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Voice  of  the 
National  Federation  of  the   Blind 

JUNE  -  1970 

The  National  Federation  of  the  BUnd  is  not  an  orgajiization  speaking  for  the  blind-it  is  the 
blind  speaking  for  themselves. 


Published  monthly  in  inkprint,  braille,  and  on  talking  book  discs 
Distributed  free  to  the  blind  by  the  National  Federation  of  the  Blind 
President:  Kenneth  Jemigan,  524  Fourth  Street,  Dcs  Moines,  Iowa  50309 

EDITOR:  Perry  Sundquist,  465 1  Mead  Avenue  Sacramento,  California  95822 
Associate  Editor:  Hazel  tenBroek,  2652  Shasta  Road,  Berkeley,  California  94708 
News  items  should  be  sent  to  the  Editor 
Address  changes  should  be  sent  to  2652  Shasta  Road,  Berkeley,  California  94708 


If  you  or  a  friend  wish  to  remember  the  National  Federation  of  the  Blind  in  your  will,  you 
can  do  so  by  employing  the  following  language: 

"I  give,  devise,  and  bequeath  unto  NATIONAL  FEDERATION  OF  THE  BLIND, 

a     District    of    Columbia    non-profit    corporation,    the    sum    of    $ ^(or, 

" percent  of  my  net  estate",  or  "the  following  stocks  and  bonds: ")  to 

be  used  for  its  worthy  purposes  on  behalf  of  blind  persons  and  to  be  held  and 
administered  by  direction  of  its  Executive  Committee." 

If  your  wishes  are  more  complex,  you  may  have  your  attorney  communicate  with  the 
Berkeley  Office  for  other  suggested  forms 


Printed  at  2652  Shasta  Road,  Berkeley,  California  94708 


JUNE  1970 



by  Kenneth  Jemigan     650 

AS  OF  MARCH  1,  1970 

by  John  Nagle 657 



by  Marcia  Lee 660 


by  Judy  Carlos 662 


by  Bill  Nelson     663 


by  Dr.  Isabelle  L.  D.  Grant 667 



by  Haig  Keropian 671 



by  J  Campbell  Bruce 679 



by  Ralph  Liglitfoot 683 


by  Florence  Grannis 684 


Digitized  by  tine  Internet  Archive 

in  2010  with  funding  from 

National  Federation  of  the  Blind  (NFB) 


Kenneth  Jemigan 

Recently  Mike  Ewart  of  Maryland 
sent  me  an  article  from  "The  Village 
Voice,"  an  underground  newspaper 
published  in  Greenwich  Village,  New 
York.  Not  only  did  I  find  the  article 
interesting  but  I  wondered  whether  these 
people  were  part  of  our  movement  and 
what  they  were  really  doing  to  improve 
the  condition  of  the  bhnd. 

Rallying  of  the  Blinks 

in  a  (Short-)  Sighted  City 


F.  Joseph  Spieler 

A  rainy  day  can  be  a  drag  for  the 
blind,  for  the  sound  of  tapping  umbrellas 
is  the  sound  of  tapping  canes. 

"Hey,  someone's  coming,"  called  Pat 
Logan,  as  a  rapping  sound  came  down  the 
stairs  of  the  elevated  subway  at  90th 
Street  and  Elmhurst  Avenue  in  Queens. 
"No,  it's  just  an  umbrella." 

"Dam,"  she  said,  and  continued  her 
wait  with  others  for  more  blind  people 
whom  she  would  escort  to  her  home  for  a 
meeting  of  the  Blind  Power  Movement. 

A  movement  of  mainly  high  school 
and  college  students,  it  wants  to  stimulate 
and  serve-at  first-the  youth  of  a  bhnd 
population  that  numbers  40,000  in  the 
city.  Somewhat  to  the  left  in  individual 
persuasion,  though  non-partisan  in  its 
goals,  it  sees  itself  in  confrontation  with 
the  stereotype  of  the  bhnd  as  sub-human 

or  super-human  ("Oh,  look  at  that  blind 
man,  how  sad  and  empty  his  life  must 
be"~"I  know  this  blind  girl,  it's  fantastic, 
she  plays  the  piano  and  12-string  guitar, 
and  she's  only  16!"),  with  an  industrial 
society  that  assumes  it  has  less  use  for  the 
bhnd  than  did  Homer's  Greece,  and  with 
New  York's  state  and  private  service 
organizations,  which,  after  standing  pat  on 
their  pioneering  efforts  years  ago,  have 
become  top-heavy  and  self-serving 
bureaucracies  that  bind  the  blind  to  a 
system  that  rewards  conformity  and 
punishes  dissent,  but  whose  greater  evil  is 
to  effectively  segregate  its  clients  from 
sighted  society. 

Walking  from  the  subway  to  the 
apartment  that  20-year-old  Pat,  a  student 
at  New  York  University,  shares  with  her 
mother,  seven  blinks  ("that's  our  own 
sub-culture  word  for  ourselves")  talked 
about  President  Nixon,  the  Moratorium, 
drugs,  rock  records,  and  various  goings-on 
at  the  institutions  for  the  blind.  Jerry,  a 
black  high  school  student,  talked  with  a 
sighted  (their  word  for  you)  about  being 

"Maybe  I  was  kind  of  up  tight  with 
you  before,  but  you  have  to  understand 
that  sighted  people  have  so  many 
preconceptions  about  us  that  it  can  get  to 

be  a  pain  in  the  ."  In  addition  to 

being  blind,  we're  supposed  to  be 
emotionally  disturbed,  too  loud,  picky, 
helpless.  It  always  messes  them  up  to  find 
that  we're  like  them,  that  we're  involved 
in  the  same  things  they  are,  have  the  same 


bags  and  hangups-except  that  we  have  no 

The  last  is  important,  for  the  lack  of 
vision  in  the  blind  does  not  imply  the 
inability  to  "see."  Pierre  Villey,  a  blind 
psychologist,  once  wrote:  "Sight  is 
long-distance  touch,  with  the  sensation  of 
color  added.  Touch  is  near  sight,  minus 
the  sensation  of  color,  and  with  the  sense 
of  rugosity  added.  The  two  senses  give  us 
knowledge  of  the  same  order." 

Soon  gathered  in  Pat's  room-any 
young  woman's  room,  with  the  addition 
of  two  tape  recorders,  a  television  set  ("I 
like  to  watch  Johnny  Carson"),  and  other 
sound  equipment-were  sixteen  persons 
involved  in  pre-meeting  pleasantries.  After 
a  few  minutes,  Lynne,  a  diminutive 
seventeen-year-old  high-schooler,  began 
axing  private  conversation  by  calling  it 
"irrelevant,"  and  the  movement's  third 
meeting  began. 

Fitfully  chaired  by  Jerry,  the 
gathering  sifted  legitimate  from  personal 
grievances,  split  into  contentious  factions, 
and  then  unified  itself  and  put  a  series  of 
goals  on  Braille. 

The  agencies  for  the  bhnd  received 
the  heaviest  specific  criticism.  These 
institutions,  of  which  the  largest  in  this 
city  are  the  Jewish  Guild  for  the  Bhnd, 
The  Industrial  Home  for  the  Bhnd,  and 
the  Lighthouse  (the  New  York  Association 
for  the  Blind),  provide,  in  part,  mobihty 
lessons  (how  to  travel),  evaluation 
programs  for  students.  Braille,  typing, 
sensory  training,  manual  dexterity 
instruction,  home  economics,  and  reader 
services.  Some  run  "sheltered 
workshops"-where  blind  workers  make 
simple  handicrafts  for  varying  rates  of  pay. 

Some  receive  money  from  state 
agencies-mainly  the  Rehabilitation  and 
Counsehng  Service-for  mobility  lessons 
and  evaluation  testing. 

The  meeting  was  unanimous  in  its 
anger  over  what  it  felt  is  the  arbitrariness 
shown  by  the  agencies  in  their  dealings 
with  chents  (the  agencies'  word),  their 
closed  mouthedness  about  information 
(Wesley  D.  Sprague,  executive  director  of 
the  Lighthouse,  when  asked  recently  how 
many  bUnd  workers  were  employed  by  his 
agency,  replied  with  a  long  and  windy 
discourse  on  the  meaninglessness  of 
statistics),  and  the  narrowness  of  their  job 
training  programs  (the  Lighthouse,  for 
example,  will  train  people,  regardless  of 
talent,  for  only  three  jobs-piano  tuning, 
transcription  typing,  and  newstand 

The  young  people  made  a  special 
point  of  teUing  a  visitor  how  they  felt 
about  being  talked  down  to,  and  being 
"tested,  tested,  and  re-tested."  They  said 
that  the  agencies'  subtle,  invidious  message 
was  tiiat  the  social  and  vocational  freedom 
of  the  blind  was  severely  limited  and  that 
they  were  not  to  forget  how  dependent 
they  were  on  agency  support. 

"Of  course,"  said  Jerry,  "they'll  deny 
everything  and  call  us  paranoid  when  we 
say  that." 

In  fact,  a  sighted  executive  near  the 
top  of  one  agency's  hierarchy  came  close 
to  labeling  the  movement's  sentiments  in 
just  that  fashion. -"Sure,  they  think 
they're  being  given  a  raw  deal,"  he  said, 
"but  they're  just  youngsters.  Why  I 
remember  I  rebelled  as  a  kid  myself,  and 
in  a  way  it's  good  for  them." 


Yet  a  recent  study  of  the  blind,  "The 
Making  of  Blind  Men"  by  Robert  A,  Scott, 
discussions  with  sympathetic  professional 
workers  in  the  agencies,  and  a  talk  witli 
William  Underwood,  an  educational 
specialist  for  the  American  Foundation  for 
tlie  Blind,  a  national  consultative  agency 
that  carries  Helen  Keller's  legacy,  indicate 
that  Jerry  and  others  in  the 
movement-who,  like  many  blind  clients 
and  agency  workers,  are  fearful  that  full 
identification  will  lose  them  their  services 
and  jobs-are  neither  paranoid  nor  juvenile. 

independently  is  severely  diminished. 
Because  "the  workers  have  a  virtual 
monopoly  on  the  rewards  and 
punishments  in  the  system,"  he  continues, 
the  client  ends  up  by  conforming  to  tlie 
worker's  conception  of  what  a  blind 
person  should  be. 

Underwood  agrees.  "To  get  the 
services  of  the  blind  agencies,  the  blind 
individual  must  confonn  to  the  system, 
and  let's  face  it,  blind  kids  entering  high 
school  and  college  need  their  services." 

Scott's  work,  published  this  year  by 
the  Russell  Sage  Foundation,  says  that 
self-conceptions  of  the  blind  contrast 
sliarply  with  those  held  by  workers  for  the 
blind,  who  regard  blindness  as  "one  of  the 
most  severe  of  all  handicaps," 
"Socialization"  of  the  agency's  client,  a 
process  that  Scott  describes  as  learning 
"the  disability  of  blindness  (as  a)  social 
role,"  depends  on  "changing  his  views 
about  his  problem.  In  order  to  do  this,  the 
client's  views  about  the  problem  of 
blindness  must  be  discredited."  The  client 
"is  listened  to  attentively  and 
sympathetically.  However,  when  concrete 
plans  ai'e  formulated,  the  client  learns  that 
his  personal  views  are  largely  ignored."  A 
blind  person  who  simply  asks  for  help 
with  reading  can  wind  up  facing  a  battery 
of  psychological  tests.  If  he  asks  for 
medical  aid,  he  may  be  asked  to  involve 
himself  in  a  long,  complex  series  of  tests, 
training  classes,  and  re-tests. 

Blind  persons  acceptable  to  the 
agency,  Scott  says,  "will  often  find  that 
the  intake  worker  listens  attentively  to 
their  views  but  then  dismisses  them  as 
superficial  or  inaccurate."  The  result  of 
such  treatment,  Scott  says,  is  that  the 
client's     ability     to     act     and     think 

One  woman  who  holds  a  responsible 
position  at  the  Lightliouse,  afraid  that  the 
use  of  even  her  first  name  would  lead  to 
her  detection  and  firing,  confirmed  Scott's 
description  in  detail.  "The  thing  I 
absolutely  can't  stand  is  the  way  they 
pretend  to  like  bhnd  people~the  hypocrisy 
is  sad,  it's  sickening."  She  recalled  an 
incident  in  which  some  blinks,  after 
meeting  at  the  Lighthouse  with  a 
psychologist,  asked  the  doctor  out  for  a 
drink  at  a  nearby  bar.  Some  staff  people 
heard  about  it  and,  horrified  at  the 
possibilities,  rounded  up  the  imbibers  into 
cabs  and  sent  them  home. 

But  beyond  the  textbook 
understanding  and  occasional  good 
intentions  of  agency  staff  lies  the  fact  that 
a  small,  intelligent,  energetic,  and  growing 
Bhnd  Power  Movement  has  entered  what 
social  scientists  anesthetizingly  refer  to  as 
"the  revolution  of  rising  expectations." 
The  foremost  of  their  goals  is  "the 
education  of  the  public  to  break  down 
stereotypes  about  the  blind,  with 
particular  emphasis  on  the  consideration 
of  individual  intelligence  and  talent  by 
educators,  employers,  and  blind  agencies. 

Second  is  "increased  and  diversified 


job  placement,  with  research  into  new 
areas  where  bUnd  people  can  find 
challenging  and  stimulating  work." 
(Perhaps  nothing  gives  the  young  blind  the 
sense  of  paternalistic  manipulation  as 
much  as  the  agencies'  vocational  training 
classes,  such  as  those  run  by  the 

The  Blind  Power  Movement  makes 
several  other  demands: 

-A  large  increase  in  the  number  of 
bhnd  staff  workers  in  tlie  agencies.  (The 
movement  members  and  their  staff 
sympathizers  speak  of  agencies'  systematic 
placing  in  middle-management  jobs  of 
blind  Uncle  Tom  workers  who  dead-end 
any  innovative  and  experimental  impulses 
among  the  chents.  One  revealing  figure  is 
that  only  one  blind  person  sits  on  the 
Lighthouse's  thirty-eight-man  board  of 
directors.  Imagine  all  but  one  of  the  board 
of  directors  of  the  NAACP  in  1969  being 

--"Expansion  of  self-help  programs 
tied  to  pubhc  schooling  to  eliminate  the 
need  for  special  schools  for  the  bhnd, 
which  tend  to  reinforce  the  segregation  of 
the  blind." 

-The  creation  of  "instruction  groups 
in  which  blind  instructors  would  teach 
parents  how  to  provide  their  blind 
offspring  with  more  mobUity-and  hence 
independence~at  an  earlier  age." 

-Tutoring  in  such  special  areas  as 
science  and  math  so  they  may  achieve 
competitive  status  with  sighted  students. 

The  movement  is  not  heady.  As  well 
as  taking  on  the  agencies-which  in  the 
pubhc    image    have    halos    around    their 

offices-there  is  the  problem  of  what 
Richard  Adcock,  a  seventeen-year-old  who 
attends  Grover  Cleveland  High,  calls  the 
"unorganized  blind"-those  frightened  of 
losing  their  agency's  services  if  they  join 
the  movement,  those  who  are  unaware  of 
the  movement  (pubhcity  and  meetings 
pose  special  problems  for  the  blind),  and 
those  who  feel  they  can  do  it  on  their 

Joseph  Ciccone  is  one  who  would 
like  to  do  it  alone.  Though  he  earned  a  B. 
A.  degree  in  economics  from  City  College 
in  1967,  he  has,  at  twenty-five,  been 
trained  as  a  piano  tuner.  He  has  also 
taught  himself  electronics,  holds  a 
general-class  ham  license,  and  is 
attempting  to  start  a  business  as  a 
free-lance  recording  technician,  using  his 
own  impressive  equipment.  "It's  not  easy, 
you  always  have  to  fight  against  the  same 
thing-'a  blind  recording  technician?' " 
Though  his  own  experience  with  blind 
agencies  would  have  enabled  him  to  write 
much  of  Scott's  criticism,  Ciccone  feels 
that  energy  on  behalf  of  the  blind  should 
be  directed  at  prying  open  the  job  market. 
Unable  to  get  a  job  in  his  academic  field, 
he  qualified  himself  for  work  as  a  radio 
announcer  and  studio  technician-but  not 
one  station  in  this  city's  progressive  media 
consented  to  offer  him  even  a  tryout.  "It 
was  always  'we  can't  hire  blind  people'  or 
'we'll  put  you  on  our  hst  and  get  back  to 
you  before  not  too  long,'  but  they  never 

He  wishes  the  movement  well  but  is 
pessimistic  "Numbers,"  he  says,  "that's 
the  whole  thing  about  organizing  the 
bhnd-the  numbers  aren't  there." 

But  the  movement  doesn't  think  so. 
Its   activists  say  the  meetings-which  are 


open  to  sighted  people-are  drawing  a 
growing  membership,  and  that  they  are 
earning  sympatliy  and  tacit  support  from 
progressive  agency  workers.  "What  we 
need  now,"  said  Pat  Logan,  "is  publicity, 
pubhcity,  pubHcity." 

After  reading  this  article  I  wrote  to 
Bill  Dwyer,  President  of  our  New  York 
affiliate,  The  Empire  State  Association  of 
the  Blind,  and  to  Sam  Wolff,  President  of 
the  Triboro  Chapter  of  the  Empire  State 
Association  of  the  Blind: 

Aprils,  1970 

Mr.  WiOiam  Dwyer 
94  Third  Avenue 
Rensselaer,  New  York  12144 

Almost  immediately  I  received  a 
response  from  Sam  Wolff,  who  said  in 

"This  is  in  response  to  yours  of  April 
3rd  regarding  the  blind  power  movement; 
I  have  just  gotten  off  the  telephone  with 
the  party  I  believe  is  their  leader.  She  is 
intelligent,  young,  and  one  of  the  people 
who  I  have  placed  two  years  ago;  she 
called  to  tell  me  of  a  job  opening  for 
another  blind  person  in  the  hospital  where 
she  works.  The  young  lady  and  her  group 
have  little  liking  for  "talk"  or 
organizations.  It  is  unfortunate  that  their 
opinion  of  the  Triboro  Chapter  is  one  of 
"all  talk  and  no  action,"  and  this  group 
feels  similarly  to  the  ESAB  Inc.  and  the 
New  York  State  Commission  for  the  Blind 
as  well.  The  blind  power  movement  is  a 
revolt  against  apathy  and  inactivity. 

Dear  Bill: 

I  am  sending  the  enclosed  article  to 
you  and  Sam  Wolff  to  ask  whether  you 
know  anything  about  this  "Blind  Power" 
group.  If  they  are  any  good,  we  ought  to 
get  hold  of  them  and  bring  them  into  the 
movement.  Maybe  they  are  in  the 
movement.  If  so,  I  have  never  heard  of 

Sam,  do  you  know  these  people?  Can 
you  get  in  touch  with  them  and  see  what 
they  are  like? 


"I  happen  to  have  good  dialogue  with 
some  of  the  people  in  the  blind  power 
movement,  but  they  want  no  part  of 
the  .  .  .  much  talk  and  no 

I  replied  as  follows: 

April  13,  1970 

Mr.  Sam  Wolff,  President 
Triboro  Chapter  of  the  ESAB 
1 1  Park  Place 
New  York,  New  York  10007 

Dear  Sam: 

Kenneth  Jemigan,  President 
National  Federation  of  the  Blind 

If  the  members  of  the  blind  power 
movement,  as  they  call  themselves,  are 
really  interested  in  action,  then  they 
should  join  the  Triboro  Chapter  and, 
thereby,  the  Empire  State  Association  and 
the   NFB.   Otherwise,   regardless  of  their 


protestations,  they  will  do  more  talking 
than  acting,  or  they  will  waste  their  effort 
in  an  isolated,  fragmentary  demonstration, 
which  will  end  up  by  doing  more  hami 
than  good. 

One  of  the  most  tiresome  aspects  of 
the  so  called  "power"  movements 
(whether  black,  blind,  student,  or 
some  tiling  else)  is  their  seeming  arrogance, 
apparently  based  on  lack  of  historical 
knowledge.  As  Roy  Wilkins  of  the  NAACP 
put  it,  there  were  people  working  to 
achieve  civil  rights  (and  with  some 
effectiveness)  before  1954.  Otherwise,  the 
first  desegregation  decisions  of  the 
Supreme  Court  would  not  have  occurred 
in  that  year.  These  things  did  not  happen 
by  accident. 

Likewise,  the  difference  between  the 
condition  of  tlie  blind  now  and  in  1940 
when  the  National  Federation  of  the  Blind 
came  into  being  is  profound.  Such 
rehabOitation  as  now  exists  (and  it  is 
considerable);  Aid  payments  and  exempt 
earnings;  and  the  whole  range  of  improved 
public  attitudes,  can  aU  in  substantial 
measure,  be  traced  to  the  "action"  of  the 
organized  blind  movement,  including  the 
"action"  of  the  Empire  State  Association 
of  the  Bhnd.  Even  so,  many  of  the 
agencies  for  the  bhnd  have  made  real 
contributions,  and  some  of  them  are 
working  as  constructively  and 
progressively  as  could  be  hoped.  While  we 
are  on  the  subject,  Robert  Scott  is  not  a 
complete  paragon  of  virtue  but  has  some 
of  the  grossest  misconceptions  I  have  ever 
met.  Things  are  just  not  as  simple  as  the 
"bhnd  power"  group  would  apparently 
hke  to  have  them.  However  that  may  be, 
the  real  hope  for  the  future  of  the  bhnd 
lies  in  tlie  organized  blind  movement-the 
National  Federation  of  the  Blind. 

It  is  tnie  that  organizations  often 
flounder,  that  we  ver>'  often  bicker,  that 
local  chapters  some  times  do  not  even 
have  enough  talent  among  their 
membersliip  to  carry  on  a  meaningful  or 
worthwhile  meeting.  It  is  true  that,  despite 
all  of  our  efforts,  more  bhnd  people  are 
unrehabilitated  than  employed  and  that 
more  of  the  unemployed  are  living  on 
starvation  welfare  checks  than  adequate 
grants.  It  is  true  that  most  of  the 
comparatively  few  blind  persons  who  have 
been  successful  still  think  they  are 
superior  to  the  rest  of  the  bUnd  and  feel 
that  they  made  it  on  their  own  and  that 
they  want  to  identify  and  associate  with 
the  sighted-except,  of  course,  when  they 
deign  to  do  something  "to  be  of  help  to 
other  blind  persons  since  I  don't  really 
need  anything  myself  and  there  is  nothing 
the  organization  can  do  for  me."  In  fact,  if 
all  of  these  things  were  not  true,  we  would 
not  have  the  pressing  need  which  we  have 
to  build  and  strengthen  our  organization. 
The  very  fact  that  so  many  bhnd  persons 
are  inactive  and  apparently  more 
interested  in  recreation  and  talking  than  in 
pohtical  action,  that  they  submit  to 
custodialism  with  seeming  gratitude,  that 
they  want  the  emphasis  to  be  on  coffee 
and  cake  (very  often  provided  by 
somebody  else)  at  their  local 
meetings— this  fact  illustrates  and 
emphasizes  the  need. 

All  of  the  idealism,  brains,  courage, 
objection  to  hypocrisy,  and  just  plain  guts 
do  not  reside  in  that  segment  of  the 
population  under  thirty.  No  age  group  has 
a  corner  on  these  virtues,  and  it 
constitutes  arrogance  and  hypocrisy  to 
delude  oneself  into  believing  that  such  is 
the  case.  The  so  called  "power" 
movements  often  emphasize  "rights"  to 
the    exclusion    of   responsibility    and,   in 


1.         i 

childlike  innocence,  blandly  ignore 
long-range  consequences,  thus  doing  more 
to  damage  than  help  the  cause  they 
profess  to  support. 

Yes,  we  need  action  and  not  just  talk, 
and  the  NFB  is  where  tlie  action  is.  If  the 
disabihty  bill  passes  (with  180  million 
dollars  in  the  pockets  of  blind  persons  tlie 
first  year)  it  will  be  the  organized  blind 
who  bring  it  about-the  sheltered 
shopworkers,  the  welfare  recipients,  the 
unemployed,  the  uneducated-the  people 
who,  despite  all  odds,  had  the  courage  and 
the  sense  to  stick  together  and  work  for  a 
goal.  If  (and  it  will  come)  the  chmate  of 
public  opinion  changes  so  that  the  average 
blind  person  can  be  judged  on  his 
individual  merit,  can  be  accepted  for  what 
he  is  instead  of  being  victimized  by 
prejudice  and  discrimination,  it  will  be  the 
organized  blind  (with  all  their 
shortcomings)  who  bring  it  about.  It  will 
not  be  the  individual  "successful"  blind 
person,  who  thinks  he  is  too  good  to 
associate  with  the  rest  of  us;  it  will  not  be 
the  agency  for  the  blind;  and  it  will  not  be 
the  small,  snobbish,  ehte  groups,  who 
think  they  are  too  good  to  associate  with 
their  intellectual  inferiors,  who  think  they 
are  above  going  to  a  routine  chapter 
meeting  and  helping  to  plan  a  Christmas 
party  or  talk  about  the  humdrum  details 
of  here  and  now. 

We  need  the  members  of  this  "blind 
power"  group  in  New  York  City,  as  we 
need  all  blind  persons  in  our 
movement-the    old    and   the   young,   the 

stupid  and  the  wise,  the  employed  and  the 
unemployed,  the  rich  and  the  poor;  but 
we  need  them  with  some  humility.  They 
should  realize  that  they  (all  of  them)  have 
benefited  tremendously  by  the  efforts  of 
the  organized  bhnd  movement,  even  if 
they  have  never  heard  of  it.  The  job 
opportunites  and  the  social  climate  are 
better  today  than  they  were  a  generation 
ago  because  of  what  has  already  been 
done,  and  the  blind  of  our  day  have  some 
responsibihty  and  obligation  to  make  it 
still  better  for  themselves  and  the  coming 
generation.  However,  they  also  have  the 
obligation  to  be  grateful  for  what  they 
have  already  received  from  those  who  have 
been  on  the  firing  line  before  them. 

I  hope  you  will  contact  your  friend 
who  is  in  the  blind  power  movement  and 
read  her  this  letter.  She  may  not  like  it, 
but  perhaps  it  will  cause  her  to  do  some 
thinking.  The  NFB  is  on  the  move,  and  we 
need  all  active  bhnd  persons  of  good  will 
to  join  in  the  battle.  Tell  her  that  if  the 
organization  (whether  at  local,  state,  or 
national  level)  is  not  what  she  would  have 
it  be,  she  sliould  join  and  make  it  better, 
not  simply  gripe  about  it  from  the  outside. 


Kenneth  Jemigan,  President 
National  Federation  of  the  Blind 



AS  OF  MARCH  1,  1970 


John  Nagle 

As  of  March  1,  1970,  NFB  sponsored 
legislation  stood  as  follows: 

H.  R.  3782,  introduced  in  the  House 
of  Representatives  by  Congressman  James 
A.  Burke,  Massachusetts,  and  S.  2518, 
introduced  in  the  United  States  Senate  by 
Senator  Vance  Hartke,  Indiana,  are 
identical  bills  that  would  allow  any  person 
who  meets  the  legal  definition  of  bUndness 
and  who  has  worked  for  a  year  and 
one-half  in  Social  Security-covered  work, 
to  draw  disability  insurance  payments  so 
long  as  he  remains  blind  and  regardless  of 
the  amount  of  his  earnings.  Of  the  435 
members  of  the  House  of  Representatives, 
185  have  introduced  measures  identical  to 
the  Burke  Disability  Insurance  to  the 
Blind  Bill.  Of  the  twent>'-five  members  of 
tlie  Ways  and  Means  Committee,  the 
committee  in  the  House  of 
Representatives  which  has  jurisdiction 
over  Social  Security  amending  bills,  eleven 
members  (seven  Democrats  and  four 
Republicans)  have  introduced  bUls 
companion  to  H.  R.  3782,  and  four  other 
Democrats  on  the  committee  have  agreed 
to  support  H.  R.  3782  in  committee.  On 
October  27,  1969,  John  Nagle,  NFB 
spokesman  in  Washington,  presented 
strong  arguments  in  support  of  the 
disability  insurance  for  the  blind  bill  in 
pubhc  hearings  conducted  by  the  House 
Ways  and  Means  Committee  on  Social 
Security  matters. 

The  Ways  and  Means  Committee 
reported     out    of    committee    a    Social 

Security-Welfare  Bill  early  in  March  and  is 
expected  shortly  to  consider  other 
possible  changes  in  Social  Security-based 
programs,  at  which  time.  Congressman 
Burke  wiU  endeavor  to  secure  committee 
approval  of  H.  R.  3782. 

When  Senator  Hartke  introduced  S. 
25 18,  the  disability  insurance  for  the  blind 
bill  in  the  United  States  Senate,  of  the 
other  ninety-nine  members,  sixty-seven 
joined  as  co-sponsors  of  the  bill.  Of  the 
seventeen  members  of  the  Finance 
Committee,  the  Senate  Committee  with 
jurisdiction  over  Social  Security-amending 
proposals,  ten  are  listed  as  S.  2518 
co-sponsors,  six  of  the  ten  Democratic 
members,  four  of  the  seven  Repubhcan 

S.  1475,  introduced  in  the  United 
States  Senate  by  Senator  Vance  Hartke, 
would  make  several  much-needed  and 
long-striven  for  alterations  in  the 
Federal-State  programs  of  aid  to  the  needy 
bUnd.  It  would  make  pubhc  assistance  a 
stimulant  to  independence  not  only  in  the 
economic  sense,  but  in  the  areas  of  daily 
hving  as  well.  Social  services  needed  to 
achieve  this  independence  would  be  at  the 
request  of  the  recipient  and  not  forced 
upon  him  as  a  present.  It  would  require 
tliat  the  needs  of  the  individual  due  to  his 
bhndness  or  other  disabhng  causes,  be 
recognized  and  met  in  both  the  Aid  Grant 
and  Medical  Care. 

S.  1475  would  write  into  the  statute 


that  increases  in  the  Federal  share  of 
payments  must  be  "passed-on"  to 
recipients,  and  it  would  abohsh  the  means 
test.  This  Hartke-Federation  Measure 
would  also  remove  the  time  limitation  on 
the  retention  of  income  and  resources  in 
considering  the  grant  of  a  blind  person 
who  has  an  approved  plan  for 
rehabilitation.  Federal  financial 
participation  in  money  payments  would 
be  increased  by  a  new  matching  formula: 
raise  the  present  basic  grant  of  $31.00  of 
the  first  $37.00  to  $42.80  of  the  first 
$50.00;  raise  the  present  matching  ceiling 
from  $75.00  to  $100.00  with  the  variable 
grant  formula  detennining  an  additional 
Federal  share  of  50%  to  66%  of  the 
difference  between  $50  and  $100. 

S.  1476,  introduced  in  the  U.  S. 
Senate  by  Vance  Hartke,  would 
mandatorily  exempt  increases  in  Social 
Security  payments  from  consideration  as 
income  in  determining  the  amount  of  an 
aid  grant,  and  thus,  would  eliminate  the 
present  practice  of  reducing  an  aid  grant 
by  the  amount  of  the  raise  in  the  Social 
Security  payment. 

H.  R.  2378,  introduced  in  the  House 
of  Representatives  by  Congressman  Carl 
Perkins,  Kentucky,  and  S.  1477, 
introduced  in  the  U.  S.  Senate  by  Senator 
Vance  Hartke,  identical  bills,  would 
extend  Medicare,  presently  available  only 
to  Social  Security-retired  persons  over  the 
age  of  sixty-five,  so  as  to  provide  hospital 
and  medical  care  coverage  for  disabihty 
insurance  beneficiaries  within  the  existing 
Medicare  system. 

H.  R.  9453,  introduced  in  the  House 
of  Representatives  by  Congressman  James 
M.  O'Hara,  Michigan,  would  amend  the 
National  Labor  Relations  Act  to  recognize 

and  protect  the  rights  of  handicapped 
persons  employed  in  Sheltered  Workshops 
to  organize  and  bargain  collectively 
through  their  chosen  representatives  with 
shop  management. 

S.  2461,  introduced  in  the  U.  S. 
Senate  by  Senator  Jennings  Randolph, 
West  Virginia,  joined  by  fifty-one 
co-sponsoring  senators,  was  developed  by 
representatives  of  all  national 
organizations  and  agencies  in  the  blind 
field,  and  it  would: 

Assign  income  from  vending 
machines  exclusively  to  blind  operators  of 
vending  stands; 

Broaden  types  of  articles  and  services 
that  can  be  sold  in  vending  stands; 

Remove  one-year  residence 
requirements  from  vending  stand 
programs ; 

Require  that  there  be  suitable  sites 
for  the  location  of  vending  stands  on  all 
property  occupied  by  Federal  departments 
and  agencies; 

Include  an  arbitration-type  fair 
hearing  procedure  to  assure  blind 
operators  of  vending  stands  of  impartial 
adjudication  of  their  complaints  and 

Include  an  arbitration-type  appeals 
procedure  for  use  when  state-licensing 
agencies  are  disatisfied  with  the  results  of 
their  dealings  with  Federal  departments 
and  agencies; 

Expand  a  definition  of  vending  stand 
to  include  vending  machines,  cafeterias, 
snack-bars  and  cart  service; 


Provide    for    a    judicial    review    of 
decisions     affecting    the    vending    stand 




As  of  the  first  of  this  year  seven  new 
Medicaid  programs-in  Alabama,  Arkansas, 
Florida,  Indiana,  Mississippi,  New  Jersey, 
and  North  Carohna-began  operating. 
Medicaid  programs  aie  now  m  operation  in 
forty-eight  of  the  fifty  States.  Only  Alaska 
and  Arizona  do  not  participate.  Last  year 
over  ten  million  needy  and  low-income 
persons  received  medical  assistance  under 

Federal  law  requires  that  all  State 
Medicaid  programs  include  persons 
receiving  public  assistance  money 
payments  under  federally  supported 
programs  for  the  aged,  the  blind,  the 
disabled,  and  members  of  families  with 
dependent  children.  States  may  extend 
eligibility  to  the  "medically 
needy"~persons  otherwise  quahfied  for 
aid  under  one  of  the  four  categories  who, 
although  they  are  self-supporting,  are 
unable  to  pay  for  necessary  medical  care. 
Of  the  seven  new  Medicaid  States,  only 
North  Carohna  includes  the  medically 

All  Medicaid  programs  include  the 
following:  inpatient  hospital  care; 
outpatient  hospital  services;  other 
laboratory  and  x-ray  services;  skilled 
nursing  home  services  for  individuals 
twenty-one  and  older;  early  and  periodic 
screening,  diagnosis,  and  treatment  of 
eligible  individuals  under  twenty-one;  and 
physicians'  services.  Federal  contributions 

to  States  for  medical  assistance  range  from 
fifty  per  cent  (to  the  richest  States)  to 
eighty-three  per  cent  (to  the  State  with 
the  lowest  per  capita  income)  of  medical 
care  costs.  The  Medicaid  program  is 
authorized  by  title  XIX  of  the  Social 
Security  Act. 

Medicare,  authorized  by  title  XVIII 
of  the  Social  Security  Act,  consists  of  two 
parts,  and  is  available  to  all  persons  aged 
sixty-five  or  older,  and  who  are  covered  by 
Social  Security.  Part  A  is  hospital 
insurance  protection  and  no  monthly 
premium  is  paid  by  the  insured.  Part  B 
covers  medical  insurance  providing  for  the 
part  payment  of  physicians'  services,  home 
health  visits,  and  a  number  of  other 
medical  and  health  services  prescribed  by 
the  physician.  The  insured  pays  a  monthly 
premium  for  this  coverage,  which  is 
matched  by  the  Federal  Government. 

These  medical  care  programs 
continue  to  be  in  deep  trouble  because  of 
the  skyrocketing  costs.  The  staff  of  the  U. 
S.  Senate  Finance  Committee  recently 
completed  an  eighteen-month 
investigation  of  the  programs.  The  report 
found  the  present  formula  for  reimbursing 
hospitals  and  nursing  homes  for 
"reasonable"  costs  of  treating  patients 
had,  in  practice,  proved  to  be  too 
generous.  As  for  doctors,  the  report  said 
their  incomes  have  been  "inflated"  by  the 


The  study  made  several 
recommendations,  all  tending  to  limit  the 
size  of  payments  to  doctors,  hospitals,  and 
nursing  homes.  Under  Medicaid  the 
patient  pays  nothing.  Under  Medicare,  he 
now  pays  $4  a  month  and  the  Federal 
Government  pays  an  additional  $4.  The 
administration  has,  however,  ordered  the 
fee  paid  by  the  insured  under  Medicare  to 
be  increased  to  $5.30  effective  July  1, 
1970.  The  fact  that  costs  under  both 
programs  continue  to  soar  has  led  Senator 
Russell  Long,  Chairman  of  the  Senate 
Finance  Committee,  to  predict  that  "some 
of  the  staff  suggestions  undoubtedly  will 
become  law." 

As  a  result  of  the  staff  study,  the 
Nixon  administration  has  proposed 
ceilings  on  hospital  and  physician  charges 
under  the  Medicare  and  Medicaid 
programs.  John  G.  Veneman, 
Under-Secretary  of  Health,  Education,  and 
Welfare  disclosed  administration  plans  to 
ask  the  Congress  to  replace  the  present 
criteria  of  "reasonable  cost"  and 
"reasonable  charge"  for  government 
reimbursement  with  either  negotiated  or 
imposed  ceilings. 

reasonable  charge  criteria  established  in 
the  law  have  provided  opportunity  for 
major  cost-control  efforts,"  Veneman  said. 
The  Under-Secretary  outlined  the 
cost-cutting  proposals  in  testimony  before 
the  Senate  Finance  Committee.  Veneman 
said  the  administration  wants  the  new  cost 
Hmits  for  the  hospital  portion  of  both 
Medicare  and  Medicaid  and  for  physician 
charges  under  Medicare  but  not  Medicaid. 

Veneman  outUned  three  possible 
methods  for  determining  hospital  cost 
ceilings  that  would  provide  incentives  for 
efficiency.  "With  rates  set  in  advance,  a 
provider  would  be  challenged  to  stay 
within  the  limits  of  the  known 
reimbursement  to  be  received  and  the 
provider  would  share  in  the  savings  that 
come  from  economies  that  are  achieved 
through  effective  management,"  he  said. 
"I  beheve  also  that  the  law  should  be 
changed  so  as  to  limit  further  the  rate  at 
which  increases  in  physicans'  fees  would 
be  recognized  by  Medicare,"  Veneman 
continued.  He  said  the  administration 
supports  a  fee  schedule  that  would 
increase  only  in  proportion  to  a  general 
index  of  cost  of  medical  care. 

"Neither  the  reasonable  cost  nor  the 



Marcia  Lee 

[Reprinted  from  the  Butte,  Montana  Standard. 

"My  problems  will  be  no  different 
than  those  of  any  other  new  teacher."  The 
speaker  was  Dorothy  Dunn,  new  music 
teacher  at  the  Emerson  School. 

Miss  Dunn  has  been  blind  since  birth 
but  has  overcome  her  handicap  to  excel  in 
her  field.  She  was  graduated  in  music  with 
a  high  grade  average  from  Montana  State 


University  last  March.  Miss  Dunn,  who 
prefers  to  be  called  Dede,  said,  "I  chose  to 
come  to  Butte  because  the  people  here  are 
so  friendly.  If  people  are  friendly  you  can 
do  anything  and  I  figured  I  would  rather 
be  somewhere   I   know  people  will  like 

great  love  for  music."  The  decision  to 
teach  music  came  like  this,  "I  feel  I  can  do 
things  in  it  and  I  wanted  to  be  a  teacher 
because  I  admired  my  own.  I  want  to 
affect  lives  of  other  students  like  my 
teachers  affected  mine." 

A  native  of  Bozeman,  Dede  attended 
the  Montana  School  for  the  Deaf  and 
Blind  in  Great  Falls.  She  also  took  courses 
at  the  College  of  Great  Falls  for  two  years 
and  then  went  to  MSU.  Scholarships  and 
grants  were  numerous  for  Dede.  The 
Rehabilitation  Services  for  the  Visually 
Handicapped  paid  for  part  of  her 
education  and  helped  her  get  braille  music 
books.  She  is  listed  in  "Who's  Who  in 
American  Colleges  and  Universities,"  and 
received  many  advanced  honor 
scholarships  for  tuition.  The  Treble  Cleff 
Club  in  Livingston  gave  her  two 
scholarships.  In  addition  to  studying  at 
MSU,  she  joined  a  sorority,  "So  I  could  do 
some  social  things."  She  was  also  choir 
director  at  the  MSU  Newman  Center. 

Her  love  for  music  is  apparent.  She 
said,  "Voice  is  my  main  instmment  and  I 
have  given  five  vocal  recitals.  I  love  to  sing 
opera  and  German  songs  and  good  popular 
things  but  they  have  to  be  worth  singing.  I 
don't  like  trite  music."  As  a  music  teacher 
at  Emerson  School,  she  will  have  about 
eighteen  classes  from  grades  three  to  six. 
She  noted,  "I'm  going  to  teach  my  kids 
good  music.  That's  one  of  my  goals.  They 
have  to  know  music  of  all  kinds  so  they 
can  decide  what  they  Hke." 

Dede  said  she  got  her  start  in  music 
from  her  grandmother  who  used  to  sing 
when  she  was  small.  "I've  been  singing 
from  the  time  I  was  two  and  that's  how  I 
really  got  interested  in  it.  I've  always  had  a 

Understandably  some  things  for  a 
blind  teacher  will  be  a  little  different. 
Dede  said  "I  don't  want  things  to  be 
distorted  because  I'm  bUnd.  One  problem 
I  worry  about  is  getting  all  the  students' 
names  and  voices  sorted  out."  She  added, 
"This  is  a  problem  all  teachers  encounter 
though."  Miss  Dunn's  students  will 
identify  themselves  out  loud  instead  of 
raising  their  hands.  She  mentioned  an 
experience  when  she  was  student  teaching 
when  the  students  raised  their  hands  and 
couldn't  figure  out  why  Dede  didn't  call 
on  them.  She  laughed,  "Actually  I'm 
flattered  when  someone  forgets  I'm 

Her  teaching  books  are  braille  and 
Dede  said,  "I'm  going  to  memorize  them 
as  much  as  I  can  because  I  can  sing  better 
when  I  don't  have  to  look  at  the  music." 
A  braille  writer,  something  Hke  a 
typewriter,  is  used  by  Miss  Dunn  for 

Dede  was  one  of  forty-two  members 
of  the  MSU  Chorale  who  toured  Europe 
under  the  Institute  of  European  Studies 
last  summer.  They  gave  nine  concerts.  Her 
memories  of  Europe  are  many  and  she 
said,  "We  all  had  a  great  time  and  I  think  I 
saw  more  of  Europe  than  the  other  kids." 
She  explained,  "One  of  my  teachers 
described  everything  to  me  in  detail  so  I 
really  saw  everything."  Dede's  friends  and 
teachers  would  ask  museum  officials  if  she 
could  touch  art  objects  because  she 
couldn't   see  them,  and  they  usually  let 


her.  She  said,  "I  felt  a  foot  of  a  sculpture 
by  Michaelangelo." 

The  Chorale  toured  Germany, 
Austria,  Italy  and  Belgium.  They  sang  with 
European  choirs  and  Dede  said,  "There  are 
no  barriers  when  we  are  all  singing 
together.  Music  does  that  for  people." 

Dede     said,     "Here     in    Butte    the 

attitude  of  the  people  is  so  good.  In  some 
other  places,  people  are  uncomfortable 
about  the  blind.  Here  we  both  feel  very 
comfortable."  This  girl  of  strong 
convictions  is  quick  to  mention  one  thing. 
"A  bUnd  person  is  just  as  capable  as 
another  person  and  people  should  know 


Judy  Carlos 

[Reprinted  from  the  Las  Vegas,  Nevada  Sun.] 

"Must  tlie  bhnd  beg  in  the  streets  to 

A.  William  Villa,  a  Las  Vegas  blind 
man,  shouted  that  question  from  the 
welfare  offices  to  tlie  state  capitol  for  the 
past  two  years. 

Yesterday  the  Nevada  Supreme  Court 
said,  "No." 

The  result  could  cost  the  State 
Welfare  Division  thousands  if  the  decision 
were  applied  across  the  board  to  blind 
welfare  recipients.  The  Court  ruled  that 
the  State  Welfare  Division  must  pay  the 
"actual  need"  of  bhnd  persons  receiving 
state  aid.  Their  unanimous  decision  came 
as  a  result  not  of  Villa's  begging  but  his 
persistent  and  angry  fight  in  the  courts 
and  news  media.  Villa  had  been  receiving 
$198  a  month.  He  claimed  his  actual  need 
was  $219.  State  welfare  officials  had 
countered  for  two  and  a  half  long  years 
with  the  argument  that  the  law  which  read 

"actual  need,"  also  implied  that  the  state 
was  not  obliged  to  pay  if  the  money  was 
not  available  in  the  budget. 

Yesterday  Chief  Justice  Jon  Collins, 
writing  the  majority  opinion  for  the 
Court,  said,  "We  hold  that  the  Welfare 
Division's  definition  of  actual  need  is  not 
reasonable  and  the  application  of  that 
principle  in  denying  Villa's  request  for  an 
increase  in  his  allowance  is  arbitrary  and 
capricious."  However,  some  confusion  was 
left  behind-at  least  in  the  mind  of  State 
Welfare  Chief  George  Miller  and  Welfare 
Board  Chairman  Keith  MacDonald.  Miller 
said  the  ruling  may  mean  they  have  to 
make  retroactive  payments  to  Villa,  but  it 
doesn't  mean  anything  in  connection  with 
current  cases. 

Villa's  suit  in  District  Court  was  filed 
before  the  last  Legislature  erased  the 
words  "actual  need"  from  the  statute. 
MacDonald,  however,  said,  "It  probably 
means  a  lot  of  trouble"  for  the  Welfare 


Division.  "We  don't  have  the  money  to 
pay  for  actual  needs  as  determined  by  the 
Supreme  Court,"  MacDonald  said.  "It's 
against  the  law  also  to  pay  more  than  the 
Legislature  appropriated."  Villa  declared 
the  ruling  a  victory  for  all  blind  people  in 
the  state.  The  Court  said  it  did  not  feel 
there  was  any  question  before  it  relative  to 
the  loss  of  federal  funds. 

Some  blind  citizens  are  claiming 
outside  the  courts  that  the  state  contracts 
with  the  federal  government  for  specified 
monies  per  recipient  and  may  have 
violated  its  agreement  when  Miller's 
division  cut  the  allowances  of  some 
recipients  two  years  ago. 

From  the  first  cut  Villa  had  declared 
that  the  State  Welfare  Board  was 
"substituting  its  book  of  self-serving 
regulations  for  the  law."  Taking  his  guide 
dog,  Kyle,  the  pugnacious  Villa  carried  his 
fight  to  the  halls  of  the  Legislature  and 
then  claimed  he  was  dealt  a  doublecross 
by  Senate  Finance  Committeemen  who 
told  him  they  were  preparing  a  bill  to  his 
liking  when  they  were  not.  "I  didn't  know 
until  I  got  home  and  a  friend  could  read  it 
to  me,"  he  complained.  "Then  it  was  too 
late,"  He  came  home  to  berate  State 
Welfare  officials  in  person  and  on  the  air, 

and  to  demand  that  he  be  allowed  to 
accompany  other  blind  persons  to  local 
hearings  where  their  eligibihty  and 
allowances  were  to  be  adjudged. 

Finally,  represented  by  a  friend, 
Harly  Claiborne,  he  filed  suit.  The  District 
Court  turned  him  down.  Claiborne  took 
the  dispute  to  the  Supreme  Court  but  not 
until  after  months  of  delay  on  the  part  of 
the  Attorney  General's  office.  During  that 
inter\'ening  period  the  state  statute  was 
cleansed  of  the  words  "actual  need." 

The  Supreme  Court  said  yesterday 
that  the  Welfare  Division  is  obligated  to 
fix  uniform  state  standards  "according  to 
the  reasonable  actual  needs  of  blind 
recipients  and  pay  them  such  sums  insofar 
as  there  are  available  funds."  The  Court 
added,  however,  "We  do  not  decide  what 
rights,  if  any,  Villa  may  have  against  the 
state  sliould  there  be  insufficient  money 
appropriated  by  the  Legislature  to  meet 
his  actual  needs  for  the  entire  fiscal  year." 
Welfare  officials  explained  that  after  the 
Legislature  appropriates  a  certain  amount 
to  the  blind  the  division  sets  standards  and 
figures  to  regulate  how  the  money  shall  be 



BiU  Nelson 

[Editor's  Note:  Reprinted  by  permission  from  the  Christian  Science  Monitor.  Copyright 
1970  The  Christian  Science  Pubhshing  Society.  All  rights  reserved.] 

Kenneth    Jemigan  has   always  been 
determined  that  lack  of  sight  would  not 

min  his  hfe.  As  a  young  man,  he  opened  a 
furniture  shop.  He  designed  and  assembled 


tables,  smokestands,  lamps. 

"I  sawed  and  planed,  drilled  and 
measured,  fitted  and  sanded,"  he  said.  "I 
did  every  single  operation  except  the  final 
finish  work-the  staining  and  varnishing." 

Later,  as  a  psychological  counselor 
and  instructor  at  the  California 
Orientation  Center  for  the  Adult  Blind,  he 
discovered  that  the  blind  were  varnishing 
as  a  matter  of  routine.  Soon  he,  too,  had 

The  experience  jarred  him. 

His  early  years  were  spent  on  a  farm 
in  Tennessee's  boondocks  in  the  days 
before  TVA.  The  twentieth  century  had 
not  yet  penetrated  his  homeland.  There 
was  no  nuining  water;  no  indoor 
plumbing;  no  electricity;  no  radio;  no 
auto.  He  rode  to  town  in  a  buggy. 

But  the  humble  origin  couldn't  dim 
this  blind  boy's  brilliance.  He  chmbed  to 
the  top  of  his  class  in  training  school. 
Then  came  a  big  test-college-Tennessee 
Polytechnical  Institute.  A  blind  student  in 
a  sighted  school  seldom  finds  the  going 

"I  did  a  lot  of  soul  searching  after 
that,"  says  Mr.  Jemigan.  "I  considered 
myself  a  progressive,  but  I  had  sold  myself 

Ever  since,  Mr.  Jemigan-now  a 
national  figure  in  the  rehabilitation  of  the 
blind-often  ponders  the  question  of  what 
the  blind  still  exclude  from  their  lives  that 
is  actually  within  grasp. 

He  reminds  liis  students,  "It's  not 
'what  can  I  do?'  but  'how  can  I  do  it?'  " 

An  irascible  biology  professor  shook 
his  head  when  Mr.  Jernigan  tapped  his  way 
into  the  classroom. 

"It's  ridiculous  for  a  blind  person  to 
take  the  course,  but  the  dean  made  me  let 
you  do  it,"  he  barked.  "But  I  think  you'll 

"Just  treat  me  hke  anyone  else,"  Mr. 
Jernigan  answered  quietly.  "Give  me  a 
chance  and  don't  prejudge  me~that's  all  I 

Mr.  Jemigan  leads  a  life  full  of 
activity.  He  water  skis.  He  plays  a  rousmg 
game  of  hearts.  He  reads  voraciously.  He 
writes  articles.  He  barbecues.  As  a  pubhc 
speaker,  he  charms  audiences.  He  hikes, 
swims,  and  travels  across  the  country 
without  assistance.  And  he  cuts  wood 
("you'll  never  feel  self-pity  at  the  end  of  a 
cross-cut  saw,''  he  tells  trainees). 

Blind  since  birth,  Mr.  Jernigan  is  a 
dynamo  around  whom  controversy  has 
long  swirled.  Who  is  this  outspoken 
activist  who  has  made  such  a  splash  in  the 
training  of  the  blind? 

Four  years  later,  he  had  an  almost 
unblemished  string  of  A's.  And  he  had 
been  a  campus  leader.  In  1949  he  earned 
his  master's  degree  at  Peabody  College  in 
Nashville  and  the  American  Foundation 
for  the  Blind  named  him  the  nation's 
outstanding  blind  student. 

Nine  years  as  an  educator  of  the 
blind  in  Tennessee  and  California  shaped  a 
philosophy  that  would  speed  past  what 
other  states  or  agencies  dared  or  dreamed 
of  attempting.  Negative  thinking,  Mr. 
Jemigan  noted,  had  held  the  bhnd  in 
bondage  too  long. 


It   was   time   for  the   pendulum   to 
swing  the  other  way. 

The  sightless  director  designed  the  project 
himself,  using  Braille  blueprints. 

Iowa  in  1959  took  a  gamble  and 
hired  this  energetic  blind  man  to  lead  the 
blind.  For  Mr.  Jemigan,  the  job  called  for 
both  a  pay  cut  to  $5,500  and  the  toughest 
challenge  of  his  life.  What  he  found  in 
Iowa  would  have  turned  away  a  lesser 

The  state  placed  last  in  vocational 
rehabilitation  of  the  bhnd.  Only  a  handful 
of  its  6,000  bhnd  could  be  classified  as 
rehabilitated  (able  to  obtain  and  hold  a 

Iowa's  blind  had  no  library'  service  of 
their  own.  The  Iowa  Commission  for  the 
Blind  was  housed  in  three  dingy  rooms. 
Materials  were  stacked  haphazardly. 
Lighting  was  poor,  paint  peeling,  plaster 
cracking.  Staff  morale  was  at  rock  bottom. 
An  atmosphere  of  defeat  and  hopelessness 
permeated  the  program. 

Mr.  Jernigan  wasn't  daunted.  "The 
situation  is  really  in  my  favor,"  he 
confided  to  friends.  "There's  no 
bric-a-brac  to  clear  away.  We  can  build 

When  Kenneth  Jemigan  took  over 
the  Iowa  Commission  for  the  Blind  in 
1959  he  was  faced  with  an  enormous  task. 
Facihties  were  lacking  and  morale  was 
low.  He  began  by  asking  for  more  funds, 
and  offered  to  resign  if  he  didn't  produce 
impressive  results  quickly. 

The  former  YMCA-a  seven-story 
building  in  downtown  Des  Moines-was 
bought.  It  was  transformed  into  the  Iowa 
Orientation  and  Rehabilitation  Center,  tlie 
heartbeat   of  the  Commission's  program. 

Mr.  Jernigan  assembled  a  staff  that 
grew  to  more  than  sixty. 

"This  is  a  crusade,"  he  told  his  aides. 
They  would  be  blazing  trails  througli  the 
thick  underbrush  of  misconceptions. 

A  revolution  was  necessary,  he  said. 
A  revolution  in  society's  beliefs  about 
blindness.  Stereotypes  would  have  to  be 
shattered~the  image  of  helplessness, 
incompetency,  dependency;  the  image  of 
abnormality,  equating  lack  of  sight  with 
lack  of  sense;  tlie  image  of  the  bhnd  being 
broken  men  and  women,  impaired, 
imbalanced,  imperfect. 

Blindness,  Mr.  Jernigan  declared,  is  a 
nuisance,  not  a  handicap.  Certainly  the 
bUnd  can't  drive  trucks  or  run  for 
touchdowns.  But,  with  proper  training, 
the  average  bhnd  man  can  perform  as  well 
as  the  average  sighted  man  in  most  jobs. 


By  using  alternative  techniques. 
Elementary  schoolteacher  Judy  Young, 
for  instance,  uses  Braille  teaching  guides; 
her  class  materials  are  translated  by  a 
Jewish  sisterhood,  and  she  hires  an 
assistant  to  read  schoolwork  aloud  so  she 
can  make  corrections. 

By  approaching  situations  with  an  "I 
can  figure  out  a  way  to  do  it"  philosophy, 
the  bUnd  can  rise  to  the  mainstream  of 
life,  Mr.  Jemigan  says. 

"They  can  become  first-class  citizens. 
They  can  live  in  dignity.  They  can  be 
contributing  members  of  society." 


Such  a  credo  has  no  place  for 
custodiaUsm,  isolation,  and  sheltered 

Colliding  head-on  with  traditions,  Mr. 
Jernigan's  bold  philosophy  met  vigorous 

"You  are  misleading  the  blind  as  to 
the  severity  and  consequences  of 
blindness,"  critics  declared. 

Associations  for  the  blind,  some 
educators,  and  even  federal  officals  voiced 
grave  misgivings. 

Theories  can  be  challenged,  Mr, 
Jemigan  conceded,  but  results  speak  for 

The  rehabilitation  program  lasts  six 
to  ten  months  and  its  cornerstone  is 

Using  a  long,  fiber-glass  cane  as  an 
antenna,  trainees  tap  their  way  along 
streets  and  through  buildings.  Arching  the 
four-and-a-half-foot  cane  a  step  and  a  half 
ahead,  they  learn  to  move  around 
comfortably.  Their  ears  and  nose  serve  as 
their  eyes.  The  sounds  and  feel  of  the  cane 
provide  mental  pictures.  So  do  the  noises 
of  traffic  and  pedestrians,  the  smells  of 
stores,  bakeries,  and  service  stations,  the 
air  currents  coming  around  a  comer. 

It  takes  a  lot  of  practice  to  develop 
this  ability-two  hours  daily  and  at  least  a 
half-year  training.  But  the  results  are 
responses  that  make  independent  mobility 
a  reahty. 

"The  white  cane  is  a  symbol  of 
strength,  not  a  sign  of  infirmity,"  one 
foreign  visitor  observed. 

The  blind  stroll  around  Iowa's  capital 
so  easily  that  Mr.  Jernigan's  program  has 
come  to  be  known  as  "The  Miracle  of  Des 
Moines."  Walking  skills,  of  course,  can  be 
adapted  to  any  comnnmity  in  wliich  the 
bhnd  live. 

One  graduate  of  the  center,  vivacious 
Jan  Omvig,  for  example,  travels  alone  to 
New  York  City.  She  browses  through 
shops,  takes  in  plays,  goes  on 
tours-everything  the  average  tourist  would 

Trainees  swim  in  the  pool,  hold 
cookouts,  ride  horses  and  tandem  bicycles, 
lift  weights,  water  ski,  drive  nails,  fix  leaky 
faucets,  sharpen  their  skills  with  Braille. 
Women  cut  out  patterns,  sew  clothes,  and 
bake  cakes.  Techniques  of  grooming, 
dressing,  and  eating  are  practiced  at 
length.  In  shop  courses,  men  learn  to  use 
bandsaws,  jointers,  shapers,  and  milling 
machines.  None  has  special  guards. 

The  center  graduates  fifty  to  seventy 
adults  a  year.  Directly  into  the 
competitive  world  they  go.  The  careers 
they've  forged  impress  even  the  skeptics. 

Curtis  Willoughby  and  Lloyd 
Rasmussen  are  successful  electrical 
engineers.  Jim  Gashel  teaches  speech  in 
Pipestone,  Minnesota.  Richard  Bevington, 
Ted  Hart,  and  Ray  Benson  work  as 
machinists.  Kenneth  Hopkins  directs  the 
Idalio  program  for  the  bhnd,  which  is 
modeled  after  Iowa's.  Jim  Omvig  is  an 
attorney  for  the  National  Labor  Relations 
Board.  Elwyn  Hemken  operates  a  farm. 

The  list  goes  on  and  on.  Computer 
programmers,  tool  and  die  makers, 
secretaries,  vending-stand  operators, 
masseurs,     social     workers,     telephone 



They're  showing  that  tlie  blind  are 
capable  of  independent,  self-sustaining 
lives.  And  the  rehabilitations  save  the  state 
from  $75,000  to  $100,000  per  individual 
in  relief  costs  over  a  lifetime. 

Now  in  his  second  decade  in  Iowa, 
Mr.  Jemigan  has  risen  to  the  presidency  of 
the  National  Federation  of  the  Blind.  His 
ideas  have  had  a  profound  effect 
nationally.  And  Iowa's  hbrary  for  the 
bhnd  has  grown  to  be  tlie  largest  in  the 

In  awarding  Mr.  Jernigan  a 
presidential  citation  in  1968,  Harold 
Russell,  chairman  of  the  President's 
Committee  of  Employment  of  the 
Handicapped,  said: 

"If  a  person  must  be  blind,  it  is 
better  to  be  blind  in  Iowa  than  anywhere 
else  in  the  world.  Iowa's  rehabilitation 
programs  are  unsurpassed  anywhere-a 
mark  for  the  rest  of  tlae  world  to  slioot 



Dr.  IsabeUe  L.  D.  Grant 

It  was  a  long  way  to  Ghana  from 
Morocco.  Summer  flights  were  off  in 
October  so  you  went  where  the  plane  took 
you.  We  came  down  at  Agadir  on  the 
shores  of  the  Atlantic  in  the  southwest 
comer  of  Morocco,  but  not  long  enougli 
for  a  trip  into  town.  Then,  of  all  things, 
we  were  on  our  way  to  the  Canary  Islands! 
Las  Palmas  was  hot  and  heavy  as  we 
chmbed  innumerable  steps  to  the  top  deck 
of  the  airport  to  get  a  good  look  at  the 
Atlantic  Ocean,  the  moon,  and  the  deep, 
deep  blue  sky.  It  was  about  midnight,  the 
hour  when  people's  spirits  wax  romantic, 
particularly  in  such  a  honeymoon-like 
environment.  To  me,  who  had  not 
bargained  nor  paid  for  this  'extra',  this  was 
gravy  or  groovie  or  both. 

Then  off  to  Dakar!  One  night  there 
and  that  was  more  than  enough.  Then 
down  at  Gambia,  down  at  Monrovia,  down 

at  Ibajan  on  the  Ivory  Coast,  and  around 
the  bulge  with  Ghana  our  next  stop.  It  was 
exhausting  and  I  was  exhausted. 

But  Ghana  came  at  last,  and  when 
the  plane  dropped  at  Accra,  I  was  where  I 
wanted  to  be.  Nknima  and  his  political 
shananigans  had  interested  me  when  I  read 
that  Mr.  Nkruma  had  done  something  for 
Ghana;  he  had  made  Ghanaians  out  of  a 
motley  group  of  tribal  factions.  I  found 
this  to  be  true.  Ghanaians  were  proud  of 
their  new  nation,  proud  of  their 
independence,  and  if  there  were 
super-elaborate  facades  to  buildings  on  the 
main  thoroughfares  and  in  front  of  the 
too-many  palaces,  there  was  a  national 
pride  that  was  infectious,  sustaining,  and 
elevating.  The  new  road  along  the  coast, 
the  Volta  River  bridges,  and  the  cocoa 
beans,  enormous  ten  inch  long  cocoa 
beans.  Cocoa  House,   and   all   that-were 


what  the  Ghanaians  saw  as  their  work, 
their  property,  their  future.  TribaUsm  was 
giving  way  to  nationalism,  and  the  people 
were  actually  conscious  of  this  change  and 
were  working  for  it.  Such  was  the  spirit  of 
Accra.  I  was  with  bhnd  people  in  the 
poorer  quarters,  with  blind  people  in  the 
cities,  in  centers  of  so-called 
"rehabiUtation",  with  fine  blind  women 
doing  their  best  to  nm  simple  homes, 
make  baskets,  look  after  their  children, 
clean  the  fish,  or  make  coconut  cakes,  in 
huts  that  could  not  possibly  keep  out  the 
rains,  situated  on  alleys  for  streets,  cut-up 
by  ruts  from  the  deluges.  In  the  cities  it 
was  different,  but  the  people  were  the 
same;  kindly,  happy  to  talk  with  you 
througli  the  interpreter,  interested  in  the 
education  of  their  children,  and  asking 
how  they  too  could  learn  to  read  and 
write  so  that  they  could  be  of  help  to  their 
siglited  as  well  as  their  blind  offspring. 
How  did  I  put  it  in  my  letter? 

Ghana's  Social  Welfare  Department  is 
genuinely  interested  in  blind  welfare,  but 
here  again,  the  voice  of  the  blind  is  not 
heard.  Granted  that  there  are  several 
young  bhnd  workers  in  the  Department, 
there  is  stUl  room  for  a  revision  of  a  point 
of  view. 

The  concept  of  a  glorified  custodial 
care  with  sheltered  centers  needs  to  be 
broken  down  and  replaced  with  a  genuine 
attempt  to  integrate  blind  people,  with 
adequate  training^  into  the  mainstream  of 
their  own  society.  Blind  persons  in  such 
agencies  are  fine  gestures,  but  to  save  their 
own  skins  and  their  jobs,  they  can  not 
speak  out.  Occasionally  one  comes  across 
the  independent  thinker  and  speaker,  but 
he  is  in  the  minority,  and  one  would  even 
advise  him  to  think  of  his  job,  of  his  wife 
and    children,    he    low-in    other   words. 

Organization  of  bhnd  persons  will  come 
when  these  young  blind  either  through 
legislation  or  other  concerted  action, 
combine  to  enunciate  their  needs,  demand 
their  rights  as  citizens,  and  speak  with  one 
voice.  The  seeds  of  this  concept  are 
already  sown. 

The  education  of  blind  children  is 
trailing  behind  the  education  of  sighted 
children.  I  feel  that  the  existence  of  a 
physically,  geographically,  and  socially 
segregated  blind  school  at  Acropong  is 
conducive  to  the  social  segregation  of  the 
bhnd  in  Ghana.  A  few,  very  few,  students 
are  in  sighted  schools  at  the  upper  grade 
levels,  but  they  were  for  the  most  part 
discouraged,  struggling  to  maintain 
attendance,  and  drawing  my  attention  to 
the  significant  fact  that  there  were  no 
blind  students  in  the  University  at  Accra.  I 
asked  if  there  was  one  student  quahfied  to 
enter  the  university  with  the  requirements 
set  up  for  sighted  students.  There  was  not 
one  such,  I  learned.  This  was  not  the  fault 
of  the  university  for  I  learned  while  there, 
tliat  there  was  a  bhnd  professor  on  the 
faculty,  from  Columbia  University  in  New 

Sheltered  workshops  which  are  set  up 
to  include  ALL  types  of  handicapped 
usually  don't  fill  the  bill  of  fare  for  bhnd 
applicants.  I  found  this  the  case  in  Ghana. 
The  percentage  of  blind  persons  in  the 
center,  was  miserably  small  in  comparison 
with  the  number  of  deaf  and  other 
physically  handicapped  trainees. 
Basket-making  actually  does  not  pay.  A 
man  can  not  make  a  living,  in  basketry, 
without  government  subsidy,  otherwise 
baskets  would  have  to  be  priced  at  an 
astronomical  figure. 

Likewise  the  Society  for  the  Blmd, 


another  agency,  active,  well-meaning, 
interested,  needs  to  involve  in  its 
leadership,  the  leadership  inherent  in  its 
own  bhnd  people.  There  ARE  intelligent, 
thinking,  capable,  blind  persons  in  the 
country,  but  they  are  not  at  the  helm.  Yet 
there  were  blind  girls  working  in  the  Lever 
Brothers'  Cosmetic  Factory,  and  some 
blind  men  in  industry-a  good  beginning, 

but  sporadic.  The  country  could  use  many 
more  workers  in  the  cocoa  bean  culture,  in 
packing  factories,  in  farming,  in  poultry 
raising,  and  in  food  production  if  just  a 
modicum  of  training  in  the  specific  field 
were  available. 


[Editor's  Note:  Usually  installments  in  this  series  contain  material  regarding  the  President  of 
the  affiliate  being  presented.  However,  in  the  case  of  Massachusetts,  Miss  Anita  M.  O'Shea 
who  is  the  President  has  been  featured  in  previous  issues  of  the  Monitor.  Suffice  it  to  say 
that  Anita  is  a  successful  medical  secretary  and  a  dynamic  leader  of  the  Associated  Blind  of 

The  Associated  Blind  of 
Massachusetts  was  organized  in  1940,  the 
same  year  as  the  Federation  itself.  For 
eight  years  its  membership  was  primarily 
centered  about  the  Boston  area;  but,  in 
1948,  two  more  chapters  were  founded  in 
Worcester  and  Springfield.  Two  sateUite 
groups,  from  the  Springfield  area,  were 
started  in  Holyoke  and  Westfield,  about 
1950-51;  however,  after  ten  years  of 
affiliation,  and  after  raising  enough  money 
to  buy  their  Home  for  the  Blind,  the 
Westfield  chapter  gave  up  its  affiliation 
with  the  ABM.  The  1950's  witnessed  the 
organizing  of  two  other  affiliates  in 
Brockton  and  Lawrence;  and,  in  the  last 
decade  from  1960  to  the  present  time, 
three  more  chapters  were  established  in 
Fall  River,  Watertown,  and  the 
Greenfield-Athol  area,  bringing  us  to  the 
current  total  of  nine  affiliated  chapters, 
with  one  individual  total  membership  of 
about  500. 

Past  presidents  of  the  Associated 
Blind  of  Massachusetts  include  our 
venerable  patriarch,  Charles  W.  Little  of 
Boston,  who  also  served  a  term  as 
secretary'  of  the  National  Federation  of 
the  Blind;  Newton  E.  Ottone,  founder  of 
the  Springfield  chapter  and  organizer  of 
four  others,  who  became  well-known  in 
WCW  circles  for  his  eminent  success  as  a 
fund-raiser  in  his  home  chapter  district; 
John  F.  Nagle,  charter  member  of  the 
Springfield  chapter,  who  has  won  the 
respect,  affection  and  gratitude  of  all 
members  of  the  Federation  for  liis 
monumental  efforts  on  behalf  of  the 
NFB's  legislative  program  in  Washington; 
Raoul  Goguen  of  Worcester,  the  third 
member  of  the  Little-Ottone-Goguen 
Triumvirate,  who  effectuated  the  change 
from  the  Old  Council  structure  of  the 
ABM  to  its  present  form  in  1955  and  who 
still  gives  generously  of  his  time  and 
devoted  service  to  our  Association;  Manuel 


J.  Rubin  of  Brockton,  who  was  appointed 
by  Governor  Volpe  to  the  Advisory  Board 
of  the  Massachusetts  Commission  for  the 
Blind  two  years  ago;  Eugene  E.  Sibley  of 
Greenfield,  the  quiet-spoken  and  judicious 
man  who  was  our  official  delegate  to  the 
NFB  convention  in  South  Carolina  last 
summer,  and  whose  term  expired  only  last 
October;  and  Anita  M.  O'Shea,  of 
Springfield,  fonner  member  of  the 
Federation's  Executive  Committee. 

For  the  thirty  years  of  its  existence, 
the  Associated  Blind  of  Massachusetts  has 
been  compiling  an  impressive  record  of 
achievement  to  the  benefit  of  the  bhnd  of 
our  Commonwealth.  In  the  early  days,  the 
basic  needs  of  our  people  were 
guaranteed-increased  grants,  passage  of  a 
White  Cane  Law,  and  the  right  of  a  bhnd 
voter's  free  choice,  in  determining  the 
person  to  assist  him  in  casting  his  ballot 
was  estabhshed  in  law.  Partial  property  tax 
exemptions  were  obtained  later  for  home 
owners,  and  excise  tax  abatements  for 
blind  car  owners.  One  of  our  more 
spectacular  legislative  victories  was  scored 
when  the  ABM  spearheaded  the  battle  to 
have  the  Massachusetts  Commission  for 
the  Blind  legally  established  as  the  State 
governmental  agency,  administering  all 
services  to  the  blind;  and  it  was  through 
our  efforts  that,  on  three  separate 
occasions,  John  F.  Mungovan,  former 
winner  of  the  Federation's  Newel  Perry 
Award,  received  gubernatorial 
appointments,  first  as  Director  of  the 
Division  of  the  Blind  and  now 
Commissioner  for  the  Blind. 

To  the  best  of  my  knowledge,  our 
organization  was  the  first  NFB  affiliate  to 
negotiate  and  arrange  regularly  scheduled 
haison  meetings  with  a  state  agency, 
administering  programs  for  the  bUnd.  This 

was  accomplished  in  1960;  and  they  have 
been  carried  on  continually  since  that 
time.  The  results  of  these  meetings  have 
been  truly  impressive.  They  have  produced 
a  rapport  between  the  Commission  and 
the  organized  bUnd  which  allows  complete 
candor  from  both  sides  and  inspires 
confidence  in  each  other's  integrity  and 
rehabihty.  The  Commissioner  and  his  staff 
have  answered  our  questions  frankly, 
sought  our  opinions  on  matters  of  policy, 
and  informed  us  about  future  plans.  We  do 
not  discuss  specific  cases;  but  we  can  and 
do  take  up  problems  of  individuals  which 
we  then  explore  in  general  terms.  A 
remarkable  feeUng  of  cooperation  has 
evolved  in  the  past  decade,  as  the 
following  examples  illustrate:  Whenever 
tlie  ABM  wishes  to  contact  bhnd  people  in 
tlie  Bay  state  who  are  unknown  to  us,  we 
send  our  letters  and  a  check  to  cover  the 
cost  of  maihng  to  the  Commission  and  it 
sends  them  out  for  us.  In  this  way,  the 
inflexible  confidentiahty  code  which  the 
Commissioner  enforces  is  not  violated. 
When  the  Commission  anticipates  a 
problem  with  the  legislature  or  an 
executive  authority  in  getting  part  of  its 
program  approved,  they  solicit  and  receive 
our  help  in  convincing  the  powers-that-be 
that  the  proposal  sliould  be  accepted.  This 
type  of  collaboration  has  proven  to  be 
mutually  gratifying  and  advantageous. 

At  the  present  time,  the  ABM  has 
seven  bills  before  the  Massachusetts 
General  Court.  They  include  the  Model 
White  Cane  Law,  as  well  as  measures  to 
increase  the  salaries  of  home  teachers, 
provide  the  same  priority  to  blind  vending 
stand  operators  in  state  and  county 
buildings  as  is  contained  in  the 
Randolph-Sheppard  Act,  include  the  blind 
in  the  existing  anti-discrimination  statute 
now  on  the  books,  exempt  blind  trailer 


owners  from  paying  a  $6  monthly  fee  to 
the  Health  Department,  increase  property 
tax  exemption  for  blind  home  owners,  and 
tie  in  automatic  increases  in  AB  grants, 
commensurate  with  the  cost  of  living  rises 
reported  by  the  Consumer  Price  Index, 
while  providing  a  floor  at  the  December 
1969  level.  The  property  tax  exemption 
bill  is  ready  for  the  governor's  signature  at 
the  time  of  this  writing;  and  the  trailer 
owner,  vending  stand  and 
anti-discrimination  proposals  have  received 
approval  of  the  House  Ways  and  Means 
Committee.  This  constitutes  a  promising 
start  for  our  1970  legislative  program, 
which  we  hope  will  culminate  in  total 

With  respect  to  fund-raising,  our 
methods  are  diverse  and  almost  as 
numerous  as  our  affiliated  chapters.  Six 
out  of  nine  groups  conduct  WCW  drives, 
using  various  approaches-mailing  of 
appeal  letters,  tag  and  candy  sales;  and  the 
others  substitute  concerts,  cake  sales  and 
raffle  ticket  sales  and  such  to  obtain  their 
incomes.  One  chapter  conducted  a  flower 
sale  around  Memorial  Day  to  supplement 
WCW  receipts;  and  the  sale  of  pens, 
telephone  pads  and  an  antique  car  show 
have  proven  to  be  lucrative  projects  in 
some    areas.    But,    no    matter  how   each 

group  raises  its  money,  it  contributes  $150 
over  and  above  its  dues  of  $50  annually  to 
support  our  State  organization.  By 
tradition,  the  ABM  has  not  gone  in  for 
fund-raising  on  a  regular  basis  in  the  past; 
but  last  year,  a  committee  was  appointed 
to  devise  ways  and  means  of  doing  this  to 
relieve  our  chapters  of  at  least  part  of  their 
financial  obligations  toward  the  parent 
organization.  A  benefit  concert  by  George 
Shearing  was  held  last  fall,  which  was  an 
artistic  success,  but  a  financial  dud,  in 
spite  of  the  diligent  efforts  of  the 
committee  and  its  chairman,  Mr.  Domenic 
J.  Marinello  of  Dorchester.  At  the  present 
time,  an  augmented  committee  has  been 
handhng  a  state-wide  sale  of  raffle  tickets, 
with  $700  in  prize  money,  with  the  intent 
of  wiping  out  the  concert  deficit.  After 
that,  we  shall  try  something  else  to  put  the 
Association  on  its  financial  feet. 

The  members  of  the  ABM  are  proud 
of  our  organization  and  we  derive  great 
satisfaction  from  our  accomplishments; 
however,  we  are  keenly  aware  that  there  is 
still  much  to  be  done  before  we  attain  our 
goal  of  full  security,  equality  and 
opportunity  for  all  the  blind  of 



Haig  Keropiaji 

[Reprinted  from  the  Van  Nuys  (California)  News. 

Selfless  service  for  the  well  being  of 
those  who  are  facing  life's  problems  and 

frustrations  in  a  world  of  darkness,  as  well 
as    those    deprived    of    both    sight    and 


hearing,  has  earned  San  Fernando  Valley's 
Twin  Vision  group  high  tributes  and 
sincere  words  of  gratitude. 

And  for  the  second  consecutive  year, 
Twin  Vision,  through  its  noteworthy 
efforts  to  brigliten  the  lives  of  the  blind 
and  deaf-blind,  has  received  a  second 
George  Washington  Honor  Medal  Award 
from  the  Freedoms  Foimdation  at  Valley 

The  coveted  award  was  presented  at 
the  seventh  annual  awards  banquet  of 
Twin  Vision  in  the  Queen's  Arms 
Restaurant-an  observance  which  also 
highlighted  the  presentation  of  Gold  Book 
Awards  to  Mrs.  W.  F.  Lombard  and  W. 
Paul  Novack  for  "invaluable  contributions 
to  the  advancement  of  Twin  Vision 

The  most  heartwarming  aspect  of  the 
banquet  was  the  absence  of  gloom  and 
commiseration.  There  was  ample  evidence 
tliat  valiant  battles  had  been  fought  and 
won  via  courage  and  determination. 

There  were  deliglitful  moments  of 
levity,  humor  and  good  natured  heckUng 
throughout  the  evening. 

Impressive  were  the  reports  of  Twin 
Vision  accomplishments-including  the 
design  and  publishing  of  Twin  Vision 
books  which  enable  parents  to  share  rich 
reading  experiences  with  their  blind 
youngsters  and  vice  versa. 

Equally  significant  was  the  disclosure 
of  plans  and  projections  for  expanding  the 
distribution  of  these  and  other  important 
Twin  Vision  publications-including  the 
"Hot  Line"  newsletter  for  the 
deaf-bhnd-on  a  broader  world-wide  basis. 

Volunteer  editor  of  "Hot  Line"  is 
Rockey  Spicer,  area  public  relations 
director  of  the  United  States  Steel 
Corporation,  and  a  past  president  of  Los 
Angeles  Chapter  of  Sigma  Delta  Chi 
Professional  Journalistic  Society. 

This  newsletter,  which  is  issued  twice 
a  month,  was  one  of  the  determining 
factors  in  the  presentation  of  the  George 
Washington  Honor  Medal  to  Twin  Vision. 
Spicer  had  produced  a  special  "Hot  Line" 
issue  "Man  on  the  Moon." 

Another  major  factor  for  Twin 
Vision  receiving  the  coveted  award  for  the 
second  consecutive  year,  was  the 
pubHcation  in  Braille  of  Volume  1  of 
"Anthology  of  Great  Documents." 

These  documents  included  Thomas 
Jefferson's  First  Inauguration,  the  Monroe 
Doctrine,  Lincoln's  House  Divided  Speech, 
the  Emancipation  Proclamation  and  the 
Gettysburg  Address. 

The  award  was  presented  by  Mrs. 
Albert  C.  Vieille,  representative  of  the 
Women's  Division,  Los  Angeles  County 
Chapter  of  Freedoms  Foundation  at 
Valley  Forge. 

It  was  accepted  by  Dr.  Kenneth 
Jernigan,  blind  president  of  the  American 
Brotherhood  for  the  Blind. 

The  Golden  Book  Awards  were 
presented  to  Mrs.  Lombard  and  Novack  by 
Jean  Dyon  Norris,  director  of  Twin  Vision 
since  the  organization's  inception  in  1961. 

Mrs.  Norris  made  reference  to  Mrs. 
Lombard's  pioneering  efforts-including 
her  generosity  in  making  her  home 
available   during   the   early   days   for   the 


work  of  Twin  Vision. 

She  also  commended  Mrs.  Lombard's 
continuing  dedication  as  a  volunteer 
worker  for  the  organization. 

Novack's  contributions  to  Twin 
Vision,  according  to  Mrs.  Norris,  included 
the  use  of  his  printing  press,  which  she 
said  "worked  overtime"  for  the 
production  of  Twin  Vision  pubHcations. 

Mrs.  Norris  also  called  attention  to 
countless  other  contributions  made  by 
Novack,  whose  wife  is  a  hard  working 
leader  of  the  Twin  Vision  Volunteer 
Action  Committee.  She  currently  is  public 
relations  chairman  for  the  organization. 

In  reviewing  the  progress  of  tlie  past 
year,  Mrs.  Norris  referred  to  the  publishing 
of  10,000  copies  of  Twin  Vision's  "Hot 
Line"  newsletter. 

editor  of  The  Braille  Monitor,  and  widow 
of  the  late  president  of  the  American 
Brotherhood  for  the  Blind. 

Mrs.  tenBroek  reviewed  some  of  the 
humorous  and  serious  incidents  relating  to 
tlie  organization  and  growth  of  Twin 
Vision-including  the  efforts  of  Dr. 

Otlier  participants  in  the  program 
included  Anthony  G.  Mannino,  executive 
secretary  of  the  American  Brotherhood 
for  the  Blind,  and  Donald  W.  Fogerson, 
representative  of  the  Woodland  Hills  Lions 
Club,  who  served  as  master  of  ceremonies. 

Among  those  present  were  Elizabeth 
Noble,  junior  past  president  of  the  Pilot 
Club  of  Van  Nuys,  and  Mrs.  Rockey 
Spicer,  assistant  director  of  Twin  Vision 
and  past  president  of  the  Twin  Vision 
Action  Committee. 

She  also  announced  that  larger 
quantities  of  educational  material  were 
distributed  to  blind  students  in  many  parts 
of  the  world. 

Also  Mrs.  Robert  K.  Neel,  author  and 
illustrator  and  creator  of  Twin  Vision 
books.  Mrs.  Neel  is  a  past  recipient  of  the 
Golden  Book  Award. 

Another  feature  of  the  program  was  a 
talk  by  Mrs.  Jacobus  tenBroek,  associate 


[Editor's  Note:  The  Idaho  Commission  for  the  Blind  has  recently  released  its  Annual  Report 
for  the  period  ending  last  June  30.  So  much  sound  philosophy  and  solid  progress  is  reflected 
in  tlus  Report  that  it  is  pubhshed  here.  While  the  Report  naturally  does  not  say  so,  it  is  true 
that  most  of  the  credit  for  this  year  of  progress  is  due  to  the  Commission's  young  and  able 
Director,  Kenneth  N.  Hopkins.] 

Fiscal  1969  was  the  first  full  year  of 
operation   of  the  Idalio  Commission   for 

the  Blind.  This  Fiscal  Year  has  been  the 
beginning  of  a  new  era  for  the  bhnd.  The 


39th  Legislature,  recognizing  the  great 
need  in  Idaho  for  a  separate  agency, 
knowledgeable  about  the  special  needs  and 
particular  problems  faced  only  by  the 
blind,  created  the  Commission  to  initiate 
and  expand  a  comprehensive  program  of 
services  to  the  bhnd  in  Idaho.  Directly 
responsive  to  the  special  needs  of  the 
blind,  the  Commission  has  been  able  to 
advance  a  program  of  meaningful  and 
effective  services  to  more  of  Idaho's  blind 
than  was  ever  before  possible. 

The  growth  and  development  of  the 
work  of  the  Commission  during  this  first 
full  year  of  operation  is  beginning  to  show 
conclusively  that  dependence  and 
deprivation  need  no  longer  be  the  lot  of 
the  blind  in  Idalio.  Given  proper  training 
and  opportunity,  the  bhnd  are  definitely 
capable  of  entering  fully  competitive 
society-the  road  of  independence  and 
self-support  is  now  a  practical  and  possible 


Rehabilitation  of  the  bhnd  in  Idaho 
is  the  prime  objective  of  the  Commission 
for  the  Blind.  However,  this  objective 
must  be  specifically  defined  for  the  word 
rehabilitation  encompasses  many  concepts 
today.  At  the  Idaho  Commission  for  the 
Blind,  rehabilitation  means  that  process 
ending  in  the  employment  of  a  blind 
person.  It  is  vocational  rehabihtation. 

The  two  essential  components  of 
rehabilitation  are  proper  training  and 
opportunity;  proper  training  to  give  the 
blind  person  necessary  skills  and 
self-confidence  to  carry  on  as  a 
competitive  individual;  and  opportunity, 
created  by  public  education,  to  erase 
erroneous  ideas  held  by  most  employers. 

These  two  essential  components  of 
vocational  rehabilitation  are  being  carried 
out  by  the  Commission  for  the  Blind, 
making  it  possible  to  place  blind  persons 
in  normal,  regular,  competitive 

Any  discussion  of  the  significance  of 
rehabilitation  of  blind  persons  must 
include  the  savings  to  the  taxpayer  of 
Idaho.  A  brief  examination  of  statistics 
will  be  sufficient  to  make  the  point 
graphically.  The  entire  state  appropriation 
and  federal  matching  funds  for  the 
Commission  expenditures  during  Fiscal 
1969  was  approximately  $175,000~not 
merely  for  the  rehabilitation  function  of 
the  Commission,  but  for  each  and  every 
program  and  activity. 

The  financial  difference  to  society 
when  one  bhnd  person  is  rehabilitated  is 
surprisingly  great.  If,  for  instance,  a  blind 
person  begins  to  draw  public  assistance  at 
the  age  of  21  (and  some  begin  sooner)  and 
continues  to  draw  to  age  65  (some 
continue  longer  and  some  stop  before)  he 
will  receive  a  grant  of  $75.00  (according 
to  present  averages  and  without 
consideration  of  state  medical  care 
expenses)  each  month  for  12  months  for 
44  years  or  $39,600.  If,  on  tlie  other 
hand,  he  is  rehabilitated  and  becomes 
self-supporting,  he  will  pay  at  least  $500 
each  year  in  taxes  or  $22,000  for  the  same 
44-year  period. 

When  this  $22,000  is  added  to  the 
$39,600  not  drawn  in  pubhc  assistance, 
the  result  is  a  savings  to  the  taxpayer  of 
$61,600.  This  still  does  not  tell  the  whole 
story,  for  it  fails  to  take  into  account  the 
value  of  the  added  productivity  the 
person's  labor  gives  to  the  community.  It 
also  fails  to  take  into  account  the  effect 


upon  the  children  of  seeing  their  parent 
supporting  the  family  instead  of  vegetating 
at  home.  Finally,  it  fails  to  take  into 
account  the  individual  himself, 
maintaining  his  dignity  and  role  as  head  of 
the  household. 

Of  course  each  rehabilitation  is 
unique.  Some  persons  become  bUnd  after 
age  21  and  some  lose  tlieir  jobs  or  die 
before  age  65.  Some,  as  pointed  out 
previously,  receive  public  assistance  far 
longer  than  44  years.  Like  sighted  people, 
bUnd  people  do  not  have  exactly  the  same 
potential.  Some  achieve  full  self-support 
and  some  only  partial  self-support. 

It  is  not  even  necessary  to  use  the 
figure  of  561,600  of  saved  tax  money  per 
rehabilitant  to  make  the  point.  If  we  cut 
this  figure  by  more  than  half,  which  is 
ultra-conservative  and  unrealistically  low, 
the  answer  is  still  conclusive.  Even  if  only 
$30,000  is  saved  on  the  average  for  each 
blind  person  rehabilitated,  then  less  than 
six  rehabilitations  per  year  would  pay  for 
the  entire  operation  of  the  Commission 
for  the  Blind-not  merely  for  the 
rehabilitation  function  but  for  each  and 
every  one  of  its  programs  and 
activities-every  phase  of  its  work.  The 
Commission  is  now  rehabilitating  twice 
this  number. 

The  rehabilitation  program  of  the 
Idalio  Commission  for  the  Blind  is 
definitely  proving  that  proper  training  and 
opportunity  lead  to  jobs.  To  illustrate  this, 
a  young  school  teacher  with  a  family  to 
support  lost  his  sight  in  the  beginnmg  of 
his  school  year.  He  was  capable,  bUnd  but 
untrained  and  beheved  that  his  career  as  a 
teacher  was  ended.  However,  he  took  a 
leave  of  absence,  came  to  Boise  and 
completed    orientation    and    adjustment 

training  at  the  Commission  for  the  Blind. 
Weeks  later  he  returned  to  his  classroom, 
again  a  capable  and  effective  teacher. 
From  fear  and  dependence  to 
self-confidence  and  self-support  in  less 
than  a  year-this  is  vocational 

Another  woman  lost  her  sight  four 
years  ago.  She  was  forced  to  quit  her  job 
as  well  as  rely  on  her  family  to  handle 
routine  household  chores.  With  the 
creation  of  tlie  Commission  for  the  Blind, 
she  began  receiving  orientation  and 
adjustment  training-training  in  everything 
from  cane  travel  and  braille  to  techniques 
of  baking  a  pie.  Then  she  returned  to 
work-working  hard  in  a  normal,  regular 
life  caring  for  her  home  and  family  as  well 
as  again  holding  a  competitive  job.  This, 
too,  is  vocational  rehabilitation. 

These  are  not  isolated  instances. 
There  are  others  just  like  tliem  who  now 
work  at  regular  offices,  factories,  business 
establishments  and  ranches  throughout  the 
state.  Placements  in  Fiscal  1969  were  as 
varied  as  the  individuals.  The  types  of 
employment  being  held  by  these 
rehabilitated  blind  persons  run  the  range 
of  employment  in  the  regular  hfe  of  the 
community.  There  was  a  masseur,  a  speech 
pathologist,  piano  technician,  employment 
counselor,  snack  bar  manager,  ranch  hand, 
school  teacher,  assembly  line  worker, 
small  business  supervisor  and  an  office 

The  direction  of  the  new  program  is 
unmistakably  clear.  Of  these  twelve  people 
rehabihtated  in  Fiscal  1969,  none  was 
placed  in  sheltered  employment-all  are  in 
regular  competitive  jobs,  working 
alongside  their  sighted  fellows  and  with 
average   monthly  earnings  of  over  $400. 


These  people  are  self-supporting  citizens, 
assisting  in  the  support  of  their 
communities  and  state.  Growing  public 
awareness  of  the  Commission  for  the  Blind 
and  services  offered  has  been  responsible 
for  a  tremendous  increase  in  the  number 
of  persons  requesting  services.  Program 
direction  points  to  an  even  greater  number 
of  successfully  rehabilitated  blind  persons 
during  the  next  fiscal  year-toward  more 
jobs  in  competitive  employment  and 
toward  what  more  blind  Idalioans  ought 
to  achieve-full  integration  into  society 
with  every  blind  person  realizing  the 
maximum  potential  of  his  abilities  and 


Small  business  enterprises,  or  the 
vending  stand  program,  is  a  part  of  the 
rehabilitation  services  of  the  Idaho 
Commission  for  the  Blind.  Under  this 
program,  assistance  is  given  to  blind 
persons  who  wish  to  manage  independent 
businesses,  particularly  vending  stands  and 
cafeterias-selling  foodstuffs,  tobacco 
products,  magazines,  etc.,  and  located  on 
Federal,  State  and  other  property. 

During  Fiscal  1969  the  food  service 
in  the  Federal  Building  in  St.  Maries 
opened  for  business.  This  small  but  highly 
successful  operation  is  managed  by  a 
young  man,  bhnd  from  birth,  who  was  a 
graduate  of  the  Commission's  orientation 
and  adjustment  program.  He  also 
exempUfies  the  Commission's  objectives  of 
the  total  integration  of  Idalio's  blind  into 
the  mainstream  of  society.  Not  only  is  he 
a  succesful  businessman,  but  active  in 
community  affairs-Vice  President  of  the 
Junior  Chamber  of  Commerce  in  St. 
Maries  and  a  member  of  the  Elks 
Lodge-meeting    his    responsibilities    as    a 

contributing  member  of  his  community. 
At  least  three  other  vending  stands  are 
being  planned  for  the  coming  year.  With 
the  hiring  of  the  Small  Business  Enterprise 
Supervisor,  progress  has  really  begun  in 
this  heretofore  neglected  area. 


During  Fiscal  1969  the  home 
teaching  program  continued  to  increase  its 
activities.  By  the  end  of  the  fiscal  year 
there  were  two  Home  Teachers.  It  is  the 
function  of  the  Home  Teacher  to  visit 
bhnd  persons  in  their  homes  for  the 
purpose  of  providing  instmction  in  a 
variety  of  skills  and  techniques.  The  Home 
Teachers  serve  as  Field  Representatives  for 
the  Commission,  screening  applicants  and 
giving  preliminary  instruction  in  the  home. 
Most  often  the  Home  Teacher  works  with 
older  blind  persons  who  are  beyond  the 
years  of  competitive  employment  or  who 
are  homebound.  This  is  a  vital  part  of  the 
developing  program  of  the  Commission  in 
serving  all  of  the  blind  of  Idaho. 


The  orientation  and  adjustment 
program  of  the  Commission  for  the  Blind, 
initiated  in  January  of  1968,  has  been  one 
of  the  most  outstanding  items  in  the 
general  growth  and  development  of  the 
Commission.  The  purpose  of  the  program 
is  twofold:  during  the  training  a  bhnd 
person  learns  the  skills  necessary  to 
compete  successfully  in  a  predominantly 
sighted  world  and  the  necessary  attitudes 
to  overcome  public  misunderstanding  and 
discrimination.  The  classes  taught  are  not 
academic  in  nature.  Regular  courses 
include  travel,  using  the  new  long  cane 
method,  braille  reading  and  writing, 
attitudes       and       techniques,      personal 


grooming  and  home  management.  This 
program  is  still  in  the  beginning  stages,  as 
lack  of  adequate  facilities  severely  limits 
the  number  of  blind  persons  who  can  take 
this  training  at  one  time.  Although  we 
now  have  two  full-time  teachers,  more  are 
needed  to  expand  the  courses  offered. 
Consequently,  there  is  stUl  a  large  backlog 
of  blind  Idahoans  who  both  need  and 
want  this  training.  In  spite  of  the 
hmitations,  students  in  the  orientation  and 
adjustment  program  have  become  a 
familiar  siglit  learning  travel  techniques 
around  the  Capitol  grounds-rainy  weather 
and  fair,  in  snow  or  hot  sun.  Using  the 
new  long  cane  technique,  the  blind 
student  is  able  to  travel  independently  and 
go  anywhere  he  pleases  without  help-on 
crowded  sidewalks  or  across  busy  streets, 
to  a  place  of  employment,  to  a  store  or 
restaurant  or  to  his  own  home.  During 
Fiscal  1969,  eight  students  completed 
orientation  and  adjustment  training  with 
six  others  receiving  training  at  the  end  of 
the  year.  Some  of  the  graduates  of  this 
program  went  on  to  college  or  other 
vocational  training;  some  to  on-the-job 
training,  some  to  fully  competitive 
employment  in  the  business  world  and 
some  returned  to  the  home  as  competent 
housewives-but  all  finding  the  way  to 
successful  lives  as  blind  persons  in  a 
predominantly  sighted  world. 


Special  services  in  the  form  of  a 
braille  and  taping  program  as  well  as  the 
provision  of  talking  book  machines, 
special  tools,  aids  and  devices  continued  to 
grow  in  the  number  of  blind  persons 
receiving  this  service.  In  Idaho,  the 
Commission  is  responsible  for  the 
distribution,  cataloging  and  repair  of 
talking  book  machines.  During  the  year 

212  machines  were  distributed,  131  to 
new  readers,  representing  a  150%  increase 
over  the  last  year. 

At  the  present  time  library  services 
are  being  purchased  from  the  Utah  State 
Library  for  the  Blind  and  Physically 
Handicapped  in  Salt  Lake  City.  This 
includes  the  distribution  of  talking  books, 
braille  books  and  taped  books  on  a  loan 
basis  to  over  600  bUnd  Idaho  readers. 
However,  while  such  library  service 
includes  books  for  general  pleasure  and 
vocational  interest,  text  books  are 
constantly  needed  by  Wind  students 
attending  Idalio's  colleges,  universities  and 
technical  schools.  Also,  blind  persons 
returning  to  or  entering  competitive 
employment  require  books,  manuals  and 
other  materials  in  the  reading  form  of 
their  choice  to  enable  them  to  perform 
their  jobs  competently.  These  include 
special  graphs  and  forms  for  an 
audiologist,  a  personal  copy  of  a  Braille 
Dictionary  for  a  secretary,  and  copies  of 
student  texts  for  the  blind  teacher  or 
siglited  students.  The  Commission  for  the 
Bhnd  locates  and  purchases  such  materials 
if  available  and  when  not,  utilizes  the 
excellent  services  of  sighted  volunteers  in 
producing  previously  unavailable 

materials,  transcribing  them  onto  tape, 
into  braille  or  onto  the  newest  form,  tape 

The  Library'  of  Congress,  Division  of 
Services  for  the  Blind  and  Physically 
Handicapped,  had  just  completed  the 
testing  of  the  tape  cassette  program  by  the 
end  of  Fiscal  1969  and  was  beginning 
general  production.  The  tape  cassette  is 
lighter  in  weight,  less  expensive  and  easier 
to  handle  than  the  other  forms  of  reading 
materials.  They  are  expected  to  be  a  boon, 
particularly    to    the   college   student   and 


professional.  It  is  anticipated  that  the  tape 
cassette  machines  will  be  available  for 
limited  distribution  by  the  Commission 
during  the  next  year. 

Aids,  tools  and  devices  especially 
designed  for  the  blind  or  adapted  for  use 
by  the  blind  are  provided  by  the 
Commission  to  assist  blind  persons  in 
becoming  more  self-sufficient.  The  items 
are  provided  free  of  charge,  if  necessary, 
or  at  the  Commission's  cost.  These  special 
aids,  tools,  and  devices  include  everything 
from  white  canes,  braille  watches  and 
specially  adapted  insulin  syringes  to 
scientific  instruments  such  as  those  used  in 
the  detection  of  water  levels,  reading  of 
meters  and  differentiation  of  colors,  some 
of  which  must  be  especially  manufactured 
for  a  particular  person.  The  Commission  is 
cataloging  possible  sources  of  needed 
items  and  maintains  a  small  inventory  of 
those  more  frequently  used. 


The  efforts  of  many  groups  and 
individuals  throughout  Idalio  has  helped 
make  possible  the  tremendous  growth  and 
progress  of  the  Commission  since  its 
inception  in  1967.  The  Commission  for 
the  Blind  wishes  to  express  its  sincere 
gratitude  to  all  of  those  who  have  helped. 

The  Telephone  Pioneers  of  America, 
SkyUne  Chapter  (in  Idaho)  and  other 
telephone  workers  conduct  a  program  of 
talking  book  machine  distribution,  repair 
and  instmction  in  the  use  of  the  machines 
to  new  blind  borrowers.  In  Fiscal  1969  the 
Pioneers  repaired  78  machines.  This  does 
not  include  the  many  converted  from 
two-speed  to  three-speed. 

Lions     Clubs     in     Idaho     aid     the 

Commission  for  the  Blind  and  serve  in  a 
variety  of  ways.  During  tliis  past  year  the 
Lions  formed  the  Idaho  Lions  Sight 
Conservation  Foundation,  a  statewide 
program  to  aid  in  the  prevention  of 
blindness  and  restoration  of  sight.  This 
program  will  be  a  valuable  adjunct  to  the 
services  given  the  permanently  blind  by 
the  Lions  and  to  the  programs  of  the 
Commission.  Individually  and  through 
local  clubs.  Lions  supply  much  needed 
training  equipment,  make  referrals  from 
local  communities  and  inform  their  own 
areas  about  the  service  programs  and 
opportunities  available  from  the 
Commission.  In  many  instances  the  local 
Lions  Club  members  have  worked  with 
Commission  representatives  to  secure  jobs 
for  quaHfied  blind  workers. 

The  Gem  State  Blind,  the  statewide 
organization  of  blind  people  and  affiliate 
of  the  National  Federation  of  the  Blind, 
continues  to  work  together  with  the 
Commission  and  has  given  valuable 
assistance  and  guidance  in  expanding  and 
developing  the  program  of  the 
Commission  for  the  Blind. 

During  Fiscal  1969  the  Commission 
worked  closely  with  the  Department  of 
Public  Assistance  and  the  Division  of 
Vocational  RehabiHtation  in  the 
Department  of  Education  to  bring  about 
an  overall  coordinated  program  of  services 
to  Idaho's  blind  citizens. 

The  Commission  has  worked  with  the 
State  School  for  the  Deaf  and  Blind  and 
with  the  resource  programs  in  the  public 
schools,  counseling  with  high  school 
students  and  doing  intensive  planning  with 
the  seniors  in  connection  with  their 
vocational  futures.  The  Commission  has 
also  worked  with  many  parents  of  blind 


children,  informing  them  of  programs 
available  and  assisting  them  in  obtaining 
services  when  appropriate.    - 

Close  cooperation  is  maintained 
between  the  Commission  and  the  Idalio 
State  Library  in  an  effort  to  maintain  and 
improve  library  services  for  the  blind,  for 
all  programs  of  the  Commission  and  a 
good  hbrary  for  the  bhnd  go  hand  in  liand. 

Finally  it  must  be  recognized  that  the 
progress  of  the  Idalio  Commission  for  the 
Blind,  since  its  inception,  would  not  have 
been  possible  nor  could  have  been 
accomplished  without  the  realization  of 
need  and  the  cooperation  received  from 
Government  officials.  The  Legislature  and 

the  Governor's  office  responded 
generously  to  the  financial  request  of  the 
Commission  in  the  last  legislative  session 
and  have  taken  leadership  in  the 
establishment  and  promotion  of  the 
Commission's  program. 

With  continued  interest  and 
cooperation  from  so  many  groups  and 
individuals,  it  is  the  belief  of  the 
Commission  that  it  will  not  be  long  before 
Idaho  has  one  of  the  most  outstanding 
programs  for  the  bhnd  in  the  country-a 
program  in  which  all  of  the  citizens  of 
Idaho  can  justly  take  pride. 


J.  Campbell  Bruce 

[Reprinted  from  the  San  Francisco  (California)  Chronicle.  Copyright  Chronicle  Publishing 
Co.,  1970.] 

Optacon,  a  wonder  of  the  electronic 
age  that  lets  the  bUnd  read  ordinary 
printed  matter  went  on  display  recently 

The  reading  aid  was  developed  jointly 
over  the  past  six  years  by  tlie  Stanford 
Research  Institute  and  Stanford 
University's  Electrical  Engineering 
Department.  The  device,  battery-operated 
and  portable,  is  the  size  of  a  small 
briefcase  and  weighs  eight  pounds. 

The  name  Optacon  itself-an  acronym 
for  Optical  to  Tactile  Converter-is  a 
capsule  description  of  how  it  operates.  A 

reading  head,  or  scanner,  moved  across  a 
printed  hne  by  the  reader,  picks  up  the 
contrast  between  the  dark  letters  and  the 
lighter  page.  These  photoelectric  sensors 
send  impulses  to  an  array  of  tiny  wires  and 
causes  them  to  vibrate  selectively  in  the 
shape  of  the  letter  being  scanned.  The 
reader,  whose  fingers  rest  on  the  wires, 
feels  the  shape  of  the  letter  through  the 
vibrations.  Some  blind  persons,  after 
several  months  of  training,  have  learned  to 
read  as  many  as  60  words  a  minute. 

"A  good  braille  reader  can  read  much 
faster,"    said    Dr.    James   Bliss    of   SRI's 


Bioinformation  Systems  Laboratory. 
"However,  the  amount  of  reading  material 
available  in  braille  is  very  limited.  Optacon 
opens  up  for  the  bhnd  the  entire  field  of 
printed  material-books,  newspapers, 
magazines,  typewritten  letters,  even 
denominations  of  paper  money  and  labels 
on  cans." 

Bob     Stearns,    a    young    computer 

programmer  at  SRI,  is  blind.  He  does  his 
daily  work  with  the  aid  of  an  Optacon. 
The  idea  for  the  device  originated  with  Dr. 
John  Linvil,  professor  of  electrical 
engineering  at  Stanford.  His  daughter, 
Candy,  19,  a  freshman  at  Stanford,  is 


On  March  23,  1970  the  United  States 
Supreme  Court  struck  a  mighty  blow  in 
favor  of  the  poor  when  it  declared  that  the 
receipt  of  aid  was  a  "right"  and  not  a 
"privilege."  The  Court  went  further  and 
declared  that  it  was  a  right  sustained  by 
due  process-procedural  and  substantive. 
The  High  Court  also  rejected  another 
centuries  old  argument-protection  of  the 
pubUc  purse  against  the  poor. 

The  case  was  Goldberg  v.  Kelly  and  it 
was  a  five  to  three  decision.  Considered 
were  consohdated  cases  brought  by  a 
number  of  AFDC  recipients  in  New  York 
City,  and  a  companion  case,  Wheeler  v. 
Montgomery,  a  class  action  by  old  age  aid 
recipients,  on  appeal  from  California. 
These  recipients  were  threatened  with 
withdrawal  of  aid  or  had  had  aid 
withdrawn  for  a  variety  of  reasons.  One, 
for  example,  had  had  aid  terminated 
because  he  refused  to  accept  counsehng 
and  rehabilitation  for  drug  addiction  even 
though  the  petitioner  continued  to  insist 
that  he  did  not  use  dmgs.  All  maintamed 
that  they  were  removed,  or  were 
threatened    with    removal,   from   the   aid 

rolls  without  a  prior  fair  hearing.  In 
addition,  they         challenged         the 

constitiitionahty  of  procedures  for  notice 
and  hearing  which  had  been  adopted  by 
the  State  and  City  of  New  York  after 
some  of  these  suits  had  been  brought. 
These  regulations  provided  a  hearing  only 
after  termination  based  on  departmental 
consideration  of  the  facts  and  written 
notice  to  the  recipients  of  the  "reasons" 
for  such  termination  of  aid. 

The  majority,  speaking  through  Mr. 
Justice  Brennan  held  that  "the  Due 
Process  Clause  [of  the  Fourteenth 
Amendment,  in  this  case]  requires  that 
the  recipient  be  afforded  an  evidentiary 
hearing  before  termination  of  benefits." 

As  sometimes  happens  in  split 
decisions,  the  debate  between  the  majority 
and  minority  Justices  begun  in  the 
conference  room  continues  in  their 
opinions.  Here  the  majority,  relying 
heavily  on  the  opinion  in  the  lower 
District  Court,  said:  "While 

post-termination  review  is  relevant,  there 
is  one  overpowering  fact  which  controls 


here.  By  hypothesis,  a  welfare  recipient  is 
destitute,  without  funds  or  assets.  .  .  . 
Suffice  it  to  say  tliat  to  cut  off  a  welfare 
recipient  in  the  face  of .  .  .  'brutal  need' 
without  a  prior  hearing  of  some  sort  is 
unconscionable,  unless  overwhelming 
considerations  justify  it."  Speaking  mostly 
througli  Mr.  Justice  Black,  the  minority 
thouglit  otherwise.  He  said  that  the 
majority  opinion  was  based  "solely  on  the 
collective  judgment  of  the  majority  as  to 
what  would  be  a  fair  and  humane 
procedure  in  this  case." 

Mr.  Justice  Brennan  argued,  again 
quoting  the  lower  court,  "  'Against  the 
justified  desire  to  protect  public  funds 
must  be  weighed  the  individual's 
overpowering  need  in  tliis  unique  situation 
not  to  be  wrongfully  deprived  of 
assistance.'  "  However,  the  dissenters  felt 
that  the  opinion  would  lead  to 
"time-consuming  [and  costly]  delays  of  a 
full  adversary  process  of  administrative 
and  judicial  review.  In  the  next  case  the 
welfai-e  recipients  are  bound  to  argue  that 
cutting  off  benefits  before  judicial  review 
of  the  agency's  decision  is  also  a  denial  of 
due  process."  Somehow  the  Justices  think 
this  argument  has  no  merit!  Mr.  Justice 
Black  continued  in  the  same  sarcastic  vein; 
"I  would  be  surprised  if  the  weighing 
process  did  not  compel  the  conclusion 
that  termination  without  full  judicial 
review  would  be  unconscionable.  After  all, 
at  each  step,  as  the  majority  seems  to  feel, 
the  issue  is  only  one  of  weighing  the 
Government's  pocketbook  against  the 
actual  survival  of  the  recipient,  and  surely 
that  balance  must  always  tip  in  favor  of 
the  individual.  Similarly  today's  decision 
requires  only  the  opportunity  to  have  the 
benefit  of  counsel  at  the  administrative 
hearing,  but  it  is  difficult  to  believe  that 
the    same    reasoning   process   would   not 

require  the  appointment  of  counsel,  for 
otherwise  the  right  to  counsel  is  a 
meaningless  one  since  these  people  are  too 
poor  to  hire  their  own  advocates."  Where 
has  the  good  Justice  been  these  last  few 

The  majority  answers  these 
arguments  thus:  "That  termination  of  aid 
pending  resolution  of  a  controversy  over 
eligibility  may  deprive  an  eligible  recipient 
of  the  very  means  by  which  to  live  while 
he  waits."  "The  State  is  not  without 
weapons  to  minimize  these  increased 
costs.  Much  of  the  drain  on  fiscal  and 
administrative  resources  can  be  reduced  by 
developmg  procedures  for  prompt 
pre-termination  hearings  and  by  skillful 
use  of  personnel  and  facilities.  .  .  .  The 
pre-termination  hearing  need  not  take  the 
form  of  a  judicial  or  quasi-judicial  trial."  It 
has  only  one  function:  "to  produce  an 
initial  detennination  of  the  validity  of  the 
welfare  departments'  grounds  for 
discontinuance  of  payments  in  order  to 
protect  a  recipient  against  an  erroneous 
termination  of  his  benefits.  .  .  .  We 
recognize,  too,  that  both  welfare 
authorities  and  recipients  have  an  interest 
in  relatively  speedy  resolution  of  questions 
of  eligibility,  that  they  are  used  to  dealing 
with  one  another  informally,  and  that 
some  welfare  departments  have  very 
burdensome  caseloads.  These 

considerations  justify  tlie  limitation  of  the 
pre-temiination  hearing  to  minimum 
procedural  safeguards,  adapted  to  the 
particular  characteristics  of  welfare 
recipients,  and  to  the  Umited  nature  of  the 
controversies  to  be  resolved." 

The  present  New  York  provisions  for 
"fair"  hearing  do  not  permit  the  recipient 
to  appear  personally  or  present  evidence  in 
his     own     behalf    or     to     confront     or 


cross-examine  adverse  witnesses.  The 
majority  thought  personal  presentation 
vital.  "The  second-hand  presentation  to 
the  decision  maker  by  the  caseworker  has 
its  own  deficiencies;  since  the  caseworker 
usually  gathers  the  facts  upon  which  the 
charge  of  ineligibility  rests,  the 
presentation  of  the  recipient's  side  of  the 
controversy  cannot  safely  be  left  to  him. 
Therefore  a  recipient  must  be  allowed  to 
state  his  position  orally." 

A  good  deal  of  attention  is  given  here 
to  the  minority  opinion  because  it 
probably  points  in  the  direction  it  is 
hoped  by  some  the  Higli  Court  will  go.  Mr. 
Justice  Black  evidently  hopes  to  lead  the 
way  to  "strict  construction."  He  takes  this 
to  mean  that  judges  must  not  legislate  and 
must  only  "interpret"  the  words  in  the 
written  Constitution.  One  must  not  give 
more  than  is  in  the  word.  Hence,  to  him 
the  conclusion  is  clear  in  this  case  that 
since  there  is  not  one  word  in  the 
Fourteenth  Amendment  about  "fair 
hearings"  or  the  right  to  counsel,  or  the 
right  to  aid,  it  cannot  be.  So  to  ignore  a 
hundred  years  of  political  and  judicial 
history  would  be  Uke  reading  the  first 
three  words  of  each  section  of  a 
statute-one  might  get  some  notion  as  to 
the  subject  but  not  much  insight  as  to  its 

Mr.  Justice  Black  has  always  seen 
"red"  when  the  Fourteenth  Amendment  is 
mentioned.  It  arouses  his  state's 
rights-anti-federalist  ire.  One  of  the  bills 
that  held  up  passage  of  the  Social  Security 
Act  in  1935  was  the  anti-lynching 
proposal.  Speaking  against  that  measure, 
the  then  Senator  Hugo  Black  said:  "I 
assert  that  if  the  bill  should  become  law,  it 
would  have  an  accentuating  effect  Uke 
unto  that  of  the  fourteenth  amendment." 

In  the  current  case  he  says:  "Particularly 
do  I  not  think  that  the  Fourteenth 
Amendment  should  be  given  such  an 
unnecessarily  broad  construction."  In 
1935  Senator  Black  said:  "Did  any 
Member  of  the  Senate  hear  me  read  the 
word  'corporation'  as  I  read  the 
Fourteenth  Amendment?  He  did  not.  The 
word  'corporation'  does  not  appear  in  the 
Fourteenth  Amendment."  In  the  present 
case  he  says:  "[S]ome  members  of  this 
Court  [believe]  that  the  Due  Process 
Clause  [of  the  Fourteenth  Amendment] 
forbids  any  conduct  that  a  majority 
beheves  'unfair,'  'indecent,'  or 
'shocking'.  .  .  .  Neither  these  words  nor 
any  like  them  appear  anywhere  in  the  Due 
Process  Clause."  He  was  on  the  floor  of 
the  Senate  when  title  X  of  the  Social 
Security  proposal  was  introduced.  It 
included  the  clause  of  the 
earlier-introduced  titles  which  provide 
"for  granting  to  any  individual  whose 
claim  for  aid  is  denied,  an  opportunity  for 
a  fair  hearing  before  such  State 
agency; .  .  ."  But  Senator  Black  voiced  no 
objection,  although  it  should  have  been 
patent  that  the  use  of  the  word  "fair"  was 
for  the  protection  of  the  individual 
involved.  Those  of  our  readers  who  have 
bumped  into  administrative  hearings  know 
that  the  use  of  that  word  was  necessary. 
Certainly  tlie  Legislators  were  not  worried 
about  protecting  the  administrators  but 
were  concerned  about  protecting  the 
rights  and  interests  of  the  individual  who 
had  to  deal  with  them.  In  other  words,  a 
fair  hearing  is  granted  to  insure  due 
process.  Since  the  procedure  was  built  into 
tlie  Social  Security  Act  thirty-five  years 
ago  why  should  tlie  minority  now  declare 
that  "The  procedure  required  today  as  a 
matter  of  constitutional  law  finds  no 
precedent  in  our  legal  system."  In  reality, 
then,  the  minority  is  complaining  about 


the  use  of  the  due  process  clause  to 
uphold  the  right  and  not  about  the  fact 
that  the  decision  directs  pre-termination 

rather  than  post-termination  hearing. 


Ralph  Lightfoot 

[Reprinted  from  the  ICRH  Newsletter,  publication  of  the  Outdoor  Laboratory,  Southern 
Illinois  University,  Carbondale,  IlUnois.  Mr.  Lightfoot  is  with  the  Royal  Victorian  Institute 
for  the  Blind.] 

Canoeing  can  give  confidence  to 
newly  bhnded  people  by  improving 
balance  and  the  sense  of  achievement. 

The  Royal  Victorian  Institute  for  the 
Blind  Training  Centre  commenced  in  1963 
and  from  its  inception  embraced  the  idea 
that  outside  activities  are  beneficial  to  the 
newly  bhnd  for  the  re-estabhshment  of 
confidence,  and  among  those  who  have 
been  bUnd  for  a  longer  period  these 
activities  give  confidence  through 
achieving  the  novel  and  the  unusual.  Our 
institute  put  all  its  know-how,  gathered 
since  1866,  into  this  project 

The  training  centre  with  the 
cooperation  of  the  National  Fitness 
Council  of  Victoria  arranged, 
bushwalking,  rock  climbing,  abseiling, 
snow  skiing  and  canoeing.  The  most  recent 
of  these  ventures  was  a  trip  by  canoe 
down  the  Goulburn  River  from  Alexandra 
to  Seymour,  a  distance  of  50  miles. 

The  week  before  the  trip,  a  practice 
session  was  held  on  the  Yarra  River  a  few 
miles  from  the  training  centre.  This  was 
necessary  as  three  of  the  group  had  never 

been  in  a  canoe  before. 

On  November  10,  a  party  of  seven  set 
out  for  Alexandra  for  the  five  day  trip  on 
the  river.  This  included  camping  on  the 
bank,  pitching  tents  and  cooking  all  meals. 
From  the  beginning  to  the  end  of  the  trip 
the  party  had  to  be  self-contained, 
carrying  all  their  food,  clothing  and 
camping  equipment  in  the  canoes. 

Those  who  were  on  this  expedition 
were:  Doug,  age  19,  totally  blind  as  the 
result  of  a  car  accident  in  May;  Owen,  age 
20,  also  totally  blind  as  the  result  of  a  car 
accident  in  June;  Robert,  age  32,  a 
diabetes  sufferer,  totally  blind;  Sue,  Leslie 
and  Ray,  members  of  the  staff  of  the 
Royal  Victorian  Institute  for  the  Blind; 
and  Bryan  Scott,  field  officer  with  the 
National  Fitness  Council  of  Victoria.  The 
method  used  was  to  have  one  visually 
handicapped  person  and  one  staff  member 
in  a  16-foot  Canadian  canoe,  and  the 
director  of  the  enterprise  in  an  1 1-foot 
canoe  alone,  so  that  he  is  more 
maneuverable  and  can  be  on  the  site  of  a 
capsize  as  quickly  as  possible. 


On  this  trip  eacli  pair  capsized  once. 
When  a  capsize  occurs,  one  of  the  upright 
canoes  goes  to  help  Bryan  right  the 
unfortunate  craft  and  get  the  canoeist  out 
of  the  water  as  quickly  as  possible,  for 
although  life-jackets  are  worn  all  the  time, 
immersion  for  more  than  a  few  minutes  in 
cold  water  can  be  very  serious.  The  others 
make  for  the  bank  to  get  a  fire  going  to 
dry  off  the  wet  ones. 

Camp  is  usually  pitched  about  4  p.m. 
Everybody  sliares  all  the  duties,  such  as 
pitching  tents,  cooking,  clearing  up, 
collecting  fuel  for  the  fires  and,  in  the 
mornings,  packing  up  the  camp  and 
loading  the  canoes.  There  is  no  division  of 
tlie  work  done  between  the  staff  or  the 
clients  in  these  duties. 

The  value  of  this  particular  journey  is 
already  apparent  in  the  friendships  that 
have  been  strengthened  under  these 
conditions  and  in  the  obvious  gam  in 
confidence    that   has   occurred   with   the 

tliree  young  blind  men  who  were 
participants.  This  sort  of  activity  is  made 
practicable  through  the  cooperation  of  the 
National  Fitness  Council  of  Victoria  by 
allowing  its  staff  to  organize  and  direct 
such  events  and  by  allowing  us  to  use  its 

It  is  intended  to  make  this  a  yearly 

(The  author,  Ralph  Lightfoot,  49, 
has  been  totally  blind  since  he  was  5  years 
old.  He  is  the  Senior  Supervisor  of  the 
Training  and  Rehabilitation  Centre 
conducted  by  the  Royal  Victorian 
Institute  for  the  Blind  in  Melbourne, 
Austraha.  He  has  taken  part  in  all  the 
outdoor  activities  referred  to  in  the  article 
and  has  inspired  other  blind  people  to 
achieve  greater  independence  and 


Florence  Grannis 

[Editor's  Note:  Mrs.  Grannis  is  Assistant  Director  in  Charge  of  Library  and  Social  Services 
for  the  Blind,  Iowa  Commission  for  the  Blind,  Des  Moines,  Iowa.] 

I  am  frequently  asked  by  blind 
people  and  by  volunteer  oriented  groups 
how  to  go  about  organizing  transcribing 
groups.  Over  the  years  I  have  given  much 
advice  concerning  this.  If  any  of  this  has 
actually  resulted  in  the  formation  of  a 
transcribing  group  which  is  now  in 
operation,  I  am  not  aware  of  it,  but  it 

occurred  to  me  that  some  of  the  readers  of 
The  Braille  Monitor  might  like  to  hsten  to 
my  notions  on  this  subject  and  perhaps 
start  one  or  motivate  someone  else  to  start 

Volunteer  transcribing  can  be  divided 
into    three    aspects-taping,    large   typing, 


and  Brailling-and  1  shall  deal  with  each 
one  separately.  Of  course,  a  volunteer 
group  may  undertake  all  tlaree  forms  of 
transcription  and  may  have  some 
additional  activities,  such  as  binding.  Also, 
besides  purely  volunteer  groups,  a 
volunteer  group  may  be  attached  to  an 
organization  so  that  some  of  the 
individuals  concerned  with  it  are  paid;  and 
these  paid  people  may  be  either 
professional  people  or  clerical,  or  some  of 
each.  Some  examples  of  this  latter  group 
are  hbraries  such  as  ours,  and  school 
systems.  Another  excellent  example  of 
tliis  form  of  transcription  group  is  the 
prison,  either  state  or  federal  (county  and 
municipal  jails  generally  have  inmates  with 
terms  too  brief  for  them  to  effectively 
work  in  such  a  program).  After  I  have 
explored  some  of  the  aspects  I  believe 
most  essential  in  the  fonnation  of 
transcription  groups  for  the  three  media,  I 
shall  comment  briefly  on  what  I  consider 
to  be  the  basic  essentials  for  a  successful 
prison  transcription  program. 

Tape  Volunteer  Transcribing 

Perhaps  more  than  one  would 
imagine,  taping  demands  a  great  deal  of 
time,  effort  and  human  and  material 
resources  The  need  for  this  last  element 
will  require  the  group  to  find  a  financial 
backer  unless  it  has  sufficient  resources  of 
its  own  to  carry  out  the  project.  Actually 
a  volunteer  taping  program  requires  a 
considerable  expenditure  of  money, 
especially  in  the  initial  investments. 
Without  this  money,  no  matter  what  good 
will  there  is  involved  in  the  group  and  how 
enthusiastically  the  people  begin  their 
endeavor,  it  is  my  experience  that  the 
program  cannot  function  If  outside 
financial  support  is  needed,  in  general  the 
first  place  to  look  is  the  local  Lions  Club, 

since  the  Lions  are  involved  in  work  with 
the  bhnd.  Another  possible  source  is  a 
soi^ority  and  Delta  Gamma  is  one  which 
may  well  be  of  help,  or,  possibly  ZetaPhi 
Eta,  the  national  speech  honorary.  Perhaps 
the  local  chapter  of  the  American 
Association  of  University  Women,  or  the 
Telephone  Pioneers,  or  a  Temple 
Sisterhood  might  be  of  assistance. 

The  volunteer  taping  program  must 
have  a  chairman  who  has  enough  time  to 
over-view,  coordinate  and  above  all,  see 
that  each  volunteer  is  meeting  his 
deadlines.  This  is  of  great  significance  to  a 
successful  taping  program-also  one  of  its 
greatest  pitfalls.  The  necessity  of  meeting 
deadlines  arises  from  the  primary  aim  of  a 
program  which  is  (almost  invariably)  to 
transcribe  materials  for  students. 
Obviously  students  need  their  material 
when  they  need  it-usually  in  time  for  the 
start  of  an  academic  year  or  semester. 
There  is  almost  invariably  a  definite 
deadline  involved.  It  is  also  best  for  a 
chairman  to  serve  on  a  long  term  basis  so 
that  she  can  have  a  continuing  and 
increasing  knowledge  of  the  group's  past 
and  present  work. 

It  is  very  important  that  the  group 
have  good  equipment-the  better  the 
equipment,  the  more  effective  the 
program  will  be.  The  people  in  the  group 
should  determine  whether  the  group  itself 
will  furnish  tape  recorders  or  whether  each 
individual  will  supply  his  own.  In  my 
behef,  the  latter  is  preferable.  Not  only 
will  it  save  money,  but  a  volunteer  who  is 
interested  enough  to  buy  his  own 
equipment,  will  probably  be  a  better 
volunteer.  Regardless  of  who  purchases 
the  equipment,  there  should  be  no 
attempt  to  economize  by  purchasing 
cheap     materials-the     results    won't    be 


satisfactory.  There  should  be  some  extra 
recorders  available  to  replace  temporarily 
those  that  are  being  repaired. 

There  are  many  tape  recorders  that 
are  good  but  there  are  three  basic 
requirements  in  determining  which  brands 
to  use:  that  they  accommodate  7-inch 
reels,  record  at  3  3/4  ips  and  1  7/8  ips, 
record  on  two  or  four  tracks.  Standard 
tape  recorders  may  be  purchased  for 
roughly  $110.00  and  since,  in  all 
likeUhood,  the  group  or  the  individuals  in 
the  group  will  be  buying  a  number  of 
recorders  at  tlie  same  time,  it  sliould  be 
possible  to  get  Hie  recorders  at  something 
less  than  the  full  retail  price.  If  the  group 
can  afford  to,  it  is  wise  to  make  large 
purchases  of  tape.  One  thousand  reels  on 
an  order'  will  result  in  a  substantial  unit 
price  decrease.  It  is  well  to  determine  what 
length  of  tape  will  be  used  (1200  or  1800 
feet  are  the  best  ones  to  choose)  and  then 
use  one  length  all  the  way  through  if 
possible-it  makes  tape  duplication  easier! 
It  is  well  to  use  as  good  a  quality  of  tape 
as  the  group  can  afford,  but  a  medium 
quality  will  do  a  satisfactory  job.  (Avoid 
used  or  "reject"  tape  if  possible.) 

slightly  more  than  $20  to  machines  that 
sell  for  more  than  $100.  People 
knowledgeable  in  library  work  for  the 
blind  are  predicting  that  in  about  10  years 
most  recording  will  be  done  on  cassette 
machines.  The  blind  in  each  state  have 
already  received  a  number  of  cassette 
machines  from  the  Library  of  Congress 
Division  of  the  Blind  and  Physically 
Handicapped,  under  a  pilot  program,  and 
since  a  small  but  growing  number  of  blind 
people  have  switched  from  open  reel 
recorders  to  cassette  machines,  cassettes 
will  become  increasingly  important  to  the 
bUnd.  The  problems  with  cassettes  are:  a 
high  percentage  of  breakage  of  cassette 
tape,  difficulty  in  knowing  just  when  you 
are  approaching  the  end  of  a  reel,  having 
only  a  fast  rewind,  and  the  great  expense 
of  cassette  tape.  There  are  a  number  of 
different  lengths  of  cassette  tapes  available 
to  purchase  but  the  general  consensus  is 
that  the  120-minute  tape  is  not 
satisfactory,  and  it  is  better  to  standardize 
and  use  the  same  length  throughout.  We 
are  using  the  90-minute  tape  which  is  the 
same  length  as  is  used  on  the  books 
recorded  in  the  Library  of  Congress 

Besides  the  conventional  open  reel 
tape  recorder,  I  would  urge  a  group 
beginning  tape  transcription,  to  have  some 
cassette  machines.  These  machines  are 
considerably  smaller  than  the  open  reel 
recorders,  can  be  taken  virtually 
anywhere,  and  can  be  used  under 
circumstances  where  the  open  reel 
recorders  are  not  practical.  There  should 
be  an  extensive  exploration  and 
investigation  of  different  models  of 
cassette  machines  so  that  the  best  ones  for 
the  purpose  may  be  procured.  There  is  a 
very  wide  range  of  prices  on  cassette 
machines,    from   machines   that   sell    for 

I  have  not  been  able  to  determine 
that  a  satisfactory  high  speed  cassette  tape 
duplicator  has  yet  been  developed  but  the 
cassette  tapes  can  be  dubbed  using  two 
machines.  While  on  the  subject  of 
duplicators,  the  transcription  group  will 
need  a  high  speed  dupUcator  for  the  7  inch 
open  reel  tape.  There  are  a  number  of 
them  available  and  I  believe  they  are  all 
quite  satisfactory,  but  they  are  all  quite 
costly  too."  The  group  should  retain  the 
master  of  every  book  taped,  sending  out 
only  copies-therefore  the  need  for 
dupUcating  equipment. 


When  it  comes  to  the  actual 
recording,  not  anyone  and  everyone  is 
acceptable.  The  recording  of  books 
requires  good  reading  ability  and 
unfortunately,  people  who  have  their 
heart  in  the  right  place  but  lack  the 
abihty,  will  have  to  be  turned  down.  An 
application  form  for  those  who  wish  to 
record  should  be  sent  and  they  should  be 
asked  to  send  a  sample  tape  of  their 
reading.  When  the  person  doing  the 
screening  for  readers  listens  to  the  sample 
reading,  a  critique  form  should  be  sent  to 
the  apphcant.-'  There  are  a  number  of 
rules  and  techniques  in  recording,  and 
these  are  covered  in  our  publication  "Tips 
on  Taping"  which  is  printed  below: 


Welcome  to  the  tape  recording  program  of 
the  Iowa  Commission  for  the  Blind.  You 
are  joining  a  group  of  very  important 
people.  Your  work  wil!  make  it  possible 
for  the  bUnd  of  Iowa  to  lake  a  giant  step 
towards  independence  and  self-support. 

All  of  your  tapes  will  be  sent  to  you  by 
the  Iowa  State  Commission  for  the  Blind, 
an  agency  of  state  government,  established 
to  help  give  services  to  bhnd  persons  in 
our  state.  Since  1958,  under  the  leadership 
of  its  director,  Kenneth  Jemigan,  the 
Commission  has  been  a  vital  growing  force 
in  Iowa  Each  year  more  and  more  blind 
persons  are  aided  in  their  search  for  a  job, 
an  education,  a  home-in  short,  a  normal 
life,  through  the  programs  of  the 
Commission.  One  of  the  newest 
departments  is  the  Library,  from  which 
the  blind  of  Iowa  receive  most  of  their 
reading  material  ...  for  entertainment,  for 
instruction  and  for  classroom  study 

This  is  where  the  work  of  our  volunteer 

tapists  is  so  necessary.  Each  year  a  larger 
number  of  blind  students  attend  pubUc 
high  schools  and  universities.  Textbook 
materials,  reference  books  and  other 
books  are  not  available  generally  for  blind 
students  Yet  to  have  the  same 
opportunity  as  sighted  students,  they  must 
have  the  required  material,  and  sometimes 
quickly.  Only  through  tape  recording  can 
many  of  these  books  be  made  available  to 
these  students  when  they  need  them. 

And  not  only  are  you  helping  students  of 
our  state.  Many  schools  around  the 
country'  use  the  same  texts  or  correlated 
materials.  These  books  are  kept  in  our 
library  and  can  be  duplicated  when 
necessary'  to  give  a  blind  student  in  any 
part  of  the  country  the  same  opportunity 
you  help  provide  to  Iowa  students. 

Yes,  you  are  joining  a  group  of  very 
important  people.  The  following  pages  wUl 
help  you  be  a  more  effective  and  capable 
tapist.  Study  the  information  carefully, 
and  many  hours  of  pleasurable  taping  lie 
before  you. 

The  first  step  in  taping  any  book  is  to 
familiarize  yourself  with  the  material  to  be 
transcribed.  Even  the  finest  commercial 
radio  announcers  read  commercials  "cold" 
only  in  emergencies.  Reading  the  book  to 
be  taped  before  beginning  to  record  is  a 
vital  part  of  any  recording.  Read  with 
pencil  in  hand  and  a  dictionary  close  by 
with  the  following  objectives: 

1  Familiarity  with  the  story  or 
subject  matter. 

2.  Correct  pronunciation  of  all 
words.  If  you  are  at  all  unsure  of  a 
pronunciation,  look  it  up  and  mark 
your  book.  It  takes  much  less  time  to 


look  up  all  words  at  this  time  than  it 
does  to  look  them  up  individually 
while  recording. 

3.  Marking  words  which  should  be 
spelled  on  the  tape.  All  foreign 
words,  unfamiliar  place  names,  long 
technical  terms  sliould  be  spelled  the 
first  time  they  appear  in  a  text.  They 
need  not  be  spelled  on  subsequent 

It  is  imperative  that  you  pre-read  at  least 
the  material  to  be  read  in  a  single  session. 
If  the  book  is  one  that  has  a  continuity  of 
subject  (such  as  a  novel  or  a  play), 
pre-reading  of  the  entire  book  can  be 
important  for  subtle  meanings  which 
might  be  lost  if  only  a  short  portion  of  the 
book  has  been  pre-read. 


1 .  Find  the  place  in  your  home  which 
is  least  subject  to  extraneous  noises 
(telephone,  children  playing,  radios,  etc.). 
Set  your  recorder  on  a  convenient  table  or 
desk  where  it  can  be  seen  while  recording. 
You  will  want  to  check  your  recording 
from  time  to  time  to  be  sure  the  volume 
level  is  high  enough,  whether  you  are 
running  out  of  tape,  or  other  reasons. 

2.  Set  machine  speed  at  3  3/4  inches 
per  second.  Until  you  have  been  recording 
for  a  while,  it  is  advisable  not  to  change 
this  speed,  since  you  will  lose  a  good  deal 
of  precious  recording  time  if  you  should 
forget  to  change  it  back. 

3.  Place  your  microphone  so  that  you 
will  not  be  facing  a  door  or  a  window,  and 
preferably  not  directly  into  a  hard 
surfaced   wall.   If  possible,  read  facing  a 

drapery  or  other  soft,  absorbent  material. 
The  louder  you  read  the  more  important 
this  becomes.  Flat,  hard  surfaces  reflect 
sound  back  into  your  microphone  causing 
a  most  undesirable  echo. 

4.  If  possible,  attach  "leader"  tape  at 
the  beginning  and  end  of  each  reel. 
Remove  the  manufacturer's  adhesive  tape 
at  the  beginning  of  new  reels  before 
placing  on  your  machine.  If  you  attach  a 
leader  tape,  do  not  use  this  adhesive  tape, 
scotch  tape,  masking  tape  or  any  other 
type  of  tape.  Use  only  the  special  splicing 
tape  made  for  the  purpose,  and  available 
at  any  store  handling  hi-fi  or  tape 

5.  Thread  your  machine,  being 
careful  to  check  that  the  shiny  side  of  the 
tape  is  away  from  the  recording  head!  On 
most  recorders  this  will  mean  that  the 
shiny  side  will  be  toward  you,  or  toward 
the  floor.  If  the  shiny  side  of  the  tape  is 
next  to  the  heads,  no  sound  will  be 
recorded.  The  recording  material  is  what 
makes  the  other  side  of  the  tape 

6.  After  you  have  threaded  your 
machine,  run  off  60  seconds  (18  feet)  of 
tape  before  you  begin  to  record.  Tapes 
cannot  be  duplicated  if  there  is  less  blank 
space,  and  it  will  be  a  nuisance  to  the 
reader  if  you  leave  much  more  than  60 

7.  Set  your  microphone  so  it  will  be 
approximately  8  to  12  inches  from  your 
mouth  when  you  are  seated  comfortably 
for  reading.  If  possible,  place  your 
microphone  on  a  different  table  than  your 
recorder,  or  you  may  get  rumble  from 
your  recorder's  motor.  If  this  is  not 
possible,    place    a    soft    pad    under    the 


microphone  stand  (a  foam  rubber  or  thick 
felt  pad,  or  a  large  folded  towel)  to 
eliminate  this  vibration:  Place  your 
microphone  as  far  as  conveniently  possible 
from  the  recorder  to  eliminate  any  motor 
noise  or  hum  from  your  machine. 

Do  not  hold  your  microphone  in 
your  hand!  You  will  never  be  able  to  find 
a  stable  distance  from  the  microphone, 
and  the  distance  will  vary  constantly, 
giving  an  objectionable  variation  in  volume 
and  tone.  Microphone  stands  are 
inexpensive.  If  you  cannot  purchase  one, 
it  is  possible  to  stand  a  microphone  on  a 
short  stack  of  books  and  (if  necessary) 
lean  it  against  another  book. 

8.  Turn  your  recording  volume  up 
about  half  way.  Read  a  portion  of  your 
material  at  the  same  level  as  you  will  be 
recording.  Read  at  a  volume  that  is 
comfortable  to  you.  Remember,  the 
microphone  is  a  sensitive  instrument  that 
can  pick  up  your  voice  easily.  If  you 
attempt  to  read  in  an  unnaturally  loud 
voice,  your  voice  will  become  tired  very 
quickly.  Conversely,  if  you  read 
appreciably  less  loudly  than  you  normally 
talk,  you  will  sound  more  confidential, 
but  your  voice  will  lose  much  of  its 
flexibility.  Adjust  the  microphone 
position  and  the  recorder  volume  to  fit 
your  voice,  rather  than  try  to  adapt  to  the 
machine  to  the  detriment  of  your  best 

All  modem  recorders  have  either  an 
electronic  eye,  "VU  meter"  or  flashing 
neon  Ughts.  If  your  machine  has  an 
electronic  eye,  the  eye  should  nearly  close 
any  time  you  are  talking,  and  occasionally 
should  cross.  If  you  have  a  "VU  meter", 
the  needle  should  approach  the  red  line 
most  of  the  time,  and  occasionally  cross 

into  the  red.  If  you  have  the  flashing  neon 
lamps,  you  should  be  loud  enough  so  the 
'"distort"  light  flashes  briefly  in  almost 
every  sentence.  While  you  are  recording 
this  first  sample  page,  adjust  your  volume 
control  so  that  whichever  of  the  above 
circumstances  applies  is  met. 

Play  back  your  sample  recording. 
You  should  have  to  turn  your  volume 
control  down  several  points  for  easy 
hstening.  Listen  critically.  If  your  voice 
sounds  hollow  or  distant,  you  are  too  far 
from  the  microphone.  Move  it  towards 
you  an  inch  or  two  and  try  again.  If  your 
voice  sounds  raspy,  if  you  hear  "pops"  or 
"puffs  of  air"  on  some  words  (particularly 
with  "t"  or  "d"  sounds  in  them),  or  if  "s" 
sounds  are  sliarp  and  whistle,  you  are  too 
close  to  the  microphone.  Move  it  away  an 
inch  or  two  and  try  again.  Record  several 
portions  of  the  book  until  you  are 
satisfied  tliat  your  words  are  clear  and 
there  is  no  hollowness  in  the  sound.  Note 
the  position  of  your  volume  control  and 
your  distance  from  the  microphone  and 
you  will  be  able  to  set  your  proper  reading 
positions  quickly  from  then  on.  Do  not 
follow  slavishly  standards  set  as  to 
distance  from  the  microphone.  What  is 
important  is  what  you  hear  when  you  play 
the  tape  back. 

10.  When  starting  to  record  your 
book,  you  will  eliminate  the  sound  of  the 
record  switch  by  simply  holding  the 
"pause"  or  "instant  release"  button  while 
you  depress  the  record  button  GENTLY, 
turn  the  tape  back  a  half  an  inch,  then 
gently  release  the  "pause"  button. 


1,   The  first  reel  of  a  book  should 


start  as  follows:  "Reel  1,  Track  1, 
Title — ,  Author — ."  Read  the  title  page, 
giving  title  and  sub-title,  if  any,  author's 
name,  city  of  pubhsher  and  name  of 
publisher,  year,  if  given,  and  from  the 
back  of  the  title  page  read  the  date  of  last 
copyriglit  and  date  and  number  of  edition. 
Then  read: 

"Recorded  under  the  sponsorship  of 
the  Iowa  State  Commission  for  the  Blind, 
Des  Moines,  Iowa,  by  (your  name  and 
city)  with  the  kind  permission  of  the 
copyright  holder  (name  and  address), 
(date  of  recording)  solely  for  the  use  of 
the  blind. 

Unless  otherwise  instructed,  table  of 
contents  should  be  read  in  full,  omitting 
the  page  numbers. 


J.  D.  Salinger 

(Copyright  holder  and  date) 

Copyright  1953  by  J.  D.  Salinger 


Recorded  under  the  sponsorship  of 
the  Iowa  State  Commission  for  the  Blind, 
Des  Moines,  Iowa,  by  Elizabeth  Holden, 
Sioux  City,  Iowa,  with  the  kind 
permission  of  the  publisher.  New 
American  Library  of  World  Literature, 
Inc.,  January,  1961,  solely  for  the  use  of 
the  bhnd. 


A  Perfect  Day  for  Banana  Fish,  Uncle 
Wiggily  in  Connecticut,  Just  Before  the 
War  with  the  Eskimos,  .  .  . 

All  preliminary  material  such  as 
Preface,  Introduction,  Author's  Notes, 
etc.,  should  be  read  in  full  unless 
otherwise  instructed. 

(Body  of  the  book) 

A  Perfect  Day  for  Banana  Fish.  There 
were  ninety-seven  New  York  advertising 
men  in  the  hotel,  .  .  . 

All  chapter  titles  should  be  read  and 
sub-titles,  if  any.  After  the  reading  of  the 
main  heading,  a  brief  pause  should  be 
made.  A  shorter  pause  should  be  left  after 
sub-heading  and  between'chapters. 

2.  Since  you  will  be  reading  two 
tracks  on  each  tape,  each  subsequent  track 
must  be  identified.  At  the  end  of  the  first 
track  simply  say:  "End  of  track  1, 
page  — ,  Chapter — ,  (TITLE  OF 


Do     Not     Read     the     Material     in 
Parenthesis,  It  is  for  your  Information. 


Reel  1 ,  track  2 


Nine  stories 

3.  Each  succeeding  track  begins  with 
reel  number,  track  number,  title  of  book 
and  page.  For  example,  the  second  track 
of  the  second  reel  of  The  History  of  Mr. 
Polly  by  H.  G.  Wells  begins,  "Reel  2, 
Track  2,  The  History  of  Mr.  Polly  by  H.  G. 
Wells,  Page  91." 

4.  Reels  are  numbered  consecutively, 
but  tracks  are  only  numbered  One  and 
Two.  Each  succeeding  track  would  end 
with    "End   track    1,  page — "   or  "End 


Reel — ." 


1.  Spell  names  and  unusual  or 
unfamiliar  words. 

2.  Footnotes  should  be  read  at  the 
end  of  the  sentence  in  which  the  asterisk 
or  number  appears,  regardless  of  where  the 
footnotes  appear  in  the  printed  book. 
Simply  finish  the  sentence,  record  the 
word  "Footnote:",  followed  by  the 
footnote.  At  the  end  of  the  note,  record 
the  words  "Text  continues:",  and 
continue  with  the  text. 

3.  If  a  diagram,  map  or  otlier  material 
is  omitted,  the  omission  should  be 
indicated,  e.g.,  "Diagram  six,  on 
page — omitted  from  the  recording."  If 
possible,  maps  and  diagrams  should  be 
described  briefly.  To  quote  from  "Tape 
Recordings  for  the  Blind"  by  Arther 
Helms:  "You  will  sometimes  be  faced  with 
the  problem  of  how  to  represent  pictures 
to  the  bUnd  listener.  We  say  'sometimes' 
because  it  is  by  no  means  always  necessary 
to  include  a  description  of  a  picture. 
Illustrations,  e.g.,  photographs  in  a  book 
of  travel,  need  not  be  mentioned.  Many 
diagrams  you  will  encounter  merely 
present  in  a  different  form  ideas  that  are 
perfectly  clear  from  a  reading  of  the  text 
alone.  Occasionally,  however,  you  will 
find  diagrams  that  must  be  included  if  the 
author's  meaning  is  to  be  thoroughly 

"Having  decided  that  a  diagram 
should  be  included,  your  problem  is  to 
turn  it  into  words  as  vividly  and  as 
economically  as  possible,  This  process  is 
not  easy  and  will  usually  call  for  some 
ingenuity     on    your    part."    It    is    most 

effective  to  stop  and  write  what  you 
intend  to  say  about  a  piece  of  visual 
material.  Then  it  is  a  simple  matter  to  read 
this  onto  the  tape,  Mr  Helms  continues: 
"Printed  books  using  diagrams  generally 
have  a  phrase  hke  'see  diagram  page  28'  to 
guide  the  reader.  You,  however,  must  omit 
such  words  and  insert  a  phrase  like  'Here 
the  author  illustrates  his  point  with  a 
diagram'  and  tlien  go  on  to  describe  the 

"Mathematical  formulae  must  be 
read  in  a  certain  way,  and  a  reader 
unfamiliar  with  square  root  signs, 
exponents,  etc.,  must  get  authentic 
information  on  these  matters.  The  same 
may  be  said  for  the  special  symbols  used 
in  chemistry  and  other  sciences.  It  is 
desirable,  of  course,  that  scientifically 
trained  persons  read  highly  specialized 
technical  books,  but  since  such  books  are 
not  in  wide  demand,  the  average  reader 
need  not  concern  himself  with  the 
problem.  The  reader,  however,  must  make 
himself  responsible  for  reading  accurately 
such  scientific  symbols  as  he  encounters." 

4.  The  page  number  should  be  given 
when  reading  a  new  heading,  when 
referring  to  an  illustration,  and  at  least 
every  page  or  two  at  regular  intervals 
through  the  book.  This  assists  the  student 
to  refer  to  the  book  if  required  to  do  so. 

5.  No  more  than  a  30-minute  reading 
span  should  be  attempted  without  a  break 
for  rest  and  refreshment.  Shorter  periods 
are  recommended  if  your  voice  becomes 
tired.  A  tired  voice  will  sound  tired  on 
tape  Generally,  however,  if  your  voice 
tires  in  less  than  30  minutes,  you  will  find 
that  you  are  trying  to  talk  too  loudly. 
Move  the  microphone  closer  and  talk  as  if 
the   hstener  were   right   across  the  table 


from  you. 

break  in  use. 

6.  It  is  recommended  that  you  read 
as  rapidly  as  you  possibly  can  without 
stumbling.  Of  course  some  books  will  read 
much  more  rapidly  than  others,  but  you 
sliould  determine  tlie  reading  rate  during 
your  pre-reading  of  the  book  and  read  as 
rapidly  as  the  material  will  allow. 

7.  Indicate  "quote"  and  "unquote" 
when  more  than  one  sentence,  or  an 
exceptionally  long  sentence  is  a  quotation. 
Short  sentences,  phrases,  or  single  words 
can  be  indicated  by  tone  of  voice.  If  the 
text  uses  a  different  typeset  to  indicate 
quotations,  rather  than  quotation  marks, 
these  sections-usually  paragraphs-should 
be  "quoted"  in  reading. 

8.  The  meaning  of  an  abbreviation 
should  be  given  rather  than  the 
abbreviation  itself:  "for  example",  not 
"e.g.";  "that  is"  rather  than  "i.e.".  This 
would  not  apply,  of  course,  to  grammar  or 
other  books  in  which  the  abbreviations  are 
used  to  educate  the  student  to  their 


1.  The  controls  of  a  tape  recorder 
should  be  operated  slowly,  a  short  pause 
left  after  a  switch  is  turned  before  another 
switch  is  manipulated.  This  is  necessary  as 
parts  of  the  mechanism  are  belt  driven  and 
if  the  controls  are  operated  too  quickly,  a 
belt  may  slip  off  the  drive  wheel.  The 
fast-forward  and  rewihd  controls  should 
be  handled  particularly  carefully.  Sudden 
fast-forward  starts  and  reverses  may  cause 
the  tape  to  jump  the  groove  and  bind  in 
the  reel,  becoming  crinkled.  Crinkled  tape 
is  difficult  to  work  with  and  will  probably 

2.  The  sound  on  your  tape  is 
produced  by  passing  the  tape  over  the 
recording  head  in  close  physical  contact. 
Some  of  the  magnetic  material  (oxide) 
rubs  off  on  the  head  as  well  as  any  dirt 
tliat  may  cling  to  the  tape.  Dirty  recording 
heads  can  give  you  mushy  or  "bassy" 
sound  as  well  as  completely  missing 
portions.  You  should  periodically  clean 
the  recording  head,  the  tape  guides  and 
the  capstan  drive  units  (the  two  wheels  to 
the  right  of  the  recording  heads  that  press 
the  tape  between  them)  with  alcohol.  Use 
a  small  cotton  swab  ("Q"  Tip)  squeezed 
almost  dry.  You  can  buy  special  solvents 
for  this  job,  but  alcohol  works  as  well,  and 
it  is  always  as  close  as  your  medicine 
cabinet.  DO  NOT  USE  any  perfumed 
alcohols  or  other  cleaning  solvents  as  they 
will  further  clog  the  recording  heads.  A 
general  mle  for  cleaning  your  recorder  will 
be  to  clean  the  heads,  guides  and  capstans 
every  5  to  10  reels  of  tape. 

3.  A  head  demagnetizer  is  a  simple, 
low-priced  piece  of  equipment  that  is  well 
worth  the  few  dollars  you  pay  for  it.  The 
recording  heads,  tape  guides  and  capstan 
of  your  recorder  pick  up  a  little 
magnetism  over  a  period  of  time,  which 
causes  crackling  and  other  background 
noise.  You  plug  in  your  demagnitizer,  hold 
it  against  the  metal  parts,  slowly  withdraw 
it,  unplug  it,  and  all  residual  magnetism  is 
gone.  CAUTION!  DO  NOT  PLUG  IN  A 
ANY  RECORDED  TAPE-it  will  erase  the 
tape  as  well! 

4.  When  not  using  your  recording 
equipment,  keep  it  covered.  Dust  is  a 
deadly  enemy  to  the  precision  built 
recorder     and     microphone.     Keep     the 


microphone  away  from  heat  and  moisture 
or  it  will  quickly  be  ruined. 


Whenever  you  mispronounce  a  word, 
stumble,  "bobble"  a  word  or  phrase,  or 
read  a  passage  incorrectly,  DO  NOT  LET 
IT  PASS.  The  temptation  is  great  to 
merely  repeat  the  word  or  phrase  and 
continue  on.  It  is  easy  to  edit  your 
mistake  from  the  tape  and  unfair  to  the 
readers  to  let  any  errors  pass. 

All  common  recorders  erase  the 
material  already  on  the  tape  just  a  fraction 
of  a  second  before  recording  the  new 
material  Here  is  the  proper  and  foolproof 
method  of  correcting  errors.  Stop  the 
recorder  and  rewind  to  the  nearest  pause 
before  the  error.  This  will  usually  be  at  the 
end  of  the  previous  sentence,  but  may  be 
closer  to  the  error  if  it  is  a  long  sentence. 
Play  past  tliis  pause  several  times  until  you 
are  sure  of  the  word  preceding  the  pause. 
Rewind  again  and  stop  the  machine  with 
the  "pause  button"  immediately  following 
the  last  word.  Wliile  holding  the  "pause 
button",  GENTLY  stop  the  recorder,  find 
the  place  in  the  book  where  the  next 
section  begins,  GENTLY  put  the  recorder 
into  RECORD  position,  release  the  "pause 
button",  and  begin  reading.  This  will  erase 
the  error,  and  you  can  continue  reading 
until  (heaven  forbid)  the  next  error. 

It  will  take  a  httle  practice  to  become 
proficient  at  this  method  of  covering 
errors,  but  in  the  end  ml\  make  your 
recordings  much  more  pleasant  for  you  to 
do,  and  for  the  readers  to  hear. 

When  you  are  ready  to  stop  recording 
for   any    reason,    allow    the    recorder  to 

continue  for  a  few  seconds  after  you  stop 
reading.  This  will  put  the  "pop"  that 
occurs  when  you  stop  the  macliine  far 
enough  from  the  end  of  your  reading  to  be 
covered  easily  when  you  begin  again.  To 
begin  recording  again,  simply  nm  the 
recorder  back  to  the  end  of  your  reading, 
hold  the  "pause  button",  GENTLY  press 
RECORD  and  release  the  "pause  button". 

If  you  must  take  an  incomplete  reel 
off  of  your  machine,  it  will  be  easier  to 
find  your  place  if  you  will  insert  a  small 
piece  of  paper  (1/4  by  1/2  inch  or  so) 
under  the  last  turn  of  tape  on  the  feed 
(left  hand)  reel  before  you  start  rewinding, 
you  can  quickly  fast-forward  the  tape  to 
tlie  paper  when  you  are  ready  to  resume. 


Do  not  ad-hb  except  when  describing 
visual  material  which  must  be  described. 
On  the  other  hand,  be  careful  not  to  omit 
any  words,  no  matter  how  minor  the 
omission  may  seem.  You  are  responsible 
for  correct  and  meaningful  presentation  of 
each  word  on  the  page. 


Occasionally  a  tape  will  break  while 
recording,  or  you  will  have  some  reason  to 
wish  to  cut  out  a  portion  of  the  tape. 
SpHcing  is  simple  but  exacting,  and  can  be 
done  either  with  one  of  the  several 
commercial  spHcers  now  on  the  market,  or 
simply  with  splicing  tape  and  a  pair  of 
scissors.  If  you  have  a  commercial  tape 
splicer,  the  instnictions  that  come  with  it 
are  familiar  to  you.  If  you  do  not  have  a 
sphcer,  here  is  the  proper  way  to  do  it. 


TAPE  TO  MAKE  SPLICES!  Use  only  the 
special  splicing  tape  made  for  the  purpose. 
Otlier  types  of  tape  will  damage  the 
recording  and  playback  heads,  pressure 
pads  and  drive  rollers,  and  cause  jamming 
and  binding  of  tape  on  the  reels. 

To  make  a  silent,  strong  splice,  cross 
the  ends  of  the  tape  over  each  other.  With 
your  scissors  cut  through  both  thicknesses 
on  approximately  a  45-degree  angle.  Place 
the  tape  on  a  clean,  dry,  hard  surface, 
putting  the  edges  together  as  precisely  as 
possible.  Place  splicing  tape  over  the 
joined-together  place,  rubbing  with  the 
handle  of  your  scissors  to  be  sure  the  tape 
adheres  securely.  Then  carefully  trim  the 
spUcing  tape  edges,  cutting  away  a  minute 
quantity  of  the  recording  tape  on  each 
side.  Again,  this  will  take  a  little  practice, 
but  when  mastered  can  be  quickly  and 
easily  done  whenever  the  occasion  arises. 


you  are  an  individual,  give  full 
name  and  address  on  your  first  reel; 
your  name  is  sufficient  for  the 
following  reels. 

5.  If  the  tape  has  been  damaged  and 
you  are  unable  to  fix  it,  please  note 
this  on  the  box. 


Richard     March,     San     Francisco     State 

The  following  article  is  valuable  to 
keep  before  you  when  recording.  It  can 
give  a  quick  review  of  your  "reading 
personality"  before  each  session: 

1 .  Strive  for  voice  color  and  vocal  variety 

a.  pitch  (up  and  down-ness) 

b.  volume  (loudness) 

c.  duration  (tempo) 

d.  quality  (timbre  and  pitch  range ) 

Reviewing  and  cataloging  tapes  is 
faster  when  all  boxes  are  fully  labelled. 
Most  boxes  will  come  to  you  with  labels 
attached,  but  if  not  include  the  following 

1.  Reel  and  track  number  of  pages 
recorded  on  each  track. 
(EXAMPLE:  Reel  one,  Track  one. 
Page  1-41;  Reel  one.  Track  two, 
Page  42-98.) 

2.  Title  of  book. 

3.  Author's  name  as  shown  on  text. 
(Correct  spelling  is  essential) 

4.  Reader's  name  and  organization.  If 

2. Strive  for  "flow"-avoid  being  choppy. 

3. Be  much  warmer,  friendlier,  more 
intimate  than  you  think  you  need  to 

4.  Sound  as  though  you  know  your 
material  well.  Be  authoritative. 

5. Sit  about  eight  inches  from  a  table 
microphone.  (Be  just  far  enough  away 
to  thumb  your  nose-this  gives  the 
proper  spacing  and  attitude!) 

6. Make  use  of  subtle  exaggeration,  but 
don't  talk  down  to  your  audience. 
Have  an  air  of  intimacy.  As  you  read 


the  words,  give  yourself  time  to  think 
and  feel. 

7.  If  you  are  a  man,  put  some  male 
strength  into  your  reading. 

8.  If  you  are  a  woman,  put  warmth, 
sympathy,  and  gentleness  into  your 

9. Get  the  "essence"  of  your  material. 
Think  and  feel  and  sense  ahead  of  your 
words,  thereby  creating  the  desired 
illusion  that  this  is  the  "first  time"  the 
thoughts  have  been  conveyed. 

10. Mark    your    copy    judiciously.    Some 
•^'"'"-  "'■"  "throw-away  words"  (such 
"and"  's,  etc.). 

marks  are 
as  "the"  's. 

II. Avoid  extraneous  noises,  such  as  pages 
moving,  deep  breathing,  etc. 

12.  Be  sure  that  you  are  "on  the  beam"  of 
the  mike.  Test  your  placement. 
Maintain  the  proper  recording  level, 
avoiding  changes  in  volume  output. 

13. Know  all  pronunciations.  If  you  do 
not,  spell  the  word. 

14. Enunciate,  using  jaws,  tongue,  an  open 
mouth  and  relaxed  throat.  Use 
techniques  for  resonance,  such  as 
thinking  forward,  breathing  from  deep 
down  from  the  diaphram,  etc. 
Pronounce  every  syllable.  Make  your 
d's,  t's  and  vowels  exact. 

15. Be  direct.  Don't  let  the  book  come 
between  you  and  the  hstener.  Know 
your  material  so  that  you  can  phrase 
well,  and  build  up  to  minor  climaxes 
on  the  way  to  the  "point"  of  your 
chapter  or  story. 

16. Read  intimately  and  personally,  as  if 
the  student  were  across  the  table  from 
you,  and  you  were  thoroughly 
enjoying  helping  him  with  this 


The  final  step  in  any  recording  is  the 
proofreading.  Proofreading  a  book  on  tape 
is  as  vital  as  it  is  with  print  or  Braille.  No 
matter  how  carefully  a  book  is  recorded,  it 
is  imperative  to  go  back  over  the  material 
following  the  print  book  as  you  listen.  It  is 
far  easier  to  listen  to  each  recording 
session  at  the  time  than  it  is  to  record  the 
whole  book  and  take  the  time  to 
proofread  the  entire  book  when  it  is 

When  you  find  an  error  in  the  middle 
of  a  recording  session,  it  is  seldom 
necessary  to  record  the  entire  portion  of 
the  tape  following  the  error.  Unless  you 
have  missed  an  entire  sentence  or 
paragraph,  usually  replacement  of  missed 
words  can  be  accomphshed  with  httle 
trouble.  The  following  technique  can  also 
be  used  for  "hobbled"  words  or  extra 
words  which  have  been  inserted. 

Suppose  you  discover  that  you  have 
left  a  word  out  of  a  sentence.  As  an 
example,  you  recorded  "It  was  raining 
cats,  dogs  and  little  fishes."  Here  is  the 
way  to  put  the  "dogs"  back  into  the 
sentence.  Be  sure,  of  course,  to  have  your 
machine  set  carefully  for  volume  and 
microphone  distance. 

1.  Start  a  sentence  or  two  before  the 
one  you  wish  to  correct.  Find  the 
places  on  either  side  of  that 
sentence   where  you   have   left  an 


appreciable  pause.  It  usually  will  be 
directly  on  eitlier  side  of  the 
improper  sentence. 

2.  Once  you  have  determined  where 
tliese  pauses  are,  find  what  must  be 
read  between  these  pauses  in  tlie 
print  book,  and  mark  them.  Run 
that  portion  through  the  machine, 
carefully  timing  it  with  a 
stop-watch,  if  you  have  one,  or 
with  the  second  hand  on  your 
regular  watch. 

3.  Rehearse  the  sentence  as  it  should 
appear  several  times  until  you  can 
read  it  naturally  in  the  same  length 
of  time-or  a  fractionally  shorter 
time.  A  good  idea  is  to  play  the 
sentence  already  on  tape  while  you 
read  it  as  it  will  be.  You  can  tell 
easily  if  you  have  timed  your 
correction  properly. 

4.  As  you  would  do  for  replacing 
words  while  you  are  recording,  run 
your  recorder  to  the  pause  before 
the  sentence  you  wish  to  replace. 
Stop  the  tape  with  the  "pause 
button."  GENTLY  switch  your 
recorder  to  RECORD,  release  the 
''pause  button''  and 
IMMEDIATELY  read  the  correct 
the  recorder  to  PLAY  and  release 
the  "pause  button".  If  you  have 
read  the  sentence  the  way  you 
rehearsed  it,  you  should  hear  the 
next  sentence  begin. 

This  same  technique  will  work  for 
words  inserted.  Simply  time  your 
sentence  to  read  more  slowly  than 
originally  with  the  inserted  word  left 

Naturally,  very  careful  records  must 
be  kept  of  all  work  being  produced.  If  you 
would  like  a  copy  of  our  tape  working 
card,  we  will  be  glad  to  send  you  one. 
Material  should  be  produced  in  its 
entirety,  even  though  the  student  may  ask 
for  only  one  or  two  chapters  of  a  book. 
There  will  probably  be  someone  else  who 
will  need  other  portions  of  the  book  or 
the  entire  book  at  some  time  in  the  future. 

Also,  it  is  vitally  important  that  the 
volunteer  transcribe  the  material  word  for 
word.  Editing  and  altering  the  contents  of 
a  publication  is  illegal  and  unethical. 

Before  any  material  is  recorded, 
someone  should  check  with  the  Central 
Catalog  of  the  American  Printing  House 
for  the  Blind,  P.O.  Box  6085,  Louisville, 
Kentucky  40206,  to  see  if  the  material  is 
already  available  elsewhere.  If  it  is,  it  is 
desirable  to  attempt  to  borrow  or 
purchase  it  and  thus  conserve  the  time  and 
talents  of  the  group  for  items  which  have 
not  yet  been  recorded.  The  group  will 
soon  find  that  it  has  more  than  enough  to 

Another  step  which  must  be  taken 
before  recording,  is  to  obtain  copyright 
clearance  on  the  material  (form  available, 
as  in  footnote  3),  After  producing  the 
material,  you  should  report  it  to  the 
Central  Catalog  of  the  American  Printing 
House  (form  available,  as  in  footnote  3). 
Thus,  others  who  may  need  the  material 
will  be  saved  the  time  and  trouble  of 
producing  it  themselves. 

A  number  of  publishers  have  granted 
blanket  permission  for  transcription  of 
their  materials  in  all  media  for  the  use  of 
the  blind,  and  a  hst  of  these  publishers  can 
be     obtained     from     the     Library     of 



If  anyone  has  questions  or  comments 
on  setting  up  a  volunteer  taping  program, 
please  let  me  know.  I  will  do  my  best  with 

Braille  Transcribing  Group 

While  there  are  many  essential 
similarities  between  a  tape  transcribing 
group  and  a  Braille  transcribing  group 
(cohe  siveness;  strong,  effective, 
continuous  leadership;  firm  financing; 
orderly  record  keeping)  there  are 
differences  too.  While  it  is  easy  to  get 
more  volunteer  tapists  than  a  group  can 
use  (not  competent,  hard  working  reliable 
ones,  of  course)  Braille  transcribing 
requires  the  completion  of  an  18  lesson 
course  ,  the  employment  of  one  or  more 
blind  certified  proofreaders^,  some  sort  of 
binding  facility,  and  a  dupUcator. 

While  I  beheve  that  tapists  should 
furnish  their  own  recording  equipment,  I 
believe  that  a  Braille  transcribing  group 
should  own  enough  Perkins  Braillers°  so 
that  anyone  who  is  willing  and  able  to 
complete  a  course  in  Braille  transcribing 
could  borrow  a  Brailler  if  he  is  unable  to 
provide  his  own.  Generally  speaking, 
anyone  who  will  expend  enough  effort  to 
become  a  certified  transcriber  will  be  an 
asset  to  a  group,  and  Braillists  are  so  hard 
to  come  by  that  no  one  should  be 
excluded  because  he  is  poor. 

Frequently,  when  a  Braille  group  is 
being  started,  the  nucleus  of  the  group  will 
be  one  or  more  certified  transcribers  who 
will  teach  others,  either  in  a  class,  or  by 
correspondence.  (Eitlier  way  is  fine,  but  it 
is  our  experience  that  while  a  number  of 

people  may  begin  as  an  organized  class, 
the  pace  of  learning  is  so  different  from 
individual  to  individual  that  after  the  first 
few  lessons,  each  student  will  need 
individualized  instruction.)  It  is  not, 
however,  in  any  sense  necessary  for  a 
group  which  is  going  to  begin  Braille 
transcribing,  to  know  anything  about 
Brailling--the  Library  of  Congress 
instruction  course  is  complete  in  itself.  Of 
course,  some  other  functioning 
transcribing  group  may  take  on  the 
instruction  and  sponsorship  of  new 

While  it  is  important  to  teach  each 
transcriber  to  do  precise,  careful  work,  it 
is  equaUy  important  to  instill  in  him  some 
of  the  commandments  of  transcribing  such 

Thou  shalt  transcribe  anything  thou 
art  requested  to  do. 

Thou  shalt  regard  the  words  of  the 
author  as  sacred  and  not  alter  them. 

Thou  shalt  meet  deadlines. 

Thou  slialt  volume  thy  books  neatly. 

Thou  shalt  prepare  title  pages. 

Thou  shalt  adhere  to  format  rules. 

Thou  shalt  proofread  every  page  and 
rebraille  all  that  contain  uncorrectable 

Learning  to  be  a  good  Braillist-being 
a  certified  Braiilist-is  hard  work  and  the 
person  taking  the  Braille  instruction 
course  should  be  given  encouragement  and 
assistance  as  he  goes  along.  Remember, 
each  person  who  falls  by  the  wayside  is  a 
book  or  a  shelf  of  books  unbrailled.  On 
the  other  hand,  temperament  in  a  person 
beyond     a     rather    limited    amount,    is 


incompatible  with  good  Brailling,  and  the 
prima  donna  who  cannot  bear  to  do  a 
lesson  over,  cannot  abide  proofing  her 
own  work,  or  telephones  the  instructor  in 
the  middle  of  the  night  to  complain  that 
his  red  pencil  on  her  lesson  has  been  too 
harsh,  should  perhaps  do  something  else 
rather  than  Braille. 

What  will  a  Braille  group  need  besides 
some  Perkins  Braillers  and  some  people 
able  to  do  Braille?  A  supply  of  paper- 1 1 
inches  x  11  1/2  inches  is  usually  used-100 
pound  weight,  cut  so  the  grain  is  the  1 1 
inch  way  ,  duplicating  plastic  for 
producing  more  copies  of  the  original 
transcription,  duphcating  machine  for  this 
production,  and  some  sort  of  binding 

The  same  sort  of  coordinator  for  the 
Braille  group  is  needed  as  for  the  taping 
group.  A  steadfast,  dependable,  hard 
working  coordinator  is  a  great  treasure.  As 
for  taping,  the  Braille  group  should  check 
with  the  American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind  to  see  whether  work  the  group 
contemplates  producing  is  already 
available,  and  it  should  secure  copyright 

It  is  generally  agreed  (and  I  certainly 
believe)  that  all  hand-Brailled  material 
should  be  proofread  by  a  certified 
proofreader.  How  to  make  contact  with 
one?  The  Library  of  Congress  pubhcation. 
Volunteers  who  produce  books,  will  tell 
you  of  proofreaders.  But  it  may  be  more 
desirable  to  have  some  bright,  affable, 
local  bhnd  person  who  needs  some  income 
and  has  considerable  time,  take  the 
Library  of  Congress  proofreading  course, 
get  an  "A"  certificate*  ,  and  do  as  much 
as  possible  for  the  group's  work.  A 
proofreader  with  a  good  personality  will 

develop  rapport  with  the  group  members 
and  will  help  each  of  them  do  first  quality 
Brailling.  (Some  groups  want  the 
proofreader  to  give  material  needing 
correction  to  the  transcriber  since  she  will 
be  less  hkely  to  make  the  errors  again  if 
she  corrects  them.  We  feel  this  involves 
too  much  time  and  handling  with  the  risk 
of  loss  and  we  want  our  proofreaders  to 
make  necessary  corrections.)  However  this 
is  done,  the  proofreader's  report  should  be 
the  model  of  kindly  diplomacy. 
Proofreaders  generally  are  paid  $.10  per 
page  which  adds  significantly  to  Brailling 
costs,  but  it  is  essential  that  books  be 
correctly  Brailled  and  no  transcriber  is 
good  enough  to  avoid  errors  altogether. 

A  Braille  group  has  secured  its 
equipment  and  supplies,  has  some  certified 
Braillists,  is  prepared  to  deal  with  the 
Central  Catalog,  and  with  copyright 
clearance-now  what?  What  books  will 
they  Braille  and  for  whom?  Who  will  pay 
the  costs?  In  most  cases,  the  need  for 
some  Braille  will  have  been  the  motivating 
factor  which  caused  the  formation  of  the 
group.  In  any  case,  as  soon  as  the  Braillists 
indicate  they  are  ready  for  business,  they 
will  be  sent  more  work  than  they  can 
manage.  Some  of  it  will  be  "crack-pot 
stuff  not  worth  the  paper  the  printed 
material  was  put  on,  and  surely  not  worth 
the  time  and  effort  to  Braille  it.  I  believe 
the  coordinator  should  make  the  decision 
on  what  should  be  Brailled. 

Perhaps  the  group  will  have  suitable 
financial  resources  to  pay  all  costs 
involved  in  Brailling  (I  hate  to  see 
members  have  to  put  down  their  Braillers 
in  order  to  organize  a  rummage  sale  to 
raise  paper,  proofreader,  or  binding  costs.) 
My  personal  behef  is  that  people  who  need 
the  Brailling  done  will  value  it  more  and 


will  tend  to  keep  "crack-pot"  requests 
down  more  if  they  pay  at  least  part  of  the 
costs.  It  is  well  to  have  some  non-Braillists 
in  the  Braille  transcribing  group  to  do  the 
"donkey"  work  such  as  duplication  and 

book    in   order  to   avoid   retyping  pages 

3.  Use  a  running  title  on  each  page 
centered  with  a  margin  of  1/2  inch  above 
it  except  on  page  1  where  the  top  margin 
should  be  1  1/4  to  1  1/2  inches. 

Large  Type  Typing 

My  belief  is  that  large  type 
transcribing  with  a  large  type  typewriter  is 
a  horse  and  buggy  method  of  getting 
results  when  enlarging  and  duplicating 
machines  can  accomplish  the  same 
purpose  much  more  quickly  and  without 
the  need  for  proofreading.  However,  we 
do  some  large  type  work,  especially  if  the 
original  format  was  unsatisfactory  or  if  the 
machine-enlarged  material  would  be  too 
great  in  size  for  easy  handhng.  We  are 
therefore  giving  our  large  type  format. 


The  following  outline  of  large-type  format 
and  techniques  should  replace  all  previous 
instructions.  We  are  introducing  a  few 
changes  which  are  the  result  of  experience 
and  which,  we  beUeve,  will  improve  the 
quality  of  the  work. 

1 .  Please  arrange  the  title  page  as  nearly 
like  the  print  title  page  as  possible,  but 
add  to  it  a  volume  number.  Prepare  a  title 
page  for  each  volume. 

2.  Arrange  the  completed  book  in 
volumes  of  100  to  120  pages.  Make 
volume  breaks  at  the  end  of  chapters  when 
possible.  Otherwise  break  at  some  logical 
point  such  as  a  chapter  subdivision  or  with 
a  paragraph  which  introduces  a  change  in 
setting,  change  in  tune,  etc  When  possible, 
plan    volume   divisions  as  you   type   the 

4.  Place  the  page  number  on  the  same 
Une  as  the  running  title  and  at  the  end  of 
the  right-hand  margin . 

5.  Number  pages  consecutively  unless 
the  book  is  designated  as  a  textbook.  For 
textbooks  follow  inkprint  numbering, 
using  letters  a,  b,  c  (65,  65a,  65b)  etc.,  for 
tlie  extra  pages. 

6.  For  textbooks  only,  begin  a  new 
inkprint  page  on  a  new  large-type  page 
except  where  the  print  page  ends  above 
the  center  of  a  large- type  page.  In  this 
case,  introduce  the  new  page  number  at 
the  end  of  a  line  of  hyphens  and  continue 
the  text  on  the  same  page. 

7.  Type  on  one  side  of  the  page  only. 

8.  Use  double  spacing  (or  1  1/2  spacing 
if  your  machine  is  equipped  for  it).  Leave 
a  margin  of  1  1/2  inches  on  the  left  for 
binding;  1/2  to  3/4  inch  on  the  right  is 
adequate.  Follow  inkprint  format  as 
closely  as  possible  for  footnotes  and 
bibhographies.  Footnotes  should  be  typed 
on  the  same  page  as  the  footnote  reference 
unless  the  reference  comes  too  close  to  the 
bottom  of  the  page  Separate  footnotes 
from  the  body  of  the  text  with  a  2-inch 
line  of  underscoring  which  begins  at  the 
left  margin, 

9.  Unless  you  receive  instructions  to 
the  contrary,  include  all  material  found  in 
the  print  copy. 


10.  Begin  each  new  chapter  on  a  new 
page.  Center  chapter  titles  and  start  the 
text  on  the  third  line  below  such  titles. 
Subdivisions  of  chapters  may  be  placed  at 
the  margin  with  important  words 
capitahzed  and  the  subdivision  title 
underscored.  Underscore  all  words  which 
appear  in  print  in  italics. 

1  1 .  Handle  graphs  and  illustrations 
according  to  your  resources.  If  you  are  an 
artist  or  have  the  services  of  an  artist 
available,  reproduce  as  much  as  possible. 
Simple  graphs  and  diagrams  should  be 
reproduced  in  enlarged  form  in  most 
instances.  Use  black  ink  for  such 
reproductions  and  for  any  labeling  which 
goes  with  them.  Pictures  and  other 
illustrations  which  cannot  be  reproduced 
should  be  described  if  they  make  a 
significant  contribution  to  understanding 
the  text.  Many  times  the  text  itself 
contains  an  adequate  description. 

12.  Limit  the  hyphenation  of  words. 
Avoid  hyphenating  unless  enough  of  the 
word  can  be  included  on  the  Hne  so  that 
with  the  other  context  the  reader  will  be 
reasonably  sure  what  it  is.  For  example: 
furni-ture  rather  than  fur-niture.  When 
words  are  divided,  be  sure  that  a  break  is 
made  only  at  correct  syllable  divisions. 
Consult  a  dictionary! 

13.  Keep  tlie  type  keys  clean  to  avoid 
"fuzzy"  characters. 

14.  Change  ribbons  as  often  as  necessary 
to  maintain  a  uniform  degree  of 
"blackness".  Large  type  is  produced  for 
the  visually  handicapped.  They  cannot 
read  it  if  it  is  only  grey. 

15.  To  make  corrections  use  an  eraser 
which  is  not  extremely  abrasive,  or  retype 

the  page.  Always  retype  if  the  correction 
requires  extensive  erasing.  Correction 
paper  does  not  make  a  good  correction 
with  bold-face  type,  and  the  coating  will 
eventually  wear  off  and  leave  a  "double 
image"  for  the  reader.  The  Eberhard-Faber 
Singlex  eraser,  No.  12  or  No.  1007  will 
make  a  nice  erasure.  Never  make  a 
correction  by  striking  over  the  error.  That 
practice  only  compounds  the  error. 

16.  Proofreading  is  always  a  part  of 
typing.  Proofreading  each  page  as  it  is 
finished  is  highly  recommended.  If  a  hne 
or  two  should  be  skipped,  it  can  then  be 
caught  at  once;  otherwise  it  might  be 
necessary  to  retype  a  number  of  pages  to 
make  the  correction. 

As  I  mentioned  earlier,  prisons 
present  great  potential  for  transcribing. 
After  all  they  represent-usually-a  fairly 
high,  fairly  stable,  and  in  some  cases,  fairly 
unoccupied  population.  What  is  the  dross 
then?  The  general  intellectual  level  of  a 
prison  tends  to  be  lower  than  for  the  same 
number  of  people  outside-after  all,  if 
these  people  had  been  successful  in 
whatever  activity  brought  about  their 
incarceration,  they  probably  would  be  out 
practicing  this  activity.  There  is,  therefore, 
great  competition  among  the  "civilians," 
the  employees  of  the  prisons,  for  the 
brighter  and  more  skilled  inmates.  In 
addition,  sentences  tend  to  be  shorter  and 
more  bench  paroles  are  given  white-collar 
criminals— the  ones  who  might  be 
"natural"  transcribers.  Then  too,  many 
persons  who  work  programs  with 
pay~money~cash-and  since  the  people 
usually  have  to  pay  for  such  items  as 
razors  and  blades,  cigarettes,  candy,  etc.,  it 
is  hard  for  a  "free"  or  low-paid  activity 
such  as  transcribing  to  compete  with 
maybe  shoe  repair  or  furniture  production 


which  may  pay  $  60  per  day.  (We  pay  our 
inmates  at  the  rate  of  S.35  per  day.)  Still, 
with  all  this,  a  prison  is  a  good  place  to 
have  a  transcription  group,  and  some  of 
the  finest  transcribing  work  anywhere  in 
nation  is  done  by  by  these  people. 

The  first  essential  with  the  prison 
program  is  that  tlie  prison  officials  and 
particularly  the  civiHans  who  will  be 
directly  responsible,  ai^e  altogether  sold  on 
it.  If  they  don't  want  it  or  give  it 
lukewarm  support,  it  can't  thrive.  There 
must  be  constant  and  sustained  instruction 
of  the  inmates  who  will  fonn  the  core  of 
the  program  and  will  teach  other  inmates. 

There  must  be  provision  of  adequate 
equipment,  but  watch  out  for  its 
condition!  There  seems  to  be  a 
relationship  between  being  behind  bars 
and  wanting  to  take  things  apart.  While  all 
transcribing  groups  need  constant 
attentive  nurture,  this  need  is  accentuated 
with  a  prison  group  I  beheve. 

Well,  this  is  my  prescription  for  the 
formation,  growth,  and  survival  of 
transcription  groups.  I  would  be  glad  to 
learn  of  any  experiences  of  my  readers 
and,  of  course,  glad  to  be  of  any  further 
help  to  anyone  who  might  desire  it. 


1.  Anyone  who  is  interested  in  receiving 
the  listing  of  cassette  machines  we 
have  for  sale  to  blind  people  at  the 
Iowa  Commission  for  the  Blind  may 
write  for  this  hsting  This  Usting  does 
not  constitute  an  endorsement  of  any 
of  their  machines. 

and  EngUsh  Braille.  American  edition 
1959  (revised  1962,  1966,  1968)  may 
be  obtained  from  Mrs.  Maxine  Dorf, 
Senior  Braille  Speciahst,  Library  of 
Congress  (see  footnote  4  for  address) 
and  this  Braille  instruction  course  may 
also  be  taken  from  Mrs.  Dorf. 

2.  If  you  wish  brands  of  some  open  reel 
tape  duphcators,  I  will  be  glad  to  send 
them.  However,  again,  this  does  not 
constitute  an  endorsement  of  any  of 

Proofreaders  are  certified  after  taking 
the  proofreading  course.  The 
following  is  the  information  the 
Library  of  Congress  provides  to 
people  inquiring  about  the  course. 

3.  We  will  be  glad  to  send  copies  of  any 
of  our  forms  to  anyone  desiring  them. 

4.  The  address  for  the  Library  of 
Congress  is:  Division  for  the  Blind  and 
Physically  Handicapped,  the  Library 
of  Congress,  Washington,  D.  C.  20542. 

The  course  in  Braille  proofreading  is 
offered  only  to  blind  persons  who  can 
meet  the  following  essential 

1.     They     must 

be     iiigh     school 

5.  Instruction     manual     for     Braille 
transcribing  with  its  drill  supplement. 

2.     They    must    have    a    fairly    wide 
reading  experience. 


3.  They  must  be  able  to  read  and 
write  Braille  with  a  fair  degree  of 

4.  They  must  be  willing  to  devote  a 
considerable  amount  of  time  to 
proofreading  at  home. 

5.  They  must  be  proficient  typists 
and  have  ready  access  to  a 

The  course  is  conducted  entirely  in 
Braille.  Textbooks  with  specific 
instructions  are  furnished  by  the 
Library  of  Congress. 

After  reading  the  information 
contained  in  this  letter,  the  appHcant 
who  is  interested  in  qualifying  as  a 
proofreader  should  request  tlie  Braille 
edition  of  the  Instruction  manual  for 
Braille  transcribing.  This  is  the  Manual 
from  which  transcribers  are  trained  by 
the  Library  of  Congress.  The  study  of 
this,  instruction  book  will  afford  the 
opportunity  to  learn  or  review  English 
Braille  as  authorized  by  the  official 
code.  Students  are  required  to  make  a 
thorough  study  of  this  textbook; 
however,  they  will  not  be  expected  to 
prepare  each  exercise  for  examination 
by  the  instructor. 

After  a  study  of  the  first  three  lessons, 
the  exercise  of  Lesson  Three  should 
be  prepared  and  submitted  to  the 
Division  for  the  Blind  of  the  Library 
of  Congress.  It  is  essential  that  the  full 
name  and  address  of  the  student 
should  appear  in  Braille  at  the 
conclusion  of  every  assignment 
throughout  the  course.  Other 
assignments  from  this  book  will  be 
made,  depending  upon  the  progress  of 

the  student.  Upon  completion  of  the 
assignments  from  the  Instruction 
Manual,  the  student  will  receive  a 
copy  of  the  Manual  of  Braille 
proofreading.  The  lessons  in  this  book 
are  designed  to  provide  the  experience 
needed  for  the  detection  and 
correction  of  errors,  for  the 
preparation  of  constructive 
typewritten  reports  to  transcribers, 
and  other  details  necessary  to 
completion  of  a  well-rounded  course 
in  Braille  proofreading. 

Upon  the  successful  completion  of  the 
entire  course,  a  certificate  of 
proficiency  in  Braille  proofreading 
will  be  awarded  by  the  Librarian  of 

The  certified  proofreader  receives 
compensation  at  the  rate  of  seven 
cents  per  page  of  hand-copied  Braille. 

It  should  be  noted  that  the  Library  of 
Congress  cannot  guarantee  full-time 
employment  to  certified  proofreaders. 
Manuscripts  are  available  from  time  to 
time,  but  there  is  no  assurance  that 
they  can  be  provided  at  regular 
intervals.  For  this  reason  qualified 
proofreaders  who  hve  in  localities 
where  there  are  groups  active  in 
Braille  transcribing  are  encouraged  to 
seek  employment  with  such 
organizations.  The  Library  of 
Congress  will  furnish  names  and 
addresses  upon  request. 

As  equipment  for  the  course,  it  will  be 
necessary  for  the  student  to  secure  the 
following  items: 

l.A  large  desk  slate,  preferably  the 
37-celI  model,  obtainable  from  the 


American  Printing  House  for  the 
Blind,  1839  Frankfort  Avenue, 
Louisville,  Kentucky  40206.  (For 
student  work  proofreaders  often 
find  it  advantageous  to  own  the 
40-cell  slate  which  may  be 
purchased  from  Howe  Press, 
Watertown,  Massachusetts  02172. 
In  transcribing  textbooks  to  be 
bound  in  spiral  binding  a  40-cell 
line  is  frequently  used,  making  it 
necessary  for  the  proofreader,  who 
must  occasionally  recopy  pages,  to 
reproduce  accordingly.) 

2.  Braille  paper,  size  eleven  by  eleven 
and  one-half  inches,  also 
obtainable  from  the  American 
Printing  House  for  the  Blind. 

3.  Access  to  a  rehable  dictionary, 
preferably  a  Merriam-Webster. 

Good  Braille  proofreaders  are  few  in 
number  when  compared  with  the  many 
hundreds  of  certified  transcribers 
throughout  the  country.  In  addition  to 
books  for  hbrary  circulation,  the 
ever-increasing  demand  on  local 
organizations  for  the  transcription  of 
textbooks  has  created  a  need  for  more 
quahfied  proofreaders  than  are  available 
at  the  present  time 

We  appreciate  your  interest  in  the 
prospect  of  becoming  a  certified 
proofreader,  and  trust  that  we  may 
welcome  you  as  one  of  our  students. 

7.  Spiral  binding  using  equipment  such 
as  tliat  manufactured  by  General 
Binding  Corporation,  Northbrook, 
Ilhnois  60062,  is  frequently  used  by 
transcribing  groups  and  has  the 
advantage  that  the  material  can  easily 

be  taken  apart  for  duphcation. 
Library  binding  such  as  we  use  (ours  is 
produced  at  the  bindery  of  the  Iowa 
State  Penitentiary)  is  very  durable  but 
is  expensive  and  cannot  be  taken  apart 
for  duplication  I  do  not  recommend 
loose-leaf  notebook  binders-it  is  too 
easy  to  lose  parts  of  the  books.  Once  a 
book  is  hand-Brailled,  copies  can  be 
made  on  plastic,  using  a  thermoform 
machine  obtainable  from  American 
Thermoform  Corporation,  1732  West 
Slauson  Avenue,  Los  Angeles, 
California  90047.  However,  since  each 
Braille  page  has  to  be  duphcated 
individually,  it  is  a  time  consuming 

8.  Perkins  Braillers  are  manufactured  by 
Howe  Press  of  Perkins  School  for  the 
Blind,  Watertown,  Massachusetts 
02172,  and  (1970)  sell  for  $116.10 
with  the  carrying  case  and  $100.40 
without  the  carrying  case.  The  word  is 
that  there  soon  will  be  an  electric 
model  available. 

9.  The  Iowa  Commission  for  the  Blind 
will  undertake  to  teach  Brailling  only 
to  people  who  will  transcribe  some 
books  for  the  Commission's  program. 

10.  Braille  paper  may  be  purchased  from 
Howe  Press  and  the  American  Printing 
House  for  the  Blind,  but  freight  costs 
will  be  saved  if  the  Braille  group  can 
obtain  it  from  a  local  paper  company. 
We  buy  from  Midwestern  Paper 
Company,  1801  East  Hull,  PO.  Box 
6676,  Des  Moines,  Iowa  50303. 

1 1 .  A  proofreader  with  an  "A"  certificate 
from  the  Library  of  Congress  can 
correct  errors.  One  with  a  "B" 
certificate  must  have  someone  else 
correct  errors. 



The  Minnesota  Bulletin,  publication 
of  the  Minnesota  Organization  of  the 
Blind,  has  devoted  a  large  portion  of  its 
current  issue  with  the  marking  of  the  50th 
anniversary  of  the  organization.  The  MOB 
began  in  1920  when  there  was  an  acute 
need  for  action  for  social  and  economic 
changes  for  the  blind  It  has  accomplished 
much  in  the  past  fifty  years-it  has  grown 
in  scope  of  services,  has  obtained  much 
public  support,  and  has  increased  greatly 
in  membership.  In  Duluth,  it  has  the 
Arrowhead  Chapter  which  is  open  to  the 
bUnd  of  six  northern  Minnesota  counties. 
The  organization  provided  the  first  group 
housing  at  a  reasonable  cost  for  blind 
persons.  Its  legislative  accomplishments 
over  the  years  have  been 
imposing-improvements  in  Aid  to  the 
Blind,  the  Model  White  Cane  Law,  and  tax 
relief  measures,  to  mention  only  a  few. 
The  Braille  Monitor  salutes  the  Minnesota 
Organization  of  the  Blind  on  its  fiftieth 
anniversary  and  commends  it  for  all  it  has 
done  for  the  welfare  of  the  bUnd  men  and 
women  of  Minnesota. 



A  cane  equipped  with  laser  beams  is 
being  tested  at  Western  Michigan 
University.  It  lets  the  user  know  if  there  is 
a  step  12  feet  ahead  or  he  is  about  to  walk 
into  a  low-hanging  branch  or  is  on  a 
collision  course  with  another  pedestrian. 
The  experiments  began  about  six  months 
ago  and  are  being  financed  by  the 
Veterans  Administration.  The  cane  uses 
three  laser  beams,  bouncing  light  off 
obstacles.  One  adjustable  beam  is  trained 
up  to  12  feet  ahead  of  the  user  and  a 
low-pitched  beep  tells  the  cane  user  if 
there  is  a  low-lying  obstacle  or  drop-off 
ahead.  A  second  beam  tickles  his  right 
index  finger  if  he  is  approaching  a  large 
object  or  if  someone  crosses  his  path.  If  he 
approaches  something  at  head  level,  such 
as  a  low-hanging  branch,  he  is  warned  by  a 
liigh-pitched  beep.  Those  conducting  the 
experiments  point  out  that  they  don't 
want  tto  raise  the  hopes  of  blind  persons 
since  they  don't  know  how  helpful  the 
cane  may  prove  to  be. 

The  March,  1970  issue  of  the 
Monitor  reprinted  a  story  from  a  North 
Dakota  newspaper  in  which  it  was  stated 
that  blind  students  were  denied  admission 
to  the  School  of  Education  of  the 
University  of  North  Dakota.  We  have  been 
advised  by  Miss  Del  Sulsky  of  Williston, 
North  Dakota  that  she  herself  had 
graduated  from  the  School  of  Education 
some  ten  years  ago  and  there  have  been 
about  seven  others  who  have  completed 
the    course.    We    are    glad    to    have    this 

The  Vidivision  for  the  Blind  and 
Physically  Handicapped  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  announces  the  titles  of  two 
cassette  books  done  by  speech 
compression  methods-The  Fiction  of 
Experience  by  Lesser  and  Morris  and 
Patterns  of  Culture  by  Ruth  Benedict. 
Incidentally,  the  DBPH  News,  issued 
bi-monthly,  contains  a  lot  of  interesting 
material  for  the  Braille  and  talking  book 



Isabelle  moves!  Fleeing  from  the 
smog  of  Los  Angeles,  Dr.  Isabelle  L.  D 
Grant  has  ahghted  in  the  capital  city  of 
California,  Sacramento.  Midst  myriads  of 
cartons,  Isabelle  reports  her  new  address  as 
1314  V  Street,  Sacramento.  California 
95818.  She  reports  that  her  overseas 
correspondence   still  continues  unabated. 

The  nation  has  an  immediate  need 
for  1,829  new  rehabilitation  facilities, 
including  584  sheltered  workshops, 
according  to  a  monograph  just  pubhshed 
by  tlie  U.  S.  Rehabilitation  Services 
Administration.  The  publication  was  based 
on  a  1968  survey. 

Robert  R.  Luman  of  San  Francisco, 
who  was  blinded  in  an  accidental 
explosion  on  a  construction  project, 
recently  won  a  $750,000  out-of-court 
settlement.  This  award  is  one  of  the  largest 
in  a  personal  injury  case. 

Science  for  the  Blind  is  offering  a 
special  introductory  reel  containing 
recorded  excerpts  from  all  of  the 
periodicals  currently  being  circulated.  The 
introductory  reel  is  recorded  on  new 
one-mil  mylar  tape  on  a  seven-inch  reel. 
To  obtain  a  sample  reel,  send  your  name 
and  address  and  one  dollar  to  Science  for 
the  Blind,  221  Rock  Hill  Road, 
Bala-Cynwfyd,  Pennsylvania  19004. 

The  District  of  Columbia  Department 
of  Vocational  Rehabilitation  has  recently 
established  a  trainmg  and  evaluation 
center.  The  major  objective  of  the  center 
is  to  provide,  in  the  most  expeditious 
manner,  essential  vocational  rehabilitation 
services  and  to  offer  those  services  at  an 
accessible  site  Services  at  the  center 
include  orientation,  rehabilitation 
counseUing  and  guidance,  psychological 
testing,  p  re-vocational  and  vocational 
evaluation,  personal  and  work  adjustment, 
skill  training,  and  specialized  placement. 
The  center  is  located  in  the  heart  of  the 
Model  Cities  area  of  the  District. 


Doctors  have  recently  been  warned 
not  to  substitute  artificial  lenses  inside  the 
eye  in  cataract  operations.  A  rash  of  about 
300  such  operations  have  been  performed 
in  the  New  York  area  during  the  past  three 
months.  Most  of  the  lens  insertion 
operations  have  turned  out  unsuccessful 
and  many  have  caused  permanent  damage 
to  the  eyes,  including  bhndness,  says  Dr. 
Richard  G  Troutman  of  the  State 
University  of  New  York  Downstate 
Medical  Center 

Two  eminent  American  women, 
Helen  Keller  and  Jane  Addams,  were 
recently  honored  at  Washington  Cathedral. 
Their  likenesses  are  carved  on  corbel 
stones  in  the  National  Cathedral 
Association  bay  on  the  south  side  of  the 
cathedral.  Katharine  Cornell,  famed 
American  actress,  has  written  a  special 
tribute  to  Miss  Keller.  She  stated:  "For 
the  deaf-bhnd  there  was  never  a  real  world 
before  Helen  Keller.  For  those  who  could 
see  and  hear,  Helen  Keller  created  a  new 


world.  Helen  Keller  created  sight  and 
sound  and  understanding  among  people  all 
over  the  world  who  reached  out  for  the 
touch  of  her  sightless,  soundless 
humanity  " 


The  President's  Commission  on 
Income  Maintenance  Programs,  originally 
appointed  by  President  Johnson,  has 
unanimously  recommended  a  $2,400 
minimum  income  for  a  family  of  four  The 
Commission  argued  that  income  from 
work  was  out  of  the  reach  of  most  poor 
people  and  that  major  emphasis  should 
not  be  given  to  encouragmg  employment 
among  those  with  only  the  most  hmited 
vocational  potential.  The  Commission  did, 
however,  encourage  the  payment  of  funds 
to  those  among  the  "working  poor",  the 
nearly  two  million  families  whose  heads 
work  at  poverty  level  wages.  The  present 
Nixon  administration  proposals  are  aimed 
at  reform  of  pubhc  welfare,  primarily  that 
portion  of  the  program  that  provides  Aid 
to  Families  with  Dependent  Children.  In 
contrast,  the  Commission's  proposal 
would  drastically  do  away  with  welfare, 
substituting  instead  direct  cash  payments 
to  all  poor  people-single,  aged,  blind, 
disabled.  Food  stamp  programs  would  be 
eliminated  and  day  care  centers  for 
working  mothers  would  not  be  a  part  of 
the  program.  To  provide  work  incentives 
for  those  able  to  work,  the  Commission 
proposes  that  they  be  entitled  to  retain  50 
percent  of  their  earnings  to  $4,800,  $890 
more  than  the  administration's  proposed 
maximum.  In  a  supporting  statement  to 
the  Commission's  report,  three  members 
noted  that  the  minimum  income  level 
should  have  been  $3,600,  roughly  the 
poverty  level  as  defined  by  the  federal 


During  the  final  two  months  of  1969, 
Computer  Systems  Institute  mailed  a  brief 
questionnaire  to  those  employers  of  blind 
and  visually  handicapped  graduates  in 
Computer  Programming.  The  results  were 
both  gratifying  and  informative.  Some 
24.2%  of  the  employers  rated  their  blind 
computer  programmers  job  performance 
as  excellent,  57.6%  as  good,  15.2%  as  fair, 
and  only  3%  as  poor.  The  blind  employees 
were  also  rated  highly  on  such  quahties  as 
motivation,  intelligence,  appearance, 
attendance,  punctuahty,  cooperation, 
attitude,  quality  of  work,  quantity  of 
work,  compatibility  with  employees, 
compatibihty  with  supervisors.  The 
average  salary  of  these  workers  was  $7,366 
a  year. 

Mr.  Ray  McGeorge,  President  of  the 
Denver  Area  Association  of  the  Blind,  an 
affiliate  of  the  Colorado  Federation  of  the 
Blind,  has  sent  a  small  pamphlet  describing 
the  new  Center  for  the  Activities  of  the 
Blind,  housed  in  a  building  which  the 
Association  recently  purchased.  The 
purchase  was  made  with  the  intention  of 
having  facilities  for  the  varied  activities  of 
the  Denver  Area  Association  and  with  the 
desire  to  provide  a  facility  for  the  use  of 
other  organizations  involved  with  work  for 
the  blind.  In  a  brief  period  of  time  they 
have  been  able  to  work  out  programs 
providing  facilities  for  "The  Parents  of 
Blind  Children",  and  "The  Braille  Teens", 
"Friends  of  the  Library  for  the  Blind", 
and  "The  State  Library",  providing 
storage  for  seldom  used  Braille  books,  and 
with  the  parent  organization,  the  Colorado 
Federation  of  the  Blind.  The  building  is  a 
2^/2    story    structure    with   approximately 


12,000  square  feet  of  floor  space, 
occupying  2  lots.  The  total  cost  of  the 
property  was  $55,000,  with  the  Denver 
Area  Association  of  the  Blind  assuming  a 
$25,000  mortgage.  The  organization  is 
handling  the  finances  of  its  varied  projects 
plus  the  expenses  of  the  building  with  a 

portion  derived  from  the  rental  of  office 
space  to  groups  not  involved  with  work 
for  the  blind,  plus  financial  support  from 
individual  contributions.  Congratulations 
to  you,  Ray,  and  the  members  of  your 
group,  for  real  movement. 

