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_ 1888-1889. 


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No. 1.—Studies from the Newport Marine Laboratory.— 
XX. On the Development of the Calcareous Plates of 
Asterias. By J. W. Fewxes. (5 Plates.) July, 1888 . 

No. 2.—On the Lateral Canal System of the Selachia and 
Holocephala. By S. Garman. (53 Plates.) September, 

No. 8.—The Coral Reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. By A. 
Agassiz. (13 Plates.) April, 1889 

No. 4.—Studies on the Primitive Axial ‘Segmentation of the 
Chick. By Juria B. Pratt. (2 Plates.) July, 1889 

No. 5.—The Morphology of the Carotids, based on a Study 
of the Blood-vessels of Chlamydoselachus anguineus Gar- 
man. By H. Ayers. (1 Plate.) October, 1889 

No. 6.—Cave Animals from Southwestern Missouri. By S. 
Garman. (2 Plates.) December, 1889 . 







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No. 1. — Studies from the Newport Marine Zodlogical Laboratory. 
- Communicated by ALEXANDER AGASSIZ 


On the Development of the Calcareous Plates of Asterias, 
By J. Water FEWKES. 

1. General Observations. 
2. General Changes in External Form brought about by the Growth of the 
Calcareous Plates. 

3. Development of Individual Plates, Rods, Pedicellariz, Spines, and Stone 

Comparisons with other Asteroidea. 

Comparison of the Plates of Asterias and Amphiura. 


. Explanation of the Plates. 

TS oo 

1. General Observations. 

AsTERTAs, the most common genus of Asteroidea at Newport, in its 
development passes through a brachiolarian stage before it assumes a 
stellate form. This brachiolaria is one of the most abundant larve 
found in our nets in surface fishing at certain times of the year. 
Although the development of the brachiolaria from the egg of the 
starfish has been accurately worked out, and the changes in the exter- 
nal form of the young Asterias, after it begins to assume a stellate 
form, have been well described by several naturalists, we are still igno- 
rant of the mode and place of formation, and the sequence in the devel- 
opment, of some of the calcareous plates which help to give the stellate 
form to the young starfish after the absorption of the brachiolaria. We 
need more information as to how the ambulacral plates form, and when 
they appear, as compared with the dorsocentral and terminals. We 
do not know how or when certain plates of the arm appear, and it is 
desirable to study the character of certain so-called embryonic plates 
reported to exist on the median line of the actinal side of the arm 
in the larva. 

VOL. XVII.— No. 1. 1 


Before we can arrive at any trustworthy conclusions as to the mor- 
phology of the Echinoderms, animals as varied in external form as the 
Crinoids and Holothurians, it is necessary for us to know the character 
of the early differences in the calcareous plates, and their sequence and 
mode of growth in the different groups. These plates are the struc- 
tures which, more than any others, give the variety in external form to 
the different members of the Echinodermata. It may be confidently 
said that we know the general outlines of the growth of the primary 
plates of a representative Comatulid, Ophiuran, and Holothurian. We 
know next to nothing of the early formed plates of the Echinoids, 
and there is no subject which offers more interesting possibilities of 
discovery than this. Little is known of the mode of growth of certain 
of the plates of the body and arms in those Asterids which have a 
nomadic brachiolaria.* 

The following paper, therefore, is offered as a contribution to the 
recorded observations on the growth of the plates in the starfish. 

The common species of Asterias found at Newport resembles closely 
Asteracanthion berylinus of A. Agassiz, and has close affinities with 
Asterias vulgaris, Sl., and A. Forbesit, Desor.t Although I suppose it 
to be the same as berylinus, there are some peculiarities of coloration ¢ 
which would lead one to regard them as different. While the species 
of starfishes found by me at Newport, in the adult condition, have fea- 
tures of both A. vulgaris and A. Forbesiz, it is not possible for me to 

* Our knowledge of the growth of the plates which form the mouth parts of 
the starfish is fragmentary and unsatisfactory. 

+ The genus Leptasterias is thought to be sufficiently well separated from 
Asterias by the character of its development to merit a new name, as shown by 
Prof. Verrill. 

t The fact that all females of both Asteracanthion pallidus, Agass., and Astera- 
canthion berylinus, Agass., have a bluish tint, while the males have a reddish 
color, according to A. Agassiz, indicates that there is a difference in color in the 
female starfishes which we studied. The color of the females of the species of 
starfish which I tried to fertilize was different from those of the species of Astera- 
canthion used by A. Agassiz in the artificial impregnation of the starfish. Many 
specimens of female starfishes, which had ripe ova, have a chocolate-brown color, 
and a bright orange madreporic body. Starfishes of this color were the only 
ones which cast their eggs, although I had in the aquaria bright red and bluish 
colored starfishes of all sizes. In A. Agassiz’s specimens those with a bluish tint 
are invariably females, while the reddish brown or reddish are males. I do not 
know the color of our male Newport Asterias, but several specimens of the reddish 
brown specimens laid eggs in great numbers on several occasions. Ova nearly 
mature were also cut out of specimens of this color. 


determine of which of these my brachiolarize are the young. As most 
of the younger stellate forms were raised from brachiolariz captured 
by surface fishing, it is almost impossible to say definitely to which 
species of Asterias they belong. I was not able to fertilize artificially 
Asterias, although plenty of ripe ova were repeatedly found. The 
difficulty seemed to be in all cases in procuring the males. 

The following mention of their time of ovulation may be of assistance 
to those who have in mind a visit to the New England coast for the 
study of Echinoderm embryology. 

1. The eggs of Ophiopholis were fertilized at Eastport, Maine, on 
July 17th. The young of A. sgywamata were found at Newport, R. L., in 
July, August, and September. 

2. Echinarachnius can be artificially fertilized at Newport in August 
and September. The probable time of ovulation is the end of August 
and the first weeks of September. Plutei are abundant in September. 
A specimen of Arbacia laid eggs at Newport in August. I have found 
the majority of the plutei of Arbacia in July. 

3. Large numbers of Leptasterias with attached young were taken 
in Massachusetts Bay in April. Multitudes of a red pupa of some 
Holothurian were collected at Provincetown in April. 

4, The pupe of Synapta are found sporadic at Newport in August 
and September by surface fishing. The auricularie of Synapta are 
found in July. 

The material which has served for the following observations on 
the starfish young was collected in two ways. The younger forms in 
some instances were raised from the brachiolarize, collected by surface 
fishing with the Miiller net. This material includes all stages from 
the first appearance of the plates, or calcareous skeleton, up to the 
young starfish with three pairs of ambulacral rafters. The remaining 
specimens, from the young Asterias with three pairs of ambulacrals 
into the oldest stages figured, were found on the under side of stones 
near low-tide mark. The large stones near the outer landing-place at 
the Laboratory were turned over, and the young starfishes were found 
clinging to them. This method of collecting involves continued search, 
as Asterias is not common in the immediate neighborhood of the 

The method by which the preparations of starfishes described in this 
paper were made is as follows. The young starfishes were killed in alco- 
hol (35%). They were then rapidly passed through different grades 
(50%, 70%, 90%) to absolute alcohol. They were then clarified in 


clove oil, and mounted in balsam. Those which were stained were 
carried from 70% alcohol into Grenacher’s alcoholic borax-carmine, 
washed, afterwards placed in from 90% to 100% alcohol, then removed 
to clove oil and balsam. ‘The preparations mounted without staining 
show very well the relation of the plates to each other, but it is 
necessary to use a staining fluid to bring out the tissues of the organs 
in the immediate vicinity of the calcareous skeleton. 

In the study of the plates on the abactinal side of the disk of older 
specimens, it was necessary to separate the arms from the disk proper. 
No dissection was resorted to in this separation, for the arms are easily 
broken from the disk along the suture between the first dorsal plate 
and the second dorsal radial, leaving the former, as well as the genitals 
and all intermediate plates between them, on the disk with the dorso- 
central. In older stages staining fluid was used, but the best results, 
as far as the plates are concerned, were obtained in specimens where no 
artificial staining was resorted to. 

The use of chloroform, which gave good results in Amphiura,* was 
not resorted to in Asterias, 

2. General Changes in External Form brought about by the 
Growth of the Calcareous Plates. 

By the growth of the calcifications in the growing Asterias the animal 
assumes a stellate outline, passing into this form from a spherical or dis- 
coid larva. These changes are almost wholly the result of change in form 
or modification in the arrangement of the plates, but the peripheral 
appendages, spines, pedicellariz, and spicules also play an important part 
in this growth. When the growth of the primary plates begins, the 
young starfish is not stellate in form, and all the early plates are con- 
fined to the body. The elongation of the arms are the most prominent 
results of the modification in the shape of plates, of addition to those 
already existing, and of enlargement of the same. In the growth of 
the arm no marked symmetry in the formation of plates on the actinal 
and abactinal regions of the arm was noticed. There is also no sym- 
metry observed in the growth of the calcifications in the actinal and 
abactinal regions of the body. 

It is not in the province of this paper to give more of the develop- 
ment of Asterias than is necessary to understand the relation of the 

* I tried a few specimens of the young Amphiura with clove oil, and find that 
this reagent clarifies them better than chloroform. 


plates to one another, and to aid in their identifications and homologies. 
A consideration of the internal organs is a most interesting and neces- 
sary chapter in a study of the growth of the stellate form of the starfish, 
but it is one of which little is written in the present paper. Some idea 
of the origin of organs in immediate connection with the plates is neces- 
sary, however, to understand the homologies of the calcareous formations 
with which this paper is specially concerned. 

The development of the brachiolaria of our common Asterias is well 
known through the researches of A. Agassiz,* and is not here considered. 
My account opens with a late stage of the brachiolaria, in which certain 
calcareous nodules, described in the paper mentioned, have already ap- 
peared, and in which the form of a stellate animal is obscurely marked 
out. It is intended first to follow the general course of growth of these 
plates collectively, and later in the paper, the development of individual 
plates will be taken up one after the other. 

In the starfish body, as is well known, there are two regions, called 
the actinal and abactinal, the lower and upper, ventral and dorsal, which 
may be studied. The primary plates in these two hemisomes differ 
from the very first in number, arrangement, and distribution. No plate 
is ever formed in the centre of the actinal hemisome comparable with 
that in the middle of the abactinal, and it would be a task which the 
author is not called upon to undertake to compare the ten ambulacrals 
formed on the lower hemisome with the five terminals and five genitals 
of the abactinal region of the body. 

In the early condition of the plates there is an indication of the disk- 
like form which the young Asterias has, but it is somewhat masked. 
If we look at the lower or anal pole of the brachiolaria (PI. I. fig. 1) 
laterally, and in such a way that the forming plates are on the side 
turned to the observer, we can see ten small calcifications, arranged in 
two U-shaped lines, one within the other. If we so place the brachio- 
laria that the anal pole is below, or pointing to the lower side of the 
figure, the madreporic body on the left hand of the observer and the 
anus of the brachiolaria on his right, we notice the five plates, now in 

* On the Embryology of Asteracanthion berylinus, Ag., and a Species allied to 
A. rubens, M. T., Asteracanthion pallidus, Ag. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., 
» VI, 1868. Also separate, 1863. 

Embryology of the Starfish, published in December, 1864, advance Pt. I., Vol. 
V., Contrib. Nat. Hist. of U. S., of L. Agassiz. — The same, reprinted with descrip- 
tions of the hard parts (calcareous skeleton) of several genera and species of 
Asteroidea, under the title, ‘‘ North American Starfishes,’” Mem. Museum Comp. 
Zoodlogy, V., No. 9, 1877. 


the form of calcareous spicules, ¢}- #5, of the larger U, beginning with 
one, ¢}, just south of the madreporic opening ; followed by a second, 2”, 
a little east of south of the first ; a third, ¢*, north of east of the second ; 
a fourth, ¢4, east of north of the third; and a fifth, 2°, about due east 
of the first. With these alternate the rods of the smaller U, the first, 
g, being placed about east of the madreporic opening, the second, g’, 
third, g*, fourth, g*, and fifth, g°, alternating respectively with the 
Ist —2d, 2d-— 3d, 3d—4th, 4th —5th, of the larger U. The members 
of the larger U are the terminals ; those of the smaller U the genitals.* 
Between the first genital and the fifth terminal lies a broader space than 
between other consecutive plates, which is the open part of the larger 
U. It is an unclosed region which forms the brachiolarian notch. As 
the brachiolaria is slowly absorbed, this notch is more and more reduced 
in extent, until it is almost wholly lost, when by this reduction the two 
Us become rings forming the abactinal calcareous surface of the young 

If now we rotate the brachiolaria on its axis, through a right angle, 
so that the madreporic body faces the observer, the anal pole being 
still below, we have the following perspective of the two Us. It 
will then be seen that the larger and the smaller Us do not lie in one 
and the same plane, but that the U formed by the terminals is situated 
on a greater circle than that of the genitals. This fact explains why it 
is that the figure formed by the line of the latter is smaller than that 
of the former. It is as if the U of the terminals was placed on the 
great circle of a hemisphere, while that of the genitals follows a 
smaller. The difference in size of the two letters (U) is due to the 
spherical form of the walls of the stomach of the brachiolaria. 

It is somewhat difficult to understand the exact relationship between 
the dorsal and ventral or abactinal and actinal ft surfaces of the young 
starfishes, and the relation of the plates which form in these two regions. 
These two surfaces are separated by the stomach of the brachiolaria, 
and are not at first parallel, but form an acute angle with each other ; 
and if the plane in which the plates of the abactinal hemisome were 
continued to meet that of the primitive extensions of the water tubes, 
they would cut each other at a small angle. A. Agassiz described them 
as two ‘warped spirals,” and if in early stages lines be drawn, connect- 
ing the terminal and genital plates, the planes in which they lie will be 

* The term “ genital” is used to denote the same plates as “ basal ” by Sladen. 
+ “Ambulacralen” and “ Antiambulacralen Anlagen” of Ludwig (Entwick- 
lungs-geschichte der Asterina gibbosa, Forbes). 


found not to be parallel with the plane in which a line drawn through 
the tips of the radial water tubes, or the first-formed ambulacral plates 
lie. As absorptien of the brachiolaria goes on, however, these planes 
get more and more nearly parallel, so that the two surfaces equidistant 
from the axis are equidistant from each other at all points. 

Each of the five small culs-de-sac, rw, from the water tube on the 
ambulacral side of the young starfish forms a radial water tube of 
the starfish ; and if a line be drawn from the tip through its middle to 
the centre of the mouth, it might be thought to indicate the line of the 
ray. In the same way, if a line be drawn from each of the notches 
in the margin of the young starfish (Pl. I. fig. 3) through the centre 
of the mouth, it might be thought to indicate an interradius of the ab- 
actinal side. The radius and interradius thus formed have in the adult 
a definite relationship to each other. They do not coincide, as they 
indicate entirely different regions of the young starfish. If such lines 
be projected in Plate I. fig. 3, it will be seen that there is a very great 
variation in their relative distances from each other. This difference is 
in part due to the obliquity of the two planes of actinal and abactinal 
regions of the starfish. 

The first addition, on the abactinal side, to the ten plates which form 
the two Us of the early stages, is a small calcareous nodule, situated 
within the smaller U near the fifth genital (Pl. I. fig. 2). This nodule 
is the beginning of the dorsocentral, de, and in the subsequent growth 
of the fifth terminal towards the first genital by the absorption of the 
brachiolaria, and the consequent reduction in size of the brachiolarian 
notch, it is brought to occupy the centre of the abactinal region of the 
starfish. The anus of the brachiolaria, which is the blastopore of the 
gastrula, is situated quite a distance from this plate, and not near it as 
recorded in Asterina. 

The growth of the fifth terminal, ¢*, towards the first genital, g!, which 
from its vicinity to the madreporic opening is called the madreporic 
body, is brought about by an absorption of the brachiolaria, and the 
reduction in width of the notch as stated above. Before the complete 
closure of the brachiolarian notch takes place, however, the terminals 
have grown so large that marginal notches corresponding to interradii 
- have formed between them (Pl. I. fig. 2) on the rim of the body, and 
an approach to the stellate form begins to be visible. The increasing 
growth of the rods of the forming star adds so much weight to the 
brachiolaria that it sinks to the bottom of the aquarium in which the 
animal is confined. The eleven plates of the abactinal region of the 


starfish antedate all plates on the actinal surface. With the formation 
of the eleven plates of the abactinal hemisome, how fares it with the 
actinal? What plates have been added to this portion of the body ? 

If we so place the brachiolaria that the side opposite that already 
described (abactinal) is made to face the observer, it will be seen that 
the future circular water tube on this side (actinal) has the form of an 
elongated U-shaped tube, with five blind extensions (culs-de-sac, fig. 3, 
rw). If we focus the microscope down to the plates below, which lie on 
the actinal surface, on the opposite side of the stomach, it will be seen 
that each of these blind extensions of the tube corresponds roughly with 
a radius of the starfish. Like the disk, the circular tube has likewise 
a brachiolarian notch, but it is unclosed as yet. This tube and its 
extensions are the water-vascular tubes of the future starfish; the un- 
closed U-shaped portion, the circular tube; the prolongations, or cu/s- 
de-sac, are the beginnings of the median actinal water vessel* of the 
starfish rays. 

One remarkable fact in regard to the relation of the system of vessels 
to the abactinal plates may be mentioned. The middle of the region 
on the periphery of which the circular tube of the actinal vessels lies, 
or the mouth, does not coincide with and is not opposite to the dorso- 
central, or the central plate of the abactinal hemisome, but is more 
nearly opposite the point of origin from the circular vessel of the madre- 
poric tube. This dislocation has been brought about by the fact that 
the fifth terminal has grown to be much larger than the first terminal. 
Moreover, the indentation which separates the first terminal from the 
second, is in early stages quite obscure, for some unknown reason. The 
same is true of the circular tube which near the fifth terminal, 2°, is 
well formed, while near the first terminal, ¢’, it is as yet unclosed. The 
first radial median projection is half formed. This condition is due in 
part to the fact that the plane of the water ring is not yet quite parallel 
with that of the terminals, as explained above, on the abactinal hemi- 
some. The unequal development would seem to indicate that the fifth 
terminal is the first to form, and that the first terminal is the latest 

* The primary form of the circular bloodvessel of Asterias can be seen in 
Plate I. fig. 3, cbr. It occupies the same position as the homologous structure in 
Asterina, and skirts the walls of the opening of the csophagus into the stomach 
and the primitive water vessel. Extensions or radial vessels extending from this 
into the arms were not noticed, and the central tube, cwr, is as yet not closed in 
or united at the brachiolarian notch. The early-formed nervous ring lies on this 

region of the starfish, on the bloodvessel; but its tissue is with difficulty distin- 
guished from that of the bloodvessel upon which it lies. 


formed terminal. It would seem to indicate that the madreporic open- 
ing was a fixed point of departure, as far as the age of plates is con- 
cerned. Unfortunately for this conclusion, it is only conjectural that 
such is the case, and the terminals seem to arise simultaneously. On 
the other hand, my observations on Asterias do not agree with Lud- 
wig’s on Asterina, that the madreporic plate, or the genital near the 
madreporic opening, is larger than the others, or has a predominance in 
size in early stages.* 

On each side of the radial water tubes, near the circular tube, in their 
early condition, are formed the ambulacral oral plates, am, which are 
placed at first in parallel pairs and are ten in number. The pro- 
gress of the growth of these plates and the addition of new ambu- 
lacral rafters will be treated of in a special account of the growth of 
these plates. It is to be noticed that the oral plates are in parallel 
pairs at first, like the spoon-shaped plates, and other ambulacrals of 

Prominent among the calcareous formations which mark this stage 
(Pl. I. fig. 3) in the development of the starfish are the abactinal 
Spines, sp, which appear first on the terminals, and later on the genitals. 
Their early appearance introduces a morphological question in the dis- 
cussion of the homologies of the Echinoderms. 

In a disk-shaped starfish (Pl. II. fig. 1) which follows hard on the 
last, the brachiolaria has been almost wholly absorbed, and the brachio- 
larian notch is very much diminished in width. The relationship of 
the madreporic tube and the madreporic opening to the genital plate, 
g, is indicated by an arrangement of the branches of the calcareous 
spicules on the outer border. There is no true madreporic body or 
superficial calcification until after the stone canal has begun to form, 

* In this way I interpret what Ludwig says (pp. 49, 50), in speaking of the 
eleven first-formed abactinal plates: ‘Ist doch eines, welches den iibrigen zehn 
fast immer etwas voraus ist in Bezug auf die Zeit seines ersten Auftretens. .. . Aus 
diesem Skelettstiick wird die Madreporenplatte des Seesternes.” 

In one or two specimens the predominance in size of the interradial (pace, Car- 
penter) plate near the madreporic opening was thought to exist, but in others no 
such prominence was noticed. No preparation which was made shows the “ mad- 

reporic plate” without one or two other genitals, and I have none with this plate 
without terminals. 

As Ludwig has shown in Asterina, all the terminals and other genitals do not 
appear always simultaneously in Asterias. The dorsocentral is generally belated, 
and one or two genitals may be developed after the others. The same may also 
be true of the terminals. (Ludwig, Entwicklungs-geschichte der Asterina gibbosa, 
Forbes, Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., Vol. XXXVIL., 1882.) 


but a notch where it is later situated appears in a genital long before 
the calcification of the stone canal has appeared. The madreporic 
opening, as shown by Ludwig’s figures of Asterina, lies to the left of 
the first genital. 

The stellate form of the starfish is brought about by the growth of 
the plates of the arms, by which the terminals or first plates to appear 
in the body are pushed out to the extremity of the rays. Among the 
most important of these plates, on the abactinal side of the body, are 
the dorsals, d, and the marginals or laterals, m. On the actinal side, 
the ambulacrals, am, and the interambulacrals, ad, accomplish a similar 
result. All of these plates follow in their growth a general law, viz. 
that the new plates are formed between those which have already 
appeared and the terminals. A somewhat similar law holds in regard 
to the formation of the plates on the disk between the dorsocentral and 
the first radial or median dorsal. In the case of the latter plates (dor- 
sals, ¢@), however, those nearest the dorsocentral are the last to form. 
The first radial, d, or first dorsal, is therefore a point of departure, on 
either side of which calcifications appear. On the arms the first formed 
plates are nearest the first dorsal. In the plates formed in Amphiura, 
the primary radials, or radialia, have a similar relationship. 

In the general development of the water-vascular system, it may be 
noticed that the extensions, f, from the medial water tube, which form 
the ampulle, are formed before the ambulacral rafters which ultimately 
separate them. The teet, 7, are at first destitute of suckers, and are 
arranged in two rows (PI. III. fig. 3) in each arm, one row on each side 
of the middle line. A terminal tentacle (PI. III. fig. 4, ta) was ob- 
served in a young starfish, in which there are but two pairs of lateral 
feet, and no ambulacral rafters. Even in this early stage the eye spot 
is well developed on the terminal tentacle, ¢éa. 

The madreporie tube forms a conspicuous object in early starfish 
larvee, and passes by successive change into the madreporic canal of the 
older specimens. The calcification of the canal was observed in early 
specimens before the formation of the madreporic sieve, which is found 
superficially on the abactinal surface of the adult. The cribriform mad- 
reporic plate is of comparatively late formation in the growth of the 
starfish. None of the important primary plates of the young starfish 
form by a constriction from others previously formed, but each kind of 
plate originates from its own calcification. Plates which have originated 
from two centres rarely consolidate, although their connection may be 
of a very intimate nature. 


In all the stages which have been studied no embryonic plate or 
plates were found which are at one time well formed and later lost by 
absorption. I have looked for these plates especially along the me- 
dian actinal line of the arm, but was not able to discover them. The 
large size of the spines would seem to stamp them as embryonic organs. 
Certainly the size of the spine on the dorsocentral or on the terminals 
is relatively much larger than in the adult and older stages. This pre- 
dominance in magnitude of these appendages does not necessarily mean 
that they are later lost, but it simply indicates a relationship of Asterias 
in its youth to spiniferous forms. The later growth, when new spines 
form, simply brings the spine to lose its relatively great size on account 
of a corresponding growth of the plate and other spines. 

3. Development of Plates, Rods, Pedicellarie, Spines, and 
Stone Canal. 

The following calcifications are considered in this place : — 

Abactinal hemisome. 
1. Dorsocentral (Centrale, Ludwig), de. 
2. Genitals (Basals, Sladen, Interradialia, Ludwig), 91 - 95. 
3. Plates on the radial line, dd}. 
4. Abaxial interradials, gg, gg'. 
5. Connectives,* c. 

Actinal hemisome. 
1. Ambulacral orals,7 am. 
2. Interambulacrals ¢ (Adambulacrals, auct.), ad -ad>. 
8. (Odontophores §) ; First Interbrachials, auct. 
4. Interbrachials, auct. 
. Terminals, ¢ - £5, 
. Dorsals || (Intermediaire, Ludwig), d— d?. 
. Marginals (Interambulacrals, Ludwig), m—-mi. 
. Dorsolateral, di. 
. Connectives, c. 

or CON Re 

* By the connectives the smaller plates connecting the larger are meant. 
+ I should prefer the term Oral, if the name had not been applied to certain 
other plates. 

¢ It may be as well to retain the old term, especially as they arise between 
ends of successive ambulacrals. 

§ An unfortunate designation. I prefer Interbrachial. First homologized by 
Ludwig with oral, later (op. cit.) with unpaired marginal (Unparige Interambulacral). 

|| The first of the dorsals is homologized with radial of crinoid by Sladen. 


1. Ambulacrals, Ambulacral rafters. 
2. Interambulacrals (Adambulacrals of late authors). 

In addition, the following calcifications, appendages to the above 

plates, are considered’: — 
1. Spines. 
2. Pedicellarie. 
8. Stone canal. 

The last is an internal calcification, which is morphologically distinct 
from the above, and arises in the walls of the water tube. 

It is thought that almost all the larger calcifications of the mature 
Asterias can be referred to some of the above-mentioned structures. 
There are, however, spicule-like calcifications, as in the legs, which are 
not considered in this discussion. 

The plates first appear as a small calcareous formation in the midst 
of cells, which color with reagents more deeply than those of the remain- 
ing parts of the body inthe immediate vicinity. A common form fol- 
lowing the simplest is the extension of arms — commonly three — 
which impart to the spicule a trifid shape. The extremity of each 
branch subdivides, and continues division, anastomosing and joining 
with other bifurcations from other branches. The thickness of the cal- 
cification is at first small, being simply that of a spicule-like rod. By 
the growth and anastomosis of the spicules the plate later assumes the 
form of an open network. This network, in large plates like the termi- 
nals and genitals, is open. In other plates, as the median dorsal, the 
calcification has from the first the form of a disk in which are small 

The interambulacral plates are never thin, with loose open work, but 
become compact at the very beginning of their development. It is 
probable that the open character of the early formed terminals is cor- 
related with the fact that these plates are formed in the brachiolaria. 
It is questionable whether such slight rods would be strong enough to 
preserve the shape of the stellate animal if they occupied the position of 
ambulacrals, laterals, or dorsals, and were formed at the same time. 
These latter plates are more compact from the beginning, for obvious 
reasons. When the brachiolaria is absorbed, and the terminal comes to 
be pushed out in an exposed position, its form and compact calcification 
is such as successfully to resist any injury which its exposure might bring. 
It not only is strong enough for its own safety, but it serves as an effect- 
ual shield for the newly formed ambulacral, interambulacral, dorsal, and 


other plates. It is possible, in this connection, that the large spines of 
the terminals may also serve as structures for protection of the tip of 
the ray. Animals small enough to take the young starfish for food 
might well hesitate before eating an animal bristling with the sharp 
needles of the rays of the young Asterias. While such an explanation 
may be probable, it also seems not unreasonable that these enormously 
large spines point to features of the ancestors of the starfish, and have a 
morphological significance. 

It is likewise to be noted, that in many genera of Asteroidea the 
primarily formed spines are relatively of great size. This is also true 
of many Ophiuran genera, as Ophiothrix and Ophiocoma. Among 
Echinoids, Echinarachnius and several others have large primary 
spines, and in the former genus, as I have already pointed out, these 
spines appear very early in the embryonic history. Their existence in 
these groups would seem to indicate a morphological meaning. 

It seems to me a significant fact, however, that while in Ophiothrix 
the spines of the terminals bear the form of large hooks, as I have 
noticed in an Ophiothrix from Santa Barbara, Amphiura in the pouch of 
its mother is destitute of terminal primary spines. The spines of the 
larval Asterias are larger than those of the larval Asterina. 

The general character of the above plates are as follows : — 

Flat, discoid. — The interradials, connectives, dorsocentral, dorsals, 
and dorsolaterals are flat, discoid, or cylindrical in shape. 

Massive, quadrangular. — The interambulacrals are quadrangular and > 

Curved, crescentic.— The marginals and genitals are crescentic or 
curved, or more or less bent out of a plane surface. 

Elongated in the plane of first calcification. —The ambulacral rafters 
are elongated in the plane of the first calcification, and have the form 
of bars or beams, rather than flat plates. 

Elongated at right angles to plane of first calcification. —The spines 
are elongated in the plane opposite that in which the first calcification 
occurs. , 

Cap-shaped. — The terminals are cap-shaped. 

Tubular. — The calcification of the stone-canal is tubular and mul- 
tiple, or originating from several centres. 

Double calcification in same organ. — The calcification of the pedicel- 
larize is double from the first. 

The above classification is not intended as a hard and fast division, 
but only as a means of roughly separating the plates from each other. 


The different divisions grade into each other, and in early conditions 
are not distinguishable. 

Dorsocentral. —The dorsocentral plate (dc) is one of the earliest to 
form, and is one of the least modified in its growth, of all the abactinal 
plates of the body. It is believed to be homologous with the dorso- 
central of Amphiura. Especial attention was paid to the time when 
the dorsocentral forms in Asterias, and the development or stage of 
growth of the terminals and basals when it first appears. This is 
believed to be an important fact in comparisons both with Ophiurans 
and with Echinoids.* The younger the larva is, the greater is the 
distance of this plate from the plutean anus, or blastopore.f 

In the youngest starfish (PI. I. fig. 2) in which the dorsocentral was 
observed, there were five terminals, ¢1—¢*, and five genitals, g!—g’. 
On the periphery of each of the terminals there were two trifid spi- 
cules, sp, which later developed into the terminal spines. ‘The stel- 
late form, or the position of the interradii, was mapped out by slight 
indentations in the rim of the disk between the terminals. The termi- 
nals have the form of simply bifurcated and Y-shaped calcareous rods. 
The position of origin of the dorsocentral is in a small space of the 
dorsal or abactinal region enclosed by the second, third, fourth, and 
fifth genitals. It is hemmed in by these plates except at one place, 
the brachiolarian notch, which is an unclosed interval separating in 
the present stage the first genital from the fifth terminal. 

The dorsocentral originates as a simple calcareous rod, or nodule, 

* T have already elsewhere (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XTII., No. 4, pp. 122, 128) 
devoted some space to a discussion of the time of appearance of this plate. 

+ The dorsocentral of Asterias is never as near the blastopore as in Asterina. 
This fact is mentioned as its neighborhood in the latter has been used by Carpenter 
in comparisons of the centrodorsal and dorsocentral. Facts in Asterias do not sup- 
port the supposition, that, when the dorsocentral first appears in this genus, it is closer 
to the blastopore than in older stages, as Carpenter says is the case in Asterina. 
This does not deny that it may not be nearer in Asterina, but it is not in Asterias. 
In Asterias no anus is formed, but the blastopore, which never opens among the 
limestone plates, is simply closed after absorption of the brachiolaria. Iam in- 
clined to the opinion that the blastopore does not become the permanent anus, 
but have made no observation on this point except that in my species of Asterias 
the biastopore (brachiolarian anus) is simply closed, and never migrates around 
the rim of the young starfish to the abactinal side. A. Agassiz, however, con- 
siders that there is a close approximation of the calcareous plates and the anus, 
and says (op. cit., p. 46) that the “ anus undoubtedly discharges at this time through 
one of the many limestone cells.” But later he says, “ I am not able to state this 
positively, never having seen from any point discharges of fecal matter.” 



which immediately grows into a trifid spicule. As the starfish matures 
the dorsocentral becomes branched (Pl. I. fig. 3), forming a flat pen- 
tagonal plate occupying the central region of the abactinal part of the 
body of the starfish. 

As the starfish grows older, the dorsocentral is found to carry a large, 
well marked, centrally placed spine (Pl. II. fig. 4) ; later, two and three 
other spines of large size form. These spines are relatively to the size 
of the starfish much larger than those of the adult. 

In the oldest larval starfish (Pl. IV. fig. 4) which was studied, the 
dorsocentral still preserves its pentagonal form, and, on a line passing 
through the dorsal region of the starfish arm, from its angles arise the 
radials of the disk. The dorsocentral always preserves its central posi- 
tion even into the adult starfish, and never undergoes any considerable 
modification in outline or in size, although of course its size relative to 
that of the starfish is smaller as the starfish matures. 

The time of development of the dorsocentral in Amphiura is after the 
primary radials and basals.* As there are at first no plates which can 
be compared with the radials in Asterias, we can simply say that the 
dorsocentral is formed in the starfish after the basals; but if we com- 
pare the first median dorsal arm-plate of the starfish with the radial of 
Amphiura, we must say that the dorsocentral originates before the first 
radial in the starfish. This seems to me an additional argument, 
although I confess not a strong one, against considering the first median 
dorsal arm-plate as homologous with the radialia, or primary radial, of 
Amphiura. Still it would seem that the relative time when plates 
appear in the Echinoderms is unimportant, as far as a determination of 
their morphology is concerned. My observations on the time the dorso- 
central plate appears, as compared with the ten primary plates of Aste- 
rias, support the statements of A. Agassiz on this point. 

Terminals. — The terminals, t1-t°, are the most conspicuous and 
largest of all the primary plates in the embryonic life of the starfish. 
While the starfish is yet in the brachiolarian stage (PI. I. fig. 1) the 
terminals appear, and in the oldest form considered they are still promi- 
nent. From first to last, then, these plates are important calcifications 
in the growing Asterias and in the modifications of its form. There are 

‘five terminals. These will be designated in the following way. Begin- 
ning with the madreporic opening, ¢1, and ending near the same body, 
t°, passing around the anal pole of the brachiolaria from dorsal to 
ventral side, they extend through a complete semicircle. The termi- 

* Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., XIII., No. 4, p. 121. 
- @ 


nals seem to arise almost simultaneously, although brachiolarize have 
been found with two, three, or four terminals. The five terminals are, 
however, all believed to be formed before the genitals appear. The ring 
of terminals, beginning with ¢! near the madreporic body, are placed 
in their U-shaped figure at about equal distances apart, with the excep- 
tion of ¢#° and ¢1. The space between these two last is the whole diam- 
eter of the stomach of the brachiolaria. This space, which in older 
stages appears as a notch separating the first genital, g', from the fifth 
terminal, ¢°, is the brachiolarian notch. It is the notch which marks 
the position of the madreporic body, and renders it a point of departure 
in all morphological comparisons of the different groups of Echinoderms. 
The notch and madreporic opening are separated by the first genital, g’. 

The stage of the young starfish directly following the one in which 
the dorsocentral is first seen shows a condition in which the terminals 
have elongated and extended Y-shaped appendages at their extremities. 
These extensions have formed a rod perpendicular to the radius connect- 
ing the dorsocentral with the margin of the forming starfish. The law 
of the first growth of the terminal seems to be that they elongate, form- 
ing an extension across perpendicular to the radial lines, not parallel with 
them. The spines of the terminals appear directly after the dorsocentral, 
while yet the terminals are simple spicular bodies. Notches now begin 
to deepen in the interradii of the forming starfish on the border of the 
disk, separating the terminals. The terminals never coalesce with their 
neighbors. Although the terminals originate in the body of the starfish 
while yet a swimming brachiolaria, and form the most conspicuous 
plates in the Asterias before the stellate form is marked out, they are 
ultimately pushed to the extremities of the rays by the growth of the 
plates of the arms. The first appearance of the stellate form of the 
young Asterias results from the enlargement of these plates. The ter- 
minals originate on the abactinal side of the body, and grow down on 
the sides of the water-vascular portion of the extensions from this sys- 
tem. By this growth they enclose the tube above and on two sides, 
and come to have a cap-shape, an opening being left on the terminal 
border for the passage of the tentacle. There is no growth downward 
at the tip of the radii in which they lie, but a groove is left at that 
point through which later the extremity of the medial vessel extends, 
and in which point the eye-spot is situated. 

The cap-shaped form of the terminals affords ample protection for the 
immature ambulacrals, am, interambulacrals, ad, and marginals, m, 
which first form under cover of the sides and dorsal portions of the 


terminals. This protection to the delicate forming calcareous plates is 
afforded in later stages in the growth of the starfish arm, even in speci- 
mens an inch or more in diameter. As the starfish grows older, the 
terminals lose their prominence. The large spines and pedicellarize 
which first form on the terminals are specially treated of elsewhere. It 
may here be said that the spines of the terminals are the first spines to 
form in the Asterid body. The same sequence and predominance are 
true likewise of the pedicellariz. 

The general form of a terminal of an older starfish (PI. III. fig. 3) is 
such that it completely covers the tip and a part of the dorsal region of 
the end of the arm. ‘That part which covers the dorsal tip of the arm 
is thinner than that upon the sides, and the groove through which the 
end of the radial tube, or the tentacle, passes, is well marked. 

Medial Dorsals of the Arms. — A row of plates along the crest of the 
abaxial region of the arm of the starfish may be called dorsals or medial 
dorsals. The median dorsal row of plates does not begin until after the 
formation of three pairs of ambulacrals, and likewise subsequent to the 
odontophores, mouth plates, genitals, terminals, and dorsocentral. The 
starfish has begun to have a pentagonal or stellate form before the first 
of this series develops. The first (d) of these plates to form appears in 
the medial dorsal line of the radius, in the triangular space between two 
genitals and the adoral edges of the terminals (Pl. IV. fig. 1). It ante- 
dates the adambulacrals and the laterals: The new dorsals (Pl. IV. 
figs. 3, 4) form distally to those which have already appeared. 

The question of what plates in Amphiura the first of the dorsal plates 
corresponds to will be spoken of later. There are no radials formed be- 
fore the terminals inside the ring of genitals; but in other ways, as far 
as position goes, the oldest of the series of median dorsal plates of the 
arm corresponds with the first radial of Amphiura. When the arm of 
the young starfish is broken from its disk, the line of fracture commonly 
leaves the first dorsal with the arm, not with the disk. The median row 
(Pl. IV. fig. 4) of dorsal plates form in a continuous series on the middle 
line of the dorsal (abactinal) region of the arm. The newest formed 
plates, d®, d’, are those outside the plates already formed. They begin 
as a simple branched calcareous spicule, and broaden into a flat plate. 
Each median plate bears at first a single spine. The second median 
dorsal plate forms after the first pair of marginals and the first pair of 
interambulacrals. The oldest radial has a quadrate form; the others, 
when well developed, are triangular, with re-entrant angles, by which 
are developed lateral rings and a median adaxial extension. 

VOL. XVII. — NO. l. 2 


The median row of plates is wcll marked, even into stages of the star- 
fish of some size, and each plate bears at first a single spine.* 

Lateral Dorsal Plates. —'The larger members of the network of plates 
which connect the median dorsals with the marginals may be known as 
the lateral dorsal plates. They were first detected in a young starfish 
in which were four median dorsal plates; and the first pair to ap- 
pear is situated on one side of the third median dorsal. In a specimen 
older than the last these plates were found on the second, third, and 
fourth median dorsal plates. It will thus be seen that the first lateral 
dorsal to form is not the pair which belongs to the first, but to the third, 
median dorsal. 

The lateral dorsals (d/) are semicircular or circular plates, with their 
longer axes at right angles to the line of the radius. They are in young 
stages destitute of spines. There seems to be little regularity in the 
formation of additional lateral dorsals, and in older conditions they form 
a dedalus of plates very difficult to trace. They are intimately connected 
by smaller calcifications, which will be spoken of as the connectives. 

Genitals.f —The genitals (g’-g*) are the first interradial plates to form. 
These plates are among the earliest plates of the starfish brachiolaria, 
and in early stages in the growth of the body they are very conspicu- 
ous. They probably originate after the terminals, and appear at first as 
small calcareous nodules, alternating with the terminals. All of the 
genitals, in young stages, are smaller than the terminals. The fact that 
they originate after the terminals is not an unimportant one, as it shows 
that in this particular the starfish resembles Amphiura. Moreover, it 
has been stated that one (g!) of the genitals — namely, that near the 
madreporic body —arises before the terminals. I find this statement, 
as well as another that the size of the “ basal ” (genital) near the madre- 
poric opening is larger than the remainder, and preserves its preponder- 
ance in size in all younger stages of the growth of the starfish, not to 
hold in the specimens of Asterias which were examined. 

The genitals when first formed are simple nodules, which later form. 
branched spicules, as shown in Plate I. fig. 1. They lie in the interval 
of the interradii between the terminals, while their centre of calcification 
always begins in an interradius. 

* The median row of dorsals and their spines correspond with the “ median 
line of spines supported by a long narrow limestone plate extending from the basal 
plate almost to the terminal radial,” mentioned by A. Agassiz (p. 51, op. cit.). 

+t The same plates as those called in several late writings the basals, from 
their supposed homology with the basals of Crinoids. 


The genitals never leave, or are pushed from, the body of the star- 
fish, but as the complexity of their reticulation increases they fill al- 
most the whole space of the interradius between the radially situated 

The genital which occupies the interradius in which the brachiolarian 
notch lies, differs from the others in possessing an indentation on one 
side which is perforated by the madreporic opening. This failure of cal- 
cification is brought about by the growth of spicular extensions from 
the edge of the genital which lies contiguous to the madreporic open- 
ing, but is marked in no other conspicuous manner. 

It will be seen, on a comparison of my description of the way the ac- 
tinal plates of the starfish form with that given by A. Agassiz,* that 
there is a difference in our accounts of the growth of these structures. 
It would seem doubtful that so great a difference could be the result 
of our studying different species or genera. According to Agassiz,* 
the large clusters of calcareous deposits which I suppose to be the ter- 
minals “‘unite along the edge of the rays, forming a continuous net- 
work,” and they are figured with such a union in Plate VI. fig. 10.* 
It does not appear that he considers those plates which lie in the angle 
of the rays as joining with the ray plates, or terminals, although re- 
maining distinct from each other ; for, later, he says that the limestone 
deposits in the angles of the rays do not unite laterally. 

It would seem exceptional to suppose that the terminals do join or 
unite at their edges, and that the first interradial plates, or genitals, 
unite with them. Such a consolidation would prevent, for a time at 
least, any subsequent growth of the arms, unless we suppose a resorp- 
tion to take place. The plates simply interdigitate with each other in 
Asterias, and there is no union, temporary or permanent, between termi- 
nals and interradially situated plates or genitals. It is extremely diffi- 
cult to distinguish the boundaries of the terminals and genitals in live 
specimens, and it was only by the use of alcohol and some clarifying re- 
agent that I was able to make out the separation of the two. 

Interambulacral Plates. —The interambulacral plates, ad, originate 
after the corresponding ambulacral rafters, as separate calcifications 
between the lateral t ends of successive ambulacrals. In their early 

* “North American Starfishes,” pp. 46, 48. In my references to A. Agassiz’s 
observations on the embryology of the starfish I have quoted from this paper 
(Mus. Comp. Zodél., Vol. VI.). This reprint contains valuable references to the 
work of other observers made since the paper was first published. 

+ Most distantly removed from the median radius. 


condition they are protected by the cap formed by the sides and dorsal 
region of the terminals, and, as the terminals are pushed out by growth 
of dorsals and marginals, new interambulacrals continually form under 
the shelter of the terminal. The law of development of ambulacrals 
and marginals, in the arm holds in the interambulacrals. The oldest 
formed are those nearest the mouth; the youngest are the nearest to 
the terminals. The beginnings of at least three pairs of ambulacrals 
are formed before the first true interambulacral appears. The marginals 
antedate the interambulacrals. 

There is little variety in the progress of the growth of the interam- 
bulacrals, from the time they first appear as small calcareous nodules 
(Pl. III. fig. 2) until they form the compact blocks of older stages in the 
growth. They differ from most of the other plates of the starfish in their 
massive growth, and they never have the flat perforated plate form of the 
dorsals or genitals. As they mature, they fit closely together, forming 
square blocks with re-entering angles, and are closely articulated. They 
also carry a single long spine in early stages. 

In younger forms of the starfish, before the ambulacrals have be- 
come so crowded that there are four rows of feet, the interambulacrals 
alternate with the ambulacrals. At that time the number of interam- 
bulacrals is the same as that of the ambulacrals, with the exception, 
however, of the newly forming ambulacrals at the extremity of the 
ray. In all young starfishes the single row of interambulacrals stands 
out clear and distinct from the other plates, while their number always 
has a constant relation to that of the ambulacral rafters. 

Marginal Plates. — Large and important plates of the arms, origi- 
nating early in the development of the larva, may be known as the 
marginal plates, m. These plates are formed at the extreme end of 
the ambulacral rafters, between the adoral rim of the lateral extensions 
of the terminal plates and the interbrachial region of the body. They 
follow the same law in sequence of formation as the adambulacral, but 
do not have the protection of the terminals in their early condition. 

The first marginals to form appear in a stage between one with a 
single median dorsal and one with two median dorsals (PI. IV. figs. 1, 2). 
It is a curved plate, extending on the actinal side to the interbrachial 
region and on the abactinal to the vicinity of the first median dorsal, d. 
On its dorsal region it bears a single spine (PI. IV. fig. 2). 

The first pair of marginals is firmly jammed in between the lateral 
extensions of the terminals and the interradial portion of the circumoral 
plates, and by its subsequent growth helps to push out the terminals in 


the increase in length of the arms. A second pair of marginals is not 
formed until after the second pair of interambulacrals has appeared. 

The forming marginals bridge the intervals between adjacent inter- 
ambulacrals. They are larger than the interambulacrals, but not so 
massive, and form curved plates making the curve in the margin of the 
arms. Their number is not so constant as compared with that of the 
ambulacrals as with the adambulacrals, and in this respect even in very 
young stages they recall the marginal plates of the adult starfish. 

Oral Ambulacral Plates. — The plates, or calcareous framework which 
surrounds the mouth of Asterias, date back to very early stages in the 
growth of the starfish (Pl. I. fig. 3). Rudiments of these structures 
appear while yet the starfish has a disk-like form, and before the com- 
plete absorption of the arms of the brachiolaria. 

In the earliest condition in which these plates were seen there were 
but eleven other plates in the starfish body, and these were all found 
on the abactinal surface. These eleven plates are, of course, the single 
dorsocentral, the five terminals, and the five genitals. 

The oral ambulacral plates appear on each side of the primitive ex- 
tensions from the right water vessel, rw, which later form the five radial 
water-vascular tubes of the arms. They appear in pairs and are ten in 
number, a pair to each pair of legs. 

In their earliest stages they are spiculate and elongated, their length 
running parallel with the walls of the water tube (PI. I. fig. 3). This 
fact is an important one, for it recalls the condition which we have in 
the ossicles, or ambulacral plates, of Amphiura. I shall speak of this 
condition later. The elongated rods or spicules have later (PI. II. 
fig. 1) small Jateral branches, and a beginning of a network is to be 
seen. The two members of the pair never grow together laterally in 
the position that they are at first placed. 

The condition of the water tube, when the first pairs of circumoral 
rods form, is briefly as follows. The tube has not joined about the 
mouth, as the brachiolaria is not yet fully absorbed. The five median 
water-vascular tubes, rw, are simple protuberances, without lateral 
appendages. The pre-divided water system is asymmetrically placed 
as regards the disk of the future starfish, and the five extensions do 
‘ not project beyond the stomach of the brachiolaria. In the next form 
in which the circumoral calcareous rods appear, we find that the brachi- 
olaria has been wholly absorbed, and the starfish has assumed a stellate 
form, brought about by an enlargement and growth of the termi- 
nals (Pl. II. fig. 2). While the oral plates were placed with their 


lengths parallel with the median water tube, they are now at right 
angles to its course. The median tube has not yet extended to the 
extremity of the edge of the terminal, but has formed two and three 
pairs of lateral branches, — the first formation of the legs of the star- 
fish. The ten oral ambulacral plates or rods, am, form a pentagonal 
network, not yet united, but already in the approximate position which 
it occupies in the adult (Pl. II. fig. 3). 

The plates are crescentic, with convexity pointing outward, perforated, 
closely approximating near the middle line of the radius, and more dis- 
tantly separated in the interbrachial regions of the starfish. As far as 
their general appearance is concerned, they resemble incipient ambula- 
cral plates of later stages of Asterias, as in former conditions they 
resembled those of Amphiura. 

In an older condition (PI. II. fig. 3) of the oral ambulacral plates, 
the interbrachial ends grow together, and at the same time become very 
much more thickened in the interbrachial region. The ten oral ambula- 
cral plates, am, now form a pentagonal ring about the mouth opening. 
In this stage the rudiments of two pairs of ambulacral rafters, am’, 
have likewise appeared. 

The outlines of the single member of the oral ambulacral ring of 
plates at present are as follows. Each oral ambulacral plate has the 
form of an elongated bar, enlarged at either end. The length of the 
bar is at right angles to the line of the radius of the arm. On the ab- 
oral side it is deeply concave, while on the adoral it is straight, slightly 
curved. The radial extremity is bifid, divided into an upper and lower 
branch (Pl. III. fig. 1). The interradial extremity is enlarged into a 
massive thickening, forming a club-shaped body whose aboral broad end 
abuts the lateral wall of the terminal. The mass of the thickened part 
of the oral interbrachial plate is on its actinal side, while on the abactinal 
side it is concave, in which concavity fits a heart-shaped plate, 2, later 
described as the odontophore. ‘This thickening in the interbrachial 
region of the oral ambulacrals corresponds with the interambulacrals, 
and these plates represent interambulacrals of the oral ambulacral 
plates, although they do not seem to be formed as separate calcifica- 
tions. In early conditions no spines are found on the oral plates or 
bars. No spines were ever detected in the ambulacral region of these 
bars, although in older conditions of that part of the oral plates which 
lies in the interradii spines were found, as in the other interambulacrals. 

The subsequent growth of the interbrachial ends of the oral ambula- 
crals is as follows. They grow at the expense of the ambulacral orals, 


forming elongated bodies whose greatest length lies in the direction of 
the interradius, or parallel to it. As their size increases, four spines 
form on each of these plates, two on the aboral and two on the adoral 
ends The existence of these spines would indicate that they are con- 
solidated interambulacrals, and that interambulacrals as well as ambu- 
lacrals enter into the formation of the oral ring of calcareous bars. 

First Interbrachial.* — In very early conditions in the growth of the 
oral ring of bars, before the increase in size of the interambulacral ends 
of the circumorals, and before spines appear, there form in the inter- 
brachial radii certain round or heart-shaped plates, which are thought 
to be the first sign of the odontophore. 

These plates, 7b. lie on the abactinal side of the adambulacral circum- 
orals, in a space between them and the genitals, and on the adoral side 
of the circumorals. ‘Their first form is round, or heart-shaped. As the 
growth goes on they are pushed more to the aboral region of the inter- 
radius, but never extend beyond the cover of the interambulacral ends 
of the circumorals, by which, in the increased compactness in growth 
of the calcareous network, they are almost wholly concealed when the 
starfish is seen from the actinal side.t This is the first time that the 
odontophore has been described in starfishes as young as Plate II. fig. 4. 
From their position of formation they seem to be homologous with 
interbrachials, which will be subsequently described. 

The Ambulacral: Rafters. {— Under the name of ambulacral rafters 
all actinal plates of the rays, with the exception of the circumorals and 
the adambulacrals, will be included. The following plates are present 
when the first pair of ambulacrals begins to form: dorsocentral, de, 
five genitals, g'—g°, five terminals, ¢1-7¢*, and ten circumoral ambula- 
crals, am. In addition to these the interambulacral circumoral and the 
odontophore, 2b, are formed before the second pair of ambulacrals, am. 
The first of the median dorsal row of plates, d, appear just after the 
second pair of ambulacrals. The marginals, interambulacrals, and second 
median dorsal appear after the third pair of ambulacrals. 

* The name odontophore, with which this is homologous, as pointed out by Lud- 
wig, is illy suited for the first interbrachial plates on the actinal hemisome. The 
true name of these plates can hardly be known until there is some uniformity of 
, Opinion as to their homologies. The term interbrachial does not commit us to 
the theory that they are homologous with orals or with unpaired marginals. 

t In certain deep water Asterids, according to Sladen, a part at least of the 
odontophore is visible on the actinal surface of the adult. In very young speci- 
mens of Asterias the same thing is true. The feature in the deep-water starfishes 

would seem to be embryonic. 
t The plates referred to are commonly called ambulacrals. 


The ambulacrals follow the law of formation of the other arm-plates, 
with the exception of the terminals, The first ambulacral to form is 
nearest the circumoral, and new plates are added aborally to the first 
forraed. The new ambulacrals are protected by the cap-shaped termi- 
nals. The ambulacrals originate as elongated rods, with axes at right 
angles to the line of the radius. The two members of a pair do not 
necessarily arise simultaneously. The position of origin is nearer the 
centre of the arm, or nearer its median line than the periphery. 

In the earliest condition in which the ambulacrals were seen, they 
had the form of small calcareous nodules, one on each side of the 
median line of the arm (PI. II. fig. 3). In older stages these nodules 
elongate into bars, growing from the middle line towards the side of the 
arm on its actinal region (PI. II. fig. 4). By an increase in the length 
of the ambulacral bars, they bridge the interval between the middle 
line of the arm and the lateral extensions of the terminals, although 
they never join the last mentioned structures (Pl. III. figs. 1, 2). 

Each ambulacral bar has the following form. Near the middle line it 
is enlarged, while on the aboral and adoral borders it is concave, in 
order to leave an interval or space for the passage of the legs to the 

As the growth of the arm of the starfish goes on, and new pairs of 
ambulacrals are formed, the terminals are pushed out more and more 
from the disk. At the same time the ends of the ambulacrals approach 
one another on the median actinal line of the arm, and ultimately 
become articulated together. Before, however, they join, they bifur- 
cate on the median line, and form an upper and a lower spur, as in the 
circumoral calcareous ring. As in early stages of the starfish, there are 
only two rows of feet, one on each side of the median line ; the rows of 
openings for the passage of the feet are also in two lines. It is only in 
young starfishes of considerable size that we find four rows of openings 
between the ambulacral rafters. In all the specimens figured there are 
but two rows of feet. 

The young stages of Asterias studied by me were never found to have 
spines on the ambulacrals, and neither in the oldest nor in the youngest 
was there any median row of plates or spines of an embryonic nature on 
the actinal side of the arm. 

Second Interbrachial. — When the growing starfish, in which the 
arms have pushed themselves out to a considerable size, is looked at 
from the actinal side, there will be seen in the interradii, in the space 
left between the marginals and the abaxial end of the interbrachial ex- 


tremities of the oral ambulacrals, a single interbrachial resembling the 
- first (odontophore), but abaxial to it (Pl. V. fig. 8, 2b”). This is called 
the second interbrachial, 2b, Other interbrachials outside (abaxially 
to) this were found; but in the genus Asterias the number and devel- 
opment of these interbrachials is not as great as in some other genera. 
The first of these interbrachials, “ odontophore,” might be regarded as 
homologous with the orals of the Amphiura. The homology of the 
others in Ophiurans is not clear to me. They are of course represented 
in other starfishes, where they are sometimes very greatly developed, 
imparting a characteristic form to the body, filling in the whole inter- 
brachial region. 

The remaining interbrachials may be numbered among early plates to 
form in the young starfish. They are, however, the last plates to form 
of all those which we have mentioned in our account of the early or 
primary plates of the body. 

When the starfish of a stage like that shown in Plate V. fig. 7 is seen 
from the actinal region, an irregular triangular interval is seen in the 
interradius just outside the two interambulacral circumoral plates, amd. 
This interval is bounded by the adambulacral circumoral, amd, the first 
interambulacrals, ad!, one on each side, and the laterals, also one on 
each side. In the centre of this space, on a line opposite the middle 
of the interambulacrals, the first interradial or interbrachial takes its 
rise. As the starfish matures, other interbrachials also form outside, 
aborally from that which has already appeared. 

Connectives. — Under this name are included certain plates of the 
body and disk of the starfish, which bridge the intervals between the 
others, but which have a secondary place as compared with primary 
plates. There are connectives on the abactinal region of the arms, and 
others on the disk, but in either case they do not differ greatly from 
each other. In the connectives we have a multiplicity of calcareous 
plates, imparting a compactness to the abactinal hemisome. Their 
form, size, and number are variable, and their morphological importance 
of a subordinate character. 

Spines. — The study of the primary spines of the young Echinoderm 
is one which in most accounts of the development is not given very great 
‘prominence, yet these bodies are in many genera among the first calci- 
fications to appear, antedating in formation many plates which play a 
most important part in the determination of the external form of the 
animal. When the first spines appear in the starfish, there are only 
eleven plates present, five terminals, five genitals, and a dorsocentral. 



The dorsocentral is hardly larger than a small calcareous nodule, and 
the genitals and terminals are but simple branched spicules. Not.a 
single plate of the actinal region of the body has yet appeared. It will 
be seen that plates which have been regarded of importance in a discus- 
sion of the affinities of the starfish with other Echinoderms are not even 
present as a simple rudiment, when spines which few have yet consid- 
ered of any great importance morphologically have begun to form, and 
are well developed in many cases. Are we justified in thus neglecting 
the spines, or have they no morphological meaning outside of a simple 
classificatory interest? The discussion of the meaning of the large size 
of the first-formed spines will be taken up later. It is necessary now 
for us to consider the size, arrangement, and distribution of these struc- 
tures, their embryonic form, and their general mode of growth. 

The spines originate as trifid spicules, and in their early stages are not 
to be distinguished from calcareous plates. The earliest spines (PI. I. 
fig. 3, sp) to appear are those at the outer rim of the terminals of 
the young starfish, peripherally to these plates. They are at first ten in 
number, or two to each terminal, and by the time the notches which 
indicate the interbrachial regions of the future starfish are incised, 
the number of immature primary spines has increased to nine. Later, 
when the number of ambulacral rafters has grown to six (three pairs), 
there are six very prominent spines on the outer border of the termi- 
nals. According to A. Agassiz, these spines are more or less fan-shaped, 
and recall those of certain Echinoids. The dorsocentral, for a long 
time after its first appearance, bears a single long and prominent spine. 
This calcification is jointed to the centre of the dorsocentral on the 
aboral side, and later other primary spines are added to the dorsocentral. 
The genitals (basals) have at first three long, slender spines, which 
originate while yet the starfish is borne by the brachiolaria. The 
spines of the medial dorsal plates of the arms are prominent and single 
at first, each situated in the middle of the plate upon which it is carried. 
The lateral or marginal plates, m, of the arms bear long, stout, single 
spines. Each interambulacral plate, ad, has at first a single spine. No 
spines were ever observed in the ambulacrals, but the extremities of 
the oral ambulacrals in the interbrachii bear four spines, two of which 
lie on the edge adjacent the mouth. The so-called odontophores * were 

* From the position which they early occupy, it is not-to be wondered at that 
spines are not developed on the first interbrachials or the odontophores. They 
are covered on the actinal side by the interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals, 
so that spines could not be formed. 


not observed to carry spines, and the interbrachials, in their younger 
stages at least, are destitute of these structures. 

With the advancing growth of the starfish, the number of spines on 
the primary plates increases, and new spines are formed on new plates 
as they appear. The later formed spines, however, never have that 
prominence so marked in the younger and primary plates, but appear 
more compact, and more like the spines of the adult Asterias. 

Pedicellarie. — The pedicellariz, pd, were first observed on the 
terminal plates in a stage of the starfish in which there were four 
median dorsals (Pl. IV. fig. 3). They were then confined tc that 
plate, being absent on all others. In an older starfish, or one with 
seven median dorsals (Pl. IV. fig. 4), they were likewise found in clus- 
ters on the second marginal plates, m?, and one or two were likewise 
seen on the plates, m°, between the second marginals and the termi- 
nals. Although in both these stages large spines exist on the median 
dorsals, d, there are no pedicellariee as yet formed upon or near them. 
Like the spines, the calcifications of the pedicellariz are at first wholly 
separate from the plates from which they rise. Unlike the spines, 
however, their calcification is from the first double, or split longitudi- 
nally into two separate parts. 

Stone Canal. — The calcifications in the wall of the madreporic canal 
were observed in a larval stage before the external modifications of the 
plate through which it opens were evident or had appeared. It con- 
sists of a delicate tubular network of calcifications, formed by a lacework 
of calcareous spicules, which appear to arise from many centres of for- 
mation. They appear to form in the wall of the tube itself. Iam un- 
aware that any one has described the stone canal in a young starfish in 
which there were but seven median dorsal plates, yet it is well marked 
at that age. 

4. Comparison with other Asteroidea. 

It is here intended to consider certain relations between the plates 
of Asterias and the observations and comparisons which have been 
made by others on the plates of young starfishes. The study of the cal- 
careous formations of the adult and their history from the time when they 
first appear has engaged the attention of several naturalists, and many 
different conclusions have been arrived at in this study. With these 
recorded observations and interpretations I have been able to compare 
my own on Asterias, and their concordance has strengthened my belief 


in them. In one or two instances, however, there are differences, either 
of observation or of interpretation. It will perhaps be profitable, before 
we can discuss the relationship of Asterias with Ophiurans, that these 
differences and concordances among Asteroidea be considered. The 
subject deals with calcareous plates only. 

The most important observations of the way in which the plates of 
Asteroids develop are those of Krohn, Thomson, A. Agassiz on Asteracan- 
thion, Ludwig on Asterina, and Lovén on Asterias glacialis. The way in 
which the plates of Asterina develop is as well known as that of any 
other Asteroid, if not better. As this development of Asterina pertains to 
a starfish without a nomadic brachiolaria, and as Asterias has an indirect 
development with nomadic brachiolaria, it is interesting to compare the 
formation of the plates in the two types, and to note the differences 
which occur. Whatever the character of the metamorphosis of a star- 
fish may be, — whether it has a nomadic brachiolaria, as Asterias, or 
carries the young in brood-sacs, as in Pteraster, —it would appear that 
the sequence of the growth of calcareous plates is little affected by it. 
How much the abbreviation in early development affects the sequence 
in the growth of plates is yet to be proved, and a complete series of 
the young Asterias to compare with Asterina may give us valuable 
information on this point. The figures of Asterina by Ludwig, and 
those of Asterias by Agassiz, Krohn, Thomson,* and Lovén,f in a way 
supplement each other, yet much still remains to be done on late 
stages of both genera. 

For a comparison of the way in which the plates of the abactinal 
hemisome of the body of Asterias develop with those of other Asteroids, 
I have little to add to what is known as far as the dorsocentral is con- 
cerned. The various authors who have written on this subject do not 
emphasize the fact that it is formed after the terminals and genitals, or 

* Krohn and Thomson figure and describe isolated stages of growth. Agassiz 
considers the whole subject of the development. 

+ Lovén figures only later stages with stellate form: 

t 1t would appear from the relative time and sequence of the appearance of 
plates in related genera of Ophiurans being very different, that it is not safe to 
rely upon a similarity in time when calcifications appear in the comparisons of 
homologous plates. Other naturalists have already commented on this fact. A 
diversity in the time of the appearance of homologous plates in related species 
seems to me paralleled in the fact that in two Asterids once thought to be generi- 
cally the same, and even now, if their adult features alone are examined, regarded 
as generically identical, one, A. tenera, has no nomadic brachiolaria, and the other, 
A. berylinus, has such an elaborate metamorphosis with this stage. 


that it antedates all the plates of the actinal hemisome. Agassiz sup- 
posed it to be formed after the other ten abactinal plates, and Ludwig * 
does not say that it is or is not formed at that time. 

The time of formation and mode of growth of the terminals, at the tips 
of the arms, seems to be the same as already described by A. Agassiz 
and Ludwig. Agassiz found them to form before the genitals, which 
is true also in my larve. I cannot verify the statement that the ter- 
minals ever fuse with each other, as described by Agassiz. The 
arrangement of spines on the terminals differs somewhat from those of 

According to Ludwig (p. 50, op. ct.) one of the interradials (geni- 
tals) precedes in time of formation and size the other genitals and 
the terminals. This is the genital which later forms or fuses with 
the madreporic plate. This predominance of the genital contiguous 
to the madreporic opening was not noticed in Asterias, although the 
relative distance and general situation of this plate as compared with 
the madreporic opening are about the same as Ludwig describes for 

My observations on the growth of the plates of the abactinal region 
of the arms resemble those recorded by A. Agassiz, Lovén, Ludwig, and 
Viguier. The calcifications of the body in the abactinal hemisome also 
resemble, with some exceptions, those already described. According to 
the first author (p. 37), in an early condition after the eleven abactinal 
plates were formed “the whole of the abactinal surface has become 
coated with a very fine granular deposit of limestone.” This formation 
was not seen in the specimens of Asterias which were studied. 

The observations on the mode of formation of the oral ambulacrals 

* His youngest stages show eleven plates, and in the text he speaks of them 
as if the “ Centrale,” dorsocentral, was synchronous in formation. (See Entwick- 
lungsgeschichte der Asterina gibbosa, Forbes, Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool., Vol. XX XVII.) 

The homology of the calcifications of the pluteus of Ophiurans and Echinoids 
with calcifications in the stem of the Crinoids would seem far-fetched. The spines 
of the pluteus are secondary developed structures, and it is believed by some that 
they have no phylogenetic significance. The fact that they are wanting in the 
brachiolaria of Asterias would look that way, but in Amphiura they are repre- 
sented before the larva leaves the mother. It is possible in this instance to be- 
lieve either that Amphiura is descended from a genus which had a pluteus with 
spines, and in its abbreviated metamorphosis the rudiment of the spines only re- 
mains, or that the plutean spines show relations with other groups outside the 
Ophiurans. The latter conclusion does not appear absurd, and it may be possible 
later to show that there is an homology between the stem of a Crinoid and the 
plutean spines of an Ophiothrix. 


resemble those of Ludwig on Asterina,* and Lovén’s figures of 4. gla- 
cialis,t but differ somewhat from Agassiz’s. A. Krohn { was one 
of the first correctly to figure the situation and early form of the 
oral ambulacrals of the starfish in young stages in its growth. His 
figure of the ten first formed oral ambulacral plates in the starfish 
found in Bipennaria correspond closely with those of Asterias which I 
have represented. He also figures the spines of the terminals, but does 
not represent the terminals as they exist in Asterias. 

Sir Wyville Thomson’s figure and description$ of the early forms of 
the ambulacral rafters of Asteracanthion violaceus closely resembles what 
I have seen in Asterias. His figure of the oral ambulacrals and the 
ambulacral rafters corresponds with mine. There is not as close a 
likeness in the plates of the abactinal side which he has figured and 
my own. ‘The first dorsal seems more prominent in one than in the 
other. Both of his figures, represented from the actinal and abactinal 
hemisomes, are regarded as important contributions to our knowledge 
of the early form of the calcareous plates of Asteroids. 

Metschnikoff || has published very instructive figures, of the young 
and stellate forms of a starfish. In Plate XI. fig. 8, he represents the 
earliest form of the ambulacral orals about as they appear in Asterias. 
They have here the form of simple calcareous spicules. The spines of 
the terminals in this stage are also well shown Another figure of a 
young starfish by the same author (Pl. XII. fig. 1, A) represents five 
terminals, an inner row of six genitals, and a dorsocentral. The mad- 

* It may be borne in mind that the mouth of Asterias is “‘ambulacral,” i. e. 
formed for the most part of modified ambulacrals, while Asterina is classified as 
“adambulacral,’”?— mouth formed of both ambulacral and adambulacral. It is 
consequently necessary that the young stages of Asterina have adambulacral 
calcifications distinct from ambulacral in the formation of oral plates. It would 
seem from Ludwig’s figure (fig. 98) and his lettering as if it was formed in this way. 
In Asterias, however, similar plates are formed from the interradial ends of the 
ambulacrals, and not as separate calcifications. If I am right in my observations, 
it would seem that Asterias has an ambulacral mouth from the early stages of 

+ Etudes sur les Echinoidées. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., Stockholm, 
Vol. XI. Pt. IL 

t+ Krohn, August. Ueber die Entwickelung der Seesterne und Holothurien. 
Arch. f. Anat. Physiol. u. Wiss. Med., 1853. 

§ Thomson, C. Wyville. On the Embryology of Asteracanthion violaceus, 
Quart. Jour. Mic. Sci., I., 1861. 

|| Metschnikoff, E. Studien iiber die Entwickelung der Echinodermen und 
Nemertinen. Mém. Acad. Imper. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, Vol. XIV. No. 8. 



reporite is represented in the same ring as the terminals, and in posi- 
tion is a separate plate from the genitals. The genital which occurs in 
the same interradius is double. 

If this condition or arrangement is found on more extended observa- 
tions to be the exact relation, it may lead to much light on the whole 
question of starfish morphology ; for if the madreporite is not a genital, 
but a distinct plate, the fact adds strength to the belief that the 
oral of Amphiura is the homologue of the odontophore, while the 
basal of Amphiura is the homologue of the genital of Asterias. It may 
render it necessary for us to regard the madreporite in starfishes as 
ordinarily described as a consolidation of genital and madreporite, 
which would somewhat affect accepted homologies. The separate 
calcification of the stone canal, and the eccentric position of the madre- 
poric opening as compared with the genital, point to to a compound 
character of the madreporite. 

A. Agassiz’s account of the way in which the ambulacral and inter- 
ambulacral plates of the arms of starfishes are formed, differs from what 
I find in Asterias. He says (pp. 91, 92), “In the case of the young star- 
fish, the radial plates of the abactinal systema which form the dorsal part 
of the arms gradually extend towards the edge of, and down on to the 
actinal side, enclosing the water system little by little, and finally, as has 
been described, covering the ambulacral tube, leaving only openings for 
the passage of the tentacles. . . . In the, starfishes, the actinal plates 
formed by the bridges separating successive pairs of tentacles become 
resorbed along the central line, the edges forming inwardly by spurs the 
true ambulacral plates, and the plates which little by little develop so 
as to form the edge of the arms are likewise formed from the plates 
originally a part of the abactinal system. Those which are on the out- 
side of the tentacles become the interambulacral plates, but differ in no 
way from the plates forming the sides of the arms.” * 

If I rightly understand his account, there is considerable difference 
between the way in which ambulacral and interambulacral plates form 
in the starfish which I studied, and those which he describes. The 

* It is hard to reconcile this view of the way these plates (ambulacral) form 
with the figures of them by Krohn and Thomson. Agassiz’s figures (Pl. VI. 
fig. 12, Pl. VII. fig. 1, Embryology of the Starfish) of the plates of the actinal side 
of the arm differ from those of Krohn of a starfish from Bipennaria, and of Thom- 
son of A. violaceus. They also differ from mine. The separate ambulacral rafters 
and oral ambulacrals are not represented, but the actinal calcareous plates are 
represented as joined together. 


main difference is, that in the Asterias which I studied the plates on 
the actinal side of the arm originate on that side, and there is no 
growth downward from the abactinal surface enclosing the water sys- 
tem. The ambulacral rafters and interambulacrals originate as separate 
calcifications on the actinal side of the arms, while no absorption of 
plates previously formed was observed. 

There is a close similarity in the early formation of the actinal plates 
in Asterias and of those of Asterina, followed by Ludwig, and my in- 
terpretation of some of the plates of the mouth is in most cases the 
same as his. 

Ludwig says (p. 49, op. cit.) that he is the first to make known the 
primary position of the ambulacrals.* The difference in the early form 
of the first and secend pairs of ambulacrals, or those which form the 
oral ring, is not especially considered by him, and his account does not 
extend to the growth of the ambulacrals formed subsequently to the 
oral or first pair. 

It was not possible for me to observe any relationship in the time 
when the members of the five pairs of ambulacrals form, or their se- 
quence, as he has done in Asterina, although I have repeatedly found 
young starfishes in which one pair of ambulacrals (oral) smaller than 
the remaining, or in which one or more members of the five sets were 

The five pairs of plates which Ludwig (op. cit.) letters JA in his ac- 
count of Asterina are called by him interambulacrals. By this term 
it is understood that he means what are here called marginals. In the 
development of these plates Asterias closely resembles Asterina. 

Adoral to these plates lie five other plates, a single plate in each 
interradius. These are the first interbrachials, and are regarded as the 
odontophores of authors. They are called the heart-shaped plates from 
the shape which they have in the young Asterias. In Asterias the in- 
terbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals arch over the heart-shaped 
bodies before the “lateral plates ” are developed.t 

* Ludwig was the first to show how the ambulacrals originate in Asterina. 
The form and early condition of the oral ambulacrals of an Asterias-like star- 
fish with a brachiolaria was given by Krohn in 1853. Thomson (op. cit.) in 
1861 figures correctly the first form of the ambulacrals in A. violaceus. It would 
therefore seem that in genera besides Asterina the subject had already attracted 

+ Ludwig was at first of the opinion that these odontophore plates are “ Inter- 
mediire Skelettplatte,” which I interpret to be the same as “ orals”’; he later sup- 


The position of the newly formed interambulacrals as regards the 
terminal is similar in Asterina and Asterias.* In Asterina, from Lud- 
wig’s diagram, I should judge that these plates arise near the outer 
ends of each pair of ambulacral rafters, so that a line through them 
would pass through the length of the rafter. In Asterias, however, 
the interambulacrals arise in the interval between the outer ends of the 
early formed ambulacral rafters. 

Plates homologous to the under basals of Crinoids are recognized by 
Sladen f in several species and genera of Asteroids, including Asterias 
rubens and A. glacialis. I have been struck in the examination of 
figures of deep-sea starfishes to see how close, in some instances, the 
likeness between the test of certain of them and that of the young Aste- 
rias is. The young and adult of Zoroaster seem closely to resemble cer- 
tain young stages of Asterias. Sladen comments on the “ unmistakable 
crinoidal facies” which the young Zoroaster has, and regards a young 
stage of this Asterid as highly suggestive of the Ophiuroid genus Ophio- 
pyrgus. Whether the resemblance between the young Asterias and the 
young Zoroaster can also be interpreted as a crinoidal facies, I leave to 
those more familiar with the Crinoids to consider. The simple arrange- 
ment of plates in Zoroaster is an embryonic feature. 

There is some danger in affixing to the plates of starfishes names of 
plates which are current among students of Crinoids. While it may be 
held to be proper to do so, if the Crinoids.represent the ancestral con- 
dition of Echinoderms, it might lead to error if they are simply special- 
ized or degenerate descendants of other and older groups. 

posed them “ Unpaare Interambulacralplatte.” It is thought that he means by 
the latter the marginal plates. 

* Fig. 97, Plate VIL, of Ludwig’s paper on Asterina would seem, from the po- 
sition of the terminal as regards the feeler, F, to be a view from the abactinal side. 
Such a conclusion is likewise supported by the relative position of the plates, A?, 
or second pair of ambulacral rafters. If, however, the view from which the figure 
is seen is from the abactinal side, it would seem as if other abactinal plates would 
be represented. If they were figures of Asterias of the same age, such plates cer- 
tainly might be expected to be visible. Perhaps the term “ bei tieferer Einstel- 
lung ” explains the peculiar arrangement of plates and the loss of the abactinals. 
I am unable to understand the figure, since the view is said to be from a prepara- 
tion (fig. 96) which is shown from the actinal side. 

t On the Homologies of the Primary Larval Plates in the Test of Brachiate 
Echinoderms. Quart. Journ. Micros. Science, Vol. XXIV., new ser., 1884. 

Judging from Sladen’s figure of Zoroaster fulgens (fig. 16), it seems that what he 
calls the “ underbasal ” is also represented in the abactinal hemisome of a young 

VOL. XVII. — No. 1. 3 


It is a most important thing to know more of the early formed plates 
of the genera Caulaster, Perr.,* and Ilyaster, D. & K., in which we have 
appended to the middle of the abactinal zone a short peduncle. It 
would seem that this peduncle is comparable with the stem of a Cri- 
noid. Ina young Ctenodiscus a protuberance in the same place as the 
peduncle of Ilyaster has been noticed, but I have never seen it as long 
as figured in Ilyaster. As Ctenodiscus is a common starfish off the 
New England coast, it would present a most instructive genus for the 
study of the homology of the early formed plates of a starfish with an 
abactinal prominence. 

If it should be shown that this appendage to the abactinal region 
of the genus Ilyaster is a remnant of the ancestral Crinoid stem, it 
might be supposed that the Asteroidea have descended from crinoid- 
like genera. It may likewise be true that the Crinoids are highly 
specialized and descended from certain starfishes or Ophiurans. In 
this case, perhaps, the arrangement of apical plates in the larval 
starfishes is the most primitive, and may determine the nomenclature 
of the Echinoids. 

The pedicellariz of Asterias are relatively somewhat larger in the 
young than in the adult. In their early condition they are short and 
stunted, clavate, with at least two centres of calcification, which later 
form the two jaws. Unlike the primary spines, the calcifications in 
each pedicellaria are not consolidated, but double from the very first. 
The theory that the pedicellariz are homologous to spines, renders it 
necessary to compare calcifications which differ in shape from the very 
first, and also to compare a primarily single with a double calcification. 
Neither of these difficulties is necessarily fatal to the theory, nor does 
the mode of development of spines and pedicellariz give wholly satis- 
factory proof of the theory. 

The growth of the spines on the calcareous plates of Asterias re- 
sembles that of the same structures in Asterina, as described by Lud- 
wig. In the case of the spines of the primary plates they arise as 
separate calcifications, and are not extensions from plates already 

* Mémoire sur les Etoiles de Mer recueilles dans la Mer des Antilles et le 
Golfe du Mexique durant les Expeditions de Dragage faites sous la Direction de 
M, Alexandre Agassiz. Nouvelles Archives du Museum, 2 ser., Vol. VI. 

+t The “ambulacral spines” observed by A. Agassiz on the outer edge of the 
ambulacral plates were not observed in Asterias. Is it not possible that these 
spines belong to the “ interambulacrals ” ? 


The calcification of the stone canal is not treated by other naturalists 
who have studied the early form of these organs in younger stages of 
Asteroidea ; so that it is not possible to compare my observation with 
others as far as this structure is concerned. 

The growth of the calcifications of the pedicellarie in Asterias is the 
same, or nearly the same, as has already been recorded by A. Agassiz. 
No histological studies were made of these organs, and my attention 
was not turned to their minute anatomy. 

A. Agassiz found that the madreporic opening is placed on the 
*“actinal side in the angle between two rays,” * and that it is protected 
by a thick funnel-shaped projection. There seems to be a difference in 
the position of this opening in some of my larve from those which he 
studied, for in the younger larve of Asterias the madreporic opening 
does not lie on the actinal side of the larva, even in considerably ad- 
vanced stages. The position of the madreporic opening is of course a 
most interesting thing in morphological studies of the young starfishes, 
and more observations as to its position are needed. 

In the figure already referred to which Metschnikoff gives of the 
abactinal side of an unknown starfish, the madreporic body appears on 
the very margin of the disk of the starfish, and would seem intermedi- 
ate in position between a madreporic body on the actinal and on the 
abactinal surface. In Ludwig’s figure (fig. 94) of the young Asterina 
in which a stellate form has been taken on, the madreporite (P) is 
abactinal. In some of my older stages I was unable to discover the 
madreporic plate, but believe it in all cases abactinal. 

5. Homology of the Plates of Asterias with those of 

Of all the Ophiurans the growth of the plates is best known in a 
viviparous genus, Amphiura squamata, Sars. While it is desirable to 
know more of the sequence and method of formation of the plates in 
an Ophiuran which has a development through a pluteus, the genera 
which present this condition have as yet not been much studied as far 
as the growth of plates is concerned, and our knowledge of the Ophi- 
uran plate development wholly relates to Amphiura.f In comparisons 

* Op. cit., p. 45. 

+ The author is not of the opinion that any very great exception to the law of 
the growth of new plates is brought about by what is called abbreviated develop- 
ment in Echinoderms. In essential points the growth of the calcareous plates in 
Asterias and Leptasterias, genera representing two types of development, is the 


between stellate forms of the two groups, Ophiurans and Starfishes, I 
have chosen, therefore, Amphiura on the one side and Asterias on the 
other as representatives. It would seem as if it were necessary care- 
fully to compare the stellate forms of Echinoderms before we can pass 
to others, when the external forms are so varied. It may seem as if 
the difficulties in a comparison of Ophiurids and Asterids would be 
small, but even here we find very great differences in opinion as to the 
homology of certain plates, and a variety of interpretations upon struc- 
tures of primary origin. While it is not proposed in this paper to go 
beyond a comparison between stellate Echinoderms, it is believed that 
a more accurate conception of the relationship of plates is possible than 
that ordinarily accepted. There is range enough in the modification of 
plates in Ophiurans and Asteroids to call for the best possible state- 
ments of their relationship in the two groups. 

The following theses may be stated in a tabular form, to indicate the 
line of discussion which is to follow. Plates of Asterias and correspond- 
ing plates of Amphiura are placed side by side. 

Asterias. Amphiura. 
Dorsocentral. Dorsocentral. 
First dorsal ? Radialia. 
Genital. Basal. 
Oral ambulacrals.* Spoon-shaped plates. 
Interbrachial ends of oral ambulacrals. Adambulacrals (1 and 2). 

same. It is not intended to compare Asterias with any Ophiuran except Amphi- 
ura. The many problematical questions which have arisen in a comparison of 
Amphiura and Crinoids are also passed over in silence. My object in this paper 
is to see if it is possible to arrive at a better idea of the homologies of the stellate 
Echinoderms. A discussion of the homologies of the plates of either with those 
of Echinoids, Crinoids, or Holothurians is not proposed. Amphiura is chosen 
for a comparison, for the reason that the development of its plates is better known 
than those of other Ophiurans. From the statements of those who have written 
on the development of an Ophiuran from the pluteus, it would seem that there is 
some difference in the sequence of the plates in Ophiurans with and those without 
a pluteus, but the amount of difference is yet to be made out. 

In this connection, it seems to me that published statements about Ophiophragmus 
by Mr. Nachtrieb have an interest. Nachtrieb (Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 
Vol. IV. No. 2) finds that Ophiophragmus has a ‘‘ development without pluteus.” 
He says he was able artificially to fertilize Ophiophragmus. ‘This is the first time, 
I believe, that an Ophiuran without pluteus has been artificially fertilized ; and, 
judging from the statements which he makes, the development of Ophiophragmus 
must be very peculiar. 

* Under this designation I refer to the plates which resemble ambulacral rafters, 

surrounding the mouth. 


(Odontophore) First Interbrachials. Oral. 

Other Interbrachials. 

Connectives. Wanting on arms. 
Terminals. Terminals. 

Dorsals. Dorsals. 

Dorsolateral. Wanting. 

Marginal.* Wanting. 

Ambulacrals. Ambulacrals. 
Interambulacrals.t Laterals (Adambulacrals). 
Under-basals? . Under-basals. 

The ventrals of Amphiura and the plates of the stone canal and pedi- 
cellariz of Asterias are not common to the two genera. 

Spines (embryonic) are present in the laterals (adambulacrals) of 
Amphiura. They are not found in the ambulacral rafters of Asterias. 

It will be noticed in the above list, that two adambulacrals of Am- 
phiura (1 and 2) are designated as the same as interbrachial ends of the 
oral ambulacrals of Asterias. In Asterias they resemble other ambula- 
crals, except that on their interradial ends they bear spines, while in 
Amphiura they more closely resemble adambulacrals, and so they were 
called by Ludwig. It will probably be said, that they are either ambu- 
lacral or interambulacral (adambulacral), and abler persons than myself 
may be able to show that the oral ambulacrals of Asterias are different 
from the oral adambulacrals of Amphiura. I confess, however, that I 
am unable to see that they may not be the same plates, now modified 
in one way, now in another. They are the most difficult plates to com- 
pare of any in Asterias and Amphiura. Without being able to make up 
my mind whether or not there are plates in the young starfish homolo- 
gous with the torus and teeth of Amphiura, I think it not improbable 
that these structures may be homologous with the “ Aristotle’s Lantern” 
of urchins, but I am not willing yet to venture that statement. There 
are in certain genera of Asteroids, of course, teeth which may be com- 
pared with the teeth of the Amphiura; but whether they are homolo- 
gous is doubtful. 

P. Herbert Carpenter, in his paper on the growth of the calcareous 
plates of Amphiura, has pointed out differences in the time of appear- 
ance of the same plates in the American and European varieties of 
‘A. syuamata. JI regard this as a very fruitful field for morphological 
study. The recognition of a great difference in the time of the appear- 
ance of homologous plates among Echinoderms seems to me an impor- 
tant one. ‘There is considerable variation in the time and sequence of 

* Interambulacral of some authors. + Adambulacrals of recent authors. 


appearance of homologous calcareous plates in genera closely allied to 
each other, which certainly looks as if the difference in the time of 
appearance of plates is no valid objection to a strict homology of those 
plates. How much a recognition of this principle may change or modify 
existing ideas of Echinoderm morphology, as far as the plates are con- 
cerned, remains to be seen. It is possible that some of the differences 
in the sequence of the plates of Asterias as compared with other genera 
of Asteroids may be explained in this way. If we recognize so much 
difference in the time of the appearance of homologous plates in genera 
closely related, does it not call for great caution in this particular in the 
comparison of genera of different groups? It does not seem too much 
to say, that an acceleration or retardation in the time of appearance 
of primary plates may have led to essential differences in the exter- 
nal forms of Echinoderms. On the other hand, it is very strange if 
geographical distribution has brought about such a great difference in 
the sequence of plates as that which Carpenter finds between the Ameri- 
can and European forms of A. sguamata. It seems as if there must be 
some mistake in the identification either of the European or American 
specimens. As far as external form goes, my Newport specimens closely 
resemble .A. squamata, and specialists in the study of Ophiurans have 
so identified them for me. Shall we call the American and European 
representatives different species or different genera, or does A. sguamata 
in Narragansett Bay depart so widely from the same in European waters 
as far as development goes? 

Dorsocentral. —There seems to be a uniformity of belief that the mid- 
dle plate of the abactinal region of the body is homologous in Asterias 
and Amphiura. The only essential point of difference is the presence of 
a large spine in the young Asterias and its absence in Amphiura. This, 
however, is not thought to be of importance enough to have any mor- 
phological meaning. The author has no doubt that the dorsocentral 
forms in the same relative position in both genera, as shown by the ob- 
servations already recorded. Whatever objections, therefore, might be 
urged on the ground that the sequence ™* is different, are not regarded 
as fatal. The name dorsocentral is well chosen, but should uot be 
confounded with the centrodorsal of Crinoids. 

Genitals. — The author homologizes the first ring of five plates, which 
form in the interradii of both Asterias and Amphiura, with each other. 

* The only plates of Asterias which can be homologized with the radialia of 
Amphiura develop in Asterias after the dorsocentral. This fact probably has no 
morphological meaning. 


There would seem to be no expressed variety of opinion on this point 
among those who have written on the subject; the only important 
question which has been raised being whether the term “genital” be an 
appropriate one to designate them, and whether their fate is the same. 
It is important, however, for us to call attention to this fact in re- 
gard to the so-called genitals in the two genera. While they are both 
primary plates on interradii, the absence of primary radials in Asterias 
has brought them to occupy a different position as regards the first 
formed plates in Asterias and Amphiura. For illustration, in Asterias 
they form an inside ring in comparison with the primary plates (termi- 
nals); in Amphiura they form an outside ring compared with primary 
plates (radials) ; they form an inside ring as compared with terminals 
in both. The relationship of one of the genitals to the madreporic 
opening would seem to show that the ring of plates of which this is a 
member is the same in both cases. Ludwig regards the first plate in 
the dorsal hemisome in the interradius of Amphiura as a madreporite. 
If he is right, there is no doubt that the first ring of plates in the inter- 
radii in Amphiura and in Asterias are the same. 

In considering these plates as genitals, too much importance cannot 
be attached to the fact that no one has yet satisfactorily traced them to 
plates with the genital openings in starfishes. It is certainly a form of 
@ priort reasoning to characterize them as genitals from the fact that 
they are the first interradials and occupy.a similar position to the geni- 
tals of Echinoids. The one thing which we really know is that in As- 
terias one of these first interradial plates bears a definite connection with 
the madreporic body, and that it later occupies a similar position in one 
of the interradii that the genitals do in the other. Is it not a jump at a 
conclusion to suppose from this that they are necessarily genitals? If 
one should say that other interradials form the genitals, there are no 
observations to show the error. That the first (orals) plates of the 
interradii in Amphiura are genitals, we have even less to support our as- 
sumption than in Asterias. One of these plates, according to Ludwig, 
is perforated by the madreporic opening, and it is therefore supposed to 
be a madreporite. All five are later consolidated in the system of plates 
about the mouth, and bear no relationship to the genital openings. 
- Obviously these cannot be the same as the genitals of Asterias, if geni- 
tals are homologous in Asterias and Amphiura. We are consequently 
driven to this position: the first formed interradial plates on the abac- 
tinal hemisome of Asterias do not enter into the formation of the mouth F 
they occupy a position which would indicate that they are genitals, and 


one of them is early brought into connection with the madreporic open- 
ing. The plates of Amphiura which are in an homologous position ap- 
pear not to have any relation to the genitals of the adult. One of them 
is a madreporite. The ultimate fate of both in Asterias and Amphiura 
is conjectural, but probably different. 

In other words, while the genital of a starfish may be brought by its 
growth into intimate union with the end of the stone canal or with the 
opening of the madreporic tube, it may readily be seen that in Amphi- 
ura the oral, a plate of totally different homology, might have the same 
relation without the same homology. It would not make these plates 
homologous, i. e. genital and oral. Even if in Brisinga, with its ophiu- 
ran and starfish affinities, the madreporic opening is found on the odon- 
tophore, it is not necessary to regard the odontophore as a genital. 
The whole thing of course hinges on the acceptance or denial of the dic- 
tum that the presence of the madreporic orifice means homology of the 
plate through which it opens. While many naturalists in whose opin- 
ion we have the most confidence hold that it does, that the existence of 
the madreporic opening in a plate settles its homology once for all, to 
me it leads in some cases to insurmountable difficulties. It seems to 
me that the objection to the homology of the genitals of Asterids with 
the orals of Amphiura is well taken, if its defenders adopt the theory 
that the odontophore is an oral; for the genitals of starfishes are cer- 
tainly not odontophores, even if in Brisinga one of the odontophores 
bears the madreporic body, or is a madreporite. The mistake seems to 
me just here: the madreporite may not be one of the genitals, or ho- 
mologous with them, even in Echinoids, but is rather to be considered a 
separate plate, which may have connection with one of the heart-shaped 
bodies which form the odontophore. Ludwig was, I think, right in a 
comparison of the odontophores of Asterids with the orals of the Ophiu- 
rids. A. Agassiz has expressed the thought that the oral, or the plate 
we now call the odontophore, is an interbrachial, an homology which is 
sound, in the light of the development. The fact that in its early for- 
mation that genital plate which is nearest the madreporic opening forms 
wholly independently of the structure in question, has a meaning. In its 
early condition this plate is not penetrated by the tube in Asterias; but 
it is only later, after the brachiolarian notch has been considerably re- 
duced in size, that the spicules begin to grow around the opening to en- 
close it. It is not until the stellate form has been assumed, and the 
arms have reached a considerable development, that the madreporic 
plate appears. It may be said that all the primary plates of the body — 


—viz. terminals, dorsocentral, genitals, spines, and even ten of the oral 
ambulacrals — have appeared before there is any calcification about 
the terminal opening of the madreporic tube. Does not this fact call 
for extreme caution in regard to statements that would lead us to ho- 
mologize the madreporic plate with a genital rather than any other 
Asterid plate? Another thing, the outer edge of the genital grows 
around the end of the madreporic body to enclose it, and the stone 
canal forms before there is any cribriform plate over the opening. 
There is yet one fact which ought to be taken into consideration with 
those mentioned ; viz. four interbrachials (odontophores) form at first, 
and the lower end of the madreporic canal occupies the homologous 
position of the fifth. While this fact does not demonstrate the ho- 
mology of the madreporite, it is thought to have a bearing on the 
subject. The madreporite is not in intimate union with the odonto- 
phore after the odontophore forms, but it lies in the same inter- 
radius.* I venture to say that, if it is not in some kind of connection 
with the odontophore in Asterias, as Perrier says it is in Brisinga, it cer- 
tainly is very close to it. 

Sladen (op. cit.) finds no morphological relation between the odonto- 
phore and madreporite in Brisinga. While we may or may not subscribe 
to Sladen’s criticisms of Perrier, he does not in either case seem to me 
to prove that there is ‘no morphological relation” between madreporite 
and odontophore, for when we go to very young stages in the growth 
of Asterias, we find a very intimate connection between the madreporite 
and odontophore. 

As all the other odontophores of Asterias form on the actinal hemi- 
some, and the plate which occupies a similar position in the interradius 
has a like position of origin, it would seem that Brisinga differs very 
considerably from Asterias, as far as the formation of the madreporite is 
concerned. In my specimens I certainly detected the odontophore of 
the interradial in which the madreporic body is found on the actinal 
hemisome, in the same relative position as the other odontophores. At 
the same time the genital (g') had not grown around the opening of 
the madreporic tube. Here, then, were two separate plates on opposite 
ends of an axis of the body. One could not be the other morphologi- 

* Obviously, from the fact that one of the genitals grows around the madre- 
poric opening, we are not obliged to regard this genital itself as homologous with 
a madreporite. We might-easily suppose the primary separation of the madreporic 
opening and this genital much greater, and the stone canal so reduced that the 
madreporic body occupies a position which it is said to have in Brisinga. 


cally. If the former is a madreporite, the latter is not ; it the latter is 
a madreporite, the former cannot be. What additions now take place ? 
(1) The genital grows around the opening of the madreporic tube. 
(2) The calcifications of the stone canal form. Neither of these events 
makes (g') the first genital a homologue of the odontophore, the ho- 
mology of which preserves its distinctness whatever occurs. 

In the case of the orals of Amphiura, it is found that one of them 
grows around the madreporic opening in the same way that one of 
the genitals grows in Asterias. It seems to me that this fact alone 
does not make genitals and orals homologous, and does not prevent 
the homology of orals of Amphiura and odontophores of Asterias.* 

A comparison of the odontophore with the oral of Amphiura was made 
by Ludwig. According to Carpenter, he no longer holds that view, 
although Carpenter does not say what plate in Ophiurans Ludwig now 
regards as the homologue of the odontophore. As “ interambulacrals 
(marginals)” are wanting in Ophiurans (Amphiura), it is difficult to 
interpret what plates here correspond with the unpaired marginals of - 
the starfish. Perhaps Ludwig might still consistently hold that while 
the odontophore is an “ Unpaare Interambulacralplatte,” it is still a 
homologue of the orals of Amphiura where no marginals like those of 
the starfish are found. I believe that the first interbrachial (odonto- 
phore) is homologous to the oral, but do not say that Ludwig now holds 
such a view. 

Sladen holds that the presence of the madreporite in a plate does not 
mean homology of that plate among Echinoderms.t It does not lie in 
the genital in certain starfishes, and it is disconnected with the orals in 

* Waiving the difference of opinion of Sladen and Perrier (Compt. Rend., Vol. 
XCV., July 10, 1882), — the latter of whom holds that the madreporiform body in 
Brisinga is always formed on one of the odontophores, and the former, that no 
connection whatever exists between these two bodies, —is it not possible to con- 
clude that we may have, in this ophiurid-like starfish, a genus in which the 
odontophore, like the oral of an Ophiuran, has been modified by its proximity 
to the madreporic opening, even if no connection has resulted ? 

+ In this connection it may be well to call attention to the migration of the 
madreporic opening in Echinarachnius along an interradius from the edge of the 
disk towards the centre, as shown in my paper on the development of this Clype- 
astroid (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., Vol. XII. No. 4). A. Agassiz had already shown 
the migration of the periproct in the same genus (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., Vol. III. 
No. 9, p. 295). The madreporite moves from the margin of the disk to the centre; 
the periproct of Echinarachnius moves from the centre to the margin. It might 
better be said in regard to the madreporite, that by the growth of plates about it 
the madreporic body is pressed to the centre from the margin. 


Astrophytide. His reasoning seems to me conclusive, and I do not 
regard the madreporite as a fixed point of reference in Echinoderm 

Terminals. — The terminals in Amphiura and Asterias have so many 
points in common that I do not hesitate to regard them as morphologi- 
cally identical. That they do not appear at the same time as compared 
with the other primary plates does not appear of importance enough to 
destroy the argument for their identity built upon their many resem- 
blances of mode of growth, position, and relation to the median water 
tube of the ray. 

Sladen considers that the occurrence of plates which he calls “ under- 
basals” in the Asterid nullifies Studer’s argument that the arrangement 
of primitive plates in Asterids corresponds with the monocyclic Crinoids. 
I do not subscribe to Studer’s idea, but on the other hand I cannot but 
ask if Sladen has not overestimated the morphological value of his sup- 
posed discovery of the “ under-basals” of Asterids in this connection. 
It may be well to remember that in Asterias the plates which Sladen 
likens to the Crinoid “ under-basals ” do not appear until after at least 
the Asterias may have had a monocyclic stage. At the time the “ un- 
der-basals form,’ we might suppose that the starfish had passed out of, 
or become more developed than, the “ monocyclic stage.” 

From their place of origin and their subsequent growth the terminals 
of Asterias and Amphiura are probably’ homologous. Moreover, it is 
probable that these plates are not to be compared with the other plates 
of the arm, which originate between them and the axis of the body. It 
had seemed to me possible to find a serial homology between this plate 
and those of the arm joints; to compare it, for instance, with a consoli- 
dated dorsal, two laterals,* and possibly a ventral; to find, in other 
words, that the portion of the ray in which they lie is a true arm divis- 
ion or “joint.” My attempts, however, have not been rewarded with 
great success, and it seems more probable that they are not comparable 
with other arm plates. Students of Crinoid morphology do not find the 
homologues of terminals in this group, and there is evidence that they 

* Sladen says (op. cit., p. 30): “ The comparatively large size of the terminal 
plate at an early stage of the young Asterid is due, in my opinion, to a coalescence 
‘of primitive lateral plates with the primitive, or first formed, rudiment of the ter- 
minal,—a circumstance which further strengthens my view of the secondary 
character of the terminal plate.” It would, however, seem from the growth of the 
plate that such a coalescence does not take place, or at all events I was unable to 
observe it. It is suggested that the absence of lateral plates (marginals ?) allows 
the sides of the terminals to grow into their places. 


are not homologous with the oculars of the Urchin. Whether there are 
plates in the young urchins which are homologous with the terminals 
of the starfishes is a question upon which more knowledge of the devel- 
opment of the calcareous plates of the Echinoids may throw some light. 

According to Ludwig (p. 188),* A. Agassiz “halt die Jungen Termi- 
nalia fiir die Dorsalschilder des Erstgebildeten Armgliedes, eine Bezei- 
hung die ebenfalls nicht korrekt genau ist.” Agassiz says, “The 
only calcareous deposits we have (yy’, fig. 32) are evidently parts of 
the first arm joints, the dorsal (y, fig. 32), and the side arm shields 
(77, fig. 32) of that joint, which consist at present of but a few rods 
indicating their future position.” (Embryology of Echinoderms, p. 20.) 
This was written of an Ophiuran with a pluteus, which is probably 
Ophiopholis. Agassiz uses the term “arm joint” elsewhere in his pa- 
per to designate one portion or section of the arm. I am unable to 
understand exactly what Ludwig means by the above criticism of Agas- 
siz, unless it is that the terminals (dorsal shields, Ag.) do not belong 
to the first formed arm joint, or possibly that the terminals do not 
indicate an arm joint. One of these interpretations is the best I can 
make of his meaning. If we consider an arm joint among the Ophi- 
urans to mean a portion of the arm with a dorsal, two laterals, and 
a ventral with enclosed organs, the portion of the ray in which the 
terminal lies might not be called an arm joint, since separate calci- 
fications for lateral and ventral plates do not exist. However the 
terminal may be homologized, it originates like a dorsal, and grows 
around the terminal tentacle forming laterals and ventral. In the 
structure of the plates, as in position and time of origin, it differs from 
all other dorsals, and consequently morphologically may be held by 
some not to be an arm joint, or to belong to the first formed arm 
joint. Possibly that may be the meaning of Ludwig’s criticism above 
quoted. If not, I have been unable to see the force of his criticism. 

In speaking of an early stage of Asterina in which the first dorsals, 
or “radials,” are formed, Sladen} says: “The first formed plates in 
the viviparous or abbreviated larva are the primitive elements of the 
terminal plates, the basal plates, and the dorsocentral plate. These 
become well developed before any traces of the radial plates make their 
appearance. Concurrent with the radial plates the lateral plates (inter- 
ambulacral plates) are developed.” He might have added also certain 
mouth plates, ambulacrals, and interambulacrals (adambulacrals). 

* Entwicklungsgeschichte der Asterina gibbosa, Forbes. 
t Sladen, op. cit., p. 31, fig. 15. 



Primary Radials. —The first radials of a Crinoid, according to Sladen, 
are represented by the Intermediare in Asterina.* There is but one set 
of plates which can be compared with the Amphiura primary radials, 
and these are the first of the dorsal plates of the arms. Notwithstand- 
ing the fact that these plates have a different time of originf as regards 
the genitals, Sladen regards it possible that they may be called the 
primary radials. 

If we accept these plates as homologues of the primary radials, they 
must be regarded as very much belated in time of formation. Inside 
the radials of the disk of Asterias are representatives of the under-basals 
and similar radial plates. 

Connectives. — The homologies of the numerous small plates and bars 
by which the primary plates on the abactinal hemisome of the body are 
joined together were not identified with definite plates in the Am- 

* Although it can readily be granted that the first dorsals occupy the same 
relative position as the radials in Amphiura, it is a question whether we are justi- 
fied in carrying our comparisons so far as to homologize them. I grant that their 
position on the radius is the same, and that retardation in the time of appearance 
of plates has very little importance morphologically ; but it must be remembered 
that we are attempting to homologize plates in stages where we know there are 
unrepresented plates inter se in stages where there are plates in the starfish which 
cannot be referred to those of Crinoids, and plates in the Crinoid which have, as 
far as we know, no representatives in the starfish. 

t While it is generally true that in Ophiurans the radialia appear before the 
“basals,” in one case, according to P. Herbert Carpenter (On the Apical System 
of Ophiurids, p. 8), basals are formed on the disk where no radialia are repre- 
sented (Ophiomitra exigua, Lyman). It would seem improbable that in this in- 
stance radialia had formed and been absorbed. Carpenter (Notes on Echinoderm 
Morphology, No. XI.) says of the radialia, “ They appear before the basals in the 
Ophiurids, but after them in other groups.” I confess surprise at this statement, 
especially as three years before he had himself pointed out that Ophiomitra exiqua 
“has no radials at all, nothing but the five interradial basals (3) intervening be- 
tween the dorsocentral (1) and the radial shields,” and I can only explain it on the 
supposition that he believed that radials had formed and disappeared, that they 
are formed later, or that he had changed his mind on the subject. 

Carpenter’s criticism of my use of “abaxial basals” I will not consider here; 
but as I nowhere in my paper use the combination “adaxial interradials,” I fail 
to see why he should speak of any plates as my adaxial interradials (“ his adaxial 
interradials ”’). 

Carpenter’s statement (op. cit., p. 813, lines 12-17) that every previous writer 
regards basals and interradials as fundamentally distinct, seems to have been 
written without remembering the fact that Sladen in considering certain star- 
fishes (op. cit., p. 33, lines 27, 29) uses interradial for basal, and to explain what 
he means by interradials uses the following combination: “interradials (i. e. 


phiura. Undoubtedly a few of the larger might be compared, but, as 
the connectives are not primary plates, they vary very greatly in num- 
ber among different genera of starfishes. Moreover, they appear late 
in development, even after generic features are acquired. A notice 
of their modification is made under my comparison of Asterias with 
other starfishes. Not enough is at present known of the smaller plates 
of Amphiura to attempt any comparison of them with the connectives 
of Asterias. 

Oral Ambulacrals. — The oral ambulacrals early take the form of the 
“‘spoon-shaped ” plates of Amphiura. In their early condition they 
approach more nearly the form of the ambulacrals of Amphiura than 
any of the ambulacral rafters of Asterias, which leads me to think that 
they are really ambulacral in their nature. As growth goes on, the oral 
ambulacrals lose their resemblance to the spoon-shaped plates, and re- 
semble more closely those interambulacral plates which later appear in 
the starfish arm. The early resemblances which have led me to regard 
the oral ambulacrals as the same as the ‘‘spoon-shaped plates” are: 
1. Their position and number. 2. Their elongation in early stages 
parallel with the water tube. 3. Their time of formation. The only 
one of these three reasons which lacks observation is the third. While 
we know that in Asterias the first plates of the actinal region to form 
are the circumoral ambulacrals, we do not yet know this for the spoon- 
shaped plates of Amphiura. I believe that they are the first, but 
cannot as yet definitely state this to be a fact. 

The later resemblance to interambulacral plates is caused by their 
growth to the interradial regions and the presence of spines. Notwith- 
standing this resemblance to adambulacral plates of the oral ambula- 
crals in the interradii, Asterias is classified as a starfish with an ambula- 
cral mouth. In starfishes in which the interambulacrals enter into the 
formation of the mouth as well as the ambulacral, it may be supposed 
that the growth of the adambulacrals of the mouth has prevented the 
ambulacral from pushing into the interradii. These are possibly inter- 
mediate, as far as the mouth goes, between Asterias and Amphiura. In 
Amphiura the oral ambulacrals, even in late stages, are kept in the con- 
dition of spoon-shaped plates similar in relative position to the water 
tube to embryonic ambulacral orals of Asterias. The retention of a bi- 
serial arrangement of the feet in Asteroids with adambulacral mouths 
may be correlated with the growth of the adambulacrals in early stages. 
Like the structure of the mouth parts, the rows of legs are biserial, 
as in Ophiuroids. 


Interbrachial Ends of the Oral Ambulacrals.— The interbrachial 
ends of the oral ambulacrals in the starfish are represented in Amphi- 
ura by two separate plates, known as the first and second pair of adam- 
bulacrals. While in Amphiura these plates arise from two separate 
centres of calcification on each side of the arm (twenty centres in all), 
and in Asterias they appear to arise directly from the ambulacrals of the 
oral region as a single interbrachial (ten in all), their position and their 
relation to the mouth lead me to suppose that they are really the same. 
From the existence of a pair of spines on each oral adambulacral it is 
necessary to suppose that two plates are consolidated in early stages in 
Asterias. The greatest difficulty which has been encountered in sup- 
posing the homology which I have indicated as a correct one is the fact 
of origin from different centres of calcification in the one case, and from 
the ambulacrals in the other (Asterias). Iam forced to admit from my 
study of my preparations that it looks as if the account which is given 
above of the origin of the oral adambulacrals from the ambulacrals 
(oral) is correct, although an error may have crept in in this observation. 
I have no doubt that the adambulacral is single (ten in all rays) from 
the beginning. The existence of the spines in twos leads me to look 
upon each oral adambulacral as a compound structure. 

First Interbrachial. — The homologue of this plate of Asterias in Am- 
phiura is one of the most difficult problems connected with the whole 
subject of the morphology of the plates of Echinoderms. It is a most 
difficult problem to determine what plates in Amphiura correspond with 
these plates in Asterias. The term odontophore, as others have already 
shown, is poorly chosen to designate these plates, but as the term has 
received a signification which is difficult to denote in any other way 
at present, it is here retained. 

The plates which I have identified as odontophores bear the same 
relation to the oral plates as the so called orals in Amphiura. They do 
not, however, have a similar origin in the two. 

In Amphiura the orals originate on the border of the abactinal hemi- 
some, and gradually grow down on the actinal side until they come to 
occupy a position relatively the same to the adambulacral as the odonto- 
phores to the oral adambulacrals. One of these, according to Ludwig, 
is a madreporite. 

In Brisinga, according to Perrier, the madreporite is situated on one 
of the odontophores. It would seem, therefore, a just conclusion, that 
the odontophores and orals are homologous. 

If, however, we accept the theory that the orals are homologous with 


the odontophores, we certainly cannot also believe that the genitals of 
the starfish, interradials of which the madreporic body may be one, are 
also homologous with orals. There is a manifest impossibility that orals 
can be the same as genitals, and odontophores at the same time. There 
must be some mistake somewhere if they are compared to both. 

If we examine the observations in regard to the fate of the primary 
interradial plates (orals) in Amphiura as recorded, proof seems to be 
wanting in observation that they do form the orals. We may readily 
concede that the madreporic plate may form interradially, and that it 
may grow down and form an oral, but is it not a leap at a conclusion 
that the other plates in other interradii do the same thing? Can we 
not suppose, then, that the madreporic plate is morphologically differ- 
ent from so called genital plates? Are we forced to place it in the 
same category as other genitals? It seems to me that at present we 
may say that it is possible that the madreporic plate of Asterias is a 
modified homologue of an odontophore which has become consolidated 
through the stone canal with a genital, and that it is the same as that 
of the oral Amphiura. The orals of Amphiura are, then, the same 
as the odontophores of starfishes.* 

Dorsals. — The dorsals of Asterias are thought to be homologous 
with the dorsals of Amphiura.t They originate in the same relative 
position, have the same sequence in development, and to all appearances 
are identical. While in Asterias they bear spines and in Amphiura 
are destitute of these structures, this fact does not seem of great impor- 
tance in showing a want of homology of the two. As the Asterias 
matures, the relative predominance in size as compared with other 
plates is diminished, while in Amphiura it is increased. It is thus 
brought about that in the older stages of Asterias it is more difficult 
to recognize the dorsal plates. This results both from the relatively 
small development of the dorsals and the appearance of dorsolaterals 
and connectives, neither of which are thought to be represented in 

* The mode of growth of the odontophore of Brisinga, as recorded by Perrier, 
seems to differ from that of Asterias, —a fact which does not seem surprising con- 
sidering the other important differences in the two genera. My observations on 
Asterias support Sladen and others, that the odontophores are formed on the 
actinal hemisome. 

t+ The dorsals in the young Amphiura were first figured in my paper on the 
development of the calcareous plates of Amphiura (PI. III. fig. 19). They are 

not represented in any of Ludwig’s figures, although I believe that they will later 
be found in stages younger than his fig. 21, as already pointed out. 


Ventrals. — No plates corresponding with the ventrals of the Amphi- 
ura were found in the young Asterias which were studied. In my 
account of the development of the plates of Amphiura some difficulty 
was found in a comparison of the way in which the ventrals develop 
with the way the ‘‘ embryonic median row of plates ” corresponding with 
these were formed in Asteracanthion according to A. Agassiz. I was at 
that time anxious to study the embryonic ventral plates of Asterias, 
and when opportunity occurred took up the subject for this purpose. 
I was disappointed, however, for if embryonic ventral plates do exist in 
some starfishes other genera must be studied. I found no trace of 
them in any of my young larve of Asterias.* 

The ventrals of Amphiura are believed not to be represented in 
Asterias. I have already elsewhere adduced evidence which is thought 
to be conclusive, as far as mode of formation goes, that the ventrals of 
Amphiura are not homologous with the embryonic plate of the middle 
actinal line of the starfish ray as described by Agassiz. My argu- 
ment then was that the ventrals in Amphiura are unpasred median T 
calcareous deposits, while the theory would imply that the so called em- 
bryonic plates of the starfish were formed by a coalescence from two cal- 
cifications, one on each side (see Agassiz, op. cit., p. 91). As I am unable 
to recognize in Asterias the middle actinal row of embryonic spines, it 
is not possible for me to find in Asterias homologues of the ventral 
plates of Amphiura. , 

Interambulacrals.— The interambulacrals of the starfish (Amphiura) 
are recognized by some authors in the laterals, while others consider that 

* Tt is, of course, possible that the species of Asterias which I studied may not 
be the same as that in which the median actinal “embryonic plates” have been 
described. The difference in the colors of the females, already mentioned, would 
seem another fact pointing to such a conclusion. 

t This fact is pointed out by Ludwig, and in the light of his studies it is prob- 
able that the figure of Schultze (fig. 6) represents a ventral in the median line of 
the under side of each arm. According to Ludwig, the erroneous idea that the 
ventrals are originally paired structures has been reproduced by Carpenter (Oral 
and Apical Systems of the Echinoderms, Part II., Journ. Micros. Science, Vol. 
XIX. p. 21) and Semper (Reisen im Archipel der Philippen, II. Holothurien, 
1868, p. 162). Ludwig says that, to show the homology of the ventral plate of 
_Ophiurans with the adambulacral of the starfish Semper instances the fossil Pro- 
taster Sedgwickii, Forbes, as an Ophiuran with paired ventrals. Semper saw the 
difficulty of comparison of the unpaired ventral of most Ophiurans with paired 
adambulacrals of starfishes. It seems to me that Ludwig meets the case of Pro- 
taster exactly when he says, “ Leider ist nun aber Protaster ein noch so ungenii- 
gend bekanntes Fossil dass man dasselbe iberhaupt als Beweismittel in dieser 
Sache nicht gelten lassen kann.” 

VOL. XVII.— No. l. 4 


the Ophiurans have no interambulacrals (adambulacrals). In my paper 
on Amphiura the laterals were regarded as adambulacrals, following 
Ludwig and P. Herbert Carpenter. I am not, however, sure that they 
ure not rather the marginals, and that Agassiz is right in considering 
that there are no interambulacrals in Ophiurans. The early form and 
growth of the marginals on the border of the arm in both Asterias and 
Amphiura is similar. The interambulacrals in starfishes (Asterias) never 
approach in form the laterals of Amphiura. In genera allied to the 
Ophiurans, Astropecten, etc., the marginal plates get ophiuroid in na- 
ture, and resemble the lateral plates of the young Amphiura. In certain 
deep-sea genera of starfishes there is a resemblance between the mar- 
ginal plates and the lateral plates of some Ophiurans when dorsals are 
not developed. In the light of these facts I must register my doubt 
whether I am right in following those who regard the lateral plates of 
Amphiura as adambulacral, homologous with the interambulacral (adam- 
bulacral) of the starfish. It looks as if true adambulacrals were yet to 
be made out in Amphiura. The resemblance of the marginal plates of 
the young starfish to the marginal plates of Zoroaster is still another 
embryonic feature of deep-water Asteroids. | 

The following summary may be made of the preceding obser- 
vations :— 

1. The first plates to originate in the young starfish are the termi- 
nals. These plates are simple (not formed by a coalescence of more 
than one calcification). They form a protecting cap, shielding the 
newly formed ambulacrals, interambulacrals, and possibly marginals. 

2. The genitals originate after the terminals. The genital which 
lies contiguous to the madreporic opening does not always antedate in 
time or excel in size other genitals. It grows around the madreporic 
body, or end of the madreporic tube. 

3. The madreporic body, madreporite, is a late formation (after the 
rudiments of the stone canal). 

4. The dorsocentral originates after the terminals and genitals, before 
any plates on the actinal hemisome. 

5. The first plates to form in the body after the genitals have a 
radial position in a circle inside the genitals. The second circle is also 
radial, and lies inside the circle of the first body, or somatic radials. A 
third and inner circle appears before the interradial somatic plate. 

6. The first plate in the circle outside that of the genitals is the 
first dorsal of the arms. This plate (‘“ Radial,” Sladen), when the 



arm of the young starfish is broken from the body, always remains on 
the arm. 

7. The dorsals, or median vow of plates on the dorsal surface of the 
arm, originate peripherally to the first dorsal (“radial’’), and are at 
first relatively very large. 

8. The dorsolaterals do not appear in the same sequence as the dor- 
sal. (‘The oldest dorsolaterals may not be the nearest to the body.) 

9. Marginals appear after ambulacrals and before (of this there is 
some doubt) interambulacrals (adambulacrals). 

9. Oral ambulacrals are the first plates to form on the actinal hemi- 
some. When they first appear there are the following calcifications on 
the abactinal hemisome : Ist. 5 terminals; 2d. 5 genitals; 3d. 1 dorso- 
central; 4th. 30 spines on terminals. 

10. The oral ambulacrals are at first parallel with the radial culs-de- 
sac of the water system. By subsequent growth they are placed at 
right angles to the same. They are at first ten in number. 

11. The interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals of adjacent radii 
(arms) grow towards each other, forming two parallel ends in each 
interradius, of which each bears two spines. The median end of each 
oral ambulacral bifurcates into a dorsal and ventral part. 

12. All other ambulacrals, with the exception of the oral, originate 
with axes at right angles to line of radii. They form near the middle 
line of the under side of the ray, and grow towards the peripheral. 
The adoral are the first formed. They bifurcate in the neighborhood 
of the median line. 

13. The first interambulacrals (adambulacrals) form after the cor- 
responding ambulacrals in the interval between the marginal ends of 
successive pairs of the same. Their centre of ossification is from the 
first different from that of the ambulacrals. 

14. Marginals form before (?) interambulacrals (adambulacrals). 

15. The first interbrachials (odontophores) originate as heart-shaped, 
interradially placed calcifications, five in number, each abactinally 
placed to the interbrachial ends of the oral ambulacrals. In one speci- 
men four of these were first observed ; that which lies in the same 
interradius as the madreporic tube was retarded in growth. The first 
‘formed interbrachials are not wholly concealed from view, as in deep-sea 
Asteroids. When the first interbrachials (odontophores) form, the 
following plates have begun to appear: Ist. 5 terminals; 2d. 5 geni- 
tals; 3d. 1 dorsocentral; 4th. 10 oral ambulacrals; 5th. 20 ambu- 


16. No ventral embryonic row of spines or plates was observed in 
the genus and species studied. 

17. Genitals of Asterias are thought to be homologous with “basals” 
of Amphiura. 

18. First interbrachial (cdontophore) is homologous with the orals 
of Amphiura. 

19. Madreporic opening is placed on two homologically different 
plates in Asterias and Amphiura. 

20. Ast. Genitals; 2d. Dorsocentral ; 3d. Dorsals; 4th. Interambu- 
lacrals ; 5th. Terminals ;— represented in Amphiura by, Ist. Basals ; 
2d. Dorsocentral; 3d. Dorsals ; 4th. Laterals; 5th. Terminals. (Ho- 
mologous plates numbered the same.) 

21. Oral ambulacrals of Asterias are represented by the “ spoon- 
shaped plates” of Amphiura. 

22. ‘First and second adambulacrals ” of Amphiura have no homo- 
logue in the mouth parts of Asterias. 

23. Ventrals of Amphiura are not represented in Asterias. 

24. Dorsolaterals and connectives of the arms were unrecognized in 
Amphiura. The homology of the marginals is in doubt, and it is prob- 
ably not represented in Amphiura. Possibly the marginals are homol- 
ogous with the (adambulacrals) laterals. 

CAMBRIDGE, January, 1888. 





ad', ad?, ad’, ad*, ad®. Interambulacrals in sequence. 


Oral ambulacrals. 

am, am?, am*, am*, am>. Ambulacral rafters in sequence. 



Interambulacral ends of the oral ambulacrals. 
Brachiolarian notch. 


Circular blood-vessel. 

Circular water tube. 

First dorsal (radial). 

d?, d?, d#, d®, d§, d7. Dorsals. 



dd1, dd?, dd’. Early formed body plates in radial lines. 



Gs G5 9's 9 






m, m1, m2, m3. 



t, O, ¢2, 3, 24, 

t, ta. 

Dorsolateral, or lateral dorsal. 

g', g?. Genitals (basals). 

Genital near the madreporie opening, through which the 

madreporic tube opens. 


First interbrachial, or odontophore. 
Second interbrachial. 

Interbrachial notch. 

Lateral region of the terminal. 

Madreporic body. 

Madreporic tube 



Oral ambulacrals. 




Stone canal. 

. Terminals. 

Terminal tentacle, or extremity of the medial water tube. 
Unabsorbed region of the brachiolaria. 


In Plate I. Fig. 1, #4, #, 9%, g, and g* are seen through the stomach of the 
brachiolaria; gt! and 2°, gy! and g°, lie on the same side of the brachiolaria as the 
observer ; g* and g® are seen in profile, and lie on the lower surface. 

In the figures where the ambulacrals are represented, they are made very much 
darker than in nature, in order to illustrate diagramatically their relationship to the 
other plates. All the figures were drawn with the camera lucida, reduced in size 
in lithography. Where a single arm only is represented, it is to be remembered 
that the unrepresented arms are in the same condition of development. 


Fig. 1. View of the posterior (anal) extremity of the body of a brachiolaria of 
Asterias, showing the first appearance of the calcifications which ultimately form 
the terminals and genitals. ‘The greater part of the brachiolaria is not shown in 
this figure. 

Fig. 2. A somewhat older brachiolaria, in which the brachiolarian arms are be- 
ginning to be absorbed. ‘The dorsocentral (dc) has just appeared. The specimen 
from which this was drawn was no longer free-swimming, but was taken with a 
pipette from the bottom of the jar in which the starfishes were raised. (Abactinal 

Fig. 3. A somewhat older starfish in which the brachiolarian arms are still more 
reduced in size by absorption. (Abactinal view.) In this stage the radial canals 
are seen through the body of the starfish, and the ambulacrals have just begun to 

Fig. 4. The same, slightly younger than the last. This figure shows the plates 
only; the soft parts, with the exception of the brachiolarian arms, are not 

Fig. 5. Lateral view of a brachiolarian younger than Fig. 4, showing position of 
the anus, a, and the madreporic body, mb. The lower part only of the brachiola- 
rian is shown. 

Fig. 6. Side view of a somewhat older starfish separated from its brachiolaria, 
showing the relation of the madreporic body to the first genital, g. 


Fig. 1. View of a young starfish, from the abactinal side, in which the brachio- 
larian arms are almost wholly absorbed, and the interbrachial notches have ap- 
peared. The body of the starfish and of the brachiolaria is seen through the walls 
of the animal. 

Fig. 1¢. Two rudimentary spines of the terminals in their primary form. The 
part represented is one of the interbrachial notches. 

Fig. 2. A somewhat older starfish, seen from the actinal side, showing the 
mouth, stomach, radial tubes. and plates with spines. 

Fig. 8. Young starfish, seen from the actinal surface, with the first ambula- 
crals, oral ambulacral, am, well formed. The second pair of ambulacral rafters, 
am, are just beginning to appear. 


Fig. 4. An older starfish, seen from the actinal side, showing the arrangement 
of the plates. The soft parts in this and the former figure have been removed. 
Spines are removed from most of the terminals, and appear on one arm only. 


Fig. 1. Single arm of a starfish somewhat older than Pl. II. Fig.4. View from 
the actinal side. Three ambulacral rafters have appeared. The youngest, am?, is 
very small. 

Fig. 2. Somewhat older starfish, in which four ambulacral rafters have formed, 
and in which the interambulacrals have begun to develop. View of one arm 
from the actinal region. The specimen is slightly older than PI. III. Fig. 1. 

Fig. 3. View of the tip of the arm of a somewhat older starfish, showing the 
terminals and the ambulacrals just forming under the protection of the terminal. 
The ends of the spines are not represented. 

Fig. 4. View of the arm and the plates of the body of a somewhat older star- 
fish than Fig. 2. Seen from the actinal side. The outlines only of the plates of 
the body are represented. 


Fig. 1. Abactinal view of an arm of a starfish a little older than PI. III. Fig. 1, 
‘showing dorsocentral, two genitals, the first of the medial dorsal line of plates, 
and the terminal with its spines. Ambulacral plates in this and in Fig. 2 shown 
through the abactinal system. 

Fig. 2. Abactinal view of an arm of a starfish older than Fig. 1. Portions of 
two genitals, the marginals, dorsals, and a terminal, are represented. 

Fig. 3. View of a starfish from the abactinal region. From a specimen some- 
what older than that shown in Fig. 2. Four of the arms have the plates shown 
in outline only. The plates of a single arm are shaded, and the spines are 

Fig. 4. View ofa single arm and the plates of the body of a starfish much 
older than the last. Seen from the abactinal side. Soft parts have been removed. 
Spines not represented on genitals and first dorsals. 


Fig. 1. View of the genital and first dorsal (radial) plates of the body of a 
young starfish, of about the same age as Pl. IV. Fig. 1. All the plates of the arms 

Fig. 2. The same somewhat older, showing the first formation of the plates, 
dd', between the ring of genitals and the dorsocentral. 

Fig. 3. Still older starfish, showing the body plates between the ring of geni- 
tals and the dorsocentral. View from the abactinal region. The radial lines are 
from d! to de. 

Fig. 4. Much older starfish, showing the network of plates which compose the 
abactinal surface of the body. These plates are from a starfish almost an inch in 
diameter (from tip of one arm to another). 


Fig. 5. Enlarged view of the interbrachial region of a young starfish. The 
odontophore, 7), appears as a heart-shaped plate in the angle of the ray. Actinal 
view. Same age as* Plate II. Fig. 1. 

Fig. 6. The same, somewhat older. Actinal view. 

Fig. 7. Still older view of the same. 

Fig. 8. View of an older stage, in which a second interbrachial, 7b”, has formed. 

The shaded plates of Figs. 5, 6,7, and 8 are oral ambulacrals and ambulacral 
rafters. The two crescentic plates, unshaded, in the upper part of Fig. 5, are 
the edges of the terminals, not marginals, m, of Figs. 6, 7, and 8. 







_B. Meisel, lith 


laven, Conn. 

Photo. Lith. of L. S. Punderson & Son, New H 

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Photo. Lith. of L. S. Punderson & Son, New Haven, Conn 

No. 2. — On the Lateral Canal System of the Selachia and 
Holocephala. By SAMUEL GARMAN. 

Soon after his return from the Hassler Expedition, in 1872, Professor 
L. Agassiz placed before me, his pupil at the time, a specimen of one 
of the Batoidei, with the remark, “See what you can find out about it.” 
A preparation of the lateral line system was one of the results. This 
was followed, under Professor Agassiz’s directions, by other preparations 
of the same system, which, one after another, were handed over to the 
artist of the Museum to be figured. The work was continued thus for 
more than a year, without my knowledge of the fact that Dr. B. G. 
Wilder had previously been engaged on similar work while assistant of 
Professor Agassiz. And it was not until about 1883 that the Director 
of the Museum desired me to prepare for publication my own material, 
and that accumulated under Professor Agassiz’s directions. It was 
found that, in order to use the manuscript left by Dr. Wilder, many 
changes would be necessary, and it was thought better on the whole not 
to attempt to incorporate it with my own. Dr. Wilder’s dissections have 
been used as far as possible in the descriptions. They were figured by 
Mr. Roetter, and included a representative of each of the following 
genera: Scoliodon, Prionodon, Mustelus, Triacis, Isurus, Odontaspis, 
Alopias, Ginglymostoma, Scylliorhinus, Heterodontus, Acanthias, Rhina, 
Pristiophorus, Pristis, Raia (A. levis), Dasybatus (D. tuberculatus), 
Pteroplatea (P. valencienniz), Myliobatis (JL. freminvillet and M. aquila), 
Aétobatus, and Rhinoptera (R. brasiliensis and FR. jussieut). In addition 
to these there were preparations of several types of which no use has 
been made, as they had been duplicated in my own work. Chimera 
and Callorhynchus required no dissection ; a drawing of the latter had 
been made by Mr. Roetter. The figures by this artist were made to 
be lithographed, and were not at all suited to the engraver’s process, 
by which this publication was to be illustrated. Consequently outlines 
have been used instead of his drawings. 

This leaves me responsible for all the text, and for the dissections 
and sketches of Dicerobatus, Pteroplatea (P. hirundo and P. marmorata), 
Dasybatus (D. nudus and D. dipterurus), Teniura, Urolophus, Disceus, 

VOL. XVII. — NO. 2. 


Potamotrygon, Narcine, Torpedo (7. californica and 7. marmorata), 
Raia (£. ocellata), Uraptera, Syrrhina, Rhinobatus, Somniosus, Chlamy- 
doselachus, Heptabranchias, and Cestracion (Zygzena) ; also for sketches 
of Chimera, Callorhynchus, and Pristiophorus; and for the outlines 
and sketches of such as had been drawn by Mr. Roetter. 

With a few exceptions the names of the canals are those adopted by 
Professor Agassiz. 

The structures to which attention is here directed are those on the 
Selachia and Holocephala, which correspond to the lateral lines of 
the Fishes. On the individual they form a system of branching 
canals, or tubes, tubules, and branchlets, which has received a vari- 
ety of names at the hands of different writers: slime canal, mucous 
tube, water canal, lateral line, etc. To avoid confusing with the 
unbranched hyaline mucous ducts of the ampulle of Lorenzini, the 
term canal will in this paper be applied exclusively to the organs com- 
prised in the system under discussion. The manner in which the tubes 
branch and connect, and the fact that they are sometimes represented by 
mere furrows in the skin, make this designation the more appropriate. 
In addition, since it has been pretty well established that their func- 
tion is that of very delicate tactile organs, receiving and carrying the 
slighter vibrations of the water, noting changes of density, currents, etc., 
a special name, Tremognosters, to be applied to these particular canals, 
distinguishing them from the many other canals of the body, is intro- 
duced as likely to prove still more convenient. 

These canals, or tubes, lie in or under the skin on both body and 
head. They open externally either as furrows or by means of pores, 
that in some cases enter the tubes directly and in others are approached 
by tubules. The inner layers of their walls are furnished with series of 
nerve-endings, which, as also the external openings of tubular canals, 
are segmentally arranged. In different parts, the structure of the walls 
varies from fibro-cartilaginous, on the top and sides of the skull, to 
very delicate transparent tissue, under the snout. Granulation, appar- 
ently resulting from calcification, occurs in the cephalic tubes of cer- 
tain genera. There are no glandular attachments; the vessels are 
simply canals, open at each end, and more or less so along their sides. 
On the head they are innervated mainly from the fifth pair, and on the 
body by a branch of the vagus, the nervus lateralis. 

The development of the system, as worked out by Balfour in Scyllium, 
coincides closely with that of the Teleostei. According to Beard the 
lateral line in the embryo salmon first appears opposite the hyoid arch, 


a little behind the ear capsule, on the level of the notochord ; and it is 
formed by the splitting off of some of the cells of the inner layer of the 
epiblast. From its point of origin, where it is broadest, it grows back- 
wards along the body. This cord of cells, as Beard calls it, is no doubt 
what Balfour describes, in Scyllium, as a linear thickening of the mucous 
layer of the epidermis, or as a linear streak of modified epidermis. This 
linear sense streak is in Balfour’s opinion the primitive structure from 
which the various forms of the line have originated. He says, further, 
that the thickened streak becomes a canal in Scyllium, not by the fold- 
ing over of the sides, as in Teleostei, but by the formation of a cavity 
between the epidermic and the mucous layers of the epiblast, and the 
subsequent enclosure of this cavity by the modified cells of the mucous 
layer of the epiblast constituting the lateral line. The cavity appeared 
first at the hinder end of the organ, and thence extended forwards. 
After formation the canal gradually recedes from the surface, retaining 
its connection, however, at a series of points corresponding to the seg- 
ments, points at which the segmental openings are afterward formed. 
As compared with the open canal on Chimera, the tubular canal is a 
secondary form. In regard to the innervation on the trunk by the 
lateral branch of the vagus, the nerve was found to originate as the 
other nerves, and, pushing its way backward, to follow the course of 
the lateral line. Originally the line is supposed to have been restricted 
to the anterior part of the body, and thence, extending farther and 
farther backward, it carried with it the lateral branch of the vagus, 
until ultimately the latter was prolonged far beyond the position it 
originally occupied. Beard says of this nerve, in Salmo, that it origi- 
nates far from the epiblast and growing backward approaches the skin 
so as to lie between the two muscle plates just below the epiblast, never 
fusing with the lateral line, but always separated from it by the cuticular 
basement membrane of the epidermis. 

Balfour found the canals of the head and the ducts of the ampulle 
to be formed from the mucous layer of the epidermis, very much as . 
the lateral line; but their innervation is effected by simple branches 
of the fifth and seventh pairs, which reach them in various places 
without following their courses, unlike the nervus lateralis and the 
lateral line. 

Primarily the openings at the ends and along the sides of the tubes 
appear to have been in close relationship with the segments of the body, 
both in regard to position and number. The relations are still apparent 
in the numbers and in the positions of the tubules at their points of 


junction with the main tubes. But in many species, through the 
descent of the canals below the skin, the consequent elongation of the 
tubules, and the multitudes of branchlets by which they communicate 
with the surface, the primary arrangement has come to be greatly ob- 
scured. Alopias illustrates this to some extent in the Galei; and in the 
Batoidei instances are numerous in the Trygonidz, the Myliobatide, 
the Zygobatide, and the Ceratopteride. 

The tubes contain a thin mucilaginous liquid. This is probably for 
the most part an excretion, and not an absolute necessity in connection 
with the function of the system, except, it may be, in so far as it serves 
the purpose of lubrication. Its retention is hardly possible in the open 
grooves of various genera, on which the office of the organs is undoubt- 
edly the same. In discussing the purpose of the liquid, one must bear 
in mind those Teleosts in which the sense bulbs open directly on the 
epiderm, without either groove or tube, and the likelihood that they 
represent the primitive condition of the system from which the furrows 
and the tubular canals have been developed. 

Absence of the mucous secretion on the skin of species well provided 
with canals precludes consideration of the opinion that the object of the 
latter is to cover the surface with slime. 

Series of the follicles in immediate connection with the subrostral 
canals of certain species lead to the conclusion that the nerve follicles 
of Savi are really obsolescent tubes of the canal system, in which the 
section that forms the enclosure or follicle owes its persistence to the 
presence of the contained nerve. In other words, the follicles repre- 
sent vanishing and rudimentary tubes. From this it would seem as 
if Potamotrygon, Disceus, and Urolophus, among others, may be on 
the way to lose the canals of their ventral surfaces, as has already 
happened in the cases of Torpedo and Narcine. 

The hyaline mucous ducts of the ampullz are unbranched, have but 
a single aperture, are closed at the inner end, where entered by the 
nerve, and are filled by a jelly-like mucous. Plate XXVIII. fig. 1, 
represents a portion of those of Raza levis, and their distribution as 
compared with that of the principal canals, fig. 2. 


On the Sharks the canal system consists of a vessel on each side of 
the vertebral axis, extending from the snout to the tail, connected with 
a similar vessel on the opposite side by a transverse branch near the 


occiput, and sending another branch between the eye and the spiracle 
toward the mouth. Between the lip and the eye, on the lower aspect, 
the latter branch sends another backward past the angle of the mouth, 
and, farther on its way forward, sends still another behind each nostril, 
itself usually joining the main canal at the end of the snout. Com- 
monly a branch from that passing the angle of the jaws extends under 
the jaw, behind the mouth, toward the middle of the chin ; in some cases 
this branch is disconnected ; in others it does not appear ; occasionally 
it is continuous across the symphysis. The branch behind the nostril 
passes toward a similar one from the opposite side of the head, either 
uniting with it or approaching it closely for a short distance under the 
base of the rostral cartilage, after which the two diverge slightly and 
continue forward to the end of the rostrum. On the top of the skull 
the tubes are more or less strongly attached to the cartilage, in troughs 
or depressions in which they are often deeply seated. Under the base 
of the rostrum there is also a firm attachment to the cartilage. Else- 
where the canals lie at varying depths in the skin or below it. Gener- 
ally they are tubes with openings to the surface through simple to 
many-branched tubules. On species of Heptabranchias and on Chlamy- 
doselachus they appear, in great part of their extent, as open dermal 
grooves. On one of the genera of the Holocephala they are open 
furrows, on the other they are tubes. 

Plate I. 

The most convenient designations for the different canals, or parts of 
canals, are those derived from the names of the portions of the body 
traversed by them, or from those of the organs near which they pass. 
The propriety of the names cephalic for all the canals of the head, and 
corporal for all those of the body, is at once apparent. Their position 
along the flanks makes the name /aterals (7), by which they are gener- 
ally known, a very appropriate one for the two main corporals. In the 
Batoidei there is a canal peculiar to them extending out upon the pec- 
toral fin; this may be called the pleural (p). On the lower surface 
‘it becomes a subpleural. The areas enclosed by the pleural tubes are 
the pleural areas; those sometimes enclosed by scapular tubules on 
the shoulder are called the scapular areas. 

Running longitudinally on the top of the head are the two principal 
cephalic tubes, the cranials (cr) ; anteriorly, on the rostrum they be- 


come the rostrals (7), and after passing below the snout they are known 
as subrostrals (sr). At the end of each cranial, on the crown of the head, 
an orbital (orb) canal runs outward behind the orbit; below the eye, 
and below the disk in the flat-bodied Selachians, they become the szb- 
orbitals (so). A transverse tube from one lateral to the other, close to 
the external openings of the aqueducts, ear openings as commonly 
named, is the aural (aw). A short occipital (oc) reaches from the aural 
to the orbital; or, in other words, from the lateral to the cranial. 

On the ventral surface the canal passing Jengthwise near each angle 
of the mouth is the angular (ang). The portion to which this name 
is applied is not a long one; farther back on the same tube, the name is 
supplanted by that of jugular (j). In some cases these canals are 
definitely limited by a branch, the oral (0), putting out transversely 
behind the mouth; but very often the oral is found to have lost its con- 
nection with the other tubes. Rarely the oral is continuous across the 
symphysis. In front the angular meets either the suborbital or a canal, 
the nasal (n), extending behind the nostril, between the latter and the 
mouth ; sometimes the one is met, sometimes the other; whichever it 
may be, it marks the anterior limit of the angular. The two nasals 
meet in front of the middle of the mouth, in most cases, and, unit- 
ing, form a short median (m), from which two other tubes, the pre- 
nasals (pn), diverge and run forward to the end of the snout. On a few 
forms the nasals do not meet. In some instances there is a junction of 
subrostral and nasal; in others, the subrostral joins the suborbital; in 
one species the angular and the nasal join, in another it is the angular 
and the suborbital ; but however the junctions may be arranged, a tube 
of less or more extent lies between the end of the orbital and that of 
the nasal. Its position is indicated in its name, orbito-nasal (on). 


If one of the round-bodied sharks were to be greatly depressed and 
flattened, extension taking place on both dorsal and ventral surfaces, 
the pectoral fin at the same time being expanded and applied to the side 
of the trunk, the arrangement of the main tubes of the system would 
be similar to that obtaining on the Batoidei. The subrostral, nasal, 
prenasal, angular, jugular, and suborbital would appear on the lower 
surface, as in the Skates and Rays. An important addition to what has 
been recorded in the Galei occurs in the Batoidei: a pleural canal (pl), 
which meets the lateral at the shoulder, runs outward on the pecto- 


ral fin, then forward, descending near the head, and, after a backward 
course of varying extent on the lower surface, unites with the jugular. 
Or, reversing the direction and starting below, from the jugular, the 
canal goes out and forward under the pectoral, ascends at the side of 
the head, then turns out and backward, describing a circuit toward the 
margins on the top of the fin, and unites with the lateral at the shoul- 
der. Most frequently it is the case that the pleural and the orbital 
are connected by orbito-pleural tubules ; exceptionally these tubes meet 
directly without the intervention of the tubule. No doubt the pleural 
originated as a branch of the orbital. Besides this pleural canal on 
the pectoral, there are usually present several others, post-pleurals, 
from the scapular curve of the lateral toward the hinder part of the 
fin, which also are not represented in the Galei. Ordinarily the upper 
pleurals are abundantly supplied with tubules ; sometimes on the lower 
surface tubules are entirely absent ; and on the Torpedoes the ventral 
portion of the entire system is obsolete. Branches of tubules are gen- 
erally in pairs ; a tubule forks to form a pair; each of this pair forms 
another pair in similar manner, and so on. This dichotomous branch- 
ing of the branchlets may be kept up, as in the higher Rays, until on 
reaching the outer layers of the skin a considerable space is occupied 
by the mat or rosette formed of the very small tubes and their pore-like 
openings on each of the tubules. Among the Torpedoes and the Skates 
the simple unbranched tubule is the comnion form. 

The origin of the pleurals of the Batoids, or the manner in which the 
group became possessed of these canals, in addition to those possessed 
by the Galei generally, is a question of considerable interest. Our only 
clue to the solution of the problem is to be seen in Chlamydoselachus. 
If the head and body of this shark were depressed, and the pectorals 
expanded and applied, so as to produce the skate-like form, the spiracu- 
lar canal would then extend back along the basal cartilages of these 
fins, they being attached above the gill openings, thus forming the 
pleural canal, the union of which with the scapular branch of the lat- 
eral is only a secondary matter, as shown by the variety in modes of 
junction, in the Rhinobatide, the Raiide, and such genera of Trygoni- 
de as Urolophus and allies. On the lower surface the subpleurals 
would be supplied by the gular and the canal lying between it and the 
lip, the oral being limited to the part anterior to their point of meet- 
ing. The fact that the additional canals would be acquired in this way, 
as a necessary consequence of the change of the form, leads, at the 
least, to a strong presumption that the Batoidei are indebted for their 


pleurals and subpleurals to a Galeoid ancestor resembling Chlamy- 
doselachus as far as the possession of spiracular and gular canals is 
concerned, if not further. And indirectly the tendency of such consid- 
erations is to confirm the claim elsewhere advanced that that genus is in 
great measure to be regarded as.a persistent type. 


The great differences between Chimera and Callorhynchus in regard 
to rostral appendages and claspers, are in reality no greater than those 
obtaining in their canal systems. Greater divergence than occurs in 
these genera is not to be seen in the most dissimilar forms of the Sharks. 
On Chimeera the canals are furrows, as on the body of Chlamydoselachus, 
and the oral meets the-angular ; on Callorhynchus the canals are tubes, 
and angular, oral, and jugular meet the suborbital independently. At 
the first glance, the differences in the distribution of the cephalic canals 
in the two genera appear greater than they really are. On comparison, 
the positions of laterals, aural, occipitals, cranials, and orbitals are found 
to be similar. In both cases the oral and the jugular cross the median 
line as series of pores or short grooves, the suborbital extends to the 
end of the snout, the subrostrals unite under the rostrum to form a 
median, then separate to meet the nasals, and the nasals are in front of 
the nostrils, meeting across the middle without forming a median canal 
or prenasals. It may be added, that in both types the lateral descends, 
above the lower lobe of the caudal fin, to the lower edge of the muscles, 
as in certain of the lower Galei. 

Affinities with the Sharks, through ancestry, are indicated by the 
correspondencé in laterals, aurals, cranials, orbitals, angulars, and orals. 
Special points of disagreement are seen in the union of the jugulars, the 
prenarial location of the nasals, the absence of prenasals, the presence 
of a median in the subrostrals, and in the connections of the oceipitals. 


Whether the canal system is a suitable basis for homology and classi- 
fication, either alone or in connection with other parts of the anatomy, 
and its importance as such a basis, are to be determined by consid- 
eration of the extent of its development and the amount of its va- 
riability in the different types included in the class. An exhaustive 
investigation. of. the subject would naturally demand a study. of the 


system in its relations to the general structure and to the habits of 
the species, and, through the latter, to the surroundings and to their 
influence upon its evolution and variation. Direct opportunity for 
much of this is not within reach; but from the material at hand 
it may be possible to make approximations that at least will be 

Possession of the organ is quite general; no exception has yet been 
discovered either in the Selachia or in the Holocephala. A stage of 
development of the system that is comparatively simple exists on those 
forms usually called the lower, and on the course from them to the 
highest the amount of complexity is found to correspond well with the 
‘rank as indicated by the brain or other parts of the organization. 
Between Heptabranchias and Alopias of the Galei, and between Pristis 
and Dicerobatus of the Batoidei, each step is marked by variation in 
contour and in the extent and complication of the system of the canals. 
In the Holocephala a blow is apparently given to the idea that the 
groove is the lowest, the primitive form of canal, by the fact that Callo- 
rhynchus possesses tubes and not furrows like those of Chimera. This 
may be no more than an indication that the former is the most differ- 
entiated type, the higher in rank. Bony Fishes, also, possess tubes. 
The fact remains that it is among the lower forms of the Sharks and in 
Chimera that the grooves obtain. Furrows are unknown in the canals 
of the Batoidei ; and it is in this order that the greatest degree of devel- 
opment is attained by the system. Dichotomization of the tubules ap- 
pears in the higher, and becomes excessive in the highest, forms of either 
order. Types known to be sluggish in their habits are less abundantly 
supplied with tubules, and the system is not so complex as on the more 
active. It needs but a contrast of the Raiide and the Myliobatide 
to make this obvious. Forms which have changed their habits and 
become more addicted to resting on the bottom give evidence of the fact 
in the gradual deterioration and disruption of certain canals on the 
under portions of the body. That the canals are rather less subject 
to variation, that is, that they respond less quickly to its causes, than 
certain other organs, is intimated by the results of a comparison of 
the species of a single genus. Close genetic relationship is asserted 
by the canals of such species as Dasybatus walga and D. nudus, or by 
Uraptera agassiz and Raia levs. Young specimens, or embryos, often 
serve better as guides to descent and affinity than old ones, since canals 
are present on the former which in some instances can hardly be found 
on the older ones. In the embryo the canal system takes on its generic 

VOL. XVII. — NO. 2. 5 


and specific peculiarities long before the characteristics of the outer skin 
are acquired, even before the shapes of body and fins, and the peculiar 
dentition, or the other features commonly relied upon to separate the 
forms and groups, have become available. Consequently, the various 
embryos may be recognized by means of the canals at periods when 
identification by the specific and generic characters ordinarily em- 
ployed for the purpose of distinguishing them would be quite out of the 

Dichotomized tubules do not appear to any great extent on the lower 
surfaces of such as habitually lie on the bottom. The tubules which 
occur on the ventral canals of such species most often have their ex- 
ternal apertures at the border of the disk. On the Torpedinidz it is 
altogether likely that disuse has led to the loss of the entire ventral 
portion of the system. Types addicted to flights through the water at 
a distance from the bottom have the tubules and their branchlets more 
alike on the upper and lower surfaces, as may be seen in such as the 
Zygobatidee and the Dicerobatide. These and similar Rays have a 
greater aggregation of the tubules and branchlets toward the hinder 
portion of the disk, a distribution which suggests liability to danger 
from behind, possibly while the creatures are feeding. The modifica- 
tions in position and outline which the cephalic canals have under- 
gone on these families, through changes in shape of head, snout, and 
pectoral fins, and through change in the position of the mouth, become 
very prominent when directly contrasted with the same canals on such 
as the Trygonidz or the Raiide. 

The extent to which the canals may be used in classification is best 
illustrated by comparing the systems on the various species or groups. 
Necessarily the comparisons instituted below have been made very 
much as if the genera were composed of the species under examination. 
Further investigation of other species will, no doubt, bring to light dif- 
ferences in matter of detail, serviceable in specific diagnoses, and possibly 
such as may compel modification of our ideas of the generic charac- 
ters ; but the attempt has been made here to use only such features as 
are least liable to the minor variations. As the vessels have not yet 
been studied on one sixth of the whole number of species in the class, 
and as those on which the system has been worked out do not include 
representatives of all of the genera, it follows that a synopsis con- 
structed on the material here gathered could only be a temporary affair. 
For this reason a short summary of differences is to be preferred to a 
synopsis giving only a few of the more prominent ones. 


A connection of the cranials, instead of the laterals, by the aural, 
and the passage of the jugulars across the chest, at once separate the 
Holocephala from both the Galei and the Batoidei. The Batoidei are 
separated from the Galei by the possession of the pleural canals. 

Chimera, in the Holocephala, is marked by the grooves, instead of 
tubes, and Callorhynchus by the tubes, instead of grooves. 

Among the Galei, on the base of the tail the lateral canals aieauehid 
to the lower edge of the muscles in Chlamydoselachus, Heptabranchias, 
Heterodontus, Pristiophorus, Acanthias, and Somniosus, as in the Holo- 
cephala. Open corporal canals resembling those of Chimera appear on 
Chlamydoselachus, Heptabranchias maculatus, and, in part, on Acanthias. 
On other genera the laterals maintain their position near the vertebrze 
of the tail, and the canals are tubular. On Scoliodon, Mustelus, and 
the Hammerheads the lateral makes a decided bend below the second 
dorsal fin; and it ends at or near the end of the vertebral column in 
Scoliodon, Triacis, Mustelus, Odontaspis, Scylliorhinus, Chlamydose- 
lachus, Ginglymostoma, Cestracion, and Somniosus, not reaching so 
far back in others. Disregarding the course of the column in Isurus, it 
passes directly backward, ending at the edge of the muscles just above 
the lower lobe of the caudal fin. 

The aural is behind the “ear openings,” and more or less curved back 
in the majority of the Sharks ; it is in front of the openings in Chlamy- 
doselachus, bisected in Heptabranchias, curved forward in the middle 
in Acanthias and Chlamydoselachus, and nearly straight in Mustelus, 
Scylliorhinus, Heterodontus, and Somniosus. Sometimes, as in Pristio- 
phorus, it is deeply curved backward, much as in the Holocephala, or 
in Dicerobatus. 

The occipitals appear like continuations of the laterals, so slight is 
their change in direction, in Acanthias, Rhina, Heptabranchias, and 
Chlamydoselachus ; others have the tubes directed more or less obliquely 

Somniosus is peculiar in that cranials, orbitals, and occipitals do not 
meet on the crown. 

On the frontal region the cranial curves are shallow in Prionodon, 
Alopias, Isurus, Heterodontus, Acanthias, Somniosus, and Pristiophorus ; 
decided in Scylliorhinus, Mustelus, Triacis, Ginglymostoma, and Rhina ; 
more decided in Chlamydoselachus and Scoliodon; and excessive in 
Cestracion (Zygzena). 

A majority have the orbital bent forward in its lower portion; in 
Cestracion, Heptabranchias, and Chlamydoselachus it bends backward. 


In the suborbital, Scoliodon and Prionodon have a curve that reaches 
upward in front of the orbit. This curve goes farther forward than the 
eye in the greater number of the Sharks; it lies under the orbit in 
Isurus, Alopias, Cestracion, and Acanthias; it is absent in Hepta- 
branchias, Somniosus, and Chlamydoselachus ; and it goes forward of 
the nostril in Ginglymostoma. 

Between the nostril and the median, in much the greater number of 
cases, the nasal canal is bent forward ; this bend is either absent or 
faint in Isurus, Odontaspis, Alopias, Heptabranchias, Chlamydoselachus, 
Scylliorhinus, and Ginglymostoma. On Isurus the nasals meet the 
angulars ; on others, as on certain Batoids, they meet the subrostrals. 

A union of the nasals in front of the mouth on most of the sharks 
forms the median; no such union takes place on Acanthias, Hepta- 
branchias, Chlamydoselachus, or Pristiophorus. 

No connection between prenasals and rostrals appears in Heptabran- 
chias and Somniosus. 

Most often the jugular is directed toward the middle of the first 
branchial aperture ; Alopias differs in having this tube pass below the 
gill opening. | 

The oral is continuous behind the mouth in Ginglymostoma; it does 
not meet the angular in Scoliodon, Prionodon, Triacis, Mustelus, Scyl- 
liorhinus, Acanthias, and Rhina; and it was not found in Heptabran- 
chias, Somniosus, and Pristiophorus. 

A general characteristic of the Batoids is seen in the pleural canals. 
At once on passing from the Pristiophoride of the Sharks to the Pris- 
tidee of the Skates these tubes become prominent features. 

The Pristidee are affected by an excessive elongation of the rostrals 
and prenasals. Their pleurals are comparatively short, extending but 
little on the pectorals. The scapular branches are few, but one, a post- 
pleural, being present in the species sketched. 

On the Rhinobatidee post-pleural branches are more numerous. In 
general there is considerable resemblance between this family and the 
preceding. The anterior cephalic canals are shorter, and there is a 
sternal canal below the coraco-scapular arch. 

All the Raiidze are marked by greater extension of the upper pleu- 
rals on the pectorals. A strong branch extending back on the middle 
of these fins is apparently common. The prominent narrow fold in the 
subrostral varies in the different species: in Uraptera the fold has 
been so much narrowed as to bring its sides together. On the ventral 
surface of Raia ocellata the pleurals are obsolete. 


The Torpedinide have lost the canals of the lower surface. Rem- 
nants of the missing vessels are found in the follicles of Savi, present 
on some. The pleurals and the orbitals unite directly, without the 
intervention of tubules. In Narcine the entire extent of the system is 
much less than in Torpedo, owing to the reduction in number and length 
of the tubules. Yet in these respects there is not a little variation in 
the species of Torpedo, as is seen by comparison of 7’. californica and 
T. marmorata, 

In the Trygonide, as, further along, in the Myliobatide and their 
allies, we see a disposition to enlarge the system by means of curves, 
tubules, and dichotomous branchings much beyond what has been no- 
ticed in the Skates. Through the increase in length of the main tubes 
the courses of orbitals and suborbitals have come to be crossed by the 
pleurals on both upper and lower surfaces. The presence of a small 
enclosure, or more than one, on each shoulder, formed by scapular 
branches, pre-pleural or post-pleural, or both, is somewhat general in this 
section of the Batoids. 

Potamotrygones as well as Thalassotrygones have the tubules of the 
pleurals on the lower surface massed anteriorly, comparatively few 
appearing under the posterior half of the disk. An obsolescent condi- 
tion of the subrostrals obtains in Disceus and Potamotrygon ; where 
parallel with the prenasals these tubes are merely lines of follicles, 
without apparent connection by their cavities, marking the paths of the 
canals. On the lower portion of the pleural of Potamotrygon there are 
rather few tubules; the sections of the oral are elongate and sinuous ; 
the nasal meets the angular, and apparently there is a short sternal 
canal. On Disceus the tubules are very numerous on the lower pleu- 
rals, the parts of the oral are short and separated by some distance, 
the nasal and the subrostral meet, and there is an orbito-pleural plexus 
containing a large number of small areas. Differences similar in char- 
acter, but less pronounced, exist on the upper surfaces of these genera. 

Urolophus has no orbito-pleural plexus on the lower surface, its pleu- 
ral tubules are not massed in front, and the suborbital is not provided 
with a long loop pointing forward as in Potamotrygon. It has a short 
sternal tube. 

Tzeniura resembles Urolophus more than it does the Potamotrygons. 
Like the former it has the pleural tubules distributed along the tube, 
and it has neither orbito-pleural plexus nor suborbital loop. It differs 
from Urolophus in the multitude of its branchlets on the upper aspect, 
in its pleural areas, and in the union of subrostral and nasal. 


Dasybatus has a considerable part of the anterior portion of the lower 
pleural close to and parallel with the anterior edge of the pectoral. 
Along this section the tubules are numerous. Backward they are dis- 
tributed sparingly, if present. The features possessed in common by 
the various species are best seen on the dorsal surface, since the ten- 
dency toward variation has been much more active beneath the disk. 
The suborbital alone is sufficiently different to distinguish the three 
species figured: in D. nudus it is excessively elongate, it encloses a 
peculiar series of spaces, and twice, in a couple of long reaches, it 
comes abruptly to an end; in D. dipterurus it is rather short and 
somewhat sinuous; and in D. tuberculatus it is greatly lengthened by a 
complex series of zigzag folds or convolutions. 

Pteroplatea differs greatly from the other genera in the distribution 
of tubes and tubules on the dorsal surface. They are arranged to 
reach the margins around the entire pectoral, and, though numerous 
posteriorly, the branchlets are matted in multitudes in front. On 
P. valenciennit the tubules are most plentiful, on P. marmorata less 
abundant, and on P. hirundo still more scattered. These species dif- 
fer in the branchings and areas on the scapular region, as also in the 
general arrangement and abundance. 

The Myliobatide, through narrowing the pectorals at the side of the 
head, have had pleurals, orbitals, and rostrals brought close together 
under the orbit. Those types which have the fins most reduced, or 
absent, in this location, have these tubes arranged almost vertically one 
above another on the side of the face. This family and the Zygobati- 
de agree in this respect ; they also agree in restricting the dorsal 
canals to about half the distance from the vertebre to the outer angle 
of the pectoral, in the arrangement of the lower pleurals in pairs of 
lines along the anterior margins or along the branchial and the abdomi- 
nal areas, and in having a large portion of the oral longitudinally ex- 
tended, as if folded with compression of the head, among the more 
noticeable peculiarities. We might also have included the Dicerobatide 
in the majority, if not in all, of these agreements. These families are 
readily separated by means of the cephalic canals. Forward from the 
fontanelle in the Myliobatidae the orbitals cross the rostrals, a position 
they do not attain in any of the lower families. J/yliobatis freminviller 
has longer canals on the rostrum and a less number of pleural tubules 
than WM. aquila, and it has the subrostral separate from the prenasal. 
M. aquila has the shorter anterior cephalic tubes, the greater number 
of tubules on either surface, and has the subrostral joining the prenasal 


near the median. Aétobatus agrees with W. aqguila in regard to junc- 
tion of subrostral and prenasal; it differs from both of the sketched 
species of Myliobatis in such characters as would be more likely to be 
induced by greater compression of the head, as is seen in the foldings 
of the oral, deeper curvature of the aural, etc. 

Zygobatide.— In this family the mouth, as compared with that. of 
the Myliobatide, has been drawn backward closer to the gill openings 
or the coraco-scapular, and the snout, through reduction, and retraction 
to follow the mouth, has arrived at a position beneath the skull. The 
process of the change is well written in the foldings, sinuosities, and 
contortions of the cephalic tubes. Besides these particulars of charac- 
terization there are others, apparently resultant from a shortening of 
the longitudinal axis of the body, equally peculiar in this group. Of 
these are the scapular and posterior pleural foldings. The species 
figured differ in the number of cephalic tubules, in the scapular areas, 
in the post-pleural folds, and in the oral, which is divided in one 
species, united in the other. 

Between the Dicerobatide and the Zygobatide there are more 
points of resemblance than between the former and the Myliobatide. 
There is more of a disposition to mass the pleural tubules posteriorly 
than in either ; and the connection of the laterals across the vertebre 
has not before been noticed in any of the Batoids. A further peculi- 
arity occurs on the inner anterior section of the lower pleural, on which 
the tubules turn backward, as in Myliobatis freminville?. The latter 
is no doubt only a specific character. Of the cephalic canals, it is 
hardly necessary to say anything, the distinctions arising from the 
peculiar shape of the head are so excessively marked. Yet, as is 
noted in the description of D. olfersci, the affinities existing between 
Dicerobatus and Rhinoptera are shown by the canals of both body 
and head. 

The subjoined synoptic list furnishes a condensed illustration of the 
availability of the canal system in classification. Being based exclu- 
sively on the species here described and figured, some of them repre- 
sented by single specimens, it is to be expected that study of new forms 
will necessitate modification and rearrangement. 




With the nasal canals in front of the 
nostrils ; 
cranial meeting the aural 
canals suleate § Chima@ra monstrosa. 
canals tubular Callorhynchus antarc- 
With the nasal behind the nostrils ; 
cranial not meeting the aural 

without pleural canals Galei. 
with pleural canals Batoidei. 


Oral not connected with angular ; 
median longitudinal ; 
cranial curves abrupt, deep 
Scoliodon terre nove. 
cranial curves shallow ; 
an upward anal curve; 
jugular reaching toward upper 
edge of gill opening; 
anal curve prominent 
Mustelus canis. 
jugular reaching toward middle 
of gill opening ; 
anal curve low 
Triacis semifasciatus. 
jugular curved downward 
Scylliorhinus caniculus. 
anal curve indistinct ; 
nasals not meeting 
Acanthias americanus. 
suborbitals and subrostrals on 
topofsnout Rhina squatina. 
median transverse ; 
analcurveabsent Prionodon milbertit. 
Oral connected with angular ; 
divided at the symphysis ; 
cranials folded over themselves 

Cestracion tiburo. 

cranials not folded ; 
suborbital and angular meeting ; 
median transverse ; 

jugular passing below gill 
Alopias vulpes. 


median longitudinal ; 
jugular passing toward middle 
of gill opening 
Odontaspis americanus. 
jugular short, passing toward 
upper edge of gill opening 
Heterodontus philippit. 
spiraculars and gulars present 
Chlamydoselachus anguineus. 
not divided at the symphysis 
Ginglymostoma cirratum. 
suborbital and subrostral meeting 
Isurus punctatus. 

Oral absent; 

aural divided ; 
nasals not meeting 

Heptabranchias maculatus. 
aural entire ; 

nasals not meeting 
Pristiophorus cirratus. 
nasals meeting Somniosus carcharias. 


Subpleurals in front of gill openings ; 

pleural descending on edge of disk 
Pristis pectinatus. 
pleural passing through disk ; 
sternal divided; 
rostrals and prenasals long 
Rhinobatus planiceps. 
sternal entire ; 
rostrals and prenasals short 
Syrrhina brevirostris. 
Subpleural and other ventral canals ab- 
tubules very short Narcine brasiliensis. 
tubules medium ; 
aural tubules very short 
Torpedo marmorata. 
tubules long; 
aural tubules long 
Torpedo californica. 
Subpleurals at side of gill openings ; 
tubules simple; a long post-scapular 
tubule ; 
orbito-nasal at right angles with 
pleural Uraptera agassizi. 


orbito-nasal parallel with pleural 
Raja levis. 
subpleurals partly obsolete 
Raja ocellata. 
tubules with dichotomous branchlets ; 
pleural tubules distant from lateral 
and hinder margins ; 

subpleural tubules massed in front | 

of head ; | 
subpleurals and suborbitals form- | 
ing a network ; 
subrostral and nasal meeting 
Disceus strongylopterus. 
no subpleural network ; 
no lateral tubules on sub- 
pleural ; 
Potamotrygon motoro. 
lateral tubules on subpleural ; 
subrostral and _ suborbital | 

and _ suborbital | 


Urolophus halleri. 
subpleural and _ suborbital 
meeting, very tortuous 
Dasybatus tuberculatus. 
subpleural and_ suborbital 
not tortuous ; 
orbitonasal a mere point 
Dasybatus dipterurus. 
no lateral tubules on subpleu- 
ral; tubules massed in 
suborbital forming a series 
of four incomplete areas 
Dasybatus nudus. 
pleural tubules reaching outer pec- 
toral angles ; 

areas included by pleurals wider 
than long ; 
lower pleurals emerge two sev- 
enths way from the median 
to tip of snout 
Pteroplatea valenciennit. 
lower pleurals emerge two fifths 
way from median to tip 
Pteroplatea marmorata. 
lower pleurals emerge half-way 
from the median to the tip 
Pteroplatea hirundo, 
pleural tubules reaching little, if any, 
more than half-way to the outer 
laterals not united across the ver- 
tebre ; 
anterior cephalic tubes reaching 
forward from skull; 
subrostral and prenasal united; 
m) dian transverse 
Myliobatis aquila. 
median vertical 
Aétobatus narinari. 
subrostral and prenasal not 
’ Myliobatis freminvillet. 
anterior cephalic tubes not reach- 
ing in adyance of skull; 
oral not crossing symphysis ; 
no long tubules on the oc- 
Rhinoptera brasiliensis. 
oral crossing symphysis ; 
long tubules on the occipital 
Rhinoptera jussieut. 
laterals united by tubes across the 
vertebra Dicerobatus olfersii. 


. Chimera. 

Chimera monstrosa (Plate II.) has open grooves throughout both corporal 
and cephalic portions of the canal system. The delicate membranes of the 
inner part of the furrows are protected by closely set scales which overhang 

from each edge. 

There are no tubules. 

On the snout the canals present a 


peculiarly scalloped appearance, caused by the rising of short sections of the 
edges as prominent rounded flanges supported by ribbed cartilaginous expan- 
sions. At the end of each pair of these flanges the walls are lower, which 
gives an appearance of rounded holes into the grooves. Between the holes the 
edges are somewhat zigzag. 

On the scapular region the lateral (J) makes a moderate curve upward ; on 
the flank it is slightly sinuous; and on the anterior portion of the tail, near 
the forward end of the lower lobe of the caudal fin, it descends to the lower 
edge of the muscles, a position retained to the extremity. In its middle the 
aural (aw) is bent back, forming an angle from which a short post-aural branch 
reaches toward the dorsal spine; the canal crosses behind the aqueducts. 
Aural and cranial (cr) are joined; they are connected with lateral and orbital 
(orb) by an occipital (oc) of moderate length passing downward and backward. 
The cranials converge to some extent on the forehead; on each side of the 
frontal holder they turn out a little, but approach again on the snout. Below 
the posterior border of the orbit the orbital meets the jugular (j) and the sub- 
orbital (so). From this point the suborbital passes forward to join the ros- 
tral (r) at the end of the snout, rising well up in front of the eye in an open 
loop, somewhat inclined forward. An individual variation appears in each of 
two specimens at hand: in one the angular (ang) unites with the jugular, in 
the other with the suborbital. At first the angular passes downward to the 
oral (0); thence it goes forward to the nasal (7) and the subrostral (sr). The 
jugular runs obliquely backward and continues across the throat in a broken 
line. Beneath the back part of the eye the oral leaves the angular, and may 
be traced across the chin in a series of dashes or dots. The nasal lies in front 
of the nostril; it bends forward and meets its fellow in advance of the nares, 
but forms neither median nor prenasals. From the suborbitals the subrostrals 
extend toward each other and unite in a median; a short distance posteriorly 
they diverge to meet the angulars. The second specimen differs from that just 
noted in having the angular united with the suborbital, and the jugular less 
noticeable on the throat. The first of these features is an approach to the 
condition in Callorhynchus, where angular, oral, and jugular connect with the 
suborbital, but not with each other. 


Callorhynchus antarcticus (Plates III., [V.) differs from Chimera, and agrees 
with the majority of the Sharks, in possessing canals that are tubes, instead of 
furrows. On the flank the lateral rises a little in the scapular region; thence 
it is sinuous to the end of the dorsal; and thence straight to a point above the 
lower lobe of the caudal fin, where it makes an abrupt downward bend to the 
lower edge of the muscles, which position it retains to the end. 

In the middle the aural is much turned back; but it forms no angle and 
sends off no branch. Forward from the aural the cranials are gradually con- 


vergent, more decidedly so in advance of the frontal holder ( ¢), and they 
approach each other closely on the thin portion of the proboscis. As in Chi- 
mera, the occipitals connect the laterals and the orbitals with the aural and 
the cranials, instead of connecting the aural and the laterals with the orbitals 
and the cranials as in the Selachia. Orbitals and jugulars meet below the 
pupil of the eye. The suborbitals are very long; they pass quite to the end 
of the snout, and there meet the rostrals as the latter pass to the lower surface 
of the rostrum. A row of short pieces of canals acrcss the throat serves to 
unite the jugulars. Under the fore part of the pupil the oral leaves the sub- 
orbital; it curves forward on the cheek and the chin, and backward behind 
the corners of the mouth. On the cheek it has what appears to be a more 
slender tube just in front of itself. Not far in front of the oral the angular 
descends toward the mouth from the suborbital. As it nears the lip it takes 
more of a forward course, and, following near the border of the rostral flap, 
finds its way down and backward to the edge of the lower surface, where it 
turns under and inward to cross the wing and meet the angular of the oppo- 
site side. After meeting the suborbital each rostral in its backward route ap- 
proaches very close to its fellow, under the end of the rostrum, if it does not 
unite with it. Farther back they diverge, and each turns up a side of the 
snout, curving back as if to unite with the nasal. The union of subrostral 
and nasal has not been traced. In the adult specimens the oral and the jugu- 
lar show tendencies to obsolescence. 

Although there are great differences in the shape of the head in this genus 
and in Chimera, in the arrangement of the canals in the two cases there is a 
great deal of similarity. One has only to suppose the snout of Callorhynchus 
shortened, so that the flap may be applied against the head, and the union 
of subrostral and nasal, if not already existing, to produce an arrangement 
essentiaily the same as that of Chimera. 


Scoliodon terre nove (Plate V.) represents one of the subdivisions of the 
genus Carcharias, as arranged by Miller and Henle. Comparison of this spe- 
cies with Prionodon milberti, a representative of another of these subdivisions, 
will give an approximate idea of the range of variation within that genus. 

A small amount of curvature only is to be noticed in the thoracic portions 
of the laterals. Below the second dorsal they make a slight descent, then 
they rise rather higher than before, after which the canals retain the same rela- 
tive height as regards the vertebral axis till they reach their terminations at 
its end. 

In its middle the aural has a shallow backward bend; and it has one or 
similar depth in the opposite direction near each end. The occipitals are 
comparatively long; they are extended obliquely out toward the eye. <A short 
distance from these canals, each cranial makes a short but decided outward 


bend; in front of this, and between the orbits, it runs abruptly toward the 
middle of the crown, before reaching which it makes a broad deep curve, car- 
rying the tube outward to a point opposite the hinder margin of the fontanelle, 
whence it passes in a nearly straight direction toward the tip of the snout. 
Before it reaches the latter, it descends to the lower surface. Soon after leay- 
ing the cranials, the orbitals sink deeply into the tissues of the side of the 
head; approaching the skin again, each makes a broad curve around the orbit, 
rising in front above the middle, after which it goes downward to meet the 
angular, nearly half-way from the eye to the nostril, The angular is rather 
elongate; its continuation, the jugular, ends in front of the middle of the first 
branchial aperture. The sections of the oral are disconnected and detached; 
the space separating them from the angular is about equal to that separating 
them from each other; their length is about two thirds of that of each mandi- 
ble. At its forward extremity the short orbito-nasal meets the subrostral and 
the nasal; posteriorly it meets the suborbital and the angular. The nasals are 
nearly transverse, and would be quite so if not for a decided curve forward 
at the inner edge of each nostril. A short longitudinal median connects the 
nasals and the prenasals; the latter have a moderate degree of divergence, and 
unite with the rostrals. 

Very prominent cranial curves, long occipitals, a shorter suborbital fold 
in front of the eye, and a more pronounced nasal curve, are among the most 
patent differences to be noted on this species as compared with Prionodon mil- 
bertt. An approach toward the conditions existing on Cestracion is to be seen 
in the cranial, rostral, subrostral, and nasal curves, and in the great depth to 
which the orbitals have sunk in the tissues behind the eye at the side of the 


Along the trunk, the laterals of Prionodon milberti (Plate VI.) deviate but 
little from a right line. There is a small degree of curvature behind the occi- 
put. Opposite the anal the downward bend is hardly perceptible. On the 
tail, above the anterior portion of the fin, the canal descends hardly half-way 
to the lower edge of the muscles; it keeps the same relative position as far 
back as to the hindermost of the vertebre. 

The aural is transverse, turned back a very little at each end. The occipi- 
tals reach toward the side, behind the eye; they are rather short. In the 
coronal region each cranial makes a long shallow curve inward. From the 
fontanelle they are nearly direct, converging somewhat ; and they descend 
some distance behind the end of the snout. Depression of the head has 
brought orbitals and angulars close together, on the cheek. In front of the 
orbit, the suborbitals rise higher than the middle of the eye; the loop formed 
by them extends more than a diameter in front, and it is about half as far from 
the orbit to the junction with the angular. The subrostral is long, with a 
shallow curve around the nostril; the angular is long; the jugular is me- 


dium; the orbito-nasal is short; the nasal is transverse, with a» broad curve; 
the median is very short; and the prenasals are long and connected with the 
rostrals. There is a short disconnected oral behind each side of the mouth. 
In their principal features, the canals represented in this form are interme- 
diate between those of Mustelus and Scoliodon. 

Cestracion (Kzery). 

Forward, the laterals of Cestracion tiburo (Plate VII.) are nearly straight; 
backward, they have a pronounced curve, between anal and second dorsal, but 
do not descend much below the middle of the tail, and they stop near the end 
of the vertebral column. 

The flatness of the head, the expansion of the snout, and the positions of 
nostrils and eyes at such great distances from the occiput, have caused some 
very peculiar contortions of the cephalic tubes. A small amount of backward 
convexity is presented by the aural. The occipital is elongate and turned 
toward the side. Between the eyes the cranial is very tortuous, turning upon 
itself several times before taking its way toward the rostrum, where it again 
makes a backward run before passing through. From the occipital the orbital 
goes outward and backward a short distance, then passes through, behind the 
lateral cartilages of the skull, to the ventral surface. Below the head the sub- 
rostrals tend laterally near the edges until about half-way from the snout to 
the eyes, where they ascend and run for a similar distance on the upper surface 
before descending again just in front of the eyes, thus passing around the nos- 
tril, and finally going with much directness to meet the nasal about half-way 
from the eye to the median. A great bend out in the direction of the eye is 
made by the suborbital on the way forward to its junction with the angular, 
the entire length of the tube being about three times the distance between the 
point of appearance on this surface and that of the meeting. The orbito-nasal 
is very short; it lies at right angles with the angular. Angular and jugular 
are about equal in length. Near the corner of the mouth the oral is bent 
toward the thorax; it is connected with the angular, but does not cross the 
symphysis. Were it not for a long narrow loop putting out toward the nostril 
the nasal would be described as nearly transverse. This loop has parallel 
sides, is slightly bent back, and has a tubule from its extremity. A median ot 
moderate length gives rise to a pair of prenasals, which are somewhat curved, 
and which meet the subrostrals a little toward the side from the points at 
which the latter make their appearance. 

_ An arrangement of canals such as that here described might be developed 
from a form like Scoliodon terre nove by crowding the snout back toward the 
skull and expanding the head at the sides. To push the long cranials back 
toward the occiput would ‘bring about the identical curves appearing on the 
Hammerheads ; in fact, the curves on Scoliodon are just what would naturally 
lead to such a result. Expanding the head would necessitate the appearance 


of the subrostral on the upper surface to retain its position outside of the nos- 
tril, the latter being on the edge. And the orbitals, being behind the expan- 
sion, would sink deeper into the tissues; this also is simply going farther in 
the direction already partially traversed by the orbitals of Scoliodon. 


Anteriorly on Mustelus canis (Plate VIII.) there is hardly any departure 
from a right line in the lateral. Over the anal fin the canal rises; farther back, 
it descends to its former level, and, not going below the middle of the caudal 
muscles, it stops at the last of the vertebra. 

Comparatively little curvature is apparent in either aural or occipitals. 
The latter are short and diverge toward the cranials. In front the cranials 
converge ; opposite the fontanelle they turn directly toward the side of the 
head for a short distance, then they run forward, almost straight, somewhat 
convergent, and pass through the snout before reaching the tip. At first the 
orbitals are transverse, but with a gradual curve they sweep below and about 
half its diameter in front of the eye, where they turn back and downward to 
meet the angular beneath the anterior third of the orbit. The angular is of 
medium length; the jugular is short, ending near midway from spiracle to gill 
opening. A short horizontal orbito-nasal connects with a long subrostral, in 
which there is but a slight bend at the side of the nostril. A prominent curve 
appears in each nasal, between the nostrils. The median is long and longi- 
tudinal. The prenasals are rather long; they connect with the rostrals. 
Behind each angle of the mouth there is a short detached oral. 

The canal system of Mustelus closely resembles that of Triacis. 


On Triacis semifasciatum (Plate IX.) there is hardly any curve in the scapu- 
lar portions of the laterals. As in Mustelus, the anal curve is a broad one; 
the canal does not descend to the edge of the fin, and it stops at the end of the 

There is a slight forward bend in the middle of the aural, otherwise it is 
almost straight. The occipitals are of medium length, and are divergent. In 
their coronal portions the cranials are nearly straight. At the sides of the fon- 
tanelle the bend is abrupt, but not deep. The rostral sections of these canals 
vary in outline, converge, and descend before reaching the end of the rostrum. 
Passing outward, the orbitals bend back slightly; they sink deeply into the tis- 
sues behind the eye, and extend in front of the orbit more than its diameter. 
A much more open loop is made by these tubes as they turn to join the angu- 
lar than in Mustelus. The angular is of moderate length; the jugular is short 
and turned up toward the superior edge of the gill opening, as in Ginglymo- 


stoma, Scylliorhinus, and Mustelus. The orbito-nasals are short, convergent 


forward. The subrostrals are moderate in length and slight in curvature. 
The nasals are transverse, broadly curved forward between the nasal valves. 
Approaching the symphysis, behind the corners of the mouth there is a pair 
of detached orals. A short median and moderate prenasals, the latter con- 
nected with the rostrals, complete a system closely resembling that of Mustelus 
and with remote likenesses to that of Scylliorhinus. 

An embryo of two and a half inches agrees so well with the adult that it 
is readily identified by means of the canals. Without the aid of the system 
identification would hardly bave been possible. 


Isurus punctatus (Plates I., X.) by the fusiform shape of its body compels 
the laterals to diverge considerably along the middle of the flanks. With this 
exception they are tolerably straight, there being hardly any deflection above 
the anal, and but a scarcely noticeable upward turn on the tail. In reality the 
laterals cross the muscular portion of the tail, not following the course of the 
vertebre, and they end at the lower (hinder) edge of the muscles close behind 
(above) the lower caudal lobe in front of the concavity in the posterior margin 
of the fin. 

The aural is long, without prominent curves. The occipital is short, and 
nearly transverse. Both coronal and rostral curves of the cranials are long 
and shallow. The rostrals are short. In its downward course the orbital is 
waved a little; as a suborbital it joins the subrostral below the forward margin 
of the orbit. By its connections the short orbito-nasal would appear to be 
reversed in direction. In one specimen the angular bends downward behind 
the angle of the mouth to meet the oral, and the jugular makes an upward 
turn, then goes half-way to the gill, to bend up still farther at the end; in an- 
other case the angular and jugular form a single nearly straight line. The 
oral is connected with the angular, and runs but little beyond the corner o1 
the mouth. At less than a quarter of the distance from the eye to the rostral 
tip, the subrostral appears on the lower surface; from this point it is longitudi- 
nal, faintly curving above the nostril. No nasal curve appears in the nasals. 
The short median is nearly transverse. About one third of the prenasal is 
bent abruptly to the side to meet the rostral. 

Prominent among distinguishing characters are the caudal portions of the 
laterals, the reversed orbito-nasal, the transverse median, the curveless nasal, 
and the attached oral. 


Odontaspis americanus (Plate XI.) exhibits neither scapular nor anal curves 
in the laterals. The canal remains near the middle of the tail, and stops a 
little forward of the last of the vertebre. 

The aural bends back in the middle a very little. The occipital is of mod- 


erate length, and puts out directly toward the eye. On the crown the cranials 
are straight until opposite the fontanelle, where they make a shallow outward 
curve. The rostrals descend near the end of the rostrum. Starting down 
and backward, the orbitals make a broad curve around the eye until beneath 
it, where they become longitudinal and run more than a diameter forward 
from the orbit, before turning down and back, parallel with themselves, to 
join the angular. Both angular and jugular are long. From the angular the 
oral bends back around the mouth; it is not continuous across the symphysis. 
The long orbito-nasal bends down under the fore part of the eye before becom- 
ing longitudinal. Above the nostril the subrostral turns abruptly toward the 
nasal, in which there is no perceptible curve. The median is elongate and 
longitudinal. At the median the rather short prenasals bend outward, then 
turn forward to join the rostrals. 

The type is characterized by absence of anal or caudal bends, by an elon- 
gate occipital, a slight curvature in the cranials, a longitudinal loop in the 
suborbitals, a prominent curve in the subrostrals, absence of a nasal curve, 
and by the junction of oral and angular. 


Alopias vulpes (Plates XII., XIII.). A very great development of the 
canal system obtains in this Shark. There is no great difference in the main 
tubes from what may be seen in allied genera; it is in the encrmous number, 
the length, and the amount of branching of the tubules, that unusual features 
are most patent. 

Forward the lateral bends upward a little; at the base of the tail it fol- 
lows the vertebral axis, keeping its position near the middle of the muscular 
portion, and ends a little in advance of the notch in the hinder extremity. 
Throughout the entire length the tubules are closely placed on the sides. 
Anteriorly, on the thorax, they are directed toward the back. Nearly all of 
those on the abdominal region are extended toward the belly. From the base 
of the ventrals to the end of the anal the tubules have numerous branches, 
some of which pass upward and others downward. On the tail the tubules 
are sent toward the lower edge of the fin. 

The aural is long; in prominent curves it bends back in the middle and 
forward at each end. The occipitals are short. In the cranials the curves are 
shallow. At the crown the orbital starts back and down ; as a post-orbital it 
is vertical; and in the suborbital it sinks below the eye. Slightly in advance 
of the eye the suborbital turns back, and not far from the centre of the orbit, 
over the front edge of the mouth, is the union with the angular. The latter 
is of medium length. An uncommon arrangement of the jugular is seen here: 
the tube is long and passes below the gill apertures. The oral is elongate and 
connected with the angular; it makes a sharp bend around the corners, and is 
divided by a narrow interspace in the middle, behind the symphysis. At the 


angular the orbito-nasals make an abrupt drop, beyond which they are longi- 
tudinal. The nasals are long, and have but a small amount of curvature. The 
median is short, and placed longitudinally. The prenasals are long, and ab- 
tuptly bent to the sides to meet the rostrals. Opposite the nostrils there is a 
decided outward bend in the subrostrals. 

A great number of long tubules exist on the laterals, and on some of the 
cephalic tubes, Those from the aural reach directly back. Those from the sub- 
orbital extend backward or downward; some of them connect with the angular 
or its tubules; all are more or less branched. Above the mouth the branches 
of the angular turn upward; behind the oral a few of them go downward, 
where, by meeting others from the oral, and by uniting among themselves, 
they form a network. On the upper side of the jugular the branches are 
much more numerous, but have not so many branchlets. Behind the angle 
of the mouth the tubules of the oral are longer and more branched. 

There is a striking similarity in the canals of Alopias and those of Odontas- 
pis. This may be seen in cranials, aurals, orbito-nasals, suborbitals, subros- 
trals, prenasals, nasals, angulars, and orals; and it appears fully to warrant 
placing these genera side by side in a systematic arrangement of the Galei. 


Heptabranchias maculatus (Plate XIV.). On the flanks of this species the 
canals are shallow furrows, protected by enlarged overhanging scales of the 
shagreen on the edges. In front the grooves commence above the forward 
portions of the bases of the pectorals; all the canals farther in front are tubes. 
Another specimen shows alternation in the lateral, between the aural and the 
continuous lateral furrow, of irregular lengths of tube and groove. Over the 
anterior lower lobe of the caudal the furrow bends downward in the direction 
of the fibrous portion, which it approaches more gradually backward, and it 
ends at the notch between the lower and the hinder sections of the fin. 

The aural is divided by an interspace, behind the openings of the aqueducts, 
as in H. pectorosus. A small amount of outward curvature marks the elongate 
occipitals. At each side of the fontanelle the cranials bend out in a broad 
curve toward the side of the head. In front of the nostrils the rostrals turn 
back toward the subrostrals, but apparently without meeting them. These 
tubes seem to be separated, just above the nostril, by a short interspace. On 
the top of the head, again, the orbital is directed outward and a little forward; 
on the side it goes down and backward, without forming a suborbital, to join 
the angular and orbito-nasal. The latter is very long, and takes the place 
of the suborbital. Jugular, angular, and orbito-nasal form a single longitudi- 
nal line; the first-is short, ending in front of the middle of the first gill cleft, 
the second is of moderate length, and the third is as long as both of the others. 
The nasal is of moderate length, curves strongly toward the median line, but 
does not meet its fellow, from the other side, to form a median. The pre- 

VOL XVII. — NO. 2. 6 


nasals bend out toward the rostral, without approaching closely, then pass for- 
ward and end blindly near the tip, at a considerable distance apart. Above 
the front edge of the mouth the subrostral meets the nasal in a sharp angle. 
The nasal curve is comparatively slight. Traces of an oral were not detected. 

Excessive thinness of the skin, by bringing the canals so close to the sur- 
face, favors the presence of furrows rather than tubes, or, to go still further, 
leads to the disappearance of the canals altogether, as in case of the orals of 
this and other species. 

Characteristic features of the system on this shark are the isolation of the 
prenasal, the length of the orbito-nasal, the suppression of the suborbital, the 
direction of the orbital, the bisection of the rostral, the division of the aural, 
and the open lateral tubes. Several points, in occipitals, cranials, orbitals, and 
orbito-nasals, recall similar ones in Chlamydoselachus; the latter, however, is 
widely withdrawn by consideration of its lack of division in aural and rostrals, 
the position of its prenasal, and its possession of oral, gular, and spiracular 

H. pectorosus is, in most particulars, similar to H. maculatus. Its laterals 
end about two fifths of the length of the tail in advance of the extrem- 
ity, making a decided and broad curve downward to the fibrous part of the 

A specimen of H. cinereus has closed corporal canals, or tubes, of similar 
position and outline as the two species of this genus already noticed, but 
reaching a little farther toward the caudal notch than in H. pectorosus. 


Chlamydoselachus anguineus (Plate XV.) has the laterals open throughout 
their whole extent, with the exception of less than an inch immediately be- 
hind the aural. From each edge enlarged scales overhang the groove, enclos- 
ing it in a measure and protecting it. Along the flanks the canals are nearly 
straight. The caudal curve is very gradual in one specimen, more abrupt in 
another, and on one side of the second descends, then rises to repeat the curve. 
On the body, the canal lies a little above the crease between the muscles of 
the back and those of the flank. On the tail, its track lies a little below the 
middle of the muscular portion; it continues thus, with a few slight breaks 
posteriorly, to within an inch of the end of the vertebral column, where it 

In the sketch the courses of the closed cephalic tubes are indicated by lines 
of dots, each of the larger of which marks the opening of one of the short 
tubules. The aural is closed. It has no tubules. Contrary to what obtains 
in other Galei, it lies in front of the so-called ear openings. These openings, 
however, are at the ends of tubes the inner extremities of which are in front 
of the canal. The canal is nearly straight, bending slightly forward in the 
middle and a little backward near each end. The occipitals are long and 



extend forward with a very slight trend outward. On the crown the cranials 
are parallel. At the sides of the fontanelle they bend abruptly outward, and, 
as rostrals, run near the edge of the snout for some distance before going to the 
lower surface. From the cranials the orbitals run outward and somewhat for- 
ward; near the side they turn backward and downward toward the corner of 
the mouth. They end some distance behind the eyes. A long angular joins 
the short jugular and the very long oral, which reaches almost to the sym- 
physis. At the end of the jugular near the middle of the first branchial aper- 
. ture, there are two branches not found in any other of the Sharks examined: a 
spiracular (sp), turning upward and forward toward the spiracle, and a gular (g), 
turning down and forward near the median line, and finally uniting with the 
oral a short distance from the inner end. Below the eye, in the position usu- 
ally occupied by the suborbital, lies a very long orbito-nasal. The nasal is of 
moderate length, and curves broadly in its posterior half. The subrostral is a 
little shorter than the nasal; it bends upward over the nostril. Apparently 
the prenasal is reversed in direction, meeting the nasal in front and running 
backward to join the subrostral. Like the corporals, oral, gular, and spiracu- 
lar are open grooves. In the spiraculars and gulars of this Shark are found the 
nearest approaches to the pleurals of the Batoidei. 

Distinguishing peculiarities of the system on this type are seen in the pos- 
session of spiracular and gular canals, in the position of the prenasals, and in 
that of the aural, with regard to the ear openings. Similarity in the orbito- 
nasals occurs in Heptabranchias. Somniosus by the same canals is interme- 
diate between these genera and others of the order. 


Ginglymostoma cirratura (Plate XVI.). Over the shoulders the laterals have 
little outward curvature; in the anterior part of the tail they drop somewhat 
abruptly from the middle to the lower portion of the muscular band, near the 
edge of the fin, where they continue, ending with the vertebral column. 

This form has a short broad head, and a very short snout. If compared 
with one of the long-snouted species, it will be seen that there is a tendency 
toward the transverse in the cephalic canals, which in those forms are nearly or 
quite longitudinal. The aural is long, bending backward a little in the middle, 
and as much forward toward each end. The occipital is of medium length; it 
runs obliquely outward, with a slight curve toward the spiracle in the middle. 
From the end of this canal the cranial turns rather sharply toward the crown; 
it then passes forward, diverging a little from its fellow until opposite the fonta- 
nelle, where it turns outward with less curvature than in Scylliorhinus. Ap- 
proaching the edge, the rostrals run parallel with it until near the tip, where 
they descend. The orbital is rather short. The suborbital is much longer and 
passes forward more than three times the diameter of the orbit; above the nos- 
tril it turns back, forming an angle, and meets the subrostral a short distance 
forward from the eye. Angular and jugular are short; they are directed up- 


ward some, toward the top of the first branchial aperture. Behind the corner 
of the mouth the oral makes a strong backward curve; the tube is a long one; 
it crosses the symphysis and meets with the angular. Posteriorly the orbito- 
nasal curves upward to meet the angular; the tube is elongate and nearly hori- 
zontal. The nasal is long, sinuous, and almost transyerse. Contrary to what 
might be expected on a short snout, the median is long. As if reduction in 
the length of the snout had proceeded faster than in that of the tubes, the 
prenasals appear as if pushed back and folded on themselves; each is turned 
abruptly toward the side, and bent into two folds. They unite with the 

Prominent distinguishing features in this shark are the caudal canals, scapu- 
lar curves, complete oral, long suborbitals and orbito-nasals, and the folded 
prenasals. Of the genera studied it approaches Scylliorhinus most closely. 


Scylliorhinus caniculus (Plate X VII.) has scarcely any curvature in the later- 
als, and they end with the column, not going down to the fibrous portion of 
the caudal fin. 

A slight sinuosity affects the aural. The very short occipital is directed 
toward the eye. Behind the fontanelle the cranials approach the median line 
in a broad curve; in front of this, they turn abruptly out toward the edges of 
the snout. Just before it joins the prenasal, there are several curves in the 
rostral: in descending it runs forward, downward, inward, backward, and out- 
ward, At the side of the nostril there is a prominent curve in the subrostral. 
The suborbitals are longitudinal below the orbit; at its forward edge they 
pass down and backward to meet the short orbito-nasals. The nasals are 
almost straight and transverse; the median is short; and the prenasals, sinu- 
ous and moderately long, unite with the rostrals. From the angular the jugu- 
lar curves up toward the upper edges of the gill opening, which it does not 
reach. Behind each angle of the mouth there is a short disconnected oral. 


On Heterodontus philippi (Plate XVIII.) the laterals diverge a little, behind 
the occiput; farther back they are straight, without a curve over the anal fin, 
until they reach the tail, above the lower lobe of which they descend to the 
lower edge of the muscles. As it nears the end of the column, the canal 
becomes a furrow. 

Lateral and aural form a continuous curve, and are connected with the cra- 
nial and orbital, which form a similar curve, by a very short occipital. The 
cranial. bends are broad, but not at all deep. This is true also of the suborbital, 
which reaches nearly a diameter in front of the orbit, then drops vertically on 
the subrostral. Angular and jugular are both very short. The oral joins the 



angular, but does not cross the symphysis. The orbito-nasal is long. In pass- 
- ing the nostril, the short subrostral makes a decided curve. Behind the nostril 
the nasal is bent toward the mouth. The median is very short. From the 
median the short prenasal goes directly to the side, joining the rostral. 

By the canals either Odontaspis or Ginglymostoma shows more affinities with 
Heterodontus than does Acanthias. The differences in dentition between the 
latter genera are scarcely greater than those apparent in the canal systems, ~ 


Acanthias americanus (Plate XIX.). Backward from the shallow scapular 
curve, the laterals of this species are nearly straight. Above the widest part of 
the lower lobe of the tail, the tube makes a slight bend upward; it does not 
follow the vertebral column, but gradually approaches the lower edge of the 
muscles, and stops in front of the last vertebra. 

In the middle, towards the ear openings, the aural is bent forward. A con- 
tinuous longitudinal line is formed by the elongate occipital and the lateral. 
At the orbitals, the cranials make a rather sharp curve; opposite the fonta- 
nelle, they make a broad and shallow bend. The upper portion of the orbital 
is sinuous; behind the eye it is thrown backward; and beneath the orbit it 
goes but half-way before turning back in a sharp angle to join the angular. 
Jugular and angular together are short. The orbito-nasal is long, and is bent 
downward from the suborbital. By the side of the nostril there is a decided 
bend in the subrostral. The nasals are long and bent so that the curves in 
each approach the outlines of a Z; they do not meet to form a median, but 
run close together as in Pristiophorus. Near the end of the snout the pre- 
nasals converge, without seeming to join; they are located some distance from 
the rostrals. The tubes are of large calibre, and the tubules are numerous 
and short. A short oral lies close to each angle of the mouth, entirely dis- 
connected. On the tail, for a short distance from the end, the canal is open. 
Figure 6 shows the arrangement of the scales and the form of the portion of 
the canal included between the dotted lines. 

An embryo of two and a quarter inches has tubes similar to those of the 
adult, but the tubules are shorter or absent. 


Somniosus carcharias (Plate XX.) has tolerably straight tubular laterals. 
They extend on the middle of the muscular portion of the tail, running as far 
back as the hinder edge of the anterior lower lobe of the caudal fin; thence 
they descend to the lower edge of the muscles, above the fibrous portion, where 
they continue to the end of the column. 

.. Among-the cephalic canals a very. peculiar arrangement.occurs on the occi- 
put: the aural is transverse, and has its ordinary position; from its ends the 
occipitals curve forward and inward, and end anteriorly without connecting with 


other tubes; a short distance in front of their ends are those of the orbitals, 
also disconnected; and still farther in front are the posterior extremities of the 
cranials, like the others, making no connections. The orbitals pass directly 
outward, then downward and forward, meeting the angular below the hinder 
portion of the eye. At the start the cranials are transverse, they soon bend 
forward, and, making very open curves around the fontanelle, becoming ros- 
trals, converge toward the end of the snout, before reaching which they pass 
through to the lower aspect. As subrostrals they go back and outward, mak- 
ing a loop on the side and top around the nasal chamber, and pushing farther 
back to meet the nasals. In comparison with that of other genera, the orbito- 
nasal is rather long; it extends below the greater portion of the orbit. A 
prominent curve toward the nostril marks the middle of each of the elongate 
transverse nasals. From a median of more than ordinary length the prenasals 
diverge and run forward, ending abruptly, under the tip of the snout, without 
joining the rostrals. The angulars are of moderate length. The jugular is 
short. An oral could not be found. The tubules are numerous, short, and 
provided with large apertures. 

Especially noticeable among the peculiar features met with in this species are 
the separation of the orbitals and the cranials from the occipitals, the isolation 
of the prenasals, the supranarial curve of the subrostrals, the length of the 
orbito-nasal, the lack of the oral, and the caudal curve of the lateral. The 
coronal arrangement of the cephalic canals, and the subrostral curve, distin- 
guish the genus from any of the other genera noted here. The orbito-nasal and 
the disposition of the lateral on the tail are intermediate between sharks like 
Heptabranchias and the majority of those of higher rank. In Cestracion (Zy- 
gna) only of the other Galei have we seen the subrostral return to the top 
of the snout. 


Rhina squatina (Plate XXI.). With the great depression of the body of 
this Shark, the lateral has to some extent been carried outward on the thoracic 
and the scapular regions. Excepting slight waves in the outline, there is 
hardly a deviation from a straight line in the tubes on the sides of the tail. 
The canal does not reach quite to the hindmost vertebra. Above the thoracic 
region near the aural a few of the tubules reach toward the median line. 
Elsewhere along the whole length of the laterals the tubules are short and 
directed out. 

In consequence of the anterior position of the mouth and the shortness 
of the snout, the canals of the front part of the head are greatly reduced in 
length. Subrostrals, prenasals, and other tubes that in the balance of the 
Sharks are confined to the lower surface, have been brought to the top by de- 
pression of the head. The aural is long, curves backward slightly, and has 
a few tubules extending toward the shoulders. The occipitals are long, and 
divergent forward. On the frontal region, the cranials curve toward each other; 


their tubules, as those of the occipitals, start out, but turn and cross the tubes 
toward the middle. Opposite the fontanelle the cranials make a broad open 
bend, from which the short rostrals pass about half-way to the middle of the 
mouth. From the front end of the rostrals the subrostrals turn back, around 
and behind the nostril, to meet the nasals on the sides of the face. The pre- 
nasals lie on the upper surface; they are nearly transverse, and turn back at 
the ends as if to join the rostrals, but without making a junction, Apparently 
the very short median is vertical. The orbitals are entirely on the upper sur- 
face. From the cranials, they go obliquely outward until past the orbit, then, 
turning forward at a right angle, the suborbitals run a short distance beyond 
the eye, where they turn out and backward, making a deep loop, convex in 
front. They meet the angular opposite the eye. Both angular and jugular 
are on the top of the disk. The orbito-nasal is on the side of the face; it is 
comparatively elongate, running from opposite the middle of the orbit to 
within a short distance of the nostril. The orals and the nasals belong to 
the lower view. The former are elongate, disconnected, and do not reach the 
symphysis; the latter are moderate and transverse, with a shallow curve for- 
ward toward the middle. The tubules from the suborbitals are rather long 
and pass outward; they, like the others, are unbranched. 

The appearance of all the tubes, except orals and nasals, on the top, looks 
as if resultant from depression that had caused great expansion of the ven- 
tral portions of the body, and but little of the dorsal. This peculiarity alone 
would serve to distinguish the genus from the other genera. There is nothing 
in the canal system that favors the idea of close affinity with the Batoidei. 


Considerable uncertainty exists in connection with several points on the 
sketch of Pristiophorus cirratus (Plate XXII.), because of the bad condition 
of the specimen, a dried skin. 

Back of the head the laterals turn outward somewhat; on the tail they 
appear to lie near the middle of the muscular portion, stopping at the end of 
the column. 

The halves of the aural meet in a sharp angle at the middle; behind the 
openings of the aqueducts they form a V, from the apex of which a short 
tube extends directly back. A low inward sweep is made by the cranials, on 
the crown. Beneath the eye the orbital does not quite reach the front edge 
of the orbit; turning backward, it descends to join the angular on a vertical 
from the centre of the pupil. The angular is longer than the jugular. Ap- 
parently there is no oral. The orbito-nasal is rather long; and, with the 
angular and the subrostral, it forms a longitudinal line. In front of the mouth 
the nasal is turned back; it has a moderate nasal curve, and does not connect 
with its fellow to form a median. Prenasal8 and subrostrals are very long. In 
the specimen they cannot be followed near the end of the rostrum. 

There are marked resemblances between this Shark and Acanthias, which 


are at least suggestive of closer affinities in the distant past. These are brought 
prominently forward in comparisons of such tubes as the medians and sub- 
orbitals of the two forms. 


Posteriorly the laterals of Pristis pectinatus (Plate XXIII.) are straight. 
On the tail there is a slight downward tendency, and the canals end near its 
extremity, at the lower edge of the muscles. Anteriorly, above the thoracic 
region, they are drawn toward each other; at the shoulder each makes an out- 
ward bend, from which the scapular and the post-scapular branches extend. 
A comparatively small area is enclosed by the pleural ; from the shoulder the 
tube runs out and backward, then it turns forward, along the inner edge of 
the pectoral fin, to meet some of the tubules from the orbital, near the hinder 
part of the orbit, after which it makes a sharp bend and goes back a short dis- 
tance parallel with its former course before passing down the side to the lower 
aspect, about opposite the aural. One or two post-scapular branches, together 
with the posterior pleural tubules, form a network of branchlets on the pectoral. 
Lateral, pleural, and suborbital possess slender tubules. Similar ones on the 
rostral have delicate branchlets. 

On the ventral surface the pleurals run toward the gill openings, in front 
of which, about one third of the distance to the mouth, they meet the jugulars. 
The space included by these tubes is small. 

The aural is deeply bent backward. A short occipital connects it with the 
orbital. The latter goes close below the eye and in front of it, about half a 
diameter, passes to the lower surface around the edge. Near the fontanelle 
the cranials diverge slightly, making a shallow bend; near the end of the ros- 
trum they converge, but diverge again at the tip; in general, their course is 
tolerably direct. These, as the other tubes of this surface, are beset with a 
great many very fine short tubules. 

Angular and jugular are moderate. The orbito-nasal is short; in front it 
meets the suborbital and the subrostral. Only a small portion of the sub- 
orbital is to be seen from below. The subrostral is much elongated, has a 
waved course, and is bent prominently forward in front of the nostril. The 
nasal is transverse, and waved in outline. The median is longitudinal and 
short. From it the prenasals turn abruptly outward, toward the nostrils, be- 
fore taking a course of tolerable directness toward the rostral extremity. Close 
to the latter they appear as if crowded back, so as to make a fold directed 
toward the median line. Behind each side of the mouth there is a discon- 
nected oral; toward the middle the tube bends forward, at the outer end it is 
turned back in a hook. 

Although there is much resemblance between the majority of the canals 
of Pristis and those of Pristioph®rus, the presence of the pleural and the 
scapular branches fixes the position of the former in the Batoidei. 



Rhinobatus planiceps (Plate XXIV.). From the shoulder girdle to their 
ends on the tail the laterals of this species are nearly straight. At the pecto- 
ral arch the scapular curves carry them outward, and back of the head they 
approach each other. Posteriorly they send numerous tubules outward; ante- 
riorly others are sent inward and backward. Behind the scapular there are four 
post-scapulars, each of which has two or more tubules near the end. There is 
more lateral curvature in the pleurals in this genus than was seen in Pristis ; 
there is also a more intimate connection between them and the suborbitals, by 
means of four or more of the tubules. Opposite the forward part of the orbit, 
about half-way between it and the margin, the pleurals pass through the disk, 
after sending numerous tubules on the pectoral. These pleural tubules are 
of two kinds, one stronger, longer, and straighter; another finer, shorter, and 
crookeder, distributed among the first. The course of the pleurals on the 
lower surface is short; they meet the jugulars in front of the first branchial 

The aural curves back in the middle. A slight divergence obtains in the 
short occipitals. In front of the eye the cranials curve outward sharply; they 
approach each other nearest along the middle of the rostral cartilage. At the 
end of the suborbital a branch is sent backward; in front of the eye its tubules 
extend both inward and outward; and still farther in front they are sent to- 
ward the margin. Instead of going around its edge, the suborbital passes 
through the disk very near the border. On reaching the lower surface this 
tube makes a broad curve back, and joins the subrostral opposite the nostril. 
A short orbito-nasal connects it with angular and jugular, both of which are 
short. The nasal is bent back behind the nasal valves. The median is very 
short. Near the middle of their length the elongate prenasals are curved 
toward each other. The oral crosses the median line behind the mouth, but is 
disconnected from the angular. Around the anterior border of the abdominal 
chamber, beneath the coraco-scapular arch, there is a sternal canal, which 
differs from the others in being more open; it does not cross the middle. This 
canal was not seen in Pristis. 


Syrrhina brevirostris (Plate XXV.). A description of the canal system in 
this species would duplicate that of the preceding, excepting that rostrals, sub- 
rostrals, and prenasals would be found to be greatly shortened. Other points 
of difference, less important, are seen in the smaller number of branches of the 
tubules and the undivided condition of the sternal. A study of the canals 
of this species discloses little that favors separation from Rhinobatus, since it 
differs less from species of that genus than some of them do from each other. 



On Uraptera agassizii (Plate XX VI.) the upper surface is pretty well covered 
with tubes and tubules. On the ventral aspect the main tubes are all present, 
but the tubules are few and short. There is nothing in the canals that will 
distinguish this genus from Raza. 

On the shoulders, the laterals are thrown decidedly outward; farther for- 
ward, they make a broad curve toward the vertebre; and they converge toward 
the base of the tail. Their tubules are of medium length and are most numer- 
ous above the abdominal region. The pleurals reach far out on the pectorals, 
enclosing an area, convex forward, somewhat lenticular in shape. At the angle 
opposite the shoulder they send back a strong branch with many tubules on 
its outer side. The most of the pleural tubules pass forward ; a few, espe- 
cially of those near the anterior border, turn back. Opposite the eye the 
pleural is connected with the suborbital by several tubules; thence it bends 
toward the margin and descends about half-way from the orbit. A strong post- 
scapular goes to the hinder angle of the pectoral; the greater number of its 
tubules are directed outward. 

The occipitals are short and greatly divergent. Between the eyes the cra- 
nials curve toward each other; in front of the orbits they bend apart; and on 
the rostrum they converge gradually to their points of descent, near the end. 
Outward from the curve in front of the orbit a tuft of tubules extends from 
each. The suborbitals take a tolerably direct course to the end of the snout, 
but pass down some distance before reaching it. 

On the lower surface, the pleurals bend out opposite the first gill cleft and 
inward opposite the shoulder girdle, in both the backward and the return 
courses. They neither reach back behind the middle of the abdomen, nor out 
to the middle of the pectorals. 

The orbito-nasals are elongate, converging in front. The lower suborbitals 
are only of moderate length, diverging backward. On the greater part of the 
length of the snout the subrostrals are parallel with the prenasals; leaving 
the latter finally, they pass outward and then forward to make a close fold on 
themselves before taking a transverse direction in which they meet the subor- 
bitals. At the inner edge of the nostril the nasals make a sharp bend, then, 
converging forward, they unite to form a short longitudinal median. From 
the median the prenasals at first bend outward rapidly, then converge gradually 
toward the tip, near which they end without connections. 

The following peculiarities are among the more likely to prove characteris- 
tic: the shape of the pleural area, the short occipital, the length of the tubules, 
the closeness of the fold in the subrostrals, and the longitudinal median, 


Raia levis (Plates XXVII.-XXIX.). Some resemblance is seen in the shape 
of this species and that of Uraptera, and there is still more in the arrangement 


of the main canals. If these vessels alone were taken*into consideration, more 
than specific distinction would not be accorded the two types. 

In comparison with the preceding the laterals on the smooth Skate approach 
each other more gradually behind the shoulders and more abruptly in front 
of them. Over the gills the branchial area is wider, and in general it is more 
irregular in outline. The majority of the tubules on the hinder branch of 
the pleurals run forward or outward, and on the post-scapular, toward the 
hinder margin, a number of them turn backward. 

The occipital is rather long. At the side of the eye a branch, from the 
suborbital, turns back in the direction of the branchial area. Three or four 
tubules connect the orbitals with the pleurals; the latter go down near the 
margin, more than half the length of the snout in front of the skull. 

Beneath the disk the subrostral is parallel with the prenasal more than half 
the distance to the mouth; it then turns outward, and returning makes a sharp 
curve and fold, not quite as close and complete as that of Uraptera, after 
which it goes back obliquely, instead of transversely as in that genus, thus 
bringing about a shortening of the orbito-nasal. The pleural lies close by the 
side of the angular and orbito-nasal; opposite the mouth it bends outward 
a short distance, then stretches back almost directly toward the posterior angle 
of the pectoral; and about as far back as the middle of the abdomen it turns 
to the coraco-scapular arch to meet the jugular. The space included is narrow 
in front, and much broadened at the shoulder girdle. There is a moderate 
amount of curvature in the nasal. The median is transverse. At the median 
the prenasals make a broad bend; they are not connected in front. The oral 
is disconnected, and is in two sections. 

Plate XXVII. shows the tubes and sicbvlis of the upper surface; Plate 
XXVIII. gives (fig. 1) the hyaline mucous ducts of the “ampulle of Loren- 
zini,” and rig. 2) the main tubes of the canal system of the same surface; 
and Plate XXIX. contains a view of the lower side of the head in fig. 1, and 
a sketch of the upper surface in fig. 2. 

Raia ocellata (Plate XXX.) is one of the species with shorter snouts. In 
consequence of the rostral shortening, the lengths of the prenasals and of the 
rostrals have been decreased so much as to bring their forward extremities 
almost back to a transverse line from the end of one suborbital to that of the 

Above the thoracic region the curves of the laterals are shallower, and the 
scapular bends are less prominent, than in R. levis. The pleural areas are sub- 
triangular, broader posteriorly. The posterior branch of the pleural is the 
longer. A strong post-scapular extends from the shoulder obliquely out to 
the posterior margin. This tube is provided with tubules on its outer half. 
Laterals, plenials, and orbitals also have tubules, which are more or less 
irregular in regard to length. 

The occipitals are of moderate length. .The cranials have a prominent 
curve opposite the fontanelle, and another near the orbitals; their tubules are 
short, with the exception of several in front.of the orbit. 


On the ventral surface the pleurals are entirely absent, from the posterior 
jugular extension. A moderate length obtains in the orbito-nasal. The curve 
in the subrostral is very prominent, and a trifle more open than that of R. levis. 
A decided curve appears in the nasal. It is difficult to determine whether the 
median is longitudinal or transverse, it is so very short. Near the mouth, the 
prenasals separate widely; forward, they are convergent but not connected. 
An oral appears behind each half of the lower jaw. 


Torpedo californica (Plate XX XI.) goes much beyond the following species 
in respect to the amount of surface covered by the tubes and tubules. On 
the shoulders, the curve, or, better, the scapular angle of the laterals, extends 
farther out, and, the batteries occupying a larger portion of the disk, the pleu- 
rals are carried nearer to the margins. As in that species, pleurals and sub- 
orbitals seem to form a continuous tube. 

The aural is longer and straighter and in front of it the cranials converge 
more. The rostrals extend farther toward the border, and are better provided 
with tubules than in 7. marmorata. 

At the sides of the suborbitals, and the thoracic portions of the laterals, 
long tubules pass out upon the batteries, nearly across them. A marked con- 
trast is presented by this distribution when compared with that of the follow- 
ing, or of Narcine, in both of which the tubules venture little if any over the 
surface of the batteries. A number of long tubules put out from the aural 
toward the shoulders. Behind the angles on the pectorals formed by the 
pleurals, there is a strong tubule with several branches; elsewhere the tubules 
are simple. 

There is much irregularity in the cephalic tubes, and it is probable that 
there is considerable variation between individuals of the species in regard 
to suborbitals and rostrals. In fact, there is great variance in the tubes of 
opposite sides of the head of a single specimen. ‘This is well illustrated by 
dissections of the head of T. occidentalis. 

Torpedo marmorata (Plate XXXII.) accords substantially in the arrange- 
ment of the canals with Narcine brasiliensis, but the tubes are longer and more 
crooked, and the tubules are of much greater length. On the back over the 
branchial region the laterals are considerably curved. Surrounding the large 
batteries the pleurals approach very near to the front margins of the disk. 
These tubes unite directly with the suborbitals. The occipitals are long. 
The cranials make a rather sharp curve in front of the eye, and they disap- 
pear before reaching the end of the rostrum. Among the longest tubules are 
those situated posteriorly on the pleurals and the orbitals, and anteriorly on 
the laterals. 

This genus agrees with Narcine in the absence of the canals on the lower 

Absence of post-scapulars, or, better, the backward position of the pleurals 


where joined to the laterals, is an approach toward the Trigonide rather than 
toward the Raiz. 

The Jack of canals on the lower surface and the junction of pleurals and 
orbitals sufficiently distinguish the Torpedoes from other families. 


Narcine brasiliensis (Plate XXXIII.). Apparently there are no traces of 
the canals on the ventral surface. On the back there is a very simple arrange- 
ment of the system. The lateral passes directly to the end of the vertebral 
column. Only a moderate degree of prominence is given the scapular curve. 
Rather widely separated at the shoulders, the laterals converge toward the 
back of the head. The tubules are short and not many. At the outer edges 
of the batteries the pleurals encroach but little on the pectorals. Half-way 
from the eye to the margin they unite directly with the suborbitals. 

The occipitals are long. About midway from the eye to the end of the 
snout the cranials dwindle and disappear, after sending off a group of short 
tubules in front of the eye. The curve around the eye described by the orbi- 
tal is somewhat regular, and the canal ends near the margin. It sends out a 
couple of short branches near the spiracle, and some shorter ones in front of 
the junction with the pleural. A strong tubule reaches backward from an 
angle in the pleural, opposite the scapular bends. From the lack of branch- 
lets, the small size of the tubules, etc., the total length of the system is much 
below the average of the order. 


“Potamotrygon motoro (Plate XXXIV.). Upon the shoulders of this species 
the laterals bend outward in a variety of curves. The anterior of these, the 
greater ones, are concave, the posterior convex. <A very little behind the girdle 
the pleurals are met. There are two pre-scapular tubules, which do not en- 
close an area, Behind the pleural there are several post-scapulars more or less 
disposed to unite soon after leaving the main tube. The pleural starts from 
several branches which form scapular enclosures. Backward from the aural the 
laterals describe the outlines of a goblet, with the bowl extended forward, and 
closed by the aural. The occipital tubules are not far behind the ends of the 
latter. At the fontanelle the cranial curves are but moderate. Tubules are 
numerous on the head, and backward; in general they branch two or more 
times. From the laterals the pleurals pass backward and outward, rather more 
than in the sketch, until well out on the fin, where they form a somewhat 
sharp angle and turn forward in a broad curve; in front of the eye they turn 
inward, and, passing under the orbital, they descend at the fore part of the 
skull. Long tubules, with small groups of branchlets at their ends, extend 
laterally toward the margins. Two or more tubules join the pleural and the 
orbital. A branch goes back from the orbital at the eye, and, in front of the 


orbit, five or six long tubules reach toward the anterior border. The orbital 
goes down at the side of the rostral, not half-way from the skull to the end of 
the snout. Nearly or quite all of the tubules on this surface are branched. 

On the lower aspect the pleurals pass toward the front margin, and, running 
parallel with it, send out a number of simple tubules; afterward, along the 
middle of the fin, they take a course of some directness to the posterior exten- 
sion of the jugular, a little distance forward from the pelvis. A single tubule 
marks the turning point. Bending around and back, as far as the mouth, in 
a waved course, the suborbitals make a long loop forward. Behind this loop 
they extend toward the gill apertures; in front of the latter they turn toward 
the nostrils and meet the subrostrals opposite the mouth. The orbito-nasals 
are of medium length, the nasals are long and moderately curved, the median 
is short, and the prenasals are elongate and close together. Between the nos- 
trils each subrostral makes a deep bend, on the nasal valve; they end, at the 
side of the prenasals, in a series of rings or capsules connected with each other 
by thin transparent tissue, which only near the mouth presents the semblance 
of a tube. These rings are closed follicles, which do not appear to be con- 
nected with the surface; they seem in most respects identical with the folli- 
cles of Savi, and trace their origin to obsolescent canals, of which portions 
surrounding certain nerve endings have persisted and become closed sacs. 
Rings and enlargements also are seen in the front portions of the prenasals. 
On each side of the symphysis, near the teeth, a crooked oral reaches about 
half-way to the first gill cleft. A short sternal crosses the middle in front of 
the pelvic spine. 

Distinguishing peculiarities appear in the presence of both pre- and post- 
scapulars, in the isolation of the subrostrals, in the groups of tubules on the 
front sections of the ventro-pleurals, and in the oddly shaped loop in the 


Disceus strongylopterus (Plate XXXV.). One of the most peculiar canal 
arrangements to be found in the order occurs in this genus. Pre- and post- 
scapulars are both present, and, outside of the prominent scapular curve in the 
laterals, there is a pre-scapular area included by the pre-scapulars. The post- 
scapulars are short; by uniting among themselves or their branches they form 
an irregular plexus. First passing back from the laterals, the pleurals then 
turn forward at a sharp angle, and, in their course through the middle of the 
pectorals, send toward the margin a large number of long tubules, each of 
which bears a small group of branchlets at its end. Connecting with the orbi- 
tals by means of a couple of tubules, the pleurals bend back toward the fore- 
head, whence they run forward a little more than half the distance to the tip 
before descending. 

The aural is long and transverse. Starting outward from the aural, the 
elongate occipitals turn forward, after sending out the occipital branches. In 


front of the eye, the short cranials have a very sharp and prominent bend; on 
the rostrum they are close together and nearly parallel. From the branch 
sent back of the spiracles the orbitals incline a little outward, and proceed 
thus until more than half-way to the edge, when they turn inward; close to 
the rostrals they again take a longitudinal course for a short distance, and find 
their way down, in front of the pleurals, after sending out upon the fin ten or 
a dozen long tubules. 

On making their appearance on the lower surface the pleurals pass directly 
forward; nearing the margin they turn and follow it around, gradually reced- 
ing from it, to a point opposite the mouth, where they turn toward the abdomi- 
nal chamber. Back of the shoulder girdle they turn slightly outward; and 
when opposite the pelvis they turn toward it abruptly, meeting the extension 
from the jugular at the edge of the abdomen. On the transverse posterior por- 
tion, near the pelvis, there are a few tubules of medium length; on the 
portions anterior to the gills there is a multitude of tubules that reach to 
the edge of the disk. The suborbitals emerge a little in front of the pleurals, 
which they cross, to run obliquely back until not far in front of the gills, 
where they take an inward and forward course to meet the angulars a little 
back of the mouth. As they pass backward they send off nine or ten branches 
which by repeated forkings and fusions form networks, the outer limits of 
which are the pleurals, and in which the inner areas are large and elongate 
polygons and the outer small and short ones. The orbito-nasals are of moder- 
ate length, connecting, as in the majority of the Sharks, with the angular and 
suborbital posteriorly, and with the subrostral and nasal anteriorly. Each sub- 
rostral makes a very prominent bend in front of the nostril; it does not return 
far enough to reach the nasal valve; and it ends at the side of the prenasal, 
near the skull, in a series of four or five swellings or follicles. No great 
amount of curvature appears in the nasals. The median is very short. The 
prenasals are close together and nearly parallel; they have several irregularly 
placed rings or bunches along their sides. Not far from each angle of the 
mouth there is a short disconnected oral. 

The sketches were made entirely from the left side of the specimen. 

This genus is well distinguished from its allies, the Potamotrygons, on the 
one hand, and the Thalassotrygons, on the other, by the disposition of the tubes 
on the shoulders, and the orbito-pleural plexus beneath the pectorals. 

- It is quite possible that the appearance of the follicles on certain of the 
canals of the ventral surface, attended by deterioration and disappearance of 
the tubes themselves, in this genus and Urolophus, and in species of other 
genera, points toward a change made from habits similar to those of the typi- 
cal Thalassotrygons, in which the lower canals possessed great utility, to others 
leading the individual to remain habitually on the bottom, where the lower 
vessels may be comparatively useless, which if persisted in lead to disuse 
and ultimate obsolescence of the tubes, as in the Torpedinide. It is not far to 
the conclusion that, through their ancestors, Torpedoes, as well as mea 
gons, were more closely related to the Thalassotrygons. 



Urolophus halleri (Plate XXXVI.). A striking feature in this ray is the 
absence of the post-scapulars. Their position is occupied by the pleurals and 
by the pre-scapular branches. In the genera Raia and Rhinobatus the pleural 
met the anterior of the scapular branches; in this genus it is the posterior. 
From the anterior part of the scapular curve there is a pre-scapular branch 
which connects with the scapular, enclosing a small pentagonal area. Behind 
the aural the laterals converge in a gradual curve until rather close together. 
The aural is transverse. The occipitals are elongate and diverge forward. At 
each end of the aural, on the laterals, there is a small occipital tubule with a 
number of branchlets. The pleurals run forward a little way outside of the 
basipterygium of the fin; they pass under the suborbitals and go through close 
in front of the skull. One or more tubules connect these tubes with the orbi- 
tals. Laterally long tubules extend more than half the distance to the border. 
At the fontanelle, the cranials make deep curves outward; beyond this they 
approach each other until nearly in contact at the tip of the snout. The orbi- 
tal sinks deeply into the tissue; at the outer edge of the spiracle a tubule is 
sent backward, farther forward others pass out laterally, one or more uniting 
with the pleural, and in front five or six long ones reach toward the front edge 
of the disk. The tube passes down about midway from the fontanelle to the 
end of the rostrum. 

Beneath the disk, on their appearance the pleurals run forward as far as 
to the middle of the snout; thence they turn laterally and describe an are of a 
circle having a radius of about the distance between the first pair of gill open- 
ings. This carries them back to a point opposite and near the coraco-scapular, 
a point from which they pass directly to join the jugular extension. Radiating 
from the outside of the circle there are two- or four-branched tubules of me- 
dium length. Emerging on the lower surface the suborbitals make a broad 
sweep laterally, then turn back until behind the mouth, and then forward 
toward the nostril till they meet the subrostrals. The connections of the short 
orbito-nasal are similar to those of Isurus and the Holocephala, and not to those 
of the majority of the Sharks. The angular is short, and reaches toward the 
inner edge of the gill cleft. The jugular bends outward before running back 
along the branchial apertures. No union is apparent between the rostrals and 
the subrostrals. From the orbito-nasal the latter are transverse in general 
course; they make a prominent bend forward in front of the nostril, and an- 
other back upon the nasal valve, thence they pass forward at the side of the 
prenasals, growing more and more delicate and transparent, and vanish before 
reaching the middle of the snout. Individuals show the peculiar enlargements 
or swellings in the tubes, in front of the median, that are seen in Potamotry- 
gon. These rings or swollen portions closely resemble the follicles of Savi 
They seem to be connected with the prenasals by the tissue of the walls, but 
communication with the chambers of the tubes could not be discovered In 
the nasals the curves are not very pronounced. The short median is hidden 


by cartilage. The prenasals diverge little from the parallel; they are discon- 
nected forward. Behind the mouth, on each side, is a disconnected oral. 

The tubules of the back are more or less dissected into fine branchlets, 
which form small groups about the ends. On the head the branchlets are 
close together. Only the principal ones were sketched, but, when possible, 
they were followed to their terminations. 
 Urolophus torpedinus differs from U. halleri mainly in matters of detail, in 
tubules, ete. The specimen at hand has five of the enlargements, at the side 
of the prenasal, in the subrostral; the tube ends with the fifth, seemingly 
without other anterior connections, excepting by tissue from the walls. 

The junction of the pleurals to the anterior scapular branches in Rhinoba- 
tus, and to the posterior in Urolophus, indicates that both may have been 
secondary attachments; in other words, that the attachment of origin in the 
pleural is that with the orbital. 


Teniura lymma (Plate XXXYIII.) possesses both pre-scapular and post- 
scapular branches. What is called the pre-scapular area in Urolophus and in 
Dasybatus becomes, by the junction of the pleural tube to the middle of the 
outer boundary, a scapular area in this form. Three of the long tubules on 
the hinder part of the pectoral diverge from a single short stem, which con- 
nects them with the pleural. After connecting with one or more of the orbi- 
tal tubules, the pleurals go downward near the forehead. Immediately in 
front of the prominent scapular curve the laterals approach each other closely. 
They send out the occipital branch near the end of the aural. Along the 
greater portion of their lengths they are studded with short tubules, the ma- 
jority of which are branched two or more times, making four or more of the 
branchlets. On the skull the extremities of the dissected tubules interfere with 
each other so much, and become so confused, that it is not possible to present 
more than an approximation in the sketch. 

An arrangement of the pleurals on the under surface intermediate between 
that of Urolophus and Dasybatus is presented by this specimen. The lateral 
curve of the tubes is not so round or so regular as in the former genus, and 
the tubules are more massed along the anterior edge. Compared with the lat- 
ter, the lateral sweep is more regular, and the tubules are much less crowded 
along the anterior margin. From their point of appearance near the median 
the pleurals describe curves which are entitled to rank as intermediates be- 
tween those traced by the same tubes in the genera cited. At each end the 
suborbital is bent so as to form a hook; it meets the angular. Forward from 
the nostril there is a deep fold in the subrostral; the tube does not return 
quite to the nasal valve, and it cannot be traced beyond the base of the snout. 
The nasal is moderately curved. There is a very short median, apparently 
transverse. Behind each side of the mouth there is a short oral, which has 

the appearance of being affected by the swellings elsewhere seen in subrostrals 
VOL. XVII. — NO. 2, 7 


or prenasals, possible precursors of the follicles of Savi, evidences of the 
action of causes tending toward disruption and destruction of the canals. 
Below the disk the tubules are rather short and are somewhat separated, but 
not so much so as in Urolophus. 

The great difference of the canal distribution as compared with that ob- 
taining on the Potamotrygons is evidence to be added to that advanced by 
the writer in 1877, of the necessity of separating the river Trygons from the 
species properly belonging to the genus Teniura. 


Forward on the thoracic region of Dasybatus nudus (Plate XX XIX.) the 
laterals are nearer to each other than they are above the abdomen. On the 
shoulder the curve is moderately prominent. There is a pre-scapular branch, 
and also an area. There are no post-scapulars. The pleurals do not extend 
much farther out than the basipterygia of the pectorals; their tubules reach 
more than half-way to the margin of the disk, and end in small groups of 
branchlets. The pleurals descend rather close to the forehead. The aural 
is moderate; the occipitals are longer; and the occipital branches may spring 
either from the occipitals themselves, or from the laterals, or from both, as 
may happen, though most often they appear on the first. Posteriorly the 
cranials converge; the orbital curve is pronounced; and the canals seem to end 
on the snout. The orbitals cross the pleurals twice; they then go through to 
the lower face of the disk, more than half the length of the rostrum from the 
forehead. Their tubules are long and are branched at the ends, One only 
joins the pleural. 

Under the disk the figures outlined by the tubes are still more character- 
istic. Within the subrostral loop, in front of the nostril, the pleural makes its 
appearance. From this point it sweeps out and forward toward the tip of the 
snout, crossed by the subrostral once and by the suborbital three times. Be- 
fore reaching the extremity it turns, and, running close along the anterior mar- 
gin, sends forward a great number of fine short tubules. Near the outer angle 
of the pectoral it bends across the fin toward the pelvis, in front of which it 
meets the post-jugular extension. All of the tubules on this surface are along 
the pleural in front. Four areas are outlined by the suborbital. Only one of 
them is completely circumscribed by it, from the fact that two of its branches 
end without connections.. With the aid of the pleural, in front, the otherwise 
open areas one, two, and four are enclosed. The first goes back as far as the 
nostrils, the second as far as the mouth, the third as far as the middle of the 
space between the mouth and the gills, and the fourth area ends opposite 
the second gill opening. Suborbital and subrostral meet at the short. orbito- 
nasal. Angular and jugular are both crooked in irregular flexures. The sub- 
rostral is very much bent and folded; a prominent loop extends forward in 
front of the nostril, and another upon the nasal valve. . This canal disappears, 
without visible connections, at the base of the snout. The nasal has not a 


great deal of curvature. The median is short. The prenasals are long. On 
each side of the middle behind the lip is an oral that extends but little farther 
than the corner of the mouth. 

Marked variation in the branches of the suborbital occurs on the specimen 
sketched. Of species similar in shape, Dasybatus walga resembles this one 
very much in the patterns described by the orbitals, but D. zugei is even 
more simple than D. dipterurus in respect to the same tubes. In the first case 
cited the similarity is so close as to raise doubts of the specific distinction of 
the two. 

Dasybatus dipterurus (Plate XL.). Compared with the preceding, this species 
shows less prominent scapular curves, sharper bends in the cranials, more 
connections between orbitals and pleurals and less distance between their 
points of descent, and a larger number of tubules. On the lower surface 
the differences are a great deal more pronounced. The pleurals do not 
reach so far laterally, and they bear tubules toward the sides and posteri- 
orly as well as in front. The suborbitals traverse a comparatively direct 
course, though affected by many small flexures, till they reach a point op- 
posite the mouth, where they turn toward the nostrils, parallel with their 
former route, and meet the subrostrals directly in advance of the first gill cleft. 
The subrostrals also are sinuous; they form a prominent loop in front of the 
nostril, and, apparently, vanish near the base of the rostrum after advancing 
very little on the nasal valve. There is little doubt that the subrostrals and 
rostrals join; the latter pass to the lower surface, and may be traced back half 
the length of the snout before the walls of the tubes become so thin and deli- 
cate as to be undistinguishable from the surrounding tissue. The condition of 
the orbito-nasal in this specimen is one of uncertainty: on one side the subros- 
tral and the orbital meet, on the other side the subrostral and the nasal join. 

Dasybatus tuberculatus (Plates XLI., XLII.). Differences between this spe- 
cies and the preceding are numerous, and very noticeable. But a moderate 
degree of prominence is to be seen in the scapular bends of the laterals. The 
scapulars and the pre-scapular area are separated. The occipital branch is situated 
at the end of the aural. An intricate orbito-pleural plexus is formed, in which 
the spiracular branch of the orbital is concerned, with the usual anteorbital 
tubules. The tubules are abundant, elongate and branched; the posterior one 
on each pleural is forked. Toward the forehead the cranials diverge gradually ; 
opposite the fontanelle the curves are strong and sharp. Half-way from the 
eyes tu the end of the snout the orbitals pass to the lower surface. On the 
same transverse line, below the snout, are the points of emergence of both 
the orbitals and the pleurals, the latter being a trifle farther from the prenasals, 
although on the top they started down close to the skull. 

Considerable resemblances are seen in the outlines traced by the pleurals on 
the ventral aspects of the three species sketched, from this genus. There is 
the same outward prenarial curve, the same course along the anterior border 
with the great number of short tubules, and a similarly crooked route across 
the pectorals in the direction of the pelvis. The suborbitals connect with the 


subrostrals, as in both of the preceding, but do not reach them by a compara- 
tively simple course, as in D. dipterurus, or through complex areas, as in 
D. nudus. At the start they run forward to turn sharply back and to the 
side, before reaching the pleurals; then they commence a series of perplexing 
and seemingly erratic turns, doublings, and zigzags, that ultimately bring them 
opposite the second gill clefts and thence forward to the short orbito-nasals. 
Equally crooked is the course of the subrostral; it makes two prominent loops 
at the side of the nostril, one in front of it, and another at its inner side upon 
the nasal flap, before making its way directly to meet the rostral at the tip of 
the rostrum. The nasals partake slightly of the tendency toward sinuosities, 
as also the prenasals, orals, angulars, aud jugulars. The median is short. 

No attempt has been made in the drawing to follow the tubules of the head 
or back. The laterals continue along the sides of the tail throughout the whole 
of its great length. Under the snout the subrostral is difficult to trace, so 
much so that the connection with the rostral may yet be considered an open 

Plates XLIII.— XLV. 

Nowhere else in the order, so far as it has come under our notice, does the 
development of the canal system attain such a degree as in this genus. So 
great is the number of tubules and branchlets that the larger portion of the 
upper surface is a tangle of minute vessels. They are most closely grouped in 
a broad band along the anterior margin, and on the head; posteriorly they are 
not nearly so much crowded. A space entirely unoccupied by them is found 
on the middle of each pectoral, whence it extends upon the branchial area. 
Smaller spaces, quite as free from them, appear in the scapular areas, and above 
the abdomen behind the scapulars. On the ventral surface the extent of the 
canals is not so remarkable; it is not much greater on this side of the disk than 
in species of Dasybatus. The only cause that suggests itself for such an ex- 
traordinary development of the system on forms that seem so poorly provided 
with means of progression, of defence, or of procuring subsistence, is a greater 
dependence on vibrations in the water for knowledge of the presence of ene- 
mies or of prey. 

Pteroplatea hirundo (Plate XLIII. fig. 1). Resemblances in shape of disk 
between this species and P. valenciennti are accompanied by similarities in the 
figures outlined by the main canals. The pre-scapular area is large, and lies in 
front of a scapular network, in the formation of which the post-scapular is also 
concerned. Anteriorly the smaller canals are less numerous and much more 
loosely arranged than in either of the following species. Posteriorly, also, the 
vessels are less abundant, and their general appearance is more straggling and 
scattered than is the case on the same locality in those forms. The pleural 
appears on the lower surface about half-way from the median to the tip of 
the snout. . 


Pteroplatea marmorata (Plate XLIII. fig. 2). Greater length of disk and 
less lateral extension naturally bring about differences between this species 
and the following, in regard to shapes and outlines of areas, etc. For instance, 
the curve in the pleural behind the shoulder is comparatively deeper and 
shorter, and the finger-like area, projected toward the outer angle, stretches 
obliquely backward instead of nearly straight outward. 

A pair of strong pre-scapular branches are situated close together on the for- 
ward portion of the scapular curve. These are not connected with the scapular 
area, which is at some distance from them and close to the pleural canal. An 
elongate post-scapular branch lies near to, and for some distance parallel with, 
the pleural. The masses of tubules and branchlets are more compact than in 
the preceding, and less dense than in the following. On the lower surface the 
pleural emerges tio fifths of the distance from the median to the tip. 

Pteroplatea valenciennit (Plates XLIV., XLV.). Neither of the other spe- 
cies figured possesses so great a number of tubules as this one. Forward, the 
tubes are completely hidden. The laterals may be traced without removing 
the smaller vessels, except close to the back of the head. In the scapular sec- 
tion the curves are extensive, though not very prominent toward the pectoral. 
Near the aural the tubes are rather close together; from their bends in this 
vicinity long tubules, with two or more branches, extend back beyond the 
shoulders. Long tubules, also, put out from the sides of the laterals over 
the abdominal chamber, beyond which the main canals continue to the end 
of the tail. A couple of pre-scapular areas lie in front of the scapulars; the latter 
originate in a plexus of scapular and post-scapular branches, in which it is diffi- 
cult to trace the main line. A broad shallow bend, toward the hinder margin, 
brings the pleural behind and outside of the middle of the pectoral; there it 
turns forward and slightly inward till in front of the middle, where it turns 
directly toward the outer angle, making a deep notch, open backward. Some 
distance from the angle of the fin the tube turns toward the eye, nearly paral- 
lel with the margin, and, after meeting four or five of the suborbital tubules, 
descends near the forehead between the suborbital and the cranial, Anteri- 
orly the tubules are numerous, branching into a thicket; posteriorly they are 
not so many or so short, and do not present such a confused mass of branch- 
lets. Occipital branches occur on both laterals and occipitals. Opposite the 
orbits the orbitals make a prominent bend outward. On this bend are the 
tubules connecting with the pleurals; behind it are several long branches; and 
in front of it are a number of long tubules reaching forward. The orbitals 
descend in advance of the pleurals, and much nearer the rostrals. On the 
cranial the ante-orbital curve is sharp and produced. 

. Ventrally the pleurals extend near the front edges of the pectorals, for more 
‘than two thirds of the length of the latter, before turning toward the abdomen 
and meeting the jugular extension a little backward from the scapular arch. 
They emerge in the posterior third of the distance from the median to the tip 
of the snout; not as shown in the sketch, where the median is too far back and 
the pleural too far forward. The orbito-nasal is a mere point, as if the tubes 


crossed each other at right angles. For about half the width of the pectoral, 
the suborbital passes directly outward, parallel with the pleural. From its 
outermost point it goes to the orbito-nasal. The subrostral lies close to the 
side of the prenasal, connects with the rostral, and does not reach the nasal 
valve. The median is short. The prenasals are moderate, disconnected in 
front. The pleural tubules of this surface, the lower, are most numerous on 
the anterior section of the tube; they are not long, and have no branches. 


Above the disk the canals and their branches extend only about half-way 
from the vertebral line to the outer angles of the pectorals. Within these 
limits the surface is closely occupied. There is a great tendency to form ro- 
settes or mats of branchlets, at the ends of the tubules. From the forehead 
back to the base of the tail on each side of the vertebral column, the groups 
are dense, and so large as to be nearly continuous as a single one. The pleu- 
rals range close to the borders of the branchial areas. 

On the lower surface the pleurals run outward and return near the anterior 
border of the pectoral, and they then pass backward very near the basal carti- 
lages, thus merely skirting the fin. Elongate tubules pass outward on the base 
of the fin, hardly covering a fourth of the length, and others pass from the jugu- 
Jar extension inward upon theabdomen. In great part the orals are longitudinal. 
A continuous tube has, in each of the species drawn, taken the place of the 
separated sections of the oral, as apparent in the majority of the Batoidei. 

Myliobatis aquila (Plates XLVI., XLVII.). Tubules and branchlets are 
numerous, above the abdomen, on both inner and outer sides of the laterals, 
in this species. The scapular curves are not very prominent; the scapular 
angle is sharp. A pre-scapular enclosure, of moderate size, lies in front of the 
scapular, and, by union of pleural and the elongate post-scapular branch, a small 
scapular area is enclosed. The branchial area is somewhat well covered by mats 
of branchlets, from the occipital and from the pre-scapular tubules. The occipi- 
tal is elongate, and in some cases it bears the occipital branch; in others, this 
branch rises behind the aural. Tubules are very plentiful on the cranials. 
The ante-orbital bend in these tubes is moderate, and their rostral portions are 
short. Near the spiracle the orbital crosses the pleural, and it traverses two 
thirds or more of the length of the snout before going to the lower surface. 
In front of the eye the pleural rises upon the forehead; it makes its appear- 
ance on the under side near the nostril. Pleurals, orbitals, and cranials are 
thickly beset with tubules on or about the skull. 

Beneath the disk the outward course of the pleural lies near the anterior 
margin, for two thirds of the length of the latter; the tube then turns back, 
making a sharp angle, to take a backward course close to the jugular. It does 
not extend as far back as to the pelvis, and the spaces enclosed by it, with the 
jugular and suborbital, are very narrow and elongate. 


Behind its junction with the orbito-nasal the elongate suborbital makes 
a prominent loop. A similar loop occurs in the subrostral in advance of 
the nostril, and a second appears between the nostril and the median. The 
nasal is not greatly curved; it joins the subrostral, which in turn unites with 
the prenasal. Median and prenasals are short. The oral is crooked and 
branched; it extends back between the branchial clefts of the first pair. Tu- 
bules of moderate length, more or less branched, reach out upon the abdomen 
from the jugular, and upon the posterior areas of the pectoral fin from the 

Myliobatis freminvillet (Plate XLVIII.). Compared with the preceding this 
Ray has a greater number of the pleural tubules massed together opposite the 
spiracles, and fewer of them reaching out upon the body of the fin; and it has 
longer rostrals, orbitals, and prenasals. The scapular enclosure appears incom- 
plete on its outer boundary. The occipital branch is connected with the long 
occipital, and also with the lateral, possibly an individual peculiarity. Be- 
neath the disk the areas enclosed by the pleural are more irregular, but the 
oral is curved much more regularly. The nasal joins the subrostral, which 
unites with the rostral. The orbito-nasal is short, being little more than a 
crossing of nasal and angular. Subrostrals and prenasals are not united. 


Aétobatus narinari (Plate XLIX.) has but slight scapular bends in the lat- 
erals, and, apparently, has neither pre-scapular areas nor pre-scapular branches. 
A post-scapular branch or two enclose a very small space. On the pleurals there 
are few branches; those that exist are long, reaching beyond the middle of the 
fin. The branchings of the tubules are similar to those of Myliobatis and its 
allies. Opposite the end of the aural on each side is an occipital branch. 
The occipital is long. A spiracular branch was not discovered on the orbital. 
For a short distance this tube unites directly with the pleural, without the 
intervention of tubules, as in most Batoids; it crosses the track of the cranial 
twice, in front of the skull, and it descends not far from the tip of the rostrum. 
The pleurals descend much nearer the fontanelle. 

The arrangement of the lower pleurals is similar to that of Myliobatis, 
though the canals extend farther outward or backward ; they are hardly so 
close together in front, but are closer to the jugulars along the branchial clefts. 
From both of the transverse lines of the pleurals, near the forward edges ot 
each pectoral, the tubules run toward the front; from the longitudinal portions 
of the same tubes they pass outward, and from the hinder part of the extension 
from the jugular they reach inward. The suborbital and the angular meet 
below the posterior edge of the orbit, whence a long orbito-nasal connects them 
with the nasal and the subrostral. Both of the curves in the subrostral, that 
in front of the nostril and that on the nasal flap, are sharp and prominent; the 
tube joins directly with the prenasal a little way in front of the median. As 
is generally the case in the group, the median is rather short; the point at 


which the nasals unite is vertically above, or a little in front of the mesial 
forward bend, formed by the junction of the prenasals with the median. Con- 
sequently the median may be described as nearly or quite vertical. The pre- 
nasals are elongate; they unite directly with the subrostrals, forming with them 
a single tube on each side of the rostral cartilage, as in Myliobatis aquila. In 
M. freminvillei, which more closely resembles Aétobatus in shape, these tubes 
are closely applied, but remain separate. At each side of the median line the 
oral of Aétobatus sends forward a sharp curve, and on the outside of each of 
these a similar loop is sent outward; the tube goes some distance backward 
from this second bend before turning outward and forward. It ends without 
joining the angular. 

The closeness of the relationships existing between this genus and the pre- 
ceding are asserted in the characteristics of the canal system with as great 
emphasis as in any other portion of the anatomy. 

Plates L., LI. 

So far as the general features of the canal system are concerned, this genus 
resembles both of the preceding. At the same time there are respects in which 
it differs decidedly from either of them. The majority of these are due to 
difference in the structure of the head, yet the divergences are not wholly con- 
fined to this portion. Again, on comparison with Dicerobatus the indications 
of close affinities are very conspicuous on the trunk, but on the head the rela- 
tionship becomes apparent only on closer study, being masked by the dissimi- 
larity in shape. 

Rhinoptera brasiliensis (Plate L.). Abrupt bends give the scapular fold in 
this type more prominence than it would attain by a gradual curve, as it departs 
but little from the main course of the lateral. This fold bears a pre-scapular 
and also a post-scapular branch, and between them an elongate pre-scapular 
and a much smaller scapular inclosure. Behind the end of the aural, on the 
lateral, there is a strong forked occipital branch with a multitude of branchlets. 
Leaving the scapular area the pleural goes back and outward a short distance, 
where it has the appearance of being crowded back upon itself in a number of 
folds; from these it extends with tolerable directness to the side of the head. 
Its branches are few and long; their ends are much dissected. The two tu- 
bules in front of the posterior one are forked near the middle of their length; 
the hinder one branches a greater number of times. 

All of the anterior cephalic canals are affected by many flexures, as if in 
compensation for the short distances between the extremities of the tubes. 
Bringing the mouth so far back toward the gill-openings, and ending the snout 
below the forehead, gives the rostral canal a vertical direction, and carries 
orbital and pleural under the anterior part of the skull. The tubules of the 
orbital pass forward on the inclined portion of the forehead. No distribution 
of the canals occurs on the upper surface of the rostral fins; the tubes seek the 


lower face, going between these fins, and there become more sinuous and make 
broad and sweeping bends. 

At the side of the head, opposite the angle of the mouth, angular, pleural, 
and suborbital are close together and paraHel. Below, the pleural emerges 
farther back than its point of disappearance on the top. It passes to the side 
of the face, thence to the pectoral, where, in its outward and its inward course, 
it traces a pair of lines along the greater part of the anterior border of the fin. 
Returned from this it runs back nearly parallel with and not far from the 
jugular extension toward the pelvic region. The tubules of both the anterior 
lines are directed forward; of the two posterior lines those of the outer line 
are extended outward, and those of the inner toward the abdomen, inward. 
Passing around on the rostral fin, near its border, the suborbital reaches a 
point on the side of the head, near the corner of the mouth, where it accompa- 
nies the pleural while making a long loop outward; coming back from this, it 
unites at once with the angular. The orbito-nasal is long, curving toward the 
oral. The nasal itself is neither long nor greatly curved. Two great loops 
occupy the whole of the subrostral : one turning forward in front of the nostril, 
and the other backward upon the nasal valve. Both the median and the pre- 
nasals are short. The latter are not connected with the rostrals. Behind each 
side of the mouth there is an oral of moderate length, in which the ends extend 
transversely in opposite directions from a median longitudinal section. 

Rhinoptera (Zygobates) jussiewt (Plate LI.). Prominent among the features 
in which this species differs from the preceding are the increase in the number 
of tubules on the cranials, the presence of a group of tubules immediately be- 
hind the orbital on the occipital, the extension of the prelateral branch between 
the spiracle and the cranial, the shapes of the scapular and the pre-scapular 
areas, the augmented number of branches on the posterior scapular tubule, the 
more regular curves in the suborbital and the subrostral, and in the union of the 
oral across the median line. Besides these there are other particulars of vari- 
ance, more or less important, as a smaller amount of curvature in the pleural 
tubules of the ventral series, and greater parallelism in the prenasals, seen on 
comparison of the drawings. A close relationship of these species is indicated 
by the many points common to both. 


Dicerobatus olfersia (Plates LII., LIII.) presents a distribution of the corpo- 
ral canals that, in the main features, bears much resemblance to that of Mylio- 
batis, Aétobatus, or Rhinoptera. There is a similar nearly parallel arrangement 
of two sections of the lower pleural near the front margin of each pectoral, and 
of two others, closer together, along the basipterygia of the same fin. On the 
dorsal surface the likeness to Rhinoptera is the greater. At the shoulder there 
is a single large pre-scapuldr area. Near the scapular arch the sinuous folds of 
the pleural are less prominent than in the preceding, but the branchlets of the 
tubules are even more massed toward the posterior angle of the fin. A post- 


aural branch on the anterior extremity of the lateral recalls the same feature 
in Rhinoptera. Apparently the number of branchlets and openings is greater 
in Dicerobatus than in either of the other genera cited, and they form closer 
ageregations along the laterals or over the head. Connection between the 
laterals, across the vertebral line in the vicinity of the shoulder girdle, has 
not hitherto been observed. Still greater differences exist in the cephalic 
canals. If a specimen of one of the species of Rhinoptera were to have the 
pre-oral fins separated along the median line, and their inner edges carried 
upward and outward so as to be united to the skull along the edge below the 
eye, the mouth being at the same time much widened, an arrangement of the 
canals might be brought about that would present a somewhat near approach 
to that obtaining in Dicerobatus, so far as the distribution of the main vessels 
is concerned. The affinities between these genera are well indicated in the 

Laterals. — From the aural each lateral passes obliquely outward to the 
post-aural branch; thence it takes its way toward the point of junction of 
shoulder girdle and vertebral column. Nearing the latter, it sends a couple 
of tubes across it to the lateral of the opposite side, and immediately behind 
them turns inward and around, under itself, so as to make a rounded loop just 
in front of the pre-scapular enclosure. This may be an individual peculiarity. 
Behind the area the pleural is met, and farther back numerous tubules are sent 
out toward the median line. Half-way to the tail, or farther, some of the 
tubules pass to the outer side of the canal. In front of the shoulder seven or 
eicht tubules are sent inward toward the vertebre. The greatest branches are 
the post-aural and the scapular branch, by which the scapular area is enclosed. 

Pleurals. — Each pleural encloses a branchial area of moderate size, that is 
widest near the middle of its length and pointed toward each end, Twenty- 
four branches pass outward from the canal, in the specimen at hand; the 
median reach little more than half-way from the middle of the back to the 
tip of the pectoral. The posterior of these tubules are more branched than 
the anterior, the latter being short, confused, and irregular. To make its 
descent to the lower surface the pleural passes through the edge of the disk, a 
short distance behind the spiracle, and drops downward, meeting on the way 
several tubes connecting with the orbital, until below the level of the eye, 
where it turns forward nearly parallel with, and a short distance below, the 
suborbital. With the latter it is connected at narrow intervals by short tubes, 
a half-dozen or more in number. Below the pleural, in the suborbital region, 
there are about a dozen short tubules with numerous fine branches, the open- 
ings of which appear as thickly strewn dots on the surface. Some of these 
tubules originate in the pleural, the majority, however, belong to the sub- 
orbital. A little distance in front of the eye the pleural passes obliquely back- 
ward and inward to the lower surface, making its appearance a very little in 
front of the nostril. From this its course is somewhat irregular backward and 
outward to a point below the spiracle, whence it turns still more outward and 
upward toward the lower-side of the pectoral near the anterior border. -Oppo- 


site the angle of the mouth three or four tubules are sent downward and for- 
ward toward the lower border of the cephalic fin; a couple are sent inward 
behind the mouth; and several short ones are extended inward just before 
the tube enters its outward course along the border of the pectoral. Toward 
the anterior margin of this fin the canal puts forth a large number of short 
tubules, and near the outer angle, at the point of turning back on itself, two 
elongate branches are extended toward the tip. Each of these branches bears 
tubules. Returning toward the mouth the course of the pleural is not much 
farther from the edge. At first after making the bend it sends several tubules 
forward, then, near the middle of the fin, a number turn backward; nearing the 
first gill opening, some start forward, but turn and cross the canal, and still 
nearer, before turning back by the side of the extension of the angular, a few 
irregular branches are pushed forward. In their backward track the two inner 
sections of these sub-pleurals lie close together. The outer of the two has by 
far the greater number of tubules; from the shoulder girdle, anteriorly it sends 
these outward; near the girdle they are turned inward to cross the inner tube 
and reach the abdominal region. Opposite the middle of the abdomen, near the 
end of the course, the majority of the branches turn out and backward; a few 
only turn in to cross the tube; and at the turning-point of the tube an elon- 
gate tubule goes back upon the ventral fin. As the canal goes forward toward 
the jugular, it bears several branches turning toward the ventral region, then 
a few that cross the other section of the tube outward; but after leaving a point 
opposite the middle of the belly, it bears no others. 

Aural. — This tube is elongate and strongly bent back in its middle, behind 
the openings of the aqueducts. Near the median line it sends back three or 
four tubules. 

Occipitals. — From the aural, each of these tubes extends toward the eye, at 
the same time making a broad curve toward the branchial area, and sending 
several irregular branches in the same direction. 

Cranials. — A cranial goes forward from the end of each occipital directly 
toward the tip of the outstretched cephalic fin, without passing beyond the 
skull. Posteriorly each bears a number of tubules reaching toward the median 
line, but beyond a third of the distance forward they all reach outward to the 
supraciliary prominence, where they end in a band of thickly set punctures. 
Anteriorly the tubules are more numerous, more slender, and more crowded. 

Rostrals. — The rostral turns rather abruptly back and inward from the end 
of the cranial. It runs near the front edge of the snout until about half-way 
to the median line, where it passes to the lower surface. On the under side 
of the snout it curves broadly in the direction of the prenasals, then, taking a 
lateral direction before reaching the mouth, crossing and recrossing the nasal, 
and making a bend forward in front of the nostril, it crosses the pleural before 
meeting the orbito-nasal, which it joins opposite the corner of the mouth. One 
of the rostrals (sv), that on the right side of the specimen dissected, appears 
to be abnormal; it crosses the pleural, and a short distance behind it stops 
abruptly, making no connection whatever. 


Orbitals. — The junctions of orbitals and cranials are deeply buried in the 
tissues of the top of the head. The orbital is directed obliquely out toward 
the eye. In front of the spiracle it passes through the cartilage to the side 
of the head; there it makes a shallow backward curve and meets three or four 
tubes connecting it with the pleural. Eight or ten similar connections are 
made from the suborbital, behind the point at which it is crossed by the pleu- 
ral, as the latter passes to the lower (inner) surface between the fin and the 
skull. The majority of the branches uniting with the pleural below the sub- 
orbital in reality originated in the suborbital, but in crossing the other tube have 
become joined to it. After being crossed by the pleural, the suborbital, on its 
way forward, makes a number of sinuous windings, and sends forth a number 
of strong many-mouthed tubules, which are nearly parallel as they reach ahead. 
Anteriorly the tube divides. One section of it passes the edge of the fin to 
take a course on the inner side along the margin toward the tip; near the latter 
it turns back, in a slightly sinuous track along the middle of the inner surface 
of the fin, crossing the pleural, and meets the angular some distance behind its 
junction with the subrostral. The other section of the suborbital turns toward 
the rostral, running between it and the edge of the snout. Apparently it con- 
nects with the rostral, not far from the cranial, and descends, without going as 
far toward the median line as the former, to meet the extremities of the pre- 
nasals. The connections and extent of this portion of the suborbital are sub- 
ject to a little uncertainty on account of the number, excessive delicacy, and 
confused condition of the tubules, and the preclusion of injections by the 
preservation of the specimen. The openings of the branchlets of the sub- 
orbital form an elongate band of pores extending below the eye forward to the 
upper edge of the fin. 

Nasals. — These are strong transverse tubes; they become calcified as they 
approach the median. 

Median. — This tube is elongate, transverse, and, like the nasals, enclosed 
in a calcified envelope. 

Prenasals. — These are of moderate length, calcified posteriorly, delicate and 
slender anteriorly, and, apparently, connected in their front extremities by a 
very slender vessel from the suborbital and rostral. 

Orbito-nasals. — The orbito-nasals are of considerable length, and turn out- 
ward posteriorly. 

Angulars. — Each angular makes a broad outward curve toward the front 
margin of the pectoral. 

Orals. — Excessive fineness and delicacy in these vessels makes it very difh- 
eult to work them out. They were first sketched from the low ridges formed 
by the canals on the outer skin. The terminations and finer branchlets, of 
course, could not be marked in this manner. On removing the skin, however, 
some of the tubules were lost, and it was found better to give the sketch as 
taken from the surface. 



ulucous ducts and the canals were more or less confused by the 
- .aer writers. Usually both systems were treated as apparatus for the 
secretion of mucus, and for distributing it over the skin. It was a 
long time after the structural differences were pointed out before the 
_ difference in function was recognized. On account of the confusion, the 
list of authors treating of the canals is made to contain also those treat- 
ing of the ducts, as there are in most instances contrasts with the 
canals, or references to them, even in such writings as are most ex- 
clusively devoted to the ampulle of Lorenzini. And, further, to make 
the literature approximately complete on the embryogeny, the innerva- 
tion, and the general homologies of the system, it is found necessary to 
include studies of similar organs on the Fishes, the Batrachia, and the 
Insects. Consequently a few works are cited which have indirect con- 
nection only with the subject of this paper. 

As early as 1664 the outward openings of the ducts on the skin of 
the Skate were noted by Stenonis. Those on one of the Sharks were 
described by him in 1669. The information given by Blasius, in 1681, 
was drawn from the publication of Stenonis. 

Lorenzini, 1678, in observations on the Torpedoes, recognized the ex- 
istence of the two classes of vessels, and distinguished them by their 
distribution and by their branchings. Following the ducts he dis- 
covered their swollen inner terminations, now called the “ampulle 
of Lorenzini.” 

Monro, 1785, in his book on the ‘Structure and Physiology of 
Fishes,” figured both ducts and canals. Plate V. of his work traces the 
canals on the head and shoulders of a Cod. Plate VI. exposes the ven- 
tral ducts and the canals of a species of the genus Raia; and Plate VII. 
shows the ducts of the upper surface of the same Skate. According 
to this author each system formed part of ‘a very elegant structure for 
the preparation of the mucus.” 

Geoffroy, 1802, published his opinion that the mucous ducts of 
the Skate were the analogues of the electric apparatus of the Tor- 
pedo. His conclusions did not meet with ready acceptance among his 

Jacobson, 1813, put out a short paper, entitled “Extrait d’un Mé- 
moire sur un organe particulier des sens dans les raies et les squales,” 
in the “ Nouveau Bulletin des Sciences, par la Société Philomatique de 


Paris,” VI., p. 332, in which he announces the discovery that the ducts 
are organs of sense, carrying vibrations from the surrounding water to 
the nerves. He also pointed out that these vessels could hardly be the 
analogues of the batteries, both being found in the Torpedoes. Trevi- 
ranus, Knox, and others followed, agreeing more or less completely with 
his conclusions. Delle Chiaje, Savi, and other observers, still claimed 
that the ducts were to be regarded as ‘‘ organi mucipari,” distributing 
the slime over the surface. 

Blainville, 1822, and others of his time and later, among them Miiller, 
looked upon the canals as apparatus for the secretion of mucus. 

Savi, in 1840, announced his discovery of the “appareil folliculaire 
nerveux” to the Scientific Congress at Florence, and a year later it was 
published in the “ Atti della terza Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani in 

Mayer, 1843, arrived at conclusions similar to those of Geoffroy, 1802, 
and held that the mucous ducts of the Raiz were the analogues of the 
electric batteries of the Torpedinide. 

Savi, 1844, sent out his “ Etudes anatomiques sur le Systéme Nerveux 
et sur l’Organe électrique de la Torpille,” in Matteucci’s work, ‘“ Traité 
des Phénoménes Electro-physiologiques des Animaux,” of which it forms 
an appendix. Here he gives a detailed description and figures of series 
of follicles on the Torpedo, which are apparently of the same character 
as those sketched in the present work, on Disceus, Potamotrygon, and 
Urolophus, and which are here proved to be part of the canal system. 

Without mentioning all the writers who may have touched upon, or 
referred to either canals, follicles, or ducts, we may simply call attention 
to Wagner, 1847, to whom is to be credited the hypothesis that the 
function of the follicles of Savi is to excite the activity of the electric 
organs, and then proceed to several of the more important contributions 
toward an understanding of one or another of the organs. 

H. Miiller, 1851, makes three groups of the vessels, the greater part 
of which are to him organs of sensation instead of secretion. To quote 
his words, ‘‘ Unter der Rubrik ‘Schleimkanale’ sind bei den Knorpel- 
fischen verschiedene gebilde zusammengefiisst, von denen nur ein Theil 
den Schleimkanalen der Knochenfisch analog ist. Ein grosser Theil der 
Kanile bei Knorpel- wie bei Knochenfischen hat bestimmt nicht Secre- 
tion sondern Sensation zum Zweck.” 

Leydig, 1852, also makes three classes of the vessels, one class includ- 
ing the ducts, another the canals, and another the follicles of Savi. He 
characterizes them thus :— 



“1, als verzweigte Rohren, die in oder unter der Haut liegen. Sie setzen 
zusammen das System der Seitenlinie also die Seitenlinie selbst und ihre 
Auslaufer ; 

“9, als nicht verzweigte Rohren, welche mit einer erweiterung — Ampulle 
— blind geschlossen beginnen und sich auf der dusseren Haut offnen ; 

“3, als geschlossene Blasen, die also nicht in der Haut ausmiinden. 

“Mit der ersten und zweiten Classe sind sammtliche Rochen und Haie ver- 
sehen, mit der ersten, zweiten und dritten zusammen bloss die Zitterrochen.” 

Kolliker, 1856 and 1858, and Max Schultze, 1862, showed the exist- 
ence of a sensitive epithelium within the follicles. 

Leydig, 1868, brought forward one of the most important contribu- 
tions to knowledge of the organs under consideration. It was entitled 
“ Ueber Organe eines sechsten Sinnes,” and it deals with the matter in 
the most comprehensive way. The three classes of vessels are accepted 
as organs of a sixth sense. 

Boll’s monograph, “Die Lorenzinischen Ampullen der Selachier,” 
appeared in the same year, 1868. As its name indicates, it was devoted 
to the ducts, but references to the canals are included. 

A valuable addition to the literature, and very exhaustive so far as 
the follicles themselves are concerned, is the monograph, “ Le vesicole di 
Savi della Torpedine,” 1875, by the same author. He is able in this 
work to give no additional light on the physiological function of the 
vesicles. The idea that they are a form of the canals has little in it 
that is seductive to him, since it involves, as he says, ascribing one 
office to two organs of very different structure in the Selachia generally, 
or to three diverse organs in the Torpedinide alone. The hypothesis of 
R. Wagner, that the follicles provoked, in reflex manner, the activity of 
the electric organ, he claims to have shown in 1873 to be without foun- 
dation; and he maintains that the opinion that the follicles of Savi 
represent an organ of electric sense may only be discussed when the 
presence or absence of analogous organs is established in the other 
electric fishes. 

To Balfour, 1878 and 1881, more perhaps than to any other one, we 
are indebted for knowledge of the origin and innervation of the canals. 
He first found the lateral nerve to originate as the other nerves, and to 
push backward, following the lead of the canal and sending branches to 
connect with it in the successive segments that were traversed. His 
conclusions disagreed with those of Semper and Goette, who claim that 
the lateral nerve originates directly from the epiblast of the lateral 
line, but they results of more recent study favor his opinions rather 
than theirs. 


In connection with the embryogeny, segmental distribution of the 
nerve-endings, etc., it is found necessary to refer to a number of publi- 
cations relating mainly to other organs of the Selachia, or to similar 
organs in other classes of animals. Semper, Goette, Eisig, Dercum, Van 
Wijhe, Hoffmann, Wright, and others, have all put forward contribu- 
tions which may not be overlooked, though not in most cases directly 
connected with the subject of this paper. 

Solger, 1878-80, is the author of a number of papers relating to the 
microscopical anatomy in Selachia, Holocephala, and Fishes. 

Sappey, 1880, in his «“ Etudes sur l’appareil mucipare et sur le sys- 
teme lymphatique des Poissons,” did some work on the Selachia, the re- 
sults of which are indicated on several plates illustrating the courses and 
connections of the canals, as well as of the mucous ducts, of a Skate, 
probably Faia clavata, and of a Shark, probably Galeus. This is the 
nearest approach to a delineation of the canal system since the attempt 
of Monro, nearly a century previous. Some peculiarities are to be seen 
on the plates in Sappey’s publication, which apparently make the species 
dissected for the drawings to differ greatly from others of their genera. 
A number of the items of greatest variance are evidently the conse- 
quences of incomplete observations. The most questionable points on his 
Skate are these: (1) the connection of prenasal and subrostral; (2) the 
absence of connection between subrostral and rostral; (3) absence of 
junction of suborbital and orbital; (4) the disunited condition of upper 
and lower sections of the pleurals; (5) the ending of the upper pleural 
near the orbit ; (6) the presence of a transverse canal between the cra- 
nials in front of the orbital; and (7) the absence of the aural. On his 
Shark neither aural, orbitals, nor orals would appear to have been 

De Sede, 1884, in his “Recherches sur la ligne latérale des Poissons 
osseux,” details the results of a number of essays toward a determination 
of the uses of the organ. In this work he also instituted a number of 
comparisons for the purpose of ascertaining its value in classification. 
He occupies the position of a pioneer in the directions of his study. 
From his experiments he decides that the line is a tactile organ of ex- 
treme delicacy. In the Selachia the canals demand higher rank as aids 
in classification than he accords them in the Teleostei, and his conclu- 
sion that the apparatus is more necessary to the least migratory fishes 
is directly opposed to what is seen on such Sharks as Alopias, or such 
Rays as Dicerobatus. 

Beard, 1885, has made one of the most recent and important contri- 


butions to the literature of the subject. In the main, his conclusions 
agree with those of Balfour. 

Though the distinctions between the canals, the ducts, and the folli- 
cles had by a number of writers been kept prominently in sight for many 
years, Professor Agassiz was the first to attempt the use of the canal 
system as a basis for homologies, as an aid in classification, or as a means 
of tracing affinities, purposes for which it is admirably adapted. 


N. Stenonis. 
De Musculis et Glandulis observationum specimen cum duabus epistolis 
quarum una ad Guil. Pisonum de anatome Rajae, etc. Amst., 1664. 
Elementorum Myologie specimen; accedit Canis Carcharie caput dissectum, 
et dissectus piscis e Canum genere. Amst., 1669. 
S. Lorenzini. 
Osservazioni intorno alle Torpedini. Firenze, 1678; Lond., 1705, Angl. 
Miscellanea curiosa s. Ephemeridum medico-physicorum, Ann. IX. et X., 
p- 389; in Miscell. Acad. Nat. Cur., Dec. Ann. IX. et X., obs. 17. 
Schneider’s Sammlung von anatom. Aufsatzen und Bemerkungen zur Auf- 
klarung der Fischkunde, Th. I. p. 98, fig. 
G. Blasius. , 
Anatome Animalium. 1681. De Cane Carcharia, p. 264, from Stenonis. 
M. B. Valentini. 
Amphitheatrum Zoétomicum. 1720. 
(uvres diverses de Physique et Méchanique. 1721. Vol. II. 
A. Monro. ; 
The Structure and Physiology of Fishes. 1785. 
Vergleichung des Baues und der Physiologie der Fische. 1787. Schneider’s 
P. Camper. 
In Schneider’s Translation of Monro’s work, pp. 16-19. 1787. 
E. Geoffroy St. Hilaire. 
“Sur lanatomie comparée des organes électriques de la raie torpille, du 
gymnote engourdissant, et du silure trembleur.” In Ann. du Mus., I. 
p. 392. 1801. 
L. Jacobson. 
“Bxtrait d’un Mémoire sur un organe particulier des sens dans les raies et 
les squales.” In Nouv. Bull. des Sciences, par la Société Philomatique de 
Paris, 1813, VI. p. 332. 
VOL, XVII. —NO. 2. 8 


G. R. Treviranus. 
Vermisclite Schriften anat. und physiol. Inhalts. 1820, ‘‘ Ueber die Nerven 
des fiinften Paars als Sinnesnerven.” 
Untersuchungen tiber die Natur des Menschen, der Thiere und der Pflanzen, 
1832, IV. 

H. D. de Blainville. 
Principes d’anatomie comparée, 1822, I. 

C. Huschke. 
Beitrage zur ‘Physiologie und Naturgeschichte, 1824, I. 
Isis, 1825, Taf. XI. f. 1. 

R. Knox. 
“On the Theory of a sixth Sense in Fishes,” in Edinb. Jour. Sci., II. 1825. 
Analysis of Knox’s paper on a Sixth Sense, ete., in Bull. Se. Nat., II. 1827, 
p. 12. 
J. Miiller. 
De glandularum secernentium structura, 1830. 

S. Della Chiaje. 
Instituzione di anatomia comparata, 1836. 
Anatomiche disamine sulle Torpedini, in Atti del Reale Istituto d’ Incorragia- 
mento alle Scienze Naturali di Napoli, VI. 1840, p. 291. 
J. Davy. 
Researches Physiological and Anatomical, I. 1839, p. 85, Pl. X., XI. 

P. Savi. 
Atti della terza Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani in Firenze, 1841, p. 334; 
noted in Isis, 1843, Heft. VI. 
Etudes anatomiques sur la Torpille, 1844; in Matteucci, Traité des Phé- 
nomenes Electro-physiologiques des Animaux, p. 332, No. 10, Pl. IIT. 

F. Magendie. 
Phénomenes physiques de la Vie, 1842. 
C. Mayer. 
Specilegium observationum anatomicarum de Organo electrico in Raiis ana- 
lectricis, 1843, p. 9. 
G. Carus. 
Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Zootomie, 1843, I. p. 329. 
G. Retzius. 
Oefversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps Akad. Férhandlingar. 1845. Noticed in 
Froriep’s Notizen, 1848, V. p. 53. 
C. Robin. 
Bull. Soc. Philomatique, 1846. 
Recherches sur un appareil électrique des Raies. In Ann. Se. Nat., (8¢ sér.) 
VIL. pp. 193-204. 


R. Wagner. 
Ueber den feineren Bau des elektrischen Organs im Zitterrochen. In Ab- 
hand. der K6n. Gesellsch. der Wissensch. zu Gottingen, III., 1847. 

H. Stannius. 
Das peripherische Nervensysteme der Fische, 1849, p. 45. 
F. Leydig. : 
Ueber die Schleim Kanale der Knochen Fische, 1850, in Miiller’s Archiv 
Anat., p. 170. 
Zur Anatomie und Histologie der Chimera monstrosa, in Miiller’s Archiv, 
1851, p. 249. 
Beitrige zur mikroskopischen Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der 
Rochen und Haie, 1852. 
Lehrbuch d. Histologie des Menschen u. d. Thiere, 1857. 
Ueber Organe eines sechsten Sinnes, 1868, in Nova Acta Acad. Ces. Leop. 
Nat. Curios., XXXIV. 93. 
Neue Beitrage zur anatomischen Kenntniss der Hautdecke und Hautsinnes- 
organe der Fische. 1879. 
H. Miiller. 
Verhandlungen der phys.-med. Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg, 1851, pp. 134-144. 

E. J. Bonsdorff. : 
Anat. Beskrifn. af Cerebral Nerverna hos Raja clavata, 1853, in Acta Soc. 
Se. Fenn., V. 
Siebold and Stannius. 
Zootomie der Fische, 1854, I. p. 105. 
C. Eckhard. 
Beitrage zur Anat. und Physiol., 1858 (1855-81). 
A. Kolliker. 
Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Gewebelehre, in Verhandl. der phys.- 
med. Gesellsch. zu Wirzburg, 1856. 
Ueber . . . . Savi’s appareil folliculaire nerveux, in Verhandl. phys.-med. 

Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg, 1858. 

Des Appareils électriques des Poissons électriques, 1858. 

_Etudes d’anat. comp. sur les organes du toucher chez diverses mammiféres, 
oiseaux, poissons, et insectes, 1872. 

R. McDonnell. 

Electric Organs of the Skate, 1861, in Nat. Hist. Review, p. 59. 

On the System of the Lateral Line in Fishes, 1862, in Trans. Roy. Irish 
Acad., XXIV. 

F. E. Schulze. 

Ueber die Nervenendigung in den sogenannten Schleimkanalen der Fische 
und iiber entsprechende Organe der durch Kiemen athmenden Amphi- 
bien, 1861, in Reichert und Du Bois-Reymond’s Archiv fiir Anat. und 
Physiol., p. 759. 


Ueber die Sinnesorgane der Seitenlinie bei Fischen und Amphibien, 1870, in 
Schultze’s Archiv fiir mikroskop. Anat., VI. p. 62. 
On the Organs of Sense in the Lateral Line in Fishes and Amphibians, 1872, 
Abstr. in Arch. Zodl. Expér. et Génér., I. pp. i-iv. 
Max Schultze. 
Untersuchungen iiber den Bau der Nasenschleimhaut, 1862, pp. 11-13. 
A. Dumeéril. 
Hist. Nat. des Poissons, 1865, I. 80-86. 
F. Boll. 
Die Lorenzinischen Ampullen der Selachier, 1868, in Schultze’s Archiv fir 
mikr. Anat., IV. 375. 
Beitrage zur Physiologie von Torpedo, 1873, in Archiv fiir Anat. und 
Physiol., p. 92. 
Le vesicole di Savi della Torpedine, 1875, in R. Acad. de’ Lincei, II. (2), 
p. 385. 
Die Savi’schen Blaschen von Torpedo, 1875, in Reichert’s und Du Bois- 
Reymond’s Archiv, p. 456. 
Ueber die Savi’schen Blaschen von Torpedo, 1875, in Monatsbericlte Berl. 
Akad., p. 238. 
Contribuzione alla Anatomia e alla Fisiologia dei tubi di senso dei plagio- 
stomi, 1870. 
Sulla Struttura dei plessi nervosi, 1872. 

A. Goette. 
Entwicklungsgeschichte der Unke, 1875. 

C. Semper. 
Das Urogenitalsystem der Plagiostomen und seine Bedeutung fir das der 
Uebrigen Wirbelthiere, 1875. 

B. Solger. 
Ueber die Seitenorgane der Fische, 1878, in Leopoldina, Heft XIV. p. 74. 
Neue Untersuchungen zur Anatomie der Seitenorgane der Fische, 1879. 
I. Der Seitenorgane von Chimera, in Arch. fiir mikr. Anat., XVII. p. 95. 
II. Die Seitenorgane der Selachier, 1880, 1. c. p. 450. 
Ueber den feineren Bau der Seitenorgane der Fische, 1880, in Sitzungsb. 
nat. Ges. Halle, p. 105. 
Neue Untersuchungen zur Anatomie der Seitenorgane der Fische. 
III. Die Seitenorgane der Knochenfische, 1880, in Arch. fiir mikr. Anat., 
XVIII. p. 364. 
Bemerkung iiber die Seitenorganketten der Fische, 1882, in Zool. Anz., V. 
p- 660. 

A. A. W. Hubrecht. 
Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Kopfskeletes der Holocephalen, 1876-77, in 
Niederlandisches Archiv fiir Zool., III. p. 155. 


F. M. Balfour. 
A Monograph on the Development of Elasmobranch Fishes, 1878, p. 141. 
A Treatise on Comparative Embryology, 1881, p. 443. 
F. Dercum. 
The Lateral Sensory Apparatus of Fishes, 1879, in Proc. Philadelphia Acad- 
emy, p. 152. 
H. Eisig. ; 
Die Segmentalorgane d. Capitelliden, 1879, in Mitth. a. d. Zool. Station zu 
Neapel, I. 
J. Chatin. 
Les organes des sens dans la série animale, legons d’anatomie et de phy- 
siologie comparée, faites a la Sorbonne, 1880. 
P. C. Sappey. 
Etude sur l’appareil mucipare et sur le systtme lymphatique des Poissons, 
Extracts from preceding, in Guide du Naturaliste, IT. pp. 29, 54. 
J. W. van Wijhe. 
Ueber die Mesodermsegmente und die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Nerven 
des Selachierkopfes, 1882, in Natuurk. Verhandl. Akad. Amst., XXII. 
P. de Séde de Liéoux. 
Recherches sur la ligne latérale des Poissons osseux, 1884. 
La ligne latérale des Poissons osseux (Extr. de la These). Rev. Scientif., 
XXXIV. p. 467. 
S. Garman. 
An Extraordinary Shark, 1884, in Bull. Essex Institute, XVI. 
Chlamydoselachus anguineus, 1885, in Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., XII. 
J. Beard. 
On the Segmental Sense Organs of the Lateral Line, etce., 1885, in Zool. 
Anzeiger, VII. p. 220. 



ang. Angular. n. Nasal. pp. Post-pleural. 
au. Aural. o. Oral. r. _ Rostral. 
cr. Cranial. oc. Occipital. sc. Scapular. 
g. Gular. on. Orbito-nasal. so. Suborbital. 
j.  Jugular. orb. Orbital. sp. Spiracular. 
E Lateral. p. Pleural. sr. Sub-rostral. 
m. Median. pn. Prenasal. st. Sternal. 

I. Jsurus punctatus sp. DeKay. With the names and abbreviations. Fig. 1, 
top, 2, front, 3, lower, and 4, side view of head. 
II. Chimera monstrosa Linné. Fig. 1, side, full length; 2, top, 3, front, 4, side, 
and 5, lower view of head. 
III. Callorhynchus antarcticus La C.; Cuv. Fig. 1, side, and 2, back, full length ; 
3, lower view of head. é 
IV. Callorhynchus antarcticus. Fig. 1, side, 2, top, and 3, lower view of head. 
V. Scoliodon terre nove Rich.; Gill. Fig. 1, side, full length; 2, half of lower, 
38, half of upper, and 4, front view oi head. 
VI. Prionodon milberti (Val.) M. & H. Fig. 1, side, full length; 2, lower, 
3, front, and 4, upper view of head. 
VII. Cestracion tiburo L.; Dum. (Zygena auct.) Fig. 1, lower, and 2, upper 
view of head. 
VIII. Mustelus canis Mitch.; DeKay. Fig. 1, side, entire; 2, lower, 3, front, and 
4, top view of head. 
IX. Triacis semifusciatum Girard. Fig. 1, side, entire ; 2, lower, 3, front, and 
4, top view of head. 
X. Jsurus punctatus sp. DeKay. Fig. 1, side, entire; 2, lower, 3, front, and 
4, top view of head. 
XI. Odontaspis americanus Mitch.; Abb. Fig. 1, entire side; 2, top, 3, front, 
and 4, lower view of head. 
XII. Alopias vulpes Gmel.; Bonap. Fig. 1, front, 2, top, and 3, lower view 
of head. 
XIII. Alopias vulpes. Entire view of side. 
XIV. Heptabranchias maculatus Girard. Fig. 1, side, and 2, top view of head. 
XV. Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garman. Fig. 1, side, and 2, top view of head. 
XVI. Ginglymostoma cirratum Gmel.; M. & H. Fig. 1, entire side; 2, lower, 
8, front, and 4, top view of head. 
XVII. Scylliorhinus caniculus sp. Linn. Fig. 1, entire side; 2, lower, 3, front, and 
4, top view of head. 
XVIII. Heterodontus philippi La C.; Blainv. Fig. 1, entire side; 2, lower, 3, front, 
and 4, top view of head. 
























Acanthias americanus Storer. Fig. 1, entire side; 2, half of lower, 3, half 
of upper, and 4, front view of head; 5, side of tail; 6, section of canal 
at side of tail. 

Somniosus carcharias Miller; Garm. Fig. 1, top, and 2, lower view of 

Rhina squatina L.; Dum. Fig. 1, top of head, with tubules; 2, full 
length, main tubes; 3, front, and 4, lower view of head. ; 

Pristiophorus cirratus Lath.; M. & H. Fig. 1, top, and 2, lower view 
of head. 

Pristis pectinatus Latham. Fig. 1, top, and 2, lower view of anterior 
half of total length. 

Rhinobatus planiceps Garman. Fig. 1, top, and 2, lower view. 

Syrrhina brevirostris Miller & Henle. Fig. 1, top, and 2, lower view. 

Uraptera agassizii M. & H. Fig. 1, lower, and 2, upper view. 

Raia levis Mitchill. Upper surface, showing tubes and tubules. 

Raia levis. Upper view, showing (1) the hyaline mucous ducts of the 
“ampulle of Lorenzini,” and (2) the main tubes of the canal system. 

Raia levis. Fig. 1, lower, and 2, upper view of head. 

Raia ocellata Mitch. Fig. 1, top, and 2, lower view of disk. 

Torpedo californica Ayres. Upper view. 

Torpedo marmorata Risso. Upper view. 

Narcine brasiliensis Olf.; Henle. Upper view. 

Potamotrygon motoro M. & H.; Garm. Fig. 1, upper, 2, lower surface. 

Disceus strongylopterus Schomb.; Garm. Fig. 1, upper, 2, lower surface. 

Urolophus halleri Cooper. Upper view. 

Urolophus halleri. Lower view. 

Teniura lymma Cuv.; M. & H. Fig. 1, upper, and 2, lower view. 

Dasybatus nudus Gthr.; Garm. Fig. 1, upper, and 2, lower view. 

Dasybatus dipterurus Jordan. Fig. 1, lower, and 2, upper view. 

Dasybatus tuberculatus La C.; Garm. Lower view. 

Dasybatus tuberculatus. Upper view. 

Fig. 1. Pteroplatea hirundo Lowe. 
marmorata Cooper. Upper view. 

Pteroplatea valenciennii Duméril. Upper surface. 

Pteroplatea valenciennii. Fig. 1, upper, and 2, lower view. 

Myliobatis aquila L.; Cuy. Upper surface. 

Myliobatis aquila. Fig. 1, lower surface, and 2, side of head. 

Myliobatis freminvillii Lesueur. Fig. 1, upper, and 2, lower view. 

Aétobatis narinari Euph.; M. & H. Fig. 1, upper, and 2, lower surface ; 
3, lower view of end of pectoral; 4, side and lower view of head; 
5, tail and hinder part of body. 

Upper view. Fig. 2. Pteroplatea 

. Rhinoptera brasiliensis Miiller. Fig. 1, upper, and 2, lower view of disk ; 

3, lower side of end of pectoral fin; 4, side and lower view of head. 

. Rhinoptera jussieut Cuy.; Gthr. Fig. 1, upper, 2, lower, and 3, side and 

lower view of head. 
Dicerobatus olfersii Miiller ; Gthr. Fig. 1, upper surface ; 2, side of head. 
Dicerobatus olfersii. Lower surface. 

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No. 3.— Zhe Coral Reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. 

Norr.— The present number of the Bulletin has been completed since last 
autumn, but its distribution has been delayed for two months, owing to my absence 
from Cambridge. On my return to this country I find an article by Professor J. D. 
Dana, in’ the February number of the American Journal of Science, on the ‘‘ Geo- 
logical History of Oahu,” which I am unfortunately unable to discuss in this paper. 
I can only call attention in this note to the fact that he looks upon the data fur- 
nished by the borings of the artesian wells of Oahu as evidence that the island has 
probably subsided to the extent of eight hundred feet, that being the distance below 
the surface at which reef rock has been passed through below the coral-growing 
limit. But, as he says, ‘‘ the fossils of the reef rock passed through below the coral- 
growing limit have not been examined, and the subsidence is therefore not positively 
proved.” My own explanation of the same borings is found on page 150 of this 


CAMBRIDGE, April, 1889. 

MOSt tThorougn examination OL We Lyurograpulie Cuarus wWilicn aU ally 
bearing on the subject. But no naturalist has had opportunities to 
make a personal examination of the conditions of growth of corals and 
of coral islands such as have been enjoyed by Dana, as geologist of the 
United States Exploring Expedition. His Report on Coral Reefs and 
Islands, published in 1849, contains a full account of his own observa- 
tions (1838-1842) on the Hawaiian Islands, the Society Islands, the 
Samoa and Viti groups, and his theories are based upon his own experi- 
ence, far wider than that of any other writer on the subject. He has 
therefore drawn but little either from the descriptions of the voyagers of 
the early part of this century, or from the hydrographic charts, both of 
which form so essential a part in the Darwinian theory of coral reefs. 
‘An examination of the hydrographic charts of the coral reefs, while 
interesting, can lead to no sound conclusion. Well as I know the 
Florida reefs and part of the Bahamas, as well as the majority of the 
West India coral reefs, I should hesitate to base any general conclusions 
VOL. XVII.— NO. 3. 

No. 3.— The Coral Reefs of the Hawaiian Islands. 

BrroreE giving the results of my observations on the Coral Reefs of 
the Sandwich Islands, it may be useful to recapitulate the salient points 
of the older theories of the formation of the coral reefs, from Chamisso’s 
(1815-1818) to Darwin’s (1842), as well as the modification of the lat- 
ter by Dana (1838-1842, 1849), and to enumerate briefly the objections 
which have been made to the general application of the theory of sub- 
sidence to the special cases examined by later investigators, from Agassiz 
(1851) to the present time. 

I need only refer to the earlier views of Forster, who imagined coral 
reefs to have been built up from the bottom of the.ocean, a view which 
was naturally untenable after the observations of Quoy and Gaymard on 
the limits of depth at which corals apparently thrive, as well as the later 
observations of Ehrenberg on the coral reefs of the Red Sea. 

Darwin, it should be remembered, examined only the Great Chagos 
Bank, and based his speculations on the observations he made on this 
single group, supplementing the knowledge, however, by a most exhaust- 
ive analysis of the observations and descriptions of others, and a 
most thorough examination of the hydrographic charts which had any 
bearing on the subject. But no naturalist has had opportunities to 
make a personal examination of the conditions of growth of corals and 
of coral islands such as have been enjoyed by Dana, as geologist of the 
United States Exploring Expedition. His Report on Coral Reefs and 
Islands, published in 1849, contains a full account of his own observa- 
tions (1838-1842) on the Hawaiian Islands, the Society Islands, the 
Samoa and Viti groups, and his theories are based upon his own experi- 
ence, far wider than that of any other writer on the subject. He has 
therefore drawn but little either from the descriptions of the voyagers of 
the early part of this century, or from the hydrographic charts, both of 
which form so essential a part in the Darwinian theory of coral reefs. 

‘An examination of the hydrographic charts of the coral reefs, while 
interesting, can lead to no sound conclusion. Well as I know the 
Florida reefs and part of the Bahamas, as well as the majority of the 
West India coral reefs, I should hesitate to base any general conclusions 

VOL. XVII. — NO. 3. 


upon an examination of these charts, much less to attempt any but very 
indefinite deductions for local phenomena or conditions. 

It seems scarcely necessary to discuss the opinions of Wilkes, who 
dismisses the whole basis of the theory of coral reefs, besides the special 
theory of Darwin, and who calmly says: “ After much inquiry and due 
examination, I was unable to believe that these great formations are 
or can possibly be the work of zodphytes; . .. I cannot but view the 
labors of these animals as wholiy inadequate to produce the effects 
which I observed.” There seems to be only one critical observation 
worthy of remark. When speaking of the formation of lagoons he sug- 
gests the possibility of the washing influx and efflux of the sea to carry 
off in the shape of mud or sand, or in solution, the strata underlying the 
central part of a lagoon. Wilkes further says: “It seems almost 
absurd to suppose that these immense reefs should have been raised by 
the exertions of a minute animal, and positively so to explain the pecu- 
liar mode of construction by which reefs of an annular shape are formed, 
when in nine cases out of ten they are of other figures.” The last part 
of his statement seems to have been lost sight of in the discussions on 

In striking contrast to Wilkes’s opinions are the observations of 
Couthouy, one of the naturalists of the United States Exploring Expe- 
dition, who published in 1842 his views on the Coral Islands of the 
Pacific.? He suggests that corals are limited in their range of growth 
by temperature rather than depth, and that wherever this is not be- 
low 76° Fahrenheit, then, ceteris paribus, they will be found to flourish. 
Couthouy admits the correctness of the theory advanced by Darwin, 
and believes the great thickness of the reefs to have been produced by a 
gradual and long continued subsidence of the original shelf of coral, while 
the surface was maintained at the same level as at first by the unceas- 
ing additions made by the polyps. He also believes that the whole of 
Polynesia is at present slowly rising, and gives his reasons for believ- 
ing in a former subsidence of a great continent, mainly based upon the 
identity of the volcanic and coralline rocks composing the majority of the 
islands of Polynesia. Couthouy describes the seaward side of the encir- 
cling reef of the Paumotu group as representing a succession of terraces 
or plateaus ; the lowest of variable breadth, seldom exceeding one hun- 

1 Wilkes, Charles, Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition, Lon- 
don, 1845, Vol. IV. p. 268. 

2 Joseph P. Couthouy, “ On Coral Formations in the Pacific,” Journ. Bost. Soc. 
Nat. Hist., 1842, p. 66. 


dred and fifty feet, and declining rapidly seaward. These terraces as they 
recede from the sea become shallower and shallower, having at their ex- 
tremity a sort of steep talus extending to the one next below it. This 
is probably due to the action of the surf, as the force of the sea becomes 
less and less where it is broken towards the shore line, though Couthouy 
is inclined to see in these terraces the effect of subsidence. But as he 
distinctly says that the outer terraces have only twelve to fifteen fathoms 
of water on them, about the limit of reef-growing corals, his explanation 
does not appear satisfactory even in the case of the terrace of Belling- 
hausen’s Island, on which he found twenty-eight fathoms. 

It seems much more natural to look upon the channels left, either in 
the barrier reefs or in atolls, as due to the original inequalities in the 
level of the foundation of the reef. The corals would naturally reach the 
surface soonest at the highest point, thus leaving passages which might 
at particular parts of the reef, and under certain local conditions, be 
gradually closed by the active growth of the corals, or might, on the 
other hand, remain open wherever the tides or currents rushed through 
them with sufficient force to check their increase, or where the silt was 
deposited in such quantities as to obstruct it. 

It is interesting to go back to Kotzebue’s Voyage, and to find in the 
chapter on the Coral Islands, by Chamisso, the following: “ The corals 
have founded their buildings on shoals in the sea; or, to speak more 
correctly, on the top of mountains lying under water. On the one side, 
as they increase, they continue to approach the surface of the sea, on the 
other side they enlarge the extent of their work.”? He noticed the more 
rapid growth of the coral where exposed to the action of the surf, and the 
obstacles to their growth in the middle of a broad reef, due to the amass- 
ing of shells and accumulation of coral fragments, and also to the forma- 
tion of coral land by the cementation of the calcareous sand, gradually 
increasing in thickness till it is covered by the sea only during certain 
seasons of the year. He also noticed the formation of reefs more or less 
circular, with an interior sea, having a depth sometimes of thirty to 
thirty-five fathoms, which he explains from the action of the natural 
causes above enumerated. 

Dr. Guppy ? justly says in Nature: “The development of the new 
theory should be kept in mind. Chamisso seventy years ago advanced 
the view that an atoll owes its form to the growth of corals at the 
margin and to the repressive influence of the reef débris in the in- 

1 Kotzebue, Vol. ITI. p. 331, London, 1821. 
2 H. B. Guppy, Nature, March 15, 1888, p, 462. 


terior ; but this view gave no satisfactory explanation of the foundation 
of such a coral reef, and Darwin was driven to his theory of subsidence. 
The great defect in the way of Chamisso was, however, removed by Mur- 
ray, who supplied the foundation of an atoll without employing subsid- 
ence, and investigation in the Florida Sea (Agassiz) and in the Western 
Pacific (Guppy) have confirmed his conclusions. The forms of reefs he 
attributed to well known physical causes. Both Semper and Agassiz 
have dwelt upon the importance of other agencies, and in our present 
state of knowledge it will be wisest to combine in one view the several 
agencies enumerated by them as producing the different forms of coral 
reefs. On the outer side of the reef we have the directing influence of 
the currents, the increased food supply, the action of the breakers, ete. 
In the interior of a reef we have the repressive influence of sand and 
sediment, the boring of the numerous organisms that find a home on 
each coral block, the growth of Nullipores, the solvent action of the 
carbonic acid in the sea-water, and the tidal scour. These are all real 
agencies, and we only differ as to the relative importance we attach to 
each. Future investigations will probably add others i the list, besides 
ascertaining the mode and degree of action of each case.’ 

According to the theory of subsidence, there is no limit to ie thick- 
ness which a coral reef, rising out of deep water, may attain. It may 
rest upon rocks of any material situated in a region of subsidence, while 
naturally it would extend mainly vertically, its horizontal width being 
comparatively slight. According to the other theory, which does not 
call upon subsidence to explain the formation of barrier reefs or of atolls, 
the base of coral reefs, whether atolls or barrier reefs, may be any pla- 
teau or eminence, either volcanic or the product of accumulations of lime- 
stone banks, which have reached the requisite height for the growth of 
corals. The presence of such limestone banks and of eminences, either 
voleanic or other, which have reached the level at which corals will 
flourish is nowhere better exemplified than in the West Indian region, 
where we find atolls, barrier reefs, and fringing reefs in a region which 
is eminently one of elevation. In an area of elevation we may have 
comparatively thin reefs, forming a mere casing to the core upon which 
they have grown, as Guppy has shown in the case of one of the Solomon 

Mr. J. J. Lister, the naturalist of H. M. S. Egeria, Commander Al- 
drich, describes Christmas Island as being a succession of horizontal 
terraces, marking the pauses of its gradual elevation during which a 

1 Nature, December 29, 1887, p. 203. 



fringing reef was formed. There was a cap of coral limestone over 
the whole island ; the very top of the island, twelve hundred feet high, 
being a block of worn and undermined coralline limestone, then tiers of 
cliffs intervening between the top and existing sea cliffs. “ Christmas 
Island thus appearing to be a remarkable instance of the complete casing 
with coral of an island, which, from the time that its first nucleus came 
within the reef-building zone, has been steadily subjected to a movement 
of upheaval varied by pauses, during which the cliffs were eroded by the 

That the volcanic nucleus has not been exposed is undoubtedly due, 
as has been suggested by Guppy,’ to the fact that the upheaved island 
has not been exposed to denuding agencies for a sufficiently long period 
of time. 

Murray,’ who had unusually good opportunities for examining nu- 
merous coral reefs of the Pacific, published a remarkable paper on the 
formation of reefs in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edin- 
burgh, in which he gives an explanation of the formation of channels 
between barrier reefs and the mainland band, and of the lagoons of 
atolls, based upon the solvent action of sea-water saturated with car- 
bonic acid upon coral limestone. That this solvent action is a powerful 
factor in corroding the surface of coral reef, and carrying off surplus 
limestone in solution is not to be denied, but to consider it the principal 
cause of the formation of lagoons and of channels between barrier reefs 
‘is perhaps pressing the theory too far. It undoubtedly has acted in 
many cases powerfully enough to corrode the whole surface of reefs ex- 
posed to action of water so saturated with carbonic acid. I would re- 
fer specially to the surface of reefs like the fringing reefs of Honolulu, 
the corroded breccia reef rock found at many points of the Keys of 
Florida, and the evidence of the same action to be found on the shore 
deposits of coral along the whole northern coast of Cuba, where the 
shore reef exists parallel with the great Cuban barrier reef. Similar 
action, of course, is taking place constantly in limestone districts, through 
which waters saturated with carbonic acid percolate, forming caves and 
other cavities so characteristic of these formations. 

1 A similar condition of things exists at Barbados, where the volcanic reef centre 
crops out only on the summit of the island, and the sides of the cone are covered 
with coral reef terraces, which are one of the most characteristic features of the 
island as seen from the sea: A. Agassiz, Three Cruises of the Blake, figs. 39, 46. 

2 Nature, January 5, 1887, p. 223. 

8 Murray, John, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb., 1879-80, p. 505. 


Wherever in that region the fringing reef has attained any consider- 
able width, we find that upon the portion nearer shore, where the corals 
once flourished, they have died because the extension of the reef towards 
the shore has excluded them from contact with the fresher sea-water 
outside. This part of the reef has been corroded and eaten off, or was 
dissolved, as Murray suggests, by the action of the carbonic acid held 
in sea-water, which absorbs a large amount of carbonate of lime. 

But it should not be forgotten that this solvent action of carbonic acid 
in sea-water cannot be considered as the chief agent in the formation of 
barrier reefs. Take, for example, the case of the Florida reefs, or that 
of the great barrier reef of Australia. The former are so far from the 
neighboring chain of keys, and the latter so distant from the adjacent 
mainland, that such an explanation of the presence of the channel sepa- 
rating the one from the keys, the other from the shore, would involve the 
solution and disappearance of the reef itself. 

We are inclined to look upon the depth and extension of the ridge or 
plateau upon which a barrier reef first establishes itself as the chief 
cause of its growth and final form. Such a plateau having reached the 
level at which corals flourish, the reef begins to grow, and its distance 
from the mainland or from the adjacent islands is thereafter determined 
by the contour lines of the submerged extension of the land seaward or 
landward. Nevertheless, the effect of the relatively clear or muddy 
water on the sea and land faces of the incipient barrier reef cannot have 
failed to exercise an important influence on its seaward or landward 

Murray ! clearly shows that the solution of dead carbonate of lime 
shells and skeletons by sea-water is as constant as its secretion by living 
organisms. He considers it probable that on the whole there is more 
secretion than solution, and that there is at the present moment a vast 
accumulation of carbonate of lime going on in coral areas no one familiar 
with the subject will deny. This secretion diminishes with the depths, 
while the rate of solution perhaps increases under pressure. He com- 
pares it to the action of aqueous vapor in the atmosphere over land sur- 
faces. When precipitation is in excess of evaporation fresh-water lakes 
are formed ; when evaporation, on the contrary, exceeds it, salt lakes 
are formed in inland drainage areas. 

The discussion on the theory of solution which has taken place in 
“Nature ”’ between Reade and other geologists, does not appear to cover 
the ground. The objections are mainly made by investigators who know 

1 Nature, March 1, 1888, p. 414. 



little of coral reefs from their own observations, some of whom have 
ignored or flatly denied facts which can hardly be dealt with in so sum- 
mary a fashion. 

According to Reade,’ it seems very evident that if we accept the dis- 
solution theory for the origin of coral lagoons, it seems impossible to 
believe in the building up of calcium carbonate, or volcanic platforms, or 
other peaks, from varying and unknown depths to the levels necessary 
for the growth of coral reefs. If, on the other hand, we believe that 
platforms are so built up, it appears equally destructive of the dissolu- 
tion theory of lagoons. 

In “ Nature” of September 21, 1880, Mr. Reade says: ‘I think the 
theory Mr. Murray sets forth, — that the cones or peaks on which he con- 
siders atolls have been formed have been levelled up by pelagic deposits, 
and thus brought within the limits of reef-building coral growth, —a 
very far-fetched idea.” 

In the same journal, Darwin says: “Iam not a fair judge, but I agree 
with you exactly that Murray’s view is far-fetched. It is astonishing 
that there should be rapid dissolution of carbonate of lime at great 
depths and near the surface, but not at intermediate depths, where he 
places his mountain peaks.” 

It is surprising that Reade? should have attempted to throw doubt on 
the existence of calcareous submarine banks. ‘The submarine banks are 
not, as Mr. Reade seems to think, due to the tests of the pelagic fauna 
alone. A submarine peak is not built up by the pelagic fauna, but it is 
built up by the carcasses of the Invertebrates that live upon it, and for 
which the pelagic fauna serves in part as food. Certainly, the amount 
of limestone and shells of pteropods alone in some regions is very much 
larger than any estimate made by Mr. Reade. The large number of 
well known limestone banks of great thickness and extent should make 
such a discussion unnecessary. 

The “ pelagic cemetery ” is farther down, and not on the surface, and 
I would refer Mr. Reade to my article on the Florida Reefs, in the 
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1883, as well as 
to the “Three Cruises of the Blake,” for such proof as has thus far been 
obtained regarding the existence of these huge masses of limestone 
_ banks, eminently fitted, as I think I have shown, to form the base of 
such coral reefs as those of the West Indies, of Florida, of the shores of 
Cuba, and of the great Alacran and other reefs on the Yucatan Bank. 

1 T. Mallard Reade, Nature, March 22, 1888, p. 489. 
2 Nature, April 5, 1888, p. 535. 


The following are the principal experiments which have been recorded 
regarding the solvent action of sea-water on corals. According to Mr. 
Robert Irwine,* dead or rotten coral of several species of Porites, exposed 
to sea-water of 1.0265 specific gravity, and of a temperature of from 
70° to 80° Fahrenheit, was found to be soluble to the extent of 5 to 20 
ounces to the ton. We have no data to show how far this capacity of 
solution is in excess of the deposition of limestone due to the corals 
themselves, or to the sand and débris carried into the lagoons or the 
inner part of the reefs. No observations have been made regarding the 
amount of carbonate of lime existing in lagoons, and in the sea-water on 
the sea face of a reef. 

Mr. W. G. Reid, in a paper read before the Royal Society of Edin- 
burgh, February 6, 1888, observed that the solubility of carbonate of 
lime increased with pressure. 

Mr. James G. Ross? detailed in “ Nature” other experiments show- 
ing a considerable amount of solution. In a species of Oculina 0.0748 
gramme was lost, from a specimen weighing 16.3164 grammes, in twenty 
days. In another case, 0.1497 gramme was lost in thirty days by a 
mass of Madrepora weighing 15.334 grammes. The above. experi- 
ments would both indicate the possibility of a very material deepening 
of a lagoon by the solution of the coral. At such a rate of solution, 
a lagoon four miles in diameter might be deepened one fathom in a 

The rotten condition of the old shore reef of Havana,? completely 
honeycombed as it is, shows how rapidly limestone is acted upon by 
sea-water. The rotten reef rock of the Everglades, soaked by brackish 
water, which is often accumulated in large bodies behind the old reef 
ranges, has been described by Professor Agassiz. This water, saturated 
with carbonate of lime, often rushes out with considerable volume after 
a storm, and produces great havoc with the shore fishes of the adjoining 
reef. Their dead bodies often line the shores of the Florida reefs for 
miles, when there has been such an outburst of water saturated with 
carbonic acid. The existence off shore of bands of sea-water similarly 
saturated with carbonic acid may explain the great destruction of fishes 
which so often takes place in fishing vessels carrying their catch from 
the Florida Reef to Havana. It will have been noticed by all who have 
ever seen a coral sand beach, or a breccia beach, or a beach composed 

1 Nature, March 15, 1888, p. 461. 

2 Nature, March 15, 1888, p. 462. 
3 See Three Cruises of the Blake, Fig. B, p. xii. 


of larger fragments of coral and reef limestone, that the constituent 
parts of the beaches were, as could easily be seen by the eye, invari- 
ably corroded far beyond the condition to which the sand or breccia, or 
larger fragments, could be reduced if merely subjected to the triturat- 
ing agency of the rollers. An analysis made by Prof. F. W. Clark, the 
chemist of the United States Geological Survey, of such fragments; 
either as sand or in all intermediate stages up to fragments of coral, or 
coral limestone, showed very clearly that the chemical composition of 
the pieces was practically the same. 

The only analysis known of the chemical constituents of the sea-water 
of the lagoon of an atoll is given as determined by Messrs. Stillwell and 
Gladding,! from which it would appear that the amount of chlorine was 
considerably larger than the amount given in the latest analysis of 
Dittmar, and that the water of the lagoon is fresher than that of ocean 

It may not be out of place to mention here, that there is a most excel- 
lent figure and plan of an atoll in an account of Caroline Island,? by 
Prof. E. S. Holden, the director of the American Eclipse Expedition of 
1883. Not only is the description of the atoll admirable, but the illus- 
trations of the various parts of the island are most characteristic, in- 
cluding one of the best figures perhaps of a bird’s-eye view of an atoll. 
A map also accompanies the description, but unfortunately no sound- 
ings are given. 

Lagoons without openings are perhaps older lagoons, in which the 
openings have from local causes been gradually closing, and from the 
porous nature of the surface coral rock there still remains a chance for 
the exchange of waters from the interior to the exterior of a reef. 

Jukes,® who in 1845 surveyed the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, 
came to the conclusion that the “ northeast coast of Australia has either 
been slightly elevated, or that it has at least not suffered any depression 
during a long period of time.” From this he has satisfied himself that, 
wherever we find coral reefs rising abruptly from unfathomable depths, 
they must necessarily have been produced by the depression of the sea 
bottom, the corals building on upwards as the bottom was slowly sink- 
ing, so as to keep the upper portion of the reef always within the 
required depth. The depression of the bottom, according to this view, 

1 Mem. Nat. Acad. of Science, Vol. III. p. 96. 

2 Report of the Eclipse Expedition to Caroline Island, May, 1883, Mem. Nat. 
Acad. of Science. 

8 Jukes, J. B., Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H. M.S. Fly, Vol.I. p. 811. 

VOL. XVII. — NO. 3. 9 


has occupied a far longer period than that during which the northeast 
coast was either stationary, or had been slightly elevated. He urges 
the parallelism of the outline of the Great Barrier Reef with that of the 
northeast coast as evidence that the circumstances which modified the 
outline of the coast likewise determined the general outline of the reef, 
while subsidence would most assuredly produce the results observed on 
the northeast coast of Australia if the rate of growth of corals were 
absolutely identical with that of the subsidence of the bottom of the 
sea. With our present knowledge of the mode of coral reef formation, 
it seems unnecessary to explain the existing state of things by a sub- 
sidence coincident in rate with the growth of corals, when observation 
plainly shows us that there has been only a slight elevation or a stationary 
condition of the coast line. Starting from the conditions Jukes imagines 
to have existed before the subsidence took place, only leaving the coast 
nearly at its present level, we can imagine a fringing reef to have been 
formed slowly, and to have little by little extended seaward, advancing 
more slowly as the depth increased, while the talus for the upper limits 
of coral grew, it increased in thickness, and to have ended in a barrier 
and inner reef with channels very much like the reef we find to-day. 

Is it credible that, along the whole length of the northeast coast of 
Australia, the subsidence should, for a length of over one thousand 
miles, be so nearly identical in amount as to have ended in forming 
parallel to it the Great Barrier Reef? The same question is one which 
must be answered not only for Australia, but for all the atolls and 
barrier reefs in the Pacific and other regions where such reefs exist. 

We have all over the world many positive proofs of the elevation of 
the land, sometimes on a gigantic scale, as in South America, for instance, 
up to nearly three thousand feet. Neither can we deny that there are 
many points, especially in the Pacific Ocean, where are to be found 
areas of subsidence; but it is by no means proved that this subsidence 
has been the main cause of the formation of atolls or of barrier reefs. 
In fact, all the later investigations of coral reefs have, without exception, 
rejected Darwin’s theory of subsidence as explaining the formation of 
reefs, and they have looked to other causes, which seemed to them more 
natural, as probably more efficient in the growth of reefs. The ques- 
tion is not whether subsidence has taken place even in the areas where 
atolls or barrier reefs occur, — this may be considered as proved, — but 
whether this subsidence has absolutely kept pace with the rate of growth 
of corals. It is remarkable that Darwin, who is so strongly opposed to 
all cataclysmic explanations, should in the case of the coral reefs cling 


to a theory which is based upon the disappearance of a Pacific con- 
tinent,! and be apparently so unwilling to recognize the agency of more 
natural and far simpler causes. 

Granting that during the secondary period the great East India islands 
were connected with Asia, and that there had been in the early tertiary 
period a great subsidence, which may have extended throughout some 
parts of the Pacific to the time of the formation of modern coral reefs, — 
granting even that the summits of the islands now existing indicate 
plateaus upon which the various archipelagos of the Pacific are based, 
and point to a former extent of land far greater than now projects above 
the surface of the sea, and also that the islands of the Pacific mark a 
general subsidence along a line extending from the southeast to the 
northwest, as is urged by Dana, — yet there is nothing in all this to show 
that the subsidence has been the main cause of the formation of atolls 
and barrier reefs, while the existence of such a subsidence in its turn 
derives its strongest proof, with many writers, from the existence of atolls 
and barrier reefs. As long as we can in so many districts explain the 
formation of atolls and of barrier reefs by other causes, fully sufficient 
to account for the numerous exceptions to the theory of Darwin, which 
have been observed by so many investigators since the days of Darwin 
and Dana, it seems unnecessary to account for their presence by a gigan- 
tic subsidence, of which, although we may not deny it, we can yet have 
but little positive proof. 

Dana has been led to reconsider the earlier and later observations, 
and has given his results in the American Journal of Science. -He most 
distinctly rejects Darwin’s hypothesis, that the slow subsidence upon 
which he counted to form atolls and barrier reefs from fringing reefs 
involved the whole central Pacific, besides other large areas, a Pacific 
continent having disappeared through subsidence. 

Whether subsidence is going on now, or has ceased after the formation 
of atolls, which he ascribes to it, seems immaterial. The point at issue 
is, how far is it possible for atolls and barrier reefs to begin in an area 
of limited extent without a constant alternation of elevation and sub- 
sidence. It seems to me that the rocky islets dotting the interior of 
Kaneohe Bay could as well be cited as proof of subsidence, as the rocky 

1 This part of the theory of Darwin, which seems a natural corollary of his 
explanation of coral reefs, is most emphatically rejected by Dana, Am. Journ. of 
Science, Vol. XXX. p. 90,1885, and previously also in his Geology of the Explor- 
ing Expedition, in 1849. 

2 Am. Journ. of Science, August, 1885, p. 89, and September, 1885, p. 169. 


islets which dot the great lagoon-like waters of the Gambier group, 
“leaving scarcely any doubt in the mind that the islets were the 
emerged points of sunken lands ; and if this is evidence of subsidence, 
then the atoll [of Keeling] which he [Darwin] examined was proof of 
further subsidence, that is, one that had continued to the disappearance 
of the sinking peaks.” This is the proof which Darwin believed to be 
almost certain evidence of Subsidence. 

Dana adds, as an argument in favor of subsidence, the existence of 
deep fiord-like indentations in the rocky coasts of islands, both those in- 
side of barriers and those not bordered by reefs. Certainly this is a 
most unsafe method of reasoning, unless accompanied by sounding in the 
fiords to show the continuation of the slope of erosion. As to the non- 
existence in the ocean now, and the extreme improbability of the exist- 
ence at any time, of submarine volcanoes or chains of mountains having 
their numerous summits within a hundred feet of the surface, which has 
been a favorite argument against the possibility of a volcanic base for 
reefs, the recent deep-sea soundings of the Atlantic in volcanic districts, 
like that off the west coast of Africa by the Talisman, have shown the 
existence of numerous peaks and submarine banks, which in the track of 
oceanic currents would soon be built up to the level at which corals can 
thrive, and produce the very conditions denied by Darwin. A similar 
state of things has been developed by the soundings of the Blake in the 
West Indies. 

Dana mentions the great width of a reef as an indication of subsid- 
ence. I-am unable to see the force of that argument. It seems merely 
to indicate the great length of time which has elapsed since it began to 
build. We might take for granted the evidence of subsidence as de- 
duced by Dana for the Tahitian group and for the Samoan group, for 
instance, and yet we should not have the proof that this subsidence 
was coexistent with the formation of the different kinds of reefs. 

If, as is supposed, we can have submarine banks of limestone formed 
upon volcanic mountains or other steep slopes, the steepness of the slope 
off the coral reef, does not argue anything in favor of subsidence. I do 
not see that the large débris offer positive proof of subsidence, if they 
have, as Murray supposes, gradually rolled down the steep talus of the 
sea face of the reef, and have, as is certainly the case in the Sandwich 
Islands, formed the surface, which may be of great thickness. Dana 
infers, from the statement I made in regard to the former connection of 
the Windward Islands? with South America, that there has been a sub- 

1 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zéol., 1879; Am. Journ. of Science, XVIII. 230, 1880. 


sidence. It may also be that erosion has been amply capable of washing 
away the land connections, and forming the banks on which the islands 
rest as it were. 

As to there not being any mound now approaching the ocean sur- 
face in the western border of the Gulf Stream, the past history of the 
Gulf Stream itself, of the Florida Plateau, and of the formation of the- 
Keys of Florida and of the present reef, seem to me to furnish just such 
a foundation for reef-building as is required by Dana. The Mosquito 
Bank, the Yucatan Bank, and the smaller banks between Honduras and 
Jamaica, are all proof that immense limestone banks are forming at any 
depth in the sea, or upon pre-existing telluric folds or peaks, constituting’ 
banks upon which, when they have reached a certain depth, corals will 
grow. Is it claiming too much for erosion to say that some of the vol- 
canic peaks may have been washed away and swept into the sea? Cer- 
tainly this is not the case in any region where there is a rainy season. 
The Sandwich Islands themselves, greatly modified as they have been by 
erosion, furnish the best evidence that isolated peaks may have com- 
pletely disappeared. A careful perusal of Dana’s own account of the 
effect of erosion on their topography, and of Captain Dutton’s later 
examination, shows how powerful a factor they regard erosion to have 
been in these islands. And if we go farther towards the equator, or to 
the region of cyclones and tornadoes, the action of erosion will be found 
to be far more powerful than in the Sandwich Islands, which are on the 
very edge of the rainy season district. 

It is somewhat surprising that, in the discussion which has lately 
been carried on in the English reviews,’ by the Duke of Argyll, Huxley, 
Judd, and others, regarding the new theory of coral reefs, no one should 
have dwelt upon the fact, that, with the exception of Dana,? Jukes,? 
and others who published their results on coral reefs soon after Dar- 
win’s theory took the scientific world by storm,* not a single recent 
original investigator of coral reefs has been able to accept this explana- 
tion as applicable to the special district which he himself examined. 
It is interesting to note that, however widely Darwin’s theory was 
accepted and spread in all text-books of Geology, neither L. Agassiz,® 

1 “Nature ” and “ Fortnightly Review.” 

2 Dana in 1838-1842; ‘‘ Corals and Coral Reefs,” in 1872. 

3 Jukes in 1845, Narrative of the Surveying Voyage of H. M. 8. Fly, Vol. L 
p. 81, 1847. 

4 Darwin in 1842, “The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs” ; Darwin’s 
Coral Reefs, 1874, 2d edition. 

5 Agassiz, L., U.S. Coast Survey Reports, 1851 and 1866; also Methods of Study 
(popular sketch). See Vol. VII., Mem. Mus. Comp. Zodl. 


who examined the Florida Reefs in 1851, nor Joseph Leconte,? his as- 
sistant, who published subsequently views somewhat different from 
those of L. Agassiz, nor E. B. Hunt,? who promulgated a theory of the 
formation of the Florida Reefs, nor A. Agassiz, who spent several sea- 
sons in parts of Florida, on the Florida Keys, and on the Tortugas, 
was able to accept Darwin’s theory as offering an explanation of 
the formation of the great reef extending from the Tortugas to Cape 

Agassiz, while in general he accepted Darwin’s theory as applicable to 
atolls, yet gave, in 1851, (Report of United States Coast Survey, repub- 
lished with additions in the Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative 
Zodlogy,) an account of the Florida Reefs, showing the living reef out- 
side of the lagoon, and its position with reference to the line of Keys. 
I subsequently gave a number of sections of the same reef from the 
Coast Survey maps,? showing the formation of a barrier reef actually 
going on, where the reef foundation grows lower and lower, and where 
we need not have recourse to the theory of solution for the formation 
of a lagoon. The lagoon we can actually trace from its broadest point 
at the Rebecca shoal, where the reef is submerged, to its narrowest point 
at the northern extremity of the reef. 

Leconte accepts the theory of subsidence as a satisfactory explanation 
of the formation of atolls in the Pacific Ocean ; but in Florida, which he 
visited with Professor Agassiz in 1851, he agrees with the latter in his 
account-of the formation of a barrier reef where there has been no sub- 
sidence, and then he points to the Gulf Stream running-parallel with 
the trend of Florida, as the agent which has deposited the great mass of 
the Florida bank below the level at which corals can grow. But there 
is no evidence that the Gulf Stream ever ran in the direction assumed 
by Leconte. Agassiz also accepted the theory of subsidence as generally 
explaining the formation of the different kinds of coral reefs, though in 
his account of the formation of the Florida Reef he does not go beyond 
the depths at which reefs grow, and says nothing of the substructure or 
foundation rock. Jn February, 1878,* I called attention to the exist- 

1 Am. Jour. Science, XXIII., May, 1857, p. 46, “On the Agency of the Gulf 
Stream in the Formation of the Peninsula and Keys of Florida,” by Joseph 
Leconte ; also Elements of Geology, New York, 1878. 

2 Hunt, E. B., Am. Jour. Sci., 1863, Vol. XXXV. p. 197. 
3 In the Tortugas and Florida Reefs, Memoirs of the American Academy, Vol. 

XI., 1883. 
4 Agassiz, A., Letter No. 1 to C. P. Patterson, Supt., on the Dredging Opera- 
tions of the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer Blake, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zodl., V., No. 1, 



ence of a great atoll, Alacran Reef, on an area of elevation on huge 
limestone banks such as those of Yucatan. 

Leconte insists on the fact that the Florida Reef, a true barrier reef, 
has been formed where there could not be any subsidence, as continuous 
increase of land is inconsistent with subsidence. According to Darwin, 
barriers and atolls always show a loss of land, only a small portion of- 
which is recovered by coral and wave agencies, while on the Florida coast, 
according to Leconte and Agassiz, there has been a continuous growth 
of the peninsula by coral accretion, until a very large area has been 
added. He attributed the formation of successive reefs to the suc- 
cessive formation of the depth condition necessary for coral growth, 
and this latter, in the absence of any evidence of elevation, to the 
steady building up by sedimentary deposits and extension southward 
of a submarine bank within the deep curve of the Gulf Stream as it 
bent its way round the west coast of Florida.2_ The formation of bar- 
rier reefs instead of fringing reefs on a coast which has certainly not 
subsided, he attributes to the shallowness and muddiness of the bottom 
along this coast. Only at a distance of twenty to forty miles, when the 
depth of twenty-five fathoms is reached, and when, therefore, the bottom 
is no longer changed by the waves, the conditions necessary for coral 
growth could be found, and here a line of reefs would be formed, limited 
on one side by the depth, on the other by the muddiness, of the water. _ 

According to Leconte the building up of Florida and of the Keys was 
due to the co-operation of several agents : — 

1. The Gulf Stream building up and extending a submarine bank 
within its loop, but not in the position assigned to it by Leconte. 

2. Corals building successive barriers on the bank, as the latter was 
pushed farther and farther southward. 

3. Waves beating the reefs into islands. 

1 See Smith, Hilgard, Heilprin, and Dall, for the structure of the peninsula of 

* I can hardly see how Leconte states (Nature, October 4, 1880, p. 558) that 
there are barrier reefs in Florida with lagoons from ten to forty miles wide, though 
he subsequently (Nature, November 25, 1880) modifies this statement by indicating 
this to mean the space between the southern coast of Florida and the line of Keys 
{Old Barrier Reef) which widens from a few miles atits eastern part to more than 
forty miles in its western part. But this is also misleading, as it refers to the time 
when the Keys formed the reef, while now the channel between the line of Keys 
and the present reef gradually widens from a narrow lagoon near Key Biscayne to 
from six to ten miles wide, opposite the Marquesas, and is about one hundred and 
fifty miles long. 


4. Debris from the reef and Keys on the one side, and the mainland 
already built (Keys) on the other, filling up the successive channels, 
and converting them first into swamps and finally into dry land, in all 
of which he agrees with Agassiz’s explanation of the causes which have 
built the Florida Reef. 

Neither was I able, when visiting the Alacran Reef, the reefs of the 
Windward Islands,’ the elevated reefs of Barbados, of San Domingo, and 
of Cuba, the great barrier reef of Cuba, and becoming acquainted with 
the immense limestone banks so characteristic of the Caribbean region, to 
satisfy myself that Darwin’s theory of subsidence gave an explanation of 
the condition of things now existing in an area of elevation, and includ- 
ing all the types of reefs which he considered as characteristic of an area 
of subsidence. If we pass to the Bermudas, Rein,? who carefully ex- 
plored the islands, came to the same conclusion, and took a most 
decided stand against the theory of subsidence. Rein is of the opinion 
that coral reefs may grow wherever the conditions of the bottom are 
favorable for the development of the corals. In these he includes the 
temperature, the purity of the water, the supply of food by the sea, as 
well as a solid substructure, whether this substructure be due to the 
subsidence of the coast, or to an elevation of the bottom, this eleva- 
tion being caused either by volcanic, organic, or other agency. 

Rein also calls attention to the fact, that both Darwin and Dana 
have assumed a possibility as a fact, and, the theory once given, have 
attempted to prove the subsidence, instead of bringing the subsidence of 
coral reefs as a proof of the theory. Proofs of subsidence have nowhere 
been given except as explanations of existing phenomena, while the 
proofs of elevations within the regions of coral reefs are innumerable. 
Darwin and Dana explain the existence of deep channels between barrier 
reefs and the coast, as well as the formation of atolls by subsidence, and 
hence conclude from the existence of numerous barrier reefs and atolls 
that the coasts have sunk, and many islands have been buried in the sea 
to form atolls. It naturally follows that they calculate the vertical 
thickness of coral reefs as due to the same cause, and nothing but boring 
will settle this point. 

Rein further mentions a number of coral reefs from the Tertiary to 
the Jurassic, none of which were more than thirty meters thick. Rein,? 

1 Agassiz, A., Three Cruises of the Blake, 1888, Vol. I., “The Florida Reef.” 

2 Rein, J. J., Beitrige zur physikalischen Geographie der Bermuda Inseln, 
Bericht iiber die Senueny Naturf. Gesell., Mai, 1870, p. 140. 

8 Die Bermudas-Inseln und ihre Korallenriffe, nebst einem Nachtrage gegen die 




in his excellent sketch of the Bermudas, calls attention to the discovery 
by Pourtalés of a conglomerate off the Florida reef, (the Pourtalés Pla- 
teau,) formed by the remnants of the calcareous remains of numerous 
invertebrates mixed with coral ooze and sand, which has little by little 
been built up from great depths. He suggests that the foundation of 
the Bermudas consists of a submarine bank of a similar nature, which 
has gradually been built up to the level at which coral reefs can flourish, 
the Bermuda limestone itself having had its origin upon a mountain or 
a terrestrial fold, which may consist of rocks having a greater or less 
geological age. He thus accounts in a most natural manner for the 
existence of the same rock which forms the surface of the Bermudas at 
the greatest depths which have been excavated in making the dock at 
that station. The limestone bank once having been built up to the level 
at which corals will thrive, the floating embryos carried north by the Gulf 
Stream found a foothold on which they began to grow, and founded the 
existing active coral reef. The action of the winds on the beach sand 
very soon formed the elevated AXolian rocks, which rise to a height of 
over two hundred and forty feet, and of which he, Thomson,’ and 
Moseley? have given such excellent accounts. Jukes* had already, in 
1845, given a similar account of such an Molian formation at Raines 
Island, and Dana, in the Geology of the United States Exploring Ex- 
pedition, had carefully described the formation of the sand drifts solidi- 
fied into dunes and encrusting layers along the shores of Oahu. 

Thomson, on page 304 of “The Atlantic,” has given a graphic ac- 
ccount of the mode of origin of the Bermudas, when once the weather 
edge of the reef was raised above the level of the sea, and of the manner 
in which the Bermudas of the present day have been built up as a bank 
of blown sand in various stages of consolidation, though Thomson adopts 
Darwin’s theory, that the atoll of the Bermudas is due to the entire 
disappearance by subsidence of the island round which the reef was 
originally formed. 

Thomson also gives, on page 309, excellent figures of the stratified 
Xolian rocks of the Bermudas, and of Molian beds in process of forma- 
tion, and on the following pages a figure of a so-called sand glacier, or a 

Darwin’sche Senkungstheorie. Verhandl. d. ersten Deutschen Geographen Tage 
zu Berlin im Jahre 1881. 

1 Thomson, Voyage of the Challenger, “‘ The Atlantic,” 1877, Vol. I., Bermudas, 
p. 420. : 

2 Moseley, N. H., Notes of a Naturalist. 

8 Jukes, J. B., Voyage of the Fly. 


mass of coral sand some twenty-five feet thick, progressing inland. He 
also describes the mode in which the free coral sand is rapidly cemented 
into limestone by the action of rain-water containing carbonic acid, 
which takes up a little of the lime and on evaporating forms the succes- 
sive crust lines of demarcation between various layers of sand, forming 
the stratification and lamination of the Molian rocks. The section given 
by Thomson, as exposed by the cutting made for the floating dock in 
1870, seems to prove a slight subsidence, as there was found a bed of a 
kind of peat at a depth of forty-seven feet, containing stumps of cedar in 
a vertical position lying upon the hard bare rock. But it does not prove 
that this subsidence, or a greater one, which cannot be proved, has been 
the cause of the atoll shape of the Bermudas, any more than the slight 
elevations of from twenty to fifty feet, such as we so often meet with in 
volcanic districts, prove that the special type of coral reefs existing there 
have been due to their influence. 

Lieutenant Nelson! has given an account.of the geological details of 
the appearance of the different islands composing the Bermudas, and of 
the encroachments by the sea and sands, and it did not escape him that 
the whole of the Bermudas ‘“‘ may be called organic formations, as they 
present but one mass of animal remains in various stages of comminution 
and disintegration,” and he also called attention to the organic com- 
position of what he calls Bermuda chalk, which corresponds evidently to 
what has more recently been called coral ooze. He was among the first 
to notice the important action of Serpule in cementing together pieces 
of coral, and in certain localities forming even small independent reef 
patches. This has been fully confirmed by other observers in other 

Nelson has also suggested the possibility of the formation of snbmarine 
mountains by the growth of marine invertebrates round any base they 
may meet, the decay of their calcareous remains adding stability and 
bulk to the colony, while around their summits coral reefs would grow. 
He also says, very truly, “ Zodphytes affect a vertical growth, and in 
this attitude have a tendency to add to the accumulations of the exterior 
fence, to the prejudice of the space circumscribed.” 

When we pass to the very regions explored by Darwin, Mr. Henry 
O. Forbes, who in 1879 examined the Keeling Atoll, forty-three years 
after Darwin’s visit, ——the very one which Darwin first examined, and 
which suggested to him his whole theory, — could not satisfy himself 

1 Trans. Geol. Soc. of London, V., Part I., 1840, p. 1038. 
2 A Naturalist’s Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago, London, 1885. 



that there was any proof of subsidence, or that the causes cited by the 
opponents of Darwin’s theory were not amply sufficient to account for 
all the phenomena he observed there. Mr. Forbes, who spent more 
than a month in its study, felt inclined to believe that the Keeling 
Reef foundation has been formed as suggested by Murray, Agassiz, and 
Semper, and that the islets have been the result of the combined action 
of storms and the slow elevation of the volcanically upheaved ocean 
floor on which the reef is built. 

Semper,! who visited the Pelew Archipelago in 1863, was among the 
first to come to the conclusion that the presence of barrier reefs, atolls, 
and fringing reefs in one district could not be explained by the theory 
of subsidence, and he looked to natural and simpler causes to explain 
the reefs of the Pelew Islands. He was one of the first, after the general 
adoption of Darwin’s theory of the formation of coral reefs, to visit an 
atoll district in the Pacific, and he was the first also to point out for 
that region a condition of things which seemed to him incompatible 
with the accepted view. He found at the Pelew Islands, within a com- 
paratively restricted area, atolls, barrier reefs, and fringing reefs. He 
speaks of the channels eaten away between the coast and the barrier 
reef, distant three to six miles from shore, and forming a labyrinth of 
channels, which he considers as due to the action of currents, and in 
which the flow of brackish water prevents the ready growth of corals, 
while in the case of the barrier reefs less than half a mile or so from the 
shore the action of the currents is reduced to a minimum and the chan- 
nels scarcely marked. He speaks of elevated coral reefs of two hundred 
and fifty feet in height, and comes to the conclusion that the presence 
of atolls, barrier reefs, and fringing reefs in an area where there had 
been elevation, and which had remained stationary for a long period, 
does not indicate that they have been formed during a period of subsid- 
ence, while their simultaneous existence would seem to preclude such a 

Semper is inclined to attribute to the action of currents mainly the 
great irregularities existing in reefs, which may form even closed atolls, 
and are in great degree dependent for their ultimate shape upon the 
configuration of the underlying base. On steep shores barrier reefs, 
according to him, could not flourish; only fringing reefs closely hugging 

1 Semper, Carl, Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner, pp. 100-108, Wiirzburg, 
1869. A reprint, with additions, of Semper’s article in Zeits. f. Wiss. Zool., XIII. 
p. 558, 1868. Also, Die Natiirlichen Existenzbedingungen der Thiere, Leipzig, 
1880, Zweiter Theil, p. 39. 


the shores, would thrive in such a position, and he lays great stress also 
on the difference to be traced in the conditions of the two sides of the 
same islands, where the one side is exposed to the action of the open 
sea, while on the other side the long periods of calms are most favor- 
able to the growth of corals. Although Semper does not deny that 
subsidence may have accompanied in some cases the formation of atolls 
and of barrier reefs, yet the explanation of the existing conditions of the 
reefs of the Pelew Islands seems to him more plausible by the theory of 
currents than by that of subsidence. 

Semper has more fully developed these views in his “ Natiirliche Ex- 
istenzbedingungen der Thiere.”’ He calls attention to the difference be- 
tween the theories of Darwin and Dana, while Dana agrees with Darwin 
that atolls and barrier reefs can only be formed in regions of subsid- 
ence, he differs from Darwin in claiming that fringing reefs indicate a 
greater amount of subsidence than either of the other types of reefs. 
He looks upon the steep coast line of many volcanic islands as a proof that 
there has been great subsidence, and of course upon such steep shores, 
often with a vertical cliff of more than one hundred and fifty feet, there 
is no possibility of the formation of a fringing reef. We must admit, 
with Dana, that in the volcanic regions of the Pacific, for which Darwin 
claims a general subsidence, there have been local phenomena of eleva- 
tion, and also that in regions of elevation a slight subsidence may also 
have taken place. But if we have to depend upon either elevation or 
subsidence to account for the structure of the reefs, there seems to be 
no possible application of a general law regulating the shape of the reefs. 
Darwin’s map of districts of elevation and of subsidence shows that he 
considered a region of elevation as one where fringing reefs alone could 
be formed. 

The basis of the whole of Semper’s objections lies in the presence 
of barrier reefs, atolls, and fringing reefs in the same region, and he 
has attempted to prove that he can explain their presence and peculiar 
conformation by the action of currents upon growing reefs in a region 
which has been assumed, according to Darwin’s theory, to be one of sub- 
sidence. Semper and Rein were among the first to see the importance 
of the discovery by Pourtalés of the formation of great limestone plateaus 
at considerable depth, far below that at which corals can grow, and the 
possibility of having thus many extensive plateaus growing gradually up 
to the depth at which corals can flourish. The close connection of ele- 
vated and growing reefs are strong proofs against subsidence. To estab- 
lish this view, we are obliged to prove that the peculiar shape of the 


different types of coral reefs can be explained by the action of known 
forces. The moment corals have begun to grow, there is nothing to 
show that they are not at once subjected practically, though in a less 
degree, to the same conditions as exist at the surface, since a more or 
less extensive talus is formed in the sea just as at the sea level. The 
apparently simple method of continuing the slope of the land into the 
sea, and thus figuring out the depth of the reef, seems to me a most 
fallacious one. Let us look at the various sections which are known 
on our northern coast off the Bahamas, off the coast of Florida, off the 
Windward Islands, and off the coast of Georgia. These are all of differ- 
ent types, and in a region of coral growth would lead to very different 
conclusions. The Florida section, which has been given with consider- 
able detail,’ is perhaps one of the most interesting. The great mass of 
observations since the promulgation of Darwin’s theory is on the side 
of the more recent explanation of the formation of coral reefs, while the 
older theory rests upon an hypothesis of which it is under most circum- 
stances extremely difficult to obtain any proof whatever. 

Doctor Guppy,” who spent considerable time in studying the Solomon 
Islands, and more particularly the geology and the formation of the 
calcareous limestones and reefs of the group, altogether dissents from 
Darwin’s explanation of the formation of such a reef as he observed. 

Guppy, in his memoir on the calcareous formations of the Solomon 
Group, has plainly shown that in that group of islands upraised reef 
masses, whether atoll, barrier reef, or fringing reef, have been formed 
in a region of elevation, and such upraised reefs are of moderate thick- 
ness, their vertical measurement not exceeding the limit of the depth of 
the coral reef zone, — one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet at the 
very outside. While this is undoubtedly the case where the reef masses 
rest upon a foundation of volcanic or older submerged rocks, yet the 
presence of coral reefs upon foundations of modern limestone, as in the 
West Indies, made up of fragments of the calcareous remains of all kinds 
of invertebrates, among which may be deep-sea corals, makes it difficult 
to fix very accurately the limit of demarcation between the reef lime- 
stone proper and other recent limestones when both have been modified 
and changed in elevated areas into the hard ringing compact limestones 
so characteristic of all areas of elevation. At the Solomon Islands, the 

1 A. Agassiz, The Tortugas and Florida Reefs, Mem. Am. Acad., 1883. 

2 Guppy, H. B., Suggestions as to the Mode of Formation of Barrier Reefs in 
Bougainville Straits, Solomon Group, Proc. Lin. Soc. of New South Wales, IX., 
1884, p. 949. 


presence of foraminiferal limestones of concretions of manganese, up to 
a height of nearly nine hundred feet, (the limit is usually, according to 
Guppy, five to six hundred feet,) would indicate a total elevation of 
more than twelve or fifteen hundred feet, and there appears to be no 
reason, from what we know of the formation of barrier and of fringing 
reefs, and of their extension seaward, why the thickness of the reef lime- 
stone should be limited to one hundred and fifty or two hundred feet 
even in an area of elevation. 

Guppy infers that corals may begin to build at greater depths than 
those usually assigned, as some of the elevated reefs in the Solomon 
Islands ‘‘ rest upon partially consolidated calcareous ooze, which is not 
found in depths under fifty fathoms on the outer slope of the present 
reef ; that in the case of reefs with a gradual slope, where the lower 
margin of the band of detritus lies within the zone of reef-building corals, 
a line of barrier reefs will be ultimately formed beyond this band, with a 
deep channel inside ; but if the band is formed on a steep slope, and 
reaches beyond the limit of reef-building corals, no such barrier reef will 
be found on account of the silt.” 

It is not necessary, as is supposed by Guppy,’ in his account of the 
Coral Reefs of the Solomon Islands, to have an upheaval to bring corals 
within the constructive power of the breakers. Their natural growth is 
quite sufficient to raise them beyond that point. He gives for the forma- 
tion of barrier reefs, and as an explanation of the existence of a lagoon 
inside of the reef, the same explanation as is given by Leconte, — that the 
outer growth of the corals is in the direction of clear water, while it is 
limited inland by the silt and muddy character of the water of the 
barrier reef channel. He is also inclined to attribute the cause of con- 
secutive barrier reefs to elevation. This certainly has not been the 
cause in Florida. The reefs have grown up from the bottom wherever 
the platform had attained the proper level for coral growth. 

Bourne, who examined the Diego Garcia atoll? and the coral forma- 
tions of the Indian Ocean, came to the conclusion that the whole charac- 
ter of the Chagos group is very much opposed to the theory that atolls 
and barrier reefs are formed during subsidence. There are several atolls 
rising above the waves, that of Peros Banhos being fifty-five miles in 
circuit, and composed of numerous small islets placed upon a ring-shaped 

1 Guppy, Solomon Islands, Calcareous Formation of the Solomon Group, Proc. 
R. S. Edinb., XX XII. Part IIT., 1885. 

2 The Atoll of Diego Garcia and the Coral Formations of the Indian Ocean, by 
J. C. Bourne, Nature, March 1, 1888, p. 414; April 5, 1888, p 546. : 


reef, through which there are several large and deep channels. Egmont, 
or Six Islands, is an instance of an atoll in which the encircling reef is 
perfect, and unbroken by any channels. There are several submerged 
banks, nearly all of which have an atoll form. The great Chagos Bank 
is a huge submerged atoll ; so are the Pitts, Ganges, and Centurion banks. 
Darwin considered that the Great Chagos Bank afforded particularly good 
evidence of the truth of the subsidence theory, yet Mr. Bourne considers 
that a more intimate knowledge of the Great Chagos Bank, and of the 
relations of it and other submerged banks of existing land, shows this 
view to be untenable. For as the rim of the Great Chagos Bank is on 
an average only six fathoms below the surface, and in the most favorable 
depth for growth of corals, there are actually six islets on the north- 
western edge rising above high water. Bourne has also noticed the 
great and rapid destruction of parts of Diego Garcia, both inside and out- 
side of the lagoon, and has called attention to the transfer of material 
due to storms and tides, showing that the normal action of tides and 
winds and waves is constantly tending to lower the sea level, and thus 
lay bare dry land that may have been formed by elevation or otherwise. 
It does not seem surprising, therefore, that the majority of atolls and 
barrier reefs are under such circumstances only just able to maintain 
their surfaces above the sea level. He gives an explanation of atollons 
in the centre of large lagoons, based upon the production of oceanic 
conditions in the interior of a large lagoon, as in Tilla-dou-Matte, where 
he thinks the atollons have been formed before any land reached the 
surface, in which the islets forming the large lagoon were few in number 
and distant from one another, so that the atollon would practically have 
an oceanic character, and be swept by currents, establishing all the con- 
ditions for a new atoll. The corals thus flourishing on the circumferen- 
tial parts of the reef surrounding the islet, new atolls with shallow 
lagoons would be formed as long as the deep channels between the outer 
distant islets were swept by strong currents, becoming wider and deeper 
because corals could not thrive in them. 

Bourne emphasizes the favorable conditions under which corals flour- 
ish as occurring in localities where there is a moderate current flowing 
over them, not so strong as to dash them to pieces, but strong enough to 
prevent the deposition of sand, these conditions being found everywhere 
in external slopes. He lays greater stress on currents than on food sup- 
ply, as he considers that to be at variance with the existence of thriving 
coral patches within a lagoon. While we do not deny the fact, yet the 
lagoon patches do not spread as vigorously as the corals growing on the 


exterior of the reef, or else they would soon obliterate all traces of 
the lagoon. Yet I can hardly see that he has made out a case, that 
the corals on the outside of a Jagoon on the face of a reef, in full expos- 
ure to oceanic currents, laden with food, are not infinitely better off, and 
naturally grow more vigorously, than those which, as in a lagoon, are cut 
off from a great part of their food supply. They are able to grow in 
lagoons in spite of this, because they grow in localities which are kept 
clean. As I have plainly shown in the Tortugas, all corals grow remark- 
ably well on the edge of channels, above the sand drifted by the waves 
and currents inland. 

The following observations on the Coral Reefs of the Sandwich Islands 
were made in the winter of 1885, and formed the substance of a iecture 
delivered at Honolulu during my stay there. I have to thank Prof. W. 
D. Alexander for important assistance during my visit, and for the com- 
munication of valuable information from the archives of the Surveyor 
General’s Office. Prof. James D. Dana has given an admirable account 
of the elevated coral reefs of Oahu, and of the extent of the distribution 
of reefs on the Hawaiian group. Brigham has also added many interest- 
ing observations on the coral reefs of the Sandwich Islands, and Captain 
Dutton in his exploration of the group noted incidentally some points 
bearing on the subject. Couthouy has also given a description of the 
elevated coral reefs of the vicinity of Honolulu, as well as of the ele- 
vated beaches of Kauai.’ My own observations supplement those of 
Dana. I have gone over very much the same ground he covered in 
1843, limiting myself, however, to the examination of the reef area 
proper, as far as it includes the living and the elevated reefs of the 
islands which I visited, —Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii. For my knowl- 
edge of the reefs on the other islands I am indebted to the observations 
of Couthouy, Dana, and of Brigham. 

All investigators of coral reefs agree that corals grow in greatest per- 
fection in the comparatively still waters of inner channels. Thus, in the 
Tortugas, the largest masses of Mzandrinas and Astreeans are found in 
the old channels between formerly distinct reefs, while the great coral 
heads, measuring no less than twelve to fifteen feet in diameter, reach 
their maximum size in the so-called ship channel between the outer 
reef of Florida and the line of the Keys. As in Florida, so in the 
Sandwich Islands, the most luxurious growth of Madrepores occurs upon 
the face of the inner channels. There are, for instance, huge masses of 

1 Couthouy, Joseph P., Remarks upon Coral Formations in the Pacific, Journal 
Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1842, p. 146. : 


a species of Porites on the inner channels opening to the sea on the 
fringing reef of the south shore of Oahu. In the enclosed harbor of 
Kaneohe there are numerous examples of hummocks, on the summits 
of which the corals have died on reaching the surface, while the sides 
are still covered with magnificent clusters of Pocillopores and Porites. 
Other hummocks in the same locality, not yet above the surface of the 
water, remain covered with this luxuriant growth, giving shelter also, 
wherever sand has accumulated between the single masses, to the simpler 
Fungiz so characteristic of the Pacific reefs. 

Dana has called attention to the manner in which parts of the surface 
of the inner reef of Tongatabu has become solidified by the cementing 
material, sand and small fragments, into a huge pavement exceeding in 
compactness that of the corals themselves, so that coral rock formed 
from the filling of the interstices of masses of branching corals may 
become solid enough to be used for building purposes, as is the case at 

The entrance to the harbor of Honolulu (Plates IV., VI.) is nothing 
but a channel kept open by the flow of the river, which empties to the 
west of Honolulu from the Nuuanu valley, and has killed the corals in 
its path, scouring at the same time in freshets the whole harbor and 
the adjacent limestone walls forming the channel (Plate VII). This 
and another channel farther to the westward separate the Pearl River 
Reef from the Honolulu Reef proper. The river forming the Honolulu 
harbor brings down a large amount of volcanic mud in its short course, 
and has deposited this in the harbor and channel, so that there appears 
to be nothing but dark volcanic mud for a considerable distance out 
towards the entrance of the channel, where the coral limestone reap- 

A similar channel, but not so well defined, exists opposite the creek 
forming the drainage of Manoa valley, which empties on to the reef at 
Waikiki (Plates IV., IX.);: but this river does not bring down the 
amount of volcanic silt and detritus carried by the Nuuanu drainage, as 
it deposits a great part of its burden along the plain through which it 
flows before reaching the shore, whereas the river emptying from the 
Nuuanu has a very steep course until it reaches the harbor (Plate X.). 

The Pearl River Lagoon outlet, in its turn, divides the reef again by a 
deep channel (Plates IV., XI.). The amount of fresh water pouring into 
the lagoon is much larger than that emptying into the harbor, and some 
of the deep ravines which drain into it extend nearly half the length of 
the island toward Waialua. A good part of the western slope of the 

VOL, XVII. — NO. 3, 10 


East Range also drains into the lagoon. Pearl River Lagoon is the 
remnant of an old entrance like that of Honolulu, when the old shore 
line was just inside the great plain of coral rock extending to the west- 
ward of the lagoon as far as Kalaeloa, the shore line being then its inner 

The very characteristic bedded coral sand rock so common along the 
shores of the Florida Keys and of the Tortugas is not common on the 
southern reef of the island of Oahu. It is replaced by the formation 
of the massive coral sandstone pavement described above. This, how- 
ever, is, as with the finer-grained sandstone, often broken into large rec- 
tangular slabs, which in their turn have been uplifted by seas unusually 
heavy, and thrown back on the more exposed beaches. 

A very characteristic formation found only on the shores of volcanic 
islands fringed with corals is the peculiar pudding-stone formed of 
rounded and water-worn pebbles of volcanic origin, derived from adjoin- 
ing basaltic rocks dipping into the sea. These pebbles are cemented 
together by coral limestone, sometimes only a single stone in a mass of 
white coral or the cementing material merely filling the interstices and 
barely holding the pebbles together. So that we have all possible grada- 
tions between a compact coral sandstone, with here and there a pebble 
enclosed, and loose friable and poorly cemented rock. There is no local- 
ity on Oahu where the process of formation of this conglomerate can be 
better seen than at the very eastern extremity of the Honolulu reef, at 
the foot of Diamond Head. This pudding-stone has already been de- 
scribed by Dana, who also called attention to the fact that some of the 
pebbles are evenly covered with a very thin incrustation of lime, look- 
ing as if they had been dipped in milk. The lime in solution is also fre- 
quently deposited in the seams of the volcanic rocks, which then resemble 
irregular dikes, and their cavities when filled with limestone change 
cellular lava into a sort of amygdaloid. Perhaps no better evidence of 
the amount of carbonate of lime taken up by sea-water can be given 
than that furnished by this constant deposition of lime from evaporation 
of apparently pure sea-water. 

The Sandwich Islands are peculiarly placed in the track of the trade 
winds, so that they all present a dry and a moist side. One side is 
rediant with verdure, and its mountain slopes are furrowed by innumer- 
able streams, cutting deep valleys on the weather face. The streams 
become powerful torrents during the rainy season, and pour an immense 
amount of fresh water into the sea, — so large a quantity as materially to 
influence the growth of coral reefs on that side. An examination of the 


distribution of coral reefs, and of the streams of the islands of Oahu, 
Maui, and Hawaii, clearly shows this interdependence (Plate I.), the coral 
reefs being most prominent on the lee side. Combining with this the 
effect of the prevailing currents in bringing pelagic food to the growing 
reefs, we have a most natural explanation for the absence of coral reefs 
to the leeward of Hawaii, while the influence of the flood of fresh water 
readily explains their absence along those parts of the shores of Maui, of 
Oahu, of Hawaii, of Molokai, where they are not indicated on the map. 
With the exception of a few patches of Pocillopora near Hilo, to the south 
of the harbor, and on the west face of the island near Kawaihae and 
Upolu, there are no corals to be found. In fact, we can hardly conceive 
of a less favorable shore for coral reefs than the east face of Hawaii, where 
from Hilo north there are in a length of about ninety miles over a hun- 
dred water-falls, many falling perpendicularly into the sea from great 
height, or pouring in rapid torrents down the steep banks and cafions of 
the eastern shore.’ Just as little could we expect, and for the same 
reason, coral reefs to thrive on western Maui. Except at the junction of 
the two parts of this island, we find nowhere conditions favorable for the 
growth of coral reefs (Plate III.). 

The coral formation of Kauai, which extends as a narrow growing reef 
on the eastern and windward shore, has been described by Dana. He 
has also given an account of the solidified beach deposits ? similar to the 
drift sand rocks of Oahu, and has figured a solidified beach deposit 
occurring along the shores of the Koloa district, the remnant of a narrow 
fringing reef, which seems to run more or less continuously along the 
whole eastern sea face of the island. 

Brigham? is of the opinion that the reef near Koolaii (Kauai) has 
been elevated. He also says* that ten or twelve miles west of Waimea 
the coral reef has been elevated on a long wide ridge transversely to 
the present shore line. Near Lipa he speaks of a very curious sand- 
bank, nearly sixty feet in height, formed by the winds and currents. 

1 Dana does not consider that fresh water has a great influence in the formation 
of harbors in coral areas, but it undoubtedly at low stages of the tide increases 
the volume of water which scours the harbors, while the detritus it carries must 
prevent corals from growing along its course, even if the fresh water was not itself 
a check to the growth of coral. Though corals in many instances are known to 
‘live close to fresh water, yet the fact remains that they do not thrive along coasts 
where large bodies of water empty into the sea. 

? Dana, U.S. Expl. Expedition, Geol. Report, pp. 275-277. 

8 Brigham, W. T., On the Volcanic Phenomena of the Hawaiian Islands, p. 344, 

Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., I., Part IIT., 1868. 
4 Ibid., p. 349.” 


He further says,’ that the plain land of Niihau, which comprises two 
thirds of its surface, is composed of coral reef sand, and the detritus 
washed from the mountains in successive layers. He also says that the 
coral reef has been elevated from fifty to one hundred feet, and at the 
southeast end of the island is quite level. This level portion is bare 
and hard; the coral structure is not evident, its fracture is conchoidal, 
and it has a metallic ring. Opposite Kaula the reef is covered with sand 
in round hills, which have a thin crust of earth. 

Brigham has noticed that the limits of the coral reefs could readily 
be traced by the marked change in color of the water of the fringing 
reefs, which extend to a considerable distance from shore, usually re- 
maining quite level as far as the outer edge, when they drop into deeper 
water.” No detached coral reefs are known in any of the channels 
between this island. This is very noticeable off Molokai, where there is 
a fringing reef on the lee side, which can be plainly seen while steaming 
along its shore. But whether the coral said to have been obtained 
there by Rev. Mr. Andrew at a height of three or four hundred feet above 
the level of the sea is drift coral sand, or indicates a corresponding ele- 
vation of the island, I am unable to state. 

Nowhere do the drift coral sands seem to play such an important 
part as on the windward side of some of the Sandwich Islands. This 
is due to their position in the belt of the trade winds, and to the im- 
mediate proximity of the fringing reef to the shore. In some cases 
the sands merely drift with the wind, forming irregular banks, which 
become cemented together by the action of the rains into a more or less 
friable sand rock. The sand rock consists of thin distinct layers, indi- 
cating the successive duration of the winds which have driven the sand 
in a given direction ; the successive layers are frequently separated by a 
thin smooth crust, formed by the action of water on the exposed surface. 
On the weather side of Oahu, all the way from Kahuku Point to Diamond 
Head, we meet with such sand drifts (Plate II.). Where the hillsides 
are more exposed to the full force of the trade winds in the range of an 
old elevated reef which is pounding to pieces, as at Laie, the sands are 
carried far inland towards Kahuku Point (Plate II.), where they form 
well weathered pointed pinnacles of disintegrated sand rock, and assume 
most fantastic shapes, reaching to a height of over two hundred feet 
above the level of the sea, the material having been furnished by the drift 
from the disintegration of the old reef; the loose sand is first swept in- 
land by the trades, and banked up in layers, which are subsequently 

1 Thid., p. 351. 2 Thid., p. 352. 



furrowed and torn by the rain waters, and either cemented or disinte- 
grated into the shape they now present. 

Dana has given a figure! of one of the best examples of such drift 
sand rock, which is found near Kahuku Point, at an elevation of about 
seventy-five feet above the level of the sea. As he states, the island of 
Oahu has undergone an elevation of somewhat more than twenty feet, 
since these sandstone bluffs were formed, and this bluff before its elevation 
undoubtedly occupied the same relation to the fringing reef which now 
forms the elevated plain back of Kahuku Point as the sandstone rocky 
bluff of Laie Point holds to the present edge of the shore. Organic 
remains are very rarely found in these coral sandstones, although an 
occasional shell left by a hermit crab, or a thin fragment of coral or of 
a Lamellibranch may sometimes be rolled up into the sand drift and 
cemented in it. A walk on the long steep coral sea-beach extending 
from Kahuku Point to Laie shows at once where the material for these 
coral sandstone bluffs must have come from. 

On Maui we also have a long coral sand beach stretching from Kahu- 
lui Bay to Paia (Plate III.), from which drifts have been blown, form- 
ing extensive coral limestone deposits on the base of the eastern slope of 
Western Maui, near Wailuku. The drifts have in some cases formed 
large heaps of considerable height, which have accumulated on the 
mountain sides for nearly the whole length of the line of separation be- 
tween Eastern and Western Maui. These accumulations of limestone 
vary in thickness from a few thin layers, scarcely concealing the undula- 
tions of the ground beneath and forming a thin veneer, to drifts of con- 
siderable magnitude, with rounded tops, more or less disintegrated, and 
showing plainly in section the successive layers which have formed them. 
Through the thinner layers frequently crop out the grasses and plants 
which have been partially covered by the drifting coral sand, while in 
the thicker deposits the vegetable matter is found in all possible stages 
of decomposition, finally leaving tubular spaces, which have been attrib- 
uted to annelids by some observers, and supposed thus to prove a very 
considerable elevation of certain parts of the Sandwich Islands, as at 
Wailuku, where Captain Dutton? mentions this drift coral sandstone as 
fragments of an elevated coral reef. 

The low plain which separates Eastern and Western Maui (Plate IIT.), 
extending from the landing at Maalaea to Kahului Bay, the harbor of 
Wailuku, on the north, is the top of an old coral reef, which flourished 

1 Geology of U. S. Exploring Expedition, p. 46. 
2 Report of Director of U. S. Geological Survey, 1883, p. 201. 


when the inlet still gave free entrance for the sea-water driven through 
it by the trade winds. The reef finally choked up this passage, flourish- 
ing thereafter only at the northern edge, where it is still active. Little 
by little the old reef has been completely hidden by the mass of drift 
sand derived from the beach of coral limestone sand to the east of 
Spreckelsville, which at one time may have been much farther inland. 
The coral sand on the beach is finely triturated, and the finer fragments 
form regular dunes of all possible sizes, from small horseshoe-shaped 
heaps, driven slowly along by the trades and growing constantly, so that 
we find some of these dunes of no less than twenty feet in height, which 
have travelled two to three miles towards the foot of the Western Maui 
slope, where they are comparatively sheltered and become cemented to- 
gether by the rain. The Spreckelsville beach thus supplies the drifting 
coral sand, afterward hardened into the rock mentioned above, as well as 
the remarkable sand dunes which travel inland, obstructing the roads 
and the trails. They resemble the huge travelling sand dunes found on 
the desert back of Mollendo, which frequently cross the railroad tracks 
leading to Arequipa, and impede the progress of trains as much as snow 
drifts do in a northern region. 

In estimating the thickness of coral reefs,’ it has been nepal) to take 
the declivity of the land, and to calculate from the estimated slope and 
distance from shore the thickness at any given point. This must be a 
very defective method, at least in volcanic countries, where the fringing 
coral reefs have frequently been entirely covered over by volcanic out- 
bursts, such as ashes, lava, or perhaps torrential rains, bringing down 
from the mountain-sides an unusual amount of detrital matter. The 
drilling for artesian wells near Honolulu has most plainly shown this 
alternation of growth of reef corals and of either lava outflows or water- 

1 Darwin and Dana both argue that the subsidence of the land is the only pos- 
sible cause for the thickness of a fringing or barrier reef, which may be as much 
as one or two thousand feet. The evidence brought forward by Mr. W. O. Crosby 
(Onthe Elevated Coral Reefs of Cuba, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1882, p. 124) does 
not throw any additional light on Darwin’s theory of subsidence ; it is of the same 
character as all the statements which prove the subsidence by the existence of coral 
reefs, and while there may have been coral reefs formed during subsidence, it 
does not prove that their growth is due to subsidence any more than the presence of 
elevated reefs proves them to be due to elevation. They grow and must have 
flourished continuously in periods of both elevation and subsidence, as long as 
neither the elevation nor the subsidence was more rapid than the rate of growth 
of corals, and as long as the area in which they were found as elevated reefs was 
inside of the limits of depth within which we know corals to grow. 


washed material. On the other hand, we may have the coral reef 
forming merely a shell of very moderate thickness, covering the underly- 
ing lava rocks. Such is probably the case with the inner reef of the 
harbor of Kaneohe (Plate V.), where it is easy in the inner harbor to trace 
all the transitions from lava islets rising high above high-water mark 
(Mokolii, Plate V.), and surrounded at the base with a thin layer of coral, 
or to similar islands scarcely reaching above the water level (Ahuo Laka 
Mokuo Loe, Plate V.), where the lava rock can be seen in the centre 
of the Pocillopore surrounding it, and again from these to numerous 
similar islands (Plate V.), which, judging from analogy, have a nucleus of 
lava, but, not reaching to the water level, have become entirely coated 
with coral. Finally, there are larger islets which are covered by dead 
corals in the centre, and fringed only by a circle of living corals, while 
outside of the harbor we have a reef of greater thickness, probably form- 
ing a regular fringing reef on the outside of the entrance to Kaneohe 
Harbor (Plate V.). The flat plain underlying the northern edge of the 
harbor, having been built up to reach the water level for nearly its whole 
width, is covered only with occasional patches of living coral in the 
deeper parts, and with a flourishing growth of corals on the edges adjoin- 
ing the inner harbor. Near Kahuku Point there are several most inter- 
esting cases, showing the thin veneer of coral which must in some 
instances cover the underlying lava. It is not uncommon to find at a 
few rods from the shore what may be called coral tables. They are parts 
of the elevated coral reef, left as pinnacles on the top of a projecting 
mass of lava, the coral table being at the same level as the adjoining dis- 
connected elevated coral reefs. These coral tables can hardly have been 
left cemented where they were unless the intervening coral reef has been 
all washed away, and they should not be confounded with similar un- 
attached blocks upthrown and not necessarily cemented in their natural 
attitude, such as have been described by Dana. A very fine specimen 
of such a large unattached coral rock block is seen lying on the reef 
across the entrance of Kaneohe Harbor. 

In estimating the thickness of a fringing coral reef, the following indi- 
cations, taken from sections of artesian wells bored in the vicinity of 
Honolulu, will be of interest. 

With the exception of Mr. James Campbell’s well and the well near 
Pearl River Lagoon, the artesian wells are at Honolulu or to the east- 
ward and near Diamond Head. To Messrs. Lewes and Cooke I am in- 
debted for data regarding the character of many of the wells. Water 
was reached at depths ranging from three hundred to six hundred and 

twenty feet, and none of the wells were started at a greater height than 
forty-two feet above high-water mark. 

Palace yard artesian weil : — 
72 ft. of coral rock. 
6 ft. of lava. 
Then 260 ft. lava to coral, thickness not given. 
Then clay. 
Then iava to 706 ft. 

A second well half a mile inland from the above :— 
30 ft. of boulders. 
Coral was reached at 200 ft., of a thickness of 30 ft. 
Then 250 ft. of clay. 

At Waimea, Oahu, 900 ft. was drilled through hard ringing coral 
rock ; then sand and lava were encountered. 

Near Pearl River Lagoon, close to the road running above the ele- 
vated coral rock plateau to the southeast of the Pearl Lochs, a well 
passed through 300 to 400 ft. of coral rock. 

Another well passed through 

100 ft. of soil and boulders. 30 ft. of coral. 
100 ft. of coral. 90 ft. of clay. 
12 ft. of clay. 28 ft. of sand and boulders. 

A well in Thomas Square : — 

6 ft. of soil. 60 ft. of clay. 
10 ft. of sand. 50 ft. of coral. 
200 ft. of coral. 80 ft. of clay. 
44 ft. of clay. 50 ft. hard pan. 
10 ft. of coral. 
Another well, after a few feet of surface soil, came upon a bed of 
38 ft. of coral. 5 ft. of clay. 
Then 22 ft. of white sand. 45 ft. of coral. 
43 ft. of yellow sand. 30 ft. of clay. 
47 ft. of lava. 100 ft. of coral. 
110 ft. of coral. 78 ft. of clay and coral mixed. 
100 ft. of lava. 28 ft. of clay. 
70 ft. of coral. 120 ft. of lava. 

The “coral” in these wells was so ground up that it could only be 
recognized as such from the larger fragments, and the so-called clay was 
mainly lava detritus finely pulverized. 



The well of Mr. James Campbell is thirty feet above high-water mark. 

50 ft. 

of gravel and beach sand. 

20 ft. 

of soapstone. 

270 ft. of tufa. 110 ft. of brown clay. 
505 ft. of hard coral. 48 ft. blue lava. 
75 ft. of brown clay. 10 ft. of black clay. 
25 ft. of washed gravel. 18 ft. of clay. 
95 ft. of red clay. 249 ft. hard brown rock (lava). 
28 ft. of white coral. 

The well of Mr. A. Marques is at the mouth 

of Manoa Valley, 36.67 

feet above high-water mark : — 
10 ft. of earth. 30 ft. of clay. 
20 ft. of coral. 150 ft. of lava. 
40 ft. of lava. 268 ft. of clay, rock, and lava. 
That of Mr. Dillingham is 38.72 feet above high water :— 
90 ft. of loam. 25 ft. of coral. 
40 ft. of coral. 40 ft. of clay. 
60 ft. of clay. 300 ft. of lava. 
That of Mr. Ward is 13.36 feet above high-water mark : — 
15 ft. of loam. 23 ft. of coral. 
180 ft. of hard coral. 107 ft. of sand. 
4 ft. of clay. 4 ft. of sand. 
24 ft. of coral and shells. 4 ft. of lava. 
41 ft. of clay. 18 ft. of lava rock. 
10 ft. of hard coral. 39 ft. of rock. 
109 ft. of clay. 

There are in the Museum at Honolulu pieces of wood, charred or de- 
composed, brought up from a depth of two hundred and fifty feet from 
one of the artesian wells. This would merely indicate that the pieces 
had been washed down from. the mountain sides on the then existing 
slope, and would not necessarily indicate a subsidence. The alternat- 
ing of so many successive layers of clay and coral and lava indicates, 
in my opinion, merely the gradual extension seaward of the shore line as 
fast as lava detritus was washed down or flowed over from successive 
eruptions, while the growth of the layers of coral indicates the period 
of rest during which the coral beds were deposited, each in its turn 
being overwhelmed by a layer of lava or laval detritus, until we reach 
the existing condition of things. That such a succession of coral 
growth and lava beds actually took place in the past can safely be 


inferred from the borings of the artesian wells, as well as from what we 
see going on in the harbor of Kaneohe along its shore line, along the 
shore line at Diamond Head and other parts of the fringing reefs east 
and west of Honolulu, as well as in certain portions of the islands where 
coral sand rock is intercalated between beds of lava of greater or less 

The great thickness of the coral rock can be accounted for by the 
extension seaward of a growing reef, active only within narrow limits near 
the surface, which is constantly pushing its way seaward upon the talus 
formed below the living edge. This talus may be of any thickness, and 
the older the reef, the greater its height would be, as nothing indicates 
that in the Hawaiian district there has been any subsidence to account 
for such a thickness of coral rock in its fringing reef. 

Dana thinks that the western coral islands beyond Bird Island, in the 
Hawaiian range, indicate participation in the general subsidence, which 
he traces over a large part of the Pacific Ocean, as indicated by atolls 
and barrier reefs. Yet he himself describes the fringing reefs of Kaui 
and Oahu, and mentions their width as being considerable. 

There appears to be no evidence that there has been any considerable 
elevation in the Hawaiian Islands, twenty to twenty-five feet being prob- 
ably the extreme ; while the existence of cinder cones with their base 
close to the present sea level would indicate also that there had been no 
special subsidence. There is, however, some evidence of subsidence on 
the southern shore of Hawaii. At Kalapanu is a sunken plain about 
a mile wide and two miles long, where there has evidently been a sub- 
sidence of about fifty feet ; and the raised coral reef extending along a 
part of the shore would indicate another change of level in former times. 
Brigham has given a sketch plan of the plain in Fig. 27, on page 373 
of his ‘‘ Notes on the Volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands.” * Plate XIII. 
shows the position of the sunken beach at Kaimu. 

From the recent examination of the islands of the Hawaiian group, 
and the explanations given by Dutton of the causes determining their 
present physiognomy, it would be more natural to suppose that the 
gradual building up of the various islands by overflows and eruptions had 
overwhelmed such reefs as existed (if any did exist) during the period of 
great volcanic activity of the islands. There have been as yet no sunken 
reefs discovered in any of the channels between the islands, and as far as 
we know the reefs are all littoral formations of the present shore lines. 

The greatest depth in the channel between Oahu and Molokai is 317 

1 Mem. Bost. Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. I. Part III. 


fathoms ; between Molokai and Maui, 137 fathoms; and between East 
Maui and Kahoolawe, only 40 to 50 fathoms; while between Maui and 
Hawaii there is a depth of 1107 fathoms, and over 1890 fathoms close to 
Kaui between Kaui and Oahu. ‘These soundings were kindly given me 
by Hon. H. A. Wiedemann, and were taken by a vessel sounding for a 
submarine cable to communicate between the islands. 

' It is interesting to note the structure of the reef as we pass over it 
at high tide from the shore to the sea face. The slope of the channel 
- forming the harbor entrance is made by a steep bank of muddy whitish 
ooze. The reef-flat itself, varying from half a mile in width to less, is 
also covered nearer shore with coral ooze, and interrupted by small 
rounded knobs of decomposed algz, Nullipores, and stalks of dead Sar- 
gassum. These cover irregular patches of greater or less size, separated 
by bare spaces of ooze. A little farther out, in depths varying from five 
to six or even ten feet of water, we come across numerous rounded 
patches, covered by clusters of Millepora, with here and there a group of 
Pocillopora, and in the intervening bare patches the coral limestone is fre- 
quently pitted by numerous Echinometrade and Diadematide. Some 
of the rounded knolls rise close to the surface, and sometimes even are 
bare, leaving deep pools between them, in which the characteristic reef 
fauna flourishes. Such knolls, when farther out to sea, and arranged, as 
they often are, in regular lines of considerable length parallel in a gen- 
eral way to the trend of the shore, form successive concentric lines of 
breakers, diminishing towards the shore. Upon these the sea beats, 
breaking up, pounding to pieces, and triturating the corals growing 
upon the sides of the knolls, until they are changed into the ooze which 
gradually cements the shore portions of the reef into a solid limestone 
mass (see Plate VIII.), and freely supplies the fine material for the coral 
sand beaches close to the land. On Plate VI. the lines of breakers on the 
sea face of the reef are faintly indicated. On smooth days I could fol- 
low beyond the outer line of the breakers the occasional patches of large 
Millepores, or of Pocillopora, or Porites, or Astra, together with the 
few Gorgoniz which run out on the somewhat steeper outer slope of the 
reef. These gradually diminish, and as faras could be seen with the sea 
glass disappeared completely in about ten fathoms. It was very easy to 
examine the Honolulu portion of the reef by accompanying the fishermen, 
who are in the habit of going out daily in their canoes just outside of the 
breakers, and whose skill in crossing the swell in their outriggered canoes 
it is very interesting to watch. The small amount of animal life on the 
Honolulu reef (on the lee side of the island of Oahu) is surprising, as 


compared with that on the weather side on the reefs of Kaneohe Bay. 
This difference is due to the ‘fact that much of the pelagic life brought 
by the trade winds against the weather side of Oahu is swept past the 
lee side without bringing any great quantity of food to the coral reef. 
This is plainly shown by the comparative scarcity of pelagic life, even on 
the most favorable days, on the lee side along the sea face of the Hon- 
olulu reef, as contrasted with that of Kaneohe Bay. On such days little 
could be seen off Honolulu beyond a few Salpe, a huge species of 
Appendicularia in its house, a few Diphyes and Praya, and a few pelagic 
crustacea, even when the wind had been blowing from the south, and 
was driving the pelagic fauna towards the lee shores again. The Hon- 
olulu reef contrasts also with the Florida Reef in the scarcity of Sponges. 
The very gradual sea slope of the Honolulu reef is one of its marked 

The in-shore flat of the reef, left bare at low tide, as well as all the 
low land extending to the base of the hill slopes to a height of nearly 
twenty feet above the level of the sea, is made up of coral reef sand. 
This is the character of the whole reef, whether west of Honolulu or 
east, all the way from the outskirts of the city to Waikiki, and to the 
base of Diamond Head. At Diamond Head the coral reef sand is mixed 
with the volcanic material washed down from its slopes, and where 
it is washed directly into the sea we find the lava sand as well as the 
coral sand remodelled by the action of the water, forming either layers 
of clear lava sand overlaid by coral sand, or all possible gradations be- 
tween a mixture of fine sands of the two and a modern conglomerate 
or breccia of the larger fragments cemented together by the lime car- 
bonate held in suspension, or by the finer or coarser sands. Pot-holes, 
gullies, and corrugations, due to the wearing action of the sea-worn lava 
gravel rolling up and down the lava beds, characterized them wherever 
exposed to the action of the breakers or of the sea; while, if subsequently 
protected, these or similar holes and corrugated surfaces are gradually 
filled by a deposit of finer or coarser washed material, which, becoming 
cemented, produces very striking effects. Some of the larger pot-holes 
in the lava beds in the adjoining elevated portions of the reef often con- 
tain masses of Porites and of Mzandria of considerable size, more or 
less washed, as well as numerous fragments of mollusks, the whole 
cemented together in a solid calcareous mass, as we find it on the exposed 
part of the shore edge of the reef. Towards Diamond Head the outer 
slope of the reef approaches the shore. (Plate IV.) The reef there is 
narrow, and, owing to the greater depth off shore and the narrowness of 


the reef, there are only one or two lines of breakers acting directly upon 
the shore portion of the reef. 

Dana has described the so-called modern chalk of Oahu, which is 
found at a single locality near Diamond Head, in a part of the elevated 
coral reef. It is at the foot of a tufa cone rising from the water’s edge, 
and, as Dana has already stated, coral must have been thriving on the 
shores when the eruption took place, as there are fragments imbedded 
in the tufa, although the chalk itself is of later origin. There is nothing 
to be observed throwing any light on the causes which have produced 
this chalk at this particular part of the elevated reef, except that it 
must have been deposited in a confined area, subject to special condi- 
tions. Yet this chalk is not more similar to the modern chalk than the 
modern chalk dredged off Nuevitas, which was deposited under most dis- 
similar circumstances. The Oahu chalk appears to differ very slightly 
from such deposits of fine coral sand as are deposited in sheltered locali- 
ties on the shores of coral beaches. It does not contain any organic 
remains, but has in addition the peculiar fracture of chalk, and, as is 
stated by Dana, is used on the blackboard in some of the schools of the 

At Makapuu the reef has been raised about twenty feet, and farther 
north the whole coast is fringed with a growing reef, extending in some 
places over three quarters of a mile in width. There are extensive sand 
dunes, also, mentioned by Dana and Brigham, a short distance back of 
the shore reef at the foot of Konahuanui. 

The elevated reefs of the Sandwich Islands, although not elevated 
more than twenty to twenty-five feet, are extensively quarried as lime- 
stone for building purposes, especially those parts of the reef which evi- 
dently formed its inner portion, and in which the corals and mollusks 
living on the surface of the reef have been admirably preserved. 

On the southern edge of the Aliapaakai basin, six miles west of 
Honolulu and three quarters of a mile from the sea, there is a raised 
coral reef which has been much displaced ; it has been fully described by 
Dana. Living corals are comparatively rare upon the reef-flat. Large 
specimens of Porites? flourish in pits and hollows of the reef, and a 
scanty marine fauna, with occasional masses of Nullipores and Sar- 
gassum. The top of the edge of the reef is barren, and is deeply fur- 
rowed ; it is only somewhat farther down the slope that the reef fauna 
flourishes actively again. 

1 Dana speaks of the huge size of individual masses of Porites in the rock of the 
inner reef of Tongatabu, which were twenty-five feet in diameter. Geology of 
U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1849, p 39. 


One cannot fail to be struck with the hardiness of the large masses of 
Porites still found living, half exposed to the air at low tide, in the im- 
purer water of the reef near to the shore, which seem to die more from 
the effect of sediment than from the effect of the exposure to the sun, 
or from the impurity of the water. In fact, Porites both at the Sand- 
wich Islands and at the Tortugas are among the hardiest of reef corals. 
As Jukes, Guppy, and others have noticed, in many species of corals 
exposure to air is not always fatal, although in Florida the Madre- 
pores, which hold to the Atlantic reefs the same relation the Pocilloporee 
hold to the Pacific, are frequently killed over extensive tracts when 
exposed to air by low tides or winds. As far as I could judge from an 
examination of the sea face of the Sandwich Island reefs, the Pocillo- 
poree do not extend to a depth of more than fifteen fathoms, and then 
gradually disappear, though the sea face of the reef was swept by a con- 
stant current running westerly, due to the trade winds, and during the 
season of trade winds but little sediment found its way there to prevent 
their active growth. 

Dana has called attention to the great extent of the elevated reef of 
Oahu, which occurs at the foot of the mountain slopes along the whole 
southern face, at heights ranging from five to twenty feet above the level 
of the sea, forming the large flats of the Pearl River Lagoon. It is 
nearly continuous from Makapuu to Kahuku Point, extending from 
there to a small river emptying at Waimea, where it abruptly ceases, 
but flourishes again on both sides of Waialua, and along the greater 
part of the northwestern coast near Waianae. ‘The elevated reef attains 
its greatest width near Kahuku Point, where it is nearly a mile wide, 
and we can trace this elevated reef as a fringing reef before the elevation 
of Oahu just as plainly as we now trace the present fringing reef of the 
south shore of Oahu, and that in Kaneohe Bay. 

Near Kahuku the drift sand-hills are of great size and height, and 
resemble an elevated beach. The elevated reef near Kahuku and that 
along the northwest end of Oahu are quite distinct from the solidified 
sand-dune deposits. 

At Laie! the drift sand has formed hills of sandstone hard enough 
for building purposes. These hills are thirty to forty feet high, much 
broken and worn by the action of rain and wind into grotesque honey- 
combed masses and ragged pinnacles, which, as Brigham says, have often 
been mistaken for elevated coral reef rock. 

The mouth of the stream at Waimea is often completely closed by a 

1 Brigham, Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I. p. 358. 


dam of sand at low stages of water, which is in its turn broken through 
again whenever sufficient head of water has accumulated behind it. 

Some extensive ancient dunes, from one hundred to one hundred and 
twenty feet in height, indicate an effect of the trade winds now no longer 
acting. It may be that some of these more ancient inland dunes, which 
have become solidified near Diamond Head, were formed under the influ- 
ence of the trades before their full force on the eastern edge of the reef 
was destroyed by the elevation of the long hill forming Diamond Head. 
It may be that we owe to the presence of these dunes most of the coral 
sand and calcareous material which we find up to a considerable eleva- 
tion between Diamond Head and Honolulu in the Manoa Valley. 

Although the Honolulu reef has a far less rich fauna than the reef of 
Kahului Bay, yet the limestone which it forms, not having been exposed 
to the action of the trade-wind surf, presents the reef much as we see it, 
flourishing and gradually dying out in proportion to its proximity to 
the shore. The corals, Serpule, Nullipores, echinoderms, mollusks, and 
even crustacea, are not ground to pieces, as in reefs open to the violent 
action of the sea, where all traces of their identity are destroyed in the 
process of formation of the coral limestones characteristic of such ex- 
posed reef shores. On the contrary, the coral heads themselves, as well 
as all the animals flourishing upon such a protected reef as that of Hon- 
olulu, are rapidly fossilified and imbedded in limestone, being gradually 
covered with the floating lime held in suspension or in solution in the 
water; so that, whenever we get a good section of the shore coral lime- 
stone, we invariably find, either on the reef-flat itself, or on the imme- 
diate shore line, or on those portions of the reef which have been slightly 
elevated, a limestone representing the reef as it grew and flourished, in 
which we can plainly distinguish the different species of coral, as well as 
the invertebrates which once lived in their shelter. 

In the section to be seen on King Street, near the Prison Point, be- 
yond the bridge, a face of about six feet in height was being quarried, 
the highest point perhaps three feet above high-water mark, the Prison 
Knoll, which is the continuation of this limestone ridge, being about ten 
feet above high-water mark. This and another limestone knoll facing 
the opening of the Nuuanu Valley are formed of a close white lime- 
stone mass of decomposed reef rock, in which the individual heads are 

‘more or less distinct, and which contains a large number of shells and 
echinoderms imbedded in the mass cementing the corals together. The 
western and eastern extensions of this old shore line of the reef, which 
must have been elevated about twenty feet above the sea level, has been 


preserved ; but in the continuation of the dividing ridge between the 
valleys of Nuuanu and of the Manoa, they have been denuded on eagh 
side of that ridge and appear again on the eastward at a few points 
on Diamond Head and towards it on the west. But the lower levels 
of the same reef can be traced continuously along the present south- 
ern shore line all the way from Diamond Head. The salt ponds and 
flats, which extend inland in the Manoa Valley between Honolulu and 
Waikiki seem to indicate an inner lagoon much like that of Pearl River, 
which has gradually been filled up by the silt swept down by the river, 
The comparative poverty of the fauna of the Honolulu reef is undoubt- 
edly due to its being on the lee side of the island of Oahu, the outer face 
of the reef alone obtaining a fair supply of food, brought by the westerly 
current due to the trades, which runs along the south coast of Oahu. 
Mr. Rose was kind enough to take me out in a canoe to examine the 
corals in Kaneohe Bay. We found the bottom of the bay covered in 
many places by numerous more or less circular patches of living corals 
(Plate V.) in all stages of growth, from domes a few feet below the level 
of the sea covered by flourishing corals to small fringing reefs round the 
shores of the islets and rocks which occur in the bay, and to elliptical 
reefs, awash when the corals were living only on the outer slopes. The 
bases of all these islands are undoubtedly summits of volcanic rocks 
projecting above the general level of the bay, which have been coated 
or surrounded by corals. To the southward of Kaneohe Head, on the 
plain of Kailua, are extensive dunes similar to those already described. 
The edge of the bay is itself entirely surrounded by a fringing reef 
(Plate V.) of corals, mainly of species of Porites, which have gradually 
died out near the shore, and thrive only near the deeper water on the 
edge of the channel. The opening of the bay is barred between Kapapa 
and Ahuo Laka by a barrier reef (Plate V.) of very moderate thickness, 
extending towards Kekepa and Mokolii, resting upon a lava bottom, 
which is exposed in places. There are two entrances into the inner lagoon 
of the bay. The breakers pound heavily upon this barrier, and from 
it huge coral blocks are constantly thrown up and ground to pieces, 
the sand being carried in towards the bay and forming the bar of the 
harbor. Dana looks upon these huge blocks, as well as the islands off 
Kaneohe Bay, as having been elevated from six to eight feet above high 
tide.1 Kaneohe Bay is to a certain extent sheltered from the full force 
of the trade winds by the small peninsula of elevated coral reef which 
stretches to the eastward of the bay. On the barrier reef, as well as on 

1 Dana, J. D., Geology of U. S. Exploring Expedition, p. 253. 


the isolated patches in the bay, we find mainly Pocilloporz, and shel- 
tered by them in the interior circle of the coral patches solitary Fungi 
with a few Gorgoniz, which seem to be much less numerous than upon 
the reef near Honolulu, and there are also comparatively few algz and 
corallines. The large masses of Porites growing near the shore have 
little by little been choked by the silt coming down from the Pali, and 
a volcanic sand flat, with a band of living corals on the outer edge, is 
thus formed near the fringing reef, in marked contrast to the coral sand 
flats formed by the action of the breakers. 

The whole bay before corals began to flourish upon it must have 
contained a number of small volcanic islands, and a large number of 
sunken volcanic rocks and ledges, which have become capped with coral 
or surrounded by diminutive fringing reefs. What is now going on in 
the Bay of Kaneohe on a diminutive scale, we may apply to groups of 
volcanic islands in the Pacific. If we add to this the powerful agency 
of accumulations of limestone on the deeper summits or banks, until 
these surfaces are built up to a height at which corals can begin to grow, 
we have all the various elements needed for the formation of fringing 
reefs, barrier reefs, or atolls within a comparatively limited area, as is 
the case in those archipelagoes of the Pacific where these various kinds 
of reefs have been observed to occur together. The base upon which 
the barrier reef of Kaneohe has been built up has probably been formed 
by the washing down and disintegrating of a lava crest of considerable 
height, if we may judge of it from Mokolii. 

According to Dana and Darwin the line of barrier reefs and of atolls 
indicates the former extent of the area of land before the reefs began to 
form, which in some cases was three or four times that now above the 
level of the sea, and in the whole Pacific reef district the atolls and reefs 
are the monuments of islands which have long ceased to exist. 

The formation of a barrier reef upon a foundation denuded to the 
depth at which corals can flourish has not been observed before. Cap- 
tain Wharton! gives a very interesting account of “the preparation of a 
suitable foundation for coral builders by a process directly the reverse of 
that of building up by marine organisms on mounds that have failed to 
reach the surface,” from which it appears probable “that the cinders 
and ashes which formed, and still form, the summit of the volcanic 
‘ mound originally thrown up, are being by wave action gradually swept 
away, and will continue to be so removed until the top of the bank is 
reduced below the limit of such action, or the solid rock is laid bare.” 

1 W. J. L. Wharton, “ Foundation of Coral Reefs,” Nature, October 11, 1888. 
VOL. XVII. — NO. 3. Hal 


Dana argues agaiust the possibility of coral reefs being planted upon 
submarine banks of the requisite depths for corals to thrive, yet this is 
actually what we see going on in Florida, and we can there trace all 
the steps from the barrier reef to the keys, and to the incipient reef or 
coral bank making a beginning upon the limestone bank which has been 
raised by accretion to the depth requisite for the growth of corals. It 
seems to me that a wide flat reef cannot be formed by a slow subsid- 
ence, but must have grown, during a period of rest or slow elevation, 
simply by the dying out of the coral next to the land, as has been ob- 
served on the shore edge of Kaneohe Bay. 

Captain Wharton? has also given, in a recent number of “Nature,” a 
number of instances of the growth of corals on banks, or on the edge of 
banks, illustrating the formation of barrier reefs and of atolls without 
the introduction of subsidence. He instances many cases in which reefs 
now growing will when awash form perfect atolls of large size, enclosing 
deep lagoons, without any further deepening by solution. He also calls 
attention to the great width of many of the existing fringing reefs, 
which should show more signs of solution than they do if Murray’s 
theory is sufficient to account for the formation of the whole interven- 
ing lagoon. The rotten state of the surface of all coral reefs, espe- 
cially fringing reefs, shows that there is considerable solution as well as 
removal of material going on ; but the very fact that the majority of 
these reefs are of great width goes to show also that solution alone is 
not active enough to remove great masses and form lagoons. The 
case of Rodriguez is cited by Captain Wharton, where, although there is 
a rise of tide of nearly six feet, with every facility for a scouring action 
and rapid change of water, yet there is a fringing reef of a width of 
nearly four miles and three quarters, intersected only by narrow shal- 
low channels. In the case of the Florida Reef there is nothing to show 
that the outside reef has not arisen on the southern edge of the Florida 
Reef plateau, when it attained a depth at which corals can grow. The 
lagoon between the reef and the keys was certainly never filled by 
corals which have been carried away by solution, though it has been 
occasionally obstructed by the growth of patches of corals, which are of 
the same date or of a later growth than the coral reef proper. 

Dr. Coppinger? describes Amirante Bank as a submerged atoll, which, 

1 “ Coral Formations,” Nature, February 23, 1888, p. 393. 

2 Cruise of the Alert, by R. W. Coppinger, London, 1882, p. 225. In Florida 
there is nothing to show that detached barrier reefs cannot grow up to reach the 

constructive power of breakers, as Guppy seems to argue from the existence of 
sunken barrier reefs. 


if raised fourteen feet, would become a true atoll. According to Guppy,* 
elevation is necessary to form an atoll and bring it within the destruc- 
tive range of the sea, and a fringing reef, according to him, could not 
be formed near shore or grow outwards. No such elevating action exists 
along the whole line of the Florida Keys, yet the reef has grown up to 
the action of the breakers. The same is the case with Kaneohe Bay. 

Neither fringing reefs, nor barrier reefs, nor atolls, grow exclusively 
outward. I am inclined to consider the islets on the inner side of a 
lagoon as remnants of islands formed by coral heads and coral sand 
flats, rather than to suppose that the intervening channel has been eaten 
away solely by the solvent action of sea-water. Leconte, as I have 
stated, ascribes the limitation of corals towards the shore, and their 
growth seaward, on the one hand to the: muddiness of the inner waters 
of the lagoon, and on the other to the purity of the water due to its 
depth. It really seems doubtful whether the islands in the lagoon chan- 
nel at Tahiti, mentioned by Murray, are portions of the original reef 
still left standing, and not, as is the case with the coral heads in the 
ship channel of the Florida Reef, independent coral patches, which have 
not been overwhelmed by the action of sediment from the outer reef, 
or as in the Tortugas, where we find active coral growth in the inner 
line of the open channels. He further says, when coral reefs are much 
broken up the coral growths in the lagoon are relatively abundant, while 
there are but few coral patches and heads in the lagoons and lagoon 
channels when the reefs rise to the surface, or are nearly continuous. 
This is certainly the case at Kaneohe Bay. 

Geikie® also calls attention, in the examination of maps of coral 
regions, to the difficulty of the theory of subsidence, as in the case of 
the Fiji Islands, where fringing and barrier reefs and atolls all occur in 
close proximity, and where all evidence seems to point to elevation, or at 
least to a long period of rest. 

The fringing reef of Kaneohe Bay forms a scalloped outline, with an 
occasional white coral sand beach where the wind has a wider sweep 
than in the eastern and more protected parts of the bay. But these 

1 Guppy, H. B., Notes on the Characters and Mode of Formation of the Coral 
Reefs of the Solomon Islands, being the Results of Observations made in 1882-84, 
during the Surveying Cruise of H. M.S. Lark. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb., 1885-86, 
p. 857. 

2 Murray, Proc. Royal Soc. Edinb., 1879-80, p. 515, April 5, 1880, Vol. X. 
No. 107. 

3 Geikie, The Origin of Coral Reefs. An Address read before the Royal Phys- 
ical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings, Vol. VIII. p. 1, 1884. 


coral beaches alternate with darker lava silt brought down from the 
neighboring mountains, often forming very extensive shore flats, of 
which the Chinamen, by damming out the sea, have taken advantage 
for cultivation ; along part of Kaneohe Bay there is quite an extensive 
flat thoroughly cultivated, where cattle are turned out. This flat is 
formed of coral sand, extending far out to Mokolii Island from the 
adjoining headland, from which diverge coral patches. On rounding the 
northern end of the bay we see that the reef north of Mokolii comes 
close to the shore, and assumes the character of a narrow fringing reef, 
following the shore line more or less regularly. At Kahana a small 
harbor has been formed by the extension northward of the reef from 
Makuua. Westward the road along the edge of the island runs behind 
the shore sand dunes or the beach shelf, or on its summit. There is no 
trace of elevation from the point to the south of Kaneohe Bay to the 
creat Kohuku reef-flat, extending south to Laie. 

At Kohuku there is a fine bluff of consolidated drift sand, of which 
Dana has given an excellent figure. Similar drift rocks extend all round 
the base of the slope of the foot-hills, marking the old shore line of the 
Kohuku reef, which extends from this point as a flat coral plain, slightly 
elevated (twenty to twenty-five feet) above the level of the sea, from half 
a mile to a mile in width, to the present coral sand beach of Kohuku, 
which is exposed to the full action of the trade-wind breakers, and has 
thrown up a high sand-bank built up from the elevated reef. This ele- 
vated reef extends all the way from Laie to Kohuku, the small outlying 
islands being the remnants of sand drift rocks which are gradually being 
eroded by the sea, and which have in former times, when the reef was 
active, supplied the material for the innumerable sand drifts of the foot- 
hills. These sand drifts have become gradually eroded into the most 
fantastic shapes, covering the hillsides with innumerable small points 
resembling Gothic spires. This elevated reef does not seem to be active 
on its sea face. No soundings are available for that part of the shore, 
and the heavy rollers break directly on the present sand beach, so that 
the sea face is probably quite steep. 

Near Waimea the fringing coral reef crops out here and there behind 
the high sand beach formed from the disintegration of the underlying ele- 
vated reef. There, as at Kohuku, the reef seems to stop abruptly near 
the line of beach breakers, and the slope appears steep, there being no 
trace of recent reef corals beyond the line of shore breakers. The coral 
sand at the back of the beach was thrown up to a height of from ten to 
twenty feet. The breakers form a small lake across a gulch, of which 


they dam the outlet by throwing up a high sand dam; this breaks 
through when the water has accumulated a sufficient head. Half a mile 
beyond Waimea the coral caps the lava beds at a height of nearly ten 
feet above the high-water mark. 

At one other point two miles beyond Waimea, towards Waialua, we 
find numerous coral tables capping lava bases. Many of these coral 
tables are blocks ten by twenty feet, one of them as much as fifty by 
one hundred feet. The height of the lava supports is usually five or 
six feet. This elevated coral reef, all the way from Kohuku to Waialua, 
is cut by lava spits, which project beyond its surface and extend sea- 
ward. At Waialua there is a very fine patch of the elevated coral reef, 
from five to six feet above the level of the sea. Traces of this reef can 
be seen for five or six miles to the southward of Waialua, along the 
beach, made up of coral sand mixed with more or less lava sand, which 
reaches towards Kaena Point. 

-As will be seen on examining Plate I., the reefs of Hawaii consist only 
of isolated patches of limited extent near Hilo. On the sides of Upolu 
Point, both east and west, isolated patches have been observed, near 
Kawaihae, and at the southernmost point of Hawaii somewhat larger 
stretches of coral exist. 

The so-called coral reef to the south of Hilo (Piate I.), near Keokea 
Point, consists mainly of detached patches of corals (Pocillopora). They 
are very much like the patches of corals to be found on the west coast 
of Mexico, and do not constitute a regular reef, although a good deal 
of coral grows in this way, judging from the amount of coral sand and 
fragments thrown upon the small beaches to the south of Hilo. The 
patches are mainly the same species of Porites and Pocillopora which 
form the reef of Honolulu. There is comparatively little animal life on 
these coral patches, and the lava rocks off Hilo do not appear to support 
a rich fauna, Although small alge grow thickly on the rocks, no Sargas- 
sum was found attached, as near Waikiki on the Honolulu reef, and 
on the coral conglomerate of the Spreckelsville beach on the north shore 
of Maui. 

Near the northern extremity of Hawaii, near Honoipu, there is a 
patch of coral and another patch to the eastward of Mahukona, clearly 
seen from the railroad running round the northern point of Hawaii. On 

the lee side of Hawaii there is, near the village of Kawaihae, a stretch 

of coral reef, which protects a bay once a great resort of whalers. The 
village itself is prettily situated at the northern end of a long coral 
sand beach. To the south extend, as far as the eye can reach, the 


various ancient flows of lava which have come down the slopes of Hua- 
lalai and of Mauna Loa ; while to the eastward of Kawaihae are seen the 
older flows of Mauna Kea and the deeply furrowed cafions extending 
from the shore nearly to the summits of the Kohala mountains. An 
interesting patch of elevated coral is also found on the edge of the 
sunken plain of Kalapana, similar to the restricted patches now growing 
on some points of Hawaii. 

The coral reefs of Maui see (Plate III.) are found on the long beach of 
the windward side of the island, on Maalaea Bay, and along the lee side 
of Western Maui from Maalaea Bay to a short distance north of Lahaina. 
The evidence I have been able to collect on the coral plain between 
Maalaea Bay and Kahului indicates that Eastern and Western Maui 
have been united by a coral reef, which flourished in the shallow passage 
once existing between these two parts of Maui. The great coral plain 
lying at the foot of Western Maui, and extending to meet the slopes of 
Haleakala on the opposite side, is only the surface of the old coral reefs 
which once flourished there. The plain which divides the two parts of 
Maui is in some places scarcely above the level of the sea ; it abuts some- 
what abruptly on the steep slopes of West Maui, while it passes imper- 
ceptibly into the slopes of East Maui at Haleakala. 

The corals mentioned by the Rev. Mr. Andrews, as found at elevations 
of from five hundred to eight hundred feet even on the eastern slopes of 
West Maui, are, as I have satisfied myself, all AZolian formations such as 
I have described. 

The large reservoir for the Hawaiian Commercial Company, below 
Wailuku, from one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and seventy- 
five feet above the level of the sea, is built in natural depressions left 
between the sand dunes which have been formed in former times on the 
old beaches extending all the way across to Maalaea Bay from Kahului 
Bay. The highest of these sand dunes must be from two hundred to 
two hundred and fifty feet above the level of the sea, and they have 
become solidified into sandstones by the action of the rain. Coral sand 
dunes can now be seen travelling across the road leading from Spreck- 
elsville to Wailuku, some of which are from twenty-five to seventy feet 
high. But a great many have become fixed at a distance from the 
beach from which they originated, having become overgrown by a species 
of Bermuda grass. 

Brigham says that on the windward shore of Maui’ the coral sand is 
piled up in ridges nearly one hundred feet above the sea, shifting with 

1 Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I. p 367. 


the wind, which sometimes drives columns of sand miles along the beach. 
This is the material which forms the fine coral sand beach reaching from 
Wailuku to Paia. 

The stratified coral sand rock seen by Captain Dutton? at Diamond 
Head, and to the east of the village of Wailuku on Maui, which he takes 
as evidence of a recent upheaval of two hundred feet, and perhaps more, 
are only consolidated sand drifts, such as I have described above. There 
certainly is nothing in the character of this eolian coral limestone to 
compare with the consolidated reef rock at the level of the sea. The 
shells he mentioned as imbedded in it have either been blown up by the 
violent winter gales, or are the shells of gastropods carried up by hermit 
crabs, which I have often met with more than a mile from the coast 
in their wanderings. 

I have not seen on the shores of Maui coral ledges indicating any ele- 
vation. The highest masses of coral rock are fully within the reach of 
the action of moderate, or even very heavy seas. The observations of 
Rev. Mr. Andrews, quoted by Dana, in regard to the possible elevation 
of Molokai and Maui, do not appear to me to indicate anything beyond 
coral sand dunes. 

The existence of coral sandstone on the east slope of West Maui at a 
considerable height, over extensive tracts, does not indicate any eleva- 
tion, but is due merely to the xolian deposits which have found their 
way to certain favorably situated places under the action of the pre- 
vailing trade winds. Nowhere in the district I haye examined on Maui 
have I succeeded in finding any trace of corals beyond the height to 
which fragments might be carried by the action of the waves or wind 
and tides of unusually severe storms. The bedding of the sandstones 
at considerable heights was evidently entirely due, as has been shown 
by Dana, to the successive deposits of sand cemented together by inter- 
rupted rain fall, forming the delicate crusts which separate the various 
thin layers of coral sandstone which have accumulated at certain points. 

I was greatly interested, on visiting the long coral sand beach which 
extends from Kahului to Hamaknapoko, to find very much the same 
action going on in the formation of coral conglomerate, breccia, and odlite, 
which I had so often watched at Loggerhead Key, and on the island of 
Key West on the beach north of Fort Taylor. This action was, however, 

‘modified by the fact that a much heavier sea, due to the trade winds, 
was driving upon the surface of the reef off the beach, and was still pow- 

1 Hawaiian Volcanoes, by Capt. Clarence Edward Dutton. Fourth Annual 
Report of U. S. Geological Survey, 1882-83. Washington, 1884, p. 81. 


erful enough on the beach itself to throw up huge masses of Porites, of 
Pocillopora, and of Astrzeans, and with them a large number of shells 
living on the reef. The whole is pounded by the process into a sort 
of coquina, which is cemented on the beach, much like coral breccia. 
Owing to the steady action of the trades, the finer sands accumulated 
on the beach would be blown up the slope and carried off to form the 
travelling dunes, or the masses of drifting coral sand carried inland to 
form the coral sand drifts, while quite heavy fragments were also blown 
up bodily to the upper level of the beach. 

Kahului Bay is sheltered by a wide, flat, active coral reef, the harbor 
being an inlet of the western and widest end of the reef. The reef ex- 
tends easterly, gradually becoming narrower toward Paia, where it ends. 
Only occasional patches of corals are found to the eastward of this point. 
It is this extensive coral flat, covered with huge masses of Porites and 
Pocillopores, upon which the full force of the trade-wind sea is pounding, 
which furnish many of the larger blocks of the Maui coral coquina 
which were left as formed in sheltered places, and were covered by 
a luxuriant growth of a species of Sargassum; the surface of many 
of these blocks was protected by masses of Nullipores and other calca- 
reous alge. The Kahului beach is broken by numerous spits extending 
out on the reef. These spits are remains of lava flows which have be- 
come covered with huge rounded masses of lava, and in part by frag- 
ments of broken coral and by coral sand, sometimes one to two feet in 
thickness. In this breccia and conglomerate, as well as in the stratified 
coral coquina formed in its proximity, numerous rounded and water- 
worn pebbles of lava have become imbedded. The coral lava conglom- 
erate thus formed has a most striking appearance. I had been greatly 
puzzled by finding similar deposits inland near Maalaea Bay, on the low 
plain extending towards Kahului, and on some of the sugar plantations 
at a distance to the east from the road connecting the above-named 

The recent British Admiralty Chart, No. 1520, shows very well the 
distribution of the coral reefs of the Sandwich Islands. The only 
islands which I examined for reefs myself are Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii, 
and in passing close to the south shore of Molokai I could readily see 
from the color of the water that there was an extensive fringing coral 

CamBripGe, November, 1888. 




The Hawaiian Islands. From British Admiralty Chart. Soundings in fathoms. 
The shaded shore plateaus show the position of coral reefs. 


Oahu. From Hawaiian Government Survey, W. D. Alexander, Surveyor-General. 
The shaded shore plateau indicates the recent and ancient coral reefs. 


Maui. From Hawaiian Government Survey, W. D. Alexander, Surveyor-General. 
The shaded shore plateau indicates the position of coral reefs. 


The south side of Oahu. The shaded portions indicate the position of the ac- 
tive reefs, extending along the south side of Oahu from Barber’s Point towards 
Makapuu Point, andin Kaneohe Bay. From British Admiralty Chart. 


Kaneohe Bay. From Hawaiian Government Survey, W. D. Alexander, Surveyor- 
General. The lined and colored parts indicate the extent of the active reefs of 
Kaneohe Bay. Soundings in fathoms at low-water mark. 

Honolulu and its Fringing Reef. The line of breakers indicates the position of 
the outer slope of the reef. From a photograph. 


The eastern side of the entrance of Honolulu harbor. From a photograph. 
Diamond Head in the distance. 



The shore edge of the Fringing Reef, extending to the east of Honolulu harbor, 
towards Waikiki, with Diamond Head in the distance. From a photograph. 


The rotten shore edge of the Fringing Reef east of Honolulu, near Waikiki. 
From a photograph. 


Passage cut through the shore edge of the Fringing Reef by the river coming 
down the Nuuanu Valley to the westward of Honolulu, seen from Smith Bridge. 
From a photograph. 


Pearl River Lagoon, the inshore arms of the Pearl Lochs. From a photograph. 


Coral Sand Beach at Kahana formed from the triturated blocks of an ancient 
coral reef which once flourished between Kahana Bay and Kahuku Point. From a 


Sunken Coral Sand Beach at Kaimu, Hawaii. From a photograph. 

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Ny ners 

No. 4. — Studies on the Primitive Axial Segmentation of the Chick. 
By Juuia B. PLATT. 


Wuite studying the general development of the chick in connection 
with my special work upon the segmentation of the medulla and the 
origin of the cranial nerves, I came upon the following sentence in 
Balfour’s Comparative Embryology: ‘The first somite arises close to 
the foremost extremity of the primitive streak, but the next is stated 
to arise in front of this, so that the first formed somite corresponds 
to the second permanent vertebra.” ? A foot-note calls attention to 
the fact, that “further investigations in confirmation of this widely 
accepted statement are very desirable.” 

Prof. His is hardly more definite. He says: “ Die Urwirbel, welche 
zuerst entstehen, sind, wie dies v. Baer bereits richtig erkannt hat, nicht 
die vordersten Halswirbel, sondern es bilden sich vor den zuerst ent- 
standenen Wirbeln im 5 und 6 Stadium noch einige fernere. . . . Ich 
mochte mit v. Baer vermuthen, dass ihrer jederseits zwei entstehen, 
moglicher Weise ist indess diese Schitzung zu niedrig gegriffen.” ® 

I believe that the “ Photogramme zur Ontogenie der Végel, von C. 
Kupffer und B. Benecke,” is the only other publication in which there 
is either confirmation or refutation of the opinion advanced by Balfour, 
in regard to the order in which the protovertebre are formed. From 
the explanatory remarks with which Kupffer and Benecke accompany 
their beautiful photographs of chick embryos, one is led to think that 
the first protovertebra to appear is at least the fifth in the series, count- 
ing from the anterior. In determining the order in which the proto- 
vertebra arise, they have been principally guided by the difference in 
size found to obtain among the protovertebre of the same individual. 
The largest is considered the first. 

‘1 These studies were pursued in the “ Annex” Laboratory at the Museum of 
Comparative Zodlogy, Cambridge, Mass., under the direction of Dr. Howard 
Ayers. Zool. Laboratory, No. 14. 
2 Vol. IL. p. 161. : 
8 Untersuchungen iiber die Erste Anlage des Wirbelthierleibes, pp. 82, 83. 
VOL. XVII. — No. 4. 


As my own investigations lead me to a conclusion at variance with 
that of Prof. Kupffer, I have examined the photographs with care, 
and am pleased to find that even in point of size the protovertebre 
which I consider to appear first may well dispute the claims of Prof. 
Kupffer’s first protovertebre. In fact, the criterion of size among 
objects of such varying outline admits of a wide range of interpreta- 
tion. It is not enough to judge from the superficial area, we must also 
take into account the depth. Moreover, it often happens that a large 
protovertebra appears opposite a small one, in which case size evidently 
does not determine seniority, since opposite protovertebre are known 
to appear at about the same time. If precedence were established by 
size, then we should expect to find a gradual decrease in size from first 
to last ; yet this is not what we do find, and Prof. Kupffer does not 
affirm that any protovertebra is second to be formed because second in 
size. Perhaps I am laying too much stress upon the matter of size, 
since what Prof. Kupffer says in this regard is quite conditional. He 
affirms only that, ¢f size determines age, then we must consider this or 
that protovertebra first formed. 

Moreover, it is not clear upon what Prof. Kupffer founds his opinion, 
that the second cleft in the mesoderm appears anterior to the first, 
unless it be founded upon the relative distances of these two clefts from 
the anterior end of the primitive streak, as compared with the space 
which intervenes between the end of the primitive streak and the first 
mesodermic cleft in an embryo where only one cleft has yet appeared. 
This, at least, is the argument used in regard to Figure 25, loc. ct., which 
represents a chick with four distinct pairs of protovertebre, and a fifth 
faintly marked off in the mesoderm posterior to the others. Here the 
author considers the third from the anterior to be the one first de- 
veloped, but allows that one might hesitate to decide between the third 
and fourth: “denn die Entfernung des hintersten Spalts von dem vorde- 
ren Ende des Primitivstreifs, harmonirt mit der Entfernung des ersten 
Spalts von demselben Punkte in den Figg. 20 und 22.” (In Fig. 20 
only one cleft has appeared in the mesoderm; in Fig. 22, there are but 
two.) “Mag man nun aber den einen oder anderen der beiden hinteren 
Urwirbel als den zuerst abgegliederten auffassen, jedenfalls geht aus 
den Figg. 24 und 25 hervor, dass die Segmentirung zuniichst rascher 
nach vorn als nach hinten vorschreitet, und ist darnach die Angabe von 
Foster und Balfour zu berichtigen, die behaupteten dass die nichst- 
folgenden Urwirbel hinter dem ersten Paar entstiinden.” ? 

1 Kupffer, p. 172. 2 Thid., pp. 178, 174. 



Now, Figures 20, 22, 25, are said to be enlargements of the ante- 
rior portion of Figures 19, 21, 24, respectively. In the last mentioned 
figures, the distance from the posterior extremity of the primitive streak 
to the head fold varies but little, while the primitive streak alone, in 
that chick which has three or four more protovertebrz than the other 
two chicks, is shorter by the width of those protovertebree. Comparing 
the pictures, and allowing for a difference in total length, we find that 
the width of three protovertebre has been added in Figure 24 from the 
region of the primitive streak to that of the embryo, and this added 
space we find occupied by protovertebre. This being the case, does it 
not seem quite reasonable to suppose that the posterior vertebre are 
developed later than the anterior, in the space once occupied by the 
receding primitive streak, — especially since we know the important part 
played by the primitive streak in the formation of the mesoderm? I do 
not attach much value to this argument, nor do I know if it would hold 
true for other chicks which might be photographed ; I would merely 
say that these three photographs, which are compared by Prof. Kupffer 
for the purpose of determining the first protovertebra, are capable of 
leading to conclusions quite different from those at which the author 

Prof. Kupffer further remarks: “ An den Figg. 33 und 34 sind einige 
Einzelheiten hervorzuheben. Man geht wohl nicht fehl, wenn Man 
das in der Contourzeichnung mit w! markirte Urwirbel-paar [of five 
pairs, the fourth] als das erst entstandene auffasst. Abgesehen von der 
Grosse [it does not seem to me larger than either the second or fifth 
pair] spricht der Umstand dafiir, dass die Axe der Urwirbel dieses Paares 
nicht senkrecht auf der Medianlinie steht, sondern eine leichte Neigung 
noch hinten zeigt. Es harmonirt das mit der Richtung der beiden 
ersten Spalten, Figg. 19-22.”1 Let me call attention to the fact, that 
the fifth pair of protovertebre in Figures 33 and 34 shows also a 
“ Neigung nach hinten,” but is evidently not therefore considered “das 
erst entstandene.” 

I allow, indeed, that the obliquity of the angle made by the fourth 
and fifth pairs of protovertebre with the main axis of the chick in 
Figures 33 and 34 corresponds well with the obliquity of the angle in 
Figures 19 and 22, where, as will be remembered, but one pair of pro- 
tovertebrx is developed, and there is therefore no doubt about its being 
the first ; but how in regard to Figure 23, where “der erste Urwirbel 
ist . . . deutlich begrénzt, vor demselben ein zweiter und hinter dem 

1 Kupffer, pp. 175, 176. 


ersten ein dritter in der Abgrenzung begriffen”?1 Here the second pair 
of protovertebrz, the only pair as yet distinctly formed, is quite at right 
angles with the main axis of the chick, while the only one obliquely placed 
— the posterior —is not as yet fully formed, and therefore cannot be 
the first formed. Thus we see that, where there is but one pair of proto- 
vertebre, it makes an oblique angle with the middle line ; where there 
are three pairs, the third as yet but half defined protovertebra is 
oblique ; and where there are five pairs, obliquity belongs to the last 
two pairs, of which the fifth is not as yet distinctly separated from the 
surrounding mesoderm. It seems, therefore, reasonable to suppose that 
the characteristic of obliquity to the middle line belongs rather to the 
protovertebra just formed, or forming, than to the protovertebra which 
of any given number was first formed. 

Figure 41 represents a chick with seven pairs of protovertebre, of 
which the fifth is marked as first. Figure 50 represents a chick with 
nine pairs, of which the fourth is designated first; and the author 
naively remarks, that “das Bild (Fig. 50) ist aufgenommen worden, um 
an einem zweiten Beispiele die Constanz der Erscheinungen an den 
Urwirbeln zu demonstriren.” Four pairs of protovertebre developed 
in front of the first in the less advanced chick ; three pairs developed in 
front of the first in the more advanced chick. Shall we not call this 
variation, rather than constancy? I think enough has been said to 
show that neither the size of the protovertebre, their relative distance 
from the primitive streak, nor yet their obliquity to the main axis, is 
a sufficient ground to warrant a decisive answer to the question in 
regard to the order of their development. 

It may be that Prof. Kupffer has other reasons than those which he 
mentions for thinking it highly probable that the fourth or fifth pair 
of protovertebre is the pair first developed ; but in so far as the argu- 
ments he advances are concerned, one may well hesitate to accept his 
conclusions until they be supported by further evidence. 

J have studied one hundred and fifty or more chicks, and from their 
external appearance I have been able to make out little in regard to the 
order in which the first protovertebre are formed. The length of the 
chick at this early stage varies; the shape and relative length of 
the primitive streak vary ; the outline of the area pellucida is seldom 
exactly the same in any two chicks. In fact, there seems to be no fixed 
point from which to measure. But I have been more fortunate in the 
study of serial sections. From these I learn that the cleft which sepa- 

1 Kupffer, p. 172. 


rates two protovertebre is not at the time of its first appearance a 
continuous break extending throughout the width and depth of the 
vertebral plate. As a first trace of segmentation, there appears, in a 
line transverse to the axis of the chick, a succession of slight depressions 
on the dorsal surface of the vertebral plate. In a series of sagittal 
sections these depressions appear and disappear, a single depression 
seldom occupying more than two or three sections. As the chick grows, 
these depressions gradually deepen and become more continuous, while 
immediately below them a slight upward curve appears in the ventral 
boundary of the mesoderm. A little later, a distinct line appears, con- 
necting these two indentations, and separating the cells of the undiffer- 
entiated mesoderm from those which are about to form a protovertebra. 
The latter now take on the spindle shape that characterizes the proto- 
vertebral cell, their long axes becoming gradually radial as regards the 
protovertebral body. Soon there appears here and there a break in the 
line that bounds the forming protovertebra, but, as a rule, cell prolonga- 
tions, in a horizontal plane somewhat below the middle of the protover- 
tebra, bind the new protovertebra, on the one hand to the undifferentiated 
mesoderm, and on the other to the protovertebra last formed. 

The formation of a distinct and separate protovertebra takes place so 
gradually that a single long section shows the process in all stages of 
progression. Passing from the fully formed protovertebre through four 
or five in process of formation, one reaches the undifferentiated meso- 
derm; in which a faint dorsal depression gives the first indication of the 
place where a protovertebra will ultimately be cut off. 

This being the case, it is evident that, provided the order in which 
the protovertebre are formed is in every chick the same, and pro- 
vided that a protovertebra which has once started to develop contin- 
ues to develop regularly, then, to determine the order in which they 
have developed requires but a sufficiently complete set of sectioned 

In development, as in adult life, individual chicks may be expected, 
within a certain limited range, to vary from the typical chick. Still, 
if we find certain conditions to prevail in a large number of chicks, 
without exception, we are warranted in assuming these conditions to be 
normal. The protovertebre are not formed until the mesoderm in the 
region of the somites has grown to be quite compact, and is as many as 
four cells deep, so that when the cell layers first take on their concen- 
tric arrangement they lie in two layers about the central axis of the 
protovertebra. I have never seen a protovertebra whose walls were 


but one cell thick, hence I am warranted in assuming that a certain 
thickness pertains to the. mesoderm from which a protovertebra is im- 
mediately to be formed. Since the breaks in the mesoderm appear so 
gradually, it is possible, at the time the first cleft has appeared, to see 
where the next is to follow, and consequently to determine definitely 
on which side of the first protovertebra the first cleft appeared. 

Figure 1, Plate I., is a section through a chick at the time when one 
decided parting of the mesoderm occurs, and the chick when examined 
entire by transmitted light showed but one mesodermic cleft. 

From this section it will be seen that the first cleft lies anterior to 
the first protovertebra, not posterior, as Kupffer and Benecke supposed. 
A partial cut separates this protovertebra from the posterior mesoderm, 
while the protovertebra anterior to the first cleft is still closely con- 
nected with the mesodermic band which runs forward to the head. In 
fact, the anterior protovertebra is not entirely separated from the 
anterior mesoderm until as many as four or five protovertebre have 
been formed. A curve in the dorsal outline of the mesoderm indicates 
from the first, however, where the anterior protovertebra is to be ulti- 
mately cut off. The series from which Figure 1 is taken shows more 
conclusively than any other series which I have, the relation of the first 
mesodermic cleft to the first protovertebra. It is difficult to find the 
exact stage when the first cleft is far more developed than the second, 
although the second one is already distinctly marked. However, in 
almost any series made at the time when the first protovertebra has 
just been formed, the same conclusion with regard to the priority of 
the anterior cleft may be reached by comparing the number of entire 
and partial breaks which occur in successive sections anterior to the 
first protovertebra with those that occur posterior to it. It will then 
be found that the anterior cleft is both deeper and more continu- 
ous than the posterior. The sections which I have drawn have 
been selected from chicks, the stages of whose development follow 
so closely upon one another, that, if it be supposed that between 
any two stages the protovertebra marked a has developed into that 
marked 1, while the cells included between the letters f and g have 
developed into the protovertebra a, then the protovertebrx, which 
in the preceding section were already partly cut off, posterior to 1, 
must have become attached to the mesoderm from which they were 
thus partly separated, or the order of development must vary in dif- 
ferent chicks ; for if the above supposition were true, in the chick with 
the greater number of protovertebre the posterior ones would be less 

Ee a 


distinctly set off than in the chick with a less number of protovertebre. 
The sections, however, do not support this supposition, since they show 
that, while the undifferentiated mesoderm posterior to the first proto- 
vertebra (1) is of the requisite thickness to permit of the formation of 
protovertebre, the mesoderm anterior to a is too thin. This I find 
to be the case in all chicks which I have examined at this stage of 
development. Aside from the thinness of the mesoderm anterior to 
protovertebra a, the sections also show that even in the anterior part 
of a the cells have not increased as rapidly as in the posterior part. 
Consequently, this protovertebra is characterized by a peculiarly asym- 
metrical form, which gives it, in the early stages of its growth, an 
appearance quite different from that of the other protovertebre. 
(See Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 6.) 

Figures 5 and 5 a are taken from a series which was not cut parallel 
to the axis of the chick, and therefore the appearance of protovertebra 
a in Figure 5 is delusive. These facts force me to conclude that, 
contrary to the opinion advanced by Kupffer and Benecke, the develop- 
ment of protovertebre is much more rapid caudad than cephalad. In- 
deed, after the first cleft in the mesoderm appears, dividing two forming 
protovertebre, the posterior mesoderm goes on continually differentiat- 
ing into protovertebre until the chick acquires its complete number 
of protovertebre, while it is only after three or four protovertebre 
have been thus formed posterior to the first, that protovertebra a 
becomes finally separated from the anterior mesoderm, after which this 
mesoderm also slowly acquires sufficient thickness to form another pro- 
tovertebra anterior to a. 

Figure 5a was drawn for the purpose of showing a group of cells 
lying between f and g. They come into section near the outer (i. e. 
lateral) boundary of the line of protovertebrz, and extend through 
only three sections, while it takes twenty sections to pass through a 
protovertebra. They are, in fact, the first indication of the formation 
of a protovertebra anterior to a. A like group of cells is not found 
on the opposite side, nor do they occur on either side of the chick from 
which Figure 6 is taken. But I find a similar group of cells in the 
same position (between f and g) in the series from which Figure 7 is 
drawn. The section represented is that which shows best the character- 
‘istic radial arrangement of these cells. Here, too, but few sections pass 
through the group. In the succeeding stages they are more marked, and 
by the time five or six protovertebrz have been formed posterior to 1, 

these cells have become distinctly protovertebral in their arrangement. 
VOL. XVII. — no. 4. 12 


Still the new protovertebra is little more than a half-protovertebra, for 
it is much smaller than those immediately behind, and opens anteriorly 
to the mesoderm of the head, into which it passes with no distinct boun- 
dary. These peculiarities of protovertebra 6 are evident even in the 
entire chick, if examined at this stage. 

For some time I thought it possible that this incomplete protover- 
tebra might be formed from protovertebra a, but this cannot be the 
case, for I have traced its growth from a few cells grouped together 
anterior to a, up to the time when the ninth nerve, passing behind 
the ear capsule, crosses so near to this protovertebra as to leave no 
intervening tissue from which another protovertebra could be formed. 
That another protovertebra is not formed anterior to 6 is also evinced 
by the fact, that in no subsequent stage does the line of protovertebre 
end anteriorly in a complete protovertebra, or in a protovertebra Jess 
complete than 6. If 6 became complete, and the tissue anterior to 6 
developed into an incomplete protovertebra, it would be possible to find 
the stage in which this change took place. 

In Kolliker’s ‘“ Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hé- 
heren Thiere,” there is a figure? representing an “ Urwirbel ihnlicher 
Korper vor der Gehérgrube, der von einem Ganglion und zwei Nerven 
gebildet wird.” Another figure? represents an embryo with two large 
cell masses at the beginning of the protovertebral line, which Kolliker 
calls “Urwirbeln thnliche Massen.” He supposes them to represent 
the “ vereinigte Anlage der Ganglion des Glossopharyngeus und Vagus.” 
The shape of these last mentioned protovertebra-like structures, and 
their relative distance from the ear capsule, lead me to think it highly 
probable that their posterior wall is formed by the incomplete protover- 
tebra (b) of which I speak above, while their anterior wall is formed by 
the ninth nerve. However this may be, since Kolliker affirms these 
structures to be at least in part ectodermic, they offer no objection to the 
limitation which I place upon the mesodermic protovertebre, of which 
alone I speak. 

My conclusions are, therefore, that the first break in the mesoderm 
occurs anterior to the first protovertebra, and that two protovertebre 
(or, more correctly, one and a half) are slowly formed anterior to the 
first mesodermic cleft, in the time occupied by the formation of six or 
seven protovertebrze posterior to that cleft. With regard to the num- 
ber of protovertebre occurring anterior to the first, my work confirms 
the estimate of His and Von Baer. 

1 Loe. cit., p. 430. 2 Loc. cit., pp. 142, 148. 





In respect to the further development of these protovertebre, I quote 
from Froriep,? the results of whose investigations have been corroborated 
by Van Wijhe. ‘In der Occipital region, d. h. in dem zwischen ersten 
Cervical-nerven und Vagus eingeschlossenen Abschnitt der Wirbelsiule, 
finden sich bei viertagigen Htihnerembryonen vier Muskelplalten, welche 
von hinten nach vorn (cranialwarts) an Grésse abnehmen. Es waren 
also hier vier Urwerbel angelegt, welche in den Aufbau des Kopfes 
eingehen. Der fiinfte liegt auf der Grenze von Kopf und Halswirbelsiule, 
die Muskelplatte, die dieser liefert, beriihrt mit ihrem caudalen Rand 
die Anlage des ersten Halswirbelbogens, mit dem cranialen die hinterste 
Bogenanlage der Occipitalgegend.” 

We see, therefore, that the first mesodermic cleft divides evenly the 
four pairs of protovertebre which enter into the formation of the head, 
and that this cleft does not coincide with the occipito-cervical cleft of 
the adult. 


The development of the rudimentary protovertebra 6 brings me 
to that stage in the growth of the chick with which my work ostensibly 
began. Contemporaneously with the formation of this protovertebra, 
the successive constrictions of the medulla appear, the neural crest is 
formed, and the first cranial nerves arise (V., VII., VIII.). 

If a chick be examined by transmitted light during the second or 
third days of incubation, it will be noticed that the medulla is marked 
by a series of swellings and constrictions which are directly continuous 
with a line of similar swellings and constrictions in the region of the 
spinal cord. These divisions of the medulla are such noticeable char- 
acteristics that they have frequently been mentioned before the com- 
paratively recent attempts to determine the number of head-segments 
from the distribution of the cranial nerves. His, Rabl, and Balfour 
speak of them as more or less transitory structures ; but in so far as I 
know, Béraneck and Orr are the only authors who have attempted to 
elucidate by their means the problem of cranial segmentation. 

_ In an article upon the cranial nerves of the Lizard,? Béraneck 
describes five successive enlargements of the central canal of the 

1 Archiy Anatomie und Physiologie, 1883. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der 

Wirbelsiule, p. 226. 
2 Des Nerfs Craniens chez'les Lézards. Recueil zoologique Suisse, 1884., 


medulla, corresponding to which the external surface of the neural 
wall is marked by five encircling swellings. These he designates 
“replis médullaires,” (designated by Dr. Orr “neuromeres,”) and he 
attempts to assign to them a segmental value, from their constant re- 
lation to certain of the cranial nerves. With the anterior neuromere 
he finds the fifth nerve connected; with the third, the united seventh 
and eighth nerves, while the roots of the ninth nerve come from the 
fifth neuromere. 

Dr. Orr, in a recent publication upon the development of the Lizard,} 
gives a similar description of the relation existing between the neuro- 
meres (replis médullaires) and the fifth, seventh, and ninth cranial 
nerves. Béraneck has also published a detailed account of the neuro- 
meres in the chick,? and has assigned to each fold a segmental value. 
The two anterior folds correspond to the two head-segments supplied 
by the fifth nerve. The third neuromere belongs to the united seventh 
and eighth nerves, these nerves consequently representing but one primi- 
tive segmental nerve. The fourth neuromere he assigns to the segment 
of the auditory capsule and sixth nerve, believing the relation which 
obtains between the auditory capsule and eighth nerve quite secondary. 
The fifth neuromere is connected with the ninth nerve. The tenth 
nerve represents a transitory condition between a spinal and cranial 
nerve, and is consequently not entitled to its neuromere, since the swell- 
ings and constrictions in the region of the spinal cord are not considered 
by Béraneck structures homologous with the neuromeres. 

Béraneck claims to have found similar folds in tritons and elasmo- 
branchs, although he was deterred from establishing their relation to 
the cranial nerves by lack of material. To the above list of vertebrates 
possessing neuromeres, I can add the salmon. Between the ages of 
fourteen and nineteen days the medulla of the salmon is divided into 
five distinct lobes or neuromeres, with the anterior of which the fifth 
nerve is connected; with the third, the ganglion of the seventh and 
eighth nerves, while the ninth nerve passes from behind the ear capsule 
close to the fifth neuromere. I did not have sufficient material, at the 
age when the nerves first appear, to decide whether this relation between 
nerves and neuromeres is primitive or secondary. From the constancy 
with which five neuromeres appear in classes so widely separated as fish, 
reptile, and bird, they would seem to be structures inherited from a 
common ancestral form. Moreover, the constancy in the number of 

1 Embryology of the Lizard. Journal of Morphology, 1887. 
2 Replis Médullaires du Poulet. Recueil zoologique Suisse, 1887. 

a ee — eee eee eee eee ee 


neuromeres is not less striking than the constant relation which the 
first, third, and fifth neuromeres bear to the fifth, seventh, and ninth 
cranial nerves. 

The constrictions which in the chick divide the neural tract into 
cerebral vesicles or “neuromeres,” appear even before the neural walls 
have formed a closed canal. They arise successively from before back- 
wards, dividing the medullary tube into vesicles, which decrease in size 
in the order of their formation. The third neuromere of the medulla 
(fifth vesicle formed) is the only exception to the gradual diminution of 
the successive vesicles. This neuromere (Fig. 17, Plate II.) is smaller 
than either the second or fourth. 

Anterior to the first protovertebra the neural canal is divided by a 
series of such constrictions into seven vesicles. With the appearance 
of each successive protovertebra, another constriction occurs opposite 
the protovertebra, and another neuromere (as we may also designate 
these neural swellings) is added to the preceding. The constrictions of 
the spinal cord often appear before the formation of the corresponding 
protovertebr ; consequently these ectodermic differentiations are quite 
independent of any mechanical influences consequent upon the formation 
of the protovertebre. 

Béraneck has already carefully described and figured the medullary 
folds, and in as far as the folds themselves are concerned I can but 
confirm the results of his investigations ; yet I have ventured to repeat 
the description in brief, because I would call attention to the fact, that 
in the chick, at least, the order in which the various parts of the brain 
are formed does not correspond with what is usually given as the typical 
development of the vertebrate brain. 

Wiedersheim says: ‘“ At a very early stage three swellings may be 
seen on the anterior enlarged part of the medullary tube, which are 
spoken of as the primary anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral vesicles 
(fore-, mid-, and hind-brain). . . . The primary fore-brain and hind- 
brain each become differentiated into two parts, and thus five divisions 
of the brain may be distinguished. Counted from before backwards, 
these are Prosencephalon (secondary fore-brain), Thalamencephalon 
(primary fore-brain), Mesencephalon (mid-brain), Metencephalon (sec- 
ondary hind-brain), and Myelencephalon (primary hind-brain).”? I 
quote from Wiedersheim, because he expresses so concisely the opinion 
commonly advanced by zodlogists in regard to the formation of the 
vertebrate brain. 

1 Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, pp. 131, 182. 


From Figure 17, Plate II., it will be seen that the primitive brain of 
the chick does not correspond with the above description. As the result 
of my studies, I find that primarily the chick’s brain consists of a suc- 
cession of neural vesicles, from the first of which the three anterior 
divisions of the adult brain are developed, namely, Prosencephalon, 
Thalamencephalon, and Mesencephalon. Soon after the formation of 
the first cerebral vesicle, the optic lobes appear as lateral outgrowths 
from it, after which, for some time, the growth of this vesicle is not 
relatively greater than the growth of the following vesicles, or than that 
of the entire embryo. But with the first appearance of the cranial 
flexure, the primary fore-brain begins to develop very rapidly, soon a 
constriction marks off the mid-brain (Fig. 15), after which the fore- 
brain grows out as an anterior vesicle, so that by the time the head is 
completely bent, the primary fore-brain is represented by three large 
vesicles, which open widely into each other (Fig. 14). The develop- 
ment of these three vesicles is wonderfully rapid, and since it is exactly 
coincident with the cranial flexure one may well connect the two events 
causally, affirming the cranial flexure to result from the very rapid 
development (increase of surface) of the dorsal and lateral walls of 
the first cerebral vesicle. 

The second primary vesicle develops into the cerebellum, and the 
successive vesicles, including the neural swellings between the first five 
protovertebree, take part in the formation of the adult medulla oblon- 
gata. Thus, either the development of the brain in the chick forms a 
marked exception to the usual development of the vertebrate brain, or 
the nomenclature of the three primary cerebral vesicles is inaccurate. 
The prevalent impression, that the brain consists primarily of but 
three vesicles, may possibly arise from the fact that the ectoderm does 
not exactly follow the neural conformation. The surface of the head 
at an early stage presents three main divisions, marked by slight con- 
strictions, but these are quite independent of the neural tract. The 
difference between the contour of the head and that of the brain will 
be manifest if the chick be first examined as an opaque object, and then 
by transmitted light. In the former case, the superficial outlines of the 
head are most apparent; in the latter, the medullary walls come into 
strong relief. 

Although I agree with Orr and Béraneck in regard to the number 
and appearance of the neuromeres, and although I also find the ulti- 
mate relation of the cranial nerves to these folds in salmon and chick 
to be the same as that which they describe for lizard and chick, I do not 



find that this relation is a primitive one in the chick. From lack of 
material, I was unable to study the younger stages of development in 
the salmon ; but with regard to the chick, I can say definitely that at 
its first appearance the fifth nerve does not arise from the outward con- 
vexity of the first neuromere of the medulla, as Béraneck has repre- 
sented it. It arises from the concavity that lies between the first and 
second neuromeres, and its position at the side of the anterior neuro- 
mere is quite secondary. This fact supports Marshall’s theory, that 
segmental nerves ‘‘ at an early period shift downwards, and acquire new 
or secondary roots of attachment to the side of the brain.”? It has 
seemed to me that the secondary attachment of the fifth nerve was not 
due to a new outgrowth connecting the nerve root and brain, but rather 
to a gradual shifting of the position of the original root. However this 
may be, it certainly cannot be owing to the outward spreading of the 
walls of the fourth ventricle that the root of the fifth nerve comes to 
acquire an attachment anterior to its primitive attachment. Béraneck 
says: “Par suite des changements survenus dans la roite du cerveau 
postérieur, . . . les replis sont encore plus déjetés sur les cétés de la 
région cephalique et les racines nerveuses paraissent étre descendues et 
se rattacher plus pres de la région ventrale qu’auparavant. .. . Les 
changements survenus dans la forme et la structure du cerveau posté- 
rieur me semblent suffire 4 expliquer cette descente apparente des nerfs 
craniens sans qu'il faille recourir 4 une hypothése ne reposant sur 
aucune observation directe.”* The mere divergence of the walls of the 
fourth ventricle may suffice to explain the more ventral attachment of 
the fifth nerve, but is hardly sufficient to account for the fact that its 
secondary attachment is anterior to the first. 

Since the walls of the fourth ventricle follow quite closely the curves 
on the outward surface of the medulla, the concavity from which the 
fifth nerve arises is represented on the inside by a ridge projecting far 
into the fourth ventricle. A: series of horizontal sections through the 
root of the fifth nerve at the time of its attachment between the first 
and second neuromeres shows this ridge to be composed of lines of cells 
converging like the rays of a fan towards the point from which the 
fifth nerve takes its origin (Fig. 10). This convergent arrangement of 
lines of cells is characteristic of each of the ridges which, projecting into 
the fourth ventricle, separate successive neuromeres (Fig. 12 b). If 

1 A. Milnes Marshall. Segmental Value of the Cranial Nerves. Journal of 
Anatomy and Physiology, 1882. 
2 Replis Médullaires du Poulet, Rec. zool. Suisse, pp. 334, 335. 


Figure 10 be examined, it will be seen that the fifth nerve draws its fibres 
from both the posterior part of the first neuromere and the anterior 
part of the second. Succeeding sections show the connection between 
the nerve and the neuromeres, both anteriorly and posteriorly, to be 
more extensive than in the section drawn. Béraneck says, apropos of 
the connection between the fifth nerve and second neuromere: “ J’avais 
toujours été frappé de ce que la seconde paire des replis médullaires 
était la seule ne paraissant avoir aucune relation avec les nerfs craniens. 
En étudiant la question d’un peu plus prés je reconnus que cette deuxi- 
eme paire émet un tronc nerveux qui vient se fondre avec celui partant 
de la premiere. Ainsi les éléments qui constituent le trijumeau sont 
fournis par les deux premiéres paires des replis médullaires. . . . Le 
trijumeau correspondant 4 deux paires de replis, ne serait donc pas un 
nerf simple, mais résulterait de la fusion de deux troncs nervaux primi- 
tivement indépendants.”’ ! 

From the fact that the second neuromere, as well as the first, con- 
tributes fibres to the formation of the fifth nerve, I cannot argue, as 
Béraneck does, that these two neuromeres correspond to the two primi- 
tive segments to which, from its peripheral distribution, the fifth nerve 
is supposed to be related. 

Of the two segmental nerves united in the fifth, one is surely repre- 
sented by the main branch of the fifth with its Gasserian ganglion, the 
other segmental nerve is usually supposed to be represented, at least 
in part, by the ramus ophthalmicus profundus, with its ciliary ganglion. 
In fact, Van Wijhe claims to have traced in the elasmobranch the back- 
ward growth of the ramus ophthalmicus, from its connection with the 
brain in the immediate neighborhood of the ciliary ganglion to its final 
fusion with the main body of the fifth nerve. This being the case, one 
would hardly look for the neuromere of that anterior segmental nerve, 
which has thus lost its independence, back of the neuromere to which 
the fifth nerve is itself attached. It is possible, indeed, to suppose that 
the whole fifth nerve has transferred its connection from the posterior 
to the anterior neuromere, but such a supposition takes away any seg- 
mental value which may attach to the neuromeres from their present 
relation to the cranial nerves. 

Aside from any theory of segmentation, the fact remains that the fifth 
nerve, at the time of its origin, arises from the depression between the 
first and second neuromeres, while the cells composing its root are inti- 
mately connected with the cells forming the mass of the ridge which 

1 Loc. cit., p. 337. 


projects into the fourth ventricle, opposite the external attachment of 
the nerve. It is therefore with this inner swelling, and not with an 
outer one, that the fifth nerve is originally connected. It may here be 
noticed, that neither the third nor fourth cranial nerve arises from the 
middle of the vesicle with which it is connected, but both are attached 
to the brain near the line which separates this vesicle from the following. 

Passing from the concavity between the first and second neuromeres 
to that which separates the second and third, or, in other words, pass- 
ing from the first medullary ridge (using this term to designate the 
internal ridges) to the second, we come to the origin of the seventh 
nerve, anterior to the small neuromere beside which lies the ganglion 
of the united seventh and eighth nerves. In a series of horizontal 
sections made at the time when these nerves have just left the neural 
crest, it will be found that from each side of the third neuromere nerve 
fibres pass downward and towards the middle of that neuromere, where 
they unite in a large ganglion. (See Fig. 12b.) This ganglion is ulti- 
mately and secondarily connected with the convexity of the third neuro- 
mere. As I remarked above, this neuromere is smaller than any other 
anterior to the origin of the tenth nerve, consequently the space included 
between the large roots of the seventh and eighth nerves is small, and 
might easily be overlooked in transverse or sagittal sectious. (See Fig. 
12a.) The long axes of the cells composing each nerve are, as usual, 
parallel to each other, but since the two nerves meet the ganglion from 
different directions, it follows that the long axes of the cells composing 
the seventh nerve make an angle with the long axes of those composing 
the eighth nerve, and the ganglion is consequently connected with the 
brain by two bands of cells whose long axes diverge (Fig. 12 a.) 

Although the fibres of the ninth nerve lie in close proximity to the 
fifth neuromere, they may be traced back of the ear capsule to the con- 
cavity which separates the fourth and fifth neuromeres, and corresponds 
to the fourth medullary ridge. (See Figs. 11 and lla.) The first 
figure shows the course of the nerve, and passes through the neural 
crest. The second figure is drawn to show the relation of the nerve 
to the entire ear capsule and the medullary ridge. They are from the 
same series. 

Posterior to the ninth nerve, the long commissure of the tenth nerve 
‘extends beyond the fourth protovertebra. The peripheral distribution 
of this nerve, and the extent of its commissure, show it to be com- 
posed of the fused roots of several spinal nerves. All of the spinal 
nerves arise opposite the muscle plates (Figs. 13, 13.) from correspond- 


ing concavities in the spinal cord. The nerve fibres primarily connect- 
ing the spinal ganglia with the cord, form an almost continuous sheet 
extending along each side of the spinal cord. At intervals correspond- 
ing to the interspaces between the protovertebrx, these fibres are appar- 
ently pushed to either side by the thickened mesoderm which projects 
upward from the region of the notochord, so that the fibres between 
every two such mesodermic thickenings are drawn into one spinal 
ganglion. The width, therefore, of the band of fibres connecting a 
spinal ganglion with the spinal cord, corresponds to the width of the 
protovertebra lateral to it (Figs. 13, 13a). From a glance at the gen- 
eral relation of the neural concayities to the nerves which arise from 
them, it will be noticed that, where the ganglion is connected with the 
neural axis by a mass of fibres bound closely together, the curve of the 
concavity from which they arise is sharp, as in the region of the medulla. 
Where the fibres are spread out, forming a wide ganglionic connection, 
the curve of the concavity is gentle, as in the spinal cord. But whether 
its curve be gentle or sharp, the concavity in both medulla and spinal 
cord is the source from which the nerves originate, and the neural 
swellings which correspond to the nerve roots are the inner ridges, not 
the outer neuromeres. 

Béraneck is unwilling to homologize the neuromeres of the medulla 
with the swellings of the spinal cord, because of the difference in the 
later differentiation of the nervous tissue in these two regions, and be- 
cause, as he affirms, the swellings of the spinal cord are transient. But 
so are also the neuromeres of the medulla. By the fifth day of incu- 
bation they are fast fading away, yet at this time the wave-like form of 
the walls of the spinal cord is still plainly visible (Fig. 13). Here, as in 
the medulla, the segmentation is more manifest in the ventral region 
than in the dorsal. Moreover, at the time when the neuromeres of the 
medulla and the swellings of the spinal cord first appear, the tissue 
throughout the neural tract is quite indifferent. Further, since the 
first four folds posterior to Béraneck’s jive medullary folds lie also in 
the region of the medulla, and are also connected with a cranial nerve, 
—viz. the tenth, —it is practically impossible to draw the line sepa- 
rating these folds from the more anterior. It is true that they are 
smaller, but the difference between the fifth neuromere and the next 
posterior fold is not as great as the difference between the second and 
third neuromeres. I therefore see no reason why the successive swell- 
ings which originally mark the neural tract should not be regarded as 
homologous structures. 


Orr says: “ Balfour described certain internal swellings of the lateral 
wall of the hind-brain of elasmobranch embryos: ‘Swellings of the 
brain towards the interior of the fourth ventricle are in connection with 
the first five roots of the vagus and the glosso-pharyngeal root, and a 
swelling is also intercalated between the first root of vagus and the 
glosso-pharyngeal root.’ In his figure (Fig. 5, Pl. XVI, Z. c.) there are 
no external marks of these divisions, and the ‘swellings’ lie opposite 
the nerve roots while in the region between the nerve roots there are 
internal depressions. In the lizard, on the contrary, in the region be- 
tween the nerve roots are internal ridges. The two conditions are thus 
very different ; but possibly younger elasmobranch embryos might show 
a connection between these swellings and neuromeres.”! My experience 
with the chick leads me to believe that possibly younger stages in the 
development of the lizard than those which either Orr or Béraneck was 
able to study may show a connection between the “swellings” and the 
nerve roots. 

1 Loe. cit., pp. 336, 337. 

JULY, 1889. 



Balfour, F. M. 
Comparative Embryology. London, 1885. 
Development of Elasmobranch Fishes. London, 1878. 
Beard, J. 
Branchial Sense Organs. Quarterly Journal of Microscopic Science, 1885. 
Béraneck, E. 
Replis Médullaires du Poulet. Recueil zoologique Suisse, 1887. 
Des Nerfs Craniens chez les Lézard. Rec. zool. Suisse, 1884. 
Froriep, August. 
Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbelsaule. Archiv Anat. und Physiol., 
Ueber Anlagen von Sinnesorganen am Facialis u.s. w. Archiv Anat. und 
Physiol., 1885. 
Gegenbaur, Carl. 
Die Metamerie des Kopfes und die Wirbeltheorie des Kopfskeletes. Morpho- 
logisches Jahrbuch, 1887. 
His, Wilhelm. 
Untersuchungen itiber die Erste Anlage des Wirbelthierleibes. 
KOolliker, Albert. 
Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hoheren Thiere. 
Kupffer, C., and Benecke, B. 
Photogramme zur Ontogenie der Vogel. Halle, 1879. 
Marshall, A. M. 
Development of the Cranial Nerves in the Chick. Quart. Journ. of Micros. 
Sci., Vol. XVIII. 
Segmental Value of the Cranial Nerves. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol., 1882. 
Orr, H. 
Embryology of the Lizard. Journal of Morphology, 1887 
Von Baer. 
Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. 
Van Wijhe. 
Mesodermsegmente u. Entwickelung der Nerven d. Selachierkopfes. 1882. 
Wiedersheim, R. 
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, Eng. ed., 1886. 





d, first cleft in the mesoderm. 

0, i, j, k, l, indicate respectively successive clefts in the mesoderm posterior to the 
first cleft, d. 

J, 9; position of first and second clefts anterior to d. 

1-6, successive protovertebre posterior to the first mesodermic cleft, d. 

a, 6, first and second protovertebre anterior to the first cleft, d. 

Il, V., VII., VIII, [X., X., third, fifth, seventh, &c. cranial nerves. 

A Prosencephalon. 

B. Thalamencephalon. 
C. Mesencephalon. 

D Metencephalon. 

E Myelencephalon. 
aud. auditory capsule. 
ect. ectoderm. 

h. heart. 

inf. infundibulum. 

m.p. muscle plate. 

n.c. neural crest. 

n. ch. notochord. 

n. sp. spinal “ neuromeres.” 
p.v.  protovertebre. 
sp.g. spinal ganglion. 

v. fourth ventricle. 

as section broken. 

1’, 2’, 3’, 4, 5’, neuromeres of the medulla. 


Sagittal sections, showing the development of the protovertebrez. 

’ Fig. 1. The first mesodermic cleft is seen anterior to the first protovertebre. X 60. 
Fig. 1a. Same, enlarged. X 180. 
Fig. 2. Section from an embryo with two protovertebrz, showing the peculiar 
shape of protovertebra a, which is due to the less rapid proliferation of cells in its 
anterior portion. X 330. 


Fig. 8. Embryo with three protovertebre. The shape of protovertebra a much 
the same as in the embryo of two protovertebre. X 330. 
Fig. 4. Section from a chick with four protovertebra. X 180. 

Fig. 5. fe Ks s five ss X 160. 
Rig. 6a. - HY ae five as X 160. 
Fig. 6. i s fs six ae X 160. 
Fig. 7. re s os seven X 165. 

Between f and g is seen the beginning of the protovertebra anterior to a. 
Fig. 8. Sections from a chick with eight protovertebre. 


Fig. 10. Horizontal section showing the origin of the V., VII., and VIII. cranial 
nerves in a chick with fifteen protovertebre. 

Figs. 11, lla. Two sections from the same series. Fig. 11 shows the origin of 
the IX. nerve from the neural crest back of the auditory capsule (aud.). Fig. 
lla is a more ventral section, showing the relation of the ear capsule to the 
neural concavity dorsal to which the IX. nerve arises. Horizontal sections. 

Fig. 12. Shows the neuromeres between which the nerves arise, as indicated. 
Sagittal section. 

Fig. 12a. Sagittal section, showing the two roots of the VII. and VIII. cranial 

Fig. 12 b represents the right medullary wall from a horizontal section, show- 
ing the cell arrangement of the neural ridges connected with the VII. and VIII. 
cranial nerves. 

Figs. 13, 18a. Sections from two 4}-day chicks. They show the relation of 
the spinal ganglia (sp. g.) to the muscle plates (m. p.), and to the neuromeres of 
the spinal cord (n. sp.). 18a is sagittal; 15, horizontal. 

Fig. 14. Median sagittal section, showing the relation of the five main divisions 
(A, B, C, &c.) of the brain, after the cranial flexure. 

Fig. 15. Median sagittal section, showing their relations at the beginning of the 
cranial flexure. 

Fig. 16 shows the neural ridges in the medulla of a five-day chick. The roof 
of the fourth ventricle and mid-brain have been removed. 

Fig. 17. Diagrammatic representation of the relation of the successive cranial 
vesicles at the time of their first appearance. 

Fig. 18. Sagittal section through the lateral wall of the medulla in a five-day 
chick. In hardening, the mesoderm has broken away from the neural wall. 

Fig. 19. Sagittal section near the middle line of the brain of a four-day chick. 


-B.Meisel, lith. . 

No. 5. — The Morphology of the Carotids, based on a Study of the 
Blood-vessels of Chiamydoselachus anguineus, Garman. By H. 

CuLAMYDOSELACHUS* holds undisputed claim to being the most 
lowly organized Elasmobranch yet discovered, and it was to have been 
expected that primitive conditions of organization would be retained 
to a greater extent than in any other known member of the group, the 
vascular system not excepted. 

Almost nothing is known of the vascular system of the Notidanide, 
but it may be inferred from a comparison of their other structures with 
the corresponding organs in Chlamydoselachus that their vascular sys- 
tem will not be found to retain all the primitive characters present in 
Chlamydoselachus. This primitiveness of structure is expressed, Ist, 
in the retention of a large number of aortic arches; 2dly, in the pres- 
ence of the complete dorsal aorta, of which the precardiac portion among 
the remaining vertebrates is almost without exception either extensively 
or completely atrophied ; 3dly, in the extensive venous spaces, always 
simple in character, developed in the course of the large venous trunks. 

While at the Banyuls-sur-Mer zodlogical station in the spring of 1885 
I reached the conclusions, (a) that the vascular system of existing 
sharks had been extensively abbreviated in the course of descent in con- 
nection with the development of the head ; (6) that formerly there must 
have been a much larger number of aortic arches than we now find in 
any member of the Elasmobranch group; and (c) that with the loss of 
the aortic arches the dorsal aorta of the branchial region had disap- 
peared either entirely or in part. As examples of the latter condition 

* The two papers containing the original descriptions of the systematic position 
and anatomical characters of Chlamydoselachus anguineus from the type in the 
Museum of Comparative Zodlogy at Cambridge, Mass., include all that is known 
of the creature : — 

1 Garman, Samuel. New Sharks, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, etc. Bull. 
Essex Institute, Vol. XVI. p. 1. 

2 The same, 1884. Chlamydoselachus anguineus, Garman. A Living Species 
of Cladodont Shark. Bull’ Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. XII. No.1. Cambridge, Mass., 

VOL. XVII. — NO. 5. 


we have several species of sharks whose anatomy has been described by 
Hyrtl,* Parker,* and others, such as Scyllium, Mustelus, Zygzna, ete. 
Furthermore, it seemed to me that the accumulation of blood-vessels 
about the hypophysis cerebri could be reasonably accounted for on the 
-assumption that the vessel which Hyrt1? describes is in truth a remnant 
of a much larger vessel of functional activity during embryonic life 
only, which sustained such relations to the vascular structures about 
the pituitary space as would lead us to search for the remains of 
preoral aortic arches. His words are as follows (Joc. cit., p. 5): “ Bei 
feinen Injectionen lasst sicht leicht erkennen, dass diese Aorta, welche 
Kopfaorta genannt zu werden verdient, durch eine in die Mittellinie 
des Schadel-basalknorpels nach vorn gehende Fortsetzung bis zur Ein- 
trittsstelle der Carotis interna in die Schadelkapsel sich erstreckt. 
Tab. I. Fig. 1, lit. i.” Again the vessels called carotids by Hyrtl,®§ 
Miiller,® and Parker,*7 seemed to complete the aortic circulation in 
front by bringing blood from the ventral to the dorsal side of the di- 
gestive tract, and were in a special sense the homologues of the carotids 
of the Mammalia, of which more will be said further on. 

These conclusions were the outgrowth of my verification of Hyrtl’s® 
descriptions and figures of the arterial blood-vessels of the head in Scyl- 
lium, Acanthias, and Mustelus. I did not at that time expect to be 
able to verify my conclusions by the dissection of any living animal, 
and consequently considered the views which form the essence of this 
paper to be of little value because not demonstrable. The vascular sys- 
tem of Chlamydoselachus proves the contrary, however, and under the 
circumstances it is now a matter of no inconsiderable interest to find 
out how the Notidanid sharks comport themselves with respect to the 
cephalic arteries. 

I am not certain that Hyrtl has ever seen the “ Kopfaorta” as it 
exists in Chlamydoselachus, (i. e. imbedded in the cartilage of the basis 
cranii,) for from his description of it quoted above it is not clear 
whether the injected vessel figured in his plate runs in, i. e. through, the 
basis cranii, or only in the middle line and ventrad of that structure. 

3 Hyrtl, Joseph. Die Kopfarterie der Haifische. Denkschrift. d. Wiener Akad., 
XXXII., 1872. 

4 Parker, T. J. On the Blood-vessels of Mustelus antarcticus. Phil. Trans., 
Vol. CLXXVIL, 1886. 

5 Das Arterielle Gefasssystem der Rochen. Wiener Sitzungsberichte, 1857. 

6 Miiller, Johannes. Vergleichende Anatomie der Myxinoiden. Berlin, 1839-41. 

7 Parker, T. J. Zodtomy, 1884. : 

Qe re 


At present I doubt not that Hyrtl found in every case only an extra- 
cranial vessel so far as he traced it, and that perhaps he did not follow it 
quite to its end on account of the non-penetration of the injection 
mass beyond the point of entrance into the cartilage.* While study- 
ing the same species at the Laboratoire Arago it did not occur to me 
to seek for the vessel within the substance of the cartilaginous brain 
case, and I always found the vessel very much as Hyrtl figures it, 
though usually I was not able to trace it so far anteriorly as it is drawn in 
his plate. Since my attention has been called to the matter I have dis- 
sected only one specimen of Scylliwm stellare from the Museum alcohol 
collections, but the histological condition of the tissues did not permit 
a satisfactory determination of the relations of the vessel. Further 
study of this form is very desirable. So far as the homology of the two 
vessels is concerned, there can be no question that they have strictly the 
same morphological value. 

To aid in understanding the relations of the carotids, and to serve in 
the comparison of other forms, as well as to give an idea of the funda- 
mental simplicity of organization of the vascular system, I shall first 
describe the aortic system of blood-vessels in Chlamydoselachus passing 
thence to a consideration of the homologies in other vertebrates in so 
far as lies within the scope of this paper. 

The sinu-auricular (see Figure 2) valve is placed in the middle of 
the transverse axis of the sinus venosus with its long axis at right angles 
to the axis of the latter. It is slit-like and guarded on either side by 
two broad semilunar tendinous folds, — the sinu-auricular valves. The 
remaining auricular wall of the sinus is smooth, muscular in some 

degree, but thin. 

The aperture of the auriculo-ventricular valve is placed to the left, 
below and in front of the sinu-auricular valve, and pierces the thick ven- 
tricular wall. Its ventricular end is provided with two cup-shaped folds, 
the auriculo-ventricular valves. Its auricular end presents a radiate 
figure formed by the tendinous cords of the muscular plate, which cen- 
tre here. The dorsal wall of the auricle is smooth without, but rugose 
within. It is scarcely thicker than the wall of the sinus venosus. The 
ventral wall of this division of the heart is thick and muscular, and 
forms a triangular plate which projects beyond the edges of the ventricle, 

* Miiller certainly did not see the vessel in any species studied by him, for he 
says (loc. cit.: ‘‘Bei den Haien u. Rochen fehlt die vordere umpaare Forisetzung 
der Aorta schon ganz, wie bei den Knochenfischen aber die Haien besitzen noch 
einen circulus cephalicus im Sinne Hyrtl’s,”’ etc. 

VOL. XVII. — NO. 5. 13 


from which at about the middle it may be separated. This plate reaches 
cephalad to the middle of the conus arteriosus, but is not bound to it in 
any way. 

The conus arteriosus (see Figure 2) forms a thick spindle-shaped 
trunk about an inch long and one fourth of an inch in diameter. It is 
provided with six rows of valves, all of which are quite small, except the 
anterior set of three, which are large, tridentate, and formed of a white 
tough tissue of a cartilaginous consistency. In Odontaspis the conus is 
bounded anteriorly by three large valves, each of which consists of two 
thin membranes united by a thick median bar which ends in a pointed 
projection beyond the anterior border of the valve. 

The pylangium terminates anteriorly in a synangium or bulbus arte- 
riosus, from which spring three vessels, one median and two lateral, the 
ventral aorta, and the sixth pair of afferent branchial arteries, respect- 
ively. The synangium is not so well developed in Chlamydoselachus as 
in Raja or most Elasmobranchs, for, while in the former a single pair of 
afferent branchial arteries arise from it, in the latter the common trunk 
known as the posterior innominate artery of the skate represents at least 
three primitive afferent branchial vessels, and in consequence the synan- 
gium represents a very much greater portion of the primitive ventral 
aorta in Raja than it does in Chlamydoselachus. 

The synangium of Chlamydoselachus includes the enlarged end of 
the ventral aorta lying between the last pair of pylangial valves and 
the point of origin of the ventral aorta (in the restricted sense), and 
the sixth pair of afferent branchial arteries. It forms a truncated cone- 
shaped body, the homologue of the bulbus arteriosus of bony fishes. 
The ventral aorta continues the synangium forwards along the median 
line, and lies in a distinct sheath formed by the connective tissue sepa- 
rating the basibranchial cartilages from the muscles of the floor of the 
branchial basket. This sheath forms the outer wall of a lymph space. 

The ventral aorta (see Figure 2) ends blindly in front in an anchor- 
shaped enlargement formed by the bifurcation of the median trunk and 
the separation of the two resulting vessels, — the anterior innominate 
arteries, — which curve outwards, upwards, and backwards, quickly 
splitting into two pairs of vessels the first and second afferent branchial 
arteries. From the anterior edges of the anterior innominate arteries, 
equidistant from the median line, arise two small vessels, which, passing 
forwards, supply the muscles in the ventral wall of the throat. Other 
small vascular twigs arise from the ventral aorta as well as the afferent 
branchial arteries to carry blood to the muscles of the ventral portion of 


the branchial apparatus and to the heart. In the saurian Varanus, ac- 
cording to Wiedersheim,® (p. 704, Fig. 540, B,) it appears that a por- 
tion of the ventral aorta (or ventral commissures ?) remains as a single 
median trunk, from which both the common carotids are given off just 
ventrad of the hyoidean apparatus, to rise on either side of the throat. 
The common carotid trunks thus occupy the position of the hyoidean 
efferent branchial vessels of the Elasmobranch. This common trunk 
divides above the level of the pharyngeal roof into an external and an 
internal branch. We thus see that in different animals the carotids 
have not the same value iz so far as their proximal ends are concerned. 
The afferent branchial arteries (see Figure 2) number six pairs, and are 
arranged in sets of two pairs each. While the first two pairs of arteries 
arise from a common trunk, the arteries of the other pairs arise inde- 
pendently, with the members of each pair placed opposite each other. 

The anterior innominate artery does not divide into first and second 
afferent branchial arteries until after it has curved upwards about a 
quarter of an inch, when the first afferent branchial springs from the 
anterior edge of the innominate and continues its trunk dorsad, curving 
gracefully forwards, outwards, and upwards, then considerably backwards 
to where it enters and supplies the anterior half of the first gill cleft, or 
the hyoidean demibranch. The second afferent branchial passes back- 
wards at an acute angle from its origin at the posterior border of the 
root of the first, and in its outward and upward course nears the third 
afferent branchial where the latter enters its arch. 

The sets composed of the afferent branchials three and four, and five 
and six, respectively, are so disposed that while five and six leave the 
synangial end of the ventral aorta, three and four arise from the middle 
of this trunk. There are slight variations in the size of the vessels 
forming the pairs two, four, and five, the arteries of the left side being 
larger than those of the right. The afferent branchials three, four, and 
five run very nearly parallel with one another, and while the efferent 
branchials of the pairs three and four continue this relation above the 
intestine, efferent branchial five bends suddenly backward and fuses 
with the sixth before entering the dorsal aorta. 

There are six pairs of efferent branchial arteries (see Figs. 1 and 2), 
corresponding pair for pair with the afferent branchials just described. 
Only four pairs reach the median dorsal line to form the dorsal aorta ; 
these are the second, third, fourth, and fifth. The first efferent branchial 

8 Wiedersheim, Robert. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbel- 
thiere. Jena, 1886. 


is connected by an anastomosing branch with the second, just as the lat- 
ter emerges from its arch to enter the roof of the mouth, and thus at 
least a portion of the blood from the hyoidean demibranch reaches the 
dorsal aorta; but as the trunk of the first efferent branchial artery 
passes out of the hyoid arch it curves forwards along the outer edge of 
the basis cranii, and runs as far forwards as the middle of the orbital 
region, where it suddenly curves inwards to a point at one side of the 
median line, just below the pituitary space, the floor of which it perfo- 
rates to enter the cranial cavity. This is the first impression produced 
on laying bare the vessels in Chlamydoselachus, but, as we shall see later 
on, all of this trunk lying beyond the upper end of the hyoid is foreign 
to the first efferent artery, whose continuation we are to seek in the 
branch uniting it with the second, and is simply the trunk of the 
common carotid artery. 

The commissural branch uniting the hyoidean or first efferent bran- 
chial artery to the second is fully as large as the arteries themselves, 
and from its manner of union with the second and of its separation 
from the first efferent branchial makes the conclusion unavoidable that 
it is in truth the continuation of the trunk of the first efferent branchial, 
which however fails of an independent union with the dorsal aorta, but 
in a manner similar to that in which the homologous arteries in Scyl- 
lium, Acanthias, and Zygena (Hyrtl, loc. cet., Plates I-III.) are united, 
i.e. by the fusion of the latter with the next succeeding branchial 
artery (see Figs. 10 and 11). This method of fusion is carried to 
an extreme in the bony fishes, where all the efferent branchials of each 
side unite to form the single pair of aortic roots (Miiller, loc. cit., 
Plate III. Fig. 13), and is also represented in Chlamydoselachus in the 
posterior section of the efferent branchial system by the fusion of the 
sixth and fifth efferent branchials to form a single aortic root. Under 
primitive conditions of the hyoidean gill this anastomotic vessel would 
take blood from the anterior demibranch of the hyoidean gill sac and 
the posterior demibranch of the mandibular gill sac, —holobranch of 
Parker. On account of the reduction which has taken place in the 
spiracular gill among existing Elasmobranchs, this vessel serves simply 
to convey the blood from the anterior demibranch of the first gill sac 
into the efferent artery of the first holobranch. 

As in the afferent branchial system, so in the efferent branchial 
system, the component arteries are arranged in pairs, and the pairs 
correspond, though the paired condition is less marked in the efferent 
than in the afferent system. 


The first and second efferent branchials unite to form a trunk that 
reaches the aorta as the second aortic root. The third and fourth pairs 
find independent outlets as the third and fourth aortic roots, while the 
fifth and sixth pairs fuse directly to produce short common trunks, the 
last or fifth pair of functional aortic roots. 

The distance between the points at which the first and second and 
the second and third efferent branchials enter the acrta is nearly the 
same, while the common trunks of the fifth and sixth enter the aorta at 
a distance behind the fourth twice as great as that between the other 

Unlike all other gnathostomous vertebrates, Chlamydoselachus has 
a dorsal aorta (dorsal vessel) running the entire length of the noto- 
chord, to which it is intimately attached through the greater part of its 
course. There is, however, no trace of a chondrification of its walls, 
such as frequently occurs in cartilaginous fishes (e. g. Sturio). For con- 
venience in describing as well as on morphological grounds, it is desira- 
ble to designate two sections of the dorsal aorta by the terms precardiac 
and postcardiac. The former receives the aortic roots and supplies the 
head with arteries, the latter gives off the arteries to the trunk and tail. 

The head and all the precardiac portion (see Figs. 1 and 2) of the 
trunk are supplied with blood by means of the very primitive mus- 
culo-spinal arteries and branches of functional or rudimentary aortic 
arches. This fact is of the greatest importance in any discussion of the 
homologies of the head arteries, or more exactly precardiac arteries, of 
the higher Vertebrata. These vessels where more or less rudimentary 
as regards their main trunks have undergone secondary changes, during 
which the course of the blood currents through them may have been 
reversed, and they have usually acquired new outlets, or inlets, as the 
case may be. 

It is convenient to make a further division of the precardiac section 
into cranial, vertebral, and branchial portions. The precardiac section is 
marked off posteriorly by the junction of the fifth pair of aortic roots 
with the sub-chordal vessel. It terminates anteriorly in the pituitary 
plexus. The postcardiac section extends from the junction of the fifth 
pair of aortic roots to the tip of the tail. (See Figs. 1 and 2.) ‘ With 
the exception of a slight enlargement in the occipital region, the diam- 
eter of the aorta is constant between the occiput and the origin of the 
ceeliac artery ; from this point backwards the aorta gradually tapers into 
the small caudal artery. From the occiput forwards the cranial sec- 
tion of the precardiac aorta lies imbedded in the cartilage of the basis 


cranii; sinking into the cartilage just in front of the posterior border of 
the basi-occipital cartilage, it runs forwards, gradually rising to the 
inner surface of the cranial floor, remaining equidistant from the chorda 
until near the anterior end of the latter, when the aorta dips slightly 
to make a bold curve upwards into the pituitary prominence within 
which it gives off two lateral branches which separate from the median 
vessel only gradually. (See Figure 3.) These three vessels make their 
way through the cartilage, and by freely anastomosing with one another 
form a small but sharply defined plexus, crowning the pituitary promi- 
nence, but separated from the cartilage by several well defined layers of 
connective tissue, one of which bridges over the pituitary depression, 
and thus excludes the internal carotids from the cerebral cavity. The 
plexus lies external to the dura mater. 

As we have seen, the aorta is made up by the confluence of six pairs 
of efferent branchial arteries, which pour their blood into the aorta 
through only four aortic roots, and in this condition we recognize the 
process of reduction, transposition, or utter obliteration at work in get- 
ting the creature out of a lower into a higher stage of organization. 
But the four aortic roots which bring blood from the gills are not the 
only trunks which from their relations to the aorta and the body make 
good their claim as aortic arches or roots. As Hyrtl has pointed out, 
the pair of vessels running from the internal carotid trunk to the aorta 
in all sharks is most surely an aortic arch, and although it has lost its 
direct connection with a gill, which we have every reason to believe it 
formerly had, it still retains its connections with a trunk which has 
resulted from the obliteration of a serves of efferent branchial vessels, 
and through this trunk an indirect connection with the first two func- 
tional gills of Chlamydoselachus. Besides this pair, there is another 
whose relations to the dorsal aorta are such as to entitle them to rank 
as aortic arches. I refer to the two side branches which the dorsal 
aorta gives off as it approaches the pituitary plexus. To these six aortic 
arches I would add a pair represented by the anterior portion of the 
internal carotid arteries, and another pair represented by the efferent 
vessels of the spiracular pseudobranch, which pour their blood into the 
dorsal aorta through the ophthalmic artery, internal carotids, carotid 
plexus, and pituitary plexus, all of which vascular structures anastomose 
among themselves from without inwards, in the order given. ‘To these 
still another pair may be added, recognizable in the last pair of efferent 
branchial arteries (the sixth functional pair), which by means of their 
fusion with the fifth pair have not been counted. Chlamydoselachus 


has then, in all, nine aortic arches and remnants of arches, persisting 
from an earlier and more primitive condition of organization. This 
count is based on the demonstrations and suppositions, (a) that the 
anastomotic branch between the hyoidean demibranch and first efferent 
branchial is the continuation of the hyoidean efferent artery ; (0) that 
the internal carotids after turning inwards and entering the pituitary 
space unite with the dorsal aorta ; (c) that the anterior end of the cranial 
aorta divides, and that the lateral vessels curve outward each side of 
the anterior end of the notochord; (d) that the efferent artery of the 
spiracular pseudobranch is connected with the aorta; and (e) that the 
sixth efferent branchial artery formed at one time (probably during 
embryonic life) an independent aortic root. The fact should not be 
overlooked that we thus find remnants of two, and perhaps three, aortic 
arches in the pituitary space/ (See table on page 218, and Figs. 1 
and 2.) That the above method of, counting the aortic arches in 
Chlamydoselachus is a correct one, within very narrow limits of error, 
no one will question who recognizes the vast changes that have been 
brought about in the vascular system of a higher vertebrate — mammal, 
for instance — during its phylogenetic course from the fish type up- 
wards, and who recognizes the general law that an organism makes use 
of rudimentary or disused structures to build up other structures, of 
different function perhaps, for use under changed conditions of environ- 
ment, provided the rudiment or disused structure be suitably placed. 
The only portions of the vascular apparatus of the branchial region that 
are suitably placed for use in case the aorta is reduced, are evidently the 
dorsal and ventral commissural systems. That the dorsal vessel should 
be chosen of the two is further evidence of the law, for the dorsal 
commissure is both more directly connected with the territory to be 
supplied, and lies deeper in the tissues in a direct line toward the 
brain ; besides, it normally carries the purified blood from the gills, 
which the ventral commissures. do not to so great an extent, lying as 
they do on the side of the gills where the currents are forming and 
setting towards the dorsal vessel. As a further illustration, we find in 
some species of Myxine the remnant of a ductus Botalli. This remnant 
was in early adult life hollow, and connected the gills of its half of the 
segment with the dorsal aorta. Miiller found in some cases that each 
end of the thread-like remnant was still hollow. These threads arise 
from the afferent branchial artery of the anterior gill sac, passing 
thence upwards and forwards, and fuse with the carotid trunks where 
the latter anastomose with the first efferent branchial arteries. In 


this instance the vessel is atrophied during the process of the reduction 
of the anterior gill, and the blood which formerly passed through it 
direct to the collecting vessel above its gill now passes backward, 
and its segment of the collecting vessel is now either carotid or 
carotid root. 

Since the number of efferent branchial arteries uniting to form the 
dorsal aorta varies in different species, the dorsal aorta cannot be an 
equivalent structure throughout the vertebrate series. 

We know that the cranium itself is not an equivalent structure within 
the limits of the Elasmobranchii. Abundant proof of this has been 
collected by Gegenbaur,” Froriep, Van Wijhe,4 Dohrn,’ and others. 
Evidence based on the relation of blood-vessels to the cranial floor 
is worthy of note in this connection. In some Elasmobranchs the an- 
terior pair of musculo-spinal arteries pierces the cranial floor, in other 
forms this pair is intimately related to the atlas. Where the former 
condition is present, we can say definitely that at least one vertebra 
has been added to the cranium, but in the latter case we may have to 
deal with a suppression of one or more pairs of musculo-spinal arte- 
ries, in which case we cannot draw conclusions as to the constitution of 
the cranium.* 

Since there can be little doubt, if any, that the primordial cranium is 
the same in all cases, it follows that, during the early stages of on- 
togeny, segments (cranial vertebrae) must have been added to the occip- 
ital region in a large number of cases, and we are at once confronted with 
the difficulty of determining the number of such added segments, and 

12 Gegenbaur, C. Die Metamerie des Kopfes u. die Wirbeltheorie des Kopf- 
skeletes. Morph. Jahrbuch, XIII., 1887. 

13 Froriep, A. Ueber ein Ganglion d. Hypoglossus u. Wirbelanlagen in d. Oc- 
cipitalregion. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1862. 

14 Van Wijhe, J. W. Ueber die Mesodermsegmente u. d. Entwickl. d. Nerven 
des Selachierkopfes. Konigl. Acad. d. Wissensch., 1882. 

15 Van Bemmelen, J. F. Ueber vermiithliche rudimentire Kiemenspalten bei 
Elasmobranchiern. Mitt. d. zoolog. Stat. zu Neapel, VI., 1885. 

16 Dohrn, Alex. Studien zur Urgeschichte der Wirbelthierkorper. Mitt. d. 
zoolog. Stat. zu Neapel, VII., 1887. 

* Transsections of the basis cranii of Chlamydoselachus taken from the verte- 
bral junction forward show at intervals calcified tracts leaving the central peri- 
chordal crust, and extending on either side out into the hyaline cartilage. They 
correspond in position to the neural arches, transverse processes, and hypapophyses 
of the vertebra. (See Figure 8.) It may be possible to determine the number of 
vertebrx entering into the basis cranii of Chlamydoselachus by making a perfect 
series of such sections and counting the number of these vertebral remains. ; 


thereby the limits of the primordial cranium. It is apparent from 
Miiller’s studies, that the Myxinoids possess a typical and well devel- 
oped system of aortic vessels, and that Petromyzon differs more in 
degree than in kind from the Myxinoid type, for the structural plan is 
undoubtedly the same in both. The views which have hitherto been 
held by morphologists of the nature of the aorta in Craniates do not 
permit us to establish a homology of parts between this group and Am- 
phioxus, the only living representative of the Acraniates. 

Examining first of all the vascular system of Amphioxus as the type 
from which we may expect the simplest exposition of the fundamental 
vertebrate plan of structure, we find that it resembles in many respects 
the annelid type. For our purpose now, it will be sufficient to describe 
its precardial and postcardial sections. We find that, while they are not 
distinctly separated, the former corresponds to the branchial and pre- 
branchial systems of vessels, the latter to the dorsal aorta, its branches, 
and its complement, the ventral (subintestinal) vein. Of importance is 
the fact that there are at first two aortic arches, forming the anterior 
termination of the aortic vessels and in this case of the vascular system, 
one of which disappears later in life quite completely as an arch, but 
persists in part as an artery supplying the naso-facial region, and that 
these arches do not project to the anterior end of the notochord, —a 
condition that may or may not be a secondary one. 

Langerhans ® (doe. czt., p. 337) describes the arches and dorsal aorta as 
follows: “Von der Arteria branchialis gehen zwar Gefasse unter dem 
Constrictor veli zam Mund. Dann aber setzt sich das Herz fort in einem 
sehr weiten rechts verlanfenden Aortenbogen, wahrend es links keinen 
ahnlichen entsendet, sondern geschlossen ist. Dieser rechte Aorten- 
bogen zieht hinter dem M. constrictor veli nach oben, liegt in seinem 
oberen Theil mit dem Muskel, zum Theil in derselben Querebene und 
verbindet sich mit der rechten Aorta, wihrend die linke anscheinend in 
keine Beziehung zu ihm tritt. Der Theil der Aorta unmittelbar hinter 
der Einmiindung des Aortenbogens in die rechte Aorta ist bei beiden 
gleich weit. Nach vorn aber setzt sich die linke Aorta bis zur 
Mundhohle als schmales Gefass fort. Rechts dagegen biegt der grosse 
sinudse Aortenbogen, nachdem er sich mit der rechten Aorta verbunden, 
nach vorn um und erstreckt sich etwas unterhalb und seitlich von der 
Chorda gleichfalls bis zur Mitte der Mundhéhle nach vorn, um hier 
abgerundet zu enden.” 

9 Langerhans, P. Zur Anatomie der Amphioxus lanceolatus. Arch. f. mikr. 
Anat., Bd. XII., 1876. 


Hatschek’s studies of the development of the organs of Amphioxus do 
not seem to have been extended to the vascular system, for he does not 
mention the blood-vessels in his paper. 

Schneider quotes Langerhans, and adds the following observations 
of interest. He says (loc. cit., p. 26): “Am oberen Ende entspringt 
von jedem Kiemenstabe eine (Taf. XIV. Fig. 2 v. b.) Kiemenvene 
welche bogenférmig ein wenig nach riickwarts verlaiift und sich mit der 
Aorta verbindet welche jederseits unter der Chorda liegt. Die Kiemen- 
venen sind sehr diinnhaiitig, man kann sie nur sehen, wenn sie mit 
Blut erfiillt sind. Die Aorten der Kiemengegend zerfallen in zwei 
Theilen. Der untere Theil liegt in der Falte welche die obere Branchial- 
rinne seitlich begriinzt, ihr Querschnitt ist spitzwinkelig, der obere 
Theil liegt in dem Bindegewebe welches der Chordascheide nach unten 
aufliegt und welche zu dem Gallertgewebe gehért. Die Aorta ist in der 
Kiemengegend doppelt, hinter derselben wird sie einfach bis in das 
Schwanzende. ... Von der Aorta gehen dreierlei Zweige ab. 1. Arterien 
nach oben fiir die Muskeln der Leibeswand ; 2. Arterien an der Innen- 
fliche der Bauchhéhle. 3. Capillaren fiir den Darm. Obgleich die Zweige 
der ersten und zweiten Gruppe in ihren Verlauf den Arterien hoherer 
Thiere gleichen, lassen sich doch Muskeln an ihnen nicht wahrnehmen. 
Von der ersten Gruppe entspringt je ein Zweig in einem Myocomma 
ungefihr in der Mitte desselben. Man kann ihn nach oben verfolgen 
bis iiber die Mitte der Chorda am weitesten in Kopftheile (Taf. XIV. 
Fig. 1, Ao. rechts). Die zweite Gruppe, die Arterien der Bauchhéhlen- 
wand, entspringen an jedem Ligament und laufen auf der Innenkante 
des Ligaments nach unten. . . . Die der Mitte sich immer naherende 
Fortsetzung der rechten Aorta sich bis in die Spitze des Kopfes verfol- 
gen lasst. Die linke Aorta verhalt sich unregelmassig, sie geht in 
verschiedenen Exemplaren verschieden weit. . . . Auch Queraste sind 
vorhanden, welche beide Aorten verbinden. Wenn die linke Aorta friih 
verschwindet, liefern diese Queriiste der rechten Aorta alle die Zweige, 
welche sonst der linken ausgehen wiirden.” 

According to Johannes Miiller, the aorta in Petromyzon bifurcates a 
short distance in front of the anterior pair of gill sacs, anterior to the 
point of origin of the common carotid trunks, the two diverging limbs 
communicating on either side with the right and left common carotid 
trunks respectively. But in Myxine the aorta is continued to the 
anterior end of the notochord, and in fact extends by means of short 

10 Schneider, A. Beitrige zur Vergl. Anatomie u. Entwick. d. Wirbelthiere. 
Breslau, 1879. 7 



terminal branches (e. g. palato-nasal) to the anterior end of the body, 
and there is no distinct bifurcation, the vessel, on the other hand, being 
gradually reduced by the numerous lateral branches given off after its 
passage through the cireulus cephalicus. The aorta in Myxine is 
a relatively large vessel until it unites with, or, better, receives the 
two converging branches of the circulus, when it suddenly contracts, 
and from this point on is clearly much reduced. This portion of the 
canal still serves to keep open a direct passageway from the heart to 
the head, inasmuch as the arterial blood collected from the gills is not 
only forced upwards and backwards, but also forwards, into the continua- 
tion of the aorta, or A. vertebralis impar, and into the carotid arteries. 

I think, from the evidence gathered in the foregoing paragraphs, that 
we are now in position to say definitely that between Amphioxus and 
the Myxinoids on the one hand, and Chlamydoselachus as a representa- 
tive of the Elasmobranchii on the other, it is easy to establish a homol- 
ogy of parts surprising in its completeness. The entire dorsal aorta 
exists in Chlamydoselachus, imbedded in part, it is true, in the basis 
cranii, while in Myxine it lies in the connective tissue underneath the 
latter. The long ventral aorta in these two forms has been much short- 
ened, but still 2x showing traces of its reduction claims a descent from 
an Amphioxus-like type. Of course we should not expect to find the 
ventral aorta persisting after the gills in front of it had ceased to be 
functional, and it might easily shorten before such reduction of the 
branchial apparatus had taken place, provided means were at hand to 
enable it to perform its function of pouring blood into the gills. The 
dorsal aorta, on the other hand, being a distributing trunk in a large 
sense, would be looked for so long as its territory existed and was 
not entirely supplied by new vessels ; and as we know that its territory 
persists in all vertebrates, and greatly increases in extent among the 
higher forms, the latter alternative is the only one we need consider 
further. We find, on examination, that the recession of the heart is 
accompanied by the usurpation of the precardiac aortic territory by 
some of its lateral branches or their smaller offspring. While it is true 
in general that a reduction of the ventral aorta is followed by a reduc- 
tion of the dorsal vessel, it is also true that the latter process takes 
place much more slowly, and for the reasons given above. The only 
indication of a persistence of the dorsal aorta in groups above the 
fishes, of which I have been able to find reliable account, is given by 

11 Goette, Alex. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Unke. Leipzig, 1875. 


His figures on Taf. XVII. Figs. 306, 317, and 316 a, ¢, of frontal sec- 
tions from embryos of Bombznator igneus show that the aortic roots 
anastomose by means of transverse vessels, and that at an early stage 
of development there is an anterior (median) prolongation of the dorsal 
aorta between and beyond the aortic roots! How long this remnant 
persists is not stated by the author. 

A series of transsections (see Figs. 5a to 5g) through the basis 
cranili of Chlamydoselachus in the regions designated below as 1, 2, 
and 3 (see Figure 1) gave the relations of the chorda and aorta to 
each other shown in the following table. The distances refer to meas- 
urements in the perpendicular to the long axis of the animal. The 
sections were taken from three portions of the basis cranii containing 
the structures cut from the vertebral junction, middle distance, and the 
pituitary region respectively, the last piece containing the whole of 
the “Sattellehne” and the pituitary space, with the foramina of en- 
trance of the carotid arteries and the transverse canal. 

(c =chorda. a= aorta.) 

(1) From the vertebral junction. 

c in middle of section. 

a below and entirely outside basis cranii. 
@; ae same as No. 1. 

Section No. 1 } 

“ « 

c in middle of section. 
a inside cartillage, but on lower boundary. 

ee in upper half. 



a in middle of lower quarter. 

c in upper half. 

a in middle of lower half. 

e in upper half. 

a in upper quarter of lower half. 


“ “e 6 

From this point on, the rise of the aorta is very gradual until the section 
(2) from middle distance between occipital region and pituitary space is 
reached, when in 
Sarton Nani - in upper third of section. 
a in the middle of section. 
” aes ; c in upper quarter of upper half. 
a in middle of section. 
§ c, the same as No. 2!. 

cad “ec Las 

“ “ 
( a, 

“ « 4’ § te 

da, “ “ “ 

“ee “ “ce 


c in upper quarter. 
a in the middle third but above the middle. 

From the middle region the chorda and aorta both rise until each 
breaks through the surface of the cartilage, the chorda to end in the cal- 
careous incrustation of the cartilage, and the aorta to enter the pituitary 
space from the summit of the saddleback. Two sections from region 

(8)  gavein 

Section No. 1” 

Section No. 5’ j 

feon the upper surface of cartilage. 
(ain upper quarter of upper half. 
“9” } c section in front of chorda end. 

a emerges from top of saddleback. 


It will be seen from this table that the chorda occupies in the occipi- 
tal region the middle of the cartilaginous plate of tne cranial floor, 
and that from the end of the cone-shaped body, which was in the indi- 
vidual dissected about 1 cm. long, the thread remnant rises gradually 
but continuously until it reaches the inner surface of the floor of the 
cranium. This point, as the sections show, was behind the apex of the 
pituitary eminence (Sattellehne). Further, we find that the course of 
the aorta remnant is very nearly parallel with that of the chorda, and 
that it issues from the apex of the pituitary eminence in exactly the man- 
ner described by Gegenbaur for the chorda of other Elasmobranchs. 

Gegenbaur ” has investigated the subject of the chorda termination 
very thoroughly, and judging from the text and plates mostly by means 
of longitudinal section. There are several figures of cross sections of 
the basis cranii, showing the structure which he calls “‘ Chorda,” but 
which resembles the more ventrally placed aorta as I find it in Chlamy- 
doselachus. As the author says, it is almost always a very difficult 
matter to determine the exact position and manner of the chorda ter- 
mination in adult animals ; much easier with young animals or older 
embryos. The author studied, among others, the genera Acanthias, 
Heptanchus, and Centrophorus. He says (Joc. cit., p. 121): “Die 
Chorda tritt mit ihrer Aufwartskriimmung immer niher an die in- 
nenflache der Schiidelbasis und steigt dabei in der Sattellehne em- 
por, welche sie dicht unter deren hinterer Flache durchsetzt, um nahe 
an der Kante dieses Vorsprunges unter das Perichondrium zu treten. 
Wo die Sattellehne starke corticale Verkalkungen zeigt ist das zuge- 
spitzte Ende der Chorda noch in diese eingebetet. Fig. 7, Taf. XIV. 
gibt eine Darstellung dieses Verhaltens in einem 22 cm. langen 
Acanthias Embryo auf dem Medianschnitte. Beim ausgewachsenen 

7 Gegenbaur, C. Das Kopfskelet der Selachier. Leipzig, 1872. 


Thiere ist derselbe Zustand vorhanden, doch ist die Chorda im Ver- 
gleiche zum Basalknorpel bedeutend schwiicher und die erweiterte Stelle 
ist nur angedeutet. Das hervortreten des Chorda-Endes aus dem Ba- 
salknorpel und die Lagerung unter dem bezuglichen Perichondrium hat 
Kolliker bereits gesehen, jedoch nicht der sehr auffalligen Beziehung 
zur Sattellehne sondern nur der Gegend der vor der Sattellehne gelager- 
ten Hypophysis Erwahnung gethan: Jn einigen Fallen sah ich das aus 
dem Knorpel der Sattellehne hervortretende freie Ende der Chorda iiber 
die Kante der Sattellehne nach vorn umgebogenen aber immer noch 
unter dem Perichondrium verlaufend. So einmal bei einem 24 cm. 
langen Embryo von Acanthias, aber auch bei einem grossen Exemplare 
von Centrophorus granulosus. Obgleich ich noch vier Acanthias-Embryo- 
nen darauf untersuchte, gelang es mir nicht, ein jenem hnliches Verhalten 
verbreitert zu finden.” 

In the genera Heptanchus, Hexanchus, Centrophorus, Acanthias, 
Squatina, and Cestracion, the author traced the chorda dorsalis through 
the basis cranii to the saddleback (Sattellehne) of the pituitary depression, 
and found that the chorda remnant as regards shape, size, and position 
was very much alike in Hexanchus and Heptanchus. This remnant was 
in the form of an elongated conical body projecting into the occipital 
region of the basis cranii, forming of course the anterior continuation of 
the chorda in the vertebral column. From the apex of the cone was 
given off a pale thread of considerable size, which ran forwards usually 
parallel to the outer surface of the floor of the cranium. The arch 
formed in approaching the pituitary space is much weaker in Heptan- 
chus than in Hexanchus. In Cestracion behind the pituitary saddle- 
back the chorda swells out into a spindle-shaped body, whose fibrous 
sheath is filled with a cartilaginous tissue, containing numerous round 
hyaline cells. The structure of this spindle-shaped body, so far as 
Gegenbaur’s description goes, agrees with that of the ventrally placed 
aorta in Chlamydoselachus, and not with the chorda, though it does 
agree with the chorda and its tubular enclosure in a very large (10 ft.) 
individual of Heptabranchias. 

With reference to the persistence of the chorda in the cranial floor, 
Gegenbaur says (loc. cit., p. 122): “Mit dem Nachweise der Fortdauer 
eines Theiles der Chorda dorsalis im Cranium mancher Selachier ist fiir 
diese ein niederstehendes Verhiltniss aufgedeckt, nimlich die For- 
setzung eines bei den meisten Abtheilungen der tibrigen Vertebraten 
bekannten embryonalen und damit verginglichen Zustandes, der von den 
ihn daurend besitzenden Formen her sich ableiten lasst. Aus jenen Ver- 


halten ergibt sich jedoch noch ein anderes bedeutungsvolleren Moment, 
jenes, naimlich, welche den von der Chorda durchsetzten Abschnitt des 
Craniums in gleichen oder doch zunachst ahnlichen Beziehungen zeigt, 
wie sie die Wirbelsiule zur Chorda besitzt, so das darauf eine Vergleich- 
ung jenes Abschnittes des Craniums mit einem Abschnitte der Wirbel- 
siiule sich stiitzen kann.” And further, “Aus der vollen Wiirdigung 
dieser Beziehung von Gehirn und Nerven des hinteren Abschnittes 
ergibt sich der offene Gegensatz zum Vorderen Schadelraum, der von 
dem hinteren sehr verschiedene Gehirntheile umschliesst und ebenso in 
den ihn verlassenden Nerven keinerlei Gemeinsamkeit mit den von 
Spinalnerven ableitbaren hinteren Nerven wahrnehmen lisst. Die 
Resultate der Vergleichung der einzelnen Abschnitte des Binnenraumes 
am ausgebildeten Cranium sind somit mit der Priifung der Sonderungs- 
vorginge bei der Entstehung des Knorpeleraniums im Einklange.” 

To which if we add the weight of evidence afforded by the study of 
the vascular arrangements described in a previous paragraph, we have 
increased reason for the separation of the prechordal from the chordal 
section of the cranium. Jor with this addition there is not a single im- 
portant structure entering into the composition of the head which does not 
show traces of the originally distinct separation of these regions, now so 
closely united among all the higher vertebrates. > 

Important in this connection is the relation of the chorda in Bom- 
binator igneus figured by Goette, loc. czt., Taf. IX. Figs. 164, 165, and 
166, Taf. XV. Figs. 283 and 284, in which the author found the chorda 
dorsalis lying below the cartilaginnous cranium, although in intimate 
contact with it. After its degradation, which takes place in an early 
stage of development, this portion of the chorda is converted into a 
(keel-shaped 1) calcareous crust, projecting from the ventral surface of 
the cranium. It is evident that in such a case the dorsal aorta could 
not become enclosed in the cartilaginous cranium, and in this fact we 
may have an explanation why a remnant of the aorta is not more 
uniformly found among the Elasmobranchs in general. It is important 
to bear in mind the condition of the head region before the cartilaginous 
cranium has been formed. In such a primitive animal, or at a cor- 
responding stage in a more advanced form, the notochord, dorsal (and 
possibly ventral) aorta, digestive tract, and nervous cord extend through 
the head region, all parallel to the long axis of the body, and held in 
place by the connective tissue lying between them and whatever mus- 
cular and skeletal structures may be present. Branches from the ner- 
vous axis or the aorta easily find their way through the yielding tissue 


to their destination.* So long as the intervening spaces remain filled 
with loose connective tissue, all these spaces are eminently vascular and 
lymphatic. The need of greater strength and power of resistance in the 
skeletal axis calls for a solidification in-.and about the notochord, and 
upon the extent of the hardened area depends the nature of the enclos- 
ures. Usually, of course, the notochord forms the centre of the solidi- 
fied tract, but we have just seen that it may lie on the ventral border 
of this tract. The structures transverse to the axis are partly enclosed 
in the solidified tissue, —the proximal portions in the case of the nerves, 
the proximal or distal in that of the blood and lymph vessels.f 

The question of the homology of the carotid arteries has been touched 
upon by many morphologists, and although the subject has never at- 
tracted any very great attention, several explanations have been proposed 
at various times. The usual one found in our text-books on compara- 
tive anatomy and embryology was the result of determinations made by 
the earlier embryologists, Bischoff, Rathke, and others, of the ontogeny 
of the vascular system in mammalian and other embryos. 

Kolliker’s ® account contains the whole matter in clear and concise 
form, and I shall quote his words as a statement of the generally accepted 
views. He says (loc. cit., p. 915): “Die erste Form derselben (i. e. die 
Arterien) die gleich nach der Entstehung des Herzens und wihrend der 
Dauer des Kreislaufes im Fruchthofe getroffen wird, ist die (Fig. 560. 1) 
dass das Herz vorn einen Truncus arteriosus entsendet der nach kurzen 
verlaufe in zwei Arcus Aorte sich spaltet, die in der Wand des Kopfdarm- 
héhle bogenférmig nach der Gegend der spiiteren Schiidelbasis und dann 
lings dieser convergirend nach hinten laufen, um anfinglich getrennt 
von einander als doppelte Aorta descendentes zu enden und spiter unter 
einander zu unpaaren Aorta zu verschmelzen. Sowie die Kiemenbogen 
. . . hervortreten, zeigt sich, dass der Anfang der Aortenbogen in den 
ersten Kiemenbogen liegt, sowie dass auch fiir die folgenden Kiemen- 

* These are the cranial and spinal nerves, the afferent and efferent branchials, 
and musculo-spinal arteries for the most part, all of which do not run parallel to 
the long axis. 

+ The blood-vessels are affected most by this process, and all except the im- 
portant trunks rapidly atrophy, leaving as a last trace a fibrous cord imbedded in 
the solid cartilage. 

18 Kolliker, A. Entwick. des Menschen, ete. Leipzig, 1879. 

19 Rathke, H. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Natter. Konigsberg, 1889. 

29 Rathke. Ueber die Entwickelung der Arterien welche bei Saugethieren von 
den Bogen der Aorta ausgehen. Arch. fiir Anat. und Physiol., 1845. 

21 Rathke. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere. Leipzig, 1861. 


bogen neue Aortenbogen hervortreten. . . . Die bleibenden grosse Ar- 
terien gehen im wesentlichen aus den drei letzten Aortenbogen hervor, 
doch erhilt sich auch ein Theil des ersten und zweiten Bogens in der Carotis 
interna und externa. 

“Von den drei letzten bogen wird der vorderste (der dritte der ganzen 
Reihe) zum Anfang der Carotis interna, wiihrend der Carotis commu- 
nis aus dem Anfange des urspriinglichen ersten Arcus Aorte sich ent- 
wickelt. Von der Aorta thoracica und abdominalis hat Remak zuerst 
gezeigt das dieselbe beim Hiihnersembryo anfiinglich doppelt sind, 
indem die ersten Aortenbogen nicht vereinen sondern als sogenante 
‘primitive Aorten’ von der Wirbelsiiule einander parallel bis zum hin- 
teren Leibesende fortgehen. .. . Erst am dritten Tage verschmelzen 
diese ‘primitiven Aorten’ in ihren vordersten an der Wirbelsiule gele- 
genen Theile. . . . Hier sind die liingstbekannten Arteriae vertebrales 
posteriores nichts anders als die ‘ primitiven Aorten’ und stellen zahl- 
reiche Figuren dieses werkes dieselben als paarige Gefasse am Kopfe und 
am Rumpfe dar. Die Verschmelzung dieser Gefasse . . . schreitet nach 
hinten fort.” 

Important points in this consideration are (a) the double condition of 
the aorta in the developing mammal; and ()) the persistence of portions 
of the first and second aortic arches in the carotid arches. 

More recently Macalister 7? has offered an explanation of the carotid 
arteries which does not harmonize with the facts as I find them, and I 
shall first quote his remarks, and then show wherein it appears that his 
conclusions are not tenable in the light of the comparative anatomy of 
the lower fish forms. He says (doc. cit., p. 193): “The arrangement of 
the blood-vessels in the adult forms of the lowest, and in the embryos 
of the higher vertebrates, indicates that the history of the complicated 
vascular system of the higher forms has been one of a development from 
a simple and regular ancestral condition of metameric and intermeta- 
meric vessels, through easily defined stages, to the more confused and 
irregular condition of the arterial system in the adults of the higher 
forms. .. . In the whole organism the vessels would thus form a 
double series, two longitudinal ventral trunks, two corresponding dorsal 
trunks, and the lateral uniting trunks in each segment. There are two 
primitive dorsal vessels in vertebrate embryos, and their fusion can be 
traced in the chick beginning at the forty-second hour of incubation. 
This union commences behind the head, and travels backwards rapidly, 

22 Macalister. The Morphology of the Arterial System in Man. Journ. Anat. 
and Physiol., XX., 1886. 

VOL. XVII.—wno 5. 14 


so that after the fifth day there is but a single dorsal vessel for the middle 
and the hinder part of the body, —the dorsal aorta. In the region of 
the head and neck of mammals, the foremost ends of the two. vessels re- 
main permanently separate as the internal carotid arteries. {Italics mine.] 
. . . There were also originally two ventral longitudinal vessels, but 
their union probably occurred even earlier than that of the dorsal... . 
The setting apart of one portion of the single ventral vessel to form the 
heart differentiates the pre- from the post-cardiac portions of the ventral 
vessel. As a consequence of the cardiac differentiation, the only places 
where complete metameric arcades remain are the precardiac segments. 
... Behind the heart in higher vertebrates a series of vessels extend from 
the dorsal aorta through the mesogastric fold, and end in the splanch- 
nopleure ; these correspond to the dorsal extremities of the postcardia 
lateral metameric arcades. With the condensation of the anterior seg- 
ments which takes place in the formation of the skull, all distinct vas- 
cular metamerism is lost, and the anterior segmental arches become 
displaced backward or lost. The common and external carotids are con- 
tinuations of the ventral aorta, while the root of the internal carotid is 
the altered relic of the third arch, and the ascending continuation of 
that vessel is the upper part of the dorsal aorta. . . . The only carotid 
branches which in any way represent rudimental arcades are the occipi- 
tal and posterior auricular arteries. . . . The cervical dorsal aorta (in- 
ternal carotid) has only rudimental branches in the neck, represented 
by the intercarotid ramuli, Its intracranial continuation gives off three 
lateral neural branches, the posterior, middle, and anterior cerebrals 
(the first originally being a carotid branch, its root being the so called 
posterior communicating, but its anastomotic internal branch, which 
joins the median anastomosis, dilates so as to form its functional 
root). The ventro-lateral branches are reduced and modified as tym- 
panic, vidian, receptacular, and ophthalmic branches.” 

As the foregoing quotations show, Macalister tacitly assumes that the 
double nature of the dorsal vessel in mammalian embryos is comparable 
with that of some vermian type. He claims that the anterior ends of 
the double dorsal vessel are transformed into the internal carotid arteries 
of the adult, which is certainly true, but not in the sense our author 
intends it, as appears from the context, for he says further on, that the 
root of the internal carotid is the altered relic of the third arch. These 
views were, I believe, first expressed by Allen Thompson *® in 1831, 

°6 Thompson, Allen. The Development of the Vascular System. New Phil. 
Journ., Edinburgh, 1831. 

27 The same. Quain’s Anat., 9th ed., II., 1882. 


who also claims to have discovered the facts on which they were based. 
Surprising is the statement that the external carotids are the continu- 
ations of the ends of the anterior bifurcation of the ventral aorta. 

It is not possible at the present time to prove beyond doubt that the 
ancestor of vertebrates possessed only a single dorsal vessel; but the 
best evidence at the present time (the anatomy and development of 
the higher worms, and of those vertebrates retaining most of the ances- 
tral features) points to an ancestral form having a single median dorsal 

The embryological evidence cited by Macalister in support of his 
views, is interpreted by Balfour, Gegenbaur, Kolliker, Hertwig, and 
others, to be the effect of the shortening of the period of development, 
the suppression of some of the stages and the adaptation to peculiar 
embryonic environment. 

In passing over the intermediate stages between the fish and mammal, 
our author has lost sight of the homologies of the vessels he deals with, 
and, so far as his account runs, has not seen the precardiac aorta in any 
vertebrate, but considers the two common carotid trunks to represent 
the pair of aortz which his theory calls for. 

The evidence which I have presented in the preceding pages shows 
beyond question that the carotid arteries, instead of being derived from 
the aorta or any of its branches, are derived from the commissures 
which serve to connect the efferent branchial arteries with one another. 
The bifurcated end of the aorta in the bird and mammal is only a rem- 
nant of a previous complicated vascular apparatus. It is likewise 
obvious that the carotid vessels cannot strictly be said to arise from, or 
constitute the remains of, any particular pair of aortic arches, but repre- 
sent all that is left of the commissural trunk from the most anterior 
arch of the ancestral form to the most anterior arch of any given exist- 
ing form. 

About the time Macalister’s paper on the homology of the blood-ves- 
sels of man appeared in England, T. J. Parker, working in New Zealand, 
published a paper in the Philosophical Transactions on the vascular sys- 
tem of Mustelus antarcticus, in which he advances decidedly interesting 
views as to the homology of the carotids of this southern shark. In the 
first place, Parker proposes to establish the terminology of these vessels 
on a scientific basis, and as the result of his studies objects to the use 
of the terms “internal” and “external” to designate the anatomical 
relations of the carotids as really misleading. He would substitute and 
use exclusively throughout vertebrates the terms “anterior ” and “ pos- 


terior,” * as correctly describing the morphological relations of the ves- 
sels. Now, in as far as the terms are applied to the carotid arteries of 
the higher vertebrates as names simply, it matters little which set is 
used ; but when it is proposed to select terms that shall harmonize with 
the development of the vessels f under consideration, superior and infe- 
rior are undoubtedly the correct ones, or dorsal and ventral. 

In the light of Chlamydoselachus we may reasonably choose to retain 
the terms internal and external as describing at the same time the 
primitive condition of the vessels in the lowest vertebrates, and, when 
we consider the relations of the vessels to their territory of distribution 
(their only constant relation), and not alone their origin (in the anatomi- 
cal sense) and source of supply (their constantly varying relation), also 
their anatomical relations up to and including man. The vessels are 
really never anterior and posterior so far as their points of origin are 
concerned, and this, as I understand it, is the basis of Parker’s deter- 
mination. As shown above, in primitive forms (e. g. Amphioxus and 
Myxine), the region supplied by the internal carotids in Acraniates 
and Craniates is provided for by branches from the superior portion of 
the curve of the first pair of aortic arches. The carotids arise from 
the dorsal prolongations of the aortic roots; i.e. from the tract ho- 
mologous with the superior commissures of Elasmobranchs, and not, as 
Macalister and others suppose, the anterior ends of the two lateral 
aortz on the one hand, or the corresponding parts of the ventral aortz 
on the other. The carotid arteries are, in a strict sense, separated from 
the aorta by the vessel crossing the space between the dorsal end of the 
gill and the aorta which lies in the middle line. This vessel is equal to 
the dorsal portions of the efferent branchial arteries (or the entire epi- 
branchials of Parker). It is because the inferior commissures are 
merely passageways for the transmission of blood to the distributing 
vessels in the dorsal region of demand, that they do not persist, since 
their function is early assumed by other vessels. As the aorta is gradu- 
ally reduced by the backward journeying of the heart consequent on the 
reduction of the branchial vessels and organs, the brain and the enclos- 
ing head are removed farther and farther from the aortic arches from 
which they originally received their blood supply direct, by means of 

* Parker’s A. carot. post. = Art. carot. int. 
“ “e ant. = eff. br. art. of mandibular gill, and both these ves- 
sels supply the region of the external carotid in sharks. 
+ Cf. Rathke (20) or Balfour (24). Comp. Embryol., II., 1881. I refer here to 
the development in the higher vertebrates. : 


numerous small twigs, and the aortic roots plus the superior commis- 
sures increase in importance with the retreat of the heart. In the Mam- 
malia, where the aortic roots are reduced to the greatest extent, there 
is a very great variety in the manner of origin of the carotids’ from the 
aorta, or, in other words, the primitive relation of the carotid trunks to 
the median aorta has undergone a variety of transformations that for 
the most part are characteristic of the groups in which they are found. 
They remain as a pair of lateral longitudinal vessels, each of which 
almost universally divides into two branches, a dorsal and a ventral. 
The dorsal supplies the structures contained in the cranium, and gives 
off vessels into the orbital space; it is the internal carotid. The ven- 
tral branch supplies the visceral portion of the head and the cranial pari- 
etes, at least in part; it is the external carotid artery. The external 
carotid is then only a ventral branch of the dorsal commissural trunk, 
while the internal carotid continues the main stem of the common 
carotid. Of course, the relative sizes of the vessels undergo ceaseless 
variations as we ascend the series ; but the rule is, that the higher the 
position of the animal in the series, the more important relatively the 
territory supplied by the external carotid becomes. For example, in 
man the two vessels, internal and external, are of about the same size ; 
in the cat, the internal is small and the external correspondingly large. 
The two vessels may be united into a common trunk, and always are 
when the aortic arch from which they arise is much reduced, or they 
may arise independently of one another, as in Myxine. So long as the 
dorsal aorta persists entire, the carotids have no existence; but just in 
proportion as the precardiac section of the aorta is reduced, the carotid 
arteries become more and more important, until they ultimately entirely 
replace it, as in the vertebrates above the lower fishes. In Myxine, 
“ Aus dem Zusammenflus der Kiemenvenstiimme entstehen vier Haupt- 
arterienstimme fiir den K6rper, ein vorderer und hinterer unpaarer 
mittelerer, welche unter der Wirbelsiiule hingehen, und zwei seitliche 
vordere. Die vorderen Theile des Korpers besitzen also zwei Carotiden 
und eine unpaare Wirbelarterie [i. e. precardiac Aorta] die hintern 
Theile des Korpers einen einzigen Arterianstamm, die Aorta descendens. 
Die Kiemenvenen der zwei oder drei letzten Kiemen gehen direct in die 
nach vorn und unten gleich sich verlingernde Aorta. Die Kiemenvenen 
’ der ersten oder zwei ersten Kiemen gehen nicht mehr in die Aorta iiber, 
sondern vereinigen sich jederseits in eine der Aorta parallele vena bran- 
chialis communis, welche sich nach vorn als Carotide fortsetzt. Die 
directe Fortsetzung der Aorta nach vorn, verlauft als arteria vertebralis 


impar dicht unter der Chorda und versieht die Seitenmuskeln, das 
Riickgrath und Riickenmark mit zweigen. Die Carotiden begleiten 
die Speiserdhre und geben, ihren Seiten angewachsen, Zweige an sie 
ab. Hinter dem Kopf theilen sich die Carotiden in zwei Aeste welche 
eine Carotis externa und interna auf jeder Seite entsprechen. Die 
dusseren Carotiden vertheilen sich in dem Kopfmuskeln und in der 
Lunge. Die beiden inneren Carotiden verbinden sich bogenférmig unter 
dem Anfang des Riickgraths. Aus diesem bogen ; der auch von hinten 
das ganz diinn gewordene Ende der unpaaren Wirbelarterie aufnimmt, 
entsteht nach vorn ein unpaarer starker Stamm. Dieser stellt gleichsam 
eine unpaare Wirbelarterie des Kopfes dar, er verliuft unter der Wir- 
belsiule itiber dem Schlund nach vorn, dann unter der Basis des Hinter- 
schiidels und senkt sich, da wo der Basis hiiutig wird, in der Mitte in 
die Tiefe, wahrscheinlich die Hirnarterien abgebend, indem er zugleich 
an dieser Stelle gabelig zwei diinnere Aeste ausschicht, welche divirgirend 
zur Seite des Nasengaumenganges neben den Knorpeligen seitlichen 
Gaumenleisten nach vorn weitergehen und dadurch in den Stand gesetzt 
werden wahrscheinlich den Nasensack mit Zweigen zu versehen.” 

The cephalic circle is complete in only a few forms (Myxinoids, Petro- 
myzon, and the lowest Elasmobranchs). Among the Rays, Sturgeon 
(and all cartilaginous Ganoids ?), and Chimera, it is incomplete in front. 
But in every vertebrate except Amphioxus the internal carotids have 
their ends united by anastomosis within the pituitary space (Figures 
14 and 4 6) usually, but always in this cranial region. 

Referring to the anastomotic branch between the hyoidean efferent 
artery and that from the first branchial arch, Parker suggests that the 
union thus brought about is entirely a secondary condition, and that 
the true efferent trunk of the hyoidean gill is to be sought in the pos- 
terior (internal) carotid artery. He says (p. 690): “ From the above 
considerations, one is led to look upon the connection of the first 
(hyoidean) efferent artery with the first epibranchial artery as a 
secondary one, and it then becomes a matter of considerable interest 
to find in Mustelus antarcticus distinct remains of the dorsal portion of 
the hyoidean aortic arch, and of its connection with the dorsal aorta. 
From the dorsal end of the first efferent branchial artery arises a large 
vessel, the posterior carotid artery. This trunk passes forwards and 
inwards ventrad of the proximal end of the hyomandibular, to the ven- 
tral surface of the auditory capsule, and through a foramen in the skull 
floor to the orbit. Its further course will be described hereafter; the 
point of interest for the present purpose is, that shortly before entering 


the foramen just mentioned [see Fig. 12] at the point # in Fig. 12, it 
gives off a very slender vessel, y, which passes backwards and inwards 
along the ventral aspect of the skull and vertebral column, and joins 
with its fellow of the opposite side to form a delicate longitudinal 
median trunk, z, which is continued backwards to the junction of the 
first pair of epibranchial arteries. I think that there can be no doubt 
that the posterior carotid artery, from its origin to the point 2, to- 
gether with its backward continuation, y, represents the dorsal portion 
of the hyoidean aortic arch, or hyoidean epibranchial artery, the altered 
direction of the vessel being accounted for by the changed position of 
the hyoid arch. The middle trunk, z, is as obviously the actual an- 
terior portion of what may be called the interhyoidean section of the 
dorsal aorta. It has clearly nothing to do with the arteria verte- 
bralis impar of Myxinoids, which it resembles at first sight, since the 
latter is a secondary forward prolongation of the aorta altogether cepha- 
lad of the gills. As this anterior portion of the dorsal aorta undergoes 
complete atrophy —if indeed it ever exists — in the Rays as well as in 
the Holocephali, it is a matter of some interest to find it persisting in a 
typical Selachian, and one is led to inquire whether it is actually absent 
in those two forms the arteries of which have been described, or whether 
it has hitherto been overlooked. I can only say that I have failed to find 
any mention of it.” Parker does not give the title of Hyrtl’s * important 
paper in his list of literature, and makes no reference to it anywhere in 
_ his text. Presumably, then, he had at least no knowledge of its con- 
tents, or he would certainly have greatly modified the paragraph just 
quoted. In Chlamydoselachus, the arteries described by Parker for Mus- 
telus are present as a strong pair of vessels diverging from the anterior 
end of the vertebral portion of the precardiac aorta, curving outward 
until they reach the internal carotid trunk, into which they open, some 
distance behind the internal carotid foramina. The fusion takes place 
even before the internal carotids begin to curve inwards toward the 
median line. Parker’s conclusion, that the posterior carotid to the 
point x and the small vessel y form the hyoidean epibranchial artery 
is clearly untenable when applied to the more primitive Chlamydose- 

Parker’s argument, that the unpaired aorta formed by the confluence 
‘ of the vessels y is not comparable with the arteria vertebralis impar 
of Myxinoids as described by Miiller, is I think insufficient, since we 
know nothing of its developmental history to enlighten us as to its 
origin and manner of growth, and the adult condition of the vessel cer- 


tainly allows the inference that it is a reduced primitive dorsal aorta, — 
the exact homologue of the dorsal aorta of any vertebrate possessing the 
precardiac section. 

In studying the course of the blood in the vessels of Chlamydosela- 
chus, we find that the complete ellipse formed by each efferent branchial 
artery in the majority of Elasmobranch* species is wanting, and a 
single trunk collects the blood from all the gill leaflets borne by an arch, 
and consequently from one side only of any given gill sack. This is the 
primitive condition, and from Dohrn’s researches we know that it is 
entirely in agreement with the embryonic structure of most of the 
Teleost and Elasmobranch embryos studied. It also agrees with the 
adult condition of Amphioxus. Parker very justly takes exceptions 
to the current use of the term “branchial vein,” as applied to an 
efferent branchial vessel, and I quite agree with him when he says 
respecting the nature of these arteries (/oc. cit., p. 688): ‘These vessels 
are usually, but very incorrectly, called branchial veins. It would be 
quite as justifiable to speak of the portal artery as to call these obviously 
arterial vessels veins; a capillary system may be interposed in the 
course of an artery or of a vein, but this does not make the efferent 
trunk in the one case a vein, nor in the other the afferent trunk an 
artery.” The collecting trunk is continued uninterruptedly to the dor- 
sal aorta, so that an epibranchial artery in Parker’s sense is not present 
in Chlamydoselachus. He says (/oc. cit., p. 689): ‘‘ From the dorsal end 
of each arterial loop an epibranchial artery is continued backwards 
and inwards (Fig. 11); by uniting with one another successively in 
pairs these four trunks form the dorsal aorta. . . . In the embryo the 
aortic arches are continued directly from the ventral to the dorsal aorta. 
In the Holocephali and Teleostei there is only one efferent artery to 
each gill, corresponding to the anterior of the two efferent arteries in 
the Plagiostome holobranch. This is very evident in Callorhynchus, in 
which the single efferent artery of each gill is always cephalad of the 
corresponding afferent trunk. These facts tend to confirm the opinion 
to which one is led by the simple inspection of the parts in the adult 
Mustelus (compare loc. cit., Figs. 6 and 17) ; namely, that the anterior 
efferent artery of each holobranch is to be looked upon as its primary 
revehent trunk and as strictly continuous with the corresponding epi- 
branchial artery, the posterior efferent artery being a secondary vessel 
which debouches not into the primary trunk of its own, but into that of 
the next following gill.” Such are Parker’s conclusions from the study 

* Cf. Hyrtl, Joc. cit., p. 4, and Parker (4) and (7). 


of the anatomy of an adult Mustelus. As a result of his studies of 
the embryological history of the efferent arteries in Pristiurus, Dohrn 
(page 3) establishes Parker’s conclusions in a very complete and inter- 
esting manner. 

Goette’s account of the relations of the developing carotids in the em- 
bryos of Bombinator is as follows: ‘‘Bevor jedoch die Aorta vollstandig 
angelegt ist, entwickelt sich eine neue besondere Verbindungsbahn 
zwischen den ersten Aortenbogen und der Aortenwurzel. Die Carotis 
hat sich nadmlich schon wahrend der Entwickelung des zweiten Aorten- 
bogens bis an das Wurzelstiick des ersten Wirbelbogens verlingert, un- 
ter welchem sie in die Sattelgrube eintritt, um von dort aus sich in zwei 
Aeste fortzusetzen. Der vorderen verliuft als ihre gerade Fortsetzung 
jederseits an der anatomischen Hirnbasis nach yvorn wobei er durch 
das Austrittsloch des Sehnerven eine A. ophthalmica abgibt ; der andere 
Ast (R. communicans carotidis posterior) steigt aus der Sattelgrube ge- 
rade auf und umgreift dem Vorderhirn dicht anliegend, dessen Basaltheil 
oder den Hirntrichter bis an seine Oberseite, wo er in dem sogenann- 
ten mittleren Schadelbalken Rathke’s eingebettet ist. Von dort aus 
geht unser R. communicans in die Basalarterie seine Seite iiber, welche 
alsdann auch eine hintere Fortsetzung im Riickenmarkskanal besitzt 
sowie diese ihre Fortsetzungen unter dem Hirn und Riickenmark all- 
mahlich zusammenriicken, und sich endlich zum unpaaren medianer 
Staémme vereinigen, erscheint dieser als Zusammenfluss jener nach hinten 
konvergirendere Karotidenzweige. Die beiden primitiven Wirbelarte- 
rien und ihre noch getrennten vorderen Fortsetzungen, die Basalar- 
terien, bilden also jederseits die hintere Hialfte, die inneren Karotiden 
mit ihren hinteren Verbindungszweigen die vordere Hiilfte eines cere- 
bralen Gefassbogens welche dem extracraniellen Herz-Aortenbogen 
gleichsam von oben aufgesetzt ist. . . so hért es bald noch zu ende der 
ersten Larvenperiode ganz auf, indem die primitiven Wirbelarterien ver- 
schwinden und ihrer Gebiet ganz den Carotiden iiberlassen (Taf. XXI. 
Fig. 377).” 

The mandibular gill remains in a rudimentary condition, called in the 
Elasmobranch group spiracular gill or pseudobranch ; in the Teleosts, on 
the other hand, the choroid gland (Balfour,” Miiller®). It is not always 
present in Teleosts, according to the latter authority, but where it is de- 
' yeloped its branches supply the choroid plexus of the eye. The artery of 

24 Dohrn, A. Die Entwicklung und Differenzirung der Kiemenbogen der Sela- 
chier. Mitt. Zool. Stat. in Neapel., V., 1884. 
2 Balfour, F. M. Comparative Embryology, II. p. 261. 


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the choroid gland comes from the hyoidean demibranch (Nebenkieme). 
The gland usually lies within the bony orbit, and with very few excep- 
tions it is present in those species possessing a pseudobranch (i. e. in this 
case of course the hyoidean demibranch or its rudiment). The man- 
dibular pseudobranch of Elasmobranchs and Ganoids lies behind the 
orbital territory, but there are cases in which an evident approach to 
the orbit is recognizable. The vessels of the mandibular pseudobranch 
consist of an afferent and an efferent artery, as in the perfect branchiz, 
but usually they are shifted in position, so as to run more or less par- 
allel to the long axis of the body, instead of transverse, as in the normal 
condition. The afferent trunk leaves the hyoidean efferent branchial 
just before the latter leaves the arch and passes forwards to end in 
the rete mirabile of the spiracular gill, while the efferent trunk arising 
from the rete passes forwards and inwards across the hind portion of the 
orbit into the cranial cavity, where it unites with the dorsal aorta by an 
anastomosis with the internal carotid, near the origin of the ophthalmic 
artery. The homology of the mandibular artery of Callorhynchus, as 
given by Parker, involves a mistaken identity, as we readily perceive by 
referring to the author’s own works on the Skate and Mustelus antarcti- 
cus, as well as by reference to figures by Hyrtl (3) and Miiller (6). It 
seems to me clear that the vessel designated posterior carotid by Parker 
is the arteria vertebralis. 

It is of course possible that the arterize vertebrales of the Skate are a 
pair’ of musculo-spinal branches of a now vanished dorsal aorta, but from 
their prominent connection with the first efferent branchials of the Skate 
it is more probable that they are reduced efferent branchials — of the 
mandibular gill? The relations of the afferent and efferent vessels to 
the spiracular gill in Chlamydoselachus — a few leaflets of which still 
persist —I have not worked out satisfactorily as yet. 

There are traces of other lateral branches to be found in the cartilage 
at either side of the aorta, between the occiput and pituitary promi- 
nence. In two sections I saw lateral unpaired vessels passing out from 
the median line to fade out in the cartilaginous tissue which appeared 
to be the cause of their suppression. Heptabranchias shows similar 
vessels. (See Figure 9.) They are so short and indistinct that it is 
with difficulty they can be traced without entirely destroying the carti- 

‘laginous floor of the skull in shaving it down thin enough to see them. 
The microscopic sections prepared from one of these transsections 
showed only a fibrous cord entirely destitute of a cavity. Presumably 
then the vessels were functional only during embryonic life. There is 


a bare possibility that these vessels may have been the musculo-spinal 
branches of the segments taken into the cranium. 

To the characters which Garman has selected as of value in properly 
placing Chlamydoselachus in the zodlogical system may be added : — 

1. The dorsal aorta persistent throughout the entire length of the 
chorda, its precardiac portion of large size to the occipito-atlantal line, 
where it is suddenly much reduced to enter the cartilaginous basis 
cranii, through which it runs below and nearly paralle] with the chorda, 
until it reaches the pituitary region, when it rises abruptly and becomes 
in part suprachordal, ending in a vascular plexus. 

2. The absence of a complete vascular loop surrounding each gill slit, 
ending above in two efferent branchial arteries. Chlamydoselachus has 
but a single efferent branchial, placed in each instance cephalad of the 
corresponding afferent vessel, agreeing in this with the usual type of 
structure found in embryos of other Elasmobranchs. 

There are several other characters belonging to other portions of the 
vascular system, of equal importance with the foregoing, indicative of 
simple organization, which we may take up at some subsequent date. 

The character supposed by Miiller to be diagnostic of the Cyclo- 
stomes, namely, that the dorsal aorta was continued beyond the union 
of the first pair of persisting efferent branchial arteries, and that it was 
still further connected with the anterior portion of the cephalic circle 
(in Myxine), is not alone peculiar to this group of fishes, but is also 
found among several Elasmobranchs. It still remains to be seen 
whether it is absent in all the bony fishes (including the Ganoids). If 
so, it would serve to show that the Cyclostomes and lower Elasmo- 
branchs have retained their vascular apparatus in a much more primi- 
tive condition than the remaining groups. Miiller did not find any 
trace of the precardiac aorta in Sturio, and from his description of the 
efferent branchial system it is extremely improbable that it exists in 
any form. 

P. S.—The substance of this paper was written out in nearly its 
present form in the fall and winter of 1887, at which time the dis- 
sections were made, but circumstances have delayed the publication 
till this date. 

Aucust 1, 1889. 




a. artery (in Fig. 2, also auricle). 

d.c. arcus cephalicus. 

a.i. anterior innominate artery. 

an. anastomotic branch of first efferent branchial artery. 

a. pl. artery connecting pituitary plexus with hypophysis plexus. 
b.a. __ bulbus arteriosus. 

br. brachial vein. 

c. cranial aorta (in Fig. 7, the cavity of this vessel). 

c. a. conus arteriosus. 

c.c. anterior carotid commissure (art. com. ant. D. S.). 

cent. vertebral centrum. 

ch. chorda dorsalis. 
ce. mes. celiaco-mesenteric artery. 
cor. coronary artery (+ hypobranchial trunk). 

c.p. art. profunda cerebri. 

¢c. p. a. posterior carotid commissure (art. com. post. D. S.) 
c.c. cardinal sinus. 

c. sh. chorda sheath. 

ct. cartilage of the basis cranii, c’, c’, c’”, three layers of basis cranii. 
ct. sh. cartilaginous sheath of chorda and cranial artery. 

Cc. U. cardinal vein. 

d. dorsal aorta (posterior to £). 

d.m. dura mater. 
e.c. external carotid artery. 
e.ex. elastica externa of notochord. 
g: median groove in ventral surface of basis cranii. 
Vf Hyoid arch. 
h.v. hepatic vein. 
hy. hypophysis. 
ac: internal carotid artery. 
c.f. internal carotid foramen. 
i.j.v. inferior jugular vein. 
cephalic aorta. Kopfaorta, arteria spinalis impar Hyrtl, arteria ver- 
tebralis impar Miiller. 
kl. calcareous incrustation. 


m. muscle. 

me. membraneous wall overarching c near its anterior end. 
m.s. arteriz musculo-spinales. 

ms. arteriz musculo-spinales of the head. 

n nasal artery. 

n.p. neural process. 

0) ophthalmic artery. 

p: palatine artery (= maxillary of Parker). 
p-c.é. art. post. cerebri ext. D. 8. 

p.c.t. art. post. cerebri int. D. S. 

p.¢.s. precaval sinus. 

p. pl. pituitary plexus. 

pt. pituitary space. 

r subdural rete mirabile. 

r.c.v. right cardinal vein. 

r rete mirabile profunda cereori D. S subclavian artery. 

S.j.v. superior jugular vein. 

sp. anastomosing branch to spiracle. 
s.v. sinus venosus. 
tr. tropeic vein = lateral abdominal vein. 

tr.b. fibrous trabeculz crossing the channel of c”. 
ir.c. transverse canal of pituitary region. 

tr.p. transverse process. 

v. ventricle. 

v.a. ventral aorta. 

vasc. vascular layer. 

I.-IX. First to ninth pairs of aortic roots (arches). 
1-6. First to sixth pairs efferent branchial vessels. 
1-6’. First to sixth pairs afferent branchial vessels. 
1-5”. First to fifth visceral arches. 

Fig. 1. A sketch of a dissection of the efferent branchial vessels and the result- 
ing aorta of Chlamydoselachus anguineus, natural size. On the right of the figure 
the vessels are sketched in the outline of the roof of the mouth, to the point of 
emergence from the tissue surrounding the proximal ends of the gill arches indi- 
cated on the left oval outlines. The left internal carotid artery is not shaded, 
and is sketched for a short distance only to show its course in the chiasm, at 
which point the cephalic aorta is broken for the sake of clearness. The end of the 
cranial aorta, and its branches connecting it with the pituitary plexus, are drawn 
somewhat enlarged. 

Fig. 2. A semidiagrammatic figure of a portion of the vascular system of the 
same fish, showing the relations of the arterial and venous vessels, as seen from 
the left side. Approximately natural size. At * the coronary artery is cut off, 
nor are many of its branches shown. The venous vessels, heart, and ventral aorta 
are left unshaded. The common and internal carotids have been displaced ae 
wards, aud the anastomotic branch broken for sake of clearness. 


Fig. 3. A sketch of the left half of the hemisected cranium of Chlamydoselachus 
to show the relations of the notochord and cranial aorta to the basis cranii and to 
the pituitary prominence and space. Natural size. 

Fig. 4. (a) A view of the inner surface of floor of the cerebral cavity in the 
pituitary region before the removal of the dura mater and tissue which separates 
the brain cavity from the pituitary excavation and its contents (pituitary plexus, 
transverse canal, and carotid chiasm). Natural size. (b) A dissection of the 
ventral surface of the same, to show the chiasin of the internal carotids. : 

Fig. 5. Avseries of seven transsections of the basis cranii to show the relations 
of the notochord, cranial aorta, and the median ventral groove to each other and 
to the cranial floor. 

Figs. 5a and 565 from 1 shown in Fig. 1. Figs. 5c and 5d from 2; Fig. 5e 
from 3; Figs. 5fand 5g from the pituitary prominence. All the figures enlarged. 
The series progresses cephalad, and the geometrical outlines refer to portions of 
the median line of Fig. 1. 

Fig. 6. Part of the section of the notochord figured in 5a more highly magni- 
fied to show the sheaths and external calcified layer. X circa 180 diameters. 

Fig. 7. A section of the cranial aorta from Fig. 5d, more highly magnified. 
The fibrous trabeculae cross the cavity of the vessel in all directions. X 180 

Fig. 8. A transsection of the basis cranii of Chlamydoselachus, near the verte- 
bral articulation, to show the figure made by the calcareous sheath (and its pro- 
cesses) of the notochord, resembling a vertebra of the trunk region. 

Fig. 9. A transversely cut piece from the basis cranii of Heptabranchias sp. 
near the anterior third of the distance between the pituitary prominence and the 
occipital region, to show the chorda (and aorta ?) and the blood-vessels enclosed in 
the cartilage. 

Fig. 10. The efferent branchial system and aorta of Zygena malleus, after Hyrtl. 

Fig. 11. Diagram of the above, with the “cranial aorta” inserted. 

Fig. 12. The efferent branchial system of Mustelus antarcticus, after Parker. 

Fig. 13. The efferent branchial system of Myxine, after Miiller. 

Fig. 14. The cephalic circle of Cephaloptera modified after De Sanctis. 

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No. 6. — Cave Animals from Southwestern Missouri. By SAMUEL 

TuHoucH a knowledge of their inhabitants would appear to be of the 
greatest importance in connection with the study of the cave life of 
Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, and elsewhere, up to the present time 
the caverns of Missouri have received little or no attention from the 
zobdlogist. The existence of numerous and extensive caves west of the 
Mississippi has been well known to geologists for a long time. There is 
frequent mention of them in the various Geological Reports; but among 
the notices only a single one touches on their animal occupants. The 
cavernous belt of Missouri is a hundred and fifty miles or more in width, 
and extends diagonally quite across the State from northeast to south- 
west. On the Mississippi, roughly estimated, it reaches from Clark to 
St. Louis County, and at the opposite extremity it stretches at the least 
from Vernon to Howell County. The geological positions of the caves 
range from the St. Louis limestone of the Lower Carboniferous to the 
third Magnesian limestone of the Lower Silurian. To the northward 
the formations lie in a plane that nearly coincides with that of the 
horizon. In Clark County the Keokuk limestone is at the surface ; in 
St. Louis, it is that known by the name St. Louis ; and between these 
points it is mainly the Burlington group that appears at the top. In 
the southwest a section across the belt cuts from the Carboniferous 
to the Silurian, as if toward a centre of upheaval in the southeastern 
portion of the State. 

Caves have been reported from some twenty different counties, and 
in a number of instances particular ones have been described at length. 
Among the better known are those of Ralls, Boone, Phelps, Greene, 
Christian, Ozark, and McDonald. Whatever the causes, whether dif- 
ferences in the strata, the inclinations, the amount of fall in the water- 
courses, or in the water itself, the caves appear to become more extensive 
and more numerous toward the southwestern portion of the State. 
Fisher’s Cave, in Ralls County, has an opening of ninety feet in width 
by twenty in height, and more than four hundred feet from the entrance 

VOL. XVII. — NO. 6. 15 


it connects with the surface by means of a sink-hole. The statement is 
made that Conner’s Cave, in boone County, has been explored for a dis- 
tance of eight miles. Friede’s Cave, in Phelps County, according to 
report, has been traced for a number of miles. There are several large 
caves in Ozark County, in the third Magnesian limestone. The sink- 
holes, with which so many of the caverns are connected, prove the 
manner of forming to have been the same as that giving rise to the 
Mammoth and other caves of Kentucky ; the rock, dissolved and disin- 
tegrated, has been gradually removed by the water from the sink-holes. 
There seems to be no reason to suppose the history of the majority of 
these caves goes further back than that of the later Tertiary deposits, 
if so far. Such a small amount of divergence as exists between the 
species peculiar to the caves and their allies outside is proof that the 
former have entered their subterranean dwellings at a comparatively 
recent period. 

In one of his Reports, State Geologist Broadhead remarks that in 
Christian County there is a stream that disappears in a sink to come 
out again three quarters of a mile away by an opening ninety-eight feet 
wide by sixty feet high, from which ‘‘a very clear, cool stream passes 
out, in which by careful search crawfish without eyes can be found.” 
This is the only notice our search has revealed of the animals inhabiting 
these caves. 

An opportunity of adding something to our knowledge was recently 
afforded by the kindness of Miss Ruth Hoppin, of Jasper County. My 
attention was first directed to the matter by a note from her, accom- 
panied by a specimen of Z'yphlichthys subterraneus, Gir., that had been 
taken from a well. She said that similar fishes had been taken from 
other wells in the neighborhood, and that the owners of the wells spoke 
of subterranean streams flowing through. Experience elsewhere satisfied 
me that there should be caves in the vicinity from which these streams 
escaped, and at once my correspondent was asked if she would kindly 
engage some one to explore any caves there might be near by, and also, 
if possible, to get more specimens from the wells. She took up the 
matter, engaged help, and, at great personal risk and inconvenience, 
herself made explorations of a number of the caves, which, as was sus- 
pected, were not at all rare in the district, the southern part of Jasper 
County. Numerous specimens of Batrachians, Fishes, Crustaceans, 
Mollusks, and Insects were collected and forwarded from time to time, 
among them several new to science. Abstracts from the letters accom- 
panying them give a very fair idea of their surroundings. 


In one letter Miss Hoppin says :— 

“T took a boy with me and went to Wilson’s Cave. The catch was not 
large, but I was much encouraged by what I learned while there. The cave is 
about fifty feet long, nearly as wide, oven-shaped, and high enough to stand 
erect except around the sides. The farmer had enlarged the entrance to use 
the place as a creamery. A small very clear stream flowed along the left side, 
having a width of two feet and a depth of three, with a temperature of +-54° F. 
About ten feet from the entrance the light struck the stream in such a manner 
that we could see everything in the water without a lantern. The first things 
that caught the eye were a lot of white crayfish, a dozen in all, like those I 
took from the wells. It seemed as if I might take every one of them. But 
though blind, they have one or more of the other senses very keenly developed. 
I am very sure they, as well as the white fishes, have the tactile sense developed 
in an unusual degree. At the least touch upon the water they dart away. As 
the net cautiously follows, they escape adroitly, making no blunders as to the 
direction of the approaching enemy, and hide in crevices of the jutting rocks or 
in the muddy bottom of the stream. The mud was easily stirred so that noth- 
ing could be seen. These creatures, fish and crayfish, are only to be secured 
by patient waiting and skilful management. The people at the cave say the 
fish never bite, and cannot be taken with hook and line. The crayfish were 
all found near the entrance, where there is considerable light. Following the 
stream back to a dark recess, reached by crawling on the slippery rocks, the 
light of the lantern revealed a school of little white fishes, such as I secured 
from the wells. All were very small. I saw half a dozen or more, but 
secured only one. I concluded the crayfish liked the light. Perhaps they 
remain near the entrance because they find there a supply of food. We found 
a few snails floating about, but saw none in the dark pool where the fish were. 
Miss Wilson, who was with me, thinks the crayfish devour the others. She 
has never seen them together, and says the latter keep away from the former, 
though she had not noticed the crayfish catching or eating them. There was 
nothing to prevent the crayfish ascending the stream to where the others 

“ An insect, a ‘ water spider,’ common outside, is found inside near the light. 
I did not find it back where the little fishes stayed. By crawling back under 
the rocks one could see where the stream issues from the crevice. The passage 
is too low and too small to be followed, as the water occupies almost the whole of 
the opening. Beyond it, I think, one would find the home of the fish. The low 
opening is arched over by solid limestone, and could hardly be enlarged arti- 
ficially, as the main entrance has been. Several feet to the right of the stream, 
having no visible connection with it, is ‘the lake,’ about fifteen feet in 

‘diameter. It is now a muddy bed. In no place could I see an inch of clear 
water. Just at the centre it has most water. When the water is high, the 
lake is full of fishes. What becomes of them when the water is low? I am 
ashamed that I did not look into that mud a little more carefully. There 


must be some connection with the creek, either directly or back through the 
rocks. The lake is the place to catch the fish in high water. It is accessible, 
if one does not count the ‘gumbo,’ which makes an almost impassable sticky 
covering over the entire floor of the cave. This ‘gumbo’ forms the banks of the 
stream. It is difficult to keep one’s footing there. With all our care it was 
constantly falling into the stream, roiling the water and scaring the crayfish. 
There was a small, dark-colored salamander near them. I brought home only 
one small fish and four small crayfish, the largest about two inches long. But 
I am much encouraged, for I feel sure that in time we can get all you want, 
and I realize there is ever so much that I can learn.” 

Samples of the “gumbo,” or red mud, of the floors of the caves 
were sent with the collection. Experiments with it proved its excessive 
fineness and stickiness. Stirred about in the water at a depth only 
of two and a half inches, it was more than three hours before it had 
settled so that objects could be distinguished on the bottom. Twenty- 
four hours later, a cloudy substance, an inch and a half in depth, seemed 
to hang over the bottom, and it was more than two days before it had 
completely settled. 

Miss Hoppin’s first work was done in August; in September she 
made further efforts. In answer to questions, she states that the wells 
from which specimens have been taken are about half a mile from 
Centre Creek, the water level in wells and creek being nearly the 
same. The wells were nine or ten in number, from five to eighty rods 
apart, from eleven to thirty feet in depth, deeper in the higher ground, 
and having a depth of water varying from two to four feet. In some 
wells the rock at the bottom had been excavated. The water is what 
is commonly called hard, i. e. impregnated with lime. After rains, some 
of the wells have softer water than others, and the water stands higher 
in these wells, indicating closer connection with surface drainage. All 
the wells soon regain the common level. They become low in times 
of drouth, but never dry out entirely, as is the case with a cave spring 
near by, about twelve feet above the level of the creek. The tempera- 
tures taken in the wells at low water ranged from +52° to 54° Fah- 
renheit. During a storm, in the well having the highest water the tem- 
perature rose to +57°. When the mercury stood at 90° to 95° in the 
shade outside, the temperature was only 54° in Wilson’s cave. 

‘* After several days of a cold wave, the night temperature of the onter air 
being 45° and the noon reading at 60° to 70° in the shade, I found the tem- 
perature of the water in the cave had gone down about two degrees. . 
The ievel of this cave is ten or more feet above the creek, and it is not affected 


by the rains until several days after the creek has begun its rise. This state- 
ment is from the people at the cave, and was not verified by me. 

‘From one well thirteen blind crayfish were taken by means of a net 
formed of mosquito bar spread on the bottom. The specimens became en- 
tangled init. From the same well a few snails were taken. The owner re- 
ports, that at various times, a year or more ago, the surface of the water would 
be covered with ‘little white lice or something of the kind.’ Minnows were 
put in, after which the lice disappeared. A blind fish was also put into this 
well, but nothing had been seen again either of it or the minnows. From 
each of the other wells one crayfish was taken; from one of the three, a few 
minute centipedes. Earlier in the season these centipedes had been so numer- 
ous as to render the water unfit for use ; they seemed to be inhabitants of 
the well. Some minnows were put in, and the centipedes vanished. I heard 
of them too late to make a satisfactory collection. From the Armstrong well 
two small blind fish were taken, and one from the Adams well. From the 
latter some snails were secured, also some large centipedes, these latter under 
circumstances indicative of accidental presence. Reports come from the coun- 
try for miles around where fish and crayfish are taken. One well, an Arte- 
sian, went dry when a neighbor dug another farther down the hill. It was 
then found that the first well opened at the side directly into a small cave. 
All of these wells are in limestone ; only in this formation is good water to 
be obtained hereabout. The larger caves in this vicinity are under the lime- 
stone cliffs and hills that skirt Centre Creek. The wells are usually walled 
with stones that leave spaces, through which the fishes may pass. There are 
probably many small subterranean springs and streams, not one large under- 
lying lake or stream, as popular belief has it. , 

“ Day’s Cave, from which a small collection is sent, opens under the cliffs. 
After much digging the mouth was enlarged so that a small boy squeezed 
through. Wilson’s Cave is not large ; it is spanned by one limestone, and 
floored with the sticky ‘gumbo.’ This mud is utterly without grit. It 
forms a crumbling bank on the approachable side of the stream, and the 
minute particles are seen through the very clear water to be suspended ina 
thin swaying cloud at the bottom of the water. This mud-cloud is so light 
as to form no obstacle to the movement of the creatures which find it a ready 
hiding-place. It renders a study of the animals at the bottom very difficult, 
the water is so easily roiled. It required great care to catch the specimens ; 
the stirring of the water frightened them away to their hiding places on the 
bottom, or among the dark nooks and crevices of the jutting rocks of the op- 
posite bank, their movements at the same time stirring up the mud so that 
nothing could be seen. In the farthest corner of the cave, where the water 
comes in, would seem to be the home of the fishes ; here they were most 
numerous and most active. When the water is low, they are found only 
here, though the stream below is equally cold and deep. Apparently, they 
avoid the light. ; 


“On my first visit, the water being low, no crayfish were seen in the dark 
nook, the place favored by the fish. After the storm which had flooded the 
caves, a few were found there. Though I watched for some time, I never saw 
them pursue the fishes, as they might easily have done, guided by the stir in 
- the water. Both creatures are very sensitive to the slightest ripple. During 
high water, a pool, ‘the lake,’ is formed, a little way from the stream in an- 
other dark part of this cave. In low water the pool is cut off from the creek. 
I found both species in it, the fish in the darkest part, and saw no signs of 
enmity. Most of the crayfish were found in the lower part of the stream, in 
the twilight; the fishes could not be found without the lantern. At the time 
of the floods, the cave is full, and the water rushes out furiously. . . . An- 
other proof that the crayfish are more fond of the light is seen in the shallower 
wells. That from which most were taken was more exposed to the sun, At 
noon, when the light was more favorable, we could see them swimming about. 
No fishes have been taken from this well. They were taken in the narrower 
more shaded wells, of which the deep ones on the hills report fishes only. 

“ As to the food of the fishes, I discovered nothing. The mud where they 
were was not so deep as farther down. An examination of it the length of 
the cave brought to light many snails; the shells of the living ones are whiter 
and more nearly transparent than the floating dead ones. The largest crayfish 
are of a dirty rusty color, and very bristly, in caves and in wells. One large 
one is very soft and very white; no doubt it is newly moulted. 

“ Both fish and crayfish were less numerous after the freshet, and apparently 
less active. The disturbance of the flood may have caused them to retreat 
into their hiding places, only the weaker being left behind, or some may 
have been swept away by the torrent. The sensitive creatures would soon 
die in the light and heat outside, where the water is full of frogs and eyed- 
erayfishes. .. . The specimens become opaque when they are put into alco- 
hol; they are almost transparent when alive, so much so that the action of 
their internal organs can be observed. Repeated tests assured me the animals 
were blind, though very sensitive to the sunlight. They died soon after catch- 
ing, even in water frequently changed. 

“The insects of the collection were taken in the lower part of the stream, 
near the mouth of the cave. They are similar to, if not identical with, others 
found in all the spring streams of this vicinity. They are very lively on the 
surface of the water, constantly rippling it. I think the crayfish eat them, but 
have no positive proof. On my first visit, insects and crayfish were very nu- 
merous at this place. The latter were darting up towards the former. We 
thought we could detect a faint odor about the insects (water spiders) that 
might help to guide their enemies, but the vibration of the water would be 

“Two aquatic and two terrestrial salamanders taken in this cave are in the 
collection ; they are not peculiar to the cave. Some nearly a foot long are in 
the creek outside.” 


Some time near the middle of October Miss Hoppin visited Wil- 
son’s cave again, after some cold weather; the water was four degrees 
colder, and no fishes were to be seen. A couple of weeks later, after a 
week of warm days, the water had taken on its summer temperature of 
54°, but there was nothing to collect. The water at this time was so 
low that the connection with the water of the inner cavern was broken, 
the water in the stream being below the fissure from which it poured 
earlier in the season. It appeared as if the fishes could not get out 
into the cave till the water rose again. The opening into the inner 
cavern would admit a small dog. There were no insects on the walls. 
Something was heard that was supposed to be a bat, but it could not 
be found. The neighbors said that after the floods white crayfishes 
were frequently found out of the cave in the creek. 

Various caves were visited, at a considerable distance apart ; the collec- 
tions were in the main made from the wells and the two caves mentioned. 
It is evident from the notes that the caves are numerous, and similar to 
those in the same formations in other States. It is also evident, from 
what is found in the stomachs of the fishes, that there is more to be 
done in the way of collecting. A few fossils from the walls were sent. 
Though not peculiar to it, all are forms common in the Keokuk lime- 
stones, which lie at or near the surface in this district, known as the 
lead region of Southwestern Missouri. The greatest altitude is rather 
more than eleven hundred feet above the sea level. At the point under 
consideration the drainage goes to the westward. The waters after- 
ward go south in the Grand River, then southeast in the Arkansas, and 
reach the Mississippi a little below 34° north latitude, two hundred and 
fifty miles or more below the mouth of the Ohio. Directly eastward, 
a considerable distance, the water is carried toward the mouth of the 
Arkansas, near which it meets the Mississippi. Northeastward it is 
less than twenty miles to points from which the drainage is carried 
through the Osage River to the Missouri, the mouth of which is about 
a hundred and fifty miles above that of the Ohio. Whether approached 
by the way of the Arkansas or by that of the Missouri, the caves of 
Jasper County and the neighboring counties are pretty effectually iso- 
lated from the caves east of the Mississippi, —a fact not to be lost 
sight of in discussing the distribution of the animals. 

The collections contain a large number of specimens pertaining to a 
rather small number of species. Of these the fishes and the crustacea 
claim most of our attention, being the only ones we can with safety call 
peculiar to the caverns. As their testimony concerning the acquisition 


of the species by the caves appears to differ somewhat, it will be well to 
consider them separately. The following is the entire list of species :— 

Geotriton longicauda, from Wilson’s Cave. 

Plethodon sp., larvee, $6 

Cambarus virilis Hagen, from the wells, Wilson’s Cave, and streams, 

C. setosus n. sp., from the wells, Wilson’s Cave. 

Asellus Hoppine n. sp., from Day’s Cave, in mud under stones. 

Physa heterostropha Say, from caves and wells. 

Scolopocryptops sexspinosa, from wells. 

Plathemis trimaculata DeGeer, from mouths of caves. 

Hygrotrechus remigis Say, from near mouth of Wilson’s Cave. 

Dineutes assimilis Aubé, a ue cr 

Agabus sp., from Day’s Cave, under rocks. 

Ceuthophilus Sloanit Pack, from the water in Wilson’s Cave, 


Typhlichthys subterraneus Girarp, the only blind fish in the 
collection, is represented by a large number of examples, the majority of 
them taken from the wells, the balance from the caves, with the exception 
of a single one from the creek outside. Compared with specimens front 
Kentucky and Tennessee, they agree so exactly as to raise the question 
whether the species was not originated in one of the localities and thence 
distributed to the others. The opinion generally held is, that the cave — 
species of Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee originated in their respect- 
ive localities. It is no doubt true for some of them. The idea is well 
supported by the insects and crustacea, the species in one section being 
unlike those of the others. It may be urged that the respect in which 
the fishes differ from them is more apparent than real, since these crus- 
tacea arid insects were derived from a number of distinct species, while in 
all probability the same species of fish entered the caves in each dis- 
trict, and, being under the same influences in each, suffered the same modi- 
fication in each. Reduced to its lowest-terms the question, so far as the 
fishes are concerned, is this: Were the blind fishes distributed to the 
scattered localities where now found before or after they became blind? 
In favor of independent origins at distant points, it can be said that a 
species, distributed over the valley, possessed of habits such as would 
lead it to place itself under the modifying conditions of the cave in one 
place, would be most likely led to do so in the others. On the other 
hand, we have the more hesitation in accepting the conclusion that one 
and the same species originated independently in two or more different 


localities, from knowing that exact parallels in the development of 
animals in nature, if they exist, are excessively rare. If our caution 
prevents ready acceptance of two apparently exact evolutionary parallels 
as really coincident, we become much more sceptical when the number 
of parallels or coinciding lines is increased. There is no doubt that the 
representatives of Z'yphlichthys subterraneus in the various caves were 
derived from a single common ancestral species. The doubts concern 
only the probability of the existence of three or more lines of develop- 
ment, in as many different locations, starting from the same species and 
leading to such practical identity of result. Such identical results 
would demand substantially similar modifying elements, — darkness, 
temperature, food, enemies, etc., — and the same length of time subjected 
to their influence. The likelihood of the existence of so many like ele- 
ments in distant regions is inversely to the number demanded, though 
one cannot say it is impossible. To accept the conclusion favoring inde- 
pendent developments of the same species would involve acceptance of 
the idea that the caves in each of the districts had been occupied for 
about the same period of time. This, of course, would not furnish us 
with any clue to the time of formation of the caves. 

As an alternative, the opinion is here advanced that these blind fishes 
originated in a particular locality, and have been, and are being, dis- 
tributed among the caves throughout the valley. We are in the habit 
of looking upon great rivers like the Ohio or Mississippi as impassable 
obstacles to passage from cave to cave, rather than as thoroughfares. 
In this we have certainly assumed too much. Various instances are on 
record of the discovery of blind fishes that have strayed into the 
open streams from their caverns. If there were means of determin- 
ing the frequency of the occurrence of such instances, it would un- 
doubtedly much exceed what we are now inclined to credit. Persons 
acquainted with the streams of the Mississippi basin will agree that 
their undermined banks provide series of recesses or caverns, extend- 
ing from the rills at the sources of the tributaries to the Gulf. The 
currents do not prove insurmountable to multitudes of fishes, no better 
provided with locomotive organs than the blind fishes, passing up the 
streams every season. Swept from the caves by the torrents in the 
flooded mouths, the blind species would find itself protected at once 
from light or enemies by the turbid waters. The temperature of the 
water at such times is low, and, should the light penetrate so as to prove 
detrimental, retreats exist on every hand in the excavations of the banks 
or the mud of the bottom. What migrations these fishes may make in 


winter we can only imagine. Hiding places are so numerous and exten- 
sive as to suggest the possibility of the evolution of blind forms without 
the caves. The great essential would be the disposition to avoid the 
light, opportunities existing everywhere ; the surroundings then would 
bring the organization into harmony with their demands, sooner or later 
as the creature was more or less plastic and yielding ; disuse of the sense 
of sight being followed by its loss and atrophy of its special organ. 
Development of sightless forms in the holes and burrows of the banks, 
or in the mud of the bottom of the river, would here follow a similar 
course to that gone through at great depths in lake or ocean. 

Crooked streams are not so impassable as one might suppose, even 
to floating objects, insects, mollusks, etc. A twig or leaf dropped into 
the current on the inside of the upper arm of a horseshoe curve in 
a stream is carried near to the opposite shore before it leaves the bend, 
and, especially if favored by the wind, often is carried completely across. 
The passage is much easier to animals that swim, however feebly. 
Taking everything into the account, it does not appear to be at all 
necessary to credit Z'yphlichthys subterraneus from Kentucky, Tennessee, 
and Missouri with more than a single point of origin. The same may 
be said of Amblyopsis speleus of Kentucky and Indiana, and of the blind 
crayfish of the same States. 

In an article entitled “ Life in the Wyandot Cave,” Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., Ser. 4, VIII., 1871, p. 368, Professor Cope makes this statement 
concerning Amblyopsis: “ If these Amblyopses be not alarmed, they come 
to the surface to feed, and swim in full sight, like white aquatic ghosts. 
They are then easily taken by the hand or net, if perfect silence is pre- 
served ; for they are unconscious of the presence of an enemy, except 
through the medium of hearing. This sense, however, is evidently very 
acute ; for at any noise they turn suddenly downward and hide beneath 
stones, etc. on the bottom.” The statement is repeated in Amer. Nat., 
1872, p. 409. Such a development of this sense, in recesses where we 
are accustomed to think any sounds other than those made by the rip- 
pling or dripping water are almost unknown, isnot what one would have 
expected. Having this in mind, I wrote to Miss Hoppin asking her to 
make experiments on Z'yphlichthys, and to determine what she could in 
regard to hearing, feeding habits, etc. ‘The quotations here given are 
from her replies. 

“For about two weeks I have been watching a fish taken from a well. I 
gave him considerable water, changed once a day, and kept in an uninhabited 
place subject to as few changes of temperature as possible. He seems perfectly 


healthy, and as lively as when first taken from the well. If not capable of 
long fasts, he must live on small organisms my eye cannot discern. He is 
hardly ever still, but moves around the sides of the vessel constantly, down 
and up, as if needing the air. He never swims through the body of the water 
away from the sides, unless disturbed. Passing the finger over the sides of the 
vessel under water, I find it slippery. I am careful not to disturb this slimy 
coating when the water is changed. . . . Numerous tests convince me that it 
is through the sense of touch, and not through hearing, that the fish is- dis- 
turbed: I may scream, or strike metal bodies together over him as near as 
possible, yet he seems to take no notice whatever. If I strike the vessel so 
that the water is set in motion, he darts away from that side through the mass 
of the water, instead of around, in his usual way. If I stir the water, or touch 
the fish, no matter how lightly, his actions are the same.” 

From the stomach of one specimen the remains of an Asellus were 
taken ; from that of another, a young Cambarus; from a third, frag- 
ments of an insect resembling Cewthophilus ; and from others, portions 
of a crustacean, of which we have several specimens from Day’s Cave, 
with well developed eyes, resembling Crangonyz, and from appearance 
the main food dependence. 

The total length of the largest fish is two inches and a quarter. The 
eggs in the ovaries, August to September, are large, but with no traces 
of embryos. 


In part, at least, the problem of the origin of the cave crustacea is 
simplified by the fact that they are so distinct in various caves as to 
leave no doubt that they are descended from ancestors already of dif- 
ferent species at the time of entering the subterranean habitations. The 
blind crayfish of the Missouri caves is very distinct from any previously 
known ; it is described below under the name Cambarus setosus. The 
common species of the neighborhood, C. virilis, is also found to enter 
the underground retreats, but it is not, of the outside forms, the nearest 
ally of the blind form. The latter bears so much affinity to C. Bartonw 
as to suggest derivation from it. A somewhat parallel condition exists in 
the caves of Missouri and those of Kentucky. In these last, with the blind 
C. pellucidus we find C. Bartonti, the nearest ally of the blind crayfish 
of Missouri, C. setosus ; and with the latter again, in the Missouri caves, 
is found an eyed species, C. vrilis, more nearly allied to the blind one 
in the Mammoth Cave. The relationship existing between the species 
C. setosus and C. Bartoniz is much closer than that between C. pellucidus 
and C. mrilis. A distribution of C. Barton covering so large a portion of 


the Upper Mississippi valley to some extent favors the idea of a deriva- 
tion from it of C. setosus. The greater differences between C. pellucidus 
and all the known eyed species point toward a longer subjection of that 
form to the spelzean influences. For comparison we give diagrams of 
details of structure, antennal. lamina, epistoma, and the two forms of 
the anterior pairs of abdominal appendages of several species. These 
are taken from the specimens and from the drawings.. The degrees of 
affinity are well indicated by the shapes of the first pairs of abdominal 
legs. The slighter approach of C. pellucidus toward C. virilis is shown 
by Figures 12 to 14 of the former, as compared with Figures 8 to 10 of 
the latter ; and the nearness of C. setosus to C. Bartonii is apparent in 
Figures 1 and 2 of the first, and 4 and 5 of the second. Figures 11 
and 15 represent C. hamulatus, from the Tennessee caves, a form which 
stands between C. setosus and C. pellucidus, nearer the former. Distribut- 
ing the mentioned species into the groups arranged by Professor Hagen, 
we shall have the aberrant form C. pellucidus in the first group, nearest 
to the second, in which C. wirilis belongs; while C. Bartonii, C. setosus, 
and C. hamulatus fall into the third group. Such close affinities as exist 
between C. Bartonw and C’. setosus do not permit their separation into 
different genera, and the retention of the latter in the genus Cambarus 
cannot but be followed by the disestablishment of the genus Orconectes 
and the return to the older genus of the two species heretofore included 
in the later. Very young specimens of C. setosus correspond better with 
the adults of C. Bartonzi; their eyes are more prominent in these stages, 
and appear to lack but the pigment ; the rostrum also is less acuminate, 
and its blunt lateral angles are present. The gonopods of the very 
small ones agree with those of form ii. of C. Bartoniw, the adult shapes 
approaching those of form i. According to Miss Hoppin, the young of 
C’. setosus when alive are not so white as the older ones. 

“ At first, I attributed it to greater transparency, but now I am sure the 
color is in the shell, not that the internal organs can be seen because of the 
transparent shell. They are not so dark, however, as the brook species 
[C. virilis] of the same size.” 

In similarity to the case of Amblyopsis, the presence of the same 
species of blind crayfish in the caves of Kentucky and those of Indiana 
is an indication of distribution from a single point of origin. 

The crustacea were placed in the hands of Professor W. Faxon for 
identification. He has kindly furnished the descriptions of the new 
species, which are given as they come from his pen. I have added on 


Plate II. a hasty sketch of an adult female of Cambarus setosus, one 
half larger than natural size, and another of a specimen of Asellus Hop- 
pine, three times the size of the specimen. On Plate II. Fig. 1, the 
outer two joints of each leg of the hinder two pairs are bent under, 
so that they appear one third shorter. The remainder of the collection, 
the insects, mollusks, and the like, was examined by Professor H. Garman, 
to whom I am indebted for identifications and notes quoted below. 

Cambarus setosus Faxon. 

“‘Carapace granulate on the sides, with scattered hair-like sete ; cervical 
groove sinuate ; a small lateral spine just behind the cervical groove ; rostrum 
of moderate length, triangular, excavated, lateral margins convex, no lateral 
teeth (except in smaller specimens, which havea small, acute tooth on each 
side near the tip); post-orbital ridges slightly developed, without anterior 
spines; region behind the cervical groove relatively long; areola very narrow, 
punctate. Abdomen about the same length as the carapace, with scattered 
hairs; telson bispinose (occasionally trispinose) on each side. Anterior pro- 
cess of the epistoma broadly triangular, margins more or less notched or 
dentate. Eye-stalks and eyes rudimentary. Basal segments of antennules 
furnished with asharp spine near the distal end. Antenne longer than the 
body; scale very broad at the distal end, external border slightly convex, 
ending in a short, sharp spine. ‘Third pair of maxillipeds bearded within. 
Chelipeds of moderate length; chelz long, very hairy, toothed on the inner 
margin, granulate on the outer margin; fingers long, compressed, costate ; 
carpus toothed on the inner face, granulate on the outer side; upper surface 
of meros granulate, lower surface with two rows of sharp spines. Third pair 
of legs of the male hooked. First pair of abdominal appendages terminating 
in two recurved hooks (similar to those of C. Bartonii). Annulus ventralis 
of the female prominent, with a deep central fossa. 

“Length of one of the largest specimens, 24 inches ; carapace, 1} in.; from 
tip of rostrum to cervical groove, 11 in.; chela, 1,4; in.; fingers, 44 in.” 

From the wells come also two very small specimens with well devel- 
oped eyes, probably C. virilis Hagen. They are too young to determine 
with certainty. 

Asellus Hoppine Faxon. 

“Anterior margin of head with a median concavity, from the bottom of 
‘which projects a rostral tooth; external angles rounded; the head widens 
posteriorly, so that the hind margin is nearly as broad as the anterior margin 
of the first thoracic segment; eyes of moderate size, oval. Thoracic segments 
subquadrate, lateral margins convex, giving to the body with the head and 


abdomen an even, long oval outline. Abdomen suborbicular, slightly exca- 
vated on the margin at the base of the caudal stylets. Basal segment of an- 
tennule subspherical, second segment cylindrical, forming with the first a well 
marked peduncle; flagellum composed of six or seven segments; the tip of the 
antennule does not reach the distal end of the penultimate segment of the 
antennal peduncle. Peduncle of antenna composed of three short, followed by 
two long segments; flagellum long, reaching, when bent backward, as far as 
to the abdomen. Mandible furnished with a tri-articulate palpus. First pair 
of thoracic appendages of male provided with a thick claw; on the palmary 
border are two long teeth and a small blunted tubercle; dactylus armed with 
a blunt tooth or tubercle near the middle. Caudal stylets with two subcylin- 
drical branches, the inner of which is somewhat longer than the outer. Color, 
slaty brown mottled with lighter yellowish spots. 
“Length, without caudal stylets, 2 inch ; breadtb, ;8; inch.” 

INSECTS, etc. 

The following are Professor Garman’s notes on the invertebrates sent 
him for examination. 

“The invertebrates sent me for identification pertain to common species, 
for the most part aquatic, such as one would expect to find at the mouths of 
caves from which emerge streams of water. With the exception of a myria- 
pod and a small grub, all have well developed eyes. One or two may be 
classed as shade-lovers, since in ordinary situations they commonly affect re- 
treats from which direct sunlight is excluded. The myriapod is totally blind, 
but is not, so far as I know, an inhabitant of caves. It is one of a number 
of widely distributed species, which spend much of their time in moist earth. 
The absence of eyes in a dipterous larva of the lot has also no necessary rela- 
tion to a life in caves, since larve probably identical with it as to species are 
frequently taken among rubbish in open ditches and rivulets. The value of the 
collection is therefore to be looked for in the direction of its remote bearing on 
the problem of the origin of cave life, —a problem which needs for its com- 
plete elucidation all details obtainable which may by any possibility throw 
light upon this subject. 

“The single mollusk of the sien represented by many specimens from 
Wilson’s cave, is Physa heterostropha Say, a species which is extremely common 
in the weedy shallows of ponds, lakes, and streams of the Middle States. It 
does not ordinarily avoid light more than other small fresh-water snails, and 
had perhaps penetrated the cave in following up its food supply. The ex- 
amples are quite typical of the species. 

“ A myriapod, Scolopocryptops sexspinosa Say, is represented by one specimen 
marked ‘From Wells. Though lacking ocelli, it can hardly be considered a 
cave species, inasmuch as it is found everywhere throughout the eastern 



United States under wood and stones. Its occurrence in wells is of course 

‘“‘ Three dragon-flies, two males and one female, taken at the mouth of Wil- 
son’s Cave, represent the Plathemis trimaculata De Geer, a swift-flying, light- 
loving insect which is common about fresh water in most parts of the United 

“Seven examples of Hygrotrechus remigis Say were collected in Wilson’s 
Cave, probably at no great distance from the entrance. These bugs prefer 
shaded waters, and are commonly seen on the surface of pools under bridges 
and culverts. Their eyes are relatively large, and they probably do not vol- 
untarily visit regions entirely destitute of light. 

“From the mouth of Wilson’s Cave are four examples of the common whir- 
ligig beetle, Dineutes assimilis Aubé, differing in no respect from examples col- 
lected in other localities on open water. 

“A second beetle, also aquatic, is represented by one specimen labelled 
‘ Day’s Cave, under rocks and stones in the mud.’ It isa fine black Agabus, 
probably A. sutwralis Crotch, but without authentic examples of this species 
for comparison it is hardly safe to make this determination final. From the 
Californian A. lugews Le Conte, to which it bears a close general resemblance, 
it seems to differ chiefly in having the sides of the prothorax a little rounded, 
and in having the basal margin sinuate. 

“The ‘cricket’ seems to be Ceuthophilus Sloanit Pack., of which its discov- 
erer says in a recent paper: ‘ The species is at once known by the conspicuous 
pale dorsal band which extends from between the eyes to the fourth seg- 
ment behind, dilating slightly on the front edge of segments 2 to 4; the brown 
portion has scattered pale dots on each side of the line,’ etc. The specimens 
are labelled ‘From the water in Wilson’s Cave.’ 

“The remaining specimen is a fleshy, wrinkled dipterous larva, 7 mm. long 
and 3 mm. in diameter, which was taken from a well.” 

NOVEMBER 16, 1889. 




Fig. 1-3,7. Cambarus setosus Fax. 
Fig. 4-6. OC. Bartonii Fabr.; Gir. 
Fig. 8-10. C. virilis Hagen. 

Fig. 12-14. C. pellucidus Tellk.; Gir. 
Fig. 11,15. C.hamulatus Cope; Fax. 


Fig. 1. Cambarus setosus, 1} times nat., Q . 
Fig. 2. Asellus Hoppine, 3 times nat. 


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PLATE 111. 






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QL Harvard University. Museum 

a of Comparative Zoolo 
H3 Bulletin ‘ef 


& Medical 
