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ISSN  0038-3872 

ssvio  isaid 


Number  2 

Southern  California  Academy  of  Sciences 

Founded  6 November  1891,  incorporated  17  May  1907 

© Southern  California  Academy  of  Sciences,  2015 

2014-2015  OFFICERS 
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David  Ginsburg,  Vice-President 
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Jonathan  Baskin,  Past  President 
John  Roberts,  Past  President 
John  H.  Dorsey,  Past  President 
Ralph  Appy,  Past  President 
Brad  R.  Blood,  Past  President 



2014-2017  2015-2018 

Ann  Dalkey 
Julianne  K.  Passarelli 
Edith  Read 
Danny  Tang 
Lisa  Collins 

David  Ginsburg 
Gordon  Hendler 
Andrea  Murray 
Tom  Ford 
Gloria  Takahashi 

Bengt  Allen 
Shelly  Moore 
Ann  Bull 
Kristy  Forsgren 
Karina  Johnston 

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The  Bulletin  is  published  three  times  each  year  by  the  Academy.  Submissions  of  manuscripts  for  publication  and 
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Los  Angeles,  California  90007-4000. 

Date  of  this  issue  5 October  20 1 5 

® This  paper  meets  the  requirements  of  ANSI/NISO  Z39.48-1992  (Permanence  of  Paper). 

Bull.  Southern  California  Acad.  Sci. 

114(2),  2015,  pp.  63-75 

© Southern  California  Academy  of  Sciences,  2015 

Effects  of  Ocean  Recreational  Users  on  Coastal  Bottlenose 
Dolphins  ( Tursiops  truncatus)  in  the  Santa  Monica 
Bay,  California 

Amber  D.  Fandel,  Maddalena  Bearzi  and  Taylor  C.  Cook 
Ocean  Conservation  Society,  P.  O.  Box  12860,  Marina  del  Rey,  California  90295,  USA 

Abstract. — Coastal  bottlenose  dolphins  ( Tursiops  truncatus)  have  been  observed  in 
proximity  to  swimmers,  kayakers,  stand-up  paddle  boarders  and  surfers  along  near- 
shore corridors  in  the  Santa  Monica  Bay,  California.  From  1997  to  2012,  a total  of 
220  coastal  boat-based  focal  follows  of  dolphin  schools  were  conducted  in  this  area 
to  determine  a)  the  type  and  proximity  of  encounters  between  ocean  recreational 
users  and  coastal  dolphins,  and  b)  the  effects  of  these  encounters  on  bottlenose 
dolphins’  behavior.  The  majority  of  encounters  involved  dolphins  and  surfers 
(77.93%,  n— 145  encounters),  and  overall,  neutral  reactions  were  observed  in 
response  to  encounters  (61.93%,  «=176  behavioral  responses).  Interactions  between 
bottlenose  dolphins  and  recreational  users  were  recorded  only  once,  and  changes  in 
dolphin  behavior  were  observed  more  frequently  when  recreational  users  were  at 
distances  of  less  than  three  meters  from  a school.  Although  the  current  impact  of 
human  activities  on  coastal  bottlenose  dolphin  behavior  does  not  appear  to  be 
significant  in  the  Santa  Monica  Bay,  there  is  a need  to:  1)  adopt  a precautionary 
approach  in  view  of  the  increasing  presence  of  ocean  recreational  users  along  this 
coastline,  and  2)  regularly  monitor  these  encounters  to  determine  potential  changes 
in  the  type  and  proximity  of  encounters,  as  well  as  changes  in  dolphin  behavioral 

Bottlenose  dolphins  ( Tursiops  truncatus , hereafter  bottlenose  dolphins)  are  known  to 
inhabit  both  pelagic  waters  and  coastal  regions,  including  bays  and  tidal  creeks 
(Leatherwood  et  al.  1983).  In  the  Pacific  Ocean,  a coastal  and  an  offshore  population  of 
this  species  are  currently  recognized,  showing  morphological,  osteological,  and  molecular 
differentiations  (LeDuc  and  Curry  1998;  Rossbach  and  Herzing  1999).  Studies  have 
suggested  that  coastal  bottlenose  dolphins  are  highly  mobile  within  the  inshore  waters  of 
the  Santa  Monica  Bay,  but  also  spend  a large  amount  of  time  foraging  and  feeding  in  the 
bay  (Bearzi  2005).  Further,  this  species  utilizes  the  region  as  a regular  transit  corridor 
between  foraging  hotspots  along  the  California  coast  (Defran  and  Weller  1999;  Bearzi 
2005).  An  estimated  50  million  tourists  visit  the  Santa  Monica  Bay  beaches  each  year* 1, 
many  to  partake  in  recreational  activities  including  swimming,  surfing,  kayaking,  and 
stand  up  paddle  boarding.  Swimmers,  surfers,  kayakers,  and  stand  up  paddle  boarders 
are  collectively  defined  as  Ocean  Recreational  Users;  hereafter  ORUs.  The  year-round 
presence  of  both  ORUs  and  bottlenose  dolphins  in  the  coastal  waters  of  this  region 
increases  the  likelihood  of  encounters  between  them. 

Corresponding  author: 

1 Kreimann,  S.  H.,  Silverstrom,  K.  2013.  Beach  and  Marina  Management  Fact  Sheet.  County  of  Los 
Angeles  Department  of  Beaches  and  Harbors.  County  of  Los  Angeles  Department  of  Beaches  & Harbors. 




ORU  presence  has  been  proven  to  have  adverse  effects  on  dolphins  in  other  areas 
worldwide.  The  occurrence  of  any  vessel  type,  motorized  or  non-motorized,  caused 
disturbances  to  dolphin  behavior  in  Scotland  (Pirotta  et  al.  2015).  In  New  Zealand, 
Constantine  (2001)  observed  sensitization  and  increased  levels  of  avoidance  with 
prolonged  exposure  to  swimmers.  Constantine  (2002)  also  observed  a decrease  in 
bottlenose  dolphin  resting  behavior  when  swimmers  approached  them  in  the  wild.  In 
Hawai’i,  increased  swimmer  and  kayak  traffic  led  to  decreased  resting  behaviors  in 
spinner  dolphins  ( Stenella  longirostris;  Samuels  et  al.  2000;  Danil  et  al.  2005;  Timmel 
et  al.  2008;  Ostman-Lind  2009).  Spinner  dolphins  in  Hawai’i  also  exhibited  increased 
aerial  behavior  within  their  resting  areas  in  correlation  with  the  high  number  of  swimmers 
in  the  area  (Courbis  and  Timmel  2009).  Indo-pacific  dolphins  ( Tursiops  aduncus)  in 
Zanzibar  displayed  more  frequent  erratic  (non-directional)  behaviors  in  response  to  the 
increased  presence  of  swimmers  and  boats  (Stensland  and  Berggren  2007).  Similarly, 
a study  in  West  Cracoft  Island,  British  Columbia  found  that  when  kayakers  were  present, 
killer  whales  ( Orcinus  orca ) displayed  avoidance  behaviors,  potentially  resulting  in 
changes  to  time  spent  feeding  (Williams  et  al.  2011).  Variations  in  behavioral  states  and 
decreased  resting  and  feeding  behaviors  may  cause  a change  in  energetic  demand,  leading 
to  changes  in  the  lifetime  fitness  of  the  animal  (Pirotta  et  al  2015;  Williams  2011). 

Based  on  the  negative  effects  of  these  encounters  between  ORUs  and  cetaceans 
documented  in  other  areas  worldwide,  the  National  Marine  Fisheries  Service  (NMFS) 
has  expressed  concern  that  humans  swimming  with  wild  dolphins  in  the  U.S.  may  qualify 
as  harassment,  leading  to  the  disruption  to  their  natural  behavior  (Spradlin  et  al.  1999). 
In  an  attempt  to  curb  this  disruption,  the  NMFS  has  advised  vessels  and  swimmers  to 
avoid  approaching  the  animals  at  distance  of  less  than  50  meters.  Both  ORUs  and 
bottlenose  dolphins  have  been  frequenting  the  Santa  Monica  Bay  since  the  1930s  and  the 
tourism  presence  along  this  shoreline  has  increased,  especially  in  recent  times.  The  impact 
of  ORU  activities  on  bottlenose  dolphins,  however,  has  not  yet  been  investigated  in  this 
area.  This  preliminary  study  describes  the  potential  behavioral  effects  on  coastal 
bottlenose  dolphins  of  encounters  with  ORUs  in  this  region,  and  provides  suggestions  for 
management  and  conservation  measures  aimed  to  mitigate  the  impacts  on  these  animals. 

Materials  and  Methods 

Study  area 

The  Santa  Monica  Bay  study  area  (approximately  460km2,  Fig.  1)  is  a shallow  shelf 
bounded  by  the  Palos  Verdes  Peninsula  to  the  south  (33°45’N,  1 18°24’W),  Point  Dume  to 
the  north  (33°59’N,  1 18°48’W)  and  the  edge  of  the  continental  shelf  to  the  west.  The  bay 
contains  two  shallow  water  submarine  canyons  (Dume  and  Redondo)  and  the  deeper 
Santa  Monica  Canyon.  The  Santa  Monica  Canyon  begins  at  a depth  of  about  100m  at 
the  edge  of  the  continental  shelf.  The  bay  has  a mean  depth  of  approximately  55m  and 
a maximum  depth  of  450m.  A shallow  shelf  between  the  Santa  Monica  and  Redondo 
Canyons  extends  as  a plateau  from  the  50m  contour.  Mild  temperatures,  short  rainy 
winters  and  long,  dry  summers  characterize  the  study  area.  Normal  water  surface 
temperatures  range  from  1 1 to  22°C. 

Data  collection  and  analysis 

This  study  utilizes  data  collected  in  the  years  1997-2012  as  a part  of  a long-term  year- 
round  marine  mammal  research  project.  The  data  presented  in  this  paper  were  analyzed 
retrospectively  and  some  of  the  reported  information  was  opportunistic  in  nature. 



118°50'0"W  1 1 8°40'0"W  118°30'0"W  118°20'0"W 

Fig.  1.  Study  area  and  locations  of  encounters  between  bottlenose  dolphins  and  ORUs  during  surveys 
conducted  in  1997-2012. 

Coastal  surveys  (distance  <1  km  from  shore)  were  conducted  from  February  1997  to 
September  2012  (excluding  July  2002-August  2005,  2008  and  2010;  Table  1),  generally  in 
the  morning  and  early  afternoon  and  in  good  weather  conditions  (Beaufort  scale  2 or  less, 
sea  state  0 and  visibility  >300  m).  Coastal  surveys  were  conducted  from  7m  (1997-2000) 
and  10m  powerboats  (2001-  2002,  2006-2007),  and  two  17m  sailboats  (2005-2006,  2009- 
2012),  at  an  average  speed  of  18km  h-1.  Boat  speed  was  reduced  in  the  presence  of 
dolphins,  and  sudden  speed  or  directional  changes  were  avoided.  Trained  research 
assistants  approximated  the  dolphins’  position  (±30  m from  the  boat)  and  speed  with 
respect  to  the  boat’s  position  using  GPS.  Focal  follows  were  conducted  on  all  dolphin 
groups,  each  attempted  for  a minimum  of  30  minutes  and  lasting  up  to  250  minutes.  Prior 
to  potential  encounters  between  ORUs  and  coastal  dolphins  and  throughout  observation, 
the  research  vessel  attempted  to  maintain  a distance  of  50m  from  ORUs  and  the  dolphin 
focal  group,  paralleling  the  school  and  allowing  the  undisturbed  recording  of  encounters 
(for  full  methodology:  Bearzi  2003).  Any  boat  disturbances,  such  as  bowriding,  were 
recorded  (for  definitions  of  boat  disturbance:  Bearzi  2003).  The  survey  area  was  divided 
at  the  Marina  del  Rey  harbor,  and  coastal  surveys  were  conducted  either  to  the  north  or 
south  of  the  harbor  depending  on  favorable  weather  conditions. 

Data  for  coastal  and  offshore  bottlenose  dolphins  were  divided  exclusively  based  on 
their  distance  from  shore:  all  bottlenose  dolphins  observed  during  coastal  surveys  up  to 
1 km  from  shore  were  considered  coastal;  all  bottlenose  dolphins  observed  during  surveys 
at  >lkm  from  shore  were  considered  offshore.  For  this  study,  only  data  on  coastal 
bottlenose  dolphins  were  analyzed.  Behavioral  data  collected  opportunistically  from  July 



Table  1.  Summary  of  research  effort  for  coastal  surveys  in  Santa  Monica  Bay  conducted  from  1997  to 
2012.  No  data  were  collected:  July  2002-August  2005,  2008,  and  2010.  BD=bottlenose  dolphins. 














N of  surveys 














N of  sightings 














Survey  hours 














Number  of  5 min  samples 














Hours  of  BD  observation 














to  December  1996  (58  hours  of  field  observations)  provided  a framework  of  information 
to  design  the  behavioral  sampling  procedures  systematically  adopted  from  January  1997 
onward  (Bearzi  2003).  Data  were  collected  with  laptop  computers  and  occasionally  with 
tape  recorders.  Throughout  all  focal  follows,  the  number  of  animals,  behaviors  of  the 
dolphin  group,  and  aggregation/associations  with  other  marine  mammal  species  were 
recorded  at  5-minute  intervals  (Bearzi  2005).  Behavioral  data  collected  without  ORUs 
present  and  before  focal  groups  encountered  ORUs  were  used  as  controls  for  the 
behavioral  data  in  which  ORUs  were  present.  When  more  than  one  ORU  was  present  in 
the  study  area,  each  ORU  was  recorded  as  one  ORU.  The  number  of  dolphins  was  later 
verified  through  photo-identification  and  video  analyses. 

When  coastal  bottlenose  dolphins  were  observed  within  50m  of  ORUs,  behavioral  data 
continued  to  be  recorded  at  5-minute  intervals  to  determine  changes  in  school  size, 
behavioral  state,  group  formation,  and  surfacing  mode  as  a result  of  their  encounters 
with  ORUs.  Observed  responses  to  potential  disturbances  to  the  bottlenose  dolphins  (i.e. 
the  research  vessel)  and  approximate  distances  between  dolphin  focal  groups  and  ORUs 
were  recorded.  Data  analyses  were  performed  using  R and  Microsoft  Excel  2011.  A 
general  linear  model  (GLM)  was  conducted  in  R and  used  to  analyze  which  factors  were 
most  likely  to  be  correlated  with  behavioral  changes.  All  other  data  analyses  on  sighting 
length,  number  of  dolphins  involved  in  encounters,  distances  between  dolphins  and 
ORUs,  rates  of  dolphins’  behavioral  changes  were  performed  in  Microsoft  Excel  2011. 
Species  distribution  data  were  plotted  with  ArcGIS  10.2.1. 


For  the  purposes  of  this  study,  the  following  definitions  were  used: 

Dolphin  school,  dolphins  in  continuous  association  with  each  other  and  within  visual 
range  of  the  survey  team  (Weller  1991); 

Focal  group : any  group  of  animals  observed  in  association,  moving  in  the  same 
direction  and  usually  engaged  in  the  same  activity  (Shane  1990).  Groups  of  animals  not 
belonging  to  the  observed  focal  group  and  spotted  at  distance  were  recorded,  but  their 
number  was  excluded  from  group  size  calculation; 

Behavioral  state : a broad  category  of  activities,  such  as  feeding  behavior,  which 
integrates  several  individual  behavior  patterns  into  a recognizable  pattern  (Weaver  1987; 
for  additional  definitions  see  Bearzi  2005); 

Encounter,  any  instance  in  which  at  least  one  bottlenose  dolphin  was  observed  within 
50  meters  of  any  type  and  number  of  ORU; 

Association  (A):  an  encounter  between  one  or  more  dolphin  and  one  or  more  of  the 
four  ORUs  at  a distance  of  10-20  meters; 



Close  Association  ( CA ):  an  encounter  between  one  or  more  dolphins  and  any  ORU  at 
a distance  of  3 meters  up  to  10  meters; 

Potential  Interaction  (PI)',  an  encounter  between  one  or  more  dolphins  and  any  ORU 
at  a distance  equal  to  or  less  than  3 meters; 

Interaction  (I):  observed  physical  contact  between  an  ORU  and  one  or  more  dolphins. 

Changes  in  behavioral  states  of  the  dolphin  were  defined  as  follows: 

Avoidance  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  altered  behavior  to  prevent  a closer  encounter 
with  an  ORU; 

Change  in  direction  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  maintained  the  same  speed  but 
altered  direction  of  approach  to  ORUs; 

Dive  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  altered  their  behavior  to  display  a dive  longer  than 
15  seconds  in  the  presence  of  ORUs; 

Aerial  reaction  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  displayed  an  aerial  behavior  (e.g.,  bow, 
leap)  in  the  presence  of  ORUs; 

Vocal  reaction  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  displayed  an  audible  response  such  as 
chuffing  in  the  presence  of  ORUs; 

Stationary  reaction  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  displayed  a motionless  behavior  on 
the  surface  for  more  than  five  seconds  (e.g.,  floating,  rafting)  in  the  presence  of  ORUs; 

Percussive  reaction  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  hit  the  water  with  any  portion  of  the 
body  (e.g.,  breach,  tail  slap)  in  the  presence  of  ORUs; 

Neutral  reaction  - when  one  or  more  dolphins  showed  none  of  the  above  behavioral 
changes  in  the  presence  of  ORUs. 


Data  were  collected  during  220  coastal  surveys  along  the  Santa  Monica  Bay  coastline 
in  the  years  1997-2012,  with  an  average  of  three  surveys  per  month  (Table  1).  A total  of 
937  hours  were  spent  searching  for  coastal  bottlenose  dolphin  resulting  in  209  sightings, 
82.78%  of  which  were  conducted  in  good  weather  conditions  (Beaufort  scale  2 or  less).  A 
significantly  higher  number  of  surveys  were  carried  out  in  the  northern  study  area 
(£=3.24,  DF=26,  P<0.005).  Sightings  lasted  an  average  of  55.84  minutes  (SD=37.74, 
SE=2.61,  range  5-250  minutes,  fl=209). 

During  the  study  period,  145  encounters  were  recorded  between  72  bottlenose  dolphin 
schools  and  ORUs  throughout  the  survey  area  (34.45%,  72=209  sightings;  Fig.  1, 
Table  2).  An  average  of  nine  dolphins  were  involved  in  each  encounter  (SD=4.66, 
SE=0.03,  range  2-19  individuals,  72=145  encounters).  Few  encounters  lasted  more  than 
five  minutes  (4.55%,  72=  176  encounters).  It  was  common  for  a single  bottlenose  dolphin 
focal  group  to  experience  two  or  more  encounters  with  an  ORU  during  observation 
(40.28%,  72=72  schools;  Table  2).  Multiple  ORUs  were  encountered  by  16.67%  of  focal 
groups  (72=72),  and  surfers  were  the  most  common  ORU  encountered  by  focal  groups 
(77.93%,  72=  145  encounters;  Table  2).  Encounters  occurred  most  commonly  between 
ORUs  and  bottlenose  dolphins  within  3 to  10  meters  (close  associations;  40%,  72=145 
encounters;  xi  = 1 -41 , 72=22,  p=0.02;  Fig.  2,  Fig.  3).  Physical  contact  (interaction) 
between  an  ORU  and  bottlenose  dolphin  occurred  on  only  one  occasion. 

Bottlenose  dolphins  responded  neutrally  to  61.93%  of  encounters  with  ORUs  (72  =176 
behavioral  responses,  Fig.  4).  Without  ORUs  present,  behavioral  changes  occurred  in 
48.35%  of  5-minute  behavioral  samples.  When  ORUs  were  present,  however,  behavioral 
changes  occurred  in  31.43%  of  5-minute  samples.  This  difference  in  the  rates  of  change 
from  one  behavior  to  another  was  statistically  significant  (Fli20=4.799  p< 0.05), 




Fig.  2.  Distances  between  different  ORUs  and  bottlenose  dolphin/s  for  each  encounter. 

suggesting  that  the  presence  of  ORUs  alters  the  rate  of  behavioral  change  in  bottlenose 
dolphins.  The  most  common  behavioral  changes  observed  by  a focal  group  were  either 
a change  of  surface  mode  (1 1.72%,  a = 176  behavioral  responses)  or  “other”  reactions, 
which  included  activities  such  as  “chin  up”  (3.84%),  “tail  up”  (0.57%),  mating  (0.57%), 
circling  (0.57%),  splitting  into  subgroups  (0.57%),  or  feeding  (0.57%)  (collectively:  6.25%, 
n—\16).  The  least  common  response  to  an  encounter  with  an  ORU  was  one  or  more 
dolphins  displaying  percussive  or  aerial  behaviors  (Fig.  4).  Aerial  reactions  occurred 
solely  as  a result  of  encounters  with  surfers  (2.14%,  n=  140  responses;  Fig.  4). 

Focal  groups  responded  to  the  presence  of  the  research  vessel  by  bowriding  during 
4.17%  of  the  5-minute  samples  in  which  an  encounter  occurred.  If  the  dolphin  group  was 
bowriding  in  the  5-minute  behavioral  sample  prior  to  the  encounter,  75%  of  encounters 
resulted  in  a behavioral  change.  Focal  groups  did  not  avoid  or  approach  the  vessel  in  any 
5-minute  interval  in  which  an  encounter  occurred.  However,  throughout  focal  follows  of 
groups  that  encountered  ORUs,  4.17%  approached  the  vessel  and  2.78%  avoided  the 
vessel  (w=72  schools).  None  of  the  focal  groups  that  approached  or  avoided  the  vessel 
exhibited  a behavioral  reaction  to  an  encounter  with  an  ORU. 

Table  2.  Number  of  schools  and  encounters  per  ORU  type  and  number  of  schools  that  experienced 
multiple  ORU  encounters. 




Paddle  boarders 


N of  schools 






Percentage  of  total  schools 






N of  encounters 






Percentage  of  total  encounters 






Schools  with  > 1 encounter 






Percentage  of  total  schools 






Schools  with  >2  encounters 






Percentage  of  total  schools 






Percentage  of  encounters 



118°50'0"W  118°40’0"W  118°30'0"W  118°20'0"W 

The  results  of  a general  linear  model  indicated  that  the  group  form  of  the  focal 
dolphins  during  the  5-minute  behavioral  sample  prior  to  the  encounter  might  be  a factor 
in  determining  whether  a behavioral  change  would  occur  as  a result  of  an  encounter. 
Prior  to  encountering  an  ORU,  dolphin  groups  that  were  at  mixed  distances  (p<0.05, 

* y 


Behavioral  responses 

■ Surfer 

■ Kayak 

D Paddle 

Fig.  4.  Reactions  (or  lack  of)  to  an  encounter  with  one  or  more  surfer,  kayaker,  stand-up  paddle 
boarder,  and/or  swimmer  during  a 5-minute  behavioral  interval. 



Table  3.  Number  of  encounters  and  schools  in  which  an  ORU  approached  a dolphin  or  a dolphin 
approached  an  ORU. 

ORU  approach 




Paddle  boarders 








% of  encounters 












% of  schools 






Dolphin  approach 






% of  encounters 












% of  schools 






SE=0.153),  widely  dispersed  with  more  than  50  meters  between  individuals  (p<0.05, 
SE=0.171),  or  in  a tight  form  with  less  than  one  adult  body  length  between  individuals 
(p<0.05,  SE= 0.462),  were  more  likely  to  exhibit  a behavioral  change  as  a result  of  that 
encounter.  Only  one  focal  group  involved  in  an  encounter  was  described  as  being  widely 
dispersed  in  the  5-minute  behavioral  interval  prior  to  the  encounter.  No  other  behavioral 
data  for  this  5-minute  interval  were  correlated  with  a behavioral  change  as  a result  of  an 

Bottlenose  dolphins  were  approached  by  one  or  more  ORU  in  13.79%  of  all 
encounters,  and  dolphin  focal  groups  approached  ORUs  in  6.94%  of  recorded  encounters 
(>7=145  encounters;  Table  3).  When  ORUs  approached  dolphins,  behavioral  changes 
occurred  in  50%  of  encounters  (77=20),  compared  with  75%  when  dolphins  approached 
an  ORU  (n= 4).  When  dolphins  approached  ORUs,  all  behavioral  changes  were  changes 
in  direction. 

The  distance  between  dolphins  and  an  ORU  during  an  encounter  was  an  important 
factor  in  determining  whether  a behavioral  change  would  occur  as  a result  of  the 
encounter  (Fig.  5).  This  factor  was  more  important  than  the  type  of  ORU  involved  in  the 
encounter  (Fig.  5).  Encounters  classified  as  potential  interactions  were  significantly  more 
likely  to  lead  to  behavioral  changes  than  encounters  at  distances  greater  than  3 meters 
(p<0.001,  SE= 0.126).  The  type  and  number  of  ORUs  present  and  whether  a human  or 
dolphin  approached  during  the  encounter  were  not  significant  when  added  to  the  model. 
Because  the  addition  of  these  variables  increased  the  AIC  score  of  the  GLM  (177.76  to 
187.15),  they  were  excluded  from  the  final  version. 


Surfers  were  the  most  common  ORU  encountered  by  dolphins  in  the  study  area.  This 
result  is  likely  due  to  the  fact  that  Southern  California  has  been  a top  US  surf  destination 
since  the  1930’s  (Irwin  1973)  and  the  sport  continues  to  grow  in  popularity.  On  the 
contrary,  swimmers  were  only  occasionally  involved  in  encounters  with  dolphins  along 
this  coastline.  This  may  be  explained  by  the  presence  of  these  ORUs  close  to  the  beach 
while  coastal  bottlenose  dolphins  tend  to  move  slightly  more  offshore.  In  other  areas 
where  dolphins  are  found  in  extremely  shallow  waters,  encounters  with  swimmers  appear 
to  be  more  likely,  making  these  animals  prone  to  being  subjected  to  swim-with-the- 
dolphins  programs  and  food-provisioned  encounters.  For  instance,  in  Florida  (Samuels 
and  Bejder  2004;  Cunningham-Smith  et  al.  2006),  Tonga  (Kessler  et  al.  2013),  and  New 
Zealand  (Neumann  and  Orams  2006),  dolphins  are  frequently  exposed  to  swim-with 




CatPI  - 







(Intercept)  =1.23,  R% S = 0.G28,  RjJ  = 0.153.  -2X=  157.17.  x2  = 0.85,  AIC  = 177.17 

0.5  1 T5  2 2.5  3 3^  4 4^5  5 

Odds  Ratios 

Fig.  5.  Visualized  results  of  a GLM  depicting  the  effect  of  ORU  type  and  distance  from  the  focal 
group  on  dolphin  behavioral  responses.  Cat  I:  Interactions,  Cat  PI:  Potential  Interactions,  Cat  U: 
Unknown  Cat  CA:  Close  Associations,  ORU  P:  Paddle  boarders,  Cat  M:  More  than  20  meters,  ORU  S: 
Surfers,  ORU  W:  Swimmers. 

dolphins  programs  and  food-provisioned  encounters  with  humans.  In  these  situations, 
swimmers  actively  pursued  dolphins.  Based  on  this  study,  bottlenose  dolphins  in  the 
Santa  Monica  Bay  were  neither  discouraged  (by  frequent  ORU  encounters)  nor 
encouraged  (through  food-provisioning)  from  interacting  with  ORUs.  Because  encoun- 
ters in  this  region  occurred  by  chance,  there  were  likely  fewer  total  encounters  between 
dolphins  and  humans  compared  to  those  in  incentivized  or  active  pursuit  settings  like 
Australia  and  Brazil  (Samuels  et  al.  2000). 

Encounters  between  stand-up  paddle  boarders  and  bottlenose  dolphins  were  recorded 
least  often,  and  were  observed  mainly  in  the  last  few  years  of  research.  Stand-up  paddle 
boarding  was  introduced  in  California  in  2002,  and  by  2009  it  was  the  fastest  growing 
paddle-sport  in  North  America2.  This  study  shows  that  multiple  encounters  between 
ORUs  and  dolphins  were  common,  but  few  encounters  lasted  more  than  five  minutes. 
This  could  be  attributed  to  several  factors  such  as  oceanographic  conditions,  specific 
behavioral  patterns  displayed  by  dolphins  in  this  area  (e.g.,  large  amounts  of  time  spent 
foraging;  Bearzi  2005),  and  U.S.  regulations  such  as  the  Marine  Mammal  Protection  Act. 
As  a comparison,  in  areas  where  swim-with-the-dolphin  programs  are  allowed,  this  type 
of  encounter  typically  was  35-60  minutes  in  duration  (Constantine  and  Baker  1996; 
Samuels  et  al.  2003). 

2 Addison,  Corran.  2010.  The  History  of  Stand  Up  Paddling.  Editorial.  SUP  World  Mag  2010. 



Our  results  indicated  that  dolphins  changed  their  behavior  more  often  when  no  ORUs 
were  present.  The  research  vessel  appeared  to  have  a negligible  effect  on  dolphin 
behavior.  This  suggests  that  the  presence  of  ORUs  may  be  altering  dolphin  behavior  by 
preventing  behavioral  changes  rather  than  increasing  the  amount  of  change.  However,  far 
more  data  were  collected  when  no  ORUs  were  present.  The  opportunistic  nature  of  the 
study  may  have  affected  the  number  of  ORU  encounters  observed.  More  targeted  data 
collection  on  dolphin  behavior  in  the  presence  of  ORUs  is  needed  to  further  elucidate  this 

In  the  Santa  Monica  Bay,  only  20%  of  the  dolphins  approached  by  ORUs  changed 
their  direction  of  travel,  compared  to  40%  in  a New  Zealand  swim-with  program 
(Constantine  and  Baker  1996).  In  several  cases,  dolphins  that  were  highly  habituated  to 
ORUs  and  actively  sought  out  human  interaction  displayed  high  rates  of  aggression 
toward  ORUs  (Samuels  and  Bedjer  2004,  Scheer  2010)  or  have  sustained  an 
anthropogenic  injury  (Samuels  and  Bedjer  1998).  On  one  occasion,  aggressive  behavior 
by  a dolphin  resulted  in  a human  death  (Santos  1997).  Our  study  did  not  reveal  any 
instances  of  bottlenose  dolphin  aggression  toward  ORUs  or  vice  versa,  but  as  dolphins 
become  increasingly  habituated  to  ORU  presence,  aggression  may  become  a concern. 

As  expected,  our  preliminary  results  indicated  that  the  proximity  of  ORUs  to  dolphins 
during  encounters  was  the  best  predictor  of  whether  a behavioral  reaction  would  be 
elicited  from  the  dolphin.  If  one  or  more  dolphin  and  an  ORU  came  within  three  meters 
of  one  another  during  an  encounter,  a behavioral  change  was  likely  to  occur.  Increased 
dolphin  behavioral  changes  as  a result  of  close  encounters  with  ORUs  are  consistent  with 
Bedjer  et  al.  (1999)  findings,  which  determined  that  the  distance  between  an  ORU  and 
dolphins  during  an  encounter  was  the  most  reliable  predictor  of  a change  in  dolphin 
behavior.  Williams  (201 1)  also  found  that  orcas  ( Orcinus  orca ) were  more  likely  to  exhibit 
avoidance  behaviors  when  approached  by  kayaks  at  close  range.  Kayakers  may  be  of 
particular  interest  for  looking  at  these  types  of  interactions,  as  they  can  elicit  the  same 
response  from  a dolphin  school  as  a powerboat  (Lusseau  2003),  and  have  been  found 
to  associate  with  dolphins  more  often  than  motorized  vessels  in  the  same  area  (Nichols 
et  al.  2001). 


This  preliminary  study  shows  that  coastal  bottlenose  dolphins  in  the  Santa  Monica  Bay 
are  not  subjected  to  prolonged  encounters  with  ORUs,  and  these  dolphins  appear  to  be 
generally  “habituated”3  to  ORU  presence.  The  apparent  reduction  in  behavioral  changes 
in  response  to  ORUs,  as  well  as  the  high  occurrence  of  “no  reactions,”  are  in  accordance 
with  Filby  et  al.  (2014)  findings  that  habituated  dolphins  display  reduced  avoidance 

Coastal  bottlenose  dolphins  are  now  well  recognized  as  a sentinel  species4  and  key 
indicators  of  coastal  habitat  health  (Simberloff  1998;  Wells  et  al.  2004;  Bossart  2011;  Reif 
2011).  Although  the  current  impact  of  ORU  activities  on  bottlenose  dolphin  behavior 
does  not  appear  to  be  significant  in  Santa  Monica  Bay,  there  is  a need  to  adopt 
a precautionary  approach  in  view  of:  a)  the  increasing  presence  of  ORUs  along  this 

3 Thorpe  (1963)  defines  habituation  as  “the  relative  persistent  waning  of  a response  as  a result  of 
repeated  stimulation,  which  is  not  followed  by  any  kind  of  reinforcement.” 

4 Barometers  for  current  or  potential  negative  impacts  on  individual-and-population-level  animal  health 
(Bossart  2011) 



coastline,  and  b)  studies  in  other  regions  showing  the  adverse  effects  of  human 
recreational  activities  on  coastal  bottlenose  dolphins. 

Dolphin  responses  to  increased  human  presence  can  have  lasting  population  effects. 
For  instance,  habituation  due  to  increased  human  presence  may  have  intensified  the 
probability  of  boat  strike  mortality  in  Hector’s  dolphins  (Stone  and  Yoshinaga  2000).  In 
New  Zealand,  the  Hector’s  dolphin  population  decreased  due  to  a rise  in  dolphin 
ecotourism  (Bejder  et  al.  2006),  and  dolphins  abandoned  previously  favored  habitat 
(Bedjer  1997)  as  a result  of  encounters  with  humans.  Martinez  et  al.  (2011)  suggested  that 
encounters  that  seem  positive  (i.e.  dolphins  approaching  swimmers)  can  ^still  cause 
a reduction  in  crucial  behavior  such  as  feeding.  Additionally,  it  has  been  demonstrated 
that  dolphin  presence  can  cause  a significant  increase  in  ORUs,  thereby  increasing  the 
disturbance  (Ostman-Lind  2009).  Kayakers  in  Hawaii  changed  their  behavior  when 
dolphins  were  present  in  an  attempt  to  get  closer  to  the  dolphin  school  (Timmel  et  al. 
2008).  Considering  the  growing  popularity  of  recreational  activities  along  the  Santa 
Monica  Bay  coastline,  there  could  be  a risk  of  a similar  response  in  this  area.  Efforts 
should  be  directed  to  ensure  that  ORUs  are  aware  of  marine  mammal  observation 
guidelines,  such  as  the  requirement  to  maintain  a minimum  distance  of  50  meters  during 
an  encounter  with  a dolphin. 

Educational  programs  conducted  in  marine  protected  areas  to  inform  the  public  of  the 
importance  of  marine  mammals  have  been  shown  to  aid  in  the  enforcement  of  the 
parameters  of  the  Marine  Mammal  Protection  Act  and  decrease  disturbances  to  marine 
mammals  (Gunvalson  2011).  Similar  educational  programs  designed  to  explain  marine 
mammal  observation  guidelines  to  ORUs  along  the  Santa  Monica  Bay  coastline  could 
further  minimize  the  effects  of  ORU  presence  on  bottlenose  dolphins. 

In  conclusion,  this  preliminary  investigation  suggests  the  need  of  regular  monitoring  of 
coastal  bottlenose  dolphins  and  encounters  with  ORUs  to  determine  potential  changes  in 
these  animals’  behavior.  Also,  it  suggests  the  necessity  of  implementing  public  education 
program  and  management  measures  to  ensure  that  dolphins  remain  undisturbed  by  the 
growing  number  and  diversity  of  anthropogenic  presence  in  the  bay. 


Field  research  was  funded  by  Ocean  Conservation  Society.  Special  thanks  to  the  Los 
Angeles  Dolphin  Project  volunteers  and  researchers.  Special  acknowledgments  to  IFAW 
for  the  Logger  software.  Fieldwork  was  carried  out  under  the  current  laws  of  California 
and  the  General  Authorization  for  Scientific  Research  issued  by  NOAA  (Files  No.  856- 
1366  and  No.  5401811-00  and  No.  16381). 

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Weaver,  A.C.  1987.  An  ethogram  of  naturally  occurring  behavior  of  bottlenose  dolphins,  Tur slops 
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CA,  USA. 

Weller,  D.W.  1991.  The  social  ecology  of  Pacific  coast  bottlenose  dolphins.  Masters  Thesis,  San  Diego 
State  University,  San  Diego,  CA,  USA. 

Wells,  R.S.,  Rhinehart,  H.L.,  Hansen,  L.J.,  Sweeney,  J.C.,  Townsend,  F.I.,  Stone,  R.,  Caspper,  D.R., 
Scott,  M.D.,  Hohn,  A. A.,  and  Rowles,  T.K.  2004.  Bottlenose  dolphins  as  marine  ecosystem 
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Bull.  Southern  California  Acad.  Sci. 

114(2),  2015,  pp.  76-88 

© Southern  California  Academy  of  Sciences,  2015 

Salt  Marsh  Reduces  Fecal  Indicator  Bacteria  Input  to  Coastal 
Waters  in  Southern  California 

Monique  R.  Myers1  and  Richard  F.  Ambrose2’* 

1 California  Sea  Grant  Extension  Program,  University  of  California  Marine  Science 
Institute,  Santa  Barbara,  CA  USA 

2Department  of  Environmental  Health  Sciences,  University  of  California,  46-078  CHS, 
Box  951772,  Los  Angeles,  CA  90095-1772  USA 

Abstract. — We  investigated  fecal  indicator  bacteria  (FIB)  concentrations  in  water 
and  sediment  from  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh,  a medium-sized  (93  ha),  mostly  natural 
southern  California  coastal  wetland.  High  FIB  concentrations,  exceeding  recrea- 
tional water  quality  standards,  were  found  at  inlet  sites  after  winter  storm  events  and 
during  a summer  dry  weather  sampling  event.  Runoff  entering  the  wetland  had  the 
highest  concentrations  of  FIB  after  large  rain  events  and  after  rain  events  following 
extended  periods  without  rain.  The  watersheds  with  the  greatest  agricultural  and 
urban  development  draining  into  the  wetland  generally  contributed  the  highest  loads 
of  FIB,  while  the  largest  and  least  developed  watershed  contributed  the  lowest  FIB 
concentrations.  Surface  water  exiting  the  wetland  at  the  ocean  contained  relatively 
low  concentrations  of  FIB  and  only  exceeded  recreational  water  quality  standards 
after  the  largest  rain  event  of  the  year.  Bacterial  concentrations  in  sediment  were 
only  elevated  after  rain  events,  suggesting  wetland  sediment  was  not  a reservoir  for 
bacteria.  Our  results  provide  evidence  that  moderate-sized  tidal  wetlands  at  the  base 
of  moderately  urbanized  watersheds  can  attenuate  FIB,  improving  coastal  water 

Runoff  from  coastal  watersheds  carries  bacteria  to  the  ocean,  causing  human  health 
risks.  Fecal  indicator  bacteria  (FIB),  including  Enterococcus  (ENT)  and  Escherichia  coli 
(EC),  are  natural  components  of  human  and  other  mammal,  reptile  and  bird  intestinal 
fauna  used  to  indicate  the  likely  presence  of  human  pathogens  that  cause  unhealthy 
conditions  for  people  recreating  in  coastal  water  (Balarajan  et  al.  1991;  Haile  et  al.  1999). 
Sources  of  FIB  include  faulty  or  overflowing  sewage  systems,  homeless  populations  and 
domestic  and  wild  animals  (including  birds)  (Mallin  et  al.  2001;  Crowther  et  al.  2002). 
FIB  are  generally  present  in  high  concentrations  in  sewage  and  in  urban  and  agricultural 
runoff  during  wet  weather  conditions  (Wyer  et  al.  1994,  1996,  1998;  Kay  et  al.  2005). 
They  may  be  concentrated  on  fine  (<6pm)  particles  (Brown  et  al  2013),  and  can  come 
from  streambed  sediments  (Wilkinson  et  al.  1995;  Solo-Gabriele  et  al.  2000),  intertidal 
sediments  (Obiri-Danso  and  Jones  2000;  Ferguson  et  al.  2005)  and  watershed  stores  that 
are  flushed  by  rainfall  (Sanders  et  al.  2005). 

For  example,  stormwater  runoff  from  the  Santa  Ana  River  in  California  was  identified 
as  a significant  source  of  near-shore  pollution,  carrying  sediment,  FIB,  fecal  indicator 
viruses,  and  human  pathogenic  viruses  (Jeng  et  al.  2005).  FIB  concentrations  are  used  as 
a guide  to  determine  when  Southern  California  beaches  should  be  closed  to  recreational 

* Corresponding  author: 




activities.  In  one  of  the  only  epidemiological  studies  of  coastal  ocean  bathing  water,  Haile 
et  al.  (1999)  determined  that  thresholds  of  10,000  cfu  of  total  coliform  (TC),  104  cfu  of 
E.  coli  (EC)  and  400  cfu  of  enterococcus  (ENT)  per  100  ml  of  sample  had  potentially 
harmful  human  health  effects  at  southern  California  beaches.  These  values  are 
incorporated  in  California  Department  of  Health  Services  regulations,  which  furthermore 
state  that  if  the  TC/EC  ratio  is  <10,  then  TC  must  be  <1000  cfu/ 100ml. 

Coastal  tidal  wetlands  could  mitigate  the  risk  of  bacterial  contamination.  It  is  well 
known  that  freshwater  wetlands  perform  water  treatment  functions  (Kay  and 
McDonald  1980;  Breen  et  al.  1994;  Kadlec  and  Knight  1996;  Davies  and  Bavor 
2000).  Constructed  freshwater  wetlands  may  remove  over  85%  of  FIB  (Kadlec  and 
Knight  1996;  Davies  and  Bavor  2000).  While  tidal  wetlands  may  perform  similar 
functions,  few  studies  have  addressed  this  topic.  Dorsey  et  al.  (2010)  found  bacterial 
loads  were  significantly  reduced  in  a southern  California  coastal  wetland  during  daylight 
hours.  A tidal  wetland  behind  a flood  defense  wall  reduced  flux  and  concentration  of 
fecal  indicator  bacteria  (FIB)  in  coastal  waters  by  97%  (Kay  et  al.  2005).  An  analysis  of 
32  years  of  coliform  data  for  Newport  Bay  wetland  and  tidal  embayment  in  southern 
California  revealed  a gradient  of  reduced  bacterial  concentration  between  inland  sites 
and  the  ocean  (Pednekar  et  al.  2005).  The  highly  urbanized  Talbert  Salt  Marsh 
watershed  had  a gradient  of  high  to  low  FIB  during  dry  weather  run  off,  with  highest 
concentrations  in  the  upstream  watershed  and  lowest  at  adjacent  coastal  waters  (Reeves 
et  al.  2004). 

Coastal  wetlands  are  a potential  source  of  FIB  since  animals,  such  as  birds,  attracted 
by  the  wetland  produce  FIB-laden  feces.  Bacteria  either  from  within  wetland  or  outside 
sources  may  settle  in  slow-moving  wetland  waters  where  they  can  accumulate  in  sediment 
and  possibly  re-grow  (Solo-Gabriele  et  al.  2000;  Desmarais  et  al.  2002;  Ferguson  et  al. 
2005).  Bacteria  harbored  in  the  sediment  may  be  tidally  flushed  out  to  coastal  bathing 
waters  (Sanders  et  al.  2005).  High  concentrations  of  FIB  were  observed  in  California 
coastal  wetlands  when  sediments  were  resuspended  during  strong  ebb  flows  (Dorsey  et 
al.,  2010;  Dorsey  et  al.,  2013).  At  Talbert  Salt  Marsh,  a small  (10  ha),  restored  southern 
California  tidal  wetland,  outflow  from  the  wetland  increased  bacterial  concentration  in 
coastal  waters  (Grant  et  al.  2001).  The  reduced  size  of  this  wetland,  less  than  l/100th  its 
original  1200  ha,  and  restored  condition  likely  affected  its  ability  to  attenuate  bacterial 
populations.  This  study  and  others  pointed  to  bird  populations  as  a potentially  important 
bacteria  source  (Abulreesh  et  al.  2004).  However,  a modeling  study  of  the  same  wetland 
by  Sanders  et  al.  (2005)  indicated  that  bird  feces  were  a minor  contributor  to  surface 
water  contamination,  although  they  suggested  that  feces  contributed  to  sediment  FIB 
loads  and  tidal  flushing  deposited  bacteria  in  coastal  waters. 

Water  entering  the  ocean  from  coastal  wetlands  is  most  likely  to  cause  poor  ocean 
water  quality  after  large  rain  events,  when  runoff  flowing  into  the  wetland  has  high 
volume  and  FIB  concentrations,  or  when  water  has  been  stored  for  long  periods  in  the 
wetland  without  tidal  flushing  (Reeves  et  al.  2004;  Gersberg  et  al.  1995).  For  example, 
immediately  following  the  breaching  of  San  Elijo  Lagoon  in  San  Diego  County,  water 
quality  close  to  the  wetland  mouth  at  an  adjacent  marine  bathing  beach  was  unhealthy 
(Gersberg  et  al.  1995);  the  authors  predicted  healthy  bathing  conditions  would  return  to 
coastal  waters  within  two  weeks  after  breaching  and  one  week  after  any  large  rain  events. 
Jeong  et  al.  (2008)  found  that  as  the  volume  of  runoff  entering  Talbert  Salt  Marsh 
declined,  the  wetland  was  better  able  to  attenuate  FIB  loads  and  coastal  water  quality 



Table  1.  Land  uses,  areas  and  elevations  of  subwatersheds  that  drain  into  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh. 
Table  adapted  from  Page  and  Court  (unpublished  data). 


Drainage  area 

Maximum  elevation 









Western  Creek 







Franklin  Creek 







Santa  Monica  Creek 







The  capacity  of  a wetland  to  remove  FIB  is  affected  by  a variety  of  physical  and 
ecological  factors  including:  wetland  size,  sediment  size,  tidal  flow,  bird  and  other  animal 
populations,  vegetation  type,  size  and  abundance  and  tidal  creek  length  and  shape. 
Larger,  more  pristine  wetlands,  with  longer  tidal  creeks  for  runoff  to  travel  through  and 
longer  residence  time  of  bacteria  and  sediment-attached  bacteria,  likely  are  better  at 
reducing  FIB  loads  to  the  coastal  ocean.  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh  (CSM)  was  selected  as 
the  study  location  because  it  is  a moderate-sized,  mostly  natural  southern  California 
wetland.  To  determine  if  CSM  acted  to  attenuate  or  exacerbate  FIB  loads  to  coastal 
waters,  we  evaluated  FIB  concentrations  at  all  the  inlet  sites  where  watershed  runoff 
entered  the  wetland  and  at  the  wetland-ocean  interface  where  watershed  runoff  flowed  to 
the  ocean  after  passing  through  the  wetland.  Our  purpose  was  to  investigate  whether  this 
wetland  protected  coastal  water  quality. 

Materials  and  Methods 

Study  Area 

CSM  is  a 93  ha  (230  acre)  wetland  of  pickleweed  habitat  [Sarcocornia  pacifica 
( =Salicornia  virginica)].  Located  at  34°24’N  and  119°31’30"W  in  Santa  Barbara  County, 
California,  it  is  influenced  by  a Mediterranean  climate  with  heavy,  intermittent  rainfall  in 
the  winter  and  dry,  usually  rainless  summer  months.  Nearly  90%  of  average  annual 
rainfall  occurs  between  November  and  April,  carrying  materials  stored  during  the 
summer  from  the  watershed  into  the  wetland1.  The  bird  population,  estimated  by 
monthly  two-hour  bird  counts  at  high  and  low  tides  in  2003,  is  estimated  to  be  between 
150  (June)  and  1000  (October)  including  all  bird  species  (shorebirds,  water  fowl  etc.)2 

The  watershed  of  CSM  is  composed  of  three  subwatersheds  that  are  drained  by 
Franklin  and  Santa  Monica  creeks  and  a western  coastal  plain  area  (Table  1;  Fig.  1). 
Land  use  cover  within  sub-watersheds  was  delineated  by  Page  and  Court3  using 
a Geographic  Information  System  (GIS)  and  a USGS  30  m digital  elevation  model 
(DEM).  By  combining  the  GIS  with  a 1999  aerial  photograph  of  the  study  area,  they 
divided  land  use  within  each  sub-watershed  into  five  categories,  1)  greenhouse  agriculture, 
2)  open-field  agriculture,  3)  orchard,  4)  urban/residential  and  5)  undeveloped  (Table  1). 

Franklin  and  Santa  Monica  Creeks  originate  in  the  Los  Padres  National  Forest, 
a mountainous  area  whose  foothill  communities  are  composed  of  chaparral  vegetation. 

^erren,  W.R,  Page,  H.M.  and  Saley,  P.  1997.  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh:  Management  Plan  for 
a Southern  California  Estuary,  Environmental  Report  No.  5,  Museum  of  Systematics  and  Ecology, 
Department  of  Ecology,  Evolution,  and  Marine  Biology,  University  of  California,  Santa  Barbara. 

2 Brooks,  A.J.  2003.  Unpublished  data.  Marine  Science  Institute  University  of  California,  Santa 
Barbara,  CA  93106-6150 

3 Page,  H.M.  and  Court,  D.  1997.  Unpublished  data.  Marine  Science  Institute  University  of  California, 
Santa  Barbara,  CA  93106-6150 



Table  1.  Extended. 

Open  field 

Total  agriculture 








































with  several  kilometers  of  downstream  coastal  plain  that  are  covered  by  a mixture  of 
urban  and  agricultural  development,  including  greenhouses  and  fields  for  commercial 
flower  production  and  lemon  and  avocado  orchards.  The  Franklin  Creek  sub-watershed 
(1107  ha)  is  the  furthest  east  and  has  the  lowest  elevation,  lying  partially  in  the  foothills 
but  primarily  within  the  coastal  plain,  where  a large  portion  of  the  land  is  developed  with 
multi-use  agriculture,  residential  areas  and  light  commercial  facilities4.  The  Franklin 
Creek  watershed  is  the  most  developed  of  the  three  subwatersheds,  with  271  ha  of  urban 
development  and  177  ha  of  agricultural  land.  Most  of  Franklin  Creek  (75%)  is  concrete 
lined  with  a concrete  bottom  (Robinson  et  al.  2002).  Franklin  Creek  provides  water  to 
a restored  section  of  CSM.  Both  Franklin  and  Santa  Monica  creeks  have  been  dredged  by 
County  Flood  Control,  creating  wide,  deep,  straight  channels  through  the  wetlands.  The 
Santa  Monica  Creek  sub-watershed  (1561  ha)  is  the  largest  and  least-developed  sub- 
watershed, with  over  90%  composed  of  undeveloped  land  in  the  foothills  and  southern 
slopes  of  the  Santa  Ynez  Mountains.  The  portion  of  Santa  Monica  Creek  flowing  from 
the  northern  edge  of  the  city  of  Carpinteria  into  the  salt  marsh  is  channelized  and 
concrete  lined  with  a concrete  bottom. 

The  Western  creeks  drain  a much  smaller  area  (340  ha)  that  lies  entirely  within  the 
coastal  plain.  The  Western  subwatershed  is  nearly  50%  agricultural  and  15%  urbanized 
(Robinson  et  al.  2002).  The  creek  water  is  entirely  from  coastal  plain  runoff,  flowing 
through  a riparian  corridor  before  entering  the  western  side  of  CSM  at  three  locations. 
Two  of  these  creeks  (Creeks  B1  and  B2)  flow  together,  but  upon  intersecting  with  the 
railroad  track  located  just  outside  the  wetland  border,  Creek  B1  diverges  and  flows 
easterly  until  it  enters  the  salt  marsh  at  a separate  location.  The  most  northwestern  creek 
(Creek  A)  primarily  drains  greenhouse  runoff.  Degradation  of  the  salt  marsh  due  to 
anthropogenic  pollutants  entering  from  urban  and  agricultural  runoff  has  been 
documented  since  the  1970s5  (Page  et  al.  1995;  Hwang  et  al.  2006). 

Field  Sampling 

To  investigate  the  change  in  FIB  concentrations  as  water  moves  through  CSM,  we 
sampled  water  and  sediment  at  the  main  water  inlet  and  outlet  sites  to  the  wetland.  Inlet 
sites  included  one  site  each  from  Franklin  Creek  and  Santa  Monica  Creek  and  three  sites 
from  the  Western  subwatershed  (Fig.  1).  The  mouth  was  sampled  approximately  100  m 
upstream  from  the  wetland/ocean  interface. 

4Ferren,  W.R.  1985.  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh:  Environment,  History,  and  Botanical  Resources  of 
a Southern  California  Estuary,  Santa  Barbara,  CA:  Herbarium,  Dept,  of  Biological  Sciences,  University  of 
California,  Santa  Barbara. 

5 MacDonald,  K.  1976.  The  natural  resources  of  Carpinteria  Marsh.  Their  status  and  future.  Report  to 
the  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game.  Coastal  Wetland  Series  #13. 



Fig.  1.  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh  with  inlet  sites  where  creeks  drain  into  the  marsh  and  the  mouth  site 
identified.  (Image  from  Google  Earth.) 

Tidal  cycle  may  affect  ENT  loads,  with  highest  populations  occurring  during  spring 
ebb  tides  (Boehm  and  Weisberg  2005),  so  collection  of  all  samples  was  initiated  within  an 
hour  after  the  tide  had  changed  from  in-coming  to  out-going.  Samples  were  always 
collected  during  daylight  but  at  different  times  of  day  to  accommodate  the  tide.  Thus, 
different  samples  may  have  been  exposed  to  UV  radiation  for  different  lengths  of  time  on 
different  sampling  dates.  This  would  have  had  little  influence  on  differences  among  sites 
for  a sampling  date  since  all  samples  were  collected  within  a few  hours  of  each  other,  but 
could  potentially  lead  to  differences  between  dates.  However,  UV  exposure  did  not 
appear  to  have  an  overriding  influence  on  results  since  high  FIB  concentrations  exceeding 
health  standards  occurred  in  samples  taken  in  the  afternoon  after  extended  UV  exposure. 
There  were  also  differences  in  cloud  cover,  stream  flow,  and  other  environmental 
variables  that  could  have  led  to  variability  in  FIB  concentrations. 

One  surface  water  sample  was  collected  at  each  site  except  on  February  26,  2004  and 
March  3,  2004  when  five  water  samples  were  collected,  and  July  8,  2004  when  three  water 
samples  were  taken  in  Franklin  Creek  (site  F).  No  water  sample  was  collected  from 
Franklin  Creek  in  December.  Samples  were  placed  in  sterile  50  ml  Falcon  tubes  and 
maintained  on  ice  in  a dark  container  immediately  after  collection  until  they  were  processed 
within  6-8  hours.  Water  column  salinity  was  measured  at  each  site  using  a YSI  85  meter. 

Samples  were  collected  three  times  during  dry  weather  between  Nov  30,  2003  and  Dec 
10,  2003  and  during  dry  weather  on  July  8,  2004.  Samples  also  were  taken  seven  times 
during  the  winter  rainy  season  in  2003/2004.  Samples  were  taken  immediately  following 
significant  rain  events  of  0.5”  or  greater  on  Feb  3 (0.85”),  Feb  19  (0.5”),  Feb  26  (2.8”) 
and  Mar  3 (0.5”)  in  2004;  on  Dec  16,  2003,  one  day  following  a small  0.12”  rain  event 
that  occurred  after  a month  without  rain;  and  on  Jan  16  and  17,  2004  during  the  wet 
season  but  not  following  a significant  rain  event.  Precipitation  measurements  were  taken 
from  the  Carpinteria  Fire  Station  (34°23’53”  N,  119°3F06”W)  (Santa  Barbara  County 
Flood  Control  District  2004; 



Table  2.  Salinity  during  water  and  sediment  sampling.  Dashes  indicate  no  salinity  reading  was  taken. 
Bold  text  indicates  5 sediment  samples  taken,  normal  text  indicates  3 sediment  samples  were  taken,  and 
sites  with  grey  text  boxes  were  not  sampled  for  sediment.  Asterisk  indicates  that  lab  tests  failed  on  Dec  4 
for  Western  Creek  B2  although  salinity  was  measured. 

Dry  weather 

Wet  weather 


Nov  30 

Dec  4 

Dec  10 

Jul  8 

Dec  16 

Jan  16 

Jan  17 

Feb  3 

Feb  19 

Feb  26 

Mar  3 













Franklin  Creek 
Santa  Monica 
























Western  Creek  B2 












Western  Creek  B1 












Western  Creek  A 












Sediment  samples  of  at  least  5 g of  material  were  scraped  from  the  top  1-3  cm  of  the 
tidal  creek  substrate  closest  to  the  water’s  edge  during  an  outgoing  low  tide.  In  an 
unpublished  experiment,  we  found  no  difference  in  sediment  bacterial  concentrations  at 
different  lateral  locations  on  the  tidal  creek  bank.  The  samples  from  each  location  were 
stored  in  individual  plastic  bags.  In  general,  three  sediment  samples  one  meter  apart  were 
collected  at  each  site,  although  this  varied  somewhat  with  five  sediment  samples  taken  at 
most  sites  on  Nov  30,  2003  and  no  samples  on  Feb  26  and  Mar  3,  2004  (see  Table  2). 

Sample  Analysis 

Each  sediment  sample  was  homogenized  and  a 5 g sample  was  suspended  in  35  ml  of 
phosphate  buffer  solution  (0.3mM  KH2P04,  2mM  MgCl2)  based  on  Standard  Method 
9221  A-3  (Greenberg  et  al.  1992).  Samples  were  shaken  by  hand  for  one  minute  and  then 
centrifuged  at  4°C  for  five  minutes  at  1000  rpm  (Evanson  and  Ambrose  2006).  Three 
sediment  samples  and  one  water  sample  were  processed  per  site.  Using  standard 
procedures  for  Idexx  Colilert®-18  and  Enterolert®  97-well  Quanti-trays,  ten  ml  of  each 
sample  of  sediment  supernatant  and  water  were  added  to  90ml  of  dilution  water  and 
analyzed  for  TC,  EC  and  ENT.  The  highest  value  of  FIB  that  could  be  measured  was 
2500  MPN/100  ml  since  sample  dilutions  were  not  made;  bacteria  levels  exceeding  this 
maximum  detection  limit  were  not  quantified. 


The  Santa  Monica  Creek  subwatershed,  which  was  the  largest  (15.6  km2)  but  least 
developed  (97%  undeveloped)  catchment  draining  into  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh  (Table  1), 
generally  had  the  cleanest  water  and  sediment  (Fig.  2 and  3).  Santa  Monica  Creek  water 
EC  levels  were  below  health  standards  at  all  times  and  TC  was  relatively  low.  The 
subwatersheds  with  high  amounts  of  urbanization  and  agricultural  development 
(Table  1),  Franklin  Creek  and  the  Western  subwatersheds,  had  runoff  with  higher  FIB 
concentrations.  Franklin  Creek  subwatershed  was  the  most  developed  and  had  the 
highest  FIB  in  runoff  entering  the  wetland.  High  levels  of  TC  and  ENT  were  present  in 
Franklin  Creek  water  during  wet  and  dry  weather,  with  ENT  exceeding  health  standards 
during  each  sampling  event  except  on  December  10  and  16,  2003.  The  Western 
subwatershed  also  had  high  FIB  levels  with  water  exceeding  ENT  health  standards  on  at 
least  one  occasion  at  each  site  during  both  wet  and  dry  weather. 



Dry  Weather 

Wet  Weather 

M F SM  B2  B1  A 

Fig.  2.  Concentrations  of  total  coliform  (TC),  E.  coli  (EC)  and  Enterococcus  (ENT)  bacteria  in 
Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh  water  samples.  Five  inlet  sites  [Western  Creek  A (A),  Western  Creek  B (B1 
and  B2),  Franklin  Creek  (F),  Santa  Monica  Creek  (SM)]  and  one  mouth  (M)  site  were  sampled 
during  two  dry  weather  (Dec  10  and  Jul  8)  and  three  wet  weather  (Dec  16,  Feb  26  and  March  3) 
sampling  events.  No  water  sample  was  collected  from  Franklin  Creek  in  Dec.  Error  bars  indicate 
MPN  confidence  interval  based  on  SE  of  five  method  replicates  for  Feb  26  and  Mar  3,  three  for  Jul 
8.  Horizontal  lines  indicate  the  single-sample  water  quality  standards  for  EC  and  ENT;  the  single- 
sample standard  for  TC  (10,000  cfu)  is  above  the  maximum  detection  limit  (2,500  MPN/100  ml)  for 
the  samples. 




0.12"  rain  0.85"  rain  0.5"  rain 



Dec  1 Jan  1 Feb  1 Mar  1 Jul  8 



Fig.  3.  Concentrations  of  total  coliform  (TC),  E.  coli  (EC)  and  Enterococcus  (ENT)  bacteria  in 
sediment  samples  taken  between  November  30,  2003  and  July  8,  2004  and  in  water  samples  taken  between 
November  30,  2003  and  March  3,  2004.  Five  inlet  sites  [Creek  A (A),  Creek  B (B 1 and  B2),  Franklin  Creek 
(F),  Santa  Monica  Creek  (SM)]  and  one  mouth  (M)  site  were  sampled.  For  sediment  samples,  error  bars 
are  based  on  SE  of  three  replicate  samples;  where  error  bars  do  not  show,  the  error  bar  is  smaller  than  the 
symbol  except  for  B2  for  July  8,  when  only  one  replicate  analysis  was  successful.  Arrows  indicate  rainfall 
events,  with  amount  of  rain  noted.  Horizontal  lines  indicate  the  single-sample  water  quality  standards  for 
EC  and  ENT;  the  single-sample  standard  for  TC  (10,000  cfu)  is  above  the  maximum  detection  limit  for  the 
samples  (2,500  MPN/100  ml).  Standards  have  not  been  established  for  sediment. 

The  largest  winter  rain  event  [7.1  cm  (2.8”)  on  February  26,  2004]  produced  the  highest 
ENT  and  TC  values  at  all  sites  (Fig.  2).  The  ENT  health  standard  was  exceeded  at  all 
sites.  This  was  the  only  occasion  when  site  B2,  which  generally  had  the  lowest  bacteria 
concentrations  in  the  Western  subwatershed,  had  similar  or  higher  FIB  levels  than  A and 



B 1 . Only  after  this  largest  rain  event  did  Santa  Monica  Creek  water  entering  the  wetland 
exceed  ENT  standards.  It  also  was  the  only  occasion  when  water  draining  from  the 
wetland  mouth  into  the  ocean  exceeded  health  standards  and  had  concentrations  of  TC 
over  2500  MPN/100  ml  (Fig.  2). 

Generally,  FIB  levels  were  low  during  dry  weather  and  EC  levels  were  low,  not 
exceeding  health  standards,  during  both  wet  and  dry  weather  (Fig.  3).  On  December  10, 
2003,  both  creek  flow  rates  and  FIB  levels  were  low.  Health  standards  were  not  exceeded 
and  TC  was  low  compared  to  wet  weather  values.  However,  on  July  8,  2004  after  several 
months  without  rain,  FIB  values  were  relatively  high.  ENT  water  quality  standards  were 
exceeded  at  all  Western  and  Franklin  Creek  sites  and  TC  values  were  over  2500  MPN/100 
ml  for  Creeks  A and  B1  and  Franklin  Creek  (Fig.  2).  During  this  time  creek  flow  rates 
were  also  high,  indicating  an  upstream  water  source  other  than  rainwater,  likely  from 
agricultural  irrigation  of  greenhouses  and/or  field  crops. 

FIB  loads  in  sediment  were  affected  by  rain  events,  although  the  pattern  of  increased 
FIB  concentrations  following  storms  was  not  as  pronounced  as  in  water  samples, 
possibly  due  to  generally  low  bacteria  concentrations,  particularly  for  EC  and  ENT 
(Fig.  3).  At  site  B1  sediment  mean  values  of  EC  varied  between  1 and  166  MPN/g  and 
ENT  values  varied  between  4 and  215  MPN/g,  while  in  water  mean  EC  and  ENT  values 
at  the  same  sites  were  as  high  as  1396  and  1848  MPN/g,  respectively.  Elevated  TC  was 
detected  in  both  water  and  sediment  after  rain  events  (Fig.  3).  While  EC  and  ENT  in 
sediment  were  generally  low,  relatively  high  values  of  ENT  occurred  at  Western  creek 
sites  after  the  Dec  15  rain  event,  when  values  in  water  were  also  high.  (Sediment  data  were 
not  available  following  the  largest  winter  rain  event  on  February  26,  2004).  Santa  Monica 
Creek  sediment  also  had  a relatively  high  ENT  value  during  dry  weather  (Fig.  3). 

At  the  wetland  mouth,  where  water  entered  the  ocean,  FIB  concentrations  were  usually 
low,  not  exceeding  recreational  water  quality  standards  (Fig.  2).  FIB  concentrations  were 
only  elevated  at  the  mouth  following  the  largest  winter  rain  event  (on  February  26,  2004), 
when  TC  and  ENT  were  over  2500  MPN/100  ml,  vastly  exceeding  ENT  health  standards. 

Salinity  varied  widely  by  sampling  location  and  time  (Table  2).  The  mouth  site  had 
near-seawater  salinity  during  all  sampling  times  except  February  26,  2004,  which  was 
after  the  largest  rain  event.  Franklin  and  Santa  Monica  Creeks  also  were  usually  close  to 
seawater  salinity,  but  salinities  were  reduced  after  rainfall.  The  Western  Creek  sites  had 
lower  salinities,  even  during  dry  weather,  indicating  their  influence  by  persistent 
freshwater  inflow  not  related  to  storms. 


Watershed  Input  to  Wetland 

FIB  concentrations  entering  CSM  were  related  to  the  amount  of  watershed  urbanization 
rather  than  watershed  size.  The  largest,  least-developed  watershed  draining  into  the  marsh 
had  water  with  low  FIB,  while  the  smaller,  more  highly  developed  watersheds  produced 
much  higher  FIB  concentrations.  Watershed  land  use  has  been  correlated  with  FIB 
concentrations  in  coastal  waters  around  the  United  Kingdom  (Crowther  et  al.  2002;  Kay 
et  al.  2005).  Urbanization  was  the  primary  predictor  of  EC  concentrations  in  popular 
bathing  beaches  around  Clacton,  UK  as  well  as  for  EC  and  ENT  concentrations  in  surface 
waters  of  the  1583  km2  Ribble  drainage  basin  (Kay  et  al.  2005). 

In  CSM,  high  FIB  values  occurred  after  rain  events,  as  has  been  found  in  other 
southern  California  wetlands.  For  example,  TC  in  Santa  Monica  Bay  and  the  Santa  Ana 
river  wetlands  peaked  on  the  same  day  as  the  rain  event  and  decreased  within  one  day 



(Haile  et  al.  1999;  Evanson  and  Ambrose  2006)  and  ENT  and  EC  in  the  Santa  Ana  river 
wetlands  peaked  on  the  day  of  the  storm  or  within  several  days  (Evanson  and  Ambrose 
2006).  Overall  the  highest  FIB  values  occurred  following  the  largest  rain  event  of  the  year 
on  February  26,  2004  (2.8”)  and  after  the  December  15,  2003  rain  event  that  followed 
over  a month  without  precipitation,  the  longest  dry  period  preceding  a rain  event  during 
this  study.  The  7.1  cm  (2.8”)  rain  event  likely  was  large  enough  to  saturate  soil  and 
produce  field  runoff  as  well  as  high  volumes  of  impervious  surface  runoff.  Although  the 
December  15  rain  event  was  small  0.3  cm  (0.12”),  it  likely  flushed  bacteria  that  had 
accumulated  over  a long  duration  (relative  to  the  dry  period  duration  preceding  other 
storms  sampled). 

Western  Creek  flow  rates  in  July,  while  not  quantified,  appeared  similar  to  those  that 
occurred  the  day  after  rain  events  rather  than  the  typical  dry  weather  flow,  likely  due  to 
agricultural  and  greenhouse  irrigation  runoff  from  facilities  as  close  as  a kilometer 
upstream  of  the  wetland  (Page  et  al.  1995).  Some  July  dry  weather  values  of  TC,  EC  and 
ENT  in  water  were  similar  to  or  higher  than  bacterial  concentrations  from  creek  water 
sampled  directly  following  rain  events. 

Bacteria  Removal 

While  surface  waters  entering  CSM  often  had  high  FIB  concentrations  (during  both 
wet  and  dry  weather),  they  generally  exited  the  wetland  with  low  FIB  values.  Although 
the  number  of  samples  taken  during  this  study  was  relatively  low,  sediment  and  water 
samples  were  collected  simultaneously  at  five  inlets  sites  and  the  wetland  mouth, 
providing  a synoptic  view  of  FIB  inputs  and  output  over  a season  that  included  both  wet 
and  dry  weather  sampling.  The  lower  FIB  concentrations  at  the  wetland  mouth 
compared  to  water  entering  the  wetland  suggest  that  bacteria  populations  decreased  as 
a result  of  flowing  through  the  wetland. 

Bacteria  removal  from  CSM  waters  likely  was  the  result  of  processes  such  as  predation, 
destruction  by  ultraviolet  light,  and  sedimentation  (i.e.  adsorbing  to  particles  that  then 
settle  to  the  bottom)  (Alkan  et  al.  1995;  Noble  et  al.,  2004;  Dorsey  et  al.,  2010,  Dorsey  et  al., 
2013).  While  an  estimated  65-85%  of  the  total  fecal  coliform,  EC  and  ENT  remain  free- 
floating  in  the  water  column  and  do  not  settle  (Jeng  et  al.  2005;  Schillinger  and  Gannon 
1985),  the  low  flow  rate  within  CSM  tidal  channels  allows  for  sedimentation  and  increased 
exposure  of  FIB  to  harmful  solar  radiation,  thereby  reducing  FIB  concentrations  in 
a similar  manner  to  a reservoir  system  or  a constructed  wetland  (Kay  and  McDonald  1980; 
Kay  et  al.  1999).  As  with  freshwater  wetlands,  UV  was  probably  important  for  FIB 
destruction  since  sunshine  is  abundant  year-round  in  southern  California  and  CSM  tidal 
creeks  are  shallow,  allowing  high  UV  exposure.  FIB  concentrations  also  may  have  been 
reduced  due  to  dilution  by  tidal  water,  although  this  factor  was  minimized  by  sampling 
during  an  outgoing  tide. 

FIB  loads  at  site  B2  in  the  Western  subwatershed  were  generally  lower  than  at  sites  A 
and  Bl,  possibly  because  this  water  travelled  approximately  100  yards  along  the  wetland 
fringe  before  entering  the  wetland.  This  area  beside  the  railroad  track,  while  not  wetland 
habitat,  was  a dirt  ditch  lined  with  plants.  The  extra  amount  of  both  travel  time  and 
exposure  likely  contributed  to  FIB  removal. 

Within-wetland  sources,  such  as  bacterial  growth  in  the  sediment  or  feces  from  bird 
populations,  did  not  appear  to  significantly  contribute  to  surface  water  FIB  loads.  Storm 
flow  re-suspension  during  winter  could  have  contributed  to  increased  bacterial 
populations  in  the  water  (Steets  and  Holden  2003),  but  sediment  FIB  were  generally 



low  and  unlikely  a large  contributor  during  our  study.  Low  values  of  bacteria  in  the 
sediment  indicated  FIB  were  not  stored  there  nor  did  they  re-grow  to  high  concentrations 
in  wetland  sediment.  Grant  et  al.  (2001)  suggested  that  Talbert  Marsh,  a small  (10  ha) 
southern  California  wetland  with  a similar  bird  population  (1180  individuals)  to  CSM 
(a  population  maximum  of  171-2200  individuals6),  exacerbated  FIB  concentrations  in 
coastal  runoff,  pointing  to  bird  populations  as  an  important  within-wetland  FIB  source. 
A subsequent  model  of  FIB  loads  to  Talbert  Marsh,  which  included  urban  runoff, 
erosion  of  contaminated  sediments,  bird  feces,  and  combinations  of  these  factors, 
indicated  that  direct  runoff  of  bird  feces  was  not  likely  to  be  a major  source  in  this  small 
wetland  (Sanders  et  al.  2005).  The  low  FIB  concentrations  at  the  mouth  (wetland-ocean 
interface)  of  CSM  suggest  that  birds  in  CSM  were  not  significantly  increasing  FIB  loads 
entering  the  ocean,  despite  the  frequent  concentration  of  birds  near  the  wetland  mouth 
(personal  observations). 

Besides  removal  of  bacteria,  lower  FIB  concentrations  could  be  due  to  dilution  by 
seawater.  Salinity  varied  widely  during  sampling  (range  2-37).  Some  dilution  undoubtedly 
occurred  at  times  because  salinity  was  over  30  at  many  stations  during  at  least  some 
sampling  times,  particularly  during  dry  weather  and  at  the  mouth.  We  minimized  dilution 
effects  by  sampling  on  the  falling  tide.  Nonetheless,  reductions  in  FIB  concentrations 
would  have  been  due  to  a combination  of  dilution  and  removal  processes. 

The  capacity  of  a wetland  to  remove  contaminants  is  related  to  the  volume  of  water 
flowing  through  the  wetland  and  wetland  size.  Not  surprisingly  CSM,  at  93  ha  at  the  base  of 
a 3,000  ha  watershed,  of  which  350  ha  was  urbanized,  was  better  able  to  attenuate  FIB  than 
Talbert  Marsh,  a small  10  ha  marsh  located  at  the  bottom  of  a highly  developed  3,400  ha 
watershed.  Jeong  et  al.  (2008)  indicated  that  Talbert  Salt  Marsh  was  able  to  remove  FIB 
more  efficiently  as  the  volume  of  storm  water  runoff  entering  the  marsh  decreased.  They 
concluded  that  a wetland  may  have  a maximum  capacity  to  attenuate  contaminants;  when 
loads  exceed  this  value  the  wetland  becomes  a net  source  of  contaminants  to  coastal  waters. 

Our  work  suggests  that  a moderate-sized  wetland  was  able  to  attenuate  FIB  during 
most  rain  events.  Reducing  the  size  of  a wetland,  such  as  occurred  at  Talbert  Salt  Marsh 
(historically  1200  ha,  now  10  ha),  reduces  its  capacity  to  remove  contaminants. 
Expansion  of  existing  wetland  area  through  restoration  may  partially  restore  its  capacity 
for  attenuating  FIB,  although  this  possibility  remains  to  be  tested. 


This  work  provides  evidence  that  a 93  ha  southern  California  wetland  is  an  adequate 
size  to  allow  for  natural  removal  of  FIB  when  the  contributing  watershed(s)  have  low  to 
moderate  levels  of  development.  With  relatively  little  loss  of  original  wetland  habitat  and 
only  moderate  levels  of  development  in  its  watershed,  CSM  is  able  to  provide  a valuable 
ecosystem  service  of  improving  the  quality  of  water  before  it  reaches  the  coastal  ocean. 
Coastal  water  quality  appeared  to  only  be  compromised  by  runoff  during  a large  storm 
event  when  high  volumes  of  bacteria-laden  water  overwhelmed  the  wetland’s  ability  to 
reduce  loads  through  sedimentation,  die  off,  and/or  dilution. 


We  thank  Dr.  Andrew  Brooks  for  permission  to  work  in  the  Carpinteria  Salt  Marsh 
Reserve  of  the  University  of  California  Natural  Reserve  System.  Dr.  Patricia  Holden 

6Gaede,  P.  2007.  Unpublished  data.  918  Fellowship  Road,  Santa  Barbara,  CA  93109. 



provided  lab  space  at  the  University  of  California,  Santa  Barbara.  Support  was 
provided  by  a grant  from  the  University  of  California  Marine  Council  (Stanley  Grant, 
Principle  Investigator).  The  manuscript  benefitted  from  comments  by  two  anonymous 

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Bull.  Southern  California  Acad.  Sci. 

114(2),  2015,  pp.  89-97 

© Southern  California  Academy  of  Sciences,  2015 

Asian  Fish  Tapeworm  ( Bothriocephalus  acheilognathi ) 
Infecting  a Wild  Population  of  Convict  Cichlid  (. Archocentrus 
nigrofasciatus)  in  Southwestern  California 

Victoria  E.  Matey,1  Edward  L.  Ervin,2  and  Tim  E.  Hovey3 

1 Department  of  Biology,  San  Diego  State  University,  5500  Campanile  Dr.,  San  Diego, 

CA  92182-4614 

2 Merkel  & Associates,  Inc.,  5434  Ruffin  Road,  San  Diego,  CA  92123 
3 California  Department  of  Fish  and  Wildlife,  21729  Canyon  Heights  Circle, 

Santa  Clarita,  CA  91390 

Abstract. — In  September  2007  and  May  2014,  the  Asian  fish  tapeworm,  Bothrioce- 
phalus acheilognathi  Yamaguti,1934  (Cestoda:  Bothriocephalidea),  was  found  in 
populations  of  the  non-native  convict  cichlid  {Archocentrus  nigrofasciatus)  and 
mosquitofish  {Gambusia  affinis)  collected  from  the  discharge  channel  of  a water 
treatment  plant  in  Los  Angeles  County.  Prevalence  and  mean  intensity  of  infection 
of  450  convict  cichlids  and  70  mosquitofish  were  55.3%/9.3  and  11%/1.4, 
respectively.  Overall  prevalence  and  mean  intensity  of  infection  in  the  convict 
cichlid  was  higher  in  2007  (92%/12.3)  than  in  2014  (37%/5.4).  In  2007,  parameters  of 
infection  were  size-dependent.  The  highest  prevalence/mean  intensity  of  infection 
was  revealed  in  small  fish  (100%/15.5)  and  the  lowest  in  large  fish  (66.7%/1.5).  No 
statistically  significant  differences  in  infection  parameters  were  found  in  convict 
cichlids  of  different  size  classes  in  2014.  This  paper  provides  the  first  documented 
record  of  the  Asian  fish  tapeworm  infecting  a wild  population  of  the  convict  cichlid 
in  the  U.S. 

Introduction  of  exotic  fish  into  novel  aquatic  ecosystems  is  sometimes  accompanied  by 
the  unintentional  transmission  of  additional  species  dangerous  to  populations  of  endemic 
fish,  commercial  fish  and  aquaculture  (Bauer  et  al.  1973,  Hoffman  and  Shubert  1984, 
Scholz  1999,  Salgalo-Maldonado  and  Pineda-Lopez  2003).  One  such  invader,  the  Asian 
fish  tapeworm,  Bothriocephalus  acheilognathi  Yamaguti,  1934  (Cestoda:  Bothriocepha- 
lidea), was  imported  from  East  Asia  to  Europe  and  the  Americas  during  the  1960s  and 
1970s  with  herbivorous  cyprinids,  predominantly  grass  carp  {Ctenopharyngodon  idella ), 
to  control  growth  of  aquatic  vegetation  in  freshwater  ecosystems  (Hoffman  1999, 
Williams  and  Jones  1994,  Choudhury  and  Cole  2012).  The  Asian  fish  tapeworm 
(hereafter,  Asian  tapeworm)  has  a simple  life  cycle  that  requires  only  two  hosts: 
a definitive  host,  a fish  in  which  larval  stages  develop  into  adult  worm  producing  eggs, 
and  an  intermediate  host,  a cyclopoid  copepod,  which  is  a transmitter  of  the  early  larval 
stage  (Liao  and  Shin  1956).  The  entire  life  cycle  is  temperature-dependent,  and  under 
optimal  temperature,  25°  C,  can  be  completed  in  eighteen  days  (Bauer  et  al.  1973). 

Due  to  low  specificity  for  both  intermediate  and  definitive  hosts,  and  by  colonizing 
other  cyprinid  as  well  as  poeciliid  hosts,  the  Asian  tapeworm  easily  became  established 
within  native  fish  populations  in  new  regions  and  continents,  eventually  resulting  in  its 

Corresponding  author: 




current  global  distribution  (Hoffman  1999,  Font  2003,  Choudhury  and  Cole  2012). 
Presently,  it  has  been  reported  in  104  fish  species  in  14  families  and  seven  orders  from 
almost  every  continent  except  Antarctica  (Salgado-Maldonado  and  Pineda-Lopez  2003). 
It  is  pathogenic  to  wild  fish  and  aquaculture  stock  and  may  cause  disease  and  even 
mortality  events  (Bauer  et  al.  1973,  Scott  and  Grizzle  1979,  Hoffman  1980,  Granath  and 
Esch  1983c,  Hoole  and  Nissan  1994,  Heckmann  2000,  Hansen  et  al.  2006,  Han  et  al. 
2010,  Britton  2011).  In  the  U.S.,  after  the  initial  discovery  of  the  Asian  tapeworm  in 
Florida  in  1975  (Hoffman  1980),  it  has  been  reported  from  13  additional  states  (Arizona, 
California,  Colorado,  Hawai’i,  Kansas,  Michigan,  Nevada,  New  Hampshire,  New 
Mexico,  North  Carolina,  Texas,  Utah  and  Wisconsin),  both  in  the  wild  or  in  fish 
hatcheries  (Hoffman  and  Schubert  1984,  Heckmann  and  Deacon  1987,  Riggs  and  Esch 
1987,  Heckmann  et  al.  1993,  Brouder  and  Hoffnagle  1997,  Kuperman  et  al.  2002,  Bean 
et  al.  2007,  Pullen  et  al.  2009,  Archdeacon  et  al.  2010,  Choudhury  and  Cole  2012).  In 
California,  the  Asian  tapeworm  was  first  discovered  in  1987  in  grass  carp,  collected  from 
irrigation  reservoirs  in  Riverside  and  Imperial  counties  and  in  golden  shiners 
(Notemigonus  crysoleucas)  collected  from  a fish  farm  in  San  Diego  County  (Chen  1987). 

Surveys  conducted  in  1999-2001  revealed  seven  additional  fish  species  (six  cyprinid,  one 
poecillid)  in  southern  California  infected  by  the  Asian  tapeworm  (Kuperman  et  al.  2002). 
Of  the  six  infected  cyprinids,  the  arroyo  chub  ( Gila  orcutti ) and  Mojave  tui  chub 
(Siphateles  bicolor  mohavensis ) are  native,  while  the  other  four,  common  carp  ( Cyprinus 
carpio ),  golden  shiner,  goldfish  ( Carassius  auratus)  and  fathead  minnow  ( Pimephales 
promelas ),  are  introduced.  The  single  infected  poecillid  is  the  introduced  mosquitofish.  In 
June  2007,  a population  of  convict  cichlids  ( Archocentrus  nigrofasciatus ) was  reported 
from  the  perennial  discharge  channel  of  a water  treatment  plant  in  Los  Angeles  County 
(Hovey  and  Swift  2012).  The  convict  cichlid  is  native  to  Central  America  and  is  a tropical 
thermophilic  species  with  a minimum  temperature  tolerance  of  20  C (Conkel  1993, 
Bussing  1998).  The  first  U.S.  records  of  the  convict  cichlid  were  in  Nevada  where  the  fish 
were  discovered  in  two  natural  warm  springs  (Deacon  et  al.  1964,  Hubbs  and  Deacon 
1965).  In  Mexico,  introduced  convict  cichlids  (as,  Cichlasoma  nigrofasciatus ) were  found 
to  be  infected  by  the  Asian  tapeworm  (Salgado-Maldonado  and  Pineda-Lopez  2003),  but 
no  information  on  fish  infection  by  this  parasite  was  known  for  the  U.S.  The  goal  of  the 
present  study  was  to  investigate  whether  the  recently  discovered  population  of  the  convict 
cichlid  in  California  was  infected  by  the  Asian  tapeworm. 

Materials  and  Methods 

Fish  were  collected  for  parasitological  examination  from  a discharge  channel  with 
elevated  water  temperature  26°  C [±1.5°  C].  The  source  of  the  thermally  elevated  water 
was  the  treated  discharge  from  the  Rio  Vista  Water  Treatment  Plant  that  feeds  directly 
into  the  Santa  Clara  River,  Los  Angeles  County  (34.423806,  -1 18.540511;  WGS84).  The 
willow  riparian  scrub  vegetation  supported  by  the  perennial  discharge  channel  is 
restricted  to  the  southern  bank  of  the  much  wider,  dry  sandy  river  bed  of  the  Santa  Clara 
River.  The  outflow  travels  approximately  800  m before  flowing  subsurface.  It  is  believed 
that  the  established  convict  cichlid  population  at  this  location  originated  from  released 
aquarium  fish  (Hovey  and  Swift  2012).  Other  fish  species  that  occurred  at  the  study  site 
were  the  native  arroyo  chub,  and  the  non-native  mosquitofish,  prickly  sculpin  ( Cottus 
asper ),  black  bullhead  ( Ameiurus  melas),  goldfish,  and  common  carp  (var.  koi)  (Hovey, 
unpub.  field  notes).  Of  them,  only  mosquitofish  were  available  for  parasitological 



Table  1.  Prevalence  and  mean  intensity  of  infection  of  convict  cichlids  ( Archocentrus  nigrofasciatus ) 
and  mosquitofish  ( Gambusia  affinis)  by  the  Asian  fish  tapeworm  ( Bothriocephalus  acheilognathi)  in  2007 
and  2014. 


Fish  total  length 


Size  class 

size  (N) 

(TL)  range,  mm 

Prevalence  (%) 

Mean  ±SD  Range 

Convict  cichlids 
September  2007 

Entire  sample 


25  - 130 


12.3  ± 12.8 

1 - 101 

Class  1,  small  fish 


25  - 59 


15.5  ± 13. 7B* 

1 - 101 

Class  2,  medium  fish 


61  - 86 

80. 0C* 

3.9  ± 4.5d* 

1 - 22 

Class  3,  large  fish 


88  - 1303 

66. 6e* 

1.5  ± 0.7F** 

1 - 3 

May  2014 

Entire  sample 




5.4  ± 5.2 

1 - 24 

Class  1,  small  fish 


39  - 59 


4.8  ± 4.5h 

1 - 19 

Class  2,  medium  fish 


60  - 80 


5.7  ± 5.4h 

1 - 24 

Class  3,  large  fish 


88  - 112 


3.9  ± 3.5h 

1 - 14 


May  2014 

Entire  sample 


43  - 65 


1.4  ± 0.7 

1 - 3 

A-H:  Within  the  category,  mean  values  sharing  the  same  letter  are  not  significantly  different  (P  < 0.05) 
*/?-value  <0.001 
**/?-value  >0.05 

A total  of  450  convict  cichlids  and  70  mosquitofish  were  used  for  this  study.  On  1 1 
September  2007,  only  three  months  after  the  discovery  of  convict  cichlids  in  the  channel, 
150  convict  cichlids  were  collected  to  be  examined  for  the  presence  of  the  Asian 
tapeworm.  A second  fish  collection  took  place  on  1 May  2014  and  included  300  convict 
cichlids  and  70  mosquitofish.  Fish  were  captured  by  seine  net  and  placed  into  5-gallon 
buckets  containing  channel  water.  Within  three  hours  of  being  captured,  the  fish  were 
removed  from  the  water,  transferred  into  plastic  bags  and  placed  into  a freezer.  The  fish 
were  then  transported  while  still  frozen,  and  stored  at  San  Diego  State  University  in 
a freezer  until  the  commencement  of  parasitological  examinations.  After  being  thawed, 
total  length  (TL)  of  each  individual  was  measured  to  the  nearest  mm.  The  TL  of  convict 
cichlids  collected  in  2007  ranged  from  25  mm  to  130  mm  and  in  2014  ranged  from  39  mm 
to  112  mm  (Table  1).  To  calculate  infection  parameters,  convict  cichlids  were  separated 
into  three  size  classes:  class  1 (small),  class  2 (medium)  and  class  3 (large)  (Tables  1,  2). 
We  arbitrarily  selected  the  range  for  each  of  the  three  size  classes  based  on  the  clustering 
of  sizes.  The  body  cavities  were  opened  and  digestive  tracks  removed.  After  a longitudinal 
incision  of  the  intestine,  tapeworms  were  carefully  teased  from  the  intestinal  wall,  rinsed 
in  0.85%  saline  and  placed  into  Petri  dishes  with  the  same  solution.  Tapeworm 
identification  was  made  using  the  reference  keys  by  Bykhovskaya-Pavlovskaya  et  al. 
(1964)  and  Hoffman  (1999).  Tapeworms  from  each  fish  were  enumerated  to  determine 
the  prevalence,  the  proportion  of  the  hosts  infected,  and  mean  intensity  of  infection,  the 
mean  number  of  parasites  in  the  infected  hosts  (Bush  et  al.  1997).  The  number  of  fish 
sampled,  prevalence  and  mean  intensity  are  provided  in  Table  1.  A total  number  of 
tapeworms  found  in  fish  collected  in  2007  and  2014,  number  of  tapeworms  in  each  size 
class  of  fish  and  the  percentage  of  immature  and  mature  tapeworms  are  presented  in 
Table  2.  Images  of  immature  and  mature  tapeworms  were  obtained  by  light  microscopy 
(LM)  and  scanning  electron  microscopy  (SEM).  For  LM,  10  tapeworms  and  several 



Table  2.  Number  and  percentage  of  immature  and  mature  Asian  fish  tapeworms  ( Bothriocephalus 
acheilognathi)  recovered  from  convict  cichlids  {Archocentrus  nigrofasciatus)  in  2007  and  2014. 

Stage  of  tapeworm  development,  % 

Size  class  of  convict  cichlids  Number  of  tapeworms  Immature  Mature 

Entire  sample 

September  2007 



Class  1,  small  fish 




Class  2,  medium  fish 




Class  3,  large  fish 




Entire  sample 

May  2014 



Class  1,  small  fish 




Class  2,  medium  fish 




Class  3,  large  fish 




pieces  of  intestinal  wall  with  tapeworms  attached  were  examined  with  a Nikon  Eclipse 
E200  microscope  (Melville,  NY)  and  photographed  under  magnification  x40.  For  SEM, 
eight  mature  tapeworms  fixed  in  70%  alcohol  were  rinsed  in  phosphate  buffer  saline, 
post-fixed  in  1%  osmium  tetroxide,  dehydrated  in  ascending  concentrations  of  ethanol 
from  50%  to  100%,  critical-point  dried,  sputter-coated  with  platinum,  and  examined 
using  a FEI  Quanta  450  scanning  electron  microscope  (Hillboro,  OR).  A series  of 
10  preserved  Asian  fish  tapeworms  collected  from  the  convict  cichlids  was  deposited  into 
the  Harold  W.  Manter  Laboratory  of  Parasitology,  University  of  Nebraska,  Lincoln, 
Nebraska  (HWML  64742). 

Prevalence  of  infection  in  convict  cichlids  was  tabulated  by  fish  size  (small,  medium, 
large)  for  2007  and  2014  separately.  The  resulting  2x3  contingency  table  was  analyzed 
using  a Pearson’s  chi-squared  test.  Mean  intensity  in  fish  from  three  size  classes  in  2007 
and  2014  were  estimated  using  the  two-sample  independent  Mann-Whitney  U test. 


The  Asian  tapeworm  was  the  only  intestinal  parasite  found  in  the  450  convict  cichlids 
collected  from  the  discharge  channel  of  a water  treatment  plant  in  September  2007  and 
May  2014.  The  prevalence  and  mean  intensity  of  fish  infections  were  higher  in  the  2007 
sample  than  in  the  2014  sample  (Table  1).  In  the  2007  sample,  parameters  of  infection 
were  different  among  fish  from  the  three  size  classes  (Table  1).  The  highest  prevalence 
and  mean  intensity  of  infection  was  found  in  small  fish  while  the  lowest  were  found  in 
large  fish  (Table  1).  Intensity  of  infection  in  fish  from  different  size  classes  varied  widely 
(Table  1).  The  highest  parasite  loads  in  small,  medium  and  large  fish  were  101,  22,  and  3, 
respectively.  Both  mature  and  immature  Asian  tapeworms  were  recovered  from  fish. 
Mature  Asian  tapeworms  had  a heart-shaped  scolex  with  deep  long  bothria,  a flattened 
attachment  disc  (Fig.  1A),  and  a perfectly  segmented  strobila  composed  of  wide 
proglottids  containing  rosette-shaped  ovaries  filled  with  eggs  (Fig.  IB,  C).  Immature 
tapeworms  were  represented  by  individuals  at  various  developmental  stages,  ranging 
from  worms  having  a small  scolex  and  non-segmented  body,  to  worms  with  a well-shaped 
scolex  but  still  poorly  segmented  strobila  and  an  underdeveloped  reproductive  system 
(Figs.  ID,  E).  In  2007,  almost  60%  of  tapeworms  recovered  from  the  convict  cichlids 
were  represented  by  mature  worms  (Table  2).  The  highest  percent  of  mature  tapeworms 
was  found  in  large  (class  3)  fish,  and  small  (class  1)  fish  contained  an  almost  equal 



Fig.  1.  Representative  scanning  electron  microscope  micrographs  (A,  B)  and  light  microscope 
micrographs  (C-E)  of  the  Asian  fish  tapeworm  Bothriocephalus  acheilognathi.  A)  Mature  worm  - heart- 
shaped  scolex  with  long  bothria  and  flatten  attachment  disc;  B)  Mature  worm  - segmented  strobila  with 
mature  proglottids  and  uterine  pores;  C)  Mature  worm  - segmented  strobila  with  mature  proglottids  and 
rosette-shaped  ovaries;  D)  Immature  worm  - small  scolex  with  short  bothri,  pre-proglottid  formation  of 
strobila;  E)  Immature  worm  - well  developed  scolex  and  early  stage  proglottid  formation  of  strobilla.  Ad  - 
adhesive  disk;  lw  - intestinal  wall;  Ov  - ovary;  Pr  - proglottid;  Sc  - scolex;  St  - strobila.  Black-head  arrows 
indicate  bothria,  white-head  arrow  indicates  uterine  pore.  Scale  bars:  20pm. 

number  of  mature  and  immature  tapeworms  (Table  2).  In  the  2014  sample,  overall 
prevalence  and  mean  intensity  of  infection  in  convict  cichlids  were  2.5  times  and  3 times 
lower,  respectively,  than  the  2007  sample  (Table  1).  Contrary  to  the  2007  results,  no 
significant  difference  was  found  in  the  infection  parameters  of  fish  from  the  three  size 
classes  (Table  1).  The  highest  load  of  Asian  tapeworms  at  24  individuals  was  found  in 
a medium  (class  2)  fish.  In  contrast  to  2007  results,  about  84%  of  Asian  tapeworms 
recovered  from  convict  cichlids  were  immature  (Table  1).  The  highest  percent  of  mature 
Asian  tapeworms  was  found  in  large  (class  3)  fish  (Table  2).  Of  the  70  mosquitofish,  also 
collected  in  May  2014,  only  eleven  were  infected  by  Asian  tapeworms,  with  the  lowest 
infection  level  being  one  tapeworm  (Table  1).  Of  the  fifteen  Asian  tapeworms  found,  87% 
were  immature  (Table  2). 




The  present  paper  documents  the  first  record  of  the  Asian  tapeworm  in  a wild 
population  of  the  convict  cichlid  in  the  U.S.  Finding  the  Asian  tapeworm  in  years  2007 
and  2014  indicates  the  presence  of  a persistent  reservoir  of  infection  in  the  channel 
conveying  the  thermally  elevated  discharge  from  the  Rio  Vista  Water  Treatment  Plant  in 
Los  Angeles  County.  As  only  convict  cichlids  and  mosquitofish  were  available  for 
parasitological  examination,  we  have  no  information  on  the  infection  in  five  other  species 
of  fish  inhabiting  this  channel.  We  cannot  exclude  that  three  fish  species,  arroyo  chub, 
goldfish  and  common  carp,  all  well-known  for  their  susceptibility  to  Asian  tapeworm 
(Kuperman  et  al.  2002),  could  contribute  to  the  persistence  of  the  parasite  at  this  site. 

The  artificially  elevated  water  temperature  of  26°  C [±1.5°  C]  was  optimal  for  the 
growth  and  development  of  the  Asian  tapeworm.  Stimulating  effect  of  high  temperature 
on  parasite  transmission,  infectivity,  development  and  infrapopulation  structure  has  been 
previously  reported  (Bauer  et  al.  1973,  Sankurathri  and  Holmes  1976,  Granath  and  Esch 
1983a,  b,  c,  Dobson  and  Carper  1992,  Khan  2012).  In  our  study,  the  overall  infection  rate 
in  the  autumn  sample  (2007)  was  higher  than  in  the  spring  sample  (2014).  These  results 
appear  to  be  largely  in  agreement  with  the  most  common  pattern  of  the  seasonal 
dynamics  of  populations  of  the  Asian  tapeworm,  in  which  elevation  of  water  temperature 
was  considered  a critical  factor  controlling  infectivity,  development  and  infrapopulation 
structure  (Bauer  et  al.  1973,  Granath  and  Esch  1983a,  b,  c). 

However,  the  water  temperature  at  our  collection  site  remained  nearly  constant 
throughout  the  year.  Our  sampling  effort,  separated  by  seven  years,  is  long  enough  for 
significant  changes  to  have  occurred  in  the  ecosystem  we  examined.  Based  on  our  limited 
sampling  effort  we  were  unable  to  identify  alternative  abiotic  factors  that,  acting  singly  or 
synergistically  with  biotic  factors,  might  affect  fish  infection  by  the  Asian  tapeworm.  The 
last  ones  may  include  fluctuations  in  the  biomass  of  zooplankton  including  cyclopoid 
copepod  community  (the  intermediate  host  of  the  Asian  tapeworm),  shortage  in  biomass 
of  phytoplankton  (the  food  web  for  copepods),  copepod  species  diversity  (not  all 
copepods  are  an  efficient  intermediate  host  for  the  Asian  tapeworm)  and  changes  in  the 
structure  of  the  fish  community  inhabiting  the  collection  site.  Water  quality  may  also 
contribute  to  the  rate  of  fish  infection.  It  is  possible  that  the  chemical  composition  of  the 
discharged  water  from  the  water  treatment  plant  may  affect  both  fish  and  cyclopoid 
copepods  known  for  their  high  sensitivity  to  water  chemistry  (Ferdous  and  Muktadir 
2009).  It  is  also  known  that  in  the  case  of  fish  infected  by  the  Asian  tapeworm,  the  pattern 
of  high  prevalence  of  infection  may  be  followed  by  low  prevalence  (Heckmann  and 
Deacon  1987,  Archdeacon  et  al.  2010),  and  we  cannot  exclude  the  possibility  that  our 
samplings  do  not  fit  this  seasonal  pattern  because  of  the  different  seasons  and  years  of 

Different  parameters  of  infection  were  recorded  in  convict  cichlids  in  the  autumn  2007 
and  spring  2014  samples;  overall  values  varied  among  size  classes.  In  the  2007  sample, 
both  prevalence  and  mean  intensity  of  infection  were  size-dependent.  Prevalence  of 
infection  reached  100%  in  small  (class  1)  fish  but  only  66.7  % in  large  (class  3)  fish 
(Table  1).  There  was  an  inverse  relationship  between  the  size  class  of  fish  and  the  number 
of  worms  they  harbored  (Table  1).  The  highest  parasite  load  of  101  Asian  tapeworms  was 
carried  by  one  of  the  smallest  fish  (TL  31  mm).  Lower  values  of  infection  rate  in  larger 
fish  may  be  associated  with  the  elimination  of  heavily  infected  individuals,  the  expelling 
of  a number  of  worms  due  to  their  competition  for  food  source,  or  stronger  immunity  of 
large  fish  compared  to  the  smaller  fish.  The  stage  of  worm  maturation  was  inverse  to  the 



intensity  of  infection,  and  consequently  to  fish  size  (Table  2).  For  example,  large  fish 
carried  a maximum  of  three  Asian  tapeworms,  most  of  them  mature,  while  in  the  heavily 
infected  smaller  fish,  the  percent  of  mature  and  immature  worms  were  nearly  equal  at 
45.2%  and  54.7%,  respectively.  Based  on  the  rate  at  which  the  Asian  tapeworm  developed 
at  26°  C [±1.5°  C],  the  predominance  of  mature  tapeworms  infecting  fish  in  2007 
indicates  that  this  infection  was  at  least  one  month  old  (Bauer  et  al.  1973,  Williams  and 
Jones  1994).  In  the  spring  sample  (2014)  we  documented  comparatively  low  infection 
levels  in  convict  cichlids,  regardless  of  fish  size  (Table  1).  The  highest  parasite  load  of 
24  Asian  tapeworms  was  found  in  a medium  (class  2)  fish  (TL  73  mm).  There  was  an 
inverse  relationship  between  the  size  class  of  fish  and  the  number  of  worms  they  harbored 
(Table  1).  In  contrast  to  the  fall  sample  (2007),  the  percent  of  mature  tapeworms  for  all 
three  fish  size  classes  was  lower  (Table  2).  Approximately  86%  of  the  tapeworms 
recovered  from  the  small  (class  1)  and  medium  (class  2)  fish  were  immature, 
predominantly  in  the  early  stages  of  development,  while  64.8%  of  the  tapeworms  from 
the  large  (class  3)  fish  were  immature  (Table  2).  The  predominance  of  immature  stages  of 
the  Asian  tapeworms  infecting  convict  cichlids  in  the  spring  season  (2014)  indicates  that 
the  intermediate  host,  a cyclopoid  copepod  carrying  infective  larval  stage  of  the 
procercoids,  had  been  recently  consumed.  Low  infection  parameters  and  the  same  pattern 
of  worm  development  were  recorded  in  the  mosquitofish.  The  seasonal  patterns  of 
infection  levels  and  development  stages  of  the  Asian  tapeworm  discussed  above  are  in 
agreement  with  previous  reports  of  mosquitofish  infections  (Kuperman  et  al.  2002). 
Although  we  advocate  for  the  removal  of  introduced  and  deleterious  species  when 
possible,  this  thermally  isolated  population  of  an  infected  tropical  fish  species  in  an 
artificially  elevated  and  nearly  constant  temperature  environment,  provides  a unique 
opportunity  to  study  alternative  factors  influencing  the  seasonal  population  dynamics 
and  ecological  relationships  of  the  intermediate  host  (cyclopoid  copepods),  the  Asian 
tapeworm,  and  the  final  host,  infected  fish. 


We  thank  N.  Betchel,  M.  Cardenas,  A.  Kierzek,  E.  Miller,  J.  Mulder,  J.  O’Brien  and  L. 
Reige  for  assistance  with  the  collection  of  fish,  and  Steven  Barlow  for  microscopy  images. 
We  extend  our  gratitude  to  two  anonymous  reviewers  and  Catherine  MacGregor  for 
comments  that  improved  the  manuscript. 

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114(2),  2015,  pp.  98-103 

© Southern  California  Academy  of  Sciences,  2015 

Food  Selection  of  Coexisting  Western  Gray  Squirrels  and 
Eastern  Fox  Squirrels  in  a Native  California  Botanic  Garden  in 

Claremont,  California 

Janel  L.  Ortiz  and  Alan  E.  Muchlinski 

Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  California  State  University,  Los  Angeles,  5151 
State  University  Drive,  Los  Angeles,  CA  90032,  USA 

Southern  California  is  home  to  one  native  and  one  introduced  species  of  tree 
squirrel.  The  native  Western  Gray  Squirrel  ( Sciurus  griseus;  here  on  gray  squirrel),  is 
a highly  arboreal  tree  squirrel  that  can  be  found  inhabiting  mixed  oak  and  pine  forest 
habitats  and  tree  dominated  parks  and  gardens  in  suburban  areas  within  California 
(King  2004;  Muchlinski  et  al.  2009).  Gray  squirrels  feed  primarily  on  fungi,  pine  nuts, 
acorns,  and  bay  fruit.  They  have  also  been  documented  to  feed  on  Eucalyptus  seeds, 
samaras,  and  berries  ( Morus  and  Phoradendron  spp.)  along  with  bird  eggs  and  nestlings 
(Carraway  and  Verts  1994).  Fungi  are  one  of  the  gray  squirrel’s  most  highly  utilized 
food  items.  By  consuming  fungi,  gray  squirrels  assist  in  providing  a healthy  soil 
environment  for  the  development  and  growth  of  oak-woodland  communities  (Maser 
et  al.  1981). 

The  introduced  Eastern  Fox  squirrel  ( Sciurus  niger;  here  on  fox  squirrel)  is  an  invasive 
generalist  species  (Tatina  2007)  typically  found  in  upland  areas,  open  forests,  or  areas 
neighboring  open  spaces  such  as  agricultural  lands  and  pastures  (Sexton  1990).  The 
presence  of  the  fox  squirrel  in  California  has  been  a concern  of  the  general  public,  land 
managers,  and  researchers.  The  Los  Angeles  County  Agricultural  Commission  considers 
the  fox  squirrel  a pest  species  and  potentially  aggressive.  In  their  native  range,  the  fox 
squirrel  has  been  important  ecologically  in  the  succession  of  grasslands  to  forests  by 
caching  their  food  within  open  grasslands  (Stapanian  and  Smith  1986).  Seeds  cached  and 
fed  on  by  the  fox  squirrel  come  from  persimmon,  blue  gum  Eucalyptus , cottonwood, 
pines,  and  many  others  (Koprowski  1994).  Fox  squirrels  incorporate  animal  foods  in 
their  diet  such  as  insects,  butterflies,  ants,  birds,  and  bird  eggs  (Koprowski  1994).  It  is 
reported  that  the  fox  squirrel  takes  advantage  of  fruits  found  within  backyards  such  as 
avocados,  oranges,  and  strawberries,  an  activity  often  disliked  by  human  occupants 
(Becker  and  Kimball  1947;  Salmon  et  al.  2005). 

Very  little  is  known  regarding  food  preferences  of  the  two  species  within  Southern 
California  and  detailed  information  is  limited.  This  study  sought  to  gain  information  on 
what  foods  each  species  selects,  and  which  food  items  overlap  and  differ  between  gray 
and  fox  squirrels.  Knowledge  of  food  preferences  among  species  promotes  making 
management  decisions  that  sustain  their  populations.  For  example,  improving  habitat  by 
adding  particular  plants  or  trees  preferred  by  the  gray  squirrel  can  aid  in  the  recovery  of 
its  population  (Linders  and  Stinson  2006).  Information  on  food  selection  may  also  reveal 
a high  degree  of  overlap  such  that  competition  is  possible  in  years  of  food  shortage. 
Competition  could  lead  to  extirpation  of  the  gray  squirrel  where  food  selection  is  limited. 
Muchlinski  et  al.  (2009)  established  that  fox  squirrels  replace  gray  squirrels  at  locations 

Corresponding  Author: 




within  Southern  California.  Food  availability  could  be  a factor  in  the  replacement  of  gray 
squirrels  from  habitats  invaded  by  the  fox  squirrel. 

Observations  on  food  selection  were  conducted  at  Rancho  Santa  Ana  Botanic  Garden 
(RSABG)  in  Claremont,  California.  RSABG  is  a native  California  garden  of 
approximately  35  hectares  containing  a heterogeneous  mixture  of  trees,  shrubs,  and 
grasses.  Food  available  within  the  garden  is  all  natural  with  very  little  human  influence 
(e.g.  trash,  birdfeeders).  Tree  species  present  include  but  are  not  limited  to  Quercus, 
Juglans,  Pinus,  Umbellularia,  and  Sequoia.  The  study  was  conducted  March’  2013  to 
February  2014.  Three  transect  lines  and  surrounding  trails  within  the  garden  were  visited 
in  the  same  order  for  each  observation  period.  Observations  occurred  as  follows  for 
a total  of  124  hrs:  (1)  every  other  week  from  14:00  to  17:00  hrs  (72  hrs,  6 hrs/month, 
24  observational  days),  (2)  during  a monthly  census  of  the  squirrels  (36  hrs,  3 hrs/month, 
12  observational  days),  and  (3)  during  general  behavioral  observations  conducted  as 
a separate  study  (16  hrs  total,  2 observational  days  per  species).  Data  were  collected  using 
binoculars  (8x30mm)  and  recorded  creating  a list  of  food  items  consumed  by  each  species 
per  observation  day.  The  number  of  individuals  consuming  the  food  item  was  not 
recorded;  however,  the  total  number  of  days  a food  item  was  selected  by  each  species  was 
documented  (Table  1).  Food  items  were  recorded  only  if  the  squirrel  was  eating  at  the 
time  of  the  encounter. 

Twenty-nine  food  items  were  consumed  during  the  year  by  gray  and/or  fox  squirrels 
(Fig.  1).  In  instances  when  observations  are  separated  by  at  most  three  months  it  is 
assumed  the  species  utilized  that  food  item  during  the  time  between  observations.  Eleven 
food  items  including  Pinus  spp.  (female  cone),  Sequoia  spp.  (female  cone),  Quercus  spp. 
(acorn,  flower  bud,  leaf/insect,  and  catkin),  Juglans  spp.  (walnut  and  catkin),  Fragaria 
spp.  (fruit),  Aesculus  spp.  (fruit/husk)  and  bark/insects  from  various  species  were 
consumed  by  both  gray  and  fox  squirrels  (Table  1).  Abundantly  available  acorns  were 
utilized  by  both  species  the  entire  year  while  less  abundant  pine  cones  were  utilized 
the  first  half  of  the  year  (January-July).  Walnuts  off  the  branch  or  from  cached  stores 
were  utilized  by  both  species  most  of  year.  Remaining  food  items  were  consumed 
seasonally,  prior  to  spoilage  or  drying  out  (personal  observation),  when  alternative  food 
items  were  unavailable. 

Gray  squirrels  consumed  7 food  items  that  fox  squirrels  did  not  (Table  1),  including 
Fremontodendron  spp.  (flower  bud,  flower/nectar,  and  fruit),  Umbellularia  californica 
(flower  bud,  fruit),  Arctostaphylos  spp.  (fruit)  and  fungi.  Gray  squirrels  utilized  fruits 
from  the  California  Bay  Laurel  ( Umbellularia  californica)  from  July  to  February.  Fungi 
were  documented  as  a food  item  for  the  gray  squirrel  October  through  January. 

Fox  squirrels  consumed  11  food  items  not  consumed  by  the  gray  squirrel  (Table  1). 
Food  items  eaten  by  fox  squirrels  included  Washingtonia  spp.  (leaf),  Liquidambar  spp. 
(fruit),  Heteromeles  spp.  (fruit),  Arctostaphylos  spp.  (flower),  Rosa  spp.  (flower  bud), 
Mahonia  spp.  (fruit),  Comar ostaphylis  spp.  (fruit),  Cornus  spp.  (fruit),  Berberis  nevinii 
(fruit),  Pinus  spp.  (male  cone),  and  Allium  spp.  (bulb).  Such  foods  fill  the  fox  squirrel’s 
diet  when  acorns  or  pine  seeds  were  unavailable.  Many  food  items  were  utilized  for  only 
one  to  two  months.  Fruits  of  the  American  Dogwood  ( Cornus ) served  as  a food  source 
for  a majority  of  the  year. 

Both  species  preferred  a variety  of  food  items  at  RSABG,  yet  observations  at  several 
urban/suburban  parks  indicated  gray  squirrels  were  limited  in  food  choices  (Ortiz  2014). 
Gray  squirrels  at  these  parks  ate  acorns,  female  and  male  cones  ( Pinus  spp.),  black 
berries  from  an  unknown  ornamental  tree,  and  fruit  from  the  California  Bay  Laurel 



Table  1.  Number  of  days  food  items  were  selected  by  Sciurus  griseus  and  Sciurus  niger  out  of  38  total 
observational  days  at  Rancho  Santa  Ana  Botanic  Garden  in  Claremont,  California  from  March  2013  to 
February  2014. 

Food  item 

S.  griseus* 

S.  niger* 

Fragaria  spp.  (Fruit) 



Washingtonia  spp.  (Leaf) 






Umbellularia  calif  ornica  (Fruit) 



Umbellularia  californica  (Flower  Bud) 



Mahonia  spp.  (Fruit) 



Liquidamba  spp.  (Fruit) 



Heteromeles  spp.  (Fruit) 



Cornus  spp.  (Fruit) 



Comarostaphylis  spp.  (Fruit) 



Berber  is  nevinii  (Fruit) 



Arctostaphylos  spp.  (Fruit) 



Arctostaphylos  spp.  (Flower) 



Aesculus  spp.  (Fruit/Husk) 



Pinus  spp.  (Male  Cone) 



Pinus  spp.  (Female  Cone) 



Fremontodendron  spp.  (Fruit) 



Fremontodendron  spp.  (Flower  Bud) 



Fremontodendron  spp.  (Flower/Nectar) 



Rosa  spp.  (Flower  Bud) 



Sequoia  spp.  (Female  Cone) 



Juglans  spp.  (Walnut) 



Juglans  spp.  (Catkin) 



Various  spp.  (Bark/Insect) 



Allium  spp.  (Bulb) 



Quercus  spp.  (Flower  Bud) 



Quercus  spp.  (Leaf/Insect) 



Quercus  spp.  (Catkin) 



Quercus  spp.  (Acorn) 



* Total  number  of  food  items  consumed  by  each  species. 

( Umbellularia  calif ornica).  Gray  squirrels  expanded  their  diet  in  the  city  of  Redlands  to 
include  oranges  from  neighboring  orchards.  Fox  squirrels  had  a broader  diet  in  the  parks 
including  fruits  and  buds  of  Eucalyptus  spp.,  fruit  of  the  Plantanus  spp.,  bark  and  leaves 
from  various  tree  species,  samaras  ( Ulmus  spp.),  peaches,  cones  from  Casuarina,  legumes, 
seed  pods  ( Jacaranda  spp.)  and  Arecaceae  fruits.  Fox  squirrels  also  supplemented  their  diet 
with  peanuts  and  dry  dog  food  supplied  by  park  visitors  and  food  in  trash  cans  (personal 
observation).  In  contrast,  King  (2004)  found  gray  squirrels  did  not  supplement  their  diet 
with  food  from  trash  cans  during  her  study  in  a park  with  a high  level  of  human  activity. 

Food  choices  of  gray  and  fox  squirrels  within  their  native  and  non-native  ranges  have 
been  documented  through  observation  and  stomach  analyses  (Ingles  1947;  Cross  1969; 
Steinecker  and  Browning  1970;  Byrne  1979).  Many  of  these  food  studies  show  an  overlap 
in  diet  between  the  species.  Each  species  also  consumed  unique  food  items.  Food 
preferences  found  at  RSABG  are  in  line  with  many  published  works  (Cross  1969;  Wolf 
and  Roest  1971;  Steinecker  1977;  Byrne  1979;  Carraway  and  Verts  1994;  Crabtree  2008); 
however,  this  study  was  the  first  to  document  several  native  plants  of  California. 



'■  5.  griseus 

l ]s.  niger 


Fragaria  spp 

Washingtonia  spp. 


Umbellularia  californica 

Flower  Bud 

Mahonia  spp. 

Liquidambar  spp. 

Heteromeles  spp. 

Cornus  spp. 

Comarostaphylis  spp.  Fruit 

Berberis  nevinii 

Arctostaphylos  spp 

Pinus  spp. 


Fremontodendron  spp.  Flower  Bud 

Rosa  spp. 

Flower  Bud 

Sequoia  spp.  Female  Cone 

Juglans  spp. 

Various  spp.  Bark/Insect 
Allium  spp. 


Flower  Bud 
Quercus  spp.  Catkin 





— B 


Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr 

1 May  1 








Fig.  1.  Food  items  consumed  by  Sciurus  griseus  and  Sciurus  niger  from  March  2013  to  February  2014 
at  Rancho  Santa  Ana  Botanic  Garden  in  Claremont,  California.  Black  bars  indicate  food  items  consumed 
by  S.  griseus,  white  bars  indicate  food  items  consumed  by  S.  niger,  and  gray  bars  indicate  food  items 
consumed  by  both  species. 

Fox  squirrels  consumed  a wider  variety  of  foods  including  fruits/seeds  of  RSABG 
natives  and  exotic  species  at  local  parks.  A broader  diet  allows  the  fox  squirrel  a more 
stable,  year-round  food  supply.  Even  with  California’s  on-going  drought  affecting  the 
production  of  fruits,  fox  squirrels  are  able  to  supplement  their  diet  with  birdseed  and 
hand-feeding  from  humans  (King  2004).  Food  items  previously  documented  include 
fruits  of  Eucalyptus  globulus  (Boulware  1941;  King  2004),  Ulmus  parvifolia  flowers  (King 
2004),  samaras  of  Acer  macrophyllum  (King  2004;  personal  observation),  plus  other  food 
items  unique  to  the  fox  squirrel. 

Gray  squirrels  continued  to  be  restricted  in  food  choices  based  on  the  habitat  in  which 
they  were  found.  Although  there  were  alternative  trees  with  additional  food  items 
available,  gray  squirrels  still  fed  almost  exclusively  on  acorns  and  pine  nuts.  Gray 
squirrels  move  away  from  acorns  and  pine  nuts  when  seasonally  unavailable.  They  have 
been  documented  to  eat  bay  fruit,  pecans,  almonds,  cypress,  mulberry,  maple,  and  elm  in 



other  locations  (Ingles  1947).  Yet  none  of  these  food  items,  with  the  exception  of  bay 
fruit,  were  emphasized  in  publications  as  part  of  gray  squirrels’  diet  in  Southern 
California.  Gray  squirrels  in  South  Pasadena  were  found  to  have  consumed  seeds  of 
Eucalyptus  (Little  1934),  which  has  only  been  observed  once  in  Trabuco  Canyon, 
California  where  oaks  were  drastically  affected  by  a drought,  producing  little  to  no  acorn 
crop  (personal  observation).  Cross  (1969)  showed  the  importance  of  fungi  in  their  diet, 
with  specialty  in  subterranean  fungi  but  also  epigeous  fungi  and  gill  mushrooms 
(Steinecker  1977;  Byrne  1979). 

Although  gray  and  fox  squirrels  overlap  in  many  food  choices  including  fungi 
(Carraway  and  Verts  1994;  Koprowski  1994),  fox  squirrels  were  not  observed  consuming 
fungi  during  our  study.  The  population  of  fox  squirrels  at  RSABG  may  not  need  to 
utilize  fungi  since  the  garden  contains  a variety  of  food  items  such  as  fruits  and  catkins  to 
consume  instead.  Utilization  of  fungi  by  the  gray  squirrel  is  reported  to  occur  most 
during  spring  and  summer  (Carraway  and  Verts  1994),  whereas  fox  squirrels  utilize  fungi 
during  the  summer  and  winter  (Koprowski  1994).  Timing  of  fungi  consumption  by  the 
gray  squirrel  varies  from  year-long  usage  (Cross  1969)  to  primarily  late  summer  (Byrne 
1979).  The  benefit  of  fungi  to  their  diet  remains  unknown. 

Conserving  the  native  Western  Gray  Squirrel  will  prove  to  be  a complex  issue.  As  of 
now,  the  best  conservation  method  in  urban/suburban  habitats  is  to  preserve  isolated 
populations  of  gray  squirrels  that  currently  exist.  Habitat  improvements  such  as  planting 
trees  like  the  California  Bay  Laurel  and  conifers  and  shrubs  like  Fremontodrendon  may 
sustain  the  isolated  populations  of  gray  squirrels  for  a longer  period  of  time. 


The  authors  wish  to  thank  the  staff  at  Rancho  Santa  Ana  Botanic  Garden  for  their 
support  in  conducting  this  work  as  well  as  Drs.  Andres  Aguilar  and  Paul  Narguizian  for 
their  review  of  an  earlier  draft.  Also,  thank  you  to  the  three  anonymous  reviewers  whose 
comments  helped  improve  this  research  note. 

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3 9088  01816  7825 


Effects  of  Ocean  Recreational  Users  on  Coastal  Bottlenose  Dolphins  ( Tursiops 
truncatus)  in  the  Santa  Monica  Bay,  California.  Amber  D.  Fandel,  Maddalena 
Bearzi,  and  Taylor  C.  Cook 

Salt  Marsh  Reduces  Fecal  Indicator  Bacteria  Input  to  Coastal  Waters  in  Southern 
California.  Monique  R.  Myers  and  Richard  F.  Ambrose 

Asian  Fish  Tapeworm  ( Bothriocephalus  acheilognathi ) Infecting  a Wild  Population 
of  Convict  Cichlid  ( Archocentrus  nigrofasciatus)  in  Southwestern  California. 
Victoria  E.  Matey,  Edward  L.  Ervin,  and  Tim  E.  Hovey 

Food  Selection  of  Coexisting  Western  Gray  Squirrels  and  Eastern  Fox  Squirrels  in 
a Native  California  Botanic  Garden  in  Claremont,  California.  Janel  L.  Ortiz 
and  Alan  E.  Muchlinski 





Cover:  Western  gray  squirrel  ( Sciurus  griseus ).  Photo  courtesy  of  Alan  Muchlinski.