Mare. Madliw eoawdlaa in The Choeo. 
late Soldier, is a lUe member ot tbe Kansas 
City Lodge of Blka. Mr, Mace entertnlnrd the 
principals anil r boras of Tbe Chocolate Sol- 
dier at the Elks' club rooms on the esenlmt ot 
Feb. T, or rather entertained the Elks with a 
little Impromptn perfonnsnce of The Cbocu- 
Iste Soldier, after the ahow that night. There 
were motor cars to take the parly over from 
the theatre to the club rooms sod erery on- 
of tbe party and thoee entertained roted the 
little affair a hnge success. . 

VsudeTlIle sett featured the eatomtoawat 

STcn the night of Feb. ». by tbe lacal ,»Me» 
tkair dH nama. The pioeccd* win be 
use* to **Bd a.M*gBtiMi of the local oeder to 
the natlnaal ceaseatloB in Detroit tn August to 
an effort to set the 1013 ereat for Kansas 

It was with a feeling of regret that Kansaa 
City bid adieu to the memttera of the Audi 
toTlnm Stcek Company at tbe sudden cloae or 
tbetr aeaaon, Fetk. II. Manager Lawrence 
Lehman said tbst the season had t>een rstber a 
(ll!<appolntment from a monetary stsndpoln 

Mr. Lawrence Lehmsn, recent mausger or 
the .Auditorium Tbeatre. la now asalstant man- 




More money for the boys wllbaat epIllKk 
skulls. The Billeta* dance waa one.Mg aSalf 
snd went off wltboot aay rrtealsala. 

Manager Paraona closed lUs Thiongb Death 
Valley Compaay, with Manager Gill FotrowaL at 
Dayton, 0,. Feb. IT. The time that Stair It Bay- 
lin sent in to blm waa ao good for the raUroada 
and keeping tbeir iMoklog fees up for the cireule. 
that the wise manager took tbe many weeks 
profit back to New York with ibe prodncilon. 

If yon went to bear some tote music that waa 
not beard at the l^n tawi 
a Tlslt to the Oyster Wff < 
trie piano. 

Xka ■■■i 

wia k* nalr i 
ot Bemeid Sai 

Tbeatre. . . 

Edward ChanneL treasurer of the American, to 
away on a abort trip for bis health. 

Harry Greenwsy Is reported to be in Chicago, 
bat coming this way loon. 

Charlie Horn, one of the old members ot the 
Lyceum Stock Company, was with us Ust week 
In the performsnce of The Goddess ot Ubrrly. 
Cbnrlle did not need macb publicity with -In* 
company, ss tbe flrst time he msde bis eatraar? 
he took aU tke aM admtrcra by storm, aad be 
wss given many k kand dnrlng the action ot the 

The Rig Four waa well rcaceaeated.bei* last 
week. Lou. Harry. Jolea and J*>".lk*i llaway to 

the city. Nothing of latettat ftaa w Mtra 

about tbe sbow baslness. 

Toney Nasser, the seroplane man. made us a 
flying trip on train from Florida ta*i iv.eii. He 
had a BiMt aoeeeMtal kuod with the air uips. 
and win aoen tetaxa to the South fur the com- 
ing eeaaoa. • ^ i 

Edward Bvciett waa to tbe city last week la 
the advance ot Al. Wilson. Mr. Wlls..n has a new 
play and new songs to offer this year, mltcd The 
German Prtace. ... ^ 

Ons Fay and Joe Hollender are tbe chief tun-, 
makers with the Irwin Majestic show, which 
llnlsbed a big week at tbe Empire. 

If the The Chocolate Soldier bad to play extra 
morning matinees st I'lttshorB. to cive the the- 
atregoers a chance to sec this pri«liietlon, what 
will Msosger Kllrres have to ilo for th* two 
dsys with this attrsctlool lie has It for two 
days of the coming ircek. It win he saaMthtog 
new for thU city, and from the numerous pfH 
about the attractton. It looks like something 
stsrtllng win be hear>l of. . 

Tom Mrlntyre Is going to handle some ot the 
coace*sl«i« at eae at the locsl park* la Dayton. 
O, the CMnkNiaMsaa. Tom Is sn old cUcus hoy. 
ami shmtld^ge. tbe -a-ey. ^IKnyj^T. 

Vlrslnlii Drew Tr«icott U writing a pUylet 

for Anno Ulanck?. MIs.h Trf^tt la th(* au- 
thor of Tbe Sheriff and the Widow and matvr 

s^dKasm w -W^e.K.^ 

The Billboard 

FEBRUARY 26» 1911. 


IkoiSia State Fair Association Elects Officers for 1911 
O., Will Have Fair Despite Refporto 
to the Contrary-Mother News 


^ Macon, G«.. FPb. IT (SpecM to Tlie Blll- 
SH^)-— The atockliolden of the Geonda State 
Fair Aaaoclatlon, Macon. Ga.. at ttielr anaaal 
■otin fc elected the followlog offlcen for the 
jM l; W. E. DmnrodT, preddent; E. W. 
Dn O. Hnsbes aDd W. T. Anderson, 
ncMMUnta: Cha*. B. Lewis, treanirer: Har- 
*r ,C. •Miert. mvretarr and s«wnl maoager. 
nd J. Henry Bmtm. mperlatendent bnlldlnsa 
and mwandv. Barb uf the almre olBccis were 
r»-el<;ct«l, witb the exreptlon of Ml. BoBhe*, 
Who la newly elected. 

• The State Fair of 1910 was the largest and 
bmt In the hlatorr of the Assoelatloa. and It is 
Dcbic arranged to make the 1911 mncb better 
and greater. The total attendanee for the ten 
tiawor the inio fair apiiraxlmately amounted 
'« ^OOO. and with the inoTlas and nimildfaiit 
or the {grand stand, th* Inmeis tacMt, four 
days' aTlaUoa meet, inereued puOtir and lire 
"■<' loot* tod tetter atRtenltoral 
exhibits, a new aad better laeatian tar the mid- 
way shows, attrartlmw. priTlleges 'and eonees- 
WOix)'" '"^y haye an attendance of 

At thf lOlO fair, erorr concewdoner anil prir- 
IIiW man ma<ie money, anil all the boys are 
S«*ttat Harry Robert will agnla be manager 
If I'S than and concesalong. and 

nwt X: Benry Brown wHl be in charKC of the 
hKHdlnm and KToaulB. 

To escape the omial coM imb aC «Mth«r whidi 
tumesjilMnit the last «f OcSStr nt Orat « Kb- 


Sereral new and novel features arc promiiiod 
thla year, amons wblcb will be a cat show, uu 
e(K-Iaylng contest and a xoo. 

The chief ontdoot attraetloit will be tin- 
botaa races, wbtch will ba Md dally. Ssrerul 
tboaand dollars i*. pons* iSl baoflind. Iti - 
sides the bone raoaa «MNr MidMiM Utrac- 
tlona wm be baiM.. lllliaTftSwe 
of Kanaas City. 'ass beoklax tbe attraettoos for 
tbis yeaKa fair. 


rAIR AT; MARlirtA.. 

JMk. n W bw ela l to The Bm'. 

tagSHStoi^wlll ant cease to nt^'^IMawr 

wm' it be tnmed orer to the conn^ « 
Moner* as had been Ponaldered of late, 
were tbe declMlon^ matte at tbe anonal 
beld at the court booae. recently. 

TbB_fkIr aaandntmn Is beavllr 


was tbonxht that If the eomml „ 

relieve tbem from taxea and lni>nranee.' 'and 
sire them the Mim of 4^1.000 annually for a 
term of yoan>. to liein ilcfrar tbe il«'bt. the aaao- 
nation mnld he pnllml ont of tbe hole. ThI 
tbe cnramlH'«Ionen« refnaeii to do. • 

The dlrertora of the anwdatlnn annonnrvd 
that tb<T pmnnoe to net ax many of tlie dlrer- 
tor» aa pownible. tncftlHT with nther rpAldentK 
of the cminty wlio nrp' irlllinc to help ^ar- 
pntee payment nf thf» fair (lr>bts. and with 
matters tbn» i>n a flnufr haslK. an<l all czed- 
ttois |niaranl>-<<<l. tlii-v will nbrad and try 

to bring tho asKocliitlon ont of debt. 
■ Omccrs wett^ oliH-tpil ax fullown; Pn^Ident. 
J. L. Jonlan: Tlc-*.-»'r**i*liIent. 8. P. Fre*'^: tem- 
norary aecretarr. nr. willlnm Mitchell: treaK 
Wt. O. W. Zimmer. mUle Mr. Mitchell 
wDI secre tor tb^ time belos as aecretaty of 
the fair, a movement Ik «a fmt to luve John 
IT. IJinaley take tbia oOee. 

The dates of |fae'n<>xt eoaaty Mr arm net 
for Tneaday. ITpdneMlny, lIllirMar amt VTMay 
«f tbe third wei^of «e|itemb««. Mil... 

BIQ . PAIB'> bR 'V AN<5ttlJVBB. 

Vancouver, It. C. Feb. in. — ^Tbe serond annual 
f.nir will !»• held Anini't 31 to Sept. ». lucla- 
>«lfe. The manaceincnt tti working hard to'make 
iric fair thix xt'itr. Mt-onil to ni)ne on the Pa-- 
<-lOc coaftt and fn»ni pn^-nt imllcatlon!< thev 
will anccreil. .Snp<-iiil attenlinn will be eivfu 
ta agricaltnral exbllilt« IUI» vrar. hut the In- 
alMStrlal department will he well cared for. 

The manafn^mcnt la spemllnj; $1.15.000 In Im- 
ptnvements. The new Htrartures to- be erected 
are a st<ick Juilulnj; pavlllou. mannfactnrera* 
and eonventloa ball, foivany and flshezy balld- 
IDICS. Addltlnaal staUi* wDl abe bViCrrrteil 
MM ■■•'hlBstir . WW. be : iJinim JbH IIW 
Kaet .a^ed to the imind stand. 


ftvcn'tary Texax Odt'in i'alniv. Waco.' Tex. 

GrIggsTllIe. ill.. Feb. 18 IS|M>clal to Tlie 
Blllboardl. — At tbe annual meeting of tlic Ml»- 
aiaalppl Valley Short.«blp . CiMuit at . Halmir 
lU.. tbe following raeHf. AIM were .aee«iil«d 
1 by Its members: 

GriggsTllle. in.. Iidr :]*4I. B«a. l>. Shlan. 

.Qalnry. HI.. JUy SS-3R, Oce.' IP. 'OaiPHnl. 

Marouib. 111.. Auk. 1-4. r. W. Harris 

Busbnell. Hi.. Ang. 8-11, B. H. Alexander. 
pccretar.y. ■ . 
Roshviiie. IIL.' Ami. m-m Dob aarrlwHi. 


Lewiston. 111., Anjf. Sl-Sept. 1. C. A. TVjilker. 

Petervburi:. lU., S.'pt. 0-8. 1>. VT. Prackel- 
Inn. secretaiT. 
pdaran. BL, Sept 12-10, 8. 0. 


The tUra annoal MiMM'TaUey Fair ami 
Expoaitlon. wbleh tabaa\glaae at Electric Park, 
Kansas City, Mol. for.^ire.aaHn. from Septem- 
ber 21 to .October 8. Indnaive. promise* to be 
on a .more lavisb scale than the two preceding 
Cain*.' wtUch were .re«.*ont-bn.akerv In tbe' way of 
snciws and attendance. I>nrln: the sixteen 
iloya nf last season moo! than I.tT.OOO paid ad- 
mlssion.s went tlmnigh the irateK- of 'Electric 
Park, amf'tlie manajreineiit ' and the public iMttli 
think tbat with tbe many new featurea prom- 
ised for tbe thlni annual fair, the 1911 exp«l- 
tlon wHI far exceed this nimiber. Mr. Sam Ben- 
Jania. maaagar of Bactric Park, is tbe aec- 
letaiT of the Mtasonrl TaUeiy Fair Asaodatloa. 
and Mr. M. O. :.H^Iah «inwr of Electric Park, 
la tbe tieaa n w i .;«ng gencial manager oC the 
Fair Assoclatina. . sir. Heiaa. dantMi hie liark^ 
bis time, enemr' and Iwalns to the aitecM* of 
this fair. 


Beaumont. Tex.. FVb. 1R OneeUI to The Blll- 
boardl. — Arrauitementic are under wav for the 
fifth snnnal erent of tbe Southcnst Texas Pair 
Ayaoelation. Tlils fair has crown rapidly dur- 
ing tbe Ave years of Its existence, and the 
1910 fair was declared one -eC .the- tooat MB* 
cesa'nl and moot largely attfMM' W rUr MT- 
tlonsl fair in tbe coontiy. 

TbiB.toir is bcM.ThankaglTiag 'Week tt each 
year. 3ke attninBCe . ftr the week of the 
Isst fkir a gg re ga ted aare than flfty thousand 
Tile Patteison Carnival Company has been play- 
Injt this fair, and has always idaycd to good 
hnslneiw. There Is some talk of tiying nde- 
pendent hooklnir for the next fair, bnt t> 
b-i* not lieen deflnltely decided upon. J. y 
Cnnley Ik president, and T. W. l-arkin. Is aer- 
retarr of tbe association. Both oUren live In 


Kansas CItr. Mo.. Feb. 10 (Soeclal tu Tbi- 
-BUnmanl). — Tbe International balloon race, one 
et the .biggest -annmil events In aeronautics. 
pmtiaMy WO! stoit from Kanaaa City next 
October. - TM cities In the Middle IVcst are 
candidate* tor the cnitest far the *'Ooape Inter- 
aathmal Dps AeransMIqnp." Oenne M. Myers. 

. — ^ Anfia aab. has 


_ . fav 

orahle consideration. 

Otber cities' enndhlutes f<rr tbe event are 
inilt-ajco. St. IXMiis. .Memphis, Omaha, Indian 
aiadlii. Tnpeka. Utile Rock, Oklahoma Clti' 
and flan — "-' - 

ptvatdent of the Kanaaa City AnGa aab. 
ivcelved adviees from Xeir soik ' Ihnt ' the 
plleallon maiie by Kansas City ts reeafrtog I 


Knuxvllle. Tenn., Fieb. ir, rspedol to The 
Blllboardl.— A bill providing for a $25,000 ap- 
prfl|irlstioa for a state buUdlni; at the Appala- 
eblatt Exposition is tn be Intrislueiil In. tbe let;- 
Islatnre. wblcb Is now In session. Tbe appn»- 
priatlon calls for tbe erection of a huildlns 
In which -proilucts of tbe - state may be per- 
manently exbtbited..: ..t 


Zue M.cClarT bns been aucressful In iKlab- 
Ilshlog tbe fair men's Inlrrest wItb the I'nIted 
Booklist Offices of America. TbmuEh tbe rolled 
Fairs Company, tbe fair manaaers now bave 
tbe excellent facIIIIIeH nf these offices at Ibeir 
disposal. As Mlax McClary has proved herself 
the fair man's friend thronfthont tbe past five 
years, and tlie United Booklnit OOlcen are known 
to be • thMOniair reliable InttltutInn tlironcb 
the SSO tht rt l» g -linr book, this should mire Oe 
question as to where to find attrarllon«. 

Tbe newly-clccteil oSlcers of tlie Northwestern 
Fair Anodatlon. wbleh took place In Siwkane. 
Felt. 3 are as foUows: J. I|. Bnith. nf Port- 
land, president; D. L. iliintlnjclon. of Spo- 
Inne. vice-president; John W. Pace. <f North 
Yakima secretary and Ireasmer. re-elected. 
Walla Walla was neleeted as lluf maa 

The Dunedln Troupe and the Donegan Slaters, 
roller skating act, will flnlab their engagement 
with tbe Bon Tons In time to play a few fairs 
before they sail for Bnnve, Oct. 1. Shin act 
has played tbe largeBt fain in the Kaat dning 
tbe past four years. 

Early In March, tbe 'Western Fair Ktanagers' 
Ast'ociatlon of New York will iiioet at tbe Hotel 
Statler. Buffalo, to consider uttrscllons. Their 
annual meeting for tbe eb-ctlon of offlcera was 
held Feb. 16. 

Whitney Point. X. V.. has changed its dates 
to tbe third week In August. Aug. lS-18. Their 
new ofBcers are: Edmund B. Jenks, president; 
Wm. Denning, secretary; E. B. Black, treaa- 

D. F. I'omeroy. orier a year's absence In the 
West. Is again at the helm of the Troy Fair, 
nhlch will hold its 3Ttb annual fair at Al- 
paron Park, Tro.v, I'a.. Sept. 121.';. 1011. 

The Northera Kew York Circuit of Fairs 
met at BooBerlUe. Friilay. Feb. 1«, todtoct of- 
deera for tbe enaniag ycnr. and 
eral fair conditions. 

Mr. P. F. Brentnall. Ireagunw at ttd-TOMato 
Exposition, was In :(ew York Tntadaj. Cth. 14. 
In tlie interests of his eshlbltlsB' " 

OMan and bw Ooldm Qtabn-irm piar'Mrs 
In tm airter the maamMrt «t amSuUMtr. 


Danville. III.. Feb. 18 '(Special to The Blli 
board). — Clarence Wort bam. of tba Worths m- 
Alleo Shows, rctnraed from SpringBeld. III., 
this week, where he closed a contrart for hl« 
c-ompan^- for state fair wei'k. Tbe 'W««rtharti 

NeveltlMi Ji»w«liy, 
- Specialties. 
Svr Bns.' Ntw Bsrt If Sptdaitiv 

Th* Bant Catalogu* In tha Trada. 

If you are a Conceaalooalrv. Novelty, Jew- 
elry. Notion or Pair Worker. Csnvasaer. 
Stieetman. Auctioneer, Knifeboard Man, 
Hoop-la Game, or General Ueteliant, yon 
cannot afford to be wltlioat it. 

It-cratstna fall and eom^le lines in orw- 
est Novelties. Souvenlra, watehea. Jewelry. 
FViimtaIn Feus. Optical Goods, Pocket and 
Table Cutlery. Yankee Notions. Carnival 
Go<ida. etc.. etc.. at wbolesale only. 

By satisfying us tbat yon are s legitimate 
dealer (as we want to keep this book ont of 
the consumers* baodai. and sending ns your 
permanent addrew. we - will be pleased to 
send- yon this book tree. 




fnr tile cfuiiing )>i>asnn, wry mtsonalile. for 
3Ierry-t;iMRouiHl. Flerris Wheel. Portone Teller. 
Puny Track and wreral otiier 'lirtrllegni. iVe 
BII.I.V MIBA. Fhmgnl -Road and I*ntnani 
Balbuad. llmatagMtt-irndMNk X. X ■ 

Iiittr-State Fair, Bozemao, Montana. 

Auflua«28tli to Saptambar 2nd, 1911. 


In imrses and pfemlnnas. liie best race pro- 
gram In tbe Northwest. Carnival Company ami 
Aeroplane wnnli'<l. Can book same for the en- 
tire Montaiu Circuit. O. E. MEYEBS. Seer. 

Montgomery County 
Kentucky Fair Association 


wni.hald Ha.FMr «■ Mr _ _ 
opva W-aaatrnet 'iai all mMway 


MMT-SMM. Mil. 

Rtfil IMi if ."'Siliiiti 

Imvc' lieen the musical sensutlf»n at Chicago. 
Cleri'land, Toninlu and llaiiliin's I'olut for the 
past two years. They are ikiw o|M*n for 
tialloos for tile c<imliig spring and 

sAfis aihl Interestdl psrtles should 

with either JAMES E. FnBI.,OSO: IIT 
niilj.-. ..r Dlrr-clor HI.\f:iO -WTI.N.tREI.U. 8 
,M..lin«k sli-,-.-t. h.,,-1j. ^f. r, N. v.. reeardloK 
trrjiii* jiiiil ojn-ji Illiie, 


of .'i:; pleei.s. mon- *»r less. Is o|M.n for engage, 
nients. Circus, eimilval nr i.'inc-iTi as per enn- 
trncl. All experienced lutisicluns. Extentlve 
library. For furtber psrllirulars address a. 
nrLiNa.,^Baadmaster. «».Mtb at.. New Ken- 
slnglua. , Ta.. 

UfDiJOW.lRBfiTtteKV . 

Opposite Clnplanall. O. Xow hooking con- 
cessions for oeason 11111. Write us alMnit a Shoot 
the Chutes nr Water Chutes. Offering a naval 
spei'tnele with from O to 20 battleships and men 
of war, .\d.lriss J. J. WEAVEIl. Ludlow. Ky. UlCN 

Are you going to start nut next setis^in with tlie 
■ame -nid wnm-oul tones nr ore yuii going lo he 
np-ia.datoT Better ship your organ to niv shops 
new. WMIe tor wlees, c. F. bath.' Omau 
Rnlhler. -Ahllanr, Kanaaa. 


raiuir>- Birds la cages, for wheels, gT.tW dm. 
Rhesus Jllonkeys.- teuod slieil, healthy. (IS each, 
nodglng MankeyH, with hamras. enmidelf. tlO. 
Send g.1 with onhw. ATtAXTIR AXl{l>Ar!lki|«- 


SM nt HAMO.) 




1 mactiine earned 
1 macblne earned • 
1 machine earned : 
1 machine earned • 
1 macbtoe earned 
1 machine earned 
1 machine earned 
AboTe flffures will 
tomers. Write 

JlS.aSO in gS wvitki in 1901 
T.MS.OO In £9 u'e«k> in 1905 
ie,68t.00 in Si weeks la liXM 
18.017.00 in 97 weeks In 1907 
ltg.«8*.0O la g7 weeks in 1«0S 
$16,148 in S6 weeks in IMt 
|1S,681.00 in M weeks in 1910 
b« veriflad to proapoctivo ens- 
for ca-talogue and pricos to 


Abilene and L«avanwartli, Kana. 
Idaln Offloe and Faotaiy, LaavMWoaMt, 




Gas Balloons. SO C-M S2.75 per mm 
" " 60 " 3.25 " 

" •* 70 " 3.76 " 
« no « 7^ M. 

WhirtilntBtllnoiMg abQM,9» 

" eo >• a» - 

WhistlincSMiaage,aOiiMiM '. 

long - -8J0 " 

Bag Pipes, assorted colors 7.50 " 


Oa^pdt required on all orders sent CS>0- 
' Dinot bon ths MmiiifaiBtuiCT .- 


IST^Umtnw St., Ne#wiii N. X 


New porlable, palenird game aitractlon. Quick 
eainier »iild<s>rs f.u- park, fair, traveling ' 

Indinir areess<iry lu in bowling, pool, 
gallery,' rinli: also ailapted for adn-rtlslng. Wind- 
ing a iqiriiig iiislile eaeh eiolbiil life-like ball 
■•layer, whieh welt-hs l.->o llis.. moves ratcher's 
bauds and bat. . taricets, up and down an boor. 
•Set nil aiiywhen-. Hlii|is cniml. Value 
Kenlal. |1 s day for 4 mo.: Wte.a-r 
liwsee to kIvo guaranty. 
Mms, to return figures. 

day ..far yeari 
-^'.twa per> 


We are the low. 
est price whole- 
sale Jewelry and 
Novelty Hoow' IB 


We liave erefy- 
iblng of tbe taleet 
and largeat steefe 


We^ are-radn^ve 

bA. Agenta ler 

■elllnfl Raaeca. 

_ Wholsials JeweUn, 
nun m. Vadlaon dtraet, Ohlaago, IIL 

FEBRUARy.2S, 1911. 

X|i e B i lib oar d 



1« thf lalml iHTonthm anil Ibi- catohlvst 
"AMfSKMRSy xMloK ilrvli-i; In iiois gulckly 
iH-t uti nnil tnkoB ilowa. liMX|Ntai<l«e ta -MMr- 
atr and to trtUMWort flaw |>lac« to f l aw . JasI 
■ III- ibliui tnr mrnlTal awl nbanr amprntorm, Abu 
• llp-lofi oionrr-makvr fur nark* and (caorta. 
Vor llriee ami Araerlpllre folder, write 


The Bis Eli Wkee 
FOR 1911 

1h lite bollnl diiwn 
tufctici* of mecbaai 
4>al vktll combtiKd 
wiUi yean* of 
,)i*rU-nc« on the ro«d 
itml Id tbe abop. to 
l> II I 1 d tbe b e s 
nmiiKtHuvnt w b r e 
('TIT put Up. AND 
WK DO. We h»Te 
_ bttppllj co_ 

ih» wiH^ with tbe ivtubuitr immnStm, 

wblrii pleaiHfS tbe ejre eod aleo ntliflM the 

>.»'ii*e of abmlute Mfety. A pleanre to own 

:tu(| operate one of tbea« raono'-scttera, wblcli 
.tre In us^ from Canada to South Africa. Write 
for new prlrs* Hut an<l adrant'e toformatlon t**T 
TIA BRmOE COMPAirs-, Box 14t-B, 

KcKfdJiouMi, 111., U. S. A, 








Tli« picture* are d*Tel«p«4 
ioihM and aniatted la ■ ala 
«tl<- dv*cl«9ia> aotatiaa. GIr 
— * lis d*aenbla« a or ■ — 


ALL cm 

... . !,«aO: laaa tbai 
a IMl W ctnta • 100 
Pranini. Itke . cat. $t.U 
ima*. We edl al) 

tar mlmte pic 
inn> mirlilDea at a cat 
rai.. price. Price lUt aeai 
■cmtiii. Oat-Sat* 

OUoata. tU. 



uC^'J^ "OOt). riRST-CtASS AMCSE* 

JOHN B. CABttlXnTON. Han Antonio. TVia*. 

iTt-fS' Ueparlmpni, of Lone Tree, low*, warn* 

If M.^*!!,?,. «•"•<' '»"<'• 
»wTf P' June .1th. 1911. Tbe lid will Ik- 
S!J •.•Tt"*^""'' »» "» ■Quare. U>ne 

P«S.!!J"_5S*' """" *»» lo tl" 8««t«- 

A)K-il OimiNtuy .mtlilil nil competitor* and to 
tiM-iu wax iclv<-u the i-uatrart for CumlitilDic nli 
of tbe amuacmenta at tbe date fair next fall. 

Al the baadqaarleta of the caopaar h* . 
lirepaiallaaa are beinc made - for tba apaataf 
of tlie aaaaoa dnrlait Mar- Tbe conpaaj «U1 

Xn here, and Mr. Wortban I* biwy eomplettnK 
arruncementa for wliat be prrdlcta will be 
an nnumially proapeiau* aeaMMi. The con- 
tmuy la alreodjr b ao k aa fkir BMrlr <ba. antln- 


Li-nvi-nwnrlb. Kan., Feb. 18.— T. M. -War- 
ren. Iri'ui-lirrr u( .the Great Quhat Mow*. wa> 
h.-ri- last week, lie la apaMniv tha winter at 
lil<« home In Topeka. 

Sir. and Mr*. Con T. Kt-nninlr art' at Ex*-.*! 
»k>r Sprluj^, il... . for a few wt>«kM. 

Mr. ami Mr*. S. W. Ilruodase TlHlteil a 
few Oaya with Ur. Farkar. Thajr hare been 
In Florida for tbe iiaat few ■aalba. 

It la reported that thl* cltjr will ba arlerle.) 
a* headtinanera tar the HnMaiie Anuuemrnt 
Cow ' 

.\ nieelal tnln iif twwttf-tamr ran arriv.-d 
rmM AbHtf taft-wcck !***» « wMi- camUal 

»nni|iw»Bt mtt-mmMmrf. ■ A a al fct * tnln i* 
•■xin-cIhI ta •'t»ir..'4wii, . 


Recent aildltlona to tbe ro«ter of the Laode* 
Bm*.* Show* are; Sam CfOoUman, who ha* Joined 
with tiiree cnncesaloaa, and Slim Veab. Ute of 
ihH we-itcott Show*, .atha haa adM tm eoB- 
cmlon* to tbe outIlt.^>W. ATUMita tt iaatlac 
the rornpaor Ihroush the Xat lh wtat , - WM^ tet- 
rltory will be corered darlof the maMDCr. This 
rear the companj will go Into Chaada. Earl 
Hall, ceoeral annoancer. wbo ha* been awaj all 
winter, rejoined the abow laat week, 

Atlractioo* irltb tha latt-matlonal Amiin-uient 
Companjr Inclade: Alice, the tlnr horae: Banju. 
the larce ball: Nemo itnake Miow: Klectrlc Pal- 
ace; .Mrlba Vanderllle Show; Lanette. the tf' 
Inf ladr: BIk Deirll Plah: Dixieland Mln<trp|»: 
Parker's Carouael; Condermao FVrrla Whe*-!, 
and «Ist«en i-olK!e«it|oni>. Tbe company 1* ownett 
and matiaited bjr A. II. Rrown. Bob Yonnicer 
la a^rUtaut nianaKcr. Ti-xas territory In now 
belna cover«.d. 

O. J. Bnrklin. of Mimtlcvllo, la., ha* glcuc-d 
with the Worthau and .Vllen Hhuw» for the 
t-iimlni; iH-UMin. ite4<oml wiib tni^ sh.)w. 11,. 
win operate blie n.-w I'arker earry-ua-al). Arnilt- 
ajse anil Gulnn rlrcllnfE ware, and C'mitleriuan 

A rather :.truuf:e ei-lnelilvnce uceurred at N>w 

llM-rla. La., recently, when three camlral com- 
panlra awl. Thtr waw the liachaiaa Canlval 
Comiiaar. mtac'to^ 
I.<«a> Mmr to Tbherllle. Uk.. aad.Heek 
lo rinton. La. 

The UUIe United Attnrllaaa CMM a MKit-o!.- 
ful ■eaaon VMiniaiy aad ant anw la winter 
qnartpra at BtntlnRhwa. Ala..; Maaaaer Small 

ttr the < 

AMHMit Parks 111 CimsslNs, taki Ritlcil 

m^*^^.^ "ODD 


Abselutaly th* nswast 
•nd ta'tast 

A most scientific, refined and fascinating umnfiement. Big hit for amuse- 
ment parks, cluba, family hotels and private homes. Better still, start an 
"ODD PIN" parlor in your home town. £ach alley will produt» $15 to $20 
per day: you get the anncw for your county. We will tell you how. 

Eadi aUey comidm wtth iwtfitt'Tuka, aeoie canls, etc., packed fiirdhip- 
ping,$S6.4MVF.O.^I>lttriMi«,r!B. ' T • 

Agents, Mtquiek befote your ieoonty ia goMt- A inagiiHieeiifciiii|iaitanity 
for live wires. 


937 Oliver Building. - - Pittsburg, Pa. 





I* coalrartlaii 


tlon ~ 


iMn U» tn»t wC the plaai 

with aiacjr ,aad Slattbtran iMjrtupic 


New Y.irk. Feb. IT (Special to The Billboard). 
— ^Two inllea of lioardwalk will be cowtmctnl 
alosR tbe water fnat between West Fifth strret 
and Ilea Qala.lir thi> ilcnilev OMC^ 'Mairi Caw- 
pany. at CMttjr lalaait. at a <«at at nana than 

The company, which -baa In tIcw the Ini- 
liroTement of New York's itreat aninaement rc- 
».rt. recently lni*<tr|Miniled at Altiaay with a 
vai.ltal i>r tuiMMn. 

Plan* fur the Improeeinent nmle hy Engineer 
l*har|i>* S. Toorheeii were accepted at the meet- 
Ina. »*blrh wa* (<*r tbe irarpoee tif electlnir of 
Ai-eni aiMl arraniclnir otber detalla In connection 
«-llb the work. TIh- followlnit offlcers were 
e!«*eleil: Pre«lilent. IM'smood Unnue: Vlce-Proa- 
Mi-nf. fharli-s 1_ hVllmaii: S.H-r.-tar.v. J-.lm Mill 
Trrat-nn-r. William J. Wat^l. Tlie Inttir- 
luiratorx. Ileamon*! Ihinne nrorRe C. Tllyou, 
Thi-otlnae W. Ktauer. Lnola ataoek. CliatiM U 
K>.|tmaaw Wmiawi Waiid- mat- Mtw^ rm Mk- 
man. were made ibe Board of IMreefom. 

Till* plan fiir a boardwalk aloan the Coney 
Nlaiid water fnmt haa ht-en dlacniwef] aeveral 
tlntin Jti the la!-, ten .Team, hnt thia la the flrat 
tlnn- that private enpltal llaa been talke^l of. In 
ItltlA. when lleKiiinihl Itunne w-n» C<iinnilTt!*l<>ner 
of Pnlillc W-irka. he had eonipetent encln.-en. 
make aoondlnffa and ul.-aaurementt<. and Joaenh 
8trnehan. tin- chief ..n the w^.rli. submitted a 
n'a-i rallliiir for Hn oiitlav of frmi •"■'>■> <v- ■ 
fXTaXOna tbe fiirtner eattmate betnic for a walk 

of timber 

flBiire wm 
tnn> wllk 

I n—t iU ja ii pa rt ly, while the lar ger 
Air an ,wbrtMCaae.aaacvM^ aatteratme. 


I.oub<Tine. Ky„ Wtii. M IKaerlal to Tbe Bill 
boani). — ^A aanaoal exiaialilMi la pr np aaed for 
Ixtularllle In lAl.t. It will he known at the 
Unroin-Dael* Expiwltlnn. lo mark th<- tiftleth 
annlTctiwry of the end ot the flell War. Dl- 
rectont of the I^mlavllle Cuiventlon I-eagnc In 
an annonncement tiMlny enll nttentlun to the 
fact that both Abraham Lincoln and Jeff. PaTN 
wert. natlrea of Kentuck.r. and claim that Ixni- 
IcTllle la the prop<>r place fir anch a celebra- 

Don't be a loser; get a 
machine that has proven 
itself. A machine that 
has only one cost, and 
that is the firstrcost. 

This is aiiat makes 
the money-^naikm tint 
they are. 



Th« QualHy Davie* of tha Amiiaamant Un* 


to G.A.Daaiial. 

- PMIIADCUWIii. V&lio 

Still Alive and Making Money 

Robert Uafferkamp, treasurer of Forrest Parle Highlands, St. Louis, Mo., 
inibniM UB that the CIRCLE SITING there HAS EARN KD $33,290.47, 
ami wHI operate in aanw pIsM tlnriiig eoining aunnw 

Our New Ride Is the FROLIC 

Thirtwn contracts are cloaeti for Fro'ics. Wc can build more and tleliver 
on time. Wo aiv the only buildem of Frolics and Circle Swings. 


f Reetop ateaett 
New Verk Cny. 


llutehlxnn. Kan..- Feb. t« (Special to Tll.- 
Blllboant).— Blveratde Park anil Alrdomc. K. 
O. Beck, manaicer. open* abwit May 1. with 
aaeeral new featRrra. tbe mala one of which la 
their new andltorlnni wllk a aeathw capat liy 
atijm. . - 

'PARK NOTBa.. • 

Kalpli J. Inxi>l<l. of Canton. O. baa a b«w 
InhMir lame called n<M rina. Mr. Inanid b«« 
Inalalled the (came at hia (^lonlal Parlor In 
(^anton. and aaya It la a hijr bit. 

AKK MANARKHjt who uant lo Kecure tlie 
Ic -efi«. n'lil who want to aell conccaaloiiv 
•hoiilil advprlli-e In (lie Sprint; Soeelal Nnm)i<>r 
of The Blllhoanl. It la tbe hiK witdooni nambe>. 
and win' be read hr alt thme jroa waat to reach. 

V a ^% .nm ■ WaM*, *t 


u 2Sa-2ST Brontlway. inw Vorh 

a F^nlah Plan*, Machinery, ate., tor Old Wlla, ' 
Canal* of Venice, (Hinte*. Seenle BaUwan, 
Tobonana. etc.. etc. Alao mpertataad tk* 
erection or bolld complete tor onerat loa 
artecn years' experience. NOTICB— Tbla 
company now controla tbe PATKMTS of tha 
Aqnarama (Tompany. and la open to fraat 
UCENSBS for tba operatloo «( aa Old UlU 
npoB icaanoable term*. Aay peraoo or par- 
aoas who may be operattnc wilhoot aaca 
UCBN8B. or the Infrinaemeat lof the abee* 
PATENTS la any form, will be rlgomMly 



Ftmure Eicht Ooaatcf*. Koenlc Hallway*. Slbimt the Chntee. - KaelaK Ooaatei*. Theatre*. Merry -Ua 
Itoand*. W« aiqr.mMl sdl aaaiyttliMi In tbe imrk bavlnen*. -We tmtf mnt laAa aad l a wW aa tt 
gaaA tu ae r aa l *aa.= lVe< haiv feaM tweaty-lwo park* cnaphparw 4Ma a«ar a ka u a tU tk e a t ' te a . taniv 
ami nMOi. aa aav lar tataamtlsa. AltDN»tWT OQmniCPnox CO.. «2:!.fi!4 ruity 

BnlldlaK,' CBiCAOO. '-'Lncai aail IMW' 1 



in atal toilet article*. TiM-y will Intereat yon. 
th Talnalile iircuiluiiw bare the aa»h and ealne that cet the money. 

(Jet 01 

packaeca with ralnali 
iiaea them, 

for eanvn»i!H-ri« auil fnkcr^. One 

h"ii>i' iJiTivH-^, Art- \iui ■ 
jou Low. E. M. PAYia BQAJ CO. 

Onr adrertlalBC aaaortrd 

imnR man i-N-are-I $1.<M^S..VI In U iiHinrba atmlRbt 

■•in,: «^ n.ll'/ ir I,..!, fi.l i-^ls! li.I«>. Wi- 
MJ Davit BlJt.. 1*M C^ajroll aid., Chicago. 


T tie Blllboarcl 

FEBRUARY 2S. 1*11. 


Brief Outlines of Stories Told in tlie Latest Productions of 
tte Plilents and Sales Companies—Kelease Dates . 
and Lengtjys of Subjects Are Qiven 

.MTaNTe oa 


leleued Fai>. 
feet).— Griffl til 
18 detectlTe. U 
onr erer-ambl- 
wlko watclie* 
wUli ad- 

peuaiKe of • jtoodk ladr ttom taer boardlus 
Bouae, be decidM that be can become t second 
GriAth Grafton. In aearchlac tbe ^ri's room for 
a dew, be aads tbe -pbotoccapb of tier frieod. 
a aomewbat atoot lady. who. be decides, mnat 
be tbe mlaaing one. He meets tbe atODt ladr 
fik tbe streets, and follows her to an aaylom. 
where alie la employed as a steoograpber. He 
basteas to the boardlDg boose to report the 
wbeceaboots of the mlaslne ladr only to find that 
the stoat ladr was not tbe missing one aft.r 
all, and ineldcntallr. that the tobds lady re- 
ported misslnic was Boae otber tbaa bis coa- 
stant boodoo. tbe dtewbig gam gltU Geinc mtiSr 
home be tnms to tbe wan tbe portrait of the 
great detectlTC wbom be so moch admired, 

THE PRICE OF VICTOBT (Drama; relesaed 
Febtoary 24: length. 1.00O feet).— Dandet, tbe 
keeper of an icii. lived with hU son. Jean, in 
tbe soath of Praoce. One day a soldier appears 
at the door of tbe Inn and sbows tbem a paper 
which calls Jean Daodet forth to battle. Eighl 
weeks later tbe lad retiinis to the village In the 
trappings of a dnnnmer boy. Tbe bov meets bis 
death while taking to Paris the news of a tIc- 
tocy, and Is fonnd by the father, who takea bim 
back to tbe Inn and lays the sUent, white d 
on the table and places two raeflirs at hto 1 

Tbe Empeior and his gtalT atop tit tile fam, 
csUs'for candles, bat the old man lifnaii to 
gtre thpm np. By this meana the Batpcsee and 
tbe dead dmmmer are brooKht togetBcr. Tbe 

fatber. filled witb hatred, springs apon Napoleon 
witb an DpralB«<l knife, bnt the Emperor almost 
atwtrjctedlj- brnBhes It aw-ay. as well as tbe 
ewocd which dashes to bis defense. qnieC 

tb* cnm of tbe Lesloa of 

bar's hRsat aad aOeatlr < 
tt e amg tar wblcb be ded. 
__THE IRON MASTER (Drama: release Feb. 
28: length. 1,000 feet).— The Iron Master Is a 
stroas. true cfaancter. wbo la deeply In lore with 

as well as tne 
g.^utetlf puc« 

CtaUe De Bs a alftn . the dangbter of a ■oNo ttm- 

*^ *■ iercM to Gm- 
Vm, tte Hate De Bigar. aad alw cmnd to 

Be. IwwcTcr. !■ a geatliaw-aC *Ba hab- 
its, and as e a l aa ll y laaaa an bia-SMnaa at tbe 

cambUnc table. Tbic tkct becHMa laawn to 

Monllnet, a financier, who has mote money than 
manners, and wbose one desire Is to marrT' Ma 
dan^rbter Into swell society. Being in a position 
to know of Claire's flnanclal state, he ac- 
taalnta tbe Dnke of her entire loss of fortane, 
-aad tbeo offers to pay off all bte debts If be will 
marry bte dsnghter. This tbe Doke eoiaeata to 
da, and Clalte. liirmiiliir ■i walabifl arlth tbe 
fact, is so deeply fmmlllstad ttat aba^'- aaas the 
spnr of the aomeot. accepts tke band at tk^ 
Iron Master In msrrisge. On tbe weddlBS Bigbt 
he learns of the trae state of her beart. and he 
decides that she shall not be tils wtfs In name 
only. Sbe at last realizes the strength snd 
steadfastness of bis lore when be defends her 
boiwr sod the Insnlt which tbe Dnke De Bllgny 
baa bea|>ed npon her. A dnel between tbe two 
easDca. and sbe readies tbe spot Jnst In time *o 
ssre the Iron Master's life and almost forfeit!! 

It Is needless to say that the 
ber lore. 

a;raln are taappr. On tbe same reel with Their 
WoOdlnc Gifts. 

leased Feb. S5: laacth. l.OOO feet).— Dan War- 
llaalia. aa oaHaw. la captured by tbe sberlS. 
atter tbe-fonaer. baa held ap a atage- coach- Af- 
ter the aberllf baa placed his captlse nnder 
guard, be goes home and la welcomed by hU 
little danabter, a cblld of Ofe. Tbe sheriff la 
nntlllod of the escape of Warrington, which was 
effected throagh the aid of some friend of tbe 
ontlaw. Tbe sheriff leaves tbe little girl at home 
asleep, bat sn boor later the little one. awaken- 
ing, finds her fsther gone, and la aaxirlr far bis 
welfar>> determlnea to co aad baat Mak WUb 
her dolly In her anas Hie waadees flat of toira 
and into the desert, onailndfal of tbe dangers In 
ber pttb. la tbe meantime tbe sheriff and the 
posse are shown in a spirited pnrsalt of the es- 
csped had man, who sncceeds In eladlng theus. 
The officers of the law glTe op tbe hunt and the 
sheriff, retomlng home, finds his little dangbter 
gone. Tbe alarm Is soon spread and a search 
party, headed by tbe aberlff. starts out to seek 
tbe lost baby. Tbe little girl has become lost 
In tbe desert, and ia unable to find ber ws^* 
home. At nooatlme, nnder Iba tanM saa. ahe 
ainks Into the Imnlne aanda. wfeae Aa Is foaod 
ky WarTiagtoo, wbo aa ciid te a tbe water la his 
eanteoi to aare ber life. He then carries ber 
back to ber father's door, bat the ordeal has 
been too modi for him and tie lap ses off into 
" " " " B la aanc re- 


GIFTS (Comedy: re- 
leased Feb. 21: leogtb. 
SSO feet>v— JaA and 
Jennie are married, and 
after a Tety iileasac: 
wedding festlTal they 
find that they hsTe time 
to examine the many 
presents presented them. 
Mach to their dlssstls- 
facUon. they find that 
the gifts' ran cblefiy to 
^_ . , ■ clocks sDd lamps. Are or 

^ ^J?^ aad an oc tbe same patten. After 
^.f"** ""S?* " «ooe. a mnsia,',»i boy leaTss 
another package, whleb. opoa bebw onBacd. te- 
jeals snotber .clock. To retnm tBem to tbeir 
friends to hare them exchsnseil set-m<> only like 
annoyinn these latter, and In tbe end they de- 
cide to make tbe exchange tbemselres. The 
next morning with a baskctfnl of lamps and 
doeka, tbey drive to s pawn shop where they 
mak a fcnown their desires, bat a clerl: wbo has 
J oat cateitd. points oat a colnmn In tbe mom* 
^^.^S^ lesamiBS tbe nbbeir of a downtown 
jewelers by a maa and wamaa wearing anto 
appaieL JfA aad Xsnnle qnite On tbe descrip- 
tion, aad Hie praiKletor loses no time la. eaClnz 
a pOUeeouui and baring tbem aneatai. After 
betng banled oS to the police autlaa. fsOowcd 
by a jeerloc asOb. Jennie's fstber i nails to ih* 
reacne. bat Is nnable .to eCeet tbeir rdcase nntH 
tbe real crooks are eaptnred and bm«bt in. 

edy; released Feb. 21: length, 412 feet). — Tony 
Costello. an Itallsn fruit itealer of the liettrr 
class, lias Jnst married, snd he and Maria, bis 
wlfie. are aa devoted to each other as two tnrtltf 
a. For three short months not even the 
; microscopic speck blots the harlron of their 
'^enee antil one nipbt Tony is dets]ae<l 
— past' bis nsDal bonr of faome-eoming. 
hrla. of eoorse. snspects the worst. Left 
alOBe Uaria beglna to fear borclars. Once she 
hears a rattling at the back door and another 
time some other mysteriotis noise. Maria Is 
In^eolons and finally erdlves the really clever 
plan of masajoeradlnff as a nan. bellevlBg 
no bnrplar wonid enter where there was a man 
in the hon^. This she does_ appropriating her 
husband's clothes, and has Just finished ber dls- 
gnise when Tony comes home. She thinks him 
a boidsr: be thinks her his wife's lover. H<> 

— - ^ - J arteta t* kin 

to aot kair af- 


(Oonedy; released Feti. 
a; length, 672 feet).— 
la' bleased with s 
" also with 
law! Said 
iw- makes 
thlnga bot for Friend 
Hnbby. Everytblnc tb*- 
poor man does Is mlslo: 
terpieted by tUs InqnU! 
tin and Imperlons dame. 
Wbaa be. attempts to 
amoke'— ""nothing' * doing. 
'When be attempts to liave a drink — stiil noth- 
ing doing. When be pnts hislfoot on one of 
the dining room chairs he la qnlbkly bnoght to 
the kDowIetee tbat this Is tbimdrilnf had form. 
In desperatrai be blta te tbe aycn. wbtte be 
meets with nnmemoa ad ve u t ui e a. aaaaaa which 
la the meettng with a yoang lady who baa Jaat 
fallen and sprained her ankle. 'When Ibe pose 
cbsp attempts to aid ber, motlier-in-law aad 
wlfey appear on the scene just in time to see 
blm with his arm at>ont her dainty waist. Hali- 
by Is led borne with his ear In tbe clatcb of 
Madam Motber-ia-law, when a separation is de- 
cided apoa between hnaband and wife with 
motlier-lo-law as e d i lamy committee. By a 
clever rose, bobby managea to stralgbtCD 
tliloss ont. 

Ic: released Feb. 22: length. 321 feetl. — A bean 
tifnl scenic film ending with a Rlorloos sunset 
view across tbe waters of the bar. 

A SOLDIER (Drama: released Feb. 20; length. 
7SI feet). — A private In the amy reeelvea a note 
from bis tUk- motber. twatac him to eome to 
see her. 'When he makes Us leanest of the offi- 
ccr In eommsnd for leave, be la retnacd; bat 
lore for his mother being stronger thsn hSm sense 
of daty, he climbs the wsll sronnd tbe barrack 
yard snd hsstens to loin ber In the hnmble cot- 
tage where she Uvea. Unfortonately. however, 
be Is seen by an offlcer and followed, arrested 
snd imprlsooed. Dlsclpltne demands this. But 
the officer bss a kind beart nevertheless, snd 
seeking tbe best physician in tbe place sends 
him to attend to toe poor sroman. Upon ber re- 
covery abe goes to tbe barracka to expcesa her 
thanks aad ioda her bar la the caaid-hoaae, and 
by her tearfU antraaUca aa 'wacfca «• tba feet- 
Inga a( tfee Gcaana 4b8t la a 

■aat fatbetic 
Ma bMaeb of 

but Mrs. Smith, fbe real motber of the boy. 
Thinea proceed nicely UDIU one day Norman re- 
ceives a letter from Mrs. Roberts, saying that 
ahe la abaat te die aM daoiilaK to dear ber 
consdeaec. taOa htaa tbat tba bay be calla hia 
own la really the aaa of Mis. Smith, Xonnan 
lells the mnslc teacher, who Is overjoyed, bnt at 
the moment of separation complications arise; 
tbe boy has learned to love both. There la but 
one way out of It and tbe yooagstcr sees it 
quicker^ tba^o a *{* 
many each otberl* ' agaia 


(Oeoree Klelne.) 

ESS BEATRICE (Drama: re- 
leased Feb. S: leaath. aae feet). 
—A Stacy of tbe life of Pa«aalol. 
tbe famooa vlollaiat. He Is se- 
cretly loved by the Princess Be- 
sttice. whom Count Lolgl courts 
In vain. The musician prefer.! 
bis violin to tbe Countess. Beatrice lesrns of 
PagaolnL'B weakness for the gaming t.ible: sbe 
supplies money to be used against him in or 
der to win bis violin from him; Pagaoiol loses 
to her messenger, who brings ttie tnstmment to 
tbe Ooontess. Psgsninl. tidloarlng bha. arrlvea 
to dad B a au l i a' in pn a K isloa of hIa p vec l oo a la- 
rajH. he attacka her. Is atmnctf 

ita prisoo. Tbe Oaaateaa ania bb 

violin to bim and plans his escspe. Ia a series 

of exciting incidents we watch her plana mate- 

THE TRAMP'S FIND (Drama: release March 
4: ienEth, 680 feet). — Becsosc of his bonestr l.i 
rvlurnlDff a lost necklace to Its owner, the bero 
wins a comforuble borne far lilma^ and. two 
itttia 'pirita tttf >a .laia.aiiaap Jr 


Maicb ~4: isiigtb.' dN HMj-^tS^TS?^'' 
Bsake a vecylalarsstiair ttii lawalsa i 
stets s hoy and Ida aMa " — 

daddy's daarettca, Tbat 

salt of s Irat attempt at naUag;' to tbair paa- 

MATRIMONIAL El'IDBMIC (Oxnedy; relesie 
Feb. 28: length, 813 feet i.— In which old ancles 
snd annts are so Impressed by the anient love of 
a young coople that they, too, return in spirit 
to the springtime of life, and become exrecdllUK- 
ly coquettish and fiiriatioaa.'Tbe love germ finds 
lodgement and developa to laogbable proportions 
and finally conquers a trio of fond couples. 

Ic: release Feb. 28: length, 18S feet),— The as- 
cendlnK mechanical bird majestically wenda Its 
way through the air cimeats and la seen ss hat 
a speck In the besscaa. when a 
the mschlne to drop, 
the speed to laen 


lencth. 236 feet).— .Showi^ a 

esting and excltloe adveal 

with a bunt la India.. Qu 

WHO KILLED MAX? (Comedy: releaaed Feb. 

24; length, «S9 feet). — Max has been off on a ter 
rlble toot, and when be gets home he proceeds 
to break op honsekeeplng. Retiring to bis own 
room he shoots tbe bead off a bnst of Psyche- 
and breaks ap tbings generally. Finally golns 
to sleep in tbe midst of this chaos, he presents 
tbe appearance of baviag been murdered. His 
parents rash In snd fiad Vm tbos. snd, grief- 
stricken, send for the paiiea. Profeasor Search- 
em, tbe prlxe pnpll Of Sberlock Holmes, geta 
on tbe Job, and by a series of extremely clever 
dednctloos. cstches the ssssssin snd tskes him 
to bis office and summons tbe victim's parents to 
see this awful criminal. What tbe detective's 
sensations are when tbe parents discover thst 
tbe man whom be has arrested is their own be- 
loved son. whom they thoaglrt^daad,^ aad who la 
tbe meantiaw had f ' 
on « new loaad of 


24: length 302 feet).— Bda( f baHaafBa m- a 

gaa fitter, his sssistsnt sad tlie ssetbods by 

which tbey work. On tbe same reel with Wbo 
Knied Max? 

THE CBAXOI^LING (Drama: released Feb. 
23; leneih. 1.000 feet). — Tbe hsppy married life 
of George Norman Is broogbt to a mde dose 
by the death of his wife, who leavea him In her 
atead a baby. Within a few daya Koaaan ia 
called to Europe on boalaeas far a ptotracted 
stay, and places hIa baby In the bands oiF Xnrae 
Rolrerts. who has other babies to take care of. 
Norman's baby dies, and Mrs. Roberts, not wish 
Ing to have this aonrce of Income cat off. snbstl- 
tntes tbe child of a poor widow, wbo can acldom 
If ever pay for tbe baby's keep snyway. Sis 
years elapse and Xonnan retoms snd sends for 
his boy. who Is now growiac to be a sturdy 
Alaiaat l mmii M afi& bto Msabaam a 
nUag tor the gtaaa, aad Xaraua -adsertlaea tar 


Last from 25 to 40% longer; give a stronger, ttea<]Ier light 
than any other imported or domestic carbons. 

They are the only carbons producing an absolutely white 


the finest Vi^^ftMi 

We „ 
piqpesiNe ilsgB deetrie 




aaC yiame Aia Lampa aad 



in America. 



H E. 



Release Tuesday, Feb. 28 

Hail "The Thsnhonser Kid." Detective! 

The Litde Motlier 

Is the very latest "Thanbotiser Eld" featiae aad 
all the pictnie-going kids In town win Imataae 
their parents to take *em to your show If yon 
show your "Tbanbonscr Kid To-day" sign tbe 
day you show this reel, Tbe boys and girls of 
to-day are tbe men and women of to-motiow. 
Witb tha jeath aC «s-dar. fasataHr ilaamiil 
toward tba m ai l a s llilUlii MMHtS Ifas Mb 
for tbe boalBcaa. 


Release Friday. Mareh 3 


XO. 190 




Will Buy Second-Hand Fi 

Moving Flctore Machines hangbt. Will ! 
to tbe moving picture buslaess. 

Oaa < 

95.00 per reel asd up. Snbjpct to McamlnttloD. Write at once for twrciln litt— reil bar- 
calns. mm to trade, S2.00 per reel. 


M''.iiKKra - ' ' . - : .chicaoo 


gicalaat "Wcatcfa" aver 

made: OiddeldJobasoa 

Slides As a Source off Revenue 

We am plaeiiw SUdea of etional Advntiaen in hooaes throng^iaut tbs 

■ ■ ■ — ■ -- \g - - ^ - - 

,1m., mwMT WmH mu» aL, Wwr Yi 

FEBRUARY 2Sk 1911* 

X ti e B 1 1 1 1> o a r d 


(OcorEe K]rlD«.) 

COMRADES (Drmni; reletm 
March 1; Ien£tli. 638 tret).- 
tiirlMlDs and pacbctlc ■tocy 
tbe deratloa of two aeldten ~ 
oue another noMl am Mm bta life 
io battle. Tbe other, at sreat 
flak, carrlea the djlnc qmo'b mea- 
aaae to bla oM (athcr. and wblle 
there, aadi aa MMOCtDallr Io lerre bU dead 
fX^ by gMaslSi me for that of hl» com 
ndc'a (atber. 

f lL^ lc- irlmw Manrb 1: 1cdcii>. 'JK^ (e«tV— 
aSaSa.! gUmpaM of one oC the JOTelleat 
•SISJ^JSET"^ VUlaa of gladea adorned witb 
' Uvea aod gorgeona Bower 

or CON 

SCUneCC (Draaa; relcaat 
M. 27: Icocth.- — feet) — 
UanU Bntoai. a. treated em- 
Blava of the Loa Ve«aa Mlnlnc 
JMBwa>r,' Mexico, la to a 
" quandary and sorely per- 
r to a letter from bli wife, who la 
_ with bim In the afrussle for for- 

Saperlntendent Is il«ngeruu»lj^ aick 

and 'u iylnc OD a cot In tbe office. BnrtoD be- 
IkTM him dead, l» tempted to steal tbe eontenta 
or tbe ttxfe. the iiay-roU. and so t)aek to cItII- 
iuilon, but the exer watchful eye of eooaclcnee 

avakea In him «he htttc* paua of 

flnally tcoldea hia. Ba Ua aaMtloaa for a pmr 
and Dvbler manhood reotoratWa Is made, aaf 

Harold Burton Is bappy In the tbooght of eon 

quered temptatlooa. 

leised Keb. 23: Ivngtb — ). — ^The blatory or Red 
Jacket the moat memorable and ptetotcique 
flsnre in tbe Seminole war — ataada today a monn- 
mrat to tbe emlneaee of the snatast wanloca 
of tbe I»ih centoty. . .. 

Aa EaEllab trader hojta ao ladlaa Sooaw. Com- 
mimlm s( Ihi »»fTinn fort forces him to 
■anV'HIb rsi II IIMS hi Incites the Scmlnoles 
aiahSst the wMIt*^ hoc the Indiana meet with 
defeat at erery Inm and sre on the Terse, of 
atartailoo. trbeo General Jackson offers onUer- 
sal amnesty. If tbrr will dellrer to lUa camp 
in irons their Chief. Red Jacket. This tbe old 
warrior refuses to do. but for the benefit of bis 
people he made tbe BMCriflce of bla own free 
wot. and nnfetteced dellrera bimaeif to tbe pale 
lace g t w iaU 



lencth — ).— The toor 
nt a hrtdal eoople 
ihroosh the BmeraM 
I«le. A tooeh of com 
e<<T mlOKled with 
sceoea in tb* beaaty 
apoti ot Ireland. 

leane Mirrli 3; length — >. — TbU story ooens 
la theofflce of a Mexican Janta. Id « Texts town 
not man.T miles from the border, presided OTer 
by SL OIlTem, eopi>o«edlT tbe aarat for tbe 
Mexlrsn- American Fralt Co. PaiM^ -s ywns 
Mexican ttttebed to the Junta la k lM» with 
BUora. the acenfa daocbter. 

hara hern made «• rwm a qoan- 
tlty of ire iiaB aM ammDlttoB acroai the line 
to the MeHcaa taaawnla. In loadlac a 
ftelxbt car wItb the eoolrabaad erery patriot 
tbereahnou works with a wfll all exeeptlnic Mon- 
te. oilTrres eomlns on the scene and finding 
♦leryone working hat Monte npbrakis the laiy 
fellow aod threatens to strike bIm. This aioosea 
the rrTeaxefnl spirit ot Monte, who aoeaks away 
and adrlaes the American authorities that the 
Mmcn tllhostera are attemptlns to rush Are 
*>■* acnss the harder. Altbonsb compelled to 
•rtaa tiM la f erm a ttoa famished by him the 
22Sl ifnteL ■•■ *»itaated with the 
■nnar aM Mk agaa Ma with contempt. In 
the meottme Btaacn. who soapected fionte'n 
eaotemiriated treacbery. watches and sees him en- 
ter the office of the United State* Srciet Berrlc*. 
Qj[\f*lT retomlne to the place where the ammu- 
nlUoo IB belDir loaded, she w^ms the Mexican* 
•nd the train U ordered to null oat Immediately. 
The Secret Scrrlce men irrlre on the scene Jnat 
an the train la learlne tbe atatlon. Rlanca's 
oarlne reat of uncoupllnx the car mntalnlna tbe 
ammunition and the transport of the roatrahand 
arrow the border make a thrllllne endlns ot an 
exceedloel.r Inierenllnit aiorr. 

SAILOR JACK-S BEF0RM.\T10N (Drama: re- 

ZH*.^*"^ 1: length. — feet) Sailor Jack 

■aaaia ship-mates, on shore. leare, spend their 
■mneTnod time as sailors wbo haie t>oen on a 
!?BL_"»a«e. Wandering about tbe town the 
Mitors stop on a comer where • ctanrd has cd- 
«^ . "*_'»!! tfetaehmeiit •« aalea- 
„ allhooirh mmttr the In- 

mience or mnor. Is Imprened by the strong sp- 
, ( i*^,*'"'"' « Sslrallon Army IsHle. 

JnU Is induced to no In their nearby ball, where 
•erilc,., sre to l>e hel.I. Jack sisna the pledce 
lis. 'l'. '"^'^ 'I'c Issslc. Rapidly prose- 
fallnK his suit, n month liter Jack wins Agnes' 
CTtL. '^^ months of bapplneaa fol- 

■JWjOaJ Jack s Jealonay Is unwarrantedly 
fjSE5.V»"'^ fflcnilshlp between Agnea and 
HS3f!R'' of ""e Salvation Army. Jack 

h!?lii?£.'''" ."f""' resolutions. In anger breaha 
Ihi Slti*! "••'•ods tbe night drinking and 

sei ~m-ii^."£''* "* • royage. Wblle at 
u.l SfSI^ possesahw of Jack. Keallxing 

1. 1 min^'l" hU Wife he mahes np 

hrl ^iJ ..I2.r""" •■• possible and 

beg her forglTetiees. Jark*t long Irlp lielng end- 
2L''f, «*''•, his deserted wlf?. who has been 
a2!1 iJ'iT"'"'?'^'''" return. W ith a glad cry. 

mlA company. 


ICoaasdv: lalsaasa Feb. 
14; ImH. _ fast).— 
Profaaar Ichaalts. s 

Groteoser ot physiology, 
I aboat t« demonatrate 
to the world his power 
nt^Mi.m^ of mesmerism. Ue calls 

ntlttiug j,^^ DsltoD, wbo la 

In lore wItb bis daughter, to assist him. Jack 
conaeots, prorldlng the professor consents to tbe 
msrrlagc ot hUaaelt and May. The professor 
sgrees to thia artaagciDeat. The great day la 
at hand, and before the (atfolty ot the college, 
tbe Professor states be will aow meamerlxe Jack 
and then himself, ctalming that after the bodies 
are In a cataleptic eoodition the spirits lesTe 
the body and commune together and after a 
time nature will resume her swsy snd the aplr- 
Ita win return to tbelr respective bodies, but 
strsnge and onforeseeo complications arla^; aod 
the splrlta. Instead of returning to their respec- 
tive bodies, get mixed. Jack's spirit enters tbe 
body ot the Professor, sod the Professor's en- 
ters tbe bmly of Jack. Ueoce tbe bolaterouu 
manaer of the Profeaaor, and the dlgnlfled man- 
ner of the yonng slodent. Jack. The imforeseeo 
clrcnmstsncrs happening create a tremendous 
bowl. At laat the Professor gaaUy flads Jack 
and rights the wroog hjr agala Bcaaerlglng 
Jack and htaaeU. and the Mtnal «liila ictnm 
to their r eapee tlve hedla a . 
CNDBK 80DTHBRX SKIBg Clhna: rrleaseri 

Feb. 1& length, — feet) laceh MeCloskey 

holds a mortgage on tbe IVyton plantation and 
alares. As be Is atwnt to foreclose on tbe prop- 
erty he aecures the freedom papers of an octo- 
roon girl, named Zoo, with whom he la In love. 
Uora SannyslJe Is desperately In love with (3eurge 
Peyton. He cares nothing for her, as the octo- 
roon girl clalma his entire attentloo. Mr. Pey- 
ton, expecting Important mall from Europe, aends 
Paul, one of the slares. to tbe landing. MeClos- 
key, averheaTins this determfta to aet the hag. 
Be atrtrea tooUte oM llBda the Mv atttlag on 
the beg harlag his pietne takta. At the tore- 
rlosnre tale MeCloskey boys the octoroOo girl, 
oatblddlog Dora Stmnyslde. In the meantime 
Panl. tbe slsve, hss been klUed and the mall 
bag rilled. Tbe struggle bat been witnessed by 
an Indian. MeCloskey and the octoroon are about 
to board the ateamer Packet when MeCloskey la 
accuied of tbe murder of the hoy. Fete, a ne- 
gro, ruabes on tbe scene with a photograph ahow- 
log MeCloskey, club In hand, standing over tbe 
boy. McClosaey Is seised and pat la Iraaa and 
erentnallr cacapei. Be meets the Mbw who 

duel so aasa hctwecB theae tsre. and Ae atost 
realistic combat ever witnessed between two 
ttnog men takes place. The IndlsB eeentiully 
orefpowcrs MeCloskey snd leaves bla tor dead, 
and tafcM the clad tldlaga to the 

Brush Electric Lighting Set 

Scents a K. W.— what it 
costs with a Brush Outfit — 
and the 8 to 15 eapts whicfa 
you are now pasring the 
Electric Light Gompai^. 

Also save <Mie-haIf of the 

■ Oaa. Gasoline nr R>rasefi#: in fl 
1.380 IbSL I.Ut txno, snbject to 

Use Direct Current, 
is far averior to 


Box B-3. 



Power's Cameragraph No. 6 

Tlie Perfect Moving Pictare Machine. 



(Drama: released Feb. 21; 
length. — ft.) — ^Wc all know 
of- Washlogtott's remarkable 
(eat In. crossing the Dels- 
«ai« itm at TkeatM with 
halt hia raawaad. aacprls- 
ias the gt ea l aae aad mak- 
lig them ua pglaowa: but 
bar the attmaec mrt aC WIplHm M ar hia en- 
emy re a che d the great ge n era l has ever been a 
myatery. Tbe bearer of the messes waa the 
very patriotic maid, here portrayeCwlMk with 
her American scout sweetheart severHj waiBdi 
cleverly disguises heraetf aotl Cakes her lover's 
measage to Washington. Thronsh her aid. tbe 
latter retches the Hessian headquarters. Is ad- 
mitted by the -woimded scoot, and the enemy 
awake to And the Amerlcaa Sag flylac over 
them and tbe American army la full pu sa st lon 
of tbelr camp, tbe victors in one of the most 
bloodless yet decisive struggles of the Sevoln- 

A NEWSBOY HERD' (Drama: released Feb. 
31: te^ltt. — feet).— John Bailey, a stra«gltng 
kaaaTa-tait aC drink. His conduct la long 
a ssMCt of aaaear to bis wife. iMit her prayers 
and entreaties are disregarded. Finally tbe 
climax comes when John returns borne one eve- 
ning so much noder the Inilucuce of llqnor that 
be strikes bla wife. BellevioE tbat life is un- 
bearable, tbe woman takes ber child and goes 
out Into the world, preferring even death to fur- 
ther mistreatment and bumlllatlon. They wan- 
der around In tbe snow, and llnslly fsU ex- 
hausted In tbe sleep that precedes death. Jim 
Sanda. a crippled newsliay. sees their plight, 
goes to tbelr aaalatanre. ^nd takee thca *e his 
poor little boar, aad oOna to abarc Wg an with 
Ihem. They remala aottl tbe aether can eb- 
tain some other refuge. John, who has hunted 
In vain for bis wife and child, reads a newspaper 
story of the death of a womsa and child In the 
ttorm, and Is convinced that they are tbe vic- 
tims. He decides that he hss no riteht To live, 
sod plsna to drown himself. He la saved from 
this crime by Jim, who by accident learns of the 
relationship that exists between Msry and Jack, 
and bringa them together. They are united, and 
Jack promlaea to be la the tnlnre what he 
should have hcea la the paat ajMbaad-aha 
putt basse aad ttmUt » > m ct««IMw. 4n hi 

tbe worM. 

When you buy a moving picture machinei 
you want to get your monej 's worth. 

Power's No. 6 is the biggest value jn moT- 
ing picture machines ever nffrniil IWilll 

It projects perfect pictures. 

It never breaks down. 

It will oatlast two machines of any other 

We replace free of chaige any parte that 
break or wear out in OM.JMr.ftOMtho 
date of punihase. 
We guarantee complete satisfaction. 
Fifteen bundled purchasers of the No. 6 in 
the pMt ynr wU CHlone «U we «ar 


THE DEPUTY'S HONOR (Drama: released 
Feb. H: letiKth. 900 feel). — Tom and Pete Use 
with their wWowcd mother. Tom Is appointed 
deputy sherlir and Is proud of the retponslbUltx 
reposed In bIm. Tetc Is In love with a weslthy 
ranrher's daughter, and his suit la t towacd apaa 
by tbe father, owing to bis iwverty. To accnre 
money be holds up a stage. coach. Tom discovers 
his brother guilty and arrests him. bat yields 
to tbe pleadlnga of bis mother, and permits 
Trie tP esctpc. Orrrcome tt his breach ot tmtl, 
Tom steps Into an adiolnlng room and ahools 
himself. Pete, bearing tbe ahot, returns, ana, 
strlckea with r emors e , tnldlla hia hcotbev'a trass. 

Semi mt o nce tor Catah gm "fy 







We have the largest stock of films (trust or independent) in 
the United States. 1,000 elegant feature reels, in good con- 
ditioa, as low as $10.00 each. S<»d for Ibt. We ship all otot 


12 East I3th St.. 




Write immediately. ALAMO FILM EXCHANGE. Midson Blanche 
Building, Canal aod Daupbioe Sts., New Orieans, La. You pay express 




T tk e B 1 1 1 b o a r cl 

FEBRUARY 29, 1911. 

ill:: , CIRCUS ;p :ws\:-:': 

Billposters* Association Have as yet Failed to Receive Any 
> Signatures to Their Contract by Members of the 
Showmen's Associatton-raeneral Circus News 

Tbe Aasoclatcd Billposters acv niHclanr iiotl- 
lylzv tbelr members tb^t Ibe fuHow-lu;; siiiiw» 
kftTC itgaed the dxeu cootnct for lull. Mcnt 

ilMMtaltaa.' n^Utoirtac to tlie I 

ntilicd by thm: Kooiuc 

list u far- 

Baffalo Wild West, 

Ure«t WacDcr Sbo«> Wood's Foot Brochcrs 
Slum, J. K. BeBty's World'n Greatest Wagon 
Bbowfl, Bersen Amasemeat Company, Terry's 
L'ncle Toui'a Cabin, Slg. SaateUr'» Nen- Shows, 
Cbaa. Oeyer's Tent Show, Fred Locke's Tent 
Sbow, T. Banon & Winter's Streets of Cairo, 
and tbe St, Loals AniDsoment Company. 

It will be noted that not a single muiuher of 
tbe Sbowmen's Asaoclatlou id Included in the 
abOTe list. 

With tbe aboTe lUt that la betne »-nt lo the 
indlTldlMl owmbers of tbe Aawydated UlU- 
postets, tbe secretary Is mailing « copy of tbe 
1911- etrcns aervement, as prepared by them, 
aad wbicb was ntnsed by the Sbowmen'a Aaao- 

. i«(|k,«bat Udr aMieluy U alao 

war ft tt>:|PmilUM MMJe by th* 

JO tbt 'M Up iii tos . In «cder to make 

tbst t ease ont as fanaable as possihie for the 
■Ajwociatcd Billposter's circus committee, and 
fur tbe pnrpase of niisrepresentlns tbe Sbow- 
mett's Association, the Associated Billposters 
refrained from seodln^ out (o tbe IndiTldnal 
members tlif amended propo»ltl(ra made by tbe 
drcilfl men, but sent out the lirst one. There 
was'm Tast difference tx-twii-ii tbe two, and ab- 
■olatcly no aood teanou whr tbe amcDded proiM»- 
sMon by tllft dzcns men »taonld not bare lieen 

accepted by the biUpwteiai' committee. Tbe 
lati« ptacHoany nckavwledsv their dtiemma by 
koldlav back -the last propaalttaii Bade by tbe 
' ebcna nwa. Hawercr. theift Mil :be . scores of 
agcMK out.abaad oC tiw diCMM Iwlliii many 
Wccka, aad they wlB «all«hlf Ifc. BDlptwter, 
aad srlll canr wlih tbcm a t ai a a ct aopgr ol the 
tval pnposltlon which tbe bmpoBtcn' commit- 
tee rejectnl Bnally, slid which they wemlDCly 
dsre not «iubmlt to tbelr own members. 

Tti. r.M%,«rlnc Is the anal letter of Instmctlons 
belug :iiuUi-d out from tbe bcadqiurlcrs of tbe 
Associated BlUpostcn to tbe iDdlTidnal mcm- 
bsia mt tbv aianflartani 

piPopTAXT ntvraiuisox id ini£: 

In 1UU», the azst drcos asrwmeut was en- 
tered Into on tbe request of tbe circus men. and 
was worked under up to and ineladins lOlu. 
UBder these agreements during all these years 
lha dfcas men aitd bUIpoatcn- sot sloos with 

A ciir aC tbe wraeacat, ■TCpaMI tt 1011 

St the BMpo at er s* ^ Cbcna Oonialttee. Is en- 
osed, and beaded: "Aoles Goremlnff Clrcut* 

rostlDg Contracts, Circus Agreement, 1811," 

printed on tbe yellow sbcet. The terms of which 
are more liberal to tbe circus man than tbe terms 
In any of tbe fonner agreements, notwltbstand- 
Inc tlie Increased eost of bldpoatlng, 

xba dicna nten made some kind of a voluntary 
otsanlsatlon, . calllnc It "Tbe Showmen's Asso- 
ciation," and demanded that the biUpoetem ac- 
cept their terms as shown in tbe paper, beaded, 
"TO the Associated BlUpoaters sod Olstrlbators 
of tbe United Sutes and Caaada," wblch li 
primed on tbe white sheet, 
lately to w<ork under an 
the ones in force since 1903. 

If your experience tias been tbe same as others 
In tbr> blllpoetlng bujtlDess far tbe last ten years. 
It Is costing yon more to do Mllpmitlng Dov tfaaa 
ever before, and of coone yoQ ooxM to mske 
a rate that will glva yoa a Calr ptoflt in your 
boslnetos. partleolarly as clrr a ns l a nalt a extra 
attention and cstza mk .mt iMit .tCthc 

money the ihu ai ii MMi f^ .at j—r' «— - « 
spcaC ' ' — - . - ■■■ - 

better eentract Cor yea and yotir bastaeos. 

Too eait eiivce the drcos own as atocb ss yoo 
plesse, becanae the drcos bUUns Is. a purely 
kieal proposition, but all the dre — 
signed tbe 1011 agreement (list^ 
have the benefit of tbe favorsMa 
elrcos men In that agreement. 


. J. F. O'ilEALIA^ 
U U. B AMBBr, 

-«n. L..cHBis»ax. 

^ Oh 11 -Oommttiee. 

It wni be noticed that aupailuilj 4te qnestlon 
of terms and rates arc leit-apea to the discre- 
tion of the billposter and the ciicna agent, and 

tbis Is In accord wltb the Yertial - a Ri ee m cnt t>e- 
twc^n tbe two assodatloas. N eieitb eless. the 
iihowmen's Association are skeptical, and are 
expecting a secret movement or conspiracy to be 
laUDCtied against tbom by Lbe powers bicb up 
in tbe Associateil Bilipo*«ter8, but altbotlich i 
bned with this suspidoo. they do not anticipate 
any trouble dealing with tbe Individual bilt- 

In tbe dftb ikaragrapb of the above letter. It 
wlU be noticed that efperial attention la called 
to tbe enclosure purporting to be a copy of tbe 
Showmen's demands for the saka of e o m parl soo, 
and yet K la not te.netaal capy' o( the Oaal 
deminda ot the ihua m tj at-all that la im c ln i td 
for eomparisoo. 9aA aribNeCnaa will net i 
complish anytblng. Tlie 4kawBMn** Ai>soclatlon 
Is St 111 In tbe best posltloa. 


nnder tbe general maaacnaeal; W Oaie S. lea. 

saOed from New York FVbrnaiy 10, for Porto 
Blco. One of the novel features of the pro- 
KTam will l>e Mr. Lee's latest Wild West ere 
atlon, entitled Dnke Lee's Blonde Cow-Steppers. 
whic h consist of a Is'vy of yoatbfol blonde beao- 
tlrev, atllrrfl In euwjiirl costume, who go through 
the iotrlcatp- maneuver of an old-fasbiooed qoa- 
drllle on horselMrk. For tbelr partners they will 
bare four dashing cow-poncbere of tbe brunette 
type, namely "Mpziran" Oeorge Haoker. J«bn- 
BlV Fkaata. Charlie 'f1^r"■'T aaa ' ~ ~ 

Jbt. Chas. BoT" 

her harse. Gypay _ _ _ _ 

with the bnman bra la." I>e. htoiself. wlU 

do his impalement aet and boomerang throwing 
on horseback as a batlyboo. He will also do tbe 
wing and fancy shooting from horseback In the 
arena. Duke's versatllil.T Is excelled only by 
bif Rood nature: 

Tharlle HsbWns ad ArlaenB Rank. 
BobMaa Win h« ahGT antavvltb 
isiy Bad, arha i» UIM as •nhe barse 

Ulas Lncille Unliull. tbe champion Isdy steer 
Wpet « C tta —rid, aad Uartln Tan Bergen, the 
aMMir. faVnM. wha inccntly had an act In vao- 
la canjonetlon with Jim Gabriel, wish 

It taMWa that'tbey hare'seTered all eoaneetloD 
Wflh Mt^ Qahrlel. snd are now tmder tbe exclu- 
sive man a g ement of Mr. Gus Bomlmok. Mr. 
HonAronk Is to feature Miss Mulball in one ot 
his big western vamleTllle prodnctlons. 

George iniler. of tbe lOI Bancb. who was In 
Wasblogtoo. D. C. last week on Important busi- 
ness pertslning to Indian affairs, stopped olf In 
Xew York City on his way back to tbe ranch, 
ge jepor^ ererytlil^^golng Jlne and dandy down 

L wm take the road bicger 

thia eamlac spring. 

Xany eompUmeatary remaika are being passed 
apon tbe newsy way the sandertUe situation Is 
l>eing covered In Xew York MtT of late by Tbe 
Binboanl. - 

Henry Crammer (bncking horse rldcr) writes 
from Kaw city. Okla.. that his bealhar Stan's 
death was caosed hy blood poisonlaa;' eanwd hr 
harlag an ulcerated tooth lanced. 
JBftf^ ami Bote are now In Xew York City 
knife throwing and roping act. doing 
tt^' say there are more cowboys In 
xMkCKy ttaa was erer In the West. 


Jersey City, X. J.. Feb. Since the clos- 
ing «r tbe Frank A. BoH»lnK Sbows at Dover. 
peU.. last Oeti b i r . J^a wl a tag ^n ai t a is bar. 
iMvw Ike ar'aa of mUinr tm-wyfte far the 
nine aeaaiw. Tha aaaaon aC 1911 wOl be 
t Olrty-Orst analrersair of tbe Bobbin* 
»w«. Xew canvas has been received f»r both 
tbe big and aide shows, menagerie, dressing top 
' and office tents. Tbe new side sbiaw front will 
be something entirplv ont of tbe ordlnarT an 
arlglnal l.lea of Mr. 'Boltblns'. All tbe wagouK 
iM^eu tbnrooghly overbauleil and many te- 


Ihe mi-nnct-rii- will be enlarged by several 
mw rages In addition to tbe three new open 
— to laptaca the ansa that ware demolished 
~ ~ I^Jt' nbaal attMiat. ne addi- 


Editor The Billboard: 

Apropos tbe hlUpostlng qnestia*. the maasgen 
of one and two car tent abowa ahartd lamp in 
and dcdare themselves. Forced «a alfB the same 
HiiaiiMt a ckcia, thnr an oapdled to 
''tl«*.«p" aa BHar ftae UOeM an an elgbty- 
ear drcna. nwtlair two bimdrrd ebcH a af paper in 
a town like Wlnstoo-8alem. N. C. tbts means I 
fcee ticket for every seven sbevts of paper posted. 
This plainly is not equitable. \n manager of Tbe 
Dixle-Kersands Minstrels Isst summer. X was up 
sgalost this proposition daily. In many sotall 
towns where one bondred (beets was ample blil- 
Inff, tbe blUposter would flash bis sgreement and 
demaad tiaanty-flve tickets. Fine! 1 sm willing 
te ■a aa.nath and testify tlist tbe bUlposter at 

• (leave It blank; I'U fomitb tbe 

name Mt lha ^lacc. U dohed) aaM tha wmH 
meataiy tMeta lacalsnd of iva. I aaa aat af oa. 
tsnt show game tempocaillr. hot wfll ht ttaa 
again wben tbe blue jay wUltlML . 

■■ Bespectfnlly. ■ ■.. 

Febmaty 10, 1911. 


Alexandria. La.. Feb. 18. — About fifty men are 
boay at tbe quarters of the M. L. Clark A: Son's 
Shows, getting ready for tbe ottenlng day, which 
Will occur about March 10. Mr. Clark expects 
to bare one ot the best eoalpped wagon shows 
■~ the road. A number oc.pi — * — 

-_ . bava al- 
ready been e n ga g ed. 

Jot xmer win be su peH atea deat af rtock: 
Bbor^ Gallagbcr. boas csnvasman. and James 
Dongbtfty. manager of tbe .\nnes. 

Including tbe clrcns (MT.pio wintering in Al- 
exandria are Albert rowell and wife, of tbe 
Haag Sbow: Bray and his troupe of dogs, late 
of the Campbell Bro«.' Sbiw: Bob Pierre snd 
Chris LaComa an4 wife, of the M. L. Clark A 
Son's Sbows. and Al. n. Fraaee. of the Wiede- 
mann Bros.' Sbows. 

I. A. B. P. A B. OP NOTC8. 

laolla Sflna.. Feb. IS fSperlsI to Hie 

BlUhoardi. — Hariey White. hnslnpsR agent. Is 
pretty bnay Ibean days alace all the theatres are 
dolag tbelr owa aalplag. Kx^ryoun la T*rlil a » 
and moat of then ascrtlmr. 

Onr old friend. Chas. SaowbB. of SL Mb So. 
5. was In town ahead of Billy Watson's Beef 
TrnKt. mpetlDK old friends. 

Eddy .Schafer. of Newsrk Locsl. was' s visitor 
in our town, and If he didn't bare a pleasant 
lime It's Harley White's fault. 

Bert Foster, of Loral No. S. St. Ixuls, called 
on liocal No. 10. aad told them a few thiaas 

Attractive Banners Are 

the means of increased business. They give character to your 
outfit. We employ the best Side Show Artists in America who 
are noted for their ability to construct Banners. The larcest and 
best side shows in the business use our banners. Get in One now 
as we can give you tbe ^tention tbat^ou deserve. Get your 

i can gtve you toe i 
rim dor Brt to Mr 

FOR SALE — Two Male African Lions; healthy antl Iur|^. Bargain. 



22-28 North Desplaines Street, - CHICAGO. ILL. 

ftr Bands, MOitaiy, 
Minstrel Fint Part, 

Ushers, Bell Boys, 

Base Ban, Foot Ban, 

Basket BaDpOte 

Be Streand Mention 
Kind <^ Uniform Wanted. 

Western Unlforn Go. 


fEPjT*' -.s an 01 tlisi 1EH 

/-^. CANVAS 


FLAGS Waterproof Covers 

SEiO fOS >fn CiUlOt 110 SFCOtO Hi-ro IISI 

The J. C. GOSS CO. '"m",V','," 


Phaaa Caaal I 

EatabUabad UM 

Thomson & Vandmer 




SIC Caat Faarl Straat, CINCINNATI, O. 


MsdateOrdar, Write 


Rem*, Gaergia 






lOB-U Booth Xaia Straet, Bt. Looia, Mo. 



723 Blu* Island Ava., Chleage, Ilia 


:FOR . 



. s B. MiaMiaM Mmm. 

cNicjiaai ilunois 



Now is the time wc need the woffcaad 
CBB live qmck action aad ( 



WE HATE FOS T.FJtBE, CABS. SO ft. toac. far 
•blpplDs MTiH'ry, autumoblln, aidTancr, banafr. 
prlTUrcr, slock and mrrrr-so-raaDda. DralraMe 
for «h ow a nd rircos cacnpanl««. B«aaonabl» 
Boom 614, 193 Miehicaa Araaas, CUeaia, 


Daalan ia Wild Aaimala, 
lao Oimaviek Btnat. Vaw Tork CitT. 



FKIC££. I' ll u» what lua ar«d aad wa wUI 
svDj iA>Wr:sT ratlmate aad Ulaatiatcd eatalac 
EnCEBOXX ABT CO.. ' ' ~" 

CIreus and Juggling Apparatus 

CInba, Balona awl Norelllra. Stamp for cata- 
locw. ESWABO YAjr WTCK. daciaaati, OUa. 


PreKka. Moiwter Ba*kM, OiamatsoBR. 

OQ eiUbltluD an. I §Hit- Ir. 
offfT take** It firanllf-- ■ 

> car Prop+rty, 
I'lLolLuall, 0. Bcpt 

. h-nw :r-Tl 1. Art. 


and Show Canvas 


Wot or Salt Lake City. Addnai 

BTO TEHT A Awvnra 00.. 



We win fatal* too FREE, a One froat cartate 
or atrect drops of ooperlor irorkmanahJp and pay 
Toa in>erallr for tlie eseiaatn adTCrtlatac pcln- 
letc oa the aaaM far a Ima aC •■• ta ' — 

rrara. Write at oaee far 

e aeea. THK 1. If. aC_.« 



Til iKlqra Tut & Anrin Cl.. CMk, H 


FEBRUARY 29^ 1M1. 

xrie Billboard 

W. J. BrIckiOD. of the UfTlc, «nd Eddie Cluk. 
.,r thr Dalqnc, matt be 00, 00,';becaaM wbovTar 

I .III >ii-« Ljrrlc TOO Dnlqne. 

' Criu MeDoiuM »ys lir nw ■ loMa at Cbaa- 
iMWO MODdaj. Cbintiamien Is tha awaMr ipot 
t*t Orlpa. arar lu natore's camp. 

KM Wh«*lvr haMi'l bm over ■laor SoowUI 

li Mm Hkc iUrrjr Callabao and F. Hlxoo 
«mM Mmk to Ixral No. 10. 

Val SaBn w«> oTrr from St. Paul taut week. 

. . Care Sbabert Tbeatre. 


iMr of thf N-«t miulppcd elifht-car nbuwa on 
Mh- nHid Ik Ibnt cif thi- Wi-I>h Brotbrr* Show anil 
l.<.iiiltHi lllpiNNlrmiK*. Thr itntflt 1m fMnplete In 
.'MTV ilctill anil carrlm Ibm- I>nUmaD cars, twi> 
.■••■k simI ttarer alral Hat can. The slMW caTrtM 
..u.- huodnd mmi VmaMm PVRi* •9' •hirt' 
limMl of > i s » a. . T>».. l iill » l attm WTWtUk. 
NMHaiPT; Kdmrn HuImi* irtMWBV mm ascrc 
larr: llcnjamliic Caaiwr, side shew sod prlrl- 
t^mi Geo. Beckler. adTaocr a^ot; Joab Bailer. 
vaiirriBtrndrnl: Ororar Welnb. assistant aaper- 
lni<-n<lrnl : Jobn Wbllr, Jr., rqacstrlan dircelor; 
<i<'<irKc Wilkes, boas iiootler: □srr;r Moor?, man. 
t*T tranaportstliiQ. Pi*rf orniers : Jobn Wbltf. 
Sr.. witb bla doKH, Knata. niulca. borvcs and p«>- 
iiIi-h: Y. KlabI TYiHipp of Jsps: Madame Ync«a. 
•.rnmfr ladr: May KoHttr female aloalDff clown: 
lliMilDctT ao<] Uorieantlial. aerlallata: Tbe Rreitt 
('i>n'tleDfi, arrotMitK: Anna Leon, the lady oo tUe 
Kour Foui'l.T'a. Hying act. and Great Lalnl. 
■ h«* lioy wbo balanrea fNi Ills head. <Aoww. 
Joha WMtv. Jr.. nrtarlpal: Jahg jB i l L- Bm- 
wn'. Jaha Mnphr. GeMge t«M.'Mi'Mii>r awi 
Hi art Wslie . - 

-Ml RAWBH wu^wnr-Ncrrn. 

.U far-awar RUsa, Oklahosaa. aad at aeanr 
•wartm for the mlllBB atoek at Iiake View. N. 
J., the onpiBlsalloa af the 101 Ranch Real 
VIM West !>tio«: la (irocresslBf rspldly for tbe 
x-aaoo of IS11. Mr. E<l»-srd ArllDKlon. wbo, as 
nMal. saperrlitofi Ibe perfectlna of tbe advanci. 
la conaecfloa with bta manj other atrenoooa aelf- 
haposfd SMlsnmeDta. bss rrrr little to tbink 
*4 Doir Id roanrctloa wttb tbe pobllcltr dr(»art 
ment. It la folly nncanUed. and oqIt ihoM 
who are on tbe anxloos Mat In case of diaap 
ix^lnimeats, sie looklaic forwird to tbe terateta 
■■f his pen thst will Insore them poaltlona for 
ika eosBlair se as o a. Tha car maaajma for the 
thn« a«*aac» ran kaae at tkia ««l<r ^ 
r*tti» tiwtrnrtlmi* to Md thcnnalTM in tcadi' 
nesa after Ibe flrmt of March. While Mr. Ar- 
irn^on'a moremenla aad intentions are not ex- 
Tictlr shrouded io aecreer. It Is erldeiit tbst 
lie will not And lilmtelf cnmered wheo the time 
.-omea for btm to moTe bla men. Tbe threi* np- 
Tmsltton aseora tiarp re<^lTed their In?*tmrlIonii 
to hare their mc-n report at s not Tory illiitant 
'late, and It ttenlnti Tn IrxA as If there woald ho 
very early mnri^aicntti In territory anrter dlH' 
liate. Mr. Arllnjrton ta aeen occasionally alona 
Rtoadway. Kew Yatfe. hat acMsai without his 
tiaTFllBK has. Hla fh«» la Jait aa nften aeen ta 
Chwinaatl. ne«*laa«. MaatMb nttahnrc. Buf- 
•Ma aa«. la tact, asrsy aWr wkasa raUiaad of 
■mkaap Ihi^knaMM ang^^aT pMlk« as ni>ar 

Ibis year than Krnerally fall* In the lot of an 
adrertislait ear. Tliey are works of art. and 
while sot io tbe lesat asadj. hsre s snbstantlal 
rlcbneaa ahonl Ibem that win appeal to tlie na- 
tlses aad railroad people alike. The No. 2 Car 
wlla tUa ahow ta tbe mnet complete adrertla- 
mm car ever a ape m Wed. It l> Holrbeil off Io 
hard wood laaide. and the arraacemenla for tMib 
warklnc and tirrrttm at* pcrfcrt. There are 
two IsToratoriea aa iha ear.'aaa tha haaks sre 
•f the moat ■iaw«Mr«4 PallBaa atrle. Cloaet 
room la praTl<lei| far the men's rintbeii. and la 
the center of the ear Is a spacloa* loDndne 
room which la always apnreelated on looa rani. 
\t tbe men with Ihia aliow eat at hotels, there 
1» nerer that dlasmeeahle odor of cooklna abont 
Ihecsrs. sBii bolel life hs» a rery atrona tea- 
deacy to make the men more tidy In their ap- 
paaasaea than when they were rnmtielled to par- 
»•■* af harr.T-np meala on the cars. Mr. Eil- 
'•!"Ji?""«*'*- • sticker <ia eleaallaesa 

aMJI«raeas. was aol.Hasr ta mikt tkto. and 

the csra. and thai notblna esrapea his aoMce. 
\n Mr. Arllnclon remarked s short time sine*: 

I aend tbe earn nnt aa clean as cars can be 
ttaa aa romfortahle as they csn be msde sod 1 
••jnert that tbe roeo will keep them thst war. 
Why. the men are on tbe car more tbaa they are 
•t home, aad they shonM tbtnk of tbia." 

The eaMiartlBK and speclsl igcots are al- 
'yr. aaosr wders. sml the early ■a-ork la pr». 
anaalar with a avilafarlorT eOlcleDey. and tbna 
rai- the Tesa..s are aaat nhasiaa. llaar dllaa 
•nd towns haT<F hsea ttmtStSlHtSiwSS- 
J"^,. tatX^terrl- 
lory t«erore It baa been fdf ont. The fact that 
• ti.wn waa Koinl mime years sen Is no criterion 
Atllnttlnn: It has cot to he Koo.l .tbla 
rear iM-fo-p he will »end bla ahow Into It. Ther.. 
•a an more eon«rl..nllo.iii worker an<l earefnl roMt- 
2 If"" Mr. Arllnuton. He eniOTeil tbIa rri>- 
atallon when be was an aaent for othera. and bis 
Pulley la J«at the aaaie as an mrner. 

Tlu- iianer hi helac tarae4 aal with aatl.fae- 
"Vt"'-..*"* *m he ao hitcb or delay 

«hen the tim. enmes for the delUery of it to 
he cars. There wfll he sironat a coiiiplete new 
line of p«p"r Ihle yrar. a< »ery llttl« waa earrlnl 
^i.T'V. '"'•-"^"l"- Arllnalon Banred to 

2*1^. "• ^ Opired to a nicety. All the 
*iers for aland paper, lllboarapha. banner, and 
an SL <l'«ced very eerlv. and to thai 

5SL*! •"rtboled Ibe fact that Ibero will he no 
•JWladellvery. The Drat mnntb'a datra will 
31*2J»"!<I Match 1. and aa tbia ahow doea not 
5* It ^la. a aertaialT tha t tbe lOI Ranch 

rtrSa.'^SgjL?'!??' '"f"* 't bis 

tlonr^ airaaaed f». nppnaltlon «r no opposi- 

ni?»r niT '■^••n the ranrb st 

.ler w.r "■'-"•t'lia well nn- 

talrl.i 'T.'*' '""n "tart tn re- 

Sili . ^"•^•r ""•.v» that Ihev are harlna 
SrIeviISt. I »-«','"''.''" ""• ""cb. and thst 
hTOh^^/«,/"''i"''»'»" fMllna tbe call of the 
k"51-^ J5 We haa pnrei<.acd a number of 

m' ii?^?2* *«W»t.aBd will Inrreaae the ata. 
work hnLr^.rr "^"^ head of arena and 

^'iJo »"«"»«"• '<* the codliac 

■".«r» „»T^lL I*"" "haolately aec. 

.rfhJi .ili.;r""".* er.<aralBr lb, ahow In -11 

^Mrti?'"'.""''"''- ""rtlriilsriT In tbe sestloa 

ih? iim'.k:^ "^7 weather U set- 

Ttie canvas osed Isst yesr will be used tor sn 
emerseocr sat. Xlie eomliis season will And 
many Indlsldaal featnres ss a relief to tbe many 
assemblsBca that hare always flcured too con- 
■plcoooslr with wild treat shows. Jnst what 
these sre to be Is not at this tlOM aada paUlc, 

But Mr. 'Arlington 

of ibetn is of snia3«it aiarit ta 


■ad atscr 
• wamat 


deslgolnc of special paper. Tboaa 
.Vrllnfton, know full well that 
Kot to look good to bim befoes he ' 
meat consider sfieclal paper. 

At tha shops st Lske View, N. 7., there are 
forty skilled mechsnlcs working eiaht honrs a 
day. with all of the faculties st bsnd and the 
modern macblnery that tbe plant contains, more 
csD be acrompllabed In a day tbsn In most snj 
other wlnter.qaarters in s week. Until Isst 
faU theaa ahopa were owned by tbe New Jersey 
Csr aad EqalpiaeBt Company, and were purchased 
InUct from them hy Mr. Edward Arllnittoa. They 
are not sloaa tha wlatar-qaaHais for tha rolUns 
stock of tha ahaw. hat the hoUdlaa aad repal? 
Ing of can Is cairtcd aa the entlie year. At 
present Mr. Arllactoa has some rery Isrge cob- 
trscta on which he baa a force of men inde- 
pendent ot tha repairs to tbe ibow cars. Six 
new can bsre been bollt tor the aboa- In these 
abops since Mr. Arlington became tbe owner. 
There are so commodloui that the repalra to tbe 
atnw and tbe Oiling of tbe outside contncts 
■•so be carried on wllbont conllletlng. Mr. Fretl 
Reckmau. who. with Mr. Arlington, Ttrtnally 
bare charge of the repaln, have erery thing con- 
ataatlTaa tha Jamp. Mr. Qcocge Arlington la 
lb* Mar aiaaad the aboiia ta the sbsence of 
Mr Bdwaid ArUagtsa. aad tha aysten and dia- 
dpllae that he has eatshllshaj atakaa wack si- 
most a picsaare. He k tha pwMiHr dC tbe 
bralB that demises, aad tttt IllllMa ii tbe 
aaa to ezecnte. When the show takes to tbe 
mad It wiu l>e on the flaeat show trala that 
erer went oat, aad with tbe exeelleBt facUltlea 
at band there la no reason why It should not 

The No. 1 Car tbIa year wUI again be under 
the management of Paul Harrell, and wlU carry 
a crew of twenty-dee mn. No. 2 Car. under 
the sasse maaagcBeat aa laat year, that of John 
■ >- Carey, will can7 a crew of twisaty mee. No. 
2 Car. witk Jse BoaaMkal la cbatga. irtU carry 
aM. tka WIg id t i. aad dwre wU be 
three of theak arm sack he aiade ap of tea men 
ami aa agent la chance. The newspaper con- 
tracting will be dene from tbe NO; t Car. De- 
spite whst bss beep said to the coatraiy. W. C. 
(Billy) Tbompaon will a»ia be general press 
aaent. with two aaalatants. lltete Is little 
dnuht thai the pre** department with tbli show 
will he sny dllferent from whst It was <s8t year 
when the excelleat team work made many otnerii 
»it up and take notice. 

While It ta kaowB tbst tUa show U to seek 
much aewW' ta atliss y thia saar. there are a 
nanber Of tta laaHT taaraa that hare petltloDed 
a rrtara TMIt.' Tfeere Is ast aaotber show that 
baa the repeatiag power of tbe 101 Haneh Real 
Wild West Show, and from experience it tiaa 
l«vn learned that tbe merit of tbe ahow and the 
favorable reputation it leaves Is the grooad for 
s welcome on Its return. It la no secret tliat 
few abowa care to repeal towna without a year 
Intervenlnc. but tbIa ahow liaa done it time after 
time, and hnalaeaa has alwaya increased. In the 
worda of Mr. Edward ArllngtoD. It Is tbe only 
ahow that advertlaea Itself by being seen. 




For T«nt*d Shows and Outdoor 
AmuMmants. S«nd for 

BALTIMOlli; . 




].a\n<:R AND SMAIX. 


Manvfacturei} by 



■■ooiiD-VAiiB men vos saus. 


■ or HEW YORK. 

Great and Shtw Caivatet» 

Apas, n>on«t*r Pigtail*, Babeona, 
Baara, Llona, MaKiean Laopardo, 

Ant Bears, Porcupines, Big new lot just artivad. 
1 Big Pyahen $76: Al Igatera. 

Gilas. Bull and Pine Pnakw. Junple Show. Casaa, 
Banners fi r ^jIo I'l'T.VAM S \VII,I) AN'nf^L 
STOIIK. luu U tL-biiiKtou "t . IluKali). New York. 


Ftor Mow I-arades. Horae aad Psny .Acts.- Ad- 
verllslaa: pariyses^ etr ia5SiM *'||j^§ ^M. 

Ssreral new steel frasMd Hotel Can for rsat 
B. t. ARMSTRnNO. 2M BchUlsr Bldg., Chicago 

WAHTED — 00x30 Tent. 2.V> ft. B or 10-ft. 
Wall. Msronce; alao small Teats, 12x14 «r 1»kU. 
Slahe Pnll^ UO Boaad Stakee. ~ 


fp TsRts Very Cheap 








Two, 60x 90 
One. 60x110 
On*. 60x120 
Saadyonr addrcaa and we will write you fully aboM I^M. 


Long DIatanao Phenaa TT4 KANSAS CITY. MO. 

mm & bmuy 


Oponlng the Season of 1911 in 

Nadison Square Garden, New York City, 

and M«Mhulng tMriM daily' 

ALL PERFORMERS will report at Madison Square Garden, Thursday 
xnoming, March 16th. Acknowledge this call by mail, to Bridgeport, Conn. 

Muacians will be notified by E. H. Brill, Bandmaster. 

All others, not inriudwl in this call, unleaa neceiving special notice fay mail, 
wiU{report for the lesd ttmum «sdir umHjii, tA Jk ei Mf% H. Smimf waan^ 

inp, .■\pril 23rd. 






Formerly The Dode Fiske Show 

People Id all branches of. tbe show hasiaea*, Learers, TnmMcrs. nhlers wlthuot stock. Graood aad 
AertsI .&ctK. Clonrns. Hauil l.i-a<li rx sail MasMalw fur white ami colon tl liamla. Man to make aldp 
•how oiienluict sml conwrt sunoiinetiaH-Btii. Hoe I.«do. write or win-. Kour Orlt-uial Dancers. 

Woman to bnrtllf Miakii*. Im* v*nii Ali.«1aj ttrlDillaK Tirkrt 8clli-rv ffpr vtih' hIiuw. TraluaiaattT 

aad asslmaui*. Iluaa I>ni|N-rl]r Man. t1iant.ll<T Mna to raa Bnlte it Vrjrr Itiehta. Wurklaaim-o la 
ill dipailMiaiii FOK TIIK AnV.VMX— Rallnmil Coutractar. Osalraetlac Ijaala. rm SUmmm 
nniiisatii Mmup Blilrni. S«-llMnr lUu. .\ll |i<f<r|>k> hoMlns eoatraeta t&r the H'ldi VMv Shaw. ' 

write. A*lr-*< f. MCniVAX. Kreiihsm, Tixna. TOR TUB I'ltiriLBRfa^Meo for Laach Csr. 
PorterH, ItoH.* Itiilrlur anil vtieht ••X|Nprlt*li«'«tl Nhi>u- Bnlchcn*; alrti> waut tt* ht-ar fnira l.i-Rltlmari> 
PrlTilcErs •iirh ax Caar Mack*. l^MI<acn|ib Ualh-ri'. Knife Ilachs. Uhaotlnic aaUety. Ilamhanc 

lolBt OB lot. amd attiaHha M Vp-mm MkMr: «ha Maa.fer 

ART BOWEBS. Rreakaai. T)ntaa. ~ ttATB FUR S » f « ia a d^ 
for litadtffj sucniu«iblit'« <*r wnKiiii^: ns*it iww asaasaas. aav Salt tlaisi SS-ft, 
tracks. at«eMlml wlu cU. came' out of l>iillinnn aullhii laat i 
flaa and health)-, t'. .MUGIVAN. .Iln-ntuiu. Tcias. 




WaMKJteta ar an hiDds. Baa rnochers. Moslcsl Act with h 
8MdiaCtanH>r with hlic snsfccs snd attractlTr suske rsllln(, 
aiasMaaSL' Any and eTerrlhlna that will pU-aac and amnae 
for second o|irDlnir< and ballThoos. threr Alt-dajr Grinders. 


of ecerr dr«crl|illoa. CalcdnoiaD Haiul. 3 pieces. Ooe-Msn Bsnd. must he loud snd atroos. A t 
Man to Icctorv. I.ady who dm^ I'lt'ctrlr act. Ilarrr M. Orerdoff. Osalfled Man. write or wire. 
Addieaa GBO. V. CONNOR. ManaKcr 101 Itsncb Wild West Side Show. ChUllcothe. Ohio. Col- 
oTCd HasMaas, Mlnatrel and naatatlvn Artists, address JOHN EA80N. 2212 Walaat htrcet. 

A-t Maa 


Skuw THnS. aUck TDiTS. AJidoma 

IqiMkrllianl, • IURIjUi,t. 

Nni InI SBdmU Biil Twt tMwiysw Wiwl 


•dO^edS Martdlan St.. 





FEBRUARY 25, 1911. 

M«n«Ken and perfonners ana. 
Mat. Bootes most resell Xbe 

Tbe BtUbosid fonnids aU 

iBrUsd. white on tte laad, ta. kas* 
bs tbrwsrdcA pcoioptly. 

Talagrama inquiring for routaa not 
givm in'thM* eolumn* will ba ignorad. 

Rartell * Garfield: 2n9 E. SSd at., Clerelanil. 
BaDm. Will: 07 'n'olcott St., New Haren. .Codd. 
Baxter, Sidney: 1722 4Sth are., Melrose. Cal. 
Beard, Billr: 1401 Orajrton at.. Savannab, Ga. 
Beck XonnaQ Ed.: 487 GTosrenor aTe., Mon- 

(An additional liat of Parformers' 
Dates, as well as a list of additional 

roHtas, racoivad too lata for cluaifiea- 
ftoR, nuqr ba found in tm a tt mr :o ol i i iM i ii) 

Aali writh buriesque MnipiiriM .imor 
■ to'wwtlMr ooiumn. . 

WImii n» date !• given tiia wtit l c af 
Pab. 20-2S la to be' auppllad. 

Abbott. Sam & Fay: Box 105, Ola. Ark. 
Abliott & Alba: 1-a? DlvtTsey BWd.. Cblcaso. 
Adcle * Her Uona: 210 E. 4Tth St., N. Y. C. 
Adler. Hartr: Wblte Bats, N. Y. C. 
Ahem. Diinnjr: 1322 So. B St., Tseoma. Wssb. 
Abema. Tbc: SSI* 
AltkcD - ~ 

AlUena. Two Gnat: tB» Ontrlw at; Snr Ot? 

leans. . ' 

Allianl: 1603 Bioadwar, 31. ' T. . O. 
Alilerfer, Ctas.: UtaTW, lad.' 
Aldracb. BlanekiK.- JdMai^ «a; 
Aldrldee. Chaa. Kit ' 'tit X. -'Bssl 

town. Pa. - ■■: 

Albelm, Jno. I,.: SlMLlMll A; 
All Geo. (Grand) ' Oasaa 

Hatch 1. 

AUea. I<eaB Sc Bertie: 118 Central btc.. Osb- 

.kmll. Wll. 
AIICB.-R*a: 92 WDIet at.. Albanr. ^. T. 
Ansa '4k Kenna: 125 Br«ver St.. Xorfelb^ Ta* 
ABfatTS, Jo!*.. Peter tbe Great: 422 Btasasartft 

at.;- Bbbokro. N. J. 
AlTano. Madame: W. Mlildletown. O. 
AlTarado'8, s., Goata: 1235 N. Mala St.. Dees- 

tnr. ni. 

American Comedr Four: 779 2d are.. N. Y. C. 
Anerlecn Daoeera. Six: 10 Flain St.. Prortdence, 

B. I. 

Amrrtnui SInglsg Fonr: 410 B. 168tb St., Bronx, 

Amsterdam Quartette: 131 W. 41st St.. X. T. 

C. • . 

Anderson St Ellison: 3603 Locnst St., Phils. 
Andersons. Angtrallaa Twin: care Paul Tansle, 

104 E. Mth St., N. Y. C. 
Ansel Dorian: ISST E. 33d St.. Clerdand. 
Apollo Qnartette: 539 N. State St., CI' 
Archer. Lou: 935 Greenwood Terrace, 
Arcber A Carr; Graenwlch. N. T. 
AxnoU. Chaaw Sr- ^ A. Chib. 1081 OsbIibI 

St.. Aana 'GttF*''3BB, 
Andd, Gra.: Bn tta, Sbattaek. OUa. 
Andd * Bicker: Owcso. X. T. 
Artnsa. P.: care Panl Tsmrfs, IM E. 14th at.. 

N. y. C. 

Asbner Slstere: 12 So. Newstead are.. St. Loill*. 
Aner. S. & G.: 410 Soatli 4tli ave., Mt. ▼araoa. 

T. ■ 
Alutia & Klumkec: 3110 E. st.. PUIa.' 

AHBsa WtMlOfi iSXl S. T^at st ftilesaa 
Arnolds. Cbas. rCMawell) Adrian. VtA.' ' 
Adslr. Art (Bijon) Lansing;. Mich.; (Bljsa} 

Jitckpon. 37-SIarch 4. . . • . , 

At^t'Tftiaii, Tfarfe (los AD;:Pies) Los Aagrtaa; 

4Garrlcfc) San Diego. 2T->larcb 4. ' 
Adams, BUI7 (Temple) St. Marys. Pa., 23- 


Anstrallan Fotir (New Portland) Portlaad. Me.; 

(Mnsic Hall) Lowlstaia. SMIatth i. 
American NewSMya Qaarlatta (Ctali«') - Saa 


ATalon Jiaraliiig. Voor (Bi>|>kla*a> IiOnlsTme. 
Aawricsii Oomlqnes. Three (Golooial) Erie. P>. 
Adonb (Gland) PIttslnnv. Pa.; (Park) Yoim|n<- 
town. O., 2T-March 1: (Colonial) Akron. 2 

Alpliie Troape. Fire (Orpbenm) Harrlsbsis. 

Ps.: (SbDbert) Utlea. N. X.. CT-Uucb 4. 
Adair. Eddie. « Mme Bsaaar (MBcev' 

Wichita. Kaa.:- (pipksea) le a ee a ae it*. - ST. 

Msrch 4. 

Armanis. Fonr (Orohenm) Omaha. XCb.; (Or- 
pbenm) sionx Citr. la.. 27-Marcfa 

AlTlno A: Blalto -(Prbcnia) Clereland. 

AnwtMas'iL HMxIfoa. Ffie Gommls s ioBei Co: 
-(OsfhiSn ■Mkal.-Oic. 

AMatsn. Jbseiih. nunllr (Ocphenml Mempbta. 
Tenn.; (Orpheam) Xew OrlsaaSk tM.,: ST- 
March 4. 

Amocoa Sisters (Ornbeom) BraSUja; (AIhaBI> 

bra) N. Y. C-. 27-March 4. 
Addison & UTlngston (Star) Commerce, Tex., 


Aaclo-Saxoa Trio (Portland) Portland. Me.; 

fBeacon) Beaton. Mass., 2-Marrh 4. 
ArdeU Bros. (Bi]oa) .\tlanta). Ga.; (JttjMlia) 

Little Bock. Ark.. 27-March 4. 
Avallon Troope (Jlalestle) LaCnwse, 'Wis.: (Sltt- 

ner*** Chleaso. III.. 27-MaTCh 4. 
Alber's Polar Pears (Empress) ClDclnnatl. 
Fnlllrs. Fonr: 2»14 w. rhnrch ft.. Newark, O. 
Baird BIsncbe: 12 W. 60th at.. X. Y. C. 
Baker & Comalla: 013 F. 4.~th St.. Clueago. 
Paker. Sid: 160« Race st.. Cincinnati. 
Banks, (ntarley: 317 Par^ a»e., Hilttinore. 
Banyan. Alfred: 122 Smith xt.. Wlnolpe);. Can. 
Barber * Palmer (lomefa's) Wonnaockpt. B. I. 
BincteT'^ Dm: m Satth Wcstera Bldf.. MId- 

Bata. N. T. C 


Beck & Erans: 14 N. 9lh St.. Pbila. 
Redlnl. Mme.: 112 Stb are.. Ctalcaeo. 
Beecber. Will S.: White Bats, X. Y. C. 
Bees. Two: 502 Bryant STe., (Hilcsgo. 
Belford Family: Palace Hotel, 518 N. Clark at., 

BeoBStt Bios.: 258 W. 65Ui st., X. T. a 
BpBDttt * UaicriDa: SM W. «Ui St.. X. r. G. 

Berry * Berry: 

; 716 Bnefclnsfaam Place. Ch|. 

Great VaUey, X. Y, 

Broadway Ctooedr Qnarteltet'M'WtlllaM a*e.. 

Brooklyn. _ ■ 

Brooks * Kliistunn: 2.14 W. .TOth St., N. T. C. 
Brot\'n & Davis: 24 Forr.v are.. Newark. 0. 
Brownies, Tbe: Otb & Jackson als.. Topeka, 


BrownlDc, .\rtbuc: MS C^onrt st.. CInclDnatl. 
Brawnlns. Bessie: 340 E. SOth St.. N. Y. C. 

Bmwhn * Alger. SU* W. Ibtn St.. tmilSTnis, 


Bunth & Riidtl: 010 Betden aTe.. Chicago. 

Burbank & OaoCorth: Berlin. X. n. 

Bnrcb. Rllly & VIrstnIa: 91S W. Market St., 
Louisville. Ky. 

Rurkbart & Rorry: 155 EaRenle St., Cblcaito. 

Rurnell, Lillian: 2030 Xnrtb are., Clilcago. 

Biirnham Dick: Rome, X. Y. 

Rnrns. Billy X.: White Bats. X. T. C. 

Itart. Glenn: T14 W. Olh at,. Cincinnati. 

Bnsby t Williams: 501 W. ]44tb St., X. Y. C. 

Bnakirk. Mnslcal: OS Barrow St.. X. T. C. 

Butler. Boy E.: 73 B, Fair St.. Atlanta. Ga. 

Byecs ft Hcnasaa: 3640 Psxton Bead, Cincin- 

Bnrbank. Frank ft Lillian (Blottraph) Slater. 

MO.. S3-3S: (Malpstic) Ida. Kan., 2T-Marcb 

1: (Majestic) Omwatomle. 2-4. 
Barbean Familr Band (O. H.) Woonxockct. 1 

I.: (Star) Pavtncket, ST-March 4. 
Broe & MaxlB (Start. M. Ol^. 

(Star) AkND. <k. ST-UsKk ll fO. .B.) 

ton, 2-4. 
Bowers, WwStun A'CMsfese 

citr. Ms.7w S i > is« ) 

Belhlss. Vbor ntilwtlrt ' Wfrrst' Ol 

Beyle Brae. (FBlaes) '.asllaa.oSaa.1 (Collins) 

AbOeae. ST-Ma>ch 4. 
BraWB. Ritchie (Crystsl) FraiMock. Pa.: 

(Ims) Sharon. 27-Marrb 4- 

no route cards. 

Cards wiU be niiiiad 

CMS ywi Itttve 







If. you are unable to dve route, and deBire to have your 
ent addw Brted, MM^y jro^ the neoeMMji infomiat 

wbV thii 


Pjurmflnsmt AdHrwos 

Bsct ft Vtnisms: tS Fowler st.. Atlanta, Ga. 
Blanea. Mile.: care Max BIrscb, Metropolitan 

O. H.. X. Y. C. 
BIgelows. The: 2662 Monroe St., dilcsgo. 
BUga. Jas. W.: 819 W. 3d st.. Charlotte, X. C. 
Rllyck's. Capt.. Sea Lions: care Das ProsrHmme. 

Berlin, Ger. 

BlmlMS, Tbe: 004 Pacific St.. Appleton, Wis. 
Blaotaa. BassaU: l«» X. ioth at.. PUla. 

': ' HsM. 'asaltscr,' Kcwance. 

Blaackart's It Bapoeaed !■ ArlaoBs: 4S16 Msc- 

aSUa ase.. flileaae 
BIsA ft JlcCaneriO Xeponset aye.. Boston. 
Blsnchard ft Msrlln: 1159 Oclarla st., San 


Blesslns. Mr. & Mrs.: Hunt's Hotel. ChlesKo. 
Blondell. Mabel: 1131 X. 3d ave.. KnoxvlUe. 


RIosRoms. The: Watcrvllle. Mlon. 
Bocs A Boes: 2318 W. JeffersoD St.. Loidsrille. 

Boston City Qa a itatta; 4WWUIM at. Araok- 


Boot in & TBlSfln: White Rat*. X. T. C 

Boyd. Eddie: 0S9 So. Main St., M 

Poyd^ Mszle (O. H.) Balliemr. TSK. 
Brsats. Stias: caw Paal. ItaislK, IM.B. 141b 

at. X. TjJCL . ■ - ■ 

Bradfovds. Tbe: 401 S. Mscrisoa St., Portland. 


Brahm's Ladles (Jiiartelle: 1129 3. IIIU at.. Los 

Brand. Lanra Martlere: 527 31al*i St.. RutTalo. 
Rranham, (Hias. M.: Stnrgeon, Mo. 
Rrann Sisters: Richardson Park, Dels, 
Bretonne. May: Actors* Society, 145 W. 4**tb at.. 
X. Y. C. 

Brinkleys. T1h>: 424 W. 3Blb St.. X. Y. C. 
Briltonik nive Knaleal: 739 Liberty are.. 

.'XSb., 23- 

m.: <Lr 

Booth ft LjrnD (JeTeli) 

Bnraette. Bobby, Irontoo.* O,-; 
BoaU & Pc.Tser (Gayety); ' 

rlc) DaoTille. 27-Maich 4. 
Black Br<H<. (Orpbenm) Spokane. 2T-Marrh 4. 
Bonita, Lew Heam Ic Co. (OnAenn) Salt 

Lake. U.. 27-Msrcb 4. 
Beban, Georee ((^lombls) St. Louis. 
Bidette. Haxel: 3544 LIndell Blvd.. St. Lonls. 
Bamea ft Crawford (Savoy) Fall Blrer, Mass.: 

(Ptdi's) wttptnet. aa-Mntt 4. 

Brabam-a. JCat: Maaatsa;'! ^. 

drnme) dCfeUad; <t;yrle) Daytoe. ST-Marcb 

Batblne Girls (Orpheum) Lincoln. Neb.; (Or 
phenm) Kansas City. Mo.. 27-Marcb 4. . 

Iterolce. MUe., ft Uer Polar Bean (Colonial) 
Erie. Pa. . 

Boudinl Bros. <Oivlwas») 8aa Btaadseo, 9« 

itiarch 4. 

Br<^non. Dowolne & Co. (Orpheum) Ogden, V.- 

(Orplieum) Salt Lake. 27-March 4, 
Peyer. Ben. & Rro. (Grnml) Indianapolis. 
Branettes. CrdlOff fEmpnws) Sad Frnnclsco: 

(Bell) Oakland, - 27-Man'h 4. 
Bessette ft Bessette (Francals) Montreal: 

(Amerlesn) N. Y. c. ZT-Xawh 4, ^ 
Bnnrow. L. B. (PrlnceM). nrasBaOb. imt, :' 
RIsnn City Four (Mary AodrrmaD LAttnrSlli'- 

(Gnnd) ETsnsrlllc, Ind.. 27-Marrh 4. 
Bohemia Comedy Co. (PrInO'SK) Xlaenra Falls. 

Con.. in-Msrch 4. 
Barclay. Don (Lyceum) Port .Vrllnir. Can. 
BerrI, I»l8 (Xorkfl) Akron. 0.; (Victoria) Wbccl- 

inB. W. Va.. 27-March 4. 
Rnncrss, Harvey J.: 027 Trenton .Vvc., (Wllklns- 

bnrK) Plttaliaqb Pa. . 
Brooks, ikaalOla A. ro. B.) Obatkaak Ont.. 


Blsbec ft Connelly (Orpheum) Pensamln. Pis. 

Barrowa-Lancaatcr Co. (Empreaa) (XnelnaaH. 
Beanah ft Miller (Orpheum) Cincinnati. 
Borella, Arthur (Faniliy) Clnclnoati. 
Bnrkhart, Maurice (Majestic) Cedar Rapids,. Is. . 
Breen, Barry (Poll's) Wllkea-Barre, Pa. 
Burton. Wayne W.: 326 N. 18th St.. ' 
bam, Ala. 

Caeaar, Frants: S12 B. 42d at.. (Aleaso. 
Calhoun. Mr. ft Mra. Wm.: 132 B. ITth St.. X. 
Y. O. 

Osilaa, Joe: 1S42 Indiana are.. (%Iesge. 
Calvert, Great: 1G4 .^verlll ave.. Rochester, X. 

Oiivert-Parkera. The: Portland. Me. 
Cameran, Ella: 3$l Broad St., . New Londoa. 

Campbell. Al^ »<S7 Amaterdam ave., N. Y. c. 
Carl ft Bbell: 406 W. IStb St., Kansas City. 


cane, Mas: 4HS X. 41st St.. CUeaae. 
CmtUu ft Olaik: BIS P sespe e t aTe., Banto, ' 
Carol Staters: 104 W. lOlh St.. N. 'Y. O. 
Carltoa SIsttcs: 403 W. SStli St.. K. Y. C. 
Ckml. Releue: 1T45 Wanea a*%. CUraae. 
CarrOU. Kettle. Xteope:. 4430 W e li a ss ase., 

Sptlnsfleld. III. . - ■. . : . 

CarmltoB ft Taat MM. ^fSBlo Tisia St.. Ue 

Angeles. _v .' .J - - 

Carson Bros.: 608 BOta ttt,,. BsssHlB. . - 
Caibnrn ft llOtvOrt ■ Mslka M slsl . Ftr". WHtfe. 


" ~ «! DsrIlngtoB. Wis. 
1*T: Lorkport. X. Y. 

. Paal: 81 S. CIsrk st^ Chlesfo. 

CSTSBsii8lt;i> , fawcistst;, TOO , A .ladlaaa ,am., 

CnianeUo, Aamirma OnwO e««.,;''Xaaiaa'^Ottri ' 


Chantrell & Schuyler. 210 Prospect are.. Brook 

Chapman Slatera. 1029 Mllbam at.. Indianapolis. 
Cbsse ft Carms: 3516 8. Hsisted it.,' Chicago, 
aark Bros.: 2215 S. 3d st.. St. Lonls. 
ClawsoB. Roscoe: ITIM Brownlee St.. Marlon. Ind. 
dartoa. Bessie (Apollo) Tleaaa. Aualria. Jaa. 

l-Hatch 31. 
Glemeets ft Lee: C30 Pint st.. Lonlavllle. 
aermont. Jean: 104 E. 14tb at.. X. Y. C. 
Cleveland. Claud ft Marion: 597 0th aVe.. Astoria. 

L. 1., X. y. 
aipper Comedy Foot: 537 W. ISOth St.. X. Y. C. 
aito ft Sylsestert 334 X. MNh a|« PMIa. 
cintiide ft. Jiaatisas: sis. W. siMh;ab.^1l. t. 

O^aa. Ms iMeiilr :1M W.. psaaea at. 

CMmTTwee 'ifnslral:' 140 ^eala aw.,' Most. 


Columbia .Mu>l.«l Four: 212 W. 42d st_ X. T. 


roinmblan*. Five Inc.: Findlar, O. 
Conkey, OrtOK- "* ~— 

Cook ft 


Cooke. Raymond H,: II Xlchols St., Ansonls. 


Cttpeland ft Pblllirs: 316 W. 4aih st..'X. Y. C. 
Covdia,.ft^and: care P. Tansls. 304 B. 14th St.. 

Otmiallss. «Z! St VMi aww. Jfaapsth. U . t.. 
Costeiio ft U bab; SMMwatTxaaasa Cttr. 

Mo. ^ . V. .:• ■; .r ..; 

Cotter ft Bonldea: cat* SMiaiaa' MMIssl' Oik '4k - 

Jlrch sta.. PhUa. • •.■ ' •■. ■ - 

Coortney ft Jesnetts: MIfi W. I«ll,VW(0,.Cbl' 


Cowlesi Wm.: SOOS 4th aTCi^.8oalk.' 
Onrles Fkmlly : Altaeaa. Wis. . - 
Crawford, Olea im BaMK at;.TiMs»- 


Crawford ft l)staati»»' IM :IaMa)r St., ,aalls- 

fotttalne. O. ■ ■ .*~ • 

Cretos. Tbe: Wetaltr O^. la.. 
CIrollns. Dick: VaodSTlIla Csaa«4r''6Mii 9M W. 

4«th St.. X. T. C • . 

Crooks, Cbas. M.: Mnskecon, Mich. 
(Allien Bros.: 2Bin Ellsworth St.. Pblli. 
(Tunis. Sam J.: 763 Jennings at.. X. Y. C. 
Csrietta (Alhambra) Paria, France, March I- 


Croacb ft Welch (PoU'a) nartford, Oinn.: 

(Poll-) Bridaepart 9T-March 4. 
Caml. Haiene. ft Col (Star) Cbleaao. 
Cole ft LaCrandall Trio (Majeotic) Wash., I». 


Cadlenx (Majeatle) Little Baek. Aik. 
Carroll. Cbm*. (Xew Baker) Dover, X. J.. 23- 
2.->: (O. H.) Carbondale. Pa., ff-Uarcta 4. 

Chlniinllla. Princess. & Ed. NeweU (Prlscllla* 


Chip. Sam S: Mary Marble (Otrphenm) Dch 
Xtolneti. In.: (Orpheum) Kansaa £lty. Mo.. 
27-.March 4. 

Copeland. Andrew A. (Snpreme) Janalcptsln. 

Mass.: (To<i-n Hall) ftmiTiiiawy. ST-IIaiaa 4. . 
Csmnheil Frank ft ItMsiii OaSMa) SlBaa .b^ 

land. Xcb.. 23 a'i. ^ • 

CAp-hlan. John X.: Indlanapolla: Pa'ria. ilL* 

sr-March 4. 

Cprroll. Xrttle. Troope (Bljon) Battle Crcsk, 
Mleb.: (BIJoa) Kay Oty. 2T-Vardi 4. 

Carina-. «nias., Ciccas (Btjoa) Battle Creek. 
Midi. • „ 

Collen. Jss, H. Ofaqr Jkatessa) t^alarUlt. ST- 
March 4. . ■■ .•■ '•'. ^. - .iJ ■ 

Cront & Josephlae ( O ii fts u si) atT Psri. ' ST- 
March 4. 

Chsrfoino Bros. (Chase's) Wash.. D. C: (Trent' 

Trenton. N. J.. 27-March 4. 
Creasy, Will M.. & lllanrtac Daync (BbeaVt 

Toronto: (Temple) Detroit, ST-Haicli 4. 
Carle. A. (Lyda) Chlcano: (VatlstISs) ' VSlia 

Haute. Ind.. 27-Marcb 4. . ■ • ' 

Clipper (^lartet (USlettlc) . Danaa. ;«lBa.i. (ata- 

Jwiile) Baast«a.-Jpiana 4. ■ „ ^ : _ 
(KOMdere. Oreat: SOa W. OaaqMl'.Ibb .Spnaa- 

aeM. Mo. 

Cox Faml^ (Fanny) aadaaatl. . ■ . 

Coskley, Oanrer ft 'DaalcTjr (CStaotMa) Oiaela- 


Cocoran ft nixon (Poll'sl Wllkes-Rsrre, Pa. 
Crafeaux, The (Colonial) IiHllannpnlls. 
Cunningham ft Marlon (Auditorium) Lrs"- 
Maas.; (Pfoeter's) Xvwark, X. J., 27-Marrb 

Daliey ft Well: 783 So. Wratmi aivr,, (mieaco. 
nnlc, Dainty IMIlIe: 253 W. 3(lth St., N. Y. 0, 
Daly ft O'Brien (Xsllenal) Sydney, Australia. 

D'Arvllle. Jesnetle: 2028 N. Clark at., Chi- 

navenporl. Pesrle B. (Carlton) DnBola, Pa. 
Dnvlf*. Rrnsdway, Smlis-iapnlla. 
Ds'lii. Mnrciin: lllb ft Dnngias sis.. Dee r*"'" 


rinv. Carlle: WO 7lh avn.. X. Y. C. 

DcArmo. Billy: 503 X. Clark St., Chtcsgo. 

Agents Everywhere 


FEBRUARY 26^ 1911. - 

Xtie Blllboapcl 


DcCami"-. Out: nendenioii. N. O. „ _ 
IiuClt-o. llarrT: 418 Colllna aTe., MMnraTill*. O. 
IMEiiia Kanillr: 320 SUth are., NortD, Nu&tIIIc, 

Ddtee, Uana * Evaljn: 4T W. 28tb at.. N. Y. 

IMUrm * WUtter: 1«9 ». m St.* PUU. 

D^Mgj^ Thtmri lO X. tnmb at.. OMi» — Clt7. 

Ittilu', Edwanl: DT XT. Tborntoo it., Akrun. 0. 
IlvMar Brtw.: CadllUe. Mich. 

DrMarlo (LelblB'a) Br«iUu, Oer., Marrb 1-31; 

(Cnrital Palaat) 1>l|niK On.. April 1-30. 
OeiloDde & Olannore: ZanmUl*. 0. _ 
Iirilnat, Ilobcrt, THo: 1610 W. 14th Place. Cbl- 

DriSon * Oraceta: Flndlar, O. 
DnriekM, Mnalcal: 619 FIrat at., .Vacon. Oa. 
IM-namore, Betb: Ontario Hotel, Cblcago. 
Dent. RaJvlgb: IIS -Itb ave.. S. E.. Abrrtlcvn. 
S. O. 

Ih-Phtl nroa.: 443 ITtb at., Brooklro. 
Ill-' ■ ». Arrlal: 607 Central ave., OoQoeraTllle, 

.1)4' Vcre, Bobble: 310 N. Ubartj at., lDdlasap> 

* Maek: MaaaleM. O. 

DIek, RaT: ^22 Ohio av^.. Rokomo. lul. 
Dlekcna 4b Floyd: 343 Rbode lalaod at.. But- 

niekloaoD. Richard: Molrou, Maa«. 
IMatoo; Madeline: KM Lonywood are.. N. Y. C. 
BlnlH. Tbe: 142 B. Btb at., MansHeM, O. 
DolWI. Jm.: 270 W. 3Slb It.. N. Y. C. 
Dote» 4 t JNniharr: aMMTth aT*„ N. Y. C. 

'SSSm SxMljM mS%A^ It;. It. Warn 


Drnla. Opan Ma: can 'Wm. Motrla. lae., ler 

DeMMm ■fc. OMcaso. 
. Dortc Trio: Mr N. Iltate it., CUeacok 
Doracta & Roaaell: flIM 8. Belmont aTe., Kew- 

ark, N. J. 

Doaa. Blllf: 103 8. Blxta at., Colombia. Teno. 
DoDftlra & Douglaa: Wblte Rata, Clilcago. 
Dore. Roy: 1441 E. 9th at.. Clereland. 
Downnrd St Downard: Cyclone, iDd. 
Downr.T A Willard: 41 Llowood afe.. Detroit. 
Duffln-Redcar Tronpc (N. 7. Hippodrome) N. Y. 

Snmltream. Mlttn: care MIshton Bonae, 243 W. 

3«lb at.. S. Y. O. 
UnnMr * Fiaber: White Rata. X. Y. C. 
nnralns. Faraon Jo (Family) Akno, O. 
D<ryer. Lottie. THo: 130 Seott at.. Trilken-Barre. 


Parlg Brniu. Three (Star) Weiterljr. R. I. 
Tkmley. -Wm. J. (Garrlrk) flan Dieao, Gal. 
nooleja. Tbrre <M«JeMlo> . M a Mlfc Ala. 
Day. Carita (Rmprean) GUca|»; (Bmpma) U!l 

wankee. 2T-Marrh 4. 
Darla Imparlal XMo (Emprem) Kanaaa City. 


DooCOort ft Whelaa (BchlDilliT's) Cblcaso; (Or- 

pbeom) Rockford. •2T-Marrh 4. 
PelDo Troupe (Orphenm) Neir OHeaBa. 
Derelo. B. J. M. (Fair) Tampa. Fla. 
DeMuary & Barton (Delmar) St. Loula: (Joan- 

Ita) St. Uwia. 2T-Marrh 4. 
DeVelde * Zelda (New Grand) BransrUle. lod.: 
. (Rlppodtmae) Cl«*daad. O.. n-Manft 4. 

DeVere. Panllne; « AMii> KaM'fdnkfail 8aT- 
annah. Ga.: (Stajaatlel IMkaamfllF. Fla.. 
2T-Mareb 4. 

rarrell. Lanrence (Prlnoes!>) Atlanta. Ga.; (Al- 
amo) BIrmlnyham, Ala.. ST.Marcli 4. 
DeReoso tc .LaOoe (Grand) Ptttabors. Pa.: 
„ ((Vnaylb) Atlanta. Ga.. ST<llanh *. 
Drnr. Pat. A Glayte Newtan (ttakertt Xnr 


tiinketaplel'a Cbrlatmas. with Beraard Reloold 
IRraniD Indlanapolla: ((telnmblai Cioclnsatl. 
37-Marcli 4. 

Darling of Parti (Albambra) N. T. a; (Man 

hattan) N. Y. C. 27-Martn ». 
naltoD. Ttaoa. H. (Ooiambla) Kanaaa Cltf 
Kan.: (Prlncen) Little Bock, Ark.. 27-MaR- 

DelTolUa A Valora (Malestic) Ft. WaHk^ lltx;' 

(Majestic) Dallaa. 3T-Marrb 4. 
Dacvell Statera (Sbobert) Otica. M. X.; (Col 

onlal) Norfolk. Ta.. ST-Utidl 4. 
Dallaa. Benlab (Elk'at Pine Blnir. Ark. 
Dooley, 1. Francla A Corinne Saylea (Majeatic) 

MUwankee; (Tempit-) Ft. Wayne, Ind., 27- 

Marcb 4. 

DeCampe. Guy (Arcade) Durham, N. C. 
Dayton*. Tbt- (Orpheum) Cincinnati. 
Donald A Carann (Poll'a) Wilkei-Barre. Pa. 
Edman A Gaylor: Box 39. Richmond. Ind. 
Edythc. Cortnne: 22.'. S. Rnbey «t. Chlcaico. 
Klalop. Mable: 050 s. Clark at.. Cbieaso. 
nSMto: 25,11 N^ollliwwood it.. Phfla. 

.Bnioti * w«it: 9a4.Bi!nPirtii M.. nam. 

KImoic. Ona: ISt X.^Siparia aire,; - Wichita. 

Bmrnett A Lower: 4in Pln» at,, Oetbr, n. ■ 
t^ne'l'li Rn»»huda: 2841 W. lit it.. BtlghtoD 

Beach, N, Y. 
BrneaiK. Three (Empire) London. Eng;. Itor. 14- 

Jan. 13. 

Eaher A We'ali: 1SS1 Ranalrad at., 
Kane Trio: 1711 Wella at.. CUran, 
Bihardo. N-a<nnl: Fair naTaa. 11.1. ■ 
Erana, Beaalo: ST03 Oottai* Omt* m., Cbl- 

Kra^maicni; 232 Orren are.. Brooklyn, 
■mctt Ot.: Bprlnglleld. O, 
mrRbcnt. Cbarlle (Alamo) Sew Orleana. 2». 
March 4. 

Elliott. Kathrrn (DreamlaaAV Mtaik Tea.: 
(llappr Boar) Ft. Worth. 2r.ltaTCh 4. 

B»pp. Al.. A lioani Roth lOnihenm) IVirta. 
inonlh. O. : (Hippodrome) Cliaricaton. W. Va.. 
Z7-Marrh 4. 

Ely A Florence (Orpheum) Gaalon. Pa.: (Bi- 
jou) Phlla.. 27-March 4. 

Ererett. Caynell (Main at.) Peoria. III.: (Teni- 
Pie) Grand Raplda. Mich.. 27-Mareh 4. 

Rekert A Gordon (Orpbenm) Kaaaas ate. Uo. 
MiT- / «>n>h«i") IWiith. 

Minn.. 27.Mareh 4. 

Mwanla. iHttr (MMk«tte> Dearer. 

Brkhnir A niS t Ui . Otajeatlc) Drawr. 

nlwiirila'. QiM iMnol Jtaf, and Qlrta tlinlaon) 

• limn lllll. 3. J. ' - 

''cSnn.'* « 'A*rti«l.«t, XMr Hntan. 

Fanlaa.' Two: White Rata. X. Y. C. 
fJoT™ 'S"^-. S*"" Chicano. 

Fern A Mark: RIO So 8fh at., St. Iiooli. 
Fernande«-May Duo: 20T E. STth at.. iZ T. a 

wiml Park ave., Chicago. 
Atk .'illlla K 

'"5?e*5Stoo"MA.*f* •»•■ 

niwmii. cbn,i mm ». OnuMl it. iMte. 


ntangmld^A^^aoy: 511 W. Green at., HIsb 

FlojPdelfa, The: Box 148. IligUaiid, Cal. 
Fl^nii^ Frank D.: 21 WUlow Place. Yonken. 

FoDcr. Art: 204 Watklna at., Bmoklyo. 
Foo, Lee Tnng: 1223 Second are.. Eait, Oak- 
land, Cal. 

FoTbea A Bowman: 201 W. 113th at.. N. Y. C. 
Ford A Loulae: 128 So. Broad at., Mankato, 

Fosto: White Rata. N. Y. C. 

Fox. Frank: BeTere Bonae, Chicago. 

Fox A Buraniera: 617 X. lOth at.. Saginaw, Mich. 

Pox Ic Ward: HIT Wolf at.. Pblla. 

Fraax. SIg. A Edytba: 12 Hotchklaa at., Blng- 

hamton. N. Y. 
Fraaer, Marrelona: Highland Park. <)ulDcy. III. 
Fraier Trio: 16 laman aT*., Rabway. N. J. 
Freem^an, H. B.: * Oatalpn Baad, Pnrldaoea, 

Frenrh. Buirt 318 ». Xg|| gi.. Jft. Rfaauit, 


Frey, Henry: 1807 Tfgfllwg M«k.',3l: 7. C 
Ftlel Mr. A Mra. TMnlHIS^t Wdut It. 

Anderaon, Ind. 
FritcfaU A Adama: White Bati. X. Y. C. 
Ft^l A Bnge: SM W. SSd at!: X. yI ci 
Froao Trio: 370S 20tb are,. Sooth, MlnneapAlla. 
Fulton. Cbaa. M.: 3538 Indiana are.. Cbtrago. 
Fantoa'a, Joe.. Athletea (Empreaa) Milwaukee. 

(Dniquc) MInoeapolla. 27-March 4. 
Falrehild. Lnelna (Natioaal) atanbenyille. O.. 

(Pike) Canal Dorer, 2T-MaTCk 4. 
Field Broa. (PoU'i) New Haren, Ooaa.: (Mi'ai 

Bridgeport. 27-March 4. • 
FlecbU'a, Otto, Tyroleans (Pantagea'l Baawt. 
Fowler. Kate (Majestic) Dea MolM. la.; 

(Magic) Ft. Dodge, 27-March 4. 
Freeman, Manrlce (Malentlc) MUwankee: (Ma- 
jestic) Chicago. 27-March 4. 
Fitzgerald. U. E. A Eight JufigllDg GltlM l.'.tii 

Aie.) N. Y. C. 
Faaalo Trio (l^da) Oblcago; (Varletlea) Tern 

Rante. Ind.. Z7-Marrb 4. 
Frey Twini Co. (Orpheum) Spokane: (Orpheum) 

Seattle, S7-March 4. 
Florence. American. Troupe (Orpheum) Canton, 

O.; (Indiana) Marlon. Inil.. ST-Marcb 4. 
Fay. Two Coleya A Fay (Poira) Scranton. I'a.: 

(BIpixMlrome) (Hereland. O.. 27-.Marrb 4. 
FMce A Willlama (Orpheum) St. Paul. 27-Matcb 

Frederick, Helena, A Co. (Ol^MBl 8*B Fiaa- 

-iaco. ao-Marrh 4. w-r , 

Fieroit (Majeatte) Booatoa. Tact WaiMtte) 

Rot Sprtttga, Ark., tt-Xtf^ 4. ■ 
Famum. Dualln (Ghaaa'at Wath.. Dl C. 
France*. Corinne fO rph i a ai) Portland. Ore.: 

(Orpheum) San Fiawiaeo. S7-March 4. 
FrleDdly, Dan (Vaudcrllle) St. Ignai». MIcb. 
Fox A Mlllerablp Slatm (Kclth'a) Phlla.: 

(Colonial) V. xTa. JT-Miteh 4. 
Fayblo. Don (x£mb) Phlla.: iFnpto^) mia.: 

27-MaTch 4. 

Ihanclscos. The (Orpheum) Toledo, tl^- SMSs 
(PrloceK!.) Attrlan. MIcb.. 2T-Mar<k li (Py- 
thian Hall) Maplewood. O., 2-4. 

Fottb Broa. (Gem) Calrik, lU.. 23-S3. 

Fierry. Wm. (Oroheuai) Spokane; (Orpbenm) 
SeatUa. ST-Mareh 4. 

Foley A Earl (Broadway) Oakland. Cal. 

Fllrclbbon. B«rt (Hndaon) Union HIU. X. I. 

Gabberta. Two: White Rata. X. Y. C. 

Gai:e, Juggling: 170 White at.. SprlnxSeld, Maaa. 

Garilnrr A Lawson: 3235 X. Ashland are., Chi- 

Gardlneni. Three: 19BS X. 8th at.. Phlla. 
Gamoid. Joii.1- Rnth: M B. Mat at^ g h lea ^a. 
GarrlwR. narT<.|l A OaflWB: UT «. IkMMlB 

St.. Rraill. Ind. 
Qaylar. Chas.: 708 ITth at.. Detroit. 
W a rt ae A Rrair: ia A>>ln«doa Sinnare. N. T. C. 
amrci> A Georsle: I04Q X. Franklin st . Pblla. 
fieorge A Gntt: 214 1>e ave. Sapulpa. Okla. 
Oeyer. Bert: Palace Hotel. (HiIcaKo. 
OltiDej- A E-nrle; ivnn MadlaoQ are.. Toledo. O. 
Gibson Broa.: 2 Willow at., BrookI.Tn. 
Gibson. Trd A Kate: 006 Gate.<i STe.. Brooklyn. 
Gllda.r A Fox: 20S Stale at. Chicago. 
RIeaann. Little Lew: White Rata. N. Y. C. 

Ooldfa * Boghn: -HUfoid. Maia. . 
Ooodha* * Bi ltwaa ; WMtt Rata. X. Y. C. 
Goodman. Snat 140* X. BaaMiih at.. FMIa. 
R'T^on. Boa * Xa«: TW 31. ITth St., Omaha. 

CoVi^o'i. Pant I.: SU W. <Mh Place. Loi Aa. 


Oorman A Bell: 1.10 4th ave., X. Y. C. 
f^oriiMn A Vest: IS.W I..<>T|nston ave, X. Y. C. 
«<>i.'oo F.l. A I.Inle: 14 II«rrl«M> »«.. Detroit. 
Gosa. Eddie: Ra.Tmnnd at.. ^11 River. Mass. 
Graham A Randall: 327 Pearl St., Brooklyn. 
Granberry A LaMon: 1553 Broadway. X. Y. C. 
Gr«nt A Brewer: 34 Boyce aw.. Walla Walla. 

"-^r. "r-".!: 20 V. t2Stb at., X. Y. C. 
Gray A Gray: in22 Bird at.. Joplln. Mo. 
Ordlaa A Co.: 6104 St. Clalr ave.. X. E.. Clove 

Greatrex. Ilrlonc: 40S So. 7lh ave.. LaGranse, 

Gnenwooil. Resale: (tlfl X. State St.. Chicago. 
Gviom Slatera: 503 N. nermltaj;e ave.. Trenton, 
X. J. 

Om«t ^ flrnot: While Rata, X, T. C. 
Rnlae. lohnile: Xew Bru B anl ck. X. J. 
Giwdniaw. Vnaleal (Dnminlnn) Winnlpear. Man.. 
. Tan.: (Mtira) Mtnnenpolli. Mian., Si-Maich 

GItMon. Ryitney O. (Proetor» Xewark. X. J. A Eneliah: Knoxvllle. Tenn. 
Gardner A Stoddard (Emnreas) E. S». T.nnl«. 
lU.; (Majestic) UtUe Rock. Ark., 2T-)Ikrrh 

Gr»nt?ey. Itelen (Orpheum) Slonx City. la.: 
(Omhenm) Omaha. Keh.. 27-Marrb 4. 

aelaer A Waltera (Amerieaa) X. Y. (X: (Plaxai 
N. Y. C 9T-Mareh 4. 

GraaTllle. Benmnl A Dorothy (Greenpoint) 

Graham A Randall (RnHireas) Cinelnimtl. 
Garann. Marlon (Keitb*>> Cleretand. 
GnMamlih A Ronne (Poll'al .WIIk**-R*R». Pa.: 

(Gti^rnnolnt) Rraoklya. X. T^,^ ST-Maich 4. , 
Golden. Claude (rrratal) MHwaMrei OUIa WLY 

Peoria. HI.. 27-Marcb' 4. 
Gmbeva. rapt. Max. A Mile. AAMaaVl AnI- 

mala (Colnntal) Lawrence, Maw.; (Andltor- 

Inm) tvnn. 27-March 3. 
Grant. Vlrelnln (Empreaa) K. St. r.onls; (Ma- 

Jratlc) I title Rock. Ark.. 27-Marcb 4. 
(Inrrton Marx (I^rle) (%atlaiHioga, Tenn.: 

(Lyrli-) NaataHlk. ST-Matrh 4. 
Glow. Augnata (Gnrnd) Pl U a ha ' g. ra.| 

(Kelth'a) Ootambaa. a. 3T-Marrh 4. 
flniiDner. Then, <t9lle> It 

Omrer. Mndaa*' 

- -I^dlanaiiolla 
27-M«rfh 4. 

Gordon, Frank. A Ro««o KInlcy (Orpheum) Port- 
land. Ore. 

Glratd A Ganlner (Grand) Tanronvrr. B. C. 

Can.: (Grand) Portland. Otf.. ST-Marrh 4. 
(Ire no. Jack (Omhrnm) Rntier. Pa. 
Qaidner. .Bddte (Rippodrome) Charteaton, W. Va. 



NOW PLATiNo onPHEUH cnciin 

AOdnm BBBT BANVABD. IbnAiar. ear* Tba BOIboArd, Hsw Todc OHy. 


Flying Baldwins 

Aailal BatniB Act. 

T. w. e: 

; Mkr.. «M «. *rd Bb. amaar. HL. 

imvmm. v.. of *«tanw ^- 
(Mary AitdnMU) 7.o<ilavVle. 

NOW BOOKlfIG FOR 1911. P^rln.Fali«.C«Miratl9iM.«(«^ 



Addreaa communieationa to MEAD M. "WSBJUTZ, 40Kt BnadwaVa n«i«la«ii. O 

ValenoJUBanda Verde 

Now playing succesnful Theatrical and Vaudeville Sesaon. 
A big hit eveiywbere. Be-eogagemeata the rule. Sprins 
and aummer time now boaktag; Mm tmmm e il i li aw CMICA80 
MUSICAL EXCHANSE, Bud. awl Otdiertn Dept.. Steiiiway 

HbH, Chife gff , Ph. 



kiili ' ■ 










iiiM'umentalists and * 

The vaudeville act in the orchestra pit. For Vaudeville or Motion 
Picture Theatres. A cur load of music manipulated by two experts. 
Electrical novelties, cathedral chimes, marirabaphone, xylophones, 
- .cketrical brila, piano, drums, bells. 




410JMinings Ave., FT. WORTH, TEX. 




Por'WMk • 

11-8HOWS WEEKLY— 7 NIGHTS — I MATINEES. (Including Sunday.) 


MAfrDTAOXUUDI It ao. aead na Jje aerlpU on or tea wlM to ettl- 
mata tram. Wa aid* tka OUOmATt SOVTHSUI SAILWAT 
xmATUU. »S allaa. M (aat lan«. MmUtuoa cat bis mraey. 
S3u IMacA. ^tt SrSamn wm Mka the m. Waauka op^Jm- 
ttaw i nr aatart a. a aawlaMa^ ate. Mspus >AXOT oftioi. 

T ti« Billboard 

PKBRUARY 28^ 191 ti i 


fikify Becker, a Young Chicago Skater and Prodigy of 
Manage Harmon, Shows Remarkable Ability— Minn- 
eapoli» Rink Changes Managers ,' : 


Chlcwo Feb. 16 (Sperlnl to Tbe BUlboatd). 
— ^Ttae seDUtlon of tbe nilirr world at prewat la 
IlfOry Becker. Rlwrrlow*!* inliljrvt iikater. who 
in tlie past few monlh» Ihk beco elfiinlDff up 
all the profeaslooal racea In irreat style afciiliist 
•DCli sood akaters aa Frank Menneaiiy. Edward 
Sehwarts, former amatenr dunipioa: Harrj 
MlkMIaon, 8M Baldermia. Walter gctanetta, 
BcB aaasmaa. Rich Aaderwa, EbII G«uk*. 
Jw Pebaa. Jam Lowrj. ElUott A. Otbtoh ana 
Wmimm HInloa. Becker la tbe lad who laat 
aprlns ma the dtj cbamplooaUpa bjr ■ecnrliiff 
tbe hlsheat ntunber of polntii at all the rinka 
la town, ttana denuimtratlnic ibat be waa wltb- 
oat a donbt tbe peer of idl men on Ibe amall 

Manaser namion'a lance amateur (Ifltl \h faitt 
■llmlnlabing, as iwiKt of tbe ixty* are lakluc up 
tbe moaer end of tbe game not wlablOE to ifuu 
pete for meilalM and allTer copli. The uolr 
amateur racen now belny ran ate the daaa B. 
o( wblcb George Schutb I* tbe atar and br bta 
IMrfonnaocca pcoml aea t» be apotber crack io 

I wfaleb Joat cimiMnMd. 

B l Te n lew baa three crack amateur akatera 

wbo ale making tbe circuit of rlnkH aroood 

Chlcaao abating match rarea and will, after tbe 
■ dty ctiamplonalilpH bIko take dp tbe pro- 
" cod of tbe anme. McDooald skated 
' at Sana 8<Hiri Rink last ueck ami 

clatkm bare presided at all meet*. W. H. I'ac- 
eraon. oOlcial referee of tbe anoclatlon, of- 
flclated at the last aerlea and after wltneaalnjx 
Becker defeat Hennessj and Balderman, stated 
tbat It was the best roller race be bad eier 
witnessed and at the same time tbongbt Becker 
the beat Chicago had erer turned oat. Be was 
asalated br James Hoffman, George Antaa aad 
Frank Kaltenx, ■eentaiy of tlw BlTarvleir A. C. 


Ctalrago, Feb. 16 (Special to The Bllllmardl. 
— Wtat would probably be tbe best matcb race 
erer pulled oCf In Chicago would be. If arrange- 
ineotn could be made to bare Henry Becker 
skate Freddie Tyrrell, formerly amateur cham- 
pion, while abating at Blrervlew Kink. Roth 
are atara In their claaaea and Manager Har- 
mon baa bsaa trjlaa to net these two crackn 
toiether for mom nan bat newspaper arttclts 
apiMaila> ia tba dty papen ha.f* made Decker 
taaoe a rtiiniai that^wltt probaMr be tafecu 
VP wltUaTm MBt Cnr dar*. TrmUl made a 
trip Eait maa tiiiie ago and ImpumJ tbe 
roller fana in that part of the country aa tbe 
coming chamnlnn. wblle Becker baa alwajv 
been aroand Cblca«o skating at all rinks banket! 
and flat floors and up to tbe time tbat be took 
ui» th»» tiroN-iuilonnI »*nd of the Eame defeated 
every nkater In tbli* city. TblH a n'jintatlon 
Bocb ns fc\r skaters can boast of. as more 


The Osratral held JbBnary '-**> was the largest. cooxIdrrlnK 
Ooor. in ttie history of tbe rink. 

■bar at idMten aa tb» 

li»k tbird plao- after a great Bnlab. He baa 
alwaya raced on a rlak tbat bad a banked 
track and going oo a flat floor was •omethlDg 
tor him. Hewerer. ha msile a lematkable 
~ ' wtU. la tlme^ deaa 
M towB. Xoal aad 
Blnrrlew amateor 

skated a match .taca sgainst each other 

■t 'Wsewater BInk In ptnsnit sMe and while 
K tnagsi was also a banked track skater. lost 
oat Iqr three feet, bersnso a flat floor was new 
to bim. 

In order to have tbe races run witboot any 
protests, oBclalx i>r the W<i>tvm likating Asm- 

HBie ii tk« Worli fir Slitiif Hals 

Win* f or OMatogOH aad Fdaoi. 

crack akaters are turned out around town thnu 
la any other part or tbe counlrr. 

Edward Scfawsrts. wbo recently took up the 
melac aama since bis retirement two years sgo, 
la amuas aaits i asm* Cpr hiBMelt aad baa 
tn oatae. Bs will oOnr to pat 'the 
flkottr anloft TrncII for 9100. tbe 

U b* Aatsd at. Blrerrlew BInk. where 

both JMn aw ««B and are famUiar wllll 




Blllboavfll.MBiglBaHNt with tho wvfk oC Fkb. 
19 tbs Rotl-Away Mak e ba ata d maoinims n t. 

being now under Ibe guldsaee of Mr. L. 
Woodbury. The rlok will run CTenlngs with 
matinees Saturday and Snoday snd a fllll bran 
band win be In attendance. On Tuesday even- 
ing. Feb. 21. the Plymouth Clnthlnc Homhi- 
Ifawd the rink for a party for their employes. 
The Caalno Roller BInk on the North Side. Is 
at present closed. 


On Feb. 0 Clarence Hamilton skated a one- 
mile Hcratcb race at tka Hippodrome Blok. wla- 
nlns from Sbermaa. a ggiiag City Skater, by 
a few rarda. In tbe fast ttaaa of S minntea. and 
49 seconds. The biggest crowd of tbe sssson 

On Peb. 10. a two-mDa race was imlled off 
Bod namtlton again won this ^reot by a quar- 
ter of a lap in the good time ot B minutes and 
■VI seconds. At Bsmllton won tbe first two 
races, a third waa not necessary and on flat- 
nrday erenlng, Feb. 11, Hamilton raced 

(Contlnnetl on page 37,) 


.">.Mii Vcar. 


Automatic MuMcal lnstrmnent> 

for every purpose The mifld's laigest and «dy complete line. 

50 different styles, including 

PlanOrchestra, Piaalno. Flnte Piano. 

(aatooatlaOiakastml 68*Bot« Playar. Piano Mandolin Oaartet 

SkaHai ikiidi Buds. 88*Bot*Pia]wrnaM I liiBi o ll B Sextet 
AiglOBaafllelllUtaryBaikb. Violin Piano. Antomattc Harp. Etc. 

WuriKter was the pioneer in the electric inusioiil instniment field and io to- 
day the worid's larseat tnantifaetuicr.' Branchea in most large cities. Write 
for big 84-page catdog, picturing tlw entire Wiirlitxer lino, 

supply th» V. S. GoOtrnmtnt »>lth Mutleal iHttrumantm. 


CXKOmrATI (117 ia 121 E. 4th): 1 
0aX0AOO_(*es a xes Wa.baab)i 

MZW TORK (M a rr W, Ud. bet, B-way, » Ith 
rHII.*pnjnaa^lM!*_.Oteatant) : ST. JU>UIS 

AVVtoJ i 1«W K sua VT»HMa»/t ^ oa a a a> g» gia \ mww^ ^■a »»assaa»^ e <v** 



We believe it. TheaMiitfs et ether* 

know it. Order a aample pair and 
be eonvlnoad. Write for free eata- 
logue. We carry a complete line of 
rink auppliee. We eupplj pwll 
tn other nwlne o( fkalei. 




Junta. Colo. 

ProfessioRal ReUir SkatHs* Asf n. 

OrgaalBsa ta atsa ffsataa ptamloMMa ta ksaa-Odo ProieasloBsl akatera— tkoae wbo 
kaea a Oalsbsd act to offer Managers sesklin Kzhlbltlon Bkatets — aad to pcossota lallii 
is ■mieral. 

All the Stars of the Skating World 


Genun Cnasdlta, fkaqr aad tptaa eg- 
part Mlltr ■kite'. ftfMBtiag tht agit 

•pms vAnftAira 

HwiiilliH tbeir lataat soeeaos 


■ iWltb Bpaelal BeeaerT, 

<nt TBI w. T. A. Tiaa. 

Tba Dare DstO. featorsa ST-lo. - top erels 
skates, coast of deatli, barrel' iDmpuc, 
hiaii aad broad Jniaplng. daadaa* oa tba 


n> oxu wovBsa. 


Oreateat llTlng ezpeiient of tbe art of PaMnage — Bnperler Artlatic Trick and Vlawa 
Skatlug-Aatonlablng SUIt Skating— Marnlons SksUnT on tor «agoDS,^ns oairnaJ 
FANCT BKATINO ScHLESQDB performer, ManagerTwlU klndlr wRa a.ri7 for tlloklnl! 

Address. 73 Praail Btrpet, N. Y. City. 

Only skating rinfc In town KOIt ItENT OR nAI.I-;. 
May trade f(jr IsihI or Improve. Can easily Im* 
cbaugcd to thi'Htre. Ciin get you a giirsl deal. 
Coliseum lIullillUK. Koiid itn, WIh. AildnisM, 
V. I.- MiM,Kn. *rM N, I'aullna 8t,. Ctalcaoo, 

WANTEn— Riiechil Acta, Trick Bkalan. ale., 
for skating rink, 0i»n time, rehmgn ,M tM 
second wi-ck In Marcb. April and May. ' Wlmi 

FEBRUARY 28» 1911. 

The Bill board 



(('•iiiiltiiiiil rntut IHIKI! 

(;<iM<aiiii.» to. It.) OntmUte, Md. 
r.<>i<ii<>. Jw'k lKuprcM> Otnclauitli - 

ii..rui.D * IK-ll . iAvM^t JW ^rtf. 
lilllliilSft'aU-r. Claude. * On. (OiphtUl) peurrr. 

IMI.K. (UrIoa-nUwr OoUlU' O0.S Wl 

^^..n * Miumhr: 91S MeKnin 


, _ W. It ft 

Jiamiiii. ihny ' 

ni'snolt*. _ " 

ll iiiinion & l.}-l(>ll: 494 Collaiec m., Rih-|ii'«i<-i, 

\ Y. 

Ha.i'ip'on & BaMlt: 'IMM Wliillirop avi-.. CU- 
il.nnlr'^ '* JMftoi 9M Hobiiara at..'' MiMliicitanl. 
Iliaaal' Cbwitvr: OalUlia. Ma. 

UmMII IttMvr: 410 nuilto<» M.. Kmi Clnlrr. 

ll«n1awiT>. Till-: AIM) Ilaltlinnrv nMK.. OkU- 
\inmt City, Okll. 

Ilanly. HeletM*; IMiloa. O. 
llinlT. Jani<-a K.: 48 FuIIrr at., Tnonto. 
Harmon, ilMli- A.: Frankfort, Ind. 
Ilamlnli. Mamie: TO l*ark al.. Bralntrv«. Maw. 
narp»r A JamcM*!-. nnx 1 143. Mnakoic**. Okla. 
Ilarrla * RaMnann: IAS I.ake at., Chicago. 
Ilarrif, Fiwl: mi H. 401b at., Chleaio, 
llirilaea. Lm> F.: Abb Arbar..MM. 
llaMk. ■. JVBttjjt J4. 

SilckcA Thus *T 
atriotu. UK': 

Ilawra SWi'Th: ^'2 Ib-lninnt avr.. Cbli'niro. 
Ilavl<>)r « H«rb<<D: l.t4T N. Iltb at., rhili. 
tUfin. VIrKlnIa IPrlta'a) PortlaiMl. On. 
Ilajnm, Claaa. P.: Wratbcrford. TIB. 
Iloalliw, Jivali-: 3I» S4tb at.. BcnaooMMM, !!. T.' 

llrlBTlrk. C. R.: PraBkf«rt, lao. . , 

UiailiraaB 4k IMiMIt KS Xatl<MMl b««., Mllwan 

Ilandnanaa. Tb^: IMI E. Xontaa at.; Srdalla, 


lirDnmiirT. Jna. A. frrnlral) Han Fiaacl«>o. 
HiHitT * l.lM-I: lOI W, 4mh at.. \. Y. C. 
HvrDianna. Tli.'. It >la«' (O. n.> Marllll. Okla. 
tlifaiann. .*ilr-I«l<If; tiMtry flonar. X. T. C. 
llHWIe: 2Nm Maiillnii are., Uxl Xutiin. 
ii.-wiriiu.. Tbf ISM 3i<lh at.. Oram. 

IIII>'..rt. II"n: Raaralfll 
lllll.vrre. Tlir: IDS llajr 1 
nmokljrn. N, Y. 

n Paaa. Tn, 

lllrarhbonia. Thr: SIU« R. Mb at.. Omaba. Nab. 
lloUrr A Rrmloli: 4A4S N. Oraad ara.. 81. Iioula. 
nulnm nnw.: AH Ijikr at.. Cadlllar. MIcb, 
llomrtrnml. flrrtniilr: nalllnorc, Ud. 
H>)l^ A Trtlhnt ; Tnrrlnaton. OoBn. 
«'>I>P<-. V»r«: RliIirrDrM Park. N. t. 
Row* tc narlnw: ^inu niln at.. St. Loola, 
.lln--» ♦ Vrl'in : -Jr.'.^ OIlTr at., Rf. Ixinla. 
Itowtll. KIok: Ilrrnnrn ITotrl. Jjm A'^ttf}*— 
iluwav Moivr.; ^'1 K. Alb at., JackMarlll*. Pla, 

Qnuat Maa. N. n. 

Ilallmaa * Murtibr: 9IS MeKoan at.. Pbtla. 
Ilil^IitlB, Maa: Ml nib m .Jit 



li. UfHimf MM W.JUmdt Ma MM*. 


ll>4nnn<. Wlli> * I^imUvv KNMr' MalniUai tta- 
Imin- l« , IMt^ba. Kan.. 4. 

A I'lill.v (Ctiaaa) AUbM. Oil.: tOrjra- 
lull Mor.Krlllr. 3T-Marrh 4. 
ii.,rriH A, K.n.iaii <nij<>u) ApidataB. .WlK,: (Itl- 

i.ri-ra H*y. 27'Marrh 4. 
Il.'liiii'ii llnm. (AiiHTlraui I'blcaim. :!T-Mar<-li 

IMmn A Illlrr «nnii».l> IVirllaoil Orr. 
n»mr * UeVora Trio (flrpbpam) Mnotrcal. 
liarwood Blitrra Itirandl OrrTillc O.. Zt- Mar«h 

ll<rt. Marl* * Blll^ <R<4tb-a) Praalimw. it. 

U (Kallb'at PUU.. Pa.. ».Maivb 4. 
HwlM. tonliiB ■. mankia'at iMiaiaiK (Ma. 

Jwtle) Cblnwn. ST-Mank 4. 
Ilrnnlnaa Jobn * WiDBto IMalntlrl Madbna. 
...!J'';' Bartfci*, IB.. ST'Uaifl^ 4. 

mil A Wbllak»r (Mimi'at llaBatn: («bra'») 

Toronto. 3T-Marrb 4. 
HivklnK-Ailpll * Cow IHhra'i) Toniato; (Or- 

Pbaum) Moauval. ST-Manh 4. 
Iliintlnsa. Ftmr (Orpb«nin) fnrtlan<l. Ore.: (Or- 

■■linnul San Fnortivo. K March 4. 
Il«%«>. Hr»ol (HUoii) Woonaockrt, R. I.: 

■ Kallb'a) l>rmrlilpDc«. ^-Marrb 4. 
Hymack inrpbenml Omaha. Nrh.: (Orphruin) 

RWrni rity. 1... n-Marrti a. 
Ilarrlngtnn, MIIArad ft Ij>atpr (White Palacei 

S'.???! tWr) Terra Haute, lad.. 

iT Mareb 4, 

II"T'.r^- '"^ '""^ Orandl KnnaTlll*. lail, 
IlinlOlnton. I. tMaJealle) UUW Mark. 
Ark.: (.Majeaelel Pt. Worib. Tn.. ST>»arph 

Iinii n<s.rci. r. <New Rtral AprlnitllFlrt. O.: 

KSranil) llamllliio. ST Mnrrh 4. 
1l«;'l"'rt, lite Fmcman (Male«tlc> Ft. Worth. 

r.x.: (Majraltr) Italian. Tel.. 2T-March 4. 
lln-v,.n. t.fH„.y (Onihpumi IV-K Mnlnea. la.: 

iiirnhptiml Hlniii citr IT-Marfh 4. 
U'Tliin A LaTrlaka (Illnpodraaie) UTerpi..iI. 

J.Mil.. March A-ll (PaTllloB) New Caatle. t.l- 

!>•: <nipiKNlrome) nirralnaham, KI-SS. 
JlnmlltoD. Gatella n. (Cbiitea') Rao Pranelam. 

W. C. A Co. (Empma) Wloiilp.K. 

IlLllliiBer. DiiKm <Ma)e«tlr) Bnllar, Pa. 


"!I5 "• OInkelanWa Chriatniaa Co. 

.,i 'n^ltanaiMitla; (CoIamMa) OlnelDaall. 

.7- March 4. 

lIxri K. Joi.o..h. nathlnc niria C«. (Orplieiiml 
Unroln. N.h.: (Orphriim) Kaniua City. Mo.. 

llatiillii. Illdiiinl A Txiiilae (OraniU Plttaburk. 
„' .("""'H S.rriiciiae. N. Y.. 2T-Mareh 4. 
Iliiffjiril A Chain (nijon) Kaltle Creek. Mleh.:"*'yr* Atlxw. ITMarch 4. 

""|:,iina: ABl,fBm|ire«i> - ' in | '■mil'ii I 1 
Mllwankw, n-Mil«li 4. " • • 

f?- '^"i "^o' «tawrtatfc »«.. 
"•iiiipinn A Baaaott (BIJoa) Qataer, U. 

t^riiNt4l< ' 

rasM IMal. MMtOlk 
Baatat^ Caft. tTtt * Obr 


IlarmaDD, Melba: 
iBatnuoeotal TtI 

tia at%, OcoTor. 
Irwlaa, Taw: aiW4 B. TIat at.. Cleaeland. 
IrwlDi, Thrct: Staelvllla. Mo. 
iablkawa Jap Traajie: TSm ManaaiuoB at.. Cbl 
' cago. 

IWtraDla. Two (Kellkll) Kp. KiMtfc Mab», »• 

25: a>rlDc«Mii Annwa. !h«.. SfSt (mbuni 

llaatlaga. S*. 
Itn Ona|MB7. Tlie <0. II.) OrcvBaborit, tail.; 
. <0. n.y Seyioour.. sr-Uareb 4. 
Inicram ft Seelrx iVvadoawl llafala, SS^SS. 
Ik-r. liurfce ft ItaVMlMt (I^Milt AllMtaaw, 

I'a.: niarria Paaiwr> Ctaefaaatl. 07. tt- 

Miiri-h 4. 

JarkMin. CIcnieuiK; .Mi; .\ve. C, Siiii .\ntonlo. 
• Tn. 

JajviW 'A Sardell: 1240 l-'rmnklla at,. Alleicbeojr, 

Jnr'iH ft ItairlMNi: « MnKtal4nr at.. HatttnMI, 

Conn. . • ■ , _ 

Jiniilnra ft Renfn'w; TI4 llrkwdwajr. Kverrtt, 

Jerome ft U-n>y: HI 4 Marr at.. Mt. tmnnib. Mo. 
Jenneta. The: li|N \. Weatern ave.. f;iileaKn. 
Jnhnaon Ilri». A Jn!iii»>n: «eit,1 CHIIowblll at., 

Johualon. Miialriil: :ifK Klchlb nve.. X. Y. C. 
■lonea, llarrlaon: Ottawii. Kaii. 
Jonea A Whlt<.hea.l: 47 W. 2Mh at. X. V. C 
Jorilan.- Karl: Sffll K. lllll at.. ln-xInvKin, K7. 
j4iMaB«, Tbn-e JiinKllaa: axm Jnatlae at.. Ch|. 

tnwaa A Rjrna (OalTvat aalTealoa. Tnt.t (Ma- 

J<>alir) Midin*. Ala.. 3T-Mat«h 4. 
Jeter A BaRen (Oiand) RymNM. X. - X.t 

IHbthdway'a) ImwM. UaMi>, tMluah '4.. 
Joilr ft Wild (Keiih'at OalnabMii&*' IT 

Kit} HamlltoB. ran., ST-MirMl 4. - 
Jiihailoaa. Unalral <Apollo> KomBbarc. Oar- 

manj, March l-IS. 
lackoon. OlUe (HIJimii ^!.><».•. Jn«-. Can.; 

lRI>>ul CalKarr. Alta.. in .Mnrcb 4 
Jaiiaen. Uerr. C<k (JeHera) iiaKlaaw. Ulcb.: 

j.4irHrn^"<li&bSMBr^BnM Man*. Xab.. 


Juaalla ft Readlna IBmnmiat Ctorlanail. 
nava. IrvtoK (Pamllj) ClaalaMtl. 
Jaaiaa. Walter (MaJvaUe) <Mar RapMa. la, 
K THo. Thta*: SIO aaaliarr Hotel. Uicala. 


Kalebl Trio: 1337 K. Tlat at. Chlea«aw 
Kariand. Profl: BOO BeeraB an.. Xorfalk. Ta. 
Kartello Bma.: Patenoa, X. J. 
KaaCnanBa. The: 340 R. 3Stb at., Chlcaao, 
Keatinc ft MorraT: Wllilwood. N. J. 
Kwler ft Parka: rare .Mrf. Darldaon, 2S1 W. 

I.Wih at., X. Y. C. 
Keene. Mattle: Holi'l l!<-rar<1. X. Y. C. 
Keene. t>«rTla Kt.enp; :M> I'l-nnlnirtttn at.. Pat- 

eraon. N. J. 
Kclcey Stati-ra. Thnv: tv:* Cbrlatlaiin are.. Cbl 


Kallr ft nenr.v: :.T:i.s (-rankford are.. Pblla. 
Ktlnma. The: l.'L': Colonial Place. Ilallaa, Tex. 
ICaBBajr ft Hnllla: e4 HarranI are.. .Olaton. 

Kaat ft Wllaoa: «no MoBiaa aw.. Cblrano. 
Rillloa ft Moore; WMIa Ratk K. Tt. C. 
Kla« Bn>«.: 311 4tb at^nBblBMtadr. X. T. 
Klojcaler A Robfftai.m MlmMaa IMK. Okla- 
homa CIIJ-. Okla. 

Park"*! '*'**' '■■■■**■'. a^. wrvan 

Klein ft KHuugn mt kjM CImiand. 

Klela. OtI ftlScMBMi 3» .W. Mlh f*^ X. T. 


Ma TriMt 4ia>, OMMbfc* a*a.. Bt. I.o«la. 
Iiwlt .nroa. OlalMtlcl .Mjaa. Tax. 

Knbrht Rrrai. * tawttlln^dSM Uwldaa Ruad. 

KKm SUtem: eari' PanI TaoalC. 1M R. 14th al.. 
X. Y. r. 

Kobler. Prank A .May: 240 8. Cbpaliitil «t.. Ma 

irarllle, O. 

Kohl, nut ft 5t*rlOQ: on Fparib it., Mllwanker. 

Kolb ft Miller: Daytoa, Kir. 

Kollina. Rtnarl. ft Hla Haal* «IMai USS Hroail. 

way, X. V, C. 
Kopiiea. Tlie: 111 W, SM »t,. X, Y. C 
Koiaro. Prank: MB Baca at.. I*htla, 
Krament^ Tbe: Aaalaalak. Pa. 

~ ■ - - IM 

Kramerm Tbe: Aaamalak. 
Kramo"* %raMa: '& 0«i 

_ — .t. naaaaaond. 


Kronro-Manadelil Trio: Xr«r Mllford. Coan. 
Kremka Bnat. <nranili Indlanaimlla: iXen 

Oranl) KTaiwrlll*. 3T-Maieh 4, 
Kelichle.r. <:»■•( |t>|IBIalt l«M*m, 

Knbi. iiiia A Marlaa (Orphawnt MiMiaBiloah. 
la.. 2S-23. 

Eddie (Lew) Kraner 

Kolb A Miller (Colonial) iDalaiiaixilli: (Ma- 

Jeallc) Detroit, 2T.}Iarch 4. 
Kenney. Great (Wilson) ilaltlniorc 2:1-25. 
Keatona. Three (Dominion) Ottawa. Can.; (Or- 

pbeum) Montreal, 27 Marrh 4. 
Kamplain A Bell (Star) Mi-uiphla. Tvnn.; (Or- 

Mgm) Xew Decatttr. Ala.. 3T-Marfb 4. 
iCabata. -Tliree: Seattle: Tarama. 2T-Marrb 4. 
KMa * ClUton (8an») Fall Birer. Maaa. 

KendaU. B«w X. (BIpiwilrMacT Cbaitialaa. jr. 


Knrl (Foll'a) Seraatun. 1-a.: (ISill-a) Wllkea- 

Rarre. 27-March 4. 
Knlftbt. Harlan E. (Orphenm) Bait Lake. I'.: 

(Orpbenia) Denrer. Colo.. 2T-March 4. 
Kubna, Tbrea While 'il>n>lii-iim) MlDDeaiHilla: 

(Colombia) 8t. I,.<>nl» ST-Marrta 4. 
Kurtla'-Bnsac'a Duica iMaJeattrl Bt. Jimph. 

.Mo.; (Eiopreral Kaaaif Cltjr. ITf-March 4. 
Kaufman Bna. (Ondivuai) lilaacapoibi: I.Ma 
^ieattc) Mnmuibpa. »-»aMb «. 
Kitamura Jafumf ~ ' 

Kei% * HbaHaartb « 
Mo.t (Saw. Xataatier 

Kir'kamlth Shtera llllppodratar) Otowriaad. 
Konera Bma.. Poiir <Onil>eBa}> But Xabai^D. 
Kenna. Cbae. l.Vmerlean) X. 'T^ IPIaa 

N. y. C. :.'7-Marrb 4. 
Kirlarl.v A Ri'anhin: Cincinnati. 
Kliwick A Co. (Kmpreaa) ClnPlDaaii. 
Kaliuer A Brown IColumbla> Cincinnati. 
KeatoD. Dorothj- (Orpheum) Denrer. 
Keut. .S. Miller. A Co. (I'nliinei .Mlnni'aimlla. 
Kraoier. Daaclns Eddie (Dncam) JelferaaaTllle 




Author of 20 big New York Successes 

Acttt of all klotln writteu to order and itood 
iirlffliimt l>ramatlc mKl CV^mnlj Bkeiclhefl alwajs 
•u hand, cbeap for caatt. UlUw acts mda ov«r 

Laoaha. Oaa Dollar fbr tea aa lad rt a 

(Ilea. PoaltlTcly bo cbeitBota. Lateat - 
ilatc. and tlilrtr dajra ahead •( data, bwMm 

aucceaaea ffiiaranleed or money rafoiMed. An 

inall aoHwi-rp^l. S4-n(l nltrht mrMtaaKe or wrlta 

lo<1»y. CHAS. A. TAYXOR, UO Eait S4tb St., 
New York City. 


I Vraa- 

Labi. CerU * ftVtfFI MT 

Ijikoio ft Tfalaai Palaat 

LaDallm. Vaar: Rtralar, lad. 
I.aMar, Mlat Wbtbc: ITM Pf ati at, CloctBOall. 
t.aMarrbe. Frankle: 4«3 W. SSth at- CMaaiM 
LaMaae. Bennett A LiiMaae: 2»M PKMB aatU 

Itmotclyn. ■ 
Lahililollea. The: Mt. Vi-rnon. O. 
l.aMrra. PanI: ST Monri'e at., .xlhanc. X. T. 
I.aoionl. Frank: 20IR X. Bnad at., rhila. 
LaMtnt'a Cockatooa: ISKI Rmadiray. X. Y. C. 


Trlcl(s& SuppHes 

Ikrait 4 «Mla abimpa far lUaaliaM catalaiM 

isftD * oovnr, 

Mb Baat 4M Itraat. Obican. HI. 


* AiiwiteanBrr n ioipwiM iv. ' 
Temple Bar Building Brailri|pib W>'V* ' 





Will heieaiter be known mm 




- xBB ovLT noun 


Btar Theatre 

tSalely Theatre 

nayvty Theatra Iltttbaic 

Star aod Garter Cbieafa 

Tlaa* lor Fi 

Hakit Banished 

fbrraa of ^ 
Uae, qnlek and 
No eravinc for Tobacae i 
to ttarM iMiaea tor all ofdiaaiqfaaaaa. Wat. 
tae rranlia In <!TcrT caaa or rafnnd aanaay. Bead 

for ' -I' f" * Vlf-t flvlnj fiill liifi'MTtalioB. 

11,'.,^ - n- ,:, l-l'l- 1' St J..,. .-I I,. Mo 



■h«na.tzlft. roMwood or wataoti 
too roda. lubatftroo b«Mta. BMM 
U. 8. monrnj or azpnaa onlar. If 
yva wish o. o. d.. Mad mfBolMil 
to aoArADtM «xpr*M ehargaa 


Dapt. O. Ctorolaut Ohio. 



Now playing TaudoTllle on Parllle Ofdit. Boaked 

aolld with Sellt-Floto Sbowa Seaaoa ml. Ad- 
dreaa I. N. Cohen. Special Bepreaenlamak Waat- 
bank Bulldlnx, San Franclaco, Cal. 


AnrnaruUKKj. J I- . BAaaaa. IMI Tli>aBt.,C lr>rlii n» tl .O 


rtml^ a » SKETCHES. 330 pafia wmdaalUe 
material, BOc: nj M*ke-np Book, ISe: Blata io 

Antateara. ISe. Catalog FREE. Address A. E. 
RBIU. 300 Poatcr BMg.. MUwankec: Wl». 

Koaalty Molter Skala aad Soft Shoo Daoelag 
lIuiBortit. ttolllBg wrar the S«b Cirealt witb 
lilK aucceaa. In acaich oC B aat if ttaMt Ba- 
garda to fMoada. 

AO CM. OMldog 


M4 So. Mala Mraok Im Aualaa. 

Open the rear round. Coacrtaa of Uvtas .( 
oaltira Palace ut Illualoaik Cbaaibar 
rora. Menagerie, Frao Vandaallla aad 
Plctore Theatre. Oo« admlaaloo to aU. 

to heir at all timea from Frraka aod Mo 

People In General. Tkoae who hare arrtttao. 

write acaln. Two w...-kN' ?.n<-fir,> a |ioHI,. naga* 

tlT.-. Ilritard. !,. .ill rr[, n,l» J SK V CI.IRK 
and IlKHUKUl (', .SMJW I'TujirUliirH 

la tba laaovd liaaadar «ttbap 
'Invlalbt* rertunaWrttarar 

"Maalo Wud." "Kaw tUfia OM 
Taba^ or "Oypar Qatm." lawNa 

ary Rtorea. Hajnpla book I 

8. BOWER, 117 1 fH . 

BorBl"«or . _ .. 



a( ArtiBtle Btaga Oaoeaa. 
a " 

Too Oaadng 


Tba airl Who Tamta BlaetrMlr. ThIa la a botcI 
act. la a tteadllner for moriag plctmo abowa, 
eamlvala. falra, mnaenmaL 9130 ooya complato 
act. ready to aet np aad work. Utboprapba tot 
tba aet. For partleiuara, iddiaaa O. w. AUBI, 
Mfr.. IbOd Ttt Ava,. Baw Torfc City. 


Year dtit7 to Irj* uiy SLUNK culf headM for 
orchMtral work. Ynn st't that ntuippy looc ftnil 
durabllltr nMiiblnwI. "Sbuws" i«hiiulil um* my 
Suprrlor Kxtra farail*^ tiiiKit* fur wvmr uml Imnl 
ii>tajr.*. S4Ud for JOSKl'll UiMIKItS, Jr.. 

tVriiiliii.--lrtI,- N J 



Tbam ■KTOBB Pajbia 
ilbamd BMP 


Ttie Billboard 

FEBRUARY 29, 1911. 

t.Brm. : 64 CiMar Lake avc illnneapolls 

ar. Mr. A. Mrs. Tom: N*w CsBtle. Dol. 

I«n(<loa A Morris: 1427 McHcnr.v at., Balti- 

Lanalofra, Tbe: 210 X. Bruadwajr. Baltimore. 
Lartaner. Herbert: 128 -itti aTC, We«t, Cedar 

Baplila, IS. 

It Btno*. Two: Hotel La Reno. Peoria, lU. 

~ M^*& Wartbuta, 111. 

I.mSne: leil Kater at..' PbUa. 
LaToska, UUlan: 909 Ursollce at., Xew Orleaoa. 
UTotka. PbU.: 135 W. 22d St.. Log Angelea. 
Laranilr France ft Palmer: 617 N. Clark at., 

La tou CroM * Co.: 71 Sea St.. BocUana, 

Earabaa. Chat . nwalfilWi MaM- CMeaao. 
bVlBi> * Inaual WMte Sate, K. ' Y. C 
Lawrrare * Wrlgbt: 15S.t Broadway, N. Y. 0. 
LeClaIr & Smopson: 112 oth aTC.. Cblcago. 
I.a^alc«. Leo M.: 540 E. IMth at. N. Y. C. 
LeGrange & Gonlon. 2823 Waatalngton ave., St. 

Leaerli. Two: fl838 Unioo ave., Chlcaso. 
l>ailon. Bert: .'^.lO W. Waabloffton at., CtilcaeD. 
Leo. Jolly: 1829 Vlnej^ard at., Pblla. 
LrRnr &. D amoml: White BaU. S. Y. C 
iMlle. Bealaa: 381 Ttmnoat at.^ Bdaton. 

ti^S!^ aMgr A .fearit:- M Proapeet at., w. 

Xtae«r'nBr: TUt Hncon at.. Chicago. 
Undberg, Artbar: SIT Central are.. Nornicb, 

Llndaay. Cedrlc: -lOO CoUejre are.. Atlstlil. Minn. 
Lloea, HatTT-: 420 ilh at., Soatb. Mloneapo'U. 
I Ingrtnao. Sam » Ljuri.lW- X. tth at-itnUU. 
Um * Pans: OW X««l OrtHnijrtta 

_■ t^Ti; 2f» X. 

lActaliar. P. D.: Bogc IM OiHMiait. H a 
Lockwmii*. Sloslral: US Onam at, Wmn/SBnv 

roh 'ft Lore: 30U W. 2<i at.. CoDer lalasd, N. 

tol«'<et. Katie: 10« E. 14th it. N. T. O. 

Lombardn. The: care PanI Tanalg. 104 E. 14ta 
Pt.. Ch:cago. 

Long, fl'-'le: 1707 Walnnt at., Chicago. 

Limnita. Cara: SU9 Erana are., Chicago. 

Lat*. F. J.: 2720 ISIta arc., Sontb. MloneapoUa. 

I«ale-L«alir Co.: SOS 4tb at., San Francisco. 

Lnblos, Poor Dwielng: 1718 N. 21st at.. Pblla. 

Local. Hazel Reatoa (Majeatle) St. Panl. 

Lncp & Lncr: 020 N. Broad at.. Pblla. 

Lncler. Fred A Pe^a: Onset Bar, Maaa. 

Lro-i-rs '- Dell: 28 E. Robinson St.. X. S.. Pitts- 
burg, Pa. 

LaCr^nilnll: 402 Moiilloa at.. Xeir Alban.T. Ind. 
LaBellp, Ilarrr: Whll* Katl^ OblCagSt OL 


La Ford. Chaa.: 

Texarkana. Tax. 
I^aeh, Jss n Iprptaatual SciantoB, Pa. 

wnkaa-Bam. Sr-Marrii 4. 
>li»ggg uW gj ! ! * J " <l a a ap (i ll»; (Majtstlo) Dc 


AacStaa.- SO-aUrcb 

Lnry. A: Cbaa. Ellsworth (Bijou) Bav 
'..«Baali. Co.: (BI]on) Anguata. 2T-Harcb 4. 
IJntoa'a. Tom. Jungle Girls (Jeffera) Saginaw, 

Micb.: (BIJou) Jackaon. 27-Marcb 4. 
Llntuo'a, Tom. Tropical Maids (Princess) Ft. 

Worth. Tex.: (Oqilieaiii) Dallas. ' ZT-Marcb 4. 
trstaaid. Obau. P. (Otaad) Oilttsibos, O. 
Qoa * Ad^a (XsliMrt JlMkaoBTlile. Pis. 
Lsga t a ti '■. Chss.. aallafe Uf* (ICsltli's) 
PaOa.; (Tnat) nsatnn. M. 7.. ST-Marcb 4. 
iMatoSk Oscar (Orand) Rrracoaa. N. T.: (Tem- 

pto) Detroit. Mich.. 2T-Marrb 4. 
Lsararr, Frank; Gen. Del.. Grand Rapids. 

Longswortba, The (Majaatic) Ann Arbor. MUli.; 
(Majestic) KalsBsaoo. ST-Marcb 4. 


2»-March 4. . 
UTlnaatooB. nias nth Aw.) !C. T. a: (Proe- 

*aCa> Kamik. IT. J.. 3T-Mareh 4. 
Lana It VDoaaAl (OelBinbIa) (Jlaelnnati. 
LaTeme & Johnaoo (Ljcenin) San Frsnelaco. 
Lalfar. Mla'i Wayn» tMaJexiU-i Jackaaurllle. 

Fla.: (Jefferson) St. .^ocuatlne. 27-Marcb 4. 
Lneders ft Dell (OlTmpIc) St. Louis. 
Lewis. Frank (Star) Botler. Pa.. SjUB. 
LaXoam, Tbe (CirstaM Ottawa. Kaa.t' Mnoba) 
ITaniat Ctt7, ilo., sr-lUrcb 4. 
bakw * ItarltoK (Empress) ~ 


MHton-'M F-tille ft John: 210 Sonth nve.. WII 

ktaabnrg. Pa. 
StenonaM. o. L.: SIR Sonerlnr at.. Toledo. 0 
: 3M>nrell. Geo. S.: 2431 N. M at.. Pblla. . 
MaMmisliI Slaters: 12 Barbs st Xin Vtaaelm. 
MeO* ft RaTea: WhItt Sat^ C M«a « « . 
Melntyre ft GroTea: 408 E. Utfe t*^lD» 

la. - * . 

MrKeo!< t-'irp". Actors' SodMr, M IP: dBtb 

St.. N. T. C. 
Maf-Vs Two: 24.". X. .S9tb St., Pblla. 
Mallla *L Bart: 221 W. 42d at.. X. X. C. 

' Malfn & -Malin: 173 Xortb aTV.. Plalnfleld. X. 7. 
M:inrpnn TrsMt: UH Bnai»ax> S.- Z. 0, 
Mann'u); Tila: . W . Cmmp. at. <taaa~ 

Jlleb. • 
MandMll's ' Onarlette: 3806 8. Washington at., 

JiBVloa. Ind. 
""•rA. rhass 300 14th St.. JIUwsnkce. 
Mareh. Ead X.t MM Saa Olaso, OaL 
MaKtnn *.aMMat OMboitali. Va. 
UaHin. Das* * tailai dW Cilawst are„ Ohi 

VaiTloa: Tha 

Marthas. Cul* 

T. C. • . - 

.Xaetlaatt^ * M ia a lai . «y ti»» alL^PhlU. 


Maaon. rhaa. A.: 1« W. 4M at.. X TaO, 
Mrrvi i>uo: care D. Caapair, tOt M, MKtk St.. 

Chicago. ■ * ' 

Masona. Fntir: Fair HaTcn. X. 7. 
M-Ttrell ft I>iidle.r: 106 W. Mtb St.. N. 7. 


Maxwell. 7n~: Soom 12. X. T. Theatre BIdg., 
Jf. T. C. _., 

>'ayne. Elizabeth: 144 P.. 48tb st. K -T." 0. 

Ma;-. Etb-I: Box Ses. Cbieago. 

>lan> * Bow*: eane Bert I,aTer, 144 Pmnll at.. 
*»a P-saelseo Cat 

V^ia. S<rt»ant: WUte Rats. V. T. C. 

J»#»ir»a«»'T,*-v^ie Trio: 48 Marrlsad a»e.. Com- 

Melro!^! CumedT Poor: 3100 Groreland are.. Cbl 


llelvlllc, Marvelniia: Interlaken. X. Y. 
Ml ml ft Mend: 742 S. Rober at., CU» 
iifntb, Jtto. B.: 2837 So. 41at are.. 
M<>rrtlt ft Lore: Pair HaTeo. X. J. 
Meyers, BeUe: 422 E. 138tb St., X. Y. C. 
MlUcr. Mr. ft Mrs. Frank B.: Sbrvveport. La. 
Miller. Xbereaa: 118 W. Orand are., Oklaboms 
City, Okla. 

Mlllera. Three 7aggllac: KT B:4ga acm- 

ton. Pa. — . 

Mitchell. Lola (TopS7>: 2200 Menard at.. St. 

Moberlr ft Crelly: 3130 Bhodi>s ave.. CMcago. 
Motfett ft Clare: 111 E. 123th at. S. V. C. 
MoUer. Hartr: 34 Banner at, IMawaM. OL 
Monteom, IT. Bar, Sc Hmljr Hstirsr Si«lp>Il. 

la, Mapleton, N. Y. 
Montrell, (Ass.: 10* E. 14tb St.. X. Y. C. 
Moorea. FItb Flyiiig: 800 F. st . Mnnde. Ind. 
Moore, Fl07d: cats U Scott, 63 Wall at,. X Y. 

C. ■ 
Morgan ft (tester; pbnebaa. Ta. 

Morria. Leon: 83 W. Ttb at, Mt VstMB. X. Y. 
.Morton», Four: 266 5th St.. Detroit. MIcb. 
Moss ft Prj-e: 586 7tb sre., N. Y. C. 
Moit Twlta: 334 Fayette at., Bridgeton. S. J. 
.Murra.v ft Bamllton: 303 W. Adania St. Man. 
cle. Ind. 

.M.Tcr8 ft Troat: Inrt'at:a Vandefllla Ittti,* As 

a rial li n. Terre Haute, Ind. 
Mylle ft Ortb: Mnsctida, Wis. 
Uorrsy, Cbas. A:, ft Co. (Grand) Victoria. II 

£'_P*?-= <»«»JestIc> Xaconu, Wash.. 27- 

Uarch «. .. 

"tS!!l?^*"^ «Mi»atia..aftawa»i Ktt» 

uOTft ra, 

Meredltba ft Dog Snoozer (Garrick) Bnrllngtan. 
la.. 23-25. 

Malrem Troupe (Whitney) FItchbunc. Maaa. 
Merrlhews, Mnslcal ((^lunlal) Coabocton, O, 
Moore, n. S. (Lyric) SprlngSeld. III. 
Mozart Fred ft Eva (FamllT) (Linton. la.: 

(Orphenm) Roctfnrrt. III.. 27-March 4. 
Miller ft TpinpfSt fCrvHtnl) Mlhvimkce: (Grand- 

Chicago. 27-March I; (I..viln) Chicago. 2-4. 
Mlllman; Bird (Orpbeum) snn Kranctaco, 27- 
March 4. 
Uetritt, Hal (Hanbattan) N. Y. c. 
Moretts Sisters (Hajestir) KaUmazoo, MIcb.: 

(BUoo) BatO* Otmk. aiOiaiA «. 
Monota FITS (FamtlT) MttmMlk M.I' Obr- 

elty) Topeks, Zt-ituST. *^ 

Marke. Donthr (Orphenm) Canton, O.: (Xor- 

ka) Akron, 27-Mareb 4. 
Moore. Mabel Talentcene (Bljon) Lunsliig. 

Mich.: (Bljon) Jackson. 27-Marcb 4. 
Mahoney, Tom (Gre«npolnt) Broofclrn; (Brooxt 

N. Y. C.. 27-Marcb 4. 

Monre ft EUtott (Uajcitle) Bntto. Uoat: 

3Ioore. Geo. 

MelTlIIe * 

ftahsnm) OsBTsr. 

- - - - .. ooiiSiaM* 


M^en ft Coreiu (Orpbaam) 

Monroe ft Mark (Unique) SftanaaMlta: fliljon) 

Dolntb. 27-March 4. ^ . , v~ 

Mllcb. Thr MlBsia (Oriilii iiin) Mempbla. Tenn.: 

(Orpbcum> New Orlrnns, Ij.. 27-March 4 
McKlnlej. Noll (Majintlr) Oalreston. Tei. 
Merrill ft Otto lOniticiiin) rortlsnd. Ore. 
Mllioii. Frank, ft Deling SIstera (Keltb'ai Bos 
ton: (HammprKteln'a) N. Y. C. 27 Marcb 4 
McKay ft Caiitwell (Orpheum) Mempbla. Tenn.: 

(OrpbHuro) New cirl<-auB, La.. 27-March 4. 
Mack ft Walker (Poll's) Spriaaflsld, 

(Proctor;;) Kmtk...J(. Ji^^NMHil ^ 
MniBsa Trio 

Mushsn (Xcrta) Ateop. O.; <TletO(l*) 

Wbeellns. W. Va.. ST-Mareh 4,- . 

Metcalfe, Earl, ft Co. (Uajestle) Detroit 

Moran ft Moran (BIjou> Wlnnlpeir. Can. 

Mack. Ollle, ft Co. (Paotas«ti Tn<-i i U'aah.: 

(I'antagca) Portland, Ore. 27 Mnrih 4. 

Morria. Felice, ft Cn. (Majpsllc) CbU-aso: (Col- 
ombia) St. LoDla. 27-Mart:h 4. 

Madison, Jaa. G. (Orpheum) Cincinnati. 

McLsllen, Jack 6. (Orpbrum) Cincinnati 

Maxwell ft Shaw (PamUr) CiaalMatl. 

Mathewaoo. MeyMr* jkMsj MBT^OdaaMa) 

Maaos ft Keeler (0>:ambla) ClDdaaatl. 

Martina. Flylns (Colnuihia) ClnclanatL 

Mason ft MeCHalre (Pantaeea) Dearer. 

MelTin BroB., Three (Paniagi-s) Denrcr. 

Manelles (Poll's) Wllki s Barn'. Pu. 

Morrialnr>> .Vnimaln (Iliiil»iu) l.'nion IIIII. X. J. 

UcOrnth ft Yeoman (Majeatic) Cedar Bapldi, 


Morgan. '••irOi-. ft Co rt^n'-iiie) "Inn --••"•■>■ 
Naab ft Rlns'-art: 381 Carltoa an. Brooklya. 
xealaads, Xk«: .U» .Oatsila at. Victoria. B. a. 

Oswald ft Baritrt IM K. 138th st. X. 



T. O. 

Venn. Carl: 721 X. 2d at., Qalncy. ni. 
Se-mon. Uarry: 112 Fifth ave.. Cbieago. 
Xlhhe A Pordoue.t: 9003 Normal are., Cblcngo. 

Xiblo ft Rlley: 138 Tb'rd are.. Rrnnklvn 
Xlrhols ft Croix: White Rata. N. Y. 'C' 
.\lrbols ft Smith: 0]2 Addison ave.. Oblcigo. 
Nome. Robert: 112 .'•th are , (Hilcaga. 
Norton, C. Porter: 8:142 Klmbark ave. (^Icago. 
XortOR. Great: 044 Xcw'on at.. Chicago. 

S iw u . jftwgaU Saw BitfbtoB, Pa. 
ysMba .'jftjaats-: fO r i d wi un ) MwnnblK, TVon. 
Kavas t«n (Orpbeam) Omaha, Xel>., . 27.M«rcli 

Narnon's, Bosa, Birds (Gurrlck) Ssn DIaao, 
Cal. . 

Xlhlo-s. Victor. Talklnpr Birds (Lrrle) Dartsa. 

Nlchola-Nelaoo Troopo /Palace) Ilaststoa. Vs.: 
(Auditorium) York. 27.Marcb 4. 

Normnna. Juggling (Majeatic) Ft. . Dodge. Ta.: 
(Grand) Fargo. N. D.. 27.SIsrch 4. 

Xazarro. Nat. ft Co. (Unique) MInneapoIlfi. 

Noble. Plll.i-. ft Jeanne Drooka (Majeatir) Dal- 
las. Tex.: (Majestic) Houston. 27-.MarcJi 4. 

Xerlna ft Erwood (Orntaenm) Dea Molues. la.: 
(Orpbeum) Onaba. Keh.. ST-Marcb 4. 

XawB. Tnm (Jscqocs) Wa lil i u r j . Conn. 

Xoasea. Fire Hoslesl (Majestic) CMar Bsplds. 

Xewboff ft Phelps (Msjeailc) Cedar Rapid*, la. 
O'Brien ft Darrateb: 1T.1 D. Talenela at.. San 

O'Conndi. Sfr. ft Mm. I. II.: 419 Bo. Mala. it. 

"'atetboiT. Oomi. 
O'Doles. Two: navaoa. III. 
mirers. Thfe: 3243 Gren-haw st. ChlMg^, 
Omar. Himsn Top: 230 W. 36th al., X. Y. C, 
Omene. rrUice>-s: csre X. J. Asplnwall. Falls 

City. Xeb. 
Omega: 314 W. 43d at, X. Y. C. 
O'Neill, Bar B.: Tb« Blllboaid. ClnelaDttL 
dhaaaar'n, Inaa. Oad^lMii: Carv R. Olnnaajsr. 

1481 Br sai way. St .Z-C 

Osbom, Teddy: 711 Courtland are.. Koroma. 

Owen, Dorutliy Mae: 3047 OOtta st., Ch cago. 
Czars, Tbe (New) UalUmore; (Victoria) 

Pblla., 27-Marrb 4. 
O'Oare, Wm.. ft Co. (American) Omaha. Nob, 
O'Connor Slaters, Six (Pull's) New nnvvn, 

Conn.; (Poll's) Bridgvport. S7-Msrcb 4. 
OIlTer, CIai«nc« (Majestic) Little Rock. Ark.: 

(MaJaatle) Ft Voclh, T»a.. ST-Match 4. 

Psianer * Lmrti: IVUtft tMr. X. T. C 
Parka ft MsyflsMi 1868 uTnw stu Xss A» 


Pariand-Xewball Mil Ml WmmM ntn tiMng- 

ton. Ky. • 
Parmalee, Utn IM JBahW at; Illat Ulch. 
p&ttK Jr.. ««•, iTt^tSn X-makr.a at,. 


Patrick ft Franrlaro: Box 335. Banrta, Wis. 
Patt ft Palt: 100 Sixth St.. Qrand BavMS. Ml^ 
Pauline, J. It: Dsnrnie. X. X. 


Peek ft Ferguson: 1212 X. 2St!i sl..'.]Uml wham. 

Pelbam ft Imlg: Platea. Pa. 
Perry, Fra-k L : 747 Ku'i anau St.. Mlnni-anolla. 
Peters ft Chamberlain: 2(t« 24tb Place. Obli ago. 
PimiTK. Harry P.: Iliitel Washlnstoa. Salem, 

Pbiimfs ft SCamllt SUlMttk BawcU at.. Ownsso, 


Pkcsle MMasta. Itart Box 23. Ptao<Milcla X. Y. 

ipm. SMoal: JM W. 0IC7 at.. Reading. Pa. 

IMrfen. The: White Rats, (Hilrago. . 

Potter ft Harris: 1T13 Leiand are., Chicago. 

Powell. EiI.Me: White Rats. N. Y. C. 

Price. B. C. (.\cademv) Chicago. 

Price ft Bell: 182 Floyd St., Dallas. Vn. 

Price. Harry M.: 034 Longwood MIL. X. T. O. 

Porter ft Crares (Bl)onl Jackson. Sllcb.j (Bi- 
jou) Jackson. 26-March 4. 

Phillips. Olen W. : Nrw Itlclimoml. Wis. 

Perry. Panl (Dominion) Winnipeg. Can.; 
(MIlea) Mlnnaapolla. Minn.. 2T-Marrh 4. 

Paris br Night (Oslety) lodlanapolls; (Miles) 
Detroit, aruareb 4. 

Prosit Trio (Majsstle) Taroma, Wash.: (Grand) 
Portland, Ota., ST-Mareh 4, 

PpDdlptons, Tbe (Xatlnnal) San Franelaco; 
(Grand) Sacramento. ST-Marcb 4. 

Peers. Tbe (Oalrez) Galveston. Tex. 

PIcfclea. Polly, Peta (Empress) E. St. r.oula, 
III., 27-Marcb 4. 

Pattee's, Col. J. .^i.. Old Soldier FIddlera (Ma- 
jestic) OblcaKo; (Ha.vmarket) St f sail. 97- 
March 4. 

Perry. Gene A (Circle) Chicago. 

FaMta 4k Co (Emptaas) Chicago; (Emivess) 

^lOhnabM. STOtareh 4. 

Parrai. 7. Sydney (Miileatir) Eldoa. la. 

Philemon ft Harris: 411 W. 8ql St.. Charlotte, 
N. C. • . 

Potts Bros, ft Co. (Orpbenra) CfttSlnnatt 

Pelham (Majestic) Denver. 

Qaeea Mab ft Wels: Brill's Hotel, SoDlb 10th 
St., PhUa. 

Qnlncy. Tbos.: JackanUTlDe. Pla. 

tjnlgley Bros. (Omheiiml .St. Panl: (Orpbeum) 
Pflulh ■>7.,r.r<.)i 4. 

Rajan, John: nil Choniean an-.. St. T,.vii.. 
Ramwfl, Tw«: 44R inn i-l.. Denver. 
Randall. Fitly: lono E. .Hh «t.. navtnn. «. 
Bay, Eoreila: 5002 Pra'rle ave.. Oilraeo. 
Rav ft Wl'llama: 314 W. riHtb at., X. Y. O, 
Raymond. Evelyn: 48 W. Erie at, Chi •ago. 
Reading Sl-t'ta: 411 W. 30th St.. X. T. C. 

"'S''-^^'"- Gallat n PIks ft Onand ate., 

XaabTl'e. Tenn. 
Reeda, Ih-ie: Gen. I>.'1.. St. Piail. 

Be»d ft Marlow: 7m M.iln St.. Dallaa. Tex. 

Resres. It<»'-- I'rrn.inar. X Y 

RelllT ft I..M. «i w. llKlh at.. X. y'. C. 

Reoabaw. Be-i: ^> iiit.. nat» X. Y. C. 

Reas. Leo: 1021 Cherry st.. Phila. 

Rax Comedy Cirrus: 314 W. 43a st.. X T. C. 

Hex Trio: 201 E. 2d at.. Perti. Inil. 

Rc.vii .1.1.: ,\ Doneean (O-nlral Melllnl) Biida- 
p.Ki. lliinK.iry. March 1-.11: 1 Varieties) Bret- 
lau: (Orpbrum) Germany April 1-30. 

RIaldo. Clyde: Oswexo Ran. 

Rice ft Prevost: 20 Cobnm are.. O0lllB*nila, 

RMi. Miss Aubrey: 201 S. 6llb St. Oak Park. 

flrlinnts. nalph: Gen. I>e|., Detroit. 
Rlrlinrda. Two Aerlnl: 2S."> Jencks at- Fall Riv- 
er. Maa*. 

Rlckrrale. Rarrr E,: V"rk Sprlni;» Pn. 
Rlniier-i>eiii*» Trio: 238 Seventh St.. Grand 
Rnnli'a. MIrh. 

S,'". ^ilL l** »♦* Mllwankee. 

ninler. Tom: 336 R. 123rd at., X. Y. C. 
Rlppel. Jack: Brazil. Ind. 
Rl«-'-'" Eugene ft Carrie: 407 LIpnInrott PIdg.. 

RIvenhnll. Fred: 2!»0 Central Park X. T. C. 
Hotierta. Dainty June: 1310 Halsey St.. Dmok- 

Roberta. Ilayea & Rot>erlB: odnr Manor. Ja- 
maica. X. Y. 

RobeHa ft Lltlle: Block Island. R. T. 

Roberts. Little Lonl: 4.14 E. 47th St.. Chicago. 

RoMsnn. Bohhie ft Raselle: ni28 42ml arc. 
.Sonth. MInnearH>1la. 

Rr«:era Twins: 2312 Xanee at.. Itonaton. Tex. 

Roland ft Francis: 31 Qraal.Opmi nonM, (a|. 

cago. • 
nnmanoirs. Vbtssi I88.1Tlh at.. Wheeling, w. 


nnnioln. Beti: 2I« Turner nr., ZaneaTlIle. 0. 
Root ft White: ««1 Fluahlog ave., Brooklyn. 
Roaen. Chaa. E.: 45 W. Illth St.. N. Y. C. 
Roaenea TIire »j_488 OMk at. H. T. f. 
Boas SIstera. TlMMai- « OaaMtfSrt St. Piorl- 

dence. B. 1. 
RoaalB, The: 31« W. 4Mt St. It T. OL' 
nijasdl * Batris: I»I« W. HM SI4 IprtaRMd. 

Rawia ft YonKaanaaa .'( T ia i i i li rt - Ran >r«n- 

claco. •. ■ • • 

noasow .Midgets. (XstwHel 'SOtosakee, 27- 

Marcb 4. . .' 

Bom ft Oakaa MMls):' M 

(Grand) CbIca«a,^tKrtT- 

(^Icago, 2-4. 
Rnaarlea. The (National) San Fmnclsco- 

(Orand) Sacramento. 27-Marrh 4. 
Raroaey Slaters (Vaiidette) Iloama. Iji. 
Rohlann ft Partlon (Jan. Adams' Show) Rock 

fllll. 8. C. 

Itteharda. Great (Bmplrst mtnaeld. Maaa.: 

Cff lw >IO n, WB^; lafrsr-iratek 4. 

. Wla.: 
I: (Knizio) 






rFier tio miuii 




PtMantlita «h* PtoturMqu* Wae l ass 

"A Night In NaplM" 

Now In Vaudavllla. 



Fpibcr <t Shea's Office, Knickerbocker 

Tlu'ntn; I5ldg., Now York City. 




Rpaaanalna Tkalr Comatf y Ptaytaa 


OPERATIC tmetm act 

Unlt:*d Tlm» 


R A. DAVIS & Ca 

— — Praasntlno 



LEMARD and Hm 

Hi Bqs litt III tan f Mt 


Neary & Miller 

Ttie DANCIlib 



Frank Burt 

laba-Conaaay Trick Violla mmi 


71 D FEATURB o jr 

Now plajriaa tlia loaaaat. most plaaaaat sad 
pnntabls winter's sotsgsnisBt oT oar sko» 
rapcrlsBca, OAPT. O. K. WRITS, caia 

FKBRUARV «. 1911. 

Tlie Billboarcl 


mSS' F»o1* (Orp^SIm) JogB, U,; tOr- 
BtarmB) U«n»er. Colo.. ST MafA jL 
<arB',) Onraota. aT-M.rch 4. 

iKShciini) Omiba, Neb.. XT-March 4. 
RMamon. Suunne (CdambU) CtoclDtuitl. 27- 

Rustl»n« Trio (P«nU«e»') Iflt An«ele«. 
""liu. Nick * Ud. YU-jMtIc) »lrmliigli«in, 

Baiif. aVoilo (Unique) MliuwapaBBr 

UulDtb. ST-Mirth <• . , _ 
nyaD. T*M. BIcbBeM Co.' <TMnije) t»9- 

tnit: mm^i> ■oeheater. N. y,. ST-Marcli 

Bk«. Snllr ft Scott (Cbaw'i) Wub.. D. C: 
OmS'S rhUa.. Pa.. 2T-March 4. 

■attMkoUer Trio (Majenlle) BlrmlnKbain. Ala.: 
(Alldone) Ctaattanoosa, TeoD., 3T-Uarcb 4. 

RNd Bna. (Orpbeum) Oikland, Cil., 20-MtKCb 

lUwera. Will, ft Co. (Temple) Bochwiler. N. 

Y.: (Chaae'ii) Waab.. D. C. 27-March 4. 
RaTmonil * Sowaal (Mlrhelaoo) Grand laland. 

Srtt. 2.1'2.1: (CrT'tai) Alliance. 2T-Marcb t: 

(Crj-ntal) Slilncy. 2-4. v. «■ 

Krvnard. E.I. K. (Grand) STriCDie, S. Y.; 

(Poira) Itrldiioport. Conn., 3T-3Iaicb 4. 
Rnawlla. KI>Hnit (OraniJ) N. Y- C. »-». 
Redjnond ft Smith (Orpbeum) Ca«e7. 23-25. 
RelnliFld'a, Sl(, L>adr llliuireto (lifile) Para- 

fould. Ark. 
Rlcfaard Slalet* (Famllr) Clodnnad. 
Klcnlello Broy. (OrTbenm) Denw. 

Ronilo * M'SMUiaSPtf SSte^J^'i 

St. Jobn * aiWwat 4 1f - IMi iU X > V. C. 

sanroid * iSirilwtMt 'Mi'nMMaiwrw-at.. w. 


Sanlaqolaa. ArrUI: BM Karajo ft, Denver. 
Sarar ft SaToy: 3» nnbbaRI Coort, CbleaRO. 
SUwTcr ft nrUna: 43 PemMna dt., Buffalo. 
Scblfffr. Krarat P.: 815 N. 51b at.. Leaven- 
tcortb, Kan. 

Schrler. Mr. ft Mr*. Wm. K.: MS W. ISIb *t.. 

Heabnrv Duo: Port Watblnf ton. I.. I.. K. T. , 
Searle«i Arlbor: 8808 Collase OroTe a**.. Cbl- 

inl * ororiBi: ww mn a**.. tirooaiTa. 
a. Roale; I1S3 Bagral at.. Vaw Oriaant. 

r, Vincent * Mwr: ilB ti, HMm at.. 


IMltirtekf, riv«: KM Av». 1. OalveKton. Te«. 
Mblnl * QroriBl: 480* tTtb am.. Hrooklra. 
Sellea. ' " ~ 


Fall River, Maaa. 
SrnD-ll. lean: 2M Kleannrv at.. rittnlMirg. Pa. 
8lia«-. Eilvtll": .VW X. Clirk a».. Cblraiin. 
8h»w, I^w ft Nellie: 1*45 OKilen are., Cblca|P>. 
8hea, Tex ft Mabel: nS2 N, Mala at., Dayton, 


Mifdman'a DoRa: Domont. N. t. _ 
Sbem * Newkirk: M OomMl at.. Bnffala. 

Sblanwl Tmnpe: eaaa Paul Tmit.' tM K. 

I4ilf at.. K. V. O. 
8bMda ft Rodsen: Box 59. BrM«»man Mini. 
Sblelda. Tbe: 207 Clfr Hall. New nrlcana. 
fX-nrt ft Olirk: Box \Vn. Dallaa, Tex. 
UM apa ft Barle: 3M4 So. 8lb at.. Phlla. 
MmnT* Mattbrwa: 8S4 ncaitom at.. Cbtcano. 
Miwa ft Co. (PanlaieaM Bt. Joaniti, Mo. 
MjaoMoa. Crrat: SOTS Oxden ave.. Ctileagn,- 
ttremka 8l«trn>: 1(M E. 14111 at.. N. T. 0. 
Mlkera. I'ljrine: 4.1 N. Bmadwar. Akron. O, 
RlMMn. Pauline: 4A4.t Mlrblcan ave.. CblcoKo. 
Hmllrtta Trio: )WIR romniFrrlal avr.. So. Clil- 

raKo. III. 

.«iniih. c, X.: 191 X. Uarlln at.. Mnncle. Ind. 

- * at. cbi- 

BmftT'ft IlrawD: In24 St. J«ks aT«>.. TilMo. 0. 
Rnlar ft Ri«*m: IMS Broa4war. N. Y. O. 
Sanlbera Conea'T Trio: 3IH W. SnI at.. T>e« 
Motnea. la. 

SiMuWInc. Dupnee ft Ted: Bos SKI. Oaalnlne. 
N. Y. _ 

Sianler ft Cliawtani Vttlas aTfi, ft Oak Lane. 

rblla. ■■ - ' •• ■ . ■ 

SfnioT. nany a: 9m ' X. tnnmr. ■ Baiil- 


pt.,n«' Waller & Vat: 1.'*».'WI Broadwar. V. 
Y. C. 

Star ()narteitp: Tbe nillbnanl. Cincinnati. 

Slrdmnn. At. ft r< B a l »» WWI» Wrtn. N. Y. C. 

RK-vcn. tc Verwa: fllB V. HKilm., Otsaera- 

villi'. Inrt. 

Stewart ft Donaliui-: rare Ted Schraede<r, nonl- 

tnaton ChamlK-nt. noaton. 
Stewart * BatI: ISS Burlld avr., WooillrarT. 

N. J, 

Stewart ft Malcolm: Box 87, Cynthlana. Ind. 
Btokea ft Rraa: WMIa Bat*. N. Y. C. 
Rinrr. Mnalcal: patac* fltatcl. CMcaan._ 
S iiarla. Danrlnft iilTJMM(ta' Cblca«o. 
Sluiiman ft itijf SS lMUaKtmi r*.. Wmiani«- 
rort. Pa. 

Ki'llltan, flarrj-: Wlilte Rata, N. Y. C. 
Sullivan Broa.: Warerl.v. N. Y. 
Swanaon. Ilaiol May: Commrrclal IIdI>-I. CM 

S'biw, nenry: 1.Vi.T Prnadwa.v, N. Y. C. 
Svtx ft Svia: 140 .Morrta at.. Pblla. 
Shi-Urr BovB, Tbree (Maleatlc) ClilraKo. 
Snnfonl. Jen (Waahlnalon) Rpokam-: <M«- 

lextrl) Seattle. ST-Marrh 4. 
Selilrbll'i Rnval Marlnnellea (Cbaae'a) Wanli.. 

I>. C: (Mar>'land) Baltlmnre. .\Id.. LT Miinli 

S<-lhll>, p. T.. Si'lrlt Palnllnca (Ori'beumi tin- 
liith. Minn.; (Orpheiim) St. Paul, 2T-M»n'li 

Siilija, Five (nljon) lA>wl»t«n. .Me. 
Seanlan. W. J. (Orpbeum) Kanaaa CIt.r. Mo. 
Mewart 'ft StevenMOi (i). II) Kl.t rl«. O. 
Sampael ft RHIIv (Majeallr) Oharleatnn. S. C.: 

(Orpbenm) Savannah. Qa.. 2T-Varch 4. 
Rjtinnann ft Donala* (Maleatle) (Ndiimhna, (to,: 
„ '.Mnlnitic) Macon. S7-Marrh 4. 
S"lla liroa.. Four (I^M>«p4>ct> N. Y. C: (CoIt»nlall 

Lawrenre, Maw., 2T-Marrh 4. 
Karaae ft OrCroteau (Roblnann) Clm-hinatl. 
S>l«in1ina, Ttw (KmPRaa) Mllwaukre; (Unbiiie) 

S:<-i>hena. nif, ft On. (OtpkHmi) KasMa Cllr. 

Snmmera ft l*ace (Waabtnalnii> Simkane. 
Snapeet <V»„ Ttie (Orpbeum* Mlnneapnlls, 
'eman. Suiilcgr (Ornbenm) Lima. O. 
silne. Chaa. i. (Marvlaml) B41itmnrt>: <ltlppo- 

droroe) riiinpiaMI. 9T>Uairh 4.- ' 
Sherman, BeFMeat ft Co. (Rmiarraa) San Fran- 


Su-nera. Mnrtin A., ft Co.: Oniahn. N.'h.. 13 2n: 

Dea Mnlnea. In.. 27. March 1. 
Sl»wart ft Mar<h«lt (Colonial) N. Y. C: (nronx) 

N. Y, C. ST-March 4. 
!^>l»«el1 Rma. ft To. ninrmarket) Clilcnim; 

(OraiMl) Indlanapolia 27-Mareb 4, 
f^llh. C. X.: 114 N. Mardn at.» MinH4e.-|n.l. 
Somira ft Slorko (BIJod) Applctoa, Wla.1 (Itljun) 
.MflBttto. sr>ll«n4i 4. " 
"*!*!!!" ."S!^_.<(*^ "J. XUea. A.. as-aSl (AWN- 

Hcott, A(ws, ft Henry Keane (Shubert) Utica, 
N. y.; (Poll's) Wllkea-Bami, Pa.. ZT-Man-b 4. 

Satauda, K. M., Trua|ie (Orpbeum) MloneaiMdla; 
(Orplieum) Duliitb. Z7-March 4. 

sr. Oottbard Trio (Family) Cincinnati. 

Hwaln'a Covkatoua (Orpbeum) l>enver. 

Swor, Bert U. (Pantasva) Denver. 

Miayne ft Kloie (Paatigea) Denver. 

Sllekneya. Uiula. Pony ft lloc (Maryland) Balll- 
mora; (Oarrlck) WllmlUKloo, Del.. 27-Mareb 

Talbot. Editb! 218 W. 34tb at., N. Y. a 
Tekara. Maslctaa: ten Caatxal ava... ladUa- 
apolla. ; ■ J- 

Terriii. Frank ft moa: Wt 9. Otkancj at.. 


Texaoa ft Reynolda: 3717 Dumaloe at.. X«ir 

Tbatctaer, Eva: Box 120, DeonlBon, 0. 
Tbomai. Tuby: 270 W. 39tb at., N, Y. C. 
Ttwmaa ft Wrlaht: SOS Wella at., Chicago. 
Tbompaon ft Famrll: im ^rtltorlal at., Bcn- 

tm Jiattart-llltk. ' . 
Tboapsas ft ilawanit : Vaaslais '■t«.,'..|kmtoa, 

o. ■ 

TInirbert Slaten: 08K Mofne it.; RaoHtfr, 
N. Y. . • 

Tint, Al.: I3:.3 W.'lStb at., Cblean.' 

TumUark Trte: cm P. Tanals. lUi ■.'14tb at.. 
N. Y. 0, . 

Topack ft W««t: 1388 Pear at.. Candea. N. J. 

Tupa. Topay ft Topa: 3443 W. Svbuul at.. Chi- 

Tracer ft Carter: TIT eib ave.. Seattle. 
Treat'a, Capt., Seala: Tkmawanila. N. Y. 
Trrmalnea. MuMcal: 2:iil Caldwll Kt.. lack- 

Bonvllle, lU. 
TMUhailoiira, Tbrcc: SSB Park ave., Xewark, 

X. 1. 

Truy. NVliwQ ti Trriy: B. F. D. l(a. 'l.'BaK 8, 

ShclMiyican. Wla. 
Turner ft Glynloii: lOIT W, Stole St.. Oteou 

N. Y. 

Tumna, Mnaieal: 1(00 Frilx tt.. St. Juaeph. 

Tbttehar ft lloom (Graadl Rarbertoo. O. 
TaMnaulan-YaalHeiaan TTwilie (Sbea'a) Buffalo: 
iMiva'a) 'niCIMIa, ST-Maicfa 4. 

Tliomiwou, Rur (Paatagaa*) Denver; (PantaKcs') 

Pueblo. 3T-MalCh 4. 
Tauda. Uanr (Taaapla) IlttNltt (TMipIe) Roch- 
eater, N. T.. ai- l l aw ll 4. 

Torcat ft nor U>AHis (MijMtle) GbaltaiMosa, 


Tlnoer, Frank (Orplivutn) Ouklanil. 20-Marcb 4. 

Temple quartette (IVdumlila) Clnclonall: (Mar)- 
Andeivou) Uoulsrlllr, 2T-.Marcb 4. 

Taml»» ft TamlM, (Emplrv) Sheffleld. Eoaland, 
27-.Marrh 4: (Empire) Ilradford. 0-11: (I>al- 
are) llnll, 13-18: (Empire) Leeda. 20-23. 

Trevatt Qnarlet (Malralfc) ChatlaBgana. Tens. 

Tarlloa ft Tacllas UTaw) Itler. TiS. 

Tbumpaon. Ray (Pantasra) Denver. 

T>-ToI«an Sextette (Panlaiteii) D\-uver. 

Taylor, Era. ft Co. (foirol Wilkcs-llarre. Pa. 

Tbornea. Four (Uuilsan) Union lllll. X. J. 

Inline ft Itooe: 1T:u* w. I.ake %t,, Chicago. 

irral ft Dug: 400 Iluvtliorne ave., Xewark. X. 

l*to|iUl MuKfrlana: 110 Farmer at., Detroit, 
Valenilnv ft llrti: H.-.l \V. lOilnl . al>, Cbl 

Valiiiria Di»: llolllaler. Cal. 
Valletta ft Ijimaoo: 1330 St. Clair ave.. Ctm- 

Valley I'Vse Oimeilr PMir: 81 Wllacy at., New- 
ark. N. J. 

Valohw Brua.: 318 South ava.. BrldcafMrt. 


Van. Jhnnila ft Myrllf: lUI Walnst St., Cbl- 

VauVken. Ulltan: lOIW FanwH m..' Chi- 

Van-llartcler CM.: IS33 Rtoadway. N. Y. C. 
Van Dalle Slatera: A14 W. I.XMh at.. N. V. C. 
Vandrrbllta. The: 20714 Overland at.. F.I Paao. 

Van Horn. n<>lil>j: I.TO Bent at.. Dayton. O. 
Variety Comedy Trio: ISIS Bartb ave.. In 
dIanaiMil la. 

Varin ft \'arlnt SOI MIBa at.. <}r*atoa. . la. 
Veilroar. Rene: 3S8S Broadway, X. T. 0. 
V.iH-tlan Trio: 371 Rnaaell at.. Detroit. 
Vernon ft Reno: ISI7 Dlvlalon ave.. Shrevr- 
port, I.a. 

Verno. Ge,<.: 3318 N*. I.ambert at.. Pblla. 

Vice. Fr«d M.: 313 4th ave.. Ilomeatead. Pa. 

VIrtorlne, White Rata. Chicago. 

Vincent. John B.: fsa Olive at,. Indunapoll*. 

VInlen ft Duolan: White Ra^ M. ■ 

Vasaea, Tbe iMIwInn) SaU £mm> v;t (Tssde< 
ville) Ogdrn, 27-Marrh 4. 

Van Ot»rr« ft Cotrely: Gen. Del.. Graham Tex. 

Viola. Olio (Family) Sbamokln. P.i.: iXIxani 
Pblla.. S7-M«rcb 4. 

Van Foaaen. Harry (Main St.) Pemla. III.: (Tem- 
ple) Qraml RapMa. MIrb.. ST-MaNk 4.- 

Vardon. Perry ft WUber (Odeoo CtttH Ibm Vran- 
clfco. 30-Marrb 4. ' ' 

Vscranla, Tbrre (Ofsstt t f n t mm , - X, T. 

v.Tiker, Mr. ft Mfs. fyederl* (Oalaslan tsar- 

renee. Maaa. 

Vlncettt. Joe (Unliine) M1nnea|io1U: (TIIJvu) 

Dillilth. 2T-Marfb 4. 
Valleclla'a Leopards (Orphrnm) Oakl.iuil. Cal.: 

(Orpbeum) Loa .Ingelea. 3T-Marrh 4. 
Taaaar Otrla. RlKht (limpreaa) Chleaira: iKni- 

preaal MBwankee. 77-Marcb 4. 
Volut ft Volgt (F.lectrlc) Doi)|;e Clt.v, Kan. 
Vanr.-i|o (Arcade) N. D. 
Wa.lilell. Prank: CXll Kdale ave.. Cbloim. 
Wairner ft Rboaiica: 110 W. Mala at., Paoll. 

Ind. ■ • • ■ 

^Vat•ln, Rors SIT Mk- Mth at..- Xew Caatle, 


Walker. Mnnlral: iri2« Bronkalde at.. lodtan- 

r» & Beach: 32t Carmen at.. Jackaonvllle, 



WallaCF'a. Jack, OiFkalmsi 494P A ■wtem 

ave., St. toala. 
Wallac*. Veeia: 13IS 3lh are.. Pltt«bnnr.- Pa. ■ 
Walton. Otto: rare P. Waldman, S3 Freeman 

at., Rmoklyn. 
Walton Broa.: 141« ll<irrl»hnrir at.. Canton. O. 
Waltena. Six: ."» N. Snnerler at.. TV>le.lo, O. 
Warner ft Palmer: 21 R. .lOtb at., riilrago. 
Wan), tilllv: 100 Mvrtle are.. Brroklyn. 
Wani A WehKters Maria IMel, rMnsak 
Wan). .'<lnrr «: WMt-' SSS X. 4tll ab. M< 

phia, Trnn. 

Wamer'a Jum-nlle MInatrela: 113(4 Jnclilnm at.. 

MoMle. Ala. 
Warren ft Franela: Box (M.T. Cheyenne. Wyo. 
Warrlrka. The: II3S Sedgwick at.. (SilcaKOL 
Warlenbent Bm*.:. caro Paul Tanalg. 104 R. 

14lh at.. N. V. (R. 
WaahtMim. Pearl: 5o Cathe,1ral Parkway. N. 

V. a 

Waabrr Bma. : Onltland. Kr. 
Weahla. Illggl ft Ijinni: 471 MllrheU at.. Mil- 
waukee. ^ ■ • - 

Waiera. Jaa. Ikr «•«• Olartrs, MM Bi — away, 

. N. Y. C. . 

WalannX.'IbiiimiTi' Sttnasaiill Citwat/'Sat St. 
TiMla Btf.. Hetaejf PItf. W. J. " ■ 

Weadlek ft LaOae: White Rata. N. Y. C. 
Weber. Chaa. O.: SZe Tasker at.. Phlla. 
Weber, Kid: S048 Bhodea are.. Chicago^ 
Welch. Its. ft.: JU li.uai St. X. X. 0» 
Wamts, Bajaa ft' Ba a t rta a ; SIS W iial ii are.. 
Akron, O. 

Wesley, Frank: White Rats, N. Y. C. 
Wesley. Lynn ft Una: Portamoatb, O. 
West ft Benton: 31 School at., Buffalo. X. Y. 
Weat, Dara Devil: 134 Haxel at.. Danville. 

Wcatem Cslon Trio: 2241 E. Clearfleld St.. 

Woat Slaters: 1413 JeffOvsoa ave., Brooklyn. 
Wcatoni, Tbe: 1013 Story ave,, Louisville. 
Wharton, Nat: care Sampaon Co., 46 Kenzle 

at.. Chicago. 
Whitehead ft Orieraoo: 24M £th aw.. X. V. c. 
Whitman Broa: uas Gbeatsat aL. Phlla. 
Whitney, Tlllt|rt M KSSO St, 
Wbitwurtb ft Paaraaat, MIS' 


WIlkCDS ft Wllkeoa: I5S3 Broadway, N, Y. C, 
Wllkea, Ada: Borrlaoo, X. V. 
Wllka. Monte T«m (Lyric) New Orlaaaa. 
WUiiams, Chas.: am Batnr iMda. 
Williams, Fraslr Ohsat- flM Miriiiss sva., 

WiniaM, Bany ft.: 88 Wla ava.. Atlaata, 

wnia, Xat U.: 801 W. 08th at.. X. X. C. 

WlUa ft Barron: Bloomlnsion. ID. 

Wills ft Hassan: VM Manhattaa ava.. % Y. C 

Wills ft Hntcblnion: 2r>3 W. SSth It.. X. T. C. 
Wilson. Grace: 1527 LaSalle ave.. Chicago. 
WUaon. LIxsle: 17S Franklin st.. Bnffalo. 
Wllaon & Rich; 78 Orabam are.. Brooklyn. 
Winkler. Hsrry: 8 Western ave.. Mlnncapolta. 
WItbrow ft Glover: 8d2 X. Emporia are.. Wich- 
ita. Ran. 

Wolfea. Mnalcal: White Rats. Cblrago. 
Wolf. Moore ft Yonng: Gloucester. N. J. 
Wood. MUt: White Bats. N. Y. C. 
Wood. OUIe: 534 W. lOOIh at.. N. Y. C. 
Wooda Ifoakal Trio: 1511 W. Backer at.. Pblla. 
Womwood'a Moakeya: 084 W. 4Mh at.. N. V. 
Wright, Flexible: Athlatle Asm.: Sbreveport. 


Wright ft Stanley: Taa-Bnmi Hotel, Cblcagin 
Wrlrbt ft Wright: 110 0th at.. Plttahorg, Pa, 
Wyrkoir. Fred: on Water at.. Lyona. N. T. 
Wvlles, The: G35 W. Ramana at.. San Antonio. 

Wood Una. (MaJeatIc) Patersoo. N. J.; . (Qlp- 
_podroM> drsMaad. O. STOIarcfc 4., 
wmteaM ft at H m lltajiaile) B. at. ImK 

111. — a—— 

Welllngtna Bma. (Broadway) Oakland. Cal. 
Wella. Lew (Majeatic) Chlcaga. 27-Marcb 4. 
Wentwortb. Veata ft Teddy (Cbaae'a) Waab.. 

Wells. *Mr. ft Iba. WSu J. (O. B.) Blllaboro. 


winiani ft Bond .(Temiiie)_ «. ^Whyaa^ lad.: 


(Family) Lafayette, ST-Mai«iL4 
- — ■ - - -■ ->e) XUcata: 

Wooda-Ralton ft Co. (Globe) 
Mllwaokee. 2T-Marrb 4. 

Wllllaniii A Hcgal (Colonial) Lawrence. Ma^n. : 
(Hathnwar'!!) Xew Beilford. 27-MarCh 4. 

WllllamA. Thompwm At Copeland (BIJou) I.ani»- 
Inir. Mlrh.; (l<l)oa) Jackaon. 27 March 4. 

Woodwanl. V. P. (Jcltcraon) St. .\iii:iiiitlne. 
ns.; (Majestic) Birmingham. Ala.. 27-Matcb 

Wtataaa. Thraa (Orpbenml Winnipeg. Can. 
Waat. 7obB A., ft Co. (Folly) Oklahoma Cllr. 

Wentwortb. Nat (Freoim) Fresno, Cal. 

Waterbnry Broa. ft Tenney (New Grand) Evaoa- 
vllle, Ind.; (Orpbenm) Slempbla. Tenn., 27- 
Marcb 4. 

Walker ft Sturm (Emnresa) Dulntb, Minn.: 
(Bmpresa) Winalnnt. Can.. ZT-Mareb 4.. 

^K!?v,ieti.\- tSawrrw.«rft* 

March 4. 

WIsoo. Once (Orphenm) Lincoln. Xeh. 
WotShelm'a Living Staines: Tampa. Fla. 
Whittle. W. B. (Uaiestlc) (>dar Raplda. la. 
Wllaon Broa. (Hodaon) IJnInn HIU. N. J. 
Yamamota Broa.: WIncheater. O. 
Vorka. The: S6I0 Presratt are.. St. Louis. 
Vonng. Ethyl: 18 W. Ohio at.. Chicago. 
Yerxa ft Adele (Orphenm) Sale Lake. 1.*.. ?• 
March 4. 

Yonngcrs. The (Bljoii) Prince .4Ibert. Saak.. 

Can.. — ■ 

Yonnic. Ollle. ft Anrll (Bronx) N. T. OLi Iftt. 

bambn) N. Y. C. S7-Marcb 4. - - • 
Yoang. Oeorsa (Aawrlcaa) B«alaa» 'mMk> 

awaT^I Broetoo. ST-Maich 4. 
Yeoman. Ococae (Majeatlet Denver. 
Zamloh ft Blllle: lOSO 8Snd St.. Oakland. Cal. 
Zedaara. The: Box 170. Lawtoo Mich. 
7eno. Carl: 344 E. 3nd St.. Erie. Pa. 
Zerado Broa.: care B. Love.v, 144 Pomii »t.. 

San Francisco. 
Zingarella: (M Fearer at.. N. Y. C. 
IMa. Tbe White: 4130 Ellia are.. Chicago. 

Ban ft Badpm ««kmt> Kasgrmai. T kaB. t <»a- 
jMSIe) OkMlaatMl. B: a.. *MlM«k 4. 

PBRrORantBS who diaira to work tbU anei- 
ar. ahaaUalar* aa M Bsriat Special 

Niipntw •( TC^BnihawSk Ttat Is Ik* oair way 
' ha piwk ■a a a i w's i a at «aar aat 

to Ml the piwk aia a a i is s i a at saar aat i 
the feaat e« piiu s «. uat forma c l asa Sfan 




ThaHadyts hett easy aad tsartnatlna 
liaiB In a t*w hoots* ttma. Control wham yi 

aaiiiiiiii aad bad habtla. Maka Ma by <ha boot 
dlvoaxbmltiona and maka money. Snoeemsnra. Tie) 

■nan coat. Write for tree putloolan to 

IL D, BSTTS, station C. J ACXBOW, 1001 

Silk, Spno Silk, SilkoUne, Worsted 
aad Cotton Ttgbta and Shlrta, LraUida. 

alblelle nse. Send for price Hat 
asm plea. 

18i^?^Kiia!y»^' BiwiJb^ y 


Catalocna of Profesatoaal ft Amateor 
Plays, Sketcbea. Uoaolognea, Mtaaticl 

Jokea. Recllatlons. Make-ap Oooda. 

Ttf. B<nt FHKf:. DICK A riTZOEK- 

ALD. S3 Ann Strtot, Nsw York. 


lUal Hair. Crap Wlx. tl: ClowB, lit 
Xaira. ato: Pnaa Wl(. tuo: Imp. BaM; 
tCA: BoohiMla. ILM and M-tti P^is 
Maebs Beads. Halnota, ISO. KUPPiST 
Mir., au «tb At*. Haw Tork. 



. LVKtM, Attnrr 

Keith anal 


A Bouquet of Songs 
. Tied with a Bow of Nefttneas 



. latbalrOomadrC 


Til Qiiiiiil MDsfeal Muirels 


Sailing in VaudeTille on 


TNI 'Nnimr.Mw TmiAOY 

The Laflimers 

li tttlr nrawiif Mmtij tfciM 



—In Tliair 




ThtaMTlns, Hop* Spinning, 
ranay RtflaShaotlna, 

Cmwboy Lariat Oanelne. 

Cooper and Baitell 


K. and P. Tllfia. 

The Three Fondeliers 

M ft w Hj r Cotnwiy A«robat« 


Oaa. ralmar rioranaa 


rraaanUna a Laoltlntata Cematfy 
"A Matrimomal Substitute" 
•ttlBtMn * Caaaidlna Cirauit 

Grace Claaym 


Singers and Dancers 

Special iceoerr. elsborsts wtrdmbe. I'tt 
HoBolnlD. Dee. 2T. for China. Be tssa leaT- 
tag, signed contract for 4 weeks' retora one 
at Saroj Theatre, Honolnln. Addreaa - 
lean VanderlUo Co. Theatre. Shanghai, 

tm aasmrlac ada. acatlea TBB BUXBOABDl In aaawerlac ada. acathn THB BlIXBOABn. 



Ainvrlvans. TiiMy STmoiMlK. war.: (Folly) t'atiT 
«'n. 20-22; (Bon Ton) Jt-rm-r City 23-23: (Co- 

• lombU) Scranton. 2T-M«n.-b 1; (Luxerat-) WU- 
kM-Batte, 2-4. 

Jteflttty Ttost, RartT W. Thoranivtn, mfirr.: (Gay- 
WulL. n. C. ai-ar,: (Uayoty) PlttilmrK, 
27-Uireh 4. 

Unhmaa Sliaw. Jack Slo;n>r. nucr.: (Uuraar Hill) 
N. Y. C aO-SS: (I-ark) Bridaaport. 3T-abrcb 
(Gllmorr) isprliwIMil. S-4. . 
BIk Banner £bow. Ftank UftaolM, aMr.: (Bm- 

Slm Uobokeo. 20-SS: lllaitl> C^Smbod'k) 
X. a. *T-Match 4. . 
Bto -asviMr, n»My p.. WnK Mir.i fflh Arr.) 
N. ¥. C. 9»«: (CMqrtn>» Hraaik. ST-Jtatch 

JtulK-mUDM. AI. Lnbln. (OataMkM Bo^ 

too. 20-»; (Bon Tub) ^KMy GMr. n^MaRb 
1: (Folly) I'atenHMi. 3-L 
— — -»: (Gayctr) ItHa., IMS: (Gayety) 
onk sr-Uaidi 4. 

Bartcaomrs, E. Dick Rider, micr.: 
k) K. Y. C. »>-2r.: (Casino) I'hila., 

mipldiara. ImIb stark, msr.: (Dewvy) Mlnn- 

eaiMlIii, aO-23: (Star) St. Paol, ZT-Manli 4. 
Bmadwajr GalHr Olris. Loola Otonmth. micr. : 
<BaH>lr»> Chkwnik SMI;' (War) MOwaukn-. 

ST-Marek 4. . . j ■ 

CvBtnrjr OMm Ack VlHil«. Wr.t (BMklMkain) 
Lnoimile; ao^at (FM|tl«Siy Cfaetantf; ar- 
_March 4. 

Cknrr BIimsoum, Clins. t. KdwanlH, nip-.: (ui- 
Mne) WUknt-Barn-. I>a.. 20-:£i: (ColnuiMal 
imaton. St-23: I^y-off at Ililla.. ST-Uarcb 4. 

alar) ProTldcner. 304Bs (CMaa) JhatNt 
Itaicii 4. 

Ooinbia Bariaagaat*. Vtaak liopw. mgr.: (Oar- 

Ooar Ouwr^lrla. Mam Bablmmi. mer.: (I<<>d 

Tin) Jeraejr CUy. 20-22: (Folly) raliTxon. 

S:i-2S: (Lmomr) Wllkrv-llorn-. LT-Mnrrli 1: 

(c^lamblal Hcnitit«tii. 2-4. 
Cracker Jackn. lUrry I..-<ml. initr.: (Onyrly) 

Baltimore. a()-2.*.: (Cnvi-ty) W'n»li.. I>. C S7- 

SJarch 4. . , ,„ 

I>aIoty Docli«<K (I- Ijiwronct' Webfra): (Bm- 

plret AlbaDy. »>■£!: (Mobawk) Scbenaetadr. 

23-2S: (Gayety) Brooklyn. 2T-March 4. 
Prv-amlasd Bnrlewinvnt. Iixy Oroclx. mffr.t (8lar> 

Mllwaakca,' 30-ZX: tnrmrri MIonpspoIlii. -J7- 

lliifcb 4. 

DncklInn, Prank CaliliT. nmr.: (Lycpom) Wanh.. 
1> c.. a0-2r»: (Jhiniinn'iitBl) Baltlmor*-. 27- 
Marcb 4. ,„ 

Fada * Fhlllw. rhn«. E. .\rn«l<l. inp-.: lEin- 
jh'e) Toledo, 2»-2.".: (Star & Garter) ChleaBo. 

FMIIra of New Vork ami TarlK. B. M; ""f*"- 
thai, mgr.: (Oayelyk fit. U>ut». SO-Xi: (Gay- 
ety) KaMaaClty, SlOtaiak^. 

O^tr'olrla. Prank ilcAlier. mar.: ( 
l^lcaao. 20-3S. . 

ataarr Olria, Ion nurllB. nmr.: (Star * G"J- 
tJri Chlcajo. 20-2--.; (Stawlanl) Cincinnati. 27- 

.»lrlI"Som Dlxli-. Joa. I-eaTllt. niKT.: (BtaniV 
"nl) 8t. I.oul«. WJ.-.: (Empire) lndlanaiK,ll». 

Olrti* from i'lawpylanil. E. W. Chlpinnn. ninr.: 
'oayeSrl Mn«a»k«r. aO-Stt: (Alhainl.ra. Clil 

Innr aO-2B: (Empire) Clereland. 27-»larcli 4. 

lliSlSs.": Harry. '»bo«- ( Albamhrul Cblcacn. 

20-S5: (Oa.vetT> Detroit. 2T-March 4. 
lin|«rlnl« SIni \Vlllli.iii». iiitrr.: •"'."^'•"'L.J'"^ 
lr«-i" - niK yii...v l.onMvllle. SO-SS: 

n;iiy.'li> St. I.oula. ST-Man-b 4. J Pari, Olrt^ W mJtt^ a... niltr.: J?""- 

■•r-» Bmni) S. Y. C ■'H'** 

Ifii/imJiJ' J«J Cnopw. mirr.: (Ca»1ao) Hoe 

»S«M5r(cS^»blan:. Y. C. 27 March 4 
Mr mSaT x. «. PatloB. incr.: (I'mjIc,*) CI; 

. KWrkerbocken.. tool. B<*Ie ™S= JSTSl** 
milla-. 20-23: (Star) W™«^,r»-,"i'y*_tL . 
TjhIt nnccanrera. Harry M. Stroaae. • 
(ivcDoe) dISS*. aMai (Lafayette) BnlTal... 

U^^'iXkeii'. Daw Ooraa, n.«r.: (Mobawk, 
IMaMCtadr »-22: (Bmnlre) Albany. 23 2.. 
J^^^'li^i*"".!^.?- (StaoUar.,, CO. 
"ST" SoS: (0??ety"1-on.>.vllle. 27-Marcb 

Toronto. M-M l <°"g *a*-£i'';i2L? "'Mn,r\ 

''^J7na'."5ft'?:- 5ai?«saanfe' «- 

UdJ. 20^25: (FBlly) ChlwtJ. W-^rek ■«• , 

. "SSol^i^w'i. 2«VM: (Empire) Bronklyi-. 2T- 

U«al!in*Bonee. Maorice Jaeobi, mgr.: (Columbia) 
Scranton. 20-22: (Lnaeme) Wllke»-B«rre. 23- 
2r.: (Trocailero) Pblla.. 27-March 4. 

rarii^lan Wl.iowa. Fred Abbott, msr^ (Gayety) 
Detroit. 20-25: (Raycty) TnroBlo. W-Man* 4. 

Brooklyo. 20 2S: (MltStBlllB X.^^ C 

37-Uarrb 4. ■ , 

I-cnnant WInncta. IlabL MOtak.MtKt QMS!'''^' 

BarrlaboiK. SS: (UMInt jnmmi. m .W*m 

beta) Jataatmra. M: (Acadrav) PitMnire- 

37-lfareti 4. - 
Qam «( Bohmla. Uas Sptefiel. msr.: (Empire) 
^^OlTClaad. 20-33: (Empire) Toledo, 27-Marcb 1. 
' Queaua of tbe Jardln de Paris. Joa. Dowanl. 

mgr.: (Gayetyi Kaosaa City; 20-25; (Ga,Tety) 

Omaha, 27-March 4- 
Heetor CIrta. Morris 'Walnatock. mer.: (Folly) 

Cnilcaco, 20-2S: (Avenne) Detroit. 27-Morch 4. 
Reeres', Al., Beanty Show (Star) Brooklyn, 20- 

25: (Weldmann'a) Newark. 27-JI«rch 4, 

Kenti-Santley, -gjg* Ifg'ff?^ " ^^^ <9f \7j 
Minneapolla, 3M>t iOaiatfl lOnmMa*. 27- 
Marcb 4, 

Koblnaon CMao* Olria, JMiillwMxon. msr.: (Cor- 
Intblan> Bodwater. Olabawk) Sebenec- 

tiuly, 37-MaKh 1: (iBplira) Albany, 2-4. 

Rnlllrkcrs, Alex, (Jonnan. mar,: (Star) St. Taul, 
20-25; (Kma) Omaha. 2T-Marcta 1: (Lyceum) 
St. Joeepb, 2-4, 

Runaway Girl*. P. S. Clark, mitr.: (Wal.l- 
mann's) Newark. 2U-25: (Empire) Huboken. 
2T-Manb 4. 

Sam T. Jack**. Cieo. T. Smith, mar.: (baUy- 
,etu> BnBlalo, aiKaSt (Star) Tnaaim. ST-Marcb 

Storenadetv. Jack Sineer, mm*.: (Gayety) Oniaba, 

20-23; (Gayety) Minneapolla, 27-Harcb 4. 
Star & Garter Show, Frank WclaberK. uiin'. : 

(Garden) Buffalo, 20-2.°>: (Corlntblan) Rm-lies- 

ter, Z7-Marcb 4. 
Star Show Giria, John T, Baker, mcr.: (Euiiilre) 

Newark. 30-25: (Bowery) N. Y. a. 2T-MaKh 

Sydell'a. Roae. I>oiidon Bellea, W. 8. Campbell, 

mKT.: (Park) Bridgeport, 20-22; (Glluiirc) 
Sprlncflelrt. 23-2."j: (Westminster) Providence, 

27-Marrh 4. 

TIfter Ulles. T. W. DInkliu, mer.: (Empire) 
Indlanapolla, 20-25: (BncklDgbam) Lonlsrllle, 
27-Uarch 4. 

Trocaderoa, Chan. II. Waldron, mer.: (Colum- 
bia) N. Y^. C. 20 25; (Casino) Pblla., 27- 
March 4, 

Tanlty Fair, Jos, Pettlnslil. mgr,: (Gayety) 
Brooklyn. aO-SS; (Olympic) N, Y. C,. 27- 
Xareh 4. 

WMblogton Society GIrla. Loa Watson, mgr.: 
(Star) Toronto, 20-23; (Royal) Montreal, 27- 
Maich 4. 

Watson's Bnrlesqner*. W. B, ' Watson, mgr.: 
(Kmg) Omsba. 20-22; (Lyceum) St. Joseph, 
23-25: (Century) Kansas City. 27-Marcb 4. 

Wblle'a, Pat. Gaiety Glrln. Walter OrvaveB. 

mgr.: (Royal) Montreal, 20-20; (Howard! Bom- 
ton, 27-Harch 4. 
Wise Gny, Edmund Hayes, mgr.: (Trocaileroi 
Pblla., 20-25; (Lyceum) Wash., It. C. 27- 
March 4, 

World of Pleasure, Lonla Talbot, mgr.: (Bow- 
ery) N. T. C, S0-3S: (B«>Ut) Patcraoo. 3T- 
Mareh 1; (Bon Xga> Janer (Jilj, T*. 

Yankee Doodle Qiflii. M Iqran. ttisr.i (Uann- 
nmtal) BalUman. 9MB: Ogrle) JUlralown. 
ST: (Aaadaaag) Btaatiw. »: (SfalifUat Ur 
i lAa t^^ Mtoek^lt^tMSBtrt AIIwnm; St (Caai- 


Academy of Mnale Stock Co., Wui. Pnx. mgr.: 

N. Y. C-, Auir. 2S, Indef, 
Acme Stock Co,: Everett. Wash.. Iiulef. 
Alcaaar fiitock Co.. Belaseo A: Mayer, intrrs. : San 

SVanelaco. Cal.. Ang. 21). Imler. 
Arcade Stock Co.: Newark. N. J.. Jaa. 0. in- 


ATenne Stock Co.. 0)nnen« & Edii araa. asia,: 

Wilmington, Dela-, Ort. a. Imlef. 
Baker Slock Co., Geo. I. Baker, mgr.: Spokane. 

Wanh,, Sept. 4, Indef. 
Baker Slock Oo„ Geo. U Baker, mgr.! Porllanl. 

Bald^n^rlTlIlV Stock C»» WalMr II. BaMwIa, 
mgr.: PrarldeiKe. B. I.. Ttt^ ^"9**^ 

Belaaco Sc Stone Stock Co,. 
mgr«.: liOa Angeles. Cal.. L 

BIJon Stock Co.. Kllmt & Ca il l l l. 
cago. 111.. July n. Indef. . . c 

B^OQ Stock Co.: I'uwtucket, K. 1.. .*ng. P. 

Bishop's Players. W. II. Bishop, mgr.; Oakland, 
Cal.. Indef. „,, •..m 

Boston Player.. Geo. C.^ WIIipa, mgr.: Baltl- 
ronre, Md,. Nov. 21. iBttt. . ... — . 

Hunting. Euiom, AawiclaO .Plaft*.,» aaaau_ « 

Drew, mgrs.: a^*"!;;, w«ISh"!£ 'tjf?!-. 
Kurbaiik Slock fo.. OllTfP Ufltoaee. msr.t loa 

AnpelCH. Cal.. Indef. ,„„■. 
Bnrluu Stock Co.. Cbas. Burton, intir . I.onis- 

Tllle. Ky.. Dec. 2.1. Imlef. . t:rnre. Slock Co.. Dave J ""^'1^ ™;'-,- 

ttelolt. «-l-<.. 20 2.".: Imvenport. la., 26Man!ll 

Beaton ConiMlr Co.. II, Price WebbCT. Jgr. 
riv>T|HM<l. N. s.. Can., 3l-a8i 






Cc.ll.'iie St.»li <•.... T. f. fll.a«-.i.. msr.: nil 

riiiro III.. X..V. 7. In.l.-r. 
(•oii.-luiiil I'r.^.- Si.K-k Co.: WIehlla, Kan.. «»er, 

r.iri/. ll'v Vliirry. I'lii.v.r-. J. W. ail)HII% 

Ilntlf. A...r. 14. liMl..f. 

CrnlK. .I.ilin. SliKk ("•>.: Ilwt.rtl, 

Ct»'HciMiV si.H-k Co.. P.-rey Wllllano. mgr.: 

Ira. J!. Y..Jt»l»«- iwef- ^ „ 

C lSai M itoTro.. Stephen mgr.: 

Ml Ttraaa. X. V.. Jan. m, li»ier. 
CblcacA Stndb Ca, ClMi a^H. BoHKam, mgr.: 

c«V:TcVS!^&..lSm'SSm. awr.t Craaks- 

Tllle. O.^ 30-aS. _ V 

«-h-.„n.-.'T-*:eHrer Stock Co.: ■ Scboneetad.r. N. 

v.. 2025: Oneoota 2T-Marcb 4. 
Chi.-.te Dramatic Co.. Harry (anote. ■ mgr.: 

Farmlngtnn. la.. 20-25. 
fulbane'B Comedlnna. Will E. C^lhane. m^: 
Jackson. Tenn.. 20.2.1: nopklaarnia. Ky., 27 

Maich 4. _. 

rnlhnae'a CoaMdIaaa. Omv ffMNaaa, mar,: 

rommm. ni.. atm. 
CMkaat'a ( B ai wdl iaa. Maddrn Allya. mgr.: De- 

aaaca, a. SMR; Mt. TtriMB 3T-ltareh 4. 
Colhaiia^ Omcdlana. W. H. Chaea, mgr.: 

Kokomo. Ind., a>-3S: BIwood 37-Mareb 4. 
Cutter Stock Co.. Allen O, White, mgr.: 

Adrian, Mich.. 20-25. 
Davis Stock Co.. Harry Dacls, mgr.: Pltlaborg, 

Pa.. Sppt. S, inilef. 
Dominion Players. W. B. Lawrence. Hsr.: Win- 
nipeg. Can.. Ang. 29. ladrf. . 
D'Ormood-FUtaa Cfrt .ltgUfc )ia„ M«fe 
Dwigbt. ABNtt; nvatat' Olactaaatl. Ob. Jan. 

». Indef. 

DeAmaDd Slitcn Stock Co., Gto. E. Sawion, 
■sr.: Denton. Tea.. 20-2S: Graham 27-Mareh 

DeLacy, Leiidi. Stock Co., Monte Thompson, 

mgr,: Kerlden, Cam.. 20-March 4. 
Doyle Stock Co., Edward Doyle, mcr.: Marshall, 

MIcb., 20-2S; Kalamaioo 27-March 4. 
Dyamont Stock Co.. A. M. Diamond, mgr.: Gro- 

Tcr run. 0.. 20-25: Ottawa. 27-March 4. 
Km Dire Stock Co., D. Bradley, mgr.: aarka- 

ville. Tenn.. indef. 
Eanplre Stork Co.. Uont* TfeiHpnM, Mtr.t Hoiy- 

oke. Mass., Indef. 
Bckbardfa Ideala. OUaw 31 WMMtt mgr.: 

. Pierre, 8. D.. SMIt BapM OHP tT-Uareh 

1: Lead 2-4. 
Dwties Stock Col. Ooa, A. TklfcMi mgt.t Mmm- 

ford. Conn.. Nor. 2g. Indef. .- ' 
Forepangh Stock Co.. Orn, r. ft flMtnamfa 

Plah. mw^t ClndnnaU. Of^lapt It. Indef. 
Garriek Stock Co,, it. BBaiMC mar.! tolt 

Lake. IT.. Sept. 4. iadef. . 
(^nnao Stock Co.: Cincinnati. O.. Oct, 2, Indef, 
German Stock Co.: .Mllwaakee, Wla„ Sept. 35, 


German Stock Co., Tbao, Barsartb. BWr.S K. Y, 

C. Sept. 24. lodef. 
(hrman Stock Co.. Mas HSatafe, ■■r.t VMIa., 

Sept. 24, iDdof. 
Oaimaa Mock a*.. Un, W, -ytmit,' tf^' M. 

iMll, MOt. Oct S. Mcr. 

<Slrton Slock Co.: San FrnncliKro. Cal., Inlef. 
Glass Slock Co.; Iliiuston. Tex., Dec, 35. lutlef. 
Gotham Slock Co.: Brooklyn, X. Y., Indef, 
GraiKl Stwk Co., M. Kwney, mcr.: Keadll.E. 
Pa.. Oct, 24, Indef, 

Grayce. Uclvo, Co.. N. AppcU, mgr.: Jameatown. 

Tllle. Mo.. SS-Xareh & ' 
Henderson. Maude, Attractions, Jus, Parvnt, 

mgr.: Ijewlatowp, Mont., Indef. 
Ilutobl.HW, Loalae, Co.: t»prln^eld. Mo.. Indef, 
Hall's Assoelalv llania. Bnflene.J. Hall, mgr.: 

Key Wegt. nB_'IM.'9S. tadcf. . _ 
Hathaway^ matFOawt Ka«n«. Xaaa.. VWk I. 


llaywnrd. Gran'. Associate I'laycrs: Oak Park. 

Chicago. III.. Indef, 
Hickman- Bewey Co.. Jas. D. Pruudlore. mgr.: 

Blooalnaton. 111.. Fir*. ladaC. 
SMUncawiorth Twin** Mack Oaw. Lew Qleasou, 

mgr,: Hnaaton, Tn.. Indef. 
Han. Don C, Repertoire Co.; Bel..II. Wl»., 20- 

25; Waterti.wn 27-Mnrch 4. 
Harre.v Slock Co. iXorlhern), J. .s. Oan>lde. 

mgr.: Vlro.|ua. Wis.. 20-25: Kankakee, 111., 

26. Indef. _ 
Harrey Stock Co. (»><itbem). namT Orr. 

mgr.: Winchester, lod.. 30-3S. 
Henrlcl, Russell, Stock Co,: GaUtixriU. 0., 20. 

22; Mlddleport 23-35: Athens ST-March 1. 
UlUman'a Stock Co., F. P. If lllman, „mgr. : 

Alma. Neb.. ao-3S: Atwood, Km... MS. 
Hlmawlehi'a ImperUl Stock Co.. AWt B> Oray- 

blll. mgr.: Fllat, Mich.. SO-SSt Vbrt Ruron 

sr-Maieh 4, 

HImmeleIn Assnclate Players, Jno, A, Tlm- 
meleln, mgrg,: Beaver Falls. Pa.. 30-35. 

Home Stock Co.: Akion. O.. Indat. _ 

ntllman's Ideal SlaffO^ 3Mk iTMqr »• Rayes, 
mgr,: Esbon. Kaa.. M: drie'Swl-enS 25: 
Holton 27-29, 

Imperial Stock Co.: St. Louis. Mo„ Jan. 1. In- 

Imperial Theatre Slock Co.. Klimt ft Oasiolo, 
rogrs,: Chicago. III., Dee. 2.'., Indef. 

Indiana RInck Co.: So. Bend. Ind., Sept. 4. In- 

Jearoiw. Irene. Stock Co.. Ttaoa. J, Jeavnus. 

mgr.: Trrone, Pa.. 20-22. :• • 

Keith Stork Co.. JamcH- E. Moora. asnl Port. 

land. Me.. April IB. Indef. 
King. Josiiih. Stock Co.: Chester, Pa,. Jan. 

30. Indef. 

Keith Stock Co.. Cato S. Kcltb, mgr,: Pern, 

Ind., 30-»: Lafayette 37-March 4, 
Keyea SM>TS Stork Co.: Marl'.m. 0.. 20-Sfl, 
Keogh Stork Co.. J. F. Reogh. mgr.: Walseu- 

barg. Colo,. S9^_ _ _ . 
King d( Lrva On.: Itan*. VU SML 
Laaden-SieTena Stack dit Irattla. Waah'.. ivi.. 
U. Indef. 

Lawr ea ce Playen*. D. S. fjiwremre. msr.: Si^.- 

kane. Wash,, Dee, 35, Indef. 
Li>wla-Ollver I1« Oils (Hlvir. mgr.: )lanl- 

tnwoc Whi.. Jan. S-fVIk ^ 
Lyceum Stork Co.. I/mla . Pirilllsa, Mgr.: Mmok- 

lyn. X. T.. Imlef. 
Ijrrie Slock Co.. I. M.' Gorman, -insr.'r Unroin. 

Nebr.. Ang. SB. Imlef. „^ 
L^rlc Stock Co.. Chas. P, Sa lWm y . mgr.: 

Minneapolis, Minn., Imlef. ' 
Lanbam'a Lyric Players: F.wtorla. <K, 99-S5. 
LaPorle, Mae, Stock Co., UeBaM*. mgr.: 

Charli-ston. W. Va„ 30-3B, 
LeRoy & Haaelton Comedy Co., Wm. LeRny, 

mgr.: Bishop nill. 111,, 30-23: Alexia SSXI: 

Sraton 27-Mareh 1: Falrvlaw S-l. 
loeke*. The. Co.. narrjr MWK Pawns. 

Kan.. 20 22; Stockton WSl .^tan 3T 2S; 

Oslmme March 3-4. 
Lammers A l.aMlaw Stnefc 

On.. 3S-33: Batevaa ST. 
fj-rle Stock Co., Canipbell . 

Faribault. Minn.. 12-March II. 
Marl.iw.* St.M-k Co.. (^in«. B. Marvin, i.iur. : Chi- 

ri.'f... III.. Inili-f. 
Sli—V. '■•"laid. Stn<k Co.: ly.well. Mii»h.. K.'b. 

4. IrnL-r. 

MorrU-'riii:r.«t«.n .sim-k Co.. Wiii. B. .MorrU. 

mgr.: >tll«<*. WU.. In.l. f. 
Morrison. Lindsay, Slm-k Co.: Lynn. Mass., 


ycDowelle's Players: Danrllle. Va,. 30.311. 
Mrrtlnan. Rearlatta. Stock Co.: Bellefniireba. 

5. D.. 9II-SS: Deadamod 9»-S4. 
Mnrk-Sad-AIII Stock Cn.. Jim Wallace, mgr.: 

X. >'cGre^or. la., 20: Nora Sr.rlncs ;17-Mnreh 

I : Bockyforrt 2-4. 
Morey Slock ('«.. (|.-Ool"le & Fl.-shir»). K. .\. 

Murphy, mcr.: Ilnbarl. nkla.. 20-25. 
Mnrray-Ma.-k.-r Co. Jf.t.n J. Mlirrn.v. mcr.: 

Jackson. MIrh.. 20-.Marcb 4, 
Manhittan Sl.«-k C'l., C. Walroll Huxsell. 
mgr.: St. -Peter, Mian,. 30-35: Red WInit 27- 
Man.'b 4. 

II * niNMa. m 

Carmen and Roberts 

emoh Gems 

Not Mtetiou 

The grealeat titngiph at 
the electric tnmae* — a 
inarvelously reconalmeted 
gem. Looks like a dia- 
nioiiil— weara like a dia- 
mond — brilliancy guaran- 
teed forever— atanda ailng, 
Are and acid like a- dia- 
mond. Has no oaatc. foil 
artinrlal backing. Set 
>nl.v In 14 Karat Solid Oald 
monntlogs. I-.lotb the coat af 
diamnnils. Guaranteed to coatM 
lho glass — will cut alaw. Seat an 
approval. M.«iiey cheacCwIr ffanaS^ 
ed If not peffectlx aattt ' 
Write to-dir for Mr Wn 
Jewel Book— Ifa taa Ike 
asklna. Addtea 


459 N. Broadway, 
"t. Louii, Ifo. 


OontiMts, Aildm sad 1 


Send 4 cents in stuips for est-, 
alogue and three post-i»rds. 


41* ■im ■«.. einolnna«l,eiil* 




Per 100 

1. Metal Shamrock, Ions Pin % .TS 

2. silk Spun Shamrock, fancy OUt Harp. • • LM 

3. Silk Bow Shamrock, OUt Haip Pla. faaer 3,09 

4. Satin BIbbon Boaattea, 2-colaicd battoa 0,00 
B. Sbaaro^, Bed Boss Outer and Pla.... l.tS 

S***! Q'k Bow and Boraeahoe Pla S,00 

U. CBOId Mauns Doll, Shamrock Spaa BUk. . *.«0 

S!:.lf'^.*% ^S- naauoek LIS 

Battoabola Irlih naga. aroaa lota only LSS 

. Large Calalogne FREE. Sample Line, gLOO, 
No gooda O. O, D. Money order must be in fnll. 

NEWMAN MFQ. CO.. CItvtlaU. Ikls. 


For tt» wnaMr MMB «r MIL 
No Mt too fatifls fDroB toKaadle. 


Snito 1M4n^ IM Saartan Stiaat, 

Adant EiptSH BMg., 

Acrobats and E^iulllbrlsts who are exception- 
ally good. Miss Roberts' feata of contortion 
are far above the average, Mr, Carmen In 
acrobatic teats and hand stands that are mar- 
velona. Wardrobe and apparataa the flnnt known 
to tba paolMalan. A nis 

citndt JMdicH Binr 

Sketches -Monolosues 


orlKliiiil work. RcaHonable rates. Write for 
oslluiale. cDclosIng atamp. H, P, KALBBAV. 
813 W, Clinton Straat. Olaaa, B, Y. 

? WHQJiAS J6»QQ07 

■\ "Imnle dertee of asriea aC lariraad aad haek- 

wnr.l dips. Space 300x00 faaL Hastir time to 
lmll.1 «n.l place If yon bonrjr, mtenled Jan. 
.11. 1011. Inrcsllgate. J. W. BOUBKE, 17 Ley- 
land street, Dorchester, Mssa, 

. WABXJSl) : 

A'^""** — Hibatllule for Slat Ha- 
chlneai -Batj^t alght for SlT 


. CO,, Andersoa, Ind, 


25 W "I'anerlea. CBONBR. 3M W, 

42nd St.. N. Y, c. Send for Bntterdr aampla; 

.10c In coin. 

la answarlac ada, aMBtlos THB 

FEBRUARY 25> 1911. 

T jh « B 1 1 1 t> o a r cl 


NailtHMl Muck On., W. M. Maajrvr. mgr.: El 

I'liMi. It*., IMti 9, iMlt-r. 
Naliiwal Miiek IV: Wniilival, Can., Aiu. IS, 


XmMII liurvni, l>. M. Ciiairinan, mnr.t Wllki-» 

nam-. I'M.. sa, iwM. 

Ni-w t.'rllcrluii HliHrk Cu., Kllnit A 
uiurH. : (*ii(rfiicu. III., Aiiir. 14, iudpf* 

Nrn Tlii'iiin- 8iiN-k <°<i., \Vlnlbn>|i Anea, 4ln>C' 
t..r: X. V. ('.. Nov. 7. Iiiili't. 

Norlli Itr.M.' Mltx'k : Ttiin ku. Kun.. Auk. ai, 

Nurlli Krim.' Mlurk L'u.: Oklaliiiiaa 'Ciljr. Okla. 

Xnl. Ilk ta*rf. 
XatiOMl Mwk- 0».t JMaMv, O.. ao-Z3. 
mjratiilr tttoek Vn.: nlui; Ulch., Jan. 33, Iwlof. 
Ofivra llwuiw Tlayvra: l>MlrrMiti, N. J., lulrf. 
(tnilHWN rin>'<'r», Oram l^afiTty, mitr.t Ilitla. 


■■ari..|l<> stm-k IV... w. A. i>ariHln, mar.i Ckl 

nary. Alia., Can., Iiiili-f. 
I'aynu Hlurk Co.. K. t>. Ijtmtmer, mnlf.'t Ta- 

u-ao. u.. Auk. 2N, lulrr. 
l^aytuu'H I Av.-uui* Hl.irk Oc, <'<inM« rayfun 

iiiltr.: Jlmuklyn, X. V., Auif. 2». Inilff. 
I'ajrliHi Hliirk <'<>., t'onN. I'aytou, oicr.: Ilulm- 

iya|ili)*a MMk^i OMmnh IK. Ok. M. ta' 

IV'rurhl OjrpiciH* ('n., V. I>. IVtucIiI, nuir.: Tam 

1*11. Kla.. liMli't. 
I'oll siiK-k <'•>.: Sa-rauloii, I'a., Nor. 3t, ImM. 
Poll 8l<ii-k fii. : N'lirwMi. Conu., Drt. K. ' ' 
l>rliui-.>n Si.«-k Co.. Vli-ior H. Schaffvr. 

navi'UiMirr. In.. Imlvf. 
I'rIiNi'Mi Dlm-k Co.: Molni-a, la.. Anc. ». 


rrlwcl.. Murk Oil.. Jubualw Priaiclv. umnt Km 

wr. Waidi., lB.l,.r. 
I'arklumn-FaiT Xtuck Co.. Ritht. T. I'arkluwu. 

BMir.: .\ffitirlilKv, Pa., aft-3B. 
I1ek>tu^ Tli |. FMr. Co.. WlUla PIckfrt, iukt, 


. ..aMBa, IMm 'W4Sb 

■l*'!:'' ?!'"1f.; •'•iv '.'•."T l«w It*,- mar.: Kail 

Ijikf. 17.. ttrr. n, IwM. 
Ibihyiiii Vtn jivt^. .WM. H<ib)riM,' ncr.: 

S. V. 

- — , , Aiilnirn. 

ni. a. inivr. 

m«rk «>>.: KIkIu, III.. f. 
Mimnrr. Maa May. Murk Co.. Marjr lillilM 
HlKioiH-r. luw.: ivrarjr »Hj. X. QH. a. In 

Slaoroni * W.'«i<.rn llarmit Klalra. X. V.. Jan. 

SI. Imli'f. 

Sanfor.l. \V»1Iit. INo^pn: VanrouTcr. It. I'.. 
Can.. Indrf. 

81. ClalB'. Wtnirrnl. Co.. Earl D. Sine, but.: 

AndiTaoD, Inil.. 20 Jlarrh 4. 
ftroOK. Arrrir. Co.. Montr ThaaiBaMI. mmr.' 

Xrw Bmlford. Haw.. Indef. 
naiplrx Thealrp Co.: Moberlj, Mo.. 
TpBtpIr l'>n<: Caniilru. X. J., lodof. 
IkiMiiiimiAVoNlH Miork Co,. rVaarla T. Qniin, 

Tmn.. Jan. 3f^,' Inik-f. 

'^J??*?!! **.^!M C»»s OMtar n»iiUW, In.. 

FHfif, 91. iiifM*r. 

.«illw»nk».. Wl».. iDiM, 
'^ia!i,"'ai»r" In«Mirli. 
Van li/kp * Kahn «V. II, WalliT Vau ll/kr. 

MI'wMtef. Wla,. Mrf. 
Wlnnlnan- llnia,; ir*. (Vaak WlaMlnavr. war.: 

Chlram. III.. lMl<<r. 
W«jf* lllwk 0.1.. J. A. Wolf... iiiirr: Wl.hlla. 

Km.. Ana. at. liHli-r, 
WjMlwaril W.irk Co.. o. I). \v.<.i.|wanl, initr,: 

Onaha. Xpb,, Ana- aT. liuirr. 
T^omla RIairra glnrk Co.: I>rar«aI1. Ti'«.; 30 St: 

m«T.: N. Y. C, sfl. tnil,.f. 

Arllw. i;o<n-B». In lilanii'll. 
niKiv.; Clilraso. 111.. »>b. la. 

* Co.. 

X. J.. 

A. iiii- s>iii wvnriiini-'n. Artliur'lV AlVlnn. 

X J., alj'"*'**' "w"** 1: P»«<-r~'n 

*l W OM Cnim Bnaila, Arlbnr c*. 

Bf"...* ""C" S*'* BrltiTn. Oraii., 
WalyrlMirr.Sl^m: Kaalm. " 


Miiiu^ sri.— ••••• OT W^' 

A«T0M the (Irrat WrUh, Qm, W. lyon. nisr : 
Il<«itrnnl, Inl,. 3Si laMmnlt* »: Dalroi 

Abuni Koa'llna (iraail Opira Oh. 'Mm«« A Sar 

Aaalla, siariwrrt, la Orrvn Starklnsa. Ui-blrr * 
*jf., man.: Ttw llauu-. Inrt.. S3: So. H<.n.l 
W: Oran.l Rapltta, Xllch.. 34-S5: IVtrolt 27- 
Miir. I. 

""• **>«"y * Wllhiir. mcr*.: 

I UriiKi PoTKo. Va.. 25: IWvkk-T. W. V».. 24: 2.1: I't. fli-aaant 27: MIMIrporl. O.. 
p<: I'nrk.-rahiu-B, W. Va.. .March 1: Yo«iis» 
fowii, ().. 0.4. 

.\Il™, viola. Jlailip Wbltr Slain-. IJrMir A: 

Clia». Pnihman. oiirr. : .Mllwaii- 
Wlj., ln-2.-l: .Marttaon 27: Rorkronl. III.. 
™\f* 9^"' KalamaaiMi. Jllrli.. 

i: lirand RanMa 3-t. 
Aiva.ii,n,. Th.. (MiwHall, Oaa. Fruhman. mar.: 
«aii ►rawlar... |-«|.. IS-ici: (Xktanil 3T MarHi 
I: Kaa Jow 2: Mania llnriuira .1: 8an. IHit" 4. 
"■■S*^ '•''<"• •■rnl. Wni. A. HradT. nikrH 

i»iiwyBwri.._Kllii»l.^ nwa. Froliiiian. mar.: V. 

In'xobmlT'a Whlow. Dat kl 11.1 

.nJi?. t?"''"""- '>< lnn>«t«T * X.irri*. Inc.. 
»5m ' Mt. Carin.-! SB: 

'J»iali-nil. IMaiiiatrr * Norrln. lur.. 
?lir3i'JP-JS'*«''. Ti l.. 21-22: Wan. 23: Alw 
IK.2! '?\ ^y'""" -T: Ti-niplo 2S: San Antonio 

Sar - WtaJSrSfi' ««■»!"•'» «■ V.-lck.l. 
K.iahnk» \a.. 34: I.Tm.hbora Xix Rati-lab. X. 

xVwi;.v/^r:'Jr;' WlHumaton MaVrh 1: 
liar .Hm^I? - .""I'l-boro .1: wiiMm 4. 
luKfH.* ».iJ,'.?"''i."'™'"'„ * Bra.lB,<,l. 

liliip M..IIM. <Ka«t«ni), w. M. rVHlcficka. aur.s 
Waabliiv«>n. 22; Wajrueabon »; OaSSoe- 

_ ton, O., 24; Cambrldae 2S. ' 

lIUMtor llrowa, BlWt 
Ni'w Orlcaoa, La,, 
XalrlKi. Mlaa,, Sfi 

llrokt'D Idol, Dare Seymoor, mar.: Lincoln, X«b.'. 
21-22: lli-atrlce 23: &t. Jonvpb, Mo., 24; Ti.- 
■M-kn, Kan., 33; I.4.aTeiiworth 27; Uanbattan 
Marrb 1; Hallua 2; Junction Cllj S: Bai:iarla 

Ikiiifoilao iiirl, Milton 4c Sanceac AkaaB. mMnui 

liHll.-iiui|>ullH. In.!.. 1».2,1, » -a™-- 

liiiiH-u In Aritoiia. Cbaa. liwklna. mar: Hoaton. 

Ma»».. IU-2a: Newark. N. J.. SS-March 4. 
"•rrb-r. Tb,-, Wm. «. ColTln, mar.: Valli-J.>. 

<al.. 22: Naiia 2»; 8anla Kumi 20; 1','taliiiaa 


llarrliTH Burnrd Away, liaakell-MacVltly-Car|H<ii. 
t<'r Co.. niKra. : Elleadah.. N. D., 32: Oak.. 
2:1; Uniiteiu, S. I).. 24; Clark »: Walwtowu 
27: IlrouklDXH 28: lluruii Manh 1: Mllli-r 2: 

I'li-rn- a: I'Ullllp 4. 

lln-w-Mt.T*. MIlllODH. Itlch. uiKr. : .SI I^.ulr.. 

.Mo., 10-2.'.; l.oul«vini\ Ky., 2«-M«rcIi 1. 
lii-rabanlt, iimn. Sartb, In RepiTioIre. Wiu. V. 

Connor, mar.: Plttabtira, Pa., 2023. 
BamaM, Sam, In He Came (ram Mllwaiikr... Tb>. 

Mrabarla. mara.: Brookln, X. V,, 2ii-2rk 

•"Jf,"!. ^i;»*.r*- ^- ^S""** '»«'" >••>■ <-*"»• 

Micb., 23: Lima, o., 34. 
Burcomaater. Tbe, Jobn Cort, mar.: M. Paul, 

Minn.. 10-22: Mluncapolla 23-2.1. 
BlUr ^^adu^T Uri-Wa): Lima, O.. 22. 
itnrkr, Bllll«. In 2liix«nne. Cbaa. Frobionu. luKr. : 
Brooklyn. .N. Y., 20 2."); Brldgciwri, Conu.. 27; 
New llav,-!! 28; sijirlugBcId. Maiw., Mnrch t; 
Watt-rbury. Coiiu.. 2; Harlford 3-4. 
BvH^-w. Kyrli*. lu RaOlos, Choa. Ffvbuiau, mur.- 

CUcaio, III., 2<>-Marrb 4. 
Boa too Oram] 0|ivra Co., Ilmrr ■aiaoll. mi:r.: 

Buatuo. Maaa.. Sor. 7, Indef, 
Ck*fir. Cbas., la flcvco Slaim. IianM | 
^lMB,.Mr..: K y. C, Feb. 20, InU^f, 
Conitf. win.. In ni Be Ilanacd If I Do. Ii w 

Plelila, mar.: X. V. C. Not. 2m. lailvf. 
Com-rrt. Tbe. IlmTid, mKr.; X. V. I' . 

<K-t. 3. Indpf. 
Cllironl. Billy i.<llniil<.i. Hob U-Uoy. iitar.: I.oiibi- 

vlll... Ky., lfl-2.">. 
C.'iiKn Klnjr. \V. .\. TlMimaa, mar,; Itt.Mii.. la.. 

2:1: llliqa-y 24; I'i rry 2.",-2<1: X,-va<la 27. 
Cbirk.-ra. Htalr St llavlili. iii;.T...: .Wtriirk. .\. 
J.. 2l»-2r,. 

Climax. TIN* (rnlliil I'lay Co.'ni. II. It. Cory, 
iniir.: liraml Juiu'lhin, Colo.. 22: HhHiwiant 
Morliiaa 2:1: l.,'a<lrHti- 24; Maltdn 2.',: Can.,11 
niy 27: IhiwiHin. X. Mrx.. Man-h t: I. 
Vipaan " ■ 

Cat ami 

mmlm. _ _ _ 

Marlnr 2S; WtmHu. Minn.. 2«: l(fli-b<wi<.r 27: 
Awlln 2>i: Maaoa City. In.. .Man-b I: Wali-r- 
ha, 2: MarKballiovn :i: Colnr Rn|>Idn 4. 
Cow an*l tlM> Miain. Cbaa. A. A^toii. niKK: 
Wllaon. JC. -v.. SX: Ral<-lKli 2»: Unrhniii 24: 
On-oiMlHiro 2.",: SalMbiiry 27; \Vlii«t..M Snli'Mi 
2ti: liaurlllo. Va.. Marrk t: I.yiirbl>nrK 2: 
lliwMiki. :t: tllanMoa 4. 
Coarbojr'a UIH. Maa W. MaMiBMn, Mar.: Wm- 
Mil. Wla.. SsTXmr laNMluaSI: nabk<a>b 2il: 
IbTlIn 27: Rnl llrnuli,. 2^': Prlmi-uii Slun^b 
1: Ciilnmhnrt H: \Vnitk«.i.|iM 4. 
iMwdatr Soldirr ilVntrall. P. C. Wblluiy. 
mar.; M<-in|ibU. T.-iin.. 21-22: Xaabrllli- 2:1- 
2.%: I.nul»>lll<\ Ky., 2T')li<n'h I. 
iHHidnli' S<.l.ll.r <\V.»l<'nil. P. C. \Vhllii.-y. 
uiar. : Salt 1 ak.- ciir. C.. 2II.22: OK.I.-U 2:1: 
Cbi-j.-uiii'. Wyi.. 2.">: I>«-uv,t. Col,.. 2«-.M»n-li 4. 
CominiTi-lal Trairlrr IK. W. Rli-taarilMU'a), Gvo. 
.\. Mlllfii, mar: Ml. Vrmon. III.. 22: Balrm 

27: IhiwiHin. X. Mrs., Man-h t: l«i 

'j!ri.l?^iils;^ri^l;'s!^j!K^ m 

3*1 itamlitral 34: Xukona* acti CatUkTttlo 3T 
Warwlr SM: HiMnI Marrk 1; PaWRf* Si Vir- 
ilm n: Plmaaal t'talaa 4. 
Canabi in UM-OtH-an: IMdaviairt. Conn.. SS. 
'onuly miiTlir III. K. Wtv'al. Oiaa. II. Rrui>k>.. 
mar.: Mankilo. Minn.. SI: Farlbnull 3t: Owa- 
MMia »: Albrn lint Sn; Maann City. la.. -27: 
llamiMmi Sa: Clat&Hrlllv Man-h I ; [.m-n Pall* 
3: Wi>li.ii r Illy n;- lliami. 4. 
'.•w l*iiiu-bi-r. Till': Maryavi;i... Mil.. S3: Wii-n- 
nu.l.>.ili. In., i;:: |-Iariii,la 24: CbwMI S3. 
j,rt,-r. Mn-. I.,-.)!.-. In Tw.. \V<.ui««, JhImi t^■4■r. 
iiiKr. : i'lliKliiira. I'a;. 2l>-25. 
aro-. Uk-banl. in Jnw|ilna Ju|>li<.r. Kr.iriv 
Uxli-n-r. HiEn*.: Ballimnn.. Mil.. -Ji> 2.'. 
Crane. Win. II.. lu I*. ». MlnMcr Hnll-x-. i':i->.. 
Frolmiali. mar.: WaahlUKIon, 1). C. 2ii2.~.; 
Phlla.. ■•a., 27-MarRb 4. 
Cnhlll. Marl,-. In Judy Poraoi. I>. An bur. 

mar,! I>klla. lO-Sk 
c.iimirjr lk«- iWl. fliwir B, HanK MRr.i l*blln.. 
Jan. ». Ini1i>r. 
'r.Muinn. tt«>ttrl,.ti«. In .Vntl-Matrlmonr. MaiirM-ir 
Caui|iti.'ll. mgr.: I.ara,v<-llr. Ind.. 22: Ctiain- 
lialen. III.. 2.'!: BloiHnluaInn 24: I'rorhi 2.',. 
Itv. Hii- SbiilM-rta. iiiaro.: (>n>viuilH>n>. X. 

I'.. 2-J: It.nvlll,-. Va.. 3S: XorAilk 24: Kbb 
ni-Mid 2.'i. 

Soldl>>r lEaatrrnt. P. C. Wlilliuy. 
cr|.«Tlll.-. O.. 24: Clili-Iiuiatl. -Jil Mnr,<b 

'niuiuuli<n>. Tbo (.11. Ili-nry II. llarrU. mi:r.: 

lliMlon. Maaa.. aVMarrta 4. 
Clliuaa. TiMi IRnntlHHni). I*nlt<sl Piny C... Iiii-.. 
inani.: Hay City. Tpx.. 23: WbarKm 2:t: 

ton 91: nal«niimi Ki. 
Tllmax. Tki-r mil RItit. Maaa.. S4.aS: Wllll- 

manlii*. Onan.. 37. 
I»<i.|i l*iirt>lr. I WiW Sc Co.. niimi. : X. V. C. 

Jan. n, Imlrr. 
>nnH ll,>»n<. on tlu- Trull iKasioni*. Chn«. .\. 

T,.a(r. mar.; Ilr.-i'nin.-ll,-. Itul.. 22; Cllnt,.n 2:t: 

.snillvnii Ml. Vi'n<.<n 2"-. 
iHiili'l l'<.\iii- ,111 ihi- Trail I Wi-«li-rn>. S. .\. 

.\lllrb,-ll, luer.x Si-yiiioiir. la.. 22: Ci'iili'rvllii. 

3:1: I'nbwvlll,-. Mo.. 24: Milan 2X. 
ilaUMtn.l Kliia. J. Hurt J,4imMHi. mar.: M»ml,tta. 

Ill,, 22: Anm 2n: Manmih Sl-S-I: t^i-wlHinni 

3T-2H: liali-alinrs Mnn-h I: Allanin 2: lllri-r- 

t<m 9-X 

IV.rf.lMl«.r of Camrroii Ilaat i.\,. Ihirr.<ll II. ly- 

.111. mer.: Minu><n|H<ll>. - Mluii.. I!i2',: nil 

i-ne». 111.. 211 Xlnrr h 4. 
mNlin'. S<aiif..n1. 11. S. P.>r>l. locr.: PnrI Vr 

lliiir. Out.. Cm.. '.■0-2.%: Kl. Wllllani 37-Man'>i 

1: Kt. Krnm-la .'W. 
I>oo't Lie to Your Wife. Willi '<n«Ti> Ia-wI.: 

Chlrnao. III.. i:i-2.V 
Holly .Mndlaon: .\llnnlli- Cllv. X. J.. 2:|.2.V 
lin-vHli-r. Marie. In Tllll.-"!. XlKbtuinn-. Low 

Plolda. mar.: St. l.ouU Mo.. I.-I I.V 
Itollar Prlnri-iia. CIium. Kr..ttiunii. iiier. : \t>^ 

Ion. Maaa.. Ill-Prik «'2.%: I.owl»ton, Mo.. 27- 

IWIIanil 3N-Marrb 1: Knlom. Man*.. 3: 

"*l' t. ?t >l* l !g<«4«l 4. . , 

limiar l^wiwaa Itamw^li. -Clw*. t^Mkmaik mar. - 
- llrtMraa,' lau.' M-MaiMli 4, 
itn-w. joiw. In MM. 

PitlaUfM. Maaa... 39s 

ramni. S4-SS: O iw aw 

t; RbOMo fr4. 
Mi ami JaiM>. Ilarrjr tliviii, mar.t CliHri*. 'K. 

Mra.. 381 ll<.n>«l>fil. Tr»^ 33: Canmt City 34: 

Ataartlhi Xlt riamnlnB ST: M«H|iMa Wt CliO> 

itovaa Milivh I: i%IUImiili« 9: xSnm »t Qtm- 

mh 4. 

r^lpi STs llmrlam#*? S^S^awh 

_..;-.•!•.. "»nry W. Saraae. mar.: N. V. C. 
Vfeb. IS, iQiler. 
Rwrywoman. lu-nry W. Sarace. mar.: Wanblna 

ton. D. C. 20--J3: X. Y. c. 27. Indef 
Kdraon, Bobvrt, In Wbi-re tbi* Trail DlTiilin, 
Htvay B. Ilarrla. mar.: KIcbmoDd, Va., 22 
23: Roanoke 34: l^achlmra 35. 
Klllott. Mazln.. In Tbo IndrHor Sea. Geo. J 
Appleton. mar.: Kama* City, Uo.. 30-3S: St, 
Joaepb 27; Llnrulu, .Nrb.. 28: Dpa Molni-a, 
la.. March I; Davt-uiwu-t 2; Hloomlnctoo. ill. 
3; Sprlnallpld 4. 
Fairbanks, Doualan. lu Tlie Cob, Wm. A. 

Brady, mcr.: Cblcaao. III.. Feb. S. iadtC, 
French Opera Co.. JoIm Layolle. mmt.s Now 

Orleana, La.. Nor. 23. Indef. 
Pllrtlait PrlncMH. with Harry Bnlaer. .Mort II 
Singer, mar.: Iirnter. Coin. tO-2.5: Vlrlor 2il 
Colorado Mfirlnaa 27: I'm-blo -Jf: tSanleu City 
Kan.. Marrb I: llatchliivou 2: Arkaa-^aa CICr 
■1: Wichita 4. 
Father and thi- Ihiya. with Wm. II. T^irmY. 
Darld Kllui-. uiKr.: llvb-na. Mont.. 22: Mia 
Moula 23: 2l]Mikan«-. \Vnt.h.. 24-2.';; Walla Walla 

20; Yakima 27; Elli-iinhiire 28; Alx-roivn 
Marcb 1; Elma 2: CbrhallH :i: Ci-ntralla 4. 
Final Settlemenc. Monte Thomiiaon. mar.; Xurth 

Bay, Oat., Can.. 22. 
Flake. Mm.. In Bet-ky StaanH>. ilarrlaon Orry 

KiKke. niEr. : Balllluon-. Mil.. 20-2.T. 
Fortiint- Hunl,T itCaal.rni. Indian A Ilarrla. 

mgni.: Cblla., «-2r. 
Final Settlement, Moote Tliompioo, mar.: North 
Bay. Oot.. Can.. 22: Xrw LIskeard 23: HnU 
eybnrr 24: Cotxalt 2r,: Sudbury 27: Sanit Ste, 
Marie. Marrb 1: Sanlt Ste. Marie. Mich.. 2, 
Fox, Delia. In Dellabtfol Dolly, V. Q. Wallarv. 
mar.: St. I,onb,. Mo.. 10-2S: Branarllle. Ind.. 
2n: Cairo. III.. 37: Padurab. Ky.. 2S: Na.b 
tIIIp. Ti-nn., March 1-3; Mempbia 3-4. 
Flowa-r «r the Ranrb: ETanarllle, Ind., 22 
nwenaboro. Ky.. 23: Bowllna Giccn 34: Lrl>- 
anon 2.'>: Danville 27: Qaof a laani 3B| Win 
■ heater March 1: Mt. Sterihw Sf JaMMd .1 
llnntlnaton. W. Va., 4. 
FOIIlM at Wl«. P. ZleafMil, Jr.. m«r.: Roalun 

Maaaw. Jan. a. Indaf. 
PaTorahan. Wn.. In Tba nitm. Tbc Stanberln. 

mgra.: N. Y. C. lO-Fi-K 3.*i. 
Peranaon. Klale. Ill Ik>IIy' Madb«m: Altanll, 

City. X. J.. 3:t.2r,. 
Fi-riuue Hunter iWi-«ti-nil. Cohan A Ilarrla. 

niKra.; Ih'tndt. MIHi.. 21 1 2.',. 
Kliniinie .\m,w. K. K. Kn..*,-r. mar.: Kauaer- 

th-.. X. Y.. 34: PIttatli-ld. Maaa.. 23. 
Founh Eatate. I.IpMit H Co.. uiara.; ikMtnii. 

Maaa.. 30-Man-h 4, 
t7ambli-ra. The. Aiitlu.rH' I-nMltu-ina Co.. iiitfra.: 

X. Y. C.. Oct. 31. Indi-f. 
Grt-Rlch-Qokk Walllnaford. Cobnn .( Ilarrii. 

manu: N. Y. C.. Sept. 2». lodef. 
Oei-Klrh-Qnlek WaUlaafnnl. (Mnui ik ILwrla. 
.mara.: Chtcaan. IIL. Itrr; 4. latlK ' 
GUIotte, Wwu, la RMartuIrn, Chaa. rnlininn. 
mar.; Chiram. III.. lUMaieli «. 

j Onnnlaa. Lonlt*. la Ikr Italkaa l>riioi>.'. 'I'l,.- 
I Shabrrta. mara.: X. Y. C... IVh. ». lu I >r. 

Girl I I,ATe. ITarry Aaklo. mar.: Cbltnk-o, III.. 
I Pi-b. r>. ludef. 

, Olaaer. l.uln. In tlio lllrl aii.l IIm- Kal-t.-r. Ti 
t Shubrrta, mara.: Clilcaao. 111., p..h. i i. n-!.-r. 
iMddi'il lilrl. .Mori II. SIiikit. uiKr. : .Miliirle. 
Ind.. 22: Marlon 2:1; 1 ••unij,.iMirl '24; l.aray*-lli. 
2.',: Tern- Haute 211: lt<il>lna<Hi. III.. 27: t.hi- 
tou. Ind.. 28; Beilfonl March t: CoIiiiiiIhin 2: 
' Slu'lbyrllle :i: KU'hm<aid 4. 
Omhk-aa of IJta-rty. Mori II. iUiia<-r. mar.: Ih- 
trolr. MIeb., |»-3S: isirt llattm 3«: Tmanto. 
Caa.. 3T-Manit 4. 
Girt and the OMtair. Robt. J. RUdell. mar. 
New Caatle. lad^ 33: Mliurlo 2n; AMler«on 
2.",; Illrhiwiwl 3t: Kaloii. O.. '2S: stdnrv 
Man-h 2; KelleroBlalm- :t; S|irinKtli-lil 4. 
lllrl auil lb.- Hawk il^a-k.-'ai. lUiy E. Bruwut*. 
mar.: ok-Mi. hi.. 22: iirand Jnaellmi 33: 
Scranlou 'Jl; lilbldcu 2.'.; .Maunlait Marrb I; 
Oo«B Uanlda 2: Kayanl 3: I'my 4. 
tlteja a^ltlM. Ij^JVayt. aMr.l lUnnlhal. 

aS^wTttS^SSmSe. tLlun * MarVltty. 
mara.: (*liM.|nnatl. O.. lft-33: Imllanatiolla. 

Iml.. 27-Man-h I: ItU-himaHl 2: SnrlnaHeld, 
O,. a-4. 

illlnion-. Paul. I'.i.. lu Hiii-h n l.lltle Qiireil. 
Carl ZolIiK-r. ui;:r. : llallfni. N. 8.. Can.. 10 

OrauHtark <Kn..|.*nt>. Ilnkt-r fe Caatl,-. mara.; 
Grand Raiilila. Mli-b.. 1li--j3: Kemlallrlllr, 
Iml,. 23: Bryan. II.. 24: .Inanla. Ind:. 3.1: 
Ft. Wayae SU: CulnMbUK. a. ST-Matck I. 


Clrana man— madlciao man— aids abow aplalan, 
*^!i*V!**9<,^^ fin mako Bouar hand oTor flat 
with Dr. Bdor'a Tobaeeo Boon and Mantono PUIa 
— IWpar eentpcnflt, Bl« Sallen. Bpoetally prapaiad 
aranmant that dallTera the coin— can't roaiat !>• 

loclcal talklne polnta— writ* for fall Dartteqia — 

Elder's Sultarloaa. Dept. 101, SL J 



I CAM «»l_A.CE YOU on th* 

lattmetlre OonaB abaolataly niBB. I poiaou- 
ally aaalat yon to set aa net aaA in a aa o mant. 

Raprrle n co mucccaaaiy. Mathod andoraed tiy 
manaaem. Tbirtr yaata' *3perlrnc«. loatractlre 
book KIIKK for ataaw. W. T..nFT.Tr Box A. 
Xtecator, Ind. 


Stractman and Aceata to aell Voltaic Klectrie 
laaolM and BIceMe Bella. Bla moDay. Sand 
ISe for witiila pair laaotca or Mt and sat •<■*- 
Plata priea Wat «( ■ Una of aaoda t kat aall and 


Inbatanttal. load, pan la tonai aaav 

with tnn taH i ima Uon win ba mmt < 

L. Brannalaa, Olaatophoaa Mfr._ 
tH yiatboah An.. Brooklya. X. T. 


for tati, PIck-onta. etc. Can lopply yoo with 
full ootat. Slate what yon want. Addreaa J, 
C. LAMONT. ISM Broadway. New York. N. Y. 

Lyric Opera House 

WH . SIMPSON, Hanacar. 

cRippi^E cRCEac. cot o. 

Kenllna raparlty°1.2<m. Stnao a ay l kl m i . WMMmL 
aiot-k and rep. >«mpanlrB. 0|n4I> all wf m rt . 

Fine climate. Rood ahow town. 

Smith, Aik. Pnpolatlnn 3»,naii: only Ivmae In 
toara, Omid ahow Iowa. Cf trill hank ram- 
panlea for the aeaann. 

WARTKD— Tto bank atlrartlaaa far Opaia II 
Nilet. MIek. ilmma aeaia SHI |w«faaw n 
lion &00a. Addreaa 

DONN PI.VTT. Simlh Iteml. Iml. 

nranatark tCk^iaall. I ta k e r jfc Cmmet aNW*-' 
Clean. S. VL 331 MendrlUr. .K^SSToii 
City 34: fhnOilta SI: IUm> 9Tt l &iawlisi ii 


Graualark tWnilenit. BaSar * CMatlin. man.: 
Cbattanooan. Ti'Mi.. 9n4ns B wrnl l w law. .Ala.. 

27-Marfh 4. 

«lrl rixmi It.-.'~. Mm I'lobii. luirr.: MuakoKVe. 
flkla.. ■l'iil>j, '.■:i: i:utbrli- 2»; EI Reno 2S: 
Oklahoma Clly 2ii; Ft. Smith. .Uk.. 37: Fkr- 
at« trtlki as: far lajgwid. >>«.j-lbi»li U 


aiaaer. mar.: I'hila., 9S-SI. fnmi MlaKtaalnil tWm. A. Bniily*a>. 

■ — ■ ~ C. 

IjlRralHlo 3: IUk.-r Cllr 4. 
Olrlii. The Shuberta. man.: St. J<.s.-ph, Mo.. 

•22: .Mcblaon, Kan.. -2:1: l.liicolu. Xvh.. -24 2.\- 

Pn'innat 27; 'Js: sli>u\ City. la.. 

Mar«h 12: S. IV.. ::■ Mlt.h.ll 4, 
Girl la tbi' Kliuonn. \V. K. Zl.-cri-bl. mgr.: 

Welaer, Iilabu. 23: Haki-r City. On-.. 2:i: I.a 

Oraadv 34: r u mBilim SB. . _ 
Girl «r the M)«llimliak «lb lb ITe*. BWT.: 

MoatCBMlwi. la. as: Xeartaa S3: Oakaloom 

S4: Olliimwa 3S: MnM-atlne 211: Mt. Carroll. 

III.. SS: WoaaUtnpfc Man-h 2: Ilarranl 3: Rd 

aerti'ii. Wla.. 4. 
Girl of My Itteama. Jo-. M. Gnltea. mar.; 

Ii .rif.a^l. linn.. -3W22: Worc«->li-r. Ma«<.. '£■ 
Girl III The Train, wllb Prank l>aiilela. Chai.- 

tllllllutbiln mar.: KiH<l>.-«l<-r. X. Y'.. 2»--22 

Topnuio. Ciiu.. 2,':-2.1. 
i:«-..rKo. llrat-i-. lu Siiiit-.- for the l^-aMe. Wm. .\ 

I' uier.: St. I ool». ,M.... 2IV2.-,. 
lllrl fr.uu U.-.-tor*s. .V. II. W'.aiila. mKr. ; Uoolr 

e«ter, X. Y.. -JiVST.. 
Ilartman. Pi-rrla. Miialral Comnly Co.: tjrt An- 

Bt-lea, Cat., ivt. IT. laM. _ 

lien|H<«k«. Tbi-. Ijear Fit Ma. aatr.: X. T. C. 

i-n. »\. Inih'f. 
Ilodae. Wm.. la the Man From Home. 1.iirblrr 

A Co., mcra.: Phlla.. Nor. 14. Indef. 
liana llanann, Ionia llela. mar.; Jackaoarllle. 

Tk'I.. 22: I.nfkin 2^: Gnrrlaou '24: rarlhmh- 
, 33s l,«mRvlew 27. 

(Conllnncd on paae 40.) 

niiirlr CbiiesRsiibitMitk^rjt^^ 

BBIJ||,n .-v. Kcr^U H^julr.^ n. . , r.-«..^B«lnt 

a*"""""* laaKLiirraT arr, m» uh A.r !». T. 

Prle*. SaUM Baelt 

0. F. mm. 1011 liM.ii. WwlmM. 0. 

SHOW T M IISBIi rt T ttt Oolong with yaar 
photo, «t,M far Ma. Special dcalaaa far aaety 
act or boalncaa.. Mention yoora, and aaad 3 cant 
atamp tor aamplea. Onr complete eataloc for 10 
centa atampa. More dealana and better than 
Clay Center, Kao., Photo EnKrarcraand Prlnlna. 

SLOT M at THIM ES FOR SAU— At the rlxht 
price. Pmit Bael, Liberty BelU. Cbeck lUiya. 
Elka. Pin Onm, ami all klnda of .\muM-uirot 
Marhlnea. ADAMS X0VEL1Y CO., P O. Uos 
TIKI. Aabury Park, N. J. 


Raadlag. Masle. Mew Acta aad 
aac— d kaad w ~«i»« At" 
~TB1PP. S Pwlar M.. Haw 


Will pay t2.'>.OI> rewani for aiiy InrorruatlMI 
leadlna to dlantrery or tyia-wrller. No. JzWtlltt. 
Cndermwd. Refer to IMtH WOODY, Afloii, 

«n Sy Mta W MM aaatty. 

8<-l>-otlllcalty cunstmctcd of beat materlala. Silk 

wluK., with H.'xHjIi. frumea. alnmlnuui profHllera. 
n-volvlDK Ui bi-arluKa 1,IM)l> to 2.01 K» revolulbmi 
|M-r lulnuto. Si-iul $2.1111 to-day for aoaranti-iil 
flyer. Mln- '-•ii'ilf.". Parllenlara free. I..- C. 
ROIIIK, Mtr.. lloi 2.-K'-.. Winiamaoo. N. Y. 

fortune In BlrmliiKhaui. Eaatlake. iirelth-at iiark 
In Dixie. 2.'',0,IJUU pi-uple to .traw from a,-Tvii 
ilaya In week, la for rent or 1,'aae for IWtl. or 
longer. Tbbt niaicnltlit-ut t*p|Mirliiiilly Im-iudcs 
alxty aerea. cIimi-.! lu. lu.Ml,-ruly (iiul|ila-d fur 
aci-ule railway, akalInK rink, liuinau roaIelt«r 
wheel, chnti-a, theatre ami iiiimi-r^tna other dtJ- 
Tlcea, all gooil coudlilou. lu udillilon, thirty- 
two acre lake l» eiinlptn-it with any new ateel 
boata and Cow Iaam"l|i'ai. Wimly lamas* «r 33tS> 
wa aaaarcd m mmmmm ivatal u in in ail a mi. 
maklna It ckaiaw W a llfr-Hav. Aildn tm R. 
D. bSrKRTTB. Pmddrat. Mhrmlniiham. Ala. 




Hare bad 17 

fiiroiabi-d. BiiijiMm •» d» laad 

RImlra. X. Y. 



*«. the tr i ll a h ai n t priTtteam. oneb a» >2 
ream. Ice en-am enm-a. lawrani. |ii ant i s . 
'. anfl drtaka. rteaia. etc.. te a nad palft. 



iuu« nsvrjkuiiAiiT 


Xlie Billboard 




OnnpiM By Meuu of The Billboard's Un- 
mqdmJM FmicSBldm, and of Eapacial Intarett 
Ibfkrirelty Manufacturers and Pealarif 
- Street Men, Fair FoUoirersi Elc 

AnBlaton — Sondmj Scbool AamHittnii 
AprU 2&-2T. D. W. Sims. 525-27 BeU BIdS-. 
MontsomerT, Aim. 

- - - ■■ of Alihii iMi. United 


BirmlnRham — AlAbama EdacKtloiiAl ABaodmtloii. 
AprU 12-24. W. C. Oritf, Mobile, Aim. 

BlrmlBihim — Alibiini SUte FMctation of La- 
tar. April at. U Bowcn. P. O. Box 880. 

BtnnlBclimai — Almtienie Fuoenl Olrectan ft Em- 

bBlmen* Anodatloii. April 4-6. O. O. On- 

Pre. Atunm, Aim. 
Mobile — ^Hemd Cmmp "S." Almbmmm W. O. W. 

Mmreh U. John A. Praltt. Floicaca» AU. 
Kobne — Snpreme Lodge Kolgbte of 
. VS. rnnk B. SUger. Snpreme 

Odd FeUowe Bldg.. St. iMOla. Mat, ■ ' 
KebUe— Knlghta mud U«w «C Umm «kaa 

Utdge of Alabama. April tfc ■. tttaU. 

gnad lecy.. Box 83. 
MbbOe — Depmrtmeot of niiiii ilmlemflMi e. KatTl 

Mncmtlonml AnocUtloD. FMk IMS, InriB 
;_jH gp«rt. W la«M« Mian. 

UoDttomerr— Soathern Gas Asaoclation. April 
11^21. Jam«B Ferrler. Borne. Ga. 

MomtcometT — Trl-Stmte LaimdrT AsaoetatJoii. 
8ooM tlnie In Uarch. 1911. J. J. Veld, ror 
•Me. Aim. 

MootKometT — State Hrnxdware Demlcre* Amo- 
rlatlon. Ma; — , I9i£ u O. Smith, Eds- 
Iv, Ala. 

Ol^Slkm— Knl^U * Dmnghten of XgfeoB. Maj 
•-I3. Cbam. DcnM, US Mto at- Mast- 

tomerr, Ala. "• — . . ;■ • 

West BlocktoB— Red Van Oinfvd.' IBqr VM. 
Tboe. McCumt>«r. aeey. 


Btabee — Great Coancll I. O. B. il. Mar 23 
N. B. Haicke. Box 262, Tncxm. ArU. 

aiobe — Grand Lodse, Grand Kncampoent Re- 
tekab Aaaembl7 I. O. 0. F. AprU — . 1911. 
Oeo. A. Hlntx. Phoenix, Ariz. 

Tort Smith— Arkanaaa Betall MercbanU' Asao- 
tlattan. Jnse — , 1911. H. O. Spaoldlnc, 

little Bock — Dmsslsls* ConTentiaB. April — , 

Uttle Bock— State Field Meet «C MMb ud 

CoUesea. AprU — . 19U. 
Uttla Bock— Oeaeial Bennion Confederate Tet- 

Xntla Bock- Arkanaaa Aaaoclatlon of Fire In- 

antasee Accntm. Mmr — , IBU. 
Uttle Bock — ^Arkmnaaa Ttavdeta' CMTentlon. 

Jane — . 1911. 
Uttle Bock- Xat'l Bet. Hardware AaaoeUtlOD. 

March Z»-31. M. Oorer. AiCoa. Ind. 
UtUe Bock- Aikanaaa Betail Bardwai* Aaaocla. 

tloo. MarA Xt-». Wallcc Hatka. aacr. 

Uttla Bock— SMHA JiHMMala.'.flllaML Ito 
laana. La. 

Borcka — Grand Uidse Knicbta oC PytUaa. May 

lS-20. B. ScbaOner, 726 Paelflc Bide, San 

Frandaco. Cel. 
■■refca— United Ancient Order of Dmlda <JnrIs- 

dlctlon of Calitomla). June lS-22. CyrU 

Alex Onglielmonr. DruldF HalJ, 611 Lastina 

St, San Franclaco, C'al. 

Loa Angelea — ^American Medical Aaaoclatlon. 
Yoaa Zr-30. . Dr. Geo. B. SImmona, Bia Dear- 
hocn are., Chicago, 111. 

Im Angelea — American AeademT* of Medicine. 
Jane 24-26. Chaa. Melntte. M. D.. S2 N. 
Btn at., faatoo. Pa. 

Paaadaoa— Stata Oonncll of CSdlfOtnla Jr. O. U. 
A. H.. March 21. Batman Paine. 816 Oak- 
land aem.. Oakland. CaL 

naadena — American Ubrmry Asaoclation. Mar 
18. Geo. B. CUey, 1 Washington 8t., Chi- 
cago. IIL ' 

San Franclaco— International Sonday-scbool A»so- 
' clatloa. Jnne — , 1911. H. H. BeU. aecy. 

■am BtaaiJato Hui I j .ninth aimH.! Conrcatlon 
Katfl BdneatloB Aaaodatlan. 2aj 8-14. Inrln 


. BaidwaM AaaoeUttoo. 
Xi. B. Smith. Oakland. Cal. 
Ifonilm TooBS Ma*"* Chxta- 

March 16.IX mi. 

Sbb naadaoo— Onal Chapter B. A. M. of Osl- 
Ifamla. AprU 18-19. wm. A. Darlee. Boom 
Sa2. UO Sorter at. 
San Franclaco— Grand Conncll Band S. W. of 
Oallfomla. AprU 17. Tbos. A. DiTlea. recocd- 
or. Boom SQZ. 110 Setter at. 
Saa fVandaco — Companlona of Foreat. A. O. F. 

Mar 17-18. Mar Falconer. 337 ParlBc BIdg. 
flan Francisco — Eclectic Medical Soclet.T of the 
State of California. Ma}- 23-2S. J. Park 
DoQtall. IC D., 3ST Oooclas Bldg.. Los Ange- 

ha. Od. 

■n Ptaaelaeo— Grand Ladgr I. O. O. F. State 

aC CallfMBla. Mar a. R. D. Blehaidnoa. 

OnDd Sker.. Car. Ttk aad XacM. 
ima J oaa Oami Ooasaaadair KaUfcta Xnaplan 

of Callfomla. April I6-S1. Wm. A. Darlea. 

recorder. Boom 502. 110 Sorter at., San Fratt- 

rta<^. Cal. 

San Jose — California State SuDdar School Aa- 
C. B. Flahar. Ml Fka- 
CaL . .. 

aoctathm. MM 4-6u 
laa aMc ma 


Association of B. a. «il tte 

States. Jane 13. G. 
' at OnmaKa BIdg. 

Xatlonat Association for the Sladr 
and Prereotlon of Tubetcoloals. Jnne 21-^ 
LlTlDipiton Farrand. ii. D., 105 B. 22d at.. 
New York City. 
Danrcr — Colorado BeUlI Jewelera' Association. 
Aaa 27, Red F. Sjman, cor. leth and 

' District Grand Lods* Ko. 2, Independ- 
•M Order <ot BMl Brilfe. . Jaaa 21. Victor 
Ahcaham, dacHMML SL 
Denrcr— Am. DealallMe llw»rlillMi June 
30. a. I.aTton Grler, Broadwar asS Ctoatnnt 
ats., PbUadelpbla. Pa. 
Oenrer — National Retail Grocer^ Aaaodatloa. 
Jnne 12-15. C. ReddUb, Opera Hooae, Den. 
Tex, Ool. 

Denrer — Nat^ooal Asfoclatlon of Beal Estate 
Bxdiangea. Jane — . 1911. s. B. Bradler, 
Denrer, Col. 

Denver — International Printing & Pressmen's 
Union. June — . 1911. \r. P. Hlckey. 430 
Charles BIdg.. Denver, Col. 
Denrer — Boral Neighbors of America. May 11. 
Ita. Mrm B. Entlcht, 701 Waablacton are., 
IbmaaaCI^. M^ _ _ 





K. T. 


Wm. Jaae IS-IS. Iba. 
Ooqper a**.. CUanf 

PasMia Oaleaaaa Stal . 

tlae. Xnaa IS-I« Ma Ct 
209 Empire BIdg. 

Danbory — Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. of 
Mar 17. Wm. S. HotcMson. grand 
96 Croirn St.. New BaTen. Conn. 
Ma rl fl en Q cand Cemmandexy of Oonn., 

Mafck 1^ ■! a Bbdaey, ae<7. 
MtddlatoirB— State OtinncU Order United 
leaa McAanlea. May 11. a H. 
Saaltl Norwalk. Oaon. 
Item Haica— Gland Chapter B. A. Maaona. 
t. TasMa UeCoraiek. IBt Stata at.. ' 




Neir Main 9am% OmbMI^B. * 
Maria JaMB HeChi 

Hartford, Oonn, 
Sharon — Barbiw Valley Flremen'a ftsnnrlatlMi 

Mar 9. Edw. P. Barry, Ameala, N.. Z. 
WatcibaD— Grand Lodge of Coaaadf 

g F.^J»^ 12. Jarcmlah Writ 




WnmingtOQ — Department of Delaware n. A. B.. 
81*1 Annaal Encampment. Mar 4. J. S. 
Utaeahe rg. Aaat. A d). Gen.. 14 W . sntb at. 

OF oounozA 
Waahl ng tO B C K. of A Sop. Iddga. May 10- 

14. Anthoor Metre. MereantUe BIdg.. St. 
toote. Mo. 

Washington— DaneliteTa of the American RptoIo-' 
Hon. April lf-22. Mrs. Mabel O. Sivorm- 
stedt, Memorisl Continental Hall. 

Washington — Playgronnd Association of Amer- 
ica. May — . 1911. H. S. Brancber. Boom 
9206. 1 Madison ave.. New York City. 

Washington — National WhOIeaale Lomber Deal- 
ers' Association. March 1-2. E. F. Perry, 66 
B;roadway. New Tork City. 


QalnesTlIle— KnlghU of Pythias. March 8. W. 

H. Xiatlmer. TaTarea, Fla. 
JacksonTlIle — Grand Chapter Order Eaatem Star. 

Mar — ■ 1911. A. B. Carter, BoUr BtU. Fla. 
TaekaonvUle — Ladlaa' AnxUlarr to Order at By. 
l>»dnctora of Aaacrtca. May — : 1911. Mta. 

ma 8. aigk at. Oata^ka*. O. 
Taek8Miille-anad CiiMMWr K. 9. May 

U.. m F. WMalab aacf ' 
JaefeaHmna-OtaM CkapMr B. .A. M.. May 
0-10. w. p. 

Key West- 
April 1st 
lierry. Fla 

St. Angnstlni 
O. O. P. 
Dacota. Ft«. 

St. Aognatlne — Grand Lodge I. O. O. F. April 
18-20. A. M. Cuahman. Galneavlllp. Fla. 

Campa — ^Florida State Pbarmacentleal Aaaocla- 

J g — 

Amerlctts — M. W- JS. 
Masons, Jnne, ISn. 
nah. Oa. 

Americas — Natlnnal Nut Orowers' Asaoclation. 
May — . 1911. 

Athens — Grand Command^ry of Knights Temp- 
lars. May 10. Cbss. S: Wood, grand record 
er. Sayannab. Ga. 

AttsBtm — Soathem Comm^rdml Cnogreaa. ^iMrcb 
gjfc Mw ia L. Qaatlea. 1425 X. T. are.. 

itiaata— Ofeaaa Xadaa Kaighta of Prthlaa of 
Ocaagla. Mar tl. WM. R. .I«opold. P. O. 
Box 12. Saeaaaak. Oa. 

Attaata-Kappa IMta Ssrierltr. April IT-tO. 
Mlaa Moir K. nemsK. ITXI Oallesr at.. Os- 
InmMa. S. C 

Vaeoa— Great Cnnneil of Georala Improred Or- 
der of Bed Men. Jnne 21-22. M. J. Daniel. 
C. «f B., Grimn. Oa. 

Ma»on— State Hardware Deslerr Asaoriatlon. 
^far — . 1911. John T.. Mnnre. Maillwn. Os. 

Wayrroaa— Georcia nlrlislnn. Tho Klt>e"a Danch- 
tera and Snnn. May — . mil. Mlw Kate 
C. Hall. 1127 Union at.. Bmnawlck. Oa. 


Sandpolnt — Grand Lodge of Idaho, K. of P. 

»une 21. Jamea U. Harte, G. K. B. S., 

Coeor d'Alene, Ids. 
Pwln Falls — Department of Idaho G. X. R. 

Jnne — . 1911. Geo. Hoakina, A. A. G., Dept. 


Aaron — nUnola Sute League of Sheet Metal 
Werkcn' Inc. Alliance. March IS. Will F. 
Bbert, 1008 Pblnney are., Alton. lU. 

Blooffilngtoo — Latmdrymen's Association of 1111- 
nola. March 20-21. W. O. King. Blue laland, 


Blooffllngton— State Convention Swedish Repnb- 
llcan I>eague of IIIIdqIs. March S. A. P. 
Bloomqolst, 904 W. Groro at. 
Chicago — International Clrcnlatlon Managers' 
Jaae — b 1*11. Jaa. B. Taylor. 
~ - ~afid% Mich. 

, Aaaactatlon and 

Hraonal Saddlciy Mtka.* Aaaodatien. Jnne 
20-22. Henrr Othmer. lOS LaSalle at. 
OUeago— NaUonal Aaaoclatkm of Ciotbleia. 
Jnne B. CorwlDC, 13 Aator Place, New 

York City. 

Chicago— Chicago Kennel Clnb. March 37-29. 

Geo. D. Kenyon, 7108 Emerald are. 
Chicago — IlUnola Gaa Amaoclatloa. Mardi Ig- 

16. C. B. Strobo. Blgln, lU. 
Ohioaza — lUtoola RetaU Hardware Aaan. fVb. 

2S-Marrb 4. 1911. Leon D. NMi. Elgin lU. 
Chicago— The Railway Appliances Aaaoclatioo. 

March 20-25. John N. Bernolda. SOS Dear- 

bura at. 

CUcagv— ladnatrlal Workers of the 

iTviBeeBt St. JbkB, 518-56 5tk 

Chicago — -Aoeileaa Br. Bag. * M. W. Aaai 

datlon. March 21-38.. B. H. rritcfe. 00 
Vonmdnocfc Blk. 

Chicago — minols State Bottteta* PreL Aaaa. 
March 21. D. Bneslng, Bock Island. tU. 

Chicago — MaUonml -Aaaoclatlon of Piano Deal- 
era of -America. Jane — , 1911. C. B. Pat- 
nam. 120 Boylalon at., Boaton. Maaa. 

Chicago — American Aasociation Phraleo-McdlCBl 
Physicians A Snrgeons. May M-IS. 1. C 
McCandleaa. 8536 Ingleslde aa*b 

<3ilcaga — Royal I>eagae, -Aaril U. IBMu tl- 

per. leqi — ■ - - 


tlon. Map n-M. A." O. 
Igan are. 

Chicago— Air Brake Asaoclation. May 23-26. 

r. M. Nellla, 53 State at.. Beaton. Masa. 
DaaTllle — United Commercial Trarelers of -\msr- 

lei. May lg-20. W. J. Hacker. 606 Wayne 


Dccatat — Improred Order of Red Men of nil 

sc. -liriaiB, m. 
JOUet— Sons of Teteraaa U. S. A. 

Wm. O. Dostiii. Owigfet. lU. 
UtAScld— Neotral Protacthc iMgaa. Agril — t 

1911. J. B. Palaley. aecy. 
MetropoUs — Egyptian Hnatlera. Jnne — , 1811. 

Willie B. Ward. secy. 
Peoria — Illinois Sute Undertakers' .As.'mclatloo. 
Jons — , 1911. B. M. Klrkpatrlck, Elmwood. 


Peoria— DUnola Ice Dealers' Assn. March — . 

leil. I. S. Calleoder. prea.. Gsleaharg. IIL 
Peorim— Grand Council Boyal Arcanum of mi- 

aaia. AprU 19. John Kllcr. Grand Seer.. 

TS M aa wis at. Odcafe. m. 

tt. X P. V. WatlB. Baeatar. vL 
BeAfted— sute BelaD Inrden* tanclalliia 
Mar 9-11. Geo. Sme. MSI Ml ■ lie at. CU- 

easo. lU. 

Bock laland — ^nilnol!. Pliannaeeatleal Aaaocla- 
tlon. Jnne 6-8- F. B. Day. 86 E. 12tb at. 

IpilngfleU— minoIs BUlposters' Assoeiatioo. Mar 
16. Jos. Lemming, 909 Bector BIdg., Chicago, 

SprinEfleld- Western Drawing and Manaal Traln- 
Inc Apxoclatlnn. May — . 1011. Mlaa Ltlllan 
CaBtvan. prealdent, care Cnlrerslty of Oil- 
cagn. rhiragn. 111. 

4prlng0eld— nilnola Stale Edeetlc Medical Bo- 

MBgMd-IWBiir%«r AamriSttai aC IMtar 

Mar •- 

M. T. Plnnaa.'; 


Branarnic — Indiana Retail Jeweleni' Aaaoclatlon. 
May 2-3. J. A. Oswald. Crawrordsvllle. Ind. 

Indlanapolla — Brotherhood of Intemrbaa Train- 
men. May 9. P. N. Gear. 613 Coyahoga 
BIdg.. Clereland. O. 

Indlanapolia— Indiana lea Dealera' Aaaodatloa. 
AbOoC Vek. as. W. ■. SIddona. Marlon, tod. 

Indtanapalla— iBdhraa State Dental Aaaoclatlon. 
May lS-18. Or. Otto M. Klag. BnnttngtoB. 
I nd. _ _ ■ ^ . 

""datlafc War IMSL 'lSa^&%ti.''MnSi 


Indlanapolla — Rebeluh Assembly. May 15-16. 

Ma K VanDnrln. 21.14 Bmsdway. 
Shelhrrille — Indiana Moslc Teachers' Assocls- 

Uon. Jnne 27-40. James Bergen. AIS S. lOtb 

St.. Lafayette. Ind. 
6*nth Bead— iBdlana Aaanrlatinn Master Bakers. 

Paatmaatmi. Prakaailr hi 

E Bhideter, P. O. Box 5. Indlanspolta. Ind. 

Oedar Rapids — Iowa Sonday-acbnol Asaodalloo. 
Jane S-R. Frank F. Fitch. 004 Obs. BIdg.. 
iVs Moines, la. 
Cedar Baplda— Grand Lodge Iowa A. P. & A. M.. 
_Jaae^1o-tS. Newlaa B. Parrta. Sear. 

" -Iowa State BataB MerStaata' As- 

Ita B. 




Mar :2-M. 


_ ttoa— Dobnqae 
about Jnne 1. C. L 
Dnbaqne, ta. 
rv« Volnes — I>es MoIn<>s Thresher Onh. 

14-18. W. L. TrtieW<v>d. Ranely Fldg. 
Dea Moines — IV» Moines Antomoblle Dealers' 

Assorlstlnn. Msrch 6-11. 
Dohnqoe — Woorlme^ of the World. March 15- 
16. A. A. risrk. clerk. 526 K. WalBBt at.. 
Dea. Moines, la. 
Dnhanue — National Aawiclalloa af Letter Chr- 

rlerm. May — , 1911. . 
*» iwaiaa T aw a . lad. Telenhon* Aoaa 
Wonft «. 3, Thin. 1UM-2M Oaa 
*««• BMb.. Oaa Maiaea. la. 
Muscatine — Dept. M Um a. A. B.. arahatOy 
Iirae 6-& Geo. A. XnrssaB. Stale Ilaaae. Dea 
Moines, la, 

Ottnmwa— Iowa State Aasnelmllaa X, A. S. T... 

May — . mil. Jas. A. Coalaaa, lOIS Blrerslde 

aae., Rloox City, la. 
Slonx City — Iowa PhotoCTspher^ 

May 2-S. P. A. Free. Darennort. le' 
Waterloo — An.-I*n» Ordfr Unlls^' Wd 

May 9. a T. 


Belolt — I'roleataot Episcopal Church. C. of Se- 
nna. May — , lull. Ber. L. B. Bcoaoo, 
Ellsworth, Kan. 

Emporia — Grand Uommandery Kalgbta Templan 
of Xansss, May u lU- Thoa. J. tndataaa. 
Grand Becordcr. Topeka, Kaaei_ 

HortoQ — Knlghis of Culumbus, J. 
Sweeney. Lawrence, Hans. 

Indepeadesee — Kmasma SUta F t ga ra Uaa af w*- 
men'a CInba. AptU — , 1911. Mra, Oeo. 
W. Ktadilek. car. aacr.. «» Vttlk aat,. 
Lea* ■" — — 


Kanaaa City — Kansas Christian Badearor Union. 
June 20-22. Clara L. CooTerse, Ottswa, Kan, 

Parsons — Grand Lodge Degree of Honor A. O. 
U. W. May — , toil. Mrs. Georgia Notee- 
tine. HIswatba. Kan. 

Seneca — Federation of Catholic Societies of Kan- 
aaa. May — , 1911. Anlbony Kuhn, Haya, 

Topeka — Kanaaa Funeral Directors' Aaaoclatlon. 

Jnoe — . lull. L. M. Penwell, sacy. 
TVqieka— Kanaaa Phannaeentlcal Aaaoclatlon. 

Mar 23-2S. Bobert Lowman, Plltabarg, Kaaa. 
Wichita— Grand Chapter Order Baatera Star. 

May 9-11. Mra. DdIa Bcnaett. HatrMaaw. 


Wichita— Kaaaaa Maater PlaaAetB' AaaodaHaa. 

It-14. B. D. Draper, 644 SUte aee,. 
City, Mo. 

. ^ ^ MMaoNtl TaUiT. 

I a»de^e( 
Ckaa. Wood 

LoniaeUle— NatlaaaI_Belectle_ 
tiaa. Jane 
B. 19th at.. 

Alexandria— Grand Lodge, Knlghta of Prthlaa 

Of LoiUslana. JorlsdleUon of N. * 8. A., 

E.. A. A A. April 17-19. Jehn D. Brown. 

Box 16, Gray, La. 
Baton RoQge — Annaal State Meeting of the K. 

of r. May 15. L. J. Blcaud, secy. 
Baton Roaxe — Annual State Mectlns of tbe T. 

P. A. Daring Brmt week in May, 1911. B. B. 

DoBBliig. aecj, 
Crowley— Grand Lodge La. L O. O. F. 

14. X. M. OiddBsea. 6S2 Camp at.. 2(«t Oc^ 

UnOaris— W. a W. XaHfe — k WO. 9. 

R. BeaMMcr. desk. Paje et. 
Lake Charles — LonlsUna State Teachaca* Aaae> 

ctatloo. AprU — , 1911, Kleb^ Baaan 

342S Canal et.. New Orleans, La. 
Lake Charles — Trfaitalana Preaa AaaodaUoe. Apr. 

or May. 1911. L. E. BenUey, P. O. Box 

152, New Orleana, La. 
Hooroe— Lonlslana Bonday-School Aaaodatlan 

Msrch lB-17. Thoa. V. Bllaay. 916 Malaaa 

Blanche BIdg., New Orleana. La. 
Morgan City — Louisiana State Cooncll. C. K. of 

A. May 16. Tbomaa -A. Bedeanz. Tbibedaaz. 


New Orleans— United 
La. aadauaa. May — v 


Keith, 400 CaaaL 
New urietna— LoaWBM - 1 
-Asaodaiioo. May Ml. 
2060 UagaxiBe at. 
Haw Orleaaa— Aanleaa 
AccoanH^^Mtetta. April 

-«. aC'Mkf.aaaa.* 

Augusta— MslQe Medlril Association. Jnse 28- 

39. W. Bean Moalton. M. D., 622 Cooncaa 

at., Portland. Jie. 
4agtMU — 3falne Weekly Kewa pap ar PabUahaa^ 

Aaaodatlon. Aprtl 10. L. O. Baakaa; IT 

Patk at., PittaSald. Ma. 
■Iswcrth— Metcbeata* Food Fair, rah, 
Bonlteo— state Csaao M. W. eT A. 

Prank A. W«Mb IrtHlll^ Ha. 
Lewlston— I. O. C -lL-BHBi 

April 12. a ~ - 

Isod. Me. 

Perriand— PyUlaa SlateiB. May 17. NeDle C. 

Tt^per. Roothbar Harbor, Me. 
Portland— Derree of Hooor. A. O. V. W. May 

24. Mrs. Carrie 1. Mann, les Exctaanxe at.. 

New Baren, Conn. 
Partlaad— Degree of Pecahoataa Great OaaarO 

aC^Madia^ April 19. Oom H. naMad. 'U 

KABTlABn. : ' 

Bal-tlmore — Daughters of 

— . 1911. Mra. Herbert 1 

at, Brooklyn, N. T. 
Baltimore — Train DIapaleL. 

America. June 20. J, p*.. 

art are., Chlcagai. 111. 
Baltimore — Ordcg aC 

lea. June 18, ' Chai 

lln at. 

BaltlaMcr— I. O. O. F. Orsad Ladre. April 

1T.W. Wm. A. Inaea. I. o. O. P. Taapl*. 
DalUaHMa "rand Counrll Boral Areaaoa. Apr. 

— .I»11. WUhar P. Smith. 1R W. Ssratoca at. 
Bine MonntalB— Maryland Pharmaceutical Asso- 

Ciatlaa. Jaae 2T-30. E. p. Kelly. 803 W. 

PMt Beltlnore. Md. 
BraddaeB Beighta— Maryland Teachers' Assocla- 

tiaa. Jane 2T-.10. Bngh W. Caldwell. Cheaa- 

peake City, Md. 
Cumberland— Ledac KaiahU of PytMeai 

April 11. — — - 

Cary * 

Loaaronlng^ _ 

elatloB. Jnne f-*. g aa ipb B. WaHer." 

Point, Md. 


Atlleboro — A. A I. O. Knlghta of Malta of Mass.. 
June 13. Ftcderic 11. Wilson. 913 Colonial 
BIdg., Boaton. Mass. 
Boaton — Rebekah Aaacmbly of Mass. May .1. 

A. Barry, 47 Monument 8q., Charles- 

Oaalaa— Aawriran Aaaoelattoa of Maacnia Oi. 

«l<it». June B. Paal M. Mea. ~ " ~ 

Boston- Nurses Aaaorlated 

May — , 1911, Agaea «. 

culosis noapiui, Detroit. _ 
Boslon— Knlghta and Ladla ag 

10. Sam Hathaway, aaty. 
Boston — Natioaal OMrikaaaaa af 

Corrections. Jeer 244. 

Ft. Wayer. lad. 

Vbbruarv k mi. 

T li e D i l i b o a r 41 

Bo-ion— n»a«bf«tm of Ubcrtr- M«jr «». 

A. IXtH. No. 1 D«Tl« «.. aUHbM 
Bcton-Order of the Eiitcra Star. Mv H. 

llr>. C»rrl» A. Coibloc, 8o—I T«>. 
BMtoD— AiB«rle»» Tboiopootla jtaOMS. 
- N. P. BaniM, Waablagtaa, D. O. 

i: 13 

_„j »ts. p. w..iN«v. as 

c««o. in. _ 

Bootos— Boatna lata Skow. Mank 4-11. Chaatat 

L Oaaipbalt. 5 Park Sqaara. Baati*. Mm*. 
Bostao — NatSoaal Plowrr Sbnw. Man« IT-Apitl 

1. Mil. Okaatar L CampbalL 5 Park Iqun, 

Boitao. Him. 
Bostoo — Bajml AreuDm Grud OonJi*!! Uaaaa. 

ctlOKfta. April ZT-3S. Wa*. U Kdk. 101 

Treaiaat at. 

BoatoB — Naw latlaad Hardwara AiaadatlaB. 

Marcli — . 1911. Cbta. U UadarhlU, Saaac- 

Till*, MlM. 

BMtoB— Grand Lodfa of Ifaaaaekuaatta. N. ■. 
O. P.. March 8. B. Hlaeklar, graad aaa- 
r>Ur7, 101 Tiamoat at. 
BootoB— Oraad Utift A. O. U. W. of Maaaa- 
ckaaetti. April 2S-36. Chaa. 0. Ptattac, 
12 Wilont at. 
Boaloo— Ualiad Order of PUcfia raOtM. Apr. 
S, NatkM Ckuy, SM Bmh at.. lawraaea. 

Aiam 1*. Mil. 

tUM. M ~ 
Bolrokr— Fe 
W. H. StaSM. 
an. Man. 

SortbOrM — NarthSrld Cnnfnvaeas' 4k 

Scboola. June 10 to abont Stpt^ ML A. O. 

MoodT. Eaat NortbHrld, Maaa. 
SprlarSfM — ABooal OottT. Dtoma Wcatam 

Mm. (Episcopal). MaT 10-11. Ber. M«r- 

•bill E. Mott, North Adima, Maaa. 
8prlD(tl«M— Woman'a Forelfn Mlsaion Jabtlee. 

Mirrh 6-7. Mrs. C. H. Bambsm. pr«s. 
SprlDirfleld — GfrmsD'Amrrlcsii Alliance. May — . 


9prlDi:tleIf1 — Aooasl Coaf«rpnf*r Bor^sD of So* 

rlil Brwsrrh of R. I. Mar — . I9I1. Prof. 

Ctrl AroaoTlcI. cbalnnan. Bromi nnlT«ralt7. 

Pro»ld*DC», B. I. 
TasDtoD — ScTenth Mass. Vet, Vol. Assoclalloa. 

Jaac IS, Wto. R. Wsde, 1CS4 N. Main at.. 

Ikn BiTcr, Uaaa. 
W««t«lar — Masaaebnsatta Cathollf Older of 

nan t i i a . MaT 2«- Dsnlal H. It^ftn, 17 

VkBMklW at.. Boston, MaaaL . ' . 


Ottroit— r, O. v. A. CoDTCBtlon, Jnsa S-10. O. 

M. Mend, Pm. 
Dttnit— .NatloDal Oai * Oaaollne EBfloe TTadca 

Ajsoclatlcin, Jon* — . 1811. A. Strttmattcr, 
234 E. Ttb St.. CfaaclniiBti. O. 
Drtrolt— MIrhlgan Clirlstlan EnilrSTor Cnloo. 
Jutw 2;:». Harold D. Splcer. Paw Paw, 

Detroit — American Sarclcal Trade Asaoclatloo. 

Joac S-IO. 1. N. HettlBKer, rare Hettlocrr 

Bros.' Mfc Co.. Kaniaa Citr. Mo. 
Detroit — Pratemltr of Oparstln Millers of 

America. Jone 5-10. Joa. P. Mueller. K. 90. 

:40 LaSalle at., Cblcafo, tlL 
Delrolt— Ordw of tba Star of Bethlehem. June 

ST. Tbos. J. Crowe, secy. 
■ Delrolt— Wralem Oolf Aaaoclatloo. Jolj- 25- 

S. Oiaa. B. WQlard. Soatli Shore, Chicago. 

Detroit— MIchlcsB Sons of St. Oeorsc Jaly' »V 
_2Z< Slcpban TteHU, labpaoiIaB. Kick. 
Drtnit— MtehliEBD Retail Jiwelcn* Aaaoetatlon. 

Jdj 18-21. J. Darenport. Battle Clark. Mich. 
Datrdt— Mtcblcan Fanrral DItacaaaar AsaocU 

Uao. Jair 18-10. J. B. Wwatn, OnM Kap- 

Ida, Mick. 
Oatrett— MIehlna Stat* 

April — . 1911. a agmma, mv» 

Dalrott— MIchlsaa ■Mir^^aK < 
nippers' Aaaa. MMh^Ml fb 
Bowan. Mich. 
Detroit— MIrblcu Wool I>eaIaiV Assn. Warek 
^M. J. A. Joaamao. Oxford, Mick, 
Drtrolt-Soclety of Coloalal Wara. May — . 
_1911. B. w. PeDdlrtoQ. secy. 
Detroit— MIchlKSD Dlocesc of the Episcopal 

Church. May — . Mu. Bcr^ 8. W. Friable, 

Laaalac— State Eclectic Medical * Snsical S»- 
aiety of Iflekltaa. Jm T.S. MaTs. O. 
W«ddlltt«^. D.. L. L. BL. INMr. Wu- 
raa ata.. Satroit. Mick. 

Part Bi 

BMlMW-MfeMgaa StalinMMM liMdattaa. 

May — , ISll. Jefferaoa Bntlar. aaer.. 121 

W. Pbllsdelphia are.. Detroit. Mich. 
Batlnaw— Mlehl(in Aodobon Society, May — , 

ISll. Jefferaoa Bntlcr, secy., 121 W. Pblla- 

delpUs STC.. Detroit, MIcb. 
Baclnaw — Grand Oommaodery K. T. June 13. 

H. L. Anthony, Stnrglt, Mich, 
Saclnaw— MIebliaa Moslc Teachera' Aaaoela- 

tloa. Jane 27-2S. Jaa. R. Bell. S30 Wood 

ward aee., Detroit, Mich. 


Dolntb — Modern Samaritan Connell. June «. 

W. A. Hlrken, aecy. 
Mankato— MlDD. State FVderatlon of Labor. Jane 

18 21. W. E. McBaraB. Onlath. Mloa. 
Mankato — NortbwestetB Itnr I«kal Paafaissil 

Jnne 18. E. o. BaB. fS* M mn^ 3L. MIm- 

neapolli. MIod. 
Minneapolis— .NitloDsl Assn. of Credit Men of 

the V. a. Jnne I4-1T. 
St. Paol— Crand Lodge I. O. O. P. of Minn. 

Jane 14-19. A. L. Bottoa. Odd I>llowa* Block. 
St. PanI— Dept. Mlnaeoota O. A. R. Jnne 15- 

IIL^ O. S. Clark, aaat. adj. sen., Xtw Cap- 

St^ ra al W Mgi ^ Oilm^^UiiaaMat, laae 21. 

Blloxl — Sapreaae-Daa lafcatiiJiBt Order oC 
Bearera. May — . IPII. A. R. Parker. So- 
preoic- aecy.. P. O. Box 7r>7. New Orleans, La. 

Blioxt — Read Camp (Ml Woodmen of ibe World. 
Marek 7-8. J. W. Manldln. Water Valley, 

BrookhaTeo— MlaalaalppI Presa Aasoclatloa. May 
9. J. O. McGalra. Taaoe atf, Mtaa. 

Brookhs I a Biiitak imtmMr. U a. O. r. 
May 14.. Xn. MBa BiMk Kaoa^ HarMlsn 


Brookharw-^naa late L a «. r. at Wa- 
a^^stppL liar Sl *. P Baty. O wa a i a . 

Golfport- Mlmlaslppl Electric Asaoclatton. Jonr 
21-22. A. H. Jonea. McComb City. Mlaa. 

Onlfport — State Hardware Dealers* Convention. 
May — , I8I1. J. E. Sommeta, Clarkadalr. 

Jackasa — RatOta of 
May 9-11. B. M- 
Hertdlaa — " " ~ 

Baptist . __ 

Boyd. 8S3 Sad aaau. 3L, 
Katebca— MlaalaalppI 

Lincoln — Nebraska DlTlalon, TraTalars* Protae- 

tlTs Aaaoclatloo. April 21-22. Cbas. Hopper. 

U3 Brawn Blk.. Omtha. Neb. 
Oauha— State Aaaoclatlon Y. M. C. A. March 

S-S. t. r. BaUiT, aacy. 

■aka MlaiiiH Valley Madlcal SocMr. March 

— . mi. J. Wood haaett. St. Joe. Uo. 
O m sha Otand Commsndery. Knights Templar 

or Nab. April — , 1911. Prmncia White, Ur. 


Omaha— Ladlea of the Macabeea of the World. 
April — . 1011. Mrs. Anna DeMars, Gr. 
Regent. 1712 Darenport at. 

Omaha— internatluual Maater Bollermakera' Aa- 
aoclatloo. Jnne — , 1811. Harry D. Vooght. 
M Liberty at.. New York City. 

Omaha — Nabraaka Oraad Lodge A. F. * A. M. 


1911. a C. Jakw. Oraad Uaad. Mab. 
Omaha — UioahB AatoaobUe Aaaadatloa Show. 

reb. 20-28. Clarke Powell, aacy. 
Omaha — Grand Coancll Koyal Areaaam. April 

2S. Geo. 3. Powell. «M Paztoa Blk. 
Omaha — Nebraska State Medical Aaaoclatlon. 

May 23-24. A. D. Wllklnaoo. Uocoln. Neb. 
Osaka— Fadaratlan Nabraaka lataUaia. Maick 
W. a. Ann. TUdaa. Mkb 

■ II Baaal Clulir a U. M. U 

ts-tt. Mb ~ " 


.Haremtmt — Grand Commandery KnIghU of Mal- 
ta, Maine and New Hampahlre. Jane 14- 
15. nomas D. Sale. 43 Exchange at.. Port- 
laad. Me. 

Jeacnrd — Sons of Veterans. April — , 1911. A. 

W. EUlott. aecj. „ . .. 

Oaocord — Department of N. H., G. A. B. April 

—V lait. ntaak Battlaa, State 

Prthlaa Oraad Lodge. 
QMaa. PytMaa Castle. 
Ml C M Ifi ii. Kattaaal 
3m» T-n: BauT a. 


D. SkwMw."B0K B93. 

aaa RaUwBy ladMtrial __ 

May — . Mil. Oay U Stewart. 

loBla, Mo. 

^Jtait — MIcblcan Wholesale Grocers' A»aocla- 
_ »lay — . 1911. n. V. Taylor, prea. 

■aOalt— Grand Lodge, Degree of Honor. May 

1911. Mary M. Baxter. Grand Chief. 
Detroit— Ulcblaan tlomeapatbic Society. May 
_— . 1911. nr. P. E. TbompsoB. aeey. 
Detroit— American Iron, Steel aad WttVtW Ilart- 

ware Amaclalion. May — ^ Mtl. .A. P. 
^PlBmb. New Vork. N. \'. 
Dciralt— NaTal and MUlan Oalar 

* yi l «aa War Teteraaa; • Mhy ^ 
^Igaa Oaamaadanr. 
Drtmlt— lateraalloaal Bliiiiljaaia * Bleatra- 

typeiB' OaloB. Jaa* n-m-HMa. WOltana. 

Bostoo. Maaa. 
Detroit— Am. Ry. Indnatrlal AiaoelatloB, May 
Got L. Stewart, 1.12S Pierce BMg., St. 

I.otilB. Mo. t 
I><-troll— noyil Neighbor* of America. March 

— . inn. Mr*. Sophie B. Wood. Grand Ma- 
rat., Mich. 

nrlrnii— AfflllBllcn Adrertlslng Association, Jane 


netroll- Michigan Bankers' Aaaorlatlaa. Jnaa 

Mil. Bal R. Saaik. aacy. 
''■IgM Patlwiiteia' tetoiMltaMd IMaik 
Jaaa. mi. - - - - 

■'ijaaM— Ai _ 

W. $. amaA. accgr. 

Italmit— Pnlemlty of Operative _ 

^•9. J. r. Mueller. Chicago. IIL 

®- ABBlraiaaiy 
AarU M. ADWH Jaaalaga. 
''"adBaplda AaaaMala* At» ^ 

„w«iikee. Wli. 

Grand Ra| 

Jnne — , 


■ Mil- 

atfcn. May S. 
MactdUa. Mlaa. 

Cape Olrardean — Mlsroarl Pharmaceatlcal Trar- 
elers' Aaaoclatlon. Joik 13-16. Wm. F. 
Kahre. St. Loals. Mo. 

Cape Olrardean — Missouri Phanuacentlcal Asso- 
ciation. Jnne I3-IS. 

Dexter— Sontbeast Mlaaonrl Dmmmers' Aaaoeta- 
tloD. May 2S-S7. Bd. P. Iretag. Poplar Blair. 


Jeireraoa aty— Mtkak Aia aiklt aC HBl. I. 0. 

«. F. May Ml lira. AtBaB. FMadstone. 

ante Bird aC. Mplla. Me. 
Jelfetaaa City— Oraad Ledge I. O. O. F. May 

18-tll. 1. W. Wllkerana. St. Loots. Me. 
Joplla — MIssootI State Dental Assodatloo. May 

— , 1911. 8. C. .\. Roby. CTInton. Mo. 
Kansas City — Grand Charter Royal Arch Ma 

sons. April 2S. Robert P. Sterensoo. XIO 

Pine St.. St. Loolt, Mo 
Kaasaa City— Orand Coancll RotsI & Select 

Masters. .<prll 2,1. Robert F. StereBSon. 510 

Pine St.. St. Loula .Mo. 
Ksiuiat CItT — Mlfl)v>ur] Bnnkerv* AseoclatlOD 

May 34-25. W. F. Kryaer. Sedalla. Mo. 
Kan<as CWi Mlaaiil Paaeral BtoactanP ^aa 

riatloii. Mar B-t*. C. A.' SCkaaaab maa 


Kansaii City— ABiiliii AaaacUtiaa af IMikt 
Agents. Joaa IMiL B.' O. WWIi; .Atcat 

III. Cent. Ry«, Beat St. Laala.Jll. 
St. I4>als — Oreeters of .\merlea , 
Week «f JBoe a. Roland O. 
Nicholas Hotel. Sprlngfleld. 111. 
St. rxmls — iBdepesdont Petmlenm Msrketers' 
AasocUtlOB of the U. S. Ma.T O-li. W. C. 
IMatf. Rose BMg.. CTerelaDd. 0. 
St. U>nt< — Mlstwnrl Socletr of Retsll Jeweleia. 

Jonc M-2T. n. r.. RalnCHi. Msryrllle, Mo. 
St. r,onl»— Natkina. Coopers' .\Mnclatloa. March 
7-n. Fred J. Rrnaer._4ia0 S. W at. 

St. r.oiilp — Nstlonal , _ . 

Aasorlallnn. May W-tS. J. ■> 
evalna. MIrb. 
at. Lnnls — International Rxposltfon of li 
tiAia. April Wm. Kesne SmaH. 

manager, nil New Baak of O awai ne a BMa. 
*t. Lnala— Oraad later-FWItially. C«wr« at 
SehMrt Frateniltlfa. Map — k Mil. P- 
Tatea. Sebenectady. X. T. 


Httes ClIT— Montana Stock Grocers' Asaocis 
tloe. April 18. J. B. Collins, secy. 


Fremont— East Central Nebraska Teachers' As- 
sneisilnn. March 30-Aprll 1. Mary trick- 
lrtn*l. secy. 

Falrbiiry— Neb. State Pharmaceatlcal Aasnda 
tloo. Jnne 13-13. J. O. McBrtdfe. Stella. 

Kearney— State Camp R. N. at A. Stoieh 
1911. Mr«. natllc Paraoa. ll a e a > (B r . Lin 
coin. Neb. . . ■. , . 

Lincoln— Nebraska State FMMwal ntwilaaa' Aj- 
sociBiloB. luae IS-IX, B. «. Sklaaer, Kd 
Igh. Neb. . 

Lincoln- Nehrsska Mate I»e*»I«pmeirt aad Ooo 
aemtlna Congtwis, Ffhrwiry 23-S4. 

Uaeela— Nebraska Thteahemien'a Assoclattoa 

Lincoln— rCchras'ka lttat<> Fataltnra Dealcta* Aa- 

sorlatlon. Jnne 
Lincoln— Nebraska 

tlon. M«y 22-25. _ „ . 

IJnroln — Nebraska State Rennlon of tTnlted 

Spanlnh War Vetcmna. April 26-27. 
Lincoln— Xebr«»ka Cleanera A Dyera' AsaocU' 

tlon. M»,T 10. 
Uocoln — Nebraska Indei 

elation. March 7-S. _ . 

Uacola— Nebraska Stale Dental a<»i**T. May 
W-lS. Dr. J. II. Wallace. 212 Brown Blk. 
tteinlie. Neb. 

■ ' - 1 Chanter Onler of the Rastern 
. II. Mra. Anna C, Slmpaoa. 823 
gt.. Oaaaka. Wafc, 


iaboiy Park — American National AaaoeUtloa 

Hutera of Daoelng. Jane 12-18. F. W. SaU, 

Hadlaoa. Wla. 
Uboiy Park— General Synod at tke B^aned 

Ckncb la ABMrlea. Joaa t. Bar. Wia. B. 

OOart. a a. Batlli^._a. X. 

1»42. Walter J. 

laatlc City. N. J. . . 

itlantlc City— .New Jeiaey B. P. k Dtst. Asao- 
datlon. May or Jnne. 1911. Chaa. Roaen- 
crana. P. O. Box 235, Lonr Branch. N. J. 
itlantlc City — Shield of Honor. Jons S. W. 

T. Hcary, 400 Cathedral at.. Baltimore. Md. 
Atlantic City — Naw Jeracy Bankers' Assocla- 
ttoa. April or May. 1911. W. J. Field. 15 
Kzchange Place, Jersey City, N. J. 
Atlantic City— General Aasembb of ibe Prcnhr- 
terlan Church In the U. & A . _.M ay M. 
Ber. Wm. H. Boberta. 
BUS: FkUadclphla. Fa. . _ 
Atlaatle Clti^-auia ONad|_tC_>^ 
tare eC Ubm 
Haywatd, SW 

Atlaat<e City— Satlooal 

AaaodatlOB. May — . MU. C. 
Worcester, Maaa. 
Atlantic City— Order of 
1-3. Ralph W. PUIIaf^ 
PbUadelphta. Ps. 
Oarades— urand 
March 11. 
Camden — 1. O. Mechanics 

iTcra, 665 Spruce at. 
Newark— Snpreme Coancll Catholic BeoeTulcat 
Leclon. May ». JOha D. Canall. U90 
Fnlton at.. Braaklyn. J». T. 
faitaifc— Intcraatloaal AaaocUtlea l«r Ike Pre 
Tcatlaa of Saoke. Jaoe 2SW. R- C. Harris, 
city HaU. TOeoBto. Can. 
Newark— New Jeraey State Exempt Plrameo^s 
AsaoetatloB. May 17. B. T. Haopbtey. 281 
Proapect at.. Notley. N. J. . . „ 

Psteirson — Grand Commanckery A. * i.._0- 
Knlghu of Malta. First week In May, 1911. 
Fred S. Bemoo, 15 Hopper at. 
Pbtlllpabarg — Grand Encampmeot of Palrlatcba 
I. S. O. F. of N. J. Msy 2. Frank B. 
~ ~ ~ Scribe. Box 380. Ttetaa. B. 

H. Bu. 

Msrcb 31. Edward 

Hew York — latematloBal Saiwliliw Society. May 

18-20. Maiy D. Beattle. 8« Fifth, ara. 
.4U|aia Falla— New York State Undertaken' 

Aaaoclatlon. Jane 20-22. Geo. L. GlUkaai. IS 

Qiaaowlcb are.. New Tork City. 
.Niagara Falla— Department N. Y,, O. A. B. 

Jgte »-3«. Jobn E. Uaoaom. M Dam BM(.. 

Mla^nNSWh^Natl Aaaeetatlaa arjRta 
Tta Cent Varebaata. Jnae ^ ItU. 

O. Ugbtner, Cincinnati. Okie. 
Olcott — ^Twenty-eighth Regiment M. T. L ▼al> 

nnteera' Association. Msy 22. O. W. 

830 Main at., Boffalo, N. y, 
docaester — German-American Alllaaee of 

State of N. T. Jnne — . 1911. Heaiy 1) 

far, 633 St. Anna are.. New York City. 
Aodbaatec — New York State Aerie, Fraternal 

irrdar of Kaglea. Jnne 18-21. Bmanoel Kot- 

alsskl, aecy. locsl CooTentlon Committee. 17 

Mala bL. Weat. - 
Bocbeatei^American Association of Noraerymen 

Annual CooTeatloo. Jane — . 1811. John Hall. 

804 Oranlta Bids- . . 

BoebaateF— Americaa Water Warka AaaactaltoB. 
Jnae S-lO. J. it. Dlrea. Charleatoo. a. CL 

a — Womaa'a Belief Corpo. Jane 

ilaabetb M. Waterhoose. 4» B. 

at. New York aty. . , „ 
— Bolateln-Ftlealan Aaaoelatloa . of 
Jona 7. Frederick L. Booghtoo. 

», Vt. 

Iitaeaaa— N. T. State BctaU Hardware Aaao- 
eUtloa. Inc. March 7-10. John B. Foley, 
igatertosni — Grand Commandeir. Knighta Ttemp- 
lata. State of New York. Jane 20-21. John 
H. Boanlngton. 27 E. 21at at.. New York 

Watertewa— Assoclstlon of City Cletka of the 
if M. X, July — . 1811. WM. Wag*- 

Aaberme— Grand Lodge Knighte of PythUa. 

Joaa 13. W. T. HoUowell, Ooldaboro. N. C 
pncbam — Daagbtera of Liberty. April 28. W. 

A. Itoglemsn. Box 252. Ssllshnry, N. C. 
.kMaaaoco— North Csrollna Teachein* Assoda- 
Uoo. June 14-19. Prof. J, W. Paraley, Wln- 
stoB-Salem. N. C. 
WUson — Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons. 
May 8-10. Jaa. C. Mooda. WUmlagtoa. N. 

Wilson— Grand Commandery Knighta TampUr. 
May 10-U. Jan. C. Moada. wUailastaa. N. 

N: O. May •■U, 
iffi-^ ffc, M. OL 


fa ra e United Commercial Trarelen. Jm 

10. J. M. Dresser, St. Paol. Minn, 
rargo— North Dakota Medical Aaaoelatloa. 

8-10. H. J. Bo we. Caaselton, N. D. 
Fargo—Grand Commandery Knicbta Ti 

April. 1811, Walter L. Stockwell, ■ 

Jtand Ilnka— Bcbckak Aaaembly. Jnaa A-T.' 

■la B. HUl. 1418 ag are. . .8.. F^;,^ N. D 
fceiid Ibaka ffliaafl ^dja A. F. * A. M. Jl 

F. 0. E. Jnae — . Mil. 
OMMb— United Mine Workua of 

abaca 9. Wm. ApnIscaitI 
Can ton — Interna tloaal 
America. May U. 


■ Pa. 

klbaay — New Teak State Association of the 
Hail Aarj. of ataUoaary Engineers. Jane 
8-10. B. E. Prnyn, 139 First St.. Rochester. 

loSalo^Modem Woodmen of America. Jnne 19- 

24. A. G. Itaeokle. 1006 D. S. Morgaa BIdf . 
4nSala— Ruiralo Kenael Cloh. Marea T-ia Sey- 

meor.P. Wlilte. *1B White Bids. 
Buffalo — Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. April 

17-21. Chss. B. Markhatn. Anchor Line Dock. 
Italrala— National Bowline Association. Pelu 25- 

March 18. John O. Floes, aecy. -mgr., B. B. 

A A. Co., 323 Waahlngton at. 
Aaataoqua — Chautauqua Institution. Jnae 28- 

Aug. 2T. Percy R. Boynton. aecy. 
tlmlim— N. Y. State SnBday-Sehaal Cearaa tl sa 

May Sl-Jaoe S. Alfred Day. aapt. 
Genera— Oanu Slgaw Fratenlty. Jaae •— . 

A. B. CkafCkin. prea., lis B. Caatle 

at.. BnacMiw 3I. T. ^ ^ . _ _ 
Mohoak take— taka SMwak Conference on 

mtematloaal Arbitration. May 24-26. H. C. 

Phillips, secy. „ 

Mew York — International Association M. of D. 

Jone 12-17. P. n. Kelly, 135 Beech at., Ho- 

lyoke. Ms!i*. 
Stw York — Music rublUbers' Association. June 

IS. _WaIMf S. Fl a c ker. 48 Owper Sq a a re- 


New Totk— Am. Elcctrlcbemlcal Society. Early 
la April. 1911. Jos. W. RIctaatda. Lehigh 
Vnlrerslty. South Bethlehem, Pa. 

New York— National Fire ProtacUaa Aaaocla- 
tlon. May 23-33. FrankllB WaatMCtk. ST 
Milk St.. Boston. MsS4. 

New York— Eastern AssoeUtlea Car >ar«ke 
Offlrcra. March 30. F. E. BIgMe. 8. C. S,, 
C. R. R. Co. of N. J., foot Weat SSd at. 

New York— Grand Oaatt at D. 8.. Order of 
the Golden Sceptre. Aflfl B. W. n. HaU, 
333 Kalgbm are., Caarfea. S. J. 

New York City — National Aaaoclatlon of Man- 
nfacturera. May 15-17. Geo. S. Boudtnot. 
30 Church at. . _ 

New York City — Natloiul Association of Em. 
ploying Lltbographera. May — . 1811. P. D. 
Orlatt. 833 Granite Bide. Rochester. N. Y. 

, -Woman's CnlTeranllel 

Baaee. Jnne 21. Mlaa Jenda 
Batlar at., BamUton. O. 
OtaclBsatl— Obto Bardwar* Aaen. Feb. — , 

lail. Frank A. Bom, Manadeld, O. 
Cincinnati— Orand Coancll of Ohio Royal Ar- 
canum. April 18-20. Tboa. Butterwortb. 
grand aecy.. 701 4th National Bank BIdg. 
Otereland- Natloaal AsaocU (Ion of Bids. Owa- 
aia, Jnne 12-19. C. K. Do^. OastM BU» 
Jolumbtu — Funeral Dtreetora A BMallNiirAB. 
BoeUtion of Ohio. Jme T-*. K- 21. Bhb- 
bart. Flndlay, O. , . • 

COIambaa— Order of Halted CoaamcfaM 
aiB of America. Joaa SSl Chaa. a 
«W N. Park at. 
BadlMkelir — - 

B. Oamee. Fart Wtmaa. 

Colnmbna — Hoopopathla 3= — 

Ob to. May b; - Oi 

Waablngton are, 
colnmbna — Ohio State 

soclatlon P. O. ClerkB. 

Oribbin, IbMo. 0. 
Ooliunbas — M. W. of A. May S. 

hicr. Sablna. O. _ 
Daytoo— Bead Camp Jorladlctlon O. ---—-t- 
Monk, oS&im. «?**^ Bwdbeck. 
Oaytea— OUo Stato^SSatlaa. NaMoiuI Aaao- 

cUtloD of Letter Carriers. Jnne 7. Frank J. 

Both. Jr.. Station A.. Cincinnati. Ohio. 
Beat Urerpool — Ohio Rebeksh Assembly. May 
3bs. Emma M. Bell. 383 W. 4tb 

arete Oolambaa. O. 
■aaBlaa— Grand Temple Pythian Slaters or 

Ohio. Jane 13-15. Ella Given. Sidney. O. 
aamntoa — Grand Lodge of Ohio. Knights of 

PytUas. June 13. A. Rothwell. secy. 
Loiala— Sons of Veterans. Jnne — ^ 191 1- 

D. Bamett. Flndlay. O. ^ 
tfarlan — Ohio Association of Cemetery Snpts. * 

OtBclals. Jnne 21. G. .C. Aadeiaoo. aecy.- 

treaa.. Sidney. O. 
aandiiBky — Grand Lodge of Ohto I. O. .g>. F. » 

ftae 80. C. B. Lyman. Graad Secy.. Mater 

-^'^ . o p ^ iy i ca aj jini ^^ jiy 

tea. O. * - ■ 

CUataa— Oraad liadae Knighte of Pythias sf 
Oklahatea. 3Ur **■ n. L. Sanders, imnd 
.hcttat neocda aad 'aeal, Webbers Falla. 

New York City— Stete Grand Lodge. Loyal Or; 
ease laaUtatloa. May' 
Tth At*.. Ttar. M. T, 

3. B. P. Dodds. 213S 

rKinoaia State Plremen'« Answclatlon. 
aane S-S. J. Bart Foster. Chandler. Okla. . 
Jathrle— Oklahoma Sunday-School Association. I 
March 7-0. C. H. Nichols. 1100 E. loih St.. \ 
Oklaboma City. Okla. . ., ' 

Maakogre — Oklaboma State Meillcal Assoclstlon. 

May 8-11. 1911. Clande Tbompaoo. scey- 
'Jklahoma City— Grand Conncll of F'"""" 
OkUhoma. May 2n-iS. Geo. B. 

crand secretary. Atchison. Kan. . . 

Oklaboma CTty-Oreal CraneU aCJUgtMA » 
orawd Order of Bed Man. WaA-M. W> a. 
Bodgena. Potaan. Okla. 

(Cbntlntieil no pace ^S.) 


FEBRUARY 25, 1S11. 

Seen on the Screen 

aail innraderlng hiawcif <a the 

Feb. IT: li-DKth. 900 feet).— A j>iiKir ladlmD 
•torr. wltb twn battle acenes betwaca Blame and 
Havnm. A Sioux Warrior la badly wtnmdad 

and dlacorfml by an Indian maiden, wbo, aa 
was ciiiitnuiiiry aniontr Hie rcMl men. contemplatea 
rudlni; blK life. hraTerj- In the face of 

death winii her admlrniioD. anil sbe bandafcea his 
wcuBila aud helps hlni encnpc. The two fall In 
love, and the »lrl's tribe la Informed by a dlaap- 
■■olDted snttor irhn baa apled apoa them. The 

• fnttea. 


(Drama: release Feb. 
27: lengUi. 1,000 feet). 
— Norman DnDcao, a 
olrll posineer. la ord- 
ered to the Phlllpplnea. 
and after bavlntr taken 
leaTe of bis awertbeart. 
In daparta, AnlTlnc at 
hla IMaltnaUoii be mmu 
falla In lm« with a Fll- 
plao alrl. ivtro. tbe 
Stri'a loTer, becnmra en- 
raired. Later the rlrll 
I'liKhunT Ik Ktrl>-ki*n Mrltb fcTcr and barlns be«>n 
■Irw'rii-<l bj- Ills i-<iMi|innlnnii, 1m rworleil oat of 
iln- Kwamiw li.v tiu- Klllplun irirl.' ami imraMi 
liark fi» Ilff. Ill- iiiiirrifM for mtch It* the 

irlrlV iianii'. iiii.l llv.r- liii|>|>II.r until bin fiinarr 
Kwii-thi-art niiikcs n vlult to the Inland. Sbe 
U ■irrrJoTnl at sw-Inu hlu. not kniiwlne that 
be baa auWrleiL A alrooc iiltuatlon dryelopa 
■■«■ tba aaa la nbllgnl to ilecldi- lictnreen hla 

V'VJS'*"**** 'rtfe. He retnroa 

to hbi wife. 


n.|o«,. Marrb S: leairtb. OOO tntK^^rUl. W- 
l.-««o Ik a riTj ImiMirUnt cdaealbuwl pletnrv. 

ixirirn.vlnK tin- iirlncljml feature of Ibe n-eent 
fi ll- tiny In Ctilui. Til.- pirture Ik Terr loler- 
•■KtlnE fPiini nil •tliirntliHinl ax well ax areolc 

TIIK l>V\.\.\IITKIIIt (C.i ly: ri-li-n«> .Marrh 

2: l-nelb. ."•<«> r>-<-l i.-^onkln.-!. « <-|iil> lunn. 
llaK II buuiiinMirt <.x|nTli-iice that shoiilil Ik- h 
Ti-ry Mlmnjr li'iii|K-raiiii- linlun- In |ianl'iinliii>-. 
He Ik letanilaic fnuu n nlabt of It with eon- 

_J<«blaa kaa takea on • talking Jait anil be 
riaqaent. deanuMlMaa tbe •object. He 
km an aaaieblat fur aa anffltar and aa tbe eiowrt 
•llaimtiea the aaltatnr takna tbe tlp»y 
In ttnr ami anIdiM lilin l.> tbkf n-nlntronK of hlx 
ei^wtilratorK. Tiny dwt'iiil a lllKhl of »lnlr» 
with JenUna blindfoldml. The mi-iiihvrK of the 
aani: npiK'ar niaKki-«I ami Jenkins Ik iK-rKnii(liiI 
ti» liike an oath wlileli blutU blni to tbe toMkK 
Of rliihlInK wntnica. I.ula iirr drawn and Jen- 
Maa lake* uat Ibe fatal black cube and la 
arielra a baaib witb doek-w.rk ntta<-hn»-nt wiib 
twe^^lajanellon iw ilvmiillKli a inanufaetnrloie 

We aee JenkInK IliiaUj' wvmll^t bla war 
■mnewanl. InitKlns tbe Inferaal machine. He 
tbn>wK bIniBeir nil biK bni ami aaraltoaa. tbor- 
<iiiKiiiy Kob.Tiii. «nh till- iii-ittnijvf on bla b 

He hiMrs till- ilekliiir of the maetalaetT 

kiionK ilK- iioiir of 111.- exploalon l» fa»t ap- 
■•r->ii>'liliii.-. ill- ,l:i>li.-» out aiiii en.lenTorK to 
1^- I he iiiiK'liloe. .I.Kl^Inc Into sInreK and Kllnpa. 
ITm' iiiffriml uiai-blne Ih invariably n'tnrned 
IM tbe laeklem asltaltir nn.l In •leKiHTuilnn. bo 
•Inva II la a park wiK-n> It i» nvi-Ti-.i t.. nim 
•grjll latalllBm ilnit. Happy Ihniisht— lie will 
SSCSL - UM ldty af tbe canlia- to eztrlrate 
Watanr .llpM^laa 4lMNnMI. lie imKWM tin- 
t» t^ babltntinn of the 

aad iMtnieta Ibn ilw t» <l>na»<lt tbe 
IH* ''WS' "I** *•«• a« iiml rejulaa Jea- 

Maa aadjMiar.anke a nm ftv It. 


T II K rilOKKA- 
(Comedy: releaae 
Maccb I: lenatb, 
— ). — Pmltpaanr Wll 
klaa la paid a elalt 
hr Era nnmmoml. 
tbe daarbter of an 
old college ebmn. 
Tlie profeftKor fallK 
In love with tbi 
::Irl Inntantly. anil 
pnioeeilK to pny her 
nil KorlK of atten- 
lliins. Tom. Illik 
and Harry, with the 
aH ar tha bomv-keeiH-r. aaally caOTlnre tbe 
, l ia ftiiiit ttal tbe jwnaic tadjr U mnt tor bin. 
A mt-tamm Wter l« bla Mi«| atUM <«■- 

ajt .la a angr.iiht.jMakHy b« torn Ma a bwd a . 
jlf fijjw. ay l^_MMI aalbir aail la IbiwairtiU- 
iMBllinNi at ka*lbB «Mp inriNr ar awh Mlr. 

. A ClllUm PRATER. (Drama: releaaed FMi. 
St: Irartb. ro* feet>.— A atramlluic rompoaer. 
whow lilent la aa ret nareeomlaed. leeelres a 
iiotin- from bla lamlloeil. to tbe elfeet Ibal an- 
lew be ran pay hla rent he will hare to CO. 
With a alab. the rnmpoecr takea op hla lateat 
;aeoie. and. biddlne farewell to bis wife and 
il^ld Koea not. hnplna that at last fortune will 
aaille 'upon He attempts to loterrlew a 
well-known dini-for of ninslr. hot without aue- 
eea*. ami al leii;:lh retnms home. Bopeleasly 
be toaaea l*!a a-orv on the table, ami. rcatlna his 
bMjl OB bH arm. falta aaleep. Hla lltlla alrl 
— . CMijrmr kar UnS. ami fallln* on W 
Majra flnr haln. Tben. eatctatnit op the 
ahe hastens nnt. Enierlna tbe direetor'a 
•. sbe la at flrsi refused admlttanre. hat tbe 
ffeat man himself entera and llslena to ber 
stoiy. Hn toiielled Is he bv ber appeals that he 
Inslrticls 111-, -or. tnrv t.. die tbe little (rlrl a 
fht^'ii no'l »-fs-(»rt iM-r It.uiii-. This Is done, and 
the liillil'*^ i»r;i\iT liir-is ^•irrnn Into Rladnesa. 
M.VTIIIi.\ (lIv.'iRD i|-..iiie.|y: released Feb. 
len-.rtli X".t f..*.n. — .\ part,v of sandwlchmen 
eommenee ilu-lr dallv' ttisk. and wander throoKh 
IhtjOlvpla^laiaillgt tbeir Ixsnls. Soddealr one 
**" ■ * - -- . dlatance 


Madwlebmen. Then commeacea a cbaie, fast 
and fnrlona. Matilda and her "roonc man." 
quite Innocent of their piuaucra. OBjar tbem- 
selvea to tbetr beart'i content, widia tbe (and- 
wicbmea, nearly dropping of tatlgne, follow on 
behind. At lenj^th the leader catches up to 
the couple, and catchlnc Matilda bv the arm. 
pnlla ber around. Tben be collapses, aa he teal- 
liaa tbat It U tbe wrong t^M be baa been cbai- 
Ing. wbUa UatUda aai Imt awilttiaK com- 
menee to "take It oor' e( Um ttn vlo- 

"T«r* U>rama: t«'- 
leaaed FVbruary Ifl: 
lengtb. — ). — Wnsli- 
Ingtoo. ridlii;; townrils 
beadqiiartertt. Is over- 
taken b.v a sii«»wslorni 
and forreil lo KOi»k 
shelter at a wa.vslile 
Inn. Sborll.v b«-forw 
his arrival, a party 
of nrlllah aoldlers bad 
vlalted tlH> tarern and 
■mated a idaeani of- 
ferlnic a- bonntlfid n-wnrti fWr tba caiilaie of 
Wasblnfftnn. dead or nllve. Cpoa bla .eatrance 
be hi revninilza-d and a plot la arranged to a*- 
saasloate hini. It falls to tbe lot of the tavern 
kee|ier to do Ibe ileeil. Ills danjcbter. a loyal 
patriot, overbears their conversation and deter- 
mines lo tave Wasfalnclon. Tliruiish a ruse, sbe 
eaiiaea blm lo cbanire bis room and bersi-ir 
takes possesakin of tbe one be vacntes. Al mid- 
night the plottera urge tbe tavern kevia-r.m 
heglB Ibe loonloroua assault. He enters Ibe 
room neenplnl br bis- danghler. ami after a 
moment ibat la like an etemllr. be Irares tba 
raooi tnaubllim. pealleai aat ataH t*. Iktak. 
faarfol of owaiorlea. Remaeat wiaersr M lags 
at hla heart strings. He sufTera on until weary 
and ezbausteil he falls aalei-p. At daybreak. 
Waablngtno drseemla tbe stairs and arouses the 
aleeper. wIm ImuKlnes Wastilnjrtoii n spirit. 
Washlncton departs and tlie fnverii k<-f|i4T lie 
Kins to lielleve the baplM-nlnps of the were 
bat a welnl dream, but a iclmu'e ;it the knife 
opno tba lloor. cox-eml with IiI.mxI. <-<iiivln(t- him 

of tbe realism of the «-vent- — c<»iivliMM-s hini. 

and arooaes witbin blm a feeling oC hort<>r. At 
tbia la nb l hbi' daogbter. cllagta« In tbe 
baoMfta, atamna daara the alalia. taHeta and 
falls >lrii|C lober faibei'a anw^ A aiaoce nt 
tier iirMaTdbvlaata a rrtl state and be rrallaes 
be liaa ;M«intalrtr kOM Ma ehlM. 


ri.AI{S (I)mma: release 
March )l: leiiKth. tlT-~> feet I. 
—Kins l>bllllp the fair Is 
iiiiieb tiuiHiyiil : be bss re 
ei'lviil a writing from Jae 
i|Ui*s Morlay. Ilninil Master 
of the Order of llie Knight* 
Templars, stnllmr tbat tbe 
Rnim-uie Cmitwll of the 
Teuipliirs has n>Jeele<l Ills 
nHinesI lo III- aduiltteil Into 
Ibe onler. The kliit; com- 
plains to till- Chief Iniiiiisltor that he bus Iiei>D 
Insidtril b.v the «*rder of tbe Templars iiiid also 
In a spirit of revenin*. states that lln* Teiuplars 
have tieen uuilty *if <-rlini>K iitfniiisl (JimI and Ibe 
chnrcli. The mutter n*iii-lies tlie I'ofH'. wbo Is- 
aacs a hill civlne KInu I'bllllp the Fair aulbor- 
Ity to iniubih the Temidnrs. if It Is true that 
they baT«> lMH>n galltx of soeb erimes. Jacqaea 
Morlay. aoenrdlagljr. • la anvsleil. and being 
lorliinil. eonfi-MMa In Crimea be has amer nan- 
rallied. On these- ci*afeM«li»mi. be la eoml.*raiail 
to Ik- bumeil nllvi*. On. the i>vt* of hla d«*atb. 
Jnei|iii-s Morlay Veiuls woni to Ibi- King, saying: 
"King, befon- this year Is ended. «e two shall 

meet In the im-sens.. of <:n<l .\1uiIb1iIv!" Tlil^ 
prophesy Is folnlieil us the King Is klli<->l while 

on a banting irlii. Wlillr In Ibo death agony 
he ami ■ vtohHi of Haitair. 


Tllf: P.VT.\I. CHARM (Urama: loleotad IM. 
10: length. on> feell.— Raid to ho a stroog and 
well acted drama. 

releaaMl PeU IS: Waatb. WW teat).— Xbia aim 
ntau* a BORibar cf upMarlaanr fmar 





Eilrairdiian Fiiiirw Art: 5:^,",SaftSS 

go»«rBeklag. Batatr, Btranith. 8rod for circular 

ULni.MuanmTn.os«i ■.M*>baiai«n..eM>aat 


iwi awm m, suoes. accessobies. 

Chas. NLStebbiitt, 

10M Main •troat. 

l OtTV. IMO. 


Musical Bells 


SSOO-IO V. Olark Strsat.. 

Inventor and Mfr. to 
the profession. Write for 
our orw llloatrated cat- 
alog. New hita. Al- 
ways reliable. 

Watch for otir circular giviiif; HkI of ex" 
chanf;rH now uaing the 


The ileviee that bri; 

for Ibe bimUel 

'ou r old filtna. S«id 



Ralaaaa of Wedn'day, Fob. 22. Itll I Roloaaa of Wotfn'doy, Mar. 1, 1*11 

''lit FtUm's Imr I "Tie Pnhtiii^s Imimb" 

A tmm JtRMMne feature and a deucmuiiv refiiieb MMspy ■ 

DON'T Mil 




»old Only By 

DAVID HORSLEY, 147 Foyrtii Aye.Jif Yort Gitf. I 



Outside Revolving 


Projecting : : 


Equippcil witb thill ^OOfC 
improvoiiwiit : ^t€tm\Tiv\r 


The Oiitxiflr Revolving Shuupr elimliwtm 80% of tlu> "flicker" and ptoducm 
the steady ami t icar pictiin> which ia_uiiivcrMaily soiiclit by exhibitors. 

Edison Mig. Co., 71 Lakeside ave., Orange* N. J. 




FlMKP>lpiMf, FltokarfMs. Fully GuarantMd. 

Amwhine with n PERFECT 
chatotofcmpu No bdtBtoallp 
uimI un wen Miraily tension at 
all times. vital iMirts con" 

Hlnieleil of Ih'sI fanc-hanleiied 
Hl<-el that run Im> |>rociirc<l. 
I'lienrfon-, tlie life of ii "Stand- 
aril" in pnictlcally an long as the 
life of two other niaehiiiPM put 
toKi'thiT. DONT Hpi>ml your 
profit on leiwir pMrtn. Use a, 

WrHa tar CataMflua, Oopt. •, 

101 MBKMAN rrmBT. • NKMr VOIIK. 



Tlie Billboard 




two -thirds on 
electrie bill Mid 
inakw m CUT 
of your eom- 
plete aqulp- 

■II malCM M. P« 



Thafa tb* devlr* tbat mtcs HoTtns Ple- 
torv men iwo-tMrdi on tbeir alwlrle 
ll(ht bllU. «Dd jrt gtrn bcttar Ugbt. 
Did 700 vev our ad Utt we«kT Wvll 

don'i look It up— ]uit writs (or onr 

Booklet 15018 

BtfaitmMt 0, 





m «ak. Awfc, turn voth cmr' 




litin Fictve MieUns. $35 Up. 

Ad M MortKa. nurttUfi 4-*r. I<alto ■•awlaa May 
:<U MW). low |«ICII. .llMd Mr B WP lWM Mi 
aaiMialaic maar bancallM. nAHBACR * CO.. 
aoa Wlbrrt Hlnvt. l-blUtlelttbla. Vm. 


luM money by doing buaineaa with ua 
J. M. EN80R A. CO. 


IIMAahland BIk.. Chlesflo. III. 




Sktaer MicblM. 
. rillf for Hat. A 
inta. OMrgIa 

W« nitkr i»ris fur all nachlara. Writa aad 


•I I Ion. f2.0n»^( 

821. So. MMwauki-r, 'wii 


TBB DEMON (Drama; 
ri-lPRamI Frb. IS; lenftb, 
(100 f»et).— TbiR iH a 
tlraroatlzatlon ot a poem 
by lATmontof, tlie famous 
RohhIbd writer. Tbe Spirit 
lit Kvll, driTen oat of 
IlraTcu. Bin to tbe moon- 
laliia of Caucaau^ aad 
tcnniiim to coaqoar tb« 
aool of Tanara. a'baantl- 
ful pciaeaaa. Hw Damon 
<-auii«a tlu> death of tacr 
lover, and loon boKlna to 
oiert an Irrenlfftlble Influenro od Tamara. wbo 
blil.^* In A convent to VHOape blm. The Demon 
UtKroili lo the DlKbt, and forclax tils way put 
an aocel wbo ac«k* to ttop blm, takes Ta- 
mara. nowrrltaa to rvalat. In bla ana*. Aa ba 
klaacs bar the touch ot lila polaonooa lifw raaa* 
her to fan Ilfelnni, and tbe Demoo la foiled. 


A Pl^\.1S TALE (Drama; rrlrascd Feb. 22: 
leoKlh, OOI) ftet). — A joudk niilslo i-oniponT l» 
having a hard HtrUKRiv. C'Dkiiowii to blm. bis 
wife writea stories wblrb sb«* ofTiTs lo maHN- 
alue aditora. She la foUowpd boiiie hj a wealtlijr 
nlM, Who felsns ajTmpathy aud oRera her money 
(■eeldantillir dropplnic bis cardi. and la ordered 
eat of tbe house by tbe iDillftnMUl womau. Tbe 
offerlnir of tbe mooej was overheard by another 
ocenpant of tlip tenement, and he loae* no time 
In InformlDK the biiohaud. wbo mcaDwbllv baa 
found tlie oanl. Tlie wife H.>]|it a stor.r and plans 
a tnrprlae fur her husband b.v laylnit In a slock 
ot grocerlea and buflnc blm a new otitcouI. This 
makea the husband suspicious, and he stsrts out 
to ODd the man wbo dropped the t*an1 havluK 
serured a icood deserlptlon. lo tbe Tidnltf of 
the addieaa gUen he meela the rafee aad follow* 
him to the pabllahlog oOlee. where ha aeea U* 
wire walllna. and la oeerjored .to hear her Mt- 
terlr and rontrmptiMWaly arralRD the man fur 
tbe trouble he haa eanaed. Ashamed ami re- 
morseful, he hurries home and llnila a ebeck 
awaltlna hltii for an aceeptt-il oiiera. He, In 
turn. pIsnK u snri'rlse for bis wife and prepan'i* 
a rejiasi for two. dons the overcoat wblrb be had 
refus4Hl to wear, and when she enters, he lM*i;s 
her furvlveDese. wbleh she readily irrants. 

sown CuritAnROl'S (llratna; relessetl Feb. 
tO: length, — trvtl. — laaliel flradfonl. an or 
phan. keepa hnnse for her grandfather, her aia- 
ten. Ina and Made, eighteen and tea years- oM. 
rraitNllirelr. aiMl lier hiothrr. Ilarry, ((Hi tfx- 
teen. Harry and ht« granilfather hear the call 
to arma. Ina mi<ets a wihidiIiM vidunteer carrr- 
Ing a message to the .Imerieun seiieral that the 
Rrltlsh are preimrlng to nttaek. 8he nndertake* 
to carry tbe message, ami after a Iryluc expe- 
rience n-aeliea tbe American camp, and the sol- 
diers adeaar<< 'to meet the enemy. In the 
■MPaMlae Ike IMII«b hare atlaekeil the aatli*. 
■Mt. iMl a .aalr af dranhea attMlera eater the 
BradMU eaMa aad attempt to fttrca cansosa 
npoa bawl.' Oapt. Rnrloa. a Brttlah alBeaT. ar- 
rives, aad knrls them aside, Isabel's heart tat- 
ters with emotion a* she thanks the dasUnc of- 
flter. and be In turn Is smitten witb ber cbarma. 
I.ater anotlier <1etnchment of soldiers makes an 
attack and Isab«>l barricades tbe heavy door 
ami flres the grins which her tiny sister loads. 

log Is used ss a battering mm ami the door 
torn down. At that Instant Capl. Itiirton ar- 
rlivs. and, pistol In hand, holds them at hay 
and nidirald* them fnr their attack npoa a wo- 
man, ne AtDerleaa .soMlers eome op ea the 
mn and the Rrltlsh are OefMtMl, Capt. Bar- 
ton's escaite being eat off. he offers hi* sw««l 
to Isalafi In token nt snrrehder. hnt she declines 
It. II.. then asks ber te marry him, tmt she re- 
f ii<M's iM-cnuiie' tie Is lighting against her flag, 
lie will not Inni against his ■■onniry. sn a com- 
promise N ette.-tc.l. b.r which he sgn^es to flght 
neither for nor sf:aliii.t iii.< .\merlcan Hag. and 
kr bleaks bis swnni ncroi-'. hi* knil«, 
iMM'a hand as n rivlllsii. 


(OiMlMMI turn i»» 9.* 
Joe Xortda *• • watatiysl** Thhi iwaweil . 
he the oMtst mclttaK emit «*«r palM off at tbe 

nil - 

lamtlton allowed Xnrton a half a 
mile, ami It was aot satil tbe laat 

the alialrr ranghl anil pssseil Xortwi. 
'i minutes sihl 4T secimils. 

Ilaralllon Is sksllng Klnmp r IhU seas<qt tlMM 
last and be win n<> d'siht r\'i».at his n-nntk. 
able perfiirrosnces of the imst two seasons of 
winning all thi- worlil's cliamnlonKlilps. 

Klarting Keh. 21. Hie manaKemcnt of tbe lllp 
podrome will begin a flTO-nlght endurance eo« 
teal ot halMmnr a kllrilt. mia-faatcst. will. N- 
open to all and a |NM» aC WM.w.lil he olfenNi. 
*pll| ' Ave wsys. 

Joe rviresi. of fleatlle. ebampton of the !>- 
elOe Coaat: rhar1<.s Konw. of thin Pranrlsco. 
Norlhwralern clianiplon: Sllilge Slieman. of 
Kansas City. Koiithwi-steru clianiplon: Jolin 
Itolta, of fhleaico: IlKmtllon. of H^iston. jiml 
fourleen other skalers, Itical and from tbe siir- 
nxindlng towns and cities, will compete. 

RuslnesM Is picking np and large 
•'ipected to attend tlie raws. 


New York, Wb. 90 (Kprehil lo The ItlllboanI). 
— .\ new mllrr skating cbMnplon came to the 
rninl last week at the Melr>HX"ltnn Holler Itlnk. 
witen 0. Uiwney. of Newark, leil home a larcv 
th'ld In the lliriv-uille professional rac»' for tli.> 
Kastern championship, t^iwney Jumpt.d to th>> 
lead at the crack of the pistol, and malntalii>'<l 
Ills adTantage until Ihe end. winning by alsiui 
nrteen yanls In th<> time of B:3T.e-6. ■ ' narrr 

llurke, of BrIdgeiHirt, Mnlshcd aeeand..'.<wltli 
Ji-«se Maaun, <tt N««ntrk,...lblM. Lswaey ba» 
slwwn cooalslent ftiia . Ik' tto^-Mber '•*eal« of 
Ihe scries, and nowHeada with twaire mOnto 

- - — ^ to the 

to tba contest for the M*«B*r.Cii|N;:t* «* 
akkWt aeoring the mo«t namher afpelal 

Urst Bte places to count In the- seetlng. 

Is scMMMld Willi HI piihitH. 


Two REAL Advance Men 

l^o can work as Agent and Managar 
or as First and SecondMan* 

Open fdr HALL SBOW, Gamival or Circus— Ex- 
perienced in all. 

High-class Press A^nts or General Agents. Expert 
Promoters. Top Notch Fixers. Close Contractors. 

Can handle anytbin^ in amiiaement Iine^M>lliiQg 
too big. Can routei book or mldcat. Guaraatoe to 
make good. 


Both all day workexiy not afirdd.of pasta or lone 
drills distributing. 

Can be enitaifed Jointly or separatelye 

If you want m«a who hm brains in their work, and 
who will make vaoaej for ymi, write or wire to 

Ol W. W. HAIOH. 

Noi a Badt Gonvt Street, GlaoiaBail* Ohlo^ 




Ihm't yon be satlafled wItb wkat yon ate now cettlac, bat I 
at no Increase la cwt. Yoa caa itaul this lor acqimlatlnir 

iMm * LA Monm batib * kosos 









And a wtMle lot mtm- la the same dase. Write, wire. 
telrphoae and Megrapb arrangemeDt, and art waltinc M 

lad ant If there Isa'l a bellar 
yoatselt with onr service. Ol 




nmn* ASfun 


' rJll. 

Wa hart a ipeclal all-algkt 
to itctlTa and baodle ysor 

Tad Spatka' V—d«y«ii« G»*cam ^^'^T^BSSfOk 



■BB ■trXTE T, 1140 BBOAOWAT. 

wash: NEW YORK CrTY. 

Oaa. Mgr. CHBIB O. 


Cr Bo. COark Bt.. 

Obloagv, 111. 


Third sad Xadlasa Bta.. 

BMittl*. Wash. 


HIT sad IltS Karfcat Wt 
AmsHoan Tbaatra Bldg.. 

San Fraud SCO, Cal. 
W. P. &E£8£. 


It U a frlfml to tlw paUlr, 
It ailTrrtliH>« your theatre aad Buikes juar I 
It folds autoinatlcallr and caa IM reTofrlBir» 
It Is tbe onlj aaoltarr chair. 
It Iff a rpsce-Bsrt^r, tlfo Ksv^r and nioucy-MafMk 
IK la ahtpped built up n-ady fot um*. 
It Is tbe worM*a greatest tbeativ chair. 
If rou bare not seen our latest auNlelSa InreHtlKsti 
Wrile to-day for Circular C. 


I*rl«*«^ luw quallly blgk. 
Canal Dovar, Ohio, U. S. A* 





Aiv reaping a harreat right ittiw wiling this line. The swellest of iiaiier. and plenty of It. Write 
to>^ay for prl<.>.s aud generitl laformatloo to OBEOON nrPIAK KEDICnTE CO.. I>eak A. OoiTy. fa. 


2-5© W2 M 


The Best Moving Picture Film IVIade. 


SdHS^Campttf^y 147 Faurth Ava,NEWYORKa 



lllboar d 

peBRUAiiY aok nil. 


(CoDtintiad tioiB paa* 8S.) 

Ofelahsna CItr— Otand - Baeampmciit L O. 0. 

W. or OUahoma. AirU 10. H. A. Herwl(, 

Ontbite. OUa. 
OkUbonui CItr— Oklahoma Bctall Jeweler** Aoo- 

daUoo. iUr — > 1911. M. W. J. Holt. 

SM Ualn It., StiUwiter, OUa. 
TdIm — Oklahoma Chtlitlan EndeaTor Union. 

JuM IS-IS. Atkia Bate, SnlO. Ofcla. 

, tw. 


Aahlasd— 30th Annual Eacauipment Dept. ot 
Onfon O. A. B. Jane 27 -JB. C. A. Williams, 
Aaai. Adjt. Uen.; Boom 221, Labbe BIcIk.. 
t^uctlaDd. Ore. 

ttuxu — Uraod Temple ^thlan Slaten of Or- 
■SBO. Jone 20. Mr*. JU17 B. Hocna, Kla. 
a»tt Falls. 

Oocnllla— Onrm State Onuge P. o( H. Uar 
t. • ifn. iiuT 6 " — — 

PMtland— OraiTaol — 
Jma —, Mil. 
Cincinnati. OUl. 

»inmnd— On^A JgiM^ilMBt J.: |i. ft y.^lli; 

nnd Tx>d)if. I. O. O. v. Xr. 

er, wcj., Dallas, Ore. 


MMtr fUla, Pa. 
■ntoi— Qtand Goort or PanaaylTU ' ~ 
«t Aaartea. Mar lIL Bobt. 
(ty Pmudatohla. Pa. 
t K«a— I Glao #iMft I 

A. r. 

017 Bati av*. 

Mllliillllil" Tlllllimliiiiili of Ballioad Trainmen. 

— — " A. a. Klnc. OlaToIand. Ohio. 

S. oC jtoKkwMtwa Baaalon 

■JtiWOrt Pi—. DWlleo ■■■■ ^aC TMacaaa 
U. ■. A. »»• 1»M. W. B. X^Bltr, Boom 
xie. Odd Fellow^ Tim*i^ nffladdfkU. n. 

Pwkaalf — Grand OipHiHNm. A^ . 0. 

Knlsi>t« or Malta, 
man, grind 11 
dtlpbla. Pa. 

ttth ft 

PUIadalpbia— Electrical F.¥MMM«a. Ofc. Jhat 
Bosbnant Azmorr, Vab. XHm, CL-iU 'MBP- 
— VMM OhMMat at. ^ 

SMTtteit' tfratacttot AMOcla- 
la-lT. M5 OUTe 

SMlt. Jane 

, I Order of Staaai Bnct- 

Jiue — , lUl. W. 8. WatiOir, 753 N. 
' W. PhUidolpUa. Pa. 

a — The American Baptist Homo Mla- 
Jona 16. H. C UoRhonse, 2S 

1 at.. New York City. 

Philadelphia — ^Artisans' Order ot Motnal Protee- 
tlon. Slarcb 8. Wm. Patton. 204 Odd r*!- 
lows Tsmple. / 
Phlladclpbla — American Qnlld Aaaoclatlon. April 
— , ISIl. H. T. OdeU. Ids Tremont St., 
Boston, Mass. 
PIttiborc— fliorak LeacM of O. 8. Jolr S. 1*11. 
J^act Ualnteaar. V9 SMm ■mbrBrnMaek, 

Beadlac— roneral Banaat AMaaUtlm. 3mm U. 

0. CidwtUader, 1001 ChaataBt it, PUIadel- 
pbla. Fa. 

■ctaato»— Wcnan'a Ballat Cotpa AnzUlair to 
tta O. A. B. IBDO — , UU. Kb. AkUa 

UwX \m niMill at, PltlttBK Pa> 

Mnta Daatal 

•va.. naJSSSSi, Pa. 

Ictaataa in» t «f Pmm. 0. A. B.. 

WMwt-B M iS t . 0. 0. r; GtiBl Lod» of Pa. 

Xar lO-lS. HaRT R- Dletrlek, M Blrer at. 
Wllkes-Bsrrt — Bebekab Assembly of Pennarl- 

Tula. May 18. Mra. Mary N. Joilya. 

1210 ralrmonot are.. Philadelphia, Pt. 
WPIlsmsport — Grand - CommaDdery Knishts 

Ifemplars of PennsylTanla. May 23-24. Wm. 

W. Allen, rrand recorder, Maionle Temple, 

Pbnadelptala. Pa. 
York — Brotherhood ot America. May 11. H. B. 

Walter. 2208 Frankford ave., Philadelphia. Pa. 
RHODE TgT.aim , 

Pawtnckat — Grand Encampment of Bhode Island, 

1. O. O. F. March I. Wm. B. T. Mosley, 
Orand Scribe. 88 Weybouet. PrOTldence. B. L 

PiOTldenee — Sute Cooncll of B. I. O. d. A. IC. 

April IS. O. C Barrowa. 107 Saczaato_at. 
PiaillMW niiahHre oC Ubarty W 

XVTjtaT&al* B. Utiriiiiw. 

■OnZK eiBdUBA 
OoInmUaF-Vto Slate T^acheta* Aaioetatloa of 

S. 0. MaKb n-SS. W. H. Jonea, Seer. 
OiaoiTma— Babekah State AawoiUy. May 10. 

Jba. Annie Norrell. Palaer, 8. C. 
Sfeeowood — Trayelen' Protectlre Anoctatlon, 

S. C. Division. Abont May 10. John W. LU- 

lard. Columbia. S- C. 
Snmtpr — Hoad ramp. "I" W. of W. March 14. 

B. S. Hood, Head Clerk, Box lU. 

Chamberlain — Grand Lodge A. F. A. M. June 

13-14. Geo. A. Pftllfn-ew, SIodi Falls, S. D. 
Chamberlain — Grand Chapter B. A. M. Jane 

US. Geo. A. Pettlsrew. Sloox Falls. S. D. 
Chamberlsl o O wW OtatHOl B> l> J«N 13. 

Mrs. A. u Wmmmm, m Im vm^ IDmiod, 

8. D. ■ 
Dsadwood — A. O. It, W. Oraail todce of S. D. 
Star S3- Henix Xelll. nO M are., W., Aber- 
deen, S. T>. 

Boron — Grand Lodca Knlafats of Pythias ot S. 

D. Jmr 21. W. A. Bol>erta. O- K. R- S. 
Blonx Fans — Orand Lodce I. O. O. F. of S. D. 
* Grand Eneampmeot I. 0. 0. P. Bar IT- 
' X. Blee. Hnrooi S. D. 

BriecTlUe-8r. O. C. A. M. Statr CtaBCtt. Bar 
28. W. B. Wilson. JaekiberoiHdk Turn. 

CliattsnoosK — Intamatlooal Assnrlattoa at By. 
Special Acenta and Pollee. April 18-21. W. 
C. PanneU. Box SKI. Baltimore. Ud. 

<%att»nooga — Intenntlonal Railway Foe! Aaso- 


llax U. «. W. 

KnantUa-^Vte PI Kappa Alpha Fraternity. May 
— k UU. Chia. W. Uaderwood. IIOB AUanta 
Nat. Bank BMc-. Atlanta. Oa. 

Memphla— Orand Connell Tennessee Boyal Arca- 
num. Much 21. W. H. Oray. 4 Noel BIk. 

NashvUle — Sootbem Betsll Shoe Oealcra* Asso- 
ciation. March — . 1011. Allen Meadors, 

NasbTllIe— King's Daughters. May — . 1911. 

NashTllle — ^T. P. A. ConrenUon. May — . IMl. 
B. w. BranUey. aeey. 

NashTllle— Sute DlTlsIon O. D. a 'liar 
mi. Mra. B. W. Foeter. aeey. 

NashTllle— The Tennssses SUte Bdeetle Med- 
ical Asaoeiatloa. May ^, Mil. BeaJ- 
Slmmooa, M. D.. OreenrDle, Ttao. 

NashTllle — Tennessee Bankers' Association. May 
— . 1911. F. M. Mayfleld. aeey. 

NashTllle — ImpnoTed Order Bed Men. March 

' 2- O. B. BaadenoD. IW 4th aTa. 

Pullahoms' " ~ ' 

Alice S. 
Tllle. Tenn. 


Abilene — Grand Temple Pytblan Sisters ot Tex- 
as. Aprn 2S. Mrs. Minnie Oomelse, Bll 
Atc. E, San Antonio. Tex. 

Amarlllo— State MmIIcsI Association of Texsa. 
Itar a-U. Holman Taylor. M. D.. Fort Woctb, 

Dallaa— Tteaa Woinaa'a 

and week In May. Mra. 

Hooston, Texas. 
Dsllaa — ^ImprOTed Order ot Bad Men. 

23-2S. W. 3. Stelnbrlnk, OalTeiton, Tex 
Dallas — Texas Btokert' Aaaoclatlon. May IS- 
IS, r. W. Boopes, Austin Nstlonal Bank, 

Austin, Tez. 
Fort Worth— Orand Commsndery K. T. April 

M. r. C. Kldd, grand recorder, Hoostoa. 


Fgct Worth— CItr Hatriuds A Chiefs Police As- 
■oeUtlon. ProbablT May — . Mil. M. T. 
Focrcat. Honstoa. Tasaa. 
<Virt Worth — Texas Sanday-aebool Aaaoelatlaa. 
March 0-13. Wm. Nehemlab Wlgglna. 408 
Flitesn Bide.. Dallas. Tex. 
FL Worth — National VMers and Biaadera' 
March 18-18. B. O. 

OalTeston — Texas BUI Posters A 
Association. June — . 1011. J. 
Box 183, Hlllsboto, Tea. 
San Antonio— Cattte JlIlM^ lailjllltia Of 
Texsa. March Vm. -M. STWOS, Ft, 
Worth. Tex. 

1. O. O. r. e( Visaa. 

Wteo— State Bweklh Aiatmbly. f. 0. 0. F. 

March d. Mrs. 7. O. Aleaandrr. ciri-o. Tea. 
Wac-f»— man State Aerie. F. o. B. May 3-S. 

Wm. T. SoDter, state tecy.. 102 E. Honiton 

It., San Antnolo, Tox. 
Waco — Texas Stale Fed. of I,at>or. May — , 

101 1. John B. Spencer. 1600 Peach at. 


Oadea— Utah Sule OamieB Knights aC OitaB- 
Ma. Mar 10. ■> A. KaaiawraaMaa nto> 


BorllngtoD— Orand Lodge of TennonI 
land Order ProtectloiC April SS. 

8t!*AhSa'ffiSg'*M?BMr,6t Tt. Xty ». 
ua. troalae U Beree, A Bm at. 


I^nehlnirg — Grand Encampment of Va. I. O. O. 

F. May 8. T. V. Tnmey. Franklin, Va. 
Norfolk— Ticket Agents' ConTentlon. March 14 


Birlinmnd — American Cotton Mfn*.' Aaaocla- 

tloo. Bar 18-U. a B. Biyast. Charlotte, 
M. 0. 

Blebmeiid — ^Immarsd Order Ut Bed Msa. May 
M. Frank B. Ceaa, 'P. O. Boa SS, Hamp- 
tan, Ta. 

Boaaoko— Grand Chaptor O. E. 8. ot Tirglala. 

May 4. Chaa. A. Neabltt. Ifasonle Tampla. 

BIchmoDd. Va. 
aoaooke— Selret Caitle A. 0. K. U. 0. AprO 

U-13. B. E. I,. Heckm sn. 1014 Stewart aTO. 


SpokiBi Orand Chapter O. B. 8. Washington. 

June 15. Ubble J. Demorest, 3S1T N. 29th 

St.. Tacoma, Wasti. 
Spokane— Grand Lodge F. & A. Maaona of Wash- 

Incton. June 13. Horace W. Taylor, Masonic 

Temple. Tacoma. %Va!<b. 
Spokane — Paclflc Coast Advertlnlnff Men'a Anao- 

clatloD. Jane — , 1911. C. C. Chapman, Port- 
land Commercial OInb. Portland, Oia. 
Tacoma — Grand Loilge of Washington I. O. O- 

P. Jiui» e. Lonls F. Bart. TUft Faelflc aea. 
Tscoma— Orand Lodge of WaSUaglM A. ft D. 

W. April 12. y a. BHMib dlQ Aiaade 

Annex. Seattle. Wash. 

Elklns— West Virclnia Wbolesala Orecers' As- 

•nclatlon. April or Ma;-. 1911. W. C. Mc- 

ConaoKhey. Parkersbnrg. W. Va. 
HantlngtoD — United Commercial Trarelers, Juris- 

diction of Ky.. the Virginias and Mirylind. 

Inne R-10. B. M. Burb. local wcy. 
Rnntlngtan — ^The Great Connell of W. Vs.. Im- 

proTed Order of Red Men. May 9-10. T. H. 

nay. C. C. of B., Baeoa 1044 MeCrorey 


Psrkersburg — West Virginia Sandar-Sehodl As- 
sociation. May 2-4. Arthnr T. Arnold, 602- 
3. Board of Trade BUg., Wheeling, W. 

Wbeellag— Orand Commsndery K. T. of W. Va. 
ItaP T. Francli E. N'lebols. BaaMttf; Mr- 

aast, W. Va. 


Elkhart Lake — Wlscoaala Pharmaeealteal TTar- 
elera' Aaioclatlao. rone ST-SO. Charles Ed- 
win Wilson. S80 Wauwatosa are.. Waows- 
tosa. WIS. 

Elkhart Lake — Wisconsin PbarmaceoUctI Asso- 
ciation. June 27-30. E. B. Helmstreet, Pal- 
myra. Wla. 

Pond dn — Rural Letter Carrlera' Associa- 
tion of Wlaeonsln. May 30-31. E. L>. Dem- 
arest. TSB Berlin st. Waupsca. Wis. 

Ft. Atkinson — WlKconsln State Firemen's Aaao- 
clatlon. June 21-23. Fred H. Henry. Jef- 
feraoD. Wis. 

Renflshe — nentsehrr Kriegetlmnd WIsennsla. 
Jane 17-ia. . anatar Ooenther, Cbntoa, Wla. 

LaC r oe w WlPf s aal h ttala Ooaarll X. of C. 
May IS. W; b Biwllli. loeal secy. 

Madlsm— Xatle«r HhiiW of Cl^ Serrlee 
OMsadestaH. turn HHt. Ma & Oorla. 
V. I. CMI Sttvlea OmU WMUbeMb, S. ft 

MBwaokee — ImptoTed Order Haptasophs, Jane 
IS-IT. Frank B. Plettner, Bopreme Secy., 
Preston and Cathedral sta.. Balttnors, Md. 

Mliwankee— wiscoaato * MkMgaB ttap" Ihoet- 

ers' I-fague. Ams 10-U. ^M.. W. Xxldel. 
City HalL 
MUwsnkee— Babekah Statt 


MUwaakta— Baimar Storekeepers' Aaaadatloa. 
Mar 23-24. 1. P. Uaiphr. Bag ft CoUla- 

Mttwaokae— Aneriean Seed Trade AasoeUtloo.' 

Jaae 1MX C. B. Keadcl, MIO Ontario St., 

Oeeelaad, O. 
MUwankee— Pure Pood Show. Msy 1-7. Psul 

W. Etzold. 619 Frederick are. 
MUwaokee — ^Wlseoniln A Upper Peninsula of 

Michigan Brewers* Association. March — 

Mil. L. U Canty. Majestic BIdg. 
MOwankee— Wlseoosln Millers' Association. Apr. 

21. B. J. Lschman, Neenah Wla 
Mlltrankee— Wisconsin State Convention, Boyal 

Arcanum. April 21. C. D. Slmonda, seo>-. 
Milwaukee — Wisconsin Consistory A. A A. Seot- 

tlah Bite Maaooa. April — , Mil. Jaa. B. Bar- 
ber: laa. BIdg. 
Mllwankee — ^Wlacoosln Association, Snpts. A Su 

perrlslng Princlpsls. April — . 1911. J. T. 

Hooper, prea, Ashland, Wis. 
Milwaukee — Wisconsin BUI Poaleis' Assoclstloa. 

May 10-11. E. J. Kemp. Shjboygsn. Wis. 
Milwaukee — Wisconsin Gas Aasoclatloo. Msy 17 

18. Benrr Harmon, secy. 
Mllwankee — nitnola A Wisconsin Retail Coal 

Dealers* Association. June — , 1911. Frank 

E. Lnkens. Moaadnock Block. Chicago, III.. 
Milwaukee — Wisconsin Lodge Indeiwndent Order 

of Odd Fellows. June — , lOIl. BIchard Boe. 


MUwaokee — Wtieonslo Orand Lodge F. A A. M. 

Aias — . IBII. w. W. PwiTt ascr. _ 
MWksalraa t. O. B; Jims IS. Ptaak K PMt- 

Bcr, PicetoB * Cathedral ats., Baltlmafat Vd. 
Milwaukee — Saengerfest ot the North Anerlcan 

Saengerbund. June — , 1911. 
tlUwankee— Wisconsin State Bottlers* Associs 

tins. Second week In March, 1911. J. B. 

Baiter. Jr., 277 Mllwankee st. 
tfUwaukee— WlaconsiD Sute Splritnsllst Asso- 
ciation. Msrch 21-28. Louise G. Loebel, 278 

tSd St. 

Milwaukee — National MOIlnerT Jobbers' Aaaocl- 
atlon. May — . 1911. P. W. Bealey, Orcbea 
tra Ball BIdg.. Chicago. III. 

Mllwankee — Grand Council Bojal Arcanum. 
April 26. C. D. Slmonda. 7 Mack BIk. 

Oshaeah — ^Wisconsin State BowUag Asaeelatleo. 
Xai* 4-18, F. O. Oanger, Bos •«■. 

WasfcHhi State Medical SoeMr •t Wlaoaaida. 
3mm !* ., Br. — ' 

Cheyenne— Oiaad 

Urs. April S, A. r. , 

Cheyeaoe— -Orand (%apter Roysi 

April 6. A. J. Panbill, secy, 


BsiTle, Ont. — Grsnd Orange Lodge Ontario Wast. 
March 8-9. W. Fltxgerald, 142 Nona at., 
Tbreote, Oat 
Bsnrla. Oat.— Prortaclal Grand Chapter of Onta- 
rio, West Orsad Blaek Kalibla a( ttaland. 
March T. B. A. Paaaan. Qwit lljiliir. 
S(T Bowlaad a*e.. Tetoalo. Oat. ' 
Ouelph. Ont. — ^Retail Merchants' Aasa. of Can.. 
Inc. Feb. 28-March 2. E. M, TBOwera, SI 
Richmond St.. W. 
t«dner, B. O — AncleBt Order of United Work- 
men of Britiah calnnbla. Match IB. J. T. 
Mcllmsye, P. O. Box IST, Tietorta. B. C. 
Begins, Sssk. — Ssskatchewan Winter Fair Bosrd. 

March 20-24. F. Hedley Anld, Secy. 
Beglna, Seek. — Raskatchen-an Grand Lodge 1. 

0. O. F. June 7-8. F. J. Beyoolds, ieCT, 
Slnlth's Falls. Ont. — ^I>eyal Orsnga Omt latot 
PrOTlnce of Ontario East. Manh IS. V. M. 
Clarke. Bellerllu. Ont.. Can. 
it. ■tepben, N. B,— Pror. Otaad 
of B. B. March 21. NeU 3. 

St. Jolin, M. B. 

^ Haich n .l!^B!%aiSEHcX *>*s^ 

Ida. Bora Seotla. Oha. • ~ 

neaate. Ont.— Oatarle fldneallaBal Asseflsttna 
April IS-SO. Robert W. Onaa, tlS Csritoa st, 
Taraota— The Order ot Ballniad Vatefraphers. 

Msy 8. L. W. Qniek, St. Lools. ^O. 
Voronto — Grand Council Canadian Oldar af Ohosen 
Friends. June 7. Wm. F. MaotWia, P. 0. 
Box 349, BsffilHon. Oat.. Can. 
Vsncoover. B. C. — Paclflc Logclng CongreM. 
June 22 24. 

WataaklwlB. Alberta— Oraad Otangs Ledge nf 
Albetta. Maieh 14. 3. O. Noariso. Bsrdlstr. 

Man— «ad. Order or Odd Fellows. 
Ksfch 1. B. D. Deertngi, I. 0. O. F. Temple. 
Kennedy st. 

Winnipeg. Man. — Grand Blaek Chapter British 

America. Probably Jane. 1911. A, F. Bate- 
*nan. Ttalilur, Man. 
Winnipeg. Mao. — OriDd Orsnge Lodge of Brit- 
ish America. May 31. Wm. Lee. Toronto, 

Waterrllle, Qoe.— Prorlaclal Qrind Orange Lodge 
of ^M ftaj^ March 8. Alex. Ore. Bills, TM 

Los Aagelea— Ulble Society. June — , Mil. 

Angeles— Arlsona Medical Aasoctatloa. Jaas 
. Jehu W. .Htaa, ft asa at t. Aria. ■ . 

LoK An S l t 'a fcl a M pa * . OmesM^. - - Mm ' 

Mil. . ■ 

aaa PMadaeo— Xstlonal Educstloa Asaodstlea. 

Jnir S-14. Irwln Shepard. Winona. Minn. 
Sea PVancta ~ . .. . _ 

Younjc Ladles* Grand lasutnte. 

July — , 1011. Joeepblne T. Molloy, 1008 
Firll St. 

San Kranclaco— Callfomla Bankers' Aaaoclatlon. 
June 15 17. H. M. Welch, cars aavlaas Uali» 

Usnk of 8a« p— ' — 
&aa l''rauclai 

— . Mil. _ 

Ssnta Aaa— OaUiarahi ChrMtaa Badsaesr OSIsa. 
June Ml. Blaa Lata M. Mtalar, S» W. ft« 



Denver — Exitresamen'a MutusI Beneflt Assucls* 
lion. July — , lOlL W. E. Scott, SI Broad- 
way, New York, N. Y. 

Dearer — American Surgical AkiwcUIIou. Jobs 
19-21. Dr. Bobt, O, LcCuulr, l.VIU Locust at., 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

New Brltala— TMaplars ot Uoaor A TanpttaaN^ 
— ^ Jos. A. Oark. 83 JaliuM at.. Ah* 

a- Aawriaa a ~ i S ig r wlaB of M a rtsl aas. 
sr^wwrfimtr, «89t Ptas at., tt. Lools. 


Gadsden— Alabama .State Assoclallon of N. A. 

Letter Carriers. .May 30. Wm. T. Wilson, 

aeey.. CsTrirr No. 0. 
Moblla— Katleaal OonacU laalor OMnr United 

American HaebaalM. Jane 20. Martin M. 

Woods. V. a Bn SM. PMIsMBbla. pa. 
Mohlle-BebefcSh Aa g il K TgTr.^ Ala- 

•••"■a.. -Msy «. ataTlMaa B. KM, Berth- 

port. AIs. - 
Montgomerj— Me«eoI A a sss la tlsa jf tha •tste 

or Alabama. April Wtl. * t. M. Mar, M. 

D., Becy. 


Hot .SprlnK" — DlBlrlcl nranil Ixxlge No. 7, I. O. 

B. U. April 2.1. Nat Stronns, 'iXn Magsilno 

St., New Orli'nna, Iji. 
lint Springs— Kniiibin of I'ythlaK. July 24. 

Frank A. Young, 1510 IIiKh al., I.utlc Kock, 


Little Bock— National Cnnrenllon of American 

SS Jl"!"*"* — . >»»• 


Wilmington— Delavare iloisa hhoar Aaaoelatlaa. 

July "•' ''* fVilV ^'^'^fi["' hl/ ^ 

May r 

Augusta— Georgia Division T. P. A. April O-S. 

Jas. II. Andrews, Box SdO. 
Borne — Grand Council Boyal .\rcanum. April 10. 

B. P. Lester. CoTlnclon. Ga. 


Sandiwlnt— Pythian Slaters of Idsho. June 31. 
Mni. Nellie Slgglns. Twin Fslls. Idsbu. 

Ctalcsgo — Catholic Educational Aaaoclatlon. Jane 
20-20. Rev. F. W. Howard. IdSl B. Main 
St.. Columbus. O. 

Mnriibvsboro— llllnola State Aerie F. O. E. May 
in-is. John Fulbler, 339 N. 3th St., Vlaliicr. 

Peoria— Central Illlaols Tcschera* Assoclstloa. 

P^fS r*rii i 6 a llM May«ra' AsaocIatloB. Jaae SI. 

Oalaej ntsir Sunday School AsMtclstlon. June 
W. B. Jacuba. " *'* " ' "' 

_ _ HO Drartwrn St., (3>l- 

caao. ill. 

aaekfMI-'UUBoU Slate Court. Catbolk Order 

?tr^!ark..'hr.e"i..djratt 'r-'- 


Fttrt Warae-^ndlana Stale Rcnnlaf *<MfM||- 
tloa B: p. O. Elks. May a4-aft . w, ft 
Ifedlan, secy.. IndlaoanMs, lad. 

Io<llanapoll(-\Vomcn*s UatoB UM S«S!!*! 
June i.vis. Mr*. Aaaa B. ' fMI. Oafitas 
lilk.. Clwood, lod. _ 

Indlanaiwlls— American Cbrmtcal Society. Jone 
— . IUI1. Chaa. I. rarwns, Durham, N, H, 

"^!:;:.';;ip"i^"k'^^ k "L^Jo^^. 

Rl'SmM-O. A. B. Bar IS^M. ' 


Cedar Raplda— Northeastern Iowa Editorial Aa- 
soclalloD. Mardt 2-3. Ilsrir lirei n. Decorab. 

aJSMa-Oraad Osanell B. A. of Iowa. April 

JnaM. «. M. Lladlr. 

lolB— SuDdower Grand Lata KBISMa at TT' 
tbias. July 2:s 37. H. L Btarar, liat air 

St., Topeks. Kana. _ ^ „ 

Leamwurth— Grand Lodge KalBhta a( WMaB. 

Mif 10. N. L, nollowell. Kaataa Cllr. Kass. 

Ueudrnoo— Konlucky State Council KalsMa a( 
Columtiii!!. May U. Gt-n. II. Iturklayr^alMM 

Columbia DldK., l.nulKVllIe. K; 

•'uiiiiJii. April IK. Ales M. 

Mb St.. I/HiUrlUe. Kr. ■ . _ • . _ 
Lexington— Grand C a i BBtaade i y ■>4Sli!S..^'^' 

pUrs. Mar IT-IS. ^ruTBimt. U Piha at.. 

Covington. Ky. 
OwrDsItoro— Oreat Council of Kenlurky Impmred 

O. B. M. May O-IO. PTank L. Smith, Lex- 

Inatoo. Ky. . , 

Owrasbsni— RsatndfF Edueattanal AoseclallnB. 

Jsaa sr-ai. ■r. W.. Vtaaaa. ItaSMwt. Kr. 

CbUheli_ M aiaa Atale Cowt O. O. P.' Jaaa »ft 

I'erra P. nSaak. 133 Fifth. XafewaTww 
KIneo— Balaa Pkarmnceullcal AasoelslliiB. issa 

■28-no. M. L. I'nrt<-s. Uanforlh, Me. 
Portland — Young l*i-ople*H Christian Ualnu of the 

UnlTemsllst <;liurcli. July 13-19. BogiT P. 

Kir.. :i.'U IlnyUliin si.. Boston. MaiM. 
RiN-kiniHi— Maln<- giaiv. ■pawrlh Unmir, Jaae 

— . 1IM1. Aiinle Mae Itaat, rai* Una dtl. 

IMttsHeld, Ml*. • 


AOSaMwhaai. B. tP. 0«r. iDathnlnl * Hal. 


°'S5?".~'^*'v'C"?"°"*' » OKHiar Ptata 

Printers* Union. July 17. . 
Boston— Nstlonal Wam<-n*s Trade Unbm Vaga* 
SJ.*^. ■* »•* l^nhMb. Baa* 

BOS, 37!! IjiMsIIp St., ChleaRit. III. 

Boston — MnHsaeliiini'ttH I>lvl>liin Sniis of Veter- 
ans. April .-.-11. Henry K. Weller. Iloom 38, 
15 Bencoii Ht. 

Lynn— Mnsaacbnsills State Cniivenlloii of Cnl- 

TernallntH. .Mny — . 1(111, 
Qulnry— <lri|i>r Xnns of St. George. Jiilj^ 2.". 20, 

Jnliii W. C. Sargent. WesluillwIvr, .M«a»., R. 

r. IJ. AO, 1. - 
SprliiirileM— Amvrleaa Wire Weaeers* PretseUw 

AsMielnllmi. July is. 


Ann Arbor— I'lil Mu Alphs Fralernlty. Msy 

in. Ilarolil s. Wlllliinis, Kansas Cllv. Mo, 
Boy City- Mlchlunn Itelall Hardware Dealers' 

ANM4H*lutliin. .Mnrcli 7 U, 
Day City- Mleblgan Iliiral l,<-iier Carriers'* Ae- 
' Im. Jair 33-aS. II. B, Cmw. nillnlala, 

FEBRUARY 2S| 1911. 

Xtie Billboard 



ailliDnilwII*— Minnraota Civic CdfM^tM. Jaljr 
■J U Oco. A. UrtCkffH. chalrtnaD. 

lIliim'n|ioU«— Croat Cnmn of Uliinuiiot*, KDlgbU 
uf I III- Mnrcabri'ii of thi- Worlil. Jiim IS. E. 
M. sulli.Tliinit. 4008 Upton »rr.. 8. 

II i.i! iiin*. K. l4<«t«T, Wnrt Sad Irn»t 
IililK . rhlliiil>'t|>bl«, I'll. 


J.'fT. rwiii rliy— r>i'i>t. of Jlo. O. A. B. Mny 24. 

TliOf. II. KihIkith. AiIJI. Orn.. St. I^ailln. Mo. 
SI. LmI*— MliMourl Car Lot HMmms liini« * 

nirtlt.-Sw.-.l!id« ftaBljh Jh««»«»« 

uf AnirrU-a. JiUf tt-tt. JoBS OMI, Iwllnc- 

OiMt V!|ll»— Ikloi't*"" ^>"ie Court C. & V. Jnw 
jX din. O. liot>iii. 12111 Tth a^. X. ' 

Uunlii-Onad lAlins KbUMs of Wklw. May 
».io. WIU n. Um. .Q. K. B. k. l-ytbtaD 

rarrlm. Atiril 91: ' M. I. IMur; KB|ilayi 


Lturolu — Nriirmtkn Klii'irtf-al AHKOclallon. June 
— . I»ll. S. J. llrll, Darlil Clly, Neb.. 

Omaliii— Nrliraitka Ilrtall Liquor Ilcalrra' Aam. 
clH.loa. tuar <t-U. . Ucwy KmIIiw. Kcnc Tbe- 

Oiuaba— \Sliraaka Ilrtall fcwtim* AmoflatloD. 
.Mairb ■il-'JS. M. It. Ptaaka. 1011 Ftrnau >t. 

KEW ■AKnmsE 

nbrau— Vcrmonl Slate Uvutal Soelelr- Juoi' 
il-at, Itaffj F. Ilamllton. 1-0 WalB at., NVw. 

t«>ft. Vt. 


Atbury I'arii — laMraatlooal llabuemannlan Ae 
aorialhm. Jnae 21-33. J. R. S. King. M. !>., 
14W Maaoale TeBrt*k Cblcaaa. III. 

Atiaiiir<- riijr— B. P. O. Bkii. tvir il-lS. Wed 
C. lliiblniwB, Or. rrcf., Daboqur. la. 

Ailaatir Clly— Natlooal 8o«ictr oC V. 8. Danitb 
lira of ins. \Vr*k of April 24. Mra. Ma 
jUaa, Merlnaa. 333 W. STib at., Xew York. 

AtlaDtle Clly— NattoDal Bralberbood of Oiiera- 

llT* roller*. July — . lOlt. EdVr. Mrosr 

Box 0, Eaot Llreipool, O. 
Atlantic City— Nallonal IVnllUer Aaaoclalian. 

July IT-IS. W. O. Sadler. .Naabrlllp. Tenn. 
Lakeicooil— Koyal ArraDom. Slate of New Jer 

>ey. May 1-3. Ilobt. II. Alberta. Or. aecy.. 

Uacoln Tmiii Co. BMg.. TO Montgoucry at., 
„J«raer Ctir. S. J. 

Xrwark— Uural Awaelallon. A|>rtl 18. Jobn n. 
.^fbrnU, 'Wa Orabaat aw., Patmaoa, N. J. 
H i s iai Braail OBBadl, Rival * ■•Irct Haatrni 
of Kr> Jeryy. April It. U. Onla. Fleia 

t H a la a Siw'tnur Turn Omrnmf Aaaaclattoo, 

fw »«. wik 1. D'Affir. an nSm »t. 

WaglMNBlaa— (Mav «f Iba Oaldaa Beal. Jma 
. nil. Ariliiir P. Booioa, BMtatr. N. T. 

Wffalo— 4>enuaB-AB#ricaB Tearbera' Aaaocla- 
tloo. Jnly II.I4. Baitt Kramer. 1334 Broad- 
way. ClU'lanall. O. 

Dankirk— l>|ii. Cuunrll Palrlarcba Mllllanl, I. 
O. O. v.. Slate Ne« York. July 11-12. A. 
B. farker. 143 Oort at.. Watertown, N. Y. 

New York rily— Tbeta XI CVatemllT. Feb. 25. 

„0. B. Muldane. 306 FIftb are. 

K»w York Clly— Graort rovoctl. Loyal Amwirla- 
tloo Riate of New York. AprU 12, Wm, n. 
Ollter. Cotlrne SUtlon. 

Xnr York City- iDdrpemlrnl Order U'rllti Alira- 

' haat. Mar T-IO. Jacob Scbocn, ST Tib M. 

«.»■ BBiraia, s, t. 
Maaara Pilla— Tbeatrleal Sla*» Cnplofaa' Is- 

Imatlooal AlllaBcr. Jnlr 10. 
Macara Palla— National liar Aaaoclalloo. Jolr 
p -27. J. Yinlnjt Taylor. Wlackaotw. lad. 

Macara K>llit-.NatIanal Elrelrio QMtnctora' 

A»«Kl«ll,.n. Jul.r lt>-2t. W. 11. VoRaa. 41 

Mania lllili:.. ftica, N. Y. 
Wtraibttrf— New York Stale I;rague Sarlngi A 

Man AHwelallon. June Archibald W. 

Melwan. 3iat Halbgalc are.. New York. N. 

Borheater— Kmt T< 
.•■T. A. <». ani 

N'xtilin of (|H> , 
B-nJ. W. Ptmvn. 

»Arh.-.i.r W.KKinirn of ibe World. JUB* 15. 

John T. Y,t.,, \v. O. \V. BIdg.. Omaba. Neb. 
Bccli.-.t.r--<-.,i,>nM KniKhIa ot Mriblaa of Ikt 

Slate of .Ww York. July S. . 
Rflche,ior--lniernaIlnna1 AaaaelatlaB Of GMrfB Of 

Police. June 13-lT. 
■<*bpiiti;r— Near York Stale Aaaoflalloa of Bio- 

IKi™.'.*".- *l"^> — • lail- A. A. WeDlworth, 

ISMI l>artllr at., nraoklyn. N. Y. 
B«rb.->ier—8late Maatrr I'lumbera* Aaaoclatlnn. 

Marrb T-K l^la J. Yancbal. TT3 I.ake aw. 
Bch|-n<-eta<lr--<:ran.l l.ailKe. KBlgbta of I'yiblaa. 

Stale of New York. July M. AlOBIO BmMI. 

('. K. it. Ilavcn-lraar' H, T. 
8jr.rufo--x.., York Slate Poafaaaaien* AMOda- 

Uoli. .March — . mil. ., 
•naruw— National By. .Mali AawKlatloit. June 
_•■•>. J. T. Canflrld. accy. \- 
nami>e-.4iran<t Court. iNjrealera of America. 
, May W -IS. Wm. Bnhln. accy. 

Bui'renie Coum-ll of llnyal Arpaoum. 
aj!H2J*5* lUekaell. Kulfalo. S. Y. 

■»I"JiTrf*"«''»a»'»"a* •uatlay School Society. 
- .*|irii o.n. • 

^""Sr''?»«'"'» Anlnmoblle Mioir. Marcb 14- 

W. It. UanOiall. m»r. 
w„ ,.r,„„ii_AaaoclaHon of City Clarka of the 
'Sr*. Vork. July _. Wm. 
""r:maii. Ilndaon, N. V. 

P, , irOKTR "^TlfttlWA 

ni.'n a Toiirnamenl. May 18-20. 

lySS"*^".'.'"'."' OTih-r of Foreatera. June 

Jnr«7j''"..P*!i""« n»nker«" Aaaorlatlon. Joty 

lail. W. c. .^Urfa.l.lrn. accy. . 
_ . OHIO 

^mJ?""i~;*"'1" I'hnrmaceiitlcal Aaio- 

afL-rs;,,l,'?i''j, Wetteratroem. 
cedar l". I,. ".S^'o < "»<-'nnatl. O. 

a». nL'.oi''.'''.'*'?" "'^ •> Wlnat. fMflh 

^Ay alSKrJr'''- A-wcution. 

"Nlar rteiat— Mi 

■ Jnle •« 5i~j;"", '■'«'•' Aa«>clat 

.Wr' SSiS- I?- "•"kill, tlrecntllle. O. 

SiS^. *«««rta8«lB of ohi... ji 

-KeiwMy^lH JMinfon llldg.. c 

tntera * Ueco- 
llly 25-2.1. Joel 
Inrluiiall, <t. 

Clerelaad— Xatloaal AtaoeUlloa of Dtatal rae- 
' ulltoa. July 31-22. Geo. E. Hnat. ladlaaap- 
oUa. iQd. 

Cleveland — Knisbta of the Maccabeea of the 

World. Jnly — . mil. Ed. L. Young, Grand 

Commander. Norwalk. O. 
Clereland — National Dental Aaaoclalloo. July 

23-28. Dr. n. C. Brown. 1S5 E. Stale St., 

Columbn*. 0. 
Lima— OrMt Council Degree of Poeabeotaa of 

Oble. Mar a-ll- Mande ninnlar, MM Bt^ 

UMta Sftk, Glftrrland. O. 

Pblladelpbla— r.raad I-OdM IVBBi^TSStl I. 0. 
T. July 18-ao. O. r. Wiatlasi. Or. aw 

Aatotla-aMia Ulpa K. at ft JSiw ». L. B. 

Stinaoa. nlagi. <m. 


Berwirk — Elabt-Coanty .tKiuK-latloo. P. O. S. of 

A. Jnly 30. Ira Mann, 27 Seager BIdg.. Bax- 
leton. Pa. 

Laneaaler — National Clear Liaf Tobacco Awi- 
elation. May 8'». Cbas. Fin. P. O. Box 414. 

v#w Yflffca J9 y 

Pb'nailelpbla— Orand Ms* ahMt M Wmft of 
Penaaylraata. April IT. UwlB .B. Slaaoo. 
2128 N. Mb at. 

' " C 
V. a. wawiMOH. vr. aCCy. 
4SS «tb at.. Braddeek. Pa. _ . 

Plttabors— Pbl Oanana .Mta. gwita i a l ty. July 
B-8. Thoa. h. Posw. 914 lint Xat. Bank 

Bldg.. CInclBoatl. O. . 
I*lliiil«iir]i — North American Skat T.cnane. June 

10-12. Wm. Richer. Box 1077. 
Rraillog— ronnarlTinIa Oi> A«MM>litIoa. April 

13-14. Wm. II. Merrit. Lebanon. Pa. 

XamglDaet Pier— .tmerlcin Inatllat* Of Hom- 
eopathy. jnn>- 'jt Jul.r 1. Dr. J. Wfjay Pac 

Bcr. OuO III*'- liwlc . ClpTFUod. O, 
Rreenrllle— Ini|>ri>v<sl Onlrr Rml Mi>B. April 11. 

B. C. Wallace. SiiniKT. f-- C. 

SInux mia— Brbekab State AiwemMy. May 10. 

Mr*. Itattl* B. Borland. SIkiu-Iob. B. D. 
Cbatlanoosa— Oranil ConrI of CalaatkO. KSlSbta 

of Prthtaa. July ll-n. Mrs. COM iS, Botke, 

701 Nciiutn nr.. Konxriiie. Teaa. 
Memphia— National Ilanlwood HMMV 'AMnela- 

lion. Jnne — . 1011. Frank W. VM, IMBec- 

tor BIdg.. Cblcago. III. 

*'ra^'Ti:n!i'TlS»SS?'«r? S^r^if'y 


XaaiiTllle— Traorwiee BrekMiMa* Aatoriatlnti 

" ~ II. J. M. Buchanan. ~ — " ~— 

Colli'go SMtInn— Toia« Kanner*' fonirri'*'. July 
2." *J7. T. W. I.nrl:lni;. It,-aiiii>onl. Tcxa«. 

Coll.'xo Slafinn— T,-\n-. 11<«rllritltnm1 S<M-li-ty. 
July — . mil. K. J. K.vli-. wy. 

Dallaa — Tpxafi Pharmiict-nllral .\MocIalloa. June 
20-22. E. G. Eberlre. ISM Jarkaon at. 

noaaioB— KBlgbta A Ladlnn of lloaor. Jaly 32. 
Mra. Itiwllp A. Jonr*. MlUno. TrS. . 

Orangt^-Orera'a Brlaadr AtaoelatlMi. laar 9S- 
SS. Jao, C. RanklB. Brenbam. Tn. 

Saa AMonlo— Texas Cattle Kaisers* Aaaoelatlon. 
Marek 91-23. 

San Anlonliv— .snulbern Ilardwatt loMwta' Aaao- 
elatlon. April 17-22. 

San Antonin— .\merl.-an Maaalaafwtaf • Asa u la- 
llon. Aprn IT-2-1. 

Bob AaloBlA-^kaiericAn iTiMwntManntbelnrrr*' 

April 17 a^. 


MrK aw. 

Rlrlinion.l -Vlrclnla Stale Pvntal Aaaoelatlon. 

Juno 14 in. \v. n. IVarsan, Hampton, Ya. 
nirhinnnil— nrali-l Council Royal ArcaaBm of Vlr- 

Elnla. April IS. Jamca B. BtaSkS. Or. »ivy.. 

Box .IS, 1'i'li'rKhiirK. Va. 

IIo<iulnin — Washington Slate Aerie. Fraternal 

tiriler of Kaglea. July 11-1.1. Wm. Huston. 

Hi-cy,. lliMiiilam .\erle No. 233 F. O. E. 
S.-allW— Orand l/Mlge. Knights of Pytblaa. May 

liMS, II. M. l.ov<-. Colfax. Waab. 
.iiHikane— WaililnKlon State Bar Aaaoelatlon. 

July 27<2I>. C. Will ShnlTcr. Olympla, Wash. 
Taroma— Washington Stale Dental Society. June 

X4U nr. ItarloB K. hnOtr, SW 0 at. 


SEND us 

the other half and you will fife as 
big a quantity of goods from us as 
you would for the whole anywhere 
ebe. Why? Because our prices an 
that much lower. Our goods? You 
can't get their equal as profit mak- 
ers. We«Md in attnMti|rB^qpiiak 



We send no catalog and ship no goods to consumers 
In writing for catalog, say if you want Stwetaowu's 256-pace or tha 
laiga 770-paga book, and state when last you raceivad 

Strtoloaa, Taadora. 

Cane Back and Knife 
Board Men, High 
Pilch and FIsb Pond 
Operatora, Street Fair 
and CarolTal Workers. 

TraTcllDg Madlclae 
Sbowa. ClMBn8> Aae- 
ttoarera. OaoeaaaloB- 

aircs, Premium Olr- 
era. Schemlata. M. O. 
Men and Oeaeral Mer- 


Wo ail 
portsn aad 





Jawelrr. Watebsa, 
Cutlery. Canea, bllrer- 
ware. Yankee Notlona, 
NoTelUes and Speclal- 
tlea In Immense ra- 
rlety. Quick aellera 
la Stationery. Dry 
Oooda, Snndrtss. lea- 
ther tad Babbsr 
Oooda. Books and am- 
Tenlra, F r • as t n a 
Oooda, AdTcrtlalns 
Oooda, Street Fhlia. 
Carnival and Picnic 
Snpplica of all kinds, 
etc, tie., etc. 


Clarkaburg— West Ylrglnia Fiineral Directors' 

AsMielatlnn. Jnly II. V. K. Fkwier. Wells- 

bnrg. W. Va. 
WheeTlnx— .\nr,lenl A .\>-eepleil Scnlll«h Rite 

Free Mastinry. .\prll 10-i:i. I.. \v. lilaym-y. 

Box m. 

Wheeling— Tbeatrleal Meebanlcal .\ssm-lsllon. 
My ttlrlS. K. C. Xmrawii. caso .SbM*s Tbe- 
atrr, TMasto^ OMi, Caa. 

Eau Claln<-^Wt«eoBalB Stale Pratal Soelety. 

July II. 

Madison— Knglseorl B it Sartoly.of WtMoaalB. 
.March i-:i. W. O. KiTcboSMr, 8t rmataa 


Woald Ilfco to bear troB AtlMa aat BaaS Hwiib at aB 

"That Morlbweat CIrevlt." nrSBVASIOVAI. AWrBEMZBT ZXCKAIteZ. Tanesneae. 
Snltaa S0( and (09, S» Faadar Btnat W., Fhana 7U6. 

a. a. 

Milwaukee— "The Gideons." Jnly 31-23. W. E. 

Henderson. I" Qutney St.. Chicago, III. 
Milwaukee — Swlsa-Amerlcan Oymnastlc Dnion. 

Jnly 3-4. Otto Pnntkofer. SOOS Prairie at. 
Mnfraskaf— Tri-Clty Ttowlnc Meat. Jnly — . 

MUwaok w W laeaaalB B*tan >owtla(a< 
ttOB. Jnly — , ISIl. a. B. BtaOfcar, 
Slate ata. 

Mtlwankee— Jewlah ChtBtaaqBa of AsMtka. My 

— . ion. HOT" — — — ■ 

Milwaukee— Xa|l._ 
Association. My — >- Mt 
Creal. secy. 

Mltwaukeo — Akmh-IsiIoo of .\ireDtM of tlio North- 
western Mutual I Ifc Inmirance Co. July IS- 
ID. RnaseU W. Fish. 11 New Ins. Blilg. 

Sbeboysaa Wlaewisin Asuiviatl** of. O plaa w t- 
rMs. J«ir~s i»n. c. D. waasb. near. 


LelkbeMs*. Alta. A i aatlated Roarda of Trade 

of Western Canada. Jnna . ion. Bran- 

dOB Commercial Bureau, Bramloo, Mas.. Can. 

London, Ont.— Sons of Scotland. Jnae 23-23. D. 
M. Robertson. S3 Canada Life BIdg. 

Ottawa — CanadlaB B. F. 4k D. AsseeUtloB. July 

«-T. W. W. . 9m m , -- OsMuw^ Cat. 
Reglna, Sank.— WiMlaia' Caaada Picas Aaaoela- 
tlOB. Jnly — tSll. O. R. BattMs. Free Pnao. 
Winnipeg. Man. 

Sarnia, Out.— flraml Lodce, Knlghta of Pylhiaa 
of Ontarkt. July 11-12. A. Coulter, G. K. R. 
S.. Box 2, Toronto, Onl. 

SInittonl. Out.— Canadian Assiwlatlnn Stationary 

Engineers. Jnly 2.va7. W. A. Cr.ickctt. 

Mount Hamilton. Ont. 
ToroQto— Plaao. Organ A Mnalcal Inatrumtat 

Worketn' latrraatloBat CaioB of Aiwilca. Ji 

S. CMn. OoUU piaa., 

cago. III. 


Hill fialiffis, Heffy-Cilmis. 


tmii) Sfriei. ia. Tg 

^.it, LTaaAatsL 

Ball, Sbootlng Gallery. Popcorn. Candy. NtfVef- 
tles. Hoop-la, Cane. Knite Racket Dait Oanacy. 
CnnfectlaiMcy. Lasek eg aaF " 
Blaada imliant. B. nUXI 


Xtie Bl 

FEBRUARY 25, 19t1. 


IContlJiDt^l rri>ni page 3S.) 

Hackett. Jamn K.. in Tbc Klns's Ganit- <Wm. 
A. Brady's), P. J. Clawmau, racr.: Ft. 
taltt. Ark.. 22; McAIntcr. Okla.. S»j Moako- 
M M: Ttalaa 23; Oklahooa Citr ST-aS: Ft. 
YKrth. Tex., Mareb 1-2: DaUaa iA. 
BUntiaa, Darld. In Bl» Irnut Dollar, E. I>. Stair. 

mtr.z Ctalcago. III.. -Jn-Marcli 4. 
Botwrmooo Trail. KfIIt & FIttUiTald. mcra.: 
Bnmklleld. Mo., -^i: .Minon 23: MabarlT M: 
Bannlbni t!.",: Qaincr. III.. 'Jn-. SprlaaMa Sf; 
DanrllK- 28; Larayi'tti-. lud.. .Matck It I*- 
■ansport 2; IVm 3: So. Ileod 4. 
Ilancu. Tltsliila, In Tbe Woman Oe Slarrlad, 
Arthor J. Ajrlcawartb. micr.: Oalmaloo. Tex.. 
•SZ-2S: BonMon 24-33; San Antonio 3T-28. 
Bopper, DeWdf, In A Matinee Idol, Daniel V. 
Artktnr, mft.i New Orlmns, La.. 19-25. 
at a Tbanaand Caodlea, Sim Allan. 

Bwnri. ID.: SS: Mtooshton. WIi 
tmmjallUiUiun 3G:Tralrte da 

nnmeiranl BiHUid. Tlw abnlMTt^.. ■RH.I.MIH* 

moro, 9MB^ 
ItnDKe with Ibe Oivra Bkutler*: ClmreluiA.' 0.. 

20 23. 

llnppT UuullKaD. UuM lllll, njffr. : CtllcoRO, 111.. 
10 25. 

In Old Krntni'kjr. A. \V. Dluirwall. niKr.: Bal- 
timore, Md.. 20-2.">: WuHhliuctoD. D. C. 27- 
Mareii 4. 

Illlngton. Uar){nn>t. In Tlie Bncoimler, Edward 
I. Boma. OICT.: Montreal. Can., 20-S3: Bnt- 
thlo. M. Y.. ST-Mafch 1: Erie. Pa.. 3: VonaiCB- 
towa, O.. 3: Wbeellnc. W. Va., 4. 

Irwin. Mar. In OetlliiB a Polish. I.lelilcr * Co.. 
mKra.: SaTannah. Ga.. 27. 

Janla. Elale, In the Bllni rrloct^nn. Chaa. Dll- 
Itttfliani. mgr.: N. T. c.. Jan. 2, tndef. 

Junea Boja In Mli»u>Hrl (Ktlmt & Gauolo'v), 
Albert Fabel. diet.: St. l.onla. Mo., 102.-.. 

JurenDe Bo»tonlanH. It. E. Lanit. mKr. : EiM*n- 
nalia, Mli'h.. 22: Norn-ny 2:1; Imii Mountain 

Jnat Out or CiilUn «'. Bnttiner ftCamiibell. 

JeiWT Jaiue*. I. W. Hfawjil.' '■BT.f HllWtt. 

ra.. 22; Towanla ISt'.OlMtlt. K. T.. SI: 

Btnsbamlon 2S. 
Katla Did, Jqa. it. Oalles, mRT. : ChlciEO. III.. 

Feb. 13 IndaT. 
Kolker. Henrj, in the Great Name, Henry VC. 

Barage, mgr.: Cbtcago. III.. Jan. 1. Inal'f. 
Ktaainic Girl. John P. Slocam micr. : Seattlr. 
. Waah., 10-38; Vaneovrer, B. c. Can., 2T- 


JUUck. Bertha, in lb* Kiaotaer Soiuta. The 
■bobarta, mgra.: Cotnmbas, O.. 30-ZS. 

Ionian Twins, In n» Prlxc Wlnncia, lorinan 
Bia%, nifxs.: OnUIa. 0«.. 32; MlUedgerille 
23: Wlndar iM: AbbarUlc. a. O.. SS; Kawbartr 
ZT: Oraniralinnr 2S; OolnmbU Huck I« Onwn- 
Tille 3; Spartanbnitc 8; ChMttr 4. ' ' 

LOT, The, DaTid Beiaaco. mgr.: tadlunpnila. 
Ind., 90-22: lAnlKTllle. Kr.. 23-a'I: St. Lonla. 

' Mo., 2T-Marcb 4. 

MCUner, Wright. In The Sln phenl KInr. Wni. 
' Brady, mgr.: Detroit, MIcb., 20-23; Iii- 


uapolla, Ind.. 2T-Mareh 4. 
It Ctel " ~ 

eternal. Bice & Stair 4b Barlln. ragra. : 

TatMwn. N. J., 30-2.1; rroTldenee. B. I., 2T- 
lUnh t. 

tan In Soeiatya Wblrl IKoatkciBt. I. X. Ba»*r. 

mgr.: Marlanna. Ark,. 33: VnraM City 23: 

Barrlabnrg 24: Joneaburo 25. 
Lion and the Mini»c, United Play Co.. Inr.. 

mara.: Dea Moln<-a. la., lU-32: Koanllle 2:1: 

Centerrlllr 21: Allila 2.->: Burlington 28; KIrkH. 

rilie. Mo... JT; -Minlro 28: Jefferaon City 

March t: Oiliiinliia 2; h'ldlon n; Hedalla 4. 
Laekaya. Wilton. In The Stranger,^ L. 8. Sire. 
' mgr.: Woccaatcr. Maas.. 21-23: Ilarifoni. 

(Vina.. St-SB. 
Lrlgh. Bart, Id tbe Ban oa tba Box. Ernrat 

Latlmof*. mp.: Btowawood. TML. 22. 
Una aoil tb* llaow, W. X. Halt. Bar.:. St. 

LOOK Mo.. IMS. . 
bolterr Man. Xba tlnbarlii. Binfkt .Xtmta. 

Can.. 30.29. 

MatluiT. .ilirtna. n. II. Oak. awr.! nnan, X 
MaalMMML OkiMtfi. I> 

Vadame nierry, IVaaae. Lcderrr tb Wood*. 

■gra.: N.. V. C. Ang. 30-Marrb 4. 
Marriage a la Carte. LleMcr & Co.. mgra.: X. 

Marriage a la Carte. LleMcr & 

X. a. Jaa.. 2. Indef. 
Kniar. Bwqr. la Tba Baroe. 

laagar. men.: -W. T„ O., Jaa, 
Mmrw Tlctor. In tbe Bappiiat 

Klaw 4k 

Taa. 0. ladat. 

Ulaa XoiHKij from Starland. Mort H. Blaaiir 

gtr.: .MIiiu.oi^.ilK. lilnn.. 10-22; St pBara* 

"m*^ "iilf?.'.* "aziolo. roera.: Bloomlngtnn. 
ffiC %UaRh°4 """"K"-" St. ilbul-. 

ue., Bigra.: Sallabnry. X. C. Hi Om^m 

Mr Canderella Oiri. No. 2. n^Iamater t Korria 
Ue.. mgra.: PetertKira. Out., ( an -JS; TulioDnc 
SO: Bellemir 24: KIdksi..,, uilawa 2I2»>: 

8^aei»Sli*4 3; fS<^o» 

"112" ii" £?*V ThompaoB. awr.l lliwlng- 

. deld. O.. 22: Lancaatar 25. 

Mas oo tba Bos. B. E. Ttooadala. mgr.: arvcm- 
bonr^ad.. a: Ctdamboa 32: Saynonr 94: 
Bedford SS: Bloomingtoa 2T: Unton 28: Waxb- 
tagtrn March 1: Vlncnnea 2; Princeton 3: 
Mt, Tenion 4. 

IIcFfedd^'a nal«. Barton t Wlawell, mgra.: 
Waahlngton, 1>. C, a0-2.->: Plilla.. Pa., 27- 
Marrh 4. 

Uacauley, Wm.. In nnanniates, Jag. A. Felti. 

SSii, Mc?M^ rbmiaaKa''"""'*" 
^KTX'aT'SsJfc ■•t* Oolnui 

Mlaaoarl Girl <Eaatem). F. W. Biebattiwio. 

mgr.: Perry. la.. 22; JelTeraon 33; Gnibrie 

Center 23: Anita 27; Atlantic 28; AndulHin 

March 1: Denlaun 3: Mapleton 4. 
Mlaaoarl Gtrl. J<m. RItb, mjcr.: So. rittabaric. 

Tenn.. 22: Tollaboma 23: Mnrfreeoboro 24: 

Lebanon 23: Gallatin 27: PnUakl 28. 
MelTille. Boaa, toJHa HaBklBIL f, B. mining. 

mgr.: XwfslK, Ta.. iMBi tnnUTD. Y.. 

Madame Hbeny <Weaten>. ' Wooda. FTaxee A 
Lederer. mgra.: Malt Lake. C, 23-2r>; Sau 
I^inclaej^Cll., 2J-Ma«h 18.^ 

M adame Shorrr (Southern). Woods. Praiee A 
Lederer, mgm. : Auxuxta. Ga., 22; cbarlcxiOD, 
8. C, 23; Savannah, (ia.. 24: JacksouvllU', 
nau. Sii-SO; .Macon. Ra.. 27; .\nnlatoD, .Ma., 

• 2*. 

Madame X (Eaalem). Heary W. Sanei*. uirt.: 
UnreU, Ua«k...S»«li JIaachraMc. X. U.. $4: 
BBTll^Miirrt.. St U a a liart. Oaa.. 9T-March 

Madame X (Southern). Ilenir W. Savage, mgr.: 
I':aa Claln>. Wis.. 22: Wuusan 23: Unvn lla.v 
24: OKbkosb 2.'i: Apidetun 27: I\>iul dn Lac 28. 

Merry Widow (Ejiittern). Henry W. Sarape. 
mgr.: Rivrr^ldi*. t'al.. 22; Santa Bart>arA 2:1; 
$aa DIoKo 24-2.'>: Lna Angelea :M1-Mar\*h 4. 

.Mi'rry Widow (Weaterat. Ileanr W. SaTMge. 

JIarch 4. . 
Slonttoamx *.SIia«. la Ik* Old Tmm. Cbaa. 

lilUlaabaai. a^v.: Bt. Laala. M*.. I»2a: Kan- 

iuui City 2a-Mardl 4. 
Mann. Loola, la Tha Cbtatar, Wm. A. Brady. 

mgr.: Pndocab. Ky.. 32; Memphla. Tenn.. 


Maeetro'a Maaterplece, Arthur Hammenteln. 

mgr.: Washington. D. C, 30-25. 
Man on the Box. Monte Thompson, mgr.: 

Snrlnglleld, O., 22: Laucartrr 2.%: Urlmna 27: 

IMqun 28. 

Married Bachelor, E. .\. Warn'o. oikt- : Unclnc. 
Wla.. 22: Watertown 23: Berlin 24; Food du 

1. aa 35; Anpleton 28: New Londoo 27: Wau- 
liaea 38; Aatlgo Harcb 1. 

Mam'Zelle: Penaamla. Fla.. 34-25. 
Mother. Wm. .V. Brady, msr. : BnlTalo, X. Y., 

.Man on the Itox. II. K. IMerce & Co., luprs.: 
Colfax. Waah.. 22: Walla Walla 2:t: Kllcns- 
boig 24-25. 

Meade. Owlgbt. Gllaon A Bradfleld. iuKn>.: Cl- 

gln, Tex., 23: Granger 2:>: Temple 24; KUIeen 

25; Marble Falls 26. 
McCoy, Bessie. In The Echo, Cbaa. DOiiaalHnB. 

mgr.: Clereland. O.. 20-23, 
Man of the Boar <Ea«terBl. Cbaa. M. tlnllr 

mgr.: Bnffain, X. T.. 30-38. 
Mantell. Robert. In Bepertolrt, Wm. A. Brady 

mgr.: WorceKier, Maaa;. 27-28. 
Naughty Marietta. Oarar BaBBcnlcla. aun-..: 

X. Y. C... Not. 7-Marcb 4. 
XewlyirtMU nthl Their Hali.r lEtislfriit. l.i-rtliT- 

Bratton Co., pnipx. : Knii>ji« I'iu . \|.... rt> 

2. %: St, JOM-ph 2<i Man h 1. 

XenlywedK and Thi-tr Bnliy I WvtltTiit. l<>niir 
Itratton r«i.. prope.: Port Arliiur. Tex.. 22: 
Iteanniunt 23: l.ake Cbarle*. I a.. 24: I.arayettp 
2.~>: Jluttleahnrg. Mlaa.. Sri; .Meridian 2S. 

X,i Mother to <:nlde Her iRIIint * Caxznio'al. 
Ceo. K. Menoaahl. mcr.: Phlla.. 2n.2S: Baltl 
more. ild.. 27-Mareh 4. 

Mggrr. TlH>. with Fbtrracp Bobarta... Wak A. 
Hraihr, mgr.: Ibiulder. Cste. 33; Ft. CUIIna 
23: Cbeyrane. Wyo.. 34; Orttdcr. Cala.. Sa-. 
Denrer 2T-March 4. 

Naxlmora. Mme. Alia, in Repertoire, The Shn 
lierts. mgn.: Burlington. Ia., 34. 

New Tork__BippoaroB>e Sbow: Chicago. III.. 
24-Fel>. 33. 

o*fT Nistat. WM. A. an«r: Mir.: X. T. c. 

Jan. 3. ladat. 
O'llara. F1«ke. M. Melnn. mgr.: itea Midnea. 

la.. 23: Ottumwa Zl: Haimlbal. Mo.. 24: Mo- 

l>erlT 2.-.; St. I^ila SA-Mareli 4. 
Our Vlllaxr PoxiniaHler (IVrryV*. Wm. R. 

t.eoDnrd. irncr. : Vnll. Ii,.. 22: Coon Itapl<li« 27: 

AudnhoD 26. 

Old IlnuealeaiL witb E. I. Saadrr (Dniman 
Marcb 2.4. 

Old Ilomratead. with Wm. Lawn-nee (Denman 
TbomnaonV). Prank Thoaipson. mgr.: IJadaay. 
Ont.. Can.. 32: Midland 23: Barrle 34: CM- 
Ilnirwooil 2.'.: nrlllla ST: Xnrtli Bar 3a; Xew 
Llskard Miireh ll RsOallliBr tl OriMt -8.4. 
Chaunt-ey. At ~ ' 

Olrott. Chaunt-ey. AaaBMBa Pltao. Mgt.t S. T. 

C. 20-25. 

I'omander Walk. Llebler & Co... mgra.: N. Y. 

C. Dec. 20. Indef. 
I'nlr of I'lnkx, Harry Wanl. mgr.: tlanlanella. 

Ark.. 22. ■ . 
Polly of tba Ctreaa. A. k. Stem ft On., mgra.. 

St. Joarnb. Ma« 31-33r.nNieaMlla. Kan.. 33: 

TniMka 94-SS: Kaaaaa Cllr. Mo.. ST-Haivh 4> 
ar^OsMMrr Ktda, ilenrr IT. Uak. mgr.: 

ClarlBda. Ia.. 23: Coming 34: Creaton 2.'>: n«. 

c4<ola 'is: litm .March I. 

|-»ynl,T. Ileiilah. In Tlie I.llll.- CIrl Tlinl He 
l-"..rKt>r. Hurl A Nii-olnl. ini:r». : Bn>iklvn. X. 
v.. 2<i-2.-.: Jiwy City. X. J.. 27..Mitri'h 4. 

I'linnnin (Perry'B). .Vrt Wlllams. mgr.: ItKirood. 
Mo.. 22: Jainei.tH>rt 2n: Jtiniefi.»n' 24: ll<-lheny 
2.~>: KIdgeway 27: Blyilii-<lHl<- 38; Caliiexrillc 
March t. 

I*rlii€e Af -Pflaen. Henry W. Savnee. niirr.: To- 
nolo. can., ait-33; IvomKio 27: Bnuiirord 2f>. 

f! fflJSBii'^'& 

tod.. 33: CoalmiHit 38: talalim ST: IMlBghain 

IMrt'or MIsxInc M' n. Ritwlaml A GaHkeli: incrx.: 

Dayton. O.. 2:1 2'.: Ynniigatown 27-2f. 
Plnk^^Lady. Klair A Erlanger. mgra.: Pbihi., 

Poliy n'r the CIrmK. Fntlerte Tlwai|ia«>. Mgr.: 

Seattle. Waah.. Il>-2.'>. 
Paid In Tan. Waarabala tt Kemper, mgra.: Cla- 

elnaatl. O.. I»-S3, 
Paid In Full; nnlted Play Co.. Inc., mgn.: Wlo- 

fleld. Kan,. 22: WIcblta 2»; Sallna 24; MePhcr- 

Hon 2,'*. 

Qo*-.>n *ir the nighway. 3t.>rrlru>n & Ifetrerlln. 

mcr*. : Kaiiaaa Cliy. ,M.i.. m 2.">: .\lehl'on. 

Knn.. 311: Tojiokii 27: He.ntrlce. .Nih.. 2«: 

I llioolii -March I: Ihx Moln>~.. j I. 

Rel>ec«*a of Sunnybrook Farm. Jo^. Rnioks. 

mgr.: K. T. C. Oct.. 3. ladef. 
Red Mill, Martin A Emery, murx.: liniii.'or. 

Me.. 22: Augnata 23: Waterrlile 24: Iioek- 

land 23; Partamootb. N. H., 27: Naxhua 2H: 

Concord March 1; Dorer 2; Ilarerbili, Maaa., 

3: Gloucealer 4. 
Babbitt's Foot Co.. Pat Chappell. niBr.: 1Ie<ldlek. 

Fla.. 22: Sllcnnopy 2:!; Iiiterlaken 24: (Jreen 

Core Springs 27.. 
Round-Uii, Jos. Brooks, niKr.: Clnelnniill. O., 


Royal Slave (Clarence Bennett's). Geo. n. Bubb, 
mgr.: Bonne Terre. Mo., 22; th-sloee 23; 
EIrlna 24: St. Marya 2S; St. GeuerleTo 20; 
Ironton 27; Doe Ron 28. 

Rohson. May. In The Rejuvenation of Aunt 
Mary. I... S. Sire. niRr.: Dahu<|iie. la.. 22: 
Datetlliort 23: .Mollne, 111.. 24; Il.« .Moines. 
Ia.. 2.'.: Omaha. Xeb.. 2« .March I. 

Russell. I.Hllan, In In Search of a Sinner. Jos. 
Brooks, mgr.: Charleston, W. Ta., 31-22: Kuan- 
oke, Va., 23; Lynchburg 24; Sallsbnry. X. C, 
2S: Greenvnie. 8. C. 27: S|>ar«anlmn: 28: 
Raleigh. N. r.. March 1: Norfolk. Va.. 2; 
Blctamnod 3-4, 

Boaarr. n« IBiiwlanl ft Cllffnnl'a So. 2): <7b- 
loatvnrB. Pa.. S3: OaaaeUmUIr 33: Sentldala 
Sit taliiiba n^ltaaea iff-Mai«b I: HaniMi> 
Mfo Ss jabaatami 8.4* 

Roaary. The (Rowlaad * CttEhiCtJaalkiiBl, 
W. II. Lenity, mar.l KMiMfHrVan.. 8M8; 

Meuipbia 2T-March 4. 
Boaary. Tbe. Gaakcll A MacTltlT. J^at^: -f' ' 
bett Lea. Minn., 22: Osage. Ia.. a»; Cbarl» 
City 24; Waterloo 23; .Maraballtown 28; Jef- 
fenott 3T: Uoone 28; Amca March 1; Berry 
2: Adel 3: Atlantic 4. _ _ „ „ ,^ 

Boaary, The (Rowland A Clllfotd'a). M. S. Oold- 
alne. mgr.: Newark. 0„ 22; Dayton 23: Wil- 
mington 24; MIddlrtowo 2S: Uamllton 26; 
Wa&lngtoo C. B, 27: Laocaatrr 38: Clrcle- 
rtllc March 1; Chltllcotbe 3; Jackaon 3; 
Portsmouth 4. 
Robertson. Forbes. In The Paaslng of tbe Third 
Floor Back. Tbe Sbubcrla. mgra.: Chicago, 
UI., Jan. 23-Feb. SS; Mlaoaapolla, Mlaa., 37- 
March 4. _ . 

Starr. Frances, in The Saileat TTay. Darld 
BaUaco, mgr.: Brooklya, N. Y'.. \x>-^; X. 
WToT. 3T-Marcb 4. 

Grand Owra Co., Edw, M, Beck, sen. 
Woodatook. Ont., Can.. S3: Berlin 28; 

1 34-23: Saginaw, Mlelu. 3>t Bar Oily 

3|i: Ann Arbor March 1; UMataa 3t Bala- 
maxoo 3; Ooaben, Ind., 4. 
Sweetest Rlrl in Paris, Harry Askln. mgr.: 
MiUH-apolls. Minn.. 10-22; St. I'aut 33-23; 
Mankato 20: Waterloo, la., 27; Maraballtown 

Sit IVrkiua (C, Jay Smttb'a). Bddie Dvlaary, 
autr.: Oblong, IlL. 22: Paiettlaa 31: C^rml 
24: Henderson. iQ^, 3B; d^ j iiranB. tad.. 
26: Marlon. Ky.73it Oia^iSV^^l Jglg*- 
sellTlIle .Mar<'h I; ClaikBTlnak THBk. n UllaB 
3: Jackaon 4. 
Sonl Klaa (Eastern). Mltteutbal Brp*.' AM, Oa,. 
Inc., mgra.: Trenton. N. J., mtaMd 
23; Boonton 34: Paterwin 27-29. 
Sonl Kiss (Western). Mllli nthsl ItroK* Jm^Ot.. 
Inc.. nii;n>. : Columbus, O.. 2t)22; 
33 2.1: Cleveland 27-March 4. 

Somrt Set IXfl. 1). Barton A WlatrtH, ■BB.: 
Peoria. 111., 10-22: Surlngfleld 23; iMa 84: 
Deeatnr 3.'): Cblcaga 36-Maceb 4. 

iMlncton 3S. . ■ 

Sothern. K. Ii.. & Julia .Marlowa, la BtVfttoIr;. 
Claxton Wllstaeh. mgr.: Clarlnnatl. O., 38- 

23: Cleveland 27-March 4. 
surer Threads, Joe Ijne. mgr.: i'orlland. Ore., 
I0-2.'i: Grants l*a<s 27: Metlfunl 28: Dnnsuulr. 
Cat.. March 1; ll<-d Blulf 2: Chico 3: Marys- 
rllle 4. 

Suuuv Simlh (J. C. Ilockweli's) : Stillwiler, 
Mlun.. 22: Lake City 2:1: Wabaaba 24: Wliwaa 
2.-.: Plalnvlair STi i t wb ii N i t s r 381 aHnaVattw 
Manh 1; PiaatOB 9; AoMlB St IMa OV. 
Ia., 4, 

Spooner. Cecil. Blaney-Spooner Am. Co.. inc.. 
nwia.: Cleveland. O.. 20.3.'>: Indlanaiiolls. Ind.. 
3T^Marrb 4. 

St. Elmo. Glaser A Stair, mgrs.: Chicago. III.. 
10-Marcb 4. 

St. Elmo. W. O. McWattera. mgr.: Wauaeon. 
O.. 22: Mnntpeller 23: Albion, iial,. 24: Bre- 
men 2.'>: Walkeriou 27; BAart 381 bUPWbr 
March I: Constantluc, JlM» tt CimmBiB >: 
80. Whilley. Ip.1.. 4. 

Si^iba. Edwio Warner, mar.t Atlaala. .Oa.. .«>• 

Sldaty. OeoniF. la Tha Iw Bldrr, B. B. Stair. 

Sunaw :iau. Wills Am. Co.. mgra.: Charlraloa. 
8. C. 22: Sumter 2:1: Uarllngton 24: Florence 
2r,: Wilmington. X. C. 37: Rocky Mount 28; 
Fayettevllle March 1: Raleigh 2; Durham 3: 
Gwnsl»on» 4. _ 

Squan Mali III. E. Pierce A Co. 'SI. J. E. Caven. 

mgr.: Bakeralleld, Cal,. 23: Santa Barbara 24: 
Taatnra 2.1: Oxaacd 38; 8an Bernanllun 27: 
Pboaalx. Aria,. 38: Tacaon Marrb 1: Blahie 
2: Doaglaa 3: El I-asj. Tex.. 4-8, 
Skloner. Olla, In Slit. Cbit Frobmin, mgr. Al- 
lanlle City. X. J.. 38-2J: Allentown. Pa.. St: 
Reading i\: Ijineaater 2.1: Norfolk. Va.. 27- 
28: I.ynehltiirg March t: Roanoke 2: Richmond 

S<-ott. Cvrll. In Tlie Lottery .Man. The Shnberta, 

niers.: Provliiemi-. R. I., 20-22: Harttord. 

Conn.. 2:1. _ 
Spendlbrirt. Tlie. Kreilerle TlinmiMnB. Biar.l BOg* 

ton. Mass.. 20.Jlarch 4. 
Savan Oaya. Waiteuhala A Kemper. inarM.1 INwt- 

land, ifa., 34-2il. 
St, Elma (Ctatral). Tnlted Play Co.. lar.. mgra.; 

Cbmlac. Ark.. 22: Paragonid 23; BIythevllle 

21: Barrlabnrg 23: Mariana 37. 
Stnhlwm Cinderella, Cbaa, A. Gnetller. mgr.: 

Portage la Prairie. Man.. Can.. 33: WlNnl|M-a 


Shea. 'Thomaa E.. In Repertoire, A. II. Won.1s. 

mgr.: Brooklyn, N, X.. SO-Marcb 4. 
Two Americana Abroad (laMafa). b lallafrla. 

mgr.: Bneyrnn. U., 3S| Mt. OlMM IB| Aah- 

land 34: Uma 35. 
Tbief. Tlie (I'lty Co.!. A. B. Wnoda. mgr.; 

'Memiibla. Tenn,. 30-25: KtabTtllo 2T-Mircb 4. 
Thh-f. The IBaslera). Geo. A. Snillvan, mgr.: 

Rbaron. Pa.. 32: Waahlngton 2.-,: Cbarlerol SS: 

Latrobe March 4. 
Time, the Place and (he Girl. P. A. Wade. 

mgr.: Concord. N. H.. 22: Portsinoillh 33; 

NaHhuB 21: Haverhill. Mnss,. 2.',: Msnchi-sti-r. 

N. II.. 27: Xewlmryiiort. .Mass., 28; Gloucester 
March 1: So. Frninlnghniii 2: Worcester 4. 

Tlar._]ba Plare and ihe Girl (Weatem). I.. 
& BWiaad. aigr.: KIsN-e. Aria.. 33; Doiielau 
S: Demfng. X. Mcx.. K: Kl Paaa. Tn.. 20 27. 

noraton. Magician, Dudley MrAdanr. awr.: Cbl- 
caito. III.. 12-2.V _ 

Thais. Jos. >r. <ialies. mgr.: IiMla.. 18481 fial- 
tlnioro. Md.. 27-.Marrh 4. 

Three Weeks, Morrison & Ilefferlln. iiisrs.: 
Iiiitruio. X. v.. -jn^.-.. 

Thlnl iN'Kr*-!'. Ilnlleil Play Co.. Inc.. iiigrs. : 
Danville. III.. '^4: Cbampalgn 33; M|MrlnKlVld 
28: TaytorTllle 2T: Deeatnr 38; HallAMi Marrb 
1: OeMralla 3: Allan 3: «alaqr 4. - _. 

Teal. Raymond. MMmI 0» T b S & 0*.; Daaglas, 
Aria,. lO-SSt iMSMMIa^^ ^ 

Three Twins, AaTlr. OailiNi. Hiar.l Itaffbla. X, 
Y., so-a:. 

Thurston. Adelnlde, Cnhnn A Harris, mgra.: S"!- 

ma. Ala.. 22. 
Thayer, Herbert, Harry P. Ilrown. mgr.: Ijifay- 

ette. r.a.. 23: Franklin 33: Moraan Rliy 3t: 

Anita is. 

TVtreiiDg Kaleaman (Al. Henry H. Harris, mgr.: 

Newark, N. J.. 20-25. 
To Serve the Cniss. MItlentlial Rros., nigrs. ; 

Montreal, Can.. 91-2.'!. 
Thief. The (Wesiernl. II. A. nnller. mgr.; I'a- 

dueah. Kr.. 22: fnlro. III.. 2:!; Oliir-v .'I; 

C-enlrnlls 2.".; Allon 20. 
rnile Tom's Cab'n (Al, W. .Marllu's). Wni. 

Kibble, mgr.; Wllln«4i8rr»>. Vg^ BMB: Meran- 
ton 2:1 2.-.: Harfeanlar. X.- T.. ST-Staark li Mna- 

ClfM* 1S-4. 

Unrle Tom'a Calila fAI. W, MarthTal. d r. 

Aekatana, aMB^: llcatM8lF; Pa.. B. ' 
lllair._^laa. Oa.s rhfrnlltna.. O.. Ut 'Aaai l ar . 


Waiiwd. DavM. la tkli iatam titfiit Mb^ 
Darld Ba l aaaa. aaar.t O M i i aae, ' BL. ImTiTE 
daf . -» 

WoodroCr, Henry, In The 
ger, mgr.: New I'hiladein 
ton 2:1: Cambridge 24; SUnvavilla »> l>ayi„g 
March 3; Sprlngttrld 4, ' 

Weary Willie Walker, Jonra A Crane, mgrs - 
Nowata, Okia,, 32; Chelopa. Kan., 23; ktaumi 
Valley 24; Oawegu 33; hcamiaon 38; OoMeu 

City, STi VskawNl aat Baiiar AaMhi; 
Garden olty ilt Haaaaal Ifffl Sflaaatai: 

mlt 4. . „ 

When Sweet Blstaea, Kvec-Wall Co., Iae„ maia,! 

Chicago, III,. FM>. 13, Indef. 
White Sqaav, uiula P. Werba, mur.: KalaawiiaL 

Mich., 23; Grand Bapida 23-SS; Fcotla. IlL. 

26-Mareb 1: BnrlngHeld 2-3,' • 
Ward A Tokea, In Tronble Mtkera. B. D. Stair. 

mgr.: NashTllle. Teim., 30-23; Chattanoota 3T- 

March I: Kooxvllle 3-4.' 
Wolf. The. Stair A llavlln, mgra.: St. Paul, 

Minn., ie-2S; Minneapolis SO-Marcb 4, 
Wolf, The (No. 1), 11, A, Morrlaoo, bna, mgr.: 

Princeton,' 111,, 23; Pontine 23; Kankakee 24: 

Valparalao, Ind.. 23; Ijiporte 26; 80. Beoil 

27; Duwaglac, Mich., 38; Muakegon Mnreli 


Wolf. The (Eastern). Tom Morrow, mcr. : 
Wisisler, O.. 22: Sliilby '23; b'toaturla 24; Nen'. 
ark 2.%: Van Wert '27. 
Wilson, Al, II„ Sidney It. Ellia, mgr.: Tslcdo. 
O.. 1V-2S; Fremont 27: AdHau. HIeb., 
Bar ntf Mareb 2; Saginaw 3: Fact Bona 4. 
WlanIng Mlaa. Boyla WooltMk'Am. Co., lac., 
propa.: Blnnlaj^B, Ala.. 38-SBl Maw Mr- 

i X. T. C. 

ieane. La.. 28-Harck «• _ 
Way Down East, Wa. A^ Bra<r. 

Jan. 23, Indef. 
Wilson. Francla. In tbe Bacfaelor^ Wfltg, t^v. 

Probman, mgr.: Kanaaa Cttr, m»n 38SSi 

Denver, Col., 27-Msrch 4. 
Warner. H. B., in Alias Jimmy Valentine, Urh- 

ler A Co.. mgra.: Cleveland. O^ 20,29. 
Walab. Btanche. In the Other Woman, A. M, 

Waads, nir.: SpriaafltC- lU- Aadtiaon, 
lad.. 33; lB«laaaB3& 94-38. 

Pa„ 34: Aabtabola, Wk . 
Zebra. Tbe, Cbaa. mMaa, mtt.t K >. A. 

ziS^ &tal i»mH9 Oa.. A. M. »8a, iwr.: 
Bllbafs ArSl. at-Uaich Ss Tacaoa. •( ladtf. 

TlnjiSlan. Tha. Kirhv bMalla Ca,. mara,; 
aaaiMlla. Ntaa., as-Mami 4. . 




Ney«r, Never, When 
You Buy QUAUTYl 

Our prioaa are aa good sad our aoal-' 
ity 100% better. WelmovirhMwr 
can do and we REFUND your Bumsf 
If our work ia not all we daim. 

Letterheads, Post'ca r ds and Cuts 

Of every description our apecialty. 
We want you all to tiy us. Vou will 
not be dinppointed. 



Olia*, SS.OS. ear«a, St .80. Oataiaa fraa. 


MONOLOOUE WAMTES—fl.-aiH- »end me a nuiv 
of my monologue, "Thi- lliibe on Carnival Day. 
I win reward yon. \V.M. C1)0,N, Klkhart, Iiul. 
"■May and Ihe Jay and llie Itlllie." 2.'> i-eliln. 

NIHZ OE0K££ OOUBSI In Ilriinollani anil l-er 
winal Magaellam. auld arlglaally lor 85, Dtenaid 


H. A M. CIranIt IXmiainy llouaea. Chllllcnihe. 
Carrollton. Mamball, l,»glngion. Klehmond. Iiiin* 
<i|>en tima Pfeb,, 'Match. April, for Bnil-rlaaa 
rrp„ Htopk, BHialc, narallr companlni. Writ* Air 
<i,ne. . n. artrABT. Kbpiht Ilotel, Kanaaa 
city. Mo, 

WAXnO—niat-riaaa lieMlat. Malarr or ner- 
aaataia. 8»ir ralinU* med|«laa road afew. UHi- 
awrt IVffiirBiew writa. K, M. IMm, Imk. 

Ttie Blll|>oar<l 



All Release of Both Factions for Three Months Backr-A Most Valuable Usl 

for Exhibitors' Use 


LvUa. Fath*. Scllf. 


Moidir— Blocnipb, 
TiindnT— BdnaOa 

Itm. ^ _^ 

TbundiT— Bhicnph, M 
Trlcl.y— EdlMn. KaiMli: 

a«tur<i»y— E«iiii»y. 


"sSlTtan'oIlc. Fore* ot N.W T«lk OHjr 

(dnerlptUc) j.. ^» 

21— The Joko Tli»7 FiafwA tm wmmgmm 

{eotatOr) 1" 

S3— A CbrllttDM_G*I0l ■IWaBtl.;*; iWO 

3 — In the D»T» of CnlTmlry Mci 
♦-Sleep. Oenlle hl**p <«??^'ii^ 
6— Tbf Fir* DniirUnent of MtW Tw* OMJ 

(drlcrlptlTV) ' 

«— A WenIiTD Nlcbt (eoinMJ) ' 

The Ti«t of r««l4iblp TitolM).. 

10— The Ti«t of FTIWiaiMp T«1IJ5)_ 
Jl-The Home ot tb* M (« Wetl|iM w) . . . 

11- Tbp G.nlMM'o XfiMMr JraM<r) JJO 

13— The IJnli Tbat Hrt* <*•■•) •^""• •W 
U— With iBUiwt to '^PfSft^f^' SSS 

n-Oado'o Blrlhdar OUt (cMidr>. 

SPaiT KTCBtfBl BrralH <dl M»»).«.j flSg 
IB-TlM Lover tad tb* OMSt nS!Sf"<!S 
31 — ^The Try-ool (comedy) ............... WW 

■VImiirj — _ , • , 

1— namptlou M Borneo (eoacOf) • 

S— SrillDK OM Muter (dnma) 

7— The DoetoT (dnme) ;25 

8— Two V«l»ntlne« (comedy) 

10— nil Flret OommlMloa (dmn) • •■• 

14 — The Bejah (drama)... .IwW 
IE — The Raiuom of Bed Cklet ('>■■*>.... 

IT— A &lace Bonaoe* (dtaaA). ••>«••••••. 

SI-TlM ileal tetiptcn la nml I't '" 22 

i«— The Price ot VIetacr («NiBa| 
tt— The Iron Viiler Mniu) i)i'.***uv«---^ 
33— Mr. BnmpUooa. Delectif* Um0tn •!-f9 
Si— Tht Price of Vletoiy fdNMQ ••••• 
. a— The Iron Maaler (druM) ........... 


20— The Greater Can 
W-rRtDk aid U* 

M-Th* Bi« llaa<B ,__ — . 

SI- A Gambler of Ifea IWMl (*aaa) MM 

Gauntry— PHI 

»— The Bedeenad Ollalnl (dfaaa) 14M 

T— The Oonat and the Oawhays «aa«4y)10M 
' 11— The Sopbomfra'a Haaanca (coawdy-^^^ 

■i^^nna Barter Kaacor idtasa i a^a 

' W A Sla Capardaauila (dcaaa) MB 

.||i>4kc Two BetennaUoaa (drama) lOM 

' il-^h* Jilted Joker (cmiedy). 

•1— Rank and Laak— They Maka a Maah 

(ronedy) I 

rebraary — 
4— Camwalta, tba Palthfol (drama). 

■1*1 " ~ " 


t— A Womaa'a TolM~(coBedy)~T'.^I.... saa 

ror Twcatr-t*e Otata 

T — ^Tfo Worda 


Il-^rhe Bad MaB>a DomtaB (drama) 
If-Qftllnc Mater Married (coeiedy) 



- rattleman'B naiwhiVr (draaa) . . .1000 

••• a • aa •••••»••••«•• oaooaia a 

2.V-Tbe Ontlaw aad lha OUM Hcma) ..1000 

Dffember— , rft 

as— The Becteattaa a( aa Mainaa 

_ . edy) ...•.•••.•••.•.■■■•«.««•«••«•• 410 

2«-WlaDln|t Back Bla Lor* ((taM) M4 

»— IIU Wife's Sereethaart (diaaaa).. 

.Sa— After the Ball (comedy) 


J— The Two Patha (drama) 

B— Wken a Man Lore* (drama) 

.a— The Itallaa Bart>er (comedy) 

12— The UMaltfet Maraoder (eooedy) 
IS— Help Wasted (eooMdj) 

la— nu Tmat (drama)... 

la-MW Tmet roIOIIed (drama) 

»— Fate'a Taralnc (draoia) 

JO— The Page Wck Maa (comedy) .... 
J»— A Wreath of Oraaa* BloaaMBe (dm 
S— nre* Blataia ^draina) 

.. su 
. M»2 

.. 006 


»-4obB noagb aafl Iba Obacnb Wn-,^ 
^ _ Btory) ,••»,'.... •,.•••••••.1000 

»— Orerland to mouHit (dfana). IMO 

Jf-The Boitlera (drama).. i.^^.^..; .OOO 

.•^aatlBlaa aad TbeadaiB (4nM) 1000 

Iiaam— ■ Ih«t 

S— n>a Arceaaata (drama) .....1000 

a — Bamona'a rather (drama) 105? 

.0— Bhadowa of Ibe Peat (drama) 1000 

U-Th* Bleal Dramatlats (biuleaqoe)....1000 
M—BaddF. (drama) 1SS5 

' 2-*Aa AaUahnan'a Bofx>r (drama) 1000 

V— A Robaat Patleat (comedy) 

JO—Tm Sny (drama) •••• 

M— the Utile CIreaa Bldar (drBma).i.4.- 


2— The Catae of tha Red Haa (drama).... 

1^— Too Moch kIoth*r.|B-law (eooMdy) 

Thelma (drama) '. ... 

13— The Bnntlral of the niteat (drama).. 

I«— The niKcaDoera (drama) 

''•dre (drama) 

''3— Tlie 8*mlaala*a .tacrtae* (drama) 

2T— Tb* 

c of Cooaeleace (drama)........ 


Deeemhe^' Vhat 

20— The Ught IB the Window (drama) (OT 

28— (nancy (diasia) 90S 

24-^pan anil the Waif (draiM).,... 988 

27— In NelshborloK irlll|lHMa BMnil I ll 

comedy) ..miT., B9S 

10— Craty Applea (comedy) 980 

81— Where the Winda Bknr (drama) 983 

faanarr — • g^t 
8— All 1* Fair Ib Lore aad War (eoiaady) 9T3 
0— The Ulasea Finch aad Their Mepbaw 

BUly (comedy) • 9n 

T— The Old Water Jar (drama) 984 

10— Doctor Cupia (comedy) 98T 

18— Water Ullea (drama) 901 

14— Coward or Hero (drama) OTS 

IT— Three Men and a Maid (coaadr).... 

SO— Tha Olrl la the Film (comedy) 

n— Caat tip by tba Deep (draMt....:. 

84— It Did Look Soapicloaa taHHlM*- 

The Qlrt of the MonaWifca. lp B B ia).. 
DaTy Jonea Ib the Soutb ■nolwmdy) 

. 981 
. 978 


n— The TyiastaCJIlBaea (drama) sra 

n— A Cbamala Wmf UpwUnc) 

aa— A Maaieaa'a Baoaace (drama) «30 

IB— Ooaehlns ta Deeooaiilre (traTelocoe).. 348 

n— JeaB Beecoea (drama). 

8 — Society and the Man (drama) 

4— A ()oeeB for a Day (comedy) 

T— Tha Dclofe (Biblical drama) 

10— The I«ame of Mercy (drama) 

U— At the White Maa'a Door (drama). 

14 Onmiimlat Lore (drama) 

IT— Whea the IJ«ht Waaad (drama).'. 
18— The New BtMiocraphec (comedy).. 

4— A Lock of Halt 

U— Wood OarelBK %t']H 
IB-Bv the KbAMW 

i-^Dialaherited (draau) 

a— Ob the Border of the B^nst (dri 
Iron Oater, Port 

_ Howard (drama). •.•^•.. 

9 TVuy. the Greaaer (drama) 

M— Bmy aad BU Pal (drama) 

n— Tba OoMea Sickle (drama) 

«»— VMlla* a Boioke Stack (lodoatrlal) . . 

1— Cbmrade* (draam) •••• 

1 — Beaotleo of Sana Saael (aeealc) .... 






IS— A Weatrm Welcome (comedy) 900 

SO— In the Tall Oraaa Coontry (drama)., 
laaoan^' Feet 

0— in* (MmaoB Scaia (draaia) 980 

U— Tba Owacr ot tha I» U Baack (drama) MO 
W ITiiBatas (9Daka (aaiMdy) .....>•••..« 980 
to— aow^Iaiy Mat tba Paaehm (dnaaa) 

'^USSS^V.mmt (drama) 

((}eor8« Klelnc.) 
)eccmbcr — "eet 

10— Bla QadereUa Olrl (drama) TOO 

8l^-4ha HiitdiHB at riaweia (colored ho- 

... TOl 
... 279 

_ •••••••••*•* 555 

n-ilto SaeiM^ RiaMur fdnaM) mi 

f i I Veet 
a— The Artlet'a Pay Day (farce) 073 

1— Tl>« Woman Wlna (comedy) 

10— A (nitld'a Plea (drama) 758 

lO— The HIIU of CoMn (trarelofoe) 2*J 

14 — A Simple Roatle Tale (drama) KS 

T— Death of AdmMl Collny (drama) 902 

l4-4to UttU RatebaeUff'a <%rtatmta 

n-na Bealad X*ttar Wrama).. m 

W— A Water Oaateat (traealema)....". . 1«» 
tl— TBe Klepiamaalaa^ Bapaataaca <dr^- 

ma) .••••••••••••••.♦••••t.*.v**.vi.* 

l4-na TwUlght Ot B MdM^o Ufa 

M— The Baby >WM nmML (draaw)^ <>2 
n-Tba Oonaa at «0 fMHW Bim. IVaaea 

*:Slnria Looke for a laB (MdMtaady) 83T 
4— Krimmer Water fUia la tha Aaatrlaa 

T^rol (aeealc) • go 

T— The StroBKeat Tie (drama)... JOB 

T— JUsete' MOTlnjt Day (comedy) MB 

U— NapoleoB la 1814 (drama> 797 

U— Aoiama I^rea (deacrlptlre) 185 

14— Vba RefOrmatloB of the Suffragettea 

(eaanedy) •■ *»■ 

M— lABd Marka ot ATlgnon, France (ece- 

nlc) *139 

18— Baal and Darld (Biblical drama) 128 

18— At the End of the ItMd (diama).... SJf 

idniVIS) • • • a»««*»»a«»B»**«»»a ••• ??9 

28— Matrlnoaial KaMmleJaaaMtrt ...... 818 

38— LaPont aad Pnla*a Laat WSgi (ae(Ble>in 
March— .Feat. 

4— The Tramp*' Find (dramal .• •• 080 

4— FnrbMdrn Claarvttra (comedy) 

December— net 
at— The Uttle Sprecwald MaMca (drama) 
n — Whea Ix>T*rp part (drama).. 

ts— The Olrl Spy Betara TICkabais (daa. 

nfl) aaeeeaB»eaaaoa«*aa 

80— The Stranfer (drama) 

JanuarT— ^ Pea 
4 — ^The Bolted Door (drama) 

e — ^Tho Ilnuaway Eofloe (drama) 

11 — For the Lore of an Enemy (drama) 
13— The Heart of an Indian Mather (drama) 
18 — Her Chum'a Brother (draoia) ........ 

ao— Bobbla aad tba Badddaa - (drama) 

|5-Tba Jaanc aC the Mai «arama).»..^.. 

27— PorllaM mUmMmm}..*. 

Frbraaryw I 
I— Tlw Shericra Slater (drama) 
3— Tha Trail of tba Pomoa Cbara 

8— Little Slater (drama) 

10— The Broken Trail (drama) 

IS — Orandmotber'a War Story (draauk). 


17— The iMt BlbboB (dcaaia] 


1 — Bailor Jack'a Beformatlon (drama).. 
3 — The Mexican Flllbnater (drama).... 

8— The Irlah Honeymoon (drama) 

]— The Irlah Honeymoon (scenic) — . 
1 — Sailor Jaek'i Itoformatlon (drama) 
S— The KeztcBB ' Fllltmatera (drama) .. 

15— The Uaaleal Raacb (drama) 

l»-The Dead Latter (drama) 

S3 — ^Aa AmerlcBB Coaat (drama) 

20— MaklBs a Maa ot Him (drama) 

28— Bloa Hone Ulna (drama) 

JaaaaiT— l 
2— Art and the Legacy (comedy-draaM)... 

S^Hla I^^st Parade (drama) ••••••• 

5— A ^Ux In Maaks (comedy). 

0 — The Crlmaon Scar (drmma) • 

5— Fire! Fire! Fire! (comedy) 

»— Tag Day at bllTCr Golch (drama) 

12 — The WIdow'a Choice (comedy) 

18 — WUI It Beer Come to ThlaT (comedy) 

16 — Ban Cobi (comedy) 

19 — ^A Btother'a Bedemptlon (drama) 
SS->ather Itafcaa HImaaM OHCai (r- 
9B-«atter loee^^qm)^ 


2 — Age n. Tooth (drama) 

6 — ^A Double Bopement (comedy). 
O-Tha raCUeeat BbettS i^amSgy. 






21— The Ronaway Hotar Car (( 

21— Max Ooee 8kl-lBg (eoiaate). 

23 — ^Ttie Lncky Charm (colored fairy talc) Otyi 

23 — Betty'a Flreworka (comedy) S»< 

24 — Sanahlne In Porertr Bow (drama) 100( 

28 — TiK Atonement (drama) 0B( 

80— The Bowling Fiend (comedy) 84f 

SB— BBBBlag Away Fmm a Fhrtnae (com- 

. . . . ■ ■ e ■ » ■•■••■aaee«a*a a a a • a ■ • 

fta American .fleet la Fteach Watata 

(acaala) ••••••••••.t**.*.. SBl 

. .ae Bocae Uiaa (draom).... OU 

ao-Catalaa, tba Mlaalrel (aakNtdfeaiia) T8> 
ao— OaraleS of Japaaeee I fi ame i Ha^Bie 
(aeefBte) aai 

81— Tha Taqol Girl (drama) lOOi 

janauT— Bbe 

2— The MlFplaccd Petticoat (draaaa)...... 

2 — Dntch Ktda (trarelogoe) •••••••••••• 

4— The (Xiwboy'a Innoceaca (MBM)..'.»V ' 

^Aa iBtrtane (draoBa) 

'liOTa OBoer DincalUea (coBMdy) 

7— The Ftmatal ot Oooat ToUtol (deaerip- 


0— Tba Bella at Bettlas (drama) 

0— £| tfi LaMot the Ueakaya (acanla) 

11— Tba Tirla (Sadetallaa (comedy) 

11— Daa^ Bbodea Takea a nigbt (eomady) 
IS— So Near Bat Not Qnlte (trick coomdy) 

13 — Mas la Alawat Married (comedy).... 

14 — ^The Battle at Bed wood (draau) 

la — Margnerlta'a Birthday (drama).,. ••••• 
le — SaTcd Ity Her Prayeta (drama)....'.. 

18 — Trailed by an Indlaa (drama) 

20 — Sea Birds in Their BaimtB (edoeatlOB- 


20 — The Tablea are Turned (comedy) 

21— The Matfead Dollar (diama) 

23— How Max Waat Arand tba Waild 

^COCBffdy) *a • a • a * o*a**aaaa»* fl lft 

38 — Oaadtiaa tor a Tonic (eeaudy) ITI 

SO— Batad by TMegiaphy (dtaiaa) 721 

SO — Wblfltea' New Sleere -(comedy) 281 

ar- II Troratore (drama) 964 

2»— Father Ajnlnat HIa Will (comedy) TS( 

29— Betty^ Bolla AIODit (ramrdy) 281 

80 — The Baeape from the Tnllerlea (drama) 

^ahtaaiy ^^ei 

1— Bearta, Banger. Happlneaa (comedy).. 721 
1— Practical Brook Tront Breeding (edn- 

cationali 271 

3 — TiM SlaTC'a Revolt (drama) 7S3 

5— Rica ladoatiy la Japaa (tnatroctlTa) Xt 

4— A Ooartoy'a DaeatedBeaa (drama) WO 

6— Aa ImiUtor ot Blendia ( c emedy).... 40( 
10— Beelew of tba ChUiaa Tioapa (da. 

aerlptlTa) , in 

0— Max Haa the Boxing neer (eomady) 801 

8— I>egallT Dead (drama) lOOC 

10— The Mlaalag Bride (drama) 80C 

11— {lIlTvr Leat^a Heart (drama) lOK 

15 — Betty'a Apptentlceahln (comedy) 081 

IS — Pineapple Cannery In (Jhlna (Indnatrlal) SU 

18-^' Western Oonrtship (drama) TU 

IB— The Axolotl (edncatlonal) 20( 

IT— WhUBe'a Oontrie (comedy) 481 

IT — A Boy'a Wit (dran) 081 

18— Uent. Scatfa Narroar BMapa (i 

SO— A Soldier (draam) 

XO— A Bnlfalo Bnat (aeealc) 

SS— Bnbby'a Troahlea (comedy) 072 

82 — Indo-Chlna, Prorlnee ot uraa (eeeaic) 331 

24— Who JCUIed llMt («««M^ f 0» 

S4-A!t tmmM 9mJ*m»v> ........^ 

^S^'^aialaa at "glRgjoiriaol 


HoBday— Edair, laip. Yi 

Tiwaday — ^BUwa. I'owaia, 

Wadneaday — Ambroalo, Atlaa, Cbamploo, Neatav, 

ThBiaday — Itala. Imp, Amerleaa. 
~" Mas. Thanhooaar 
' Mrthera. Itala. 

(Carl Laemmle.) 

1»-Tbe Ortopled Teddy Bear (drama) 000 

'm Metl'a Tobacc o (d raaaa)....... 900 

a^Ho Wlae Dragglat (ca m adpf 
0 — Re-nnlted (drama) .....•••••'•i 
a — ^Thelr First MIsunderatuMlR (I 

12— The Empty Shell (drama) 

10— Melody (drama) 

ta — Bla Firet I*atlent (drama) 

to— Tba Ber. Ooodlelgb'a Coortihlp 




1707 (fleeter (drama). 
am-Hald or Ubb (eomady) 


a — An Imaginary Elopement (coasedy) . . . 

a— Tba MIz-np (comedy) SOO 

0— At the Dnke'a Command (drama).... lOOO 

•—The Mirror (comedy) SOO 

a — When the Cat'a Away ( e omady ) ...... 000 

18 — Ber Darkest Hoar ( drama) ««e«»«..»«« <ll> 
10— The CSonrert (drama) ...••.....'••••..MR 

ai^Pletnreland (deacripttra) ............ JMB 

sa— Artfhl Kata (eamadp) ......Utt 

— .VMt 
Logan'a Dog (dtama)..V»««*.t.«' .^£' 
Bachelor'a FInlah (caaMtn. 

14 — A Fathet'a Lore (drama) 

27 — Tlw station Agent'a Daaghter (draiBa) 
ST — Freddie's Conrtahlp (comedyi ......... 

81 — A DaoKhtrr of 'VfrglBla (drama)...... 

faaaary — llHt 
a — Ttm IMntrrton Man (drama).......... 

8 — Baaox Not Wanted (comedy) 

T— A Woman Without a Heart (drama) 
10— Tba Dlatrlct Attorney (comedy-drama) 

10— A. Tip to Bnahanda (comedy).. 

14— Moat* Orlata (draiM) 

IT— A ItalaaB Low Btoty (camdy) 

U~%"lS2l ^S*^ ft?"^' 

« — A Nobia Beart (drama) 

84 — ^A WUa'a Loea (drama) 

84— Uttia Dorothy (comedy) .*... 

SS— Tba Maaqoeradera (comedy-drama) 

81— nr My Pal (draou) 

Ibbraary— Feet 

4— no Cattle King of Arlsona (drama) 

11 — A Trip Tbronxh Mexico (scenic) 

14 — An Unforeseen C^om plication (comedy) 

)k— radar Sonlheca Sklea (drama) 

14— Aa tTafOieseea Oompllcatloa (eomady) 

18 — Under Soatbera Sklea (drama) 

ST— A Maaly Maa (draaaa) 10 

IJlSa'^Samllim ^aemei^)*?!????^ ? 


Oecamher — Fret 
80— Tha Cattle Baroa'a Daaghter (draBM) 10 

2~T^ .£!?• Priaeeaa (drama) IT 

n— Ja ladtea'a jaopaiaaat (drama)... 
80— Tamlaa the Terror (draaaa) 

-m th. Heart of the Slerraa (drama).. 800 
0— A Saran OUra Derotlon (drama).... 900 
10 — An Indian Trapper'a Prlie (draan)... MB 

18— The Creek Claim (ilrania) 

IT — Texaa Ned'a Detense (drama). 
n— Tba Bed Bkln'a Secret (drama)..... 
M— Tba Bed Man'a Wrath (drama)... 
Sff— Tnals of Bnd Brown (drama)..... 
Too«h Tenderfoot (comedy) 

T— Tba Bait Brccd*a Plan (drama) .'OOO 



•»•••••• 1 

• 1 



U— Little Peter'a Xmas Day (dsama). 
n — Tweedlednm and Frothy Waat ta Mat 

Married (comedy) ..TTI IBB 

a—Dnnui of the Engine Drirer (drama) lOi 

'B— Orandfather'a Pipe (comedy) SOO 

JanoB^ — F>«t 

4 — ^The Wall Partition (drama) SOD 

4— Trlali of Tweedledom aa a Policeman 

(comedy) •.•..•.•.■•.•••...•. boo 

11— HOW Taaadladnm Para Bia BtUa (<rom- 

edy) ••...'.................. OOO 

11— Cloedi and lee Fields (scenic) SOO 

18— The Bine Domino Dlafmlae 

18 — ^TaHor'a Queer Advertisement 

28— Tweedlednm Within a Cask (comedy) SOO 

2S— A WIfe'a Calrary (drama) MB 

Febmary — VaaO 
1 — Tweedlednm Tries Winter Sporta (com- 
edy) ................*...■••••••■■•• BOB 

1 — The Retnra ttom Seaside ii«tM^ (coal' 
edyl .....*.................•....... 600 

B Tyaadladiiai aa a DateeMea (comedy) SOO 

Jf&VV Caealry (dncflptlfa) SOO 

IB— Bha Bao MB (drama) 900 


-Wha Waa tba Cnlprlt (drama) — 

29— Neapolitan Tolcaale lalaada (aeealc).. 800 
24 — Oreedlneaa Spoiled Fbolshead'a Xmas 

(comedy) SOO 

24— IB Norway (aeenle) t IM 

2»— The Rnstle (drama) MV'. 
31 — A Jealona WIfe'a tUm TbaM' Bar' 

(comedy) -. MO 

St— Korweflaa Water mia (acaale) SOB 


B ABt o a lo T se t arlno (drama) 

" — — - - ar 



e Billboard 

^•14— Tin Hwan (comedr) tOi 

-' n-^A. Sad FucInatioD (dnima) ....... ... - 

{«I — A Hew Kind of Ann Chair (comMj).. 

* n— VUlt of a mend (comedj) 

W TLa BeTenfflng Picture <draiBa)....-- M9 

rOB — My Soo Is Gnlltr (comedy) • 

>*tuiij F»rt 
9— Ooacbmaii of Uw Tillage (dnma)...- BOO 
' ~ ~ . - _ . . -| ( , ,,, 1 , ) . MO 


: Iktal Charm (drama) MO 
> Wtn Eat tta* TnrkcT (colliai lj «W 

-LookiDlT Fmwatd (fable) 1000 

-^ke ClUIdbood of Jack Barkawar 

(drama) 1000 

IT— Tbe Ylear of WakeOeia (drama) 1000 

' RTpnoUied (drama) .1000 

.'jnuKr — ' 

'. S — Tba Pasha's Daughter (drama) 

t fr— Baaeball and Bloomers (comedy)...... 

- "HI gtfijliiwlj BaTcs Father (come«r>.«.* 
IP— Tile Ootj Olil in Camp (comedy}>»>»* 

- IS— The Tote mat Qnintcd (drama)....... 

IT — ^Bertie's Brainstorm (comedy). ...4... 

ao—Ttx Old Cmiotdty Shop (drama)...... 

M — When Lore Was Blind (drama)....... 

ST — Prompt PuBcat ' 
IT— «nl% 

-- '■nd"tte"Bnl"<< 

^Itorwood Ve^ihm '(iaIiiO'V. 
14 — Vor Her Sake (drama)........... 

•IT— Checkmate (drama) ......... 

TashlBKtcm (drama) .....«• 

niar Hero (drama) 


B) ............a 

bcB (druu).... 


- T — Aji the Umster Orden (drama).. ... 900 

11 — The Hoor of Fste (drama)....' 800 

14— 011 Kentucky Son (drama) .900 

18 — A Conn try Girl (drama). BOO 

33. — ^tbe VoWB (drama) ...... 

Bcmembtance (drama) BOO 

I iMtt.Laapt (diama) .BOO 


saa). ...... ....... BOO 

. OaUlM (ftUM).. 900 

•.Jibe BdHMd Jta'nati QMli (MM) 800 

15— 4tose Ifen C4chBs9 

Miwir U— flawTSiSai 
n-JL ndh ThS CAm 


M— Om Cattlemen's Find fdMm>)...'^';..1006 

n— napped (drama) ^ 

gSMBaxy— ' Vvet 

r— Qoeen of the Pnlrie (dra ma) ■■ 


ratal Mlotafce (drama) 

d's Dee^Uon ^amdf).. 

OayllflB'* TMtors (comedy) 

TiBdsrfXnfs Boond-ap (eo 

r t in Artinw Bemaace (drsma) .... 

U--Iacj*g Lover (comedy) 

I>— lite BoBowed Flat (comedy) _^ 

16 — Tba Battered Bridegrooms (comedy).-. IBS 
IS— A Dental Disaster (comedy) 4fi0 

King (drama) BOO 

I'a afigle teoaudy) looo 

— ■l......ioao 


S— Oie SOaalon in the IWert (drama)-... 

g — Ttie FlttabDTS MUIIoDalre (drama) ... .1000 
- — Mneh Aunt (comedy) '~ 

(comedy) .-- 

■■■iiiiMi vwuzig 1x1 f ."ad^ (scenic) . - ■ . 
n— The Gtil and the Bnrglar (drama)... 

Tte Beparter*! Bomance (drama) 

XT— His Best FHend (drama) 

9 Wing of Iiore (comedy)..... 
FMs (eomady)... 

Paeember Vest 

»— His UMhar (dcamis)'— ^ 

38— GiMes OataiUUBa) ^0 

Xssnary— aeet 

4— Days of the Early West (drsma) 

11— BlU's Widow (comedy) - B50 

JS— The wm of a Western UaU (drama) 

J>— WhyH o Went Wcgt Cdnaa).. • 

"^^Vadged by Higher Jew' (ttma).... »5 

5— Bing of tam (comoto). .... • ^ 

8— At Doable Ttonble Baach fconiedy)... JgO 

IS— Her Three Pnpoaalaritaaa) BSO 

tS— The Old lUn and JlB (IMaa) BSD 

- •— How They Tricked Father (. 
';U — ^BHI as a Jockey (comedy)..... 
' IB— nut Is My Name (comedy)... 
'IS— Her Three Propoiwls (comedy). 

ao— A Dreadf ol DUemma (drama) . 

ao — HU Fslthfpl FarBitnre (comedy) 


.. SM 


ST— uttle wnUe Sm Gyclibig (eo^iedr).. ^ 
ST— An InfaMi«M (dl^) «» 

_ to the Old Hoaasstaad Cdtama).. 1 

^'Onhan'a FMend (drama) Til 

».dt Borse Did Bos (eonady) STS 

XT— Branee BUI. the Brara OowhOT (drama) m 

IT — ICatUda limstrhck (comedy) SZl 

24— A ChOft Pnjet (drama) &M 

St— Vatllda Chased (eoocdy) 854 

"The Die 
Is Cast!" 

Mr. EzbilHtor, did you er hear 
of aicaiamouch? You certainly 
hanre motlam. . Ipbuanenheis 
known as a *4oiir4iiaher." The 

trouble with his tdnd is that you 
respect him until you finally see his bluff (laUed, then you realize 
bow foolish you were to pay him homage. 

The gigantic bluff of, some people who tried to tell you that 
they are the only ones entitled to make Moving Picitures has been 
<»ued. Seepage 14 of this issue — "Suit Against Gaumont Tj^ 
of Camera Withdrawn." 

By stickins togetho* the IndepandMits have met, beaten and 
— ^ their bluff. 

JOCU l#Ud« u&uu. 

Nowj; do .tilgy atill comniMid yonr nspeiA as th^ did before 
yait loiim'ttiA in^^ dfidnt have a to stand on? There is <mly 
r yga cn jpve, and that is, to (adl at once for this 

Unexcelled Program 


AlflBICAM— American 1 
■raJLQt-Xdalr Film Co. 

It MoTtng Pletores 
-Tankes FUm Co. 


AMBBOeiO— New Tork Motion Picture On. 
AXI.AS — Atlas FUm Co. 

AUBBICAN— American Film Mfg. Co, 
lUP— iDdependeDt Morlng Plctoiea Oo. 
n^I^^jtew YorV Motlan^Pletnre Oo. 

BISOM— Kair Tork Motion 

OAPlTAIr-«aplta] Film Co. 
GBEAT NDBTBBBM— Oieat Notthesa 

Tack Hatta Fldm Oa^ 

Distiibiitiv and Sales Ga. 

Ili'East Fourteenth Street. New York City 


"All the worid fores a lorer." and a maidy aaan appeals to all that Is good In 
the most of ns. A young clrU engloeer leares hb iweethcart In the States and goes to 
the Phllipptnes on doty. Be Is loved by a Filipino maiden, who nones him back to life 
and health when be Is stricken with s ferer and Is deserted by his American comrades. 
Oat of gratltode be msrrles the natlre girl, and when bis sweetheart arrlres from Amer- 
ica, he chooses between lore and daty, and is loyal to the faithful woman who has borne 

him a child — a manly man of (he right aort. The tropical seCUncs are hcaollftili A atroag 
drama with heart smisI, lajrtlfh *4itlfa aia«*7 ^gsaia at kar kaat la aa.aMa aC. tte 
Filipino glii. By mi aMoa.'SIt aipI'dHb 



A fslking ]ag Inrolres Jenkins, a cinbman. In all sorts of dlfflcnltlea. He becomes a la- 
bor agitator, and Is Initiated Into the secrets of a society of sTeogera. By lot he is 
dioaen as the Instnunent to right their wrongs by the bomb ronte. Be staggers liome 
with the infernal machine and, sleeping off the debaach, ftnds himself with a dangenos 
mlsalon to perform. He tries to lose the annthllater, hot Is DnsnccesafDl. tintll an Intelli- 
gent dog cones to his aid and sdres the dllDcnlty In an nnlqne msnner. Here la a comedy 
your pstroos will sorely enjoy. 



lAT, XABCH t. 

ma la as ciabocate pletare, photographing the Cnban army In holiday array In celebrat- 
ing a feta-day analTersary. The aatlre' soldiery passes In rerlew before the sapetlor officers 
and heada of the admlstetntlai, rwlmnal after t^ma*. estate and attUlecr wheeling 
Into line, an Impoalag p a g ss at , tsSea at Osam rWalhli JDIe gtetaaa la n Msaaely 
lulw s a t lag one tram a aeeale aa waO as an riiatalfiMisI standpolBt.. SSMga tta "Amy 
HsBMiasi" by applying to your exdama aartr. Jt Is a pictnre yon ess SmIm. 

Janoan — ;*Btsi 

4 — ^Tbe Straw Ride (comedy). .sv.t..^, .; 

11— A Letter ta the Stotk (diaaw).....;..;^ • 

18 — A City Writ _lftMas|.^.... ..•.«. •M..^,' > 

25 — Irlnh UeaStS HwaWif^...........'....." ..^>- : 

^tbnjary — ,^^Ss 
1— ills Orest Sifriflea Mnaa).;.. j;;..^. C 
8— Has Anybody Been Kallr 
IS — Costs of Flea C d i aiaa)..., 

IS— The Child of Two Motbaia <lMg>. .. S 

19— Tfea Maaram of Soreielgaa fMBiV).. W 
aa The Lack-keeper (drama)............. Wi 

3«— The Ftear of Fire (comedy) MJ 

January— ^s«t 
2 — The Great Medal (}ompetltloa (comedy) iSS 

2— A Well Matched Marriage (cooiady) MO 

i^Mothsr'a Portrait (drama) M* 

ie-_Tbe Jealoosy of Sos t hso e s B a mnlff t 

ao— Tlie Emperor's Lanch IcsaM^r) «§ 

ao— The noslre Bobber (caasady) KJ 

ygbr ua ry^ ^»«t 

S— Doctor Agalnat Rla Wni (comedy) OM 

13 — Mr. FsdiUeiway Is On Strike (comedy) S2I 
13— The Ellilr of Brarery (comedy) 424 

20 — The Heart of a Warrior (drama) 6M 

20 — Hospital for Small Animala (edneatiOB- 

alj ttf 

2T — I'nnch (drama) OBO 
27 — Beware of the Bamih tesasadf|......^. ._y^ 

March — -- ■ ' BWa 

0— sia^ Fidii^thB Mr aat .flM^ Vk^^ 


M— >Ihe- Ke<*lace of the Dead (dnas). 
SI— The Seaiecnw (drama). ....i...... 

Jaaaary— * 

T— T«e Bed Ugbt (drams) 

14 — ^A Homeless Boy (drama) 

n— The Trunk Mystery (drama) 

28 — ^Mr. Mngglns Hss Bis Sewing 

■ (comedy) — 

Kimary — 
4— The Criminal CUePa 



is — A Ward of Dnde Sam (drama)... 

23 — A Terror of the Plains (eoOMdy).. 

20— The Insane Belresa (drama) 

SO— The Mluing Bridegroom (drama). 
Jsnnsry — 

2 — ^irs. Danrer's Dlrorce (drsma) 

0 — The Boyal Wtshboaa (mystery tam 
drama) ..«........••.*.......... 

»-^Aa Brriag Saara Awakaatag <dian 

1«— The Ftolks Back Wamm (diaasa)... 

20— Betorned to the IWd (drama). 

23 — TIte JJttle Samaritan (drama).. ..^ 

27 — A Sob of Old Glory (drama)...... 

SO— The Tazlcah Myatcty (drama)^ 

6— FMhtt the Csmsiia tdiams).. 
10— Winae . " 

IT-4er IWfthday 

s Exhibitors, Beware! i 

Don't let your Ezdiange hold ■ 
you up Idr ptMlHi. All our * 

customers are supplied with ■ 

S emcMo nu ExouNfiE, 



reels film, elegant ceadltlaa, fT pee I 

60 leU song slides, perfect condition, $I.7B per 
»et, with mnile. Send postal for ifitj. Good 
111m serrlce famished st lowest pricM La Uu 
Sontb. Sopplles. Dsrgslns Id Drw aiid secood- 
hand M. p. Buchlaes sad gas irak'.oi ogtllta. 
P. 0. BOX »05. New Orlescs. La. ) 

FOB BAIE— Thiee Edison two-pin michlasal 
aU complete, tSO each; two Edison oDe-pls 

-10O eseh: FUma (at Mtei 



Most be In nmable < 
CO.. 4th Arc, near : 

exchanged. We want a few _ 
machines. Hare scTeral bargatMl 
gas oatats on band. NATIC — 
MENT CO., Dalath. MtsB. 

tloa) at ae. per ft.— aa sons 
B Oss Outnt tto.oo — I; 

S2:ti!po'"«''t WW. 
DRAOBR, Detroit. Bloh. 


.Ttie Oil 1 boar <1 


National Film Hfg. & 

12 East 13th St 





A. S. ROYAL. President. 

J. S. YOUNG, Vlce-rresident. 

A. J. CLAPHAM. Treas 
L. J. ROSETT* Secsretasy. 

& ; YOUNO^ 


I. W. ilUJIANN. 

■ VA.J.V 

A. 8. SQTAI.. 
L. J. kOSBTt. 

GpiitroUiii|{ :Patfi»Ats Covering Every Branch of the Moyiiifi 

Pi€:tiire Industry ' 

Write lor 


Plans and Program* 

Address Dept. A. 

iSend in your Name for bar Mailing List 

^ H e O t i l to o. 

AwUeatioiis for gun cdnctlwd Ib thk list 

IndlTldDcUy by 


AUott, MIM 
Almcc. MM;- - 

•Hen. S*****!-^ 
Alma (rst elil>- 
Alton. Btells 
Amilc*. MlM UttU 
AngcU, BOith 

Arlington. Huel M»y 
Annatronc. Mi». C. n. 
BcD. MoaWnl 
BeU. Tb«> 
Ben. Mn. HitUe 
Bdmoat. B«tt^ 

Blake. Etta umie 
Boot*. BWt 
Bowcn. Ig. Art^ 

?gSio5^ B. 
BreMKtte, Stella 
Brlnsliaitt. Anna ». 
Brock, sateabeth 
Brooks. Mr»- 
Brooke. Myra C. 
Bnoka. Aima !<•• 
Bocher. Ma aijr 
Burton, Mrs. GU>4lu> 
Bortoo, _ 
l~aiiaii Mza. a. 

Camp, „ 
Csmtor. Mrs. H. 
Carter. Mamie 
C—- eU. Ml— Fur 
CbeoTront. Mra. «W 
Chrtoty. Mrs. Q. W. 
dark. Mrs. Bddio 
CTatk. Bete" 
Clark. Cathryn 
Clart, Peart 
C tl.oa, Oladase 
Clifton. EtHel 
Cody, Louise 
••Connelly. Alice A- 
CoDnrllT- I'en"r'„,^ 

Goooly. Ms 
Oook. Barrlet 
SSArT. Conataaea 
CcoHa. Mrs. 

MIM Dot 
Kael^Mra- DeUa 
DatUnc. Mlas Alice 
■ Darwin. Heto 
" DaTCT. Mrs. W. 
nnls, Joairttm 

Km. 3tn. B. r. 
Kenaty. IMa 
KcBdaU. Boae Vasala 
Kemedr. Miss Iicm 
Klnsiey, AUce 
LaRIancbe. UUIaa 
LaConrier. Lena 
LaDoe, ETeljn 
LaGre. Mlas Phalen 
**LaMayne. Norma 
La^Iarne. Norma 
LsNolr, Mn. Reo. 
La Verne, Geraldlne 


Lano. Mazla 
••Lawrence Sisters 
Lawrence. Mrs. J. B. 
LeCIalr. Gertie 
LeMarr. Edltb 
LePeail, Mis. Harry 
•LpRoI. JIIss TlTenne 
LeBor. Beatrice 
Lea. Delia 

iMTin. Min Mm 

Tbontso, IMlla 

TbomtOB. OscMla 
Toopklns. Xtsi Ot^ 
•ToTota. Seaoritm U, 
Turner, Anna 
Tomer, Beatrice 
Valdare. Beaate 

Van, Mrs. Jessie 
Warren. Catherine 

~ alias a. 


wmtams. Hta. W. 
••WUlIams, Joley 
'Wniman, Dixie 
VToebler. Maud 
Zedna, Sylrla 


Ledyv. yt& 
Leri. BIrtha 
LewU, Pearl 
Lewis, Helen 
Lewis, Ulas Pearl B. 
Lewla. Mlaa Bay 
Ltnlit. \Uss Anna 
"LiDcecnm, Tbetess 
Und. Fraocea 
lA>Ddon. Emma 
Lore. Frankle 
Lnrlfer. Emtlle 
McDonald. Flora 
-VeDonald, BIM 

MeOouM. mr . 
McKlsIey. Sm ' - 
JTcXallr. MSB BiAa 
•Xsck. Dceu 

••Maker. 7esals R. 
Mattlaoa. Mlas M. 

Marsel. Usito 
Mardiall. IrcBc 
Martin. ~ 
•Martin. : 
••Mary, care Parker 

Mascaa. Mlas Kitty 
MazwdL Mn. U ' 
••May Co.. Bthri 
••Me^n, Msyttrtle 

. Dennis. Mra. J. • . 
DeOeseh. Mne. M. 
OcoMmd Slaters 

• DeVeanz. OeU_... 
Blamood, Mrs. BtUy 
Dodans. Klma 
••Darin. Gladys 
••Docto. Bath _ 
Docsey, Mrs. C. A. 
Ddsn. TaUtbs 

mtmiitB, Mrs. J. 
filnidee, Erelyn 
' - ■ Charlotle 

, MM* Usy . 

Mnn» A. 

Brass. -nrclaU 
Ererett. Moate 
ExeeDs. Loolsa 

■•Fears. Leoaa „ 

ItsakUa. Mis. Marsret 
Iltemsa Cnlotta 
Frfemsa. Plbiey 
^Eidmaa. Helen 
Gafaey. Stella 
Galloway, Edna 
OsBowar. Mlas Edna 
—Harding. Orra A. 
Olsdatnne Slaters 
OIos. Bosebnd 
-florer. Constsae* < 
CloTer. Ml«s Minis 
Godfrey, Msbel 

••MenlflcM. Kenlea 
MelTie. Mrs. Frsak 
••Meaddsaba. Mrs. 

Mereia. Blaactae 
Mlddleton. O. W. 
^'Irnanl. May 
MtUrr Sadie 
-Miller. Teresa 
Miller. Daisy 
Mllman, Bird 
5*inerTa. Maod 
••Mogul. Edltb 
Mohon. Mra, Loo 
Monte, Hae 
Moor. Bertlia 
••Moon. Miss S. 


Greea. IKj^ b- 

Gnlater. UsfCft 
QaB. r.iTti— 
BaUo, BDBle* 
••HsiAanck. Mis. Aaaa. 
HsnsDB. Edns 
••Harrlnstan. Mrs. Gay 

. Rartman. Mm, 
Harrer, GaM* . 
Hayes, Mazjr i 
Btad. M«V.«^ 


••HteniBv lbs. Gte. v. 
Hoey. Mrs::FtaBk . 
Howard, bene 
Howard. Caasle 
Howard. Kens 
Howard, Bonnie 
Roward. MlM Belle 
Hompbrer.- Jean 
HntKHi Staters 
Inale Sistem 
JaetaMm, Bdlfh 
Jacones, Miss 
Jansen, Mlas L. 
rJtOtHa, — 

••Mnmm, MarsaerUe 
XInna. PrIseeM 
Norton. Gnata 
>'.iKlry. Beta 
n^ra, GertTDda H. 
Ordtar, MUe. 
Ortbman. Grace J. 
'^rton. Ira 
Parklinrst. Babe 
Parr. Loin B. 
rartello. Jnnlta 
Patiy. Leah 

Nk. Alice 
Vkst. Etbd 
rttanano. Princess 
Pqrae, Bertha 
RaTBiiiiaa, Mlas B. 

Blehardt. Ireie 
BIcbanL Emma 
miey. Mrs. Lee 
Roberts, Fhcence 
wob erta. BtUynde 
KoblnasQ* Miss B. 
RoekwO. KatiBTDr 

iSl BobL 

Rindimoie. .DorDtby 
!«a-Hera, M. E. 
Sasnett Slaters 
Scbdell. Miss E. 
Scbenck, Florence 
Seeman, Mae 
S«>knln. Eugenia 

Sesslona, Mra. T. 
.Shaffer, Lflllan 
SSheehy, Goldle 
"'SMoole. MBs. 

iHeesaa. Dora 
Kttn. Kamerltc 
Strada, Jfabel 

Athstt, gsny L. 
••Akbstt, Jsck 
Abbotts. Tbe 
Abrsms. Mucrls 
Ac^ Ssm 
Acker. A. 
Ackley. A. 
Acme Amnse. Ox 
Acoff, Jerry 
Adair. Carl 
Adden. E. S. 

Alloa, Tboa. 
Alaaktaa. The, Co. 

Albert, . 
Al brlicht, Das IC 
Albortns. San 
AletbU ft Aleko 
Altred. Chaa. 
Allen, O. W. 
Alien. Frank 
Allen. Jack 
Allen. Fred 
Allsman, Ctaaa. 
AlpboDzo. Don 
Altona, Tbe 
AlTin, Peter H. 
Alward, Moslcal 
Ammeot. Cbaa. 
Anderson, Jim 
Aoderaon, dyda R. 
Anderaoa t .Bil l— 
Aatbony, WUIIam B. 
Antboay. W. W. 
Atmstmns. Ed. 
Armatrons, Cbss. 

Blrtc^ Hsr^ 
Black, Ted B. 
Blaekle, Barber 
Blalr, Sam 
Blake. B. G. 
••Blancbard. Wm, 
•BInmhsidt, Wm, 
Boaa ft Connor 
Boden. Artbnr 
6<^an. Ben 
Bod- A It Trk) 
BonellL James 

Boswen. Pgrtaa 
BoosbtoB, J. B. 
••Boagh. E. F. 

Boaschle, Noel 
Boyd. c. E. 
Bojd, Geor^ 
Bozzel, W. B. 
••Bracbard. FMM 
Bracbard, Psd 
Bradley, A. 
Brandon ft Taylor 
Branbam. Cbaa. M. 
Bzeea. C. B. 
Brewer, T. m. 

fuimaa a koobs 
Btot ft Co.. Forry L. 
Brown. Geo. 
Brown ft Sheftall 


Coofey, H. T, 
Colaroaal. Ella 
Ooldar. J. L. 
Cole, Fred O. 
Col ton. Bert H. 
Colomhta. Panl 
CookUa. J. W. 
Conway, Geo. E. 
Oook, Mr. ft Mia. Dick 
Cooper, rraak Is. 
Corey. John 
ComaUaa, Tbs Six 
CoseU, M. 
Cottai^ Das 
CeurCr.. ! 
—Oemtm, MMt-' 
Cox, Fred 
Cox FamQy. Tbe 
Ooyle. Walter V. 
Crratoie. Franclaco 
Cressy, WIU M. 
CroQln. Jack 
Crotton, Otto 
••Crotty, Joe 
Cnllen. Wm. P. 
Cnmmlnca A mure Co. 
CDanlnsham, Waa. 
••Cnrran. Francis B. 
Ca rt. Cai alesa 
••CinllaB. CBsa B. 

Kmmenon It LeCleu 
Emmy, Carlo 
EncUab. W. P. 
••Bnslekee, Wm. 
Ensenberger. Geo. 
Ericksoo. Carl B. 
••Eailnxer. Bal W. 
Everett, Sterlln( 
Erentetn. W. H. 
Pancbcr, Edwin 
Fanjoy, W. 
Firnr, Btlph 
-^Fay. Bad 


B«(t A. 

WsM» Bay ^ 

FlM, Vsaiy 
Ftaaccsa, Jas. H. 

Flaber. WUUam 
••Fleck, Ptad 

Flrtrber, K. D. 
FIortdB, Gea A. 
Flynn. Geo. C, 
Ford, Victor 
Fortnej, Ssmsel 
ForrpiDtb. Geo. U. 
Fosters. The Aetlsl 

Darltac, PUI ■ 
DsTlOote, A. 
Daeldaoa. Leooard 
Daltoo. Frank Y. 
Dans. Gecrge 
DaTta. C. M. 
Oaela, Jake 
DsTls, O. L. 
DstU. 3ti*. 
DsTla ft Dorley 
Darts. Frank W. 
DeEapa. Etat s t 
DeBoatti, Ralph 
Delaporte. Wm. 
Delano, Prof. 
Delany, Eddie 

Pl^Bla, W. E 
Fisareiln, The Great 
rxCCS, U. 1. 
Freeman. Mitchell 
FrtdfU, LewU 
Frisco, smor 
Polton, Cbaa. 
Fcssaer, Will 
Glliies. C. O. 
GiUigber. Geo. 
Oallin. Jtmmie 
Galltcer. Cnrley 
Gal Tin. Jas. A. 
Gsat, Bebert H. 
Oaidacr, ftaak H. 
Gardaer. Oe«rs» 
Gardiner ft Lawsoa 
OsTdner. Hartj 
Oarett. Harry 
Garland. Doc. 


MB an It tke cncnniATi 

ft Is kaowa that tt «m be 

IB ■illiiiMlai IMII to ladMdDsIs la eaie «C Tke BSIbeaid, ktadly tadlcat* what coiH 

(It say) taA H Identified with or la what Uae at the baslBess he Is ca(aB*d. . 
'Wbwi possible, sddressee^ should be IdentUled "by lieorporatine the aaae of tbe Aow 
— r"T In tbe address or mall sent to them. This Insnres prompt ddleery or despatctj 
■ascstnllnlte trouble in Ttie Billboard's postolBce department. 

An Ban adTcrtlsed In this list la belac held at the Cincinnati oOce aaless otherwiae 
- - 4Bfc.^X«^ ■ 


Aoaat. Chss. J. 
Atfhoia, Jsmca 
Astmsa, Cbss. 

Athertoo. Artie 
A.tkiD». Benjamin 
Atkinson, H. 
AnsnstuB. W. H. 
Anstin ft Anstln 
Austin. Bobert 
••Austin. Harry 
Anstln ft Craren 
Austins, Tbe 
Rachtel. Wm. _ 
BaUey. OUTcr ^ 
Bailey. Fred J. ' 
•'IlalleT. BiMV. A. 
Bally. Nick 
BaBey ft BaOV. . 
••Baker, Chaa. 
Baker, F. 
Baker, Boy 
Baldwin, George 
w^llan. Walter 
Balzano, C. F. 
Banfleld, Frank E- 
•ntsnks. Barry 
Barker, D^ 
Bsiaca, S. n,. '- 
Barrett. B. It 
BsrriD, Dutch 
Barry, B. J. 
Barrypatls. Sasa 
Bsrsky. Oe oc aa 
Baztfiaw, WtttK 
BarMett. D. X. 
Bart, Dana 
Barton. Joba A. 
Bartlett, Owen 
••Bates. Clyde 
Bean, Bert J. 
Peek, Lew . 

Ba^BBkFted' ' 
IMew. Metntt 
Rrtgo;, Albert 
Bril. Cbss (Chle) 
Bell. Norman P. 
Ben. Prank A. 
••Bell Amnae. Ca 
ReU. Frank A. 
Benedict. Gnat 
Benrer. Louis J. 
"erlsye. Hormsn J. 
Bernard. William 

Beny. R. ^ 

Billings, Saaford X. 
RM * Sana 

Brawa^ A.' H„ ABRBib 


R mwa lee . ']. W. 
••Brace. PioL & 
Dryan. HanT X, 
••Bryant. H. 
Buckley, Tom 
Bnrseaa. BUIy 
Bntal, M. 
Burke, Charlea 
Boms, Fred 
Burrls. Walter 
Burrows. Wanes 
Bart, Frsak - 
Bartso, Hany r. 
Batter. CHOaCd 
BntiK Braa. 
Byrne. Amos 
Caessr, Praniz 
Calhoun. P. P. 
Calkins, Fred 
CsIIahsn Comedlsns 
Cslloway. Bmeat 
Calloway. Bobert 
CsmpbeU. J. W. 
Campbell, Tom F. 
Campbell, it. J. 
Camenter, A. M. 
Carraway. Floyd (Took) 
Carrier. R, J. 
Carr. Wm. Al. , 
Carr. George : 
Carr, Ernest B. 
Csir. Wm. L. . 
Carroll. Bobert 
Carroll. C. C. 
Carroll, James 
Canon. Cbaa. K. 
Carter, Don E. 
••Cartwrlgbt * Aldrlcb 
Csstrnilso, Bspbael 
••Csusland. Cbanncey 
Cbagrln. W. B. 
gambm, ^ed 

Chester, Chaa.' 
Chrlstensen ft Rpllhisa 
Christy, O. W. 
Christy, M. 
Olark ft Berry 
Clark, Horace M. 
Clark. Bonnie 
CIs^ Charley T. 
Claye. Bichard 

••ClaytOB. Frank 
Clsytoo, HsRy 
.OtaytoB. Jetiy- 

gawrta ,Hiagt u. 

'^QflCR, .P. fl*- " 
Oebeta ft PiMlui • 
Cody, Walter A. J-' : . 
Coe. Phnip . • 

roie. J. H. 
r«ie^ WsRla 

_ b 

•MWL . 

Demont, Arthur 
Detrick, C. J. 
Detona, Eddie 
DeTene. Tom 
Derltte, Boy 
Deyaler. Walter 
DeGroote. Edirard 
DeTaro ft Zemater 
OeTeanz. Chas. 

Gary ft Landors 
Gates. J. B. 
Oennsro ft Eland 
Geralda Maaleal 
OlbeuD, Eroeat Oedl 
Qlba^. M&rahsU 
Glfford. Fred 
••Gilbert. Albert 
Gillespie. Ed. 
Glllea, Tom 
<mMe, Paal 

Dlckey'B WIM Wast 
Dipple. The Great 
••Dlzoa. J. M. 

Dixon. J. W. 
Dixon ft Mack 
Ulxon, Barry B. 
Dixon. P. 
Douuyhne, John 
Oonaldaon. A. B. 
DonoTan, Geo, F. 
Doraey, O. J. 
D«n«y, Beal 
Downs, C. L. 
Downs, T. IMasa 
Doyle, B. M. 
Dealer, ^Esrl 
Drsper, Gny 
Draper, BaH 
Drew. Camn 
••OnSey. Dan J. 
Dnffey, O. A. 
Dukce ft Bert 
••Dnmood. Malor 
Dunbar. J. M. 
Dunn. V. A. 
Dnnn, Harry 
Dupres. Fred 
Dyer. C. H. 
Dyer, Lerl 
Dynes. Frsak C. 
F.aTl. Albnt 
Earle, Paid 
Farley. SMt 
BastDiso. Arthar 
fc.fron. Omcr J. 
Krkford. J. B. 
Edwards, Varae 
Edwarda, TBa 
Edwards. J. Harry 
Edwarda, A.- 
Edwards. Mf . 
Elckmaa, Ofianss- J. 
EI Barto 
Eldrldre, Geo. 
Ellis, Geo. H. 


Raymond B. 

Mwood. Chss. H. 

GilMreJ Psnl 
Goiaes, Gas 
Ooldsnllb. UOB 
Gollenateln, John 
Gollaetlne. John 
Goodride. Jack 
Gooldy. Charley M. 
Gordon, Paol L. 
Gorman ft Bell 
Gorman. A. F. 
Gnlbard. O. J. 
Grace. Blackey 
••Graham. WUIard 
Graham, John 
Graaer, W. A. 
Graham. Barry 
Grares, Sylvester 
Giahaaw Dog Show 
••Graadle, Bob 
Grant. B. P. 
■•Gray. Bnssell 
Green -ft Taft 
Gregorr. Bai 

GriiSttL* fImIP'' 
GrUBtba. Frank 
Grlnstead. A. H. 
GrOlard ft Ilamlltan 
OrlKC. Wm. A. 
••OUlen. Francis J. 
•^rooney. Ernest 
•Wnlse, JobD . 

OpthdSb W.J. 

Haaa, Andrew 
Radtey, naak E. 
FTarue. Gwttf 
••Hall. Leo 
FTalle, Rarecy " 
Hall. Orwan 
••nail Albert 
••Hamhnrg, Albert 
Flamlltnn. Glenn 
Hampton, Jack 
n«n(wk. Hiram 
n-ink. Rorkr Mt. 
R'oey ft HamDlan 
••Hans, 0. 
>T»wi-.ii llndidf ; 

Hsitow, Jsdt 
HirnmiD, Otta 
••Harrah. B. BL 
Uarraba, The 
Harris, Tbomas 
Hacrla. L. B. 
Harrison. Horace 
Harrlaon. T. B. B. 
Ilartcr Show 
••Uarlman, Joha A. 
Bartmao. Prank R. 
Havls, W. K. 
Baeklos. Harry 
••Hassan, K. 
Hathawaya, n* 
Hatbcott. Oda 
Hassan. Bca 
Hawibom. en. 
Han-klnS, Gy 
Hayes, Ton 
Hay, Cephas 
Hayes, Chaa 
Beaatoo. B. E. 
Hea'.y, MIcbael 
Beatb ft WrlgbUy 
Ill-Id. Harry 
Henderson Ac Sheltoo 
Henry, Cbaa. G. 
Hendrbc. Cbai, 

BandenOB. Earl 

Kletta. Xlka 
KUIlagtwortfe; B. 

KlnCanon, ItR:-* 
Kinder. Capt. " 
King. C. O. 
Klug A Divli 
Kircb. JoljL 
Kneedler. Xlllardi 
Kolb, M. B. 
Kreta, Wm. 
Kyle, J. T. 
LaBeUe, Barry 
LsBiSDChe. J. 
••LaBoer, Three . 

1» Ratranits 

BeaMT, J.& 
Beaiy, W. B, 
Henry, James 
Henry, B. C. 
Henry, John 
•Henry, J. E. 
-Herbert, Coles 
Herrer's, O. B. 
Herrlck. F. 8. 
Heater, LeB 
Hrase ft Wl 
Hesale. AI 
•Hmd. JSRT 
••Hewitt, m 
HUtt. Bert 

LeMarr. Jack 
LsMarr, J, A, 
••LaMont, Bl.Ila 
LaMon, James 
LaBoy, Harry 
LaBoj ft Haj-es 
LaRae, Bob 
LaVell, Frank F. 
I.sWayne, Tbe 
Lafayette, ChtL 
latcd, Boesco 

Lane, O. (Brooks) 
LsTler, Jobnle 
Lawrence. Bobart 
Layton. W. 9. 
••Laytoo. D. D. 
LeNorr. Geo. 
••LePsyne. Bsrry 
Leach, Dan M. 

Leach. Chaa. (Blacktak 
Im^ Jack 

isrssa V 

HUderra. Chss. 
Hill. Bay 
HlllUr, J. W. 
Hirst. Peter 
•Hlston. Fred 
HodfEes Ollrer 
Hddgklns, Bart 
••Hoeys. Tbe 
HoUowell. H. 
Holden. VCm. 
HoIIoTtj, Max 
••Bollinger. DtUoa 
Hoorer, Bert 
Hop Freg Mas 
Hope. Wm. ~ 
Horeh. Hsny 
Howard, Rany 
Howard. Bert 
Howard. Wa. - 
Howerton. W* M 
Haber, J. B. 
Hadapetb. Cban' 
Huffer, Billy • 
Hqito. Prof. 
••Hncbei, Mr. ft Mrs. 

••BnlUnger, DIOob 


T^lsiids. Tlw 
IieoB, TIetar 

•n^otridge, 0«iu . 

Lessier. Wm, 

Lester, S. E. 
Lewis, WIU C. - 
Lewis. Jack 
Lllea, Chas. 
Limerick, Voln^ 
Undenitreet. wm. 
Ltnd, Homer 
Llpaey, Ctiaa. 
LlaTille. Clyde 
••LWt, H. a 

Ixekabv. D. 

iMg. Wl 

I. IK 

Barley, nm. 
Baateik Baa 
HostoQ ft Maifla 
Hotcbena, O. IL 
Button, Jtck 
HvBtt. Milton W. 
Itit>erBOn. Bert 
Illlnmrortb. B. 
Ingleman, C. A. 
Irematne (Dope Fiend) 
Irons, Warren B. 
Irrlnr. I. W. 
Irrlng. C. A. - 
TTe«. Ed. 
Irwin. Wa. J. 
Jacobs, T. a 
Jaeobl, Chaa, 
James, Prof. & BL 
Jsmes.. Wsllv^ & • 
Ismeson. Geena 
Jantx. E. J. 
••JaaNr Broa. 
lenklna. W. B. 
Jenkins. Fred 
Jensen, xr^ldo C. 
Jeiard. Harry 
Jerome ft Lewis 
Jemme. SIdaay 
"■JabBsoB. BDly 

Loagfellaw. Mk 
LoTsa, Cspt. F. 
Lotdsad, Joha 
Lore, W. L 
Leyal. Frank 
Loyd. R. B. 
Lunklas Show 
••Lodz, Wa. 
I^keaa — 

I^a. Boy 


IVadOB. O. A. 
Lyons, George A. ' 
L^oa. Geo. W. 

i<r«^ Mf«» 

SeCvSbyf^lea ' 
McOenan. Jeroaa 
McClanshas. Fral 
McCloakey, Ia« . 
McCoonell, Lawre 
UeCoanell. Jack 
McOonnell. Jaa. 
McCree, Beoo 
McCnllougb. Cart 
••McCnnoogh, Waltt» 
MtPsRSld. H. a 
MtMB. Bay . 

JMasaa ft 

••Jxhnaon. Mdria 
Jrthnann. Arthar 
••Johnstone, Hsille 
Jon**a. nick 
Kfhn. Mobaawd.V 
Kalln, Eoitpne 
Karlo. King 
K.rl. Wlxard 
••K'a^per. Jewel 
Keboe, Cbick 
Keller. GoMwIa 
Keller. R. B. 
R»"y.-Tboo. • 
Kelly, B. J. 
Kellr. Eogeaa 
Keodan. P. A. 
Renasrd, Rd. 
Kcaaedy, Joe 
Keaaedy. O, O, 
Kennedy. Jsek 
Kenni^y BraaiY^Bbai 
Keomer, Balky ' - 
Keriar, Jat. 
WeM.*. clxrence 

Kettler, Otto 
Rieen.r. RIcbaid 

lib. & . 

MeLsaa _ . 
MCBae, X. . 
Maek. JIaale 
MsdlgSB Nick 
MSIae. Will 
-Maagma Tmnp* 
Msasdeld ft Welch. 
XsasHeld. W. J. 
Maaly. Ornery I: 
Maalell. Ed. 


Msraball. Albert 
Manhan ft King. 

••MarMa. B«. 
MaaeallB. Prlaea : 
MsbL Bst a. ■ 

Manrer. A. O. 
Msyer, Jos. 
Meek. r. R. 
Mel Is. Tbe Four 
\te)rlHe. Rowsrd 
MelTln. Boy 
Merrill. BrereH 



INS0BB 8AFB DBUTEBT. -"'-"w- -as 

Bacon. Bebie 
Brown, Loalss 
' "iton, John C. 
Geo. 8. 

Mitchell ft n ttm 

OldSelds. The 
Rohrs, Three 
Thorn. N. F. 
-Weber Faally 

FEBRUARY 25, 1911. 

Ttie Bi 

1 1 1> o a r d 


•Jfexkaa BUI 

MiB. J. miMii 

KllVr. Rob, r 

Jlilllcan, Fw€ 
Mills. Chu. 
Sllllon * Mlltoa 
•Mlaor*. Tb« 

jlltebcll. Kibcrt 

. IM 

, Wm. 
__ OcU 
MMitiirl * Watwa 
■Mite. Jetn B, 
Miliiwni. Jabn 
Sloni*, Burr 
Morris. M. M. 
■•Morrow, Etrle 
••Morton. B. C. 
Molhsll. Z«k 
MoUlo*. U 
Uall. B. _ . 
Momferd, 0.01. 
Maaaeio. Itt;. Ju 

h. A. 

Mwpkr. c. u. 
Morpbr. Cha*. 
Unrray. U. A. 
Mrrrs. Al. F. • 
Urrr*. HoiraiM I. 
Mt<-r«. A. E. 
Nsilsr. K. 
N«.ii-o. I.i w 
Nairn. Mr. Bod 
Naplrr. V. H. 
Ssntor, Xat 
••Niss'r Air 8hto Co. 
Xatlooal Amuse Osl 
KsBOMa, H. J. 
KHsna. Ed. U 
Nrrllli-, .\oro«tili 
Neirin.ill. Harry 0. 
Nlfhnls. Cmnt 
N!cllol«. B»tll 
N'sllmiiD. I.Mtar 
Vnrtnllp. Hn^ J. 
••Sorrrd. C. 

O'Connor, Ilntert 

0-Dtlr. wnilm 
••(Vttlns. J«ka 
O'Nrll. Jsck • 
OslwM. A. B. 
Oaborn. a J. 
Oalrrllac. 0««b V. 
Onrrn, 0. K. 
Park. E. J. 
ram. OMal* . ' 
FlM*. OtM . 
Park!. ard» A, 
Part*. Oarar . 
Partelloi, Jack 
Pattmi. TT. B. 
PajD*. O. U 
rrtk. FTfi E. 
Prarr*. C. D. 
Prarvon. Ralph J, 
Prlrfr. Rnbrrt 
Prpr»r. FlarTT I«. 
PrtrrvoQ. Jiadr 
Pcjaer, Dart 
Phntlna, IrfOala 

Pl«i«. B. lu 
Plrrrr. Mr. J. 8. 
Plitts. Jake 
PInnk'tt A 
Pool. Joe 
Paarj. Jake 
Potter. Earl 
Poond. E. N. . 
Powrti * Brewer 
PeireTs. Praftk J. 
Powera A Paallu 
FMMtt. O. J. 

Rolirer, W. B. 
Bolaode A Leoor* 
Boaar, I'etcr 0. 
Boaanan, Morria 
BoHmrn, UoIlT 
Bowland. Fred 
Rozell A Soxell 
Bamler, Ur. U. D. 
Budenburc, ill. L. 
Bnak. J. W. 
••Ryaa, Banr 
Bager. If utOB B 
St. OUIr, Blcner 
«, nmtkAl. 
SawBy. Onar 
Banpiom * Doislu 
Banfoid. Buk 
Santl. BarlMra 
Saooders A Cameron 
Sawj-cr, C. C. 
••Sawyer A DcUot 
Scale. Richard 
Scaof^ FHfa 
SctnTey. E. C. 
Scblffer, Clem 

Price. Bal 
Prtmreae. O. 8. 
Prlsre. J. Morsaa 
Prlreas, BlU 
Proetor. Geo. B. 
Qnlsler. Andrew 
Ball, mitotd 
Baadall A MIntawau 
Randall. Dany 
Randle, Frank 
Kaakta. Herbert 
Bmkk. T. It 
Bawlea, H. U 
Bawaoa .A Clare 


Rred A 


Bhndrarw. A. - - 
••Rice, a C 
■lice, naee 
nice, W. H. 
Richardsoo, Prank 
Rlcbirda. W, C. 
Bippel. Obaa, 
Bl'sida, Aerial 
**Baacb. S^y 

BoMoaon.'J. IL 
Bochoo. rrcd ,i 
Bomoed. W».- 

Ow* ■ / 

••8»«rey, Xttt, 
Selbert. S. S. 
Scrraoe. Robert 
Spymour. Pete 
Sbafer. Lee 
ShaoDooa. Poor 
••Sbaar. lames 
Sbermans. Two 
Sberwood. Doaald 
Sbores. Frank B. 
Sbonta. CMa 
Sbropahlre. t trn w 
Stalta. Was. IL 
BUecr. Bw ... 
BIlTeilatiw AMh 
•SlapMA, Dm B. 
Sims. Pete 
"Slarmorr, Vatm 
mir A Clark 
Smith. J. C. 
Rmltb. Brace P. 

Smith. Cha«. 

Smilbson. Jesae C. 
••Salpley. Henry 
Snrder. Hnmsr 
Sootbem. Ike 
Speedy, Artist 
8|ie«rer. Barry 
Spesaardy. Paol 
StabU Walter 
Stilto, X. J. 
Staaley. Lea 
Staider. James 
'Btaateo. Walter 
BtMT. VUl H. 
Btehbtn*. SI 
Stelner. Walter 
Stepbeoaon. B. C. 
Rteeeaa. Hal 
SMrk. Stanley 
Stock. John 
BToektoa. neo. 
Bdwey, Ralph 
Starts. BOl 
Stamp. D. T. 
.Mntraa. Tnm 

MHtas. 1. X. 

J. B. 


Battoo. J. R. 
Battna. Rarry 
SnttOB. P. H. 
Swan. P. c 
Sweaa, Ed. 
••Sweener. Jobn 
Ba tMj 4k Bmoey 

il; Oea. D. 

r* Ororer 

f»B '"OI^B 
Taaap Ik Oaaay 
■haael. Anta 
Taie. SOeat 
TaHiir. A. W. 

Triler. DaM 
Termini. O. 
TVrrr Twlna 
Tex lea 

Tbetloa. Tloward 
Thomas. naioM A. 
Tbomaa. Jobn 
Tbompson. Joa 
noTntatk Frank 
Tboratea. C P. 
Thniiaaa. B. L. 
TtbMIii. W. B. 
TiiRr Btlfa W. W. 
•nilaoB. Bea B. 
TiBcte.' laMtar 
•ntatsa. B. W. 
Tmas. Balpb J. 
Temr. Bddia 
Tonrtelolle. Fred 
Trafton. Fraak 
T^ak. Clateoea 
Trtplelt. Vie 
Trorer, 3. B. 

Typtoo. Dr. Wm. 
Cmbenbanr, Cbaa. 
Uyeda, Mr. 8. 
Valadna. Pad 
Vaa. Woody 
▼sa Beraea, Martia 0. 
Tandnsltaa. ■. 
~ " W. 

yu. AdVBPtlBBd iBttBPB Br* hBid 
[•rMdayB, and If un«lBlm«d ar* 

Vernon. Fraok 
••Vlncettl. Joe 
Vincent, Ueury 
Vlrlana. The Two 
Waddell, Frank 
Waideo, Mack 
Waldroo. Lyle 
Walker, Barry 
Walttts, CbarH* 
Waltaaa. Banj 
Waaaer. Xaa 
••Ward, Banr 
••Ward. Jacab 
Warn. it. O. 
•Warner. Bea B. 
Warrea. Warrea 
Warren Bioa. Sbows 
Wasbhom. C. A. 
Waters, Jas. B. 
WaterbtUT. J. P. 
Watklni. Harry 
WatsoQ, Cllir 
Wancb. H. it. 
••Wrher Family 
Weeks. Pat 

Wtir, Kfek 

WcM. X. 
West. Sam 

Wesleott. M. B, 

Weatoo. Ed. Jm 


Wbyte. Mr. , V. 
Wleor, Miotlea 
Wletbom. F. J. 
Wllllama, BoUo 
WUllama, W. J. 
' Wil.lam*. D. B. 
Williams. Corley 
WUllams, Shorty 
WtllUms. P. 01 
WOlB. B. B. ■ 
WUaoa. BaM* 
Wnisoa, Iia 
Wntoa, Bcai 
Winkler. A. 
Wlaterhotr \.. 
Wolfe A Lea 
Woodi. Calmer ' 
Woods, Stere 
Wood. Cbaa. 
Woodrnir. P. H. 
Woodjtrd. T. J. 
Wooten. A. A. 
WrtKht. Freddie 
Yamasato. Mr. K. 
Taskee Comedy Poor 
Tatea. Fraak 
TaTwae. Mr. Al. 

•■Taw, Daa m 
Taaac Hr. 
—Twrnmic * 
. Tmhw. B..B. 



SIrletty Orst-daaa. sober aad reliable. Vaode- 
tOI* oechratia, aammvr rrssrt, SnBth ar axticine 

W(tt pfcKtMi. Ttekcta U.tM tn. Mmce*. 
UaifM aat kaUac far iiwuawl liiiWw with 
a seed «M. Atliiaa K. Jl.. •■• OSast. JtaerUI. 



In theatre or picture show. E^xperienced, 
Address PEARL L. ROBERIS, Butler, 

At Idib^^ Ist 


Comet Player 

Ticket? Yes. Can rive best of refer- 
ents. WILL ZIMMER, care of Maiden 

Clothing Co., M:U.ien. .Mo. 


Can Secare Lease on 


It la In first -claaa coodlttoa 
exceptional chance to make Ug 

B. I. FISHKB. IndUna potts, lad. 

•trera an 
hr a man 
«Bkk to 

C R A q O 

TImIiUii tliiUi^ 



Will frame up' and rehearse compsay 
and manage same. Would like to hear 
from White City, Chicago. 

Ghost Show People— Send poBWDent 

Permanent address — 



We maaofaetara and knap oa haad. laadr 
ahiD, amTtkiat..ths Bwtan 
Write as or tM. . MBT, 
a. 4lh B lu e t , at. L— ta. Ma. 

Mountford Ferrotype Plates 

Smashed the Prices 

Id 75 daj^a my plates hare forced the price ot tbe 
others down 25%. Tbla Is poaltLre proof as to the 
qoality and sbows that Moontford's Ferrotype Plates 
are recosnUed today as the Standard and Leader. 

Anyone can compete In prtc*> bat <insUty 
counts. Boy from the Boose of Quality, tbe 
only hooae that nannfactores arssjIMas they 

|naslMa*Sriifi' *" ffet* ''^BOM^^SSlfi!** 

Plates. 1 3-4x2 1-2, 75c per 100 
Mounts, ... 20e per 100 and up 

Button PkteSs * 75c per 100 
FraUB, «• 90c par grbBB nJ up 
P Mr jiiaiier, .... 20c 

per package 
Davaiopar Fras with Evary 

Order of SOO Plata* 
or Buttona. 

Write for ISU cata 


MmMLfPimtMH iMiiK ramir 

EBtabltahad 1893. SS BMvmr St., N«w York 

Spicial Price for ISIIOB OnrFemtyptDryPlatis 

For All KInda and rHakaa ot Photoflraph 
Maalilnaaantf Camaraa 

l2?;il,:i;iS'Ss:."v^} 75e pir 100 

Mounts for Squara PtatBS - - - na par 100 

OtitarSlzsaef Plata*. iSeuntsand Poat-oarda at Right Prtoaa. 

National Davaiopar, raady to uaa. 2Se par paekago 


Second'hwd QpCTa Chairs 

good as wBWi : 
I, voi^^ed and jpioA^bdiiBtdii^^ Write, 
LOCK eOX 332, 


WABTED. mOnJC, Bar The Xa Boas Electrie Feaatais Companies Ho. 1 aad S— 32 reeks* 
somater eacaseneat. Opes iitj lat. One to fonr weeks each atand In city parka and ezpoaltlons. 
One DOOB TaUEEB; oaly capable, sobez sentlemaa need apply; percentafe or aalaiy: KIrfc Beaaon, 
ana wst. Taw LJa>T MPSTOA I. ACTS (do aMa); pnttr asTtiph o n ca or btaai Jatttsfc Two UIDY 

^mSmMtDTSuaSSSSSSa^ had y nxiBerSaxBD aosie snraBBS atua 

stroBC voices, (or kaad aMoanudncat. Mar TICKET SKIJ.Wa aadica ar BtatlsaMa). Twetra- 
LaDlBB tor poaa sroaBlaaa. all vaar Ml leacth town sad drapea, for rcHaed lady aodteaeaa: . 
iniST POBSBSS attncHee flaarea. Welaht ISO to 100 Ibe; belsht S ft. 6 In. or man. P ie i lua a 
experlesca not abaolotely necesssry. Usnagemeat taralsbes warOrobe aad Inatmctloaa for p>iae act. 
Can place other (domb) reOncd lady acta, alngle or doable; also property men, eleclrlclana and 
workfncmen. Encloee fnll partlcolars. salary expected and late pbolo; latter will be ralnmed. 
Addrexa GEO. ROSE, care milboard, Cincinnati. O. P. S. — Can Interrlfir Clnclnnail appll. 
CaatS. Ai.L'.a. -ihit b.iTi' 

■ .-■.4.I- !■■..■•. . 'i- 

,4, ri -.' KATIK OlO^ MkUOUh 

(CoDtlnced from pit* 8.1 

4ane«s. hi vhlrh fbe in -— l-fj J. J. HushM. 
ft- capital foil- aail 4«n««r.*^.' ^ --i^"''- - 

.-■ rml>^e Hattna. 'Of tb« n«(t' **Railt DM 
■ • plM«lnK and vera fn* vmha nf Uiat old 

■at anrnnlDK fur*. Mr Kri<wl Pl«m IiMlla.'* 

.Ctaintirn Dallj Jonrnal: **Aiir>tbt-r fitrrr ban 
■Drlrncone aoDic-ao<l-ilNnrr tmtramt nitb liipiK 
vmlt. Thp lilnchnl nkplrtno of Mr rrlpoit 
From India -liaji Im>^ padilMl aa-t imlclirltndln- 
IM Titb Uir natwIaU of Diminil mmWIr. 
•ml la Doir parailnl nmli-r the name nf Katl<* 
DM at thP - ColnnlMl. wbpre ft »-hnwa vp<>«d 
Wltboitt rattling'.- It Ik a Il»elr ali.nT. brl«1i 
witb ifantY. plnnaMnT In annir. and wltb uaoy 
■Oiurata nf ItMliwrrloim rlon'olnc." - 


' ■ m MA 

..' tb* brat of 'th«> - iliilBn. ' bnt tMK« «• 
' ■mal TolrM. oirnnl. In tlw nnliv «f thrfar 
t Iv Wrlah. Mlaa' IttaWlPB." Bmrkbailk. 
Jtar aBA Mlia> thT/itm. Srmtil - of thr 
Inala of tbr onnalnc iM>mii»l»n. Flor- 
%«b.' iilarlnff aa a alanST but romanHc 
■unlmrlat. makm a annwl biillTMnnl hit." 

Ai*btno SteT4>llji. «f thff Faani!n«»r: *'Th<* wnnic- 

plaT Ira I a aonic bit. tbr Heat gpnnlne Hmjs h" 
that rblcago baa prodared ainee Madame 

rrrcr nammonA. of tl'e Trtbnn^: "It waa 
Mr. Hprbi-rt wbo pollpil th* Mit«t«lnin™t 
thronch with bla nrrttr daale. jinl nado It <mr 
of thp mnat M<oraM* IHtl* aaair alaya that 
ttaa hppo anair Ime tbta aaaaaft.** 
• Me nrtwnarHT. .«t III* InliT Oemn: "Tbpre 
w«f» MB* faMj «flil atalrairahi In thr prrw- 

Sm Wt^ JtlPtHM Dr fart. It tonic thr anrtl- 
•MV at tbP CMraim Onrra Hmiae a nnrtlon "t 

tS» fltst' airt oolr l» <l<Mt ■o°< 'I" 

at Ia»t #TPolB>t wa» «w of thrao otratlnoa that 
CDmp rarplr dnrliv lb* aoa ann,"-- Jadlrfair b^ tw*. 

■Bca'piiw nf tbo orraaloB. tba mmr: •ng piv la 

- t.-.ii»iul««i« hU." " 

morp and Pttlabarn. aPTPral dpw mpmhera were 
Initiated ioclndlDK npon- KsrtamaBB. Will 
Pinl^Uar - - - 

Smrtho and PinI lUakr. ■( tk* 
William. Hum Cbanr ' ~ 
Acadaar. aad lb* mnUn 


^ 'CMrtmSNt CHlCAOat 9PeNING& 

TWrtir wd ^f!(*»"*w ■'****^ ^^""iS:. 'IL 
llMm. the Wl«». win b» atod and the h«ll fB- 
WadWadar olabt aiwl »"t<iir'aT afternoon wlB 
bia Tbo naoahtPT of Pahrlclfa. „..,, 

At thP miitnla ThpatTP. thia wpek. William 
eniotto win roTl»o Spcrot SttIpp. Th!R plaT 
nrm falla to IntPtpat lt» .ndtpncp« and with 
tho BTlPndM atar now apXne ttip l»nrtlnc rol* 
aod annpi.rtPd hv » paraWp «nn"an.T. a rpal 
•ZPPllpnt pprfnrtnanpp la clvpn.. T^pop IPn-iin" 
aa<1«tanpp tbia. w«*.ar»: ^5!™ M^iKi— Vi* 
Walnwrt*fc W|niS«_5ll«|ri»S2S? £52" ^ 

bntt. j iiiii i ^ M ■•; J w ri/': aipw i r •. • — * 

**oSi;iw^. Uiiaibir • aiaibt. jrali. W. KTi gy Baj - 
wJ^SuIti riiSwtiHaf >«i« M > n W at IWrr-a 
TfeM'ti». la ItaHlaa l« wWpIi bo will ba»P tbo 
arimwrt nf fliadra Wanano Frank rpnnor. Fmp«> 
BtalTafd. Jane TttppU. PfolIIott Pa«tPt and oth- 

"on Sitnday niclit. Vf. 10. !»""> ft- T^'" 
tbP danrpr. will romp to thP StndPhikpr TT^- 
trP. f^ a -two wppka' afar. A nroiram of H"> 
dn and Krrollan rtaBP*«.wni bo ijItjw. 
Errnilan danrpa noror aooq hofo J™' 

tapindp. Thp vph of 1^ TS* ■5»!aL"!.2!I 

Tho mndn dafippa will »<<5alot of The . <Wwa. 
Tl^ (Mrtt laroaao aad IW Xantc>> „ 

•r^MTNSfO «■ TCSar alrtt. Frb. 1«. Jt l» 
MM Ma PKtortatnnipnt baa !»« aaajipotpd »• 
■■r tmidiod n»w trtpka and twpntr-flTP We n 
taataw. In-lndlnr tho «nfo mr^t^r and Th- 
ladr aod th">n. Tb,.T<iton wOl be aaalated 
a abadowlat and othppa. 


alatanta wfan 
admlrora. T 
■ddlHon. Mr. 
■ rioam Is ' 

Smtirtnonalr and In •"■•'^*^''V2'^- /■I."';; 

UKra nwtnmpa and »fllor aphomw 

C>antlfnl In a milpt way aa •"^ 

aoon bPTPahoota tbIa apa«<m. In " ? 

iVpn- pr»HT and »pry wrfl tw>haTPd •^•'Jf 

•OtPrtalnmpnt. AnitPU poold aay "? "JJ^^l^. 

Mlaa Olaaor llnda tbo dnttP^and^I*"'™'"' 
or an AnatTlan wood ii«iIw jL'?5!f? ^-'y'JSr^: 
8bp la a «ond onPTotlr .Tyninoaa. -otni ai- 

at M» roqiadlaBa wo alwaya ba»» laijehod witn 
Sid at te!thP thP-trP. Bdlth J[!~*"- 

lito tto. aii«»»t» ♦bo. wnlj2_«r2r-:;?JEK 

Sm ^bna iB fBrtVr' ahUEloe and . ntrtonsi 

(Contlooed from pace IT.l. -■ - 

Tlatt. The Moont rWt 
Wflkpa-Farro dadns tbi 
Thprp ai^ no worda ,af an^j"i™- 

tb4^ tbofiithtfnl tranoMK Ji'IS^ jT^IrtS 
t» slw lw» bard.oorformanpoa ^■"'•^•J.*"; 
■MWiilllg .ia>»ai pala. manaip to And tl»l*-*nj>aj. 
TvMf |«MbIa looolT anlfntpr. who ^^"yXi* 
StnarpTonn and wolI-knowB 'f'J"*:^,J2i'^ri^ 
tml"o wltb whlPh wp a»» all IdPntlOfd.,' Wo » 
to thp»- hlB-beartPd ^^"'"^'^.SZZaS. 
food win— they are a r—dlt to the prafenlmi 

bdlva la oalnf • '•"iSi"' JS^^S^S 
'MlnriK. .It la of aa imamAUT 

* '■»**< ^lygg"* 5* 




In «• 


Jack SInitor la maklns bic ptcparatlooa (or 

lion '-'SSfi.J^^a^'SiJSS^i.^ 

. D. K. wnilamaoB. maaaKor . of Tta* Tlitr 
Lllln. . and Mlaa l>nn Wlntara. alao a pnfaa- 
slonal, wora aarrtad In Omaha. Nfh.. Feb. 1. 

Wt made bla IWld trip J» 
the past yoar-apd.a bait . 
it aAno whlPb PonMLinTO- 

ijilm -taw 


VTten tho Mabfl Tbratro. CTilrago. opena on 
PPbmarr 38. It will baro an pntlrplr new atock 
pompanr. Tbe Initial offerlnic will bp Tbp Mao 
on tbp Itox. 

Mr. TraToni. RlaDrth ITalah'* maoapfr. waa In 
ClilcaKo taat wrok to onffapo an nndpratndy for 
Sflax Walab'a Ipadlnft man.. He rpporta -that thp 
cnmpnny did a big baslneao la MllwankPe last 

Mr. Frpd SIpkpI Ipft Chlcapo oa FehrnaR. Id 
for Oklrihom^ citr. to Join tbo I<ai«li A-Wnapr 
Stnpk Cnmpany whtrh plapipg a'pNaPBtnt 
pnEapomral In that eia. 

Fphmarr & wMk pMrit. 
Mr. HMnnft''«kb appoarod In The DpaortpTa. 
TPhlrTo «Ufk li sprrlnir to atar Mlaa HpIpd 
Warp. plO'Od wif*' that mmTMinj- alMl la tlow 
onp of tbP Opf-Rlpb.Onlpic -Walllncford orpanlia 
tinn. nIaTlnir fhp Olympic, thi* cltr. 

Fred T'lll'h. a wpll-known ChlcaKO actor. 
paiT»p to Chlrairo Ibkt wAPk to hnry bla fatbPr. 

TIip rntor-Stnfp Thpatrlral AMOPlaHon h«v 
oppopd offl»v5 in the Or^nd Oppra noa*e. Sir. 
Fninfc Bavley and Cal OeVol. Ita aunager. Intend 
■t ■rrccal caad-akswa la tk* aaar fa- 

■ ion Hartfp ha* liwrn^^ 
tho P. .A. H. A., aad l» 
atronsthpo tbe order. At 

Tbo aoroad annnal teeofttlaa aad liall to 
kIvph hr thp pmplnroa of fllttner'a Theatre, baa 
hppa aononDrvd to take place In Kretlow'a Dane- 
Inp Aradpmy. Satn*-da.r prenlni;. Mari*b 4. The 
pmploToa of Ihp Plaaa Thpatre. wbtch la "op 
pnaltlnn.'* will hnid a almllar affair at tbe aamp 
ban, FphmarT- 22. 

Wnifa Hnll and Co. bare rrtamed to Chi- 
eapo after haadllnlnp tho MTIa for ten wppka In 
tbo beat nf the Otto Brni. bonaes. A brief feat 
waa entOTed la Cbteapo before rpopenlnp the 
tnor. altboapta dconndp for ipttim datea were 
Inalatont. ' 

TbP T..a.Wa-na Five, an artlatic mn^Ical olTPr- 
Inc. new to rbtcaao. waa open at tbP Clark The- 
atre the flret half of laat week and acored a 
hie anrppao. It la cnmnoapd of Lpna B. Mo- 
n^ta. Wa»a E. rnmmlnea; Maod naofnrth Not 
Boowell and Arthnr Horhank. A apeclal aet 
ahnwn the Paltaadea of tho Hndann. and the 
mnm la anpnnaed to lo^rropnt the alttlnv apart- 
nent of a manolaB. Tbo tOmllr plara 'ranalcal 
InatnnneBta and sinp*.' aad wbllo am n rwit l r en- 
tertalnlnc tliemaat>-a. nwlde dollphtfU enter- 
tainment fOr an andloaro. 

^p are tnid 'hat The Wolf Co. Will doae In 
Dnhnme. la., on PHi. SdL 

FIn'pnco Mbitata« i pfo am - tl aaad. with tbt. 
\pTlnP-npn*aa MaA OMMn,- irt ipdlaManlla. 
-nd tained tbp g it P Man llag OMppar-.Pt Dar- 

Tho atopit coranaar honaod at llio MJOB Tbe- 
atrp." Cblpaso. win Plaao on FOh i n at r Tbla 
thoatro waa imdpr H«o d'eaetlon of K|t«nt * Oaa- 
anlo. Wim tbo rioalnp nf the taooao. Wm. Roche 
Ita nmaacor, will alao aner bla coanectloo with 
that tbentfo. 

"Phe CrItPHoo. anotl»er atock bonae of CblcaKo. 
will cinae on >rarch 4. Tiiia tbaatrp la alao nn- 
dPT the direction nf Kllmt A narzolo. 

It la Bald tbot tbp VnrHa Ttanratnn Stock 
C'ompanT- will c'nap at thp Colombia Theatre. 
MPwankpp. on Fphmary 20. 

Thp Port of Mlaainp Men. which rpccntly eloaed 
•n ladlanapoUak wm icopan at Annua. - m.. on 
XardiS. • ■■ 

Hacry Prrahm CMUn.- a woll-kanmi Cnleapn 
actor, la la the Mothodlat Roanltal. Indlanap- 
nlla. owloa to a n*rTona breakdown. 

The Rock of Acpa la tbP title of Bdwln E. 
Rnao'a now plar ":b<Pli will aoon he Iiancbed 
In- Rowland tc Clllford. 

The moot rpcpnt acnnlaltlona to the Hlctw»p 
ntopk ComppnT. of Mnakepon. Mich., are Frank 

ToMn aad Apbcp lUlaL _ - 

Karrr Rboldaa. wkm* ^ap. Tkp Batoe. waa 
TeiT well raeolpod fa New Totk, baa located per- 
mancntiT In Cblcapo. 


Practical inBtructioii in -flyioi;. You use 
dor aooplaiies. We secure yon poritioiiB. 
No limit to aalaiy. . Tenna moderate. 
N. H. .CANCIE. (Aviation School). Boom 
932. 1402 Biondwiqr, y.,Y. .Ci^. . 


MovioT Pictare Operator 

Foor 7eara on the road. Wan la road -work or 
peimaneat poaltlon. Bzperteneed deetrlclan, 
aa* baa vrnn awcblaa. AMiaaa C IIOBPHX. 
aon iMrt Mn(t, 'St Loala. HOb 

Mate ti Swlaet RiRk ft Dhm nm 

OvarlNOlnuaa Made in three 

Var BaUar BInka. Annai 

w»ti* Oastractoca aad 

Msehiae eaaUp ranted to Oan tia et ata 

•n at a Pit proflt e( a»t l«at thaa tu It 

a dap. It la toit eaallj operatad aa abaa tbo 
baadio la ralard It la ladtaed to BOTa.NnnW 

of Ita own accord. Bnllt oa tbs aidjr 
Ooaraatatd t* bo tbo BHT 


with which to prodneo an oran. amootb asCaao 
en aoT kind of wood Poor, old or now. bate (T 
aoft. WUI aortee* from S.OOO to T.MO i«. ft 
onco over In 8 bonro. Two to fear tlaiao awar 
will make It amootb and lanL aand Ittjmr 
TEB, lOI-tM H. Ouwt Mnp^ ^iMCa, HI. Bsv 
Totfc OSoo, loai »Ia* - - 


For Kit Carson's Buffalo Ranch Wild West 

WIEDEMANN BROS pQwMrm V'^:^^^^^^^ 

Forty BxperlPDced Billnontei*. Ui 
I Bapaaad Araana, — ' - — 

Bdaa CbaalMlar Man and A aalataata. Train Men. DrlTcra, Hoatlpra. Animal Uan pad Oaenp 
CMAnr. Stl Waat Poplar St.. Harriaborp. ni. 



To join at Jacksonville, Fla., on mjun street, week of February 27tli; 
auspices K. of P. Lodge; mth the finest circuit of towns in the South to 
follow. I got Knoxville and fikistdl on the streets, with all tlie' opp^ 
sition, because I delivered the goods Isst year. Watch the route in the. 
Spring Issue. Address JOHNNY J. JONES. 

Smashing Re^rds Cyeiyiiifhere^ 

TliB NORWOODS, "Hypnotists 



Uonolocaea, Lyiiea, Soaga, Muaie and Uusieal Comediaa. 
tew original, op-to-ttae-mlnute plota and aketehea ready for laMadMa ■ 
QlT'Satlafaotlon Guaranlood or Money Refunded. 

I!(-sl Id tbi- 

1621 8o. Honixn Ave.. 



TWO MORE SH OWS th at do not conflict, and FERRX8 '""aai to Join at onco. Bare eoakpieto ' 
VAVSETUXE outfit, WUI rumlsb to the right people onlj. Can place Pboto Oallorp p(M- 
lepe. No two cODCcaalooa aUkp.oa-tbla trick. WoiiM like to bear fiora Seaaatloaal Rao Act Itr 
Addiaaa TOOS. r. UXXISJOHV. 


For tbe Biggest Eyent in Southeattern Texas 

BlB flptlaB Vhatlni.< Ba8aa«it, Caaaa, aaa a lii p P. a TMaiaaa, «aafc Bbbaiurp ST. Sbowa aad OM- 
u' aa l aaa af rmr daeetlpttaa. r a pbnw a OMatap Bbava IPtiSih atHaillMa AddPMP pn PPPHi^ 
pitatlaw to S.uaaUV, Uto |>pi|ip. XeTMh l^hppij m, ■ . ■ . - , ■ - 


Send for aamples and prlcea of our Mala. Aak the old tiniera; thcr'll tril too "ACMB" IP 


Baa plrnt7 of time with abort Jnmpa. Noreltp fealnrea and real acta, wrlta or win PBTBB W. 
OBIPWN. Booking Agpot. OrHPn VandPTllle CIrcolt, Tarletj Theatre Bnlldlnp. TnfPBtP. 

El LM « FO It S ALE 

Id ftatma ibleela. W IP Itt pap laai. ' 

'^"Si'" ' ' eiauilnalloD. Bend for inammolh Unt; jBjil.aaE • " 1' '■ ' •■■'■■^ \ 

- '^ett SUPPLY CO., 4th Ave., ttaap raity jK.. WTTspuiiati, r - 

EXEcrrcic scenic effects and stagb UOmiNO AmjANdBS' -. 

ComiilPte line of CLOL'D EITpcU. 6\0W. BAIN. FIBE, Etc. Alao HIMT and nOOD LiOBSB. 
STTAGE POCKETS. l-LDOUINa B OXKS . RHEOSTATS and erprrthlnp napd In eMUwUMi Wl5 
eiefUlcat Staee IJitbtlng. IKPORTED C arbona , Lonaea and Oalattaaa at Low Npaa. SaaS W I 
eanta for CATALOODB. VOiEra VnOmor^BJWnUA&JJO.. H^SSlPatMP S 


BBEBlMiSmEiMiMnUa «U TOUT MllnrEM iM WM ■ SEttll MSMiO, S0 

FEBRUARY 25; mi. 

T" ti e Billboard 



teMtora'a Btnl. Jobn Joflaa. mgr.: Pottatown. 
Pa„^; L^ford 23: AUeatom 2«: WU^w- 

imS? udlM OiclMttn, a. 0. BomiaL Mr.: 


CltT (Jobn W. Yocer*): WlllUnMport, Pa., 
2; Lock HiTca 23; BmporU 24; Wtrno SS^ 

•«(>>■•. J. M.S Uoodr. Vis.. 27; Omrfort 38; 
V«Uf7 MMfc Vudi 1. 
Kfcitadcr^ Lew, O. F. Bodie, our.: 
iS., a: lIMdIiB, Min.. 2i: Jaekwm 34; 


loi Mamphl*. Tenn., 2S. 
■aacT B<v. 0*i>- mgr.: WbMUas, 

WTT t., a ; MwWtU, O., 23; LlTerpooial; 

fJ^rSr^.: ^ttla CNtk. Ulcb., 22: Kalm- 
^SmW^: JOtaA- Iad.. te. BUM 2S: 

» It VMasl«*a. BoUiDd Je PUkll 
R. Hex., i2; 81lT*r City r" 
~ ; Ifirf* 27; Alpine 28. 

Skating Kink Attraotions. 

AUca TMAr. BoIIrr Bkmtlas Bear, Geo. B. Cnp- 
OtTU'* Like, N. D., Oiaad 


AteoM* Onal««I.«( N««dtl(a * Mmii oT nia- 
riooa, PmC H. D. AAuu. OohMbta. 

C. 2<»-2B. 

Aduns*. Jeeaee. Show: Rock Hill. S. O.. 30-35. 

4lMdu, Tbe, Hjpootlit*, 8. B. Sweet, mgr.: 
UzlortoD, Mo., 20-2S. _ 

ABtbeor'a VtodeTtlle Ca. J. H. Anthony, mgr.: 
Oollyer. Kam.. 22t OnlafleU 2». 

Bmnm, Prof. J. B., MagleUB: Ogdea. O., 20-2S. 

OtMT Bra*.' Tandefllle Co.: WakcOeMU Web. 
tS: Bnriey. Wia.. 23; Bayfleld S4: Waikbuia 
H: Odanah aS-ST: Saxon SS-Xaseb ti Biaaa- 
Mr. Mieii.. 2.«: WoodniS, Wla., 4. 

OtMH. OMkt. Chu. Ooltlii, mgr.: ItiaMce. 

. JLm BVMB* nKPa . — _ _ 

ll «kdlr M: Oa tob li i a 3S: Oaltn 

On^i; DnYrtC' etmi«r Oft.: Xaratbaa. ' h., 

OsDcan, Qrett Sboir, A. O, Howanl, mgr.: FU- 
ton. ICy.. 20-23: Karllojcton 27-Marcta 4. 

Mwarda'. J. S.. Animal Sbow: Kanaaa Cut. Mo.. 

nial, Hectert L.. Meamerltt, A. 11. ni)Kbr>. 

aucr.; LezlnctOB. Kr., 13-25: Cbatlaoooca, 

Snn.. 2T-]CaKh 4. _^ ■ _^ 
riK Urn. Herbert L. J. A^Lacr. Bi«r.: Sa. 
. Bod. lBd„ 90.29: nkhatt 97-XaKb 4. 
flante Troabadom, Woi. uecabe. okt.: Btoek- 

tm. U.. 2S.n: Maconal 34.35. 
•BplBt, Tke, Byniotle Oomedy Oe., J. H. Ollpla, 

Bar.: SloQZ City. la., 19-25: Uaakato, Mlaa., 

as-llareh 4. 

■aoiUlon'a Worid Wondrr Shorn * Oatrieh 
Parm, C. F. Bamlltoo, mgr.: Lake Obariee. 
La., 20-K. 

aowUDd. Oaear T.: BlUlss*. BOBt.. 14.98. 
Haaey'a. Billy, Mtnatrel Boya * OIHa: Orleaaa. 
lad.. 22: BoattagtacK ». 

t^UplB Skow. Bd. & anpiB. mgt.: 
tttTuT B»-lBb 

o'a, Ftaakle, Stan: Ptatta. S- D.. 33; 

Waroaer 2S; Xaaktoo 24; Sloas City. la.. 2S- 
28: WakeBeld 27: Bloomfleld 28. 
Utebfirld. N«a. Trio: Bamllton. Oat.. Can.. 32. 

!*on(icb 2S; InsenoU 34; Pembroke 37; Smith 
^nila 28. 

Mac Hymotiat: PraMe da Chles. Wla., 23-25. 
Maaeot. Edneated Boiae, B. S. Itasnttc. mcr.: 

San AataoK T<BS.f.JaB; 8. Indef. 
McrteB-KeeaaB 8b«w: Dntioit, Okla.. 33-23: Ooal- 

nte 2448; Atoka 8T.SIL 
nyneTtaDB amltk Oa.. Albert P. Boltb. msr.: 

Pa^lae. la.. 23-28; HOMrd 94-38:. Mbcrrllle 
_ 37-38: Knat Ctty Haick 1-3; Lake MUU 84. 
Berwoode, Tbe B. B. Mcnread. agr.: Oedar 

Baplda. la.. 10.35; Iowa Cl^»-Kaieh 4. 
Pmdcj Bna.'. WarUeea: Woodbatr. N. jr.. 23: 

ABbey 94-28. 
llMamoo'a, rraak B.. Sbow: Banuon, Wla.. 

20^»: a^eaa 3S«: Boaa 28-28: Tartxa llaicta 

Caada. BaMta ft MCny.^ta.! HaMiH. lad., 





Anaaeacat Oo., K. O. Barkoot 
_ — I. Oa.. 2T-Barcb 4. 
Bajta Amaaement Oo., Geo. C. Darla, 

ValdCTL HIaa.. 30-35. 
Otale Uolted Sboaw. A. Q. Batllff. mgr.: Braa 

doB. Ulaa., 20-38/ 
Onat Baatem Canrtral Co.. T. B. Klakald. 

Bgr.: Ijake PlwrMcnea, La.. 20-25; Helena. 
. Ark.. 27-BaKli 4. 

JOMa', Jptaoy Ispnalllea ShMra: Sanford. 
^Pla., 3I^.3&, ■ 


Uadea BrtM.' Mn" 
, Sr-Maicb 4, , 
Uehmaa Camlral Co.: Laba ffbatita. jaalB 

Ife^opoUtaD Show.. 1. r. t^SnSTb^Awr: 

Maa. 8a., I30-2S: - 
"WJgte-Koan^^aey A UaMbawa, mira.: Ool- 

•■WMa ofeater abowa, J. O. Stmp«>n. mgr.: 
DotkaB, AU.. 30-28. 

— "v'Ste-*" •katra, ft Bnffalo Raorh Wild 
Weat: MeOvalck. B. O.. 80-26; Aaderaoa 37- 

'W^S.^U^^ K.r- 

aSk iftV SB-SSf Selma 


*1!r'KS5'!?»*a»* ""Id Animal dircna * Baiaar 
baiam ft*" W optotwnu Pa.. 30-38: So. Batble- 

oiRnt imimta*. wia.. 

(OontlaiMd ti«n paga Vf*^ 

llKbta, broDKbt tbe andlenee op to a kigh pitch 
Of eslbntliiaai. 

Melbonme MacDowolI and Virginia Drew Tree- 
cott. BOpported by Percy Cballencer. gare a Tery 
good portrayal ot Mlai Treacott'a dramatic rom- 
edy. Tb« ahrrlff and .tbe Widow. Tbli act U a 
Iltlla bit different from tbe nanally wild an.1 
wooly border drama, and waa very well acted. 

One of tbe moat popnlar of oor Taaderllle 
eomedieniMe— Bin Bertie Fowler — wia nezt o& 
tbe bin, and her Impataaoatloa at a youtb conald- 
erablr tn^riated aad-ttylBC ta Bad oat wbetber 
or not bla bone bad Inat' Ita ebarm, prored a 
good cbaraeter itody from lift. 

Enieat Bfeack. the originator of Brenek'a Pa- 
Tlalaa Modela. la to be congratalated for th.- 
neit let, la tbe itadlei preaented were cer- 
tainly Tery life-like, and the rigidity of the 
modela tbemaelrea made each poae a dlatlnct 
aixl attractlTe pirlnre. Tbia act fitted In tbe 
bill Tery nicely lad waa well recelred. 

Mile. Alezindra and Bertie appeared In an 
aerial act, entitled After tbe Ball. Their Blst 
entranca on tbe atagc la la dreaa eoatoBn, 
and tbeir dtareblnt down to fleabltaga tatea place 
while perforBlnc an a ladder. Tbe act waa 
a eery good «ae. and called for a great deal of 
akIU on tbe part ot both pertormeta. 

Tbe Chareh aty Foar, eonilitliig of Ueiin. 
Boblmin, Wlnrow, Reed and Campbell, ren- 
dered aereral aonga In a way tbat eaotlratf-d 
the andlenee. Their ainglag of Sllrer Bell am 
I'm a Member of tbe Pitay Clnb wis rery good. 
One ot the moat Tenatlle Inatrnmrntallats 
Been here in aome time waa Yaaeo. billed at 
"The Mad Bnalclan." Tbia gentleman play .-d 
on ao many different InatnuDenta aad pttyad oieb 
and CTcty one of them aa w«n tbat it waall take 
a page of reading matter to tell an o( ikclr 
aamea. BnlDce it to aay. tbat tb«. act waa to 
fall atage, aad laatnunenti of all aorta aad de- 
aertptlona were atrewn about aad a eloae ob- 
arrrer would be onatkle to find ttiat Vaaco mtaaed 
playing a ilngle one of them. The act waa az- 
eellent rram a moalcal point of tIcw, hat a lit- 
tle too loog, althongh not tlreaome. 

The beadUoar of tbla weok'a bUI, Ur. Ocorga 
Laabwood. waa beM «iar. and bla cbaa«» of 
•onga from laat week piaved tbat tbla EoglUb 
Beao Bmmnel la one of tbe beat aent from 
acroni tbe pond la aona Ume. He waa the bit 
of tbe bill, and eaeb aoac waa w*U recclnd. Tba 
elailor pet of tkg ah^w ww Varao** Ohm^iih. 

heaped npoB hiB' aa a pred ne er of TaodeeUla 


Mr. Pinl Qolno and Mr. Joe MItebell, who 
followed In tbelr act. The Land Agent, got 
many a langb. and tiielr etforta were well pat 
orer the tcotUghta. 

Ur, Oeorge Beban, who betdllned tbe blU in 
bla one-act play. Tba Sign ot tbe Boae. by O, 
T. Daaey, proaad eoadaalTely that ba to wed 
deaerrlag of tbe aaay alee tbiagi lald abont 
bim II a deltaealor of lerloni Italian ptrti. 
Allhoagb tbe company which Mr. Bebao bia 
witb hfm this time la not quite np to the atani- 
acd ai when laat Men here, itlll Mr. Bebin't 
acting more than mikea np for any minor detects 
of thla nature. 

Tbe Old Soldier riddlcta played a letnm en- 
gagement, and tbelr act rteclTed Jnat aa «ainy 
applanie ai wtaea laat arcn here. 

The blU cloaed with Tbe Six AbdaHta. «haac 
acrobatic work wr 


(Oontlnaed from page 9.) 

Johnny Stanley and Bnhy Mortoa. In A Few 
New VanderlUe Ideaa, diaplayed eooaldarahle 
ability aa bamotlata, and Mr. Staaley'a take- 
off aa • water boy ftoo tba andlrDCc and Ma Im- 
penoaatloa ot £addle CUC, England'a famona 
boy comedian. praelalaMd bla Teraatlllty. 

A new act, aeeo here fbt tbe Orat time, atid 
which pnred Ita right to oeeapy lerenth place 
on a T*ry good bill, waa A Might In a Tnrklah 
Bath, which waa billed aa a comedy and aentl- 
acntal cpliode In one act. Thla act occoplea 
a fnll itage and the cnrtain rtiea, ihowlng a 
cooling room la a Tnrklah hath In New Tork 
City, abont flre' o'clock on a anmmer monlng. 
Tbe oeenpaoti ate gnoned aboot la ebilra. rather 
oegllge, aa beflta peopfe In a place at thla kind. 
The eharaetein are made ap of people In rarloaa 
walka of life, who have been reenperatlng after 
a night on "The Great White Way." aad allowa 
for aereral aonga by a qnartet, wnleb were very 
well rendered, and alio aerred to Inlrodnce Mr. 
R. J. Webb, wlio proTed to the aadlenee*a entire 
aatiafactlon that he had a TCiy pleaalng and me- 
lodloua tenor rolce. eaneelaUy effectlre In tbe 
BOBg which he aanx. Slleer Aiaada Among tiM 
Oatd. Br. Joacph .BacU wbopndaecd the act.' 

la to ba coBfraP-" ^- — 

wUek bt baa 

act heia .# 


(Coatlnoed from page 9.) 

Then came Mlaa Paaba. or rather Bcreenao. 
ma la oawrltten biatory. hot tba. tratk moat he 
told. Mlaa Paaba Merecfeaa waa • winder from 
tbe KbedlTe'a palace. She had wandered far 
among the hollmabee. and had eoaie aeraaa the 

ftrodacer. .15. T. Emery, who bad Eone to Egypt 
a learcb ot tdeii for his new narei, Emery, after 
recorerlng from hla atage fright, beapoke the 
Kirl In her natlTe toncne (Swedlah) and carried 
hrr ofr, wltb tbe mighty Alex, in parsnlt. 

Can yon imagine what happened when tbe 
Greek wirrlor orartook tbaa noon tho.aaada of 
Sarah'a DeaertT It wia a cnnd atrnggle, a Sgbt 
to a flalab, for pniatailea of tbo praod baanty, 
bat Bta. Alex. Interrcned. and Pradnear-BBeiy 
with hla priae elatched la bla hndi, inibad 
to aafety ^thxongb a loeky paan np atagaw 

Alex, the Great aent -hla mercenary tiuap a 
abroad, and captured both Emery and MrrccMan, 
and bla captalna hare held them In bondaga 
thene many montha. cxhlbltlag tbem aa boat- 
agea of war thronghont the whole ot hla great 

Orcrtuca Cor raaaom haya frequently heca 
made bar Paaba Alberto Wntoa. of tba Egyptian 
anvt for ttdr caaaMB, bat tbe Blgh^^&peror 
Ales, aeami tba aOmd kopeeka. aad Pnha Alt. 
T. baa threatened to lead on army ot baahrang* 
era from tbe apUt pea country to rcnene the eap- 
trrea, who are held la eagea aad boond in 
heary Irom. Emery la itndylng Saoacrtt daring 
bia captlrlty. that he may properly lodge hla 
complaint with tbe Greek Cbnsul la tbe Pat- 
nam Bnlldlng. Paaha AU Tamaao wnton la dla- 
aweetly troai 
tkm day. 

TEMT rOB BALX-^ne Pnah Pole 10^ 00x100, 
and lO-fC. BIdaarall. naed ana aaaaoa. Flint 
draft for (28 It. Or 
hound, male, wdl biako. i 
MeUIaB, On. 

rOB 8AIB— M-key imported wooden Trampatw 
Ouooiel Onan in perfect ruinlnf ocdar: wW. 

fala, H. T. 

FOB UXS-Up-to-dalo noatra lit Aadenea.: 

Good for picture ihow, TaodaHllt «g I — *" ' 

Bent only $30 per month. * - - 

paymenta or cash: cheap. 
Ian Bt, Aadaiaoa, Ind. 

UBMUSrs OASBITAI. OO. wanta good Sg t- 
elty Free Act. Good Acrobat. Contortloalat, wno 
Wnlkar, Foot Balancer or Ttapaio f tm nga. 

and ana Ballyhoo Shaw. Oeed tawna. good Ban , 
ay. Xawtaa. Btaa.. tab. 20-S. rfiRMXTB 
tUMMtfJOba.. 9. 7. Undaay. Maaaaar. 

WABTED — Far Boratead Broa.* Monnona Co. 
to open March 8. two good Aaenta, Band Actora 
and Hoslclau ot all kinda; Plaoo Player doable 
Band; Woman tor lead, good looking Soobrette. 
I.ady for old lady part, or heavy. Make yoae 
aalary.low aa It la aure aa death, aa we ha;re th* 
money to posh It throasb good aad bid bul 
neaa: caah capital over 838iMk Wo ' 

. open neaa 

Ctileago March 23. flhaw mo ttp' year aronnd.^ 
playing ooe-nlgbt atand. nuet aanr. pa 

own. A. J. * B. " — * 

write JO.. 

pay your 

trie right ~Plaiit ~Xotnr~TradE, ^oT^olihlapeal 
an makea, 812S and up: Ught Weight Botlem, 
on bamets, any slxe, one-half price; Black Tent, 
20x40. tilr. t2S; white, 2te2flL good aa new. 
{29: Power* Ho. S Machiaa and ISBaate.Obalre 
Ftlma. ch eap; 
tumea. — 
tOIo, Ky, 

BAOCOOV, |S— wnd Harea, Bay I^rnx, Prairie 
~ PMcnplaea, Bear Onba. ate. 

FOB SAUC— 'Merry-Oo-Bomid, in firat-ciaia con- 
dition; o(»erated Ore weeks; cheap if aold aoon. 

BeaBon for nflllnt;. oM «kp aiul HlckoeM. Add 
B. SINOKR, Ilanlson, Ohio. 

Two Edi aon one-pin macbloea, like new, com 
plete, 875: No. S Power'a N. T. Approved 
Uodd, $128: Model B. Oaa Maker wltb barner. 

825; -Id ndg^wam. le a laots 8* i 

fiOe n^' 188" .— -- 


FOB BAKE— Heracbell-Spinman 40-tt. Merry- 
Go-Boond, naed 4 monttia, or will placa In good 
patic for aeaaon. C. O., 212 I38th Place^ Blrer 
dale, llli. 


Brerythlng new. Cabinet, eroaa eaeape. trick'' 
ropea. ahacklea, 10 teata, all aeceaaorlea. Ova 
mind reading ayatema. Vandeylllo or road 
abow. Complete inatmctlonB bow to itage. Ooai 

a SO. What otTeraT Addreaa A. BBVbIrIDGR. 
0 Baker Street. Detroit. Mlcb. 

FOB Uia— A. Two-pla Edtooa Bi.. with re . 

tart. : 

TAUUKfimB ACXB— six ot them, new and 
original, goo<l. np-to-date material, Dntdi, trtali. 
blackface, tramp, dnde. toaiyh, rnbe and Hebrew 
cTiaractfrf!. All for 5^>c ntamps. M. E. BKLL, 
Bearden. Tann. 

WAHTQ) — To book with good Cimlval Co., a 
new Parker three-abreist, jnmp lpg dorse Carry- 
na-an. Addreaa B, T. COBWEIX, VhrichariUa, 

Moitas Ptetato 

AUaoa Bxhlbltlon Sityle 
- letfr. ~ 

FOB BUS— Vandetnie aad Bottoa Hooaa la the 
bert dty ot Ita alaa la tbe aUta^ tbe beat cqalp- 

ped boaa_ In " "* 

Siclty 3ISO: plan to 
nly Tanderlllo laaa*: 
tor aeUInic. 
Aaa.. Bill*. 

raiCE. rS CENTS 


For Ten Years 

we have been supply- 
ing the patrons of The 
Billboard, and like 
"Billyboy," we have 

frown tremendously, 
'rompt and courteous 
attention to your let- 
ters, fair dealing, our 
positive guarantee, on 
our work, are some of 
the things tluit httn 

Us pTer" 

Postage paid for cadi witb ordsr. 

PRICE.! $1.00 


The Hou«o You Hav« Always Dealt With. 




Tl^e Billboard 



Of Agantak Hotels, Music Publishers 
. DaMm in Theatrical, Circus 

«M Park Supplies, Alphabetically 

AdrertlAcmenU not ex«c«ai2i|C one Une In 
lenstb will be pnbllstaed. properly rliis.iigei]. Id 
tbJs dliectory, at the rate of $10 for one jt-«r 
<62 Iscaa). prorlded ttey- an of u aceeptabie 
■atnr*. Price laeladca ooe Tsac' 
to The Bniboaid. 

Ooe'llDe wm. ke<allaas^iSr-(SIUSS 
of durge for esch 9IflO mstk of spaas OM 

Ins one Tcar, 

Tbla dtrectorr I« rcTlaed nnd co<Twted iri^ek- 
ly. etaangea In lirm names and addresies tieioc 
nwonlcd sa Moa as ther are recelfcd. 


. ?2 BowctT. New York Cl'r. 
Co.. ISO MadlaoD at.. CUcajro. 

Bplmoat Slaters Ballooa Co.. B«ea City, BUch. 
UlM Domtlv D» Vonda, Box 108. Otacao. Ulcb. 
£nC GMKl'aehwmTtz:' Humboldt. TMoD. 
Tte:M.^aiIr Obla. TtaoDpaonTlIle, lUeb. 


Box 78, MadlBon Sqoare. New York CItr. 
Silas J. Coorne, DSOS UcLeaa ave.. Cblcaso. 



AMiaiB Dip Co., Bex M. BaacsrlDe; ' OL' - ' : 

■.. Mlapags * Co., 166 Bay St.. Tonnto, CsB.' 
Husdiell-Splllman Co., No. Tona 

O. Vr. Parker. Lobtc 

X. ,a 

eaTe n e uitl u Kao. 
V. 8. Unalc Co., 2990 W. Lake at..: Sbtrsmao. 


Wm. Bartela do.. UO ( 
Unwood H. FIlBt. r" 
Bomo'a Zoo ▲raia. 
TSr, Oolau 

■ — — ^ 248 Grand at. New 

kpawn. Yardley. Pa. 

;j. B. BaUbers, 36 B. 23d at..' Naw Tork City. 

dlM.-Ih siairatt Ok, « <M£iatt at. Mnr 
Ctty. H..*. .. .vJ-JL^-..- .... 

Botanical DecOw i lMi C*. tM flflh' iQtf- 
' c*«o. lU. 

7. F. OaatUoff A Co. Danrlllo, lU. 
Sdiaek ArtUcIal Flower Co., Ine., UTt-Hm 
Mllwaidne ava., Chlcaso, 111. 

Soamaa k batlt Co., 41T B. CUatoa st,, Cb'co. 

, ^^VRB BOOTHS. .- 

0. W. Traliwr Mff. Co., 80 Pearl it., Boaton. 


J. H. 


1. yon dc Healr. 200 Wabaab ave... CtHcago, 111. 
Budolpb Warlltzer Co., Cincinnati and CUcago. 
U. 8. Music Co., 2930 W. Lake at., Cbleago. 


DcMoolls Bios. * Co^, 1090 8. 4tli st, OtetD. 
*IIIe. m. 

BallbKS, 36 E. 23d at.. Now Totk Oltr. 
■er 00,7-1111 Naaaan at.. Naw Tock Otty. 

■ Mas, O. 

The WendeU-Gieeawood 0>., 122 8. 4lh sL. IOb- 

■ALL. TMR6wlW«.^MIn. 


CInolnnstI Karrltr Co., 201 IBth at.. Cla'tl. 

nnsMce. Unalc Hoose. 528 Elm at., ds'tl. O. 
' ~ ~r. 20S Wabaab mn., CUem, m. 
Itlaer Co., Clndnsatl aaS GUcsgo. 


.-Steale Bonae, 6SS Elm st;. CInrii, O. 


tr. S. Tent & Awn. Co., 22-28 N. Deaplalnes at., 

Cbaa. Bemaid, OOD Sector BIdg.. Cbleago,- lU. 

Bsaastt's Dramatic Kxdunee. SO Dssxbont sb, 
' 'Ckicago,. ' 

TM Sparks* Vandernie Circuit, Centnry BIdg., 
Kansas Cltr. Mo: 



le Co.. 120 W. Slat St.. H: T. OL 


ClnelBBatl Oaldom Ugbt Co., 108 4tb. Cln'tL 
Brker Broa., 604 OUre st., 8t Lonls. Mo. 
Plttabars Calclam Light & Wtm Co.. Plttabnix, 
Pa.; Dea Molnca, la.; Bocbeater. N. X.: Lin- 
coln. N«b.: Cincinnati, (k; Omaba. Km. and 
WUkes-Bam: PS. ■ 
St. Loola Caldun Llgkt W^'-Itt St. W. 


Oco. Kntz. EraaaTllle, Ind. 
T, J. NIeiiol & Co.. Pearl * Lndlow ata., an- 
elnnatl, O. 


W. 8. Uonntford, 100 Maiden Lane, New York 


Ctereland Cane Co., Clereland, O. 
Goldamith Toy Imp. Co., 122 B. 4tli. Cincinnati. 
I. EUeoateln, 44 inn St., Ncw Tork atf. 
Nassella Broi., tt- AUaatie STCh' 'BOStoOi 1I6M, 
Newman Mfg. Os., Ca ' Weedlsaa sve.. Oleve-. 
land, O. 

S. Scboen & Son, 50 Ann St., New York City. 
Shryock-Todd Co.. 824 X. Sth st, St. Lonls. ilo. 
N. Shore Co., 220 Madison at, Cbleago. 
Singer Broa., 82 Boweiy. New York City. 
Weston Bargain Honse, 272 E. Madlaon, Cb'go. 

J. g.'.l»ll>»'g.-80 E. 23d st. New York City. 


a. A. Dentael. aStl 
T. DoUe'a Carnesrt 
- Belgbto. M. J. 
Hersebell-SptUmsn Co.. N. Tonawaat*,. M. Y. 
W. P. Uangels Ca, Coney Island Hi 'Tt 
C. W. PaTkax.. .AbllCDc Kan. ■ 

:,-^--:CAR(|.(R.:.RO ■; 
Arms Palssa' Ift Ms 'On: ..aa^'.'ltiaaiBsak'..BIoek, 

' Qiiesaiw .' . ! >■ - 

Isatbcn luk a' tftaliMial CSl-' HTU Orant 

Hmm City Bk. ft Second-Hand Cash Beglater 
Co., 619 Yin* at, Cincinnati, O. 

Hsimat Co., Inc., 13 W. 60) st. Clndiaatl, O. 

— ■ — Onm Co., 408 TssfeHB St;. To- 


KhJSB^Jm * Son. 1222-24 Oak at. Kanaas 

Vsw sad' Bit 
U. a. nnt * Awn. Co. 


11. Dcoplalnea 


K. T. C. 

IL Stein Ooanatle Co., 120 W. SUt st, 

Paid D. Bowse, 167 Dearborn it, Cbleago. 

U. Stela CosSMtle Co., 120 W. Slst st, N. Z. O. 


MadlaoB'a Budget Nou 12, gl; 1404 Sd an.. Haw 

York City. 


rort Wayne EIrctrlr Works. Fort Wayne, Ind. 

A. T. Dials. UTlUeblgan at 

tiONt MAeHllNllky. ' 

Lanier * OriaSbaeh. IM ■BaOt, Olnelnnatt. O. 
Tombnll Mfg. Co., 400 M. MSikat PUee, Oe- 
1 umbos, 0. 

A. T. Dleta, UT Hicblgan at, TMado, O. 

B. B. Knott aiachlne Co., 106 Pearl st, Bos- 
ton, Maaa. 

W. 2>. Long, 172 High at, Bprlagllald,.0. 
!^0S. tt Eckstein. BaOilip A^MaHl, 

Wm. B. Jobnaon, 80 Pike at. Seattle, Wash. 
Badolph Bros, 620 S. Sth at; PhUadelplila, Pa. 
St. Lonla Onfattl Co., 3 8. OsBaiatelal at, 
St LoatvKb<.<v ,. 
3. TbeiNrts Qli; llMaH«;:Swk| K Xoals, 



W. Z. Iiaag, in High st. 


Vanails, Ysos 

88 Union Sqnsie. M; : 


(hinlTal CoatDme Co., 267-2e8 W. Water at, 

MUwankee, Wis. 
Vkits Bcbonlts * Co., 1S-T7 B. Lska st, Chicago. 


Wortlilngton Bceale Studio, 109 B. J osaph st, 
Mlahawaka. Ind. 


Carl Hagenbeck, S. A. M^piaa, AMMMi i«ent 

Zoo, ClocInnatL ' '■ ' , 


Wm. Beck * Boo O)., lO-IS OstflM Plaes. Ctn- 
dnnstl, 0. 

Ynlr and Park Arooaementa. 
Clsode L. Hagen, Boom SOI. 1402 Broadway, 
New York City. 


J. B. HanM«,-i»Bi>:->M us* T«tk cit7. 

Chaa. A. StrellBgee Co., Detroit Uleli. 

nstaiss sad SeSsetsis far Dfaset sad bdixeet 

W. 'V.' ' jf a ' afci ff s ■OK,'. O iai y ■ IMi^\v'Mt''»;' ■'■ 

losi KaBcben. 380 W. BOtb at. N. Y. C. 
OUnisal Elec. Stage Lighting CO.. 1383 Btoad- 
wsY, New Toik City. 

Chss. Ik Klewcct Co., 88 Cortlasdt at, N. Y. C 


" On,. UO W. Slat St.. H. T. C. 


~ Oib. ]SI>«.SlBtiL. >. XiO. 

DeWltt Sisters, 14T W. 48th St., Cblesgo. ni. 
T< O. Mott 41B Dearborn it, Chicago, 111, 

BdUv^Nsre^^lUg. Oe.. 81 Otsst Jonas st, 


Vlme^Mfg. Co., 80S-90T Bergen st, 




Hanufaetnrars, Dealers in and Bental Bnreaas. 

American Film Brokers. 197 4th are.. New York. 
Amer. Film Serrlce, 77 S. Clark at,, Chicago. 
Aoier. Film Serrlce. 15S N. Main st, Memphis.' 
ADtl-Trost Film Co.. T7 8. CUrk at. Chicago. 
Chlcaso Film ExchaagSb .48 Jssksia ■tVfv -V^ 

cago: Omaha; OSSMf^ ISIt.'Um-^BVi' Isa 


Glndaaati FOm Bsehaags. SIT W. 4th st. Clatl. 

Colombta mim Co., SOI W, Sfth st, M. T. Oty. 

H. Daria, Waterlowii, Wis, ' 

Dixie Pllm Ezchsnge, Oweasboto, Ky. 

Ediaon Mfg. Co., 10 Fifth are., N. Y. C and 

Orange. N, I. 
J. H. Hallberg. 38 B. 23d at. New York City. 
B. te B, Film Service, 300 Monadnock Block, 

Chicago, III. 
Gaomont Co., Congreaa are.. Floablng, L. I., 

N. Y. 

International Film Traden. Inc., 14T fSorth 

STe. New York City, 
a. Lobln. sse Market at. PhUadelplila. Pa. 
tAcmmle Film Serrler; IM Lske st, Chicago 

Bransrllle, Ind.; Sfemphf ** 

Nab.: Salt Lake City; 3 

Portland, Ore,; Montreal, Qes.. 

peg, Man.. Can. 
Mnrphy, C. J.. Elyrla, O. 

Neator Film Co.. 147-167 4th are., N. Y, O. 
Not. Mot. Plct Co.. 422 Tork at, San Fiandaco, 
Ohio ram Bzch., 40 S. Third at, Colombos, 0. 
Patbe Cinematograph CO., 41 W. 2Sth it, N. Y. 

Plltsbnrg Calclam Light * lilm Co.; PlttSbarg, 
Ps.: DCS lleniss. Is.; Boebastv, N. T.; Lin- 
cola. Neb.; OliirtgnsM. 0,s Onahs. XSIk; 
WIIkea-Barrs, Ps. 

The Powers Co., S41st St., le Wslwfleld ave., 
N. Y. C. 

Solix Co.. 147 4tb aTe., N. Y. City. 
Sontbem Film Exchange. 17 Opera Place. Cln'tl. 
Sonth. Film Excb.. 2fiS Main at, Norfolk, Vs. 
Standard Film Bxch. 161 Wsahlsgton st, Ch'go. 
8p<w.^ 0gk^l^ ^j^ ^^qM^ ^ Vjy^S^ ^t 

La. ■- • ' 
Ttiinhoasir Oo-. Hew Beehelle, M. 1^, 
U. S. anm fjifliaiiee. 81 S. ciaik aC^ IjMtBCo. 
United Stsles mm Brokers sod la ip es lWd b 41 

Uaisn Sqnsie, New York City. 

Atlss MvUy Oo,. Mannnnk, Phllsdrtehls,Pa. 
7. H. HaUlMif, M B, dd gt, Htir xS5t Oltr. 

nio^laiiirnis Co., 170 Oreene at, V. V. C' 

Oaaadldatid nrtwerks 0»„ Bcsdias, O. 
antsi7 niaaarks Co., lis DssiImcb st, Oh'ge. 

^erka Co.. SAaeselsdir, M. T. 

Co., TrenlOD, M, I, ■ 


Rudolph nroft^Ha' 


n. a. Tent 


If. jj. Sdilacter, 103 S. Canal at., Chicago, 


Bewer. m. Basasa at. Brooklyn, N. T. 




apisdlss, OUb Bsois XsmitBrs, Ets. 
B. C. ETana ft Co,,' 102 Van Biftsa at, Chicago. 


W. Z. Long, 172 High at. Sprisgfleld, O. - 
Kske-np Bests, Oald OMsa, Bta. 


Osfc4 Norelty Co., OAkoSh. Wis. 


Plnmes sad TTappisgs for Obcot and Adrar. 

tlalng Uae. 
Edward Elcke. 157 Canal at. N. Y. C. 
Scliaemba Plnme Co., 613 XatiepoIItaa aTsnse, 

-'BMekiya.'...W.,'Z. ■ 


Kisgetr Mfg. Co.. aaetaitL'O. ; ' . ' 

iNCANDEscBNiVvuoHij** : 

Safety Electric Co.. 15 Vidian MSk^' oUtaao. 
W. H. Barton, Ooidoa, Neb. 

Taklte, Qtaws * Co., 166 B. Lake it. OhSesgo. 
-..'JEWELRY. ■ 
'.Ar.Hage Vm. 
Bennett Jewelfy Co., 164B N. lOtb at, Pbfla. 
B. E. Dodge ft Co., Maaoote Temple. Chlcaso. 
N. Shnra Co., 220 Madlaon at, Chteasol 
reiyackj tedd Co.,^ffi4N. Sajt^S^Tgiib; H6. 

82 Bowerr, New 

Bmaia Bonae, 279 IL' JUdh 
▼aa .W^^ 1668 Pallaa ase.^ Cladanall. 
id Cane, Ce» Cferilaad. O. 
— ( Jeweby Co.. Ill W. 61k st, Ksasas 
- CItr, Bo. 

Newnaa Mfc. Cb., 041 Woodland STa.. Olsre- 
Isad, O. 

Singer Brothazs, 82 Bowery, New Tork City, 
Barry L. Walabanm, 242 B. Madlaon at, Ch'io. 
N. Shnre Co., 220 Madlaon at, Chicago. 
Bhijoek-Tadd Co., S24 N. 8tb it, St Lonls. Bo. 

J. If. Nanghton, Bote! Mayar BIdg., Peorts, in, 

It aaw L i, Tarehas, for Clrcaa aad Taot Bhswa, 
MIts *,Wej«rXB, lUAtsu st, OUssae, m. 
V. Jk Viat nd A«a. -Oe.. tMB 

WlDdhorat ft Co., lOi-106 N. 12th st.'J 


C. K. Si«Milns."tanlfalaVa^i-EsaBis aty. Uo. 

Bamberg Magic and M^Teitr<teL;iSm iiiMi'^ 
.MeW'Zock City. , . ".■'"li. ■■' ;•■■■; 


DEVICES.- ■" ■"'•r*;-^.- '-, 

Amerlem Box Ball Uu.,' ISSO Van Bam st. 

Indlanapolla. tnd. 
Armltage ft Oalnn, Sprlngrilla, N; Z. 
BII Brldga Co.. Boodhomw, HI. ... . . / . 

Hcrscheli-SpUlman Co,. Mi'.Mnmadatl-B. t. 
W. F, Uangels Co.. Coat]r- lalaadi<lL^^:. ., 
C. y.^^|||iter^^ywenisocMiY '^a*^ ' ■ ^ ' 


^ ■• . dRCHRBTlilbNBi^'f v'^''-- 

lajon & Besly 2u5 WabsBh cTt., Chicago. 

Budolptt WarllUer Co., ClncliiDBtl and OUeaco 

Franda Bacnermsn, 601 Broadway. N. Y. C. 


American Film Brokera, 18T 4tfe aTS., Maw XlBh. 
American M. P. Bach. , C^, Ml Beekaaa at, 

Ameriom' Vltagia^ bfti;' 
York City. 

Amer. Film Serrlce, 77 S Clark at, Chicago. 
Amer. FUm Serrlce, ISS N. Main at, Uamphla. 
Aatt-Ttaat Film Co., 77 S, Clark at, Chlogo 
daelanatl-Backcye Film Kxeh.. SIT W. 4th at. 

Ohlcago run Exchange, 46 Jacksoa.BIfd,, Ott- 
eago; Omahs; Deant; Salt: Ask* ;^OIIr(;lM 

Franelaco. .'^'^^■' " ■:'':-,.J^.-.'.<.:-'iya<:-r*;'.V_-.-' 

Bdlaon Ufa. Co., 10 Fifth BM;;' ir.'Xr^':SL 88* 

Orange, N. J, ' vVT^^ ■ 

Oaomont Co., Congress are., FloahiaS^ ' '3k i L, 

I. a. Ballberg. 36 E. 23d at.. New Toik Oltr 
Barbach ft Co.. 800 Filbert st, Phllsdalphla. 

B. ft H, FUm Serrlce. 860 -Boasdeoi 

CtlcigOk in.- ■ ■ :.<■ 
The Oro. M. BSlM SaHlr 08.t W •>- < 
Chicago, • - ., ; ''~ ■ -..-r ■ ,■ 

C. B. Xlelne. 608 ath ave.. K. Z. OUr.' 
Lacnmle FUm Scrrlee, IN Lake St., fiUasBe: 

BTanarUle, Ind.; Memphla, Vana,; Oaaia, 
Neb., Salt Lake City: MlnnaopaUa. Man.: 
Portland. Ore.; MooIiys:, Que., Can.; Wtanl- 
peg, Man., Can. 

S. Labln. 926 Market at.. PhUsdelphla, Pa. 

Manetle FUm S«rvlc«. Claclimatt O- 

Nlcbolaa Power Co., lis Naaaan at, N. Y. O. 

Paths Cinematograph Co., 41 W, astk st, H. Z. 

PlttibnK calclam Ugbt ft Film Co., Plllslisig. 
PS.; Oes Molass, Is.: Bacbsstar, H. Y.s Lto- 
c^LMeb,; OlBctaMtIt 0.; Osths. Nsk., sad 

■bsSaSjKSIbdsSr 168 a, i8th st, J«. 1. C. 
■-nth. ram Bzch., MS BsIa st, Morfolk, Ts. 

Obss. H.. 1028 Bala st, Ksasss aty. 


standard lUm Bscb., 161 Waahingtna it, Chl. 

awanaoa-Crswford Film Ezelisnge. lOtl-S Leenst 
at., St Loola. Mo.; Loolarllla, B>.: New Ot- 
leana. La. 

U. 8. FUm Bxch., 81 8. Clark St.. Chicago. 

The aas..ll. Bake Sepply Co,, SI S. Olsik at. 


I. Btsoaclsi, 494 rtathnsh, Btooklya, fc'Z.-. 

I«on ft Healy, 206 Wabaak are., Chlcsge, 
Nartii Tonawanda Uoslcal Instnmeat Wsrks, 

North Tonawanda, N, Y, 
Badolph Worlltxer Cb., Claclnnatl sad' Ohiaasa. 

B. Blela OasMtie Oe.. ISO W. Slst at, B. Z. 0. 

... .NOVBLTIBB..... -.^.: 
CM^Taata 'A'0iih;';tH;:'Imi8;.:afa:, 

Ooldamllh ThF laipi. C9e.. IB i 
Oordon * Uoniiaa, IW-iOl 1, : 

Ooldberg Jewelry Co., Ill W. 61b Sti^:l 
City, Ma. 

Bolldsy Norelty Btg. Co., SI Otsst 34818 at. 

New York City. 
T. a Belt. dlSDsartMm st. Ghlcsae. m. 
Bodolph Bioa.. no a. 6tk st, FkUsdslaUSi^ 
N. Share Co., Bsdissa at^ OMN»liL-: 
Singer Bros., 82 Bewerr.' ' 
St Lonls Contittt Oa, U 

St. LonU, Uo. 
Stranaa Mtg C«., 8SS Broadway, New Toik Oily. 
United NoTcIty Co.. 306-K 6tb ars., N. Y. O. 
Wcatem Bargain Hooae. 272 East UadlaoB St. 



Amttleaa Seating Co„ 215 Wsbssh sse.. .Ok*ae. 

A. H. Andrews. 174 WShSik as*. flHtMftb - ■ -■ 
Canle^ondle^fg. Oo^^wSTfKmah 

Boysi Betsl lUk. Co., isn DssAsib at. OM- 
"^jnsSlwd Bfg. Co., Cbtcsge, 

na Comer Co., SOS Maryland st, BaUtob >. 

Chaa. T. UotTiasay Co.. 2480 Barilsask CM. 

a. F. Bath. Abilene, Kan. 

Oarieil i Co., 81 Bond at, New Tork City, 

C*. Lewrsses st, 

Phlladelahla, Pa. 
Lyon ft Bealr. 200 Wabaab STs., Chlcaso, Bl. 
John UdrIo Ik Son. 178 Park Row. N. T. 0. 
North Tonawanda Mnatcal Instmmaat Works. 

North Tonawanda, N. Y. 
Bndolph Worlltaer Co., OInetnnalt aad OWeate. 

FEBRUARY 28^ 1911. 

pr ti e B 1 1 1 b oar <t 



I'aul D. Howw, ier Dituborn it., Cblcaco- 

Victor J. Braaa Sc Co., WnMngtmi. D. 0. 
■J.Oiliiigjjrn * Co., Paan «ra> aod iM sL. Mtti- 


»«dtl *niM«.:^ Buft anr, K r. o. 

Tar BaeMo TUaaa. 

U. S. Miulc Co., 2SS0 w. lAka; at., Cbteafo. 


^in«r. MiDote Pboto. Co.. 720 w. IStti. Cbl'co. 
Cut-Bite Ptaolo Supply Co.. 124T S. Halateatf at.. 

Cblcago Frrrotxpe Co.. Ferrotype Bldv.. Oh'fOw 
Kat'l Photo Machine Co., 85 Bearrr at., N. T. C. 
N. r. K«rrotype Co., I«SH Dflaimy at., N. Y. O 
W. 8. MoDDtrord, 100 Utlden Lana, N. T. 0. 


Yomc * Cut. N. W. cor. Ith aatt TlM 
ClOftMiU, O.; - 


W. & I<ont, m HJ«h at, Sprlagaaid. O. 


PoiqriMtE PIANOS. 

n» OdulkH Muw COb. Oolomlai. a. 


Of WotolM Ju tM i. ^»l>^T>n atMU*. 

XiMaa our. 

<K Xkaaliical I,attaA*«ds. Ckatiacta 

W i Mf i e taiaai af aad Oaalara la. 

OlaaoBd Nonltr Co.. Behancetadr, N. Y. 
^ii: M".* *Sa 15* 2d aTa.rMttabaTg. Pa. 

^■•f}?. *» WaJiaab aTe.. OUcaso, m. 

"* — ^**- "T5,Cfclea«o. m. 

ItM W. Laka at., Cblcaao. 
— ilMF OOb, caaelnoatl * Cliicaxo. 

i^matreu Baaka Co., Saa Aatonlo, Tkxaa. 
SMtiMTUia Snalw Fatin. Box tig, BrawMttUa, 

(raall Jjtmtvi, Baa 9Bia 


I.( WlBBl- 



46 Jiekioo Blvd., OU' 
; Salt Laka OII7; Baa 

£~~B. rum ■iliilw. "iw MwiiSun neck. 

laammla nin flcnlea. JM Laka at.. CUcaaa: 
BTaoarllla. lod.; Uampbta. I^aa.: 

S!!Lv f»'iwJ**« c»»y;5hMaw>i&, 

Laka Sbora Wmli I k wll ■ Cfc. M4 

darvJaad, Ow - . T — 
I^j^Co., inc., M Onion Sqnira. New lock 

^ Labia. SOa Ifarkat at., PblUdalphla. 
ntmitjiMm Oa., SI ■. SSd at.. It T. City. 

^V'S^:^?^^'"^ >•>"•• I'OeaMt 

A. at. Laol^ llB.t LoalarUla. Ky.; Maw Oi^ 
laaaa. La. 

AAvaaea Wkip Co.. WcatflaU. Haaa. 

Var AH Paspaaaa. 

n« Btartoa Mtg. Co.. T7-7» S. Clazk at.. Ch'so. 


ID w. aut ak. K «. o. 

t. B. Claaer. MT Ballaa at, ajiacan. N. T. 
i. B. Hallberg, M B. 23d at. New Tork Cl». 
Joa. Maa^ Uaettle Oa.. atO W. aoik at.. Itaw 

aiMklB. Pa. 

Oboreh Prinlinc 09.,~4ia Kiai at.. Cloelnaatl. 

"McKay " — -^ll'fl ■ Vt ''-'iairtAl' " ' ' 


■ •■:.^:';-iM)uaE.^ .;r,'. V 
/^''sefeNle<tpAtNtBMS.''' - ■ ■■• ■ 

_ _Aa* BaalM ttmaij. Tii. 

fEcoND-HAiiD stfo«ir;aoODS. 

DUl» Film ■nm.BBa, OmMbam. S7. 

RJI?'"2'S?^ .Piano Playat Co.. Kanaaa City. Ho. 
5£?Il.*K^*''.i »<» Wibtah are.. ChSaior . 
gmWpb Worlltaer do.. ClDclonaU uS*aileago. 
O. S. Moalc Co.. 3»S0 W. Lake S.. auoSo. 


B K°Mi..'!l[?"'i3L <??.•• 8«l>ea.ctadT. »». T. 
B. K. Hippie, 8110 Vina at.. Phlu;. Pa. 

. 94 at.. idihMa/Tii 


JJjj"' Pflot Co.. SSa Aaylam at., 

cfSatf?'*'""- • .**««^ 

. «HOW . pAim^NOs!^' 

^ amitn, mr.'.w.:.' 
Wat WnrOhia. «« N. 



WB. K«lnn; Xotth QimlitMt*. Maaa. 

CWm!^*"!."',',"'''' S.*^ Supply Co., Sandnaky. O. 

mXP ^f.**" ">•• "2* WaahliftoB 

„"J»".j Clili aire. 111. 

2.'«£l. .H'."*"!"- "'eHwooil. Iml. 

aaanwl Wlnalow Skile Co., Worceater Maaa. 

niAa.Ok, toss Main at.. Aadarwin. Ind. 

•mntT Mimi 'Mim.iiB. 

Bar tair Jalliaiii. 
Ow. Toiiae Co.. IMM Laeaa a«a., St. LobIb, Mo. 
Bark Broa., B» Biaadway. M. X. O. 
1.^. DatU Boip Ok. nb OfelaB ffaik PUea, 

OMMl^ainlir Ob.. ' m W.- Clk- at, Kaaaaa 

Oordoo' * Morriaoa. UB-101 ■. Ifadlaoa. Chleaso. 
Osldamlth Toy Imp. Co.. 133 B. 4th. dBdasaU. 
Holiday Novelty Utg. Co., ST Oreat Jooaa at.. 

Haw Tork City. 
Larla Bioa., Tern Hante. lad. 

tug. Co., Ml WooodUad aT*.. Clar*. 

« Oa.. 8M H. Uh at. St ImIi, Ma. 
. SM Madlaea at. Chicago, 
-i. .— WW., a>- Bowery,- N. T. O. 
Slaek Utg. Ool, )M rranklyn it, Cbleaio. 
Ratty .WaMmaaapc MadlioB at, Cbleago. ni. 
— - - .. 

at, _ 
I OocBklU, 


I ■■ Madlaoa, Cb'BOw 
. nUaMtUa, Pa. 

Baker & Leek 

■■a City. Mo. 
Oolomboa Tent aal Awb._ 
Canle-Ooodla Oob, MT 

Dottgaerty Br 

. ^^Brw." Ttat Oa^. IW HUB at,. Bt 

J. C. Ooaa * Co.. Datialt Mich, 
n. M. KeiT Mfg. Co.; lOCrr W lladlaaa at., 

Homy A Col, lac, MO Meridian at, Ohicaia. 
Tkoawoa * Taadlaear, 816 B. Paari at, Ota'tL 
C, a, Vaat * Awalas Oa.. SS-S8 M. Paaplataaa 
tt.i Okie ago. 

Kaaaabarg BocAng and Oelliag Co., Canton, O. 

Wm. B«ek * Saaa Oa„ 10-U SatBaM Plaoa, Cla- 

clnoatl. ■, ..• . • ■•■ 
Chicago OoatiaM^/W CU- 

A. ^HBVC^HI^ 'WMlWft.BLi^Si^r.XMfllW Mb^'- 


lag. B, Bata. 41* BhcMa BMg.. OtMlaad. O. 

Mb oniiM» - idwiw ■Ot.ilUmkm'. O 
ati., CUcaca.' 


BIcfBWB * Wan, n Woaatar at,. H. T. Oily. 


Aicna Ticket Co.. 900 Dearinm at, Chicago. 
NatloBal TIrkel CO.. Bhanwkla. Pa. 
Rcea PrIntlBg Co.. lUib A Haraey ata.. tMwha. 
Trimouat Preaa. 8T Allmny at. Baatoa. Maaa. 
WeldoB, Wllllaan A LIrk. Fort Barith, Alk. 

Wllllaaia * Llek. Ban nSfaa^ CaL 


A Well, n Wooater at. N. T. City. 

rrancla Prieka. Barley, Waah. 
Naaarlla Rr«ia., Kt Atlanlte aTo., Baatoo. MaA 
Oeo. A. Patufcl, 41 Warn-a at. New York City. 
Sbryoek-Todd Co., fS4 N. 8lh at, St. LouU, Mo. 
Singer Bma.. 83 Botrery. New York City. 
Weatara Baisala Booaa, m B. Madtaoa. Ch*ge. 


The Bdlaoa Oa. Ocaage, N. J. 

. ^ TRUNKS. 

"•iSSf 7^ * Ba« Co., ISU K. 
_ Phlladrtnhla, 

B. B. * B. Trank Ck>., 447 Wood afe^ 

, . . . TURNSTILES. 
w a tl g t a riB B aad Oala-Oaatrallad «»■ 
K. T. Bctght. Stiawa BUg., ClaeaUaib' 4k 

«. « ,. UNIFORMS. — 


AjkB. Bbaeh A Co., 206 B. Jaekaon at. Oh'go. 
fPlMltm DaUom Co., 214 8. Clark at. Ch'go. 

PicUe Out Aaueaent Co., AmoteaB Bm 

BIdg., Scattla, Waah. 
Xad Bpuka" naaMcal bduage, Oaataiy Bldg.. 

a an aag Oily. Ha, ■ 


C. r. Amea. 217 K. ssth at. Baw Taak City. 


JtttBiJKOo.. 2ao Madtoo at. Chicago, m. 
Bna... a> Bowaiy. K. T. City. 


^S^'.'J^** ""1 WDd Aalmal 8tor^ 4S0 
W aahlMt ao at, BaCtalow N. T. 
»la BiAa. MS Otaad at. Mew Tack Oty. 


*. OL Matt «tB 

at. Ohleaao. XSL. 

Asbestos Curtains 

BscaaiT boat and tigsad. 
Acania Oaaoy Thaatiieal Stag* Hardware 

ttkand Main Sta., CInalnnatl. O. 

_PpB lUiE— Meiry-Oo-Bbood Organ, Staootlog 
Otfta7. Doll Badk._SattoolM jCebiaaa 

POX 8ALB— Two Anertcaa Bos BaU AUaya,! 

la perfeet eondltlon. naed two i-^-'fc- good aa' 

neir. Will lu-ii for $175 If takpn at OBCO. Fbr 

Infr,rm.(l.,ii, t.iilr.iui r.. C. \ \ nKBSON, Mc- 

rOK BALE — 1 BbootlDg GallPiy with glaaa 
ball roontaln; 4 Japaseae Boly Poly TMdea. W 
hart laapla wood balla; 1 ParteUa Ooaa Bahar. 

raltaa, ma., for tatna. '"^T 

POM BlTiM at a aacrlJ!c«. one Armltago A 
OBlaa OtadlaB'^aTO In good condition, oidy 
oard one aeaaon; electric wlra and toola, eom- 

rlrto: mnut b** i»M at (nice. Addreaa OIJLW 
loniTJANN. B17 Fairmt 81.. Uwrloe. WI». 


•40.00; two-year oM Olanaaw Baar, MB.M. 
W. T. BODOBB, Bog. MS, Onphanarflla, By. 


lad and ImproraA 

Bprlnga. Ark. WUI aatt 

ftoaa Chicago to Haw 

Z Orm XOM' bats, all er half Intareat In 
my Vrnmy Arcade, booked far Mil with a Ont- 
claaa Carnival Company. If yon have a little 
real moD<>y. write. O. J. BUOKI.IN, Montlrvllo, 

OAB FOB BALE— My Pullman car, "Mtgnon," 
aO-(t OTer all, 3 atate rooms. 22- ft, cellar. I^-ft. 
baggage room. 10 windows on side, baggage 
doora on aide, ateel rtm wbecla, atralgbt aa an 
arrow. Passed M. 0. B. Inspection at Ihla place. 
Bcrtbs tor IS people, kltebea, rang*, capboard. 
all In •lat'ClaaB alyle. Beat hainb amnMOO 
DoB't mat 10 i*at Ha Hao I* Mmt. 

and ara. Also Teat OO-ft, wtth M-ft 

middle, 3 polea. halo rlaga. with stakes, stake 
pnller, aldo and qnartcr poica, isaioBaa, atage 
hana, lacka. and atrlDgaia, la good condition. 
•ISO. lUaaon fOr aelUng. am ehaiuttac my 
- - _ _ iw. Okla. 

boalnaaa. B. a LAIRD, ralrrlew. 

FOB BALK— Hsndeoir Act Bisck Art OntBt 
Spirit Csblnet. MsKlclsn's complete ootilt Oomle 
Usgle Act. slao 150 Tricks snd Illoslooa. Catar 
log and circulars for stamp. OBO. A. RICB. 
Dept. 4. Auborn. New York. 


Will sell separately. Center of city. 

lOB fftfT Vr-r-'- U. P. Machine, with 
_ _oaaB ttaaa: MM .fwt good 
..■ifaA aghti SwMir BffaU Tnnk 
ttr HMsr M oC BIHw aMI s M t " " *- 
rine chaMs eBr:Mty trtlB fMB to SMK in ibe 

■w^ Q.^mSnam. 9»m 9. vary- 

VOB BAXB-Paaay Atcada . 
ehlaea, and Aatomatle ShootlaB 

pleio with connter. rlBes. etc. 
complete. A bargain. Price :. . 
Chicago. BMIL It nOPPMANM 
Wabaah Ave... Chicago, 111. 

eaatalahi« 23 ma- 

FOB BALE — Power's No. B, good condition, 
table, legs, 2-reel American Pnaalon Play, Ore 
niastrsted Soosx. Poae Set. (35 worth repair 
parte, trunka. Wliole outdt nOO. Snip examt- 
nation on |5 depcaU. TAVLOB, IIT N, Palatoz. 
" Florida. 


FVir sale, tbe latest and best lUoslon. "Asrsh." 
A younR lady, after being hypoollaed. rises at 
commantl to a great belgbt, a boon la paaaod 
oeer ttip body and tbe aabject tanUM Uka a 
flaab. Write for particulars. YARWBT Ik OC 
UO Wabash Are., Chicago, HL 

Btrsetmen. The "Hyifao-Fhoto" FortabU 
Ught afaohine for ptaotopaplMn. Writ* 
fat new catalog aod pncu. Merit long 
OBUbliahed. ■ 


■1. fBtMBt^ • •«. lmM, mm» 
Katabllahad IBtT 

Our Catalog 

Wattha^all prices. Chains, Fobs, 
Ne(& Chains anil Locket8,Brace- 
lets. Charms, White Stone Stit^ 
Kns and Statjtaj, Rbioi% FountBin 
raB^ i^nnBMHjT' hmk 'Ibm oi 
Plated BMkdBta||tf .aB.|lw mar- 
ket, full Ubb of Vniea'Bai Bings. 
Write us TODAY for Catalog, 
andget in line with u» for the 



New Catalogue 

For Seaton 1911s of 

Primo Show Lights 

— — and ~ 

Portable MachiMi 

Now Ready 

A number of 
greatly improved 
vas, arena and outdoor 
devices are offerad. 

new and 

Wa carry a tnU lino of goods for high pitch and 
atreet corner sales. Cheap Jewelry for package 
lots; 'Wtdte Sloue I'loa. RIogs. Btnds and 
Broocbes, Cntlery, ttazors. Rtaeara. BaMT BtlOfa, 
Bruabe.. Soap, etc., Self-Olllns ~ 
Emery Stones, Mem ora ndtf 
tkaa. Canes. Whips, and a faU Baa aC < 
goods of aU klads far Omlfal WdtBil . 
alocna t—. Oavaalt gi B l i U OB aB A •> B. 


Big pioet in them. Wa make tha haat 
Hava made them for years. 

V. Z. KABeitB 00.. _^ 


For Parks, ThaatraAaad SliawrB 



U mohlgaa Anaaa, CklaagSL 

For ReBt-Grand Opera House, 
Morgantown, W. Va. 

Possession April 1, 1911. Population, 

ilUMM. jMHRBMHAimkX 11.J 

Mo^jiBtewi>i y« Vb. 

^ It 0 0 1 1 1 b o a r d 

Motion Picture Reviews 




U'k a boltr BaM to'tfcb inbtael. tmf tV* 
a latber diawn-dat atocr— llie tin bdne wdsat- 
cd with a UtUe tou mDch piddins- BtcatcKir 
.•tdb "tlw fttoty of a wife's plaa to brine Iwck 
■ rMalcItrmit hnsband. She lecTes a note (or 
him reading that the baA left htm on acconnl ot 
bis dnator7 bahita. He flntls tbe note npoa Ua 
Rtnn bom« aftrr ■ nlebt oot. SoldJe, be de- 
cide*. U the only Wfj out of hl5 misery, bat 
the entrance of bla yoong ctiUd prt.>vt'Dts him 
Cram cacentlna bia plan. It la tben be leama 
..Mt.Ma vUa ka> aM left Ub. aoe stated In 
Mtatta, wWck SI mnHr • Muata trtag Um 
■a a BsaBBrtln. «( hb warwatdaesa. la eana- 
to bar ackeae, be M^PiSteUie. Orlas 
for eifect and dstlilng tbe con- 

taats at a battle labeled "catsnp" ofer a doth 
wbKfa bi» places on bis abtrt front to msfce tba 
■ppearance of blood. The wife's grief over bcr 
hufband's supposed deitb and hla enjojoieilt of 
the sltoatioo ^Tes.tbe plctare a rery good com- 
erir sc«^e. Tbe QieTltsble reconcOlat'vn fOUowa. 
Tbt pbntograpby Is well tip ta tbe standard, 
vhllr the aetlac Is afl that can be iealraa. 



[ sadaaiptloo. 
latte e cais . 
•ceae wkoda tke aaa Ma Us 

plat: A soei, -«ba ia Owlmg a tlot- 
oos Ilfte at coUeso* nskaa dcfnaads for aoooej- 
-npoB his widowed mother, canslaC' ber to mort- 
gage ber home. Later tbe hoj goes West. Ha 
Is SDceemfnl. and ta time forgets bis moibec. 
wbo. ber moDex gone. Is ejected from ber n.tmt 
and sent to the poor honse. A photograph '.t the 
medfaim ot tbe son's reallssHoD of bis nnrail^- 
'"^ ■B_aBd«be Tetnnis to. his former bocif^ to 
,^'<ar tnie sltnatloD. 'He starts a staicb 
Ua Bather, flndliiic her employed as a cie- 
nlsL belBX grosslr mistreated ta *a man lust 
as tbe aoB eaten.— He r e s en ts - his and 
e-abowa the toetacaU ladT-bT'ogbt 

.XHZ OIS XAH USD nv. Drami. flbimpIoD. 
• Feb. 22. 9S0 tt-et. 
'. Tbls Is s mllltarx drama latervorea w:tb an 
iBCldeatal lore theme. Tt tells ot a son's brsT- 
,err at war in defense of his Bag. .Xbe war 
.scenes are decldely interesting. The mm wOl 
'Md attention tnm start to tiniab. ma'la oa* 
Champion release. Look In 
ird fttr ttarj ot BBeT** poem. 


WVb. -».- 081 teat. 

Womaa'a nsfalthfolaess fonia ' tbe - baste ot 
this Kdsir storr. wblcli. by tlie war, is BMSt 
tBtetcstlng. Klaboratelj staged, well pUjed, 
with a tborLughly logical plot; this Him most 
Be ranked among the best Teleases Eclair has 
made in some time. A soldier has woo tbe hand 
2* • lady, tmt npon his deparrnre for war 

lia la calf w -the sttentlons and Is married to an- 
atter aaa. Upon hla retnm the soldier floda 
Aat.fela' asBcee -baa. left;. bls..^«cto M locate 

( Mile. He te tiadriw tia jaada with 

oC saidtaM arhaaja ranHsii aamiiid by 
I approacbea. haas .It. dBte a ntaa. 
and two cblldreii,.becgiag aid. ne wo* 

Bum is ir*— 1 "TT tbr wslillrn'M lili fallMsaa 

Vancee, altboogb hla %MsBtl9 te mm liaMliill 
to ber. At the hiaa TiT Ti'i rrwa Itfti Im Mesa tbi 
threatened family. ■-:Saf«i«^jUa>dMlk>Jte-''Wa- 
man leama the rescaer'<,lde ntltj mxmtm -mkt 
^fi _ snltered ^ ^ mB ai ^^d|«r- ■ 

UmHTH De- 

aa. ^288 «aet^ - 

. - SB <aatltat l a » a 

buspital far email aidmala^make np this plc- 
tnre. Tbe sohject is tntetestlng. 

kee. Feb. IT. -Pall leogtb net. 
'The eltorts o( the femHy at sn arttet'a 
wife to' fathom tlie Identity of a woman wbo 
had been secretly poalng ' for tbe artist, leads 
to amnslng consequences In this film. 'VVbUe bit 
^e. with her fsther. mother, brotber and 
slat ee; are persuing him from place to place, tbe 
> B «h a ii d Ima been at work palntiBg a pictnre of 
kb wftk, which be intends to preaeat ber with 
apon tbe analreraary of her Urth. Xka.i 
ta tbe family la whea tber la aia that tba 
seprcaento tte-arttefa wOe and aot tte 
tloas posiag girl they expected. The story is 
eatertalnlagly told. 

Feb. 20. FuU length reeL 
The title rery clearly oonreys to the spec- 
tat^ tlie . sobleet matter of thla film — tbe ex- 
" ^ of a cTime t»y pennanee. A qomrre] be- 
•two men end* in ttie death of one ot 
hy accidental abootlng. Fearfnl of being 
aeenaed aa Che niMidsiii and ot aalteilac Ua 


kand ot tbe dead man. wUA- glaca -tbe eaae 

tbe appearance of death by snldde. Apparently 
tt la so derided: Years later, when tiie man 
come* in contact with tlie son ot his deaS com- 
paaloo — ^tlM son being the Teiy Image of Ida 
father — be is seized ';with fear ' and eollapaea.' 
With a determinatto;) to pay pennj|.nj>e for.wittt* 
CTer stain of 'cnUt-he"carr1ei.' he'cnmca -Or 
toons naa tat on important .poaKloD In- 
jSee: - Tbe' yddM^ maa 'fans'. In. ToT^ wttbUb't 
idaoghter ot Us, employer. Tlie 'old .man -ttolstf 
M^aa thrb Immediate ° marriage, wldeb la per- 
j feuted In his death chamber — tbe man ezplrlog 
-wben tbe ceremony Is completed. Tile tb'eme. 
melodramatic tbroagbont. is rery nicely han- 

PIOTUBELAm. - Imp. - Feb. 20. 1.000 feet. 
• Two stories are blended In this picture, which, 
bj,Ae way, is tbe first Imp release acted by 
Ha campany in Coba. The Drat story, which 
aslgbt mare apptopriatcly be called aa lotro- 

lam Stock Company aniT- 
ua m-Cnba, and later tbeir 

lag at their "aarlsfa 

start to til* aeAie ot tbelr work. Tbe aecond 
part of tbe aim Is tbe story of the play. It Is 
a romance of tbe Cnlwn Isle. A CDIiaa boy and 
girl are lorers. An American, tourist stops at 
tbe gtrl'a borne. learfoK behind bim a strong 
lmpx*«alon npon the alrl. In a dream abe aeea 
elf la lOT^ with tbte AauilcaB;: wboa to 

la--ber dieam tbe eltvtioaa tab* aa ibeic- dark- 
est hue. abe awakens, happy In tbe knowledge 
thkt It was hot s dream, and in the falthfolnen 
of ber Cnbaa loeer. While there la notiUng new 
la tba atacy. tt l» oaegteat^actad. wblCb eoy 


Imp. Feb. 23. 

ABTFtn. XA^E. 
' 1,000 feet. 
ArtfDl Kate Is another production made by tbe 
Imp's Cnbsn company. Kate belleres ber lorer 
Is s fickle man, so when tbe opportunity .oarers 
she followa lilm to Cnba. to wbldi point he ha* 
Joataqred la tbe aarrlee ot tka aiar. Attlted 
m Wpsalia esataaM. aha aeea Mada. her losar 
(who baa aot 'Tecocaiaed ber) a wot ardent 
saltor. - She seeepts bte attentions and the man 
is fairly fascinated. Cpoa bis return home the 
Klrl chides him for illrtlnc with Cnlwn glrla. 
He Indignantly denies that be baa filrted. The 
girl has prepared a tarprUe for bIm, boweTer; 
and bidding him close bis eyes, she leaTes only 
to resppear before blm attired la tbe Spsniab 
eoslnme which she wore while In Cuba. Imme- 
diately be realizes that she ha* knowledge ot 
hi* actions and aadly leaves. An opportune re- 
tora. to tbe roam, and tbe yoong maa leama 
that It te aot a loat lofe. He swests aewr to 
dirt agala and te torglTeB. Tbe acting to excd- 
Icat tbroagbont. Tbe Imp standard to qibeld 
la tlie matter of photography. 

COLUSE CKnm. Drama. American. Feb. 

Thoogb almple In plot, throogh the capable 
treatment given it. this film is made thoronghly 
enjoyable. Tbe story, in a few words, is ot 
a collf-^e man's devotedneaa to Ills old cbnm In 
the hour of distress. Xbe attratina to detail 
by tbe pmdooer'la VMr .-MCK dMMMt. Tbe 
playeia do well, «Ma tta ihrtmtF V dear 
and distinct. ^ ^ ' * ^ ■ 'T ' 

hahlda CHAsm .OMri». i«E.'^Nh.' ii. 

8pUt reeL 

This is' a cbase picture from which is ex- 
tracted tbe amooDt of comedy as U osually de- 
rived from fllna of tbte descriptlan. A half 
doien "saataleh sssaT' start la paraolt of a 
yoong I iiBp1% Mt'lh'.thife.aaKta so orartske 
tbem then H ■■ - ohiUllaB .' «C ^prtaHaK and 
tnmbllng. The |» h o t<Hfapfcf a aav aMAf- ■ 

TH£ CHXLD'S PXATKB. Vnmm^ ' l/KL Veb. 
24. SpUt ted. 
Tboroogbly emneatianaL b-tlie atory- of tbb 
dim. no deviation being made from tbe aaasl-roa- 
tloe of plots such aa te oaed In tlite picture. 
A playwright has been tnmed down without a 
bearing by the play director and bla secretary, 
but throogh tbe intercession of tba aatbor'a lit- 
tle girl, a hearing Is granted, tbe alar to ac- 
cepted, and sU Is well. Tbe work at oe play- 
ets b all tliat can be daalicd. 

_ aobtfeet ta ^ lb_ 

^1 f I W*sjffwaetttTart ' It ahuwa the aatBsdaaa at 
two hm ntfjjm&^Ht the%ifdnir^iSleh 
the «sada«atfaB wan aM M ttMMilr cow- 

— ttw 

Thb film snifeis eoasldersbly beeanse of Its 
abrapt and qseer finish. leaving the spectator in 
a qoandery whether the film la at an end ex It 
■there la more to come. Is' Itself the' plot might 
be a little mote better worted out. Tlie basis 
of the story is a Airl's cleverness in tnutratlng 
the attanipt ot her abecUl lovar to arrest Ikt 
.tokJV^ *%<tt*-'BtabIlibod 

HKIfTKHJTllT. .-Topical. Pow- 

eca. Wat. 

-3Ua-la:a-toideal platare la -wiilcb an afaown 
at- the r Marteaa etwiateL atoVrOC 

.c_ — . — — 

.-m 'OeciiMnty- ^ 

teeieal parade are also 

3ke plctare b 

hi ghly *w»*y*aliiliij ""^d lyt e i e p ii'ig 

■WHAT WOULD TOXJ SOT Comedy. Foweta. 

Tbembtake of a messenger boy in taking for 
delivery a pair of trousers Instesd of s bouquet 
of flowers, which is sccompaoled by s note from 
tbe yoong man asking the girl to "wear tbem 
for his sake," csnaes tbe recipient to become 
very indigiuuit. Tbe gallant swain soon learns 
of tbe messenger's error, and rushes off to the 
girl's borne, carrying with blm the flowers, and 
bowling down any pedeatrlaaa appearing Is. hb 
pathway. a» saalalaa ta.aa sin tae miataae 
that baa tfMJMla Ml k wala BanBoaloas. 
On prevtoas- aeeadoia lit ■me' plot baa beee 
used In moUoa pietarea. depractetin to aome 
extent the value of thU release. iSe players 
get from It the best there te .In' tlw comedy. The 
photography Is by no meana opea ta nltlctem. 


' Feb. 21. FoU length reel. 
An Ineideat.tram lilstory at the period of the 
Revolution b tbe make-up of thb picture. A 
girl's 'brsvery sod wit result* In Washington's 
victory over tbe Hessisns at Trenton. Scenes, 
sach as ghowing Washington croaslng tlie DeU- 
waie river, era ahaw& It to a moot lateraaUaj^ 

BIS FATHER'S HOUSE. Drama. Kestor. Feb. 
22. Full length reel. 
Tbe atoiy; ot tbb film te simple bat told -in a 
atralghtfotward and .comvindng manner. A aon 
leaves Ida father'' home to marry the girl he 
Ioraar--A.-«eeae.-.«rltb- tbe-tlme r few yeaia Jater, 



place. Here tbe little one suffers from the 
blows and privatlacBi cao5ed by the heartless 
guardian. A kind-bearted old man. who proves 
to be tbp HttTe plrl's graadfaiber. adopts tbe 
child. The youUK bnsband, wbo baa aearcbed for 
bla 'child, learns In whose care tbe little one 
hss been placed, barrles to hto fhtbcfa bnaat 
"ud effects a faaaaiflHattoM MaadMIr mo- 
duced. thb plctare to sate to bold oar's atiea- 
tlon from tne first to the last toot ot'fllaa. Xha 
^otogrsphy - aa wen as the actbtg, te sood. 

HEBODIAB, Biblical drama. Belalr. 

lIcTodlas b a 'story adapted from tlie history 
from the history of tlir Old World. Tbe princi' 
pal characters In this film story are Jobo. Bemd^ 
Herodias and Salome. Jobo hss upbraided He-- 
rodiss for ber wickedness and abe fosters la ber 
aebesi* tdr icreage. Tbe opfHrtaalty 

s daaee by Salome, offers ber anything within 
hb power to give. Pr^impted by Herodias, Sa- 
lome demands tbe head of John. To this H«-od 
objects, but bla promise made it must be fnl- 
•ned. aad Jeha b .a ^Ictba «< Jhe b r s dsms a 

Poverty-stricken and unable to secure work, 
an nnfortuoale man b iM b aai with the idea to 
commit a crime— robbery. - Ha' enters a bouse 
but finding a little girl alsae he b awayed from 
bte porpoae. The klnd-bearted child p/ovldes him 
with food and becomes hb friend. When the 
parenta return be explains to tbem bis predic- 
ament. Imbued with tbe spirit ot their child, 
the patcfiU lend their aid to the unfortunate 
man, who, soon after, as tbe last scene shows. 
Is ^gda^aa^gjMl'f j^" " baoDlaeaa. It b 

TWEEDLEDinf IB SHY. Comedy. Ambroelo. 

Tweedledum, impressed by the beauty of a 
woman followB her atwot until the lady's hns- 
Jiand- appears on tbe scene. Tweedledum b then 
soundly coSed and dragged off to the police sta- 
tion, where be (a tbrowa into a ceU. . He baa a 
dream shsatos. htos la the midst of about a 
dosea BaMWS IMi— a most borrltile dream for 
poor TmwMsb. an a tew oecaabaa 

for bngba. bat tbe plctaaa dtta aat na* a WT 
high degree of ezeeOcaoa m • 
cellent b the best word ta 
of the photography. 

A HEWBBOY H£BO. . Drama. Tbanbooser. 

The Thanhouser JOTenlle actors play Importaat 
parte In thb prodncUoa. tbe itacr aC^wMcM 
tieate of a newsboy's t iai lB isa aat fhtthfuasaa 
to a motbar and little d a a »bl a ». who has* been 



bsU bWPte* la 

aad tahM'Ifeaa ta hb hat. csrlng tor 
tbem' aa best he caa. A aeilaa of Ineldenu In 
which tbe aewabiv pertotma heroically leads to 
tbe reonloo and tecoaeHbtton of the family. 
The story, wbDe rstb« of the made-to-order de- 
scription, by tlie deft Interpretation It recelvea 
at tbe bands of the player*. U made more plaus- 
ible. Tbe photography b ^arp and clear. 

THE 'WAY OF A SEDKAB. Drama. Bison. 

Strikingly melodramatic b thb Bison te- 
leaM^ tba plot ot which- pertains to an Indian, 
wbe brraaas at the Intrualoo of another red- 
man la bb path at love, calls Into plsy the 
-way of the the red nan— kUUiig hb rival— and 
for which crime be blmaelf saSers death. Tbe 
acenery in tbb film b very fine, aa b the pho- 
tosrapby. Aa to the plot and ito caaatzacUoa. 
It caa oaly be termed ordiaaiv, ■ 
ZOOLSHEAIF8 FRESEBT. Comedy. Itala. ' 

Foolahead receives s note from hb best girl, 
aaklag .bim .to. call . and .to bring with bim a 
present, rioalsbead, aozionB to comply with tba 
reqaeat. bun las to tbe Ootlst's shop snu boys 
a bea q ae t at Soweis. Theae aoau come Into pos- 
icwIOB Ot two ctaarmlng maldeas whom FVxib- 
taead ebancea to meet. Go to hb inamorata's 
house wlthoot a present be can not. ao to a 
chlnaware atore he bostles and boys a quantity 
of dlsbes. These are soon broken. A piano Is 
hb next purchase. With it Foolsbead arrives 
safely at Uie glrl'a home, but in holating it np 
thranch tbe adadow the .capes saap and Faola- 
liead,-*ir.« titBa^^iha j dias a ia iin ii te'm i J *a 

XBX arawawa - maaw 

3^0- mea. pbased- with the 
.tram the- and . 'Of -a Havaaa 

arama permeatlne 
cisar. foUow tbe 
ihat be believas 

aae. ;aad ao informs pe- 

aad^tbe -police, who walt tor tlie men. 
'Ia .anthtoaariteiarat tte-fb csfited dgar to 
Aoppad to .the .sraoad.- ^^ha aaea ted It. dl- 
vida It,- aad thea^ -mcfc aC esateatedly. leav- 
Ing liAlnd the -poUee, - pedestrlana and the 
smoker, dnmfoonded. ne aaioker aoon per- 
ce l vea the Joke sad ciOofa — It Immensely, bat 
not so tbe others, who heUbor blm rather se- 
verely. Tbe most comedy b derived from scenes 
wberin tbe men tumble over esch other In sa 
an eftort to escape the suppoaed asaallanU. 

FATE OF 70E SOZR. ' Drama. Bison. 

Tbls U another typical Wild West plctare. 
with tbe cbiracteristic stage hold-up and other 
like things Westerners are supposed to do. In- 
congruities and Impcobs bnitb a arc tremwMU aa 

ia usually tbe caae 
background and 
the (diototrapky. 

m-IPhr'W to 

NiaL wba to mtkmOr m. eeeata a Mg doO. 
Ber littb brotber. realizing that the possesskto 
of a doll will probably etfert a favorable chance 
In tbe child's condition, efeals the doll. HU 
act b witnessed and a porsoit started, endlDg 
at the boy'* home, where tbe doctor, who has 
Jost arrived, announces that It U the etfect of 
the doll that baa to do with the favorable torn 
after tbe criaia. The kindhearted doctor pays 
for tbe Ml, and the sbop-keeper leaves, leav- 
ing the Csatfv happy over tbe p sea peH of a well 


. ¥assil:aBBtaiBtas.~ Bnina 

of MtaMI alfSriaiM aC aHT aichlteetnral de- 
signs, msblng watera. etc are beaatltal vbwa. 

Photography b excellent, 

THE SITAL KERTAXXaL Dtasaa. droat Karih- 
■ era. - - • • • 

The' yomir 'aaa ot the serraat^ em p io ye i s at- 

iempb t6° force his attentions upon tbe aervani 
girl, but Is repnlped. He dwears be shall hsve 
revenire. Tbe eon. wbo In a aamtiler, ateala hla 
mother's jewel> in order to cootlnoe hla gamb- 
ling. The "blame fnr the th»f» be places on the 
abonldera or tbe Innocent Kir. who bad refused 
hb attentiooM. She Is tried and coovlrted. tmt 
a ftbadly d s t e ct l e a who atlarward becomes the 
sM*s-Io«ar - SMS Ma jha -oaa, uoraveb the 
skolB af: nM sa e«. aad S haw a the young man aa 
the gnllty party. With tbe tntrodaettoa at the 

detective in the story the film te alu a i 

Interest. As It Is. It sboold bold sUmMM 
the first to tbe Isst bit of tHa. 

aojoMm nr dozxt UA OMNtr turk 

film. Solax. _ ^ 

Thb pictnre ahoold appeal eapecMto !• tfell- 
drea. as emtwdlrd In It la a fultr 4Mt dff the 



"The Silence System" 

•The Sheriff's Sweetheart" b n^Wart- 
ern. dramatic and latcaady " 
Artxona backgroonda are 
Blleaee ayatcB."..a ifeMt 
with CM 


A dramatic story of a eoQefa lova aOtir 
a ad Ita anatl .- A cieaa, orli^— ' — ' 

AU WeptBdCBt Exchnfis li| 
" Aiericu Htai 


■utk naar. Aalkl 



■^<rZ nwwam 

practical and themagh^ acM 
CaiBwed aao«. -Lai g a * t m t I 
■pa^j to* la • 

^bi a claaa -ly 
«llkp. Bead to saaiplia. 

WE BELL THJt— Almost LMO r*A 

• aBect from, ^an rieaae d b^ oar- 
procesa. Almost as good sa new. 
^SOTwrreel. Send f or big list. 

-WE SELL SrmLIZS — Ca rtinaa. 
eta. ooBdenseis. . film rement . . ate. 

talalBC ta 


More Good, Qeui Rlnu at 
. Bargain Pi " 



fit L IraM WL, 

FILHS FOS BEHT— SU Reels, td: 11 Baeb, tl9; 
sll Is one shipment. M. P, Machines and otibsr 
Bbow K'Xids bought and sold. M. 
CODsIarjt'.v hacil. .\iMrp«n TUX 

TKADING CO., ■WitertoKB, 'Wis. 

r . gnppl laa 



M. P. Machine and Ster.. tlS; rise Kdisoa M. 
P. Micbloe, tSO. electric: Tine Cannon BatM 
Camera. (12: new. (25: p. Play Slide*, tUt 
Slums ot a Great City Slides, $10. SO Slidaa m 
Mexico, colored, ts-sa iiew U. P. Ligh t Ml 



dunes, Fllma, TsBt%.( 
aappUea of^.klalaL. 
TAMME. 8 B. letb Bt„ 


Cl'-«i imaPKT, ayifa. 


Mairfactinrs if Histirical Ff nip MRtai 

Addraaa quIaMy. 
JOHNSON, Il2t Vina St., Pbl 

WANTED TO EXCHANOB for dbmooda. a* 
questions saked, 47 reds film, oae-pln giif^ 
mschioe. Sleioer violin, sll In excelleot coadl- 


To hear from the following 
butchers, also a good balloon 
peddler: Geo. Ahem, Butch 
CUne, — Bloom, C. W. Moore, 
Tom Qrum, Fred Taylor, — 

Mil. Pepperdime, Clyde. N. Y. 

FOR SALE -ISO Folding 
Chairs at 25c eacli 

Smtt tbv tblns for plctun aiiow or teat; • Irscttaa 
ot V-tter Beat! for (30: blir Main Dnor Kntnocf. 
UiU, tlO; one Blllboro Poldliis Organ, trlmturd 
ts gtnaiac leatber, coat $.'iO, prler $30: Joat 
LU« B««: waterpraof Ble«plBs Teal. l*x:n, tlH; 
t SCO BaUTboa Cnrtalas, lSz4S ft., coat fxo 
«t£b prt» 110: i WlDdborat Lamni at fi raeb. 
Ooli-£ • ' ^-"t'-'t^. AdizVM CAPT.. W. D. 



In Vaudavlll* 



Working nearly all the ttme. 

C*n ot The Billboard. Chloaco 


(Coatlnawt tan pact,flk> ■ 


, tea tfdntk .write or wire. 

Park Mees. Opera Chairs 

j** WMjIK Otfra for betk laaUe aad outxJd* 
mi^-aam At — w wa ea a bl i prteea. 


Piano Placer Waited 

VSnderOle and pietineai'. Heiie bitt eom- 
petent need applv. Manwrilillb wbnum 

praerred. PeanJi Tin iifp^ ftMilllill.Ti i 

Toaqg ledy wiia csa da TkUK- far 
wall kBMm fuBily^ tnrvviii^ witlirjSv ti t-- 

VCSndimatL O. . ' 

_^ . A wktA. h»- -Mrnarlf U 

Mattiiif ml tarn i-rMdwar 'IbMiivt ka« led hUa. 
M' h uh t»i«r«lUHL. tUmatmtc tar tlwv* ur fuui 
lAur* aprct.cular pruuuviluUi* ua tue aaue acai* 
uf sraatMir aAd bawtl tm .liuUar «ttUa«ta. • 
lu ba iMwlaenl wliiUa Utt a«At..anr .eHM^ 
Ur. VtaWa Ai«b tkat hi* catln tlH* MHt- kr 
deruhnl'ta tiMnwaalwiiilaMk 

la addltloa tv Mr. ""»inn aad Mr. 

■riai an u> b« tiw alaer <lli«r*ota la 

uf tlw Wlutrr Oanlaa urudartluaa, Ur. Attkat 
Vut-Ktlln uid ilr. itolvllW Kllia arUI bntb U 
*'l«M^lr IdcMtlflvd with all ttt^ tfffvrliic.. Ur. 
Vorxcltn. wwi kaa bmi nvi'Huliilr fur mau^ 
ur tile lOQUTatlooa aoil aanelllra lu ibv tbralrr 
Itaelf. baa ratirv eliar«a of tbe putntlcc aou 
boUdlllK of tb. Mvuvry. Ur. Ellla tuu eutUf 
cbarce u( tbo deat(ulag and exwutlnx oC tb 


rmbamntiiK tltnatlon of belns nomloallT mar 
rlril Mlibuui bvluK able (u rajuy tbi- riwiuui ui 
Mch rvUth'OxUli,: a iruiuan batvr bacbvlor wit- 
mrcta an rarlr lorr aboard tiie. train aad mar 
rip* beiurv cbe end uf ibe Jiiumrf: tbe umui 
pblrKiuatlc. aiuplu aUtsliaam.ii, . i>droi»i«] Uru,- 
rvcrult, K ml laarrtrd euupl>- but wlib ti. 
vorre complltratloaa Inrloif Ibeia la doubt rt>u 
cernlnc ibvir trnmt auioa; a rwuedy iiurtei 
and aevctal alhar ailaar ckaiacMtab 

~ •■. maftialaa. loTa. -trnK- frnttemt 
tka cUvf lamwUcata ar ifT aro 
IHlloun productioa aod ear commeBdabir fn 
tore tbal all thv at t l l wa MOaaliauDaiy iprabw 1. 
tbe clean, wli u l t e um . . eajojrable cuotcdj- tlu 
tbe dlatltt(nlabed aaibor baa acnatoalnl In 
bis play. TU'.t railway compaal<tDi>blp play bi 
plot whIrU U entlrvly accvoucablv fur tb 
ootcmae. Uowevrr. tbe new Ualecr oc\-u 
coacema lt>elf ' out »u uiiM-b with tbe atorjr 
oa It doea vltb tbe ebaraciera lhat detelui 
tbe atory. Tbw tola uf tbe in>rl«r. to - wblr 
WUIla Mveatnaoi ailmlralily nia. and Ibr a<-T 
Io'k of Ulta Stanwuod; laabel RIcbanlal Jamra 
Lackaye. araee rtiJirr aad aewral otbent all 
niet1i«« n i ar lol prah*. K« oae netar Beaepu- 
Uard the ceaur. kaanmr. itaaaiife the cMef b^a- 
on of tbe p w Hw — aee mre divided betweaa 
Sareataam aad Lackaye. 

tkia lec. ' 

•Mkz 1 I 

g-:y«g.:i»» w w b WI oa. S Cbarioto. W 
V***-UHa MadlK. IS^aew ceaiplete 

9IB. V, 

^aaatSMT aad health laoarance for 
- i- «d reliable coapaay. f i.uuo death 

WSs'SJ'^'y iDdemalty. duohle ($10) week- 
2-5!L?»«!?» "".WtodetoBB accldept. IIUO 
'.MBtft. >*«latetad key tu aad hand- 
^JUet eteea ttev. (X)9T ONLY W 
.■••Jta^M for dtcidan and te<- 

pUcatioaa to tl«e Ike vice of aavcltr. aad 
arllhal the farre BMred f-a* aad mta admirably 
aried. The aadleacv ateinid to like It and at- 
teeted apnwral-by alnuwi cuatlaauua laasbMr — 
aol "ttf^ coanlalre brand Itial' the ridh-olufia 
ufien eeokr«.-hal tbe trlcfcllnc kind that comtfa 
Hum tbe blaoe aleaned." 

Tbe Trtboae flarf* tbe sea occopaat of tbe 
Oarrlck fall of cumpltcatloQa and faat and fu- 
rluaa In Ita tri»«tmi-nt. lb* fi>llowinir •■xcvrpi 
irlU atteat: "Sofflre It to say tbat there are 
tnro bllarloo* acta — tbe aecuud and tbM — lu 
wblcb all Ibe eld aatirlal la dahed np vltb aucb 
lasraaliT that aae fkiraeta Ibr the monent tbat 
be tiaa wee it bete* aaaT a Haie. Aad. aa 
rrmeh iMm ga anaaddn^ 0» tM«K ■aaa 


(Contlnoed from page 10.) 

Drama la one act. bv J. M. Barrle. Prodnced by 

- ■ 18. 

....Clurles Daltoa 
Jin. Soa Sothem 

Comedy by J. a. B«rrte. 

FrobDua. Fcbcuiy 13. 
Colonel Grey 

Aai7 Qte7i«.<*«..-.».*M* 

•'.•'.Cbarlca Datton 
• •■ihel Rajrymore 

Yale UalTccolty Th ea tt a taad 
of the Tale UalimWl Oramatle 

Tneedar woa Aalatlna NMt at the earrtck 
Theatre. Cbarlv* Fmbman lartted tbe Iradloa 
membefB of ibe Aeru Clnh of America and ur 
tbe Aeronantlral duclely to attend tbe p%T 
formanee of rani M. I^tter'a oew farce rn>m 
tbe Fieoeb. T1H> Xrbra. Oae of Iht ctaaracten* 
In tbe pUy fai the Prraldeet of tba Aero Clni- 
or America aad tba whola Caeca eaalen aroun 
the aetaMM etna. 

W ai M n we*a Mh n u «Mk at the Mtw Tor 
HlpiiuiiiOii woo t a l ah i ata d by an entire chaas 
of drma pcocram hectaalBK Mooday. Fehntar 
3U. Amoocat tbe aivolc featmei' ate the Otcal 
Albao. wire act: Armando, cumedy aoeelly a a! 
mal act: tbe Tbree DnnaMa ormnaata: Bma am- 
Jeoale Oaacb, aromeo eqnlllbrlaia: tbe Blnman- 
feld Slater*. In a dalbtr equeatrlan ipeclali.t 
tbe ColontalA In an exhibition of phyalcml 'etil 
tore; tbe r>oan R<.>1ca.T Company. blAb bar act 
HIaa Maode Wollf. anrel maeatrtaa act am> 
Power.' elepbaata. wKb Babr Mine, tbe tlalee 

Krformlnic pacb.rderm on earth. Thia laal ae 
a been held orcr owlnx to Ita popnlartty. 
Laar Vlehla' erndartlOB of tbe eHonoIj 

lehV andartlOB of tbe coUnoI Malral 


2 000 fe«t six times per week 
2,000 f««t seven times* week- 

3 000 feet six times a week ... 
3»O!0O feet seven times a week. 


14 00 

— 15.00 




Tov a* a apodal Ttefcat. uy prlaoac. (teat aad back 

6.000 — 20.000 — $4.00 60.000 — S0.00 
10.000— . aOyOOO — S.00 

IMati. mm Oiata a ' 
Bbactae ■namateed. Ooab vMu* 
. WBIXB VDB lAMPUH. ' ' ' 

»OYAL TICKET CO.: ^ ^ 'cjSliamokl^ Pi 

Goiwral Agents m GENRE'S MOTION SUOE 


H. A. Ha FiUM: SERVICE. MonadnocVBlf*9oi| CHICilKM. 

R«ehi«iTa Agwita for Chjaana. • ' 




607 Wartfc-CliMli.iSbee^; :.-r4;'-j?;"vi>: W» 



' TO S. Otorfc St.. CHICACtO. 





Haw booked aome of 
lb« beat State Fura 
and CalebfAtioos in tba 

Wortham & Allan United Shows F^^^r^ 

IarI year ttaa 

WEEK OF MAY 16th. 

DnrloK tbe Culled Commerctal Trarelen' CraTentlon, OTrr tbree tbonaaad commercial tranlera la 
towB fw foar daya darinic Ibe week, mtklnc tbe blneet time In DaaTllle for yearn. RKIJABU 
SHOWIIBN AND CON'CE2,SION PEOPLE tbat want to do bqa|n«aB with a BBUABLC COMPAMT. 
we wlU be glad to bear from yoo. Caa place one or two- ma w Iratnae abdtn tbat are abo«% 
enwclally a flnt-daoa animal ibow. WATCB OVB AR IS 81'BIKa NtlMliKS OP TIIB RlUe 

BEUNioNS Alio cxuBitATioNe BooKao IN THE oo oMxay . tx wtM iTnt BB or cBLaaa^ 

taUM. tWKt JWB^- .W9-tm THa.SI?IA-eS»MBNiVBa>MNMWeBtey.MSK 



Ottr Fioe Aeta are air 
aaekltlaa. aad wa 

' : Want Band Leadar and Bess Hostler 

Saja's ColumbttsJIiUtary Bw^^^ 

45 ItiU£|] 


297 Soauier St, 

' EAST B08tP^ I|ASS^ 


Reels weekly. 

^ li""' 


a. fraimhl hatch film go. 


T 1» 

B 1 1 1 1> o a 


(Continued from page 12.) 
Tin. baa btokeo all neotda at HIa 

E^tt*: taMtre and the httrj adranee 
tM-flaM seeou to be odIt at tbe beKlB- 

— B'le^ aaa braltbr life. Of eonne. wben 

takTns aceonnt ot a rnc at tbto tlcatn^ tt has 
to bo remernbered that Ita taklMi.iK'SVr 
(Ic p«rforni«iee are nearly tHM 'HMM ttat 
of the oniiDax7 LoDdoD bonae. 


All London baa been crowdlns to tha OflMBm 
tbia week (or tbe beantltnl pndoctkB at Pie- 
Cnaoc itmx Bdataardt^a Saanmm. The piece ia 

wartlcae plajr Im mtcb acenea, whldi 
idapbd br Fricdilch Finka ttoa The 

■ ' jasjt 

baa bets a^t- 

Bmiebbadc fn the ^raUao 

*T ▼Ictor Hotleodar. The 

aad the aetlas btmiaol^ an the pl«ran oeell' 
"i the portnyd «f Ike webd 
atni welrdae iniM* oC the 
r*B brain.. - ' 

The Palladlom baa been drlne a iroBdetfnl 
abow tbia week. Tbe foil Beecbam Opera Com- 
baa been glwlnz a condensed Tenion of 
whUe Lewis Waller has bnnisbt 
COflBpany to nesent tbe .Foram scene 
JUlim Caesar. There an 150 - people In 
teeeid for- a Tailetj theatie hire. 

London. 'She la a ladr wltb a mirrelons power 
of retaining ber eqnlllbriom in tbe moat uipos- 
Bible and yet thoroogblr cracefol posltlona. Tbe 
lettlDc Is a scene oatstde Herod's palace, wltb 
ajM* IB' the dtstance. peopled. hr Herod and 
nMSnaa sad a aoeaeoua cctbnie or bandmald- 
'■s. awts. edallaqiKS. gorceona and gold, . and 
rrlmaon and white. Tbe atory la more or less 
the old Salome bnalneas over akaln, but It cornea 
<lreawd op In a neir garb and tbe dances ate 
entirely fiesb. Sabaiy DJell'a dancing la of the 
aerpenttne. alonons. TOlnptnotig order, wltb a 
creat deal of barbaric reallam. Tbe whole abow 
tm .Oist rate and ia areatly belped alao by tbe 
* • ' male of laco Pooaet. 


Vkmamt tim pace 13.) - 

IMe aoond of any kind. She aecs what tbe sit- 
uation la. withdraws In silence and faints. 

This part bappena In tbe clad aprlngttme. 
Act 11. shows as the winter with deep snow 
on the ground and Qylbg In the air. Lonlaon^^ 
the wife, alts near the heater, mostly In al- 

Pascal Is wecUac away at hli laarta 

ta« tbsB attar hb:wlM flace. -Jbde> 
. the ^stet^la-Iaw. Is then; too^ aaa-wfth- 
sat anythlBK belns said io item It, or any of 
•be stage "bits of bosbiesar* belar performed to 
eonny tbe Idea, one sees that Ae snllty pair 
beliere tbe wife Innocent of sosplclon. yet both 
of tbem are a prey to tbelr own consdeneea. 
I^mlson'a rery alienee Irritates Pascal more 
than anything else, yet now and then she tries 
~l.*a»Jf happy. Ftew worda are spoken 

nMr almitci. One can Imagine that 
waO has been tsken from a teal boose. 
_ T a tbirty-mlnnte glimpse Into tbe Dres 
of these three people, 

la the Isst act .the hnrt baa done Its work. 
Loolson Is dying, and It ia aprlng again, with a 
eandnl golne on ontalde. One can bear, tn tbe 
adjoining room, tbe retching and bortfble death 
anelca of tbe poor woman. Pascal aad Uade- 
Wa ^ aBrhibtenrd, claap each other in tbelr. 
atma. aoddmly. after a lurtlcalarly deathly 
aelae from tbe Chamber adjoining, Pascal aad 
hia mistress start to flee, fast st the aide en- 
trsnce tbe woman falls sobbinc- Psaeal.' who 
tass made many masks In tbe Ukeneas af his 
dying wife's face. coIlectB tbem la the Tepidly 
ratbering gloom, and bides tbem oa a sofa. Tsk- 
lag Madeleine In "bts arms be atarla to lease, 
bnt hearing a noise be tnma np the ngbts. There 
la the room wltb bim are a cnnrd of rerelera 
tnm the camWal. each wearlSB one of tbe 
masks, twisted and contorted In Imitation of 
<ha..srtftra_ fa as . . tha . irife whose death cry has 
fiirhaiB kmtlattaaaxt mom. Pascsl tana 
n> tha Soor taaataate' and the wsana Beea. 

AH flie way throofh thia 'fpteee Impresslt" 
there Is a onantity of detail, and nnlmportant 
things. Exits sre msde witboiit the ondlence 
knowing why. sometimes. Tbe character wlahes 
to leare tbe room and seea no reason why he liaa 
to enlighten an.Tbody on .ancb a simple act as 
that. Perhapa he waated to spit ont the. back 
\ «r M Ike (at. oat. or Sre the cook, or 
I Ms ftet •■ fke Ossr ant. or wash bta bands, 
wal ma vssfia. iAea ama»t their fsaally. 

T 'TM ■ 


— t** " " 

— — .- *o has* "eiB db^t 


I can't aay that 1 am partlcnlarly stnck on 
the Idea. It keens a oeison gnesslng too mneh. 
The sftlovi of the p'ece la almOMt necessarily 
dogged with a lot of nop rsa entiala, and wben 
the Tnialn gets nn and lesres the room It 

adda to tbe Intetcat oif the If yoD are fai 

enwta^te>s sste ta do. U hA fan oat atlsr 
a Uc atlek, aalte mc»m ta com SS.aM vat- 
top tbe trro over the hesA wltb tt. yon waat 
to know abnot It. Ton m^r not be nke tbe boss 
la tbe rwHerr nrrl p^'ont to th» ben to "I«>k 
not. Jack!** bnt .Tou'U eet Kotoe keen antlcfpa. 
toty pleasnre ont of the sltnstton — s pleasure 
'impontble In the new real.'am of olays becanse 
the ninety .nine Cbaneea are that the -rtnain has 
mml y tshsn-a sneak off down town to. play 

'a gaaa of po«l «ltfc'.a,^|ML, Maybe he jraaft 
be feaek^an alaMrflM'rttat Ua*tcr«^4ad la' Chat 

— _ — ^ TdayV tte plar wat-'bo 

— wm an be ia their homes. 
_ ^ is not to be Imghed at: It 
vlMtfa caafl'vaMa. as wsa abowaat the epening 
jaerfbrmanee. even tbonab the .pl^y.^waa.vbv..a 
■ - mere boy. Perbapa In tbe baa#i^ — ^ — ^ — 
.banders, tbe Idea. In a aU^bOr' 
.^m bare a big fntnre. 


ja here daring tbe 
Aatelet Theatre, sues 

After her pheaoowaal 

wm be assB ea a Isas taar. last before her 
denartwre. she tm a Uttle reception at tbe 
Hotel BTTtra. to which her friends were Inrlted. 
Rodin, the acnlptor. the Baron d'EstoTrrnolTi^ de 
Ooastsnt. and others, were smong those pres- 


W« bare treiacatly seea noniMcdB fonaka 

. - ^. 

Begnler, who created tbe Petite Cbocolatlere 
last aeason, and before that Ulas Blllle Bnrfce'a 
role tn Lore Watches, baa tmt amde her debnt 
at Hoote Oaite aa iUmi, Ik PawlaTa Vie da 
Botaeme. She. of coarse. cicat(4 a c*<at im- 
preaakm by ber acting, and I am told that her 
alnging was woaderfu, conalderlng It to be her 
firat role In opera. 

Tbe same antborltr tells me that Iran, the 
Terrible, which tbe fate Richard MansSeld pre- 
sented In America, has been canrerted Into an 
opera by Baobl Gnnsbonrg, and arm bare Ita 
inenlese Undt S. at Ifoate Caiio. Alao a new 
apera entitled Dafahlre. by Salnt-Saena. Ia to 
be prodnosd at Meats Carlo, on March 14. at tee 

at tbe Opera, 
- hr Ma aiog- 

. jata ncsi; 
w TCCBrt and lad- 

world'a record fbr 


dentally eatahlUhed a 
that length of time. 

The race was polled off at the Tel d'Hir*. 
Carey's time for tbe bonr being 28 kilometres 
and 27S metres — 17 mUes and abont' tbree- 
foortha. Ula first 10 kilometres were made Id 
20 mlnatrs. 5S 3-S seconds; 20 "■i iaii li ii In i~ 
mlaataa, M ■eeonda. ma ball kHr>lfeM was 
14 .kOaaetias. ITO metres. or^lB^aaD ba 
made la Ma aeesad half . hear. 

Chnr. MtJMs. IMa^wsA Cor a 
bnt l|-«|pMlM-lMk. IbVa-fiw days tor 
Impsclatt XBeeSL- ."'-^ 

frtstE NOTES. 
Loelen Gnltry. crrstor of Cbsnteder. Is to 
make a toor of Sontb America after be creates 
Le Trtbnn. the Panl Bonrget play. It Is said 
that be may play the role of Napoleon III. In 
a new play by that name by Andre de Lorde aad 
A. BInet, bnt tbIa Is donbtfol. 

aet aalde Febmary 
«C I*OMaa Blen 

Mmc. . BeJaae haa deflaitel 
IT aa Ike, 


La-i* --- -- - - 

S.irdMU^ ita bavti 
derine aftir mlB 

Aa.eatlreiy new program will be seen st the 
Theatre XlAel this week. Le CbmpUce. la 

FsmaMr ct Isa Paattaa. la Fr — 

the aaMe'aC tbe 

«h» Mi .tMsrIen 

" Van- 



at tha atyaqda 

Ward LeoBard Staga Dinners 

F. B. Badt & Co. 

1804. Ma 



The sweetest- tale of lore ever told In song. Ow- 
ing to the greet demand for reipiest copies, fn- 
tnre coplea wOI be aent on receipt of 20 cenCa. 

HOPE mrsic CO., 

Ifaabaaaag ■twat, PiuiHiaBi. K. I. 


Porm. Add. — Tho Billboard 





Zaqga catriic ftee. »Mn aa A. U. 
do Oraad Aseme, lUwaakee. 


BoagtiU sold, cxduuifed aad 
JOHV MjfzZlO * BOV, 
ITS Fuk B0W, Vew Totk. 


Want to bear trsM abow pmie who . are ia 
need of a good Sdaeated ^Seeae- ' Xcasctaire 
of fifteen tridm. Woeld like, to a aahac t with 
Camiral Co. or dreai. Addiea* B. -UIXH, 

E\inIsTll]e. Ky. •- - - 


Inrtajtag fc Wnearliy Otria Fletates,'2Se,-Mom'a 
tba ■sag . ' M ss i s M s ff aae. BS Blear St.. Chicago. 


For Wagon Show.' Terms and exp erienc e Orst 
letter. Long sessno, A. J. SOBSBX8. Boa 
Mb .BtaBlBsbam, Alabaaia. 

1910-ATTENDANCE. 9.000.000. WE'LL BEAT IT IN 19111 




Where live onea reap the ooin. If yoa are anre yaa have something that -wOI 
get the money, write to WM. M. JOHNSON, Stttn 77 Jaekten IM., BMeagt. For « 
Fiiv^Vawd Hatfonn Shows, write to PNELK & CLOHEB, same addiMB- J 


Big consignments of ahimah will beTecwvediiJ&iiwit " 

March 15, including herd of fine Siberian Cameb. 
Other shipments from India and Africa. Qrdera 
diould be placed it oikse few diffiViny-^^ 
I. Address all correspondence to 

S. k. STEPHAN, Imjlm im 

Zoo, Cincinnati, 0. 




Brown and Roberts' Big Jesse James Gonpani 

PEOri.E IN AU. LINES. Two more B. F. 3.- and D. Comedians, Baritone aod Tenor Slngera for 

qnartette, OoatortloBlat, Ooaiedr Maairal Act, Onacdr dctsbata aad Tdck Hoaae. «Dod A-1 Slatch 
(■aa aad ataiBB Uaa a( l«ai«dllM w« iNikrKMia.- IMa aat nMiat^Mk 

MvVitUa.' Ai»a-'t»^<lo*la-»B*B;:vT^-"-"^^^-""-^-" ^ ' 

■■r M t P e aaH . arini."-Oiv^ 
6L BBOWM * : 

EMCl^rniy^l and Strflit iHr 

Free Acta of all kinds; sane too good If tber can ddlrer the gaoda. Glaaa BlowesB cr coaipleta 
Glass Sbow, Animal Sbow, Flattorm Sbows, Big Snake and any other Aow that doea not- coefllet. 
All sbowa moat haTe good fronts; no Joak. Can nae Balloon Man with or wltboot bag. Can place 
Knife Back, Cane Back, Gypsy Camp, Postal Gallerr, Botton Machine. Flower Stand, Jap Gallery. 
Hoop-La, Candy Wheel, Long Bange Shooting Gallery. Can fnmlab 25x60 wblte top to man who 
can pot on good abow. Open taere April 17th to the 22nd Inelaslre. ^90,000 pay roil heie <■ 
tbe ITtta. Boute: Las Te;;aa, Trinidad. Colo.. Weateta Kaasas.' Mebrnka, aad-Soatlt Dakata..'~^ 
company stays ont all winter. Me giaft or Olil ShawaL ttan aa* >k ' " - " — ' 
LEONARD, 411 Sontb Edith St,; Onesarisaa aMnai C, W- OBAD^v- 
Albmnerqne, New Mexico. 

WaBted for Uaster's Bl| Sbow— Tba Costar Massacri 

flsrioet. Comet, Tromb opf ^o ne Tnorei Gown, 'one mote Aerial or Oromd Tean that can do at leeat 
four acts. State aalsry^MOow oeTcr closes. Pnllman accommodations. State rooma ' for married 
people. Address L.. H^^ftt; Manager, Daingerfleld Feb. 25; Plttaborg 27; Wlnsaboto" 28: 
March 1; galjbag HpHaj^g'Cnato 3; VbmefSTlIle. 4:^011 Tsxss.- 



Can nae a few more Col4ied. Moalclana, anare aad trap dnmxmer, aad P s ifmrnais , eaiieelaliy cd' 
ored noTelty acta, WUte-man capable ot taking care ot an elepbant and two camela r^mklngBiea. 
a man to handle Bolte AJfcyer' lighting system and a few more wblte BUIpoaters FOB &Sm~ 

ibKitlos Pnllman, Dolab. Pnllman ' mattresses, kltetien and raase. 

alz-wbMl ateel tipeka.. as «. iaaldcT^' 

A Pnllman aleeper, comb 

dinlas rooaa. alttpa S4 ntbillc. i 







Oriental Dancer that can do Salome, Cleopatra. Spaalah tt tar mtw dance snitabu for lade i 
lencrs; Tiirklsb Mnalelan.. Dmm and R^J^STt t^BTaTlIlimCu "iL^ SmS JA 

man and srtfe, Magldan that can work aa Hindoo with-twa sr ttese Ms^boa?' 

Player, Cbonia Glrla, good Door Talker. Sbow opena Uarch a, Tom CBcairaeSa?-^ 
^^^^^^^^^ company, show, Wtit, ^ ^ffZ^r^^,^^ _ 


Two or three fOod Performers, man and wile nrefecBHL " llwait goo^ trman,'-'lui^tai^*Wbat 
yop can do and DO more. Want eooi Alto, alao ooa good mtrmsOiTlStrvi^i^S^lvwSit 
"^,'iSlv*?S"5"'*' ?P^. *"> tolerated beSTE^f IjSJ S wrt teJ^STuseTS 

and wife wlOi M. P. nachtoe; lady must bare good rolce. Harl fiTsile oT ncbaua f« dff 

T«_i . _ ao-ft tonnd top, 40-ft. middle piece and MawiC 

new, $300. WIU gtye baa' 
— condition. Will gnarantee 
ADAMS, McNeil, Ark. 

MM* ...w «. « . uiBiiuiuc; laoy muai nare I 

Bsada. one B^er * Loekwood top, flo-ft. mond 

Orgaa ar CMUapa UrlMC. "iUnm FRAWK A 

V • — — — — — "-a'****^, HCfVeU* ATS. 


Goo d atrong FVeak for np-town wagon and a man to lectnie aad haadia mmm.' ••^ ee aiimaa to 
-work in pit abow. man to handle cafe car, mnat lie capable aad witk ^aeS^mi alaa'wnt 
ttir aaBM»- we Man h-mKn-f-a. —'.goer Jolat ea ft^i 11a ^^a aiMp^^wap^^^^w^i dM^y 

for bamborger and wiener. ' 
- WUI enterUIn other ' " 

ned with a traveling ! 

P. H. OnXMPlB, PriTllete Uaaaier, SOS Taylor Are.. Colombns. 0. 

XHS wnj - BO d Bo wan waixiMO advbwtu 

FMROABY 25, 191i; 

Ttue Billboard 



Novelties and Speolalttof 





rocNTAiN puts 

Ne. MS BtniBtala 
No. «M I^DOBtaiB 
Ma. MO-B StooBOIa 
Mo. 4S-B noatalB 

N«. 6-BO Ibantala PtM 

Mo. «-BB Pantaln .Poa 

W» cany a Ufft Um at 

CatalacM flaa. 


Ninth anal LuMa 


Tk* N«n» CaMirat 



_ Burnar. 

At Imst a calclim faa aaktas 
ontflt tb«t pfodoeea the niazi- 
DDum llsht at the minimum ez- 
peiu« can be bad. Tbe **Per- 
fecto" aolm tbe problem. la 
thlM Ilstit joa get more faa 
preaaore tban In any other cal* 
clam light, faenco a nan power- 
ful llfiit, . and at lew azpeaaa 
becanae of Ita aaaamBv Bi e tu i, 
It ta tbe almflll^.^C vcalciom 
llCbta and' naMaBr ti» beat; 
la Doa-«xplaalTe, naTer geta oot 
of order, and complete, welgba 
only 15 poonda. Tliere are no 
frUla aboDt tb* "Perfecto." Ifa 
loat a plain calclnm t*a making 
ootllt that prodoeea tbe powerful 
Uctit that TDD moat ban, and 
aboTc all at tbe l<!«at poaaible 

cost. Eyerj excbtoge and dealer 
I la lighting ootflta ahoald haadla 
tUa light, and mtj — 
ml ta aaa a lalUt light ahaaMan 
Ift tka ckei«M tBaT» war. tat 
Write for laiiia aaillialaia. or ^riU 
to O. O. D. apoB " - - — 
(.00 ramplete with 




W-tt. B. T. or larger, with one or two mlddlo 
.Alio aeata (blneo and roaerTed). or will 
MO doae-roldlog cbalra. Deacrlbe fnlly 

- - - - - - p_ 

aLll!i.'««* '>°""n"p"" UtSit. B. 

BBBT8. BOt Oarfleld Ato., Bockfofd, IlL 


booaers need 
?f0d town. Add.^ 
■treet, Olnetsnatl, Ohio. 

applT. Wa omr 43 per cent. 
Addreaa T. O. STBSR, T21 Laorel 

New Fairs 



I^Potto— LaPorte County Hair. Aug. 29-Sept. 

1. J. A. Terry, aecy. 
Maraago— Crawford Co. FUi Am. Aas. 31-29. 

U. If. Terry, aecy. .. 
FriDcetoo— Olbaoo Oo. B. M A,':mii' 4-*. 

V. ■. Kaawita, aecr. 
BvAomaj^MB^jDj^ Mr Aaaia. ^ta»:',»29. 


una Big 4 Siatriet Vhir. 

Aug. I-*., 

J. P. 


Iowa City Tnhaaaa Oob -ActL Boa. 

Sept. 1. Oao. A. ~: " 
Ogden — Boone Oa. Mr. 

Treloar, aecy. 


Ifaydeld— Weat Kentoeky Pair Aaaa. Sept. 2T- 

30. W. JL. Bale, aecy. 

Monroe— MoBioo Fair Aaan. Oct. 24-28. 

B. W. 

Aia...aa& . ant. jMa. v. a. 

Iitw i a l aw u Pteyoa Co. Agrl. Soe. Aoc 14-18. 
Oaa. E. Uatbewi, >ecy. 

w»»-». uuaa.t'rm 

Marsbflild— Ui 
23-25. larael 

field, Maaa. . ; 

Detroit— Michigan State Pair, 
gene FUeld, aecy.. Bay City, Ideh. 

ralraoat— Uartln Co. Agrl. Boc. Sept. 28-90. 
B. it. T>ler, aecy. 


Loolarlllo— Wlnatoo Co. Pair Aaaa. Oct. 8-7. 

W. a Hlgbt, aecy. 

Meridian— MUaiaalppl-Alabama PfelK . OtL IT- 

2S. Walkar Bfoach. aacT. 

BiniiWiM TIaii Ox Mr AMk AaK. 1-4. Goa. 
Oaaaon, manager. 

CalnartUe — Harrlion Oo. 4th Annoal Picnic. Aug. 

1-4. E. A. Wtlaoo. arcy. 
Fayette — Howard Co. F^ir. Aag. U-IS. WO- 

lard Smith, aecy. 
Uarthan— Saline Co. Pair AM. Aw. B-2S. 

Tboa. B. BagacU. aacy. 

Clayton — Union Connty 
Howell Eameat, secy, 



a. a 


Vork-Btalia Mir. Bvt; 11-M. 
kSi Co. AirL Ste. Bapt. B-8. 

Ah. ie-l«. 
5S.. Cin- 

Sept. 5-8. 


Carthage — Hamlltim Co, 

D. I.. SampaoB. aecy. 

ctnnatl, O. 
Chagrin Falla — Cnyaboga Co. Flair. 

F. C. Galea, aecy. 
Baton— Preble Co. AgrL See. Sept. 38-29. Barry 

D. sneer, aecy. 
PlDdlay — Hancock Co. Agrl. Soe. Sept. 13-18. 

B. B. Kennedy, aecy., Bawaoo, O. 
Hamilton — Bolter Co. Agrl. Soe. Oct. 3-8. O. A.- 

Knmlcr, aecy. _ ^ . 

Uoeaater— FhMMd C«k Afri. Boc Oct. 11-14. 

"iSgS!5ff?!U5?>.i. ^Bitt. 

Maiyvrflle-llBloB Co. Aw^'Bmi i miHJ^ ^• 
•-F. Bndrk*; aecy.-' •• -.^nV; . ' 
l »»lMa a W darko Ooi.; AvLr BMy ^Aiig;..!-*. 

■Niio* MBSffaaaKr ".-^ vT : l' i?. 

aecy. ■ •. -»^ ■••?•»«;• >».• - 


FbtkaTllle— SolllTaa COt 
P. L. Molyaeoz, aacy. 

Joboatowa — Una ' 
IS. Geo. Boll, 

Stroodabarg— Moa 
H. F. Coolbaogh. 

^Sr%iL ida. Soe^'- Bipt, 


Coal Creek— Aadcfaoa A^OiMtaU Co. Stock 
* Flair Am. ■Wm*. W.. ..Ifc VBaoo. 

Dallaa— O^xaa SUte Mr. Oct. 14m Bldaay 

Smith, aecy. 
GalTratoD — Third Annual OottoB Oamleal. Jnly 

11 AUS. 14. 


Grand Valley. Cot.— Kaat Lather AgrL Sac. 

Oct, lT-18. Wm. Mclatyre, aecy. 
.Nrlaon. B. C.— Nelaon Agrl. A lad. Aaaa. Sept. 

2«-28. o. Ba tataad. a« «y.. ,v ^, 

DttofM. BaL. JiiJ >Ma»,.* put' ,Bapt. 



BiyBB^ OliiO i Aug. 2 Sept. 2, 1911. 

ffMRMIf MMRL fms mj HtaraL 

A. L. GEBHARD, Bryan, Ohio. 

Special Number 
The Billboard 
For 1911 
Will Appear 

Bearing Date jqI 




Hundreds of 

50,000 Copies 
No Advance 
in Rates either 

or in Price 
per Copy. 

l:ll>.o af^id 

TlHM ststemrnts (bmr that tM 'aat 
at tbe New York boawa ban sioini' tnn 
tTB.000 lo 1007 to I2UO.00O 4a 1910, Blia tbat 
th* nun of teoi.UOO Id vrollt bad bcrn eqnallr 
aiTld wl. betw*H-n Mr. Inroclor mud Mr. Kt-ltb 
Mtloff tb* four rean. In bla aUhlartt - Mr. 
Kalth clalna rurthrrmore that • total of 
Vm.OOO baa been exiicniird on lb* vartooa tb»- 
ateca. tbe majorilr or wblcb bad bean ownirt tv 
FBKtor before tbe cumblnatluii. ' 

~llth*s codtentloi la tbat Praetor la at- 
, to aecni* eoatnil of tbe Flflb ATcnna 
-tteaogk tb* dlaaotmloa «t-tbe pturtaer- 

^-.^w -.- y.. .^Ibw toofc tbs Matt aM tMtUed 
m^lm^ bean witb Mr. KeltU-«ir- timlrelz 
H Wia. .■ ■ Albee elalma that there la wlU^.lbe 
tttr wltb the eompaay^ aod that all^tk* tipa>< 
'a petaoaal betweea Keitb aid rnielir^ tM- 
if Ola- trouble oosbt to tir iiali tiaa tin' ailfl 
eiwl U tbe lltlcaiita 'would bare- lt-ia> 'Ba 
tetber lald tbat be beUeTea''.UIr. 'Btltil- to :btf 
'■?ii*J'***'*<^ "••"M" to tfie woHA; - , 
• Olffote tbe ooort 'fitom 

JOB Weber, Daolel Ftobmao. Benrr B. Harrla, 
^M^Shnbett. CbariM BanhaB aM WlUlam 
to Pfte rt . ■bUy.— a ana- 

<■ ■: jPOCQNIAL..' 

<OBntiaaed ttom pasa.ll.>, 
aad Tbe Sambo OIrL Xht 

-Jlo-IraA^,..^' eieela- In tbif '« 
faaualB* dniiika, plaja a flttlM' 


wltb briirht anecdote, and 

MIoinw KlBtina(> 
dontlnatad by bin 

_--uaata: Bnwn aaa ' BUMr. . t*n'H ihSSS' 

«Jn in Pnparuijr aad .,^ 

CJotonlal.— Andrrw Mack,- Triab neal&t:' Ama- 
Ha Stone end Annand Kallu In aioa Aoiear. 
■£»*j2«_5W»iMlna Ulnar and CooiiuiPto 
H*.>Wm €f iBa»w: numr Blee. entertaloer: 
ntiTe nmrdlan; Bnbr Bar- 

" ^TS" Thaatra.— Ona Btwarda- Bona 


y«Irrta Benm and ComiianT la dif 
I>'*jl^t. JadgmaDt; laabelleJb'AtaaBd. 
by o<Ninm Moore In J0II7 - Joatii -BIzlar 
1^. oix'ratjceoaieiitlana: Rnur GiWTI? 

yaoec bl Brotbera. wbhaiDc id dinbri 
tan II inaae l ntxsnald and bla IBT " 
~lnx KlrIa;4.Tbr Tbrt^ 
. aerobatle " wtaardii. 

firrH AVENUE THiATRft ' 

(OoBttaaad (rem pate 11.) - 

£!!S'fc£o'b2iJ£.*?f '*»^^ Oiaeeman. "an 

!• aaa to t a iidm i aAaqoata anpport br .hla 

Mann and Ida aimr onmiw la a»«> 
- aketeb. Tbe LeaSf? poamied 

a .iSSiS ??'?!2L"*r'~^ pt*»looaly hi. 
E iT^LiS.^'^^ colmnna. Sofflra H »o 
K prared a eoatloouaa aeream. ' The 
i^' XiJ^'S^ ' ">PPort U aa tollowa: 

iSrS^rS^^ 'S^tSd^'SSf - oT^ 

xonc moi jnssled a eootlaaaaa line of ' plate* 
tjtta other, keeplns fonr 6r llTe ioIdc »n of ibe 
SSS;,.,J:Z'^ JngW a batxd with bl> f.^t. 
Hatot alnliiit hla poMtloa on tbe other'a b^. 

25*iJ!5i!2?'JE_i" J!?* Jontimit hoop.. 

tMjaUgBKfin two bead and toe. and 

■MWar Ua Mtow'a bofr oo bla ehprt and 

■ailnbre atimta; tat tt* op ttraf of attalaneat 
la dua Une waa tbe e«lmMii» at: a wlf-halamnZa 
-SPPorted ladder. ^?^b3 5e or IhilSSS! 
^rt^" beloneod bead-toSaad* 

Btepp. MebUaser and Klnc In a pUno. raeal 
and banjo act. bleadlox comedy and melo^ 
— d« tbetr nana] - rabatantlal bit. Amosa t£» 
•"■■» tbot . tliey featured -weier When'.'ilarl^ 
Doaa tbe Cnbanoia, Sleamhoat rete; That Ll>«l7 
i»H. • aad'-Ooadbye- -SDnraier.- • -Tbej-'-coa- 
rZL. ajganpalitc.trayaatr.on the Sextette 

-«>y» «alwibalr 'nwiibloane artfat..BaI Merritt 

•M— ••nM ^tli a nraalaK of hmMrOwIeoD- 
Tb» beat tUatc be doea, bownrTb hla 
ilaie. tUoatratlTe of a faablaoabla wooaa 

— ; np^' <a ao ont. bealnlna wftb pottlaa an 
^•m. corset. lacinir It. then eombiac oin bar 
feafe'bRldIii«. cnrllDft and arrtnidDjrit.' aad tbe 

addition of rat. pnir« and hat. It la I " 

funny, and brlns* roaoda of ai^laoae. ' 

Jack Ooanelly and Margaret Webb 
^tb tbeir mnaica) act, A Storaiy ' 
etowad laat week In tttcae eolnmnx. 
. •Bow ard'a Sfnaleal Pooln. three dlmlnntlTe 
dMtaaa. a beantlfol St. Bernard and a coapla 
aCtatimtent flax tmltta. jwrfocm a aerlea of 

' If arsaiet .Bennett ' (oimalr of the Darli) 
Belaaeo forcea. la appaaitac la nndernie In a 
akvtch b7 Cbaa. A. Taylor, called Borrowed 
Finery. ■ ' • 

Jules Reiner cIoiU witli tbe Abbm Opera 
at..SU I>onla.:'aad la at bla taome liere 

.. — eUalnated . BanRarlaa 

planlit..wbo.baa act N«w York and tba BWtiO- 
polltan aeetlon asotc wltb bla nmrreloaa daster- 
Ity. opena for a tonr of the SnUlean * i;aaai-> 
dine Circuit, at the Majestic Theatre, Bntte. 
Uoat., Feb. 2S. Tbla la Mr. Weatooj'a aeconil 
Tlatt to the Weat. On tbe occasion of hla Oni 
trip to the Paclflc .coaat he was aa bla a aen- 
aatloa as In the Eaat, 
Sereral of the attractions booked by Mr. B 

Obenaayer. tbe SnIIlTan * Conaldlna Eoropea 
ra w a f a u tatlTai. at preaant playinc In tbe weal 
ara Butea; axe. tbe. Blals. the Oeorgcttya. tb* 
Tbrce Otobo Ceyshtons. the Fonr Charics, Mmc. 
Jenny'a Animal Clrcna, Max Oniber'a Antmala 
and Bamard'a Manikins. For tba onsoloit sra 
aon the S. ft C. London office la Importinx man: 
of tbe foremoat lomlnarles of the Bnropean' 

Joaephlne Babel, the American irirl, who cap 
tiTatfd tbe Old WorUU wOl ba Itoted amooK 
tbe^SnUlTaa ft OonaM toa^ ^teallllmia dnrlak thr 

_na SaUlTan ft OoaiUlaa KtjMtte- TbeatN. 
Bntt^ . Moat.. And .Mhar booaaa In tba We«' 
wm biauciirate mT0tr dariea' la fbo.'oznloltln- 
Ilnea. C. D.' Q. Jack Irwin, wlreleaa hrro of 
the Airship AnMrlea, and the hero of t'- 
ateamer Bepobllc, bcnn hla enaaaement of the 
B. ft O. CIrcalt at the Majestic Theatre. 'Bnt^ 
Mont., Feb. 18. Dnrlnjr Irwln'a appearance la 
tba sarlona cities, tbe theatres, hotela. boRlnesn 
btnaea, poblle bnOdlnga and town In aeneral. 
wfll twar national decoratlona In commemora- 
tloa of tbe Tlaltatloo of a natlooal'hero. IrwIu 
win also be met at raOroad stations on his sr- 
rival In tbe dtles by bostneas men. city an- 
tborltlea, praaa repteaentatlTCB and theatre man- 
aaeta who will escort Ua to Oa laadlac. Iiotel,' 

snfn « taanBrt .gm b> mmi la .btolWDor. 

npMv.; paonHM -t^ ;salB|f pbo- 

CoDDt Jacques Alexander von 
MNrik II lupfort 

Now playtna tbe beat one^lgbt t h aa tt aa 
In tbe MMdIeweat wltb bla o«B kmtHU'it cam- 
pan j nnmberlns the largrst-fdM btat- acta arer 
s«m-on tbe Taaderllle atas*.' Tbo*saeoad-bC*«ker 
In 'every theatre where he baa afgpauad. - 


WAHTED— nnaaelal Partaer for Carllala's Wild 
Weat Bhov or aaitr to tealsb W bead of Wild 
West Stock, ■aaaon opaaa Apin 10 at Imven- 
wortb, Eanaaa. Auo waat Braaebo Baatara, 
Ropers and Bldera; Slator nam. Stralgbt Man 
for leada. Comedian, tall and- onflaal. Mab to 
make gtrons openlnga on WUl Weat and Vaa- 
derille. Vaudeville Girl Show. .Addreaa B. C. 
CABLISLB, 2MB lUlwanlcee Ave., CblesKO, ni. 

FOB BALE — ^Two Call-O-Phonea wltb eo^evcle 
a. c motors, 4 Slaphaa 4-way pictnre machines 
with pfctorca. All In No. I shape. ^Brat offer 
ts kta bimch. Address Boi 84T. CsrtolltOB. PI. 

SAYi ^» N slTTPjE MAW J 

t ii E- ^f^Qi 10 PLATE 

Klnc of Tbem AU. It Bs- 
dlates. Now al TBe, per 
100. Batton Plalea for aU 
Machines TOr |>er 100. Will 
Tod try a Sample at Oor Bx- 
penaeT Too Bet I Well 
Get Bnsyt! tIS to t35 per 
day with any of oor ma- 
chlaea. and we can prove It. 

Send for oor 1911 Price 
Llat of Sappliea and FBRB 
Samplfo at BADIO ■ Flatea. 
„ Uanata. Poatal*. ato. 
SfoBBto at tSepu 100: Rattoo r wiaisa at TSe 

fintu' piasiaiB jto ..«pcn - at tba 

.M^CIirla.i:0|^Brown, raencral^ booklnc. man- 
tbsJsilUvan ft pnnMtne Clrcali, baa 

"Uifwiil'lia coaaprtAd^'iiMy'' oTYriA ^mSi 

and vrlll probably have aa Ita beadllaer Uaaaio 
Cllne. Other attractions, are Bernard Daley 
and his company, Bert Leslie's PIsyera, In 
Hoaan - In Society, tbe Six Connor Sisters and 
aeveral ottwrs, wblcb will be announced later. 

Tbe FlylDs Jordani wUt -be with the WIrIb 
Bros.* Clrms this annimer. They sailed for 
Aoatnlla last Friday to Join: the sbow. . 

HoUIe WIIIlamB, featored In bnrlesqite. Is 
to tske a dip Into vsudeville. June 6. when she 
will open In a dramatic sketch called Iji Dsnse 
de ' Badiantmcnt. Frank raanlag will, appear 

BmaU Waaan abOw.- A-l cMidltloa. 
' riabt' parly;- Ibaaavnn 
BUOWMAM, Stratford, 

YOB SAKE— Bla Shark. t33: Two biadaj. 
and ralutlng, flO. Following palatla 
Uur-buir Ijiily, Ueiuialil, SDakrs.-||i 

stt*. Fa. 

FOB BALE — Bpssod Slide Trombone; sUvsr 
plalei): III i-xc4.'IIi>Dt c-oDdltloD. Bsrttsln for »^ I". P. IHintLNCTON. f2l E«»t 4tb 
SlrtM't. Cliiclniiatl. Olilu. 

I'UII SM.F. — Steel Derrick, band power, Clrellnr 
Oi*eao Wnve, as eood as new, $100; -alabt Jap 
Hall Uaiiie Alleya, K>4; Baseball Poker Gama. 
»I0. Uux 271. Klyrlaj OUo, 

Dsn ani apacata ynar own Vaadlns Basaa astf auba lOOK 
uiaai a? Bierv. We uiannfaclntv the very latest BaK 
▼wMMiBk 'o' Otnij to be fastened oa back' of tbcan* 
ebakiilfa neatest awl most coniiMct box on tba maifeil, 

helMr.llTlaUri|<St. unlet. z«3 iIi..hqo«lt».i.t^b.m 


WANTED— Flrst-cIsBB, Norel Showa 01 percentage; MAN AND WIFE FOB LONKTTB. TO 
UANAOB SHOW ON PEaCENTAQB BASIS: Colon d IVrroriuern fur Minstrel Show; Freaks and 
Cnrloaltles for CoDxrees of Wonders; Man with big aerlsl or other clmis acta, who nnderatandt 
tba carnival boslm ss, to lake cbarse of atadlmn, to furnish show complete except top and (roat. 
Addiess Angosta, Georgia, 


JUNE 30th. JULY Itt. 3rd. 4th. 1911 
$26,QOQ III , Prizes. . The Best Show Tjewn , Iff 

' WAfii^DN^ Flrat^tass <^ra : 

DAVip DQP"' ''i".. Booms, M—onleTMiipte, SASKATOON, BABK^jCAKADA 

Attractions and Concessiblis 

The most beautiful park In the United Statea, on the Cbesaiieake Bay. with a flvo-eeat ear firs. 
000.000 of boUt ImprovaBenla. One of tbe best bands In tbe country In dsllr attendanea. WtU* 
St aaaa ftC wa— » bar aaaMatlaaa. Oood attraeUona art big money hVr*. Bar<-r«<irol part 'Sir 

B-tteWSfh Investlgallon, Addnss 

WM. Oftint, IMO W. laarala Btiaat. Baltiaaarai WL ' 

tba ftmaaeaaat Maaaiar. Lais* nohm aa • 

tba ftmaaeaMat Maaasar. L^va latWM < 

Investment. Eaally uanagad. JUn sas esa ba aaa- 

cessful. Bnnnlng espcnaea hardly anything. Al- 
ways ready tor business. No tronbla to gat tba 
people In. The roara of laogbtsr fnuB aleass* 
natrons draw tbe crowds batter than any ballrbas. 
Oor Improird mtrrora are made of a bigbly ^isllsbsa 
nickel eompoaltlon ' 
wlU not tarnlab. ~ 

inc light la wslsbt 

oiuy really portabia aUmiB arar Hade. 

irars to* 

. Va bavs 

•nade tbe laogblat mltror a iptclaltr, aad eaa IW 
olah Ideas tbat ai« rare to gtt tbs Bsasy. win* 

in-<1sT for full iiartlrnlsra. 7. K. BAB* 




which consists of sixty seres of the most modem smnsement end emeaaaloB daslcaa, la 
the heart of Blrmlngbam, the largest city of Alsbsma, with UO.OOO people within Ita limits and 
250,000 people to draw from. Is on the msrket for tbe coming season. It having been . anaoonce4 
tbst tbe plant wonld either bs rcntsd or faaiad for IVll or long«r,-ir the proper party eaa'ba fpaad- 
TMa ii iliB aaiitoii t la at aa .BM a l totoisat. iar.'<|(w»»''ijM^ 

Esst Lake l>affe l|::Ml|^:!«jid; has 'been oiwrstM for<°il- niifnb<<r (tf''ye^rS'>> tbf^«|aii^;Xaka> 

Parii .'A.^Ajn.osemaot .Op^, .aC '; 

Of' BlrmlagtaaiB, att'tkt 

o«liiiir^ l p |fc it J j>,jj^ ,^ 

I' mmh 'Bacb «M oC'.th8 .trio named It. malMix^ .bwimir 

East Lake Park Is the prettiest park In '«■- — »*^ --f»«- ■ ||'],|'^-'--)jj|i-- jij np,g.g .j 
seres, thirty-two of which form an attractive laba;'' :0a' tbla lllio '^^ 
modem steel boata and four new ateam lannchea, ready for operation. 

Besides, the lease will Inclode new and cisssjr eqnipmrul for the scenic rail way. ^ boa 
"■Mstte. wberi,. sk ating >l nk, minis turs railway, tbeatrs.. cbntra and mtmerooa other :devloaa. "" ' - 
, :'i^^^.(BW ^'3?^''y!iy^;S!i*V-'l' ■-«< . 0» laeparly win ^dad also a steady Imroms from a of 
esMMtaa;: >MadNl' t*bonaa 'd|4i..'aiartyV(a4oaadi ' peanut, popcorn, fralt aaV lioA:' dmka. 
and anmeraoa others, all €>f wblcb pay 35 per cent. groM. ., >T.i,.';».j.'» 

Tbe people of this commnnlty are largely an amnscnicnt-aeeklng etass tad tba iN^tlrMS ktiw a Xalr^^t,to^.«syml agaaoaa paat. bat la dacldinrto ml ar. ItMa'Ck MM :^ 
'^'ll^^^. •^■■!'^!m:*!!f!^:!*t^'l '''>^ p»f«i HB* bii-Bai«a*« maHitt'^ 

« wtialMMMSJ ' ............. . . _ ■. .■■-'.■/.■• ..-rTTV..—. ,^.«,»«j„,-,.«»fc 

operated j 

delay wbatiMmi 

£ Billboard 


rot taluet of thli ud ■ommcr teuon. A-1 
Dotcb Oam*4l*a, Sooc ■nd Due* aonbntt*. Irtata 

owB). It'* raic. SaetoM MvlaK AiiltaMn. 

kBockvn and tboM_ that 
Wngtt It.' 

l*t StftDd pnMMHtT. 

"Forcct It." Addm« «> per mate. OUtlfT 
rRAjrOIB. lUnscer, Oantrtl Olty, Kj., Hi 
■•wliw OtMa Mi XuuUtUIs, IT; OlmrkarlU*, 
Tma., lU; Pilimtaa. Ky., Mmxth «: Tirilngtoa. 
as-(t. Bii^a^ Car, with «od doon ud ■ Cbm 


ilnt and Btttftir. TO-rt. praf^red. 

with kw**I* «ad. State Ml paitlralara and 
.__ ^ WIUi BOI— T»l 

wbm can raa 

Biad DatftMM tat . Opt. >. 1. LMtwr, 


Must Doubl* 

RidiArdSaMjoin. Others 
fnu^ week'cir Fi 



Toba, Barltooc. Alto, SUd«. Coaedr Acrobata, 
Lad7 Parfonnera MIdwar Dancer. fOB SAliB — 
Clival WacoojL Baod Tablcan, Banace Strloccr, 
Iu(< Pole Wkod. om ao-ft. rutcar, Tanta, 

jr. ATOBBTUi toma, Wun^ fh 

UBdenluder or T«P Moanler 

M to 
I t» 


or all kiBda, white and rolond. that doable 
«ta(* aad do coaecrt tnriu. Man wltb blood- 
tOQoda write. "81e Bpcar," and man that 

•lared Muka with •TIpTon"' wrItiT WANTKD 
■r^aa na Baad Uniromu and ten irDgtba of 
Addrau nVCLE TOM 

WaM-A ReiponsiUe Maa 

t , 2 - WittliUpertoiie CompiuiiM 



1.12* ^ HSf!*"^ eimprtmit Plaaa 

— (Um totlMt party. If yoo can Oil 
alo»*. wrlta. alat- 

irVfMi: BMtr Ber- 
f:lllR7«Hto : Oraad. 


2LJi1^- ^*** •»<• aoSbwtta. TUi 

!f!£!SJf J"!' '<>n»'»f with an A-l aelactln 
B.? 1 'SJfi? eomi-dlfiL Will oiwn abou 

5SjL*"_"a"'«» pTmaD-'OI. with aaUrj. Ac 
e!?' ""V- Write for partlco 

SSfe lMl!Sr ^' M«r.. Ilmr,! 

r^!^'*"dftf'«'*?* *•» dooWo B. A O. or 
irt^.-JiiJ'^*" I*'ajyr, dooblo baod: Mualeat 
♦»-d«tW!t: Stag* Peo- 

li? J?"*"*"" P» Want to hear from 

SSl»?«° fV OS' ??. ahow; atao good 

Oontortloiilat. Back' %>Dder. Lady nnfe^: 
■tMdy t-Bngrmrnt to aood pewlo.- niww an 
jwriDr „i ,i,t, joweat lalaiTr - • — 
■t>N, 8oDr I^ke, Tezac 

d Ih, SRICK- 

Wanled— Vonof Giri W\U HAVtr 

110 Iba. Oood amatMr coBalder*d. Brod photo 
aaa all partlcnlata hi Brat letter. Lon« en- 
■ «i •?* treatment. JACK JIOORB. 
"ItaatM, Battle Crwk. Vl<ti.. wefk of 

WABTES— All Undo of TaadoelUa Aala. artm, 

Chaaera ditched. .MAZB THBATBa MOBm ' 

"<"itb. Ilia. Red rrather, write. 

WjMWBD AT OVO&-Ad»Dee Man: anat b* 
aooer and hava food ref., with earnlTal exper 
7 .''A- ''i'" Performer* for Taodrvlllp ahowa. 
*.m''2K„T;'!"'- «>«• MBTROPOLI- 

TAW RBOWS. Amarlcaa. On., we^ n>b. 20th, 

JJ*>55&—Plai>o- Player for Tanderllle and roo- 
»NffMarM<^a)M.i«ho-U',A-l a|nsec prefurred; 

J[«T»--'lAdy >bMw(feB- M aoa MVwMf «Ib' 
lio.'QiM .tbat.cao.aliui, dancv aa*aortai aet. ctnod 

ton, (Hatpin Co.), Ohio. 

2****B— Balloonlata to know that I baTo one 

and one parachute In itoo,i <-onilltlan. for 
■yii Aeap for (^*«h. M1S.S rouoTIlY I>K 
WWm.. Otaeto. Mlchijt.u. 


Baaloeer fbr aivtry-ae-Itoand: aim 

CoBcvmtoiw of all kloda. Addreti 

ADAln^,StAIU.^MItl«^ :!<rw >l|iaar. Ml"*.. 

;««hof .yei,.. aa- ig,' .Bft-ii^jjiiatiB;., ."• - 


Mwwarlag a<» a w ilaa Tm maaOABIK 




48ef BKtMBictaliilMfica 
Mi JMpaM SririMi - 

rrar t h onaand. aM aalahed. at fSM 
Ian* Iota, tat aUpMat laat af May II 
at OM. PanMan aC W. A. 

ToreoMMt TromboM Soloiat. | , Foremost Flute and Piooolo. 


Bookeclll we«lcSf but •om* (iood parktlm* •tlllopvr 



46 ol the Worid's Best IUKmi Mnwcisns. FunMwinlwth 

Siftenano and His Banda Roma 

Most Popular of Italiaa ] 

Managvmant «f HOWARD PEW. 121 WMt 42nd St., NKW YOWH. 

WM's Model Sta 


Two mod Door Talker*, Wlra Walker for btppodrom*, who can do two or non acta. Want a 

reapoaatbU parttaa, tfeitty-«w feat «ar eaaalatlar of two i 
and kitebaa. fomialwd cMasleta. to ba aaad a* a prlTflesa 
Jaapor, Viorlda. wc«k of FMt. 20. Lat^Ma will be lOewa 

_ _ car. 


Oood. daaa, aooay-aettlas Show* for 
Pwpla that ata partMMCSi alaa MaaMaaa tor wrblta hand air a aaaall 
who wrata t» UbmmU. «ilta assls. aa-aatt waa wl nlaga d . 'AM ia aa aa 
weak SMl »Mk. SSlMh 4r«»Hik «K... Ilaiill Ml. «hM 

Slock ■hatr.':ttw:»w>fc;-.-.-; .y ■•■■....■■■.„■ ;■..> ' . ' t ' 

seed .Plaalatka 

ft. Wattk. 

Wanted for the New Idea Amusement Co. 

Jumploa Horae- Carrj-ua-all. Will tfire Kuud machine 60% and wo furnlib dray aod tranaportatlon; 
Colored Mualclana who ara performrrB and caa doiMet Ballyhoo Sbowa; Oi' 

caaalona of all Uada SMa. . i WUI bay aw ~ 

.NEW iDBA -AMOBniiM? OK, ftaaisarAifc. 

aBDOoiiccd later. ■ ' 


IV> Join early dale at Macon. Oa. ACROBATIC ACT (4 «r B pcofU). BIO WIBB ACT. SMOPB 

oSSf&Sa^ 5S^i?2i2S2 as^sM ■ 

for'iobcr, Mnatrloa* Bcaaaa. Beat accoouBodatMaa la TmrK- fiOSniKn. 

forty weeks. No parade*: Qunte loweit term* ftrat letter. Adilrera qnick 

BITS BHOTIII >iH. II, 1 ». Mioon, OoorrU. 

A. L 


I 'bata a atacl'Whael car, 80-ft Ions, with banasa aaa^wfl^aleaa 40 pcoMe, 

lalddla, plaeta. with atarn and. atakca aad pal**. 10 retaftha of bin* akata, an 

|lnlA,ali«ii|t IMC haadrad paaid*. alam and oeeofwy. bill tmnka.aail Mi]MKr,4l8lkta. 
Win abOBt SLBOO. Act qalck. POB BAI.V-i.Trlck-,Scfiierj:i trto^V^QoaiieT^TlV 

Ira. All ntuff with T*mp» aort TolloTitii. Cost ^nr. ♦300; tt 


'Dpopi, Slippery Stall 



..waat partaar 
.1..^ .two aet WalK 
V>^rv^, 'P0O; IVM take*' all. 

Hir.-.t, lndlaii.i>.>ll«. lod. 

all la sood ahapai. On* Btoetrte Oa iu a ail .- 4S.fii."Slaai^4<' a]a«ala,"4 'tharleta, wlrliis, _ 
two motora. all In food ahape; will aell with aood park leaao In the moet popnlaf park. near * 
large city of 3W.000; cheap icntal; price ceasoDable. One Flgore Eight Ooatter located In a 4ln» 
t<ark, owned by traction company. In Ohio; line lake; abont 200.000 to poll troaa. .Prlea only 
^,1100. Figure Eight Coaster located la good park In Arkaaaas; raMal Mlb 'aC.'^aP IMljW- 
celpta. Can remain or can b« remored. Only t»een rim about tlx mnitts'i*' 'mik HMIIl JiMka 


ON ADvmmnxfl to MEitBinBg lopjeBBjnMwnntnr on 

SIONAL A]VKOVKC1r3ll£Nn AXn AT LnnWnP OMOM.' -^ ' 



Bruabes, Handles, Hammers, Coid-Wi 
Paste, etc. 
Send for Piiaa List. 


Band Actors 

Leadlas Maa. Sons aad Dance Soabaatla. 
tor with Bctlpta, Utmlclana who are ^ 

player*, AdTUKO Agent*. BUIoootan, 

Ropera and Blderm. Want to bay I 
car. n. E. STEINEB, Shrereport, 


Vaudeville Performers, Muaidujlt' 
Piano Player and Novelty Act. Ad& 

W. f . MM, eiri In En Fiwiiw Hm, 


Want* people In all line*, to open Uarck la*, 
Teon., noder caAraa; week atanda; aavea aSaara 
a week; 8 montha work. Salary aora. I pay 
aU after Joining. Two akateh teaaaa, maMtal 
taaa^ a Saaaias blaek-tlaee eai " 


lONBB OeOla. Oik 


Would UK* • Good Partner 

To atart ahow boaloeaa. 1 bare tent ootflt eMg* 
plete. Partner will bar* to Iny In. ror Mfc 
tlcnlara addrraa VOXXAB BriT.T,ra. iH 
W. Bagnitt St.. Iran MoaatalB. HUA. 

Slot Machines 


win leaae or buy Car: moat bo la Siat ila» 
ecoditloa, ateel whecla. alx wheel tnckai MB 

paaa M. C. B. Inspeettoa. OIto fnll ili ii iljiHWl 

atat« n aal.. lirl<~i'. ROPXTSS BM& 

OO., Dm Koiimm, 1*. 

W1BTZ3>— 300 VUdlng Chairs. R-tlna Blaaa. 
1 good Margoeo. 10 reels Colored Film, 30 oata 
Song Slldea. Want Clarinet riayer to ~ " 
ataga, Violla Player to doable atag*. 

~' Soobrette to double peaa 
BOX S3, StUliDore, Oa. 

■Wonld Ilka to bay Paper 
aad Horaea for Marry-jto.roiiBd. JOSi 

IXX. R; B, g. Baa 

Raahaatar, Mtaa 


or will let prlTOege on percentage baata. 
FRBO. SPBMOUiR. 2212 Broadway, New Tart. 


BD. n«a report aa to pataa*- 
ability, niaattated Gnlda Book aad Uat of la- 
eentloaa waatad aent rBJTE. . 
TIQXOB I. SVAm * CUn WaaUastaa. » .«■ 


X S-ft. aMe waBa. aa*« Mo aaaaaaa. Mas 

MS. Alaa IU»«iaa laaalar tat saUy. IBS. Tm- 

^ — . u 

iMO feat: Wagoo*. oa>- ilTi'-paiaangar 
oar, one Crank Piano, ten tnoea; S 
WAXTKI>.-TeBt. about SOitW.- with aa 
black llnlBC and asnsll Aolmjtla for Janala 

Addreas TTTw. HOPPXB. Oenring, B. T. 


tor aale. with drbtna: pape^ 'iilajed. COat 
Only oaed 9 weeks; Ilke oeW; very cheap. I . 
able' 'for mrrry-ro-roand. rink, ahow.' or park. 

FOB SALB— Someraanlt, High Dtrias. Mek 
Dogs and Dorea. Pletore SJaebtae. let at ~ 
Film*, Crank Piano. Will ea^MB ~ 
dorea for (lima, magic. What hats I 
BABBT SMITH. Oratx. Pa. 

USB now VEB— Send for new I 

Coatalaa pbolaa of bis aeaiatlaaal i 

puttam aad S-I»*a* abawa. Utt ai^. 
inle, aanncM baaaa la «ka wMbTfiaatha aU. 

nlek*l-|ilat*d awofda that any eae cna awaltoa. 
SIO. WM. NELSON. No, Cambridge. Maaa. 

FEBRUARY 28^ 1911. 


FEBRUARY 2S, 1911. 


New Prices on the Best 

Note these prices and i;emember that there is no better 

^ I 


Grease Paint in individual tubes, in. x 1 m........Jt. 

Lining Ck}IoiB in individual tubes, 5 in. z }fi in. --'^ 

Carmine Paint and Liners in tubes— .1. 

. Guaranteed n^er to get luurd-i^wUl 

iNoBt^t^atiy, per stick, (this IS nose putty— not dough) '•'t'w. 

Clown White (this is CLQWN WHITE—i^t sj^), 1-oz. box, 15 cents; 2-oz. box .. 




25 cents. 

17D irl« 1 A f ''*'^ Style Sack of GreaaaPalat (mentioa color dMlMd).udTtab«oiCold<>!|M. 

rmVrir* r ^/IV . y^%JlJj^JL^ sent free to any addrcM for 10 cents (Carmine, 20 cent*). to " 

Send for them today, the package will plesoe ^ou. 


The Ebcora Line is weU-knowii to profesrional people as the moat satisfactory goods of their kind on the market. E^ma Faee 
Powder is the only face powder tlut stays on— «De application lasts aQ day. Sanplea frea for 4 cents la aUmps. 

Meyer's Hake-up is sold in' all cities and.towns that have a theatre. Write for list of dealers who carry our "New Stylo" Paints. 



. 26^28 UiiioB Square, NEW^ 

I Ml MlB8 fgttiteMr iVjfNf ll^ CiMitiUMrl 


Ocean i|rk, Long Branch, N. J. 

: The New ArnalMB^^ ijfl^ on the' seashore, in front of the 
Nnr lIQHim I>ollar-Fia^ Vflrsr aooeesible 

from an ptutB of New Tork, i;idladdj^hia,^^^^i^ from. eontiguouB 
tenitocy. Service by the Penn^i^ida Raqioad, the CentraiRail- 
toad of New Jeisey, street cars and boats.; 

Everything in the line of attractions wanted at once — Ferris 
Wheels, Meny-go-rounds, Carousels, Cane Racks, Knife Boards, 
. Jananeee Booths, etc., etc . Write at once or appliy in peraon to 

Mmeir nmiiiiii tt^^^Mi Hii, m im hiIu mm 1MCR^ 

Ite Jt Jpii lor Mlpt^s Shows 


int MO iiid 400 mtlnB capiiaiqr. 

MilWnWWLb, » n iu in l Vintt^ Ctty CMistruetlMi Co 

r.ChloM** Hi. 

Hatha stmslit on a Iwb 
rs win tMch TOD bow. 


Get oar prices on soap and toUet artlclea. They 
wtU Interest yon. Oor advertUins aasorled package* with 
Talnable premfama toare the - flaab and Taloe tliat jtet tbe 
mooeT. EraiTbodT naea tbcm. MAKB OBEAT SO0VENIB&' 
FOB SHOWS. CABNIVAU, KCa Hooey-gcttm for ean- 
▼aaaos aad fakan. On* yoas aaaa claarad tl.008.6S in alz 
Ate Toa dolBC as wcUl It not. aand poatal to^ar. 

ir CO., tn vmiu sua.. f<n o>»rii In., oumso. 

Amusement Men, 

We hvro the moBt <^^ and deVer diverrion evw bohiBdved, 
and have a certaiu amount of stock to dispose of in order to enable 
us to complete our first riding device in time for the coming season. 


MIDLAND' /Ui^uiiiiiiiiT^^ 

183 Waahlngton Straat, - > - - Chleago 

cedes t wtsrm union 

B JoHx (ki^m mom i£Mfsmzxs 



OpmCB — /ee Kua oa L'llanviiranra 

El M. navnaoAF 

MB mnui. BBManx mmiOM xhb 

WBixmo auvBHXisBBa. 


B E*8teni and Centrml Bt^t 

Paciae Coast sod Western Parks can reacli me persooallT tor 
sevetsl weeks at address below. I am here bulldlag unit 
Sallwar ercr erected and am prepared to IISIHllSlM 
■I work In tbis tcrrltorr. 



E*8teni and Centrml 8t^t^« .ddivt* iny (,f!l< n. lev DKAKUOiLN BTIli;i:T, CILICAOO. 

awa Mineiui, amwwa immoM