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Hello KBOO Members! 

The 2010 KBOO Annual Membership Meeting will be held from 
1 to 4pm at Tabor Space, 5441 SE Belmont. 

Now is the time to vote in the KBOO Annual Election! 

Ballots must be mailed in the envelope provided and received by Friday 
September 17 lh or brought to the annual meeting Sunday September 19th at 
Tabor Space 5441 SE Belmont and cast by 3pm. Election results will be announced 
at the annual meeting. 

On this year's ballot we have two proposed bylaw changes to go along with the 
election of four board members for 3-year terms. The bylaw amendments are 
submitted with the approval of the KBOO Governance/Personnel Committee and 
the current Board of Directors. 

Proposed Bylaw Changes Vote Yes or No 

Proposed Change tfl: 

Article VI: Board of Directors 

Section 4. Qualifications. All Board members and candidates for the Board must be members 
of the KBOO F-oundation. Candidates must be members of the KBOO Foundation at the time of 
submission of the application for a Board member seat. A member who is excluded from the 
corporation's premises is not qualified to serve on or run for election to the Board. 

Existing Bylaw: 

Section 4. Qualifications. All Board members shall be members of the corporation. 

Rationale for bylaw change 

I he following bylaw proposal was developed and unanimously endorsed by the KBOO Board of 
Directors. It was written to address the need for clear qualifications for Board members and candidal es- 

Our intent is to be as open and inclusive as possible so that KBOO members may take part in all aspects 
of the station. However, in the past we have had members run for the Board who have, in fact, caused 
harm to KBOO. We as an organization are unable to let you know candidates' backgrounds. You are onl 
able to 

statements are no! screened for accuracy j ^nd are printed exactly as the individual has written them. 
Even it someone has been removed from KBOO for abusive behavior, or has sued the organization and 
cost us thousands of dollars in legal expenses, it is difficult for us to disclose this on the ballot. The Board 
of Directors feels strongly that our organization needs protection from individuals who have caused 
harm to KBOO. The following bylaw revision addresses this concern. 

Please note that the board has reinstated individuals to KBOO if they have apologized for behavior and 
taken steps to correct it. Such individuals may be able to run for a Board seat in the future if reinstated. 

Additionally, in the past there have been candidates who have run for a Board seat who were not 
current members at the time of the election. This bylaw would make it clear that a candidate must be a 
member at the time of declaring as a candidate for election 

Proposed Change W2: 

Article VI: Board of Directors 

Section 5. blection. At each annual election, the members of the corporation shall by ballot 
elect one-third of the member;, of the Board; the nominees receiving the most votes being 
elected. The election shall be conducted by mail and at the annual meeting. The election shal 
be concluded by a count of ballots returned by mail in an official signed ballot envelope and 
those cast at the annual meeting. Ballots returned by any other methods will not be counted 
Candidates must submit an application including a statement of interest to the Nominating 
Committee, or its designee, at least seven calendar weeks prior to the election. The Board of 
Dirpr tors shall encourage diverge (.anrfiriatn to run for tr^e board. The results of the e'ection 
shall be announced hv th e President, ot the President's designee, at the annual meeting. 

Existing Bylaw: 

Section 5. election. At each annual election, the members of the corporation shall by ballot 
elect one third of the members of the Board, the nominees receiving the most voles being 
elected. Candidates may run for election by submitting a statement of interest to be received 
by thp Nominating Committee, or its designee, at least seven calendar weeks prior to the 
election. Thp Board of Directors shall be responsible for ensuring that an adequate number of 
candidates representative of the diversity of the corporation's members are nominated. 1 he 
election shall be conducted by mail and at the annual meeting. The election shall be concluded 
at the annual meeting by a count ot ballots returned by mail and ballots cast at the annual 
meeting. The results of the election shall be announced by the President, or the President's 
designee, at the annual meeting. 

flatianflle tor bylaw cnange 

The following bylaw proposal was developed and unanimously endorsed by the KBOO Board of 
Directors. The rationale for this change is to add clarity to the election process. 

Board Candidate's statements 

Chris Andreae 

First off, by sheer accident, I was born in St. Vincent's Hospital here in Portland, Oregon. 

I have been a KBOO contributing member and engaged volunteer for over ten years. I have been a 
KBOO programmer in the am newsroom for over seven years. 

Experience relevant to serving on the Board encompasses community organizing mediation and 
arbitration. I was a partner in a firm working to brine independent banks on line in the Bay Atea. We 
were instrumental in starting the first women's bank and the first African-American bank in the 
region. Currently I run an organic form in Troutdale, I have written two books and some of my short 
work has been published I design logos and make wearable art. 

Plalforrn: Community 

My platform can be summarized in one word; Community. It's time lo reassess and redefine what we 
mean when wc talk about 'community radio'. I want to inspire and energize the ways we go about 
reconfiguring the station in the 21st century It is well past time to expand the definition of 
'Communiiy' in order to reach a wider market. 

We are Community' radio Whal does this really meanr" What is our role in our immediate broadcast 
area? And our online listening world? Where and in what ways do the two intersect? How will we co- 
evolve with the greater medio sea in which we swim? Community is the core value wc have got to 
redefine going forward. The concept of 'Community' has got to change in our changing cultural 
With my 

creatively with the Board, staff and membership. 
All I need now is your vote, you, I he KBOO Community. 

Deena Barnwell 

Currently serving on the board, but it's been for less then a year. I would like more time to 
fulfill the goals I'm still striving towards. I love the movement of our community radio station 
the reach, the innovative ways KBOO stays true to the charter but still brings something new to 
the table. I bring a voice of reason, compassion, and diversity to the table. 

Eric Chase 

Hollo members, I'm trie and I'm interested in getting involved with KBOO as a board member. 

I've always been into music., up until 2 years ago I would play guitar 8 hours a day and allot all 
my resources tor music gear/pcrformance/oryanization/etr. Unfortunately I hurt my hand 
while working/living on a farm and have been unable to play since. I'm working on healing my 
broken heart and I think involving myself in music on a different level will only help! 
I listen to the radio way too much and I think I have a good grasp on what's out there, what's 
not and why the situation is, well, how it is. I'm very attracted to KBOO for the fact that it's not 
lust another hand of America's large and manipulative corporations and I want to help steer 
KBOO *n the rtRht dtriTtion and reinforce the positive areas. I speak plainly and I don't like 
poiit/cization and I won't stand for it at the board level, I think the board is meant to serve the 
station which in turn is meant to serve the members, and for that reason the board should 
solely focus on what the mpmbership wants and how to attain these items or reach those 
goals. I believe there should be a perpetual improvement on the station, both in programing 
and community outreach, and the progress should be guided and periodically reviewed by the 

Scott Forrester 

Democracy at KBOO threatened. 


See for details Contacts: S03-492 1593 or clackamasyrn' 

Some members of the Board of Directors and staff are trying to privatize KBOO. Stop the 
privatization of the "community ' public media resource. 

KBOO is a rare corporate democracy. 

Some KROO paid staff and Board Directors want to eliminate member participation. They only 
want member money and free volunteer labor, but without member say in the future station 
direction and programming on KBOO radio or website. They want to get rid of direct elections 
of the 12 Board Directors and substitute a self appointing board of "experts," not from the 

This current Board except a tew new appointees: 

Is trying to change the KBOO Bylaws to allow for "banning" Board Director candidates that are 
political opponents, policy reformers and democratic dissenters. This; \$ not consistent with 42 
years of KBOO history. 

I* trying to sell KBOO's new Pendleton station license granted by the TCC without informing or 
asking the membership's opinion. 

—is considering leasing to a commercial interest 1 of 3 high-definition radio channels that 
KBOO has ownership, but is not using. KBOO can do a fund-raiser for the one-time $50,000 
equipment necessary to get 3 new channels of radio, in addition to keeping are current FM 

signal unchanged? 

I will work for three new radio channels: KBOO-HD1 play the current KBOO FM broadcast, 
KBOOHD2 be all news, interviews and public affairs programming and KB00-HD3 is all music. 

These new HD channels are waiting to be used, but their has been no discussion with the 
membership about this amazing opportunity to increase KBOO depth of programming, increase 
open programs available for members to host/produce and to increase Foundation income by 
creating more listener choices. 


I will always be available to all Members to personally talk or email about suggestions, policies 
or issues. 

Create a policy that all Board Directors (BOD) of this rare membership owned radio station be 
required to have an email and phone contact information posted on KBOO's website. Since they 

city councils. 

To allow all members post blog/comments onto KBOO's website without censorship by creating 
a publicly posted written policy with prompt notification to anyone whose post/comment has 
been blocked as to the specific reasons and to have the ability to appeal censorship decisions to 
the BOD. 

Post on website all audio recordings of the BOD and all other Committee meetings (Program, 
Finance, Personnel/Governance, Nominating, Executive) so that members can listen to what 
issues are being discussed/voted. 

Create email lists for the BOD and all the Committees to send the agenda before the meeting to 

increase member knowledge and participation in KBOO's governance and decisions. 
This will improve KBOO's democracy and insure long-term "community" radio. 

Keller Henry 

My name is Keller Henry and I've been an active volunteer at KBOO since January of 2009, 
when I came here feeling dejected by the lack of diversity in Portland and just looking for a way 

I couldn't have imagined that only a year and a half later, I would be hosting my own music 
show: SAK PA SE!, participating in committees, and running for the Board of Directors. 

Being a queer, lst-generation Haitian-American woman, I feel I represent a unique cross- 
section of perspectives that contributes to KBOO's ongoing quest to support and reflect a 
constantly changing community here in Portland. 

Prior to moving to Portland, I was a community organizer in Tampa, FL and worked with local 
and national labor and social justice organizations including Jobs with Justice and Amnesty 
International. I was also part of a dedicated group of students at the University of South Florida 
that worked to mobile community members to the Miami FTAA protests. I also co-founded 
Trans/mission, Tampa's first transgender support group specifically for FTMs and their allies. 

jver and 

advocate for people with developmental disabilities The individuals I support at work have 
taught me valuable lessons about patience, diplomacy and compassion that have come full 
circle back to my work as a social activist. 

The Board of Directors serves an essential function at the station. As a representative and 
decision making body, it needs individuals who care about and are willing to work towards the 
success of KBOO. Last year, there were individuals attempting to run for the board who have 
cost the station a substantial amount of money in legal fees defending their bogus claims. I find 
it hard to believe that those people had the station's best interest in mind. I hope that the 

KBOO membership will elect candidates, like myself, who are dedicated to making KBOO work 
in ways that help sustain the station and the communities that we represent. 

Kathy Leonard-Bushman 

I know KBOO provides a community service, but where KBOO is now good. I would like to see 
its potential for greatness achieved KBOO is the ONLY local station where Ihc members - ai 
least theoretically - are in control; for that reason I want to elicit more member input. [MO, 
members shouldn't be periodically asked only for their money; I believe you members should be 
asked for your preferences and your ideas. I would like to see KBOO's members polled - so that 
we know which current shows members enjoy the most, whether you would like to see new 
program hosts, whether you would like more talk, more music, or perhaps a link political 
satire? - 1 would also like to know which issues most concern you at this time: the war. the 
economy, the environment, or (write in your own personal hot button issue)? 

The current board can't seem to identify the problem which lias resulted in tailing membership 
and lagging fund-raising efforts, but they seem awfully busy trying to figure out who to blame. 
At the last board meeting, Alan Graf, was blamed for KBOO's problems , because of Alan's 
recent post to PortlandlndyMcdiaf'.' At the same meeting an elected, but unseated, board 
member was blamed for costing KBOO money, but this same person, at one lime, initiated a 
vciy successful fund raisci in the Corvallis area which netted KBOO's general fund $5,000 and 
$ 15.000 for a translator to boost Portland's signal for Corvallis residents. Even volunteers don't 
seem to meet board standards, as more than a few have been precipitously banned over the last 
couple of years - often without benefit of a single warning prior to their banishment. I guess 
volunteers hoping for a little respect and appreciation for their work, had better be limber enough 
to pat themselves uii the back. ;-) 

1MO. a board which seems to be on the defensive does not need more authority such as their 
proposed new bylaws would give them, but I think the Hoard may need to take a more positive 

rime should be appreciated even when they arc not in total agiceiucnt with the board or staff. 

I am working with other members on a set of bylaws to counter that of the board's, with the 
hopes of retaining the current status of members and volunteers - in order to keep the 
"community" in KBOO Radio. 

I am a former Social Worker (I worked with the homeless), a citizen of the United States, a 
Board Member of the Oregon Consumer league, and a KBOO member renewal date 7-30-201 1. 
I am now retired, but write an occasional article for OpEdNews; I am also a member of the 
Eastsidc Democratic Club (a non-partisan group), and I am an involved citizen on issues of peace 
and justice. 

Yvette Maranowski 

I came to KBOO as a movement builder, and.saw right away that by giving voice, and therefore 
power, to the people. .KBOO is a critical social tool to getting people in touch with their real 
values and re-learning their own power. 

But like the 40% of folks whu leave KBOO every year, I learned that KBOO has some problems. 
In any one year, the 40% is ?,f)0O people, which is. four times the number of currently active 
KBOO volunteers. Over the course of lime, the 40% becomes a super majority. We let these 
one-time KBOO believers down, and they voted against us with their dollars. 1 hey remind us 
that khoo has incredible potential to be a secure, dynamic force in the community, and that 
wc all can do one simple act toward enfranchising everyone, including voting in that direction. 

The solution to building our membership to where it should be, lies between those whu have 
gone, and those who remain. We need each other, and we need to build bridges, not walls. 

The KBOO membership hasn't questioned our leadership or infrastructure as much as we 
should. The KBOO board seeks to erode member control. They've already sought the services 
of the Canoe Group, which doesn't value grassroots influence, f he Canoe group's platform is to 
brainwash the KBOO membership "slowly," over the course of three years with many 
"community talks." The Canoe group rejected KBOO, declaring KBOO a "nightmare to work 
with." They predicted the KBOO membership would sue them alongside KBOO because even 
they knew the KBOO membership doesn't want them. The KBOO board ignored their lawsuit 
red flag warning, and started looking for another company to help them wrest membership 

control. But I beg to differ, it's not "us" who are the nightmare its the dismissive ideology of 

the KBOO BOD. 

-Lotu^vc mat a KbJU whicn tells the wurid that a believes in community, peace, and justice, 
find yet works against its own membership... .is an unsustainable KBOO. 

Please vote against the current ballot proposal which narrows our election rights. Our elections 
are no less than the gateway to exercising our political viewpoints. Further, their proposed 
policy turns KBOO on its head. KBOO's mission is to amplify the voice of the "controversial," 
and "unpopular," and "disenfranchised"— not to quash dissent and create disenfranchisemcnt. 
Inevitably we will create a gated community which alienates more potential supporters as we 
drive ourselves to an increasingly smaller island of political correctness. 

I propose remedying our current unsustainability by doing two things well: 1 ) Flatten control 
of KBOO and eliminate hierarchical control; and 2) Create a policy so that when we put our 

heads together to build community, we don't yet decapitated, and we bring out the best in 
each other instead 

We can and must do this! I would like to build ways to use each other's best potential in order 
to retain that 40% of dreamers each year who are hungry for what KBOO can and should be. 


Yvette Maranowski 

Glen Owen 

why i want lo be on the kboo board : to counter escalating assault on civil liberties as favored 
by kboo's existing self-appointed, self perpetuating, oligarchy of fake "progressiveness" etc 

knowledge base and skill set : 

••- economics degree from same school as Catherine austin fitts and Stephen lendman : wharton 

— university of Pennsylvania (not penn state, though u of p usually docs field pretty mean 
basketball teams) 

— formerly two term president of mensa Seattle and national award winning editor in chief of 
its monthly print 'zinc, TotcMs 

— management consultant, arthur andcrscn consulting 1975-1981 

— banished from kboo premises 2005 11 21 mon to the present : this distinction displayed 
publicly as a badge of honor (see public posting of related rap sheet on portland indymendia, if 
you can find it using their pitiful excuse for an internal search facility) 

-•- owner (technically leaseholder ) of inter nel domains : CriSi.adiaPuhKcRadio.orK , 
CascadiaPublicBroadeastinR.orfl,,, and 

— provider of 24/7/365 archive of all kboo 90.7 fm broadcasts from sat aug 1st 2009 to the 
present : 


— it you want to know what i think about stuff that i think matters, check out james evan 
pilato's site : 

— i don't really want to sit kboo board, if so appointed and confirmed, however, i hereby 
commit to serve a minimum of one year with a sixty day "force majeure- escape clause 

— i don't really give a damn about what you say about me as long as you say a lot or it and very 


~ glen owen ~ 

I am Oevin Russo and I am a candidate for the Board of Directors at KBOO. 

I possess a Master's Degree in Conflict Resolution with a focus on mediation, social justice and 
advocacy from Portland State University. I am able to recognize common goals to bring 
opposing sides into agreement. I am also a firm believer in diversity of ideas. I uphold the 
concept or having a high degree of respect and decorum with individuals and groups with 
extremely different opinions. I do not view conflict as a negative, but as an opportunity for 
growth and learning. 

I previously worked at Cascade AIDS Project as an Early Intervention Client Advocate where I 
connected individuals to stable health care that had barriers such as homelessncss, substance 
abuse issues and mental illness. I treated each with a high degree of respect using my skills in 

, term lite improvement. J also 
worked as a program coordinator re writing and teaching the HIV Leadership Seminar for the 
State of Oregon which taught HIV+ individuals how to advocate on behalf of their rural 
communities for services. 

I am a believer in what KBOO brings to the community in its openness to diversity. It brings light 
to issues that are often either overlooked or under investigated by big media. KBOO should 
continue to reflect the diversity of the community in its programming. I support providing this 
service with a high degree of professionalism and openness to new ideas. When KBOO speaks, 
it speaks on behalf of those that are leaders in our communities, but also those with no voice. 

In the challenging economic limes that we face in Oregon, the community needs KBOO more 
than ever. 

Paula Small 

Dear fellow KBOO members, 

I am applying to become a KBOO Foundation Board member, because I. like you. value KBOO 
as a role model for inclusive Community radio. 

I have been an active KBOO volunteer since February 2009. 1 have volunteered in a variety of* 
roles to serve my KROO community, from afternoon receptionist to audio producer. Stop hv the 
station and we'll probably run into each other. 

In fad. stop by on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 8 pm, you'll be sure to find me in 
ihe George air room as host of "Paula's Picks". 

My accounting and human resources background steei my role as a KBOO finance Commiitee 
member. My involvement with that committee, as well as the Development Committee, proves 
my commitment to KBOO's progression as a community institution. 

! believe we need to do more outreach to truly ensure we upholds our mission to give a voice to 
the voiceless. By tabling at events for KBOO. I've been able to make a step towards widening 
our outreach efforts. Ai events. 1 often enthusiastically shared, wiih the listeners and members, 
some of the reasons why I truly value KBOO. 

The KBOO House Rules and Core Values arc the yardsticks by which I engage with fellow 
volunteers and members - constructively and respectfully. 

As a KBOO Board member, it will be my obligation lo be a guardian for my fellow KBOO 
Foundation member-stakeholders. ^^m^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^—^ 

I represent the middle-aj:ed. minority, underrepresented. oft misrepresented groups of the KBOO 
listening areas. 

It is time we made our voices even louder. 
Your vole can make that possibility a reality. 

Your time, consideration and support for community radio are appreciated! 

Thank you. 


Bryan Stevens 

I am a KBOO volunteer for over 3 years, supporting all areas of KBOO dnd esper ially the 
engineering department. I want to help KBOO grow. 

J.G. (Joey G.) White 

After be'mg in the Entertainment dnd Radio Communications business tor many years, I feel I 
may be of some help to KBOO over the next few years. I have beenaskedto run for the vacant 
pinion 0P rhp Bo3rd 0 f Directors and 1 foot It will be an honor and a privilege to fill that 
position for as long as needed. I have been a KBOO volunteer since 2002 and pleased to fill in, 
along with Dale Far and Steve Bricker, as Co-host of the "Roots of Rock N' Roll' [3:00PM - 
4;0OPM]; Anchor the 5:00 PM News and volunteer my time during the Waterfront Blues 
Festival as an on-air personality and member of the Engineering crew as well. 

I have some ideas that, I believe, will help KBOO focus on more professionalism in the months 
to come. As membership is this weakened economy, perhaps these same ideas 
could strengthen our membership and make KBOO, here in Portland a real powerhouse in the 
world ot Non-Corporate Kadio, which it so richly deserves. Please give me your consideration. 
Thank You. 

My Best Regards, 

J.G. UoeyG.] White 


Please check 'yes' to support or 'no' against the following proposed bylaw 

Pruned Bylaw Change ttl 

Section 4. Qualifications. All Board members and candidates for the Board must be members 
of the KBOO Foundation. Candidates must be members of the KBOO Foundation at the time of 
submission of the application for a Board member seat. A member who is excluded from the 
corporation's premises is not qualified to serve on or run lor election to the Board. 

No □ 

Proposed Bylaw Change «2 

Section 5. Election. At each annual election, the members of the corporation shall by ballot 
elect one-third of the members of the Board; the nominees receiving the most votes being 
elected. The election shall be conducted by mail and at the annual meeting. The election shall 
be concluded by a count of ballots returned by mail in an official signed ballot envelope and 
those cast at the annual meeting. Ballots returned by any other methods will not be counted. 
Candidates must submit an application including a statement of interest to the Nominating 
Committee, or its designee, at least seven calendar weeks prior to the election. The Board of 
Directors shall encourage diverse candidates to run for the board. The results of the election 
shall be dimounceu* by Ihe President, of the President's designee, at the annual meeting. 

Yes □ 

No □ 

Please vote for up to four Board candidates. The four candidates that receive the most 
votes will be elected to three-year terms. 

Chris Andreae □ 

Deena Barnwell □ 

Eric Chase □ 

Scott Forrester □ 

Keller Henry □ 

Kathy Leonard-Bushman □ 

Yvette Maranowski □ 

Glen Owen □ 

Devin Russo □ 

Paula Small □ 

Bryan Stevens n 

J.G. (Joey G.) White □