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The botanical distaibution of plants over the surface of 
. the earth undergoes vertain modifications connected with 
the dryness and moisture, a3 well as the mechanical and 

25 (Doe. No. 5. 


é chemical composicion of the soil. Hence an intimate re- 
; lation exists between the botany of any district of coun- 
{ try and its geology and topography; and, therefore, inde- 

pendently of the climate, certain plants, whether placed 
r by nature or art, will flourish, or decay, according as the 
temperature and composition of the soil, is favorable or 
unfavorable to their growth. A botanical survey of the 
park has been made, for the purpose of ascertaining the . 
a. nature of the existing vegetation, to learn how far it 
= - could be made available in the projected improvements, 
as well as to know its character, as an indication of what 
_ peculiar class of plants would prove most flourishing if 
- transplanted to this ground, as also to discover what alter- 
ations the soil would require in order to admit of an in- 
. creased variety. 

This forms the basis of a botanical index which can 
always be made complete by a careful register of the 
plants and trees introduced. The investigation has not 
extended through all the seasons, which, in their turn, de- 

velop their peculiar plants; and is, therefore, in some 
respects, incomplete; still, so far as the useful trees and 
shrubs are concerned, it is believed that none have been 


Doc. No. 5.) 26 

Although this investigation has added nothing new to 
botanical science, yet it is necessary that the existing 
trees and plants should be described so as to be identified, 
and their importance properly estimated. <A familiar de- 
scription has been preferred to strictly botanical language, 
to convey all that is necessary with regard to the present 
vegetation. The catalogue will be added to during the 
ensuing season. 

For present purposes, the plants are arranged simply 
in alphabetical order, without reference to any particular 

Ist. ACER DASYCARPUM—Silver-leaved Maple. 

A tree, thirty to fifty feet high, and often one to two 
feet in diameter, with wide, spreading branches. The 
wood white and soft, sap less sweet than that of the Sugar 
Maple. Leaves in large petioles, lobed beyond the mid- 
dle, nearly smooth when old. Flowers, greenish, yellow- 
ish or purplish, usually about five together. This forms 
a beautiful shade tree. The silvery-white of the under 
surface of the leaves strongly contrasting with the bright 
green of the upper side, especially when they are agitated 
by the wind. Found in all portions of the park. About 
nine thousand specimens. Thrives best in a deep, rich 
loam, or in agravelly loam, contiguous to moisture. 

2d. ALNUS SERRULATA—Common Alder. 

A shrub, six to twelve feet high, irregularly branched, 
and usually growing in dense thickets. Leaves from two 
to five inches long, prominently varied, smooth above; 
paler, and sprinkled with resinous dots underneath. 
About twelve thousand specimens. Grows in swampy 
ground. Flowers in March or April. 


27 (Doe. No. 5, 

3d. ANDROMEDA PANICULATA—Privet Aadromeda. 

A shrub, four to eight feet high, much branched, and 
with a grayish bark. Leaves from one and one half to 
two inches long, variable in breadth, nearly smooth 
above; pale, and more or less pubescent underneath. 
About two thousand five hundred specimens. Grows in 
swamps and moist thickets. Flowers in June and July. 

4th. AZALEA viscosa— White Wild . oney-suckle. 

A shrub, four to seven feet high, with numerous spread- 
ing branches, and a grayish bark. Leaves one to two 
inches long. About six hundred specimens. Grows in 
moist places, and in woods. Flowers in June and July, 
sometimes as late as August. 

5th. BeruLa NIGRA—Red Birch. 

A tree forty to seventy feet high, and from one to two 
feet in diameter, with Jong, slender and pendulous branches. 
Leaves about three inches long and two wide. Generally 
distributed. About one thousand specimens. Grows in 
low grounds. Flowers in April. 

6th. BroussoNetia—Paper Mulberry. 

Native of Japan. Found in the neighborhood of resi- 
dences. Grows from forty to fifty feet high. Leaves 
large and downy. Will grow in very dry situations, 
where few other things will. About five hundred spe- 

7th. CaRPINUS AMERICANA—Water Beech. 

A tree, fifteen to twenty feet high; the bark smooth 
and light gray. Leaves about three inches long, gene- 

Doc. No. 5.) 28 


rally distributed. About five thousand specimens. Flow. 
ersin April. Will growin a poor soil. Is a very hand- 
some, small tree, the leaves changing in the autumn to va- 
riouss hades of crimson, scarlet and orange, and very 
often retained on the plant during the winter. 


A tall tree, sometimes sixty to eighty feet high, and 
three to four fect in diameter. Leaves six to eight inches 
long, and about two inches wide. Will thrive in the most 
barren soils, especially those of a rocky or gravelly 
nature. Generally distributed. Five hundred specimens. 
Flowers in June. 


A tree, twenty to thirty feet high. Leaves from five 
to eight inches in diameter. Flowers in June, and at that 
time very ornamental. Found in the neighborhood of 
several residences. Introduced from the South. About 
fifty specimens. Will grow in any soil. 

10th. CELASTRUS SCANDENS— B ¢ter-sweet. 

A climbing plant, winds around shrubs and small trees, 
or along stone fences, ten to twenty feet long. Leaves 
two to three inches long. Flowers early in June. Found 
in the thickets in the upper portion of the park. 

11th. CeLtis occIDENTALIS—Sugar Berry. 

A small tree, from fifteen to thirty feet high, and six 
or eight inches in diameter, with numerous slender 
spreading branches. Leaves two to three inches long 
and one to two inches wide, dark green. Flowersin May. 
Found in a number of situations. | 

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Dat) (Doe. No. 5. 

12th. CLrematis Virgintana—Virgin’s Bower. 

Stem eight to fifteen inches long. climbing over shrubs 
and bushes. Found in thick, shady and moist places. 
Flowers in July and August About two hundred 

13th. CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA— Sweet Pepper-bush. 

A shrub, four to eight feet high, with brownish bark 
and erect branches. Flowers at the end of July and 
August; white flower, very fragrant. Generally distribut- 
ed. About one thousand five hundred specimens. 

14th. Cornus ALtBaA—White Varied Dog-w od. 

A small tree or shrub, fifteen to twenty feet high. 
Leaves three to four inches long, and two to three inches 
wide. Flowers in May and June. Large trusses of white 
flowers, succeeded by white berries. Branches turn to a 
fine red color in winter. Grows in moist places. Gene- 

rally distributed. About one thousand five hundred 

15th. Cornus FLoripa— American Dog-wood. 

One of the most beautiful of our native, flowering small 
trees. The flowers appearing in April, and presenting a 
brilliant appearance. Thrives best in moist ground. 
Grows, sometimes, to thirty feet in height. Generally 
distributed. About three thousand specimens. 

16th. CoryLus AMERICANA——Wild Filbert. 

A shrub, four to six feet high. Leaves three to five 
inches long; slender branches. Flowers in April. Found 

generally distributed in thickets. About six thousand 

Doc. No. 5.) 30 

17th. Drospyrus VIRGINIANA--—Persimmon. 

In good soil, this tree will frequently grow forty or 
fifty feet high, and in its habits of growth is one of the 
most picturesque middlesized trees we have. When by 
itself it grows conically; it is interesting at all seasons, 
In spring, by its deep, shining green foliage; in summer, 
by the light green fruit; in the fall, by the rich orange of 
its leaves, and the deep brown of its fruit. It thrives 
best in a deep, rich loam. Found inone locality. About 
five hundred specimens. 

18th. FaGus FERRUGINEA-—— Beech. 

A beautiful tree, often fifty or sixty feet high, and two 
fect or more in diameter. The trunk clothed with a thick, 
smooth gray bark. Leaves four or five inches long. 
Grows to perfection in a deep, rich loam. Flowers in 
May. Found in several localities. About two thousand 

19th. Fraxinus AMERICANA—-Whitle Ash. 

A tall tree, forty to sixty feet high, and one to two feet 
in diameter. Light, gray bark, generally furrowed with 
transverse cracks. One of our prettiest trees. Its light 
hue gives a beautiful effect when combined with darker 
foliage. Requires a rich toam and plenty of space to 
arrive at perfection. Flowersin Apriland May. Found 
but a few specimens, about one hundred in all. 


A middle-sized tree. Leaves six to ten inches in length; 
not a native of this state, but often planted about houses, 
for ornament and hedges. Found in the neighborhood of 

31 (Doc. No. 5. 

private residences. About one hundred specimens. Flow- 
ers in July. 


A shrub, six to twelve feet high. Leaves three to six 
inches. When cultivated, becomes a handsome small 
tree. It seems to thrive well in any situation. Flowers 
at the end of October. Found generally distributed. 
About one thousand five hundred specimens. 

22d. JuGLans NIiGRA—Black Walnu. 

A tree, thirty to sixty feet high, with a trunk from one 
to two feet in diameter. Leaves a foot or more in length, 
Thrives best in a cool, deep and rich loam. Flowers in 
May. Found generally distributed. About two thousand 
specimens. Besides this, the “ Juglans cinerea,” or white 
walnut, also found. 


A well known and useful evergreen, often growing 
thirty or forty feet high. Grows on dry hillsides, in 
rocky sterile soil. Buta few specimens are found. 

24th. Laurus BenzoiIn— Wild Allspice. 

A shrub six to ten fect high. Leaves three to five feet 
long. Grows in low, moist ground, on the borders of 
rivers. Flowers in April. Found in a few places. About 
two hundred and fifty specimens. 

25th. Laurus Sassarras—Sassafras. 

A middle-sized tree; trunk rarely one foot in diameter: 
the most interesting tree in the landscape. Toward 
autumn the leaves turn to a reddish brown. ‘Thrives 

Doc. No. 5.) 32 

well in a dry, sandy loam; poor in a wet situation. 
Found very generally distributed. About twenty thou- 
sand specimens. 


Grows froin fifty to sixty feet high, under favorable cir- 
cumstances. ‘Thrives in a deep, rich loam. Found gene- 
rally distributed. About six thousand specimens. 

27th. LirroDENDRON TULIPIFERA— Tulip tree. 

From forty to eighty feet high; from one to three feet 
in diameter. ‘Trunk perfectly straight, and of nearly 
uniform diameter. Fl»wersin June. Thrives well ina 
strong, clayey or micaceous soil. Found in a number of 
localities. About five hundred specimens. | 

28th. Myrica CERIFERA—Bay-berry. 

A shrub, three to eight feet high, much branched at the 
summit. Leaves two to fourinches long, and from one half 
to nearly an inch wide. Grows in dry soils, in thickets. 
Flowers in May. About six thousand specimens. 

29th. PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS— Button-wood, Sycamore. 

A very large tree, often sixty or eighty feet high, and 
two to five feet, or more, in diameter, with thick spread- 
ing branches. Will do well in any situation, but thrives 
best in moist soil. Found in a number of localities. 
About three thousand specimens. 

30th. PopuLus BaLsaMIrERA—Balsam Poplar. 

A tree thirty to eighty feet high, and one to two feet in 
diameter. Leaves about three inches long. Prefers a 
deep, moist and rich soil. About fifty specimens found. 
Probably not a native. 

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33 (Doc. No. 5. 

3lst. PopuLUS ARGENTEA—Cotton tree. 

A tree forty to sixty feet high, and from one to two feet 
in diameter. Leaves three to six inches long. Grows in 
moist ground. About fifty specimens found. 

32d. PorpuLus TREMULOIDES— American Aspen. 

A tree twenty to thirty feet high, and from six to ten 
inches in diameter. Leaves about two inches long, breadth 
usually greater than the length. Flowers in May and 
April. Prefers a moist soil. Abcut one hundred speci- 
mens found. 

33d. Prunus VircgintaNa—Choke Cherry. 
A shrub or small tree. Leaves two to four inches long. 
Grows on rocky hillsides. Found everywhere in the 
brushwood, About two thousand specimens. 

34th. QueRCUS MACROCARPA—Over-cup. White Oak. 

Trunk forty to sixty feet high. Bark of the branches 
somewhat corky in ridges. Leaves six to twelve inches 
or more in length. About fifteen hundred specimens. 

doth. QuERCUS RUBRA—Red Oak. 

Grows from fifty to eighty feet high, and from two to 
four feet in diameter. Leaves six to nine inches long and 
three to five inches wide. Flowersin May. Grows well 
ina poor soil. About two thousand specimens found. 


A pretty conical shaped tree, with leaves of a light 
green. The lower branches often pendulous, sweeping 
the ground, and forming a pleasant shade. 


Doe. No. 5.) 34 

37th. ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA—Common Locust tree. 

A tree forty or fifty feet high, occasionally reaches the 
height of ninety feet, not indigenous in any part of the 
state, but almost naturalized in many places. <A very 
valuable tree on account of its wood. Found in compact 
growth. About three thousand specimens. 

88th. ALNUS AMERICANA~—.4merican Elm. 

A large tree, sometimes eighty or more feet high and 
two to four feet in diameter. Leaves three to five inches 
long. Flowersin April. Thrives only in heht, rich loam. 
Generally distributed. About six thousand specimens. 

89th. VIBURNUM ACERIFOLIUM—Muple-leaved Arrvw wood. 

A shrub three to five feet high, with smooth, straight 
and slender branches. Leaves three to five inches in 
diameter. Flowers in June. Found very generally dis- 
tributed. About five thousand specimens. 

40th. VIBURNUM PAUCIFLORUM—.Mountain bush Cranberry. 

A shrub two to four feet high, found in great abundance. 

41st. Vitis LABRUSCA—Fozx Grape. 

Stem very long, straggling over bushes or shrubs or 
climbing the highest trees. Sometimes six or eight inches 
in diameter. Common in woods and swamps. Two 
thousand specimens found. 

42d. VITIS QUINQUEFOLIA—American Ivy. 
A vine of rapid growth, climbing trees and other ob- 
jects, and spreading extensively—presenting a very beau- 
tiful and striking appearance in the autumn from its 


35 (Doc. No 5. 

curious foliage. Flowers in July. About five hundred 
specimens found. 

The remainder of the plants that have been found are 
either injurious or so few in number as to render any re- 
ference to them in this connection unimportant. The 
total number of species found is seventy, of which there 
are in all about one hundred and fifty thousand specimens. 

The art of ornamenting and preparing ground 
poses of pleasure, has undergone many changes 
first became a study, and within the past century has | 
marked by a most rapid progression. The earlier ei ffo 
were characterized by a desire to make nature assume a 
strictly artificial appearance, giving to every scen ea 1 aiz 
of formality and symmetry, aseeming attempt to: 
rules of architecture to landscape, under the impressi 
that the greatest effect was thereby produced. I 
years have developed a clearer conception of the 
nature of taste, and has given rise to a modern style, 
which is based upon the maxim, that “ the greatest art i 


to conceal art.” 

and the pecularities of climate, have originated th e 
schools of art, such as the Italian, the Dutch, the | r 
and the English, which have been followed, to a grez 
less extent by all those who have had any pretensi 
professors in this particular field. In England, un 
auspices of landed wealth and a liberal government, a1 

through the studies of Kent, Repton and Loudon, imp r ov 
ing upon the efforts and profiting by the errors of © tw. 
centuries, it has reached a high degree of perfectior ; in ‘ 
Germany, by the energy and genius of Puckler Mosk 

has changed the neglected suburbs of ancient citieg aa