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Full text of "The Brazil of to-day; a book of commercial, political and geographical information on Brazil; impressions of voyage, descriptive and picturesque data about the principal cities, prominent men and leading events of our days, with illustrations and statistics"

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The  Brazil  of  To-day 


FOK    SAI.IO    AT     IjAI']MMP"RT     &     Co's,    HOOKSTOKK 

Kio-dk-.Taneiko,    Brazil 

0  Dr.  Rodrigues  Lima  e  sua  administracao  <  l^r()|i:igan(l;i  ropublicnna). 

—  lialiin.  T\|Mi-iaiiliia  Wilkc  I'icanl   ^   (1.    1890.—    1   volume 
nun  I'.).')  jiaginas. 

0  Problema  Naval.  —  lliu  dc  .laiicii'".  Ty|inf;ia|iliia  da  Eslalislica.  1885) 

—  1  vuliinic  (le  ^Tl-xxv  (lafiiiias.   ('.(Hii  inn  [H'cfacio  dc  Sonador 
Fliiy  Barbosa. 

Do  Rio  a  Buenos  Aires,  i  lliiisddios  c  iniiii-cssfio  dc  unia  viai-cni  ao 
I'rala).  —  Kin  dt'  Janeiro.  I'.IOI.  Iinprcnsa  Nacional.  —  I  i^rosso 
vohimc  oniado  com  cerca  dc  ^200  csplcndida.s  giavuras. 

Algumas  Paginas.  Oucslucs  sohrc  dcfcsa  |iulilicM,  |iolcniica ,  etc.  — 
Italiia.  IS)(l(l.  'ly|i.  do  Correio  dc  —  I  volnnic,  cm 
o|itiin()  |ia|icl,  com  -I'H)  paginas. 

Ills    I ACI  I  I  |.^(•.^    |)r   AI'loNsd    I'l  \\\ 

CHI  ^Mil  M    III     III!     IIIIA/II.IAN    IIII'MII  IC 

Arthur   DIAS 



A  hook  of  Commercial,  Political  and  Geograpliical  Information 
on  Brazil 

Impressions  of  Voyage,  Descriptive  and  Picturesque  data  about  the  Principal  Cities 

Prominent  men  and  Leading  Events  of  our  Days 

with  Illustrations  and  Statistics 

L  A  X  X  E  A  U     &     D  E  S  P  R  E  T 


X  I  V  E  L  L  E  S       (B  E  L  G  I  U  >r) 



JPO'       i 

^     ^, 


^iMT      EARTH 
U*»*     SCIENCES 
LIBRA,,  f 



I.  —  Introduction.  —  Politics.  —  Administration. 
Federal  Services. 

II.  —  Sciences.  —  Fine  Arts.  —  Litterature.  —  Progress. 


The  Brazil  of  To-day 

This  great  country,  already  one  of  the  largest  in  the  world  when 
it  made  its  appearance  as  an  independent  nation  at  the  beginning  of 
the  last  centnrj^  has  since  added  to  its  map  several  regions,  both  at 
the  North  and  South,  not  by  means  of  military  conquests,  butthrough 
the  decisions  of  international  judges.  At  the  beginning  of  this  cen- 
tury there  were  only  four  flags  unfurling  their  colors  over  communi- 
ties larger  than  the  Brazilian  Republic  and  they  were  :  England, 
which  is  the  largest  empire  of  the  world,  with  its  colonies  and  pos- 
sessions all  over ;  Russia,  with  its  Asiatic  annexations ;  the  immense 
China  which  we  may  compare  with  a  well,  as  it  seems  to  grow  at 
the  proportion  other  nations  take  away  from  it  some  territory:  and 
the  United  States  with  its  four  million  of  square  miles  much  enlarg- 
ed by  the  victories  won  in  the  war  against  Spain.  Of  all  these  great 
countries ,  however,  none  has  territorial  homogeneity,  and  what  is 
still    more   important ,    none  has  the  homogeneity    of    its   race  as 

Brazil  has. 

That  enormous  English  empire  is  by  itself  a  map  of  peoples  with- 
out anj^  other  ties  but  its  powerful  instruments  of  administration, 
so  that,  what  we  admire  it  for,  is  not  its  tendency  towards  desaggre- 
gation nearly  exposing  itself  b}'  the  independence  of  the  Australian 
federation,  but  for  its  aggremiation,  as  it  exists  to-day,  conglome- 
rating artificially  ethnic  disj)Ositions,  habits  and  customs,  languages 
and  social  inclinations  of  impossible  assimilation. 

The  massive  Russia  is  an  aggravation  of  the  English  heteroge- 
neity we  referred  to  :  is  like  the  English  empire  but  more  crowded 
with  antagonistic  races  —  the  Slavonic,  Polish,  Laplanders,  Finlan- 
ders,  Estonians,  Armenians,  Siberians,  Parminiens  and  Georgians, 
Tartars  and  Tchoudians,  in  short,  «  iine  monstriieuse  et  disconhinte 
agglomeration  de  penples,  «  as  a  certain  geographer  put  it. 

— .  8  — 

About  China,  empire  of  Tartars  and  Mongolians,  it  is  enough  to 
say  that  only  half  of  its  enormous  population  is  really  Chinese. 

The  United  States,  as  a  nationality,  is  the  least  heterogeneous 
of  the  four.  It  encloses  within  its  boundary  lines  English  Conti- 
nental States,  French  States,  Mexican  States,  without  speaking  of 
the  Spanish-Philippine  ones  added  after  the  last  war. 

In  a  word  :  Brazil  is  the  only  one  of  the  gigantic  countries  in- 
habited by  a  single  mition.  The  Brazilians  to  counter  balance  the 
many  incriminations  justified  by  their  inherited  faults,  owe  to  Por- 
tugal the  inestimable  benefit  of  the  unity  of  the  race ,  unity  main- 
tained and  strengthened  through  the  evolution  of  the  nationality, 
mainly  by  means  of  these  two  factors  :  language  and  religion. 

The  religion  adopted  by  the  population  of  the  country  generally, 
without  either  fanaticism  or  intolerance,  but  rather  with  the  legal 
consecration  of  the  freedom  of  creeds,  is  one  and  the  same  in  all  the 
twenty  States  of  the  Republic.  The  small  number  of  non-Roman-Ca- 
tholic churches,  is  not  sufficient  to  alter  faith  in  general.  It  is  just 
like  the  case  of  that  law  of  the  impenetrability,  in  phj'sics  :  there 
is  no  room. 

The  language  is,  in  our  opinion,  still  a  more  valuable  factor  of  the 
national  cohesion.  Any  one  travelling  in  Brazil,  as  I  have  done,  from 
North  to  South,  and  from  the  cosmopolitan  cities  of  the  sea  shore, 
with  a  high  degree  of  European  culture,  to  the  most  obscure  villages 
of  the  interior,  will  not  hear  anything  else  but  the  same  latin  voice, 
harmonious  and  tuneful,  expressing  the  same  feelings,  their  folk  lore 
and  traditions,  the  same  thoughts,  the  same  philosophy,  the  same 
ideals,  in  short,  l)y  the  productions  of  their  poets,  their  journalists, 
their  orators,  any  one  will  understand  most  plainly  the  truth  of  that 
DoImk^'s  jiidgnii'nt  saying  :  «  the  luni>'uuge  is  the  only  charucte- 
ristic  of  :i  nulion  which  cannot  be  iululterntcil.  » 

'I'his  docs  not  mean  that  the  language  si)oken  to-day  in  the  vast 
territory  of  Brazil  is  strictly  the  language  of  Portugal  and  its  philo- 
logqrH.  —  To  say  that  would  be  not  to  understand,  in  its  quantity 
and  in  its  variety,  the  contingent  with  which  the  messoneist  action 
and  the  collaboration  of  tln^  aboiigiual  dialects  intervene  as  irresis- 
tible modifiers  and  regulators,  in  the  transfiguration  of  the  prosody, 
of  the  syntax  and  f\«'n  of  llic  Icxii'ology,  of  (lie  voi-abnlary,  in  the 
diffcri'ucc  of  the  speaking  of  tlu>  two  ix'oples,  'i'lic  mother  tongue 
was  providentially  sow  M  in  evei-y  cornel-  of  the  Brazilian  territory 
and  iIh  re  was  preserved  tlnoiigh  all  the  aiteinatives  of  the  history 
of  Brazil,  in  spite  of  the  piesenee  of  the  diverse  elements  that  ap- 
peared in  the  foundation  of  several  cities,  by  Spaniards,  Frenchmen, 

—  i)  — 

Dutchmen  ,  Germans  and  Italians,  either  in  the  cok)nial  period,  or 
even  after  the  political  independence  of  Brazil. 

This  double  tie  arranged  in  such  a  way  the  unity  and  the  iden- 
tity of  the  Brazilian  people,  that,  political  superveniences  which  were 
great  modifiers  as  the  one  that  in  1822,  by  the  monarchy,  changed 
the  a  Capitanias  w,  into  (c  prouincias  »,  and  the  one  that  in  1889, 
by  the  republic,  changed  the  «  provincias  »  into  federated  states  do 
not  succeed  in  shaking  in  tlie  least  the  joints  of  the  body  of  rela- 
tions and  interdependences,  which  transform  the  political-social  life 
of  each  of  the  States  into  the  life  of  only  one  national  organism 
perfectly  indivisible.  The  phenomenon,  ^^  Inch  is  observed,  by  all 
foreigners  who  visit  Brazil,  with  astonishment,  has  caused  no  little 
amount  of  envy  on  the  part  of  the  neighbors  of  Brazil. 

With  such  proportions,  occupying  an  area  of  over  one  half  of  the 
continent,  Brazil  presents  itself  as  a  true  collossus,  if  not  comparing 
it  with  the  territory  of  European  countries  ,  at  least  comparing  it 
with  the  nations  of  the  same  continent. 

The  most  curious  conjunction,  j^et,  and  the  one  presenting  itself 
as  casual  in  its  most  surprising  consequences  of  the  evolutional 
syncretism  of  the  race,  is  that,  to  that  physionomic-social  unity 
corresponds,  at  the  bottom,  a  most  varied  ethnic  amalgam,  a  human 
compound,  notably  mixed,  in  which  there  interfered  with  uneven 
coefficients  the  European  latin-born,  the  Neerland  European,  the 
African,  the  Autochtone ,  already  mixed  by  the  fusion  of  diverse 
tribes  and  nations. 

The  intermingling  of  these  elements,  for  a  long  time  elaborated, 
gave  in  result  the  alloyage  of  to-daj^  in  which  took  part  also  the 
Polish,  Teutonic  and  Latin  of  the  peninsula,  giving  to  the  Brazilian 
population  of  our  days  the  character  of  a  race  of  transition ,  in  a 
continuous  process  of  purifying  itself  by  the  predominance  of  the 
white  types. 

That  community  received,  with  the  phj^sionomic  characteristic 
of  its  ancestors,  its  psychic  inheritance  equally  mixed  in  the  fusion 
of  a  sole  type  which  is  none  of  them  being  at  the  same  time  all  of 
them  :  the  blind  and  solid  virility  of  the  Luso-Iberic,  the  imagi- 
nation and  enduring  resistence  of  the  indigenes,  with  the  sentimen- 
tality of  the  African  and  his  affective  capacity, 

Theophilo  Braza,  a  Portuguese  writer  of  renown ,  wrote  the  fol- 
lowing paragraph  in  the  introduction  of  a  book  Contos  Popiila- 
res  by  Sylvio  Romero,  a  Brazilian  litterary  man,  considered  the 
best  litterary  critic  of  the  country  : 

((  The  co-operation  of  the  three  human  races,  the  arica  by  its 

—  10  — 

spcciihitivc  capacity,  tlic  negro  one  by  its  affective  superiority  and 
the  inditrene  by  its  active  tendencies,  unified  in  the  social  fact  of 
the  lii-a/ilian  nationality  makes  us  to  au<jur  what  will  be  the  extra- 
ordinary greatness  of  the  South  American  civilisation  in  which 
Hra/.il  will  predominate  »;  and  that  greatness  we  can  already  feel  ii 
in  the  figures  with  which  the  Brazilian  nation  increases  its  nume- 
rical total  so  rapidly. 

In  ITTf)  the  number  of  inhabitants  was  estimated  at  1.900.000, 
but  at  the  time  of  the  independence  of  the  country  it  was  already 
:j. 000. 00(1;  in  18.")()  there  were  8.000.000  in  round  figures,  though  it 
had  separated  itself  from  that  colossus  called  (Jisplulinu  Province, 
as  it  was  the  only  strange  part  of  it  under  the  view  point  of  race  and 
language,  history  and  customs;  in  a  short  while,  after  the  Para- 
guayan war  it  was  11.000.000,  and  the  census  of  1890  showed  offi- 
cially 14.;333.91.5  though  did  not  comprize  quite  a  number  of  cities 
and  villages  of  the  interior. 

To-day  the  pojjulation  is  estimated  at  "20.000. 000,  of  which  more 
than  half  are  whites;  the  other  half  is  subdivided  into  a  mixed  breed 
\\  iili  an  indefinite  number  of  degrees  of  crossing  by  descendants  of 
Africans,  in  smaller  number,  and  by  some  Indian  tribes. 

New  arrivals  of  Europeans,  principally  latin  ones,  (Italians, 
Portuguese  and  Spaniards)  as  well  as  Anglo-Saxons,  Polish  and 
Syrians,  in  small  numbers  land  in  Brazil  every  year  to  share  the  be- 
nefits of  this  beautiful  and  happy  country,  collaborating  at  the  same 
time  in  the  rapid  gi'owth  of  the  nation,  which,  some  day,  will  have 
as  France,  Germany  and  Belgium,  all  its  territory  recognized  and 
(*xpl()it(Hl.  It  w  ill  be  then  (hat,  upon  these  deserts  of  the  AVest,  upon 
these  melancholic  fiehls  and  mountains,  the  noise  will  be  heard  of 
the  active  and  struggling  communities  and  the  music  of  civilisation 
marching  with  its  industries  and  earnest  life;  and  in  this  future  age, 
instead  of  18  or  2O.(X)0.O()0  inhabitants  speaking  the  language  of  the 
Brazilian  writers  and  poets  there  will  100.000.000  or  ,".00.000. 000 
doing  it  and  lliey  will  be  (here  ready  to  defend  the  flag  that  past 
gcncia(ions  have  delivered  (o  (hem  spodess,  beloved  and  powerful. 

W  hat  |{i-azilians  have  done  wi(li  (ha(  large  territory  in  (heir 
poHSCHsion,  is  not  all  tlicy  aspired  for  in  their  j.atriotic  dreams.  No 
other  people  has  done  more,  if  are  to  considci-  (he  small  number  of 
its  popiihKion.  (he  conditions  (if  climate  and  other  drawbacks.  Its 
popidadon  is  and  has  been  unsufficient  to  exploit  its  vast  territory. 
Aftci-  the  iialional  in<lepen(lcnce.  evei-ything  (hat  tlicre  was  ])ossible 
of  assimihiting  from  the  con(|ues(s  of  scienci's,  arts  and  industries, 
is  well  in  e\idence  in  \\w  ailniinis(rativ(^  organiza(ion  of  the   nation, 

—  11  — 

in  the  liberal  and  humane  principles  of  the  Brazilian  codes,  in  the 
activity  of  the  commerce  and  newly  born  industries,  in  the  railroads, 
schools,  churches,  libraries,  newspapers  and  many  other  evidences 
of  progress.  Man}'  European  countries  have  been  excelled  in  the 
proportion  of  those  exteriorities  of  the  evolutive  capacity  of  peoples. 

The  capital  of  the  Republic,  the  beautiful  city  of  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
which  represents  the  pride  and  the  hopes  of  the  Brazilians,  by  its 
gigantic  proportions,  though  it  may  not  be  celebrated  by  its  buildings 
and  monuments  it  is  one  of  the  largest  in  territory  and  even  in  popu- 
lation. The  improvements  it  is  now  undergoing,  opening  avenues, 
bay-side-drives,  constructing  public  buildings,  theatres  and  beau- 
tifying its  squares  and  parks  give  the  assurance  that  Rio  will  shortly 
be  one  of  the  best  cities  in  this  continent,  no  doubt,  the  first  in  South 
America.  The  Harbor  Works  and  the  Avenida  Central  now  under 
way,  the  latter  being  nearly  completed  both  began  by  the  adminis- 
tration of  President  Rodrigues  Alves  and  Dr.  Lauro  Muller,  Secre- 
tary of  Public  Works  are  two  magnificent  improvements  which  are 
causing  no  tittle  amount  of  envy  to  the  Argentines,  always  jealous 
of  the  Brazilians. 

Before  going  any  further  we  wall  now  speak  of  the  administration 
of  the  country.  Since  1889  when  the  Republic  was  proclaimed,  the 
20  Provinces  began  to  be  knowm  as  States,  with  full  liberty  to  govern 
themselves  both  economically  and  politically  at  their  own  free  will, 
of  course,  under  the  surveillance  of  the  Federal  Government.  Among 
other  things  they  can  elect  their  Governors,  vote  their  taxes  and  use 
their  revenue  in  the  best  manner  they  deem  it  wise.  Besides  this 
they  received  all  grants  of  land,  the  largest  portion  of  national 
grounds,  mines,  the  power  arbitrating  the  legislature  on  railroads 
and  rivers  navigation,  once  they  are  within  the  boundary  lines  of  the 
State,  and  other  advantages. 

If  some  of  the  States  have  made  some  mistakes  of  administration, 
the  majority  have  been  administrated  with  great  wisdom  and  pros- 
pering thereby. 

We  must  say  that  the  20  States  were  not  by  any  means  on  the  same 
level  as  to  their  capacity  development  and  material  improvement,  to 
justify  such  liberality  to  be  granted  to  all  at  the  same  time.  On  the 
other  hand,  it  would  have  been  convenient  to  have  established  a  new 
territorial  division  retailing  into  two,  three  or  four  political-geogra- 
phical unities  the  largest  part  of  the  big  States,  and  maintain  under 
the  Federal  administration  those  constituted  after  that  sub-division, 
State  of  international  frontier.  The  simple  intuition  of  self-defense 
suggests  it. 

—  12  — 

To  be  sure  siu-li  mistakes  will  be  remedied  in  a  revision  of  the 
constitution  which,  it  is  believed,  some  day  will  be  done.  The  prac- 
tical good  sense  of  the  Brazilians  so  often  demonstrated  in  several 
historical  periods  of  their  evolution  warrant  our  assertion. 

At  the  moment  of  tli is  writing  Brazil  is  at  complete  peace  with 
foreign  powers  and  in  the  most  pacific  tranquility  at  home.  Thus 
Brazilians  are  engaged  body  and  sole  in  developing  the  material 
progress  of  the  Federal  District  and  the  20  States  forming  their 

Protected  by  the  propicious  shade  of  the  liberty  expressed  in  the 
Brazilian  laws  there  can  be  seen  the  speedy  progress  of  sciences, 
litteraturc,  fine  arts,  and  that  multiplicity  of  exteriorisations  of  the 
commercial  and  industrial  activity.  Brazil  is  representing  an  impor- 
tant role  in  the  concert  of  civilized  nations  and  the  manner  in  which 
the  rest  of  the  world  is  getting  interested  in  its  affairs  speaks  for 
the  recognized  importance  in  which  this  great  country  is  had  bj'  the 
foreign  powers. 

By  reading  the  following  chapters  of  this  book  it  will  be  realized 
that  the  progress  of  Brazil  in  all  its  branches  of  activity  has  been 
considerable  and  we  may  say  right  here  in  a  spirit  of  fairness  that 
Brazil  at  the  head  of  all  the  South  American  republics,  offers  from 
this  very  moment  an  undeniable  assurance  of  the  happy  future  of 
the  civilization  of  this  continent,  laying  claim,  for  the  neo  latin  races 
that  occupy  it,  to  those  attentions  and  sympathic  demonstrations 
that  the  Giant  of  the  Xorth  knew  so  well  how  to  conquer  for  that 
portion  of  the  continent  it  dominates. 

IsBrazil  yet  a  little  away  from  that  progress  ?  Tt  maj'  be  true,  but... 

Pelit  jjoisson  deviendra  grand, 
Pourvit  (jiie  Dien  lui  prete  vie... 
fSm:ill  fish  will  l)(!coiiio  large,  so  long  as  God  give  tlicni  life...) 

Brazilians  have  no  reason  to  be  discouraged,  neither  is  it  woith 
while  to  think  of  how  much  they  have  yet  to  overcome.  If  the  road 
to  travel  is  long,  it  is  nevertheless  a  glorious  (me.  They  have  con- 
(|iMTcd  a  good  deal  since  the  starting  point  of  their  colonial  freedom. 
Tlicy  received  a  (piite  weak  and  disjointel  nation,  and  from  it  thoy 
made  a  great  an<l  homogeneous  nationality  with  immense  future  pos- 
sibiliti(^s.  They  will  have  to  work  a  good  deal  more,  they  will  have 
to  engage  themselves  in  the  struggles  for  civilisation  and  nature  has 
endowed  them  with  every  element  of  success.  Brazilians  to-day 
Hi'v.iu  to  be  w.ll  imbibed  in  that  thing,  which,  as  Kmerson  said  :  — 
«  is  tln^  only  serious  and  roniiidahle  thing  in  the  world  »  —  tlu'  will 


Square  kilometres.  —  Scale  i  lulm  —  loo  kilometres 

English  Colonial 

25. 052.900 


II . ii5.65o 



United  States 





Square  kilometres.  —  Scale  i  mjm  =  100  kilometres 




















—  li  — 

For  the  peoples  just  as  for  the  individuals,  progress  is  just  that : 
to  work  and  to  struggle,  as  for  them,  using  the  words  of  a  Brazi- 
lian poet, 

Vioer  e  liilnr. 
A  vida  e  combiite, 
Que  OS  fracos  abate, 
Que  OS  fortes,  as  bruvos 
So  pucle  exallar. 
iTii  live  is  1(1  sU'iigglc.  Life  is  a  jjatlle,  wliercMlie  weak  arc  llirowii   ddwii   Ijiil   wlicre   llic 
strong  and  brave  can  only  be  elovaleil.  i 

But,  let  us  go  on.  We  ^vill  try  to  analyze  in  a  eoncise  form  the 
Brazil  of  to-day. 

Before  passing  in  review  the  diverse  aspects  of  Brazilian  life  of 
to-day,  1).\'  means  of  a  trip  to  each  one  of  the  twenty  States,  in  which 
the  reader  will  be  kind  enough  tot  let  us  escort  him,  we  must  write 
a  few  remarks  about  the  Administration  and  several  branches  of  the 
civil  service  of  the  Republic,  leaving  that  descriptive  exposition  of 
tin;  States  by  their  geographical  order  to  follow  afterwards. 


The  telegraphic  net  of  Brazil,  is  the  most  advanced  and  the  most 
extensive,  under  the  technical  point  of  view ,  of  all  others  in  the 
south  American  republics.  Its  installation  and  its  initial  improve- 
ments ar(!  due  to  a  Brazilian  of  great  worth,  the  Baron  of  C'apanema. 

The  telegraph  was  operated  for  the  first  time  in  Bi-azil  in  ISlU. 
The  apparatus  used  then  wei'c  those  known  by  the  name  of  A,  1>,  (', 
with  a  small  show  case  and  which  worked  by  means  of  Breguet 's 
electric  hattcries  being  in  use  also  at  the  same  time  the  Stochrer 's 
d<iiil)lc  ciin-ciii  apparatus.  These  lasted  for  some  time  but  right  alter 
the  Paraguayan  war  tln-y  l>cgaii  to  use  the  electro-magnetic  current 
apparatus  the  currents  of  which  were  used  l)y  means  of  magiu'tic- 
iudiictors  lit  the  house  SienuMis  »!v:  Ilalske. 

The  Mppaialiis  of  the  first  jx'riod  t»f  the  telegraph  service  in  Hra- 
zil  were  replaced  in  1S77  by  those  of  Morse,  which  Brazil  was  com- 
ix'lled  to  adopt  since  then  once  it  had  joined  the  St.  Petersburg 
con\  cii  lion. 

At  the  same  lime  wires  were,  heing  si)read  all  lhroii<;h  the  coiin- 
II- v. 

—  15  — 

Until  a  little  before  the  republic  Avas  jiroclaimed  the  telegTai)h 
was  living  a  slow  life.  An  official  document  says  in  that  regard  : 
«  in  the  decade  1880  to  1889  the  average  dit  not  exceed  420.000  tele- 
grams with  about  6.000.000  words  annually.  The  maximum  being 
(557.000   telee-rams  with  8.100.000  words  in  1887.  There  existed  the 

Hio  DE  Jankiko.  —  I'liiia  «  Uiiiiizc-.Novembre  ». 

circumstance  that  the  public  educated  with  the  slow  work  of  the 
telegraph  did  not  exact  very  much  as  to  the  quickness  of  transmis- 
sion. » 

This  we  quote  from  the  report  of  the  General  Telegraph  Depart- 
ment, published  in  Rio,  in  1902,  p.  72. 

From  1900  on,  however,  the  volume  of  telegraphic  traffic  deve- 
lopped  in  such  a  way  that  the  government  was  compelled  to  dupli- 
cate and  in  some  places  increase  four  fold  the  leading  lines.  The 
Morse  apparatus  were  replaced  by  those  of  Baudot,  which  are  in 
operation  in  the  leading  stations  of  the  sea-shore,  from  Recife  to  Rio 
Grande  do  Sul. 

The  telegraphic  movement  in  the  federal  lines  in  the  year  1900 
was  as  follows  : 

Telegrams  Words 

Private 1.134.653  13.261.189 

Otficial 83.211  2.628.439 

From  the  States 39.690  1.231.215 34.145  3.087.012 

1,291,699  20.227,875 

—  16  — 

To  these  figures  we  have  to  add  those  who  belong  to  the  traffie 
of  the  States,  as  some  States  have  telegraph  lines  of  their  own.  built 
and  maintained  by  their  treasuries  as  it  happens  with  Amazonas, 
Para,  Maranliao,  Ceara  and  Rio  Grande  do  Sul.  In  the  schedule 
above  are  not  also  included  the  figures  regarding  the  submarine 
telegrams,  English  ones,  agencies  being  established  in  the  principal 
cities  of  Brazil. 

The  Brazilian  telegraph  is  extended  and  distributed  through  all 
the  States  of  Brazil  with  an  extension  of  12.008.000  metres  with  100 
stations  new  lines  being  under  way  of  construction. 

The  follow^iug  table  shows  the  progress  of  the  telegraphic  net  of 
Brazil  from  the  last  year  of  the  monarch}'  : 

Years  Metres  I        Years  Metres 

1889 18.92o.30o  I  1896 39.779.133 

1890 20.299.194  j  1897 40.128.045 

1891 28.268.739  I  1898 -40.232  849 

1892 31.229.4,38  |  1899 40.332.404 

1893 34.231. .393  1900 41.677.980 

1894 33.494.383  |  1901 -42.902.244 

1893 37.218  000  1902 -44.383.2-49 

This  number  goes  up  to  50,000  kilometres  including  the  States 
telegraph  lines,  those  of  private  railways  concerns,  etc. 

As  we  see,  Brazil  can  be  placed  among  the  States  possessing  the 
most  extensive  telegraphic  nets,  of  which  we  now  give  an  account  : 
the  United  States  has  6."50,O0O  kilometres,  Russia  130.000,  German j^ 
118.000,  France  '.Xi.OOO,  Austria-Hungary  (•)<»,-200,  English  India 
(53.000,  Mexico  01.000,  Great  Britain  and  Ireland  55.000,  Canada 
52.000,  Italy  30.000,  Turkey  .33,000,  Argentine  Republic  30,000,  Spain 
20.000,  ("hili  2."J.()<)0  kilometres,  etc,  the  other  countries  being  below 
these  figures. 

The  Bai'ao  de  Capanema  for  manj'^  years  managed  the  service  of 
Brazilian  telegraphic  lines,  always  assimilating  to  the  official  instal- 
lation the  ])r()gresses  introduced  in  the  most  advanced  European 
countries.  'IMiis  way  the  national  telegraph  has  always  been  able  to 
rcMulei-  good  servu-es,  'IMie  successors  of  the  Barao  de  Capanema  in 
the  administration  of  the  service  followed  his  example,  not  only 
devoloi)i)ing  the  lines,  but  a('(|uiriug  newer  api)aratus,  some  orwliich 
arc  manufactured  in  liic  work  shops  attached  to  the  Ceuti-al  Station 
in  Kio  de  .laneiro, 

W  lien  they  closed  in  Ji<mdou  the  International  Telegrai)hic  Con- 
vention in  .lune  11(03  deciding  to  adopt  the  apparatus  of  the  Baudot 
Hystem,  I'oi-  the  international  Telegi-aphie  service  (as  the  St.  Petei-s- 
burg  adopted  the    Moi-se   apparatus  30  years  ago)  they  found  Brazil 

—  17  — 

already  adopting-  the  Baudot  system  of  Avliich  25  installations  of  tlic 
most  improved  had  been  made  representing  four  varieties  of  that 
ingenious  system,  in  types,  that  soon  will  become  models  for  the 
other  administrations.  By  means  of  this  system  there  were  operated 
then  nine  of  the  leading  stations  between  Recife  and  Rio  Grande, 
connected  by  over-head  lines  with  more  than  5000  kilometres. 

Of  those  installations  foui-  are  between  Rio  de  Janeiro  and  Sao 
Paulo  and  are  in  operation  from  November  15  tli.,  1897.  Nine  work 
between  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Caravellas,  Bahia  and  Recife  from  the 
beginning  of  1903,  the  inauguration  having  taken  place  in  July  of 
that  year  and  12  installations  were  made  between  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
Corityba,  Porto  Alegre,  Pelotas  and  Rio  Grande.  The  president  of 


Railways  in  Brazil.  — The  Grola  Fiiiula  Viaducl  S.  Paulu. 

the  Republic,  Dr.  Rodrigues  xVlves  as  well  as  the  Secretary  of  Public 
Works,  Dr.  Lauro  Muller  were  present  in  the  Rio  de  Janeiro  Cen- 
tral Station. 

From  Rio  de  Janeiro  we  can  communicate  directly  with  Buenos 
Ayres,  Montevideo,  Santiago  and  La  Paz  which  is  at  7.000  kilometres 
distance  via  Buenos  Ayres. 

The  Brazilian  teh;grapli  lines  which  work  with  all  regularitj^ 
have  been  built  bj^  civil  and  military  engineers  natives  of  Brazil. 



Railways.  —  The  first  railway  built  in  Brazil  was  officially 
inan^^urated  on  the  :{0  th.  of  April,  1854,  representing  the  efforts  of 
one  of  the  Brazilians  who  moi-e  useful  were  to  their  father-land,  the 
Barao  de  Mauii.  It  is  the  railway  line  that  starts  from  the  Bay  on  the 
other  side  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  and  goes  up  the  hill  to  Petropolis.  The 
fii-st  locomotive,  the  one  was  used  at  tliis  inauguration,  is  still  kept 
to-day  at  the  C'entral  Railway  Station.  Its  name  is  «  Baroneza  »  and 

it  was  built  in  England  and 
rendered  good  services  dur- 
ing several  j'ears. 

From  that  small  start  to 
the  great  feats  of  engineer- 
ing built  by  Brazilians 
there  was  a  great  lapse  of 
time.  The  first  feat  of  Bra- 
zilian engineering  was  the 
plan  of  the  Central  Railway 
which  starting  from  Rio  had 
to  cross  the  Mantiqueira 
chain  of  mountains.  It  is  a 
series  of  dear  and  trouble- 
s()n)e  work  of  art  :  collossal 
cuts  ,  successive  tunnels  , 
etc.  The  price  of  this  road 
with  1.301)  kilometres  went 
ui)  by  the  end  of  1903  to  the 
amount  of  167.590.756  mil 
reis  and  this  is  explained 
by  the  nature  of  the  ground 
it  liad  to  be  open  tlinnigli. 
Another  i-aihvay  whose  constructi(m  was  worthy  of  note  also  due 
to  till?  elTorts  of  Brazilian  engineering,  is  the  one  from  Paranagua  to 
C'orityba,  cutting  its  way  through  a  wihl  i-idge  of  mountains  by  tlie 
sea.  11  is  extraoi-dinai-y  wJKit  tliey  did  there.  Sui-eessive  tunnels, 
many  and  large  viaducts,  some  pt'rfeelly  superb  under  the  tci'linic 
view  ptijnt  and  the  daring  of  llie  engineering  feat ,  form  this  short 
railway  lu-aneh  with  hut  one  Imndred  and  odd  kih)niet i-(>s. 

The  Coreovado  railway  is  also  woillix  of  note.  No  loui-isl,  (>ven  if 
tlic  steamer  stops  in  ITio  Ixit  a  few  liours,  g.ies  away  without  going 
'•'  ""•  '"!»  "''  <l':'l  l)eaiitil'nl  hill  with  a  -Jii  •■  ,,  iiKdiiiat  ion.  This  railwax 
was  planned  and  hiiilt  l.y  the  Hra/ilian  engineer  1-'.  Rassos  who  is 
to-day  MaxMi-  n|'  tin-  citN   ol   Kio  d,-  .laneii-o. 

IvNMNKKItl.M.   WllKkS  IS   HitAZII.. 

Hri(l{,'('  over  Hit'  rio  V|»iraiig;i,  in  Parana. 

Another  railway  worthy  of  mention  is  the  one  between   Santos 

and  Silo  Paulo,  ol'  which  we  will  write  further  down  though  this  is 

not  a  Brazilian  road. 

The  present  condition  of  the  railways  in  Brazil  is  as  follows  : 
Five   States   :   Amazonas,  Piauhy,    Sergipe,   Matto   Grosso  and 

Goyaz  —  have  no  railways  as  j^et.  All  the  others  have  more  or  less 

as  can  be  seen  by  the  following  list  : 

Slates.  Kilom. 

S.  Paulo 4.136 

Minas 3.650 

Rio  lie  Janeiro 2.335 

Rio  Grande  do  Sul 1.610 

Bahia 1.511 

Pernambuco 813 

Parana 645 

Ceara 449 





Espirito  Sanlo    .... 




Rio  Grande  do  Norle   .     . 

.     .         121 

Santa  Cat  liar  ina  .     . 


Districto  Federal     .     .     . 






In  1896,  when  Dr.  Prudente  de  Moraes  was  president,  by  reasons 
of  reduction  of  appropriations  in  the  Budget  all  the  works  under 
way  in  the  line  of  railway  building  were  suspended,  a  great  deal  of 
material  and  work  began  being  lost. 

The  present  government,  however,  recommenced  with  great 
energy  all  the  work  of  prolonging  railway  lines  and  building  new 

As  can  be  seen  by  the  table  we  print  above  the  Brazilian  railways 
are  very  unevenlj^  divided  hy  the  different  States.  Some  have  not  a 
single  mile  of  road,  others  have  quite  a  good  deal,  so  that,  as  it  was 
already  remarked  by  an  observer,  in  the  three  States  of  Sao  Paulo, 
Minas  and  Rio  there  are  9.372  kilometres  or  62  per  cent  of  the  total 
of  the  whole  country.  In  seven  Southern  States  and  the  Federal 
district  there  are  11.998  kilometres  against  only  3.000  kilometres  in 
the  eight  Northern  States  that  have  railway's  what  represents  a  pro- 
portion of  3  to  1.  We  can,  though,  very  easily  explain  that  state  of 
things  :  the  road  is  the  function  of  the  traffic,  it  is  built  where  acti- 
vity demands  it.  In  countries  like  the  United  States  the  inverse 
often  happens  and  the  road  is  built  to  create  or  provoke  traffic. 
Brazil  will  come  to  that  soon  but  needs  to  encourage  foreign  capital 
to  be  invested  in  those  ventures.  Unfortunately  capital  is  the  great 
drawback  for  a  more  rapid  growth.  The  country  is  extremely 
wealthy  but  it  requires  capital  to  work  up  that  wealth  to  the  point 
of  producing  and  start  the  motion  that  has  made  the  United  States 
grow  so  immensely  fast  during  the  last  fifty  years. 

—  20  — 

The  four  largest  railways  of  Brazil  are  : 

Till'  I.(M.|M.l<lina.  Willi "^-258  kilumclres. 

riic  » '-J^S  » 

Till- Mnny:iii:i,  » i -3-2:3  » 

The  I'aulisla,  » 1-O^i:}  » 

Tlio  raihvays  in  Brazil  have  not  developped  in  the  i)roi)()rtion  of 
the  lar^c  sums  inv('ste(l  in  theii-  oonstrnction,  beeause,  as  it  is  well 
known,   the  lar<j;est    number  of  them   are   built  along  shore,  where 
the  commereial   and   industrial  activity  of  the  country  first  started 
and  expanded  and  the  sea  shore  belt  is  the  most  hilly.  That  explains 
everythini;-.  I^ater  on  when  they  will  spread  towards  the  west,  in  the 
interior,  they  will  be  no  longer  long  shore  roads  but  roads  of  pene- 
tration ,    running   over   the 
vRjwgK;  !K'ji;v^'3aH        immense  fields  of  the  plains, 
.kS-.:^,  -;^^m        the  cost  of  building   will  be 
•>afi  •  .■  ''^>^i^r         greatly    reduced    and    rail- 

•'^IB^    •^^''■^'wi^B^^^         roads  in  I>razil  \\ill  undergo 
t'J^  '"-*':>.         a  larger  and  far  easier  devo- 

id'*   ^  V        lopnient  than  it  has  till  now. 

^  The    same  liappened   in 

■'&:j0(  A^  v'         Argentine ,   when  they  be- 

V''W        ''  *  '  ^'^'^   building  their  roads  in 

gj^jlfv'--,^  ^  '    •  ihe  plains. 

■^li,  '  ■••'r  ■"  The   dcsiilcriiluni    of  the 

.,  BfeJ'r-  -^         ir:y--f'^  ])resent  day,  is   to   connect 

-         '^ PB^iffl    i  ^'"^""^^^^.^'^^  the  several  branches  alrca- 

mBBp^LI  T                '^A:J4i     jP  dy    built,  arbitrarih,  w  ith- 

■'^         mr^^  -^m^'    ■         t'"  ^         '^"*^  '^^^-^    other  systematisa- 

KJ*  '     'W-*,.*    ;-    T  jj^^^j^   but  the  instinct  of  the 

local  peoples,   expressed  by 
,  ,     tQK  ihc     fofuis    of    the    isolated 

i«-^w^^„^...j^,,„^„i,««,^^^  j.,«tovi4l         necessities  ,  but  there  being 

llMiiMiHiM;  WdithsiN  Hiuzii..      Tlii'iriciiiaicdCai-  ''^    the  bottom  a  prescience 

valhn  \i,„|i„i  nil  III.'  I>aiaiia  liaihvav.  of    the    national     sense,     tO 

which  the  connection  work 
now  very  iniicli  adxaiieed  brings  its  explanation  and  sanction.  \\  ith 
tliis  I  do  not  nic;in  to  say  that,  the  most  provident  politii-s  is  always 
Ihe  one  that  waits  for  pri  \at(^  inil  iat  i  ve  to  t  ranshite  and  satisfy  l)\ 
itself,  Ihc  necessities  of  the  commnnion. 

Be  as  it  may,  the  spread  out  roads  of  the  llspirilo  Santo,  Haliia. 
.\la;;oas  ,  I'ciiiaiiilMic.. .  Tarahyha.  U  io  (  ;  i'an<h'  th)  NoiMe  and  Ceaia 
are  l.cing  connected  and  in  a  short  w  liih-  all  these  Slates  w  ill  be  con 

—  21   — 

nccU'd  to  one  anollicr  l)y  railways,  l)eing  also  fonnccted  with  Rio  de 
Janeiro,   Silo  Palilo,   Minas,   Parana  and  Rio  Grande  do  Sul. 

The  V^'av  Department  contemplates  to  build  a  long  strategic-in- 
dusti'ial  railway  line  in  the  direction  of  the  central  regions  of  Matto 
Grosso  and  Goya/,  employing  in  its  study  and  construction  a  com])a- 
ny  of  army  engineers. 

During  ll'0 1  were  initiated  the  following  roads,  sanctioned  by 
laws  decreed  by  Dr.  Rodrigues  Alves  :  Timho  (Bahia);  Sei-gipe, 
the  prolongation  of  the  Eaturite  in  the  Ceara  :  the  prolongation  of  the 
Mogyana  to  Catalao  and  many  others. 

The  i^resent  Secretary  of  Transportation,  Dr.  Lauro  MuUer,  in 
whose  program  of  administration  is  included  all  possible  expansion 
of  railroad  building  has  not  neglected  any  efforts  to  execute  his  pro- 
gram both  at  the  Xorth  and  South  of  the  country.  The  total  length 
of  Brazilian  railroads  in  1003  was  IG. 359  kilometres,  and  with  new 
inaugurations  went  up  to  17.000  kilometres.  The  States  that  opened 
extensions  to  their  lines  were  :  Sao  Paulo,  Minas,  Grande  do 
Sul,  Bahia,  Espirito  Santo,  Rio  de  Janeiro  and  Para. 


Just  like  all  the  other  South  American  republics,    Brazil   main- 
tains a  small  army,  and  in  case  of  war  would  have  to  improvise  eve- 
rything as  it  happened 
in  1864  when  the  Para- 
guayan war  broke  out. 

Brazil  is  one  of  the 
nations  spending  the 
least  money  with  their 
military  forces  in  rela- 
tion with  the  total  of 
the  Budget. 

Though  as  to  the 
value  of  its  exports 
Brazil  is  in  the  ninth 
place,  as  to  the  amount 
spent  with  the  army  is  Rio  di:  Janeiro.  —  Iinbuhy  fort, 

in  the  thirteenth  place. 

The  following  table  shows,  in  pounds  sterling,  the  total  of  the 

—  22  — 

expenses  of  each  country  and  the  amount  they  set  aside  for  the 
organization  of  jxiblic  defense  : 

Xulionul  I'Xju'iisc,  iolal  and 

Greal-Hrilaiii  . 
Germany . 
llollaiul    . 

Belgiiini  . 
Italy  .       .       . 

Switzerland    . 
Turkey     . 
Portugal  . 
Greece     . 
United  States. 

nilitary,  of  several  countries. 

|-2(;.i80  000 


13o.-i.i0. 000 


l.'Jd. 810.000 













35. 080. 000 















By  tliis  table  we  can  see  that  no  other  country  having  expenses 
nearing  the  amount  of  Brazil  spends  less  with  its  army  than  this  lar- 
gest of  the  South  American  republics  does. 

Itio  1.1  .l.vsi mil.  —'nc  ltl;ilcni;(i  carlrid^c  lacl(ir\  dl'  Ilic  \Vai-  .Miiuslrv. 

At  i)n'sriit  the  total  ol  llu-  land  forces  of  lirazil  composed  of  the 
f(Hlcral  aiiny  and  police  troops  under  military  orj^ani/at ion  and 
iiiaiiilaiiicd  hv  llir  respect  ivc    slates    is    of   about    .".(l.tlUd   men   of   the 

—  2S  — 

three  arms.  This  excludes  tlie  civilian  guards  and  fire-men,  semi- 
military  organizations  maintained  in  many  oi'  the  20  States  of  the 

The  active  military  force  is  regulated  Ijy  the  Legislature  every 
3'ear.  The  law  for  1901  fixed  the  following  numbers  : 

28.100  privates. 

800  military  schools  cadets. 

1.120  officers. 

In  case  of  war  this  force  is  doubled. 

In  Brazil  there  is  not  as  yet  the  military  compulsory  service,  as 
there  is  in  Chili  and  Argentine,  so  that  the  vacancies  are  filled  with 
volunteers.  There  is  a  law  to  the  effect  that  while  military  service 
is  not  compulsory  the  time  of  service  for  a  volunteer  is  three  years, 
with  facility  to  renew  the  enlistment  as  often  as  wanted  but  alwaj^s 
for  a  three  year  term. 

The  privates  who  at  the  expiration  of  the  service  time  continue 
without  interruption  in  the  ranks,  with  three  years  engagement, 
have  right  to  certain  favors  in  cash ;  and  those  who  so  wish  it  are 
placed  in  the  colonies  maintained  bj^  the  war  Department  in  certain 
places  of  the  territory,  where  grants  of  land  and  agricultural  imple- 
ments are  given  them  free  of  any  charge. 

The  figures  of  the  Brazilian  arm}^  divided  by  the  different 
arms  is  : 

Two  engineers  battalions  ;  14  regiments  with  four  divisions  each 
of  231  men  and  a  company  for  transportation  service,  all  of  cavalry  ; 
G  regiments  and  6  batallions  with  four  batteries  each,  each  of  the 
regiments  having  229  men  and  each  of  the  battalions  having  187 
men,  all  of  artillery. 

Fortj^  battalions  of  four  companies,  each  with  241  men,   infantry. 

The  arms  used  by  the  infantry  are  Mauser  improved. 

The  artillery  material  is  all  from  Krupp's  works.  Studies  ai'c, 
however,  being  made  now  for  the  adoption  of  a  superior  t3^pe  in 
order  to  reform  the  whole  artillery  of  the  Republic. 

Congress  voted  500  contos  for  the  establishment  of  a  smokeless 
powder  in  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

The  chief  objection  that  could  be  made  as  to  the  organization  of 
the  Brazilian  Army  is  the  lack  of  reserves,  which  might  fill  the 
number  to  reforce  the  first  call.  As  the  different  States,  however, 
have  all  organized  x)olice  under  a  military  sj'stem  just  alike  the  fede- 
ral troops,  there  Brazil  will  find  a  first  class  reserve,  with  the 
advantage  that  it  is,  we  might  say,  mobilized,  ready  as  they  are  in 
their  barracks  to  march  fully  equiped  at  the  first  call. 

—  24  — 

The  organization  ol'  those  police  forces  in  their  majority  com- 
njan(hMl  \>y  rc<;iihu-  ann.v  oflicci's  and  armed  w  itli  mauser  rifles  is 
as  follow  s  : 

Ani.i/ 1.200 

l';ii;. l.:JOO 

Miirjiiilifin •!•.")(» 

Piaiiliv  .111(1  Hill  (iraiide  do  .Niirte 

Coara 40(i 

I'araliyiia 2oit 

I'crnamhiicd l.SoO 

Aldgitasaiid  Sergi|tt' 800 

Haliia 2.500 

Hio  dt'  Jaiieiiu 1.200 

Clapilal  Koderal 4.800 

S.  l>atdo 5.000 

Miiias 2.000 

I'araiia 460 

Uiu  Grande  do  Sul 5.000 

Espirito   Saiilo,   Santa  Catliariiia,  Guyaz  and  Malto 

Grosso 1.075 


These  forces,  in  several  of  the  States,  have  an  elevated  dej-ree  of 
instruction  and  military  solidity,  as  it  happens  with  the  regiments 
of  Manaos,  lielem,  I^ahia,  Sao  Paulo,  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  etc.  and 
arc  divided  in  tln-cci  arms  infantry,  cavalry  and  artillery. 

Iiir;inlr\  i  ;iiii|i  (luring  iiKUuriu  rt'.>. 

Till-  naliiiMaJ  •;uai(l.  ;i  kind  of  Lumliiwlir  or  tt'rritori:d  militia  is 
getting  better  organized  cvcrv  day  and  in  sonu'  States  as  KiotJrandc 
do  Snl  and  tlie  JM-deral  Capital  il  has  been  called  upon  more  than 
onee  to  assist  the  regnlai-  aiiii\  . 

The  wai- ilepai-lnient  maintains  several  leeliuieal   establishnu-nts, 

as  the  cartridge  works,  the  Estrella  and  the  Caxipo  powder  works, 
the  «  Brazil  )>  Military  College,  the  «  Reulcns>-o  »  and  the  (c  Porto 
.1/e^'Te  ))  Tactics  Schools,  the  Military  School,  where  the  children 
of  military  men  are  brought  up,  the  Serjeants  School,  the  Army 
Library  and  several  others. 

The  forces  are  spread  out  through  the  territor;*'  of  the  liepu- 
blic  which  under  the  view  point  of  military  administration  is  divid- 
ed into  seven  districts  with  headquarters  in  the  principal  cities 
and  commanded  bv  Generals. 

School-cruiser  :  Benjamin  Constant. 

At  present  the  Army  Major-State  is  drawing  a  map  of  the  coun- 
try and  the  engineers  companies  are  busy ,  some  extending  the  tele- 
graph net  through  the  \yestern  States,  and  some  studying  plans  for 
the  building  of  strategic  railways.  An  engineers  company  is  now 
building  a  railway  starting  from  Lorena  city  to  the  mountain  region 
where  a  large  militarv  Sanatorium  is  being  built. 

The  Navy.  —  Until  a  certain  time  Brazil  was  the  only  South- 
American  power  and  in  all  this  continent ,  only  the  United  States 
could  present  a  navy  excelling  the  one  of  this  Republic. 

Lately  Argentine  and  Chili  at  the  cost  of  enormons  financial  sa- 
crifices succeeded  in  disputing  this  supremacy  and  to  their  navies, 
which,  however  had  not  the  glorious  traditions  of  the  Brazilian  his- 

—  2f.  — 

toryof  its  navy,  tliey  added  a  uuniber  of  cruisers  and  battle-ships 
superioi-  to  the  Hrazilian  ones. 

The  navy  or^^ani/ation  of  Brazil  at  the  present  date  is  a  modest 
one  and  is  not  in  i)rop()rtion  with  the  long-  coast  it  has  to  defend. 
The  federative  system  adopted  increases  the  responsibilities  of  the 

The  existence  of  a  powci'ful  navy  in  the  federative  system  cor- 
responds to  the  necessity  of  great  links  of  cohesion  between  the 
States  which  may  neutralize  their  disaggregating  tendencies,  and 
establish  predominance  of  the  ideas  of  the  great  fatherland.  Tliere 
is  not,  in  fact,  and  we  have  already  once  said  it,  among  the  links  of 
national  stability,  none  tactile,  none  more  dominant  because  of  its 
representative  power  neither  more  efficient  in  multiplicity  of  its 
objects,  than  it  is  the  naval  power  of  the   Republic.   The  present 


:^'^-''^!:^p'  '■'-  '^  ^  ^^'TiU.-U 

'•i^  —  .1-1*?- 

-—  ~  —  ■« 

/  .•/n(,///(/.-i/-c  ,CniiMT    liiuii   I.,  Iiiiill  1(1  Ilic  lliii  (!,•  .hiiic 


fleet  lias  Til  vessels,  couiiling  hii-gc  and  siuall,  many  of  w  hich  arc 
ulinoKt  useless  under  the  \  iew  point  of  modern  war  value.  They 
(•an  oidy  be  used  for  patroliiig  in  the  ports  and  inti'rior  rivers.  They 
an;  classified  as  follow  :  Seven  battle-ships,  eight  eruiseis,  three 
torpedo  boats  dcKtro.Ncr,  five  gun  boats,  eight  dispatch  boats,  thrt'C 
Hteamei-s,  nine  tori)ed()  boats,  iliree  tugboats,  auxiliary  steamers, 
a  yaelit  (the  «  .S/7p.'<  ./;</v////j  »,  the  old  1  lupeiial  galioti,  two  brigs 
and  thre(!  putaches. 

—  27  — 

The  headquarters  of  the  Navy  forces  is  composed  of  several 
pavilions.  The  present  commander  is  Commander  Marques  da 
Rocha,  to  whom  the  discipline  and  military  garb  of  the  navy  infan- 
try forces  owe  a  good  deal. 

The  principal  establishment  for  naval  production  and  repairs  is 
the  Capital  of  the  Republic  —  the  Rio  Navy  Yard  —  and  employs 
2.000  working-men.  In  its  ship-yards  several  ships,  cruisers,  small 
river  battle  ships  and  others  have  been  built.  During  the  Paraguayan 
war  this  yard  in  a  few  months  built  and  armed  several  armed  moni- 
tors, which  were  of  great  assistance  in  that  campaign.  Lately  were 
built  there  two  small  river  monitors  for  the  defence  and  patroling 
in  the  frontier  rivers. 

There  are  two  other  navy  establishments  of  this  kind,  one  in 
Para  and  the  other  in  Ladario.  They  assist  in  the  work  of  repairing. 

,-'.s»»»»'*-~  y- 

Battlo-sliii)  Deodoro. 

There  is  also  in  the  Capital  of  the  Republic  the  Navy  College,  an 
establishment  of  technical  instruction  which  is  an  honor  to  the 
country  and  is  piobably  the  best  in  all  South-America.  Its  present 
director  is  rear-admiral  Duarte  Huet  de  Bacellar  one  of  the  most 
distinguished  and  ablest  sailors  of  the  Brazilian  Navy.  A  man  who 
has  discharged  with  great  honor  to  the  country  he  represented 
important  commissions  all  over  the  world.  He  is  not  only  an  able 
man  in  navigation,  he  is  a  competent  man  in  gunnery,  ship-building 
and  every  department  required  in  navy  activity.  As  a  practical  man 

l'«  — 

he  is  he  is  improving  vcrv  iniu-h  the  Xiivy  College  under  his  admini- 
stration to  keep  pace  with  modern  progress. 

The  other  Xavy  departments  are  settled  in  small  islands  in  the 
bay.  In  one  of  them  is  'rori)ed()es  School  organised  by  rear-admiral 
Alexandrino  de  Alencar  and  the  woi-ks  established  there  for  torpe- 
does and  mines  repairing  arc  worthy  of  note. 


Wav  ti;itis|)()i'l  Curios  (ionics. 

The  National  Sailors  ('omiKiny  Barracks  is  a  series  of  buildings 
in  the  small  island  of  Villegaignon,  where  is  the  fortress  of  the  same 
name.  This  fortress  does  not  serve  any  strategic  function  now  and 
is  all  illuminated  b\-  clcclricitx'. 

I';illlr   s||||,     /,■;.■;,/,,/<■/< 

'I'll.-  S:iil(.is  CtMiipaiiy  is  cnMstihitcd  h\  sea  nicii.  that  coiiic  lioiii 
tlic  S<-li(.()ls  for  appreiitiecs  or  from  the  offices  of  the  Captains  of 
tlie  Port  in  Die  diffcreiil  Slates  where  they  enlist.  The  largest  num- 
ber of  iheiM  arc  rnluxltis   (native    lii.liaiis).   oi-  rather,  a  mixed  breed 

—  29 

of  those  native  Indians  crossed  with  Europeans,  with  a  number  of 
blacks  descendants  from  Africans  and  whites.  As  a  ruk',  they  know 
how  to  read  and  write,  having-  received  in  school  instruction  relati- 
vely liberal,  learning-  geography,  arithmetic,  civilian  rights,  music, 
drawing,  elementary  history,  a  little  manual  art  appliable  tho  the 
sea  life,  and  the  needed  professional  instruction  :  gunnery,  signal 
service  instructions,  torpedoes,  marine  engines,  etc.  (Generally  the 
Brazilian  sailor  is  a  man  who  knows  something  and  when  they  come 
from  the  Apprentices  ScJiools  they  are  prepared  to  sti'uggle  for  life 
in  the  cities  when  they  finish  their  enlistment  time. 

This  way  tho  Apprentices  Schools  in  Brazil  render  a  double  ser- 
vice to  the  community  and  to  the  man  :  they  not  only  prepare  sai- 
lors for  the  Navy  but  men  for  practical  life  at  the  same  time. 

Cniiser-toi'pcdo  Tymbira. 

The  Company  of  Marine  Infantry  is  an  imitation  of  the  colo- 
nial and  landing  troops  of  the  European  navies;  among  Brazilians," 
however,  this  company  has  a  capital  function  on  board  — ^  it  is  a 
modifier  in  the  permanent  service  of  the  discipline  of  the  ship,  an 
aiixiliary  actually  indispensable  to  the  moral  force  of  the  officers. 
This  company  has  a  tradition  as  an  orderly  organization  and  its 
services  have  been  highly  praised  in  the  Naval  history  of  Brazil. 
Its  barracks  are  at  Ilha  das  Cobras  (snake  island) ,  one  of  the  many 
in  the  Rio  bay,  near  the  north  east  part  of  the  city. 

In  the  schedule  of  the  officers,  the  number  of  those  of  high  rank  is 
rather  large  if  we  consider  the  limited  requirements  of  the  floating- 
material.  The  schedule  comprises  : 
1  admiral,  2  vice-admirals,  10  rear-admirals,  20  Captains,  40  Com- 

—  30  — 

manders,  80   Lieutenants-Commanders,    KiO  1st. -Lieutenants,    150 
2nd. -Lieutenants  =^  4(53  Officers  in  active  work. 

Besides  these  there  are  120  ensij^ns;  1. 000  men  of  the  National 
Navy  ('oiiij)anies;  inchiding-  loO  men  of  the  engine  firemen  compa- 
ny, and  1(K)  of  the  .Matto  Grosso  company;  000  contracted   firemen; 

I.TjOO  Navy  apprentices;  500  mm 
of  Navy  Infantry  Company. 

In  time  of  war  the  naval  for- 
ces will  have  the  double  of  this 

The  privates  or  sailors  and 
ex-privates  or  ex-sailors  who  ha- 
ve been  engaged  over  three  years, 
and  following-  that,  two  or  more 
years  have  a  right  in  each  enga- 
gement to  the  value  in  cash  of 
the  uniform  which  is  distributed 
free  of  charge  to  the  recruits,  and 
this  because  the  military  service 
in  l^razil  is  not  compulsory. 

In  neai'ly  every  sea  port  there 
is  an  Apprentice  Sailor  School, 
a  curious  institution  under  the 
view  i)oint  of  its  civic. -military 
nature  and  of  its  utility  and  its  type  is  a  creation  of  the  Brazilian 
administration.  Some  of  them  deserve  special  mention  because  of 
the  correctness  of  tlieir  oi-gani/.ation  and  discipline,  and  among 
these  are  tlie  ones  of  Cean'i,  Pernambuco,  Bahia,  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
Santa  Catliarina  and  others. 

(Iniiscr  linvrozo. 

Maniir  luaclice,  slidnliiin  .il  ;i  l;iinfl. 

—  31  — 

References  to  them  ^vill  be  made  in  the  descriptions  of  the  seve- 
ral States  which  will  be  published  somewhere  else  in  this  book. 

The  seat  of  the  Navy  administration  is  in  Rio  de  Janeiro,  where 
the  Navy  Council  is  compelled  to  be.  The  Navy  Council  is  a  Board 
comi^osed  of  Navy  generals  and  high  officials  of  the  Navy  Depart- 
ment and  is  settled  where  the  Sailors  quarters,  the  Navy  infantry 
barracks  and  several  departments  of  the  same  Ministry  as  well  as 
war  material  are  also  settled. 

Rio  ui;  .Ianeiro.  —  One  of  llic  pavilions  ot  the  Marine  iiifaiili'v  barracks. 

To-day  the  Brazilian  Navy  is  largely  improved  and  on  a  fair  way 
to  be  greatly  enlarged.  By  the  end  of  1905  the  Brazilian  Congress 
authorized  the  appropriation  to  execute  the  following  naval  pro- 
gramme which  is  beginning  to  be  put  in  pratice  in  England  with 
the  construction  of 

Three  13.000  ton  battle-ships. 

Three  9.700  ton  cruisers. 

Six  400  ton  destroyers. 

Twelve  50  to  130  ton  torpedo-boats. 

Admiral  Julio  de  Noronha,  the  Secretary  of  the  Navy,  the  au- 
thor of  this  programme,  is  also  building  at  Ilha  Grande,  near  Rio 
de  Janeiro ,  a  large  military  port  like  the  one  of  Spezia  or  Pola, 
with  arsenal,  dry-docks,  ship  yards  and  everything  needed  for  a 
powerful  Navy- Yard. 

Besides  the  ships  above  mentioned  the  1905  programme  com- 
prises also  3  submarine  boats,  a  large  coal-transporter  and  a  school- 

At   the   present  moment  Brazil  is  developing  a  great  activity 

—  32  — 

which  \\  ill  soon  place  the  c(mntr\'  in  a  prominent  i)Iace  after  the  list 
of  nations  liavin"-  first  class  navies. 

*    * 

Mkkchant  Mauine.  —  The  fact  of  many  Portuguese  officers  and 
ship-owners  having  settled  themselves  in  Brazil,  after  its  indepen- 
dence, explains  how  tliere  was  already  a  considerable  nucleus  of 
mei'chant  niai'ine  right  at  the  beginning  of  the  national  organiza- 
tion. Besides  the  extensive 
line  of  coast  filled  with  nu- 
merous ports  most  accessi- 
ble, contributed  towards  the 
great  development  of  a  sai- 
ling ships  merchant  marine, 
served  by  daring  ships  fur- 
nished by  the  sea-shore  ci- 
ties and  thus  soon  the  new 
Brazilian  flag  was  carried 
to  the  peoples  of  distant 

This  relatively  jxjwerful 
marine  had,  however,  a  pe- 
riod of  difficulties  and  al- 
most reached  paralysis  :  and 
that  was  when  a  l)ill  voted 
in  18()1  permitted  foreign 
ships  to  engage  themst^lves 
in  tlu'  coastwise  trade,  tak- 
ing thus  away  from  the 
Brazilian  flag  a  i)rivilege  it 
was  enjoying  till  then  and  at 
whose  protection  it  was  dexeloping  in  a  considerable  way  its  mari- 
time activity. 

It  was  onl\  in  \S\u\  tliat  the  l!ra/,ilian  ('ongi'css  l)y  means  of  a 
liill  coiiiplei  iiig  a  ('(Mist  il  ul  ional  disposition,  gave  back  to  Brazilian 
ship-(»wners  (lie  ohi  rigiil  of  onlv  coiiseiil  iiig  coastwise  tradr  to  Ite 
caiMMcd  on  hv  sliijts  willi  llic  nal  ional  flag  and  llins  was  opened  a 
more  dclinile  and  nioic  compensal  i ve  horizon  lor  the  country's 
mercliani   marine. 

During  the  .\-ear  of  iSl'.i  steamship  na\igalion  licgan  ti>  he  intro- 
ducMMJ  in  J{razil  and  the  ollu'r  South  American   countries.  If  was  on 


Scli(»ol-slii|i  (tiitir.iriijtc's. 

—  33  — 

tlic  1  th.  October  ISIO  lliat  General  Felisberto  Caldeira  Brant,  later 
on  Marquis  de  Barbaceiia,  started  a  line  between  the  capital  of 
Baliia  and  Caclioeira  employing-  in  that  service  a  small  paddle 
steamer  and  that  was  the  initiation  of  the  Brazilian  merchant  marine 
using  steam-boats. 

When  the  privilege  of  coastwise  trade  for  the  national  marine 
was  decreed  in  1890,  the  Brazilian  merchant  marine  took  a  great 
impulse,  occupying  to-day  the  seventh  place  among  the  nations  with 

Merchant  Marine.  —  Model  of  river  steamers  of  oOO  tons  of  tlie  «  Compaiibia  Maranhense  ». 

largest  number  of  ships  in  their  merchant  marine,  being  right  after 

According  to  an  official  publication  of  the  Commercial  Statistics 
Department  the  movement  of  Brazilian  ships  engaged  in  coastwise 
tirade  between  the  52  ports  of  the  Republic  during  I'JOl,  1002  and 
1903  was  as  follows  : 



11.554     . 


Sailings 11.246 



—  u 











!-».:» 1 7 


My  tliese  statistics  we  sec  the  progressive  growth  ol"  the  luer- 
eliaiit  marine  maritime  movement.  According  to  official  statistics 
the  Brazilian  merchant  marine  has  a  fleet  of  336  steamers  with  a 
total  of  2*.)().000  tons  displaccmonf.  and  oil  sailing  vessels  with  about 
30(J.000  also  displacement. 

From  I'.iol  to  1002  the  niovcincnt  of  tlic  lii-a/ilian  coastwise  trade 

navigation  increased  3()l)  in  the  number  of  ships  and   over   (iOO.OOO 

tons,    in   the  entrances  and  sailings  to  and  from  the  52  ports  of  the 

These  steaniei's  belong  to  companies   and   j)rivate   shij)-owners 

residing  in  several  sea-side  cities  of  Brazil.  The  principal  companies 

.Mlikiiam  .M,\I(1m.         MimIcI  of  .sicaiiicrs  of  -2,W()  ions  of  llic  Iti-Mziliaii  l.lovd. 

to-day  arc  :  the  Xono  Lloyd  lirnzilciio  which  jxjssesscs  ;V2  steamers, 
some  of  |,()(H)  tons,  chu-tric  lights,  I'cfrigi'ralors,  etc.,  but  this  com- 
paiix  is  l)cing  reorganized  by  l)i-.  ManocI  Huarcpu' dc  Macedo,  a  civil 
engineer  dI'  leiiow  n  and  ;in  industrial  genius  ol'  no  small  iinporlance, 
and  the  sei\  ice  of  iha'  company  is  going  to  l)e  largely  improxcd  not 
omI.n  with  better  coast  w  isc  sci'vicc  i)nl  ha\  ing  a  line  of  lai-gc  steamers 
])lyiiig  l.eiwci-n  Ura/il  and  llie  I'niled  States,  a  large  nnnihiM-  of  stea- 
mers bein^  now    under  coiisl  rin-l  ion    foi-    llie    new    ser\  ice,    sonu"    of 

—  35  — 

^vhicll  will  be  (5.000  (on  boats;  tlic  (Joinpaiihia  do  Anuizonns,  willi 
40  small  river  steamers  from  500  to  DOO  tons,  plying  between  Para 
and  the  different  points  of  importance  in  the  Amazon  river  and  its 
affluents;  the  (^.ompnnliin  (u)sli'ir:i,  with  12  steamers  from  800  to 
1.500  tons,  maintaining'  regular  navigation  between  the  capital  of  the 
llepublic  and  the  Southern  ports  of  the  country;  the  Companhia  Sal 
e  Xavc^-acao,  which  possesses  large  cargo-boats  employed  in  coast- 
wise service;  the  Companhia  Pernambucana,  with  10  steamers;  the 
Companhia  Maranhense;  the  GriTo  Para  and  the  Paracnsc,  both  with 
main  office  in  Belem,  capital  of  Para  State,  and  with  steamers  from 
800  to  2.000  tons;  the  Esperanra  Mariliinn  with  six  small  steamers; 
the  Via^ao  Central  do  Brazil,  with  nuiin  office  in  Kahiaand  its  stea- 
mers navigate  in  the  S.  Francisco  basin  between  the  States  of  Minas, 
Bahia  and  Alagoas;  the  Companhia  Bahiana  with  internal  and  inter- 
state navigation  and  many  others  of  smaller  importance,  which  we 
will  give  an  account  of  while  speaking  of  the  different  States  in  the 
second  part  of  this  book. 


It  will  be  seen  that  hand  in  hand  with  the  material  development 
of  the  country,  and  parallel  growth  of  the  energies  of  the  race,  there 
is  springing  forth  with  vigor  the  blooming  of  the  literature,  arts 
and  sciences. 

No  other  country  in  the  American  Continent,  the  United  States 
excepted,  can  present  a  group  of  superior  men ,  inventors,  men  of 
science,  artists  and  literary  men,  so  conspicuous  as  that  host  of 
celebrated  men  who  have  honored  Brazil  with  the  wide  publication 
of  their  names  all  over  the  world  since  the  middle  of  the  last  century. 

In  accordance  with  the  plan  of  this  book,  dealing  in  it,  as  we 
do,  only  with  the  Brazil  of  to-day,  of  the  Brazil  of  this  very  mo- 
ment, we  jnust  not  write  but  about  those  of  the  present  age.  Men 
who  have  been  intellectual  glories  for  Brazil  in  the  past,  artists, 
military  men  who  won  reputations  worthy  of  mention  in  the  days 
that  are  gone,  will  not  be  reviewed  in  this  presentation  I  am  making 
to  the  reader  of  the  contemporary  things,  men  and  events. 

But,   even  leaving  aside  the  names   of  those   illustrious  dead, 

—  36  — 

aiiKtii^^  wliicli  \<)u  would  linil  individualities  "tluit  do  not  ])c'lon<;  only 
to  the  i!;\oi\  of  Brazil,  but  to  the  whole  world,  we  will  have  to  write 
about  most  interestin<;-  i)ersonages,  notabilities  of  our  days,  some  of 
whicdi  arc.  no  doubt,  known  to  the  reader.  We  will  begin  by  Santos 
Diiiiioni.  thf  extraordinary  air  navigator. 

This  name  which  introduces  a  South  American  notability  has 
been  applauded  in  France  as  well  as  in  all  the  other  Kuropean  coun- 
tries with  the  same  enthusiasm  that  l>ra/ii  has  done  it. 

Santos  Dimont.  —  lie  is  the  son  Ilenri([uc  Dumont  a  I'ai-mcr  of 
the  State  of  Minus,  whose  name  is  connected  with  the  largest  coffee 

l)antation  in  the  S.  Paulo  State,  or, 
for  that  matter,  in  the  whole  world.  He 
was  born  in  a  plaee  known  as  Rio  das 
Yelhas,  (Old  women  river),  in  the  then 
l)rovince  of  ^linas,  in  July  187o.  Weal- 
thy and  well  educated  he  devoted  him- 
self since  his  young  days  to  tlie  study 
of  air  ships.  He  went  to  Paris  and 
there  had  a  balloon  of  his  own  invention 
made.  Since  then  he  has  kept  on  modi- 
f\ing  it  and  each  modification  he 
makes,  manufacturing  a  new  balloon 
gives  it  a  higher  and  suecessi\e  num- 
ber. It  was  with  the  Xo  (')  that  the  da- 
ring aeronaut  obtained  thc«  I)eutsch» 
pri/.e  whii'li  marks  the  solution  of  the 
problem  of  the  direction  of  air-ships. 

It  was  in  llS'.'S  that  he  made  his  first  ascensions  with  his  baloons 
«  JirnzH  ))  and  «  Anwrirn  »,  of  spherical  shape.  In  those  experiments, 
wliicli  had  no  iiitercsl  to  llic  jjiihlie,  lie  uudei'slooil  that  the  splieroi- 
dic  sliape  was  not  iisel'iil  ami  had  one  made,  cigar  shape,  wilh 
Kerosene  oil  as  fuel. 

lie  has  made  since  many  trial  trijjs  and  the  l"'reneh  ]>ress  has 
written  about  lliem  in  the  most  ene(»ui"aging  wa,\  anil  I'l-oni  Paris  the 
tclcgi'aph  has  kcpl  on  infoi'ming  the  w  hole  w  oild  of  t  lu'  succi'ssiv  c 
improvements  Santos  hnnioni  has  been  introducing  in  his  air-ship. 
Several  engineers  and  iii\enlorsin  l!ra/iMia\('  de\.>led  ihemsel- 
vc-'  lo  this  inlercsling  prol)lcni,  the  first  being  Uartholomcu  ( ;usman. 
wlio  went  in  his  iialoon  Inil  ncvi-r  solved  the  i)rol)U'm  of  its  dii-ection 

Samu.s  Dl.mum 

—  :{7 

and  the  last  was  the  uiilorliniaie  Aiigiisto  Severo  wlio  died  in  Paris, 
victim  of  the  exph)si()n  ol'  is  air-ship  «  Phx  ». 

Mello  Marques 

Mello  Makques.   —   From   those   who  travel  in  tlie  air  to  tliose 
who  ti'avel  under  water  tliere  is  really  a  great  distance  but  there  is 

no  space  so  long  that  thought  cannot  over- 
come with  ease. 

Several  Brazilian  inventors  propose  to 
build  a  model  of  submarine  boat  fulfilling 
all  the  requirements  of  the  navigation  of 
such  boats.  None,  however,  has  made  a 
more  decisive  experimental  demonstration 
than  the  inventor  Mello  Marques.  The  Rio 
press  wrote  in  the  highest  terms  and  most 
enthusiastically  about  tliose  experiments, 
made,  as  they  were,  before  the  President 
of  the  Republic  and  a  committee  of  techni- 
cal experts. 

Among  other  things  the  Tribiiiin  of  Rio, 

in  its  edition  of  the  27  th.  September  1901 

said  about  Mello  Marques  'submarine  boat. 

«  The  model  used  in  these  experiments  demcmstrated  to  have  a 

long-itiidinal  and  transversal  stability  as  well  as  complete  stability 

in  its  trip. 

»  Both  the  immersion  and  emersion  are  operated  with  the  stron- 
gest safety  as  to  its  results , 
and   by    means    of    a    most 
simple  manoeuvre. 

»  To  avoid  a  minucious 
and  detailed  account  we  may 
say  that  the  experiment  we 
arc  wi'iting  about  consisted 
ol'  two  different  parts  : 

))  P'.  —  The  boat  without 
longitudinal,  translation. 

))  -2'"'.  —  The  boat  with 
longitudinal  translation. 

))  In  the  P'  part  the 
boat  made  the    immersion, 

emersion  and  stop  between   tivo   waters,   everything  with  the  most 
strict  practical  precision,  obeying  perfectly  well  to  the  operator. 

Tlie  submarine  boat  Mello  Marques. 

—  :m  — 

»  In  llie  •2'"'  part  Mr.  Mell<»  Marciues  showed  to  have  solved  the 
iniporlaiit  pioldein  of  the  suiliji^-  sluhility. 

»  Thus  it  was  tliat  once  the  boat  phieed  between  two  waters  and 
in  perleet  qniet  or  static  equilibrium,  when  placed  in  motion  its 
pi-opelling-  niaeliine,  it  slided  forward  without  deviatino- in  the  least 
from  its  fluctuation  horizontal  plan.  » 

Landell  I)K  ]Moi'RA. —  Is  another  Brazilian  inventor  of  our  days. 
He  is  the  learned  elect ricist  Father  Landell  de  Moura,  and  is  now 
residino-  in  the  United  States.  His  inventions  are  the  result  of  a 
patient  investigation  and  scientific  knowledge  perfectly  solid.  He  i 
was  ])orn  in  Porto  Alegre,  where  he  has  two  brothers,  one  a  physi-  i 
cian,  the  other  an  apothecary.  In  S.  Paulo  he  has  another  brother 
who  is  a  uierchant.  The  Xcio  York  Ilcruld  in  its  edition  of  the  TJ  th. 
()ctol)er  l'.)()"J  published  his  picture  with  a  long  article  headed 
«  Jiinzilinn  Priest's  Invention  »  giving  the  following  information 
about  his  inventions  : 

!>'■  Robert  Landell  invented  his  apparatus 
in  Porto  Alegre,  and  as  soon  as  he  reached 
SJio  Paulo  in  l.SOci,  he  began  with  preliminary 
exi)erinients,  to  obtain  his  object  —  to  trans-  | 
niit  human  voice  at  a  distance  of  8,  10  or  12 
kilonu^ters,  without  using  any  wires. 

After  several  luontlis  of  hard  work  he 
ol)tained  excellent  results  with  one  of  the 
apparatus  he  made. 

I'hicouraged  by  the  results  of  his  exi)cri- 
iiuMits,  Father  Landell  tried  to  improve  his 
invention,  which  is  tlie  outcouu'  of  studies 
and  discoveries  of  sonu'  laws  relative  the 
propagation  of  sound  ,  light  and  electricity 
through  the  space,  the  earth  and  water.  i 

Thus,  he  invented  several  apparatus  :  the    ' 
l<l;iii.\i()i>lii>n(\  the /.•,(/ro/>//o/jr,  \\w  uiicmutophonr,  the  Iclctilon,  and 
the  ((tijilionc. 

The  Inlniixioplittnr  is  the  hist  word  of  the  telephone,  not  only 
because  of  tlie  force  and  inlelligibilily  whitli  whit-h  it  transmits  tlu' 
Wdids.  l)iil  also  hecatise  wilh  it  teh'phoning  at  gi'cat  dislauces  beco- 
mes a  i>raetical  and  econoniical  reality. 

'I'he  h:ttrnjth,,iu'  works  also  witli  wii-e.  and  presents  the  (U-igina- 

t.AMtt.l  I.  Ill     Mm  IIA 

—  :U)  — 

lity  of  not  needing   to  ring   the  bell  to  call,  to  lieai-  the  articulated 
sounds,  or  that  of  the  instrument. 

The  Hncmntophonc  and  the  Iclctiton  are  wireless  telephones.  The 
perfect  operation  of  these  apparatus,  according  to  what  their  inven- 
tor says,  reveals  laws  entirely  new  and  is  altogether  most  curious. 

The  cdiphonc  is  useful  to  purify  and  soften  the  plw)n()graplied 
voice  of  the  parasitical  vibrations,  reproducing  it  just  as  the  natural 

The  wireless  telephone  is  reputed  the  most  imporUxnt  discoveiy 
of  Father  Landell,  and  the  experiments  made  by  him  in  the  presence 
of  the  English  Consul  in  Sao  Paulo,  Mr  Lupton,  and  many  other 
parties  of  high  social  position,  were  so  satisfactory  that  Dr.  Rodri- 
gues  Botet,  giving  an  account  of  those  trials  wrote  the  moment  was 
not  far  when  Father  Landell  would  be  consecrated  as  the  author  of 
marvellous  inventions. 

In  a  Porto  Alegre  daily  paper  we  saw  the  following  biographical 
notes  about  this  inventor  : 

((  Father  Robert  Landell  de  Moura  was  born  in  Porto  Alegre  in 
the  year  1862. 

He  is  a  son  of  Mr.  Ignacio  de  Moura  and  a  brother  of  the  apothe- 
caries, Joao,  Edmundo  and  Ricardo  Moura,  of  Dr.  Ignacio  Landell, 
a  physician  and  of  Mr.  Pedro  Landell  de  Moura  a  well  known  Sao 
Paulo  merchant. 

Having  decided  from  his  childhood  to  become  a  priest,  Robert 
Landell  went  to  Rome  while  yet  quite  a  young  fellow,  there  he  follow- 
ed the  theological  course  with  distinction  and  was  ordained.  By 
this  time  he  was  already  studying  with  special  care  physical 
sciences.  » 

HuET  DE  Bacellar.  —  Tlic  clcvcr  and 
illustrious  Rear- Admiral  Huet  de  Bacellar  is 
another  contemporary  inventor  and  is  one  of 
the  most  distinguished  officers  of  the  Brazilian 
navy.  As  a  Captain  ,  commanding  several 
men-of-warj  he  had  occasion  to  observe  the 
defects  in  the  tubes  of  the  submarine  torpedo- 
throwers,  which,  in  fact,  are  far  from  giving 
satisfaction,  in  their  practical  work,  not  only  Huet  dk  Bacellar 

because  it  is  impossible  to  regulate  the  charge 

of  the  cordite,  or  the  pressure  of  the  gas  inside  the  tube,  but  because 
of  other  defects  verified    every  time  use  is  made  of  the  torpedo- 

—  w  — 

throwers,  sometimes  eansiiig  disasters  as  it  liappened  on  board  the 
men-of-war  <(  Aijnidabaii  »  and  u  Deodoro  ». 

While  eommandinf":  the  small  battle-ship  «  Floriimo  »,  rear-admi- 
lal  lluct  (le  Haccllar  attempted  to  put  in  practice  a  modification  of 
the  apparatus  Scliwartzkopf,  whieli  lie  had  in  mind  to  realize  after 
lon^-  studies  in  other  ships.  He  ordered  in  that  German  house  the 
nianiiliuMur*'  of  a  torpedo-thrower  as  he  invented,  and  experiments 
were  made  the  result  of  which  representing  a  great  triumph  for  the 
clever  sailor. 

In  a  lecture  delivered  in  the  Xavy  College  on  the  23rd.  May  1002, 
with  tlie  i)resi'nce  of  the  President  of  the  Kei)ublit'  and  high  authori- 
ties of  the  navy,  he  said  : 

The  apparatus  works  by  means  of  compressed  air,  and  in  that 
there  is  nothing  new. 

What  is  really  new  and  what  characterizes  this  invention  is  the 
peculiar  disposition  of  tubes  themselves  and  the  arrangement  of  the 
valves  which  let  the  compressed  air  pass  to  the  cylinders  from  the 
external  to  the  internal  tube,  making  it  go  on  till  the  end  of  its 
course  when  the  torpedo  is  expelled.  In  the  initial  movement  only 
the  cylinders  of  the  external  tube  receive  the  air,  but  after  the  air 
having;  gone  a  certain  course  the  torpedo  gets  loose  from  its  safety 
links  automatically,  the  valve  that  gives  the  double  entrance  of  the 
air  in  the  cylinders  is  then  opened,  the  air  that  enters  oft  hastens  , 
the  movement  of  the  internal  tube  and  the  air  that  enters  fore  passing  1 
thi-ough  the  stems  of  the  embolus  causes  the  firing  of  the  torpedo. 
The  remaining  air,  that  stays  inside  the  cylinders,  in  their  fore  part, 
serves  as  a  kick-stopper. 

Once  tli(;  torpedo  fired,  the  internal  lulx'  gxits  in  autonuUically  to 
its  initial  position  by  the  external  pressure  of  the  water  and  when  by 
some  circumstance!  this  does  not  happen,  it  is  taken  back  from  the 
battery  \>\  llic  compressed  air,  or  l)y  hand,  l)y  means  of  a  nu'chanical 

lira/.ilian  and  luuopean  experts  recognized  the  importance  of  the 
invention  lo  which  liic  gcrman  manufacturers  gave  tlu'  name  of 
liacellar-Schwarlzkopf  ami  which  was  adopted  by  the  Brazilian 
navy,  the  battle-ship  a  I'loriuiio  ».  commanded  at  tlu'  time  by  the 
inventor  being  the  first  one  to  adopt  it. 

l{.\i>i.i;i{  i)i:  At^riNo.  Is  a  young  navy  ollieer  w  lio  invented  an 
ai)iiara1us  of  practical  use  wliicli  proxcs  how  well  prepared  in  scien- 
tific studies  (he  l!ra/.ili:iu  u;i\  \   ollieers  are. 

—  41  — 

His  invention  is  thus  described  by  the  oll'icial  ()r<;an  oT  the 
Navy  :  «  It  consists  of  an  apparatus  in  two  different  parts  a  trans- 
mitter and  a  receiver  where  are  a  number  of  copper  contacts  corres- 
ponding- to  tlie  different  orders  to  be  transmitted  or  received. 

IJoth  receiver  and  transmitter  have  a 
lever  and  not  only  this  has  a  wire  connec- 
ting it  to  the  other,  but  the  contacts  that 
correspond  to  the  same  indications,  in  this 
two  apparatus,  were  also  connected  by 
means  of  a  metallic  conductor, 

A  current  running  through  the  wire  that 
connects  the  two  levers,  can,  indifferently, 
circulate  through  either  of  the  elementary 

But  the   electrical  communication    can 
only  take  place  by   one  of  the  mentioned 
circuits,  when  the  lever  of  the  receiver  is      Lieuioiinnt  Radi.ku  dk  Aquino 
in  symetric  position  with  that  of  the  trans- 
mitter,  that  is,    it  is  necessary  that  the  two  levers  should  mark  the 
same  signal. 

It  must  be  said  :  when  that  takes  place,  two  lamps,  one  of  the 
receiver  and  the  other  of  the  transmitter,  placed  upon  the  wire  that 
connects  the  levers,  will  prove  that  the  general  circuit  has  been 

On  the  other  hand,  the  lever  of  the  transmitter  is  built  in  sucli  a 
way  that  while  one  of  the  extremes  slides  by  the  contacts  above 
mentioned,  the  other  extreme,  passing  over  the  contacts  tliat  are 
between  it  and  the  other  contact  indicating  the  order,  produces  tlie 
closing  of  a  special  circuit,  causing  that  way  the  vibration  of  a  bell 
in  the  receiving  section.  » 

Lieutenant  Aquino's  device  is  worthy  of  mention  mainly  by  the 
simplicity  of  the  apparatus,  when  compared  with  those  of  Fiske, 
used  by  the  United  States  Xavy  and  those  of  Barr  and  Strond  used 
by  the  English  navy. 

Besides,  he  has  also  invented  a  chemical  indicator,  to  substitute 
Lord  Kelvin  's  mechanical  one,  in  the  average  soundings  of  hydro- 
graphy or  rapid  navigation. 

Radler  de  Aquino  C(mtinues  in  his  scientific  studies,  and  besides 
the  above  described  apparatus  has  several  other  inventions,  among 
which  is  the  velocimetre,  destined,  as  its  name  indicates  to  measure 
the  speed  of  the  ship,  based  upon,  in  the  live  pressure  of  the  water 

—  +2  — 

caused  h\  the  presence  ol'  the  boat,  tlie  apparatus  having-  been  named 
by  its  autlior  «  pieso-velocimciro.  » 

Kxix'rinionts    made   in   July    and    August     lUOO   on    board    tlie 
((  liiirroso  »,  a  Brazilian  man-ol-war,  produced  excellent  results. 

lillliiliccr   I'Ulll.llU)  DA  (Uj.STA 

KiiuMKo  DA  (k)STA.  —  Is  tlic  uamc  of  another  Brazilian  inventor, 
also  ol"  the  navy.  He  is  an  engineer  with  the  i-ank  of  comnumder  and 
is  at  present  in  charge  of  the  Work-shops  of  the  Rio  de  Janeiro 
Navy  ^'ard. 

This  intelligent  jBrazilian  [scientist,  devo- 
ting all  his  spare  time  to  the  problem  of  the 
life-saving  service,  invented  and  built  a  life- 
saving  boat  very  curious  and  original.  It  is  a 
small  open  canoe,  unsinkable  destined  to  the 
lifes-aving  service  of  passengers  and  crews 
of  wrecked  boats.  It  offers  the  greatest  facili- 
ties of  being  placed  in  the  water  and  has  abso- 
lute safety  of  fluctuation. 

The  Commander  Ribeiro  da  Costa's  life- 
saving  boat  is  patented  in  Europe,  and  in  the 
last  Paris  exposition  1900  received  the  highest 
award,  the  jury  of  the  ex[)ositi()n  having  recognized  the  merit  and 
true  value  of  the  ingenious  apparatus  destined  to  represent  a  promi- 
nent place  among  the  useful  collections  of  the  life-saving  societies. 
Commander  Costa  has  two  different  models  of  his  boat. 

An  article  written  on  this  invention  states  that  for  the  landing  of 
trooi)s  in  case  of  war,  any  of  the  two  types  will  be  of  great  moral 
effect  for  the  soldiers,  since  they  will  know  immediately  that  they 
can't  die  diMwned  even  should  the  boat  receive  any  number  of  shots 
from  th(i  (iuemy. 

He  also  invented  the  construction  of  a  i-alt  appiopi-iated  for  the 
ships  witli  lai-ge  ci-ews.  'I'his  raft  is  built  witli  liimlxT  and  canvas 
and  was  tried  w  itii  great  success  as  well  as  picsented  lo  the  Pollock 
comp(!tilion  in  JMii-opc.  lis  model,  as  liic  (uu>  of  (he  otlier  saving 
boats  is  on  e\liii)ili(.u  in  ihe  Naval  Museum  of  Uio  de  .laneiro. 

Kngineer  Kibeiioda  Costa  enjoys  a  gooil  reputation  as  an  intel- 
lectual man.  lie  keeps  on  devoting  himself  to  that  branch  of  naval 
construeli(ui.  but  lias  invented  otliei-  apparatus  for  seviu-al  other 
ap|)lieal  ions. 

|{esides  the  two  life-saving  boats  and  tlie  new  raft  <>  rii:inl  »,  the 
appai-alus  <i  />//r(//,./(/;,)/,e  ..  (l,>voted    to   know    the    dii(>eli(Mi    of   the 

—  4-:<  — 

sound  oi"  a  steam  whistle  in  lof^j^y  weather  and  the  practical  and 
inlallible  I'ules  to  avoid  collisions  in  the  high  seas  during  ioggy 
weather,  he  has  several  inventions,  all  of  them  original  patented  in 
Europe,  and  submitted  to  the  Brazilian  (lovernment,  such  as  : 

A  semi-submarine  torpedo-))oat  with  great  advantages  over  the 
other  ones  used  to-day  and  ordered  to  be  built  by  the  government  at 
the  Rio  Navy  Yard.  Unfortunately  it  was  not  built  the  material 
having  disappeared  during  the  revolution  of  180IJ. 

A  rotatine  steam  engine,  patented  and  tried  in  Brazil. 

A  steam  engine,  completely  new  in  all  its  devices,  with  great 
advantages  over  others,  patented  in  France,  Belgium,  Germany, 
England  and  United  States,  devoted  specially  to  navigation,  built 
and  tried  in  Havre  in  181)1,  received  the  prize  in  the  Modern  Inven- 
tions Exhibition  in  Paris,  receiving  great  praises  in  several  maga- 
zines as  well  as  the  gold  medal  «  Jaceg-iiay  »  in  the  Xaval  Club  of 
llio  de  Janeiro. 

A  new  distribution  of  steam,  without  excentric,  patented  in 
several  countries. 

A  new  sucking  treading  pump,  oscillating  movement  also  patented. 

An  apparatus  to  feed  boilers  automatically. 

A  new  steam  engine  for  navigation  purposes. 

A  new  four  concentric  tubes  boiler  patented  in  several  countries. 

A  machine  to  make  tooth-picks. 

A  very  original  engine  working  by  means  of  compressed  air,  all 
automatic,  the  result  of  28  years  study,  built  since  1807  in  Marseille, 
lacking  yet  a  few  small  details  to  make  experiments. 

An  hydraulic  turbine,  for  navigation  purposes. 

A  new  apparatus  to  feed  automatically  any  boiler  even  a  ship  one 
about  to  be  tried  soon  in  the  llio  Xavy  Yard. 

A  new  submarine  torpedo. 

Francisco  Przewodowski.  —  Is  the  name  of  another  Brazilian 
inventor.  He  is  a  navy  officer  as  is  fatlier  was.  He  was  born  in 
Cannavieiras  (Bahia)  and  as  his  name  indicates  is  Polish  descent. 
He  was  educated  in  the  Naval  College  and  devotes  himself  to  the 
study  of  physics  and  mechanic.  The  invention  that  placed  him  in 
evidence  among  professionals  and  which  won  a  15  year  privilege 
from  the  Brazilian  Government  was  his  apparatus  «  Przewodowski  » 
destined  to  the  self  direction  of  torpedoes  against  movable  or  fixed 

This  apparatus,  result  of  patient  studies,  is  a  series  of  pieces 

—  44  — 

disposed  so,  tluii  it  permits  the  use  of  the  iman  or  ma<-neetie  needh' 
to  give  self  direetion  to  the  torpedoes.  Aeeording- to  tlie  patent  the 
apparatus  lias  two  parts,  the  first  with  an  iman,  the  following-  with 
boltiiies  where  the  eleetro-iman  necessary  is  obtained.  They  are 
separate,  caeh  oeeupying  its  ehauTber  and  the  second  is  lined  with 
china  except  the  discs  of  the  eyes  were  placed  the  extremities  of  tlic 
bohincs.  'JMic  only  communication  between  the  first  and  the  second 
is  1)V  Mires,  sufficiently  isolated  crossing  the  intermediary  wall 
allowing  (uily  the  passage  of  the  electric  current  that  is  going  to  act 
upon  the  helm  of  the  torpedo  making  it  take  the  direction  of  the  aim 
or  target.  The  inventor  received  proposals  lor  the  purchase  of  the 
invention  fiom  an  English  house  but  refused  to  sell  it  which  he  is 
still  improving  every  (la.\'  in  Rio.  lie  also  applied  for  patent  in  seve- 
ral iMiropean  counti-ies.  Lieutenant  Francisco  Przewodowski  is  a 
pei'sistent  and  intelligent  investigator  and  a  hard  worker,  and 
expects  yet  to  improve  considerably  his  own  invention. 

The  experiments  he  has  made  have,  so  far,  l)een  most  successful. 


\i.n    I'iMo 
i\  fi-  i'latc.  A  mil  hci'   one  v. 

A  DEL  Pinto.  —  lie  was 
born  in  S.  Ciabi-iel,  Rio 
(Jrande  do  Sul.  He  first 
studied  in  the  Militai'y 
College  of  Rio  ,  finishing 
in  the  Polytechnical  Colle- 
ge of  the  same  city.  In  the 
army  reached  the  rank  of 
1"^'  Lieutenant  of  artillery. 
Since  his  youth  he  has  de- 
voted himself  to  speeial 
studies  on  electricity  and 
its  ai)plications.  Several 
(liscoNci'ics  and  iiicclianic- 
nl  inventions  gixc  him  a 
prtuuincnt  place  am(»ng 
l>ra/iliaii  iiuciilors.  We 
must  inciil  ion  spceiallv  :  a 
new  process  for  pri'scrva- 
I  ion  of  meat  and  fish,  \\  hit'li 
is  being  exploited  by  an 
exporting  enlerpri/e  in  the 
I'liriniis  ap]>aratiis   to   a\(»id    railroad 

collisions  by  means  of  a  new  Hlock-syslem  ahsoliilrly  auloniatie, 
elect fical-inechanical,  simple,  sale  and  economical.  It  was  tested 
and  tried  by  the  Central  of  Brazil  Railroad  and  judged  as  i)osscss- 
ing  splendid  and  sale  conditions  to  guarantees  its  objcu't.  Another 
o^ie  ol"  Dr.  Adel  Barretto  Pinto's  invention  consists  in  utilizing-  the 
j)ower  ])roduced  by  the  column  of  air  dislocated  by  any  vehicle  in 
motion,  such  as  trains,  ships,  automobiles,  etc.,  transforming  this 
power  in  electrical  energy  in  benefit  of  tlus  same  vehicles,  multi- 
plying their  motive  power  with  economy  of  fuel. 

This  transformation  of  power  is  made  hy  means  of  a  compressed 
air  turbine,  constituted  by  eight  paddles  in  screw  form,  a(la[)ted  to 
the  front  of  the  vehicle,  the  turbine  becoming  a  special  generator, 
forming  a  system,  by  means  of  a  combination  of  pulleys  with  a  small 
dynamo  of  electro  motive  power  proportional  t')  the  power  of  its 

Gomes  Pi':reira.  —  (An- 
tonio Coutinho  )  Another 
military  inventor.  He  be- 
longs to  the  navy.  As  the 
reader  can  sec  this  class 
gives  a  good  contingent  of 
inventoi'S  thanks  to  their 
initiative  intelligence,  and 
to  the  excellent  scientific 
culture  acquired  in  the  Xa- 
vy  College  of  Rio  ,  Gomes 
Pereira  was  born  in  Rio, 
graduated  from  the  Navy 
College  where  he  was  al- 
ways one  of  the  first  in  all 
the  classes  he  had  to  go  to. 
After  a  few  trips,  both  in 
the  Atlantic  and  the  Paci- 
fic, having  visited  the  prin- 
cipal Arsenals  and  Xavy 
yards  of  Europe  ,  he  was 

commissioned  as  sub-commander  of  several  ships  ,  and  later  on 
commander  of  the  torpedo-boat  «  Tanioyo  »,  where  he  revealed 
himself  a  sailor  well  posted  on  modern  warfare.  After  the  Rnssian- 
Japanese  war,  he  invented,  taking  advantage  of  what  he  learnt  in 

Gomes  Peueira 

—  +6  — 

tlial  war,  a  most  ing«'ni()iis  apparatus  an  unfoinalic  coiunmter  Un- 
the  circuit  of  the  firing  of  the  ««uns  on  board.  This  apparatus, 
patented  already  by  the  Hrazilian  ( Jovernment  has  as  an  object  to 
avoid  the  deviation  of  the  bullet  and  loss  of  the  shot  caused  l)y  the 
motion  of  the  shij)  and  is  being-  adopted  by  the  Brazilian  Navy  with 
great  praises  from  tlie  authorities  in  this  line.  He  has  still  other 
inventions  but  this  niitomutir  commuter  is  the  one  worthy  of 
special  menticm  in  this  chapter  of  our  book. 

Oliveiua  i)k  Mknkzks 
fAugusto  Xavier).  —  He 
was  born  in  187*.».  When  he 
was  13  years  old  he  entered 
tlie  National  Gymnasium. 
He  followed  his  preparato- 
ry studies  with  distinction. 
He  had  great  inclination 
for  the  study  of  physical 
and  natural  sciences  ,  re- 
vealing an  inventive  ge- 
nius ,  preparing  exponta- 
neously  most  curious  ap- 
paratus to  be  worked  by 
electricity.  He  has  a  bat- 
tery of  his  own  that  works 
with  (MMumou  kitcluMi  salt. 
Later  on  he  was  professor 
at  the  National  Ciymna- 
sium.  He  entered  after- 
wards as  student  to  the 
Medical  College,  in  I".KI-J  he  wrote  a  work  with  the  title  «  Xorocs  siic- 
cintiis  tic  (Ihiin'uii  I'hilosopliicnn  which  made  a  name  for  him. In  l'.H»;> 
he  piiblislicd  a  new  w  ork  on  chcmislry  w  liich  adopt t'd  by  nearly  every 
onc!  (»f  llie  Uio  pi-ofcssors.  in  luor)  he  took  i)art  in  the  Scientific  Latin 
American  Coiigi-css  where  he  pi'csented  a  iKttable  ((  impcr  »  on  <(  .1 
Aliiiosplicr.i  r:ivtfcH:t  u  presenting  Iiiglily  importaul  piicnomciion. 
Mis  wojk  was  unanimously  approved  by  llic  Icaiiicil  men  present  at 
tiie  meeting  both  foi'eign  and  natives.  'I'his  nu'eting  was  heM  in  the 
I'olyleehnical  College  nl  ilio.  lie  was  then  but  -J")  yeai-s  old.  lie  has 
se\eral  i  ii  \  eiil  ions  worlliy  (»l  note,  wliieli  lie  lias  not    put    in    praeliec 

Oi.ivKiHA  i>i:  Mknkzks 

—  47  — 

loi-  luck  of  material  elements  as  it  is  :  a;?  elcctro-multiplycv^n  i-e}>-ul- 
iitor  of  the  incandescent  lumps  intensity,  an  electrical  accumulator, 
searched  by  the  use  oi"  a  metal  not  as  yet  exploited,  and  wliich  accoi-d- 
in<>'  to  his  theories  will  be  the  ideal  of  modern  electricians  :  small 
weii;ht  and  volume,  lari>(^  capacity.  lie  is  now  writing-  a  work  on 
physical  science  entitled  «  Xocoes  succintas  de  Physica  Elementar. 


Eduardo  Claudio.  —  He  is  another  engi- 
neer, born  in  Rio  de  Janeiro,  to-day  at  the 
head  of  tlie  technical  section  of  a  tramway 
company.  He  contributed  towards  the  good 
name  of  the  Brazil  of  to-day,  inventing  a  pro- 
pelling aj)paratus  destined  to  substitute  the 
helix  of  the  steamers,  just  as  Ihe  helix  sub- 
stituted the  wheels  or  paddles.  The  Brazilian 
Admiralty  inueli  interested  in  the  new  pro- 
peller, made  strict  experiments  adapting  it 
to  a  port  torpedo  boat,  the  «  Sabino  ]'ieira  », 
obtaining  results  that  encouraged  the  order 

to  adapt  it  to  a  large  ship  which  is  now  being  done.  All  the  technical 
world  accompanies  wath  an  interest  that  can  easily  be  imagined,  the 
trial  proofs  of  the  ingenious  apparatus  to  which  its  in\entor  gave 
the  name  of  Trochoidal  Propeller,  or  simply  Trochoide. 

^__^  Dr.  Eduardo  Claudio  is  a 

serious  man ,  an  investiga- 
tor, and  endowed  with  large 
theoretical  knowledge.  His 
invention  is  not  a  casual 
discovery,  but  the  result  of 
much  thinking  and  untired 
studies  of  several  years  , 
luckly  crowned  with  good 

The  construction  of  the 
new  propeller  obeys  to  a  new 
theory  absolutely  opposed  to 
the  theories  of  the  lielix. 

These  theories  claim  that 

the  propelling   action  of  the 

helix  is  due  to  the  reaction  produced  upon  the  water  by  the  fore  side 

of  the  helix  paddles,  which   would  be   equivalent  to  saying  that  the 

trochoide  ouglit  not  to  work  efficiently. 

The  «  Ti'ucliuitle  » 

—  48  — 

Xolw  iilistamlinj;  llic  'I'roclioidc  not  only  proved  its  economical 
siipcrioiit.v  over  the  helix  in  experiments  realized  with  a  torpedo- 
l)o:il  in  the  hay  of  Rio,  hut  also  proved  that  the  vibrations  tliat  seem 
unav()ida!)le  in  the  ships  of  ^reat  speed  propelled  hy  helix  have  no 
reason  to  exist,  ami  will  ahsolutely  disappear  when  propelled  hy 
the  trochoide. 

In  si)ite  of  the  imperf(H'tions  of  the  first  apparatus  experimented, 
comparing  it  with  one  of  the  best  helixes,  an  economy  was  realized 
of  30  "/,.. 

Tlie  Brazilian  Government  has  ordei'cd  the  construction  of  seve- 
ral of  these  apparatus,  in  the  IJio  Navy  Yard,  to  he  used  in  the  first 
boats  to  he  made  which  will  be  propelled  by  the  trochoide,  puttini;' 
aside  the  helix  wich  does  n()t  come  up  to  tlie  same  perfection.  It  is 
the  eternal  work  of  the;  indefinite  progress. 

lo  Ihc 

(o  the 
W  i 
ill  I  lia 

ToKQiATo  rj.v>rAKAO.  —  .Vn  elec- 
tricist  of  renown,  a  native  of  Para, 
has  become  quite  i)r()minent  with 
his  work  on  electrical  oscillations, 
ai)plied  to  the  wireless  telegraph 
and  to  the  direction  of  submarine 
war  torpedoes.  For  this  torpedo  — 
submarine  torpedo  directed  by  tlic 
hcrt/.ian  electric  waves  —  the  Bra- 
zilian Congress  has  voted  a  subsidy 
of  twenty  contos  for  an  apparatus 
to  be  built . 

This  torpedo  has  in  its  favor  the 

approval  of  all  the  Board  of  (Migi- 

neers  of  ilic  War  Dcpartnu'ut.  that 

declared     officially,   after    studies 

m1  hy  the  Si'cretary  of  war  <(  that  the  invention  with  slight  mo 

ions,  indicated  by  the  Hoard,  could  render  (he  highest  services 

defense  of  (he  Hrazilian  ports.  » 

l)erimenls  made  on  boai-d  the  steamer  k  Ihihyn  of  the  Brazilian 
ant  marines  in  r.KK),  and  others  made  in  \W.'>,  in  Kio,  ln'fcMc 
experts,  showed  the  i  in  poiManee  of  eleeti-ieist  Laniaran'- 
ion.  I''or  the  last  If.  years  M  r.  Lainai-ao  has  (le\  oled  liiiiiseif 
study  of  physics  and  eheinistr,\  . 

til    his    apparatus,   1  ransmitler  of  hert /iaii  w  a\  es,  t  he  in  \  eiitoi' 
i  test  pill   in  operation  tlie  watching  tm-pedoes  wliieli   e\|)lo(le(l 

'l'ur(|ii;il(j  l.aiii.iiM 

*  —te- 

as soon  as  tliey  recoivod  tho  waves.  AftiM-wards  Ik^  mad*'  four  of  them 
explode  siniultaneously  by  means  of  waves  sent  also  simidtaneously. 

The  wireless  telegraph,  invented  and  built  by  him,  it  is  a  device 
so  arranged  that  assures  safe  and  perfect  work. 

This  ingenious  inventor  and  electricist  has  still  other  instruments, 
of  great  utility,  invented  by  him,  as  the  Snndngnipho,  devoted  to 
register  on  a  dial  the  soundings  in  navigated  canals,  and  the  Electric 
\Varnci\  to  denounce  the  presence  of  water  in  the  hold  of  the  ships. 

His  most  important  invention  is  the  tor])edo  ai)])aratus,  examined 
by  military  engineers,  and,  as  has  been  mentioned  above  awarded  a 
l)rize  by  the  Brazilian  Congress.  The  press  wrote  extensively  and 
enthusastically  about  the  success  of  the  experiments  made  on  the 
l(3th.  Jt^n-il  in  Rio  where  the  advantages  of  his  invention  were  plainly 

PLKKIKA    1>L    l.YRA 

Pereira  de  Lyra.  —  Here  is  the  name 
of  another  Brazilian  extremely  fond  of  the 
natural-physic  sciences,  a  name  that  has 
just  won  fame  for  the  invention  of  a  motor, 
extremely  ingenious.  Dr.  Antonio  Alves 
Pereira  de  Lyra  was  born  in  the  ex-pro- 
vince of  Pernambuco.  He  became  a  i)hysi- 
cian  but  kept  on  studying  with  the  greatest 
love  and  care  pliysics  and  mechanics  mak- 
ing searches  appliable  to  these  sciences, 
and  in  this  work  he  is  always  patient  and 

He  invented  several  apparatus  and  industrial  devices,  devoting  to 
this  work  all  the  spare  moments  of  his  clinical  occupations  and  his 
functions  as  a  member  of  the  Brazilian  Congress  where  he  represents 
his  native  State.  Xone  of  those  inventions,  it  seems,  will  meet  the 
success  which  is  apparently  reserved  for  his  Motor-Turbine,  of  a 
system  entirely  new,  wdiicli  will  substitute  the  steam,  gas  and  water 
engines  in  use  to-day  in  the  industrial  establishments.  In  a  compa- 
rative experiment  in  which  it  was  put  side  a  side  with  the  Cnrtia 
turbine,  it  was  shown  that  the  new  turbine  is  so  superior  that  it  does 
not  stand  comparison,  being  besides  much  simpler  and  clieai)er. 

Being  unable  to  give  here  a  complete  description  of  this  invention 
we  limit  ourselves  to  transcribe  from  the  Jornal  do  (Aunmercio,  of 
Rio  de  Janeiro,  the  following  paragraph  in  which  they  referred  to 
this  invention  at  the  time  granted  a  three  year  patent  to  the  inventor. 

«  Entii-cly  (lilTciviit  from  all  the  others  by  its  shape  and  disposi-  ^ 
tion  <>r  its  ])a(ldles,  the  iww  turbine  may  be  made  with  one  sin<;le 
wheel,  which  is  capable  ol'  rcduciiif^-  its  speed  to  the  limit  exacted  by 
l)racticc.  It  is  a  rctin-nablc  engine,  which,  by  the  simple  movement  ol" 
a  cock,  <;()cs  inditTcicntly  to  the  i-i<>ht  or  to  the  left,  without  any  alte- 
ration in  its  delivery.  It  avoids  completely  shocks  and  whirls, 
because  of  tlie  special  disposition  of  the  i)addles  and  the  direction  of 
the  throw.  The  admission  is  made  by  means  ol"  automatic  valves, 
moved  by  the  steam  itself,  which  maintain  always  the  same  pres- 
sure, never  mind  what  the  charge  and  sj'stem  of  the  engine  may  be. 
In  short,  it  is  a  simple  a])paratus,  light,  economical,  offering  resis- 
tance and  able  to  substitute  witli  adxantagc  the  motors  of  its  kind, 
in  a  large  number  of  ap])licati(ms.  » 

t  ioni/c  1 1 
II    i> 
t  imc  a  re 
sci'i<'s  of 

OswALUo  Fakia.  —  A\'c  will  now 
mention  a  name  \\  liicli  w  ill  be  often 
re])eate(l  in  futui'e  as  everything* 
now  indicates.  It  belongs  to  the 
youngest  of  inventoi's  as  he  was 
l)ut  ].")  or  K)  years  old  when  he  made 
his  a])i)earance  before  the  scientific 
world  as  an  inventor.  He  was  born 
in  Rio  de  Janeiro  but  is  now  in  Pa- 
I'is  finishing  his  scientific  studies. 
TIk'  i)ress  of  the  whole  world,  and 
niucli  spcciallx  tlic  l-'rcuch  one  w  rote 
cxtiMisiN  cly  about  his  discovery. 

Morales  dc  Los  Ivios  the  well 
known  architect  of  Kio  w  rote  t  lius 
about  Oswaldo  I^'aria  the  great  in- 
xcntor,  our  confrei'e  : 

II  Oswaldo  l''aria  "s  in\(Miti(U)  is 
really,  if  we  arc  to  bciicNC  tlu'  ncws 
that  are  reaching  us,  a  most  lu(d<y 
discovery  and  is  dcstiiu'd  to  revolu- 
le  electrical  nicchaiiics,  industi'y  and  econoinw 
no  nMU'c  or  less  tiian  a  t  ransftu-nici-  of  the  altei'nalixc 
into  conlinnal  ciii'rcnls.  This  I  ransrorniei'  is  at  the  same 
gulator  of  power,  which  permits,  or  rather,  oi'iginales  a 
new  appbeations  for  (lie  ciccliic  euirents. 

().S»\A1.IMI     I  AlllA 

—  51  — 

It  is  the  solution  of  the  most  sought  of  problem  by  electrical 

Its  author  until  now  has  reduced  these  new  applications  only  to 
seven,  and  among  these  are  more  prominent,  the  suppression  of  spe- 
cial works  and  machinery  to  produce  ozone,  the  suppression  of  spe- 
cial apparatus  and  shops  to  charge  the  accumulators,  the  enormous 
and  most  sought  of  advantage  of  becoming  fix  and  steady  the  light 
of  the  arc-light  lamps,  which,  as  it  is  known,  has  been  from  its 
beginning  till  now  very  imperfect.  I'hat  fixidity  of  the  electric  light 
produced  by  that  lamp  gives  (o  the  vitascope  views  a  firmness  which 
they  never  had  until  Oswaldo  Faria  "s  invention  appeared  and  par- 
ties who  were  present  at  the  experiments  of  the  vitascope  with 
Faria's  regulator,  assure  that  the  views  are  absolutely  firm  and  that 
the  absence  of  that  inconvenient  trembling  observed  until  then  in 
the  reproduction  of  the  views  of  the  vitascopes,  is  complete.  The 
invention  of  the  young  Brazilian  promises  to  regulate  the  power  of 
the  light,  either  in  the  arc-light  lamps,  the  incandescent  one,  what 
offers  the  advantages  of  the  ordinary  lamps  being  able  to  furnish 
light  weaker  or  stronger,  at  will. 

The  same  apparatus  originates  other  important  improvements. 
We  may  say  it  is  going  to  revolutionize  in  an  extraordinary  way 
the  electrical  production  under  its  varied  forms  of  light  and  power.  » 

Through  the  intervention  of  His  Excellency  Barao  do  Rio 
Branco,  Secretary  of  Foreign  Affairs,  Dr.  Piza  e  Almeida,  Brazilian 
Minister  to  France,  in  Paris,  gave  the  aid  of  his  prestige  to  safe- 
guard the  interests  of  the  young  inventor,  protecting  his  rights,  and 
to  that  effect  had  experiments  made  by  experts  of  recognized  com- 

The  repercussion  of  this  discovery  in  the  Euroj)ean  scientific 
world  was  such,  that  the  French  government  wanted  to  offer  the 
young  inventor  the  graduation  diploma  of  one  of  its  Academies. 

Dr.  Vidal  Brazil.  —  This  inventor  has  followed  quite  a  diffe- 
rent kind  of  investigations  from  the  others  above  mentioned.  His 
name  is  connected  with  one  of  the  most  precious  discoveries  of  the 
medical  science  and  most  important  to  the  life  of  the  rural  population 
specially  those  who  work  in  the  field  or  in  the  woods. 

He  has  discovered  the  antidote  against  the  ophidic  poison.  Some 
time  ago,  another  Brazilian,  Dr.  Lacerda,  discovered  a  preparation 
having  as  basis  permanganate  of  potassium,  which  was  a  most  use- 
ful remedy  when  applied  in  time  for  the  bites  of  certain  ophidions. 

Dr.  Vidal  who  is  at  present  the  director  ol"  tlie  Insiitnlo  Scrum- 
th('rui>i((>,oi  S.Paulo,  gave  the  last  word  applying  the  scriimlhcnipy 
to  the  cure  of  snake  bites,  and  in  Brazil  there  is  a  large  number  of 
mighty  poisonous  ones.  Dr.  Vidal  had  to  make  experimental  studies 
most  accurate  and  rigorous  during  several  years. 

In  all  the  medical  centres,  investiga- 
tions of  this  kind  have  progressed  but 
little,  to  be  precise,  have  note  advanced 

The  same  is  not  the  case  in  Brazil.  In 
this  country  there  are  many  kinds  of  sna- 
kes,  some  most  poisonous  ones  and  quite 
^^^  (    i^  a  number  of  men  fall  victims  to  them  as 

^^^^^^^MH^i^^Hfej^        well  as  do   domestic  animals         several 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B  To 

^j^^^^^JN^HyP^^       had  resisted  to  the  efforts  of  physicians 

^^^^^  and   quacks,  Dr.  A^idal  Brazil  has  disco- 

^ii'^i   i:i.v/ii  vered  that  remedy  with  .ser»/7}s  prepared 

by  him  of  three  different  kinds  :  the  anti- 

(•rotiilic,  against  the  bite  of  rattle-snake,  the  anti-bothroi)ic,  against 

the  bite  of  the  jnrarma-^nako,  and  the  anti-o])]iidic,    fornu'd   by   the 

jiiixtiii'c  of  these  two  against  the  l)ite  of  the  other  kinds  of  suaki's. 

'i'liis  way  Dr.  Mdal  put  well  in  evidence  the  name  of  Brazil  in  the 
medical  world,  and  giving  credit  to  the  institution  he  is  director  of 
in  Sao  I^aulo. 

Aiiotlier  Hrazilian  invention,  though  not  of  great  seientifie  value 
as  the  preceding  ones,  is  the  inniohihic  scul,  inxcnted  hy  an  eni- 
l)loyee  of  the  I'ost  Office,  Mr.  Marcpiesde  Souza,  eliarged  with  the 
l)raneli  of  the  Post  Office  in  the  l-'ederal  Congress  Building. 

Il  consists  in  a  kind  of  a  holt  or  lock  nnuh'  of  cai'd  and  h'ad  and 
in  which  al'lcr  closing  nuiil  bags,  enveloix's  or  an\  other  postal 
j)ackage,  \)\  nu'ans  of  an  ingenious  ap])aratns  couhl  Ite  piinted  any 
signals,  dales,  niimhers,  anything  wished. 

I  he  si  ni  pi  icily  of  I  lie  invent  ion  can  only  l)c  com  pa  red  with  iis  prac- 
tical use  and  [efficiency  for  the  work,  as  il  is  i»ro\ing  its  real  value 
in  the  post  offices  of  the  c(.iinlr.\  .  Soon  after  il  was  patented,  il  was 
:'"'"l''''"l  ''.\  111'-  I'osI  olTicc  adniinislralion  aii.l  il  can  he  seen  that 
before  lung  the  //in/o/.;/./r  Nc,//  iiivciilcd  hy  Mr.  Martpn-s  de  Souza 
will  make  disajipcar  frMm  ;,1|  H,,.  |„,sl   offices,  llie  use  of    wax.    inuci- 

—  r,:{  — 

hig'cd   seals   iind   nil    the  other  ))riMiitiv('  pi'occ^sscs  used  until  now  to 
assure  the  inviolability  of  the  mails. 

Besides  this  seal  and  an  original  mail  bag' to  eariy  tlie  mails  from 
l)ort  to  ])ort,  Mr.  Marques  de  Souza  invented  sevei-al  otlier  devices 
among-  which  is  the  Brazilian  Grenach',  a  war  ])rojeetile,  snl)mitted 
not  long-  ago  to  the  appreciation  of  the  Major-State  of  the  army,  and 
the  characteristic  of  which  consists  in  that,  much  to  the  contrary  of 
what  happens  with  all  the  other  projectiles  used,  it  is  open,  that  is, 
it  has  a  longitudinal  opening  ramified  with  three  lines  running  in  the 
direction  of  the  drilled  rays  of  the  inside  barrel  of  the  gun.  The  air 
introduced  in  these  openings  when  the  projectile  is  in  motion  it 
escapes,  impressing  greater  velocity  to  it  and  more  penetrating 

Should  we  have  time  and  space  we  could  give  a  long  series  of 
inventions,  discoveries,  scientific  applications,  etc.,  of  our  days,  all, 
the  work  of  Brazilians,  but  the  list  would  be  rather  long.  We  would 
have  to  speak  of  : 

Freire  de  Aguiar.  —  New  process  of  manufacturing  extracts  of 

Angelo  Borges.  —  Rotative  motor  engine. 

Marao  Ferreira.  —  New^  flat-irons. 

R.  de  Carvalho.  —  New  process  of  metal  stencil  work. 

Antonio  Salles  Ferreira.  —  Improved  coffee-pot. 

Bemvindo  a.  Brandao,  of  Rio.  —  Hydrometre. 

Francisco  Gon^alves  Ribeiro,  of  Sao  Paulo.  —  Improved  coffee 

Bernardo  Cagmari,  of  Rio.  —  Paste  board  made  of  peri-peri 

D'"  Francisco  Cintra,  of  Sao  Paulo.  —  Apparatus  for  trigonome- 
tric calculations. 

Jose  Vincente  Marella,  of  Rio.  —  Acetylene  gasometre. 

OcTAVio  Teixeira  Mendes,  of  Sao  Paulo.  —  Cooler  by  compres- 
sed air. 

AuGUSTO  Barbosa  da  SiLVA,  of  Miiias  Geraes.  —  New  process 
for  the  manufacture  of  pig  iron,  steel  and  an  electric  oven  for  that 

JoAO  FiGUEiREDO  RocHA,  of  Rio.  —  Meclianic-cxplaining  map 
for  the  study  of  geograi^hy. 

J.  A.  DA  SiLVA  GouvEiA,  of  Rio.  —  New  style  flat-iron. 

A.  Costa  Sampaio,  of  Rio.  —  Oiler  to  prevent  rust. 

IsiDORO  J.  Machado  Lapa,  of  Rio.  —  Acetylene  apparatus  for 

-  5i  — 

Antomo  F.  dk  Cak\  ai.ho,  <»t'  Rio.  —  Disinl'(H'tin<;  inachim*  lor 
barbers  inslniiiiciits. 

Caklos  M.  1)K  Lackkda,  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul.  —  New  jjrocess 
to  jjrepare  dry  salted  beef  making-  it  iin<diangeable. 

DiAs  Die  Olivkiua,  of  Haliia.  —  Ai)paratus  to  lift  heavy  weights 
from  the  bottom  of  the  sea. 

JoAo  T.  Vascoxckllos,  of  Rio.  —  New  night  lam])s  named 
((  lirazileiras  ». 

Maximo  P.  de  Cakvaliio,  of  Minas.  —  Hoi-se-shoe  nails,  named 
a  Brazil  ». 

Miguel  A.  Buino,  of  Rio.  —  Original  drink  with  therapeutic 

Antonio  F.  V.  da  Fonseca,  of  Rio.  —  Ingenious  deviec  called  : 
«  Automatic  Fisber  ». 

Jose  Kmilio  Reiciiardt,  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul.  —  Apparatus  to 
cut  clotbing-  named  «  Adjusting  Ray  ». 

Kdiardo  J.  S.  Proen^a,  of  Rio.  —  Fishing  apparatus. 

JoAQiiM  Leocadio  Freire,  of  Siio  Paulo.  —  New  system  to  pro- 
duce sugar,  by  means  of  the  air  and  heat. 

AuGLSTo  C.  S.  Telles,  of  Sao  Paulo.  —  Utilisation  of  the  resi- 
due of  araminc  to  manufacture  paper,  etc. 

Kdiardo  Gomes  Ferreira,  of  Rio.  —  Improvement  in  cotton 
weaving,  linen,  etc. 

Manoel  Antomo  Guimaraes,  of  Rio.  —  New  carriage  models. 

Arthur  O.  F.  R angel,  of  Rio.  —  Photographs  by  a  new  process 
called  ((  celluloidinos  »  and  an  Electric  Drill. 

Luiz  1"'reike  de  A(;uiar,  of  Rio.  —  Sanitary  apparatus  named 
«  Simplex  ». 

Kduardo  Gomes  Ferreir.v,  of  Rio. —  Improved  weaver's  shuttle. 

Andre  Framu,  of  Rio.  —  Substance  and  process  to  tan  skins, 
named  <(  Frama  preparation  ». 

Oscar  Si»aldin(;,  of  Rio  (Jrandc  do  Sul.  —  Machine  to  scrai)e 
Mitiulioat.  (A  Rrazilian  plant  out  of  which  flour  is  made). 

.loAo  N'asc^uks,  of  Rio.  — A  very  curious  lamp  named  «  Progress.  » 

(Jermano  !•;.  \'ii)\i,  ,  of  Rio.  —  Industrial  advertisements  by 
means  of  slercoptii-an  views. 

Manoki.  (ioMEs,  of  Rio.  —  Incandescent  alcohol  street  lamps. 

Oari.os  Sii.VA.    -  Oi-iginal  stove. 

Rail  HA  !•'.  Iviioiko,  of  Rio.  —  Station  indicator  for  i-ailway 

Pedro  A.   |{or(;es,  of  S;h.  I'aiilo.         Aiil  kilici'  machine. 

Pedro  J*ekegrino,  ol"  Rio.  —  An  ai)i)aratiis  uuukhI  «  Flexcmoto  », 
to  neutralize  the  shaking-  of  cai'i-iaf^cs. 

B.  F.  Costa  k  Sousa,  of  Uio.  —  A  process  to  cool  tlie  air  suddenly. 

Affonso  C.  Seabra,  of  Rio.  —  A  motor  turbin(\ 

Dr.  Francisco  Mourao,  of  Minas  Geraes.  —  Ai)i)li('ation  of  man- 
ganese and  its  compounds  to  a  ceramic  paste. 

Bento  M.  Sa,  of  Rio.  —  Machines  to  clean  knives  and  forks. 

Arthur  D.  Lagerde,  of  Rio.  —  Process  for  cloth  to  become  im- 

Bernardino  A.  Soares,  of  Rio.  —  iVIotor  by  means  of  c<)mi)ressed 

Affonso  DOS  Reis,  of  Evio.  —  Machines  for  wall  paper  manufac- 

F'ernando  Xavier  da  Silveira,  of  Minas  Geraes.  —  Brick  mak- 
ing machine. 

JoAQUiM  LouRENgo  RiBEiRO,  of  Parana.  —  Hj^draulic  automatic 

Antonio  Ayres  Ferreira,  of  Rio.  —  Traction  machine. 

Dr.  Joaquim  Leocadio  Freire,  of  Sao  Paulo.  —  Improved  dis- 

JoAO  XoGUEiRA  Malheiros,  of  Rio.  —  Xcw  maritime  vehicle, 
named  «  Velo-helice  ». 

Dr.  Francisco  Alves  de  Lima,  of  Rio.  —  Air  pump,  for  land 
and  sea. 

And  an  endless  number  of  others,  which  proves  the  inventive 
energy  and  capacity  of  the  present  generation. 

It  would  require  two  large  volumes  to  describe,  even  in  a  con- 
cise form  these  discoveries  and  inventions.  By  what  we  have  writ- 
ten, by  what  we  presented  in  the  above  lines,  we  can  affirm  that  the 
time  is  gone  when  the  dense  forests,  the  indians,  the  missionaries 
and  the  slaves  were  the  essential  subjects  of  the  Brazilian  social 
scenery,  the  common  reference  places  for  the  European  traveller  to 
write  about  Brazil  as  a  large  lot  of  tame  savages. 

Now,  let  us  have  a  look  at  Brazilian  investigators,  scientists, 
thought  workers,  etc. 


Among  the  Brazilian  men  of  science  the  following  names  occupy 
pre-eminent  places  : 

Barbosa  Rodrigues.  —  Is  the  name  of  the  learned  director  of  the 
Botanical  Garden,  author  of  several  important  photographic  mono- 

graphics,  a  work  in  two  volumes  (c  Miiiriikytnn  unci  the  Symbolic 
idols  »,  iind  numy  other  \vorks,  the  most  noted  of  whieli  being-  a  cle- 
ver treatise  on  palm-trees,  entitled  a  Palmeiras  do  Brazil »,  a  work 
for  the  publication  of  which  the  Brazilian  Congress  voted  an  appro- 
priation of  -JdOiOOOSOUU  or  aboul  seventy  thousand  dollars. 

Dr.  A.  J.  Ferreira  da  Silva,  pro- 
fessor of  the  Polytechnical  Academy 
of  Oporto,  Portugal  ,  writing  about 
this  Brazilian  scientist,  who  devotes 
all  his  spare  moments  to  botanical 
and  ethnological  studies  stated :  «Make 
a  great  mistake  those  who  are  thinking 
that  Brazil  is  indifferent  to  the  civili- 
sing progress  of  the  world,  characte- 
rised by  the  development  of  sciences. 
An  impulse  of  no  small  importance 
lias  been  given,  and  we  can  even  as- 
sure that  it  will  be  one  of  great  future 
1;- s  possibilities,   if  the  Brazilian  Govern- 

ment does  its  duty. 
Joiio  Bai'bosa  Rodrigues  represents  one  of  the  most  valiant 
im])ellcrs  of  that  movement  of  sci(^ntific  emancipation  in  Brazil.  His 
magniriccnl  botanical  stu(li(^s,  especially  about  parnsHes  iiud  ])uliii- 
/rccs  give  him  one  of  the  most  distinguished  places  among  the  bota- 
nists and  his  ethnological  studies  have  thrown  light  on  many  i)ro- 
blcms  concerning  the  i-aces  of  the  American  continent  )>. 

liarbosa  Ilodrigiics  is  the  ty])e  of  a  true  fi'iend  of  science  :  he 
nev»;r  devoted  himself  to  nor  allowed  himself  to  be  attracted  by  any 
other  thing  but  scientific  researches.  In  1S71  he  enteri'd  the  Amazon 
valley  to  study  tlic  forest,  lie  lived  tlicrc  for  years.  He  then  founded 
the  Bonatical  Museum  of  Manaos,  and  from  there  he  was  invited  by 
the  Fcdci-al  ( JoNci-nment  in  1800,  to  take  charge  of  the  Botanical 
Garden  <>f  Kio  dc  Janeiro,  whei'c  he  introduced  thousands  of  new 
l)lants,  classifying  every  one  he  found  there.  Twice  European  men 
of  science  perix'tuated  his  name  in  botany,  as  a  recognizance  of  his 
scientific  work  :  they  classified  a  genus  of  the  palm-tree  family 
"  liuihosit  I)  and  a  genus  of  parasiti's  »*  Rodri^uczivlla  ».  Besides 
these  lliere  arc  some  ten  other  siH'cies  devoted  to  him  bearing  the 
name  of  I  lie  wise  Bi'azilian.  He  has  gotu'  over  every  bit  of  the 
Hra/ilian  (eri-ilory  in  his  sciciil  ific  excursions. 

In  IS.SI-IS.S.")  he  pacified  1  he  1  ndian  I  li  be  of  I  he  /•."/•/(7).</;.-i.s,  that 
he  nii-l   wilh  and  was  highly  jnaised  liy  llie  i>ia/.ilian  jn-ess. 

—  57  — 

His  work  on  parasites  was  lii<;lily  appreciated  \)y  Eiii'opeaii  sei(Mi- 
tists.  Ill  tlie  luteriiatioiial  Botanical  Con<;i-ess,  lield  on  the 
9tli,  Septeniber  1892,  where  the  ceh'brated  professor  Cogueaux  sent 
a  great  number  of  drawings  from  Earbosa  Rodrigues  manuscript  a 
hotter  was  read  in  whicli  the  well  known  ])rofessor  had  written  : 

«  It  was  then  that ,  at //jy  jwrsistcnl  nujuesls,  Mr.  Barbosa  Ro- 
drigues, i)romised  me  all  his  collection,  consisting  of  nearly  nine 
hundred  colored  drawings.  )j 

And  the  letter  ends  thus  : 

((  Some  of  these  drawings  that  I  took,  at  hazard,  will  permit  to 
appreciate  the  artistic  talent  with  which  those  drawings  were  made, 
and  above  all,  the  great  care  with  which  the  minutest  details  of  the 
analytical  drawings  of  this  i-ich  and  i)recious  series  were  represented. 

Closing  these  lines  a  comparison  im])oses  itself  before  my  mind, 
between  the  behaviour  of  the  two  old  competitors  to  the  editing  of  the 
parasites  monography  for  the  «  Flora  Brasiliensis  »;  a  (Reichembach 
son)  revenged  himself  for  having  been  set  aside,  ordering,  by  his 
death,  that  his  important  collections  should  be  closed  during  25  years, 
so  that  they  could  not  be  utilised  in  the  editing  of  the  wairk;  another 
one  (Barbosa  Rodrigues),  though  he  could  not  have  been  selected 
because  of  the  position  in  which  he  was  placed ,  he  wanted  however 
to  render  services  to  science  and  permitted  me  to  utilise  the  best  way 
I  could  the  fruit  of  his  active  researches  during  many  years.  I  believe 
that  this  latter  botanical  scientist  will  thank  his  abnegation,  and  from 
my  part  I  take  advantage  of  this  opportunity  to  publicly  present  my 
most  profound  gratitude.  » 

He  has  also  some  works  of  gi'eat  value  on  experimental  physio- 
logy. His  study  on  the  curare  was  the  most  interesting  that  has  been 
done  in  Brazil.  A  monogi'aphy  on  «  Fecundacrio  vegetal  »  is  equall}^ 
one  of  the  most  noted  works  on  experimental  physiology  in  Brazil. 

Often  have  researches  made  by  Dr.  Barbosa  Rodrigues  appeared 
in  Europe  attributed  to  other  learned  men,  as  it  happened  with  pro- 
fessor Aberdeen,  J.  W.  Trail,  to  whom  Barbosa  Rodrigues  had  to 
write  revindicating  the  right  of  priority  in  the  classification  of  certain 
vegetable  specimens,  as  well  as  wdth  professor  Drude,  later  on,  w^hen 
he  wrote  about  palm-trees  in  the  «  Flora  Brasiliensis  », 

Barbosa  Rodrigues  has  wi'itten  many  other  monographies , 
pamphlets  and  books  on  archeology,  ethnography,  and  several  other 
subjects.  Here  is  a  list  of  these  works,  though  incomplete,  sufficient 
to  give  to  the  reader  an  idea  of  the  productive  energy  of  this  learned 
Brazilian  : 

Iconog-raphie   des  erchidees  du  Bresil,  1869-1882;   La   vallee  des 

—  5a  — 

Ainnzoncs.  1X7-J-1875;  Scrluiii  Pulinaruin ;  lSl-2-\8\n ;  Kmuncratio 
piilnuiiiiin  novurum  (juhs  onllc  /luiuinis  Amazonum  invcntas  et  ad 
Scrtiiiu  Palniariiin  collcrlas,  dcscripsit  ct  iconibus  illustravit,  1875; 
Idolo  aiiia-oiiico ,  achado  no  Rio  Aniazonas ,  1875;  Explora(;a()  c 
cstiido  do  oallc  do  Ainazoiias  :  rio  Capim.  Relatorio,  etc.,  1875; 
Explorarao  c  cstiido  do  ualle  do  Amazoiias.  Rio  Tapajos,  1875; 
Explora^ao  c  cstiido  do  vallc  do  Amazonas  :  rio  Trombctas.  Rela- 
torio, 1875;  Exploragad  do  rio  J amunda. 'Relsitorio ,  1875;  Explo- 
rai^ao  dos  rios  Uriibii  e  Jatapu,  1875;  Antig'uidades  do  Aniazonas, 
1870-1880;  Monostychosepalum,  }>-en.  nob.,  (Rev.  de  Ilori.),  1877; 
Genera  et  species  orchidearum  (juas  collcgit,  dcscripsit  et  inconibus 
illustravit,  1  vol.,  1811 ;  Estudos  sobrc  a  ii-ritabilidadc  dc  uma  I)ro- 
scra,  1878;  Protesto  appcndicc  ao  a  Eniiincratio  palniariui}  nova- 
rum  »,  1870;  Palnieiras  do  Amazonas.  Distribui(^-ao  g-eograpliica, 
1879;  Attalea  oleifera,  palmcira  nova  dcscripta  c  dcsenhada,  \88\  : 
O  canto  e  a  dansa   selvicola,    1881 ;  Lendas,  cren(^-as  e  siipersticocs. 

1881  ;  Elora  da  Scrra  do  Lcnheiro,  1881;  Resiiltado  Botanico  de  uma 
breve  excursao  a  S.  Joao  d'El-Rey,  1881;  Species  orchidearum  nova- 
rum,  ISSl  ;  Xolas  a  Liiccok  sobre  a  Elora  e  a  Eaiina  do  Brazil,  1882; 
()  Muirakytan,  precioso  coevo  do  homcm  anti-columbiano,  1882;  Les 
palmiers,  observations  sur  la  monographic  de  cette  famillc  dans  la 
a  Elora  Brasiliensis  »,  1882  ;  Catalogo  dos  objectos  expostos  na  Expo- 
sigao  Anthropologica,  1882;  Tetrastylis,  gen.  nob.  das  Passifiorea- 
ceas,  1882  ;  Genera  et  si)ecies  orchidearum  novarum  quas  collegnt, 
descripsit  et  iconibus  illustravit,  TI  vol.,  1882  ;  Diversos  artigos  na 
Revisla  A  nthropologica,  1882;  Orchidav  Rodeienses  et  alteras  inedito', 

1882  ;  Structure  des  Orchidees,  Xotes  d'line  etude,  1883  ;  Escmbechia 
fasciculafa,  (jrumary,  188;>  ;  0  Muirakytan  ou  aliby  (Revisla  Ama- 
zonica),  1881  ;  Esterhazia  superba.  Espccie  nova  da  familia  das  sci'o- 
j}hulariaceas,  1885  ;  Rio  Jauapery.  Paci/icai^ao  dos  (Jrichanas,  1885  ; 
Catalogo  de  productos  do  Amazonas,  188(5 ;  .1  necropole  de  Mirakan- 
gucra  (Mxtr.  da  Velloisa),  1887;  ()  Tamakuare,  especies  novas  da 
ordem  das  I'ernstro'miaceas,  1887  ;  Vellosia,  1'  od.,  1887  ;  Ecloga' 
plantarum  novarum  tjuas  descripsit,  1887  ;  Palma'  Amazonenscs 
nova-.  1SS7  ;  Viagcns  ;'is  Pedras  Vcrdes,  ISSS  ;  .1  lingua  g-eral  e  o 
Guuntiiy.  Annotai^des  ao  alphabcto  indigcna,  1SS8  ;  ()  Muirakytan  c 
o  Jurupari,  188».»  ;  Les  reptiles  fossiles  dc  I'Amazone  (Kxtr.  da  \'ello- 
sia  '.  iSS'.t  ;  lU'cudn  dc  Slrychnos  novos  (Kxlr.  da  \'cllosia  -  1S8'.I  ;  />/- 
gn:ini;i(c<r  novo-  (  l-lxh".  da  \'cllosia},  18S«t  :  Noras  dc  luzcr,  uoi-.xs, 
18.S'.»;  Poraniluba  Amazoiwnse  (Publ.  da  Hil)l.  Nar.  ).  IS'JO;  Os  idolos 
syudu>tici)s  c  o  Muirnkyhui,  1S«.I1  ;  Plantas,  novas  cullivadas  no  Jar- 
dim  lloliinuo,  1  vol.,  I.S'.M  ;  Vellosia.!'  cd.,  IS'.U  ;  Vocabulario  indigc- 

—  59  — 

na  coinparado  {  Publ.  da  l>il)l.  Xac. ),  18'.)^  ;  Plunias  noviis  ciillivadas 
no  Jardini  Botaiiicu,  11  vol.,  181)3;  Plantas  nouas  cultiuadas  no 
Janlini  Botanico,  III  vol.  1893;  Vocabnlario  com  a  ovlo^raphia 
corncia,  181)3  ;  Plantas  novas  cultiuadas  no  Jardini  Bolaniro, 
IV  vol.,  181)1  ;  Ilorins  I'lnniincnsis,  181)1;  Planlas  nonas  cultioadafi 
no  Jardiin  Botanico,  V  vol.,  189(3  ;  PaUnae  Matto<>rosscnse  nouoi, 
1807  ;  Plant  a'  Matto<>resscnsc  novai.  O  Muirakytan  c  as  idolos 
synd)olicos  (2  vols.),  181)1) ;  Tratado  das  Palmeiras  do  Brazil,  11)03. 

Barao  de  Capanenia 

Barao  de  Capanema.  —  Is  without 
a  doubt  one  of  the  most  uotcd  Brazi- 
lian intellectual  men.  He  was  born  in 
Rio  de  Janeiro. 

His  life  is  a  continual  series  of  ser- 
vices rendered  to  his  country,  and  it 
suffices  to  point  out  among  them  the 
one  of  having  introduced  in  the  South 
American  continent  the  electrical  te- 
legi-a])h  service  which  were  under  his 
direction  for  nearly  20  years.  He  star- 
ted his  public  career  as  a  professor  of 
physics  in  Rio  de  Janeii-o.  A  little 
before  the  Paraguayan  war,  he  was  one  of  those  charged  with  the 
study  of  improvements  to  be  ado])ted  in  the  Brazilian  ai-my,  by  order 
of  the  Imperial  Government.  By  that  time  the  Estrella  powder 
factory  in  Rio  de  Janeiro  had  been  destroyed  by  fire  and  he  was 
charged  with  re-establishing  it.  While  in  that  commission  he  intro- 
duced some  novelties,  completely  ignored  in  South  America  one  of 
them  being  the  Tourneiron  turbine,  that  he  himself  had  built  in  the 
Rio  Navy  Yard.  He  invented  and  installed  in  the  factory  an  appa- 
ratus to  carbonise  wood  by  means  of  over-heated  watei-  steam.  The 
pulverisation  of  tlie  powder  elements  was  also  obtained  by  him  by 
means  of  an  ingenious  apparatus  also  of  his  own  invention,  a  very 
simple  one  but  which  substituted  with  advantage  the  old  crushing 
primitive  process  ado^^ted  in  the  factory.  By  his  own  initiative 
were  introduced  in  the  Brazilian  army  the  breech  loading  rifles, 
the  first  ones  that  were  sent  to  South  America. 

He  also  invented  some  sky-rockets  to  be  used  in  time  of  war,  and 
which  were  used  in  the  Paraguayan  war  with  the  best  results.  Those 
sky-rockets  were  of  cylindrical  shape  and  contained  explosives. 
But  Barao  de  Capanema  did  not  devote  his  deep  genius  to  war 

—  «0  — 

appliances  only.  Some  years  a^o  he  eonccived  a  eheniical  eompound 
forthe  exlini-tion  ol' tlie  .S'.'u/i;a.s  a  species  of  ant  which  has  been  a  true 
plaj-ije  to  Brazilian  agriculturists.  He  gave  it  the  name  of  «  Foiinicidii 
Cupiuicmay.  An  enormous  factory  estal)lished  in  Governor's  island 
in  Rio  hay  furnished  for  many  years  tons  and  tons  of  that  ant -killer 
to  the  farmers  of  the  country.  In  1803  during  the  Floriano  revolution 
this  factory  was  destroyed  during  one  of  the  military  engagements 
and  with  the  factory  also  disappeared  several  most  rich  conchiologic, 
geologic  and  mineralogic  and  industrial  chemistry  collections  which 
represented  the  result  of  38  years  of  researches  made  by  the  learned 

He  made  the  plans  and  began  the  construction  of  the  Rio  Custom 
House  Storage  houses.  He  reorganised  the  Ipanemairon  factory.  He 
initiated  an  itinerary  maj)  of  Brazil  which  could  not  be  finished 
because  of  the  Government  having  denied  the  needed  funds  to  do  it 
with.  He  was  the  founder  of  the  Polyteclniical  Institute  that  lias  ren- 
dered such  good  services  to  the  country. 

As  a  member  of  the  international  committee  for  the  establishment 
of  a  universal  standard  he  was  the  introducer  of  the  metric  system 
in  Brazil. 

The  first  paper  factory  established  in  Brazil  was  founded  by  him 
40  years  ago  taking  advantage  of  a  water  fall  near  Petropolis. 

He  spent  several  years  going  through  the  province  of  Ceara  to 
make  some  geological  studies.  He  indicated  there  the  existence  of 
coal  and  iron  mines.  In  the  mountain  chain  known  as  Carisis  lie 
found  the  formation  of  cretacea.  In  a  place  known  as  Crato,  he  dug 
up  and  classified  some  fossils  finding  one  belonging  to  the  Jurassic 

Later  on  he  directed  a  committee  charged  with  the  deiuarcalion 
of  the  boundary  lines  that  separate  Brazil  from  the  Argentine  Repu- 
blic as  well  as  he  represented  the  progress  of  natural  sciences  in 
Brazil  in  different  Congresses  and  Conferences  held  in  European 


In  the  medical  and  natural  sciences  lira/.il  has  a  huig  list  of  nota- 
bilities, many  known  abroad  but  (he  limited  space  of  (his  hook 
comi)cls  ns  to  cite  only  a  few  mos(  pi'omincnt.  There*  is  no  doulM 
that  (lie  first  place  belongs  to  Dr.  Clmpoi-IM-cvosl ,  i)i-ofessor  of  (lie 
IJit)  Medical  ( 'ullege.  'I'o  give  an  aecounl  of  his  successful  chirurgii'al 
operations  wliicli  ujeant  life  and  deadi  to  (he  operated  would  fill  i)a- 
gCH  and  pages  of   (his    hook.  It  suffices  (o  mendon  (hat  as  audacious 

—  61  — 

as  skilful  operation  made  on  the  thoroxipliopag  sisters,  Maria  and 
Hosalina,  separatinig  tlicni.  This  operation  was  cause  of  gi'cat  won- 
der to  the  scientists  all  over  the  world.  Dr.  Chajiot  is  about  to 
perform  an  identical  operation  on  two  little  thoroxipliopag  girls 
which  have  just  arrived  from  Ceara  at  the  translating'  of  this  book. 

Other  prominent  medical  men  are  Barao  Pedro  Affonso  ;  Dr.  Paes 
Leme;  Dr.  Baptista  Lacerda;  Dr.  Pizarro;  Dr.  Oswaldo  Cruz,  the 
great  bactereologist  and  energetic  Director  of  the  Board  of  Health 
and  Dr.  Pereira  Barreto  the  wise  propagandist  in  Sao  Paulo. 

Dr.  Baptista  Lacerda. 
—  "SVe  must  write  some  bio- 
graphical notes  about  this 
learned  Brazilian  very  much 
spoken  of  in  the  scientific 
world  of  late  years  for  his 
studies  and  researches,  ha- 
ving discovered  among  other 
things  the  anti-ophidic  ac- 
tion of  the  permanganate  of 

He  was  born  on  the  12th. 
July  1846  in  the  city  of  Cam- 
pos, province  of  Rio  de  Ja- 

His  father,  who  is  now 
dead  ,  worked  for  many 
years  as  a  physician  in  that 
city  having  acquired  a  good 
name  both  for  his  skill  and 
charitable  disposition. 

In  1864  Dr.  Baptista  La- 
cerda graduated  in  letters 
and  sciences  after  a  brilliant  course  in  the  Collegio  Pedro  II.  In 
1870  he  graduated  in  the  Rio  Medical  College  and  in  1876  was 
appointed  vice-director  of  the  zoological  section  of  the  National 
Museum  and  later  on  was  for  several  years  its  director. 

In  1881  with  the  collaboration  of  L.  Conty  founded  the  physiology 
laboratory  of  the  National  Museum  the  first  institution  of  its  kind 
then  in  Brazil. 

Baptista  Lacerda 

—  «2 

He  piihlislKMl  scvcriil  works  ol'  valiu"  about  authroi)olo;;y,  pliy- 
siology  and  iiii('rol)iol()<;y. 

In  the  same  ,\ cai'  1S81  lie  discovered  the  antidotisin  of  i)ernianga- 
nate  of  potassium  for  tlic  juiison  of  the  ophidioii.  Tliis  discovery 
j>av('  liiiii  a  ^dod  name  not  onl>-  in  l^ia/.il  but  in  foreij^n  countries. 
The  Imix'i'ia!  Government  condecorated  him  with  tlie  title  of  Coin- 
niendndor  <lu  Rosa,  and  lie  received  a  prize  voted  by  the  Parliament 
as  a  compensation  for  his  liumanitai'ian  discovery. 

During  two  years  he  was  pi-esident  of  th(^  Medical  National  Aca- 
demy and  in  1895  was  a])pointe(l  director  of  the  National  Mu- 

He  was  charged  with  several  scientific  committees,  in  Brazil  and 
abroad,  and  several  times  he  was  honored  w  ith  the  nomination  of 
vice-president  of  foreign  congresses. 

He  is  coi-rcsponding-member  of  many  scientific  associations  both 
national  and  foreign. 

He  wrote  several  pajxM's  on  the  yellow  fcvi-r,  hcri-hcri  mid  syinpto- 
iinilic  carhiinclcs  in  Minas  Geraes,  I  lie  ciirurc,  on  some  Brazilian 
toxic  and  medicinal  i)lants.  Ueforming  the  National  Museum  he 
reconstituted  there  the  Biology  Lal)oratory  the  direction  of  \^hich 
h(^  took  chai'ge  regardless  of  any  comi)i'nsati()n. 

He  is  one  of  the  Brazilian  men  of  science  most  known  abroad. 

Aliout  tlic  Icaincd  man  Pkiumra  Hak- 
UKTo,  that  we  mentioned  above,  it  would 
not  be  exaggeration  to  say  :  there  is  one 
of  the  giants  of  the  thought  in  South  Anu'- 
I'ica.  This  noted  physician  was  born  in  the 
old  province  of  Kio  dc  .laneiro  ,  but  after 
graduating  in  medicine  in  Hi-iissels  ,  esla- 
l)lislic(l  his  I'csidciicc  in  Sao  I*aul(t  contri- 
l)Uting  as  few  have  towai-ds  tlic  moral  and 
material  progress  of  (hat  state  and  the 
country.  He  is  an  earnest  and  active  e\pe- 
rinientalist  of  iiidiisti'iai  and  agiaeult urist 

He  is  llie  aiitlioi-  of  tliat  tlu'oi-\-  that  the  epidemic  lexers  of  some 
loealilies  of  Sao  I'aido  are  due  to  tlic  eon>|>ureat  ion  of  tlie  slieets  n{ 
water,  lheor\  originated  after  t  lie  most  waiinly  debated  coni  ro\  ei- 
sics,  the  series  of  nicasui'cs  taken  for  the  improxing  of  the  sanitarx 
(•(Uidilions    of    those    places,    the    dry  ing  of  t  he  soil,  hax  ing  t  hus  Sao 

IM  lu  lu  V   liAiiiii  1 10 

—  63  — 

Paulo  improved  and  transformed  the  majority  of  its  cities  in  the 
hist  15  years. 

Another  lai'ge  part  of  the  good  work  of  that  man  of  science  was 
the  campaign  of  rehabilitation  of  the  weak  soil  ,  in  Sao  Paulo.  I£e 
resolved  then  sevei-al  ])rol)lems  of  public  economy,  the  ])o})ulating  of 
several  districts  and  the  multiplicity  of  culture.  The  latter  because 
of  the  State  farmers  devoting-  themselves  to  the  cultivation  of  coffee 
exclusively.  The  large  agricultural  establishment  he  founded  as  an 
experimental  demonstration  of  his  ])ropaganda,  it  is  to-day  a  good 
school  for  all  those  of  that  region  who  devote  themselves  to  such 

Dr.  Luiz  Pereira  Barreto  maintains  an  earnest  })ropaganda  for 
the  introduction  of  the  vines  in  Brazil.  His  farm  in  Piritul)a  near 
Sao  Paulo  is  transfoi-med  in  a  large  demonstration  field  where  the 
precepts  of  the  scientific  cultivation,  preached  by  the  propagandist, 
in  successive  works,  have  their  best  illustration  and  the  most 
eloquent  in  thousand  kinds  of  vines,  coming  from  all  over  the  world, 
and  there  they  are  acclimatized  and  blooming. 

He  is  also  a  philosopher. 

Sociology  and  i)hilosopliical  critic  take  up  the  balance  of  his 
spare  time,  after  attending  to  his  medical  work,  the  agriculture  and 

Among  his  books  and  articles  published  in  the  Belgium ,  French 
and  Brazilian  jjapers  has  acquired  a  just  reputation  his  book  (c  The 
theory  of  the  three  States  »,  which  provoked  endless  and  aninuxted 
discussions  and  is  a  vigorous  book  of  philosophical  critic. 

But  we  can't  delay  any  longer  with  this  chapter.  We  must  go 
ahead!  There  is  a  good  dealto  be  written. 

Dr.  Lauro  Severiano  Miiller  (Secretary  of  Industry  and  Public 
Works).  He  is  the  youngest  of  all  the  members  of  the  Government. 
Was  born  in  the  province  of  Santa  Catharina  in  1864.  He  is  a  man 
of  su])erior  mind,  has  a  strong  will  power,  is  calm,  i)ersistent  and 
determined.  He  soon  took  a  prominent  place  among  the  politicians 
of  note,  though  he  does  not  resemble  them  at  all,  detesting  as  he 
does  politics. 

We  maj^  say  of  Dr.  Lauro  Miiller  what  H.  Taine  said  of  one  of 
his  fellow-citizens  :  he  prepared  himself  for  politics  through  sciences 
and  morals.  He  is  an  enemy  of  all  this  :  quarrels,  conspiracies,  dis- 
putes and  little  subtilities,  that  constitute  as  a  rule  the  profile  of 
politicians  by   profession,  here  in  South  America,  Dr.  Miiller  never 

—  f>4 

wanted  t(.  un.l.Mstan.l  tluit  the  object  of  the  preoccupations  of  a 
pul.lic  man  Nvcre  lin.ite<l  l>y  eternal  <iaarrels  of  the  political  parties 
and  elec-ti<nis  disputes.  His  military  education,  -  he  is  a  major 
belonging-  to  a  military  enoineers  c()nii)any  -  his  scientific  instruc- 
tion, explain  fully  well  the  reason  why  he  places  before  the  cogita- 
tions of  the  party,  before  the  unending-  inana'uvres  of  internal  poli- 

l.Aimo  Si  \  I  lUAMi   Mm  1 1  it 

tics,  a  pcrsislcul  care  and  he  iicxcr  gels  lii-cd  of  looking  allcr  tli(> 
matci-ial  i)r()gr('ss  so  miicli  needed  l>y  lliis  as  well  as  all  the  other 
count  rics  of  Latin  Aineriea. 

Due  lo  this  pai-tieiilar    eliarai-leiisi  ie  lie  has    lieen  eleeled  in  spite 

—  65  — 

of  political  differences  by  all  politieal  i)ai-ties  of  his  native  State  in- 
distinctly. He  has  represented  his  State  both  as  a  Congressman 
and  a  Senator  and  was  nominated  candidate  and  elected  governor. 

It  was  while  he  was  (Governor  of  his  State  that  Dr.  Rodrigues 
Alves  invited  him  to  assist  him  in  fiiirilliiig  tlie  programme  of  woi'k 
and  material  i)rogress  that  he  had  promised  to  the  nation. 

]\ragnificent  selection  it  was.  For  a  long  time  Brazil  has  not  had 
a  man  like  Dr.  Mliller  and  he  will  be  replaced  with  difficulty  should 
he  not  be  invited  to  continue  to  serve  with  the  new  president  as  it  is 

Dr.  Miiller  is  not  only  a  man  of  good  judgment  and  pi-ogressive 
ideas,  but  he  is  a  hard  worker,  energetic  and  the  work  of  his  de- 
partment is  going  on  under  such  an  active  management  that  many 
call  him  Yankee.  He  visited  several  points  of  the  country,  he  opened 
new  railroads,  he  called  meetings  of  scientific  Congresses  to  examine 
de  visa  questions  of  importance  in  charge  of  liis  department  and 
last  but  not  least  he  opened  the  Central  Avenue,  Bay-side-drives, 
contracted  the  harbour  works,  called  experts  from  the  United  States 
to  study  the  future  possibilities  of  the  coal  mines  regions  and  others. 

It  is  to  Lauro  Miiller  jjrincipally  that  Brazil  owes  the  starting- 
stream  of  investing  capital  inclined  to  come  from  the  United  States 
to  Brazil  for  the  benefit  of  both,  the  capitalist  who  will  multiply  his 
capital  and  Brazil  that  will  develop  its  industries.  Dr.  Miiller  is  a 
hard  worker  and  he  supervises  and  investigates  personally  every- 
thing of  interest  running  through  his  department. 

Though  every  one  of  the  Secretaries  of  the  Government  have 
been  attentive  to  the  work  of  their  departments,  Dr  Miiller  has  been 
particularly  so.  He  does  not  confine  himself  to  go  to  liis  office,  give 
orders  and  sign  papers.  He  inspects  railroads,  examines  mines, 
studies  agriculture  problems  and  is  a  tireless  worker. 

Another  characteristic  of  Dr.  Muller's  moral  profile  is  the  little 
importance  he  attaches  to  what  the  papers  say  about  him,  either  in 
his  favor  or  against  him.  And  was  a  newspaper  man  himself  one 
day.  He  is  a  clever  orator ;  we  often  heard  him  speaking  in  Con- 
gress. He  despises  theatrical  effect  in  his  speech.  He  is  discreet  and 
the  delivery  of  his  speech  is  slow  and  calm.  He  is,  however  fond  of 
a  little  humorism  which  is  the  basis  of  a  good  practical  sense.  He 
was  always  listened  to  with  considerable  attention. 

As  a  Secretary  he  has  been  more  a  man  of  action  than  a  man  of 
words.  When  he  took  charge  of  his  office  instead  of  looking  for  his 
political  friends  and  political  bosses,  he  went  to  the  technical  centre 
of  engineers  and  scientists  where  he  had  occasion  to  declare  that 

—  fi«  — 

«  in  (he  <><>iu'rnin(-nl  he  mould  ninkc  ('ii<^inc('rin^-  irork  n  and  this 
phrase  became  celebrated  and  %vith  some  reason  because  there  were 
quite  a  number  of  civil  engineers  struggling  for  lack  of  work  and  the 
material  progress  that  Dr.  Midler  has  developped  during  his  term 
of  office  brought  work  to  the  majority  if  not  all  of  them. 

Secretary  Miiller  has  done  during  the  four  j^ears  of  his  admi- 
nistration 1002  to  1900  everything  that  could  be  expected  from  a 
good  administrator  of  public  affairs  and  a  clever  and  wise  man  that 
he  is.  When  he  took  charge  of  his  Department  he  found  the  railway 
system  almost  paralyzed  all  through  Brazil.  lie  went  to  work  and 
not  only  gave  new  life  to  the  lines  in  operation  but  created  new 
ones.  He  built  some  14  to  17.500  kilometres  of  new  roads  and  there 
are  contracts  signed  for  the  building  of  5.000  more  kilometres. 

But  it  was  not  only  in  this  line  that  he  developped  his  activity. 
He  also  looked  after  the  mining  districts.  He  contracted  from  the 
United  States,  Mr.  J.  C  A\'hite,  a  mining  engineer  who  made  two 
ti'ips  to  Brazil  for  mining  studies,  S2)ecially  the  coal  industry.  Thus 
Secretary  Miiller  has  promoted  the  industrial  exploitation  of  the 
coal  mines  so  rich  and  yet  so  abandoned  in  Brazil.  He  also  reorgan- 
ised the  Xew  Brazilian  Lloyd  Steamship  Company  which  was 
going  to  pieces.  Xow  that  company  is  in  the  hands  of  the  firm 
M.  Buanpie  &  Co.  The  head  of  that  firm  Dr.  Manoel  Buartpie  de 
Macedo  is  one  of  the  most  clever  of  the  Brazilian  captains  of  indus- 
try and  now  the  Jjloyd  is  becoming  a  modern  and  powerful  enter- 
prize  devoted  to  the  coastwise  service  and  international  navigation 
undci-  tJK!  Brazilian  flag. 

Secretary  Miiller  also  contracted  the  Rio  Grande  bar  improve- 
ments, a  problem  which  has  been  waiting  for  centuries  to  be  solved. 
He  also  sohcd  the  other  no  less  difficult  problem  of  the  internal 
communications  whitli  Matto  Grosso,  by  means  of  a  1.200  kilometrts 
railway.  He  promoted  yet  the  great  achievements  of  the  Harbor 
Works  of  Rio  de  .Jaiuuro,  Bahia,  Kio  (irantle,  Nit-toria,  Kecife, 
I*ai-:i,  l<'loi-iau()polis  and  Laguna.  lie  put  an  end  to  that  ciulless 
coiiiplaint  of  unsurficiciu'y  of  water  supply  in  Uio  de  .laneiro, 
tliiough  canalisations  from  far  away  i-ivcrs.  He  soUed  yet  llu'i)i()l)- 
Iriii  ol  tlic  supply  of  clcclric  light  and  power  for  the  iudustrics  aiul 
city  illumination,  lie  ordered  tlic  const  luct  ion  olaiMisian  wt'lls  and 
penetration  roads,  a  system  of  i)ul)lic  works  to  i)ievent  famine  in 
tljo  States  that  lack  ii-rigation  duiing  the  dry  season,  lie  increased 
the  federal  Iclcgrapli  lines  uiorc  than  l.ixio  kilometics.  lie  prouiolol 
the  first  industrial  census  ever  taken  in  this  republic  and  got 
intcroHtod    in   ev«'rything   that  contribul(^d    towards   makinji-   Bi-a/.il 

—  67  — 

better  known  abroad.  It  is  not  necessary  to  write  here  the  good 
results  obtained  there  from.  It  suffices  to  mention  the  St,  Louis 
Exposition  where  Brazil  presented  a  beautiful  exhibit.  The  country 
owes  to  Secretary  Miiller  the  important  improvements  Rio  de  Janeiro 
is  undei'going  as  the  destruction  of  some  of  the  hills,  the  prolonga- 
tion of  the  Mangue  Canal  with  its  two  avenues,  a  pernument 
Museum,  the  Central  avenue,  the  uniformisation  of  the  width  of  the 
Central  Eailway  of  Brazil  tracks  and  many  other  improvements. 

Paulo  de  Frontix 

Paulo    de    Froxtin.    —   Andre-Gustavo-Paulo    de   Frontin  was 
born  in  Rio  de  Janeiro  in  1800.   He  was  but   19  years  old  when  he 

—  68  — 

graduated  as  a  geographic  engineer  from  the  Rio  I'olyteohnical  Col- 
lege. One  year  afterwards  lie  was  a  professor  of  that  same  college. 
Later  on  he  graduated  as  a  Bachelor  of  Mathematics  and  Physical 
Sciences  and  Civil  Engineering.  In  1882  he  obtained  by  competitive 
examination,  which  he  passed  with  high  distinction,  the  place  of  steam 
machinery  iji-ofcssor  at  the  Polyteclmical  College.  He  was  teaching 
at  the  same  time  philosophy  at  the  Pedi-o  II  High  School  and  me- 
chanics and  astronomy  at  the  National  Gymnasium.  He  has  i-ealizeil 
some  most  notable  pieces  of  engineering  work,  railroads,  water 
works,  etc.  Among  this  we  must  mention  the  Gold  mines  of  Assu- 
rua,  in  Bahia,  lU  kilometres  canalisation;  the  bringing  down  to  Rio 
the  waters  of  the  Xerem  and  Mantiqueira  rivers,  for  the  capital 
water  supply,  work  that  made  him  a  celebrated  man;  the  Melhom- 
mcntos  of  linizil  vaWw'ixy  150  kilometres  that  he  studied,  projected 
and  built  all  alone  in  .5  year;  the  project  of  the  port  and  docks  of 
Ivio;  the  plan  of  modifications  for  the  improvement  of  the  sanitary 
conditions  of  Rio,  opening  avenues  and  throwing  down  hills,  and 

many  other  works  of  im- 
portance. The  opening  of 
Avenida  Central  in  Rio 
which  was  executed  in  'J',' 
months  perpetuated  his 
name.  He  is  a  man  of  rare 
intelligence  and  phenomc 
nal  capacity  for  work  and 
is  ,  without  a  doubt  tlu' 
ablest  engineer  of  South 

IH'iin   (  'fill  l';ll    (  'olicuc      1  11 

Francisco  Buwlho. 
He  is  one  of  the  most  uo 
(able  civil  engineers.   lie 

was  boi-n  on  tlic  IS  tli. 
.Iiil\  ,  IS  17  in  S.  .loaod'Kl- 
Kcy,  in  the  State  of  Mi- 
nas.  lie  gradnalcd  in  IST  I 
as  a  liachclor  in  Mathc- 
Miatii'sand  I'liysical  scien 
CCS,  and  Civil  iMiginecr 
ing  from  the  Kio  de  .la- 
S7:;   he    was   a])])ointed  chiel'  cnginiMM-  of 

—  «9  — 

the  Mucahc  and  Campos  Canal.  In  1874  he  was  appointed  chief  of 
the  traction  department  of  the  Pedro  11  Railway.  After  that  he  has 
filled  the  positions  of  engineer  of  the  Eaturite  railway,  first 
engineer  of  the  celebrated  contractor  Gabrielli,  engineer  of  the 
Pedro  II  railway  prolongation,  director  of  the  new  water  supply 
works  in  Rio,  engineer  of  the  central  railway  of  Brazil,  director  of 
the  hydraulic  section  of  the  Public  Works  department,  engineer  in 
charge  of  the  project  for  the  construction  of  a  Custom  House  in  Juiz 
de  Fora  and  director  of  the  public  works  of  the  municipality  at  the 
same  time,  and  afterwards  held  the  same  position  in  Rello  Hori- 
zonte,  where  to  they  moved  the  State  of  Minas  capital.  Xow  he  is 
directing  the  Mangue  canal  works  which  is  a  complement  to  the 
Harbor  works  of  Rio  de  Janeiro.  Dr.  Bicalho  is  one  of  the  most 
notable  professional  men  of  Brazil. 


J.  MuRTiNHO.  —  He  is 
one  of  the  best  minds  in 
Brazil.  He  was  born  in 
Cuyaba,  Matto  Grosso,  in 
1848.  He  graduated  in  engi- 
neering, law  and  medicine. 
His  notoriety  is  due  to  the 
latter  aptitude.  He  has  no 
rival  in  Rio  that  can  come 
near  him  in  Homeopathic 
treatment.  He  is  one  of  the 
few  foreigners  who  was  ad- 
mitted to  the  group  of  the 
Hahnemanians  ,  of  New- 
York,  and  the  only  South 
American  that  has  had  that 
honor.  He  is  a  notable  man 
also  as  a  biologist  and  his 
knowledge  of  geometry  is 
deep.  Some  years  ago  attract- 
ed by  politics  was  Secretary  of  Public  AVorks,  later  on  Secretary  of 
Treasury  (1899-1902)  where  he  introduced  original  theories  of  his 
own  with  the  applause  of  European  men,  like  J.  Guyot  and  Herbert 
Spencer  and  European  papers,  like  the  Financial  News,  the  Times, 
the  Independance  Beige,  etc.  To-day  J.  Murtinho  is  a  Federal  Sena- 
tor and  as  a  statesman  he  enjoys  in  Brazil  a  great  prestige.  He  is 
one  of  the  liveliest  intellectualities  of  to-day. 

.1.    MURTIMIO 

—  70  — 

ViKiKA  SoiTo.  —  Another  strong  member  of  the  mental  aristo- 
cracy of  Brazil.  Tie  was  horn  in  Kio  and  is  professor  of  the  Poly- 
technical  College  where  he  teaches  political  economy.  He  is  a  scien- 
tific  man  and  one  of  the  leaders  in  the  present  progressive  move-  ^ 
nu'iit  in  lira/il.  He  is  director  of  the  protectionist  school  and  chief 
of  one  of  the  sections  of  the  improvements  that  being  executed  to 
modernise  the  city  of  Rio. 

(\\UI,()S       MoKIilUA.     — 

Is  one  of  the  most  nota- 
ble scientists  of  South 
America.  He  was  born  in 
Rio  in  18()lt.  There  he 
studied,  becoming  promi- 
nent for  his  ajititude  for 
natural  history  investi- 
gations. He  is  a  Zoologist, 
an  entomologist  and  he 
has  devoted  himself  to 
patient  studies  on  the 
classification  and  habits 
of  Brazilian  insects  and 
liis  collections  arc  disput- 
ed at  high  i)rices  by 
the  European  specialists. 
From  18'.)5  to  li»Ol  he  did 
study  deeply  Atlantic  ich- 
thyology and  his  works 
have  found  a  place  in  the 
Annals  of  the  Rio  Mu- 
scuiii.  lie  travelled  thi-ough  all  the  South  in  connnission  with  tlu> 
geologian  engineci-  White.  Carlos  iMoreira  while  only  1".'  years  ohl 
was  already  a  draftsnum  and  shortly  after  prei)ai-aloi-  of  natural 
histoi-y  of  the  I  si.  section  of  the  National  Museiiui  of  Kio,  ol  which 
he  is  (!ven  to-day  tlu;  vicc-diicctor.  I<'roiii  his  works  we  mention  the 
following  translated  into  other  languages. 

(;<»MUIIII  ir.oKS  I'VUA   O  i'.OMIKClMKN'nt  i»A   IMNA    ltltA/llllU\. 

Caui-os   .MoiltlllA 

< Iriishucos  (III  lii-;i:ll   I'liiirufosl i-.-iccos,    v.    .\  1    of    the    Archives  ol 
I  lie  Miiscii  .\;i<it)ii:il  (Id  l\iii  tie  .hinciro. 

—  71  — 

Nota  appendice  a  publica<^ao  anterior,  v.  XII  of  the  Archives  of 
the  Mil  sou  Nacional. 

Criistaceos  da  Poiita  do  Pharol  em  S.  Francisco  do  Sal,  Estado 
de  S"^  Catharina,  v.  XII  of  the  Archives  of  the  Museu  Nacional. 

Vermes  Oligochetos  do  Brazil,  v.  XII  of  tlie  Archives  of  the 
Miiseii  Xacioneil. 

Uma  espccie  nova  de  Amphipodv  Orcheotideo  (jiie  vive  a  22^0  m. 
sobre  o  nivcl  do  mar,  v.  XII  of  the  Archives  of  the  Miiseii  Nacional. 

Campanhos  de  pesca  do  (c  Annie  »  Criistaceos ;  estiidos  prelimi- 
narcs.  A  a  Lavoiira  «,  da  Sociedade  Nacional  de  Agriciiltura  n°^  1 
to  3  of  1903. 

Campanhos  de  pesca  do  «  Annie  »  Criistaceos,  \.  XIII  of  the 
Archives  of  the  Miiseii  Nacional. 

Relatorio  das  exciirsoes  ao  Rio  Branco  em  S.  Paulo  e  ao  Itatiay^a, 
V.  XII  of  the  Archives  of  the  Miiseii  Nacional. 

Contra  os  inimigos,  (c  Lavoura,  »  v.  2'  serie  ag'osto  de  iSgcj. 


For  a  large  country  like  Brazil  the  list  of  its  deep  thinkers  and 
writers  is  quite  a  long  one  and  represents  a  gathering  of  intellec- 
tualities who  do  honor  to  South  America  and  would  constitute  the 
motive  for  worthy  pride  should  they  belong  to  any  Eui'opean  nation. 

Keeping, -however,  within  the  limits  we  mapped  out  for  this 
book,  we  will  only  mention  the  facts  and  the  men  of  to-day  writing 
of  nobody  else  but  contemporary  celebrities. 

RuY  Bakbosa.  —  Of  all  the  Brazilian  litterary  men,  of  all  philo- 
sophers of  the  age,  of  all  the  great  thinkers  and  authorities  in  law 
and  statemanship,  we  can  say  without  fear  of  making  a  mistake 
that  Ruy  Barbosa  is  in  first  place.  This  assertion  of  ours  is  perfectly 
useless,  should  this  book  be  published  to  circulate  only  in  Brazil, 
as  everybody  in  this  country  knows  he  is  second  to  none  in  the 
whole  nation.  He  is  ,  to  be  sure,  a  good  specimen  of  intellectual 
superiority  and  the  true  type  of  the  moral  blooming  of  the  social 
surroundings  where  he  moves. 

It  can  be  said  about  him,  most  appropriately,  just  the  same  that 
H.  Taine  said  of  a  philosopher  of  his  age,  Mr.   Royer-Collard  :  «  As 

to  kn()\vl(Hl<;i'  or  behavior  he  does  not  lack  any  natural  acc-omplish- 
iiKMits  wliifli  confer  tlio  title  of  authority  :  he  was  horn  a  conciueror 
a  (loiiiinalor  of  the  mind  of  others  ». 

\\e  can  speak  of  Ruy  Baibosa  intimately  as  we  have  had  tlu' 
good  fortune  for  some  time  past  of  enjoying-  his  pleasant  sociabi- 
lity and  we  have  been  able  to  study  that  great  difference  that  goes 
from  the  home  intimacy  to  the  public  life  at  large.  So  we  have  been 
able  to  observe  him  closely,  to  sound  his  moral  organisation,  if  we 
may  be  permitted  to  thus  express  it.  And  the  result  of  those  obser- 
vations is,  that  we  believe,  everj'  day  with  stronger  faith,  in  the 
predestination  of  the  Brazilian  people. 

Writing  in  the  most  impartial  way 
of  Ruy  Barbosa,  we  can  assure  that  he 
adds  to  the  most  astounding  and  decj) 
knowledge  a  moral  nature  affirmed 
by  all  the  prestige  of  an  exemplary 
behavior.  He  is  a  whole  personality 
before  the  public  —  who  often  do  not 
understand  his  intentions  —  just  as 
they  would  before  his  own  self,  in  his 
own  home.  He  has  that  politeness  and 
sensibility  proper  of  the  first  phase  of 
life  in  spite  of  his  forty  years  contai't 
Avith  society,  which  the  multiplied 
role  he  has  been  called  to  perform  in 
the  country,  as  a  lawyer,  a  senator,  a 
statesman,  and  other  capacities  ,  has 
iUToi-ded  him  to  oljserve  it  throui;li  all 
its  inuiginable  features.  With  a  gooil 
experience  in  journalism,  i)olitics.  coiiits,  each  one  of  tlu'iii  ([uite 
sufficient  to  sjjoil  the  i)urest  of  naliires,  Ku\  Barbosa  is  not  only  a 
learned  man  but  a  good  and  honest  man  as  well. 

Ills  knowledge  is  varied  and  he  has  shown  it  well  in  every 
l)rancli  of  Iniman  activity  :  in  mathenuitics  (of  which  he  has  a 
nianiiscripl  treatise),  in  medicinal  science,  in  public,  juivate  and 
inlei  national  law,  in  histoi-y,  religion,  finances,  strategics,  diphv 
mucy,  sanitai'v  legislature,  pedagogy,  ])arliamentary  s])eaking,  and 

A  list  of  his  works  will  speak  better  for  the  varietl  cai)acity  of 
this  polygiMphei-  and  thinker  :  (Irimc  u^uinst  iiuliisli-iui  jn-Dpctlw 
Hahia,  1S7I;  Chief  d/'  I  he  ciishim  I  louse  I  nspeelors  ilefeitse.  Hahia, 
bST'.l  ;    l\()<lt;i    \i;iiin:i's   defense,    IS.SO;     I'he  street  iii-oloiii^itlioii,  iwo 

lit  t     ItAIIIIUSA 

—  :;{  — 

volumes  (a  treatise  on  disappropriations  lor  public  us(;),  Rio,  1887; 
Crime  review,  Rio,  1888;  C.  Monse^ur's  mercy  petition,  Rio,  1888; 
The  state  of  siege,  its  nature,  its  effects,  its  limits,  Rio,  1892; 
Unconstitutional  acts,  etc.,  Rio,  1893;  Religious  liberty,  Rio,  187G; 
The  Pope  and  the  Council,  (translation  and  introduction),  Rio  1877; 
Instruction  reform,  Rio,  1882;  Primary  Instruction  reform,  \H8'.^: 
Slaves  emancipation,  1881;  Lessons  of  things,  1S()();  Direct  election, 
\SH;  Castro  Alves,  Baliia,  1871;  The  Marquis  de  Pombal,  1882; 
Drawing-  and  industrial  art,  Rio,  1882;  Jose  Bonifacio,  Sfio  J*aulo, 
1877;  The  political  year,  1887;—  Swift  —  1888 ;  The  Provisional 
Government,  Rio,  1891;  The  servile  element;  lectures  on  slave 
freedom;  the  situation  of  slave  freedom;  commemoration  of  the  j  th. 
September  law  i83i ;  The  freedom  of  slavery  in  Brazil;  Ilomag-e  to 
the  Dantas  Ministry;  Republican  finances  and  })olitics,  1891;  Letters 
from  England,  Rio,  189G;  The  conservative  jtarty,  Baliia,  1896;  Visit 
to  the  native  land,  Baliia,  1895;  Inverse  Amnisty,  Rio,  1897;  Opinion 
on  the  Civil  Code,  Rio,  1902;  Answer  to  the  defenses,  etc.,  Rio, 
1903,  etc,,  etc. 

But  where  we  can  better  study  the  capacity  of  this  great  man  is 
in  his  journalistic  work,  spread  by  the  different  dailies  and  maga- 
zines, the  Diario  da  Bahia,  Diario  de  Noticias,  of  Rio,  Jornal  do 
Brazil,  and  Imprensa  where  we  worked  with  him  in  1902.  All  this 
journalistic  work  constitutes  a  solid  bibliography,  which  future 
generations,  will  surely  collect  and  publish  in  a  complete  edition,  as 
the  best  and  most  beautiful  litterary  monument  received  from  the 
present  age. 

Amaro  Cavalcanti.  —  He  is  a  Statesman,  a  financial  writer  an 
author  and  a  jurist.  He  was  born  in  Rio  Grande  do  Xorte  in  1849. 
When  only  20  years  old  was  a  professor  of  languages  aud  founded 
the  public  library  of  Baturite.  He  graduated  from  the  Albany  Law 
School,  of  New-York.  Later  on  he  was  principal  of  the  Lyceum  of 
Fortaleza,  capital  of  Ceara  State  and  Director  of  the  Board  of  Educa- 
tion in  the  same  city.  From  there  he  went  to  Rio  where  he  has 
been  a  lawyer,  a  professor,  a  journalist,  and  a  politician  after  the 
proclamation  of  the  republic.  Since  then  he  has  become  a  notable 
man.  He  was  a  Senator  in  the  Constituent  Congress  after  the  pro- 
clamation and  in  the  first  ordinary  legislative  session.  When  his 
mandate  ended  he  was  appointed  envoy  extraprdinarj^  and  plenipo- 
tentiary minister  to  the  Plate  Republics.  Later  on  he  was  Secretary 
of  Justice  and  Public  Instruction,  juridical  counsellor  of  the  Foreign 

—  74  — 

Relations  Department,   etc.   He  enjoys  an  excellent  reputation  all 
over  Brazil.  He  published  the  following  works  : 

.1  Relifj^irto  ,  Ceara  , 
1.S7  1;  -4  Mens  Discipiilos, 
Ceara,  1875;  Liuro  Popu- 
lar, Ceara,  187U  and  Xew- 
^■()rk  ,  1881  :  Kdiicacru) 
JJlciiicnlHmoH  E.  Unidos 
(la  X.  America  ,  Ceara  , 
1881  :  Xoticia  Chronolo- 
ii'icii  (ht  Kdiiciwrn) popular 
no  lirazil  (incomplete)  , 
Ceara,  1883;  Ensino  mo- 
ral e  rclig-iosonas  Kscolas 
Piihlicas,  Rio,  1881);  Meio 
dc.  (h'sciwoluer  a  inslruc- 
rao  j)riniaria  nos  mmiici- 
pios  riiraes  ,  Rio  ,  1884; 
The  lirazilian  Lan<>-nag-e 
and  its  agg'liitination  , 
Rio,  \884 ;  Finances  [dn 
Hresil),  Paris,  188<);  Re- 
wnha  I'^inanceira  do  ex- 
Inipcrio,  Rio,  18'.t0;  Pro- 
jeclo  dc  Constiluicrio  dc 
urn  Est  ado,  Rio,  18^.10;  .1 
Rcforma  Monetaria,  \l\(),  \S\^\;  Politica  c  Einancas,  Rio,  1892;  () 
Mcio  Circulanfe  Xacional,  Rio  1893;  A  Sitnacao  Politica  oil  a  inter- 
vengao  do  Govcrno  Federal  nos  Estados  da  Uniao,  Rio,  1893;  Ele- 
mcntos  de  Einancas,  Rio,  1896;  Tributa(;rio  Constitiicional,  Rio,  1890  ; 
Regimen  Federal iuo,  Rio,  1900;  Sobre  a  nnidade  do  direito  {troccs- 
4.//a/  (Relatoiio  ao  Congresso  .furidico  Americano),  Rio,  1900:  Di- 
reito das  obrigaroes  (Relatorio  sobre  os  arts.  1011-12:?7  do  Proj.  do 
Cod.  Civ.  Hrazik'iro),  Rio,  1901;  O  Arbitramento  (no  direito  inter- 
iiacioiial),  Rio,  1901  ;  Taxas  Protecloras  nas  larif'as  aduaneiras,  Rio, 
VMi;  Res])onsabilidade  Ciuil  do  Estad,  liio,  \\K)o;  and  many  other 
litterai-y,  i)olilical,  economical  and  other  works. 


Rak.\(»  oo  Rio  Branio  (,losc-Maria  da  Silva  Raranhos)  (.Sccrc/.-jrr 
of  Foreign  A /Jairs).  It  is  a  name  known  cslccincd  and  respected  by 
two  generations  of  Hra/ilians. 

—  75 

His  father  was  one  oi"  the  most  illustrious  statesmen  of  the  Bra- 
zilian Empire,  and  from  him  his  son  inherited  the  highest  qualities 
as  a  diplomat  respected  in  Brazil  as  the  ablest  man  in  international 

The  Baron  is  50  years  old.  He  made  his  preparatory  studies  in 
the  Pedro  Segundo  School  Nvhere  he  studied  with  distinction  until 
the  5th.  year.  He  entered  then  the  Silo  Paulo  College  where  he 
was  graduated.  He  always  revealed  himself  a  n)an  of  advanced  ideas 
fond  ol'  progress  and  work.  He  abhors  all  domestic  petty  ([uestions 
of  the  political  parties  and  devotes  himself  entirely  to  litterature 
and  sciences. 

He  took  his  first  prac- 
tical lessons  in  diplomacy 
with  his  father  who  was 
Minister  of  Foreign  Af- 
fairs and  later  President 
of  the  Cabinet  at  the  time 
of  the  Empire. 

He  was  elected  deputy 
to  the  Lower  House  by 
Matto  Grosso  province 
which  his  father  was  then 
representing  in  the  Sena- 
te. He  was  a  journalist 
and  editor  of  a  A  Naciio  » 
with  Dr.  Gusmao  Lobo. 

When  Admiral  Grenf- 
fel  died  Barao  do  Rio 
Branco  was  appointed 
Consul  General  in  Liver- 
pool, in  his  stead. 

While  there  he  was  sent  by  the  Government  to  defend  the  inter- 
ests of  Brazil  in  the  Arbitration  Tribunal  at  Washington.  After  that 
he  was  the  stern  defensor  of  Brazilian  rights  in  the  boundary  ques- 
tion of  Oyapock.  Two  extraordinary  victories. 

The  remarkable  services  rendered  to  the  country  in  these  two 
glorious  missions  and  on  his  i-eturn  to  the  country  he  received  a 
public  manifestation  as  few  have  taken  place  in  Brazil. 

From  Berna  he  went  to  Berlin  as  Envoy  Extraordinarj^  and 
plenipotentiary^  Minister,  from  wiiich  office  he  came  to  Rio  as  Secre- 
tary^ of  Foreign  affairs.  In  this  high  office  he  has  rendered  great  ser- 
vices to  the  country.   The  acquisition  of  the  Acre  region,  which  was 

Barao  de  llio  Braiico 

in  dispute  was  the  ono  that  proved  his  wisdom  and  line  tact  as  a 
stateman.  He  also  solved  and  is  solving  with  equally  ability,  settled 
and  pending  (pieslions  with  Bolivia,  Peru. 

During  the  short  time  of  office,  as  Secretary  of  Foreign  Affairs 
his  work  has  shown  many  and  good  results  in  favor  of  Brazil  acquir- 
ing for  this  country  a  large  amount  of  international  prestige  as  it  is 
clearly  proven  by  the  creation  of  the  North-American  Embassy,  in 
Rio  de  .laneiro,  the  concession  of  a  cardinal,  Rio  de  .Janeiro  being 
the  first  South  American  capital  to  have  one,  the  termination  of  all 
the  boundary  questions,  the  man\'  treaties  with  the  object  of  closer 
commercial  and  diplomatic  relations  as  well  as  arbitration  treaties, 
being  worthy  of  special  mention  those  with  American  nations.  Bariio 
do  Rio  Branco  is  most  justly  had  as  the  ablest  stateman  of  South 
America  having  liold  the  office  of  Secretary  of  Foreign  Affairs  in 
this  continent. 

Arthur  Orlando.  — 
He  is  a  jurist,  a  writer,  a 
news  paper  man.  He  was 
born  in  Recife  in  1858,  He 
graduated  from  the  Law 
College  of  that  city  in 
1S81.  His  first  work  of 
note  was  the  Philocriticu, 
188(),  a  220  page  volume. 
He  has  been  the  editor  of 
the  .loriiid  do  Recife,  tlir 
Rcvistii  Brnzilciru  ,  tlic 
Prouinciu  and  at  i)reseiit 
the  Diuriodc  Pernunduico 
having  already  represent- 
ed his  State  in  the  Fede- 
ral Congress  in  more 
than  one  legislature  ses- 
sions. llispi'ineii)al  works 
are,  besides  the  ont>  abo\  r 
mentioned  :  Men  Albtiiu, 
1891  ;  Propedeuticu  Poli- 

tiei)  Jiiridien;  J-^nsuios  de  crilieu,  I'.H)  I ;  iVopo.s  luisnios,  \V()~):  Memo- 

ri:t  :i()  (loii^ress  Lidino  Aiiwrienno,  1<.>()5. 

Ai-thui-    Oihiiido    is   ;iii    oiMgiiial    ihini^er   he    is   a   iiieniber  of  t  he 

Iiitterar\   Ae:i(h'iii\   ol   IJeeife, 

Altllll  11    OUI.ANDO 

—  77  — 

Syi.vio  Komkko 

Another  philosophic  brain  is  Syi.vio 
KoAiEiio,  who  has  distinguisheil  him- 
self mainly  by  his  analytical  works  on 
Brazilian  mental  evolution.  lie  wrote 
the  History  of  the  Braziliiui  Liiicra- 
tiirc,  which  is  a  true  monument  of 
scientific  criticism  applied  to  ihe 
study  of  Brazilian  litterature,  under 
all  its  features.  He  possesses  a  spirit 
of  action  which  fights  and  builds,  that 
works  and  assembles,  so  that  among 
Brazilians  he  has  become  the  most 
noted  ensign-bearer  of  that  new  flag 

of  superior  and  clever  nativism  filled  with  pride  for  his  country,  his 
race  and  their  history.  He  preaches  peace,  work,  solidarity,  haughti- 
ness, and  confidence  in  the  country's  destiny.  That  spirit,  which 
I  will  call  —  spirit  of  intellectual  nationalism  —  dominates  all  the 
work  of  Sjdvio  Romero,  giving  it  a  social  and  positive  character, 
which  distinguishes  it  so  stronglj^  from  that  of  any  other  Brazilian 
writer  and  philosopher.  He  is  a  true  and  sound  polygrapher.  He 
has  written  on  jurisprudence,  philosophy,  art  criticisms,  ethno- 
graphy, history,  litterary  criticisms,  politics,  national  folk-lore 
investigations,  poetry,  etc.  These  works,  though  apparently  not 
associated,  are,  nevertheless  constitutive  parts  of  one  only  whole, 
needed  implements  of  one  single  work,  and  w^ork  of  the  greatest 
cohesion  and  homogeneity,  broad  work,  deep  and  complete  in  its 
conception  and  in  its  object,  animated  all  through  by  a  live  senti- 
ment, subsisting-  on  any  of  its  pages  as  the  atomic  affinity  in  the 
smallest  particle  of  any  organism  :  it  is  the  sentiment  of  the  intellec- 
tual autonomy  of  the  country. 

The  following  list  gives  a  sample  of  the  complexity  and  abun- 
dance of  the  intellectual  w^ork  of  this  learned  man  :  Philosophy  in 
Brazil,  1878;  The  Brazilian  Litterature  and  Modern  Criticism,  1880; 
Essays  on  Parliamentary  Criticisms,  1883;  Contemporaneous  Litte- 
rature studies,  1884;  Brazilian  Ethnography,  1888;  Xew  Studies  on 
contemporaneous  litterature,  1897;  Machado  de  Assis  (study),  1897; 
Martins  Penna  (study),  1897;  Luiz  Mu rat  {study),  1890;  Valentim 
Magalhaes  (study),  1895;  Introduction  to  Brazilian  Litterature  s 
history,  1882;  History  of  Brazilian  Litterature,  1888;  Brazilian 
History  told  by  its  heroes  'biog-rai)hies,  1880;  Xational  Lam  History 

—  78  — 

(in  preparation):  Pojnihir  S(>n<>s(>fBru-iL  \8S-2:  Pojnihir  Son^s  of 
linizil,  1SS:{;  Studii's  on  BrnzUiiin  popuhir  songs,  188N;  .1  trUkl 
liopnlur  songs  and  siorics  of  linizil  and  Mr.  Thcophilo  Bragu,  18S7  : 
The  Poriugiicsc  clement  in  lirnzil ,  1<.K)2;  Parliumentarism  and 
Pi-esidenliiilisni  in  the  Brazilian  Republic ,  1893;  Provocations  and 
Debates  (in  tlie  press);  The  Knolutionism  and  Positivism  in  Brazil. 
LS'.M:  Law  Philosophy  Essays,  lH\^o;  End  of  Century  songs,  ]H':S: 
The  last  harp  sounds,  1883;  (Jaxias  and  the  integrity  of  Brazil,  l'.K)l. 

.loAc^uni  Xaiuco.  —  Is  another  noted  man,  l)el()n<;in,<;  also  to  tlic 
deep  thinkers.  He  is  as  tliose  wo  have  just  written  about  a  good 
orator.    He   is  an  altruist  strnggler  who  distinguished  himself  most 

prominenily  during  the 
propagand  for  the  slave 
freedom,  lie  never  was 
and  never  will  be  a  popu- 
lar man.  His  personal 
(pialities  don  't  make  him 
very  accessible  to  the 
masses.  Tic  is  a  polite  and 
ii()l)le  man.  He  is  not  a 
nobleman  because  of  use- 
less and  valueless  titles, 
but  because  of  his  noble  in- 
telligence  and  noble  cha- 
racter, a  nobility  which 
separates  men  far  moi'c 
than  that  of  titles.  The 
masses  of  the  vicious  and 
ignorant  cannot  make  any 
alliance  with  t  he  superior 
types.  A  characteristic 
that  shines  as  a  star  a- 
round  t  he  moral  profile  of 
.loaiptim  Nabuco  is  his 
patriotic  gratitude  i  for 
the  sake  of  the  ohl  slaves  ) ,  to  the  crown  that  gave  them  freedom, 
.loatiuiiii  \al»ueo  iiexcr  was  a  friend  of  the  Imperial  Court,  but 
when  the  lira/ilian  nuuiarchy  effected,  with  the  sacrifice  of  its  own 
inslilut  ions,  the  freedom  of  slavery  this  defender  of  the  iinfortunale 
considered    himself   enshiNcd    li\     liic    j- r;il  i  I  nde  he  ow  ed  foi'  1  iiat  act 

.l<(.\(,)tlM     \aU1 

—  79  — 

of  grace  and  mercy  devoting-  to  the  new  victims  all  the  love  that 
survived  from  the  former. 

The  recognizance  of  the  oppressed  race  made  him  become  a 
friend  of  the  crown,  but  that  ^^•as  when  he  saw  the  royal  family  con- 
demned to  exile.  When,  later  on,  the  protected  friends  of  the 
crown,  turned  their  backs  to  the  royal  family  to  look  for  beneficial 
advantages  in  the  new  government,  they  found  great  reasons  to 
criticise  Joaquim  Xabuco  because  he  had  accepted  from  the  Republic 
a  commission  of  patriotic  responsibilities,  representing  the  country 
as  Minister  to  England  without,  however,  repudiating  his  gratitude 
to  the  crown.  They  had  forgotten  that  Xabuco,  as  every  man  who 
has  reached  a  certain  degree  of  superior  i)erfccti()n,  could  not 
identify  either  his  fatherland  or  mankind  with  this  or  that  transitory 
form  of  government.  For  this  great  writer  and  philosopher  a  inter- 
est, love,  zeal,  patriotic  ardor,  must  be  directed  to  the  national 
substance  —  the  country.  »  He  «  would  never  establish  a  dilemma 
between  monarchy  and  fatherland,  because  fatherland  could  have 
no  rival.  )> 

These  quotations  are  from  his  own  book  «  Minha  formacao  )>  pu- 
blished in  Kio  in  1900. 

As  a  writer,  J.  Nabuco,  observed  through  his  works,  presents 
himself  as  one  of  those  advocates  of  virtue,  of  whom  Emerson 
writes,  and  who  in  their  apparent  isolation,  are  yet  so  useful  to  the 
social  community. 

He  seems,  in  fact,  to  be  isolated  from  his  people,  he  speaks  to 
them  in  a  quite  independent  language  without  fear  of  displeasing 

(c  Balmaccdn  )>,  «  .i;;  intervention  »,  and  the  other  books  of  his, 
look  like  a  defiance  to  the  times  in  which  they  were  published.  «  I 
got  used  to  consider  the  historian 's  judgment,  as  a  definite  one, 
what  is  equivalent  to  saying  a  final  one,  and  consequently  the  one  we 
must  have  always  in  view.  »  This  was  written  b^^  Joaquim  Nabuco 
and  added  :  «  The  judgment  of  the  masses  which  elevates  us  to-day 
and  lower  us  to-morrow,  that  represents  only  the  dust  of  the  road.  » 
In  full  military  dictatorship,  when,  in  Rio  de  Janeiro,  the  multitude 
made  display  of  their  devotion  to  the  military  work  ,  he  went  to 
the  press  to  claim  that  «  Paraguayan  tyranny  had  been  revived  in 
Brazil  at  the  point  of  the  same  bayonets  that  had  put  it  down.  » 

In  his  books  transpire  a  little  of  that  melancholj^  that  Schopen- 
hauer classifies  as  sound. 

His  books  are  not  many  but  they  are  substantial  ones  :  Balma- 
ceda,  Rio,  1895;  Minha  For macrw,  Rio,  1900;    Um  Estadista  do  Ini- 


perio,  tliree  volumes,  Rio;  Camdes  and  The  Lusiadas,  Rio;  Eleigoes 
Libcnu's,  Rio,  18(58;  Umn  intcrvcnrrio,  Rio,  1894. 

Mkllo  Moraks 

Mello  Moraks.  —  We  will  write 
about  that  active  investigator  of  the 
past,  a  chronicler  of  popular  traditions 
of  Brazil  —  Mello  Moraes  Filho.  — 
This  poet  and  historian  is  a  passion- 
ate lover  of  his  fatherland,  and  he 
sees  no  better  means  of  displaying 
these  sentiments  but  singing  in  his 
verses  its  traditions  shaken  more  and 
more  every  day  by  the  growing  euro- 
peanisation,  spreaded  out  through  the 
maritime  cities  and  from  there  to  the 
interior,  with  its  new  customs  and 
its  noisy  iconoclast  progress.  In  the  middle  of  this  transformation 
that  drags  everything  and  everybody,  Mello  Moraes  is  faithful  to 
his  affections  sings  his  legends  the  primitive  modes  of  popular  life. 
He  writes  his  chronicles  with  the  colors  of  nostalgia,  and  in  an 
effort  that  we  are  compelled  to  respect  he  speaks  to  us  of  the  attrac- 
tions of  the  past,  fixing  his  passing  images,  those  shadows  of  other 
shadows.  Mello  Moraes'  books  will  survive  and  our  grandchildren 
will  find  ill  them  a  sweeter  pleasure  than  wc  appreciate,  «  because 
in  them  lives  the  great  soul  of  Brazil,  because  in  them  he  sings  and 
l)]ays,  or  groans  and  cries  that  mixture  of  enthusiasm  and  melan- 
choly, remembrances  and  courage,  which  is  the  Portuguese  genius 
transformed  in  America.  » 

This  was  written  by  Sylvio  Romero  in  a  preface  to  M.  Moraes' 
book  «  Festas  e  Tiadicoes.  )> 

Wc  cannot  give  a  complete  list  of  Mello  Mi)raes'  works  as  a  large 
number  have  been  published  in  newspapers  spreaded  all  over  the 
counlr.x  ,  yet  wc  can  ])oint  out  :  Cantos  do  lujnudor;  ICduca<^'rio 
Cioicn;  J'csius  c  'I'lndirncs  Poinilurcs  do  liruzil;  Mythos  c  Pociuns; 
()  Cnncionciro  Pojnilur;  (hirso  dr  Lillcrnliini  lirnzilcini :  P:u-nuso 
linizilciro :  ()  Dr.  Mello  Monies;  dinjciontiro  dos  <!ii^:tiios  ;  Oiindros 
<•  ('.liroii'uits  ;  On  cii^iuios  no  lintzil ,  Sciu-nulus  c  Snruos;  dnncionciro 
J-'liiniiiiciisc :  ()l)i-;is  i>ocli<;is.  WC  do  not  include  here  a  long  nnd 
good  collalioration  in  K  io  papers  on  ethnogiaphy,  Bi'u/.ilian /o//r-/(»/-<', 
colonial  chi'onicics.  (lociiinciil  s  and  iiiciiioii's. 

-  81 

Mello  Moraes  was  born  in  Bahia,  and  is  one  of  tlie  most  popular 
writers  in  Brazil. 

Macmado  Dli  Assis 

We  will  now  speak  of  Maciiado  de 
Assis,  in  wliose  enormous  literary  ]u<>- 
gage  we  will  find  versus,  novels,  tlieati'e, 
and  light  stories.  As  it  is  well  known  he 
started  by  his  verses,  what  was  fai'  fiom 
indicating  the  brain  solidity  of  the  gianls 
of  the  thought.  What  compels  me  to 
select  a  prominent  place  I'or  this  great 
spiritual  pioneer,  in  my  worship  for  the 
prominent  leaders  of  the  mental  race,  is 
the  art  with  which  he  created,  in  his 
novels,  Brazilian  types  of  social  charac- 
ter, as  0  Carlos  Maria,  o  Major  Li<jucira,  a  Fernanda,  o  Palha,  and 
others,  which  appear  in  his  psychological  novels  Qnincas  Borba, 
Braz  Ciibas,  etc. 

Machado  de  Assis  was  born  in  the  city  of  E-io  de  Janeiro. 
Adding  to  the  natural  talent  of  a  stylist,  an  instruction  which  he 
does  not  cease  to -add  knowledge  to,  each  day  that  goes  by,  thus  he 
became  the  prince  of  Brazilian  literature.  That  fine  humour  Sterne 
and  Lamb  style,  skeptical  and  calm,  which  goes  through  the  philo- 
sophy of  his  books,  it  seems  to  me,  makes  part  of  his  psychic  consti- 
tution, translates  a  congenial  propension. 

In  the  age  of  enthusiam ,  when  he  was  but  20  years  old,  the  con- 
temptuous rapture  of  the  philosopher  of  the  future,  through  the 
mouth  of  one  of  the  personages  he  created  ,  expressed  himself  this 
way  in  a  poem  of  his  entitled  ((  Pallida  Elvira  »  : 

Depots  de  ter  nprofiindado  tiido, 
Planta,  homeni ,  estrellus,  iioites,  dias, 
A   chou  esta  U(;ao  inesperada  : 
Vein  a  saber  que  nao  sabia  nada. 

(After  going  deep  intu  everytliiiig,  jilaiits,  men,  stars,  iiiglits,  days,  lie  met  with  an  un- 
expected lesson  :  he  eame  to  l<now  tiial  he  knew  nolliiiig.) 

It  is  the  spontaneous  melancholy,  the  skeptical  witticism  of 
Thackeray,  the  same  philosophy  of  the  Vanity  Fair  or  of  the  Snobs 
Book,  which  had  to  be  crystalised  later  on  in  the  celebrated  book  of 
his  Braz  Cabas,  and  never  more  abandoned  all  his  works  accentuat- 
ing itself  more  and  more  with  the  age. 

For  this  very  reason,  just  as  it  happens  with  the  work  of  the 

—  82  — 

Calcutta  writer  amoiij;  tlie  Kuglislimen,  tlie  novels  of  this  Brazilian 
humorist  enjoy  a  high  esteem  in  the  Portuguese  literary  circles. 

The  character  of  Machado  de  Assis'  philosophy  can  better  be  ap- 
preciated in  his  novel  liraz  Ciibas  —  and  it  is  a  compound  of  a  half 
liuinorisni,  soniewliat  ironic,  which  the  reader  devours  with  a  dis- 
creet smile  to  the  last  line.  We  affirm  as  did  a  critic  speaking-  of 
Machado  dc  Assis  that  «  against  current  opinion,  the  best  chapters 
of  his  books  are  those  in  which  he  reveals  his  qualities  as  an  obser- 
ver of  customs,  and  as  a  psychologist,  those  (qualities  in  which  he 
describes  Brazilian  life,  customs  and  social  habits.  »  Machado  de 
Assis  works  are  read  in  Brazil  with  an  interest  that  does  not  cool 
off  and  that  we  can  see  by  the  successive  editions  that  appear.  He 
has  written  :  Phnlenas  (verses)  Rio,  18()9;  Varias  Ilistorms;  .Uc/7io- 
i-ins  }H)sthumns  <Ie  Braz  Ciibiis ;  Qiiincas  liorba ;  Anwi-icaiias  (ver- 
ses), 1805;  Yaya  (larcia;  Chrysalidas  (verses),  ISiil;  Pajjcis  Avulsos; 
Helena;  A  mao  e  a  liiva;  Resiirreieao ;  Cantos  Fluininenses ;  Ilislo- 
rias  (la  Meia  Xoite;  Deiiscs  dc  Casaca.  For  the  stage:  0  Caniinlio 
(la  Porta  (The  way  to  the  door);  O  Protocollo ;  As  Foreas  Cauilinas; 
Debaixo  <le  Ruini  Capa;  O  Espalhafato ;  Quasi  Ministro;  Tii  So, 
Tu,  Puvo  Amor  (comedies);  .1  Familia  Bcnoiton  (translation);  Mon- 
tejoie  (translation);  Anjo  dc  Mcia  Xoite  (translation);  Barbeiro 
(translation);  Pipelet  (translation);  Supplicia  de  uina  Miilher  (tran- 
slation); As  Bodas  de  Joanita;  and  several  others. 

.1  aiH'iro 

Carlos  de  Laet.  —  He  is  another 
Brazilian  whose  name  has  a  place  of 
honor  among  the  litei'ai-y  men  and 
])liiIos()phers,  tliougli  like  Machado  de 
Assis,  he  nuiUiplies  his  talent  into 
fragments  :  critic,  i)olemies,  philoso- 
phy, travels,  history.  In  his  book, 
«  Fill  Minns,  »  Rio,  IS'.M,  (lie  reader 
will  gel  acquainted  with  him  \u  (he 
ligiil  of  these  different  prisms  of  his 
tidenl.  lie  also  piiltlislu'd  .1  Iiiij)rcnsa 
( Ki'publii'an  decade).  Kio,  IS'.i'.i;  and 
several  olliei'  woiks  of  merit  both  in 
foi'iii  and   liasis. 

("arlos  de  Laet    was  born  in  Rio  de 
he  livis  in  a  courageous  struggle  as  a   public    teacher 
of  literature,  cai'ning  that  way  his  daily  bread. 

('.AIM  (IS    Kl.    l.AI  I 

w  her( 

—  83 

His  opinions  are  sentiments  and  his  sentiments  have  compelh'd 
]iim  to  renounce  many  sources  of  revenue,  as  he  reserves  for  hiniseir 
tlie  right  to  criticise  and  lanoli  a  little  at  the  events  of  to-dav. 

Oliveira  Lima 

Oliveira  Lima.  —  He  belongs 
to  the  list  of  those  who  are  at  tlie 
same  time  writers  and  diplomats, 
and  he  knows  how  to  take  advanta- 
ge of  the  spare  time  he  can  dispose 
of  after  his  diplomatic  duties  devot- 
ing himself  to  historical ,  social  and 
political  investigations  the  publica- 
tion of  which  has  always  been  receiv- 
ed by  the  Brazilians  with  applause. 
His  works  are  most  consciencious  , 
reveal  great  patience,  are  not  limit- 
ed to  literary  or  rhetorical  preoc- 
cupations, they  are  written  in  a  grave  style  though  fluent  and  clear, 
the  style  of  a  man  who  is  used  to  deal  with  loyalty  and  impartiality. 
It  is  this  way  he  writes  history.' 

Manoel  de  Oliveira  Lima,  was  born  in  Pernambuco.  He  entered 
the  diplomatic  career  in  1890  having  been  appointed  Second  Secre- 
tary of  the  Brazilian  Legation  in  Lisbon  and  later  on  he  was  trans- 
ferred to  the  same  position  in  Berlin.  It  was  in  1892. 

When  promoted  to  First  Secretary  he  was  sent  to  Washington  in 
1896.  From  there  he  went  to  London  1899.  After  that  he  was  charged 
with  the  affairs  of  the  Legation  in  .Tapan. 

He  published  in  1901 ,  Rcconheciincnto  do  Impcrio,  c  Mcmorin, 
Hobre  o  descobrimcnto  do  Brazil;  in  1894,  the  book  a  Pernambuco  » 
—  sen  desenvolvimenio  hi.storico ;  in  189(3,  Aspectos  da  littcratura 
colonial  brazileira,  and  the  pamphlet  Sept  ans  de  Repiiblique  an 
Bresil;  and  in  1899  a  thick  volume  —  In  the  United  States  —  political 
and  social  impressions.  He  has  written  for  the  Jornal  do  Recife, 
Jornal  do  Commercio,  of  Kio  de  .laneiro ,  Rev  ista  de  Porta  gal  e 
Revista  Brazileira,  as  well  as  m  Jornal  do  Brazil  and  other  papers. 
He  is  pul)lishing  0  Secretario  d'El-rey  which  it  is  said  is  an  historic- 
al investigation  woi'k  of  no  little  importance,  as  well  as  it  is  a  liter- 
ary work  of  merit. 

In  1903  he  published  a  book  on  social  observations  and  studies 
in  Japan,  with  the  title  «  No  Japao  »  and  written  by  him  during  his 
stay  in  that  countrv. 

—  84 

Assis  Brazil 

Assis  Brazil.  —  He  is  also  a  diplomat 
and  a  writer.  He  is  an  expert  in  everything 
he  professes  and  cultivates.  He  is  one  ol" 
the  best  fencers  in  Brazil  and  is  the  best  ' 
shot  in  the  country.  Nobody  excels  him  as 
u  marksman.  At  the  same  time  he  is  also 
a  diplomat  of  great  ability  and  tact,  as  he 
proved  to  be  in  the  recent  Acre  (piestion 
between  Bolivia  and  Brazil. 

He  has  written  on  politics,  law,  i)oetry, 
as  well  as  some  works  on  industrial  vul- 
garisation. Here  is  a  list  of  his  works  : 
Chispas  —  a  volume  of  verses  of  the  youth, 
about  200  pages,  Ilio  Grande  do  Sul,  1877; 
O  Op])nrtiinisino  c  a  Revoliicao  —  public  lecture  delivered  at  the 
Club  Republicauo  Academico,  about  40  pages,  Sao  Paulo,  18<S(): 
.1  Republica  Federal,  304  pages,  Rio,  1881.  Several  reprints  of  this 
work  were  issued  for  free  distribution  ,  by  some  republican  clubs. 
The  first  one  was  of  10.000  copies,  by  order  of  the  executive  com- 
mittee of  the  Sao  Paulo  republican  party  ;  History  of  (he  Rio-(jran- 
dense  Republic,  one  volume  (preparatory  edition),  Rio,  1882;  .1  Uni- 
dade  Nacional,  about  50  pages,  public  lecture  delivered  in  Porto 
Alegre  on  the  evening  of  March  15th,,  1883,  Porto  Alegrc,  188;>: 
Dais  Discursos,  delivered  at  the  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  province  Legis- 
lative Assembly,  Porto  Alegre,  1886,  153  pages;  Assis  Brazil  aos 
Seus  (loncidadaos  (to  his  fellow  citizens)  Porto  Alegre,  1891  (a  manl- 
iest about  tlie  political  events  that  followed  General  Dcodoro's 
roup  d'elal  on  the  I  th.  Xovembcr,  18111 );  Dciuorraria  Rcpresriiln 
linn,  do  doIo  <•  do  inodo  de  volar,  Rio,  IS".';!.  This  l)ook  ^\as  trauslat- 
(•(1  iiiio  (be  Spanish  l)y  Mr.  Bartolome  ]\litre  e  Vedia,  Chief  Kditoi- 
of  L;i  Xucion,  of  liiienos  Ayres,  in  IDOI  under  the  title  «  La  Deino- 
rracin  Representativa,  del  volo  y  del  luodo  de  volar.  The  editiim  has 
33U  i)ages;  Do  C.overno  l^residcncial  no  licpuhlica  lirazilrii-a,  ;i7(> 
pages,  Lisbon,  bS'.td;  (Uillura  dos  ^'.-j/zj/uj-s,  general  notions  of  agri- 
cult  tiic  and  special  uolion  on  sonu'  cultivations  of  pressing  interest 
in  lli'a/il,  Lislxm,  IS'.IS.  This  work  was  printed  (Ui  account  oltlic 
Sociediiile  Hrazileira  para  aniiiiarait  da  a^riciill ura ,  lor  tree  distri- 
l)ution  in  Ura/ij.  This  society  is  composed  of  lirazilians,  the  laigest 
niindxr  lesidiiig  outside  of  Hra/il  and  its  seat  being  in  I'aris.  .\ssi^ 
llra/.il  has  been  its  president  ever  since  il   was  louniled  in   \S\C,. 

—  85  — 

Among  the  proper  jni-ists,  we  could  cite  many  names  of  renown, 
because  in  Brazil  the  juridical-social  sciences  have  many  people 
devoted  to  their  study  and  just  now,  some  of  the  most  vigorous 
talents,  that  have  become  ripe  in  the  study  of  that  speciality,  form  a 
numerous  and  clever  group.  But  we  will  speak  bvit  of  few.  The  most 
noted  of  them  all  by  the  variety  of  jurisprudence  cxuesti(ms  he  has 
written  about  is  Ruy  Barbosa  about  whom  we  have  already  written. 
Ruy  Barbosa  has  become  better  known  as  a  philosopher,  a  writer, 
as  a  politician,  it  seems  that  the  first  place  among  specialistic  jurists 
belongs  to  Conselheiro  Lafayette  Rodrigues  Pereira,  the  author  of 
«  Direito  das-  Coisas  e  Dii-cHos  do  Familia  »  (Things  and  Family 
Laws)  two  books  that  are  two  monuments  of  juridical  science  and 
scientific  method  upon  sjjecial  branches  of  private  law  and  which 
might  have  been  signed  by  any  of  the  highest  foreign  authorities  on 
the  subject  of  the  present  day. 

He  was  born  in  Minas  Geraes,  he  began  his  political  lite,  at  the 
time  of  the  Empire,  defending  the  Republic,  engaging  himself  most 
earnestly  during  years  in  its  propaganda.  With  reflection  and  juri- 
dical culture  deadening  his  republican  enthusiasm,  he  accepted  some 
offices  from  the  monarchical  government,  having  acted  several  times 
as  minister,  deputy  and  senator. 

He  has  been  charged  with  an  international  commission  of  great 
importance  in  Chili,  and  we  believe  he  was  Plenipotentiary  Minister 
to  the  United  States  at  the  time  of  the  proclamation  of  the  Republic. 

As  a  deputj',  as  a  senator,  as  a  minister  he  always  discharged 
most  brilliantlj^  his  duties,  being  a  talented  and  competent  man,  as 
he  proved  to  be.  As  president  of  the  second  Cabinet  to  which  he 
belonged,  being  at  the  time  the  Minister  of  the  Treasury,  he  wrote  a 
report  which  was  highly  appreciated  by  the  authorities  in  financial 

While  in  the  discharge  of  the  duties  of  these  higli  offices  he 
revealed  besides  his  juridical  knowledge  special  competency  in 
finances  and  literary  studies. 

We  remember  yet  how  fortunate  he  used  to  be  in  his  ironical 
attacks  against  his  adversaries  during  parliamentary  debates. 

Clovis  Bevilaql'a.  —  It  is  the  name  of  another  jurist,  who  dis- 
tinguished himself  by  many  books  he  wrote  on  jurisprudence,  liter- 
ature, etc.  Just  because  of  his  writing  so  many  works,  he  was 
selected  by  the  Government  to  write  a  Civil  code  for  Brazil ,  task 
that  he  fulfilled  most  cleverly  delivering  it  to  the  Brazilian  Congress 

—  86  — 

that  is  (liscnssiiio-  and  improvinj;-  the  project  of  the  code.  He  was 
l)orn  in  Ccaia  and  spent  his  youth  among  books  and  papers.  He 
made  his  journalistic  appearance  in  the  State  oi"  Rio  de  Janeiro  writ- 
ing lor  scvei-al  papers  and  establishing  a  newspaper  a  Aurora  de 
(hiissnnirt.  He  was  a  pupil  of  the  celebrated  Tobias  Barreto,  and  he 
inhei'ileil  from  this  giant  some   oi"  his  mental  audacity,  some  of  his 

enumcipated  spiritual  na- 

,^- — : ~,^  ture  ,    some  of  the   solid 

criterion    of    that    great 
Brazilian  thinker. 

Clovis    Bevilaqiia   has 
^^^HBll^  published   the    following 

/    "'  ^^  works  :  Philosophia  Posi- 

kf„n     ^y-  .     fl  tiua,  Kecife,  1884;  Triuys 

|IP^    ^**     |r^  (h)  Desembargador  Frei- 

tns,  Recife,  1888;  Licocs 
de Legislacno  ConiparadH. 
Recife,  1890;  Phrases  e 
Phantasias,  Recife,  189I: 
Ej)()cas  e  IndUndiialida- 
des,  Bahia,  18<)5;  Direito 
das  obrig-aeoes  ,  Bahia  , 
18U5;  Direito  <Ia  Faniilia, 
Recife,  \8\)()\Jiiristas  Phi- 
losophos  ,  Recife  ,  1897  ; 
Esboeos  e  Frai>-meiitos  . 
Bahia,  1896;  Criiniiiolo- 
gia  e  Direito,  Bahia ,  189(i ; 
Jesus  e  OS  Evangelhos 
(translation),  Uecife,  ISSC);  Hospilalidade  uo  Passado,  Recife,  1891; 
Esludos  de  Direilo  e  Eeououiia  Pol  idea,  Recife,  hSSt). 

Many  jufisls  shine  as  stars  of  the  brightest  in  the  l>ra/.ilian 
social  sciences  sky.  W'e  would  like  to  write  here  a  few  lines  about 
every  one  of  (lieni,  oi-  at  h'ast  about  the  leading  ones,  but  our  s])ace 
is  I'allici-  narrow.  Audrade  l^Mgueira  ,  Hulhoes  de  Carvalho  ,  S;i 
\'i:iiina,  HaiTadas,  Sousa  Kibeiro,  Coelho  Kodrigues,  Duarte  de 
A/.eve<lo,  Candido  de  Oliveira,  .loao  JNIonteiro  are  some  of  their  na- 
mes but  there  ai'c  many  more.  As  we  said,  however,  we  will  end 
here  the  jurists  section  and  will  take  another  <lirectiou. 

(j.ovis  Hkmi.aoua 

♦     * 

—  87  — 

Josk-Caulos  Koduigues.  —  Dr.  .Josr-Carlos  Ivodrigues  is  the 
cliiel"  editoi-  and  pul)lisliei'  of  a  Jornal  do  Commevcio  »,  tlie  leading- 
Rio  daily,  the  best  knoAvn  and  most  powerful  paper  in  Brazil.  He  is 
a  self  made  man,  with  broad  ideas  and  a  determined  character.  He 
was  born  in  Rio  where  he 
made  his  first  studies. 
While  quite  young-  yet  he 
went  to  Xew-York  where 
with  energetic  work  and 
encyclopedical  knowledge 
he  founded  the  «  Xooo 
Miinclo  ))  un  illustrated 
Magazine  printed  in  Por- 
tuguese devoted  to  com- 
merce, literature  and  fine 
arts  and  he  thus  rendered 
good  services  to  his  coun- 
try abroad.  In  1890  he 
came  back  to  Brazil  and 
became  the  managing- 
editor  of  the  «  Jornal  do 
Commercio  ».  With  alive 
experience  of  affairs  and 
commercial  tact  he  gave 
a  new  impulse  to  that 
paper,  opening  a  wider 
field  of  prosperity  and  giv- 
ing it  a  moral  prestige  as 

to  its  opinions.  He  has  published  quite  a  number  of  studies  on  reli- 
gious criticisms ,  finances  and  literature.  Among  the  many  great 
services  that  Jose-Carlos  Rodrigues  rendered  his  counti\v  is  the  deal 
of  re-j)urchase  of  railways  which  netted  several  millions  profit  in 
benefit  of  the  National  Treasury.  Dr.  Carlos  Rodrigues  is  a  man  of 
progressive  ideas  and  being,  as  he  is,  at  the  head  of  a  great  newspa- 
per, though  somewhat  conservative  in  its  ideas,  he  has  been  a  bene- 
ficial element  in  all  generous  and  liberal  movements.  He  is  necessar- 
ily the  president  of  all  the  civilising-  undertakings,  and  progres- 
sive initiatives  wicli  have  of  late  characterised  the  social  and  politic- 
al life  of  his  fatherland.  Another  trait  of  his  moral  i^rofile  is  the 
generosity  with  which  he  contributes  towards  the  support  of  charit- 
able institutions.  He  is  a  writer  of  merit  and  a  consciencious  one, 
and  is  to-day  one  of  the  most  popular  and  esteemed  men  in  the  higher 
circles  of  Brazilian  society. 


—  88  — 

AiAiNDo  GiANAHAUA.  —  Oiio  <)f  tlio  iiiost  Tiotablo  Brazilian  writ- 
ers, orator  and  journalist.  lie  was  born  in  Mage,  State  of  Rio,  in 
1805.  In  188."  he  was  already  a  well  known  man  in  tlie  Rio  press, 
editing  then  the  «  Gnzeta  dn  Tnrde  »,  where  he  worked  for  the  free- 
dom of  the  slaves.  In  1887  he  founded  the  «  Xovidades  »,  which 
lasted  but  a  few  days.  After  that  he  was  editor  of  «  Correio  do  Po 
DO  »,  the  only  republican  paper  then  in  Rio,  the  <c  Jornal  do  Com- 
motio )),  the  «  Rcpuhlica  »,  the  a  Tribiinu  »  and  to-day  he  is  the 
editor  of  the  «  0  Pniz  ». 

He  has  been  a  menibei-  of  Congress  and  has  represented  the  go- 
vernment in  several  commissions  abroad.  As  an  orator  he  is  one  ol 
the  most  applauded  ones.  As  a  journalist,  to-day,  he  is  second  to 
none,  in  the  Brazilian  press  for  the  pi'ofuse  variety  of  his  knowled- 
ge, for  his  deep  resources  in  polemics,  for  the  brightness  and  vigor 
of  his  style  concise  and  to  the  point,  always  at  the  side  of  liberal 
and  i)atriotic  ideals.  He  is  the  chief  now  in  the  cami)aigns  in  favor 
of  the  working  classes,  the  tuberculosis  as  well  as  in  the  campaign 
against  the  parties  enemies  of  public  order.  Alciudo  Guanabara  is 
the  chief  Editor  of  «  O  Palz  »,  the  great  organ  of  the  conservative 
and  intellectual  classes  of  Brazil. 

JOAO    RlHKlRO.    —    He 

is  a  great  thinker,  a  phi- 
lologer,  a  historian,  a  liter- 
ary critic ,  a  poet  and  a 
journalist.  His  full  name 
is  .loao  Ba})tista  Kibeiro 
(Ic  Andrade  de  Fernandes, 
and  was  born  in  1800  in 
the  city  of  Larangeiras. 
State  of  Sergipe.  AVhen  he 
was  "Jl  years  old  he  went 
to  Kio  di'  .laneiro  where* 
he  came  immediately  into 
prominiMU'C  as  a  writer, 
lie  is  one  of  i)ropagators  ot 
(Jerman  culture  in  Bra/.il 
and  a  hachelor  in  social  sciences,  lie  repi'esented  Hra/il  in  the  I)re> 
<len  Conlei-ence  (((discuss  literary  propcrtx  in  I'.HC)  and  in  t  he  fcdlow - 
ing  yeai-  in  a  Congress  held  in  London  lor  the  organisation  ol  the 
inlcrnatioiial    catalogue,   lie  is  one  ol'  the    Id  memhers  of  the  Rio  Li- 

Joiiii   Kihi'ii'd 

—  89  — 

tcM'iiry  Academy  and  lias  publislied  tlio  I'ollowing  works  :  Tcnehrosa 
Lux,  poem,  Aracaju,  INTO;  Dins  dc  Sol,  poetry,  llio,  18<S1;  Philolo- 
i>-icnl  sliidics ,  Rio,  1<S85  and  ll'OJ;  ADcnn  c  (^yihnrn,  poetry,  Rio, 
[^^() ;  Moi'pholo^'iu  c  (Jollocucrio  dos  pronoincs,  Rio,  18(S(');  (iiamiun- 
licii  Portugiieza,  Uio  1888  and  11)01  was  in  its  27tli.  edition.  This 
grammar  is  for  the  1st  year  study.  For  the  2nd  year  he  has  one  in 
its  i;>th  edition  and  lor  the  ;3rd  in  its  r2th  edition.  Diccionario 
(jruniinulicul,  Rio,  1881»  and  lUOt;  .1  Inslriiccao  Ihiblica,  Rio,  18U0; 
VesHOi,  2nd  edition  of  works  mentioned  above,  18U0,  Rio;  Ilisloria 
Antig-a,  East  and  Greece,  Rio,  1802;  Auctorcs  (lontcmpovaneoH, 
Rio,  181)1  and  181)5;  Hisioria  do  /Jrar//,  1st  and  2nd  volume,  1900, 
Rio;  O  (A)racao,  translation  of  the  well  known  work  of  E.  d'Amicis; 
Mcmoria  dos  siicccssos  occoridos  no  (iyinnasio  Xacional  em  kjoH, 
Rio,  V,)0\\  Select  a  (^lassica,  ^io,  1905;  Pa}>inas  Escolhidas  (Acade- 
mia  Bra/ileirade  Lettras)  Rio,  11)01,  l^a^^inas  dc  Kstlwtica,  Lisbon, 

Joao  Ribeiro  has  been  editor  of  several  papers  both  in  Rio  and 
Sao  Rank),  such  as  «  O  Globo  )>,  «  0  Ihiiz  »,  a  a  Revista  lirazilelra  », 

RocHA  Po^NiBO.  —  This 
Brazilian  historian  is  one 
of  the  ablest  literary  men 
in  the  country.  He  was 
born  in  the  small  town  of 
Monetes  in  the  Parana 
State  in  1857.  His  first 
works  were  short  stories, 
poetry,  novels,  published 
in  the  Parana  and  Rio  pa- 
pers. He  is  living  in  Rio 
now.  His  best  books  are  : 
Historia  da  America,  Rio, 
1890;  0  I'arami  no  Centc- 
nario,  Rio,  1900;  O  Gran- 
de Problcma,  Rio,  1902; 
Resiimo  da  Historia  Ame- 
ricana, Rio,  1904 ;  No  Hos- 
picio,  novel,  Rio,  1904; 
Historia  do  Brazil,  Rio,  2  volumes,  1905. 

Rocha  Pombo  is  considered  the  best  historian  of  the  modern  ge- 


90  — 

nenition  :iii<l  hv  is  a  journalist  of  no  small  merit.    He   writes  for  the 
«  Cdircio  (lit  Munhu  »  a  Uio  daily  of  the  opposition  party. 

ViKGiLio  Vakzea. —  Is  a 
writer.  He  was  born  in  Ca- 
navieiras,  Santa  Catharina 
in  1864.  He  was  brought  up 
in  G.  "NMllinoton  American 
School  and  afterwards  in 
the  Rio  de  Janeiro  Navy 
College.  He  made  several 
trips  as  mate  in  the  Atlan- 
tic. Later  on  he  was  elected 
State  Congressman  and  dis- 
trict-attorney in  S.  Jose.  In 
his  writings  he  became  ce- 
lebrated for  his  inclination 
to  select  marine  subjects, 
which  helped  him  to  become 
popular.  He  wrote  the  fol- 
lowing works  : 

Tracos  Aziics  ,  i)oetry, 
Desterro  ,  1883  ;  iropos  e 
Phantasias  with  Sousa  Cruz, 
short  stories,  1885;  Marcs  c 
(lanipos,  short-stories,  18il5;  Rose-C.astle,  novel,  181Ui;  Cantos  dc 
Amor,  1901 ;  Suntn  (hitharina,  historical  monography,  1000;  .1  \oiou 
<lo  Pahulino,  midiWe  age  novel,  I'.'Ol;  ()  lirig'ue  Flihiislciro,  novel, 
l<.M»;i;  (inribnliU  in  America,  translation  into  Italian  by  Clcmonte 
Petti,  I'.ioi;  Ilislorias  Riisiicas,  short  stories,  i'.K)l.  Vakzea 

NiosToii  Vi(  roK.  —  He  is  a  hard  worker  and  a  clever  literary  man. 
He  was  born  in  Parana.  There  he  l)cgan  to  work  as  a  journalist, 
pod,  novel  writer.  Later  on  he  began  to  write  lor  the  Uio  press  and 
aftcM'wards  in  I'ai'is.  His  works  are  (juite  original,  beautiful  phrases 
and  lively  ideas.  As  a  novel  writer  Nestor  Victor,  is  following  with 
some  success  the  |»sychological  foiMu  of  analysis  and  social  criti- 
eisMis,  but  he  does  not  allow  himself  to  be  dragged  by  exaggerations 
of  novels  of  gi\('ii  schools.  lie  has  written  a  good  deal  foi'  newspa- 
p«!i's,  and  writes    well,    lie    has    succeeded  to  j)riul  in  book  form  the 

—  91  — 

following-  works  wliicli  liave  imposed  thomselves  to  the  modern  cri- 
ticism :  Si^-nos ,  short  stories,  Aminos,  novel  of  observation;  .1 
Ilora  literature  and  art  criticisms,  Rio  1900;  Transi'igura^'oes,  ver- 
sos, 1V)04  ;  Cruz  e  Souzu  ,  mono<;i'aphy,  Rio. 

We  will  now  speak  of 
the  literary  writers,  the 
poets,  novel  writers,  cri- 
tics, chroniclers  and  jour- 

Among  the  untired  and 
witty  scouts  of  history  , 
philosophy  and  social 
sciences  as  well  as  the  li- 
terary men  of  the  poetry, 
of  the  I'hetoi-ic  ,  there  are 
a  host  of  names,  represent- 
ing the  divulgers  of  know- 
ledge, the  journalists,  the 
writers  who  brought  po- 
pularity to  the  events  of 
the  day  ,  the  notions 
brought  from  Europe  by 
evei-y  steamer.  These  wi'i- 
ters  whom  we  see  at  the 
head  of  the  Rio  papers  as 
well  as  those  of  the  diffe- 
rent States  are  men  of  ta- 
lent and  vast  knowledge, 

and  are  in  the  majority  authors  of  books  with  poetry,  short  stories, 
literary  critic,  theatrical  plays,  speeches,  etc.  Without  wishing  to 
go  very  deeply  into  any  subject,  they  perform  a  most  important  role, 
giving  to  the  masses  of  the  population  the  spiritual  daily  bread,  that 
speculative  high  science,  on  one  hand,  and  poetical  inanity  on  the 
other,  cannot  give. 

Araripe  Junior,  Barao  de  Loreto,  Eunapio  Deiro,  J.  Verissimo, 
are  at  the  head  of  the  list. 

Nestor  Victou 

Medeiros  e  Albuquerque.  —  Strong,  clever  and  emancipated 
mind,  he  is  a  true  journalist  of  the  age  —  an  encyclopedia.  —  Like 
Beaumarchais  he  seems  to  like  to  boast  himself  of  the  fact  that  he 
was  not  born  a  nobleman,  neither  an  abbot,  a  capitalist,  nor  any- 

—  92  — 

Mi:m.iK(is  i:  Ai.RuyuERQUE 

tliinj; beeauisc   ho   hates  witli  an  intellectual   and  oompassive 

hatred  ,  ^vitll  equal  dislike,  the  titles,  the  proud  capital ,   the  servi- 
lism.   In  a  woi'd  ,    Medciros  e  Albuquerque  is  a  revolutionary  soul 

checked  by  an  analytical  brain  tliai 
linds  pleasure?  in  lighting  lornied  opi- 
nions, be  ^vhat  they  may,  with  science 
arms  which  he  handles  so  cleverly. 
Though,  young,  Medeiros  e  Albuquer- 
que is  one  of  the  strongest  minds  oi 
Brazil.  Through  journalism  he  has 
paved  his  way  in  the  road  of  life 
reaching  the  highest  social  and  poli- 
tical positions  without  favors  from 
any  one.  Unfortunately,  politics,  the 
eternal  disturber  ,  has  overcharmed 
him,  so  that  his  wonderful  assimila- 
tion and  mental  production  cai)acitie> 
not  finding  the  peace  of  the  work  desk, 
so  favorable  to  the  building  up  of  great 
intellectual  monuments,  devote  them- 
selves to  journalism,  and  thus  Medeiros  e  Albuquerque  writes  daily 
al)out  local  (luestions  and  subjects  needing  discussion  or  editorial 

Wi'ap|ted  in  this  atmosphere  he  has  not  been  able  to  publish  but 
five  or  six  books,  dealing  merely  with  literary  subjects  :  poetrv 
and  short  stories  or  novels,  while  it  is  well  known  his  comjit'- 
teney  and  authority  to  write  on  many  subjects  as  philosophy, 
])sychiatry,  psychology,  legal-medicine,  history,  pedagogy,  religious 
criticisms,  international  law,  private  constitutional  law,  and  criti- 
cisms on  literature  and  art,  and  Lord  knows  what  else.  About  all 
these  subjects  he  has  written  time  and  again  in  his  daily  journalistic 
\\(»ri<  thai  spi'cad  and  h)se  so  many  teachiitgs  that  could  be  so  niucli 
more  beneficial  in  book  form. 

His  work  in  the  daily  pai)ers  and  magazines  has  a  personal  stamp 
lliat  (lisiinguishcs  it  fi-om  the  olliei-  writers.  As  a  rule  he  does  not 
show  any  prcililcction  for  a  theme,  an  objective  subject,  he  \\  I'ilo 
on  a  variety  of  topics,  scientific,  social  oi-  those  of  mere  entertain- 
iiieiit  lot-  the  reailcr,  as  it  happens  willi  an  hnmoristic  chronich' 
thai  he  w  rites  weekly  foi-  k  .1  Xoliciu.  >>  His  style  is  clear,  fluent, 
always  rcspcclful  towards  the  grammar,  l»iii  always  joking  about 
tin*  giaiiiiiiarians.  lie  has  no  pit\-  for  tiie  inipostor,  ncNcr  mind  of 
what   kind,  but  al   the  same  time  he  is  a  friend    of    all    thosi-   who  are 

—  93  — 

good.  In  the  literary  critic  that  he  writes  in  the  «  Notlcia  »  he  ma- 
kes of  it  a  kind  of  i)ublic  audience  receiving  the  actors  Avhith  hisses 
or  api)lauses  according-  to  their  merit,  lie  luitcs  conventicmalism  so 
much  that  he  doesn  't  admit  it  even  in  oraloi'v.  It  is  cui'ious  to  see 
him  in  Congress.  Each  one  of  liis  speeches,  never  mind  liow  animat- 
ed the  debates  may  be,  is  simply  a  talk  with  his  hearers  :  he  substi- 
tutes natural  eloquence  for  the  rhetoric,  the  brilliance  of  speech  for 
the  novelty  in  ideas,  in  which,  either  w  i-iting  or  speaking  he  is  per- 
fectly original. 

At  present,  of  all  the  editors  writing  steadily  for  Rio  papers, 
none  has  won  credit  for  a  stronger  and  richer  intellectual  capacity 
than  Medeiros  e  Albuquerque.  He  was  born  in  Recife,  began  his 
career  as  a  teacher  of  primary  studies,  in  Rio,  where  he  is  to-day 
General-Director  of  Public  Instruction,  Federal  Congressman,  pro- 
fessor of  the  Fine  Arts  College,  etc.  He  published  :  O  Remorso, 
1888,  a  pamphlet  on  republicanism,  the  sale  of  which  was  ijerseculed 
by  the  police;  Cancdcs  da  Dccadencia  ,  verses,  Rio,  1801 :  Peccadoa, 
verses,  18*.>4;  .4  Practical  Man,  novels  and  short  stories,  180(5;  Mae 
Tapiiia,  stories;  Os  Protocollos  Italianos,  patriotic  pamphlet,  1807. 
Besides  these  he  has  executed  considerable  newspaper  work  and  has 
edited  several  papers  :  «  O  Tempo  «,  «  O  Figaro  :»  and  others.  To- 
day he  writes  for  Rio,  Sao  Paulo  and  Para  papers. 

A  curious  note  :  Brazil  being  the  country  of  the  poets,  he  is  the 
only  one  whose  name  is  in  the  legislature  of  the  country  as  he  wrote 
the  «  Hymno  da  Repiiblica  m,  which  was  decreed  by  the  law  under 
N°  171  of  20  th.  January,  1870. 

Affoxso  Celso.  —  He  is  an 
uutired  literature  worker  and  is 
still  quite  a  young  man  ,  being  a 
monarchist  he  has  been  set  aside 
by  politics  and  thus  is  that  he  is 
entirely  devoted  to  his  studies  now. 
He  can  present  a  larger  production 
than  the  majority  of  Brazilian  liter- 
ary men  of  to-day.  He  was  entirely 
devoted  to  his  studies  when  the 
liberal  party  of  the  Empire  involv- 
ed him  in  politics.  With  the  repu- 
blican form  of  Government  he  re- 
turned to  his  studies.  It  seems  that 

Affonso  Ciaso 

—  94  — 

every  evil  is  a  beginning-  of  some  good.  We  must  explain  our  ex- 
pression that  lie  was  set  aside  by  politics.  It  was  his  noble  scruple 
that  made  him  abandon  politics,  fighting,  encouraged  by  the  impul- 
ses ol"  filial  devotion ,  the  Kepublican  Government  that  ordered  his 
father's  exile  when  he  was  the  president  of  the  Cabinet  of  the  Impe- 
rial Government  at  the  time  of  the  proclamation  of  the  republic. 

But,  speaking  of  Affonso  Celso,  we  must  say  that  nearly  every 
year  he  publishes  a  book,  and  as  a  rule,  a  good  book  :  Some  of  these 
are  a  true  success,  as  the  one  he  wrote  with  the  title  :  «  Porqiic  inc 
iifano  do  men  Paiz.  »  (The  reasons  why  I  am  prond  of  my  father- 
land.) He  also  published  :  Vultos  e  Faetos ;  Minha  Filha;  ()  Impera- 
dor  no  /•,".v/7/o;  Lnpe ;  Xotas  e  Fiecdes;  Riinas  de  Ontr'ora,  (versesi; 
Cm  inoejado;  (inerrilhas ;  (j)ntradietas  Monai-chicas;  (iionanina; 
0  Assassinate)  de  (ientil  de  (lastro,  a  pam})hlct  on  politics;  .1  Imila- 
eao  de  (Ihristo  (Poetical  translation  of  the  famous  book);  Oito  annos 
de  parlanwnto,  (historical  and  political  memoirs).  He  has  also  writ- 
ten considerably  in  the  newspapers  both  in  Brazil  and  abroad.  He  is 
an  excellent  orator,  earnest  and  deep,  a  man  of  advanced  ideas  and 
fighting  convictions.  He  evidenced  most  firmly  these  qualities  while 
in  the  I'arliament  fighting  wliith  all  the  earnestness  of  his  great  soul 
for  the  freedom  of  the  slaves. 


I'llllS     l>l.    AlMllllA 

BiREs  DE  Almkida  (Josc  Kicar- 
do).  —  He  is  the  type  of  those  wri- 
ters who  are  always  at  their  desks, 
in  their  studios,  nobody  knows  him 
l)ersonally,  and  notwithstanding  he 
his  always  before  the  public  by 
means  of  his  constant  work  ,  deep 
and  varied  work. 

He  is  a  polygraph.  He  has  ren- 
dered services  with  his  brilliant 
work  to  the  medical  sciences,  the 
stage,  the  i)octry,  the  statistics,  of 
which  he  is  a  great  w  orixcr,  t  he  plii- 
lologv,  the  history,  (picstions  of  pu- 
l>iic  iiistniction  and  //////  ijuanti. 
\  lie  sluils  liiiiiseil'  up  in  Iiis  libfarv, 
ill  the  morning,  al  night ,  an<l  pcn'io-  m 
(lically  hut  with  the  sih'iit  regula- 
lilv  ol'  a  sanil-clock,   lie  appears  in 

—  95  — 

the  columns  of  the  a  Jornfd  do  Commercio  »  where  he  has  been  a 
writer  for  the  hist  thirty  years,  ehicidating-  tlie  most  vai'ied  subjects, 
W'itli  a  number  of  informations  and  knowled<>'e  whicli  denote  liis 
untired  and  investigating-  patience,  livery  now  and  lh(ui  lie  presents 
at  intervals  between  those  journalistic  works,  almost  mechanic  by 
their  persistence,  some  thick  l)o()k  of  historical  investigation  and 
analysis,  pedagogy,  theatre  and  other  subjects. 

Typically  modest,  backwards,  or  indifferent  he  produces,  builds 
his  extensive  intellectual  work,  without  even  feeling  or  realizing 
that  lie  is  doing  it.  He  does  not  frecpient  the  centres  of  bohemia  in 
Ouvidor  Street,  neither  any  of  the  mutual  praise  grou]).  lie  has  not 
deserved  from  the  critics  but  a  polite  tolerance  and  some  flying- 

Pires  de  Almeida  was  born  in  Rio  de  Janeiro.  lie  is  a  graduated 
from  both  the  Medical  and  Law  Colleges.  From  his  many  works  we 
now  remember  :  ///.sfo/'/a  do  Drama;  L' Instruction  Pulyluinc  an 
Brcsil ;  O  Theatro  no  Brazil;  Tiradentes ;  A  Edncarflo;  A  Fcsta  dos 
Craneos ;  Liberdadc ,  O  Mnlato ;  Scte  dc  Setcmbro ;  O  Trafico;  Mar- 
tyres  da  Libcrdade ;  Tcmpestades  do  Coracrw;  Phrynca  e  Pasclioa 
{dvumaH) ;  Retrotos  a  penna;  Centenario  do  Sr.  Semprcviva,  Bapti- 
sado  na  cidade  nova. 

CoELHo  Xetto.  —  He  was  born 
in  the  State  of  Maranhao,  (in  the 
city  of  Caxias  in  1864).  Maranhao 
is  well  known  as  a  State  who  has 
furnished  a  large  and  great  contin- 
gent of  literary  talent,  it  is  as  they 
say  —  the  eagles'  nest. 

Coelho  Netto  came  to  the  South 
and  began  his  work  writing-  for 
newspapers  and  afterwards  some 
books.  He  is  a  quick  worker  and 
no  writer  has  in  the  same  space  of 

time  sent  more  books  to  the  printing  press  than  he  has.  Each  one 
of  his  works  would  suffice  to  establish  the  reputation  of  an  author. 
He  has  books  of  all  kinds  :  novels  describing  habits  and  customs, 
naturalistic  novels,  romances  of  all  kinds,  extravagant  ones,  histo- 
rical, psychological  and  so  on.  He  has  written  comedies,  tragedies, 
poetry,  words  for  the  music  of  operas,  criticisms,  history,  entertain- 

CoELHO  Netto 

—  96  — 

ill-;   clironicles,  lias  written  on  oratoi-y,  on  education,  on   art    criti- 
cisms, eti'. 

lie  went  to  Sao  Paulo  in  ISS.;,  alter  having-  pul)lislied  in  tin- 
a  (uizciinhn  >>  his  I'irst  literai'V  essays.  He  wrote  in  Sao  Paulo  for 
several  Academic  i)ul)lications.  From  there  he  went  to  liecile,  capi- 
tal ol' PernamSuco  Stat'-,  where  he  rrecjuented  the  first  year  of  the 
Academy,  came  hack  to  Sao  Paulo  and  devoted  himself  body  and 
soul  lo  literature.  He  published  a  paper  with  the  title   of  «  Meridiu- 

no  »  which  lived  the  life of  a  rose.    Having   taken   part   in   tlie 

campaign  in  favor  of  the  freedom   of   the   slaves  he   was  persecuted 
ami  had  to  run  away  to  Recife  in  INN.")  where  he  i)assed  his  examina- 
tions of  tlie  3rd  year   Law   College   course.  It   was  his  lot  that  he 
would  never  become  a  lawyer  or  a  judge.  He  came  to  Rio  de  Janeiro 
and  was  invited   by  .Jose   do    Patrocinio  to  work  in  the  «  (iuzct:i  da 
Tarde  »  and  there  he  worked  most  actively.    Later  on  he  left  this 
paper  to  establish  one  of  his  own  «  ()  I)ia  »,  that  lasted  but  a  short 
while,  and  then  he  was  invited  to  manage  as  editor  the  «  Diario 
IlluslrHdo  )).  In  this  paper  he  started  the   publication    of   his   novel 
«  .1   liohemin  »  written  day  by  day,  «  O  Diario  Illnsti-ado  »  had  no 
resources,   and  though  its  editor  was  working  ^\  ith  earnestness   he 
did  not  succeed  in  overcoming   the  great  difficulty  of  public  indiffe- 
rence.  He  was  then   invited  by  the  «  (lidadv  do  Rio  »,  in  the  exc  of 
the  freedom  of  slavery.  In  that  i)a])er  he  jjublished  A  tapcra,  a  great 
numlx'iof  short  stories,  and  began  to  write  ()  Rei-Faniasma.  In  the 
<(  Diario  dc  Xolicias  »  he  edited  a  section   .1    Fiiinar  (smoking i  and 
wrote  Sunday  stories.  In  18U0  he  married  w  ith  Miss  Maria  Ciabriella 
Codho  Mcllo.    l"\)r  a  while  he  abandoiu'd  news])ai)er  work,  and  wa> 
appointed    Sccrclary    of   the    (Jovernmcnt    of  the    Rio   State,    dui-ing 
the  administration  of  Dr.  Francisco  Port(dla.  On   November  'Jord  he 
went  back  (o  ncwsjjapei-  work,  w  ith  ()  Paiz  and  in  that  pa])er  he  dex c- 
lupcd  his  actixity  xxritinga  daily  chronicle,  lUlliclrs  Poslacs  {  Postal- 
cards),  Sunday  stories,  and  other  ai'liclcs.    In   that  paper  he  publish- 
ed  also  writing  them   dax'  by  day   the  folloxxing  ronuinces  :   .1   ('.itpi- 
tal  l'\'d('r;il ;   Mir;i<>i'in  :  Inocrno   cm    /lor   and    Rci    l';ii}t:isia;i.  l-'iom 
that  papci'   he   xvent    lo    the    (Inzchi  tic  Xolicins  xxhcrc  he  had  a  daily 
section  under  lh<;  title  of  Fa<^iilhas  besides  articles  on  all  to])ies  and 
shoi-1  stories  with  Ihc  lilies  of  (icorf^icas,  exotic  stories  of  the    \lhitin 
d<-  CdilKin,    and   t  lie  nmiances  :  O    P.-iraiso:    ()    Moiio:    ()    Rnjnli    <lo 
I'ciidjah   and    the    no\cls    ^r;,'-,/ ;  On  \'cllios:iA'   I  lie  xdlu  nn-  published 
later  on  with  the  title  of  Scrlno.     In   another  paper,  the  Rcpuhlica  he 
puhlished.      I    CiiiKiiiisl.i.  and    in    (he    licnisht    lirnzilcir;!    he    liegan 
O  .l^'.(/(7/o  |'rnrmcnl:i).    lie    xxmie   the    I'cio     I /;/(>/•.'  d  I'a  mat  ic  poem 

—  97  — 

and  Saldiines  both  witli  music  by  Lcopoldo  Miguez  ;  Arlcmis,  in  one 
act,  music  by  A.  Nci)()muccn<),  and  IIoslui,  also  in  ()n(^  act, ^music  by 
Delgado  de  Carvallio.  All  these  works  wore  ])ut  on  tho  stage  by  the 
(A'litro  Artistico,  of  which  Coolho  Nctto  was  one  of  the  Tonnders. 
For  the  stage  he  wrote  :  Neve  no  Sol,  (Snow  in  the  Sun)  play  in  four 
acts  ;  Ivonia  and  Ao  liiar,  one  act  plays;  .Is  estardes,  lyric  episodes, 
in  one  act  and  in  verse;  and  the  comedies  :  0  Dinbo  em  (hisa,  O  Rcli- 
cario,  in  three  acts,  and  ()s  Raios  X  and  Fim  de  Raca,  in  one  act. 
With  Olavo  Bilac  he  w^rote  several  school  readers,  Terra  Fliimi- 
nense ;  Coiitos  Patrios ;  Patria  Brazileira  and  these  books  are 
adopted  in  the  public  schools.  Coelho  Netto  wa-ote  also  a  book 
Viag-em  de  iima  familia  ao  Norte  do  Brazil.  lie  writes  for  «  Correio 
da  Manila  »,  Rio  daily,  0  Estado  de  S.  Paulo,  A  Revista  Medica  de 
S.  Paulo,  and  Jornal  de  Noticias  of  Bahia.  He  is  at  present  professor 
of  literature  of  the  National  Gymnasium  of  Campinas.  He  is  a 
member  of  the  Academy  of  Letters  (A  literary  institution  admitting 
only  40  members  representing  the  cream  of  Brazilian  literary  men. 
Besides  the  books  we  wrote  of  above  he  has  yet  :  Rapsodias ;  Balla- 
dilhas;  Fructo  Prohibido;  America ;  Inoerno  em  /lor;  O  Morto;  A 
deacoberta  da  India;  Ronmnceiro ;  Lanterna  Mag'ica;  Seara  de  Ruth; 
A  conquista;  Por  Monies  c  T^a//p.s-.  Edited  by  Domingos  de  Magal- 
haes,  he  published  Memoria  on  art,  in  the  2  nd  volume  of  the  Livro 
do  Centenario,  Viagem  de  unia  familia  ao  Norte  do  Brazil;  Fim  de 
seculo;  a  bico  de  penna;  {Ag-ua  de  Juventa;  Ruinas;  Bom  Jesus  da 
Malta).  Edited  by  Delloz  brothers,  of  Oporto,  Portugal,  he  has 
Apolog-os,  tales  for  children.  He  edited  w^ith  Paula  Ney  and  Pardal 
Mallet  a  pamphlet  a  0  Meio  ».  He  wrote  for  «  .4  Vida  Modcrna  »  and 
«  A  Bruxa  »  literary  magazines.  He  was  professor  of  Art  History 
in  the  Fine  Arts  college  for  one  year  and  editor  of  the  debates  in 
the  Federal  Senate. 

He  is  a  literary  Proteus.  His  style  is  pow^erful  and  brilliant,  by 
the  sweetness  of  its  form,  as  well  as  for  the  opulence  of  its  ^ ocabu- 
lary.  In  this  particular  excepting  Buy  Barbosa,  no  other  literary 
man  exceeds  or  even  equals  him. 

He  is  a  true  nabob  of  the  vocabulary. 

Coelho  Netto  has  w^ritten  on  every  subject,  of  re  omne  scibile,  hut 
the  most  solid  base  of  his  literary  glory  is  the  romance. 

Once  we  spoke  about  romancists  w^e  will  mention  some  other 
names,  but  only  the  most  populai-  ones,  as  the  space  is  rather  limited 
to  write  about  the  whole  family  of  those  cultivating  novel  writing- 

—  98  — 

Aluizio  Azevedo 

We  will  incntion  before  any 
other  Aliizio  Azevedo,  who  like 
Coelho  Xetto  was  also  horn  in 

He  differs  entirely  from  Coelho 
Xetto  because  lie  devotes  himself 
to  one  single  kind  of  fiction  : 
'i'lie  natural  ronianee.  He  has  i;iv- 
en  his  work  a  stamp  of  perfection 
which  gives  him  the  right  to  a 
place  of  honor  among  the  other 
writers.  His  style  is  concise,  neat 
an<l  bright.  He  gives  the  jjrojx'r 
name  to  everything,  withoutlook- 
ing  for  euphemisms  ,  as  others 
usually  do.  He  is  most  minucious 
in  details,  and  in  his  descriptions 
we  have  first  the  notion  of  the  details  of  the  accessories  and  after- 
wards the  altogether.  The  great  nnnit  of  his  work  lies  mainly  in  this 
analytical  predisi)Osition,  which  enables  him  to  that  descriptive  fideli- 
ty and  j)recisi()n  so  convenient  in  a  romance  that  needs  observation. 
He  knows  how  to  select  his  types  in  the  local  atmosphere  and  in 
preference  in  those  classes  less  cosmopolitan. 

He  has  also  written  for  the  stage,  though  with  not  so  much  success 
as  when  writing  novels.  Here  is  a  list,  though  incomplete,  of  his 
works  :  —  Cma  Ingrima  de  miilher,  Maranhiio,  1870;  ()  miihito,  1<S80 
(several  editions);  Mciuorius  de  urn  condcmnudo,  Rio,  1881  ;  Myslc- 
rio  (hi  'rijiicii,  Rio,  188L*;  C.usa  de  /V/j.s-.lo,  Rio,  188;>;  l^hilonicnn 
Hordes.  Rio,  ISN.;;  O  Coiujn,  Rio,  188.");  (>  hoincin,  Rio,  1887;  <>  Car- 
tiro,  Rio,  IS'.MI;  (f  Miilulo  (drama),  188  1;  Cusu  de  Ornlrs  (comedy 
with  Ai-lhur  de  Azevedo),  Rio,  1882;  Flor  dr  IJ:  (operete,  collabt)ra- 
tioii),  l.ssj;  Ph'doinrnn  Ii()r}>es  (ccmiedy  in  one  act),  Rio,  1881; 
\'rnrii<)s  tjiic  Ciiruni  (comedy),  Rio,  1885;  O  Cuborlo  (drama),  1880; 
On  Soiihndorrs  (comedy  in  three  acts),  1887;  Frilzinuk  (comical 
review,  (•onal)()ration),  Rio,  1887;  Forn  dr  horns  (short  stories); 
Linro  ih'  iiiii;i  so^;r:i,   Kio,  1887;   Deuuniios,   Rio. 

Xwiii;    MxKiiii-.  II,.    is    aimtlier    iioxcl     writer    w  il  li  ;i  lii'iii 

repuliilioii.   Il   is  ;i  mind  (jiiiie  (lilfei-eiit    Iroiii    Ahii/io  Azevedo.  lie  is 
not  inferior  lo  hini,   in    some  points  is  even  his  superior,  lie  started! 
in  Jirazil  a  reaeli.Hi   against    Zola's    school,    basing  the   observatioiij 


novel  on  local  forms,  in  which  provincialism,  the  pcculiaritien  of  his 
community  are  introduced  in  the  novel.  Studying-,  imdci-  a  Feature  in 
which  psychology  and  idealism  do  not  repel  each  other,  men  and  the 
people's  habits  and  customs,  he  succeeded  in  creating- national  types, 
national  scenery,  a  naticmal  work,  in  short,  in  his  elaborated 
romances,  written  in  a  sound  language,  very  rich  and  noted  above 
all,  by  the  propriety  of  its  application,  by  the  full  measure  oi"  its 
vocabulary.  His  style,  not  having  the 
unevenness  of  Coelho  Netto's,  is  as  bright 
and  charming  as  his.  His  books  denounce 
a  careful  attention  in  its  writing  and  we 
do  not  notice  a  simple  mistake  not  even 
a  lapse,  or  an  unapropriated  term;  much 
to  the  contrary  he  is  fluent,  exponta- 
neous  in  his  narratives  and  in  the 
exposition  of  his  novel. 

As  we  say,  Xavier  Marques,  is  a 
contrast  of  Aluizio  Azevedo,  both  in  his 
physical  as  literary  personalities.  He 
never  wished  another  scenery  for  his 
heroes  but  the  normal  moral  atmos- 
phere. Vice,  blood,  aberrations  find  no 
room   in   his   books,    and    he    does   not 

devote  himself  either  to  the  idealistic  kind  and  the  honnetete  of 
G.  Ohnet's  novels.  He  limits  himself  to  fix  simply  the  truth,  which, 
in  this,  as  in  everything  else,  is  always  in  a  just  term.  He  was  born 
at  Itaparica  island,  Baliia,  and  had  no  great  trouble  to  isolate 
himself  in  literature  as  he  isolated  himself  socially,  as  he  isolated 
himself  geographically  is  his  province,  and  he  never  wanted  to 
deviate  himself  from  this  programme.  Xavier  Marques  each  day  has 
more  readers  and  each  day  is  read  with  more  interest.  The  editions 
of  his  books  sell  out  and  this  proves  that  the  public  is  not  such  a  bad 
critic  as  it  seems.  vSome  of  his  books  are  destined  to  gain  a  reputa- 
tion even  abroad  as  that  delicate  idyl  Joanna  e  Joel.  He  started  his 
intellectual  life  as  editor  of  the  «  Jornal  de  Xoticias  »,  in  Eahia,  and 
worked  afterwards  with  Diario  da  Bahia,  Diario  de  Noticia.s  and 
A  Bahia.  He  wrote  :  Thenias  e  ]'ariacdes  (verses),  18S  i ;  Simj)les 
Hisiorias  (short  stories),  1886;  Umafamilia Baliiana  (romance),  1888; 
Bofo  &  Co,  romance  on  habits  and  customs,  1897;  Joanna  e  Joel, 
Bahia,  1899;  Holocausto  (romance),  Bahia;  Pz/u/ora/jja,  historical 
I  romance  wdiich  won  the  prize  of  the  Historical  Institute  of  Bahia, 
in  1900;  O   Sargento  Pedro   (episodes  of  the  war  of  independence); 

Xavier  MAuyuES 

—   100  — 

0  urpoador  and  M;tri;i  Rosu.  Tlicsc  two  hist  books  belong;-  to  a 
collecticm  iiiidcr  the  luunc  of  «  Pruicira  »  to  which  also  beh)ni;s 
JouniiH  c  Joel,  a  series  of  stories  of  maritime  and  sea-shore  life  a 
poelieal  woiid  pieturesque  and  novel  shown  to  us  by  X.  :Mar(xues  in 
Joanun  c  .loci. 

.1  I  I.I  A   Lol'KS  I)K  AlMKH'  \ 

—  oeeui)ies  one  of  the  first 
])laees  anionj^-  Brazilian  ro- 
iiianee  writers,  proving  the 
tiutli  of  what  Stael  said  to 
Napoleon  :  genius  has  no 
sex.  In  fact  Julia  Lopes  de 
Almeida  because  of  her  in- 
ventive capacity,  her  talent 
to  tell,  her  beautiful  lani;ua- 
<;■(!  rich  in  colors  and  attrac- 
tiveness, is  one  of  the  grea- 
test names  among  those  who 
are  elevating  the  fiction 
literature  in  Ilra/.il. 

She  is  a  daughter  of  \'is-   : 
conde    and    Visi-ondessa    of   j 
S.    \alentiin    and  was  born 
in  Kio  in  1<S(')'J  and  here  she 
slarteil  her  studies. 

When    she    was     hut      1'.' 
years  old  she  was    the   cliirf 
ediloi-    of    the    »    (iazcla   dc 
('.aiiijtinas  >>  and  was  writing  ;: 
for  other  i)apei's.    Slu'    I  hell  i; 
ilinlo  de  Aiiueida,  a  jouniali-t 

Julia  Loi'Es  ui:  Au!t:iDA 

made  a  li-ip  to  [•Inrope  and  inarrie( 
and  literary  man  of  repute. 

W  riling    consl;inl  ly  and  freiiiu'iilly  lo  llic   papers   and    niaga/ino, 
she  saw   Ju'r  nanic  respected  niid  applamled  as  an  inleHcclual  nolal'i 
lil,\'    and  she  was  at  the  same   lime    appicciated    for   her    \iiinesasa 

iiolde  mistress  of  her  charming  1 le. 

NN'liiie  she  was  yel  a  litllegirl  iier  golden  dream  was  llie  stage, 
bill  family  and  IxioUs  look  dial  away  from  Ikm-  liead.  llei'liooks 
lia\  e,  lo  l»e  sure,  ol)tained  for  iier  l)el  ler  applall^^es  and  a  lieltei'  name 
ami  repiilalion  Mian  llie  stage,  il  may  l>e  less  nois_\  .  luil  is  also  less 
epliemei  al. 

—  101  — 

Xol  long'  Ago,  a  roreign  writer  of  her  sex,  wiote  in  «  Ln  Miijcr  », 
au  Argentine  niagaziiie,  ((  .Julia  Lopes  de  Almeida  has  an  e([uall.\' 
delicate  mind  and  intelligence.  She  is  kind,  sweet,  as  the  Iruit  of 
her  native  country,  to  which  she  has  robbed  the  juice  and  sugar 
taste,  that  emanate  at  one  time  irora  her  phrases  and  lier  eyes. 

At  the  same  time  that  she  i'ecls  that  she  is  in  love  with  litera- 
ture, and  writing,  enjoys,  as  she  lun'sell"  says  —  and  that  compared 
with  me  makes  a  sensible  conti'ast,  just  as  with  our  physical  person, 
in  which  we  are  a  live  contrast  —  she  takes  care  of  her  children 
with  endless  love,  and  surely  from  them  she  receives  her  l^'st  con- 
ceptions. » 

She  has  published:  —  Trucos  e  Illiiininiiras  (tales);  A  faniilui 
Mcdciros  (romance i;  .1  Vinva  Simdcs  (romance);  0  Livro  das  Xoivas  ; 
.1  Fallencia  (romance);  two  editions;  . I nc/a  e^er/ia  (short  stories); 
Memorias  do  Martha,  (novel);  Ilistoria  da  tci-ra;  (Jontos  In- 
fant is.  This  last  one  she  wrote  it  with  her  sister  Adelina  Vieira  also 
a  writer,  both  in  prose  and  verse,  much  appreciated  in  Brazil. 

AVe  do  not  wish  to  cite  all  the  romance  writers  of  Brazil,  neither 
would  there  be  room  for  all  of  them  if  we  were  to  write  the  remarks 
to  which  they  would  have  a  right.  We  must,  however  mention,  Xestor 
Victor,  a  strong  talent  as  a  poet  and  novel  \sriter,  who  has  been  writ- 
ing considerably  in  the  newspapers.  He  has  published  with  great 
success  :  Signos  (a  beautiful  book  of  short  stories),  Rio  1807  ;  Crnz  e 
S'ozzca,  (study  on  the  poet  Cruz  e  Souza);  Amigos,  Romance,  Rio,  1900; 
A  Hora,  (criticisms),  Rio,  1901. 

Other  names  worthy  of  mention  in  this  branch  are  :  Rodrigo  Oc- 
tavio,  the  bright  author  of  the  Cabanos,  and  other  books ;  Inglez  de 
Souza;  Affonso  Arinos;  Graca  Aranha;  Garcia  Redondo ;  Euclydes 
Cunha;  Leopoldo  Freitas;  Viveiros  de  Castro;  Lucio  de  Mendonca 
and  many  othei'S. 

It  is  about  time  to  write  something  about  the  stage,  about  the  -play 
witers.  This  kind  of  literature  has  at  present  but  few  men  who  de- 
vote themselves  to  it  seriously.  Of  those  few  some  have  their  repu- 
tation established  but  others  are  just  learning  how  to  fly.  Of  the 
former  the  first  one  Arthur  Azevedo,  a  native  of  Maranliao,  who 
came  while  quite  young  to  establish  his  residence  in  Rio  de  Janeiro. 
He  first  started  his  career  as  a  journalist.  He  is  one  of  the  most  ta- 
lented men  of  the  present  age  and  there  is  hardly  any  branch  of  lite- 
rature that  he  has  not  devoted  himself  to  with  brilliancy  meeting 
always  with  success.  But  his  strong-hold  is  the  stage  and  to  that  he 
devotes  himself  body  and  soul. 

—  102  — 

Akthuk  Azevedo 

He  has  wi-itten  a  large  mimbcr  of  plays  both  in  prose  and  verse, 
huinoristic  chi-onicles,  poetry,  art  criticisms,  etc.  He  is  a  superior 
mind  not  accessible  to  the  small  egotistical  passions.  He  is  a  loyal 

friend  and  a  kind  man,  so  kind  that 
he  would  lift  from  the  ground  his 
enemy  should  he  fall. 

His  first  theatrical  essay  was 
when  he  had  15  years  of  age.  It  was 
a  comedy.  The  success  of  the  play 
was  such  that  he  became  immediate- 
ly a  popular  man,  and  his  comedy 
has  been  produced  ever  since  bj' 
every  theatrical  manager  in  Brazil. 
Its  name  is  Amor  por  Anexins  (Love 
by  quibbles). 

No  writer  in  South  America  has 
seen  his  name  oftener  in  the  posters 
and  in  the  newspapers. 

He  is  also  an  inspired  ijoet  and 
dramatic  critic  of  high  compentenc3^ 

Here  is  a  list  of  his  principal  w^orks,  onlj^  the  ijrincipal  ones  :  — 
Comedies  :  —  .1  joia;  Liberato;  Casa  de  Orates;  Badcjo;  Fantasnui 
nn  Ahlcia;  Industria  c  cclibato ;  Fernando  o  engeitado.  Reviews  :  — 
()  Mandarini ;  Bilontra;  Mcrcurio ;  Viagem  ao  Parnaso,  Plays  on 
habits  and  customs  :  —  Vespera  de  Reis ;  Os  noioos.  Comic  Opera  :  — 
Donzella  Theodora;  Princeza  dos  Cajiieiros.  Parodies  :  —  Maria 
Angii;  Mascolle  ]iaRoca;  Abel  Ilelana;  Casadinho  de  fresco;  Amor 
ao  pello;  Dramas  :  —  O  Anio  do  mal;  Diias  irmas,  Magic  plays  :  — 
A  Filha  do  Fogo  and  several  others.  Monologues  :  —  Ilellar  c  Fa- 
g-iindes;  ()  Alfacinha.  Translations  and  adaptation:  —  Xinichc : 
Gilelle  de  Xarbone;  Flor  de  Liz;  Falca;  Genro  e  Sogro ;  Tres  lH)(i- 
carios;  (Uxjiielicol ;  I)ia  e  noiie;  Fillio  de  Coralia:  Mascara  de 
lironze;  MiilliOres  do  Mercado;  Perola  Xegra;  Proezas  de  liichclieu: 
Novels  and  short  stories:  — Contos  ephemeros;  Contos  possiueis: 
etc.,  etc. 

Now  we  will  speak  of  the  Hrazilian  poets,  they  are  numbei'less 
and  an  nn<'ven  lot. 

'I'licy  (Mmipi'lse  (;v('ry  one  in  tlie  country.  One  of  tliem  asked  on- 
ce :  II  //(*  is  I  here  lli:il  docs  not  ivrilc  verses  ivhen  ao  years  old'.'  And 
he  was  iilxinl  right.  Nearly  every  man  is  a  poet  in  this  fatherland  of 
the  oratois  and  poets,  and  nearly  (ncry  writer  has  start eil  hiscareei- 
w  lil  i  ii;;  a  lio(»k  of  poet  ry . 

—  lo:{  — 

Some  of  the  poets,  liowevcr,  have  elevated  tlieraselves  far  above 
the  multitude  of  verse  makers,  and  among-  those  there  are  some  great 
individualities  who  are  real  poets  and  from  those  superior  personali- 
ties the  critics  give  the  first  places  to  : 

Olavo  Bilac 

Olavo  Bilac.  —  Was  born  in  Rio  de 
Janeiro  where  he  lives  still  to-day,  devot- 
ing most  of  his  time  to  journalism.  He 
devotes  himself  entii'cly  to  literature  and 
lives  from  it.  He  is  a  young,  flexible,  ex- 
pontaneous,  delicate  and  genteel  writer. 
He  is  a  magnificent  and  charming  spea- 
ker, he  dominates  the  word  spoken  with 
great  ability  and  in  the  delivery  of  his 
speeches  one  will  notice  the  same  fluent 
and  expontaneous  facility  that  he  shows 
in  his  verses  so  sweet  and  so  natural. 
His  name  is  disputed  by  newspapers  and 
magazine  editors  as  a  good  advertise- 
ment for  those  who  are  lucky  enough  to 
secure  his  collaboration.  He  is  one  of  the 
Editors  of  the  «  Gazeta  de  Noticias  »  and 

through  its  columns  he  fights  daily  with  enthusiasm  for  all  the  good 
causes  that  may  help  the  progress  of  Brazil. 

His  chronicles  run  away  systematically  from  grave  subjects  but 
selects  any  light  theme  more  artistic  in  its  slyle  and  at  the  same 
time  more  natural.  This  does  not  mean  that  in  any  way  he  avoids  a 
subject  never  mind  how  grave  if  he  deems  it  necessary  to  present 
his  criticism  that  a  moral  lesson  or  a  warning  might  be  deducted 
from  it,  but  never  mind  how  circumspect  the  subject  may  be  he  will 
treat  in  such  a  light  form  so  that  he  may  use  that  soft  but  convinc- 
ing style  that  he  so  cleverly  masters. 

He  has  published  stories,  verses,  and  text  books.  We  are  now 
going  to  give  our  readers  one  of  his  beautiful  poems  and  we  are 
sorry  that  pressing  time  to  prepare  this  translation  does  not  permit 
but  to  give, here  a  rough  translation  of  it  : 


Se  por  vinte  annos,  iiesta  fiirna  esciira 
Deixei  dormir  a  minha  mahUqao , 
—  Hoje,  velha  e  cangada  da  amargura, 
Minh'alma  se  abririi  como  um  uiilcao  : 

—  104  — 

E,  em  torrentes  de  colern  e  loucnra , 
Sobre  a  tun  cnbcc^a  fervertio 
Vinte  annos  de  agonia  e  de  tortura , 
Vinle  anno.s  de  silencio  e  solidiio .' 

Maid  it  a  seja.s  pelo  Ideal  perdido  '. 
Pelo  inal  que  fizeste  sem  querer ! 
Pelo  amor  que  morreii  sem  ter  nascida  .' 

Pelas  horas  viuidas  sem  prazer  '. 
Pela  tristeza  do  que  teiilio  sido '. 
Pelo  fulgor  do  que  deixei  de  ser .' 

(CuRSKi)  Mayest  Thou  Bk —  If  during  twonty  years,  I  allowed  my  curse  to  sleep  in  tliis 

dark  den,  —  to-day,  old  and  tired  of  that  billerncss,  my  soul,  like  a  vulcan,  will  huisl 
open  :  And  then,  twenty  years  of  agony  and  torture,  twenty  years  of  silence  and  solitude, 
over  thy  head  will  pour  boiling  in  a  stream  of  passion  and  madness  I  ("-iirsed  mayest  thou 
be  for  the  lost  Ideal  I  h'or  the  evil  thou  hast  done  unwillingly  !  For  the  love  that  died  with- 
out ever  having  been  born  !  For  the  lively  hours  spent  without  any  pleasure  1  For  tlie 
sadness  of  what  1  have  been  !  For  the  splendour  of  that  1  could  nut  be  !) 

Magalhaes  de  Azeredo.  —  A  bright  and  a  young  poet  is  Maga- 
lliacs  de  Azeredo.  He  was  born  in  Rio,  in  January,  1872.  He  was 
brotiglit  up  in  Europe  but  finished  his  studies  in  Brazil.  While  yet  a 
student  in  the  Sao  Paulo  Law  College  was  already  the  editor  of  the 
Esiado  de  Suo  Pniilo.  Later  on  in  Rio  he  worked  witli  the  «  Giizcia 

de  Xolicias  ».  In  1891  he  was  appointed 
Secretar3^  of  the  Brazilian  Legation  in 
Montevideo  and  from  there  he  was  trans- 
ferred in  189()  for  the  same  position  in 
Rome.  In  January  1897  the  Acadeniin 
Brazileirn  elected  him  to  be  one  of  his 
10  members  to  which  number  the  mem- 
bership is  limited,  just  like  in  the  French 
Academy.  The  books  he  has  published 
•AVQ  :  Alma.  Primitiva  (story);  Procclhi- 
i-ias  (verses);  lialladas  e  Plianiasias  {wv- 
ses) ;  Jose  de  Alencai-  {Mndy):  ()  Portu- 
gal no  (A'nleiiavio  das  Indias.  He  has 
written  very  miicli  in  ne\vspai)ci-s  and 
magazines,  mainly  in  Jornal  do  (auh- 
merrio;  Reuisia  liia:ileii-a  :  Renisla  Mo- 
deina,  of  I'ai-is;  etc.  lie  is  about  to  pn- 
l)lish  ;  —  Iloineiis  e  Linros  ;  Poesias  ; 
Asjieclos  d:t  llalia;   Melaiicladias  (story);   O  .S';</j/o  (rt.mancc);    liiisli- 

Magalhfics  dc  A/.crcdo 

—  105  — 

cas  e  Marinhas  (verses);    FAogio  historico  dc  1).   J.    (lon^-alocs  de 

Here  we  give  now  a  sample  of  liis  verses  : 


Que  o  ten  iiinor  de  Ideal  no  eiujienJto  iiuo  consistn 
De  cultivar  em  ti  somente  o  jnivo  nrlisla. 
E  o  Homeii?  Nuda  vale;  e  diveitos  nfto  tern  '! 
A  verdade  condiiz  ao  Bello  e  o  Bella  ao  Bern. 
Segue  essa  lei  :  qnaijoia  espleiuUda,  lapida 
Tiia  alma  ;  e  nisso  poe  tal  zelo  e  tanto  ardor. 
Que  eiitre  as  obras  do  ten  espirito  creador, 
A  mais  perfelta  seja  a  tua  j>rojjria  vida. 

(To  A  P01.T.  —  May  lliy  lovo  for  llio  lik'al  not  consist  in  tlje  earnestness  to  make  of  yon 
only  a  simple  artist.  And  the  man?  Is  lie  worth  nothing?  Truth  leads  to  the  Beautiful  and  the 
Beantifnl  leads  lo  the  Good.  Follow  thai  law  :  lapidate  thy  soul  just  as  if  it  were  a  splendid 
jewel;  and  do  it  with  such  zeal  and  such  eagerness  that,  among  the  works  of  thy  creative 
mind,  the  most  ])erfect  may  be  your  own  life). 

AuGusTO  DE  Lima.  —  Is  one 
of  the  most  noted  poets  of  to- 
day, but  lie  is  so  modest  and 
backwards  that  few  know  him 
personally.  In  oiir  travels 
through  the  States  I  had  the 
pleasure  of  meeting  him  in 
Bello  Horizonte.  He  was  intro- 
duced to  me  as  a  noble  and  fair 
spirit.  We  became  good  friends 
and  to  be  sure  I  am  not  the 
least  enthusiasmed  of  his  ad- 
mirers. Augusto  de  Lima  was 
born  in  Minas  Geraes,  where 
he  is  to-day  the  Director  of 
the  Public  Archives.   He  is  a 

member  of  the  Rio  Academy  of  Letters,  but  this  will  not  give  him  a 
better  reputation  than  his  verses  will.  He  photographs  himself  in 
his  works.  He  is  a  learned  and  i)hilosophical  poet,  a  little  skeptical 
and  a  little  melancholic.  He  has  published  but  lew  books.  They 
are  :  Contemporaneas  (verses),  1887;  Synibolos  (verses),  1892  and  A 
Vida  (poem)  and  several  pamphlets,  speeches  and  Brazilian  History. 
The  first  work  of  Augusto  Lima,  Contemporaneas  was  published  in 

Augusto  de  Lima 

—    lOli   — 

Rio  and  in  it  he  revealed  himseli"  a  true  i)oet  not  only  because  of  the 
form  as  by«;()iir  ol'  the  tliought,  novelty  of  ideas,  and  stronu, 
beauty  of  the  eoueeption.  He  does  not  sing  like  tlie  spring-  poets 
foolish  love  affairs  and  fancy  flirtations.  His  themes  are  luiman  ami 
social  and  is  just  that  that  shows  him  quite  different  from  the  majori- 
ty of  the  Brazilian  poets.  In  his  book  the  Contemporaneas  and  for 
that  matter  the  Symbolos  each  piece  of  poetry  is  a  gem,  not  one 
single  inferior  production  can  be  found  among  them. 

Here  we  give  a  sonnet  from  his  book  Symbolos,  as  a  sample  : 


Duus  fraci'ues  o  g-rnnde  todo  hiunano 
encerra  :   iima  (jiie  ri,  onlru  que  cliora. 
Diijilice  monstru,  contrantado  Jano; 
tern  iiiiina  fare —  a  noite,  e  noiitra  —  a  aurora 

Mas  em  seu  seio  eleriiameute  mora, 
como  o  j)olypo  no  prof  undo  oceano, 
a  dor  (jue  o  riao  menliroso  eiiflora, 
a  mesma  dor  que  verte  o  pranto  insane. 

Basta  que  riso  ou  lag^rima  recume 

da  contraccao  de  um  musculo  irritado, 

temos  amor,  jtezar,  odio  ou  ciume. 

Nem  semjire  o  riso  e  uma  exjjressaode  agrado, 
e  as  vezes  quern  niais  chora  se  presume 
feliz,  por  parecer  mais  desgrarado. 

(Smilks  and  Tkaus  —  The  {ircat  liiiinaii  whole  oiich)ses  two  fractions  :  one  lliat  laiijihs. 
anollKM'  lliat  weeps.  Douhle  iiKiristcr,  like  .laims,  wears  on  one  eheek  —  nij-ht,  and  on  Ihe 
oilier  —  (hiwn.  lint  in  ils  bosom,  there  lives  lor  ever,  just  like  the  |iolypii.s  in  the  deep  ocean. 
the  pain  thai  the  lying  sniil<>  enihellishes,  the  same  pain  shed  by  the  maddeniiij'-  tears.  It 
sulliees  that  a  siniU;  or  tear  shall  oo/e  from  the  eontraetion  of  an  irritated  mnscle  for  us  to 
ftMil  love,  regr(M,  hatred  or  jealousy.  It  isn't  always  that  the  smile  pleasantness  expresses, 
and  sometimes  those  who  weeji  happier  seem  to  fei'l,  for  the  thouj^ht  of  lookinj;  tn 
othei's  more  unfortunate..) 

FoNTouRA  Xavikr.  —  He  is  a  poet  and  a  writer  of  reputation.  Ih' 
is  to-day  ('onsul  (Jeneral  of  Bra/.il  in  Xcw  \oy\i.  city,  lie  was  born 
in  Kio  (iiandc  do  Sill.  He  \\  riles  well  several  languages  and  had  tlir 
pleasiiiu"  of  seeing  his  best  pit'ces  of  i)octry.  translated,  by  pocis  of 
renown  like  Bliss  Carnian,  \V.  Wafson,  and  others,  inlo  other 
langiiagrs.  lie  Ims  inililislied  several  works  the  most  celebrated  of 
which  is  the  u  (tpuhts  >,,  Poi-to  Alegre,  1S81.  He  also  published  the 
A{-iii!t  Ainrriiiiint,  mIk!  .\iiierican  i-lagh;) ;  the  ]'ci)iis  dc  \Viislui\<i;tou  ; 

—  107 

Es{r()i)hes  a  Baby  Mcc :   ()    F^a^-cm  ;    As    Monliinhas;   As  (^aturatas 
do  Niagara,  Spleen  de  liaiidelaire ;  and  ICl  Dorado  de  Poc; 


As  a  sample  of  his  high  degree  of  fine  humor  we  publish  here  one 
of  his  sonnets  with  its  translation  in  prose. 


En  ando  triste,  mudo,  nlndnlinrio, 
Persegue-me  a  vistio  de  urn  soiiho  vago  ; 
Tenho  as  triste::as  tetricas  de  Mario, 
E  as  solidoes  sinistras  de  Carthago. 

Nem  saiba  o  mnndo...  Tiibido  sudario 
Envolva-ine  a  paixao  que  em  mente  afago... 
Vou  em  meio  caminho  do  (Jalnario 
E  desconheco  a  criiz  que  aos  hombros  trago  .' 

Desconfio  de  algiiem.  De  loiiga  data 
Canto  entre  as  minlias  relacoes  ignotas 
A  graca  esculptiiral  diima  acrobata... 

Muita  vez,  a  saida,  dei-lhe  o  braco, 
E  inda  tenho  presents  as  cambalhotas 
Que  ella  dava  iia  ausencia  do  palhaco  !... 

—  108  — 

(TiiK  Ci.owv   's  wiiK.  —  I   ;mi    sad.    iliimli,    mclainliiplii-,    iicrscriitcd    Ity    llic   visidii  ul"  a 
vagin'  (Ircain,  I  liavo  llic  liillor  sailiicss  of  Mario  and    the  sinislcr  solitude  uf  C.arlliago. 
I  doiil  want  till'  world  to  know...  Let   an   lieetie  shroud  wrap  u|t  the  huinini"  love  1  eai'ess 
ill  my  mind...   1    ami   hall  way  to  the  calvary.  .\nd  ignoi-c  the  eross  that  my  soulders  hears  I 

I  suspeel  .some  one.  For  a  long  time  I  have  had  among  my  unknown  aeciuainlanees.  The 

seulptiiral  graee  of  an  acrobatic  woman...  —  Often,  going  out,  she  left  arm  in  arm  with  me, 
And  1  can  still  remendn-r  thi"  luiid)lings  she  gave  when  the  clown  was  away  :...j 

Mucio  Teixi;ii{.v.  —  He 
is  one  ol'  tlic  Brazilian 
writers  who  lias  worked 
tlic  most.  He  was  boi-ii  in 
Porto  Alegre,  \HoS.  AVlien 
he  was  hut  '2\  years  old 
he  was  Seei'etary  of  the 
Esj)ii-ito  Santo  jjrovince. 
Afterwards  he  went  to  Ye- 
ne/Aiela  as  Consul  Gene- 
ral. He  was  editor  of  se- 
vei'al  papers  in  l^ahia. 
Sao  Panlo,  Rio  Grande, 
and  Rio  de  Janeiro.  Liv- 
ing- as  he  does  hv  his 
l)en  he  has  quite  a  num- 
ber of  ])rodiu'tions  many 
of  which  have  been  trans- 
lated into  other  lan,i;iia- 
ges  : 

Poetry  :  rocr.v  'I'rcinii- 
lus ,  1  vol.  :  \  iolclus  ,  1 
vol.;  Oiidns  c  Xiincny;,  1  vol.;  Sombi'us  c  ^dhu-ocs,  1  vol.;  \oiios 
idciu's,  1  \(»1.;  I'lismus  c  Vibnu;ocs,  1  yol.;  IIiii>()ni:in:is,  1  \<il.; 
Pocsins  c  P()ci)t:is,  1  xol.  ;  Cchijcs  (in  Spanish)  1  vol.;  Iii:isili'iius  y 
Lnzihuins,  1  vol.;  I'ocsins  dc  Mucio  7'e/.vr//;(,  '2  \(»ls.  ;  ('.;iinjt()  Sunlo 
wilii  12  illustrations. 

I'oems  :  Cerebri)  c  ('.orm^rto,  I  vol.;  /'/(//.s/o  c  M;u\^;iri<hi,  I  \(»l.; 
(Umlos  cm  (!;tnl()s,  1  vol.;  ['in  sou Inulor  do  Scciilo.  1  xoi.  ;  <)  Inferno 
l*olilic:i,  1  \<)1.;  ()  Tribuno  lici,  I  \(>1.;  ()  (iirnfn,  1  \(»1.;  O.s  niinnnnos, 
I  \<»l.;  <)  Inconl'nh-nlcs,  l\ol.;  ()  Mest  re  de  Sunt  iniio,  1  \()1.;  /'cf/z/e/ios 
jiocnnis  de  Cnniponnun- ,  2  vols.;  ()  Drnnm  Ininersnl,  2  \()ls.; 
Mnlhcres  do  l^nnn^cUio,  I   vol.;  \'er;i  Ci-n:,  Uciiig  finished. 

Dramas  :  O   J-'ilho  </o   linntjueiro ,    '>  aels;   AInnro  o   I'\ui:ijio,    in 

.Micio  Tkixkika 

—  109  — 

5  acts;  .1  Flor  de  iim  din,  1  acts,  verses;  Tcinpcsludcs  monies,  '.i  acts; 
.1  virludc  no  crime,  5  acts;  ()  Sobrinho  pclo  Tio,  .'5  acts;  Moiihiloo, 
."Jacts;  (^himicn  (JonJii<>-nl,  1  act,  verse;  (^Hridtidc,  '.\  acts; 

Wofks  in  prose  :  Mcmorins  di^-nns  de  //jc/jjo/v'.j,  ■"')  vols. ;  .S'y/i- 
(liese  historicH  da  Litenitiiru  Brazileiia,  o  vols.;  Foetus  de  Venezuelu, 
1  vol.;  Poetus  do  Me\'i(:<),  1  vol.;  Poetas  dii  liolioni,  1  vol.,-  Poelus  da 
America  Lalina,  1  vol.;  Poclas  do  Brazil,  .'3  vols.;  ]'ida  e  Ohras  de 
dastro  Alors,  1  vol.;  a  I\eoolii(;ao  do  Rio  (irande  do  Siil  em  lS()'i, 
1  vol.;  La  administraccioii  del  Doctor  Jiian  I'ablo  Jiojas  l*aiil  en 
Venezuela,  1  vol.;  Ln  aho  en  Venezuela,  1  vol.;  ()  Brazil  Marcial, 
syntliese  liistoi-ica  das  guei-ras,  i-evolucoes  e  revoltas,  desde  os 
Icmpos  coloniacs  ate  a  actualidade,  com  biograpliia  e  os  retractos 
dos  lieroes.  (Historical  resiimnm  ol'  wars  and  revolutions  from 
Colonial  times  up  to  now,  with  biographies  and  pictures  of  the 
heroes,  and  others. 

Lucio  DE  Mexdoxca.  — 
He  is  a  judge  and  a  poet. 
He  was  born  in  185 1 ,  in 
the  city  of  Rio.  He  stu- 
died in  the  S.  Pauh)  Law 
college.  After  his  gradua- 
tion he  devoted  himself  to 
journalism.  He  was  also  a 
poet,  like  all  the  students 
of  his  time  were.  He  re- 
vealed great  talents  in  his 
writings  and  soon  made  a 
name  for  himself  in  Sao 
Paulo  which  might  have 
been  of  far  more  advan- 
tage   for    him   if   he  had 

been  writing  in  Rio.  To-day  Lucio  de  Mendonca  is  a  member  of  the 
Federal  supreme  court  and  one  of  the  40  members  of  the  Literary 

His  books  are  a  Xevoas  Matutinas )),  poetry;  «  Cancoes  do 
Oiitomno  »,  poetry;  a  Esbocos  e  Perfis  »,  short  stories  1889  ;  «  Ver- 
gastas  ))  ;  a  Haras  de  Bom  tempo  »,  Rio  1903. 

Lucio  de  Mendonca  worked  as  a  journalist  in  S.  Paulo,  Minas 
and  Rio,  writing  for  «  Provincia  de  S.  Paulo  »,  «  Gazeta  de  Noticias  », 
«  Estacao  n,  «  Semana  »,  and  others. 

Lucio  de  Mendonca 

—   110  — 

Lui/.  (JriMAKAEs  iFillu)).  lie  was  horn  in  Rio  in  1877.  He  went  to 
Eiir(»i)('  with  liis  fallicr  wlio  was  a  diplomatist.  lie  <>ra(luateil  in  l.s'.>7 
from  the  Coimbra  I'niversity,  in  Portuoal.  Rcturnino- to  Kio  was 
given  tlie  i)osition  ol"  PMitor  of  the  «  (jhz(  la  dc  Xoticins  ^>ii  Rio  daily. 
He  wrote  for  nearly  every  one  of  the  Rio  dailies.  He  published 
seven  volumes  of  poetry  :  Idyl  has  Chinczes,  Ave  Mnria,  Unui  Pngi- 
mi  do  Quo  Vudis  ,  and  Pcdrns  Prcciosas.  These  are  the  four  best 
ones.  The  edition  of  his  books  are  as  a  rule  sold  out. 

I.uiz  (Miiinnrrics  i  Killidi. 

Liiiz  (Jiiiinaraes  (Kilho)  is  a  (lii)h)iiiatist.  He  was  the  secretary  of 
the  Hrazilian  Commission  to  the  'Jnd  I'aii-Aiiierican  Congress, 
Secretary  of  the  Brazilian  Legation  in  Montevideo  and  to-day  he 
lioMs  (he  same  place  in  Tokio.  His  verses  have  been  tianslated  into 
Spanish,   l'"reneh  and  Swedish. 

liiiz  Mdmindo.         lie    is  a  most    clever   wrilci-   and    a    poet    of    no 
litth'  merit,  lie  was  l)orn  in  ivioon  the  "Jdth  .1  une  1S7'.". 

In    I.S*.lX    he.   published    his    first    book  ((  Ximbos  ».    Since   then   he 

Ill  — 

pnhlislicd    another    one    «  Tlinrybulos   »,  in     1809;    and    a  Turris 
Kbnrneaw  in  1902. 

In  1899  lie  founded  a  nuv 
gazinc  «  Revista  Cont(Mnj)ora- 
nea  »  ol"  \vliicli  he  is  the  chief 

This  magazine  has  in  its 
staff  of  writers  the  best  wri- 
ters of  this  generation  :  A.  de 
Guimariies  ,  B.  Lo|ies  ,  Luiz 
Guiniaraes  Filho,  Mangal)eira, 
Xestor  Vietoi',  Carvalho  Ara- 
nha,  liuiz  Pistarini ,  Paulo  Par- 
reto  Azcvedo  Cruz  and  others. 
It  is  published  in  Rio  de  Ja- 
neiro and  has  attained  success 
as  an  artistic  and  literary  ma- 

Luiz  Edmundo  is  preparing 
now  another  book.  This  as  all 
the  others  he  has  written  are 
poetry.  He  is  writing,  however, 
his  first  essay  in  prose  «  Im- 
pressions of  a  trip  to  Central 
Europe.  » 

He  has  written  for  eveiy  daily  and  every  magazine  that  has  been 
published  in  Rio  since  1897. 

Raymundo  Corrka.  —  We  do  not  in- 
tend to  fill  these  pages  with  the  names 
of  that  large  host  of  Brazilian  poets,  as 
we  wrote  before.  Their  number  is  too 
large  and  should  tliey  devote  the  time 
spent  in  verses  making  to  more  useful 
exercises  in  agricultural  ,  industrial  or 
business  pursuits  much  better  it  would 
be  both  for  themselves  and  the  commu- 
nity. But  since  we  have  mentioned  a  few 
of  the  cream,  we  can't  leave  outside  the 
name  of  that  most  inspired  poet  Ray- 
mundo  Correa.  He  is  a  true  poet.  He 
was  born  in  Minas ,  and  is  at  present 
judge  in  one    of  the   Rio   de  Janeiro   courts. 

Luiz  Edmunuu 

Raymundo  Corre\ 



He  can't  bo  iinitaled  in  the  perfection  of  the  conception,  the 
inventive  <;enius  and  tlie  melody  of  his  verses.  It  is  enough  to  read 
the  sonnet  below,  a  sonnet  known  by  heart  by  every  Brazilian  from 
one  end  to  the  otlier  of  the  country  and  in  it  you  will  see  the  great 
soul  of  the  jioct  : 


I'.ie-se.T  j)rimeirii  /lonihit  <les/>criufi{i... 

T'.'<e-.S('  oiitru  nuiis...  iiitiis  niiirti...  enifim  dezeniis 
Dc  jiombas  luio  se  dos  jtoinbiws,  iijtenns 
Jiain,  sanguiiieu  e  frescn,  u  niiiilrii-rndu. 

Et  a  tardc,  qiiando  u  rii^idu  iiortnda 
Sopra,  ao.s  j)Oiubae.s  tie  novo  ellu.s  seremis, 
Jiii/Iaiulo  UN  azan,  tmrudindo  as  jjcnna.s 
VoUain  todas  em  bando  e  em  revoada. 

Tainbem  dos  curat^oes,  onde  aboloam, 
Os  isonltos,  iim  jxjr  iim,  celeres  voam, 
Como  voam  an  pumbas  do.s  j)ombaes. 

Xo  acul  da  adolesrcnria  as  azas  snllam, 
Fog^em...  mas  aos  jiombaes  as  /lombas  txiltam. 
E dies  aos  corat^bes  nao  I'ollam  mais  .. 

(«Thk  Dovks  ».  —  Tlicre  goes  llie  first  dove  tliat  awoke...  there  goes  another  one...  slill 
anotlier...  well,  dozens  of  doves  lly  from  the  dove-houses,  wiien  dawn,  reddish  and  fresh, 
hardly  begins  to  appear.  —  And  at  the  sun-set,  when  the  Northern  strong  winds  blow,  there 
they  come  again  living  bark  in  bands  to  the  dove-houses,  .so  serene  and  eheerful  moving 
their  wings,  shaking  their  fealh(!rs. — ^  Thus  also,  from  the  hearts,  where  the  dreams  are 
fastened,  one  by  one,  they  swiftly  fly,  just  as  the  doves  do,  from  the  dove-houses.  —  In  the 
blue  of  the  adolescency  they  spread  I  heir  wings,  they  lly...  but  the  doves  return  to  the  dove- 
houses,  and  (he  di-canis  never  come  back  to  the  hearts.) 

AVe  could  yet  mention  other  names  of  ])oets  who  have  won  a  just  ' 
notoriety   as    Lui/    Murat,    Luiz    Delphino;    Lucio    de    Mendoura, 
Alberto  de  Oliveira,  Mucio  Teixeira,  Joao   Ribeiro,  —  who  is  also  a  : 
writer  of  no  small  reputation,  but  we  have  no  space. 

We  need  now  to  review  another  feature  of  Hra/iliau  talent.  They' 
are  the  artists  of  to-(la3^  • 

n^  — 


This  feature  of  Brazilian  artislic  life  is  not  less  brilliant  llian  the 
ones  presented  in  previous  seetions.  AVere  it  not  ihat  our  i)rooramme 
binds  us  to  write  only  of  tlu;  men  of  to-day  we  would  have  much  to 
wrile  about  great  men,  among-  whom  is  one  who  won  fame  abroad  as 
well  as  in  the  country.  He  is  Carlos  Gomes,  the  immortal  author  of 
«  (jiinrtiny  »,  opera  that  has  been  and  will  continue  to  be  sung  all 
over  the  civilized  world.  And  he  is  not  the  only  one  of  our  dead 
notabilities.  We  had  Miguez,  the  author  of  the  a  Sulduncs  »  Jose 
Mauricio,  the  great  composer  and  others. 

But  we  will  write  only  of  the  men  of  to-day,  the  space  being- 

Alberto  Xepomucexo,  —  AVe  owe  the  first  place  to  the  author  of 
((  Artemis  ».  He  is  the  onl^^  maestro  now  in  South-America  who 
deserves  to  inherit  tlie  glorj^  of  Carlos  Gomes. 

He  was  born  in  Fortaleza,  Capital 
of  Ceara,  on  the  (3th  July,  1804  and  is 
a  son  of  the  great  musician  Victor  Xe- 
pomuceno,  well  known  here.  With  his 
family  he  went  to  Recife,  the  capital 
of  Pernambuco,  where  he  was  much 
esteemed,  devoting  himself  to  music 
lessons  being  the  most  sought  after 
professor  in  that  city  where  he  was 
the  introducer  of  classic  music. 

Under  the  direction  of  his  father 
and  obeying  to  self  inclinations,  Al- 
berto Xepomuceno,  day  bj^  day,  accen- 
tuated more  and  more  his  artistic  per- 
sonalit}^  and  he  kept  on  enlarging  his 
circle  of  friends  and  admirers,  succeed- 
ing at  the  age  of  18,  in  substituting 

the  maestro  Euclides   Fonseca,  as  director  of  the   concerts  at  the 
Carlos  Gomes  Club  till  the  time  of  the  death  of  his  father. 

He  came  then  to  Rio,  without  any  protection  and  without 
resources.  Here  he  lived  and  strengthened  his  artistic  talent.  Later 
on  he  went  to  Europe  where  he  perfected  himself.  On  his  return  he 

Alberto  Nefohuckno 

—  114  — 

was  appointofl  <iri;an  i>rofossor  of  the  Musical  Tnstituto,  of  Rio.  and 
afterwards  director  of  that  Government  establislinient. 

Among  liis  many  compositions  of  true  merit,  and  in  which  he 
reveals  a  prodigious  fecundity  of  brain,  wo  note  the  RoimuiceH 
liruzik'iros  a  series  the  words  of  some  of  whose  pieces  were  written 
by  Juvenal  Galeno;  the  opera  El  ret  ra,  a  Greek  subject  translated  in 
verse  by  ('hal)ault,  and  which  was  performed  in  Paris  in  the  hall  of 
Saint-Iiarbe  des  Champs;  Syinplumics ,  he  wrote  a  number  for 
grand-orchestra;  the  Suite  liresiliciinc,  on  national  subjects;  sever- 
al pieces  for  piano  and  singing;  sacred  pieces  for  orchestra.  The 
words  for  his  opera  Artemis  were  written  b}'^  Coelho  Netto  and  the 
opera  was  sung  with  great  success  in  the  S.  Pedro  theatre  in  Rio. 
lie  has  just  written  two  other  operas,  the  Abnl  and  Riherto.  The 
latter  is  going  to  be  sung  in  Vienna. 

,  Henrique  —  He  re]3rescnts  a 

great  personality  in  the   artistic   world  at 

f^  ^l^P  ^^  i  least  in  South  America.   To  give  the  bio-    j 

/  graphical  profile  of  Henricpie  Oswaldo  it  is     ' 

sufficient  to  give  an  account  of  the  follow- 

)   •  li^!i;i  ^'^»   episode  :  Le  Figaro,  a  French  paper 

published  in  Paris  opened  a  musical  contest 

■^     in  which  (500  comi)osers  from  every  country 

in  the  world  took  place,  sending  the  pieces 

in  sealing  envelopes  and  without  signature. 

IlKNRIOUE   OSWALUO  ^.^.^^^^    .^^j    ^j^^^^   ,,^3^^)   COUipOSitlOUS  ,    tllC   SClCC- 

ted  one  to  receive  the  prize  was  Ilenri(iu6 
Oswaldo  's.  Referring  to  the  composition  that  Parisian  paper  wrote  : 
We  made  allusion  \esterday  to  the  hesitations  that  seemed  to  pre-  , 
vent  our  jury  from  delivering  the  prizes.  As  to  the  //  neige  !  (is  the  j 
composition  of  Henrique  Oswaldo) ,  there  was  not  the  least  discus-  , 
sion  about  it.  Only  one  vote  and  absolutely  spontaneous!  AVe  remem-  '. 
\)V.v  yet  that  charming  surjirise  and  flying  and  delicate  artistic  sen-  , 
sat  ion  we  felt  when  we  first  heard  the  composition  of  Heniitiuo  '. 

Sainl-Sat-ns,    h'aure    and    Diemer,    grouped   together,   for   many   . 
hours  around   the   piano   had   already   exhauste<l    a  good  number  of 
c/i/jo/.s  ant]  ilie  session  was  al)out   to   end    when  Diemer  getting  hold 
casual  of  a  i-oli  of  paper  said  :  And  if  we  should  liy  this  one?   It  was 
the.  //  iici'^-c  ! 

Tlieii,  under  the  lingers  of  llie  pianist,  ihert;  rose  an  extpiisiie  mo- 

—  Uh  — 

lody,  tlie  intense  poetry  of  wliieli  with  the  beaiitil'iil  sound  of  the  swee 
and  \vrai)])ing  dreams  evoked  to  the  imagination  something  of  a  ])ale 
w  inter  landscape,  tlie  monotonous  and  sh)\v  fall  of  the  wliite  snow 
flakes  under  the  mysterious  silence  of  the  desert  field,  'c  Xoiis  ctioiis 
comjuis  I ')  (We  had  been  con(iuei'od)  thus  ends  the  pai'isian  i)ai)er. 

ncnricpie  Oswaldo  was  born  in  Rio  in  1853.  His  father  was  J. -J. 
Oswaldo,  a  piano  merchant  in  Sao  Paulo,  and  his  niothei'  D.  Carlota 
Cantagalli  Oswaldo,  was  of  Italian  descent. 

Fi-om  1854  to  1870  Henrique  Oswaldo  lived  in  Sao  Paulo,  studied 
in  the  Episcopal  Seminary,  in  Bart 's  German  Lyceum  and  I'eceived 
music  lessons  fi'om  professor  Girandon,  considered  then  an  excellent 

Fi'om  there  he  went  to  Italy  to  imi)rove  his  musical  studies  in  Flo- 
rence under  the  direction  of  imicsiro  Grozzoni,  ex-director  of  the 
Benetto  Marcello  Conservatory  of  Venice  and  professor  of  the  Flo- 
rentine Musical  Institute,  and  he  was  lead  through  mysteries  and 
the  secrets  of  harmony  and  counter-point. 

He  has  devoted  himself  mainly  to  the  camarii  music,  an  aristocra- 
tic and  fine  kind,  having  published  :  sonatas,  concertos,  inorceaiix 
diucrs  for  the  piano,  and  symphonies  for  grand-orchestra,  con- 
certs for  string  instruments.  In  all  he  wrote  thirty  different  pieces. 
His  music  is  elaborated  with  high  care  and  is  perfect  in  its  minutest 
details,  of  broad  inspiration ,  transparent,  it  reminds  Beethoven's 
school.  At  present  he  is  director  of  the  Rio  National  Musical 

Meneleu  Campos.  —  He  succeeded 
Carlos  Gomes  in  the  Belem  Conservato- 
ry, in  the  capital  of  Para  state,  and  we 
cannot  say  that  he  does  not  honor  the 
inheritance.  He  was  born  in  that  beauti- 
ful city  and  from  his  youth  he  revealed 
decided  aptitude  for  music.  His  first 
teacher  was  Adelino  do  Nascimento,  a 
violin  virtuose  of  great  fame  in  Brazil. 
Later  on  he  went  to  Italy  in  1891 ,  enter- 
ing Milan  Conservatory, 

He  has  written  music  for  piano,  sing- 
ing ,  and  orchestra.  He  has  composed 
good  many  pieces,  all  of  one  thought  and 

original  one  perfectly  distinct,  somewhat  melancholic.  And  much  ean 
be  expected  yet,  from  the  author  of  Noitiirno  of  the  romance  T'amo 

Menellu  Campos 

lift  — 

He  wrote  miiiucttes  and  symplioiiies  that  give  a  i^weet  and 
untranslatable  sensation  of  ti-an(iuility,  of  broad  and  ti-ansi)ar('nt 
insi)iration.  They  are  a  language  for  the  soul  ingeniously  I'xpressive 
and  sweet,  and  the  musical  drawing  and  richness  of  accords  show 
a  noble  and  classic  make  up.  Meneleu  Campos  cannot  be  imitated  in 
these  intermezzo  pieces  that  he  so  ingeniotisly  intercalates  in  liis 
greatest  works.  In  his  minucttcs  and  .syinphonics  he  sometimes  hides, 
like  Xai)omuceno  the  originality  of  i)opular  themes,  liandling  and 
transmuting  them  so  beautiful  as  he  does  in  the  Minintiirn  dedicated 
to  the  Para  ladies;  sometime  he  throws  himself  to  spontaneous  stream 
of  the  ins])iration  as  he  did  in  the  Murclui  Funcbrv,  dedicated  to  the 
memory  of  Carlos  Gomes,  or  yet  in  the  (ionics,  a  thick,  rich,  har- 
monious music,  in  which  we  cannot  say  what  is  more-  beantiful,  if 
the  beauty  of  the  melody  of  thought,  or  the  greatness  of  the  harmo- 
nious checking.  In  our  o})ini()u  Meneleu  (yampos  is  one  of  the  nu)st 
inspired  musicians  of  Bi-azil. 

Francisco  Braga.  —  Here  is  another 
much  a])plauded  name.  He  is  a  man  of  a 
sympathie  figure  and  he  knew  how  to  make 
room  for  himself  in  the  arena  of  the  struggle 
for  life,  having  no  other  means  of  defence 
but  is  talent. 

He  is  a  born  musician  and  has  vocation 
for  that  art.  He  prefers  the  orchestral  mu- 
sic for  his  productions  ,  having  i)rodui'i'd 
and  executing  in  i)ublic  concerts  some  beau- 
tiful  symphonic  pieces,  poems,  ouvertures, 
episodes.  H(^  was  born  in  Kio  de  .Janeiro 
where  he  received  liis  musical  education. 
He  went  also  to  Paris  to  continue  his  stu- 
dies under  the  direction  of  Massenet. 

He  comi>osed  in  tluit  city  several  i)ieces 
which  were  played  in  two  concerts  :  ^,';h/- 
r//r'///,//' s.\  inplionic  prelude;  Pnysu^i' ,  symi)honic  ])()t'm  ,  both  foi' 
orcliestra;  Mnrionncltrs  ,  gavotte  (which  is  known  all  over  the 
world);  I'rirrc,  Miiiiii-llo  for  ([uartc^ttc.  lie  i)roduced  also  while 
there:  Lc  Icnci- ;  /•.'.v/./.sr  .•  I  >c<l;tr!il  ion  :  ('.linnsan  ;  Sri-cnndc  loin- 
Ininc  ,  for  singing.  Scherzo;  Wtlsc  n)iii:inti(inc  :  Mini:  Mchtnro- 
li:t,  for  y'wwuK  Hoiu;n\(c  ;  Clinnson  </'.! ///<>////;(• ,  foi- NJoloncello  ;  and 
man\   ol  licrs. 


—  117  — 

In  Germany  he  composed  :  Jiruzil,  solemn  mareli  tor  martial 
band:  ^/a/'a/ja,  symphonic  poem  tor  orchestra;  Aiibn(I(',iov  quar- 
tetto  ;  Oh!  si  tc  ninci !  ;  Di'i-mc  ns  pchilas  dc  I'osa,  romance  for 
singing,  and  his  first  opera  Jui)yra. 

In  Dresden  several  of  his  pieces,  which  the  musical  critics 
referred  to  in  the  highest  terms  were  executed  in  several  public 
concerts  in  1808. 

He  is  now  awaiting  the  opportunity  to  put  on  the  stage  of  the 
Imperial  Theatre  of  Munich,  his  opera  Jupyrii,  which  has  already 
undergone  the  criticism  of  one  of  the  first  celebrities  in  Germany  — 
the  maestro  Hermann  Lev3\  This  critic  among  other  things  said 
that  his  advice  was  :  «  do  not  strike  out  a  single  note  from  this 
opera  )>  —  so  perfectly  identified  with  the  ijoeni  did  he  find  it. 

Abdon  Milanez 

MiLAXEz  (Dr.  Abdon  Felinto).  — 
Is  perhaps  the  most  popular  of  all 
the  composers  of  popular  music. 
His  compositions  are  executed  in 
every  theatre  of  Brazil,  as  if  he  had 
jH-omised  to  himself  not  to  do  any- 
thing else  but  write  music  for  all  the 
audiences  and  all  the  people  of  the 

He  was  born  10  years  ago  ,  in 
Areias,  a  modest  city  of  Parahyba 
State,  which  can  be  proud  of  having 
exported  great  artists  for  the  other 
corners  of  the  counti-y.  He  distin- 
guished himself  as  a  railway  civil  engineer  having  been  graduated 
in  the  Pol 3- technical  College  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  in  1881,  he  was  in 
office  seveial  times,  as  land  inspector,  director  of  the  emigration 
service,  in  Europe,  and  other  capacities.  To-day  he  is  a  Congressman 
representing  his  native  State  in  the  Federal  Congress. 

His  notoriety,  as  it  is  natural ,  was  acquired  mainlj'^  by  the 
inspiration  of  his  theatrical  compositions,  which  were  always  execut> 
ed  with  success.  He  had  alreadj^  composed  a  large  number  of  pieces 
that  had  become  popular,  when  in  1886,  his  comic  opera,  in  three 
acts  Donzclla  Theodora  was  sung  in  the  Sant'Anna  theatre  in  Rio. 
The  music  of  this  operette  so  light  and  original  was  received  with 
groat  applauses,  and  the  success  was  complete. 

Encouraged  by  this  triumph,  and  having  become  the  idol  of  Bra- 

—  118  — 

zilian  audiences,  lie  \vas  inspired  witli  the  full  p«)\ver  of  liis  noted 
humour  and  gaiety  and  wrote  some  quite  original  plays  :  Ilcroc  ,i 
fovi^a,  comic  opera  in  three  acts;  .1  Dunui  dc  Ksinidns,  t-oniic  opera 
also  in  three  acts;  Moenia,  lyric  drama  in  one  act;  O  linrbeirinlu)  dc 
Seoilla,  operette  in  three  acts;  the  spectacular  magic  plays  :  Flor  dc 
Maio;  A  Fada  Azul;  O  Bico  de  Pajut<>ai(),  all  in  three  acts,  and  sever- 
al other  plays.  All  of  them  met  with  great  success  all  over  Brazil 
some  being  performed  hundreds  of  times  and  some  pieces  from  these 
comic  operas  are  most  popular  and  are  executed  all  over  in  concert 
halls  and  whistled  in  the  streets  as  a  live  expression  of  the  rare  and 
of  the  people  's  sentiments. 

With  popular  music,  no  comjjoser  national  or  foreigner  ever 
achieved  such  success  in  Brazil. 

He  is  for  the  Rio  theatres  what  Planquette  was  for  the  Parisian 
ones  for  many  years,  and  Abdon  Milanez  does  not  devote  himself 
entirely  to  that  light  music. 

He  also  wrote  for  the  Church  and  writing  sacred  music  he  un- 
dergoes such  a  transformation  that  one  of  his  Tc-dcunis  is  the  one 
most  frequently  heard  in  the  Rio  chuches. 

Here  is  a  list  of  the  musical  works  of  this  noted  Brazilian  ope- 
rette composer  with  the  names  of  those  wo  wrote  the  words  :  Don- 
zella  Theodora  (o  acts),  Arthur  Azevedo;  Hcroc  a  Forca  (3  acts), 
idem;  -I  Damn  dc  Espadas  (3  acts),  dr.  Moreira  Sampaio ;  0  Barhci- 
rinho  dc  Scoiiha  {'.i  iH'ts),  E.  Garrido;  Pintar  o  Padre  (1  act),  I). 
Castro  Lopes;  .1  Lotcria  do  Amor  (3  acts);  Coelho  Xetto;  Xinon  (3 
acts),  1).  Castro  Lopes.  Magicas —  .1  Princcza  Flor  dc  Maio  (3  acts), 
E.  Garrido;  .4  Fada  Aziil  (3  acts),  idem;  ()  Bico  dc  Papagaio 
(3  acts),  idem;  A  Cliauc  do  Inferno  {'.i  acts),  D.  Castro  Lopes;  ^ 
Mosca  Aznl  ('.',  acts),  Valentin  Magalhaes.  Reviews  — O  Zc  Povinho 
(3  acts),  dr.  N'incente  Reis;  (^oincu  I  (3  ac(s)  Arthur  Azevedo.  Opera 

—  Priniizic   (1    ac(j.  Ilcilor  j\Lihigu((i.  I  )raiiia  w  il  1 isic  —  Mocina 

(y>  acis),  ("oiichi  ('oaracy. 

Abdoii  Mihuicz  has  besides  tliese  p.lays  composed  a  nunilier  of 
songs,  romances,  daneiiig  and  military  piei'CS,  etc.  Some  have  not 
been  published  but  tliey  all  have;  been  often  and  often  i)layed  and  are 
(|uite  popular,  w  liicli  cdiisl  ilntes  in  a  eci'laiii  way  the  definite  I'onse- 
cration  ol  (he  nmsieiaiis. 

Caiu.os  ok  Mix^iiia.  —  lias  a  long  list  o1  ('(unposil  ions  and  an 
(>|)era  l\siiicr;ild;i.  Hesides  biiii  we  lia\c  yet  a  niiinlxT  oldtliers  : 
ileiiri(|ue    de    Mesijiiila    who    lias    emiiposed  so   iniieli  music    lor  tlie 

119  — 

Carlos  dk  Mesquita 

stage,  gay  pieces  in  the  Offenbacli  style.  Dclgado  dc  Carvalho  a 
grave  composer  of  liigli  music  wlio  wrole  a  slioii  op(M"a  Ilosliii  and 
anoilier  one  Mocnui  botli  ol'  \n  liicli  ^^•el•e  siiccessrully  sung  in  Kio  de 
Janeiro.  There  arc  yet  A.  Vianna  Pacheco,  Earroso  Xetto,  Nicolino 
Milano  and  many  others,  ^^ilo 
are  musicians  of  great  merit 
sustaining  the  good  name  that 
in  the  world  of  Art  Carh)s  Go- 
mes won  for  Brazil. 

It  is  well  known  abroad 
that,  outside  of  Europe,  the 
only  country  that  sncceeded  in 
having  an  opera  of  its  own 
performed  all  over  the  world 
in  the  leading  cities,  was  Bra- 
zil with  that  famous  and  ma- 
gnificent Carlos  Gomes'  opera 
«  Gucirany  ». 

The  cultivation  of  music  as 
well  as  of  other  liberal  arts  is 
maintained  with  care.  The  go- 
vernment supports  officially  Music  and  Fine  Arts  institutes  in  llio 
de  Janeiro,  and  some  of  the  State  Governments  of  this  Rei)ublic  fol- 
low the  example,  and  this  explains  the  number  relatively  large  of 

good  artists  to  be  found  in  Bra- 
zil. In  this  regard  no  other  South 
American  country  comes  near 
this  republic. 

V^^G  will  now  speak  of  the  Bra- 
zilian Sculptors  : 

The  place  of  honor  belongs  by 
right  and  in  fact  to  Kodolpho 
Bernardelli  ,  the  celebrated 
sculptor  who  has  populated  with 
statues  the  capital  of  Brazil.  The- 
re are  here  in  Rio  and  elsewhere 
statues  made  by  European  artists 
of  reputation,  for  large  sums  of 
,  yet  confronted  with  the  work  of  this  Brazilian  they  do  not 
that  preference  and  are  not  in  anything  superior. 

RoDOLPuo  Bernardelli 


—  120  — 

Bcnardi'lli  was  bi)rii  in  IS.'/,'  and  in  1870  he  entered  the  Fine  Arts 
Academy  ol"  Rio.  Three  years  hiler  lie  had  executed  his  first  work  — 
Dnoitl,  soon  afterwards  he  sculptured  a  Saiidadc  fin  Tribii  and 
A'csprcilH,  both  of  which  received  prizes  at  the  Philadelphia  Exposi- 
tion. In  1870  he  earned  a  prize  annually  given  to  the  best  student 
of  llic  Academy  wliicli  pi'ize  consists  in  going  to  Europe  to  continue 
the  studies  at  the  i^overnment  expenses.  He  stayed  nine  years  in 
Europe  perfecting  himself  and  ])rodiieing. 

On  his  retuin  he  executed  a  monumental  grouj)  dhrisfo  en  n(lul- 
tcni,  whicli  belongs  to  the  Academy,  and  the  Fiucini  which  excited 
the  art  critics  with  enthusiasm.  Later  he  sculptured  ScHito  Kstcnam, 
and  three  statues:  O.sorio,  Alencar  and  Duqiiv  dc  (Jaxius,  all  of 
which  are  to-day  in  Rio's  public  squares,  all  of  them  of  bronze  and 
two  of  them,  those  of  Generals  Alencar  and  Duque  de  Caxias,  on 
horseback.  His  last  work  is  that  magnificent  group  in  l)ronze, 
representing  the  discoverers  of  Brazil  inaugurated  during  the  festi- 
vals of  the  celebration  of  the  fourth  centenary  of  the  discovery  of 
Brazil.  This  work  of  art  by  itself  is  enough  to  give  him  the  great 
name  as  an  artist  he  has  and  so  richly  deserves. 

Bernardelli  is  fond  of  naturalism, 
in  art;  in  his  work  he  i)laces  himself 
at  the  disposal  of  the  plain  truth  and 
he  doesn't  deviate  from  this  happen 
what  it  may: 

His  statues  are  always  a  theme  I'or 
discussion  among  the  critics,  whom, 
as  it  is  usual,  never  agree  in  their 
opinions  as  to  the  artist.  The  scidptor 
doesn't  i)ay  any  attention  to  them.  If 
sucli  an  hero  used  to  mount  his  liorsi' 
in  a  manner  that  was  not  correi't,  he 
repiodnces  him  just  so  in  the  bronze; 
if  another  had  his  stomach  distiMuled 
somewhat  more  than  it  is  idealized  by 
the  standai'd  fixed  by  tlu-  legends  for 
their  idols,  he  cai'cs  litlle  lor  that,  he 
I'ounds  the  marble  true  to  his  model. 
And  as  to  con\ cnidonalism,  whiidi  is 
a  ci'iterion  for  the  art  of  the  crowds, 
that  expands  ilselT  in  repro\  a!  ions,  in  strong  criticisms  in  the  news- 
pap(us —  Ic  jiiijiicr  stm/J'ic  loiil. 

Not  w  itiistanding   all    that,    JJei-nardcHi    has    also    his     admirers. 

ll     I'll  i;n  Mill  1 1    Clirislit  V  ii  iultilicru 


and,  besides,  nobody  can  rciuse  his  title   as   a   genius   affirmed  by 
immortal  bronze  statues. 

The  list  of  \vorks  executed  by  this  first  of  Brazilian  sculptors  is 
a  long-  one.  Besides  all  these  statues  to  be  seen  all  ovei"  the  city  in 
itspul)lic  squares,  there  are  numbci'lcss  low  rclier  l)ns(s,  nicdallions, 
and  other  works  in  bronze  and  marble  sculi)tured  by  him.  Of  late  he 
executed  a  statue  of  Ca/-/os'  (ionics  for  Campinas  and  two  others  of 
Teixeira  de  Freltas  and  Mscoiidc  dc  Mciiia  for  Rio. 

In  Brazil  artistic  circles  Bernardelli  is  the 
most  respected  personality  of  all  the  artists  in 
the  country.  He  has  imposed  himself  by  his 
talent  and  if  he  is  not  a  millionaire  he  can  say 
as  Emerson  did  :  real  i)i"ide  is  worth  an  inco- 
me of  £  1.50U. 

CoRRKA  Lima.  —  This  name  is  another 
document  of  Brazilian  Fine  Arts  culture.  Is 
a  revelation  and  a  promise.  He  has  the  sense 
of  the  beautiful  and  by  energetic  work  has 
acquired  the  snvoir  fnirc  of  the  sculptor,  who 
perpetuates  himself,  by  periDetuating  others 
in. his  marble. 

The  certificate  of  his  genius  was  seen  in  the  Bio  Fine  Arts  Exhi- 

CoRREA  Lima 

CoRitEA  Lima.  —  Mater  Dolorosa,  belonging  to  llie  Fine  Arl.s  Institute. 

122  — 

bition,   where  he  exliibited  liis  bronze  statue  Pu>>c   powerlnl  in  its 
natural  expression. 

Correa  Lima  is  one  of  (he  most  beautiful  and  best  defined  artis- 
*  tic  personalities  of  South  America.  Though  quite  young  he  has  l)y 
himself  acijuired  the  reputation  of  a  superior  artist.  lie  was  a  pui)il 
of  Bernardelli  nnd  frecjuented  the  Fine  Arts  College  in  Rio.  He  was 
born  in  the  State  of  liio,  in  the  small  city  of  S.  Jofio  Marcos,  in 
1878.  lie  followed  the  full  course  of  that  college  during  three  years 
and  it  was  a  surprise,  not  only  for  the  public,  but  even  for  his  college 
mates  and  professors,  the  exhibition  of  his  work  in  marble  «  Kc- 
morso  ))  which  won  for  him  the  jiri/.e  of  a  trip  to  Europe  at  the 
expenses  of  the  Government.  AMiile  in  Rome  he  develoi)ed  a  fever- 
ish activity,  producing  among  othci-  works  the  ((  Pi'isioijciro  >>  a 
great  w ork  in  bi-onze,  where  he  exhibited  his  independence  and  sell' 
individuality  qualities,  well  evident  in  a  more  or  less  vivid  manner, 
in  all  his  works. 

In  the  Fine  Arts  expositions  of  IVKM,  1*.»02  and   lOOo,   in   Rio,   he 

won  the  first  prizes  with 
his  works,  Page,  S.  .louo 
Bnptisln,  Rcmorso  and  the 
Pc'sviulor,  and  others. 

His  chief  work  of  art, 
the  one  which  won  for 
him  the  celebrated  repu- 
tation he  enjoys  was  that 
painful  group  Mater  clolo- 
I'osu ,  a  genial  association 
of  the  classic  art  inspira- 
tions with  tlu'  prc()i'cui)a- 
tion  of  natural  art,  lull  of 
emotions  and  truth. 

lilDOVU'O       1)KKNA.      — 

lit'  is  also  a  young  artist 
and  his  uaiiic  is  being  1  lie 
objci't  of  aiticles  in  I  lie 
lei'hnical  periodicals  and 
daily  pajxMs. 

lie   is  an    arcliilcrt    of 
talent,  'riic   altar  he  l>uilt 

Liiiiovicd  Hi  UNA 

for  llic  llcnjaniin    Constant    clitiich    is  a  real   gem  ol  work  in  llicgo- 
thic  style   worthy  of  great  i)iaise. 

—  128  — 

BiTTKNCOT-RT  DA  SiLVA.  —  The  uiitired  woi-kcr  Direcloi-  of  tlie 
Arts  and  Trades  Lyceum  d(jes  not  need  any  better  prool"  ol'  his  tahmt 
than  the  Iront  of  the  J^^xchangc  Building.  The  ^vhole  building  is  the 
])roduet  of  the  purest  Rcnnissiincc  school,  adding  to  the  nobility  of 
its  lines,  the  elegance  of  the  decorative  details. 

In  Sao  Paulo  the  Brazilian  architects  fill  that  city  \vi<h  Ixiautiiul 
mansions,  affirming  Bi-a/.ilian  advancement  in  arts.  In  the  North  we 
can  mention  : 

Hans  Schleiaer,  of  Bahia.  —  He  has  had  to  struggle  against  the 
sraallness  of  the  centre  where  he  lives,  yet  succeeds  in  impi'cssing  a 
sign  of  his  renovating  spirit  in  a  few  private  buildings  he  has  built 
up.  Ilis  best  works  are  the  residences  of  Messrs.  J.  Gama  and  Costa 
Santos  in  Mctoria  and  that  of  Mr.  F.  Hasselman  in  Victoria  Square. 
He  also  built  the  large  business  house  of  Mr.  Deoc.  Alves  at  Prin- 
cezas  Street,  the  City  Hall  in  Sao  Felix  and  several  others.  He  has 
also  worked  in  several  cities  of  Germany  where  he  now  is. 

SousA  Aguiar  (Fran- 
cisco Marcellino). —  This 
is ,  no  doubt  the  best 
known  of  Brazilian  archi- 
tects and  he  is  as  well  a 
General  belonging  to  the 
engineering  company  of 
the  Federal-  Army.  He 
was  born  in  Bahia.  From 
his  very  youth  he  revealed 
notable  qualities  as  a  mi- 
litary man  and  an  admi- 
nistrator. He  was  for  mii- 
ny  years  the  Chief  of  the 
Fire  Department  in  Rio, 
which  is  one  of  the  best 
in  the  world,  there  being- 
no  equal  to  it  anywhere 
else  but  in  the  United 
States.  He  was  also  at 
the  head  of  the  telegraph 
system  of  this  conntry.  In 
both  of  these  offices  he  discharged  his  duties  in  a  most  clever  way. 

SousA  Aguiar 

—  124  — 

He  is  a  highly  educated  man  a  cultured  scientist  and  a  linguist  which 
is  ol"  great  help  to  him  while  on  commission  in  foreign  lands,  that  he 
has  done  several  times  representing  his  .country  with  great  advan- 
tage. He  represented  Brazil  in  the  Chicago  World's  F'air  and  in  the 
St-Louis  Exposition.  In  tliis  latter  exposition,  the  Brazilian  pavil- 
lion,  as  tlie  American  press  said  it,  excelled  those  of  all  the  other 
foreign  nations.  Sonsa  Aguiar  has  "many  aptitudes  is  a  man  of  strong- 
character  and  superior  mind.  The  feature  that  can  most  easily  be 
appreciated  by  the  people  is  his  talent  as  an  architect.  He  is  now 
building  a  beautiful  Palace  for  the  Rio  National  Library,  the  Fire 
Department  barracks,  the  St.  Louis  Exposition  building  which  was 
brought  from  the  United  States.  He  has  in  project  a  building  for  the 
National  Congress.  We  need  not  mention  the  Brazilian  lUiilding  at 
the  Chicago  World's  Fair  which  was  a  fine  building. 

Sousa  Aguiar  is  in  fact  a  great  artist.  His  works  are  beautiful, 
original  and  up-to-date. 


i'olicc  I 

Ramos  i)e  Azkvi;i)(). 
—  (Francisco  de  Paula 
Ramos  de  Azevedo)  is  the 
most  notable  architect 
fi-om  Siio  Paulo  of  those 
living'  tlicre  to-day.  He  is 
an  extraordinary  artist. 
He  has  built  souie  100 
Ixiildiugs  bolli  pultlie  and 
private  ones  in  the  State 
_of  Sao  Paulo.  We  might 
say  tliat  it  is  to  him  that 
Sao  Paulo  owes  its  arelii- 
tectural  transformation. 
Among  tlie  buildings  he 
projt'eted  and  built  we 
must  mention  \hc  I'oly- 
lecliuieal  college.  perliai)s 
the  nieesi  in  all  Hiazil. 
He  himself  is  a  professor 
of  ai'ehileelure.  He  also 
built     the     Secretary     of 

\ 's    l)uil<ling    aixl    the  one   of  tlie    Agriculture's    Secretary. 

Iead(|narteis.  Noi'uial  enllege,   I'ltideiite    de    Mm'aes  Sehool. 

Hamos  I)i:   A/i;viim» 

—  125  — 

Municipality  Palaoe  in  Campinas,  tlio  large  huilding-  of  the  Santos 
Docks  Company  in  Rio,  the  Biuy  School,  the  Military  Hospital,  both 
in  Siio  Paulo,  and  many  line  residences  and  some  millionaires  man- 
sions in  Sao  Paulo,  In  a  word,  he  is  the  most  enthusiastic  jiromoter  of 
(he  intellectual  and  ai'tistic  movement  in  Sao  Paulo  in  the  last  few 
years.  AVe  had  forgotten  to  mention  the  beautiful  building  of  the 
Fine  Arts  and  Trades  Lyceum,  of  which  he  is  the  President  and  to 
the  organisation  of  which  he  gave  a  practical  character,  transform- 
ing the  Lyceum  into  many  shop  works  lor  artistic  and  industrial 

He  is  a  good  and  patriotic  man,  clever  and  progressive  in  his 
ideas.  He  is  also  a  philantropical  man  charitable  and  generous.  He 
is  to-day  one  of  the  most  popular  and  respected  men  in  Sao  Paulo. 
Xot  long  ago  a  journalist  writing  about  him  said  :  «  AVe  know  not 
a  man  in  Siio  Paulo  with  a  better  heart  or  a  superior  mind  to  his.  » 

Oliveira  Passos 

Oliveira  Passos.  —  Son  of  the  celebrated  engineer  and  admi- 
nistrator Passos.  He  was  born  in  Rio  de  Janeiro,  but  followed  his 
studies  in  Germany  where  he  was  always  distinguished  as  a  good 

—  126  — 

Rctnniini;-  to  Hi-a/.il  In-  made  liis  career  as  an  iii«lusirial  man  and 
an  architect  occupying;  t()-<la.\-  a  prominent  place  among-  liis 

In  a  competitive  examination  foi-  the  selection  of  i)laiis  foi-  tlie 
Mnnicii)al  Tlieati-e  his  won  tlie  prize  and  were  selected.  'I'he  build- 
ing is  iiearl,\'  finished  and  with  it  he  made  a  name. 

IIeitor  de  Mello.  — 
He  ^is  a  Brazilian  archi- 
tect of  recognised  ability 
in  the  artistic  circles  of 
Rio.  He  is  a  son  of  the 
late  celebrated  admiral 
Custodio  de  Mello.  This 
young  but  already  well 
known  architect  was  born 
in  Rio  in  1875  where  he 
made  his  first  studies. 
Afterwards  he  travelled  a 
good  deal  in  Europe  and 
returned  to  Rio  where  he 
followed  the  Fine  Arts 
College  course,  with  high 
distinction  graduating  as 
an  architect,  a  diploma 
not  easily  obtained  in 
that  college. 

IIeitor   de   Mello   has 
ever  since  devoted  him- 
self to  his  professional    work   with    enthusiasm    and  has  built  some 
most  beautiful  buildings,  as  the  Navy  Infant r,\'  barracks  and  many 
l)rivat(;  mansions,  being  woi'thy  of  mention  some  beautiful  liuildiui^s 
in  the  A venida  Central. 

Ilcil  i»i-  de  Mello  ranks  to-day  w  il  ii  l  lie  best  of  his  class  and  is  had 
as  on(!  of  ihe  al)lest .  His  works  recommend  him  by  its  sii'oni;  fealni'es 
that  bring  forth  harmony,  distinction  and  novelt\  . 

llinoK  UK  Mil. 1.0 

r.M  l..\  l''i{i;rr.\s.  "11  is  name  iseonneeled  with  (.';//j(/(7.<;(.M'lim  cli 
in  Ivio.  (Iniuh-lnint  is  tlic  ricbest  and  most  arlislieally  Imill  cliiircli 
in  Sonlli  Amei'ica. 

J'iiiihi  I'icihis  ga\t'  I  lie  plans  and  exeeult'd  I  lie  arciiiteeture  of  its 

—  127  — 

interior.  He  also  built  the  National  Pi'inting  Office  building  with  a 
most  original  iVont,  popular  already,  having  been,  as  it  has,  in 
mostly  every  magazine  published  in  the  country.  He  built  yet  the 
Gonrnlncs  Asyliiin  at  S.  Christovam  scpiare  and  other  buildings. 

Let  us  now  \vrite  about  IJra/.ilian  artists  —  the  i)ainters. 

Not  many  months  ago  Brazil  lost  his  most  celebrated  artist  whose 
renown  did  not  limit  itself  to  Brazil,  Ix'ing  universal.  lie  was  living  in 
Europe  at  the  time  of  his  death.  His  name  was  Pedro  America. 

AuuELio  DE  FiGUEiREDO.  —  He  is  Pcdro  Amerieo's  brother  and 
is  also  a  painter.  He  is  untired  with  his  brush  and  most  audacious 
in  the  coloi'ing,  alive  and  bright  in  the  whole  make  up.  He  cultivates 
with  success  historical  themes.  He  paints  with  ease  and  on  all  sub- 
jects, landscape  or  any  other.  According  to  the  art  critics  his  best 
work  is  his  painting  Paulo  e  Francesca  where  the  fundamental  qua- 
lities of  an  artist  are  in  evidence. 

Nearly  every  one  of  his  paintings  are  in  Rio  in  the  hands  of 
amateurs,  in  pul)lic  buildings ,  a  few  in  the  Fine  Arts  College  and  a 
few  others  in  Buenos  Ayres,  Argentine  Republic.  His  two  last  paint- 
ings «  .1  (lescoberta  do  Brazil  «  and  «  Um  capitiilo  da  historia  patria  » 
are,  one,  in  the  President's  palace,  and  the  other  in  the  House  of 
Deputies  where  the  congressmen  meet. 

RoDOLPHO  Amoedo.  —  One  of  the  most  fa- 
mous of  the  Brazilian  artists,  having,  not- 
withstanding, devoted  himself  to  a  most  dif- 
ficult kind  of  work  —  historical  painting.  This 
does  not  mean  that  he  has  not  done  some  other 
kind  of  work  because  he  has  painted  quite  a 
number  of  landscapes  ,  marine  pictures  and 
others,  but  history  is  his  favorite  style  and  in 
that  line  has  produced  far  more  than  in  all 
others.  He  belongs  to  the  new  generation  and 
was  born  in  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

His  artistic  education  began  at  the  Arts  and  Trades  Lyceum,  of 
Rio,  continued  at  the  old  Fine  Arts  College  and  he  perfected  his 
studies  in  Europe,  where  he  went  at  the  government  expenses, 
having  received  the  prize  offered  yearly  by  the  Fine  Arts  college. 

His  paintings  O  Tamoyo,  Mar  aba  and  others  representing 
Brazilian  history  subjects,  belong  to-day   to  the  State  Government 

RoDOLPHO  Amoedo 

—  128  — 

arc  stronj;  ('vi<Ienc('s  ol'  liis  prowei-riil  inspiration  and    i);itri()lisiii  as 
^vc'll  as  iruc  woi'ks  of  art.    I  Morlc  do  Abel  is  another  painting-  with.] 
wliirli    Uodolpht)   A uioedo  answered  to  the   rlassic  tendencies  of  his 
surroundings  at  the  time  he  did  that  work. 

i(.  Amukdo.  —  .1  nnmtrho  ile  PJtilelus;  lu'loiiyini;  lo  Iho  llin  .Miisfiiiii. 

The  best  reputed  of  all  his  works,  however,  is  .1  Xnrrucuo  ile 
Pliilc'fns,  eelebi-ated  painting  acquired  also  by  the  government  for 
the  colhM'tion  of  the  State  Museum.  The  softness  of  the  lines,  the 
relief  of  the  figui-es,  tb(>  sublih^  jxjetic  sentiment  of  the  scene  in  this 
j)ainting,  give  altogellun'  a  real  and  harmonious  coloring.  This 
picture;  is  consichn-ed  the  gem  of  all  those  at  the  official  Art  (lallery. 
Rodolpho  Aiiioedo  is  ininucious  in  the  anatomic  study  of  the 
figures,  —  as  it  imist  l)c  done  in  historical  painting,  —  and  he 
knows  how  to  i)lacc  them  in  position  with  artistic  taste  ami  as  a 
master  will.  He  seems  to  possess  the  secret  to  do  it  with  pcrfei-tion. 
Add  to  these  virtues  the  complete  cont  loi  of  I  he  ln-iisii  and  paints 
for  the  soft  marvels  of  the  coloring  and  there  remains  explaiiuMl  the 
success  of  this  artistic  celchrity,  to-day  professor  of  tin-  Fine  Arts 
Collei^c  where  he  was  once  a  student. 

Amom.i  r  akijiik  as.-- ■  Honi  in   U  io  de  .1  ;ineiro,  h;id  :is  his  teacher 
the    celehrated     (lernian    landscape    painter    .lorgi'    (irimni.     l!ut    it 


seems   that  above  his  professor   he    loved  this  iiuirveHous  nature  of 
Brazil.  He  has  abondoned  a  Ion*;   time  a<^()  the  sfyle  of  his  teacher 
and  created  an  independent   individuality  of  his  own.  'I'he  landscape 
will   however    continue    to    be    his 
love,  his  inspiration.  At  present  it 
would  be  difficult  to  find   a   lands- 
cape artist    so  faithful,  ^vith   such 
adoration  and  care  for  the  repro- 
duction in  his  pictures  of  the  trees, 
the    woods,    the    mountains,    with 
such  delicate   coloring  copying  the 
charming    pieces    of   sceneiy    that 
nature  in  Brazil  offers  to  the  artist. 
He  knows  how  to   see  his  original 
and  how  to  fix  it  in  his  painting. 

His  monumental  painting  Scr- 
tanejas,  is  in  one  of  the  drawing- 
rooms  of  the  President's  palace. 
He  has  a  large  number  of  smaller 
paintings ,  which  are  disputed  by 

the  experts  in  art.  They  are ,  most  all  of  them ,  pieces  of  Brazilian 
scenery.  The  painting  .4  Derriibada,  which  was  sold  for  a  high  price, 
is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  ones  as  it  is  the  one  — Yentania, —  both 
of  which  will  some  day  adorn  some  celebrated  art  gallery.  Some  of 
his  beautiful  paintings  decorate  the  walls  of  the  Court  Room  at  the 
Rio  de  Janeiro  Supreme  Court. 

Antonio  I'arreiras 

RoDOLPHO  Chambellaxd.  —  Rodolpho  Cliambelland  is  an  artist 
of  reputation,  though  he  is  quite  a  young  man.  He  was  born  in  Rio, 
and  received  his  artistic  education  at  the  Xational  Fine  Arts  College. 
He  became  popular  by  exhibiting  paintings  of  Rio  scenes  at  the 
Fine  Arts  College  everj'  year  with  greater  success.  One  of  these  — 
«  A'Sahida  do  Baile  »  (Leaving  tlie  ball)  won  for  him  the  prize  of 
one  year's  trip  to  Europe  at  the  Governments  expenses.  Another 
canvas  which  won  a  great  triumph  for  him  was  the  «  Ar  Ijivre  » 
(Bachantes  em  festa)  exhibited  at  the  annual  Salon  of  Rio  in  1904. 
According  to  a  critic,  who  is  not  a  very  lenient  one,  what  distin- 
guishes Cliambelland  is  the  harmony  of  his  compositions,  always 
original,  with  excellent  effect  of  light  and  dai'k  light,  the  free  move- 
ment of  the  figures,  the  landscape  always  broad  and  well  illuminated, 
the  happy  perspectives,  and  the  fine  sky.  which  proves  the  neatness 

130  — 

of  liis  hrnsli,  and  the  attention  he  pays  to  the  minutest  of  details. 
Ro(h)lpho  Chanihelland  is  besides  all  that  a  hard  worker,  producing 


a  good  deal,  appearing-  in  all  exhibitions   of  fine  arts,   held  .\  early  << 
at  the  College  where;  he  is  always  sure  to  win  the  best  prizes  though 
he  has  eonipetitors  of  great  merit. 

IIiONUK^ii':  1^i;knaki)i:i,i,i.  —  Is  ;ilso  one  of  the  most  noted  eulti- ^ 
vatoi's  of  ])ure  art  in  Jira/il.  At  the  service  of  a  legitimate  artistic! 
temperament  lu;  has  a  solid  intellectual  cultivation,  and  as  a  result 
of  that  we  see  the  sujjeriority  of  his  work  anu)Ug  which  we  recou)- 
UH'ud  the  ficsco  paintings  of  the  ceiling  of  the  Musical  Institute 
Mall.  .\nu)ng  his  most  a])plaud(Hl  paintings  is  the  'r.-iinnlclhi ,  ii 
strong  study  on  habits  and  cnstonis,  of  gay  eoloring  and  in('|u-ehcn- 
sible  execntion,  M((lil;m<l<i,  S)ii;i,  l\iiiii;is  cm  l\;incll(i,  nostalgic 
lanilsciipes,  of  soft  coloiing.  (!;is;is  Hntiicns,  I'rui.i  ilc  ('.oiincnhniiil, 
are  delieate  landscapes  because  of  their  subjects,  but  they  were 
treated  by  a  strong  and  warm  l)i'usli,  wliicli  lea\t's  in  t  he  pici  iii-c  a 
bright   impression  ot  lite,  attracting  and  i)al|>i  lat  ing. 

—  131 

But  landscape  is  not  the  only 
style  in  which  H.  Bernardelli  re- 
veals himself  as  an  artist  and  a 
creator.  The  intellectual  history  of 
Brazil  has  charms  for  him  and  in- 
spire him  most  enthusiastically.  We 
see  that  in  his  paintings  Jose  Mmi- 
ricio  deante  do  Rei  whose  pictures 
have  the  animation  of  real  life ;  o  A- 
Icijadinho  (the  cripple)  in  our  opi- 
nion to  the  latter  in  the  disposition 
of  the  figures,  in  the  cn.scmble  and 
in  the  coloring  ;  the  Extasc,  that 
seems  an  introduction  to  the  s^m- 
holism  in  painting.  It  is  a  revolu- 
tionary painting,  under  the  view 
point  of  classic  art,  and  is  a  docu- 
ment of  the  audacious  soul  of  this  Brazilian  artist 

HiiNKiQUE  Bernardelli 

Elyseu  Viscoxti.  —  A  student  of  the  Xational  Fine  Arts  College, 
studied  also  for  some  time  in  Europe.  On  his  return  he  presented 
some  paintings  that  made  a  name  for  him  among  the  most  noted 
artists.  He  tackles  all  subjects  and  every  style.  He  has  worked  on 
oil  paintings,  water  colors,  jjastel,  religious  and  historical  subjects, 
landscape,  decoration  and  others. 

Decio  Yillares,  artist  of  great  merit ;  Zcfcrino  da  Costa,  sacred 
painter  whose  talent  is  in  evidence  in  the  (c  plafond  «  of  the  «  Cande- 
laria  »  church ;  rc/;?ji>7'i/*//JC7-,  the  inspired  son  of  Rio  Grande  State 
whose  paintings  are  so  minucious  in  detail,  so  carefully  treated 
and  so  patiently  finished.  They  have  been  all  sold  at  high  prices. 
./.  Baptista  and  many  others  though  not  so  popular  as  the  above  are 
all  artists  that  contributed  considerably  towards  the  impulse  Fine 
Arts  have  received  in  Brazil. 


Historical,   Geographical,  Com:mercial  and  Administrative  Data; 

Description  of  Cities  and  Places  worthy  of  note, 

Churches,  Monuments,  etc. 


Once  finished,  as  it  is,  in  the  preceding  pages,  tlie  review  of  the 
Brazilian  intellectual  world,  we  must  now  deal  with  the  physical  and 
political  one  in  the  complexity  of  their  many  aspects  :  —  industries, 
commerce,  public  instruction,  railroads,  etc.  What  we  are  about  to 
write,  is  the  result  of  personal  observation  and  study,  during'  our 
travels  all  over  the  country,  going  from  city  to  city.  We  will  begin 
by  the  Xothern  States.  At  the  extreme  north,  as  the  doorway  of 
this  great  nation  we  have  the  Amazon  State,  well  worthy  of  the 
grandeur  of  this  beautiful  country,  being  its  northern  boundary  line. 

Dr.  Constantino  Xery,  governor  of  Amazon  Stale 

Just  as  Rio  Grande  does  at  the  extreme  South,  the  Amazon  opens 
with  a  marvellous  and  exquisite  majesty  its  frontier  to  the  new- 
comers from  all  over  the  world. 

As  to  its  frontiers,  Brazil  has  really  much  to  thank  God  for  the 

—  13fi  — 

generous  way  it  was  treated  while  the  distribution  of  natural 
greatness  was  nuule  among  the  people  ol'  this  i)lanet.  But  this 
Amazon  region  has  not  as  yet  been  exploited,  only  a  small  part  of 
its  territory  and  of  its  wonderful  waters  being  dominated  by  man, 
bv  tlie  Hra/ilians,  we  miglit  say,  as  the  Europeans  seldom  go  there. 
Every  one  of  the  explorers,  scientists  and  travellers,  who  have  pene- 
trated some  of  its  thick  roads.,  its  endless  rivers,  come  back 
astounded,  and  praise  enthusiastically  that  infinite  and  calm  wealth, 
that  is  waiting  foi-  the  future  generations,   and  spreading  in  flowing 

\)v  Sii.vKuio  NiiiY,  cx-govonior  of  Ain;i/nii  SinU 

stream,  a  variety  of  tilings,  that  cause  the  envy  of  men,  tlii'ougli  a 
teri-itory  larger  than  the  majority  of  the  different  kingdoms  of  the 
earth.  Its  enormous  surface  surpasses  that  of  luigland,  (Jernumy, 
France,  Italy,  Holland  and  Belgium  put  together. 

'IMiis  ])arl  of  the  Brazilian  dominion,  taking  the  name  of  a  I'ivcr, 
th(!  largest  rivc^r  in  the  world,  rendered  a  poetic  demonstration  of 
homage  to  the  most  jxtwerful  abyss  of  fresh  water  that  there  is  on 
this  planet.  It  is  iuii)ossil)le  for  us  to  rejx'at  lu-re  what  1 1  iiiiiltoldt . 
Agassiz,  (Jondreau,  Osculati,  Wallace,  Castelnan  and  many  others 
have  said  about  tin;  Amazon.  The  trip  alone  from  Belem.  the  eapital 
of  l*ara  State,  (o  Manaos,  t  he  capital  of  t  he  A  mazon  State,  is  in 
itself  a  pauoraiiia  thai  can't  easily  be  forgotten.  We  made  this  trip 
once  and  we  w  ill  iiexcr  sloj)  bringing  to  the  eyes  of  our  mind  t  he  beau- 
tiful    images   of    that    magnificent  scenery.  On  the  olst  of  Jidy  l'.K)-J, 

—  1:17  — 

on  board  of  a  sleainci-  llying-  at  its  stern  tin;  Brazilian  Hag-,  «  O 
.  1 /;jji>"OcJ.s  )),  Nvc  sailed  i'roui  Para,  in  the  direction  ol"  Manaos.  It  was 
live  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  and  the  weather  was  splendid  bright 
and  not  too  warm. 

We  had  to  sail  some  *.•()()  miles.  A  short  section  of  that  colossal 

The  mute  riverside  landscajje  is  of  itself  perfectly  charming-,  but, 
bending-  over  the  deck  railing  we  were  completely  wrapped  up  in  the 
contemplation  of  the  whole  scenery,  a  synthesis  of  unseen  coloring 
and  light  changes. 


View  of  the  town  of  Manaos. 

Until  we  reached  the  bay  of  Marajo,  the  steamer  was  crossing  a 
large  moving  surface  of  pacific  waters,  shining  and  clear  as  a 
looking  glass ,  from  the  bosom  of  which  were  brought  forth  green 
streams  of  a  loving  and  solemn  vegetation  :  gay  and  round  islands, 
quite  wet,  as  coming  out  of  the  bath,  otliers  symetric  in  their  green 
dresses,  but  an  even  green,  thick,  without  shades  treated  as  if  with 
brosse-carre.  Those  particles  of  tranquil  land,  are  sown  here  and 
there  but  a  little  every   where,  and  sometimes  they  appear  at  the 

—  \m  — 

right,  sometimes  at  the  left,  looking  sometimes  as  if  they  were 
encircling-  the  steamer,  or  floating  anywhere  as  if  suspended  between 
the  light  and  the  moving  waters.  When  the  boat  seems  to  advance 
towards  one  of  them,  and  makes  close  by  the  contornation  of  the 
green  silhouette,  suddenly  they  divide  themselves  in  two,  and  we 
then  see  that  they  were  really  two  and  not  one.  The  vegetation  so 
full  of  damp  and  bi-ight  vigor,  is  understood  in  the  inexplicable 
poem  of  its  details,  of  its  trunks  and  branches,   of  its  epyphites   and 

.Mai);i(j.s.  —  lldiiaido   liilx'iiMs  Avnim 

of  its  i)arasit('s.  l>y(^  and  l)ye  the  ishmds  seem  to  disapi)ear,  they 
hi(h'  themselves  from  view.  The  boat  runs  swiftly  and  smoothly  in 
large  ti'aets  of  free  sea,  the  sea-shore,  the  l)anks  of  the  riviM-,  are 
faraway,  witli  a  grayish  color  brought  by  the  wei  fog  llial  rises 
between,  and  every!  liing  seems  to  soften  in  a  \  asl  and  nielaneliolie 
Kilen<!e,  in  a  solemn  solitude  of  the  spreaih'd  tint  waters.  And  this, 
not  because  the  banks  are  desert.  In  a  little  while,  when  Iheiivei- 
becomes  nai  row  er    b\'    the    sudden    eniei'sion    of    new    islands  —  and 

—   139  — 

thev  are  numberless  —  we  discover  liere  and  there  ,  si)ots  argil 
color,  noisy  sounds  in  tlie  harmonious  neutral  green  of  the  trees. 
Thev  are  the  houses  :  —  A  brick  factory,  a  k  burraca  ».  Going 
nearer  we  distinguish  everything  :  —  a  defiant  factory  chimney. 
Sheds  covered  with  reddish  tiles,  or  a  zinc  root"  house  shining  with 
the  sun.  When,  through  the  thick  islands,  the  boat  reaches  Marajo, 
the  horizon  runs  again  in  circle,  and  a  tired  rest  fluctuates  upon 
the  vast  sheet  of  water;  there  are  no  waves,  there  is  no   noise,  one 

.iim    !!!! 


Maiiiios.  —  State  's  Treasury  and  Receiver's  office 

would  think  we  were  before  a  picture  of  the  geologic  period  of  the 
dominant  waters . 

The  following  day  we  ran  early  in  the  morning  to  the  deck  rail- 
ing, we  wanted  to  see  that  sea-river,  as  very  properly  they  call  it 
there.  The  Marajo  bay  has  been  left  behind,  quite  far  now,  and  by 
this  time,  the  steamer  was  sailing  already  through  new  islands,  new 
groups  of  islands,  through  extensive  corridors,  now  wide,  then  nar- 
row, in  that  great  maze  of  the  Amazon  river. 

—  ltd  — 

A\li('n  it  li:ii)i)cns  tluit  tlie  ((  AUigoas  »  ruus  soltly  a  Utile  closer 
by  one  of  those  islands,  what  hai)i)ens  at  every  moment,  from  the 
ship  we  can  distinguish  with  full  detail  the  different  kinds  of  vege- 
tables which  abound  in  the  most  variegated  assortment  of  kinds, 
and  tlie  thin  and  tall  gems  of  the  mirilys  and  of  the  ussuhys  arc 
swiftly  remaining  behind  the  boat.  Some  of  the  eehoes  of  that  live 
symphony  of  the  forest  reach  our  ears.  With  such  points  of  refe- 
rence we  re-enter  in  the  conscience  of  the  speed  and  the  road  that 
has  been  covered,  but  the  more  we  advance  more  waters  appear  to 
that  requested  vision.  In  the  places  where  the  i-iver  becomes 
narrower,  by  the  development  of  the  islands  si)readed  all  over,  and 
which  never  allow  us  to  see  the  true  banks  of  the  colossal  river,  a 
thick  sheet  of  algas  hixuriant  and  impenetrable,  together  with 
trunks  and  branches  of  enormous  trees,  ones  intermingled  with  the 
others,  close  the  waters  in  a  longitudinal  and  endless  line,  opening 
every  now  and  then  the  breathers  of  the  muddj'  igarapes,  melan- 
cholic })ai'anas,  of  the  fiivos  in  whose  sinews  divagates  the  gray  and 
nostalgic  magiiavy. 

Each  division  of  that  maze  is  visited  by  the  inoniarias  —  as  they 
call  the  small  canoe  boats  used  by  the  humble  inhabitants  of  that 
region,  busy  in  the  fishing  of  the  turtle,  the  tasty  Jaraquy,  the 
prime  fish  of  the  Amazon,  the  laciinarc,  the  acarao-assii,  the  pacii, 
oi-  of  the  i)opular  tambaqiiy.  But  the  high  road  is  the  streamy  river, 
always  miuldy  and  dirty,  in  spite  of  the  poets  singing  ])hautasti- 
cally  its  crystaline  waters.  It  is  that  way  that  the  unemi)eachcd  and 
triumphal  boats,  large  and  small,  go  on  in  their  pilgrimage, 
noui-ishing  the  ever  growing  commercial  traffic  of  the  Amazon 
States  and  neighboi-ing  nations. 

From  among  the  steamers  we  will  refer  to  the  i^-aiolas,  steauu'rs 
of  a  peculiar  type,  appropriated  for  the  sailing  in  those  waters. 
They  are  wide  open,  well  ventilated,  flat  bottom.  They  are  auda- 
cious and  their  number  is  large.  They  run  in  all  directions  the 
vast  hy(li"ograi)hic  ni't  of  the  ,Vmazon,  carr\  ing  lilV,  and  ci\  ilising 
activity  of  the  commerce,  under  the  national  Hag,  to  the  most 
hidden  corners  of  the  inhabited  region. 

A  large  number  of  them  belong  to  the  Mauaos  market,  the 
nuijority,  however,  belong  to  firms  of  Belem,  capital  of  Vava. 

'IMie  Amazon,  wc  will  repeat,  is  the  great  i-oad,  the  only  road  of 
those  wetdthy  and  inunense  regions  to  tlu^  inlei'coursc  with  the 
ci\ilisc(l  world.  There  arc  no  i-ailways  in  the  slate  of  Amazon, 
neither  are  tliere  even  any  cari-iage  roads.  Thci'c  is  onl.\ ,  and  that 
in  excess,  a  lai-ge  sea  of  fresh    \\al<M-,    noisy  and  rapid,  which,  with 

—  141  — 

its  many  affluents,  forms  the  most  complete  and  stupendous  system 
of  roads  open  to  the  communication  fury  of  the  commercial  and 
industrial  life  of  to-day, 

The  peculiarity  of  locomotion  in  this  system,  are  the  gaiohis, 
the  affirmation  of  a  deep  human  initiative  in  the  enterpr-i/.e  of 
dominating-  the  aquatic  desert,  the  first  document  of  the  ability  of 
the  Brazilians,  the  shipowners  of  Pai'u  and  Amazon,  for  the 
achieving  of  that  conquest  of  a  world  which  is  yet  closed,  a  conquest 
that  represents  the  most  daring-  geographical  feat  of  the  century 
just  ended. 

A  Part  of  Eiluardu  Kibeiro's  Avenue 

That  fleet,  which  has  not  as  yet  reached  its  possible  develop- 
ment, is  already  this  day  the  largest  of  the  South-American  conti- 
nent, and  can  only  be  compared  to  the  other  one  that  dominates  in 
the  north  the  other  great  river,  the  Mississipi. 

These  boats  navigate  about  10.000  miles,  transporting  the  great 
treasures  of  the  Amazon  —  the  rubber  gathered  in  the  many 
sering-aes  and  sent  to  the  ports  of  Manaos  and  Para  which  export  it 
to  markets  of  the  whole  world. 

Xavigating  in  all  directions  ,   they  take    sometimes  one,  two, 

—  142  — 

three  monllis,  going'  I'rom  burnicn  to  hnrrncn  at  the  docks  or  storage  • 

houses   of  tlie  principal   pUices,   unh)a(Ung  their  cargoes  where  the  , 

owners  of  Ihc  scring-acs  get  their  provisions  from  so  they  can  supply  [ 

their  men  during  the  rubber  harvest.  Coming  down  they  call  at  the  | 

same  places  if  it   is  time  to   receive  the  rubber  already  prepared.  , 

'     .  ij.  I,    im.*jii 

Manaos.  —  Moiiiiinfiil  ol  oipciuii};  of  Aiii;i/.(iiiii,s  rivci'  In  the  niln  ii;iliiiii;il   1  r;iilt" 

These   docks    ai-c    wooden     l)ri(lgcs  sonicliiucs   willi   :i  huge  wootU'U 
storage-room  caUcd  —  harracAo  — . 

As   this   name   of   huirucn   or  huirnciio  given   to  these  estal'lisli 
inents  situated  in  Mie   river-banks  can  induce  to  a  false   notion,    we 

—  143  — 

will  state  right  here  that  they  are  no  tents,  as  the  vvoi'd  might  ini])ly, 
but  a  shop  and  storage-house,  some  of  them  with  a  h()us(;  for  tin- 
proprietor's  family  just  with  the  same  comfort  as  the  houses  of 
fanners  in  Europe.  In  the  Puriis  and  the  Madeira  rivers  we  can  see 
many  of  these  houses  which  would  cause  the  envy  even  of  residents 
of  many  a  city. 

But  the  ^'•a/o/a,s  do  not   do   all    the   traffic   of   this   river.    Nearly 
every  week  a  steamer  goes   from   North  to    South  of  the  country. 


Piiljlic  Martlet 

from  Rio  de  Janeiro  to  Para,  and  from  there  to  the  Amazon.  Calling 
at  Ceara,  Piauhy  and  Maranhao  there  is  another  line  with  a 
monthly  steamer.  Twenty  English  steamers  are  working,  sometimes 
two  and  sometimes  four  a  month,  in  this  line,  taking  the  Amazon 
rubber  to  the  ports  of  New'  York,  Havre,  Liverpool,  Hamburg, 
Lisbon  and  Oporto.  There  is  also  a  steamship  company  belonging 
to  the  Portuguese  house  Andresen  which  is  engaged  in  the  same 
trade  to  New  York,  Liverpool,  Lisbon  and  Oporto. 

—  \u  — 

Thus  is  that  the  Amazon  region  is  in  rixMjui'nt  and  swilt  contact 
with  the  principal  European  and  American  ports. 

Until  a  certain  time,  1S()(),  the  Amazon  river  was  not  oi)en  to  the 
commerce  of  the  world,  but  in  that  year  an  Emperor's  decree  opened 
it  to  the  traffic  of  all  flags,  which,  attracted  by  the  wealth  of  that 
region,  began  to  explore  it,  slowly  at  first,  but  in  large  scale  after 
a  while. 

Jn  1805,  Agassi/,  who  visited  the  mighty  river,  wrote  about  it  : 
<(  In  these  waters,  in  which  we  met  but  two  or  three  ships  in  six 
days,  steamers  and  ships  of  all  kinds  will  go  up  and  down  and  life 
will  animate  these  regions.  » 

This  pro^jhetic  assertion  was  realized.  To-day  wc  can't  go  up  or 
down  that  river  without  meeting  every  short  awhile  some  kind  of 
boat,  filled  with  people  and  loaded  with  cargo,  running  in  all  direc- 
tions. The  local  government  spends  annually  l.'.tSO  contos  with 
subventions,  in  order  to  augment  more  and  more  the  maritime 
activity  of  this  region. 

Besides  the  Brazilian  steamers,  large  and  small  ones,  navigate 
these  waters  German,  English  and  Italian  transatlantic  steamers, 
but  it  is  right  to  say  here  that  the  majority  arc  Brazilian 

To  have  an  idea  of  the  navigation  traffic,  we  give  here  a  tal)lc  of 
the  movement  in  Manaos  port  in  I'.'Ol. 


Steamers 696 

Laiinclies 328 

Total I.O-2i 


Steamers "II 

Laiiiiclies lill 

Total I.Oi-J 


Brazilian !I0:5 

Enjilisji 101 

('itTiiiaii 11 

Italian !l 

Inllil I    O-Jl 


Rra/ '.KM 

KiiUlisli 101 

riciniaii II 

Italian !• 

lulal l.Oi'-J 

—  145  — 

Tf  Agassis  could  verify  to-day  the  size  of  his  prediction,  he  would 
liave  no  small  sui-prise  in  looking-  at  these  figures. 

This  enormous  develo})ui('nt  of  (he  navigation  in  the  Anuizonic 
basin  is  fed  nuiinly  by  tlu?  large  i)roducing  cai)acity  of  tin;  two  States. 
The  rubber  production  is  worked  by  national  laborers. 


Ediiardi)  llibciio's  Aveimo — Commercial  liouses 

The  Rubber.  —  The  rubber,  sering-a,  or  gomnia  elastica,  is 
made  of  the  juice  of  several  trees  of  the  Amazon  valley  as  the  sypho- 
nia  clastic,  sYj)honia  cabuchii,  Jatropa  clastic,  hevea  g'uyanensis, 
syphonia  raythidocarpa,  etc.,  the  most  common  being  the  best  — 
t\\Q  havca  and  the  .syphonia  clastic.  They  attribute  to  a  catholic  mis- 
sionary father  Manoel  da  Esperanca  the  discovery  of  this  substance 
of  common  use  among  Amazon  inhabitants.  He  came  to  know  it  in 
his  pilgrimages  among  tliose  people  and  brought  it  to  the  knowledge 
of  the  civilised  world. 

Later  on,  the  astronomer  La  Condamine  took  it  to  France,  pre- 
senting on   this  sul)ject,  in  1745,  a  paper  before  the  Paris  Academy 

—  ur,  — 

of  Sciences.  Only  later  on    the  English  thought   about   their   India 

The  \vay  to  gather  or  extract  the  juice  ol  the  s('rin<>ueir!i  has  so 
often  been  described  that  we  will  not  lake  up  the  readers  time 
with  it. 

In  the  beginning  the  exploitation  of  that  product  was  insigni- 
ficant; some  20  years  ago,  however,  with  Ihe  multiplicity  of  indus- 
trial applications,  increasing  as  it  did,  the  demand  in  Kur()i)c  and 
North  America,  the  States  of  Para  and  Amazon  began  to  develop 
in  a  large  scale  their  fonest  industry,  and  the  export  of  scrii}<>n 
reached  figures  never  dreamt  of. 

A  fact  must  be  accentuated  most  emphatically  :  It  is  most  exclu- 
sively to  Brazilian  labor  that  this  conquest  is  due.  It  was  the  native 
laborei",  mainly  from  the  State  of  Ceara  who  penetrated  more  auda-  \ 
ciously  this  mysterious  solitude  of  the  large  rivers,  establishing,  I 
organizing  the  «  scrin^'iics  »,  the  first  base  of  the  con(iuest  for  the  | 
universal  intercourse,  for  the  exploitation  of  that  wealthy  i)roduct  , 
of  the  mighty  river  I'cgion.  j 

Some  statistic   data  will   reveal   in  a  better  and  plainer  manner    ! 
the  development  attained  : 

Rubber  exported  bij  Para  and  Amazon  States  :  j 

Years  Kilogr.  [ 

1858  a  1862 997.280  j 

I80;5al868 3.365.348 

1877  a  1881 12.280.o32  ' 

1887  a  188!)  (three  years)  only  the  port  of  Maiiaos   .  9.511. 9»i 

1890  a  1892  id.  id.  .  II. 272.934  ; 

189:5  a  1895  id.  id.  .  27.671.456 

An  interesting  table  for  the  verification  of  the  productive  pro- 
gress and  energy  of  the  Amazon  State  is  the  following  official  sta- 
tistic : 

Rubber  export  from  the  Port  oi'  Manaos  : 

Aniios  Tons.  I         Annus  Tons. 

1880 374   I   1889 ll.iliS 

l«8l 307   :   1890 3  693 

IK82 430      1H9I 3.991 

1883 065      1892 3.812 

1884 1.013      1893 4.745 

«88o 1.462      1894 3.753 

1886 1.574      1895 5.4;« 

i>^«7 I.H8K      1H96 6.827 

IH«« 2.141  IH97  first  si\  m.Milh-,  .  .  .  1.285 

I'l'oiii  t  lial    lime  oil    the    picxhicl  ion    f(»Ilo\\s  a  constant    ])rogr('ss. 

—  147  — 

According-  to  official  declarations  the  production  in  the  Amazon 
State  alone  in  1000  was  n.5<Sl.,S,S0  kilgrs.,  in  1901,  reached 
l(i.851.;343  kilgrs.  of  the  three  qualities,  fine,  sernmuby  and  cniicho. 

Vet,  the  reader  must  not  be  led  by  these  figures  1o  think  that 
rubber  is  the  only  product  of  the  exploitable  wealth  of  the  Amazon. 

In  the  following  table,  from  a  reliable  publication,  we  will  see  a 
full  variety  of  goods  exploited  at  present  by  tlie  Amazon  people 
exported  from  the  port  of  Manaos,  In  this  table  are  excluded  goods 
that  come  from  neighboring  countries,  and  pass  in  Manaos  only  in 
transit  increasing  its  commerce.  We  will  afterwards  give  a  table 
of  those  goods  in  transit. 

Goods  produced  by  the  Amazon  State  in  1001. 

Enlcrinff  S.iiling 

llie  port  from  the  port 

Rubber  (dinaj)    ....  kilos  1 1. 893.237  9.087.179 

Rubber «  sernambv  »    .     .  »  2.231.-433  1.873.547 

Rubber  «  caucho  »    .     .     .  »  3.798.029  3.490.566 

Piraracii  dried  salted  lish  .  »  489.8.">4  ,"54.3. 0.50 

Tobacco ),  57.852  — 

Copahjbaail »  7.594  9.182 

Ueer  skiiis »  2.489  2.478 

Cattle  skins »  3.35 1  155.077 

Cocoa ))  60.701  55.525 

Piassava „  210.016  180.099 

Corn „  1.750  _ 

CuaraiKi „  678  678 

Jutahysica »  15.185  18.520 

Piixury „  822  167 

Parseley «  405-'  260 

Precious  shells     .     .     .     .  »  82       '  

Sheepskins »  6  1.628 

Pig  skins »  14  

'"^l^'Jis »  1(9  180 

Garajuru j,  5  5 

Murure )>  ^  

Cumarii »  7  ^g 

Tucum »  40  

Birds  featliers »  .5900  98.-,fl 

^lixira tins  5053  251 

Butter litre  144  5.697 

Lumber  lathes dozen  2.400  — 

Lumber  boards     ....  moire  128.989  41.512 

Chestnuts heel.  57.969  57.666 

Due  to  this  varied  and  valuable  production  the  Amazon  State 
'an  already  take  the  third  place  among  the  different  States  of 
Brazil  that  export  the  most,  comes  right  after  Sao  Paulo  and  Kio 
le  Janeiro  in  the  following  proportion  : 

—  UP.  — 

Exports  from  thk  princip 

Sfnt  Paulo    .... 
Hi(t  tit'  Jaiioiro  (capital) 
.Vinazonas    .... 



\L   States  of  Brazil  in   1001 
.    .    .    .-oi:7G8.$.in:j 

.  .     .  1:j5:!>-2().«;72:} 

.  ...  !)0:OH."i.i;i"i." 

.  .     .  7U:0o-2S5!i7 

.  .     .  GI:GH(;.*;7G4 

The  total   of  exports  and   imports   from   and   into   the  Amazon 
State  in  lliOM  was  lOO.OOo  :  OOO.sOOO. 

Maiiaits.  —  finnlfMi  of  llic  GovtM-iior's  l'nlaci>.  —    llic  \\i>i  mi 

'I'Ik!  j-oods  ill  transit  through    Maiiaos,  coniiii';-   from    l!()li\iaaii 
IN'ru  ill  IN'.  11  was  ; 

Itiililiri'  i<  lina  »   . 
ill.       '<  l".\lra-liiia  » 
ill.       "  S('i'ii;iniliv  )) 
id.       «  Canrliii  »  . 

Piassa\a     .... 

DiM'r  .ski IKS.     .     .     . 

Tiihai'iM)     .... 

r.liili  Icits  .... 

KiiIi'IimI  Sailing 

l>.Krr,SH(>'  l>.8.i.i.««G"' 

7!l.l'!»!»  7!l. •_•!•!» 

.">!»i.l.l7'-'"  .")!t'2.l!t.i'-''» 

Vt.'.Wi  1.-1. !M:i 

1':;  -r.i 

1 7.. ';().->""'  l7.."iG.V"» 

7G(1  TCd 

—  14.9  — 

The  ])r()duc'ts  of  tlie  Ania/on  State  expoi'ted  in  1<S'.)1  paid  to  tlie 
State  Treasury  : 

Expurl  diilics lo.207:460$529 

Taxes  for  MaiuKis  rAchimgc.     .     .     .         5I.i:.i00$6S7 
Storage li.";')  1 7$  1 8^2 

The  rubber  exported  during  the  year  oi'  I'JOl  had  the  i'oHo wing- 
destination  : 


<i  Fine  »  «  Sernaiiiby  »  «  Cuuchu  » 

Para 10o.I(j7-'  22.400  ir).r;78 

llio  de  Janeiro   ...  —  —  — 

Havre 600.180  94. .-."JG  .■>ir;.r)76 

Liverpool.^    ....  0.772.556  607.4..''J8  1.05!). 037 

Hamburg 04.956  11.371  0.532 

New  York 5  586.040  1.137.962  1.515.943 

9.987.179^  1.873..547  3.490.566 

The  Climate  of  the  Amazon.  —  The  Amazon  is  one  of  nine 
States  of  Brazil  wliere  there  are  Indians  yet  to-day.  These  primitive 
inhabitants  of  Brazil  are  disappearing  at  the  proportion  that  the 
natives  of  Ceara  and  other  Northern  States  penetrate  into  valleys 
and  accessible  forests.  And  this  beneficial  invasion  grows  larger 
every  day.  Then  it  is  not  true,  as  they  nay,  that  the  climate  of  this 
region  prevents  the  existence  and  the  extending  of  the  population. 
Most  assuredly  this  is  not  so.  The  expression  —  torrid  region  — 
doesn't  mean  anything  but  a  geographical  paradox  for  a  long  time. 
The  (( unbearable  heat  of  the  tropics.  »  in  w  hat  concerns  that 
region  washed  by  the  great  brazilian  rivers  in  the  northern  part  of 
the  country,  it  is  a  legend,  a  fiction  that  remained  from  the  stories 
told  by  the  travellers  of  old,  and  that  i)rovcs  the  truth  of  that  French 
saying  :  A  bean  mentir  qni  vient  de  loin 

The  heat  in  this  region  is  neither  in  excess  nor  is  it  constant,  we 
say  that  a  result  of  our  own  experience  having  been  there  for  a 
whole  summer  month.  The  great  surface  in  evaporation,  formed  by 
several  currents  of  water  of  that  hydrographic  system,  the  prevailing- 
winds  during  the  summer  season,  besides  other  causes,  explain  the 
relative  mildness  of  the  climate  and  normal  temperature,  reasonably 
bearable  of  that  region. 

The  learned  Maurj%  whose  statements  on  such  subjects  can't 
be  but  respected,  assures  that  :  «  there  is  always  there  (in  the  Ama- 
zon) a  pleasant  weather,  in  spite  of  frequent  showers  in  certain 
seascms.  » 

By  its  turns,  one  of  the  men  who  treated  with  more  seriousness 
the  Amazon  subjects  wrote  in  a  book  which  deserves  the  respect  of 


being  considered  authority  :  «  The  lieat  is  strong-,  but  never  as  in 
New-Vork,  or  even  in  I'oitugal  or  Spain  where  the  men  working  in 
the  fields  are  suffocated  by  it.  »  And  liirthei-  on  he  adds  these  words 
written  by  Herbert  Smith  wlio  travelled  through  a  large  part  of  this 
i-egion  :  <(  1  went  all  through  the  Ama/.on  during  four  years  and  never 
had  a  fever,  yet  1  caught  it  in  Ohio,  in  the  United  States  where  I 
was  l)ut  three  days.  It  is  about  time  to  put  an  end  to  these  fancy  tra- 
ditions, it  is  about  time  to  tell  the  truth,  repealing  firmly  these  false 

iMiinaus.  —  (lathcdi'ul  cliurcli  and  Square 

notions,   admitted   and   repeated,   about    the   climati^   and  health  in 
these  regions. 

TIh!  Harao  dc  Marajo,  n\1io  registered  tluMinonu'tric  ()l)siM"va- 
tions,  (luring  scvci-al  years,  al)out  tlie  climatt-  of  Manaos,  (thscrva- 
tions  made  w  ith  all  care  three  times  a  day,  asserts  that  hi'  never 
()l)taiued  annual  averages  of  more  than  'J()".;!ri  oi-  •_*()", ST  what  can,  in 
no  way,  l)r  coniparcd  |o  thai  temperature  that  two  yi'ars  ago  we  had 
occasion  to  feel  in  Huenos-A\res,  w  hen  the  many  eases  of  insolation 
caused  the  suspension  of  work  in  the  stri'cls,  men  and  animals  fall- 
ing dea<l  in  the  capital  of  the  Argentine  Republic. 


—  151  — 

In  the  siunmor  oi"  h»Ol,  in  Now  York  in  one  single  day  died  over 
100  j)e()i)le,  because  of  tlie  liigli  degree  of  temperature.  Manaos,  as 
well  as  Belem,  capital  of  Para  State,  is  another  patient  victim  ol" 
the  terrific  legends  of  the  geographers  who  sit  at  their  desks  all  the 
time,  as  insolation  is  unknown  there.  There  is,  to  be  sui-e,  a  summer 
season,  and  it  is  hot,  but  from  that  to  the  descriptions  of  certain 
bonlvviivd  informants  there  is  a  world  of  difference.  Dr.  L.  Cruls  is 
right  when  he  says  :  «  The  Amaz(m  climate  has  been  and  is  much 
injured.  » 

In  Manaos  after  the  many  improvements  that  ])lace  has  gone 
through, the  malarial  fevers  are  becoming  more  and  more  scarce  every 
day,  and  the  few  cases  that  appear  are  far  milder.  The  same  fact  is 
observed  in  other  small  cities  of  that  State.  As  to  the  rivers,  nothing- 
will  affirm  plainer  their  present  sanitary  conditions  than  the  great 
number  of  rural  establishments,  the  Storage  houses,  Stores,  resi- 
dences, which  appear  everj^  day  at  the  banks  of  the  navigated  rivers. 

We  will  yet  present  the  testimony  of  a  man  who  has  spent  ten 
years  in  that  region  and  who  resides  and  has  business  there.  He 
wrote  to  us,  not  long  ago  thus  :  «  The  rivers  I  know  in  my  constant 
travels  as  the  Tarauaca,  an  affluent  of  the  Jurua,  (or  Jurura,  or 
Hyurua)  and  the  Envira,  affluent  of  Turauaca,  as  well  as  other 
smaller  ones,  affluents  of  the  Jurua,  enjoy  a  most  healthy  climate, 
and  we  notice  there  very  few  cases  of  malarial  fevers  and  absolutely 
no  cases  ol'  beri-beri.  In  the  rivers  Muru  and  Acuran,  affluents  of  the 
Tarauaca,  and  in  the  Jurupary,  Diabinho  and  other  affluents  of  the 
Envira,  when  there  ai)pear  any  cases  of  malarial  fevers  they  are 
relatively  mild  and  are  easily  cui-ed. 

Between  tlie  months  of  May  and  June  and  some  years  in  July  a 
metereological  phenomenon  takes  place  causing  a  cool  season  very 
well  known  to  those  living  in  that  region.  It  consists  this  pheno- 
menon in  a  sudden  fall  of  the  temperature  during  three  or  four  days 
in  which  the  therm ometre  accuses  depressions  worthy  of  a  Euro- 
pean winter.  But  that  is  a  passing  thing,  though  sometimes  repeated 
with  persistence.  Our  friend  Carlos  A.  Noli  assures  us  that  one  year 
when  he  had  to  experience,  in  the  Envira  river,  the  disagreeable  repe- 
tition of  the  cold  phenomenon,  he  suffered  afterwards  a  rigorous 
summer  and  his  thermometre  reached  to  36  degrees  in  the  shade. 
But  what  are  those  36  degrees  compared  with  the  infernal  summers 
in  Buenos  Ayrcs  and  New  Ycu'k. 

We  must  now  publish  a  few  of  our  notes,  jotted  down  during  our 
travels,  on  the  life  of  the  residents  in  the  banks  of  those  rivers. 

Those  who  travel  in  the  Amazcm  and  its  tributaries  will  find  in 

—   152  — 

the  bunks,  licrc  and  llicrc,  some  l)iiililin,i;s  .s/n' _i,'7'/(r/7'N  hnilt  lacing 
tlic  river,  with  their  woofh'n  bridges,  and  sonic  small  canoe,  or  inon- 
tiirin  as  they  call  it,  alonosi<ic  of  it. 

It  is  tlie  htirnicn  of  the  nil)bci-  nianiifacliircr  "  the  srrin>^iti'ii-(>  » 
'I'he  bnildin.i;  oi'  the  ])roi)rietoi's  is  all  made  ol'  wood  —  and  covered 
with  pacliiiiba  leaves.  The  paehiuba  sometimes  give  trunks  of  20  to 
25  feet  in  length  and  tliese  eat  in  boards  of  some  !.">  to  '2Tt  eentinie- 
tr(;s  thickness  also  are  used  for  the  walls  of  those  l)ui!ilings.  Many 
houses  are  covered  with  boards  of  tlie  same  i)acliiuba,  othei's  aie 
covered  with  zinc,  as  tlierc  are  very  few  tile  factories  and  common 
til(!s  are  sold  at  very  liigh  prices.  In  the  njjpcr  .lurua,  the  cedar  trees, 
so  abundant  in  the  neighboring  woods  substitute  the  palm  trees  ior 
such  uses.  The  houses  and  bnrnuHs  of  the  serinf>-iiciros  who  are 
poor,  are  oi-dinarily  covered  with  straw,  most  always  furnished  by 
palm  tree  leaves,  l)ut  in  i)reference  by  pacliiiil)a,  nrucury,  jacy  or 

A\'e  have  been  rather  long  writing-  about  the  Jurua  river  and  its 
affluents,  because  of  its  being  one  of  the  tiibutaries  of  the  great 
basin,  the  one  most  noted  our  days,  as  the  seat  of  an  extraordinary 
productive  power,  attracting  to  it  most  energetically  the  sorin^uei- 
ros,  the  i-c^'ntdes  (ambulant  merchants  going  from  place  to  place  in 
small  boats)  the  coinmis-voyn^^-curs,  and  even  the  tame  iiulians,  who, 
once  in  a  while,  rea])pear  to  do  business. 

On  the  other  hand,  these  details  are  good  to  document  the  [)ro- 
gress  realized  in  those  regions.  Twenty  years  ago  there  were  hardly 
10  houses  in  the  .Im-na  river  and  the  Tarauaca,  the  most  important 
of  its  affluents,  wliose  course  was  then  almost  unknown.  Mven  Harao 
(hi  Mai-ajo.whom  1  have  referred  to  as  the  leai-ucd  geographei-  of  the 
Amazon,  in  IS'.m;  wrote  :  «  I  can't  say  much  about  this  rivei',  Ixn-ausc 
as  it  hap})ens  with  so  many  others  neither  this  one  nor  its  tril)utaries 
have  bccm  ))roperly  studied,  it  has  hardly  bci'u  exploited  by  the 
nil)l)cr  makers,  and  its  botanical,  zoological  an<l  mineral  wealth  has 
not  Ixicn  observed  at  all. 

Xothiug  less  than  Hi)  nations,  or  Indian  tribes,  with  more  or  less 
odd  iiauics,  inhabited  by  that  time  tlie  i)anks  of  the  llyapur;i,  and  its 
alfliUMils,  but  a(  the  proportiou  that  the  ent  hiisiasl  ic  mill  uiu-imil  ii  in{^) 
in\  aded  t  lie  sol  it  ude  of  those  I'cgions.  spieading  around  t  he  ei  \  ili/ed 

(•)   Miihiiii  iiiiiiiiiii   is   Die   word   willi    wliidi    Iln'  Imliaiis  (li:ilf  civili/i'il    il('sij;ri;ili' llif 
Kt<Niliiliii:il.  :illii(liii|^  Id  lli(>  iioisr  ol'  the  ciigiiirs 

-  153  — 

iiKin,  full  ol"  aml)iti()ii,  and  thivKty  for  adventures,  all  those  savage 
crowds  run  away  hiding'  themselves  in  the  far  away  cornei's  of  the 
forest  wiiei-e  soon  the  invad(!rs  will  surely  go  to  trouble  them. 

Let  us  now  see  what  these  new  landowners  have  done,  and  the 
inaiiner  in  whieh,  Jurua  with  its  suite  of  small  rivers,  contributes 
towards  the  country  wealth.  Here  is  a  table  of  the  production  in  1901, 
in  the  prineii)al  rivers  exploited. 


«  SKRNAMltY  )) 

«  CAtCHO  )) 

Lower  Aiiiazuiias 
Uio  BraiR'O  .     . 

))    lea  Brazileii'o 

))    .liiriia     . 

»    Javary    .     . 

»    Jiitaliy    .     . 

»    JIadeira .     . 

»    Xegro     . 

n    Piiriis     .     . 

»    Soliniues 


















21.. 570 



















We  have  spoken  about  the  Jurua,  which  is  one  of  the  newest 
fields  of  the  rubber  exploitation.  We  will  now  write  about  the  (ddest 
of  them  the  Purus. 

The  exploitation  of  the  Purus  seringaes  date  awa}^  back,  when 
the  steamship  service  was  introduced  in  the  Amazonic  bazin. 

A  Brazilian  who  was  an  enterprizing  genius  and  whose  name  often 
appears  in  connection  with  the  history  of  the  Brazilian  progress  of 
the  last  50  years,  Barao  de  Maua,  was  the  initiator  of  the  improved 
navigation  in  the  king  of  I'ivers  organizing  a  company  under  the 
name  of  «  Companhia  de  Xauegacrw  do  Amazonas  ».  Tlie  first 
steamers  of  this  Company  were  called,  Marajo,  Rio  Xeg-ro  and 
Monarcha,  and  inaugurated  their  trips  in  1852. 

It  was  the  Brazilian  flag  that  won  the  glory  of  being  the  first  to 
bring  the  steamship  navigation  to  those  waters,  as  well  as  the  glory 
of  having  established  a  regular  traffic  from  port  to  port.  But,  as  soon 
as  the  river  was  open  to  the  commerce  of  the  whole  world,  the 
Danes  were  the  ones  to  initiate  international  relations  with  the 
Amazon.  It  w^as  in  1874,  on  the  25th.  march,  that  a  sailing  ship 
unfurling  the  Danish  flag  reached  Manaos  from  Hamburg.  In  his 
book   (c  //    (/e//e  Ainazzoni  »    Sant'   Anna   Nery   said  :  «  The 

-     15t  — 

impulse    had    been   given;    and   on    April    the    ;!Olh    loUowing    an 
Knglish  snuill  steamer  of  .'/,)5  tons  sailed  iVom    Liverpool   and    inaii-     ' 
giiruled  the  stibsidied  navigation,  the  promoter  of  that  improvement 
having  been  liiitio  dc  Amorim,  a  Portuguese  «. 

The  Ania/onic  colossal  basin  can  easily  be  the  rendcz-Dous  place  I 
for  the  mcetin"- of  all  the  fleets  of  the  whole  world.  It  suffices  to  say  ; 
that,  accoi'ding  to  Maury,  it  has  an  area  ol  no  less  than  'J. 018. 180  i 
scpiare  miles.  K.  Reclus  gives  ita  surface  of  ."i.."/.!!.  ()()()  kilometres,  i 
and  Bludan  2.722.000  miles.  We  know  of  no  other  fluvial  basin  that  i 
could  be  compared  with  this.  «  The  Mississipi  one  wich  is  the  i 
largest  after  the  Amazon  has  only  984.000  square  miles.  The  otlier  : 
ones  like  the  Plate,  the  Xile  and  the  Ganges,  are  much  inferior.  1 

Some  of  the   colossal  i-ivcrs  which  are  affluents  of  the  Anmzon,     ' 
arc  little  b^'  little,  being  travelled  by  the  northern  i)i<)neers  —  anil)M-    , 
lant  mei-chants  and  s('rin<>iicir()s  —  but  they  ai"e  almost    unexplored 
as  yet.  The  Purus  was  the  first  exploited. 

The  conquest  history  of  this  tributary  of  the  Amazon,  by  itself  one 
of  the  greatest  streams  of  water  of  this  planet,  it  is  worth  avhymn  in 
honor  of  the  enterprising  capacity  of  the  northern  Brazilians.  The 
Portuguese  knew  of  its  existence  and  some  committees  went  through 
l)aii  of  its  course.  Later  on  the  English  audacious  and  broad  minded, 
paid  it  a  visit  and  studied  it.  The  Spanish  descendant  nations  of  the 
ncigliborhood  also  timidly  navigated  somewhat  through  it. 

Bui,  noiu'  of  them  did  anything  in  the  way  of  calling  to  the  civi- 
lised communion  the  wealth  of  that  region.  It  was  only  some  time 
aftei'wards  that  Manoel  Urbano,  one  of  the  most  finished  types  of 
the  Amazonic  persistency  and  audacity,  made  frequent  trips  exploit- 
ing tjic  rubber,  the  wealth  of  Ihc  forests  a',  the  river  banks  and  then 
lh(!  active  work  of  the  natives  of  Ceara  was  trained  to  that  wealthy 
and  unexploitcd  shores.  Manoel  Urbano  at  the  head  of  natives  of 
Pai'a,  in  large  nuinlxMs,  aiul  later  on  at  the  head  of  nat  i\  cs  of  Ceara, 
pcnelraled  the  i-iver  in  different  directions  in  search  of  rubber,  and 
in  a  short  while  there  ai)pear  numberless  hurriuncs  all  along  the 
livei- which  were  the  beginning  of  the  installation  of  small  villages 
to-day  transformed  in  beautiful  cities,  as  Ho;i  \ista.  Arimary.  Canu- 
lanui,  Herury,  Labrca,  and  others.  Three  millions  of  tons  of  merchan- 
dise, i)redomina1ing  the  rubber,  descend  each  year,  lo  Manaos.  Tho 
:ttilii<lilt)iH's  tribe  tlic  liyiniriiuis,  the  most  powerfiii  of  the  Puriis, 
which  were  also  in  the  Acre,  the  cuiKi  liiiiiins  who  lived  in  the  inte- 
rior, and  the  (:in:tin;iiys,  so  well  known  of  (he  scriiiiiiicims,  all  of 
the  Ml  were  forced  to  hide  lliemsclvcs  in  the  deep  intcriiu'  alKUuh)ning 
t  lie   I'lirus  ;iinl   its  vallcN's. 

—  155  — 

This  curious  river,  united  to  the  Amazon  by  no  h'ss  number  of 
mouths  tlian  live,  iorming-  in  its  coui'se  liundreds  of  lakes,  is  exploit- 
(h1  in  all  its  coui'se,  the  sijringueiro  has  Ijccn  iu  cveiy  inch  of  its 
lianks.  The  i)orts  at  which  the  steamers  call  are  many  and  multiply 
themselves,  and  civilisation  is  going  up  penetrating  in  the  affluents 
on  both  sides.  The  trip  from  Manaos  to  the  U])per-Purus  takes 
(iO  days  and  over  50  steamers,  all  of  them  Brazilian ,  not  counting 
the  steamlaunches  and  small  sailing  boats,  are  sailing  up  and   down 

Manaos.  —  A  part  of  Eduardo  Ribeiro's  Avenue 

the  river.  This  gives  a  good  idea  of  the  importance  of  the  explora- 
tions that  have  been  made. 

What  makes  the  Purus  river  more  noted  is  its  tributary  —  the 
Acre  river. 

It  is  untired  civilising  task  the  Cearense  has  for  some  years  domi- 
nated the  exploitation  of  these  regions  on  the  North-East  of  the 
Amazon,  called  Acre.  This  region  was  for  a  long  time  in  dispute  but 
was  peacefully  settled  with  Bolivia. 

—  15B  — 

TIm'  (iiit'stioii  ncai-ly  br()nj;lit  rtl)<)nt  ii  wai- between  Bolivia  and 
Brazil,  but  thanks  to  the  wisdom  of  Barao  do  Rio  Braneo's  diplo- 
raaey  and  to  the  patriotism  of  the  Brazilians  the  Acre  makes  i)art 
to-dav  <>r  thr  li'iiitni-y  of  Hra/.il.  The  exit  of  lliis  (juestion  owes 
much  to  riacido  de  Castro  who,  when  Bolivia  elaimed  Aere  as  its 
territory,  was  at  the  head  of  the  revolution  on  the  Brazilian  side, 
and  Dr  Sylverio  Xery,  governor  of  the  Amazon. 

We  referred  above  to  the  Cearenses  that  emigrate  from  their  na- 
tive State  to  the  Amazon  region.  And  they  do  not  form  the  whole  of 
the  total  that  immigrate  into  these  two  states  Para  and  Amazon, 
niauy  <;o  from  other  northern  stales.  Many  thousands  of  passengers 
enter  the  i)ort  of  Manaos  _\eaily  and  the  number  is  increasing  all 
the  time.  In  18*.»7  the  number  of  them  was  20.<.K):>,  but  in  ISUl  it  went 
up  to  l(S.'.t;il,  more  than  the  double,  antl  nearly  all  Brazilians.  Tliai 
that  immigration  which  is  the  rich  seed  of  the  Amazon  grandeur, 
goes  there  to  stick  to  its  soil,  work  and  flourish,  it  is  proved  by  the 
figures  that  represent  the  acquisition  of  lands  which  have  been  pu- 
blished in  official  documents. 

Lands  sold  to  Brazilian   Workmen  from  ISOB  to  HKH) 

Years  Anst  sold         Il.?veniie  for  the  slalf 

1896  ....  S15.217,t2-2  66:.^o0§2."i 

1897  ....  5().").")t),7!)()  8(;:0().",<i;i)()T 

1898  ....  —  r)'.l-2:.";!M,s()07 

1899  ....  .">..-)8H.707,i:i9  :2M:()70.^().Mt 

1900  ....  (•).  188.(5:27,7 1()  i9."):7l(;,s(jl)0 

The  data  we  print  al)ove  has  a  good  deal  of  meaning,  demonstrate 
the  encM'gy  with  which  (he  jjrogress  of  that  region  is  l»eing  elalxt- 

Taking  the  number  of  entries  in  the  princi})al  port  of  the  state, 
and  deducting  those  who  remain  there,  the  remaining,  which  con- 
stitute the  great  majority,  entered  the  interior  con(iuering  the  w  ild 
forests,  and  consequently  they  will  be  ever  so  many  eonti-ibutors 
towards  the  ti-ansformation  and  its  prospeiity. 

lint  we  must  show  now,  the  numbei'  of  foreigneis  and  Hiazilian 
travcMeis  who  remained  in  Manaos,  in  its  "Jii  hotels .  in  the  year  IS'.'l. 

|{r:i/.ili:iiis ."i.lHiO 

Ainciicaiis .".I 

Arnciiliiu's 20 

.Vriliiaiis 7 

(icniKiiis 11 

Aiish'i.iiis 10 

Hi'luiaiis ■_>(» 

In  Ill-inn  "^'''"  ■     •     t>.089 

—  157  — 

broiijjiil  over.     .     .  6. OKI) 

Bolivians 107 

Col<niil)iaiis H-2 

Frenclinioii :2!)K 

Spaniards -i75 

llnni^arians ^ 

EnjilishnitMi ."" 

Italians 7M7} 

pL-rnavians 100 

Porlugueso I.Ool 

Russians 165 

Suisses 9 

Dutcliiiien 4 

Uruguayans 10 

Total.     .     .     O.iOi 

The  large  crowds  of  the  newly  arrived  go  at  once  to  the  interior 
and  engage  themselves  in  the  promising  task  of  extracting  rubber 
from  the  trees.  Seldom,  very  seldom,  indeed,  do  they  take  with  them 
their  wives  and  children.  What  they  most  always  have  with  them  is 
the  classic  viola  (a  kind  of  guitar)  which  is  the  inseparable  compa- 
nion of  the  native  of  Brazil. 

As  we  repeatedly  have  written,  the  natives  of  Ceara  are  the  best 
and  most  numerous  contributors  for  the  populating  of  the  Amazon 
and  the  progressive  development  of  that  region.  The  native  of  Ceara 
who  leaves  the  Amazon  does  it  only  to  come  back  a  little  later  on. 
He  repeats  to-day  with  the  same  heroic  tenacity,  the  role  of  the  ban- 
(leirante  from  Sao  Paulo  in  the  history  of  the  evolution  of  Brazil  in 
tlie  seventeenth  and  eighteenth  centuries.  The  political-social  pheno- 
menon which  took  place  in  the  south  is  now  reproduced  in  the  north. 
The  scenery  and  the  actors  have  been  changed,  but  the  nature  but 
the  human  motion  is  the  same,  the  history  of  each  generation  is  no- 
thing else  but  the  reflex  of  the  agitations  of  the  preceding  ones. 

What  explains  sociologically  si^eaking  the  predomination  of  the 
native  of  Ceara  in  the  phenomenon  of  the  migration  of  to-day  is  the 
famine  of  the  constant  and  regular  dry  seasons  to  which  is  subject 
periodically  a  large  portion  of  the  State  of  Ceara,  as  well  as  of  some 
neighboring  states,  consequently  we  have  explained  the  moral  phy- 
sionomy  characteristic  of  the  new  populating  element,  whose  lines 
of  melancholy  or  hope  transpire  in  their  songs,  in  their  activity  at 
work,  in  their  intimate  customs  and  even  in  their  vocabulary. 

In  the  names  they  give  to  their  seringaes  scarcely  is  there  a  name 
not  suggesting  a  melancholic  idea,  or  an  aspiration  of  hope  and  im- 

—  158  — 

provement.  In  every  nonk  of  the  i-iver  banks  of  those  invaded  re- 
<;ions,  thai  note  signifies  the  prcsenee  of  the  native  ofCear;'i,or 
other  norlliern  15i'a/iliaii.  Tiie  <Ie!ioiiiiiiat  ions  lUmifim  i;(»o(l  end), 
lion  KspcrHn<;n  (good  hope),  lAvriuncuto  (delivranee  (from  evil), 
Xoou  Sor/c  (now  h)t),  lion  Xonu  (good  news),  and  otliers  which  de- 
note e()nfi(h'nee,  good  augury,  or  these  others  :  Dcscni^itno  idesil- 
lusion),  Dcixii  Fiillar  (kit  them  speak),  Muhjiu'rcni^u  (bad  wislies,  to 
wish  unsueeess  to  others),  Sobral,  Kortaleza  (tliese  two  are  names  of 
Ceara  cities),  sad  and  allusive  to  the  things  left  behind,  which  are 
rei)eated,  so  often,  here  and  lliei-e,  are  the  wliole  profound  history  of 
the  soul  of  the  native  of  Ceara,  of  the  intelligent  man,  of  the  suf- 
ferer and  the  hero,  and  to  whose  irresistil)le  audacity  it  is  dui'  the 
finding  of  the  Amazonic  hidden  treasuries. 

When  he  finds  himself  in  the  i)lace  he  selected  to  start  his  life  in 
tract  of  land  hidden  in  the  interior,  —  at  the  side  of  an  i^^iiniiic,  going 
to  work  (m  his  account,  or  for  some  one  already  established  —  he 
takes  charge  of  so  numy  csirndas  (roads),  as  many  as  he  can  exploit : 
Each  c.s7/';K/a  has  generally  from  100  to  \~>i)  isvrini>-iicir!is:  rubber 

Vov  mei-eantile  purposes  each  estrada  is  worth  more  or  less  l(K) 
or  500  milreis  if  the  seringueiras  arc  well  preserved. 

The  Aoiudor,  that  is,  the  merchant  in  Manaos  or  IJelem  (capital 
of  Para)  furnishes  all  the  needed  goods,  material  and  food  to  the  pro- 
prictoi- of  llie  .se/"//?ji,>tj/.  This  one  sells  them  again  to  the  working- 
man,  on  credit,  to  be  paid  at  the  time  of  the  harvest  thus  remaining 
tied  lip  to  the  owner  the  newly  arrived.  It  is  easy  to  undei-stand 
what  effoi-ts  the  patient  workman  has  to  employ  to  free  himself 
eeoiU)mieally,  and  in  the  metamorphose  of  workman  to  propriettu", 
reap])ear  some  day  in  Manaos,  or  in  Helem,  or  in  his  native  Slate 
I'icli  and  ind(;pendent  da/.zling  with  his  i)rodigalit_\'  lliose  lu'  left  in 
the  niiserv  of  the  old  native  village. 

Those  who  (lei)art  are  in  much  larger  number  than  those  who 
come  back,  to  be  sure.  Yet,  life  there  is  monotonous  quite  even  in 
their  cares  for  the  work  of  cM'vy  day,  year  in  and  year  out  -  apjta- 
I'cnlly  calm,  filled  with  i)eace  either  in  the  houi-s  he  strikes  the  ti'ce 
t,o  gather  his  i-ubbei-,  or  at  their  hours  of  leisure  sjxMit  at  the  door  of 
the  hni-nicit  listening  to  tlii'  songs,  very  long  ami  wvy  sad  ones,  tlial 
the,\'  are,  aeeoinpanied  hy  llie  melancliolie  and  ]»lainli\e  soimtis  of 
the  sweet  nioLi.  II  is  11  fe  companion  puis  llie  eiiild  losh'cp  singing 
some  old  song,  after  having  gi\<Mi  llir  lillle  one  a  lialli  in  llie  rixer 
anil  pill  (III  hliii  Ills  night  shirt  with  strong  perfiinie  of  the  piripi 
liiKu  la  sceiileil  plant  alMiiidaiil   In  llie  northern  states). 

—    159  — 

On  a  sunny  Saturday,  it  was  the  2nd  July,  1002,  wlien  \v(;  wcro 
o-oing-  througli  tlic  Breves  narrows  (wliicli,  l)y  the  way,  looked  to  nie 
quite  broad)  we  began  to  diseover  in  the  afternoon  some  mountains 
at  the  distanee  and  at  our  ri,L;lit.  On  one  of  those  mountains  is  the 
city  of  Monte  Alegre,  belonging-  to  the  Para  State. 

Afterwards,  a  few  leagues  further  ahead  we  saw  the  establishment 

Manaos.  —  Court  of  law  Palace  —  Principal  front 

known  as  the  Cacaiial  Grande,  a  vast  plantation  of  coeoa  which,  as 
they  told  us,  had  just  been  acquired  by  a  Paris  diocolate  factory. 
Then,  on  the  other  bank,  we  saw*  the  city  of  Santarem,  near  the  spot 
where  the  confluence  of  the  Tapajos  river  with  the  sea-river  takes 

It  is  a  beautiful  scenery.  The  earthen  dirty  waters  of  the  Amazon 
are  filled  with  greenish  spots  which  arc  confounded  and  transform- 
ed into  a  voluminous  stream,  ample  and  deep,  which  is  the  Tapajos 

—   160  — 

river,    one  of  tlie   most    Ijcuutirul    rivers   of   the   world.   Pacifie   and  ' 

solemn,  smooth  and   sliiiiin*;-   like  an   emerald,   the   Tapajos  enters  j 

into  tlie  Amazon,  witlionl  mixinj;  with  those  of  the  colossal  river  its  , 

dark  j;reen  waters,  absolutely  clear  if  placed  in  a  glass.  | 

Six  hours  from  that  time,  at  night,  we  were  passing  in    front   of  ; 

()l)i<l«is,  at  the  right  going  up  the  river.  This  modest  city  which  will  ; 

be   soon   loi-tified,   as  it  is  the  key  to  that  Ama/onic  ma/e,  was  deep  i 

asleep   in   the  silence  of  the  night,  under  the  mystery  of  that   land-  | 

scape  deep  with  dai-kness,  some  lights,  drawing  the  lines  of  the  city,  j 

throw  their  shade  in  the  water  trembling  and  darkish.  ! 

The  steamer  goes  straight  on  her  way.  AVhen  she  reaches  nearer  j 

any  of  the  banks  light-bugs  follow  the  boat  entering  the  cabins  flying  i 

around  the  electric  lamps.  , 

Sunday   morning,  at  three  o'clock,  we  had  in   sight  two  cocoa  i 

plantations,  which  lend  to  the  landscape  a  characteristic   shade  of  ; 

green.    This  one  of  the   many  Amazonic  treasuries  is  cultivated  al-  j 

most  without  any  trouble  spreads  itself  with   exuberant  ostentation  j 

showing  the  wealth  of  that  soil.  There  are  even  some  varieties  that  j 

grow  spontaneously  without  industrial  work,  as  it  happens  with  one  \ 

known  as   the  caciuninuia,   which  is  to  be  found  in  the  wild  woods.  ' 

The  aspects  of  the  banks  are,  in  a  general   way,   identical,    perhaps  j 

monotonous,   specially  after  we  see  the  first  tracts,  after  one  day's  j 

sailing  in  the  narrows,  and  then  there  is  oidy  real  cnjoynieut    when  \ 

the  steamer  gets  very  near  the  shore,  as  often  does.  Then  we  distin-  ! 

guish  perfectly  well  the  details  :  —  that  unending  wall  extended   on  ! 
either  side  of  the  boat,  shows   itself  in   a  gigantic  shape  near   us, 

spreading  out  lowaids  the  water  thick  and  long  branches  of  frondous  ; 

trees,    we   see   inflexil)le   silvery  white  trunks  brought  forth  amidst  , 

the  thick  foliage,  and  a])i)ear  above  opening  the  upper  bi-anehes  like  j 

an  iiiiuieiise  umbrella,  some  ligh'  ihmI  some  green  as  if  o\ cr  t  hem  w  ere  | 

passing  two  seasons  of  the  year   at  the   same   time.    The   palmtrei's  i 

are  also  seen   elevating  their  high  trunks  above  all  the  other  \(>ge-  i 

tation,    sometimes   here  and  there   isolated,    sometinu's   in   groups.  • 
Here,    we    see   the    uss;iliy    loug  and    thin    seeming    rt'ady    t(»    burst 

with  the  first  blow  of  tin;  w  iud,  lh(u-e,  the  Incumri  w  i(h  a  solid  tiunk  | 

defying  (everything.  We  find  in  one  place  the  skeleton  of  the  hniiiry  l 

leafless    and    dry    reddish    as    it'   il    were  an  old  rusted  iron  frauie,  in  ' 
another  place  a  group  of  trunks  i)UudKMl  ;il  the  i)asis  as  if  they  w  anted 

mutually  snpiM»i-t  each  other,  and    tall,    \eiy    tall,    in    perpendicular  I 
line   as  if  avoiding  a  drcadl'iil  effoil   in  the  sti-ugglc  f(»r  light,   which 
they  wauled  to  drink  beyond,  abo\ c  the  lop  ol    the    si  longest    trees. 

And    as    life    and    death    embrace   each   other  e\ei'\    where,  al  ex'ery  ' 

—  161  — 

<>reat  distiinee  wo  see  some  dead  tree  fixed  to  the  soil  by  brutish 
roots  that  can't  be  destroyed  assuring  its  j)osition  for  a  century. 
Shades  that  tliey  are  of  a  majesty,  those  majestic  remains  resist  hall" 
di-owned  in  the  steel  net  of  cipos  in  a  forest  struggle,  suspending 
from  its  naked  arms  a  whole  lot  of  parasites,  gravatas,  orchideas, 
and  others. 

In  the  ocean  of  eternal  and  renewing  foliage  which  grows  in 
those  valleys,  covering  the  stones,  filling  empty  places,  those  soli- 
tary trophies  have  in  their  dominating  and  silent  impassibility  a 
noisy  expression  of  an  unfinished  struggle,  permanent  and  persis- 
tent, formidable  struggle,  struggle  that  goes  beyond  death.  This  is 
the  scenery  in  which  everything  agitates  and  everything  seems 
immoable,  in  which  everything  makes  a  noise  and  everything  seems 
dumb,  everything  exists  and  everything  seems  dead,  living,  growing, 
blooming,  dying,  renovating,  each  tree,  each  stone,  each  insect,  each 
germ  engaged  in  the  renovating  struggle  of  the  fratricidal  life,  in 
which  everything  and  everybodj^  find  itself  on  the  ground  without 

sin  saber  qiiiza 

ni  por  que  la  inuerte  da, 
ni  por  que  pierde  la  vida. 

(without  knowing  also,  neither  the  reason  why  the  death  gives,  nor 
why  loses  life.)  as  was  said  by  the  inspired  poet  Nunez  de  Arce. 

At  last,  at  9  in  the  morning  of  the  fourth  August,  we  landed  at 


Manaos.  —  Those  who  have  never  been  in  Manaos  and  have  their 
heads  filled  with  all  kinds  of  untruths  |»ublished  by  a  lot  of  foreign 
books  written  on  Brazil,  telling  all  about  the  impossibility  of  inha- 
biting the  tropics,  the  backwards  condition  of  these  countries,  etc., 
etc.,  will  surely  be  much  surprised  men  when  they  see  for  the  first 
time  the  capital  of  the  Amazon. 

Nobody  would  imagine  it  in  the  condition  it  real  is  to-day,  that 
modern  city  of  Manaos.  Why?  Is  it  possible  that  after  a  000  mile  run 
through  the  heart  of  the  South  American  deserts,  with  the  most 
inaccessible  and  thick  woods,  there  may  exist  a  city  like  this  one? 

To  be  sure  it  is  possible.  And  not  only  it  really  exists,  but  pros- 
pers and  grows  every  day,  and  then  it  is  evident  that  the  people  wiio 
build  it  up,  who  nourish  it  with  the  vigor  of  the  large  cities,  have 
done,  to  be  sure,  something  worthy  of  note,  their  has  been  an  im- 
portant one. 

—  162  — 

The  capital  oi'  tlu*  Amazon,  seen  as  a  whole,  has  the  physiognomy 
of  a  city  just  built. 

To  be  true,  it  is  a  new  city.  It  is  built  by  an  imuiense  afl'luenl  of 
the  Amazon,  the  Rio  Xegro,  (Black  river)  thus  called  because  of  its 
(lark  color,  something-  like  coffee  color,  and  no  learned  man  as  yet  has 
been  able  to  account  for  that  explaining-  the  cause.  It  is  situated  in 
an  ample  bay  of  the  river,  offering  thus  to  the  navigation  a  safe  port, 
'i'hey  are  nearly  finishing  the  great  harbor  works  whii-h  will  make 
of  Manaos  a  landing  place  of  first  class. 

As  he  enters  the  city,  the  traveller  finds  himself  in  a  (piitc  large 
squai'e,  treated  with  care,  with  a  pretty  garden,  and  its  grounds 
somewhat  inclined.  In  an  angle  at  the  other  end  of  the  square  is  the 
Cathedral,  dominating  the  square,  on  an  elevated  gi-ound  which  is 
levelled  to  take  away  the  inclination  of  the  square,  there  being  stair- 
way on  both  sides  to  enter  from  the  lower  })art  of  the  square.  From 
there,  beautiful  streets  run  in  fi'ont  and  at  both  sides,  all  of  them  lined 
with  buildings  of  modern  construction,  the  business  houses  disj)lay- 
iiig  pretty  show  windows  in  which  the  products  of  the  world's  arts 
and  industries  are  exhibited. 

The  area  of  the  built  part  of  the  city  grows  larger  every  day,  and 
as  the  topography  of  the  place  is  somewhat  inclined  the  inhabitants  of 
Manaos,  undertake  daring-  works,  opening  great  cuts,  filling  in  tracts 
of  ground,  putting  down  hills,  attending  to  the  sanitary  conditions 
of  shallow  places,  while  the  pi'ivate  buildings  keep  on  occupying  the 
gi-ound  thus  compiered.  The  new  streets,  wide  and  in  straight  line 
give  an  asi)eet  of  fe;is(,  a  modern  atmosphere  to  the  new  cai)ital. 
Amongst  other  streets,  the  following  struck  us  most  favorably  : 
Municipal  street,  30  metres  wide,  built  on  a  ground  that  before  was 
marshy,  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  streets  of  the  north  lined  with 
fine  buildings;  .lose  Clemente  Street,  Uemedios  street,  (^uinze  de 
Xovembro  Street  and  othei-s.  Xone  of  these  however  cxcells  Kduardo 
Kibeii'o  Avenue  wliicli  i-eminded  us  of  the  Maio  Avenue  of  Hucnos 
Ayres,  tliougli  it  has  not  the  fine  buildings  the  latter  has,  it  is  well 
paved,  and  profusely.  In  the  afterntxui  and  evening  the  liigli-life  the 
wealthy  pai't  of  the  population  walk  \\\)  and  down  l-'.duardo  Kibeiro 
Axt'iiiic.  Ill  tlic  diinking  places  they  drink  their  vermouth  and  com- 
ment upon  the  c\(>nts  of  the  day.  The  public  buildings  with  their 
beauty  and  arcliitccture  prove  the  excellent  installation,  the  progres- 
si\('  slate  of  (lie  city  and  newly  born  power  of  the  Aiiiaztm  metro- 
polis. We  will  mention  some  of  them. 

h'oi-  the  new-comer,  one  of  the  things  tliat  at  Ira  els  Ii  is  at  I  en!  ion  I  ho 
most    is  the  magniliccnl    tlieaire  llie  »  Amazonas  »,  whose  conslruc- 

—  1()3  — 

tioii  luis  just  been  Tiiiislied.  It  is  built  on  ii  ciiuseway  all  ol"  mason 
work,  and  its  dome  of  light  colors  raises  itself  above  the  whole  city. 
The  external  lines  are  majestic,  and  while  not  obe^'ing  to  no  special 
classic  order  of  architecture  is  a  ha])py  conception,  if  though  a  little 
too  able  details.  Inside  this  theatre  is  a  beauty  with  all  those 
rows  of  columns  sup])orting  the  four  floors  of  boxes  yet  they  disturb 
somewhat  the  perspective  of  the  whole. 

The  foyer  has  no  equal  in  all  Brazil,  it  is  large,  light,  surrounded 

Manaos.  —  S.  Sebastiao  's  Square  and  the  Amazonas  Theatre. 

by  columns  imitating  rare  marble  and  decorated  with  De-Aiigelis 
paintings  of  rare  artistic  value,  as  those  that  represent  Cecy  e  Pery, 
Uni  trecho  da  Selua  Amazonica,  (A  piece  of  Amazonic  landscape), 
the  Siin-Set,  and  others.  Between  the  paintings  there  are  marble 
busts  of  the  celebrities  of  modern  theatre.  The  electrical  installation 
of  the  theatre,  can  serve  as  a  standard,  and  is  worthy  of  note,  as  a 
work  of  art,  the  large  lustre  which  illuminates  the  audience  hall. 
The  Palace  of  Justice,  also  lately  inaugurated,  is  another  orna- 

—     1«J:    — 

luent  of  Manaos.  It  is  liouKin  stylo,  its  stairway  made  ol'  brouzf  and  j 
marble  leads  to  the  large  halls  where  the  judges  have  their  offices  and  , 
Court  rooms.  The  parlour  of  the  judge  who  pei'forms  the  marriages  I 
could  serve  as  a  model  foi- Rio  de  Janeiro,  and  is  decorated  with  j 
furuitui-e  of  gothic  style.  The  .Tury  rooiu,  the  Supreme  Court  Hall  . 
are  severe  in  style  and  imposing  and  are  all  in  accordance  N\itli  the 
external  beauty  of  the  building.- 

'{"lie  rjyinuasium  has  a  lordly  as])cct.    It  was  inaugui-atcd  in  ISSO 

.Maiiaus.  —    I'lic  sahnpii  nl  Aiiiazoiias  llifalrc 

fliiriiig   tlic    Adiuinistiat  ion    of    Dr.    l-li-ncsto   Chaves,  w  lio  w  as  ihcii 
the  president  of  the  [)i'o\  ince. 

The  liuilding  of  K  Institute)  Hcujnuiin  Conslaiit  ^  wliirli  w  c  \  isitei 
in  all  its  dfpait  ukmiIs,  is  placed  at  the  end  of  ;i  beaut  ifiil  garden 
'riiei'f  tin  y  cdiu-atc  young  girls  and  tiicN  arc  ( rained  by  Sisters  o 

'I'hc  cat  hcdiiil  is  a  vast  Icniple  of  siniph'  architecture  anil  modes 
interior,  all  white.  Tiie  (dinrtdi  is  flooicfl  wiili  hiuilicr  and  has  oi 
both   sides  sliuu'  platfoi'ins,  ( I/isbon  style  nias(tn  worU  in  high  relief 


—  165  — 

wliercfrom    tin;  scimoiis   arc   prcaclied.    This   fliurch   is   under  the 
saint  iKunc  of  Our  Lady  of  the  ('()iu'e])t ion. 

One  oi"  the  visits  that  h'ft  on  us  the  best  impression,  was  the  one 
\ve])aid  to  the  police  regiment  l)arraeks,  a  hii'ge  buihling  two  stories 
liigii  lacing-  the  Oonstituieao  Square.  In  the  upper  story  are  the 
fencing  parh)rs,  the  Major-staff-room,  the  library,  where  we  admir- 
ed a  beautiful  painting  «  Lihcrtaruo  do  Amnzoniis  »  (freedom  of  the 
ximazon),  and  in  the  lower  floor  are  the  spleeping  rooms  of  the  pri- 

Manaos.  —  Beiijaniiii  Cdiistant's  Institute 

vates  companies,  guns  store  rooms,  and  at  the  end  the  stables, 
tilled  with  splendid  River-Plate  horses. 

The  Military  regiment  of  Manaos  is  one  of  the  best  organisations 
of  its  kind  in  all  Brazil.  It  is  composed  of  two  battalions  of  infantry, 
with  500  men  each,  and  a  detachment  of  10  men  cavaby.  The  infant- 
ry battalions  are  commanded  l)y  majors,  who  are  officers  of  the 
regular  army.  Each  battalion  has  a  band  of  music  not  inferior  to 
those  of  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

We  must  also  speak,  among  the  nice  buidings  of  Manaos,  of  the 

—   166  — 

public   miirkel,  an  elegant  structure  ol"  iron  and  lumber  by  the  river  .. 
side.  Wlien  tliis  building  was  erected,  not  manj'  years  ago,  everybody  ^ 
tliought    its  dimensions  exaggerated  and  far  beyond  the  necessities 
of  Manaos.  Now  everybody  complains  that  the  market  is  altogether  ( 
too  small.  The  city  grew  much  ciuickor  than  it  was  ever  thought  of.     . 

'i'lu;  same  thing  happened  about  the  Sundudc  ccmctcrv.  Some  | 
fifteen  years  ago  tlic  municipality  designated  that  place  for  a  grave-  j 
yard.  There  were  claims  from  all  over  to  the  effect  that  it  was  too  far,  ] 
that  there  were  no  means  of  conveyance  and  many  other  i)rotcsts.  j 
To-day  the  cemetery  is  surrounded  by  buildings,  the  city  growing  ! 
up  in  that  direction  and  it  will  be  soon  necessary  to  remove  it  from  ! 

And  as  we  have  spoken  about  means  of  conveyance,  we  must  i 
say  that  to-day  lew  cities  in  the  North  have  so  c()mi)letc  a  system  of  | 
tramways,  except  the  City  of  Sao  Paulo  which  has  also  a  very  good 
tramway  system.  There  is  also  in  Maiuios  a  regular  service  of  cabs  • 
and  carriages.  The  Silo  Paulo  as  well  as  the  Manaos  tramways  are  ! 
of  American  manufacture,  large,  comfortable,  clean,  and  run  through  j 
the  city  in  all  directions.  The  main  line  in  Sao  Paulo  is  called  | 
Avcnida-cinuilar,  and  surrounds  the  coutornation  of  that  beautiful  ; 
city,  going  over  a  beautiful  bi'idge  which  crosses  a  stream  (as  strong, 
as  some  Juiropean  rivers)  which  has  escaped  from  the  number  thati 
have  been  filled  in  to  build  up  streets  and  houses.  j 

No  visitor  comes  away  without  often  repeating  that  trip,  as  well 
as  the  one  that  goes  to  Flores,  a  district  a  little  way  off  filled  yet  of. 
thick   and   wild  woods    but    threatened   with  the   invasion    of   city 
buildings,  lining  with  beautiful   residences   the   road  tliat  is  cutting; 
the  forest. 

The   bridge  we  rcfen-cd   to   above    is   called    Cacliocira    (iiaiulc, 
made  of  iiou,  divided    into    thr(?e    sections,  and  is  an  excellent  point 
of    view    to  ol)serve  the   magnificent   snii-omiding  i)anorania.  Other; 
bridges    and    viaducts,    as    the    Remedios   and    the    C'achoi'iriidia, 
mounted  on  stone  columns  embellish  other  sections  of  Manaos. 

In  fidiii  of  the  (Jovernor's  palace,  which  is  a  modesi  building* 
the^N  ha\(;  l)uilt  a  pretty  garden  named  licimhlic.  where  charming 
mominits  can  be  s])ent . 

()n('  of  the  most  noted  things  of  tlie  city  is  its  si)lendid  illumina- 
tion second  to  none  in  the  whole  l>ra/.il.  The  reader  can  have  an 
idea  of  what  that  branch  of  j)ublie  service  is,  knowing  that  r»J7  arc- 
ti;4hls,  "J. ()()()  candle  jiowci-  I'atdi,  are  lighted  at  a  cost  of  ir.OconldS 
\carl  V. 

This    l-;ieetrie  li^hi  company    furnishes  also  I  .S()(»  sixteen  candle 

—  167  — 

power   lights    to    private    houses    wliicli    work   sinee   the    coiiipany 
installation  all  over  the  eity. 

Tlie  pumping-  work  of  waters  taken  from  the  Ciichocirn  Grnndc 
falls  and  plaeecl  in  the  reservoirs  built  speeially  for  it  in  Moeo  and 
Castelliana,  is  also  made  by  eleetricity.  The  water  is  not  as  good  as 
the  Rio  de  Janeiro  water  but  it  is  not  much  inferior  and  its  disti-i- 
bution  to  the  population  is  abundant.  They  furnish  daily  (lOOO.OOU 
litres  and  the  State  government  spends  annually  with  this  branch  of 
public  service  about  400  contos  yearly. 

Part  of  Rio  Acre 

By  these  simple  notes  we  have  printed  here  the  reader  can 
calculate  the  progress  of  the  beautiful  metropolis  of  the  Rio  Xegro. 
But  this  is  not  everything.  Any  of  the  improvements  and  services 
of  a  large  European  city  can  be  found  in  that  city,  which  is  in  the 
most  hidden  corners  of  this  continent  between  the  base  of  the  Andes 
and  the  corridors  of  largest  mass  of  fluvial  waters  in  the  whole 
world.  The  telephone  and  telegraph  (either  the  subfluvial  or  the 
overland  one  that  the  State  built  at  its  expense  until  the  frontier  of 
Para),  the  newsi^apers,  the  libraries,  an  active  commerce,  everything 
indicates  that  civilisation  installed  in  that  region  of  the  semi-cultiva- 
ted continent  a  new  land  mark  of  its  evolution, 

With  the  colossal  works  that  are  being  finished  for  the  adaptation 
of  its  port  to  the  requirements  of  the  large  international  commerce 
of  which  Manaos  is  the  centre  in  this  jjart  of  America,  it  is  impossi- 
ble to  foresee  the  impulse  this  metropolis  will  receive  as  it  had  been 
impossible  ;^0  years  ago  to  foresee  the  present  development  it  has 

—  Ifi8  — 

"SVhat  Brazilians  can  be  more  proud  of,  is,  tliat  all  the  i)rogress  is 
the  work  of  themselves.  Manaos  is  a  product  of  Brazilian  activity, 
faith  and  energ}'.  It  was  disputed,  conquered  and  enriched  by 
Brazilian  arms.  To-day  Manaos  is  a  cosmopolitan  city,  as  it  is  a 
centre  of  strong  navigation  and  commerce,  because  the  aliens  look 
for  it,  conic  to  it  with  their  work,  industry,  deep  ambition.  Hut  the 
roots  are  energetically  national,  the  work  that  circulates  thi-ough 
the  interior  rivers,  which  discovers  the  hidden  corners  of  the  desert, 
which  explores  the  wealth  with  tenacity,  wliich  transports  to  the 
solitude  of  the  internal  spots  the  seed  of  ideas  and  sentiments,  is  all 
the  work  of  the  patient  native  of  the  North  of  Brazil,  with  his  incon- 
quered  resistance,  his  strange  customs,  fine  as  gold,  firm  as  steel. 
It  is  above  all  the  work  impelled  by  their  trusting  and  ingenious 
soul,  dreamy  and  strong,  poetical  and  warlike  that  defies  the  storms 
of  the  Atlantic  in  a  raft  and  penetrates  the  solitude  of  the  interior 
without  any  other  tools  but  his  boat  and  a  row. 

The  dominion  of  the  world  will  be,  eternally,  in  any  sense,  of 
those  who  dominate  the  waters. 

Since  Humboldt,  many  prophecies  have  been  made  as  to  the 
magnificent  future  which  is  reserved  for  the  Amazonic  region. 
Certainly,  however,  few  of  these  prophets  calculated  that  in  the 
present  generation  the  existence  of  a  city  like  Manaos,  right  there  at 
the  month  of  Rio  Negro  should  already  be  a  reality. 

This  phenomenon  would  be  impossible  50  years  ago,  when  the 
Amazon  was  not  dominated  yet.  At  that  time,  it  represented  nothing 
else  for  civilisation  but  a  stupendous  geographical  marvel.  Referring 
to  it  used  to  be  said  :  «  //  is  the  ini<>hti('sl  of  rincis,  »  and  every  thing- 
had  been  said.  The  tri])S  through  its  waters  were  cntcrprizcs  consi- 
dered as  dangerous  as  a  voyage  to  the  poles.  From  Para  to  the  Kio 
Negro  and  back  it  meant  then  ten  to  twelve  months.  Those  who 
made  that  trip,  in  small  sailing  boats  or  little  canoes  with  rows  used 
to  be  received  with  sky-rockets  on  their  coming  back.  ^^'IH'n  the 
steamer  began  to  make  these  trips  everything  was  changed. 

The  sea-river  was  conquered  and  with  it  Manaos,  then  a  simple 
group  of  small  houses,  just  a  stopping  and  resting  place  in  the  Kio 
Negro.  From  that  time  on  it  gathered  strength,  and  grew  up 

After  that  tlu;  Purus  river  was  concjuered  with  several  other 
affluents, and  each  victory  against  the  savage  nature  of  the  continent. 
in  those  (rolossal  roads,  coii'csponded  to  a  new  impulse  towards  the 
pi-ogress  of  Manaos.  'I'he  most  recent  of  those  \  ictories  was  the 
(h)iniiiion  of  llie  .hinia,  w  ith  its  trihutaries,    al>out    which    we    wrote 


—  169  — 

above.  Over  5.000  tons  ol"  merchandise  goes  yearly  to  the  <;reat 
capital  augmenting-  its  world  commercial  intercourse  with  the  wliolc 
world.  But,  what  does  that  rc!i)resent  in  that  infinite  incognito  world 
that  is  there  defying  man?  Yavy  little  indeed. 

What  does  that  matter?  The  steamer  is  there  now  and  the 
natives  of  Xorthern  Brazil  will  do  the  rest.  On  its  turn  the  native  of 
Amazon  is  also  in  a  hurry  to  complete  his  work  of  civilisation. 

Bank  of  Rio  Pums-Landscaiie  at  the  lime  of  floods 

The  administration  of  the  last  few  governors  has  been  as  good  as 
could  be  wished  for  and  the  Amazon  has  now  entered  an  era  of 
activity  and  work  aided  by  an  honest  government. 

The  governor  of  the  State  to-day,  Dr.  Constantino  Xery  is  a 
brother  of  the  last  one  who  was  Dr.  Sylverio  Nery,  a  perfect  gentle- 
man, a  militarv  engineer,  a  broad  minded  man,  a  learned  man  and 

—  170  — 

animated  by  tlic  inosl  patriotic  sentiments.  He  has  re-established  in 
the  Amazon  an  honest  ]H();^ramme,  an  orderly  one  in  the  ailministra- 
tion  affairs. 

He  made  <;reat  im]H'()vements  in  the  financial  conditions  of  the 
State  and  fi^avc  quite  an  impulse  to  the  commercial  and  industrial 
activity  of  Manaos.  llis  government  marked  an  era  of  noted  progress 
for  the  State.  It  suffices  to  remember  his  wise  and  intelligent  inter- 
vention contributing  towards  the  realisation  of  the  colossal  harbor 
works  of  Manaos  and  towards  the  supi)ort   of  the    Hra/.ilians  in  the 

.Mani'ios.  —  «  Ainii/dticiisc  »  ';\inri;isium 

Acre  region  dining  the  disputes  with  Holivia.  On  this  subji-i-t  it  is 
not  known  yet  liow  much  Brazil  owes  to  tlic  attentive  aiul  discreet 
action  of  Dr.  Sylverio  Nery's  i)olitics,  hut  in  time  it  will  l>c  known 
so  that  justice  may  be  done  to  his  ])atriotism  and  intelligence 

The  cstahlisliing  of  schools,  the  inauguration  of  scvcimI  pulilic 
estalilisliiiicnis  ,  the  tci-miiiat  i(Ui  of  political  pci-sccut  ions  ,  the 
recovering  of  the  financial  credit  of  the  State,  in  a  word,  tlic  decisive 
cut  in  the  pi-aclice  of  ;il»uscs,  w  hich    seem    to    exist  unfortunalch-  in 

—  171  — 

previous  administrations,  arc  the  titles  that  Dr.  Sylvei-io  lias  to  im- 
pose himself  to  the  gratitude  of  his  State  and  the  respect  of  all  tliosc 
who  care  for  the  welfare  of  the  country,  repudiating  private  inte- 

He  made  quite  a  number  of  improvements  and  some  of  them 
of  high  importance.  He  inaugurated  a  Sanatorium  in  the  most 
healthy  spot  of  the  State. 

On  the  9th.  February,  1901,  he  installed  officially  a  Laboratory  of 
Analysis  for  analytical  chemistry,  bromotalogy  and  texicology.  As 
an  annex  to  this  Laboratory  there  is  a  small  bactereological  arsen- 
al, which  is  the  beginning  of  the  foundation  of  the  respective 

He  also  installed  in  a  new  building  the  City  Hospital  which  was 
not  in  very  good  conditions  in  the  old  building.  He  inaugurated  also 
a  Model  School  to  serve  as  a  kind  of  normal  colle'>-e,  furnished  with 
all  the  pedagogic  material  needed  and  prepared  as  well  the  esta- 
blishment of  an  agricultural  school  in  Paracatuba. 

In  1903  there  were  in  the  State  IGT  Grammar  schools,  with  a  fre- 
quency of  5.911  students,  but  in  this  number  is  not  included  a  large 
number  of  private  schools. 

In  Manaos  there  are  45  schools  all  of  them  in  fine  buildings 
nicely  appointed  with  adequated  pedagogic  furniture. 

One  of  the  beauties  of  Manaos  is  its  port  always  animated ,  al- 
ways filled  with  boats ,  loading  and  unloading.  We  see  there  not 
only  the  small  river  boats,  steam  and  electric  launches,  as  the  big- 
transatlantic  steamers  which  stand  still  pefectly  motionless  so  calm 
are  the  waters.  In  front  is  the  quay  with  its  enormous  lifting  ma- 
chinery ever  busj"  loading  and  unloading  the  lighters  that  come 

The  constant  movement  of  small  boats,  the  whistles  of  the  steam- 
ers and  their  echoing  voices,  the  variety  of  colors  of  the  flags  un- 
furled in  the  masts,  everything  gives  to  the  port  of  Manaos  one  of 
the  happiest  and  most  picturesque  feature.  As  the  city  is  built  on 
ground  slightly  inclined,  from  man 3^  points  of  it  we  can  enjoy  the 
contemplation  of  the  most  beautiful  panorama  one  could  imagine, 
looking  at  the  port  and  the  active  life  that  animates  it  from  sun  rise 
to  sun  set. 

Formerly  just  in  the  place  where  Manaos  is  to-day,  there  were 
two  tribes  of  Indians  —  the  Passes  and  the  Manaos  —  the  latter 

—  172  — 

liavinf;-  f;iven  tlic  nainc  to  llio  city.  P^ven  as  far  back  as  1S:>0  a  Brazi- 
lian writing  on  ilic  i)riniitivc  city,  scat  of  the  Rio  Negro  i)oi-i  and 
district  gave  some  very  curious  informations.  Among  other  things 
he  wrote  that  tlicrc  were  '2'.i'^  liouses,  witli  straw  roofs,  and  even  tlio 
governor  's  i)ahicc!  liad  a  roof  made  of  the  same  material ,  as  well  as 
the  soldiers  barracks  and  nearly  all  the  other  public  buildings.  There 
was  a  small  ship  yard  to  build  lighters  and  canoes.  There  were  a 
lew  i)rivate  houses  covered  with  earthen  tiles,  but  they  were  very 

Munaos.  —  Public  Scliool 

few.  The  ])owder  magazines  were  roofed  with  the  same  material. 
There  were  two  churches  :  Tlie  Matriz,  built  by  some  C'arme- 
litas  missionaries  in  1H95  and  another  very  small  one  of  little  im- 
portance. The  i)opulati()n  of  (he  city  was  ."MT  nu'u  ;nid  .iJT  women 
(white),  115  men  and  -150  women  t nuuucliirosi  —  (chiUlren  of  l-lui-o- 
l)eans  and  negroes),  T'.UI  men  antl  l.(i|-,'  women  dark  mulat toes. -J-,*.') 
iiini  and  |(.|  wmncn  slaves,  'J'Si  men  and  JOii  women,  (mongrels  or 
mixed  ln-<'ed).  'IMie  whole  city  hail  but  II  small  streets  and  one 
s(|uarc.  That  is  jtist  what  Manaos  was  in  ls:;o. 

—  178  - 

'I'o-day  this  l)Cciutiriil  ciU'  luis  an  iire;i  of  10  scuuirc  kildiiu'tres 
tind  about  (),00()  liousos,  in  (he  majority  two  story  hi^h,  villas,  pala- 
ces, built  on  the  ground  wluH'e  the  extinct  Indian  tribes  were.  The 
streets  are  long  and  wide,  with  trees  and  well  paved,  going  from 
one  end  to  the  other  of  the  city,  tearing  the  space  through  hills  and 
rivers  and  from  neither  one  of  these  two  there  is  not  the  slightest 
vestige,  except  the  openings  and  Ihe  filled  in  placets.  'I'he  commerce 
opens  each  day  new  houses,  displays  in  the  avenues  luxury  and 
comfort.  The  industries  begin  to  appear  here  and  there  making 
noise  with  the  machinery  of  the  factories  and  darkening  the  sky 
with  the  clouds  of  smoke  from  their  chimneys.  We  had  occasion 
during  our  short  stay  in  Manaos  to  visit  factories  of  several  products 
as  ice,  matches,  electicity,  incineration  of  the  city  garbage,  parasols 
and  umbellas,  rubber  goods  and  others,  and  we  can  affirm  in  the 
most  convinced  manner  that  we  have  great  faith  in  the  future  possi- 
bilities of  Manaos. 

Yet,  it  is  not  only  in  the  capital  that  the  admirable  luxury  of 
that  true  El-Dorado  —  the  Amazon,  —  is  displayed.  Neither  is  it 
there  only  that  we  can  see  that  conquering  work  transforming  and 
civilising  of  the  Brazilian  race.  Besides  Manaos  there  are  20  other 
cities  and  villages,  by  the  banks  of  those  enormous  rivers  of  that 
State  and  they  show  how  much  activity  the  inhabitants  of  the  nor- 
thern States  of  Brazil  have  developed  in  that  effort  to  perform  the 
social  work  of  civilisation  in  that  region. 

The  principal  ones  are  Barcellos,  Borba,  Boa- Vista  do  Rio  Branco, 
Humayata,  Labrea,  all  of  them  with  an  active  commerce ;  Manicore, 
a  very  i^rogressive  citj'  founded  in  1877,  its  budget  being  then  about 
£30  and  to-day  is  of  over  £  20.000;  Manes,  Olivenca,  Antimary, 
Caqueta,  Teffe,  Villa  Bella,  Silves,  Serpa,  Rio  Branco  and  others 
are  so  many  marks  of  civilisation  spread  through  the  territory  of 
this  colossal  State  of  the  Amazcm.  We  regret  that  the  limited  space 
of  this  book  does  not  allow  us  to  write  about  each  one  of  these  cities. 

If  we  could  do  so  how  much  couldn't  we  write  about  the  munici- 
pal district  of  Rio  Branco,  for  instance.  But  about  this  place  we 
cannot  avoid  writing  a  few  lines  even  if  for  nothing  else  but  to  dis- 
pel from  our  readers'  minds  the  erroneous  idea  people  have  to  sup- 
pose that  in  the  Amazon  State  there  is  only  the  forest  industry. 

The  valleys  of  Rio  Branco  intermingled  with  beautiful  ridges  of 
mountains  until  the  frontier  of  Brazil  with  the  English  Guyana,  are 
a  magnificent  field  for  cattle  raising  as  well  as  for  the  cultivation 
of  corn  and  wheat  and  we  even  go  as  far  as  stating  they  are  probably 
better  fitted  for  that  than  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  and  Santa  Catharina. 

—  174-  — 

It  is  ciik'tihilcd  ill  one  tliousuiul  square  leagues  this  beautiful 
region,  proix'r  tor  catlle  ruisiiig  and  dairy  industries  and  yet  at  a 
distance  relatively  short  from  the  capital.  Were  it  not  for  the  Water 
falls  of  Kio  Bianco,  the  trip  from  Manaos  to  these  valleys  could  be 
made  in  two  days.  A  railway  would  resolve  this  problem,  and  not- 
withstanding the  difficulties  to  be  met  in  an  enterprise  of  this  kind, 
the  local  (iovernment  is  thinking  seriously  of  building  one.  As  to 
cattle  raising,  a  i)arty  competent  to  speak   on  the  subject  said  that 


Publii'  School 

cattle  can  Ix;  raised  wild  and  the  beef  can  compete  with  that  of  Kio 
(Jrandc  and  Kiver  Plate.  The  only  fault  with  the  <>x  is  not  crossing 
with  supeiior  i-aces  and  that  can  be  easil\-  remedied  oiu-e  that  the 
Government  should  train  iniungrati(Ui  helping  the  eattle  raisers. 
Th(^  inconvenient  for  the  dairy  industry  is  the  cxccssixc  length  of 
the  fai-m  lands.  Oidy  oiu^  of  them,  kiu)wn  as  S.  Marcos,  occupies  an 
areaof  dozens  of  scpiarc  leagues  and  can  contain  if  necessary  one 
hundi-ed  thousand  heads.  Similar  elements  of  greatness  ai'c  found  in 
otlu'r  niunici[)alities. 

—  175 

What  ^^■e  have  written  on  Manaos  is  sufficient,  we  think  for  the 
reader  to  calcuhite  the  importance  and  progress  of  that  vast  tract 
of  the  Brazilian  territory,  to  l)e  sure  one  of  the  most  prosperous 
federative  entities  of  the  Brazilian  Republic. 


Of  all  the  Northern  States  of  Brazil,  the  State  of  Para  is  the  most 
important  as  to  its  population,  wealth,  external  commerce,  and 
the  progressive   condition  of  its  capital ,   the   city  of   Belem.   Even 

Belem.  —  Building  of  sc-liolar's  gnnip  on  i>lie  Baptista  Campos  place 

comparing  it  with  all  the  other  states  of  the  Union,  its  present  value 
and  growing  progress  assure  for  it  a  superior  and  glorious  place  in 
the  Federation. 

And  yat,  this  is  not  one  of  the  oldest  states  ,  neither  did  it  dis- 

—  176  — 

in)se  of,  to  altaiii  its  present  development,  ;iii.\-  of  tlie  j;()vei-iiain('ntal 
advantages  other  States  had  either  in  the  times  of  the  sovereign 
nationality  or  in  the  colonial  ages. 

Visited  fioMi  time  to  time  by  English,  Dntcli,  French  and  other  j 
adventurers,  who  never  could  establish  there  a  firm  settlement  of 
conquest ,  it  was  only  in  KJK),  nearly  three  centuries  ago,  tliat  a  j 
Portuguese,  the  Commander  Francisco  ('aldeira  Castello  Braneo,  , 
was  sent  from  Maranhao  to  found  a  city  in  Beleni ,  tlic  first  founda- 
tions of  whicli  were  placed  in  the  ground  in  January  of  that  year,  ; 
as  the  chroniclers  of  that  time  assure  us.  , 

We  n)ust  count  from  tliat  date  the  initiation  of  the  national  exis-  . 
fence  of  this  great  Northern  State.  1 

Until  1()40,  however,  Para  had  no  political  personality,  it  was  a  , 
part  of  the  Maranhao  government ,  but  from  that  date  on  it  was  ; 
constituted  a  political  district,  perfectly  aside,  having  concurred  to  ' 
that  result  not  only  the  fact  of  the  Dutch  invasion  in  the  Maranhao  [ 
province,  as  well  as  the  degree  of  material  importance  to  which  ; 
Belem  had  reached,  and  that  can  be  ascertained  by  the  document  of  . 
that  time. 

Later  on  it  was  incorporated  to  the  Maranhao  government,  but  ■ 
it  got  independent  by  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century,  though  I 
with  great  struggle,  considered  as  a  province  then  and  to-day  a  State  ; 
under  the  new  form  of  Government  —  a  republic.  —  \ 

The  great  advancement  of  this  Brazilian  region,  in  the  way  of  ' 
l)rogress,  became  more  evident,  however,  just  as  it  happened  with  ! 
the  Anui/on,  with  the  development  of  the  making  and  exporting  of  ' 
rubber.  So  that  if  we  look  for  a  point  of  histoi'ical  reference,  to  fix 
in  a  plain  way,  the  initiation  of  that  trajectory,  just  as  it  happens  •' 
with  the  Amazon,  we  will  have  to  adopt  the  date  of  July  lUst.,  18G7,  • 
th(;  happy  date  of  the  opening  of  the  Amazon  river  to  the  interna- 
tional navigation,  as  the  progress  and  prosperity  starting  point  of  ; 
the  State  of  Amazon. 

Tin;  rapid  i)r()gi'ess  of  that  region  from  that  time  till  to-day  can 
l)c  seen  by  th(^  iiu-rcnise  of  its  rcn'cnue.  \\'hal  Para  was  then,  and 
what  it  is  to-day  can  he  seen  by  these  figures  : 

I'lof^icss  of  I  he  rcDcniic  of  the  Slulc  of  l':ii;i  cihtv  fine  ycurs. 

Vtarg  Atci'ii^f  III  till-  ti\i' >('ai's  ■ 

IKU7  a  IK()«  ....  ;27-t:  ii'7g;ti()S 

IHTi  a  1H7.">  ....  .'7S:t;(i.".§.~()7 

1H77  a  IH7H  .     .      .     .  7s:i:'.t7()^7ti."i 

IHH-J  a  iHHTt  ....  2.ri()-2:t-Jl.<;77t 

IHHC.  a  IHH7  ....  ■J.7l.".:(i«f.$()MI 

lM!li»  a  IHJKI  ....  r..0()0:()ii(i5;0(m 

1«!»7  a  IKilK  ....  l(.7(l:2r2.">ISI«l 

—  177  — 

This  progress  does  not  i-epresent  an  increase  in  the  taxes,  l)ut 
simply  the  increase  of  production,  exjjorted  from  llie  State.  It  is 
well  known  that  the  main  importance  of  revenue  is  obtained  hy  the 
exportation  taxes. 

The  folk)\ving'  tal)le  will  show  that  the  importation  of  European 
and  American  industrial  products  kept  pace  with  the  cxpoi'tation 
progress  : 

Importation  ix  the  Port  of  Bklk.m. 


189-4  a  U.j 
1893  a  90 
1890  a  97 

1897  a  98 

1898  a  99 

It  is  worth  while,  since  we  ar 

Valup  of  Ihe  iinporlalion 


9.001 :887S0n0 




e   dealing  with  figures,  to  register 

also  the  total  revenue  of  the  state  in  the  laste  decades  : 

Rkvexue  of  the  State  of  Para  ix  the  last  decades. 


Official  value 

1831     .... 

2.291 :9o5|;9oD 

1801     .... 

.       5.000:  H7S471 

1871     .... 

.     11. 790:40785 10 

1881     .... 

.     10.907.491^140 

1891     .... 

.     21.2,3.3:730§090 

1901     .... 

.     50.958:8308000 

As  that  revenue,  as  we  have  said  ,  comes  mainly  from  the  exj)or- 
tation  of  the  products  of  the  State,  it  is  natural  that  we  should  show 
the  reader  the  figures  of  that  exportation,  and  so  much  so  because 
they  prove  a  i^rogressive  scale  as  seldom  as  been  seen  any  where 
else.  We  will  see  then  : 

Exportation  of  products  exclusively  from  Para,  exported 

BY    the    port    of    BeLEM. 


Value  of  exportation 

1858 848:.377$8e9 

1810     .     .     . 


ih:;i    .    .    . 


1801      .     .     . 


1871      .     .     . 


I8S1     .     .     . 


1891     .     .     . 


1901     .     .     . 


Just  as  it  happens  in  the  neighboring  state  the  main  factor  of 
I  progress ,  worthy  of  note,  is  the  rubber  which  Para  has  in  endless 
I  quantities  in  the  banks  of  those  mighty  rivers. 

—  178  — 

The  large  amounts  of  capilal   and   the  hirge  number  of  \vorking-  ; 
men  emi)loye(l  in  the  extraction  of  (hat  source  of  wealth  grow  larger 
day  by  day. 

To  he  sure,  lliat  const ilutes  a  disagreeable  contingency  to  fix  the  i 
financial    situation  of  the  State,   because  any  alteration  in  the  value 
of  (hat  mei-chandise,  in  the  buying  markets,  will  make  its  effects  in  i 
the  disturbing  oscillations  of  the  official  revenue,  robbing  from  the  ' 
budget  its  necessary  character  of  j)revision  and  method. 

Let  us  see  what  happened  several  years  ago  189t>  and  1897  when  j 
the  depression  in  the  rubber  prices  caused  a  violent  and  uncomfor-  j 
table  condition  of  the  whole  economical  and  commercial  life  of ; 
Para i 

'J'he  State  however  is  exporting  other  products,  as  cocoa,  which  \ 
is  largely  produced  in  its  territory,  there  being  two  harvests  yearly,  i 
chestnuts  (Brazilian  chestnuts),  tobacco,  oils,  rosin,  etc. 

No  other  State  of  Brazil ,  excepting  tbe   Federal  capital,   shows, 
such  a  maritime  activity  as   Para   does.    Its  geographical   situation! 
iustifies  that  fact.  It  lias,  with  the  port  of  Belem,  the  kev  to  the  vast: 
noith.    There   is   the  natural   meeting  ot  everything  that  is  coming' 
down,  —  men  and  goods —  from  the  beginning  of  those  great  rivers' 
already   exploited  and  those  to  be  exploited,  so  that  ,  each  one  at  its 
historical   moment ,   will   come    to    increase    the    relations   of   the! 
Belem   Emporium.   Not  long   ago,   we  heard   a    traveller    expound' 
the  strange  thesis  that  the  civilisation   of   Brazilian   northern  cities! 
is  being  dislocated  from   ^Slaranhao   towards   Belem   and   thence  to; 
Manaos,  so  that  each  point  of  the  scale  of  that  march  ^^  ill  come  back 
to  i-uin  suei'cssivcly,  at  (he  pro})ortion  its  neighbor  will  gi'ow  larger 
and  rieluM". 

Only  those;  who  look  to  i)henoniena  of  that  kind  ^uperfii-ially 
can  admit  such  a  conjecture. 

Bi;i,i;m.  —  I-light  days  sla.N'  at  this  capital  of  (he  Para  Slate  will 
suffice  (o  teach  enough  to  the  visitor  to  eiiahle  him  to  see  thcsi 
subjects  in  a  hel  tei'  light. 

Let  us  open  a  map  of  the  State,  and  we  w  ill  immediately  see  thai 
(he  pro\  ideul  i;il  jiosition  of  ileleni,  in  the  place  it  was  huilt,  seem"C> 
for  it  cxcry  possihility  and  ])rol)al)ility  of  a  future  similar  to  thai 
of  thegicat  historical  metropolis.  Belem  is  alri'ady  today  a  power- 
ful city,  grow  ing  rapidly,  st  i-o  ugly  and  so  far  it  has  (inly  >er\  ing  it  ^l^ 
organs  of  ajipropriat  ion  and  nouiislnneni  a  \ei\,  very  small  par' 
of  its  rixers,  of  its  islands,  relalixfly,  compared  with  what  can  1» 
jdaced  in  the  field  of  exploitation  in  the  future. 

(^Miilc  olten  w  hen  w  c  w  cnt    ihrough    ihal    capital,  (piil  e  ecuUcnlct 

—    179 

looking  at  its  active  commercial  movement,  at  its  port  filled  with 
masts  of  ships  and  smoke-stacks  of  steamers  we  asked  ourselves  : 
"NVliat  a  capital  will  this  one  be  when  the  ccmtinent  island  —  Marajo 
—  and  the  other  small  islands,  the  small  and  large  rivers,  everything 

Belem.  —  .Mudorn  Cuban  Buildings 

in  full  bloom  of  exploitation,  populated  and  navigated,  shall  empty 
itself  here,  with  those  unknown  fabulous  treasuries,  which  are 
reserved  for  its  opulence  ! 

It  is  silly  to  imagine  that  the  developement  of  Manaos  will  shake 
in  the  least  the  greatness  of  Belem,  The  former  has  its  economical 

—  180  — 

role  as  the  key  to  tlic  rej;i(>ns  it  encloses,  in  that  hei<;lit  of  the  Ama- 
zon. l>ut  Para  will  always  be  the  natural  outlet  of  everything  exist- 
ing between  the  Toeantins,  Xin<;u ,    Tapajoz   and    the   other  rivers, 
not  to  speak   of  the  larger  rivers.    This   on   one    hand,  and  on  the  / 
othei-,  all    that    big   number  of    islands,  rivers   and    lakes,    that    are 
spi-ead  towards  the   North   and  Northeast,  belonging    to    tlu'   lower  j 
Amazon  system.  All  of  this  large  world  relatively  unexplored,  which  i 
could  contain  ;j00.000.000  people,  and  feed  the  whole  of  Kuropc,  has 
and  will   always  have  as  its  natural  head  the  city  of  Belem,  which  i 
will  keep  on  growing  at  the  proportion  civilisation  and  industry  will  ; 
dominate  those  vast  and  mostly  desertisd  fields.  > 

We  can  already  place  Belem  at  tlic  side  of  the  large  cities  of  this  I 
South  American  continent.  According   to  the   census   of    1*.)02  it  has  jiL 
120. ()(>(>  inhabitants,  and   the   statistic  data  of  the  competent  depart- 
ment i)ublished  in  a  rei)ort  written    by  the  ex-governor.  Dr.  Paes  dc 
Cai'valho,  gave  the  number  of  inhabitants  as  nearly  'JlMhhi  in  IS'.'ii. 

l*0PrLAT10X    OF    THK     (  '  11  ^     OF    BfI.FM. 

Years  Iiiliahilanis 

1720 i.dOO 

1820 9.000 

1852 12.467 

\mO 40.080 

1882 00.122 

189(5 01.00.-) 

Yei,  here  it  is  the  manner  in  which  a  well  known  historian  des- 
cribed that  c:t_\-  in  1700  :  «  nobly  built  up  and  having  sumptuous 
churches  :  Matriz  and  Misericordia,  the  large  temi)les  of  the  Nossa 
Senhora  do  Carmo,  Merces,  Redemp(;ao  de  Cai)tivos,  Religiosos  da 
Companhia,  Capuchos  de  Santo  Antonio,  and  Cajiella  dc  Santo 
Christo  convents;  barracks,  beautiful  residences,  the  fortress  of|f 
Xossa  Senhora  das  Merces,  and  the  nu)uth  of  the  bar,  u])on  the' 
rivei',    with    many   pieces   of  good  artillery  of  great   ('alil»rc.  of  iron 

and  l)ron/.c.  "    ('hiirchcs  and    fortresses,  monks  and  soldiers how 

far  away  that  age  is! 

Hut  let  us  leave  the  am-ient  Peleiii  ,  liie  icadei-  will  leel  more 
interested  I'cading  about  the  Helem  of  to-da_\  . 

\\  (■    had    alreadx    stopped  a  xcry    short    while,  on  our  wax    up,  at  , 
that    eil_\',  l)iit  it   was  in  .Xugiisl    I'.'iO   that   we  weiil   tliere  with  the  iil- 
O'litioii  (»f  ^toppiiii;  there  to  examine  it  ami  L;el  ae(|iiainled   v\ith  it. 

Those  who  go  from  the  S(»iilli,  eiir\ilig  the  point  where  the  Sll- 
riipy  light  house  is,  enters  in  the  Par;i  route,  goes  liiroiigh  a  majestic 
ii\er  of  silvci-y   waters,  vast  as  the  sea,  trancpiil  and  filled  with  pic- 

—  liU  — 

turc.stiiio  and  o-rocii  islands.  At  ri,i;lil  and  Icl'l,  oncn  w(!  pass  Salinas 
city ,  where  they  liav(^  ])la('(Ml  a  li<;ht-h()use-b()at  those;  islands  arc  in 
hir^e  number  until  we  reach  in  i'l'ont  ol"  l^eleni. 

It  is  beautiful  the  aspeel  ol"  the  port!....  The  city  ean't  \cA-y  well 
be  seen  from  tbe  outside,  as  it  ^vas  built  in  a  re<;ion  of  plain  and  low 
gi-onnds  very  little  above  the  level  of  the  sea. 

This  circumstance  is  in  favor  of  the  port,  which  prescmts  itself, 
to  the  examination  of  the  new  comer  before  the  citv  does  it. 

Belem.  —  Slatiio  of  llic  ijisli()|i  IVei  (laetano  Braiidao 

It  is  a  forest  of  masts  and  smoke-stacks,  steamers  and  boats  of 
all  shapes,  large  and  small,  black,  gray,  white  or  green,  the  majo- 
rity of  them  with  the  Brazilian  flag,  anchoied  motionless  by  the 
city,  and  others  alongside  the  docks  and  bridges.  Among  them  we 
can  see  by  their  color  the  many  steamers  of  the  Companhia  Ama- 
zonas,  painted  of  light  yellow,  an  original  color  which  contrasts 
strikingly  with  the  dark  green  of  the  waters. 

The  movement,  the  noise  of  the  whistles  and  lifting  machinery, 
the  running  of  the  steamers  arriving  and  sailing,  all  this  gives  to 
the  port  of  Belem  a  characteristic  aspect. 

—  182  — 

Tlic  port  is  a  tnni(|iiil  liigoon,  formed  by  the  Para  river,  which  is 
jotted  down  in  the  nuips  with  the  luime  Giiajara  bay.  It  is  liiie<l  by 
thick  woods  wliieh  at  distance  ai)i)ear  as  a  grayisli  green  band. 

At   the  side,   in    the    eontinent,  is  the  eity,  an  extensive  one,  as  j 
ample  as  Madrid  or  Lisbon,  phiin  and  h'veUed  with  the  neij4lib()riug 
woods,   appearing   only    with    more   prominence    the   towers  of  the  i 
cathedral  or  the  roof  of  some  one  or  other  building  a  little  higher,        ; 

When  we  land  we  have  a  beautiful   impression.   The  quay,  where  j 

IJelciii.  —  Froi  ('ai'laiiD  Braiuirui's  Siinarc 

arc  by  the  water  side,  the  market,  the  Custom  House,  llie  docks  and 
storage  houses  of  the  Bra/.ilian  Lloyd  and  Ama/oii  steamship  I'oui- 
l)anies,  is  lined  by  a  magnificent  bouh'vaid .  pa\i'd  with  stone 
blocks,  and  the  conimercial  activity  to  be  seen  in  that  river  side  part 
of  thtr  city  is  \\ ondeiful.  'Vho  (Juinze  de  Noveml)ro  and  .loao  Alfredo 
streets  whicli  I'lm  paralhU  to  llie  ipiay ,  ai-c  t  hici-,  coinmci'cial  ai"to- 
lies,  with  hauUing  houses,  hixurious  stores,  iai'ge  tliree  and  foui 
story  huiidings,  in  genei'al  sti'uelui"es  of  siujple  architect  un' . 
altogetlier  I'ort  iigiK'se  styh' ,  l»iit  _\  el  a  few  ot  them  of  motlerii 

—  1«3  — 

Tlie  most  boautirul  avenues  ave,  how cvei',  in  tluiti)art  ol' the  eity 
most  recently  built,  and  the  buildings  in  them  are  of  more  artistic 
taste.  They  are  all  the  work  of  the  last  twelye  years. 

If  the  visitor  takes  a  tramway  ride  in  tlie  (^ars  that  go  to  the 
distant  suburbs  as  :  Umarisal,  S.  Braz,  Baptista  Campos,  Nazareth, 
Marco  da  Legua,  he  can  then  appreciate  the  extension  of  the  city. 

The  most  central  city  districts  are,  just  as  in  Rio  or  in  Sao  Panlo 
occupied  by  the  stores  and  commercial  storage  houses.  There  the 
streets  are  narrower,  although  straight  and  clean,  quite  clean.  Even 
in  this  business  quarter,  constantly  modified  by  Ihe  progress  of  the 
city  there  are  squares  which  have  no  equal  in  all  the  other  northern 
cities  and  we  might  say  in  all  Brazil. 

The  Square  Frei  Caetano  Brandao,  which  some  find  quite  sad, 
we  found  it  poetical.  It  is  one  of  the  first  to  be  visited  when  we  arrive 
at  Belem,  attracted  by  the  cathedral  that  is  on  it. 

There  is  in  the  centre  of  the  garden  of  the  square  a  monument 
with  square  basis,  of  white  marble,  with  the  brcmze  statue  of  the 
Bishop  I).  Frei  Caetano  Brandao  after  whom  the  square  was  named. 
The  bishop  is  with  clerical  robes  and  his  face  is  full  of  expression. 
He  must  have  had  Just  that  venerable  type,  the  good  prelate,  who  so 
much  loved  that  city,  that  he  built  the  first  hospital  there  for 
the  poor. 

Let  us  have  a  look  at  the  cathedral.  It  is  a  large,  vast  construc- 
tion, heavy  and  grave,  just  in  the  style  of  the  Portuguese  buildings 

—   184  — 

of  the  eighteenth  century  nvIkmi  the  tired  stykM)!'  I).  Manoel  time, 
had  already  disapix'arcd  Iroin  the  mind  of  tlic  ai-cliiteets.  The  I'ront 
oi"  the  chureli  is  imi)()sing-  with  the  severity  ol"  its  lines  and  parsi- 
nxmy  of  its  oi-iiamental  eiirves.  It  is  composed  of  an  ample  face,  the 
trunk  of  the  building  open  wilh  three  main  windows  which  let  the 
light  in,  at  the  upper  part,  and  some  smaller  ones  for  ventilation 
purposes  as  well  as  the  light.  They  are  disi)Osed,  liowever,  without 
any  regard  to  the  harmony  of  the  external  expression  of  the  build- 
ing. In  the  ('(mlrc!  ui)per  part  has  what  in  church  architecture  the 
Portuguese  call  criijciro  with  two  small  decorative  pyramidcs  and 
to  finish  two  towers,  one  on  each  side,  souunvhat  elegant,  and 
everything  is  quite  harmonious,  the  height  of  criiiciro  and  towers 
being  pretty  nearly  the  same. 

In  the  interior  the  cathedral  was  treated  with  great  care  and  we 
see  that  it  was  a  church  huilt  in  the  good  times  of  i-eligious  faith.  It 
was  built  in  1771.  ^'j 

The  painter,  the  high  relief  carver,  etc,  they  all  disi)uted  the  l'irs€el 
place  and  as  a  result  the  interior  work  is  of  a  most  brilliant   effect.^ 
There  is  perhaps  a  little  exaggeration  in  the  coloiing.  The  main  altai 
is  all  of  marble,  the  platforms  for  the  preaching  of   sermons  are  o^ 
bronze,  nicely  bui-ilated,  the  great  organ,  the  gas  fixtures,  the  paint 
ings  in  the  ceilings  and  walls  of  great  artistic  value,  everything  con! 
tributes  to  the  beautiful  effect  of  the  wdiole.   There  are  ten  altars  on 
both  sides  and  two  are   of  uuii'ble,  with  the  images  of  Jesus'  Heart 
and  Mary's  Heart.  The  sanctuary  is  one  of  the  most  important  ones  , 
in  Brazil. 

On  the   other   side  of  the  square  is  a  large  two  story  building 
which  used  to  be  the  War  Arsenal  and  to-day  is  an  hospital.  Next  to  , 
it  is  another  hospital   called  Bom  Jesus  dos  Pobrcs  (Good  Jesus  of  ') 
the   Poor)    which    was    founded    in    17.S7    by    tlu'    good    nnuik    l-'rci 
Caetano  Brandao. 

On  the  bay  side  closing  the  s({iiarc  we  see  a  grim  wall  which  has 
the  damp  api)earance  of  old  ruins.  It  is  in  fact  a  ruin  prescrxcd  res- 
pectfully for  its  historical  value. 

They  call  it  the  «  (histcllo  »  (C'astlei.  It  was  fiom  Iheie  lliai  ilie 
defense;  was  made.  It  was  there  from  tlu'  xcry  foundation  of  the  city, 
saw  its  Itirtli,  protected  it  in  its  days  of  weakness  and  now  sleeps  at 
the  shade  of  its  victoi-ious  i)rogress. 

'I'he  bishop's  i)alace,  a  large  mansion.  Ihree  storii's  high,  w  itli 
windows  all  over  and  connected  wilii  liie  left  side  of  the  Santo 
Alexandic  's  church,  occupies  the  oi)i)osite  angle  of  the  s(|nare, 
<-oucuiriiig  thus  to  that  sti'ong  inq)ression  of  the  whole. 

—  185  — 

Wo  will  now  write  about  another  important  square  ol'  this  capi- 
tal ol'  th(^  I*ara  State  —  the  Praea  da  Tndependencia.  — 

I^elem,  just  as  all  the  othei"  South  Aniei'iean  capitals  has  one  — 
I'l-aca  da  Tndependencia.  It  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  in  Para 
which  is  equivalent  to  say  one  of  the  most  beautiful  in  Brazil ,  as  in 
no  other  capital  of  Brazil  we  find  more  eare  and  love  for  the  city 
(gardens  than  in  Belem.  The  inhabitants  of  Belem ,  judging  by  what 
we  observed,  love  nature,  love  flowers.  There  the  parks  and  public 
gardens  are  not  enclosed,  we  do  not  see  those  heavy  railings  as  we 
see  in  many  cities.  Everything  is  open  in  Para,  the  green  lawns,  the 

Belem.  —  Monument  to  General  Gurjao,  on  the  Independoucia  place 

beautiful  gardens  are  quite  open,  there  are  no  railings  around  them 
and  nobody  ever  steins  on  the  grassy  lawn,  nobody  cuts  a  flower. 

There  is  the  reason  why  Belem  can  keep  in  perfect  order  the 
prettiest  gardens  in  all  Brazil. 

The  garden  at  the  Praca  da  Independencia  is  worthy  of  note.  It 
IS  divided  in  different  sections,  some  kept  as  lawns,  some  as  flower 
beds  and  some  with  short  and  delicate  bushes  intermingled  with 
flower  trees.  The  garden  streets  are  well  paved  and  there  are  ben- 
ches for  the  public  to  sit  down.  In  the  centre  surrounded  by  a  circle 

—   1!!()  — 

ol'    real    palm    trees    there    is    a    monuiueut    ereetcd    in    honor    of 
General  Giirjao. 

Ill  onr  excursions  through   Brazilian   cities  we  have  noticed  tliat 
the  majority  of  the  monuments  have  been  erected  in   honor  of  mili-     ( 
tary  men. 

Tliere  are  Generals  in  bronze  and  marble,  a  little  of  it  every- 
where, but  Carlos  Gomes  the  great  late  musician,  with  a  single  ! 
piece  of  music  made  Brazil  better  known  of  the  whole  world  than 
all  of  those  great  warriors  put  together.  So  did  Cayru,  who  led 
Brazilians  by  his  hand  to  the  advanced  state  in  which  they  are 
to-day,  by  the  opening  of  the  Brazilian  ports  to  the  universal  com- 
merce; Maua,  tlie  inti-oducer  of  the  locomotive  in  Brazil;  Gusmao, 
the  inventor  of  the  air  ship ;  the  late  princess  daughter  of  the 
Emperor  Pedro  II  who  put  an  end  to  slavery  in  Brazil  by  the  simple 
signing  of  her  name  to  a  decree ;  and  like  these  many  other  person- 
ages tied  lo  the  national  civilisation  by  celebrated  deeds  and  they  are 
forgotten  l)y  the  public,  and  they  have  not  even  a  line  engraved  in 
the  base  of  the  statues  of  the  lucky  soldiers  that  are  in  the  jniblie 
squares.  That  is  not  just 

Our  remarks,  however,  do  not  embrace  Para,  because  if  they 
erected  that  superb  statue  to  the  soldier  who  so  richly  deserved  it 
and  who  died  in  a  fight  against  the  invading  enemy,  exclaiming  : 
((  Soc  how  a  BrnzilUui  general  dies  I  »,  they  did  not  forget  the  other  \ 
meritorious  citizens,  and  they  built  statues  in  honor  of  Caetano 
BrandiTo,  Sama  Malcher  and  others. 

But  speaking  again  of  the  monument  of  the  i)raca  Independencia 
we  must  say  that  it  is  of  marble.    In   the   basis   are  a  fi'w  steps  with 
lions,  one  on  each  side.    U})on  this  there  is  a  scpiai-e   trunk    with  a  i, 
statue  on  each   corner,   then  there  is  a  cover  with  inscriptions  and   ^ 
on  top  General  (iurjilo  's  bronze  statue. 

I'lider  the  esthetic  point  of  view  the  monument  is  far  from  being 
reputed  a  work  of  art,  it  lacks  unity  of  conceplion,  yet  it  is  much 
decorative  and  it  harmonises  well  witli  (he  scjuare  that  ncetled  rt 
monunienl  like  I  hat  one  liigli  and  of  iniposing  ai)i)earance. 

The  prara  Indeix'iulencia  is  much  frecinented,  not  onl\"  bi'cause 
it  is  a  central  i)lace  l)ut  because  of  the  buiUliugs  that  suri'ouml  it. 
These  are  : 

The  ( «o\  cniement  palace,  a  noble  mansion  two  sioi-ics  high  and 
with  an  cxli-a  one  in  the  centre  body  of  the  huiltlini;.  willi  a  trian- 
gular Iront,  l.~)  w  indons  on  each  st<u-\.  of  siniph'  ai'cliitcct  urc .  its 
interior  decorated  willi  taste,  and  with  a  l)cautirnl  and  Itroad  stair- 
way cnli'ancc  of  I/isIjou  stone.   Il   is  di\iih'd  in  two    big    halls    where 

—   187  -f- 

tlie  secretaries  ol"  the  State  have  their  departments.  There  is  also  an 
important  bi'omatoh)oy  hiboratory,  excellent  creation  of  President 
Augusto  Montenegro. 

The  building  is  Avell  preserved,  in  spite  ol"  having  been  built  in 
1776  and  has  telephone,  telegrapli  and  electric  light  installations. 

Near  it  is  the  City  Hall  built  in  the  Colonial  times  by  order  ol"  the 
Marquis  de  Pombal.  This  building  is  also  two  stories  high,  paint- 
ed of  blue  on  the  outside,  and  very  well  decorated  on  the  inside.  In 
the  Main  Hall  richly  api)ointed  is  a  beautiful  painting  i-epresenting 
the  death  of  Carlos  Gomes  the  immortal  musician  to  whom  Para 
soothed  his  last  moments.  In  the  same  building  is  provisorily  install- 
ed the  local    Legislative  Assembly.   The  municipality  of  Belem  is  a 

Bek'in.  —  Palace  ui  llie  Stales  Governor 

model  of  honest  clever  and  advanced  administration.  The  present 
Maj^or,  Senator  Antonio  Lemos,  a  true  gentleman  in  his  manners,  is 
a  wise  and  honest  administrator,  a  man  of  an  enterprising  mind  and 
a  practical  man. 

Belem  owes  him  a  good  deal  and  his  contribution  towards  the 
progress  and  transformation  of  the  city  doesn't  admit  of  any  doubt. 
As  the  Mayor  of  the  city  he  has  been  wise  in  the  two  needed 
characteristics  :  he  knows  how  to  promote  revenue,  and  knows  how^ 
to  apply  it. 

Another  central  square  beautifully  decorated  is  the  one  named 
Vhconde   de  Rio  Branco,    formerly   known   as  Merces.  It  is  a  little 

18!!  — 

smaller  tlian  the  olliors,  but  it  is  vci-y  well  taken  care  of,  ami  like 
the  others  lias  no  railinj^-.  The  moiiniiicnt  in  the  centre  oC  this  scjuare 
is  ])i'(»l)al)lv  the  most  artistic  ol'ihc  wiiole  city.  It  is  simple  in  its 
composition,  is  not  ycry  original,  but  harmonious  and  suggestive. 
Standing  upon  a  marble  l)asis  oi"  square  form  is  the  bronze  statue  of 
the  great  Brazilian  i)atriot  Jose  da  (iarna  Malchei-  in  a  noble  l»ut 
natural  position.  In  the  principal  face  of  the  basis  is  the  beautiful 
figure  of  a  young  girl  with  her  knee  upon  the  step  in  the  position 
of  one  engraving  the  name  of  tlie  hero.  The  monument  is  suriounded 
by  an  elegant  railing. 

The  new  sijuare  tliat  the  i)resent  Mayor  ordei'ed  to  be  fixed  with 

1{(;1l'iii.  —  iSiiiidiiig  (il   Un'  I'licn  .Miiiiit'i|i:il 

trees  and  a  gard(;n  is  the  one  named  Baptista  Campos,  and  is  one 
of  the  beauties  of  the  modern  part  of  the  city. 

It  was  an  enormous  field  quite  abandoned  in  one  of  the  t-ity 
corners  where  the  grass  grew  with  a  vigor  wortliy  of  troiiical  fame. 
This  was  not  long  ago.  The  ma\-or  Antonio  Lt'mos  transformed  it  in 
a  little  ])ara(lise,  with  fountains,  little  lakes  with  miniature  islands, 
bi-idges,  lawns,  fiowci-  Ix'ds,  fane\  bushes  an<l  rai-e  plants,  well 
paved  streets,  a  pei-fect  paradise.  Well  invested  the  money  spent  in 
that  jxiblic  impro\ cmeiit . 

I  "  llie  oilier  end  of  IJeleni,  bexond  the  line  of  city  luiildings. 
the  good  tasle,  or  we  woidd  saA'  IxMler  llie  enninion  sense,  of  those  in 
power,  idealized  a  pnlilie  re<-rea(ion  nniipie  in  its   kind    in  all    Brazil 

—   !«!>  — 

wliat  poiit'irms  wliat  we  luivc  suid  bctoi'e,  when  we  arrinnod  that  the 
l)o()i)lo  ol' Para  were  the  best  h)vers  of  nature  aiiioiij;-  all  others  who 
live  in  the  large  eities  of  Bi-a/il. 

That  publie  plaee  is  a  tract  of  ])riinitive  I'oi-est  bright  in  its 
vigorous  structure  of  sc^cular  trees  spreading  their  long  bi-anehes 
^^ith  shady  foliage. 

'IMie  city  grew  up  devouring  the  woods  around  that  preceeded  it, 
that  were  squeezing  it.  Later  it  gi-ew  more,  annihilated  to  spread 
itself,  but  reached  the  place  called  Marco  da  Legua;  and  finding 
that  square  of  powerful  trunks  in  rows*  tight  together  in  a  som- 
bre way ,  as  the  last  witnesses  of  a  cataclysm  ,  its  destructive 
expansion  stopped,  admired  and  respected  the  mystery.  Wanted  to 

Buieni.  —  A  part  uf  llie  .Miiiiici|ial   I'arii 

spare  it.  Spread  its  avenues  by  its  margin,  it  went  on  growing,  but 
closed  that  piece  of  wild  woods  that  was  there  at  the  very  beginning 
of  the  city ;  encircled  its  four  sizes  with  railing,  opened  streets  to 
disclose  the  intense  poetry  of  its  bosom ;  placed  green  houses, 
booths,  cascades,  fountains,  all  kinds  of  artistic  embellishments  here 
and  there.  Spread  through  its  thick  foliage  many  drops  of  white 
light  from  arc  lamps.  And  then  they  named  it  (c  o  Bosque  »  and  thus 
«  The  Woods  »  has  the  right  to  live  for  many  years,  who  knows  ! 

This  marvellous  piece  of  Amazonie  woods,  preserved  with  filial 
love  by  the  municipality  of  Beleni,  before  the  victorious  expansion 
of  its  constructions,   is  a  motive   of  pride  for  its  inhabitants  and  of 

—   lt»0  — 

praise  to  tlie  ^vise  ami  honest  mayor,  Senator  A.Lemos,  from  all  the 
strangers  who  go  tliere. 

The  same  we  might  say  about  the  rigor  with  wliieh  the  precepts 
of  good  taste  and  hygiene  are  respected  there,  with  regard  to  the 
arborisation  not  only  ol"  the  avenues,  but  the  streets  as  well.  Among 
those  we  can  cite  Dezescis  de  Xonrnihro,  Brnt^niira,  S.  .Icronymo, 
Indcpendencia  and  others. 

The  ancient  .S.  Jose  Street,  to-day  Dezescis  de  Xoi'einhro  avenue, 
quite  long  and  straight,  has  two  rows  oT  imperial  palm  trees  which 
give  it  a  graceful  aspect,  and  remind  us  of  the  Paysandu  in  11  io  de 

Belem.  —  IiHli'iic'iuk-inia  Avriiue 

Longei'  yel  than  the  Avenue  Dezeseis  de  Xonemheo  are  the 
Vjcautiful  Avenues  denominated  ]irii'>imeu  and  IndeixMideueia ;  the 
latter  is  10  metres  wide,  with  three  side-walks  between  two  rows  of 
nuinf^ereirn  trees,  and  electric  light  lamp  posts  in  the  centre.  It  costs 
a  good  deal  of  money  to  the  municii)ality,  but  it  is  well  worth  the 
money  spent.  The  former  follows  that  one  after  a  slight  curve,  and 
prolongs  itself  until  the  Bosijiie  in  the  same  ])ropoi-tions  of  the  olhei* 
though  it  has  not  as  yet  been  paved.  Heauliful  \illas  and  suninuT 
resiliences  line  both  sides  of  this  avenue  which  have  also,  like  the 
other,  two  rows  of  ti-ees.  All  these  iinpi'o\ cments  ai'c  the  rcsidt  of 
senator  A.  Lemos' efforts  and  he  deserves  all  credit  lor  ilie  many 
impiovenients  and  changes  the  city  has  undergone. 

—   191   — 

There  are  other  squares  we  did  not  write  aljout,  some  with  gar- 
dens, others  being  fixed  now,  all  oi"  them  illuminated  with  elcetric 
lights.  We  remember  the  names  of  these  :  Floriano  Peixoto,  crossed 
by  l>raganea  avenue,  the  Saldanha  Marinho  and  Trindade  in  front  of 
tlu^  ('hui'ch  of  the  same  name,  embiillislicd  with  high  palm  trees,  the 
.Fnsto  Chei'iuont,  ^vhere  the  chureh  of  Our  Lady  of  Xa/.a-retb  is  and 
whieh  is  one  of  the  nicest  of  the  city. 

The  heart  of  Belem,  its  very  first  S(|uare,  howevei-,  is  the  one 
where  the  «  Pac  »  theatre  is  situated,  in  the  most  elevated  part  of 
the  city.  Formerly  its  name  was  Largo  da  Polvora,  because  it  exist- 
ed there,  in  olden  times ,  a  i^owder  storage  house.   Now  with  the 

Belem.  —  Republic  Monument,  on  the  Republic  Square 

adoption  of  the  new  form  of  Government  wanted  also  to  have  a 
Praea  da  Republica  (Republic  S(iuare)  just  as  nearly  every  city  in 
Brazil  has  and  the  historical  Largo  da  Polvora  was  once  more  chris- 
tened. But  the  change  was  not  onlj'^  in  the  name,  it  also  greatly  im- 
proved its  appearance. 

They  made  a  large  garden,  which  can  serve  a  standard  for  others 
m  Brazil.  There  are  powerful  electric  lamps.  All  visitors  must  not 
leave  Belem  without  going  to  this  garden.  We  would  like  to  add 
that  it  is  treated   with  all  care  and  is  extremelv  clean.  In  the  centre 

—  li>2  — 

there  is  a  l)('iintiriil  in;ul)l('   iiioniiinent,  \vitli  bronze  figures,  to  com-    j 
iiicinorale  the  i)i-()chuiiati()n  of  the  Repuhlic,    and  in  the  streets  run- 
ning diagonally  with  wide  si(h'\valks  with  benehes,  there  are  always 
to   be   seen    large   crowds   of  people   and   carriages   moving    in    all    j 
directions.    'Iliey  are  going  to   the  aristocratic  districts,  wide  and 
well  paved  avenues  ilhnninated  by  electric  lights  and  adorned  with    i 
pretty  trees. 

The  main  street  of  the  square  is  filled  with  coffeehouses,  drink- 
ing  saloons,   concert  lialls  and  all  kinds  of    places    of  amusements. 
The  cafe  «  Pac  »,  under  the  hotel   of  the   same   name,    a   beautiful    i 
building,  is  alwaj^s  filled  with  people  not  only  inside,  but  also  sitting    ; 
at  the  tables  placed  on  the  sidewalk  in  front  of  the  hotel.  It  is  parti-   | 
cularly  so  in  the  evening,  when  the  scene  animated  by  the  music  of 
orchestras  in  the  places  of  amusements,  the  noisy  voices  of  the  news- 
hoys  and   the   movement  of  passers-by.    The   life  in   the   evening 
always  earnest  in  cosmoj)olitan   cities,  finds  there  its  field  of  action 
and  a    most   animated   one   it  is.  We  can  hear  the  sweet  sounds  of 
music  mingled  with  the  noise  of  the  carriages  passing  by,  the  mono- 
tonous wheeling  of  the  tramways  always  filled    with  people  and    if 
there  is  any  theatrical  company  in   town   there  is  the  display  of  the 
high-life,    ladies  richly   dressed,    the  multitude  of   the  wealthy   in 
luxurious  apparel,  expensive  overcoats  and  cloaks,  because  in  cer- 
tain seasons,  the  evenings  in  Bclem  are  not  less  cold  than  in   Kio  do 
Janeiro.  The  cafes  we  speak  of  above  are  establishments  (juite  dif- 
ferent  from    those  of  Rio,  they  are  a  kind  of  combination  of  Candy 
stores  and  barrooms.  There  are  also  in  the  stjuarc  the  Apollo  cirt-us  j 
and   the   carroussel   Paz  —    the  classic  mciTy-^o-roiuKl  and  many  ■ 
other  places  of  amusements,  where  people  gather  always  gay  lend- 
ing to  that  district  of  Belem  a  j)eculiar  feature.   Among  the  flowery  j 
and  artistic  bushes  of  the  garden  in  the  square  is  a  beautiful  foun- 
tain of  bronze,  making  pendant  with  the  luonumcnt  of  the  Republic, 
which  we  referred  to  above. 

This  one  is  conq)os(Hl  of  an  elevated  coluniu  of  white  iiiarhle  over 
an   ample  basis   on   the  sides   of  which  there  are  (H)lossal  allegoric  \ 
figures  in  bronze,  and  on  the  top  of  the   column  there  is  the  stately  ■ 
figure  of  a  woman   symbolizing  the    Brazilian    repul)lie.    Tliere  are 
several   steps  at   the   basis,    surroun<led  by  a  pi'elt\  railing,  also  of  , 
bronz(^  The  avenues   Indio    dc    lii;i-il,   Xnzurctli,  S.  .liron\iiio  nud 
Rcpuhliru,  ^^hich    start    from    the  centre  in  the  direction  (»f  the  four 
carcliii;!!  points  of  t  lie    city    are    profiisel\     illiiniiiialed  .    with     ln'oad 
sidewalks,  and  I  ramways  running  back  and  foith  all  day  and  night. 
The  buildings  lining  these  avenues  are  [)rctty  ones,  though  here  and 

—  133  — 

tlicre  can  be  scon  several  stnu'tures  maintaining-  tlic  I^ortuguese 
lieavy  style  ol' arcliitectnrc,  iKU'ause  llie  Portuguese  colony  in  Belem 
is  quite  a  large  one.  We  insist  in  praising  the  illumination  of  these 
avenues  even  because  we  can't  say  as  much  of  the  streets  in  the 
commercial  part  of  the  city  which  is  most  unsufficient. 

We  must  not  finish  the  description  of  Republica  Scpiare  without 
referring  to  the  building  which  completes  the  pers])ective,  and 
which  in  its  kind  is  one  of  the  best  in  Latin  America.  We  si)eak  of 
the  Paz  theatre,  a  large   structure  of  white  marble,  dominating  the 

Belem.  —  «  Da  Paz  »  Tlicalre  (afler  ils  restoration). 

gardens  both  at  the  front  and  back,   appears   to  the   visitor  as   an 
evocation  of  the  Greek  architecture  of  classic  times. 

It  has  more  or  less  a  parallelogram ,  elevated  on  columns  of 
corjmthian  style,  fine,  even  majestic,  of  fine  lioz  stone,  with  a  trian- 
gular front,  imposing  through  its  simplicity.  It  has  no  needless 
details,  no  over  ornamentation.  The  impression  is  gathered  from  the 
austere  and  harmonious  whole  which  has  an  expression  of  tranquil 
grandeur  and  cannot  be  found  in  any  other  theatre  in  South 

—  194  — 

It  was  built  during  the  rcij^n  of  the  second  emperor  of  Brazil.  It 
belongs  to  the  State  Government,  who  lets  it  to  national  and 
foreign  companies,  taking  care  of  it  and  improving  it  all  the  time. 
It  does  not  lose  value  as  to  architeture  in  its  interior.  It  has  four 
rows  of  boxes,  held  on  steel  supports  artistically  decoi-ated.  The 
plafond  holds  suspended  from  its  centre  a  Ix^autiful  electric  light 
lustre  and  is  decorated  with  valuable  and  artistic  i)aintiiigs,  jiainted 
by  the  famous  artist  De  Angelis,  and  is  exquisitely  surrounded  by 
high  relief  golden  carvings.  It  is  a  theatre  that  honors  the  culture 
and  importance  of  the  city. 

The  same  can  be  said  of  the  foyer  with  beautiful  inlaid  floor, 
artistic  paintings  and  well  appointed  furniture.  Besides,  it  has  a 
complete  installation  of  electric  lights,  with  machinery  of  its  own, 
and  all  other  improvements  of  a  modern  theatre,  as  really  there 
is  none  in  Rio  de  .Janeiro. 

A  Portuguese  writer  of  repute  visiting  this  square  two  years  ago, 
said  :  «  The  Largo  da  Polvora  shames  our  Avenida  da  Liberdade 
in  Lisbon.  It  has  three  times  its  width,  it  has  nothing  of  that  forced 
and  uneasy  ai)pearance  of  that  double  row  of  simple  houses  of 
which  the  inhabitants  of  Lisbon  become  so  proud,  it  has  an  immense 
statue  of  the  Rcpublica  in  the  centre,  well  made,  loosening  from  its 
bronze  animated  cries  of  victory  and  it  almost  can't  bi'  distinguish- 
ed from  the  faces  of  the  square.  If  they  could  place  there  the 
Triumpho  Arch  it  would  rivalize  with  the  Champs  Elysees.  Through 
the  street  on  the  right,  tramways,  carriages  and  bicycles  cross  them- 
selves with  liorseback  riders  and  pedestrians  in  an  animated  confu- 
sion. On  the  asphalt  of  the  broad  sidewalks  drinking  places,  bnissc- 
rics,  serve  their  customers  in  small  zinc  tables  on  the  sidewalk. 
They  drink,  speak,  laugh,  with  joy  and  with  life.  The  Universal 
Club  with  its  windows  wide  open  displays  its  hall  aiid  reading  room, 
wher(5  the  profuse  electric  light  throws  its  rays  upon  the  luxurious 
furniture  and  beautiful  paintings.  At  the  end  of  the  entrance  hall  we 
guess  a  dining  room  by  the  snow-white  covers  on  the  small  S(iuare 
tables,  awaiting  the  members  of  the  ditb  w  ho  once  in  a  w  hilc  enjoy 
a  tete-a-tcte  with  their  friends.  And  at  tiic  low  verandahs  the  grace- 
ful h(!ads  of  I'ara's  fair  sex  seem  to  wraj)  in  their  jet  black  haii-  a 
whole  wave  of  smoke.  Human  voices,  noises  of  striking  balls  at  the 
billiai-d  tabh^s,  denounce>  tlu^  billiard  i-oom.  Then  further  down  in 
front  of  th(!  central  roiid-poinl  is  the  majestic  P:i/.  theatre,  dotnimit- 
ing  the  space  with  its  ciicuhii-  line  of  terraces  and  rails.  Once  in  ;i 
while  a  eoiieert  .  ail  Italian  opera  coiupany,  a  rare  comic  oi)cra 
eom|taii\  makes  the   I'a/  thealrc  abandon  its  monunieiital  sei-<Miitv.  " 

—   19a 

Tlicre  is  no  exaggerulion  in  the  ('()l()rin<;  and  aiiiiiuition  of  this 
description  made  by  this  writer  in  the  above  lines.  \\'e,  onrselves, 
\vho  have  visited  a  respectable  number  of  cities  in  Brazil  and  abroad 
experimented  that  strong  impression  of  admiration  and  pleasure, 
when  for  the  first  time  we  were  on  one  of  those  boulevards 
that,  passing-  by  the  large  scjuare,  show  us  the  splendour  of 
its  unequalled  perspective.  It  was  in  the  evening  of  the  15th. 
August,  1902,  and  as  this  date  is  celebrated  in  Para,  (for  the  reason 
of  its  integration  to  tlie  Brazilian  fatherland),  there  was  special 
aspect  of  rejoicement  and  movement,  which  overflowed  from  the 
park  and  invaded  the  avenues  in  conjunction  with  that  multitude 
of  carriages  and  pedestrians  coming  from  them  to  the  centre.  The 
superb  theatre  was  open,  and  through  the  thick  foliage  of  the  trees, 
over  its  decorations,  its  monu- 
mental greek  columns  whiten- 
ed by  the  arc  lights,  we  could 
feel  the  poetical  inspiration  as 
springing  forth  from  an  an- 
cient and  noble  sight. 

An  act  of  justice,  in  spirit 
of  fairness ,  compels  us  to 
repeat  our  praises ,  making 
known  to  the  public,  the  name 
of  that  Brazilian  who  has 
c(mtributed  the  most  towards 
the  greatness  and  embellish- 
ment of  the  capital  of  Para , 
sparing  no  efforts,  sacrificing 
everything ,  popularity,  per- 
sonal interests  and  sometimes 
even  his  health,  in  his  ambi- 
tion to  Europeanize  the  beau- 
tiful city  of  Belem.  This  name 

is  Antonio  Lemos  and  its  owner  is  popularly  known  as  Senator 
Lemos.  He  is  the  mayor  of  the  city  to-day  and  its  inhabitants  owe 
him  all  the  great  recent  improvements,  its  modernisation,  its  supe- 
riority, and  he  is  well  worthy  of  having  his  statue  in  one  of  the 
public  squares.  For  many  years  Senator  Lemos  has  mortgaged  his 
activity  to  Para.  Everybody  recognizes  and  proclaims  the  services 
he  has  rendered  to  the  city  his  patriotic  collaboration,  but  in  our 
opinion  as  a  visitor  of  the  cifc}^  we  believe,  nothing  equals  this  great 
task  he  took  on  his  shoulders,  for  some  years  past,  and  is  realizing 

Belem.  —  The  Cemeterv 

—  196  — 

with  Icnucily,  uuiking-  the  triuisl'i^iirulinii  of  llie  old  Belem  city  into 
this  powerful  and  modern  metropolis,  wliicli  is  becoming- in  all  its 
leatures,  appeai-anee  and  habits,  quite  European. 

From  tlie  theatre  to  the  eliureh,  the  least  it  un\\'  seem,  there  is 
not  a  great  distance.  A\'e  want  then,  to  write  about  some  of  the 
ehurehes  since  we  have  written  about  the  theatre. 

In  a  small  s(|uare  where  a  beautiful  gardeu  has  been  arranged 
and  where  cabs  and  cai-riages  for  public  hire  are  always  to  be  seen, 
there  is  one  of  the  city  cliui'ches.  It  is  tlu;  Sunt'  Anna  cliurcli.  niucli 
frecpiented  by  the  people  because  of  its  position  in  the  centre  of  the 
city.  It  was  built  in  the  eighteenth  century,  we  believe  in  17()1.  It  is 
simple  in  its  exterior  as  it  is  inside.   What  we  find  worlliy  of.  notice 

■Inn.  —    I  lie 


Our   l.;iil\    <.|    llir   (.;iniii 

is  t!ial  in  spile  of  bavin*;-  been  l)uill  in  olden  times,  il  is  not  in  the 
heavy  style  of  those  times.  Its  front,  (|iiile  siniph-,  of  straight  lines, 
its  two  s(|uiii"e  towers,  ils  modest  dome,  coxcred  with  glass  to  let 
the  light  in  the  iulerioi-  oi  the  church,  arc  traits  w  oil  h  mentioning. 
In  the  interior  besides  the  main  aitai-,  Ihci-e  ai-c  two  others  at  the 
sides  and  in  tli<;  choir  is  a  good  organ. 

AnolIuM-  chnrcii  is  tiie  one  of  Our  Lady  of  the  Carmo.  of  coh)nial 
tinn-s.  it  is  of  ohi  slyh-  w  it  h  a  sliglil  i(h'a  of  llalian  arl.  il  ha-^  a 
curious  stone  fi-ont  finisheil  in  Ki'.r..  Il  has  a  w  ing  i)uilding  on  the 
right,  facing  the  s(|uai'e,  and  w  hicli  formerly  was  the  convent  of  that 
eongregalion.  l»eh>nging  (o  the  founders  of  the  chni-(di. 

—  197  — 

In  tlie  s(j[iua'(',  ;i  large  out',  ciillcd  Justo  ( "hci'iuout,  is  aiiuthcr 
I'liurcli  luuc'li  spoken  ol"  in  Pai-d.  It  is  the  one  ol'  Our  Lady  ol"  Naza- 
retli,  wore  yearly  they  hold  a  traditional  feast  that  lasts  several 
days,  in  which  the  entire  population  of  the  city  take  part,  with  great 
joy  and  enthusiasm.  The  church  was  built  recently,  1802,  and  has 
been  enlarged  in  successive  reforms,  because  the  municipal  author- 
ities, taking  in  great  consideration  the  popular  catholic  sentiments 
of  the  inhabitants ,  surround  of  all  care  that  church.  It  is  quire 
curious  to  look  at  a  department  of  the  church  where  the  sea-men 
for  many  years  past  come  to  bring  presents  offered  to  Our  Lady  of 
Nazareth  in  moments  of  danger.  These  are  wax  miniatures  of  boats 
and  other  objects  of  maritime  life.  That  large  collection  of  offerings, 
which,  unfortunately,  is  being  destroyed  to  make  room  for  the  new 
offerings  that  are  arriving  every  day,  forms  an  instructive  and 
curious  museum  of  nautical  art,  which,  if  collected  by  an  intelligent 
amateur,  would  afford  later  on  valuable  information  for  the  recon- 
struction of  the  history  of  Brazilian  activity  in  maritime  customs, 
in  that  part  of  the  country. 

We  could  write  j^et  about  other  churches  all  of  them  with  histo- 
rical value,  as  the  one  of  Trindade ,  recently  rebuilt,  the  S.  Joao 
Baptista  one,  the  Santo  Alexandre,  and  others,  but  we  have  other 
important  subjects  to  deal  witli. 

Public  Instruction.  —  We  will  start  this  department  by  accom- 
panying our  reader  to  the  celebrated  museum  of  natural  history  and 
ethnography,  named  Museu  Goeldi,  a  richly  deserved  homage  on 
the  part  of  the  State  Government  to  the  name  of  a  learned  Swiss 
scientist  who  for  many  years  is  the  director  of  that  well  known 
scientific  institution. 

That  homage  serves  at  the  same  time  to  enoble  the  wise  scientist 
and  to  prove  the  highly  cultured  spirit  of  justice  of  the  Brazilians 
of  the  North,  who  thus  show  that  they  ki.iow  how  to  recognize 
the  merit  of  any  one  irrespective  of  nationality  or  any  other 

The  Goeldi  Museum  is  one  of  the  most  noted  of  Latin  America. 
It  has  natural  history  collections  classified  with  all  the  rigor,  a  rich 
anthropology  and  ethnographic  department  ,  preserved  with  all 
care,  and  in  the  zoological  section,  a  really  curious  one,  they 
exhibit  live  specimens,  mainly  of  the  Amazon,  in  cages,  and  the 
public  are  admitted  free  to  see  that  exhibition  twice  a  week.  There 
is  an  horticultural-botanic  department  annexed  to  the  museum, 
worthy  of  being  visited  for  the  careful  selection  and  organisation  of 

198  — 

the.catalogiu;  ol"  the  greal    vai'iety    ol'  phytological  si)ccimons   there 
planted  both  in  tlie  open  air  and  hot  liouses. 

The  publications  of  the  museum  are  disputed  by  tlie  studious 
ehxss  of  the  country  and  abroad,  thanks  to  the  abundance  of  infor- 
mation of  investig-ation  and  studies  that  tliey  contain. 

The  public  library  of  the  State  is  one  of  the  best  organised  in  the 
country.  It  was  founded  on  the  25th.  February,  1871,  by  Dr.  J.  P. 
Machado  Portella. 

The  State  governor  Dr.  August  Montenegro  in  1901  annexed 
to  that  public  department,  the  public  archives,  and  to-day  under  the 
direction  of  Arthur  Vianna,  a  patient  investigator  and  l)il)liogTapher, 
native  of  Para,  the  two  departments  are  in  the  same  building.  \\"(' 
visited  it  in  August  of  lOOJ. 

The  library  had  25.000  volumes,  having  a  well  organized  cata- 
logue, and  the  ])Ooks  well  arranged  in  iron  bookstands  disposed  in 
the  rooms  so  as  to  receive  lots  of  air  and  light,  according  to  Ame- 
rican system,  and  not  placed  against  the  walls,  lining  them  as  it 
used  to  be  done  foi'merly. 

A  publication  of  value  Os 
Annncs  <ln  Bibliothecn  e  Ar- 
chivo  Publico  completes  a  se- 
ries of  good  services  rendered 
to  the  public  instruction  by 
that  excellent  institution. 

We  will  now  speak  of  an 
establishment  of  manual  work, 
obeying  to  the  orientation  of 
modern  educators  and  to  the 
necessity  of  i)ractical  teaching. 

Tt  is  the  Lanro  Sodi-e  insti- 
tute installed  in  a  splendid 
mansion  ,  in  the  district  of 
Marco  (la  Lcgna  and  which  is 
one  of  the  most  elo(|ucnt])r()ofs 
of  the  scu'ionsncss  and  ])atrio- 
tism  ollhc  ( io\  (M-nmentof  Para. 

liesides    the     !()(»    Ijoarding 
pupils  to  whom  the  establish- 
ment    furnishes     instruction  , 
lionsc,   clothing,  food   and  cvci-y  1  hing,    it  accepts  yd    loi  i  jtiipils  who 
sh'cp  outside  and  follow   (he  agricultural  coursi-. 

The    instruction   adminislei-ed   in   the   institute    lias    iwo   gencial 

Belom.  —  hVoiit  view  (if  ilic  l.imni  Soiliv 

—  199  — 

courses  :   the  primary,   mid  that  ol"  apjilication   or  professional. 

Tlie  primary  course  is  just  the  same  as  in  the  (Government  Gram- 
mar scliools,  and  the  application  course  is  subdivided  into  industrial 
and  agricultural  courses. 

The  industrial  course  comprises  arts,  trades  and  industries,  pro- 
perly speaking.  The  agricultural  course  embraces  the  study  of 
agriculture,  in  any  of  its  branches,  cattle  raising-  and  daiiy  indus- 

The  industrial  courses  are  :  book-binding-  ,  compositors  and 
printers  work,  graphic  arts,  stenography,  painting-,  decorating-  of 
buildings,  earpenting-,  iron-smith  work,  boiler  making,  tin-smith 
work,  shoemaker  work,  leather  tanning-  work,  tailoring,  electrical- 
telegraphy,  joiner  's  work,  dyer  's  work,  and  machinist  work. 

The  agricultui^al  work  which  confers  the  diploma  of  Agricultural 
Regent,  is  a  six  year  theoretical  course  accompanied  by  the  school 
practical  work  in  experimental  fields,  and  laboratories,  the  student 
before  receiving-  his  diploma  being  compelled  to  have  one  year  prac- 
tice in  an  agricultural  station,  or  in  the  same  establishment. 

The  Institute  has  !!•  professors  who  teach  :  five  of  them  the  pri- 
mary course,  equivalent  to  the  grammar  school,  one  gymnastics,  one 
instrumental  music,  one  French,  one  geography,  one  chronology  and 
history,  one  arithmetics,  one  algebra  and  plain  geometry,  one  geome- 
try in  the  space,  one  trigonometry  and  elementary  mechanics,  one 
physics  and  chemistry,  one  agriculture  and  industries,  one  zoologj', 
elementary  botany  and  agriculture,  geology  and  mineralogy,  one 
geometric  and  free  hand  drawing,  one  mechanical  and  architectural 
drawing,  one  cultivation  of  trees  and  horticulture,  one  agricultural 
engineering,  rural  buildings,  rural  and  forestry  technology,  one 
vegetal  entomology  and  microscop3\  economy,  countability  and  rural 
administration,  and  one  animal  hygiene,  zootechny,  and  elements  of 
pathology  and  siderotechny. 

Visiting  this  instruction  establishment,  one  of  the  best  in  Brazil, 
we  had  occasion  to  see  among  other  things,  great  quantity  of 
school  furniture  manufactured  there  for  the  public  schools. 

The  local  government  doesn't  buy  any  more  furniture  for  its 
public  school.  Everything  is  furnished  by  this  institute  as  it 
furnished  all  the  uniforms  for  the  state  troops,  etc. 

It  completes  the  practical  demonstrations  of  the  utility  of  this 
institute  a  well  organised  band  formed  by  its  students. 

The  Escola  do  Commercio ,  another  institute  of  practical 
teaching,  is  also  worthy  of  mention,  and  modeled  after  the  Business 
Colleges  of  the  United  States.  It  was  installed  on  the  13th  may  1899. 

—  2<MI  — 

The  frcciiiency  in  tlic  Kscola  do  Couiiiierfio  is  or  was  last  xcar  ol' 
•113  students. 

The  fine  arts  study  was  not  iiegloetfid  in  this  state.  There  is  a 
Conservatory  named  Carlos  (ionies,  dii-ected  by  the  Hrazilian  maes- 
tro Meneleu  ('ami)ns,  and  this  is  a  school  w oi-thx-  of  all  pi-aise.  It 
is  installed  in  a  Government  building,  and  the  government  spends 
witli  this  institution  forty  eontos  yearly.  When  we  visited  this 
establishment  the  number  ol"  i)upils  was  loii. 

The  Fine  Arts  Academy,  founded  by  a  nuinbei-  of  illustrious 
natives  of  Para,  fond  of  arts,  though  it  is  a  private;  school,  is  render- 
ing high  services  to  the  artistic  education  of  the  population.  There 
are  30  pupils  in  it. 

aprtL*^- T  *•  ■-•.^MMtSfS^' 

'i'herc  are  a  nnmlx'r  of  other  institutes  devoted  to  inst  iMU'lion. 
The  nature  of  this  book  does  nol  allow  us  but  to  i-ilc  I  iieii' names. 
W  c  would  lia\c  lo  w  rite  si^veral  Noliimcs  if  \\c  wanted  to  entci-  into 
tJM' descrip(i(»n  of  all  llic  pul)!ic  inst  i-nc(  ion  insl  it  ules  of  rar;i  and 
the  other  Stales  of  l>ra/il. 

W  <■  will  mention  the  (Jentil  liitteneoiirt  Institnle,  devoted  to  the 
oi-phans  and  poor,  and  foi-  it,  a  large  building  is  ix'ing  »'onstructed 
at  th(!  govei-iuneni  's  expenses.  'I'he  Orphcnihilo  Purucnsc,  also  for 
the  poor  and  orpiians.  The  Benjamin  Constant  Lyceum,  an  arts  and 
trach's  institnle,  dcxotcd  lo  the  w  ork  in^classes  and  i  lie  poor  and 
mainlained  by  a  private  society.  Institiilo  Paes  de  ( ".ii\  allio ,  tiie 
exp(!ns«!s   of    which   are    made    by    the    nainicipality.    The    Asylo  de 

—  201  — 

Santo  Antonio.  ()  Scminario    I'^piscopal,  tor  theologk-ul   inslniclion, 
and  others  the  names  of  which  I  can't  remember  now. 

Among  the  private  establishments,  receiving  boarding  pupils  and 
outsiders ,  teaching  primary  and  secondary  instruction  we  can 
remember  for  boys  :  O  Atheneu  Paraanse,  one  of  the  best  of  private 
schools,  disposing  of  an  excellent  board  of  professors  ;  the  Collegio 
Minerva,  an  establishment  with  but  four  years  existence,  and  is  in 
excellent  conditicms  of  prosperity;    The    ('ollegio   Immacnlada  Con- 

Bol(Mii.  —  Scliool  group  BiiiUliug  of  Nazareth 

cei^'ao  with  a  branch  in  the  Amazon  State ;  and  the  S.  Jose,  and  Onze 
de  Agosto  Colleges. 

For  girls  there  are  many  schools  and  colleges,  among  which  we 
can  remember  :  Collegio  Perseveranca ,  under  the  direction  of  a 
normal  school  teacher  D.  Carlota  Pistacchini;  Collegio  Yalmont, 
entrusted  to  anotlier  normal  school  teacher  D.  Maria  Yalmont;  the 
Our  Lady  de  Nazareth,  Franco-Americano,  Santa  Clara,  Internato 
Immacnlada  conceicao,  Collegio  Lisbonense,  S.  Luiz  Gonzaga  and 
other  establishments. 

—  202  — 

As  to  tlic  piiiiuiry  iiisiiiict  ion  or  gnuiinuir  srliools  we  giitluTcd 
the  follow  iiii;  notes  : 

In  the  eupitiil  tlie  schools  arc  gathered  in  groups,  splendidly 
installed  in  government  buildings.  Kacli  group,  is  composed  of  six 
or  eight  schools  of  both  sexes.  Are  worthy  of  noti-  those  of  the 
Kaptista  ('ami)os  squai'c ,  magnificent  building,  Too  pupils,  the 
Nazareth  one  with  (JOO  pupils  and  a  splendid  building. 

Dr.  Amazonas  de  Figueiredo,  secretary  of  the  Para  government, 
who  is  the  president  of  the  Public  Instruction  Department,  is  a  man 
of  advanced  ideas,  a  liustler,  just  like  an  American,  has  been  a 
powerful  factor  of  the  progress  this  branch  of  public  work  has  had 
lately.  We  owe  to  his  kindness  and  to  the  care  he  devotes  to  the 
public  instrnction  ])rol)lem  all  the  iufoi'iuation  we  have  gathen-d 
here  and  the  following  data  : 

Para  has  to-day  besides  the  groups,  577  isolated  schools  being  : 

Kloni(Mitai>  OIK'S 041 

(jitiii|ik'ni('iitary  (iiics 36 

Tolal o77 

The  elementary  ones  are  thus  divided  : 

Siihiii-bs 30o 

1st  class  (villages) 90 

2n(l  class  (cities) 80 

.3nl  class  (capital) 60 

Total     .     .     .     .     oH 

Besides  these  there  are  school  gi-oups  in  the  cities  of  Alemquer, 
(■inu(;a,  Braganca,  and  Santarem.  Sixteen  elementary  schools  and 
eight  c(nn])lementary  ones,  being  divided  in  „*  c(uuplementary  and 
four  elementary  in  eacdi  gi-ouj). 

The  school  statistics  of  the  State  in  the  yeai-s  lS'.t7,  IS'JS  and  18U'.» 
show  ilic  rollowing  data  excluding  tht;  ])upils  of  the  sclu)ol  groups 
in  the  c;ipil:il  uiinihering   1.000  : 

III  iHltT et.OTI 

In  iKilK 'Hi.\)lH 

111  iHit'.t :u.or>G 

Para  spends  witli  piiblit-  instrnction  about  two  tliousauil  contos, 
gohl,  and  gives  besides  a  subsidy  for  a  jjcdagogic  publication  named 
.1  h^scoln  which  is  the  lie^t  of  its  kind  in  South  AnuM-ica. 


—  208  — 

PruLic  IIklp.  —  Other  iiisLitutious  tliiit  give-  proof  of  the  i)ro- 
gress  and  greatness  of  Jielem  are  among  the  publie  help  ones,  the 
following  : 

The  City  Hospital,  known  as  the  Santa  Casa  da  Misericordia, 
one  of  the  best  of  Brazil,  is  an  enormous  building,  pavillions  system, 
isolated,  but  near  one  another  w^ith  different  wards,  disposed  under 
a  scientific  view^  point  around  the  Central  building  consisting  of  two 
tall  structures.  It  is  splendidly  situated,  in  a  position  to  receive  the 
winds  fresh  breeze,  and  in  its  whole  reminds  one  of  the  Bahia  city 
hospital,  facing  the  ample  fields. 

Belem. —  Asylum  lor  llie  pour.  Interior  Garden  and  Refeetury ;  Mens  Side 

The  Insane  Asylum,  is  in  the  same  conditions  as  the  above,  with 
regard  to  the  make  up  and  situation.  It  is  a  modern  building,  as  it  is 
modern,  all  the  interior  installation  ordered  from  Europe  by  the 
present  Governor.  The  vast  construction,  with  Ihree  prominent 
bodies,  and  its  small  dome,  can  be  distinguished  from  among  the 
neighboring  buildings  and  gardens,  as  a  monument  raised  by  piet3' 
and  science  to  relieve  the  misfortune  of  others. 

The  Asylo  de  Mendicidade  inaugurated  in  1902,  is  one  of  the  best 

2(li  — 

\V(,'   luivt!  SL'cii.    It    is  in  the  luiliuii  Classic  style,  sober,  elegant  and 
cdsts  one  tliiiiisand  and  tlii-ee  hundred  contos. 

It  is  situated  on  the  right  hand  side,  kilometre  11  of  the  Bra- 
ganea  railway,  hetwoen  Mareo  da  Legua  and  Sou/.a.  The  Asylo  de 
Mendieidade  has  Tii  ni.  I'l-ont  ?:.',()<>  metres  deptli,  and  oc<'ui)ies  an 
area  of  ri.r)17j»i>  square  metres. 

Thi^  building-  has  three  wings  jx'rpendieular  to  the  main  build- 
ing. It  has  in  the  central  wing  accommodations  foi' the  Chapel, 
Pharmacy,  Mess  room  for  the  employees,  clothing  storage  rooms, 
pantry,  kitchen,  where  there  is  an  immense  iron  stove  manufactu- 
red by  the  licrta  firm  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  sleeping  rooms,  bath 
tubs  for  the  directors  and  employees. 

We  will  not  say  much  about  the  other  buildings  as  the  Asylo 
1).  Luiz  I,  belonging  to  a  Portuguese  association,  and  others.  There 
is  no  space  for  it. 

Vet  we  can  't  help  it  but  to  speak  of  some  now  under  consti'uc- 
tion,  and  which  when  finished  will  constitute  so  many  more  improve- 
ments for  the  city  of  Belem.  They 
are  :  The  Penitentiary  a  large 
building  ;  the  Arui)aro  College, 
and  the  Exchange  liuilding,  all 
of  nuiible  on  one  of  the  sides  of 
the  Independencia  Sijuare.  These 
are  works  that  will  show  the 
importance  of  the  city. 

It  woiihl  be  unjust  not  to  men- 
tion here  the  New  Market  ,  biiili 
in-  Senator  A.  Lemos. 

It  is  of  iron  and  slate,  and 
situated  on  tin;  Boulevard  da  Ke- 
pul)lica  in  a  place  known  as  ]'cr 
(>  Peso  (see  the  weight).  This  is  a 
traditional  name  that  tlic  inhabi- 
tants of  l*ara  have  i)reser\ cd  , 
while  Senator  Lemos  does  not 
reali/e  his  improvenicnts  ])ro)ect  in  the  rivei'  side,  t i-ansfoiming 
tJK^n  things,  places  and  names. 

'I'he  new  mai'ket  was  inaugurated  in  Decemlicf  l'.K»l.  It  occiii)ies 
a  surface  (»f  J.oiiS  scpiare  metres  on  a  parallelogram  of  ;'.1"'n  itT'". 
with  towers  im  the  corners,  and  doesn't  alisolntel\  i-eseniltle  t  he 
other  mark»•l^^  in  the  Soiit  hei'ii.i-  Stales,  and  worse  yet  tlie  old  Tar;! 
market,    wliiidi    is    \i'\    up    in    Una    1.".  dv    NoMMuhro  as  a  U'gilimate 

Sknaidu  a.  I.imks.  —  iiil('iHl:iiil 

the  lirli'iii 

—  205  — 

representative  of  old  arcliifocJuru  Uiougli  it  is  (^iiite  1;ii\l;(;  and  (dean. 

The  front  measures  I'",  10  until  the  superior  lin(5S  ol"  the  eornice 
which  completes  8'", *ir>  lor  the  total  height  ol'  the  building. 

There  arc  other  markets  in  Belem,  but  none  is  frequented  as 
this  one,  neither  is  there  any  with  such  a  fine  aspect. 


Tnfe  Commerce.  —  Once  wc  are  speaking  of  markets  it  occurs  to 
us  to  say  something  al)()ut  the  commerce  of  Belem.  This  ca])ital  of 
Para  State,  everyone  knows  it,  is  a  large  commercial  market.  And 
it  couldn't  be  otherwise  if  we  are  to  considci-  its  geographical  posi- 
tion. In  the  main  streets  of  the  active  Inisiness  district  wc  see 
magnificent  stores,  displaying  large  and  beautiful  show  windows. 
A  visible  opulence  testifies  the  power  and  the  credit  of  the  market. 
The  merchants  have,  genei'ally,  advanced  ideas,  but  they  all  have 
the  same  complaints  to  make,  which  are  heard  from  the  commercial 
class,  about  the  crisis,  dull  Inisiness,  scarcity  of  money  and  all  that 
kind  of  talk,  just  the  same  as  in  Rio,  in  Bahia,  in  S.  Paulo,  and  yet 
the  importation  grows  at  large  pace,  and  the  volume  of  business  in 
all  branches  becomes  larger  every  day.  It  is  an  eternal  custom 
inherited  from  the  Portuguese,  this  one  of  complaining  for  ever  of 

One  who  listens  to  a  Brazilian  lamenting  national  decadence,  the 
crimes  of  the  government,  the  adversities  of  every  day  or  the  bad 
condition  of  everything,  the  inferiority  of  the  present,  the  bad 
business,  would  believe,  that  there  is  going  to  be  a  tremendous 
crisis,  a  serious  misfortune  threatening  the  nation.  But  after  all  the 
truth  is  that  the  country  goes  ahead.  The  figures  take  charge  of 
speaking  to  us  a  language  which  is  not  so  sad,  and  we  become  calm, 
in  the  end  when  we  glance  over  them. 

This  is  the  reason  why  we  prefer  to  jot  down  those  figures  than 
listen  to  the  complaints  of  those  people. 

Until  1897  the  banks  of  Para  used  to  give  a  dividend  of  (3  and  7 
per  cent,  and  does  the  reader  want  to  know  how  man}-  banks  operate 
there,  not  including  private  banking  houses? 

Here  they  are  : 

BaiiKs.  Capiliil. 

Do  Para i:j.00n:000,$non 

Commercial  do  Para li.000:00n$000 

Norte  do  Para :2.0(lO:OnO.SOOO 

Belem  do  Para ^2.000:000^(100 

Do  Credito  Popular l.000:000$00() 

London  &  Brazilian  Bank £1.500.000 

River  Plate  Bank £  I. .500. 000 

~  20fi  — 

Tlie  shijjs  wliicli  c'n(erc(l  tlic  port  of  thai  capital  in  ISSl  were 
;!1 1  w  itii  J,'.".  IS  I  tons  (lisi)lac('nu.'nl.  In  1801  there  entered  HIO  sliips 
with  17*J.o(»(i  tons  displacement  I  Over  the  double  increase  in  a 

The  importations  which  in  1881  gave  a  total  of  IG.'.K)?  :  011.?0(X\ 
in  I8'.M  went  up  to  ;j  1.740  :  .jOoSOOD. 

A  side  of  the  commercial  development  grows  the  local  industry, 
and  though  all  the  activity  is  devoted  to  the  exploitation  of  the 
forests  and  its  kindred  industries,  sawing  mills  etc.,  tliei'c  begin  to 
appear  different  factories. 


Holeiii.  —  .Maiisdicimi  of  (iciicriil  (iiirj;i(p   in  llic  SoliilMiii'  Ccini'lcrx 

Some  of  llicsc  arc  installi'd  in  the  capital  itself,  otlicrs  in  otiicr 
cities.  The  most  imporlant  are  tlu^  ropes,  shirts,  rcad.\  made  chjthing 
and  paper  ones,  all  of  thcin  working  with  steam,  'i'lici-c  arc  yet 
others  manufacturing  sanitary  crockei-y,  biscuits,  candles,  soa[).  ii'i-. 
masses,  cariMag(!s,  sugar  refineries  and  alcohol  (list  illcis.  In  Saula- 
icm  and  Hragam-a  and  oihci-  cities  there  art'  sawing  mills,  lime 
factories,  small  ship  yards  etc. 

—  207  — 

The  transportation  service,  is  made  by  cabs  and  cai-riaf^cs  and 
horse  cars,  bnt  the  raiinicipality  has  already  signed  a  contract  to 
change  the  animal  traction  of  the  tramways  for  electricity.  The  old 
tramway  company  belonged  to  a  Brazilian  enterprize,  and  its  cars 
not  only  run  through  the  city,  but  go  to  the  suburl)s  like  Marco  da 
Legua  and  other  places. 

One  of  those  lines  goes  to  Jose  Bonifacio  street  where  one  of 
Beleni  cemeteries  is  situated. 

Let  us  go  in.  They  call  it  the  Santa  Isabel  cemetery.  It  was  inau- 
gurated in  1880,  on  the  15  th.,  August. 

When  we  visited  it,  there  were  lots  of  flowers.  From  the  gate  runs 
a  wide  street  filled  with  trees  crossed  by  narrower  ones  lined  with 
marble  stones  with  the  conventional  inscriptions  —  Here  it  is,  — 
about  which  a  writer  once  said  to  be  the  biggest  of  lies.  The  grave 
yard  occupies  99.085  square  metres  in  a  part  of  the  city  looking 
towards  the  Guama  river.  It  has  a  railing  all  around  and  small 
chapel  in  gotliic  style  is  one  of  the  most  interesting  we  have  seen. 

Inside  in  mute  squares  there  are  the  rows  of  tombs.  AVe  noted 
one  where  Eusebio  Martin's  familj^  lies,  having  on  top  an  angel  white 
as  snow.  We  noted  yet  another  belonging  to  the  Pacheco  family  in 
old  style,  but  none  had  such  a  striking  appearance  as  one  at  the 
right  representing  the  Eyffel  tower,  in  iron,  with  this  simi)le  word 
—  perpetual.  — 

The  keeper  couldn  't  explain  the  meaning  of  it.  There  were  quite 
a  number  of  private  monuments,  some  rich  and  artistic  ones. 

The  State  troops.  —  The  regiment  of  the  State  of  Para  is  one 
of  the  best  organized  military  bodies  of  Brazil.  It  is  composed  of 
two  battalions  of  infantry  with  1.000  men,  a  squadron  of  cavalry 
with  200  men  and  an  auxiliary  artillery  company  with  100  men. 

The  uniforms  are  similar  to  those  of  the  State  troops  in  Bahia 
and  they  have  modern  guns  and  the  horses  are  from  the  River  Plate. 

The  different  companies  under  the  command-iu-chief  of  a  Fede- 
ral Army  officer  who  is  to-day  Colonel  Sergio  Fontoura.  We  saw 
several  fencing  drills,  rifle  target-shooting  and  general  manoeuvring 
drills,  and  we  can  assure  that  even  in  the  regular  ■a.vmy  no  better 
drilled  men  can  be  found  than  these  State  troops  soldiers  of  Para. 

Besides  this  military  force,  charged  with  the  police  service  of 
the  whole  state,  the  municipality  maintains  under  the  form  of  mili- 
tary organisation  a  fire  company   with   120  men,   well  disciplined. 

—  208  — 

Tlieii'  miit'ornis  are  olof;aiil  of  tliick  grayish  clotli,  llic  material  lor 
the  lire  ilc))aii  incnl  woi'k  is  execllent  and  they  have  a  heautirul  and 
adequate  building  lor  their  (quarters.  It  has  two  separate  pavil- 
lions,  eonneeted  by  a  central  areh  quite  pretty.  This  fire  depart- 
ment eompanN'  lias  a  band  ol"  musie  that  has  won  reputation  all  over 
the  country,  and  is  one  of  the  prides  of  the  eity  whose  ninnieipality 
spares  no  exi)enses  to  keep  up  its  rej)utation. 

The  narrow  i)lan  of  this  book  prevents  us  from  going  into  small 
er  details  about  this  Ix^autiful  eity  of  Helem,  to  speak  of  its  many 
and  fine  soeial  elul)s,  its  police  service,  ])ublie  hygiene,  henefit  asso- 
ciati(uis,   its   most  important  press,  undoubtedly  the  most  advanced 

Ty|ie  of  iTvolvor  guns  as  used  hv  tiic  Slate  Mililarx  llcj^iniciil  at  I'ar.i 

in  the  Xorth,  having-  as  its  leader  the  «  Proviuvin  »  the  best  Xorthern 
paper  not  only  for  its  make  up  but  lor  its  influence  and  prestige.  It 
would  do  honor  even  to  a  large  European  or  American  city.  It  lin-u- 
lutes  all  oNcr  the  country  and  no  othei"  provincial  paper  can  rivali/.e 
with  it. 

\'\n'  the  same  reason  \\ c  abstain  from  writing  al»ouI  a  niim- 
bt'r  ol'  inlei'ini'  cities  wortlix  of  mention,  some  just  springing 
lip,  olhei's  already  in  lull  (lc\  clopnu'iit .  Opening  an  exception 
we  will  speak  al)()iit  two  ol  them.  They  are  Hraganca  and 
Santarem.  The  la(  tei' as  we  said  above  is  (uithc  liglit  l)aiikorthc 
Tapajo/ river,  one  of  those  Amazon  tril)iilarics  that  cause  wonder 
to  the  foreigiK!!-.  It  is  tlic  seat  el'  the.  municipality  of  the  same  name. 

—  209  — 

it  has  pretty  official  and  private  buildiiif^s,  a  beautiful  palace  where 
the  Municipal  Council  meets,  as  well  as  are  held  the  Court  sessions. 
It  was  built  in  18(37  and  is  in  the  centre  of  Sao  Sebastiiio  S(|uare. 
There  is  also  the  municipal  dock  and  storag'c  house  strongly  built 
according-  to  the  necessities  of  the  local  commerce,  Ihe  new  market 
built  in  1807,  two  catholic  churches,  one  of  which  is  quite  large, 
named  Our  Lady  of  Conceica;).  There  is  yet  a  theatre  —  the  Vic- 
toria —  situated  in  Rcpublica  Scpiare.  It  was  built  in   18'.i5  by  a  i)ri- 

Belem.  —  Building  of  Aveiiiila  Dooiloros  sclioiar  group 

vate  association,  that  offered  it  unconditionally  to  the  municipality. 
The  production  of  Santarem  is  the  cocoa,  Brazilian  chestnuts,  fish, 
rubber,  tobacco  and  cattle,  all  of  which  is  produced  with  great  abun- 
dance. It  has  among  other  agricultural  and  industrial  establishments, 
steam  sawing  mills,  lime  and  brick  factories,  and  sugar  cane  brandy 
distillers,  as  well  as  shipyards  well  mounted  for  repairs  in  ships 
and  steamers,  and  belonging  to  rich  enterprizers.  Due  to  these 
present  conditions  of  development  with  large  future  possibilities, 
Santarem  is  an  accessible  and  to-day  much  frequented  port,  not  only 
by  the  steamers  of  regular  lines  calling  there,  but  by  those  which  run 

—  210  — 

up   tlie  Amazon   iii   long-  trips  witliout   having  to   call   there,  but  to 
Santarem  tlie.v  go  after  the  many  and  abundant  products  it  exports. 

When  \vc  visited  that  important  interior  city  in  July  1002 ,  its 
mayoi-  was  Mr,  Raymundo  E.  Correa  an  intelligent  and  clever  man 
and  great  worker  ol"  the  local  progress. 

The  municipality  of  Bragan^a  has  as  seat  the  city  of  the  same 
name  which  will  soon  be  connected  with  the  capital  of  the  State  by 
railway,  i)ai"tly  constructed  and  already  in  operation.  This  is  a  great 
commercial  municipality  situated  in  the  oceanic  region  of  the  State, 
and  extending  itself  from  tlie  river  (;^)ualipuru  until  the  Boranonga 

11  is  bounded  in  the  North  by  the  ocean,  in  the  South  by  the  Ourcm 
municii)ality,  in  the  East  by  the  Vizen  municipality  and  in  the  West 
by  the  municipality  of  Matipurn.  Besides  those  two  rivers  it  has 
the  Caete,  Arumajo,  Aturiahy,  Imborahy,  Peroba,  Arahy,  all  navi- 
gated by  small  boats.  It  is  one  of  the  best  municipalities  from  the 
agricultural  stand  point.  Everywhere  we  can  see  sugarcane  planta- 
tions, rice,  beans,  corn,  tobacco,  the  latter  being  a  source  of  wealth 
as  it  is  considered  as  one  of  the  best  in  Brazil. 

Cattle  raising  is  carried  on  to  considerable  extent  in  this  muni- 
cii)ality,  where  besides  its  immense  fields  all  along  the  Xortli  and 
^^'est,  has  magnificent  marines  by  the  seashore  which  can  l)e  used 
to  advantage  for  that  purpose. 

The  seat  of  the  municipality,  the  city  of  Braganca,  is  on  the  left 
side  of  the  Caete  river,  on  a  tract  of  land  slightly  inclined.  Two 
rivers  that  limit  the  city  on  the  North,  South  and  West,  —  Rio 
Grande  and  Riozinho  —  furnish  the  city  with  the  best  desirable 

The  city  has  11  streets  and  13  lanes.  Four  of  these  streets, 
inchuling  tlic  N'isconde  do  Rio  Hranco  one,  were  lately  paved  and 
the  sewag(i  exits  cimented.  Five  of  the  lanes  uuderwent  the  same 
improveuient  and  that  work  keeps  ou  being  done  iu  the  other  streets. 

It  has  six  s(iuares  called  :  Generalissimo  Deodoro  da  Fronseca, 
S.  Px'uedicto,  Matriz,  Rei)ublica,  Conceiyiio  and  Santa  Rosa  de  Li- 
ma. 'IMiey  are  all  filled  with  trees.  The  Deodoro  da  Fronseca  oue. 
where  the  municipal  palace  is,  Republica  and  Conceiyiio  have  rows 
of  beautiful  innni^iicii-os  trees. 

Tlu!  S.  hcneijicto,  Rcpul)lica,  Matriz  and  Deodoro  da  I*'onseea 
are  surruuded  by  Ix-atitiful  private  l)nildini;s. 

Recently  an  aveiuie  was  opened,  called  Anguslo  .Moutciu'gi'o, 
nn^isuring  :»()()  in  leiiglh  and  1  I  in  \\i<llli,  Ix-giuniug  at  ixcpublica 
sipiare,    and    i-iidin^    in    the    ii\er    iJi(t    (Irande.    Anotliei-  aveuue  is 


—  211  — 

about  to  be  opened,  in  a  beautiful  district  and  it  will  be  called  Sena- 
tor Lemos.  That  avenue  will  be  crossed  by  the  public;  roads  :  Bacu- 
rytena,  Campo  de  Cima,  and  Canipo  de  Baixo. 

For  the  loading  and  unloading  of  cargoes  and  landing  of  passen- 
gers, Braganca  has  four  bridges,  two  in  use,  one  being  rebuilt  and 
the  other  in  construction. 

The  municipal  building  (City  Hall)  has  22  metres  front,  1>,5()  in 
height  and  30  metres  deep.  In  it  are  the  courts,  the  municipal 
council  and  the  different  departments  of  the  same  council  in  the 
upper  floor  and  on  the  ground  floor  is  the  jail  and  the  barracks. 
This  building  was  erected  in  September  1901. 

Dr.  Augusto  Montenegro.  —  Governor  of  the  Para  State 

Besides  the  municipal  building  above  mentioned,  there  are  yet  in 
the  city  the  building  of  the  public  market  and  the  pretty  building  of 
the  school  house  «  Correa  de  Freitas  ».  The  city  is  illuminated  by 
196  kerozene  lamps  of  an  improved  model. 

In  the  municipality  of  Braganca  the  local  Government  established 
a  colony  under  the  name  of  Benjamin  Constant,  with  national  and 
Spanish  workingmen.  This  colony  was  connected  with  the  seashore 

—  212  — 

])y  a  laihvay  nine  kilometres  long,  Decouville  system,  and  is  pros- 
pering a  good  deal.  '1' lie  mayor  of  Braganga  is  Mr.  Antonio  Pedro 
da  S.  Pereira,  to  whose  kindness  we  owe  the  information  we 

This  eity  will  improve  a  good  deal  more  when  the  railway  which 
runs  in  lull  operation  Ml  kilometres  shall  reaeli  there. 


'JMic  state  of  Para  lias  seriously  attended  to  the  colonisation  pro- 
blem, being  worthy  of  jDraise  the  interest  the  Gorvernor  of  the  State, 
Dr.  Montenegro  has  taken  in  this  regard.  Here  is  a  list  of  the 
colonies  already  emancipated  in  the  several  municipalities  of  the 
Stale  of  Para. 


Santa  Rosa    .     .     .     . 
Kerreira  I'eiiiia  .     .     . 
Jose  tie  Alt'iicar. 
liilianga|ty     .     .     .     . 


Benjamin  Constant.  . 
(Irarija-Aincrifa  .  .  . 
A II  nit  a  (iaribaldi  .  . 
.Marapanini  .  .  .  . 
Jambu-assii  .  .  .  . 
Santa  Hila  do  Carana  . 


Monte  Alegre  .  .  . 



155  1 









143  , 



97  1 



442  i 



























1.995        11.312 

111  this  moment  Para  disembarassed  from  that  great  commercial 
(k'picssion  from  1V)00  to  1U02,  re-enters  an  ei-a  of  activity.  Its  a<lmi- 
nistration  has  found  the  right  man  in  Dr.  Augusto  Montenegro,  llr 
is  a  clt'\  cr  and  w  ell  cducatcMl  man,  a  patriot,  niterpri/iiii;  but  calm, 
tolerant  but  ciici  gctic.  This  illustrious  Ura/.ilian  gave  to  the  govern- 
ment of  that  part  of  the  Ivcpublic  a  new  and  sountl  impulse,  correct- 
ing what  was  to  he  corrected,  awaking  what  was  tliere  to  he 
created,  clcMitiiig  that  way  the  name  of  the  State  of  Para,  in  the 
giMicral  opinion    of   the    country   and    placing  it  in  the  place  it  had  a 

—  213  — 

right  to  occiip}' I'or  its  social,  political,  economical  and  commercial 
importance.  Tlianks  to  this  able  and  discreet  governor,  the  great 
northern  State  went  through  the  events  ofa  tremendous  financial  cri- 
sis which  the  country  suffered  for  over  three  years  without  feeling 
much  of  its  bad  effects,  and  now  the  wealthy  State  lias  recuperated 
its  traditional  habits  of  work  and  productivity,  and  presents  itself 
before  the  Federation  as  a  model  to  be  followed,  and  example  to  sti- 
mulate others. 

The  following  words  with  which  Dr.  Montenegro  closed  his  mes- 
sage to  the  State  Congress  in  1902,  explain  better  than  any  othei- 
document,  the  miracle  of  the  excellent  administration  that  saved  Para 
fi-om  the  dangers  and  adversities,  which  have  threatened  it  of  late, 
placing  it  on  the  solid  ground  we  found  it  on  those  days  of  our  visit 
to  that  region  : 

((  I  have  employed,  he,  said,  my  activit^^  in  all  the  branches  in 
which  public  service  is  divided.  None  of  the  administrative  subjects 
have  been  neglected  by  me,  as  I  understand  that  only  order  and  me- 
thod can  serve  as  guides  to  an  administrator,  in  the  midst  of  the 
complications  of  a  government  excessive  difficulties  brought  about 
by  a  crisis  which  caused  wonder  to  many  and  disturbed  everybody. 

I  have  an  unshakable  faith  that  the  way  I  traced  for  myself  to 
follow  is  the  only  one  which  will  lead  us  to  the  raising  of  the  econo- 
mical and  financial  level  of  our  State  and  I  have  confidence  that  the 
earnest  efforts  employed  will  soon  be  crowned  by  complete  success. 

We  must  convince  ourselves  that  this  is  an  age  of  sacrifices,  and 
our  strict  duty  is  to  do  them. Later  on  we  will  gather  the  fruit  of  the 
sound,  modest  and  reflected  and  at  the  same  time  energetic  and 
honest  politics,  that  we  are  at  present  following.  » 

We  were  eye  witnesses  of  all  sorts  of  results  brought  to  the  Para 
State  through  this  benefit  polities.  The  existing  anarchy  ceased, 
the  disturbances  that  dreamt  of  dominating  the  streams  of  Belem 
ceased  also.  The  laboring  tranquility  has  been  re-established,  that 
tranquility  that  generates  the  public  wealth  and  the  welfare  of  the 
population.  The  commercial  classes  recommenced  their  work  of  the 
expansion  of  business,  of  the  re-edification  of  the  credit  shaken  by 
the  late  crisis. 

In  short  :  Para  by  its  constant  progress,  by  the  political  and 
administrative  order  that  presides  to-day  under  the  care  of  a  young- 
patriot,  learned  and  honest,  as  Dr.  Montenegro  is,  occupies  now  a 
beautiful  place  at  the  head  of  the  20  States  of  the  Brazilian  federa- 
tion and  everything  indicates  it  will  keep  its  place. 

214  — 


On  a  Monday  of  July,  1902,  in  the  morning  we  were  entering  the 
bar  of  Marauhao  on  board  of  the  «  Pernambuco  »  of  the  Brazilian 
Lloyd  company. 

At  the  entrance  of  the  bar  there  is  an  ancient  bulwark  of  circular 
form,  the  work  of  the  Portuguese.  The  horizon  around  is  lined  with 
humble  green  hills.  The  city  is  at  the  bottom  on  the  left,  upon  a  hill. 
The  port  is  not  a  favorable  one,  at  least  for  a  ship  of  deep 
draught.  They  told  us,  howevci',  that  l)ig  ships  have  alreadj' entered 

What  we  saw  was  that  the  bottom  was  low.  The  color  of  the 
water  indicates  it.  Thick  spots  delineate  from  side  to  side,  the  neu- 
tre  green  of  the  tranquil  basin,  marking  the  presence  of  large  sand 
l)anks.  The  mud  thickens  with  the  time  and  the  banks  grow  larger 
and  spoil  the  port  and  narrow  the  canals. 

Our  steamer  could  not  penetrate,  we 
anchored  outside  awaiting  the  high  tide. 
From  there  we  could  see  high  ravines 
of  red  earth,  cut  straight  down.  In  the 
anchorage  there  is  some  animation,  there 
are  several  steamers  unloading.  A  boat 
is  starting.  It  l)elongs  to  the  navigation 
line  between  S.  Lui/.  and  Caxias. 
Later  on  our  steamer  went  in. 
XoNV  we  can  sec  from  near  the  city, 
that  agglonjcratiou  of  buildings  of  all 
colors,  rose,  yellow,  blue,  white,  all  lean- 
ing against  the  mountain.  Several 
chimneys  let  out  clouds  of  smoke  that 
dirty  the  pretty  blue  of  the  sky,  sing  the  hynm  of  industrial  labor. 
At  the  proportion  grows  nearer  the  city  wc  discover  other  fronts  of 
houses,  some  large,  some  small,  some  grouped  together,  some  isolat- 
ed, in  the  same  attitude  of  going  up  the  hill,  sonu' coming  down, 
some  going  up. 

'IMiis  city  was  at  one  time  the  most  important  in  the  North  of  lira- 
zil,  l)ut  UelcMi,  the  capital  of  Para  State,  exceeded  it  in  poi)ulation 
and  wealth.  It  <li<l  not  exceed  it,  however,  in  the  lov(>  foi' the  sciences 

Scniitor  Ui;m:I)I(.to  Lk.itk 

—  ai5  — 

and  literiiturc,  wliicli  the  native  of  MarauliiTo  keeps  willi  jealousy 
and  pride,  the  just  pride  of  i(s  intelleetual  traditions,  that  ^ave  to  the 
capital  of  the  State  the  title  of  lira/ilian  Athens,  title  disputed  also 
by  the  State  of  Bahia.  And  —  curious  thing-  —  it  isn't  only  in  that, 
that  S.  Luiz,  capital  of  Maranhao  resembles   Jiahia.    Its  streets  and 

S.  Luiz.  —  Tl)e  Municipal  AduiiiiisUaliou 

inclined  plan,  its  large  number  of  buildings  of  Portuguese  style  etc., 
bring  recollections  of  Bahia,  the  old  capital  of  Brazil, 

There  are  two  capitals  of  Brazilian  States  which  are  not,  properly 
said,  in  the  State,  that  is  placed  in  its  continental  territor3%  but  in  an 
isolated  fragment  of  it,  inside  of  islands,  which  more  or  less  geogra- 
phical belong  to  the  State,  but,  after  all,  separated  by  the  sea,  such 

♦    s 

—  :J17  — 

cities  present  (hat  loeculiarity  :  lliey  are  insular  capitals,  heals  sepa- 
rated from  the  bodies  they  dii-ect  :  one  is  Desterro,  in  the  South,  the 
other  is  S.  Luiz  in  the  North. 

Like  Desterro,  also,  S.  Liii/,  lacks  the  aspects  of  modern  capitals. 
It  is,  however,  the  most  imi)ortant  sea  coast  city  between  Recife  and 

It  was  built  by  the  French.  A  certain  Mr.  La  Ravardiere,  founded 
it  in  KUO  and  in  honor  of  Louis  the  thirteenth  gave  it  the  name 
of  S.  Luiz,  name  it  has  preserved  to  this  day. 

The  city  is  placed  on  an  uneven  ground,  with  some  places  lower 
than  others.  We  go  up,  as  we  land,  b}^  a  steep  inclined  street  which 
leads  to  the  Marnnhense  avenue.  At  the  left  is  the  governor's  palace 
and  that  of  the  municipality  (the  city  hall),  modest  buildings,  of  the 
time  of  the  Portuguese ,  and  preserved  by  the  administration  that 
deems  it  wiser  to  invest  the  State  money  in  schools,  gymnasiums, 
etc.,  than  in  reforming  old  buildings.  When  the  conditions  of  the 
public  fonds  are  better  the  i-eform  of  the  buildings  will  be  made 
from  top  to  the  bottom. 

The  governor's  palace  was  formerly  a  convent.  It  is  an  enormous 
building  with  two  floors,  treated  with  care  and  clean.  The  main  hall, 
decorated  with  sobriety  and  decency,  is  on  the  upper  floor,  and 
awaj'  inside  are  the  different  departments  of  the  Governor's  office. 
In  the  front  a  large  door  opens  showing  the  splendid  stairway 
entrance  of  Portuguese  marble.  The  stairway  leads  to  the  j^rivate 
office  and  the  different  departments  of  the  Government. 

At  the  side  of  this  building  is  the  City  Hall,  also  with  two  floors, 
with  a  front  which  doesn't  display  luxury  but  doesn't  cause  a  bad 
impression  to  the  visitor.  We  went  through  the  whole  building  in 
August  of  1902.  The  mayor  of  the  city  was  Colonel  Xuno  Alvares  da 
Cunha,  a  pleasant  gentleman  to  whom  the  city  owes  great  improve- 
ments. Everything  we  saw  was  praise  worthy.  In  a  part  of  this 
building  is  temporarilly  installed  the  local  legislature. 

The  buildings  in  S.  Luiz  have  noth  ing  characteristic,  but  the 
modern  buildings,  which  are  not  now  in  small  number,  are  modi- 
fying in  a  gaily  yvay  that  tone  of  antiquity-  of  the  active  capital  of 

The  streets  are  paved  and  much  cleaner  than  the  streets  of  many 
a  city  in  other  States.  A  large  number  are  of  pleasant  aspect,  and 
unexpected,  thanks  to  the  inclination  of  the  soil. 

The  administration  of  the  last  years ,  has  emploj^ed  earnest 
efforts,  which  the  natives  of  Maranhao  must  thank  for.  It  ordered 
the  transformation  of  the  empty  fields  into  gardens. 

—  218  — 

The  licucdicto  LciLc  sqiuire,  lor  instaiice,  though  small  is  an 
expressive  homage  to  the  patiiot  whose  services  to  Maranhao  can 
never  he  over  compensated.  It  has  a  beautiful  garden,  and  is  really 
charming  in  its  leal  lire  of  park  million. 

In  front  of  the  old  Carmo  convent  Nvas  also  an  empty  square, 
abandoned,  but  to-day  has  been  levelled  and  planted  with  pretty 
bushes  and  trees.  They  call  it  Joiio  Lisboa  square,  in  homage  to  the 
great  Brazilian  writer  of  that  name. 

S.  I.iii/.  —  Itt'iit'dicld  Lt'ili'  Siiiiai't' 

Aiiollicr  s(|narc  is  tlic  —  Odorico    Mcndcs  —  which  prcst'uts   the 
same  charming  asp(»ct. 

Our  i)refcrcn('cs,  liowevcr,  go  to  the  large  and  beautiful  (MUiralvi's 
Dias  s(|uarc. 

We  \\  ill  now    make  a  lilMc  opening  : 

In  (Im!  South  the  s<|uares  ai-c  christcnt'il    with    nauics  (»r  generals 
and    admirals.    Tln'i-c   in   S.  laii/  ( licy  prefer  1  lie  uanu's  of  i»()»'ls  and 

—  219  — 

literary  men.  It  is  a  little  exteriorisation  ol"  the  son!  ol'  lliose  people. 
Ex-abiindancisL  enim  cordis  os  loquitur,  (the  mouth  speaks  of  the 
one  whose  heart  is  full),  says  the  book  of  books. 

But,  going-  back  to  oar  subject,  none  ol'  those  city  's  sc^uares  pleas- 
ed me  as  much  as  the  one  dedicated  to  the  celebrated  poet.  It  is 
surrounded  of  palm  trees,  through  which  can  be  seen  the  figure  of 
the  poet  that  so  much  loved  that  city. 

S.  Luiz.  —  Goni,alves  Dias  Momimoiit 

It  is  placed  on  an  original  marble  column  erected  in  the  centre 
of  the  square,  standing  in  the  attitude  of  one  who  contemplates  the 
sea.  We  said  original  column  and  will  explain  why  :  because  it  is 
different  from  all  others  of  its  kind,  because  the  column  instead  of 
surrounded  of  acantho  and  oak  leaves,  has  palms  as  we  see  in  the 
egyptian  constructions.  It  is  a  new  type  of  column.  But  let  us  leave 
the  troubadour  where  he  is  surrounded  by  his  favorite  palm  trees, 
as  he  said  in  his  verses 

—  220  — 

.\esse  logiir  solilario 

Sen  fudario 
I)e  ver  o  mar  se  recreia  ; 
De  o  ver  a  tarde  dormenie, 

Suspirar  na  braiica  areia 

(III  tli:il   Iniii'ly  |ilace  liis  Intal   lol  liiids  rcL-rcalion  in  (•oiilcmiplaliiig  llic  sea:  in  iodkiny 
al  il  in  swccl  sici'ii  sij^liini;  on  llic  while  sand.)    - 

Let  us  go  on  visiting  the  city. 

In  one  of  the  angles  of  the  square  they  are  finishing  a  pretty  and 
large  church  of  gotliic  stj^le,  which  is  going  to  be  one  of  the  deco- 
rations of  the  citv  and  \\  ill  he  called  our  Lad\-  dos  Renicdios. 




S.,  —  domes  ile  (lasli'u  Avenue 

Cotilrasling  willi  Iho  old  streets,  new  streets  ar(>  hciug  torn  wide, 
witli  rows  of  trees  and  they  will  sjx'ak  in  the  riiture  well  deserxed 
l)ralses  to  tlii^  prescuit  administration. 

Among  them  we  mention  the  (Jonies  de  Castro  Avenue,  wide  and 
level,  with  a  nice  display  of  illuminat  itui  and  preltx   ti-ees. 

Among  lh(^  hnildings  worthy  of  note  we  will  eite  tlieS.  liUi/ 
theali-e,  a  large  Imihling  reeentlx  rehiiill,  with  e;ii>;ieily  to  seal  IdOi) 
people  and  nieel\  riirnished.  'The  enrlain  was  painted  l>y  Coliva  a 
seenographei-  ol'  repute  in  Kio  de  .laneiro.  The  inleiior  has  a  fine 
UHj)ect  un«l  four  rows  of  hoxcs. 

—  221  — 

In  tlie  broad  vestibule  we  sec  fine  oil  paintings,  pictures  of  cele- 
brated writers  and  actors. 

The  Campo  de  Ourique  barracks,  enormous  building-  is  note  woi-- 
thj^  because  of  its  large  proj^ortions,  though  it  is  not  so  for  its  arclii- 

The  city  is  crossed  by  street  railway  lines,  and  though  to-day  the 
trams  are  drawn  by  animal  traction,  arrangements  are  being  made 
to  introduce  electricity.  There  is  a  company  supplying  the  water  for 

S.  Liiz.  —  Reading-room  of  tlie  Public  Library 

the  city,  conveniently  sent  through  pipes,  and  another  one  furnish- 
ing hidro-carbonic  gas  for  the  illumination. 

*    * 

According  to  statistics  data  of  1899,  there  were  in  the  city  29  dry 
goods  houses  and  groceries,  181  retail  groceries,  5  hardware  stores, 
6  grain  exporters,  (3  sugar  export  houses,  18  lumber  yards,  22  shoe 
stores,  14  lime  stores,  7  sewing-machines  stores,  H  mineral  waters, 
1  powder,  8  crockery,  3  bric-a-brac,  3  coal,  10  cigar  stores,  2  billiard 

—  222  — 

rooms,  'io  bakers,  1 1  sugar  refineries,  2  livery  stables,  o  book  stores, 
I  auctioneers,  5  licnior  stores,  20  butchers,  and  12  pork  merchants. 
There  are  also,  7  private  schools  for  boys,  5  for  girls,  29  professors 
of  languages  and  sciences,  3  of  drawing,  2  of  book-keeping,  11  of 
music,  ~>  civil  engineers,  1<)  i)Iiysicians,  2  dentists,  8  pharmacies, 
14  lawyers,  0  solicitors,  35  compositors,  3(5  book-keepers,  1  ste- 
nographer, 23  tailor  shops,  23  barber  shops,  8  trunk  manufactur- 
ers, 20  tinsmith  shops,  26  shoemakers,  26  cabinetmakers,  21  dress- 
makers, 10  goldsmiths ,  3  boiler  makers,  4  stone-jewellers,  1  calker, 
1  watch  makers,  7  ironsmiths,  1  images  maker,  1  wooden-soled  shoes 
manufacturers,  6  coopers,  5  music  instruments  manufacturers,  1 
matrasses  maker,  1  sadler,  2  engravers,  3  undertakers,  2  hotels  and 

S.  l.iii/,.  —  S'  Aiil(iiiini)  s  CImrcli  and  si|iiaro 

boariling  houses,  3  pliotographers,  8  pi-in(iug  offici's,  1  i)ian()  tuners, 
1  gilder,  3  builders,  6  binders,  8  stevedores,  1  upholster,  2  iron  foun- 
dries, 5  lighters  owners,  12  boat  owners,  2  shipyards  and  (juitc  a 
number  of  factories. 


Industry,  Commerce,  Navigation.  —  One  thing  that  can't  help 
being  referred  to  by  tlie  visitoi-  if  he  has  lo  sjicak  al)()u(  the  city,  is 
the  number  relatively  lai-ge  nf  lactories  workiug  in  S.  Lui/.  Cotton 
mills  alon(i  we  counted  six,  and  still  there  ar(i  two  other  threading 
mills,  one  h'ad  factory,  oiu',  crockiu-y,  one  matches,  six  rice,  five 
olive  oil  factories,    three    alcoholic    di'inUs   distiUej's,  one  shoe,  two 

—  223  — 

candle,  two  hat  and  two  umbrella  manufacturers,  two  factories  of 
ladies  liats,  two  chocolate,  seven  fire  works,  two  hosiery,  six  soap 
and  six  vinegar  factories,  and  two  steam  saw-mills, 

There  are  three  l)anks  in  S.  Luiz,  and  among-  othci-  entcjrjjrizes 
there  are  two  railway  companies  and  the  navigation  ones  which 
carry  to  far  away  cities  alongshore  the  proof  of  Maranhao's  activity. 

They  are  the  «  Companhia  Fluvial  Maranliense  »,  and  the  «  Com- 
panhia  de  Navegaciio  a  Yapoi'  ». 

The  latter  the  most  important  one,  is  sul)si(lizcd  by  the  fede- 
ral government,   sends  its  steamers  as  far  as   Manaos  and  Rio  de 

S.  Luiz.  —  View  of  a  Part  uf  the  u  rua  do  Sol  « 

Janeiro,  being  the  owner  of  the  following  steamers  :  Oriente,  Occi- 
dent e ,  Colombo,  Cabral ,  and  Continente ,  lately  received  from 
Europe,  and  for  the  river  navigation  the  tug-boats  :  Mearim,  Gomes 
de  Castro,  Caxiense,  Ypiranga  and  Maranhense,  and  26  boats  to  be 
towed  and  seven  lighters. 

The  Companhia  Fluvial  Maranhense,  subsidized  by  the  State 
government  with  36  contos  yearly  devotes  itself  altogether  to  the 
river  navigation  for  which  service  it  has  five  small  steamers  : 
Vianna,  Victoria,  Barao  de  Grajahii,  Goncalues  Dias  and  Lidador 
and  eight  lighters. 

The  Grajahu  river  navigation  not  long  ago  considered  impracti- 
cable, was  inaugurated  two  years  ago,  by  this  company.  These  two 

—  224  — 

enterprizes,  that  luivu  rciidcred  so  iiian\-  useful  services  to  tlie  pro- 
gress of  the  State  ,  sliow  at  tlie  same  time  the  aptitude  of  the 
natives  of  Maranliao,  for  business  and  industrial  pursuits. 

We  will  now  give  a  table  of  the  enterprises  established  at  present 
in  Maranliao  according  to  tin;  information  of  Mr.  Fram  Pacheco  : 

Local  Enterprizes  Capital  realized 

Banco  do  Maraiihao - 1.3o0:000§00n 

Banco  Criiiiiucrcio  do  Maranhao 1.551:."00Sii00 

Banco  Hypotliecario  e  Commercial  do  Maranhao    .     .  i.0"20:000S000 

Coni|iaiiliia  Fabril  Maranhcnse 1.700:OOn§(ion 

Ciiin|i;iiiliia  Fia(;ao  c  Tecidos  do  Rio  Anil I  ..")7o:()it0.5;OOn 

Cdnipaiiliia  de  Navega(^ao  a  Vapor  do  Maranliao.     .     .  {.."iOOiOOOgOOO 

(lomiianliia  Fiarao  e  Tecidos  Marenlicnso I.200:000§000 

Companliia  Fiayao  e  Tecidos  de  Canliamo      ....  900:0000000 

Companliia  Manufactureira  e  Agricola  do  Maranhfio    .  890:n00§fl00 

Companliia  I  iiiao  CaxicMiso 8o0:000S000 

Companliia  Progrosso  Agricola 7."i:200S000 

Companliia  (le  lllnminarao  a  Gaz r)iO:000§000 

Companliia  Imliislrial  Caxionse .■iO0:O0OSO0O 

Cainpaiiliia  (las  Agiias  S.  Lni/. 4ti:000SO00 

Companliia  Fluvial  Maranhcnse 15(J:000§000 

Companliia  FciTo  Carril  Maranliciiso i00:0n0§()00 

Comiianliia  Santa  Amelia  (aniiga  I.anilicios)  ....  ,"500:0O0S0OO 

Companliia  de  Seguros  Maranliense 2r)0:000§000 

Campanliia  Industrial  Maranliense 2."^7:7i0S()0O 

Companliia  Alliama 2I0:000,S<H)0 

Companliia  Popular  Segnradora i'(iO:000§00(t 

Companliia  Fsiiia  Caslello 1()0:000§0U0 

Companliia  Fahrico  de  Ciiiimbo i.-iOiOOOSOOO 

Companliia  de  Segnros  KsperaiK.a IOO:OnO§0(iO 

Companliia  Teleplioniea iOiOOOSDOO 

Kiigeiilio  d'Agiia,  em  Caxias ri.'iOindO^OOii 

Fmpre/a  Tecelagem  S.  Lniz o()0:000§;000 

Empreza  Fabrica  de  Phosplioros 270:000S000 

Fsiiia  Henaseoiiea,  em  Pericnman i:i0:000S()()0 

Kmpre/.a  Sanliaro,  em  Caxias 100:0(>0§00() 

As  to  railways  there  are  two  in  Maranhao  : 

I''roin  Caxias  to  Cajazeiras.     .     .     .     7'.»  kilometres 
l''roni  I'liigcnho  Central  to  S.  Pedro,      it)  kilometres 

The  one  fi-om  Caxias  to  Araguaya  is  now   being  eojist  rnettMl  and 
will  be  1S"J  kilometres  long. 


PlIU.IC    IxsTIilCTION    AM)    (J  I'l/IT  RK .   —     \\'(;     will     HOW     l^ivc     SOlllC 

inroriiKition  on  the  institutes  oT  puljjie  instruetion  in  tlie  capital. 

Tlie  first  place  l)elon<;s  to  the  grand  literary  temple  w  Inch  is  its 
Public  Libi-ary.  It  is  installed  in  a  (Jovernment  building-,  the  halls 
are  airy,  roomy  and  well  illuminated.  They  are  tilled  with  wooden 
bookstands  containing  10, 000  volumes  carefully  watched  over  by 
the  librarian,  Mr.  Antonio  Lobo,  who  organised  its  catalogue.  lie  is 
one  of  the  most  competent  men  in  Brazil  for  this  branch  of  woi-k,  not 
only  because  of  his  scientific  cultui-e,  but  because  of  his  special 
knowledge  on  l)ibliogra]>hy  and  librarianshi}),  so  well  in  evidence^  in 
his  work  while  directing  that  establishment. 

S.  Luiz.  —  Part  of  the  «  rua  dos  Kemedios  » 

One  of  the  good  innovations  of  the  Maranhao  Library,  is  the 
ladies  section,  where  a  special  collection  for  them  is  to  be  found, 
consisting  mainlj^  of  vulgarisation  books,  fashion  papers,  books  on 
art  and  household  affairs,  etc. 

Another  institution  we  visited  with  great  pleasure  was  the  Model 
School,  founded  by  Dr  Benedicto  Leite,  Senator,  political-chief  and 
now  governor  of  the  State.  We  were  there  on  a  weekday,  it  was  the 
4th.  of  Septembre  1902.  The  establishment  was  filled  with  pupils.  They 
presented  an  appearance  of  contentment.  The  professors  in  the  class 
rooms,  taught  them  wise  teachings  of  universal  knowledge,  handled 
the  specimens  of  the  natural  history-  cabinet',  the  complicated  vases 
of  the  chemistry  laboratory,  while  in  other  halls  the  pedagogy  profcs- 

—  226  — 

sors  gave  lessons  ol'  things  by  the  Froebel  system,  explaining  solid 
bodies,  its  forms,  etc.,  in  a  practical  way  showing  the  objects  to  the 
pupils.  And  one  hundred  heads  of  all  shades,  from  the  light  blonde  to 
the  darkest  brunette,  attentive,  with  bright  looks,  accompanied  the 
rythm  of  that  grave  ceremony,  the  most  grave  and  most  beautiful, 
of  the  State's  performance  of  duties  —  to  transmit  ideas  and  notions 
to  the  young  brains  thirsty  for  knowledge.  They  all  listened  with  at- 
tention  and  pleasure  to  the  professors  teachings.  And  how  the  State 
cares  seriously  for  the  mission  it  undertookjto  perfoi-m  !  It  suffices 

l.;ii'LM'  Miiiiiilaclorv  of  coHuii  tissues  i<  .Mamil'aclnra  C.axieiise  » 

<o  say  that  (lie  diriu-tor  of  tliat  establishment  is  a  man  of  prominciu'C 
in  i)oliti('s  and  in  opposition  to  the  government,  but  he  was  a  compe- 
tent man,  and  tliat  drawback  was  overlooked,  as  comi)ctency  was  the 
only  i('(|iiircnicnl  to  be  exacted  from  him  to  be  entrusted  with  that 
position.  'I'liis  is  an  institution  that  lionors  Maranhao.  It  has  i-abi- 
nets  and  laboratories  for  the  study  of  natural  history,  physics,  che- 
niisti-^W  it  has  a  pedagogic  museum,  gymnast  ie  apparatus,  (modern 
gymnastic)  sewing  and  ladies  woi'ks  section,  ete. 

'I'lie  nnisie  school  I'cccutly  founded  is  a  good  institute  ft)r  artistic 
teaching  and  it  is  under  the  direi-tion  of  the  maesti-o  A,  Kayol. 

i'ui)lic  instruction  is  administered  thi-ongh  tlu'  State  by  "JIT  gram- 

—  227  — 

mar  schools,  and  a  few  high  schools,  in  the  capital,  as  t  lie  .Mai-anhense 
Lyceum,  Theological  Seminary  and  others. 
There  are  in  the  ca^jital  Hi  private  schools  : 

For  girls (j 

For  boys 10 

Total.     .     .10 
which  were  frequented  in  1902  by  1.085  scholars  : 

Boys 180 

Girls 605 

Total.     .     .    1.085 

S.  Luiz.  —  Da  Misericordia  Hospital 

The  S.  Luiz  city  is  one  of  the  Brazilian  cities  where  the  Portu- 
gaese  element  has  established  deeper  roots.  Just  as  Rio  and  Bahia 
it  presents  to  the  visitor  in  its  buildings  and  many  of  its  customs 
and  even  in  the  large  number  of  negroes  in  relation  to  the  total  of 
population,  just  so  many  recollections  not  easily  forgotten  of  the 
passage  of  the  Portuguese  colonist  in  those  regions.  Xot  long  ago 
J.  Leitiio,  a  Portuguese  journalist  wrote  :  «  In  Maranhilo  the  vestige 
of  our  colonisation  is  recognised  even  by  the  vices  of  Portuguese 
language  and  by  our  provincialisms  adopted  by  them.  » 

Another  foreigner  observer,  Mr.  Temple,  the  English  consul  in 
his  official  report  on  the  State  of  Maranhao  wrote  :  ((  There  are  in 
the  interior  a  large  number   of  Indians  in   their  primitive  state,  at 

—  228  — 

the  same  time  that  the  proportion  of  negroesinthe  cities  and  civilis- 
ed si)Ots,  due  to  the  large  importation  of  slaves  in  i)ast  years,  is 
pei-haps  larger  in  Maranhno  than  in  any  other  state  of  Brazil, 
('X('('i)ting  Hahia.  » 

The  illnstrious  wi'itcr  Fram  Paeheeo,  who  so  hriliiantly  edits  in 
Maranhao  the  Renisla  do  Xorlc,  eonimenting  this  remark  of  the 
J':ng]ish  consul  in  his  report,  wrote  in  his  turn  the  following  para- 
graph ,  which  corrohorates  our  assertion  :  «.  The  excess  of  negroes, 
stated  by  the  English  consul,  is,  unfortunately  for  us,  true,  'i'his 
race,  indolent  and  full  of  vices,  though  extremely  affectionate,  em- 
bodies the  main  drawback  of  the  progress  of  this  State  as  well  as 
that  of  liahia,  whereto  even  to-day  a  large  number  of  negroes  go. 
'i'hese  two  States  need  an  earnest  irrigation  of  white  blood,  if  per 
chance  they  arc  thinking  of  their  future  society.  » 

Then,  the  representatives  of  European  descent,  the  most  apt, 
the  most  competent,  emigrate,  also  go  too  in  search  of  i)laces  far 
away  from  Maranhao,  like  Para,  Amazon,  Rio  and  S.  Paulo  to  deve- 
lop their  activity.  It  is  in  that  way  that  we  see  Arthur  Azevedo, 
Coellio  Xetto,  Aluizio,  Aarao  Reis  and  many,  many  others  are  fil- 
ling with  the  l)rilliancy  of  their  names  the  cultured  life  of  the  great 

The  same  phenomenon  happens  in  larger  proportions  in  Hahia. 
A\'e  went  all  through  Brazil  from  North  to  South  and  did  not  find 
a  city  where  in  the  group  of  prominent  men  there  should  not  be  at 
least  one  native  of  Bahia.  In  some  places  they  monopolise  the  good 
situations  and  the  most  profitable  professions,  carrying  thus  the 
contribution  of  their  talent  and  their  activity,  to  the  work  of  evo- 
lution and  progress  of  the  country,  while  their  original  i)rovince 
marches  slowly  in  such  a  feeble  i)aee  that  it  seems  stationary. 

'IMie  remedy  to  count erbalani'e  the  inconveniences  of  this  pheiu)- 
menon,  would  be,  in  ouroi)inion,  and  in  that  of  the  writer  1  refer- 
red to  above,  to  increase  iMiropean  immigi-ation,  to  transfuse,  into 
the  race;  weakened  by  African  crossing,  a  regenerating  current  of 
Arian  blood  as  Fram  Pacheco  very  well  said:  The  duty  ol  tliose  who 
govern,  each  day  more  urgent,  each  day  more  needed,  is,  to  j)romote 
a  strong  cun-enl  of  immigration  from  the  people  of  latin  civilisa- 
tion, and  also  the  germanic  oiu^  as  well.  The  centre,  the  West,  and 
the  North  of  l>i'a/.il  need,  xcry  much  indeed,  to  he  excnly  distri- 
buted through  a  general  plan,  in  comliinat  ion  witii  tlie  l"'edera!  and 
t  he  diriei-cnl   St  at  es  govern  men  t  s.  » 

*     * 

__  225)  

The  State  li-oops  consist  of  one  infanli'v  batuUioii  \\illi  KIO  men 
commanded  by  a  Lieutenant-Colonel,  and  a  detaclimcnt  of  20  men 
cavalry.  They  liave  fine  uniforms,  and  maintain  perfect  discipline. 

S.  Luiz  is  illuminated  by  hydro-carbonic  gas,  but  soon  will  have 

VTe  hope  that  under  the  wise  direct  administration  of  Govei-nor 
Dr  Benedicto  Leite,  we  will  soon  see  Maranhao  (juitc  transformed 
and  improved,  occupying-  an  honoi'abl(!  place  among  the  coast  cities. 
And  we  have  so  many  more  reasons  for  hoping  so  because  we 
know^  that  State  has  resources,  large  and  numerous  natural  resour- 
ces to  exist  and  grow  larger  and  richer  among  the  richest  of  thQ 
Brazilian  States. 


Really,  we  ought  not  to  include  Piauhy  in  the  number  of  the 
maritime,  or  coast  States.  It  has  but  a  short  extension  of  coast  in 
proportion  of  its  territorial  surface,  and  even  in  proportion  of  its 
river  banks  having,  as  it  has,  the  long  and  strong  Parnahyba. 

Whoever  looks  at  the  map  of  Brazil  will  understand  fully  well 
what  we  mean  :  the  Piauh^^  has  the  configuration  of  a  bean  shell, 
crossed  by  ridges  of  mountains,  and  the  stem  of  which,  inclined 
towards  the  Atlantic,  is  formed  by  that  tract  of  coastland  between 
Amarracao  and  the  mouth  of  the  Parnahyba.  This  short  coastland  is 
all  that  Piauhy  can  show  to  pretend  to  be  included  in  the  number  of 
the  maritime  States  of  the  Union. 

There  is  no  large  anchorage  place  —  that  of  Amarracao  being, 
we  might  say  ,  devoid  of  any  conditions  of  development.  —  So 
that ,  its  true  port,  the  actual  organ  of  appropriation  and  outlet 
of  the  State,  is  its  small  city  of  Parnahyba,  in  the  fluvial  coast 
where  also  is  Therezina. 

All  the  territorial  body  of  Piauhy,  is  an  interior  region,  just  as 
Goyaz  and  Minas. 

Piauhy  has  not  been  able  to  follow  the  progress  of  the  other 
maritime  States,  neither  has  it  in  the  Federation  the  importance 
corresponding  to  its  territorial  extension,  larger  than  that  of  Sao 
Paulo,  Pernaml)uco,  Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Ceara  and 
others,  just  to  cite  only  the  most  advanced,  Piauhy  being  the  eighth 
State  of  Bi-azil  in  the  order  of  the  total  surface. 

—  230  — 

Its  population,  however,  does  not  accompany  the  same  propor- 
ti(m.  In  all  the  State  there  are  only  .'iSO.UOO  inhabitants.  Although 
the  eighth  in  the  list  lor  its  size,  is  it  the  sixteenth  for  the  density 
of  its  i)oj)ulation. 

The  short  shore  of  Piauhy  ^vhic•h  I  went  tlirough  in  I'.'d'J  makes  no 
difference  with  that  between  the  North  of  Parahyba .  liio  (rrande, 
Ceara  and  South  of  Maranhiio.  It  is  of  one  single  physiognomy,  low 
and  melancholic,  developed  in  extensive  sheets  of  sand  interrupted 
here  and  there  at  long  spaces  by  small  and  poor  carpets  of  that 
lickety  vegetati(m  of  the  sandy  land.  The  sea  is  relatively  low,  filled 

Tlii'iT/.iiia.        Aqiii(l;il)Mii  Siiuari"  and  Oiialni  t\v  Sctciiibro  Tlicatri,' 

with  sand  banks,  and  unsteady  crowns,  but  the  waters  are  of  peculiar 
hues  running  all  the  full  i-angc  of  the  green  color  from  the  very 
lightest  to  the  darki-sl. 

Tliat  st  retell  of  shoi'e  l)elonging  to  Piauhy,  is  formed,  almost 
eompletely,  by  the,  roast Of  an  island  called  llha  (Jrande,  which 
closes,  as  il  \\  ilh  h  cork,  the  narrow  neck  of  the  territory  of  Piauhy 
iiinicd  to  tlie  ocean,  and  it  is  in  it,  a  little  further  alieail  towards  the 
North,  that  the  small  bay  called  Tutoya,  is  to  be  found.  This  is  a 
forced  point  where  the  coast  navigation  calls,  and  h:is  heen  for  some 
lime  dispuletl  liy  iwo  States,  MaianliHo  and  Piauli.\  . 

It  is  a  small  shell ei-e<l  aiiclioi-age  w  ilh  green  and  low  banks,  w  licr«' 

—  231  — 

there  are  but  a  few  hamlet k,  and  a  lew  stores  and  stoi-a^^c  Ii()iis(!s.  To 
be  sure,  before  long-  we  will  sec  there  a  eoniinercial  city,  one  of 
those  generated  and  developed  by  the  navigation.  Modern  elements 
for  the  blessed  struggles  of  progress  and  civilisation. 

Where  does  its  name,  Piauliy,  come  from  ?  The  hisloi-ical  name, 
according  to  whattheoldhistoriansandgeographci-s  wrote  was  Tiagui. 
Thus  it  was  also  written  by  the  celebrated  Sebastiao  da  Rocha  Pitta. 

He  describes,  in  that  peculiar  style  of  his  whicli  is  a  pleasui'e  to 
translate,  the  very  beginning  of  Piagui  or  Piauhy,  a  follows  : 

((  By  this  time  the  extension  of  lands  in  which  we  had  penetrated 


Tliereziiia.  —  S.  Benctlictu's  Church 

in  the  interior  of  this  region  was  amplified  still  a  little  more  than  in 
1671  when  it  was  discovered  the  places  denominated  Piagui,  a  large 
tract  of  land  which  is  at  ten  degrees  from  the  North ,  beyond  the 
S.  Francisco  river  towards  Pernambuco  in  the  continent  of  that 
province  and  not  very  far  from  Maranhao.  It  took  the  name  of  a 
river  which  was  so  poor  that  it  ought  not  to  have  one  to  give  awaj'. 
This  river  only  runs  when  there  is  rain  ,  and  in  summer  dries  up 
leaving  a  pool  here  and  there.  The  same  liapi)ens  with  six  other  lit- 
tle rivers  which  bath  that  region.  These  are,  the  Caninde,  the  Itaim, 
the  S.  Victor,  the  Piiti,  the  LongajeH  and  the  Piraciiriica.  They, 
however,  through  several  ways,  more  or  less  contribute  to  the  swel- 

—  2:i2  — 

ling-  of  the  Parnaliyba,  river,  ^vhieh ,  with  them,   reaeh  the   opulent 
ocean  in  the  coast  of  Maianhao.  » 

The  ex-provinee  of  Piauhy,  aceording  to  the  political  statute 
agreed  upon  all  over  the  republic,  was  organized  as  an  Estate  on  the 
i;3th.()f  June  1892,  and  divided  its  territory  in  ol  municipalities,  each 
with  a  mayor,  a  legislative  council,  17  districts  with  18  judges  (the 
cai)ilal  having  two)  'W)  wards  and  jJl  judiciary  districts  :  Amarante, 
Amariacao,  Apparecida,  Alto  Longa,  Barras,  Bom  Jesus,  Burity 
dos  Lopes,  Belcm,  Campos  Salles,  Campo  Maior,  Castello,  Corrente, 
Floriano,  Itaniaraty,  Jaicos,  Jurumenha,  Ijivramento,  Ociras,  Par- 
nahyba ,  Parnagua  ,  Patrocinio ,  Paulista,  Peripery,  Piracuruca, 
Picos,    Porto  Alegre,   Regeneracao,   Santa  Philomena,  S.  Joao  do 

Mew  of  a  pari  of  the  eilv  of  l'aiiiali>l)a 

Piaiiliy,  S.  IJaynuindo  Nonnato,  Santo  Antonio  de  (Jill)ocs,  There- 
zina  (ca])italj,  Uniao  and  \'alenca. 

Its  i)rincii)al  ])roducts  and  industries  arc  :  cattle  iof  all  kinds), 
cotton,  grains,  skins,  dyeing  estahlishincnls,  tol»aci'o.  sugar  t-anc 
hi'andy,  siigai',  l)ii(ter,  cheese,  building  lumber,  carnalnil)a  wax, 
manicoba  and  mangabeii-a-trees  rubber,  fowl,  coj)ahyba  oils,  coitiMi 
seed,  I'osins  essences  and  others, 

'I'lic  Stat(!  Legistative  Congress  is  composed  of -j  l  iiicml)crs,  serv- 
ing terms  (if  foiw  years.  It  has  four  Congi-cssmcn  and  three  sena- 
tors lo  reprcseiil   it   in  the  Xalional  ('ongi'css. 

its  Capital  is  'I'lierczina,  situated  on  the  i-iglil  l)aiik  of  llie 
Parnahyha  river.  It  is  a  small  luil  piclty  eily,  divided  into  bJ 
districts   and    two    |i:iiislies,    .\ini)ain    and   Our    Lady  das    Dorcs.  It 

—  233  — 

has  a  population  of  about  25.000  inhabitants,  and  was  founded  in 
185'2.  It  has  about  2.000  liouses  (not  including-  small  hamlets), 
20  streets,  Avide  and  straight,  some  with  trees,  seven  large  scpuires, 
three  churches  and  several  public  buildings. 

Among-  those  the  best  are  :  The  Government  palace,  State  and 
Municipal  legislature  buildings.  State  troops  barracks,  Court  House, 
Board  of  Health,  Public  Works,  Lyceum,  Official  printing  Office, 
Public  ^Market,  Jail,  «  (^uatro  de  Setcmbro  )>  theatre,  Treasury, 
Post  Office,  Telegraph  (in  a  private  house),  Kegulai-  troops  barracks, 
City  Hospital,  and  two  pretty  cemeteries. 

Piauliy.  —  Cily  of  Parnaliyba ,  rua  Grande 

There  are  :  a  cotton  mill  with  120  looms,  in  a  building  occupying 
an  area  of  500  metres,  a  steam  foundry,  a  soap  factory,  one  shelling 
and  pressing  cotton  factory,  a  fluvial  navigation  steamship  company, 
having-  three  steamers,  there  being  also  other  private  steamboats, 
one  maritime  insurance  compan3%  a  Lyceum  with  all  the  privileges 
of  the  Xational  Gj^mnasium  and  which  is  frequented  by  400  students. 

The  city  of  Parnahyba,  which  took  the  name  of  the  principal 
river  of  the  State,  is  to-day  the  most  important  city  after  the  Capi- 
tal, onlj'  as  to  its  commerce  which  is  developing  on  a  large  scale.  It 
is  situated  on   one  of  the  banks   of  the   Igaussu  river,  one  of  the 

—  •234.  — 

affluents  of  the  Parnaliyba  rivei-,  lo  kilometres  away  fi-oui  the  river 
and  80  from  the  Capital.  It  lias  some  pretty  buildings,  a  good  tele- 
phonic net,  and,  lik(!  the  Capital  is  illuminated  with  kerosene  oil. 

Tiiei'e  is  a  Custom  House  and  Port  Department,  iind  its  popu- 
lation is  of  aI)out  10.000  inhabitants. 

In  this  cify  amongst  oth(;r  good  buildings,  must  be  mentioned  the 
Charity  Hospital,  maintained  by  a  private  civil  association.  Parna-' 
hyba,  however,  is  not  so  young  as  Therezina  and  other  cities  of  the 
State.  It  was  already  a  village  in  1761  and  was  officially  installed  on 
the  26th  of  August  1762.  B,y  a  provincial  law  of  the  16th  of  August 
1844  it  became  a  city,  much  before  the  foundation  of  the  capital. 

It  has  only  one  parish  :  Our  Lady  da  Graca,  whose  image  the 
natives  of  Parnaliyba  adore  in  the  church  of  the  same  name,  a 
modest  old  temple,  of  no  great  value  either  as  to  its  size  or  archi- 
tecture. The  city  is  divided  into  three  police  precincts. 

Okikas.  —  If  the  above  city  is  noted  by  its  commerce,  thanks  to 
its  position,  between  the  capital  and  the  external  markets,  Oeiras 
is  noted  by  its  historical  past,  its  material  advancement,  and  its 
population,  the  largest  of  the  State,  excepting  Therezina,  having 
about  20.000  inhabitants  as  per  the  1902  census.  It  has  had  formerly 
the  honors  of  Capital. 

.lust  as  Parnaliyba  it  is  not  one  of  the  youngest  cities.  AVith  the 
peculiar  name  of  Mocha  or  Moxa,  an  indigene  name,  was  already  a 
village  in  June  1712,  and  in  the  year  1761  was  elevated  to  city,  the 
metropolis  giving  it  the  illustrious  name  of  a  noble  Portuguese  city  — 
Oeiras,  —  which  it  has  preserved  until  to-day,  which  is  right.  We 
see  no  reason  why  geogra])hical  names  should  be  changed  with  the 
feminine  frivolity  of  changing  fashion  styles  as  it  is  done  in  South 

Regarding  the  foundation  of  that  old  city  (ancient  only  in  rela- 
tion   to    the   Capital)    we   find  in  a  noted    chroniclei*  of  the  colonial 

times    the    following    interesting   paragraph  :  cc  it  is  a  village 

that  the  extremely  serene  king  I).  .loao  Vordered  to  be  founded  by 
Di".  Vicente  Leite  Rijjado,  Ouvidor  do  Maranhiio  (ouvidor  was  an 
ancient  official  position)  and  the  latter  did  so  in  17  IS  invocating  Our 
Lady  da  N'icloria  an<l  Moxa  tlit^  name  of  (he  place  where  it  was 
built.  )> 

To-da,\'  (>ciras  is  a  jyicl  urcsipu^  city  witli  the  kind  and  calm  pliy- 
siogiioiiiN  of  I  hose  interior  cil  ies,  when  the  cosmopolitan  fcrmenta- 
tioii  has  not  as  yet  saturated  its  structure  making  l)ursl  thrcMigh  it 
th(!  n()is(;  of  the  sea-shore  cities  entirely  mixed  up,  disturbed  and 

—  235  — 

It  is  divided  into  ioiu-  policial  i)recincts  :  Oeiras,  Sanio  I^^iiacio, 
Terceiro  and  Quarto,  all  iorniing-  one  sinj^h;  ])ai'ish,  nani(;d  Our  Lady 
da  A'ietoria,  the  same  church  of  the  foundation  oT  the  city,  the  popu- 
lation of  which  as  ])er  the  18'.)2  census  was  1'.>.<S50  inhabitants,  to- 
day having-  some  'J.'j.oOo.  There  are  in  tliis  city  2689  houses,  '.'>  chur- 
ches and  7  schools. 

Amaraxte,  —  is  the  third  city  of  the  State.  Its  population  is 
of  15.525  inhabitants,  7.012  men  and  7.U13  women.  It  occupies  the 
third  place  not  only  on  account  of  its  population,  but  l)ecause  of  its 
active  commerce  in  the  region  of  which  it  is  the  seat.  It  is  situated  at 
the  bar  of  a  small  river  called  Mulato,  and  was  elevated  to  the  rank 
of  city  in  August  1871. 

Yalexca.  —  There  is  also  a  city  of  this  name  in  Piauhy,  and 
though  in  its  size  and  industrial  importance  may  be  quite  at  a 
distance  from  the  city  of  the  same  name  in  Bahia,  it  is  worthy  of 
mention  because  its  population  by  the  last  census  is  I3.7(>1  inhabi- 
tants. The  last  census  was  taken  in  1900  and  the  above  number 
includes  the  inhabitants  of  the  surrouding  municipalities  of  which 
Valenca  is  the  seat.  Situated  on  the  bank  of  a  small  rivulet  called 
Catinguinha,  it  had  this  name  for  a  long  time,  but  in  October  1701 
was  elevated  to  the  rank  of  a  village,  and  adopted  the  present  name. 
It  is  at  42  leagues  distance  from  Therezina  and  consequently  it  is 
easy  to  imagine  how  slow  it  will  be  in  its  development.  It  is  divided 
into  three  districts,  forming  the  parish  of  Xossa  Senhora  do  O'. 
(Our  Lady  of  the  O'.) 

Marathoax.  —  It  comprises  three  districts;  parish  (Our  Lady 
of  the  Conception).  Nossa  Senhora  da  Conceicao  das  Barras  de 
Marathoan.  Population  12.384  inhabitants. 

Campo-Maior,  —  is  one  of  the  best  cities  of  Piauhy,  which,  in 
truth,  if  we  are  to  be  exacting  it,  has  only  one  city  which  deserves 
that  classification  —  it  is  the  Capital.  —  The  others  are  nothing 
but  groups  of  houses,  with  a  larger  or  smaller  number,  without  the 
least  importance,  and  all  of  them  with  but  little  energy,  contribu- 
ting but  little  to  the  development  of  the  national  production  and 

Campo-Maior,  being  one  of  the  best  cities  of  Piauhy,  has  no  more 
than  350  buildings  worthy  of  the  name,  forming  eight  streets  and  two 
squares  which  have  neither  garden  nor  jDavement.  In  the  surround- 

—  2:{fi  — 

ing  neigliborliood  is  a  place  called  Gcnipapo  where  on  the  'Joixl 
of  Marcli,  1S2;>  there  Mas  a  friglitfnl  encounter  between  Brazilians 
and  the  Portuguese  colonial  troops  of  the  metropolis. 

The  niunicii)ality  of  which  Canipo-Maior  is  the  seat,  extends 
itself  thiougli  a  tract  of  land  generally  level,  covered,  in  a  large 
poition  of  it,  with  cai'naiiba-trccs.  From  South  to  Xoi'tii  it  is  bathed 
by  the  I>onga  ii\er,  which  starts  from  there  and  after  a  50  league 
course  runs  into  the  Parnahyba.  In  that  Longa  valley  run  the 
following  tributaries  belonging  to  the  municipality  :  —  Sorubim, 
Genipapo,  Marathoan,  Titaras,  Riacho  Fundo,  Corrente,  and  others 
of  smaller  importance.  Its  climate  is  warm  and  dry,  cooled  by  a 
most  healthy  constant  ventilation.  The  soil  is  rich  and  fertile. 

At  present  lliey  cultivate  there  :  mandioca,  corn,  rice,  beans, 
sugar  cane,  but  these  only  for  the  maintainance  of  the  population. 
There  are  mines  in  these  regions  l)ut  they  never  were  exploited. 
The  principal  industry  is  cattle  raising,  which  is  done  in  a  lai-gc 
scale,  but  by  slow  and  backward  i^rocesses.  Often  in  the  dry  season 
the  dryness  is  such  that  it  nearly  exterminates  the  cattle  which  is  the 
only  fortune  of  the  State.  In  this  like  in  other  municipalities  for 
some  years  past  there  has  been  a  rapid  decrease  in  this  industry, 
and  if  it  keeps  on  like  that  it  is  easy  to  foresee  its  end,  and  this  is 
due  to  the  negligence  of  the  population  of  the  interior.  Its  com- 
merce, nearly  all  done  w  ith  ^Nlaranhao  and  Parnahyba  markets,  is 
small,  due  to  the  lack  of  transportation  facilities,  which  is  all  of  it 
made  by  animals.  Its  exports  are  —  cattle,  skins,  cheese  and  other 
dair}'  products,  and  carnahuba-tree  wax.  This  latter  industry  has 
been  somewhat  developed.  The  Campo-Maior  city  is  situated  "JO 
leagues  at  the  east  side  of  the  Capital,  on  the  banks  of  the  Sorubim, 
in  the  centre  of  vast  fields  of  an  indescribable  beauty.  It  is  one  of 
the  oldest  cities  of  Piauhy. 

Campos  Sai.lks,  —  is  a  small  and  modest  village.  It  is  named 
after  the  last  i)resident  of  Brazil  and  cousc(|ueutly  of  recent  date. 

11  was  a  small  place  settled  l)y  a  i)ro\iuciaI  law  in  August  IS."."!, 
under  tluMiauie  of  was  elevated  to  the  rank  of  village 
in  18*,i")  and,  as  we  said  above,  in  honor  of  President  Camjjos  Salles, 
whose  term  was  1898-1902,  changed  its  name. 

This  pretty  village  is  situated  at  (lie  Norlli  of  the  Stale  of  Piauliy, 
and  is  Ixtiiud  at  the  east  l)\  tlie  iimuicipalilies  of  Piraeuruea  and 
Piripei-y,  at  the  North  by  lluiitx  dos  Loix's,  at  I  lie  W  Csl  and  South 
!>y  Harr:is.  It  has  a  pleasant  eliiiiatc.  This  !iiiiiiiei|)alit  v  is  hallied  by 
the  LoMgn  liver,  which    comes    from    the    upper  Louga  municipality 


—  2'M  — 

and  i-ims  (lironoli  the  lumiicipulilics  of  (';ui)i)()-Mai()r,  tlie  Karras 
river  which  serves  i)artly  to  separate  tliis  municipality  Ironi  tlic  last 
one  of  the  otliers  and  follows  hy  Harras  do  liono;',  till  the  Parnahyba 
rivei-.  The  other  one  is  the  river  Mattos  which  bathes  (his  munici- 
pality and  runs  to  the  Lon<;a  river.  The  Piracuruea  river  is  also  an 
affluent  of  the  Lon^a,  runnin<--  into  it  in  a  place  called  Barra,  sei-v- 
ing  tliere  as  boundary  line  with  Piracuruca  municipality. 

Piauhy  Types.  —  A  co\v-koe|)ei" 

Xone  of  the  rivers  of  the  h)cality  are  navigable.  The  dry  seasons 
scourge  this  municipality  destroying  its  agriculture,  tliougli  in  some 
places  there  are  some  strong  springs  of  fresh  water  to  wet  large  areas 
of  land.  At  a  distance  of  one  or  one  and  a  half  league  fi'om  this 
village  are  the  places  called  Brejos  de  Cima,  and  Brejos  de  Baixo 
and  S.  La/aro,  which,  if  regularly  cultivated,  and  in  any  of  them 
established  an  industrial  concern  for  the  manufacturine-  of 
sugar  and   sugar   cane   brandy,    would    produce    sufficiently,    not 


only  to  supply  that  district  but  the  whole  State.  Its  poi)uiation. 
however,  just  like  the  interior  population  of  the  other  States  laek 
activity.  Campo-Maior  lias  also  (!Xtensive  territory  filled  with  rieh 
woods,  among-  which  are  the  followin<r  varieties,  yet  none  are 
exported  :  cedar,  piquiseiro ,  pan  d'arco ,  jacaranda,  tacajuba, 
aroeira,  violet,  uniburana,  tamboril,  bacury  and  many  others. 


Ey  the  sea-shore  in  a  stretch  where  it  justifies  the  assertion  of  the 
great  poet  :  —  brave  green  seas  —  there  is  an  enormous  sheet  of 
snow-white  sands,  a  sad  brightness  of  long  shores,  which  arc  tln^ 
coasts  of  old  Iturema,  to-day  Ceara. 

It  is  a  desolate  immense  sea-shore ,  spreading  for  leagues  and 
leagues  white  sand,  here  lowly  with  slight  ondulations,  there  in 
hilly  form,  horrible  with  all  its  barrenness. 

In  that  sandy  band,  surrounded  by  it,  threatened  each  day  by  the 
approximation  of  its  moving  ondulations,  men  settled  a  group  of 
houses  in  lOl'J,  and  it  has  resisted  and  grown,  and  to-day  is  Forta- 
leza,  the  Capital  of  one  of  the  Brazilian  States. 

Jt  is  not  the  Portuguese  but  the  Dutch  who  are  responsible  for 
that  bad  selection  of  that  spot  for  a  city  which  has  to  defend  itself 
from  the  sands. 

It  may  l)e  that  the  port  was  the  cause,  the  motive  of  its  selection. 
It  is  possibly  so.  It  maj'  also  be,  that  attlie  time  that  Mathias  Beck, 
the  foundei-  of  the  city,  came  there,  the  Ceara  coast  offered  in  that 
place  a  deep  and  sheltering  bay,  the  ups  and  downs  of  sand  which 
dance  to-day  so  horribly  by  the  music  of  the  southern  winds,  may 
be  that  they  were  then  firm,  subjugated,  pressed  by  the  trium- 
phal  vegetation   of  the   mango   and  cocoanut   trees.   All   these    are 

guessings The  reality  of  to-day  is  that  the  sea  l)cats  those  sliorcs 

spreading  the  dust  of  those  sands,  so  fine,  l)ut  so  Itarrcu  and  so 
warm.  The  ti-ees  dried  up,  its  trunks  <licd,  tiic  roots  lia\ c  disap- 
peared and  in  an  extensive  baud  of  the  coast,  between  the  ridge  of 
mountains  and  the  sea,  dominates  this  arid,  lyancn  spot,  um-on- 
sc-ious  of  th(!  rcsi(hu's  from  the  old  i-ocks  and  the  lliirstN  sands  lliat 
intimidate  man  and  defy  the  ocean. 

Once  hindcd,  the  visitoi'  cannot  sec  liic  city  williout  o\crconiing 
a  kin<l  of  sand  han-icr  tliai  separates  it  from  the  sea.  lie  goes  over 
astrelcli    which    is   not    yi!t,    i)roi)crly    the    city,  goes  up  an  inclined 

—  239  — 

streetlike  plan,  leaving-  at  the  right  a  large  building  of  military 
architecture,  abandoned,  but  in  perfect  state  of  preservation,  leaves 
also  at  the  side  the  Sailors  School  and  walking  a  few  steps  more 
he  will  be  in  a  wide  square  filled  with  trees,  and  there  the  large 
cathedral  is,  with  its  cross  aisle  in  the  middle  of  the  churchyard  and 
surrounded  by  railing.  i 

The   city  spreads  itself  beyond  in  a  plan  which  is  several  metres 

Fortaloza.  —  I'ublic  Market 

above  the  sea,   with  its  streets,  all  straight  and   wide,  clean  and 

About  50.000  inhabitants  live  there.  The  buildings  have  nothing 
characteristic,  but  are  well  cared  for,  and  in  the  majority  tliej-  are 
one  floor  houses.  In  the  streets  Formosa,  Marechal  Floriano  and 
nearly  all  the  others  there  are  fine  houses  with  upper  stories.  But 
it  is  in  the  suburbs  of  Benifica,  Mororo,  and  others,  all  very  health}'^ 
places,  that  the  best  buildings  of  modern  architecture  can  be  seen. 


—  24U  — 

Tlic  t^encnil  aspect  of  the  eity  is  guy  and  pretty.  To  ii  eertaiu 
extent  Fortuleza  contrasts  wiili  the  other  caj)itals  of  the  cohmial 
times,  \)y  the  synietrx'  and  alignenient  of  the  streets  whicli  reminds 
one  of  a  chcss-ljoard. 

As  to  the  i)iihlic  Ixiiidings,  \vc  can  mention  the  foHowing  which 
pleased  us  most  : 

The  public  market,  a  new  building  of  cast  iron,  built  b\  the  pre- 
sent mayor  is  one  of  the  best  in  the  North. 

It  is  a  little  largei-  than  the  Manaos  one,  but  is  already  becoming 
unsufficient  for  Fortaleza,  and  has  the  peculiarity,  (we  don't  know 
if  advantageous  or  incovenient),  of  being  situated  right  in  the  centre 
of  the  city,  and  not  on  a  corner  as  it  happens  in  Manaos,  Belem, 
Recife,  Santos,  Bello  Horizonte,  Porto  Alegre  and  other  cities. 

As  to  its  construction  ,  is  perhaps  the  most  ai'tistic  of  all  of 
them,  though  not  so  large  as  any  of  them  excepting  the  ^Manaos  one. 

The  Xormal  College,  inaugurated  during  the  government  of 
Colonel  Bezenil,  is  an  elegant  two  story,  modern  style  building, 
facing  the  square  from  which  it  is  separated  by  i-ailiug  and  an  aris- 
tocratic gate. 

The  Patrocinio  Church,  a  beautiful  catholic  church,  the  fi-ont  in 
one  single  body  with  a  high  tower  at  the  centre. 

Sagrado  Coracao  church,  near  the  Liberdade  park,  has  also 
only  one  centre  tower  of  squai'c  basis,  in  the  main  body  of  the  front 
and  in  Uoman  style. 

Baturite  Kail  way  station.  It  is  formed  by  thi'ce  different  structu- 
res, the  centre  one  being  a  greek  })ortic  on  four  columns. 

House  of  Deputies  or  Congress.  It  is  a  large  two  story  building 
with  a  simple  form,  but  not  without  art  and  noble  aspect. 

Cily  Hall  building,  is  also  a  large  two  story  building  w  ith  six- 
windows  and  six  doors  looking  and  leading  to  the  street  in  which  it 
is  built.  A  stpjare  towerlike  elevation  with  a  clock  and  decora- 
tions in  the  upper  part  complete  the  main  body  of  the  building,  (he 
iiit(M-ior  installation  of  whicli  h'aves  nothing  to  be  w  islicd  lor. 

The  government  Palace,  which  is  also  tlu'  residence  of  the 
goxcrnor,  as  in  Rio  and  in  the  otiier  Stales,  is  a  fine  building 
looking  ((»  (lie  small  s(]uare  where  General  'i'iburcio's  slatui'  is.  In 
its  interior  il  is  dccoraled  with  good  taste  and  e\en  somewhat 

The  ('ily  Hospital  is  an  enormous  buildiui;  with  windows  all 
arotiiid,  with  onlv  one  i'looi-  but  well  divid('(l  and  vci'v  neat  and 
<-lean  in  t  lie  inleiicu'.  It  has  liygii'uic  impro\  iMueni  s  which  recom- 
mend il  (o  public  appreciation  and  praise. 

—  241  — 

Til  tlie  centre  ol"  Mar(inez  de  Herval  square,  a  (iiiile  wide  sciiiarc 
decorated  witli  fine  trees  and  surroinided  \)\  riiic  l)iiildiiios , 
are  tlie  foundations  ol"  an  enormous  theatre  now  in  (lie  way  of  cons- 
truction and  which  hu'kily  was  not  finislied.  We  say  luckily  because 
nevermind  how  magnificent  a  building  they  should  i)ul  up,  il  would 
never  be  worth  the  hygiene  and  esthetics  of  a  city  the  scjuare  that 
(m  its  account  would  be  closed  up.  This  mistake  of  obstructing  the 
large  city  breathers,  whicli  are  the  squares,  is  a  crime  that  we 
have  seen  commited  in  several  cities  of  Brazil.  Luckily  they  did  not 
finish  the  theatre  so  that  the  beautiful  Marquez  de  Herval  square, 
is  destined  to  be  transformed    some  day  into  the   favorite   park   of 

Forlaleza.  —  Building  of  the  Municipal  AdniinisUvitioii 

Fortaleza,  and  is  awaiting  tranquilly  for  a  mayor  who  will  do  with 
it,  what  the  present  one  did  with  the  Ferreira  square,  which  is 
to-day  a  beautiful  garden  named  Sete  de  Setembro  square. 

AVe  will  not  forget  the  barracks  of  the  2nd  infantry  regiment,  one 
of  the  best  of  its  kind  in  the  Xorth  of  Brazil ,  ^vhere  is  housed  only  a 
detachment  of  soldiers.  It  belongs  to  the  Federal  Government. 

The  sight  that  made  us  feel  happy  was  the  Marine  Apprenti- 
ces School  installed,  however,  in  a  second  class  building.  AVe  were 
present  at  several  fencing,  marching,  ship  gymnastics  and  other 
drills,  and  we  were  quite  pleased  with  the  degree  of  technical  in- 
struction given  to  its  170  pupils,  who  are  being  prepared,  for  the 
navy,  by  their  present  director  Ijieutenant  Commander  Luiz  Lopes 
da  Cruz. 

—  242  — 

Descending-  from  that  establishment,  the  rear  part  of  which  looks 
to  the  sea,  lollows  that  extensive  sandy  road  that  margins  the 
shore  with  a  tramway  line  leading  to  the  Custom  House,  a  solid 
stone  building  always  in  activity,  because,  in  spite  of  the  bad  port, 
Ceara's  commerce  gives  a  good  income  to  the  Federal   Government. 

Among  the  public  gardens  of  Fortaleza,  Ave  must  cite  the  one 
called  Liberdade,  a  charming  spot;  with  its  small  lake  and  thick  fo- 
liage of  its  little  woods.  It  looked  to  us  that  the  park  had  been  somc- 

Forlalcza.  —  (Ivniiiaslii'-rooin  of  llic  Marine  A|i|in'iilicos  Si-Iumi 

what  neglected  lately ,  there  were  to  be  seen  weeds  growing  up  in 
its  streets  and  the  ornamentation  work  was  a  little  spoilt.  They  told 
us  that  the  municipality  having  finished  the  works  of  the  Scte  de 
Setembro  Square,  was  going  to  direct  their  attention  to  that  poetic 
si)ol  named  <(  Lil)erdade  )>,  They  ought  to  los(>  no  time  doin<;- that 
because  that  Ix-autiful  hindscai)e  is  worth  gohl. 

I  u  the  oil  KM-  augh'  of  the  city  thci-c  is  also  a  pultlic  ^ardt'ii  hiid  out 
ill  three  phius,  deseeudiug,  one  after  the  othei-  towards  tlie  sea.  It  is 
a  pretty  litlh-  park  though  more  exjjosed  to  the  dust  llian  theotlier. 
Its  streets  cross  oiu'  auother  pict  ures(|uely  aud  liere  and  there  some 
uiarl)h'  (II'  liron/.e  gcxhless  fixed  on  a  enlumu.  is  walehiui;  us  thrdugii 

—  243  — 

the  palm  fans  and  over  tlic  red  roses.  One  of  (lie  pr(itti(;st  of  tlie 
streets  is  the  one  called  Avenida  Caio  Prado,  having-  in  all  its  length 
stone  benches  in  the  shade  of  the  trees  inviting-  one  to  rest  a  little. 
The  vegetation,  is  live  and  green  even  if  there  is  not  a  great  variety 
of  it. 

In  the  city  squares  there  are  two  statues,  the  one  of  General 
Tiburcio  and  another  of  General  Sampaio.  The  former  as  an  artistic 
work  is  the  best.  It  represents  the  hero  in  bronze,  standing,  on  a 
square  stone  basis  surrounded  by  a  pretty  metallic  chain. 

One  of  the  curiosities  of  Fortaleza  which  the  new  arrived  sees 
immediately  is  the  numerical   superiority  of  the  feminine  element. 

Fortaleza.  —  Statue  of  General  Tiburcio 

Generally  the  families  are  large,  and  wherever  there  is  a  gathering 
like  public  festival,  the  observer  will  at  once  notice  that  there  are 
more  ladies  than  gentlemen  present.  The  periodical  emigration  ex- 
plains that,  but  the  city  has  lost  nothing-  by  that  so  far  as  its  culture 
and  progress  are  concerned. 

The  gas,  the  telephone,  the  newspapers,  the  libraries,  the  several 
clubs,  give  to  Fortaleza  an  animated  and  aristocratic  physiognomy, 
which  fits  it  very  well  in  the  role  of  Capital  of  the  State. 

The  physical  appearance  of  the  people,  though  the  population  has 
not,  in  the  same  degree  of  southern  cities,  received  the  crossing  of 
European  elements,  is,  we  can  affirm,  beautiful  and  noble. 

The  types  of  beauty  are  many,  specially  among  women  of  white 
race.  They  dress  with  the  correctness  and  elegance  peculiar  to  the 

—  2U  — 

European  descendants,  cultivate  their  minds  in  noted  proportions 
and  like  the  general  type  of  Brazilian  women  are  endowed  with  the 
iioblest  virtues.  The  prevailing  Iiabits  and  customs  have  the  beauti- 
liil  austerity  of  tlie  cities  not  yet  invaded  hy  the  cosmopolitanism, 
abundant  l)()tli  in  good  and  evil. 


PunLic  Instruction  and  Social  Culturk,  —  A\'e  will  now  give 
some  information  about  public  instruction  : 

It  is  administered  l>y  several  institutes  of  learning,  both  gram- 
mar and  high  schools. 

i"(irl;ikv.;i.  —  Normiil  Collci'L' 

The  Lyceum,  just  as  the  National  (Jymnasium  of  Rio,  has  a  I'om- 
plete  course  of  the  preparatory  programme.  Tlie  Xormal  ("ollege  is 
exclusively  devotetl  to  the  training  of  teachers. 

I'he  Lyceum  in  llHKi  had  itU)  students  and  counting  the  different 
classes  they  fre(|uented  the  iuiiiib(M'  is  :'>().'  enti'ies. 

Tlie  Normal  (U)llege  had  in  I'.K);;,  year  in  wliich  we  visited  that 
institution,  TjIS  j)U])ils. 

I*i'i\ate  instriiclion  is  administcicd  by  tlie  I'lpiscopal  Seminary,  a 
college!  established  in  Caninde  ,  iiiuler  (he  ausi)ices  of  the  monks, 
anotiicf  in  Lstevao  mountain  ((^)ui\ada)  un(h'r  the  IJenediel  ine 
monks  and  \>\  many  edncalion  establishments  in  the  Capital  .  es|>e- 
cially  those  of  lniniacuhi(hi  Conceierio,  difeetetl  by  ladies  of  the 
S.  N'icente  de  Paulo  Congregation,  of  Nossa  Senhoia  de  Lourdcs,  j)f 
raithenon  ( 'ea  reuse,  of  (he  Cearense  ( iymnasiuin,  ol  the  Commercial 
School  anil  olhei's  of  smaller  imi'oil  ance. 

—  245  — 

Tlic  ])ul)lic   instruction  at   the   oxjx'nse  of  the  Sttit(i  goN  ('i-iiniciil 
is  riirnislicd  l"re(5  oi' cliarg'c  by 'i.")!)  chisscs,  lliiis  distrihiitcd  : 

lu  tli(!  Capital -2\ 

in  the  citii's h:\ 

III  the  villai^cs Hi2 

III  IIk'  smaller  places 70 

being'  rre([nented  tbns  : 

III  llie  male  scliouls 71 

III  Hie  feiaale  seliools 711 

III  llie  male  and  I'einale  schools     .     .  100 

The   freqnentation   ol"  students   in   these   schools  was  dui-ing-  tlie 
last  five  years  : 



18!)G       .      .      . 

.     .     .     9.1^2-2 

1897     .     .     . 

.     .     .     9.9rj6 

1898     .     .     . 

.     .     .   I0.;;72 

I8!l()      .      .      . 

.    .    .  in.. 179 

I'lOO     .     .     . 

.    .    .  II. .-or; 

The  public  library  is  in  one  of  the  State  buildings,  and  is  mu(di 

It  has  to-day  11.104  volumes,  (i.092  are  1)ound  and  r).312  with 
paper  cover. 

It  is  open  from  9  a.  m.  till  :>  p.  ni. 

Among  the  literary  clubs  and  societies,  which  lend  to  Fortaleza 
the  animation  of  their  work,  are  the « Institnto  do  Ceara)),  founded  in 
1887  and  which  publishes  a  magazine  known  all  over  the  country ; 
(c  Centro  Litterario  »,  publishing  another  magazine  the  Irncenui, 
((Tadaria  Spiritual  »  which  imposed  itself  with  its  extravagant  name, 
carried  as  a  triumphant  banner,  by  all  talented  young-  men,  all  over 
Brazil ;  a  Academia  Cearense  »  ,  which  publishes  for  the  last  seven 
years  a  splendid  magazine. 

Of  the  papers  published  in  Ceara  we  will  cite  the  following-  : 

In  the  Capital  :  .1  Rcpublica,  organ  of  the  republican  party, 
daily;  —  A  Rcoisln  do  Iihstituio  do  Cciini,  quarterly  publicati<m;  — 
Rcoistii  da  Aciideinia  Cearense,  monthly;  —  .1  Re  for  ma,  fortnightly; 
—  A  Gazetina,  weekly;  —  Ceara  Xii,  weekly. 

In  Baturite  :  O  Oitenta  e  Xoue,  organ  of  the  republican  party, 
weekly;  —  O  Miinieipio,  republican  paper,  weekly. 

In  RedQmpcao  :  .1  Redempeao,  weekly. 

In  Maranguape  :  O  Maran^'iiape,  weekly. 

In  Aracaty  :  O  Ja(]uard}e,  weekly. 

In  Sobral  :  .4  Ordem,  weekly;  —  -I  Cidade,  weekly. 

In  Crato  :  .1  Cidade  do  Crato,  weekly. 

In  Acarahu  :  .1  Cidade  do  Aearahii,  weekly. 

—  246  — 

Navigation,  Commercial  and  Industrial  Activity.  —  Once  we 
have  spoken  of  the  intellectual  activity  ol"  Ceani,  let  us  also  write 
something-  about  its  material  activity,  in  the  domains  of  commerce, 
industries  and  navigation. 

There  are  in  the  Ceara  State  besides  hundreds  of  sugar  cane, 
flour  and  other  natural  products  factories,  two  cotton  mills,  the 
((  Ceara  Industrial  »  and  «  Pompeu  &  Irmao  »,  one  in  Aracaty,  the 
other  in  Sobral.  There  are  also  two  net  factories,  in  the  Capital,  botli 
with  steam  power,  three  biscuit  and  mass  factories,  all  in  the  Capi- 
tal, two  oil  factories,  one  in  the  Capital,  the  other  in  Maranguape, 
eight  cigarettes  factories,  two  of  them  moved  by  steam,  one  ice 
factory,  three  soap  ones,  several  distilleries,  sugar  refineries, 
umbrella  factories,  coffee  roasting  works  and  caju  wine  distillerj^ 
hat  factories,  furniture  ones  and  others. 

The  city  of  Fortaleza  ought  to  have  a  quay  with  apparatus  to 
facilitate  its  cominei'cial  relations.  Let  us  see  its  export  relations 
statistics  : 

Official  value  of  goods  exported  through  the  port  of  Fortaleza  to 
foreign  countries  and  ports  of  the  Brazilian  Union  : 

Years  Ollicial  value 

1893 .'J.l.oTiririOS-iQo 

1894 i.484:4.">4$481 

1890 ().996:5o(5SioO 

189(5 :;..'!  1 0.8:2:i$751 

1897 7.1>ll:9l5Si0n 

1898 1 1  .(j9:i:800|GoG 

1899 l()..mi:ll.i$7-23 

I9n0 I1.2S9:78.-S$G40 

The  Custom  House  revenue  in  the  five  years  i)revious  to  the 
proclamation  of  liepublic  was  : 

Years  Olluiiil  value 

188.") I.07i:9ii$518 

188G 1.178:0rj3$r)38 

1887 1. 88  i:  809^828 

1888 1..47f):9.-;7.Si-20 

1889 1.72-2:589§i97 

In  the  five  years  from  l<Si)()  to  1900  (though  a  period  of  general 
business  depression  in  Hrazil)  the  (/ustom  House  revenue  was  : 

Vrai'N  Ollirlal   valiie 

IH9() i.49i:797§rM() 

1K97 i.029:7G2$0G:; 

1898 .l.ri.^G:  lG7$o9() 

1899  .......  .-).or.!l:G.".".SHin 

1900 .■>.!>  lii:Gl2§GG.l 

—  247 

Railways,  Water  si  i'I'ly,  etc.  —  Ceani  luis  Uic  following  rail- 
wiiys  built  by  the  Federal  Government  : 

Ijiiturite  Railway,  connects  the  Capital  to  the  city  of  Ilmnayata, 
2'.'?  kilometres,  rented  to  the  civil  engineer  Alfredo  Novis. 

Esti-ada  de  Ferro  do  Sobral ,  goes  from  Camocini  to  the  intei-ioi- 
of  the  State,  beyond  Sobral,  210  kilometres.  It  is  rented  to  the  civil 
engineer  J.  T.  Saboya  e  Silva. 

In  the  Capital  there  are  tramways  belonging  to  three  enterprizes : 

Foi-taleza.  —  Square  and  slalion  of  llic  Baliirite  llailway^ 

the   Ferro   Carril  do  Ceara,  the  Ferro  Carril   do   Outeiro  ,    and   the 
Ferro  Carril  de  Porangaba, 

Several  steamship  companies,  national  and  Enropean  ones,  main- 
tain communications  between  Fortaleza  and  external  markets. 

The  State  troops  consist  of  an  infantry  battalion,  called  —  Batal- 
liilo  de  Seguranca  do  Ceara  —  with  23  officers,  348  privates  and  12 
aids,  forming  a  major-staff,  a  minor  staff,  and  four  companies. 
There  is  also  a  small  cavalry  company  attached  to  one  of  the  infan- 
try companies. 

All  the  police  service  of  the  Capital  and  in  the  interior  is  done  by 
these  troops. 

—  24^« 

Till-:  wA'i'KK  sri'i'i.v.  —  In  order  to  remedy  tlie  frequent  dry  sea- 
sons wliicli  bring  serious  consequences  to  the  State,  the  Govern- 
ment i)hinned  the  building  of  an  enormous  reservoir,  called  Quixa- 
da,  wliicli  it   is   hoped,  will   render  good  services  to  the  population. 

rnfoi-tunately  they  have  not  had  the  necessary  perseverance  in 
an  attempt  of  this  kind.  When  the  winter  sets  in,  the  claims  cease 
and  the  government  suspends  immediately  the  works,  what  makes 
one  believe  that  such  work  is  being  done  only  to  give  work  to  the 
population  during  tiie  dry  season. 

Forlalcza.  —  Caio  I'rado  avt'iiuo 

The  works  recommenced  in  June,  1000,  had  a  greater  inqjulse  in 
October  of  the  same  year  in  consequence  of  an  extraordinary  credit 
of  l()(i:()(iO.S()()()  to  aid  indirectly  the  poi)u]ation  sulfering  from  the 
effects  of  the  dry  season,  and  they  are  still  on.  \Nhile  the  extraordi- 
luiry  credit  lastiid,  i\n'  committee  succeeded  in  employing  1.700  men. 

The  hydrograpliie  liasin  is  constituted  by  the  valleys  of  the  rivers 
know  II  as  \Crd(!,  ('araeol,  and  Satia  whifh,  when  joined  logj'lher 
were  caught  l)y  the  central  flow. 

This  flow  is  al)oiil  .")  kilometi-es  fidiii  the  city  of  C^uixada  ,  \\hi»-h 
is  served  by  ihc  liatiiritr  railway. 

Tnlil  to-day  the  I<'ed(!i-al  ( io\ crnment  has  s))eni  on  this  resei'- 
voir   nothing   less   than   :{.  l.S(t:".)(i|s(H)ii.    There   are   other    reserv«)irs 

—  249  — 

started;  one  in  Baturite,  tlie  other  in  Marangiiape.  None,  however, 
has  the  proportions  ol"  that  of  (^uixada,  which  has  represented  seve- 
ral winters  50  million  cubic;  metres  of  water. 

We  had  the  oppoi-t unity  of  hearing-  conii)]aints  from  every  one, 
as  to  the  lack  of  comphnnentary  works  foi-  irrij^ation  jjurposes, 
without  which,  they  told  us,  the  reservoir  will  not  he  able  to 
fulfil  its  object. 

There  are  in  Ceara  SO  districts,  29  cities  and  52  villag-es.  The  judi- 
ciary division  consists  of  a  c(  Tribunal  da  Rela^iio  »,  composed  of  seven 
«  desembargadores  » ,  including-  the  attorney  general  of  the  State. 
There  are  31  districts  with  one  judge  each,  and  the   (Uipital  two,  72 

Forlali'za   —  Formosa  sli'col 

judiciary  districts,  40  of  wdiich   are  served  by  substitute  judges  and 
213  police  districts. 

The  Budget  of  the  State  has  grown  gradually,  for  the  last  twelve 
years,  the  one  of  1903  was  of  about  3.000  contos.  The  revenue  and 
the  expenses  of  the  State  are  more  or  less  equivalent. 

Punished  by  the  dry  seasons,  periodically,  Ceara  sees  itself  each 
year  abandoned  by  a  great  number  of  its  active  children,  who  emi- 
grate to  the  West  and  North  of  the  country,  cai'rying  the  progres- 
sive work  of  their  arms  to  far  away  places. 

In  1877-1879  and  in  1888-1889  the  emigration  from  Ceara  to  the 
North  and  South  of  the  country  took  wonderful  proportions,  being- 
estimated  at  150.000  the  number  of  natives  of  Ceara  who  left  their 
native  land  running  away  before  the  calamities  of  the  dry  season. 

—  250  — 

There  arc  no  exact  notes  Tor  correct  statistic  data  on  cniii-ra- 
tion.  It  can  be  .)iHlf>ed  only  by  the  i)eoi)le  leaving- the  port  in  the 
Lh)yd  Brazileiro  Steamship  Company,  which  statistics  sliow  the 
I'oHowing-  results  from  1892  to  1897. 

To  I  he  To  I he 

Veiii's  South.  North. 

1892 lo  o9."> 

1895 l.TOri  7.")8(l 

I89.i 1.489  i.U7^ 

I89u --'.089  9.09-2 

1896 1.894  9. 680 

1897 1.787  ~.7,\-2 

Total.     .     .  9.0o4  o  1.506 

In  1900  a  new  dry  season  appeared  in  the  interior  of  the  State  and 
the  emigration  received  new  impulse.  The  Lloyd  steamers  entered 
Fortaleza  almost  without  any  passengers,  and  sailed  on  with 
hundreds ,  sometimes  over  a  thousand  of  those,  natives  of  Ceara, 
driven  out  by  famine ,  men  who  worked  in  the  fields,  of  sound 
habits,  thrifting  and  hard  workers. 

Dui-ing  that  year  sailed  on  their  own  account  and  at  the  expense 
of  the  governments  of  the  Amazon  and  Para,  ;J2. 0(V2  people  and  at 
the  expense  of  the  Federal  Government  15.773,  a  total  17.8:jr). 

'I'his  number  does  not  include  hundreds  of  them  who  sailed  on 
their  own  account  taking  the  steamer  at  Camocim. 

Notwithstanding  this,  the  population  of  Ceai-a  has  not  decreas- 
ed, and  the  State  keeps  on  its  place  as  one  of  the  most  i)oi)ulated 

A  glance  at  the  publications  of  the  Statistics  Deijartmeut,  will 
explain  this  :  Ceara  is  the  part  of  Jirazil  where  the  most  beautiful 
cases  of  fecundity  take  place.  It  is  not  rare  to  find  there  a  mariied 
couple  with  12,  11  or  even  10  children. 

Each  blow  of  misfortune  is  followed  by  the  natural  compensation 
of  a  new  favorable  impulse.  After  the  crisis  of  the  dry  season,  there 
comes  a  period  of  wonderful  abundance  in  which  (he  fields  and  the 
woods  seem  to  bloom  with  earnest  efforts  with  an  ovei-production 
of  everything.  The  crops  grow  enormous,  the  cattle  multii)ly  gene- 
rously, milk,  chees(^  and  butter  reach  the  point  of  not  ha\  in^-  tpiota- 
tion  in  certain  points.  In  the  comi)etent  departments  the  registry  of 
births  and  marriages  is  such,  that  in  one  year  only,  they  registered 
200  marriages  jind  al)oul  2(i(iO  christenings. 

This  myst(!rious  rythm  of  gains  and  losses  constitute  the  liistory 
of  all  IIh!  vitality  of  (;ear:i,  (he  resistant  and  struggling  lexer  ol  its 



The  first  atl'idavit  of  tho  discoverj'  and  the  Portuguese  dominion 
in  Brazil  was  the  monuiiient  erected  on  the  Rio  Grande  do  Xorte 
shoi'e  on  the  place  called  Bahia  Formosa,  a  small  and  poetic  bay,  at 
the  South  of  Natal  city  in  the  district  of  Canguaretama. 

This  monuiiient  was  placed  there  by  the  Portuguese  Admiral 
Christovao  Jacques  in  the  year  1503. 

That  stretch  of  coast  of  Rio  Grande  is  the  mother  cell  of  the 
Portuguese  dominion  in  America.  We  will  then  in  a  rapid  glance, 
pass  in  review  that  sandy  shore  filled  with  sinuosities,  near  the 
Capital  of  that  State. 

The  coast  of  the  Rio  Grande  State  participates  of  the  general 
character  of  that  region  :  sand,  always  sand,  now  in  downs  and  hills, 
then  in  infinite  plains,  and  only  from  place  to  place  interrupted  by 
short  stretches  of  poor  vegetation,  oi-  some  cocoa-nut  trees  as  in 
Bahia  and  Pernambuco  and  a  little  scarcely  towards  the  North. 

Those  who  come  from  Rio  de  Janeiro  will  appreciate  all  that 
landscape,  as  the  most  coast  steamers  always  navigate  close  to  the 
shore  with  land  in  sight. 

Those  going  down  from  Ceara  i^ass  near  the  Cayssara  canal, 
passing  between  the  island  and  firm  land  at  the  right,  quite  near  as 
the  canal  is  narrow\  The  tiresome  panorama  continues  :  curves  and 
inclined  stretches  becoming  white  a  little  above  the  water.  The 
sandy  shores  extend  themselves  in  vast  white  stretches  towards  the 
interior  beyond,  spotted  here  and  there  by  some  cocoa-nut  trees. 

Here  we  are  off  Natal ,  in  front  but  somewhat  distant.  Unless  it 
is  alight  draught  steamer  it  cannot  go  near  the  shore  on  that  part. 
In  front  of  the  city  is  an  enormous  and  long  rock  ,  which  prevents 
the  entry  of  large  steamers.  Yet  this  same  rock  forms  a  kind  of 
protection  breaking  the  strength  of  the  sea  waves,  a  kind  of  natural 
artificial  port  affording  a  tranquil  anchorage  place,  quite  calm. 

This  reminds  one  much  of  the  port  of  Recife.  At  the  left  of  that 
colossal  anchorage,  near  a  seashore  place  called  Morcego  (bat)  rests 
the  valetudinarian  of  a  fortress  that  was  born  with  that  settlement 
some  400  years  ago  and  of  which  the  gray  shade  detaches  itself  from 

tlie  liori/on  blue  bottom,  as  u  sciitrN',  uiiiuovabh',  ririned  in  its  place  by 
tlie  ice  oltlie  centuries.  Rocha  Pitta's  history  of  Portuguese  America 
says  :  <(  It  is  lounded  Iiall'  a  league  from  its  port  (able  to  harbor  all 
kinds  of  shipsjat  the  (niti'ance  of  which  is  the  Santos  Keys  fortress, 
one  of  tlie  best  in  P>i-azil  as  to  situation,  firmness,  regularity  and  ai'til- 
lery,  built  on  rocks  of  enormous  size,  with  four  towers.  »  Thus  sjjoke 
Rocha  Pitta  al)oiit  Xatal  and  its  fortress,  .this  survivoi-  of  the  hard 
wai'  constructions  of  the  metropolis,  which  to-day  preserves  yet  the 
same  name  of  Trez  Reis  Magos  fortress. 

They  placed  on  it  a  light  house,  with  a  fixed  white  light,  whicli 
can  be  seen  from  a  distance  of  15  leagues.  'J'lius  the  light  of  the  old 
fortress  whicli  in  olden  times  served  the  jmrijose  of  preventing  the 
navigation,  serves  now  to  protect  it. 


Saiiltis  llcis  .M;ii>i)S  Fortross  ;il  the  ciitriiiici'  of  tlic  Niil'al  li;ii 

To-day  Rio  Grande  do  Xorte  has  about  300.001)  inhabitants  with 
;>(i  municipalities  and  3<)  parishes  and  a  surface  of  57.  IS5  scpiare 

By  the  census  taken  in  December  I'.'OO  the  exai't  population  was 
•J7  1.317. 

'J'he  names  of  tluj  cities  and  villages  of  the  Rio  (irandc  do  Norte 
State  are  : 

Natal  (ca[)ital),  Macau,  Mossoro,  ('anguaretama,  Parclhas,  Maca- 
liyba,  ('(^ara-Mirim,  S.  .lose  de  >ripil)u,  .lardim,  Caii'o,  MaiMins, 
Assu,  Apod_\-,  Papai'v,  (ioyaniulia,  No\a  ("ru/.,  Augicos,  Santa  Cru/.. 
Saiit'Anna  dos  Matlos,  Ti-iumpho,  Acary,  Cuiraes-Novos ,  I'ort' 
Alegre,  ('arauhas.  Pan  dos  l>'erros,  S.  Miguel,  Sei-ra  Ncgra,  Patu, 
Jjuiz   (Jonies,  Santo  Antonio,  ( 'iiile/eiras,  S.  (ioncalo,    i-'lorcs.    Ton- 

—  253  — 

ros,  ]\rnriu,  Poteiigv,  Cnrinuitiiu,  Arez,  Taipii,  Areiii  Branca,  Penha 
and  otlica*  snialler  places. 

Of  all  those  places,  the  one  that  seems  destined  to  a  more  rapid 
devel()i)ment  is  Mossoro,  the  centi-e  oi"  the  prosperous  salt  indus- 
try, \vhi('h  is  tlie  principal  industry  of  that  region,  and  the  one  that 
hrings  the  largest  revenue  to  the  State, 

The  production  of  salt  in  Rio  (Jrande  do  Sul  in  tlie  years  of  l.SC).") 
to  IStU-)  was  ;!;j.(XK)  alciueires,  a  little  over  5.000  tons.   In  IIKKJ  tliat 

Harbor  and  Citv  of  ]\atal 

production  went  up  to  700.000  alqueires,  or  over  112.000  tons,  nearly 
all  exported  to  Southern  ports. 

The  Rio  Grande  Salines  occupy  enormous  stretches  of  shore  and 
arc  a  wealth  much  superior  to  all  expectations.  That  is  a  just  com- 
pensation of  the  local  nature ,  because  Rio  Grande  has  not  like  the 
other  Southern  vStates  that  mild  climate  which  makes  agricultural 
progress  so  easy.  That  State  suffers  the  destruction  caused  by  long- 
summers  which  dry  up  tlie  small  rivers  and   burn  its  valleys.    The 

—  254  — 

dry  seasons  repeat  themselves  periodieally  prodneiiif:^  enormous 
damages  to  the  population  and  being  a  drawback  to  the  general  i)ro- 
gress  of  the  State. 

Tliis  explains  the  paralization  of  certain  local  industries ,  among 
others  that  of  the  cultivation  of  sugar  cane,  the  manufacturing  of 
sugar,  brandy  etc.,  so  old  in  the  Rio  Grande  State  in  which  that 
branch  of  industry  has  developed  the  most.  Vet  there  are  quitt'  a  lot 
of  old  factories  which  will  present  quite  a  large  production  when 
there  is  no  dry  season. 

Recently  the  Federal  Governm(>nt  undertook  several  public  works, 
as  water  w'orks,  railways,  etc.  to  ti-y  to  neutralize  the  effects  of  that 

Fortunately  the  spot  where  the  Capital  is,  does  not  suffer  from 
the  bad  results  of  the  dry  season,  having  been  a  good  selection  even 
if  the  port  is  not  of  easy  access  in  comparison  with  the  other  sea- 
ports of  the  country. 

It  was  Jeronymo  Albuquercpie  who,  after  an  agreement  with  the 
inhabitants  of  Rio-Grande  on  Christmas  day  of  the  year  1597,  placed 
the  foundation  stone  of  the  first  building  of  the  Capita!  of  the  State. 
When  that  city  progressed  a  little  thej^  placed  at  its  head  as  chief  the 
Conde  do  Rio  Grande  and  the  province  was  elevated  to  the  rank  of 
Condado.  The  Count  was  D.  Lopo  Furtado  de  Mendon^a  the  first 
nobleman  with  a  Brazilian  title  in  the  old  colony. 

*     * 

The  Capital.  —  Let  us  cast  a  glance  over  the  Natal  city  of  to-day. 

The  bulk  of  the  constructions  in  this  city  follow  two  different 
plans  :  one  part  extended  itself  through  the  lower  part  and  is  calhMl 
Ribeira,  the  other,  called  Bairro  Alto  (upper  district)  is  occupying 
the  upper  part  of  the  sandy  elevation  ui)on  which  .leronymo  de 
Albuquerque^  had  the  fancy  to  settle  the  city.  This  sandy  mountain 
has  as  boundary  line  the  Potengy  river,  the  sea-shore  with  its 
sandy  ups  and  downs,  which  surround  it  in  all  its  conference,  the 
banks  being  21  in  number,  the  city  remaining  just  like  an  island, 
WMlli   th(!  diffei-ence  that  on  one  side  has  the  sea,  on  the  other  sandy 


'JMie  Cajiital  comprises  the  following  districts  :  Cidade  Alta, 
Cidade  Haixa  ,  Cajnjjiranga  and  I'onte  Negra ,  all  the  ])arisli  of 
Nossa  Scnhoi-a  da  A])rcsenta(;ao,  having  a  population  of  IC. (».■")()  inha- 
bitants, l)eing  :  7.<.i(.)()  males  and  8.15(i  femaU's.  As  can  l»c  easily  seen 
this  city  is  far  t'l-oin  having  bad  adcvclopment  pioport  ional  (o  its 

—  25B  — 

There  are  some  nice  buildin<;s  in  it,  as  the  Pahice  where  the 
State  Congress  meets,  the  Public  Instruction  Department,  in  Con- 
ccicao  street,  the  Charity  Hospital,  which  is  also  the  barrracks  ol' 
the  police  force  in  Silva  Jardim  street,  the  barracks  of  the  '.ilih  regi- 
ment Regular  Federal  troops,  the  Marine  Appentices  school,  the 
Government    Savings    Bank,   and  other  private  buildings  belonging 

to  rich  merchants. 

*    * 

Public  Instruction,  Police  Force,  Railways,  etc.  —  About  the 
public  instruction  Rio  Grande  has  developed  but  little  as  it  has  done 

Natal .  —  Government  Palace 

with  nearly  everything  else.  There  are  in  the  whole  State  but  92 
grammar  school  classes,  while  the  population  is  about  300.000  inha- 
bitants. In  the  Capital  there  are  some  high  schools  among  which  is 
the  Atheneii  Xorte  Rio  Grandense. 

The  following  papers  are  published  in  Natal  : 

Album  (published  by  the  literary  group  Frei  Miguelino). 

Diario  do  Natal,  daily  paper. 

Gazeta  do  Commercio,  daily  paper,  founded  on  the  Isl  of  Octo- 
ber 1001,  and  is  published  by  an  association,  having  as  its  editor 
in  chief  Mr.  Pedro  Avelino. 

Oasis,  the  organ  of  the  Gremio  Literario. 

—  256  — 

Tribiina,  periodical. 

Oiio  dc  Setembro,  periodical. 

The  i)oli('e  loi-ce  is  foriiicd  by  a  battalion  with  oOO  privates  com- 
luanded  by  a  Lieutenant  Colonel  ,  the  battalion  beinj"-  divided  into 
four  companies.  It  is  infantry  and  they  are  armed  with  Comblain 
guns,  'i'hey  do  the  police  duty  of  the  Capital  and  inteiior  cities. 

As  to  railway  service,  all  that- Rio  Grande  do  Xorte  has  in  tliat 
line  is  the  Natal  to  Nova  Cruz  Railway,  built  with  a  guarantee  of 
interest  on  the  capital  invested,  furnished  by  the  Federal  Govern- 
ment and  lately  rented  by  the  Federal  Government  from  the  (ii-cul 
]]'('stern  of  Brazil  liuilwny.  It  runs  over  121  kilometres  of  track. 

.Naliil.  —  ('.(inccirrio  Slfcct 

Princh'al  CrriKS  and  MrMciPALrriKs.  —  The  cities  worthy  of 
special  mention  are  among  others  the  ones  we  are  going  to  refer  to, 
it  ix'ing  understood  beforehand  that  Kio  Cirande  do  Xorte  has  no 
city  that  can  justly  be  called  worthy  of  incnlioii. 

"^riie  most  important  are;  S.  Jose  de  Mii)ibu,  on  the  K'fl  bank  ol 
the  Trahiry  river,  a  little  above  the  Rai)ary  lake;  Macao,  at  the 
right  of  the  Assu  river,  in  a  peninsula  foiiued  by  I  lie  same  river,  the 
Manoel  (Jonealves  strait  and  the  island  bay  ;  Assu,  at  the  left  sidi' 
of  the  I'ii-anlias  river;  .lai'dim  at  the  left  of  the  Sei-id<'»  livcr.  a  eon- 
fhient  (if  t  he  T  Iran  lias  river  a  lul  ovci-  ::i()  leagues  a  l)o\('  t  he  eoufhuMU'e 
(tf    Ae:inh;"i    ri\cr    with    the    Seridnone;    Mossoro    at    the    left    ol    the 

—  257  — 

Apody  river,  to  wliicli  it  <^i\c!S  its  iiainc  ;i  little  aljove  the  eon  riiicnce 
of  the  Upaneiiia  river  \\  ith  llu^  Moss()r(')  rixer. 

MossoRo.  —  Is  but  a  small  city  but  promises  g'l'eat  future  i)ossi- 
liilities.  It  has  about  12.000  inhabitants,  j^ood  and  hard  workinj^- 
people,  peaceful.  The  city  is  divided  in  three  i)oliti('al  pi-ecincts  and 
one  parish,  Santa  Luzia,  name  of  a  Saint  to  1)e  fouixl  in  a  chiircli 
that  has  no  special  eharacteristie,  but  that  can  boast  of  l^eing-  tluj 
oldest  in  those  reaions. 

Mossoro.  —  Seis  de  Janeira  Square 

Mossoro  devotes  itself  to  the  salt  industry.  It  is  a  pretty  and 
industrious  city,  and  we  might  consider  it  the  first  in  the  whole 
State.  It  is  not  inferior  to  the  Capital  in  anything.  If  it  has  not  poli- 
tical preeminence,  it  has  the  superiority  of  its  active  commerce, 
population,  industry  and  buildings.  It  is  60  leagues  away  from  the 
Capital  and  seven  from  the  sea,  on  the  left  bank  of  the  Apody,  to- 
day, Mossoro  river. 

In  Mossoro  the  following  periodicals  are  published  :  .1  Idea,  the 
organ  of  the  literary  club  ccDois  de  JulliO))  and  0  Mossoroensc,  illus- 
trated news  paper,  i)ublished  twice  a  month. 

TouROs.  —  Among  the  four  cities  of  13.000  inhabitants,  that  the 
last  census  exhibited  disputing  with  the  Capital  of  the  State  the 
record  of  the  density  of  population  in  the  Rio  Grande  do  Norte,  this 
city  of  Touros  (Bulls)  in  spite  of  its  name  is  one  of  the  most  synipa- 
thic  though  it  is  not  the  most  progressive. 

Ceara-merim.  —  It  is  a  well  built  citv,   with  fine  buildings,  as 

are  :  the  Jail,  the  Atheneum,  the  City  Hall,  the  Market,  the  Ceme- 
tery and  the  Church  which  the  principal  one  having  no  rival  in  this 
State  and  that  of  Parahyba,  having  its  equal  in  the  church  of  Pcnha, 
in  Pernambuco,  which  is  small  in  the  length  though  larger  in  width. 

There  are  also  some  nice  private  buildings.  There  are  yet  three 
s(pmres  named  —  Alegria,  Mcrcado,  and  Matrix.  This  last  (mo  is 
ample  and  with  trees  and  in  it  is  the  church  and  the  Atheneum.  The 
market  is  snuill,  but  neat  and  clean.  There  are  50  streets  only  one  of 
which  is  paved.  There  are  two  districts  —  Ribeira  and  Cidade  Alta. 

Compared  with  its  territory,  the  State  of  Rio  Grande  do  Xorte,  is 
one  of  the  States  that  has  the  longest  coast  extension,  having  three 

Mossoi'o.  —  Floros  SU'ect  j 


ports  for  its  external  commerce,  Natal,  ^Mossort)  and  Macau,  tliough 
all  of  them  are  of  difficult  access. 

All  the  imaginable  wealth  of  the  forest,  of  the  soil,  of  the  rivers 
and  of  tli(^  sca-slioi'cs  are  in  Rio  (Jrande  do  Xorte  waiting  for  the 
i'liiropran  arm,  the  immigrant  and  the  capital,  to  develop,  to  raise 
tin;  fortune  and  the  progress  of  that  region.  On  the  other  hand  the 
climate  is  excellent,  there  are  no  ei)idemic  diseases  nor  any  evils 
that  may  shake  the  proverbial  quietness  of  those  i)eople. 

'i'lic  l;i()  (Jiaiidc  do  Ndiic,  as  the  ucighb()ring  States,  is   periodi- 
cally siil)j('<'t  to  dry  seasons,  «  Several   times  i>   —   says    a    writci- 
has  ravaged  ()V(;r    the    Ajxxly    river   and    all    llic    far    interioi-  of  tlie 
State    the    terrible    plienoiiieiiou    of    the    (lr_\-    seasons,    the    ioHowing 

—  255)  — 

having  been  tlie  most  dreadful  :  they  are  those  of  IdOT,  1()02,  1710- 
1711,  1723-1724,  which  were  extended  from  Bahia  to  Ceara,  those  of 
173(3-1738,  1744-1745,  1777-1778,  in  which  the  cattle  of  the  State  was 
reduced  to  the  eighth  part,  and  that  of  1790-1793  called  the  great  dry 

The  same  way  that  in  Ceara,  whose  nature  is  analogous  to  that 
of  this  State,  once  the  dry  season  period  passes,  there  comes  a  period 
of  compensative  abundance.  It  is  abundance  and  fortune  without 

The  principal  products  of  the  State  are  :  corn,  beans,  mandioca 
flour,  cotton,  sugar,  skins,  butter,  vegetables,  oils,  rozin,  carnauba, 
honey,  brandy  and  building  lumber. 

Mossoro.  —  Da  JIatriz  church  and  Sfjuare 

In  those  Kio  Grande  hills  and  mountains  they  have  discovered 
vestiges  of  the  existence  of  several  kinds  of  minerals  such  as  :  iron, 
sulphur,  saltpetre,  chalk,  and  different  stones.  In  one  of  the  corners 
of  the  Italiu  lake,  or  of  the  Apody  near  the  mountain  of  the  same 
name,  has  been  seen  for  these  last  few  years,  a  large  quantity  of  a 
betuminous  and  inflammable  substance,  which  produces  a  light  simi- 
lar to  the  carnauba  wax.  They  say  that  at  leagues  distance  from  the 
city  there  is  a  layer,  where,  among  other  curiosities  a  kind  of  crys- 
tal can  be  seen.  We  read  about  it  that  «  the  ground  of  this  layer  and 
its  neighborhood  is  a  kind  reddish  blue  clay  which  exposed  to  the 
fire  and  diluted  in  water,  becomes  fine  and  soft  so  as  to  be  moulded 
in  any  shape  for  the  manufacture  of  crocker3^  This  reddish  blue  soil 
is  naturally  cleaved  in  many  places  where  a  kind  of  light  and  very 

—  260  — 

fine   mutter  can  be    seen,  that   looks   like    looking-glass    steel   and 
which  is  awful  hard  to  gather  ». 

As  to  water,  there  are  several  mineral  water  springs  which  have 
not  as  yet  been  analysed.  The  best  known  of  these  are  the  ajt>»a.s 
ferrcas  (iron  waters).  The  use  of  these  is  good,  generally,  for  the 
diseases  that  requii-e  iron  preparations. 

*     * 

Rio  Grande  do  Xorte  as  to  its  manufacturing  industries  is  just  as 
backwards  as  Piauhy  and  Goyaz  are.  Worthy  of  mention  there  is 
only  in  its  territory  :  a  good  cotton  mill  in  the  Capital  ;  a  soaj)  fac- 
tory and  a  saw  mill  next  to  it  in  a  place  known  as  Refoh's  ;  a  prin- 
ting office,  engraving  shop  and  book-bindery  in  the  Capital  ;  and  a 
cigar  factory  also  in  the  Capital. 

Its  exijorts  are  still  inferior  to  those  of  Piauhy  notwithstanding 
the  fact  of  having  three  ports  to  communicate  w  ith  the  exterior,  or 
may  be  that,  because  of  that,  the  volume  of  its  external  connnei'ce  is 
so  small,  as  one  can  see  by  the  figures  of  the  movement  during  the 
first  eleven  months  of  ll'Ol  : 

Exports 40,5:fi07.S0(in 

Iniports .jol:i8o.$()n0 

But,  we  must  not  desi)air  as  to  the  future  of  the  progress  and 
wealth  of  this  beautiful  region.  This  territory  has  elements,  every 
element  of  prosperity,  by  the  varied  [)r()ducing  capacity  of  its  val- 
leys, its  most  superb  mountains  as  Borburema,  .loao  do  Valle,  Luiz 
(Jomes  and  others.  Railways  and  Eurojjean  blood  is  what  Rio 
(Ji-ande  do  Xorte  lacks  to  devcloj)  its  hilcnt  wcaitli  and  pros{)crity. 


Sailing  from  Recife  in  the  evening,  we  soon  bid  farewell  to  the 
two  light  houses  :  Santo  Agostinho  (a  large  unmovabic  while  light) 
and  Picfio  (changeable  light  white  and  red),  and  we  awake  in  sight 
of  Cubedello  the  seaport  of  Raiahylia,  eai)i(al  nl  the  Stale  of  the 
same  nam(\ 

The  shoi'e  continues  covered  w  itli  trees  and  right  there  at  tliO 
enti'anee  of  CalxMlcJio  there  is  an  extensixc  plantation  of  Hahia 
Cocoa  iiul    trees.    There    is   also   a    light  house,   linilt  on  a  low   plane 

—  2«1  — 

whicli  in  llic  lii^li  (iiU?  i)r('S('iils  a  ciirioiis  spcclaclc  :  uii  ii'ou  lower, 
liigli  and  solid  without  any  basis  in  si<^lit  bill  the  ni()vin<;'  waves.  Il 
is  the  J*edra  Secca  light  liouse, 

CabedeUo  is  an  old  village  without  any  olhei-  inipoi-laneci  l^iit  tlie 
(me  lent  to  it  by  the  circumstance  oi"  being  tin;  landing-  place  of  the 
State.  It  is  connected  with  the  Capital  by  a  railway.  A  wooden 
bridge  dock  is  there  for  the  ships  to  come  alongside. 

The  road,  of  narrow  track,  goes  through  the  woods  describing 
curves,  in  an  inclination  sometimes  quite  steep,  as  Parahyba  is 
quite  away  up  and  there  are  only  18  kilometres  separating  it  from 


Das  Merces  (■Iiui'lIi  and  street 

The  Capital  is  a  small  historical  city,  a  poor  one  and  as  old  as  it 
is  modest.  It  was  built  on  the  5th  of  August  1585  by  the  Portuguese. 
Oh!...  1585...  How  w^ell  we  can  see  that  by  tlie  first  buildings,  which 
we  see  as  we  reach  the  city.  Its  name  is  Parahyl)a,  the  name  of  the 
river  that  bathes  its  territorj^  and  must  have  some  180.000  inhabi- 
tants. It  was  once  called  Frederikstad  (Frederic  city)  while  it  was 
under  the  Dutch  conquest.  At  another  time  during  the  same  period 
it  was  also  called  Felipea,  in  honor  of  Felipe  who  reigned  over 
the  Spaniards  when  these  latter  dominated  the  Portuguese. 

Even  to-day  Parahyba  is  a  small  city  divided  in  two  halves  quite 
unequal  :  one  margins  the  anchorage  at  the  river  level ,  full  of 
commercial  storage  houses  etc.,  and  its  name  is  Varadoiro,  the  other 
going  up-hill  and  ending  on  the  top  of  the  mountains  wherefrom  a 

—  2fi2  — 

beautiful  panorama  is  displayed  before  our  eyes  :  mountains  green 
as  they  can  be,  enormous  chay-pits,  chimneys  letting  out  a  light  white 
smoke  from  the  sugar  factories,  spread  here  and  there,  nice  small 
houses  of  delicious  snow-white,  and  connecting  this  heterogeneous 
mass  as  a  conducting  wire,  the  Parahyl)a  ri\ cr  runs  ,  making  the 
contour  of  the  reliefs,  without  waves,  without  noise  until  it  loses 
itself  in  the  hesitating  gray  of  the  horizon. 

The  inclined  street  that  connects  the  two  districts,  has  at  its 
riglit  the  Europe  Hotel,  a  grim  and  dirty  looking  large  building,  and 
leads  to  another  cleaner  street  called  Baruo  da  Passagem,  which 
runs  straight  lined  by  nice  houses,  following  yet  another  one  called 
Rua  Nova  and  existing  since  IHof,  the  buildings,  however,  seeming 
to  confirm  the  new  name  of  the  street.  Walking  a  little  further  we 


Old  (•(Hivciit  i)t'  S.    l"r;iiicis('(t 

are  on  the  toj)  of  the  main  liill,  where  fine  houses  have  been  built. 
There  is  the  old  Cluii'ch,  a  large  temple  devoted  to  Nossa  Senhora 
das  Neves,  which  is  the  cathedral  to-day. 

'IMiis  cliurcli  was  built  away  back  in  ICi;;.")  and  tlie  S.  l^'raiuMseo 
(M)nvent,  with  its  large  church  that  has  a  characteristic  front.  Of  the 
rcjligious  constructions  this  one  is  the  best  in  l*arahyba.  It  has  a  spar 
cious  nave,  at  the  sides  dressed  with  mosaic,  the  entrance  however 
is  of  a  more  modern  stylw,  and  in  tlie  eentic  there  is  o  cross-aisle  of 
iljerie  mailjU',  a  eui-ious  feature.  Kven  in  the  interior  the  I'hurch  is 
worth  looking  at,  as  it  is  the  Ordem  Tcrceira  C-hapel  which  was 
afterwards  annexed  to  it. 

When  th(^  Duti-h  took  possession  of  the  city  they  fortified  this 
convent  and  mad(!  of  it  the  (iovernor's  residence. 

—  263  — 

To-day,  liaving-  lost  its  monks,  tlioy  made  of  the  convent  a  school 
which  is  frequented  by  200  boys  who  make  tlieir  preparatoi-y 
studies  to  enter  tlie  different  Colleges  and  Universities. 

If  we  take  the  tramway  that  o()es  to  the  beautiful  subiii-b  of 
Trinclieira  where  the  extreme  end  of  the  city  ccmfounds  itself  with 
the  woods,  we  go  througli  a  pretty  square  with  a  beautiful  garden 
protected  by  iron  railing. 

In  front  of  this  gai'den  there  is  another  construction  with  the 
charecteristics  of  respectability.  It  is  an  old  convent  and  its  church 
with  a  tower  of  undefined  color,  which  is  the  color  of  the  centuries. 

To-day  the  old  building  has  an  official  function,  being  the  gover- 
nor's palace. 

I'araliyba.  —  The  governors  palace. 

At  the  side  of  the  church,  is  the  Parahybano  Lyceum  where  there 
are  quite  a  number  of  classes  in  the  two  floors  of  the  building. 

The  best  buildings  are  in  the  upper  part  of  the  city,  but,  in  a  rus- 
tic style  square  occupyng  more  or  less  the  middle  plan  between  the 
two  cities,  are  the  largest  ones  :  the  Post  office,  of  fair  size ;  at  the 
right,  the  theatre  and  in  front  of  the  Post  Office  the  police  barracks 
a  large  two  story  building.  The  Italian  Benificent  Association  buil- 
ding, follow^ed  by  a  row  of  small  houses  close  the  square,  wdiicli  has 
the  name  of  Bento  da  Gama.  The  Treasury  a  good  solid  building  is 
also  in  this  square. 

Industry,  Transportation,  Public  Instruction.  —  The  prin- 
cipal industry  of  this  State  is  the  cultivation  of  sugar-cane,  sugar 
manufacture,  alcohol,  etc.  The  number  of  sugar-cane  farms  and  fac- 

—  264-  — 

tories  is  •JO'.),  working-  most  ol'  lliciu  by  old  processes.  There  are,  ho- 
wever, some  impoi-taiit  factories  :  a  cotton  mill,  two  cotton  shelling, 
fine  cigars,  one  oil  and  one  cinient,  bricks  and  mosaic  factories,  etc. 

Regarding-  the  mineral ogical  wealth  of  Parahyba,  the  experts 
speak  most  highly.  They  say  that  the  nnderground  of  this  region 
has  extensive  layers  of  coal,  rich  copper,  lead,  iron,  gold  and  silver 
mines,  important  feldspars  and  precions  stones. 

We  can  say  about  this  State  what  can  l)e  said  with  all  safety  about 
the  balance  of  the  country  —  it  is  most  wealthy.  It  is  most  wealthy 
but  all  the  w^ealth  and  all  the  variety  of  its  minerals  remain  tranquil 
in  its  layers,  w'here  from  nobodj^  seems  tempted  to  lift  them. 

l':ir;ih\lta.  —  Fiscal   Dclcijalioii 

As  yet,  what  is  IxMug  developed  is  the  agriculture,  and  a  little 
the  daii-y  industry.  The  ground,  in  Parabyba  is  generally  fertiU'  antl 
adapted  to  all  kinds  of  cultivation,  and  above  all  :  mandioca,  I'orn, 
ric(!,  Ijcans,  tobacco,  sugar-cane  and  cotton. 

'i'iic  sugar-cane  and  cotton  furnish  the  largest  part  of  tlu'  State 

'(  The  devclopnicni  olColTee  and  wlicat  cult  i\  at  ion,  as  well  as  the 
extraction  of  i-ubl)cr  I'rom  the  manicoba  and  mangalx'ii'a  ti'ees,  are 
cxpontancous  products  of  tlic  soil,  and  w  ill  in  the  future  be  a  rich 
source  of  i)ul)lic  wealth. 

Tlic  toi)ogr:i])liic:il  position  of  the  Stale,  the  large  e\tcnsi(ui  of 
its  clay  pits  and  the  lack  of  railways  to  connect  Ihe  agricultural  I'c- 
gion,  favor  a  good  deal,  in  spile  of  all  the  zeal  of  the  fiscalisalion, 
the  exit  of  a  great  pari  .d'  the  agricullui-al    products  of   the    State   to 

—  265  — 

the  iicigliboriiif;'  ones,  api)etii-in<;-  in  the  exjx)!!  statistics  of  the  hitter 
as  production  of  their  own.  » 

The  railway  of  the  State  is  called  Esti-ada  de  Feri'o  (Jondc  d'Ku 
with  a  capital  of  (i.OOOrOOOSOOO  with  a  g-narantee  of  7  "^1,,  interest  and 
£  ()9.273  with  a  guarantee  of  6  ^/o  interest.  This  road  connects  Pai-a- 
hyba  with  the  neighboring-  States. 

The  principal  line,  from  Cabedello  to  Guarabira,  is  llii  kilo- 
metres and  the  branch  that  goes  from  Entroncamento  to  Pilar  mea- 
sures 25  kilometres. 

It  was  rented  by  the  goverment  to  the  enterprizc  who  built  and 
inaugurated  it  in  1883. 

This  railway  with  its  branches  has  the  following  extension  of 
trafic  : 


Mninline  (Parahyba  lo  Muluiigii) 76.000 

Branch  (Pilar  to  Iiidepeiidencia 47.000 

Prolongation  (Paraliyba  to  Cabedello)     ....       18.000 
Branch   (Mulungii  to  Alagoa  Grande) 24.000 

Total.     .     .     .     le.'i.OOO 

We  said  above  that  sugar-cane  was  the  principal  cultivation  of 
the  Parahyba  State.  We  liad  better  said  it  is  the  sugar-cane  because 
since  colonial  times  they  have  never  tried  any  other.  When  the  Dutch 
denominated  this  region  Parahyba,  they  gave  it  as  coat  of  arms 
three  Hiigav  loaves.  That  w^as  the  idea  of  that  talented  Prince  of 
Nassau  (whose  beneficial  dominion  over  that  part  of  the  country,  it 
is  a  pity,  was  not  prolonged),  wlio  in  that  way  wanted  to  express 
the  superiority  of  that  product  of  Parahyba  above  all  the  other  simi- 
lar product  all  over  the  world.  To-day,  with  its  primitive  processes, 
with  the  humble  large  copj)er  jjots  it  cannot  prevent  that  even  in 
Brazil  that  superiority  will  go  over  to  othei-  States  who  have  adopted 
the  modern  manufacturing  processes. 

And  its  three-sii gar-loaves  coat-of-arms  signifies  nothing  else  but 
a  beautiful  historical  allegoi\v. 

Yet,  even  with  the  decadence  of  a  great  industry,  Parahyba 
succeeded  in  nine  months,  in  1903,  to  reach  the  following  figures  : 

Exports l..-55.i:779S600 

hnports 1.5.i7:76l.$09n 

In  proportion  to  the  conditions  of  the  State,  the  dairy  industry, 
in  its  different  branches,  is  important,  contributing  with  about  one 
third  of  the  State  revenue. 

At  intervals  it  is  greatly  diminished  by  the  periodic  dry  seasons, 
beginning  a  new  and  prospering  period  when  the  regular  winters 

—  266   — 

appear  lurnisliing  with  its  abundant  production  tlie  neighboring 
State  of  Pernauibuco. 

Tlie  public  instruction  is  administered  by  102  classes  with  a 
frequentation  of  l.UOO  students. 

There  are  also  in  the  Capital  :  a  Normal  School  whicli  is  devoted 
to  the  training  of  teachers  and  the  high  school  —  Lyceu  Parahybano 
—  having  the  same  rights  as  the  National  Gymnasium  by  decree 
2001  oT  1st.  July,  1896.  There  are  also  the  Model  School  and  Marine 
Apprentices  schools  as  well  as  a  Public  Library. 

The  military  force  is  constituted  by  a  Safety  Battalion  with  200 
men  commanded  by  a  Lieutenant-Colonel. 

The  telephonic  and  telegraphic  nets  connect  with  Mamanguape , 
Areia,  Lerraria,  Bananeiros,  Alagoa  Grande,  Alagoa  Nova  and 
Campina  with  an  extension  of  250  kilometres. 

Other  cities  of  the  State.  —  Besides  Parahyba  there  ai-e  other 
cities  worth  mention,  though  all  of  them  are  cities  of  third  oi-  fourth 
order.  As  yet  they  are  small  nucleus,  destined  to  api)car  later  on  in 
the  list  of  the  fine  Brazilian  cities,  when  the  railway  will  afford 
them  the  miraculous  vitality  of  their  services,  bringing  them  nearer 
the  Capital,  connecting  them  with  the  outside  markets. 
Here  are  some  of  those  small  cities  : 

Areia.  —  It  is  beautiful  and  well  built,  situated  on  one  of  Bor- 
burcma  hills,  25  leagues  away  from  the  Capital,  700  metres  above 
the  sea  level,  a  region  with  an  European  climate ;  its  streets  are 
paved,  some  of  them  inclined  but  very  neat,  buildings  of  modern 
style,  and  pleasing  aspect.  It  has  a  cathedral  and  another  church,  an 
hospital,  a  theatre,  a  garden,  a  public  square  and  the  jail. 

A  i)art  of  the  municii)ality  is  devoted  to  cattle  raising,  the  other 
to  agriculture  with  fertile  fields,  irrigated  by  little  rivers.  It  consti- 
tutes the  most  powerful  centre  of  sugar-cane  cultivation  in  the 
interior  of  the  State,  counting  more  than  80  sugar  factories.  Its  prin- 
cipal places  are  :  Lagoa  do  Uemigio  and  Matta  Limpa.  In  that  city 
were  born  Aurelio  de  Figueiredo  and  Pedro  Americo,  two  notabili- 
ties of  the  artistic  w^orld. 

Mamanguape.  —  A  city,  seven  miles  away  Ironi  the  sea  and  12 
away  from  the  Capital  crossed  by  a  little  river  where  boats  navigate. 

It  has  two  ciiui-ches,  a  jail,  and  some  j)retty  private  houses.  It  has 
a  'I'rcasiiry  and  Telegraph  station.  Its  commerce  is  mainl\  with  the 
market  of  Keeil'e. 

On  the  way  from  the  C/aj)ital  to  MaMiangnape  there  an;  vast  tracts 

—  2fi7  — 

of  man^abeiras ,  trees  wliore  rubber  is  extracted  from.  They  say 
there  is  a  large  ealcareons  cave,  wliich  is  one  of  the  finest  tilings 
worth  loolving  at. 

Tliere  are  many  sugar  factories  and  they  cultivate  grain,  tobacco, 
mandioca,  and  sugar-cane. 

Itahayanna.  —  It  is  situated  at  the  right  of  the  Parahyba  river, 
15  leagues  from  the  Capital  and  (>(i  metres  above  the  level  of  the  sea. 

It  i)roduces  corn,  mandioca  and  cotton,  they  manufacture  cheese 
butter  and  prepare  dried  salted  beef,  which  is  sold  principally  in 
the  neighljoring  State  of  Pernambuco. 

Cajazkiras.  —  This  city  is  situated  112  leagues  at  the  west  of 
the  Capital  and  has  9.000  inhabitants. 

For  its  commercial  activitj-  and  prosperity  is  considered  one  of 
the  principal  cities  of  the  State.  Its  soil  is  adapted  to  the  cultivation 
of  grain,  tobacco  and  specially  cotton. 

This  Parahyba  State  has  ten  cities  :  Parahyba  (capital),  Maman- 
guape  ,  Guarabira,  Itabayanna ,  Bananeiras  ,  Campina  Grande, 
Areia,  Pombal,  Souza  and  Cajazeiras. 

Tliere  are  thirty  five  municipalities  :  the  Capital,  Santa  Rita, 
Espirito  Santo,  Pedras  de  Fogo,  Mamanguape,  Guarabira,  Pilar, 
Areia,  Serraria,  Alagoa  Grande,  Itaba^'anna,  Campina  Grande, 
Natuba,  Ingd,  Cuite ,  Araruna,  Soledade,  S.  Joao,  Cabaceiras, 
Batalhao,  Pombal,  Catole  do  Rocha,  Brejo  da  Cruz,  Pianco,  Con- 
ceiccio,  Miserieordia,  Princeza,  Patos,  Santa  Luzia  do  Sabugy, 
Teixeira,  Alagoa  do  Monteiro,  Souza,  S.  Joao  do  Rio  do  Peixe, 
Cajazeiras  and  S.  Jose  de  Piranhas. 

Sixteen  districts  :  Capital,  Mamanguape,  Itabayanna,  Guarabira, 
Bananeiras,  Areia,  Campina  Grande,  Alagoa  do  Monteiro,  Catole 
do  Rocha,  Pombal,  S.  Jojio,  Pianco,  Patos,  Souza,  Borburema  and 


The  -Capital  of  Pernambuco  about  which  we  are  going  to  write 
noAv  is  one  of  the  most  important  sea-shore  cities.  It  is  the  fourth 
as  to  its  size,  population  and  activity,  of  all  Brazilian  cities.  Those 
preceding  it  being  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Sao  Paulo  and  Baliia. 

There  is  a  ridge  running  parallel  to  the  cit^^  in  the  sea,  in  the 
form  of  a  majestic  and  solid  reef  and  it  was  that  what  very  properly 

—  268  — 

giiv(;  il  the  name  ol'  Recite.  The  eeiisiis  oi'  I'.MIO  gave  it  u  popuhitioii 
of  ll;;. ()()()  inliabitants. 

Few  fancies  of  the  prodigious  nature  of  Brazil  are  comparable 
with  the  imposing  and  curious  form  of  that  platonic  rock,  placed  as 
a  break-water,  a  long  strong  wall  against  which  the  waves  with  all 
their  furv  doesn't  succeed  but  in  transforming  in  foam  the  water 
stream,  all  that  portion  of  sea  beats  against  it. 

What  there  is  of  artificial  work  in  that  break- water  was  the  woi'k 
of  the  Dutch,  those  celebrated  collaborators  of  the  sea,  already 
clever  in  the  conquering  science  at  that  time.  To  crown  their  work 
they  placed  at  its  extreme  end,  a  few  metres  above  the  sea  level,  a 


Interior  aiiclioi'anc  and  tlic  iialniai  reel'. 

strong  tower  to  be  used  as  a  light-house  and    which    t-an    be  seen  at 
JO  uiiles  distance. 

Seen  from  a  great  distance,  the  city  seems  buried  in  the  water, 
W(}  might  say  it  looks  like  a  large,  marshy  village,  half  floating,  half 
sunk,  whei'C  we  can  discern  the  church  lowers,  thefactoi-y  chiumeys 
and  th(i  Xavy  Var<l  tower.  It  is  that  scene  thai  the  gri'at  Hra/.iliau 
poet  wauted  to  imi)ress  in  these  verses  : 

Suloe  .'  term  formosii,  oh  '.  Pernumbiun, 
Veiiezti  iinii'iitiiiiii,  IiiiiisjioiIikIii 
Itoitmtr  sohre  us  iiiftiiis  .' 

Mlail  !  Iicaiitil'iil  laiiil.  oh  '  I'l'i'iiaiiiliiii'd.  Aniciirati  Vcriirt',   li'aiis|iiii'li'(l    llnaliii^    cm    llii 

—  269  — 

An  impression  of  tlic  first  visit  lo  the  city  is  expressed  in  llie  iol- 
lowing-  paragrapli  of  a  true  observer  : 

«  Those  who  on  board  of  a  transathmtic  steamer,  arrive  Tor  tlie 
first  time  at  Pernambuco  have  the  impression  that  the  city  of  Recife 
raises  itself  from  the  sea  growing  larger  and  more  beaiitilul  at  the 
proportion  we  grow  nearer. 

This  illusion,  known  by  all  those  who  have  entered  Recife  In- 
sea,  though  produced  by  an  effect  of  oj^tics,  is  however  based  on  a 
true  fact  :  the  city  of  Recife,  was,  really  in  its  greatest  pari,  con- 
quered from  the  sea. 

Those  districts  of  the  city  full  of  movement,  as  the  Recife  (S.  Frei 
Pedro  Goncalves),  Santo  Antonio  and  S.  Jose,  and  a  good  part  of 
Boa- vista  where  places  largely  covered  by  marshy  ground  which  the 
high-tides  fed  and  the  human  work  conquered  by  means  of  quays 
and  filling  in  the  ground,  in  order  to  architect  the  city  of  to-day 
which  is  already  a  beautiful  city,  but  has  all  the  elements  to  become 
still  much  nicer.  » 

So  that  the  city  area  is  nothing  else  but  a  series  of  small  penin- 
sulas and  canals  —  happening  that  the  oldest  one  of  the  districts,  is 
positively  an  island.  All  this,  however,  connected,  embodied  b\' 
means  of  viaducts,  built  with  more  or  less  elegance  over  the  mur- 
muring, bright  and  reflecting  rivers. 

This  peculiarity,  proi^ortionating  to  the  Recife,  the  most  poetic 
and  unforeseen  panoramas,  was  the  cause  of  it  having  received  the 
popular  name  of  Brazilian  Venice. 

Its  geographical  position,  on  the  other  hand,  having  impressed 
on  it  an  undisputable  preeminence,  assures  for  it  also  an  auspicious 
future,  on  the  day  that  its  port  shall  become  a  forced  point  for  inter- 
national navigation  to  touch  on  its  w&y  abi'oad  as  the  shortest  route 
between  the  European  Continent  and  Brazil. 

Elisee  Reclus,  with  all  the  weight  of  his  authority  said  :  «  It  is 
one  of  the  commercial  emporiums  which  seem  destined  to  a  great 
future.  » 

It  is  said  that  it  was  founded  in  1536  by  Duarte  Coelho.  Later 
on  in  the  seventeenth  century  it  was  embellished  by  Maurice  of 
Nassau,  a  Dutchman,  who  instituted  it  the  seat  of  the  Dutch  do- 
minion when  they  treated  of  the  occupation  of  those  conquerors  in 

Its  port  is  then  divided  by  the  natural  reef.  The  space  between 
this  reef  and  the  city  is  called  Lingueta,  and  only  ships  of  middle 
draught  can  anchor  there.  The  ships  of  deep  draught  remain  beyond 
the  reef.  That  anchorage  is  not  sheltered  and  they  call  it  Lamariio. 

—  270  — 

When  the  government  will  realize  any  of  tdie  existing-  projects, 
(there  is  a  French  one,  Foiunic  and  an  English  one,  Hawkshawi,  for 
the  improvement  of  the  port,  Recife  will  become  a  city  of  capital 
imi)ortance,  because,  as  E.  Reclns  said  :  «  No  point  on  the  Brazilian 
coast  has  more  importance  from  a  strategic  point  of  view.  It  is 
the  advance  point  of  the  Republic  and  of  all  the  Latin  Ameiican  Xcw 
World,  for  that  matter.  It  will  not  be  long  in  the  future,  when  ways 
of  direct  communication  will  allow  the  line  to  the  commerce  to  be- 
come shorter  and  Pernambuco  will  be  the  most  frequented  i)ort  of 
all  South  America.  » 


-  4.'>>  -f-aeuajfiia^»':-^. 

liecil'c.  —  \  ii'w  (li  I'riiiH" 

k"  Mai'co  sU'ccI 

But  we  have  said  enough  about  the  port.  Our  reader,  to  bo  sure, 
wants  some  notes  on  the  city  of  to-day.  ^\'c  will  please  him.  What  is 
there  in  Recife  to-day?...  Everything  that  goes  to  make  a  large  ca- 
pital :  railways,  tramways,  hotels,  theatres,  arseiuils,  superb  chui-- 
ches,  Academies,  libraries,  newsi)ai)('rs,  clubs,  factories,  nici'  resi- 
dences, in  all  the  islands  and  suburbs,  a  constant  nu)\cuicnt  in  tlu' 
streets,  a  joyful  agitation  of  tlie  active  w<u-king  i-lasscs,  hcri'  we 
liave  the  Recife  of  to-day. 

Let  us  see  the  princi])al  sections  of  the  city  : 

Tlic  Recife  pi-ospcrity,  and  that  of  Santo  Antonio,  from  (lie  purely 

—  271  — 

esthetic  point  of  view  are  not  up  to  tlie  district  of  JJoa-\'istii,  and  tlic 
new  suburbs,  lint,  as  in  everything  there  is  the  hiw  of  compen- 
sations, they  have  a  constant  animation  and  splendid  l)usiness 
liouses  displaying-  cliarniing-  show-cases  and  windows.  Tlie  streest 
are  uneven,  ({uite  so.  If  we  see  some  wide  and  stiaiglit  streets  as 
Bariio  de  Victoi'ia,  Imperatriz  and  a  few  others,  which  give  a  nice 
impression  to  the  visitor,  we  see  many  others  narrow,  tortuous, 
regular  lanes,  lined  with  three  and  four  story  buildings,  Portuguese 

Recife.  —  Estacao  da  E.  P.  de  Caruaru 

Style  with  plain  walls  only  disturbed  in  their  simplicity  by  the  mo- 
dest veranunhs  and  windows.  The  monotony  of  the  constructions  in 
these  districts,  are  just  like  those  of  Baliia  and  Para,  of  all  those 
places  where  the  commerce  has  Portuguese  roots  and  virtues. 

Just  where  we  land,  in  the  business  district,  is  the  building  of 
the  Commercial  Association.  It  is  a  fine  building,  though  without 
architectural  style.  It  is  situated  in  a  place  of  the  Lingueta  which 
was  conquered  from  the  sea,  a  stretch  that  is  prolonged  as  quay 
forming  a  pretty  and  pleasant  boulevard.  This  building  has  two 
floors,  has  a  library,  a  reading  room   with  newspapers  and  maga- 

—  272  — 

zines,  which  is  iiiik'Ii  lr('(nienle(l,  und  above  these  is  tlie  nu-ctiii^  hall 
with  the  pictures  ol'  men,  who  have  rendered  services  to  tlie  eoni- 
inerce,  hanoino-  Irom  the  walls.  A\'hen  we  were  there  the  president 
of  the  Association  was  Dr.  Corbiniano  da  Fonseca  Filho,  an  indus- 
trial who  has  a  large  soap  and  caudle  factory  in  the  Blum  district. 

A  little  further  ahead  we  see  the  pretty  street  called  Cadeia  which 
prolonos  itself  over  a  bridge  called  Hecife,  paved  with  stone  blocks, 
and  wooden  sidewalk  on  both  sides;  the  centre  for  carriages  and 
trucks,  the  sidewalks  for  footpads.  Two  stone  arches  of  peculiar 
ornamentation  give  access  to  the  extremities  of  this  viaduct,  one  is 
called  Santo  Antonio,  the  other  Conceicao. 

Following,  always  in  straight  line,  another  street  of  magnificent 
perspective  is  seen.  It  is  the  Dois  de  Marco  street,  also  lined  with 
large  buildings  two  and  three  story  high.  The  ground  floors  are  oc- 
cupied by  stores,  whose  show  windows  and  sigus  of  all  colors  and 
dimentions  lend  to  that  artery  of  the  city  an  European  stamp. 

Crossing  this  street  perpendicularly  runs  Inipei'ador  street,  a 
wide  one  ventilated  by  the  fresh  breeze  with  fine  buildings  on  both 

The  aspect  of  that  avenue  is  rigorously  modern,  not  only  by  the 
buildings  but  by  the  movement  of  people  and  vehicles  of  all  kinds, 
by  its  active  commerce,  by  its  brasseries  filled  with  people,  the 
beautiful  fashion  establishments  with  the  display  of  a  world  of  fine 
laces,  feathers  and  other  pretty  futilities. 

The  i)retty  street  Barilo  da  Victoria,  we  referred  to  above  has 
also  its  C(mtinuation  over  a  bridge,  which  is  named  Boa  N'isfa,  fi-om 
which  looking  to  the  portions  of  the  city  on  the  river  side  we  enjoy 
a  landscape  that  can't  easily  be  forgotten. 

Beautiful  panoramas  they  are  those  we  can  contenipiate  from 
those  bridges  !  We  see  that  the  Capiberibe  river  returns  as  a  new 
looking-glass  does,  the  image  and  the  coloring  of  all  the  buildings 
sto()[)ing  over  its  Ijanks.  The  large  buildings  of  the  city,  thanks  to 
the  strange  topographical  arrangement  of  Kecife  avc  lining  the 

One  of  them,  which  we  visited  only  owing  to  that  circumstance 
was  the  House  of  Detention  (the  jail)  l)iiilt  liy  the  civil  engineci- 
Jose  Manoel  Alves  Ferreira. 

Leaving  that  section  of  the  beautiful  city  lunning  in  another 
direction  we  run  accross  a  typical  iron  and  glass  l)iiil(ling.  It  is  the 
S.  .lose  Market.  Twn  enormous  pa\  ilions  with  their  icd  roofs  con- 
nected by  a  centi-a!  gallery.  Inside,  bathed  by  tlie  irradiation  of  tiie 
Kun,  which  jx-netrMtes  by  all  sides,  there  mo\cs  in  all  dii-ections  like 

—  273  — 

busy  bees  a  thick  crowd  of  men  and  women,  yoiino-  and  old,  even 
boys  and  girls,  and  the  grain,  the  vegetables,  the  l)eantirul  tropical 
IVuit,  everywhere,  complete  the  picture  of  the  large  building,  'i'liere 
is  another  market,  superior  to  this  oue  in  architectural  style.  It  is 
called  the  Derby. 

*     * 

Now  we  are  before  a  church.  Let  us  look  at  it,  dear  reader. 

It  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  in  Brazil,  though  it  is  not  so  imjxjs- 
ing  and  so  large  as  Candelaria,  in  Eio  de  Janeiro  is,  nor  of  so 
severe  grandeur  as  the   Collegio  church  of  Bahia,  nor  of  so  elegant 

Recife.  —  The  market  of  Derby 

architecture  in  its  exterior  as  the  Bello  Horizonte  and  Curytiba 
cathedrals,  nor  so  majestic  in  its  height  as  the  Nossa  Senhora  das 
Dores  church  of  Porto  Alegre,  nor  of  so  patient  interior  decoration 
as  the  historical  S.  Francisco  church  of  Bahia.  It  is,  however,  most 
worthy  of  the  fame  it  enjoys  for  its  harmonious  architectural  style, 
based  on  the  corynthian  order  in  which  every  part  of  the  church  is 
moulded,  from  the  simple  front,  in  which  predominates  an  Italian 
taste,  till  the  elegant  dome  of  the  spheric  section,  ending  at  the  top 
by  an  open  lantern  with  a  monumental  image  of  Our  Lady. 

Another  church  of  those  43  in  the  city,  which  pleased  us  a  good 
deal  was  the  Boa  Yista,  unfortunately  situated  in  a  place  that  is  not 
favorable  to  its  perspective.  It  has  a  stone  front  in  two  bodies,  one 
over  the  other,  each  one  with  its  columns  and  two  square  towers 

—  274  — 

some  5<)  metres  high.  The  \vhole  structure  presents  a  noble  appear- 
anee  with  many  ornamental  accessories  which  do  not  diminish  its 
majestic  aspect. 

We  will  now  write  about  the  Santa  Izabcl  theatre  which  is  one  of 
the  fine  buildings  of  the  city,  one  of  the  best  of  Brazil,  though  of  mo- 
dest proportions.  It  is  not  as  rich  in  its  interior  as  the  Manaos  thea- 
tre, and  hasn't  much  less  the  architectural  perfection  in  its  exterior 
that  the  Belem  theatre  has,  yet,  it  is  a  most  pretty  building  and  well 
worthy  of  the  praises  all  visitors  are  i)rompt   to   make.    The  central 


Suhiifl)  i)f  IJccilV  :iiul  Sctc  (!<'  Sctciiiliro  Briilifi' 

bod\-  ol  the  buikliug  in  the  form  of  parallelogram  is  somewhat  impos- 
ing on  tlie  outside,  with  two  rows  of  windows  having  above  them 
two  rows  of  windows,  (like  ships  port-holes),  remind  one  even  of 
a  large  ti-ansatlantic  steannu*.  Two  different  bodies  complete  the 
whole,  auuexed  to  the  two  snuiller  angles,  I  he  frout  one  being 
decorated  will)  a  portico  and  a  terrace  with  columns. 

II  was  liuilt  l)y  llie  I'' rcncli  architect  L.  N'authicr  and  inaugurated 
on  the  ISth  of  May  IS.")!),  [devoured  by  a  fire  in  Scplcinltcr  ISti'.til  was 
re-ei'eclcd  1)\  a  l)iiildcr  .lose  Auguslo  dc  Ai-anjo,  under  the  direction 
of  the  public  works  engineer  I  )r..losc  Tibui-cio  PiM'ciia  do  Magalh*ic>, 
and  it  \Nas  reopeiu'd  on  the  jdlli  of  Dccemher  ISTd. 

—  275  — 

In  the  rebuilding-  the  primitive  plan  of  the  building-  was  enlai-gcd 
and  has  a  sitting  capacity  for  1.000  persons. 

There  is  in  Recife  another  theatre,  that  of  the  Club  Dramatico, 
belonging  to  a  private  association,  with  a  sitting  ca])acity  for  000. 

In  the  same  square  where  the  Santa  Isabel  theatre  is  to  be  found, 
there  is  the  Governor's  palace  in  the  other  angle.  This  palace  is  both 
the  State  Government  seatand  the  Governor's  residence,  and  is  shad- 
ed by  tall  palm  trees.  As  to  its  architecture  this  palace  has  nothing 

Recife.  —  Nossa  Seiihora  da  Penha  church 

worth  while  noting,  it  looks  a  little  like  the  Pani  State  one,  though  not 
so  large  and  not  so  pretty.  It  has,  how  ever,  an  historical  interest,  as 
it  was  erected  on  the  foundations  of  the  Prince  of  Nassau's  palace.  At 
present,  after  successive  reforms,  it  has  the  external  appearance  of  an 
old  mansion  residence  of  noble  personages.  It  has  two  floors  in  three 
of  the  angles  of  the  building,  in  the  fourth  angle,  at  the  rear  there 
are  three  floors  and  there  is  the  Governor's  residence.  The  front  is 
painted  of  dark  red,  with  a  triangle  in  the  centre  at  the  top  and 
faces  the  garden  of  the  Republica  Square. 

This  is  the  finest  square  of  the  city.    Recife   in  this   regard  did 

—  276  — 

not  keej)  in  pace  witli  its  iniiiorttinee  and  grandeur.  Tl  has  but  few 
squares,  and  those  it  has,  liave  (luite  poor  gardens.  Von  may  run 
througli  the  whole  city  and  you  w  ill  not  find  one  of  those  pretty 
parks  as  you  find  in  Beleni,  Sao  Paulo,  and  Rio  de  Janeiro,  perfum- 
ing the  atmosphere  with  the  balsamic  sweet  scent  of  their  flowers. 

Another  important  building-  is  the  Congress  Palace,  modern 
style  with  a  semi-spheric  dome,  the  shade  of  wliicli  pi'ojccts  iisclf  in 
the  looking  glass  of  the  river  calm  \>aters,  as  a  large  and  trembling 

It  is  a  fine  building-,  the  foundation  stone  of  which  was  plaeed  on 
the  2nd  of  December  1870,  and  was  finished  on  the  JOth  of  Januar\ 
1876,  under  the  direction  and  according-  to  the  plans  of  the  civil 
engineci-  Dr.  Jose  Tiburcio  Pereira  de  Magalhaes. 

A  little  further  ahead,  also  in  the  pi'etty  street  that  lines  the 
river  we  see  a  large  building-,  the  Crymnasium,  possessing  in  its 
large  size  what  lacks  in  elegance. 

At  the  end  of  the  Imperador  street  is  a  white  three  stoiy  high 
mansion,  of  sober  architecture  —  it  is  the  Town  Hall.  —  The  muni- 
cipality does  not  occupy  the  whole  building.  The  second  flooi-  is  the 
public  library  which  has  nothing  to  do  with  the  municipal  service. 

^\'e  visited  it  with  leisure  and  with  all  this  patient  crankness 
that  makes  of  us  a  library-maniac.  Everything  was  in  perfect  order. 
The  books  of  which  there  are  20.000  volumes  were  in  book-cases 
with  glass-doors,  quite  protected  from  the  dust  and  leaning-  against 
the  walls,  according  to  the  usages  in  olden  times  libraries.  The 
books  were  nicely  kept.  The  catalogue  is  nicely  ananged. 

*     * 

M'ithout  feeling  it  we  started  treating  pul)lic  instruction  subjects 
and  as  it  desei'ves  a  separate  chapter  we  now  open  it. 

The  ol(l(;st  and  most  respected  institution  in  this  line  is  the  Law 
Co' lege.  Not  lia\  lug  I  hat  famous  I'cputalion  I'oi-  its  glorious  1  radii  ions, 
nobody  will  say  by  looking  at  this  establisliniciil ,  thai  this  l»uilding 
is  the  nest  and  nursery  whcM-efrom  so  many  inlellectual  eagles  have 
raised  ils  fliglil  carrying  the  IxMicficial  influx  of  tlicir  know  ledge  to 
(!very  cornci-  of  I!ia/.il. 

Tlie  Alls  and  Trades  Lyceum  is  a  most  sympathetic  institute  of 
learning,  ll  owes  ils  existence  to  private  initiative  and  ils  expenses 
:irc  made  li\  the  piodiu-t  of  siibsci'ipl  ions  of  |)ri\ale  eoni  liltnl  ion>. 
It    IniN    a    liiiilding    of   its    own,    and    a    tine    const  rnci  ion  it   is.  wiili 

classes  where  lan<;nu<>-es ,  sciences,  arts  and  ti-ades,  industrial 
dra\vin<>-  and  other  studies  are  taught  free  of  charge  both  in  day  and 
evening  classes.  We  were  there  a  couple  oT  hours  examining  some 
curious  anthropological,  archeological  and  numisiuatic  collections 
which  form  its  interesting  museum. 

This  popular  institute,  based  on  the  system  of  the  establishments 
of  its  kind  in  Rahia  and  Rio  de  Janeiro,  was  iounded  by  the  u  Socic- 
dade  dos  Artistas  Mechanicos  e  Liberaes  »,  in  the  year  l.SSl,  the 
State  Government  contributing  with  a  yearly'  subsidy. 

The  Ai-cheological  Institute  has  a  reputation  wliicli  has  already 
reached  beyond  the  State]  boundary  limits,  it  has  si)i-ea(l  all  over  the 

Kefife.  —  Loirislalivo  ('.oii"ross  and  Gvniiia.simn  biiildiiii's. 

country.  It  is  in  a  small  building  of  a  most  peculiar  architectui-e,  in 
which  curve  lines  predominate,  built  at  first  for  grammar  schools 
and  later  on  reserved  for  this  institution. 

In  the  meetings  Hall  we  saw  a  picture  gallery  with  the  portraits 
of  historical  perscniages,  and  notabilities  of  the  ex-province. 

Charities  Department.  —  The  public  buildings  devoted  to  the 
service  of  public  aid  in  Pernambuco  are  worthy  of  note. 

The  D,  Pedro  II  Hospital  is  the  largest.  It  is  a  large  three  story 
building  —  it  is  the  citj^  hospital. 

The  foundation  stone  of  the  building  was  placed  on  the  25th  of 
March  1847  and  before  it  was  finished  on  the  10th  of  March  1861 
began  already'  its  charitable  work  of  receiving  patients  to  be  treated. 

It    has  nine  wards  for  men  and  foui-  for  women,  steam   washing 

—  278  — 

machinery,  a  chapel,  flower  and  vegetable  gardens,  observation 
rooms  for  suspected  diseases,  livery  stables,  laboratories  and  every 
department  needed  in  an  institute  of  its  kind. 

The  Insane  Asylum  Ihouoh  not  as  important  as  that  of  Para,  or 
that  of  Sao  Paulo,  is  yet  one  of  the  best  in  the  whole  country. 

The  building  is  a  modern  one,  situated  at  the  Tamarindeira 
Square,  a  most  pleasant  and  healthy  spot.  It  has  four  pavilions,  the 
central  one  being  1  15  metres  awaj'  from  the  ])ubli('  road,  and  is 
occupied  by  the  administration  of  the  institution,  measuring  30  m.  50 
front  by  22  m.  00  depth.  The  other  two  pavilions,  are  devoted  to 
the  habitation  of  the  insane,  and  have  their  fronts  a  little  further 
ahead  than  the  central  one  and  measure  .'30  m.  50  front  by  50  m.  ()0 

Recife.  —  Insane  Asylum 

'V\\(',  nuiin  front  is  of  doric  style  and  of  Lisbon  stone  with  a 
stairway,  a  ])ortico  and  a  garden  in  front. 

When  we  visited  this  noted  asylum  in  October  1002  there  were 
IJ  insane  i)atients  from  Pernambuco  and  neighboring  States. 

.Just  as  the  Insane  Asylum,  the  Pooi-  House,  known  as  the  Asylo 
de  Mendicidade,  is  another  document  of  the  high  interest  that  the 
Government  of  Pernambuco  takes  in  the  public  aid  services  of  its 

Tli('r(;  are  yet  in  Recife  the  asylums  and  hospitals,  Magalhiies 
liastos,  Lazaros,  Santa  Angela  and  othei's. 

I'riM.K  Instruction.  —  Incidentally  we  have  already  si)oken  of 
some  public  instinict ion  establisliinents,  as  the  (Jymnasium  and  the 
I.yeeuni.  We  will  now  write  about  the  grammar  schools.  The  diffe- 
rent nmnicipalil  ies  of  rernainbueo  sh;ii'e  with  the  State  (iovt'inmenl 

—  279  — 

llu^  cliarges  of  i)iil)lic  ins! ruction.  Just  as  it  is  done  in  lialiia,  Miiias, 
Sao  Paulo,  and  other  States. 

The  State  maintains  in  its  capital,  Recife,  10  gi-annnar  schools, 
two  in  each  ward  —  being-  one  for  each  sex. 

The  municipality  in  its  turn  supports  108  day  schools  and  eight 
night  ones.  There  are  also  about  30  private  schools. 

Public  schools  in  the  State  of  Pekxambuco. 

In  the  capital  : 

Day  classes  .  .  .  .  108 
Night  classes  ...  8 
Private  classes  ...       30         140 

In  the  interior 381 

Total    .     .     527 

There  are,  besides  this,  many  private  schools,  both  grammar  and 
high  schools  spread  through  the  cities  and  villages  of  the  interior. 
The  State  government  has  also  the  Colonia  Orphanologica  Isabel, 
(«  Isabel  ))  orphanological  colony),  an  important  institute  for  orphan 

There  are  in  Recife  several  libraries,  the  principal  ones  being  : 
a  Bibliotheca  do  Estado  ;  Bibliotheca  da  Faculdade  de  Direito;  Bi- 
bliotheca  do  Gabinete  Portuguez  de  Leitura ;  Bibliotheca  do  Insti- 
tuto  Archeologico. 

Nearly  all  the  principal  associations  and  learning  institutions 
maintain  libraries  of  more  or  less  importance. 

The  State  Library  has  30.000  volumes,  the  Gabinete  Portuguez 
one  20.000;  the  Faculdade  de  Direito  one  10.000,  and  that  of  the 
Archeological  Institute  3.000  volumes. 

As  to  secondary  and  superior  instruction  there  are  also  the  follow- 
ing classes  : 

a  Associacao  dos  Empregados  do  Commercio))  night  classes  of  lan- 
guages and  other  studies  for  book-keeping  and  commercial  pursuits. 

Normal  College,  —  with  a  a  four  year  course  for  teachers.  There 
is  another  school  of  this  kind  for  the  same  purposes  maintained  by  a 
private  association. 

Engeneering  College,  founded  by  Dr.  Barbosa  Lima  while  Go- 
vernor of  the  State,  installed  in  a  fine  building,  modern  style,  with 
a  physics  and  chemisti-y  cabinet  and  laboratory. 

We  must  not  close  the  Pernambnco  section  without  writing 
about  the  magnificent  press  of  its  Capital.  It  is  the  State  where 
journalism  is  the  strongest  and  most  advanced.  In  the  Capital  alone 
there  are  eight  dailies,  and  some  have  won  a  reputation  in  all  Bra- 

—  280 

zil,  such  as  the  Joinul  do  Recife  published  for  the  hist  l.">  yeai's;  the 
Dinrio  dc  PernnDibuco,  i)ublisbed  since  1825;  the  Pvovinvia;  the 
Estado;  the  Correio  do  Recife ;  o  Jornal  Peqiieno,  etc.  In  the  interior 
we  rarely  lind  a  city  of  some  importance  without  a  newspaper. 

Indistuy  ano  (^OAr:\rERCE.  —  In  spite  of  the  largest  part  of  l*er- 
nambuco's  activity  and  wealth  being  trained  towards  agricultural 
industries,  Just  as  it  happens  in  nearly  evcr^'  State  of  Brazil,  it  would 
be  a  mistake  to  imagine  that  there  is  not  either  in  the  Capital  or  in 
other  cities,  an  ever  growing  number  of  factories. 


(iniii|(rcssiiig  colldii  works  dl   \.   Ncoscii  rl  ("," 

S])e;ikiiig  oiil\-  of  important  establishments  there  are  in  Ueeife 
and  siildiihs  (lie  following  factories  :  :>  shoe  ones,  (5  cotton  mills,  1 
oakum,  '2i)  cigars,  2  playing  cards,  1  glassware,  "J  hats,  1  matches, 
•J  perfujiiei-y,  1  i)owd(n-,  (i  soap,  10  furnitui'e,  ;{  oil,  I  candles,  'J  glo- 
ves, J  bones  coal,  7  ])icture  fi-aines  and  looking  glasses,  1  ice,  1  neck- 
ties, 1  i)aste  l)oard,  1  biscuits,  1  wire  nails.  1  cement,  I  l)rick,  ii  to- 
mato mass  factories  and  12  breweries  and  licpior  distillers. 

As  to  its  lUider  industry,  the  nninufacture  of  sugai-.  (he  State 
not  loud  ago  invested  1  1.000:  ()ig;O00(^()  to  enlarge  t  lie  instaUat  ion  of 
some  lactories  and  inlfodnce  new  ])i'ocesses  in  t  he  prei)ai'at  ion  of 

in    the    State    of     I'ernanibuco    there,    art'    to-da\    .iS   steam    and 

—  281  — 

liydi'aulic  suo;ir  liU'tories,  and  l.iJOO  suoar  factoi-ics  working-  l,y  tlu; 
old  processes,  whieli  give  an  avei^ige  of  l.",().0()0  tons  of  sugar  eacli 

Tlie  total  of  the  annual  production  of  sugar-cane  is  estimated  at 
nearly  3.000.000  tons. 

To-day  none  of  the  Brazilian  States  jjroduces  bettei-  (|ualiti('s  of 
sugar  nor  cheaper  ones  than  ]*ernainl)uco. 

On  the  other  hand,  its  producing  energy  is  astounding.  The 
following  table  of  sugar  export  by  the  port  of  Recife  serves  as  a 
proof  of  the  statements  we  made  above. 

Map  of  the  sugar  produced  in  Pernamuuco  in  7  years  1894-1901  (in  bags  of  75  kilos) 









September  .     . 








October .     .     . 








November  .     . 








December   .     . 








January  .     .     . 




206. 48 i 




February     . 

.552.. •in2 







March     .     .     . 








April.     .     .     . 








May    .... 



47. .599 





.lune  .... 








July   .... 


55.. 542 






August    .     .     . 









2.062. .568 






It  isn't  sugar  alone  that  appears  in  the  list  of  Pernambuco 
exports,  there  is  also  cotton,  dried  and  salted  skins,  alcohol, 
brandy,  oils,  caruaiiba,  mamona  (of  which  castor  oil  is  made),  and 
rubber.  All  these  articles  are  exported  in  smaller  or  larger  quantities. 

The  production  of  cotton,  for  instance,  which  is  the  second  arti- 
cle in  importance  in  the  list  as  to  quantity  is  quite  large  and  the 
table  below  representing  the  port  of  Recife  exports  of  that  article  in 
the  decade  1891  to  1901  will  give  us  an  idea  of  it  : 

Years  Bales 

1891  a  1892 167.999 

1892  a  1895 512.112 

1895  a  1894 312.258 

1894  a  1893 193.667 

1895  a  1896 172.427 

The  importation  commerce  of  Pernambuco  is  large,  exceeds  even 



1896  a  1897     .     .     . 

.      .      169.867 

1897  a  1898     .     .     . 

.     .     240.572 

1898  a  1899     .     .     . 

.     .     133.579 

1899  a  1900     .     .     . 

.     .     289.826 

1900  a  1901     .     .     . 

.     .     358.925 

—  282  — 

its  exports,  wiiat  is  easily  explained  because  the  ])ort  of  Recife  is  a 
kind  of  intermediary  of  the  imports  of  some  of  the  small  neighboring- 

In    1903    the    international    interchange    of    Pernambuco    from 
January  to  November  was  : 

Exi.orts 2ri.998:571j 

Imports ■  .     34. 194:821  SOOO 

By  the  following  list  we  will  see  that  Pernambuco  occupies  a 
prominent  place,  being  second  to  none  but  Rio  de  Janeiro  as  to  the 
amount  of  its  imports  among  the  six  States  which  import  more  than 
thej'  export.  By  the  last  official  statistics  data  during  the  first  nine 
months  of  lUOl  we  see  that  those  states  imported  : 

Federal  Capital ioG.?!  l:8r3IS000 

Pernambuco 54.I94:821S000 

Kio  Grande  do  Sill 20.1 98:2-268000 

Maranhao 4.o29:.584S000 

Parahjba 1.547:77 1 $000 

Sergipe 5o0:GI9S000 

The  port  of  Recife  is  one  of  the  principal  ones  of  Brazil,  as  to 
the  entry  and  sailings  movement  in  spite  even  of  nothing  having 
been  done  materially  to  adapt  this  port  to  the  requirements  of 
modern  commerce.  A  committee  of  engineers  which  the  Federal 
Government  maintains  there,  and  installed  to-day  in  the  old  Xavy 
arsenal  building,  has  made  some  dredging  work  in  the  })ort  between 
the  Lingueta  and  the  light  house  to  clear  up  the  channel. 

*    * 

Police  force,  transportation,  etc.  —  The  police  force  of  Per- 
nambuco, which  used  to  have  2.000  men,  was  lately  reduced. 

The  map  showing  the  expenses  made  with  the  State  troops, 
during  the  year  190;M'.K)1  go  up  to  852:300S550. 

The  above  dncumcut  was  sent  to  the  Slate;  Congress  by  Di-.  An 
tonio   (ioncalvcs    l^'ei-reira,  governor  of  tin;  State,  with  a  message  t)f 
wliicli  \v(;  extract(Hl  the  following  paragraphs  : 

((  It  is  thus  that  by  tlic  proposed  reform  presented,  the  State 
ti*oo])s  will  be  reduced  to  l.:i();{  privates  and  'My  officers,  distributed, 
according  to  the  tabh^  approved,  by  a  regiment  of  infant ry  and  a 
S(|ua(lr()U  of  caviilry,  the  former  w  itli  I  .'J  II  men  and  (he  second  with 
."/.I  privates  under  the  general  coniniand  of  a  eolonel  who  will  liaxc 
full  charge  of  the  service.  » 

—  283  — 

The  city  is  crossed  by  the  tracks  of  the  «  Companhia  Ferro  Carril 
Pernambncana,  »  which  inaugurated  its  service  on  the  21stor  Septem- 
ber 1871  with  the  Magdalena  line.  Then  they  started  the  AlTorgados 
one,  on  the  20th  of  November  of  the  same  year,  Santo  Amaro,  on  the 
14th  of  January,  1872,  Capunga,  (Muling  in  b^M-nandes  Vieira,  in  the 
beginning  of  the  square  in  which  they  plan  the  construction  of  the 
Aiiiorim  i)ark,  on  21st  of  September,  1872.  The  tramways  are  large, 
in  good  conditions,  comfortable,  and  the  general  service  is  good.  In 
lV)0;i  this  company  carried  7.000.000  passengers  in  the  different  lines, 
which  run  over  a  total  of  2.5  kilometres. 

Generally  the  tramway  service  is  good  though  they  adopt  as  yet 
animal  traction.  It  is  noticed  by  the  visitors  why  such  a  beautiful 
and  progressive  city  should  not  adopt  electrical  traction  as  nearly 
all  tlie  important  cities  of  Brazil  are  doing. 

As  to  i-ailroads  the  State  of  Pernambuco  has  the  following  com- 
panies : 


Estrada  de  Ferro  do  Recife  a  S.  Francisco 124.739 

Estrada  Sul  de  Pernambuco 19,i.908 

Estrada  de  Ribeirao  a  Bonito 26 

Estrada  de  Ferro  de  Cucaii 70 

Estrada  de  Ferro  Santos  Dias — 

Estrada  de  Ferro  Central 178.900 

Estrada  de  Ferro  do  Recife  ao  Limoeiro  (main  Hne) .     .     .  82.976 

Estrada  de  Ferro  de  Carpina  a  Nazaretii  (brancli) ....  15.069 

Estrada  de  Ferro  de  Nazaretli  ao  Pilar  (branch)     ....  84.240 


Besides  these  the  State  has  other  railways  connecting  the  Capital 
with  the  suburbs  : 

«  Estrada  de  Ferro  Trilhos  Urbanos  do  Recife  a  Dois  »  with  a 
branch  going  to  Varzea,  the  trains  of  which  start  from  Republica 
scpiare.  The  line  until  Apipucos  was  inaugurated  on  the  5th  of  January 
186G.  The  branch  that  follows  to  Varzea  separates  itself  from  the 
main  line  at  the  Entroncamento,  crosses  Capunga,  goes  over  the 
Lassarre  bridge  and  thence  through  the  new  road  near  a  place  named 
Zumby,  following  up  to  Caxanga. 

From  the  entroncamento  starts  a  new  branch  following  by  the 
Arrayal,  which  connects  again  to  the  main  line  in  Monteiro.  This 
railway  belongs  to  an  English  Company :  the  Brazilian  Street 
Railway;  its  track  is  1™20  wide  and  has  26  kilometres  extension. 

The  ((  Trilhos  Urbanos  do  Recife  a  Olinda  e  Beberibe  »  Company 
has  its  main  station  at  Rua  Yisconde  do  Rio  Branco  (Aurora)  at 
the  South  of  Pedro  II  bridge.  It  is  12  kilometres  long,  its  track  is 

—  284  — 

r".>2  wide  and  belongs  to  a  Brazilian   eompany.  The  main  station  at 
Rua  Anroia  was  open  to  the  public  in  ISTo. 

For  transportation  and  sea  eoramunieations,  Reeil'e  supports  a 
coastwise  navigation  conipan}'  (besides  other  enterprizes  that  call 
there,  belonging  to  o_ther  States).  It  is  the  (cCorapanhiaPernambucana 
de  Navegacao  a  Vapors  founded  in  185.'{  which  has  eight  steamers  for 
that  service  with  0.907  tons  for  cargo  and  accommodations  for  l.Kio 
first  and  second  class  passengers. 

Sundry  notes  ahout  the  city.  —  There  are  in  Recife  the  follow- 
ing banks  with  the  following  capital  : 

Banco  de  Pernambiico 8.0n0:000§000 

Banco  Popular l.-'iOmOOOitdOO 

Banco  Emissor 20.0nn.000.sn00 

Banco  Oedito  Heal I.OOO:OiiOSOO() 

The  following  banks  have  branch  houses  : 

The  London  and  Brazilian  Bank  Ltd. 
The  London  and  Kiver  Philc  Bank  LicL 

There  is  also  an  agency  of  the  Banco  de  Republica  do  Brazil ,  of 
Rio  de  Janeiro,  and  a  new  bank  under  the  name  of  Banco  do  Recife 
with  a  capital  of  2.000:00()$000  has  just  been  founded. 

The  city  is  illuminated  by  hydro-carbonic  gas  of  which  there  is 
an  excellent  factory  and  gasometre  in  S.  .Jose  ward.  It  receives  its 
water  supi)ly  through  pipes  and  has  a  complete  system  of  sewci'ag(\ 
It  has  ;m.5  sti-eets,  20  squares,  215  lanes  and  07  alleys. 

In  January  of  1902  the  city  of  Recife  and  suburbs  had  2<>.ll7 
buildings,  being  19.<S9.5  inhabited,  1(»9  under  construction,  and  S;>  in 

Of  these  buildings  1.092  didn't  i)ay  any  taxation  for  the  good 
reason  of  having  legal  exemption  from  it. 

Themunicii)al  revenuecollected  in  1902,  amounted  to  1 .  19,S:r)lS.i!9S."), 
which   after  adding  the  balance  left  from  tin;  previous  year  went  up 

to  i.20i.:m9$;{:{0. 

The  poi)ulation  of  the  city  has  increased  thus  : 

INK).     .       2.").()()0  inhabitants. 
IS  12.     .       72.000  » 

I.S72.     .       97. .")()()  )) 

I.S90.     .      |-J'.i.07l  inhal)ilaiits  incliidiii-;- Oliiuh,  Mild  the  otitci- 


Other  Citiks  of  Pkunambuco.  —  liesidcs  Ilecile,  one  of  the  South 
American  jewels,  tlie  Pernambuco  State  lias  within  its  limits  some 
very  pretty  cities,  active  nucleus  of  civilisati(m  and  progress,  which 
the  net  of  railways  is  little  by  little  unitin<;-,  so  that  they  become 
homogeneous,  let  us  put  it  that  way,  in  the  formaticm  of  that  block 
of  national  soul  and  conscience,  which  is  so  rarefied  and  so  uncon- 
scious once  the  sea-shore  line  is  left  to  peneti-ate  in  the  vast  world 
of  the  west  —  the  interior. 

Here  are  the  names  of  those  cities  ,  whicli  are  spread  here  and 
there,  some  connected  by  the  railway,  others  that  will  be  so  in  some 
future  date  : 

Bczerros  at  the  right  of  the  Ipojuca  river,  at  the  North,  near  Serra 
Negra;  Bom  Jardiin,  in  a  beautiful  position  at  the  right  of  the  Tra- 
cnnhaem  river,  near  the  State  of  Parahyba  do  Xorte ;  Brcjo  (hi 
Madre  de  Dens,  situated  in  a  valley  and  just  from  this  very  circum- 
stance its  name  originates.  The  valley  is  formed  by  the  Prata  and 
Estrago  hills.  This  city  formerly  was  nothing  but  a  large  farm  be- 
longing to  the  convent  de  S.  Philippe  Nery  in  Recife.  Cnbo  is  another 
city  at  the  right  of  Pirapama,  crossed  by  the  E.  de  E.  do  Recife  a 
S.  Erancisco  railway ;  Cariiam  is  in  slightly  inclined  but  healthy 
and  dry  ground,  bathed  by  the  Ipojuca  river,  and  placed  at  its  left. 
That  river  is  cpiite  strong  in  winter;  E  scad  a,  alao  at  the  left  of 
the  Ipojuca  river,  high  ground,  many  inhabitants,  well  mounted 
sugar  factories  and  a  railway  station  of  the  E.  de  E.  do  Recife  ao 
S.  Erancisco  company,  bathed  by  the  Salgado  and  Goyta  rivers 
which  run  near  by;  Garanhiins,  in  the  centre  of  a  hill  top  near  the 
source  of  the  Mundahii  river ;  Gloria  de  Goyta  near  the  city  of  Pao 
d'Alho  bathed  by  a  little  river  of  the  same  name,  with  sugar  factories  ; 
Goyanna  between  the  rivers  Tracunhaem  and  Capiberibe-mirim. 
24  kilometres  from  the  coast  with  sugar-cane,  coffee  and  tobacco 
agriculture;  Gravata  at  the  right  of  the  Ipojuca  river;  Itambe  at  the 
extreme  end  of  the  State  in  front  of  the  Pedras  de  Eogo  village,  well 
populated,  with  a  magnificent  climate  and  fertile  ground;  Jaboatao, 
at  18  kilometres  west  of  the  Capital,  with  a  good  climate,  bathed  by 
the  river  of  the  same  name,  connected  with  Recife  by  the  E.  de  E.  de 
Caruaru';  Limoeiro,  at  the  left  of  Capiberibe  river,  it  is  a  beautiful 
plain;  Nazareth  ,  w^ith  4.000  inhabitants  at  the  right  of  the  Tracun- 
haem river,  in  high  ground,  rocky  and  uneven  connected  with 
Recife  by  the  E.  de  E.  do  Recife  ao  Limoeiro  by  the  branch  of  its 
name ;  Olinda,  only  (3  kilometres  away  from  Recife,  built  on  a  hill 
bathed  in  the  South  bv  the  Beberibe  river,  in  the  Xorth  by  the  Doce 

—  286  — 

river,  in  the  East  by  the  ocean,  (It  was  formerly  the  capital  of  Pcr- 
nambnco,  then  one  of  the  most  oi)ulent  and  rich  cities  of  Brazil)  On  the 
23rd  of  November,  18;31  the  Dutch  set  fire  to  it.  Among  its  build- 
ings worth  while  noting  is  :  the  Church  (Se) ;  the  Seminary,  an  old 
college  that  belonged  formerly  to  the  Jesuits,  the  S.  Francisco  and 
Sao  Bento  convents  well  preserved;  the  Carrao  convent  in  ruins,  the 
Nuns  Home;  the  terminal  station  of  the  E.  de  F.  de  Olinda,  a  large 
building  where  in  olden  times  were  sheltered  the  soldiers.  It  was  the 
artillery  barracks  and  to-daj'^  was  reconstructed  by  the  railway 
com])any.  The  City  Hall  bnilding;  the  market;  the  S.  Pcdio  Martyi-, 
the  S.  Pedro  Novo,  the  Amparo,  the  S.  Joao,  the  Misericordia,  the 
Milagres  and  other  churches.  Olinda's  water  supply  is  furnished  by 
the  Santa  Thereza  Company,  the  water  coming  through  ])ipcs  from 
the  Boberibe  river.  In  the  Varadouro  there  is  a  pretty  bridge. 
Palnuires,  at  the  left  of  the  Una  river,  in  the  K.  de  F.  do  Recife  ao 
S.  Francisco;  Pcsqueira,  at  the  bottom,  of  the  west  side  of  Araruba 
hill  where  the  Panema  or  Ii)anema  river  begins;  Rio  Forinoso,  at 
the  right  of  the  river  of  the  same  name,  near  the  sea  coast,  with 
8.000  inhabitants  became  celebrated  in  the  days  of  struggle  with 
the  Dutch;  Taqiiar('tin<>H,  elevated  to  the  rank  of  a  city  in 
1887;  Timbaubii,  but  at  a  short  distance  from  Pernambuco  boundary 
line,  separating  it  from  Parahyba;  Triumpho  in  the  Baixa  Verde 
mountain,  cultivating  largely  coffee;  Victoria,  crossed  by  Natuba,  a 
little  river,  situated  at  the  left  of  the  Tapocara  river,  in  the  F.  dc  F. 
do  Recife  a  Caruaru ,  it  was  formerly  the  Santo  Antao  village. 
liarrciros,  crossed  by  the  Una  and  Cariman  rivers,  near  the  State  of 
Alagoas;  Scrinhacni,  built  on  a  hill  at  the  right  of  the  river  of  the 
same  name;  Bonito,  at  the  left  of  the  Madre  de  Deus  river;  A^ua 
Preta,  at  the  left  of  Una  river;  Petrolina,  on  the  banks  of  the 
S,  Francisco  river ,  and  in  front  of  ,Ioa/.eiro,  in  Bahia  ;  .Sa/^'v/c/zv) 
and  Bom  Conselho,  at  the  bottom  of  Taboleiro  hill,  at  the  right  of 
the  Lava-pes  little  river,  which  divides  it  into  two  districts,  connect- 
ed by  two  wooden  bridges  :  Gamelleira,  bathed  by  the  Serinhfu  in 

We  persist  in  our  opinion  that  this  part  of  Brazilian  fatherland 
will  play  a  most  important  role  in  the  progress  and  civilisation  of 
the  country.  When  we  visited  it,  (hough  wc  heard  repeated  com- 
plaints against  the  dull  business,  against  such  or  such  stal)ility  of 
local  progress,  we  were  convinced  that  wc  can  trust  decidedly  and 
confidentiall.x  in  the  future  of  Pernambuco,  without  iucinring  in  tin' 
error  of  being  oi)timist.  Its  principal  cultivation,  the  sugarcane,  is 
not  threatening  it,  as  the   impatient    ones  i-ry.    rcrnambuco   has  a 

—  287  — 

sure  market  in  the  IH  or  IS  million  consumers  right  in  the  coiinti'v. 
It  suffices  to  close  Brazilian  markets  to  the  alcohol,  hrandy  and 
sugar  imported  from  foreign  countries,  to  amplify  by  industrial  ap- 
plications the  use  of  the  alcohol  and  the  crisis  of  the  State  agricul- 
ture will  be  fought.  To  be  sure  that  all  must  be  preceded  l)y 
the  radical  remodellati(m  of  the  cultivation  and  manufacturing  ])i'o- 
cesscs.  Those  l.HOO  sugar  plantations  where  sugar  is  nuinu fact u red 
by  the  old  processes  of  large  copper  pans,  have  to  be  transformed 
into  modern  factories,  or  disappear  from  the  regions  where  these 
new  processes  begin  to  be  adopted. 

The  agricultural  evolution  will  have  to  accompany  inevitably  the 
general  evolution. 

But  what  assures  firmly  the  future  of  Pernambuco  is  its  magni- 
ficent maritime  situation  between  the  two  worlds,  lucky  position, 
nothing  lacking  to  it,  not  even  the  proximity  of  good  anchorage  to 
help  the  access  to  the  Recife  one. 

In  fact,  among  other  bays  which  make  the  coast  navigation  so 
easy,  we  will  cite  the  port  of  Tamandare  ,  120  kilometres  south  of 
the  Capital,  which  is  reputed  one  of  the  best,  if  not  the  best  of  the 
whole  State.  It  is  formed  by  a  large  baj'^  in  the  coast,  between  the 
bars  of  the  Una  and  Formoso  rivers,  closed  in  the  front  by  the  reef. 
It  has  an  easy  entrance,  a  good  anchorage  with  deep  waters  and 
sheltered  from  storms. 

The  Federal  Government  instalJed  there  a  (juarantinc  station, 
modern  style,  of  which  the  building  nicely  painted  and  clean  we  had 
to  observe,  even  if  against  our  wishes.  The  steamer  in  which  we  tra- 
velled going  to  Rio,  called  at  Recife  at  a  time  when  the}'  reported 
the  existence  of  the  plague  there.  The  steamer  was  sent  to  Taman- 
dare for  disinfections  and  other  annoyances,  with  whicli  they  perform 
all  over  the  world  the  comedy  of  the  official  prophylatic  theories. 
We  gained  by  the  visit.  We  got  acquainted  with  one  of  the  most 
beautiful  anchorage  places  of  Brazil. 


From  Bahia  to  Maceio  there  are  only  240  miles,  and  besides  the 
traveller  will  have  always  in  sight  the  low  lands  of  the  sea-coast, 
graceful  in  its  curves,  a  little  sandy,  here  and  there,  but  fertile  in 
the  largest  part  of  its  extension  ,  and  always  dressed  by  the  woods 

—  288  — 

in  which  predominates  tlie  crown  oi'  the  palm-trees,  cocoa-nut   trees 
in  ondulating  cultivations  that  have  miles  and  miles  of  extension. 

The  first  time  we  reached  the  port  of  Maceio,  was  on  a  June 
morning-  fresh  and  sweet,  the  diaphanous  atiiiosphere  left  before  our 
eyes  the  vision  of  an  infinite  field.  At  the  left  of  those  which  from  the 





sea  look  to  the  city,  are  awfully  long  plantations  of  cocoa-nut  trees. 
The  sann^  moving  bottom,  is  like  a  frame  to  the  white  l)uildings 
affording  a  joyful  and  pleasant  panoi-ama. 

The  liiiildings  are  spread  penetrating  tlie  green  liioek  and  seem 
to  be  advancing  in  two  dislini't  columns,  one  low  down  lining  thi' 
shore,  the  otliei-  going  u|»  the  hill,  a  i)ict urescpie  and  reddish  hill,  not 

—  289  — 

vor\'  lii^li  luiil  which  serves  as  basis  lor  the  liglil-lionse.  Several 
church-towers  appear  above  tlie  thick  body  ol"  tlie  l)niklingK  h)oking- 
for  a  superior  atmosphere,  spotting-  the  screnily  of  (h(i  sky  transpa- 
rent blue.  Towards  the  North  and  Xorth-east  picturesque  houses  and 
hamlets  of  humble  i)eople  are  lining  the  roads  always  gi-een  with  (he 
cocoa-nut  trees  till  about  a  league's  distance. 

When  the  steamer  anchors,  an  enormous  quantity  of  boats  gather 
around  i( ,  the  boatmen  shouting  to  offer  transportation  making  a 
tremendous  noise.  In  ten  minutes  everything  is  done  and  we  are 
walking  over  the  wooden  bridges  to  enter  the  city.  The  landing 
place  is  a  sea-shore  called  Jaragua,  filled  with  small  houses  without 
any  importance  and  large  commercial  houses,  storage  rooms,  docks 
and  warehouses  and  navigation  companies  agencies.  A  tramway 
takes  the  visitor  to  the  centre  of  the  city,  passing  by  the  Universal 
hotel,  a  small  hotel  at  the  left,  and  a  large  building,  painted  in  rose 
color,  at  the  right,  a  little  above,  this  is  the  building  where  the 
State  Government  was  for  along  time.  After  this  we  see  commercial 
streets,  squares,  all  filled  of  passing  crowds  of  workmen,  who  consti- 
tute the  main  local  activity. 

One  of  the  peculiarities  of  Maceio  is  its  light-house,  erected  in  the 
centre  of  the  buildings.  All  the  other  light-houses  are  surrounded 
by  waves,  this  one  is  surrounded  by  houses. 

The  city  has  some  37.000  inhabitants,  four  newspapers,  several 
clubs ,  associations ,  etc.  There  are  also  factories,  banks  and  elec- 
trical illumination. 

The  general  appearance  of  Maceio  is  pleasant.  Elisee  Reclus 
found  it  so,  and  said  :  «  it  is  a  most  graceful  city.  »  In  fact  there  is 
nothing  more  picturesque  than  its  agglomeration  of  white  houses, 
framed  inside  the  greenish  cocoa  nut  trees  and  resting  by  the  bright 
green  looking-glass  of  its  bay  when  the  south  winds  don't  revolt  this 
one  into  brave  waves.  The  city  has  progressed  considerably  in  the 
last  ten  j'ears. 

They  inaugurated  the  electrical  illumination  and  erected  fine 
buildings,  both  public  and  private.  We  will  cite  the  Government's 
palace ,  inaugurated  in  1903,  a  large  building  of  solid  construction, 
two  pavillions  of  Italian  style. 

The  Casa  de  Detencao,  (house  of  detention  or  jail)  is  another 
large  and  good  public  building  of  Maceio.  It  has  a  large  central  body 
with  three  floors  and  two  side  galleries  with  lots  of  square  windows. 

—   290  — 

The  railway  station  always  lull  of  life  and  in  a  central  locality  is 

also  interesting. 

The  church,  a  large  building  with  two  towers  at  the  sides,  ol 
sober  style,  faces  a  public  square  with  palm  trees  and  other  kinds 
Nvith  a  modest  religious  monument  erected  in  the  centre. 

iMaccio.  —  The  <'.:illic(lr;il 

The  ^^rcasm-y  is  one  of  the  prettiest  buildings  in  Maceio.  U  is 
(luite  large,  with  three  floors,  based  on  a  parallelogram ,  kept  very 
clean  and  sun-ounded  by  a  pretty  ircm  railing. 

Tlie  h.iihlingoftlieuAssociacaodos  Kmpregados  do  t\.mmercio  » 
is  also  a  three  floor  house,  but  it  has  not,  however,  the  app.Mrance 
of  the  other  building,  being  only  noted  because  of  its  si/e. 

—  291   — 

There  are  some  pretty  and  live  streets,  as  Una  do  Coinmcrcio, 
Rua  Uireita  (straight  street),  whieli  is  somewhat  curved  and  even 
tortuous,  Rua  Augusta,  Rua  Marecluil  Floriano ,  wide  and  straight, 
Rua  Xova  and  others. 

We  didn't  see  any  large  square  with  garden  as  we  see  further  at 
tlie  Xorth. 

There  was  a  large  square,  centrally  located  that  could  be  trans- 
formed in  a  public  garden,  but  was  spoilt  by  erecting  there  a  large 
building  for  a  theatre,  as  they  told  us,  and  which  can  be  seen  j'et 
there  in  the  middle  of  the  square  unfinished  and  grim  looking,  wait- 
ing for  some  clever  mayor  who  will  level  the  ground  anew,  deliver- 
ing that  square  to  its  natural  function  becoming  a  fresh  breather  in 
the  middle  of  the  citv. 

Railways  and  navigation.  —  There  are  two  railway'  enterprizes 
in  this  State  :  A  Estrada  de  Ferro  Piranhas  a  Jatoba,  with  110  kilo- 
metres both  the  terminal  places  being  on  the  banks  of  the  S.  Fran- 
cisco river. 

This  railway  connects  two  stretches  of  navigable  rivers  which 
are  disconnected  by  the  celebrated  Paulo  Alfonso  falls. 

The  Estrada  de  Ferro  Central  de  Alagoas,  running  from  Maceio 
to  TTniao,  with  88  kilometres  and  a  branch  to  Vicosa  city  with  67 

They  are  building  a  line  from  Uniao  to  Paquevira  uniting  this 
road  with  the  Estrada  de  Ferro  Sul  de  Pernambuco. 

There  are  also  under  study  the  following  railways  :  Estrada  de 
Ferro  de  Maceio  a  Leopoldina;  Estrada  de  Ferro  de  Maceio  a  Paulo 

The  financial  movement  of  the  branch  only  of  the  Central  de 
Alagoas  railw^ay  in  the  five  years  1897  till  1001  was  : 







1899  .-..•. 



506:1 27$  loO  , 

I67:4()0§4I2  |   25:28980(58 
2I8:(J05$740    62:625S014 
180:527S988     ()0.il2Si42 
20o:in9SI55     7:i:7l2.S247 
249:960S556     oG:166S8l4 

The  revenue  of  the  whole  road  in  1003  was  of  about  000:O0OS000 
and  the  expense  720:000§000. 

—  292  — 

Besides,  the  State  is  crossed  liy  a  lot  of  wagon  roads  and  country 
roads,  in  its  majority  badly  kept. 

In  those  roads  the  transjjortation  is  niado  in  waj^ons  di-iven  by 
oxen,  and  on  horseback,  just  as  generally  hajjpens  in  all  the  interior 
of  Brazil. 

As  to  the  water   communications  the  State  is  quite  far  from  the 
progress  it  ought  to  have  because  .of  its  geographical  configuration 
and  extensive  fluvial  and  marine  coasts.   The  coastwise  navigation^ 
is  supi)orted  mainly  by  the  steamers  of  the  Hahiana  Company.  Lloyd 

Macoio  :  do  Cuinincrcio  slroet 

HraziliMro  and  Pernainbucana  Company,  besides  several  small  boats 
going  u\)  the  S.  Francisco  river  till  the  city  of  T*encdo. 

On  that  rivei-  is  a  line  of  steamers  running  between  Pcnedo  city 
and  the  village  of  I'iranlias,  and  a  section  of  the  Coni])anliia  Ter- 
nanibueana  is  unchn-  work. 

On  the  Manguaba  lake  there  is  navigation  l»et\\een  the  Capital  and 
the  city  of  Pilar,  the  steamers  I'unning  there  Ixdong  to  the  .>  Coiu- 
l)anhia  de  Navega<;ao  das  Lagoas  »  with  main  office  at   Maccio. 

'I'liey  are  small  jjaddli^  steamei's.  of  1(H)  to  ITiO  tons  like  those 
navigating  between  Ignape  and  the  small  fluvial  cities  of  Sao  Taulo. 

—   293  — 

Tlie  port  of  the  Ciipital,  is  visited  by  lar^e  ear^o-boals,  l)()lli  F>ra- 
/ilian  and  European.  Seldom  a  Nvcck  ^oes  1).\-  wiilioiit  al  least  a 
iH)ui)lc  of  steamers  calling-  there. 


Co:mmerce  and  industries.  —  While  as  lo  its  size  this  is  one  of 
the  smallest,  being,  as  it  is,  the  17tli.  On  flic  list  of  the  20  States,  Ala- 
goas  can  speak  with  piide  of  its  pi'oduction  and  coinmcrcial  aclivity. 

Maceio.  —  Principal  railway  station 

Its  main  industry  is  the  sugar-cane  cultivation  and  sugar  manufac- 
ture. Once  known  the  actual  crises  in  which  this  product  has  hardly 
any  value  we  can  imagine  that  the  State's  Treasury  is  not  becoming 
overrich  with  its  main  source  of  revenue,  neither  the  commerce  and 
industries  of  the  country  must  feel  very  happy. 

Yet,  work  goes  on  Just  the  same,  the  factories  whistles  continue 
to  be  heard,  the  factory  machinery  makes  the  usual  noise,  and  the 
industrious  population  keep  on  developing  their  activity. 

Tli(;re  are  in  the  State  seven  cotton  mills  all  of  them  are  moved  by 
steam,  three  vegetable  oil,  eight  cigar,  several  leather  tanning,  some 

—  294  — 

paper,  soap,  cordials,  vinegar,  shoes,  brick,  rice,  lime  factories 
besides  838  sugar  making  establishments  by  old  processes. 

There  are  several  modern  sugar  factories  as  that  of  Mr.  Van- 
desmet,  that  of  the  Brothers  Leao,  in  Utinga. 

The  State  has  18  cities,  15  villages  distributed  among  33  munici- 
palities. Of  these  cities  we  must  mention  Penedo  which  has  a  fluvial 
port,  a  most  important  one  over  tlie  S.  Francisco  river  of  which  it 
is  the  emporium.  Unfortunately  it  can't  harbor  but  middle  draught 
ships.  The  small  boats  of  five  States,  Minas,  Bahia,  Poriianibnco, 
Sergipe  and  Alagoas  come  there  with  their  loads  of  cotton,  sugar, 
leather,  lumber,  etc. 

Further  on  we  will  give  some  notes  about  the  different  cities  of 

The  production  and  commerce  of  those  18  cities  and  their  respec- 
tive municipalities  have  developed  a  good  deal  these  last  few  years, 
in  spite  of  the  low  prices  of  their  main  merchandise  —  the  sugar  — 
and  the  fact  of  its  agriculture  being  led,  by  old  processes,  by  routine. 

Yet  in  the  first  six  months  of  1901,  they  exported  17.556.41)3  kilos 
of  sugar  1.384.050  kilos  of  cotton.  The  total  value  of  their  commerce 
through  the  two  ports  of  Maceio  and  Penedo  was  in  nine  months  of 

that  year  : 

Exports 8..^29.8o8S900 

Imports 5.2l9.o35S330 

After  the  Parana  and  Amazonas  States ,  Alagoas  is  the  one  of 
most  recent  organisation  as  to  autonomic  political  personality,  as 
the  old  capilania  only  was  taken  away  from  the  Pcrnambuco  pro- 
vince on  the  Kith  of  September  1817  and  by  the  declaration  of  inde- 
jjendance  on  the  7th  of  September  1822  it  was  also  considered  a 
province;  of  the  empire. 

W'itli  the  transition  from  tlu;  (nnpirc  into  the  republic  in  l>ra/il, 
on  the  15th  of  November  189U,  the  old  province  took  the  denomina- 
tion of  a  State  on  the  11th  of  June  18U1  cmcc  promulgated  the  State 
constitution  and  definitively  constituted  the  autonomous  State  on 
the  1st  of  .July  1892,  during  the  administration  of  the  (iovci-nor. 
Major  (iabino  liesouro. 

TIk'  area  of  the  State  is  estimated  at  28.5()()  sepuxrc  kilometres, 
having  tlic  foim  of  a  rectangle,  the  })riucipal  sidi'  of  whicli  is  in  the 
month  of  the  S.  I-'i-ancisco  rivci-. 

()ii   the  Athiutic  its  sea-shore  has  an  extension  of  2('il  kihmictn's, 

\\\  its  area  wv.  see  it  is  one  of  the  smalh'st  Hraziliaii  Slates,  vet  is 
larger  liiaii  many  I'lupopcau  intlfiiciidcnl  count  liis.  I  n  conscMinrnff 
of  its  g('o;j,ra|)hical  position   it    lias    no    vitv    long    inlcfioi'   tci'rilory. 

—  295  — 

and  that  way,  even  from  the  farthest  away  points  of  its  boundary 
lines  with  Pernambuco  State,,  we  can  go  to  a  port  on  tlie  S.  Fran- 
cisco river,  or  on  the  sea-coast  with  a  run  ol"  32  leagues  or  102  kilo- 
metres, maximum. 

The  population  of  the  State,  according  to  the  census  taken  on  the 
31st    of   December    1<)00,    was   (>H).273,    being    31<J.  137    males   and 

333.000  females. 


*    * 

Maceio.  —  Tlie  Marlyis  Square 

Other  cities  of  Alagoas.  —  After  Maceio,  the  most  important 
city  of  the  Alagoas  State,  is  Penedo ,  built  on  the  banks  of  the  S. 
Francisco  river.  It  is  in  a  very  favorable  position  for  its  develop- 
ment. It  was  elevated  to  the  class  of  village  on  the  23rd  of  April  1636, 
with  the  denomination  of  S.  Francisco  and  to  the  class  of  city  by 
the  provincial  law,  decree  n°  3  on  the  18th  of  April  1812.  It  compri- 
ses the  districts  of  Penedo,  Mucambo ,  and  Salome,  parish  of  Nossa 
Senhora  do  Rosario  do  Penedo,  created  by  provincial  law  ,  decree 
n°  7,  on  the  23rd  April  1842.  Its  population  is  18.421  inhabitants. 

The  Federal  Government  has  there  a  Custom  House.  Its  princi- 
pal export  product  is  sugar.  It  has  three  newspaj)ers  :  A  Fe  Christa, 

—  296  — 

catholic  weekly ;  O  Siil  dc  .1/agoa.s,  a  commercial  newspaper ;  and 
O  Trabalho  wliicli  is  the  i)aper  with  the  largest  circulation  in  the 
State,  devoted  to  the  interestol"  the  ajj'ricultural  classes  as  well  as 
commercial  and  industrial  ones. 

The  city  of  T?ene(lo  is  illuminated  with  kerosene  oil,  but  there  is  a 
project  to  substitute  that  system  by  electricity.  It  has  1.U12  houses. 

Ai.AGOAs,  —  Tt  is  not  of  the  cities  of  largest  i)opulation.  It  has 
only  l,").;!;)*)  inhal)itants  as  per  the  census  taken  in  lOOU,  but  it  is 
ahead  of  the  others  by  its  wealth  and  production,  consisting  mainly  of 
sugar,  manufactured  in  20  factories,  grain  plantations,  and  an  ex- 
traordinary production  of  fruit.  Its  commerce  is  rather  small  and  its 
industry  of  little  account,  excepting  fishing  which  is  largely  can-ied 
on  on  the  lake.  Coffee  is  cultivated  there  in  small  scale. 

Atalaia.  ^—  Is  quite  an  old  city  created  between  17H2  and  17(i5. 
Formerly  it  had  the  denomination  of  Arraial  dos  Palmai-es. 

It  comprises  the  districts  of  Atalaia,  Ingazeira,  Sapucaia,  and 
Fazenda  da  Poranga,  parish  of  Nossa  Senhora  das  Brotas  da  Ata- 
laia. Poijulation  (of  the  municipium)  28.420  inhabitants,  being  12.8»)2 
males  and  14.150  females.  Their  elements  to  earn  a  living  are  varied 
and  the  city  seems  to  have  entered  a  new  life,  with  the  im})ulse  it 
received  after  the  building  of  the  railway  branch  line  connecting  it 
with  Vi^osa. 

Sugar  and  cotton  are  the  main  sources  of  wealth,  not  speaking  of 
the  enormous  production  of  grain. 

There  are  in  the  municipium  157  farms  where  they  manufacture 
sugar.  Many  are  partly  in  the  municipium  of  Paraliyba  ,  lately 
created.  There  are  also  important  sugar  factories,  one  of  them  worth 
more  than  1.000:000$00  belonging  to  F.  et  G.  Vandesmet.  They  also 
devote  themselves  to  cattle  raising. 

Camauagihk.  —  Or  Passo  de  Camaragibe,  was  denominated  vil- 
lage in  June  1852  and  city  by  i)rovincial  law  n".  842  on  the  14  th 
of  June  1880.  It  comprises  the  districts  of  Camaragibe,  Matriz  de 
Camaragibe  and  Soledade,  parish  of  Xossa  Senhora  da  Conccicao 
do  Passo  de  Canuiragibe,  created  by  a  law,  decree  n".  117,  on  the 
Uth  of  .June  bSttl.  Its  population  is  22. ('»<)(')  inhabitants. 

h  is  an  industrious  population  and  the  Passo  de  Camaragibe  is 
quite  an  active;  place.  There  are  51  sugar  manufacturing  places, 
which  shows  that  the  sugar-cane  agriculture  is  the  largest  resource 
of  th(;  locality.  After  it  is  tlu;  cotton,  numdioca,  beans,  .corn,  i-icc 
and  cocoa-niils,  the  latlcr  foi-iniiig  hcautiful  forests  on  the  sea  shore. 
The  (!xpoi4s  arc,  vegetables,  building  lumber,  iiiainlainiug  in  good 
footing  its  internal  eoinnu'rce. 

—  297  — 

MARA(J()(iY.  —  FoniHM-ly  callctl  ( Jiiiiiclla,  when  il  was  paiM  ol' 
the  Poi'to  Calvo  imiiiic'ij)iuni.  It  was  ranked  as  a  village  by  pi'oviii- 
eial  law  ii".  081  on  the  21th  oi"  April  1<S75  with  the  name  of  Isal)el.  ll 
was  installed  on  the  :2nd  ol"  Deeembcr  of  the  same  year,  Tlien  was 
denominated  Maragogy  by  provincial  law  n",  7;>.'5,  on  the;  .'!rd  or.Iiinc 
1<S87.  It  comprises  the  districts  of  Maragogy ,  Hara  (Jraiide,  parish 
Sao  IJento  dc  jNIaragogy  created  by  i)rovincial  law  in  Ai)ril  IS.").",. 
This  city  is  the  seat  of  an  essential  agriciddiral  iiHinicipiuin,  having 
lo  sugar  factories.  There  are  large  fruit  and  vegetables  [)lantations, 
and  extensive  i)lantations  of  cocoa-nut  trc(^s.  It  has  a  regular  coni- 
niercc,  and  its  industiy  limits  itself  to  fishing  and  numufactui'ing 
sti'aw  hats. 

PAL^rEiitA,  —  Installed  by  law  n".  27  on  the  12th  of  Marcdi  \H:>H. 
Suppressed  by  law  n".  43  on  the  4tli  of  May  1845,  and  restaured  by 
law  n".  200  on  the  2ord  of  June  1853.  It  became  a  city  by  law  n". 
1007  on  the  20th  of  August  1880.  It  comprises  the  districts  of  Pal- 
meira,  Olhos  d'Agua  do  Accyoli,  Santa  Cruz,  Cabeceiros  and  (.'al- 
deiroes,  parish  Nossa  Senhora  do  Amparo  da  Palmeiro  dos  Indios, 
created  in  1798.  Population  15.010  inhabitants.  The  resources  of  this 
city  and  its  municipium  consists  in  cattle  raising,  its  commerce, 
which  is  s(>mewhat  developed  and  its  agriculture,  producing  large 
quantities  of  cotton,  as  well  as  sugar  manufactured  in  10  farm- 
houses, corn,  beans  and  other  vegetables.  Its  industry  has  only  a  few 
factories  to  shell  cotton,  tan  skins  and  prepare  salt  and  lime. 

S.  Braz.  —  Village  by  provincial  lawn".  1.050  on  28th  of  June 
1880.  Separated  from  the  Porto  Real  do  Collegio.  It  comprises  the 
districts  Braz  and  Lagoa  Comprida,  parish  S.  Braz,  created  by 
provincial  law  n".  702  on  the  lOtli  May  1875.  Population,  0.373  inha- 
bitants. It  lias  considerable  cultivation  of  cotton  with  factories  to 
shell  it  and  pack  it  in  bales.  It  has  also  rice,  maraona  and  corn 

This  city  raises  and  exports  cattle,  has  factories  to  tan  skins  as 
well  as  soap  factories. 

Santa  LrziA.  —  A  pretty  small  city,  an  industrial  one,  with 
15.000  inhabitants.  Its  municipium  comprises  57  sugar  factories,  and 
that  is  its  largest  revenue.  It  has  two  cotton  mills  well  mounted  in 
Fernao-Yelho  and  Caclioeira,  and  one  brick  and  tiles  factory  in 

There  are  two  other  cotton  mills  under  construction,  one  annexed 
to  the  Cachoeira  one,  and  the  other  in  Rio  Largo, between  that  place 
and  the  branch  line  of  the  city  of  Vicosa. 

The  Cachoeira  cotton  mill,  says  a  newspaper,  distributed  in  1893 

—  298  — 

over  40  "/,,  dividend  to  its  stock-holders.  Business  in  tliis  district  is 
becoming-  prosperous,  with  the  impulse  received  by  the  railway 
(c  Uniiio  ))  and  that  branch  that  crosses  the  same  raunicipium. 

Uniao.  —  ^^'as  forniei'ly  called  Santa  Maria,  It  is  the  head  of  a 
fertile  municipiuni,  the  principal  wealth  of  which  lies  in  the  large 
cotton  plantations  as  well  as  those  of  niandioca,  corn,  beans  and 
other  vegetables  all  of  which  give  life  to  its  commerce  already  im- 
proved by  the  impulse  it  received  with  the  A  lagans  Ruilwuy,  which 
connects  it  with  the  Capital  and  soon  will  be  the  terminus  of  the 
Sul  de  Pernambuco  railway  branch,   starting  from  Paquevira.   It 

I'ilar.  —  View  o)'  oiio  of  llio  |iriiici|i;il  streets 

exports  besides  the  above  mentioned  articles,  the  sugar  manufactur- 
ed in  seven  factories,  the  tobacco  in  strings,  leather,  skins,  brandy, 
cattle,  pigs,  etc. 

This  city  has  a  factory  for  the  extraction  of  the  mamona  oil,  cot- 
ton shelling,  sawing  lumber,  preparation  of  mandioca  fh)ur  and 
other  works, 

Tkaiim.  —  It  is  a  pretty  city  with  from  1'.'. (>(»<)  to  -JO.OOO  iiiliahi- 
tants.  It  is  the  seat  of  an  inipctrtant  municipiuni  of  which  the  i)riiici- 
pal  source  of  wealth  is  the  cattle  raising.  It  cultivates  cotton  and 
graiu  aiul  has  several  factories  to  shell  cotton. 

Its  coiuMU'.rcc  is  somewhat  active  and  the  dried  salted  hccf  pic- 
j)arcd  there  is  (exported  in  (|uilc  hirge  (luaiitities. 

—  299  — 

Traipu  while  village  was  called  I'orlo  da  l-'ollia,  l)y  a  pioN  iiicial 
law  of  April  1835,  installed  on  the 'iiid  of  August  l<S;>S.  It  bccaiiic 
Traijiu  by  i^rovincial  law  n".  oKi  on  the  .'{Oth  of  April  ISTO. 

Pilar.  —  AVith  this  name  was  installed  in  March  1<S72  the  city, 
seat  of  a  most  industrial  municipium,  the  elements  of  wealth  of 
which,  are  varied  and  abundant.  The  principal  one  is  the  sugar  ma- 
nufactured in  27  factories.  Cattle  raising,  however  is  (juite  limited. 
Its  commerce  is  prosperous  and   the   manufacturing   industry  has 

I'ilar.  —  Coinmercio  Street 

grown  considerably.  It  has  four  brandy  distilling  factories,  one 
working  by  steam  and  in  a  large  scale,  two  cigar  factories,  one 
cotton  mill,  tw^o  shoe  factories,  and  many  others. 

Population,  15.313  inhabitants.  In  Pilar  they  publish  an  instruc- 
tive news  magazine,  the  organ  of  the  «  Sociedade  Fraternal  dos 
Caixeiros  do  Pilar  »,  under  the  title  of  Vinte  de  Jiilho. 

Porto  Calvo.  —  This  city  has  a  relatively  large  population, 
having  30.000  inhabitants.  Its  largest  resource  is  sugar  manufactur- 
ed in  64  factories.  Cattle  raising  is  not  done  in  a  large  scale.  Its 
commerce  also  could  very  well  have  a  good  deal  more  life,  if  the 
natural  resources  this  part  of  the  State  disposes  of  were  better 
taken  care  of.  Its  industry  also  is  not  much  developed. 

8.  Luiz  DO  QuiTUNDE.  —  A  pretty  city  with  18.26(3  inhabitants. 

The  municipium  has  78  sugar  factories.    They   also   export  lum- 

—  300  — 

ber,  cotton  ami  otlici-  products,  ainoii^  wliicli  are  cocoa-nuts,  in  larj^e 
(jiiantitics.  It  lias  several  alcohol  and  brandy  distilling  places,  and 
lor  a  larger  develoi)ment  in  this  line,  a  factory  is  going  to  be  esta- 
blished with  a  capital  of  400  centos.  They  manufacture  also  bricks, 
tiles,  etc. 

S.  MiuuEL  ni-:  Campos,  —  This  city  \vith  its  munici])iuni  has 
2U.o2(i  inhabitants.  17  sugar  mills,  and  i)roduces  in  a  large  scale  cot- 
ton and  many  kinds  of  vegetables,  which  it  expoits  as  well  as  it  does 

I'liiilu-AH'dnsu  falls,  view  ut  llic  [iriiiciiial  \NaU'r-juin|i 

leather,  skins  and  salt.  There  is  hardly  any  industry ,  very  little 
cattle  raised.  It  is,  however,  about  to  inaugurate  a  large  sugar 
factoi\v  moved  by  steam. 

There  are  still  other  villages  worthy  of  nu'utiou,  as  Campos. 
S.  Luiz  de  Quitunde,  Liiuoeii-o,  Triumpho,  Santa  Lu/ia  do  N(»rte, 
raiahyl)a,  S.  .lose  dc  Lage,  Anadia,  Cururipe,  Helmonte,  etc. 

*     * 

We  will  not  close  tills  chapter  without  speaking  of  Paulo  Affon- 
so,  the  celciti-atcd  falls.  Two  collossal  watei-  falls,  shake  the  elei-ual 
silence  of  the  woods,  one    at    the  North,  the  otiier  at  tlie  Soutli.  Tlu' 

—  301   — 

hitt(M"  is  the  Snllo  dus  Sole  Qncdiis  Miimi)  of  the;  S(!V(!ii  I'^ills),  al)()iii 
whit'li  \vc  will  speak  later  on  when  we  shall  write  about  the  Parana 
State,  the  former,  is  the  Paulo  ATfonso  fall  in  the  S.  Franciseo 
river,  and  just  in  the  boundary  line  of  the  Alagoas  State. 

The  S.  Franciseo  river,  runniuj;  with  a  speed  of  about  a  foot  and 
a  half  a  second,  coming  suddenly  across  a  uiountain  of  basalts,  in  its 
violent  stream,  throws  itself  up,  and  pi-ecipitates  itself  down  the 
rocks  into  the  waters  150  feet  below.  <c  The  principal  water  jump,  » 
says  a  Brazilian  writer,  «  falls  down  forming  a  curve,  at  half  way 
from  the  stone  canal  through  which  tlie  waters  run,  impels  the 
(iirrent  north-ward  against  the  waters  on  the  other  side  of  the 
stream,  mixing,  or  as  we  might  say,  crushing  themselves.  When 
they  meet  each  other  we  do  not  see  the  volume  of  (lie  water  in  mass, 
we  see  but  foam,  steam,  a  fog,  and  in  a  dreadful  jump,  those  revol- 
ting waters,  all  crushed  into  a  fine  spray  fall  into  the  abyss. 

This  fall  is  15  to  18  metres  wide  and  passing  through  such  a 
narrow  channel  becomes  noted  because  of  the  impetuous  violence  of 
its  current. 


Seigipe  is  the  smallest  of  Brazilian  States,  its  area  being  only 
39.090  square  kilometres.  Yet,  what  it  has  less  in  territory,  compar- 
ed with  the  other  19  States  of  the  Brazilian  union  it  has  more  in 
densitj^  of  population.  Even  the  total  figures  of  population  —  356.2(34 
inhabitants  —  is  superior  to  those  of  Espirito  Santo,  209.783;  Santa 
Catharina,  283.769;  Piauhy,  334.328;  Goyaz,  255.395;  Amazon, 
249.756;  and  Matto  Grosso,  118.025. 

How  many  powerful  people  would  dare  to  engage  themselves  in 
conquest  war,  to  round  the  figures  of  its  territory  to  those  39.090 
kilometres  of  the  State  of  Sergipe  ! 

Be  as  it  may,  the  old  province  has  to-day  just  as  its  sister  States, 
perfect  autonomy  a  political  organisation  identical  to  those  of  the 
most  advanced  and  powerful  States  of  the  Republic. 

Sergipe  has  progressed  industriously  and  usefully,  sufficing  to 
say  —  and  for  that  there  is  nothing  like  figures  —  that,  only  in  1903, 
the  production  exported  to  the  other  Brazilian  ports  and  Europe 
went  up  to  70.000:000^000. 

We  also  verified  that  Sergipe  excelled  many  of  the  other  States 
with  its  commerce. 

—  802  — 

Its  capital,  Aracaju,  is  a  t-itv  witli  l*(>.()(H)  inliabitants,  but  it  is  not 
very  accessible  because  of  the  Cotinguiba  bar.  Were  it  favorably 
situated,  by  some  large  aud  deep  river,  as  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Bahia, 
Recife,  Belem,  or  even  Maceio,  we  can  well  imagine  what  propor- 
tions of  growtli  it  would  take  among  the  other  Brazilian  capitals. 

Even  the  way  it  is,  almost  hidden,  without  a  fre(|uent  and  rapid 
navigation  service,  Aracaju  is  gi-owing.  'i'\v(;lve  years  ago  it  had  a 
dreadful  aspect,   to-day  it  is  a  pleasure  to  i)ay  it  a  visit  :  the  number 

Aracajii.  —  A   part  of  llic  laii(lii)g-|pl:ice 

of  l)iiil(liiigs  increases,  new  and  i)rctty  ones  arc  goiiii;-  up  c\cry 
<lay,  and  the  area  of  the  city  keeps  on  extending  itself  doiuinating 
the  small  farms  and  uncultivated  fields  of  the  suburbs.  It  was  only 
in  lUOl  that  the  street  paving  work  began,  thanks  to  the  energy  of 
the  i)atriotic  (Jovcrnor,  Olympio  de  C'ampos. 

When  the  visitor  (mters  Aracajii  thinking  he  is  going  to  see  a 
city  in  a  stat(^  of  decadence,  he  finds  himself  agreeably  surpri/.ed 
with  the  geiieial  aspect  of  that  Capital,  its  commerce,  that  life  pecu- 
liar to  :i  i)laee  growing  up  and  destined  to  become  great  in  liie  fiilure. 

Among  odiei-  streets,  all  of  which  run  straight ,  l)roatl  and  par- 
ralh'l  ,    (lie    lolictwing    cause    a  splendid   impression   :    Laranj«'iras , 

—  303  — 

Aurora,  S.  Christoviio,  Japaratuba  and  Itaporaiiga,  quite  long  ones 
offering  a  pretty  perspective. 

Among  the  pubic  squares  are  noted  by  its  size,  the  one  where  the 
Matriz  clinrcli  is  and  the  Palacio  square,  wliicli  luis  not  as  yet  any 
garden,  but  embellislied  witli  imperial  palm  trees  nicely  planted  in 

Among  the  noted  buildings  we  will  cite  :  the  Matriz  cliurch, 
which  has  some  originality  in  its  front  with   two   side   towei-s,   sup- 

Aracajii.  —  Aurora  street 

ported  on  square  base.  These  tow^ers  have  three  floors  facing  the 

This  church  has  the  form  of  a  parallelogram,  and  all  its  exterior 
obeys  to  an  hybridism  of  the  German  ogive  style  with  its  heavy 
lines  of  colonial  construction. 

At  the  front  there  are  a  few  steps  and  a  modest  railing  which 
give  the  three  doors  that  give  entrance  to  the  church. 

The  Government  Palace  is  another  fine  two  floor  building,  sur- 
rounded by  large  windows,  and  having  in  its  front  the  Republic 
coat-of-arms.  As  to  its  architecture  it  is  not  worth  much,  but  in  its 
interior  is  decorated  with  decency  and  good  taste. 

—  304  — 

■  In  li-ont  of  lliis  iiiomiinent  is  a  larj>e,  light  building,  facing  the 
square  willi  colmniis  of  elassie  order  in  front  sei'ving  as  basis  to  a 
triangular  (op.  'IMiis  is  the  Palaee  of  the  Legislative  Assembly. 

'IMie  charity  hospital,  a  large  building,  all  white,  composed  of 
two  lateral  structures,  connected  one  to  the  other  by  a  centre  one 
serving  of  vestibule  and  entrance?  to  tlie  hospital. 

The  Noi'inal  College,  a  modern  building,  of  only  one  floor,  s(iuaie 
but  elegant,  a  double  stairway  giving  access  exteriorly  to  the  main 
enti-ance,  which  is  lined  bv  railing. 

Araciijii.  —  Malriz  climcli 

'I'he  Jail  is  a  solid  building  with  small  windows  which  give  to  its 
exterior  a  characteristic  aspect  of  the  object  for  which  it  was  built. 

'I'he  cotton  mill,  the  police  barracks,  the  branch  office  of  the 
Federal  Treasury  are,  all  of  tluMU  ,  buildings  that  contril)ute 
to  tlie  enilx'llisliment  of  Aracaju  in  conjunction  with  the  large 
number  of  numsions,  residences  and  business  establishmcnis. 

Pi  r.ijc  iNsTKiCTioN,  Poi.icK  AND  I'^iXAXCKs.  —  Thcrcbeiugin 
P>alii:i  ,  (piite  neai*  tliis  Slate,  a  numlx'i-  of  institutions  devoted  to  su- 
perior grades  of  l'ul)lic  1  list  rue  t  ion.  w  liicli  are  (piite  aci'cssihle  to  the 

—  305  — 

people  of  Sergipe,  it  is  evident  that  tliere  is  no  necessity  for  l ho 
State  Governement  to  make  sacrifices  In-  more  hixiiry  keeping- 
academies  and  universities  in  Aracaju.  In  this  Capital,  however, 
there  are  schools  to  prepai-e  the  students  for  college.  There  is 
the  Atheneu  Sergipense,  which  had  in  1<)(I0,  75  students;  in 
1901,  08;  and  in  1902,  83,  all  of  them  pi-eparing  themselves  for 
examination  which  will  admit  them  to  the  different  colleges  in  the 
different  States  of  the  Republic.  The  Normal  College  had  in  1902 
one  hundred  and  four  pupils.  In  Maroira,  the  Institute  Cruz 
prepares  boys  for  commercial  pursuits.  The  latter  establishment  was 

Aracaju.  —  Prison  Place 'and  Buildings 

founded  by  a  philantropist  Mr.  Joao  R.  da  Cruz,  an  industrial  man 
who  bequested  an  annual  income  for  its  support. 

The  Government  also  gives  a  subsidy  to  this  establishment,  and 
has  in  Estancia,  Laranjeiras,  Maroim  and  Propria  High  Schools 
teaching  :  national  grammar,  French,  Arithmetic  and  book-keeping. 

As  to  Grammar  schools,  there  are  in  the  State,  besides  the  Sale- 
sian  and  other  private  schools,  209  classes.  Of  these  4;>  are  for  males, 
56  for  females  and  110  for  both  sexes,  being  22  in  the  Capital,  55  in 
the  cities,  44  in  villages  and  85  in  smaller  places. 

The  frequentation  in  1900  was  4.110  students  and  the  number  of 
matriculations  was  0.167.  In  1901 ,  the  frequentation  was  4.554,  the 

—  306  — 

matriculation,  (3.831.  In  1003  tlu'  matriculation  went  up  to  ijVX}  and 
the  irequentation  was  6.130. 

'i'he  police  force  is  constituted  b^'  an  infantry  battalion,  divided 
into  three  companies,  with  100  men  commanded  by  a  major. 

The  financial  conditions  of  Sergipe  are  good.  In  1001,  Governor 
Olympio  de  Campos  who  has  been  a  most  clever  and  discreet  politi- 
cal chief  said  in  his  message  to  the  local  legislators  : 

(c  Jt  pleases  me  to  declare  to  you  that  Sergipe  is  one  of  the  States 
of  the  Union  which  is  settled  up  to  date  regarding  every  one  of  its 
responsibilities ,  paying  all  its  expenses  with  the  ordinary  revenue 
of  its  public  administration  sei'vices  ». 

In  1903,  Sergipe  had  unforeseen  expenses,  founding  new  schools, 
l)uilding  bridges ,  improving  roads  in  the  interior  of  the  State  and 
in  spite  of  that,  discharged  all  its  obligations,  including  the  two  last 
installments  of  the  amortization  of  a  loan  it  had  raised  in  tlie  «  Hanco 
da  Republica  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  ». 

As  to  its  municipal  administration  we  may  well  praise  the  sjjiril 
of  order  presiding  to  the  finances  in  that  part  of  the  country,  and 
there  is  no  municipality  in  the  State  that  doesn't  present  a  surplus 
at  the  close  of  its  fiscal  year,  modest  as  it  may  be  in  some  cases. 

The  budget  of  this  State  is  of  about  1.800:000S000,  revenue  and 
expenses  being  about  even.  The  following  table  is  very  interesting 
showing  the  constant  growth  of  the  revenue  of  the  State  in  ten 
vears,  1800-1001  : 

1890  . 

1891  . 

1892  . 
189.1  . 
1 895  . 
189(5 . 
18118  . 
IH!)!)  . 

I '.too . 

1901  . 

54 1:891 $482 

I  .o90:on2,«;8r)n 


731: 551 $686 




1  .n99:.'5:i-2§090 



1. 70 1: 1 -M,*;  129 





*      * 

ruoDCi  rioN  ,  Imu'stkv  AM)  CoMMKiu'i';.  —  Sci-gi|)(>  belongs  to  llie 
;i-oiip  of  (liosc  nru/.ili:ni  States   wliicli  devote  t luMnselves  to  a  mono- 

—  307  — 

culture,  and  when  it  so  luippens,  if  the  prtxhict  of  tluil  inonocultin-e 
obtains  liigh  prices,  nil  is  well,  everything-  is  easy,  hul  if  Dial  ])i-o- 
duction  is  depreciated  in  its  value,  as  it  has  happened  with  sugar 
and  coffee,  then  the  situation  is  a  dreadful  one. 

Sergipe  cultivates  sugar-cane  in  a  projxjrtion  (hat  almost  means 
exclusivism.  The  computation  of  the  sugar-cane  products  and  their 
official  value  in  the  ten  years,  ISOO-lDOl,  was  :  sugar  202. til?  tons, 
repiesenting  the  value  of  5;>.796:483$995;  brandy  10.057.85',)  litres, 
representing  the  value  of  2. 124:713$;}()7 ;  alcohol  lliJ.iilN,  liti-es, 
representing  the  value  of  7  1:.5(>1S0<SS;  and  melasses  225.178  litres, 
representing  the  value  of  11:.531$00();  this  shows  a  total  of  official 
value  of  56.306:892$390,  and  the  average  sugar  price  was  201  reis  per 
kilo.  The  weight  of  the  sugar-cane  corresponding  to  the  2(52. (i  17  tons 
of  sugar  exported,  taking  as  a  basis  (3  "/„  of  sugai-,  is  ecpiivalent  to 
1.37().948  tons  of  cane. 

Sergipe  has  in  several  cities  improved  factories  for  the  sugar 
manufacture.  We  will  mention  among  them  the  Riachuelo  one  which 
belongs  to  the  Assucareira  Company  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  which  has 
another  factory  in  Botafogo,  in  the  Federal  Capital,  moved  by  electri- 
city, having  cost  5.000.000  francs  and  producing  18.000.000  kilos 
refined  sugar  yearly. 

The  ccUsina  Central  do  Riachuelo  »  is  one  of  the  best  in  Brazil,  has 
a  blanch  railway  to  connect  it  with  the  main  line,  has  improved 
machinery  moved  by  steam  and  electricity,  distilling  apparatus, 
vaste  sugar-cane  plantations,  and  gi'inds  annually  20.000.000  tons  of 
sugar-cane,  producing  3.360.000  kilos  of  sugar  and  1.200  casks  of 
sugar-cane  brandy. 

The  surplus  of  the  local  consumption  is  exported,  not  withont 
difficulty,  because,  as  we  -said  above,  very  few  steamers  call  at 
Aracajii.  They  manage,  however,  to  export  all  its  surplus  by  the 
three  small  ports  of  the  State  :  Cotinguiba  (Aracaju  city)  Rio  Real 
(Estancia  city)  and  Yasa  Barris  (S.  Christovao  eity). 

By  the  following  map  we  will  show  the  export  figures  during  ten 
years,  1892-1901  : 

Map  of  the  sugar  exported  from  1892  to  1901 

Years  Kilogr. 

1892  .:     ...     .  16.475. -WO 

1893 16.8,39.38! 

1894 50.694.902 

1895 57.652.219 

1896 29.115.8.J7 

Years.  Kilofjr. 

1897 20.050.479 

1898 59.4:i2.80n 

1899 l9.5o8.783 

1900 25.710.260 

1901 29.315.714 

Once  we   have   written   about  the   State  exports,  we  must  offer 

308  — 

data  about  the  imi^orls.  Unlortunatcly  we  have  no  dotamorc  recent 
than  1899.  We  will  give  then  the  tables  of  the  three  years  1897-1809  : 

Sergipe  exports  from  1897  to  1899 

In  1891 

Direct  iiii|i()i'lalioii 

Coastwise  iinporlalion  : 

Tlirouirii  Estaiicia  Ciistuni  House 

1. 007:0 12,«;849 



In  181)8  : 

Direct  iiii|i(irla(i()n [.136:3I2§664 

Coastwise  ini|>ortalioii 
Thi'ougli  Estancia  Custom  House 


In  1899  : 

Direct  iniporlatiuii 

Coastwise  iinportatioii     .     .     .     . 
Througli  Estancia  Custom  House  . 


2.989: 46  U$440 


3.055:278.$  i65 
1.879: 127.S60.J 


These  figures  show  how  quickly  the  State  is  growing,  as  its  im- 
ports show,  to  a  certain  extent,  its  consumption,  and  consequently, 
its  growth.  It  would  be  interesting  to  C()mi)are  previous  figures. 

We  will  take,  for  instance,  the  figures  of  the  budgets  of  the 
State,  during  five  years  of  a  remote  time  and  five  years  of  a  more 
recent  period,  and  the  striking  difference  will  show  us  the  i)r()gi ess 
attained  : 





185.^-1856   .     .     . 
1856-1857   .     .     . 
18.57- 18,-8    .     .     . 
1858-185!)    .     .     . 
1839-1840    .     .     . 


122:641  $937 

145:2  i9g;701 

18!)t  . 
I81»:i  , 


IK!  17 

l..")2(>:  !»2S;G15 
1. 77.";:  1 7  IS  195 


—  809  — 

Tlie  above  ligui-es  arc  (juite  significant. 

But  let  us  go  back  to  the  sugar  production,  wliicli  wo  were;  deal- 
ing with  before  this  retrospective  digression,  as  S(M'gi|)c  owes  to  it 
the  growth  of  its  public;  wealth. 

We  wrote  about  the  sugar-cane  facfoi-ies,  some  by  old  i)rocesses, 
some  w  ith  improved  machinery,  some  in  the  sugar-cane  plantations 
farm-houses,  some  in  the  cities.  We  spoke  of  some  with  improved 
machinery  which  were  being  installed  in  order  to  increase  the  manu- 
factured quantities  of  sugar  and  cheapen  the  price  of  its  production. 

We  will  now  present  a  list  of  these  farm-houses  sugar  factories, 
of  all  the  diverse  types,  which  are  now  in  operation  in  the  different 
cities  and  municipiums  of  the  State  : 

Sugar-Cane  Factories  now  in  operation 
IN  THE  State  of  Sergipe 


S.  Chrislovao  . 

Itaporanga  .  . 

Laraiijelras .  . 

Riachuelo    .  . 

Maroim  .     .  . 

Rosario  .     .  . 
N.a  S.a  das  Dores 

Capella   .     .  . 

Pacatuba     .  . 

Villa  Nova  .  . 

Rlachao  .     .  . 

Espirito  Santo  . 
Divina  Pastora . 

Itabaianinlia  . 

Siriry.     .     .  . 

Estancla .     .  . 

Araua      .     .  . 

Villa  Christ ina  . 

Lagarto  .     .  . 

Santo  Amaro  . 

Simao  Dias  .  . 

Soccorro      .  . 

Santa  Liizia.  . 

S.  Paulo .     .  . 

Japaratuba  .  . 

Propria  .     .  . 

Boquim  .     .  . 

Aquidaban  .  . 









































—  310  — 

*rhe  industry  of  the  State  of  Sergipe  ,  besides  the  OTl  sugar  fao- 
toi-ies  has  :  2  cotton  mills,  one  in  Araeaju  employing  5(»0  work- 
men, the  other  one  in  ICstancia,  with    3(50    workmen;   1    oil   faetoi-y; 

1  rice  and  2  soap  factories  in  the  Capital;  2  oil  and  soaj)  fac- 
tories in  Kstancia,  and  there  ai-e  a  number  of  others  of  whicli  we 
cannot  give  an  accurate  account  for  lack  of  data.  In  tlie  municii)iums 
of  Itabaiana  and  Xossa  Senhora  das  Dores  there  are  some  cotton 
shelling  ones;  in  the  Capital  there  is  a  foundrj'^  and  iron  works  of 
fair  size;  1  mamona  oil  factory,  1  saw  mill,  2  shoe  and  several  cigar 
factories,  2  sugar  refineries.  In  Estancia,  there  is  a  shoe  factory,  and 
iron  works.  In  Laranjeiras  and  Maroini  there  is  an  iron  foundry 
and  a  cigar  factory. 

Other  cities.  —  Besides  Aracajii,  thei-e  are  other  cities  in  the 
State  of  Sergipe  that  are  prospering  :  Maroim,  Estancia,  Laranjei- 
ras and  Kiacliuelo  are  the  principal  ones. 

Estancia.  —  Is  one  of  the  best  cities  of  Sergipe,  divided  into  four 
districts  :  Estancia,  Banco  Alem  da  Ponte,  Rio  Branco  and  Rio  Real, 
with  14.555  inhabitants  according  to  the  census  of  1892.  It  has  about 
2.000  houses  and  a  church  —  Nossa  Senhora  de  (iuadelupe,  —  w  liicli 
is  one  of  the  nicest  churches  in  the  interior  of  the  State.  There  is 
also  the  Commercial  Club,  the  Uniao  Caixciral  clnb,  both  with  fine 
buildings  in  the  Mnte  e  (^uatro  de  Outubro  S(|uare ,  the  Charity 
Hospital,  in  the  Hospital  Street,  2  threading  mills;  1  cigar  factory: 

2  shoe  factories;  2  oil  and  soap  ones;  2  alcoholic  drinks  distilling 
works  ;  3  hotels  and  a  number  of  business  houses. 

In  Estancia  the\'  i)ublish  .-1  Razuo  a  newspai)er  of  large  circula- 
tion in  all  the  State, 

LAitAN.JEiUAS.  —  Is  a  city  of  11  to  12.000  inhabitants,  and  is  the 
seat  of  the  municipium  with  Itaporanga  and  Riachuelo.  The  latter 
and  Laranjeiras  arc  constantly  disputing  (he  si'at  of  the  niunicipiuiii 
and  have  both  alternatively  had  that  honor. 

Its  commerce  is  all  made  with  Araeaju,  l^stancia  aud  Maroim, 
l)y  l)oats  and  canoes,  and  aniont  lily  trip  of  fluvial  steaiui'rs  w  liich 
take  tlie  i)assengei-s  from  the  i)ort  of  Sape,  and  (hence  they  go  to 
Araeaju.  It  was  village  since  March  1S73  and  city  by  decree  of  2oth 
of  I  )eeeml)er  1S70. 

To-day  Lai-anjeii-as  is  the  seat  of  t  he  MUinieipium,  and  tlitis  lias 
tlie  liouor  of  having  as  its  gui'ists  the  judges,  couiM  clei-ks,  district 
attorneys  and  other  officitds.  We  believe,  howi'ver,    that   its    lai'gcst 

—  Hll   — 

advantages  will  come  to  it  by  tin;  lai'gc;  siigai-  factory  that  some 
industrial  men  have  built  there,  where;  I'l-oni  a  short  brancdi  railway 
(the  only  one  there)  starts  to  connect  it  to  the  port  of  Sajx-.  A  nioni  li- 
ly fluvial  steamer  comes  to  this  port  of  Sape  fi-om  Artu-aju. 

Itabaianinha.  —  A  small  city  with  'J.ooO  inhabitants,  or  l(i.(Hi()  if 
we  include  the  neighboring  districts  Geru  and  Umbauba. 

It  has  a  little  commerce,  many  cattle  ranches,  sugar  fa(;tories, 
which  is  tlie  principal  branch  of  agricultural  industry  in  this  terri- 
tory. It  exports  sugar  to  Kstancia  and  'Pinib(')  and  furnishes  the  inte- 
rior of  Babia  with  flour  and  sugar.  They  are  now  building  there  a 
telegraph  line,  and  it  is  expected  that  the  prolongation  of  the  Timbo 
railway  shall  go  through  that  municipium.  The  water  reservoir  built 
lately  by  the  Government  is  one  of  the  best  public  works  of  this  State 
and  protects  it  from  any  famine. 

The  other  cities,  Maroim,  Propria,  Divina  Pastora  and  a  few 
more  are  yet  beginning  to  develop  and  present  nothing  worthy  of 
note  as  yet. 


Some  720  miles  Noi'th  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  is  an  immense  gulf,  deep 
and  sheltered,  at  the  eastern  bank  of  which  lies  the  city  of  Baliia, 
Capital  of  the  State  of  the  same  name.  It  is  the  third  city  in  all  Brazil 
and  one  of  the  largest  on  the  whole  continent.  The  optical  illusion  of 
the  sight  around  the  bay  is  complete.  Nothing  disturbs  it.  The  obser- 
ver embraces  it  all  in  a  glance. 

It  is  not  so  pretty,  neither  is  it  so  vast,  (judging  by  what  we  see), 
as  that  of  Rio  de  Janeiro.  It  doesn't  present  either  those  natural 
aspects  in  conflagration,  those  stupendous  basalts,  those  curves  and 
accidences;  of  a  large  ridge  of  mountains,  like  pieces  of  scenery, 
lining  the  entrance  and  the  end  of  the  other  bay. 

The  panorama  is  quite  different  :  it  is  not  astounding,  it  is  seduc- 
ing, it  doesn't  dazzle  our  eyes,  it  invites  us  to  contemplate  it,  it  is 
not  the  scenery  of  a  battle,  it  is  a  painting  of  a  charming  landscape. 

Every  visitor  has  that  pleasing  sensation,  looking  at  the  whole 
sight  of  the  city,  with  its  port,  and  expresses  it  by  exclamations  that 
show  his  admiration.  In  fact,  appreciating  this  sight,  it  is  far  more 
the  picturesque  of  it  than  its  greatness  that  produces  fascination 
in  that  perspective  of  the  Bahia  bay.  And  the  city,  spread  out  in  an 
amphitheatre,  opening  itself  in  a  half  circle  to  the  observer,  between 
the  two  blue  hues  of  the   waters   and   the  sky,  originates  that  im- 

—  S12  — 

pression  of  a  irtuisparent,  liligree  like  Sevres  ininiuture,  a  patient 
composition  of  endless  little  details  engraved  in  the  green  inclina- 
tions of  the  mountain  sides,  a  dreadful  work  of  natural  decoration, 
like  so  much  lace  embellishing  the  hills,  under  a  large  and  sweet 
light  that  drops  from  above. 

The  first  foundation  in  this  capital  was  placed  in  1549  by  Thome 
de  Souza.  It  can  boast  of  being  the- oldest  of  all  the  Brazilian  cities. 
It  is  most  probable  that  its  sister  capitals  will  not  envy  that  i)riniacy. 

For  the  visitor,  when  he  has  left  at  his  right  the  Santo  Antonio 
fortress,  and  on  his  way  to  the  anchorage  place,  he  reviews  that 
multifarious  spot  of  the  city,  spread  from  above  upon  the  unmovable 
gulf,  as  an  absurd  cascade  of  houses,  towers,  colors  and  confused 
shapes,  the  sensation  that  his  retina  —  that  bearer  of  poetry  — 
transmits  to  his  soul,  is  one  of  those  to  last  impressed  on  man's  mind 
for  a  couple  of  generations. 

The  two  rows  of  buildings,  embracing  the  mountain  at  the  same 
time,  at  its  basis  and  its  vertex,  advance  in  disorder  to  meet  each 
other,  —  at  least  is  that  what  we  see  from  afar,  —  in  the  green  decli- 
vity of  the  hillside,  and  pushing  this  way,  pushing  that  way  they 
engage  themselves  in  the  busy  task  of  conquering  it. 

Here,  they  get  near  each  other,  there ,  thej' separate  again.  It 
seems  as  if  iron  rails  were  tearing  furi-ows  in  the  mountain  exposing 
its  reddish  flesh  and  its  hard  stony  skeleton,  with  viaducts  here  and 
there  and  roads  that  look  like  stony  belts. 

All  this  spectacle,  which,  after  all,  is  nothing  else  but  the  history 
of  the  city  growth,  is  displayed  there,  detail  by  detail,  in  a  long 
panorama,  that  even  in  the  configuration  of  the  ground  si)rings  a 
new  optical  element  to  wrap  the  whole  soul  of  those  who  contem- 
plate it. 

*     * 

Let  us  land.  Now  we  can  distinctly  see,  divided  in  two.  that  mass 
of  buildings,  one  forming  the  <(  down  town  »,  the  other  forming  the 
<(  iip-lown  )).  We  must  confess  that  as  we  enter  the  city  a  large  part 
of  the  impression  received  vanishes.  We  jump  on  a  small  dock  of  the 
Navy  Arsenal,  wherefrom,  through  an  old,  unstylish  gate,  we  are 
led  into  one  of  the  oldest  streets  of  the  city.  It  is  Kibcira  street, 
which  preserves  its  name  from  colonial  tinu's  and  its  buildings  of 
real  Portuguese  style  of  construction.  It  is  iu)t  a  very  fine  vestibule 
foi-  such  a  iKihlr  Capital.  The  street  is  souicw  hat  straight  ,  but  wvy 
narrow,  (juitc;  sliadcMl  because  of  the  tall  buildings.  It  looks  like  a 
street  in  Oporto  or  in  Toledo.  A  little  fui-ther  ahead,  at  the  right  is 

814-  — 

tlie  entraiu-e  to  ii  small  tunnel  with  a  strong-  smell  of  engine  oil  and 
steam.  This  tunnel  leads  to  a  mechanieal  elevator,  one  of  the  con- 
veyances for  the  i)opulation  to  be  transported  between  the  two  cities. 
Passing-  that,  the  visitor  finds  himself  in  a  better  place,  Alfan- 
dega  street  and  after  that,  Prince/.as  Imperiaes  street,  a  large  and 
p'rctty  artery  of  the  commercial  part  of  the  city  with  big  buildings 
with  four  and  five  floors.  That  row  of  houses  face  also  the  front 
of  tluMjuay  and  they  are  noted  by  their  symetry  and  propoi-tions 
which  dissimulate  their  modestv  and  architectural  design. 

li:ilii;i.  —   ilic  (ioveriiur's  I'alacc 

They  are  large  buildings  occupied  by  agencies,  banks  and  offices 
af  all  kinds,  'i'iicrc^  and  in  the  neighboring-  streets  lies  the  nervous 
system  of  the  commerce  of  Bahia.  From  them  slart  many  side 
strec^ts  and  lanes,  narrow  streets  crossing-  in  all  directions,  having 
Other  narrow  and  toi-luous  streets  as  the  others  but  in  a  longitudi- 
nal direction  from  the  basis  of  the  hill,  crossing  in  their  course  some 
small  s(|uares  as  the  one  of  the  Tamarindeiros,  filled  with  ti-ccs  and 
the  Ouro  Scpiarc,  not  altogether  i)aved.  It  is  a  perfect  ma/.e  for  the 
n('\vl,\  arri  \  cd. 

'JMiey  do  not,hing-  but  business,  only  business.  So  much  so,  that 
in  tin;   afternoon,   —   as  Ihi're    is   not    in    (his   disti-jct    anv  of  tliosi' 


—  315  — 

luxurious  stores  with  show  windows  ;is  (licrc  arc,  iu  Ilio  de  JancMro 
and  Sao  Pauh),  briglitly  ilhiniinaled  iu  llie  evonino',  —  as  soon  as  it 
l)eeonies  dark,  every  store  is  ch)sed,  the  sti-eets  l^ecome  almost (h!sert 
and  in  i)lace  of  the  noise  ol'  the  day  time  movement,  there  eomes  a 
silenee  enveloping  those  tall  buildings  and  desert  streets. 

All  that  immense  multitude  of  peoph^  woi-king  hard  from  sun  to 
sun,  immigrates  at  the  sunset  to  the  up  Ininii  districts,  or  to  the  sea- 
shores as  Rio  Vermelho,  Earra,  Itapagii)e,  and  tlie  commereial 
district  sinks  into  that  silent  sadness  of  a  convent,  wei'c  it  not  for 
the  electric  railway  that  from  time  to  tim(^  brings  back  to  this 
district  a  little  of  its  conscience,  illuminating  speedly  on  its  way. 

By  this  low  plane  and  always  surrounding  the  mountain,  there 
goes  a  road  sowing  the  way  with  new  buildings,  new  roads,  ruins, 
and  of  docks  buildings  filled  with  merchandise,  coal  depots,  all  this 
intermingled  with  residence  buildings,  high  buildings,  old  and  new 
churches,  till  the  free,  airy  part  of  the  city,  where  wider  streets 
appear  like  those  of  Mangueira,  Jequitaya,  Calcada  and  Dendezei- 
ros,  and  afterwards  new  squares,  new  streets  and  new  disti-icts  as 
those  of  Rome,  Boa  Viagem,  Itapagipe  and  others,  a  sketch  of  an 
augmented  Babel. 

Let  us  leave  this  district  of  which  we  will  speak  later  on  as  the 
transportation  means  are  easy  and  quick,  everything  served  by  elec- 
trical transportation.  We  will  go  back  to  our  starting  point,  and  we 
will  go  to  the  elevator.  It  is  not  quite  inducing  that  trip  through  the 
interior  of  a  high  chimney,  and  a  dark  one  as  that.  A  box  with  space 
for  15  or  20  people,  lifted  by  a  steel-cable,  lifts  its  passengers  from 
down  town  and  transports  them  to  the  top  of  the  mountain,  a  parody 
to  that  diabolic  scene  of  the  Temptation  of  Jesus. 

This  trip  is  made  in  a  few  minutes,  and  when  the  passenger  gets 
out  he  finds  himself  in  a  pretty  square,  on  the  top  of  the  city,  where- 
from  a  beautiful  panorama  of  the  whole  bay  and  the  blue  islands 
beyond  is  to  be  seen. 

In  front  we  see  a  beautiful  building  —  the  municipal  Palace  —  of 
some  architectural  value  and  a  national  relique.  It  is  an  inheritance 
from  the  metropolis.  It  was  spoilt  by  the  Dutch  in  1030,  afterwards 
repaired  and  recently  rebuilt  being  added  to  it  a  four  face  tower  with 
a  clock  ended  by  a  piramid  in  sections.  The  principal  face  of  the 
building  has  a  pretty  effect,  open  in  arches  on  the  square.  There  are 
in  it  several  sections  among  which  is  a  public  library  established  by 
Mr.  Paula  Guimaraes  when  mayor  of  the  city. 

The  right  side  of  that  palace  looks  to  a  narrow  street  called 
Visconde  de   Rio  Branco,  the  inclination  angle  of  which,  just  like 

—  81(1  — 

that  of  the  other  streets  of  S.  Jose  district,  is  not  one    of    the    least 
interesting-  curiosities  of  tlie  okl  city. 

Foi-iiiing  an  angle  with  the  municipal  Palace,  there  is  another 
large  building,  also  of  historical  origin,  having  been  the  residence 
of  Portuguese  governors  and  of  all  the  presidents  of  the  ex-provincc. 
It  was  rebuilt  for  the  same  purpose,  but  entirely  built  anew,  cvery- 
tliing  but  the  foundation  having,  been  pulled  down.  In  this  palace 
is  established   the  Government  of  the  State  ,   and    another     buil- 


Miiiiicipal  I'alaco 

ding,  in  Coi'icdor  da  Victoria  is  tlu^  one  used  as  residence  of  the 

l-'rom  this  scpuire  run  to  the  right  and  left  sonic  \vv\  narrow 
hiiics,  odd  years  behind  tlic  age,  as  the  Chili,  M  iscricordia  and  As- 
scmlth-a  sti'ccls  invariably  lined  l)y  ])lain  buihlings.  The  Chili  street 
wliich  runs  in  an  inclined  plan,  ends  in  a  bright  and  picturcsiiuc 
s(|iiar«'  which  is  divided  into  two  small  gardens,  in  one  of  whicli, 
right  in  I'l'onl  of  S.  .loao  theatre,  just  al  the  sea  side,  is  the  statni'  of 
Colombo  on  top  of  ;i  pretty  marble  fountain. 

It  is  charming  the  situation  of  this  public    scpiarc,   called    Castro 

—  317  — 

Alves,  some  50  metres  above  the  bay  witli  a  wall  with  railing  and 
streets  with  benches.  That  part  of  the  mountain,  transformed  into  a 
fantastical  stairway,  whose  degrees  are  the  Montanha  and  Conccif;a() 
streets  open  in  longitudinal  direction  in  the  hillside  under  the  up- 
town part  of  the  city.  On  the  land  side  there  are  large  buildings 
suri-ounding  the  square.  They  ai-e  the  Paris  and  Sul  Americano 
hotels,  the  Diario  da  Bah  in,  a  daily  newspaper,  a  large  building  of  a 
pretty  but  trivial  style. 

If  we  take  a  tramway,  (me  of  those  crossing  the  town,  to  go  to 
Graca,  for  instance,  we  have  the  opportunity  to  see  (piitc  a  different 
section  of  the  city.  In  this  line  the  tramway-cars  are  driven  hy  mules 

^,:.    '^ 

Bahia.  —  Palace  in  the  Victoria  Street,  Governors'  ix'sidence 

and  it  is  not  without  difficulty  that  they  go  up  the  steep  hill  that 
separates  Castro  Alves  square  from  that  group  of  streets  preceding 
the  pi'etty  public  square  called  Picdade.  Having  gone  up  that  tor- 
tuous neck  called  Carlos  Gomes  street  and  those  that  follow  it,  we 
are  at  Piedade.  Excellent  buildings,  mixed  up  with  some  quite  mo- 
dest ones,  line  the  wide  public  square,  the  centre  of  which  is  a  pretty 
garden  surrounded  by  railing ,  with  beautiful  flowers  and  green 
grass,  with  a  nice  band-stand,  and  in  the  centre  an  artistic  marble 
fountain  having  on  top  a  native  symbolism  —  an  Indian  stepping 
on  a  serpent. 

One  of  the  sides  of  the  square  is  formed  by  the  Piedade  Church, 
one  of  the  prettiest  ones  in  the  North,  with  its  polished  dome,  a  mi- 
niature of  that  of  Santa  Maria  del  Fiore.  In  the  other  angle  we  see 
the  pretty  Senate  building,  of  Italian  style.  Following  in  the  tram- 

—  318  — 

way-car  and  leaving-  at  the  right  the  Police  Department  Headquar- 
ters, we  go  through  a  pretty  street  not  altogether  straight ,  but  all 
of  it  lined  with  line  buildings,  in  which  they  insisted  in  following 
tlie  Portuguese  architectural  style,  however,  here  and  there,  appear 
some  transformations  under  a  preoccupation  of  more  advanced  uit. 
and  the  new  and  modern  buildings  are  giving  to  the  Pedro  Luiz 
street  the  healthy  and  joyful  aspect  it  presents. 

Further  ahead  is  a  charming  public  garden,  the  Passeio  Publico, 
a  sweet  place  to  rest  awhile  sitting  under  the  delicate  perfume  of  the 
mango  trees,  with   wideh-  spreaded  out  bi-anches  that  prevent  the 

Baliia.  —  St'iiale  building 

sun  light  from  shining  upon  the  sandy  ground  of  the  garden 
streets.  It  is  pleasant  to  walk  under  that  ancient  canopy  that  an  old 
and  noble  count  planted  for  us  to  enjoy,  with  all  that  perfunicd  scent 
of  the  flowers  flooding  the  atmosphere  and  the  murmuring  sounds  of 
the  foliage  whispering  a  primitive  but  delicious  symphony. 

The  lawns  and  the  foliage  of  the  mango  and  other  trees  do  not  fill 
all  the  silence  of  the  park,  there  is  (luite  a  large  spot  covered  with 
shining  tiles  forming  a  kind  of  terrace  just  a  little  above  the  level  of 
the  street,  surrounded  by  a  varandah  with  mythological  marble 
looking  upon  a  deep  and  ample  hori/on.  The  straight  and  open  jiers- 
pective,  the  inundating  light,  the  picturescpu^  of  the  first  jilan  where 
the  city  begins  to  appear,  the  mute  company  of  the  wandering  but- 
terflies   showing    us   what  is  true  hajjpiness  in  thcii   lice  flight,  wi- 

—  819  — 

thoiit  boundary  lines  and  witlioul  a  time  (able,  —  here;   is   a   i)i('tiire 
wortliy  of  the  envy  of  that  king  Louis  of  liavai-ia. 

In  another  open   spot  of   the   park,    in  a  stretcli  left  \'vMi  by  tlic 
mango  trees,  the  past  generations   commemorated  Ihc  anival  of  I). 
Joiio    VI    to    Brazil,    erecting  an  obelise    in  the  shape  of  a  pyramid 
made  of    Lisbon   marble  with 
an  inscription  engraved  in  gol- 
den letters. 

In  the  Afflictos  square  (cu- 
rious name  given  after  a  catho- 
lic church  built  there)  ^vllere 
the  Passeio  Publico  ends  one 
of  its  sides,  there  are  the  thick 
walls  of  a  large  Portuguese 
fortress  looking  like  a  Bluidist 
church.  This  fort  is  now  trans- 
formed into  the  barracks  of 
the  Police  force,  for  which  ser- 
vice the  necessary  adaptations 
were  made. 

A  tortuous  inclined  street 
paved  with  large  stone  blocks 
runs  down  following  the  lines 
of  the  inferioi'  plan  of  the  Pas- 
seio Publico  almost  masquera- 
ded by  the  irresistible  vegeta- 
tion of  the  inclination  and  leads 

to  the  Gamboa  fortress  —  a  colonial  fortification  at    the   bottom  of 
the  mountain  half  hidden  by  the  rolling  waters. 

Baliia.  —  Moiuiinont  of  thelliaoliuolo  siinaiT 

*      * 

From  the  S.  Pedro  fort  square  follows  a  bright  street,  quite  a 
busy  thoroughfare,  passing  by  the  Polytheama,  and  leading  to  ano- 
ther square,  the  best  one  in  the  Capital,  formerly  named  X^ampo 
Grande.  This  square  has  a  pretty  garden  decorated  by  a  noble  bronze 
and  marble  monument  of  large  size  and  fine  artistic  expression, 
commemorating  the  historical  event  of  Dais  de  Julho  (the  second 
of  July)  which  sealed  in  Baliia  the  consummation  of  the  national 
independence  of  Brazil. 

It  is  peculiar  that  in  the  Capital  of  Bahia  there  are  no  statues  or 
monuments  of  an   individual   charactei-,   (excepting  the  bust  of  Dr. 

—  320 

Paterson,  an  English  pliilantropist,  and  a  physician  of  a  most  chari- 
table disposition,  devoting  himself  to  take  care  of  the  poor).  Be  it 
due  to  chance  or  to  consciem-ions  deliberation,  the  fact  remains  tiiat 
all  the  monuments  erected  by  the  people  of  Bahia,  in  the  squares  of 
its  pretty   Capital ,  refer  to   some   national  fact  and  they  represent 

allegories  and  symbolisms   or 
^     some    allusion   in   a  collective 
and  generic  sense. 

This  monument  Dots  de 
.Iitlho  is  eom])osed  of  a  higli 
column  corynthian  style  with 
the  traditional  Indian  on  top 
dominating  the  despotism,  re- 
presented by  a  dragon.  Colos- 
sal bronze  figures  represent- 
ing the  big  Brazilian  rivers, 
with  several  other  decorative 
accessories  complete  the  mo- 
nument which  is  one  of  the 
nicest  in  Brazil. 

The  square  built  upon  an 
horizontal  plan,  has  the  shape 
of  an  irregular  square  and 
the  space  between  the  lateral 
streets  is  a  pretty  garden,  quite 
large  though  not  so  beautiful  as 
those  of  S.  Paulo  and  Belem. 
There  are  some  very  fine  buildings  in  the  square,  and  the  streets 
starting  from  it  are  elegant  ones,  with  modern  buildings.  Among 
them  the  visitor  must  not  forget  the  Corredor  da  N'ictoria,  where 
there  are  pretty  mansions,  and  it  is  the  favorite  residence  street  of 
the  wealthiest  part  of  the  population.  There  is  also  the  palace 
that  is  the  private  residence  of  the  Governor. 

(jioing  ahead  we  come  across  another  square,  without  any  garden 
as  yet.  There  is  the  Church  of  Nossa  Senhora  da  Victoria,  wliieli, 
they  say,  was  built  in  1530,  and  further  ahead  yet  we  see  Graca 
Square,  notable  because  of  the  church  that  is  there,  belonging  to  the 
Benedictine  monks,  and  which  they  say  stands  in  the  same  place 
where  they  first  formed  (lie  city  in  the  sixteenth  eeiitui-y. 

I'^rom  there  new  streets  start,  as  well  as  an  inclined  avenue  lined 
with  l)i'iglit  houses  with  gardens  and  modern  palaces. 

IJut,  U)V  us  to  conie  to  this  place  sd  (piickly    it    was    neeessury    to 

Baliia.  —  The  |)yi'aiiii(l  of  the  Passeio  I'liljlico 

—  321  — 

leave  aside  other  parts  of  the  city  of  no  lessei-  interest  than  tliis  one. 
The  Nazaretli  district,  with  a  large  square,  the  garden  ol"  wliich  is  in 
way  of  construction.  It  is  surrounded  by  fine  comfortabhi  residen- 
ces and  has  much  to  be  seen.  There  is  a  trade  school 'directed  l)y 
Salezian  priests  and  the  Misericordia  (the  city  hospital)  which  is 
one  of  the  nicest  of  its  kind  in  Brazil. 

Bahia.  —  National  Indepeiidance  Monument.  Duke  de  Caxias  Square 

On  the  other  side,  coming  down  through  a  valley,  between  the 
hills  on  which  the  city  is  built,  we  go  through  a  long  street,  paved 
with  little  care.  It  is  Rua  da  Valla  (as  that  place  was  the  bed  of  a 
ravine  which  had  to  be  filled  up).  That  way  we  reach  a  topogra- 
phical neck  known  as  Baixa  dos  Sapateiros,  a  place  of  considerable 
transit.  There, fare  always  people  crossing  in  all  directions. 

Every  minute  tramcars  start  in  the  direction  of  the  four  angles  of 

—  322  — 

the  city;  from  the  market,  which  is  situated  in  front,  there  comes  a 
noisy  crowd,  joyful  with  a  free  and  easy  air  through  tlie  many  doors 
of  the  building ;  the  noise  of  wagons  and  trucks  running  in  all  direc- 
tions is  heard  all  day  long,  here  and  there  the  newsboys  cry  out  the 
names  of  the  papers,  and  thus  from  sunrise  to  sunset,  every  day 
of  the  week  except  Sunday,  this  place  is  kept  (juite  alive  and  noisy. 
We  take  one  of  those  tramcars( there  are  veiy  few  cabs  and  carria- 
ges) and  we  take  a  ride  to  see  what  is  going  on  in  the  other  part  of 
the  city.  After  half  an  hour  of  zig-zaggingwe  are  in  an  enormous  field 

Haliia.  —  S.  Bl'iiIo  SUx'ct  and  Conveiil 

all  covered  with  grass  and  surrounded  by  buildings  on  all  sides.  It 
is  called  Barbalho  field. 

At  one  of  the  sides  of  this  field,  looking  to  the  bay  is  the  carcass 
of  an  olden  times  fortress,  built  in  the  ages  in  which  it  was  iiulis- 
pensable  to  have  the  place  lined  with  these  protective  structures. 

We  will  not  attempt  to  describe  the  whole  city  with  its  mauy  sec- 
tions and  surrounding  suburbs.  Another  volume  like  this  one  would 
be  necessary  for  that 

Let  us  pay  a  visit  to  the  buildings  worth  noting. 

Among  the  chui-ches  ,  which  are  in  gr(nit  nuuiber,  there  is 
the  S.  l''rancis{M)  on(^  of  monolithic  stvie  of  arcliiteclure  both    in   its 

—  324  — 

front  and  in  the  other  parts  of  the  building,  this  being  the  peculiar 
style  of  the  temples  built  by  the  Franciscan  monks.  In  its  exterior 
there  is  nothing  worth  admiring,  and  it  suffices  to  say  that  it  was 
built  in  1713,  an  epoch  of  complete  decadence  of  the  building  trade 
and  artistic  architecture  among  the  Portuguese.  In  its  interior,  ho- 
wever, no  lover  of  expontaneous  art,  visiting  Bahia,  must  go  away 
without  paying  a  visit  to  this  ehurcli,.  Besides  the  cloister  with  those 
colored  tiles,  style  of  that  time,  with  drawings  of  biblic  episodes, 
just  as  in  the  City  Hospital  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  there  is  the  high  relief 
work  on  the  rich  wood  of  the  country,  partly  gilt  covering  the  walls 
and  ceiling  of  the  church  not  only  in  its  main  nave  but  in  the  lateral 

That  interior  of  the  church,  the  whole  of  it,  is  an  admirable  mani- 
festation of  art  on  the  basis  of  a  touching  religious  spirit,  and  even 
to-daj',  those  reliefs  with  flowerj-  curves,  coats-of-arms,  angols  heads, 
birds  and  spiral  lines  columns  put  in  vibration  all  our  nerves  of 
aesthetic  emotion. 

That  valuable  treasury  of  retrospective  art  was  deplorably  threa- 
tened with  deterioration,  when  a  group  of  German  monks,  all  of 
whom  are  Brazilians  to-day,  took  charge  of  the  convent,  andrestaur- 
ed  it  with  care  worthy  of  the  gratitude  that  impels  us  to  register 
here  that  fact. 

Another  curious  church,  is  the  Collegio.  It  is  a  document  of  ilie 
degree  attained  by  artistic  architecture  among  the  Jesuits  ol'  tlie 
Portuguese  colonial  times  in  Brazil.  This  church  was  built  before 
1572  what  is  hard  to  believe.  It  was  built  by  the  Jesuits  to  serve  as 
a  college  for  them.  That  is  the  reason  why  even  to-day  the  eliureh 
has  that  name,  having  once  been  elevated  to  the  lioiioi*  ol'  Catluulral 
of  the  primate  of  all  catholic  Brazil. 

Its  front,  though  of  a  turgid  style,  with  wide  lines  and  massive 
ornamentation,  is  imposing  to  a  degree  of  making  one's  mind  grow 
tori)id  and  listen  to  its  old  and  rude  tradition.  This  church  is  of 
stone  and  we  can't  deny  a  certain  harmony  in  the  whole  of  its  struc- 
ture. In  its  interior,  all  the  details  of  ornamentation,  from  the  design 
of  the  main  altar,  to  the  work  in  the  ceiling,  perhaps  tlie  most 
curious  of  all  we  have  seen  in  Brazil,  are  worthy  of  study  and  leave 
stupified  those  who  have  artistic  vibrating  soul. 

The  Benedictine  monks  also  built  a  pretty  church  —  S.  Sebas- 
tiao.  —  f*l(n'er  nu^n  they  are,  proven  as  it  is  by  llie  splendid 
location  of  all  the  convents  they  have  built  everywhere,  the  monks 
of  S.  Hento  selected  a  spot  of  vei'_\'  first  order,  within  the  city  upon 
a  central  eminence. 

—  326  — 

It  is  a  church  all  while,  inside  and  outside,  iVoni  the  cundor  of 
the  main  altar  marble  to  the  Saints  images,  of  snow-white  Carrara 
marble,  the  two  open  towers  supported  by  white  pillars,  and  white, 
likewise,  is  the  pompous  dome  which  is  the  highest  spot  of  the  city. 

There  are  yet  a  large  number  of  catholic  churches,  some  large 

and  well  built,  as  the  Matriz  church,  Sant'Annado  Pilar,  and  others 

of  smaller  importance  as  to  the  point  of  view  of  ai-t,   though  noted 

by  their  historical  value  as  the  one  of  Nossa  Senhoi-a  da  Ajuda 

which  is  the  oldest  of  Bahia,  and   others.    Those  we  mcmtion  alcove 

ai-e  the  most  important. 

*     * 

Baliia.  —  Fine  Arts  College 

Public  Instruction.  —  The  State  of  Baliia  has  been  one  of  those 
which  have  better  understood  the  responsibilities  belonging  to  the 
title  of  State ,  given  by  the  republican  Constitution  to  the  Brazilian 
provinces.  It  is  thus  that  it  deemed  to  be  its  duty  to  apply  a  good 
part  of  its  income  to  the  diffusion  of  Public  Instruction. 

The  budget  of  the  ex-province  appropriated  about  600:000$000  for 
public  instruction.  In  1897  the  State  Government  spent  a  little  over 
L000:000$000,  and  at  present  it  spends  over  2.000:000^000,  the 
State  contributing  with  1,800:000S000  and  the  municipalities  with 

In  the  State  of  Baliia  the  distribution  of  elementary  teaching  is 
in  charge  of  the  municipalities.  The  State,  however,  gives  a  subsidy 
of  800:000$000  to  the  poorer  municipalities,  thus  contributing  even 
with  more  tlian  the  double  of  what  the  municiijalities  themselves 

—  326  — 

spend.  About  1.000:000S000  are  spent  with  different  institutes  :  Gym- 
nasio  da  Baliia,  Xoimal  Institute,  Law  College,  Normal  Colleges 
Caetete  and  Barra  ,  Agriculture  Institute,  Fine  Arts  Academy, 
Music  Conservatory,  and  State  elementary  schools,  and  subsidies  to 
the  Polytechnical  Institute  and  Lyceum  of  Arts  and  Trades. 

In  the  State  there  are  to-day  the  following  institutes  of  secon- 
dary and  superior  instruction  :  Medicine  Academy,  established  by 
the  impei'ial  Government,  and  with  a  just  reputation  firmed  by  the 
notabilities  that  have  come  out  of  that  college  to  follow  the  medical 
profession  in  other  cities  of  Brazil.  It  is  installed  in  a  fine  building, 
much  better  than  the  building  of  the  medical  college  in  the  Capital 
of  the  Republic,  it  has  magnificent  laboratories,  magnificent  scien- 
tific material  and  good  electric  installation. 

The  Fine  Arts  College,  is  a  beautiful  building,  though  situated 
in  an  inclined  street.  It  has  many  students,  it  has  a  beautiful  picture 
Gallery  and  sculpture  exhibition  ,  and  a  Music  Conservatory  is 
annexed  to  it. 

The  Fine  Arts  College  building  is  a  large  one,  with  three  floors 
in  the  main  bodies  of  the  structure,  and  of  Italian  stj^le. 

After  the  Rio  de  Janeiro  one,  (capital  of  Brazil),  the  Bahia  Col- 
lege is  the  oldest,  and  magnificent  results  have  been  obtained. 

The  Law  College  was  founded  after  the  proclamation  of  the  i-epu- 
blic.  It  is  in  a  building  of  its  own,  of  fine  construction  and  nicely 

The  Agricultural  Institute  was  founded  by  the  imperial  govern- 
ment and  is  in  the  district  of  S.  Bento  de  Lages  not  very  far  from 
the  Capital, 

The  Xoi-mal  College  is  a  large  building.  It  prepares  teachers  of 
both  sexes.  The  ti-aining  is  the  very  best,  and  it  is  quite  common  for 
those  who  receive  degree  there  to  be  prefered  for  high  pedagogic 
functions  in  other  States.  In  its  large  building  there  are  scientific 
cabinets  and  pedagogic  museum,  everything  prepared  with  nicety 
and  even  somewhat  luxuriously.  Annexed  to  it  is  the  kindergarten 
and  complementary  classes  for  practical  training. 

There  are  two  other  establishments  of  this  kind,  somewhat  more 
modest,  in  the  cities  of  Caetete  and  Barra  do  Rio  de  Contas. 

'IMic  B:ilii;i  ( Jymnasium ,  is  an  institute  just  like  the  Natii)nal 
(iymnasiuni  of  Kio  de  .lanciro.  It  is  in  a  beautiful  building  erected 
by  the  (^x-governor  Liiiz  N'ianna,  in  one  of  the  city  public  scpiares. 
It  hiis  a  good  iiuiseuni  and  library. 

Tli(^  (ilymmisium  S.  Salvador,  is  a  first  class  institute,  hut  is 
niaintain(Ml  by  pi-ivate    people.  We    mention  it  liei-e  bei-ause  the  exa- 


—  827  — 

111  illations  passed  there  have  the  same  valiuj  as  if  lliey  were;  imsscid 
in  tlie  National  Gymnasium.  It  has  a  fine  l)nilding  of  its  own  and 
has  a  good  reputation. 

The  Lyceum  oi"  Arts  and  'l'rades,is  an  iustitute  of  which  l>uliia  is 
proud.  It  was  fonnded  by  private  initiative  as  the  Itio  and  Recife 
ones.  It  has  about  2.000  students,  class  rooms  for  languages  and 
sciences ,  several  workshops  for  practical  training,  an  excellent 
librarj%  picture  Gallery,  museum  of  architecture,  a  band  of 
music,  etc. 

There  are  yet  other  establishments  of  public  instruction  as  tlie 
Archbishop  Seminary,  the  Salezian  College ,  the  Santa  There/.a 
Educandario,  the  two  latter  ones  subsidized  by  the  State,  the  Spen- 
cer College,  the  S.  Joaquim  College,  the  Sete  de  Septembro  College, 
the  S.  Jose  College  and  many  other  private  establishments. 

Several  libraries  and  reading  rooms  complete  the  instruction 
service  in  this  State.  The  Medical  Academy  library  has  15.000  volu- 
mes; the  rich  Public  Library  founded  in  1811  by  the  Conde  de 
Arcos,  has  20.000  volumes ;  the  Municipal  one,  founded  by  I*aula 
Guimaraes  when  Mayor,  has  14.000  volumes;  the  one  of  the  Gremio 
Litterario  has  some  10.000  volumes ;  that  of  the  Gabinete  Portuguez 
has  10.000  volumes;  the  Benedictines  one,  5.000;  the  one  of  the 
Lyceum  of  Arts  and  Trades  12.000;  the  one  of  the  German  Club, 
3.000.  There  are  many  libraries  all  over  the  State.  There  is  no  city  of 
any  importance  without  having  a  library,  most  always  belonging  to 
private  societies  and  Clubs,  but  open  to  the  public. 

In  short,  there  are  in  Bahia  56  Colleges ,  Academies ,  Gymna- 
siums, etc.  and  951  Grammar  schools  thus  distributed  : 

Colleges  for  superior,  technical  and  professional  Instructoin  .     .  li 

Secondai'v  insUuiction  colleges  in  the  Capital  .......  33 

Colleges  in  the  interior  of  the  State 9 

Elementary  schools  (of  the  State 128 

»               »      (of  the  municipalities) 722 

Schools  maintained  by  private  individuals 9* 

Schools  maintained  by  religious  creeds  propagandists  .     ...  7 

Total  ....     1007 
Adding  to  this  the  number  of  private  schools  of  the  modest  kind 
to  be  found  here  and  there ,  in  the  interior,   we  will  have  a  total  of 
no  less  than  1.100  instruction  establishments  in  the  State. 

*    * 

Police  force,  land  and  sea  transportation.  —  By  the  orga- 
nization of  its  public  sei'vices  Bahia  occupies  a  first  class  place  in 

—  328  — 

tlie  Brazilian  Federation.  Its  police  force  is,  as  the  Para,  Manaos, 
S.  Piiulo  and  llio  Grande  do  Snl  ones,  organized  in  such  a  manner 
that  in  normal  times  it  fulfils  the  duty  of  maintainors  of  the  public  or- 
der, and  in  case  of  necessity,  serves  as  reserve  of  the  federal  ai-niy. 

It  is  divided  into  four  infantry  battalions  Nvith  2.000  men  and  a 
cavalry  squadron  with  300  men.  They  have  Mauser  and  Comblain 
guns  and  Xordenfeld  rapid  fire  guns.  Their  uniform  is  simple,  of 
dark  cloth,  just  like  the  one  used  by  the  Pcrnambuco  police.  The 
privates  police  the  streets,  armed  with  sword  and  the  commander  of 

Bahin.  —  KIcclrif'  tr.iiii\v:i\  station 

the  forces  is  a  colonel.  The  regiment  has  two  l)afracks ,  largo  and 
nicely  kept;  one  is  in  the  Mouraria  square*  in  iVonl  of  (he  (Jeucial 
ll(!ad(piarters  of  the  federal  garrison,  the  other,  near  the  Passeio 
Publico,  is  a  magnificent  tyjx' of  a  building  of  its  kiml,  lia\iiigiio 
better  ones  (ixccptiiig  in  Bello  llori/ontt',  S.  I'aiilo,  Porto  Alegre 
and   K  io  d(^  .laneiio. 

T1h5  ujiinieipality  uiainlains  a  well  organi/cid  fire  department. 

W'e  will  now  write  soinething  about  nu'ans  of  coniinnnicat  ion. 

ilaliia,  heing  a  State  witli  relatixclv  inaii_\  cities  ijias  h'l.'i  innnii-i- 
])iunis  an<l  about  10(»  cities  aiul  villages),  had  the  necessity  ot  a  wide 
net  of  rail\\a_\s,  l)ut  unfortunately  <loes  not  ))ossess  it,  as  it  hai)pens 

—  329  — 

all  over  Brazil  where  railways  are  never  in  the  pi'ojxji-tions  ol'  tlie 
requireiuents  of  progress. 

In  the  Capital  the  tramway  service  is  made  hy  several  companies  : 
the  Linha  Circular,  the  Trilhos  Centraes,  the  Transportes  Urbanos, 
the  Ferro  Carril  Ondina  (in  way  of  construction)  and  the  Carris 
electricos,  which,  as  the  name  indicates  is  moved  by  electi-icity.  All 
the  principal  districts  and  arteries  of  transit,  are  served  by  tram- 
cars,  and  a  great  lack  of  public  cabs  and  carriages  is  noted.  We 
can't  very  well  understand  this,  considering  that  the  population  of 
the  city  according  to  the  census  taken  in  1900  was  205. 81. 'i  inhal)i- 
tants,  and  to-day,  probably  some  220.000. 

In  compensation  there  is  that  curious  construction  ol"  mechanic 
elevators,  some  through  an  inclined  plan  as  the  «.  Ramos  de  (^uciroz» 
and  the  one  of  «  Graca  )>,  others  in  vertical  line,  like  the  ones  ol" 
Pilar,  Taboao  and  Lacerda,  all  moved  b^^  steam.  These  interesting 
works  of  art  of  which  no  other  Brazilian  capital  had  necessity  (there 
being  but  a  short  inclined  plan  in  Rio)  ,  for  its  city  transit,  Bahia 
had  to  build  that  in  large  number  because  of  its  peculiar  topograpliy. 

From  the  Capital  starts  an  extensive  railway  till  Joazeiro,  a  new 
city  on  the  S.  Francisco  river  banks,  with  branch  lines  running  to 
Timbo,  etc.  We  will  now  give  a  list  of  the  railway  lines  running  in 
this  State. 

The  capital  is  in  communication  with  cities  in  the  far  awaj^ 
points  of  the  bay  and  of  the  sea  coast,  by  means  of  the  steamers  of 
the  Bahiana  Company,  an  old  navigation  enterprize  maintained  bj' 
Braziliau  capitalists,  and  by  sailing  boats.  These  boats  are  another 
typical  peculiarity  of  the  local  life  of  Bahia.  They  can  never  be  con- 
founded with  other  types  of  naval  construction  as  to  their  shape. 
They  form  a  unique  gender  of  their  own.  They  are  built  in  a  some- 
what primitive  style,  in  private  ship-yards,  of  which  there  are  a 
great  number  in  the  bay  and  little  rivers  of  the  interior. 

Another  navigation  enterprize,  the  «  Viacao  Central  do  Brazil  », 
runs  between  Joazeiro  and  the  cities  of  the  States  of  Bahia  and 
Minas  on  the  banks  of  the  S.  Francisco  river.  It  has  eight  or  ten 
small  steamers  and  the  seat  of  the  company  is  in  Bahia. 

The  commerce  of  the  Capital,  internal  as  external,  is  very  active 
and  one  of  the  most  important  of  Brazil.  It  is  true  that  in  its  vast 
bay  enter  every  daj^  large  foreign  transatlantic  steamers,  ships  and 
steamers  from  everywhere ,  besides  the  national  steamers  engaged 
in  the  coastwise  service.  From  there  sail  also  for  the  North  and 
South,  as  well  as  to  the  interior  points  in  the  bay,  every  day,  the 
steamers  of  the  Comjpanhia  Bahiana. 

—  330  — 

The  number  of  ships  entering-  that  port  during  I'.'Ol  was  (VJd  with 
8.000  passengers.  The  number  of  ships  sailing  was  020  w  itli  T.CtOo 
passengers.  In  1003  entered  (iSC)  shi^is  with  30.0<)5  passengers  and 
sailed  071)  witl)  33. 110  passengers. 

In  this  is  not  included  the  coastwise  navigation  w  hii-h  w  us  in 
the  same  year  706  ships  with  14.957  passengers  entering  the  bay, 
and  704  ships  with  14.784  passengers  sailing. 

Here  is  a  list  of  railways  existing  to-day  in  the  State  of  Bahia 
and  their  extensions  in  kilometres  : 

Railway  enlreprizes  Kiloms. 

Bahia  ao  S.  Francisco 576 

Ramal  do  Timbo 82 

Estrada  de  Ferro  Centi-ai 320 

))        »    Santo  Aniaro 36 

Tram  Road  de  Nazareth 99 

Estrada  de  Ferro  Bahia  e  Minas    ....  142 

Santo  Antonio  a  Ainargosa 63 

Cent ro  Oeste  da  Bahia 26 

S.  Francisco  a  Feira  (in  construction)    .     .  65 

Total.     .     .      1.411 


Hygiene  and  Chahities  Department.  —  The  hygiene  and  Cha- 
rities Department  services  have  been  largely  imi)roved  in  Bahia 
dui-ing  the  last  few  years. 

The  Central  Board  of  Health  lias  several  branch  departments 
nicely  established,  as  the  isolation  hospital,  the  disinfection  depart- 
ment, and  tlie  vaccinia  institute. 

The  ])rohylaxy  and  disinfecti(m  services  are  executed  Just  as  in 
Ri()  de  Janeiro  and  S.  Paulo,  with  first  class  material,  of  every  des- 
crijjtion.  There  is  a  magazine  published  to  disseminate  every  fort- 
night dcin()grai)hi('  statistics  data,  and  all  the  information  in  relation 
with  tlie  sanitary  conditions  of  the  city. 

Bahia  ('om])lctes  its  service  of  public  aid,  giving  sultsidies  to  large 
establishments  which  render  public  aid  both  in  the  Capital  and  in  the 
interior  cities. 

We  will  mention  some  of  them  : 

The  first  worthy  of  mention  is  the  Hospital  da  Misericordia,  (city 
hosjiital)  named  also  «  Santa  I/.abel  liosi)ital  »,  with  a  service  id(Mi- 
tical  to  that  of  the  Rio  de  .Janeiro  city  hospital. 

Thci'c  is  all  conifort  in  this  liospital  as  well  as  all  the  conditions 
recoiiimc.nded  l)y  science.  It  was  built  ten  years  ago,  thanks  princi- 
pally to  a  valuable  inheritance  willeil  for  that  purpose  by  the  Count 

—  H31  — 

Pereini  Marinlio,   whose  statue,  in  marble,  is  in  the  j)i(^Uy  garden, 
right  in  front  of  the  building. 

The  Asylo  de  Mendieidade,  (the  poor  house),  is  the  most  impo- 
sing and  luxurious  oi"  all  the  poor  houses  in  Bi-azil.  'I'hei-e  is  hardly 
any  eity  in  Brazil  tluxt  has  not  buill  a  house  for  its  poor,  but  none  has 
done  so  well  as  Bahia  in  this  regard.  Bahia  has  built  a  palaee  for  its 
poor.  It  was  built  in  a  charming-  sea-shore  place  called  Boa  Viagem, 
and  is  surrounded  with  gardens  and   marble.  It  is  a  white  building 

Bahia.  —  Large  Textile  MaiiufaL-toiv  da  Boa  Viagem 

with  statues  on  top  of  it,  and  in  fact,  it  looks  more  like  a  summer 
residence  than  anything  else. 

The  Asylo  dos  Lazaros,  (the  leprous  hospital),  is  another  institute 
of  charity  also  receiving  a  subsidy  from  the  State  Governement.  It 
is  a  large  building  in  a  pleasant  district  called  Quinta,  as  it  was 
there  that  the  Jesuits  had  their  recreation  Quinta  (farm). 

The  Insane  Asylum  is  not  a  building  so  large  as  the  Rio  one, 
neither  is  it  so  modern  as  the  Para  one,  but  is  taken  great  care  of. 
It  is  located  in  the  beautiful  sea-shore  place.  Boa  Yiagem,  and  was 
inaugurated  in  1874. 

332  — 

There  are  other  hospitals  and  xVsyluras,  as  the  Military  Hospital, 
the  Foundlin"'  Asvhini,  etc. 


Prodlction  ,  coAfMERCE  AM)  INDUSTRY.  —  Tlie  questioii  a  loiirisl 
generally  asks  as  he  goes  for  the  first  time  to  a  place  is  :  What  docn 
this  pliicc  produce'/  —  But  the  visitor  in  Bahia  ought  to  invert  the 
oi-der  and  ask  :  What  does  Bahia  not  produce? 

In  fact,  just  like  in  Rio  Grande  do  8ul,  Bahia  is  a  city  which  can 
supply  itself  \\  ithout  outside  aid,  because  of  the  rich  variety  of  its 
culture  and  production. 

The  soil  rich  ,  fertile  ,  has  everything  all  the  otlier  States  of 
Brazil  have.  Gold?  Yes,  it  has  mines  now  being  exploited  —  those 
of  the  Assurua  and  others  which  are  going  to  be  exploited,  —  and 
what  is  more,  with  Brazilian  capital.  Mangane?  Of,  course.  It  is 
not  Minas  alone  that  exports  this  rich  mineral.  Bahia  is  doing  so. 
Last  year  exported  some  40.000  tons  to  begin  with.  Diamonds?  "NVliy 
not?  In  Bahia  are  the  richest  and  most  famous  layers  of  dia- 
monds in  America.  Every  one  remembers  the  noise  made  about  the 
discovery  of  some  mines  in  Salobro,  in  the  disti'ict  of  Cannavieiras. 
One  of  the  cities  of  the  State  is  called  «  Lavras  Diamantinas,  » 
(diamond  exi)lorations,)  because  of  occupying  a  certain  region  where 
they  do  nothing  but  search  diamonds.  Copper  ?  There  is  also 
copper  in  Bahia,  and  this  State  is  to-day  a  competitor  of  Chili  in  the 
copper  market.  They  have  discovered  an  enormous  layer  of  this 
metal.  A  Belgium  syndicate  was  formed,  so  the  papers  say,  to  begin 
the  exploitation  of  that  treasury.  The  American  consul,  Mr.  Tour- 
niss,  not  long  ago  wrote  this  in  one  of  his  reports,  speaking  of  the 
layers  of  diamonds  in  Bahia  : 

«  The  largest  diamond  carbonate  ever  found  was  discovered  in 
the  district  of  Lencoes,  in  1<S05,  in  a  mountain  rock  which  liad  been 
exi)loited  some  time  before.  It  w'eiglied  3.150  carats  and  was  sold  by 
the  miner  for  80:000$  (at  the  exchange  of  that  time  being  the  cciuiva- 
lent  to  £  1().000).  One  quarter  of  its  price  was  paid  to  the  owner  of 
the  concession  for  the  exploilatiou  of  the  ground  where  it  was  fouud. 
This  ston(;  changed  hands  and  was  at  last  bought  by  an  exporter 
of  the  Cai)ital  of  Bahia  for  121:000^0()()  (eciuivalent  to  £  •,*.").  100  at  the 
exchange  of  that  time).  It  was  sent  to  Paris  whci't'  it  was  tliviilcd 
into  siiKilh'T  stones,  to  bcconu'  moi'c  marketable. 

Another   good    find    t(»ok    i)la('c    in    I'.KH)  ,    in    another   concession 
ground   of   the   same   owner.    'JMu;   dianunul  caibonale   wciglu'd  'u~ 

—  333  — 

carats  and  was  sold  by  the  miner  for  70:00(Ȥ000  (at  the  cxclian-^c  ol' 
that  time  equivalent  to  £  17.880),  the  miner,  as  in  the  preecdiii''-  case 
liad  to  give  one  fourth  of  its  price.  The  average  size  of  the  diamonds 
found  is  6  carats. 

The  diam(mds  found  in  Paraguassii  are  not  so  clear  neither  so 
perfect  as  those  of  Cannovieiras  but  are  reputed  as  having  more 
brilliancy.  They  appear  mixed  up  with  .the  carbonates  and  often 
contain  small  particles  of  non-crystalised  coal  what  diminishes  tlieir 
value.  » 

Mr.  Hen.  Praguer,  an  engineer,  wrote  an  article  in  a  newsi)aper 
called  ,1  Bahia,  saying  : 

(c  Generous  nature  offered  to  Bahia  extraordinary  riches,  coming 
from  certain  minerals  which  of  all  this  world  can  only  be  had  in 
Bahia,  as  there  are  the  carbonates  of  the  Chapada  Diamantina,  the 
rich  sands  of  the  Prado,  the  famous  and  celebrated  taiiA  of  the  bay, 
and  finall}^  the  soil  and  under-soil  of  the  large  and  important  city  of 
Bahia  with  enormous  depots  of  fuel,  composed  of  anthracite  and 
bituminous  coal.  » 

The  failure  of  the  company  organised  for  the  exploitation  of 
kerosene  oil  in  Marahu,  failure  that  carried  with  it  the  loss  of  an 
enormous  capital,  gave  cause  to  strong  a  spirit  of  prejudice  among 
the  capitalists  of  Bahia,  so  that,  they  have  allowed  the  exploitation 
of  the  wealthy  under-soil  to  fall  in  complete  abandonment. 

The  most  recent  of  these  exploitations  is  the  one  of  the  celebrat- 
ed monazitic  sands  discovered  as  prodigious  wealth  in  the  shores 
of  the  city  of  Prado  at  the  southern  part  of  the  State. 

Let  us  say  something  about  the  vegetable  wealth  of  the  State. 
They  are  not  inferior  to  the  minerals  in  their  wealth,  The  piassava, 
the  cocoa-nuts,  the  rosin,  the  exquisite  lumber,  the  cocoa,  the  to- 
bacco, the  sugar-cane,  the  coffee,  the  grain,  everything  appears  in 
the  list  of  the  exports  of  this  State. 

During  the  first  nine  months  of  1901  Bahia  exported  goods  valued 
in  about  (i  1.000:0008000  and  its  imports  were  valued  in  about 
24.000:0008000.  It  occupies  the  fifth  place  in  the  list  of  the  largest 
expoi'ting  States  of  the  country. 

S.  Paulo  (importation  and  exportation).     .     .  .">76.060 

Federal  Capital .510.657 

Aniazonas 99.900 

Para 99.800 

Bahia 86.700 


PUODLCTS    EXl'OKTKl)    15V    TIIK     StATK    OF    BaHIA 

(In  kilograms) 



















15  524.765 


The  other  merchandises  which,  increase  the  total  of  the  exports 
from  Ealiia,  though  in  a  smaller  scale  have  followed  the  same  yearly 
ascendencj^  : 








(lo  kos.  each) 






















General  view  of  llie  «  Pitaiiga  »  sugar  I'actory,  in  llie  .Malta  of  S.  .louo  niuiiici|iinni 

As  to  manufacturing  industries  \\itli  llic  i'\('('i)ti()n  of  Kio.  Sao 
Paulo  and  Rio  Grande,  no  other  State  exceeds  this  one  in  nuuiher 
and  importance  of  its  factories.  We  will  not  speak  of  the  cxliaclioji 
and  forest  industries  (piassava,  cocoa-nuts,  etc),  ncitlici-  of  tlic  dairy 
industries,  nor  cattle  raising-.  The  State  is  a  lillh'  backwards  in  tliis 
line,  though  tliey  have  just  established  ])raclical  accliiuatatiou  ins 
titutes  —  the  model  cattle  raising  farm,  at  the  Calii ,  and  the  \  iiw 
expcriiiicntal  school  in  .loa/ciro,  —  \v(^  will  wfilc,  however,  altont 
tlui  uuiimfacturing  imliistries,  though  in  a  concise  way. 

The  sugar  manufacturing  industry  is  falling  somewhat  in  Haliia, 

—  335  — 

though  there  are  1.800  manufacturing  places  by  pi-iinitivi!  ])i-()C(!sscs 
and  ~I  large  steam  ones.  But  sugar  at  the  preseut  low  prices  doesn't 
stimulate  production,  and  farmers  are  p(;rlectly  discouraged,  and 
limit  themselves  to  produce  for  the  local  consiim])li()ii. 

The  sugar  farms  and  factories  in  Bahia  are,  as  a  rule,  factories 
of  some  importance,  with  improved  apparatus.  Among  tliem  we 
must  mention  :  the  one  of  S.  Bento  de  Inhata,  the  chimney  of  whicli 
is  36  metres  high  and  is  the  pride  of  Santo  Amaro  district.  It  grinds 
15.000.000  tons  of  sugar-cane  each  crop.  It  is  owned  by  Mr.  Pedro 
Alexandrino,  and  its  water  reservoir,  has  200.000  s(puii'e  metres,  and 
is  one  of  the  beauties  of  the  place  always  visited  by  the  loiii-isls. 

The  Pitanga  sugar  mill  owned  by  the  Barao  de  Assu  da  Torre  , 
with  a  steam  railway  and  large  machinery  has  capacity  to  grind 
10.000.000  tons  of  sugar-cane. 

The  Rio  Fundo  one  owned  by  a  companj^  grinds  30.000.000  tons, 
occupies  large  buildings,  has  its  own  railway  and  is  located  in 
Santo  Amaro. 

The  AUianga,  also  in  Santo  Amaro  and  owned  by  Sa  Ribeiro 
et  Co.  grinds  tons  sugar-cane  ;  it  occupies  gigantic  build- 
ings, dominated  by  a  31  metre  high  chimney. 

The  Conceicao  sugar  mill  and  alcohol  distilling  place  owned  by 
Dr.  Jose  Marcellino ,  Governor  of  the  State,  located  in  the  Xazareth 
municipium,  grinds  12.000.000  tons  a  j-ear. 

The  Model  distillery  occupies  a  group  of  ample  buildings,  produc- 
ing 100.000  casks  of  brandy  and  alcohol. 

The  sugar  mills  :  Iguape,  near  the  city  of  Cachoeira;  B(mi  Suc- 
cesso,  Capimerim,  Malembar,  Carapia,  Passagem,  Elspei-anca,  Mara- 
cangalha,  Colonia  and  Botelho,  all  of  them  moved  by  steam,  with 
railwaj'S  and  improved  machinery  and  in  Santo  Amaro  district. 
Pojuca,  in  Matta  of  Sao  Joao ;  Aratii,  in  Santo  Antonio  and  Agua 
Comprida  in  the  capital  municipium  ,  as  well  as  several  others, 
some  belonging  to  farmers  and  some  to  companies  with  seat  in 
Bahia,  —  are  so  many  other  factors  towards  the  progress  and  indus- 
trial activity-  of  that  section  of  Brazil. 

There  are,  besides  this,  other  industries  both  in  the  Capital  and 
other  cities  of  the  interior.  There  are  141  factories,  large  and  small. 
Of  these,  12  are  threading  mills,  by  steam,  and  2  hydraulic  ones,  12 
cigar  and  6  cigarrette  factories,  5  iron  and  bronze  foundries,  2  ice, 
12  oil,  3  shirt,  5  candle,  3  chocolate,  3  locks,  2  artificial  flowers, 
2  church  ornamentations,  3  chemical  products,  5  furniture,  4  car, 
2  glove,  3  paper  boxes,  10  trunk,  6  broom,  3  grease,  13  soap,  6  perfu- 
mery, 1  confetti,  3  mineral,  3  biscuit,  (5  coffee,  11  vinegar,  1  matches, 

—  336  — 

3  mncillage,  21  tile  and  l)rit'k,  11  lime,  1  piassava,  5  grain,  2  italian 
mass  factories,  1  skin  tanning  ones,  \  b^e^vel•ies,  1  eordials  and  other 
drinks  distillers,  2  diamond  lai)idating  works  and  many  others  like 
saw  mills,  hags  and  nets,  umbrellas,  flags,  blank  hooks  factories, 
ship  yards,  brick  factories,  foundries,  preserve  factories,  vegetable 
coal,  oils,  shoes  and  other  manufacturing  concerns. 

Among  the  monuments  of  industrial  initiative  in  Bahia,  we  must 
not  forget  the  large  manufacturing  company,  Emporio  Industrial,  at 
Boa  Viagem  sea-shore.  It  is  one  of  the  largest  threading  mills.  It  has 
about  2.000  workmen,  and  all  the  necessary  institutes  needed  to 
better  the  condition  of  the  workingmen  :  cooperative-stores  and 
societies,  schools,  savings  bank,  houses,  gardens,  amusements.  The 
founder  of  this  small  world,  where  all  modern  ideas  of  philantro- 
pists  towards  workmen  are  practiced,  was  Luiz  Tarquinio,  a  Brazi- 
lian who  died  there  not  long  ago. 

Another  concern  worthy  of  note,  belongs  to  the  director  of  the 
Banco  da  Bahia,  Commendador  Sousa  Campos.  It  is  composed  of 
vast  Salines  at  a  short  distance  from  the  Capital,  in  a  place  called 
Margarida,  with  all  requisites  and  modern  European  appliances  for 
salt  manufacturing. 

It  is  one  of  the  largest  South  American  industrial  establishments, 
and  its  products  meet  ready  sale. 

The  great  graphic  arts  establishment,  Reis  et  Co,  one  of  the  best 
of  its  kind  in  Brazil,  is  another  establishment  worthy  of  being  visit- 
ed. It  is  situated  down  town  in  the  Capital. 

There  is  also  the  large  furniture  factory,  Marcenaria  Hra/.ihMra, 
the  products  of  which  can  be  compared  favourably  with  those  im- 
ported from  Europe,  being  much  superior  to  the  latter  as  to  the 
quality  of  the  wood  emplo^'ed. 

Otukk  crriRs  of  Bahia.  —  Those  who  wish  to  make  a  corrci't 
judgment  about  the  importance  of  the  State  of  Bahia  must  not  limit 
themselves  to  the  examination  of  its  large  Capital.  They  must  go  to 
the  interior,  visit  the  cities  si)read  through  the  S.  Francisco  river 
valley,  tliose  hidden  there  by  the  river  side  as  if  forgotten  and  also 
those  inteiiicd  in  the  interioi-  of  the  State. 

('A('noi:iKA. —  In  a  low  valley  of  Hie  i'aragiuissu  river,  exlended 
Ihroiigli  its  icl'l  iiank,  I'lill  of  nice  houses,  churches  and  pretty  shops 
and  sloi-es.  It  has  rA).000  inhabitants,  (>  public  S(iuares,  TA)  s( rei'ts, 
connected  by  a  railway  with  Sao  Gon(;alvo  de  Campos,  S.  Felix,  Cur- 


—  337  — 

raliiilio  and  other  places.  It  is  also  connected,  by  steamers  sailing- 
daily,  with  the  Capital.  It  has  a  colossal  bridge,  built  on  stone  pillars 
and  c(mnecting-  it  with  S.  Felix.  It  has  a  large  threading  mill,  three 
cigar  boxes  factories  and  several  others  raanuiactnring  mucillage, 
vinegar,  soap,  candles,  distilling  works,  sugar  refineries.  It  has  yet 
good  hotels,  daily  papers  and  other  pei-iodicals,  telegraph,  tele- 
plume,  clubs,  libraries  and  a  city  hospital. 

S.  Felix.  —  It  is  not  as  large  as  the  one  just  mentioned,  but  has 
this  peculiarity  :  it  is,  we  might  say,  the  whole  of  it  a  cigar  factory. 
It  is  like  some  of  those  European  cities  that  monopolise  a  certain 
industry.  It  got  used  to  improve  cigar  manufacturing  and  does 
nothing  else.  Among  all  those  large  cigar  factories  there  is  one, 
which  is  the  largest  in  South  America.  It  is  the  property  of  Geraldo 
Danneman,  whose  products  can  be  seen  in  every  cigar  store  of  the 

The  population  of  this  place  devote  themselves  to  the  cultivation 
of  tobacco,  its  manufacture  and  exportation.  Those  who  are  not  em- 
ployed in  those  large  factories,  as  Danneman,  Simas,  Cardoso,  Mi- 
Ihajes,  Roedenburg  and  others,  are  at  home  working  on  their  own 

The  buildings  of  this  busy  city  are  not  so  pretty  as  those  of  its 
neighbor.  It  is  also  on  the  banks  of  the  Paraguassii  river  stretching 
itself  almost  in  one  street  only.  The  City  Hall  was  planned  by 
an  architect  of  Bahia ,  Mr .  H .  Schlej^er ,  and  is  a  beautiful 

Santo  Amaro.  —  It  is  another  city  of  about  85.000  inhabitants. 
The  buildings  show^  that  formerly  Santo  Amaro  was  quite  an  impor- 
tant social  centre  full  of  enthusiasm  and  life.  The  city  has  the  cu- 
rious feature  of  embracing  the  river,  narrowing  it  between  its  streets 
filled  with  ancient  style  mansions,  covered  with  colored  tiles  import- 
ed from  Portugal,  villas  and  other  light  cottages.  A  large  church, 
the  pride  of  that  region,  is  standing  in  the  Purifica(;ao  square  where 
also  are  the  City  Hospital  and  City  Hall,  solid  and  strong  as  every- 
thing that  was  formerly  built  with  the  first  money  earned  with  sugar 
cane  plantations. 

In  another  square  is  the  theatre,  a  building  hardly  worth  men- 
tioning and  the  Poor  House,  with  a  school  for  girls  founded  in  1813. 
There  are  tramw^ays  in  the  city,  as  well  as  water  supply,  railroad, 
hotels,  factories,  foundries,  public  illumination,  everything  that  can 
give  importance  to  a  modern  city.  A  few  leagues  away  is  the  «  Insti- 
tuto  Bahiano  de  Agricultura  »  suj)ported  by  the  State. 

—  338  — 

In  the  suburbs  of  Santo  Amaro  are  some  farms  with  beau- 
tiful panoramas,  and  tlirough  the  municipium  there  are  saw-mills, 
sugar-factories,  dislilling  woi-ks,  \vhere  they  work  day  and  night, 
and  others. 

Xazauktii  ,  MAiiA(.o(;ii'E  AM)  AiiATinvPE.  —  Tliese  are  other 
growing  cities,  each  of  over  20,000  inhabitants,  with  factories, 
schools,  clubs,  newspapers,  etc.  ^They  have  daity  comiiiunicalion 
with  the  city  by  steamers. 

Feira  de  Sant'Axxa.  —  Is  built  upon  an  esplanade  of  beautiful 
hori/on.  Its  landscape  is  the  prettiest  of  the  North  of  Brazil  with  its 

(liiriMliiiliu.  —  Dionysio  Cenjueii'a  Place.  —  Popular  llnliday 

streets  straight  and  wide  as  the  Senhor  dos  Passos,  and  Direita 
streets.  The  fact  of  this  Direita  Street  (straight  street)  being  really 
a  straight  one  surprised  us.  In  neai'ly  every  city  there  is  a  thorough- 
fare with  this  name  being  generally  the  most  tortuous  street  of  the 

I(  lias  line  private  and  i)ublic  buildings.  The  City  Hall,  the  (hea- 
ti-c,  the  Kailway  Station,  the  magnifii-ent  City  Hospital  and  (Jirls 
Asyliiui.  hs  iiauii'  \\asgi\en  alter  tliose  colossal  count  ry  fairs,  cattle 
exchange,  that  used  to  be  held  thei'c  befoi-c  there  was  any  railway. 
'I'en  to  twelve  thousand  heads  of  cattle  conhl  then  l>e  seen  tlu'rt'. 
There  are  I'oui-  steam  factories  antl  other  smaller  ones  manu- 
facturing \('getal»le  oils,  tobacco,  soap,  lopes.  tiles  ami  other 

—  339  — 

Tlie  principal  commerce  oi'  the  city  lias  as  basis  tobacco  and  its 
preparation,  there  being-  13  business  lionses  by  wholesale  and  H(>  re- 
tail houses.  It  also  exports  hides,  lumber,  gfain,  etc.,  in  smaller 

It  is  a  city  of  much  future,  with  < J  1.000  inhabitants  according  to 
the  last  census  and  dates,  only  fi-om  the  time  of  the  political  indei)en- 
(lence  of  Brazil. 

CuRRALiNHO.  —  Known  also  as  Castro  Alves,  because  ol"  having 
been  the  birth-place  of  the  great  Brazilian  poet  of  that  name.  It  is 

Alagoiuhos.  —  Pago  Municipal  (square) 

also  a  city  with  a  bright  future,  built  on  the  top  of  the  Sairirii 
mountains,  and  we  must  say,  well  built.  It  has  20  large  streets, 
four  public  squares  and  fine  houses. 

Alagoinhas.  —  Here  is  another  city  ow  ing  its  existence  to  the 
locomotive.  Formerly  there  was  a  kind  of  a  hamlet  with  that  name 
a  short  way  from  the  place  where  this  city  is  now.  With  the  arrival 
of  the  railway-bridge  of  the  Bahia  to  S.  Francisco  railway,  there 
was  formed  a  nucleus  of  houses,  by  and  by  a  small  hotel,  a  church, 
a  school,  later  on  business  houses  of  certain  importance  and  soon  we 
saw  formed  a  beautiful  city  to  be  added  to  the  number  of  the  40 
Bahia  State  cities. 

—  uo  — 

Alagoinlias  grows  everj'  year  ,  and  is  already  a  good  city  of 
commercial  activity.  It  has  a  public  square,  Paco  Municipal,  two 
railway  stations  ,  a  large  market  ,  pretty  churches  ,  eight  public 
schools,  several  clubs  and  hotels,  soap-factories,  brandy  distilleries, 
soda-water  works,  leather  tanning  factory,  a  newspaper,  etc.  Its  po- 
pulation is  32.276  according  to  the  census  taken  in  1900. 

From  there  starts  a  railway  to  Timbo  and  the  prolongation  line 
to  the  S.  Francisco  river,  crossing  the  cities  of  Bomfim,  Serrinha 
until  Joazeiro. 

The  region  crossed  b}'  this  railway  is  most  interesting  wiih 
variegated  and  exquisite  panoramas  one  after  another.  At  the  begin- 
ning endless  tobacco  plantations  of  small  farmers  intermingled  with 
corn  and  other  cereals.  The  road  goes  through  two  green  bands, 
where  the  tobacco  comes  in  line  with  small  plants  of  one  to  two 
metres.  Afterwards  near  Bomfim,  formerly  Villa  Xova  da  Rainha, 
we  enter  a  stony  region  in  which  predominates  the  Itauba  mountain 
(an  enormous  stone)  rich  in  the  variety  of  stones  among  which  arc 
the  rosy  ones,  compact,  which  have  already  been  utilized  for  monu- 
ment making  in  the  Capital.  A  little  further  ahead  is  the  city  of  : 

Bomfim.  —  This  city  has  some  1.200  houses,  26  streets,  o  s(|uarcs 
and  looks  like  a  hamlet  built  by  chance  with  cross  and  tortuous 
streets.  Yet  the  houses  are  pretty  and  new,  as  the  city  is  not  an 
old  one. 

Following  the  railway  we  find  extensive  open  fields,  with  a  pecu- 
liar vegetation,  the  cactus  predominating.  There  is  even  a  stretch 
of  some  kilometres  of  surface,  where  we  can  contemplate  the  impos- 
ing panorama  of  a  forest  of  cactus,  with  thousands  and  thousands 
of  specimens  firmly  standing  up  displaying  their  pretty  green  colors. 
The  bottom  of  that  picture  is  the  naked  body  of  the  mountains  in  the 
neighborhood,  a  sad  landscape  with  those  broken  lines  of  the  nion- 
struous  rocks. 

Skkui.vma.  —  Among  tlu;  i)laces  that  line  the  road  before  Hoinrim, 
some  are  of  some  importance,  as  (^ueimadas,  Santa  Luzia,  etc. 
Serrinha  is  a  city  of  right.  xVs  its  name  gives  to  understand  it  is 
located  in  a  small  mountain.  Right  at  its  entrance  there  is  a  pretty 
hotel,  indicating  that,  being  anew  city,  (it  is  another  creation  of 
the  railway),  v(iry  littU;  worth  noting  can  be  present.  Its  houses 
have  as  a  rule  only  (n\(\  floor,  only  lately  som(>  being  built  with  upper 
stories.  The  main  i)ul)lie  scpiare  is  the  Prai;a  Manoel  N'ictoriuo. 

.loAzi'.iKo.  —  Alter  the  IJouifini  slation,  live  hours  of  train  lide. 
we  sec;  Jo:i/.eiro,  on  I  he  saii(l\     l)anks  of  t  he  S.   l'"i-anciseo    liNcr.    and 

—  341  — 

where  from  a  beautiful  ])aii()i-anKi  can  he  observed.  In  front  of 
it  is  a  city  belonging-  to  rei-nanibuco  State,  tlic  white  houses  of 
which,  there  at  the  bottom,  give  a  strong  relief  to  the  small  Fogo 
island  (Fire  island),  situatiid  between  the  two  cities.  Petrolina  is  the 
name  of  that  little  gem ,  connected  to-day  by  a  telegraphic  wire, 
carried  over-head  by  a  high  post  on  the  island  and  tliat  thus  helps 
to  unite  the  thought  of  two  cities  thai  the  river  in  vain  tried  to 

Joazeiro  has  grown  up  considerably  after  the  railway  reached 
there.  It  has  22  wide  streets  running  in  the  direction  of  the  axle  of 
the  river,  crossed  by  several  other  side  streets  and  public  squares.  A 

Joazeiro.  —  The  railway  station  of  tlie  line  Baiiia  to  S.  Francisco 

pretty  building  is  the  railway  station  of  this  city.  The  Cit^^  Hall  is 
also  a  solid  and  large  building.  There  are  also  two  club  houses,  a 
librarj^  a  music  school,  some  churches,  a  small  theatre,  and  several 
good  commercial  houses  to  give  life  to  the  city.  The  houses  are  of 
modern  construction,  and  among  them  are  some  of  noble  aspect. 
The  seat  of  the  Yiacao  Central  do  Brazil,  —  which  takes  charge  of 
the  navigation  on  the  river  and  its  affluents,  —  is  a  large  house, 
not  a  very  pretty  one,  painted  white,  a  little  ahead  of  the  station, 
having  annexed  its  repair  shops.  The  street  lining  the  river  is  full 
of  business  houses,  but  as  it  happens  in  every  city  of  Brazil  it  is 
not  overcrow^ded. 

Three  or  four  kilometres  from  Joazeiro  is  a  large  establishment 
devoted  to  the  experimental  study  of  vines,  directed  by  Dr.  J.  Sil- 
veira  an  entomologist  and  ethnologist  of  repute. 

All  that  region  margined  by  salinitrous  ground,  produces 
excellent  vines,  with  four  crops  a  year,  and  the  scientific  establish- 

—  342  — 

ment  has  as  its  object  to  direct  that  new  agricultural  industry. 
The  wheat  and  the  vine  prosper  wonderful  in  this  region.  Lum- 
ber, cattle,  apples,  peaches,  everything  is  produced  there,  promis- 
cuously with  the  ec^uatorial  plants,  so  as  to  place  in  disorder  those 
notions  accumulated  lor  centuries  about  climatology. 

So  that  nothing  be  lacking,  a  lew  leagues  away  from  Joazeiro  in  a 
place  called  Sobradinho,  the  river  arranged  some  high  falls,  and  in 
the  near  future  all  the  neighboring  cities  will  have  j^ower,  light  and 
heat  without  needing  a  single  ton  of  fuel. 

ValeiK.a.  —  Larse  toxtilo  Fabr'u-  :       h 

>aiilus  » 

Let  us  leave  alone  this  region  the  future  of  whii'li  is  depending, 
as  we  said  before,  on  the  immigration,  the  iMiropean  Mood  and 

We  will  give  a  jump  back  to  the  ('ai)ital  and  will  lake  a  coastw  isc 
steamer  to  visit  the  sea-side  cities.  ^\■('  will  go  fii-sl  lo  NaliMu-a,  the 
industrial  city  as  it  is  called. 

Valknta.  —  At  seven  kilonieties  from  the  bay  of  I'inharc,  on  the 
hanks  of  a  small  river,  the  Ihiit,  is  one  of  the  most  intei-esting 
cities  of  liahia,  —  Valen^'a,  —  with  Jl.'.ir.T  inhahitants,  -JJoo  houses, 
81  larger  Ixiildings,   •-?(;  sti'eets  and  :>  i)uhlie  s(|uares.  with  i)aveiiients 

—  u-.i  — 

and  illuiniiKition,  pailly  electrical,  partly  with  kerosene  oil,  two  Iai-<;(; 
lactoiies,  (threading-  mills),  two  saw-niills,  waler  supply,  newspa- 
])ers,  telegraph,  breweries,  i'riiit-wine  factoi-ies,  soaj)  ones,  cordial 
distilleries,  candle-factories,  shii)-yards,  and  10  school  houses. 

Among  its  best  buildings,  Valenca  can  show  the  City  Hall,  the 
Amparo  Church,  of  modern  style,  and  the  Hospital.  It  is  connected 
with  the  Capital  by  a  regular  line  of  steamers  and  sailing  vessels. 

Further  down  on  the  sea-coast  there  are  a  lot  of  cities  witli 
bright  future.  In  our  opinion,  this  southern  region  has  in  its  bosom 
the  greatness  of  the  Bahia  State  because  of  its  natural  treasuries. 

There  are  Prado  with  its  monazitic  sands,  which,  in  one  year 
alone  paid  0()0:000S000  (about  $  2.700.000)  of  export  duties  to  the  State 
of  Bahia;  (^nrauellas,  291  miles  from  the  Capital,  the  topography  of 
which  looks  like  a  chess-board  on  account  of  the  way  the  streets 
are  disposed  forming  right  angles.  It  has  whale-oil  and  a  railway 
that  goes  to  Minas.  Cannavieiras,  a  strong  centre  of  the  cocoa  trade, 
built  on  big  lumber  stakes  on  account  of  the  river  floods,  with  fine 
houses,  newspapers,  hotels,  clubs,  a  large  number  of  business  hou- 
ses, etc.  etc. 

All  the  streets  of  Cannavieiras  city  are  sandy.  The  buildings 
worth  noting  are  :  the  City  Hall  and  the  Jail.  It  has  a  water  supply 
by  means  of  pumps  moved  by  wind. 

The  water  is  taken  from  the  artesian  wells  and  deposited  in  tanks 
with  a  total  capacity  of  70.500  litres.  These  pumps  work  constantly 
as  the  wind  always  blows  in  this  region. 

Since  the  moment  we  enter  the  Pardo  river  we  see  on  the  left, 
immediately  after  the  promontory  south  of  the  bar,  the  Peso  river, 
which  connects  Cannavieiras  with  Belmonte,  passing  through  the 
interior  of  the  bar  of  the  Peso.  After  this  we  see  yet  two  other 
rivers  on  the  same  side,  the  Jacare  and  the  Boi  rivers. 

Ilheos.  —  Above  Cannavieiras,  going  to  Bahia  we  see  a  pretty 
and  wide  bay  called  Ilheos  much  smaller,  however  than  the  «  Todos 
OS  vSantos  »  one. 

It  is  in  the  southern  part  of  the  bay  of  Ilheos  that  runs  the 
Cachoeira  river  on  the  left  bank  of  which  is  the  city  of  .S.  Jorge  ilos 
Ilheos,  constructed  partly  on  a  peninsula,  extented  southwardly  and 
ending  at  the  Matriz  hill  with  about  BO  metres  of  height. 

Ilheos  is  in  the  bosom  of  a  beautiful  inner  bay,  behind  some  rocks, 
like  the  Rapa  and  others,  which  make  it  as  picturesque  as  it  is  shel- 
tered and  adequated  to  navigation.  This  city  was  founded  by  Fran- 
cisco Romero,  in  1530,  which  means  to  say  that  it  is  of  the  oldest  in 
Brazil.  In  the  last  vears  of  the  monarchy  it  had  attained  the  maximum 

—  :U4  — 

of  its  decadence,  even  llie  Matri/  Church  —  S.  Joi-ge  —  was  in  ruin. 
But  the  extensive  cocoa  plantations  began  to  produce  some  twelve 
years  ago.  The  old  Tlheos  lately  began  to  feel  younger,  there  came 
money,  people,  and  everything  was  transformed.  To-day  it  can  com- 
pete with  the  best  cities  of  the  interior  of  Bahia.  It  has  good  hotels, 
stylish  mansions,  j)aved  streets,  an  active  commerce  with  large 
stores  and  luxurious  show  windows,  modern  newspapers,  as  the 
Gazetii  de  Ilheos ,  several  factories  of  chocolate,  cocoa,  soap  and 
others.  Some  of  the  near-by  villages,  as  Tabocas,  which  10  years  ago 

Ilheos.  —  Panorama  ol'  a  |)art  ot  tlic  cil} 

were  stopping-places  for  travelers,  to-day  present  the'aspect  of  i-ities 
by  themselves. 

It  is  ])elow  Cannavieiras,  between  a  i)art  of  Bahia  and  the  Spirito 
Santo,  that  is  to  l)e  found,  a  little  way  from  the  coast,  the  curious 
archipelago  of  polyperas  rocks,  dark  and  rough,  by  the  typical  nanu' 
ofAbrolhos.  Some  of  these  rock  islands  are  visible  fioui  ;i  great 
distance,  the  most  vohiuiiuous  being  Santa  Bai-bara,  halfcox cred  by 
rickety  vegetation.  On  it  they  liuilt  a  Ix-aiii  iful  light-house.  I'cw 
people  live  i?i  this  piece  of  ground  h)st  in  t lie  iniineusity  of  the  ocean, 
and    which    the    least    noise  of  t  lie  li  fe  of  I  he  cit  ies,    does    not    reach 

—  S4B  — 

noitlier  I'roin  any  otliei-  limnuii  ('(uniiiunily.  'I'lic  |)r(!S('ii1  keeper  of 
tlie  light-house  lonesoinely  lives  so,  with  ti  small  group  of  people,  Inr 
the  last  twenty  yeai-s.  Only  once  in  tln'ce  nionllis  a  coaslwise  steamer 
goes  to  the  island,  carrying  provisions  and  I'uel  lor  the  liglit-lionse, 
whieli  never  stopped  one  single  night  from  illiiiiiinating  its  silent 
and  desert  horizon. 

A  number  of  sheep,  goats  and  other  animals,  eoiiii)lete  the  group 
of  the  live  population  imprisoned  in  the  Abrollios,  whei'e  days  and 
nights  slide  without  any  alteration,  well  in  harmony  with  the  regu- 
lar but  unconscient  rotations  of  the  light-house  ai)i)aratus  \\hieh  ioi- 
the  last  30  years  lights  the  rocks  without  interruption. 

We  referred  to  the  Abrolhos  on  account  of  the  light-house  cele- 
brated to  the  navigation  that  there  passes  by. 

It  is  impossible  for  us  to  give  an  account  of  every  city.  The 
limited  space  of  this  book  would  not  permit  it. 

Those  we  have  mentioned  suffice  to  give  an  idea  of  the  wealth 
of  this  large  State.  It  continues  to  be  at  the  head  of  the  other  States 
in  many  respects,  and  taking  into  consideration  the  \ariety  of  its 
production  —  being  as  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  and  Minas,  of  the  few 
States  that  do  not  deliver  themselves  to  the  contingent  prosperity  of 
monoculture  —  we  have  not  to  fear  any  crisis  like  those  that  have 
suffered  Rio  de  Janeiro,  Pernambuco  and  other  States,  not  long  ago. 

The  secret,  however,  of  its  great  prosperity  entirely  lies  on  a 
measure  that  its  administrators  have  not,  as  yet,  been  willing  to,  or 
did  not  know  how  to  realize,  and  that  is  :  the  introduction  of  large 
numbers  of  European  immigrants  into  the  lands  of  this  rich  State. 

When  Bahia  decides  itself  to  adopt  this  measure  and  receives 
and  disseminates  in  its  beautiful  territory  some  500.000  immigrants, 
Bahia  will  then  have  established  the  basis  of  its  true  progress  so 
vast  and  powerful,  that  we  believe  there  is  no  other  region  in  the 
whole  of  Brazil  in  a  condition  to  equal  it. 


Between  the  two  large  cities  of  the  Brazilian  coast,  one  that  was 
formerly  the  Capital  of  the  country,  —  Bahia,  —  and  another  that 
is  the  Capital  to-day,  there  is  a  sea-coast  city  which  is  the  Capital  of 
one  of  the  20  States  of  the  Union.  It  is  much  more  modest  than  any 
of  the  other  tw^o,  more  modest  even  than  many  of  the  interior  cities 

—  34fi  — 

of  tlic  country  in  the  S.  Paulo,  Bahia,  Kio  (Jrande  do  Sul  or  many 
of  tlie  other  States.  Yet  its  name  may  sound  as  Ixdon^iiij;-  to  a  ••reat 

Victoria  is  the  name  of  that  small  city,  Capital  of  one  of  the  small- 
est States  of  the  Union.  —  the  State  of  Ksjjirito  Santo, 

Sailing  from  Rio  de  Janeiro  in  son}e  of  those  coastwise  steamers 
that  are  in  the  habit  of  navigating  nearer  shore,  in  20  or  21  hours 
we  are  in  front  of  that  city,  which  is  not  visible  from  the  sea.  We 
can  only  see  it  after  peneti-ating  into  the  port,  behind  a  crown  of 
jnonntains  at  the  bottom  of  which  is  the  citN. 

*    * 


Tlic  .Moreno  and  I  he  cliancl  of  I'cnlia 

Entering  the  port,  a  little  towards  the  east  side  of  Villa  Velha  we 
see  a  large  rock  of  conic  shape,  (which  one  would  think  is  threatening 
to  fill  up  the  canal  should  it  fall  into  it)  and  near  this  i-ock  anothei" 
one  just  like  it  but  a  little  taller —  they  ai'c  the  two  inside  marks  of 
the  estuary.  This  one  is  called  Moreno  and  the  former,  ilic  pi-etticst, 
they  gave  tlu^  name  of  Penha,  and  th(\v  built  on  top  of  ii  a  small 
white  chapel  in  tin;  most  ideal  and  poetical  of  sjiots. 

We  read  that  the  little  convent  of  Penha  was  started  in  1558  and 
finished  in  1575,  and  it  is  not  much  to  have  spent  ten  years,  cany- 
ing  stone  by  stone,  to  a  height  of  120  metres,  to  build  that  church 
and  its  c(mvent,  strongly  enough  to  be  able  to  resist,  as  they  liaxc 
resisted, during  centuries,  to  the  rigor  of  the  w(\)ther  with  its  stiong 
winds  on  the  sea-shore. 

When  llic  linirisl  wishes  to  go  up  (he  hill,  he  I'iuds  a  regular 
I'oad,  i)ave(i  with  stones,  in  constant  curves  until  the  top  where  the 
chui'cli  is  all  dressed  in  white  with  its  stone  fonudati(Ui  finnlv  fixed. 

—  347  — 

The  bay  of  Espirito  Santo  is  wide,  perfectly  serene  and  calm,  we 
could  not  say  it  more  appropriately  in  any  other  case,  —  ns  in  a 

The  present  Secretary  of  Public  Works,  I)r  Lauro  Midler,  pro- 
moted the  construction  of  harbor  works  which  will  comi)l(jtely 
transform  this  port  at  an  expense  of  £  l.UOU.OOO. 

In  a  curve  of  this  bay  and  on  the  side  of  a  hill  is  the  city  of 
Victoria  with  its  uneven  buildings,  its  churches,  its  public  garden, 
which  can  be  seen  from  the  anchorage  place.  Its  quay  is  not  a  pretty 

Victoria.  —  A  part  of  the  city  and  anchorage 

one,  but  a  large  number  of  boats  are  always  to  be  seen  there  for  the 
service  of  the  port. 

Xotwithstanding  it  is  an  old  city,  it  has  had  lots  of  time  to 
grow  and  acquire  modern  ideas.  Numerous  cities  of  the  interior  of 
S.  Paulo,  others  of  Minas  and  others  of  Bahia,  not  to  speak  about 
capitals  like  Manaos,  Curytiba,  Bello-Horizonte,  Maceio,  are  far 
more  advanced,  better  europeanized,  more  progressive  than  Victoria. 
AVliy  so?  It  seems  that  it  is  the  fate  of  the  cities  located  in  islands  in 
the  Brazilian  coast,  not  to  conquer  their  way  in  the  road  of  progress 
as  those  on  the  continent. 

Yet  the  citj^  is  not  so  very  ugly.  Seen  from  the  anchorage  place, 

—  348  — 

the  distance  sIioavs  it  as  a  poetic  rcliel",  presenting-  itself  as  a  picture 
for  a  drawing  room,  mild  and  tender,  round,  soft,  half  framed  in  the 
long-  green  of  tlie  mountains  that  have  not  the  ronghness  of  other 
mountains,  everything  displayed  in  another  inverted  landscape  in 
that  blue  reflector  of  the  waters. 

The  natural  port  is  calm,  sheltei-ed  and  vast  as  few  are.  The  gay 
panorama  of  the  mountains  surrounding  it,  correspond  perfectly 
well  to  the  beauty  and  quietness  of  the  bay. 

Victoria  is  a  small   city  active  and  industrious,  having  seven 


Victoria.  —  Aiiotlier  pari  ol'jtiie  i-ity  and  aiuiKnagt' 

public  s(piares,  of  which  only  one  has  a  garden  ;  twenty  odd  streets 
extending  themselves  in  a  longitudinal  direction  of  the  anchorage 
line,  crossed  by  other  narrow  and  inclined  side-streets,  lined  by 
houses  which  in  the  great  majority  are  there  since  colonial  times. 
There  are,  however,  some  of  modern  aspect. 

The  palace  of  the  Governor  is  the  old  convent,  wliii'h,  as  in  tlu' 
one  of  Parahyba,  exhibits  yet  the  church  at  the  side. 

The  houses  are  disposed  in  irregular  squares  or  blocks,  lining- 
streets  disorderly  arranged.  They  shelter  under  their  roofs  a  popula- 
tion of  some  '.>.()()()  inhabitants,  being  I.  I-*:!  males  and  \.~>~~  t'emali's, 
according  to  tlu^  census  of  lUO'J,  only  in  (heeily  proper.  1"',.  Keelns  in 
his  l)0()k  —  ()  lira/.il  —  says  ; 

—  349  — 

cc  Reveral  years  ago,  Victoria  Nvliili;  luiving  vet  but  little?  com- 
inercc,  only  small  ships  came  to  its  bay.  The  improvement  works 
made  in  the  channel  of  the  port  wliich  is  over  live  oi-  six  metre  deep 
permit  the  entrance  even  to  the  large  transatlantic  steamers.  Its 
commerce  grows  to-day  rai)idly  and  the  immigrants  land  thei-(!  by 
thousands.  Hencel'orth  Espirito  Santa  considers  •  itself  indepen- 
dent from  Rio  de  Janeiro  as  to  its  ultramarine  relations  ». 

In  fact  it  is  so.  The  agriculture  of  the  State  was  backwards  and 
weak,  its  commerce,  consequently,  could  not  be  very  pros])ci'ous. 
However,  the  immigrants  came  there  from  Poi-tugal,  (Germany, 
Italy  and  Spain.  They  went  to  the  interior,  to  the  river  banks.  (Joffee 
began  to  appear  in  the  market,  in  (jnantities  growing  larger  every 
year,  and  everything  was  done. 

Victoria  is  already  appearing  in  the  list  of  the  noted  exporting 
ports,  in  a  progressive  march  which  can  be  observed  in  the  follow- 
ing figures  : 

Coffee  exports  by  the  port  of  victoria 

Yours.  Kilogs. 

1892 1(i.67.3.3(52 

1893 21.703.109 

189-4 23.217.101 

1895 21.641.717 


1897 34.791.^88 

1898 33. -4 19. 90 1 

1.S99 27.379.764 

1900 23.649.222 

1901 41. •49.4.095 

And  this  progression  can  be  maintained.  Everything  shows  that, 
and  it  is  hoped  that  the  progression  from  now  on  will  be  much  lar- 
ger. The  habit  of  working  is  extending  itself  to  wider  circles  in  the 
interior,  the  railways  will  awake  facilities  of  transportation  and 
exchange,  and  above  all,  stronger  than  everything,  it  will  assure 
progress  to  the  fertility  of  the  soil,  acting  by  the  entrance  in  the  field 
of  work  the  enormous  areas  conquered  on  the  wild  forests 

Espirito  Santo  has  two  railways  :  the  Santo  Eduardo  to  Cacho- 
eiro  with  an  extension  of  90  kilometres  and  the  Sul  do  Espirito 
Santo  with  80  kilometres  in  operation  and  83  in  construction. 

The  road  that  goes  to  Cachoeiro,  belongs  to  the  Leopoldina 
Railway,  crosses  tracts  of  land  most  wealthy  as  well  as  thick  woods 
and  forests. 

Another  railway  quite  extensive  and  which  will  mean  the  reali- 
sation of    an  old  aspiration  of  the  people  of  the  Espirito    Santo 

—  350  — 

State,  is  about  to  be  built  soon,  according  to  information  I'lirnished 
us  by  the  Government  itself  in  an  official  document.  We  refer  to  the 
following  topic  of  the  message  of  Governor  Muniz  Freiie  read  before 
the  Legislative  Assembly  : 

«  I  must  also  inform  you  of  the  pleasing  impression  1  have 
received  by  the  i-ecent  organisation  of  the  «  Companhia  Victoria  a 
Diamantina  »,  which  proposes  to  realize  the  concession  renovated  by 
art.  18,  n"  Kj  of  the  Federal  law  n"  834  of  Decembei-  30th.  1901,  for 
the  construction  of  a  railway  that,  starting  from  Victoria  and  going 
through  Pessanha,  in  Minas  Geraes  State,  will  go  to  Diamantina  an 
important  centre  of  the  same  State,  with  an  extension  of  TOO  kilo- 
metres. ))  The  works  of  this  company  have  already  started. 

Public  Ixstkuction,  police,  production,  commerce,  etc.  —  The 
things  that  have  reference  to  the  public  instruction  of  the  inhabitants 
of  Espirito  Santo  have  not  been  neglected,  though  they  could  not 
have  been  treated  as  it  would  be  expected  to  be  treated  in  a  State 
with  such  a  brilliant  future.  A  Central  Department  with  its  seat  in 
Victoria,  manages  everything  concerning  public  instruction  under 
the  direction  of  a  General  Director.  The  instruction  given  b^'  the 
official  institutes  is  divided  into  primary,  —  which  is  compulsory 
and  free  of  charge,  as  it  happens  in  all  the  other  States  of  Brazil,  — 
and  secondary,  distributed  by  the  Normal  College  with  100  pupils, 
and  several  schools  like  the  Atheneu  Santos  Pinto,  the  Collegio  do 
Carmo,  directed  by  Sisters  of  charity  and  installed  in  an  old  convent. 

For  the  elementary  instruction  there  are  in  the  State  I'.K)  schools 
in  the  Capital  antl  interior  towns  and  villages. 

The  police  force  of  Espirito  Santo  is  a  modest  battalion  of  infan- 
try, we  might  say  a  company,  with  120  men,  commanded  by  a  major, 
3  captains,  3  1st.  lieutenants,  (i  2nd  lieutenants  and  a  small  band  oi 
music  with  18  figures. 

As  to  the  sanitary  j)ublic  services,  public  aid,  statistics,  etc., 
thei-e  are  only  rudimentary  departments  very  simple  f(n-  the  organi- 
sation of  a  State. 

There  is  hardly  any  manufacturing  industry  wortli  writing 
about ;  there  is  one  or  other  factory  of  soap,  vinegar,  beer  and  a  few 
others.  The  great  industry  is  the  agriculture  and  of  this  there  is 
only  one  important  manifestation  —  the  coffee  cultivation.  This  docs 
not  m(;an  that  l''.spirilo  Santo  docs  not  export  oilier  products, 
becausi^  it  docs  sugar,  lumber  and  others,  but  excepting  coffee  all 
th(i  others  arc  sent  in  vei'y  small  ([uantities.  'IMiei-e  is  consecjuently 
tlie  monociill  ure  witb  all  of  its  inconveniences. 

It    ap])ears   liow(;\er,    tluit   a  new  element,  will    come  to  modify, 

—  S5l  — 

though  slig-htly,  the  situation  tliat  circumstance  l)rings  al)out,  and  it 
is  the  discovery  of  nionazitic  sand  in  tlu;  sea-coast.  The  executive 
Chief  of  tlie  State  wrote  thus  about  it  : 

«  As  you  know,  it  was  only  two  yeai-s  ago,  in  l.Sli.S,  tliat  the  exis- 
tence of  that  source  of  wealth  in  the  State  was  knon.w.  rnfii  then  its 
existence  was  only  known  (m  the  coast  of  the  Pi-ado  nHinicipiuii.,  in 
the  State  of  Bahia.  From  that  time  however  it  was  (lisc()v(!red  that 
we  liave  imi)ortant  layers  of  those  sands  in  Ean-a  de  S.  Matheus, 
Guarapary  and  Benevente  n. 


niwa^ "  ^ 


••;_  ''''l'Mli'Wf*.,':l(WfeF:»:::^|i, 

Caclioeiro  de  ItapLMiiorim.  —  Poaix  of  Ital)ira 

Principal  cities.  —  Espirito  Santo  is  not  large,  neither  in  terri- 
tory, nor  population.  The  former  is  of  45.000  square  kilometres,  the 
latter  is  209.000  inhabitants,  less  than  there  is  to  be  found  in  any 
other  large  city  of  Rio,  S.  Paulo,  Bahia.  Under  the  circumstances 
how  could  there  be  any  city  of  importance  ? 

At  all  events  we  will  see  what  can  be  ijresented  as  cities  of  rela- 
tive importance. 

Cachoeiro  de  Itapemerim  —  or  only  Itapemerim  —  is  in  first 
place,  thanks  to  the  new^  vigor  given  to  it  by  the  immigration  that 
largeh'  increased  the  number  of  its  coffee  plantations. 

It  is  the  seat  of  a  large  agricultural  municipium  composed  of  : 
Conceicao,  S.  Gabriel  do  Moqui,  S.  Joao  do  Moqui,  Castello,  and 
S.  Pedro  do  Cachoeiro  districts.  Their  population  was  by  the  cen- 
sus taken  ten  years  ago  5.000  inhabitants,  and  by  last  year  census 
19.592  inhabitants.  It  is  a  picturesque  city  cut  into  two  halves  by 
the  Itapemerim  river  on  the  banks  of  which  it  is  built. 

A  metallic  bridge  resting  on  stone  pillars  unites  those  two  parts. 

352  — 

In  the  soutliern  part  ol"  the  city  are  tlie  railway  stations.  The 
river  makes  a  curve  riglit  where  tlie  city  is,  and  the  houses  there, 
nearly  all  one  floor  buildings  ol"  the  simplest  architecture,  are  spying- 
at  the  sides  supported  on  posts  and  pillars.  On  both  sides  are 
ample  woods  on  the  inclined  plan,  of  a  deep  green  whose  greatness 
is  being  explored  with  the  fall  of  the  rich  lumber  pulled  down  b_\  the 
active  immigrants. 

This  city  has  progressed  somewhat  of  late ,  inaugui-ated  [its  elec- 
trical illumination  and  has  built  some  nice  houses  and  chalets. 

jj.  -t'  'i^s.air^f*^ 

Caclioeira  dc  Itapcincriin.  —  Soutliern  |>arl  of  tlic  ritv 

Not  long  ago  it  was  connected  with  the  Rio  dc  .Janeiro  State  and 
wlien  they  build  the  <S3  kilometres  rails  of  the  Sul  do  I^spirito  Santo 
i-ailway  which  goes  down  to  Victoria  it  will  be  connected  by  railway 
will)  llie  Capital  of  the  Ivei)ublic. 

Among  other  newspapers  they  publish  «  ()  (^nchociruiu)  >>  wliieh 
is  the  oldest  paper  of  the  state. 

S.  Matukus.  —  It  has  relatively  little  t'ommeicinl  iuipoiianee. 
It  is  jiartly  built  on  a  little  river  with  its  stoui'  quay  and  parilv  in  a 
small  mountain.  The  river  that  serves  of  decoration  to  it  and  w  liieh 
the  city  is  named  aftei-  is  a  b(>auliful  stream  of  clear  and  calm 
waters,  its  passage  is  always  reproducing  in  front  of  tlu'  tpiay  the 
image  of  tlic;  eitN'  with  its  bigh  ])alm-trees  planted  some  ;>()  years  ago 

—  35:{  — 

in  tlio  down-town  part  of  tlie  city.  Tliis  part  ol"  tlic  city  is  composed 
of  two  floor  buildings,  plain  walls  and  Portuguese  style.  In  the 
uptown  part  of  the  city  arc  also  sevei-al  two  floor  buildings.  The 
city  is  illuminated  with  kerosene  oil  and  is  the  seat  of  the  munici- 
piuni  of  the  same  name  created  by  law  n"C)  oh  the  JSth  of  Mai-eh  l«:j."j. 
It  is  situated  on  the  right  bank  at  the  mouth  of  the  S.  Matheus 
river,  four  leagues  from  the  sea  and  from  Villa  da  Barra,  and  28"  n. 
of  Rio  Doce,  altitude  18°.  53'.  34".  longitude  .3".  <•>'.  13".  It  is  40  lea- 
gues away  from  the  Capital  of  the  State.  It  comprises  the  district 
and  parish  of  the  same  name  with  a  ])opulation  of  T.Tfil  inhabitants. 

Victiiria.  —  Local  Scene,  tlie  Siesia 

Cachoeira  de  Santa  Leopoldixa.  —  (Port  of).  It  is  the  seat  of 
a  coffee  municipium,  where  they  are  actively  operating  a  renovation 
of  customs  and  habits  as  well  as  the  whole  agricultural  life  of  the 
State.  To  that  city  many  Italian,  German,  Polish  and  other  natio- 
nalities immigrants  have  gone  of  late.  It  is  a  small  city  and  quite  a 
simple  one  like  all  the  others  in  this  State.  Its  commerce,  how^ever, 
considered  its  territory  is  quite  active  and  prosperous.  It  is  a  city  of 
some  .5  or  6.000  inhabitants.  Adding  to  it  the  neighboring  districts 
of  Jequitiba ,  Mangarahy  and  Santa  Thereza,  its  population  is  9.867 
according  to  the  report  of  the  statistics  Department. 

Bexevexte.  —  This  is  a  municipium  of  some  future.  At  present 
has  but  little  importance.  It  produces  rice,  sugar,  coffee.  This  muni- 
cipium was  created  bj^  decree  signed  on  the  1st  of  January  1759.  It  is 
14  leagues  away  from  the  Capital  of  the  State.  It  comprises  the  dis- 
tricts Alto  Benevente  and  Piuma  parishes  Nossa  Senhora  da  Con- 
ceicao  de  Piuma.  Its  population  was  14.638  inhabitants  in  1892. 

—  354  — 

Other  cities  like  Itubnponnn  at  the  soutlR-i-u  \r,xv\  of  the  State. 
EspirHo  Siiiilo  —  as  old  as  an  ago,  —  Suntn  (Iriiz,  and  several  others, 
are  spread  here  and  there  over  the  State.  They  have,  however, 
but  a  relative  intei-est  lor  publie  knowledge.  And  why  to  cite  thein? 
Cities,  like  so  nuuiy  hundreds  ol'  them  sprt'ud  through  the  vast  ter- 
ritoi'.x'  of  Brazil,  still  growing,  cities  without  anything  paiticular 
about   them,  or  as  much  as  tliat  terrace   about   which   the    Spanish 

poet  wrote  : 

Turn  j)iirliriil;ir, 

Que  en  lloiucndo  se  moju 
Como  los  (lentils 

( So  |)ccii!i;ir,  tliat  wlioii  it  niiiis  gels  wcl.  jiisl  like  tl tlicrs ) 


On  account  of  its  size  and  physical  aspect  the  State  of  Rio  de 
Janeiro  is  the  most  hilly  of  all  the  other  States  of  the  Union. 
Crossed  by  capricious  i-idges  of  mountains,  enormous  lakes,  it  has  a 
marvellous  maritime  Ijoundai-y  Hue  \\  here  the  most  beautiful  l)ays,  re- 
fused by  nature  to  the  other  States,  were  given  to  it  with  i)rodigality. 

In  this  respect  this  State  is  in  striking  contrast  with  its  neigh- 
boring State  —  Minas.  —  This  latter  State  has  not  the  least  commu- 
nication willi  the  sea.  Uio  has  so  many  and  large  anchoi-agc  places 
that  it  has  no  necessity  to  give  commercial  applicatiou  to  all  of 
them.  It  concenti'ates  all  its  maritime  activity  in  the  bay  that  lays 
l^etween  the  two  twin  capitals  :  Uio  de  .lani'iro.  the  Federal  Capital, 
and  Nictheroy,  the  Capital  of  the  State  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  l^vei-y  one 
of  the  great  peculiarities  that  give  fame  and  value  to  a  tcrrilorx',  this 
Stat(;  got  them  heaped  up  upon  it  by  naiiiic.  It  lias  ilu'  higiiest  oro- 
grai)hic  point,  the  Itatiaya:  the  largest  and  most  marxcUous  bay, 
(liuanabara,  ithe  Rio  de  .Janeiro  bayi;  the  most  curious  elbow  of 
land,  o  Cabo  Vv\o,  (the  Frio  ca])c;:  the  stupendous  rock\-  mountains, 
o  ITio  do  Assucar,  (Jaxca,  {''rade  de  Macahc;  nioiintains  ol  iini\  crsal 
fame  for  its  picturesqueness,  llic  Mant icpu'ira,  and  os  Orgfios.  \\\c- 
ryfliing  in  this  Stale  contributes  to  a  glorious  destiny.  And  as  il  all 
was  not  sufficient,  there  came  nicn  adding  to  siicli  great  natural  pos- 
sessions, tlicif  iKilicnl  and  \alnal)lc  work.  Tlicx  Imilt  there  one  of 
thegrealesl  com iiiereial  metropolis  of  tlie  world,  tlie  political  iu'ad  ()f 
liie    w  liole    nation,    extended    through    t  lie  \  alle\  s  a  w  hole  s\  stem  of 

railways,  installed  on  the  toj)  of  Mk;  iiioiintains,  smiiiiicr  rcsoi-ls 
being-  so  many  other  cities,  where  the  wealthy  inlialtilaiils  i-esidc. 

Some  by  the  sea-side,  some  in  the  interior  places,  some  large, 
some  small,  there  is  quite  a  number  ol"  cities  all  through  the  State 
like  Macahe,  Araruama,  Cabo  Frio,  Saquarema,  Marica,  Xictheroy, 
Ivio  de  Janeiro  (Capital  of  the  Republic),  Mangaratiba,  Angra,  l*a- 
raty.  These  being  the  sea-side  (mes.  The  leading  cities  oT  tlu;  moun- 
tains are  Petropolis,  Xova  Friburgo  and  Theresopolis. 

The  territory  between  Rio  de  Janeiro  and  tlie  Ponta  Negra,  neai- 
Cabo  Frio,  where  a  large  light-house  is  since  ISHl,  is  high  ground  , 
formed  by  enormous  stones,  sometimes  bare  like  I'ocky  mountains, 
sometimes  covered  with  green,  lined  with  thick  woods.  Among  these 
superb  stone  bodies  we  see  Ponta  Negra  (Black  ])oint),  thus  called 
because  of  the  aspect  and  color  of  its  elevation,  on  the  top  of  which 
we  see,  from  tlie  distance  at  which  the  steamers  pass  by,  a  white? 
building,  used  as  a  semaphorical  signal  station.  Away  down  on  a 
sandy  hill  near  Saquarema  city  is  the  church  of  Nossa  Senhora  de 
Nazareth,  all  white,  like  a  sea-mew. 

The  shores  we  see  from  there  at  the  North,  and  which  do  not 
look  at  all  like  those  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  are  called  Pernambuco. 
A  little  further  ahead  we  see  a  fine  stone  body  called  Cabo  Frio  and 
there  the  coast  seems  to  fold  upon  itself,  abandoning  its  course  from 
West  to  East,  to  follow  North-East. 

The  Rio  de  Janeiro  is,  as  to  its  territorial  extension,  one  of  the 
shortest  States  of  Brazil,  but  its  population  places  it  among  the  most 
important  ones.  It  has  over  one  million  inhabitants. 

Owning  to  this  relatively  large  population  ,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  com- 
pared with  the  other  States ,  has  developed  very  rapidly  its  agricul- 
ture, industry,  transportation  and  commerce.  Its  extensive  coffeeand 
sugar-cane  plantations  concentrated  during  the  second  half  of  the 
last  century  the  base  of  the  national  public  wealth  in  that  region  as 
they  did  in  Bahia  in  the  last  century,  and  as  they  are  doing  in 
S.  Paulo.  Thus  has  been  dislocated  the  economical-financial  hege- 
mony, changing  of  seat,  under  circumstances,  that  as  yet  do  not 
seem  to  characterise  a  superior  law  or  a  definite  form. 

We  only  apprehend  the  material  phenomenon  :  the  dislocation 
of  the  economical  centre  of  gravity  which  we  believe  later  on  will 
have  to  be  taken  from  S.  Paulo  to  the  rubber  States  in  the  North. 

Once  the  sceptre  of  the  country's  agricultural  wealth  dislocated 
from  Rio  de  Janeiro  to  S.  Paulo,  Rio  began  to  exercise  a  very  mo- 
dest influence  in  the  destinies  of  the  nation  ,  and  the  whole  of  the 
State,  in  spite  of  its  beautiful  and  some  most  important  cities,  seems 

—  :}5G  — 

to  be  supported  by  the  life  ol'  the  small  disti'ict  that  makes  part  of 
its  territor}^  from  the  geographical  point  of  vi(nv,  but  independent 
and  distinct  as  it  has  been  reserved  for  the  functions  of  acting  as 
the  head  of  the  wliole  country  —  tlie  Federal  District. 

Why  it  allowed  itself  to  be  thus  supplanted  by  S.  Paulo  in  that 
privileged  condition,  is  something  that  apparently  can't  vc-ry  well 
be  explained.  It  was  not  inferior  -in  the  richness  of  the  soil,  nei- 
ther in  the  density  of  the  population ,  neither  in  the  variety  and 
excellency  of  the  climate,  neither  even  was  it  inferior  in  the  geogra- 
phical situation  ,  number  of  ports,  proximity  of  a  large  market  cen- 
tre, but  much  to  the  contrary,  it  had  over  S.  Paulo  all  the  natural 
advantages,  and  above  all,  it  had  great  superiority  in  the  advaiice- 
ment  of  jjolitical  and  social  education  of  its  land-owiicrs,  as  well  as 
in  the  develo])Mient  of  two  agricultui-al  industi'ies,  coffeij  and  sugar- 
cane, which  was  cultivating  when  S.  I*aulo  was  but  making  ex])cri- 
ments  with  them  in  the  North  and  Xorth-west  i-egions,  the  marvel- 
lous West  unknown  at  the  time. 

The  Capital  of  the  State  had  always  been  Nictheroy,  the  twin  city 
of  the  Capital  of  the  Republic.  In  1891,  however,  the  local  Govern- 
ment transferred  the  Capital  of  the  State  to  the  city  of  I*ctroi)olis. 
where  it  was  but  a  short  while,  returning  to  Xictheroy  in  .luly  1*.U»H. 
Nictheroy  c(?lebrated  then  joyfully  the  recovering  of  its  hisioi-ical 
hegemony  over  the  other  cities  of  the  State. 

President,  or  rather  Govei'uor  Bocayuva  (in  Brazil  some  States 
having  the  name  of  Governor,  others  President  for  the  Executive 
(yhief  of  the  State,)  was  the  one  who  reinstalled  thei-e  the  Cai)iial  of 
Rio  de  Janeiro  State,  receiving  the  applauses  of  the  entii-c  ])opiila- 
tion  of  the  State. 

Nictheroy  is  a  small  city  l)uilt  l)etween  the  i-idges  of  mountains 
that  line  the  eastern  side  of  the  large  bay.  It  participati's  of  the  soul 
and  moral  economy  of  the  neighboi'ing  meti'opolis.  Many  of  its  inha- 
bitants have  their  business  and  exercise  their  activity  in  Rio,  on  the 
other  side  of  the  bay.  It  feels  with  Rio  the  same  feelings  as  if  it 
were  a  part  of  it,  and  (piite  often  an  event  in  Rio  has  its  repercution 
in  Nictheroy  (piicker  than  in  the  very  suburbs  of  the  i-ity.  In  fact, 
besides  the  telephone,  telegraph  and  ])ost  office  service,  there  is  a 
constant  communication  service  by  sti'am  bc>ats  (ferry  boatsi  i"un- 
ning  day  and  night  bc^twecm  the  two  large  cities  on  the  banks  of  the 
Guanabara  bay.  This  constitutes  a  synci-etism  of  life  so  intinuite,  so 
mixed  with  one  anotiier  that  hardlN'  can  he  thought,  siMting  aside, 
tlic  material  sejjaration  of  the  bay,  tiie  disiincliou  tlial  politit-al 
geography  causes  between  the  two  cities. 

—  357  — 

The  true  difference,  the  only  difference,  rests  in  tlicir  active  life  : 
Rio  is  a  —  whirlwind,  —  Nictheroy,  —  a  resting;  |)hi('c.  TIk-  asjjcct 
of  life  in  the  streets  of  Rio  is  like  that  of  the  great  conunercial  cen- 
tres full  of  activity,  people  in  the  streets  do  not  walk,  they  run, 
—  do  not  speak,  hut  cry. 

Nictheroy  is  just  the  inverse  of  it  :  there  is  an  infinite  quietness 
in  the  air  as  in  everything.  Its  population  moves  about  at  ease  in  the 
quiet  streets.  There  is  a  sound  calm  within  the  open  city,  without 
walls,  without  barriers,  surrounded   only  by   its  sandy   shoi-es,  the 

Nichtheroy.  —  Tlie  celebrated  rock  of  Itapuca,  and  the  beach  of  Icarahj 

most  picturesque  sea-shores   surrounding  a  city  —  Icarahy,  S.  Lou- 
renco,  etc. 

Nictheroy  has  35.000  inhabitants,  tramways,  electric  illumina- 
tion, newspapers,  a  large  number  of  factories,  ship-yards,  etc. 

Icarahy.  —  Is  most  interesting  :  one  of  its  monoliths,  the  indi- 
gene name  of  which  was  preserved,  the  —  Itapuca  —  is  a  large, 
isolated  stone,  a  monumental  feature,  half  placed  into  the  water, 
and  the  unmistakable  beauty  of  which  has  already  become  celebrat- 
ed in  the  art  magazines,  photographic  views  taken  by  the  tourists 
and  post-cards. 

—  358  — 

Public  instruction,  police,  means  of  communication.  —  In  the 
Capital  as  Petiopolis,  Campos  and  other  cities  of  the  State,  arc 
excellent  institutes  of  learning,  some  private,  some  belonging  to  the 

Among  tlic  latter  we  must  mention  the  Fluminense  Gymnasium, 
the  Campos  and  the  Xictlieroy  Normal  Colleges,  the  Campos  Lyceum. 
Among  the  former  we  must  mention  :  The  Free  Normal  College,  of 
Petropolis,  the  Lyceum,  of  the  same  city,  the  grand  Salezian  College 
maintained  by  priests  in  Santa  Rosa,  Nictheroy,  and  which  is  one  of 
the  most  noted  institutes  of  professional  education  in  the  country, 
and  the  Anchietu  College,  of  Friburgo,  directed  by  Jesuits,  also  repu- 
ted as  one  of  the  best  institutes  of  learning  in  South  America. 

As  to  the  elementary  instruction  it  is  compulsoi-y  and  free  of  any 
charge  all  over  the  State. 

The  State  supports  schools  in  Petropolis,  Kezende ,  Xiclhcroy, 
Campos,  Valenga  and  Barra  Mansa,  and  about  600  grammar  schools 
all  over  the  State  in  buildings  owned  by  the  State. 

The  police  force  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  State  is  constituted  by  an 
infantry  regiment  composed  of  two  divisions,  one  militarized,  an 
organisation  identical  to  the  Federal  infantry,  devoted  to  maiiitain- 
ancc  of  the  authority  and  integrity  of  the  State,  the  other  a  civil 
organisation,  to  furnish  detachments  to  different  points,  to  do  the 
police  service.  Each  division  has  400  men.  They  have  both  Mauser 

On  account  of  its  territorial  extension,  the  State  of  Rio  is  the  one 
having  the  easiest  means  of  communication.  Two  large  railw  ays 
l)lace  its  interior  cities  and  villages  in  contact  with  the  exterior. 
These  railways  are  the  Leoi)()l(lina  and  the  Centi-al  do  Rrazil.  Besi- 
des these,  other  smaller  railways  connect  two,  three,  or  more  cities 
within  the  State,  as  the  Estrada  de  Ferro  Cami)ista,  the  Estrada  de 
Ferro  de  Theresopolis,  the  Estrada  de  T'erro  Sapucahy.  the  I'niao 
Valeneiaiia,  the  Rio  das  Flores,  the  Bananal,  the  \'assourense  and 
the  Kio  do  Oui'o  railway  enterprizcs.  The  total  extension  of  those 
railways  is  '2.'.'>'S>  kiloinclres. 

I>esid(;s  these,  there  are  yet  several  stre(;t  railway  enterpi'izes  in 
sonic  of  Ihc  i)rincii)al  cities,  as  Nictheroy,   Campos,  Vassouras,  etc. 

()thcr  cilics  like  S.  .1  oiio  da  Barra,  Campos,  Macahe  and  oiIums 
have  flii\ial  uavigalioii  eom))anies. 

I*i;tko1'oi,is.      —    The    Slale    of    K  io  can  boasl  of  possessing    willi 
thai   pp<'t  ly  <'i1y  of  i'el  ropolis  one  of  I  he  most   interesl  ing  cities  of  the 

—  359  — 

X('\v  World.  Tn  tlu;  l)('<;iiini,)o'  W  was  ti  colony  conijjoscd  of 'J.()00 
Oermans,  who  came  there  in  IN  IT,  to  settle  theiiisclvcs  in  groimds 
belonging  to  the  impei'iiil  crown.  Later  on  developed  into  a  city, 
havinobeeu  during-  tliree  or  four  years  Capital  ol"  (Ik;  State.  It  is  not 
so  high  as  S.  Paulo,  Bello  liori/onte  oi-  ("nrityba,  as  it  is  built  in  an 
esplanade  ol"  the  Orgaos  mountain,  irA)  meti-es  above  the  sea  level. 

The  fact,  however,  of  being-  so  near  the  Capital  of  the  Republic, 
invested  it  with  the  prerogatives  of  a  sanatorium  and  summer  resort 
of  Rio,  and  every  summer  the  wealthy  population  of  Rio,  the  diplo- 
mats and  even  the  Executive  Chief  of  the  nation  go  to^that  citv. 

Petropolis.  —  The  Municipal  Prefects  Palace 

But  it  is  not  only  on  that  account  that  Petropolis  deserves  the 
importance  it  enjoys  among-  the  cities  of  the  Rio  State.  It  is  also  a 
pet  in  picturesqueness  and  construction.  A  very  mild  small  river 
runs  in  curves  like  a  serpent  thi'ough  the  interior  of  the  city  and  over 
it,  are  to  be  found  many  wooden  and  iron  bridges,  which  contribute 
in  a  large  measure  to  embellish  the  gracious  physiognomy  of  the  city. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  wide  and  straight  streets,  with  their  rows  of 
magnolias,  ever  blooming,  light  but  magnificent  buildings ,  palaces 
of  varied  ai'chitecture,  form  a  beautiful  panorama  not  to  be  found 
in  any  other  city. 

The  climate  is  charming.  In  winter  it  reminds  one  of  Europe, 
it  is  quite,  cold,  and  cold  weather  may  be  hated  in  England  or  Ame- 
rica, but  is  adored  in  tropical  countries. 

The  streets  and  public  squares  are  illuminated  by  electric  lights, 
incandescent  lamps.  There  is  an  abundance  of  cabs  and  carriages  to 
be  hired  in  the  streets,  and  a  tramway  company  is  about  to  be  orga- 
nized to  run  street  cars  by  electricity. 

—  360  — 

Everytliing-  that  a  modern  city  may  wish  is  there  :  telegraph, 
ne\NSj)apers ,  hotels,  theatre,  libraries,  telephones.  And  better, 
there  is  an  elegant  society  of  what  there  is  best  in  diplomatic  and 
political  circles  in  the  Capital. 

Two  railways  connect  this  small  paradize  with  the  Capital  of  the 
Republic,  and  two  other  cities  of  the  Rio  State.  In  the  suburbs  of 
Petropolis  are  factories,  threading,  cotton  and  silk  dairies,  brewe- 
ries, etc. 

One  season  in  the  year,  the  rainy  season,  is  monotonous  and  tire- 
some to  be  spent  in  Petropolis.  The  largest  part  of  moneyed  people 
who  visit  it,  run  away  in  a  hurry  at  the  first  tidings  of  that  season, 

Nova  Fribui'go.  —  General  view^of  the  Aucliieta  Collegiu 

the  winter.  But ,  when  the  real  summer  begins,  it  is  nice  to  see  the 
life  that  day  by  day  the  streets  of  Petropolis  acquire.  TiUrge  number 
of  Rio  families  depart  from  Rio,  to  install  themselves  in  the  palaces 
and  many  hotels  and  boarding  houses  in  the  city  until  then  aban- 
doned. Others,  the  merchants  and  capitalists,  go  up  every  evening 
to  sleep  there,  only  to  return  in  the  morning  to  Rio  to  engage  them- 
selves in  their  daily  labors. 

Petropolis  has  40.000  inhabitants  witli  its  suburbs.  It  is  in  the 
northern  side  of  the  mountains  whicli  incline  themselves  mildly 
towards  the  Parahyba  valley. 

In  its  i)i'ivate  l)iiildings  we  immediately  note  the  predoniiiianci' 
of  beauty  and  comfort  of  the  aristocratic  cities,  tliough  there  arc  also 
many  Iminblc  belonging  to  the  first  inhabitants  of  the  colony. 

Among  the  public  buildings  there  are  some  beautiful  ones,  it 
suffices  to  cite  the  City  Hall,  the  best  in  the  whole  State,  both  on 
account  of  its  si/e  and  stvlish  architecture. 

—  :iBi  — 

Nova  Fribukgo.  —  Or  simply  Kril)iir<;()  is  u  city  very  iiiiicli  like 
Petropolis  as  to  its  relations  witli  Kio.  It  is  built  in  the  noi-tlicrn 
inclination  of  the  Mnr  mountain  in  that  part  in  whieli  the  mountain 
is  known  as  Boa  Vista  (Fine  View),  allusion  to  Ihe  horizon  without 
rival  that  can  be  observed  around  it. 

It  is  not  so  new  as  Petropolis  as  it  dates  from  ISI*.". 

Its  Xova  Friburg-o  name  originates  from  the  faet  of  having-  been 
founded  by  1.700  Swisses  belonging  to  a  district  of  Switzerland 
named  Friburg ,  who  settled  there  that  very  year  and  stayed 
for  many,  many  years,  some  abandoning  the  colony  which  little  by 
little  assimilated  itself  to  the  native  element,   and   to-day  is  (piite  a 

■W  iX*  ni^^^^^^^^T^^H^BSC^QSHBf 



.  ,^| 



Campos.  —  Quinze  de  Novembr  street  and  Paraliyba  river 

Brazilian  city  though  many  descendants  from  the  settlers  are  still 

It  lias  not  that  aristocratic  aspect  of  Petropolis,  neither  has  it 
developed  as  much,  but  it  has  a  beautiful  climate,  perhaps  superior 
to  the  one  of  that  city,  as  well  as  a  natural  circumstance  highly 
pleasant,  to  which  the  country  life  of  the  suburbs  give  an  exquisite 
relief.  A  railway  and  an  audacious  one,  from  the  point  of  view  of 
construction,  conquering  the  mountain  in  strongly  accentuated 
inclinations,  connects  this  city  with  Nictheroy. 

Campos,  is  situated  on  the  banks  of  the  Paraliyba  river,  which  at 
this  point  has  a  width  of  over  300  metres,  it  is  nine  leagues  from  the 
coast,  and  is  a  part  of  the  Campos  dos  Goytacazes  municipium  which 
is  at  the  extreme  North  of  the  State  of  Rio  de  Janeiro. 

As  its  name  is  indicating,  it  is  a  municipium  formed  by  a  vast 
plain  w^hich  extends  itself  to  S.  Joao  da  Barra  on  the  eastern  side 

—  M2  — 

and  to  the  Atlantic,  on  the  otlier  side.  On  the  western  side  the 
f>'i'ounds  ai'e  nioi'e  or  less  liilly  ,  in  sonu^  i)hices  even  nioiiiiiaiuous . 
like  all  over  the  Mnrihe  valley. 

Two  leagues  from  the  city  and  on  the  right  bank  ol'  the  rrni-uhy 
rivei',  it  can  be  seen  rising-,  solitary  in  this  vast  plain,  called  hy  the 
natives  Goytaconiopi,  that  is,  ('anii)os  das  Delicias  (Delices  field)  the 
large  hill  Itaoca. 

The  city  ol"  Campos  has  an  extension  ol'  nearly  three  kilometres 
in  front  of  the  Parahyba  river,  and  about  two  kilometres  towards  the 
interior.  It  has  3.680  houses,  38  streets,  8  public  squares,  and 
several  lanes  and  cross  streets.  It  is  divided  into  two  disti-icts.  It 
was  founded   in    1()74  and  elevated   to  the   rank  of  eitv  in  is;;.".  Its 


Campos.  —  S.  Salvador  S(|iiarc 

level  is  (>  '/•■  to  11  '/s  metres  above  the  sea  and  its  poi)ulation  ;!."). dOO 

it  was  th(!  first  of  all  Brazilian  cities  that  adopted  the  electric 
light  system  of  illumination  and  one  of  the  first  to  adoi)t  gas.  Kven 
squares  to-day  it  has  these  two  systems  of  illumiualiou. 

The  city  presents  a  pretty  aspect  of  neatness  in  the  streets,  some 
paved  with  stone  blocks,  other  with  irregular  stones,  its  pul)lic 
squares  hiuc  fine;  trees  and  some  have  even  gai'dens. 

In  S.  Salvador  scpiare  is  the  beautiful  i)uiltling  of  the  City 
Jlall,  one  of  tln^  Ix'st  in  the  State,  having  at  its  right  the  Munici])al 
Ijibrary  with  ovei-  ir).()(H)  volumes,  and  the  Xossa  Senhora  Mae  dos 
Ilonieiis  ha\ingat  its  lefl  I  lie  lai'ge  building  of  the  ("ily  Hospital 
where  about  'J. 000  pat ients  ai'c  taken  care  of  annually,  some  of  t hem 
coming  from  the  neighboring  munieipiums,  fr(un  the  States  of  Minas 

—  363  — 

and  Espirito  Santo  ;  the  Grand  ITotcl  (i!asi)ar,  the  Post-Oltice, 
and  other  buildings.  On  the  other  side  of  tlie  s(iuar(;  is  iIk-  Matri/ 
eliurch,  S.  Salvador,  the  telegraph  Station,  the  printing  olTice  ol" 
the  Dinrio  Popiihu-,  a  newspaper,  and  tlui  beautiful  buihling  of  the 
Associacao  Commercial,  several  lawyers  offices,  etc. 

In  a  spot  far  away  from  the  city  ,  in  tlie  centre  of  spacious 
grounds,  there  is  the  Isolation  Hospital,  where  those  witli  conta- 
gious diseases  are  kept. 

Campos.  —  Lyceum  of  Humanities  and  .Normal  Sclio 

Besides  a  large  number  of  grammar  scliools  kept  by  the  State  and 
municipality,  private  schools  and  night  schools  maintained  by  sever- 
al associations,  as  the  Brazileira  de  Beneficencia,  Uniao  Artistica 
Benefieente,  several  mason  lodges,  the  Macodronio  Club,  Working- 
men  Centre  and  others,  the  city  has  three  good  institutes  of  learning 
rendering  important  services  to  public  instruction  and  the  population 
receiving  it.  They  are  :  — the  Lyceu  de  Humanidades,  with  its  course 
corresponding  to  the  Xational  Gymnasium  one ;  the  Lyceum  Bitten- 
court  da  Sylva,  of  Arts  and  Trades,  installed  in  a  beautiful  building 

—  fiCA  — 

of  its  own,  expressly  l)uilt  lor  that  })uii)()S(',  the  beautiful  arehitee- 
tui-e,  and  solidity  of  which  presented  a  fine  palace,  where  day  and 
ni<;ht  were  classes,  for  both  sexes,  much  frecpiented,  and  the  Normal 
College  insalled  with  the  Lyeeu  de  llunianidades  in  the  palace 
situated  in  the  Pinheiro  square.  Each  one  of  these  three  institutes 
has  a  fre(|uentati()n  of  over  KK)  students. 

Campos  is  a  commei-cial  and  industrial  centre  of  great  movement 
and  impoi-tance.  There  are  in  it  two  banking-houses:  «o  Banco  Com- 
mercial H,ypotliecaiio  de  Campos  »  and  the  «  Caixa  Depositaria  de 
Campos,))  a  Commercial  Association,  three  good  hotels,  many  otheis 

('■;iiii|i()S.  —  Wiitcr  reservoir 

of  smaller  importance,  manj^  restaurants  and  drinking  places,  four 
music  bands  societies,  a  gas  company,  an  electric  light  one,  sewage 
woi-ks,  water  works,  a  good  street  i-ailway  service,  animal  traction, 
going  to  the  suburbs,  and  telephonic  service. 

The  city  of  Campos  has  15  catholic  churches,  a  presbylerian  and 
a  baptist  one,  and  tliree  masonic  lodges. 

Its  public  market  is  plentiful,  abundant,  with  goods  of  all  kinds. 
In  the  slaughter  house,  in  the  lower  part  and  away  fiom  the  city,  on 
the  banks  of  the  Parahyba  river,  they  kill  the  cattle  needed  for  the 
consumi)tion  of  the  i)opulation,  undei"  the  inspectioTi  of  the  Cii.\  Hall 
])hysicians.  There  is  yel  a  llieatre  with  a  capacity  of  SOU  seats  the 
S.  Sal\  ador  theat  re. 

Tlii'cc  newspajiers  are  piiUlished  in  ('ampos,  liu'  Moiiilor  Cuiii- 
/w'.s/.-/  one  ot  t  lie  oldest  i)apei's  in  l>ra/.il,  will)  <il  years  of  uninter- 
rupted pubTK-ily,  \\\v  (iiizctii  ilo  Pova,  with  'Jd  years  existence,  and 
the  J)iuii()  I'opiihir,  besides  other  i)eriodicals  like  the  Conihiitc  and 

3fi«  — 

the  Idcul,  lliis  latter  being  tlie  organ  of  the  students  ol'  Campos,  and 
the  Aurora  a  literary  monthly  magazine. 

There  are  live  railway  stations  with  daily  ti-ains  starting  and 
arriving  there.  There  is  also  a  fluvial  navigation  company  with 
boats  and  steamers  running  to  S.  h'idelis,  and  S.  Joao  da  Barra  on 
the  Pai-ahyba  river.  There  is  a  solid  iron  bridge  o  lo  metres  long, 
connecting  the  city  with  the  northern  territory  where  a  new  city  is 
being  I'ormed,  or  the  present  one  extended  to,  in  that  half  league 
that  goes  between. 

The  municipium  of  Campos  has  08  sugar-factories,  some  of  very 
first  order. 

Macahe.  —  In  relation  to  the  cities  of  the  Brazilian  sea-coast 
cities,  this  one  is  a  modern  one.  It  was  a  village  on  the  •J'.uh  of  Xo- 
vembre  1813  and  became  a  city  by  the  provincial  law  n"  'MM  of  April 
15th,  1846. 

The  geographical  situation  of  Macahe  is  magnificent ,  at  the 
mouth  of  the  river  of  the  same  name,  in  front  of  the  Atlantic,  having 
a  federal  Custom  House  there. 

The  city  itself  is  not  large  ,  it  has  not  over  800  houses,  anil  by 
the  last  census  has  but  7.000  inhabitants.  It  has  no  monument  of 
importance  or  building  worth  mentioning. 

Its  suburbs,  however ,  are  populated  and  its  inhabitants  arc 
industrious.  In  all  they  constitute  a  population  of  40.000  inhabitants. 
The  agricultiii'c  industry  exploited  there  is  the  sugar-cane.  There  arc 
many  sugar-factories  among  which  is  the  (^uissama  steam  factory 
one  of  the  most  important  in  the  whole  continent. 

Macahe  has  railways  connecting  it  with  the  Capital  and  the  city 
of  CamjXJS. 

Pakahyha  do  Sul.  —  Like  the  majority  of  the  cities  of  the  Rio 
State,  Parahyba  do  Sul  is  anew  city.  It  was  made  a  vilhigc  l)y  law  of 
Januai-y  15th,  1883  and  elevated  to  city  by  provincial  hiw  n"  [*'>:>:'>,  of 
the  L'Oth  of  December  1891.  The  population  of  the  whole  municipium, 
accoi-ding  to  the  census  taken  in  181>0  was  27.351  .inhabitants,  but, 
the  city  itself,  has  not  over  9. 000  inhabitants  in  the  three  districts 
of  Paiahyba  do  Sul,  Braz  and  Kntrc  Rios. 

Barka  do  riiiAiiv. —  Is  one  of  the  cities  witli  Itcttcr  funirc  in  tlic 
Rio  (h;  .liuuui'o  State,  not  only  becausi'  it  is  the  scat  of  an  active 
and  inilustrious  municipium,  but  because  of  its  comnuinication  faci- 
lities with  the  Capital  of  tlu^  Rei)ublic  as  well  as  S.  I'aulo  and  Miiias 

Barra  do   IMi-aliy  was  cli'valcd   to  the  i-auk  ofcit_\an(l  scat  of  the 

—  367  — 

(lisirict  by  decree  oi"  the  KKli  of  March  l.S'.iO.  TIic  ciiy  is  hiiili  in  a 
naiTow  valh'v  cinbrucino- the  I*irali\'  and  Paraliyl)a  ihai  iiicci  ilirro. 
'Iliere  are  live  bi-idges,  three  metal  and  two  wocxh-ii  ()n(;s.  It  is  the 
most  important  phice  on  the  line  of  (\;ntral  of  ISra/.il  railway  as  all 
the  lar<4e  Minas  and  S.  I'aiilo  raiiiilicat ions  arc  crossin-^-  tli(;re. 
Besides  these  railway  lines  there  arc  the  works  and  main  station 
of  the  Estrada  de  Ferro  Sapncahy. 

The  first  house  of  this  city  was  bnili  in  bs:,;;  and  the  inan<;ura- 
tion  of  the  Central  Railway  station  (then  Pedro  II  railway)  took 
place  on  August  7th.  186 1.  The  City  Hall  is  a  large  neat  building. 

In  this  city  are  the  barracks  of  the  2nd  division  of  the  ('ivil  Po- 
lice of  the  State  with  400  men  under  the  command  of  a  major. 

The  commerce  of  Barra  do  Pirahy  is  active  and  in  a  relative  large 
scale  and  tliei'e  are  also  several  industrial  establishments  :  Xear 
the  city  is  an  important  sugar-factory  «  Engenho  Central  Rio 
Bonito,  »  which  at  present  is  stopped.  Within  the  city  of  Barra 
do  Pirahy  is  a  large  machine  shop  for  the  manufacture  of  agricul- 
tural implements,  a  sugar-factory,  two  lime  ones,  four  tobacco 
works,  a  large  distillery,  a  large  leather  tanning  establishment,  and 
others.  Mendes,  whicli  is  the  most  prosperous  district  of  Barra  do 
Pirahy  has  some  of  the  most  important  industrial  establishments  of 
the  State  :  The  large  Teutonia,  de  Preisse,  Haussler  &  Co.  brewery; 
the  Companhia  Itacolomy  and  a  paper-factory  directed  by  Dr.  Felicio 
dos  Santos. 

The  Mendes  district  is  becoming  the  refuge  of  the  wealthy  ])opu- 
lation  of  Rio.  It  is  illuminated  by  electricity,  has  two  newspapers, 
and  is  about  to  be  separated  ])olitically  from  Barra  do  Pirahy,  to 
form  an  independent  city. 

Among-  the  w  orks  of  art  worthy  of  note  in  Barra  do  Pirahy, 
we  w^ill  mention  a  metallic  bridge  250  metres  long,  across  the  Para- 
liyba  river,  built  in  1903  by  the  Estrada  de  Ferro  Sapucahy. 

Rezexde.  —  Another  interior  city  connected  to  the  Capital  of  the 
Republic  by  the  central  of  Brazil  railway.  It  is  dominated  l)y  the 
upper  part  of  it  called  Mantiqueira.  This  is  a  coffee  district,  and 
prospers  when  that  agricultural  industry  also  prospers,  and  falls 
when  the  latter  falls.  It  extends  itself  on  the  right  bank  of  the  Para- 
hyba  river,  on  top  of  three  hills,  each  one  with  a  church,  —  Matriz, 
Rozario  and  Passos.  —  The  panorama  displayed  before  the  eyes  of 
the  observer  is  one  of  the  most  beautiful  in  the  whole  .  country. 
On  the  left  bank  of  the  river  and  in  front  of  the  city,  are  the 
Eliseos  fields,  where  is  the  E.  de  F.  Central  of  Brazil,  connected 
with  the  city   by   a  bridge.  It   comprises  the  parishes   of   Xossa 

—  36«  — 

Senhora  da  Conceieao,  S.  Josr  do  Campo  Bcllo,  Bom  Jesus  do 
Ribeii'ao  do  Sant'  Anna,  Santo  Antonio  da  Vavgem  (irande  and 
S,  Vicente  I''(;ri-(M'. 

Rezendc;  lias  no  less  tlian  Id. <»()()  inhabitants.    It   has   two  newsjja- 
pei-s  and  al)ont  2.000  liouses. 

Rezende  has  developed  of  late  cattle  raising-  and  the  dairy  indus- 
ti-ies.  The  farms  of  this  mimicipinm  are  already  sending  cheese  and 
butter  to  the  Rio  de  Janeiro  market.    The  budget  of  this  district  is 

\;iss(iiir;is.  —  \  icw  nT  ,i  |i;ii'I  of  Ihc  ril\  and  llic  BMi'fin  i\t'  .\iii|i;ir(i  |i;iik 

11."):  llS.^OOii  from  all  sources  of  revenue,  and  the  expenses   ni'c   equi- 
\alent  to  that. 

N'assoi  KAs.  —  ()eeui)ies  an  intei'niediary  location  between  the 
l*arali\l)a  \  alley  and  mountains.  It  was  foi-iiierly  iiuieh  more  pros- 
perous than  it  is  to-day.  And  considering  its  churches  and  l)uildings 
thatliiK^  its  streets,  the  new  comei'  understands  at  once  that  N'asson- 
ras  is  a  city  that  ])romised  a  good  deal  more  than  wher  aceomi)lished. 
Il  was  (^'cclc'd  in  l.s;!:{  and  was  progressing  so  much  that  two  years 
later,  in  18;{r>,  anothei-  d(!ci-ee  nuide  it  head  of  the  district.  \vi  only 
was   made  a  city  in  1.S57.  It  has  a  p()i)ulat ion  of    TJ.OOO   inhabitants. 

—  3GJ)  — 

more  or  less.  Tlie  census  of  1900  gave  it  '.ijiiiO,  hcinn  l.'.Q;  uuilcs  an. I 
4.710  females. 

Though  it  has  lost  mui-h  ol"  its  opulence  ol'  o1(1(mi  tim(;s,  \assonras 
is  yet  one  of  the  i)retticst  cities  of  the  Uio  Stale.  A  short  i-aihvay 
owned  hy  the  municipality  connects  it  willi  the  main  line  of  the  Cen- 
tral of  Brazil  railway  which  runs  five  kilometres  away  from  this 
city.  'J'wo  railways  cross  this  muni(;ipium,  benefiting  a  good  deal 
Vassouras  city.  They  are  the  «  Central  of  Brazil  Ifailway  »  and  the 
«  ^felhoramentos  do  Brazil  ». 

The  cultivation  of  this  region  is  :  coffee,  sugar  cane,  tabacco 
and  gi-ain.  There  is  also  a  large  matches-factory  Serra  do  .]/;*rowned 
by  Dr.  Aarao  Reis.  There  are  two  newspapers  in  the  city  :  O  Muni- 
cipio  and  the   Vaasoiirense. 

The  city  is  surrounded  by  farms,  mostly  coffee  plantations.  The 
budget  shows  a  revenue  of  lll:555s000  3'^earl3\ 

*     * 

Barm  Maiisa,  a  pretty  city,  Valenca  Cantagallo,  Paraty,  Saqiia- 
lema,  S.  Joao  Marcos,  Capivary,  Rio  Claro,  etc.  are  so  many  other 
cities  about  which  we  would  like  to  write.  Each  one  of  them  has 
something  worthy  writing  about.  It  is  impossibe,  however,  to  enter 
into  so  many  details  and  we  will  stop  here  as  far  as  cities  of  the  Rio 
State  are  concerned. 

As  to  the  villages,  many  of  them  are  as  important  as  some  of  the 
cities,  others  are  still  progressing  and  developing,  promising  to  be- 
come soon  large  centres  of  activity  and  commerce. 

Rio  de  Janeiro  is  one  of  the  most  noted  and  most  cultured  of  the 
States  of  Brazil,  but,  owing  to  the  sudden  depression  in  the  prices 
of  its  main  export  products  —  coffee  and  sugar  —  it  has  crossed  a 
crisis  these  last  few  years,  exposed  to  hori-ible  contingencies  of 
financial  anormal  violences.  The  last  thi'ee  years  however  has  consi- 
derablv  bettered  its  conditions. 


A  tract  of  the  State  of  Rio  territory  located  l)etween  two  gigantic 
bays,  —  Angra  dos  Reis  and  Guanabara, —  ever  since  the  eighteenth 
century,  has  been  the  seat  of  the  nation's  government,  with  the 
name  of  —  Municipio  Xeutro  (Neuter  Municipium),  —  and,  after  the 

—  370  — 

Republic  —  Districto  Fodeial  (Federal  District).  Foi-  the  geography, 
however,  it  was,  it  is,  and  always  will  be  known,  as  —  IJio  de  Ja- 

Those  who,  coming  down  IVoin  the  Xoi'th,  direct  themselves  to 
Guanabara  bay,  as  soon  as  they  leave  behind  Ponta  Xcgra  and  Cubo 
Frio,  which  are  GO  miles  away  from  Rio  de  Janeiro,  will  see  at  a 
short  distance  from  the  coast,  always  lofty  and  pictiirescpie,  a  series 
of  islands,  scattered  here  and  there",  some  roun<l ,  some  (piite  bare, 
and  others  covered  with  green  woods  looking  like  floating  forests. 

Dos  Mincirds  and   Alliindcsi;!  (iiuiys 

Two  of  them  especially,  attract  very  much  the  travellers'  atten- 
tion :  one,  is  Ilhu  Rnzu  (Flat  Island),  a  large,  flat  rock,  as  its  name 
indicates,  divided  into  two  lobules  with  an  electric  light-house  built 
upon  it ,  displaying  a  red  and  white  light .  'I'lie  other,  is  I'.sculnudu 
(arid-sterile)  ,  located  at  the  west  side  of  Raza  Island,  a  very  small 
spherelike  island,  some  six  or  seven  meti-e  high,  with  no  vegeta- 
tion, what  justifies  its  name. 

The  Ra/.a  Island  is  very  mucli  likeil  l)y  the  passengers  going  to 
Rio,  as  it  is  the  first  landmark  showing  its  entrance,  and  its  light- 
house, the  first  sign  of  the  civilisation  that  flourishes  near  by  in  the 
grand  organism  of  tlie  city. 

When  the  i)assengcr  comes  nearer  the  entrance  of  the  bay,  from 
board  the  steamer  he  sees,  on  the  right,  a  series  of  dark  mountains, 
coming  towards  the  sea:  it  is  the  Itaypu  point  lined  1)\-  ;i  pretty  group 
of  little  islands,  known  as  ///;.(  ilo  l';ic  and  Illi;i  thi  M'lc  (  l-'athcr 
Island  and  Mothei-  Islaiulj. 

On  the  left,  beyond,  where  the  horizon  is,  \vriii)ped  in  deep  blue, 
rises  the  phantastic  figure  of  Gavea,  with  its  liald  head,  constituted 
by  a  mass  of  polished  rock.  This  strange  profile  of  niountain  will 
never  more  be  effaced  from  the  memory  of  the  traveller,  once  he 
has  set  his  eyes  upon  it. 

Further  beyond,  is  the  blunt  peak  of  the  Andarahy,  of  a  soiiiI)rc 
blue.  Then  towards  the  interior,  the  Corcovado  needle,  that  stonv 
line,  here  of  naked  i-ock ,    there  covered   with   vegetation,  accouii)u- 


Hio.  —  Simla  Ijizia  cliiircli  and  plain. 

nies  the  coast  as  a  lively  guard  in  the  contortions  of  a  cataclysm 
that  might  have  shaken  everything,  bringing  up  the  mountain  roots, 
giving  life  to  the  i-ocks  and  tlu^  woods.  Indeed,  the  wliolc  seems  a 
lively  one.  One  would  say  that  everything  is  dancing  before  that 
infinite  light  i)Oured  everywhere.  The  steamer  is  getting  neariM-  and 
the  landscapes  transform  themselves.  Nobody  can  conti'niplalc  this 
scenery  without  being  wrapped  by  the  unlimited  grandeur  of  tlic 
whoh'  panorauia.  None  of  tlu^  great  writers  or  aiiists,  natioiuil  or  fo- 
reigner, who  have  appreciated  this  unctiualled  speiMai'le  of  tlie  Uio 
entrance  has  been  able  to  describe  it  cithci-  with  liis  pen  or  his 

.\t  tlic  hottoMi  (»r  those  colossal  uioiiutaiiis.  ahiug  slioi'c,  there  we 
se(!  spread  out  light  plains,  uiore  or  less  lexclled.  whicli  eiul  in 
l)eauliful  sea-shores,  sonu'tiuies  eoNcred  with  rocks  souielinies  willi 
S1U)W   white  sand.    On  the  left  is  (uu-    of    those  heaelies,  ( 'opaealiaua  , 

—  373  — 

wliic'li  is  already  the  beginnino-  of  the  city,  because  Rio  is  a  city 
tliat  spreads  itself  out  with  districts  all  over,  some  towards  the  sea, 
others  towards  the  curves,  coiitemplatin<;-  Xictheroj'  on  tlie  other 
side  of  the  bay,  towards  Caju,  others  towards  the  hills  and  still 
others  accompanying  the  valley  that  lines  the  Central  of  Hi-a/il  l{ail- 
way  road,  as  if  the  whole  Capital  were  pursuing  tliem.  Cpon  a 
small  light  green  rock,  is  the  little  white  chapel  Xossa  Scnliora  da 
Copacabana.  On  the  beach  a  row  of  summer  residences  witli  roofs 
covered  with  new  tiles  is  seen  in  a  beautiful  display.  And  hardly 
we  leave  behind  this  flying  landscape,  and  the  Cotiindiibn  island, 
then  we   sec  on   the  left   the  great  monolith  ,   the   PTio  do  Assiicur 

Rio.  —  General  Osorio's  statue 

(sugarloaf),  enormous,  conic  shaped,  isolated  rock,  which  celebrates 

the  interior  sea-entrance  of  the  bay,   with   its  projection   covering 

the  channel's  mouth. 

Looking  at  it  one  seems  to  hear  the  poet's  voice  when  he  referred 

to  it  in  these  verses  : 

Audiiz  colosso, 

Rolnisto  veliulor,  que  no  longe  assombrn 

Os  genios  do  oceaiio,  e  brada  ao  mnndo  : 

—  Em  iiome  do  direito  e  da  Jiisti(;a, 

Podeis  entrar  no  teiuplo  do  fiituro, 

Sacrificar  ao  Deiis  da  liberdade  ! 

(Daring  colossus,  strong  watcher,  that  from  afar  frightens  the  Ocean's  geniuses,  and 
cries  out  to  the  whole  world  :  —  In  nauie  of  Law  and  .Justice,  you  can  enter  the  temple  of 
tiie  future,  to  sacrifice  the  God  of  Liberty  !) 

—  374  — 

On  the  other  side,  the  continental  hand,  extending-  itself  just  like 
a  peninsula,  advanees  as  if  to  meet  the  Pao  do  Assucar  rock  and 
S.  Joiio  hill,  forming-  a  kind  of  step  to  them.  There,  the  seals  nothing- 
but  a  nanow  corridor,  walled  on  both  sides  bv  rough  rocks.  This 
strategic  passage  was  modified  by  the  building  of  foi-tresses  on 
both  sides.  In  spite  of  all,  the  corridor  is  dominated,  Iroin  the  insi- 
de, by  a  colossal  rock,  llic  Lagc  Tortress.  roofed  witli  steel,  and 
walled  with  steel  like  an  armoured  slii]),  \\  ith  open  si)accs  here  and 
there,  through  which  the  gun  mouths  watch  as  jif  they  were  so  many 
attentive  eves. 


riir  ('.;illii>(li':il  nriil  (Id  (liii'iiin  ('.liiirih 

Passing  those  narrows,  on  the  right  with  llie  Imbuhy  and  Santa 
Cruz  fortresses,  and  on  the  left  the  S.  Joao  and  MalU't  ones,  and, 
following-  the  channel,  between  Santa  Cruz  and  Lage,  tlu-ic  we  li:i\c 
the  (iiianabara  bay.  On  one  side,  at  the  West  the  grand  Capital,  not 
the  whole  in  a  lump,  but  in  i)iei'es,  appearing  behind  the  curves  of 
the  sea-shoi-c  and  green  hills.  Only  one  ])art  of  it,  the  one  lining 
the  jxx'lical  ciii-vcs  of  Hotafogo,  Uussel  and  l-'lamcngo  appc;ns  in 

Jn  front,  on  the  cast  side,  wc  sec  .1  iiniiiilia  where  is  the  llospit:d 
foi' epid(Mnic  diseases.  Aftei-  that  is  the  ehai-iiiiiig  l»e;ieh  ol  lear;diy 
with  its  eelel)r;ite(|  I'oeks,  and  riiilher  alieatl  is  Nielheniy,  the  pretty 

—  375 

Capital  of  the  State  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  lookin<;-  towards  Ihc  oM  pa,! 
of  the  metropolis. 

Between  the  two  cities,  but  nearer  Kio  is  a  liltle  island  Willc^rai- 
gnon,  Avhich  is  to-day  the  sailors  barracks,  and  in  1555  was  tln^  ini- 
tiation of  the  city  when  the  daring  filibuster,  wbich  gave  it  the 
name  planted  there  the  seed  of  the  first  seat  of  the  city. 

The  aspect  of  that  anchorage  place  is  charming  for  the  new 
beauty  of  its  perspectives,  for  the  harmonious  tone  of  the  colouring, 
for  the  variety  of  the  contrasts  in  the  horizon  outline. 

E.  Reclus  speaking  of  tliat  beautiful  spot  which  he  visited,  said  : 


..   M  «  J 

— ;»"Ul<!«llli.Wl|*jJlF 

Hio.  —  S.  Pedro  dc  Alc:mlar;i  Tlicalro 

«  When  the  weather  is  fine,  winni  the  abundant  sunlight  con- 
trasted by  the  shadow^s,  illuminates  under  different  forms  and  with 
changing  hues  the  rocks,  the  grass  and  the  woods,  when  successive 
plans  becoming  bluish  by  the  distance,  project  themselves  upon  the 
blue  horizon  of  the  interior  hills,  as  the  Estrella  hill  and  the  row  of 
obelises  of  the  Orgaos  ridge  of  mountains,  the  massive  Rio  offers  a 
charming  panorama  by  the  beauty  of  the  colouring  and  the  indefinite 
diversity  of  aspects.  When,  notwithstanding  is  a  heavy  gray  lead- 
like skj^  isolating  the  group  of  hills  in  front,  and  the  clouds  or  the 
showers  hiding  the  pointed  pyramids,  the  walls  in  the  horizon  farther 
away,  the  landscape  assumes  the  appearance  of  the  polar  i-egions  : 
it  looks  to  the  observer  as   if  he   were   approaching  a   Desolation 

—  370  - 

island,  as  in  the  Groonlander  arcliipelaoocs  or  in  Fire  Land  and 
asks  liinisclf,  liow  is  it  that  men  conhl  found  in  such  a  phice  a  hirge 
city  like  that,  one  of  tlie  most  chui'niiiii;-  of  tlic  X'liiverse.  » 

Kid.  —  Fniiil   ol'  the  ni'iij.'iinin  ('.nnslant   insliliilc 

Quite  often  on  winter-mornings  the  foi;-  tliat  sh)\vly  goes  up 
forms  tliiek  sheets  white  at  tlie  basis  and  only  sombre  at  the  top, 
away  up,  detached  from  the  e\en  bottom  of  the  sky.  «;ivin»;'  the  idea 
of  an  inexplicable,  subversion  of  all  physical  laws.  On  othei-  occa- 
sions, the  upper  })oints  disappear  under  a  mass  of  heaxy  fogs,  and 

Itiii.  —    IriT.iic   111    I'.isscici   I'uliliiii 

tlic  iiili;il)it;iiils  of  the  city,  liial  look  to  liic  'rijuc;!  Iiill  as  if  it  were 
a  Itaroiiicl  re,  say  :  'rijiica  has  its  caj)  on,  it  is  goiug  to  rain...  And 
ill  fact   w  lieu  thai   Iiappnis,  it   rains. 

—  377  — 

But  normally  the  light  i)rcvails,  in  all  its  toi-cc,  showing  llic 
pretty  colouring  of  the  vai-ions  plans  of  the  bay  side,  the  ti-anspa- 
rence  and  brightness  ol'  everything,  the  bluish  ether  making  mil- 
der and  more  poetical  those  rocks,  and  the  woods  whi(  h  drown 
their  depressions  and  dress  their  bodies. 

The  passenger  steamers  anchor  a  little  nearer  the  city  (piay, 
between  a  place  called  Poco  (well),  whei'e  the  Brazilian  men-ot'-war 
are,  and  a  small  island  in  front  of  the  Cnstom-IIouse  and  on  which 
they  erected  a  beaut  iiul  Iniilding  of  gothic  style  \\  Inch  is  used  as  tlie 
l)arracks  or  quarters  of  the  Custom-House  inspectors  and  is  thus 
called  Fiscal  Island.  It  is  a  most  pretty  building. 


Initial  slalioii  of  liic  ('.ciilral  of  lira/.ii  Itailwav 

The  space  between  tliat  island  and  Ponta  do  Caju  is  completely 
taken  uj)  by  ships  of  all  nationalities  ,  of  all  kinds  ,  from  the 
smallest  vessels  to  the  largest  steamers,  some  coming  and  just 
anchoring,  others  preparing  to  sail  and  among  them  a  numberless 
lot  of  lighters,  tow-boats  and  launches,  some  propelled  by  steam, 
others,  by  gazoline  and  others  even  b^'  kerosene,  sailing  here  and 
there,  some  noiseless,  some  whistling  and  all  with  their  flags  aft. 

By  the  quay,  alongside  the  wooden  bridges  a  number  of  small 
steamers  and  sailing  ships  receive  from  the  storage  houses  large 
quantities  of  coffee  to  be  transported  to  Europe  and  the  United 
States,  and  the  thousand  varieties  of  industries,  the  surplus  of  the 
metropolis  commerce  going  to  the  coast  ports. 

The  forest  of  masts,  chimneys,  the  stretched  ropes,  the  noise  of 

—  378  — 

voices  of  tlie  hoisting'  machinery,  of  steamship  whistles,  give  to  that 
part  of  the  bay  a  characteristic  feature.  Indeed  it  is  quite  a  contrast 
witli  the  vastness  and  profound  silence  of  the  waters  elsewhere. 

l^ut  it  is  not  only  the  Rio  de  Janeiro,  or  Guanabara  bay,  that 
we  see  here,  nor  even  only  tjiat  circle  blue  and  wide  which  the 
steamboats  take  one  liour  to  cross  in  its  shortest  dianietrc. 

Farther  away  from  tliis  part  of  the  Capital  and  lllia  das  Coljras 
(snake  island),  is  an  intei-ior  sea  wide   open,  deep  and  pacific,   w  ith 




-^                              _a^M 







-- c: 

Hill.  —  I'cdcriil  Oapilal  :  Sca-shon'  of  l.ciiii' 

numerous  small  Ijiit  charming  islands  ,  some  poi)tdatcd  ,  others 
occui)ied  as  commercial,  storage  places,  others  nvo  industrial  esta- 
blishments, souH^  small,  sonu*  as  lai'gc  as  half  of  sonic  kingdoms. 

'^rhe  t(>rrit(»ry  lorming  the  curved  contour  lines  of  this  colossal 
gulph,  the  most  hcautifid  of  all  in  this  j)lanet,  is  the  most  important 
of  all  Hi'a/il  as  to  the  density  of  })o|)nlalion  and  iuimi)ei-  ami  variety 
of  establishments. 

We  will  i'(!vie\\,  however,  only  that  part  near  t  he  gnlpli  on  the 
west  side. 

—  379  — 

There  we  see  the  i)riiu*ipal  military  and  civilian  establishiiKmts 
of  Brazil,  the  lai-gest  factories,  ship-yards,  dry-docks,  stora«>-c-liou- 
ses,  the  most  earncsl  coinmci-cial  and  iiidiislrial  activit\-  of  the 

The  Capitallias  long  ago  overrun  the  limits  with  wliicli  it  was 
i'onnd  by  the  time  ol'  Brazil's  independence.  The  old  part  of  it  I'ornis 
one  single  district,  and  compared  with  the  pi-esenl  area  of  the  city 
is  just  like  the  seed  is  towards  the  fruit. 


Staluo  of  I).  Pedro  I. 

Considered  by  its  frontier  the  city  of  Rio  wonld  be  one  of  the  lar- 
gest cities  in  the  world.  But  we  must  allow  for  the  enormous  spaces 
that  Santa  Thereza,  Corcovado  and  other  hills  occupy  within  its  area. 

The  buildings  and  the  districts  have  been  spread  out  in  an  hazar- 
dous way,  through  these  accidencies  of  the  soil.  Some  of  the  hills 
have  been  pulled  down  as  the  Senado  one,  others  will  be  in  future, 
but  some  never  will  be,  and  thus  the  city  will  keep  on,  filling  with 
streets  and  new  buildings,  the  large  empty  spaces  uniting  with  hou- 

—  380  — 

ses  the  (liffcrciit  disti-iets  now  only  connoctcd  by  the  street  railway 

W'liocver  ^vishes  to  judge  Rio  l)y  llie  architectural  \aliic  of  its 
buildings  will  not  do  it  justiee,  liio  representing,  as  it  does,  such  a 
large  citw  The  greatest  efforts  of  nmn  in  this  metropolis  have  not 
been  devoted  to  embellish  tlie  eity,  but  in  preparing  its  foundation, 
if  N\  ('  may  say  so.  AA'hat  has  been  done  in  ojjenings,  filling  up.  level- 
lings,  has  been  gi'eat  work.  Millions  of  cubic  metres  of  earth  ha\ c 
been  taken  away  from  the  hills. 

The   extensive   ])lain   called    Praia   Formosa,  \'illa  ( Juaraiiy.  etc. 


Itio.  —  (Jiiiiize  (Ic  Novoiiil)!'!)  S(|u;ii-i'  aiid  Itojinl  nf  Ti'.-idc  liiiildiiii' 

is  the  work  of  an  enterprise.  There  was  the  sea,  small  little  islands, 
the  names  of  which  can  still  be  seen  on  tlu'  maps  :  ilha  dos  Meloes 
(Melons  island),  ilha  das  Mocas  (\'oung  girls  islandi ,  eti*.  Among 
othei's  there  were  the  marshy  grounds  of  the  Campo  da  Acclamacao. 
l''orMierly  washerwomen  were  seen  there  ,  just  in  the  sauu'  place 
whci-e  to-day  is  tlu;  beautiful  park  with  its  artistii-  grotio,  little 
lakes,  etc. 

The  city  in  bS^-J  had  only  ll.tHK)  houses;  in  IS,")!)  hail  Ki.lKM);  in 
l.SC.I  had  Jl.oOO;  in  ISSOhad  ."O.OOO  and  to-day  has  about  Sl.OOO. 

TIktc  is  not  lung  special  to  say  about  the  imildiugs  of  Kiode 
.lancii-o.  The  houses  of  tlu^  new  districts  are  couifortahlc,  souu'  of 
them  of  elegant  architiu'ture  and  surrounded  by  gardens,  hut  those 
of  the  coiuuu'rcial  districts,  have  only  very  slowly  in'cn  undeigoing 
some     modificat  i(»n  ,    and     if    in    one    street    oi'    other    appear   some 

—  :{!{!  — 

nice  buidiiigs,  the  niajoi-ity  of  IIkmii  is  an  awl'iil  sij^lit  ,  iciniiMliii^ 
anti(inity,  without  any  taste  as  to  its  oi-namcntation  oi-  arcliitecture. 

Tlie  main  hmdino' place  is  tlio  Pliaronx  (luay,  which  the  nuinici- 
l)ality  has  now  transl'ormed  into  a  beauliiul  and  hir^c  sciiiarc,  willi  a 
pretty  garden,  and  a  hii'ge  bronze  fountain. 

This  square  has  as  a  pi-oh)n<>ati()n  of  it  another  smalhu-  s(piai-(', 
where  is  at  one  side  the  Okl  Court  of  the;  Kinp(M-oi',  to-(hiy  trans- 
formed   into    the   teh^gra])h  (hipartmcMit.    In  the  ('(;nti'e  of  tiie  garden 


Seiiailur  Daiilas  Street 

of  this  smaller  square  is    General  Osorio's   statue,   beautiful   work 
in  bronze  made  by  Bernardelli  witli  pretty  lo\v  relief  at  the  basis. 

This  square  leads  to  Primeiro  de  Mareo  Street,  one  of  the  main 
thoroughfares  of  Rio.  There  are  some  fine  buildings  in  this  street  : 
the  Exchange  Building,  the  Post  Office,  the  Banco  do  (\)mmer('io, 
the  Supreme  Court,  and  several  other  business  and  private  houses. 
The  transit  both  of  carriages  and  trucks  as  well  as  of  foot-paths  in 
this  street  is  vei-y  lively. 

—  :IR2  — 

It  is  from  tliis  wide  but  uneven  street  that  start  other  narrow 
cross-streets  lined  with  tall  buildings,  paved  with  stone  blocks, 
filled  with  dust  because  of  the  lively  transit.  They  all  run  towards 
the  centre  of  the  main  part  of  the  city,  where  is  one  of  tlie  finest 
parks  of  South  Anun-ioa. 

Of  all  these  cross-streets  one,  that  is  a  regular  thoroughfare,  is 
tlie  Ouvidor  Street.  This  street  is  a  deception  to  the  visitois  coming 
from  tlie  different  i)rovinces  of  Brazil  and  who  heard  so  much 
about  it. 


l'"i'()iil  (d'  Ilic  (i()ii(;il\t'.s  dc  Araiijo  Asxlnin.  in  ('.;iin|Mi  di'  S,  ('.lirislii\fii 

If  you  have  never  been  in  Rio,  just  imagine  a  street  6  '/.■  metres 
wide,  beginning  at  the  Quay  and  ending  at  S.  Francisco  Square, 
whci'e  .lose  Honifacio's  statue  is.  The  street  looks  just  like  a  coi'ri- 
dor,  lined  with  large  and  uneven  buildings,  some  sjileinlid  ones, 
otluu's  of  the  worst  kind,  keeping  in  mind  colonial  architecture.  The 
latter  are  fortunately  in  small  number.  The  pavement  is  good,  in  the 
(•('Ml  re  paving  stones,  in  the  side-walks  coloui-ed  mosaic.  Owing  to  llu> 
excessive  transit  and  the  narrowness  of  tlie  sticets-earriages  and 
horseback  riders  are  not  allowed  to  go  thiough.  Mxcrv  luuise  in  this 
street  has  in  its  ground  fhx)!'  a  store  of  sonu'  kind  and  in  the  sliow 
windows  are  t  he  most  \  aried  disphiys  of  speci  mens  of  national  and 
foreign  indiistrv.  Tlie  best  tailoi's,  dress-makers,  jewelers,  hi'ic-a- 
brac  dealers,  the;  most  luxurious  stores  of  the  town  arc  there.  This 

—  383  — 

sireet  is  the  rcndez-oous  phu'c  lor  the  high-life,  the  unemph)yed,  the 
idlers,  the  politicians,  the  adventurers,  the  lawyei-s,  the  college  hoys, 
all  that  floating-  class  that  is  the  live  foam  of  the  large  cities. 

This  is  one  of  the  llio  curiosities,    tlie   most    (ixcpiisilc,    tlic  most 

iiio.  —    rill'  Post  Ollic'C  ;iii(l  Km-Ikiiii'c  niiildiiii. 

individualised  curiosity  of  Rio  de  Janeiro.  To  go  there  and  not  know 
Rua  do  Ouvidor,  is  impossible. 

Another  thing  that  gives  Ouvidor  an  exquisite  feature  is  the 
Cafe.  These  houses  devoted  to  the  sale  of  demi-tasses  of  black  coffee 
spread  all  over  Brazil,  in  every  city,  occupy  many  ground  floors  in 
this  street  and  here,  more  than  anywhere  else,  they  are  a  place  of 
meeting  and  conversation. 

—  384  — 

To  (•()nii)lele  the  noise  of  the  street  there  ai'e  tlie  Music  stores, 
where  tliey  try  a  piano  every  iniuute,  there  are  tlie  phonograpli  sto- 
res, the  bar-rooms  with  orchestra,  and  thus  this  all  contributes  to 
that  noise  of  the  streets  that  voices  and  laughs  heard  Ironi  all  sides, 
Iroin  tlie  crowds  standing  and  chatting  at  the  corners,  and  lioiu  the 
lively  tiiinsients  who  walk  uj)  and  down  the  street. 

'I'he  Ouvidor  Street  is  also  tin;  forced  witness  of  the  stunqj-spca- 

Uio.  —    Town   Hall 

kers,   at  the   meetings,    military   i)arades,    carnival  feasts,  rt'ligi»)ns 
demonstrations,  etc. 

The  first  liini;  we  ci-ossi'd  that  strci't  ,  some  twelve  years 
ago,  we  had  just  arrived  from  the  province,  and  it  causcil  a  deep 
im])ression  in  onr  mind  of  shame  and  discouragement.  And  we 
nnch'islood  llial  lliere  was  a  good  deal  to  be  done ,  for  t  he  count  ry 
to  gel  rid  of  (hose  colonial  buildings,  and  thai  l»ack\\ards  ai'tistic 
stat(;  in  which  the  eighteenth  century  h'ft  il.  W f  understood  the 
general  abandonment  of  the  old  ilynasty  ai  the  hour  of  its  fall,  by  the 

—  HKr, 

energetic  necessity  acting  upon  t\w.  race,  necessity  ol"  going  ahead, 
of  progressing,  doing  away  with  a  system  tliat  was  hringing  IJi-azi- 
lians  up  accustomed  to  the  contemplation  ol"  tliose  antiquities,  to 
teach  democracy  which  is  knocking  tlie  crowds  one  against  the  otlier. 

Ex-Presi(loiit  Hodrigiies  Alves  (1902-1900)  wlio  inilialcd  liic  Ilio  do  Janeiro  improvomoiils 

The  Ouvidor  Street  we  heard  of  in  our  native  town,  was  indeed 
that  narrow  street  lined  with  cohniial  times  buildings,  heavy,  filled 
with  dust,  insignificant  both  as  to  style  and  comfort.  It  was  a  decep- 
tion ,  an  enormous  deception  ! 

A  few  years  afterwards ,   in  spite  of  the  bad  administration  the 

—  386 

street  was  greatlj'  modilied  with  some  stone  and  marble  buildings 
substituting  the  old  colonial  ones. 

The  old  district  of  the  city,  to-day  entirelj"  occupied  by  business 
houses,  which  give  it  the  appeai-ance  of  a  colossal  bazaar,   with   all 


^jpi  ^-  -M:' 


^H  s^  ''.^^^^^^^Ir^^-^i 


B^^^^^-^. . 




h'    l'crcir;i    l';iss(is,    I'lclcel    iif   itin   (Ic  .l;iiii'iiii 

kinds  of  goods,   cnibraces  the  centre  shores  from  tlic  Cnstoin  House 
to  llic  cxtrcnic  end  of  (jiaml)oa. 

Sonic  raniifical  ions  of  llic  cily  liavc  I'Xtcndcd  ronsidci-ahly,  I'ni- 
l)racing  areas  in  far  awaN'  phiccs,  ai'ounil  the  interior  hills  antl  the 
shores   that    line  a  stretch  of  the  beautiful  bav.  'The  districts  settled 

—  B88  — 

in  those  curves  are  incomparable  as  to  their  bright  beauty,  ample  open 
air,  and  they  have  in  that  transmarine  picture,  always  moving,  always 
new,  an  enjoj^ment  as  nowhere  else  can  be  had.  With  electric  tram- 
way service  the  wealthy  part  of  the  population  is  transported  to  and 
from  the  new  districts  of  the  modern  Capital,  (ienerally  the  streets 
the  cars  go  through  are  lined  with  fine  houses  with  gardens.  One  of 
those  shores,  appreciated  both  by  the  natives  and  foreigners  is  the 
absolutely  geometric  curve  dominated  by  two  small  hills  at  each  one 

Kid.  —  'I'lic  .\.ili(iti;il   I'riiHiiiy  (Mlicc 

of  till',  e\t remit ics  of  tlu^  line.  Tt  is  Botafogo.  It  is  under  the  projec- 
tion of  tlu;  Corcovado  hill,  that  sluixMulons  rock,  tlark  gi'cy,  dressed 
in  rich  vc^gef  ;i(  ion  which  wraps  certain  part  of  it ,  lea\ing  hare  (he 
soiilhern  prism. 

Many  of  the  newly  arrived  woiihl  not  hejieve  that  Hra/.ilian 
engineering  shoiihl  iia\('  dared  to  hiiihl  a  ph'asiii-e  railway  going  u|) 
to  700  metres  higli. 

Seen  from  one  of  tlie   sides    of   the  eiiive  fornu'd   hv  the  liav,  the 

—  389  — 

perspective  of  Botafogo  is  splendid,  nuifvellous;  I  he  I»;"i()  do  Assucar 
lii  11  seems  to  take  the  entrance  of  the  small  little  gulpli  ,  pcrfccdy 
calm,  as  a  piece  of  crystal,  as.  a  polished  emerald.  At  Uh;  basis 
of  this  is  a  rose  colour  building  of  large  proportions ,  half  hidden 
—  it  is  the  Military  College  built  between  two  blocks  of  th(^  group 
of  rocks.  On  the  opposite  side  is  the  original  profile  of  Gavea. 

The  Botafogo  bay  is  lined  by  a  beautiful  avenue  which  extends 
itself  full  length  with  three  different  roads  nicely  i)avcd  with  pretty 
grass  lawns  and  flower  beds  between  and  lining  the  street  side  and 
brightly  illuminated  with  different  rows  of  arc-lights.  It  is  no  doubt 
a  charming  shore,  the  prettiest  public  gai-den  that  could  be  ima- 

But  the  population  do  not  seem  satisfied,  they  keep  on  multijjly- 
ing  the  fine  mansions,  the  summer  residences,  and  they  are  trans- 
forming the  lands  alongside  the  Leme,  Copacabana  and  Ii)anema  bea- 
ches into  a  large  city,  a  beautiful  summer  resort.  They  have  already 
good  hotels,  telephone,  telegraph,  gas,  all  conveniences  to  make  it  a 
comfortable  place  and  the  electric  railway,  trolley  system,  connects 
these  three  places,  that  look  only  one  city,  with  tlie  heart  of  Rio. 

While  this  prolongation  of  the  city  or  formation  of  a  new  city  in 
itself  is  being  operated,  the  same  is  happening  on  the  other  side  of 
the  city  alongside  the  road  of  the  Central  of  Brazil  Railway,  each 
one  of  those  nucleus  formed  being  well  worth  the  name  of  city. 

Large  squares  with  gardens  are  reserving  for  the  breathing  of 
the  great  organism  of  the  city,  large  open  tracts  of  land,  but  not 
satisfied  with  their  s^^ace,  they  have  gone  up  the  hills. 

These  squares  are  not  in  so  large  a  number  as  one  would  think 
considering  the  broad  space  of  the  city.  Some  of  them,  however, 
with  their  sizes  and  beauty,  compensate  well  the  shortness  of  the 
number.  We  will  cite  Dnque  de  Caxias  square,  in  front  of  one  of  the 
finest  churches  of  Rio.  This  one  is  not  so  extra  large,  but  has  a  real 
beautiful  garden,  and  in  the  centre  of  it,  the  Statue  of  Duque  de 
Caxias  on  horseback,  a  bronze  statue  which  speaks  highly  for  the 
artistic  work  of  the  Brazilians. 

The  Tiradentes  Square,  formerly  called  Rocio,  is  a  small  but 
pretty  garden  with  a  bronze  statue  of  the  first  Emperor  of  Brazil 
which  is  a  great  work  of  art. 

The  Passeio  Publico  is  the  most  delicious  place  in  Rio,  for  the 
beautifulness  of  the  landscape  having  the  pretty  flowers  on  one  side 
offering  the  sweet  fragrance  of  their  scent,  and  the  sea  on  the  other 
side  leaving  wide  open  room  to  blow  over  the  fresh  breeze.  It  has 
a  fine  terrace  looking  towards  the  bay.   In  the  garden  are  good 

—  390  — 

specimens  of  a  variety  of  trees,  and  some  spots  of  it  look  like  regular 
woods.  There  are  lakes  also  crossed  by  bridges,  nice  lawns,  every- 
thing to  make  it  perfectly  delightful. 

But  what  must  we  say  then  of  Jardim  Botanico,  (Botanical  (Jar- 
den)?  There  is  not  a  foreigner,  a  tourist,  even  if  only  in  Rio  the  few 
hours  the  steamer  is  in  the  bay  sailing  on  the  same  day ,  that 
does  not  try  to  go  to  the  Botanical  (Jarden.  It  is  supported  by  the 
government  for  the  purpose  of  liohtnicul  Rcsatrclics  and  AcclinjiitH- 

Thc   l>nl\lcclinic;il   ScIk 

lion  l'!.\j)criincnis.  The  admission  is  free,  and  tliert'  is  a  lint'  of  the 
trolley  cars  that  passes  by  the  door  of  the  Clarden,  so  that  there  is 
nothing  uncomfortable  in  making  the  trip.  As  soon  as  we  enter,  Nve 
see  l)eaulifiil  sti-eets  lined  with  tropical  trees.  'IMie  I'oxal  palm-trees 
(ureal  ohiuriu  I  axcnne  whicli  ci'osses  the  garden  rioin  lliegatein 
(lianH^lrieal  line,  is  a  picture  that  we  cannot  easily  forget .  and  it  is 
already  well  known  all  over  by  photography. 

Another  s(puire  where  a  garden  was  latt'ly  laid  out  is  tlu'  On/c  de 

—  391  — 

Junho  Square,  named  afler  tlie  ranioiis  naval  l)at11(>  f()ii<;li<  on  tluu 
day  by  tlie  Imperial  navy  against  Uruguay.  It  is  situated  at  tlie 
end  of  the  Mangue  canal,  which  runs  tliroiigli  <niite  a  long  sti-ctch 
of  the  new  part  of  the  city,  lined  by  two  straight  avenues,  nicely 
paved  with  a  row  of  superb  palm-trees. 

The  most  beautiful,  however,  is  the  Pra^;a  da  Republica,  (Repu- 
blic Square),  a  wide  square  transformed  into  a  park  enclosed  l)y 
elegant  railing.  The  area  of  this  park  was  nicely  divided  into  small 
little  woods,  grass  valleys,  small  little  rivers  with  ai-tilicial  tiny 
islands  and  dominated  by  artistic  bridges.  There  is  also  a  pretty 
grotto  with  a  beautiful  cascade,  which  constitutes  an  attractiou  not 
common  in  public  squares  and  gardens.  Several  thousands  of  speci- 
mens of  South  American  phytology  are  represented  there  in  groups, 
and  spread  out,  making  up  a  prodigious  landscaping  architecture. 

A  little  farther  ahead  from  this  park  is  the  enormous  main  sta- 
tion of  the  Central  of  Brazil  Railway  wich  connects  the  Capital  of  the 
Republic  with  three  different  States,  crossing  forty  cities  and  having 
a  yearly  revenue,  of  35.000:000$000. 

Several  other  railways  —  The  Lcopoldina,  the  Mi'lhonimcntos, 
the  Rio  cVOiiro,  etc.  —  start  from  Rio  to  the  interior;  none,  howe- 
ver, has  the  great  role  that  the  Central  of  Brazil  performs  in  the 
intercourse  life  of  the  Capital.  This  railway  transports  fourteen  thou- 
sand passengers  a  year,  between  the  city  and  the  suburbs.  The  ex- 
treme ends  of  this  railway  are  Bello-Horizonte  and  S.  Paulo.  Presi- 
dent Campos  Salles  ordered  the  construction  of  the  road  in  the 
direction  of  Curvello  and  President  Rodrigues  Alves  intended  to  go 
beyond,  towards  S.  Fi-ancisco  river  valley. 

The  districts  where  the  maritime  commerce  concentrates,  Saude, 
Sacco  do  Alferes  ,  etc.,  are  the  ugliest  of  the  Capital  :  tortuous 
streets,  narrow,  lined  wdth  old,  ugly  houses,  filled  with  dust,  grains 
of  coffee,  and  the  transit  through  them  obstructed  by  heavy  trucks, 
filled  up  with  big  piles  of  coffee  bags ,  and  the  crowds  frequenting 
these  streets  are  of  the  worst  class,  but  during  the  day  those  who 
make  all  the  noise  are  the  drivers  and  workmen  who  run  about, 
cursing  and  punishing  the  poor  animals  in  a  brutish  way. 

A  strong  odour  of  coffee,  overpowers  all  others.  The  nice  and 
neat  electric  tramcars  that  make  travelling  so  comfortable  in  other 
districts  could  not  be  used  through  these  streets.  To  go  through  them 
in  a  carriage  couldn't  be  done  without  running  risk.  There  is,  howe- 

392  — 

ver,  a  line  of  liorsecars,  narrow  track  (CP60  wide)  running  tlirougli 
this  district. 

Those  who  never  knew  this  aspect  of  Ilio  life,  these  dirty  but  ac- 
tive and  hard  working-  districts,  that  greatness  of  work  and  com- 

Hio.  —  New  Biiildint'S  :  Court  (if  Jiistici* 

merce  in  one  of  the  largest  masses  of  contemporaneous  wealth,  will 
not  see  it  any  more,  as  this  primitive  part  of  the  city  is  disappearing, 
thanks  to  the  harbour  works  that  the  present  administration  has 

We  love  (he  active  cities,  tlic.  luird  working  districts  as  wc  abhor 

—  39:?  — 

the  phuHis  of  idle  peace,  iiiul  we  have  a  iij;lil  lo  feel  so,  as  —  chuciui 
pent,  a  son  gre,  disposer  de  son  lunc.  —  But,  wa  will  never  ieel  any 
l()n<»in<>s  for  the  dusty  districts  ol"  »Sau(le,  Sacco  do  All'er(!s  and 
others.  Let  them  pull  down  all  those  old  buildings. 

In  the  same  case  ai'c  the  districts  of  Castcllo  hill ,  Pinlo ,  Xhcco 
and  other  hills  where;  the  lowest  classes  gather.  These;  liills  oughl 
to  be  thrown  down,  not  only  for  the  horrible  houses,  but  to  allow 
some  fresh  air  in  the  city. 

Capital  Federal  :  The  Municipal  Tiieatre 

The  transfiguration  of  the  Brazilian  metropolis,  initiated  by  Pre- 
sident Rodrigues  Alves,  will  be  work  for  a  long  time,  because  Rio  is 
enormous  in  size,  and  everj^thing  is  to  be  done,  in  order  that  it  may 
become  the  Capital  of  Brazil  as  it  deserves  to  be,  and  as  Brazilians 
would  like  to  see  it  :  that  is,  a  city  with  gardens,  wide  open  ave- 
nues, parks,  bay-side  drives  ,  taking  full  advantage  of  the  magnifi- 
cent position  it  is  in. 

Rio  de  Janeiro,  like  all  the  other  cosmopolitan  cities  has  not  an 
accentuated  physiognomy,  uniform  and  distinct.  It  is  a  monstruous 

—  391-  — 

agglomeration  of  aspects,  a  gathering  of  cities,  formed  by  its  enor- 
mous districts,  some  plain,  some  mountainous,  some  hidden  among 
the  hills,  others  exposed  by  the  sea-shore ,  or  isolated  in  islands 
spread  here  and  there  in  the  bay.  All  these  districts  are  populated  by 
heterogeneous  inhabitants,  arriving  fi'om  all  the  States  in  the  Union 



windows  (I 


III     lliiMln 

and  every  conn  I  ry  in  the  world,  s[)cakingall  the  huigiiagcs  inuigiiuihU', 
In  the  moniiiig  when  the  electric  cars,  that  work  without  intci-- 
ruj)tion,  day  and  night,  anixc  from  the  extreme  ends  of  the  city,  — 
Ciavea,  Ipancma,  l.cnn',  Ucal  (Jranck^/a,  Hotafogo,  etc.  at  (Uie  of  tlic 
central  points  of  the  city,   Carioca    Square,    and   there    i'mpt_\     that 

—  ."{gr, 

crowd  ol  early  workers,  we  see  u  eurious   sight  :   mhm,   of  all    Ivpes 
white,  negroes,  mulatoes,    indians,    Kurnprans,    a    most    phantastic 
auxtnre,  landing  there,  taking  all  di.vetions,  .nainlv  the  coMunereial 
streets,  Urnguayana,    Gonealves    Dias,  Sete  de  Scteinbro.  And  this 
movement    continues   until   ten   or    eleven.    After  that    it   slackens 

Rio.  —  Glass  windows  of  the  Munic-ipal  Tlieatre 

a  little  ,  beginning  anew  in  the  afternoon  ever  since  three 
o'clock.  Then  the  morning  performance  begins  but  in  the  other 
direction.  From  the  streets  coming  from  the  city  and  landing  at 
Carioca  scxuare,  comes  a  constant  crowd  of  men  and  women  , 
native  and  foreigner,  looking  for  the  cars  to  take  them  home.  The 

—  396  — 

news-boys  add  to  the  life  ol"  tlie  scene  crying  out  the  afternoon  })a- 
pers  :  the  Tribunn  and  the  Xoticiii. 

In  another  square  not  far  away,  San  Francisco  w  hich  is  another 
terminus  of  tramway-cars  running  to  other  districts,  the  same  sce- 
nes as  the  Carioca  ones,  are  reproduced.  To  that  point  come  and 
start  tramways  from  and  to  23  different  lines,  all  belonging  to  the 
S.  Cliristovao  line,  with  00  kilometres  of  extension.  There  they 
bring  every  morning  thousands  of  passengers  from  all  points  :  Tiju- 
ca,  Fabrica,  Uruguay,  S.  Cliristovao,  S.  Januario,  Itapagipe,  Ale- 
gria,  Ponta  do  Cajii,  Pedregulho,  Catumby,  etc. 

The  beautiful  Tiradentes  Square  offers  the  same  picture  and  in 
about  the  same  pi'oi^ortions.  Another  large  street  railway  concern, 
the  Villa  Isabel,  empties  its  cars  in  that  square  and  there  receives 
in  the  afternoon  all  that  large  crowd  of  workers,  business  men  rich 
and  poor,  working  men  of  all  classes  who  come  from  their  day's 
labour.  Over  the  Santa  Thereza  hills  is  another  tramway  line, 
also  an  electric  and  trolley  line  passing  over  the  ai-ches  of  an  old 
a(]ueduct,  thus  the  passengers  while  crossing  it  go  over  the  city 
streets  with  the  houses  below  in  wide  open  view,  and  it  is  interest- 
ing to  look  at  the  people  and  carriages  below  looking  like  minia- 
tures. But  as  to  scenery  what  there  is  of  unexcelled  in  Rio  and 
purely  local  is  the  ascencion  to  the  Corcovado  mountain,  ^^'c  hardly 
feel  going  up,  so  softly  the  tramway  runs.  This  line  is  a  fine  piece  of 
engineering,  as  we  said  abovf . 

Indeed  Dr.  Passos  found  a  way  to  plan  that  road,  the  cai-s  start- 
ing right  from  the  basis  of  the  hill,  at  the  end  of  Larangeiras  street, 
and  going  up  to  the  needle  point,  where,  from  an  iron  pavillion 
we  see  the  whole  map  of  the  city  with  its.boundary  lines  :  the  capri- 
cious mountains,  the  lakes,  the  red  spots  of  the  groups  of  buildings, 
cut  through  by  the  streets,  the  towers  and  domes,  as  the  sentries  of 
tlu;  different  districts,  the  forest  of  active  chimneys,  giving  the  only 
sensation  of  life  of  the  wholes,  and  at  last,  framiug  the  conlnscd 
painting  of  the  city,  some  far  away  bluish  hues  of  the  ridge  of 
mountains,  here,  pointy-like  towards  the  air,  there,  in  sweet 
i-ounding  form,  but  everything  far  away,  undistinguishable  and 
confounded  into  a  sea  of  light,  a  blue  lucid  sea. 

But  this  is  not  the  only  belvedere  of  the  city.  There,  iu  the  first 
j)lains  of  th(5  Tijuea  mountains,  are;  parks,  natural  ones,  woods  never 
trod  upon,  fine  roads  open  and  nicely  kei)t  by  the  nuuiieipaliiy, 
grottoes,  cascades,  and  splendid  summer  hotels.  An  electric  i-oad 
starting  from  Urugiuiy  street  takes  the  passengers  and  lonrisls  to 
the  first  plain  of  the  hill.  There,  carriages  can  be  hired  to  go  further 

—  :J97 

up.  The  spectacle  of  that  mysterious   forest   is  channing  and   <M)ni- 
peiisates  the  discomfort  of  the  louo-  trip. 


Considering- its  political  importance  Rio  de  Janeiro  has  few  large 


The  Cxovernment  Palace  which  is  also  the  residence  of  the  Presi- 

Capital  Federal  -  Cnstnicliua  of  ti.e  Passos  street 

dent  is  located  in  Cattete  street.  Though  inside  magnificently  deco- 
rated, its  exterior  is  severe,  and  excessively  heavy.  It  was  lormerly  a 
private  residence.  Its  park,  however,  is  worthy  of  a  kmg  s  palace. 

The  House  of  Congress  can  hardly  be  called  a  palace.  It  is  enougli 
to  say  that  it  was  the  old  jail  in  the  colonial  times.  The  Senate  build- 
ing is  a  little  better,   but  is  in  quite  a  distant  district  from  the  one 

where  the  Congress  building  is.  ,    ,     •       i     hl-p  -ill   the 

The  Police  Barracks  is  a  good   building  but  simple  like  all  tue 

colonial  buildings  with  plain  walls. 

—  35)8 

There  are,  liowever,  some  i)ii])lic  buildings  noted  l)y  llieii-  aielii- 
tectnral  beauty  and  richness  of  material  used.  I  cite,  lor  instance, 
the  Supreme  Court,  in  Primeii-o  de  Marco  Street,  wliicli  T  referred 
to  above.  It  is  a  beautiful  rose  color  stone  and  marble  building,  of 
sumptuous   architecture,   not   only   in    the   nvIioIc,  but  sum])tuoirs'  in 

Hio.  —   l''()iinl;iiii   ill   ihr  .1  Cloi'i.'i  »  C.irdcn 

the  ornani.MitulioH  d, -tails,  l.olh  of  l)ron/c  and  as  well  as  in 
the  internal  d.M-or:itions  wIhmv  there  ar<'  good  specimens  ..f  painliug 
and  sculpt  ui-e  \voi-k. 

The  Stock  Kxehang.-   near  this  building   is  also   a   jtalaee    ..f    im- 
porlane(^  It  n\  as  ph.niied  by;,  i{,a/iliau    archili'ct.    Dr.    liittencourt 

—  400  — 

da  Silva,  and  is  of  Italian  style.  It  is  one  of  the  finest  buildings  in 

The  Candelaria  church,  unfortunately  located  in  the  middle  of 
narrow  streets,  is  a  place  the  visitor  has  to  see.  Externally  it  is  like 
one  of  those  old  European  churches  with  a  majestic  dome  painted 
white  to  symboli/.e  purity.  It  was  planned  and  built  by  Evaristo  da 
Veiga  a  Brazilian  engineer.  It  dominates  all  the  commercial  part  of 
the  city.  The  three  bronze  doors  with  relief  work  are  a  true  woi-k 
of  art.  Inside  it  is  the  richest  church  of  Latin-America,  is  all  dressed 
with  marble  and  in  its  beautiful  ceiling  and  wall  paintings  and 
decorations,  worked  during  twenty  years  the  best  reputed  Brazilian 

The  National  Printing  Office  is  another  pretty  building.  —  desi- 
gned by  Paula  Freitas,  a  Brazilian  architect.  The  same  can  be  said 
of  the  Public  Works  Department  which  is  one  of  the  best  in  the  city. 
The  new  Medical  College  not  yet  finished  in  the  Praia  da  Saudade, 
in  front  of  Pao  do  Assucar  hill,  will  do  honor  to  the  city  both  for  its 
size  and  magnificent  front  looking  to  the  street  that  separates  the 
building  from  the  sea. 

The  Mint,  large  building  in  Praca  da  Uepublica,  imposing  front 
with  columns  and  broad  stony  stairway.  There  are  some  fine  bron/e 

The  City  Hospital  at  Santa  Luzia  shore  is  the  largest  of  its  kind 
in  all  South  America.  Its  portic  of  stone,  is  of  Greek  style,  and  gives 
a  noble  appearance  to  that  numotonous  symetric  building.  To  have 
an  idea  of  the  size  of  this  hospital  it  is  sufficient  to  read  the  follow- 
ing figures  showing  the  movement  in  that  institution  during  1«.I02- 
1903  : 

On  the  Isl  ol'.liily  1902  tiKM-o  wcro 1. 188  i.aliciils. 

During  llu;  year,  .Inly  Isl  '0210  .Inne  ;30lli  O:},  cntcri'd  .     .  i:{.72<.»  patienls. 

Left  the  hospital  during  the  same  year 10.000  |ialienls. 

Died  (luring  the  same  year 2. 8;>o  patients. 

Kemain(!d  in  lli(>  llospilal  lieing  treated  on  .Jurie.'Mlh  1!»0:{.  1.102  patients. 

Besides  this  main  City  Hosi)ital,  maintained  by  a  charitable 
organisation  there  are,  also  maintained  by  the  same  organisation,  the 
Santa  Maria  and  S.  .loao  Haptista  hospitals,  in  Botafogo;  Nossa 
Senhora  da  Saiidc  hospifal ,  (Jamboa;  Nossa  Scnliora  do  Socorro 
li()si)ital,  I'oiila  do  Caju;  Nossa  Senhora  das  Dores  hospital,  Casca- 
dura.  'IMie  number  of  i)atients  in  these  hospitals  averages  Hot),  being 
:irA)  in  the  Sande  district,  120  in  the  S.  .loao  Hai)tista  and  the  balance. 

in  the  In'ginning  of  l'.io:{  llic  total  number   of   patients    in    charge 

—   U)->  — 

of  the  institution  WHS  l.<)70  not  counting-  those  in  tlie  wiirds  of  the 
different  asylums  it  maintains. 

Anotlier  building-  worth  mentioning  is  tlie  Military  scliool,  a  fine 
specimen  of  archilectui-e,  elegant,  nicely  decorated,  but  with  general 
sober  lines  as  it  is  fit  in  an  educational  institute  like  this. 

It  is  located  in  an  awfully  quiet  district,  right  at  the  side  of  the 
Babilonia  hill  which  seems  to  frame  it. 

Another  place  worthy   of  a  visit  is  the  old  Emperor's  Court  at 

llio.  —  The   .Mililiirv    sriii 

S.  Christovno,  in  tlic  disti'ict  of  the  same  name.  It  was  tlu'  winter 
residence  of  the  I<]mi)eroi',  and  the  heaiit  il'iil  park  around  willi  i)ietn- 
res(jue  lak(;s,  avenncs  of  choice  ti'ces,  fine  lawns,  cascades,  etc.  is 
now  utilized  b\-  the  National  Museum  which  is  installed  there,  with 
ethnographic,  archeological  and  natuial  scieiu'cs  sections,  'i'he  visi- 
tor will  i)r()fit  going  in  there,  even  if  the  modest  external  ai)i»eai"anee 
doesn't  please  him  much  with  its  poor  architccturi'. 

Ivio  de  Janeiro  has  many  scientilie  establishments.  One  of  iheni 
is  the  Public  Lil)iai-y  with  ."{(Hi. 000  \-olumes  not  c(Uinliug  tens  of 
thousands  of  manusei-ipts,  rare  pictures,  medals,  precious  docu- 
ments, in  a  modest  building  at  Lapa  S(puue,   iMinning  great  risks  of 

—  404-  — 

a  fire.  Tlie  Navy  Museum  wiiere  an  inteivstiiig  collection  of 
naval-military-history  of  the  country  relics  is  to  be  seen.  The  Navy 
Library  also  is  a  modest  building.  The  Public  Archives  so  precious 
to  those  devoted  to  the  history  of  the  country  has  a  lai'ge  number  of 
precious  documents.  The  Xational  College  of  Fine  Arts,  opens  an 
exception  as  to  its  external  appearance,  has  a  classical  front,  ^vith  a 
majestic  portico,  looking  to  a  small  square  in  the  centre  of  which  is 
the  statue  of  the  celebrated  Brazilian  actor  Joao  Caetano.  The  buil- 
ding, however,  is  getting  too  small  for  the  large  number  of  paint- 
ings   and    marble    works ,    which    grows    lai'ger    every   day.     The 

Hid.  —  llic  Aiiricnl  Kiii|ii'riM\  lloidrnrc  ;il  |iicm'iiI  :  N.iliuiinl  Miisi'iim 

Music  Institute,  wliicli  is  the  institute  of  its  l;ind  willi  tlie  Ix'sl 
ol'lieial  reputation  in  tlie  Soiilli  Auiei'iean  eonlinent.  It  is  a  large 
building  just  at  the  side  of  I  lie  h'ine  Arts  l)uilding.  On  the  outside 
lias  a  severe  ])hysiogn()m_\\  In  tlie  interior  it  lias  a  eoneeri  hall 
hall  Ix'aiit  il'ully  decorated  by  Ilenriiiue  Iternardeili,  the  l)i(>thei' 
of  the  celebrated  sculptor.  'I'he  organ  of  this  institute  is  the  largest 
in  Sontii  America  and  it  was  a  doiniticui  of  tlie  eeleltraled  niiisician 
M  igue/. 

Besides    the    colossal    l*ul)lie    iiibraiy,    t  here  are  many  ot  hers  to 
support  the  intellect  II  al  of  Kio,  such  as  t  he  i-'liiniincnsc  Liluary  with 

—  405  — 

00.000  volumes,  in  a  large  four  story  building  in  Rua  Ouvidoi-;  the 
Anny  Library,  which,  like  that  of  the  Navy,  also  publishes  a  t(!cli- 
uical  magazine,  edited  by  the  major-stalT;  the  Medical  College  and 
rolytcclinical  Academy  Schools  with  TO.OdOand  lu.odo  vohimes,  r(;s- 

Rio.  —  Momiinenl  of  tlio  discovorers  of  Brazil 

pectively  ;  the  Senate  Library  which  was  founded  by  the  late  unfortu- 
nate Manuel  Victorino,  with  30.000  volumes;  the  Congress  Library; 
the  Gabinete  Portuguez  de  Leitura  Library  (a  Portuguese  associa- 
tion) installed  in  one  of  the  most  beautiful  buildings  of  the  city  in 
the  D.  Manoel  historical  style  in  Rua  Luiz  de  Camoes  near  San 
Francisco    Square;    the    Commerce   Library  with    10.000   volumes, 

—    40fi    — 

installed  lately  in  one  of  the  halls  of  the  Stock  Exchange  building- : 
the  Munieii)ality  Library;  the  Club  Brazileiro  Commercial  Library; 
as  well  as  those  of  Germania  Club,  the  Associacao  dos  Empregados 
do  Commercio  one,  and  many  other  smaller  ones. 

There  is  no  improvement  or  industrial  lienefit  that  this  city  of 
Rio  does  not  enjoy  :  telephone,  telegraph,  over  100  periodical  publi- 
cations, important  daily  papers  among  which  we  must  mention  the 
Jornal  do  Commercio,  which  is,  for  the  material  value  of  its  daily 
edition,  as  well  as  for  the  solidity  of  its  economical  resources,  one 
of  the  first  journalistic  enterprizes  of  South  America.  It  was  founded 
about  seventy-five  years  ago. 

The  city  is  illuminated  by  gas,  having  1.5.000  lamps  by  the  diffe- 
rent streets  of  the  city  and  many  of  the  sul)urbs.  There  is  also  a  i)art 
of  the  city  in  the  main  part  of  it,  illuminated  by  electricity.  An 
English  Company  called  a  City  improvement))  disposes  of  the  sewage 
by  a  gallery  system  that  throws  it  into  the  sea  after  being  chemi- 
cally treated. 

The  i)olice  service  is  done  by  a  brigade  with  1.000  men  command- 
ed by  a  Geneial,  the  police  force  being  a  military  organisation.  The 
l)ublic  aid  is  exercised  by  the  authoiities  that  maintain  an  Insane 
Asylum,  a  Poor  House,  a  Plague  Hospital,  a  Children  Reformatoi-y 
and  other  establishments,  and  is  also  rendered  by  40  private  asso- 
ciations as  the  Irmandade  da  Candelaria,  nmintaining  Asylums  and 
hospitals,  the  D.  Pedro  V,  the  Terceira  Penitencia,  the  Carmo,  and 
otlieis,  most  of  them  religious  institutions. 

Rio  de  .Janeiro  is  proud,  and  has  a  right  to  be  so,  of  its  Charity 
institutions,  its  asylums,  its  hospitals,  its  refornmtories  and  found- 
ling institutions.  Xo  other  city  has  them  in  so  hirge  a  numbei-  in 
relation  to  its  size. 

It  is  woi-th  visiting  the  Goncalves  de  Araujo  Asylum  in  S.  Clnis- 
tovao  Square,  the  Lazaros  Hospital,  by  a  charming  shore,  in  a  tine 
building,  the  Reneficencia  Portugueza,  a\  ith  large;  wards  sun-oinuU'tl 
by  gardens  in  Santo  Amaro  Street,  the  Horn  Pastor  Asylum, 
the  Unpi^otectcd  Children,  the  S.  Cornelio,  the  Koundling,  the 
S.  I<'i-ancisc(),  the  Invalidos,  the  S.  .lose,  the  Old  and  I'nprotected, 
the  S.  Francisco  de  Paula,  the  S.  Luiz,  the  Deaf  and  Diiml),  the 
Blind,  and  dozens  of  other  asylums. 

A  vigorous  trait  of  the  Rio  greatness  is  its  nianufai-tiii'ing  indus- 
tiies,  to  which  we  must  add  the  official  establishments  which  arc  of 
industrial  nature,  such  as  the  Military  rifle,  i)owder,  cartridges  and 
other  war  matei-ial  factories,  the  government  shipyards  and  stock 
of  material  for  t  lie  na\\  .    Sucli    cstablislimcuts  are  as  a  rule    bcNond 

—  lo; 

the  city  limits,   in  islands  in   front  of  the  city  or  in  tlio  most  distant 

The  establishments  of  private  industry,  Iio\v(!ver,    arc   spread  all  ■ 
ov(!r,  in  the  city  and  in  the  outskirts,    in   tlic   coiniiicrcial   streets  as 


Kio.  —  Statue  of  Buarque  Maceilo 

Avcll  as  in  the  suburbs,  and  they  represent  all  that  variety  of  common 
industries.  In  the  cities  we  see  flat-iron  factories,  bone  buttons, 
paper  boxes ,  strings  and  ropes,  playing-cards,  card-board  goods, 
cartridges,  shot,  and  other  factories.  There  are  also  breweries, 
cordial   distilleries,   canned  goods  factories,  threading  mills,  disin- 

—  408  — 

fectants,  neckties,  stockings,  soap,  oils,  candles,  suspendors,  caps, 
crockery,  glass-ware  and  crystal-ware,  perfumery,  furniture,  paper, 
matches,  shirts,  preserved  fruit,  woollen  goods,  wagons  and  trucks, 
and  other  factories.  There  are  yet  vinegar  and  soda-water  works, 
pharmaceutical  products,  mosaic  and  tiles,  safes  and  stoves  works, 
book-binderies,  cigar  and  cigarettes  factories,  fruit  flour,  iron 
bridges  and  galleries,  hats,  shoes,  lace,  nails,  lead  pipes,  rubber 
coats,  iron  beds  and  chairs,  wire  "nets,  medicinal  soaps,  acetylene 
gasometres,  coffee  improving  machinery,  sugar,  matte  (Brazilian  tea) 
factories,  rice  and  grain  preparation  Avorks,  wooden  boxes  factories, 
corsets,  clothing,  chocolate,  printing  type,  trunks  and  travellers 
material,  rubber  stamps  and  stencils,  images,  musical  instruments, 
incandescent  light  veils,  cars,  brooms,  cane  baskets,  wooden  orna- 
mentations for  buildings,  wax  candles,  mica  lamp  chimneys,  asphalt, 
artificial  marble,  hai-nesses,  biscuits,  shoeblacking,  wall  paper, 
picture  frames,  artificial  flowers,  leather  tanning,  jewelry ,  vege- 
table oils,  scales,  ice,  thread,  envelopes,  brushes,  flags,  bicycles, 
umbrellas,  fire  works,  tin  boxes,  cement  «  French  »  style  and  com- 
mon tiles,  bricks,  collars  and  other  factories. 

We  do  not  intend  to  make  special  references  as  to  the  banks, 
commercial  enterprises  ,  navigation  companies  ,  railway's  ,  public 
works,  insurances,  etc.  That  would  require  a  large  volume,  but  the 
city  almanacs,  some  as  good  as  the  best  in  Europe,  like  the  Laemmert 
one,  give  detailed  information  about  it.  AVe  will  neither  speak  of 
the  primary  instruction,  in  charge  of  the  municipality,  of  the  many 
colleges  and  academies.  AVe  will,  however,  mention,  the  Xavy  Col- 
lege, Pilots  School,  Medicine  College,  Polytechuical  Academy,  Law 
College,  the  Military  College  and  other  institutes,  no  doubt,  of 
importance,  but  our  limited  space  would  not  allow  it. 

The  tract  of  land  where  is  the  seat  of  the  Federal  Power,  was 
since  the  foundation  of  the  Brazilian  nationality,  reserved  for  thai 
function.  There,  have  been  accumulated,  during  the  whole  history  of 
Brazil's  independent  life,  and  even  much  before  that,  the  national 
official  establishments,  the  barracks,  the  arsenals  and  ship-yards. 
There,  was  centralised  the  mental,  artistic  and  intellectual  direction 
of  the  country.  To  that  Cai)ital  run  all  the  marine  communications, 
and  railways  connect  it  with  several  States.  S,  Paulo,  Miuas,  Kio 
and  Espirito  Santo  hav(;  alrc^ady  closed  the  circle  af  railways  con- 
necting tlieui  with  the  great  nu^tro])olis.  'I'he  road  of  the  Central  ol" 
iirazil    Kailwa\-   reaeliin<>    the   S.    l''i'aneiseo    Kiver,  Haliia.  Alai;t>as. 

—  4-10  — 

Pernambuco,  Paraliy))a  and  Rio  Grande  do  Norte,  Nvliicli  arc  already 
connected,  will  complete  the  whole  sj'stem. 

Soon  we  will  see  some  southern  connections.  Parana  and  Rio 
Grande  do  Sul  on  one  side,  and  Goya/  and  Matto  Grosso,  on  the 
other  will  thus  unite  themselves  to   the  large  net  of  railway  system, 

Suliurlis  dl'  \\\i).  —  Tijuca    hn'ost 

the  centre  of  wliicli  will  al\\  ays  1)C  the  t'apital  of  the  Kci)ul)lic,  to 
which  nature  giving-  it  one  of  the  most  advantageous  location  in  the 
l)lanet,  assui'cd  beforehand  the  destiny,  the  greatness  of  which,  wc 
onl,\'  can  conj(U'turc  to-day. 

'I'hc  causes   of  great   social   phcnonicna   arc    numerous.  l?ut  ihcv 

—  412  — 

nover  met  in  such  a  lar^t;  numljcr  to  explain  the  supei-iority  of  a 
city  over  others  of  its  time  as  they  have  done  in  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
since  its  orif»in,  being-  surrounded  both  by  natural  advantages  and 
prodigalities  of  cluuu'c. 


*     * 

Until  1*J();>  very  little  was  done   to   improve  in  a  satisfactory  way 
the    conditions   of   this   great    city  of  Rio  dc  .lanciro.    though    many 


TIk>  Mint 

pi'omiiiciit  Brazilians  atlcmi)tcd  to  do  it.  W'c  could  cncu  mention  a 
good  number  of  proj(Hits,  c^ach  one  the  most  worthy  of  l)cing  appri'- 
cialed,  ])laniied  by  men  of  advanced  ideas.  Of  all  these  the  most 
noted  were  those  of  the  laic  vice-president  Manocl  \ii'torino,  whicli 
would  completely  transform  tlu'  ohl  city,  shoiihl  it  l)c  realised,  those 
of  Senatoi's  'Ih'ovao  and  Alvaro  Macha(U),  being  also  projects  of  wide 
sc()])e,  the  one  of  Dr.  \iciia  Souto,  an  engineer  of  iu)te  in  Kio,  and 
so  many  others  \\c  do  not  now   rcnicnilx'r.  All  (hcsc    projects,  how  e- 

--    Hi   — 

ver  ,  were  posti)()ned  rrom  time  to  time  I'oi-  several  causes,  and  did 
iiotliiiig-  else  l)nt  to  activate  the  general  anxiety  of  the  population 
that  every  day  claimed  loudei-  :ind  louder  the  solution  of  that  f)ld 

When  President  Rodrigues  Alves  was  elected  and  went  into  po- 
wer in  1U02,  his  first  care  was  to  select  a  man  able  to  undertake 
that  achievement.  He  appointed  for  the  place  of  Public  Works  Se- 
cretarv.    Senator  Lauro   Midler,   an  engineer,   whose  ideas  on  the 

Dr.  tiMliiii'l  .luni|U('ii':i, 

the  constnictni's  (it  llie  (liMilnil  Avt'iuic 

subject  were  already  known  for  a  hmg  tim(\  Once  decided  that  the 
whole  of  work  recpiired,  ought  not  to  burden  the  ordinary  budget  of 
the  Government,  a  loan  was  raised  of  £8.000.000,  abroad,  spe- 
cially for  those  improvements,  adding  to  this  another  home  loanof 
£  4.000.000  contracted  by  the  Municii)ality  of  the  City  of  Kio. 
With  these  two  i-esources  the  Government  l)egan  the  great  imi)ro- 
vements  which  are  ti-ansformiug  altogether  the  City  of  Kio  de 

The  Secretary  of  Pul)lic  Works  after  having  studied  in  detail  ;dl 
tlie  |)rojectsand  ideas  until  then  in  mind  as  to  the  sanitary  imjjrove- 


mentsand  cnibellisliiDj^of  UuM'ity,  siil)iiii1  ted  to  President  Kodiinnes 
Alves  the,  general  plan  oi'  the  works,  which  tlio  Decree  n"  l.'.iii'.i  on 
the  l<Sth  ol'Septenibcu-,  lUlK!  declared  approved,  giving-  pow(!rlo  desap- 
propriate  all  <>ronnds  and  houses  needed  lor  such  woi'ks,  and  a  spe- 
cial fund  was  reserved  to  pay  for  the  services. 

Tlie  S.  Francisco  cliiii'di 

The  main  part  of  this  plan  was  :  1st.,  the  construction  of  a  large 
commercial  quay  for  the  ships  to  come  alongside,  in  an  extension  of 
3.500  metres ;  2nd,  the  construction  of  a  large  avenue  parallel  with 
this  quay  with  3.500  metres  length  and  40  metres  wide ;  3rd,  the 
rectification  and  prolongation  to  the  sea  of  the  interior  canal  known 

—    11  (5  — 

as  ((  Man^iie  »  in  an  extension  of  3.000  metres  lined  by  two  avenues 
witli  rows  of  ])alm-trees,  illuminated  by  electrieity  with  10  metres 
width  each  ;  1th,  the  elevation  of  the  railroad-bed  to  a  viaduct  o  metres 
above  the  street  level,  and  construction  of  an  avenue  on  the  Fran- 
cisco Eugenio  Street,  straight  until  the  Quinta  da  Boa  Vista,  the  old 
residence  of  the  late  Emperor;  5th,  enlargement  of  water  supply  for 
the  city,  taking  in  all  the  near  by  sources;  Gth,  general  revision  of 
sewage  piping,  improving  all  that  service   by   adopting  all   modern 

)'   l>t'l-\('lcliiii,   Kiiniiiccr 

iiiipi'()V(Mnenl-s;  7th.,  the  consti'iict  ion  of  an  avenue  of  1  .S()()  meti'es 
length  and  :>:{  wide;  Sth,  tin;  throwing  down  of  some  hills  in  the  i-ity 
and  improving  of  the  (juay,  (railway,  elect i-ic  illununation,  storage 
houses,  etc.)  and  finally  the  enlarging  of  certain  cross-st I'eels  cros- 
sing the  great  Aocnid;!  (Ivnlrul. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  new  Mayoi'  of  tlie  city.  X^^v.  l-'rancisco 
J^assos,  selected  l)y  the  President  to  help  and  conijdete  the  work  of 
his  ScM'retary,  l)i-.  Laiiro  Miillei',  promoted  the  enlargement  of  other 
streets,  the  construction  of  a  beautifid  avenue  —  bay-siile  tlrivc. 
along  tlui  riv(M'  or  bay  front,  with  T.iHK)  nu'tn^s  hMigth  and  35  nuMres 

—  n: 

^vi(le,  tlie  substitnt(3  ol'  tlu;  old  ])av(Mn('n(  of  (lie  sd-ccts  lor  :isi)li;ili 
and  other  modern  ones,  and  scvtiral  other  woi-ks  to  aid  rmlx-Hisliiii;; 
the  city,  gardens,  scliool  houses,  ete. 

The  rejoicement  of  the  p()i)uhition  was  unusual,  the  i:u<;iii(U'rs 
Ckib,  noted  association  of  teclmieal  men,  ordeied  a  bronze  sij^n  cast, 
with  the  name  of  Dr.  Ro(h-ioues  Alves,  the  President,  and  liis  Public 
Works  Secretary  Dr.  Lauro  Midler,  phicing  it  under  great  sob-iu- 
nity  in  the  seat  of  their  meetings,  on  tlie  2.Stli  of  September  ]<»(»:{. 

Rio.  —  Pari  (if  llio  New  Avimhic 

With  promptness  the  luirbour  works  were  contracted  with  the 
Knglish  firm  Walker  «&  Co.  of  London  on  the  "itith  of  Septeu)l)er,  all 
the  work,  how^ever,  to  be  directed  by  Brazilian  technical  men,  under 
the  charge  of  the  noted  engineer  Francisco  Biealho. 

Afterwards  the  different  services  were  distributed,  taking  inin 
consideration  the  prompt  execution  of  the  work.  Kngineer  Souio 
took  charge  of  the  administration ;  Dr.  Manoel  Maria,  the  general 
management  of  the  service;  Dr.  Biealho,  the  chief,  the  woi-ks  of  the 

—  41»  — 

Mangiie  Canal,  quite  a  complex  work:  Dr.  Dcl-Veechio,  has  in 
charge  the  building  oC  the  quay  and  all  the  hydraulic  woiks:  Dr. 
Frontin  took  charge  of  the  Central  Avenue. 

Dr.  Midler  was  the  author  of  that  beautiful  avenue,  one  of  tlie 
prettiest  sights  of  Rio  de  Janeiro.  It  was  he  who  first  had  the  idea 
of  connecting  the  projected  quay  with  the  central  streets  in  the  com- 
mercial district  by  means  of  a  large  avenue  and  not   by   means  of 

liio.  —   New    IJiiiMiiigs 

tunnels  as  il  was  first  thought  when  they  considered  tlie  Ki<t  projects 
of  reform. 

On  (lie  Nth  of  March,  I'.KH,  l()oki)lacc,  with  great  joy  on  the 
part  of  the  i)opulation  ,  the  inauguration  of  the  work  of  that  ave- 
nue, in  the  presence  of  President  Uodrigues  Alves  and  other  high 
officials.  Then  was  placed  the  foundation  stone  of  the  buildings 
n"  2,  4  and  (i  of  the  new  Avenue.  All  the  Rio  newsi)apers  celebrated 
this  dati^  and  the  public  joined  them  in  that  celebration,  speaking 
of  nothing  (ilse. 

As  \\v.  said  al)OV(^,  tin;  idem  of  Ihc^  o[)eiiing  of  that    street    w  as    the 

—  420  — 

outcome  of  the  iiec(>ssity   of  allowing-  an  ontlet    lor  the  niovenient  of 
the  port,  as  the  accumulation  and  crowding  of  traffic  would  he  into- 
lei-able  in  the  old  narrow  streets  once  the  quay  would  be  finished. 
The  Central  Avenue  cost  about  35.000  contos,  owing  to  the  high 

II  II ■  I 

Uu).  —  Ni'w  l!iiil(iiiij;s 

price  for  desai)i)roi)riating  the  buildings  that  had  to  be  i)nlletl  down. 
'Pheii'  nmnbcr  was  (lOj,  all  of  tlicni  jjulled  down  in  less  than  thi-c*' 
iiioiilhs.  It  was  canicst  woi-k  and  was  done  bv  double  teams  ol 
worknu'u  that  substituteil  (^ach  oilier  every  morning  ami  <'\ening. 
'i'liei'e  were  about  :>. ()()(»  woi-knuMi. 

—  \Jl  — 

Tlie  open  region,  taking- tlie  massive  of  (In-  buildings  ol  tin;  old 
oity,  had  the  length  of  1.800  metres,  and  the  width  (.f7;j  metres,  being 
:«  for  the  bed  of  the  avenne  and  20  on  eatdi  side  for  the  mtw  buil- 
dings. The  plan  is  in  perfect  straight  line,  from  sea  to  sea,  which 
affords  a  beautiful  perspective. 

The  works  run  so  quickly  that  on  tlie  loth  of  Xovembre  I'MTj, 
twenty  months  afterwards  the  new  street  was  inaugurated.  Dr.  Fron- 
tin  executed  with  the  greatest  of  successes  Secretarv  Midler's  idea. 

Rid.  —  Now  ljiiiltliiii>s 

The  Avenida  Central,  which  has  just  been  finished,  measures  iV\)6 
metres  from  sea  to  sea.  Has  So  metres  width,  being  11»  for  the  pave- 
ment and-  7  for  each  of  the  sidewalks.  The  longitudinal  profile  of  the 
Avenue  is  as  follows  :  Level  in  the  first  40  m.  beginning  in  Rua  do 
Acre  (X.) ;  it  rises  ^/  until  Benedictinos  street;  follows  level 
until  General  Camara  Street :  between  this  street  and  Hospicio  rises 
\/i. 000 ;  between  Hospicio  and  Ouvidor  is  level;  between  Ouvidor 
and   Sete   de   Setembro   rises   V  ;    from   Sete   de    Setembro    to 

—  422  — 

Manoel  de  Carvallio  rises ''/ ;  remaining-  level  in  all  the  exten- 
sion of  the  Municipal  Theatre,  where  from  at  last  lowers  ''/ 
until  Bay-Side  Drive. 

The  side  walks  have  an  inclination  of  0"',lb,  a  little  more  than  2  % 
which  is  sufficient  for  the  waters  outlet. 

The  pavement  of  the  street  bed  forms  a  slight  circle  arch  0, "'32 
high  in  the  centre. 

Ca|iiltil  Federal.   —   Pavilion  iri  llie  S.  Louis'  Exiiibilioii  erected  on  tlie  Central  Avenue 

In  the  centre  of  the  Avenue  they  planted  .")3  Puo  lirnzil  trees,  in 
flower  beds  5  metre  long  and  2  wide,  and  at  a  distance  of  ;)3,'"33  from 
one  to  the  other.  The  Klectric  light  posts  with  three  lamps  eaclt, 
are  also  in  tlui  centre  and  55  in  uuiuber,  being  at  the  same  dis- 
tance of  each  other  as  the  trees  are. 

On  the  sidewalks  they  are  also  going  to  plant  trees,  IT.'i  on  tlic 
odd  sid(!  and  Ido  on  the  even  side.  There  are  also  the  gas  illumi- 
nation ])osts  50  on  (nich  side. 

The  ])uildings  lining  the  Avenue  are  of  tine  arcliiteel  ure,  li:i\itiu' 

—  J2:<  — 

on  an  average  20  metres  lieight,  there  being  however  a  IVw,  with 
10,  oO,  ()0  and  even  more.  Tliosc  ai-e  buildings  that  would  do  honour 
to  any  lai-ge  European  eitv. 

Onee  we  have  spoken  of  the  Ceinlral  A^(■nu(■,  we  must  say  soum- 
thing  of  the  other  one  —  A  Avenida  Beira  Mar  —  (liiver-Side  Diive 
or  Bay-Side  Avenue)  projected  after  the  Avenida  Central,  but 
nearly  completed, 

This  avenue  has  7  kilometres  in  length,  it  is  really  a  bay-side 
drive.  It  begins  just  where  tlie  Avenida  Central  ends,  and  follows 
along  the  river  front  througli  the  many  curves  of  tlie  city  contour  till 
Botafogo  bay,  a  beautiful  curve  enclosed  by  the  green  frame  of 
high  hills. 

This  beautiful  work  is  due  to  the  Mayor  of  tho  city  who  is  in  an 
admirable  way  completing  Dr.  Miiller's  system  of  improvements. 

Another  improvement  now  in  via  of  realisation  is  the  extension 
of  the  Mangue  canal.  The  works  executed  there  are  worthy  of  note. 
The  canalization  of  the  little  rivers  in  this  part  of  the  city  is  made  by 
means  of  a  canal  3  kilometre  long  enclosed  in  stone  walls  crossed  by 
metallic  bridges,  of  artistic  style.  The  old  canal  had  but  1  '/s  kilome- 
tre in  length  with  12  metres  sections  and  only  a  little  over  1"'  50  of 
depth.  Xow^  it  was  extended  to  3  kilometres,  the  section  20  metres, 
and  depth  3  metres.  As  the  ground  through  which  it  run  was  not 
very  steady,  they  steadied  it  by  means  of  posts  19  metres  deep.  The 
plan  of  the  canal  consists  of  two  tangent  lines  forming  almost  a  right 
angle,  connected  by  a  nice  curve.  This  canal  acts  as  an  outlet  for 
the  rain  waters  as  well  as  the  waters  of  the  small  rivulets  of  that  part 
of  the  city.  It  could  not  be  used  for  navigation  except  of  very  small 

Besides  the  Avenida  Central  there  are  many  streets  worth  men- 
tioning, among  which  are  :  the  Uriigiiayiina,  17  metres  wide  with  fine 
buildings  and  asphalt  pavement;  the  Assembled.,  also  17  metres  wide 
probably  prettier  than  the  other ,  having  a  charming  perspective 
upon  the  sea;  the  Carzoca  Street  between  the  square  of  the  same 
name,  at  the  end  of  Assemblea  Street  and  Visconde  do  Rio  Branco ; 
they  are  almost  in  straight  line,  and  form  altogether  a  road  of  over 
2.000  metres  length ;  the  Floriaiw  Street  has  24  metres  width  and 
nearly  1.000  length,  with  its  natural  extension  /lc7-e  Street;  the  Treze 
dei\/a/o,  17  metres  wide;  the  Passos  Avenue,  extension  of  the  old 
Sacramento  Street;  the  Inhauma  with  30  metres  width.  All  of  them 
are  paved  with  asphalt  and  were  opened  or  widened  at  the  sacrifice 
of  1200  old  buildings  that  wxre  pulled  dow^n.  Such  is  the  energy  with 
which  in  the  last  three  years  the  habitation,  sanitary  conditions  and 

—  424  — 

aesthetic  problems  of  the  Kio  city  have  been   taken  care  of. 

The  buildings  follow  the  same  vigorous  impulse.  In  1003  there 
were  900  new  buildings  constructed  in  Rio  and  400  reconstructions. 
In  1904  there  were  1200  new  buildings  put  up  and  800  reconstruc- 
tions. Rio  de  Janciio  had  then  84.090  houses  inhabited  while  in  1890 
only  had  llJVM.  Tliis  illustrates  the  pi-ogress  of  the  last  few  years. 

.Just  now  the  buildings,  both  private  and  i)ublic,  in  Rio,  arc 
undergoino-  a  considerable  ti-ansformation,  and  while  there  are  to  be 

Hid.  —   Ni'w    l!nil(liii"s 

seen  yet  in  many  places  houses  of  the  colonial  tyjx',  all  the  new 
buildings  are  of  the  most  modci'u  designs,  showing  how  the  cily  is 
becoming  Kui'opean  like  and  how  the  capital  is  growing  in  wealth. 
An)ong  lh(^  new  buildings  we  will  mention  a  few,  some  finished  al 
time  ol'  w  riling,  others,  nearly  finished,  others  just  started  : 

The  Congress  Palace,  (he  most  notable  one  in  all  South  Ameiiea. 
occupying  12.000  scpiare  metres,  in  fi'ont  of  Tiradentcs  Scjuai'c,  sur- 
rounded 1)\'  liio  lintiico,  r'o//.s7/7/z/c;"}(>  and  (ioincs  7'7t//'(' streets.  Its 
cost   is  estimated  al    l.^.OOOiOOOSiOOO. 

—  425  — 

The  Municipal  Tl.eatre,  with  n.arblo  front,  bron.e  decorations 
and  a  dome  1.  metres  high,  vahied  at  :U)00:0(K.?(,„„  ],„il,  l.v  .Ih- 
Brazilian  Architect,  Oliveira  Passos. 

The  bnihling  of  the  S.  Paulo  -  Kio  (irand,.,  a  Hra.ilian  Kail^^av 

lliu.  —  Aew  BuildiJias 

concern,  of  gothic  style,  simulating  a  castle  of  middle  age  times,  has 
SIX  floors,  30  metres  of  height,  estimated  at  900:0t)0S000  built  b\- 
the  Brazilian  architect,  Silva  Costa.  It  will  be  one  of  the  beauties  of 
the  city. 

The  Jardim  Botanico  Street  Railway  Co.,  French  style,  &2  metres 

—  i2fi  — 

front,  33  metres  high,  the  eeiitre  body  with  (i  lloors,  the  side  ones 
four.  It  will  oeeupy  a  whole  block,  is  divided  by  a  gallery,  in  the 
style  of  the  Passage  Joffroy,  in  Paris,  the  Vittorio  Emmanuele,  in 
Milan,    and    Umberto    Primo,    in    Turin.    Its    cost    is  estimated  in 

Kid.  —   N<'\v   ltiiil»liii}is 

2. 000 :()00$( )()().    its   iircliitect   is   ("aminhoa  and    it   is  the  property  ol 

The  Naval    Club   uew-elassic   style  ,    five  story  high  iu  the  luain 
bodv  and  four  in  the  side  ones.  Its  ;ii-ehiteet  is  lUv/.i.    It    will  l>e   one 

—  427  — 

of  the  best  buildings  in  the  Avenida  Central  and  its  cost  is  cstiniatrd 
at  800:0008000. 

The  Caixa  de  Aniortisaeao  biiihlin<;-,  ehissic  styh',  with  a  sei'ies 
of  beautiful  \\hite  and  rose  marble  eolumns,  ^vith  bronze  tops.  Its 
cost  is  estimated  at  1.200:()00$000.  Its  architect  is  Gabiiel . I  im(|iiein». 

The  Joriial  do  liruzil  building,  n)ai"ble  front,  lai'ge  and  original 
dome,  50  metres  high.  Its  architect  is  Mr.  Berna,  the  i)roj)rietors 
are  Brazilians. 


New  Buildings 

The  Jornal  do  Commercio  building,  seven  floors,  high  tower,  (TJ 
metres  high,  stone  and  marble  front.  Its  cost  is  estimated  at 
2.000:000S000,  its  owners,  Brazilians. 

Palace  of  the  Exhibition,  the  same  building  as  the  one  repre- 
senting Brazil  at  the  St.  Louis  Exhibition,  45  metres  high,  built  by 
the  Brazilian  Architect  Souza  Aguiar. 

Guinle  &  Co.  building,  beautiful  stone  front,  8  floors  52  metres 
high,  owned  by  Brazilians  and  its  cost  estimated  at  1.000:0008000. 

Docas  do  Santos  building,  fine  floors,  built  by  the  Brazilian  Ar- 

—    12H  — 

chitect  Ramos  Azevedo  and  owned  by  Brazilians.  Its  cost  is  estinuilcd 
at  1.200:000$000. 

Xational  Librai-y,  stone,  marble  and  iron,  five  floors,  4~j  metres 
high,  built  by  the  Brazilian  architect  Dr.  Aguiar.  Its  cost  is  esti- 
mated at  3.000:000$000. 

Kio.  —  .\»'\v  Huildiiij^s.  —  I  lie  iialiice  of  llii'  diiilv  |i.i|i('r  :  «  (t  .hiiiial  do  ('.(inmicrcid  ». 

'I'he  indication  of  nationality,  wliich  \\(^  have  taken  i)ains  (o 
show,  serves  to  iliusti-ate  to  those  who  do  not  know  Rio  ch^  Janeiro, 
the  efficient  contribution  that  native  elements  are  l)ringing  lownrds 
the  developjueni  and  transl'ormation  of  Kio  de  Janeiro  wlierelo- 
reign  capital,  intelligence  and  activity,  will  find  a  vast  field  to  ope- 

--  429  - 

1-ate  ui)()ii,  witli  pi-ofitiiblc  rosnlls  l)y  the  adlicsioii  :iiiil  aid  of  tlic  do- 
minant ideas  anion*;-  the  nalives. 

We  will  not  elose  these  few  lines  on  the  rapid  i)ro^r(!ss  Itio  has 
nndergone  during-  the  last  few  years  without  speaking  of  an  ent(M-- 
prise  we  referred  to  above,  which  lias  initiated  its  work  and  will  he 
the  most  important  of  all  lluMniprovemonts  the  groal  ('ai)i(al  is^nin^ 
to  he  presented  witli. 

AVe  refer  to  the  Harbour  work   tlic  main  feal  urc  of  t  lie  plans  ('(.n 

|{i,,.  —  The  New  «  li'('zt>  do  .Marco  »  Street 

ceived  and  being-  executed  by  the  present  Secretary  of  public  Works, 
Dr.  Lauro  Miiller. 

Though  Rio  possessed  one  of  the  largest  and  best  anchorage  places 
of  the  world,  by  the  beauty,  depth  ami  safety  of  the  bay,  its  poi)u- 
lation  has  been  longing  for  the  last  (U)  years  for  these  benefits  en- 
joyed by  nearly  every  sea-port  city  of  the  world  —  a  dock  system 
alongshore,  that  the  ships  might  come  alongside  to  load  and  unload. 

This  was  a  general  anxiety  continually  expressed,  by  every  one, 

—  i-w  — 

but  owing-  to  certain  cii-cuiustances  wliicli  can  all  be  reduced  to  this  : 
lack  of  a  resolute  and  broad  minded  government,  —  the  plans  and 
projects  for  the  hai-bour  works  were  being  postponed  from  time  to 
time  in  spite  of  their  pressing  need.  The  situation  was  just  this  when 

l^^rr^    ^ 

Itio.  —   Vi'W   Hiiildiiii 

President  liodriguesAlves  invited  to/  tlie  place  (»!'  Tiiblic  W'ork^ 
Secretary  Dr.  Lauro  Midler. 

We  will  now  give  some  detaihul  information  about  this  iinpr«>vc- 
ment  now  under  way  : 

The  Rio  dc;  .laneii-o  poiL  improvements  work  comprisiis  : 


FiusT.  —  T1h3  building'  of  ;i  long  stone  (|niiy,  with  suiricicnt  (l('])tli 
for  ships  and  steamers  of  any  draught  coming  alongside,  with  a 
large  number  of  iron  landing  stairways  attached  to  the  (luay,  fas- 
tening ])osts,  double  stone  stairway  at  tlie  curves.  This  (juay  accor- 

Kid.  —  .Nc\N    l!uil(liiij;s 

ding  to  the  adopted  ])i-()iecl  goes  from  the  extension  ol  S.  ( 'liristo\  ;U) 
street  to  llic  neiglilxu-liood  of  the  Navy-N  ard,  eomprising  tlif  inner 
bays  in  front  of  the  Mo(;as,  Meloes,  Saeco  do  Alfeics,  (iamlioa  ami 
Saude  old  islands  and  has  ;{.r)(»()  meti'cs  in  length. 

Sia'OM).  -     The    filling    of    all    tlic    area    conipiiscd    between    i1h' 

—  4-34  — 

future  quay  and  the  river  front.  In  some  places  the  distance  between 
these  two  points  is  2o()  metres  as  it  happens  in  the  Saude  inner  hay, 
the  deptli  of  tlie  water  varying  between  1  and  7  metres. 

Third.  —  Dredging  till  10  metres  distance  from  the  space  destin- 
ed to  th(^  setting  of  foundation  caissons,  and  quay  wall,  and  a  band 


.New   Ituildiii^s 

250  metres  in  width,  forming  the   channel    so   thai    ships  can  come 
alongside  without  any  ti-oublc. 

Fourth.  —  TIk;  oix'iiing  of  an  avenue  :ih)ngsi(h'  the  (luay,  mea- 
suring 100  nu^tres  in  width ,  of  wliicli  S)  metres  are  rescrvcii  for 
i*ail way  tracks,    ;>5  metres   lor   tht;    l)uiiding  of  imjjorts  and  exports 

435  — 

storage  houses  and  administrations  offices  ,   and   lo  metivs  iiicelv 
paved  and  with  rows  of  trees  for  public  thorouglifare. 

Fifth.  —  Construction  of  the  quay,  comprising-  the  most  modern 
macliinery  used  for  lioisting,  h)ading  and  unh)ading  tlie  ships.  Two 

Rio. —  New  Buildings.  —  OIliL-es  of  the  daily  \)i\\n'v  :  «  o   Paiz 

stations  in  convenient  places  with  the  necessarj'  machinery  to  furnish 
electric  power  to  the  machinery  and  electric  light  for  the  illnmina- 
tion  of  the  whole  quay. 

Sixth.  —  Utility  of  the  neighboring  islands  as  deposits  of  inflam- 
mable goods,  coal,  and  other  port  exactions,  increasing  its  area 
if  needed,  filling  up  the  space  between  them  and  near  by  i-ocks. 

—  436  — 

Tlie  \vorks  of  Nvall  building  oomprising-  the  di-edgiiig  and  filling 
were  contracted  on  the  'iltli  of  September  1  *.>();],  by  the  govei-nniont 
with  the  well  known  house  of  C.  H.  "Walker  &  Co.,  of  London. 

The  work  was  inaugurated  on  the  29th  of  March,  IVK)},  initiating 
on  that  day  in  front  of  Saude  bay  the  service  of  dredging  tlie  i)oit. 
On  the  first  days  of  January  ]'.»()  1  the  bottom  of  the  bay  has  been 
duly  di-odged  all  along  the  line  of  the  1st  section  of  (|ua,\-  measuring 

l!i(i.  —  .\i'\\    liiiildiiii^s 

."OO  in(!ti'(?s  and  the  contractors  initiated   the  woi'k  of   the    wail    eon- 
structiou  selling  llie  first  aiissoii  with  the  order  niinil)t'r  -]'.'>-. 

Uy  llie  end  of  April  I'.Hi.j  two  sections  of  wall  were*  I'cady  till  the 
average  tide  height.  On  May  1st,  in  i)rcsence  of  His  I^xcellency  Prt'- 
sident  Kodiigiies  Alves,  the  Mayor  of  the  City,  the  Members  of  the 
(Jabinet,  Congressmen  and  Senators,  high  officials  both  ei\  il  and 
military  ones,  business  nu'ii  and  representatives  of  all  classes, 
the  inauguration  of  the  (piay  work  took  place,  fixing  on  the  external 
sid(;  of  tlu^  wallai)late  coiniiieiiioiatiug  this  act.  l''igui'e  n"  1  shows 
the  sections  we  spoke  of.   as  well  as  the  inaugiiiat  ion   plate  attached 

—  437  — 

to  the  Stone  containinjr  the  record  of  the  ixoccedinjrs,  ncwspaix-i-s 
of  that  day  and  several  coins  of  the  country. 

According- to  the  clause  XIV  of  the  contract   all   ilic    work    must 
be  finished  by  June,  30th,  1<)10  obeying- to  the  following-  progress  : 

On  the  30th  of  June,  19n() ;J00  iin'tn-s. 

»  »  »      15I0T ;iO() 

»  »  »       1908 «()(»       „ 

»  »  »       1900 7fi()       » 

»  »  »         1910 1(1(10  „         |,;,|;,|ic(; 

to  make  up  the  total  of niiOO  moln's. 

Rio.  —  Construct  ion  of  the  Canal  do  Mangue 

To  determine  the  solid  layer  at  the  bottom  where  the  foundation 
caissons  have  to  be  supported,  which  is  a  part  of  the  construction 
system  adopted,  as  well  as  for  the  calculation  of  the  total  volume  of 
land  to  be  excavated  and  recognizance  of  several  layers  of  ground 
placed  upon  the  solid  one,  many  perforations  were  made  in  the  direc- 
tion of  the  projected  quay,  and  elsewhere  in  transversal  direction, 
in  some  points  becoming  necessary  to  find  out  the  inclination  or 
profile  of  those  layers. 

—  438  — 

The  system  of  construction  adoj)ted  for  the  qua}'  was,  the  com- 
pressed air  one,  bj^  means  of  caissons  made  of  iron,  identical  to 
those  used  lately  in  the  port  of  Antwerp. 

Two  large  floating- scaffolds,  constituted  by  two  pontoons  attach- 
ed to  each  other  by  iron  frames,  carry  suspended  bj'  two  strong- 
steel   chaims,  the  respective   dryers,  measuring  12  metres  high,  25 

Kio.  —  Statuo  of  Viscdiinl  do  Itio  Hraiici 

metres  long,  and  (j.(')0  metres  wide.  Underneath  these  apparatus  they 
introduce  the  ironra/  or  boxes  which  have  the  same  dimensions, 
with  the  exception  of  the  height  which  is  only  2, '"50.  By  means  of 
screws  adapted  to  tlie  internal  walls  of  the  dryer,  ami  holes  in  (lie 
caissons  hel])e(l  by  rubber  between  these  (wo  pieces,  a  close  attach- 
ment of  the  two  is  operated  so  that  when  it  all  sinks  down  into  (he 

—  440  — 

water,  the  caisfion  is  water  proof.  When  the  lowering  fails  centri- 
fugal pumps  are  put  to  work  moved  by  electricity. 

The  caisson,  the  main  part  of  the  system  of  construction  adoj)ted, 
is  formed  by  strong  cramp-irons  solidly  united  and  supported  by 
steel  beams  0,70  thick.  The  four  outside  faces  are  dressed  by  iron 
plates  as  well  as  the  inside  under  the  beams.  The  caisson  is 
divided  into  two  parts  :  one  constituted  by  beams  and  empty  spaces 

Hio.  —  New   l{iiil(liiit;s 

left  by  the  spaces  of  the  cramp-irons,  and  the  other  slightly  arclu'd 
or  vault-like  roof,  open  at  the  bottom,  forming  the  «  work  chamber  » 
where  latei"  on  the  working-men  have  to  get  in  when  charged  of  the 
excavation  of  the  bottom  and  of  the  provocation  for  the  penetration 
of  the  caissons  through  the  layers  at  the  bottom.  For  that  reason, 
tlic  roof  of  llic  work  cliainbci-  lias  four  circular  oi)cuings  0,7(t  m.  in 
dlametre,  destined  to  receive  the  chiume\s  t'oi-  llie  entranci'  ol"  tlic 
workmen  and  material. 

Protected  by  the  first    cliinmeys   in   t  lie  openings  ol'  the  caisson's 

—  441  — 

roof,  they  immediately  fill  the  upper  part  of  the  caisson  with  (•cinciit 
or  rather  beton,  forming  thus  the  plate  or  ground  on  wliicli  tlic  first 
stones  of  the  ^vall  have  to  be  phu-ed.  Then  tlie  masons  l)egin  ihc  con 
structicm  of  the  wall  in  the  intci-ior  of  tlic  (liycr,  always  suppoitcd 
by  ropes  and  chains  and  at  the  proportion  it  grows  llic  dry(!r  is  lower- 
ed to  relieve  the  cargo  that  chains  and  ropi^s  supi)or(.  When  liic 
work  reaches  about  t  metres  of  height,  they  manoeuvre  convenien- 
tly the  floating  scaffold  by  means  of  the  eight  anchors  of  the 
pontoons,  and  once  in  the  alignement  of  the  quay,  they  let  the  cais- 
son down,  with  the  work  already  done  on  toj)  of  it  loosening  the 
dryer  from  everything  that  fastens  it.  During  the  sinking  of  the 
caisson  into  the  water  they  always  heigten  the  chimneys  to  avoid 
the  entrance  of  water,  so  that  when  the  caisson  touches  the  bottom, 
these  reach  their  utmost  height.  On  this  occasicm  they  adapt  an 
apparatus,  the  machinery  begins  to  work  compressing  the  air  in  the 
work  chamber. 

The  workmen  in  groups  of  12  to  IS,  who  are  relieved  every  eight 
houi's,  descend  to  that  compartment  and,  helped  by  syphons  which 
expel  what  they  excavate  or  dig  at  the  proportion  it  gathers  in  the 
chamber,  they  provoke  the  descent  of  the  caisson  through  the  seve- 
ral layers  of  the  bottom. 

Once  reached  the  solid  layer  and  this  one  being  completely  clean 
and  levelled,  it  is  immediately  filled  with  cement  concrete.  When 
this  operation  is  finished  they  continue  the  work  of  the  wall  till  the 
height  of  the  avei'age  tide.  They  then  loosen  the  screws  that  attached 
the  caisson  to  the  drj^er,  they  allow  the  water  to  enter  the  dryer  and 
thus  relieved,  it  is  once  more  attached  to  the  chains  which  suspend 
it  again  and  thus  is  the  apparatus  ready  for  the  construction  of  a 
new  section  of  wall.  Each  section  measures  23,50  metres  in  length. 

The  w^ork  to  finish  the  wall  on  its  upper  part  is  done  during  low 

Figure  n°  ^.  —  Shows  Ihe  caisson  inside  the  water  ready  to  be 
put  in  proper  place  under  the  dryer. 

Figure  n°  5.  —  Shows  the  caisson  in  the  act  of  entering  under 
tlie  dryer. 

Figure  n°  6.  —  Shows  one  of  the  floating  scaffolds  with  the  dryer 
completely  suspended ,  and  the  caisson  already  attached  to  its  in- 
ferior part. 

Figure  n"  j.  —  Represents  the  hulk  «  Victor  »  of  25  tons  used 
for  several  kinds  of  work. 

Figure  n"  8.  —  Represents  the  two  floating  scaffolds  and  the 
hulk  «  Victor  »  working. 

—  442  — 

The  work  of  the  compressed  air  once  started  continues  without 
interruption  until  the  work  chamber  is  completely  filled  with  con- 
crete. It  takes  about  10  days  of  24  hours.  The  digging  in  the  interior 
of  the  caisson,  is  made  according  to  the  nature  of  the  soil,  by  means 
of  syphons  which  work  by  the  same  compressed  air  action,  or  by 
means  of  ordinary  apparatus  for  such  work,  the  diggings  being  taken 
out  in  buckets  through  the  chimneys.  When  they  find  rock  which 
needs  to  be  partly  levelled  so  that  the  caisson  can  be  placed  in  pcr- 

Porl  ol'  Hio.  —  Killing  up  of  Hit-  Sea  Zone 

feet  horizontal  level,  they  take  the  rock  out  in  snuill  stones,  little  by 
little,  and  they  make  it  burst  with  very  small  charges  of  dynamite. 

Figure  n"  y.  —  Represents  several  sections  of  the  quay  with  the 
intervals  left  between  them,  where  the  connections  have  to  be 
filled  in. 

Figure  u"  lo.  —  Represents  a  hoisting  barge,  used  to  place  the 
stones  on  the  wall  and  for  prepai-alion  of  the  concrete  destined  to 
that  porlioii  oT  llic  wall  that  goes  up  Iroin  the  average  tide  height. 

—  u:i  — 

Figure  n"  ii.  —  Shows  the  interior  of  a  hur<;('  working  in  a  con- 
nection of  walls. 

The  normal  type  of  quay  measures  ^'"oO  hi<;li  of  foundation. 
8"'80  from  the  top  of  caisson  to  the  level  of  low  tide,  and  :\"%()  from 
there  to  the  top,  representing'  a  height  of  1  !"".»( ).  As  to  its  width  is 
6  metres  on  the  caisson  and  1:10  on  the  outside  and  1:15  on  the 
inside  inclination  up  to  the  height  of  the  low  tide,  from  there  up  the 

I'oi-t  ui"  Piio.  —  Cuiislructiou  of  tlie  .New  (Juay.  Cniiie-huat 

external  inclination  is  1:20  and  after  a  cut  of  0'»60  goes  up  in  vertical 
line,  the  upper  part  of  the  quay  measuring  3'"02  in  width. 

The  wall  has  holes  placed  at  intervals  of  100  metres  to  be  used 
as  outlets  for  the  rain  waters.  On  the  top  of  the  wall  there  will  be 
an  opening  covered  with  iron  to  receive  the  canalisations  for  the 
light,  water  and  power. 

Until  the  lotli  of  December  1905,  the  contractors  had  built  lO  sec- 
tions of  quay  representing    100  metres   wall,  up  to  the  height  of  the 


—  444  — 

average  tide  or  T"20  above  the  lowest  tide.  The  connections,  with 
exception  of  5  of  tliem  were  all  finished,  and  the  part  already  con- 
cluded, with  to})  part  and  all  has  an  extension  of  '2~'>  metres. 

All  the  si)ace  comprised  Ix'twocn  the  wall  ;iii(l  the  bayside  will 
he  filled  and  levelled  with  earth  taken  away  from  the  Senado  Hill 
and  sand  from  tiie  bay.  The  Senado  Hill  will  be  all  taken  down  and 
its  ground  levelled.  The  sand  will  eome  from  the  dredging  of  the 
channel,  sliouhl  it  be  good  enough  to  be  used  in  filling  in  the  ground 

I'orl  of  llio.  —  (Idiisli'iiclidii  <il'  llic   .New    (>u;i\ 

ac-(!ording  to  the  Fiscalisalion  Committee,  other  wise  the  sand  will 
be  taken  from  the  bay  sand-banks  which  this  Committee  may 
designate,  until  a  depth  of  lo  meti-es  water  in  the  average  tides. 

The  san<ls  will  be  thrown  into  the  inferior  part  and  ui)on  I  hem 
the  Senado  Jlill  earth  will  b(^  ])laeed  up  to  the  h'vel  of  the  wall. 

l<'()i'  the  first  sectioTi  that  must  l)e  ready  on  June  ;'>(Mh,  I'.HKi. 
the  earth   to  fill    in   is  heiiin   taken    I'roni   the  hills  iii;hl    in   li-<uil   and 

—  ua  — 

which  formed  the  two  islands  —  Mocns  and  Meldes  wliich  can  fur- 
nish about  200,000  cubic  metres. 

Figure  n"  12  represents  a  part  of  the  work  werheas  fi}>-urc  n"  j.V 
shows  tlie  disposition  of  the  fastening  posts. 

Figure  11"  i^  rejjresents  the  two  floating-  scaffolds  in  front  of  the 
old  Meloes  island,  the  earth  of  which  is  being  taken  away  to  fill  in 
the  quay  of  the  first  section.  On-the  top  of  one  of  the  hills  is  an  old 

I'url  (if  Kill.  —  Cniisli'iii'tiiiii  nf  llic  .New   i^liiiiy 

house  that  serves  as  the  office  and  residence  of  the  l<'iscalisation 

Figure  u"  /.">  shows  one  of  (he  places  where  fioin  the  earth  to  fill 
in  tlie  (luay  is  being  taken  out. 

The  contractors  to  make  the  iicci'ssary  ri'pairs  in  llu'  di'i'dn  ing 
boats  and  their  aj)i)aratus,  have  two  installations  ;  one  on  the  other 
side  of  the  bay,  in  Niethcroy,  in  a  place  called  I'onta  d:»  Areia  :in<l 
anotiier  in   lh(;  ccnti'al  jxiint   of  the  woiks  at    Santa  Harhaia   ishiiid, 

—   147  — 

some  GOO  metres  away  from  the  shore.  Tlie  former  belongs  to  the 
contractors,  the  latter  belongs  to  the  government  but  lent  to  tlu; 
contractors  while  the  work  of  the  building  of  the  quay  lasts. 

In  Ponta  da  Ai-eia  are  several  lepairing  work-shops  where  small 
pieces  of  machinery  are  made.  These  shops  are  well  mounted  with 
locomotives  and  freight  cars,  hoisting  machinery,  i)laces  for  bai-ges, 
bridges,  machine  shops,  stone  cutters,  machinery  to  break  also  smal- 

Port  of  Rio.  —  Construction  of  the  New  Quay.  .Vnciioring  place 

ler  stones.  There  is  a  quarry  back  of  this  place  which  is  exploited 
by  the  contractors. 

In  Santa  Barbara  island  are  the  stocks  of  cement,  hardware  of  all 
descriptions,  to  make  the  caissons  (or  boxes  for  the  foundation  of 
each  section  of  wall)  and  extra  pieces  for  the  scaffolds,  etc.  They  are 
always  at  work  in  this  island  preparing  new  caissons.  These  when 
needed  are  taken  to  a  place  under  a  kind  of  bridge  frame  with 
pow^erful  hoisting  and  suspending  apparatus  on  the  upper  part,  run 
by  endless  screws  which  take  up  the   caissons,  hoisting  them  up, 

—  W8  — 

transporting  them  to  the  sea  rolling  over  a  track  ;  —  and  then  they 
are  towed  until  the  place  where  the  quay  is  being  worked. 

Generally  there  are  always  four  caissons  in  construction  to  be 
ready  for  service  emergencies. 

Fi<>nrc'  n"  id  shows  the  apparatus  that  hoists  the  caissons  as  we 
just  explained. 

Fi^-iirc  n"  j-  shows  the  quay  on  the  loth  of  December  of  last  year. 

It  is  useless  to  add  that  the  general  plan  of  the  woi-ks,  as  it  liap- 

I'(»r't  ul'  liid.    -    I'illiiii;   ii|>  i<\  llic  Sr,i   /. 

])(',MS  witli  \\()i'ks  of  this  mitui-(!  and  magnitude  is  siiljjccl  to  modi- 
fications ,  uol  only  as  to  the  alignment  but  as  to  the  pioccss  ol' 
construction,  wliich  may  b(^  suggested  by  the  progii'ss  ol'  the  work. 

As  a  conipl(;incnl  lo  the  woi-ks  which  arc  being  executed,  (lu'y  are 
proj(MMing,  to  iis(^  the  ishinds  in  front  of  the  (|nay.  emi)raeed  hy  tlie 
great  l)ay  eontourning  S.  (Iirislovao  shore  till  I'onta  do  Cajn,  as 
dry-doeks,  coal  dei)ots,  inflammable  storage-houses,  and  other  hnild- 
jngs  needed  in  a  first  class  commercial  ixnt. 

I'dil  III'  l!i().   —  Ciiiislniclioii  ol  llir  New  Diiav.  —  \  iow  of  llii-  works  in  Dt'feniljL'i'  I'.JO.j 

—  ioO 


The  city  of  8.  Paulo,  Capital  of  the  State  the  same  name,  is 
built  on  an  uneven  ground  between  the  Tiete  river  (which  is  its  boun- 
darj'  line  in  the  Braz  district),  and  the  Tamandutehy,  which,  in 
capricious  curves  goes  through  this  part  of  the  town  between  it  and 
the  upper  districts  —  Campos  Elysios  (750  metres  above  the  sea 
level),  Consolagao  (800  m.j,  Liberdade  (779  m.),  and  Villa  Mai'ianna 
(900  m.). 


S.  I'aul( 

Miisoiiiii  (if  Ipyi'uiiga 

Owing  to  those  altitudes  the  passenger  who  goes  from  Santos  or 
Rio  to  S.  Paulo  is  surprised,  to  find  an  unforeseen  temperature 
which  requires  gloves  and  an  overcoat.  So  much  the  better.  That  in- 
vites the  people  to  dress  better.  We  do  not  see  there  as  we  see  in  Kit), 
Bahia  or  Recife,  the  tnu'kmen  and  hard  working  people  on  account 
of  the  Iropieal  climate  neglect  their  clothes,  orprcsenting  thi'mselves 
bare  footed,  with  dirt\  lagged  garments. 

1   r 

—  u>  — 

Seen  from  an  npper  position  the  city  looks  like  a  sea  in  all  the 
greatness  of  its  growing  vitality  expanding  itseli.  It  lias  the  form  of 
an  irregular  polygon,  filled  with  squares,  streets  and  avenues  without 
anj'  geometrical  orientation  just  as  Buenos-Ayres  or  Therezina,  but 
forming  blocks  which  give  an  idea  of  several  cities  connected  with 
one  another,  bound  the  city  exterior  lines.  From  these  grounds  start 
towards  the  fields  and  hills  located  in  front  unfinished  streets  which 
ramify  themselves  going  to  new  districts  like  Bom  Retiro,  Barra 
Funda,  Villa  Deodoro,  Perdizes,  Sant'Anna,  etc.,  and  which  the 
electric  railway,  the  telephone,  illumination,  and  sewage  net  are 
incorporating  gradually  to  the  central  nucleus,  in  an  inflexible  work 
of  definite  appropriation. 

In  the  districts  near  the  Tiete  are  large  and  numerous 
stores,  hotels,  brassei-ies,  workingmen  houses,  factories  of  all 
descriptions,  storage  houses,  etc.  A  forest  of  chimneys  throw  from 
sunrise  to  sunset  s])irals  of  smoke  into  the  air  crossed  in  all  di- 
rections by  electrical  wires.  In  the  streets  is  a  confusion  of 
vehicles  ,  and  men  running  here  and  there.  There  is  the  noise  of 
human  voices,  the  rattling  of  the  wagon-wheels  upon  the  pavement 
of  the  streets  ,  the  whistles  of  the  factories  all  wrapped  by  dust- 
clouds  which  spread  themselves  all  over. 

In  the  centre  points  boils  all  the  effervescency  of  the  brainy 
city  :  —  the  elegant  high-life,  the  active  intellectual  men,  the 
bankers,  the  lawyers,  the  multitude  of  the  forum  crowds,  the  gay 
W'Orld  with  its  fashionable  women,  the  high  tone  families  in  their 
carriages,  the  crowds  of  hasty  ones  and  at  last  the  multitude  of  the 
obscure,  of  the  nameless,  all  of  them  circulating  in  the  district  of  Rua 
Direita,  Quinze  de  Novembro,  S.  Bento,  Rosario  Square  and  ajacent 
streets,  etc.  This  cannot  be  called  the  centre  of  the  city,  as  S.  Paulo 
has  extended  itself  so  very  much  towards  the  new  districts,  where 
the  buildings  grow  up  every  day  with  a  richness  of  marvellous  art 
and  good  taste. 

In  these  business  streets  the  old  style  buildings,  the  big  Tortu- 
gueK(!  houses  with  jjlaiii  walls  are  disai>i)earing  under  the  victory  of 
tli(;  evolution  of  art.  The  assimilating  capacity  of  the  Brazilian  race 
in  contact  with  Italian  genius,  the  Italian  colony  being  one  fifth  of 
th(^  population,  affirmed  themselves  in  an  undeniable  demonstration. 

Many  buildings  now  are  planned  and  constructed  by  Bra/.ilians. 

It  is  useless  to  say  that  the  streets  we  mentioned  above  are  not 
the  prettiest  of  S.  Paulo,  though  they  ])resent  the  most  lively  aspect. 

—  45H  — 

either  during  the  day  or  night  time.  The  avenues  and  streets  that  aiv 
the  prettiest  because  of  tlieir  buildings  and  perspective,  are  tiiose  tliat 
belong  to  the  new  district  of  the  Capital :  the  boulevard  Hurchard,  in 
the  Conceicao  district,  where  from  the  largest  part  of  the  city  area 
can  be  obseived;  the  Paulista  Avenue,  open  upon  a  lougiiudinal 
esplanade,  above  the  other  districts,  is  not  as  yet  all  built  uj),  but  it 
already  presents  some  very  pretty  palaces  with  different  arcliitecio- 
nic  styles  surrounded  by  gardens,  —  they  are  magnificent  mansions. 

S.  I'atilu.  —  l.ariru  ila  8r 

princely  residences;  —  the  Barao  dc  Piracicaba  street,  a  kind  of 
grove,  straight  and  wide;  the  Glette  street  with  magnificent  build- 
ings, among  which  is  the  Sagrado  Coracao  church  with  a  40  metre 
tower  with  the  image  of  Jesus  on  top  in  golden  bronze,  and  it  can  be 
seen  from  nearly  everywhere  in  the  city;  the  Tiradentes,  a  pretty 
avenue  of  about  two  kilometres  long,  but  very  irregular  in  its  width, 
lined  by  superb  buildings,  some  of  them  large  ones,  like  the  Polytech- 
nical  College,  the  vast  Police  Force  barracks,  the  Model  College  and 
others,  this  street  is  crossed  twice  by  the  Tiete  river;  the  Bambus 
(cane)  grove,  a  wide  street  also  lined  with  fine  buildings;  the  Rangel 
Pestana    Avenue,    with    a    width    of    25    metres,    an   extension  of 

—  454  — 

1,580  metres  and  prolongated  with  the  name  of  Aveni(hi  da  liitcn- 
dencia  for  another  length  of  1,500  metres  and  the  same  width. 

Among-  the  public  squares  we  must  mention  in  first  place  the  one 
in  front  of  the  Luz  Railway  station,  the  enormous  public  garden, 
beautifully  and  most  carefully  treated,  with  a  profusion  of  flowers 
pretty  as  dreams,  and  a  pretty  lake.  This  is  the  only  municipal  gar- 
den worthy  of  the  name. 

The  Rosario  Square  is  not  so  wide  as  one  would  think  because  of 
its  fame,  but  it  is  a  centre  and  the  principal  centre  of  the  Capital, 
surrounded  by  candy-stores  ,  bar-rooms  ,  cigar-stores  and  other 
shops.  This  is  the  place  where  the  active  population  of  the  city  have 
their  rendez-voiis.  This  square  and  Quinze  de  Xovembro  street  are  in 

S.  Paulo.  —  Tlie  lake  of  the  Public  Garden 

S.  Paulo,  just  what  S.  Francisco  Square  and  Rua  Ouvidor  arc  in 
Rio  de  Janeiro. 

Another  pretty  and  much  wider  square  is  the  Republica  one, 
dominated  by  the  pretty  building  where  the  Normal  College  is. 
There  are  other  squares  like  the  Municipal,  Paysandu,  S.  Fran- 
cisco, —  with  the  statue  of  Jose  Bonifacio,  —  tJoyanazes,  Cai-nio 
and  others,  but  lack  the  pretty  gardens  and  arborization  that  cnibcl- 
Hsh  so  much  the  s([uares  of  Belem,  Capital  of  the  Para  Stale. 

Excepting  B(;llo  llorizonte,  no  other  Brazilian  city  has  i)ublic 
buildings  with  such  an  architectonic  beauty,  none  also  presents 
such  a  large  number  of  them. 

It  is  imi)OSsible  to  do  ahonl  S.  Taiild,  what  we  have  done  about 
the  other  cities  we  have  spoken  of  in  this  l)o()k  :  —  to  describe  niinu- 
ciously  their  churches,  monuments  and  buildings  worth  mentioning. 

—  455  — 

Only  in  the  first  12  years  of  the  republican  forni  of  j^ovcrniucnl , 
S.  Paulo  spent  in  new  buildings  for  its  Capital  2()0.(J()():()(KJ$()()0  ac- 
cording to  official  data. 

And  what  has  been  spent  in  public  works  like  railways,  sewerage, 
board  of  health,  schools,  etc.,  in  the  interior  cities  reaches  an 
amount  over  300. 000:0001000  in  ten  years. 

The  general  progress  of  the  state  represented  by  its  splcndiil 
Capital  and  by  the  principal  cities  of  the  interior,  in  the  volume  of 
factories,  farms,  banks,  large  buildings,  railways,  etc.,  not  only 
places  S.  Paulo  in  front  of  all  the  other  States  of  the  Republic  J)ut 
its  civilisation  is  over  20  years  ahead. 


S.  Paulu. 

da  Liiz  Station. 

The  city  of  S.  Paulo  had  in  1850  about  30,000  inhabitants,  in  1885 
had  15,000  inhabitants,  by  the  census  of  1890  it  had  65,000  inhabitants 
and  by  the  one  of  1000  not  less  than  240,000.  Its  private  buildings  are 
of  modern  architecture,  the  Italian  style  predominating.  In  majo- 
rity are  residences  inhabited  by  one  single  family,  there  being  very 
few  houses  where  more  than  one  family  live  together. 

In  the  modern  part  of  the  city,  what  means  in  the  largest  part  of 
the  city,  the  houses  have  their  gardens  at  the  side  or  in  front. 

All  the  streets  are  illuminated  by  gas,  4.820  lamps,  the  central 
streets  being  illuminated  by  electric  light,  having  5.000  incandes- 
cent and  104  arc  lights,  and  are  all  paved  with  stone  l)locks. 

In  1904,  S.  Paulo  had  25,000  buildings  in  the  city  with  a  first 
class  water  supply,  the  water  dams  and  works  being  a  monumen- 
tal work  of  art.   The  tramway  service  by  electric  traction,  is  the 

—    tofi   — 

best  ill  all  Urazil  owned  b\'  one  oT  the  most  poweriul  eoinpanies  in 
the  eouutry  —  The  Light  and  Powei"  Company  —  an  Anuiiean  eon- 
cern.  This  eoini)any  plaeed  17  1  kilometres  of  tracks  in  the  eity  and 
fui-nishes  power  to  al  most  all  the  large  factories  of  vS.  I'aulo  :  —  glass 
works,  threading  mills,  breweries  (the  largest  in  the  country),  eigar 
factories,  etc.,  with  a  total  of  <S,U(K>  horse  power. 

There  are  also  tramways  by  animal  traction,  ami  lw(^  steam  ones, 
going  to  the  suburbs,  telephone  service  with  over  1,(X)U  suijsciibers. 

S.  I'aulo.  —  (jovoniiiu'iil  |t;ilace|(il'  S.  I'aul( 

telegraph,  .'!0  newspapers:  —  dailies,  weeklies,  magazines,  pcrindi- 
cals  of  all  descriptions. 

Among  its  buildings  worth  noting  are:  llu'  Ipyranga  monument 
unequalled  in  the  whole  country  for  its  dimensions  and  imposing 
arehiteetiire,  the  group  of  the  Palaces  of  the  different  Secretaries  of 
the  Government  whicb  are  beautiful  buildings  :  the  Agiicuhnic 
one  in  German  style,  the  Treasury  one,  covering  TOO  scpiare  metrics 
made  by  the  lirazilian  architect,  Ramos  A/evedo,  the  .lustice  one, 
at  the  side  of  the  Ciovernor's  palace  in  roman-doric  style  also  built  l»y 
a  Brazilian  architect. 

The  Luz  Station  is  the  most  beautiful  building  of  its  kind  in  the 
whole  South  American  continent.  It  is  as  large  as  it  is  pretty  an»l  has 

—  457  -- 

an  elevated  t(nvei-.  It  is  made  of  red  hi-icks  ;ui<I  tiles  in  the  -(.thi,.. 
seotlish  style.  It  is  in  I'l-ont  of  the  public  oai-d,.,),  whieli  is  imirh 
like  the  Brussels  park.  We  were  told  this  station  cost  over 
l.000:000S00O.  There  is  a  constant  movement  ol'  cabs  and  can-ia.i,n's 
about  the  main  entrances.  The  aspect  of  this  building'  is  one  of  those, 
that  once  impressed  in  the  tiavellers  mind,  is  not  easily  l'oro(,tt,.ii. 
Tlie  Luz  barracks,  occupies  a  whole  square,  is  illuminated  l»y 
electric  light,  and  this  pretty  architecture  is  a  model  of  its  kind.  The 
ample  Polytechnical  College,  with  its  beautiful  front,  wide,  euoi-- 

™^,„....  _,..„. 

S.  Paulu.  —  S.  Beiito  I'liicc. 

mous  with  its  three  distinct  bodies  of  Koman  style.  The  Luz  school, 
the  Normal  College  are  true  palaces,  erected  in  honor  of  Art  and 
public  instruction. 

In  no  other  South  American  city  we  find  such  a  large  numl)ei-  of 
beautiful  buildings  devoted  to  public  instruction. 

The  churches  are  numerous,  but  only  the  modern  ones  present 
artistic  effect. 

The  public  theatre,  now  being  built  will  be  in  size  and  magnifi- 
cence well  worthy  of  the  other  monuments  of  S.  Paulo.  Its  cost  was 
valued  at  ;j,000:OOOSOOO.  It  can  be  compared  with  the  first  theatres  of 
liluiope.  Its  front,  rich  in  decorations,  in  the  structure  of  its  whole. 

—  458  — 

is  classic  and  can  be  classified  as  Louis  XV  style.  As  to  its  architec- 
ture, it  preserves  the  traditions  of  the  Italian  classics  by  the  sobriety 
of  the  lines  of  its  whole. 

The  i)lace  for  the  musicians  is  placed  below  the  level  of  the 
orchestra  seats  in  the  audience,  according-  to  the  system  originated 
by  Wagner. 

The  orchestra  seats  capacity,  is  a  little  smaller  than  those  of 
Euroi)ean  first  class  theatres,  as  the  Grand  Opera  of  Paris  and 

The  piogress  of  the  scientific  institutions,  the  culture  of  the  cities 
and  the  pul)lic  instruction  in  all  the  State  is  notably  superior,  aud 
in  an  elevated  degree,  to  the  progi'css  of  other  sections  of  Bra/.il. 

The  late  L.  Couty,  biology  professor  at  the  Polytechnical  Aca- 
demj^  of  Rio,  having  promised  some  time  ago  that  he  would  demons- 
trate the  equality  of  the  S.  Paulo  ex-province  to  the  Buenos-Ayres 
province,  wrote  : 

«  En  purhint  (In  recensement  de  In  jirooinre  de  Buenos- Aires ,  nous  nous 
etions  eng'age  n  faire  voir  que  ceile  province  si  fJorissante  el  si  rapide  au  pro- 
gres  avail  son  egale  au  Bresil,  S  Paulo;  nous  nous  elions  Irompe ;  S.  Paulo 
n'est  pas  seulement  egale  :  ellc  esl,  a  cerlains  points  de  vue,  sujjerieure  a 
Buenos- Aires  ». 

"  Speyking  of  llie  cx-iisus  of  (lie  BiuMios-Ayros  |iroviiico,  wo  were  engaged  in  pn)- 
viiig  lliat  Hint  province  so  lilooming  and  of  sUcli  a  rajiid  progress  liad  its  equal  in  Bra- 
zil, S.  I'aiilo.  We  were  mistaken.  S.  Panlo  is  not  oidy  equal,  it  is  from  eerlain  points 
of  view  sii|)erior  to  Buenos-Ayres  ». 

lint,  the  speedy  growth  of  S.  Paulo  is  such  that  the  economist 
who  is  surprised  of  it  having  multiplied  six  times  its  producing 
energy  in  :i()  years,  when  Buenos-Ayres  in  the  same  period  didn't  sue" 
ceed  to  do  any  better  than  double  it,  added  :  «  If  the  other  provinces 
of  Brazil  had  developed  their  work  as  S.  Paulo  did,  that  count iv 
would  furnish  to-day  (1884)  10,000,000  bags  of  coffee  instead  of  the 
5,000,000  it  produces.  » 

Well,  it  was  not  necessary  for  S.  Paulo  to  wait  another  20  years 
by  itself,  to  attain  that  figure  of  agricidtural  production,  what  liUi/ 
Couty  didn't  think  possible  to  be  obtained  without  the  aid  of  the 
other  twenty  pi'o\  inces. 

1*1  r.i.K  Instki  (  rioN.  —  The  Scientific  Departments  and  Insti- 
tutes, the  technical  ones  or  mere  theoretical  ones,  have  an  iniixn- 
tance  in  S.  I*aido  that  they  have  not  in  any  other  part  of  the 
count  v\ . 

—  +59  — 

Its  Polytet'lmical  College  is  even  superior  to  llial  of  Kio,  by  iIk; 
nuigniiieenee  ol"  its  laboratories,  by  the  practic-al  cliaraclcr  of  its  pro- 
grams of  study  and  even  by  the  imposing  feature  of  the  building 
itself.  Its  Agricultural  Pratical  Schools  have  no  equal  in  tlie  whole 
country,  andsome  of  them  such  as  the  school  of  Batataes,  are  exclusive 
property  of  the  municipality;  its  demonstration  fields  are  so  many 
other  piactical  schools,  and  have  nothing  to  fear  when  compared 
with  identical  p:uropcan  institutes.  The  Agricultural  Institute  is 
also  one   of  the  best  establishments  of  its  kind.  As  to  the  Botanical 

S^-H.    ,^^^iT: 


S.  Paulo.  —  Polytediical  College 

Garden  it  suffices  to  repeat  these  topics  which  Mr.  Benjamin  F.  A. 
Lima  not  long  ago  wrote  : 

((  S.  Paulo  is  a  lucky  State. 

All  of  its  scientific  establishments,  all  of  its  hygienic  institutes 
are  a  niceiiess  of  progress,  with  what  there  is  of  most  perfect  and 
modern  in  its  kind.  Thus,  the  Polytechnical  Academy,  the  Isolation 
Hospital,  the  Vaccination  Institute  are  witnesses  of  the  great  pro- 
gress of  the  State. 

We  visited  lately  the  Botanical  Garden  and  while  this  establish- 
ment is  but  a  section  of  the  Geographical  Commission,  the  works 
executed  by  Dr.  Albert  Loefgren  are  of  extraordinary   importance 

—    I«0   — 

tor  the  BraziliaJi  flora  and  sliow  very  well  that  it  is  under  the 
direction  of  a  learned  man. 

The  national  and  foreign  plants  nurseries,  the  hot-houses,  the 
grafting  of  plants,  everything  is  arranged  with  scientific  orientation, 
offering  the  most  methodic  order  in  the  several  branches  of  cultiva- 
tion practiced  there,  and  leaving  a  pleasant  impression  in  the  visitors 
mind  even  if  he  knows  but  little  about  botany. 

Setting  aside  the  importance  of  the  new  institute,  the  kindness 
of  its  director  and  his  family  make  a  visit  to  that  establishment  most 

S.  Paulo.  —  «  Prudente  tie  Moracsw  Model  school 

Its  library  is  a  repository  of  everything  there  is  of  best  in  that 
branch  of  natural  sciences. 

The  collections  of  insects  both  harmful  and  useful  to  agricultui-c. 
form  already  u  large  contingent  of  useful  knowledge  for  the  Kra/il- 
ian  farmei's. 

Observations  oi  ulniosphcric  conditions  and  soil  lcnn)craturc  ;tic 
made  by  registring  apparatus  carefully  installed. 

The  illustrious  director  initiated  a  series  of  microscopical  obser- 
vations u])on  the  contexture  of  the  best  Bj'azilian  lumber,  a  most 
interesting  work.  » 

It  is  enoiiiious  what  S.  Paulo  has  achieved  running  the  expenses 
of  scicntifie  depai'l  ments  and  researches  for  the  study  of  meteoro- 
logy, g(M>h)gy,  l)()tany,  geography  of  tlu^  S.  Paulo  State.  It  (^xeeeds 
the  amount  spent  for  this  purpose  l)y  all  the  other  States  together.  In 
S.  Paulo  sueii  services  obey  to  an  official  ,  methodic  and  efficient 
organisation.  They  ai'c  services  created  and  kei)t  by  the  State. 

The    lil)raries   and    ne\vspai)ers    appear    in     eviM_\     eily.  ine\iM\ 

-    Mil   - 

village  iiiid  every  district  ol'  (he  State.  During  I'.mi:;  (tiily,  ilic  agricul- 
tural and  industrial  departments  distributed  some  UHJ.OOo  copies  ol 
pamphlets  ,  bulletins  and  eirculars  containing  practieal  insinic 
tions  for  the  public.  In  this  State  are  212  newspapers  and  periodi- 
cals. In  proportion  to  the  number  of  its  inluibitants  it  is  the  state 
that  reads  and  writes  the  most.  One  fifth  of  all  the  lira/iliau  i)ress  is 
within  the  boundary  lines  of  S.  Paulo  Stale.  No  other  has  so  niaii\ 
libraries  or  book  stores.  It  is  the  largest  l)ook  market  in  the  eouutrx 
after  Rio  de  Janeiro,  the  Capital  of  Brazil. 

No  other  possesses  such  a  large  number  of  schools,  i-elaliNcly  to 


.1.^i.;vr-.     ;«K-HL'  -i-f...^.. 

S.  Paiilo. 

Normal  School 

its  population.  Having  only  one  third  of  the  population  of  the  State 
of  Minas,  it  has  nearly  as  many  public  schools  as  that  State  has. 

There  were  2558  grammar  schools  in  the  State  of  S.  Paulo  during 
last  year  with  .57.002  students. 

In  each  municipium  tliei-e  is  besides  those  schools  one  high 
school  with  professional  classes  for  each  group  of  ten  gran)mar 

The  buildings  for  the  grammar  schools  in  the  interior  are  true 
monuments  erected  to  public  instruction.  They  are  in  Santos, 
Lorena,  Piracicaba,  Itapetininga,  Amparo,  Guaratingueta,  Pinda- 
monhangaba  and  other  places  and  they  ought  to  serve  as  a  stimula- 
tion for  the  other  States. 

In  the  Capital  there  are  the  following  establishments  of  instruc- 


tion,  i)rivale  ami  public-  :  J*]iui-ii)ucy  (College,  inaugurated  on  the 
nth  of  February  1890;  the  Aiixiliadoru  Orphmi  Asylum;  the 
Christouiio  Colombo  Orphan  Asylym;  the  D.  Anna  Rosn  Institute; 
the  Sa^^rndo  (loracao  Lyceum  ;  the  Lyceum  of  Arts  and  trades  ;  the 
Seminnrlo  das  Kducandas :  the  (iymnasium ;  the  Model  School, 
annexed  to  the  Xormal  Colle^-e :  the  Prudent  de  Moraes,  in  Ln/. ;  the 
Maria  Jose,  in  Bella  Vista;   and  two  other  ones  in  Bra/,  and  Carnio. 


Railways,  navigation,  etc.  —  Even  in  this  regard  S.  Paulo  is 
one  of  the  first  States  of  Brazil.  Xot  long  ago  a  Brazilian  writer 
said  :  «  In  the  Brazilan  federation  the  State  in  whieh  private  initia- 
tive got  ahead  of  the  one  of  the  other  States,  as  to  the  develoi)nient 
of  their  railways,  is  S.  Paulo.  »  Notwithstanding,  we  must  note  that 
that  movement  which  is  the  advance  agent  of  the  progress  of  the 
old  province,  took  place,  without  precipitation,  at  the  proportion 
that  the  farmers  arms  were  extending  the  coffee  plantations  whieh 
cover  vast  tracts  of  land  with  their  thick  branch  and  foliage,  as  a 
proof  of  the  fecundity  of  the  Brazilian  soil  in  that  I'cgion. 

There  are  in  this  State  4.13()  kilometres  of  railway,  of  wliich 
only  1.1  IC)  kilometres  are  railways  belonging  to  the  Federal  Govi'rn- 
ment.  There  are  ."02  locomotives,  580  passenger-cars  and  (t.SS.I 
freight  cars. 

There  are  in  active  construction  oltl  kilometres  of  railway  tracks. 

Here  is  tin;  general  table  of  the  railway  lines  in  the  State  of  Sao 
Paulo  : 

General  Table  oe  Railway  Lines,  Both   Federal 
AND  Belonging  to  the  State  ,  in  S.  Paulo 













i .  1 :(().  10(1 

In  ('.(iiisM 

Colli  r;ict< 

:iiiil  II 


il  with  slnilii's  |)i-i>si-iili>(l 

il    ()lrs('lilc(l       .... 

Totals.     .     . 




O.lil  0.100 

liut  till'  following  table  furnished  ns  b\-  .Mr.  S.  das  Neves,  a  ci\il 
engineer,    is  a  better  proof  of  the  value  of  the  S.   I'anlo  railways  : 

—  ui  — 

VKAR    1900 

INt;OMK                           liXPKVSKS             '              IIAI  AMI 


5.  Paulo  Rail  may      .     . 


Sorocabana  e  It nana     .     . 



U.  F.  Campineiro     .     .     . 
C.  .\.  Funileiisp  .... 


l{c'zeiide-Bo(>aina.     .     .     . 





20.1 22:02  iSG80 







22.-;:  1 80S  100 

49: 1088420 



1 7.544:5488701 
















13.(180: 41 98 1K« 





Def.  1:G2G8900 


Def.  4:7898004 


Def.  8:5958330 



Total  .     .     . 




These  figures  went  away  up  in  1903  in  the  same  roads,  presenting 
the  following  totals  : 

Incomes 84.293:6588280 

Expenses 31.998:0008695 



Besides  its  railways  S.  Paulo  maintains  some  navigation  li- 
nes :  the  Mogy-Guassu  (60  kilometres);  the  Ribeira  de  Iguape 
(15 1  kilometres) ;  the  Piracicaba  and  Tiete  rivers  ones,  not  speaking 
of  the  steamers  foi'  the  coastwise  navigation,  starting  from  Santos, 
the  outlet  of  the  State. 

*    * 

Police  force  and  Charities  Department.  —  The  police  force 
of  S.  Paulo  is  the  best  organized  in  the  whole  country.  It  is  formed 
by  a  brigade  composed  of  two  infantry  battalions,  a  cavalry  com- 
pany, an  organization  of  civic  guardsmen,  a  firemen  department, 
with  a  section  of  nurses  for  public  aid  and  ambulance  service  in  the 
Capital  and  two  infantry  battalions  to  do  police  duty  in  the  interior. 

There  are  in  all  5.000  men  under  the  command  of  a  colonel  of  the 
Federal  army. 

The  uniforms  are  first  class  ones,  and  they  are  armed  with  Mau- 
mser  rifles.  The  civic  guardsmen  do  their  police  duty  gencrully  unar- 

—  u;i-  — 

0(1  only  boarino-  tlx'  police  badge  and  by  tlic  selection  of  tbese 
men,  and  tlieii"  good  beliavior  while  discharging  their  duties,  this 
organization  enjoys  moral  authority  towards  the  i)eople. 

lltlicic  is  a  South  Ameri<'an  State  or  ju'ovince  where  Sanitary 
sciv  ii-es  and  public  aid  are  a  reality,  this  State  oT  IS.  Paulo  is  the 
one.  Not  long  ago  an  Kalian  ])ublication  said  about  this  brancli  of 
public  service  :  «  The  Slate  ofS.  Paulo  has  a  sanitary  service  (ohich 
am  he  comjinrcd  with  that  of  any  other  country  even  of  those  aui- 
sidcred  more  advanced  i). 

Theri!  is  a  i)ei"manent  corporation  oi'  Sanitary  jjolicc,  conijxjsed 
of  physicians,  well  i)aid,  inspectors  and  assistants,  who  keep  a  close 
watch  in  the  C.'apital  and  princi])al  cities.  There  is  a  Sanitary  code 
regulating  and  deciding  all  the  questions  relating  to  public  health. 
There  arc  several  establishments  installed  like  in  Europe,  as  the 
Seroterapic  Institute,  the  Bacteriological  Institute,  the  Chemical 
and  Broraatological  Analysis  Laboratory,  the  Isolation  Hospital, 
the  Demographic  Hospital,  the  Central  Disinfectory,  the  Pharma- 
ceutical Laboratory,  the  Pasteur  Institute  and  others,  placing  thus 
S.  Paulo  the  first  on  the  list  of  the  States  having  the  best  Sanitary 

As  to  public  aid,  properly  said,  we  must  mention  the  following 
establishments  not  needing  any  details,  as  it  is  well  known  the  care 
that  presides  the  management  of  public  services  :  Charity  Hospital, 
Insane  Asylum,  hospitals  in  all  the  cities  of  the  inte«-ior  of  the  State, 
like  :  Bananal,  Casa  Branca,  Campinas,  Frfinca,  Iguape.  Guaratin- 
gueta ,  .Tacar^^hy,  Lorena,  Mogy  das  Cruzes,  Pindamonhangaba, 
Piracicaba,  S.  Carlos  do  Pinhal,  Santos,  Silveiras,  Taubatc,  Itu. 

iNnusTitv,  I'KODiu'TioN,  ("o>rMF; KCE.  — Tlic  most  advanced  State  of 
Brazil  as  to  ils  manufacturing  indiistiics,  I'xccpting  llu'  ('ai)italol" 
the  Ivei)ubli(',  is  y(;t  S.  Paulo.  Its  factories  multiply  tlunnsclvcs  in  a 
progression  and  \ai'icty  really  I'cmarkablc.  The  number  of  fact(U*y 
bauds,  men,  women  and  children  at  present  working  in  S.  Paulo  is 
more  than  no.UOO. 

There  are  factories  of  the  most  xai'ied  industry,  mostly  movecl  by 
steam,  a  considerable  number  l)y  electricity,  others  l)y  hydraulic 
power,  etc.  i^vei'Nthing  is  worth  noting  iVom  the  hirgc  sugar  I'acto- 
ries  of  I'ii-acicaba,  Hal'fard,  Mugcnio  A rtagas,  to  those  of  mineral 
wat(M-s,  wines,  vinegar,  ])erfumes,  chocolate,  starch,  biscuits,  l)ccr. 
preserves.   In  ilic  li  ne  of  glassware,    crockery,  cr\slals,  bollles,  etc., 

—  t«r>  — 

tlio  maiiiifacturers  of  8.  Paulo  imposed  tliomsclvos  to  the  iJiazilian 
markets  by  the  superiority  of  their  goods.  The  works  in  marble, 
tiles,  pipes,  enamel,  bricks,  canm)t  be  exceeded.  There  are  several 
important  cement  factories,  we  will  mention  only,  however,  the 
Rodovalho  one,  the  products  of  which  have  won  fame.  The  threa- 
ding mills,  cotton,  silk  and  wool  are  imi)()rtant  and  there  are  also  in 
the  Capital  two  large  coffee-bags  factories  known  as  Pciitcuda  with 
about  1.000  hands.  In  this  threading  mills  line  there  are  :  the  Nossa 
Senhora  da  Ponte,  in  Sorocaba,  with  500  hands;  the  Mooca;  the 
Prudent,  with  200  hands ;  the  Santa  Rosalia,  moved  by  electricity ;  the 
S.  Roque,  with  500  hands ;  the  Del  Acqua,  in  Osasco;  the  S.  Hei-nar- 
do;  the  Reyman  R.  &  Co.,  also  in  S.  Bernardo;  the  Votorantin.  in 
Sorocaba;  the  S.  Martinho  and  others.  Working  in  furniture  we 
mention  :  the  Santa  Maria ;  Laverias;  Carlos  Lohol  &  Co.;  Kdward 
AValler,  school  furniture;  Brothers  Reffinotte,  also  school  and 
domestic  furniture;  Antonio  Masso,  show-cases  and  closets;  Almei- 
da Guedes  and  others. 

The  breweries  are  :  the  Antartica  Paulista,  one  of  the  most 
important  in  South  America.  Its  buildings  occupy  8.000  square 
metres  and  produces  four  million  litres  of  beer.  The  Bavaria  brewery 
is  as  important  as  the  Antartica. 

It  is  not  necessary  to  give  account  of  the  factories  one  by  one,  it 
suffices  to  give  the  names  of  the  most  important  ones  :  One  arainina 
threading  mill,  (the  only  one  of  its  kind  in  South  America);  1  glass 
lapidation;  1,  soap  and  grease;  1,  blank  books;  2,  looking-glasses 
and  crystals;  1,  toys;  2,  shoe  blacking;  7,  shoes;  1,  musical  instru- 
ments, (adopted  by  all  the  bands  in  the  State);  1,  statues;  1,  pianos; 

1,  fruit  flour;  5,  book  binderies;  1,  nails;  5,  leather  tanning; 
5,  sweets;  4,  sugar  refineries;  2,  fine  soap;    1,  artificial   flowers; 

2,  chemical  products;  several,  coffee  roasting;  1,  bronze  foundry; 
1,  bells  and    brass    articles;    1,    hats;    1,   sanitary   pipes   and   tiles; 

0,  vegetable  oils  ;  2,  flour  mills;  1,  slippers;  2,  sawung  mills;  1 ,  cement 
and  crockery;  several  distilleries;  1,  canned  goods;  2,  powder;  ;i, 
agricultural    implements;    1,    matches;    o,    ready    made    clothing; 

1,  glassware  and  bottles;  1,  marble  articles  and  lime;  1,  children's 
food;  2,   string  and  ropes;  4,  gloves;  1,  paper;  1 ,  priests  apparel ; 

2,  apparatus  for  water  and  sewerage;  2,  pictures  frames:  1,  card- 
board;  7,  tinplate  goods;  3,  trunks;  1,  lead  pipes:  3,  iron  works; 
2,  mineral  waters;  6,  men's  clothing:  <.»,  brooms;  1,  baskets;  ■{,  food 
products;  1,  awnings ;  6,  matresses ,  1,  candles;  2,  optical  instru 
ments:  3,  economical  stoves;  3,  straw  or  cane  furniture ;  2  pulp 
making;  1,  carbon  sulphureto;  2,  candy.  All  these  factories  are  me- 

-    ter,  — 

clianical  ones.  There  are  many  others,  smaller  ones,  all  through  the 
different  cities  of  the  State. 

Coffee.  —  The  great  strength  of  S.  Paulo  rests  on  the  powerful, 
ample  basis  of  its  agriculture,  the  productive  energy  of  which  has  no 
l)arallcl  in  the  United  States  of  America.  The  w  calthy  i)roducti\  ity 
of  the  soil  got  for  the  coffee  a  reign ,  as  it  can  never  have  in 
Asia,  Africa,  Central  America,  and  even  in  some  of  the  Brazilian 

S.  i*auh)  knew  coffee  half  a  century  ago,  but  that  cultivation 
began  to  receive  impulse  when  the  railways  spread  west-ward 
in  1825. 

CdlliH;  lariii-lumse  tii  tlie  wcsl  ol'  .s.   l';mi(i 

The  initiators  of  tliis  concjuest  were  Brazilians  ,  natives  of 
S.Paulo,  with  which  they  gave  a  prominent  place  to  Brazil  in  the 
woild  interchange,  assuring  for  it  a  kind  of  monopoly  of  ihat 
precious  product. 

From  that  date  the  production  is  for  ever  increasing.  The  far 
mors,  all  Brazilians,  in  the  beginning  used  the  African  slaves  to 
woi-k  lIicirgroiUHls.  hi  ISSS  lli(>  slaves  were  free  and  lliework  Ix'gaii 
lo  lie,  doiH!  hy  I'iuropean  immigiauts,  niosl  of  llieiii  llalians.  The 
latter  is  a  good  inimigranl. 

A    iJfa/.iiiaii,    a    iialive    o\'   llie    M  inas  Stale,  called  I  )iiiiionl .  w  enl 

>  1 


Annual  avera^^es  by  ihntisand  baf^s  wei^fliin^r  do  kilos  puc/i 


















\.  -"////'• 





















Scale  1  mm  to  iu,ooo  bags. 

away  west  in  this  State  and  there  established  the  largest  coffee 
plantation  in  the  world.  Others  imitated  him,  though  in  more  modest 
proportions,  and  to-day  S.  Paulo  has  059.0(30.060  coffee  trees  of  all 

The  area  occupied  is  300.4  1(3  alqueires  and  there  arc  yet,  to  be 
disposed  of,  in  the  farms  that  are  being  cultivated,  392. 115  alqueires 
of  grounds  appropriated  for  new  -coffee  plantations.  This  means, 
that  without  needing  to  come  out  of  the  region  where  coffee  is  culti- 
vated, within  the  limits  of  that  part  of  the  State  already  populated 
and  served  by  the  best  means  of  transport,  it  disposes  of  grounds 
for  the  production  of  more  than  the  double  of  what  it  produces  to-day. 

From  1880-1881  to  1884-1885,  or,  from  1895-1896  to  1899-1900  the 
average  annual  production  of  Brazil  increased  from  5.900.000  to 
9.690.000  bags,  while  in  Africa  only  increased  from  125.000  to  225.000 
and  in  Venezuela  Colombia,  from  2,175.000  to  3.325.000. 

Santos  exported  an  average  of  1.755.000  yearly  from  1880  to  1885 
and  from  1895  to  1900  this  average  went  to  6.020.000  bags  (of  60 
kilos)  with  an  estimate  for  the  crop  of  1905-1906  of  9.500.000  bags, 
the  total  computation  of  the  whole  Brazil  being  13.125.000  bags,  and 
of  the  whole  world  16.125.000.  No  doubt  these  figures  illustrate  in  a 
striking  way  the  extraordinary  coffee  producing  capacity  of  Brazil. 

The  development  and  value  of  the  S.  I'aulo  coffee  production 
can  be  better  demonstrated  by  the  graphic  exposition  that  we 
print  here. 

It  will  show  how  the  coffee  exports  through  the  port  of  Santos 
(not  computing  then  the  exports  from  Rio,  Bahia  and  Mctoria)  was 
increasing  while  those  of  the  producing  centres  of  Asia  and  Amciica 
remained  stationary  or  diminished,  crushed  by  the  S.  Paulo  compe- 

In  spite  of  that  increase  of  production  and  exportation  of  coffoo, 
tlic.  Stale  of  S.  Paulo,  had  yet  tinu*  and  energy  to  send  lo  the  markets 
several  otlier  products,  some  in  large  (|nantity  like  rice,  sugar, 
tobacco  and  some  grain. 

\V(;  hear  llie  noise  of  the  discontented  and  pessimists  cursing  the 
coffee,  sj)eaking  of  iirisis,  a  curious  crisis  that  sujjports  lln'  e(tst  of 
monnmenfal  works  and  feeds  an  ac^tive  commerce. 

In  1900  S.  Paulo  exported  products  of  its  agriculture  to  the  value 
of  26  1. 099:577$  1  i;;. 

Do  you  want  to  know  how  niueh  it  ex]iorted  in  1901  in  the  lieiglil 
of  the  crisis? 

The  official  \alue  oi  j^oods  expoited  by  the  p(Mt  of  Santos  dui'in^ 

—   Ki9  — 

1901    was   291.07 1:103$295.   These  exports   Irom  Sunlos  conn-  ivoiu 
different  States  in  these  proportions  : 

■'>•  Paulo i27f;.0(;():i>l«.sO().. 

Minas  Goraes i:;.7-Jil:(i:;H.s;(;!)f) 

<'<»>'•'»/■ MH:ll.-,^(i(K) 

Other  States 0(5:7 I5S000 

Total.     .     .    29l.974:l05S2fl5 
These  figures  would  go  over  :300.000:000$0UU  if  we  should  add  to 
them   the  not  small   amount  of  goods   that  go  to   Rio   de  .Janeiro 
instead  of  Santos  by  the  Central  of  Brazil  railway. 
xVnd  the  manufactured  products? 

The  principal  port  by  which  S.  Paulo  exports  its  goods  is  San- 
tos, one  of  the  best  of  the  coast  because  of  its  docks  and  appa- 
ratus for  loading  and  unloading. 

During  1903  entered  this  pout  : 



German  . 

Austrian  , 

Brazilian  . 

Belgian  . 

French .  , 

Italian  .  . 

Russian  , 


Quantity   TONS  REGISTER  1         CREW 
























German  .... 
Americain.  .  .  . 
Brazilian    .     .     .     . 


'Spanish  .  .  .  . 
English  .  .  .  . 
Russian  .... 
Swede-Norwegian  . 
Pontoons  .... 


















1 .204 









—  +711  — 

The  loa(lin<>;  and  unloading-  of  goods  on  the  Santos  quay,  during 
that  3'ear  was  l.li7..S.">7  tons  against  TOO/.tri  in  lUOU.  The  Custom 
House  revenue  was  : 

190") 30.o03:iiriS0()0 

inOi r.-2.9."io:Gins(inii 

VM) 5(i.82-4::«.iS(iOO 

Always  increasing,  always  progressing  ! 

The  Brazilian  flag  during  HX)3  had  an  increase  oT  ;><)  ships, 
20.000  tons  of  goods  more  than  the  preceding  year  in  the  port  ol 

S;mtos.  —   Hus|iil;il  of  S;uit;i  ('.;is;i  ili-   Misericdrdiii 

TiiR  iMMKiUATiox.  —  The  cause  of  the  groat  development 
S.  Paulo  has  had,  is  pi'incii)ally  due  to  the  immigralion  of  luirojx^iu 
blood  which  has  activated  its  general  ciiculat  ion  lately .  Tliis  great 
transfusion  of  l''m-opeiin  hlood  gave  to  tlic  woik  of  S.  Paulo  a  strong 

'^riie  aspect  of  t  lie  ( 'apital  of  S.  Pnulo  is  to  a  ceitain  e\tenl  tlic 
aspect  of  an   l-lnropean  city,  with  its  types,  customs  ;ind  coiiifoit. 

The  sam<'  happens  llii'oiigli  all  the  interior. 

From  IS','7  to  I'.IDO  S.  Paulo  received  no  less  ilum  '.Ml'. ».•,';{()  inmii 
grants  from  l-'.uropc.  i  ncliniiiit;  l.".M.*,','r)  t  liird  class  passengei-s.  Ahoul 
seven  tenths  of  these  wcr*'  Italians. 

—    1-71    - 

((  On  account  of  its  tiM-ritoriul  sm-race,  no  oilier  i-c^ion  in  Soiiili 
xVmerica  received  so  much  immigration,  »  said  Dr.  Kugcnio  Lciex  re, 
of  the  S.  Paulo  Agriculture  Department,  and  added  :  u  The;  Arg(!n- 
tine  Republic  with  2.885.620  scpiare  kilometres  of  territory  received 
from  1857  to  1899,  only  2.504.391  immigrants,  which  is  less  than  one 
per  square  kilometre,  The  State  of  S.  Paulo  during  the  same;  time 
with  a  surface  of  250.000  square  kilometres  received  in  jjioportion 
four  times  more  than  Argentine.  » 

The  efforts  employed  by  S.  Paulo  to  attract  to  its  territory  an 
efficient  current  of  immigration  from  Euroj)e,  were  such  that  in 
1871  from  a  Budget  of  1.500:000^000,  it  devoted  an  appropriation  of 
r)00:000$000  to  the  immigration  service  alone. 

During  the  years  1865  to  1898  the  entry  of  immigrants  in  groups 
of  five  years  was  as  follows  : 

Years  Immigrants 

I860  lo  1869 1.160 

1870  »  1874 1. 273 

1873  »  1879 10.133 

1880  ))  1884 13.899 

1883  »  1889 168.289 

1890  »  1894 320.513 

1893  »  1899 420.296 

Until  to-day  the  percentage  of  those  who  go  away  is  34  */-  "/c 
The  current  of  immigration  is  always  in  the  increase,  and  the 

State  does  not  spare  sacrifices]  to  keep  on  increasing  it.  Let  us  see 

the  statistics  of  1900-1901. 

Immigrant  passengers. 

Years.  Entering.  Sailing. 

1900 27.639 58.141 

1901 75.843 40.707 

Of  these  immigrants  11.693  in  1900  and  22.133  in  1901,  came  to 
S.  Paulo  at  their  own  expense  and  this  proves  that  the  sacrifices  the 
State  has  made  could  be  dispensed  with  and  the  European  immi- 
gration current  will  keep  on  coming  of  their  own  free  will  and  at 
tlieir  expense. 

The  CrriES  of  the  State  of  S.  Pailo.  —  No  other  State  pre- 
sents such  a  large  number  of  beautiful  cities  as  S.  Paulo  does.  We 
can  even  say  that  some  of  its  interior  towns  are  moi-e  advanced  .  far 
more  so,  than  certain  capitals  of  the  States  of  Brazil. 

It  has  22  cities  illuminated  by  electricity  and  four  by  gas. 

—  472  — 

There  are  25  places  in  the  State  with  Water  Works,  l\)ur  others 
^vith  this  department  under  way,  placing  the  pipes  under  ground, 
three  aniplilying  tiieir  service,  and  11  with  plans  approved  only, 
awaiting  the  arrival  of  the  material  which  is  furnished  by  the  State. 

Have  sewerage  service :  the  Capital,  Santos,  Campinas,  Arai'a- 
quara,  Jahu,  llibeirao  Preto,  Piracicaba,  Itapira,  liraganra,  Monte- 
Mor,  ten  places  in  all.  With  sewerages  initiated  and  working  on  its 
installation  there  are  Rio  Claro,  Sorocaba,  Pirassununga,  Taul)at('', 
Limeira,  and  Amparo,  six  in  all.   With  approved  plans,  eight  :  Espi- 

SjiiildS  —  7  Selt'inlnd  Sliicl 

rito  Santo  do  Pinhal,  (Juarctingueta,  Lorena.  Botucatii,  Mogy  da^ 
('ruses,  S.  .lose  do  Rio  Pardo,  Ca(;apava  and  Tietc. 

Mogy-Mirini  has  the  works  initiati'd  but  suspiMultHl  for  several 

The  MKilerial  of  ghissy  eroekery  mass  furnished  by  the  State  to 
the  localities  which  are  going  to  do  this  sanitary  work,  is  all  of 
home  manufaef Mi'e,  and  in  its  largest  i)art  made  in  S.  I'aulo. 

Nearly  every  one  of  the  cities  al)ove  mentioned  have  i)ul)lie  buihl- 
ings  of  first  class,  hospitals,  railway  stations,  newspapers,  thea- 
t  I'cs,  facl<»ries,  etc. 

W'e  will  speak  only  of  the  most  inii)oitanl  ones. 

Santos.  —  Those  who  go  ii-oiii  liio  Lo  the  South,  always  follow  a 
sea-coast  lull  of  curves,  with  several  little  bays,  some  of  them  destin- 
ed to  perform  a  great  role  in  the  future,  like  Ubatuba,  S.  Sebastiao, 
all  that  coast  shaded  by  high  and  uniform  elevations  of  the  Serra  do 
Mar  (sea  ridge  of  mountains,  which  looks  like  an  enormous  wall  de- 
fending the  coast  in  all  its  extension  till  tlic  flout  of  the  Bertioga 
bar  where  a  large  tract  of  the  continent,  separated  from  it,  opens 
with  the  name  of  Guaruja,  a  sheltered  passage  lined  with  small 

Santos.  —  Heals  C.i'iilru  Porliifjiiese  building 

islands,  at  the  bottom  of  which  is  Santos,  the  oi'4Mn  of  :i])]M-o])ria- 
tion  and  expropriation  of  all  the  S.  Paulo  State. 

Jt  is  its  safety  valve. 

It  is  not  the  largest  city  of  the  Slate,  it  is  pei'haps  ilic  third,  oi- 
fourth  as  to  the  nuuilxM-  of  inhabitants.  As  a  city,  and  as  to  its 
urbane  oi-ganization,  its  function  of  ln'ing  an  ontb't  (»f  the  enoi-iiious 
j)i-o(ln<-tion  of  the  S.  Panlo  State,  it  has  won  a  great  i  iii|M»riauir 
before  all  the  others.  Besides,  there  are  the  hydraulie  works  built  in 
its  port,  i)laeing  it  at  the  head  of  all  othei-  lii-azilian  ports,  as  to  the 
regularity  of  its  coimnereial  operations,  cm  do  no  W'ss  than  incirasr 
that  importanee,  so  that,  as  to  tlifhnll^  of  iis  woiM  inicichange, 
Santos  has  Ijecoiiic  one  of  Ihc  mo-l     noled    |iorl--   of    Soiilli     Vuu'i'ifa. 

-  I7r.  — 

In  Brazil  is  only   second  to  liio  dc  Janeiro.  It    is  S.  Paulo's  dooi-  al 
the  ocean. 

The  city  extends  itself  over  plains  with  bcanlilul  sea-slion^s  like 
.rose  Menino  with  beantiiul  j-esidenees,  pictiiresciiu!  huihlings  ,  a 
splendid  hotel,  which  looks  as  if  stolen  from  some  beautiful  Kiiro- 
pean  summer  resort.  The  oldest  part  of  the  city  is  the  one  between 
the  docks  and  Quin/e  de  Xovembro  Street.  It  is  tortuous,  filled  with 
lanes  as  in  the  old  cities.  The  new  part  of  the  city  spreads  itself 
towards  the  South,  South-east  and  towards  the  enormous  areas  con- 
quered from  the  sea  by  the  Erapreza  das  Docas,  around  the  nice 
hill  erowmed  by  the  Nossa  Senhora  de  Mont-Serrat  church. 

In  the  business  streets,  especially  Quinze  de  Novembro  one, 
filled  with  banks,  offices,  stores,  bar-rooms,  is  a  whirlwind  of 
human  waves,  running  here  and  there,  as  the  largest  part  of  the 
business  is  done  between  the  arrival  and  departure  of  the  S.  Paulo 
train,  because  the  majority  of  merchants  go  to  S.  Paulo  in  the  eve- 
ning, running  away  from  the  heat  and  the  dust  of  Santos. 

From  10  in  the  morning  to  4  in  the  afternoon  is  the  most 
earnest  activity,  people  do  not  run ,  they  fly.  The  sweat  dampens 
the  collars,  the  converses  are  resumed  to  the  exchange  of  monosyl- 
lables, as  it  is  necessary  that  everything  be  finished  before  the  last 
train  starts.  Every  foreigner  notices  on  the  first  days,  this  social 
aspects  of  the  city  impression,  thus  translated  by  a  writer  :  —  «  the 
city  has  the  appearance  of  a  person  just  finishing  and  closing  all 
his  business  for  a  long  trip,  for  a  rest,  for  a  vacation,  on  the  eve  of 
a  holyday  season.  There  is  not  that  business  almost  regulated  and 
calm,  of  the  Brazilian  commercial  markets.  There  everything  is  done 
in  a  hurry,  in  anxietj',  in  earnest ,  it  must  be  a  fever  if  it  is  not  an- 

Through  the  other  streets  work  is  disputed  with  the  same  eager- 
ness as  in  the  Quinze  de  Novembro  sti^eet.  Heavy  four  wheel  trucks 
run  here  and  there  overloaded  with  bags  of  coffee,  and  from  the 
railway  to  the  docks  these  wagons  cross  our  way  with  all  their  haste 
and  noise  threatning  running  over  us.  At  the  door  of  the  storage 
houses  the  horses  have  their  rations  of  straw  while  the  trucks  are 
loaded.  Herculean  Portuguese  and  negroes,  sweating,  half  naked, 
barefooted  ^o  about  running  in  small  but  swift  steps  with  one  or 
two  bags  on  their  backs  over  their  heads  from  the  storage  house  to 
the  truck  at  the  sound  of  a  singing  tune  monotonous  and  savage 
like.  We  hear  the  noise  of  the  wooden  shovels  handling  the  coffee 
in  the  storage  houses,  »  This  is  in  the  active  centre  of  the  city.  Let 
us  see  the  other  places. 

On  the  Avay  to  that  beautilul  sea-sliore  «  Jose  Meniiio  »  there  are 
extended  in  parallel  with  each  other  two  wide  and  long  avenues,  — 
Xebias  and  Anna  Costa,  with  a  length  of  nearly  four  kilometres, 
well  paved  and  illuminated  with  carbonic  gas  like  the  rest  of  the 
cit3^  Pretty  streets  cross  these  avenues  now  only  partlj^  built  and 
which  will  in  the  future  be  gradually  taking  active  part  in  the  mo- 
vement of  the  central  districts.  IVamcars  overloaded  with  passen- 
gers take  to  this  region  of  rest  the  people  that  ended  their  duties, 
and  come  back  running  unceasclessly  through  the  business  streets, 
filled     with   noise  of  the    wagon-wheels ,    ambulant    venders   and 

S.  Vicente. 

Monuineiit  of  ll)e  -ith  century  of  Brazil,  civclcd  wIk-ic 
Martim  AtTonso  laiidod 

newsboys.  There  in  that  district  move  around  busy  in  their  work 
the  anonymous  workmen. 

The  Kmpre/.a  das  Docas  wliieh  built  the  improvement  of  (he  i)ort 
and  nuide  (lie  sanitary  rehabilitation  of  Santos,  spoiled  a  little  the 
beauty  of  their  work,  building  ugly  storage  houses  covered  with  /.inc 
in  the  entire  front  of  the  city,  so  that  not  only  the  city  loses  some- 
what in  i(s  appearance  l)iit  those  stoi-age  houses  prevent  the  air  from 
circulating  in  the  streets  that  lead  there. 

But  as  «  every  evil  is  the  beginning  of  good  »,  that  so  little  com- 
fortable preeminence   impelled   the   inhabitants  of  Santos  to  direct 

—  477  — 

their  cares   to   the  beautiful  sea-shores  :    S.    Vicente,  Josc-Menino 
and  Guam j a. 

The  hitter  is  a  sea-shore  place  in  the  style  of  tliose  ol'  tlie  South 
of  Europe.  To  go  there  from  Santos  we  take  a  small  launch  and  after 
a  short  sail,  half  an  hour  railway  ride  takes  us  to  the  most  pictu- 
resque summer  resort  of  South  America.  A  sea-shore  of  wliite  sand, 
pretty  and  long  streets  lined  by  chalets  (wooden  cottages)  more  or 
less  of  the  same  style,  (Queen  Anne  cottag-es),  the  Casino,  the  large 
hotel  with  its   wide  verandah   contemplating-  the  honest  and  dislant 

Santus.  —  S.  Paulo  railway  staliou 

fury  of  the  sea,  that  endless  sea,  and  more  pleasant  than  all  that,  the 
aristocratic  circle  of  summer  residents  in  light  clothes  -  that  is  the 
pretty  picture  of  that  charming  summer  resort. 

From  S.  Paulo,  from  all  over  Brazil,  families  and  tourists  pay 
their  visitto  Guaruja  the  panorama  of  which  begins  to  become  cele- 
brated as  those  of  European  resorts  in  travellers  albums,  postal 
cards  and  magazines. 

That  charming  and  bright  place  by  the  sea,  with  its  light  and 
beautiful  cottages  ,  surrounded  by  gardens  ,  remind  one  of  the 
most  picturesque  scenes  of  Switzerland.  It  has  also  all  the  poetry  of 

—  1.7K  — 

tropical  i)laces  and  is  most  accessible.  Excepting  during  the  Sea- 
shore season  when  the  houses  are  all  taken  and  there  is  no  room  at 
the  hotel,  any  one  without  incurring  in  large  expenses  can  visit  this 
pretty  corner.  And  the  place  is  well  fi-equented. 

The  other  sea-shore  places  are  not  less  interesting,  and  lor  all 
of  them  are  rapid  and  easy  transportation  facilities.  To  go  to 
S.  Vicente,  that  pleasant  city,  there  is  a  railway  service.  It  is  located 

Campinas.  —  Railway  Station 

atone  hour  ride  from  Santos  and  has  a  beauliful  stone  monument  lo 
commemorate  the  discovery  of  Brazil. 

Santos  is  connected  with  S.  Paulo  by  a  powtu-fiil  i;iilway,  which 
had  to  overtake  the  difference  of  TOO  metres  over  the  Cubatao  hill  in 
a  series  of  five  inclined  plans,  cacli  of  tiu>ni  filled  with  works 
of  art,  tunnels  and  viaducts.  It  was  a  marvellons  feat  of  luodi'iii 
engineering  and  it  was  the  initiative  of  N'iscondc  dc  Mana. 

When  the  train  starts  from  the  bottom  of  the  hill,  our  first 
thought  is  that  the  monster  cannot  go  up  thai  steep  hill,  which  rises 
with  all  its  majestic  proportions   filkMl    willi   al»ysscs  of  thicaicning 


—  isn  — 

vegetation.  But  the  train  goes  on,  advances  with  a  group  of  ears,  the 
landscapes  run  away  from  us,  tliere  are  endless  banana  plantations 
like  rough  lakes  by  the  side  of  the  train  until  the  first  station.  Then 
begins  the  Uphill  work  until  Ihc  third  stop.  Then  there  is  the  fourth 
and  tlie  fifth  until  the  top  where  from  through  a  level  road  the  train 
takes  us  to  S.  Paulo.  It  is  a  pretty  scenery  all  along  the  road 
with  houses,  chui'ches,  plantations,  factory  chimneys,  monuments, 
woods,  l^ridges  over  a  river,  all  that  variety  of  landscape  that 
charms  the  eye  of  the  traveller  without  tiring  his  brain. 

Campinas.  —  It  was  once  the  most  important  city  of  S.  Paulo, 
that  beautiful  city  of  Campinas,  and  it  still  keeps  one  of  the  first 
places  in  the  State.  It  was  formerly  called  S.  Carlos,  and  took  the 
present  name  after  the  green  fields  that  surround  it.  It  was  elevated 
to  the  rank  of  city  in  1842.  It  is  the  seat  oi"  a  most  rich  coffee  dis- 
trict. According  to  census  of  twelve  years  ago  there  were  33.000  inha- 
bitants, to-day  there  must  be  lojOUO  or  more.  A  railway  line  con- 
nects it  with  the  Capital  of  the  State.  It  has  a  learned  and  cultured 
jjopulation,  with  several  institutes  of  instruction.  Its  \\ide  streets 
carefully  swept,  with  magnificent  gas  illumination,  are  lined  with  pa- 
laces and  fine  nmnsions.  A  Brazilian  writer  wrote  about  it  as  follows: 
«  But  what  is  to  be  admired  most  there  is  the  neatness  of  the  streets, 
and  even  in  the  residences  there  is  to  be  noted  good  hygienic 
conditions  and  cleanliness.  The  yards  are  cemented,  they  can  be 
easily  swept  and  washed,  thus  avoiding  dirt  and  infiltrations,  with 
all  its  bad  consequences. 

^^'itll  that  sky  of  a  perpetual  blue,  and  a  complete  silence,  the  city 
has  the  aspect  of  a  wealthy  spot  sheltering  an  opulent  court.  » 

It  is  probably  due  to  that  aristocratic  appearance  that  they  call 
it  Princeza  do  Oeste  (Princess  of  the  West)  and  must  be  a  real  i)rin- 
cess  the  city  that  has  the  re(iuirements  to  ennoble  it  that  Canipinas 
has.  Were  it  not  for  S.  Paulo,  Campinas  would  be  a  splendid  capital 
which  would  not  lower  its  greatness.  l']xeellent  water,  several 
newspapers,  a  nice  (Jymnasium,  three-  libraries,  (ramway  service, 
are  all  elements  of  j)rogress  to  be  fornuMl   in  Campinas. 

From  among  its  best  buildings  we  admired  the  S.  Carlos  theatre; 
the  large  vegetable  market;  the  Com])aiihia  Paulista  railway  station,  of 
nornuin  style,  with  a  square  tower  at  the  side,  ending  in  a  pyramid, 
the  main  body  of  which  having  two  floois  and  side  galleries;  the 
City  Hall,  of  simple  but  noble  lines;  the  Nossa  Senhorada  Coneeiciio 
chuich  of  Koman  Stxle,  imitating  tlu^  (iloria  Church  in  IJio,  and 
oue  of  I  lie  largest  aud  liehest  churches  in  Hra/.il  ,  iu  ;i  pul>lic 
s(juai'e  with  four  I'ows  of  trees  carefully  treated;  the  Correa  de  Mollo 

—  1-ni  — 

School,  anolhcf  liiu;  jxihlic  l)iul(lin<;-,  oT  inodiM-n  iigriciilttiri; ;  (lie 
Slaiij^htci-  lioiisc,  one;  of  (he  best  of  its  kind  in  S.  Paulo;  the  public 
garden  and  race  track.  Tlicsi!  two  are  nnoiHi  a  \isit  of  the  lou- 
risls  as  \v(dl  as  tlu^  l)uildini;-  of  the  Lyceum  of  Arts  and  Ti-adcs  and 
that  of  the  Italian  lieneficcnt  Society,  large  an«l  of  coiinthian  slylir 
with  a  ('(Mitral  body  and  two  wings. 

Ami'ako.  —  'i'liis  is  one  of  the  most  progressive  citi(!S  in  tlio 
conntrN'.  It  has  ;5(). ()()()  inhabitants  with  all  modern  imi)rovcm(}ntK 
which  can  give  name  to  a  ('apital.  And  this  is  the  Capital,  we  may 
say  it,  of  an  opulent  municipium. 

(lainpiiias.  —  faiiorania  ol  a  part  of  the  (lity.    i:>  Maio  e  Costa  Agiiiar  Street 

The  agriculture  which  is  the  principal  clement  of  life  of  this 
municipium  consists  in  coffee.  The  export  of  this  product  in  1900 
was  of  2;3.351.00o  kilograms  and  the  imjiort  of  goods  in  1<S<)9  was 
10.512. 102  kilograms. 

^^'e  were  told  in  that  city  that  its  name  —  Araparo  —  (protection) 
came  from  an  historical  circumstance  :  several  families  (juitc 
poor,  a  certain  day  wont  to  that  plac(^  looking  for  protecti(m  and 
shelter  that  that  rich  and  pretty  spot  could  offer  them.  And  there 
remained  and  prospered.  It  was  a  beautiful  place.  From  the  city  on 
one  side  could  be  seen  a  ridge  of  mountains  known  as  Caraquata, 
rich  and  fertile  as  Brazilian  mountains   generally  are,  and  on  the 

—  482  — 

otlier  side  the  waters,  tlic  river,  that  as  Father  Bazan  said,  are  lor 
tlie  landscape  what  the  (>yes  are  for  tlie  face. 

It  is  a  new  city.  In  18"2S  it  was  a  simple  hamlet.  It  became  a  city 
in  180."). 

It  is  135  kilometres  away  from  S.  Faiilo.  The  hills  surrounding 
it,  all  full  of  cultivation,  are  charming.  Having  progressed  much  in 
the  last  ten  years  it  can  present  to  the  visitor  some  beautiful  build- 
ings, as  for  instance  : 

The  parish-church  ,  a  structure  preceded  of  four  corinthian 
columns,  ending  in  a  front  with  a  statue,  two  square  towers  and 
l)olygonal  pyramids,  a  central  door  and  three  windows  fill  tlic  front 
of  the  building,  and  in  the  towers  are  niches  for  statues. 

(".aiii|iiiias.  —  I.yccMini  of  Arts  and  Mainifactures 

The  City  Hall,  a  magnificent  building  has  in  its  front  rich 
columns,  in  the  two  floors  and  upon  the  acrotei-ia  a  little  steeple 
with  a  clock  and  bells,  symbolisms  hM'l  by  tradition  to  the  muni- 

'Hat  Am)>aro  Hospital  is  one  of  the  best  wc  have  seen.  Two 
Ivxiics  of  two  stories  each,  connected  l)y  a  central  pa\  illion  in  f(»rm 
of  portico,  the  entrance  to  which  is  made  by  a  pretty  stairway,  all  in 
the  ionic  style,  is  the  exterior  of  the  building;  in  the  interior,  as  all 
mod(;rn  liosi)itals,  has  wards  ami)ly  aired,  full  of  light  and  with 
complete  hygienic  and  anti-sceptic  conditions. 

'I'hci'C!  is  a  large  and  pi-etty  school  in  a  two  story  building,  with 
two  distinct  bodies,  gei'man  style,  with  terraces  and  pa\  illions  at 
the  sides,  forming  all  a  beautiful  whole. 

—  483 

The  Joao  Caetano  theatre,  with  a  pretty  front,  two  floors,  is  a 
small  but  artistic  theatre  with  600  seats  capacity. 

Tlie  electric  light  works,  are  in  a  solid  building.  Tlicy  i)ro\  ide 
the  motive  power  for  the  electric  lights  of  the  city. 

Tlie  street  that  pleased  us  most  was  Treze  dc  iMaio  ,  wide, 
with  nice  buiklings,  of  Italian  architecture,  as  well  as  business 

Caiiipinas.  —  CJiiurli  (il  .\.  I),  da  Coiifeiran 

The  public  garden  is  pretty  and  good  care  is  taken  of,  witli  works 
of  art,  pavillions,  etc. 

The  city  is  connected  witli  the  outside  by  means  of  the  Mogyana 

PiRACicABA.  —  It  is  on  a  river,  as  it  happens  with  the  majority 
of  Brazilian  cities.  This  river  is  nice  and  clear,  with  falls,  the 
inliabitants  taking  full  advantage  of  them. 

Its  river  is  the  motive  power  for  the  light  and  moving  of  Piraci- 


—  +ftt  — 

cabu  raotorics.  Thus  is  tluit  an  industrial  city.  Its  topo^i-apliy 
is  regulai-,  the  buildin^^s  are  modern  ones,  it  looks  like  a  ehess- 
board.  Its  publie  <;arden  is  very  pretty.  There  is  oreat  animation 
and  material  proj^ress  in  the  city.  It  must  have  :{.".<hki  inhabitants. 
Ten  years  a^o  when  the  last  census  was  taken,  it  had  l::.l'.M  nial.'s 
and  J-J.nTl  lenuiles,  not  inebidin<;  the  i)o])ulation  of  Santa  Mai  ia 
district,  \\hi(di  really  is  not  city. 

It  has  pretty  buildings  both  i)ublic  and  private,  as  : 

The  f'oraciio  de  Jesus'church,  of  Roman  Style,  in  a  large  severe 

(iii;iralingiii'l;i.  —  View  (t[  a  jKirt  of  Hit'  (lily  aiirl  [lurl 

body  in  two  sections,  with  statues   in    the   front.  It  has  a  classic  and 
harmonious  appearance. 

The  Methodist  clnu'ch.  with  its  stcci)lc  in  llic  form  itf  a  coUossal 
scniry-box  and  surrounded  b\   palm-ti'ces. 

The  high  school,  new  two  story  building,  Italian  style,  with  a 
fine  gai'den  and  artistic  railing  in  friuii. 

The  gi'ammar  school,  a  pretty  liuilding  of  a  solter  and  lianiio 
nious  archileel  ui-e,  golhie  style;  it  is  a  proof  of  the  care  and  gene- 
rosity will)  wliieli  S.  Paulo  installs  its  institutes  for  instruction. 

I'iracicaha  has  ^ome  notable  factories,  moxcd  1>\  steam  and  hy- 
draulic piiwer,  llireadiug  mills,  hrewcries.  (lislinerics,  etc.  \\ C  cite 
a  sugai-  factory,  ])rodueing  annuall\  '.i(t,ti(i()  i)ags  of  sugar  of  lio  kil«)s 
(jacli.  it  is  a  large  huilding    with  two  chimneys.  The  d  Arclhusinu  » 

—  48B  — 

is  II  cotton  mill  with  all  modern  improvcmcnls  with  a  valiiahlc  pro- 
duction both  because  of  the  quantity  and  quality. 

GiARATixGUETA.  —  Thosc  wlio  travcl  between  S.  J'aido  and  Rio 
see  at  the  kilometre  ii°30()  of  that  line,  a  j^ay  city,  the  houses  of  which 
lye  reflected  in  the  trembling  crj^stal  of  the  river  watci-s.  There  is  a 
long- red  bridge  over  this  river.  This  city  isGuaratingueta,  l)uilt  in  JtlH 
though  it  onlj'  became  in  fact  a  city  in  18M,  two  centuries  afterwards. 

To-day  "it  is  a  most  active  commercial  city  as  well  as  an  indus- 
trial and  agricultural  one,  with  excellent  ])iiblic  l)iiii(liiigs  and  private 

S.  Joao  da  Boa  vista.  —  Place  of  recreation 

It  could  not  be  otherwise  considering  the  magnificent  location 
where  it  is  between  two  commercial  emporiums,  the  two  largest 
markets  of  Brazil  —  Rio  and  S.  Paulo  —  and  connected  with  V)()tli 
by  railway. 

It  has  a  beautiful  climate  at  a  height  of  530  metres  above  the  sea 
level,  wrapped  in  extensive  coffee  plantations,  another  green  sea, 
which  grows  larger  every  year  around  tlie  city. 

Among  its  principal  streets  is  Quinze  de  Novembro,  wide,  a  little 
cm-ve,  w  ith  nice  private  houses  and  commercial  stores. 

Its  City  Hall  is  not  worthy  of  note  ;  it  is  a  solid  tw  o  story  struc- 
ture, with  seven  window  s  in  the  upper  story  and  three  in  the  lower 
one,  and  has  a  somewhat  decorated  front. 

—  486  — 

The  church ,  the  high  tower  of  which  can  be  seen  from  the  train 
is  one  of  the  finest  churches  in  the  interior.  Its  market  is  a  lively 
one  and  kept  clean.  The  streets  are  wide  and  well  illuminated.  The 
movement  and  animation  of  the  people,  everything  there  gives  the 
city  the  right  to  be  called  one  of  the  first  cities  of  S.  Paulo. 

Its  population  grew  rapidly.  By  the  statistics  of  10  years  ago  it 
had  1)0.000  inhabitants,  to-day  it  has  no  less  than  J5.<X)0,  of  course,  in 
all  the  mimicipium. 

SoRocABA.  —  S.  Paulo  having  sijveral  cities  purely  industrial 
ones,  hardly  will  be  able  to  present  another  like  Sorocaba,  excepting 
the  Capital.  Of  its  30.000  inhabitants  at  least  one  tenth  or  about 
oOOO  devote  themselves  to  the  factory  work.  Located  in  a  large  hole 
in  the  soil  it  takes  advantage  of  its  river,  fiill  of  falls,  known  as  «.  tlw 
river  that  dig's  holes  »  and  uses  it  as  motive  power  for  the  factories, 
cotton  mills,  etc. 

Its  public  garden  is  the  most  picturesque  in  the  whole  State.  It 
has  in  the  centre  a  pavillion  or  band-stand,  country  style  but  quite 
pretty.  Its  church  has  also  a  countr^iike  aspect,  old  architecture, 
quite  simple.  We  are  not  sure  but  we  think  it  dates  back  the  time 
Sorocaba  was  a  village  in  1600. 

Its  streets  somewhat  tortuous,  as  those  of  all  the  old  cities,  are 
lined  with  nice  private  buildings  and  stores. 

Dr.  Moreira  Pinto  twoy  ears  ago  wrote  about  this  city  as  follows: 

«  Sorocaba  is  to-day  transformed  into  an  industrial  city,  business 
there  now  is  taking  a  new  turn,  new  houses  built  in  large  numbers 
show  a  live  awaking. 

It  has  four  threading  mills,  leather  tanning  works,  brick  factory, 
hats,  shoes,  and  other  factories,  and  these  are  the  best  proofs  of  the 
new  economical  feature  of  the  municipiuui. 

Besides  the  lime  uianufacture  which  is  done  in  large  scale,  and 
preparation  of  marble  at  Dr.  Nicolao  \'ergueio's  farm,  there  is 'the 
culture  of  vines  and  making  of  wine,  the  latter  finding  easy  market. 

Yet,  the  business  of  Sorocaba  preserves  a  more  vast  field 
than  that  of  the  boundary  lines  of  the  municipium.  All  that  immense 
region  at  South-east  of  the  State  of  S.  Paulo  until  the  frontiers  of 
the  I*arana  State  gets  its  supply  from  Sorocaba  that  is  tiiulcnialilv 
the  most  inipoitant  luarket  ou  this  side  of  S.  Paulo.  '> 

It  has  a  ('harity  hospital,  a  fine  ])ublic  theatre,  lu^wspaptu'^,  ma- 
sonic lodges,  the  Sorocaba  railway,  water  sui)ply,  olectrieal  illumi- 
nation, etc. 

It  produces  coffee  iu  gr(nit  abuudauce.  it  exports  eattU*.  sugar, 
lime,  etc.  It  i)roduces  grain  for  the  consumption  of  the  wlu)le  uumiei 

—  487  — 

pium  and  even  exports  a  little  to  the  neij^^liborhood.  This  district  is 
no  doubt  rich  in  minerals  and  there  is  the  Ipanema  iron  foundry, 
producing  iron  of  a  quality  superior  to  that  of  the  best  foreign  mi- 
nes. Before  the  discovery  of  this  important  layer  whicli  feeds  that 
factory,  several  exploitations  of  gold  and  silver  had  been  made  in 
the  Aracoyaba  hill.  The  iron  foundry  is  situated  very  near  fhis<>ity, 
being  connected  with  it  by  Uie  Sorocaba  raihvay  which  has  a  local 
station  there. 

PiXDAMONHAXGABA.  —  When  a  long  name  like  that  is  given  in 
Brazil,  Avhat  is  not  uncommon,  people  generally  say  :  —  n  the  name 
is  larger  than  the  person  ».  In  this  case  we  cannot  say  that  the  name 
is  larger  than  the  city.  Large  as  the  name  is,  the  city  exceeds  it, 
progressing  with  a  speed  that  honors  the  S.  Paulo  State.  It  is  also  by 
the  Central  Railway  of  Brazil  road,  170  kilometres  from  the  Capital 
of  the  State.  Just  like  Guaratingueta  it  is  built  on  the  banks  of  the 
Parahyba  river.  It  has  an  excellent  climate,  540  metres  above  the 
sea  level ,  on  an  elevated  ground  opening  the  horizon  of  ridges  of 

Its  population  is,  perhaps  about  25.000  inhabitants.  The  census 
of  1892  gave  it  17.542  of  which  8.744  males  and  8.798  females.  It  was 
made  a  city  by  provincial  law  n"  17,  the  3rd  of  April  1849.  Its  princi- 
pal products  are  :  coffee,  rice,  beans,  corn,  sugar,  brandy,  hides  and 
cattle.  It  comprises  the  Xossa  Senhora  do  Bom  Successo  de  Pinda- 
monliongaba  church.  Its  Sete  de  Setembro  street  is  pretty,  though 
somewhat  inclined,  with  a  fine  perspective  with  one  and  more 
floors.  The  Francisco  Romeiro  public  square  is  most  beautiful. 

LouEXA.  —  This  city,  as  the  previous  one,  is  bathed  by  the  waters 
of  the  Parahyba  river,  and  in  the  !280th.  kilometre  of  the  Central  of 
Brazil  railway,  not  far,  then,  from  Guaratingueta.  From  there  starts 
the  small  railway  now  in  construction  to  Campos  do  Jordao,  where 
the  War  office  built  a  military  Sanatarium. 

Lorena  has  a  charming  panorama,  has  newspapers  and  good  illu- 
mination. Its  parish-church  is  pretty,  middle  age  Italian  style, 
with  a  high  steeple  and  surrounded  by  palm  trees. 

A  building  that  awakes  the  attention  of  the  tourist  is  the  jail  and 
police  barracks  ,  with  wide  lines  Italian  style  without  losing 
anything  of  its  austerity  and  solidity. 

The  school,  however,  has  not  the  architectonic  beauty  of  those 
of  other  cities  of  S.  Paulo.  It  is  a  large  building  like  a  plain  storage 
house,  in  the  style  of  the  houses  in  the  old  metropolis  square  and 
windows  on  all  sides.  A  fine  building  in  Lucena  is  its  sugar  factory, 

—  488 

two  stories  high,  and  in  tlie  main  structure  has  a  square  chimney. 
Jahu.  —  By  the  Estrada  Paulista  railway  at  ]'2  hours  ride  li-om 
S.  Pauh),  there  is  Jahu.  It  is  the  seat  of  a  coffee  munieipium,  a  <;reat 
Ijroducer.  Its  City  Hall  is  a  square  building  with  two  floors,  simple 
but  elegant,  with  a  stairway  in  its  front,  decorated  with  ionic  style 
columns.  Its  market  is  pretty,  but  of  quite  a  different  type  from 
other  markets  we  see  in  the  interior  cities.  It  was  built  with  stone 
and  lime  but  of  an  architecture  (juite  presentable. 

Jaliii.  —  Muiiici|)al  Cliainltor 

One,  of  its  newspapers  the  Corrcio  dc  Jahu,  not  loni;  ago  aiririiu'tl 
that  that  munieipium  is  of  all  others  of  the  State,  the  (mic  where 
more  work  has  been  done  lor  the  cause  of  public  instiMuMiou. 

Not  long  ago  it  had  only  two  schools,  oue  tor  each  sex,  and  now 
besides  private  colleges  it  has  ;>:>  schools  with  l.d'Jl  pupils. 

.lahu  has  ten  schools  united  in  a  group  called  "  Or.  I'adiia  Salles  ". 
foui-  isolated,  iiiaiiitaiiu'd  by  th(^  go\  crunieul ,  |:;  iiiaiulained  by  the 
MHinieipalilx  .  a  iiiglil  school  niaiulaiued  by  llie  govenuiieut,  an 
Italian  school  directed  l>\  jjrofessoi-  Diaferia,  a  cliiiii-li  school  main 
(aincHi  by  flic  vicar  ,  another  night  school  installed  in  the  mason 
lodge  building,  one  maintained  l»y  the  Presbyterian  church,  one  just 

—  489  — 

founded,  —  «  the  Maternal  »  —  for  litllc  j^irls  Irom  l\v(»  to  five  yciirs 

There  is  a  good  school  Tor  boys  under  the  denoiuiiuitioii  ol' 
a  Atheneii  Ja/iHt'/ »,  of  \vhich  Dr.  Doniingos  Magalliaes  is  the 
director;  another  one  under  the  direction  of  Dr.  (Jnljiicl  I'upo:  and 
another  one  for  girls  directed  by  the  Sisters  ol  ('li;irit_\-  of  S.-loscph's 

Public  instruction  alone  costs  to  the  niunicii)alil>    |.").<)0(is(M)O. 

Tauhate.  —  The  Catheilral 

Araraquaua.  —  Pretty  City,  G40  metres  above  the  sea  level.  It 
7as  progressing  very  rapidly,  when  a  few  years  ago,  the  yellow  fever 
visited  it  in  spite  of  its  height  and  temperature.  The  population  of 
that  region  got  frightened  and  Araraquara  lost  a  good  deal  thereby. 
It  is  at  a  10  hour  railway  ride  from  S.  Paulo.  D  is  below  the  Piraci- 
caba  river  and  near  a  high  ridge  of  mountains  full  of  vegetation  m 
the  401  St.  kilometre  of  the  Santos  railway. 

It  has  a  public  garden,  which  is  charming  and  is  the  pride  ot  the 
inhabitants  of  that  city,  with  artistic  arborisation,  full  of  small  little 
avenues  with  benches,  and  a  metal  pavillion  or  music-stand. 

The  Matriz  church  is  somewhat  modest,  notwithstanding  it  does 
not  look  bad  :  it  is  composed  of  a  sole  structure,  with  a  nice  front, 
in  the  centre   of   which   is  a  large  clock.    Elevating  itself  on  the 

—   t9U  — 

front  a  little  on   the  inside,  tlierc  is  a  square  steeple  ending  in  a 

The  eityof  Araraquara  is  at  the  North-west  of  the  Capital.  It  com- 
prises the  S.  Bento  de  Araraquara  and  Boa  Esperanca  parishes.  Its 
inhabitants  devote  themselves  to  the  cultivation  of  coffee,  sugar- 
cane, catllc  raising,  as  well  as  pigs,  horses  and  sheep  which  is  expor- 
ted, lis  population,  city  and  niunicii)iun),  is  of  ;il.:!'J()  inhabitants. 

Ivio  Claho.  —  As  its  name  indicates,  Kio  Claro  is  on  the  Ijanks 
of  a  clear  and  picturesque  river,  which  geographically  has  the  same 
name  of  Rio  Claro.  It  is  a  new  city. 

S.  Paulo  has  them  in  large  number,  and  besides  it  makes  old 
cities  become  new.  This  is  a  city  of  20.000  inhabitants.  Its  streets 
are  straight  and  wide  —  a  model.  Its  public  squares  are  embel- 
lished by  palm  and  other  trees.  It  has  a  splendid  temperature  and 
fresh  at  its  620  metres  above  sea  level. 

It  is  a  cit}'  truly  Brazilian,  as  it  was  founded  after  the  political 
independence  of  Brazil. 

It  has  splendid  private  and  public  buildings,  factories,  schools, 
colleges,  newspapers  and  others.  A  newspaper  man  writing  about 
Rio  Claro,  as  a  foreigner,  noted  at  once  this  circumstance  ^-  the 
difference  between  the  cities  built  by  Brazilians  and  those  inherited 
irom  Portuguese  colonial  times. 

'I'liis  newspaper  man  said  :  ((  Cities  like  Rio  Claro  are  beautiful, 
because  in  these  interior  cities  that  are  all  built  by  Brazilians,  the 
creation  is  more  perfect.  Rio  Claro,  is  a  small  city  of  the  S.  Paulo 
State,  a  new  one,  with  but  few  inhabitants,  and  it  was  born  already 
w  ith  a  perfectly  modern  plant  :  The  streets  by  numbers,  like  those 
of  American  cities,  and  illuminated  by  electricity,  and  this  was  done 
in  six  years  !  » 

This  speed  in  construction ,  seems  to  be  a  secret  of  the  inhabi- 
tants of  vS.  Paulo. 

Rio  Claro  develops  day  by  day,  thanks  to  its  acti\e  eonmu'ree, 
the  fertility  of  its  soil,  and  the  good  habits  of  activity  and  w(Mk  of 
its  citizens. 

Besides  all  that  it  has  the  advantage  of  not  being  far  from  the 
Cai)ital,  only  180  kilometres.  It  has  two  lailways  :  the  Paulista  and 
Rio  Clarense  railways. 

Taubate.  —  This  is  one  of  the  largest  cities  of  S.  Paulo,  only 
150  kilometi-es  from  its  Capital.  Iti  is  located  l)et\\rrii  a  little  river 
called  Covrvu)  and  the  \v,U  bank  of  the  rarahyl)a,  (lie  liiuinplial  rix'cr 
that  bathes  a  good  number  of  [\\v  best  cities  of  (he  S(a(e. 

—  491  — 

Tliis  name  of  Tanbate,  so  they  say,  comes  from  the  indian  names 
/a/7a,  which  means,  (hamlet),  and  itc ,  wliicli  means  (low,.  Others 
are  of  opinion  that  it  comes  from  Taybate  or  Itaboatr.... 

At  the  North  of  fjiis  pretty  city  there  is  thfroii^Ii  inclination  of 
the  Mantiqueira,  the  tops  of  which  can  be  seen  from  many  miles 
away.  Its  population  is  of  :i( ).()()(»  inhabitants,  and  comi)rises  the, 
8.  Francisco  das  Chagas  do  Tanbatc  parish  and  surroundings. 

It  has  gas  illumination,  liamways,  newspapers,  hotels,  clubs,  etc. 
Its  streets  are  in  general   wide   and  straigld  ,   and  thci-c    arc    :i7    of 


Taubatc'.  —  Co([uoiros  street 

them.  It  also  has  12  public  squares  and  several  lanes.  It  has  about 
2.500  houses,  most  of  them  only  with  the  ground  floor,  but  nice 
looking,  several  churches,  schools,  oil  factories,  threading  mills,  gas 
works,  etc.  This  is  Taubate  a  well  known  city. 

The  most  imj^ortant  of  the  Churches  is  the  Matriz  a  large  build- 
ing, simple  but  sober,  with  two  towers  alike. 

It  has  excellent  water,  coming  through  pipes  from  the  Manti- 
queira springs  to  supply  the  population.  It  passes  under  the 
Parahyba  river  bed. 

Besides  the  tramwaj^  service  in  the  city,  by  animal  traction,  there 
is  also  a  steam  line  connecting  the  city  of  Taubate  with  the  poetical 
suburb  —  Tremembe,  a  little  village  of  some  1.000  inhabitants. 

—  492  — 

Iguape.  —  We  visited  tliis  t-ily  in  May  of  1U03.  It  is  located  at 
the  point  of  the  sea-arm  between  the  continent  and  the  narrow  sea- 
island,  which  is  in  fi-ont  of  it  (juite  flat  and  dressed  with  humble  ve- 
getation. \\'li('n  we  enter  the  i)ort,  and  we  look  to  the  city,  it  seems 
smaller,  much  smaller  than  it  really  is. 

This  is  the  Kniporiuni  of  the  S.  I'aiilo  rice  exj)orts.  a  most  motlest 
emi)oriiiiii,  indeed.  As  a  ei(y,  l^uape,  has  nothing  worth  noting-.  It 
is  a  quiet  group  of  houses  of  old  style  construction,  above  the  i-oofs 
of  M'hich  majestically  rise  the  two  towers  of  the  Bom  .lesus 
clnirch,  where  they  hold  a  popular  festival  every  year,  with  the 
assistance  of  all  that  mullilude  of  people  from  the  neighborhood  that 
come  there  to  join  the  city  crowds.   They  have  then  a  real  fine  time. 

Outside  of  those  festivals  the  city  is  a  quiet  one,  only  awaken 
into  activity  with  the  arrivals  of  Lloyd  steamers  going  there  to  load 

In  the  port,  so  shaded  and  calm  we  saw  several  small  steamers 
for  the  fluvial  navigation. 

Cananea.  —  At  the  South  of  Iguape  is  another  small  city 
also  a  port  where  the  Lloyd  steamers  call  at,  it  is  Cananea.  It  is 
built  on  a  ravine  a  little  above  water.  It  has  a  few  dozen  of  houses 
with  dark,  old  roofs,  some  falling,  quite  abandoned.  "We  go  up  to  the 
city  by  quite  a  steep  i-oad,  which  leads  to  the  public  square  where  is 
the  church  —  a  modest  church  with  only  a  tower  at  one  side,  all 
white.  In  front  of  it  is  a  fountain,  rose  color,  of  simple  archi- 
tecture, and  square  in  foi-m.  Some  boats  and  eanoes,  do  the  jxti't 
work,  the  bar  of  which,  a  little  ahead  of  the  Bom  Abrigo  island  is 
an  awful  one,  with  a  long  i-eef. 

Among  the  other  cities  of  this  State  we  cannot  helj)  mention- 
ing: Pirassununga  ;  Uibeirao  Preto,  which  has  ver.x  niiich  progres- 
sed; S.  Carlos  do  Pinhal ;  S.  Jose  do  Rio  Pardo,  seat  of  a  very  rich 
niuni(upium;  Batataes;  Braganca;  Descalvado;  Botucatu;  Itu  and 
several  others.  We  must,  however,  maintain  ourseht's  within  the 
plan  of  the  book.  These  references  and  descriptions  would  go  very 
far,  should  we  sjjcak  about  every  one  of  the  cities.  We  will  idose  (his 
chapter  right  here. 

—  4-94-  — 


Tliat  splendid  region  south  ot  llie  S.  l^iiulo  State ,  from  which 
jurisdiction  it  was  detached  in  1853  to  form  a  new  province,  is  per- 
haps the  most  beautiful  sjjot  in  the  South  of  Brazil,  if  not  in  the 
whole  of  South  America.  It  was  discovered  and  conquered  by  the 
Carijos  Indian  tribes  in  1614. 

They  used  to  call  it  Para-mi,  or  Marann  ithni  looks  like  lite  sen), 
and  the  Brazilians  called  it  then  Purnnn. 

Romario  Martins  in  its  «  Historia  do.  Parana  )>  wrote  : 

«  By  that  time  the  place  of  S.  Vicente  which  was  made  village  by 
Martim  Affonso  was  already  beginning  to  flourish. 

I>r.  Vifcnlc  MiicIkmIu.  —  (iuvcrrinr  nT  l';ir;in:i 

Its  inhabitants  hungry  for  imaginary  sources  of  riches,  moved 
around,  evei-y where  looking  loi-  those  inexhaustible  mines  of  i)rt^- 
eions  nuitals. 

h]ne()urage(l,  then ,  l)y  the  niiml)er  and  by  the  ideal  of  wealth, 
ei'owds  of  I'orl  iigiiesc^  deeichMl  to  go  to  sea  ,  in  a  soiithwai'd  dii-ee- 
tion,  following  the  coast -shores  of  Ararapira  ami  Siipt>i'agiiy ,  and 
aftc)-  a  little  work  they  siu'ceeded  in  going  through  the  bar  of  I*ara- 
nagua,  in  front  of  the  beautiful  i)anorama  which  made  them  sto])  in 
ecstacy.  n 

—  49B  — 

Of  our  sea-coast  States,  Parana,  is,  after  Piaiihy,  the  one  that 
has  the  smallest  extension  of  coast,  with  only  two  ports  :  tlie  bay  of 
Paranagua,  —  the  largest  of  all  the  southei-n  bays  —  and  that  of 
Guaratuba,  a  small  bay,  us  \et  without  any  commercial  importance. 
But  its  river  fronts  are  enormous.  We  can  say  that  its  territory 
was  indicated  by  the  long-  courses  of  those  streams  called  Parana, 
Paranapanema  and  Iguassu,  which  give  it  the  morphology  of  a  true 


Piiic-lree,  araiiearia  lirasiliensis 

island.  It  would  be  so  if  its  population  did  not  vindicate,  in  a  dis- 
pute, which  is  alread}^  a  long  time  being  discussed,  the  extensive 
fields  north  of  Santa  Catharina  State,  till  the  thick  ridge  of  moun- 
tains named  Fortuna  which  runs  like  an  axle  parallel  to  the  Iguassu. 
Dr.  Vincente  Machado  is  the  present  governor  of  Parana,  one  of 
the  most  liberal  minded  politicians  and  one  of  the  most  patriotic 
Brazilians  of  the  present  generation.  A  patriot,  not  in  the  vain  sense 
of  declamations,  but  in  a  practical  manner,  as  he  occupies  himself  a 

—   IOC.  — 

good  deal  with  material  progress,  publie  order,  public  instruc- 
tion, and  very  little  or  nothing  with  election  disputes  and  other 
political  trifles.  In  a  short  period  of  public  life,  he  has  already 
rendered  great  services  to  Brazil,  giving  iiuj)ulse  to  the  progress  of 
Parana's  civilisation.  Curityba  owes  lo  him  its  last  improvements,  as 
the  water  works,  sewerages,  pavements,  etc.  In  the  interioi-  he  has 
heli)ed  commerce,  colonisation,  the  local  industries,  public  instruc- 
tion which  are  receiving  the  visible  benefit  of  his  good  politics  of 
woi'k  and  action,  that  he  has  exercised  in  his  post  of  political  chief 
in  the  Parana  State. 

A  small  part  of  the  territory  of  Parana  is  full  of  villages  and 
cities,  here  and  there,  in  a  region,  lying  between  the  sea-shore  and 
the  Parana-piacaba  ridge  of  mountains,  and  in  the  South  between 
the  Iguassu  and  the  Esperanca  and  the  Cavernoso  mountains.  The 
large  remaining  area,  which  represents  four  fifths  of  the  surface  of 
the  State  of  Parana,  is  still  almost  unexploited. 

The  pixe  tree.  —  The  aspect  and  mild  climate  of  Parana,  some- 
times cold,  going  uphill,  make  of  that  part  of  Brazil  a  privileged 
mansion.  Its  long  and  green  fields  are  the  sweetest  fancy  of  Ameri- 
can nature.  Saint-Hilaire  used  to  say  that  :  «  they  were  Brazil's 
paradise.  »  AVhat,  however  gives  to  Pai'ana  an  unmistakable  charac- 
teristic are  its  pine-tree  woods.  These  are  the  first  curious  thing  of. 
Parana.  The /^//je-//('c,  ariuicnriu  brasiliciisis  is  the  pride  of  the 
fields  in  Southern  Brazil.  It  is  the  seal  of  its  flora  sovereignity  over 
tlie  other  regions  of  the  continent.  It  is  the  prettiest  and  most  useful 
of  the  coniferous  and  after  the  palm-tree  is  the  most  suggestive 
specimen  of  ornamentation  of  all  the  flora  individuals  in  South 
America.  It  is  a  fruit-tree,  it  is  an  architectural  column,  it  is  first 
class  fuel,  it  i^roduces  most  useful  rosin,  it  is  the  most  beautiful 
shade-maker  in  the  vast  plains  it  dominates,  and  it  is  above  all  a 
pleasui'cto  the  observing  traveller,  never  mind  how  little  of  tlie  poet 
and  ai-tist  there  may  be  in  his  soul. 

It  participates  of  tlu^  intertro])ieal  and  northtuu  pliytology 
characters,  it  is  a  iMiropean  aud  American  tree  at  one  and  the 
same  time.  Botanist  did  well  in  calling  it  hrusilicnsis :  (he  tree,  as 
the  lira/ilian  people,  is  from  Anieriea,  yet  they  are  from  l!iii-ope. 
Thei-e  is  no  figure  which  will  attract  more  tiie  ti-avellers  eye,  than 
th(!  original  pi-ofile  ()(  nu  :iriiiic;u-i:i,  rememliering  oiu'  of  tlu)se  favo- 
I'ite  motixcs  caMcd  :iii  DoiiDrnu  (\n'\\  art),  .lust  iMia_i;inea  tall  ami 
vertical  i)iece  of  lumber  as  if  it  wert'  a  I'olumn  worked  l>y  the  most 
minucious  artists.  It  rises  fi-om  the  ground  nakeil,  in  the  fields  to  a 
height  of  25  or  ;i()  metres  where  it  supports  a  series  of  branches  also 

—  497  — 

naked  like  the  collossal  stem,  spreaded  out,  a  little  e.irv.'d  upwards 
to  the  contrary  ol"  the  European  pine-tn^e,  and  endin-  i„  ^lobc-s  of 
dark  green  crispy  leaves.  It  looks  like  a  candelahrinn,  sometimes  the 
"stem  divides  itself  into  two  and  looks  like  (wo  candelabnnns.  i,po„ 
the  same  trunk.  These  are  in  small  number.  The  other  kin.)  is  tli.- 
common  type  and  is  found  sometimes  isolated,  sometimes  in  groups, 
and  sometimes  in  regular  roi-(;sts  of  groups. 

Rocks  of  red  stone  of  villa  Velha 

Another  curiosity  of  Parana  are  the  .S'a/?j^af7^'r.s-,  enormous  o.strei- 
ras  of  ^vhicll  there  are  only  71  in  the  Antonina  municipium.  They 
have  the  form  of  hills  representing  the  work  of  many  generaticms, 
as  the  kjkkninoddings  from  Denmark,  they  mark  and  illuminate  the 
history  of  a  prehistoric  race  in  South  America. 

In  regard  to  those  material  documents  of  first  life  in  Bra/.il, 
Dr.  Ermelindo  Leao  a  native  of  Parana,  wrote  : 

«  The  vestiges  of  human  existence  that  we  note  in  them,  just  as 
skeletons  and  pieces  of  vases,  goods  of  polished  stone,  etc.,  make  us 
believe  that  they  were  accumulated  in  the  fishery  season  by  the 
aborigines,  in  a  long  series  of  years. 

—  4-98  — 

And  tlnis  we  oxi)lain  ]iavin<^  now  found  rou«^li  objects  of  si)linter- 
ed  stones,  then  articles  ol'  polished  ones,  more  perfect,  by  and  by, 
craniums  of  ferocious  aspect,  later  yet  others  much  less  accentuated 
as  to  the  facial-cranium  moipholooy  attributiiiji-  them  to  <;enerations 
left  behind.  )> 

huliistry  has  destroyed  inercilessl,\'  those  monuments  of  Bra/i- 
lian  paleonthology,  which  were  not  as  lucky  as  those  of  the  Lagoa 
Santa,  (Saint  Lake).  They  are-waitino-  for  investigators  be  it  a 
Lund,  be  it  a  Brazilian,  a  lover  of  his  past.  The  smnbiKjiiys  give  an 
excellent  lime,  and  that  is  all  we  know  as  yet. 

A  third  curiosity  of  the  Parana  region,  is  the  Villa  Velhn  (old  vil- 
lage), which  becomes  popular  through  i)hot()graplis  and  engravings. 

What  is  after  all  that  Villa  Velhn  ! 

The  Villii  LcZ/ja  is  a  series  of  monoliths,  or  rather,  an  extensive 
series  of  rocks,  reddishlike,  named  by  the  geologists  as  oUl  red 
sandstone,  of  vulgar  formation  in  some  grounds,  having  over  a  kilo- 
metre of  dej)th.  As  time  and  water  destroyed  the  carsiablc  part 
of  the  quarrj^  opening  streets  and  regulai"  squares,  and  the  parts 
that  remained  standing  at  certain  distance  look  like  houses,  walls, 
constructions  in  ruin.  The  low  bushes  covering  the  squares  and 
enveloping  somewhat  the  lower  jjart  of  the  quarry,  give  it  the  confi- 
guration of  an  abandoned  city.  In  some  places  the  stratifications 
rise  to  a  height  of  over  100  metres,  imitating  towers  and  castles. 
I^ach  street  and  each  scpiare  of  those  ruins  has  its  name,  or  rather 
nicknames  given  by  the  people,  who  frecpiently  visit  that  cuiious 
geological  formation  some  30  kilometres  away  from  the  the  I'onta 
Grossa  Station. 

Last  but  not  the  least,  there  is  still  another  curiosity,  the  Setc 
Quedas  cascades  formed  by  the  Parana  river,  near  the  place  where 
used  to  be  a  celebrated  Provinciu  dc  (luuyra,  of  the  Spanish 
monks.  According  to  this  they  also  call  this  colossal  water  fall  — 
Salto  de  Giiayrn  (Ouayra  jump).  The  Parana  river,  becoming  thick- 
er with  the  llio  (iraude  and  Paranahyba  rivei's  meets  with  a  spiiu' 
of  tlie  Maracaju  ridge  of  mountains,  some  .')00  metres  of  rocks  upon 
which  the  whole  river  narrowing  itself  suddenly  throws  itsi'lf,  witli 
a  noise  that  can  be  heard  some  two  leagues  away.  From  the  bottom 
where  the  waters  fall,  forming  seven  cataracts,  an  cnornu)us  cloud 

These  great  falls,  which  w  c  Ix-licxc  ((»  be  the  largest  of  the 
wli<»lc  continent,  having  no  sniall  niiiiil>ci-  of  them,  can  only  he 
com])arcd  with  those  known  by  the  name  ol'  I'anht  Affonso  in  the 
S.  I"'i'aneisc(»  ri\ei',  al»oiit  whieli  we  w  ii>le  sev<'ral  chapters  ai)ove. 

499  — 

Unfortunately  the  trip  to  the  Sulto  dus  sale  Qiicdus,  (seven  lulls 
jump),  is,  and  will  be  for  some  time  to  come  a  ])ainriil  and  (lilliriili 
one.  This  fact  prevents  tlie  loiirists  imd  scientists,  Iron.  enj...vinj; 
that  dec])ly  emotional  pleasni-c,  wliicli  is  lur^oly  increased  Ijy  llie 
fact  of  there  beino-  near  the  falls,  the  luins  of  some  llieolof.ic;il 
temples  devoted  to  the  ccmversion  of  the  Indians,  known  as  .<  rcdiir- 
cyes  )),  and  destroyed,  like  the  Guayra  Province,  by  the  hHiidcirmili's, 
(those  carrying  the  flag),  in  1631,  the  ruins  of  which  can  be  seen 
tliere,  in  the  desolation  of  dead  cities. 

Tiie  (k'vil'.s  peak  tiiiiiiel  in  (loidilliora  do  .Mar.  —  Parana  l!ail\\a\ 

The  trip  from  Kio  de  .Janeiro  to  Parana  must  be  made  by  sea. 
The  coast  steamers  make  it  in  24  hours,  if  it  is  a  direct  trip,  or 
tvi'^o  to  three  days  if  they  call  at  the  intermediary  ports,  according  to 
the  dela,y  in  the  port  of  Santos  and  the  small  cities  of  Iguape  and 
Cananea.  Be' as  it  may  it  is  a  delightful  trip  made  ierrc-H-terrc. 

The  entrance  of  Paranagua  bay  is  most  charming.  Three  bars 
formed  by  the  interposition  of  the  Mel,  (Honey),  and  Pcras , 
(Guns),  islands  give  access  to  the  calm  anchorage  place,  amply 
illuminated  by  a  cloudless  sky.  This  port  is  to-day  the  vestibule 
of  Parana  State.   Those  who  wish  to  admire  its  Capital,  the  pretty 

—  500  — 

Ciirit_\l)a,    must  l)egiii    there,    first    visiting  the   port   and    llic    old 
Paranaffiia  city. 

*    * 

A  (  i:i.i:iiKAii:i)  kaii.koad.  —  On  tlie  iStli  oT  May  I'.'ii:;,  a  jirctiy 
bad  day,  one  ol'  tliese  grayish  aftiu-noons,  w  ith  a  ceascdess  small 
rain  and  cold  temperalure,  we  "took  the  l.;!()  p.  m.  train  start- 
ing- from  Paranagua  to  the  Capital  of  the  State.  The  Estrada  de 
Ferro  do  Parana,  (Parana  Railway),  whicdi  has  there  a  (juite  poor 
station,  is  one  of  those  things  that  tlie  traveller  congratulates  him- 
self on  coming  across  with  in  his  travels. 

It  is  tlie  woi'k  of  Brazilian  engineering  \\hi('h  conccix  (mI,  plan- 
ned and  built  it  through  those  convex  mountains  till  the  toj)  where 
Curityba  is. 

On  that  rainy  afternoon,  the  landscape,  all  wrapjied  in  a  sheet  of 
clouds,  cvei-y  moment  duller  since  tlu;  time  we  left  Paranagua,  could 
not  be  observed  as  it  ought  to  be,  so  that  I  dindn't  notice  but  uninter- 
rupted succession  of  works  of  art  that  ai'e  there  in  abundance  to  be 
admired,  especially  in  the  second  plan  of  the  road  ,  from  Morretes 
to  Piraquara. 

From  Morretes  on  begin  to  appear,  sometimes  isohited  in  the 
majesty  of  tlieir  profile,  sometimes  in  dominating  groups,  the 
specimens  of  that  variety  of  pine-trees,  which  are,  because  of  their 
ornamental  power  and  industrial  utility  one  of  the  signs  of  the 
infinite  kindness  of  God  towards  the  Parana  soil. 

Starting  from  Morretes  to  the  place  where  the  road  has  a  branch 
line,  we  can  only  see  a  stretcli  of  little  houses  here  and  there,  ohl 
churches,  somewhat  indistinct  because  of  tlie  weathci'and  thctli- 

A  little  before  we  had  seen  Alexandra,  fornu'rly  an  Italians  and 
Brazilians  (;olony,  to-day  an  industrious  and  growing  village,  l)y  llie 
railway  as  a  nest  on  the  branches  of  the  trees. 

The  ti-ain  goes  on.  Porto  de  CMma  that  a  little  while  before  was 
to  be  seen  on  the  level  with  the  road  ,  is  now  below,  and  by  and  hy 
disappears  behind  a  ra\ine. 

'I'hus  we  see  now  and  again  the  same  place,  as  that  bright  casca- 
de, th(!  ]'ri>  (h-  \oii);i,  (bride's  veil),  which,  the  first  time  we  discoxcr 
far  away  up.  lik<'  a  thin  vein,  a  stony  tear.  an<l  Iialf  an  houi'  latei', 
after  .',()  lui'us  tlirougli  luniu'ls  and  viaducts,  we  see  it  near  the 
li-ain  with  all  the  nois_\- greatness  of  its  fall,  which  beats  the  massive 
dark  (piarl/.  mascai-achul  l)y  surrounding  vegetation. 

—  501 

Oh!  but  that  nasty  litlh'  i-ain How  il  spoils   the   -ladtics^   of 

these  panoramas  ! 

The  train  keeps  on  its  speedy  niarcli,  goino  Ihi-oiigli  un.l  n\  rr 
narrow  edges,  deep  holes,  mountain  after  moiiutain  ,  the  locomotive 
ciossing-  all  this  through  many  tunnels  and  viaducts  (piitc  near  one 
another.  An  unexpected  river  with  loaming  waters  now  on  the  right, 
the  on  the  left  of  tlie  track,  appears  and  disappears,  as  a  caprice,  asf 
a  defiance  to  the  road  wliose  I)ridges  wrap  it  a  hoit  ronsliicloi-  sii:ikr 
—  and  overcome  it  going  aliead. 

Curitvba.  —  Parana  raihvav  SUitioii. 

Sometimes  the  mountain  opens  itself  into  an  abyss,  or  two  sepa- 
rate hills,  in  front  of  one  another,  open  a  solution  oi"  continuity  in 
then  tortuous  and  inclined  road,  which  the  track  describes,  for  many 
kilometres,  when  it  comes  across  with  one  of  those  mammoth  open- 
ing, a  bridge  connecting  the  two  hills,  one  of  those  britlges  that  look 
pliantastic  and  that  the  dreadful  genius  of  metallurgy  devised  and 
learnt  how  to  put  up,  and  upon  it  the  train  goes  calm,  strong  and 
firm  over  the  danger. 

One  of  these  crazy  fancies  is  the  S.  .loao  bridge,  a  hard  steel 
web  thrown  from  a  hill  to  the  other  on  pillars  40  to  50  metres  high. 

Another  one  is  the  Carvalho  viaduct,  (Carvalho  being  the  name 

—  502  — 

of  the  Brazilian  engineer  who  built  it),  painted  red.  It  is  a  kind  of 
verandah  tied  to  the  mountain  side  surrounding  it  in  its  curves, 
and  leaning-  over  the  valleys  which  describe  their  curves  Ijelow. 
The  dark  and  wet  top  of  those  trees  of  the  vegetation  is  below  those 
l)oin(s  more  mysterious  still  in  its  inferior  silence.  In  one  of  these 
precipices,  in  the  i'CAh  kilometre,  we  saw  a  simple  but  an  expressive 
monument ,  a  l)lack  iron  cross,  \vitli  an  nscription  that  could't  be 
read  —  and  they  told  me  that  it  was  in  that  place  that  they  murder- 

f.iiiilvliji.  —  (loiii'iTss  Cli.imlM'i-. 

ed  liarao  do  Cerro  A/.al  and  four  companions,  at  tlic  time  ol  (he  la>i 

it  is  near  that  place  I  lial  is  tbc  Pico  do  Diabo,  one  of  the  hill  tiip>. 
(piilc  i(Mi;4ii  and  I  he  hardness  of  w  hicli  had  Itceii  pcrfoi'atcd  Iron)  side 
(o  side  by  one  ol  (he  i-oad  tunnels.  The  panoiania  is  cxciuisite.  The 
rocks  don)inate(l  the  \egetation,  but  this  attem]>ls  with  energy  I o 
w  lap  I  hem.  1 1  looks  like  a  convulsive  jiictnic.  Kocks  and  Alivssc>  ' 
All  in  a  giandeiir  thai  deadens  our  minds. 

l'"roni  kiloinelre  s:,  on,  (he  multitude  of  araucarias  increases. 
There  they  ai'c  standing  firm,  noble.  nielaneln>lic  and  there  also 
appear  ilie    saw     mills    which    wa;;e(l    them  a  dreadriil  war.    Some  <if 

—  503  — 

those  saw  mills,  are  establishments  worlhy  of  note,  inoveil  In-  slcuni 
and  of  quite  large  proportions. 

After  several  bridges,  viaducts  and  It  tunnels,  —a  string  of 
daring  art  works  —  we  are  at  Piraquara  station  on  the  top. 
From  there  on  we  meet  but  plains,  large  ones  with  irregular  v(;ge- 
tation,  the  beautiful  pine-tree  always  predominating,  as  tlie  Parana 
diadem.  Those  plains  prolong  themselves  till  Curityba,  where  the 
train  arrives   in  the  evening  already  under  the   irradiation   of   th(> 


Curityba.  —  Ttie  Governur's  Palace 

electric  lights   which  announce  the  traveller  that  he  is  in  the  i)re- 
sence  of  a  modern  Capital. 

This  Estrada  de  Ferro  do  Parana  Station,  is  a  beautiful  three  floor 
building,  painted  yellow.  It  is  as  new  as  it  is  pretty. 

CiRiTYHA.  —  Those  who  know  political  geography  of  Brazil  must 
have  noticed  that  nearly  every  Capital  of  State  is  by  the  sea,  either 
at  the  entrance  of  a  bay  or  at  the  mouth  or  on  the  banks  of  a  river 
bathing  its  territory. 

Three  of  the  Capitals,  are  exception  to  this  rule,  and  they  are  : 
S.  Paulo,  Bello  Horizonte  and  Curityba,  all  of  them  being  on  high 
places  that  dominate  the  narrow  band  of  the  sea  coast  where  are  the 

-  -  504  — 

commeic-iul   polls.   Tliest-  tlircc  capitals  are   between   80».i  and   *.t(K) 
metres  above  the  sea  level. 

S.  Paulo  and  Curityba  which,  bei'ore  Bello  Horizonte  was  built, 
were  the  capitals  with  best  aspect  in  the  whole  Brazil ,  presented, 
several  points  of  analogy  :  Both  oi'  them  have  their  organ  ot"  commor 
cial-eeonoiuic  appropriation  and  exproi)riation,  in  the  Atlantic  coast, 
of  which  they  are  both  separated  by  a  chain  of  mountains  which  had 
to  be  overcome  by  railway.  Both  had  to  build  their  commercial 
vehicle  realizing  notable  works  oi"  art  to  connect  them  with  their 

8.  Paulo  had  its  inclined  plans  installed  to  go  up  the  ('ul)atao  hills 
between  Santos  and  the  Capital;  Curityba  built  its  tunnel-bridge  liin 
to  cross  the  Sea  Mountain  between  Paranagiia  and  Piraquara.  Both 
are  the  most  celebrated  works  of  art  in  the  construction  of  railways 
in  all  Brazil.  The  road  Ifom  Paiiiuagua  to  Curityba,  however,  is  the 
most  marvellous  one,  by  its  plan,  its  audacity  in  the  viaducts  it  built, 
and  by  the  novelty  ol"  the  aspects  of  nature  it  envolves. 

We  will  now  speak  of  (^'urityba,  proper,  if  you  like.  While  this 
Parana  region  was  still  only  a  district  of  the  S.  Paulo  provim-c. 
Leodoro  Ebano  l*ereira  founded  a  place  at  the  foot  of  the  Sea 
Mountain,  giving  it  the  name  of  Curityba.  It  did  not  take  long  for  it 
to  develoi)  becoming  a  village  in  UWo. 

The  whole  of  the  city  is  gay.  The  pure  air  of  the  pine-trees  that 
wi'ap  it,  the  wide  and  clear  horizon,  the  plain  displaying  itself  in 
all  directions,  the  modern  feature  of  the  houses,  the  daring  feat  of 
several  constructions,  the  alignment  of  the  streets,  all  of  these  are 
details  that  form  the  festivallike  and  ti-nder  i>Iiysiogn()iny  of 

Considering  the  difference  of  relati\e  si/e  ,  this  city  is  the 
S.  Paulo  of  Parana.  With  its  hard  working  poiuilation.  luispitabh' 
antl  clever,  with  its  nnmufacturing  activity,  its  intellectual  cultiva- 
tion, its  contribution  towards  progress  and  corresponding  horii>r  to 
the  routiiu'  processes  —  Curit\  ha  charms  the  \isil(U'  who  remains 
with  the  impression  that  he  is  in  a  l-]uropeau  city.  An<l  such  an 
imi)ression  will  ne\<'r  be  forgotten  by  the  traveller. 

Right  in  fronl  of  the  railway  station  is  an  axcnuc  of  ;i  bcnnlifnl 
effect  too. which  they  call  Liberty  Street,  where  the  State  Congres> 
liuihling  is,  llic  (Joveruor  of  the  St;i(c  imihling,  severiil  hotels,  ;intl 
inipiiri.iiil  |iii\;ilc  Ikmiscs.  It  is  il  1  iiin  inal  cd  liy  cicci  ricity  like  the 

Curitybii  is  a  \(  i\  modern  cil,\  in  lis  de\  clopmiuil .  Oidy  in 
18(i;;  it  had  but  Si  streets,  L'.S'J  houses  (iniuibilable),  aiul  about  1(.K>  in 

—  505  — 

conslructioii  und  ol'  tliosc  only -JiMiad  upper  stories.  'I'o-dii.N  ( "iiri- 
tyba  lias  156  streets,  lour  beiiutilul  and  large  i)ublie  s(iuan;s,  nine 
smaller  ones,  iour  boiileoards,  not  counting  streets  spreading  them- 
selves to  the  suburbs  increasing  the  expansion  of  the  future  nu(deus. 
Te  streets  of  to-day  are  wide,  lined  with  liouses  on  both  sides 
and  in  all  its  length  ,    there  being  but  few  empty    lots   among    them. 

Ciii'ilvba.  —  .lose  Boiiifacis  sWecl. 

Many  are  straight,  all  of  them  plain,  as  the  city  is  on  an  esplanade, 
the  celebrated  fields  of  Curityba.  Among  the  principal  streets  we  can 
cite  Quinze  de  Novembro  (the  date  of  the  proclamation  of  the  Repu- 
blic, there  being  a  street  with  this  name  in  nearly  every  city  of  Bra- 
zil). This  Quinze  de  Novembro  street  in  Curityba  is  like  its  spine, 
it  is  extensive ,  straight,  wdth  large  business  houses,- newspapers 
offices.  Post  Office  Department,  Federal  Telegraph  ,  candy  stores, 

—  506  — 

bar-rooms,  etc.  The  movement  and  transit  in  this  street,  which  do 
not  cease  till  very  late,  fill  the  great  artery  of  Ciirityba,  lending  to  it 
a  seducing  feature. 

Xo  man  in  Curityba  has  finished  his  days  work  if  he  has  not  had 
his  quarter  of  an  hour  rendez-vous,  to  which  the  elegant  part  of  the 
population,  the  business  men,  the  politicians  and  literary  men  are 
used  to.  A  peculiar  thing-,  however,  there  is  not  in  this  street,  neither 
in  the  whole  city,  a  coffee  house,  (one  of  those  bar-rooms  making  the 
speciality  of  serving  cups  of  coffee,  to  be  seen  in  every  coiner  and  in 
every  city  or  village  of  Brazil). 

Those  dreadful  centres  of  conspirations  of  all  nature,  —  those  cof- 
fee houses  —  the  Brazilian  rendez-vous  places,  where  reputations  are 
made,  unpopularities  decreed,  where  criticism  of  all  sorts  is  made, 
where  they  speak  of  science,  art,  business,  are  a  regular  pass-time 
which  gives  great  life  to  Brazilian  cities,  but  there  is  not  one  of  them 
in  Curityba.  We  find  them,  however,  in  Florianapolis  a  city  much 
more  inferior  to  Curityba  in  development  and  iniportance,  and  in 
Rio  Grande,  Pelotas,  Porto  Alegre,  cities  which  are  farther  away 
than  Curityba  to  partake  of  the  habits  of  Rio  and  the  other  nor- 
thern cities  of  Brazil. 

Instead  of  those  coffee  houses,  there  are  clubs  and  the  lack  of 
the  former  explains  the  frecpiency  we  always  noted  in  the  club- 
roonis,  in  Curityba.  We  visited  every  one  of  them^  and  there  is  a 
good  number  of  them.  We  were  especially  much  pleased  with  the 
Curitybano  club,  with  wide  and  well  appointed  rooms,  a  splendid 
library  w itli  10.000  volumes.  This  is  the  oldest  of  the  city,  and  the 
Casin.)  Club,  as  important  as  the  Curitybano  and  also  having  a  good 
library.  All  of  them  give  monthly  parties  in  which  the  leading  fami- 
lies of  the  city  take  part  and  the  brightness  of  which  wc  can  well 
imagine  when  we  know  that  the  fair  sex  of  Parana  are  of  the  pret- 
tiest in  all  Bi'azil,  tlumks  to  the  superior  Iransfusion  of  l';uroi)ean 
Vjlood  (German,  Italian  and  Polisli)  that  in  strong  propoiiion  lias 
collaborated  in  the  formation  of  1  he  ])oi)uhitions  south  of  S.  Panh> 
and  Minas  (Jeraes. 

Curitj'ba,  more  than  any  other  lirazilian  capital,  picseiits  tlie 
ethnic  traits  of  the  type  of  Brazil's  future  population  :  the  whites, 
somewhat  fair,  with  vertical  lines  ,  well  lormcd,  give  life  to  the 
squares  and  eonnnereial  streets  with  the  activity  characteristic  of 
the  race. 

A  sphindid  factor  of  work  in  Parana  and  eonse(|uently  of  the 
progr(;ss  of  its  cities,  are  those  (Jeiiuan  atul  Polish  elements, 
collaborating  towards  a  sound  s[)iiit   of  work  and  order,  the  exolu- 

—  507  — 

tion  of  the  colonies,  the  industry  nud  Liisincss.  In  ('iiiiiyl,:i,  espe- 
cially, a  large  portion  of  the  l>iisiness  houses  belong-  to  Germans,  and 
in  the  signs  are  getting  scarce  the  Almcidus,  the  Silons  and  the 
Fcriuuides  (Portuguese  names),  to  give  jdace  to  tlH>  Meyers,  tlie 
Hauers,  the  Stahls,  the  Miillei-s,  the  Meissnei-s,  tli..  Weisses,' and 
other  Ger-man  ones. 

He  would  be  quite  mistaken  the  one  suj)p()sing  iluu  sneh  signs 
behmg  to  loreign  liouses.  Nearly  all  of  Iheni  belong  to  natives  of  Bra- 
zil,   s(ms    oi-    grand-chihli'en   of  (iermans,    Poles   and    Italians,    the 

Ciiiritvjja.  —  OHiics  ot  Hie  lirnii.lose  llaiici-  *S:  Dross 

Germans  more  especially  fixing  their  residence  in  the  country.  In 
Curityba,  in  Ponta  Grossa,  in  Paranagua,  the  best  business  houses 
belong  to  descendants  of  Germans.  It  is  enough  to  cite  the  house 
.1.  Hauer  &  Sons,  a  very  well  known  firm  whose  commercial  honse 
is  a  monument  for  Curityba.  But  this  is  not  the  only  one.  The  match 
factory  of  Eisenbaen  &  Hurliman,  one  of  the  most  important  in 
South  America,  onl}^  in  one  year  paid  1.000:000S000  of  taxes.  There 
are  many  others. 

Another  peculiar  aspect  of  Curityba  is  its  unusual  transit  of  eais 
and  trucks.   As   the  city  is  surrounded  by  hard  working   colonies. 

—  508  — 

every  morning  the  farm-workmen  come  down  to  the  city  to  bring 
tlieir  products  :  they  bring  milk,  cheese,  butter,  vegetables,  fruit, 
and  other  products.  A  multitude  of  wagons  and  heavy  trucks  witli 
canvass  covers,  filled  with  goods,  Bi-azilian  tea  (matte),  or  trunks  of 
j)ine,  come  to  the  Capital.   Some  go  to  the  railway   station,  some  go 





<;iii-ilvlt;i.  —  The  Calliulic  Catlirdial 

fi'om  street  (o  street,  soinclimcs  di-ivcu  l>y  counlry  gir-ls  w  ho  take 
cluirge  of  their  business.  'I'hoiigh  the  types  and  customs  arc  \('t  at 
the  bottom  entirely  I>i-a/ilian,  we  note  cci'tain  I  i-ails  of  dill'crciu'c 
between  this  and  the  uoi-thern  cities.  The  sei-\  ant .  the  Iruckuian. 
the  grocer,  etc.,  are  not  Portuguese  fi-om  tlie  continent  or  from  the 
Poi'tugnese  islands,  as  in  I*ara,  Santos  or  Kio,  but  Italians  oi-  l'ol(>s. 
("urityba  of  to-day  is  developing  unceasingly. 

—  509  — 

Among  its  best  buiidings  nvc  not(Ml  :  tl.<'  ( 'utlic.lrul,  .,f  a  iiu,„.<„is 
gothic  style,  a  reproduction  of  (he  Harcelone  eatliedral.  Ixiiltl.y  tlie 
architect  August  Wenneck  and  inaugurated  on  the  Ttli  of  SepteinbrT 

In  front  of  that  clinicli  is  one  of  the  most  l)eaiil  ifiil  ( •milvlju 
s<|iiares,  —  the  Praca  Tiradenles,  —  whnv  th,-y  ivcciiily  rrc<-icd  u 
statue  of  the  late  president  Floriano. 

Jn  that  square  was  formerly  a  jail,  to-day  it  is  a  public  square. 
Just  where  there  used  to  be  the  ignominious  pillory  of  the  kings 
justice,  in  olden  times,  to-day  ondidates  the  beautiful  vegetation 
of    the    tree    tops,   and    the    perfunu'   of  the    roses    invites  one   to 

Curitybu.  —  Cliarity  Hospital 

dream.  He  was  right  the  prophet  when  he  said  :  «  When  perfection 
arrives,  imperfection  ceases  ».  —  Cum  aiitem  venerit  quod  perfec- 
tiiin  etc.  etc. 

Another  public  place  which  is  very  pleasant  is  the  public  garden, 
built  in  a  place  where  the  small  river  Belem,  makes  capricious  but 
interesting  curves.  The  painter  of  landscapes  sketching  that  sweet 
type  of  garden,  had  no  other  art  but  to  follow  the  local  natural  one, 
only  using  the  details.  The  river  that  passed  there  had  not  to  be 
bothered  in  its  course,  but  was  decorated  and  embellished  by  liglit 
bridges,  and  other  fancies  of  the  landscaping  architecture.  The 
public  garden,  has  some  .50.000  square  metres,  and  is  one  of  the 
prettiest  in  Southern  cities,  though,  it  is  a  little  abandoned  when  I 
visited  it. 

—  510  — 

But,  going  back  to  the  noted  buildings  of  the  city  we  have  : 
The  Hospital  de  Caridade,  an  identical  institution  to  the  other 
city  hospitals  of  the  Brazilian  capitals,  it  shelters  and  cures  the  poor 
sick  without  distinction  as  to  where  they  come  from.  It  is  a  large 
and  beautiful  building,  the  white  structure  of  which  is  seen  from 
many  places  in  tlie  city,  because,  while  it  was  built  at  a  distance, 
to-day  the  buildings  have  wrapped  it,  and  iliat  which  was  but  a 
suburb  of  Curityba,  to-day  is  its  centre.  It  was  founded  by  Silva 
Mauricy,  a  native  of  Parana,  and  inaugurated  by  the  empeior 
Pedro  II,  in  May  1880. 




C.iii'ilvl);!.  —  l'i'('slistt'r'i;iii  <;iiiircli 

The  Presbyterian  church,  in  Matto  Grosso  street,  is  of  a  beautiful 
effect  w'itli  its  front  of  scotch  gothic  style,  grave  and  austere  as  a 
melody  of  reform.  The  trout  of  the  l)uilding  looks  to  a  pretty  little 
garden,  protected  by  the  classical  and  decoi-atcd  irou  railing. 

'i'lie  Telegraph  Stati(ui  of  the  Federal  (Jovernment  is  auot  lici- 
pretty  building  in  the  Kiia  (^iiin/.c.  it  has  tlii-ee  floors,  and  looks  to 
that  street . 

The  liarracks  of  the  tUh  legimcnt  artillery,  largi'  and  solid,  witli 
an  imposing  and  artistic  front  looking  to  Praca  da  Kepublica.  and 
is  of  middle  age  style. 

—  511   — 

The  Orphan  Asylniu,  hir^c  iind  ol"  a  nice  archUcchii-c,  it  was 
built  by  public  subscription,  and  elTorts  of  its  founder,  Senator, 
Monsenhor  Alberto  Gonealves,  whom  the  Municipality  aided  consi- 
derably in  his  philantropic  work.  Senatoi-  Alberto  (ioncalves  is  a 
prelate  of  the  Brazilian  Catholic  Church,  highly  esleemed  in  Ki(. 
where  he  has  been  vice-president  of  tin;  Federal  Senate  :uid  bclov(;d 
by  his  fellow-men  in  "his  State  who  elected  him  to  the  Senate,  and  in 
fact  he  would  be  to-day  the  (Governor  of  his  State  had  he  not  (h-din- 
ed  that  honor. 





•  •'«« 



1'^  ^ 





('<uritvba.  —  Police  Ijarraeks 

The  barracks  of  the  State  troops,  inaugurated  in  1898,  is  a  large 
building  in  S.  Jose  Street,  at  one  side  of  the  city.  The  main  front 
is  decorated  and  is  somewhat  majestic.  The  interior  is  perfect,  every 
department  shows  exemplary  discipline  and  zeal.  In  the  stables  we 
saw  some  fine  types  of  Parana  horses  ,  which  do  not  seem  in 
anything  inferior  to  those  imported  from  the  River  Plate.  This  is  a 
good  example  to  the  northern  States  that  neglect  horse  breeding. 

The  State  Congress  has  also  a  fine  building,  new  and  noble  in  its 
lines,  Italian  style,  with  a  poetical  little  garden  around.  A  stairway- 
separated  from  the  street  with  railing  of  artistic  iron,  leads  to  the 
entrance  of  the  building  open  in  arches  supported  by  columns  of  the 

—  .-.12  — 

coriiitliiaii  order.  The  buil(liii<;  is  painted  on  ilie  outside  and  inside 
of  ^•ris-pcrlc,  color,  Nvhieh  brings  it  out  in  prominence  from  the  grei*n 
eoh)r  of  the  surrounding  garden.  In  a  word,  it  is  pleasant  to  tlie  eye. 
without  being  in  disharmony  witli  the  severe  composition  of  a 
bnilding  destined  to  its  ol)jeet.  It  was  inaugurated  in  l.S'.Xl. 

'V\n'  Government  palace  also  in  the  Liberty  avenue,  a  little  fui- 
tlier  ahead  tlian  the  Congress  building,  but  on  the  other  side,  is  not 
large.  It  is  even  smaller  than  that -of  Santa  Catharina,  but  it  is  in 
entire  harmony  with  the  official  installations  of  its  whole.  It  has  a 
sober  aspect,  a  su])erb  fi-oiit,  and  inside  is  decorated  w  ith  all  care 
and  good  taste. 


DiiiT.-irk-,  ,,i  iiic  i:;ii 

A  characteristic  of  the  official  insiallation  in  Parana,  is  o  that  in 
its  buildings  there  is  nothing  to  criticise.  'I'hey  do  not  rei)resent 
exaggerated  expenses,  but  on  the  other  hand  they  do  not  show  nu'an- 
ness,  oi'  neglect  of  official  denu'anoui'.  'Clu'v  arc  in  pcrfi'ct  accord 
witli  tlie  importance  of  the  Capital  and  its  pul)lie  treasury,  neither 
more  nor  less. 

The  Guahyra  theatre  is  another  important  l»uilding.  li  was  alrea- 
dy there  IxM'ore  tlui  last  progressive  impulses  tlie  State  lias  reeei\«'(l, 
but  in  I'.'OO  was  entirely  I'cbuilt  .  giving  it  the  featui-e  it  lias  now. 
with  a  beautiful  two  floor  front. 

'I'he  Seminary  is  a  lai-ge  1  )u i id ing  erected  by  i  lie  ( "at! ioli<'  Ui shop  of 
that  Diocese  in  adist  riet  of  the  city  know  n  as  IJatel,  with  at  raniw  a\ 
line    running  to    that    jdaee.  This    district    lias    fine    pii\ate   houses, 

—  513  — 

buildings  o I' varied  styles,  hcaulilul  lanns  and  a  brewery,  mi  tbr 
terrace  oi"  which  families  meet  who  j^o  tliei-e  lor  a  walk,  to  listen 
to  some  music  and  drink  beer. 

There  are  several  churches,  many  business  houses,  private  resi- 
dences, which  would  be  worth  mentioning  here  but  the  lear  of 
making  this  chapter  too  long  comi)els  us  to  go  ahead,  treating  of 
other  subjects. 

Social  Culture,  Public  Instiuction  etc.  —  It  would  be  diffi- 
cult to  find  in  a  city  of  the  size  of  Curityba  sncli  an  active  centre  of 

<'.uiit\li;i.  —  AsnIiimi  oI  N.  I),  da  1. 11/  I'ur  liiDalics  anil  llic  |i(mi|- 

intellectualities  and  men  of  fine  culture  as  it  is  to  be  found  there. 
The  city  by  the  general  census  of  the  country  in  lUOO  had  1'.i.7.j5 
inhabitants,  adding  the  populations  of  Xova  Polonia  and  Taboao 
(2.998  and  3.509  respectively)  Curityba  ])resents  a  total  of  about 
55.000  inhabitants. 

The  increase  of  population  has  been  tlms  : 

Years  Iiiliahilanls 

1780 2.9.i9 

1873 11.7:50 

1890 ^-i.-joS 

1900 -iy.Too 

In  that  lot  of  50.000  inhabitants  we  find  scientists,  writers,  poets, 
journalists,  who  make  Curityba  a  noted  intellectual  centre  :  Candido 
Abreu,  the  geagrapher;  Sebastiiio  Parana,  the  corographer:  Ivoma- 
rio  Martin,  the  untired  polygrapher,  director  of  the  museum  ;  Xestor 

—  514  — 

Victor,  the  novel  writer  and  poet:  Emilio  de  Menezes,  tlie  siitirieal 
poet;  Alfredo  Ooellio  ;  Ismael  Martins;  Roclia  Porabo,  the  historian  ; 
Domingos  Xasciraento  ;  Leoncio  Correa;  Armando  Paiva  ;  Rieardo 
Lemos,  E.  Pernetta;  Dario  Vellozo;  Silveira  Xetto,  Julio  Pornetta; 
Nestor  Castro;  Pereira  da  Silva;  Rieardo  Lemos;  J.  Moraes;  Kiieli- 
des  Bandeira;  Carvalho  Aranha;  Theodoro  Rodrigues;  Marianna 
Coclho;  IJevocata  de  Mollo ;  Julieta  Monteiro ;  and  a  dozen  more, 
are  names  that  produce  echo  oiitsnde,  provino-  tlie  mental  and  litn-ary 
activity  oi"  Curityba.  Many  of  them  found  the  place  too  small  for 
them  and  went  to  Rio  and  S.  Paulo,  carrying  with  them  the  snpe 
riority  of  the  fame  of  the  Parana  State,  that  precious  piece  of  the 
country.  The  local  administration  supports  many  institutes  of  puldic 
instruction  like  : 

The  Paranaense  Museum,  one  of  the  best  in  Brazil,  tlioiiiili  it  has 
not  as  yet  an  adequate  installation  as  those  of  Rio,  Bclcm  and 
S.  Paulo. 

The  Public  library  that  we  had  the  pleasure  of  seeing  open  to  the 
public  during  the  night,  as  those  of  Rio  (irande  do  Sul  and  IJio  de 

The  Fine  Arts  Conservatory  with  a  modest  Musical  Institute 
annexed.  We  visited  that  beautiful  establishment  and  congratulated 
its  directors  for  what  we  saw.  ^^'e  find  there  young  ladies  \\  ith  real 
artistic  vocation.  The  institute  is  directed  by  a  lady  and  is  going  to 
have  a  building  of  its  own  at  the  State's  expense. 

The  Industry  and  Fine  Arts  College,  for  tlie  study  of  liberal  arts, 
was  founded  by  i)ri\ate  initiative  of  the  professor  Antonio  Mariano 
de  Lima,  in  1800. 

Th(5  Gymnasium  Paranaense,  an  institute  of  the  sanu'  kind  as 
the  Rio  one  where  the  examinations  are  officially  recognized. 

The  Normal  College,  the  Theological  Seminary,  about  20  high 
schools,  classes  of  many  private  associations,  like  the  Historical 
Institute,  the  Archives,  the  clubs,  with  their  libraries,  etc.  complete 
the  organisation  of  thc^  intellectual  apparatus  in  Cui-ityba. 

There  are  several  papers  published  in  this  Capital,  nice  papers 
and  with  quite  a  circulation.  Among  them  arc  :  O  l\('i)iihlii'n,  O 
Diiii'io  (III  Tarde,  ()  Punimt  clc.  dailies.  Among  the  weeklies  and 
fortnightlies  are:  OOilodc  l)czciiihi-i>,  ()  I*ci-nili)n^o,  ()  Supo,  A 
(iiizclu  l*()lsh:t,  Jcriisiilcin,  I)  Esjthynf;;t\  Dcr  Hcohuclili-r,  and  se\ cral 

As  lo  elementary  instruction  l*;ii'an:i  is  one  of  the  most  attentive 
and  most  generous    St:ites.  It    maintains   il.'i",' graninuu"  schools  lor  a 

—  515  — 

population  of  322.000  inhabitants.  Tliis  j^ivcs  it  :i  pi-oniinciii  pl;icc  :i( 
the  head  of  the  other  States  of  Brazil. 

Keeping  the  same  proportion  Minas  ou«;hi  (o  Iiav(^  !.•-.'( h»  scIi.„,1<, 
S.  Paulo  2.700,  Bahia  2.700  and  Ternauibuco  J.OOO. 

According  to  its  population,  we  repeat,  Parana  is  tlic  Si;iic  ijuit 
maintains  the  largest  number  of  ])ublic  schools. 

Going  to  another  subje(!t,  the  police  force  of  tlic  l>;ii-;iii;i  State  is 
composed  of  454  men  forming  RegiiiwuLo  dc  Sc^iintnru  (Safety 
regiment),  whose  barracks  is  the  building  we  spoke  of.  It  is  com- 
manded by  a  colonel  of  the  Federal  Army.  They  use  Mauser  rifles. 

The  city  has  good  hotels,  tramways  by  animal  traction,  and 
around  the  city  a  number  of  colonies,  Italian,  German,  Ilrazilian  and 
Polish  ones.  In  one  of  these  colonies,  known  as  Villa  Colombo,  is 
among  other  factories,  a  porcelain  and  fine  crockery  one",  the  real 
artistic  products  of  which   we  had  opportunity  to  see. 

The  State  of  Parana,  is  the  one  that  has  adopted  the  best  coloni- 
sation system,  on  a  rational  basis,  distributing  the  immigrants  with 
equality  bj'  the  regions  of  its  territory  where  the  colonies  raiglit 
grow  and  flourish,  avoiding  thus  the  mistake  of  the  compact  grouping 
of  one  simple  nationality,  as  it  happened  in  Santa  Catharina,  and, 
though  in  a  smaller  degree,  in  Rio  Grande  do  Sul.  Jn  Parana  are 
54  colonies,  that,  according  to  a  magnificent  topographic  raaj) 
drawn  by  Br.  Candido  Abren,  I  notice  are  located  among  Brazilian 
population,  near  the  railways  or  the  rivers.  Many  of  them  are 
already  villages  or  cities.  We  don't  include  the  military  colonies  the 
expenses  of  which  are  covered  by  the  Federal  Government. 

To  facilitate  communications  among  them  and  its  markets, 
Parana  has  railwaj^s,  fluvial  navigation  on  the  interior  rivers,  and 
nice  country  roadways,  the  best  in  the  country. 

Among  these  roadways  there  are  two  that  had  a  just  reputation 
and  are  to-day  in  decadence  hurt  fatally  by  the  locomotive  :  the  Gra- 
ciosa  one,  which  connected  Curityba  with  the  sea,  the  Matto  Grosso 
one,  between  the  Capital  and  Serrinha.  The  railway  came  and  they 
were  abandoned.  It  is  the  fatal  history  of  evolution  everywhere. 

There  are  two  railways  running  in  Parana  :  the  Paranagua  to 
Ponta  Grossa  one,  with  417  kilometres,  and  the  S.  Paulo-Rio  Grande 
between  Porto  Uniao  and  Jaquariahyba,  with  :3()0  kilometres  follow- 
ing the  construction  of  the  studied  sections. 

The  interior  navigation  is  effected  on  the  Iguassuand  Xegro  rivers, 

—  516 

by  a  large  number  of  small  steamers,  from  100  to  200  tons,  belongino; 
to  c'ommei'C'ial  firms  and  private  citizens  in  Cui'ityba. 

*    * 

Industry,  PuonicrioN  and  Commerce.  —  Kven  as  to  iiulustiial 
activity,  Parana,  tliougli  one  of  the  smallest  of  the  Union,  is  one 
of  the  most  advanced.  We  might  even  say  that  there  is  no  brancli  ot 
industry  of  those  that  are  exploited  to-day  in  Brazil,  that  is  not 
represented  in  Parana.  Its  principal  industry  is  the  preparation  of 
Brazilian  tea  —  matte  —  for  export.  Only  in  the  municii)iiim  of 
Curityba  alone  there  are  25  factories,  modern  ones  moved  by  steam. 
These  factories  are  called  c/j^>-c;?/?o.s-,  the  name  that  the  farmers  in 
the  Northern  States  give  to  the  factories  where  they  make  sugar  in 
the  sugar-cane  plantations.  The  production  of  mntlc  in  these  Curi- 
tyba factories  is  25.000.000  kilos.  Annexed  to  this  there  are  other 
industries,  an  accessory  of  it,  like  the  making  of  barrels,  printing 
offices,  lithographies,  etc.  After  this  we  have  the  saw-mills,  some 
moved  by  steam,  some  hydraulic;.  The  main  bulk  of  lumber  in  these 
mills  is  pine,  but  they  also  handle  enil)rya  and  other  kinds  of  wood 
of  Parana.  There  are  also  wine,  soap,  slioes ,  cigars,  matches, 
neckties,  hosieiy,  cars,  silk,  trunk,  crockery  factories  etc.,  etc. 

Curityba  alone  has  :  18V)  barrel  factories,  83  shoe  faetorii's,  IS 
mechanic  shops,  25  engenhos,  Brazilian  tea;  11  brick  factoiies,  12 
leather  tanning  works;  11  breweries,  5  cordial  distilleries,  :i'.i  rmni- 
tui'e  factories,  I)  printing  ofiiees,  I  lythographing  i>lace,  ;!  mass  I'aeto- 
ries,  1  ice  factoi-y,  5  soda-water,  1  matehes,  1  neckties,  J  trunks, 
4  picture  frames,  1  chocolate,  1  china  pipes,  2  corsets,  1  liats, 
3  harnesses,  1  paper  boxes,  1  glassware,  1  aluminium  articles, 
2  playing  cards,  2  tile  factories.  We  do  not  mention  small  tin-sujitli 
works,  coopers  shops,  iron-smiths,  carpenters,  etc. 

What  we  see  in  Curityba  as  to  variety  and  power  of  its  industrial 
activity  —  which  is  the  most  i)Ositive  manit'estaticm  of  the  social 
evolution  in  a  certain  i-egion  —  we  also  see  it  in  (he  otlu'r  cities  of 
that  State,  taking  into  consideration  the  resj^'ctive  i)roporlions  of 
each  one. 

liut  the  princijjal  merchandise  which  absorbs  nearly  all  tli<'  pro- 
ductive energies  of  Parana,  is  the  inultc,  (Brazilian  tea),  and  ii  is 
upon  it  that  is  based  the  strength  of  its  maritime  I'oiiimerce.  Due  to 
niiillc,  l*arana  is  in  tlu^  list  of  the  States  that  are  e\])orters.  It 
exports,  in  fad,  nuich  more  than  it  imports,  as  l'ai;i.  S.  raiilo. 
Amazonas  and  liahia.    In  the  list  of  llic  Slates  that  expoft  the  most. 

—  517  — 

Parana   is   in   the  seventh   place   of  those   18   exporting    States. 

Besides  matte,  Parana  exports  to  foreign  eoimtries  aii<l  otiier 
Brazilian  States,  lumber,  fruit,  matches,  etc.  Its  port  I'arauagua  is 
the  largest  fruit  exporter  of  the  country  to  the  River  Plate. 

When  the  Brazilian  Republic  was  proclaimed  the  Budgc^t  of 
Parana  \\  as  82(3:OOOeOOO  and  to-day  it  is  l.(M)U:(X)0§U()(),  not  inrhiding 
the  municipal  revenues.  The  exports  from  the  State  tcm  years  ago, 
was  :!.000:OUO§000,    but   in    1901    it   went  up  to  1:>.8.j1:U(X»§00(»  and  in 

m*M^9rkw*.  m»m9..jiruiim   »9m 

Paranagua.  —  Da  Praia  Street  and  laiuliiig  stugt 

PtO-J  was  over  1().000:000$000  all  proceeding  from   agricultural  and 
industrial  wealth. 

Unfortunately,  as  to  mineral  wealth,  in  spite  of  marvellous  things 
being  said  about  the  Parana  soil,  nothing  has  been  done  to  take 
advantage  of  it. 


Other  citiks  of  Parana.  —  Besides  the  Capitul  there  are  no 
other  large  cities  in  the  State  of  Parana.  In  this  respect  Parana 
looks  well  like  the  Para  and  Amazon  States.  Take  Curityba  away 
from  Parana  and  you  will  see  how  difficult  it  will  be  to  find  another 
capital.  Let  us  see,  however,  the  best  cities  : 


—  518  — 

T'akaxagua.  —  Tlie  second  c-ity  of  the  State,  «  is  neat  and  ele- 
gant, its  inhabitants  are  generous,  sociable,  and  hospitable,  expan- 
sive and  hai'd  workers.  It  is  a  city  of  commercial  movement.  Its 
municipiuni  is  very  rich,  and  its  soil  produces  with  aljundauce  the 
vegetables  of  that  temperate  region.  »  This  was  told  us  by  an  infor- 
mant who  is  authority  on  the  subject,  and  we  found  it  all  so  on  the 
17th  of  March  1903,  when  we  visited  it  for  the  first  time.  We  have 
also  to  add  something  of  what  we  saw.  This  old  Paranagua  (derivated 
from  puranagiiii  —  bay,  or  sea  bosom)  is  in  the  recess  of  a  vast  bay 
of  calm  aspect  at  the  entrance  of  which  we  see  a  long  low  island, 
divided  into  two  and  covered  with  vegetation.  In  one  of  the  sections 
is  the  light-house  and  in  the  inner  side  by  the  water  is  an  old  fortress 
about  which  a  precious  book  gave  us  the  following  information  :  — 
«  During  the  reign  of  D.  Jose  I,  the  famous  chancellor  Pombal, 
determined  that  the  inhabitants  shouhl  l)uil(l  the  fortress  at  their 
own  expenses.  The  poor  fellows  went  to  work  to  raise  the  money 
and  built  it,  without  saying  a  word,  as  such  things  were  done  at 
that  time,  that  is,  on  the  I'.'th  of. January  17(17.  Yet,  in  April  17r)<.t, 
when  the  forti'css  w  as  finished  the  governor  came  there  and  ordered 
the  following  inserii)ti<)n  to  be  engraxed  on  the  beautiful  stone  walls, 
taking  away  from  the  people  any  co-operation  in  this  woi"k  altogether 
executed  by  the  inhabitants  of  Paranagua  and  to  whom  exclusively 
its  existence  was  due.  And  there  remained  the  inscrii)tion  engravi'd 
in  the  stone  as  a  remembrance  of  colonial  injustice.  Here  it  is  : 


HtlNAMtO    KM    POKTt»;.\l. 

0    SIOKKMSSIMd    SIMIOK    l)0)l    .l()SK    I'K 



iiuR   DoM   Luis  Antomo  hk  Souza  Hotkiik* 

MouuAO.  SicNHon  iiAvii.iA  III;  Ovki.iia  Mokc; 

AiK)  UK  Matiikls,   1"iiiak(;o  iik  (Iasa  UK  Sua  M 

ACKSTAUK    C.OMMKMlADOK    l>A    K(»RTAI.K/.A    l)K 

ViANA    ('■OVKIiNADOH    K    C.AI'ITAd    (IkNKUAK 
IlKSTA    CiAI'ITASKV    l)K    Sa»)    I'AUKO    N(»     \\M» 

giiAuro  IX)  SKU   (ItiNKitso  in    17()!t. 

it  is  quite  original  (()  note  liow  badly  this  insei'iption  waswiil- 
l(Mi,  tile  spelling  as  well  as  the  division  of  the  syllaliles  in  the  \vonl> 
tiial  go  o\  ('!•  lo  the  next  liiu'  being  all  ^M•ong.  Here  is  the  tianslation  : 

'  1770.  Kcijiiiiii^  ill  l'nrlnH;,|  ||is  Musi  Scitiic  l.unl  hdiii  .lost- ihc  lirsl.  Ihs  illustrious 
Kxccll('ii(>  Sciiliiii'  Ddiii  I, Ills  Aiilitnio  lie  S()iiz;i  Hiilollin  M(iiii;i(i,  Imil  o\  the  villiifrc  OvtOli.i 
Morni'dii  (Ic  .M;illi(Mis,  Ncdilcin.iii  uf  Mis  Mnjrsfy  ('.(iiirl,  ('.iiiiii>ii(l:nli>i-  df  the  riulrcss  of  Vi:iii.i. 
GnviMiior  niiil  (:ii|it:iiii  (ii-iicr:il  nj  lliis  |mii-|  of  S:iii  I'miiIo  oi-(lt>i-i>il  this  rortnvss  to  l)t>  Iniill  in 
llir  fiiiiilh  Vf.'ir  III  his  CkimtiiiiiciiI   I7(i!)j 

—  519  — 

From  that  lortress  to  the  uuclioruge  place  is  still  a  Ion-  dislanci' 
and  from  the  other  side  we  see  the  iiha  das  Cobras  (snake  island), 
where  the  qnarantine  place  is.  This  is  a  lar^e  qniof  Ixiildin-  hx.king 
as  if  it  were  abandoned. 

At  last,  at  the  end  of  the  ample  bay  all  filled  with  roeky  p<nnts, 
shewing-  that  it  is  not  so  good  an  anchorage  place  as  it  looks,  theic 
lies  the  city,  half  hidden,  behind  the  trees  somewhat  faded  in  its  green 
shade,  as  it  happens  with  all  the  vegetation  in  the  salt-pit  banks. 
Paranagua  is  not,  properly  said,  cm  the  bay  but  al  the  month  of 
the  Itibere  I'iver. 

Antouiiia.  —  General  View  of  the  cilv 

The  steamers  with  draught  above  the  average  cannot  enter  the 
channel  in  front  of  the  cit^',  so  that  its  modest  stone  quay  is  of  no 
use,  as  the  passengers  must  disembark  in  boats,  and  the  goods  dis- 
charged in  lighters  which  bring  them  to  the  quay  in  fifteen  minutes. 

The  city  has  no  great  importance.  It  is  a  group  of  houses,  some 
with  tipper  stories,  a  good  hospital,  and  some  old  churches.  In  front 
of  the  quay  is  a  sad  serenity  like  in  a  hamlet,  and  the  point  of  sea 
half  confounded  with  the  river  takes  the  feature  of  a  mild  lake, 
dead,  where  the  vegetation  and  wdiite  houses  on  the  other  bank 
reflect  themselves  in  a  trembling  fidelity,  like  a  picture. 

—  mo  — 

Ainoiij^  oilier  iudustrial  estiiblislimenls  there  is  a  good  match 
liu'tory,  not  ol"  the  importance  of  the  Curityba  one. 

'IMiis  city  was  ioiindcd  in  l~AM)  by  a  «>roui)  of  dwellers  of  Canaiica. 
a  I'ily  of  S.  Paulo  State.  Later  on  llicrc  was  some  woi'k  in  the 
mines  goiiij;  as  far  as  slai'ting-   a  goM   foundry,  and    lliat    from    jti,'; 

lo  i7;;o. 

Antomna.  — It  was  formerly  culled  (iuuntjiiiix  :ih:i  i  lat  fish  l»a\;, 
beautiful  indigene  name  tliat  they  changed  in  honor  of  the  name  of 
the  i)rince    1).    Antonio    Nosso   Senhor,   as  we  read  in  the  document 


I'dil  of  .Morrc'tos  on  llio  .Miiiii(li;i(|iiai'a 

\\lien    it    became   a   village  in   17U7.   It    Ix'came  a  cily  in  isr»7  and  is 
placed  in  ant)ther  recess  of  Paranagua    l)ay    Ix-twcen    the    Miundia 
quara  and  (.'achoeira  rivers. 

It  is  a  city  that  once  had  more  importance  than  it   has  to-da\  . 

The  (iraciosa  road  gave  it  life,  making  it  the  outlet  of  all  raran;i. 

TIk^  i-ailway,  howt'vcr,  took  away  the  commei'ce  fi-oui  that  diic'c- 
lion,  and  now  il  has  to  grow  dependent  upon  its  own  resources. 

lis  popnlalion,  ipiitc  select  and  hospitahic,  luil  \cr_\  palrit)lic 
and  with  local  partialities  doesnl  exceed  tl.riSd  inhabitants,  ii.'JlS 
mules  an<l  .'J.ofu'  females.  There  are  some  good  busim'ss  houses, 
several  ciiurcdics,  aflirmiug    the    (dd    dc\  I'lopuienI  of  the  eitv,  about 

—  522  — 

1.000  houses,   niany   with    upper  stories.   This  is  Antonina  u  port 
where  the  Lloyd  Brazileiro  Steamers  call  at. 

MoKRKTKs.  —  A  little  further  ahead  is  Morretes  on  the  banks  of 
the  Xhundiaquara,  and  surrounded  by  pretty  hills  where  the  name 
comes  from.  It  is  quite  hot  there,  and  is  delicious  for  those  who  liki 
strong  emotions.  The  city  is  ai)parcntl_\-  in  decadency.  Curityba  kills 
it  with  its  absorbing-  progress  and  its  inexorable  railway.  Tlic 
6.500  inhabitants  of  Morretes  have  to  develop  a  most  delicate  energy 
if  they  don't  like  to  see  their  pretty  little  city  disappear.  It  is  neces- 
sary that  Morretes  should  not  die. 

Yet  it  has  been  a  great  deal  worse  and  weaker  than  it  is  to-day. 
Its  1900  census  gave  it  5.000  inhabitants  and  the  last  one  (5.500.  If  it 
increases  it  is  because  it  is  not  falling.  It  exports  an  cx(iuisitc 
brandy,  m^iny  bananas,  oranges  and  other  fruit. 

Ponta-Gkossa.  —  One  morning  we  were  starling  from  Curityba 
station  in  the  Ponta  Grossa  8  o'clock  train.  The  landscape  was  quite 
new  for  my  eyes  of  Northern  Brazilian. 

Those  who  never  went  out  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  and  have  only  seen 
the  strong  aspects  of  the  mountains  crossed  by  the  E.  de  F.  Central 
can't  have  an  idea,  or  imagine  what  these  Parana  fields  are,  with 
its  pine-tree  woods,  its  ondulations  to  obey  to  the  same  ihytni.  its 
velvetlikc  prairies  with  several  shades  of  green  whereby  seldom  a 
soft  river  slides  like  a  slow  transparent  rosin  tear.  The  railway 
extending  itself  through  that  region  connecting  cities  and  nucleus, 
where  life  begins  now  gaily  for  the  fair  hard  working  and  pleased 
populations.  The  lethargic  sadness  made  of  la/iness  and  fatalism  of 
the  mixing  breed  of  the  Portuguese- African  that  we  see  in  the 
interior  of  certain  Northern  States,  run  away  frightened  with  the 
passage  of  the  railway  and  there  appear  those  groups  of  new  genera- 
tion, those  new  colonies,  villages  and  cities.  This  phenomenon  of 
our  ethnical-social  metamorphosis  has  in  the  railway  one  of  its  most 
strong  factors.  This,  however,  is  wiuil  has  liapi)cned  in  all  America 
and  everywhere. 

But,  as  we  said,  the  train  left  (Jurityba  in  the  morning.  It  was 
full.  The  lime  of  empty  trains  is  past.  And  where  are  those  who 
assured  that  that  road  would  nevi'r  give  result?  Last  year  it  had  a 
balance  in  its  favor  of  1.000:0(»0.*;0()0  and  it  has  had  one  for  a  long 

We  went  on.  Every  now  and  then  there  was  a  stop,  a  station, 
there  were  great  piles  of  merchandise,  lumber,  pine-tree  trunks  all 
pilled    up    on    freight  cars.    Wealth    in    elaboration.  The  huulscapcs 

—  523  — 

iollow  one  iiuotlior  with  ti  variety  ol"  details,  hut  witlioiit  breaking 
tlie  eontornatioii  lines  w  liicli  arcH  lie  seal  of  (liat  unaltered  nutiire. 
Long-  fields  witli  cattle  in  the  i)aHturage,  hands  of  i-eddisii  carlii 
bordering  the  savanna,  pine-trees  susi)ending  a  sweet  dark  green 
canopy  over  the  endless  valleys;  near  the  trucks,  little  handets, 
covered  with  pine,  cattle  here  and  there,  soniei  inies  lai'ge  planta- 
tions of  grain  with  ears  bending  over  tli(!  road,  and  th(!  constant 
])ine-tree,  the  pine-tree  straight  and  vertical,  standiiig  up  erect,  with 
its  majestic  appearance  and  its  lop  like  a  enp  turned  u|)  towai'ds  the 
sky,  near  and  far,  in  front  and  behind,  e\{'rywhere,    as   the    origin. 

j^j«K^i''«*«i^.*'*  ^.■■' 

l'(i|)iil;ir  tvpL'S.  —  A  lniskcl-iii.ilvcr  fruni  the  iiileriur  nl  l';ii;iii. 

the  cause,  the  end  of  all  that  scenery. 

At  four  o'clock  we  reached  l^onta  Grossa.  It  was  in  the  afternoon 
of  the  25th  of  March  1903.  We  went  to  an  Italian  hotel. 

Ponta  Grossa  has  this  name  owing  to  the  round  thick  ro(d<  up<ui 
which  it  is  built.  It  was  a  bad  selection  for  a  city. 

In  1871  it  received  the  genteel  name  of  Pitang-uy,  but,  we  don't 
know  why,  right  after  they  gave  it  the  name  of  Ponta  Grossa.  Owing 
to  its  location  <»47  metres  above  the  sea-level  it  can  be  seen  (iO  kilo- 
metres away.  That  same  circumstance  brings  to  it  disadvantages 
that  are  not  to  be  envied.  A  large  part  of  the  year  it  is  punished  by 
the  strong  winds,  raising  clouds  of  red  dust. 

The  city  of  to-day  is  colossal  compared  with  the  small  little  one 
of  1880,  and  the  cause  of  this  increase  was  the  railway.  It  is  built 
on  the  top  of  the  hill,  but  its  streets  and  buildings  rapidly  covered 

the  elevation  and  extend  themselves  throuj^h  the  plain,  over  an  area 
each  time  larger. 

The  streets  have  no  pavements.  Its  illumination  is  kerosene  oil. 
On  the  top  of  the  hill  they  built  a  hii-ge  ehureh  of  Roman  style,  not 
yet  finished  and  the  dome  of  which  is  seen  from  \cry  far.  'Inhere  an 
several  houses  with  uppei'  stories,  modern  style,  good  l)usiness  hou- 
ses. 'J'hose  with  best  as})eet  are  o.f  th(!  Teulo-Bi-azilians  and  (Jer- 
mans.  In  the  small  square  where  the  ehureh  is,  is  a  quite  mo- 
dest building,  ugly,  square,  which  is  the  market,  with  one  door  on 
each  side,  and  six  small  half  circle  openings  to  take  the  place  of 
windows.  The  S.  Paulo-Rio  Grande  railway,  which  passes  near  by 
can  be  seen  away  down.  It  is  a  fine  l)nil(ling.  perhaps  the  best  in  the 
city.  The  building  of  the  Parana  railway  is  inferior  to  that.  It  is 
right  at  thfe  entrance  of  Ppnta  Grossa,  painted  lead-gray  colour  and 
rustic  style. 

Xear  the  city  is  the  large  matte  factory  Santo  Agostinho,  well 
known  in  the  South  of  the  country  as  well  as  in  Rio  da  Prata. 

Ponta  Grossa  has  also  its  Club,  the  Pontagrossense  Club,  which 
is  in  a  one  floor  building  decorated  with  good  taste.  Its  principal 
streets  are  :  Santos  Dumont,  Quinze  de  Xovembro,  Ribas.  There  is 
no  great  movement  in  Ponta  (Jrossa,  but  it  is  not  that  that  makes  it 
nostalgic  and  oppressive  :  it  is  the  sensation  of  isolation  and  exik', 
which  instinctively  invades  our  minds  when  we  contemplate  that 
even  horizon,  infinite,  unique,  which  we  see  all  around,  nevei-  mind 
which  side  we  turn,  a  green  sea  of  vegetation  over  which  there 
seems  to  fluctuate  islandlike,  Ponta  (Jrossa. 

Lai'A.  —  It  is  893  metres  above  the  sea-le\('i  and  enjoys  deser- 
vingl_\'  the  fame  of  healthy  city. 

There  is  a  good  deal  of  life  in  Lapa  in  tlic  ciiliixation  of  wine, 
mandioca,  beans,  corn,  etc.  Lapa  fniit  is  laiiious  all  oxer  the  State. 
It  exj)orts  iindtc,  lumber,  hides  and  cattle  in  large  (|uantil.\  . 

It  suffered  a  good  deal  with  the  civil  war  but  it  has  reco\ cred 
now  and  is  once  more  progressive  and  lively. 

Castuo.  —  Pretty  city  with  1  .tioo  houses,  and  ll.:!77  inhabitants. 
5.728  males  and  ."),(•  ID  females,  when  according  to  the  census  of  ten 
years  ago  it  had  i>ut;).(H)()  inhabitants.  We  can  see  how  it  has  grown. 
What  must  we  at  tribute  it  to  ?  To  no  other  element  l)ut  the  i-ailway. 

Castro,  thdiigh  more  eh^valfd  than  I'onia  (ii'ossa,  as  it  i> 
'.•r>7  m(!(res  aboxc  the  sea-level  .  has  not  the  disadvantage  of  the 
dust  and  constant  c_\clonical  wind  that  sweeps  the  city,  ("astro  i>  a 
pleasant  city  on    the    left  l)ank  of  the  N  ajx)   rivi'r,    and    is    connected 

—  525  — 

with  its  Santa  Cruz  district  l)y  a  lonjif  wooden  bridge,  at  tlio  sido  of 
wliicli  is  tlie  elegant  metallic,  bridge  belonging  to  the  railway.  TliiK 
bridge  goes  over  an  open  space  80  metres  wide  and  cost  about 

The  place  where  Castro  is  located  was  formerly  a  i-esidcnce  of 
aborigenes.  Tt  is  named  after  the  king's  minister  McHo  c  Casli-o,  the 
same  who  ordered  every  factory  and  every  indtistiy  in  IJi  a/.il,  except 
thick  cloth  for  the  slaves,  to  be  destroyed.  We  see  that  naming  the 
streets  alter  heroes  is  a  mania  that  dates  awav   back   in   Brazil. 

Castro.  —  S.  Paiilo-Kii)  Graniit?  Hallway  biidge  uvor  iln-  li 

Castro  has  good  colleges  and  schools,  catholic  and  Intheran  chur- 
ches, and  some  good  buildings,  which  have  been  built  of  late,  but 
in  general  are  of  that  solid  but  not  elegant  style  of  the  ancient 
times.  Several  lumber  yards  and  suburbs  decorate  and  extend  the 
city  which  seemed  to  us  be  destined  to  a  great  future,  especially 
when  the  S.  Paulo-Rio  Grande  railway  will  realise  its  projected 
connection  with  the  Sorocabana  railway,  in  the  S.  Paulo  frontier. 

GuARAPUAVA.  —  This  is  one  of  the  highest  cities  of  Brazil.  It  is 
1.095  metres  above  the  sea-level.  D.  Joao  VI  ordered  an  exploitation, 
by  missionaries,  of  the  famous  fields  of  Guarapuava  in  1809,  soon 
after  his  arrival  in  Brazil,  and  this  expedition,  directed  by  Frei  Cha- 
gas,  a  native  of  Curityba,  arrived  at  that  place  on  the  17th  of  .June 

—  526  — 

1810.  These  fields,  however,  had  been  discovered  on  the  8th  of  Sep- 
tember 177-1  by  lieutenant  Candido  Xavier  de  Almeida  e  Sousa,  of 
Silo  Paulo.  Lately  a  good  deal  of  business  is  converging  to  that 
place  and  the  buildings  multiply  themselves ,  there  ajjpearing  new 
hotels,  saw-mills,  work-shops,  and  (iuarapuava  is  growing  up. 

Tlu*  city  properly  said  has  not  over  lU.OOO  inhabitants  but  its 
municipiums  are  growing  more  populated  every  day,  and  altogether 
(the  districts  :  Pinhao,  Reserva,  €am]io  IJeal,  Capanoma  and  'i'licrc- 
zina)  has  over  21.U(X)  inhabitants. 

•  '■ii;ir';i|iii;iv;i.  —  (".iinic:ic;i  jiirn|i,j.lipr(iri(i  livci' 

Among  the  natural  cui'iosities  of  the  (iuarapuava  muuicii)iuui  we 
will  menlioii  tlu;  two  falls  of  the  .lordao  river  some  ."O  kilometres 
away  froiu  the  cily,  of  wliidi  the  most  noted  for  its  sizes,  as  foi-  the 
beauty  of  the  scenery  is  the  ShUo  do  (hinici'uii  (C'urueaca  jumj)  . 
Though  it  has  not  the  stupendous  greatness  of  the  Salto  do  ( Ju;ili.\i;i. 
the  .loidao  river  one  is  celebrated  on  account  of  its  locution  uuiid 
the  fields  and  neai"  a  hill,  fiom  the  (op  of  wliieli  we  can  contempl:iie. 
tlje  wliolc  of  that  pictures(|ue  and  beautiful  Snilo  do  (iurucih-u. 

('ami'()  Laikjo.  —  This  city  is  a  niost  i)ictures(|ue  one  and  enjoys 
a  delightful  ciiMiate.  It  lias  ]()()(»  houses.  It  eomi)rises  the  Nossa 
Senhoi'a  da  IMe<lade  de  Cauipo  Lai'go   and  S.    iiUi/  do   I'oruua  pari- 

—  527  — 

shes.  Its  population  is  10.0(58  inhabitants.  The  city  is  :j:;  l<ilom.-trcs 
West  of  Curityba,  with  which  it  is  connected  by  a  cai-ria^c  road  call- 
ed Matto  Grosso.  It  is  inhabited  since  INI  1.  In  l.S-J(i  it  had  a]r('a<ly  a 
good  cliurch,  the  Piedade  one.  In  l.STO  it  was  considcic.!  a  miinici- 
pium  by  law  of  the  2nd  of  April  of  the  same  year. 

Its  exports  of  matte  and  lumber  aw.  worthy  of  note. 

TiBAGY.  —  It  is  the  head  of  a  rich  miinicii)iiim,  it  is  ii])on  an 
extensive  plain,  somewhat  elevated,  in  relation  to  the  neighboi-ing 
grounds.  It  has  g:ood  water  reservoirs  and  a  climate  worthy  of  envy. 
By  its  houses,  yet  a  little  scattei-ed  and  modest,  runs  the  river  it  is 
named  after.  It  has  two  churches,  a  catholic  and  a  i)r()testant  one, 
several  schools,  fine  mattg  factories,  many  cattle  ranches,  all  near 
the  city. 

Palmriuas.  —  By  the  Paran;'i  railway,  at  the  left  going-  to  Ponta 
Grossa,  on  the  top  of  the  Campos  Geraes  mountains  and  by  the  river 
Ignassu.  The  houses  extend  themselves  at  the  shade  of  a  catholic 
church,  the  two  towers  of  which,  terminate  in  hemisphere  form, 
painted  blue.  There  are  two  other  catholic  churches  and  a  ])rotestant 
one,  eight  schools,  a  masonic  lodge,  two  clubs,  and  is  surroundeil  by 
colonial  nucleus  which  supply  it  with  everything  it  needs.  It  is  the 
seat  of  a  large  municipiuni.  The  principal  cultivations  arc;  the  vine, 
corn,  beans,  rye,  potataes  and  tobacco.  In  all  the  municipiuni  includ- 
ing the  seat  there  is  :  1  physician,  '2  lawyers,  12  cattle  ranches 
farms,  3  saw  mills,  2  matte  factories,  1  flour  mill,  8  wine  distilleries, 
30  dry  goods  and  fancy  stores,  12  grocers  and  hardware  stores,  etc., 
3  butchers,  3  bakers,  1  billiard-room,  2  breweries,  3  brick  factories, 
C  horse  shoers,  4  carpenters,  2  joiners,  a  tinware  factory,  2  tailors, 
1  barber  shop,  3  shoemakers  and  1  hotel. 

Besides  these,  which  are  the  principal  ones,  there  are  other 
villages  and  cities  flourishing  in  the  territory  of  the  State  which 
has  38  municipinms. 

A  large  part  of  Parana,  however,  is  intact,  ignored,  and  perhaps 
it  is  the  richest  part,  covered  with  odorous  forests  of  pine-trees,  the 
providencial  tree,  the  precious  gift  with  which  nature  presented 
that  State,  as  a  token  of  affection  and  prodigality,  to  its  hard 
working  people  and  progressive  development. 

—  528  — 


The  first  attempts  luade  lo  populate  this  region  were,  very  natu- 
rally, undertaken  by  Spaniards  who  considered  themselves  possessors 
of  all  the  region  comprised  between  the  Prata  and  Cananea  rivers. 

Not  only  can  we  verify,  by  the  studj'  of  the  epoch,  that  this  was 
the  dominant  orientation  in  the  Court  of  Castella,  favoring  all  the 
undertakings  in  that  sense,  but  we  also  know  that  the  dominion 
became  effective  making  contracts  for  the  colonisation  of  the 
S.  Francisco  and  Santa  Catharina  rivers. 

l''liil'i:Mln|i(ilJs.  Miililllllcill    In  till'  |>:ill'inlir   Vnlllllli-i'l's  ill    lilt-   I'lllilic  d:!!'!!)'!! 

The  contract  celebrated  wilh  .laynu;  Kas(|iiiu  is  un  important 
document  to  clear  tliis  ])oint. 

According  to  tliis  cui'ions  document,  signed  in  Madrid  on  the 
:iOth  of  December  1557,  Ras([uin  had  to  establish  on  the  sea-coast 
sevei-al  sugar  factories,  as  well  as  he  ought  to  found  foui-  cities  in 
the  following  order  : 

Uii  puclilo  I'll  III  loslii  (li'J  Knisil.  ih'iitvo  ilc  niicxtni  (Irmiirriirioii,  rii  hi  /mrle 
que  dicen  Sun-Frnnvisro.  y  olio  Ircinlu  h'^iitis  inns  urrihu  /iticiii  el  rio  ilc  In  I'lntii, 
(londe  iliri'ii  I'l  Viiisii,  i/iu-  jior  otro  iionilirc  si-  llniiin  rl  Puerto  dc  Ins  I'nlos;  y  t'li- 
Irundo  en  iicl  rio  de  In  1*1  u In,  eir. 

—  o2»  — 

(A  Village  on  ,heB,..ilia„e,,as.,  „..,,.,..,....,,,,.,,,,, ,,,,,,,,  „„.  ,,„,, ^   ,.^^,, 

S^  i-rancsco  and  another  thirl,  leagues  above  towards  ,1,,.  hiver  i-iale  v „.ev"sav  is 

the  Viasa.  has  the  name  of  Puerto  de  los  Patos  (I,u.-ks  ,.or,;  and  en.ering  in  ih^e  river 
de  La  Plate  (Plate  River),  etc. 

It  was  this  Rasquin,  the  first,  as  far  as  w«.  k.u.w  nvIm,  IkuI  u 
regular  establishment  in  Santa  Catharina  soil.  These  beantiful 
lands,  to-day,  with  the  limits  of  the  old  province,  yet  subject  to  the 
verification  with  Parana  form  a  State,  the  sixth  in  the  <,rder  of  the 
smallest  of  Brazilian  States,   having-  all   the  rights  that  the  largest 

strait  of  the  isle  of  S.  Catharina  and  fort  S.  Oruz 

have  and  enclosing  in  its  74,156  square  kilometres  of  surface  a  very 
large  number  of  natural  wealth . 

The  true  founders  of  Santa  Catharina  however,  were  Francisco 
Diogo  Velho  and  his  sons. 

A  Brazil  writer  said  about  it  : 

(c  Thus,  then,  in  that  abandoned  and  forgotten  Santa  Catharina 
soil,  in  1050  appeared  Francisco  Dias  Velho  Monteiro  (whom  others 
call  Francisco  Diago)  with  four  sons,  victims  of  a  dreadful  wreck  in 
the  North  point  of  the  island  called  Jurie-Mirim. 

Being  a  religious  man  with  great  faith  in  Our  Lady  do  Desterro, 
as  soon  as  he  saw  himself  safe,  having  escaped  such  a  great  disaster 
he  built  upon  a  hill,  (which  is  to-day  Quinze  de  Novembro)  a  little 

—  530  — 

eliapel,  in  adoration  to  the  saint  of  that  name,  and  the  Capital  of 
Santa  Catharina  —  Desterro  —  was  named  after  that  fact. 

In  the  construction  of  the  chapel  and  residences  he  Ijegan  to 
build  he  was  aided  l)y  the  natives,  who  soon  familiarized  themselves 
with  the  customs  and  language  of  the  Europeans,  (juite  astonished 
and  surjjrised  at  the  use  of  domestic  objects  they  did  not  know.  The 
houses  were  all  built  by  the  sea-shore,  the  first  being  called  liini  clou 
PiitoK  (Ducks  Street),  afterward"s  called  Run  do  Princi])e  (Prince 
Streetj,  after  the  republic  they  named  it  Jose  Veigii,  and  lately 
changed  the  name  of  that  native  of  Santa  Catharipa  by  that  of 
Altino  Correa. 

The  island  had  once  tlie  name  oi  Patos,  (Ducks),  name  of  an  abo- 
rigene  tribe,  which,  with  the  carija  Indians,  and  others,  inhabited 
there.  They  devote  themselves  to  fishing  and  sea-life.  Perhaps  it 
is  an  inheritance  from  those  habits  the  inclination  the  natives  of 
Santa  Catharina  have  for  the  sea-life ,  having  had  among  them  illus- 
trious sailors,  as  Barao  da  Laguna  and  others. 

It  is  really  worth  admiring  the  calm  and  courage  with  which  the 
inhabitants  of  the  searshore  in  Santa  Catharina  defy  the  fury  of  the 
waves,  now  in  small  boats,  narrow  and  flat  canoes,  by  and  bye  in 
])retty  yachts  running  the  coastwise  navigation  of  those  ports. 

'I'hc  State  received  large  crowds  of  German  immigrants  who 
established  themselves  in  a  tract  of  land  having  no  easy  means  of 
communication.  The  lack  of  direct  contact  with  the  natives  preserv- 
ed among  them,  for  a  long  time  the  language  and  customs  of  their 
fatherland,  which  only  slowly  become  nationalized. 

The  colonies  with  that  attachment  of  preserving  their  native 
customs  have  risen  the  suspicions  of  the  Rio  de  .laneiro  press.  The 
newspapers  of  the  Capital  do  not  want  to  listen  to  a  word  about  the 
work  and  useful  value  of  those  colonies,  and  only  see  in  them  threats 
to  the  homogeneity  of  the  Brazilian  natioual  coustihilion  and  even 
to  the  integrity  of  the  Brazilian  territory. 

There  is  notliiug,  however,  like  a  loeal  exaniiuation  to  lorm  a 
judgment  upon  sui'li  alh'gations.  If  we  leave  Rio,  go  to  Itajahy  or 
S.  Francisco,  take  a  small  fluvial  steamer,  one  of  those  that  go  to 
.Joinville,  oi'  to  Blumenau,  examine  everything  in  close  observation, 
retaining  \\  hat  tliei-e  is  of  good,  aeeording  to  the  prei'i'pt,  \\<'  will  see 
if  it  is  worth  while  or  not  to  speak  about  the  (icriiiun  iluniicr  and 
similar  foolishnesses. 

It  was  that  what  we  haxc  <l(»ne.  \\ C  weni  thei'e  oiirsehcs  in 
April,  I'.Mi:;. 

—  :,'M  — 

Dksterro.  —  Istlie  Capital  of  Santa  (^idiaiina  State,  it  is  not  in 
the  territory  of  the  State  properly  said,  bnt  in  a  lar-^c  islan.l  in  from 
of  it.  The  same  case  as  in  Maranliao  and  Kspirilo  Santo. 

Wlien  we  go  to  this  poi-t,  we  have  to  cross  a  long  channel  foim.-d 
by  the  Atlantic,  a  narrow  lenoth  of  the  ocean  wliicli  goes  on  getting 
nari-ower  l)etween  tlie  continent  and  Die  island,  nntil  it  reaches  i1m> 
minininni  widtli  of  100  fathoms  in  tlie  place  called  JJslrcih,  /Xurrows, 
between  the  city  and  a  point  of  the  continent  prolonged  b_\  it . 

The  sail  through  this  channel  is  most  pictures(jue.  At  a  certain 
place  w^e  see  two  small  islands  the  Rutoncs  ones,  namc^  that  docu- 
ments the  passage  of  the  Spaniards  by  that  land.  On  the  tight  we  see 
the  old  fortress  Santa  Cruz,  with  a  white  light -house.  There  at  the 
shade  of  those  walls  were  murdered,  oi-,  justice  was  eruclly  done  to 
them,  several  prisoners  arrested  in  the  city  in  1<S<M  by  the  7th  bat- 
talion commanded  hy  Moreira  Cesar. 

The  city  is  in  an  elbow  of  the  large  island,  looking  towards  the 
continent.  It  occupies  the  flat  parts,  between  the  sea  and  tli<'  moun- 
tain towards  the  inclination  of  which  th(^  houses  arc  getting  higher. 
The  city  is  not  a  large  one,  neither  is  it  ])]'etty.  It  is  coinjxjsed  of 
narrow  streets,  which  run  in  ])arallel  with  the  sea-shore  and  othci-s 
transversal  ones,  which  start  from  the  sea-side  in  dii'cction  of  the 
inclination  of  the  small  hills  covered  with  woods  wliicli  frame  in 
velvet  green  the  whole  city. 

Looking  from  the  sea,  the  city  is  really  pi-etty  and  divided  into 
two  distinct  parts  :  the  old  city  where  is  the  commercial  pait  of  the 
city,  the  hotels,  the  storage  houses,  with  their  wooden  doi-ks  (or 
bridges),  and  the  Praia  de  Fora  or  the  new  city  where  are  the  fine 
white  residences  and  small  farms  of  the  wealthy  i)art  of  the  ])opn- 

We  heard  a  good  deal  of  German  spoken  here,  as  we  lu^ai-  l<'reiich 
in  Rio,  Italian  in  S.  Paulo,  Spanish  in  Southern  cities,  (iuuruny 
(one  of  the  Indian  languages  of  Brazil)  in  Corumba.  Nothing,  how- 
ever, either  local  aspirations  or  customs  or  anything  else  confii-med 
the  apprehensions  of  those  who  spoke  to  us  in  Rio  about  national 
character  disfigurement.  We  never  saw  people  more  patriotic,  more 
intelligent,  more  enthusiastic  over  Brazil  than  the  inhabitants  of 
Santa  Catharina. 

The  largest  number  of  the  streets  are  paved,  though  not  in  a  first 
class  style.  Some,  however,  like  Altiiio  Correa  Street  are  paved  with 
stone  blocks.  In  the  central  part  of  the  city  is  a  pretty  public 
garden,  enclosed  by  an  iron  railing  as  they  do  in  nearly  every  l^ra- 
zilian  city.  This  is  one  of  the  prettiest  and  best  taken  care  of  garden 

—  532  — 

we  have  seen.  Tt  is  quite  artistii-  as  lothejdisposition  and  order  of  the 
flower  beds,  bushes,  distribution  of  ornamental  plants,  etc.  It  has  at 
one  of  the  corners  a  pretty  and  light  pavillion  of  painted  iron  and  in 
the  centre  a  monument  in  homage  to  the  Volunteers  of  Para- 
guayan war. 

This  is  a  stone  monument  with  the  names  of  the  Santa  Catharina 
volunteers  who  died  in  the  war  written  on  the  different  sides  of 
the  monument.  On  top  is  a  pile  of  cannon  l)alls  in  form  of  a 

l'l()i'iaiiu)iulis.  —  I'.-iMoraiiiic  view  ui  llie  Cit) 

Generally,  in  l''l()rianoi)()lis  the  construction  is  of  old  arcliitci'- 
ture,  pure  colonial  style,  but  they  are  now  building  some  modern 
houses,  elegant  palaces,  especially  in  Praia  de  Fora,  Malto-(Jrosso 
(to-day  Admirante  Alvin)  streets  and  in  several  others. 

That  part  of  the  population  whicli  constitute  what  is  called 
])opular  masses,  is  of  good  habits,  good  naturcd  and  hospitable.  'I'hc 
other  classes  composed  of  the  rich,  tlic  learned,  the  politicians,  the 
business  men,  the  farmers,  etc.,  do  not  diffci-  in  anything  from  the 
])ublic  of  other  capitals.  They  all  nuike  good  friends  with  strangers 
and  foreigners.  It  is  a  population  ojx'u  to  the  cosmoi)olitun  sociabi- 
lity, but  very  jealous  of  tjjeir   national    pm'sonality.    There   nobody 

—  5S3  — 

believes  or  cares  [for  whiii  tliev  say  about  tlic  (;rnn;,n  .lander, 
and  Germans  and  Brazilians  live  in  the  best  of  harmony.  Tlioro 
are  no  banks  ,  neither  fashionable  dressmakers  ,  nor  jewelers  , 
concert-halls,  nor  any  of  those  luxurious  exteriorities,  so  eoimnon 
in  modern  capitals,  where  the  noise  and  i)omi)ons  display  of  (-h^jrant 
life  reigns  supreme.  Also,  crime  hardly  exists  there,  neilhei-  are  there 
scandals,  disorders,  riots  or  great  sickness.  It  is  a  simple  and  sound 
land  in  the  bosom  of  Abraham. 

t  tit 

^^  - * 

*  ill  j» 

■**-H»lV,„,.  Mil  Jf 


Maie  (iii\  L'liini' >   l-'akac 

The  Governor's  palace ,  a  large  and  noble  mansion,  looking  to 
the  Matriz  square,  (to-da^^  Almirante  Goncalves  square),  is  located 
at  the  side  of  the  church.  Inside  it  is  full  of  good  paintings,  golden 
and  high  relief  decorations,  having  a  marble  vestibule  and  stairway 
of  sumptuous  appearance.  It  is  the  newest  and  the  best  building  of 
the  city,  with  gardens  on  the  sides  and  illuminated  by  acetylene  gas. 
It  has  two  floors  and  a  beautiful  front  looking  to  the  square.  It  is 
beautiful  appointed  and  decorated  with  good  taste  and  even  luxury. 

The  public  market  is  a  large  building  also  of  recent  ccmstruction. 
rose  color,  which  gives  it  a  resemblance  with  that  of  Santos  (though 
this  one  is  much  superior  to  it  in  size  and  architecture).  It  is  a  dou- 

—  534  — 

ble  gallery  on  a  parallelogram  basis,  with  many  doors,  those  of  the 
interior  looking  to  a  yard  neat  and  clean.  All  the  building  is  cover- 
ed w  ith  zinc,  at  whose  shade  that  multitude  ol'  buyers  and  venders 
move  here  and  there.  It  is  in  the  centre  of  the  city  by  the  sea-shore 
near  the  Custom-House. 

Wii  found  the  Custom-House  well  installed,  in  a  two  story  build- 
ing, in  nothing  having  the  mean  aspect  of  those  of  Paranagua, 
Maceio,  or  Manaos. 

The  City  Hall  is  another  good  building,  a  solid  one.  If  it  is  not 
of  a  noted  architecture,  yet  is  easily  distinguished  from  the  other  old 


l*'lori;iii()|iolis.  —  Da  Santa  (lasa  llns|iilal  and   licach  nf  Saccn  dos  linoes 

style  l)uildiiigs  with  plain  walls.  It  is  loi-atcd  at   the  corut-r  of  Tira- 
dentes  street  and  its  front  looks  to  the  Public  ( Jarden. 

'J'he  Charity   Hosi)ital   is  upon   a   mountain   and   its  snow-white 
structure  pi'esents  a  mild   r(dief   upon    that    gi-een    bottom,  the   deep 
green  of  the  woods   on  tlie  hill  side.  It  was    hiiiU  in    (lie   same   place 
where  the  old  hospital  was  l)uilt,  in  the  eighteenth  century.  Its  fun 
damental  stone  was   placed  hy  Petei-  II  in  IS  I.",  as  the  latin  insi'rip 
tioii  over  the  doorway,  right  at  (lie  entiance  shows  it. 

It  is  diiticted  i)y  Sisters  of  ('harity,  Irinris  <Ui  Piooiiivncin  (  I'fo- 
vidence  Sisters),  both  (Jermans  and  Hrazilians.  hi  the  main  hall  w  e 
saw  a  beautiful  i)ainting,  a  true  work  of  art,  rejiresenting  a  specialist 

—  536  — 

on  eye  diseases  operating  a  patient.  Tlioii^h  it  has  no  .laic  \hvy  say 
it  is  one  of  the  first  works  of  tlie  celobratcd  lii-a/ilian  paiiiK-r  \ict..i- 

The  Xossa  Senhora  do  Destorro  cIhucIi  is  a  hir^c  hnildinj;  plac- 
ed at  the  bottom  of  a  hill  in  front  of  tlu;  jxiblic  sipiaiv  where  there 
is  a  garden,  with  a  pretty  stairway  to  go  up  to. 

There  is  nothing  worthy  of  note  in  the  exterior  of  the  church. 
It  lias  the  form   of  a  parallelogram,    a  ])lain    front, .looking   to   the 

Kluriaiio|iolis.  —  Oatliudral 

Public  Garden.  The  entrance  and  the  corners  of  the  front  are  of 
mason  work.  The  basis  and  front  is  agood  deal  wider  than  the  top  and 
ends  by  two  square  towers.  Internally  besides  the  main  altar,  there 
are  two  others  at  the  side  and  two  small  chapels.  The  choir  is  sup- 
ported by  wooden  columns  of  octogoual  sections,  painted  blue.  The 
walls  are  plain  and  white,  withont  pictures  or  golden  decorations, 
everything  modest  and  simple.  There  is  a  rich  image  of  Xosso 
Senhor  dos  Passos. 

This  image,  according  to  w^hat  tradition  tells  us  was  not  destined 
to  receive  the  catholic  worship  of  the  Santa  Catharina  people.  It 

—  53fi  — 

was  sculptured  in  Bahia  for  Rio  Grande  do  Snl,   but  the  designs  of 
Providence  didn't  want  it  so. 

It  was  in  the  year  1764  a  boat  sailed  from  Bahia  to  Rio  Grande 
do  Sul,  carrying  the  artistic  image.  Reaching  the  bar,  tlie  sea 
was  so  strong  that  the  boat  could  not  venture  to  go  in,  and  so 
looked  for  shelter  in  Desterro.  A  new  attempt  was  made  with  the 
same  result  and  still  they  tried  a  third  time  in  vain,  and  the  captain 
seeing  in  this  the  will  ol'  God  wishing  the  image  to  remain  in  Des- 
terro left  it  there. 

Flonano|)()lis.  —  Tlie  purt  and  CuimiiiMvial  yuaiU-i' 

The  city  has  other  churches  but  all  of  fliciii  willioiit  any  aiiistic 
value  as  to  their  architecture. 

Anothei"  fine  l)uilding  is  the  Barracks  ol"  the  Police  loicc.  It  is  a 
large  building  with  two  floors  and  two  side  \\ings  w  illi  many  w  in- 
dows  with  iron  railings.  One  of  these  wings  is  the  jail. 

The  military  hospital,  the  theatre,  the  Api)rcntices  School ,  aic 
other  buildings  of  relative  importance.  None  of  them,  liowcxcr, 
impress«;d  iis  as  nincli  as  the  factory  of  Mr.  farios  iloi'pkc,  in  a 
])lace  called  Santa  Rita.  It  is  a  wire-nail  factory,  always  active  pro- 
ducing enough  to  exi>oi'l  to  the  nortluM'n  markets  of  l>ra/il. 

Th(^   city  has    some   ix'antifnl  places   \vher(>froni   charming  lands 

—  537  — 

capes  can  be  observed  witli  great  enjo.viiu'nt,  as  Praiiiha.  .losr. 
Mendcs,  and  the  pretty  place  called  Sncco  dos  Limdrs  (LciiHms  ha^., 
which  is  the  lap  of  the  sea-shore  ujjon  the  blue  and  pacific  water  of 
the  bay  and  there  are  no  interjections  of  pleasure  and  ailinirat  ion 
being-  able  to  translate  what  the  eyes  can  sec  and  enjoy,  l-roni  any 
high  point  of  the  city  we  find  admirable  i)crspectives  of  exentric 
relief  and  mild  hues. 

The  shores  of  Dcsterro  are  not  muddy  iis  those  <'ities  with  rivers, 
neither  are  they  of  plain  sand  as  those  of  some  places  in  the  Atlantic, 
but  are  filled  with  stones  large  and  small,  standing  here  on  the 
shore,  there  half  sunk  into  the  water,  some  rough  and  some  ])olish- 
ed  and  some  with  a  little  vegetation   springing   fi-om    tlieir   corners. 

P'luriynopolis.  —  Esleves-Jiiiiior  Street 

In  the  evening  the  city  is  sad,  quiet  and  sleepy. 

For  those  who  are  in  the  habit  of  hearing  the  noise  of  the  great 
centres,  Desterro,  is  as  its  name  indicates  a  perfect  exile.  There  is 
complete  silence  in  the  city,  discreet  lights  speak  to  us  through  the 
closed  window-panes  of  that  calm  poetry  of  home  which  is  a  compen- 
sation and  a  treasury.  There  is  no  wordly  life,  neither  the  noise  of 
the  nights  in  a  cosmopolitan  city.  One  or  other  coffee-place  and 
billiard-room  may  be  open  till  ten  o'clock. 

The  kerosene  oil  lamps  light  the  desert  streets  with  a  sleeping 
dull  light  and  by  moonlight  they  are  economically  put  out.  On 
the  sea-shore  the  sea  polishes  the  stones  and  rocks  softly  but 

Public  Instruction,  police  force,  industry  and  commerce.  — 
Speaking  of  public  instruction  in  the  State  we  must  cite  the  Arts  and 

—  538  — 

Trades  Lyeeuin.  It  has  Kio  pupils  and  occupies  an  appropriate 
building,  having  annexed  a  library  with  5.000  volumes,  and  the 
Museum,  which  is  there  provisionally  and  has  good  socticmsof  archio- 
logical  curiosities,  anatomic  anomalies,  important  collections  of 
mineralogy,  numismatic,  shells  and  Brazilian  woods. 

The  State  has  a  Normal  College,  with  30  pupils;  a  Gymnasium; 
one  Veterinary  and  Agriculture  school  in  Blumenau;  a  Gymnasium 
in  Tubanto,  another  in  Laguna,  at  the  expense  of  the  municipalities. 

There  are  in  the  State,  IDO  grammar  schools,  maintained  by  the 
government,  and  100  private  ones. 

The  State  police  force  is  formed  by  an  infantry  company  with 
250  men  Avith  nice  blue  uniform  and  white  belts  and  connnandcd  by 
a  Lieutenant  Colonel. 

As  to  public  transportation ,  there  are  several  carriage  roads  in 
Santa  Catharina,  and  two  railways.  One  is  the  short  railway 
Estreito  to  Palhoca,  now  under  construction,  the  other  is  the 
1).  Thereza  Christina  railway  connecting  a  place  called  Minas,  in 
the  Tubarao  Municipium,  with  the  Imbituba  and  Laguna  ports, 
serving  these  two  cities  and  Tubaiao  with  1  l(i  kilometres  of  tracks. 

It  is  going  to  be  extended  till  —  Massiambu  —  a  near  sea-port  to 
aid  the  exploitation  of  great  mineral  layers  in  Tubarao. 

Blumenau  and  Joinville,  old  Teuto-Brazilian  colonies  were 
made  cities.  We  give  below  the  i)opulation  of  these  colonies 
in  1800  : 

Bluinenail  Ur.i/.ilians     l".'iei;;inr9 

Males 1-2.000'J 

1-eniaies II  901  \  ^\  ' 


Males 7.(i.i:j  iOS 

Females (J.jOl  -1\\ 

Tit  bur  ho 

Males 7. .till  :il« 

Females 7. 053  AlH 

The  production  of  these  colonies  as  that  of  all  the  State  is  (piitc 
varied.  Industry  progresses  actively  and  many  of  Santa  Catharina 
products  find  mai-ket  in  Rio  and  S.  Paulo  competing  with  advantage 
with  similar  home  and  foreign  products. 

Besid(>s  the  Rita  Maria  wire-nail  factory,  there  are  breweries, 
canned  goods  factories,  cane  goods,  artificial  flowers,  soap,  lurni- 
liire,  carriages  factories,  dairies,  vinegar  and  fruit  wine  distilleries, 
coopers  works,  threading  mills,  wooih'u  slioi's  faelo!-y.  cordials, 
lime,  matte  factoi-ies,  saw  mills,  brick  w<u-ks,and  others,  estal)lished 
in  the  Capital  and  in  the  interior. 

—  539  — 

The  tri})  to  the  cohdiieK  is  easy  and  (•f)iiir(irt;(l)h-.  W  lim  <;uiii|;  to 
Bhimenau  we  take  in  Rio  tlie  coast  steamers  eallin«;  al  Kajahy  aiul 
in  this  city  we  are  Iransierred  to  a  small  rivei--sleamer  that  j;oes  up 
to  Bhimenau.  (Join---  to  .loiiiville  we  take  t lie  steaiiie,rs  calling  al 
S.  Francisco,  transportation  facilities  to  that  city  heinj;-  easily 

Principal  CITIES  OK  THK  Statk.  —  Those    who   want  to   expr«!ss 
judgment  on  the  value  of  Santa   Catharina,   on   its,   on   its 


BlmiKMKm.  —  Gigaiilic  palm  tn-c,  palms  9  mclrcs  jcni 

capacity  for  evolution,  without  seeing-  hut  the  island  and  its  Capital 
to  be  sure  will  make  a  mistake.  It  is  necessary  to  go  to  the 
interior  to  know  Santa  Catharina,  and  of  all  the  interior  no  region 
will  show  more  evidence  of  economical  puissance  but  these  colonies 
the  seat  of  wliicli  is  Blumenau. 

The  little  steamers  going  from  Itajahu  (o  Blumenau  take  S  to 
10  hours.  When  we  arrive  the  panorama  of  the  city  is  very  pretty, 
though  it  has  nothing  of  importance.  It  is  a  small  city  with  L*  I  to 
25.000  inhabitants,  most  of  them  Brazilians,  Germans  descents  who 
live  there  quite  mixed  with  Brazilians,  Italians  and  other  nationa- 

The  port  is  a  most  picturesque  one  as  in  general  every  i)ort  with 
a  river  the  stream  of  which  is  not  strong.  The  banks  almost  disap- 

—  540  — 

pear  under  the  vegetation  oi"  ever  green  and  weed.  On  tliei-iver  wesee 
some  yachts  painted  with  gay  eoh)rs,  and  two  or  three  small  steamers. 

From  there  we  see  the  City  Hall  a  nice  two  floor  building  with 
another  story  in  the  centre,  German  style,  all  white.  The  Mayor 
(or  superintendent,  as  they  call  him  there)  was  when  we  visited  it, 
M.  Alvius  Schrader,  a  Brazilian  German  descent,  and  the  president 
of  the  municipal  council  M.  Francisco  Margarido. 

The  IT)  de  Xovembro  street  starts  from  this  point  neat  and  wide, 
crossing  near  by  the  Doctor  "Blumenau  street.  Dr.  Hermann  Bhi- 
menau  after  whom  the  city  was  named  was  a  German  i)hilantr()pisi 
who  over  50  years  ago  obtained  a  grant  of  lands  from  the  Brazilian 

Blumenau.  —  .Muni(i|p;il  ('.lianihcr 

governement,  placed  a  few  marks  in  his  pocket  and  with  a  crowd  of 
farmers  went  into  the  interior  of  Santa  (Uitharina  and  founded  this 
colon \'  ill  IS.")!). 

Dr.  Blumenau  was  a  generous  man,  tall,  strong  and  a  learned 
man,  doctor  in  i)hilosophy,  full  of  courage  and  humanitarian  ideals, 

He  did  not  pay  much  attention  to  money.  His  ambition  was  to  free 
the  negro  slaves.  He  was  vei\v  sober  in  his  habits,  a  foe  of  anything 
and  everything  dishonest.  The  I>ra/ilian  government  in  ai)pointing 
him  director  of  t lie  colony  did  a  wise  measure.  Many  eonlos  ])assed 
thi'ougli  his  hands  l)iit  when  heh'lt  his  position  was  just  as  poor  oi' 
as  I'ich  as  when  he  first  took  it. 

in  ISC)],  tired  and  old,  seeing  his  work  (|iiitc  ripe  he  was  I  hen 
in  that  age  when  tlie  remembrances  of  the  first  years  Imist    fi'om  all 

—  541  — 

sides  of  our  thought  —  ho  wanted  to  see  his  old  fiitlici  laiMl  and  unit 
back  to  Germany.  His  work  had  been  completed  tlic  colony  was 

He  lived  there  still  fifteen  years  often  i-cpeating  :  >>  what  a  mistake 
i  to  have  left  my  dear  Blumenau  !  »  and  he  used  to  receive  with  great 
I  demonstrations  of  contentment  any  aeciuaintance  or  friend  who  might 
I     bring  him  some  news  of  his  colony,  to-day  a  free  and  lividy  city. 

Blumenau  is  always  growing,  its  streets  have  fine  arborization, 
J  palms  and  other  trees,  new  houses  with  artistic  fronts,  nice  veran- 
1  dahs  are  built  every  day,  here,  we  see  a  gothie  church  with  its 
I  tower,  a  catholic  one,  there,  a  protestant  one,  both  of  them  pretty, 
and  there  are  fine  churches  in  this  colony.  Are  worthy  of  note  tlie 
Gaspar  and  Rodeio  districts  catholic  churches.  The  Santo  Antonio 
college  is  an  important  building  with  four  floors,  but  as  to  its  exter- 
nal beauty  the  S.  Paulo  college  of  German  style  is  not  inferior  to 
it.  Xotwithstanding,  the  commercial  houses  present  models  of  archi- 
tectural construction  which  can  be  compared  with  advantage  with 
the  constructions  of  the  old  city.  Even  the  residences  of  modest 
families  are  so  neat  outside,  so  well  taken  care  of,  are  relatively  so 
artistic,  that  it  looks  as  if  they  could  serve  as  model  or  standard  to 
many  expensive  constructions  in  the  large  capitals. 

But  that  is  not  all.  We  take  a  little  carriage  and  ride  a  little 
through  those  fine  roads.  We  see  large  fields  and  pastures  on  both 
sides,  fences,  modest  houses  of  the  colonists  showing  in  spite  of 
their  modesty  comfort  and  abundance.  None  of  them  would  sell  you 
for  love  or  money  that  house  and  lot  maintained  and  enriched  by 
their  work,  growing  better  year  after  j'car,  and  treated  with  a  care 
that  can  hardly  l^e  believed.  It  is  difficult  to  find  an  empty  lot,  and 
much  more  so  because  there  are  no  discontented  colonists  there. 

Blumenau  cultivates  and  produces  everything  :  sugar  cane,  cof- 
fee, tobacco,  grain,  vegetables,  cattle,  etc.  There  are  settled  as 
small  real  estate  owners,  Brazilians,  Germans,  Italians,  Poles, 
who  are  only  distinguished  by  the  language  and  preferences  they 
devote  to  certain  cultivations,  while  time  and  atmosphere  did  not 
complete  the  unifying  work.  Like  this  one,  though  in  smaller  scale, 
there  are  other  colonies  :  Brusque,  S.  Bento,  Rodeio,  Aquidaban, 
Sao  Paulo,  Cedros  and  several  others.  None,  howev(M-  has  the  impor- 
tance of  Blumenau. 

JoiNViLLE.  —  We  will  say  a  few  words  about  that  gem  of  Santa 
Catharina  cities.  It  is  probably  the  prettiest  of  the  State.  It  has  a 
population  superior  to  that  of  the  Capital  and  a  much  more  progres- 

—  542  — 

sive  aspect.  Its  buildings  are  modern  ones,  predominating  those  of 
German  style,  but  not  very  large.  The  streets  are  wide  and  paved, 
and  th(;y  are  kept  with  perfect  cleanliness.  Its  fire  department  is 
worthy  of  a  modern  city.  Its  president  of  Municipal  Council  was 
Mr.  Bernardo  Enzmann  when  we  were  there.  He  is  an  active  and 
energetic  man  who  never  feels  tired,  lie  is  always  imi)roving  public 
services  and  the  administration  of  the  city  as  well  as  the  Mayor 
Mr.  Procopio  de  Oliveira.  There  are  many  factories,  several  liotcls, 
l)ook-stores,  printing  offices,  good  newspapers,  etc. 

Lii^ima.  —  I'iiiiornma  ol'  ;t  |i;irl  (»!'  \\\v  ciix 

After  Petro])0]is  it  is  the  best  city  of  (Jcrman  oiii^in  in  South 

TuharAo.  —  On  the  banks  of  tlic  river  willi  iliis  name  is 
Tubarao  city  connected  to  Laguna  l)y  a  lailway  the  D.  Thci-c/a 
Christina).  It  is  a  progressive  city  destined  to  a  great  future  with 
the  exploitation  of  the  layers  of  coal  existing  in  the  ninnicipium 
now  beginning  to  be  worked  up  and  they  have  verified  they  are  the 
larg(;st  of  its  kind  in  the  whoh'  world. 

S.  I^'rancihco.  —  Is  a  picturesijue  city,  one  of  the  oldest  in  the 
Stat(;,  as  it  was  a  village  already  in  Iddti.  We  were  there  and  can 
write  with  conviction  of  the  greatness  and  cxi'cllenev  of  its  poii. 
certainly    IIk;    best,   south    of   Santos,  it  is  <*alled    llabiionga  l)a.\    ov 

—   543  — 

S.  Francisco  bay  (as  some  call  it).  It  is  (|nitc  dnop  until  near  tlio  sea 
and  there  sliips  of  deep  drauo-ht  can  aiiclu.r.  Son..-  .,f  tl.c  few  pocUh 
in  the  bay  have  buoys  to  point  them  out,  allowing  the  navij^ators 
to  keep  away  from  them  even  at  night. 

Through  the  south  bar,  called  Aracpuu-y,  the  access  is  easy  for 
small  boats  as  yachts,  launclies  and  canoes.  It  is  much  sought  for 
especially  by  the  boats  coming  f.oui  Itapocu  an<l  Harm  Nelha. 
vessels  that  bring  flour,  ],e:uis.  starch,  corn  and  other  grains  to  tin' 

\)  Bliiiiiennii. 

Foiirulpr  (il  tin-  citv  nf  lii.-il  iiaiiic 

Every  inch  of  the  territory  of  this  municipium  is  fertile,  and 
gives  good  returns  to  those  working  it. 

Before  reaching  Babi tonga  bay,  we  were  anchored  some  time 
before  Gra^-as  island,  a  high  hill  covered  with  thick  woods.  It  is  the 
largest  of  a  group  of  picturesque  islands  near  the  coast. 

We  left  Gracas  island  at  Oa.  m.  entering  through  the  southern  bar. 
Turning  round  to  the  left  there  is  the  green  point,  peninsular  t)ne, 
on  the  hill  of  which  is  a  light-house.  AVe  entered  a  little  sea  of  free  but 
clear  waters  bound  at  the  right  by  the  hill.  The  bay  is  like  a  looking- 
glass  bright  and  iramoval)le.  Several  yachts  are  anchored  there,  others 

—  544  — 

slowly  move  by  a  weak  breeze.  The  city  is  in  the  island,  in 
front  of  the  continent.  We  see  some  new  buildings,  and  the  houses 
constituting  the  city  \vrap  on  both  sides  the  hill  quite  green  forming 
the  spine  of  the  city.  On  top  of  it  we  see  the  ruins  of  a  construction 
abandoned  before  it  was  finished.  It  is  a  church  of  which  we  only 
see  four  naked  walls,  its  paneloss  windows  like  an  empty  cranium 
looking  to  the  life  which  animates  both  the  city  and  the  port. 

The  white  of  the  houses  violently  strikes  the  sober  green  of  the 
hill.  Above  the  houses  raises  the  old  tower  thin  and  tall,  ending  by  a 
blue  half  sphere.  This  is  the  Matriz  church  built  for  5:000sOO0  in  the 
eighteenth  century  at  the  expense  of  the  neighbors.  To-day  it  would 
cost  no  less  than  300:000$000. 

On  the  right,  in  a  prominent  place  is  the  market,  square,  heavy, 
yellow,  with  a  central  door  and  six  windows  on  each  side.  There  is 
also  the  Commercio  Hotel  a  two  floor  building,  where  the  tourists 

From  this  place  starts  a  trans-Brazilian  railway  which  is  ])eing 
built  by  the  S.  Paulo  Rio  Grande  Companj'^  between  this  port  and 

Itajahy.  —  This  city  which  we  have  already  referred  to,  is  a 
picturesque  city  located  in  a  curve  of  the  sea-coast  and  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Itajahy  river,  but  of  difficult  access  when  the  season  of  the 
southern  storms  comes  on. 

The  point  of  land  situated  a  little  before  the  city,  which  is  called 
Cabe§udas,  is  an  enormous  series  of  rocks,  on  which  they  built  a 
light-house,  supported  on  an  iron  column.  It  is  one  of  the  ports 
with  bigger  commerce  in  the  State  and  though  it  has  only  15.000 
inhabitants,  it  presents  the  following  commercial  movement  during 
the  following  nine  years  : 





1892     .      . 


1 ").«()( (.000 

1894    .     . 

1. 2(11.  ilM.  1(1(1 


189.^)    .     . 

1.218. 1?:;.  290 


189U    .     . 


;»..■;  17.00(1 

I«!)7    .     . 



IH!(«     .     . 

2.217.  ir;9. 042 


1899    .      . 

2.721.1  IK.  100 


1900    .     . 


S;i. 99.1.800 

1901     .     . 


174.01 7.880 

10.27 1.93t.3r>7         r;j59. 722.807 
r()l:il  ill  iiiiit'  yi'ar.s.  10.831:0r;7SI()l 

.\  avi'i-agc.  1.870: 181iS;l2(> 

—  r,4r,  — 

Lagos.  —  This  prosperous  up-liill  city,  licad  of  a  lidi  catil.'  rais- 
ing municipiimi,  was  founded  by  S.  Paulo  people  in  177  1  and  was 
formerly  called  Nossa  Senliora  dos  Pra/.eres.  It  is  SCKJ  nieti-es  al)ove 
the  sea-level. 

It  has  now  about  500  buildings,  all  iiiliabited  b\  a  i)()|)ulaii()n  o)' 
about  1.000  people. 

It  has  some  houses  with  upper  stories  of  fine  ai)peaianee.  uiodern 
construction  and  four  churches  as  old  as  the  city. 

It  has  a  fine  market  and  a  small  theatre  with  a  seating  eajjacity 
for  500  people  in  a  quite  nice  building. 

It  has  also  a  college  directed  by  priests  ot  the  I'raneiseau 
order,  where  modern  methods  arcadoptcnl. 

In  the  main  scjuare  of  tlie  city  they  initiated  the  construct  idu  ol' 
a  church  to  be  the  Matriz  of  the  city.  They  also  inaugurated  a  large 
and  elegant  building  all  of  it  stone  work  which  is  the  City  JIall. 

This  city  has  10  streets,  several  lanes  and  cross-streets,  and  four 
public  squares. 

The  municipium  has  but  five  public  schools  supported  by  the 
State,  a  number  unsufficient  for  the  public  instruction  of  the  ])oor 
children  who  wish  to  frequent  them. 

The  municipium  supports  several  other  schools  which  are  well 

Several  private  schools  are  spread  in  this  region  supported 
by  the  chiefs  of  households  and  they  are  not  in  small  number. 

The  wealth  of  the  municipium  is  the  cattle,  which  is  far  better 
than  that  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul.  They  export  annually  from  20  to 
25.000  heads.  There  are  enormous  fields  and  endless  forests.  It  only 
lacks  hands  and  railroads  —  the  problem  in  all  Brazil. 

LaCjtUna.  —  A  sea-coast  city  of  large  future  ])ossibilities,  for  its 
business.  It  is  a  pity  that  its  port  cannot  always  allow  the  entrance 
of  ships  that  run  or  call  at  this  port.  This  city  was  founded  by  the 
sons  of  that  Diogo  or  Dias  Velho  about  whom  we  spoke  above. 

Dias  Velho  Monteiro  was  killed  by  treason  by  the  sailors  of  a 
Dutch  ship  who  put  into  the  harbor  of  Cannavieiras.  His  sons  fled 
to  the  continent  where  they  founded  the  place  of  Lagoa,  to-day 
city  of  Laguna,  the  first  point  which  was  populated  in  the  Sanla 
Catharina  continent. 

Laguna  is  the  Spanish  for  Lagoa  (lake);  it  proves  the  historical 
occupation  by  the  Spaniards  in  that  part  of  the  country.  It  is  an 
active  and  commercial  city.  Its  aspect  is  pleasant  for  the  regularity 
of  the  buildings,  and  alignment  of  the  streets.  By  the  last  census 
it  has  some  10.000  inhabitants. 

—  54fi  — 

Tlirongli  tlie  Lagnna  port  mercliaiidises  were  exported  from  18<i2 
to  19U1  as  follows  : 











(io  1.749. 69:) 












t  .9o0.:io;i.:i36 



l.206..'i  10.860 







Total    . 

....     12.119:610^892 


avoragc.     .       I.."}!! 


Ararangua.  —  Is  a  village  that  already  deserved  to  become  a 
city.  In  the  same  conditions  are  S.  Sebastiiio  do  Tijucas  on  the 
banks  of  the  river  Tijucas,  Brusque,  on  the  banks  of  the  river 
Itajahy-mirim,  S.  Bento,  Bella  Vista  de  Palmas,  Uniao  da  Victoria, 
Nova  Trento,  Palho^a,  Rio  Xegro,  Curytibanos,  Campos  Xovos  and 
S.  Miguel,  cities  that  are  being  developed. 


This  is  one  of  the  most  important  States  of  Brazil. 

Leaving  the  hillj'  lands  of  Santa  Catharina  southward  ,  the  sea- 
coast  assumes  quite  a  new  feature.  After  those  mountains  of  vege- 
tation mingled  with  dark  quarries  and  thick  woods,  come  low  soa- 
coast  lands  with  naked  sandy  shores,  that  seem  not  to  cud  any 

Shortly,  sailing  near  the  coast  —  what  is  only  possible  to  be 
done  by  boats  of  short  draught  —  we  see  the  shores  called  Fernam- 
buco  or  Pernambuco  ,  and  afterwards  the  Mostardas,  long  white 
savannas  lining  the  short  sea-coast  on  the  extended  contiiuMit  as  a 
wall  bt^tAvctui  tlie  ocean  and  the  Lagoa  dos  Patos. 

'I'liis  band  of  hind  has  a  narrow  solution  of  continuity,  at  tlio 
South,  and  that  is  the  Kio  (Jraiulc  l)ar  which  gives  access  to  the  \ast 

In  that  place  precisely  the  coast  is  very  h)w,  but  rcallx  \ cry  h)W 
aiul  sandylikc.  The  .Mahiia  light-house  marks  the  pi-oxiniily   ol    the 

—  54.7 

bar.  But  tlie  channel  is  so  cin-vcd  and  lonj^,  (ov.-r  10  kilometroH)  that 
until  we  entei-  the  port  Atalaia  is  always  seen,  thougli  in  seveial 
positions.  To  the  right  and  left  in  the  eliannel  there  are  in:iny 
buoys,  some  witli  bells,  souk;  wilb  lights,  other  simple  lliichuini 
huoys.  The  sea  there  isg-eneraljy  louo-h  and  s(ddoin  a  sicamn-  .-m.-rs 
without  being  violently  rocked  and  it  is  always  necessary  to  take  a 
pilot  aboard.  At  last  within  the  anchorage  place,  th<'  port  shows  it> 
beauty  and  the  view  of  the  city  i)ays  well  for  the  discomfort  of 
the  trip. 

The  State  has  a  configui-ation  of  lines  ])erfectly  homogenioiis, 
assuming  a  rhomboidal  form,  only  one  of  the  angles  being  the  P>ra/i- 
lian  sea-coast,  the  other  three  being  land  fi-ontiers,  thr  largest  i)ai't 

D>"  Borges  de  .Medeiros.  —  l^reseril  (rovonior  of  Rio  Grando  do  Su! 

of  which  are  boundary  lines  of  foreign  lands.  This  circumstance 
I'orapels  the  Federal  Government  to  always  have  a  considerable 
detachment  of  troops  in  this  State. 

This  is  one  of  the  most  populated  and  most  advanced  States  of 
Brazil.  The  European  immigration  goes  there  in  large  numbers, 
especially  from  Germany  and  Italy,  thanks  to  the  similarity  of  the 
climate  and  meteorologic  analogies  with  certain  portions  of  Euroj^e 
to  which  advantages  we  can  add  the  one  of  the  fertility  of  the  soil. 
Its  population  is  of  over  1 .200.000 inhabitants.  They  are  hard  working 
lindustrious  people,  and  would  share  a  good  portion  of  national 
jexports  were  it  not  the  drawback  of  not  having  a  good  sea-port. 
!      Its   Capital   which  is  developing  very  fast  cannot  be   visited  by 

—  548  - 

the  large  transatlantic  steamers  and  even  some  of  the  middling  siz 
steamers  of  the  Lloyd  Brazileiro  get  caught  in  the  low  tides  whil 
crossing  Lagoa  dos  Patos  on  their  way  to  Porto  Alegre.  This  ha 
haijpened  to  us  when  in  May  WOo  we  were  going  for  the  first  tim 
to  Porto  Alegre. 

Gaiiiliu  (losUiiiie 

Though  the  Rio  Grande  peojjle  do  not  differ  from  the  general 
Brazilian  tyi)e,  as  we  verified  by  self  observation,  as  to  their  pliysi 
cal  appearance  and  moral  standards,  they  have,  however,  habits  aiui 
customs  in  their  field-life  tliat  arc  not  to  be  found  in  Pai-u,  Haliia. 
or  any  othei-  i)]ace  of  Brazil. 

Kvery  hx-ality  has  its  lit  Me  traditional  habits,  t  hat  can  only  hi 
adopted    in    that     very     locality,    and    ai'c    forgotten    or    disa[)poai 

—  549   - 

with  the  first  contact  with  the  railway  and  especially  wiiii  the 
surroundings  of  city-life;. 

In  these  everything-  loses  its  personality  and  pecidiai-  cliaracte- 
risation,  to  be  melted  in  the  generalized  and  iinifoi-ni  Brazilian  type, 
with  common  ideals,  common  history,  laws  and  language,  —  <f  the 
infallible  distinctive  of  national  (diaracter,  »  —  cpioling  the  o,\:u'[ 
expression  of  Mr.  Dohne.  This  is  what  hajjpens  in  i;io  (li-aiulr 
do  Sul. 

But  it  causes  an  agreeable  impression  to  \]\c  hmrisl  ;ind  the  oli- 
server  to  find  a  cow-boy  in  the  interior  of  Bahia,  a  cnipirn  (tin;  man 
of  the  interior  who  never  comes  to  the  city)  in  the  intei-ior  of  Sao 
Paulo,  or  a  Rio  Grande  ^■niicho  (cow-boy  in  the  cattle  i-anches 
of  this  State,  Santa  Catharina  and  even  in  Parana. 

The  clothes  are  different  but  none  of  them  have  the  i)eciiliar 
show'y  dresses  of  the  gaucho. 

This  type  —  o  gaucho — is  in  southern  Brazil,  just  what  the 
cow-boy  is  in  the  West,  as  far  as  his  work  goes  and  even  a  little  as 
to  some  habits. 

He  dresses  bniirbiicha  (a  kind  of  wide  trousers)  tied  at  the  feet 
at  the  side  of  the  shoe,  the  ponche,  a  kind  of  cape  or  rather  a  wool- 
len shawl  with  an  opening  in  the  centre,  through  which  he  puts  his 
head,  the  shawl  resting  on  the  shotilders,  and  wide  brim  felt  and  soft 
hats.  The  gaucho  with  his  favorite  clothes,  his  cow-boy  habits,  his 
/??a/^c  (Brazilian  tea)  without  sugar,  and  his  popular  songs,  is  the 
most  chaiacteristic  type  of  the  interior  of  Brazil. 


But  let  us  w^rite  about  the  physical  aspect  of  the  Rio  Grande  terri- 
tory. We  have  already  said  that  its  sea  frontier  is  relatively  ungra- 
teful —  sandy  and  low  —  and  had  this  peculiarity  :  it  has  not  one 
single  island  (not  being  the  rock  in  front  of  the  Torre  do  Xorte).  It 
has  an  extension  of  950  miles. 

In  compensation,  the  interior  region,  with  immense  fields  and 
cattle  ranches,  with  mountains,  with  enormous  forests,  is  a  nu)st 
wonderful  world.  It  is  in  this  mountain  region,  called  as  in  Parana 
and  Santa  Catharina  the  regmo  scrrnmi  that  abundant  rain  falls 
and  mark  better  the  four  seasons  of  the  year. 

A  dreadful  peculiarity  is  the  strong  breeze  that  blows,  on  the 
sea-coast  during  winter,  it  cuts  like  a  knife ,  very  cold,  which  in  Rio 
Grande  they  call  minuano,  and  in  the  United  States  they  call  cold 
wave.  We  had  to  try  it,  against  our  wishes  both  in  April  188«t  and 

—  550  — 

May  1903.  These  winds  come  from  the  Andes  and  even  the  natives 
suffer  witli  them. 

The  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  being  the  State  that  is  further  south  is 
the  one  having-  the  climate  more  similar  to  the  European. 

Its  three  large  cities  are  placed  in  the  interior  margin  of  Lagoa 
dos  Patos,  a  true  fresh  water  mediterranium,  named  after  the 
indigene  family  that  together  with  the  Carijos  and  others  popula- 
ted all  tlie  southern  coast  from  Santa  Catharina  down.  It  is  so  wide 
that  from  one  side  of  it  we  cannot  see  the  other,  having,  so  they 
affirm  9.000  square  kilometres  of  surface. 

The  city  of  Porto  Alegre  separated  from  the  ocean   l)\    a  harrier 


I'mlu  Alcijri-c 

isle  1)1   l'('(lr;is  lir;iiic;is  ;ill(l  |Mi\V(li'r  lM;ii;;i/ilii 

a  few  leagues  long  can  only  be  readied  after  an  extensive  dun  alter 
entering  Rio  Grande  bar,  and  'J  I  hours  navigation  northward 
through  tliat  lake. 

Porto  Alegkk.  —  I'^or  the  loiirisi,  however,  llii^  enormous  dis- 
tance is  compensated  by  tl,ie  extraordinary  ])an()rainas  of  tliis  trip  :  a 
most  ample  surface,  ample  and  (ralm,  of  a  grayish  green  evading  hue 
with  large  spots,  marking  (he  differences  of  bottom,  or  the  lU'csem-e 
of  sandy  crowns  that  the  steamer,  steered  by  the  pilot,  traiupiilly 
avoids.  This  is  the  Lagoa  dos  Patos. 

A  (juartcu"  of  an  hour  befori;  i-eaehing  the  ( 'apital  wc  see  in  the  riv(>r 
waters  a  gay  island  formed  with  enonn(»ns  rocks  half  d(>eoiate(l  with 
green  trees,  and  if  is  in  Ihal  ishind  that  the  Federal  ( Jovermnent 
keeps  their  powder  maga/iues. 

Th7'_\'  call  that  pietnrescpu'  spot  Pedras  Hrancas  and.  at  least 
wlien  we    saw    it,    it    was    of  a  snow-wliile  pretty  as  sihcr  retlcct- 

—   ool    — 

ing-  its  bright  whiteness  under  a  nioniin-  sun  in  May  <.n  tin-  Nsalers 

Since  then  we  begin  to  see  the  Capital  wliieh  is  eovering  simw 
low  hills  at  the  East  of  Gnahyba.  In  front  a  few  islands  and  ramifi- 
cations of  other  rivers  gather  together  there  gaily  and  picturesquely. 
The  buildings  cover  the  hill  side;  as  a  cloak  of  vai-icgatcd  colors,  and 
come  away  down  lining  the  quay  and  extending  a  border  of  storage 
houses  and  commercial  docks  upon  the  river  waters  running  bright 
and  clear. 

The  nearest  buildings  can  be  distinguished  at  the  cnlian.c  of  the 

Porto  Alej^re.  —  Lower  part  of  tlic  city 

'port  —  they  are  the  Menino  Deus  district  —  in  an  ample  curve  of 
sea-shore.  On  the  right  is  the  large  barracks,  all  white,  seeming  to 
have  its  foundation  sunk  in  the  water. 

When  our  boat  was  at  anchor,  and  during  the  legal  formalities 
of  custom  house  and  board  of  health  visits,  we  admired  that  char- 
ming panorama  of  the  ('ity.  It  was  beautiful  !  ft  reminds  one  of  the 
scenery  at  Bahia,  the  buildings,  however,  being  more  modern  ones. 

We  see  an  the  right,  at  a  little  distance,  the  large  buildiugs  of 
the  Poorhouse  with  its  white  tower  pointing  towards  the  clear  blue 
skj-.  Further,  some  houses  mingled  vegetation  covering  the  plain 
between  the  river  and  the  hills.  On  a  promontory  somewhat  elevated 
is  concentred  the  bulk  of  the  houses,  dominated  by  the  two  high 
white  towers  of  the  Nossa  Senhora  das  Dores  Catholic  Church. 

Surrounding-  tlie  massive  body  of  buildings,  there  are  some  pu- 
blic squares  and  gardens,  leaning  towards  the  quay  :  one  is  the 
Harmon^'  one,  the  other  Alfaudega.  We  do  not  remember  the  names 
of  the  others. 

In  this  pari  of  the  plain,  almost  near  the  water,  is  the  majestic 
building  of  tlig  municipality  the  front  of  which  looks  to  the  square 
on  the  land-side. 

Landing  iwiir  there,  the  visitor  can  see  with  pleasure  this  pretty 
building.  Jt  has  two  upper  stories  and  ground  floor.  The  principal 
body  is  a  little  inside,  and  crowned  by  a  kind  of  tower,  which  used 


.Miini<-i|i:il  liiiililiii<. 

to  be  the  distinctive  characteristic  used  by  all  the  City  Halls  and 
cliui'ches.  The  two  side  bodies  are  decorated  with  columns. 

A  stone  (juay  dresses  this  part  of  the  city  connected  with  the 
anchorage  place  by  several  wooden  bridges  with  their  respective 
storage  houses.  Alongside  these  bridges  are  a  lot  of  yachts,  steamers 
and  lighters,  nuiking  constant  noise  while  loading  and  unloading, 
and  that  lends  a  lively  tone  to  the  port  ,  lliougli  in  a  smaller  degree 
than  is  noticed  at  Rio  (Jrande. 

Thei'C,  near  Ihe  <|ua\-,  is  (lie  ])iiblie  niaiket.  a  birge,  s(|uai'e,  stoiu^ 
building  divided  into  small  business  houses,  and  in  the  centre  a  vast 
yai'(l  willi  an   oiMianienlal  fountain  completes  the  wliole.  There  is  an 

—  5B3  — 

al)undance  of  fruit,  dairy  products,  ve^etablos,  fowl.  rtr.  Tl..-  pricefi 
are  a  revelation  to  tJmse  who  .•„Mi<.  lV,ui,  l."i.,:,,i.l  u.,„l.I  not  1...  I„die- 
ved  in  Belem  or  Manaos,  so  moderate  an;  they. 

Porto  Alegrehas  water  in  al,undan<-e.  TIm-  piil.lir  illnnnnatiou  is 
with  hydro-earbon  -as  as  in  I'elotasand  i:i„  (Jrandr  an.l  ll...  privatr 
illumination  of  the  houses  is  by  electrieilx . 

The  suburbs  :  Gloria,  Navegantes  at  the  Nnrtli,  I',,,  M,„„. 
hos  de  Vento,  Floresta,  ete.,  at  the  South  ,  are  j^rettv  and  all 
C(mneeted  by  tramway  lines  whiel.  transp.,rl  ii,  one  y.-ar  about 
2.(500.000  passengers. 

Poi'lo  Alegre.  —  7  seteiiibro  street 

The  nicest  public  place  of  the  city  is  the  Park,  where  not  many 
3^ears  ago  a  general  State  Exhibition  was  held  and  where  is  to  be 
seen  a  pretty  summer  theatre  ,  several  arcliitectonic  pavilions  of 
iron  and  wood,  gardens,  birds  nurseries  and  menagerie,  everything 
illuminated  by  electricity.  This  is  the  attraction  place  where  the 
high-life  of  the  town-  meet. 

The  public  squares  with  gardens  in  the  commercial  i)art  are  vi'ry 
pleasant.  There  is  the  General  Deodoio  square  where  they  built  a 
statue  of  the  Conde  de  Porto  Alegre,  the  brave  general  native  of 
Rio  Grande. 

The  Alfandega  Square  (Custom  House  Square),  is  named  (bus 
because  of  the  Custom  House  being  near  there.  It  is  a  drawing-ioom 
of  the  city.  It  is  there  that  we  await  for  the  tramw  ay,  that  we  reail 

—  554  — 

the  papers,  that  we  take  a  little  fresh  air,  and  it  is  the  thoroughfare 
for  the  circulating  artery  of  the  city,  tlie  Andradas  Street. 

The  General  Marques  square,  is  propably  the  largest  but  has  no 

The  most  central  square,  and  one  with  a  bad  history  is  the  Har- 
monia  one,  with  benches,  flow(;r-beds  and  ])lants.  It  was  there  that 
tlie  prisoners  convicted  to  death  were  executed.  Even  as  near  as  the 
.'Jrd  of  November  1857  they  executed  there  :  Doraingos  Baptista  and 
Sergeant  Felix,  who  in  18.53  killed,  foi-  the  purpose  of  robbing  him. 
Manoel  Tavaies,  a  Portuguese,  and  they  also  executed  then  Floren- 
tino,  a  negro,  who  killed  Antonio  Soares  Leao  his  mastei-  in  Belem. 
These  were  the  last  executions  which  took  place  in  the  Rio  Grande 
capital.  At  present  people  walk  around  there  gay  and  free,  without 
remembering  the  sad  celebrity  of  that  sipiare. 

Among  the  prettiest  streets  of  the  Capital,  the  newly  arrived 
cannot  help  noticing  the  Andradas  street  foi-merly  called  Praia 
Street.  In  fact  this  street  runs  parallel  to  the  shore,  (praia  nieans 
sea-shore).  It  is  a  long  street  of  uneven  width,  lined  with  nice 
houses,  carefully  paved,  with  mosaic  sidewalks,  and  it  is  a  lively 
thoroughfare.  It  is  to  Porto  Alegre,  what  Ouvidor  Street  and  Central 
Avenue  are  to  Rio  de  Janeiro.  In  this  street  are  cafes,  brasseries, 
fashion  establishments,  jewelers,  several  newspaper  offices,  lawyers 
offices,  agencies,  etc. 

The  Bragan^-a  street  is  pretty,  wide  and  somewhat  inclined,  lined 
with  nice  buildings.  The  Voluntarios  daPatria  street  is  quite  a  long 
one  through  which  run  the  Navegantes  line  of  tramways.  This  street 
has  many  factories,  whose  chimneys  are  their  best  ornament,  and  it 
lines  the  sea-shore.  Generally  the  streets  in  Porto  Alegre,  are  not 
straight,  neither  are  they  wide.  Many  like  those  of  Deus  Menino 
disti-ict  ai-e  tortuous  forming  both  curved  and  broken  lines.  There 
are  many  iii)-hill  streets,  what  is  naturally  the  city  being  built  up  on 
a  hill.  It  is  not  large  like  Bahia,  Recife  or  Para.  Its  buildings  are 
old  and  as  ugly  as  those  of  Rio  or  Bahia,  but  there  are  many  new 
buildings  quite  artistic  in  German  and  Italian  styles  which  have  lar- 
gely contributed  towards  the  material  evolution  of  Kio  Grande  do 

The  jHiblic  l)uildings  reflect  the  progress  of  the  city  and  tlic  fol- 
lowing are  the  best  of  them.  The  Engineering  College,  a  modern  two 
floor  building,  near  the  Park.  The  Catholic  Scmiuai'y  also  a  fine 
building,  "^rhe  local  Legislature  building;  (he  Atheneuni ;  the  Normal 
College;  the  Medical  College;  the  Public  Library;  the  Government 
Palace;  the  Provisoi-y  Palace,  large  square  building  of  olden  style; 

—  555 

the  Charily  Hospital,  a  large  two  lloc.i-  l.iiiMino.  painted  yellow.  I'..r- 
tuguese  slyle,  divided  into  two  bodies,  eoniieeted  In  a  central  Iroiil, 
and  a  modest  eliureh,  at  the  right  end,  the  Iheutrt^  -  S.  I'edro,  — 
fine  Imilding  but  of  little  arehiteetnral  vahK-  the  Provideneia  i)ank: 
the  Commereio  and  the  English  banks.  The  Insane  As.vlnni;  ilie  Mi 
litary  College,  a  large  S(piare  building,  rose  color  al  Hh;  <'nd  of  a 
large  square  without  any  garden:  the  (Jerinan  cliureli:  the  Catholic 
Catliedral,  an  old  elinreh,  wvy  pretty  inside.  i)nl  with  iininiportaiil 
architectural  style;  tlu;  Harraeks;  llie  <^  Jidio  de  Ca^tillio  ..  j.alace 
and  luany  private  n)ansions. 

I'urlo  Alcgre.  —  Sclioul  (»l  (;i\  il  Eiij^iiicci's,  Arts,  and  iiiatmlarlui'cs 

This  city  has  a  great  coniniereial  activity,  gi-eat  niovemenl  of 
carriages  and  trucks,  tramways,  etc.,  many  clui)s,  first  class  newsi>a- 
pers,  Federal  and  State  telegrai)h,  telephone  company,  hotels.  Inchi- 
<ling  the  Pedras  Brancas,  Earra,  Marianna  IMiuentcl  districts  and 
islands  in  front,  the  population  of  I'orto  Alegre  is  of  To. 571,  twelve 
years  ago  it  was  only  of  ~)'2. 121  inhabitants.  This  shows  how  it 

Yet  this  city  is  not  one  of  the  oldest  in  Hra/il.  In  I  7  TJ  some  H(» 
couples  from  the  Portuguese  islands  went  there  to  foun<l  a  colony. 
They  were  sent  l)y  the  king  1).  Joao  V.  This  explains  the  nanu-  of 
Porto  dos  Casaes  (caseas  means  couples).  It  became  a  village  in 
August  1803  and  city  in  Novembre  182-2,  with  the  title  of  Leal 
e  valorosa  cidade  (Loyal  and  Brave  cityi.  This  lith^  was  given  to  ii 
in  1841. 

—  55fi  — 

The  great  prosperity  of  Porto  Alegre  only  began  after  the  immi- 
gration brought  to  the  State  tlie  vigor  of  their  impulse.  It  is  tlie  same 
old  story  of  the  United  States,  Australia,  Argentine,  S.  Paulo. 

From  there  railways  start,  fluvial  steamers,  telegraiih  and  mails. 
It  is  a  oommereial  and  aetive  eentre  of  first  order. 

I'nrlii  AI('i;r('.        ,Iiil;<»  dc  ('.iistillids  |il;ic 

PihIjIC  Instruction,  police  force  and  transportation.  —  «  On 
the  literary  and  seientifie  side  )>,  thus  wrote  K.  Reclus,  «  Porto 
Alegre  can  be  considered  as  a  kind  of  ('ai)ital,  thanks  to  its  schools, 
colleges,  newspai)ers.  »  There  is  in  Porto  Alegre  besides  the  Military 
College,  maintained  by  the  Federal  (Jovernment,  the  Fngine(>ring, 
Medicine,  Pharmacy,  Law  and  Tlieology  Colleges,  Xormal  College, 
Gymnasium,  sev(!ral  schools  for  males  and  rcmales.  and  outside  of 
the  C^apital :  a  Lyceum  for  agi'iculture  studies  in  Pelotas,  ami  anotlu'r 
in  Ta({uary,  etc.,  Pesides  these  thei'c  are  the  district  schools  of 
Porto  Alegre,  Taipiara,  Montenegro,  Taijuai-y,  Santa  Maria.  Santa 
Cruz,  Rio  Pardo,  Livramento  and  Cni/.  Alta,  which  had  the  frc- 
(juentation  of  1.100  students  in  I'.HK). 

Vov  the  elementai'v  instruct  ion  the  State  was  »li\ided  into  seven 
districts,  counling  '.'Ci.")  |)nl)lie  schools  thus  dist  I'lixilecl  : 

—   hhl    — 

3r(l  deffree  : 

Tilled 171 

Vaciiiit 0 

'Jiid  decree  : 

iMlled |i|(j 

Vacaiil '■2 

Jst  degree  : 

tilled 07(3 

Vacant    \ 

Total     .    .     .    m:, 

Tlie  school  population  in  U»0;}  was  moi-e  or  less  30.000  pupils, 
the  Porto  Alegre  municipium  alone  having  {5.()88. 

The  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  State  keeps  a  large  body  of  troops  :  a 
brigade  militarily  organised,  with  ;}  infantry  battalions ,  a  cavalry 
regiment,  armed  with  modern  rifles  and  well  c(pii])ped,  several  pro- 
visory infantry  and  cavalry  companies  on  the  Uruguayan  frontier  to 
do  police  duty  and  protect  it  against  conspirators  who  go  over  to 
the  neighboring  country  for  the  organisation  of  political  fights. 

The  capital  municipium  maintains  a  battalion  of  guards,  a  kind 
of  French  g-endarmerie,  with  light  blue  uniforms  which  are  one  of 
the  lively  notes  of  the  Porto  Alegre  streets.  Each  municipium  in  the 
other  cities  has,  in  the  same  way,  a  little  company  of  guards.  The  fire 

—  558  — 

department    forms   another   militarized   company   in   the   Capital. 

We  spoke  above  of  the  Porto  Alegre  tramways.  Thej-  are  driven 
by  animal  traction  as  those  of  Pelotas  and  Rio  Grande.  As  to 
railways  there,  are  the  following'  :  the  Porto  Ale<>rt'  to  Uruouayaiui. 
038  kilouKitrcs  long-,  but  only  '•'>'[  in  oijnratioii,  till  Cacequy,  and  tlir 
S.  Gabriel  l)rancli  line,  with  7(J  kilometres.  It  starts  l'i-r)in  the  right 
bank  of  the  Taquury  rivei-  where  is  the  main  station,  called  «  Mar- 
gem  ))  station.  Yet  there  rnns  between  this  place  and  the  ('a])ital  a 
daily  line  of  steamers  of  the  Gompanhia  Fluvial. 

The  Rio  Grande  to  Bage  railway,  with  J.s:;  kilometres  in  opera- 
tion, going- through  Pelotas.  It  will  cross  by  and  bye,  in  Gacecjiiy 
the  Porto  Alegre  and  Urnguayana  railway. 

The  Porto  Alegre  to  Xova  Hambugo  railway  with  :!1  kilometres, 
going  through  S.  Leopoldo  city.  The  State  Government  is  going  to 
extend  it  till  Caxias  village,  which  will  take  al)out  i;>0  kilometres, 
crossing  the  important  municipiums  of  S.  Leopoldo,  S.  Sebastiao  do 
Cahy,  S.  Joao  do  Montenegro,  Bento  Gon^alves  and  Caxias,  with  a 
population  of  over  100. 00()  iuliabitants,  also  serving  tlie  neigliboi-iug 

Tlie  Santa  Maria  to  Itarare  railway,  with  2(V2  kilometi-es  running- 
till  Carajinho,  lOo  kilometi'c^s  beyond  the  Cruz  Alta  city  through 
which  it  goes,  and  soon  it  must  reach  Passo  Fundo. 

The  Quarahy  to  Itaqny  railway,  with  ISO  kilometres,  crossing 
the  ['ruguayana  city. 

The  small  railway  whicli  starts  from  the  Junccao  (.Junction) 
station,  crossing  of  the  Rio  Grande  to  Bage  railwa\'  with  it.  This 
line  goes  to  the  summer  resort  Villa  Siqueira  a  sea-shore  place, 
belonging-  to  the  Yiacao  Rio  Grandense  Company. 

There  are  several  railways  under  project,  as  well  as  the  plan  of  a 
canal  from  Tores  to  Porto  Alegre,  taking  advantage  of  the  immense 
series  of  lakes  being  along  this  shore. 

Of  these  roads  one  belongs  to  tlu!  Federal  Government,  —  the 
Porto  Alegr(».  to  Urnguayana  one  —  all  tln^  others  belong  to  private 
con(;ei'ns.  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  has  i-ailways  running  over  a  total  t)f 
I  .(ilo  kilometres. 

Indusi'kv,  Pkoi)1'i-tu>n  ano  Commkrce.  —  In  relation  to  otlu'r 
States  of  Brazil,  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  has  an  advanced  manufacturing- 
industry,  not  speaking  of  the  dairy  industry  in  which  it  is  one  of  the 
first  pioducing  States.  It  exports  dried  salted  beef  in  large  tpiantities. 
What  is  wort h_\-  of  note  is  the  variet\'  of  its  manufacturing  indnstries 

—  B69  — 

either  in  the  Capital  or  in  oIIkm- cilies.  We  saw  there  fot  ton  mills, 
mateheH  I'aetories,  threading  mills,  hosiery,  lurniture,  luits,  shoeH, 
combs,  gloves,  cigar,  masses  factories,  canned  goods  works,  glass- 
ware, arms,  safes,  soap,  candles,  carriages,,  harnesses,  lurxmi  fue- 
tories,  ready  made  clothing,  pharmaceutical  pi-odiicfs  concrnis  and 
many  others.  There  are  yet  factories  fo  rule  ])a|jei'.  l»ook  liinderics. 
printing  offices,  typographing  estal)lislimriits  mid  ship-yaids  lor  iIm- 
building  of  small  boats. 

The  national  wine  is  also  maniifactui-ed  in  large  scale,  princi- 
])ally  in  the  Italian  colonies,  lacking  yet  the  convenient  j)i-ei)aration 
to  allow  it  to  be  exported.  There  are  also,  vinegar,  cordials,  and 
brandy  distilleries  as  well  as  brc\veri(;s. 

The  lard  factories  is  an  industry  tlu^  repniation  ol  which  is 
already  made,  and  there  arc  (piite  a  numlxT  of  factories  in  this  State. 

The  cheese  industry  is  large  as  well  as  the  butter  one,  but  only 
for  local  consumption.  It  seems,  however,  that  these  indnsti-ies  are 
going  to  be  largely  developed. 

Excepting  Rio  and  S.  Paulo  no  State  has  its  industries  so  n)ncli 
developed  as  Hio  Grande  do  Sul.  While  it  progr(;sses  in  these  it  does 
not,  at  the  same  time,  neglect  its  agriculture. 

In  the  interior  are  large  beans,  mandioca,  corn,  i)()tatoes,  rice 
plantations,  and  ^others,  which  not  only  furnish  the  Rio  Grande 
market  but  are  exported.  Rio  (Jrande  do  Sul,  we  might  say,  is  the 
grain  storage  house  of  Brazil. 

Besides  what  it  gives  to  the  internal  consumption,  it  sends  to 
Rio,  S.  Paulo  and  Bahia  the  excess  of  the  production  of  onions, 
cabbages,  fruit,  etc. 

Cattle  begin  to  be  exported.  Until  now  it  was  hardly  enough  for 
the  xarqiieadas  (factories  of  xarqiie  (c  dried  salted  beef))),  the  hides 
and  residuums  to  the  European  industries.  As  to  the  sheep  industry, 
properly  said,  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  is  the  most  advanced  State,  though 
the  sheep  are  not  so  good  there  as  of  other  places  like  Lages  , 
Campos  Novos,  Curitybanos  and  others  of  the  northern  neighboring 
State.  As  to  cattle  the  Santa  Catharina  ox  is  stouter  and  heavier 
having  an  average  of  30  kilos  more  than  the  Rio  Grande  one. 

If  we  are  not  mistaken,  however,  both  of  them  come  from  the 
same  origin,  the  iberic  cattle.  We  refer  to  the  wild  cattle  because  the 
product  of  recent  crossing  breed  are  from  fine  breeds  that  lately 
have  been  introduced  in  Santa  Catharina  and  Rio  Grande. 

Horses  are  also  a  source  of  wealth  for  Rio  Grande,  and  the  pro- 
ducts of  horse  breeding  are  the  best  of  all  Brazil.  They  are  not  hor- 

—  560  — 

ses  of  fine  lines,  tall  ones,  but  of  middle  height,  humble  aspect,  of 
great  resistance  to  fatigue  and  of  strong-  muscle. 

For  the  military  service ,  campaigns  and  marches  through  the 
roads,  they  are  used  by  the  Brazilian  army  in  preference  to  the 
horses  imported  from  the  River  Plate  and  Europe. 

It  comes  from  the  Portuguese  (c  Alemtejo  )>  province  horses, 
introduced  in  Rio  Grande  by  the  Portuguese,  its  first  colonists,  to 
whom  is  due  the  country  trucks,  certain  stories  and  popular  le- 
gends, as  well  as  the  goats,  dogs,  sheep  and  other  domestic  animals 
to-day  already  modified  and  altered  in  Brazil. 

With  such  agricultural  elements  and  dairy  industries  it  is  easily 
seen  that  this  State  must  maintain  an  active  work  of  exchange  with 
the  remittance  of  its  surplus  to  the  markets  of  othei-  i)laces  of  Brazil 
and  abroad,  receiving  from  them  what  it  lacks. 

The  exports  and  imports  of  Rio  Grande  is  made  not  only  through 
these  three  large  markets,  Porto-Alegre,  Pelotas  and  Rio  Grande, 
but  by  the  southern  frontiers  and  those  of  Santa  Catharina.  There  are 
no  statistics  to  be  depended  upon,  as  to  the  volume  of  its  interstate 
interchange,  but  there  are  some  data  as  to  the  external  commerce. 

About  these  the  statistics  show  an  importation  much  above  the 
exports.  Thus  is  that  in  1901 ,  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  imported  (only 
from  January  to  Xovember)  goods  with  the  value  of  ■2().198:22tj§00u. 
and  did  not  export  over  12.129:076S000. 

According  to  the  local  statistics,  the  State  has  exported  both  for 
home  and  foreign  markets  goods  with  the  following  values  from 
1897  to  1903  : 

Years  Oiliiiul  value 

1897 o->.93G:2:2oS000 

1898 32.rj83: 1298000 

1899 .•i4.09():8(H).Sn(i(l 

1900 .^i0.03-i:171$000 

1901 .■i4.l2«:9!2SnOO 

1902 .^Jl.492:487Sn00 

190.3 ■Jo.ll.3:300§000 

The  exports  of  dried  salted  beef  during  the  same  period  corres- 
ponds to  the  total  of  heads  killed  in  the  Pelotas,  Bage,  (^uaraliy  and 
other  xur(iiicu(lus  (di'ic^d  salted  beef  factories). 

Years  Number  of  heads 

IH97-1898 574.901 

1K9H-1899 287.306 

1899-1900 297.090 

1900-1901 .->Gi.902 

191(1-1902 472.378 

*      * 


—   oCl    — 

Rio  Grande  citiks.  —  Al'ler  Porl..  Alcni-r,  il,,.  lidir^i  mikI  niur.- 
advanced  city  of  tlie  State  is  Polotas,  whidi  l).v  (lie  hist  .••■nsiis  has 
•J  1.000  inhabitants.  Adding-,  liowovnr,  tlic  popuhition  ..f  the  other 
localities  of  the  mnnicipimn  (of  whicli  it  is  ihc  scat;  \\.-m,.|  the 
luimber  of  l.-^.OOO  inhabitants  and  by  the  census  of  I.S'.K)  it  liad  hni 
12.000.  Tbe  growth  liere  was  not  so  lai-g(;  as  in  Toifo  Alr-i-..  nn.i 
Rio  Grande. 

In  fact,  placed  as  it  is  between  these  two  nuelens  of  iirl)ane  assimi- 
lation, one  acting  as  political  and  indiisti-ial  capital  of  the  State,  i he- 
other  as  its  organ  of  interchange  with  the  exterioi- ,  I'clntas,  ft-ds 
its  ninnicipium  re([nested  l)y  the  cent  rifiii;al   cuci-git's   of  radi  one  of 

I'.'lol.-is.  —  \i("\v  ul'  a  |iai-|  uf  I  III-  rii\ 

them,  and  it  is  not  withont  a  vovy  strong  resistance  that  it  snccccds 
in  not  declining,  in  profit  of  any  or  both  of  the  two. 

Pelotas  was  made  a  village  in  1S;50,  and  a  city  in  Deceniher  IS:;."). 
In  1812  it  was  bnt  a  hamlet. 

It  is  300  kilometres  away  from  Porto  Alegre  and  r)."),.")  kilometres 
from  Rio  Grande  by  railway,  and  by  sea  only  three  hours  in  steanuM-s 
making  ten  knots  an  hour. 

It  is  not  a  river  lined  with  woods  as  in  the  Noi-th  of  IJra/.il.  in- 
even  in  the  marvellous  central  region.  It  is  a  river  of  low  hanks, 
dressed  by  bushes  of  light  green  showing  that  those  are  sandy 
grounds.  The  river-stream  is  not  a  strong  one,  and  its  watei-s  are 
dark  in  some  spots.  The  low  banks  allow  the  i)lains  to  be  seen, 
extending  beyond  covered  with  canes  and  bushes. 

Here  and  there  we  see  a  xarqiienda  (dried  salted  heef  factoi-y) 
with  its  string  of  smoke,  they  grow  in  number  as  we  neai-  Pelotas. 

-  -  5fi2 

Tlie  city  in  on  the  left  banks  of  S.  Goncalvo  river,  not  very  far 
where  it  meets  the  lake  waters.  We  land  on  a  square  by  the  river, 
through  a  wooden  quay.  The  port  is  filled  with  small  boats.  The 
steamers  do  not  come  alongside  the  quay.  To  come  ashore  we  hire  a 
boat.  Lots  of  catraeiro.s  (boatmen)  come  alongside  the  ship  as  they 
do  in  Bahia  and  other  ports.  Thej'^  are  generally  Portuguese,  in  the 
Soutli,  while  in  Pernambuco,  Maranliao  and  Bahia  thej'  are  negroes 
and  mulatoes.  This  port  is  not  so  frequented  neither  is  it  so  pretty 
as  Rio  (irrande.  The  city  streets  are  wide,  straight  and  long,  cut  in 
squares,  modern  style.  The  buildings  have  as  a  rule  one  floor  as 
in  Rio  Grande,  having  more  houses  with  upper  stories  tliau  this  one 


View  of  a  Bci'f  I'ailorv 

The  c(  l.^  Xovembro  »  sti-eet,  is  the  liveliest  of  all.  It  lias  nice 
two  story  buildings,  business  houses,  with  nice  show-windows, 
coffee-houses,  hotels,  etc.  At  the  left  we  see  the  new  and  i)retty 
building  —  the  City  Hall  —  the  front  of  which  looks  to  the  Public 
Garden.  — The  Public  Library,  an  institute  which  is  the  pride 
of  Pelotas  is  also  in  that  street  and  it  is  a  model  of  oi-dci-  tiiul  neat- 
ness. It  has  25.000  volumes. 

This  aristocratic  street  pa\s  well  I'oi- the  imprcssiou  we  ici'i'ixc 
entering  the  i)ort,  as  the  i)art  oT  tiie  city  near  the  tinay  (li)es  not 
awake  favoi'ahle  im])i'essions  al)out  the  city. 

'I'lu!  region  fi'om  the  garden  u])  it  compensates  this  impression. 
In  all  the  hoi-i/on  line  every  side  the  observer  may  look  to,  we  si'c  the 
chimneys   emptying   rolls   of   smoke    towards   the   l)lue  sk,\  and  this 


—  5(!:{ 

oives  at  once  an    idea  of   ihc   iixlusi  rial    pow.r   oi    I'<-Ioi;is. 

The  Tublie  aarden,  is  of  all  Llie  piihlic  sqiiaics.  ihr  pn-tH.-^t  aii<l 
most  frequented.  Large  trees  shade  its  nroiinds.  if  is  s(|u:uv  and  lius 
nice  bushes,  flower-beds,  fine  jdants,  benclies,  lawns,  and  an  arti- 
ficial grotto. 

Among-  the  nice  public  buildings  we  will  mention  the  theatre,  a 
large  and  elegant  building  ;  the  CUy  Hospital,  in  certain  points 
superior  to  the  one  of  the  Capital ;  the  pretty  railway  station ;  the 
market  in  the  central  part  of  ihc  city,  a  stone  and  lime,  one 
building,  old  style,  surrounded  by  small  grocery  stores,  and  with  a 
large  door  on  each  side  of  the  building,  dooi-  that  gives  access  to 
the  internal  light  yard;  the  S.  Francisco  church,  heavy    Ixiildin-  of 

I'f'lotiis.  —  l);i  Misi'r'icortlia  hiis|ijl,ii 

colonial  architecture,  but  not  altogetlier  of  bad  api)earancc,  looks  to 
a  pretty  square,  and  has  a  portico  witli  ionic  columns  and  two  to- 
wers somewhat  dark  with  j^ears.  In  its  interior  it  has  six  altars,  it 
is  light,  as  are  as  a  rule  all  the  catholic  cluirches. 

The  city  commerce  is  quite  progressive.  There  is  life  in  the 
streets.  The  newsboys  offer  the  papers  for  sale.  The  horse-cars  run 
through  the  streets.  There  are  many  public  cabs  and  carriages,  and 
their  hire  is  not  dear.  For  3$000  (about  one  dollai-)  they  took  us  from 
Rua  Quinzeto  Tablnda  (a  vast  esplanade  whci-efrom  you  can  sec 
5  to  6.000  heads  of  cattle  in  the  pasture.  For  -JdOOO  they  go  to  the 
Pelotense  Park,  charming  public  place  due  to  the  initiative  of  a  well 
known  chemist  and  druggist. 

The  city  is  illuminated  by  gas.  Its  streets  are  paved  and  the 
houses  are  elegant,  unlikely  many  other  cities  of  the  country. 

—  50+  — 

Rio  Grandk.  —  'Plie  third  cify  of  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  is  S.  Rcdro 
do  Rio  Grande.  We  •  were  there  in  l.SUi.  In  19Uo  we  had  to  go  there- 
a  second  time  and  were  quite  surprised  at  the  progress  tlie  eity  had 
undergone.  It  took  good  advantage  ol"  that  decade.  Its  port  has  each 
day  more  movement.  It  is  a  beauty.  A  well  built  stone  quay, 
lines  the  city,  and  allows  middle  draught  boats  to  come  alongside  to 
load  and  unload.  In  the  anchorage  place  we  see  the  transatlantic 
steamers.  All  the  flags  have  places  in  this  rcndcz-uoiis  of  interna- 
tional commerce. 

Rio  Grande  city  has  much  enlarged  its  area  and  has  open  splen- 
did straight  and  wide  streets.  Its  houses,  genei-ally  one   flooi-   ones. 



Uio  (ii-aiule 

.Mai'c'clial  I'ldiiaiio  Slrcel 

are  modest,  l)u(  a  few  public  and  pi-ivatc  Ixiildings  avo  ariirniing  the 
ti-ansfoi-niatiou  power  oT  wealth  in  (lie  physiognoui\-  (»f  llie  cities  of 

Certain  striu^ts  as  (Jeneral  I'Moriano  one,  are  lined  altogethei- 
with  fin(^  buildings  with  uppei-  stories  and  nice  architecture.  In  this 
street  w(^  can  see  the  vai-iety  and  lichiu'ss  of  the  Rio  (Jrande  com- 
merce. In  the  evening  it  is  a  pleasure  to  go  out  for  a  walk,  by  the 
light  of  the  (c  Auei-  »  gas-light,  and  look  at  the  dry-goods  and  di'css- 
mak(;rs  windows,  to  sec  the  coff(M'-houses  lull  of  natives  and  stran- 
gers, tlu^  l)iHiard-rooms,  the  bi'eweri<>s,  all  ol  I  liese  lively  and  gay 
as  in  th(i  cosnu)politan  eiti(!s. 

—  5fi5  — 

Public  cabs  uiid  caiiiaocs  imim  liciv  and  llinc  in  all  .liirrtions. 
loaded   trucks  o„  a„d  ,.,„„(.  ,„  .^„,,  ,•,.,,,,,  j,^^.  ^^^^.^^.^  .^^^^j  ^1^^^  n.-usboyK 

cry  out  the  names  of  the  city  papers  and  latest  news.  An.l  Nvliat  K"od 
papers  tills  city  lias.  Some  capitals  of  State  hav.- not  iu  this  srnsr 
anything  that  can  be  compared  willi  if. 

Another  street  of  much  life  and  moiv  so  dmin}-  the  day  time  is 
the  Kiacliuelo  street,  along  boiilconni  abm-sidr  il„.  p,„t.  i)aved 
with  st(me  blocks  filled  uith  houses  Nvitli  upper  stories  on  side 
as  the  other  is  the  quay.  There  is  the  Custom-House .  liie  of 
which  can  be  seen  above  the  i-oof  of  the  other  hons.-s. 

-l""'",""""  ^'■ 

IT  rr 
n  r 


I'lio  GraiHle.  —  Mimicipalily "s  S(|ii;iii 

There  are  quite  a  few  other  wide  and  well  paved  streets  as  N'inte 
e  <^)uatro  de  Maio  and  others. 

Several  public  squares  have  gardens  and  works  of  ornamental  art. 

As  soon  as  we  reach  the  city  we  see  a  garden  in  front  of  the 
Post  Office.  In  it  is  a  column  ,  a  monument  to  commemorate  the 
freedom  of  the  slaves,  which,  we  believe  to  be  the  only  monument 
in  Brazil  erected  to  celebrate  this  great  national  date.  That  vei-y 
pul)lic  garden  has  a  large  fountain  of  great  effect  among  the  decora- 
tive vegetation  that  surrounds  it. 

Another  most  beautiful  square  is  the  one  called  Tiradentes.  It  is 
a  new  one.  It  was  not  there  when  we  paid  our  first  visit  to  that 
city.  It  is  a  large  one,  surrounded  by  railing  what  neither  increases 
nor  diminishes  its  beaut3^  Inside  is  a  kind  of  lake  or  rather  a 
little  river  crossed  here  and  there  by  bridges.  Pretty  swans  populate 
this  thin  little  thread  of  water.  The  lawns  and  flower  beds  present  a 
charming  display  of  colors. 

—  5«6  — 

At  an  angle  of  that  hpaiiliful  pul)lic  garden,  all  surrounded  by 
nice  buildings,  is  the  Benelicencia  Portugueza,  with  a  rose  color 
front,  manueline  style,  it  is  the  pride  of  the  district.  A  little  farther 
ahead  is  the  vSalvador  protestant  church,  of  superb  scottish-gothic 
lines,  surrounded  by  an  artistic  railing  with  a  kind  of  a  tower. 

Once  we  have  spoken  of  those  buildings,  we  must  cite  the  City 
Hull,  with  two  pavements  and  nice  front  of  a  sobei"  and  classic  style. 
It  is  one  of  the  best  in  the  State." 

The  Army  Head  (Quarters  is  next  to  that  building  and  is  also  a 
fine  two  floor  l)uilding,  and  looks  to  tlie  garden  of  the  square.  It  is 
a  noble  l)uilding  with  but  little  ornamentation. 

The  church  is  a  solid  piece  of  heav}' architcM'turc,  two  towers  and 
a  fi ont  with  windows,  of  a  type  so  common  in  the  churches  built  in 
the  eighteenth  centuiy.  Gomes  Freirc  in  17.>j  ordered  it  to  be  erected 
on  the  foundation  of  the  primitive  church  which  had  been  destroyed 
by  a  fire,  caused  by  lightning,  (iomes  Freire  built  the  front  and  the 
main  altai"  and  the  people  built  the  rest. 

The  old  church  was  then  away  from  the  village. 

There  were  then  two  chapels,  the  Sant'Aniui  one,  half  a  league 
away,  and  the  Lapa,  a  wooden  one. 

Besides  the  Matriz  church  and  several  others  the  city  has  the 
Bomfim  church,  new  in  style  and  construction,  all  white  as  an 
expression  of  purity. 

Few  institutions  honor  so  much  a  city  as  the  Rio  Grandense 
Libi-ary  does.  It  is  supported  by  an  association  of  lovers  of  litera- 
ture. It  is  admired  b^'  all  the  visitoi-s.  It  is  installed  in  a  large 
though  one  floor  building,  owned  by  the  association.  It  has  large 
halls  for  reading  rooms  and  30,000  volumes.  When  we  visited  it,  we 
noticed  among  the  frequenters  a  numl)er  of  privates  and  petty  offi- 
cers of  the  army,  and  we  were  glad  to  see  them  there  at  night,  em- 
l)loying  the  best  way  they  could  have  done  their  leisure  liours. 

In  II io  (Jrande,  as  in  Porto  Alegre  and  Telotas,  several  nice 
pai)ers  are  published,  of  large  size,  modern  features.  There  are  two 
morning  and  four  afternoon  newsjnipers.  Of  the  morning  ones  the 
Dinrio  do  Rio  (irundc  is  the  oldest  of  the  State  and  excepting  Joi- 
nal  do  Conunercio  of  Rio  de  Janeiro,  it  is  the  oldest  in  all  lirazil. 
The  «  Artistu  »  one  of  the  afternoon  papers  has  no  less  than  I'J 
yeai's  of  uiiint('ri"ii])l('d  i)ul)li('ation.  'IMie  Rio  (iraiidc  city  is  a  city  of 
much  futui'c.  I>y  the  census  of  IS'.K)  its  population  was  ICt.OOO  inha- 
bitants. The  last  census  gives  it  22.000  not  counting  the  subuibs 
(Porto  Novo,  Trahim  and  jVIangueira).  With  those  would  present  at 
least  ."'>().( )!)(>.  ThcrilN'  is  on  (lie   l);iiik   of  llic  channel    fitrincd    1)\-    the 

—  5fi7  — 

ocean  about  12  kilometres  away  iVom  the  bar,  aiul  :'.:!(i  kib.mctrfH 
away  Iroin  the  Capital.  It  is  built  on  a  sandy  and  .|uit.-  plain 

Were  it  not  for  the  port,  we  could  not  understand  how  man 
shoidd  have  selected  such  a  centiv  of  threatninj,- sands  to  huild  a 
city  on.  To  be  sure,  an  irrational  and  blind  force  presides  the  birth 
of  cities  in  this  continent.  Those  who  see  Kio  (hande  for  the  first 
time  cannot  help  but  think  of  the  possibility  of  oiviiiH  in  or  i-ather  of 
being-  smothered  by  those  mountains  of  fine  sand  wbi(di  surround  it 
on  all  sides. 

S.  Jose  do  Xorte.  —  Is  a  small  city  in  front  of  the  ])re('edin;; 
one.  This  one  and  Rio  Grande  form,  each  one  on  its  side  the  ennui 
where  the  Lagoa  dos  Patos  empties  itself  into  the  Atlantic  ocean. 
Its  soil  is  very  sandy  but  it  is  very  good  for  the  cultivation  of  pota- 
toes, tomatoes  and  onions,  of  which  it  exports  to  Santos. 

Uruguay'axa.  —  Is  one  of  the  good  cities  of  the  Rio  (irande  State. 
It  has  13. 038  inhabitants  by  the  census  of  lOOO.  It  is  (m  the  bank  of 
an  enormous  river  —  the  Uruguay.  In  front  of  it  is  the  Argentine 
village  Restanracion.  The  Commerce  of  Uruguayana  grows  very 
much  just  because  it  is  in  the  frontier.  It  develo])ed  a  good  deal 
after  the  inauguration  of  the  railway  connecting  it  with  Alegrete. 

Soon  we  will  be  able  to  travel  bj'  railway  between  this  city  and 
the  Capital,  that  is,  710  kilometres.  The  best  buildings  of  Ifuguay- 
ana  are  :  the  Custom-House,  the  Carlos  Gomes  theatre,  the  large 
Matriz  Church,  the  City  Hall,  the  municipium  Public  School  antl  the 
Federal  garrison  barracks. 

Bagk.  —  This  is  a  most  picturesque  city.  It  is  bathed  by  a  modest 
little  river,  after  which  the  city  was  named.  It  is  the  most  important 
city  of  the  interior  because  of  its  location,  because  of  its  commerce 
and  industry.  Its  main  buildings  are  :  The  Charity  Hospital  in  one 
of  the  suburbs,  the  Beneficencia  Portugueza,  the  Beneficencia  Ita- 
liana,  the  Matriz  church,  the  City  Hall,  a  beautiful  theatre,  the 
Nossa  Senhora  da  Conceicilo  church,  the  large  barracks,  tlie  market, 
and  the  pretty  railway  Station. 

Bage  was  a  hamlet  in  lS4(i,  became  a  village  in  the  same  \ car, 
and  city  by  law  of  15  th  December  1859. 

It  is  528  kilometres  away  from  the  Capital  and  has  1::.  K'.;:  inha- 
bitants by  the  last  census. 

SantAxxa  do  Livramexto.  —  Is  at  the  west  side  of  Bage.  It  is 
curious  because  it  is  the  frontier  more  connected  with  a  foreign  na- 
tion.  It  suffices  to  sav   that   only  one  street  separates  it  from  the 

—  568  — 

neighboring- Uruguay  republic,  tlie  houses  on  one  side  belonging  to 
the  Brazilian  city  and  those  ol'  the  opposite  side  belonging  to 
Rivera  an  Oriental  or  Uruguayan  city.  During  the  constant  civil 
wars  in  Ui'uguay,  lAvrnmenlo  justilies  chiarly  its  name,  treeing  the 
refugees  i'rom  the  viohnices  the\'  would  suffer  if  tlicy  couldn't  escape 
so  easily  to  a  neuter  teri'itory. 

They  sa\'  that  the  hills  are  very  rich  in  uiincrals,  (|iiitc  easy  lo  Ix- 
exploited  but  remain  intact. 

It  has  a  good  conimerce  and  the  dairy  industry  is  well  dcvel()])ed. 
Among  its  best  buildings  we  cite  :  the  City,  tlie  Matriz  clnircli,  the 
Barracks,  the  ('hai'ity  Hospital  and  the  Theatre. 

It  was  a  hamlet  in  1848,  became  a  village  in  18."7  and  city  in  ISTC). 

It  is  701  kilometres  away  from  the  Capital  and  225  kilometres 
away  Irom  I).  Pedrito, 

Cruz  Alta.  —  It  is  a  city  of  about  5.000  inhabitants.  It  is  500  kilo- 
metres away  from  Porto  Alegre.  It  is  ceutrally  located  and  is  the  seat 
of  a  municipium  very  rich  of  matte  (Brazilian  tea).  It  was  but  a  vil- 
lage in  1850  and  there  were  not  over  60  houses,  but  to-day  theie 
are  over  200  for  a  population  of  4.000  inhabitants.  Tlic  buildings 
worth  noting  ai'e  :  the  City  Hall,  the  Jail,  the  Railway  station  of  the 
road  connecting  it  with  Porto  Alegre,  the  Carlos  Gomes  theatre,  the 
Matriz  church,  in  which  they  are  working  and  have  been  doing  it  for 
the  last  40  years,  the  Municipal  School,  the  cemetery  and  a  public 
fountain . 

Built  on  a  high  hill,  we  can  observe  from  there  the  most  beautiful 

Its  climate  is  unexcelled  as  to  health,  and  it  suffices  to  say  that 
weeks  go  by  without  one  single  death  occui-ring. 

"Two  newspapers  of  small  size  arc  i)ublished  there. 

S.  (Jahrikl.  —  It  is  difficult  to  find  a  more  pictures(iue  small  citx 
than  this  one.  It  is  on  the  left  bank  of  ai'iver  —  (he  \'accacahy.  It 
is  a  city  with  relative  good  commerce  and  a  livel\'  one  and  besides 
the  river  has  a  railway. 

It  is  the  military  centre  of  the  State,  and  is  served  by  the  Kstra- 
da  de  Ferro  Porto  Alegre  to  Urugunyana  (railway)  (hat  has  a  l)ran<']i 
line  going  there.  It  has  S.OOI)  inhabitants. 

It  became  city  iu  IS.50. 

It  is  507  kilom(!tres  away  from  Porto  Alcgi'e  by  I'ailway. 

Its  ])rincipal  buildings  ai'(^  :  the  CilA'  Hall,  (he  Mali'iz  Clnn(4i.  the 
Rarracks  and  olhcis  of  sniallci'  importance. 

AiJMiKKTK.  —   A    pi'ctlN-    cil_\-    with   1  I .  I.'IS  inhaltitants  Ity  a  i-cccnl 


—  569  — 

Official  rensus.  Jt  is  on  a  hill  „„   ,|,,   |,.|(    ImmU   of  tl,,.    I 

Its  principal  huildinos  arc:  (he  City  Hall,  the  Mairi/  .•hur.-h.  th- 
Charity  Hospital,  the  I'd.-ral  tro„ps  barracks,  an.!  Ihr  I'.Mto  Al.- 
grc  to  Ui-iigayana  railway  slat  ion. 

This  city  owes  its  orio-i,,  t„  the  Manpiis  ,lr  M^rrlr  uho  in  Isi; 
<.r.lercd  a  church  tube  bnilt  on  the  banks  ..f  (he  !l,i,apnytan.  uith 
(he  name  of  Xossa  Scnliora  da  Apparecida. 

Alcgretc  has  two  nc^wspapcrs,  Ik. (els.  wine  dis(  illeiies.  breweries 
and  other  factoi'ics. 

S.  I.KOi'oijx).  -  it  is  one  of  (he  pi-ettics(  cities  of  i;i<.  (iiande. 
It  used  to  be  an  old  European  colony.  It  has  a  po]>ulation  of  I  l.(»l.- 
inhabitaiits.  It  has  wide  and  straight  streets,  carefully  dean.  Then! 
is  no  great  movement  in  the  city,  especially  to  those  who  go  from 
Porto  Allegre,  to  which  it  is  connected  by  one  hour  railway  ride. 

It  is  on  the  left  bank  of  Sinos  river  and  at  the  North  of  the 

It  is  a  calm  city.  It  reminds  one  of  Germany.  Its  niuniei[)iuni 
prospers  because  of  its  industry  and  developed  agricuKurc.  It  has  a 
nice  church,  the  noted  Jesuits  College,  the  City  Hall,  (he  Kiieipi. 
establishment  and  other  nice  buildings. 

S.  Leopoldo  owes  its  origin  to  a  German  colony  that  settled  there 
in  1824.  It  is  a  city  since  1864  and  is  33  kilometres  away  from  (he 

Its  fame  comes  from  an  excellent  high  school  —  the  S.  Leopold 
College  —  directed  by  some  Jesuits  and  which  was  C(mstituted  an 
educational  centre  for  the  children  of  the  wealthy  families  of  these 
southern  States. 

S.  Lriz  DE  MosTARDAs.  —  It  is  an  interesting  village,  placed  on 
the  sandy  sea-coast,  which  is  seen  by  those  travelling  in  the  South, 
near  the  Rio  Grande  de  Sul  coast.  There  is  no  traveller  who  doesn't 
know  this  Mostardas  sea-shore.  The  village  is  behind  the  sand 
banks,  seen  from  afar,  looking  like  a  flat  shore.  S.  Moreii'a  Alvcs  —  a 
Brazilian  writer  —  says  about  this  place  :  <(  After  passing  by  Solidao, 
S.  Simao,  etc.,  after  crossing  enormous  sand-banks  that  ai'c  to  be 
seen  all  along  the  coast  of  this  State,  how  surprised  will  not  the 
traveller  be,  when  he  sees,  far  away,  very  far  away,  the  tower  of 
the  Mostardas  church  ? 

Jaguarao.  —  It  is  a  small  city  in  front  of  Artigas,  of  the  Oriental 
Republic, -having  I'.OOO  inhabitants. 

Among  its  public  buildings  it  has  :  the  City  Hospital,  small  but 

—  570  — 

neat  and  in  hygienic  conditions,  the  Military  Hospital,  the  Matrix 
church,  etc.  In  the  central  part  of  Jaguarao  we  see  a  pretty  square 
with  a  gai'den.  The  two  clubs  —  the  Jaguarense  and  Quinzc  de 
Xovembro  are  the  animation  points  in  the  small  city. 

Jaguarao  was  a  hamlet  in  1<S1;>,  it  became  a  village  in  1832  and 
city  in  1855. 

It  is  470  kilometres  away  from  Porto  Alegre. 

Many  other  villages  and  cities  are  growing  up  settled  by  tlus 
rivers.  The  Rio  Grande  is  the  only  State  that  has  its  territory 
evenly  filled  with  villages  and  cities.  It  has  no  large  tracts  of  empty 
lands.  The  civilisation  work  impelled  by  the  governments  and  haste- 
ned by  European  colonies  goes  ahead  every  day.  Industry  grows, 
business  develops.  Rio  Grande  do  Sul  is  destined  to  i)lay  an  impor- 
tant role  among  the  other  States. 


Minas  is  the  medulla  (or  marrow  bone)  of  Brazil.  It  is  its  heart 
not  only  in  a  geographical  or  material  sense,  but  because  the  most 
energetic  characteristics  of  nationality  are  tliei'c  crystalised  as  woU 
as  its  faults  and  its  best  virtues. 

Thus  Minas  is  a  miniature  of  the  great  fatherland.  It  is  as  if  hid- 
den by  its  proper  mountains.  Of  all  the  other  most  important  States 
is  the  only  one  having  no  maritime  boundary  lines.  We  might  say 
that  it  selected  this  location  in  the  interior  of  the  continent  (o  keep 
better  the  enormous  treasures  hidden  in  its  bosom. 

Of  all  the  American  countries,  only  five  —  United  States,  Mexico, 
Argentine,  Peru,  ('olombia —  have  a  total  population  suj^erior  to 
the  one  of  this  Brazilian  province. 

What  has  originated  these  advantages,  as  wc  must  attril)utc  to 
each  fact  a  cause  ? 

The  climate?  The  excellency  t)f  its  waters?  The  wealth  of  the 
territory  ? 

All  those  factors  together?  It  is  most  })r()l)ably  that.  In  fact 
there  is  not  a  tract  of  Bi-azilian  land  disputing  to  the  valleys  and  hills 
of  Minas  the  reputation  given  to  this  State  by  natives  and  foreigners. 
It  is  a  place  woi-tliy  of  being  the  fii'st  residence  of  man  ,  as  it  was 
idealized  by  biblic  poetry. 

In  the  State  of  Minas  what  doesn't  hide  gold,  contains  iron ;  what 

—   571 

does  not  contain  (.(,al,   spreads  diann.nds:  -  i,,  a  Minus  I.m.  ;. 
treasury  in  every  inch  of  ground  in  all  its  ri<-li  i<MTii..ry. 

The    physiognomy  of  the  ground    is   very  c.nnplcx    and    hrh-no 
geneous.  It  suffices  to  look  to  a  map  of  that  region. 

Thenortliern  part  of  the  State,  the  Nvi.h'st ,  is  visil.K  in.-lined 
towards  the  valley  of  Sao  Franeiseo.  not  as  a  hut  in.-lined. 
filled  with  hills,  now  dispersed,  by  and  bye  in  gi-onps. 

The  south-east  part  more  crossed  by  roa<is.  in  spite  ofthe  liills.  in 

Dr.  Joao  Piiilieiin.  —  (iovt'iiior  of  the  M:ilc  of  Miiias  (ieraes 

continuous   chains  and  irregular  tops,  presents  itself  more  crowded 
with  cities.  The  best  cities  of  Minas  are  to  be  found  there. 

In  olden   times,    in   the  ages  of  difficulties,  when  there  were  no 

■    means  of  transportation  but  animal  backs  and  the   trucks  pulled   by 

i    oxen,    Minas   Geraes  saw  gathering  in  the  valleys  of  its  hills  a  race 

that  tore  its  stony  bosom,  removing  earth  and  stone  in  such  quantities 

that  after  centuries  had  elapsed  they  could  see   with  wonder  the 

ruins  of  such  work. 

Eighty   thousand   miners   tired  themselves   to  death    in  a    task 
of  100  years  duration  hunting  the  hidden  veins,  under  the  mountains. 

—  572  — 


Thousands  ol'  kilos  of  pure  <;()I(l  were  lorn  from  the  hard  (juart/.  and 
sent  to  Lisbon. 

The  kings  of  I'oitugal  received  gold  in  abundance,  enough  to  get 
satisfied,  but  they  never  satiated  their  thirst  for  gold.  Only  one  of 
them,  Joao  V,  I'eeeived  from  the  inexhaiistil)le  bosom  of  Minas  ac- 
cording to  an  histoi-ian  :  <f  I'.iiKOOOMMJ  criisudos,  100. (tOO  gold  coins, 
ol5  silver  mai'cos,  21,500  gold  marcos,  8.."j(Hi  kilos  gold  dust,  .'SIKI  oi- 
lavos  gold  weight  and  10  million  crusados  diamonds,  not  including 
the  product  of  the  taxes  in  the  value  of  oiu'  fifth  of  all  the  gold 
produced  ! )) 

Accoi'ding  to  a  calculation  made  l)y  the  Harao  de  Kschewege,  in 
front  ol"  official  documents  «  the    quantity    of   diamonds  taken  from 

licllo  lldi'izonli'.  —  Pai'ao|it'l)a  Avoinic 

Minas  Geraes  until   1822  was   165.7(J0  ^/4  eighths,  and  it  can  be  as- 
sured that  the  smuggled  portion  amounts  to  as  much  as  this.  » 

The  whole  province  was  like  a  gallery,  a  vast  underground  one, 
where  at  the  sound  of  the  tools,  free  men  and  slaves,  in  the  same 
dust,  the  same  pains,  had  to  live  that  ungi-ateful  life,  at  the  king's 
governors'  services  as  well  as  of  any  man  with  the  slightest  portion 
of2)ower.  «  Generally  at  that  time  Minas  (Jeraes  was  avast  conquest, 
simultaneously  explored  by  all  ranks  of  dominators,  from  the  king, 
oiir  nuisler,  until  the  humblest  of  soldiers.  To  devour  the  i)ri/.e 
without  rest  or  commiseration,  such  was  the  common  object,  and  in 
that  voracious  anxiety  it  was  not  strange  that  one  slu)uld  invade  tiie 
ground  of  his  neighbor,  and  sometimes  even  tlie  governors  would  pe- 
netrate th(^  king's  dominions.  When  not  even  the  kiiig  was  respet'ted 
imagine  how  the  people  were  robbed,  the  por)i-  people,  willionl  any 
giiarant(M's  of  rights,  biii(l(>ned  witli  work,  diit  ies,  tributes,  without  a 
I'ight  to  (Milei-  coniplainls,  mute,  day  and  night  always  tcri'ori/i'd.  » 

—  57:5  — 

To-day  the  oold  isnol  ,ni„(,,l  l,y  tl„'  kin.n  l.iil  hy  I  he  in.l.isiry  i„:m. 
the  private  owner  who  can  and  wants  to  explore  ii.  Tlial  t.-iritory 
half  liidden,  among  the  hills,  is  the  open  shop  lor  all  the  exiles  (if 
the  fortune,  health  and  ])olities  :  to  the  first .  turns  into  ;r„|,i  and 
diamonds,  as  the  safe  of  a  n)illi„naire  at  .iescript  i<.n  :  for  i  he  "<■<•., nds, 
opens  the  100  marvels  of  spring  waters;  and  to  the  latter,  the  safety 
of  a  refuge  twiee  advantageous;  for  the  peeuliarities  of  the  vast  soil 
and  the  system  of  laws  and  i)uhlie  eustoms  having  tolerance  as  a 
hasis  as  well  as  fii-mness  and  seriousness 

It  is  singular.  This  populated  territory  of  Brazil,  notwithstan- 
ding its  density  of  population  of  5,9  per  scpiare  kilometre,  w  hen 
the  general  average  is  of  not  more  than  2,1,  has  no  large  city.  The 
cities  of  50.000  and  upwards  are  in  States  far  less  important  than 
Minas  Geraes.  None  of  the  Brazilian  cities  having  over  !(M».(mm) 
belong  to  Minas. 

But,  the  best  cities  in  Minas  are  not  the  most  populated  ones, 
neither  the  most  populated  are  the  oldest.  Ouro  Preto,  the  famous 
Villa  Rica  of  former  times,  was  until  lately  the  Capital  of  the  power- 

—  57+  — 

fill  State,  wiiicli  is  woi-tli  by  itself,  a  respectable  nation.  Well,  Ouro 
Preto,  as  a  Capital  was  a  deception  for  the  visitor.  Placed  in  the 
mountains  it  was  a  city  without  level,  it  looked  more  like  a  hidden 
place  for  animals  than  residence  for  men. 

To  be  sure  the  selection  of  such  place  was  justified  when  they  did 
it,  because  of  the  wealth  of  the  place  and   that  can  be  seen   in   the 

document  of  its  installation.  « supposed  that  did  not  find  conv("- 

nient   place,    taking  in    consideration    the   wealth  promised  by  the 

mines  worked  in  these  hills,   the  principal  part  of  these  mines it 

is  resolved  so  to  execute  »  What  profits  came  out  of  that  selection? 
Due  perhaps  to  that  improper  localisation,  Ouro  Preto  never  liad 
the  appearance  of  a  Capital,  as  either  of  the  ex-province  or  of  the 
State  deserved. 

The  State  constitution  having  prescribed  the  removal  of  the 
Capital  to  a  place  that  detailed  studies  should  determine  ,  President 
Affonso  Penna  charged  the  ('ivil  Engineer  Aarao  Reis,  to  plan  and 
build  a  new  Capital. 

On  the  1st  of  March  1894  Dr.  Aarao  Reis  installed  himself  in  the 
unsheltered  hamlet  called  Ciirral  d'El-rey,  the  old  name  of  Bello 
Horizonte,  and  with  a  large  committee  undertook  the  work.  First 
of  all  a  branch  line  of  14  kilometres  track  for  a  railway  con- 
necting the  place  with  the  Central  of  Brazil  railroad  had  to  be  built. 

The  works  began  with  such  an  activity  that  on  the  4th  of 
November  of  the  next  year  licenses  were  given  for  private  houses 
to  be  built.  It  is  necessary  to  note  that  this  was  a  mere  little  place  a 
hamlet,  and  everything  had  to  be  done  to  make  up  the  city  that  is 
there  to-day. 

The  natives  of  Minas  Oeraes  spent  w  ith  the  construction  of  the 
new  Capital,  including  the  branch  railway  to  Bello  Horizonte, 
33.073:000$00().  Of  this  -iU.rjIitkOOO.Siar)  was  treasury  money  and  reve- 
nue collected  by  the  building  committee  from  the  sale  of  grounds 
3.537 :00l)$2«<).  Of  this  total  we  must  deduct  2. 800: 000*000,  amount 
for  which  the  State  sold  to  the  Union  tlie  branch  railway  line,  and 
2.000:000$00()  amount  spent  with  the  building  of  houses  of  officials 
and  public  employees  and  which  are  mortgage  to  the  State.  When 
we  visited  Bello  Horizonte  foi-  the  first  time  in  1*.)03,  it  was  already 
finished  and  in  full  period  of  enlargement.  We  were  glad  of  it,  as 
they  had  informed  me  of  the  Contrary. 

After  crossing  the  (UK)  kilometres  of  i-ailway  that  connects  tiiis 
city  to  Rio  de  .Janeiro,  at  ten  o'clock  on  a  nice  bright  and  sunny  day, 
we  arrived  at  the  entrance  of  the  branch  line  leading  to  the  city,  the 
station  of  which  is  of  oi'igiiial  architecture,    immediately   indicating 

—  67B  — 

that  we  are  going- to  see  new  things.  It  is  lij...  tl...  a.lvrrtis..„H-n.  .„• 
poster  m  stone  and  lime  about  the  next  perlorniance  t.,  appear. 

From  this  station  called  General  Carncir.,,  to  lU-Wn  1I„.  i/„„t,.  is 
but  half  an  hour  railway  ride  and  we  ei.tei-  the  neu  Capital  by  a 
pretty  portico  which  is  the  Minas  station.  This  is  au  ample  huihli,.^r 
with  a  white  tower  reminding  us  of  luiddle  age  times.  This  t„Nver 
elevates  itself  above  the  houses  with  a  four  dial  dock. 

The  station  looks  to  a  large  square  just  finishing  its  ganh-n  built 
by  Mayor  Bressane  when   we  visited  that  city.  From  the  t..wer  we 

Bcllu  Ildi'izoiili'.  —  Minus  Slalioii,  ol  llic  Kslraila  ilc  ht-nu  (Ifiilial 

can  see  a  fine  picture.  What  an  excellent  selection  of  a  place  for  a 
city  of  peace  and  liberty  ! 

The  whole  city  seems  to  rock  itself  in  the  balsamic  breeze  that 
softly  blows  suspense  between  the  surrounding  mountains  as  a  web 
of  light.  Its  streets  run  straight  towards  the  green  of  the  hills,  with 
that  eternal  beauty  of  order,  and  so  large,  so  symetric  as  if  they  had 
to  let  go  through,  all  the  people  of  this  world  together.  These  streets 
are  lined  bj^  new  and  graceful  buildings  which  are  being  ccmstructed 
here  and  there. 

Dominating  them,  under  an  enormous  terrace  that  is  like  the 
head  of  the  city,  we  distinguish,  lining  the  square,  the  white  and 
rose  color  buildings,  the  Government  palaces  and  several  Depart- 

57fi  — 

ments  ol"  tlie  Adniinistnition.  Coming  down  Irom  tliere  to  tlic  limit 
of  the  buildings,  we  see  the  bulky  muss  of  light  yellow  of  the  police 
barracks,  in  a  i)osition  of  sentry  of  the  city.  In  the  centre  of  this  in  a 
valley  of  a  little  river  called  Ai-i-adas,  tlu^  (;ngineers  made  a  park 
(juite  wide  and  artistic.  This  was  an  idea  applauded  by  all  visiioi-s, 
for  the  way  all  curves  of  the  river  and  accidences  of  the  ground 
were  taken  advantage  of  to  bring  out  in  relief  the  garden. 

A  street  wider  than  all  the  others,  the  Affonso  Penna  Avenue, 
divides  into  sec^tions  from  one  end  to  the  other,  in  two  ecjual  ))arts,  all 
the  built  region,  and  with  its  symetric  rows  of  magnolias  go  to  the 
meeting  of  the  motintain  sides  which  ga\('  name  to  tlic  old  liamlet, 
the  Curral  d'El-Rey  mountain. 

A  (Idilc  (iT  llic  Soi'i'a  ild  ('.iirijil  on  tin'  w;iv  lu  Oiiro  I'ri'ln 

The  t()pograi)hy  of  the  i)lace  where  Hello  llori/.ontc  is  slowly 
accidented  composing  itself  of  the  valley  wIum'c  the  primiti\(»  liamlet 
was  boi-n  and  died,  and  some  hills,  and  souirounding  mountain 
base.  There  engineering  was  previously  engaged  in  correcting 
natui'c,  filling  in  grounds,  opening  places,  softening  the  lougli  i)ai'ts 
of  it  without  giving  it  the  monotony  of  a  plain  without  contrasts. 

This  way  IJello  Horizonte  has  the  i)hysiognomy  of  just  centi-e 
among  the  hilly  cities  and  i)lain  ones  sharing  of  the  advantages  of 
both  these  ty'i)es,  without  the  cxaggeratif)ns  of  any  cxt'lusivisui  in 
one  sense  oi-  other. 

The  city  is  more  oi-  less  in  the  altitude  of  S.  I'aiilo  city  or 
Curityba,  some  SOO  meti-(is  above  the  see-level.  l>ul  ('urityl)a  with 
its  Kuropean  cold,  S.  Paulo  with  its  sudden  changes  of  temperature 
cannot  give  an  idea  of  the  mild  and  unexpected  <'limate  of  Hello 

—  577  — 

As  to  tlie  public  services  they  arc  splcndi.!.  Tlic  ;ulM.,isaii<,n  Jlic 
most  rational  and  the  most  artistic  of  any  Soulli  AnM-riran  .-iiv.  TIm^ 
sewage,  the  water  supply,  1]h>  illnmiiKilion.  tl.r  rlrririr  i,  an.svuv. 
everything  corres])ouds  to  flic  id, -a  ,,r  ;,  modnn  Cupiial. 

The  arborisation  about  which  we  canuot  say  loo  murh  is  a  mar- 
vel. The  whole  city  gives  us  tlu;  im])r(!ssion  of  a  large  garden. 
I  At  night  the  city  is  melancholic.  It  goes  to  sleep  very  early,  as  it 
is  c(mvenient  for  a  new  city  rcndly  so  young.  Tin;  illuminaiion  is  not 
profuse.  It  is  far  from  that  bi-ightness  of  Manaos  and  even  certain 
sti'cets  in  S.  Paulo. 



Bello  Horizoiile.  —  Seiialc-Ilousc 

Only  in  Bahia  street  all  lined  with  business  houses,  we  notice 
some  life  up  to  ten  o'clock  at  night,  crowds  of  loungers  and  now  and 
then  a  carriage  going  by. 

After  that  hour  the  tramways  become  scarce,  the  crowds  arc 
dispersed,  hardly  one  or  other  remains  in  the  streets  and  cvi'n 
Bahia  street  is  wrapped  in  comi)lete  silence  as  if  it  were  at  sound 
sleep.  The  other  streets  look  like  the  cloisters  of  a  convent,  wiih 
suspended  lamps,  here  and  there.  If  it  rains  there  is  one  more  ele- 
ment to  put  the  city  to  sleep  early.  The  streets  that  are  not  paved 
have  a  kind  of  reddish  surface  which  does  not  absorb  as  (piickly  as 
it  receives  the  rainy  water  and  makes  a  kind  of  stick\-  and  disagreea- 

—  578  — 

ble  mud  sticking  to  tlie  shoes  of  those  who  have  to  go  through. 
Luckily  the  tramways  and  public  carriages  save  the  situation. 

Excepting  S.  Paulo,  no  State  has  at  present  a  better  or  more 
complete  official  installation  than  this  city. 

The  Palaces  of  the  Government,  Secretary  of  Interior,  Agricul- 
tural Dejjartment  etc,  occupy  a  large  square  in  Liberdade  square. 
The  first  one  with  its  small  park  looks  to  the  front  of  the  square 
entirely  dominating  it. 

It  is  an  imposing  building,  with  three  fronts,  the  main  one  looking 
to  the  square  being  of  a  most  beautiful  effect.  It  is  all  of  stone  with 
a  bust  of  the  Republic, 

It  has  two  stories.  The  ground  one  has  the  vestibule,  the  barracks 
for  the  guard.  The  upper  story,  the  noble  Hall  in  front,  dining-room, 
library,  office,  private  appartments  of  the  governor,  and  side  galle- 
ries in  form  of  towers,  round  ones,  with  7  metres  diameter,  surround- 
ed by  seven  windows  decorated  by  columns  of  ionic  style  (fancy 
w'ork)  and  roof  in  half-sphere  form  with  oil  paintings  decorations. 
It  occupies  a  surface  of  1.898  square  metres,  with  30,50  metres  front, 
52  depth,  and  20,50  height. 

An  ample  marble  stairway  leads  the  way  up.  It  is  a  piece  of 
artistic  work. 

The  walls  are  decorated,  the  ceiling  has  the  allegory  to  Liberty, 
Order,  Fraternity  and  Progress,  and  the  whole  is  fine  work  in  colors 
and  gold. 

They  told  us  that  this  building  cost  the  State  government  about 
1.400:000^000.  It  was  well  spent  money.  It  is  the  first  building  of  its 
kind  in  all  the  States.  The  Palaces  of  the  Government  of  S.  Paulo, 
Petropolis,  Bahia,  which  are  new  and  large  cannot  be  compared 
with  it.  Those  of  Florianopolis ,  Maceio  and  Curityba  are  new  but 
have  not  that  size.  Those  of  Belem  and  Recife  are  large  but  heavy, 
ungraceful  Portuguese  colonial  style,  strong  but  ugly. 

The  President  or  Governor  of  the  Minas  State  is  Dr.  JoasPinheiio, 
one  of  the  most  noted  of  public  men  of  the  country.  He  is  a  captain 
of  industry,  very  clever  and  active,  he  is  a  lawyer  and  literary  man. 
He  was  elected  by  unanimous  vote  to  the  dignity  of  governor.  He  has 
held  other  official  positions.  He  has  been  a  member  of  the  State 
Congress  and  Federal  Senator,  always  acting  with  good  judgment 
and  devoted  to  his  duties.  He  is  a  young  man  of  progressive  ideas 
and  strong  initiatives. 

In  the  same  square  where  is  the  Governor's  palace  is  the  F*alaco 
of  the  Interior,  a  large  building  with  three  floors. 

Leaving  the   Liberty   Sijuare  at   the  side  of  this  building  is  the 

—  579 

rFinanoe  Department,  large  .,,,,1  i,„|,„si„«.  „.,,.„  , „„ ,,„„i,., 

I     on  a  small  stairway.    Th,  sn,,,,,,!    I ■  is  „r i,- MM,.  .,,,1  .l,,.' 

above  are  corintliian  style. 

The  three  bodies  of 'tl.e  l.uil.lino,  ,,,i„„,,  ,„„.  ,.„,.,,  ^^,.,.  ^^.^^ 

in  such  a  way  that  tlio  centre  is  a  little  insi.l..   TIm-  sl:.i,•^^uv  in  this 

as  well  as  in  the  other  bnilding  rests  on  an  iron  fra.n,..  with'  artisti. 

supporters  of  beautiful  effect.  Inside  it  is  d(.(.„rat,>,l  in  a  sober  sfvl. 

but  ot   o-ood  taste.   Tt  cost  853:078§,),K)  and  of,!.,.  h.,..ri<,r  about' 


On  the  opposite  side  to  the  (iovernoi-s  Palacr    i.  tin-    A.-ricd)..- 


Bello  Horizoiitc.  —  (iovoriior's  Paliice 

ral  Department,  a  little  similar  in  its  general  lines  to  the  one  I  just 
mentioned  but  in  details  obeys  to  the  Toscane  style  and  it  is  jjlea- 
sant.  Like  the  other  has  in  its  fi'ont,  thi-ee  distinct  bodies  witli  tlic 
centre  one  a  little  in.  Like  the  other  it  also  has  three  pavements. 

It  has  on  the  first  floor,  two  windows  on  each  of  the  side  bodies. 
In  the  central  bodj^  is  a  wide  iron  door  of  i)retty  and  of  artistic 
design,  with  two  smaller  and  narrow  doors  also  of  iron  at  the  sides. 
On  the  second  floor  are  two  windows  on  the  side  bodies  and  five  in 
the  centre  one.  On  the  third  floor,  five  in  the  centre,  one  on  the  sides. 
In  the  side  bodies  of  the  building  are  in  relief  the  initials  S.  A. 

It  is  on  the  ground  floor  of  that  pretty  building  that  the  City 
Hall  of  Bello  Horizonte  is  provisionally  installed. 

—  580  — 

There  wo  saw  beautiful  oil  paintings  representing-  views  of  that 
place  in  olden  times,  the  seed  of  the  great  city. 

Other  buildings  worth  looking  at  are  the  Bai-ra(^ks  of  tlie  Police 
Force.  Its  front  measures  112  m.  50  length.  It  has  five  different 
bodies.  The  central  one  has  28  metres  and  15  m.  height,  two  side 
ones  are  lower  and  two  are  towers  at  the  extremities.  On  the 
gi-ound  I'looi-  at  the  left  is  the  cavalry  squadron  and  at  the  right 
the  1st  company  of  the  1st  infantry  battalion.  In  the  centre  is  the 
major  staff  and  general  headquarters,  the  guard  rooms  and  jail  and 
storage  rooms. 

B(!llo  Iloiizunte.  —  Home  deparliueiit  and  Uevcmic 

On  the  superior  i);ivemi'nt  are  tlie  rooms   and   offii-es  of  the  com- 
mander and  secretai'ies,  etc.  i 

The  stables  are  at  the   rear.  We  visited   them   with    interest   andj 
found  them  in  fine  oi'der.  | 

\ext    to   this   barracks    is   a    target    firing   establishment.    Both! 
civilians  and  military  men  can  practise  shooting  tliere.  j 

A    little   before   the  bai'racks  is  Santa  Fj)higenia  elinreh  a  pretty  | 
cluireli  ofgotliie  style.  i 

The  ('it\'  Hospital  is  a  beautiful  building  though  not    so  large   as! 
the  Pan'i,  IJeeife,  or  Haliia  ones  and  mueli  less  than  the  Kio  de  .lanei- 
ro   one.     it    is    a    bnilding   of  a    r;inr\-   arcliiteclure  ,   a    niixt  ure  of  tin' 

—  5R1   — 

j.(.tliic  and  classical  licllenic  styles.  The  main  .Mil  ran. •.■  is  .,f  st.,,,... 
The  front  lias  a g-roiiiid  l-JOmetres  Ion-.  .\1  the  in  .lilferrnt  plans 
forming  Avings  are  vast  wards  eight  by  thirty  n.eti-es.  Inside  i^  ^,,.|I 
ventilated  with  curved  ceilings  and  large  windows. 

The  central  building  has  an  upper  story  and  has  a  very  largr  d.i-.r 
where  ai-e  going  to  be  installed  the  chen.isti-y  iaix.i-alcry.  storage 
rooms,  and  employers  rooms. 

The  Eello  Horizonte  market  has  a  severe   aspect.    Its    licni    |,a^ 

L'   metres   length   by   four   width,   and   two   sicU'    wings    nu'asnring 
22  metres  by  four  each. 

^  In  its  front  which  looks  to  the  Quatorze  de  Fevereiro  square 
are  two  pretty  towers  13  metres  high  by  four  length  and  by  four 
width  placed  at  the  extremities. 

The  building  which  cost  200:000$000  is  covered  with  metal  and 
surrounded  by  a  sidewalk  two  metres  wide,  protected  by  an  extend- 
ed roof.  The  floor  is  cimented. 

We  must  also  mention   :   the  fine  church,  Flemish  style,  called 

«  Sagrado  Coraoao  de  Jesus;  tlie  Gymnasio  Mineiro  in  a  fine  build- 
ing near  the  Interior  Department;  the  Law  College,  a  fine  build- 
ing ;  the  Federal  Treasury  Department  Branch  and  Government 
Savings  Bank,  with  its  front  in  Scottish  style  without  synietry  but 
of  beautiful  effect;  the  Senate  a  large  building  but  of  little  architec- 
tonic value;  the  State  Congress;  the  Police  Department,  a  most 
elegant  and  appropriated  building;  the  Official  Printing  Office  of 
aristocratic  side,  but  without  decoration;  the  Grand  Hotel  at  the 
corner  of  two  large  streets,  painted  rose  color  and  last  but  not  the 
least  the  Matriz  church  now  being  finished  —  S.  Jose  —  design  of  the 

MM  f  !?  r^F^'   ill  j     ti_X»-l       '> 

Hello  Horizonlc.  —  Barracks  of  the  Public  Force 

Brazilian    architect  Xascentes  Coclho.    It   is   of  niodorn  nuinucliiw 
style,  30  metres  by  (JO  and  the  central  Ur^er    10  metres   high    up   to 

the  cross. 


PUHLIC      InSTRIU'TION  ,      TrANSI'OH  TATION   ,      CoM^tERCK.    —     Miuas 

(Jeraes  recentl\'  pr(!scnted  the  following  about  its  schools  statistics  : 
From  '>:>{)  districts:  iuiml)er  of  ])upils  52.655  being  ;>1.501  males  and 
•  IciiKih-s.  \v[  thei-e  are  17.71.'.  male  children  and  1  l,(vi;>  fcnialf 
ones,  or  ;i  total  of  ;!"J.;ir)(»  children  wlio  <h>  not  receive  :iny  instruction. 
Receive  instruction  in  State  schools  1 1  .'.MS  cliiidrcn,  in  private  !inc>. 
1.  IOC)  and  a(  lionic  .SlT). 


—  583  — 

There  are  in  the  State  1.501  grammar  schools.  Of  these  188  are  in 
the  city  and  1.013  in  the  interior.  There  are  671  for  males,  <i4r)  for 
females  and  184  mixed. 

During- 1903  there  were  ^.S.OiiS  pupils  registered  in  the  schools, 
ID.l'il  males,  13.647  females.  The  fre<iuentation  was  iluis  1;{,I|;;. 
being  7.556  males  and  5.557  females. 

There  is  a  well  known  Miner  Engineering  College  in  Oino  lM«'to 
which  renders  great  services  and  15  professional  schools  in  other 

In  that  very  city  is  a  magnificent  Pharmacy  College  with  300 
pupils  which  enjoys  a  very  good  reputation  all  over  the  country. 
In  the  Capital  the  State  maintains  the  Gymnasio  Mineiro,  Law 
College,  several  Normal  colleges  in  interior  cities.  In  Barbabaceiui 
is  the  Internato  do  Gj'^mnasio  ( Boarding  Gymnasium  with  100 
pupils.  It  is  a  model  institute.  It  has  a  library  with  lO.OCM)  volumes 
and  i.i  Juiz  de  Fora  is  the  Commerce  Academy. 

We  will  not  forget  the  Public  library  recently  founded  in  Bello 
Horizonte  with  15.000  volumes,  a  good  start.  At  present  there  are  in 
Minas  51  public  libraries  distributed  by  the  principal  cities.  Of  Nor- 
mal colleges  we  cite  :  Ouro  Preto,  Sahara,  Juiz  de  Fora,  Campanha, 
Diamantina,  S.  Joao  d'El-Rey,  Uberaba,  Arassuahy  and  Montes 
Claros  with  from  150  to  200  pupils  each. 

As  to  railways  only  one  State  is  superior  to  Minas  —  it  is 
S.  Paulo. 

The  )  ailway-net  of  the  State  of  Minas  in  1002  was  3.480  kilometres 
thus  distributed  : 

Minas  railways  Metres 

Leopoldina 8i2.15G 

Oeste  de  Minas     ....  ()84.000 

Sapucahy 371.000 

Bahia  e  Minas 233.800 

Muzambinho 94.895 

Cataguazes 48.180 

Joao  Gomes  a  Piianga    .     .  26.564 

Paraopeba 12.000      2.3I21«,59:; 

Federal  roads  Metres 

Central  do  Brazil  ....     o74..')92 

Minas  e  Rio 147.000 

Muzambinho 144.000 

Mogjana 502.000       U67k.o92 

Total 3.480''.  187 

The  State  of  Minas  has  spent  until  now  with  railways  : 
In  subsidies  :  892:764$000. 

—  584  — 

Tn  guarantees  of  intcirst  'J  l.l():J:101S000  distributed  hy  tlic  follow- 
ing- roads  : 

l>cn|i()l(liiia.     .     .     . 
Ocstc  (te  iMiiins    .     . 
Sapuoahy    .... 
Miizainl)iiilMi   . 
Jofid  GoiiK's  a  l'iiaiii>a 

Jn  loans  15.875:412$051  being  : 


Miizanihiiilio    .     .     .     . 

Espii'ilo  Saiil(j  (■  Minns. 


«.!  75:821  S-WJ 





Tcilal.     .     2  i.  162: 1 01  $938 



IjcIIii  llori/oiilc.        I'lililu'  mark 

It    s])(!nl    w  itli    the  K.  V.  Haliia  and  Minas  (i)ui'eliase,  loan,  eons-        j 
truetion  of  extension  till   Tlieophilo  Oltoni,  studies  till   Arassiiali\l 
IC).  I'.M  :<S()7$7,S<S,  Altogether  57.rj'J:2;ir)§777. 

Tlic  total  revenue  of  these  State  raih\  ays  was  in  l.sS'.i,  ;;.<is;{:'.»'.h),5;  IS'J  : 
in  lUOU,  <S.2i:i:057$:>r,':  in  1<K)1  ,  I (i. •,'•_>•,' :(iNS;S-J  IT  and  in  1 '.>(>:' . 
1:5.121 :50'J*()()0. 

Mr  I  Its 

'I'li-fiav  llir  cxlciisidii  of  i';iil\\;i\s  ill  (i|H'iali(iii  is .".<518.277 

I'lciii^  sulisidi/cii  i}\-  wilii  rdiiicssidii  iiniii  the  Mali'  ....  2. 310.(58;) 

Male  r(iiiccssiiiii  nr  |ir(i|iri-lv  iii  llic  I  iiidii I.337..")i>2 

lutai 7.2!K).;k>1 

—  585   - 

Tlierc  ;ir(.' now  in  coiistriiclioii  doo  kildinclrcs  in  scvnul  lines, 
concessions  li-oni  tlic  Stiiic  an<l  llic  I'nioii.  Only  tin-  ( '.■iili:il  iJia/il 
liiilway  is  ubonl  to  inaugurate  loo  kilonicli-cs. 

•    Thus  by  the  close  ol"  this  year  r. IOC)  the  Mi nas   Stale   will   >it   its 
railways  with  an  extension  of  ovei-  I.OOO  kilometres. 

The  Police  force  ol'  the  State  of  Minas  is  constituted  \,\  a  Police 
Brigade  composed  of  1.(100  privates  and  loO  officers,  forming  iliree 
infantry  battalions  and  a  cavaliy  scjuadion  all  under  the  coniniuml 
of  a  colonel  generally  a  regular  army  officer. 

The  battali(ms  have  not  an  equal  numl)cr  of  men.  'I'lnis  is,  thai 
the  first  has  Ol'.i  men  in  the  bai-i-acks  wc  (lescril)ed  above.  iIm- 
second  in  the  city  of  Ubcraba  witli  :iIO  men,  and  tin-  third  in  Dia- 
mantina  with  350  men.  Only  the  eomijany  housecl  in  tlic  ilello 
Horizonte  barraeks  has  a  band  of  musie. 

The  cavalry  squadron  commanded  by  a  captain  has  -Joo  men. 

They  don't  all  use  the  same  rifle.  They  use  Comblain.  Mauser. 
Chassepot,  etc. 

Xatural  wealth,  Industries,  Manufacti:kixg.  —  None  of  the 
Brazilian  States  except  Bahia  disposes  of  so  many  natural  resources 
and  so  valuable  as  Minas  Geraes  and  none  has  had  so  deserving 
fame  of  the  abundance  and  excellency  of  these  resources  as  the 
laj^ers  of  the  State  of  Minas. 

Gold  and  diamonds  have  been  for  a  long  time  the  principal 
wealth  of  Brazil.  Recently,  since  some  IH  years  ago  they  discovered 
enormous  layers  of  manganese  which  were  immediately  placed 
under  industrial  exploitation  as  the^^  were  by  the  Central  Brazil 
railwa}^  road. 

In  the  Northern  region  of  the  State  they  recently  discovered 
layers  of  precious  stones  and  according  to  the  official  paper,  it  has 
increased  much  of  late  the  exploitation  of  the  toi)az,  the  anu'lhyst, 
the  turmaline  and  other  precious  st(mes,  which  have  been  largely 
sought  especially  in  the  Bahia  mai'kets. 

The  quantities  of  gold  extracted  from  Minas  Geraes  at  the  time 
of  the  Portuguese  dominion  seem  incredible.  It  suffices  to  say  that 
in  the  period  from  1700  to  1820  the  taxes  or  duties  collected  on  that 
metal  were  7.1o7,5  a.  with  a  value  of  53.529:750S000.  «  The  gold 
extracted  during  that  period  amounted  to  35.687,5  a.  with  a  value  of 
257.(i56:500$000,  falling  to  the  Ouro  Preto  district  22  "o,  Sahara  23";„, 
Marianna  25  %  and  the  balance  divided  by  the  other  districts.  »> 

From  the  message  of  Vice-president  Costa  Serra  we  transcribe  a 


—  586  — 

table  of  gold  exported  by  Minas  Geraes  with  its  official  value  dnr 
the  years  \S96  to  1001  : 




1896.     . 

1 .988.0-27 


I«'.)7.     . 

.       -2.253.^211 

7  ISS:(;8:iST()i 

i«y«.    . 



1899.     . 

.       i. 192.414 


1900.     . 

.       4. .■504.688 


1901.     . 




.     19..s21.2()9 


-:   f 

Bt'llt)  llul  i/,tililc.  —  1  Tuiil   \U'\\   111   III!'  .Miiia.s  (.MiiiiMMimi 

This  does  not  inelude  the  gold-dust  exj^oi'led  duriug  the  same 

It  is  impossible  in  a  book  like  this  one  to  enter  into  details  of 
information  about  the  gold-mines  being  worked  now.  They  are  not  so 
few  that   I  n)ight  give  their  list  here  with  details. 

Among  them,  however,  ihei-e  is  the  Morro  Vellio,  directed  by  an 
able  mine  engineer  Mr.  Chalmers.  This  mine  has  all  moderji 
apparatus  and  tools  for  its  exploitation  out  of  which  excellent  results 
have  been  obtained. 

Inexhaustiblk  Manganesk  Mines.  —  As  to  the  exploitation  of 




—  587  — 

manganese  oxides  we  may  say  that  not  even  1  "/„  of  tlie  known  and 
discovered  layers  in  this  State  is  contrihuting  towards  the  fortinu'of 
the  country,  because  until  now  they  only  arc  exploit in^^  those  by  the 
roads  of  the  railway  companies.  Vet  nothing  is  nioic  int«M-osting  than 
to  look  at  the  activity  in  the  work  of  thos(^  hiy(!rs  as  we  cnss  that 
region  in  the  Central  of  Hrazil  trains.  From  the  Laffayctc  Station 
on  principally  in  Mignel  Kurnier  wo  had  the  oj)i)ortiiniiy  to  Ix-  pre- 
sent to  the  shipping  of  enormous  quantities  of  mineral  in  freight 
cars  that  were  to  carry  it  to  Rio  de  Janeiro  wherefrf)n)  it  \\:i<   '"   l-e 

Bello  Horizonlo.  —  Tlio  Law-Sfliuol 

forwarded  to  Europe  or  Xorth  America.  The  State  of  Minas  is  becom- 
ing one  of  the  large  exporters  of  this  important  element  of  industry 
of  mineral  extraction.  These  figures  indicate  the  progress  it  has 


Quantities  of  manganese  transported  by  the  Central 
OF  Brazil  railway 

Years  Tons 

1900 92-fiOI 

1901 «^-J«^-J 

1902 111.542 

1903 «««>'0t> 

1904 21-.980 

190o :J46.000 

—  588  — 

It  is  opportune  to  publisli  lierc^  some  remarks  made  l)y  tlie 
A noers- Bourse  about  the  exploitation  of  manganese  in  Brazil  ini- 
tiated in  Minas  with  great  success  : 

((  Tlie  manganese  industry  in  Brazil,  still  quite  recent,  as  it  has 
only  some  twelve  years  of  existence,  promises  to  become  the  most 
sei'ious  competitor  of  the  manganese  commerce.  If  they  have  delayed 
exploiting  the  layers  of  manganese  in  Brazil  it  is  because,  with  the 
economical   crisis  conseiiuence   of  the  forced   circulation   of  papci- 

Minas.  —  Tlif  ai(;;il  lalls  ol  luinlius  dc  ('-;ii;iiii'<il;i  iiii  llic  rnuilici'  nf  Minas  and  liin 

money,  in  this  South  American  Republic,  such  brani'li  d'  imliisir.x 
was  absolutely  onerous. 

As  it  is  known  manganese  is  especially  used  by  steel  fac-torics, 
and  melallurgic  indusli"i(;s  are  not  yet  developed  in  Soiitli  Anu'rica. 
It  is,  then,  exclusively  foi*  expoi-t  that  wcciui  base  the  exploitation 
of  the  numganese  lay(U's. 

The  first  were  discovered  in  ISSS  by  an  engineei"  eni])l()ye(l  in 
the  constfuction  of  llie  Central  Railway  of    iiiMzil    near   the    Miguel 

—  r.K«»  — 

Buinici-  station  (State  of  Minas  (ieraes).  A  Brazilian  .iipitalist  was 
the  first  to  export  manganese  to  Knoland  and  llic  lUitcd  Stall's 
and  a  series  of  analysis  made  in  those  counti-ics  showed  that  the 
Brazilian  mineral  contains  as  an  average  ovei-  .V,  ■  ,,  nl'  niaiij,'aneHe. 
Xowhei-e  in  the  world  is  a  licdiei-  mineral  of  this  kind  to  he  found. 
The  Spanish  mineral  is  the  one  that  comes  ncarei-  toilie  I'.razilian 
with  an  average  of  .").■{  ",,,  of  metal. 

liecently  new  layers  of  manganese;  of  consideral)le  importance 
have  been  discovered  in  the  intei-ior  Hahia,  and  thei-e  they  have  also 
initiated  the  exportation  of  that  mineral. 

The  mineral  exported  from  Greece,  Chili,  Cuha  and  i'rance  con- 
tains 52"/o  of  manganese.  After  these  comes  Caucasus  with  'iV),,-  'i'he 
Brazilian  mineral  has  also  the  advantage  of  not  containing  phos- 

It  is  not  surprising  then  that  under  these  circumstances  the 
exports  of  the  Brazilian  mineral  has  increased  in  extraordinary  pro- 
portions, growing  from  6.785  tons  in  1895  to  over  120,00()  tons  in 
1903  only  from  the  layers  of  Minas  Geraes  State. 

Brazil  furnishes  now  350,000  to  100.000  tons  of  this  mineral  to  the 
universal  market.  » 

Besides  the  gold-mines,  diamonds,  already  being  exploited,  many 
others,  especially  diamond  ones  are  being  bought  in  the  Northern 
municipiums,  which,  as  it  is  expected,  will  soon  be  lively  centres  of 

Another  characteristic  of  the  mineral  soil  wealth  is  the  value 
now  attached  to  the  reputation  of  its  w^aters  and  summer  resorts. 

They  are  in  large  number,  those  fountains  in  several  States, 
some  with  an  established  reputation,  principally  the  extensive 
vulcanic  basin  of  Caldas,  Lambary,  Cambuquira,  Caxaml)u,  etc.  and 
many  others  in  larger  number  but  not  yet  known.  Lal(dy  there  has 
been  a  movement  of  interest  about  this  hydro-mincM-al  extraordinai-y 
wealth  in  the  State  of  Minas. 

Several  enterprises  have  been  established.  The  recognizance  of 
value  of  these  waters  is  being,  more  rapid  and  more  extensive.  A 
regular  propaganda  made  by  these  enterprises  organizing  attrac- 
tions to  the  visitors  is  calling  more  i)eople  and  making  these  places 
more  valuable,  especially  Oaxambu,  to-day  known  all  over  the  coun- 
try for  its  excellent  waters. 

Dairy  industries.  —  Another  element  of  wealth  in  Minas  is  the 
Dairy  Industry  and  its  respective  exports.  In  the  West  and  North 
east  of  this  region  there  are  vast  fields  for  cattle  raising.  In  the 
South,  however,  this  industry  is  also  explored. 

—    590  — 

Passes  city  in  the  South  of  Minas  is  one  of  the  centres  of  the  grea- 
test activity  in  cattle  raising,  country  fairs  are  held  there  every  j'ear. 
It  is  a  beautiful  sight  the  entrance  of  the  cattle  to  the  Passes  fair 
the  most  lively  in  the  South  of  Minas. 

«  Tliis  region  is  excellent  for  tlu;  raising  and  faticning  of  the 
cattle  coming  from  the  interior  of  Minas,  Goyaz  and  Malto  Grosso. 
The  surroundings  of  Passos  are  tlie  largest  contributors  to  the  mar- 
kets of  cattle. 

Having  also  fields  for  breeding  and  raising  cattle,  their  conti-i- 
bution  to  the  general  production  of  the  State  is  not  small. 

The  Passos  Municipium  buys  to  the  people  from  the  interioi" 
35.000  heads  of  cattle  j^early. 

These  are  bought  for  an  average  price  of  2,1()0:000S000.  The  num- 
ber of  heads  raised  in  the  municipium  is  of  about  14.000  representing 
a  gross  revenue  of  about  5G0:000S()00  annually.  The  ground  I'cserved 
for  this  is  50.000  hectares. 

Yet  the  cattle  exports  has  continually  decreased  as  we  see  by  the 
table  below  : 

Years  oxen  and  cows  Pigs 

1897 lo5.9-28  -2-2.488 

1898 151.648      — 

1899 15.;.  "259  IT.^mI 

1901  127.124  21.171 

1902 122.295  19.242 

It  is  because  the  local  consumption  is  increasing  every  year  in 
Minas  and  in  the  future  this  State  will  impoi-t  instead  of  exi)orting 

Meanwhile  the  dairj^  industry  is  increasing. 

In  several  places  of  the  State  there  are  many  butter  factories, 
with  products  of  excellent  quality  exported  in  large  quantities  to 
neighboring  States  thus  diminishing  the Eui'opcan  importation  whii-h 
brings  to  the  Brazilian  markets  adulterated  ])roducts. 

To  make  an  idea  of  the  development  this  industry  has  had,  il  is 
enough  to  see  the  exports  of  butter  from  Minas  to  Rio  de  Janeiro, 
during  1903  came  up  to  247.886  kilos. 

The  total  of  products  of  this  State  expt^'ted  ai'cording  to  the  offi- 
cial value  was  as  follows  : 

Yfurs  Ollicial  valin- 

1897 I8().:il7:2l4§00(l 

1898 I;j:).50(l:i91l§00n 

1899 I72.8I5:7."2S000 

1900.     l8().8.M:ti(;i$(U)() 

1901 IS2.5ri(t;()08;j;0(l() 

1902 I8;;.USH:772S100 

1905 202. 5:it  1: 900^000 

—  591   — 

After  Bahia,  Minas  Goraes  is  tl.o  Brazilian  Stale  i)resontinK  to- 
day a  larger  variety  of  exports.  Here  is  a  list  of  llic  jr,  prin.-ipal 
products  exported  by  Minas  by  the  order  of   its   importanee   in    thr 

market  : 

( -of fee,  cattle,  gold,  i'lie(!se,  I ohaeco.  htu-on.  lowl,  niblxT.  pigs, 
manganese,  corn  milk,  cloths,  lumhcr,  horses,  dry  hi.lcs.  h-aihcr, 
mules,  potatoes,  diamonds,  beans,  sugai-,  hiandy,  i-icc,  salted  skins. 

This  State  as  to  the  variety  of  its  products  can  he  divided  into 
five  districts.  The  most  impoitant  in  relation  to  the  i)rodiicti<.n  is 
the  routli  region,  aftei-  that  the  \vcst.  then  east,  centre  and  nordi. 

Caxanil)U.  —  View  ol'  a  part  uf  llic  (lil> 

Manufacturing  industries.  —  The  manufacturing  industries  are 
not  so  varied  in  Minas  as  it  is  in  Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  Rio  de  Janeiro 
or  Sao  Paulo,  There  are  however,  a  large  number  of  good  factories, 
some  of  them  as  good  as  the  best  in  the  country.  We  mean  the  iron 

One  is  the  Esperanca  on  the  left  of  the  Central  of  Brazil  railway 
going  to  Bello  Horizonte  in  a  low  place  belonging  to  Itabira  city. 
There  is  a  group  of  houses  dominated  by  a  chimney.  The  grounds  of 
the  Esperanca  factory  cover  a  surface  of  10.809.152  square  metres 
and  the  mineral  has  a  wealth  of  65  to  09  %  metallic  iron. 

—  592  — 

Tlie  factory  not  only  sends  iron  to  the  market  but  nianiifaotures 
goods  as  grates,  tubes,  rods,  axles,  wagons,  etc. 

It  is  838  kilometres  away  from  Kio  and  18  from  Bello  Hoi-izonle. 
Its  manager  and  owner  is  the  young  metallurgic  engineer  Dr.  (^uei- 
roz,  a  Brazilian  who  has  im])rovo(l  these  works  very  much.  This 
factor^'  supplies  the  iron  for  the  wheels  made  in  the  woi-kshops  of 
the  Central  of  Brazil  Railway. 

There  is  near  the  same  Central  road  another  iron  factory  known 
by  the  name  of  Wigg  factory,  founded  by  the  Brazilian  engineer 
Dr.  Wigg  the  inventor  of  the  first  blast-furnace  to  ])rei)are  ii'on 
in  Brazil. 

While  we  travelled  through  Minas  we  heard  many  complains, 
quite  just,  from  the  industrious  iron  manufacturers  against  the 
heavy  taxes  imposed  by  the  State  government  on  an  industry  which 
is  beginning. 

«  The  products  »  said  Mr.  Wigg,  (c  either  from  this  factory  or  that 
other  that  I  have  suddenlj^  established  under  the  name  of  Wigg  are 
to-day  overtaxed  by  the  State  most  unjustly.  » 

It  was  in  Minas,  in  a  place  called  Morro  do  Pilar  that  they 
founded  the  first  iron  factory  in  Brazil. 

The  cotton  mills  are  to  be  found  in  several  cities  of  the  interior, 
and  import  large  quantities  of  cotton  from  the  Xorth,  while  Minas 
could  well  cultivate  and  develop  that  product.  There  are  also  many 
butter  and  cheese  factories,  the  principal  market  for  which  is  Kio 
where  the  products  have  made  a  reputation  putting  out  Europe  and 

One  of  the  most  noted  factories  of  the  country  for  the  excellence 
of  its  products  is  one  of  Dr.  Joiio  Pinheiro  exporting  all  kinds  of 
sanitary  crockery  in  nothing  inferior  to  the  French  and  Knglish 

There  are  also  breweries,  soap,  (uindles,  hats,  shoes,  food  facto- 
ries and  others  existing  in  nearly  all  the  cities  of  the  State  of  Minas. 

An  official  document  published  the  following  list  of  these  facto- 
ries in  1903  : 

Fac'toriks  and  W'oitKs  IN   I  UK   Stai'k   ni'   Minas 

CdIIcc  lacldiifs ,     .        I.<l7:}    [    I'uinis HT 

Siigitr  caiir  wdiKs "l.H'A'i       Taiiiiiii{^ "'• 

(Jol.l 1."! 

Iron til 

Diaiiioiul •} 

Ijiin'  de|in.sil !••> 

('.rurkt'r\ I'"' 

»           »         »     aniiiial   Iractiitii   .  l(l.:iK() 

Mills 11.949 

Mandioca  facloi'v 9(5(5 

Will'  laciui'v 7i;{ 

Biill.T itH 

—  B93 

Brewciii's . 
Taylors.  . 
Shoes  .  . 
Siuldli'i-y  . 
r.arriiij^cs  . 

Bricks 1. 133 

Furniture Ijoy 

Iron [-22 

Threading  mill ^^ 

Printing  ollice l.iO 

Bakers ;;5(j 

There   were  also    19.590  col'lee   r;iriiis,    wilh    1  IS.:,  I  IiOiki 
which  produced  in  1903,  8.1:38:000  arrobus  (one  arrobc  is    i: 
about  30  pounds.);  5.832  farms  of  tobacco;  9.880  larins  for 
pigs.  5.960  for  dairy  industries  ;  7.628  sugar  cane  ;  2(i.6,s-j, 
846  fruit ;  150  vines  and  many  small  ones. 





»  kilos, 
grain  ; 




Uuro  Preto  to-day.  —  MoimnKMit  of  Tiradcnles  in  the  Sijuare  ol  liic  sjinn-  ti.iini', 
and  the  old  prison  (rebuilt) 

Othi.:r  cities  of  the  State.  —  In  spite  of  its  large  i)Oi)ulatiou 
which  to-day  must  be  4.000.000  inhabitants,  (by  the  census  of  1900 
showed  3.594.471)  the  State  has  no  large  city  with  over  50.000  inha- 
bitants. It  has,  however,  among  its  117  cities,  about  six,  at  least, 
that  could  be  capitals  of  States  by  the  activity  of  their  commerce 
and  industrial  progress,  and  material  develoi)menl  and  cnltiirc 

—  594  — 

OuRO  Preto.  —  An  old  city,  a  peaceful  one.  Its  streets  and  hou- 
ses, seem  to  be  rolling  on  \'illa  Rica  mountain  \vliere  its  founders 
placed  it  1.20(1  metres  above  sea-level. 

It  is  connected  with  Rio  by  the  Central  of  Brazil  Railway.  In  its 
six  squares  is  everything  tliere  is  in  the  horizontal  plan,  but  tlie  5'2 
streets  and  lanes,  go  through  tortuous  and  accidented  jjlaces  as  if 
they  were  acrobats. 

The  following  words  written  by  a  writer  who  visited  many  Bra- 
zilian cities,  show  well  the  impression  of  the  newiy  arrived  contem- 
plating the  historical  city  of  Ouro  Preto  : 

«  Entering  the  city,   I   uncovered  myself,  as  a  sign  of  res])ect 

Ouro  Pi'cloHo-dav. 

S.  Jose  Sired  and  the  «  casa  dos  cuulos  »  on  the  l)ai'k-i' round 

for  its  glorious  traditions.  Its  melancholic  aspect  the  bills  upon 
wOiich  it  is  built,  its  immense  district  of  houses,  quite  old,  the 
towers  of  the  many  clitirclies  ,  the  mountains  ,  at  one  side  the 
great  bloi*  Ilacolumi,  all  (hose  historical  buildings,  all  tluit  proiluci'd 
in  my  mind  an  impression  of  respect  aiul  love  for  that  legendary 
city.  )) 

Ai'c  intei'csting  as  aiil  i([uit  ies  from  colonial  limes,  its  churches, 
very  large  ones,  w  ithout  any  graceful  architecture  ;  the  Santo  Anto- 
nio Asylum,  the  Mineiro  (^oHege  ;  the  school  of  Mines  ;  th(M)uro 
Preto  Gymnasium,  the  Normal  College,  the  Pharmacy  College,  and 

—  595  — 

We  see  among  the  buildings  ol"  rortiigiicsc  origin  ihr  on.-  iis.-.l  as 
Treasury  before  the  Capital  was  transferred  to  Bello  !loii/.(»iit.'.  at 
the  end  of  Tiradentes  street.  Large  building,  two  floors,  and  used 
to  be  known  as  dos  cantos  and  at  the  time  Oiiro  Tn-to  was  tin- 
metropolis  as  Casa  do  Real  contraclo  d(>  entradas. 

Old  Ouro  Preto.  —  The  Thomas  Gonzago  liouse,  in  the  middle  of  the  18th  Century 

In  a  parlor  of  the  ground  floor  under  the  main  stairway  was  on.-.' 
arrested  the  poet  Claudio  Manoel,  some  day  they  found  him  hanging. 
Some  say  he  committed  suicide  other  say  he  was  murdered.  Tlie 
truth  will  probably  never  be  known. 

The  house  where  Marilia  de  Dirceu  died,  modest  and  ugly  build- 
ing, notwithstanding  the  poet  calling  it  a  palace,  is  yet  in  good  condi- 
tion. It  is  a  low  building  suri-ounded  with  windows.  Kvcry  visit.n-  ot 
Ouro  Preto  must  try  to  know  it  and  to  do  it,  he  needs  but  to  follow 

—  596  — 

the  itinerary  indicated  in  the  |■oll()^ving•   verses  written  by  tlie  poet 

Toma  de  Minus  a  estrarht 
\a  Igreja  nova,  que  fica 
Ao  (lireito  lado,  e  segue 
Sempre  firme  a   Villa-Rica. 

Entra  nessa  grande  terra, 
Passa  uma  formosn  ponte, 
Passa  segunda,  a  terceira, 
Teni  uni  palacio  defronte. 

Kile  tern  ao  pe  da  porta 
Uma  rasgada  Janella  : 
E'  da  sala,  aonde  assiste 
A  minha  marilia  bella. 

(Take  the  Miiias  road  at  the  place  known  as  Igreja  Nova  (new  churh)  on  the  right  and 
follow  straight  to  Villa-Rica.  Enter  that  great  land,  go  over  a  beantiful  bridge,  go  over  the 
second,  the  third  and  there  is  a  palace  in  front.  It  has  near  the  door  a  quile  wide  window, 
the  jiarlor  one,  where  my  beautiful  Marilia  is.) 

(Ilil  Oiiro  I'rclo.      -  Arriiitciluinic   loiinl;iiii  in  llif  ISIh   ('..•iiliir'v, 
liMni'il  ii'iiiiiisl  till'  Miirili.'i  llnusc 

—  597  — 

In  the  same  disiricl  —  Antonio  Dias  -  llic  visilor  can  set-  the 
house  where  the  poet  lived  and  that  was  his  own.  It  is  in  Claiidio 
Street  (called  Ouvidor  Street  in  the  XVIII  ccnturyi  in  li-oni  of  tin- 
old  market.  It  is  a  two  floor  buildin<;-,  a  vciy  lar^c  one,  bnt  not  an 
elegant  one.  At  that  time  it  was  onc^  of  the  Ix-si  in  ilic  r'\\\.  As  ilic 
street  is  inclined,  the  front  of  tin;  house  has  one;  side  talh-r  than  the 
other,  but  the  Iniilding'  is  in  good  conditions  as  yet. 

Ouro  Preto  has,  besides  these  historic  precious  n-lics.  a  magni- 
ficent monument  erected  in  1<S*.)  I  in  honor  of  Tiradcntes,  and  which 
is  one  of  the  prettiest  of  its  kind  in  Brazil.  It  is  of  stone  and 
constituted  by  a  tall  obelise  with  bronze  decorations  wiili  the  statue 

01(1  Ouro  Prelu.  —  The  house  where  Marilia  ile  Diireu  diet! 

of  the  Martyr  Tiradentes  on  top  measuring  -J-'SO  height,  the  whole 
monument  measuring  19  metres. 

Besides  these,  there  are  yet  other  buildings  of  great  historical 
and  archiological  interest.  They  give  a  poetical  physiognomy  te)  the 
glorious  ex- Villa  Rica  :  undestructible  bridges,  old  churches,  foun- 
tains, cyclopic  ruins  of  extinct  mining.  Of  the  fountains,  it  is  worth 
mentioning  the  one  near  the  garden  of  Marilia's  house,  because  of 
its  architectonic  drawing  and  ornamental  drawings  of  which  we 
distinguish  four  faces,  in  stone. 

The  city  had  11,116  inhabitants  in  the  two  districts,  Ouro  Treto 
and  S.  Gongalo  do  Monte  (census  taken  in  181)2.)  Including,  how- 
ever, all  the  districts  of  the  municipium  of  Ouro  Preto  its  p<.pulation 
is  65.383  inhabitants.  It  was  founded  in  16i»8,  we  might  say  on  gold 

—   508 

ground.  It  was  the  Capital  of  Minas  till  1897.  With  Sahara  and 
Marianna  completed  the  name  of  the  three  first  villages  created  in 
the  Minas  Geraes  territory  in  the  year  1711.  It  was  during  two  cen- 
turies the  historical  centre  of  Minas  «  the  greatest  centre  of  work 
and  wealth  of  all  the  Brazil-colony,  better  known  and  spoken  of 
in  Portugal  than  Rio  de  Janeiro  the  seat  of  the  sub-kingdom  of 
Portuguese  America )). 

Now,  without  the  honors  of  Cai)ital,  is  like  a  mother  that  has 
siu'vived  her  children  —  sad  and  alone  completely  sunk  in  her 
thoughts  and  the  echo|of  her  traditicms. 

.liiiz  (l(^  Foni. 

Jui'v-Ilonsc  and  Piihlic  I'i'isdii 

Ouro  Preto  has  electrical  illumination,  water  supply,  newspa- 
pers, a  mining  Academy,  good  schools,  hotels,  city  hospital,  etc., 
libraries,  several  factories,  and  now  is  being  gradually  transformed 
into  a  progressive  city,  especially  after  the  inauguration  of  its  rail- 
way, a  branch  of  the  Central  of  Brazil  Railway. 

Jui/  i)K  I^'oKA.  —  It  is  the  most  important  city  of  the  Malta  re- 
gion ,  connected  with  Kio  by  the  Central  railway.  It  has  also  the 
Piaii  railway  starting  from  there.  It  is  an  industrial  city,  illuminat- 
ed by  electricity  and  having  a  lively''  commerce,  water  supply,  etc. 

Among  its  factories  we  will  mention  :  the  Mascarenhas  threading 
mill  in  a  building  with  12  windows  in  the  main  front  and  a  fine  chim- 
ney,  the  furnitui'c    factory,   a    first    class   one,    making   r;is]iioiial)h' 

liirniture  of  Brazilian  woods;  the  nail  laclory  prodiKin-i  three 
tons  of  nails  a  day;  the  Mechaniea  Mineira,  occupyin};-  T.-Soo  s<|iiare 
metres  ,  produces  iron  works  (cast  iron)  ,  wagons ,  agricnltiirae 
implements,  inaugurated  in  1800;  a  shoe  factory  founded  in  ISO.'}, 
produces  and  exports  shoes  for  the  wliole  North  of  Minas;  l-iinpre/a 
Industrial  is  also  a  recent  installation  with  improved  machinery, 
it  is  a  brick  and  tile  factory,  the  building  occupying  an  area  of  i.ti(H) 
square  kilometres;  the  Construccao  Mineira  ,  an  cntcrjjrisc  of  city 
and  rural  buildings  and  other  factories  of  smaller  importance. 

Juiz  de  Fora  has  large  public,  and  private  buildin;;s  -s  (he  Banco 
de  Credito  Real,  the  Commerce  Academy,  the  C.  Andiade  i<:  ('o's 
palace,   the  large  building  where  the  Jury  meets,  having  the  jail  in 

Juiz  de  Fora  —  Textile  Fabric  «  Maseareiiiias  » 

the  rear,  and  many  others.  It  has  newspapers,  hotels,  telegraph, 
clubs,  etc.  Its  population  was  22.580  by  the  1802  census,  12.131  males 
and  10.452  females.  To-day  it  has  38.000  inhabitants  (1002  census.) 

Uberaba.  —  It  is  the  princess  of  the  Minas  triangle.  It  is  the 
head  of  the  district  and  destined  to  a  great  future  when  the  INlo- 
gyana  railway  will  extend  its  tracks  to  Goyaz.  It  is  the  seat  of  the 
Goyaz  diocese,  and  there  is  the  2nd  battali(m  of  the  State.  It  has  a 
normal  college  and  20  grammar  schools,  three  newspapers,  brewe- 
ries, cigar  factories,  cotton  mills,  soap  factories,  etc. 

Its  population  is  about  30.000  inhabitants  including  the  districts 
of  Uberabinha,  Alagoas,  and  Campo  Formoso,  that  arc  located  at 
its  sides.  The  Matriz  Church  (Cathedral  of  Goyaz  diocese)  is  a  large 
beautiful  church,  gothic  style,  design  and  plans  of  Ataliba  Valle,  a 
Brazilian  architect,   its  front  presents  a  homogeneous  whole  with 

—  600  — 

the  central  section  which  opens  in  a  portico  upon  the  stairway  and 
prolongs  itseir  towcrlike  to  a  height  ol"  :iO  metres  ending  by  an  octo- 
gonal  pyramid.  A  clironometric  clock  is  placed  in  the  front  of  the 
tower  looking  towards  the  wide  square  in  which  the  chui-ch  is  loca- 
ted. The  construction  of  this  church  began  in  1818  and  finished  iu 

Other  nice  buildings  are  : 

The  City  Hall,  if  not  elegant,  is  a  solid  building,  located  by 
the  side  of  a  pretty  garden.  It  was  built  in  1837  at  the  expense  of 
the  inhabitants.  It  has  two  floors  and  five  openings  (windows  and 
doors)  on  each. 

LljeiuLa.  —  SaiiUi  Ca.Mi  ilc  Miserifordia  (llnspilal 

S.  Luiz  theatre,  large  building,  has  nothing  worthy  of  note  as  to 
its  architecture,  it  is  located  at  the  Matriz  Square  and  has  (lOO  seats. 

Uberabense  College,  is  along  building,  on  the  top  of  a  hill,  and 
is  directed  by  the  bishoj).  It  has  100  pu])ils. 

The  City  Hospital  built  by  an  Italian  m(mk,  on  :i  hill.  It  was 
inaugurated  in  1820,  large  building  l)ut  without    architectonic  style. 

Nossa  Senhora  das  Dores  (/ollege  large  two  floor  building,  inau- 
gurated in  18<.'.'j,  simple  architecture,  has  some  boarding  ])upils  and 
some  outsiders,  directed  by  French  monks,  300  pupils. 

Siivcral  clubs  aud  Iil('i"ai'\  aud  recreation  societies  animate 
social  life  thcr(\  \\ C  will  cite  the  Sporl  Club  that  l)uilt  an  eh-gant 
race  track  ;  the  VniTiit  rhcrnlunsc  niaiutainiug  a  baud  and  music 
chisscs  ;  (he  Socicfhtdc  I^spnhoLt,  -.i  nice  biiihliug  in  a  phicc  calh'd 
b"'al>ricio,  on  a  hill  ;  The  I'^nililhiiizit  Il:ili;in:i  \\  itli  fine  i)uil(lini2  inau- 

—  601  — 

gurated  on  Scpicniljci-,  -JOIli,  I'.iol  ;  the  Cicinio  liiiicnliDi)  .ui<\ 

Uberaba  lately  inslall('(l  (•Ifctric  illiiiiiiiiation.  It  luis  ST  sir«-fi>,, 
17  s<jiuircs,  1  incliiK^d  streets,  I.S'.il  houses,  seven  eatliolir  rlmr- 
clies,  one  proteslaiit  luetliodisl  (dinreli. 

S.  JoAo  D'KL-RF-n-.  —  On  tlu;  <Stli  ol"  Xoveiiiher  1 7 1:;  < io\ crnor 
Balthazar  da  Silveira,  a  Poi-tiigiiese,  arrive(l  al  llu!  Ilio  rias  MoiMes 
place   and    \vitli    the   usual    solemnities    (devaled    to    the    rank    of    a 


Uberaba.  —The  imiuicipal  Ildiisr 

village  changing  its  name  lor  that  of  S.  Joao  d'El-Rey  which  it  has 
kept  until  to-day. 

Just  like  the  majority  of  the  colonial  cities,  in  Minas  territory, 
S.  Joao  d'El-Rey  passed  through  three  periods  (luite  distinct  before 
reaching  the  present  condition.  Products  of  hypercsteny  whieh  the 
discovery  of  mines  stimulated  in  the  first  half  of  tlu>  X  \'  1 1 1  century 
they  grew  up  with  the  riches  and  the  population  that  siura-famcs- 
auri  crowded  in  the  centre  of  those  mountains.  Afterwards  when 
the  nurseries  and  layers  exhausted,  they  went  down  declining  to 
the  position   of  abandoned  cities,   dead  cells  in  the  nation  "s  orga- 

—  602  — 

nism,  until  the  time  when  with  the  natural  evolution  oi"  Minus  the 
opening-  of  rapid  communications  by  the  appearance  of  railways 
began  to  reanimate,  and  that  is  the  third  phase  of  that  cycle  —  call- 
ed gradually  again  to  that  commercial  and  industrial  movement 
that  means  development  and  progress. 

S.  Jose  d'El-Rey  is  now  in  a  phase  of  economical  and  commercial 
growth.  The  city  is  divided  into  two  by  means  of  a  very  small  stream 
of  water  which  empties  itself  in  the  Rio  das  Mortes  (deaths  river. 

ll|)oial)a.  —  (iatliolic  oliiurli 

The  two  halves,  have  the  names  of  S.  Francisco  and  Matriz  district, 
connected  by  three  bridges,  one  jjrovided  with  railway  material 
and  two  old  ones  built  with  stone  and  lime.  The  latter  have  a 
respectable  ai)pearance,  three  enormous  arches  resting  on  tlie  clear 

On  both  sides  of  this  str(>am  the  city  lias  a  solid  (|m;iv,  recently 
l)uilt  with  i)aved  sidewalks,  beginning  in  the  Oest  of  Minus  ruilwuy 
station  and  ending  near  the  City  Hull  some  1550  metres  awuy  from 
one  anothei-. 

The  CU\  Hull  like  neurh   ul!  the  others  in  >Hnus  Slute  is  stylish, 

—  604  — 

wide  and  square  and  has  two  I'loors.  It  is  an  inheritance  received 
from  the  colonial  architecture.  It  has,  however,  a  liner  appearance 
than  the  majority  of  them,  on  account  of  the  ornamentation  of  its 
front,  windows  and  iron  verandahs. 

As  a  custom  the  jail  occupies  the  ground  floor  humiliating  the 
City  Hall.  Dreadful  tradition  roots  !  But  there  is  a  mitigating  con- 
trast :  thej'  installed  above  a  public  library  with  16.000  volumes. 

The  market,  near  })y,  is  a  large  building  with  plain  front,   unex- 

S.  .loao  del  Rev.  —  S.  Fi'aiicisco  chuirli 

pressive,  and  it  was  inaugurated  in  1893.  A  little  further  ahead  of 
the  railway  station  is  the  public  theatre  a  good  new  and  solid  build- 
ing with  500  seats. 

S.  Francisco  church  is  the  most  noted  building  there  and  one  of 
the  most  admired  in  Minas  State.  It  is  of  stone,  a  kind  of  blue 
stone,  abundant  around  the  city.  It  is  '2i  meti-es  widcT))}  mcti-es  long, 
and  fi'om  its  basis  to  the  cornice  has  o.'J  metres  height.  Two  cylin- 
dric  towers,  one  on  each  side,  end  the  fi'ont  which  has  some  noted 
high   relief  work  in  stone.  It  has  six  altars  nicely  worked  in  cai'ved 

—  605  — 

wood.  Tt  was  Alcijndinho  a  pelel)ral('(l  Brazilian  artist  of  Ili<-  Will 
.    century  whose  lame  will  last  long  who  built  this  church. 
I         The  Hospital  is  a  two  floor  building;  a  tlireading  mill  and  other 

buildings  give  a  noble  appearance  to  the  city  strikingly  contrasting 

with  the  work  of  colonial  times. 

Besides  this,  S.  Joao  d'El-iJey  has  Ihrcc   newspapers,   telegmph, 

post   ot'lice,   several    factories,   hotels,  railway.  It  is  surrounded  by 

hills  and  at  the  end  by  a  bright  valley,  the  vegc^latiou  of  which   IVa- 

mes  the  houses. 

The  population  of  S.  Joao   d'El-lley  by  the  census   of   1892   was 

15.820  inhabitants,  to-day  must  have  over  25.000,  as  it  lias  much 

progressed  the  last  few  years. 

Marianna.  —  It  is  one  of  the  oldest  cities  in  Minas,  founded  one 
year  after  Villa  Rica,  and  the  first  in  that  diocese. 

The  creation  of  a  new  bishop  diocese  was  motive  for  a  great  fes- 
tival on  the  8th  of  December  1748  of  which  memory  was  kept  in  one 
of  the  pamphlets  published  at  the  time,  one  of  the  oldest  of  Brazilian 
press.  It  was  called  :  a  Academic  prayei*  of  congratulations  and 
thanksgiving  for  the  most  happy  entrance  of  his  Excellency  D.  Frei 
Manoel  da  Cruz,  first  bishop  of  Marianna  diocese,  made  solemnly 
public  in  its  Capital  on  the  28th  of  November  1718.  »  But  that  has  no 
great  material  interest.  What  we  want  to  know  is  what  is  the  city 
to  day.  It  is  situated  in  the  centre  of  the  State,  on  the  east-side  of 
Ouro  Preto  and  near  Carmo  river.  While  the  whirlwind  movement 
of  mining  was  around  Mirianna,  it  got  rich  and  was  notable.  The 
beatic  king  D.  Joao  V,  used  to  call  it  my  most  beloved  city.  But 
it  went  backwards ,  the  noise  of  the  axe  and  shovel  ceased,  the  gold 
disappeared  and  the  beloved  city  began  to  ruin  itself.  Now  is  reduced 
to  7.000  inhabitants,  4.329  males  and  2.422  females  according  to  the 
last  census. 

In  the  suburbs  they  started  the  wine  industry,  cultivating  vines 
with  success. 

CuRVELLO.  —  In  its  direction  runs  the  Central  of  Brazil  railway 
now  well  advanced  in  its  construction  until  the  S.  Francisco  river. 

This  city  will  be  one  of  the  most  important  commercial  empo- 
riums of  the  centre  of  Minas,  because  of  its  privileged  location  in 
the  crossing  of  the  carriages  roads,  roads  that  on  the  East  lead  to 
Diamantina,  on  tlie  North  lead  to  Montes  Claros  and  Januaria,  on 
the  West  to  the  cities  built  by  the  affuents  of  the  S.  Francisco  river. 
Evervthing  contributes  to  make  of  it  a  centre  of  commercial  exehan- 

—  606  — 

go  wiiicli  operate  repercussion  till  tlie  extremes  Xortli  and  Xortlieast 
of  the  State. 

Besides  being-  commercial  (yiirvello  is  also  an  industrial  centre  of 
considerable  activity,  tlie  threading  mills  of  the  suburbs,  the  hat 
factories,  leather  tanning  works,  and  pasture  of  cattle  ranches  are 
so  many  other  elements  of  life  and  a  foundation  for  prosperity  on 
which  it  can  base  its  bright  future. 

Barbacena.  —  It  is  placed  in  the  Mantiqueira  mountains,  just  as 
if  it|were  from  a  high  window  contemplating  the  other  cities  of  that 

City  of  Baibaoejia 

region.  There  from  comes  the  rei:)utation  of  its  fresh  air,  being  con- 
sidered a  natural  Sanatorium.  It  became  a  city  tn  1810.  Situated  at 
kilometi-e  ;J79  of  the  Central  of  Brazil  railway  and  1.1.50  nunres 
above  the  sea-level.  It  is  the  city  with  the  mildest  climate  in  all  the 
State  of  Minas  and  remarkable  because  of  its  commerce.  It  has 
excellent  milk  ,  good  pastures  grounds ,  neNvs])apers  ,  telegraph, 
electric  illumination,  nice  hotels,  an  insane  asylum,  schools,  facto- 
ries and  some  buildings  of  good  appearance  as  that  of  Dr.  Rodolpho 
Abreu  in  tlie  centre  of  an  enormous  garden.  The  jjopulation  of  the 
city  is  27.409  inhabitants. 

Sete  Lagoas.  —  A  city    with    1*J.()00   iuhahitauts,    r(H'eived    this 
nau](^  aft(;r  the  ncMghboriug   lakes,    it    is  located  in  the  h»\\  part  of  a 

—  fi07   — 

valley  of  the  Velhns  river  (old  women  river)  whicli  ought  lo  Ix-  call. -.I 
Gold  river  because  of  the  quantity  of  this  metal  which  this  liver 
contains.  Sete  Lagoas  is  near  the  Central  of  Brazil  railway. 

Sahara.  —  It  was  one  of  those  ruins  of  city  wliicli  diil  not  resign 
itself  to  live  its  past.  Sabai-a  is  located  on  the  Central  liailway  load, 
it  is  the  tired  type  of  the  cities  of  olden  Minas  :  churches,  low 
houses  and  houses  with  upper  stories,  up  and  down  hill.  It  was  once 
important,   «  the  most  important  centre  of  exploitation  of  the  inte- 

Barbacena.  —  Pomologic  garden  and  House!  of  l)v.  Uodolplio  Abreu 

rior  of  Brazil,  with  regard  to  the  physical,  geological,  meteoroligic 
and  prehistoric  geography,  » 

On  the  other  side  of  the  mountain  called  Piedade,  is  the  new- 
Capital  of  Minas.  Sahara  is  as  old  as  Ouro  Preto  and  Marianna  and 
as  nostalgic  as  any  of  them.  But  now  it  is  renewing  with  vigor. 

Cataguazes,  —  Its  name  comes  from  the  Indian  language  (Caa- 
ata-giia,  which  means  a  valley  of  thick  woodsj.  It  is  one  of  the  most 
prosperous  of  the  cities  in  the  Matta  region.  It  has  a  good  commerce 
and  is  very  progressive.  We  must  note  that  some  fifty  years  ago,  it 
was  but  a  stopping  place  for  the  passers-by,  a  hamlet  without  impor- 

608  — 

tance.  All  the  municipium  is  full  of  nice  green  plantations,  coffee  and 
grain.  There  from  the  impulse  that  pretty  Cataguazes  received  in  the 
way  of  progress.  To-day  has  1.081  houses  and  over  2.000  with  those 
of  the  suburbs.  It  has  some  pretty  public  buildings  as  the  Forum, 
the  two  banks,  two  coffee  farms,  a  large  theatre,  (me  of  the  best  in 
that  region,  a  church ,  several  hotels,  schools,  newspapers,  tele- 
graphs, etc.  They  are  installing  electric  light  system  of  Cataguazes, 
as  well  as  a  construction  of  a  branch  railway  line,  connecting  it  with 
S.  Joao  Nepomuceno,  a  pretty  neighboring  city.  Cataguazes  had 
some  8.000  inhabitants  according  to  the  census  of  1890,  but  to-daj- 


Panoramic  view  of  tlio  (jtv  of  Sabara 

must  have  the  double,  and  it  is  llic  one    in    llie    Slalc  of  Minas  with 
greatest  future  possibilities. 

Passos.  —  This  city  about  which  we  s})oke  above,  had  nothing 
to  do  with  the  transitory  gi'catness  of  mining.  Its  importance  is 
quite  recent  and  came  from  the  dairy  industry. 

Passos  is  the  seat  of  a  good  region.  It  had  to  progress,  as  its 
brancli  of  indiisti-y  has  been  in  full  bloom. 

Are  worthy  of  note  :  the  cattle  fairs  held  in  this  city  every  year. 

DiAMANTiNA.  —  It  is  named  after  the  rich  layers  that  were  dis- 
covei'cd  ther-e  and  produced  as  niucli  as  three  aud  fom*  millions  a 
year  and  are  not  as  yet  exhausted.  It  became  a  viUagc,   iu   October 

—   «Oft  — 

1.S21  iiiul  city  by  proviiu-i;il  hiw  n"  *•:;  of  dtli  May  l<s;;s.  ||;is  i-egiilar 
commercial  relations  directly  with  Sete  La<;()as  l.y  the  Central 
Railway  of  Brazil.  It  is  the  seat  of  a  diocese  with  a  hislicp.  Has  a 
seminary  and  some  public  and  i>rivate  instruction  establishincnts. 
Its  population  is  \2.\\  I  inhabitants.  It  is  an  active  city  witli  a  hard 
working-  population.  It  has  <;reat  future  possibilities  and  sej-ms  to 
be  about  lifting-  itself  rapidly  from  its  modest  situation.  It  has  seve- 
ral threading-  mills,  three  newsjjapeis,  clubs,  hotels  (*tc. 

Gataguazes.  —  Ciediti)  Real  of  Minas-Geraes  Banks  AgciuN 

Itajuba.  —  Picturesque  city  of  8000  inhabitants,  gay,  lively  on 
the  right  bank  of  the  Sapucah}'  river.  It  is  low,  prolonging  itself 
over  the  hill-side  among  the  Mantigueira  mountains  one  of  which 
S.  Joas  is  805  metres  above  the  sea-level. 

Its  buildings  are  of  no  great  importance.  It  has  a  City  Hall,  old 
and  heav3'  style  ;  the  market  10  metres  long;  Santa  Cecilia  Theatre: 
the  Matriz  church,  not  pretty  in  its  exterior  and  without  towers. 
Itajuba  is  formed  by  five  large  squares,  four  smaller  ones,  20  streets 
and  700  buildings.  It  has  water  supply,  several  factories,  one  lilirary 
with  8.000  volumes  and  a  pretty  public  garden. 

—  610  — 

ExTRE  Rios.  —  Small  i)iotiiresque  city.  Its  jjopnlation  by  the 
census  of  18M2  was  3.787  males  and  3.894  females.  To-day  ir  has  pro- 
bably some  10.000  inhabitants  and  rapidly  develops  its  agriculTural 

But  we  must  be  excused  the  list  with  the  names  of  the  cities  is 
rather  long-  and  w^ould  bore  the  reader.  There  arc  one  hundred  and 
seventeen  of  them  ! 

lialaguuzt's.  —    Imimi  lniihliiiii 

612  — 


The  two  lai'gest  States  of  Brazil  are  those  that  constitute  their 
boundary  lines  with  the  othei*  republics  oi"  this  continent.  Those 
States  are  so  large  that  two,  only  two,  form  the  whole  of  the  fron- 
tier line,  that  is  not  on  the  ocean  side  and  neither  one  of  these  two 
States  has  the  density  of  population  of  over  0,1  per  square  kilometre. 

These  two  States  are  :  The  Amazon  at  the  North  and  Matto 
Grosso  at  the  South.  About  the  former  we  have  already  written  in 
the  beginning  of  this  section  of  the  book,  devoted  to  the  20  States 
that  together  with  the  Federal  District  form  the  Federative  Kepu- 
blic  of  the  United  States  of  Brazil,  and  about  the  latter  we  will 
now"  speak  to  close  the  last  chapter  of  the  book.  One  as  the  other 
also  form  the  two  largest  territorial  blocks  of  the  Brazilian  political 
division,  the  former  being  the  largest  and  the  latter  the  next  one  in 
size,  of  all  the  other  States.  From  the  whole  American  continent 
only  four  nations  exceed  them  in  surface  :  —  the  United  States, 
Argentine,  Mexico  and  Peru,  and  from  Europe  only  Russia.  Frauee 
and  England  together  could  be  placed  within  this  one  Bi-azilian 
State  and  there  W'Ould  be  room  left  to  place  any  of  the  largest  capitals 
of  the  world  or  the  whole  of  some  small  nations,  as  Switzerland, 
Holland,  Portugal  or  Belgium.  That  colossal  tract  of  land  reaching 
1.379.6.51  square  kilometres,  constitute,  notwithstanding,  a  small 
world  most  of  it  hardly  discovered  and  never  tread  upon,  as  we  see 
that  only  the  lands  alongside  the  large  rivers  where  cities  have 
been  installed  here  and  there  are  known.  The  interior  bulk  coxered 
with  forests  and  affluents  of  otluM-  rivers  is,  together  with  its  nor- 
thern neighbor,  reserved  for  the  migrations  of  future  Brazilian  po- 
pulation, when  the  density  of  the  region  working  the  civilisation 
alongshore  shall  have  reached  its  phase  of  expansion  searching  the 
interior.  Until  then,  Matto  Grosso,  will  be  for  the  Brazilians  of 
the  States  on  the  Atlantic,  a  vei-y  remote,  far  distant  i)rovince, 
though  identified  with  the  common  fatherland  by  its  histoi'v  and 
destinies  of  its  race,  by  the  language,  by  the  customs,  by  the  ideas, 
which  are  the  flesh  and  the  blood  of  a  nation.  Until  then  will 
I'eign  over  those  extensive  unknown  places  the  mystery  of  their 
stones,  of  their  rolling  waters,  the  murmuring  rumour  of  the  intact 
woods,  and  in  theii' peace  the  covered  up  gold  and  diaiuontls,  which 

—  613  — 

some  (lay  will  play  its  role  in  (h,.  uiiivci-sal  sl<.rrii  of  ciiv.w  the  damp 
silence  of  the  old  grolloes  and  the  lon<;  and  even  noise  of  the  water 
falls  lamentations,  that  to-morrow  have  to  he  siil)jn<rated,  Iransli^iir- 
ed  and  distributed  in  li<-ht  thi-()U};h  the  cities  ;md  in  intelligent 
l)ower  to  the  industries. 

\\  hen  will  that  be  ?  Twenty  yeai-s  from  now,  .".o  years,  a  eentnrv  ? 
AVho  knows  it  ? 

The  railways  will  be  the  instrument  of  the  ruin  ol  tlial  jieaee, 
immense  and  dumb  made  by  the  mixin^olall  llievoieesin  thelil.erlx 
of  space.  It  will  destroy  the  homooeueity  of  that  peace  and  incorpo- 
rating to  the  hurricane  of  the  worldly  life  these  tram|iii]  remnants  of 

;;;;,';,.r.":^T;r'  .  ■  ";  '^fcC*' 

1  ^w 

Cataguazes.  —  i-Onuu  building 

the  planet  entrusted  to  the  aptitude  of  the  race.  To  be  sure  that  such 
a  conquest  will  not  be  the  work  of  a  man,  nor  of  a  life,  but  from  the 
height  of  our  advanced  age,  however  we  can  see  the  initiation  of  the 
march  in  that  direction.  The  railway  systems  of  S.  Paulo  and  Minas 
are  insensibly  turning  in  the  direction  of  those  frontiers. 

As  yet  communications  are  onlj'  possible  by  water.  No  Brazilian 
can  normally  penetrate  in  that  part  of  Brazil  without  crossing  some 
foreign  country,  Uruguay,  Argentine  and  Paraguay  waters.  The 
trip  from  Rio  do  Janeiro  to  Cuyaba  is  m(jrc  delayed  and  more 
uncomfortable  than  a  trip  to  any  Kuroijeau  country. 

Half  a  century  ago  attempts  were  made  to  build  railways  between 
this  State  and  the  sea-coast.  After  the  Paraguavan   war  when  the 

—  (il4  — 

lack  of  good  roads  was  felt  by  tremendous  adversities ,  the  idea  of 
the  establishuient  of  those  iuter-eoinmunieations  stimulated  the 
thoughts  of  the  governments  and  several  attempts  were  made. 

The  railway  is  not  impossible  but  the  size  of  the  work  was  not 
in  relation  W'ith  the  resources  of  the  country  and  has  been  always 
postponed  until  lately  when  the  present  Public  AVorks  minister, 
Dr.  Lauro  Miiller  arranged  for  the  initiation  of  that  line. 

Matto  Grosso  is  the  State  that  possesses  less  population  in  all 
Brazil  not  having  over  150.000  inhabitants,  —  the  total  of  any  second 

(liiviilia.  —  S.  Gomaln  clmrcli 

class  city  in  other  continents.  We  can  say  :  it  remains  to  be  proved, 
and  if  in  the  political  form  it  is  a  State,  it  can't  be  helped  but  to  he 
judged  a  ti-ue  desert  with  all  kinds  of  mysterious  suggestions  of  the 
other  deserts  of  tilt"  planet.  With  this  marked  dilt'erence,  howexcr, 
—  that  it  is  a  pleasant  (U'.sert  to  tlu;  traveller,  a  rich  desert  only 
awaiting  Cor  the  ])i()iieers  to  invest  it  and  ])opulate  it. 

I'lnjoying  a  good  cliujate,  though  somewhat  Iiol,  it  woidd  ha\e 
three  times  as  many  cities  as  it  has,  and  would  largely  contribute 
to  IIk;  expoi'fs  of  the  country,  pi'(»l)al»ly  as  nuudi  as  Amazon  and 
I'ara,  if  the  roads   |)i'ojected  .'>0  .\ cars   ago   had    been    built    bi'twccn 

—  615  — 

its  Cai)ital    and   raiaiia,  oi-  IVoiu  tlir  Madeira  river   to  the    Vma/onie 
l)asin  overe.oniinj;- tlu!  lalls  tliat  ol)sti-iiet  it. 

'I'nK  C.viMTAL  AM)  oiiiKij  (  iTiKs.  —  111  llie  peculiar  situation  in 
wliieh  it  is  to-day  almost  sej)arated  from  the  national  soeiahility  h,v 
the  diirieulty  and  ini])erreetion  of  its  eommiinicat  ions,  Matto  (Jrosso 
elaborates  out  of  its  own  vitality  a  progress,  altof;ether  a  felaii\<' 
one,  slow  but  constant,  which  can  be  translated  by  the  growth  of  its 
modest  Capital  and  other  cities  iu  plain  cpiiet  phase. 

Cuyaba  is  the  name  of  its  Capital  in  a  concentri<!  point  almost  at 
the  same  distance  from  three  points  of  the  State,   as   Matto  (irosso 

(^iival).i.  —  ll;iil(ii(ir  innl  l.,iiicliii^>l;iy<' 

has  more  or  less  the  figure  of  a  curvilinear  triangle,  embroidered  by 
the  strong  relief  of  the  Pareeis,  Xorth,  Amarabahy,  Maracaju  and 
other  mountains. 

Cuyaba  has  about  30.000  inhabitants  ,  lining  two  kilometres 
of  the  Cuyaba  river  on  the  left  bank,  and  built  we  might  say,  in  the 
centre  of  the  State,  and  a  little  also  in  the  centre  of  South  America. 
It  is  not  so  hot  as  we  might  suppose,  thanks  to  the  circumstance  of 
being  on  a  hill  which  gives  it  an  altitude  of  nearly  '230m.   above   the 

[   sea-level. 

'  It  is  known   that  it  was  founded  by  a  group  of  S.  Paulo    people 

from  Sorocabana  and  some  Portuguese  who  settled   there    in    1719. 

—  file  — 

One  of  the  Portuguese  Cabral  Leme  said  that  he  was  a  descendant  of 
the  great  navigator  Pedro  Alvares  Cabral.  About  its  climate  as  about 
that  of  all  the  State  says  Dr.  Joilo  Severiano  \vho  knew  a  large 
part  of  Matto  Grosso,  as  he  went  there  on  a  boundary  line  commis- 
sion :  (c  composed  of  two  wide  regions  the  top  and  the  lower  part  — 
its  climate  conditions  are  quite  different  by  its  hypsometrism,  nature 
and  influence  of  the  soil. 

The  dry  air,  the  atmosphere  relatively  lower  than  that  of  low 
regions,  is  consequently  more  agreeable,  and  the  waters  the  most 
pure  and  sound,  not  only  constitute  a  healthj^  and  most  healthy  cli- 
mate of  the  upper  part  where  endemic  sickness  is  almost  unknown 
and  plagues  hardly  ever  go  there.  And,  then,  if  that  region  embraces 
about  two  parts  of  the  Matto  Grosso  territory  it  is  not  by  the 
balance  that  we  must  judge  the  climate  and  health  conditions.  » 

Cuyaba  city  has  an  area  of  about  four  square  kilometres,  the 
largest  width  about  two  kilometres,  and  the  length  three  thousand 
and  odd  metres. 

A  large  part  of  the  streets  is  paved,  with  irregular  stones,  gene- 
rally this  pavement  is  not  good.  Among  the  best  streets  is  Treze  de 
Junho.  As  a  rule  those  streets  are  narrow  and  not  lively,  as  the  city 
has  that  physiognomy  so  common  in  the  interior  cities,  customs  very 
timid  and  good  but  antiquated  habits.  It  has  several  squares,  among 
which  the  (me  where  the  Public  Garden  is,  which  is  pretty,  I'iUcd 
with  high  palm-trees  and  decorated  in  tlie  centre  by  a  monumental 
fountain.  The  heart  of  the  city  is  the  Largo  do  Palacio  (Pahu-c 
Square)  where  is  the  garden  we  have  just  mentioned  and  where 
people  meet  on  Thursdays  and  Sundays  to  listen  to  the  concert 
given  by  one  of  the  military  bands.  The  sociability  is  not  so  buck- 
wards  tliat  they  should  not  have  their  clubs  and  these  open  their 
doors  foi-  nice  and  lively  parties.  There  are  hotels,  tramways,  tek'- 
graph,  newspapers,  business  houses,  some  factories,  banking  agen- 
cies, everything  a  modern  city  slioukl  have. 

The  buildings  are  yet  old  style,  lately  however,  some  new  build- 
ings of  better  appearance  are  going  up. 

Among  the  i)ublic  buildings  we  mention,  the  Government  jjalace 
of  simple  but  heavy  architecture,  the  War  arsenal,  the  Pyrotechnic 
laboratory,  the  Charity  Hospital,  the  Treasury  I)ei)artment,  Sale- 
zian  school,  Lazaros  Hospital,  Diocese  Seminary,  Cily  Hall,  the 
State  tnjasury,  the  State  C-ongress,  the  Jail,  the  Oi'ficial  (Ja/.ette,  ibe 
S.  Goncalo  church  etc. 

Several  churches  embellish  (he  city  :  the  ('athedral,  the  Kosario, 
the  Jjom  Despacho,  Ihe  Boa  Morte  and  the  Passos  churches. 

—  r,i7 

Public  Instruction.  Tdlk  k,  Pkodi  cti(»n,  Commkim  k.  -  Tin* 
Stat(^  bus*.  11  ^raininar  schools  spread  tliroii;;li  (lie  iiriiicipal  loraliiicH. 
In  the  Capital  is  (he  Sailors  Ai)i)r<'nl  ice  School,  niMiiiiaiiicd  h\-  thr 
Federal  ( Joxcniincnt  ,  (he  Lncciimi,  several  m'IhioU,  mic  lil)rary 
maintained  hv  a  private  association. 

'I'he  police  is  made  1).\-  an  inlaiilrN  lialtalion  with  ;U)0  men.  comj- 
manded  by  a  major.  The  present  production  of  the  State  is  misera- 
bk%  compared  with  the  enormous  riches  it  has  in  tin;  j^n^atest  variety 
and  abnndance.  At  present  tlu!  l)nlk  of  its  exports  is  th(;  inullr 
(Brazilian  tea),  mosily  all  sent  to  the  i;i\cr  Plate.  Larj^e  tracts  of 
land  are  cultivated  with  plantations  of  ilcximrni^imyciisis,  the  lar- 
<;est  part  of  which  l)elon«>s  to  a  celebrated  c^xport  entcrpri/.i',  with 
factories  in  Huenos  Ayres.  thonoh  it  is  IJra/ilian  and  has  its  main 
office  in  Rio. 

It  exports  also  meal,  cattle,  rul)i)ei-  and  other  products  of  tin; 
forest.  In  tlu;  nuinieipinms,  Pacone.  Kosario,  Caceres  ami  oth(*rs 
the  cattle  industry  has  considerably  ^row  n  diirinj;  tlie  last  few 
years.  In  a  place  called  Desealvado  is  a  lar<;<'  \:iii]iic;i(l!i  (fac- 
tory to  prepare  dry  salted  beef)  and  a  ])ackin^  house,  cannin<; 
meats,  with  the  name  Produclos  (libils  exporting-  large  quantities  of 
powdered  meat  to  London  and  other  markets,  wherefrom  they  are 
re-exported  after  being  properly  i)ut  uj)  and  labelled  so  as  to  be 
placed  on  the  shelves  of  Brazilian  pharmacies.  This  enterprize  kills 
ilO.OOO  oxen  every  six  months,  or  we  might  say  yearly,  as  the  factory 
only  works  six  months  in  the  year.  Besides  this.  Matto  (Jrosso  has 
a  variety  of  mines. 

Among  the  industrial  establishments  of  Matto  (irosso  we  must 
mention  the  important  sugar,  alcohol  and  biandy  factory,  known  as 
Usina  Itaicy  on  the  banks  of  the  Cuyaba  river,  not  very  far  from 
the  Capital. 

The  building  of  the  sugar  factory  is  a  large  two  story  building 
with  21  fi(mt  windows,  of  good  architecture.  It  measures  64  metres 
length  by  11  width  and  11  height.  The  factory  chimney  measures 
31  metre  height.  This  factory  grinds  ino.tHH)  kilos  of  cane  in  -J  I  hours, 
its  machinery  being  the  most  improved  one  and  there  l)eing  an 
installation  of  electric  lights. 

A  Dqcauville  line  with  R»  kilometi-es  extension  runs  through  the 
cane  plantations.  This  establishment  c(.st  •J.;{0():(K)t).?(MH»  and  employs 
."AH )  hands.  Besides  this,  Matto  (irosso  has  so  other  sugar  factories 
but  smaller  ones. 

The  city  of  Cuyaba  is  p.rogressing.  There  are  :>()  dry  goods  and 
fancy  goods  houses,  <S.")  smaller  stores,  81    l)ar-ro(uns,  several  good 

—   618  — 

groceries,  4  book  stores,  5  pliarinaeies,  .'J  billiard  rooms,  8  bakers, 
breweries,  soap  factories  and  other  stores  and  factories.  It  has  a 
small  theatre  «  Minerva  >>,  3  cemeteries,  slaughter  house,  news- 
l^apers,  telegraph,  post  office,  tramways  by  animal  traction  belong- 
ing to  the  Conipanhia  Progresso  Cuyabauo,  a  War  Arsenal  of 
the  Federal  government  and  a  banking  agency. 

CoRUMBA.  —  In  the  opinion  of  many  people  the  first  city  of  Matto 
Grosso  is  not  its  Capital  but  Corumba.  At  least  this  latter  is  more 
modernised,  has  more  movement  and  more  commerce.  Those  who  go 
to  Corumba  just  like  those  who  go  to  Manaos  are  most  agreeably 
surprised  wlien  they  get  there.  Nobody  imagines  after  such  a  long 
and  tiresome  trip  like  that  through  exotic  landscai:)es  to  find  that 
document  of  European  civilisation,  isolated  in  that  hidden  corner 
of  the  continent.  Corumba  is  much  smaller,  and  far  less  important 
than  Manaos  but  in  many  things  they  look   alike. 

Like  Manaos,  Corumba  is  a  resting  place  for  the  civilisation  and 
commerce  that  marches  to  the  interior  of  the  continent.  As  Manaos 
it  has  only  access  after  a  long  sea  and  fluvial  trip,  which  docs  not 
lack  original  scenery.  At  the  Xortli  orographic  system  of  the  Ama 
zon,  the  liquid  world,  the  impenetrable  flora,  at  the  South  the  lake 
system,  the  woods,  the  swampy  grounds.  There  the  sea-river,  here 
the  lake-ocean.  The  mosquitoes,  in  endless  clouds  complete  the 
seemliness  of  the  two  cities.  But  it  doesn't  stop  there.  Corumba  repro- 
duces the  other  even  in  the  details  of  the  constitution  of  the  city.  It 
is  a  city  with  wide  streets,  straight  ones  and  with  ai'borisation.  It  is 
a  cosmopolitan  city  where  we  see  different  rat'cs  and  heai'  every 

It  is  built  on  high  ground  at  the  West  of  the  Paraguay  river, 
which  there  has  a  tranquil  bosom,  almost  immovable.  On  the  other 
side  of  the  city  vast  green  fields  are  spread  out,  and  afterwards 
far  away  swamps.  In  front  of  Corumba  on  the  bank  of  the  lake 
is  a  white  building.  It  is  a  Bolivian  Custom  House  station  called 
Aduana  de  Porto  Suarez. 

Part  of  Corumba  is  on  that  hillylike  prominence,  the  other  part 
is  lower  and  in  it  are  the  buildings  of  the  Federal  ('ustom  House, 
Storage  houses,  stores  and  i-esidences. 

The  city  has  more  than  ;>()  dry  goods,  fashion,  and  fancy  goods 
stores,  some  of  them  import  houses,  60  stores,  over  100  bar-rooms 
and  small  stores,  grocers,  etc,  1  billiard-rooms,  1  hotels,  1  brewery, 
I  bakeries,  S  l)ut('luu's,  "J  photographing  establislimcnts ,  1  ice. 
2  powder  and  lire  works,  1  soaj)  factories,  3  watch  makers,  1 
jeweli'y   establishinents,    1    hank,    bi'aiu'li    of   the    «  Kio    Ami    Matto 

—  B19  — 

Grosso  »  hank  willi  niiiin  olTicc  in   Kid,  :;  i)Iia,i  in:ici(!s,  'A  lunvspupoi'H, 
1  i)iil)lif  lil)iary  and  other  (^stahUsliiiu'tits. 

Ainonj;  llie  hest  streets  are  Dehiinaic  which  is  etiiiivah-nt  to 
()nvi(h)r  sirecl  in  Rio  de  .Janeiro,  l)m  innch  w  i<h'r  and  <;ayer  tliaii  ll»e 
latter.  There  arc  dry  «;-oods  stores,  (h-essinakers,  groceries.  ni<*e  hou- 
ses. It  is  paved  and  is  quite  a  lively  street.  .\nion^  the  puhlir  l)iiild- 
ini;s  there  are  the  (Mty  Tlall,  the  Han-aeks.  the  Arsenal,  all  of  these 
stone  l)uil(lin,i;s  w  itli  terraces  on  top  aiici-  tin-  fashion  of  the  old 
Spanish  const  r net  ions. 

A  <;()od  portion  of  its  popnliilioii  nic  rorci;;nei-s  and  there  arc  also 
Indians,  as  (iiunnn}-  (one  ot  I  lie  Indian  dialeetsi  is  once  in  a  while 
hcai'd.  This  dialect  is  sumetinu-s  also  spoken  not  oidy  by  Hru/ilians 
hut  also  by  natives  of  Paragiuiy  avIio  reside  there.  This  city  is^row- 
in.i;.  Its  port  is  visited  by  the  Idoyd  /^/•ar//<'//7>  steamers  and  some 
Argentine  and  Uruguayan  ones  and  is  to-day  snperioi-  to  sonic  ot  the 
capitals  of  the  otlier  States. 

Corumba  has  three  large  squares  ;  Santa  Thereza,  Nossa  Senhora 
do  (.'anno  and  S.  Pedro.  It  has  public  and  private  sehools.  It  is,  as 
we  said,  a  cosmopolitan  city  and  because  of  that  its  progress  is  real 
and  rapid.  Its  main  source  of  prosperity  has  not  as  yet  been  explored 
and  that  is  the  ii-(m  layers  that  sui-i-ound  it,  with  enormous  (pnintitics 
of  this  mineral.  They  will  be  the  nerve  of  the  commerce  of  this  cit.\ 
as  it  did  for  the  manganese  in  Minas  (Jei"aes,  when  capital  and 
explorers  full  of  initiative  will  tui'n  up. 

Laj)Ario.  —  Some  six  kilometi'es  away  fiom  ('ornml)a,  also  on  the 
banks  of  the  Paraguay  river  is  the  village  of  Ladario,  whcic  the 
Federal  government  maintains  a  large  establishment  for  naval 
constructions  and  which  is  the  second  in  the  country.  It  was  Imilt  in 
1<S72  and  there  are  large  ship-yards  and  a  lot  of  repairing  material. 
Thei'e  are  five  fortresses  :  S.  l*'iancisco,  .Inn(|ueira,  Conde  (IVKu, 
Duque  de  Caxias,  and  Major  Gam  a. 

In  front  of  the  Ladario  arsenal,  is  the  naval  station  of  the 
Matto  Grosso  fleet  composed  of  small  war  ships.  The  gunboats  : 
CariocH,  Guarcwy,  Cananea  and  the  dispatch  boat  FcrnandcsVicira. 

S.  Luiz  DK  C.vcERES.  —  About  18  leagues  from  Cuyaba  towards 
the  South-east  is  S.  Luiz  de  Caceres,  the  seat  of  a  munii-ipium  devoted 
to  cattle  raising.  The  city  is  on  the  left  bank  of  the  Paraguay  river 
and  near  the  seven  lakes  of  the  mouth  of  the  .lauru  river.  Its  former 
name  was  Villa  Maria.  Its  present  name  is  in  homage  to  the  Captain 
General  Luiz  de  Albuquerque  e  Mello  Pei-eira  e  Caceres,  who  foun- 
ded it  in  1778.  It  was  raised  to  the  rank  of  city  in  187<).  Two  leagues 
away  from  the   city  is  the  national  farm  of  Caissiira.  Its  population 

—  eao  — 

was  8.000  by  the  census  of  1000,  to-day  it  must  have  12.000  inhabi- 
tants. There  are  in  the  city  two  public  schools  one  for  males  and  the 
other  for  females.  Two  public  squares  :  Jacobina  and  Quartel  square. 
It  has  the  following  buildings  :  the  Matriz  church  under  construc- 
tion, the  jail,  the  19th.  infantry  regiment  barracks.  It  is  one  of  the 
best  commercial  markets  of  the  State.  The  cattle  industry  as  well  as 
the  one  of  rubbei-  extraction  make  this  municipium  a  rich  one  with  a 
bright  future  l)eing  all  the  present  difficulty  limited  to  the  dearness 
of  transportation. 

NioAC.  —  It  is  a  small  village  without  much  importance,  it  has 
seven  streets,  four  lanes,  a  public  square  with  the  Matriz  Church,  as 
in  every  village  of  the  interior.  There  the  7th  cavalry  regiment 
drills. This  municipium  is  vast  and  devotes  itself  to  cattle  raising,  the 
matte  industry,  exploited  by  the  Companhia  Matte  Larangeira. 
These  are  the  principal  sources  of  wealth  of  this  place.  Of  this  as 
of  all  the  other  villages  of  this  State  we  can  say  they  are  asphyxiated 
by  the  distances  in  the  vastuess  of  the  territory  of  the  State. 

Miranda.  —  Is  another  small  village,  obscure  and  forgotten  with 
400  houses  and  a  little  over  3.000  inhabitants.  It  is  situated  at  about 
1  kilometre  from  the  Miranda  river  banks.  It  became  village  in  1857. 
Its  main  industy  is  the  Brazilian  tea  —  matte  —  exploited  by  the 
same  «  Matte  Larangeira  )>  Compan3\ 

Matto  Grosso.  —  Historical  far  away  city.  Its  population  in 
1890  was  1)71  males,  1.078  females.  To-day  must  have  3.000  inhabi- 
tants. Formerly  was  called  Villa  Bella.  It  is  located  on  the  eastern 
bank  of  the  Guapore  river  at  the  Xorth-west  of  Cuyaba  city  being 
115  leagues  awaj'  from  it.  It  was  founded  in  a  place  called  I'oiiso 
Alegre  in  1751  by  the  1st  Govei'nor  and  Captain  General  Antonio 
Rolim  de  Moura  Tavares,  Senhor  de  Azarabuja. 

In  1818  it  became  a  city  and  till  1820  it  w^as  the  Capital  and  resi- 
dence of  the  Governors.  Seven  leagues  South  on  the  banks  of  the 
Barbadas  river  is  the  old  national  farm  Casalvasco,  to-day  aban- 
doned as  it  also  seems  to  be  the  city  itself. 

There  is  not  much  to  be  said  about  the  Slate  of  Goya/..  It  is  one 
of  Ihe  few  that  hav(^  no  railways,  and  the  only  one  that  lias  no  steam 
navigation.  It  has  already  enjoyed  that  advantage  fioni  lS(i7  to  95, 
when,  the  subvention  granted  by  the  government  lia\ing  ceased 
st()j)ped  their  line  of  tlie  three  steamers  that  were  I'unning  in  this 
State,  one  of  wiiieh  is  still  there  getting  rotten  —  the  u  Ani'^iuiyu  ». 

—  «21   — 

Closed    ill    tlic    intcfioi-   of    ilic    (•(»iiiilry    \villi(»iil     am     sca-shoro 
fronticM- lo  pill   il   in  coiilucl   with  t  lie  ol  liri- more  :i(l\  aii.-iMl  Sla(<-s, 
(Joya/.  enjoys  tlic  luippincss  of  (he  foi-not ten  nnrs. 

Outside,  liy  the  sca-sliorc.  where  ai'e  in  line  the  jn-iisperiMis 
States,  those  who  ^-et  rieii  w  ith  the  iililisalion  ol'  the  ellorts  and  the 
])ro<;resses  ol"  evoi-y  one  nmltiplied  by  exidnm^e  and  reeiproril  v, 
(In)se  \\li()  pi-olit  liy  the  din-et  relations  \\  ith  l-lnrojie  and  the  hahmee 
of  tin'  wothi,  oMtsi(h',  we  say.  is  wliei-e  life  ujocs  on  witli  its  jdeasant 
Ol- disaj-J-ceiiblo  subjeels,  and  of  il  oidy  lightly  and  very  late  tJiere 
rea(di  (jovaz  some  slight  vibrations. 


Suburbs  of  llii'  tlilv  and  Market 

Tlu!  noise  of  a  politieal  storm,  of  a  e<3mmereial  eatastroi)he  or  a 
lari;('  and  collective  jubilation  ,  only  sound  their  e(dio  in  (Joyaz 
after  a  long' interval,  sufficiently  long- not  to  alter  the  calmness  of 
the  Goyaz  quietude. 

The  new  life,  the  «  earnest  life  »,  which,  in  cxidiange  of  a  slight 
opening-  to  enter  civilisation  will  leave  before  us  w  ide  open  a  whole 
horizon,  that  painful  life  of  tlie  large  cities,  has  not  carried  to  (Joyaz 
its  disturbing  elements. 

There  are  several  railway  concessions,  and  some  umler  study  are 
inclining  themselves  threateningly  upon  the  frontiers  of  the  State. 
The  objective  point  is  Catalao,  a  very  small  city,  where  only  now 
civilisation  begins  to  arrive.  This  will  be  the  breach.  To  reach 
there,  will  be  the  thing,  once  Goyaz  is  invaded  by  the  railway  it  will 
lose  all   its   first  charm  —  the  distance.  To  be  far  away,  is  a  begin 

—  622  — 

nino-  of  poetry  and  ijo  tract  of  tei-ritorv  is  so  far  U-.nn  ns,  at  present 
as  Goyaz,  as  it  is  without  transportation  facilities  to  shorten  its 
distance.  It  is  in  Brazil,  yet  it  is  just  as  if  it  were  in  another  conti- 
nent. But  this  situation  will  not  last  lon<>-.  The  railway  tracks  have 
already  reached  Araguary,  six  leagues  away  from  its  frontier  and 
i;')  from  Cataliio.  The  steamer,  however,  has  not  been  able  to  reacli 
there,  though  the  State  of  Goyaz  possesses  Hy.'>  navigable  rivers, 
according  to  Castelnau  who  explored  a  good  number  of  them. 

Yet,  while  the  railway  does  not  (^ross  the  Minas  frontier  in  the 
direction  of  Catalao,  the  inhabitants  of  Goyaz  ai-e  doing  on  theii'  ])ari 
everything  possible  to  raise  the  material  conditions  of  that  portion 
of  the  country  in  their  charge  to  be  looked  aftei-,  and  i1  is  not 
without  pleasure  that  we  receive  their  newspapers,  the  bearers  of 
news  information  and  statistics  data  : 

Goyaz  Exports  in  1902 

Cattle  oxen  and  cows     .     .  60.216  I       Sugar,  kilos 21.816 

Horses .592             Coffee,     » 5.556 

Pigs I  .SOT)             Marnielade,  kilos    ....  8.-526 

Sheep 125  I       Rubber          »         ....  14-.407 

Tobacco,  kilos.     .     .     .  1.%.567  |       Crystal            »         ....  25.084 

Bacon         ».:...  107.38.=i             Hides             »       .....  19.850 

nice            )) 60.600  i       Other  products 2.208 

Grain,  litres 10.090  ! 

In  spite  of  the  difficulties  of  communications  and  enormous  dis- 
tances, that  its  products  have  to  overcome  to  reach  the  consuming- 
markets,  Goyaz  succeeds  in  increasing  each  year  the  volume  of  its 
exports.  We  can  then  foresee  the  development  it  will  reach  on  the 
day  that  the  i-ailway  will  do  away  with  those  drawl)a('ks. 

The  State  revenue  was  : 

Yen  IS 


1900.     .     .     . 

.     .         7^0:829§2i»8 

1901.     .     .     . 

.     .      1.(I65:<J11$000 

1902.     .     .     . 

.     .       I.002:100$660 

1903.     .     .     . 

.     .      1.1 06:6  i0$080 

As  it  can  be  seen  in  the  table  we  gave  above,  the  cattle  raising 
industry  is  its  main  source  of  revenue  and  the  government  tries  to 
encourage  it  bcH-ause  of  the  easy  disposition  of  the  luoducts. 

The  ci'ossing  ol"  i-ac(?s  in  the  catth^  incn^asesin  a  considerable  way 
the  selling  j)rice,  and  that  is  an  element  of  prosperity  in  many  muni- 
cipiums.     • 

As  to  its  finances,  never  mind  how  modest  they  are  and  probably. 

—  «2:i  — 

because  of  it.  (Joya/.  Im-Ioh^s  t(.  Ihr  min.l.rr  of  i|,,.s..  f.-w  Slalcs  u  li.i 
close  their  accoiiiiis  with  hahu,,-,.  i,,  favor  ai  tin- cud  of  tin- year. 

The  pi-(!seiU  o<,v,.vnoi-  dcchircd  in  his  reports  that  the  balanc.. 
in  IliOl  was  I (•.():( »0( )«()(»(».  I,,  tlial  year  ihe  Si:.h.  n-v.-rmc  uas  of 
1. ()().",:(•, I  I s;(l(l(»  Nvliich  was  the  lii«;hesl  till  then. 

Thei-eport  states  that  the  Stat e  ul' ( ;()ya/  has  no  dchis  ean^.-d  hv 
tlie  issnes  of  policies  or  lonns  exeeptin-;  the  one  it  nia<h>  from  the 
orphans  fiind. 

( ioya/  is  an  eyeni])lar\  Stale  in  every  hraneh  oi  its  adnnnisi  rat  ion. 

("■OVIIZ.  —  Alll);i(lill  Mirrl 

Its  police  is  made  by  a  sma.l  inl'anlrx'  com[)any  commanded  by  a 
majoi-  and  with  '2\0  men. 

Its  pnblie  insti-uction  is  furnished  by  1(H)  schools  maintained  in 
its  majority  by  the  municipalities,  but  they  do  not  seem  to  be  in 
sufficient  number  for  a  population  of  'J  I  I. ")(>■)  inhabitants. 

(tOva/..  —  The  Capital  is  built  on  tln^  two  banks  of  the  Kio  \'ei-- 
melho,  (Red  river),  an  affluent  of  the  Araj;iuiya. 

It  had  lo.OOO  inhabitants  in  hUM^.  It  seems,  at  first  sioht.  to  he  a 
low  town, though  •",")()  meti'es  above  the  sea  level.  This  optical  illusitni 
comes  li-om  the  circumstance  that  Goyas  is  among  hills,  quite  near 
and  that  don't  allow  it  to  develop.  This  circumstance  too  takes 
away  a  little  of  its  beauty. 

For  this  reason  the  learned  Couto  de  Magalhaes  was  of  oi)iuion 

—  624-  — 

that  the  Capital  of  the  State  ought  to  be  transferred  to  Leopoldina, 
on  the  banks  of  the  Araguaya,  a  place  destined  to  great  future. 

Lately  Goyaz  has  progressed  a  good  deal  —  in  relation  to  what  it 
was  ten  or  twelve  years  ago,  having  2.000  houses,  one  floor  ones,  in 
the  majority.  The  public  buildings  are  quite  modest.  The  (governors 
Palace  is  a  square  building  only  with  a  ground  floor.  The  Congress 
building  has  an  upper  story. 

It  is  illuminated  with  kerosene  oil  and  the  lamp  i)Osts  are  wooden 
ones.  There  is  no  statue  or  monument  in  tlie  city. 

Catalao.  —  It  is  a  small  city  of  great  future  because  of  its  splen- 
did position,  being  the  key  to  the  South  of  Goyaz  commerce.  This  cir- 
cumstance will  be  far  more  advantageous  when  the  Mogyana  railway 
will  reach  there.  Its  rails  are  already  in  Araguary  13  leagues  from 

Pyrenopolis.  —  Formerly  was  called  Mcia  Ponte  and  is  built  on 
an  eminence  near  the  Alinas  river.  Some  10  streets  and  3  squares, 
which  are  not  paved  neither  have  they  any  garden,  two  other  smal- 
ler squares,  some  lanes  and  cross-streets  and  there  we  have 
the  city,  which  is  the  most  important  of  the  State  after  the 
Capital.  The  square  that  offers  prettier  view  is  the  one  called 
Matriz  square,  wdiich  is  the  heart  of  the  little  town.  Into  that  place 
run  the  Bomfim,  Deodoro  and  another  street  called  Rosario,  some- 
wdiat  inclined.  They  are  generally  paved  with  large  stones.  The 
houses  are  simple,  of  a  primitive  architecture,  pure  colonial  times. 
Most  of  them  have  onl3"  one  floor,  except  one  or  other  with  upper 
floors.  One  of  the  best  bcloni^cd  to  a  ricli  mcrdiant  M  r.  .Ii);i(|iiiiii 
Alves  Oliveira,  and  which  they  say  is  the  biggest  and  nicest  private 
house  in  the  State. 

The  Matriz  chui-ch  is  an  old  one,  built  some  SO  or  *,K)  years  ago,  of 
no  architectonic  merit.  It  is  large,  however,  and  is  well  preserved. 
In  the  front  has  two  towers  at  the  sides  and  in  one  of  them  a  large 
clock.  Besides  this  one  there  are  the  Nossa  Senhora  do  Kosario, 
Nossa  Senhora  do  Carmo  and  Senhor  do  Bomfim  churches. 

There  are  also  the  ruins  of  another  church  half  di-owncd  in  the 
vegetation  on  a  hill  in  front  of  the  (aty. 

Pyrenopolis  is  not  a  lively  city.  Its  poi)ulati(m  was  .'(.old  and  to- 
day must  have  some  10.000  inhabitants. 

It  has  but  little  commer(^c.  Business  houses  only  open  during 
four  oi'  fiv(^  hours  during  the  day.  In  1892  when  the  general  census 
of  the  country  was  taken,  there  were  12  dry  goods  stores.  Id  bar- 
rooms, 3  jewelers,  1  ironsmith,  2  carpenter  shops,  I  tailor,  etc. 

—  fl8r>  — 

The  window -lollies  of  soinr  liuiiscs  ;ii»'  ol  iiiifii.  During  llir  inuntli 
of  Au<>nst,  ]*yrenoj)()lis  lias  a  little  iiiovt'incni.  ila-rc  is  K«'i><5ral  rxit 
of  its  population,  it  is  a  festival  for  the  devotion  of  XosBa  Senhora  de 
Moqnem  a  little  way  from  the  city.  To  that  plaee  go  during  thot 
month  the  larg-est  i)art  of  the  inhabitants. 

Pakacanjuha.  —  It  was  formerly  eallcMl  Pouso  Alto.  It  is  a  small 
city  witli  5.000  inhabitants  with  Soo  hous(^s,  built  (m  a  pietureHque 
hill,  so  that  the  central  point  of  the  city,  the  Matrix  Square,  is  in  the 
highest  plan  of  the  hill,  surrounded  by  tlie  best  liouses  of  tljat  local- 
ity and  in  the  rear  is  the    church,   of   a    sinpilar   architecture,    the 

Goyaz.  —  Bridge  over  the  Kio  Vermelho 

front  ending-  in  a  low  form,  not  elegant  and  two  kinds  of  small  towers 
covered  with  tiles. 

From  this  square  starts  the  main  street,  crossed  by  another, 
narrow  and  inclined,  ending  in  anothci-  stpiare,  covered  with  grass 
where  is  the  old  building  of  the  City  Hall  ami  Jail.  There  are  two 
other  streets  and  some  lanes  of  no  importance,  with  eiglit  stores, 
two  pharmacies,  six  bar-rooms  and  tliat  is  all. 

MoRRiNHOS.  —  Formerly  called  Villa  Bella,  po])nlation  11. (HH)  in- 
habitants (including  Santa  Rita,  Desterro,  and  Caldas  Xovas)  and 
some  700  houses.  A  traveller  in  1892  wiote  thus  about  it :  «  Morrinhos, 
to-day,  is  no  more  the  old  Villa  Bella,  is  simply  the  Morrinhos  city, 
probably  raised  to  that  rank  on  account  of  its  future  progress, 
because  in  the  last  five  years,  the   only   difference  I  noticed  there 

—  626  — 

was  the  increase  of  one  more  business  house ,  some  new  houses  sub- 
stituting other  old  ones.  It  is  tlie  same  pleasant  and  hospitable 
people.  ))  The  city  has  somewhat  improved  after  that  and  is  becom- 
ing an  export  centre  of  cattle  and  hides,  which  is  the  principal  indus- 
try of  the  Municipium. 

Tt  is  surrounded  by  beautiful  fields  and  fine  woods  with  palm- 
trees  and  other  fine  specimens.  The  climate  is  excellent. 

We  must  not  mix  it  witli  the  city  of  the  same  name  in  Matto 
Grosso.  This  is  a  small  city  with  5.000  inhabitants,  seat  of  one  of  the 
richest  municipiums  of  Goyaz.  It  is  built  by  the  river  Corumba  a 
river  of  beautiful  aspect,  which  crosses  further  ahead  with  a  little 
river  called  Bagagem.  The  panorama  is  picturesque. 

It  has  as  to  its  location  the  fault  of  the  greatest  part  of  the  cities 
of  that  State.  It  is  built  among  hills  that  prevent  its  development 
and  hide  the  horizon. 

There  from  the  melancholic  aspect  of  the  city,  aggravated  by  the 
merchants  who  close  their  houses  in  the  city  many  hours  in  the  day, 
while  they  work  in  the  fields  and  farms. 

Some  4  streets  and  6  or  7  cross-streets,  narrow  and  inclined  form 
the  city.  They  are  paved  with  irregular  stones.  It  has  8  dry  goods 
houses  and  10  bar-rooms.  The  people  as  happens  in  all  the  States  are 
hospitable  and  good  natured,  most  of  them  farmers,  cattle  raisers, 
others  planters  of  tabacco  and  coffee. 

LuziANiA.  —  Or  Santa  Luzia  is  another  city  of  Goyana.  It  is 
50  leagues  awaj^  from  the  Capital.  It  was  founded  b^^  Bueno  de  Aze- 
vedo  in  1746. 

It  has  the  aspect  and  topographic  disposition  common  to  the 
majority  of  the  interior  cities.  The  Matriz  square  is  the  for  am  of 
those  interior  villages.  That  of  Luziania  is  an  ample  one  and  inclin- 
ed. The  Matriz  church,  all  whitewashed,  with  square  towers  ending 
by  pyramids  occupies  the  rear  side  of  the  square.  The  houses  are 
very  modest,  spread  without  order  a  little  everywhere,  going  up  the 
hill.  The  Rosario,  Cadeia,  Jambeiro,  and  Cotta  streets  are  the  prin- 
cipal ones.  In  those  we  see  15  houses  with  upper  stories.  There  are 
also  11  streets  and  some  lanes  without  an 3^  alignment  or  regularity. 
In  1892  it  had  3.000  inhabitants,  to-day  has  about  5000,  'S  chur- 
ches, IC)  stores,  8  bar-iooms,  two  i)harmacies,  4  schools. 

The  principal  industry  is  the  extraction  of  crystal  and  rubber 
(manga))eira  trees)  of  wbich  a  good  deal  is  exported.  The  commer- 
cial life  of  the  city  is  insignificant.  It  happens  there  what  happens 
in   most   cities  of  the   interior,    the   merchant  only  opens  his  store 

—  «27  — 

during    certuin    hours    of    the    (l;i.\  .     and    many   .lays  i|..«'sn't    open 
unless  some  one  knocks  at  llie  door. 

Luziunia  manuliw^tures  exeellent  marmc'ladc  lis  lame  reachoH 
S.  Paulo  and  Minas  markets.  A  curiosity  of  that  municipiun  is  the 
enormous  vestige  of  the  old  mining,  in  the  deeply  excavated  caves. 
Between  this  small  city  and  the  Minas  frontier  are  the  Crystals, 
ridge  of  mountains  thus  called  because  of  the  many  cristal  layers 
found  there. 

Santa  qruz.  —  This  is  the  scat  of  the  tobacco  pro<Iii(iiij^^  imiiii- 
cipiuni  filled  with  gold  layers,  unfortunately  unexplored. 

There  are  the  following  buildings  :  the  Matriz  church  and  the 
Rosario  church  ,  the  former  built  by  the  provincial  government, 
the  latter  by  the  people.  The  City  Hall,  Court  House  and  .Fail  in  a 
fine  building.  It  is  of  modern  style,  the  best  in  Santa  Cruz. 

It  has  6.000  inhabitants.  As  Luziania,  its  soil  shows  it  was 
mined.  It  is  situated  180  kilometres  away  from  Araguary. 

Having  in  view  the  marvellous  progress  of  other  federative 
entities  of  Brazil  there  is  no  contradiction  that  Matto  Grosso  and 
Goyaz  need  to  develop  great  efforts  to  succeed  accompanying  them. 
Unfortunately  they  struggle  with  two  dreadful  enemies  :  the  density 
of  population  and  the  enormity  of  their  territory.  Matto  Grosso  in 
itself  is  a  nation  and  a  great  nation.  Its  1.376.65  1  square  kilometres 
would  furnish  territory  for  three  or  four  States.  And  the  same  can 
be  said  of  many  of  the  ex-provinces. 

AMiat  we  have  said  of  Goyaz  shows  that  it  has  not  accompanied 
the  general  development  of  the  country.  In  fact  that  State  and 
Matto  Grosso,  Piauhy,  Santa  Catharina  and  Rio  Grande  in  smaller 
propoi-tions,  constitute  the  group  of  provinces,  wliicli  were  not,  and 
are  not  in  the  case  of  assuming  at  least  in  the  same  latitude  as 
S.  Paulo,  Minas,  Bahia,  Rio  Grande  do  Sul,  Para,  etc.,  the  respon- 
sibilities that  the  constitution  of  1890  bears  upon  them  with  the  title 
of  State. 

But,  if  in  that  group  the  progress  of  Brazil,  could  be  called  mode- 
rate and  slow,  in  the  latter  ones,  principally  in  S.  Paulo,  Federal 
Capital,  Amazonas,  Para,  Minas,  Bahia,  Kio  Grande  do  Sul  and 
Parana,  etc,  the  last  15  years  has  seen  an  evolution  in  agriculture, 
co'mmei-ce,  general  industry,  transportation,  arts,  manufactures, 
development  of  public  wealth  ,  city  improvements  ,  and  all  the 
expressions   of  culture,    strength,    power,    and   civilisation    of  the 

—  628  — 

country  that,  really  Biazilians,  can  without  ridicule  or  optimism 
feel  proud  of  the  present  situation  of  Brazil,  and  feel  glad  for  the 
anticipation  of  the  future  victories  alreadj^  sketched. 

k$     5>r'        .-^ 


/      ^     <1>      s^ 


Tlie  Brazil  of  To-day 

Telegrapli  and  railroads  . 

Army-Navy-Merchaiit  Marine . 

Inventors  and  Men  of  Science 

Thinkers  and  writers 

Musicians,  Painters  and   Sculptoi 

The  State  of  the  Amazon 

The  State  of  Para    . 

The  State  of  I^Jaranhao    . 

The  States  of  Piaiihy  and  Ccara 

The  State  of  Ceara  . 

The  States  of  Rio  Grande  do  Xortt 

The  State  of  Parahyba    . 

The  State  of  Pernambuco        .         , 

The  States  of  Alagoas  and  Sergipe 

The  State  of  Sergipe 

The  State  of  Eahia  . 

The  States  of  Espirito  Santo  and   Kio 

T^'he  State  of  Rio  de  Janeiro  . 

The  Federal  Capital 

The  State  of  S.  Paulo      . 

The  State  of  Parana 

The  State  of  Santa  Catharina 

The  State  of  Rio  Grande  do  sul 

The  State  of  Minas  Geraes     . 

The  States  of  Matto  Grosso  and  Goyaz 

1    I'i 

de  .1 

rah  V 

•J  I 





ill  I 


r.  ir, 


(liiin|):iris()ii  ol'  llio  area  ul  tlir  l'iM>  lar 

jjesl  coiiiilrics ill  tlie  world.     .     .     . 
liio  lie  JaiU'iri).  —  Prai.a  «t)uiii/t'  No- 

veinlno  »     .     .     . 

Ilailways  in  Hia/.il.  —  Tlic  diola  I'limla 

Viadiii'l  S.  Pallid 

Ijijiinecrinj,'  Works  in  Hra/.il  :   l{ri(lj,'c 

over  llic  rio  Ypiranjia  in  Parana   . 
Kngineerinji   Works   in    Hra/.il    :    The 

celoitraled   Carvalho   viailucl  on  Ihe 

Parana  railway 

Uio  (le  Janeiro.  —  hnl)uliy  fort  .     .     . 
»        Larj^e  Rialengo  cartriilj;e  fa<'- 

lory  of  Ihe  War  Mini.sli-y     .     .     .     . 
Infanlry  canjit  during'  nianoinvres    . 
Sehool-i-ruiser  :  Benjamin  Constant.     . 
Taniandare    (cruiser)  4000  T.,  huill  al 

tiie  Uio  de  Janeiro  arsenal  .... 

l!atlle-slii()  Deodoro 

War  transport  Carlos  Gomes  .... 

l!allle-shi|)  ISiachuelo 

Cruiser-torpedo  Tynii)ira 

Cruisei'  Harrozo 

Marine  praclifc.  shoolini;  at  a  larj,'et     . 
Hio  de  Janeii'o.  — One  the  pavilions  of 

the  Marine  infantry  barracks    .     .     . 

School  ship  (iuararapes 

Merchant    iMarine.   —   Model   of   river 

steamers  of  ."iOO  tons  of  the  «  Com- 

panhia  Maranhense  » 

Merchant  Marine.  —  .Model  of  steamers 

of  :2000  Ions  of  «  Brazilian  Lloyd  » 

Santos  Dumonl 

Mcllo  Mar(|ues 

The  sulnnai'ine  hoat  Mcllo  Mar(|ucs. 

Landell  de  .Moura 

lluel  de  Itacellar 

Lientenanl  Hadier  de  .\(itiino.     .     . 
Engineer  Kibeiro  da  Costa 

Adel  Pinto 

Comes  Pereira  Mene/.es 

Eduardo  Clauilio 

The  (c  Trociioide  » 








Toripialo  l.aninran 
Pereiia  de  Lyia    . 
Oswaldo  Karia 
Vidal  Hr:i/il     .     . 
Itarbosa  Hodrigues 
Itarao  de  Capanema 
itaplista'erda  . 
Peieira  Karrello  . 
Lauro  Scveriano  Mill 
Paulo  lie  Kroiitin. 
Francisco  Hicalho 
J.  Miirlinlio 
(Carlos  Moreira 
liiiy  ISarbosa    . 
.Vinaro  Caxalcauti. 
Harao  de  Uio  IJraiico 
Arlhiii' Orlando     . 
Sylvio  Hoinero 
Joaquiin  Nabiico  . 
Mello  Moraes  . 
Machado  de  .\ssis. 
Carlos  de  Lael.     . 
Oliveira  Lima  .     . 
.\ssis  Brazil     .     . 
Ciovis  Bevilacina  . 
Jose  Carlos  Uodrigu 
Jofio  liilicii'o    . 
Bocha  Poinbi) .      . 
Virgilio  Varzea     . 
Nestor  Victor  . 
Medeiros  e  AlriKiiiei 
Allonso  (ielso  .     . 
Pires  de  Almeida. 
C.oelho  Netto   .      . 
.Miiizio  .V/eveilo   . 
Xavier  Marijues    . 
Julia  Lojics  de  Aline 
Arthur  Azevedo 
Olavo  Bilac      .     . 
Magalhaes  de  Azereil 
.Vngiislo  de  Lima. 
I'dnloiira  Xavier . 
Miicio  Teixeira     . 
Liicio  de  Mendonca 










I . 




1 05 

Liiiz  (iuiniaifies  (filho) 

Luiz  Edniuiulo 

Ilnyiniiiuio  Conea 

AllxMli)  Nepomuceno 

Henrique  Oswaldo 

Menelen  Campos 

Ki'aiicisco  IJraga 

Al)doii  Milanez 

Carlos  de  Mesquila 

Hodolplio  Hernardelli 

H.  IkMiiardelli.  —  Clirislo  e  a  adullera. 

Correa  Lima 

Gorrea  Lima.  —  Mater  Dolorosa  belon- 
1,'iiii,'  to  the  Fine  Arts  Institute  .     .     . 

Ludovic  Berna 

Sou/a  Ai;uiar 

Ramos  de  A/.cvedo 

Oliveira  Passes 

Heilor  de  Mello 

I5od(il|)h(>  Amoedo 

11.  Amoedo.  —  A  iiarraerio  de  Philelas; 
belonging  to  the  Rio  Museum  .     .     . 

Antonio  I'arreiras 

Rodolplio  Cliaml)elland 

Henrique  Rernardelli 

Dr.  Constan'tino  Nery,  governor  of  Ama- 
zon State     

Dr.  Silverio  Nery,  ex-governoi'  of  Ama- 
zon Stale     

View  of  the  town  of  Manaos     .     .     .     . 

Manaos.  —  Eduardo  Riheiro's  Avenue  . 
»        Stale's   Treasury   and    Recei- 
ver's oHice 

Manaos.  —  A  part  of  Riheiro's  Avenue. 

«        Monument  of  opening  of  Ama- 

zonas  river  lo  llie  inlcrnalional  Trade. 

Manaos.  —  Pul)lic  Market 

))          Eduardo    Rii)eiro's    Avenue. 
Commercial  houses 

Manaos.  —   (jarden    of  the  (Jovernor's 
P.'dace.  The  west  side 

Manaos.     —    (L-ilhedral    Church    :uid 

Manaos.  —  A  part  of  Eduardo  liiheiro's 

Manaos.  —  Court  of  law  Palace-Princi- 
pal front 

Manaos.    —   S.   Seliasti.'io's  S(piare  and 
(he  Am;izon:is  Theali'e 

Manaos.     -    The  Saloon   ol'  Ania/onas 

Manaos.  —   Itenjamin  Constants  Insti- 

Part  of  Itio  Acre 














Bank   of   Rio   Pums-Landscape  at   the 

lime  of  llloods 10!> 

Manaos.  —  «  Amazonense  »  gymnasium.      170 

«         Pnblic-Scliool 172 

))         Public-School 174 

Belem.  —  Building  of  scholar's  group 

on  the  Baplista  Camjjos  place  .     .     .      17;> 
Relem.  —  .Modern  Cuban  Buildings.     .     179 
»     Statue  of  the  bishop  I'rei  Caetano 

Brandao •     ....     181 

Belem.  —  Frei  Caetano  Brandao'sSquare     182 

»     Cathedral  de  Belem 185 

»     Monument  lo  General  (iurjao.  on 
the  Independencia  place  .     .     .     IS5 

Belem.  —  Palace  of  the  Stale's  Covernor  187 
)•>  Building  of  the  Paco  Municipal  .  188 
»  A  part  of  the  iMuuicipal  Park  .  189 
»  Independencia  Avenue .  .  .  .  190 
)->     Hepublic  Monument,  on  the  lie- 

|)ublic  S(iuare I'.)l 

Belem.  —  «  Da  Pazj)  Theatre  (after  its 

restoration) 195 

Belem.  —  The  Cemetery 19.") 

»     The  church   of  Our  Lady  of  the 

Carmo 196 

Belem.   —    Front    view   of  the   Lauro 

Sodreinslilute 198 

Lyceu  Paraense 200 

Belem.   —  School    group    Building   of 

Nazareth 201 

Belem.  —  Asylum  for  tlie  pooi'.  Interior 

Garden  and  Refeclory  ;  Men's  Side    .     205 
Senator  .V.Lemos.  Intendanl  of  the  Be- 
lem Municipality 201 

Belem.  —  Mausoleum  of  tjeneral  (Jurjao 

in  the  solidade  Cemetery     ....     206 
Type  of  revolver  guns  as  used  by  the 

Stale  Military  Regiment  at  Para    .     .     208 
Belem.  —  Building  of  .\venida  Deotbu'o's 

scholar  group 209 

Dr.  Angusto  Montenegro.   Covernor  of 

the  i'ara  Stale 211 

Senator  Benedicto  Leite 211 

S.  Luiz.  ■ —   riic  Municipal   .Vdministra- 

tiou 2i:i 

Stiile  of  Maranhao.  —  Pantu'amic   view 

of  the  city  and  harlior  of  S.  Luiz  .     .     216 

S.  Luiz.  —  Benedicto  Leile  S(|uare  .     .     218 

»     Concalves  Dias  Monument     .  219 

»     Comes  de  Castro  Avenue  .  .     220 

»     Beading-room  of  llie  Public  Li-     • 

brary .221 

S.  Luiz.  — St- Anlouiiiox's   cliurcli    and 
Sijuare 222 

S.  Liii/..  —  View  of  ;i  I'.iil   of  tin*  <<  rii;i 

do  Sol  n 

S.  Liiiz.  —  l':iil  of  ilif  «  rii:i  ilos  Hi'mr- 


LarjiO    .M;imil;iclon    ol    cotton    tissm-s 

« M;mnl':utofa  (^:ixii'iiS(! »     .      .     .     . 

S.  Liiiz.  —  Da  Misoriconlia  llos|iital     . 

Tlicic/iiia.    —   At|iii(lahaii   Sqiiarc   and 

Qiiatro  (Ic  Sclcnibro  TlH'atrc    . 
riiofcziiia.  —  S.  Bt'iicdicto's  ihiircli. 
View  of  a  part  of  llie  cily  of  Paiiiali\lia 
Piaiiliy.    —    C.ity    of    I'ainalivha  ,     rii.i 

(ifaiidc    .      .     ; 

I'iaiiliy  Types.  —  A  cow  keeper  . 
Forlaleza.  —  I'idilic  Market    .... 
»       BuildingofllioMiiiiici|ial  Adiiii 


Kortaleza.   —   (iymnaslic-room   id   the 

.Marine  Apprentices  School .     .     .     . 

Kortaleza.  —  Statue  of  (Jeneral  Tihincio 

»       Normal  Ccdlege 

))       Square  and  station  of  I  lie  Halii- 

rite  Railway 

Kortaleza.  —  Caio  Prado  Avenue.     . 

»       Formosa  street 

Natal.  —  Santos  Keis  Maj,'os  Korlress  at 

the  entrance  of  the  Nafal  bar  .     .     . 

Natal.  —  Harbor  and  cily  of  Natal   .     . 

»     Government  Palace 

»  Street 

Mossoro.  —  Seisdc  Janeiro  Square.     . 

»        Klores  Street 

))        Da  Matriz  church  and  Scpiare 
Parahyba.  —   Das  Merces  chuich  and 


Parahyba.  —  Old  convenlofS.  Francisco 
»         The  Governor's  Palace.     . 
»         Kiscal  Delefj;ation    .... 
Recife.  —  Interior  anchorage  and  the 

natural  reef 

Recife.  —  View   of  Primeiro  de  Marco 


Recife.  —  Eslarao  ila  E.  P.  dc  Caruaru 
))  The  n)arkel  of  Derby  .... 
»       Suburb  of  Recibe  and  Sele  de 

Setembro  Bridge 

Recife.    —   Nossa   Seuhora    da    Penha 

church     .     

Recife.  — Legislative  Congress  ami  (iym- 

nasium  building 

Recife.  —  Insane  Asylum 

'))         Compressing  cotton  works  (d 

V.  Nee'sen  el  Co 

Maceio.  —  The  ligiit-house     .... 

■27,  \ 

















Maceif'i.  —  The  Calhednd  •J'lO 

»         Do  Comin<T>  io  siiei'i  Uti 

»         Princip:d  railway  >.|:iiion          .  itiS 

»          I  III'  Martyrs  Square .  iy;i 

Pilar.    —    Nirw  of  oni- ol  iIm>  pritirip:d 

''>rt'<'ls itw 

Pilar.  —  Cninniercio  sli-pel  HW 

Paiilo-AfVonso  falls,  \ietv  of  iIm-  pnmi 

cipal  wati'r-juMip S(X» 

Aracaju.  —  A  part  of  the  landing-place.  502 

»         Aurora  street 5<>5 

))         Matriz  cluinli 50i 

»       Prison   Place  and  Hiiildin-s.     .  7/)'.', 

Bahia.  —  yuaxs  an<l  Laniling  Place       ,  515 

»     The  (nivernor's  Palace   ....  51  i 

»     .Municipal  Palace 5|t'. 

»     J*alace  in  the  Vicl<iria  street,  lio 

vernor's  lesidence .'17 

Baliia.  —  Senate  building 5lK 

»     .Monumenlof  the  Riachuelo  square  519 

»     The  pyiamid  of  the  P.isseio  Publico  520 
»     National  Independance  Monument 

Duke  de  Caxia  Square 521 

Bahia.  —  S.  Benio  street  and  Con\ent  .  522 
»     The  Catholic  cathedr.d  .tnd  Onin/c 

de  Novembre  Square 525 

Bahia.  —  Fine  Arts  College    ....  524 

»     Electric  tramway  station     .     .     .  528 
»     Large  textile  Manufactory  ila  Boa 

Viagem .551 

General  view   of  the  <' Pitanga  »  sugar 
factory,  in  the  Malta  of  .S.  Jofio  inuni- 

«-ipiuni .551 

Curralinho.  —  Dionysio  C^-rqueira  Pla- 
ce. —  Piqmlar  Holiday 55m 

.Magoinhos.  —  Paco  .MunicipaKsquaret  559 

Joazeiro.  —  The  railway  station  of  the 

line  Bahia  to  S.  Franci.sco  .     .          .  541 

Valen^-a.  —  Large  textile  fabric  :  «  To- 
dos  os  Santos  » 542 

lllieos.  —  Panorama  of  a  part  of  the  city  544 

Victoria.  —  The  Moreno  and  the  chajtel 

of  Penha 516 

Victoria.  —  A  part  of  the  cily  and  ancho- 

i"«8»' ^»" 

Victoria.   —   Another  p.ut   of  the  cily 

and  anchorage 518 

Cachoeira  de   llapemerim.  —  Peak   of 

Itabira 551 

Cachoeira  de  llapemerim.  —  Southern 

part  of  the  cily 5.52 

Victoria.  —  Local  Scene,  the  Siesta.  .  5.S5 
Nichteroy.  —  The  celebrated   ro>k  of 

Itapuca,  and  llie  beach  of  lc;u-ahy.     .  5.57 

Pelropolis.  —  The  AIiiiiici|i!il  Prcfccl's 
Palace oo'J 

Nova  Friburgo.  ^  Geiicial  view  of  iho 
Anchiela  Collt'iiio .KiO 

Campos.  —  Quitize  de  Novcinhro  strecl 
and  Parahyha  river 561 

Caui|ios.  —  S.  Salvador  Square  .     .     .     56-2 
')       Lyceum  of  Hiiniaiiilies  and  Nor- 
mal school 563 

Campos.  —  Water  reseivoir  ....     564 

Barra  do  Pirahy.  —  (ireal  iron  Bridju'e 
across  the  Parahyha  river  ....     565 

Vassouias.  —  View  of  a  pail  of  the  cily 
and  the  Barao  de  Amparo  park     .     .     568 

Rio.  —  Dos  Mineiros  and  .\lfandej<a 
quays 570 

Rio.  —  Anchorage  and  pari  of  the  cily.  571 
»  Santa  Luzia  church  and  plain  .  .  57:2 
»  General  Osorio's  statue  ....  375 
»  The  Cathedral  and  do  Carino  church  574 
»  S.  Pedro  de  Alcantara  Theatre  .  .  57S 
))  Front  of  the  Benjamin  Constant  ins- 
titute  576 

Rio.  — Terrace  of  Passeio  Publico  .     .     576 
»   Initial  station  of  the  Central  of  Bia/.il 
Railway 577 

Rio.  —  Sea-shore  of  Leme     ....     578 

»   Statue  of  D.  Pedro  I 579 

»   Quin/.e  de   Novembro  .s(inaie  and 
Board  of  Trade  building     ....     580 

Rio.  —  Senador  Daiitas  street     .     .     .     581 
»    ^"ront  of  the  Gon(,-alves  de  Araujo 
Asylum,  incampo  de  S.  Chiislovao  ■     582 

Rio.  —  The  Post  office  and  Exchange 
Building 585 

Rio.  —  Town  Hall 384 

Ex-President  Rodrigues  Alves  (1902- 
1906)  who-initiated  the  Rio  de  Janei- 
ro improvements 58o 

Dr.  Pereira  Passos,  Prefect  of  Rio  de 
■Janeiro  .     .     • .586 

Capital  Federal.  —  Isle  das  cobras  and 
the  Naval  school 587 

The  National  Piinliug  office    ....     588 

The  Polylechnical  school 390 

Rio.  — New  Buildings  :  Court  of  Justice    .592 

Capital  Federal.  —  The  Munici|)al  Thea 
ire 595 

Rio.  —  (ilass  windows  of  the  Mimicipal 
Theatre .594 

Rio.  — Glass  windows  of  the  Municipal 
Theatre 59,"; 

(]a|)ital  Federal.  —  Construction  of  the 
Passos  street .597 

l$io   —  Fountain  in  the  (f  Gloria  »  (iar- 

den 598 

Capital  Federal.  — Part  of  tiie  acclama- 

Cao  Pai-k 599 

Rio.  —  The  Pao  <le   assucar  aud   the 

Morro  da  viuva 401 

Rio.       The  Military  school     ....  402 

»         (iulf  of  Bolalogo 405 

»         The   Ancient    Emperors    llesi- 

■    dence,  at  present  National  .Museum   .  i04 
Rio.  —  Monument  of  the  discoverers  of 

Brazil Kt.'i 

Rio.  —  Statue  of  Buai(ine  .Macedo   .     .  407 
Capital  Federal.  —  The    I®  de  Mareo 

street 409 

Suburbs  of  Rio    —Tijiica  Forest     .     .  410 

Capital  Federal.  —  The  Public  park  411 

Kit>. —The  Mint 4 12 

Capital  Federal.  —  Part  of  the  Onlral 

Avenue 415 

Dr.  Gabriel  Junqueira,  one  of  the  cons- 
tructors of  the  Central  Avenue     .     .  41  i 

The  S.  Francisco  church 415 

Dr.  Del-Velchio,  engineer 416 

Rio.  —  Part  of  the  New  Avenue.     .     .  417 

»   New  Buildings 418 

Capital  Federal.  —  Pail  of  the  Central 

Avenue 419 

Rio.  —  New  Buildings 420 

»            »            »       421 

Capital   Federal.  —  Pavilion  in  the  S. 

Louis'    Exhibition,    erected   on   the 

Central  Avenue 422 

Rio.  ~  New  Buildings 424 

»            ))            />       42.T 

»            ))            »        426 

n            »            »        427 

))  »  »  —    The  palace  of 

the  daily  paper  :  «  0  Jornal  do  Com- 

niercio» 128 

Rio.  —  The  New   «  Ire/e  de  Marco » 

street 429 

Rio.  —  New  Buildings 450 

/)    Anoliier  view  of  Bolafogo  and  Bei- 

ra-Mar  Avenue i5l 

Rio.  —  New  Buihiings 4.52 

Capital  Federal.  —  Bolafogo  Avenue    .  4.55 

Rio.  -  New  Buidings 451 

»   New    Buidings.    —   Offices  of  the 

daily  paper  :  «  0  Paiz  » i.55 

Rio.  —  New  Buildings 1.56 

»    Conslru('ti(ui  of  the  Canal  do  Man- 

gue "    •  457 

Rio.  —  Statue  of  ViscounI  do  Rio  Branco  4."8 

Hill,  —  (l;i|>il;il  KciliMiil  -.  \\f\\  of  (lie 
():iii;il  ilii  M.inu'iii' i.V,) 

Hi,,.  _  .\,.w  |{iii|,|iii;,'s .i-iO 

I'lirl  of  Hid.  —  Killing'  iipof  iIi.'Sim  Zone     Ua 
»          »         Ci  iiistriii-lion  of   ihc  New 
Uiiay.  (<i"iiU'-lH»al tl."> 

Poll  of  Uio.  —  Coiislriiclioii  of  llic  Ncns 

Quay 1  i  ( 

Hio.  —  I'liinilivc  as|KMM  of  llic  iilair 
wlicrc  llii'  ('anal  ilo  .Maiij,'ii('  wascori- 
slnictcil il.'i 

Poi-l  of  Hio.  —  ('.onslriiilioii  of  llic  .New 

U"i:>.v lit! 

Port  of  Hill.  —  (".oiisli'iiilioii  of  Ihr  New 
Quay.    Arirhoriiij;  place il7 

Porlofl'.io   —  l-illiii';ii|iof  IlicSca/oiic      ttS 

Poll  of  Hio.  —  (loiislnicloii  of  lilt'  in>\v 
Quay.  View  of  ihc  work  in  Docfiiihcr 
l!)0o WJ 

S.  Paiilo.  —  Mii.siMini  of  Ipyranjia  -iriO 

»         .Adiiiinislralions    of    .liislici', 
Ai;riciilliir('  and  (-uslonis     ....      i'M 

S.  Paulo.  —'jio  <la  Se i.'i.i 

»        The  lakoof  liiePiililiclJardiMi     i:;i 

»       Da  Liiz  station io.') 

))       Oovornnieiil  palace  of  S.  Paulo     ioti 
»       S.  Henio  Place     .....      i.'iT 
n        Polylechiiical  College    .     .     .      ioO 
»        «  Prndente  dc  .Morae.s  »  .Model 
school 4G0 

S.  Paulo.  —  .Normal  .sciiool    ....      itil 

(iofl'ee  fariii-iionse  to  llie  west  of  S.  Paiilo      itJO 

(iOfl'ee  exports  from  llie  principal    pro 
diiciii^^  connlries 1(17 

Santos.  —  Hospital  of  Santa  de 
Misericordia 470 

Santos.  —  7  Seteinbro  Street.     .     .     .     472 
))     Panoramic  view  of  a  part  of  llie 
city 475 

Santos.  —  Keal's  Centro  l»orlui;uese 
huilding 474 

S.  Vincente.  —  Monumenl  of  the  4ih 
century  of  Hra/il,  erected  where  .Mar- 
tini AH'oiiso  landed 47(5 

Santos.  —  S.  Paulo  railway  station.  t77 

Campinas.  —  Railway  station.     .     .     .     478 

Santos.  — Celebrated  watering  place  of 
Giiaruya 479 

Campinas.  —  Panorama  of  a  part  of  the 
city;  l3maio  e  Costa  Aguiar  Street  .     -481 

Campinas.  —  Lyceum  of  Arts  and  Ma- 
nufactures   48:J 

Campinas.  —  Church  of  N.  U.  da  Con- 
cei?ao 483 

('.iiaraliiiKiieia.  —  View  of  a  |*arl  of  iIm- 

cily  and  pori         .           ^f^^ 

S.  Joao  da  Hoa  M.sia.        Place  of  it-.n' 

:"i"" .18.1 

Jaliii.        Municipal  I'.hainlier .  (mh 

laiiliale.  —  IIk!  Calliedral  l«y 

(iO(|neiro.s  slreei    ,  j«(| 

.s.  JoM'  do  Hio  pardo p.(7, 

l)r   Nireiilc    Machado.     -   (Joxeriinr  of 
l':'iaiia (ui 

Pine  lice,  Araiicaria  hiasiliensis.  4H;i 

Itmks  of  red  .stone  td  villa  vciha  i!»7 

llie  devil's  pe.ik  liinnel  in  Cordilhera  do 

.Mar.  —  Parana  railway .UJm 

Ciirilyiia.  —  Parana  railway  Slalion     .  ',(){ 

"       Congress  Cliainlicr     ....  .'itif 

))       The  Coveriioi's  I'alacc  :,(i7t 

))       Jose  llonifacio  Street  .                .  .iO.'S 
»       Ollii-es  of  llie  tiriii   .lose    llaiier 

el  Bross :,{)- 

Curilyha.  —  The  Catholic  Callicdral      .  ."iUH 

))       (iliarity  llospiial .iOil 

))       Preshyleriaii  cliiirili  .      .  .ijO 

))       Police  liana. ks .Ill 

"       Harracks  of   the    l."»tji.    ca\aliy 

regiment .iji 

<>urilylia.  —  Asylum  of  .N.  1).  d:i  I.u/  fur 

Iniialics  and  the  poor .il.") 

Parauagiia.  —  Da  Praia  street  and  lan- 
ding stage :i|7 

.Viiidiiiua.  —  (icneral  view  of  ihe  cily  .  519 

i'liit  of  .Morretes  on  the  .Miundi.ii|iiara.  '.r2U 

Panoramic  view   of   the  cil\    of   ponia 

Crossa .i:*! 

Popular  types.  —  A  basket-inaki-r  from 

tiie  interior  of  Parana :i-27^ 

Castro.  —  S.  Paulo-Hio  (Irande  Hallway 

bridge  over  the  Yapo :r2:i 

(juara|)uava.  —  Curucaca  jump.  Jordao 

river 5-26 

Florianopolis.        Moiiument  to  the  pa- 
triotic volunteersin  the  Publictianleii  ■'>28 

Strait  of  Ihe  isle  of  S.  Catharina  and  for 

S.  Cm/ Ir2i\ 

Florianopolis.  —  Panorainic  view  of  the 

cily '.Cyi 

Florianopolis.  —  Stale  Covernois"  Pa- 
lace      ivi^ 

Florianopolis.  —  Da  Santa  Gasa  Hospi- 
tal and  beach  of  .sacco  tlos  linoes.     .  .•J54 

Florianopolis.  —  Cathedral    ....  .')5;i 
»          The  port  and  Commercial 

Quarter .'ioO 

Florianopolis.  —  Esleves  Junior  street  557 

Blumeneau.  —    Gigantic    palm  tree , 

palms  9  metres  long.     .     .     .     ,    .  ;i39 

Blumeneau.  —  Municipal  chamber .  .  fAO 
Laguna.  —  Panorama  of  a  pari  of  the 

city 542 

D'"  Blumeneau.  —  Founder  of  the  city 

of  that  name 345 

Dr.   Borges  <le  Medeiros.    —    Present 

Governor  of  Rio  (irande  do  Sul    .     .  ^il 

Gaucho  Costume 548 

Porto  Alegre.  —  Isle  of  Pedras  Brancas 

and  powder  magazine 550 

Porto  Alegre.  —  Lower  [)art  of  the  city  551 

»  Municipal  building     .     .  552 

))  7  Selembro  street .     .     .  555 

»  School  of  Civil  Engineers, 

Arts  and  manufactures 555 

Porto   Alegre.   —  Julio   de   Gastilhos 

place 556 

Porto  Alegre.  —  Santa  Casa  da  Miseri- 

cordia  hospital 557 

Pelolas.  —  View  of  a  part  of  the  city  .  561 

»         View  of  a  Beef  Factory  .     .     .  362 

n         Da  Misericordia  hospital     .     .  565 

Hio  Grande.  —  Marechal  Floriano  sli'eet  564 

»  Municipality's  square  .     .  .563 

Dr.  Joao  Pinheiro.  —  Governor  of  the 

Stale  of  Minus  (leraes 571 

Bello  Horizonte.  —  Paraopeba  Avenue.  572 
»            Building  of   Economic 

bank  and  Treasury  Delegation.  .  .  575 
Bello  Horizonte.  —  Minas  Station,   of 

Ihe  Estrada  de  Ferro  Central  .  .  .  .wo 
A  defile  of  Ihe  Serra  do  Curral  on  the 

way  to  Ouro  Preto 576 

Bello  Horizonte.  —  Senate  House    .     .  577 

»  »        Governor's  Palace   .     .  579 

»  »        Home  department  and 

Revenue 580 

Bello  Horizonte.  —  Agriculture  Palace  581 

»  »        Barracks  of  the  Public 

Force 582 

Bello  Horizonte.  —  Public  market  .     .  .584 

>■>  »         Front  view  of  the  Minas 

Gymnasium .586 

Bello  Horizonte.  —  The  Law-school     .     387 
Minas.  —  The  great  Falls  of  Tombos 
de  Carangola  on  the  frontier  of  Minas 

and  Rio .588 

Caxambii.  —  View  of  a  part  of  the  City  .59 1 
Ouro  Preto  to-day.  —  .Monument  of  Ti- 
radentes  in  the  Square  of  the  same 
name,  and  the  old  prison  (rebuilt)  .  .595 
Ouro  Preto  to-day.  —  S.  .lose  Street  and 
the  (c  casa  dos  contos  »  on  the  back- 
ground   594 

Old  Ouro  Preto.  —  The  Thomas  Gon- 
zago  house,  in  the  middle  of  the  18th 

Century .595 

Old  Ouro  Preto.  —  .\rchilectomie  foun- 
tain  in   the    18th    Century,    leaned 
against  the  Marilia  House  ....     .596 
Old  Ouro  Preto.  —  The  house  where 

Marilia  de  Dirceu  died 597 

.luiz  de  Fora.  — Jury-House  and  Public 

Prison .598 

Juiz  de  Fora.  —  Textile  Fabric  «  Mas- 

carenhas  » .599 

Uberaba.  —  Santa  Casa  de  Aliserieor- 

dia  (Hospital) 600 

Uberaba.  —  The  municipal  House  .     .     601 

»        Catholic  church 602 

Panoramic  view  of  the  oily  S.  Joao  del 

rey 605 

S.  Joao  del  Rey.  —  S.  Francisco  church     604 

City  of  Barbacena 606 

Barbacena.  —  Pomologic  garden  and 

House  of  Dr.  Rodolpho  Abreu     .  607 

Panoramic  view  of  the  City  of  Sahara  .     608 
Cataguazes.  —  Credito  Real  of  Minas- 

Geraes  Bank's  Agency 609 

Cataguazes.  —  Forum  building  .  .  .  610 
Panoramic  view  of  the  city  of  Passos  .  611 
Cataguazes.  —  Forum  building  .  .  .  615 
Cuyabi. — S.  Gon^alo  church  .  .  .  614 
»  Harbour  and  Landingstage  615 
Goyaz.   —  Suburbs  of  the  City   and 

Market 621 

Goyaz.  —  .Vbbadin  Street 625 

n      Bridge  over  the  Rio  Vermelho  .     625 


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