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WCWNC Biodiversity Series No 1 



Compiled by the 

World Conservation Monitoring Centre 

Editor: Brian Groombridge 
Advisory Editor: Martin Jenkins 

In collaboration with 
IUCN - The World Conservation Union 

United Nations Environment Programme 
World Wide Fund for Nature 

World Conservation Press 

November 1994 

The World Conservation Monitoring Centre, based in Cambridge, UK. was established 
in 1988 as a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. WCMC is managed as a 
joint-venture between the three partners in the World Conservation Strategy and its 
successor Caring For The Earth: \UCN - The World Conservation Union, UNEP - United 
Nations Environment Programme, and WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature. Its mission is to 
provide information on the status, security, management and utilisation of the world’s 
biological diversity to support conservation and sustainable development. 

Prepared for publication by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre within the funding 
arrangements made by !UCN, WWF and UNEP in support of the Centre. This support is 

gratefully acknowledged. 

A contribution to UNEP - The United Nations Environment Programme 


The World Conservation Union 

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1994 World Conservation Monitoring Centre 

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without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. 

World Conservation Monitoring Centre (Comp.), Groombridge, B. 
(Ed). 1994. Biodiversity Data Sourcebook. World Conservation 
Press, Cambridge, UK. 155pp. 

Michael Edwards 

Unwin Brothers, The Gresham Press, Old Woking Surrey, UK. 
A member of the Martins Printing Group 

IUCN Publication Services Unit 
World Conservation Monitoring Centre 
219 Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 ODL, UK 

The designations of geographical entities in this report and the 
presentation of the material, do not imply the expression of any 
opinion whatsoever on the part of WCMC or other participaung 
organisations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or 
area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers 
or boundaries. 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Table 2. Threatened species 

Table 3. National Red Data Books 
_ Table 4. Major food crops 

Table 5. Domestic livestock 

Table 6. Marine resources 

Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Table 8. National protected areas 

Table 9. Systematics collections 

Figure 1. Map: states Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity 
Figure 2. Map: countries with highest species diversity 

Figure 3. Map: countries with national Red Data Books 

Figure 4. Map: world distribution of coral reefs 

Figure 5. Map: states Party to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 

Figure 6. Map: world distribution of forests in the tropics 
Figure 7. Map: world distribution of protected areas larger than 2 million ha 
Figure 8. Map: countries with most systematics collections in relation 

to national biodiversity 







A significant part of the information presented here results from the continuing programmes of large 
international organisations. Information on crop production, fishery production, forest assessment, plant 
and animal genetic resources, and related topics is collated by the UN Food and Agriculture 
Organization (FAO) in Rome, in collaboration with national sources. Several data sets from FAO 
publications are included in the present document. The Species Survival Commission (SSC) of IUCN - 
The World Conservation Union is largely responsible, among other things, for determining which 
species are globally threatened, and which is the appropriate status category. The IUCN Commission 
on National Parks and Protected Areas (CNPPA) is similarly responsible for the categorisation of 
protected areas and for promoting international standards of management. WCMC works with SSC and 
CNPPA to manage databases and prepare publications on behalf of IUCN. 

We express particular thanks to the following organisations that provided large data sets specifically 
for this publication. The International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) collates data from a 
range of organisations in the plant genetic resources field and provided WCMC with a listing of 
germplasm collection accessions from their database. BirdLife International (BLI), the leading 
international network concerned with bird conservation, have recently completed their second review 
of the status of the world’s birds. BLI supplied statistics on the number of threatened bird species in 
each country, and allowed access to their library. Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCl) 
supplied a country listing from their database on the world’s botanic gardens; the World Data Centre 
on Microorganisms (WDCM) supplied a similar listing of collections of microorganism cultures reported 
to them. 

We also wish to thank the following individuals for assistance, as well as a large number of others who 
have provided advice. Harold Cogger, Australian Museum. Sergiu Fandofan, State Department for the 
Protection of the Environment, Moldova. P. Anholt Habr, Treaty Section, United Nations. J.G. Hawkes. 
Tom Hazekamp, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. V. Hunter, International Whaling 
Commission. Roger Klocek, John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago. Mart Kilvik, Nature Conservation 
Centre, Estonia. Ilona Lodzina, Ministry of the Environment and Regional Development, Latvia. B. 
Moutou, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme. Satoko Otsuka, Japan Wildlife Research 
Centre. Paul Skelton, J. L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, South Africa. Alison Stattersfield, BirdLife 
International. Hideaki Sugawara, World Data Centre on Microorganisms (WDCM), Japan. Uudo Timm, 
Ministry of the Environment, Estonia. Oswaldo Télles Valdés. Kelley Watson, The Nature Conservancy, 
USA. Diane Wyse Jackson, Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), London. 

WCWNC credits 

Much of the information in this document is derived from databases and other resources at WCMC and 
as such is based upon the work of all parts of the Centre and a large number of staff. Among those 
who have assisted in this project are: Clare Billington, Gillian Bunting, Mary Cordiner, Helen Corrigan, 
Mary Edwards, Jo Taylor. 

The following have had particular responsibility for parts of this book. Project concept: N. Mark Collins. 
Editor and design: Brian Groombridge. Advisory Editor: Martin Jenkins. Research and compilation: Neil 
Cox, Brian Groombridge, Martin Jenkins, Chris Magin, with assistance from Daniella Pitts and Jessica 
Pullen. Production: Esther Byford, Julie Reay. GIS analysis: Simon Blyth, Jonathan Rhind. Maps: 
Corinna Ravilious. 

This document 

An extended introduction to many theoretical and applied aspects of biological diversity was provided 
in Global Biodiversity: status of the Earth’s living resources (WCMC, 1992). That document, which 
benefitted from collaboration with many organisations and individual scientists, was produced’ at the 
time of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in 1992 in Rio de 
Janeiro. The purpose of the book was to provide conceptual background and baseline data both to 
practitioners in the biodiversity field, and to all concerned persons who needed a guide into that 
complex and suddenly highly topical area. 

The present sourcebook is being released in part as a contribution to the First Conference of the Parties 
to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Bahamas, 28 November - 9 December) in anticipation that 
it will provide information of interest and relevance. Given the grounding previously provided in G/oba/ 
Biodiversity, the present volume concentrates on data rather than text and provides an illustrative set 
of data tables, in part revised and expanded from the earlier volume. The choice of data to be included 
and the manner of presentation have been determined with the likely end-users borne strongly in mind. 
With this aim, most data are presented in standardised tables by country, so that they are immediately 
available to users working at a national level but can also be placed easily in regional and global 

Tables cover the following subjects: country species diversity; threatened species within each country; 
national red data books; major food crops of the world; domestic livestock; marine and coastal 
resources; forests in the tropics; national protected areas; systematics collections. 

Some tables, such as that giving data on threatened species within each country, are a direct update 
of earlier material; some, such as those on food crops and forests in the tropics, comprise data 
presented previously combined with new information; some are mostly new. Overall, they give a good 
indication of the global availability of information on many aspects of biodiversity, drawing attention 
to some of the gaps that exist and to the regional imbalances in the distribution of biodiversity and the 
resources that have been devoted to its assessment and study. 

Other important topics which bear consideration but which have been excluded from this volume 
include biodiversity investment, temperate forests, introduced species and pharmaceutical use of plant 
and animal products. These and others may figure in future publications. 

General aims of the Convention on Biological Diversity 
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) was signed at the United Nations Conference on 
Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 by 154 nations. The CBD is now in 

force, and as of 28 October 1994 there were 96 contracting Parties. 

The objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity are threefold (paraphrased from Article 1 of 
the CBD text): 

e the conservation of biological diversity, 
e the sustainable use of its components, and 
e the equitable sharing of benefits from use of genetic resources. 

In effect, the CBD aims to encourage and enable all countries to conserve biological diversity, to ensure 
that its use in support of national development is sustainable, and to reconcile national interests with 
the maintenance of highest possible levels of global biodiversity. 


‘ with project sponsorship from the Overseas Development Administration, UK, and additional support from The Ministry of 
Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands, The Ministry of the Environment, Denmark, and The World Bank. 

Each country has its own unique combination of living species, habitats and ecosystems which 
together make up its biodiversity resource. Implicit in the CBD is the concept that each country may 
exploit sustainably its own biodiversity in any way which it sees fit. However, because each country 
also contributes to overall global biodiversity, it has a corresponding responsibility to play a part in its 

To enable it to carry out these two functions effectively, each country needs to have as accurate as 
possible an understanding of its own biodiversity and also an understanding of exactly how its 
biodiversity fits into the global pattern. In the latter regard, it is particularly important to understand 
which parts of a country’s biodiversity may be of regional or global importance. 

Some requirements of the CBD 

Overall, the CBD imposes a very substantial set of obligations upon contracting Parties, virtually all of 
which demand sound information as a basis for policy development, management action, and 
investment. Each Party will need for its own planning to obtain and manage data on biodiversity within 
its jurisdiction, and the global community will be interested in data capable of alluwing funds, 
technology and expertise to be directed and used wisely and effectively. Countries will also attempt 
to identify, limit, and consult upon, adverse effects that originate within their boundaries but occur 
outside their national jurisdiction. 

Emphasis is placed throughout the CBD text on the importance of capacity-building in developing 
countries and the need to take appropriate account of rights over resources and access to technologies. 
The Convention text also explicitly recognises that economic and social development, and eradication 
of poverty, are the overriding priorities of developing countries. Thus, effective implementation of the 
CBD in developing countries will largely depend on the degree to which developed country Parties 
assist in building capacity and the transfer of technology and financial resources. 

Article 6 of the CBD calls upon the Parties to prepare national strategies, plans or programmes for the 
conservation and sustainable use of their biological resources. Resolution 2 agreed at the Conference 
for the Adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (‘the Final Act’) held in Nairobi in May 1992 
recognised the importance of Country Studies to the preparation of national strategies and action plans, 
and outlined the coverage of such a study. UNEP, with assistance from WCMC, has since published 
Guidelines for Country Studies on Biological Diversity; these provide a suggested framework for the 
collection of data both for national planning purposes and as a contribution to regional international 
assessments. Article 7, supported by Annex |, further specifies for contracting Parties a range of 
components of biological diversity that need by reason of social, economic, cultural or scientific 
importance, to be identified and monitored. These range from genes and genomes, through populations, 
cultivars, breeds and species, to communities, habitats and ecosystems. Article 20 stipulates that a 
flow of funds from developed to developing countries would be required in addition to those already 
provided under current bilateral and multilateral agreements, and Article 21 outlines the kind of financial 
mechanism that will be required to regulate this flow for the purposes of the CBD. 

The need for data 

Information is the foundation of all types of activities involved in the conservation of biodiversity. The 
kinds of data needed to support national and international endeavours in biodiversity conservation are 
as wide as the scope of the CBD, and in addition to biological diversity itself, the CBD is concerned 
with the social, economic, legislative, and technological aspects of human interaction with the 
biosphere. The status and distribution of species and habitats is continually changing, as are the costs 
of their conservation and the benefits of their use. Regular and systematic revision of information, and 
collection of new data, are therefore necessary. However, in many parts of the world, the data needed 
for biodiversity assessment are incomplete, sometimes startlingly so. Methods therefore have to be 
found for extrapolating in a reasonable way from what information there is to ensure that decisions 
which affect the future of biodiversity are made on the best available data and analysis. 

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Table 1. Country species diversity 

Biodiversity may be evaluated at several different levels (eg. genes, species, habitats, ecosystems). 
It is widely accepted that, of all these, the species is the single most useful unit to use in biodiversity 
assessments, whether these are carried out locally, nationally, regionally or globally. 

Species best fill this role because, of all the possibilities, they best reflect observable diversity in nature 
and there is at least working agreement as to their definition and content. This is certainly not to imply 
that there is no argument: taxonomy is an inexact practice. Indeed, in virtually no higher taxonomic 
group can all species be recognised and enumerated with total precision. Furthermore, the concept of 
what exactly a species is differs considerably between groups of organisms. The difficulty of defining 
a species applies most strongly to organisms which do not always reproduce by outbreeding 
(exogamy), that is by sexual reproduction between two different individuals. This applies to many 
microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, unicellular organisms) and plants, including some of considerable 
commercial importance to humans, where individuals may be self-fertile, or reproduce asexually. 
Another practical difficulty is in deciding where to draw the line in geographically separate (allopatric) 
populations; ie. in any one site it is usually possible to count the number of species but in comparing 
biota at two sites with elements in common it may be difficult to tell whether populations should be 
placed in the same species or not. 

Species richness 

Nevertheless, it is possible in most cases to reach reasonable consensus on what constitutes a 
species, and it is theoretically possible to count the number of species at a given site or in a given 
country. This approach gives a figure for species richness and this is one of the most straightforward 
measures of biodiversity. 

Ideally this measure would consist of a complete catalogue of all the species occurring in the area 
under consideration. In practice, this is extremely difficult to achieve. This is because the great 
majority of species are very small and are difficult to identify and count jn situ or to collect 
comprehensively for counting in laboratories. Carrying out such whole species counts is only 
conceivable for very small areas and even then, collecting and counting all microorganisms is extremely 
difficult. Furthermore, in many parts of the world, a high proportion of the small species have never 
been scientifically named, to such an extent that it is thought that between 80% and 95% of all living 
species have not yet been described. Moreover the expertise to identify these species satisfactorily 
is missing - it is widely acknowledged that there is a chronic shortage worldwide of taxonomists and 

To circumvent these problems, estimates of species richness almost always have to be based on some 
form of sampling and extrapolation. One way to do this is to take groups of organisms which are fairly 
easy to observe, count and identify and to try to establish how many there are in a given area, be it 
a woodland, national park, state, country or even continent. It is then assumed that these groups act 
as surrogates for the whole of biodiversity - ie. areas which are rich in these are presumed rich in 
biodiversity overall. Another way is to try to count the number of species in a sample plot of fixed 
size (this may be an attempt at a complete species count or may consist of counting all species in 
particular groups) and extrapolate from this to a larger area. This assumes that the richness in the 
sample plots is truly representative of the richness of the area that the plot is a sample of. It is thus 
more of an ecologically based measure of diversity, as it attempts to compare different habitats or 

These measures of biodiversity - total number of species, and number of species per unit area - are 
fairly crude, and ecologists argue that they do not reflect the true complexity of biological diversity. 
Other, more sophisticated measures have been proposed, which take into account factors such as the 
relative abundance of different species or the complexity of the interactions between them. However, 
in general, the more complex the measure the more difficult it is to gather the information to derive 
it, the more limited its application and the more contentious its meaning. 

Table 1. Country species diversity 

In practice, overall species counts tend to be used for terrestrial vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, 
amphibians), for some groups of fishes and a few well known invertebrate groups such as butterflies 
and dragonflies. Sampling of plots is usually the technique used for small animals (most invertebrates 
and microorganisms). Both techniques are applied to measuring plant diversity. 


While counts of species numbers may reasonably reflect the biological richness of a given area, they 
do not necessarily reflect its uniqueness. The latter is an equally significant measure of an area’s 
importance in a wider context. Probably the single most useful measure of an area’s uniqueness is a 
count or estimate of the number of endemic species it contains. A species is endemic to some defined 
area if it is confined entirely to that area. The term is derived from medical science, where a disease 
is described as endemic if confined to a certain area, and epidemic if widespread. It can also be applied 
to other taxonomic levels, or to faunas, floras and communities of species. Distribution areas change 
through time so endemism is usually understood to refer to contemporary conditions. 

Geographic endemism 

The area of concern in assessing endemism is typically defined by geographic features, so a species 
may be described as endemic to a desert basin, a river system or lake, a mountain peak or an island. 
Information on the distribution area of a species is basic to most evolutionary and biogeographic 
studies, so geographic endemism is of considerable biological interest. Its significance varies with 
scale. In general the concept of endemism becomes more meaningful as the defined area is reduced 
in size. 

Areas rich in endemic species might variously be interpreted as sites of active speciation, or of refuge 
for relict species, but whatever the theoretical interest, it is important for practical biodiversity 
management to be able to identify such discrete areas of high endemism. By definition, species 
endemic to a given site occur nowhere else. The smaller the area of endemism, the more at risk the 
endemic species will be through deterministic or stochastic population events. Whilst all may be 
vulnerable to the same episode of habitat modification, by the same token, all might in principle benefit 
from the same conservation action. It is desirable to identify any such opportunities for cost-effective 
conservation action. However, for most species the basic distribution data needed in order to 
determine areas of high endemism are unavailable or remain uncollated. 

Political endemism 

Endemism can also be defined in purely political terms, so that a species is described as endemic to 
a particular country, or administrative unit within a country. There is no direct biological interest in the 
concept of political endemism, except where the country is geographically distinct, perhaps an island 

However, political endemism is of immense importance to the conservation of biological diversity 
because, almost without exception, conservation and management actions are applied and maintained 
in a national political context. This is the case regardless of the source of scientific advice or of 
financial support for the actions undertaken. 

Assessing the number of endemics in an area is more problematic than trying to count the total 
number of species in a given group in that area. The latter does not depend on knowledge of where 
else the species counted may occur. In contrast, the former cannot be carried out in isolation, as it 
relies on having a complete knowledge of the distribution of the species involved (ie. to be able to 
count a species as endemic, one has to be sure that it does not occur anywhere else). Problems of 
taxonomy may also be felt more keenly, in particular in deciding whether geographically separate 
(allopatric) populations of similar organisms belong to the same species or not (ie. two populations of 
birds on adjacent islands may be considered races of the same species, in which case neither island 
has an endemic, or may be regarded as two separate though closely related species, in which case 
both islands have one endemic species each; the total species count for each island remains the same 
in both cases). 


A large proportion of described species are endemic to single countries. For example, around 45% of 
the c 25,000 species of tetrapod vertebrates (ie. vertebrates other than fishes) are endemic to a single 
country. The proportion of country endemics varies between vertebrate classes, from around 30% in 
birds to 60% in reptiles and in amphibians. 

National biodiversity index 

The need for a simplified index to represent national levels of biodiversity has often been recognised, 
mainly in order to provide regional or global context for activities undertaken at national level. WCMC 
has developed a preliminary version of such an index (unpublished; see Notes below for outline details 
of this system). Figure 2 shows the countries with the 20 highest scores according to this index, 
taking account of overall species diversity (richness and endemism) and country area. This provides 
an indication, for working purposes, of which countries are particularly rich in biodiversity. 

Regional analysis 

Ideally, analysis of how important an area or country was for biodiversity (in terms of species) would 
make use of more elaborate measures than those above. One way of doing this is to lessen the 
distinction between endemic and non-endemic by taking into account how widespread is each species 
counted. Thus an area containing species occurring in only one or two other areas should be regarded 
as more important than one containing only widespread species. As an example, Haiti and the 
Dominican Republic which together comprise the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, share the great 
majority of their plant and animal species. Each country therefore has very few endemic species and 
therefore does not score highly in any comparative assessment of biodiversity based on number of 
endemics. However, many of the species on Hispaniola only occur there, and are thus endemic to the 
island, making the island itself of great importance for biodiversity. To reflect this it would theoretically 
be possible to weight the importance of each species by factoring in the number of countries it 
occurred in, for example by giving an endemic a score of 1, a species which occurred in two countries 
a score of 1/2, one which occurred in three countries a score of 1/3 etc. 

In reality carrying out this form of analysis on a global scale for any more than a small number of 
species would be an extremely elaborate and time-consuming procedure, dependent on the availability 
of complete distribution data for all the species to be analysed. This is clearly not a realistic proposition 
at present. 

Chapter 15 in Global Biodiversity (WCMC, 1992) provides an overview of some important attempts 
to use species distribution data to define geographical areas (often individual forests or mountain 
ranges) that are especially rich in species of some given subject taxon. This kind of approach, of which 
there are several variants, offers considerable promise although the extent to which areas defined as 
important for one group may be similarly important for some other group is as yet little investigated, 
and simultaneous analysis of data on a large number of groups presents a substantial challenge. 


Table 1 provides working estimates of the number of species in selected taxa present in each country of the world, and the 
number in those taxa thought to be endemic to each country. 

- Indicates lack of data. 

The groups covered are: mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes (freshwater only), flowering plants (angiosperms), conifers 
and cycads (gymnosperms), ferns and relatives. Many overseas territories, dependencies, and other categories, are listed 
separately from the ‘parent’ country if relatively large and/or geographically remote (eg. the Canaries are included with Spain, 
but New Caledonia is listed separately from France). Many gaps in the data remain, and although further research could fill many 
such gaps, the lack of readily available data for many countries and groups of species is of concern. We have not been able to 
obtain complete sets of data for all recently independent states, and in some such cases partial data for the former, more 
inclusive, country are given. 

Table 1. Country species diversity 

For Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians there are two data columns, the left (total species) giving an estimate of the 
number of species present in each country, the right (endemic species) giving an estimate of the number restricted to each 
country. For Birds, there is a third data column (breeding species) giving an estimate of the number of breeding birds in each 
country. For Freshwater Fishes, Flowering plants, Conifers and Cycads, and Ferns, there is an estimate of total species present. 
An estimate of country endemism in the three plant groups combined is given (Higher Plants - endemic species). 

The table is based on expansion and revision of material originally collated for G/oba/ Biodiversity (WCMC, 1992). The most 
extensive change is the addition of a third column of bird data: the information on birds now includes an estimate of the total 
number of bird species recorded in each country (in addition to the number of breeding species and the number of endemic 
species). Certain wide-ranging animal groups restricted to marine waters (whales and dolphins, turtles, snakes) are excluded 
where possible from the estimates. Introduced and recently feral species are also excluded where possible. 

Data in the table are derived from a large number of sources; information on the source of any estimate can be obtained from 
WCMC. Lists of mammal, bird and amphibian species thought on current evidence to be restricted to a single country were 
derived from world taxonomic checklists (respectively: Wilson and Reeder, 1993; Sibley and Monroe, 1990, 1993; Frost, 1985, 
and supplement by Duellman 1993), and this database used to calculate the ‘endemic species’ data column. The reptile 
endemism and plant data were derived from a number of country or regional sources; these data columns are less complete and 
less consistent in approach. It is important to keep in mind that lack of precision in the delineation of species boundaries, 
differences in taxonomy used by country sources, and the continuing description of new species, ensures that a large margin 
of error will inevitably be associated with species lists and statistical measures of biodiversity. 

We are most grateful to the following for providing new data for this table. Estonia: Mart Kilvik, Nature Conservation Centre,and 
Uudo Timm, Senior Expert, Ministry of the Environment. Moldova: Sergiu Fandofan, Director General, State Department for the 
Protection of the Environment. Latvia: Ms Ilona Lodzina, Head of the Nature Protection Division. Ministry of the Environment 
and Regional Development. Japan: Satoko Otsuka, Japan Wildlife Research Centre. Fishes of Sri Lanka: Roger Klocek, Curator 
of Fishes, John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago. Australia: Harold Cogger, Australian Museum. USA: Kelley Watson, data from 
The Network of Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers, and The Nature Conservancy, USA. Fishes of 
Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Swaziland: Paul Skelton, Curator of Freshwater Fish, J. 
L. B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, South Africa. 


The map shows the countries with the 20 highest scores according to an index estimating overall levels of national biodiversity. 
This index (WCMC, unpublished) uses the kind of data in Table 1. Note that the map in Figure 2 was based on an earlier version 
of this table and may not reflect current information. In deriving this index, it is assumed that the four (non-fish) vertebrate 
classes are each of equal importance and plants are equal to these four combined. The data for each category for each country 
are first normalised, reducing numbers to a value between 0 and 1. A richness index and endemism index is produced for plants 
and vertebrates separately by averaging the relevant figures, and an overall diversity index is calculated as the mean of the 
vertebrate and plant figures for each country. This index could readily be weighted toward either richness or endemism. 
Regression analysis using the standard species-area (Arrhenius) relationship allows an area-adjusted index to be calculated. For 
many purposes, absolute richness is as relevant as area-adjusted richness. The overall richness represented in Figure 2 is 
therefore based on the average of the direct and the area-adjusted indices. 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Mammals Mammals Birds Birds Birds Reptiles Reptiles 
total endemic total breeding endemic total endemic 
species species species species species species species 
Albania 68 0 306 230 0 31 (0) 
Andorra - L¢) - 111 t0) - (0) 
Austria 83 fo) 414 213 10) 14 0 
Belarus - te) - 221 0 8 0 
BB 2 £7? toons a HED eee: ee 2 
Bosnia & Herzegovina - 0 - - oO - 0 
Bulgaria 81 L0) 374 240 Le) 33 0 
Croatia - 0 - 224 0 - 10) 
Czech Republic - 0 - 199 10) - f0) 
roxrey Czecronvare cheapest snaaattioee if ee kei: are a sess spoasates tava Fereatecesarieasey siscnsssassensanseescounsisncsnssatterososentenTe 
Denmark 43 0 439 196 0 5 (0) 
Estonia 65 Lo) 330 213 ie} 5 co) 
Faeroe Islands - 0 259 71 ie} 0 (0) 
Finland 60 ie) 425 248 ie} 5 10) 
France = 2 us aout a 32 0 
Germany 76 f0) 503 239 10) 12 10) 
Gibraltar - - 282 34 ie} 9 f0) 
Greece 95 74 398 251 (0) 51 3 
Hungary 72 0 363 205 {o} 15 (0) 
Iceland ytd: 11 {0} 316 88 (0) 0 (0) 
Ireland 25 f0) 417 142 fo} 1 (0) 
Italy 90 3 490 234 fo} 40 1 
Latvia 83 0 325 217 ie} 7 (0) 
Liechtenstein 64 i) 235 124 L0) 7 0 
Eicriuanis Pen eeeneeeeenreenenensnaeeeenen® 68 e - S05 202 o y ° 
Luxembourg 55 {0} 289 126 0 7 c0) 
Macedonia - (0) - - 10} - 0 
Malta 22 0 395 26 {0} 8 1 
Moldova 68 0 270 177 10) 9 0 
che ee : 2 : : 2 s g 
Netherlands 55 i) 456 191 (0) 7 {0) 
Norway 54 0 453 243 0 5 (0) 
Poland 79 L0) 421 227 0 0 
Portugal 63 1 441 207 2 29 2 
NORDIN id aaa A caer a e ane cat 5 = : 
San Marino 13 10) 137 - to} 9 0 
Slovakia - te) - 209 te} - {0} 
Slovenia 69 0 361 207 10) 21 0 
Spain 82 4 506 278 5 53 9 
B.'s oe Oe si aca ee ~ nes za8 e 5 2 
Switzerland 75 lo} 400 193 10) 14 10) 
Ukraine - 1 - 263 10) 19 (0) 
United Kingdom 50 ie} 590 230 1 8 (0) 
former Yugoslavia 98 1 - - (0) 5 fe) 

Table 1. Country species diversity 

Amphibians Amphibians Freshwater Flowering Conifers Ferns Higher 
Fishes Plants & Cycads Plants 

total endemic total total total total endemic 
species species species species species species species 

13 0 - 2,965 21 45 24 

- {0} - 980 6 26 : 

20 fe} - 2,950 12 66 35 

10 10) - - - - - 

fa) = = 
) : 3,505 
(e} = = 
(o} - - 

52 320 











0) - 2,600 10 72 “6 
1 98 4,900 21 1” 742 
0) 7 2,148 8 58 38 
0 - 340 Mie ro Ren er ES 1 
0) 25 892 2 56 : 
5 . 5,463 29 106 712 
0 109 1,153 4 48 - 
0 E 1,400 10 * 
0 : IY act assets at catatet sainng eat ra petc anche 
0 = 1,200 4 42 : 
0 : = c c = 
0 : 900 3 rh 5 
to) 82 = = . ; 
) - : 4 18 redghecmnamermt ct, 
0 5 1,170 3 48 % 
0 : 1,650 61 t 
0 : 2,300 10 62 s 
0 28 2,500 8 65 150 
) 87 ane scam corre etic eat aati alias 
0) 4 ; ; ; é 
5 ; ’ : : 3 
0 98 ° 3: ; = 
“ 50 4,916 18 114 eu 
0 i ON ea niece a io 
0 : 2,927 16 87 4 
‘ j f ; : - 
A 36 1,550 3 70 ue 
0 : 5,250 23 78 wer 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Mammals Mammals Birds Birds Birds Reptiles Reptiles 
total endemic total breeding endemic total endemic 
species species species species species species species 

Afghanistan 123 1 460 235 ie} 103 4 
Armenia - 3 - - O 46 1 
Azerbaijan - Oo - - ie} 52 f¢) 
Bahrain 17 ie) 294 28 te) 25 ° 
ie) te) 1 

Cyprus 21 1 347 79 2 23 1 
Georgia - 2 - - 46 ie} 
Hong Kong 24 0) 381 76 (0) 72 2 
India 316 44 1,219 923 55 389 186 
Indonesia 436 201 1,531 1,519 397 511 302 
Iran 140 5 502 323 1 164 26 
Iraq 81 1 381 172 1 81 
Israel 92 3 500 180 10) - 1 
Japan 132 38 583 >250 21 66 27 
Jordan 71 O 361 141 ie) - ie} 
Kazakhstan - 4 - - 10) 37 0) 
Korea, D.P.R. - fe) 390 115 0 19 1 
Korea, Republic 49 ie} 372 112 te) 25 3 
Kuwait 21 (0) 321 20 0 29 fo} 
Kyrgyzstan - 1 - - 0 23 10) 
Laos 172 {o} 651 487 66 1 
Lebanon 54 ie) 329 154 ie} - 2 
Malaysia 286 27 736 501 11 268 69 
Maldives 3 0 125 23 0 0 
Mongolia 134 6 390 - 10) 21 
Myanmar 251 6 999 867 4 203 38 
Nepal 167 1 824 611 2 80 
Oman 56 2 430 107 (0) 64 
Pakistan 151 3 671 375 fe) 172 23 
___Philippines ie ; 153 97 556 395 183 190 158 
Qatar 11 ie) 255 23 ie} 17 ie} 
Russia - 20 - - 13 58 ie) 
Saudi Arabia 77 1 413 155 ie} 84 4 
Singapore 45 1 295 118 ie} - Oo 
pREAnKa: 6 ee 88 13 428 250 23 144 75 
Syria 63 2 341 204 ie} - 2 
Taiwan 63 10 445 160 14 80 20 
Tajikistan - 2 - - Lo) 38 0 
Thailand 265 7 915 616 3 298 35 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Amphibians Amphibians Freshwater Flowering Conifers Ferns Higher 
Fishes Plants & Cycads Plants 

total endemic total total total total endemic 
species species species species species species species 
6 1 84 3,500 - - 800 

6 ie} - - - - - 

8 ie} - = = = z 

1 ie} 0 195 - - - 

19 ie} - 5,000 - - - 
24 ie} - 5,446 22 - 75 

0 ie} 10) 100 - - = 

76 ie} - 3,000 - - 7 
28 ie} >215 - - - - 
263 131 686 30,000 200 2,000 18,000 
4 te) - 1,650 - - = 

11 fe) - - - - - 
23 1 - 1,800 4 180 25 
197 110 - 15,000 - 1,000 5,000 
270 100 - 27,500 - 1,875 17,500 
11 5 269 - - = = 

6 0 - - = = - 

75 9 - 7,000 - = 1,071 
36 8 120 6,500 23 450 315 

> ie) 3 1,018 3 14 73 
17 2 156 4,929 21 = 372 

= () 0 220 - - 2 
23 0) 2 - - - - 
- 0) 8 1,729 - - 2 
: 0) 73 2,000 2 166 2 

31 9 57 2,983 20 565 - 
2 = = : = F 
107 16 >600 11,000 25 600 - 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Mammals Mammals Birds Birds Birds Reptiles Reptiles 
Total endemic total breeding endemic total endemic 
species species species species species species 
ASIA continued 
Turkey 116 1 418 302 10) 102 4 
Turkmenistan - ie} - - 0 67 0 
United Arab Emirates 25 ie) 360 67 10} 37 
former USSR 276 55 - - 13 168 - 
Uzbekistan - f0) - - 0 51 0) 
Viet Nam 213 7 761 535 10 180 39 
Yemen 66 366 143 8 77 31 
American Samoa 3 ie} 50 34 ie} 11 10) 
Australia 252 198 751 649 355 748 657 
Cook Islands - ie} 50 27 vw - 0 
Fed. States Micronesia - 3 104 40 17 - 2 
Fiji 4 1 109 74 26 25 11 
French Polynesia 10) 0 81 60 26 10 1 
Guam - fe} 79 18 2 11 {0} 
Kiribati - io} 69 26 1 - 10) 
Marshall Islands 0 ie) 75 17 Le) 7 1 
Nauru - ie} 22 9 1 - 0 
New Caledonia 11 3 - 107 20 51 38 
New Zealand 10 4 287 150 76 40 36 
Niue 1 le} 29 15 0 4 0 
Northern Marianas - ie} 88 28 2 11 1°) 
Palau - ie} 135 45 10 22 1 
Papua New Guinea 214 57 708 644 85 280 81 
Pitcairn Islands ie} ie) 26 19 5 5 ie} 
Solomon Islands 53 19 223 163 44 61 10 
Tokelau ie} ie} 15 5 ie} 7 0 
Tonga ie} 48 37 2 1 
Tuvalu - ie} 27 9 0 - 10) 
USA Pacific Islands - - - - - = = 
Vanuatu 12 2 111 76 9 20 4 
Wallis & Futuna - Lo) - 25 0 - 0 
Western Samoa 3 1 60 40 8 8 le} 
Anguilla 0 61 - ie) 11 2 
Antigua & Barbuda ie} 140 49 ie) 13 4 
Aruba - ie) 172 48 {0} 10 2 
Bahamas 12 3 >222 88 4 35 16 
Barbados 6 ie} 172 24 0 9 3 
Belize 125 ie} 533 356 {0} 107 2 
Bermuda 3 345 8 1 1 
Canada 193 7 578 426 3 41 ie} 

Table 1. Country species diversity 

Amphibians Amphibians Freshwater Flowering Conifers Ferns Higher 
Fishes Plants & Cycads Plants 

total endemic total total total total endemic 
species species species species species species species 
18 2 >152 8,472 22 85 2,675 
0) - E = = = 

= 0 5 = a = = 

37 2 - 22,000 - = = 
2 io} - = = 
80 26 - >7,000 - = 1,260 

é 1 5 = 5 - 135 

10) ie} 336 io} 135 15 
205 188 216 15,000 90 400 14,074 
0 io} - 184 ie} 100 3 

(0) {0} - - - - 293 

2 2 - 1,307 11 310 760 

(0) ie} - - - - 560 

0 0 - 330 - - 69 

0 0 - 60 10) - 2 

0 0 - 100 1 10 5 

0 10) - 50 ie) 4 1 

0 0 - 3,017 44 261 2,551 

3 3 29 2,160 22 200 1,942 
{0} Oo - 150 fe) 28 1 

ie} 0 - 250 1 64 81 

1 1 - = < 5 2 
197 100 282 10,000 - = . 
io} 0 - 56 0 20 14 
17 9 - 2,780 22 370 30 
ie} ie} - 26 ie} 6 - 

to) ie} - 360 102 25 

0 fe) - - = = 4 

0 0 : 870 - - 150 
(0) (o} - 475 = e 7 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Mammals Mammals Birds 
total endemic total 
species species species 


Cayman Islands 
Costa Rica 

Dominican Rep 








El Salvador 1 ie} 
Greenland (Denmark) - 0 - 62 10) - 0 
Grenada 15 0 150 50 1 16 1 
Guadeloupe 11 3 134 52 2 20 2 
G 250 3 669 458 1 231 20 
Haiti 3 0 220 75 te) 102 29 
Honduras 173 1 684 422 1 152 12 
Jamaica 24 3 262 113 25 36 26 
Martinique 9 1 131 52 1 9 3 
Mexi 450 140 1,026 769 89 687 369 
Montserrat 7 0 111 37 1 11 2 
Netherlands Antilles - ie) 252 77 0 18 
Nicaragua 200 2 750 482 10) 161 6 
Panama 218 14 929 732 8 226 25 
Puerto Rico if 16 2 4 239 105 12 . 46 28 
St Kitts-Nevis ie} 99 32 ie} 10 10) 
St Lucia 1 169 50 4 17 5 
St Vincent 1 129 108 2 16 4 
Trinidad & Tobago 100 1 433 260 1 70 2 
Turks & Caicos Islands - Le) 175 42 10) 12 5 
USA 428 101 768 650 71 280 72 
Virgin Islands (British) 3 10) 199 70 10) 18 3 
Virgin Islands (US) = L¢) 199 70 0 - 3 
Argentina 320 47 976 897 19 220 64 
Bolivia 316 20 1,274 - 16 208 17 
Brazil 394 96 1,635 1,492 177 468 178 
Chile 91 16 448 296 15 72 33 
Bil ct MRE tee Sa Oi 28 vee shies Le ee Se 
Ecuador 302 23 1,559 1,388 37 374 114 
French Guiana 150 2 707 - 131 1 
Guyana 193 737 678 {0} - 2 
Paraguay 305 2 600 556 10) 120 3 
l,i eas SSE! Se Oe 1678 1,88 308 oe fe 
Suriname 180 2 673 603 10) 151 0 
Uruguay 81 365 237 10) - 1 
Venezuela 305 16 1,296 1,308 42 259 57 

Table 1. Country species diversity 

Amphibians Amphibians Freshwater Flowering Conifers Ferns Higher 
Fishes Plants & Cycads Plants 

total endemic total total total total endemic 
species species species species species species species 

23 lo} 16 2,500 11 400 17 
io} 497 1 31 15 

3 ie} 1°) 919 1 4 
5 2 ie) - 1 26 

21 18 6 2,746 4 558 923 



() te) 1,000 1 165 = 

26 2 76 1,982 0) 277 236 

0 () 0) 440 1 7 9 

233 122 822 16,302 125 549 4,036 

5 1 ty) : : : - 

5 1 ) E - - - 


145 37 410 9,000 13 359 1,100 
112 18 389 16,500 7 850 4,000 
502 296 = 55,000 15 1,200 E 
41 26 44 5,125 17 150 2,698 
Bee US : BORO ak fcc ce eeeee aeiies ue Bn 1200" tee ase 
402 138 706 18,250 12 1,100 4,000 
89 2 : 5,300 5 320 144 
s 10 = 6,000 2 407 3 
85 4 2 7,500 1 350 - 
ile ah : UE : recast HRB ae AO ek ae iS oo Eee 
95 7 300 4,700 3 315 e 
. 2 = 2,184 1 93 40 
199 76 : 20,000 14 1,059 8,000 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Algeria 92 













Burundi 107 596 451 ce) - ie} 
Cameroon 297 13 874 690 8 - 19 
Cape Verde 5 128 38 4 12 9 
Central African Republic 209 2 662 537 0 - fo) 
ee L i e70 BO a ee 
Comoros 12 2 91 50 9 22 7 
Congo 200 2 569 449 c0) - 1 
Céte d'Ivoire 230 1 694 535 0 - 2 
Djibouti - te) 326 126 1 - 0 
E 102 7 439 153 ie) 839 be 1 
Equatorial Guinea 184 3 322 273 3 - 3 
Eritrea 112 ie} 537 319 (0) - 0 
Ethiopia 255 31 813 626 29 - 6 
Gabon 190 629 466 te} - 3 
= 198 ae C1 cA Bs aloes eS 
Ghana 222 1 725 529 1 - 1 
Guinea 190 552 409 ie} - 3 
Guinea-Bissau 108 0 319 243 Oo - 2 
Kenya 359 21 1,068 844 6 187 15 
HERE * nen Ren ene ee eeeeneeeeeenreneeneneeetenes wee neneeeeneenenen se oe 2 ae a ot none 3 “ 
Liberia 193 1 581 372 1 62 2 
Libya 76 5 323 91 0 - 1 
Madagascar 105 77 253 202 103 252 198 
Malawi 195 (e} 645 521 {0} 124 6 
Eis see ee Ee Ue ee a 227 ° As e 
Mauritania 61 1 541 273 0 - 1 
Mauritius 4 2 81 27 9 11 2 
Mayotte - 0 - 27 io} 15 1 
Morocco 105 4 416 210 ie} - 8 
___ Mozambique : d rn 179 1 678 498 10) - 5 
Namibia 154 3 609 469 1 - 26 
Niger 131 0 482 299 0 - 10) 
Nigeria 274 6 862 681 2 >135 7 
Réunion 2 ie) 43 18 10) 2 3 
ee ek ES aes cd S BEE ails e : tf 
Saint Helena & depend. 2 ie} 915 53 8 ie) 0 
Sado Tomé & Principe 8 2 111 63 24 16 7 
Senegal 155 1 610 384 10) - 1 
Seychelles = 2 170 38 11 15 14 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Amphibians Amphibians Freshwater Flowering Conifers Ferns Higher 
Fishes Plants & Cycads Plants 

total endemic total total total total endemic 
species species species species species species species 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Mammals Mammals Birds Birds Birds Reptiles Reptiles 
total endemic total breeding endemic total endemic 
species species species species species species species 
AFRICA continued 
Sierra Leone 147 
Somalia 171 
South Africa 247 
Sudan 267 
Tanzania 322 14 1,005 822 19 245 56 
Togo 196 1 558 391 10) - 1 
Tunisia 78 1 356 173 L0) - 1 
Uganda 338 6 992 830 3 149 2 
1 {0} 
Zaire 415 28 1,096 929 22 - 33 
Zambia 229 3 736 605 1 - 2 
Zimbabwe 270 1 648 532 {0} 153 2 
SS ————————————— 
Antarctica 2 - ie} - - 1 0 10) 
Falkland Islands 4 0 183 59 3 {e} 0 
French S. & Antarctic Terr. - 10) - 48 1 0 (0) 


Table 1. Country species diversity 

Amphibians Amphibians Freshwater Flowering 
Fishes Plants 

total endemic total total 
species species species species 

Conifers Ferns Higher 
& Cycads Plants 
total total endemic 
species species species 

ie) ie) 2 146 



Table 2. Threatened Species 

Measures of species richness and endemism are some of the most straightforward ways of indicating 
how important areas are for biodiversity. However, in order to try to maintain maximum biodiversity 
in the most efficient way possible, it is also important to know which aspects of it are under most 
immediate threat. This can be done in two ways. The first is to assess the status of individual species 
and try to determine the degree of threat they are under (ie. the likelihood of their going extinct ina 
given length of time). The second is to assess the status of particular areas and to draw inferences 
from this regarding the likelihood of extinction of the species or populations inhabiting that area. 

The first approach requires the accumulation of a large amount of information on the distribution, 
biology and status of the species concerned, followed by expert analysis to attempt to decide exactly 
how threatened the species might be. Often there is simply insufficient information to make anything 
other than an informed guess; where there is enough information, its collection and analysis is usually 
very time-consuming. This approach also implies continued monitoring of the status of individual 
species, this is also an expensive and often difficult process. For this reason, global analyses of 
threatened species status have only been carried out for a relatively few groups of organisms. The 
birds (Class Aves) form the only large higher taxon in which the conservation status of all member 
species has been assessed; the birds have now been subject to two such assessments. Only the 
mammals approach birds in this respect, but an estimated 45% of mammal species (mostly. among 
insectivora, micro-bats and rodents) remain to be assessed. The number of invertebrates whose 
conservation status has been assessed at the species level is essentially zero in relation to estimates 
of the total number of invertebrate species (c 10 million), but certain higher taxa of insects (swallowtail 
butterflies, dragonflies) have been assessed quite comprehensively. 

An assessment of the conservation status of species is fundamental to setting priorities among 
possible management actions. Disregarding other factors that need to be considered in assigning 
priorities, those species regarded by IUCN as globally threatened are of major concern. At the country 
level, it is clearly desirable for conservation or management agencies to know which species regarded 
as globally threatened are endemic to the country in question because these agencies bear special 
responsibility for them. Threatened endemic species should be highest national priorities in terms of 
preventing loss of global biodiversity. 

The 1994 JUCN Red List of Threatened Animals includes 5,929 threatened species of which 3,175 
are vertebrates and 2,754 are invertebrates. Around 65% of threatened vertebrate species and 78% 
of threatened invertebrates are single-country endemics. Overall, 71% of globally-threatened animal 
species are endemic to a single country. This proportion of course reflects the extent to which the 
status of the world fauna has been assessed; it is in general easier to determine the status of species 
that are not widely distributed, and national lists of threatened species have been taken into account 
by WCMC in compilation of the current IUCN Red List. Nevertheless, other than an unknown number 
of threatened species whose demise may be inevitable and a result of natural intrinsic factors, the 
security of the majority of species now known to be threatened could be assured if all countries were 
able to manage their own biological resources in accordance with the aims of the Convention on 
Biological Diversity. 


The table below contains information country by country on the number of species present that are currently regarded by 
IUCN/SSC (and BirdLife International in the case of birds) as threatened at the global level. 


- Indicates lack of data. 

u For Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda the estimate for fishes does not include a large number of cichlids in Lake Victoria 
for which we have insufficient data on the country range of individual species. A total of 250 haplochromine and 2 
tilapiine cichlid fishes in Lake Victoria is given in the 1990 Red List, but recent estimates suggest > 300 haplochromine 
species are present of which some 200 may be critically threatened. 

The figure for invertebrates does not include 62 earthworms of the genera Microscolex and Udeina which occur in 
Lesotho and South Africa but for which we have insufficient data on the range of individual species. 


Table 2. Threatened species 

The invertebrate total does not include species of the insect genera /todacnus and Oodemus for which we lack data 
on the number of recognised species. 

Data for mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes and invertebrates are from the animals sector of the species database at WCMC, 
from which the IUCN Red List is produced. The status category designations and some other data are derived from the 
IUCN/SSC Specialist Group network. Except for birds the data tabulated reflect the 1994 JUCN Red List of Threatened Animals 
(Groombridge, ed., 1993). New data on the status of birds, to appear in the revised world list of threatened birds (Collar et al., 
1994), were most generously made available by BirdLife International in advance of publication. Widespread marine cetaceans 
lacking full country-specific range data are excluded. The table covers animal taxa of species rank only, but among plants a 
number of subspecies are included. The plant information is derived from the plants sector of the WCMC species database; these 
data are provisional only, and will shortly be superseded by the forthcoming world Red List of threatened plants (expected 

Except for birds, the species counted are those that have been assessed and found to meet one of the standard IUCN status 
categories indicating threatened status. Birds have been categorised by BirdLife International using a version of the revised 
categories and criteria developed by |UCN/SSC. This revised system has not yet been formally approved by IUCN Council; the 
penultimate draft is presented by Mace and Stuart (1994). Other species have been categorised according to the existing IUCN 
category system (outline definitions given below). The new revised IUCN system and the version used by BirdLife International 
do not have an Insufficiently Known (’K’) category. In order make information on non-birds more closely comparable with that 
for birds, K species among the former have been excluded; only species categorised as Endangered, Vulnerable, Rare or 
Indeterminate have been counted. 

IUCN Threatened Species Categories (non-revised version) 

Taxa in danger of extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue operating. Included are taxa 
whose numbers have been reduced to a critical level or whose habitats have been so drastically reduced that they are 
deemed to be in immediate danger of extinction. Also included are taxa that may be extinct but have definitely been 
seen in the wild in the past 50 years. 

Taxa believed likely to move into the ‘Endangered’ category in the near future if the causal factors continue operating. 
Included are taxa of which most or all the populations are decreasing because of over-exploitation, extensive 
destruction of habitat or other environmental disturbance; taxa with populations that have been seriously depleted and 
whose ultimate security has not yet been assured; and taxa with populations that are still abundant but are under 
threat from severe adverse factors throughout their range. 

Taxa with small world populations that are not at present ‘Endangered’ or ‘Vulnerable’, but are at risk. These taxa are 
usually localised within restricted geographical areas or habitats or are thinly scattered over a more extensive range. 

Taxa known to be ‘Endangered’, ‘Vulnerable’ or ‘Rare’ but where there is not enough information to say which of the 
three categories is appropriate. 


Taxa that are suspected but not definitely known to belong to any of the above categories, because of lack of 



Table 2. Threatened species 

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
Albania 3 5 2 0 1 8 50 
Andorra 1 10) 0 te) 0 0 
Austria 3 3 ie} ie} 2 62 22 
Belarus 5 4 ie} 0 0 19 0 
i 3 te} to} 1 29 

Bosnia & Herzegovina - 2 : - - = 10) 
Bulgaria 1 11 1 0 1 24 94 
Croatia - 4 - > - > te) 
Czech Republic 3 5 10) te) 2 32 - 
fe it 10) (0) 

Denmark 1 2 10) 0 1 19 6 
Estonia 5 2 0 0 1 16 2 
Finland 3 4 ie) 0 2 25 11 
France 5 5 2 2 3 92 117 
Seana 2 Be det Gee Crh Stee is ste hac IN Be 
Gibraltar {0} i ie} 0 0 2 3 
Greece 5 9 4 1 17 17 539 
Hungary 2 7 10) 10) 1 37 24 
Iceland 0 1 {0} 0 1 1 
Ireland niente et OE tec 1 0 Ot, eee Deva it os 
Italy 4 6 4] 9 2 45 273 
Latvia 4 5 0 0 1 20 10) 
Liechtenstein 1 1 10) io} to} 6 1 
Lithuania 4 4 {0} 10) 1 21 0 
Luxembourg 2 1 0 0 10) 10 2 
Macedonia = = F = 2 = = 
Malta 2 2 0 0 {0} 14 
Moldova 1 6 0 0 2 18 

Monaco - - - - - - (0) 
eDOCS it ee ih, Ra ers 3 0 0 21 

Norway 3 3 10) 0 2 19 20 
Poland 4 5 to) 10) 3 37 27 
Portugal 6 7 ie} 1 9 83 240 
Romania 3 11 1 0 3 29 122 
San Marino : - - - - - ie} 
Slovakia 3 4 (0) Oo 2 33 - 
Slovenia 3 10) 2 10) 11 
Spain 7 10 4 3 13 82 896 
Sweden 3 10) 0 2 32 19 
Switzerland af Racin) & 2 0 1 3 44 9 
Ukraine 4 10 lo} 0 3 28 16 
United Kingdom 1 0 10) 2 18 28 
former Yugoslavia 4 8 1 1 5 34 149 

Afghanistan 8 12 0 te} 0 

Armenia 1 5 2 ie} (e} 13 


Table 2. Threatened species 

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
ASIA continued 
Azerbaijan 3 0 0 12 1 
Bahrain 1 2 0 io} 1 {o} {0} 
Bangladesh 16 28 17 {0} 0 {0} 24 
Bhutan 18 12 fo) f0) 3 20 
BIOT te) 0 2 0 {0} 1 fe) 
Brunei 9 14 3 to} 1 1 27 
Cambodia 19 16 7 0 7 
China 8 1 
Cyprus 3 ie} 
Georgia 5 1 
Hong Kong ie) 13 1 ie) ie} 5 
India 40 71 21 3 2 18 1,256 
Indonesia 57 104 16 ie} 65 59 281 

Israel 7 8 4 te) 
Japan 17 31 10 11 
Jordan 8 4 
Kazakhstan 9 14 
Korea, D.P.R. 7 16 

Korea, Republic 6 19 


Kyrgyzstan 4 
Laos 25 23 


wo on Oo 





Saudi Arabia 6 10 2 ie} 0 6 6 
Singapore 3 6 1 0 3 14 
Sri Lanka 4 11 9 0 19 4 436 
Syria 4 6 1 te) 6 10 
Taiwan Pai 2 ie} 6 





United Arab Emirates ae ee 

former USSR 

Uzbekistan 7 11 0 ie} ie} 3 5 



Table 2. Threatened species 

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 

ASIA continued 

id cele EEE 
Viet Nam 25 45 8 1 2 3 350 
Yemen 4 12 2 0 10) 1 149 

American Samoa 2 1 2 0 0 7 8 
Australia 43 51 42 20 54 372 1,597 
Cook Islands 0 6 2 ie} ie} 10) 12 
Fed. States of Micronesia 5 5 2 10) 0 59 3 

French Polynesia 10) 20 2 i) 10) 13 63 
Guam 3 2 2 10) 10) 55 17 
Kiribati te} 2 2 Oo io} 3 

Marshall Islands 0 1 2 ie} 0 0 
Nauru 0 0 0 {0} {0} 

New Caledonia 4 10 10) to) 9 193 
New Zealand 3 45 12 3 6 46 236 
Niue 0 {0} 0 {e} 
Northern Marianas 2 2 0) 0 15 8 
io} fe) 
Papua New Guinea 33 31 7 10) 49 23 95 
Pitcairn Islands 0 5 0 0 0 2 7 
Solomon Islands 5 18 6 10) 10) 10 43 
Tokelau 0 1 2 10) 10) 1 10) 
(0) 2 3 ie} te) 3 (0) 
Tuvalu 0 1 2 0 ie} 4 (0) 
USA Pacific Is 0 fe) 1 {0} 0 0 {0} 
Vanuatu 4 6 3 ie) 10) 4 23 
Wallis & Futuna 5 = - - - - 0 


Anguilla ie} 0 10) 10) 
Antigua & Barbuda 1 10) ie) 10) 
Aruba 1 0 ie} 1 
Bahamas 3 10) 1 1 27 
Barbados 1 3 

Belize 1 ie} {0} 1 41 
Bermuda 2 10) 0 1 8 
Canada 5 ie} 20 12 649 
Cayman Islands 1 0 10) (0) 12 

Costa Rica 10 456 
io) ie} 5 

Dominica 10) 2 10) 10) 10) 56 

Dominican Republic 3 10 1 f0) 7 73 

El Salvador 2 0 10) ie} 1 35 
fe) {o} {e} 


Table 2. Threatened species 

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 



0 1 4 0 {0} fo) 5 
Guadeloupe 1 io) 7 te) io} 0 21 
Guatemala 5 9 i) ie} 5 315 
Haiti 3 6 2 fe) 5 
Honduras 5 7 (0) te) 2 
Jamaica 4 
Martinique fo) 
Mexico 3 
Montserrat 10} i0) 5 10) 10) 0) 1 
BS Ni 1 6 (0) (0) {0} 1 
Nicaragua 6 3 7 fo) G ie) 78 
Panama 11 9 7) 10) 0 2 561 
Puerto Rico 6 8 3 io} 2 84 
Saint Kitts-Nevis 10) 1 5 (0) Lo) 0 
ie} 0 
Saint Vincent ie} 2 4 ie} 0 to} 8 
Trinidad & Tobago 1 2 5 10) fe) 1 16 
Turks & Caicos Islands ie) 2 4 ie) 0 0 2 

USA? 22 46 23 16 174 860° 1,845 

ids (British 

Virgin Islands (US) ie} 2 4 0 0 0 8 


Argentina 20 40 6 5 1 2 170 
Bolivia 21 27 4 10) 1 1°) 49 
Brazil 45 103 10 1 8 14 463 
Chile 11 15 18 20 27 10) 292 
emia ce iB ci vee Le Sasa rao See ee eM 2s eee 
Ecuador 20 50 

French Guiana 6 2 

Guyana 7 1 

Paraguay 8 22 

Peru 29 : 60 ri 

Suriname 6 1 5 ie) ie) 0 48 
Uruguay 4 9 10) 10) 0 1 11 
Venezuela 12 22 10 ie} io) 0 107 

Algeria 11 7 10) 0 1 5 145 
Angola 16 13 5 0 0 3 25 
Benin 7 1 2 ie) 10) 1 

Botswana 8 5 ie) io} ie} 10) 4 
Burkina faso 1 te) ie} to} {0} 
Burundi 6 ie) 0 ie) 1 1 
Cameroon 21 14 3 1 20 3 74 
Cape Verde {0} 3 te) ie} 10} 1 
Central African Republic 9 2 1 ie} ie} 1 te) 



Table 2. Threatened species 

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
AFRICA continued 

Chad 13 1 0 fe) c¢) 12 
Comoros 3 2 0 1 4 3 
Congo 13 3 2 0 io} 2 3 
Céte d'Ivoire 16 i 4 1 0 1 66 
ji i 2 0 ie} 0 2 
Egypt 7 10 4 0 1 9 84 
Equatorial Guinea 12 4 3 1 c0) 3 9 
Eritrea 3 3 0 0 10) 10) - 
Ethiopia 21 17 2 {0} 0 1 153 

3 10) 0 2 
Gambia 3 1 1 10) 0 10) 10) 
Ghana 12 7 4 ie} {0} 1 32 
Guinea 13 11 3 1 ie} 1 35 
Guinea-Bissau 5 1 3 0 0 1 0 
K 16 22 3 Oo -| 3 158 
Lesotho” 2 3 1 2 2 Z 
Liberia 13 13 3 1 {0} 2 1 
Libya 8 2 2 0 io} 10) 57 
Madagascar 33 28 10 10) 10 18 189 
Mola ph aca Seaton ey es 06.) a 81 
Mali 12 5 1 {0} 10) fo} 14 
Mauritania 10 3 3 10) 0 {0} 3 
Mauritius 3 9 6 Oo te) 19 222 
Mayotte 2 2 (0) 0 10) (0) 
Morocco ; 7 11 1 ie} 1 6 195 
Mozambique 9 13 6 1 1 3 92 
Namibia 12 6 2 1 5 lo} 23 

Niger 10 2 10) 0 {0} 1 
Nigeria 22 8 3 0 0 1 9 
phe ie eee ne a e e 2 zs 
Rwanda 14 6 te) ie} {0} 2 (0) 
Saint Helena & depend. 10) 9 1 10) ie} 5 57 
Sao Tomé & Principe 1 9 2 10) io} 4 1 
Senegal 9 5 6 0 10) (0) 32 
cu oA lone : : : : : 2 
Sierra Leone 12 12 3 ie) 0 2 12 
Somalia 12 8 2 10) 1 10} 57 
South Africa” 25 16 36 16 34 96? 953 
Sudan 16 9 2 {0} ie} 2 8 
Swaziland es es 4 4 2 1 10) (0) 41 
Tanzania’ 16 30 te) - 11 406 
Togo 8 1 3 0 10) 1 10) 
Tunisia 5 1 10) {0} 3 24 
Uganda’ 15 10 io} {o} | 2 6 
Western Sahara Yar eee eS 2 10} 10) 0 10) 
Zaire 23 26 3 ie} 1 7 

Zambia 7 10 ie} ie} 1 


Table 2. Threatened species 

a SSS... 

Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
AFRICA continued 
Zimbabwe 9 7 te) ie) ie} 2 94 
Falkland Islands 1 1 ie} 10} 0 0 5 
French S & Antarctic Terr. ie) 2 te) te) te} te) ie) 



Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Given that a central goal of national biodiversity conservation is maintenance of maximum species 
diversity, one important task is to assess which elements of the national flora and fauna are most at 
risk of extinction. 

Until quite recently only a small number of countries had produced a national assessment of species 
status. This activity has been largely restricted to developed countries; in general, these countries are 
relatively low in diversity, have well-inventoried floras and faunas, and have the required infrastructure. 
Most publications have been patterned after the IUCN global Red Data Books and Red Lists. Now a 
growing number of less developed countries have undertaken this task, and more may be expected 
to do so within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity. By virtue of monitoring 
programmes, several countries have produced revised editions of their earlier Red Data Books. 

Some countries have adapted existing IUCN status categories to their own national use. The revised 
system (Mace and Stuart, 1994) is explicitly designed to be applied at the global scale and to wild 
populations within their natural range (and to benign introductions); it is recommended that application 
of the global system at regional or national scale should include consideration information on the global 
status and the proportion of the species that occurs within the larger-scale unit. 

The table below indicates for which countries an authoritative published listing of threatened species, 
or compilation of information in the standard ‘Red Data Book’ format, is available, and which groups 
of organisms are assessed. The intention is to show in general terms where efforts have been made 
toward assessment of the status of species at the national, as opposed to global, level. This is shown 
graphically in Figure 3; this reflects the data collated in Table 3. A small number of national listings 
are based initially on the global IUCN list rather than an independent national assessment. 

We give below partial citations for the Red Data Books and lists we are currently aware of that have 
been published during the past decade (since and including 1985), and for one or two that are in 
advanced preparation. 


This table indicates for which countries an authoritative published listing of threatened species, or compilation of information 
in the standard ‘Red Data Book’ format, is available, and which groups of organisms are assessed. The table reflects the current 
state of a review not yet completed, and should be taken as indicative only, not fully comprehensive. Full bibliographic details 
are expected to be disseminated at a later date. 


- Indicates lack of data. 

e Species within group indicated have appeared in a national Red Data Book or equivalent. Note that this does not 
necessarily mean than all species of that group present in the country have been assessed, nor that all parts of the 
country have been covered. 

? Indicates that we have reason to believe the group is represented in a national Red Data Book but that we have not 
examined the publication. 
p Document in advanced draft 

Some publications are prepared or sponsored by an official government body or other authoritative organisation within the 
country, others are prepared by non-governmental organisations, with or without any official backing or endorsement, and others 
are made by individual researchers. We have not attempted to collate details of all listings published or prepared by individual 
researchers. A few documents not yet formally published have been taken into account. It has not always been possible to 
distinguish between kinds of source, particularly if the document in question has not been examined. We have not attempted 
to include all works covering single higher taxa unless part of a series having the aim of covering all major groups. Some 
countries appear not to have published an official Red Data Book, but nonetheless have appropriate assessments and monitoring 
programmes in place. We have not traced a Red Data Book for Russia; however, it made up the greater part of the former USSR 
and is covered in the Red Data Book volumes for that region. 


Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Major national Red Data Books since 1985 


Austria: Gepp, 1994; Nikifeld, 1986. Belarus: Parfenov et a/., 1987 Bulgaria: Botev, & Peshev, 1985; Mel'nik, 1987. former 
Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic: Barus, et a/., 1988; Sedlacek, et a/., 1988; Skapec, et a/., 1992. Denmark: Ingelég et a/., 
1993; Lojtnant, 1985; Lojtnant & Gregersen, 1986. Estonia: Ingelég et a/., 1993. Finland: Anon. 1986; Forsman et a/., 1936; 
Ingelég et a/., 1993; Koistinen et a/., 1986. Germany: Ingelég et a/., 1993; Nowak, 1989. Greece: Karandinos, 1992. Iceland: 
Einarsson, 1988. Ireland: Curtis & McGoueh, 1988; Whilde, 1993. Italy: Conti et a/., 1992. Latvia: Andrusaitis, 1985; Ingelég 
et al., 1993. Liechtenstein: Broggi & Willi, 1985. Lithuania: Ingelég et a/., 1993; Lapele & Vaiciunaite, 1992; Parfenov et a/., 
1987. Luxembourg: Weiss, 1988. Malta: Schembri & Sultana, 1989. Moldova: Gania, 1989. Netherlands: Weeda et a/., 1990. 
Norway: Anon. 1988; Kramme & Hagvar, 1985. Poland: Glowacinski, 1992a; Glowacinski, 1992b; Ingelég eta/., 1993; Zarzycki 
& Wojewoda, 1987. Portugal: Anon. 1991c; Anon. 1991d; Dray, 1985. Russia: Ingelég et a/., 1993. Slovenia: Vidic, 1992. 
Spain: Blanco & Gonzdlez, 1992; Gomez-Campo, 1987; ICONA. 1986. Sweden: Ahlen & Tjernberg, 1988; Ahlen & Tjernberg, 
1992; Ehnstr6m & Waldén, 1986; Ingelég et a/., 1993. Switzerland: Duelli, 1994; Landolt, 1992; Landolt, 1991. United 
Kingdom: Batten et a/., 1990; Bratton, 1991; Morris, 1994; Shirt, 1987. 


Armenia: Kazarian, 1989; Movsesian, 1987. China: Fu Li-Kuo & Jin Jiang-ming, 1992; National Environment Protection Agency, 
1994. India: Nayar & Sastry, 1987. Japan: Anon, 1991e. Kazakhstan: Baitenov, 1985; Kovshar, & Bekenov, 1985. Sri Lanka: 
Abeywickreme, 1987. Taiwan: Severinghaus & Liu, 1990. Tajikistan: Abdusaliamov, 1988. Thailand: Ecological Research 
Department, TISTR. 1991. Turkey: Anon, 1991a. Turkmenistan: Babaev, 1985. Viet Nam: Ministry of Science, Technology and 
Environment, 1992. 


Canada: Argus & Pryer, 1990; COSEWIC, 1994; Lowe, 1990; Moseley, 1992. Guadeloupe: Benito-Espinal & Hautcastel, 1988. 
Guatemala: Anon, 1994. (NB. not shown in Fig. 3); Martinique: Benito-Espinal & Hautcastel, 1988. Mexico: Flores-Villela & 
Gerez, 1988. United States: Anon. 1992; Lowe, 1990; Moseley, 1992. 

Argentina: Bertonatti & Gonzalez, 1993; Chebez, 1994. Brazil: Bernardes et a/., 1990; da Fonseca et a/., 1994. Chile: Glade, 
1993; Ivan Benoit, 1989. French Guiana: Thiollay, 1988. Peru: Pulido, 1991. Venezuela: Rodriguez & Rojas-Suarez, (in prep). 


Australia: Anon, 1991b; Briggs & Leigh, 1988; Cogger et a/., 1993; Garnett, 1992; Jackson & Wager, 1993; Kennedy, 1992. 
French Polynesia: Thibault, 1988. New Caledonia: Hannecart, 1988. New Zealand: Bell, 1986; Given et a/., 1987. Wallis and 
Futuna Islands: Guyot & Thibault, 1988. 


Mauritius: Strahm, 1989. Mayotte: Louette, 1988. Réunion: Barre, 1988; Dupont et a/., 1989. South Africa: Branch, 1988; Hall 
& Veldhuis, 1985; Henning & Henning, 1989; Skelton, 1987; Smithers, 1986. 



Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Mammals Birds Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
& Reptiles 


Albania - - - - : = 
Andorra - - - - = = 
Austria e e e e e e 
Belarus - - = 5 & e 
Belgium e e e e e e 
Bosnia & Herzegovina = - - - - 3 
Bulgaria e e ° e e e 
Croatia - - - - = - 
Czech Republic e ® e e e e 
former Czechoslovakia - - - - - e 
Denmark e e e e e Cr) 
Estonia e e e = c ry 
Finland e e e e e e 
France e e e e e e 
Germany e e e e 
Gibraltar - = : 2 £ s 
Greece e e e e = ° 
Hungary = e pe - - e 
Iceland - - = = = ° 
Ireland e e e e - e 
Italy e e e = = e 
Latvia e e e ra) 7° e 
Liechtenstein - e = “ : e 
Lithuania e e e 7¢@ 7°e e 
Luxembourg e e e 2 e e 
Macedonia - - - = = S 
Malta e e e e e e 
Moldova - e = = = e 
Monaco - - - = = 5 

Norway e e e - e e 
Poland e e ) e e e 
Portugal ° e e e & e 
Romania - e a s . 2 e 
San Marino - - - = - 2 
Slovakia e e e e 2 e 
Slovenia ) e e ° e e 
Spain e e e e e e 
Sweden e e e e 2 e 
Switzerland e e e e e e 
Ukraine e e e e e e 
United Kingdom ° e - e e e 
former Yugoslavia - - - - = e 

Afghanistan - - - - S = 


Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Mammals Birds Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
& Reptiles 

ASIA continued 
Armenia ® ze 7¢e 7°e 7¢e e 
Azerbaijan - - = = = ‘ 
Bahrain - - = = = 2 
Bangladesh - - = = 5 e 
Bh - 

BIOT - - - - - - 
Brunei - - = 2 = 4 
Cambodia - - - - - - 
China e e e e e e 
Soe aeveees z : : 3 3 
Georgia - - - - - - 
Hong Kong - - - - - - 
India ° e e e : e 
Indonesia - - - - - - 
pon ee cat esc ie ee, : ai A 8 Ravens cee ele 
Iraq = ° 5 = S & 
Israel = = = = = e 
Japan e e e e ° e 

Korea, D.P.R. - - - = - 4 
Korea, Republic e e e e = e 
Kuwait - - - = = - 
Kyrgyzstan e e 7e ra) 27e = 
Lebanon - - - % = 
Malaysia - = 4 2 = e 
Maldives - - - - S z 
Mongolia - - - - = Z 
Nepal - S 2 s i. \. 
Oman - = = = . ~ 
Pakistan - = = _ H » 
Philippines - - - - - e 

Russia - - - a = Z 
Saudi Arabia - - = 2 a e 
Singapore - = = 2 % . 
Sri Lanka e e e e e e 

Taiwan e e ° e e e 
Tajikistan e 7°@ 7@ 7¢@ 7e 7° 
Thailand e e e e e e 
Turkey pe pe pe pe pe e 
Se ee ea ORS Larne LN cA POR LA cerita ieee eee 



Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Mammals Birds Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
& Reptiles 

ASIA continued 
United Arab Emirates - - - - - es 
former USSR e e e ° e e 
Uzbekistan 7¢e ze 7°e im) 7¢e e 
Viet Nam e e e e e = 
Yemen - - - = = és 
adeieethah ee 
American Samoa - - 5 = = : 
Australia e e e ® ° e 
Cook Islands - - - = = = 
Fed. States of Micronesia - - - - = 3 
Fiji - - = = = : 
French Polynesia - e = = = e 
Guam - - - = = c 
Kiribati - - - = = ~ 
Marshall Islands - - - - = 5 
Nauru - - - = = 2 
New Caledonia - e - = - . 
New Zealand e e e e e e 
Niue - - - = : = 
Northern Marianas - - - - = 2 

Papua New Guinea - - 2 2 2 a 
Pitcairn Islands - - - - e = 
Solomon Islands - - - = > = 
Tokelau - - - - = * 
Tonga - - - - = = 
Tuvalu - - - - < = 
USA Pacific Islands - - : = = a 
Vanuatu - - - = = = 
Wallis & Futuna - e = = = = 
Western Samoa - - - - E = 



Anguilla - - - - 5 a 
Antigua & Barbuda - - - = 2 : 
Aruba - - - = 2 = 
Bahamas e e e 2 = e 
Barbados - - - - = ¢ 
Belize - - - = 2 S 
Bermuda - - - - = = 
Canada e e e e e e 
Cayman Islands - - - 5 a 3 

Dominica - - - - - > 


Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Mammals Birds Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
& Reptiles 


Dominican Republic - - - = = = 
El Salvador - - - m3 - e 
Greenland - - = = < . 
Grenada - = = e 5 5 

Guatemala e ° e is . e 
Haiti - - < = = — 
Honduras - - - = = = 
Jamaica - = = = = e 
Martinique - e = = = ° 
Mexico e e e 2 z e 
Montserrat - - - = z 2 
Netherlands Antilles - = : 2 = = 
Nicaragua - - - = = 2 
Panama re - - : = a e 
Puerto Rico - = = = = e 
Saint Kitts-Nevis - - - = eS < 
Saint Lucia - - - : & = 
Saint Vincent - - - = = E 

Turks & Caicos Islands - - = a 3 : 
USA e e e e e e 
Virgin Islands (British) - - 2 6 = S 
Virgin Islands (US) - - - = = e 



Argentina e e e e = = 
Bolivia - = = = = e 
Brazil e e e e e ° 
Chile e ° e = e e 
Ecuador = = = = = = 
French Guiana - e = = 2 F 4 
Guyana = x = = 3 4 
Paraguay - - - = = z 

Suriname = o 2 e > z 
Uruguay = - 5 5 2 z 
Venezuela ° e © Oo = ri 
een  — 
Algeria ° e Y ® L) © 
Angola - - - - = Z 
Benin - = = 2 = E 
Botswana = cs 3 é % és 
Burkina faso : FS secs sccidwce bcc cic iba dabussid Goo nea ea ae 



Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Mammals Birds Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
& Reptiles 

AFRICA continued 
Burundi - - - - - - 
Cameroon - - - - - - 
Cape Verde - - - - - - 
Central African Republic - - - - - - 
a ae etn oe aang 
Comoros - - - - - - 
Congo - - - - - - 
Céte d'Ivoire - - - - - - 
Djibouti - - - - - - 
E = = < - - e 
Equatorial Guinea - - - - - = 
Eritrea - - - - - 5 
Ethiopia - - - - - - 
Gabon - = 5 5 = £ 
Sas cee Se arr eee Foe Pano me icons aston ka ee 
Ghana - - - - = = 
Guinea - - - = = = 
Guinea-Bissau - - - - - - 
Kenya - = > a =i e 
Liberia - - - - = z 
Libya - - - - > b 
Madagascar = = = z 3 = 
Malawi - = = = s . 
Mauritania - - - - = 3 
Mauritius - - - = ce e 
Mayotte - e = = 2 “ 
Morocco - - 2 = 4 e 
Mozambique - - 5 = 3 2 
Namibia - - = - = e 
Niger - = < : eS 2 
Nigeria - - = : cS e 
Réunion - e = = O e 
Rwanda - - - - = : 
Saint Helena & depend. - - - = = e 
Sao Tomé & Principe - 5 = = Z . 
Senegal = = 5 = x 5 
Seychelles - - - = ~ = 

Somalia - - - - a 5 
South Africa e e e e - e 
Sudan - - - fe = 
Swaziland - - - = = e 
Tanzania - - - = = = 
Togo - - - = = 2 


Table 3. National Red Data Books 

Mammals Birds Amphibians Fishes Inverts. Plants 
& Reptiles 

AFRICA continued 

Tunisia - - ¢ 2 2 = 
Uganda - - = = = < 
Western Sahara - = 2 ~ = L 
Zaire - - = = - = 
ae : : Rat ey =: 
Zimbabwe - - = = = 5 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Plants are used as sources of medicinal products, timber and as ornamentals; their products figure in 
a very wide variety of manufacturing processes; fuelwood provides a source of energy for rural 
communities. Most fundamentally, plants are the basis of world food supply, either for direct human 
consumption or as livestock feed. 

Wild plants began to be modified into crops for agricultural production, probably independently in 
different continents, between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago; the later part of this period also saw the 
appearance of domestic animal populations. The earliest evidence is from Mesopotamia (Iraq-Syria), 
where wheat, barley and lentils are first recorded; others crops originated in China, where millets were 
domesticated; in Mexico, where maize, beans, peppers and squashes were developed as crops; and 
in Andean South America, which remains a centre of potato diversity. Crop plant populations have 
further diversified by crossing with wild relatives (accidentally or by human design), by introduction 
to new environments and different continents, and by generations of artificial selection by farming 
communities, and latterly by commercial crop development interests. 

Of the more than 250,000 flowering plant species, around 200 have been domesticated as food 
plants, of which 25-30 are crops of major world importance, judged largely by global production and 
economic criteria. When non-aggregated national data, as collated by FAO (FAO, 1984), are examined, 
it is clear that a much wider spectrum of plant diversity provides the basis of world food supply 
(Prescott-Allen and Prescott-Allen, 1990); the table below includes data on more than 100 species that 
appear of particular significance at this level. Within this group, the families Graminae (grasses) and 
Leguminosae (legumes) are most important, followed by Cruciferae, Rosaceae, Umbelliferae, 
Solanaceae and Labiatae. Because much crop production, eg. from home gardens, is not covered in 
national-level statistics, and several countries were not covered in the FAO (1984) database, more 
detailed review would doubtless demonstrate that many more than these 100 species are important 
at national level (Prescott-Allen and Prescott-Allen, 1990). 

Crop genetic resources are comprised of existing crop plants, often including a variety of locally 
adapted populations, together with the wild species from which they were derived, and wild species 
closely related to the latter. Crop relatives have often been used as a source of genetic material to 
confer disease or pest resistance or other properties on existing crops, but this, or other kinds of 
genetic improvement, cannot be done efficiently unless key elements in the total pool of crop genetic 
resources have been identified, located, documented and collected in a form allowing genetic material 
to be used. The importance of these activities is heightened by the extent to which genetic diversity 
is being eroded, both by the global adoption of genetically uniform commercial varieties and by 
modifications to the habitat of crop relatives with consequent loss of populations. Many national 
organisations are now active in this field, and the network of International Agricultural Research 
Centres (IARCs) play an international coordinating réle. Among the IARCs, the International Plant 
Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI, formerly IBPGR) is involved in setting of priorities for research and 
inventory, and in furthering development of a network of national and regional centres for plant 
germplasm conservation. 


This table presents data on principal food crops and closely related wild species. The intention is to integrate data on uses and 
diversity of the former with information on the status and distribution of the latter. Part of the table based on data in Prescott- 
Allen and Prescott-Allen (1990) and Simmonds (1976) was included in material assembled by Sara Oldfield for WCMC (1992). 

We are especially grateful to IPGRI who provided information on number of accessions per country for each crop species in this 
table (as reported to the IPGRI database, current at 27 September 1994), in particular to Tom Hazekamp who generated and 
transferred this large datafile. We also thank J.G. Hawkes for information on the status of wild potato species, and Oswaldo 
Télles Valdés for similar data on Dioscorea. 

Column 2, Production, Area: upper figure is the volume of production, lower figure (in italics) where present is the area of land 
on which that production is based, as reported in FAO (1990). FAO Production Yearbook. Vol. 46. 


Table 4. Major food crops 

Column 3, Origin of species: notes mainly on the documented or suspected geographic origin of the crop, based on Simmonds 
(1976), Mabberley (1990), Smith et a/., (1992). 

Column 4, Major germplasm collections: number of accessions of crop in the ten countries with the largest collections as 
reported through the IPGRI network; for some crops fewer than ten countries have reported collections. These data, produced 
from the IPGRI database on 27 September 1994, do not cover all collections in the world because not all supply data to IPGRI. 

Column 5, Number of species in genus: approximate number of congeneric wild species, data mainly from Mabberiey (1990) 
and, indicated by ', from Smith et a/., (1992). 

Column 6, Species status: Information from the WCMC species (threatened plants) database. Letters in the left of this column 
represent the IUCN status categories (see Notes to Table 2, above, for definition of categories); the numbers to the right of this 
column indicate the number of congeneric species in each category. These numbers cover only those species that have been 
reviewed and categorised as non-threatened (nt) or in one of the threatened categories. 

Column 7, Distribution of genus: generalised world distribution, data from Mabberley (1990) and Smith et a/., (1992). 
Column 8, Other species in genus used: data from Mabberley (1990) and, indicated by ', Smith et a/., (1992). 

Column 9, Conservation notes: largely reproduced from Table 25.1 in WCMC (1992), data compiled by Sara Oldfield from 
multiple sources. This column also includes data on the documented presence of certain crops in Biosphere Reserves, collated 

for WCMC (1992) by G.B. Ingram from material on file at Man and Biosphere office, UNESCO. Although this review is not fully 
comprehensive, it serves to stress the small number of crop species for which data on presence in protected areas are available. 



Table 4. Major food crops 



Production Origin of species 
(thousand mt) 
(thousand ha} 

Major germplasm collections 
(number of accessions) 



Mangifera indica 

“16, 987 NE India, the majority of fruit-bearing 
trees are more or less wild. 

Pistacia vera 

288 Native to the Near East and western 

India 1,100; Brazil 823; USA 461; Cuba 
350; Philippines 343; Thailand 294; 
Indonesia 292; Taiwan 176; Mexico 143; Fiji 
143. Major collections also: Bangladesh, 

Pistachio Asia, cultivated in the Mediterranean Iran 40; Syria 25; Italy 13; Israel 10; Turkey 
and western Asia for 3,000-4,000 10 

Colocasia esculenta 5,607 India. Papua New Guinea 747; India 650; USA 

Taro 993 

468; Philippines 380; Solomon Islands 267; 
Viet Nam 210; Australia 193; Bangladesh 

Xanthostoma sagittifolium A tropical American plant developed by 
Yautia Amerindian people. 

Nicaragua 71; Trinidad & Tobago 52; Cuba 
15; Nigeria 14; Costa Rica 11; Papua New 
Guinea 11; Guadeloupe 10 


Ilex paraguariensis 

Native to S Brazil, Paraguay and N. 
Mate Argentina, cultivated throughout its 
natural range. Leaves are also still 
collected from wild plants. 

Corylus avellana 700 Europe and SW Asia. Domesticated in Italy 2,456; Spain 124; France 88; USA 70; 

Hazel (hazel & filbert) the 17th century. UK 43; Turkey 42; Portugal 32; Australia 23 

Corylus maxima SE Europe and W Asia. 


Ananas comosus 10,490 Thought to be a lowland South Brazil 260; Céte d’lvoire 119; Japan 98; 

Pineapple American domesticate. Nigeria 84; India 58; USA 58; Malaysia 54; 
Taiwan 53; Indonesia 48; Australia 50 


Camellia sinensis 2,473 Probably the lower Tibetan mountains Viet Nam 70; Iran 50; South Africa 28 

Tea 2,531 or Central Asia. 


Carica papaya 3,929 Lowlands of eastern Central America. Philippines 301; India 252; Brazil 208; 

Papaya Nigeria 180; Peru 171; France 41; Colombia 

40; Malaysia 35; Mexico 29; Cuba 20. Major 
collection also in USA (Hawaii). 

Germany 3,993; USA 2, 178; France 1,572; 
Japan 1,387; Russia 600; UK 588; Czech 
Republic 483; Greece 436; Spain 358; 

Beta vulgaris 279,991 Europe, developed as a crop for sugar 
Sugar Beet 8,293 in the 18th century. 


Table 4. Major food crops 


No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
in genus 
35 E 4 Indomalaysia. Fruits of >12 wild spp. collected. Wild species of mango are threatened in 
(40-69)' Vv 3 Also cultivated: M. pajang (Borneo), Southeast Asia as a result of deforestation 
R 2 M. caesia (W. Malaysia) M. foetida, and replacement by commercial species. 
| 3 M. odorata, M. lagenifera, WWF is funding conservation of wild fruit 
nt 7f M. zeylanica’. trees in Peninsular Malaysia. 
9 R 2 Mediterranean (3 spp. in Other spp. have a variety of uses. Many wild populations have been destroyed 
nt 1 Europe), Asiatic, by forest clearance, over-cutting for 
Melanesian. S. U.S.A. and charcoal and grazing. 
C. America. Biosphere Reserves: El Kala (Algeria), Gano 
er {iran), Circeo (ttaly). 
6 Tropical Asia. Also ornamental. Collection, preservation and research are 

needed for aroid cultivars. More than 1,000 
cultivars of Colocasia exist as a result of 
forts by subsistence farmers. 

c45 Tropical America. X. lindenii, X. nigrum are also eaten. 

c400 Ex 1 Cosmopolitan, especially Also ornamental, some timber. Other 
Ex/E 1 tropical and temperate spp. drunk as stimulants include: /. 
E 3 Americas and Asia. cassine (E. & N.E. N America), / 
Vv 6 guayusa, Peru, /. verticillata, (N 
R 11 America), /. vomitoria E. N America. 
| 8 
nt 5 
c10 Vv 1 Northern Temperate (3 All spp. have edible nuts. C. colurna 
nt 1 spp. in Europe). (SE Europe, SW Asia) is cultivated for 

8 Tropical America A. ananassoides is used in Hawai'i for Species of wild pineapple are native to 
hybridising. botanically under-explored parts of lowland 
South America. They are now Leing used in 
breeding programmes. Collection and 
conservation of clones from the upper 
Amazon and Upper Orinoco is considered 

d bl 
82 E 2 ‘Indomalaysia, E. Asia Also ornamentals and source of seed- Truly wild teas probably no longer exist. In 
Vv 3 oil. cultivation a substantial loss of genetic 
R 9 variability has been anticipated which needs 
| 1 to be countered by deliberate conservation 
21 E 1 Warm America At least 6 other spp. domesticated: C. Though a ‘weed’, papaya does not thrive in 
v 1 pubescens (high Andes); C. pentagona secondary growth. Domesticated papaya 
R 3 (Babaco) (Ecuador and elsewhere) readily forms feral populations; gene pool of 
1 1 (possibly hybrid); C. stipulata (S. wild papaya has widened considerably as a 
nt 1 Ecuador); C. monoica; C. goudotiana; result. 4 
at least 12 other spp. are harvested 
for fruits’. Serre 
6 E 1 Europe 
Vv 2 
R 3 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Family Production Origin of species Major germplasm collections 
Species (thousand mt) (number of accessions) 
(thousand ha) 


ichenopediins quinoa A native American crop of the high Bolivia 2,000; Germany 953; Ecuador 872; 
Quinoa central Andes developed by Indian UK 24; Chile 14; Ethiopia 11 
agriculturists in pre-Colombian times. 

iSpinechs oleracea Native to SW Asia. Russia 365; Netherlands 344; USA 251; 
Spinach Czech Republic 107; Turkey 103; Bulgaria 

= 60; China 48; Sweden 29; Japan 20; 

Hungary 16 

Carthamus tinctorius 727 The cultivated species had its origins in India 1,978; USA 1, 754; Mexico 1, 550; 
Safflowerseed 1,203 the Near East. Canada 490; Russia 311; China 178; 

Germany 156; Ethiopia 133; Australia 100; 

Cynara scolymus 1,253 Native to the Mediterranean area and USA 45; Italy 20 
Artichoke 105 Canary Islands, domesticated several 

thousand years ago 

Helianthus annuus 21,645 Domesticated in central USA probably Romania 8,418; USA 3, 122: Greer 1,602; 
Sunflowerseed 17,641 before the arrival of maize, beans and France 1,100; Canada 608; Bulgaria 527; 
squash. China 515; Germany 436; India 350; South 

Africa 162 

Lactuca sativa Mediterranean. USA 2,352; UK 1,218; Netherlands 1,055; 

Lettuce Russia 980; Bulgaria 412; Czech Republic 
397; Hungary 348; Spain 149; China 104; 
Italy 55 

Ipomoea batatas 128,016 Central and South America. A 5-n plant Peru 4,872; Japan 2,412; Nigeria 1,867; 

Sweet Potato 9,262 possibly derived from 6-n /. trifida in Philippines 1,526; Papua New Guinea 1,425; 

turn possibly derived from /. Jeucantha Taiwan 1,372; China 1,295; USA 998; 
Vietnam 822; Brazil 799 

Brassica oleracea/B. rapa 38,109 The wild cabbage is native to Europe; Brassica oleracea Russia 2,910; UK 2,869; 
Cabbage 1,723 development of cultivars took place in Netherlands 1,568; Bulgaria 1,500; France 
the Mediterranean region. 1,500; Portugal 835; USA 824; Czech 
Republic 528; Philippines 516; Slovakia 452; 
Taiwan 420 
Brassica rapa \ndia 3,010; Canada 1,262; 
UK 782; Japan 548; USA 270; Germany 
235; Netherlands 220; Bulgaria 194; S Korea 
88; Portugal 78 
Brassica juncea The primary centre of origin is believed India 7,781; Canada 703; China 631; UK 
Mustardseed to be Central Asia - Himalaya. Probably 258; USA 258; France 170; Germany 107; 
8. nigra x B. rapa ssp. campestris Australia 100; Japan 96; 'srael 90 
Brassica napus, 26,661 B. napus is probably a hybrid of B. Germany 1,632; Canada 677: UK 514; 
B. rapa 20,736 oleracea x B. rapa ssp. campestris. China 450; Bulgaria 296; USA 246; Israel 
Rapeseed Wee other eh Bion d not 160; Poland 120; Australia 91; Franc 
Citrullus lanatus Native to S Africa, chiefly in the USA 927; Israel 433; Iran 280 Hungary 203; 
Melonseed Kalahari Desert. Bulgaria 200; Philippines 149; Spain 134; 

Table 4. Major food crops 

No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
in genus 
150 Ex 1 Mostly temperate regions, Grains, ornamental, medicinal etc. 

E 4 inclucing S. America. Including C. a/bum, C. bonus-henricus 

Vv 2 (leaf vegetable) (Europe), C. 

R 1 ambrosiodes (Tropical America) 

1 1 medicinal, C. pallidicaule (Andes) 

0 = 

14 R 1 Mediterranean 
nt 1 Asiatic 

10 nt 4 Mediterranean C. cardunculus (Cardoon) (S Europe) is 
Canary Is also eaten 
67 Ex 1 Americas Also ornamental; H. tuberosus Some of the American varieties have been 
R 2 (Jerusalem artichoke) is also eaten. preserved. A large genetic reservoir exists 
nt 2 among the weed and wild sunflowers. Wild 
gene pools are disappearing owing to habitat 
c100 E 5 Cosmopolitan especially N L. virosa (opium lettuce) (C&S Europe) 
Vv 2 Temperate cultivated for medicine. L. scariola 
R 5 (prickly lettuce) (originally Europe now 
! 2 subcosmopolitan weed) also eaten 
K 2 locally. 

c500 E 5 ‘Tropical and warm /, aquatica (water spinach OW) - The conservation of variability is a major 
Vv 4 temperate. leaves eaten. Other spp. ornamental, concern in breeding for subsistence 
R 16 purgatives. agriculture. 
I 15 Biosphere Reserves: Komodo (Indonesia). 
K 1 
nt 19 
c30 E 3 Eurasia Wide range of crops (variously leaves, IPGRI has designated the collection of wild 
Vv 3 buds, florets, stems and roots eaten); forms of 8.o/eracea as a conservation 
R 7 also used for oil production priority. Several related Mediterranean taxa 
I 1 8. carinata (Texsel greens) (NE Africa); are threatened in the wild. Large collections 
B. hirta (white and yellow mustard) of B. juncea form a substantial gene pool 
(Mediterranean); 8. juncea (Indian and wild material is widely distributed. 
mustard) (Eurasia); B. juncea v. 
crispifolia (Chinese mustard); Biosphere Reserves: Shennongjia (China). 

3 Tropical and S. Africa, C. colocynthis (vine of Sodom) 
probably also Asia (Mediterranean & India) - purgative 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Family Production Origin of species Major germplasm collections 
Species (thousand mt) (number of accessions) 
(thousand ha) 

Cucurbitaceae continued 

Cucumis melo Wild forms are found in eastern tropical Russia 4,550; USA 3,402; Spain 1, 176: Iran 
Melon/Water melon Africa. 850; France 480; Germany 267; Bulgaria 
250; Hungary 212; Israel 200; Taiwan 189 

Cucumis sativus 14,542 Native to India, probably cultivated for Russia 3,380; Bulgaria 1,426; USA 1,334; 
Cucumber 975 over 3,000 years. Germany 483; Slovakia 376; Taiwan 354; 
(& gherkins) Viet Nam 299; China 255; Hungary 184; 

Cucurbita moschata, 7,473 5 cultigens. Domesticated in the Cucurbita maxima Argentina 630; USA 514; 

C. maxima, 656 Americas at least 10,000 years ago. Hungary 253; Philippines 227; Brazil 215; 

C. argyrosperma, C. moschata is most like the wild China 141; Germany 52; Japan 18; 

C. pepo, C. ficifolia species and was domesticated Colombia 17; South Africa 14 

Pumpkin, Squash, Gourd independently in Central & South C. moschata Costa Rica 915; Mexico 320; 
America. Philippines 318; Brazil 215; USA 187; 

Colombia 113; Cuba 82; Japan 44; 
Argentina 20; India 18 

C. pepo USA 1,367; Hungary 483; Mexico 
312; Costa Rica 123; Iran 119; Germany 94; 
Turkey 54; Philippines 33; 

Canada 15; South Africa 13 


Dioscorea spp. 27,814 Domestication of yams in Asia, Africa Dioscorea trifida Guadeloupe 77; Costa Rica 
D. alata, D. batatas, 2,803 and tropical America took place 21; France 17 

D. bulbifera, D. cayenensis, separately with different species 

D. esculenta, D. trifida involved. 



Manihot esculenta 152,218 Acultigen, unknown in the wild state. Philippines 5,715; Cclombia 5,035; Nigeria 
Cassava 15,757 2,864; Brazil 2,785; India 1,327; Uganda 

1,133; Malawi 978; Peru 839; Congo 634 

Avena sativa 33,900 Generally regarded as a secondary crop, Russia 12,792; USA 12,725; Kenya 9,000; 

Oats 20,499 evolved in W and N Europe from weed UK 2,335; Indonesia 2,210; Israel 2,000; 
oat components of wheat and barley Hungary 1,747; Ecuador 1,496; Poland 
crops. 1,083; Canada 1,047 

Echinochloa frumentacea Different strains are thought to have at India 646; Australia 25 

Japanese Barnyard Millet least partially different origins. 

Eleusine coracana Central Africa. Taken to India probably India 7,341; Kenya 1,526; USA 1,212; 

Finger Millet over 3,000 years ago where a second Ethiopia 940; Uganda 931; Malawi 277; 

centre of diversity became established. Russia 220; Japan 207; Sri Lanka 31; 

Digitaria exilis 

West Africa, thought to be a cultigen. France 687; Ethiopia 19 
Hordeum vulgare 160,134 One of the first crops domesticated in Brazil 37,709; Germany 24,079; Russia 
Barley 73,449 the Near East. 23,582; USA 22,539; Syria 16,706; Ethiopa 

12,716; UK 12,657; Ecuador 12,548; Japan 
11,366; Mexico 6,808 


Table 4. Major food crops 

No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
in genus 

30 R 1 OW Tropics C. anguria (West Indian Gherkin) 
possibly derived from C. /ongipes. 

27 E 1 Tropical and Warm Also eaten: C. foetidissima (buffalo Many of the wild Cucurbita species have 
Americas gourd). restricted ranges. 

c60C E 4 Tropical and warm Also used for production of oral Serious genetic erosion has occurred among 
Vv 24 contraceptives. cultivated yams and there is an urgent need 
R 50 to collect and conserve genetic diversity. 
' 11 Insufficient data on the status of wild yams 
nt 6 but much cause for concern. 

98 Vv 1 Tropical & warm Americas M. glaziovii is the source of Ceara or The virtually unexplored wild relatives are an 
nt 3 Manicoba rubber and oilseeds. important genetic resource for crop 

improvement. Centre of diversity of wild 
relatives are in east-central Brazil, NE Brazil 
and SW Mexico. 

25 R 2 Temperate old world The potential of wild populations in breeding 
i} 1 programmes remains to be determined. 
nt 3 Biosphere Reserves: Shennongjia (China), 

Palava (Czech Republic). 
35 R 1. Warm E. frumentacea is also grown for 
fodder in the USA; E£. pyramidalis 
(tropical & S. Africa and Madagascar) 
is used as fodder and locally as flour; 
£. turnerana Channel Millet (Australia) 
is a promising forage and grain crop. 
Several other spp. are weeds. 
c9 This species is still capable of genetic 

exchange with related wild forms living in 
the same area. 

230 E 2 = ‘Tropical and warm D. iburu \W. Africa) eaten like millet; 
Vv 4 D. decumbens (S. Africa) pasture 
R 3 grass in USA. 
| 7 
c40 E 1 __N. temperate H. distichon (2-rowed barley) is Concern about genetic erosion e.g. in 
R 2 possibly H. vulgare x H. spontaneum. Ethiopia, where cultivars are valuable for 
K 1 genetic resistance to disease and improved 
nt 3 nutritional quality. 
Biosphere Reserves: Touran (Iran), Great 
Gobi (Mongolia). 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Origin of species 

Major germplasm collections 
(number of accessions) 

The origin of Asian rice O. sativa is 
uncertain. The African O. glaberrima 
probably originated 3,500 years ago. Its 
primary centre of diversity is the 
swampy area of the Upper Niger. 

Oryza glaberrima Nigeria 2,578; Philippines 
2,412; Céte d'Ivoire 650; France 650; USA 
462; Bangladesh 200; 

Liberia 60; India 22; Thailand 17 

Oryza sativa Philippines 82,583; USA 
29,987; Thailand 17,267; China 16,885; 
Nigeria 13,098; India 12,790; Japan 
11,559; Indonesia 7,263; France 6,125; 
Russia 5,900 

Family Production 
Species (thousand mt) 
(thousand ha) 
Gramineae continued 
Oryza glaberrima, 525,475 
O. sativa 147,168 
Panicum miliaceum 28,550 
Common Millet 37,850 

A millet of ancient cultivation which is 
not known in its wild state. 

Russia 8,733; India 1,490; USA 1,103; 
Mexica 400; Kenya 216; Japan 126; 
Bulgaria 97; Romania 84; Hungary 50; 
Pakistan 21 

Pennisetum americanum 
Bulrush Millet 

Probably in western tropical Africa 

where the greatest number of cultivated 

and related wild forms occur. A second 

centre of diversity became established 
in India. 

France 6,171; Australia 346; South Africa 

Saccarhum officinarum 1,104,580 New Guinea (cultigen). Nigeria 386; Philippines 68; Dominican 
Sugarcane 17,934 Republic 23 
Secale cereale 29,212 SW Asia, culitgen arising from S. USA 3,678; Poland 2,523; Germany 1,808; 
Rye 13,435 | montanum. a weed of wheat and Canada 1,430; Portugal 603; Spain 366; 
barley. Sweden 360; Bulgaria 262; South Africa 
231; Finland 210 
Setaria italica Unknown in the wild state, the crop is China 6,696; Russia 4,720; India 2,707; 
Foxtail Millet thought to have arisen from the USA 1,241; France 670; Kenya 451; Mexico 
common Old World weed S. viridis. 350; Japan 274; Hungary 109; Australia 50 
Sorghum bicolor 70,448 Developed primarily from the wild S. USA 18,971; Brazil 15,500; France 7, 330: 
Sorghum 45,695  arundinaceum in Africa at least 1000 Ethiopia 7,297; Australia 7,178; Russia 
years ago. 6,200; Mexico 5,500; China 5,263; Yemen 
4,024; Puerto Rico 4,000 
Triticum aestivum, 563,649 Mediterranean and Near East. Origin is Triticum aestivum USA 31,691; Mexico 
T. turgidum 220,007 complex and not fully understood, 20,094; India 16,875; Ecuador 13,116; 
Wheat involving Aegilops spp. Hungary 10,341; UK 10,082; Germany 
8,911; Romania 8,222; Czech Republic 
7,300; Japan 7,000 
Triticum turgidum Syria 916; USA 883; 
Brazil 326; Spain 300; Germany 174; Brazil 
117; South Africa 82; Bulgaria 57; 
Switzerland 46; Czech Republic 40 
Zea mays 526,410 Maize was domesticated in prehistoric Mexico 31,195; USA 23,573: Rican 
Maize 132,266 times in Mexico and Central America. 18,324; Croatia 12,000; Colombia 9,933; 

Romania 9,619; China 8,004; France 7,277; 
Ecuador 6,294; Japan 6,177 

Table 4. Major food crops 


No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
In genus 

19 R 1 Tropical O. sativa possibly derived from O. As rice cultivation has become more 
| 1 rufipogon (selected weed in Colocasia intensive, many wild populations have 
nt 1 fields) with several centres of disappeared. The International Rice Research 
domestication. Centre in the Philippines coordinates the 

collection of indigenous varieties. Little 
effort has been made to conserve O. 
glaberrima and its wild relatives, however. 
Biosphere Reserves: Waza (Cameroon). 

470 E 1 Trop. to warm temp. P. hemiotum (pifine grass) (N America) 
Vv 1 and P. texanum (Colorado grass) (s N 
R 4 America) - both fodder; P. maximum 
| 2 (Guinea grass) (Africa, naturalized 
K 2 America) - cultivated forage crop; P. 
nt 20 sumatrense (little millet, Malaysia) 
minor grain. 
80 E 1. ‘Tropical and warm Fodders, lawn-grasses, some grains. P. _ This species is still capable of genetic 
R 1 hohenackeri (moya grass) (E Africa to exchange with related wild forms living in 
| 3 India) is suggested for paper making; the same area. 
nt 1 P. clandestinum (Kikuyu grass) Biosphere Reserves: Bénoué (Cameroon). 

(tropical Africa) - pasture grass, 
erosion control, lawns; P. purpureum 
(elephant or Napier grass) (Africa) - 

30 Tropical and warm Hybrids of S. officinarum with other Valuable germplasm of wild sugarcane and 
spp. and cultigens now grown, related species has been lost as a result of 
especially in W. Indies and Hawaii. habitat destruction in Malaysia, Indonesia 

and Papua New Guinea. 

3 R 1 Eurasia 

| 1 
100 | 1 Tropical and warm S. glauca (Yellow foxtail) (warm) 
: nt 7 cattle fodder; S. pa/mifolia (india) - 

shoots eaten in Java; S. sphacelata (S 
Africa) is an important silage crop. 

24 R 1 Warm Old World and 1 sp. Backcrosses with S. arundinaceum Biosphere Reserves: Waza (Cameroon), 
nt 2 in Mexico gave S. drummondii cultivated for Shennongjia (China). 

forage; S. halepense (Mediterranean), 
is a widely naturalized fodder plant, 
often weedy. 

20 | 1 Europe : A number of wild relatives are restricted to 
small areas. There is a need for further ex 
situ conservation. 

oS oom Sears sceeteececenart Ba eS a 
Vv 1 y extinct in the wild until its rediscovery in 

1977. A new species was also discovered, 
Z. diploperennis, and is now protected in the 
Sierra de Manantlan Biosphere Reserve, 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Family Production Origin of species Major germplasm collections 
Species (thousand mt) (number of accessions) 
(thousand ha) 
Ribes nigrum, R. rubrum 618 Domesticated in northern Europe within Ribes nigrum Poland 156; UK 133; Sweden 
Currants the past 500 years. Black and red 116; Denmark 88; Czech Republic 52 
currants are native to northern Europe Ribes rubrum Denmark 77; Poland 56; 
and northern Asia, with the Sweden 42 
blackcurrant extending to the 
Micium verum China, Viet Nam. 

Star Anise 

Juglans regia 918 Native from SE China to Europe. France 130; Argentina 127; Turkey 100; 
Walnut Spain 60; Poland 52; Switzerland 40; Italy 
39; Chile 35; Portugal 33; India 32 
Persea americana 2,052 Origin in Central America; has been USA 697; Brazil 462; Israel 422; Thailand 
Avocado cultivated for several thousand years; 3 363; Cuba 327; Mexico 326; Australia 294; 
races (Mexican, Guatemalan, W. Indian) _ Philippines 246; Jamaica 108; Venezuela 93. 
indicate parallel domestication. Major collections also in: Jamaica, Puerto 
Arachis hypogaea 23,506 A cultigen domesticated thousands of India 27,280; USA 15,329; China 4,563; 
Groundnut 20,609 years ago in South America. Probably Argentina 3,153; Indonesia 1,885; Brazil 
originated as an allopolyploid hybrid of 1,300; Russia 1,200; Venezuela 1,061; 
annual and perennial spp. of E Andes. Uganda 900, Senegal 900 
Cajanus cajan Cultigen; centre of origin assumed to be_—— India 13,542; Kenya 1,080; Philippines 433; 
Pigeonpea India Indonesia 377; Thailand 201; Uganda 200; 

Ethiopia 176; Australia 176; Ghana 154; 
Vietnam 122 

Cicer arietinum 6,887 Western Asia; possibly derived from C. India 17,995; Syria 7,232; USA 5,796; 
Chickpea 9,660 = reticulatum. Pakistan 5,168; Mexico 2,399; Spain 2,356; 
Russia 1,685; Iran 755; Ethiopia 684; Italy 
Glycine max 114,011 A cultigen not known in the wild, China 27,746; USA 22,252; Taiwan 16,360; 
Soybean 54,046 soybean is thought to have arisen as a India 8,262; Korea 6,478; Japan 6,124; 
domesticate in the eastern half of Brazil 5,522; Russia 4,500;France 3,045; 
northern China c 3000 years ago Indonesia 3,012 
probably from G. soja; the weedy form 
isG ii 
Lablab purpureus Domesticate is probably of tropical Ethiopa 213; India 170; Australia 76; 
Lablab bean African origin and derived from the wild Indonesia 69; Philippines 66; South Africa 
ssp. uncinatus; now widespread in the 31; Brazil 28; Belgium 25; Colombia 23 


Table 4. Major food crops 

No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
in genus 
150 Ex 1 Temp. N. Hemis, Andes Many spp. with edible fruits: Biosphere Reserves: La Compana-Pefiuelas 
E 2 R. americanum (American Blackcurrant (Chile), Shennongjia (China), Mt Paekdu 
EME = (E N America); R. aureum (Golden (Korea PDR). 
Vv 2 currant) (W N America); A. curvatum 
R 4 (granite gooseberry) (S & SE USA); A. 
| 4 divaricatum (Worcesterberry) (WN 
America); R. hirtellum (E N America) 
edible gooseberry used in hybridising; 
R. odoratum buffalo currant (E USA); 
R. uva-crispa gooseberry (Europe). 
42 Vv 2 E&SEAsia, SEN Some commerical oils; /. anisatum 
R 1 America to Hispaniola. (Japanese anise). 
nt 1 
21 E 1 Mediterranean to E Asia, N Edible seeds, timber, ornamentals. Biosphere Reserves: Cinturén Andino Cluster 
nt 5 America to Andes. Also eaten: J. ailantifolia (Japanese (Colombia), Arasbaran (Iran), Retezat 
walnut)(Japan); J. cinerea (butternut) (Romania,. 
(E N America); J. neotropica (S 
America); J. nigra (Black walnut) (E N 
150 E 3 Tropics Other spp. used for timber. P. Primitive wild relatives are restricted to small 
v 1 schiedeana (C America) wild fruits areas in Central America. Typically occurs in 
R 1 collected, also cultivated on small forest areas, often threatened by coffee or 
| 3 scale, graft compatible with P. marijuana cultivation. 
nt 3 americana; P. nubigena fruits Biosphere Reserves: Tikal (Guatemala), 
collected, sometimes by felling; P. Montes Azul (Mexico). Present in La Tigra 
borbonia has high resistance to root NP (Honduras). 
rot; P. floccosa has been crossed with 
P. americana. The endangered caoba 
tree from Ecuador Caryodaphnopsis 

22 S America Much unexplored genetic variability in wild 
relatives of potential importance in breeding 
programmes. The protection of perennial 
Arachis species in Latin America is 
considered a conservation priority. 

2 | 1 Old World tropics Should probably be included in 

Atylosia (35 Asia to Australia). 

Many of the wild relatives of chickpea are 

Soybean cultivars grown in the USA show a 
high degree of genetic uniformity. The 
germplasm base in Asian countries is being 
destroyed partly through the introduction of 
modern cultivars. Conservation of traditional 

40 R 6 C&WAsia + one sp. 
each in Greece, Morocco, threatened or rare. 
9 Vv 1 ‘Asia to Australia 
land races is urge 
1 Tropical Africa 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Family Production 
Species (thousand mt) 

(thousand ha) 

L guminos e continued 

Origin of species Major germplasm collections 

(number of accessions) 

Lens culinaris 2,403 The wild progenitor of the cultivated Syria 6,966; USA 2,876; Russia 2,484; 
Lentil 3,166 lentil is Lens orientalis, a Near Eastern Pakistan 1,280; India 1,192; Bangladesh 
species. 798; Ecuador 659; Mexico 599; Hungary 
566; Greece 395 
jing mutabilis A very variable cultigen of the high Peru 2, 149; ‘Spain 1,799; Ganneng "1,020; 

Lupin Andes. Ecuador 488; USA 268; France 250; Bolivia 
201; Chile 103; South Africa 18; Colombia 

Phaseolus Junatus 

It is thought that separate indonesia 3,846; USA 2,172; Colombia 

Lima bean domestications occurred in Central and 1,836; Cuba 834; Brazil 774; Mexico 610; 
South America from conspecific Philippines 515; Ghana 201; Belgium 190; 
geographic races. Peru 62 
Praneciic vulgaris It is thought that separate Colombia 24,650; USA 14,203; Brazil 
Haricot bean domestications occurred in Central and 8,404; Mexico 8,315; Malawi 6,000; UK 
South America from conspecific 5,455; Germany 5,188; Romania 4,227; 
geographic races. India 1,700; China 1,683 
aS sativum 15,918 The wild progenitor is unknown andthe Sweden 7,512; USA 6,678; Russia 5,546; 
Pea (dry) early history of the pea crop is unclear. Germany 4,578; Italy 4,440; UK 3,813; 
8,693 Probable centres of origin are Ethiopia, Poland 2,990; Czech Republic 2,562; Brazil 
the Mediterranean and Central Asia. 1,431; India 1,400 
4,067 Usually considered a cultigen from V. Syria 3,684; Germany 2,730; Ecuador 
Broad bean (dry) narbonensis but may be from C. Asia. 2,636; Spain 1,859; Italy 1,795; Ethiopa 
3,005 1,208; France 1,161; Netherlands 760; Peru 
597; Poland 550 
Vigna unguiculata The common cultivated subspecies is Nigeria 15,200; USA 4,705; Indonesia 
Cowpea thought to be derived from wild plants 3,930; Brazil 2,284; Philippines 1,457; 
in Ethiopia several thousand years ago. Botswana 852; India 518; Uganda 350; 
Venezuela 347; Ethiopa 268 
olletia ES Tropical South America Nuts are still Brazil 45 
Brazil nut collected from wild trees as 
experimental plantations have mainly 
“Allium cepa, Allium queen 28,223 Central Rees a cultigen, possibly ‘Allium Pane Russia 2,050; India 1, 508; UK 
Onion (dry) derived from A. oschaninii. 960; Israel 550; Netherlands 508; USA 362; 
1,883 Czech Republic 299; Italy 274; Spain 268 
Allium fistulosum Russia 222. 
Allium sativum 3,379 Known only in cultivation. 7a India 559: Czech Republic 309; Gennand 
Garlic 512  longicuspis, a species endemic to 162; Poland 143; Spain 128; Brazil 111; 
central Asia, may be its wild ancestor. USA 102; Cuba 78; Taiwan 50; Japan 41 


Table 4. Major food crops 


No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
in genus 

6 Mediterranean, W Asia, 
Africa. There are possibly 
only 2 spp (L. nigricans 

200 Ex 1 E S America, Andes, Fodder, L. a/bus (Mediterranean) eaten 
E 8 Rockies, Mediterranean, by Romans, coffee substitute; L. 
Vv 10 ‘tropical African highlands. Juteus (Mediterranean) green manure, 
R 8 coffee substitute; L. perennis (E N 
| 13 America) fodder. 
K 1 
nt 2 
50 E 1.‘ Tropical & warm Americas Also eaten: P. acutifolius v. latifolius Most wild relatives are widespread but 
nt 1 (tepary bean)(S N America); P. populations of several taxa are being lost to 
coccineus (scarlet runner) (C America). overgrazing in south-west USA and northern 

5 Mediterranean; W Asia. Breeding relies on a fairly narrow genetic 
resource base and efforts to conserve 
genetic variability of the cultivated crop have 
been fairly limited. 

140 Ex 1 +N temperate with Other spp. are used for forage & green 

E 4 extensions to S America, manure - V. ervilia (bitter vetch) (S 
Vv 7 Hawaii and tropical E Europe); V. villosa (Russian vetch) 
R 13 Africa. (Eurasia). 
| 3 
nt 15 
150 Tropical, especially Old Other spp. are used for forage & green 
World. manure etc. Other pulses include: V. 
aconitifolia (moth bean) S. Asia; V. 
angularis (Aduki bean) (Asia); V. 
mungo (urd) (Tropical Asia); V. radiata 
(mung bean)(?Indonesia) - possible 
ancestor of V. subterranea (Bambara 
groundnut)(W Africa); V. umbellata 
(rice bean)(S Asia); V. unguiculata 
(cowpea)(Old World); V. vexillata 
(tropical Old World) - roots edible. 

1 Tropical S America The species is threatened in the wild 
because of logging for its valuable timber. 
Commercial collection of wild nuts is a 
sustainable form of forest exploitation and is 
bei ted in extractive reserves. 

700 Ex 1 N. Hemisphere. Also eaten: A. ampeloprasum (Europe Biosphere Reserves: Waterton Lakes 

E 10 & N Africa); A. canadense (Canada (Canada), Shennongjia (China), Southeast 
Vv 13 garlic); A. cernuum (Lady's leek) (N Rigen (Germany), Mt Olympus (Greece), 

R 61 America); A. chinense (Asia); A. Great Gobi (Mongolia), Mt Paekdu (Korea 

! 11 oleraceum (field garlic) (Europe); A. PDR), Babia Gora (Poland), Pietrosul Mare 
K 9 schoenoprasum (chives, Eurasia); A. (Romania). 

nt 40 scordoprasum (sand leek) (Eurasia); A. 

sphaerocephalon (round-headed 
garlic), Europe & Mediterranean); A. 
tuberosum (Chinese chives) (SE Asia). 

seeeueeeuseesceessenemenen: aseeneseneussmssscsuessssensessesssannnsnes: aeesesnananenesenennem: aan sssensneeeeees eaeeeesesenssens: ananenssnevanees sueuneeenseseseususuemessancnsesessseauerscaneneasussesavensnnnenens 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Family Production 
Species (thousand mt) 
(thousand ha) 


Gossypium barbadense, 
G. hirsutum 



Ficus carica 

Musa acuminata, 49, 630 
M. x paradisiaca (banana) 
Banana, Plantain 




Pimenta dioica 

Origin of species 

Cotton has a complex and controversial 
history, although was apparently 
domesticated independently in the Old 
World and New World around 5000 BP; 
99% of current world crop is from 4n 
plants principally derived from New 
World G. barbadense and G. hirsutum, 
but with some genetic contribution 
from the 2n Old World G, arboreum and 
G. herbaceum, the former having been 
in Afri 

Southern Arabia, allied to F. pa/mata of 
NE Africa to India. 

Most cultivated clones are 3n, some 
derived directly from M. acuminata 
(2n), others from crosses of this with 
M. balbisiana. 

West Indies and Central America. 

Major germplasm collections 
(number of accessions) 

Gossypium barbadense Russia 820; India 
803; USA 603; France 562; Argentina 225; 
Pakistan 132; Sudan 23; Greece 16 
Gossypium hirsutum \ndia 12,662; Russia 
3,307; France 1,889; Pakistan 1,716; USA 
1,587; Brazil 1,249; Greece 750; Sudan 413 

Syria 370; Turkey 291; Ukraine 270; Italy 
250; France 149; Albania 126; Algeria 58; 
lran 48; Cyprus 39; Japan 37 

Musa acuminata Honduras 676; Belgium 77; 
France 36; Cameroon 26; Brazil 25; Spain 
18; South Africa 14; Malaysia 11 

Musa paradisiaca Ecuador 150; Colombia 

61; Taiwan 18 

Major Musa collections also in: Céte d'Ivoire, 
Cuba, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Martinique, 
Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Thailand, 
Uganda, Zai 

Olea europaea 10, 669 Accultigen probably derived from O. France 151; Greece 112: ian 38; Albania 
Olive europea ssp. africana in the eastern 20 
Cocos nucifera 41,044 The origin of the coconut is obscure. Sierra Leone 200; Venezuela 183; India 121; 
Coconut Wild types predominate on the African Viet Nam 30; Brazil 14; Kenya 11 
and Indian coasts of the Indian Ocean, 
and scattered in Southeast Asia and the 
Phoenix dactylifera 3,737 A food plant of ancient cultivation in Algeria 413; Iraq 182; Nigeria 174; USA 68; 
Date North Africa and the Middle East. India 34; Morocco 31; Sudan 26; South 
Africa 18; Brazil 18; Iran 16 
Elaeis guineensis 12,822 West Africa, originally a species of the Zaire 16,938; Malaysia 1,300; Ecuador 304; 
Oil Palm transition zone between savanna and Sierra Leone 200; Nicaragua 20; Costa Rica 
rain forest. 14; Zaire 421; Indonesia 220 
Se eee ETE EE ee ‘ 

Sesamum orientale 



Possibly Ethiopia or peninsular India. 

Table 4. Major food crops 


No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
In genus 

————— OOO ee ee ee eee 

39 Vv 2 Warm temperate & 
R 3 ‘tropical. 
nt 4 
c800 E 1. ‘Tropical & warm, Other spp. are sources of rubber, 
Vv 5 _ especially Indomalaya. fibres, paper, medicines etc; F. pumila 
R 8 (Vietnam to Japan) fruits used for jelly 
| 5 in China (okgue). 
nt 17 
35 Tropical Asia Fe’i bananas (2n) believed derived The genetic base of banana breeding is 
from M. maclayi and possibly other narrow. Forest clearance is threatening the 
related spp., origin New Guinea variability of wild bananas M. acuminata and 
(perhaps domesticated >9000 years other Musa spp. Protection of wild species 
BP). in Asia is an IPGRI conservation priority. 
M. textilis recent domesticate in Biosphere Reserves: Gunung Leuser, Siberut 
Philippines used for Manila hemp. (Indonesia). 
Related Ensete ventricosum cultivated 
in Ethiopia for starchy pseudostem. 
2-5 1 Tropical America P. acris (Bay rum tree) (tropical 
3 America introduced to Pacific) used for 
1 scent and soap. 

20 R 1 ‘Tropical & temperate Old Other species provide good timber. Olive production is in decline and loss of 
nt 2 World. traditionally managed olive groves has 

serious consequences for wildlife in the 
Mediterranean region. In Algeria and Niger 
the wild olive relative Olea /aperrinei is 
threatened partly by over-cutting for cattle 
Biosphere Reserves: Tassili, El Kala (Algeria), 
Samaria (Greece), Gano (Iran), Mt Kulal 
(Kenya), Donafa (Spain). 

1 nt 1 ?E Malesia or Barrier Reef The tendency to plant uniform, improved 
hybrids is reducing genetic variation 
particularly in domesticated types. 

17 Vv 2 ‘Tropical & warm Africa P. sylvestris (india) - palm sugar and P. theophrasti, allied to date palm, restricted 

nt 10 and Asia (1 Europe). toddy; P. acaulis (Assam to Myanmar) to Crete where Vulnerable. 
fruit chewed like betel. 

2 nt 2 1 tropical America; 1 E. oleifera (Tropical America) is less In West Africa oil palm groves are being 

tropical Africa. important than £. guineensis. thinned to make way for other food crops. 

Conservation of the entire genepool in Africa 
and parts of Latin America is considered a 
priority by IPGRI. 





Table 4. Major food crops 

Family Production Origin of species Major germplasm collections 
Species (thousand mt) (number of accessions) 
(thousand ha) 
Piper nigrum Wild pepper plants grow in the Western 
Pepper Ghats of Malabar, southwestern India 
and this is presumed to be the crop’s 
centre of origin. 

Fragaria x ananassa 2,307. A hybrid between two American Fragaria chiloensis Canada 2, 859: USA 661; 
Strawberry species, F. chiloensis and F. virginiana. Slovakia 68 
Both species were harvested from the Fragaria x ananassa USA 439; Belgium 351; 
wild and also planted by Indians before UK 310; Ireland 270; Denmark 229; Sweden 
European settlement. Crossing took 140; Germany 99; France 98; Poland 96; 
place in Europe in the 18th century. South Africa 55 
Malus domestica 43,087 An aggregate of over 1000 cultivars, or France 1.300; Canada 470; UK 270; China 
Apple ancient and complex hybrid origin, 262; Mexico 169; Spain 69; Germany 67; 
probably originally from M. dasyphylla Pakistan 47 
(Danube & Balkans), M. praecox (S 
Russia), M. pumila (S Europe, SW Asia), 
poss M. sylvestris (Europe, SW Asia). 
M. prunifolia (NE Asia) is the possible 
ancestor of some Orchard apples. 
Prunus amygdalus 1,284 Central to western Asia. 
Prunus armeniaca 2,153 Western China. Italy 738; Australia 693; France 317; Czech 


Republic 187; Iran 173; USA 161; Turkey 
158; Canada 144; Yugoslavia 101; Poland 

Prunus avium Western Asia. 


Italy 1,155; 
USA 241; Germany 232; Switzerland 230; 
Poland 222; Turkey 203; Greece 85; 
Australia 76 

Prunus communis 10,692 Central Asia and the Himalayas. 
Prunus eet 6,181. An sriclent 6n cultigen with complex UK 495; Italy 361; Poland 214; Switzerland 
Plum origin, possibly in SW Asia and 159; Sweden 125; Denmark 115; France 
involving P. cerasifera and P. spinosa, 99; Australia 82; Spain 68; Norway 47 
possibly also P. institia; North American 
plums may be native American spp. or 
hybrids with P, salicina (China). 
Prunus sorts 10,076 Western China; possibly a cultigen Italy 3,107; USA 2,064; Italy 430; Australia 
Peach (peach & derived from P. davidiana. 520; France 335; Greece 280; Argentina 
nectarine) 297; Spain 217; Ecuador 163; Israel 153 
Coffea arabica, C. canephora 5,919 Ethiopia. Ethiopia 1,806; Céte d'Ivoire 1,770; Costa 
Coffee (green) Rica 1,184; Colombia 886; Kenya 592; 
10,927 Cameroon 584; Ecuador 428; India 329; 

USA 316; Brazil 275 


Table 4. Major food crops 

No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
in genus 

1000 + E 5 Tropics Also important P. aduncum (S 
Vv 4 America); P. betle (betel 
R 24 pepper)(Indomalaysia); P. c/lusii (W 
| 8 Africa black pepper); P. cubeba (S E 
nt 26 Asia); P. guineense (W Africa); P. 
Jongum \\ndia); P. methysticum (Fiji & 
W Pacific). 
12 | 1 N. Temperate & Chile Also eaten: F. moschata (hautbois) Biosphere Reserves: Southeast Rigen 
nt 2 (Europe); F. vesca (wild strawberry) (N (Germany). 
25 Vv 1 N Temperate M. baccata (E Asia) fruits eaten; M. Conservation of wild relatives of Malus in 
R 1 hupehensis (China, Assam) leaves Europe and Asia is an IPGRI priority. 
nt 3 used for tea. Biosphere Reserves: Shennongjia (China), 
Middle Elbe, Southeast Rigen (Germany), 
Chatkal Mts, (Kyrgyzstan). 
400 E 2 P. angustifolia (Chickasaw plum)(E N A reserve for the conservation of almond 
Vv 4 Temperate, esp N Hemis America) cultivated edible fruit; P. and other important fruit trees has been 
R 5 brigantina (Briancgon apricot) (S France) created in the Kopet mountains 
| 4 seed-oil scented; P. cerasifera (Turkmenistan). 
nt 6 (myrobalan) (C Asia to Balkans) small Biosphere Reserves: Vale do Ribeira, Serra 
edible fruit; P. cerasus (Morello cherry) da Graciosa (Brazil), Boatine (Bulgaria), 
origin unclear; P.xgondouinii (P. Shennongjia (China), Gano (Iran), Mt Paekdu 
cerasus x P. avium) - (Duke Cherry) (Korea PDR), Palava (Slovakia), Montseny 
leaves used for tea; P. gracilis (Spain). 
(Oklahoma plum, Arkansas to Texas) Protection of wild species in Europe and 
edible fruit; P. hortu/ana (wild goose Asia is considered a conservation priority by 
plum) (C & SE USA) cultivars with IPGRI 

edible fruit; P. institia (damson) 
(Europe & Mediterranean); P. mahaleb 
(mahaleb)(Eurasia, introduced to N 
America); P. maritima (beach plum) (E 
N America); P. mume (Japanese 
apricot) (China SW Japan); P. saliciana 
(Japanese plum) (China); P. simonii 
(Apricot plum) (China, not known 
wild); P. spinosa (sloe blackthorn) 
(Europe, W Asia); P. tomentosa 
(Nanking cherry) (Temperate E Asia); 
P. virginiana (chokeberry) (E N 

40 R 2 Old World Tropics, C. liberica is cultivated in W Africa; C. Coffee grows wild in the threatened forests 
! 1 especially Africa stenophylla (W Africa) cultivated & of the Ethiopian massif. Much of the forest 
berries wild-collected; C. bengalensis habitat in Ethiopia has been destroyed. 
(India) cultivated; C. zanguebariae Habitats of wild coffee are also threatened 
(Zanzibar); C. eugenioides (Congo in Kenya. Protection of C. arabica in the wild 
basin); C. racemosa is harvested wild is a conservation priority. The genetic base 
in Mozambique. of domestic coffee is v. narrow (c 30 forms 

of C. arabica worldwide). 
Biosphere Reserves: Macchabee-Bel Ombre 



Table 4. Major food crops 


Family Production Origin of species Major germplasm collections 
Species (thousand mt) (number of accessions) 
(thousand ha) 

Citrus aurantiifolia 7, 187 Cultivated hybrid with obscure origins, Morocco 63; Thailand 51; Japan 41; India 

Lime (lime & lemon) possibly a hybrid of C. medica with 40; USA 40; Sudan 35; Brazil 22; France 
another sp. ; + Chi 

Citrus limon Probably a hybrid of lime with C. Brazil 195; Turkey 162; USA "98; Italy 75; 

Lemon medica. Japan 73; Morocco 60; South Africa 59; 

India 57; China 47; France 47 
Citrus grandis (C. maxima) 4,672 Probably a native of the Malay Thailand 228; San 111; China 100; USA 
Pomelo (pomelo & —_ peninsula. 56; Brazil 52; Philippines 43; Morocco 28; 
frui South Africa 28; India 21; France 18 

Citrus x paradisi Probably a hybrid of C. maxima with Brazil 114; South Africa 98; Japan 71; 

Grapefruit sweet orange backcrossed with C. France 48 Indonesia 44; Turkey 41; USA 
maxima. 40; India 27; Iran 25; Greece 19 

Citrus reticulata 8,465 Southeast Asia. Brazil 333; China 310; ance 227; South 

Tangerine (& mandarins Africa 227; Japan 182; USA 138; Morocco 

etc) 97; Turkey 88; Spain 72; India 69 

Citrus sinensis 50,630 Probably introgressed hybrids of C. Brazil 1,363; South Africa 357; China 311; 

Sweet Orange maxima and C. reticulata, perhaps Japan 280; Turkey 269; USA 242; France 
originating in China. 170; Morocco 157; India 132; Algeria 96 


Vitellaria paradoxa West Africa;, grown in plantations in 

Karite Nut, Sheanut igeri 


Capsicum annuum 9; 638 Domestication first occurred in Middle Taiwan 3,093; USA 1,981; Mexico 1,241; 
Chili Pepper, Sweet Pepper 1,149 America. Netherlands 880; Germany 783; Hungary 
(greenchillies & 691; France 516; Israel 500; Bulgaria 368; S 
peppers) Korea 350 

Lycopersicon esculentum 70,443 South America where derived from USA 17,706; Taiwan 6,291; Russia 5,500; 

Tomato 2,896 Andean L. lycopersicon. Philippines 5,051; Germany 2,816; France 
1,800; Canada 1,800; Colombia 1,707; 
Netherlands 1,600; Hungary 1,466 

Solanum melongena 5,735 India. USA 1.165; Russia 950; India 535; 

Eggplant 409 Philippines 433; China 393; Japan 303; 
France 260; Italy 158; Netherlands 131; 
Spain 81 

Solanum tuberosum 268,492 The area of domestication is assumed Germany 6,992; "USA 4,303; hor 1, 496; 

Potato 18,031 to be the high plateau of Bolivia-Peru. Bulgaria 1,259; Sweden 1,212; Bangladesh 
1,067; Colombia 942; Chile 898; India 897; 
Philippines 859; 

Ss Hii , 

Theobroma cacao 2,329 Centre of origin is the eastern slopes of Trinidad and Tobago 1,880; Ecuador 604; 

Cocoa 5,300 the Andes and the centre of cultivation Costa Rica 540; India 63; Nicaragua 45; 

is Central America. Guatemala 30; Peru 23. Major collections 

also: Ghana, Brazil, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, 
USA, Céte d'Ivoire, Malaysia 


Daucus carota 14,028 The ee is widespread in Europe Russia 1,700; USA 880; Czech Republic 

Carrot 630 and Asia. The primary centre of origin 772; United Kingdom 509; Germany 97; 
for cultivated forms is thought to be Hungary 90; Sweden 42; Poland 40; Japan 
Afghanistan. 40; Turkey 35 


Table 4. Major food crops 

No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used 
species status 
In genus 

S & SE Asia C. medica (Citron) (India); C. hystrix 

(liman-purat) (?); C. aurantium (Seville 
orange) is probably introgressed 
hybrids of C. maxima & C. reticulata; 
C. x nobilis (tangor) is sweet orange 
back crossed with C. reticulata; C. x 
tangelo (tangelo) is grapefruit crossed 
with C. reticulata. 

10 R 1.‘ Tropical America C. frutescens, C. chinense, C. 
baccatum, C. pubescens. 

7 W S America & Galapagos L. pimpinellifolium (cherry tomato) 
(Andes) has very small fruits. 
1400 Ex 5  Sub-cosmopolitan S. centrale (arid Australia) and S. 
Ex/E 1 muricatum (pepino) (Andes) have 
E 11 edible fruit; S. quitoense (naranjillo) 
Vv 27 (Andes) is used for fruit juice; 
R 19 S. melanocerasum (?cultigen) 
! 18 (cultivated tropical W Africa) fruit; S. 
nt 10 hyporhodium (upper Amazon); S. 
americanum (yerba mora). 

All the following are cultivated: 7. 
grandiflorum (cupuacu) (E & C 
Amazonia); 7. speciosum (cacaui) (N S 
America & S C America); 7. 

id subincanum (N S America); T. 
obovatum (Amazon); 7. angustifolium 
(C America); T. bicolor (N S America & 
C America); 7. glaucum (Amazonia in 

20 ! 1 

Tropical America 

22 R 1 Europe; SW & C Asia; 
| 1‘ tropical Africa; Australia; 
K 1. New Zealand; America. 
ne u eeee eee enesenennenseneneenesenennes, 

Conservation notes 

Protection of wild Citrus species in Asia is a 
conservation priority. 

Biosphere Reserves: Gunung Leuser 

Wild peppers are still collected and sold 
locally. A large number of as yet unexploited 
varieties exists in the Tropics. More 
collection for seed banks is needed. 

The wild relatives of the tomato have limited 
ranges. The crop’s wild gene pools are 
prone to erosion by habitat destruction. 
Biosphere Reserves: Galapagos (Ecuador), 
Tikal (Guatemala). . 

3,000-5,000 varieties of potato are 
recognised by farmers in the Andes. 
Conservation of genetically valuable local 
varieties is being carried out at the 
International Potato Centre in Feru. 

Biosphere Reserves: Palava (Czech 

Cultivated varieties suffer from a lack of 
genetic variation. Forests harbouring genetic 
diversity in the wild are being rapidly 



Table 4. Major food crops 

Family Production Origin of species Major germplasm collections 
Species (thousand mt) (number of accessions) 
(thousand ha) 
Vitis vinifera 8,180 10,000 Old World cultivars are thought 
Grape to be derived from this single wild 
species which still occurs in Middle 
Asia. New World varieties were 
produced by hybridising this with V. 
Jabrusca and other spp. 

Elettaria cardamomum 


Table 4. Major food crops 

No. of Species Distribution of genus Other species in genus used Conservation notes 
species status 
In genus 
| 1 N Hemisphere Fruits also edible of: V. acerifolia (bush Wild relatives are suffering genetic erosion in 
nt 1 grape) (S N America); V. arizonica the USA. 
(canyon grape) (SW N America); V. Biosphere Reserves: Shennongjia (China), 

labrusca (fox grape) (E N America); V. Rosca-Letea (Romania). 
rotundifolia (bullace grape) (N 

America); V. rupestris (sand grape) (E 

N America); V. vulpina (chicken grape) 

(E N America). 

c7 India to W Malaysia Collection from the wild contributes to the 
commercial trade. 



Table 5. Domestic livestock 

At the local level, a great many wild animal species are used primarily to meet subsistence needs, the 
kind depending largely on availability and convenience, and to some extent, tradition. Globally, a small 
number of animal species are used in extensive ranching or farming systems, while fewer still are used 
in domestic livestock production. Breeds of domestic goat, sheep, cattle, pigs and domestic fowl are 
cosmopolitan in distribution and the basis for most of the world’s agricultural animal food production. 
Marine and inland fisheries exceed the principal domestic stock in terms of production volume, 
although use of fishery products is unevenly distributed. 

The four principal mammalian livestock species have diversified under more than 5,000 years of 
domestication and artificial selection into more than 2,000 recognised breeds, each with unique 
characteristics. Other livestock, including remaining mammals, chickens, honey bees, silk worms, etc., 
have been fully domestic for less time (but many more generations in the case of non-mammals). Some 
breed characteristics may be of no apparent significance to humans, others, perhaps involving milk 
yield, fleece type, food utilisation, fecundity, or resistance to parasites or climatic stress, may be of 
great value. 

Although, especially among cattle and pigs, intensification of production has gone hand in hand with 
narrowing of the genetic base, such that semen from individually documented and tested lines 
commands a premium, there is increasing recognition of the genetic potential resident in less 
commercially-developed breeds and blood lines, and of the often neglected value of locally adapted 
stock in comparison with commercial stock from advanced industrial countries. The pool of genetic 
resources represented by domestic animal diversity is an essential basis for efficient and sustainable 
food production, and is likely to be of increasing importance in the more demanding production 

In this context, one intention of the table below is to draw attention to the extent to which both the 
diversity of existing livestock breeds (column 5, ‘rare breeds’) and of wild relatives of livestock 
(columns 8 and 9) are at risk. 


This table presents information on the major domestic mammals and closely related wild species. The intention is to integrate 
data on uses, history and diversity of the former with information on the status and distribution of the latter. 

Part of the table based on data in Clutton-Brock (1981) was included in material assembled by Stephen J.G. Hall for WCMC 
(1992). Nomenclature mainly follows Wilson and Reeder (1993); an alternative treatment of generic names among large bovids 
is used by Loftus and Scherf (1993). 

Column 3, Notes on domestication: miscellaneous notes on history and geography of domestication, feral populations, etc., 
principally from authors in Mason (1984). 

Column 4, No. breeds: number of domestic breeds, from Loftus and Scherf (1993); this publication is founded on the FAO 
database being developed as part of the Global Information System for Domestic Animal Resources. 

Column 5, Rare breeds: number of domestic breeds categorised by FAO as ‘Critical’ (probably fewer than 100 breeding females 
or five or fewer breeding males) or ‘Endangered’ (probably fewer than 1,000 breeding females or 20 or fewer breeding males); 
data from Loftus and Scherf (1993). 

Column 6, Wild progenitor: name and range of wild ancestor of domestic stock, data from Clutton-Brock (1981) and Mason 

Column 7, Distribution of genus: generalised range and content of the genus, data from Wilson and Reeder (1993). 

Column 8, No. species: number of species in genus, data from Wilson and Reeder (1993). 

Column 9, Status of wild relatives: status category, name and range of congeneric species regarded by IUCN as globally- 
threatened. Nomenclature mainly from Wilson and Reeder (1993); data on the status of wild relatives are based on assessments 

by the IUCN/SSC Specialist Groups, as in the 1994 IUCN Red List (Groombridge, ed. 1993). The status category is denoted by 
the letter on the left of each entry (see Notes to Table 2 above for definition of categories). 


Table 5. Domestic livestock 

The term "wild relatives” is here taken to refer to members of the same genus according to the taxonomy of Wilson and Reeder 

A distinction is sometimes made between ‘domestic’ and ‘domesticated’ animals; all aspects of breeding and food supply are 
under direct human control in the former (‘man-made animals’), but partially so in the latter (‘exploited captives’). It is difficult 
to make a clear distinction in practice. We have dealt with mammals only, and with a mixture of truly domestic stock (dogs, 
sheep) and others less closely controlled (alpaca, reindeer). We have not dealt with domestic species among other groups of 
animals (birds, insects) nor with the very wide range of non-domestic species used in ranching and farming systems. 

There is no universally accepted system for naming domestic stock. Some authorities give the earliest valid name, even if first 
applied to domestic stock, to the wild relatives of domestic stock; others prefer to retain separate names for domestic stock 
where such a name has been in common use, and apply the next available valid name to the wild species. In the first case (eg. 
Grubb, in Wilson and Reeder, 1993), Capra hircus Linn. 1758 would be applied to the wild goat and all domestic derivatives; 
in the latter case (eg. Clutton-Brock, 1981), that name would be restricted to domestic stock and Capra aegagrus Erxleben 1777 
applied to the wild goat of Eurasia. The second approach is adopted below. 



Table 5. Domestic livestock 

Family Use Notes on domestication 
See eee ee 
Canidae eee e nese eeeeee SESESESESESESRS EE ESE OREO EEESOEe 
Canis familiaris Companion, hunting, Domestication may have begun c 40,000 yrs ago; first evidence 12,000 BC in Middle 
Dog security, food, East; distinct kinds of dog evident by 5,000 BC. The Dingo is a feral domestic dog taken 
transport to Australia c 12,000 yrs ago. 
Felis catus Companion, pest Domestication perhaps linked to settled farming systems and need to limit rodent pests of 
Cat control stored grain. Evidence from 1,600 BC in Egypt. Present around Mediterranean by 500 BC, 
to India and China by 200 BC, Europe c 500 AD. Transported worldwide by colonists. 
Mustela furo Hunting Possibly domesticated by c 20 AD in S Europe. Used in Europe and N Africa; range similar 
Ferret to European Rabbit & probably developed as rabbit hunter. Introduced to New Zealand. 
Some feral island populations. 

Transport, draught 
Sire of mule (ass x 
horse hybrid) 

Equus asinus 
Ass or Donkey 

Equus caballus Transport, draught, 
Horse sport 
Dam of mule (ass x 
horse hybrid) 

Sus domesticus Meat 


Camelus bactrianus 
Bactrian Camel 

Draught, transport, 
meat, milk, wool, 

Probably domesticated in NE Africa; records from 4,000 BC in Egypt. The only domestic 
animal certainly of African origin. Widespread in Middle East by 100 BC. To Americas in 
16th C. Much more important than horse in Africa where present in N and W. Common in 
S and Central Asia; also present S Europe. Mostly for transport; specialised riding and pack 
breeds exist. Formerly milked, meat sometimes used. Feral asses widespread incl. Socotra, 
Galapagos, USA, Australia, Sahara etc. Numbers worldwide likely to decline, but because 
of hardiness and low cost will retain importance in less developed areas. 

First evidence of domestic horses c 3,500 BC in central Eurasia (Ukraine). Spread through 
Eurasia during Bronze and Iron Ages. Important early military use, to draw chariots and for 
riding, especially after invention of stirrups before 500 AD. Wild horses present with 
Amerindians in N America but extinct by 10,000 BC; domestic horses introduced by 
European colonists. Most horses occur in South America where numbers also highest in 
relation to humans; numbers high in N America and Asia. Specialised for draught or riding, 
but both uses in decline. Feral horses on all continents (except Antarctica) 

First evidence of domestic pigs by 7,000 BC in Anatolia; widespread in Eurasia, incl. 
Egypt, by 3,000 BC. Worldwide; nearly half the world’s pigs occur in non-Muslim Asia, 
mostly in China. Management varied: may free-range in woodland or be sty-fed. Pigs 
introduced to the Americas from Europe; few in Africa or Australia, NZ. Several feral 
herds. Large number of breeds. Commercial production now dominated by few lines. 
Production increasingly specialised, but still an important réle for local varieties in utilising 
household waste and wild foods. Pigs have a major cultural significance in parts of SE Asia 
and Melanesia. 

Fossil camels known from N America (where no extant camels) and Eurasia west to N 
Africa. Rock drawing in Mongolia of two-humped camel may be 10,000 yrs old. First 
evidence of domestication in Iran & Turkmenistan c 3,000 BC. Widespread in Central Asia 
by 1st millenium BC. Main transport on ‘Silk Route’ between Mesopotamia and China but 
replaced by Dromedary in west and south from 1st C BC. Restricted to Central Asia, incl. 

Camelus dromedarius 

Transport (draught, 
meat, milk, wool, 


Remains of Dromedary or similar species at Palaeolithic sites in N Africa c 80,000 yrs age. 
Wild camels apparently extinct in Africa by 3,000 BC but persisted in S Arabia, where 
perhaps first domesticated c 3,000 BC, until early Christian times. Domestic camel to Horn 
of Africa c 2,000 BC and Egypt c 1,000 BC. Reached present importance with rise and 
spread of Arab power from 7th C onward. Most camels in NE Africa and Afghanistan- 
Pakistan-India, where numbers rising; fewer and decreasing in Mid East. Primarily for 
transport; specialised pack and riding breeds exist. Introduced to Canaries and Australia 
(where feral herds). Ability to withstand long periods without drinking and use thorny 
browse key to human use of hot deserts. 

Table 5. Domestic livestock 


No. Status of wild relatives 

No. Rare Wild 
breeds breeds _ progenitor 

of genus 

>400 Canis lupus 
N America, Europe, Asia 


Wolves, jackals, Coyote 
N hemisphere, Africa, 
Australia (feral) 

C. rufus USA 
C. simensis Ethiopia 
C. lupus 

Felis silvestris 
Wild Cat 
Europe, Asia, Africa 

Desert, Jungle, Sand Cat etc 
Eur Africa, Asi 

5 K 2 spp. 
(plus 13 other spp formerly included in 
Felis K or | 

Mustela putorius Mustela 16 E M. felipei Colombia, Ecuador 
Polecat Weasels, mink, polecats etc E Mz. lutreola Europe 
Europe E M. nigripes USA 
M. eversmanni? Europe, Asia, Americas | M. africana 
Steppe polecat K 2spp. 
E Europe, Asia 
78 11 Equus africanus Equus 9 EE. africanus Ethiopia, Somalia 
African Wild Ass Zebras, asses, horses E &. grevyi Ethiopia, Kenya 
N Africa to Somalia VE. hemionus, China, India, Iran, 
Europe, Africa, Asia Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan 
VE. zebra, Angola, Namibia, S Africa 
357 81 Equus ferus Ex? Equus ferus 
Wild Horse Wild horses probably extinct in wild; 
formerly Americas, Europe, recently restricted (Przewalskii’s Horse) 
Asia to SW Mongolia and adjacent China 
where last seen 1966. Extinct in Europe 
(Tarpan) in 19th C, extinct in Americas 

263 53 Sus scrofa Sus 
Eurasian Wild Pig Warty pigs, Bearded Pig 
N Africa, Europe, Asia 
Europe, Asia 

Camelus bactrianus Camelus 
Bactrian Camel Camels 
SW Mongolia, NW China 

unknown in wild, presumed 
extinct Camelus species 

10 ES. cebifrons Philippines 
ES. salvanius \ndia, Bhutan?, Nepal? 
VS. verrucosus 

1 VC. bactrianus 
Presumed wild (possibly feral) 
populations only in China & Mongolia 



Title 5. Domestic livestock 



Notes on domestication 


_Camelidae continued 

Llama glama 

Llama pacos 


Gaia tarandus 
Reindeer or Caribou 

Transport, wool 
(coarse), meat, dung 

Wool (fine) 

Meat, milk, transport 

Domesticated by 4,000 BC in high altitude Andean pastures, possibly centred around Lake 
Titicaca basin of S Peru and W Bolivia. Alpaca textiles known from 500 BC. Domestic 
camelids spread to lower altitudes and along Andean chain by 2000 BC and reached 
greatest extent during Inca period; in decline since Spanish conquest in early 16th C and 
introduction of European stock. Remain important to Andean culture and for superior 
adaption to poor high altitude grazing. Pad feet may cause less pasture damage than hoofs 
of sheep. Two breeds of each species are recognised. Llamas and most alpacas held by 
small-scale pastoralists on communal grazing; some alpaca kept in large herds by 
cooperatives in Peru. Not milked. Alpaca wool has high commercial value. Llama flocks in 
USA and Europe 

Fossil evidence for use of reindeer from 80,000 yrs ago, domesticated before 500 BC. 
Management varies: riding or milk animals may be separated from herd and fed, or herds 
may roam widely and be gathered annually for marking or slaughter. Reindeer industry 
important in north Scandinavia, NW Russia and Siberian Russia, less so in N America. 
Reindeer exploitation key to settling the far north. Wild reindeer include four major types, 
all used in husbandry systems. Some potential for better use; numbers have been 
increasing but with local indications of overgrazing. Lichens, the main winter feed, very 
Inerable to atmospheric pollution. 


Bos taurus 
Humpless, mainly 
European cattle 

Bos indicus 
Humped, mainly 
Asian cattle (zebu) 

Meat, milk, transport, 
draught, dung, etc. 

Domestic longhorn cattle from c 6,000 BC at several Mid East sites, later in Nile region, 
circum-Mediterranean by 1,000 BC. First domesticated in S Europe or Anatolia-Mid East. 
Shorthorn breeds dominant from 3,000 BC. Humps, assumed result of artificial selection, 
at base of neck or over shoulder (zebu type). Zebu generally heat and parasite resistant, 
dominant in Asia and Africa (some longhorns persist eg. trypanosome resistant N’Dama in 
W Africa). Cattle were first draught farm animals, in Europe only specialised for meat or 
milk when replaced as power source by horse. Very high breed diversity, many now rare. 
British breeds to N America, Australia in 19th C, Iberian breeds earlier to S America. Cattle 
certain to continue as major farm animals for meat and milk. Much potential in tropics for 
development of local stock, eg zebu dairy breeds. Several feral herds. 

Bos frontalis 
Mithan or Gayal 

Ceremonial sacrifice, 

No firm evidence but probably of early origin. Restricted to Bhutan, hills in NE India 
bordering China and Myanmar, and Chittagong hills of Bangladesh. Typically higher 
elevation than cattle and lower than yak. Kept mainly by hill tribes, usually by men of high 
status, for use in ceremonial sacrifice, exchange, and trophy display. Not much used for 
draught or milk. Mithan generally forage freely in forest during day or for months, 
restrained at intervals, lack human control o 

Bos grunniens 

Bos javanicus 
Bali Cattle 

Milk, transport, meat 
Dam of ‘dzo’ (cattle x 
yak hybrid draught 

Draught, meat 

Possibly domesticated at same time as cattle, probably on Tibetan Plateau or the 
Himalaya. Most yak in W China, many in Mongolia, fewer in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, 
Bhutan, Afghanistan, India. Usually at 3,000-5,000 m alt. Variable size and pelage, usually 
smaller than wild yak. Yak tail in trade for centuries; white tips favoured for ease of 
dyeing. Yak can graze where other livestock cannot. Much medical or religious use in 
Tibet, where milk and butter most important; used as meat source in Mongolia. Hair used 
for rope, felt; skin for leather; dun 

Domestic cattle present in SE Asia c 3,500 BC. Banteng possibly domesticated in 
prehistory in SE Asia or Java. Now in many parts of Indonesia; small herds Malaysia, 
Philippines, Australia. Very uniform in type. Organised selction in 20th C: no entire males 
exported, no crossing with other cattle. Small size, highly fertile, little fat, uses poor 
pasture in hot humid conditions. Good draught animal for small fields and terraced slopes; 
much potential as meat or crossing stock. Feral herd in Cobourg Peninsula (Australia). 

Bubalus bubalis 
Water Buffalo 


Draught, milk 

Probably domesticated before 2,500 BC in Middle East. Wild ancestor occurred from 
Mesopotamia east to SE Asia; by the 19th C restricted to India and adjacent areas, where 
very local. Domestic buffalo reached SE Europe by 12th C where from 14th C much used 
in Muslim communities; later taken to the Americas and Australia, and Africa in 20th C. 
Breed development centred in India & Pakistan. Broadly divided into swamp buffalo in SE 
Asia, mainly for draught, and river buffalo in S Asia, mainly for milk. Do better than cattle 
on swamp and floodplain grazing. Much potential for development as meat producer. Milk 
rich in fat. Large feral herds in Au lia 

Table 5. Domestic livestock 


No. Rare Wild Distribution No. Status of wild relatives 
breeds breeds progenitor of genus Species 


2 Lama guanicoe ? Lama 1 L. guanicoe not threatened 
Guanaco Guanaco (2) 
S Peru, W Bolivia, NW 
Argentina mountains of central S 
2 unknown in wild, presumed The Vicufia, V. vicugna, of V_ Vicugna vicugna 
Lama sp. or Lama x Vicugna central montane S America 
hybrid sometimes included in Lama 

Rangifer tarandus Rangifer 1 R. tarandus not threatened as species; 
Reindeer, Caribou as for single species Peary Caribou A. t. pearyi (Canada) 

listed Endangered 

N America, N Eurasia 

783 112 Bos primigenius Bos 4 Ex 8. primigenius extinct, last recorded 
Wild Ox, Aurochs Wild Cattle in Poland c 1627; formerly throughout 
(extinct) Eurasia and N Africa. Much hunted in 
Asia, extinct in Europe Neolithic times; extinct during 1st 

millenium BC in Egypt, N Africa etc. 

E Bos sauveli Cambodia, Laos, Viet 

Bos gaurus V Bos gaurus 
S & SE Asia 
Bos mutus E Bos mutus 
China: N of Tibet plateau 
(Altun Shan, Qilian Shan) 
Bos javanicus V_ Bos javanicus 
SE Asia 
62 1 Bubalus arnee Bubalus 4 E Bubalus arnee 
Wild Water Buffalo Buffalo E 8B. depressicornis \ndonesia 
Bhutan, India, Nepal, E 8. mindorensis Philippines 
Thailand? S & SE Asia EB. quarlesi Indonesia 



Table 5. Domestic livestock 

Family Use Notes on domestication 


Capra hircus Meat, milk, hair Goats and sheep next to be domesticated after dog. Domestic by 7,000 BC in Middle East; 

Goat to Europe by mid Neolithic. Worldwide distribution. Great variety in form of horns and ears, 
hair colour, etc. Highest numbers in South Asia. Milk breeds developed in Switzerland have 
influenced many milk breeds worldwide. The Boer (South Africa) is major meat breed. Two 
fleece breeds: Angora (Turkey) and Cashmere (Central Asia). Very many feral populations, 
where often adverse impact on native biota. Much potential for further breed development, 
eg. for specialised tropical dairy animals. 

Ovis aries Meat, milk, wool Sheep & goats next to be domesticated after dog. Sheep in use in Mesolithic; evidence for 

Sheep domestication c 9,000 BC in Mid East; to N Africa (where no wild sheep) by 4,000 BC; to 
Americas in 16th C. Worldwide distribution; very important in Europe, Middle East, Central 
Asia. Coat of wild sheep has outer hairs over woolly inner coat; hairs lost during 
domestication to produce fine fleece breeds. Wool and milk often more important than 
meat. Wool trade basis of great wealth in mediaeval and early modern Europe. Very many 
breeds; some multi-purpose, others specialised for milk, fleece or meat. Sheep numbers in 
decline in some developed countries eg. USA, Australia, but elsewhere provide vital 
support to human life in marginal and rangeland environments. 


Cavia porcellus Meat, laboratory, One of few domestic animals of S American origin. Probably domesticated between 4,000- 

Guinea Pig companion 1,000 BC, but in use long before. Taken to Caribbean and Europe by mid 16th C. Some 
planned selective breeding during past 30 yrs. Potential for more development as meat 
source, especially in original Andean range, but broiler fowl increasingly used instead. 


Oryctolagus cuniculus Meat, fur, laboratory, Kept enclosed (in /eporaria) by Romans since 100 BC. Kept by mediaeval monks; newborn 

European Rabbit companion or unborn young were permissable food during Lent. Distributed worldwide by mariners; 

many feral populations. Some development of meat breeds since WWII; much potential as 
low-cost converter of surplus vegetation into meat. s 


Table 5. Domestic livestock 

No. Rare Wild Distribution No. Status of wild relatives 
breeds breeds progenitor of genus Species 

——_—_—"""AA2:.k.eX.. ii OO 

313 32 Capra aegagrus Capra 9 EC. falconeri Afghanistan, India, 
Wild Goat Goats, Markhor Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, 
SW Asia: Turkey east to Uzbekistan? 
Pakistan Eurasia, NE Africa EC. walia Ethiopia 

RC. caucasica, C. cylindricornis 
| C. nubiana 

863 101 Ovis orientalis Ovis 6 Ovis orientalis: 
Mouflon Sheep V_ 0. 0. ophion Cyprus Mouflon 
SW Asia: Turkey east to RO. o. musimon European Mouflon 
Iran; Mediterranean Eurasia, N America | O. 0. gmelini Armenian Mouflon 
populations (Corsica, K 2 remaining subspecies 
Sardinia, Cyprus) possibly 
feral primitive domestic Ovis ammon Central Asia: all subspecies 
stock threatened (4 E, 3 |) 

VO. canadensis, 3 subspecies 
V_ GC. nivicola, 1 subspecies 

O. vignei: all subspecies listed 
threatened (as O. orientalis subspp)(3 E, 

Cavia aperea widespread in Cavia 4 
S America, or Cavies (5) 
C. tschudii Peru, S Bolivia, 

NW Argentina, N Chile South America 

Oryctolagus cuniculus Oryctolagus 1 Oryctolagus one of 8 monospecific 
European Rabbit genera in the family, which contains 54 
W & S Europe to NW Africa original range probably Iberia, species in 11 genera. 
possibly NW Africa; now O. cuniculus is not listed threatened but 
introduced to most 15 other species are: 
continents & worldwide as E Bunolagus monticularis, Caprolagus 
domestic form hispidus, Lepus flavigularis, Nesolagus 

netscheri, Pentalagus furnessi, 
Romerolagus diazi, Sylvilagus graysoni, 
S. insonus 

V Brachylagus idahoensis 

R_ Lepus insularis 

also 2 species I, 3 K 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Oceans cover 71% of the world’s surface. They hold a significant proportion of living biomass and play 
an ill-understood though evidently vital part in regulating climate. Much remains to be discovered about 
the diversity of life in the seas. It is well known that diversity at the highest taxonomic levels (Phyla) 
is much greater in the sea than on land or in freshwater, but is has generally been assumed that species 
diversity is much lower than on land. Recent work, discussed in more detail in G/oba/ Biodiversity 
(WCMC, 1992), indicates that this may not be the case: studies of some marine environments, 
particularly bottom sediments, show extremely high levels of invertebrate species diversity, the great 
majority comprising previously unknown species. 

The seas provide many biological resources used by humans. In the form of marine fisheries they 
provide by far the most important source of wild protein, a source which is of particular importance 
to many subsistence communities around the world and which makes use of a wide range of animal 
species, notably fishes, molluscs and crustaceans. Marine algae are also an increasingly important 
foodstuff, notably in the Far East, with current annual world production of around two million tonnes. 
Marine organisms are also proving extremely fruitful sources of pharmaceuticals and other materials 
used in medicines. More minor although locally important uses include exploitation of coastal resources 
for building materials (eg. coral limestone and mangrove poles and timber) and other industrial products 
(eg. tannins from mangroves). 

Traditionally, all marine resources outside territorial waters (usually up to 12 nautical miles from shore) 
were considered ‘open-access’ resources. This covered most of the world’s oceans and virtually all 
deep-sea areas. These resources were theoretically highly susceptible to overexploitation, although, 
with a few exceptions (eg. whales), harvesting technologies until relatively recently were not 
sufficiently sophisticated to pose a serious threat. In the past few decades this has changed 
dramatically and many open-ocean resources have been gravely depleted leading to the collapse of a 
number of fisheries, sometimes bringing individuals and nations into conflict. With the introduction of 
the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) under the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea 
(UNCLOS), which allows nations control over resources (including living resources) in an area up to 200 
nautical miles offshore, a far greater proportion of the world’s seas now come within the control of 
individual nations. This should theoretically allow better management of resources in these areas, 
although this generally has yet to materialise. 

Access to marine resources is not equitably distributed amongst the world’s nations. Most obviously, 
some 39 states are landlocked, ie. have no seaboard (although three of these have seaboards on the 
Caspian, which is functionally a sea). Those that do have seaboards show great variation in length of 
coastline, and area of territorial waters and EEZs, both absolutely and relative to their land areas. They 
also show great variation in their capacities to exploit marine resources, both on the high seas and 
within their territorial waters and EEZs. 


This table integrates several kinds of data relating to marine biodiversity, fishery production and protection systems. 


* An asterisk against any figure indicates that an explanatory note is given below. 
Indicates lack of data. 

= In column 3 (EEZ) indicates that an EEZ has not been formally declared, the adjacent figure is the marine area 
potentially subject to EEZ declaration. 

F FAO estimate of catch (where reported data incomplete or missing). 

# In column 6 (seagrass) indicates that pasture-forming species are present. 

(S) In column 15 (marine international conventions) indicates that the state is a signatory of the convention or agreement 

cited but has not ratified, absence of this annotation indicates: that the state is a full party to the convention cited. 

Note that further keys to abbreviated names are given in the column notes below. 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Column 2, Coastline: Data from Table 22.6 in World Resources Institute (1994). A coastline does not have a finite length and 
the magnitude of any estimate of its length will depend heavily on the scale and projection of the map from which it is derived. 
Many island groups are represented by estimates for major islands only; as noted below. Yugoslavia: former Federal Republic 
of Yugoslavia. Cook Islands: Rarotonga only. Federated States of Micronesia: Babeldaob & Yap only. French Polynesia: Huahine, 
Lifou, Maré, Moorea, Raiatea, Tahaa, Tahuata & Tahiti only. Tonga: Niuafo’ou, Tongatapu & Vava’u only. Vanuatu: Ambae, 
Ambrym, Aneityum, Efate, Epi, Erromango, Espiritu Santo, Hiu, Maewo, Malakula, Pentecost, Santa Maria, Tanna & Vanua Lava. 
Wallis & Futuna: Uvea & Futuna only. British Virgin Is: Tortola Island. Netherlands Antilles: Bonaire & Curacao. St Vincent & the 
Grenadines: Saint Vincent. Turks & Caicos Is: North Caicos. USA: coastline includes Hawaii. St Helena: data in parentheses for 
Tristan da Cunha & Gough. UK subantarctic Is: East Falkland only. French subantarctic Is: Amsterdam & Possession. 

Column 3, EEZ: The figures indicate the approximate extent of the marine area of nations (together with their territories and 
dependencies). The marine area extends to a potential maximum of 200 nautical miles from the coast, but will be set at less than 
200 nm where agreement has been reached over the intersection of marine areas of adjacent states. Data from Fenwick (1992). 
Germany: marine area as for former Federal Republic. Yugoslavia: EEZ for the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Yemen: 
upper figure for former North Yemen, lower figure for South Yemen; national maritime legislation and claims not yet unified. 
Eritrea: marine area of former Ethiopia; following the secession of Eritrea, Ethiopia has no coastline although a July 1993 
agreement gives the latter access to ports. 

Column 4, Fisheries: Data from FAO (1991). FAO Fishery Statistics Yearbook: catches and landings 1991. Vol. 72. USA: Hawaii 
is included in both figures. Eritrea: data for the former Ethiopia. 

Column 5, Mangroves: This column is an attempt to collate data estimating the area of mangrove vegetation. In several cases 
more than one estimate is provided in order to reflect existing uncertainties. Where two figures are given the upper, unless 
otherwise specified, is from Fisher & Spalding (1993). Indonesia: figure in parentheses from Soemodihardjo (1986). Malaysia: 
upper figure: Chan et a/. 1993; lower figure: Fisher & Spalding 1993. Pakistan: lower figure, Fisher & Spalding (1993) based 
on LANDSAT images quoted in UNESCO (1992); upper figure, Ansari (1986). Philippines: lower figure, Technical Staff, Philippine 
National Mangrove Committee (1986). Singapore: lower figure, Corlett (1986); upper figure, Ming (1990). Sri Lanka: figure from 
Legg in /itt.; data are based on analysis of satellite imagery as of early 1992. An additional 500-700 ha in stands <20 m wide 
may also exist. FAO (1981) give 120,000 ha. Jayewardene (1986) gives c 4000 ha. Thailand: upper figure, Klankamsorn & 
Charuppat (1982); lower figure, Aksornkoae (1993). Fiji: Watling (1985). Northern Marianas: Dahl (1980). Vanuatu: David 
(1986). Anguilla: Bacon (1993b). Antigua and Barbuda: upper figure, Putney (1982); lower figure, Bacon (1993a). Bahamas: 
lower figure Bacon (1993b). Belize: upper figure, Gray et a/. (1990); lower figure, Saenger et a/. (1983). Cayman Islands: lower 
figure, Bacon (1993b). Cuba: lower figure, Padron (1992). Dominica: Bacon 1993a. Dominican Republic: lower figure, Saenger 
et al. (1983). El Salvador: upper figure, Saenger et a/. (1983); lower figure, Jimenez (1992). Grenada: Bacon (1993a) (49 ha 
for Grenada, 67 for Grenada Grenadines). Bacon (1993b) 149 ha for Grenada. One of these figures is clearly a typographical 
error. Guadeloupe: upper figure, Saenger et a/. (1983); lower figure, Fisher & Spalding (1993). Honduras: upper figure, Jimenez 
(1992); lower figure, Fisher & Spalding (1993). Jamaica: upper figure, Fisher & Spalding (1993), believed questionable; lower 
figure, Bacon (1993). Martinique: lower figure, Saenger et a/. (1983). Mexico: lower figure, Yafez-Arancibia et a/. (1993). 
Monserrat: Bacon (1993a). Panama: lower figure, D’Croz (1993). Snedaker (pers. comm., Fisher & Spalding) notes other 
estimates vary from 33,700 ha to 505,600 ha. St Kitts-Nevis: lower figure, Fisher & Spalding (1993); upper figure, Bacon 
(1993a). St Lucia: upper figure, CCA/IRF (1988); lower figure, Bacon (1993a). St Vincent and the Grenadines: Bacon (1993a). 
Turks and Caicos Is: Bacon (1993b). Trinidad and Tobago: lower figure, Bacon (1993b). Snedaker (/b/d.) notes other estimates 
range from 5000 ha to 11,000 ha. USA (excluding Hawaii) lower figure, Odum et a/. (1982). Virgin Islands (British): Bacon 
(1993b). Brazil: upper figure, Herz (1991); lower figure: Saenger et a/. (1983). Colombia: lower figure, Alvarez-Leén (1993). 
Ecuador: lower figure, MAG (1991). French Guiana: lower figure, FAO (1981); upper figure, Anon. (1979). Guyana: upper figure, 
Saenger et a/. (1983); lower figure: Fisher & Spalding (1993). Peru: lower figure, Echevarria & Sarabia (1993). Venezuela: lower 
figure, MARNR (1986). Snedaker (/bid.) notes that FAO/PNUMA give an estimate of 260,000 ha but this is believed to seflect 
only the larger areas of potentially commercial forest. Mauritania: Gowthorpe & Lamarche (1993). Nigeria: lower figure, FAO 
(1981), taken to represent the extent of closed-canopy mangrove. Sierra Leone: upper figure, from Johnson & Johnson (1993); 
lower figure, Snedaker (/bid.). Kenya: upper figure, NBU (1992); lower figure, Ruwa (1993). 

Column 6, Seagrass: Information on seagrasses is sparse and incompletely collated at the global level, however, seagrass 
habitats are of considerable importance as a basis for fishery production, as a food source for certain threatened animals (eg. 
Green Turtle, Dugong), and for coastal stabilisation. The data in this column are primarily derived from the standard taxonomic 
monograph on seagrasses (Den Hartog, 1970; and see Phillips and Mefiez, 1988) and relate to distribution records for specimens 
of species recognised by Den Hartog. If in italics, a number in this column is the number of species present according to 
UNEP/IUCN (1988). A # sign indicates that seagrass vegetation is present in the form of pastures. It must be emphasised that 
data in this column are known to be incomplete: although species richness for eg. Australia or Japan is likely to be fairly 
represented, comprehensive data on the seagrass flora and vegetation of small island states are not readily available. Cook 
Islands: UNEP\IUCN (1988) notes that seagrass vegetation is absent from the Cook Islands. It is unclear if this means that no 
species of seagrass are present. Tonga: Dahl (1980) notes beds of Ha/odule uninervis and Syringodium isoetifolium. Western 
Samoa: Dahl (1980) notes Ha/ophila and Syringodiumnear Namu’‘a Island. Dominica: beds mainly of Syringodium with occasional 
Thalassia. Dominican Republic: Thalassia and Syringodium. St Vincent and the Grenadines: Thalassia and Syringodium. 

Column 7, Coral Reefs: This column includes an edited version of information collated for WCMC (1992) by Caroline Harcourt, 
mainly derived from UNEP/IUCN (1988). The world distribution of coral reefs is shown in Figure 4. 



Column 8, Inshore marine fishes: This column includes sample estimates of the number of fishes recorded in inshore marine 
waters; where coral reefs are present, a high proportion of these fishes are coral reef species. Data mainly from WCMC (1994), 
collated from two main sources: a draft version of FISHBASE, a database being developed by the International Center for Living 
Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United 
Nations and the Commission of the European Communities; and also from the |UCN/SSC Coral Reef Fish Specialist Group, with 
J. Hawkins, Ocean Voice International at the University of the Virgin Islands. Guam: coral reef species only. New Caledonia: coral 
reef species only. Ecuador: species estimate in parentheses is for the Gal4pagos Islands. UK subantarctic islands: South Georgia 
only: benthic species (10 of which are endemic; Oldfield, 1987). Kiribati: fish species at Onotona Atoll, no country total is 

Column 9, Marine turtles: This column indicates which species of sea turtles nest in each country; non-nesting records are not 
included. Data from multiple sources, including Bjorndal, K. (ed) (1982), Dodd (1988), Groombridge and Luxmoore (1989), 
Marquez, (1990). St Helena: C. mydas nests at Ascension only. 

C. caretta Caretta caretta, Loggerhead 

C. mydas Chelonia mydas, Green Turtle 

D. coriacea Dermochelys coriacea, Leatherback 

E. imbricata Eretmochelys imbricata, Hawksbill Turtle 
L. kempii Lepidochelys kempii, Kemp's Ridley 

L. olivacea Lepidochelys olivacea, Olive Ridley 

N. depressus Natator depressus, Flatback 

Column 10, Inshore cetacea: This column indicates which inshore whales and dolphins are known or suspected to occur 
regularly in each country. "Inshore" species here comprise those which have very few pelagic records, or are unknown away 
from coastal waters. Data from a variety of sources, as collated in Groombridge (1993). 

A. dioptrica Australophocaena dioptrica, Spectacled Porpoise 

C. commersonii | Cephalorhynchus commersonii, Commerson’s Dolphin 

C. eutropia Cephalorhynchus eutropia, Black Dolphin 

C. heavisidii Cephalorhynchus heavisidii, Heaviside’s Dolphin 

C. hectori Cephalorhynchus hectori, White Headed Dolphin, Hectors Dolphin 
D. leucas Delphinapterus leucas, White Whale, Beluga 

L. australis Lagenorhynchus australis, Peale’s Dolphin 

L. obscurus Lagenorhynchus obscurus, Dusky Dolphin 

Monodon monoceros, Narwal 
Neophocaena phocaenoides, Finless Porpoise 
Orcaella brevirostris, \rrawaddy Dolphin 

M. monoceros 
N. phocaenoides 
O. brevirostris 

P. dalli Phocoenoides dalli, Dall’s Porpoise 
P. phocoena Phocoena phocoena, Common Porpoise, Harbour Porpoise 
P. sinus Phocoena sinus, Vaquita 

Phocoena spinipinnis, Burmeister’s Porpoise 

Sousa chinensis, \ndo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin 
Sotalia fluviatilis, Tucuxi 

Sousa teuzii, Atlantic Hump-backed Dolphin 

P. spinipinnis 
S. chinensis 
S. fluviatilis 

S. teuzii 

Column 11, Other marine mammals: This column includes otters, seals and sea lions, and sirenians restricted to coastal habitats. 
Of the three manatees, 7richecus inunguis appears restricted to freshwaters in Amazonia and is excluded from this list. Data 
mainly from Foster-Turley et a/. (1990), Reijnders et a/. (1993), Ridgway and Harrison (1981). Monachus monachus: Italy, 
Sardinia; Portugal, Madeira only; Spain, Chafarinas Islands only. St Helena: A. tropicalis, M. leonina found on the Tristan da 
Cunha group only. USA: Hawaii & central Pacific depend. Monachus schuins/andi present in Hawaii group only. Otariidae, 
Odobenidae, Phocidae: species are listed for the countries in which breeding populations are known except for species 
associated with arctic and antarctic pack ice, and Phoca caspica, which breeds on ice in the northern Caspian but occurs mainly 
in the southern Caspian during summer. 

E. lutris Enhydra lutris, Sea Otter 

L. felina Lutra felina, Marine Otter 

A. australis Arctocephalus australis, South American Fur Seal 
A. forsteri Arctocephalus forsteri, New Zealand Fur Seal 

A. galapagoensis Arctocephalus galapagoensis, Galapagos Fur Seal 
A. gazella Arctocephalus gazella, Antarctic Fur Seal 

A. philipii Arctocephalus philipii, Juan Fernandez Fur Seal 
A. pusillus Arctocephalus pusillus, South African Fur Seal, Australian Fur Seal 
A. townsendi Arctocephalus townsendi, Guadalupe Fur Seal 

A. tropicalis Arctocephalus tropicalis, Subantarctic Fur Seal 

C. cristata Cystophora cristata, Hooded Seal 

C. ursinus Callorhinus ursinus, Northern Fur Seal 

E. barbatus Erignatus barbatus, Bearded Seal 

E. jubatus Eumetopias jubatus, Steller’s Sea Lion 

H. grypus Halichoerus grypus, Grey Seal 

H. leptonyx Hydrurga leptonyx, Leopard Seal 


L. weddellii 

L. carcinophagus 
M. angustirostris 
M. leonina 

M. monachus 

M. schauinslandi 
N. cinerea 

O. byronia 

O. rosmarus 

O. rossii 

P. caspica 

P. fasciata 

P. groenlandica 
P. hispida 

P. hookeri 

P. largha 

P. vitulina 

Z. californianus 

U. maritimus 
D. dugon 

T. manatus 
T. senegalensis 

Table 6. Marine resources 

Leptonychotes weddellii, Weddell Seal 

Lobodon carcinophagus, Crabeater Seal 
Mirounga angustirostris, Northern Elephant Seal 
Mirounga leonina, Southern Elephant Seal 
Monachus monachus, Mediterranean Monk Seal 
Monachus schauinslandi, Hawaiian Monk Seal 
Neophoca cinerea, Australian Sea Lion 

Otaria byronia, Southern Sea Lion 

Odobenus rosmarus, Walrus 

Ommatophoca rossii, Ross Seal 

Phoca caspica, Caspian Seal 

Phoca fasciata, Ribbon Seal 

Phoca groenlandica, Harp Seal 

Phoca hispida, Ringed Seal 

Phocarctos hookeri, Hooker's Sea Lion 

Phoca largha, Larga Seal 

Phoca vitulina, Harbour Seal 

Zalophus californianus, Californian Sea Lion 

Ursus maritimus, Polar Bear 
Dugong dugon, Dugong 

Trichechus manatus, Caribbean Manatee 
Trichecus senegalensis, West African Manatee 

Column 12, PA N°; Column 13, PA total area: Number of coastal and marine protected areas. Source WCMC Protected Areas 
Database, 9 August 1994. Norway: second estimates for protected area number and size are those for Svalbard and Jan Mayen. 
Eritrea: data for pre-secession Ethiopia coast. 

Column 14, Oc. Inst: This column provides an indication of the number of institutions working exclusively on, or having clear 
emphasis on, oceanographic issues and marine biodiversity research. No attempt is made to include all organisations having a 
major impact on the marine environment (eg. in the field of coastal engineering and planning), and the data are certainly not 
globally comprehensive. Data from Bartz eta/., (1992), Chua et a/. (1989), Morcos and El-Sayed (1990), and UNEP/FAO, (1985). 

Column 15, Conventions: This column indicates which countries have signed or are party to a number of major international 
conventions that are entirely marine in focus (eg. UNCLOS), or have a major marine component (eg. Convention on the 
Conservation of Migratory Species). Although the IWC is included, lack of space prevented inclusion of the large number of 
agreements covering finfish. Based on information in WCMC (1992), mainly as provided by the IUCN Environmental Law Centre, 
Bonn. We much appreciate the assistance of the following in providing more current information: Anholt Habr, P. (Editorial 
Assistant, Treaty Section, United Nations). Hunter, V. (International Whaling Commission), September 1994. Moutou, B. (Legal 
Counsel, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme). Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory 
Species of Wild Animals (CMS), Bonn, Germany 


UNCLOS: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. States Party to UNCLOS are shown graphically in Figure 4. This 
Convention entered into force on 16 November 1994. NB: the map shows the former Yugoslavia. 

Liv. Res. High Seas: Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas. 

High Seas: Convention on the High Seas. 

CMS: Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. 

CCAMLR: The Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. 

Mediterranean: Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution. 

Persian Gulf: Kuwait Regional Convention for Cooperation on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution. 

W & Cent. Africa: Convention for the Cooperation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment 
of the West and Central African Region. 

SE Pacific: Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas of the South-East Pacific. 

Red Sea: Regional Convention for the Conservation of the Red Sea and of the Gulf of Aden Environment. 

Caribbean: Convention for the Protection and Development of the Wider Caribbean Region. 

E. Africa: Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern 
African Region. 

SPREP: Convention for the Protection of the Natural Resources and Environment of the South Pacific Region. 

IWC: International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (1,000 Fisheries grass 
(km) km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 


Albania 418 = 12 F 6.6 Not present - Not present 

Belgium 64 = 3 39.4 Not present 1 Not present 

Bosnia and Herzegovina c 20 - - Not present - Not present 

Bulgaria 354 33 F 41.4 Not present - Not present 

Croatia - - - Not present ? ~+Not present 

Denmark 3,379 = 1,464 1,756.6 Not present 2 ~=Not present 

Estonia 1,393 - - Not present - Not present 

Finland 1,126 = 98 75.5 Not present 1 Not present 

France 3,427 7,201 766.8 Not present #4 = ~=Not present 

Germany 2,389 * = 41 253.4 Not present 2 ~=Not present 

Gibraltar - see UK 0 Not present - Not present 

Greece 13,676 = 505 F 138.9 Not present #4 ~=Not present 

Iceland 4,988 867 1,050.7 Not present 1 Not present 

Ireland 1,448 = 380 F 239.9 Not present - Not present 

Italy 4,996 = 552 491.5 Not present #4 = ~=Not present 
90% : 

Latvia 531 - - Not present - Not present 

Lithuania 108 - - Not present - Not present 

Malta 140 = 1,277 0.7 Not present - Not present 

Monaco ‘ - = 1 - Not present - Not present 

Netherlands 451 = 168 439.0 Not present 2 Not present 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 

- - - M. monachus? 9 240 - High Seas, Mediterranean 

oe P. phocoena P. vitulina - - - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
588s, CMS, CCAMLR 

> eS - - - - - UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
High Seas. 

2 P. phocoena 2 15 1 UNCLOS (S), High Seas 

Asseenseeeeessesessnesssmssssscnssessuscesuussssscesemasssssssueessensnnssnees: aeneensenenmsneeeens: aaseceeaesearaseeseesses: oasssmeesssssesseese seseanevensssacssosesas seensssnssssssemses saaneescscnnessssscsnenssssens: sesesasacanssenssnevees ee 

a - - 19 
- - P. phocoena H. grypus 39 2,800 - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
P. vitulina Seas, High S CMS, IWC 

at r= - H. grypus 5 530 aye 
P. hispida : 
- P. phocoena H. grypus 7) 26 - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
la hispida Seas, High Seas, CMS, IWC 
-  - P. phocoena H. grypus 114 10,000 1 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
P. vitulina Seas, High Seas (S), CMS, 
CCAMLR, Mediterranean, 
Caribbean, E. Africa, SPREP, 
- - P. phocoena H. grypus 38 6,700 2 High Seas, CMS, CCAMLR, IWC 
P. vitulina 

= = - - 1 0.4 = 2 

-  C. caretta - M. monachus 14 1,300 - _UNCLOS (S), CMS, CCAMLR, 
- M. monoceros H. grypus 8 5,000 - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
P. phocoena _P vitulina Seas (S), High Seas (S) 

ssenensaeesecununcessessmessensssuceusesssusnensssstmescasescssuannnssesennans) annnauacaemensssssnanennssennnnserenaesnsesenessmonnssusasssssmsssnussanesnnessnsasse naaneenensesenes a eeeessaneneessussesansnessssesnaneisassasensnee anssesesenene 

2S P. phocoena H. grypus 9 72 - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
P. vitulina Seas (S), High Seas (S), CMS, 

- C. caretta? - M. monachus 61 2,800 1 UNCLOS (S), High Seas, CMS, 
CCAMLR, Mediterranean 
- - - H. grypus 1 150 - High Seas 
P. hispida 

Eve eS = H. grypus S 

118 - - - 1 0.1 - UNCLOS, Mediterranean 

= ey P. phocoena - 2 1.0 1 UNCLOS (S), CMS, 
Mediterranean, IWC 

= =< P. phocoena H. grypus 12 2,100 4 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
P. vitulina Seas, High Seas, CMS, 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (1,000 Fisheries grass 
(km) km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 

EUROPE continued 


Norway 5,832 2,025 2,095.4 Not present 1 Not present 

322.8 Not present 2 Not present 

Romania 225 32 84.4 Not present 2 Not present 
Slovenia - - : 

Spain 4,964 1,219 1,320.9 Not present #3 = ~=Not present 
F 98% 

Sweden 3,218 = 155 239.5 Not present #2 + ~=Not present 

United Kingdom 12,429 = 1,785 803.9 Not present 2 ~=Not present 

former Yugoslavia * 3,935 * = 53 23.6 Not present #3 = ~=Not present 

ee ————e—e—e—E—EE— EEE 
Azerbaijan - ? - Not present - Not present 
Bahrain 161 <8 7.6 - #3 ~=- The only significant reefs are Fasht 
100% Adhm off the north-east coast and 
Fasht al Jarim in the north. 
Bangladesh 580 77 258.9 4,100 - Not present 

BIOT - see UK 0 - #1 ~~‘ The territory comprises five atolls 
and two areas of raised reef 
covering c 21,000km? of shallow 
water; Great Chagos Bank may be 
the world’s largest atoll. 

Brunei 161 * 24 1.6 70 - There is negligible reef formation. 

Cambodia 443 56 36.4 100 1 Reefs may occur around some 
33% coastal islands. 


Table 6. Marine resources 

—__eeeee er ee 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 

—_—_——_—_—___—————————————— ee ee 

i re D. leucas H. grypus 14 590 - UNCLOS (S), CMS, CCAMLR, 
M. monoceros P. vitulina we 
P. phocoena P. hispida *5 *35,000 
C. cristata 
£. barbatus 
U. maritimus 
aie P. phocoena H. grypus 6 730 2 UNCLOS (S), High Seas, 
- P. phocoena M. monachus 20 1,600 4 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 

Seas, High Seas, CMS — 

ae P. phocoena - 
gman - - 1 ? - High Seas 
- P. phocoena M. monachus 38 1,100 3  UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
Seas, High Seas, CMS, 
CCAMLR, Mediterranean, Iwc 
ete P. phocoena H. grypus 45 1,600 1 UNCLOS (S), CMS, CCAMLR, 
P. vitulina Iwc 
P. hispida 
- + P. phocoena - 4 1,800 - UNCLOS (S), High Seas 
- + P. phocoena H. grypus 96 12,000 2 Liv. Res. High Seas, High Seas, 
P. vitulina CMS, CCAMLR, Caribbean, 
Tee - M. monachus? 16 120 - UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
High Seas, Mediterranean 

133 - S. chinensis D. dugon 1 0.5 1. UNCLOS, Persian Gulf 
N. phocaenoides 
- C. mydas O. brevirostris D. dugon 6 460 - UNCLOS (S) 
E. imbricata S. chinensis 
L. olivacea N. phocaenoides re Anne anne eeeeeeneneneenneen 
702 = C. mydas - - = = or 

E. imbricata 

oo O. brevirostris D. dugon 5 170 2 UNCLOS (S) 
S. chinensis 
- CC. mydas O. brevirostris D. dugon - - - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
E. imbricata S. chinensis Seas, High Seas 
N. phocaenoides 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (1,000 Fisheries grass 
(km) km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
ASIA continued 
China 14,500 * 964 7,606.8 200 #9 = There is patchy coral growth on the 
58% mainland. Reefs principally found 

around the offshore islands and 
archipelagos in the Nan Hai; the 
most important area being Xisha 
Qundao. South Hainan has fringing 

Cyprus 648 * 99 2.6 Not present #2 = ~=Not present 
Georgia 310 ‘2 - Not present - Not present 
Hong Kong 733 see UK 225.0 Present, no area data. 1. ‘There are no true reefs. 
India 12,700 2,015 2,336.1 3,565 #10 ~— Reefs, mainly fringing, are present in 
58% a few scattered places: the Gulf of 
Kutch in the north-west; off the 
southern coast; and around a few 
small islands opposite Sri Linka. 
Indonesia 54,716 5,409 2,380.0 42,510 #11 14,000 islands have reefs, with the 
75% (42,543) most prolific development in the 
east of the country. Fringing, patch 
and barrier reefs are found; there are 
few atolls. 
Iran 3,180 * 156 195.0 237 #2 Substantial reefs surround some 
70% islands along the easternmost 
stretch of the Gulf coast. Reefs are 
also found around the bays of Chah 
Bahar and Pazm in the Gulf of 
Iraq 58 ad FE 3:0 ? ore 
Israel 273 * 23 3.4 ? 2 Most of the short coastline on the 
16% Gulf of Aqaba has either fringing 
reef or large offshore coral knolls. 
Japan 13,685 * 3,861 9,102.9 4 #11 + ~Reefs of Okinawa Prefecture cover c 
98% 800km?; coral assemblages further 
north cover c 60km?. 
Jordan 27 aed 2.0 ? # A fringing reef runs discontinuously 
9% along 13km of coast. 

Kazakhstan 2,909 * - Not present - Not present 
Korea DPR 2,495 130 1,600.1 - - 
F 94% 
Korea Republic 2,413 * 348 2,484.9 - i aoe 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine turtles inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine mammals N° area (km?) Inst 
- CC. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 39 9,200 - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
N. phocaenoides Seas, High Seas, IWC 

P. phocoena 

96 C. caretta - M. monachus? 9 100 - UNCLOS, High Seas, 
C. mydas Medi 

- - P. phocoena - 1 38 - 
150 - S. chinensis - 15 280 Ey ye 

N. phocaenoides 

-  C. caretta O. brevirostris D. dugon 112 4,000 5 UNCLOS (S), CMS, CCAMLR, 
C. mydas S. chinensis Iwe 
E. imbricata N. phocaenoides 
L. olivacea 

D. coriacea 

- C. caretta O. brevirostris D. dugon 92 94,000 17. UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas 
C. mydas S. chinensis (S), High Seas 
E. imbricata N. phocaenoides 

L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

-  C. mydas S. chinensis P. caspica 7 6,800 - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
E. imbricata N. phocaenoides Seas (S), High Seas (S), Persian 
D. dugon Gulf 

=i ys D. dugon - - 2  UNCLOS, Persian Gulf 
- C. caretta S. chinensis D. dugon 19 65 1 Liv. Res. High Seas (S), High 
C. mydas? Seas, CMS, Mediterranean 
- C. caretta N. phocaenoides C. ursinus 86 12,000 5 UNCLOS (S), High Seas, 
C. mydas P. phocoena P. vitulina CCAMLR, IWC 
E. imbricata P. dalli P. hispida 
P. fasciata 
E. barbatus 
oS - D. dugon - - 1 Red Sea 
20 - P. caspica 1 180 - - 
Goa N. phocaenoides - - - - UNCLOS (S) 

P. phocoena 

=. N. phocaenoides - 5 3,400 - UNCLOS (S), CCAMLR, IWC 
P. phocoena 
P. dalli 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (1,000 Fisheries grass 
{km) km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
ASIA continued 
Kuwait 499 #12 1.9 ? - Thre is less than 4km? of reef, 
100% mostly around offshore coral cays. 
Lebanon 225 * 23 ‘ae! - -- 
Malaysia 4,675 476 605.5 6,300 #7 ~—«‘ Typically, shallow fringing reefs and 
98% 6,412 isolated coral patches occur on the 
east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, 
including all offshore islands. There 
are fewer off the west coast. 
Islands off the west coast of Sabah 
have fringing reefs and Sarawak has 
some offshore coral communities. 
Maldives 644 959 80.7 Present, no area data #2 =~ The 1300 islands all form parts of 
100% atolls and other coralline structures, 
and are surrounded by extensive 
Myanmar 3,060 510 594.1 5,175 2 ‘Reefs are present around offshore 
77% islands, particularly the Mergui 
Archipelago. There are none known 
along the mainland coast. 
Oman 2,092 562 117.8 20 - Major coral growth is restricted to 
100% four areas: the Musandam Peninsula 
in the Gulf; the Masqat area in the 
Gulf of Oman; west of Jazirat 
Masirah; and around the islands of 
Zufar and Kuria Muria in the Arabian 
Pakistan 1,046 319 399.6 2,617 - Coral communities may be present 
78% 2,830 but few data are available. 
Philippines 22,540 1,891 1,699.4 2,321 #9 = An estimated 27,000km? of coral 
74% 4,000 reefs or coral communities are found 
throughout the archipelago, with the 
largest concentration in the south- 
Qatar 563 * 24 8.1 5 #1 ~~‘ There is extensive coral growth on 
100% the northern and eastern coasts. 
Russia 37,653 * - Not present 3 Not present 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine turtles Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine mammals N° area (km?) Inst 
100 C. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 3 260 3  UNCLOS, Persian Gulf 
E. imbricata ? N. phocaenoides 
- - - - - 1 _UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
Seas (S), High Seas (S), 
- CC. mydas O. brevirostris D. dugon 101 7,900 5 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
E. imbricata S. chinensis Seas, High Seas 
L. olivacea N. phocaenoides 

D. coriacea 

356 C. mydas - - - - - UNCLOS (S) 
E. imbricata 

- CC. mydas O. brevirostris D. dugon 3 280 - UNCLOS (S) 
E. imbricata S. chinensis 
L. olivacea N. phocaenoides 

- C. caretta S. chinensis D. dugon 19 7,200 2  UNCLOS, Persian Gulf, IWC 
C. mydas N. phocaenoides 

E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 

- CC. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 3 350 - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
L. olivacea N. phocaenoides Seas (S), High Seas (S), CMS 
c 2000 C. mydas O. brevirostris D. dugon 79 8,300 7  UNCLOS, CMS 
E. imbricata S. chinensis 

N. phocaenoides 

- CC. mydas? S. chinensis - - - 3. UNCLOS (S), Persian Gulf 
E. imbricata N. phocaenoide. 

Fa D. leucas E. lutris 11 29,000 1 UNCLOS (S), High Seas, IWC 
M. monoceros 
P. phocoena E. jubatus 
P. dalli C. ursinus 
O. rosmarus 
H. grypus 
P. vitulina 
P. largha 
P. hispida 
P. caspica 
P. groenlandica 
P. fasciata 
—. barbatus 

U. maritimus 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (1,000 Fisheries grass 
(km) km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
ASIA continued 
Saudi Arabia 2,510 * 186 41.3 204 #6 = There are extensive fringing reefs 
95% along the Red Sea Coast and 
hundreds of patch reefs off the Gulf 
Singapore 193 eal 13.0 5 #9 ~~ -Fringing reefs occur around islands 
99% 6 to the south; only small coral 
communities are found off the 
Sri Lanka 1,340 516 174.2 88 #6 = +There are few purely coralline reefs, 
88% but extensive areas of coral are 

found around the coast, mainly 
close to shore and mostly in the 

Syria 193 * 10 
Taiwan - 536 - 2 #2 Corals are present in all the waters 

around Taiwan except the sandy 
west coast. Main reef development 
is in the south and as fringing reefs 
around some offshore islands. 

Thailand 3,219 325 2,795.2 1,964 #4 ~=—- There are few reefs off the mainland 
91% 2,687 coast; they are better developed 

around offshore islands, particularly 
along the west coast in the 

Turkey 7,200 * 237 317.4 Not present #4 + ~=Not present 
Turkmenistan 1,786 "= 
United Arab Emirates 1,448 59 92.3 30 - Patch reefs and submerged banks 
100% occur over broad areas of the Gulf 
Viet Nam 3,444 722 F 610.0 3,700 #8 Reefs occur around several offshore 
70% (S Viet Nam only) islands but are sparse on the 
Yemen 1,906 34 84.4 Present, no area data #8 = There is little information although 
550 99% reefs are expected to occur along 
the Arabian Sea coast. 



American Samoa - see 0.05 Present, no area data -  Fringing reefs, mostly narrow, are 
U.S.A 100% widespread. 


Table 6. Marine resources 

—_—_:: nn. —_— 

Inshore Marine turtles Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine intemational conventions 
marine mammals N° area (km?) Inst 




- C. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 3 5,100 2  UNCLOS (S), CMS, Persian 

E. imbricata N. phocaenoides Gulf, Red Sea 
292 ~- O. brevirostris D. dugon 3 1.7 3  UNCLOS (S) 
N. phocaenoides 

-  C. caretta S. chinensis D. dugon 14 1,600 - UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas 
C. mydas N. phocaenoides (S), High Seas (S), CMS 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

- C. caretta ? - - - 1 Mediterranean 

- CC. mydas ? S. chinensis D. dugon 12 3,100 - 
E. imbricata? __N. phocaenoides 

- CC. mydas O. brevirostris D. dugon 17 5,700 8 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
E. imbricata S. chinensis Seas, High Seas 
D. coriacea N. phocaenoides 

- C. caretta P. phocoena M. monachus - - - Mediterranean 
C. mydas 

=e = P. caspica . . Sees 

- CC. mydas ? S. chinensis D. dugon - - 2 UNCLOS (S), Persian Gulf 

E. imbricata ? 

N. phocaenoides 

-  C. mydas O. brevirostris D. dugon - - 1 UNCLOS 
E. imbricata S. chinensis 
N. phocaenoides 
-  C. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon - - 2 UNCLOS, Red Sea 
E. imbricata 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
OCEANIA continued 
Australia 25,760 6,357 222.9 11,617 #25 The 2000km-long Great Barrier Reef 
98% along the northern half of the east 

coast is the world’s largest reef 
system. There are extensive reefs 
east of this in the Coral Sea, and in 
the Torres Strait region. In Western 
Australia reefs occur along 3000km 
of coast; they include fringing and 
veneer reefs, continental shelf atolls, 
platform reefs and an extensive 
barrier/fringing reef tract. 

Cook Islands * 34 see New 1.1 Not present # =~ Several of the islands are coral 
Zealand 100% atolls; there are fringing and barrier 
reefs around the volcanic and 
uplifted islands. 

Federated States of * 237 2,600 1.4 Present, no area data - There are atolls, almost-atolls and 
Micronesia 99% high islands with barrier and fringing 
Fiji 1,129 1,145 27.0 385 #3 = ~—- Reefs are associated with all the 
87% island groups; many of the reefs are 
extensive and complex and include 
barrier, fringing and platform reefs. 
The Great Sea Reef is one of the 
world’s major barrier reefs. 
French Polynesia * 855 see 2.6 Not present 1. ‘The main reef formations are found 
France 99% around the atolls (84 of 130 islands) 
or are fringing and barrier reefs 
around the high volcanic islands; 
there are also several oceanic banks. 
Guam 153 see USA 0.6 Present, no area data 2 ‘There are extensive fringing reefs 
76% and two barrier reef lagoons. 
Kiribati - 2,640 F 30.0 Present, no area data #3 = All islands except one (a raised reef) 
99% are atolls, surrounded by living 
Marshall Islands - see USA 0.2 Present, no area data #1 The country comprises 29 coral 
100% atolls and five low coral islands, 
surrounded by living reefs. 
Nauru - = 318 0.2 0.02 - There is no true reef, although a rich 
100% coral fauna is found in deeper 

waters around the intertidal platform 
which surrounds the island. 

New Caledonia 1,249 see 4.9 200 #9 Grande Terre has an almost 
France 100% continuous barrier reef around it, 

over 1600km in length; most of the 
smaller islands are coral atolls or 
have extensive reefs around them. 

New Zealand 15,134 6,148 607.7 198 #1 ~~‘ There are no true reefs, although 
99% reef-forming corals form colonies on 
Sr rr rt the Kermadsc Islands. 
Niue 66 see New 0.1 ? - The island is a raised atoll with no 
Zealand 100% true reef although corals are 


Table 6. Marine resources 


Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 

ae Sa 

- C. caretta O. brevirostris N. cinerea 354 480,000 6 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
C. mydas S. chinensis A. tropicalis Seas, High Seas, CMS, 
E. imbricata A. dioptrica A. gazella CCAMLR, SPREP, IWC 
L. olivacea A. pusillus 
N. depressus A. forsteri 
D. coriacea H. leptonyx 

M. leonina 

D. dugon 
157. C. mydas - - 1 1.6 - UNCLOS (S), SPREP 
E. imbricata 
-  C. mydas - D. dugon - - - _UNCLOS, SPREP 

E. imbricata 

407 C. caretta ? - - 6 46 3 UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
C. mydas High Seas, SPREP 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

-  C. mydas - - 5 180 ule 4 
E. imbricata 

*151 C. mydas - D. dugon 6 74 1 = 
E. imbricata 
*352 C. mydas - - 11 590 5s Ls 
E. imbricata 
414 C. mydas - - - - - UNCLOS, SPREP 

E. imbricata 

88 Ct . : : 2 - _ UNCLOS (S), SPREP (S) 

"133 = C. caretta - D. dugon 7 550 22 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 

=r C. hectori P. hookeri 76 16,000 3 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
L. obscurus A. forsteri Seas (S), High Seas (S), 
A. dioptrica M. leonina CCAMLR, SPREP, IWC 
150 - = = - - - UNCLOS (S) 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
OCEANIA continued 
Northern Marianas - see USA 0.1 Present, no area data - There are barrier reefs and well- 
100% developed fringing reefs around 

Rota, Tinian and Saipan. Reefs are 
absent elsewhere. 

Palau - see USA 4.1 47 #7 ~~—« All islands have extensive reef 
100% formation, including a large barrier 
reef around the main high island 
Papua New Guinea 5,512 1,728 F 12.0 2,000 #3 > = There are estimated to be 
47% 170,000km? of coralline shelf in 
depths of less than 20m and 
40,000km? of reef and associated 
shallow water in depths of 30m or 
Pitcairn Islands - see UK 0.005 ? - Oeno and Ducie are coral atolls; 
100% Henderson is a raised limestone 
island with fringing reefs; there are 

f: id Pit 

Solomon Islands 5,313 1,526 69.3 642 #1 ~~ ‘Reefs are present but generally fairly 
100% poorly developed; several of the 
islands are atolls. 

Tokelau - 0.2 ? - The territory comprises three reef- 
bounded coral atolls. 

Tonga * 262 543 1.9 10 #2 =~ ~Reefs are widespread. 

Tuvalu - 772 0.5 0.47 - The country comprises five atolls 
100% and four raised coral islands, all with 

reef development. 

USA: Hawaii and - see USA - Present, no area data - Fairly well developed fringing reefs 

central Pacific occur around the high islands; all 

dependencies islands north-west of Gardner 
Pinnacles are atolls, coral islands or 
limestone reefs and shoals. The 
Central Pacific Dependencies (Baker, 
Howland, Jarvis, Johnston, Palmyra 
and Wake) are all raised reefs or 
atolls with coral development. 

seeeuseseeseuseeussesseeneusesssecanssessnsssmsnsscuesesssanescumansens: nansenneeaeenemecneeanaunneenansseneemansseneneseneneeeeesOnneesseHOeeeESOEnRELSEODELmACORUSHEOSORDEmESEOOREEESSGEnNAESAESONAAHSSSORRARAESEONONOSDAEEORRESUEBONSARON SEES 

Vanuatu * 2,214 638 3.2 30+5 - Reefs are mainly fringing and mostly 
100% in the western part of the chain; the 
best developed are probably those 
around Anatom. 

Wallis and Futuna * 89 see F 1.0 Not at Futuna. ?  Uvea is surrounded by a barrier reef, 

Islands France and about 22 islets. Futuna is 
surrounded by reef flat. Alofi has a 
small patch of fringing reef. 

Western Samoa - 131 - <10 #2 Reefs are found around both Upolu 
and Savai’i; there is an estimated 
231km? of reef and lagoon in total. 


Table 6. Marine resources 

——OOOO————————— eee ee eee 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 

443 CC. mydas - D. dugon 2 15 - SPREP (S) 
E. imbricata 

665 C. caretta? O. brevirostris D. dugon 11 2,200 2 UNCLOS (S),SPREP 
C. mydas S. chinensis 

E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

489 C. mydas D. dugon 1 83 1 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
E. imbricata Seas, High Seas, SPREP, IWC 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

96 C. mydas - - - - - - 

E. imbricata 

140 C. mydas - - 9 37 - Liv. Res. High Seas, High Seas 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 

150 C. mydas - - - - - UNCLOS (S), SPREP (S) 
E. imbricata 

"87 CC. mydas - M. schauinslandi 20 2,800 4 - 

E. imbricata 

367 C. mydas - D. dugon 4 Vez/ - UNCLOS (S) 

E. imbricata 
D. coriacea ? 

Sree = - 1 0.1 SS 

379 C. mydas - - 1 0.2 - UNCLOS (S), SPREP 
E. imbricata 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km7) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
Anguilla 56 see UK io} 3 #2 ~The 17km stretch of reef along the 
south-east coast is one of the most 
important in the eastern Caribbean; 
others occur along the north. 
Antigua and Barbuda 153 110 F 2.3 12 #2 =‘ There is an estimated 25km? of reef, 
100% 15 mostly fringing. 
Aruba 76 ~=see Neth. F 0.8 1 - The island has a partly emerged 
100% reef. 
Bahamas 3,542 = 759 9.2 1,420 #1°~—“- There are extensive reef areas. An 
99% 2,332 estimated 1832km? of Great 

Bahama Bank and 324km? of Little 
Bahama Bank are covered in reef. 
The reefs fringe most of the 
windward northern and eastern 

Barbados 97 167 2.7 0.12 3 ‘Fringing reefs, generally poorly 
100% developed, are found around the 
west side. 
Belize 386 28 1.6 730 # ~~ There is an almost continuous 
99% 783 barrier reef 257km long, the largest 
in the Western Hemisphere. Three 
atolls also occur. 
Bermuda 103 see UK 0.4 0.17 4 Total reef area is estimated to be ca 
100% 0.2 190km? of which 101km? are 
offshore, 70km? are patch and 
17km? fringing. 
British Virgin Islands * 60 see UK 1.4 6 # = ~=Most of the islands have reefs. 
100% Anegada has a continuous fringing 
Canada 90,908 = 2,939 1,479.4 Not present 3 Not present 

Cayman Islands 160 see UK 0.8 73 #2 Fringing reefs largely encircle all 
100% 117 island: 
Costa Rica 1,290 259 15.9 400 #2 On the Atlantic coast there is an 
89% 413 estimated 10km? of living reef in 
three main areas. Coral development 
is poor along the Pacific coast. 
Cuba 3,735 363 143.6 5,297 #4 ~—s- There is an estimated 2150km of 
87% 6,260 almost continuous reef along the 

north coast and 1816km in the 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 




- CC. mydas - - - = =e 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

108 C. mydas = - 6 66 - _UNCLOS, Caribbean, IWC 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

394 _ ~=E.. imbricata - - 1 0.3 “1 

290 C. caretta : T. manatus 25 1,300 1 UNCLOS 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 

270 _~—sE.. imbricata - - 1 745) - UNCLOS, Caribbean 
- C. caretta - T. manatus 13 170 - UNCLOS 
C. mydas 

E. imbricata 

a5 - - 14 5.7 ie ime 

-  C. mydas - - 26 50 - 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

- - D. leucas E. lutris 119 370,000 1 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
M. monoceros Seas (S), High Seas (S), 
P. phocoena E. jubatus CCAMLR 
P. dalli Z. californianus 
O. rosmarus 
H. grypus 

P. vitulina 

P. hispida 

P. groenlandica 
C. cristata 

E. barbatus 

U. maritimus 

- C. caretta - - 28 85 = 
- C. caretta - T. manatus 18 3,300 1 UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas 
‘C. mydas (S), High Seas, IWC 
E. imbricata 
D: corlacea Pere oe 
320 = C. caretta - T. manatus 33 15,000 4 UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas 
C. mydas (S), High Seas (S), Caribbean 

E. imbricata 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 


Dominica 148 15 0.6 0.1 #2 ~~‘ There is only limited reef 
100% development, mainly on the west 
coast and the northern side of 
Dominican Republic 1,288 269 16.1 90 #2 = ~c 166km of coast is bordered by 
94% 235 reef. Patch, fringing and barrier reefs 
El Salvador 307 = 92 6.9 352 =e 
61% 450 
Greenland 44,087 see 113.4 Not present 1 Not present 
Denmark 100% 
’ Grenada 121 27 1.9 1.16 1. Reefs occur patchily around all 
100% coasts of Grenada except the west. 
Carriacou has a large bank barrier 
reef complex on its windward side. 
Guadeloupe 306 see 8.4 57 #5 Reef development is fairly patchy 
France 99% 80 and mostly on the windward side. 
Guatemala 400 99 3.7 160 = 
Haiti 1,771 161 F 4.8 180 #3 = ~—- Reefs are very little known, but 
93% there appear to be seven major 
areas of development. One is a 
barrier reef along the north coast. 
Honduras 820 219 20.8 1,170 - The Bay Islands have well developed 
99% 1,213 reefs. There is no information on 
mainland reefs. 
Jamaica 1,022 298 Gana 106 #4 = ~=The north coast has almost 
69% 202 continuous narrow fringing reefs; 

the south has less continuous reefs 

Martinique 290 see F 3.5 19 #3 > Reefs are absent in the north and 
France 98% 22 west. There is an extensive bank 
barrier reef system off the south- 
east coast and coral formations 
elsewhere in the south: 
Mexico 9,330 2,851 1,257.7 5,246 #3 ~~‘ True reefs are found off the coast of 
88% 14,202 Veracruz and around the Yucatan 
Peninsula and Campeche Bank; coral 
communities are found on the 
Pacific coast particularly around Baja 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 




105 C. mydas : - 1 5.3 - UNCLOS, Caribbean, IWC 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 
269 = «C. caretta - T. manatus 12 7,200 2  UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
C. mydas Seas, High Seas 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 
- C. mydas - - 2 52 1 UNCLOS (S) 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 
= ae D. leucas O. rosmarus 2 980,000 a 3D 
M .monoceros P. vitulina 
P. phocoena P. hispida 

P. groenlandica 
&. barbatus 

433 CC. caretta - - - - - UNCLOS, Caribbean, IWC 

C. mydas 
E. imbricata 

-  C. caretta - - 1 37 -  - 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 

- C. caretta - T. manatus 4 170 1. UNCLOS (S), High Seas, 
C. mydas Caribbean 

E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

272 ~=C. mydas - T. manatus - - 1 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
E. imbricata Seas, High Seas 
C. caretta 
- C. caretta - T. manatus 25 4,300 - UNCLOS, Caribbean (S) 
C. mydas 

E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

340 =C. caretta - T. manatus 3 15 3. UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
C. mydas High Seas, CMS, Caribbean 

E. imbricata 

- CC. mydas - - 8 720 ue <9 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

- C. caretta P. phocoena Z. californianus 44 40,000 2  UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
C. mydas P. sinus A. townsendi High Seas, Caribbean, IWC 
E. imbricata P. dalli M. angustirostris 
L. kempii 2 
L. olivacea T. manatus 
D. coriacea 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 


Montserrat 49 see UK F 0.1 0.04 # =~ Small scattered patches of reef are 
100% present on all but the windward 
Netherlands Antilles * 301  ~=see Neth. [ei IS 14 #5 Bonaire and Curacao are surrounded 

by fringing reefs; no major reefs are 
known in the Windward Group. 

Nicaragua 910 = 160 5.5 600 # Extensive reef formations are found 
96% on the Caribbean shelf; reefs are 
absent from the Pacific coast. 
Panama 2,490 = 307 147.1 1,710 #4 ~The Caribbean coast has c 250km 
99% 2,975 of fringing reef; there is a smaller 

area on the Pacific coast. 

Puerto Rico 585 see USA 2.1 65 #4 = Corals are widespread but there is 
92% only localized reef formation, with 

greatest development in the south- 
west and very few on the north 

St Kitts-Nevis - 11 F 1.8 0.2 # =~ Bank barrier reefs with associated 
100% 0.79 fringe or bench reefs occur along 
much of the coast of both islands. 
St Lucia 156 16 F 0.9 1.57 # Reefs are widespread but are 
100% 1.79 generally small and not well- 
St Vincent and the *91 33 7.7 0.5 #2 ~The southern, south-eastern and 
Grenadines 100% western coasts have several small 

fringing reefs. 

Trinidad and Tobago 362 77 10.3 76 #2 Trinidad has only small patches of 
100% 90 coral, with the greatest development 

along the north coast; Tobago has 
more important but still not 
extensive reefs. 

Turks and Caicos Is * 84 see UK F 1.0 236 #1 ~The south sides of the Caicos Bank 
100% are fringed with patchy boulder coral 

heads; barrier and fringing reefs 
occur along the northern sides of the 
Caicos Islands. Patch and fringing 
reefs are found around most of the 
islands in the Turks group. 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 




-  C. mydas - - 1 0.1 “es 
E. imbricata 

118 C. caretta - - 5 120 1 - 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 

- C. caretta? - T. manatus 4 1,200 1 _UNCLOS (S), Caribbean (S) 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 

- C. caretta S. fluviatilis T. manatus 12 14,000 1 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
C. mydas Seas (S), High Seas (S), CMS, 
E. imbricata Caribbean, SE Pacific 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

C. mydas 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

62 C. mydas - - 1 26 - UNCLOS, IWC 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

106 C. caretta - - 27 6.7 1 UNCLOS, Caribbean, IWC 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

102. C. caretta - - 21 39 - UNCLOS, Caribbean, IWC 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 

487 C. caretta S. fluviatilis T. manatus 11 50 2 UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
C. mydas High Seas, Caribbean 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

- C. caretta - - 13 92 aye 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 


Table 6. Marine resources 

ne  —————————————————————————————————————————————— 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km7) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
USA 19,924 10,654 5,198.3 1,900 #11 ~~ ‘The reefs south of Florida are the 
(excluding Hawaii) \ * 95% 2,806 only significant coral assemblages; 
there are over 6,000 patch reefs 

US Virgin Islands - see USA 0.9 3.1 #4 ~~‘ Fringing, barrier and patch reefs are 
100% found. The most extensive are 
around St Croix; off St Thomas 
most are found in the south-east; 
those around St John are poorly 
Argentina 4,989 1,164 630.0 Not present - Not present 
7,491 3,168 F 585.6 2,500 1 Some 3,000km of coast has reefs 
73% 10,124 although not all are true coral reefs. 
Chile 6,435 2,288 5,996.0 Not present 1 Easter Island has significant coral 
99% communities although no true reefs. 
There is no coral on the mainland 
Colombia 2,414 603 83.7 3,580 2 Extensive coral growth around 
77% 5,013 offshore islands. Along most of the 
Pacific and Caribbean coastline, 
conditions are suboptimal for coral 
Ecuador 2,237 = 1,159 381.2 1,618 - Small coral reef formations occur on 
99% 1,821 the mainland; there is some reef 
development in the Galdpagos. 
French Guiana 378 see 7.3 550 ts 
France 99% 947 
Guyana 459 130 39.9 800 =a 
98% 1,500 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine intemational conventions 
marine turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 
- C. caretta D. leucas E. lutris 262 510,000 24 Liv. Res. High Seas, High Seas, 
C. mydas M. monoceros CCAMLR, Caribbean, SPREP, 
E. imbricata P. phocoena £. jubatus iwc 
L. kempii P. dalli 2. californianus 
D. coriacea C. ursinus 
O. rosmarus 
H. grypus 
P. vitulina 
P. hispida 
P. fasciata 
E. barbatus 
M. angustirostris 
U. maritimus 
T. manatus 
138 C. mydas = - 5 58 - - 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 
- - C. commersonii O. byronia 32 5,500 2 _UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
L. australis M. leonina Seas (S), High Seas (S), CMS, 
L. obscurus CCAMLR, IWC 
A. dioptrica 
P. spinipinnis 
- C. caretta S. fluviatilis O. byronia 82 40,000 - UNCLOS, CCAMLR, IWC 
C. mydas P. spinipinnis 
E. imbricata T. manatus 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 
- CC. mydas C. commersonii L. felina 32 120,000 1 UNCLOS (S), CMS, CCAMLR, 
C. eutropia SE Pacific, IWC 
L. australis O. byronia 
L. obscurus A. philipii 
A. dioptrica A. australis 
Picunioinni PY) Peep 
- C. caretta S. fluviatilis T. manatus 9 6,500 5 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
C. mydas Seas, High Seas (S), SE Pacific, 
E. imbricata Caribbean 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 
419 C. mydas S. fluviatilis Z. californianus 4 88,000 - SE Pacific 
E. imbricata A. galapagoensis 
306 D. coriacea Sr Aen eneeemeeeeenenesenenen, SA e eee ETRE EEE SES SEES EEESSESESESSRSSES SEES EEESE ESSER EEE SEEES 
-  C. caretta S. fluviatilis T. manatus 1 1.6 fies 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea seenemannenene: Pee eee eeseeeeeeeees Poe 
- CC. mydas S. fluviatilis T. manatus - - 1 UNCLOS 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea naneneeeenenes PTTTTTTIT Ane nee eR RES E EER EEREEEEEE SESE EEE E SEER 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 

SOUTH AMERICA continued 
oe Ne 

Peru 2,414 = 787 6,914.2 48 - - 
99% 64 
Suriname 386 101 F 3.9 1,150 = 0 
= 119 143.2 - a 
Venezuela 2,800 364 331.5 2,500 2 Comparatively few areas are 
94% 6,736 optimal for reef growth, the best 


ffshore islands. 

Algeria 1,183 = 137 79.7 Not present #3 = ~=Not present 
Angola 1,600 = 606 68.1 1,100 - Few coral species, no significant 

91% reef development. 

Cameroon 402 = 15 F 56.0 3,060 - Few coral species, no significant 
72% reef development. 

Cape Verde 965 789 8.5 ? - Coral communities (up to six 
100% species) widespread, with minor reef 
Comoros 340 249 6.5 Present, no area data #1 =~ ‘Fringing reefs occur around the 
100% three islands. 
Congo 169 = 25 18.4 20 a we 
Céte d'Ivoire 515 105 61.4 20 - Few coral species, no significant 
72% reef development. 
Djibouti 314 6 F 0.4 Present, no area data #2 = Generally shallow reefs occur 
100% around the Golfe de Tadjoura and 
outlying isands. 
Egypt 2,450 174 82.1 Present, no area data #9 ~~ Fringing reefs occur from Ras 
28% Shukheir to Quseir; further south the 

area has been little studied. 
Significant reefs occur along the 
southern part of the Sinai 
Penninsula, extending within the 
Gulf of Aqaba, and the Gulf of Suez 
although reefs here are less well 


Table 6. Marine resources 


Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 




-  L., olivacea L. obscurus L. felina 4 7,100 - CCAMLR, SE Pacific, IWC 
D. coriacea S. fluviatilis 
P. spinipinnis O. byronia 
-  C. caretta S. fluviatilis T. manatus 5 1,200 1 UNCLOS (S) 
C. mydas 

E. imbricata 
. olivacea 

-  - A. dioptrica O. byronia 4 200 - UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas 
S. fluviatilis A. australis (S), High Seas (S), CMS, 
APACS Ree eee ne nenen mene: aeeeneeee ents 
- C. caretta S. fluviatihs T. manatus 16 11,000 2 Liv. Res. High Seas, High Seas, 
C. mydas Caribbean, IWC 
E. imbricata 


- - M. monachus 8 920 1 UNCLOS (S), Mediterranean 
- C. caretta C. heavisidii T. senegalensis 4 29,000 - UNCLOS 
C. mydas S. teuszii 

E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

- - S. teuzii T. senegalensis 1 100 - _UNCLOS (S), CMS, W & Cent. 
Africa (S) 
-  C. mydas S. teuzii T. senegalensis 2 4,600 - UNCLOS, CMS, W & Cent. 
E. imbricata Africa 
L. olivacea 
108 C. caretta P. phocoena - 2 3.7 - UNCLOS 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 
339 C. mydas - D. dugon - - - UNCLOS 
E. imbricata 
- C. caretta S. teuszii T. senegalensis 1 1,400 - _UNCLOS (S), W & Cent. Africa 
C. mydas (S) 
L olf 
-  C. mydas S. teuszii T. senegalensis 3 330 - UNCLOS, CMS (S), W & Cent. 
E. imbricata Africa 

- C. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 2 ? - UNCLOS 
E, imbricata 

- C. caretta S. chinensis D. dugon 15 8,400 5 UNCLOS, CMS, Mediterranean, 
C. mydas Red Sea 

E. imbricata 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 

AFRICA continued 

Equatorial Guinea 296 283 3.2 200 - Coral communities (up to seven 
90% species) present in SE Bioko and 
mainland, some minor reef 

Eritrea 1,094 * = 76 F 1.8 Present, no area data #3 =~ Shallow fringing reefs, probably 

* 39% occur along the mainland coast. 
Many reefs within the Dahlak 
Archipelago, the outer islands being 
better developed. 

Gabon 885 214 F 20.0 2,500 - Few coral species, no significant 
91% reef development. 

Gambia 80 = 20 21.2 660 mince 

Ghana 539 218 307.9 20 - Few coral species, no significant 
84% reef development. 

Kenya 536 118 7.4 530 #11 Fringing and patch reefs occur 0.5- 
4% 616 2km offshore along most of coast. 
Liberia 579 = 230 5.6 200 - Few coral species, no significant 
58% reef development. 
Libya 1,770 = 338 7.8 Not present #1 Not present 
Madagascar 4,828 1,292 73.3 3,256 #11 ~~ ‘Reef types are varied and extensive. 
73% Concentrated at Toliara in the 
southwest, at Nosy Bé in the 
northwest. There is a small amount 
of reef development in the 
northeast, although these are the 
d least known. 
Mauritania 754 154 F 84.0 Very limited area er 
Mauritius 177 1,181 18.8 0.07 #6 = = Mauritius has ca 150km (300km?) 
99% of almost continuous fringing reef; 

Agalega has ca 100km? fringing 
reef; Rodrigues has a 2-10km wide 
reef platform around 90km of coast; 
ca 190km? of reef occur around the 
Cargados Carajos Shoals. 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 
- C. mydas S. teuszii T. senegalensis 4 1,500 - UNCLOS (S) 

E. imbricata 

- CC. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon | * 2,000 =" i= 
E. imbricata 

- C. caretta S. teuszii T. senegalensis 4 6,600 - UNCLOS (S), W & Cent. Africa 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 

- CC. mydas S. teuszii T. senegalensis 6 230 - UNCLOS, W & Cent. Africa 
E. imbricata 

- C. caretta S. teuszii T. senegalensis - - - UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas 
C. mydas (S), High Seas (S), CMS, W & 
E. imbricata Cent. Africa 

L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

- C. mydas S. teuszii T. senegalensis - - - UNCLOS, CMS, W & Cent. 
E. imbricata Africa 

- C. caretta S. teuszii T. senegalensis 2 ? - UNCLOS 
C. mydas 

E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 


-  C. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 13 3,500 1 UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
E. imbricata High Seas, E. Africa, IWC 
L. olivacea 

-  C. mydas S. teuszii T. senegalensis - - - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
E. imbricata Seas (S), High Seas (S), W & 
L. olivacea Cent. Africa (S) 
D. coriacea 

- C. caretta UNCLOS (S), Mediterranean 

- C. caretta S. chinensis D. dugon 3 23 2 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
C. mydas Seas, High Seas, CMS (S), E. 
E. imbricata Africa (S) 

L. olivacea 

-  C. carettta S. teuszii M. monachus 5 15,000 - UNCLOS (S), W & Cent. Africa 
C. mydas P. phocoena T. senegalensis (S) 

E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea ? 

313° = - D. dugon 15 90 1 UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
Seas (S), High Seas 



Table 6. Marine resources 


Coast- EEZ Marine 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries 
km?) (1,000 mt) 

% total 


AFRICA continued 

Mangroves (km7) Sea- Coral reefs 


ee ee 

Mayotte 170 see - Present, no area data #2 = ~=There is a substantial barrier reef. 
France Prt aeeee: 
Morocco 1,835 278 591.5 Not present 2 Not present 
Mozambique 2,470 562 F 33.5 850 #9 ~~‘ Fringing reefs are common along the 
99% northern coast; south of Mocambo 
Bay reefs are confined to offshore 
Namibia 1,489 500 204.5 - or 
Nigeria 853 211 175.7 9,700 airs 
66% 33,280 
Réunion (& Dep.) 207 see 2.3 Present at Europa. #1 There is 10-12 km of discontinuous 
France 99% fringing reef along the south-west 
coast; all five dependencies are 
‘oral atolls. 

Saint Helena (& Dep.) see UK 0.6 - = = 
So Tomé and Principe 215 128 F 3.5 - - Few coral species, no significant 
reef development. 
Senegal 531 206 302.1 1,690 1 Few coral species, no significant 
95% reef development. 
Seychelles 491 1,349 5.9 Present, no area data #7 ~=—- The reefs are among the most 
100% extensive in the world, spread over 
a very wide area. The granitic 
islands have many scattered fringing 
and patch reefs. 
Sierra Leone 402 = 156 F 35.0 1,000 - Few coral species, no significant 
70% 1,710 reef development. 
Somalia 3,025 = 782 F 16.8 100 #1‘ There is an interrupted barrier reef 
98% along the south coast from Cadale 

South Africa 2,881 = 1,017 496.6 7 #3 + There are no true reefs, but coral 
99% communities occur off the 
Maputaland coast in the north-east. 
Sudan 853 = 92 1.5 Present, no area data #7 = ~= Much of the 750km coastline has 
5% fringing reefs paralleled by barrier 
rrr Perr reefs 1-14km wide. 


Table 6. Marine resources 


Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Oc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (kr?) Inst 



ee eee 
- CC. mydas - - 4 ? ake 

- C. caretta P. phocoena M. monachus 10 970 2 UNCLOS (S), Mediterranean, 
C. mydas CMS 
D. coriacea 
- C. caretta S. chinensis D. dugon 7 25,000 4 UNCLOS (S) 
C. mydas 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 
- C. caretta C. heavisidii A. pusillus 4 74,000 - UNCLOS 
- S. teuszii T. senegalensis - - - UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
High Seas, High Seas, CMS, W 
& Cent. Africa 
- CC. mydas - - 7 ? == 
129 C. mydas = * A. tropicalis 4 65 =F ee 


77 ~=C. mydas - - = ra = 
E. imbricata 

- C. caretta S. teuszii T. senegalensis 6 840 1 UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
C. mydas P. phocoena High Seas, CMS, W & Cent. 
E. imbricata Africa, IWC 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

379 C. mydas - - 8 380 1 UNCLOS, E. Africa, IWC 

E. imbricata 

- C. caretta S. teuszii T. senegalensis - - - UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
C. mydas Seas, High Seas 
E. imbric 

-  C. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 2 3,300 - UNCLOS, CMS, Red Sea, E. 
E. imbricata Africa 

- C. caretta C. heavisidii A. tropicalis 26 4,800 1 
D. coriacea L. obscurus A. gazella 
S. chinensis A. pusillus 
N. phocaenoides M. leonina 
D. dugon 
- CC. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 1 260 3 
E. imbricata 

UNCLOS (S), Liv. Res. High 
Seas, High Seas, CMS, 

UNCLOS, Red Sea 



Table 6. Marine resources 

Coast- EEZ Marine Mangroves (km?) Sea- Coral reefs 
line (km) (1,000 Fisheries grass 
km?) (1,000 mt) (spp.) 
% total 
AFRICA continued 
Tanzania 1,424 223 55.3 total area: 1,336 #8 Reefs, mainly fringing and patch, 
14% mainland: 1,155 occur along c 600km (80%) of the 
Unguja: 61 coast. Many islands, including 
Pemba: 120 Zanzibar and Pemba are surrounded 
by fringing reefs. 
Togo 56 2 12.1 Present, no area data a) 
Tunisia 1,143 = 86 90.7 Not present #3 = ~=Not present 
Western Sahara - 131 10) - ae 
Zaire 37 1 F 2.0 530 nnalers 
Antarctica - - - Not present - Not present 

UK subantarctic islands * 1,669 see UK 0.5 Not present - Not present 
French subantarctic fila see F 0.5 Not present - Not present 
islands France 100% 

Norwegian subantarctic - see - Not present - Not present 
islands Norway 


Table 6. Marine resources 

Inshore Marine Inshore cetacea Other marine PA PA total Qc. Marine international conventions 
marine _ turtles mammals N° area (km?) Inst 



- CC. mydas S. chinensis D. dugon 8 300 4 UNCLOS 
E. imbricata 
L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

- C. mydas S. teuszii T. senegalensis - - - UNCLOS, W & Cent. Africa 
E. imbricata 
D. coriacea 
- C. caretta P. phocoena 3 170 2  UNCLOS, Liv. Res. High Seas, 
High Seas, CMS(S), 
- £. imbricata - M. monachus - - a 
-  C. mydas S. teuszii T. senegalensis 1 1,000 - UNCLOS, CMS 

L. olivacea 
D. coriacea 

- - L. weddellii 38 350 - - 
O. rossii 
L. carcinophagus 
H. leptonyx 

Os eS C. commersonii O. byronia z/ 105 - - 
L. australis A. australis 
L. obscurus A. gazella 
A. dioptrica L. weddellii 

H. leptonyx 
M. leonina 

- + C. commersonii A. tropicalis 1 367 - - 
L. obscurus A. gazella 
A. dioptrica H. leptonyx 
M. leonin 

-  - - A. gazella 1 59 - = 
H. leptonyx 
M. leonina 



Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Forests in the tropics, particularly moist forests or rainforests, are widely held to be the most 
biologically diverse habitats on earth. Correspondingly, loss of these habitats through deforestation or 
degradation is considered one of the most important conservation problems today. 

Needless to say, the true picture is far more complicated than this. Tropical forests vary enormously 
in their composition, complexity and diversity. Classifying, categorising and measuring them is an 
extremely difficult task. There is not even a single, universally accepted definition of what constitutes 
a forest, let alone a ‘swamp forest’ or ‘cloud forest’ or ‘monsoon forest’ or any of the many other 
types and classes of forests that have been named. These problems are further compounded when 
attempts are made to measure changes to forests. It is also apparent that the biological diversity of 
dry forests has often been under-estimated. 

What is a forest? 

FAO, who have carried out the most comprehensive analysis of tropical forests (FAO/UNEP 1981, 
FAO, 1988, 1993), have defined natural and semi-natural forests as ‘ecological systems with a 
minimum of 10% crown cover of trees and/or bamboo, generally associated with wild flora and fauna 
and natural soil conditions and not subject to agricultural practices’. This is an extremely wide 
definition, and includes many open vegetation formations which would not normally be regarded as 

A more rigorous definition which accords much more closely with wider perceptions of what 
constitutes a forest is that of ‘closed-canopy forest’, ie. predominantly woody formations with a 
minimum crown-cover of 40%. However, this definition can only be applied with confidence to 
formations mainly composed of broad-leaved trees. This is because the growth form of many 
coniferous species means that a significant number of coniferous formations, which would be widely 
regarded as forests, have crown cover of less than 40%. 

FAO have elaborated on their definition of closed broad-leaved forests as follows: "those which cover 
with their various storeys and undergrowth a high proportion of the ground and do not have a 
continuous dense grass layer allowing grazing and spreading of fires. They are often but not always 
multi-storeyed. They may be evergreen, semi-deciduous, wet, moist or dry". 

Classifying forests 

It is generally recognized that some form of forest classification is necessary for purposes of 
monitoring change and assessing the relative importance of different forest areas, particularly in terms 
of how species-rich they are. 

Climate is the chief factor which determines the type of forest growing in any given area, but soil type 
(determined largely by underlying geology) and degree of disturbance are also important. The most 
important components of climate are rainfall and temperature, although neither of these is 
straightforward to describe. In particular, degree of seasonality is often as important as annual totals 
(for rainfall) or averages (for temperature); daily temperature range can be as significant as daily 
average temperature. 

Markedly seasonal climates generally have predominantly deciduous or semi-deciduous broadleaved 
formations. However, most forests in the tropics, including those generally classified as evergreen, 
have a notable number of tree species which lose their leaves seasonally or periodically; similarly most 
deciduous forests will have a number of evergreen species. Hence determining at what point a forest 
changes from evergreen to semi-deciduous and from semi-deciduous to deciduous will always be to 
some extent an arbitrary decision. 

Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Monitoring change 

Measuring and assessing changes to forests self-evidently depends on continued monitoring and on 
consistent application of categories and definitions throughout the course of the study. This is difficult 
to achieve over a wide area. Measuring degradation and change in forest quality are particularly 
difficult, as no satisfactory and widely applicable measures have yet been developed. 

Deforestation is the most drastic form of forest degradation. It is defined by FAO as "change of land- 
use or depletion of crown cover to less than 10%". Some very marked degradation (eg. a decrease 
of crown cover from 80% to 15%) would not be classified as deforestation according to this 

Forest degradation which is not deforestation will normally involve some or all of: 

e Change in species composition (loss or gain of species and changes in the relative abundance 
of those present); 

e Changes in canopy cover; 

® Changes in age-structure of particular species. 

The following table summarises information on forests in most of the world’s tropical countries. 

- Indicates lack of data. 

The emphasis is on moist forests, and only those countries with some closed-canopy moist broadleaved forest have been 
included. For these countries, however, the figures and discussion generally include other forest formations. Figures for both 
total forest and woodland area (ie. over 10% canopy cover, Column 3) and closed forest (generally canopy cover over 40%, 
Column 5) are included. As discussed above, the latter is much closer to what is generally understood as forest, but comparative 
figures for deforestation are only available for the former. 

Most information is derived from two sources: the FAO Tropical Forest Assessment and follow-ups (FAO, 1981, 1989, 1993) 
and the three-volume The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests (Collins et a/., 1991; Sayer et a/., 1992; Harcourt and Sayer, 
in press). Fuller discussion of the issues involved will be found in these sources and in G/oba/ Biodiversity (WCMC, 1992). 
Countries covered are generally those included in The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests along with a number of Pacific 
island states and dependencies omitted from volume 1 of the Atlas but identified in Dahl (1980) as having either lowland or 
montane rainforest. Statistics for forest cover and deforestation are missing for several of these. 

Column 2, Country size: Size of country is land area as defined by FAO. 

Column 3, Forest and woodland: Forest and woodland area is also from FAO and includes all areas with a canopy cover of 
greater than 10%. Source is generally Table 4a in FAO (1993), figures marked with ' are from FAO (1988). All figures are 
rounded as appropriate. The figure for China, marked with *, is for the whole country including temperate and sub-tropical areas. 

Column 4, Annual deforest.: Annual deforestation rates are taken from Table 4a in FAO (1993) and indicate change to canopy 
cover of less than 10% or change in land use. Percentage change refers to the area given in column 3 (ie. all forest and 
woodland). Figures are for average deforestation over the period 1981-1990. For some of the Caribbean islands, deforestation 
rates are very low in absolute terms but still significant as a percentage of forest and woodland cover. For these area deforested 
is given as ‘e’, indicating a very small, non-zero number. In a few cases FAO consider that forest cover is increasing. For these 
deforestation is given as negative. All figures are rounded as appropriate. 

Column 5, Forest cover: Measures of forest area are taken from FAO and, where available, from the WCMC Biodiversity Map 
Library. The first figure is generally from Table 5a in FAO (1993) and refers to the situation in 1990. Figures marked with ‘are 
taken from FAO (1988) and refer to 1980. The second figure (in italics) is that derived from the WCMC Biodiversity Map Library 
(BML) as quoted in The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests. The map in Figure 6 shows the distribution of forests in the 
tropics according to this source, as compiled in the BML. For Africa, Asia and Oceania, figures from the BML generally refer to 
closed broad-leaved forest. For South and Central America and the Caribbean, these figures also include pine formations and 
dry forests, which comprise a significant proportion of forest cover in many Neotropical countries. This discrepancy should be 
borne in mind, however, when comparing figures for the two regions. Full discussion of the sources of data for the figures from 
the BML is provided in the relevant volume of the forest atlas. It should be noted that the quality of data and date of the original 
source are both very variable, although almost all source maps are from the period 1980-1 990. Figures marked with ? include 
at least 30% mangroves. Mangroves are discussed in more detail in 



Table 6 and are not discussed further in this table. The wide divergence between some of the figures from FAO and their 
equivalents from the BML is generally a result of different forest classification systems being used in the two cases and clearly 
illustrates the difficulty in establishing a reliable and consistent global data set for forest cover. 

Column 6, Fi: Fl = Fragmentation Index is the Perimeter Area Index (PAI) used by FAO, determined by: 

PAI = 0.282095*_P, 

Where A = total area of all patches 
N = number of patches 
P, = total length of perimeter of all patches 

Because this index is dependent (in a non-linear way) on the scale of the map from which it is derived, the latter is given in each 
case. From the data given, it is legitimate to compare fragmentation indices for countries with the same original map scale but 
not those with different map scales (Column 7). 

Column 7, Map scale: Indicates the scale of the map from which data for the fragmentation index were derived. The figure is 
in millions (ie. 0.5 represents a scale of 1:500,000). Entries marked 1* (some African countries) are 1 km resolution 
NOAA/AVHRR-LAC satellite data (taken as equivalent to 1:1,000,000 map scale) generalized to 2 x 2 km sq. 

Column 8, Description of forests: Data are generally summarized from the relevant account in The Conservation Atlas of Tropical 
Forests. The descriptions therefore generally apply to the area delimited in column 5, that is closed broadleaved forest and, for 
the Americas, dry and coniferous forest. For Pacific countries not included in volume 1 of the atlas, the description is mainly 
taken from Dahl (1980). 

Column 9, Biodiversity: Information is from multiple sources. This section should be taken as only a very superficial indicator 
of the relative importance for biodiversity of the forests in the countries concerned. In particular, little attempt has been made 
to differentiate between different types of diversity (eg. a country may be considered to have high diversity because its forests 
are intrinsically rich in species, or because it covers a wide geographic area and has a wide range of different forests, each of 
which has different species in it but with no individual forest type necessarily intrinsically very rich). 

Column 10, Factors affecting forests: An attempt has been made here to indicate what percentage of original forest cover has 
been cleared or heavily degraded. Defining and estimating ‘original forest cover’ is extremely difficult, as discussed in more detail 
in Global Biodiversity and in the forest atlases. For this reason figures quoted here should be treated extremely circumspectly. 
A brief overview of factors currently affecting the forests is also presented. 

Column 11, Area prot.: This is an estimate of the absolute area of forest within protected areas of IUCN management categories 
I-V (see Table 8) as calculated by overlaying digitised maps of protected areas with those of forest cover and measuring the 
degree of overlap (analysis by WCMC Biodiversity Map Library [BML]). 

Column 12, % prot: Gives the area recorded in Column 11 as a percentage of total forest measured in the BML (ie. the second 
figure in Column 5). The BML does not yet include all protected areas in IUCN categories |-V. 

Column 13, % cover in BML: Indicates what percentage of a given country’s total protected area is included in the BML and 
therefore gives an indication of the reliability of the figures in columns 10 and 11. Countries which have no protected areas in 
IUCN categories I-V are so indicated. For a few countries figures have been derived from a source other than the BML. These 
are indicated in italics. |UCN protected area categories are described in the notes to Table 8. 


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Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest Fi Map Description of forests 
Size and deforest. cover Scale 

(thousand square kilometres) 

Bangladesh 130 7.7 0.4 6? 1.1 0.5 There are patches of rainforest in the east, in the 
3.9% 9.7 Chittagong and Sylhet regions, and vestiges of 
f in th h 
Brunei 5.3 4.6 0.02 4.6 1.8 - The country is largely covered with a mosaic of 
0.4% 4.7 . lowland rainforest and inland swamp forest. There 
is a small amount of montane forest in the south- 

Cambodia 177 122 1.3 62 - - There are lowland and montane monsoon and rain 
1.0% 113 forests and inland swamp forests. The main 
rainforest areas are in the Cardamom and Elephant 
Ranges in the west. 

if China 9,326 1,555* - = a - Most moist forest is lowland monsoon in Hainan 
26 and southern Guangxi; patches of lowland 
rainforest occur in southern parts of Hainan, 
Guangxi and Yunnan and montane forest in 

y India 2,973 517 3.4 287 1.8 1. Tropical moist forest is found in the Andaman and 
0.6% 228 Nicobar Islands, the Western Ghats and the greater 

Assam region with small remnants in Orissa. More 
than half is semi-evergreen. 

Indonesia 1,812 1,095 12 864 1.3 2.5 Most forests are evergreen rainforests, except for 
1.0% 1,179 those of eastern Java, Madura, Bali, the Lesser 
Sundas, southern Sulawesi and southern Irian Jaya 
which are monsoon forests. There are also 
extensive swamp forests and montane forest 
particularly in Sumatra and Irian Jaya. 
Laos 231 132 1.3 104 1.5 1 There are evergreen rainforests and monsoon 
0.9% 125 forests, both lowland and montane. The most 
extensive mature moist forests are now mainly in 
southern and central parts. 

Malaysia 329 176 4.0 176 1.1 1 In Peninsular Malaysia most forest is lowland 
2.0% 200 rainforest; there is also montane forest, swamp 
forest and some semi-deciduous forest in the 
extreme north-west. Sabah and Sarawak also have 
extensive lowland rainforest; Sarawak has large 
areas of swamp forest and montane forest, the 
latter principally in the east. 

Myanmar 658 289 4.0 287 - - Lowland and montane rainforest, mostly semi- 
1.3% 312 evergreen, occurs on west-facing mountain slopes 
in the east, west and north. More centrally there 

Philippines 298 78 3.2 76 1.2 2 ‘The eastern part of the country has lowland and 
3.3% 66 montane rainforest, the western side lowland and 

montane monsoon forests. The most extensive 
ini ink id Mind 

Singapore 0.6 0.04 0 - - - A 70ha area of lowland rainforest remains on Bukit 
ie} 0.02 Timah, along with another 50ha of fragments in 
the central catchment area. Remaining forest is 
secondary and abandoned plantation. 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

y ) 
Biodiversity Factors affecting forests Area % % cover 
prot. prot. In BML 

(thousand hectares) 

Diversity was formerly high but is now Over 95% of original forest cover has been cleared. 31 3% 32% 
reduced. Endemism is low. Shifting agriculture is the main cause of forest loss. 

Diversity is very high; regional endemism is The forests are relatively little disturbed. There is some 49 10% 40% 
fairly high, with many Bornean endemics. local demand for timber. 

National endemism is low. 

The forests are little studied. Diversity can be 1986 estimates of three-quarters of the original forest - - - 
expected to be high, as can regional endemism. _cover cleared and only 10% of primary forest 

National endemism is probably low as species remaining. The central plain is mostly deforested. 

are shared with other countries, particularly Shifting cultivation is the major cause of forest loss. 


Diversity in the forests is high; endemism is Over 90% of original forest is believed to have been - - - 
moderate. lost. Clearance for shifting and settled agriculture are 

the main causes of forest loss, although unsustainable 
logging is also important. 

Diversity is high; endemism is high in the Between 50% and 75% of forests have been lost. 820 4% 39% 
Western Ghats, particularly among amphibians Shifting agriculture, logging, over-grazing and 

and reptiles. Many regional endemics shared hydroelectric projects are the major causes of forest 

between W Ghats and Sri Lanka. Regional loss. 

endemism in NE India is high amongst some 


Diversity and endemism are both extremely An estimated 30% of original forest has been lost. 10,657 9% 87% 
high. The country contains some of the most Shifting agriculture is the major cause of forest loss. 

diverse forests in the world and spans two Uncontrolled logging damages the forest structure and 

major biogeographic realms; many of the in some areas makes them vulnerable to fire. 

islands have large numbers of endemic species. Transmigration from Java and Bali has had a major 
effect in some areas. 

The forests are incompletely known, but are Between 45% and 55% of moist forest has been - - - 
believed to have high diversity and moderate cleared or degraded. Shifting cultivation is the major 
endemism with fairly high regional endemism. cause of forest loss although uncontrolled logging has 

recently become significant. 

Diversity is very high with moderate endemism; _In peninsular Malaysia nearly 50% of the forest has 1,118 6% 79% 
west Malaysia has a significant number of been cleared; the major cause of forest loss is clearance 

Bornean endemics, shared with Kalimantan for large-scale agriculture. In Sabah over half the forest 

(Indonesia) and Brunei. and in Sarawak around 30% has been cleared; in the 

latter shifting cultivation is the major problem while in 
Sabah both settled and shifting agriculture following 
logging are important. 

Diversity is very high; national endemism is Around half the forest has been cleared; current 134 0.4% 87% 
generally low, although there is significant deforestation rates are extremely high, largely owing to 

regional endemism, particularly in the northern shifting cultivation and unsustainable logging. 


Diversity is very high and endemism is 65-70% of original forest cover has been cleared; 56 1% 38% 
extremely high. shifting agriculture and unsustainable logging practices 

are the major causes of forest loss. 

Diversity is impoverished but otherwise typical Over 95% of forest cover has been cleared. Less than 2 100% 0 
of lowland Malesian dipterocarp rainforest. 0.2% of primary forest remains. Encroachment for 
Endemism is very low. building and increased recreational use are the main 




Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest Fi Map _ Description of forests 
Ske and deforest. cover Scale 

(thousand square kilometres) 

ASIA continued 
eo ——————— 
Sri Lanka 65 17 0.3 14 1.5 0.5 Rainforests, both lowland and montane, are 
1.4% 12 restricted to the south-west; there are extensive 

degraded monsoon forests in the north and east. 

Taiwan 36 - - 1.7 - - Remnants of lowland rainforest remain in the far 
south and on Orchid Island. 
Thailand 511 127 5.2 82 iP 1 Remaining forests, both rainforest and monsoon, 
3.3% 107 are found mainly in the north and west, with some 

in the south and south-east. They are both lowland 
and montane. 

Vietnam 325 83 1.4 49 1.0 4 Remaining scattered rainforests and monsoon 
1.5% 57 forests, both lowland and montane, are 

concentrated in the central two-thirds of the 



American Samoa 0.2 - - - - - There is lowland and montane rainforest, mostly 
secondary, and cloud forest. 

- - - 1.2 0.5 Small patches of rainforest are found in the north- 
17 east, mainly along the Queensland coast; most is 
Cook Is 0.2 - - - - - There is some montane rainforest in central 

Fed. States 0.7 - - - - - There is lowland rainforest on volcanic and 
Micronesia limestone rock and some montane rainforest on 
Truk, Ponape and Kosrae. 

Fiji 18 8.6' 0.02 8.1' - - Lowland rainforest is found in the southern and 
0.3% 7.0 eastern parts of the larger islands. There is a small 
amount of montane forest. 

French Polynesia 3.9 ipey - - - - Lowland rainforest is generally much disturbed. 
Montane rainforest is present in the interiors of 
f the high island 

Guam 0.4 - : - - - There is some lowland rainforest and possibly a 
limited area of cloud forest on Mt Lamlam. 

New Caledonia 19 13.4! - 4.8" - - There is lowland rainforest on basic and limestone 
substrate, submontane rainforest, mid-altitude dry 
coniferous forest and some cloud forest and 
swamp forest. 

Niue 0.3 - - - - - There is a small area of lowland rainforest on 

Northern 0.5 - : - - - There is lowland rainforest, some riverine forest 
Mariana Is and probably cloud-forest. 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Biodiversity Factors affecting forests Area * % cover 
prot. prot. In BML 

(thousand hectares) 

Diversity and endemism are moderately high. Between 35% and 55% of forest has been cleared. 336 28% 96% 
Major threats are fuelwood gathering; permanent 
agriculture; shifting cultivation; tree plantations; fire; 
gemstone mining; urbanisation and loggi 

Diversity is moderate; endemism is low. Remaining vestiges of rainforest are reportedly - - 10) 

Diversity is very high; endemism is moderate. 55-65% of forest has been cleared; clearance for 2,591 24% 62% 
permanent and shifting agriculture and tree plantations, 
often following logging, are the major threats. 

Diversity is very high; regional endemism is Around 85-90% forest cover has been lost, and only 291 5% 62% 
high, national endemism is moderately high. 1% remains largely untouched. War from 1945-75 and 
intensive reconstruction since the are the major causes 
of loss. 
Diversity is fairly low; there is notable regional Clearance of forests for shifting cultivation is a major - - - 
endemism, with most species also present on factor. The forests are also susceptible to hurricane 
Western Samoa. damage. 
Diversity is lower than in the main S.E Asian Probably less than 20% has been cleared, mostly for 234 21% 65% 
forest blocks; regional endemism is very high, commercial agriculture and cattle ranching. There is 
with many species shared with New Guinea, little clearing or disturbance at present. 
but there is also significant national endemism. 
Diversity is low. There is some endemism. Lowland forest has mostly been cleared for cultivation. 0 0% - 
Inland forest is relatively undisturbed although is 
threatened by introduced species 
Diversity is fairly low, although higher than Lowland forest has mostly been cleared for cultivation There are no protected areas in 
most Pacific islands, with a significant number or is heavily disturbed. Montane forest is less seriously IUCN categories I-V. 
of national and regional endemics (many affected. 
species are shared with Palauniue). 
Diversity is low; endemism is moderate to It is estimated that over half the forest area has been - - - 
high. lost. Conversion of land to agriculture, excessive 
logging and planting with mahogany and other exotics 
are threats. 
Diversity is low; endemism is moderate to Deforestation through urbanisation and clearance for - - - 
high. agriculture and invasion by introduced species are the 
Diversity is fairly low; regional endemism is Logging and clearance for development have destroyed = - - 
fairly high, with many species shared with the most rainforest; previously slash-and-burn was the 
Northern Mariana Islands. major factor affecting forests. Introduced species are a 
major threat. 
Diversity is moderately high, endemism is Only around 10% of the country is now covered in - - - 

extremely high. New Caledonia has one of the dense forest. Virtually all coastal forest has been 
world’s most distinctive floras with significant destroyed. Excessive logging and strip-mining are 

numbers of endemic genera and families as major threats. 
well as species. Perret re 
Diversity and endemism are both low. Most forest has been degraded, apart from that in the - - - 

di lly protected) region. 

Diversity is fairly low; regional endemism is Tourist development on Saipan is a major factor. - - - 
fairly high, with many species shared with 




Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest Fl Map _ Description of forests 
Size and deforest. cover Scale 

(thousand square kilometres) 
OCEANIA continued 

Palau 0.4 - - - - - There is extensive lowland rainforest, with 75% of 
Babeldoab (the largest island) covered with forest. 

Papua New 453 360 1.1 318 ier 1 There are lowland and montane rainforests over 
Guinea 0.3% 367 much of the country with swamp forests and a 

small amount of monsoon forest in the lowlands. 

Solomon Islands 28 25' 0.01' 24 . - Most forest is lowland rainforest, with small areas 

0.04% 26 of montane rainforest, particularly on Guadalcanal. 
Tonga 0.7 - - - - - Lowland limestone moist forest is still present, 

ith the best examples on ‘Eua. 
Vanuatu 12 - 0.04 2.4 - - Most forest is lowland rainforest with some 
1.7% montane rainforest. 
Western Samoa 2.9 a7} 0.02' 1.4' - - Lowland and montane rainforest and cloud forest 
aha are all present. Most lowland rainforest is 



Antigua and 0.4 0.3' x) 0.1 - - There are small patches of humid forest in the 

Barbuda 0.2% - south-west. 

Belize 23 20 0.05 19 1.0 0.5 Forests are mostly lowland subtropical moist 
0.2% - forest, including some Pinus caribaea, merging 

with tropical moist forest in the south; there is also 
some lower montane moist forest. 

Costa Rica 51 14 0.5 13 1.1 0.2 Tropical moist forest is found discontinuously in 
2.9% - the north, east and south-east. There are small 

areas of lower montane and montane forest and 
vestiges of dry forest in the north-west. 

Cuba 110 17 0.2 17? 0.8 1 Natural forest is largely confined to the extreme 
1.0% - east and west, the Zapata peninsula, the north 

central coastal region and associated islands, and 
the Isla de Juventud. Most remaining forest is 
lowland moist (mostly seasonal) and inland swamp 
forest; there is also pine and sub-montane forest 
and a smaller amount of montane forest. 

Dominica 0.8 0.6' 0 0.4 - - There is extensive lowland and lower montane 
0.7% - rainforest with some montane and semi-evergreen 
Dominican 48 11 0.4 9 - - Most forest cover is in the west. There is a 
Republic 2.8% - mosaic of evergreen rainforest, cloud forest, dry 

lowland forest, semi-deciduous forest, pine forest 
and mixed pine and broadleaved. 

El Salvador 21 4.6' 0.03 1.2 1.4 0.2 Remnant ceciduous forests, montane pine-oak 
2.2% - formations and cloud forests occur, most 
extensively in the northernmost parts of the 
Pritt rr country. 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 


Biodiversity Factors affecting forests Area % % cover 
prot. prot. in BML 

(thousand hectares) 


Diversity is fairly low, although higher than Pressure on forests is fairly low, owing to a low human - - - 
most Pacific islands, with a significant number population density. 

of national and regional endemics (many 

species are shared with the Federated States 

of Micronesia). 

Diversity is very high as is regional endemism Between 15% and 25% of original forest cover has 37 0.1% 63% 

(much of the fauna and flora are shared with been cleared. Shifting cultivation and logging are the 

Irian Jaya); there is also notable national main causes of forest loss and degradation with 

endemism. fuelwood collection locally important. 

Diversity and endemism are generally poor to Only 10-20% of the land has been cleared. Excessive There are no protected areas in 

moderate, except for the avifauna which is rich logging is the major threat although much of the land IUCN categories 

in endemics. area is inaccessible. IV. 

Diversity is low; there is moderate endemism. Much of the forest has been degraded. oO 0% - 

Diversity is low; endemism is low to moderate. Three-quarters of the land still has natural vegetation. There are no protected areas in 
Pressure on the land has been low but is increasing. IUCN categories 
Most valuable accessible timber has been logged out. I-V. 

Diversity is relatively low; regional endemism is Logging and conversion to agriculture have affected - - - 
high, with many species shared with American much accessible land. 

Diversity and endemism are low. Virtually all forest cover has been destroyed or - - - 
degraded. Shifting cultivation, overgrazing and fire are 
hi jor th 

Diversity is very high; endemism is low as The country is believed to have been extensively 220 12% 76% 
almost all species are shared with Guatemala deforested under the Mayas, 1000 years ago, but much 
and Mexico. has regrown. Deforestation is at a low rate but recent 

influx of immigrants is changing this. Virtually all 
forests have been selectively logged. 

Diversity is extremely high, because of varied 60% of forest cover has been cleared in the past 50 409 31% 92% 
topography and the presence of biotic years, mostly for conversion to beef-cattle pasture. 
elements from northern South America and Most remaining forest is now protected. 

Central America; endemism is moderate. 

Diversity is moderate; endemism is very high. Natural forest originally covered 60-90% of the island 139 8% 32% 
and now covers under 20%. Clearance was mainly for 
cattle-ranching and sugar plantations. There is 
considerable reafforestation at present, mostly as 
plantations, so that net deforestation rate is very low. 
Remaining natural forest is very poor in mature trees. 

Diversity is fairly low. Regional (Lesser Around 45% of the island has been cleared, mostly - - - 
Antillean) endemism is high, national since 1945 and mostly for agriculture, particularly 
idemism fairly low banana plantations. 

Diversity is moderate. Regional endemism is 80-90% of forest has been cleared; much of the - - - 
high, with many species shared or formerly remainder is degraded. Clearance is mostly for 
shared with Haiti. National endemism is agriculture and pasture-land and collection of forest 

id fuelwood. 

Biota are relatively impoverished with low Over 90% of the forests have been cleared, for 5.0 - ?? 
endemism. agriculture, cattle-ranching and coffee plantations. 
Population density is very high and land pressure great. 



Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest Fi Map Description of forests 
Size and deforest. cover Scale 

(thousand square kilometres) 


Grenada 0.3 0.07' e 0.06 - - Forest, mostly lowland, sub-montane and montane 
-4% - rainforest, is concentrated in the interior of the 
island. There is some dry woodland in the south 
and east. 
Guadeloupe 1.7 0.9 e 0.9 - - Forest is confined to Basse-Terre, mostly above 
0.3% - 400m, and is largely rainforest. 
Guatemala 108 42 0.8 39 2.0 0.5 Coniferous, broadleaved and mixed forests are 
1.7% - found. Broadleaved forests are moist lowland and 

montane, tropical and subtropical. Most cover is 

Haiti 28 0.2 0.01 0.2 - - There are scattered vestiges of forest, mostly pine 
4.8% - and mostly in the southern part of the country. 

Honduras 112 46 1.1 24 1.4 0.5 Most forests are pine forests, distributed 

2.1% - throughout the highland regions; there are 
montane moist forests mostly in the east and 
lowland moist forests east of these. 

Jamaica 11 2.3 0.3 2.3 0.8 0.25 There are wet limestone forests mainly in the 
7.2% - Cockpit Country and John Crow Mountains and 
lower montane rainforest, montane forest and elfin 
woodland on the Blue Mountains; there are also 
small areas of swamp forest and dry limestone 

Martinique 1.1 0.4 e 0.4 - - Most forest is rainforest, with apparently some 
0.5% - areas of more-or-less pristine forest in the Plateau 

de la Concorde region. 

Mexico 1,909 486 6.8 82 - - Lowland tropical rainforests are found mainly in 

1.3% - the Yucatan peninsula, tropical seasonal forests 

mainly in the Sierra Madre del Sur and along the 
Pacific edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental. 
Conifer and oak forests occur widely in the three 
main sierras (Madre del Sur, Madre Occidental, 
Madre Oriental) and in Chiapas. There is a small 
amount of montane rain forest in the Sierra Madre 

Nicaragua 119 60 1.2 47 1.4 1 Most forest is lowland tropical broadleaved found 
1.9% - in the east; there are areas of montane moist 

forest and pine forest, mainly in the north, and 
fragmented dry forests in the west. 

Panama 76 31 0.6 31 - - Forests are mainly lowland tropical broadleaved 
1.9% = and are found mostly in the northern and eastern 
parts of the country. There is some montane 

Puerto Rico 8.9 3.2 -0.04 - - - Forest is subtropical; most of the island was 
-1.4% - originally covered with moist forest with some wet 
forest and small areas of rainforest and montane 
forest in the central montane regions; there is dry 
forest i in the south. 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Biodiversity Factors affecting forests Area % % cover 
prot. prot. in BML 

(thousand hectares) 

SS aaa 

Diversity is relatively low; regional (Lesser 80-90% of the forest was cleared, mainly for cash - - - 
Antillean) endemism is high, national crops and later for shifting agriculture. Forests are 
endemism low. degraded by fuelwood collection. Some are now 


Diversity is relatively low; regional (Lesser Clearance of forest was mostly for cash crops. Current 3.1 3% 42% 
deforestation rate is relatively low. 

Diversity is high and endemism is relatively Agricultural colonization is the major threat to the moist 22 0.6% 17% 
high, because of the varied topography in the forests in the north; overharvest of firewood is the 
country. main cause of destruction of the coniferous forests. 

Biota are now impoverished. Formerly Over 98% of forest has been destroyed; major causes - - - 
diversity was moderate and regional endemism _ of destruction are tree-cutting for fuel and timber and 
high with most species also occurring in the clearance of land for agriculture. 

Dominican Republic. 

Diversity is high; endemism is moderate. Most deforestation is in the broadleaved forests and is 110 5% 30% 
as a result of agricultural expansion, particularly cattle- 
ranching over the last thirty years. 

Diversity is moderate; endemism is very high. Over 90% of the forest has been cleared or degraded. - - 0 
Clearing for settlement and agricultural land is the main 
cause oi deforestation. 

Diversity is relatively low; regional (Lesser 50-60% of the forest has been cleared; most remaining - - 19) 
Antillean) endemism is high, national forest is secondary. Current deforestation rate is fairly 
idemism | low. 
National diversity is extremely high, largely Most deforestation is in the tropical forests; 90% of 1,037 13% 15% 
because of the wide range of habitats and the mature tropical forests have been destroyed, most 
fact that Mexico straddles two biogeographic owing to the expansion of cattle-ranching; colonisation 
realms; national and regional endemism are and agricultural development schemes are also 
both high. important. 
Diversity is fairly high, although generally Around 40% of forest cover has been cleared in the - - - 
lower than other Central American countries, past 40 years, generally for conversion to agricultural 
largely because of limited altitudinal range. land. 
Endemism is low. 
Diversity is extremely high as the country has Around 60% of forest cover has been cleared. 885 29% 76% 
biota typical of northern South America as well Government assisted and spontaneous colonisation and 
as of Central America; endemism is relatively clearance for agriculture are the main pressures. 
Diversity and endemism are both moderate; Over 99% of virgin forest has been cleared; however - - - 
the island has suffered notable extinctions, reforestation is occurring, doth naturally and artificially, 
especially of large terrestrial vertebrates, since so that nearly 40% of the island now has some form of 
human settlement. woody cover. 



Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest 
Size and 


Fl Map 




(thousand square kilometres) 


Description of forests 


Trinidad and 5.1 2 0.04 2 1.6 - On Trinidad most forests are seasonal and found in 
Tobago 2.1% - the east; lowland evergreen forest is the most 
widespread, particularly in the south, with 
submontane prevalent in the north; there are small 
patches of dry, swamp and montane forest. 
e 0.1 - - There are roughly equal areas of wet forest 
-0.2% - (including cloud forest), moist forest and dry 
St Lucia 0.6 0.4' ) 0.05 - - Most remaining forest is moist forest on the steep 
5.2% - montane slopes. 
St Vincent & the 0.4 - - Most remaining forest is moist forest on 
Grenadines inaccessible inland slopes. 




Bolivia 493 

1.1 = 

The forests are structurally very diverse. There are 
evergreen montane, and both evergreen and semi- 
deciduous mid-altitude and lowland forests. 
Lowland forests are in the north and east, 
montane and mid-altitude run from the north-west 

Brazil 8,457 5,611 37 3,871 1.1 5 The major forest classes are Araucaria, Atlantic 
0.6% 3,415 and Amazon including both dryland and flood plain 
(v4rzea and igapd). Amazon forest in the north- 
western half of the country comprises over 95% 
of remaining forest. 
Colombia 1,039 541 3.7 498 1.2 1.5 | Submontane and montane forests run along both 
0.7% 511 sides of the Andes. Lowland rainforest is mostly 
found in the Amazon basin in the south-east and in 
the Chocé along the Pacific coast. 
Ecuador 277 120 2.4 118 thar 1 Lowland rainforest occupies much of the eastern, 
1.8% 142 Amazonian region and parts of the western 
lowlands. Montane forest is found along both 
sides of the Andes and dry forests occur in the 
southern part of the coastal plains. 
French Guiana 88 80 10) 79 0.7 1 Apart from open formations, savanna and swamps 
81 on the narrow coastal plain, the entire country is 
covered with lowland rainforest and some swamp 
eee eeenennenneees AAO TRS RSE E OR ESE SOMERS E ESET H ESSER EOS forest. 
Guyana 197 184 0.2 182 0.7 1 Apart from areas in the south-west and north-east 
0.1% 183 

the whole country is covered in forest, mostly 

Paraguay 397 129 4.0 26 1.6 0.5 The only moist tropical forests are along the 
2.7% 47 Parand river on the eastern border. 

Peru 1,280 679 2.8 663 - - Moist forest is confined to the Andean sierras and 
0.4% the Amazonian basin or selva to the east of this. 

There is some dry seasonal forest on the coastal 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 


Biodiversity Factors affecting forests Area % % cover 
prot. prot. In BML 

(thousand hectares) 

Diversity is high and endemism is moderately Probably 50-60% of the forests have been cleared. 2.7 1% 26% 
high, although the majority of species also Management of much remaining forest is reasonable, 
occur in adjacent parts of Venezuela. although there is extensive deforestation in the 

Northern Range of Trinidad owing to shifting cultivation 

and fires. 
Diversity is relatively low; regional (Lesser Virtually all accessible forest was cleared for cash - - - 
Antillean) endemism is high, national crops. Current deforestation is at a low rate; there is 
endemism low. much fallow land on Nevis but reforestation is 

hampered by uncontrolled livestock grazing. 

Diversity is relatively low; regional (Lesser Primary forest now covers around 13% of the land. - - 0 
Antillean) endemism is high, national Deforestation is relatively high and mostly caused by 
endemism low. conversion for agricultural land. 
Diversity is relatively low; regional (Lesser Around 60% of the island has been deforested; less - - - 
Antillean) endemism is high, national than 10% primary forest remains. Deforestation is 

ism | f icultura 

Diversity is very high with a moderate number Main causes of deforestation are agricultural expansion, 6,238 14% 92% 
of endemics. colonisation and logging. Collection of fuelwood is 
important at high altitudes. 

Overall diversity is extremely high. Endemism 90% of the Atlantic forests and 80% of the Araucaria 6,718 2% 39% 
is very high, particularly in the Atlantic forests. forests have been cleared; 10% of the Amazon has 

been cleared, mostly for cattle ranching but also for 

mining and hydroelectric schemes. 

Diversity is extremely high, with the forests of Something under half the forest has been lost, mostly 4,272 8% 75% 
the Andean foothills in the Amazon basin in in the last 50 years. Shifting cultivation and human 

southern Colombia and adjacent Peru perhaps settlement are the major causes of forest loss, followed 

floristically the world’s most diverse. by cutting for fuelwood and logging. 

Endemism is high. 

Diversity is extremely high. Regional Forests in the Andes and in the western lowlands have 1,411 10% 68% 
endemism is very high, with many species been largely destroyed. The major causes of 
shared with adjacent Colombia and Peru. deforestation are land clearance for colonisation and 

the production of fuelwood and charcoal. 

Diversity is high; endemism is low as fauna Rainforest still covers 90% of the country; there is There are no protected areas in 
and flora are largely shared with Guyana, currently little deforestation pressure. IUCN categories I-V. 

Suriname and north-eastern Brazil. 

Diversity is high; endemism is low as fauna Most of the forest is still undisturbed; however, 58 0.3% 0° 
and flora are largely shared with Suriname, deforestation pressures are likely to increase. 

Venezuela and northern Brazil. 

The forests are generally little- studied but Deforestation is extremely high. Indiscriminate clearing 109 2.3% 13% 
appear to have moderately high diversity and for agriculture is the main cause of forest loss. 

low endemism. Collection of fuelwood is also important. 

Diversity is extremely high; the forests of the The major cause of deforestation is the invasion of 2,031 3% 62% 
Andean foothills around the Amazon basin may _ forests in the selva by campesinos migrating from the 

be floristically the most diverse in the world. Sierras in search of land for settiment. 

Endemism is high. 



Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest Fi Map 
Ske and deforest. cover Scale 

(thousand square kilometres) 


Description of forests 

Suriname 156 148 0.1 146 0.6 1 
0.1% 133 

Venezuela 882 457 6.0 406 iia 2 
1.2% 542 

Apart from part of the coastal plain, virtually the 
whole country is forested, mostly with lowland 
seasonal moist forest. There is some submontane 
forest and extensive areas of swamp forest in the 


Humid evergreen forests are found in the 
Amazonas-Guayan region in the south and east, in 
the Orinoco Delta (swamp forest) and in the area 
south and south-east of Lake Maracaibo in the 
north-west. Most forest is lowland, but there are 
also extensive montane forests and some dry 

Angola 1,247 231 a 23 - - 
0.7% - 

Benin 111 49 0.7 0.5 1.4 0.5 
1.3% 0.4 

Burundi 26 2.3 0.01 0.5 - - 
0.6% 0.4 

Cameroon 465 204 1.2 74 0.9 0.5 
0.6% 155 

Central African 623 306 1.3 78 1.4 1 

Republic 0.4% 52 

Comoros 1.7 (0.4)' (0.01) (0.2)' - - 

(forest figs. (5%)! - 

include Mayotte) 

Congo 342 199 0.3 195 1.0 1 
0.2% - 

Cote d'Ivoire 318 109 1.2 11 1.0 dC 
1.0% 27 

Moist forest is restricted to the interior of the 
Cabinda enclave and as an extended but 
fragmented series of forest areas along the 
Angolan escarpment from Dondo south to 
Quilenges; there are tiny fragments of montane 

Small forest fragments are found in the south, one 
(Lama Forest) is c.50km?, the others are all 

Remaining forests are virtually all montane and 
found in the east. One tiny patch of Guineo- 
Congolean forest remains in the south-east at 

Montane, submontane, lowland evergreen and 
semi-deciduous forests are present in the southern 
two-thirds of the country. 

Rainforests are lowland and confined to the south- 
east and south-central parts of the country. 

Rainforest is confined to steep and inaccessible 
mountain slopes above 400-500m; much of it is 

Swamp forest is found in the north-east in the 
Cuvette Congolaise; semi-deciduous lowland forest 
occurs in the Sangha region in the north-west and 
the Mayombe and Chaillu massifs in the south. 

Fragmented evergreen moist forest is found in the 
south-east and south-west, grading into semi- 
deciduous forest and savannah in the centre and 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

ee ee 

Biodiversity Factors affecting forests Area % % cover 
prot. prot. in BML 

(thousand hectares) 

Diversity is high. Endemism is low as the fauna Outside the coastal plain, deforestation rates are very 456 3% 70% 
and flora are largely shared with French low. 
Guiana, Guyana and north-eastern Brazil. 

Diversity is extremely high; endemism is also At least 15% of forest has been lost in the past forty 8,645 16% 45% 
high. years. Most clearance appears to be for settled 

agriculture, initiated by the construction of roads 

through new areas. 

The highland and escarpment zones are rich in The fragmented nature of the escarpment forests - - - 
endemic birds and almost certainly in other places them at risk from exploitation, modification and 
taxa but are little-studied. clearance. Their present status remains largely 

Somewhat impoverished but otherwise typical Around 98% of the forest has been cleared. The small 0 0% 100% 
West African forest biota. size of the remaining fragments makes them extremely 

vulnerable. There is strong demand for timber and other 
forest products within the country and from Nigeria. 

The montane forests are rich in regional 96-98% of the forest has been cleared. Human 23 58% 95% 
endemics and are considered to have an population density is extremely high. Forests are 
unusually high overall species diversity. threatened by encroachment for agriculture and gold- 

mining, and collection of fuelwood and timber. 

Montane forests and coastal lowland forests Perhaps 50-60% of the forest has been cleared, 1,106 7% 100% 
have high regional or national endemism; the although degradation is believed to be more important 
latter are probably the most diverse in Africa. than deforestation. Montane and coastal lowland 
Elsewhere diversity is also high but endemism forests are highly threatened. Logging is economically 
fairly | important 
The flora is very poorly known. Fauna is Deforestation rates are low, chiefly because human 113 2% 93% 
typical of the Central African rainforests and is population density is relatively low; high costs of 
unlikely to be rich in endemics. transportation mean that commercial logging is limited 

but may increase with the building of the ‘4th parallel 

The fauna and flora are depauperate but Only remnants of primary forest remain. Secondary There are no protected areas in 
reasonably rich in regional endemics (many forest has re-grown on some islands. There is very IUCN categories I-V. 
Species are shared with Mayotte). heavy pressure for agricultural land and high demand 

for firewood. 
The forests are little studied, although species There has been relatively little forest clearance overall. 660 3% 94% 
richness is evidently high. There is insufficient Forest degradation through rapid cycle shifting 
information to assess levels of endemism agriculture and over-hunting is a major problem in the 
“EIEN Bon 1 seneacenanensemonnsanesesenc a eceseeeauseaacenmsnseerssesseceecansnes 
The forests have a rich West African flora and 80-90% of the forest has been cleared and current 552 20% 100% 
fauna, including an important number of deforestation is rampant. Commercial logging has 
regional endemics. opened up forests which are then converted to 

agriculture, particularly cacao and coffee. 



Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest Fi Map Description of forests 
Size and deforest. cover Scale 

(thousand square kilometres) 

Djibouti 23 0.2 0.0 - - - There are remnant forests, principally of Juniper, 
ie) - on the Goda Massif, mainly on the Plateau du Day. 
Equatorial 28 18 0.07 18 shard 1 Rio Muni is largely covered with a mosaic of 
Guinea 0.4% 17 lowland rainforest and degraded lowland 
rainforest. Bioko has patches of primary forest 
between 600 and 800m and montane forest 
between 800 and 1400m. Annobon has some 
moist forest above 500m. 
Ethiopia 1,101 142 0.4 52_ 1.5 - All moist forest is montane and is concentrated in 
(inc. Eritrea) 0.3% - the south-west. 
Gabon 258 182 1.2 181 - - Forest is virtually all lowland rainforest with some 
0.6% 227 inland swamp forest. 
Gambia 10 1.0 0.01 0.4? 1.5 1 There are scattered remnants of riparian forest. 
0.8% 0.5 
Ghana 230 96 1.4 16 1.2 1* Fragmented forest is found in the south-west and 
1.3% 15 along the eastern border. Wet evergreen is 

confined to the extreme south-west; forests 
become progressively drier east and north. 

Guinea 246 67 0.9 16 1.3 0.7 ~—_ Evergreen forests are largely confined to the 
1.2% 7.7 extreme south-east where there are lowland and 

submontane forests; there are scattered sub- 
montane and semi-deciduous forests elsewhere. 

Guinea-Bissau 28 20 0.2 8.0 1.4 1 Closed broadleaved forests occur in patches on the 
0.8% - lowland plain and along the coast, particularly in 
the south. 
Kenya 567 12 0.07 4.1 ie 1 Montane forest is found in the south-west and 
0.6% - central part of the country and there are lowland 

forest areas along the coast and in the south-west. 

Liberia 97 46 0.3 46 1.2 1* Evergreen moist forest is found in the east and 
0.5% 41 south-east and moist semi-deciduous forest in the 

north-west. There is a small amount of montane 
forest on Mt Nimb 

Madagascar 582 158 1.4 72 1.4 1 Lowland rainforest is found along the eastern 
0.8% 42 escarpment and in the Sambirano region in the 
north-west. Montane rainforest is found at higher 
altitudes in the same areas and on scattered 
massifs elsewhere. There is some seasonal semi- 
deciduous forest in the west. 

Malawi 94 35 0.5 12 - - There are small, scattered patches of montane, 
1.4% 0.3 mid-altitude and lowland forest. 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

oo ———————————————eeeeeESSSSSSSSSSSSSFSFSSSsFeF 
Blodiversity Factors affecting forests Area % % cover 
prot. prot. in BML 

(thousand hectares) 

————————————-:_—nSOSOSS SO 

Diversity and endemism are low, although one Forest is estimated to have covered 400,000 ha 2000 1.4 100% - 
bird species is confined to the forests and one years ago compared with less than 1,400 ha of primary 
palm nearly so. forest now; climatic desiccation, overgrazing and 

fuelwood collection are the major threats. 

Although little studied, diversity and regional 35-50% of forest is believed to have been cleared. 0 0% 100% 
endemism are expected to be very high; the Shifting agriculture is the main cause of forest 

coastal forests, along with those in adjacent disturbance in Rio Muni. On Bioko most forest was 

Gabon and Cameroon are probably the most felled for cacao production. The collapse of the industry 

diverse in Africa. National endemism is likely led to considerable regeneration of forests although this 

to be low. may now be being reversed. 

The forests are diverse, although less so than It is thought that 90-95% of original forest cover has - - - 
those of the main Guineo-Congolean block. been cleared. Fuelwood collection is a major pressure. 
National endemism is relatively high. 

The coastal forests in the region are probably Less than 20% of the forest has been cleared. Human 891 4% 100% 
the most diverse in Africa with high levels of population density is very low and pressure on the 
regional endemism. forests is therefore not great. 
Diversity is moderate, although the fauna is 80-90% of the forest is believed to have been cleared. 2 4% 100% 
now impoverished. Endemism is extremely Bushfires, overgrazing and a declining water-table 
low. appear to be the major problems. 
The wet forests are rich in species with Around 90% of the forest has been cleared. The major 19 1% 100% 
significant numbers of regional (West African) causes of deforestation are fire damage, over-logging, 
endemics. shifting cultivation and an ever increasing demand for 

The south-eastern forests, particularly those on Substantial areas of forest have been cleared. The 97 13% 78% 
Mt Nimba, are rich in species with significant major cause of forest loss is the traditional agricultural 
numbers of regional endemics. and pastoral practice in which land is cleared by fire. 
There is very little information on biological Probably over 80% of the forest has been cleared. There are no protected areas in 
diversity; the forests may be expected to be Bushfires and clearance of land for cashew and IUCN categories I-V. 
reasonably rich but to have little national groundnut cultivation, fruit farming, rice culture and 
endemism. timber exploitation as well as subsistence agriculture 

Inland lowland forests are moderately diverse Perhaps as much as 90% of forest has been cleared. 119 29% 93% 
but low in endemics. Montane and coastal Unsustainable forestry practices, including illegal 

forests are less diverse but have significant logging, fuelwood collection and encroachment for 

numbers of national or regional endemics. agriculture are the principal threats. 

Forests are typically West African, and are rich 60-80% of forest has been cleared. Subsistence 93 23% 75% 
in species, with a reasonable level of regional agriculture is the major cause of deforestation. 

endemism and some national endemics. 

Diversity is very high and national endemism is 60-85% of forest has been destroyed. Unsustaineble 231 6% 60% 
extremely high in all major plant and animal shifting subsistence cultivation is the major threat. In 

groups. There are significant numbers of some areas burning to create cattle pasture is also 

endemic genera and families as well as important. 


Diversity is moderate and there are a At least 80% of forest has been cleared. Illegal felling - - - 
reasonable number of regional endemics. and conversion for subsistence agriculture are threats. 



Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest Fi Map Description of forests 
Size and deforest. cover Scale 

(thousand square kilometres) 


on —————————————————————— 

Mauritius 2 0.5' 0.02 0.03' - - Most remaining forest is montane. 
3.3%! - 

Mayotte 0.4 included in Comoros - - There is some secondary forest in the highest 

Mozambique 784 173 1.0 44 - - There are small patches of forest along the coast 
0.7% - and at the base of the mountainous region and a 

few montane forests in the west. 

Nigeria 911 156 1.2 56 1.1 1* Lowland forests are found in the south in more or 

0.7% 39 less isolated blocks. There are some small areas of 

montane forest in the south-east. 

Rwanda 25 1.6 0 1.4 - - Remaining forests are all montane and in the east. 

Réunion 2.5 1.3! - 0.8' - - Almost all remaining forest is montane. 

Sao Tomé & 1 0.6' - 0.6' - -  Undisturbed rainforest occurs in the wettest areas 
Principe 0.3 of the south-west of each island on inaccessible 
Senegal 193 75 0.5 4.5 1.5 1 There are small remnants of lowland forest in the 
0.7% 2.0? far south. 

Sierra Leone 72 19 0.1 6.8 1.1 1* Lowland evergreen moist forest is found in the 

0.6% 5.0 south-east; semi-deciduous forest is scattered 
elsewhere, mostly in the east. 
Somalia 627 7.5 0.03 12 - - There is coastal mosaic forest in the extreme 
0.4% - south, some riparian forest along rivers and small 

f f h hern hill 

Sudan 2,376 430 - - There are small patches of lowland and montane 

h h 

Tanzania 886 336 4.4 11 1.2 2 The main closed forests are montane rainforests in 
1.2% - the east; there are also small areas of swamp 
forest in the west and lowland forest mosaic along 
the coast. 

Togo 54 14 0.2 25 1.3 1 Lowland forest is found along the southern part of 
1.5% 1.0 the western border. 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 



Diversity is relatively low; endemism is high. 
Significant numbers of species, particularly 
vertebrates, have become extinct since the 
arrival of humans. 

Diversity is low; there is a reasonable number 
of regional (i.e. Comorean) endemics. 

The forests are little known but may be 
expected to have reasonable diversity and 
regional endemism. 

The forests are rich and have significant 
numbers of regional endemics, particularly in 
the east. 

The forests are rich in regional endemics and 
are considered to have an unusually high 
overall species diversity. 

The forests are relatively depauperate but rich 
in regional endemics; a large number of 
species, particularly vertebrates, have become 
extinct since the arrival of humans. 

The forests are relatively depauperate but have 
significant numbers of endemics, particularly 

Diversity is moderate, although the fauna is 
now impoverished. Endemism is extremely 

sneneveuseeenenusnenssceesansnsenssussssesenssssssssacannsnessnsnseees: aanene 

The forests are very depauperate but 

Forest biota are typical West African, with high 

diversity and significant regional endemism. 

The forest are not well documented but there 
is probably moderate diversity and some 
regional endemism. 

The forests are little studied but may have 
notable | numbers of regional endemics. 

endemism is very high. 

replacement of forests b 

Area % 

Factors affecting forests 

(thousand hectares) 


Virtually all (over 98%) primary forest has been - - - 
destroyed. Logging, clearing for agriculture and the 
collection of fuelwood are the main causes of forest 

The island was reportedly completely deforested in the 
19th century. 

There are no protected areas in 

Little information is available on current threats to the (6) 0% - 
Between 85 and 90% of forest has been cleared. 310 8% 78% 

Deforestation is the result of an increase in area 
devoted to subsistence farming and the spread of cash 
cropping by peasants. 

80-90% of forest has been cleared. Human population 25 
density is extremely high. Forests are threatened by 
encroachment for agriculture and gold-mining, and 

collection of fuelwood and timber. The long term 

effects of recent upheavals are unclear. 

Around 60-65% of forest has been cleared. Logging, - - - 
clearing for agriculture and the collection of fuelwood 

are the main causes of deforestation. Invasion by 

introduced species is a major cause of degradation. 

There are no protected areas in 
!UCN categories I-V. 

Estimates of forest area cleared vary from 40% to 
60%. Forest elsewhere on the islands has been cleared 
for agriculture. Existing forest is relatively undisturbed 
although fuelwood collection has started. 

Moist forest has been largely reduced to degraded 6.2 3% 
copses of mature trees. Demand for agricultural land 

are firewood are major threats, as is fire, leading to 


Forest was cleared for logging and agriculture and has - - - 
largely been replaced by introduced species. 
Over 90% of forest has been cleared or degraded. 10) 0% 90% 

Slash and burn agriculture is the major cause of forest 
deterioration and loss. 

There is no reliable information on the amount of forest - - - 
destroyed or current rates of deforestation. 

There is little information, although conversion for cash 
crops, especially teu, has occurred. 

Diversity is high although lower than in the It is unclear how much forest has been cleared in 193 18% 93% 
main Guineo-Congolean rainforests; regional historical times. Encroachment, illegal harvesting and 

burning are all major problems. 
The forests are little known but may be It is thought that 85-95% of the forest has been 0.1 0.1% 76% 

expected to be diverse with reasonable 
regional endemism, but very little national 

cleared. Logging, conversion to agriculture and burning 
are all important. 



Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Country Forest Annual Forest FI Map Description of forests 
Size and __ deforest. cover Scale 

{thousand square kilometres) 


Uganda 200 63 0.7 8.1 UTA 0.5 =‘ There is lowland rainforest along the north-western 
1.0% 7.0 shore of Lake Victoria and on the eastern rim of 
the rift valley escarpment in the west; montane 
forest is found on Mt Elgon in the east and in the 
south-west (chiefly Rwenzori and Bwindi). 

Zaire 2,268 1,133 7.3 1,035 0.5 1 Most of the forests are semi-evergreen; swamp 
0.6% 1,191 and riverine forests and Guineo-Congolean towland 
rainforests occur in the Cuvette Centrale and 
montan i i 
Zimbabwe 387 89 0.6 0.7 - - There is some montane forest and a very small 
0.7% 0.08 amount of lowland forest in the eastern ranges. 


Table 7. Forests in the tropics 

Biodiversity Factors affecting forests Area % % cover 
prot. prot. in BML 

(thousand hectares) 

The forests are diverse and have significant Three-quarters of forest area has been lost in the 69 10% 94% 
numbers of regional endemics. present century. Encroachment and logging are 

Zaire has the highest species diversity of any Around 40% of forest has been cleared. Clearance for 5,151 4% 84% 
African country. The Albertine rift (eastern agriculture is the major threat; commercial logging is 
highland) forests in the east are rich in regional _inhibited by poor transport network but is locally 
endemics. i i 
Diversity is relatively low and endemism is The great majority (probably over 95%) of closed forest - - - 
believed very low. has been cleared. Most remaining forests are in areas 

unsuitable for agriculture. There is some minor 
exploitation for fuelwood and other forest products. 



Table 8. National protected areas 

Most countries have developed systems of protected areas and these make a vital contribution to the 
conservation of the world’s natural and cultural resources. Protected areas can allow maintenance of 
representative samples of natural habitats and biological diversity; they can, in watershed areas for 
example, promote environmental stability in adjacent regions; they can allow opportunities for rural 
development, scientific research and monitoring, conservation education, and for recreation and 

The nature and effectiveness of protected area systems vary considerably from one country to 
another, depending on needs and priorities, and on differences in legislative, institutional and financial 
support. The United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas is prepared as a standardised 
listing of protected areas which on the basis of available information meet certain criteria; the latest 
edition contains data for 1993 (IUCN, 1994). This list is based on collaboration between IUCN/CNPPA, 
WCMC and national agencies concerned with the establishment and management of protected areas. 
The table below is produced from the WCMC protected areas database from which the UN List is also 

Protected areas vary enormously in size, from tiny areas of a few tens of square metres to vast regions 
covering thousands of square kilometres. There has been much debate about the optimal size and 
configuration of reserves and reserve networks. For the purposes of species conservation it is 
becoming increasingly evident that larger does not necessarily mean better, in that a number of small 
reserves may protect more species overall than one large reserve of the same total size. Smaller 
reserves may in some cases also be easier to manage and protect. Conversely, small reserves may not 
be big enough to support viable populations of species (almost always animals) which have large home 
ranges. They also have high perimeter length in relation to their area, and thus may be susceptible to 
environmental degradation through edge effects and to human encroachment if they are not 
adequately protected. This last consideration is likely to be one of increasing importance in parts of 
the world with high and increasing human population densities. In such areas, it seems likely that long- 
term maintenance of at least some natural and semi-natural ecosystems will depend on very large 
protected areas. These are also of fundamental importance in the maintenance of "wilderness", a 
concept which has become of major conservation concern in developed countries. 

Figure 7 shows the 111 protected areas in the world whose individual area is greater than 2,000,000 
ha (categories I-V, data from WCMC protected areas database). A significant number of these are at 
high latitudes, particularly in northern boreal and Arctic regions of relatively low species diversity, and 
are evidently of greater importance in wilderness preservation than in the maintenance of global 
biological diversity. However, a gratifying number are situated in tropical regions, including northern 
South America, which appears to have highest known level of regional biological diversity in the world 
(see Fig. 2). If these protected areas can be adequately managed in the long-term they will 
undoubtedly play an extremely important role in the maintenance of the global biodiversity estate. 

Three important types of area have not been included in the UN List. These are those managed for 
forestry, those managed by or on behalf of indigenous peoples, and those in private ownership. 

Managed areas in the forestry sector cover over 10% of the tropics. Throughout the tropics, forestry 
policy is undergoing substantial change, with increased emphasis being placed on a balanced approach 
to sustainable production and conservation. However, there is still much to be achieved, and in many 
countries the conservation value of the forest estate has not been assessed. Areas managed by or on 
behalf of indigenous peoples are frequently of great importance for nature conservation. Collectively, 
they cover over seven million square kilometres and their distribution tends to correlate strongly with 
areas of biological richness. Colombia, for example, has ceded over 25% of its territory to indigenous 
peoples, and most of this is in biologically diverse tropical forest regions. Private protected areas are 
not usually significant in terms of the area they cover, but they are important because of the quality 
of management and degree of protection afforded to them. Private areas include those areas 
administered by foundations and private enterprise, as well as those established and run by 

Table 8. National protected areas 

communities themselves. Many private initiatives usefully support and complement state systems, and 
they tend to assume greater significance where state resources are very limited. 


This table provides data on the number and area of national protected areas in each of the categories I-V, and an indication of 
the total country area under such protection. 

Three criteria determine whether a site is included in the UN List and is thus accounted for in this table: 

Size: only protected areas of more than 1,000 hectares are included, with the exception of offshore or oceanic islands of at least 
100 hectares where the whole island is protected (one thousand hectares is equivalent to 10 square kilometres or 2,471 acres 
or 3.86 square miles). 

Management objectives: a series of protected area management categories, defined by management objectives, are identified 
by IUCN/CNPPA. Definitions of each category are provided below. The 1993 edition of the list includes sites in IUCN 
Management Categories | through V. The management categories used are outlined below. In mid-1993, a new protected areas 
management category system was approved by the IUCN Council, on the advice of CNPPA. 

Authority of the management agency: sites managed by the highest appropriate level of government and sites managed by state 
authorities within federal systems have been included. 

Protected area management categories |-lll imply more complete protection than categories IV (where resource extraction is 
permitted) and V (where traditional land uses are maintained). The data are obtained with the cooperation of protected area 
managers and agencies around the world, and in collaboration with IUCN/CNPPA, and are maintained in the Protected Areas 
database at WCMC. 

Columns 2-11: For each of the management categories |-V two columns contain data on the number of protected areas and their 
combined area per country. See note on different management of categories I-Ill and IV-V. 

Columns 12-13: These two columns give the combined total number of protected areas in categories I-V for each country, and 
their combined area. 

Columns 14-16: These refer to percent of country land area that is protected ‘strictly’ (categories I-lll) or partially (categories 
IV-V), and overall (I-V). It is important to note a source of bias in these data columns: in several cases the protected area total 
includes marine areas but because land area is used to calculate the percent protected figure, this last will be inflated 
significantly where in countries with relatively large marine protected areas (eg. Kiribati, Panama, St Vincent, Australia - Great 
Barrier Reef Marine Park and Ecuador - Galapagos Marine Resource Reserve). 

1978 Protected Areas Management categories 

To protect nature and maintain natural processes in an undisturbed state in order to have ecologically representative 
examples of the natural environment available for scientific study, environmental monitoring, education, and for the 
maintenance of genetic resources in a dynamic and evolutionary state. 

To protect outstanding natural and scenic areas of national or international significance for scientific, educational, aiid 
recreational use. These are relatively large natural areas not materially altered by human activity where extractive 
resource uses are not allowed. 

To protect and preserve nationally significant natural features because of their special interest or unique 
characteristics. These are relatively small areas focused on protection of specific features. 

To assure the natural conditions necessary to protect nationally significant species, groups of species, biotic 
communities, or physical features of the environment where these may require specific human manipulation for their 
perpetuation. Controlled harvesting of some resources can be permitted. 

To maintain nationally significant natural landscapes which are characteristic of the harmonious interaction of man and 
land while providing opportunities for public enjoyment through recreation and tourism within the normal life style and 
economic activity of these areas. These are mixed cultural/natural landscapes of high scenic value where traditional 
land uses are maintained. 



Table 8. National protected areas 

Category | 

No. Area (ha) 

Category ll 

No. Area (ha) 

Category Ill 
No. Area (ha) 

Albania ie) ie) 6 9,600 °O {e} 
Austria ie) ie) 1 5,773 ie} fe} 
Belgium 0 0 Lo) ° 0 t¢) 
Belarus 1 63,458 1 ° lo} 
Bosnia and Herzegovin: 0 ie} 1 ie} o 
Bulgaria 26 61,824 3 221,253 2 4,424 
Croatia 4 19,784 5 46,331 1 1,100 
Czech Republic 4 12,876 2 74,820 ie} ° 
Denmark 9 23,838 te) {e} 2 6,290 
Estonia 6 68,428 1 22 O ° 
Finland 393,990 10) 0 
France 288,797 io} 0 
Germany 13,100 10) ie} 
Greece 60,392 2 18,000 
Hungary 159,139 0 co) 
Iceland 180,100 5 38,604 
Ireland 36,798 {e} fe} 
Italy 471,918 1 1,500 
Latvia ie} 1 2,520 
Liechtenstein ie} Lo) 0 
Lithuania 4 20,784 5 132,950 {o} 0 
Luxembourg 10) c0) 0 ie} ie} 10) 
Macedonia te) io} 3 108,338 5 47,515 
Moldova 2 Oo ie} Le) 10} 
3 6 21,370 23 226,195 
Norway 55 2,726,383 20 2,328,110 {e} ce) 
Poland 1 1,592 15 148,326 0 Le) 
Portugal 13,072 1 21,100 1 2,730 
Romania 12 60,741 11 841,561 0 ie} 
1,193 5 199,724 1 1,517 
Slovenia ie} 0 1 84,805 ie} 0 
Spain ie} 0 10 132,478 {o} ce) 
Sweden 38 949,101 15 495,028 {0} fo) 
Switzerland 1 16,887 ie} ie) {o} (0) 
United Kingdom 8 23,018 4 20,272 {e} O 
Yugoslavia 1 1,124 7 148,775 1 1,600 


Afghanistan 0 0 1 41,000 0 ° 
Armenia 63,900 1 150,000 0 ie) 
Azerbaijan 12 190,860 te) io} ie} fe) 
Bangladesh Oo ie) {0} {o} 0 0 
64,400 4 to) te) 
Brunei 9 66,274 1 48,859 0 ie) 


Table 8. National protected areas 


Category IV Category V Total I-V Percent country area protected 

No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Total Area (ha) Totally Partially 

Ill Iv-V -V 

5 24,400 ie) 0 11 34,000 * 0.85 1.18 
47 372,046 122 1,627,656 170 2,005,475 H 23.85 23.92 
1 3,988 iz 73,150 3 77,138 “ 2.53 2.53 
t0) 0 8 98,007 10 242,488 I 0.47 1.17 

13 50,748 2 31,641 46 369,890 2.59 0.74 3.34 

15,418 14 302,711 29 385,344 1.19 5.63 6.82 

6,361 24 972,751 34 1,066,808 1.11 12.42 13.53 

61 1,165,143 41 193,479 113 1,388,750 0.70 31.54 32.24 
Be UOT es ee see = 

45 2,183,835 ie) ie) 82 2,728,645 1.62 6.48 8.10 

58 253,634 37 5,015,375 110 5,601,486 0.61 9.69 10.30 

88 262,640 415 8,919,962 504 9,195,702 0.04 25.73 25.77 

6 11,483 8 133,178 24 0.59 1.10 1.69 

aanene ny 

51,950 8 645,000 22 915,924 

10,033 ) t) 12 46,831 

86 221,922 74 1,579,485 172 2,274,825 

23 62,177 17 671,584 45 774,724 

t) () 1 6,000 6,000 

37 99,615 30 381,370 76 634,719 

° 0 ‘|e 36,000 1 36,000 

5 46,894 3 13,771 16 216,518 
t) () () ) 2 6,200 0.18 0.00 0.18 
47 136,765 t) 388,541 6.12 3.32 9.44 
8 17,645 31 464,374 114 5,536,512 15.61 1.49 17.09 
21 67,967 74 2,845,668 111 3,063,553 0.48 9.32 9.80 
10 108,616 11 437,102 25 582,620 0.40 5.91 6.31 
1 22,788 5 159,815 39 1,084,905 3.80 0.77 4.57 
15 41,990 18 1,015,509 Siar eine 67.93 72.36 
t) t) 9 23,282 10 108,087 4.19 1.15 5.34 
86 1,736,920 119 2,376,232 215 4,245,630 0.26 8.15 8.41 
135 1,254,205 26 290,711 214 2,989,045 3.28 3.50 6.78 
48 241,198 60 472,622 109 730,707 0.41 17.29 17.70 

64 292,186 115 2,490 191 5,127,986 PAB aoe 20.76 20.94 

1 16,133 11 179,334 21 346,966 1.48 1.91 3.40 

5 177,438 ie) ie) 6 218,438 0.06 0.27 0.33 
ie) ie) te) ie) 4 213,900 7.18 0.00 7.18 
te) ie) ie) ie) 12 190,860 2.20 0.00 2.20 
6 83,332 2 
4 241,100 ° 
i) ie) 0 {o} 10 115,133 19.97 0.00 19.97 



Table 8. National protected areas 
Category Ill 

Category | 

No. Area (ha) 


Category ll 
Area (ha) 

Area (ha) 

ASIA continued 
China 3 98,425 ie} ° 1 30,000 
Cyprus °o 1 9,337 ie} ° 
Georgia 14 167,186 1 19,700 ie) 1°) 
India 2 196,043 64 3,677,580 ie) ° 
= ee 8 7.263088 Be eee 
Iran 18 1,904,503 7 1,075,300 2 6,150 
Israel 0 ie) 3,090 0 lo) 
Japan 22 214,484 15 1,299,148 ie} ie} 
Jordan 1 1,200 0 ie} {o} 
isc Zedletel BU ON. SAR ORES GRE... ARE eae eae ee 
Korea, P.D.R. 0 ie} 1 43,890 {0} ° 
Korea, Republic 5 19,346 f0) fe) 10) fe) 
Kuwait 1 2,000 te) ie} ie) f?) 
Kyrgyzstan 4 264,668 1 19,400 °o ie} 
= : : SHO 2 SR =e 
Malaysia 28 90,070 16 814,009 f?) ie) 
Mongolia 12 224,280 2 5,393,560 ie) ce) 
Myanmar 0 ie} 1 160,580 ie) 0 
Nepal c¢) lo} 8 1,014,400 ie} ie} 
Oman 0 ie} 1 46,000 0 ie} 
Pakistan ie} 0 6 882,195 10) 10) 
Philippines ie) ° 10 247,050 = 19,715 
Qatar ie} ie) ie) ie) ie) ie} 
Russia 75 37,649,408 23 4,545,515 4 8,990 
Saudi Arabia z } 2 279, 000 ie} ie} 10) 0 
Singapore 10) 10) L0) L0) ce) 0 
Sri Lanka 3 31,575 22 436,339 ie) ie} 
Taiwan ie) 0 4 303,486 10) ie) 
Tajikistan 3 85,700 ce) ie} Oo 0 
ee 0 By 8 4,396,028 0 
Turkey 4 20,903 19 395,977 ie} [e} 
Turkmenistan 8 1,111,637 ie} ie} 0 ie} 
Ukraine 13 179,197 3 169,803 0 10) 
Uzbekistan 9 212,686 1 31,503 {0} {0} 
PL als eee ae fe EE S 3 202,428 S 2 
Australia 80 3,816,022 415 27,849,176 71 262,416 
Fiji 5 18,922 ce) ie) 0 i?) 
Kiribati 2 20,130 fe) ie) ° te) 
New Zealand 102 1,693,285 30 4,214,581 7 23,545 
Northern Marianas 4 1,541 10) fe) (0) re) 
Palau (0) ie} ie} oO 1 1,200 
Papua New Guinea ie} ° 3 7,323 (e) r?) 


Table 8. National protected areas 


Category IV Category V Total I-V Percent country area protected 
No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Total Area (ha) Totally Partially 
1-H IvV-V I-V 


421 55,590,538 38 2,347,600 463 58,066,563 0.01 6.04 6.05 
3 66,000 ie) ie) 4 75,337 1.01 7.14 8.14 
te) te) ie) ie) 15 186,886 2.68 0.00 2.68 

307 10,458,515 1 18,600 374 14,350,738 1.22 3.31 4.53 

Se Deamon ag SNE a 2B ____ 18/0 88,202 est a7 nl 
4 1,144,918 37 4,168,695 68 8,299,566 1.81 3.22 5.04 
13 296,345 1 8,400 15 307,835 0.15 14.67 14.82 
30 492,342 13 752,252 80 2,758,226 4.09 3.37 7.46 
6 79,200 3 209,900 10 290,300 0.01 3.01 3.02 
te) i) RO) F te) 9 891,472 0.33 0.00 0.33 
1 14,000 io} ie) 2 57,890 0.36 0.11 0.47 
3 27,148 20 647,304 28 693,798 0.20 6.85 7.05 
te) ie) 1 25,000 2 27,000 0.08 1.03 1.11 
ie) 0 ie) ie} 5 284,068 1.43 0.00 1.43 
0 ie) te) ie) 1 3,500 0.34 0.00 0.34 
9 579,745 1 1,011 54 1,484,835 2.72 1.74 4.46 
ie} ie} 1 550,000 15 6,167,840 3.59 0.35 3.94 
te) Le) 1 12,691 2 173,271 0.24 0.02 0.26 
4 94,100 te) ie) 12 1,108,500 7.17 0.67 7.84 
27 3,688,650 oi 2. 1,600 29 3,736,250 0.17 13.57 13.74 
45 2,716,693 4 122,051 55 3,720,939 1.10 3.53 4.63 
8 321,243 4 17,919 27 605,927 0.89 1.13 2.02 
1 1,619 Oo Le) 1 1,619 0.00 0.14 0.14 
95 23,279,636 2 53,210 199 65,536,759 2.47 1.37 3.84 
x Ladi cS oe sae fect oe de Sea kee 
1 2,796 ie) 0 1 2,796 0.00 4.54 4.54 
31 328,039 ie) ie) 56 795,953 7.13 5.00 12.13 
8 79,024 2 44,087 14 426,597 8.21 3.33 11.54 
0 0 ie) ie) 3 85,700 0.60 0.00 0.60 
36 2,671,150 1 13,100 111 7,020,276 8.44 5.22 13.66 
14 300,650 7 101,911 44 819,441 0.53 0.52 1.05 
0 ° ie) 0 8 1,111,637 2.28 0.00 2.28 
4 173,367 ie) ie) 20 522,367 0.58 0.29 0.87 
ie) oO ie} ie) 10 244,189 0.55 0.00 0.55 
50 1,127,36 ie} ie} 59 1,329,788 0.61 3.42 03 

294 13,344,479 32 48,273,364 892 93,545,457 4.16 8.02 12.18 
0 ie} ie) ie) 5 18,922 1.03 0.00 1.03 
1 6,500 ie} 0 3 26,630 29.43 9.50 38.93 

67 216,383 co) ie) 206 6,147,794 22.37 0.82 23.19 
2 2 f : : pee sca BEES Pcl SA. 
ie) 0 0 io) 1 1,200 2.44 0.00 2.44 
2 74,693 to) 5 82,016 0.02 0.16 0.18 



Table 8. National protected areas 
Category | Category Il Category Ill 
No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) 

OCEANIA continued 
rr —————— 

Western Samoa is) te} 1 2,857 Lo) 0 


Antigua and Barbuda ie} {e} 2 6,128 0 (0) 

Bahamas 1 1,813 4 121,576 0 0 
Belize 3 44,401 4 115,565 te) {o} 
case iba iA ls epee St000.88). oe 

Costa Rica 4 15,169 13 488,337 ie} 0 
Cuba 9 39,978 9 116,942 to} fe) 
Dominica 10) Lo) 1 6,872 ie} 0 
Dominican Republic (0) Lo) 8 563,934 c0) (0) 
El Salvador 10) 0 1 

Greenland 1 1,050,000 1 97,200,000 te} {o} 
Guatemala {e} te} 6 768,400 5 10,975 
Haiti 0 ie} 2 7,500 0 (0) 
Honduras 0 ie} 16 469,453 10) (0) 
picnic ieee ce aN? 42 aaa = 2 

Mexico 6 316,498 33 1,597,788 3 9,558 
Nicaragua 2 345,000 3 25,327 1 18,930 
Panama {0} {0} 12 1,318,674 1 5,400 
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 ie} 1 2,610 ie} 10) 
Saint Lucia 0 0 
Saint Vincent 0 ie} ie) ie} 0 0 
Trinidad and Tobago 1 1,800 (0) 10) 0 0 
United States 455 14,365,978 178 22,013,247 70 8,138,507 


Argentina 32 1,330,184 32 1,675,539 2 19,500 
Bolivia ° 1 135,000 7 3,638,520 c0) (0) 
Brazil 53 3,940,314 97 16,483,686 {0} {e} 
Chile c0) te) 30 8,361,367 2 13,606 
Colombia 5 45,365 33 7,020,690 2 1,947,000 
Ecuador 4 658,280 6 2,428,457 fo) O 
Guyana ie} 0 1 58,559 10) a) 
Paraguay ie} ie} 12 1,362,811 1 2,500 
Peru te) te) 8 2,413,718 7 1,629,908 
Suriname ie} ie} 86,570 (0) 

Uruguay ° 0 0 10) 2 15,250 
Venezuela fe) fe) 42° 13,093,019 11 1,121,753 

Algeria 4 36,800 8 11,764,543 {0} Oo 
Angola ie) ie} 1 790,000 to} 0 
Benin 0 0 2 777,500 0) ie) 


Table 8. National protected areas 

2 ed 

Category IV Category V Total I-V Percent country area protected 
No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Total Area (ha) Totally Partially 
1-ill IvV-V “Vv 

2 7,215 ie) 0 3 10,072 1.01 2.54 3.55 

te) ie) te) ie) 2 6,128 13.86 0.00 13.86 
975 ie) ie) 10 124,364 8.90 0.07 8.97 
163,155 ° ie} 14 323,121 6.97 7.10 14.07 

76,635 111 9,444,666 640 82,545,492 3.47 4.85 8.32 

129,387 3 5,671 29 638,564 9.89 2.65 12.55 
16 163,161 20 572,676 53 892,757 1.37 6.43 7.80 
ie) ie} 0 1 6,872 9.15 0.00 9.15 
3 44,210 17 1,048,284 11.64 10.00 21.64 
o Lib ae = io 2 5,222 0.15 0.09 0.24 
0 ie) ie} 2 98,250,000 44.95 0.00 44.95 
5 52,591 1 1,000 17 832,966 7.16 0.49 7.65 
ie} 1 2,200 3 9,700 0.27 0.08 0.35 
28 393,330 ie} ie} 44 862,783 4.19 3.51 7.70 
ie} ie) ie} 1 1,520 0.13 0.00 0.13 
12 3,886,725 11 3,918,163 65 9,728,732 0.98 3.96 4.93 
53 514,193 0 ie) 59 903,450 2.63 3.47 6.10 
2 2,258 i?) ie) 15 1,326,332 16.86 0.03 16.89 
0 io} 
io) io} 
ie) 4 
5 13,928 ie} te) 6 15,728 0.35 2.72 3.07 
402 47,277,905 389 12,442,379 1,494 104,238,016 4.75 6.37 11.12 

18 1,327,691 2 20,140 86 4,373,054 1.09 0.49 1.57 
16 5,446,199 1 13,300 25 9,233,019 3.43 4.97 8.40 
49 4,453,098 74 7,312,739 273 32,189,837 2.40 1.38 3.78 
34 5,350,152 0 ie) 66 13,725,125 11.14 7.12 18.26 
1 2,045 38 342,911 79 9,358,011 7.91 0.30 8.22 
2 7,994,613 3 32,543 15 11,113,893 6.69 17.39 24.08 
i?) te) te) ie} 1 58,559 0.27 0.00 0.27 
1 30,000 5 87,695 19 1,483,006 3.36 0.29 3.65 
2 75,347 5 57,217 22 4,176,190 3.15 0.10 3.25 
i a 2 2 = Lolita mh cee oe. eee ee 
1 8,000 5 8,836 8 32,086 0.08 0.09 0.17 
5 96,448 42 12,011,086 100 26,322,306 15.59 13.28 28.86 

6 41,507 1 76,438 19 11,919,288 4.95 0.05 5.00 
3 891,200 2 960,000 6 2,641,200 0.63 1.48 2.12 
to) io} to) ie} 2 777,500 6.90 0.00 6.90 



Table 8. National protected areas 

Category | Category Il Category Ill 

No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) 

AFRICA continued 
LL ———————L— 

Botswana ie) 5 9,731,450 
Burkina Faso te) 3 489,300 
Burundi to) L0) 0 
Cameroon ie} i 1,031,800 

1 4 

Central African Republic 


ie} 2 
Congo 0 1 126,600 
Céte d'Ivoire 2 128,000 8 1,762,500 
Djibouti 10) 1 

ecooo0oin GO OO 

414,000 () 




15,000 0 
ie} 3 18,440 





Ghana 38,570 1,058,430 
Guinea 300 38,200 
Kenya 32 3,451,383 

to} ie) 
1 129,230 
3 51,000 
6 171,307 

Lesotho 0 
Liberia 0 
Libya 0 

CLO TOTO FO) eo (OO 10) 10) 






(oe) 1e) “(oR to] 

0 5 
te) 1 
Mauritania 1 310,000 2 1,186,000 
0 io} 
5 ie} 

0 io} fo} 0 
Namibia te) 0 5 8,975,751 
Niger 0 0 1 220,000 
Le) 0 6 
0 0 2 



ooo- 90 

Nigeria 2,226,400 
Rwanda 327,000 

6 1,012,450 
35,000 2 2,893 
ie) ie} 


Sierra Leone 


Somalia t0) 0 0 
ese he een. ee o0.0re ee Se a M! 
Sudan 0 (0) 8 8,499,000 1 15,000 
Swaziland 10) 10) 10) io} (0) ie} 
Tanzania ie} 0 12 4,099,975 10) 0 
Togo 0 ) ae 357,290 r) ) 
0 0 

Tunisia 1 450 6 44,417 

Uganda i?) io} 7 876,187 0 t¢) 
Zaire 0 0 8 9,916,625 ry) C) 
Zambia ry) ry 19 6,358,500 2 5,138 
Zimbabwe 0 oO 10 2,701,900 1 2,000 

ANTARCTICA 19 242,535 0) ie} 



Table 8. National protected areas 

Category IV Category V Total I-V Percent country area protected 
No. Area (ha) No. Area (ha) No. Total Area (ha) Totally Partially 

1-11 Iv-V “Vv 
4 931,830 ie} [o} 9 10,663,280 16.92 1.62 18.54 
9 2,172,600 ° {0} 12 2,661,900 1.78 7.93 9.71 
(0) f0) 3 88,865 3 88,865 0.00 3.19 3.19 
7 1,018,625 0 0 14 2,050,425 2.17 2.14 4.31 
8 2,918,000 0 0 13 6,106,000 5.10 4.67 9.77 
7 11,080,000 0 ° 9 11,494,000 0.32 8.63 8.95 
9 1,050,794 0 0 10 1,177,394 0.37 3.07 3.44 
2 102,350 to) 0 12 1,992,850 5.86 0.32 6.18 
to} 10) io} ie) 1 10,000 0.43 0.00 0.43 
8 694,700 10) ie} 12 793,200 0.10 0.69 0.79 
11 2,982,400 0 io} 23 6,022,600 2.75 2.70 5.45 
5 1,030,000 {0} fo) 6 1,045,000 0.06 3.85 3.90 
2 4,500 io} te) 5 22,940 1.72 0.42 2.15 
2 6,620 0 io} 9 1,103,620 4.60 0.03 4.63 
(0) fo) io} {0} 3 163,500 0.67 0.00 0.67 
4 52,373 10) 0 36 3,503,756 5.92 0.09 6.01 
1 6,805 c0) 10} 1 6,805 0.00 0.22 0.22 
ie} (0) io) (0) 1 129,230 1.16 0.00 1.16 
3 122,000 0 {0} 6 173,000 0.03 0.07 0.10 
21 375,190 ie} 10) 37 1,115,299 1.25 0.63 1.88 
4 362,300 10) 0 9 1,058,500 7.40 3.85 11.25 
10 3,661,989 ie} 0 11 4,011,989 0.28 2.95 3.24 
1 250,000 0 0 4 1,746,000 1.45 0.24 1.69 
3 4,023 0 0 3 4,023 0.00 2.16 2.16 
3 237,000 2 69,800 10 362,120 0.12 0.67 0.79 
1 2,000 (0) {0} 1 2,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 
4 434,664 2 782,900 12 10,217,777 10.92 1.48 12.40 
4 8,196,240 {0} {o} 5 8,416,240 0.19 6.91 7.09 
13 744,869 0 fo) 19 2,971,269 2.41 0.81 3.22 
[o} 0 10} fo) 2 327,000 12.42 0.00 12.42 
4 1,168,259 0 (0) 10 2,180,709 6.15 5.94 11.09 
{0} (0) {0} {0} 3 37,893 93.79 0.00 93.79 
2 82,013 to} 0 2 82,013 0.00 1.13 1.13 
1 180,000 {0} 0 180,000 0.00 0.29 0.29 
183 2,689,147 {0} 0 237 6,928,258 3.58 2.27 5.85 
6 752,500 1 116,000 16 9,382,500 3.40 0.35 3.74 
4 45,920 to} {0} 4 45,920 0.00 2.64 2.64 
18 9,790,000 ce) fo} 30 13,889,975 4.36 10.42 14.78 
8 289,616 10) io} 1 646,906 6.29 5.10 11.39 
0 (0) 0 to) 7 44,867 0.27 0.00 0.27 
22 1,026,020 2 6,539 31 1,908,746 3.70 4.36 8.07 
{0} (0) 0 0 8 9,916,625 4.23 0.00 4.23 
(0) (0) fo} {0} 21 6,363,638 8.46 0.00 8.46 
4 18,280 10 345,643 25 3,067,823 6.93 0.93 7.86 
19) 0 {0} io} 19 242,535 0.02 0.00 0.02 



Table 9. Systematics collections 

Systematics - the discovery, description and classification of species - is a discipline with low public 
profile yet fundamental to human understanding, use and management of biological diversity. 

Systematics is important for many reasons. The correct identification of experimental material is 
essential in order to allow results to be corroborated by other researchers. Identification of pests and 
pathogens to species or strain is essential before control measures can be planned. Identification of 
discrete fishery stocks allows management to be tuned appropriately. Information on the phylogeny 
of species allows properties known to exist in one species to be sought after in related species, or 
permits related species to be investigated for hitherto unknown but possibly useful properties; such 
phylogenetic information is the basis for much agricultural improvement (and is one reason why data 
on wild relatives are given in Tables 4 and 5 above). Recent literature provides an abundance of 
concrete examples of the significance of systematics to biomedical research, healthcare, agricultural 
development, forestry and fisheries management, and to general understanding of the biosphere (eg. 
Systematics Agenda 2000; NERC, 1992, The New Taxonomy; Hawksworth and Ritchie, 1993, 
Biodiversity and Biosystematic Priorities: microorganisms and invertebrates). 

Systematics collections, eg. preserved plant or animal material, living collections of fishes, trees, or 
microorganisms, perform several functions. They are a material record of human inventory and 
understanding of biodiversity; museum specimens are essential if known species are to be classified 
and new species recognised as new; collections provide material or research guidance for all kinds of 
applied biology, including medical science and biotechnology; and they serve to raise public awareness 
of and interest in the living world. 

Because of their fundamental importance, systematics collections support a wide variety of pure and 
applied studies and also serve as foci of public interest and concern. A corollary of this relationship 
is that biodiversity research and concern tends to be greatly restricted wherever systematics 
collections are sparse or non-existent; this appears to be the case even though both biological 
specimens and systematic expertise can to a degree be distributed. 

Figure 8 shows the 20 countries having most systematics collections in relation to their national level 
of biodiversity (see Note below for explanation). These resources are here represented by the sum of 
the number of natural history museums, zoos, and botanic gardens. Countries most rich in biodiversity 
(see Figure 2) are relatively poor in systematics collections; with the exception of USA, all countries 
with a large number of systematics collections are not rich in biodiversity. Correcting this degree of 
imbalance, or at least the implied differential availability of expertise, will be necessary if the goals of 
the Convention on Biodiversity are to be met at a satisfactory level. 

This table provides estimates of the number of various kinds of systematics collections present in each country. 

- Indicates lack of data. 

The data tabulated are not definitive; collections will certainly be incompletely and unevenly reported in the source compilations 
and databases. However, the figures overall are probably indicative of the relative distribution of collections and expertise 
available as a basis for systematics research and education. It is important to note that data are not additive across columns; 
eg. the same institution may be counted in both the botanic garden and herbarium columns. 

We thank Diane Wyse Jackson of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) for a listing of botanic gardens from the 
BGCI database (current at 24 August 1994) and Hideaki Sugawara of the World Data Centre on Microorganisms (WDCM) for 
data on number of collections of live microorganisms registered with WDCM in 1993. 

Column 2, Natural history museums: The figure for each country is the sum of the number of institutions indexed under botany, 
natural history and zoology in Bartz et a/. (1992). 


Table 9. Systematics collections 

Column 3, Insect and spider museum collections: These figures indicate the number of public collections of preserved insect 
and spider specimens as collated by Arnett and Samuelson (1986). The insects comprise around 90% of the world’s species 
and many are of great economic significance. Data gathering for the source used ended in December 1984; there is no more 
recent compilation known to us. Lack of a figure in this column means that no insect collection was known to Arnett and 
Samuelson in 1984; further collections may have existed at that time and others will have been started. 

Column 4, Herbaria: Number of herbaria (together with botanic gardens that include herbaria) per country. Some data refer to 
former countries now divided. Derived from Table 3 in Holmgren et a/. (1990) with later additions from Holmgren and Holmgren 
(1991, 1993, 1994). 

Column 5, Zoos: These figures are from the most complete and recent published listing of captive animal collections (Swengel, 
1993). Some of the institutions included are small private collections, some are major research centres. 

Column 6, Aquaria: These estimates include specialist aquaria and zoos that have live fish collections. These figures are intended 
to provide some indication of the interest shown in fishes. See previous notes and source. These figures are for all captive animal 
collections that are recorded in Swengel (1993) as keeping fishes; no data are available for many institutions, but it appears 
likely that details will have been made available by most specialist aquaria. Some collections comprise one or two species, a 
few specialist aquaria hold more between 100 and 500 species. 

Column 7, Botanic Gardens: Information derived from the database of Botanic Gardens Conservation International provided by 
Diane Wyse Jackson, current at 24 August 1994. 

Column 8, Microorganisms: Collections of living cultures of microorganisms registered with the World Data Centre on 
Microorganisms (WDCM) in 1993. Information kindly provided by Hideaki Sugawara, 7 October 1994 (and see Sugawara et a/. 

This map shows the 20 countries which have the greatest number of systematics collections per ‘unit’ of biodiversity. The 
number of such collections is here represented by the sum of the number of natural history museums, zoos and botanic gardens. 

Biodiversity richness is estimated according to a form of national biodiversity index: see text under Table 1 (Notes to Figure 2) 
for an outline of the derivation of this index. 



Table 9. Systematics collections 

Natural Insect & Herbaria Zoos Aquaria Botanic Microorganisms 
History spider (& botanic (& zoos Gardens 
Museums museum gardens with with fish 
collections herbaria) collections) 
Albania 2 1 - - - 1 - 
Andorra : = = 2 < = - 
Austria 11 18 
Belarus 2 
pein us peste tk S628 hw LO 2 
Bosnia & Herzegovina - = 2 > = 
Bulgaria 5 3 3 2 9 3 
Croatia 6 - = 7 : 
Czech Republic 26 - 13 7 26 - 
Salle id swisha erogeataea ater 
Denmark 3 3 16 4 8 2 
Estonia - : 1 3 - 
Finland 12 20 4 1 8 2 
France 50 55 7 68 15 
S ee a s is By te ut 
Gibraltar = - - - - 1 - 
Greece 3 1 5 - - 4 4 
Hungary 5 3 8 6 4 17 6 
Iceland 5 1 2 - - 2 - 
3 1 18 2 0 8 2 
Italy 71 14 56 32 10 48 9 
Latvia - - - 1 1 2 - 
Liechtenstein - - - - - = = 
Lithuania - - - 2 2 5 - 
Luxembourg aes 1 1 1 - - - - 
Macedonia - - - - - O) £ 
Malta 1 - 1 - - 1 = 
Moldova - - - 1 1 2 5 
Monaco - - - 1 1 1 5 
Netherlands ; 28 7 14 13 7 39 8 
Norway 7 2 7 7 2 6 2 
Poland 26 5 28 9 8 25 5 
Portugal 3 3 20 3 2 12 1 
Romania 9 5 14 3 - 10 1 
San Marino - - - - C - s 
Slovakia 13 1 - 3 1 7 2 
Slovenia 1 1 - 2 1 3 1 
Spain 12 4 47 19 6 13 2 
Sweden 7 4 13 15 5 9 4 
toe — al . iS ge a Z 1 
Ukraine 14 2 - 8 5 33 = 
United Kingdom 40 23 556 104 31 64 25 
former Yugoslavia 7 3 9 2 - 16 2 


Table 9. Systematics collections 

Natural Insect & Herbaria Zoos Aquaria Botanic Microorganisms 
History spider (& botanic (& zoos Gardens 
Museums museum gardens with with fish 
collections herbaria) collections) 

Afghanistan 1 - 1 

Azerbaijan = = - te) 
Bahrain = - - 1 - - 
Bangladesh = 1 1 - 3 = 

Bhutan - 1 - - - - - 
BIOT - - - - - - - 
Brunei - 1 1 2 1 - - 
Cambodia : - - - - - - 
China 7 9 336 131 $ 54 69 13 

Armenia = 1 E 

Sy Se ES 

Cyprus - 1 1 1 - - - 
Georgia 2 - - 3 2 
Hong Kong - lee 1 2 1 
India 33 23 51 72 3 72 12 
Indonesia 2 2 6 1 3 

Iran 2 1 1 - 3 1 
Iraq 1 
Israel 6 1 6 5 - 7 2 
Japan 26 12 47 160 31 54 23 

Jordan - - : > - - = 

suseesenesseuscusnsessccensonssssens: nvavannnensenssecenaesenceenansnemsanssnsssnseeseneessmssesseanans) eanecanneeeee eeneseeee susesencanssacee meses senses: ane sssssnaeeemassenssscnsssssseceensmsssssneesscesanesenssmussees: anaussesescessnesesenees 

3 8 

S 1 - 
Z 5 2 
fe) = e 
= 3 5 

Kazakhstan - - - 3 
Korea, D.P.R. - = = 1 
Korea, Republic 2 3 8 4 
Kuwait ; 1 
Kyrgyzstan = = = 

Laos = = = - = a = 
Lebanon 1 1 1 - - - - 
Malaysia 1 2 7 6 1 9 3 
Maldives = - : = = = = 
Mongolia 1 - 2 - - 1 - 


ie) 2 - 

Myanmar 1 
Nepal 1 
Oman 1 - 
Pakistan 8 

Philippines 4 

Qatar - - - 2 10} - - 
Russia 10 3 - 16 10 74 10 
Saudi Arabia - 
Singapore 5 
Sri Lanka 1 

oor - Oo 

Syria - = * 
Taiwan - 




Table 9. Systematics collections 

Natural Insect & Herbaria (& Zoos Aquaria Botanic Microorganisms 
History spider botanic (& zoos Gardens 
Museums museum gardens with with fish 
collections herbaria) collections) 
ASIA continued 
Turkmenistan - - - 1 1 1 - 
United Arab Emirates - - 1 2 2 - - 
former USSR - 7 104 - - - 7 
Uzbekistan - - - 2 2 4 - 
Viet Nam - 1 3 1 - 3 - 
Yemen - - - - - - - 
eee ee ee S  — —— ——— —  —————————e——EeE——_eEEEE 
American Samoa - - - - - - - 
Australia 3 9 38 21 8 63 50 
Cook Islands - - - - = 5 = 
Federated States of Micronesia - - - - - - - 
= 2 1 - - 2 = 
French Polynesia - 1 1 - - = = 
Guam - - 1 - = = = 
Kiribati - - - - = = = 
Marshall Islands - - - - - = = 
Nauru - - - - = = 5 
New Caledonia - 1 1 2 - - = 
New Zealand 5 17 16 8 4 17 9 
Niue - - - = = = 2 
Northern Marianas - - - - = 2 < 
Palau - - - - - - ~ 
Papua New Guinea - - - 2 2 4 1 
Pitcairn Islands - - - - = = : 
Solomon Islands - 1 1 - - 1 : 
Tokelau - - - - = = o 
Tonga - - - = = = : 
Tuvalu - - - a 2 x 3 
USA Pacific Islands - = = : 4 = : 
Vanuatu - - 1 - = = = 
Wallis & Futuna - - - - = = a 
Western Samoa - - - = = 1 E 
Anguilla - = = Z = a . 
Antigua & Barbuda - - = 2 bs x i 
Aruba - - - - = 2 A 
Bahamas - - - 4 5 = < 
Barbados - 2 1 2 1 2 - 
Bermuda 1 1 - 1 1 1 : 
Canada 26 _ 94 110 57 16 18 28 


Table 9. Systematics collections 

Natural Insect & Herbaria Zoos Aquaria Botanic Microorganisms 
History spider (& botanic (& zoos Gardens 
Museums museum gardens with with fish 
collections herbaria) collections) 
Cayman Islands - - - - - 1 - 
Costa Rica - 2 1 = o) Z 
Cuba 3 2 15 5 3 8 - 
Dominica - = = = - 1 - 

D 1 3 

El Salvador = 3 3 1 - 1 = 
Greenland - - 1 - - = = 
Grenada - - - 1 - 1 = 
Guadeloupe - 2 1 - = 2 2 

1 1 
Honduras = 3 2 1 - 3 = 
Jamaica - 2 2 1 - 4 = 
Martinique - - 2 = = 3 e 
eee a. oS a ee $8 n8 J 25 10 
Montserrat - - - - - = = 
Netherlands Antilles - = = 3 = - = 
Nicaragua - 2 3 1 - 1 - 
Panama 2 3 3 1 - 1 - 
(LE ed eee i L zu 5 3 = Z 
Saint Kitts-Nevis - - = : = 3 a 
Saint Lucia - - - 1 = = = 
Saint Vincent - - - - < 1 = 
Trinidad & Tobago - 4 1 2 1 1 - 
Turks & Caicos Islands MO coin ra - - - - : = & 
USA 182 232 633 396 114 270 31 
Virgin Islands (British) - - = - é 1 : 
Virgin Islands (US) - - 1 = = 1 : 
Argentina 41 6 41 8 2 9 7 
Bolivia - 2 4 4 - 4 < 
Brazil 16 66 88 73 2 24 44 
Chile 6 9 10 3 - 8 1 
aoe Z 222 a 
Ecuador 3 5 10 2 - 3 - 
French Guiana - 1 1 - - ¥) zs 
Guyana - 2 2 1 10) 2 - 
Paraguay 4 1 3 3 - 1 - 
Suriname 1 2 1 - 1 - 
Uruguay 4 2 0 1 - 
Venezuela 2 5 15 13 2 7 1 
Algeria 1 1 1 2 - 3 - 



Table 9. Systematics collections 

Natural Insect & Herbaria Zoos Aquaria Botanic Microorganisms 
History spider (& botanic (& zoos Gardens 
Museums museum gardens with with fish 
collections herbaria) collections) 

AFRICA continued 

Angola 2 1 3 
Benin 1 1 1 : - 1 - 
Botswana = 1 3 

Burkina faso - - 5 < = : 
B i 1 - - 1 - 

Cameroon - 1 4 - - 2 
Cape Verde - - « = 2; 2 P 
Central African Republic 2 - 1 - > = x 
Chad 1 1 - - = - 2 

Congo 1 - 2 1 - - = 
Céte d'Ivoire - - 2 1 - 1 - 
Djibouti - - - ~ : = a 
Egypt 3 5 7 2 1 6 1 
Equatorial Guinea - - - - = = = 

Eritrea - - - - - = 5 
Ethiopia 1 1 3 - - 1 - 
Gabon - - 1 1 - 1 - 
Gambia - - - - A 5 = 
Ghana - 1 5 1 0 3 - 

Guinea 1 1 - - = = * 
Guinea-Bissau - 1 - - = < = 
Kenya 1 3 4 1 6 1 

Liberia - - 1 (0) . 

Libya 1 1 2 2 - 
Madagascar 1 1 2 3 - 
4 3 

Lesotho = = 

= NY ND 


Malawi - 1 (0) 4 = 
Mali 1 - - - = - = 

Mauritania - - - - - = = 

Mauritius 2 1 1 1 0 2 - 
Mayotte - - - - = E, a 
Morocco 1 1 2 5 1 2 - 
Mozambique 1 1 5 - - 2 = 
Namibia 3 2 1 - - 1 - 

Niger - = 1 2 ie é _ 
Nigeria 2 - 7 7 - 5 3 
Réunion 1 1 1 - = 4 ¢ 
Rwanda - - - - 2 1 


Saint Helena & depend. - - = S = 

S4o Tomé & Principe - - . 5 = 5 2 
Senegal 1 - 1 - 3 2 
- - 1 


Seychelles 1 1 

Sierra Leone - - = 2 = 

= £ = 

Somalia - - 


Table 9. Systematics collections 

Natural Insect & Herbaria Zoos Aquaria Botanic Microorganisms 
History spider (& botanic (& zoos Gardens 
Museums museum gardens with with fish 
collections herbaria) collections) 
AFRICA continued 
South Africa 8 13 37 16 9 19 3 
Sudan 2 1 3 1 - 1 = 
Swaziland > = = = = = s 
Tanzania 5 1 4 - - 3 a 

Tunisia = 1 1 2 2 1 - 
Uganda 5 3 4 - - 2 1 
Western Sahara - - = = = 2 2 
Zaire - 1 3 2 - 2 = 

Zimbabwe 1 3 4 1 - 4 2 


Falkland Islands - - = = 2 < 5 
French S & Antarctic Territories - - - - < = = 


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‘dew uo pojuaseides jou si ynq Aueg e Si D9 OY JeleJeINeg WIHe]U] GAO ey) Wos e1eEq “PEEL 1040190 gz Ie SeIeIs 96 
Aysianig jea1Bojoig uo uoljUaAUOD 94} 0} Ajeg saqyeIs “| 9ainbi4 

z | 

‘uoneuejdxe Jo} | ajqe| 0} (se}oU puke) }xXa}) Beg ‘(sBoINOS ajdijjnwW) | ejqe, 40 UOISJAA Jalea Ue WOd} e}eG 
*xepul AjIsJaAIpoig jeUOI}EU DOM 94} Aq payewijse se AjIsiaAip saidads ysayBiy ay} YM saijun0D QZ ay} ale asay) 

Ayisiaaip saioads jseyBiy yim saijunog “Zz ainbi4 



‘augje sjewijue 40 sjuejd Jayj}ie sejeo|pul euo} 48}461) ‘(dnos6 ayeiqeyien Aue) sjewiue pue sjuejd yo eberenoo SOJEIIPU! ||} PHOS “Yosees o4Nyesez!| AseulWuIjeig “Eg B|Ge| Wo ejeg 

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‘SJ991 [e109 jo UOIINqUISIP PuOM “py eNBI4 


Figure 5. States Party to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

Data from Treaty Section, OLA, UN. 9 September 1994 

‘P66L Jequiejdeg {|Z ‘(sedunos ejdijjnw) Asesqiy dey Ajssenipoig DWOM Woy ejeq 
soidol} 94} Ul S}]saJO} JO UONNGUIsSIP Po”, “9 aINBi4 



*ejoui9 jeuoliodoid e Aq pejueseides si Yq ey} paddew you si Aiepunog Ww esey\\ 
‘V6EL Jaquiajdas |Z ‘(seounos ajdijnwu) Asesqiy dey Ajlsi@Aipoig pue aseqejyep sease payoajoid JWOM Wo. eeq 

ey uoljilu Z uey} Jabie] seaie pajoajoid jo uOolNquisIp pop, *Z 9ainBi4 

‘uoneuejdxe 40} | 9]qe| 0} (Se}ONY puke) }xXeLeeS ‘xepU! AjISJAAIPOIG JeUOIeEU DWDM Aq Ppessesse AjISIBAIPOIq 4O SjeAe7 “(SeOuNOS gjdijjnW) | pue g sejqe|; Wo’ ej}eq 
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Abdusaliamov, |.A. (Ed.) 1988. Krasnaia kniga Tadzhikskoi SSR (Red data book of Tadjik SSR). \zd-vo Donish, 
Dushanbe, Tajikistan. 

Abeywickreme, B.A. 1987. The Threatened Plants of Sri Lanka. Natural Resources, Energy and Science Authority 
of Sri Lanka (NARESA), Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Adegbehin, J.0. 1993.Mangroves in Nigeria. In: Diop, E.S., Field, C.D. and Vannucci, M. 1993. Conservation and 
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At the 1992 Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro the World Conservation 
Monitoring Centre published Global Biodiversity: Status of the 
Earth’s Living Resources. That 600 page book presented 
state-of-the-art information on the world’s biological biodiversity, 
what and where it is to be found, what it is worth and how well it is 
protected. This sequel presents further information on biodiversity, 
the earth’s most pressing environmental issue. Topics are covered 
in aconcise way, using tables supported by minimal text and some 
graphics. They include: 

Country species diversity, threatened species, national Red Data 
Books, major food crops, marine resources, forests in the tropics. 

The WCMC Biodiversity Series presents the results of projects 
carried out by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, often in 
partnership with IUCN, WWF, UNEP or other organisations. This 
new series is focused on providing support to the Parties to the 
Convention on Biological Diversity, helping them to identify and 
monitor their biodiversity, to manage and apply information on 
biodiversity effectively and to exchange information. 

The WCMC Biodiversity Series General Editor is N. Mark Collins, 
Director of the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. 

The World Conservation Monitoring Centre, based in 
Cambridge, UK, was established in 1988 as a company limited by 
guarantee with charitable status. WCMC is managed as a 
joint-venture between the three partners in the World Conservation 
Strategy and its successor Caring For The Earth: |UCN - The World 
Conservation Union, UNEP - United Nations Environment 
Programme, and WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature. The Centre 
provides information services on the conservation and sustainable 
use of species and ecosystems and supports others in the 
development of their own information systems. 

Further information available from 


World Conservation Monitoring Centre 
219 Huntingdon Road 
Cambridge CB3 ODL, United Kingdom 

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IUCN 409) 

The World Conservation Union 

Tel: +44 (0)1223 277314 
Fax: +44 (0)1223 277136 


ISBN -1-899628-00-2