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Published by Authority of 


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AUG 25 1958 

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WHEN one thinks of fisheries, he naturally conjures up 
fishes; as, although in certain restricted localities, it might 
not apply, speaking generally, fishes are by far the most 
important product of the sea; and there is no doubt in my 
mind, that owr economic fishes will always occupy at least 
the same position of importance in relation to other branches 
of our fisheries, as they do to-day. It may be at once rightly 
assumed, however, that the value and importance of the 
present fisheries of the State of New South Wales are practi- 
cally as nothing compared to the vast possibilities which 
the future holds. One would really expect this to be so in 
any country where (apart from the freshwater) as in New 
South Wales, practically only the resources of the estuaries 
had been tapped; and even those but slightly. I mean by 
that, that he would expect it even without the possession of 
any specific knowledge as to the kinds and quantities of 
fishes, &c., inhabiting our coastal ocean waters; and, judging 
by analogy he would be quite justified in his expectations. 

The present fisheries of New South Wales embrace within 
their scope—(1) Fishes, (2) Crustaceans, (3) Mollusks, and 
(4) Cetaceans (whales and dolphins); to these should be 
added in the near future, Sponges and Seaweeds—or more 
properly Marine Algz. Of the two branches here mentioned 
as not yet exploited, our seaweeds, I think, may probably 
take the more prominent position. 

*Presidential address read before the New South Wales Naturalists’ 
Club under the authority of the Board of Fisheries for New South Wales, 
on the 5th August, 1909. 


New South Wales has a known fish-fauna of not less than 
550 species. Of these at least 250 are of a good, edible 
Character. By the term,” edible here; 1 mean——assex- 
plained by me in my “ Edible Fishes of New South Wales ’’— 
“all of those fishes which—while not being of a noxious or 
unpleasant character (such as Toad-Fishes, Porcupine-Fishes, 
&c.)—attain a marketable size, or else occur in sufficient 
abundance to render them of use as adjuncts to our food 
supply.” It may be reasonably expected also that as time 
goes on our already long list will receive many additions; 
more particularly from the ranks of certain gregarious oceanic 
or pelagic species which have thus far escaped observation 
and record. However, we have no need to consider here any 
possible additions. 

During the last few years an average annual amount 
of not less than 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 lb. of fresh fish 
has passed through the fish markets, while, in addition, a 
very large quantity (probably not less than 3,000,000 to 
4,000,000 lb.) was disposed of without passing through any 
recognised market, and consequently without being recorded. 
The most important kinds of those at present marketed are 
as follows :—Snapper, Black Bream, Blackfish, Whiting (Sand 
and Trumpeter), Mullet (Sea, Flat-tail, and Sand), Jewfish, 
Flathead, and Murray Cod.* More than nine-tenths of the 
whole supply is obtained from the coastal estuaries and bays, 
while the great ocean resources are practically untouched. 

As I have pointed out elsewhere} it does not follow that 
fishes which are now of the greatest importance, will still occupy 
that relative position in our future fisheries. Quite the reverse, 
in fact, is the conclusion which a close study of our fishes 
brings us to. There are many fishes which are not at present 

* With better facilities for transport, the Murray Cod industry is. 
Capable of enormous expansion. 

+ ‘Edible Fishes of New South Wales ” (1908), p. 9. 


of any special importance in the fisheries of New South Wales 
—fishes which, though present in our coastal waters in incal- 
culable numbers, are not usually captured unless they make 
their appearance in the more restricted waters of our harbors 
and estuaries; that is, in other words, unless they practically 
“walk into the net.’ But, apart from these altogether, 
those species at present of the greatest economic importance 
in our fisheries, may be captured in quantities immensely 
greater than those at present disposed of. 

I take it that in any country the people (with few excep- 
tions) first make the acquaintance of inshore (7.e., estuarine 
and harbor) fishes; at least as a source of food supply. 
This is governed largely by convenience; as, so long as the 
fishes can be obtained in sufficiently large quantities at the 
door—so to speak—there is no special incentive to go farther 
afield. In this connection, inshore fishes would really include 
as well, such oceanic forms as at times swarm close along 
our shoreline and actually throw themselves within the very 
limited scope of the so-called ‘‘ hauling-nets ” or short seines. 

In New South Wales the domestic demand, as far as the 
market demand* is concerned, is easily supplied with fishes 
from the estuaries and bays. The actual portion of the New 
South Wales coastline upon which netting is constantly 
carried out is really astonishingly small. 

At certain times of the year, much larger quantities of 
fine food-fishes, such as the well-known and important Sea 
Mullet, for instance, would be brought in to market; as, in 
many cases, only the fringe of the vast shoals is touched or 
drawn upon; but, owing to a want of proper distribution— 
on a really great and far-reaching scale, I mean—the fisher- 
man is practically obliged, in his own interests, to refrain 
from sending what he might, for fear of creating a “ glut.” 

*T purposely differentiate here between the market demand and 
the actual, because a large proportion of our people really desire a 
constant and regular fish supply most ardently, but because a com- 
plete system of distribution has not yet been mastered, they have 
practically or wholly to go without. 


(Of course, this could be carried to excess, and I do not 
attempt to defend any improper methods of controlling the 
output of our edible fishes.) 

With the opening up of proper avenues of disposing of 
fish, an enormous impetus would be at once given to produc- 
tion (as represented by the fishermen); and if, coincidently 
with these, large canning establishments were established— 
and these would inevitably result—it would very soon be 
found necessary, while it would be at once more convenient, 
to go to the ocean waters with their inexhaustible supplies 
of the fishes which are more especially eminently suitable 
for preparation in canneries and “ salteries,’ &c. I am 
thinking here chiefly of such species as the Australian Pil- 
chard, Sandy Sprat, Anchovy, Tailer (which is the American 
Blue Fish), Samson Fish, Cowanyung, Kingfish, Trevally, 
Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Bonito, Little Tunny, Southern 
Tunny, and the highly important Spanish Mackerel of the 
genus Scomberomorus—fishes of large size, known to be of 
great edible value in the world at present, but which we 
simply “ do not bother about.” 

In the development of fisheries—at least as far as the 
fishes themselves are concerned, canneries and large salting 
establishments are almost a necessary adjunct; because at 
times much larger quantities of fishes are captured than can 
possibly be disposed of in the fresh or frozen condition within 
a reasonably short period. 

That there is ample room for expansion in this direction 
is fully demonstrated by a short review of our huge imports 
of canned, salted, and otherwise preserved fish and _fish- 
products. The few attempts at the establishing of canneries 
on this coast have been defeated, it seems to me, perhaps 
more than anything else, by an intermittent supply (brought 
about by conditions which need not be discussed here). I 
might say, however, that all fish canneries here should employ 
their own fishermen in order to ensure a continuous supply. 

I do not wish to discuss here special methods of prepara- 
tion, but would like to draw attention to the already large 
amount tf Mullet and other species of our fishes (principally 


the former) which is at present smoked. This branch of the 
industry alone is capable of enormous expansion; and there 
are fishes, such as the abundant Cowanyung (Decapterus 
leptosomus) which. though they “ take the smoke ”’ admirably 
and make a first-class product, are practically untouched. 

Along with any increase in our fisheries should go the 
establishment of fish-oil and fish fertiliser factories; for which 
there are great possibilities in our country. (In this connec- 
fiom 1 would refer the reader to the chapter on “ Fish 
Economics ” in my “ Fishes of Australia,’ where the matter 
has been more fully dealt with.) In connection herewith, 
also, mention should be made of the great use which might 
be made of the great hordes of predaceous sharks which 
frequent our shores in the warmer months. Not only would 
this refer to the production of oil and fertiliser, but to the 
use of the skins and also of the fins, in which there is really 
quite an insignificant trade at present. 

Much more might be written here, but as it is my purpose 
to give only a brief review of the matter, and there are other 
important branches of the fisheries to deal with, I must 
pass on. Before doing so, however, it will be useful, as well as 
of general interest, to give a few authentic records of catches 
of some of our edible fishes at various times, during the last 
few years. These are taken from the weekly reports of the 
various Inspectors of the Department of Fisheries*, and they 
refer in each case to the product of one haul, or draw of the 
net, only. 

* The reports here referred to were initiated by me, under the Board 
of Fisheries in 1902. As I will te able to show at no distant date, 
I hope, they contain a great mass of valuable data referring to the 
periodicity, movements, breeding habits, &c., of our fishes. The 
complete working up of the material, will, however, take some time. 


Quantity of Fish captured in One Haul of the Net (unless 
otherwise stated) on various parts of the coast of New South 

SNAPPER (Schnapper).* 
Quantity. Date. Locality. 

104 (weighing 1,932 1b.) _... «| 24/6/08 | PortiStephens. 

60 baskets} ..: sate nae wal 1/8/08 "| Wallis Lake: 

12 9 wae sais oe ...| 24/8/08 | Tuggerah. 

30 fs wat oe oe ...| 13/6/08 | Hawkesbury River 
(Broken Bay). 

96 ce ane fen ae 220| 20/4/06 © | 5 is 

74 , (in two consecutive hauls)| 28/4/05 5 5 

15 a ork eat Bes alt 3674/07 Botany Bay. 

ere) Ms isis ie es peel aloe ay O15 

Port Hacking (en- 

|| trance): 

BO WASKEES «5... See eats noe ele LOLOW, | Wallis Lake. 
100 a ar ee ee OOOO.) a 

70 Pe cae nes aan eos! 3/0705 | io 

| NW Ia as 

Big, WASKEtS) ..2. ae Oe Te) if o7Os Clarence River. 
Sohne as sas ee “ithe ms 30/3/07 Port Macquarie. 

a se ete ...| 28/8/09 Wallis Lake. 
5 4,., Gn each ot tworhauls)) <2) 7/3/09 i. 
20 Y ee sire sides tee 31/7/09 6 
70 “a Sate ae Soe weet ZO 7 OF ae 
20). 25; ane ae see ...| 20/5/06 | Tuggerah. 

OSs ovis bite ae es s64| 7 PA/OO Hawkesbury River. 
70 i ee dies Ae srt) esis Ors 35 Ps 
PLO: 35 ee wet Se snc! 30/41/00 Port Jackson. 
20 i” ee ane ace Boe Ee KOS) Botany Bay. 

15 13/3/09 : 

55 23/5/04 

5 23/5/04 83 

200 17/4/09 Port Hacking. 
ZO sis 27 3/09 Bateman’s Bay. 
120 fe sis wes :' 20/3/09 ; 

FO. 3s ae wists wis ance 1 Oi FOS - 

*As is well known, this species, being a line fish, is not usually captured in the 
hauling-net ; and this was a most exceptional occurrence. At the same time, it is 
probable that large catches will be made in the future with the trawl-net while the fish 
is on sandy ground. Great numbers of large Snapper are taken by line by fishing parties 
out in tugs. Here is a typical record made by the Fisheries Inspector at Wallis Lake, 
toth April, 1909 :—‘‘ A party of eleven caught 450 Snapper on the 8th instant.”’ 

ft Each basket holds from 75 Ib. to 80 Ib. of fish. 


Quantity. Date. Locality. 
22 baskets... nas Se sce 7 f8/E9 Wallis Lake. 
30 i ie ee oP 2 31/7/00 hs 
35 a ses te yee ts. 27/6/08 Tuggerah. 
35 . Se evi wei ce 9/0/00 % 
30 ‘5 Sos ae a6 ci 12 /6/OG Coogee: 


peas baskets “sa: oe eu 61/8/09 Botany Bay (George’s 
| River estuary). 

(Of course, there have been very many other good catches of Whiting, 
but they are principally noted as either the catch for the day, or 
the total catch for the whole week.) 

300 “large fish ’’ in one haul cse| 4/5/07 Wallis Lake. 
230 “extra large,’ taken in one| 13/1/06 Lake Illawarra. 
haul, out of shoal of 500 captured, 
250 fishes, averaging about 25 lb,| 21/1/os | Port Stephens. 
weight each, caught in one night 
with a 30-yard net! ! | 

200 baskets ... Bee seis | 4/7/08 Panbula. 

In no case here quoted does the quantity given as having been caught in the one 
haul really indicate the size of the shoal that may have been present at the one time. 

These catches were all made with nets not exceeding 200 fathoms (1,200 feet) in length, 
while the Garfish is caught with a net not exceeding 150 fathoms in length. 


The Crustaceans which at present find a place in the 
fisheries of New South Wales are as follows :—Two species 
of marine Crayfish or Spiny Lobster of the genus Palinurius 
(P. hugel and P. edwards); one Freshwater Crayfish— 
or ‘‘Murrumbidgee”’ Crayfish as it is called—(A stacopsis 
spinifera); not less than half-a-dozen species of Prawn of 
the genus Pengus, of which the principal are (1) the 
School Prawn (P. macleayt), (2) the King Prawn (P. canalicu- 
datus), and (3) the Tiger Prawn (P. monodon); two species 
of Shrimps or ‘“ Long-armed Prawns,” of the genus 
Palemon, one from the estuaries and the other from the 
rivers; and five species of Swimming Crab, as follows— 
(1) the Blue Swimming Crab (Lupa pelagica), (2) the Mangrove 
Crab (Scylla_ serrata), (3) the Two-spotted Swimming 
Crab (Ovalipes trimaculatus), (4) the Blood-spotted Swim- 
ming Crab (Lupa sanguinolenta), and (5) the Cross-bearing 
Swimming Crab (Charybdis cruciatus). In addition to the 
foregoing there are two other large crayfish-like crustaceans 
of some slight edible importance—Scyllarus  sculptus and 
Ibacus peronit; but these do not at present appear in any 
considerable numbers. 

As will be seen from the above, New South Wales is well 
supplied with edible forms of Crustacea, and no doubt the 
future will produce a number of others of economic import- 
ance, even from the ranks of those which are at present of 
no special value, while the possibilities of augmenting the 
supplies of those species at present known and used are really 

Quoting from my recently published ‘‘ Edible Fishes of 
New South Wales,” we find that in the year 1907, in round 
numbers, nearly 85,000 Crayfishes,* and 187,000 quarts of 

*In 1908 this number was greatly exceeded, reaching a total of 
more than 133,000 crayfishes. 


edible Prawns passed through the recognised markets in 
New South Wales. In addition, of course, we have to reckon 
with a very considerable amount of each which entered into 
consumption without passing through the markets, and of 
which, consequently, we have no record. These are no mean 
figures when it is considered that it is generally recognised 
that we are really only on the threshold of the industry, and 
it should convey to people some idea of what may be expected 
with organised effort on a large scale. Though I look for 
an exceedingly great future augmentation in the supply 
of the Marine Crayfishes, I anticipate that the greatest 
amount of development will be in connection with our edible 
Prawns, which occur in many of our estuaries in really pro- 
digious numbers; and here there will be a great field for the 
operation of canning and drying these Crustaceans—apart 
from an increased output in the fresh state. 

I have no fully worked up figures by me just now, as regards 
the number of edible Crabs forming the present annual supply. 
But it is fairly considerable, though our resources in this 
respect are only just tapped. 

Very large numbers of the common Freshwater Crayfish 
are captured and disposed of in country towns, and a con- 
siderable number of Freshwater Shrimps also; but at present 
I have not sufficient data to enable me to make an estimate. 
A comparative few of the former are sold in Sydney. 

I might add also that in many parts of our western country 
the little Freshwater Crayfish, known familiarly under the 
name of “ Yabbie” or “ Yabby”’ (Cheraps bicarinatus), is 
occasionally used as an adjunct to the food supply; but it is 
quite unimportant. 

Appended are a few general notes on the principal edible 
Crustaceans of this State. At the same time, I may mention 
that as soon as opportunity offers, I propose to publish a 
well-illustrated popular and descriptive account of these and 
some other Crustaceans. 



CRAYFISHES (Lobsters). 

(1) Common Crayfish, Palinurus (Jasus) hugelir Heller. 

This is the ordinary form of crayfish so commonly seen in 
our markets. It is fairly abundant over the whole of our 
coastline, particularly from Port Stephens on the north to 
Bateman’s Bay on the south. Its capture is effected mainly 
by means of lobster-pots. Young specimens of this kind are 
of a deep olive-green usually, though an occasional specimen 
of a deep reddish-brown is obtained. As they grow large, 
and after becoming sexually mature, the yellow mottlings, 
which at first are only apparent on the lower surface, begin 
to spread up over the sides and around the “head,” the 
rest of the body being of a very much lighter green than 
that which prevails in the younger examples. 

(2) Southern Crayfish, Palinurus (Jasus) edwardsw Miers. 

This crayfish is not often seen alive in our markets, but a 
great many are brought up from Victoria and Tasmania in 
a boiled state. It is a true southern form, occurring very 
plentifully on the coast of Tasmania, and also in New Zealand. 
On our own coast it begins to be abundant about Eden. It 
is not altogether uncommon at Bateman’s Bay, and occasional 
examples of this species are obtained in Port Jackson and 
Botany Bay. It is even found to the northward of Port 
Stephens, and during August of the present year was obtained 
there in some numbers. In its living state it may at once be 
distinguished by the tyro from the common crayfish by its 
general reddish tint, and by the fact that all over its body 
around the base of every protuberance or tubercle, are stiff, 
short, reddish bristly hairs, whereas on the body parts of the 
common crayfish there are no hairs at all. Another very 
helpful and noticeable feature is that all the segments of the 
abdominal or tail-portion in this species have the upper 
portions beautifully sculptured, while in the common cray- 
fish, with the exception of a few pointed tubercles or rough- 
nesses, the backs of these segments are quite smooth. 


For the benefit of naturalists and others who might desire 
to critically compare these two crayfishes, a closer description 
of them is here appended :— 

(1) Common Crayfish, Palinurus hugelii Heller. 

Carapace (body).—Armed generally with acute short spines of 
varying heights, with the exception of the fore part, which 
possesses five very large ones, the first in the centre and 
forming the rostrum or beak, one on each side above the eyes, 
of about the same size as the rostrum, and one under each 
eye a little smaller than the three just mentioned. The spines 
are generally relatively smaller, flatter, and not so acute in 
larger specimens. The carapace is without sete (hairs) with 
the exception of a short fringe on the hinder margin. (Rostrum 
as large as spines above eyes.) 

Abdomen (tail).—Fairly uniformly smooth and without sete, with 
the exception of a fringe along the hinder margin of each 
segment. Small specimens usually have the segment pitted 
here and there on their upper surfaces with small depressions, 
larger ones possessing, in addition to these pits, small rough- 
nesses or tubercles, the pits becoming usually somewhat reduced 
in number. 

Telson.—(This forms the middle flap of the tail, properly so called). 
Spiny. Without sete. 

Eye.—Rather elongate. 

Upper surfaces of legs—Smooth and devoid of sete. A small spine 
upon the end of the third joint of each leg, most prominent 
on the first pair. 

(2) Southern Crayfish, Palinurus edwardss Miers. 

Carapace (body).—Armed with spines, these being more acute and 
longer than in Palinurus hugelit. There are five spines on 
the front margin corresponding to those of Palinurus hugelt, 
but the two above the eyes (supra-orbitals) are by far the 
largest, and a good deal larger than the supra-orbitals in the 
latter species. The central spine forming the rostrum is usually 
small and insignificant and strongly curved upwards. Each 
spine, large or small, of the carapace is almost surrounded 
with a fringe of sete (hairs). (Rostrum much smaller than 
spines above eyes.) 

Abdomen (tail).—All of the segments are sculptured or excavated, 
leaving broad flat irregularly oval or oblong eminences, each 
of these being partly surrounded by a fringe of sete. 

Telson.—(This forms the middle flap of the tail, properly so called). 
Spiny; spines more numerous than in Palinurus hugelit. All 
spines partly surrounded by a fringe of sete at their bases. 


Eye.—Short and thick. 

Upper surfaces of legs.—Rough; covered with several series of low 
flattened and somewhat rounded tubercles; a fringe of sete 
in front of each tubercle. A spine upon the end of the third 
joint of each leg, more prominent and acute than in Palinurus 
hugelii. The spines of the first pair of legs are scarcely more 
prominent than the others. 

(I) Blue Swimming Crab, Lipa pelagica (Linneus).* 

This species is by far the most common of our edible crabs; 
being, in fact, the only one that is constantly represented in 
our markets. This, like all our other edible species, is a 
true swimming crab; having the legs flattened, and the last 
pair turned into flat paddle-shaped organs, to adapt it for a 
natatorial existence. 

(2) Mangrove Crab, Scylla serrata (Forskal). 

This species is quite common along our coast—more par- 
ticularly on the northern portion. It is really a typical 
tropical species, being still more abundant on the Queensland 
coast. In Queensland it is often known as the Wide Bay 
Crab, on account of its abundance in the bay of that name. 
It does not come into our markets nearly so often as the 
preceding, nor in anything like the numbers; consequently, 
as it attains a very large size—being by far the bulkiest of 
our crabs—it always commands a ready sale and a high 
figure. In color it is of a deep olive-green or dark brown. 
It usually occurs in shallow water; and, as its name imphes, 
on mangrove mud-flats, where it is often to be found, in 
basin-shaped hollows excavated out of the mud. 

*In a paper dealing with the structure of this crustacean, which I 
reid before the Linnean Society of New South Wales in 1898, I dealt 
with the peculiar form of the pleon or ‘“‘ tail’’ of what I termed in the 
body of my paper the ‘‘sterile’’ female, but which I mentioned at 
the time might simply be the ‘‘immature”’ female. Such is the case 
and all the females pass through the stage described therein. (Vide 
‘‘ Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, Vol. xxiii, 

(3) Two-spotted Swimming Crab, Ovalipes trimaculatus (de 

This crab is not brought to market very often; not, how- 
ever, because it is not common, but because only the largest 
specimens of the kind are of a sufficient size to be considered 
marketable, and as no special fishery for the species exists, 
large ones are not often caught. It is quite common along 
our coast in shallow water, on clean sandy beaches; into 
which it buries itself. It may be at once distinguished by 
the somewhat rounded outline of the carapace, and the 
possession of two irregular red spots, one on either side near 
the posterior edge of the shell, the rest of the carapace being 

(4) Blood-spotted Swimming Crab, Lupa _ sanguinolenta 

This species is closely allied to the common Blue Swimming 
Crab, to which it is very similar in shape, though in coloration 
it is quite distinct, being at once easily recognised by the 
three remarkable blood-hke spots surrounded by blueish 
rings, which are to be found on the back shell or carapace. 
Like most of the members of this group of crabs, it is very 
widely distributed, but it is not very common here, nor does 
it attain to the large proportions of the Blue Swimming 


(5) Cross-bearing Swimming Crab, Charybdts cruciatus (Herbst). 

This crab will be at once picked out from others (which 
are themselves beautiful) by the glorious and delicate colors. 
On the carapace, and running from front to back, are several 
milk-white or cream-colored bars, the central ones of which 
are thought by some to bear a striking resemblance to a 
cross. I must confess that I have never been able to see 
the resemblance. The whole shell of this lovely animal is 
so finely smoothed and so delicately colored that it rather 
suggests the finest porcelain than a crab’s shell. The species 
is not at all common in our waters. 


(1) Sehool Prawn, Peneus macleayt Hasweil. 

This is the commonest of our edible prawns, and is the one 
usually sold by hawkers throughout the coastal districts 
generally—especially Sydney and Newcastle. It occurs in 
tremendous abundance on muddy bottoms in water of from 
3 or 4 fathoms up to tide limits. It is semi-transparent 
when alive, and is covered with small reddish spots. It 
does not attain anything like the size of the two following 

(2) King Prawn, Peneus canaliculatus Olivier. 

This handsome species is, from an edible point of view, 
our finest prawn; as it attains commonly a very large size 
(as much as 8 or g inches in length), hence its vernacular 
name. When alive, it possesses the most lovely tints, more 
especially upon the swimmerets and tail. It is caught in 
some abundance upon fairly deep muddy bottoms (by means 
of a sunken net), though it often comes to the surface at 
night and skips about. Though it lives in very much deeper 
water than the School Prawn, it will survive for a very much 
longer time out of water than the latter. It has a wide 
distribution, and is one of the edible prawns of Japan. 

(3) Tiger Prawn, Pen@us monodon Fabricius. 

This large prawn is not usually obtained in numbers like 
the preceding two. It is a deep-water animal, and has a 
very similar range of distribution to the King Prawn. It 
attains an exceedingly large size, specimens of Io inches and 
more in length having occasionally been captured. During 
last year (1908) large numbers of this species were captured 
off Vaucluse, in the lower part of Port Jackson. These were 
exceptionally large, some of the specimens reaching the 
gigantic length of over 12 inches (measured from the tip of 
the rostrum to the end of the telson). It is a very handsome 
animal, being beautifully barred with vertical tiger-like 
brown stripes. 


Murrumbidgee Crayfish, Astacopsts spinifera (Heller). 

This is also known as the “ Murray River Lobster.” It is 
distributed over the greater part of the western watershed, 
is also found on the mountains, and is quite common in the 
County of Cumberland, in the neighbourhood of Sydney. It 
is, however, in the large western rivers that it ‘attams: 1s 
greatest perfection and size. This crustacean in coloration 
varies in different parts and at different stages of growth, 
from a deep red to a light bluish-grey, the latter being the 
prevailing tint of the majority of the larger specimens. There 
is also a great amount of variation in the finer details of 
external structure. A close study of a large series of specimens 
from all over the country will probably show that this remark- 
able crayfish may be differentiated into a number of well- 
marked groups. 



Of the vast molluscan fauna of New South Wales only one 
species is of present commercial importance, this being the 
Common Oyster (Ostrea cucullata), which is so well and 
favorably known for its fine edible qualities. Of the others, 
at least the following are used for food, though not in any 
considerable numbers :—The Mud Oyster (which is a variety 
of the almost world-wide Ostrea edulis), several species of 
Cockle, two species of Saltwater Mussel, as well as a Fresh- 
water Mussel (Unzo),* Abalone (Haliotis) also known as 
‘“*Mutton-fish,”’ Ear-shell, &c. (and which is dried and sold by 
Chinese merchants), a common species of Periwinkle, a 
species of Whelk (Potamides), various Squids of the genera 
Sepia, Sepioteuthis, &c., and occasionally the common Octopus. 
Probably this list could be further extended at the present 
time, and very probably there will, in time, be a number of 
additions; it is also highly probable that species of no im- 
portance now, will become of very considerable value later 
on, and when their true worth is recognised. In saying this 
I am thinking more particularly of Mollusks like the common 
Mussel, which may be easily and successfully farmed on 
somewhat similar lines to Oysters, and in many cases in 
waters or in zones of our littoral, in which the oyster will 
not flourish. I would like to expatiate at some length upon 
the importance of a Mussel-fishery in New South Wales, but 
will have to content myself here with having drawn attention 
to it, as I wish to deal here more with the very great import- 
ance of our State Oyster-fisheries. These are now of great 
value, and there is every indication of a gradual increase in 
their importance. At the present time nearly 20,000,000 of 

*The common Fresh-water Mussel of our western river system 
occurs in prodigious numbers, and grows to a large size (5 to 6 inches 
or more in length). It is bound to come into prominence later on, 
both because of its edible value and its useful shell, which attains a 
considerable thickness, takes a beautiful polish, and is well suited for 
button-making and for ornamental pin-trays, ash-trays, salt-cellars, as 
well as for many other purposes. 


Oysters (above 2 inches in length) are annually taken off the 
New South Wales oyster-beds. When it is considered that 
this is to a great extent the result of artificial cultivation, 
it is highly gratifying. In the introductory portion of my 
‘*“ Edible Fishes of New South Wales,”’ I stated that ‘‘ although , 
this number* very strikingly indicates the present importance 
of the industry, it may be safely stated that, when all the 
oyster lands are treated in the same way as a comparative 
few are at present, the output will be at least quadrupled.” 
I have since thought that I put it far too mildly in using 
the word “ quadrupled.” I think really that there would be 
no exaggeration in saying that the output might be multiplied 
by twenty—and even then I only refer to areas at present 
under lease. In addition there are immense areas along the 
foreshores of some of our estuaries, which, while they do not 
naturally grow an oyster at present, might, by a method of 
scientific culture, be turned into great and profitable oyster- 

I would like to touch upon some of the methods of culture 
at present in vogue in our waters, but must reserve it for 
another place. 

In saying that the oyster output might be greatly increased 
let it not be thought that the oystermen of New South Wales 
are sluggards, or naturally slow to perceive. opportunities— 
but what they need (as already publicly acknowledged by 
many of them) in common with our fishermen, is a grand 
system of education, and their interest in a study of the 
subject should be fostered by means of lectures and by pub- 
lications distributed freely among them. Experimental oyster 
farms should also be established under Government control 
on somewhat similar lines to, and with the same objects as our 
Agricultural Stations. At these places, various methods of 
oyster-culture would be tried, the natural enemies of the 
oyster would be studied, and means for holding them in 
check or eradicating them would be experimented with. 

* The number I referred to there was “nearly 17,000,000.’’ Last 
year, however, the quantity was greatly in excess of that, and pro- 
duction is undoubtedly on the increase. 


Even as it is, a great deal of knowledge on various points, 
in the possession of many men, spread over wide areas, 
absolutely goes to waste for want of correlation. The mere 
collation of this knowledge for general dissemination among our 
people will be a very big step in the right direction. 

{ may mention here, in passing, that the Board of Fisheries 
for New South Wales some time ago entrusted me with the 
task of making a general investigation into our oysters and 
the oyster question generally, but under existing circumstances, 
though a very large amount of valuable information and 
material have been got together, progress must be necessarily 
very slow. To carry this great and important national work 
out to anything like completeness some very special permanent 
provision—financial and otherwise—will be necessary. 

The following list of New South Wales Oyster Waters 
should prove of some general interest here :— 

New South Wales Oyster-beavring Waters, in which Oyster-leases exist 
at present (March, 1919), from North to South, along Coast. 
Note.—Those marked with an asterisk are at present the most important Oyster waters. 

Tweed River and Terranora Creek. Narrabeen Lagoon. 
Cudgara Creek. George’s River. 
Brunswick River. Port Hacking. 
Richmond River.* Crookhaven River.* 
Evans River. Kurrarong Creek. 
Clarence River.* Callala Creek ‘aoe 
Sandon River. Cararma Creek } Mees) IEE. 
Wooli Wooli River. Currambene Creek. 
Woogoolga Creek. Sussex Haven. 

Moonee Creek. Narrawallee Creek. 

Coff’s Harbour Creek. 
Bonville Creek. 

Boambee Creek. 

Bellinger River.* 

Deep Creek. 

Nambucca River.* 

Oyster, and McGrath’s, Creek. 
Macleay River.* 

Hastings River (Port Macquarie).* 
Cathie Creek. 

Camden Haven.* 

Manning River.* 
Khappinghat Creek. 

Wallis Lake.* 

Port Stephens.* 

Hunter River.* 

Brisbane Water. 

Hawkesbury River.* 

Pitt Water. 

Clyde River.* 
Tomaga River. 
Candlegut Creek. 
Moruya River. 
Congo Creek. 
Tuross Lake. 
Wagonga River.* 
Bermaguee River. 
Murrah River. 
Wapengo Lake. 
Nelson Lake. 
Bega River. 
Merimbula Lake. 
Panbula River.* 
Nullica River. 
Kiah River. 
Wonboyn River. 
Merrica Creek. 

CETACEANS (Whales and Dolphins). 

Quite a number of Cetaceans roam the waters of our sea- 
board. Among the Whales are (1) the Southern Right Whale, 
or Black Whale (Balena australis), which, by the way, seems 
to be very little different to the North Atlantic Right Whale 
(B. glacialis); (2) the Hump-back (Megaptera); (3) the 
Common Fin-back, or Black Fin-back (Balenoptera physalus*); 
(4) the Sulphur-bottom (B. musculus*); (5)¢ the Little Piked 
Whale, also known as Pike Whale, and in parts as ““ Grampus ”’ 
(and which appears to me to be identical with Balenoptera 
acutorostrata); (6) the large Sperm Whale (Physeter); and (7) 
the little Pigmy Sperm Whale (Kogia breviceps). I also have 
a report of a Grey Fin-back, from Twofold Bay, which is 
very likely another species of large Rorqual. There is also a 
small Whalebone Whale allied to the Black Whale, and known 
under the generic name of Eubalena. 

Among the Dolphins, the most abundant form is, of course, 
the common Porpoise—so called. This is the Common 
Dolphin (Delphinus delphis). Then there is the Bottle- 
nosed Dolphin? (Tursio), which appears to be fairly abun- 
dant;. aud the yereat~“ Kine of the Dolphins” the Kallen 
(Orca gladiator), which preys largely upon the various species 
of whale. 

Many years ago Sydney was a whaling port of very con- 
siderable importance, a number of whalers making it their 
headquarters. Though this was so, the whales were not 
necessarily captured on the coast of New South Wales, as 
the vessels in some cases made long voyages. Nowadays, 
the only whaling industry carried on in New South Wales. 
waters is that at Eden, Twofold Bay, though whales are 

* These two large Rorquals are generally known here under other 
specific names, but they do not seem to be specifically different from the 
two well-known Atlantic forms recognised under the names here given. 

+ Numbers 1-5 are all “‘ whalebone,” or “‘ baleen,’”’ whales, as distinct 
from the sperm whales, which are “ toothed.”’ 

t Not the Bottle-nosed Whale (Hyperoédon), which also occurs in. 
Australian waters. 

—_— -— 

often to be found in very considerable numbers ofi various 
portions of our coast. Twofold Bay has been a whaling 
station for many years, and a considerable trade results from 
the operations of the two whaling parties living and working 
there. The whales are captured primarily, of course, for 
their oil; whalebone or baleen also being an important 
product. A valuable agricultural fertiliser could be made 
from their carcases after the blubber or “ blanket ”’ is taken 
off, but at present this is not done. 

In the capture of the various species of Whales, the Two- 
fold Bay whaiers are greatly assisted by the Killers or Killer- 
Whales (Orca gladiator), which harass and pursue the Whales, 
usually clustering about the head and hanging on to the 
lower lips in an attempt to force open the leviathan’s mouth, 
with the object of getting at its huge tongue, which is their 
special titbit. The Killers hem the Whales in towards the shore 
so that the latter are caught between the whalers and them. 

Among the whales captured at Twofold Bay are the follow- 
ing species:—The Black Whale (Balena), the Hump-back 
(Megaptera), the Sulphur-bottom, the Black Fin-back, and 
the Little Piked Whale or so-called (locally) Grampus ; 
the three last of the genus Balenoptera. 

Mr. James Morgan, the editor of the ‘“‘ Eden Observer,” 
and a very keen observer of the whaling in those parts, 
informs me that the average size of the Black Whales cap- 
tured is about 50 feet; the largest in many years having 
been 59 feet. The Hump-backs average 45 to 50 feet. The 
Sulphur-bottom is far-and-away the hugest beast of our 
waters, growing to a length of about 100 feet. One captured 
at Twofold Bay in September, 1908, measured no less than 
98 feet. This was a “cow,” and Mr. George Davidson, who 
secured it, tells me that she became stranded through her 
maternal solicitude for her ‘calf,’ itself no less than 45 feet 
long, and which had previously become stranded. It is said 
that some years back, Mr. George Davidson, the veteran 
whaler, saw a female about 100 feet long, with a “ baby ” 
about 45 feet in length by her side. The Black Fin-back 


is very common, but not so valuable, as the blubber is very 
thin; it also grows toa large size. The small Rorqual, known 
to the Twofold Bay men as “Grampus,” is not uncommon. 
It attains a length, exceptionally, of 30 feet. 

The following statistics in regard to the whaling at Twofold 
Bay during the last six years have been collected by the local 
Inspector of Fisheries :— 

Mace Number of Amount of oil Whalebone 
whales captured. produced. taken. 
1904 10 253 tuns 1} cwt. 
1QO5 6 Des, (Not stated) 
1905 8 20 m 4t cwt. 
1907 (Figures not available) 
1908 5 Lov etuns 44+ cwt. 
1909 IO 22 - 2 ‘ 

In the year 1905, 17 cwt. of whalebone was sent to Lewis 
and.’ Peat, of London, where it realised. £1,200. 

Dolphins.—In addition to the whaling, there is at the 
present time a small industry in connection with the capture 
of our common Porpoise, or Dolphin. The Dolphin- 
fishing is carried out somewhat spasmodically by two or 
three crews only, and in the vicinity of Port Jackson and 
Botany Bay. Practically the sole object of the fishery just 
now is the obtaining of the numerous conical teeth (of which 
a full set consists of about 160). These teeth are purchased 
by various firms having business with the Solomon Islands, 
and some others of the Pacific Islands, as well as parts of 
Papua, where—strange to say—they are regularly used as 
currency. At present the demand for these teeth is much 
greater than the supply forthcoming, notwithstanding the 
abundance of these Cetaceans, and the ease with which they 
are captured. While this demand lasts there is very evidently 
a great opportunity for a great increase in the Dolphin-fishery, 
apart from the return to be obtained from the skins, oil, as 
well as from fertiliser obtained from the carcases. The price 
paid by island firms for Porpoise teeth, as they are called, ranges 
from 8s. to gs. per 100. One party of fishermen, operating 
from Botany Bay, obtained in a few months, and sold in two 
lots no less than 16,000 of these teeth. During the same 
period they pursued their ordinary calling as fishermen. 


The sponge fauna of New South Wales is a very large one, 
but so far it has been very imperfectly worked out, though 
a number of highly-valuable descriptive papers thereon have 
been published. Sufficient is known, however, to warrant us. 
in thinking that there is a reasonable prospect of a sponge- 
fishery being established in our waters in the not-far-distant 
future. We possess quite a number of species which would 
be of value for domestic purposes, and probably amongst 
the others are many which would be suitable for use in 
various trades. 

The most valuable belong to the genera Euspongia and 
Hippospongia, and allied forms. Some of the more valuable 
species grow to a large size, and—as my own experience 
bears out—they make, even with a very little preparation, 
very good bath sponges. 

There are undoubtedly very large natural supplies of these 
sponges along our coastline, as indicated by the great numbers 
to be found on many of our beaches after storms. 

Before any sponge-fishery is established here, however, it 
will first be necessary to carry out a great deal of exploratory 
work—more particularly in connection with the location of 
the actual beds and the areas most suitable for sponge-growth. 

Sponges are used for a multiplicity of purposes. In addition 
to the many well-known household uses, the coarser kinds 
and clippings from better kinds are used for stuffing mattresses 
and carriage cushions. Others are used for various filtering 
purposes; others, again, by lithographers. 



There appears to me to be a very great scope for the 
development of Seaweed industries—and all that that implies 
—along the coast of New South Wales. At present nothing 
is done, and, although the development, along economic 
lines, of our fishes, is of more immediate and pressing import- 
ance, we should not lose sight of the great economic importance 
of our great and varied marine flora. Naturally, those of us 
who are naturalists find our first interest in the large number 
of interesting groups and the many exquisitely beautiful 
species which are found to be included among them, but, 
while fully sensible of these estimable points of view, it would 
be foolish of us to ignore their many uses in an economic 
way, and the part they may play in adding to the material 
wealth of our native land. 

For the purpose of better indicating the value of our 
Seaweeds as a national asset, I shall here devote a few remarks 
in regard to some of the various products obtained from them 
in some other countries. 

Scotland, Ireland, France, and almost every European 
country have at present their Seaweed industries, as has also 
America; but in none of these has it attained to the great 
proportions to which the Japanese have developed theirs. 
Apart from the great quantities used locally in the families 
of fishermen, the annual value in a commercial way of the 
Seaweed productions in Japan is over £400,000.* Not only 
is the natural marine growth relied upon as a source of supply 
but certain species of seaweed are very extensively farmed 
and cultivated on somewhat similar lines to those followed 
in the production of oysters. 

The greater part of the marine vegetation is consumed as 
food, and among sea flora the Laminaria (known fami- 
liarly to us in a general way as Kelp), often of huge size, 

* For a very complete account of the ‘‘Seaweed Industries of 
Japan,”’ the reader is referred to Dr. H. M. Smith’s admirable paper 

in Bulletin 24 (1904), of the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, and also to 
‘Sir F. A. Nicholson’s ‘“‘ Note on Fisheries in Japan ”’ (1907). 


take perhaps the first place. Under the general name of 
‘‘ Kombu”’ they are of universal use in the Japanese dietary. 
though they do not commend themselves in general to 
European palates. The edible is cut up into small pieces, 
heated in water, and served as a condiment in broths, or 
after being sugared or salted. is taken with various fish. One 
particular species is said to be an excellent substitute for tea 
with a particularly pleasant fragrance of its own. The 
importance of the article may be judged by the fact that 
most of it is used at home, and is only exported to a com- 
paratively small extent to China; yet this export, on an 
average of ten recent years, annually amounts in a dry state 
to 57,644,000 lb. It is an industry of long standing, and 
occupies many thousands of men, women, and children. 

Another edible seaweed is the ‘‘Amanori,’ a kind of 
“Laver” of the genus Porphyra, cultivated in numerous 
places, usually in shallow flats at the mouths of rivers where 
the water is not very salt, but especially in Tokyo Bay, where 
the first objects that strike the traveller’s he skirts 
the bay in the train, are the rows of faggots or fascines of 
bamboo and brushwood on which the weed grows sticking 
up from the mud. These are placed in position in autumn, 
and the crop begins in January and goes on to late spring. 
The plant grows rapidly on the collectors, is gathered from 
time to time. washed, minced, and dressed into thin brown 
sheets about octavo size; these are then stuck upon bamboo 
frames inclined to the sun, and when dry are bundled and 
sent to market. These are said to be slightly roasted when 
used and to give a desirable flavor to other foods. It is 
used in many ways, such as minced and served in broths; 
a favourite recipe is the well-known Japanese ‘‘ Sushi,’ or 
sandwich composed of boiled rice mixed with fish or pulse 
flavered with vinegar and wrapped up in a sheet of 
Amanori. An equally common recipe is to serve it with 
hot rice and Shoyu (Soy) sauce; it is said to be an excellent 
appetiser. It does not, however, seem to keep well in the 
hot weather, but may be dried or canned, when it will keep 


Another very important product is that known as Seaweed 
Glue, called in Japan “ Funori,” and made principally from 
marine plants of the genus Glotopeltis. This is used as a 
stiffening paste or size for woven fabrics, in putting on wall- 
paper, and in many other ways. Mixed with lime and sand 
it forms an excellent cement or stucco. The size or glue 
is easily made by cutting the seaweed into moderate-sized 
pieces, boiling it for a short time, and then filtering the mass. 
The filtrate is the desired substance. 

Certainly one of the most important products of the sea- 
weed industries is the substance known as Vegetable Isin- 
glass, and called by the Japanese ‘“ Kanten.”’ This is 
pearly white, shiny, and semi-transparent, having in block 
form a loose, flaky structure, and is tasteless and odorless. 
In cold water it swells but does not dissolve, but in boiling 
water it is readily soluble, and on cooling forms a jelly. In 
the manufacture of this substance probably more than one 
kind is used, but the recognised plant is a species of Gelidium. 

In Japan and elsewhere, Kanten (often known under a great 
variety of names) is used largely for food in the form of jellies 
(often colored), and as adjuvants of soups, sauces, &c. It 
is also used for purifying saké, the native wine made from rice. 
In other countries Kanten is employed in a variety of ways, 
although chiefly in food preparations where a gelatine is re- 
quired, such as jellies, candies, pastries,and many desserts, in 
all of which it is superior to animal isinglass. It is also used 
for the sizing of textiles, the stiffening of the warp of silks, the 
clarifying of wines, beers, coffee, and other drinks, the making 
of moulds required by workers in plaster of Paris, and some- 
times in the manufacture of paper. In China one of its uses 
is as a substitute for edible bird nests. The large consign- 
ments of square Kanten to Holland are doubtless destined 
for the schnapps factories. A very important use in all 
civilised countries is as a culture medium in bacteriological 
work; the product is known in the scientific world under 
the name “‘ Agar-agar,’’ which is the Ceylonese equivalent of 
Kanten. For this purpose a very pure grade of slender 
Kanten is required. Other plants beside Gelidium are used 


in the production of Agar-agar, such as the Australian and 
Asiatic plants, Eucheuma spinosum, Gracilaria lichenoides, 
G. tenax, and other related species, which yield the products 
known in commerce as Agar-agar, Agar-agar gum, Agal-agal, 
Bengal isinglass, Bengal isinglass gum, Ceylon moss, Ceylon 
Agar-agar, Chinese moss, &c. 

Vegetable isinglass is composed largely of gelose or para- 
rabin, a substance remarkable for its gelatinising properties, 
which exceed those of any other known product. It is 
insoluble in cold water, alcohol, dilute acids, and alkalies; 
its melting point is go° F. It has eight times the gelatinising 
power of ordinary gelatine and isinglass; and one part to 
500 parts of boiling water forms a jelly on cooling. Gelose 
jelly keeps well, but owing to its high melting point is not 
so well adapted for food preparations as some other jellies. 

In addition to the kinds of alge mentioned, very many 
others are made use of; some being used for the manufacture 
of jellies, some as vegetables, some in the making of salads, 
some as condiments, and some for decorative purposes. 
Large quantities also are used as fertilisers for the soil, while 
immense quantities are employed in the manufacture of 
iodine; secondary products being common salt, sodium 
sulphate, potassium chloride, and sulphur. 

The common Sea-grass (Zostera) which abounds in the 
estuaries along our coast is of economic value, though, per- 
haps, not of much use as a gelatine producer. It is a very 
useful medium for a “ packing ”’ in cases, and is also of value 
for use in connection with the production of a callus in 
grape-vine cuttings. 

Professor Blunno, the New South Wales viticultural expert, 
in the Department of Agriculture, has recently used—and 
with good effect—a large quantity of this Zostera, obtained 
from Port Stephens. In regard to its use in connection with 
viticulture, Professor Blunno favors me with the following 
memorandum :— 

‘The Sea-grass is used mixed with fine sawdust to line 
the sides of boxes in which are placed cuttings of phylloxera- 
resistant stocks that have been grafted with cuttings of 


European varieties of grapes. Heat and a certain moisture 
are necessary for the production by the histologic elements 
of a callus, which gradually grows and surrounds the zone 
where stock and scion have been grafted. Before being used 
the mixture of sea-grass and sawdust is steeped in water. 
More water is poured on it after the grafted cuttings are 
laid in layers in the boxes, and the sea-grass, while retaining 
a suitable amount of that water, lets the surplus escape. 
The mountain moss was first used instead of the sea-grass, 
but, apart from being more expensive, had the inconvenience 
of retaining too much water; with the danger that the 
cuttings would rot, because the grafted cuttings are kept 
for about twenty-five days, laid in the mixture at a tem- 
perature of from 75° to 78° F. In a word, sea-grass is em- 
ployed in preference to any porous material like sawdust, 
mountain moss, or sand, because, like them, it enhances 
the production of a callus, which is the first stage of the 
knitting of stock and scion, without having many of the 
inconveniences of those other substances. When the grafted 
cuttings are planted in the nursery, and vegetation begins, 
this callus, which is all a cellular mass and nothing else but 
parenchyma, begins to harden and to undergo the differen- 
tiation of the histologic elements, and by the end of the 
vegetative period stock and scion form one whole, and the 
ascension and elaboration of the aliments is then quite 


In concluding this necessarily brief sketch of the present 
and potential value of our fisheries, I cannot refrain from 
drawing attention to a matter which, though I have previously 
spoken on it (in another place), I feel sure will bear reiteration. 
I am confident that I will have your sympathy when I refer 
to the great and pressing need in Australia for more science 
and more education in our national life. In all departments 
of the national concern is this necessity apparent, and this 
may surely be said without in any way disparaging our 
present efforts, or whatever has been done in the past. In 
no branch is its necessity more evident than in dealing with 
our fisheries matters, in which there lie enormous untrodden 
fields of research. There is, indeed, so close a relationship 
between scientific investigation and our fisheries, that I feel 
justified in claiming that it is really the ABC ofit all. This 
need for constant and close inquiry extends to all branches 
of our fisheries, its application to our oyster fisheries, for 
instance, being of very special importance. Upon a proper 
system of investigation depends very largely indeed the 
future development of our fisheries, and, at the same time, 
the fund of information to be so gained will form a strong 
and sound basis for any future regulations having for their 
object the effective protection and control of our fisheries. 

I am thinking of the words of Professor H. E. Armstrong 
(quoted by Mr. A. H. S. Lucas in his admirable Presidential 
Address to the Linnean Society, in March, 1908), when I 
say that each Department of Government (or at least those 
connected with our industries) should be ‘not merely an 
office,” but “also a busy hive of research.’ 

On page 17 of my “ Edible Fishes of New South Wales,” 
I drew attention to “the great and widespread movement 
towards the elucidation of fisheries problems which has 
begun to manifest itself during the last few years in the 
various States of Australia, led by New South Wales.” I 
also mentioned the investigation ship which was then under 


construction in New South Wales for the Federal Government, 
and the opportunities its operations would afford of adding 
to the store of knowledge of our marine denizens. It is par- 
ticularly pleasing to me now to here place on record that, at 
my suggestion, the then Prime Minister (the Right Honorable 
Alfred Deakin, P.C., M.P.) caused the name of “‘ Endeavour ”’ 
to be bestowed on this vessel at her launching, in memory 
of the faithful little “‘ Endeavour” of our gallant navigator 
Cook. The new “ Endeavour” has since begun her work of 
exploration, and has for some time been operating in southern 
waters in the vicinity of Tasmania and Bass Strait. 

It is to be sincerely hoped that the Commonwealth Govern- 
ment will lose no time in having the “results” of the 
“ Endeavour’s”’ cruises fully and accurately worked up and 
published for the benefit of Australia generally—and no 
doubt this will be done. In whatever part of Australia’s 
waters she works, a knowledge of the results of her operations 
will be immediately of value to the various Fisheries Depart- 
ments of the individual States. 

|The vignette on the back of the wrapper vepresents tie common 
“Squid” of New South Wales.] 




(1) Murray Cop, Oligorus macquariensis (Cuy. and Val.). (2) BLACKFISH, Girella tricuspidata (Quoy 
and Gaimard). (3) AUSTRALIAN PILCHARD, Clupanodon neopilchardus (Steindachner). (4) SEA 
Muctet, Mugil dobula (Gunther). 



o2 PAs 

os 2 


(1) GOLDEN PERCH or “‘ YELLOW Betty,” Plectroplites ambiguus (Richardson). (2) SILVER PERCH or 
GRUNTER,” Terapon ellipticus (Richardson). (3) SAND WuiTING, Sillago ciliata (Cuv. and Val.). 
(4) River Garrisu, Hemirhamphus regularis (Giinther). 



(1) SNAPPER, Pagrosomus auratus (Forster). (2) Brack Bream, Chrysophrys australis, Gunther. 
(2a) Lower jaw of same, showing molars. (3) AusTRALIAN Joun Dory, Zeus australis, 



SAMSON-Fisu, Seriola hippos, Giinther. (2) KinerFisu, Seriola lalandi, Cuv. and Val. (3) TaILer, Pomatomus 
saltatrix (Linnzus). (4) AUSTRALIAN “ SatMon ”’ or “‘ Buck,” Arripis trutta (Forster). 




(1) ComMMON MACKEREL, Scomber colias, Gmelin. 



) Horse MACKEREL, Sarda chilensis, Cuv. and Val. 

(3) Common (N.S.W.) HERRING, Sardinella castelnaui (Ogilby). (4) Dusky FLATHEAD, Platycephalus 

Juscus, Cuv. and Val. 



(1) SMALL-TOOTHED FLOUNDER, Paralichthys nove-cambrie, Ogilby. (2) Lonc-sNOUTED FLOUNDER, 
Ammotretis rostrata, Giinther. (3) BLacK SoLe, Synaptura nigra, Macleay. 


SS ee 
a Seasiged = 

(1) and (2) Part of catch of over 600 JEwFIsH (Sciena antarctica), averaging about 
12 to 15 pounds weight, netted at Ulmarra (Clarence River). As many more 
were let go. (J. McKern, Photo.;} 

(2) KILLER (Orca gladiator) and LittLe PikeED WHALE( Balenoptera acutorostrata), 
both about 30 feet long, cast up on Haslem’s Beach, Twofold Bay. 



ComMoN CRAYFISH (Marine), Palinurus hugelii, Heller. 


| SOUTHERN CRAYFISH (Marine), Palinurus edwardsii, Miers. 

PLATE 10. 


MURRUMBIDGEE CRAYFISH, Astacopsis spinifera, Heller. 



TicER Prawn, Peneus monodon, Fabricius. 




rit eens 


cana ncscnnctnmcnsel Nia eCces us 

(1) Ktnc Prawn, Pene@us canaliculatus, Olivier. 
(2) ScHooL Prawn, Pengeus macleayi, Haswell. 

(ta) ‘“‘ Head”’ or carapace of sate. 
(2a) Carapace of same. 

PLATE 12. 

*gyeUI as1e[ Jo pedijayo pojzs0jsiq (4) 
‘g[eUl pue ‘aTeUlay oInjeUUTT ‘opeWay jo ,, sasepuedde [eq ,, 10 ‘epodoatd (9) ‘o[VUoJ OAN.eWIUIT pue ‘oayeUIoy ‘oTeW JO ., Sle} ,, 10 suOa{q ($) ‘oa[TeUWoy 91njzeu (9b) 
[eIJUAA JO ‘JeUIB}S (Ff) ‘“UOTJeOTseUI Jo suRSIO (€) ‘I ‘ON se APO paZIs oUIKS JO B[eUaj Jo SpodifeyD (z) ‘aTeul osieT (1) 

‘(sueuuly) vasvjad vdnT ‘GVO ONINWIMS ANTA 


pue ‘ayeuoy oinyeumurt (gh) ‘opeut (VF) jo yoodse 



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anpetnatennamamene tories a sania msl cas oad Nn oe LE SES Saab aa :S 

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uo Usye} MolA VY 

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are siaishoO essay], °W0}}0q jaAvis [eIMj}eU & UO SUTA] DUOs VsOOT] UO s19jshO paj}eAT}INZ jo yoyed ev Surmoys ‘atenboey 410g je sSased] S,YOIC] SPWIOYT JO 9UO UO Uayv} MOIA YW 


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(1) Fine growth on hardwood stake, and (2) on stone; both from F. J. Gibbins’ Oyster Leases at Camden 


(3) Good growth, 15 months old, on terra-cotta tile, from J. W. Swainson’s areas at George’s 

River, Botany Bay. 
