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The Caprellidae 
(Crustacea: Amphipoda) 
of the 
Western North Atlantic 


Research Associate, Department of Oceanography, Oregon State University 


Publications of the United States National Museum 

The scientific publications of the United States National Museum include two 
series, Proceedings of the United States National Museum and United States 
National Museum Bulletin. 

In these series are published original articles and monographs dealing with 
the collections and work of the Museum and setting forth newly acquired facts 
in the field of anthropology, biology, geology, history, and technology. Copies 
of each publication are distributed to libraries and scientific organizations and 
to specialists and others interested in the various subjects. 

The Proceedings, begun in 1878, are intended for the publication, in separate 
form, of shorter papers. These are gathered in volumes, octavo in size, with 
the publication date of each paper recorded in the table of contents of the volume. 

In the Bulletin series, the first of which was issued in 1875, appear longer, 
separate publications consisting of monographs (occasionally in several parts) 
and volumes in which are collected works on related subjects. Bulletins are 
either octavo or quarto in size, depending on the needs of the presentation. 
Since 1902, papers relating to the botanical collections of the Museum have been 
published in the Bulletin series under the heading Contributions from the United 
States National Herbarium. 

This work forms number 278 of the Bulletin series. 

Frank A. TAYLor 
Director, United States National Museum 


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office 
Washington, D.O. 20402 - Price 70 cents (paper cover) 


CI NGWIGMPINGIIN 0052 a ete ae eka ee eee soa vI 
ECNCNTSCTRIRSTDUO ERED ae Di pe Bs ls aed ye ne ey ee ee ene 1 
ENA ONOMIC RO ChlON Se ee RSE A a as ee ek etd Sas hes 2 
SAK ONOMIC COSTA CUClS meee a aie ee eee ee ee ae 2 
Phisirations and MeasiremiCntes 2.12 cone nas See eeee es ase = 6 
Key to the Caprellidae of the western North Atlantic__.__..-__------ 6 
AeuImeuG Spr0sd DOCK (ES. 2,304) oo seas aes eo eee 8 
Aeginina longicornis (Kroyer) (figs. 4-7, 54)__-------- See ae 13 
Caprella andreae Mayer, new rank (figs. 8, 9, 55).------------------- 19 
Coprelin Dern asin Rel mens 2 er ot eee ecamcnweas 22 
Caprella danilevskii Czerniavski (figs. 10, 11, 55)--------------------- 22 
Conrellacquiliora Say (fitse 12519, Oo) < ono be Sanco eca elds k- 25 
Capreila inearis (Linnaeus) (figs. 14,22, 51)... ...2.-.2-4---2--.- 30 
Canreila langvmanus Dulin psON.. 25.4 Sacaeee ase eo oo3. foe aes 33 
Caonrella penaniis..Leacn: (es) 10, 16) Ol) 2sos-24 Leechs osu ede ees 33 
(Caprelin sAnguined GOUM onsite nots aa he et ee eS 40 
Caprelia tcaura: Templeton: fige. 1%, 13,00). 5 5 a ects ease 40 
Caprella septentrionalis Krgyer (figs. 19-22, 51)_--------------------- 44 
Caprella unica Mayer (figs. 23, 24, 55).....------------------------ 49 
Dewtellacatijornica Mayer (fig. 52)i22_ 2. 22a ose eee ase lease sls 54 
Deutella mayert Stebbing (figs. 25, 26, 52)__--.-_---------------- oe 54 
Fallotritella biscaynensis, new genus, new species (figs. 27, 28, 53)_-_--- 58 
Hemiaegina minuta Mayer (figs. 29, 30, 50).------------------------ 61 
Hemiproto wigleyi, new genus, new species (figs. 31, 32c-e, 50)__-----_- 65 
Luconacia incerta Mayer (figs. 33-35, 52).__------------------------ 68 
Mayerella limicola Huntsman (figs. 36, 50)..__---------------------- 73 
Mayerella redunca, new species (figs. 37, 38, 50)---------- Joos Laseeeis 75 
Metaprotella hummelincki, new species (figs. 39, 40, 50)------------- ae 78 
Paracaprella pusilla Mayer (figs. 32a—-b, 41, 42, 53)_---.-------------- 82 
Paracaprella tenuis Mayer (figs. 43, 44, 53)_....--------------------- 86 
Parvamous tunics 1. cumang WAV Cl cc ooo bSo coe tS sash sees 89 
Phtisica antillensis (Mayer) (figs. 45, 54)____.------------ i cass asters 89 
Phtisica marina Slabber (figs. 46, 47, 54, 56).._---------------------- 90 
Proaeginina norvegica (Stephensen) (figs. 48, 54)--------------------- 97 
Pseudaeginella antiguae Barnard__.-.-..--------------------------- 100 
PE ee acl a eC ac Soe nn 100 
ZOogeoeraph y=. 2-222. =... 2552.2 _- se I ee an pes fda 101 
Relationship between the amphipod suborders Gammaridea and Caprel- 
eaves ey a eee re re Naa 107 
eG iat ie CU ae ee ee ee ee oe 112 


I am indebted to many persons for study material of caprellids; 
to them I offer my sincere gratitude. In particular I should like to 
thank Dr. Torben Wolff (Universitetets Zoélogiske Museum, Copen- 
hagen) for lending me many of Mayer’s types, without which the 
value of this paper would be greatly diminished. I am grateful to 
Dr. Roland Wigley (Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Laboratory, 
Woods Hole) for the use of his caprellid collections by the RV Gosnold 
from the entire Atlantic coast of the United States. These provided 
invaluable information on the distribution of many species and 
contributed several new records and a new genus. To Dr. P. Wagenaar 
Hummelinck (Zoélogisch Laboratorium, Utrecht) special thanks are 
due for making available his collection of the virtually unstudied 
West Indian caprellids. Dr. E. L. Bousfield (National Museum of 
Canada, Ottawa) has aided a great deal by lending me his collection 
from the Atlantic coast of the United States and by making helpful 
suggestions during this research. 

Drs. T. E. Bowman, H. H. Hobbs, Jr., and F. A. Chace, Jr. of 
the Division of Crustacea at the Smithsonian Institution were es- 
pecially helpful by reviewing the manuscript and acting as members 
of my consultative committee at The George Washington University. 

This study was made possible by a grant from the Smithsonian 
Institution Research Foundation and by a grant-in-aid-of-research 
from the Society of Sigma Xi. 


The Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of 
the Western North Atlantic’ 


The most important publications on the systematics of the caprel- 
lids are the three monographic treatments by Paul Mayer (1882, 
1890, 1903). These indispensable works summarized all that was 
known of caprellid taxonomy at that time, including many western 
Atlantic species. Unfortunately, Mayer’s work complicated caprellid 
taxonomy by recognizing in some species, such as the composite 
species Caprella acutifrons, large numbers of varieties which appear 
by modern concepts to be full species. In other instances he took a 
rather narrow view of species. 

Although caprellid amphipods are abundant and familiar members 
of the marine benthos, western Atlantic species have received only 
limited and superficial study by taxonomists. Seventeen valid species 
have been reported from this area. Holmes (1905) briefly characterized 
the five species known from New England and Kunkel (1918) did the 
same for four Connecticut species, including one species not mentioned 
by Holmes. Recently, Steinberg and Dougherty (1957) reported nine 
species from the Gulf of Mexico, one of which was new. In my paper 
(1965) five species occurring in Virginia waters are reviewed. Both 
Pearse (1908) and Stebbing (1895) described new species from the 
West Indies and Huntsman (1915) described a new species from the 
Bay of Fundy. Including the papers mentioned above, some 50 pub- 
lications deal with the western Atlantic caprellids, the majority being 
faunal lists of local areas. 

This paper deals primarily with the systematics of the Caprellidae 
occurring from the tropical to boreal areas of the western North 
Atlantic, roughly from the Equator to Nova Scotia. The paucity of 
available material from the east coast of South America prevents 
consideration of species south of the Equator. North of Nova Scotia 
the caprellid fauna changes abruptly and it is, therefore, desirable to 
defer treatment of the caprellids from this area until the Arctic caprel- 
lid fauna can be considered in its entirety. In all, 28 species of caprellids 
are treated in this paper with 2 new genera, 4 new species, and 1 new 
rank described. 

1 Modified from a dissertation submitted to The George Washington University 
in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 



This work is based primarily on the collections of the Division of 
Crustacea, Smithsonian Institution. Extensive unidentified collections 
were obtained from the National Museum of Canada, Woods Hole 
Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Cape Town, Zodlogische 
Laboratorium in Utrecht, Duke University Marine Laboratory, and 
the Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Center. In addition, I was 
able to spend 4 months collecting along the Gulf of Mexico and south- 
eastern Atlantic coasts of the United States. Through the cooperation 
of the U.S. Coast Guard, I was allowed to accompany the USCGC 
Madrona (buoy tender) on a cruise servicing buoys along the Virginia 
and North Carolina coasts. These buoys yielded large numbers of 
several species which aided in the study of intraspecific variation. 

‘Taxonomic Section 
Taxonomic Characters 

Mayer (1882, 1890, 1903) usually used 11 characters to delineate 
caprellid genera. These were the number of articles in the flagellum of 
antenna 2, the presence or absence of swimming setae on antenna 2, 
the number of articles in the mandibular palp and the setal formula for 
the terminal article,the number of gill pairs, the number of appendage 
pairs of both the male and female abdomens, the number of articles 
in pereopods 3-5, the number of gill pairs, and the length ratio of the 
inner and outer lobes of the maxilliped. Occasionally he resorted to 
other characters such as the fusion of pereonites 6 and 7 in Meta- 
protella and Orthoprotella. This paper adds the position of the insertion 
of pereopod 5 and the presence or absence of a molar on the mandible. 

Body spination varies considerably within the same species and 
its value as a specific character is questionable. In Aeginina longicornis 
this variation is quite pronounced and has caused a considerable 
proliferation of names for what appear to be only infrasubspecific 
variants. Harrison (1940) found that body spination did not appear 
on Pseudoprotella phasma before the 10th instar, which lends support 
to my opinion that body spination is a questionable specific character. 
It should be noted that those species which are spinose are frequently 
covered with large amounts of detritus. Body spination may, there- 
fore, offer some protective advantage and could possibly be correlated 
with predatory pressure. 

The peduncle of antenna 1 is a useful character for the delineation 
of some species. The presence of setules sometimes distinguishes males 
of Caprella linearis (fig. 14b) from other related species. Inflation of the 
peduncular articles is exhibited in several species and is quite useful 
for the separation of Caprella andreae from other members of the 
Caprella acutifrons group. 


The number of articles in the flagellum of antenna 1 varies consider- 
ably, depending upon the size and sex of the individual. The greatest 
number of articles may be useful for characterizing some species with 
an unusually long flagellum. The relative lengths of the proximal and 
distal flagellar articles have been used to characterize some species but 
probably do not have generic significance. Mayer divided Caprella 
scaura into groups on the basis of the number of fused proximal articles 
of the flagellum; however, in most species this number is proportional 
to the size of the individual and is of little value. 

Most caprellid genera have 2 articles in the flagellum of antenna 
2; however, some genera such as Phtisica and Hemiproto have more 
than 2. Phtisica lacks a molar on the mandible. The lack of a molar 
and the multiarticulate flagellum on antenna 2 may be correlated 
with the fact that Phtisica is frequently found in plankton samples and 
therefore subject to dietary habits different from those of benthic 

Mayer (1903, p. 47) used the presence of swimming setae on antenna 
2 to characterize TZritella. Later Dougherty and Steinberg (1953) 
described Tritella tenuissima which lacked swimming setae, and they 
expressed the opinion that the presence or absence of swimming setae 
was not a good generic character. Since 7. tenwissima shares more 
characters with Triliropus (p. 57) than with the members of 77itella, 
Mayer’s belief that the presence of swimming setae is a valid generic 
character seems justified. 

The mouthparts offer, in my opinion, some of the best, although 
virtually neglected, taxonomic characters. The mouthparts reflect 
feeding habits and thereby, at least to some extent, the niche of an 
organism. Mayer (1903, p. 13) admitted that he neglected the mouth- 
parts except for the proportions of the maxillipedal lobes and the 
mandibular palp. Regrettably, he (1890, p. 107; 1903, p. 73) believed 
that the mouthparts of the Caprella species were all quite similar and of 
little value in classification. Most of the mouthparts of Caprella 
species are similar; however, the lacinia mobilis of the right mandible 
offers a useful character for subdividing this large genus. The left 
lacinia mobilis is usually 5-toothed apically, while the right lacinia 
mobilis may be either 5-toothed, serrate, or smooth. Phtisica and 
allied genera have developed ? several accessory plates in addition to 
the lacinia mobilis, and these genera usually lack a molar (fig. 47i-j). 
This unusual type of mandible undoubtedly reflects genetic relation- 
ships and will probably form a basis for separation of the Caprellidae 
into subfamilies or other higher taxa. 

2 Assuming that the caprellids arose from a podocerid type gammaridean having 
a typical mandible with incisor, lacinia mobilis, setal row, and molar. 


As stated above Mayer used the mandibular palp as a generic 
character. Those caprellids which lack a mandibular palp such as 
Caprella have considerably more setation on the mouthparts, antennae, 
and gnathopods 1. This increase in setation could compensate for the 
loss of the cleaning ability of the mandibular palp. Very little is known 
of the dietary habits of those forms which bear a mandibular palp and 
only a little more is known of those that do not. The setal formula for 
the palp refers to the number of long, intermediate, and short setae on 
the terminal article. For example, the setal formula 1-x-y-1 indicates 
the presence of 1 long seta at either end of a row of a variable number 
of short setae (x) and also a variable number of intermediate setae (y). 

In addition to the mandible the maxilliped also offers some ne- 
glected characters which may be of generic significance. The distal 
margin of the inner lobe varies in shape from rounded to flattened 
and may bear a variety of tooth types, spines, and setae. As examples 
of the extremes of inner lobe diversity, the paired inner lobes of 
Phtisica and allied genera are as large as the outer lobes, almost com- 
pletely fused, and are armed with several unusually large teeth (fig. 
47h) while the inner lobes of Paracaprella are much smaller than the 
outer lobes, not fused, and bear only a few setae (fig. 43e). 

The outer lobe of the maxilliped shows considerable variation in 
spination, serration, and setation. Such characters as the subterminal 
notch in Luconacia (fig. 35d) or the large serrations on the medial 
margin in Mayerella (fig. 37e) may have generic importance. However, 
in too few of the caprellid species have maxillipeds been adequately 
illustrated and described to permit evaluation. 

The palp of the maxilliped offers several characters which may 
possibly be of generic significance. Schurin (1935) used the reduction 
of the dactylus as one of the characters to separate his new genus, 
Eugastraulaz, from the genus Caprella; however, the value of this 
character is questionable. In Paracaprella and Deutella the distal end 
of the terminal article bears several large setae (fig. 43e). These large 
setae are not present in most other caprellid genera. Another character 
which may have generic importance is the presence of a distal pro- 
jection on the penultimate article as in Paracaprella (fig. 43e). 

The number of spines on the outer lobe of maxilla 1 varies among 
some genera. In Phtisica there are 6 spines (fig. 47f) whereas in Caprella 
there are 7 spines (fig. Se). Again it is regrettable that this character 
has not been examined in enough genera to comment on its value. 

Gnathopod 1 has several characters which may be of generic or at 
least specific value. In the western Atlantic species, the number of 
grasping spines on the propodus varies from 1-5 (compare figs. 38d, 
8h, 47c) and seems to be fairly constant within each genus. Another 
character of gnathopod 1 which may prove to be important is the 


presence or absence of serrations on the grasping margins of the 
dactylus and propodus. In Paracaprella both margins are serrate 
(fig. 41h) whereas in contrast, those of Hemiaegina are completely 
smooth (fig. 30b). 

The shape and ornamentation of gnathopod 2 has long been used 
as a specific character in the Amphipoda, and it is needless to comment 
on it here except that one must take into consideration the degree of 
variability this appendage shows at different growth stages. Mayer 
used the term “poison tooth” to refer to the large tooth on the palm 
of the propodus. There is evidence that glandular material is present 
near this tooth, and it appears to be venomous in nature (Wetzel, 
1932, p. 387). I have used the term grasping spine when the major 
“tooth” of the propodus is a spine and have restricted the use of 
poison tooth to an eminence which is not delimited at its base or 
which has previously been designated a poison tooth. Usually grasping 
spines occur in pairs and when closed the tip of the dactylus fits 
between them. These spines are found on the gnathopods and the 

The number of gill pairs was used by Mayer as a generic character. 
Undoubtedly this is an important character but perhaps too much 
value is placed on it since the gills show various stages of reduction. 
Some genera with 3 pairs of gills show a closer relation to genera 
with 2 pairs than to other genera with 3 pairs, as for example Dodecas 
and Dodecasella. 

The pereopods on pereonites 3-5 are reduced in many caprellid 
genera. Although the number of articles of these rudimentary append- 
ages is presently important for generic identification, it is often 
difficult to count the articles, particularly when the terminal article 
is small or shows some degree of fusion with the penultimate article. 
Since these appendages are rudimentary and show all degrees of 
reduction, their value as a generic character is questionable. In 
Mayerella redunca (p. 75) a female has 2 articles in pereopod 5 instead 
of the usual 3 and there can be no question that this specimen belongs 
to this species. The use of these pereopods as a generic character 
seems to mask the phylogenetic relationships of the genera, and it is 
my belief that the mouthparts provide a better concept of relation- 
ships. It should be noted that I follow the system of naming the 
pereopods according to the pereonites upon which they occur; i.e., 
pereopod 3 occurs on pereonite 3. This practice has not been consist- 
ently followed in the past; various authors (Barnard, Briggs, Guiler, 
and Huntsman) preferred to number these appendages beginning 
with pereonite 3. 

The abdomen presents one of the most difficult characters to use 
for identification. It is extremely small and hard to illustrate accu- 


rately. Unfortunately, it has been one of the most important charac- 
ters and the correct generic determination usually depends upon 
elucidating its structure. Mayer stressed the importance of the 
abdomen by separating closely related genera such as Deutella and 
Luconacia primarily by differences in the abdomen. Mayer’s emphasis 
on this character is justified; however, due to its vestigial nature it 
suffers from the same criticism as pereopods 3-5. In dealing with the 
many stages of reduction of the appendages on the abdomen, Mayer 
was inconsistent in what he considered to be a ‘‘Klappe” or vanished 
appendage. This is especially true in those genera which do not 
bear true appendages but which have several setae or even a single 
seta borne on a type of flap or lobe. For an example of this, compare 
Mayer’s (1903) figures of the abdomen of the Triliropus male (pl. 9 
fig. 70), which he says bears one-half pair of appendages, with that 
of the Pseudoproto male (pl. 9 fig. 52) which he claims to be without 
appendages. Both abdomens have lobes with several setae; therefore, 
due to this inconsistency I have refrained from using Mayer’s termi- 
nology of one-half appendage pairs but have instead given the number 
of recognizable appendages and have described the lobes. 

Illustrations and Measurements 

Illustrations of the whole mounts were made by the use of a micro- 
projector and those of dissected appendages with a camera lucida. 
Pencil sketches were first made which were later copied on Ethulon 
tracing film. All scales on the figures equal 1 mm for the whole mount. 

Measurements of the total length refer to the length of a line 
drawn from the anterior portion of the cephalon between the insertions 
of antennae 1 and 2, through the midlateral portion of each pereonite, 
to the posterior tip of the abdomen. 

Key to the Caprellidae of the Western North Atlantic 

(See figure 1 for explanation of characters.) 

1. Mandible with palp or setae representing vestige of palp ...... 2 
Mandible without palp 2. a 4, <3. 4 /o 6 Je a0 Sine one See 17 
2.(1). -Pereopods Sand 4:absent.. 24. so eGe ow sw ee ee ee oe ee eee 3 
Pereopods 3:and:4 present ..  ..2Gs b Bids) ois eee Sil ee 6 
3.(2) Abdomen with only pair of lobes . . Pseudaeginella antiguae (p. 100) 
Abdomen withappendages oo. 3. 3 ous Sw ss els ge sees 4 

4.(3) Abdomen with pair of appendages and pair of lobes. 
Aeginella spinosa (p. 8) 
Abdomen with 2 pairs of appendages. . ........2-.2++-se-. 5 
5.(4) Abdomen with only 2 pairs of appendages. 
Proaeginina norvegica (p. 97) 
Abdomen with 2 pairs of appendages and pair of lobes. 
Aeginina longicornis (p. 13) 













23. (22) 


Pereopods: 3 and 4 I-segmented’ 5 gc. 5 «6 kee SG Awe ed 
Pereopods 3 and 4 2- or 6-segmented. ............. =. 8 
Pereonites 6 and 7 fused. . . . . . Metaprotella hummelincki (p. 78) 
Pereonites 6 and 7 not fused. . . . . Fallotritella biscaynensis (p. 58) 
Pereopods 3 and 4 2-segmented. . . . .......42++42. 9 
Pereopods 3 and 4 6-segmented. . .........4.2.+.442.2.2.-. 15 
Pereopod 5 2- or 3-segmented .........4...2...... 10 
Pereopod 5 6-segmented. . . . . Stace: dau ak oe CEE 

Abdominal appendage of male ae ei in donors. 6 bones 
Mayerelia limicola (p. 73) 
Abdominal appendage of male much longer than penes, recurved at tip. 
Mayerella redunca (p. 75) 
Pereopod 5 inserted near midlength of pereonite 5. 
Luconacia incerta (p. 68) 
Pereopod 5 inserted in posterior part of pereonite5........ 12 
Mandibular palp reduced; when 3-segmented, terminal article minute. 13 
Mandibular palp not reduced, 3-segmented, terminal article not minute. 
Mandibular palp represented by single seta; males with large triangular 
projection on anteroventral margin of pereonite 2, basis of gnathopod 
2 with proximal knob on posterior margin. 
Paracaprella pusilla (p. 82) 
Mandibular palp represented by knob with seta or with several reduced 
articles; males with small projection on anterolateral margin of pereonite 
2, basis of gnathopod 2 without proximal knob. 
Paracaprella tenuis (p. 86) 
Cephalon with dorsalspine . . .. . . . Deutelia californica (p. 54) 
Cephalon without dorsal spine. . . . . . . . Deutella mayeri (p. 54) 
Abdomen of male with 2 pairs of appendages, females with 1 pair. 
Hemiproto wigleyi (p. 65) 
Abdomen of male with 3 pairs of appendages, females with 2 pairs . . 16 
Carpus of gnathopod 2 longer than merus . . Phtisica antillensis (p. 89) 

Carpus of gnathopod 2 shorter than merus. . . Phtisica marina (p. 91) 
Pereopods 3 and 4 I-segmented . . . . . Hemiaegina minuta (p. 61) 
PeredpoGs: o tidied BHGeite we es once ah tec agar a ice er ce. er we 
Pereopods 5-7 without grasping spines ............. 19 
Pereopods 5-7 with grasping spines... . ee ak, & “ad ee 

Cephalon with anteriorly directed triangular Poeun: 
Caprella penantis variant (p. 35) 
Cephalon without anteriorly directed projection ... ana & 20 
Abdomen of male with hooked papillae at tip of cppen dare: female with 
small palplike appendage. . . . . . . Caprella danilevskii (p. 22) 
Abdomen of male without hooked papillae on appendage, female without 
palplike appendage .. . . . . . . Caprella unica (p. 49) 
Cephalon with large anteriorly directed dorsal spine or projection . . 22 
Cephalon without dorsal spine or with nonanteriorly directed spine . . 24 
Cephalon with sharp anterodorsally directed spine, males with up to 9 
fused articles in flagellum of antenna 1. . . Caprella scaura (p. 40) 
Cephalon with anteriorly directed triangular projection, males with less 
than 4 fused articles in flagellum of antenna . . . bate a Ao 
Palm of propodus of pereopods 5-7 convex. . Caprelln gadvene (p. 19) 
Palm of propodus of pereopods 5-7 concave . Caprelia penantis (p. 33) 


24.(21) Ventral spine present between insertions of gnathopods 2. 
Caprella equilibra (p. 25) 
Ventral spine not present between insertions of gnathopods 2. . . . 25 
25.(24) Propodus of gnathopod 2 with small spine on inner surface near poison 
tooth ..... soe eh toe, GO 
Propodus of eaaihopod 2 yathout ‘amma eemen on inner surface near 
poison tooth .... . .  Caprella equilibra variant (p. 29) 
26.(25) Ratio of total length to feet aE basis of gnathopod 2 greater than 13.0; 
dorsal surface of pereonites 1—4 usually spinose, cephalon with at least 1 
large spine. . . . . . Caprella septentrionalis (p. 44) 
Ratio of total length io lever of basis of gnathopod 2 smaller than 13.0; 
dorsal surface of pereonites 1-4 usually smooth, cephalon infrequently 
with small spine. . ........ . . Caprella linearis (p. 30) 

Aeginella Boeck, 1861 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-x-1, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than inner lobe; 
gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4 absent, pereopod 5, 
6-segmented; abdomen of male and female with pair of appendages 
and pair of lobes, 

Type-species: Aeginella spinosa Boeck, 1861 (by monotypy). 

Remarks.—The genus Aeginella is very closely related to Aeginina 
and Proaeginina, differing from them only by the structure of the 
abdomen. There is a gradation from 1 pair of appendages with lobes, 
2 pairs of appendages, to 2 pairs of appendages with lobes in the 
series Aeginella—Proaeginina—Aeginina. 

Aeginella spinosa Boeck, 1861 
Fieures 2, 3, 54 

Aeginella spinosa Boeck, 1861, pp. 673-674; 187la, pp. 272 (192)-273 (198); 
1873-76, pp. 684-686, pl. 32, fig. 4.—M. Sars, 1863, pp. 290-291.— Mayer, 
1882, p. 36; 1890, pp. 36-37, pl. 1, fig. 24, pl. 5, figs. 30-33; 1903, p. 61.— 
G. Sars, 1886, pp. 70, 89; 1895, pp. 653-654, pl. 235, fig. 1—Norman, 1886, 
p. 26; 1905a, p. 26.—Hansen, 1887b, pp. 172-173; 1895, p. 130.— 
Vanhéffen, 1897, p. 213.—Nordgaard, 1905, p. 185.—Stephensen, 1913a, 
pp. 222-223; 1916, p. 295; 1929a, p. 178, fig. 332; 1929b, pp. 19, 34; 1933, 
pp. 60, 77; 1935, p. 118; 1940, p. 69; 1942, pp. 429-430, 502, 503; 1944a, 
pp. 48-49, map 9; 1944b, pp. 135-136, 148, 159, 162.—Derjugin, 1915, pp. 
453, 456.—Schneider, 1924 (1926), p. 59.—McCain, 1966, p. 92. 

DraGnosis.—Since this genus is monotypic, the characters of the 
genus are diagnostic for the species. 

DescripTrion.—Body rather robust, spinose; cephalon with anterior 
projection, separated from pereonite 1 by distinct suture. Pereonite 
1 with dorsal anterior spine. Dorsal surface of pereonite 2 with pair 
of spines at midlength of pereonite and single posterior spine, inser- 
tion of gnathopod 2 with small spine, anterolateral margin produced 


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Brood pouch palp 
LI 3 ——— Gill 
Pn3s— SF _ d= oy) outer lobe 
ee = 
Ke RY 

o lobes 

ay inner lobe 



Figure 1.—Generalized caprellid: 4 (antenna), Abd (abdomen), G (gnathopod), Md 
(mandible), Mx (maxilla), Mxp (maxilliped), P (pereopod), Pn (pereonite). 


into triangular projection. Dorsal surface of pereonite 3 with pair 
of anterior spines, sometimes reduced to small humps, pair of mid- 
posterior spines, and single posterior spine; anterolateral margin 
produced as in pereonite 2; lateral margin of pleura with anterior 
and posterior spines and spine above gills in males, females without 
posterior spine. Pereonite 4 similar to pereonite 3 in males, females 
without dorsal anterior spine. Dorsal surface of pereonite 5 similar 
to pereonite 3, pleura with only anterior spine and dorsally directed 
spine at base of pereopod 5. Pereonite 7 with dorsally directed spine 
at base of pereopod 7. Length of largest male 20 mm, female 16 mm. 

Setal formula for terminal article of mandibular palp 1-10-1 to 
1-12-1. Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 5-toothed lacinia 
mobilis, setal row of 3 serrate setae, molar with plumose seta. Right 
mandible with 5-toothed incisor, lacinia mobilis serrate on cutting 
margin, setal row of 2 serrate setae, molar with plumose seta. Palp 
of maxilla 1 usually with 5 robust apical spines and several setae; 
outer lobe with 7 apical spines, usually bifid but sometimes more 
branches with increase in size of individual. Inner and outer lobes 
of maxilla 2 quite setose on apical margin and spines occasionally 
present. Outer lobe of maxilliped with 2 apical setae, 1 long apical 
spine, and up to 12 smaller marginal spines; inner lobe with 2 small 
spines and up to 12 apical setae, as many as 9 of which plumose; 
palp similar to that of Caprella. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 2 proximal grasping 
spines, grasping margin not distinctly serrate; grasping margin of 
dactylus serrate, particularly at tip. Propodus of gnathopod 2 quite 
robust, palm heavily setose with small proximal tooth, anterior margin 
with distal projection; dactylus not serrate. 

Gills subelliptical. 

Pereopods 3 and 4 absent. Pereopods 5-7, 6-segmented, palm of 
propodus with pair of proximal grasping spines. 

Abdomen of male and female with 1 pair of appendages and pair 
of setose lobes; in male appendage placed on raised projection and 
uniarticulate; in female, appendage neither on projection nor 

VARIATION.—This species appears to be quite constant in body 
spination with the exception of the first pair of spines on the dorsal 
surface of pereonite 4. These may be present as fully developed 
spines or as only small humps. 

Distripution.—Type-locality: Haugesund, Norway. 

Other records: Murman coast to Haugesund on the Norwegian 
coast, Spitsbergen, Faeroe Islands, Iceland, east and west coasts 
of Greenland. 


Ficure 2.—Acginella spinosa, male; a, lateral view; 6, right mandible; c, inner and outer 
lobes of maxilliped; d, maxilla 2; ¢, abdomen; f, maxilla 1; g, gnathopod 1; h, terminal 
article of mandibular palp. 

New records: Off Nova Scotia, 44°01’ N., 59°02.5’ W., 43°03’ N., 
65°30’ W., and on the Banquereau Banks; off Cape Cod, 42°25’ N., 
66°05’ W. 

Remarks.—This species is an Arctic one usually found in deeper 
water, to 1026 m. Its distribution is comparable to that of Pro- 
aeginina norvegica and Aeginina longicornis, the latter ranging far- 



Ficure 3.—Aeginella spinosa, female; a, lateral view; b, right mandible; c, maxilliped; d, 
gnathopod 1; ¢, maxilla 1; f, coxal plate of gnathopod 2; g, abdomen; h, gnathopod 2. 


ther south along the western Atlantic coast and usually being found 
in shallower water. 

Mayer (1903, p. 61) reported Aeginella spinosa from the asteroid, 
Brisinga, and this species has also been collected from red and brown 
algae and hydroids. 

Aeginina Norman, 1905 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandible with 3-segmented palp, setal formula for terminal article 
1—x-1 or 1—x-1-x, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger 
than inner lobe; gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4 absent, 
pereopod 5, 6-segmented; abdomen of male and female with 2 pairs 
of biarticulate appendages and 1 pair of lobes. 

Type-species: Aegina longicornis Krgyer, 1842-43 (by monotypy). 

Aeginina longicornis (Kréyer, 1842-43) 
Ficurss 4-7, 54 

Aegina longicornis Krgyer, 1842-48, pp. 509-515, pl. 7, figs. 1-12; 1846, pl. 24, 
fig. 3—Boeck, 1871la, p. 270 (190); 1873-76, pp. 677-679.—Liitken, 1875, 
p. 159.—Mayer, 1882, pp. 83-84, fig. 11, pl. 5, figs. 6-10; 1890, pp. 32- 
35, pl. 5, figs. 27-29, pl. 6, figs. 9, 28; 1903, pp. 60-61.—Hansen,1887b, 
p. 171—Norman, 1886, p. 26; 1905a, p. 26—Stuxberg, 1882, p. 764.— 
Vanhoffen, 1897, p. 213—d’A. Thompson, 1901, p. 41—M. Rathbun, 
1905, pp. 7, 76.—Briiggen, 1907, pp. 237-238.—Stephensen, 1913a, pp. 
220-222; 1929b, p. 34.—Bousfield, 1958, p. 315. 

Aegina spinosissima Stimpson 1854 (1853), pp. 44-45.— Miers, 1877a, pp. 104- 
105.—Norman, 1882, pp. 671, 684; 1886, p. 26; 1905a, p. 26.—Koelbel, 
1886, p. 42.—Hansen, 1887a, p. 233; 1887b, p. 172.—Ohlin, 1895a, pp. 
xvii, xix, 60-62.—Vanhoffen, 1897, p. 213.—Whiteaves, 1901, p. 220.—M. 
Grieg, 1907, p. 551.—Calman, 1927, p. 42 (fig. 27). 

Caprella spinifera Bell, 1855, pp. 407-408, pl. 35, fig. 2.—Goés, 1866, p. 535. 

Aegina (Caprella) echinata Boeck, 1861, pp. 670-672. 

Aegina laevis Boecx, 1861, pp. 672-673; 1871a, p. 272 (192); 1873-76, pp. 682- 
684, pl. 32, fig. 9. 

Caprella spinosissima Bate, 1862, pp. 361-362, pl. 57, fig. 3. 

Aegina echinata.—Boecx, 187la, pp. 271 (191)-272 (192); 1873-76, pp. 680- 
682, pl. 32, fig. 6.—Liitken, 1875, p. 159.— Mayer, 1882, pp. 34-35.—Stux- 
berg, 1882, pp. 764, 780; 1887, p. 73.—G. Sars, 1895, pp. 651-652, pl. 234, 
fig. 2.—Stephensen, 1927a, pp. 147-148; 1928, p. 389, fig. 93 (5-7); 1929a, 
p. 178, fig. 331.—Gurjanova, 1929a, pp. 40-41, 46. 

Aegina spinifera.—Buchholz, 1874, pp. 270, 388.—G. Sars, 1885, pp. 228-230, 
pl. 18, fig. 5; 1886, pp. 70, 89.—Ives, 1892, p. 481.—Klinckowstrém, 1892, 
p. 91. 

Aegina Echinata.—Meinert, 1877-78, p. 168. 

Aegina longicornis f. nodosa Mayer, 1890, p. 33, pl. 5, fig. 29. 

Aegina longicornis f. typica Mayer, 1890, p. 33. 

Aegina longicornis f. spinifera Mayer, 1890, pp. 33-34.—Gurjanova, 1935, p. 78. 

Aeginella spinosissima.—Mayer, 1890, p. 37; 1903, p. 61.—Ortmann, 1901, 
pp. 154-155.—Stephensen, 1912, pp. 543-544; 1913b, p. 68. 


Aegina longicornis f. spinigera.—Hansen, 1895, p. 130. 

Aeginella longicornis.—Holmes, 1904 (1905), pp. 525-526.—Paulmier, 1905, p. 
169, fig. 39.—Sumner, Osburn, and Cole, 1911 (1913), pp. 132, 134, 135, 656, 
chart 102.—Kunkel, 1918, pp. 175-176, fig. 53.—Allee, 1922, pp. 57, 58.— 
Dexter, 1944, p. 356.—Ferguson and Jones, 1949, p. 442. 

Aegina longicornis nodosa.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 76-77. 

Aegina longicornis spinifera.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 77. 

Aegina longicornis spinosissima.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 77. 

Aegina langicornis.—Briggen, 1909, pp. 42-43. 

Aeginina longicornis—Norman, 1905a, p. 46.—Stappers, 1911, pp. 74-76.— 
Shoemaker, 1930, p. 352 (134).—Procter, 1933, p. 256.—Stephensen, 1933, 
pp. 59-60, 77; 1940, pp. 69-70; 1942, pp. 430-431, 502, 503; 1944a, p. 49, 
chart X; 1944b, pp. 135, 148, 159, 162.—Gurjanova, 1936, pp. 568, 580, 588, 
589; 1964, p. 313.—Elton, 1937, p. 433.—Dunbar, 1954, pp. 784, 788.— 
Bousfield, 1958, p. 322.—McCain, 1965, pp. 191-192, fig. 1a; 1966, p. 92.— 
Cerame Vivas and Gray, 1966, p. 263. 

Draenosis.—Since this genus is monotypic, the characters of the 
genus are diagnostic for the species. 

Description.—Body spination variable, smooth to quite spiny; 
cephalon separated from pereonite 1 by suture. Length of largest 
male 54 mm, female 34 mm, smallest ovigerous female 9 mm. 

Antenna 1 usually longer than body, flagellum with up to 26 
articles. Antenna 2 setose and usually shorter than articles 1 and 2 of 
antenna 1. 

Mouthparts quite similar to those of typical Caprella (p. 18), 
lacinia mobilis of right mandible not distinctly 5-toothed but with 
several teeth and serrations. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with pair of grasping spines, grasping 
margins of dactylus and propodus only slightly serrate. Propodus of 
enathopod 2 with proximal poison tooth and distal notch, tooth, and 
rectangular projection, anterodistal margin with triangular projection; 
basis and ischium with anterodistal projections; carpus with postero- 
distal projection. 

Propodus of pereopods 5-7 with pair of proximal grasping spines. 

Abdomen of male and female with 2 pairs of biarticulate append- 
ages and pair of lobes, medial margin of appendages with numerous 
minute knobs. 

VariaTion.—The degree of spination of the body is variable. The 
most spiny form is illustrated in figure 4j, and there are various 
degrees of spination; some are almost smooth. Spination seems to 
vary from spinose in northern waters to smooth in southern; however, 
spiny forms have been found infrequently in the southern part of 
the range of this species. 

Figure 6 illustrates the relationship of pereonite length to total 
body length. The solid black lines represent individuals, and the 
dashed lines indicate the linear relationship between pereonite length 


Ficure 4.—4eginina longicornis, male; a, lateral view; b, right mandible; c, left mandible; 
d, maxilla 1; ¢, terminal article of mandibular palp; f, abdomen; g, maxilliped; h, gnathopod 
2; 1, gnathopod 1; 4, diagramatic representation of dorsal (middle) to lateral (edges) body 
spination, diameter of circle proportional to length of spine. 


Ficure 5.—Aeginina longicornis, female; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 2; ¢, gnathopod 1; 
d, abdomen.. 

and total length. It is evident that pereonites 1 and 2 of both males 
and females increase in length at approximately the same rate. There- 
fore the statement made by many authors that pereonites 1 and 2 
are elongated in males seems to be invalid. 

Distripution.—Type-locality: Near Frederikskiib, Greenland, at a 
depth of 22-29 m. 

Other records: Siberian Polar Sea to 140° E.; Kara Sea; Novaya 
Zemlya; Franz Josef Land; Spitsbergen; Murmansk; Barents Sea; 
Norway; Denmark; Faeroe Islands; Shetland Islands; Jan Mayen; 
Iceland; eastern and western coasts of Greenland; Baffin Bay; east 
coast of North America from Newfoundland to Oregon Inlet, North 

New records: No records are available which extend the range of 
this species. 

Remarks.—This Arctic species is quite common in the northern 
parts of eastern North America. It is generally found in deeper water 
(to 2258 m) but has been collected frequently in shallow water. The 
habitat does not seem to be specific because it has been collected 
from green, red, and brown algae; sea grass; hydroids; bryozoans; 
and from the gut of the sea bass, Centropristis. 

The seasonal distribution of ovigerous females is illustrated in 
figure 7. The largest number of samples containing ovigerous fe- 


! / f / / 
7 r r 
I i LE / LT ; | / | JY VIF 
}$ ——__- — ——_--— ++ to —-@ i. »——_ -—_o——_9 
3} / a fi os N 
“<8 I / , ¥ / ea ar 
a : a UT 
I / / ie Z / a 
264 I / / / / 4 4s 
! / fg / 7 f 4 
ae os 7+——_— ——-—+ -a_____--- —+. <_< 
/ / / w 7 4 
24 ; ! / 5 fe 
Xz . , 
= Ls Fens Te re 2 = 
a ve rae a 
i , oA 
/ / : 7a 
7 os 
=== ware =" Se eee aa a" 
2, t ii / / Gee 
20 ! At 
ie * —6s— el a > 
! / / / Cre 
31 ee ma 
=F ty 

Total length (mn 

4 Z 
re te 
12 : / i Cia 
/ / fo / 
; f rs / f oon 
10 / / / 4,°7 
—— er 7 5 Wa 
i / OAS 
' / 7 
/ / 7 a 
8 ! / / y 7 “ 
SS Se aH, 
: on 
6 : ra. i Ma le 
! f / iS 4 7 
rae i pig *- Female 
lic PORE 
17 4 
2 lif, 
lig @ 
a 4 6 8 10 12 Lh 16 18 20 2a 24 26 28 3U 

Cumulative pereonite length (mm) 

Ficure 6.—Aeginina longicornis, cumulative pereonite length plotted against total length. 
Roman numerals indicate pereonites; I includes both pereonite 1 and cephalon. Solid 
horizontal lines represent individuals. 

males was collected during August and September and the breeding 
season appears to extend from April to December. No ovigerous 
females were present in samples taken from January to March. 
Whether this is due to the fact that the caprellids do not breed during 
this period or simply that adequate samples were not taken, is not 

The varieties of this species which are found along the east coast 
of North America do not appear to be geographically or bathymetri- 
cally isolated from each other and so they probably do not represent 
subspecies. These varieties may represent the phenotypic expression 
of different degrees of spination influenced by such parameters as 
substrate, breeding season, or diet; however, such data are not 
available to me. 


» 46 
ca oS 
3 e 
» 3 8 
ev La e tat * e ° 
= 40 ° S 
g 38 . 
> 36 

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June ‘July ° Aug. “Sept. ° Oct. ° Nov." Dee. 

Ficure 7.—Aeginina longicornis, monthly and latitudinal distribution of ovigerous females. 

Caprella Lamarck, 1801 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae usually pres- 
ent; mandibular palp absent, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped 
larger or equal to inner lobe; gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 
3 and 4 absent, pereopod 5, 6-segmented; abdomen of male with pair 
of appendages and pair of lobes, female with pair of lobes. 

Type-species: Cancer linearis Linnaeus, 1767 (subsequent designa- 
tion by Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953). 

Remarxs.—Mayer (1890, p. 107; 1908, p. 73) states that it is un- 
necessary to study in detail the mouthparts of members of this genus 
since the specific differences stand out much more clearly in other 
characters. I agree with this statement, hence, I have not included 
descriptions of the mouthparts other than the lacinia mobilis of the 
right mandible except for those appendages which exhibit variation. 
The typical mouthparts of Caprella may be characterized as follows: 
Mandible with 5-toothed incisor; left mandible with 5-toothed lacinia 
mobilis, right variable; setal row of left mandible with 3 serrate 
setae, right with 2 serrate setae; molar present with single small 
plumose seta. Outer lobe of maxilla 1 with 7 spines, palp with variable 
number of spines and setae. Lobes of maxilla 2 usually densely setose. 
Outer lobe of maxilliped with row of spines on medial margin and 
usually covered with numerous setae; inner lobe flattened apically 
with several spines and numerous simple and plumose setae; articles 
of palp usually heavily setose, grasping margin of dactylus finely 
toothed or serrate. 


The abdomen also appears to vary little in Caprella. In the males 
it bears a pair of uniramous appendages at its proximal end; laterally 
it has a pair of lobes. The surface of the abdomen is usually covered 
with numerous setae, and occasionally the ventral surface between 
the lobes is raised to form a hump. The female abdomen is similar to 
that of the male except that it lacks appendages. 

The propodus of ganthopod 1 is usually triangular in outline and 
invariably has a pair of proximal grasping spines. 

Caprella andreae Mayer, 1890, new rank 
Fieurss 8, 9, 55 

Caprella acutifrons [not Latreille]—van Beneden, 1859, pp. 78-81, pl. 1, figs. 
9-11; 1861, p. 145.—[?] Stock and Bolklander, 1952, p. 3. 

Caprella acutifrons f. Andreae Mayer, 1890, pp. 51, 55-56, pl. 2, fig. 38, pl. 4, 
fig. 56, 70-71; 1903, pp. 80-81.—Chevreux and de Guerne, 1893, p. 3.— 
d’A. Thompson, 1901, p. 41.—Stephensen, 1915, p. 53.—Chevreux and 
Fage, 1925, p. 452, fig. 430a.—Ruffo, 1938, p. 150 [in part].—Utinomi, 
1947, pp. 71-72. 

Caprella acutifrons f. andreae—Stephensen, 1929a, p. 182. 

Driacnosis.—Cephalon with anteriorly directed triangular pro- 
jection, peduncle of antenna 1 robust in males, palm of propodus of 
pereopods 5-7 convex with medial grasping spines. 

Description.—Body smooth except for anteriorly directed tri- 
angular projection on cephalon, pleura developed on pereonites 3 and 
4 in larger males. Length of largest male 12 mm, female 9 mm, 
smallest ovigerous female 7 mm. 

Peduncle of antenna 1 inflated in males, sparsely setose. Antenna 
2 typical of genus. 

Mouthparts typical of genus, lacinia mobilis of right mandible 

Gnathopod 1 typical of genus, dactylus serrate, propodus with 2 
proximal grasping spines. Propodus of gnathopod 2 in males with 
proximal poison tooth and distal rectangular projection, palm densely 
setose; in females propodus with proximal poison tooth, distal pro- 
jection and small middistal projection; dactylus strong and con- 
stricted medially. 

Gills oval and usually quite large and inflated in males, females 

Propodus of pereopods 5-7 with 2 grasping spines at midlength, 
palm convex. 

Abdomen typical of genus. 

VARIATION.—The inflation of antenna 1 and the development of 
pleura increase as the size of the individual increases, large males 
having an unusually enlarged antenna 1 and well-developed pleura. 


Ficure 8.—Caprella andreae, male lectotype; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 2; ¢, pereopod 
6; d, abdomen; e, maxilla 1; f, maxilliped; g, maxilla 2; A, gnathopod 1; 7, right mandible; 
7, left mandlble. 


Ficure 9.—Caprella andreae, female allolectotype; a, abdomen; J, lateral view; c, gnathopod 2. 

Distripution.—Type-locality: 38°10’ N., 64°20’ W. (see remarks). 

Other records: North Sea; Netherlands; Belgium; Portugal; between 
Portugal and the Azores; Mediterranean coast of Spain; Gulf of Lione; 
St. Raphael, France; Naples, Italy; Aegean Sea; 38°20’ N., 16°04’ W.; 
between Tokyo and Honolulu; Sea of Japan; Korean Strait; West 
coast of Kyushu, Japan. 

New records: Algeria; off Casablanca, Morocco; off Martha’s 
Vineyard, Mass.; Ocean City, N.J.; Cape Hatteras and Beaufort, 
N.C.; off Key West, Fla.; Havana, Cuba; 43°09’ N., 151°52’ W. 

Remarxs.—Mayer (1890) described this species as a variety of his 
compound species Caprella acutifrons (see p. 33). This species is 
composed of 20 varieties or forms, many of which should be considered 
full species by modern criteria (see Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953). 
C. andreae differs from the other forms of this compound species by 
the convexity of the propodus of pereopods 5-7. It appears to be 
ecologically isolated from the other members of the group by its 
habit of usually attaching to floating objects such as driftwood, buoys, 
and plants. It has also been found among the incrustations on the 
backs of the sea turtles, Thalassochelys and Chelonia, which were 


collected in the Mediterranean Sea, off Havana, Key West, and 
Beaufort, North Carolina. 

Ruffo (1938) cites this species as occurring off Brazil and Guiana; 
however, in personal correspondence he has advised me that he was 
referring to C. acutifrons s. lato and not specifically to C. andreae. 

Mayer’s specimens from his localities 3-7 were obtained from the 
Copenhagen Museum. I have selected a lectotype and an allolecto- 
type from locality 4, 38°10’ N., 64°20’ W. 

Caprella bermudia Kunkel, 1910 
Caprella bermudia Kunkel, 1910, pp. 108-110, fig. 42. 

Remarxs.—Kunkel’s description of this species is inadequate to 
separate it from C. equilibra. It has not been included under C. equilibra 
because I have not been able to examine the type material. Inquiries 
at most of the larger museums in Europe and North America have 
not revealed their location. 

Caprella danilevskii Czerniavski, 1868 
Figures 10, 11, 55 

Caprella Danilevskii Czerniavski, 1868, pp. 92-93, pl. 6, figs. 21-34.—Mayer, 
1882, p. 54; 1890, pp. 58-60, pl. 5, fig. 44, pl. 7, figs. 12-13, 54; 1903, p. 99.— 
Tichy, 1911, pp. 1131, 1133, 1184.—Zernov, 1913, p. 68.—Arimoto, 1930, 
pp. 50-51, fig. 5.—S. Carausu, 1956, pp. 131, 132. 

Caprella Danilewskii.—Sovinskii, 1880, pp. 88, 100-101.—d’A. Thompson, 1901, 
p. 41.—Chevreux and Fage, 1925, pp. 454-455, fig. 432.—Ruffo, 1941, p. 
125; 1946, p. 53. 

Caprella inermis [not Grube] Haswell, 1880, p. 348, pl. 23, fig. 3; 1882, p. 314; 
1884 (1885), p. 1000.—Mayer, 1882, p. 71, figs. 26-29; 1890, p. 75.—Oliveira, 
1940, p. 189.—Guiler, 1954, pp. 532-533, fig. 1. 

Caprella danilevskii.—Stebbing, 1888, pp. 1264-1267, pl. 145; 1910b, p. 653.— 
Kunkel, 1910, pp. 110-111.—Zernov, 1913, p. 233.—Barnard, 1916, pp. 
280-281; 1937, pp. 134, 197.—Hale, 1929, pp. 232-233, fig. 228.—Hiro, 1937, 
pp. 312-313, pl. 22, fig. 6.—Utinomi, 1943a, p. 275; 1943b, p. 284, fig. 4; 
1943c, p. 289; 1947, p. 73.—Edmondson and Mansfield, 1948, pp. 216-218, 
fig. 8.—Stschapova, Mokyovsky, and Pasternak, 1957, p. 87. 

Caprella Danilevkit.—Monterosso, 1915, pp. 15-16. 

Caprella danilewskii.—Carausu and Carausu, 1942, p. 82, fig. 8d.—Costa, 1960a, 
pp. 99, 100. 

DraGcnosis.—Propodus of pereopods 5-7 with numerous setae but 
lacking grasping spines; in males both pairs of gills elliptical, long 
axis usually parallel to body, in female gills on pereonite 3 usually as 
in males; abdomen of male with hooked papillae at tip of appendage, 
that of female with small palplike appendage bearing seta at medial 

Derscription.—Body smooth, cephalon of large males with very 
small anterior projection. Length of largest male 9 mm, female 7 mm, 
smallest ovigerous female 4.5 mm. 


Antenna 1 and 2 typical of genus. 

Mouthparts typical of genus; lacinia mobilis of right mandible with 
1 tooth, apical margin smooth or minutely serrate. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 2 proximal grasping spines, grasping 
margin of dactylus serrate. Propodus of gnathopod 2 in males elongate 

Ficure 10.—Caprella danilevskii, male; a, labium; b, lateral view; c, antenna 1; d, abdomen; 
e, gnathopod 2; f, gnathopod 1; g, pereopod 5; h, left mandible; i, right mandible; 4, 
maxilla 2; £, maxilla 1; /, maxilliped. 



Ficure 11.—Caprella danilevskit, female; a, abdomen; b, gnathopod 2; ¢, gnathopod 1; d, 
lateral view. 

with posion tooth at midlength, rectangular tooth distally; dactylus 
less than one-half length of propodus; in females propodus with prox- 
imal poison tooth and distal rectangular tooth; dactylus more than 
one-half length of propodus. 

Gills 3 and 4 in males and 3 in females elliptical, long axis usually 
parallel to body; gill 4 in females oval or elliptical. 

Propodus of pereopods 5-7 without distinct grasping spines, palmar 
margin usually with numerous stout setae; grasping margin of dactylus 

Abdomen of male typical of genus except for hooked papillae at 
tip of appendage, female with small palplike appendage. 

VariatTion.—The shape of the gills is variable. In males the long 
axis is usually parallel to the body; however, either or both may occa- 
sionally be at various angles to the body. In the females either or both 
of the gills may have the long axis parallel to the body or may be at 
any angle. In small males the poison tooth on the propodus of gnath- 
opod 2 may be more proximal than midlength; however, the dactylus 
remains quite short. The palm of the propodus of pereopods 5-7 
varies in setation from numerous stout setae to very few. 


Disrrisution.—Type-locality: Black Sea. 

Other records: Bay of Biscay; Mediterranean coast of France; 
Mediterranean and Adriatic coasts of Italy; Sicily; Ukranian and 
Roumanian Black Sea; Cherchell, Algeria; Rufisque, Senegal; South 
Africa; South Arabian coast; Bermuda; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Oahu, 
Hawaii; 5. Sakhaline; Pacific coast of Hokkaido and Honshu, Japan; 
Amakusa Tomioka and Okinojima, Kyushu, Japan; Sea of Japan; 
Korean Straits; Southeastern Australia; Coles Bay, Tasmania. 

New records: Virginia Key, Key Biscayne, and Matheson Ham- 
mock, Fla.; Loggerhead Key, Tortugas; St. Croix, Virgin Islands; 

Remarxs.—This species is quite widespread and pantropical in 
its distribution. It has been collected on sea grass, the phaeophytes 
Cystoseira and Sargassum, and the bryozoan Bugula. 

C. danilevskw is easily distinguished from the other species of 
Caprella in the western North Atlantic by its unusual gill shape, its 
distinctive abdomen, and the short dactylus of the male gnathopod 2. 

Caprella equilibra Say, 1818 
FicurREs 12, 13, 55 

Caprella equilibra Say, 1818, pp. 391-392.—de Kay, 1844, p. 41.—White, 1847, 
p. 92.—Gibbes, 1848, p. xvi; 1849, p. 23.—Stebbing, 1888, pp. 1254-1256; 
1910a, p. 466; 1910b. p. 653.—Kunkel, 1910, pp. 106-108, fig. 4.—Barnard, 
1916, p. 281; 1930, p. 440; 1932, p. 300.—Schellenberg, 1928, p. 678.— 
Procter, 1933, p. 256.—Edmonson and Mansfield, 1948, pp. 214-216, fig. 
7.—Ricketts and Calvin, 1952, p. 68.—Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953, pp. 
44, 47; 1954, pp. 170, 171.—Day and Morgan, 1956, p. 303.—Steinberg and 
Dougherty, 1957, pp. 273-274, figs. 1-2.—Johnson, 1965, appendix 2, p. 2, 
appendix 3, p. 4; 1966, appendix 2, p. 2.—McCain, 1965, pp. 193-194, fig. 1b, 
f; 1966, p. 92.—Johnson and Juskevice, 1965, p. 39. 

Caprella Januarii Kréyer, 1842-43, pp. 499-504, pl. 6, figs. 14-20.—Dana, 1853, 
pp. 819-820; 1855, pl. 55, fig. 2.—Herklots, 1861, p. 43. 

Caprella Esmarkit Boeck, 1861, pp. 674-675; 1871la, p. 275 (195); 1873-76, pp. 
693-694, pl. 32, fig. 5. 

Caprella laticornis Boeck, 1861, pp. 675-676; 1871la, p. 274 (194); 1873-76, pp. 
689-691, pl. 32, fig. 10. 

Caprella aequilibra.—Bate, 1862, pp. 362-363, pl. 57, fig. 5; 1887, pl. 175.—Bate 
and Westwood, 1868, pp. 71-73.—Parfitt, 1873, p. 251.—Gamroth, 1878, 
pp. 101-126, pls. 8-10.—Haller, 1879a, p. 232; 1879b, p. 404.— Mayer, 1882, 
pp. 45-48, pl. 1, fig. 7, pl. 2, figs. 1-11, pl. 4, figs. 20-25, pl. 5, figs. 16-18; 
1890, pp. 48-50, pl. 2, figs. 42-43, pl. 4, figs. 35-37, pl. 6, figs. 18a, 37; 1903, 
pp. 89-92, pl. 3, figs. 29-34, pl. 7, figs. 66-69; 1912, pp. 4, 5.—Marion, 
1883, p. 49.—Miers, 1884, p. 320.—Carus, 1885, p. 388.—Haswell, 1884 
(1885), pp. 999-1000.—de Guerne, 1886, p. xliii—Norman, 1886, p. 26; 
1905a, p. 26; 1905b, p. 85.—Thomson and Chilton, 1885 (1886), p. 142.— 
Chevreux, 1887a, p. 335; 1898, p. 483; 1900, p. 120.—Barrois, 1888, pp. 58, 
77.—G, Sars, 1895, pp. 663-664, pl. 238, fig. 3—d’A. Thompson, 1901, 
p. 41.—Graeffe, 1902, p. 19.—Hutton, 1904, p. 261.—Marine Biol. Assoc., 
1904, p. 242; 1931, p. 198; 1957, p. 233—Norman and Scott, 1906, pp. ix, 


99.—Scott, 1906, p. 175.—Sinel, 1906 (1907), p. 222.—Tichy, 1911, p. 11384.— 
Thomson, 1913, p. 245.—LaFollette, 1914, pp. 224-225, pl. 5.—Briggs, 
1914 (1915), pp. 79-80.—Kunkel, 1918, pp. 180-181.—Thomson and Ander- 
ton, 1921, p. 113.—Galdiano, 1924, p. 392.—Chevreux and Fage, 1925, 
pp. 455-456, fig. 433.—Schellenberg, 1926, p. 470.—Johnson and Snook, 
1927, pp. 280-281, fig. 235.—Stephensen, 1927a, p. 150; 1927c, p. 355; 
1928, p. 386, fig. 92 (13); 1929a, pp. 180-181, figs. 43-336; 1929b, p. 34; 
1942, pp. 439, 502, 503.—Fischetti, 1932, pp. 1-28, figs. 1-5.—Oldevig, 
1933, p. 269, fig. 3—MacGinitie, 1935, p. 701.—Pirlot, 1939, p. 78.—Fioren- 
cis, 1940, pp. 13-14, figs. 3-4, pl. 1, figs. 3, 4, 7.—Milne, 1940, p. 72.— 
Oliveira, 1940, p. 1389.—Bertrand, 1941, pp. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16—McDougall, 
1943, pp. 363, 370.—Hewatt, 1946, pp. 196, 199, 201, 204.—Ruffo, 1946, 
p. 53.—Utinomi, 1947, p. 72.—Ellis, 1950, p. 13.—Reid, 1951, pp. 283, 
289.—Guiler, 1952, p. 31; 1954, p. 582.—Tuzet and Sanchez, 1952, pp. 26-36, 
fig. 1-1&2, fig. 2, fig. 3—Duke Univ. Mar. Lab., 1953, p. 22.—Belleudy, 
1958, pp. 355-356.—Costa, 1960a, pp. 99, 100.—Luther and Fiedler, 1961, 
p. 158, pl. 24.—Peyrot and Trilles, 1964, pp. 1-28, figs. 1-19. 

Caprella ultima Bate, 1862, pp. 364-365, pl. 57, fig. 9. 

Caprella monacantha Heller, 1866, pp. 54-55, pl. 4, figs. 17-19.—Stalio, 1877, 
pp. 1125-1126.—Stossich, 1881, p. 230. 

Caprella obtusa Heller, 1886, p. 54, pl. 4, fig. 16.—Stalio, 1877, p. 13890.—Stossich, 
1881, p. 230. 

Caprella megacephala A. Edwards, 1868, pp. 89-91, pl. 20, fig. 12. 

Caprella aeguilibra.—Bate, 1878, p. 510. 

Caprella caudata Thomson 1878 (1879), p. 246, pl. 10, fig. D-5.—Mayer, 1882, 
pp. 71-72; 1890, p. 76. 

Caprella obesa [not van Beneden] Haswell, 1880, pp. 348-349, pl. 24, fig. 1; 
1882, p. 314. 

Caprella AEquilibra.—Chevreux, 1888, p. 351. 

Caprella linearis [not Linnaeus].—Barrois, 1888, pp. 56-57, 77.—Chevreux, 1899, 
p. 484 [in part].—Chevreux and Fage, 1925, pp. 456-457, fig. 434 [in part].— 
Pearse, 1936, p. 193.—Wells, 1961, p. 247. 

Caprella mendax Mayer, 1903, p. 114, pl. 5, figs. 9-11, pl. 8, fig. 22. 

Diacnosis.—Basis of gnathopod 2 less than one-half length of 
pereonite 2, propodus without small proximal accessory tooth; pereo- 
nite 2 usually with spine between insertions of gnathopods 2; pereo- 
nites 1-2 elongated in large males. 

DescriptTion.—Body smooth except for spine between insertions of 
gnathopod 2, caphalon flattened anteriorly. Length of largest male 
22 mm, largest female 12 mm, smallest ovigerous female 6.4 mm. 

Large males with articles 2-3 of peduncle of antenna 1 slightly 
shorter than antenna 2, article 3 subequal in length to article 2, article 
1 less than one-half length of article 2, articles of peduncle expanded. 
In females and small males peduncle of antenna 1 sometimes shorter 
than antenna 2. 

Mouthparts typical of genus, lacinia mobilis of right mandible 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 2 proximal grasping spines, grasping 
margin of dactylus and propodus serrate. Basis of gnathopod 2 short 



and stout, anterodistal margin produced into triangular projection; 

ischium and merus with posterodistal margin pointed in larger males; 

palm of propodus with munerous setae, single proximal grasping spine, 

distally with large rectangular tooth and slightly proximal tooth. 
Gills ovate to elliptical, more ovate in larger males. 

7 : 'g 


Ficure 12.—Caprella equilibra, male; a, lateral view; b, labium; ¢c, maxilla 2; d, maxilla 1; 

e, abdomen; f, pereopod 5; g, maxilliped; h, gnathopod 1. 


Ficure 13.—Caprella equilibra, female; a, lateral view; ), gnathopod 1; ¢, maxilla 2; d, 
gnathopod 2; e, maxilla 1; f, abdomen; g, inner and outer lobes of maxilliped; h, right 
mandible; 7, left mandible; 7, pereopod 6. 


Propodus of pereopods 5-7 robust with 2 proximal grasping spines, 
palm expanded slightly near grasping spines and with numerous setae. 

Abdomen of male and female typical of genus. 

VariaTion.—In the western North Atlantic this species is constant 
in most of its characters; however, a variant occurs along the coast of 
Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina in which the spine 
between the insertions of gnathopods 2 is reduced or absent. In this 
variant the propodus of the pereopods is less robust and the body 
not quite so stout as in the typical C. equilibra. 

Off Virginia this variant was taken on Leptoyorgia. This association 
may have some relation to the reduction of the spine and stoutness 
of the pereopods since C. penantis taken from Leptogorgia showed a 
loss of grasping spines on the propodus of the pereopods (p. 35). 

Distrisution.—Type locality: South Carolina. “. . . [found them 
common in the bay of Charleston, particularly at Sullivan’s island, on 
the two species of Gorgonia so common in the salt water creeks of 
our southern coast” (Say, 1818). 

Other records: Sweden and Norway to the Mediterranean Sea in- 
cluding the British Islands; Black Sea [?]; Azores; tropical West 
Africa; St. Helena Island; South Africa; Madagascar; Mid-North 
Atlantic and Sargasso Sea; Bermuda; east coast of United States from 
Connecticut to Georgia (Procter, 1933, cites this species from Mount 
Desert Region, Maine); Port Aransas, Texas; Puerto Cabello, Vene- 
zuela; Cabo Frio and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Mid-South Atlantic off 
Brazil; Mar del Plata, Argentina; Valparaiso, Chile; Taboga Island, 
Panama; between Panama and the Galapagos Islands; California; 
Hawaii; Nagasaki, Mukaijima, and Saganoseki, Japan; Philippine 
Islands; Cook Strait; New South Wales, Victoria, Fremantle, Aus- 
tralia; New Zealand; Tasmania; Hong Kong; Singapore, Malaysia. 

New records: Fernandina, entrance to St. Johns River, St. Augus- 
tine, Daytona, Cape Kennedy, off Ft. Lauderdale, Biscayne Bay, 
and Panama City, Fla.; Grand Isle, La.; Galveston and Port Isabel 
Tex.; Trinidad; Sacco Sao Francisco and Nictherey, Brazil; Estera 
de la Luna, Sonora, Mexico; Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 

Remarks.—Large males of this species are easily distinguished 
from the other species of Caprella by the large peduncular articles 
of antenna 1 and the long pereonites 1 and 2. In both males and 
females the cephalon is flattened anteriorly and in the typical form 
a spine is present between the insertions of gnathopods 2. The non- 
spined variant resembles other species of Caprella but can be identified 
by the short stout basis of gnathopod 2 and the other characters 
which are present in the typical form. 

C. equilibra has been collected from various habitats including 
sea grass, red and green algae, sponges, hydroids, stylasterines, 


alcyonarians, bryozoans, and colonial ascidians. It was also taken 
from the egg mass of a blue crab and from the gut of a sea bass 
Centropristis. This species ranges in depth from the surface to ?3000 m 
(McCain, 1966). 

In an aquarium it was preyed upon by the grass shrimp Palae- 
monetes, the blenny Blennius, and the small (2 mm) snail Astyris 
was observed severing the cephalon from a large male (12 mm). 
When C. equilibra was offered small pieces of bivalves or bryozoans 
it would accept them readily. It was also observed catching small 
gcammaridean amphipods such as Ampithoe and Jassa and also several 
small polychaetes. Initially the prey was seized in gnathopod 1 and 
then brought to the mouthparts. Gnathopod 2 was seldom used in 
the capture of prey and even when it was used, the prey was quickly 
passed to gnathopod 1. 

Caprella linearis (Linnaeus, 1767) 
Figures 14, 22, 51 

Cancer linearis Linnaeus, 1767, p. 1056; 1769, pp. 445-446; 1788, p. 2992; 1793, 
p. 501.—J. Fabricius, 1793, pp. 517-518. 

Onisct Scolopendroidis Pallas, 1772, p. 80, pl. 4, fig. 15a—c. 

Squilla lobata Miller, 1776, p. 197. 

Squilla quadrilobata Abildgaard, 1788, pp. 21-22, pl. 56, figs 4-6. 

Gammarus quadrilobatus.—Abildgaard, 1789, p. 58, pl. 114, figs. 11-12. 

Cancer (Gammarellus) linearis.—Herbst, 1793 ,pp. 142-144, pls. 9a, 10b. 

Cancer Linnearis.—Linnaeus, 1800, p. 761. 

Caprella linearis.—Bosc, 1801-02, p. 156; 1830, p. 126, pl. 15, fig. 5.—Latreille, 
1802-03, pp. 324-326, pl. 57, figs. 2-5; 1803, p. 333; 1816, p. 434.—Desmarest, 
1823, p. 364; 1825, p. 278.—Johnston, 1835, pp. 671-672, fig. 71.—Drapiez, 
1837, p. 353.—H. Edwards, 1840, pp. 106-107.—Goodsir, 1842, p. 190, pl. 3, 
figs. 8-9.—White, 1847, pp. 91-92; 1850, pp. 59-60; 1857, pp. 214-215.— 
Cocks, 1849, p. 83.—Williams, 1854, pp. 301-312, pl. 17, fig. 6.—Gosse, 1855, 
p. 131, fig. 223.—Bate, 1856, p. 60; 1857, p. 151; 1862, p. 353, pl. 55, fig. 7; 
1878, p. 509; 1887, p. 175.—Leydig, 1860, p. 283.—van Beneden, 1861, p. 
145.—McAndrew, 1861, p. 28.—[?] Dohrn, 1866, pp. 245-250, pl. 13b.— 
Bate and Westwood, 1868, pp. 52-56.—Miiller, 1869, pp. 40-41.—Metzger, 
1869-70 (1871), p. 32; 1875, p. 278.—Boeck, 1871la, pp. 273 (193)-274 
(194).—Iarzynsky, 1870, p. 316.—Parfitt, 1873, p. 250.—M’Intosh, 1874, 
p. 272.—Maitland, 1874, p. 245.—Meinert, 1877-78, pp. 168-171; 1880, 
p. 495; 1890, p. 184.—Hoex, 1879, pp. 97-161, pl. 5, figs. 1-8, 11-18, pl. 6, 
fig. 2, pl. 7, figs. 1-3, 11-14; 1883-84, pp. 532, 533; 1889, p. 231.—Delage, 
1881, p. 153.—Mayer, 1882, pp. 58-62, figs. 17-19, pl. 4, fig. 32; 1890, pp. 
63-65; 1903, pp. 109-113, pl. 4, figs. 27-35, pl. 8, figs. 19-21.—Pelsenner, 
1883, p. CX X XI; 1886, p. 218.—Schneider, 1883, p. 30; 1891, pp. 111, 122; 
1924 (1926), pp. 59-60.—Blanec, 1884, pp. 88-91, pl. 5, figs. 122-129.— 
Koehler, 1884 (1885), pp. 98-99, 117; 1885, pp. 27, 61.—Wagner, 1885, 
p. 169.—Fowler, 1886, p. 218.—de Guerne, 1886, p. XLIII.—Norman, 1886, 
p. 26; 1902, p. 483; 1905a, p. 26; 1905b, p. 85; 1907, p. 370; 1908 (1909), 
p. 463.—G. Sars, 1886, pp. 69, 89; 1895, pp. 657-658, pl. 236.—[?] Thomson 
and Chilton, 1886, p. 142.—Bonnier, 1887, pp. 354—356.—Chevreux, 1887, 
p. 335; 1898, p. 484.—Robertson, 1886-87 (1888), pp. 71-72.—Scott, 1887 


(1888), p. 250; 1897, p. 141; 1906, pp. 174-175.—Chevreux and Bouvier, 
1893, p. 143.—Lameere, 1895, p. 570.—[{?] Ohlin, 1895a, pp. xvii, xix, 62-63; 
1895b, p. 486.—Walker, 1895, p. 319; 1898, p. 170.—Walker and Hornell, 
1896, p. 55.—Gadeau de Kerville, 1900 (1901), p. 184.—Sokolowsky, 1900, 
p. 162, pl. 3, fig. 16.—Ortmann, 1901, p. 155.—d’A. Thompson, 1901, p. 
41.—Whiteaves, 1901, p. 219.—Lénnberg, 1902 (1903), p. 50.—[{?] Hutton, 
1904, p. 261.—Marine Biol. Assoc., 1904, p. 242; 1951, p. 198; 1957, p. 234.— 
Holmes, 1904 (1905), pp. 526-527.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 78.—Norman 
and Scott, 1906, pp. x, 98.—Reibisch, 1906, pp. 217-218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 
229, 230, 233.—Sinel, 1906 (1907), p. 222.—Briiggen, 1907, p. 238.—Norman 
and Brady, 1910, pp. 75-76.—Nordgaard, 1911 (1912), p. 24.—Massy, 1911 
(1912), pp. 7, 22, 34, 42, 43, 45, 51, 68, 70, 73, 82, 169.—Sumner, Osburn, 
and Cole, 1911 (1913), p. 657.—Tattersall, 1913, pp. 20, 22.—Derjugin, 1915, 
pp. 453, 456; 1928, p. 282.—Bjoérck, 1915, p. 35; 1916, p. 9—Chumley, 1918, 
pp. 52, 85, 165.— Kunkel, 1918, pp. 177-178, fig. 54.—Funke, 1922, p. 197.— 
Chevreux and Fage, 1925, pp. 456-457, fig. 434 [in part].—Derjavin, 1927, 
p. 14.—Stephensen, 1927a, p. 149; 1927b, p. 13; 1928, pp. 382-384, fig. 92 
(1-4); 1929a, p. 179, fig. 333; 1929b, pp. 19, 34; 1935, p. 118; 1940, p. 73; 
1942, pp. 436-437, 502, 503; 1944b, p. 159.—Johansen, 1930, p. 94.—Shoe- 
maker, 1930, p. 353 (135).—[?] Arimoto, 1931, pp. 13-14, fig. 9.—Gurjanova, 
1931, p. 201; 1964, p. 313.—Oldevig, 1933, pp. 264-266.—Procter, 1933, 
p. 256.—Dons, 1935, p. 110.—Schellenberg, 1942, pp. 237-238, fig. 197.— 
Dahl, 1946, p. 22.—[?] Utinomi, 1947, p. 75.—Stock and Bolklander. 1952, 
pp. 3-4.—Bousfield, 1956b, p. 145; 1958, p. 315.—Brunel, 1961, p. 7.— 
Toulmond and Truchot, 1964, p. 35. 

Caprella Linearis—Leach, 1814, p. 404.—Risso, 1816, p. 1380.—Couch, 1864, 
p. 98. 

[?]Caprella Punctata Risso, 1816, pp. 130-131; 1826, p. 102.—Carus, 1885, p. 389. 

Caprella laevis Goodsir, 1842, pp. 189-190, pl. 3, figs. 4-5.—White, 1847, p. 92; 
1850, p. 60; 1857, p. 215.—Gosse, 1855, p. 131.—Bate, 1856, p. 60. 

[?]Caprella phasma {not Montagu].—Rathke, 1843, pp. 94-96. 

[?]Caprella acuminifera [not Leach].—Rathke, 1843, p. 96. 

[?]Caprella scolopendroides [not Lamarck].—Rathke, 1843, p. 97. 

Caprella lobata.—Bate, 1856, p. 60; 1857, p. 151; 1862, p. 354, pl. 55, fig. 8; 1878, 
p. 509; 1887, p. 175.—Bate and Westwood, 1868, pp. 57-59.—Parfitt, 1873, 
p. 250. 

Caprella linearis f. gullmarensis Mayer, 1903, p. 112, pl. 8, fig. 20. 

Caprella linearis f. distalis Mayer, 1903, p. 113, pl. 4, figs. 27-28. 

Dracnosis.—Body smooth or with only few spines, peduncle of 
antenna 1 usually with numerous setules, ratio of total length to 
length of basis of gnathopod 2 usually less than 13.0, inner surface 
of gnathopod 2 with small tooth adjacent to poison tooth. 

DistrinutTion.—Type-locality: “Habitat im Oceano [uropaeo”’ 
(Linnaeus, 1767). 

Other records: Siberian Polar Sea to 140° E.; Murman coast; 
Spitsbergen; Norway to France; British Islands; Faeroe Islands; 
Iceland; coast of North America from Labrador to Connecticut; 
[?]Kamchatka, Japan, and New Zealand. 

New records: The material available to me does not extend the 
range of this species. 


Ficure 14.—Caprella linearis; a, male gnathopod 2; b, male lateral view; ¢, female lateral 
view; d, female gnathopod 2; ¢, female pereopod 6; f, female gnathopod 1. 


Remarks.—The appendages of C. linearis are quite similar to 
those of C. septentrionalis and are discussed under the latter species. 

C. linearis does not appear to be specific in its habitat, having been 
collected from brown, green, and red algae, sea grass, sponges, hydroids, 
alcyonarians, and tunicates. Ohlin (1895a) reported it from an Asterias 
collected off Newfoundland. This report may refer to C. wnica since 
the body form and most of the appendages of these species are quite 
similar and (. wnica has been collected off Newfoundland. Mayer 
(1903) also reported C. linearis from an asteroid, Solaster, which was 
collected off Scotland. 

C. linearis has been taken from the surface to a depth of several 
hundred meters. 

Caprella longimanus Stimpson, 1853 

Caprella longimanus Stimpson, 1854 (1853), p. 44.—-Whiteaves, 1901, p. 220.— 
Bate, 1862, pp. 360-361. 
Caprella longimana.— Mayer, 1882, p. 66; 1890, p. 73. 

Remarks.—A caprellid from Grand Manan was described by 
Stimpson as 

Body with a few spines along the back of each segment. Superior antennae rather 
stout and twice as long as the inferior ones, which are very slender. Hands very 
long and rather broad, with two or three teeth along the inner edge; the arms to 
which they belong are placed on the thickened posterior part of the second seg- 
ment. Color light-yellowish brown. Eyes red. Length about three-fourths of an 

From this description it is impossible to tell to which species Stim pson 

is referring. It might be C. septentrionalis because of the mention of 
a few dorsal spines, but several other species bear spines. 

Caprella penantis Leach, 1814 
Figures 15, 16, 51 

[?]Cancer Atomos Linnaeus, 1767, p. 1056; 1769, pp. 446-447; 1788, pp. 2992- 
2993; 1793, p. 501; 1800, p. 761.—Pennant, 1777, p. 21, pl. 12, fig. 32. 

Caprella Penantis Leach, 1814, p. 404. 

Caprella acutifrons Latreille, 1816, p. 433.—[?] Desmarest, 1823, p. 363; [?] 1825, 
p. 277.—[?] Drapiez, 1837, p. 353.—[?] H. Edwards, 1840, p. 108.—[?] White, 
1847, p. 92; [?] 1850, p. 60; [?] 1857, p. 216.—[?] Cocks, 1849, p. 83.—[?] 
Gosse, 1855, p. 131.—[?] Bate, 1856, p. 60; [?] 1862, p. 356, pl. 56, fig. 6; [?] 
1878, p. 509; [?] 1887, p. 175.—[?] Bate and Westwood, 1868, pp. 60-62.— 
(?] Parfitt, 1873, p. 250.—[?] Maitland, 1874, p. 245.—[?] Stalio, 1877, p. 
1125.—[?] Haller, 1879a, p. 232; [?] 1879b, p. 404.—Mayer, 1882, pp. 48- 
50, pl. 1, fig. 9, pl. 2, figs. 12-22, pl. 4, figs. 26-28, pl. 5, figs 15, 22, 23 [in 
part]; 1890, pp. 50-57, pl. 2, figs. 34-41, pl. 4, figs. 52-71, pl. 7, figs. 16-17 
{in part]; 1903, pp. 79-89, pl. 3, figs. 4-28, pl. 7, figs. 62-65 [in part].—[?] 
Delage, 1881, pp. 131-132, 155, pl. 10, figs. 11-12.—-Stossich, 1881, p. 230.— 
[?] Marion, 1883, p. 49.—[?] Carus, 1885, p. 388.—[?] Norman, 1886, p. 
26; [?] 1905a, p. 26; [?] 1905b, p. 85; [?] 1907, p. 370; [?] 1908 (1909), p. 463.— 
[?] Pelseneer, 1886, p. 218.—[?] Bonnier, 1887, p. 353.—[?] Chevreux, 1887a, 


pp. 318, 335; [?] 1888, p. 33; [?] 1898, p. 483; 1900, pp. 119-120.—[?] Barrois, 
1888, pp. 57-58, 77.—[?] Vosseler, 1889, p. 159.—[?] Walker and Hornell, 
1896, p. 54.—[?] Gadeau de Kerville, 1898, p. 348; [?] 1900 (901), p. 184.— 
[?] Walker, 1898, p. 170.—[?] Beaumont, 1900, p. 795.—[?] d’A. Thompson, 
1901, p. 41.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 77-78.—[?] Norman and Scott, 
1906, pp. vii, 99.—[?] Sinel, 1906 (1907), p. 222.—Chilton, 1910 (1911), 
pp. 546, 567.—[?] Monterosso, 1915, p. 15, fig. 3.—[?] Galdiano, 1924, p. 
392.—Richards, 1929, p. 84; 1938, p. 213, pl. 24, fig. 7—Cowles, 1930, 
p. 351.—[?] Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1931, p. 198; [?] 1957, p. 233.—Barnard, 1932, 
p. 300; 1965, p. 209.—Procter, 1933, p. 256.—[?] MacGinitie, 1935, p. 701.— 
Schellenberg, 1938, pp. 95, 98.—[?] Ricketts and Calvin, 1939, pp. 70-71; [?] 
1952, p. 68.—[?] Bertrand, 1941, pp. 12, 13, 14.—Pearse, Humm, and Whar- 
ton, 1942, p. 184.—Dexter, 1944, p. 356.—[?] MacKay, 1945, p. 205.—[?] 
Hewatt, 1946, pp. 194, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204.—[?] Ruffo, 1947, p. 129.— 
Edmondson ad Mansfield, 1948, pp. 212-214, fig. 6—Ferguson and Jones, 
1949, p. 442.—[?] Stephensen, 1949, p. 54.—Hedgpeth, 1950, pp. 77-78.— 
Ellis, 1950, p. 13.—[?] Tuzet and Sanchez, 1952, pp. 26-36, figs. 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 
fig. 4.—Duke Univ. Mar. Lab., 1953, p. 22.—[?] Macnae, 1953, p. 1032.— 
Bousfield, 1956b, p. 145; 1958, pp. 315, 321—Menzel, 1956, p. 41.—Pearse 
and Williams, 1951, p. 143.—[?] Stschapova, Mokyovsky, and Pasternak, 
1957, p. 87.—[?] Costa, 1960a, pp. 99, 100.— Wells, 1961, pp. 247, 249.—[?] 
Toulmond and Truchot, 1964, p. 35. 

Caprella geometrica Say, 1818, pp. 390-391.—de Kay, 914, p. 41.—White, 1847, 
p. 92.—Gibbes, 1848, p. xvi; 1849, p. 23.—Bate, 1862, p. 357, pl. 56, fig. 8.— 
Verrill and Smith, 1873, pp. 316-317, 480, 567, pl. 5, fig. 20.—Uhler, 1879, 
pp. 26-27.—R. Rathbun, 1880 (1881), p. 121.—Norman, 1886a, p. 26; 
1905, p. 26.—Holmes, 1904 (1905), p. 526.—Paulmier, 1905, p. 168, fig. 
38.—Kunkel, 1918, pp. 178-180, fig. 55—Sumner, Osborn, and Cole, 1911 
(1913), pp. 132, 134, 135, 657, chart 102.—Pearse, 1913, p. 378. LaFollette, 
1914, pp. 222-223, pl. 1-3.—Allee, 1922, p. 58; 1923, p. 213.—Wood and 
Wood, 1932, p. 18—McCain, 1965, pp. 194-196, figs. 1c,g, 2a-f. 

Caprella Pennantii—I[?] Johnston, 1835, p. 671—[?] Bate, 1856, p. 60; [?] 1857, 
p. 151.—[?] McAndrew, 1861, p. 28.—[?] Couch, 1864, p. 97. 

[?] Caprella spinifrons Nicolet, 1849, p. 253.—Mayer, 1882, p. 70; 1890, p. 74.— 
Reed, 1897, p. 11 (4). 

[?] Caprella obesa van Beneden, 1861, pp. 99, 146. 

Caprella Acutifrons.—[?] Herklots, 1861, p. 43. 

[?] Caprella novae-zealandiae Kirk, 1878, pp. 465-466; 1878 (1879), p. 393.—Thom- 
son, 1879, p. 330. 

[?] Caprella Novae-Zealandiae.—Mayer, 1882, pp. 71-72; 1890, p. 76. 

[?] Caprella penantiit.—Bate, 1887, p. 175. 

Caprella acutifrons f. tabida Mayer, 1890, pp. 54-55, pl. 2, fig. 36, pl. 4, figs. 52, 61. 

Caprella acutifrons f. neglecta Mayer, 1890, p. 55, pl. 2, fig. 37, pl. 4, figs. 57-58, 
67; 1903, p. 80.—Utinomi, 1943a, pp. 273-274, figs. 2a, 3a; 19438b, pp. 
282-283, fig. 2; 1943c, p. 284, fig. 1; 1947, p. 72. 

[?] Caprella acutifrons f. gibbosa Mayer, 1890, p. 55, pl. 2, fig. 39, pl. 4, figs. 55, 69. 

Caprella acutifrons f. carolinensis Mayer, 1890, p. 56, pl. 2, fig. 40, pl. 4, figs. 59, 65. 

[?] Caprella acutifrons f. lusitanica Mayer, 1890, p. 56, pl. 4, figs. 53, 66. 

Caprella acutifrons f. virginia Mayer, 1890, p. 56, pl. 2, fig. 41, pl. 4, fig. 60. 

Caprella acutifrons f. natalensis Mayer, 1903, p. 81, pl. 3, figs. 22, 23—Arimoto, 
1930, pp. 48-49, fig. 3—Hiro, 1937, p. 312, pl. 22, fig. 5—Stephensen, 1949, 
pp. 53-54, 56. 

Caprella acutifrons f. porcellio Mayer, 1903, pp. 81-82. 


Caprella acutifrons f. testudo Mayer, 1903, p. 82.—Chevreux and Fage, 1925, p. 
452, fig. 430t. 

Caprella acutifrons f. angusta Mayer, 1903, p. 82, pl. 3, fig. 4. 

Caprella acutifrons f. tibada Mayer, 1903, p. 80. 

Caprella penantis—Stebbing, 1910b, p. 653.—[?] Hale, 1929, pp. 233-234.—[?] 
Schellenberg, 1931, pp. 266, 272. 

Caprella penantis f. natalensis.—Stebbing, 1910a, pp. 465-466.—Barnard, 1916, 
pp. 281-282. 

Caprella penantis f. porcellio. —Stebbing, 1910a, p. 466. 

Caprella angusta-—Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953, pp. 44, 47; 1954, p. 171.— 
Johnson and Juskevice, 1965, p. 38. 

Caprella carolinensis.—Steinberg and Dougherty, 1957, pp. 270-273, figs. 3-7. 

Diacnosis.—Cephalon with anteriorly directed triangular pro- 
jection; peduncle of antenna 1 not inflated; basis of gnathopod 2 
shorter than pereonite 2; pereopods concave, grasping spines proximal. 

Description.—Body smooth except cephalon with anteriorly di- 
rected triangular projection. Length of largest male 14 mm, largest 
female 12 mm, smallest ovigerous female 4 mm. 

Peduncle of antenna 1 not inflated, flagellum with up to 15 articles. 
Antenna 2 usually longer than peduncle of antenna 1. 

Mouthparts typical of genus, lacinia mobilis of right mandible 
toothed but indistinctly 5-toothed. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 2 proximal grasping spines, grasping 
margin of dactylus and propodus serrate. Propodus of gnathopod 
2 with proximal poison tooth, palm concave in males and slightly 
convex in females with distal elevated rectangular projection; grasp- 
ing margin of dactylus serrate. 

Gills usually ovate, occasionally elliptical. 

Propodus of pereopods 5-7 usually with pair of proximal grasping 
spines, pereopods increasing in length from 5 to 7. 

Abdomen of male and female typical of genus. 

Variation.—In the area around Alligator Harbor, Fla., C. penantis 
taken on Leptogorgia showed a reduction or loss of grasping spines 
on the propodus of pereopods 5-7. Approximately 90 percent of 
the specimens taken during the summer of 1966 lacked grasping 
spines and remaining 10 percent had either 1 or 2 grasping spines. 
Other specimens of this species taken during that summer on algae 
and hydroids had the usual pair of grasping spines. It is interesting 
to note that CO. equilibra taken on Leptogorgia off Virginia showed 
a reduction or loss of the ventral spine between the insertions of 
enathopods 2. 

As J illustrated in 1965 (p. 195, fig. 2a-f) the shape of the propodus 
of gnathopod 2 changes with an increase in the size of the individual. 
In smaller individuals of approximately 4 or 5 mm, gnathopod 2 
resembles gnathopod 1 and bears a pair of grasping spines. As the 


Ficure 15.—Caprella penantis, male; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 2; ¢, gnathopod 1; 
d, maxilla 1; ¢, right mandible; f, left mandible; g, abdomen; A, inner lobe of maxilliped; 
1, outer lobe of maxilliped. 

individual increases in size there is a progressive loss of 1, then of 
both spines, and a notch develops in the palm. 

Stoutness of the body and the degree of pleural development 
appear to be a function of growth, larger individuals having a robust 
body and well-developed pleura. ' 


DistrisuTion.—Type-locality: Devonshire Coast, England. 

Other records: Atlantic coast of France, Spain, and Portugal; 
British Islands; Azores; Atlantic coast of North America from Nova 
Scotia and Gulf of St. Lawrence to Georgia; Alligator Harbor, St. 
Georges Sound, and Apalachee Bay, Fla.; Galveston, Freeport, 
Port Aransas, and Port Isabel, Tex.; Safety Islands; Tristan da 
Cunha and Gough Island; South Africa; California; Hawaii; Kyushu 
and Honshu, Japan; Formosa Strait; Hong Kong; New Zealand; 
New South Wales, Australia. 

New records: Savannah Beach and Sapelo Island, Ga.; Fernandina 
Beach, Mayport, St. Augustine, Marineland, Ft. Pierce, Key West, 
Sarasota Bay, Tampa Bay, Dunedin, Panama City, and Destin, 
Fla.; Ocean Springs, Miss.; Cayenne, French Guiana. 

Remarks.—In Mayer’s last two monographs (1890, 1903), he 
names 20 varieties or forms of the Caprella acutifrons group. Of 

Ficure 16.—Caprella penantis, female; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 2; c, pereopod 7; d, 
gnathopod 1; ¢, abdomen. 


these, C. acutifrons f. angusta (1903), borealis (1903), incisa (1903), 
and verrucosa (1903) (=C.verrucosa Boeck, 1871b) have since been 
given specific rank. In the present paper one other variety, C. acuti- 
frons f. andreae, is accorded specific rank, leaving 14 varieties in 

The varieties C. acutifrons f. typica (1890), minor (1890), tabida 
(1890), and tibada (1903) differ from the remaining varieties pri- 
marily by the distal position of the poison tooth on the palm of 
the propodus of gnathopod 2. Mayer recognized C. acutifrons f. 
typica and minor from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the latter variety 
being based on a smaller individual than the former. Krgyer (1842- 
43) described CO. dilatata from Rio de Janeiro. All of the above- 
mentioned varieties should be assigned to C. dilatata. Juveniles of 
this species bear a small proximal tooth on the palm of gnathopod 
2, which is very short and spinelike and is not present on individuals 
larger than approximately 8 mm. 

In 1903 Mayer changed the 1890 variety tabida to tibada and 
recognized C. tabida Lucas, 1849, as a different variety. C. acutifrons 
f. tabida (1903) (=C. tabida Lucas, 1849), C. acutifrons f. simulatriz 
(1903), C. pilimana Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953, and C. obtusi- 
frons Utinomi, 1948c, differ from the remaining varieties by the lack 
of a poison tooth on the palm of gnathopod 2. Specimens of the 
first two varieties and of C. obtusifrons have not been examined so 
I cannot make any statement on their validity. 

Caprella acutifrons f. cristibrachium (1903) lacks a triangular pro- 
jection on the cephalon and the shape of gnathopod 2 is quite 
different from that of the other members of the C. acutifrons group. 
It is doubtful that it is a variety of this group and probably should 
be given specific rank. 

The remaining varieties, C. acutifrons f. carolinensis (1890), virginia 
(1890), testudo (1903), gibbosa (1890), lusitanica (1890), natalensis 
(1903), porcellio (1903), and neglecta (1890), are quite similar in the 
shape of gnathopod 2 and general body form. In the first five varieties 
the palm of the propodus of gnathopod 2 is quite setose and in the 
last three varieties and C. angusta the palm is scarcely setose. I have 
been unable to find other distinguishing characters for these varieties, 
so I have tentatively assigned them to the species C. penantis. 

Dougherty and Steinberg (1953) gave C. acutifrons f. angusta, 
incisa, and verrucosa specific rank. These varieties occur together 
on the California coast and have been collected simulatneously from 
the same hydroid. Since they are sympatric and no morphological 
intergradations were observed, all of these varieties cannot be ascribed 
to the same species. I agree with Dougherty and Steinberg’s decision 
to give them specific rank; however, they do not state how C. 


angusta differs from the typical C. penantis. Specimens of C. angusta 
have been compared with specimens which Mayer identified as C. 
acutifrons f. natalensis and neglecta and with specimens which I 
earlier (1965) identified as C. geometrica. With the exception of the 
setose versus nonsetose palm of guathopod 2, I can find no variation 
which is not ascribable to size differences. I have therefore synony- 
mized C. angusta with the typical C. penantis. 

The specimens from Cayenne, French Guiana, belong to that 
portion of C. penantis which bears almost no setae on the palm of 
enathopod 2. It might well be that C. penantis could be divided 
into two subspecies on the basis of the setation of gnathopod 2; 
however, material from Chile, Australia, and New Zealand would 
have to be examined since Nicolet’s name C. spinifrons or possibly 
Kirk’s name C. novae-zealandiae would probably have priority over 
one of Mayer’s varietal names. Material is not available to me from 
these areas so I have refrained from naming subspecies. 

Kirk’s (1878) description of C. novae-zealandiae agrees with that 
of C. penantis, and he states that his species is close to C. geometrica. 
Thomson and Chilton (1885, 1886) synonymized C. novae-zealandiae 
with C. equilibra; however, Kirk states “Cephalon furnished with 
a spinous tooth directed forwards.” It seems unlikely that Kirk 
could have been referring to C. equilibra, so I have synonymized 
his species with C. penantis. 

In my synonymy, when a reference to the variety of C. acutifrons 
or C. penantis is not indicated, this lack of designation is indicated 
by a question mark in brackets before the author or date. Such 
records are not included in the distribution of this species, so it is 
possible that C. penantis might also be found as far north as Spits- 
bergen, the Mediterranean Sea, the Falkland Islands, Chile, Cook 
Strait, and the Bering Sea. 

This species is probably the most common caprellid along the 
east coast of the United States. It occurs in such abundance from 
Long Island to Chesapeake Bay that I have had several reports 
that it is a pest to swimmers. One report from Sinepuxent Bay, Md. 
stated that C. penantis fastens itself to the exposed parts of swimmers’ 
bodies and either bites or sucks, causing an lritation that forms a 
blister which lasts for a week or more. Such an irritation might be 
caused by the associated hydroids and not by the caprellid itself, 
but this possibility has not been verified. 

C. penantis is quite nonspecific in its habitat preference and has 
been taken on various red and brown algae, sea grass, sponges, hy- 
droids, aleyonarians, zoantharians, and bryozoans. Chilton (1911) 
reports that this species was collected from a coconut which was 
washed ashore; I have found it clinging to the spines of the echinoid 


Arbacia and on hydroids which were attached to the carapace of the 
spider crab Libinia. 

Caprella sanguinea Gould, 1841 

Caprella sanguinea Gould, 1841, pp. 335-336.—de Kay, 1844, p. 41.—Stimpson, 
1854 (1853), p. 44.—Bate, 1862, p. 360.—Mayer, 1882, p. 67; 1890, p. 73.— 
Whiteaves, 1901, p. 219. 

Remarxs.—This species from Massachusetts was described by 
Gould as: 

. an inch in length, entirely crimson except its black eyes. The head is blunt, 
the lower antennae ciliated and extending to the second segment, and the upper 
ones to the third segment; first two segments nearly as long as the three next, 
and about one third of the whole length; on the middle of the first is a spine; 
two last segments short and heart-shaped. Hands having a long curved finger; 
an imperfect thumb on the second pair of legs; a tubercule at the base of the 
ovate carpus, and a small spine at the middle. This might be called C. sanguinea, 
from its color, which it retains in spirits. 

Like Stimpson’s C. longimanus, this species is unidentifiable and it 
might also belong to C. septentrionalis. 

Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836 
FicureEs 17, 18, 55 

Caprella scaura Templeton, 1836, pp. 191-192, pl. 20 fig. 6—H. Edwards, 1840, 
p. 107.—Bate, 1862, p. 355, pl. 56, fig. 4.—Mayer, 1882, p. 65; 1890, pp. 
70-73, pl. 4, figs. 40-51, pl. 6, fig. 41, pl. 7, figs. 2, 35-36 [in part]; 1903, 
pp. 117-120, pl. 5, figs. 13-18, pl. 10, fig. 11 [in part].—Walker, 1916, p. 
346.—Barnard, 1925, pp. 371-372.—Hale, 1927, p. 315; 1929, p. 234, fig. 
229.—Arimoto, 1931, pp. 16-18, pl. 3, figs. 1-6.—Hiro, 1937, pp. 314-315, 
fig. 3, pl. 22, figs. 11-12.—Day and Morgan, 1956, p. 308. 

Caprella nodosa Templeton, 1836, pp. 192-194, pl. 21, fig. 7.—H. Edwards, 1840, 
p. 108.—Bate, 1862, p. 357, pl. 56, fig. 7. 

Caprella cornuta Dana, 1853, pp. 816-817; 1855, pl. 54, fig. 5.—Bate, 1862, p. 
356, pl. 56, fig. 5.—Mayer, 1882, p. 68.—Chilton, 1921, pp. 90-91, fig. 4.— 
Oliveira, 1940, p. 1389. 

Caprella cornuta f. obtusirostris Dana, 18538, p. 817; 1855, pl. 54, fig. 6. 

Caprella attenuata Dana, 1853, pp. 817-819; 1855, pl. 55, fig. 1.—Bate, 1862, 
p. 364, pl. 57, fig. 7.—Mayer, 1882, pp. 67-68, figs. 24-25; 1890, p. 73.— 
Haswell, 1885, p. 1000. 

Caprella attenuata f. subtenuis Dana, 1853, pp. 818-819; 1855, pl. 55, fig. le. 

Caprella scaura f. typica Mayer, 1890, p. 71, pl. 4 figs. 48-49; 1903, p. 118.— 
Miyadi and Masui, 1942, p. 10.—Utinomi, 1947, p. 77. 

Caprella scaura f. diceros Mayer, 1890, p. 71; 1903, p. 118.—Miyadi and Masui, 
1942, p. 10.—Utinomi, 1943a, p. 279; 1943b, p. 285, fig. 5; 1947, p. 77. 

Caprella scaura f. cornuta Mayer, 1890, pp. 71-72, pl. 4, figs. 50-51; 1903, pl. 118. 

Caprella scaura f. undetermined Mayer, 1903, p. 120. 

Caprella scaura f. hamata Utinomi, 1947, p. 77, fig. 7. 

DiaGNnosis.—Cephalon with anteriorly directed spine, pereonites 
1-2 elongate in males, basis of gnathopod 2 approximately length 
of pereonite 2. 


Description.—Body with anteriorly directed cephalic § spine, 
female with variously developed spines on pereonites 1-7. Length 
of largest male 21 mm, female 12 mm, smallest ovigerous female 
6 mm. 

Antenna 1 usually longer than one-half body length, flagellum with 
as many as 9 fused articles in males, up to 4 in females. Length of 
antenna 2 variable. 

Mouthparts typical of genus, lacinia mobilis of right mandible not 
distinctly 5-toothed. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 2 proximal grasping spines, grasping 
margin of dactylus and propodus serrate. Propodus of gnathopod 2 
elongate in males, palm with 2 strong teeth and distal rectangular 
projection; female propodus not so elongate as male, palm with proxi- 
mal spine, small distal tooth and distal rectangular projection. 

Gills elliptical. 

Propodus of pereopods 5-7 with 2 proximal grasping spines. 

Abdomen of male and female typical of genus except with raised 
medial projection. 

VartaTion.—The females with the most pronounced dorsal body 
spination had 1 knob at the posterior of pereonite 1, 1 pair of knobs 
above the gills on pereonites 3 and 4, 1 knob at the posterior of pereon- 
ite 4, 2 pairs of knobs at midlength of pereonite 5, 1 pair of knobs at. 
midlength of pereonite 6, and a pair of knobs at the posterior of 
peronite 7. This spination showed varous degrees of reduction from this 
pattern with the knob at the posterior of pereonite 4 usually being 
present. The males occasionally bore 2 pairs of knobs at midlength of 
pereonite 5 and a pair of knobs at midlength of pereonite 6. 

The number of fused articles in the flagellum of antenna 1 varied 
from 6-9 in males and from 2-4 in females. Mayer used this character 
for separating C. scaura f. cornuta from C. scaura f. typica and diceros 
since C. scaura f. cornuta does not have fused articles in the flagellum 
of antenna 1. 

Distrispution.—Type-locality: Riviere Noire, Mauritius. 

Other records: St. Croix and St. Barthélemy, Virgin Island; 
Vitoria, Rio de Janeiro, and 28° S., Brazil; South Africa; Mejillones, 
Chile; Cumberland Bay, Isla Mas a Tierra; Honshu, Kyushu, and the 
Inland Sea, Japan; Vladivostok; Sydney and Kangaroo Island, 

New records: Cocos Island, Costa Rica; off Mayagtiez, Puerto 
Rico; ha Sao Sebastiao and Santa Catarina, Brazil; False Bay, South 

Remarxs.—Mayer (1890, 1903) described 6 varieties of C. scaura 
to which Utinomi (1947) added a seventh, C. scaura f. hamata. Mayer’s 
varieties C. scaura f. typica (1890), diceros (1890), cornuta (1890), 



Ficure 17.—Caprella scaura, male; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 1; ¢, maxilla 2; d, maxilla 
1; 2, gnathopod 1; f, right mandible; g, abdomen; h, left mandible; 2, inner and outer 
lobes of maxilliped. 


Ficure 18.—Caprella scaura, female; a, lateral view; b, inner and outer lobes of maxilliped; 
c, gnathopod 2; d, maxilla 1; ¢, abdomen; f, gnathopod 1; g, righ mandible; A, left 



and Utinomi’s C. scaura f. hamata do not bear a ventral spine between 
the insertions of gnathopods 2 as do Mayer’s varieties californica 
(1890), scauroides (1903), and spinirostris (1890). 

Dougherty and Steinberg (1953) separated C. scaura f. californica 
as a distinct species and reestablished Stimpson’s (1857) name C. 
californica. This action was justified; however, they did not state 
what should be done with the other two varieties which bear the ven- 
tral spine. These varieties are closely related and appear to be limited 
to the North Pacific. No material of the Asian varieties is available to 
me and I am not able to comment on their taxonomic position. The 
synonymy, therefore, includes only those references which refer to 
those varieties which do not bear the ventral spine. 

Barnard (1925) considered C. laevipes Mayer, 1903, a synonym of 
C. scaura. C. laevipes appears to be distinct from C. scaura since the 
pereopods do not bear grasping spines and Barnard’s synonymy has 
not been followed. 

The Caribbean material appears to be most closely related to C. 
scaura f. typica which has previoulsy been taken from St. Croix and 
St. Barthélemy. 

C. scaura has been taken on red and brown algae, sea grass, bry- 
ozoans, and on a sea urchin. 

Caprella septentrionalis Krgyer, 1838 
Ficures 19-22, 51 

Squilla lobata [not Miiller].—O. Fabricius, 1780, pp. 248-249. 

Caprella septentrionalis Krgyer, 1838, p. 318; 1842-43, pp. 590-596, pl. 8, figs. 
10-19.—Boeck, 1861, p. 677; 1870, p. 276 (196); 1873-76, pp. 696-698.— 
Bate, 1862, p. 355, pl. 56, fig. 3.—Goés, 1866, p. 534.—Packard, 1867, p. 
297.—Liitken, 1875, p. 159.—Schigdte, 1875, p. 224, pl. 5, figs. 1-8.— 
Norman, 1876, p. 209; 1886, p. 26; 1902, p. 483; 1905a, p. 26.—Miers, 1877b, 
p. 139; 1880, p. 69.—Meinert, 1877-1878, pp. 171-172; 1880, p. 495; 1890, 
pp. 184-185.—M. Sars, 1858 (1859), p. 150.—Hoek, 1882, p. 65.—Mayer, 
1882, pp. 62-64, figs. 20-22; 1890, pp. 65-68, pl. 2, figs. 26-33, pl. 4, fig. 31, 
pl. 6, fig. 38; 1903, pp. 120-123, pl. 5, figs. 19-21, pl. 8, fig. 24.—Stuxberg, 
1882, p. 764; 1887, p. 73.—Schneider, 1883, p. 30; 1884, pp. 130-131; 1891, 
pp. 111, 122; 1924 (1926), p. 60.—Koelbel, 1886, p. 42.—G. Sars, 1886, 
pp. 69, 89; 1895, pp. 659-660, 700, pl. 237, fig. 1.—Hansen, 1887b, pp. 173- 
174.—Vosseler, 1889, p. 159.—Pfeffer, 1889 (1890), pp. 87, 94.—Klinckow- 
strém, 1892, p. 90.—Ohlin, 1895a, pp. 63-64, xvii, xix; 1895b, p. 486.— 
Vanhéffen, 1897, pp. 202, 203, 213.—Scott, 1899, p. 81; 1901, pp. 267- 
268.—Ortmann, 1901, pp. 155-156.—d’ A. Thompson, 1901, p. 42.—Lénnberg, 
1902 (1903), p. 50.—Holmes, 1904 (1905), p. 527.—Nordgaard, 1905, 
p. 185.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 78-79.—M. Grieg, 1907, p. 527.—Briggen, 
1909, p. 43.—Stephensen, 1913a, pp. 223-225; 1913b, p. 68; 1916, p. 295; 
1927a, pp. 148-149; 1927b, p. 13; 1928, pp. 384-3886, fig. 92 (5-10); 1929a, 
pp. 179-180, fig. 334; 1929b, pp. 20, 34; 1933, pp. 60, 77; 1935, p. 188; 1940, 
pp. 73-74; 1942, pp. 439-441, 502, 503; 1944b, pp. 136-1387, 148, 159, 162.— 
Bjérek, 1915, p. 36.—Derjugin, 1915, pp. 453, 456; 1928, p. 282.—Oldevig, 


1917, p. 40; 1933, pp. 266-269, fig. 1-2 (p. 267), figs. 1-3 (p. 268).—J. Grieg, 
1925, p. 22.—Johansen, 1925, p. 204; 1930, p. 94.—Shoemaker, 1926, p. 11; 
1930, pp. 353 (135)-354 (136).—Gurjanova, 1929b, p. 70; 1931, p. 201.— 
Dons, 1935, p. 110.—Dunbar, 1942, p. 42; 1954, pp. 784, 788.—Schellenberg, 
1942, p. 238, fig. 198.—Dahl, 1946, p. 22.—Utinomi, 1943c, pp. 296-297, 
fig. 10; 1947, p. 78.—Stock and Bolklander, 1952, p. 4.—Bousfield, 1956a, 
p. 32; 1956b, p. 144; 1958a, p. 321; 1962, p. 53.—Bousfield and Leim, 1958, 
p. 18.—Brunell, 1961, p. 7.—Prefontaine and Brunel, 1962, p. 256. 

Caprella cercopoides White, 1852, p. cevii, fig. 1. 

Caprella robusta Stimpson, 1854 (1853), p. 44.—Mayer, 1882, p. 66; 1890, p. 73. 

Caprella punctata [not Risso] Boeck, 1861, pp. 676-677; 187la, p. 277 (197); 
1873-76, pp. 698-699, pl. 32, fig. 11.—Norman, 1886, p. 26; 1905a, p. 26.— 
G. Sars, 1886, pp. 69, 89; 1895, pp. 660-661, 700-701, pl. 237, fig. 2, pl. 8, 
fig. 3.— Briiggen, 1907, p. 238.—Nordgaard, 1911 (1912), p. 24.—Stephensen, 
1928, p. 385, fig. 92 (8); 1933, pp. 60, 77; 1940, p. 74; 1942, pp. 442-443, 
504, 505; 1944a, p. 50; 1944b, p. 159. 

Caprella Septentrionalis.—Herklots, 1861, p. 43. 

Caprella Stimpsoni Bate, 1862, p. 361.—Whiteaves, 1901, p. 220. 

[?] Caprella hystrix [not Krgyer].—Bate and Westwood, 1868, pp. 63-64.— 
M’Intosch, 1874, p. 272.—Koehler, 1884 (1885), pp. 112, 117; 1885, pp. 54, 
61.—Bate, 1887, p. 175.—Bonnier, 1887, p. 354.—Robertson, 1886-87 (1888), 
p. 72.—Walker, 1895b, p. 475.—Norman, 1905b, p. 85.—Norman and 
Scott, 1906, p. 99. 

Caprella longicornis Boeck, 1871a, pp. 274 (194)- 275 (195); 1873-76, pp. 691-693, 
pl. 32, fig. 7. 

Caprella Lovéni Boeck, 1871a, p. 276 (196); 1873-76, pp. 694-696, pl. 32, fig. 8.— 
Meinert, 1877-78, p. 171.—G. Sars, 1895, pp. 662-663, pl. 238, fig. 2.— 
Stephensen, 1928, pp. 385-386, fig. 92 (10). 

[?] Caprella hystryxz.—Bate, 1878, p. 509. 

Caprella septentrionalis f. typica Mayer, 1890, p. 66. 

Caprella septentrionalis f. longicornis Mayer, 1890, p. 66, pl. 2, figs. 26-27, 33, 
pl. 4, fig. 31. 

Caprella septentrionalis f. nodigera Mayer, 1890, p. 66. 

Caprella septentrionalis f. polyceros Mayer, 1890, p. 66, pl. 2, fig. 32. 

Caprella septentrionalis f. parva Mayer, 1890, p. 66, pl. 2, figs. 28-31. 

Caprella monocera G. Sars, 1895, pp. 661-662, pl. 238, fig. 1.—Ohlin, 1895a, pp. 
villi, xiii, xvii, xix, 64-65.—Nordgaard, 1905, p. 185.—Stephensen, 1928, 
p. 385, fig. 92 (9); 1933, pp. 60, 77; 1940, p. 74; 1942, pp. 442, 504, 505; 
1944b, p. 159. 

Caprella septentrionalis f. spinigera.—Hansen, 1895, p. 130. 

Caprella stimpsoni.—Holmes, 1904 (1905), p. 527. 

Caprella septentrionalis longicornis.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 78-79. 

Caprella septentrionalis stimpsont.—M. Rathbun, 1905, p. 7, 79. 

Caprella septentrionalis polyceros.—M. Rathbun, 1905, p. 7, 79. 

Caprella septentrionalis lovéni.—Stephensen, 1929a, p. 180, fig. 334. 

Caprella septentrionalis monocera.—Stephensen, 1929a, p. 180, fig. 334. 

Caprella septentrionalis punctata.—Stephensen, 1929a, p. 180, fig. 334. 

Caprella septentrionalis f. monocera.—Oldevig, 1933, p. 266, fig. 2 (p. 267). 

Caprella septentrionalis f. punctata.—Oldevig, 1933, p. 266, fig. 3 (p. 268). 

Caprella septentrionalis f. lovéni.—Oldevig, 1933, p. 266, fig. 2 (p. 268). 

Caprella lovéni.—Stephensen, 1940, p. 74; 1942, pp. 441, 504, 505; 1944b, p. 159, 

Diacnosts.—Body usually with numerous spines and _ tubercles, 
peduncle of antenna 1 rarely with setules, ratio of total length to 


Ficure 19.—Caprella septentrionalis, male; a, lateral view; b, abdomen; c, maxilliped; 
d, gnathopod 1; ¢, maxilla 1; f, right mandible; g, left mandible. 


Ficure 20.—Caprella septentrionalis, female; a, lateral view; b, pereopod 7; c, gnathopod 2; 
d, abdomen. 

length of basis of gnathopod 2 usually greater than 13.0, inner surface 
of gnathopod 2 with small tooth adjacent to poison tooth. 

Description.—Body spination variable. Length of largest male 20 
mm, largest female 20 mm, smallest ovigerous female 9 mm. 

Peduncle of antenna 1 occasionally with dense setules. Length of 
antenna 2 longer or shorter than peduncle of antenna 1. 

Mouthparts typical of genus, right lacinia mobilis 5-toothed. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 2 proximal grasping spines, grasping 
margin of dactylus and propodus serrate. Palm of propodus of gna- 
thopod 2 with proximal poison tooth and small tooth on inner surface, 
distally with small tooth, notch, and rectangular projection, antero- 
distal margin occasionally with projection; basis short and robust. 

Gills usually elliptical, occasionally oval and inflated. 

Propodus of pereopods 5-7 with pair of proximal grasping spines. 

Abdomen of male and female typical of genus. 

VARIATION.—Body spination varies from quite spinose to almost as 
smooth as in (. linearis. Usually the cephalon is furnished with at 
least a single spine. 


The ratio of the total length to the length of the basis of gnathopod 
2 varies slightly as illustrated in figure 22. 

DisTRIBUTION.—Type-locality: “It seems to be common in 
the Greenland seas***, but is not mentioned by Sabine and 
Ross**** ,,..***Sydproven, Julianchaab, Fiskenaesset, Godthaab and 
Nenertalik are those places from which it has been sent.”’ (Translated 
from Krgyer, 1838) 

Other records: Murman coast; Novaya Zemlya; White Sea; N. 
Russia; Norway to France and British Islands; Faeroe Islands; Jan 
Mayen; Iceland; East and West Greenland; Baffin Bay and Davis 
Straits; coast of North America from Hudson Bay to Maine. 

New records: Many localities south to Georges Bank. 

Remarks.—This species occupies almost the same habitat as C. 
linearis. It has been taken in the stomachs of the pollock Pollachwus 
(Scott, 1901) and the rock cod Gadus (Johansen, 1925). It ranges in 
depth from the surface to 1026 m. 

As evidenced by the long synonymy, this species exhibits a variety 
of body forms. Mayer (1890, 1903) viewed these forms as variants 
of the same species; however, Stephensen (1928, 1940) treated several 
of these forms as distinct species or subspecies. The material available 
to me of this species is quite large and intergradations between the 
forms are numerous. No geographical isolation of these forms is 
evident and therefore they probably represent only infrasubspecific 
variants. Perhaps ecological data would reveal some other type of 
isolating mechanism, but type of datum is not available to me. 

Figure 21 is a variant of this species, which was collected in Casco 
Bay, Maine. It corresponds to G. Sar’s (1895) concept of C. monocera 
and to Mayer’s C. septentrionalis f. longicornis. In common with C. 
linearis it bears numerous setules on the peduncle of antenna 1 and 
has elongated pereonites 1 and 2. Since the females of C. linearis and 
C. septentrionalis are frequently indistinguishable and the gnathopods 
are quite similar, this variant caused concern over the distinctiveness 
of these species because it might represent a hybrid. In figure 22 the 
ratio of the total length to the length of the basis of gnathopod 2 
is plotted. The variant and males and females of C. septentrionalis 
are not significantly different in this character; however, they are 
significantly different from both the males and females of C. linearis. 
Relying on this character, the females of the two species can be 
separated and it justifies the inclusion of the variant within C. sep- 
tentrionalis. The problem of the possible species distinctiveness of 
Mayer’s varieties and Stephensen’s species and subspecies is still 
unresolved, and its solution will probably not be found until ecologic 
and genetic studies can be carried out. 


Ficure 21.—Caprella septentrionalis, male variant; a, lateral view; 0, gnathopod 2; c 
gnathopod 1. 


Caprella unica Mayer, 1903 
FIGURES 23, 24, 55 

Caprella unica Mayer, 1903, p. 127, pl. 5, fig. 39.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 79. 
Caprella grahami Wigley and Shave, 1966, pp. 289-296, figs. 1-5. 

Draenosis.—Cephalon without anteriorly directed triangular pro- 
jection, propodus of pereopods 5-7 with few setae but without grasping 

Description.—Body smooth to spiny. Length of largest male 18 
mm, largest female 8 mm, smallest ovigerous female 5 mm. 

Peduncle of antenna 1 with or without dense setules in male, 
female lacking setules. 

Mouthparts typical of genus except dactylus of maxilliped palp 
quite robust, right lacinia mobilis 5-toothed. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 2 proximal grasping spines. Gnatho- 
pod 2 similar to C. linearis and C. septentrionalis. 

Propodus of pereopods 5-7 without grasping spines and with only 
few short setae. 

Abdomen typical of genus. 


7.0 80 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 

Ficure 22.—Ratio of total length divided by length of basis of gnathopod 2; a, Caprella 
septentrionalis, males, n=47; b, C. septentrionalis, variant males, n=10; c, C. septentrio- 
nalis, females, n= 42; d, C. linearis, females, n=16; ¢, C. linearis, males, n= 34. Vertical 
line represents the range, horizontal line the mean, stippled area two standard errors 
either side of the mean, and white rectangle one standard deviation either side of the 

VaRIATION.—The body of this species varies in the amount of 
spination, larger individuals tending to be less spinose (compare figs. 
23c, 24a, 24b). The peduncle of antenna 1 shows some variability in 
the density of setules; larger males tend to develop more setules. 

DistrrisutTion.—Type-locality: Albatross sta. 2253, 40°34’30”" N., 
69°50'45’” W., 59 m. 

Other records: Southeastern New England, Long Island Sound, 
Vineyard Sound, Great Harbor in Woods Hole, passage between Vine- 
yard Sound and Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod Canal; 0.3 to 25 m. 

New records: St. John’s, Newfoundland; Casco Bay, Maine; off 
Cape Cod, 40°-43° N., 65°-72° W.; 37°31’ N., 74°52’ W. 

Remarks.—Wigley and Shave (1966) give an excellent description 
of C. grahami which they thought to be distinct from C. unica due 
to the presence of spines on the dorsal surface of the latter species. 
Mayer based his description of C. wnica upon a single immature male 
which was quite spiny; however, recent material collected from the 
area near the type-locality has yielded numerous specimens which 
intergrade between the smooth and spiny forms. Since the other 
characters of these two species agree quite closely and intergrades 
are present between the two body forms, C. grahami is suppressed 
as a Junior synonym of C. unica. 



Ficure 23.—Caprella unica, male holotype; a, maxilla 1; b, gnathopod 1; ¢, lateral view; 
d, right mandible; ¢, maxilla 1; f, pereopod 6; g, maxilliped; A, right mandible. 


Ficure 24.—Caprella unica; a, lateral view of male with intermediate spination; ), lateral 
view of male holotype of C. grahamt; c, female gnathopod 2; d, male gnathopod 2; e, 
female pereopod 7; f, lateral view of female allotype of C, grahami. 

C. unica has been reported on two species of starfishes, Asterias 
forbest (Desor) and Asterias vulgaris Verrill. This association with 
echinoderms is unusual and has been found for Pariambus typicus 
(Krgyer) on Asterias and Solaster (Chevreux and Fage, 1925), 
Aeginella spinosa on Brisinga (Mayer, 1903), Caprella linearis on 
Asterias (Ohlin, 1895a, probably C. unica, p. 33), Phtisica marina 
on Asterias (Meinert, 1880), and I have found C. penantis clinging 
to the spines of Arbacia and C. scaura on an unidentified urchin. 


Deutella Mayer, 1890 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-x-1, 1, or 2, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than 
inner lobe; gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4, 2-segmented, 
pereopod 5, 6-segmented, inserted at the posterior of pereonite 5; 
abdomen of male with pair of appendages and pair of setose lobes, 
female with pair of lobes, with or without setae. 

Type-species: Deutella californica Mayer, 1890 (by monotypy, 
subsequently designated by Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953). 

Remarxs.—The genus Deutella is presently composed of 4 species; 
D. californica Mayer, 1890; D. incerta (Mayer, 1903); D. mayeri 
Stebbing, 1895; and D. venenosa Mayer, 1890. Steinberg and 
Dougherty (1957) state they believe Luconacia incerta belongs 
to Deutella because differences between the two genera seem minor. 
The differences to which they refer are the lack of a definitive palmar 
surface on the propodus of pereopod 5 and the presence of swimming 
setae in Luconacia. There exist, however, several more important 
differences which are presented in table 1. It can be seen that the 
genus Luconacia differs from Deutella except for the serrate lacinia 
mobilis which D. mayeri shares with LZ. incerta. The remaining dif- 
ferences seem sufficient to separate Deutella and Luconacia; therefore, 
the genus Luconacia has been reestablished. 

Deutella mayeri and D. sp. Mayer, 1890, differ from the other 
species of the genus in haying only 1 or 2 setae on the terminal ar- 
ticle of the mandibular palp. D. mayeri exhibits many similarities 
with the species of Paracaprella, particularly P. tenuis which some- 
times bears a small 3-segmented palp with a terminal seta. D. mayeri 

TABLE 1.—Taxonomic characters separating Deutella and Luconacia 

Deutella Dertella Deutella Luconacia 
californica mayeri venenosa incerta 
Apical setae on terminal present present present absent 
article of maxilliped 
and projection on 
penultimate article 
Terminal article of no knobs no knobs no knobs knobs 
mandibular palp 1-x-1 1 or 2 I-x-1 1-x-1 
Tip of male abdominal no papillae no papillae no papillae — papillae 
appendage fringe no fringe no fringe fringe 
Female abdomen lobes lobes lobes no lobes 
Insertion of pereopod 5 posterior posterior posterior midlength 
Right lacinia mobilis 5-toothed serrate 5-toothed serrate 


and Mayer’s D. sp. may represent intergrades between the two 
genera. Since the mandibular palp of D. mayeri is not reduced in 
size as it is in Paracaprella, I have chosen to leave this species in 
Deutella, although its position is questionable. 

If D. mayeri and Mayer’s D. sp. are disregarded because of their 
apparent divergence from the other species of Deutella, then Luconacia 
and Deutella are separated geographically, Luconacia being restricted 
to the Atlantic and Deutella to the Pacific. 

Deutella californica Mayer, 1890 
FIGurRE 52 

Deutella californica Mayer, 1890, pp. 27-28, pl. 1, figs. 3-4, pl. 3, figs. 15-16, 
pl. 5, fig. 18—Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953, p. 44; 1954, pp. 169, 171, 
fig. 82f.—Steinberg and Dougherty, 1957, pp. 279-281, figs. 15, 21-23, 
28.—Gardella, 1962, pp. 1-2.—Johnson and Juskevice, 1965, p. 39.—Johnson, 
1966, appendix 4, p. 4. 

REMARKS.—This species was originally described by Mayer from 
Cape Mendocino, Calif. and later reported from Monterey Bay by 
Dougherty and Steinberg. Steinberg and Dougherty (1957) reported 
it as occurring at “. . . probably Port Aransas, Texas.”” The material 
they examined undoubtedly belongs to D. californica; however, no 
additional material of this species has been collected in the western 
North Atlantic, and it is probable that this species is not a member 
of the caprellid fauna of that area. 

D. californica can be distinguished from D. mayeri by its 1-x-1 
setal formula for the terminal article of the mandibular palp, the 
5-toothed lacinia mobilis on the right mandible, and the single dorsal 
cephalic spine. For a description and figures of this species, consult 
Steinberg and Dougherty (1957). 

Deutella mayeri Stebbing, 1895 
Figures 25, 26, 52 

Deutella mayeri Stebbing, 1895, pp. 400-402, pl. 15a.—Mayer, 1903, pp. 44-45. 

Draanosis.—Body without spines. 

Description.—Body smooth, anterolateral margin of pereonite 2 
with triangular projection. Length of largest male 4 mm, female 3 

Mandible with 3-segmented palp, 1 or 2 setae on terminal article, 
penultimate article with single distal setae. Left mandible with 5- 
toothed incisor, 5-toothed lacinia mobilis, setal row of 3 serrate setae. 
Right mandible with 5-toothed incisor, apically serrate lacinia mobilis, 
setal row of 2 serrate setae. Palp of maxilla 1 with 3 or 4 apical spines 
and several setae, outer lobe with 4 or 5 apical spines. Inner lobe of 
maxilla 2 with 4 or 5 apical setae, outer lobe with 5 or 6 apical setae. 


Ficure 25.—Deutella mayeri, male; a, lateral view; b, maxilla 1; c, gnathopod 2; d, gnatho- 

pod 1; ¢, maxilliped; f, abdomen; g, pereopod 4; h, pereopod 3; i, labium; j, pereopod 5; 
k, maxilla 1; /, left mandible; m, right mandible. 

Outer lobe of maxilliped with 2 apical setae, 1 plumose and 1 non- 
plumose seta, and several medial setae; inner lobe with 3 or 4 apical 
setae of which 2 or 3 plumose; terminal article of palp with 2 or 3 
distal setae, penultimate article with distal triangular projection. 


Ficure 26.—Deutella mayeri, female; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 1; c, maxilliped; d, 
pereopod 3; ¢, abdomen; f, maxilla 1; g, maxilla 2; h, left mandible; 7, right mandible. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 1 proximal grasping 
spine; grasping margins of dactylus and propodus serrate, dactylus 
with distinct teeth on grasping margin. Palm of propodus of gnathopod 
2 with proximal grasping spine, distal tooth and notch at midlength; 
dactylus smooth. 

Terminal article of pereopods 3 and 4 with 1 plumose and 2 non- 
plumose setae. Pereopods 5-7, 6-segmented, palm of propodus with 
pair of proximal grasping spines. 


Abdomen of male with pair of appendages and pair of setose lobes, 
female with pair of nonsetose lobes. 

DistrinuTion.—Type-locality: Antigua, West Indies. 

New records: Bahfa Fosforescente, Puerto Rico. 

Fallotritelia, new genus 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-x-1, molar absent; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than inner lobe; 
cills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4, 1-segmented, pereopod 
5, 6-segmented; abdomen of male and female with pair of lobes. 

Type-species: Fallotritella biscaynensis, new species (by present 

Remarxs.—This new genus is closely related to Tritella Mayer, 
1890, and Triliropus Mayer, 1903, but differs from these by the lack 
of a molar on the mandible, having the inner lobe of the maxilliped 
rounded instead of flattened, and by the lack of setae on the dactylus 
of the maxillipedal palp. Table 2 summarizes the differences between 
these genera. 

TaBLE 2.— Taxonomic characters separating Fallotritella, Tritella, and Triliropus 

| Fallotritella Tritella laevis, Tritella tenuis- Triliropus 
biscaynensis pilimana, ornata sima uncinatus 
Swimming setae on absent present absent absent 
antenna 2 
Inner lobe of maxilliped round flat flat flat 
Dactylus of maxilliped no yes yes ? 
with setae 
Grasping spines on pro- 5 usually midlength proximal absent 
podus of pereopods 5-7 absent, 6 or proximal 
and 7 
Insertion of perecopod 5 posterior posterior midlength posterior to 

Tritella tenuissima Dougherty and Steinberg, 1953, differs from the 
other species of Tritella in that swimming setae are lacking on antenna 
2 and pereopod 5 is inserted near midlength on pereonite 5. These 
characters are found in Triliropus, and Tritella tenuissima should 
probably be transferred to this genus; however, since I have not 
examined specimens of Triliropus I will refrain from making the 
transfer at this time. 

The generic name is derived from the Latin term “fallo,” meaning 
false, in combination with Tritella, the name of a closely allied genus. 


Fallotritella biscaynensis, new species 

Ficures 27, 28, 53 

Diacnosis.—Since this genus is monotypic, the characters of the 
genus are diagnostic for the species. 

Description.—Male holotype: Body spinose. Cephalon with 
single dorsal anteriorly directed spine. Pereonite 1 with single postero- 
dorsal spine. Pereonites 2-4 with trace of dorsal spine at midlength 
and with posterodorsal spine. Pereonites 5-7 without spines. Length 
4 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of pereonites 2-4, flagellum of 11 
articles. Antenna 2 approximately length of peduncle of antenna 1. 

Mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-5-1. Mandibles with 5-toothed incisor, lacinia mobilis toothed, 2 
accessory plates on right mandible and 3 on left, 2 setae present. 
Palp of maxilla 1 with 2 apical and 2 medial setae, outer lobe with 
6 serrate spines. Outer lobe of maxilliped with 3 apical setae and 1 
seta at midlength on medial margin, inner lobe rounded with 2 apical 
setae; dactylus of palp slightly curved with grasping margin serrate. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 2 proximal grasping 
spines; grasping margins of dactylus and propodus not serrate, dac- 
tylus with single tooth and seta at tip. Propodus of gnathopod 2 with 
proximal grasping spine and distal notch, basis approximately length 
of pereonite 2. 

Gills elliptical and sometimes held with long axis parallel to body. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, l-segmented with single seta at tip. Pereopod 
5 inserted posteriorly on pereonite 5, propodus without grasping 
spines. Propodus of pereopods 6 and 7 with 2 proximal grasping 

Abdomen with pair of setose lobes, 2 setae on anterior end of 
abdomen; penes large and medial. 

Female allotype: Body spinose. Cephalon with single dorsal an- 
teriorly directed spine. Pereonite 1 with single posterodorsal spine. 
Pereonite 2 with trace of pair of dorsal spines at midlength and with 
single posterodorsal spine. Pereonites 3 and 4 with pair of dorsal 
spines at midlength and single posterodorsal spine. Pereonite 5 with 
trace of dorsal spine at midlength. Pereonites 6-7 without spines. 
Length 2.5 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of pereonites 3-5, flagellum of 5 
articles. Antenna 2 approximately length of peduncle of antenna 1. 

Mouthparts as in male except setal formula for terminal article of 
mandibular palp 1-4-1. 

Gnathopod 1 as in male. Gnathopod 2 as in male except propodal 
notch absent. 

Gills as in male. 


Ficure 27.—Fallotritella biscaynensis, male holotype; a, lateral view; b, left mandible; c, 
maxilliped; d, abdomen; e, gnathopod 2; f, gnathopod 1; g, pereopod 6; h, pereopod 5; 
1, pereopod 3. 




Ficure 28.—Fallotritella biscaynensis, female allotype; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 1; 
c, gnathopod 2; d, pereopod 5; ¢, right mandible; f, left mandible; g, maxilla 1; h, abdomen. 

Pereopods as in male. 

Abdomen similar to male except lobes separated by slight medially 
raised area. 

VariaTion.—The holotype was the largest male specimen. The 
smallest ovigerous female was 3 mm; however, the allotype had an 
empty brood pouch at 2.5 mm. 


The degree of spination of the dorsal surface of the pereonites 
varied considerably. The most spiny specimens had 1 posterior spine 
on perenoite 1, 2 at midlength, and 1 posterior spine on pereonites 
2-4, and 2 spines at midlength on pereonite 5. Some of the specimens 
showed different degrees of reduction of these spines, usually losing 
the spines at midlength first. 

In some of the specimens, grasping spines were present on the 
propodus of pereopod 5. 

The mouthparts were rather consistent. The setal formula for the 
terminal article of the mandibular palp varied only from 1-3-1 to 
1-5-1, and the outer lobe of the maxilliped occasionally had a seta 
at midlength on the medial margin in addition to 3 apical and 1 seta 
on the middle of the anterior surface. 

Distrinution.—Type-locality: Key Biscayne, Fla., on bridge pilings 
in Bear Cut, 2 m, July 15, 1966, 1 male holotype USNM 120179. 

Other records: Bermuda, Oct. 10, 1960, 1 male paratype USNM 
120188. Soldier Key, Fla., Jan. 27, 1961, 1 male paratype USNM 
120186. Hummelinck sta. 1413, East of Soldier Key, Fla., 2 m, 
Sept. 5, 1963, 1 male paratype USNM 120184. Soldier Key, Fla., 
1-2 m, July 16, 1966, 2 male paratypes USNM 120185. Key Largo, 
Fla., July 9, 1966, 1 female allotype USNM 120180. Long Key, Fla., 
May 11, 1961, 1 male paratype USNM 120183. Tortugas, 1 female 
paratype USNM 120182. Freelance sta. 85-56, west shore of lagoon 
near Oyster Pond Landing, Barbuda, Apr. 6, 1956, 2 female para- 
types USNM 120187. Freelance sta. 47-56, off Pigeon Island, St. 
Lucia, 1-3 m, Mar. 22, 1956, 1 male paratype USNM 120181. 

Remarxs.—This species is named for Key Biscayne, Fla., where 
the holotype was collected. The only habitat records for this species 
are from red algae. It is difficult to detect this species since it is quite 
small and usually is covered with detritus. 

Hemiaegina Mayer, 1890 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; man- 
dibular palp absent, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger 
than inner lobe; gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4, 1- 
segmented, pereopod 5, 6-segmented; abdomen of male and female 
with pair of biarticulate appendages. 

Type-species: Hemiaegina minuta Mayer, 1890 (by monotypy). 

Hemiaegina minuta Mayer, 1890 
Ficures 29, 30, 50 

Hemiaegina minuta Mayer, 1890, p. 40, pl. 1, figs. 25-27, pl. 3, figs. 32-35, pl. 5, 
figs. 52-53, pl. 6, figs. 13, 33-34, pl. 7, fig. 4; 1903, p. 65, pl. 6, fig. 75.— 
Arimoto, 1930, pp. 45-47, fig. 2—? Barnard, 1937, pp. 134, 198.—Utinomi, 


1947, p. 70.—Edmondson and Mansfield, 1948, pp. 206-207, fig. 3.—Stein- 
berg and Dougherty, 1957, pp. 281-283, figs. 8-11, 13, 29.—McCain, 1965, 
. 192. 
aes quadripunctata Sundara Raj, 1927, pp. 126-127, pl. 18. 

DiaGNosis.—Since this genus is monotypic, the characters of the 
genus are diagnostic for the species. 

Description.—Body smooth except for pair of ventral spines 
between insertions of gnathopods 2. Length of largest male 4 mm, 
female 3.2 mm, smallest ovigerous female 2.7 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of pereonites 1-4. Antenna 2 
slightly longer than peduncle of antenna 1. 

Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 5-toothed lacinia mobilis, 
setal row absent, numerous setules present between molar and lacinia 
mobilis. Right mandible similar to left except lacinia mobilis apically 
serrate instead of 5-toothed. Palp of maxilla 1 with 2 or 3 apical spines 
and 1 seta, outer lobe with 6 spines. Outer lobe of maxilla 2 with 
4 or 5 apical setae, inner lobe with 3-5 apical setae. Outer lobe of 
maxilliped with 2 apical setae, 1 seta near midlength of medial margin, 
and larger specimens with 1 or 2 proximal setae on medial margin; 
inner lobe with 2 setae and 1 small spine; dactylus of palp with 
serrate grasping margin. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 1 small proximal grasping spine 
on medial surface and large proximal knob covered with small pro- 
jections, dactylus not serrate on grasping margin. Propodus of 
enathopod 2 with proximal grasping spine, distal notch with slightly 
proximal spine, and distal bilobed tooth. 

Gills elliptical. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 1-segmented with 2 or 3 apical setae. Palm 
of propodus of pereopods 5-7 concave with 5 or 6 proximal knobs, 
each with small spine. 

Abdomen of male and female with pair of biarticulate appendages, 
dorsal lobe bilobed. 

DistRrBuTion.—Type-locality: Off Amoy, China, at a depth of 
15-46 m. 

Other records: Off Virginia; Port Aransas, Texas; Oahu, Hawaii, 
Tateyama, Honshu, Japan; 1°42.5’ S., 130°47.5’ E.; region of Fre- 
mantle, Australia; Krudadai Island, India; South Arabian coast. 

New records: Several localities near Bermuda; off Cape Hatteras, 
N.C.; Elliot Key, Fla.; Loggerhead Key, Tortugas; 29°44’ N., 88° 
23.5’ W.; St. John, Virgin Islands; False Bay, South Africa; Bora 

Remarxs.—This species is easily identified by the unusual hex- 
agonal outline of the pereonites when viewed dorsally. When viewed 
in this position the gnathopods 1 are usually held in a posteriorly 

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Ficure 29.—Hemiaegina minuta, male; a, dorsal view; b, maxilliped; c, left mandible; d, 
pereopod 4; ¢, gnathopod 1; f, maxilla 1; g, gnathopod 2; h, abdomen; 1, pereopod 7; 
j, maxilla 2; k, right mandible. 

directed position and gnathopods 2 are held away from the body 
(figs. 29a, 30a). 

I have designated a lectotype from Mayer’s type-series which is 
deposited in the Copenhagen Museum. 

H. minuta has been taken in plankton tows and from Sargassum. 




Ficure 30.—Hemiaegina minuta, female; a, dorsal view; b, gnathopod 1; ¢, gnathopod 2; 
d, abdomen; ¢, left mandible; f, maxilliped; g, pereopod 7. 


Hemiproto, new genus 

Flagellum of antenna 2, 2- to 4-segmented, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 1-1 
or 1-x-1, molar absent; outer lobe of maxilliped equal to inner lobe; 
gills on pereonites 2-4; pereopods 3 and 4, 6-segmented, pereopod 
5, 5-segmented; abdomen of male with 2 pairs of small uniarticulate 
appendages and pair of nonsetose lobes, female with 1 pair of 
uniarticulate appendages. 

Type-species: Hemiproto wigleyt, new species (by present 

Remarxks.—This new genus is closely related to Protomina Mayer, 
1903, in that the males of both genera have 2 pairs of abdominal 
appendages; however, in Protomina the appendages are biarticulate 
and positioned near the posterior part of the abdomen and in Hemi- 
proto the appendages are uniarticulate, one positioned near midlength 
and one anteriorly. 

Another character which these genera share is the elongation of 
the carpus of gnathopod 2. This character is not unique to the 2 
genera since a slight elongation occurs in Phtisica antillensis and is 
probably not of generic significance. 

Zemiproto lacks a molar on the mandible; however, Mayer did not 
describe all of the mouthparts for his species, including Protomina. 
Since specimens of Protomina are not available to me, I cannot be 
certain that this character is useful for separating these 2 genera. 

The generic name is a combination of Greek terms, “hemi” meaning 
half, referring to the number of articles in the abdominal appendages 
as compared with Phtisica and Protomina, and ‘‘protos’” meaning 
first, which was the original name previously used for Phtisica. 

Hemiproto wigleyi, new species 
FicureEs 31, 32c-e, 50 

DiaGnosis.—Since this genus is monotypic, the characters of the 
genus are diagnostic for the species. 

Drscription.—Male holotype: Body smooth. Length 7.5 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of body, flagellum of 9 articles. 
Antenna 2 approximately as long as articles 1 and 2 of antenna 1, 
flagellum of 4 articles. 

Mouthparts as in Phtisiea marina except setal formula for terminal 
article of mandibular palp 1-2-1 and outer lobe of maxilla 1 with 4 
extremely toothed spines and 2 nontoothed spines. 

Propodus of gnathopod | triangular with 4 proximal grasping spines, 
1 large and slightly proximal to others, grasping margin finely serrate; 
dactylus not serrate. Propodus of gnathopod 2 with 3 grasping spines, 
1 large and slightly proximal to others, grasping margin with numerous 


Ficure 31.—Hemiproto wigleyi, male paratype; a, lateral view; b, left mandible; c, labium; 
d, gnathopod 1; ¢, pereopod 4; f, abdomen. 

small spines and 4 or 5 small elevations on distal portion; carpus 
elongate, slightly shorter than basis. 

Gills on pereonites 2-4, gill on pereonite 2 smallest. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 6-segmented, propodus with 2 or 3 grasping 
spines. Pereopod 5, 5-segmented propodus without grasping spines. 
Pereopods 6 and 7 missing. 


Abdomen with 2 pairs of small uniarticulate appendages and pair 
of nonsetose lobes, posterior appendage pair with hooked seta at 
tip, anterior appendage pair pyriform with seta at tapered tip. 

Female allotype: Body smooth. Length 4.4 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of body, flagellum of 7 articles. 
Antenna 2 extending slightly beyond articles 1 and 2 of antenna 1, 
flagellum of 4 articles. 

Mouthparts as in male except setal formula for terminal article 
of mandibular palp 1-1-1. 

Gnathopod 1 similar to male. Propodus of gnathopod 2 similar to 
male except without elevations on distal part. 

Gills as in male. 

Pereopods as in male. 

Abdomen with pair of uniarticulate appendages and pair of lobes. 

VaARIATION.—The setal formula for the terminal article of the man- 
dibular palp varies from 1-1 to 1-2-1. The number of articles in the 
flagellum of antenna 1 varies from 6 to 11 and in antenna 2 from 2 to 
4, Pereopods 3 and 4 occasionally have 3 grasping spines instead of 
the usual 2. 

Figure 32.—a and b, Paracaprella pusilla, large male; a, pereonites 1 and 2; b, dactylus of 
gnathopod 2; c-e, Hemiproto wigleyi; c, abdomen of female allotype; d, gnathopod 2 of male 
holotype; e, gnathopod 2 of female allotype. 


Disrripution.—Type-locality: Hancock Atlantic Exped. sta. 
A32-39, 3 mi. N. of Coche Island, Venezuela, 35-60 m, Apr. 15, 1939, 
1 male holotype USNM 120167, 1 female allotype USNM 120168, 
7 male and 6 female paratypes USNM 120169. 

Other records: Gosnold sta, 1556, off Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. (26° 
10.6’ N., 80° 04.2’ W.), 32 m, May 26, 1964, 1 male paratype USNM 

Remarks.—The specific name is in honor of Roland L. Wigley 
of the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Laboratory at Woods 
Hole; Wigley collected one of the paratypes. 

Luconacia Mayer, 1903 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 38-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-x-1 with knobs, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger 
than inner lobe; gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4, 2- 
segmented, pereopod 5, 6-segmented and inserted near midlength 
on pereonite 5; abdomen of male with pair of appendages and pair 
of lobes, female with no appendages or lobes. 

Type-species: Luconacia imcerta Mayer, 1903 (by monotypy). 

Remarxs.—For a summary of the differences separating this 
genus from Deutella see the remarks under Deutella (p. 53). 

Mayer (1903) states that antenna 2 of Zuconacia bears swimming 
setae. Setae are present on antenna 2 but are no more developed than 
in many other genera he considered as not bearing swimming setae. 

Luconacia incerta Mayer, 1963 
Figures 33-35, 52 

Luconacia incerta Mayer, 1903, pp. 49-50, pl. 2, figs. 11-14, pl. 6, figs. 73-75, 
pl. 9, fig. 21, 40, 57.—M. Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 76—Sumner, Osburn and 
Cole, 1911 (1913), p. 656. 

Protellopsis stebbingii Pearse, 1908, pp. 30-82, fig. 4; 1912, p. 379.—Kunkel, 
1910, pp, 111-113, fig. 43. 

Deutella incerta.—Steinberg and Dougherty, 1957, pp. 281, 285-286. 

DraGnosis.—Since this genus is monotypic, the characters of the 
genus are diagnostic for the species. 
DescripTion.—Body spination variable. Length of largest male 

9 mm, largest female 8 mm, smallest ovigerous female 3 mm. 

Mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
from 1-3-1 to 1-10-1. Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 5-toothed 
lacinia mobilis, setal row of 3 serrate setae. Right mandible with 
5-toothed incisor, serrate lacinia mobilis, setal row of 2 serrate setae. 

Palp of maxilla 1 with 4 apical spines and several medial setae, outer 

lobe with 5 or 6 apical spines. Inner lobe of maxilla 2 with 4 or 5 


apical setae, outer lobe with 5-7 apical setae. Outer lobe of maxil- 
liped with 1 apical seta, 2 setae in notch near apical end of medial 
margin, and several setae on middle of anterior surface; inner lobe 
with 2 plumose and 2 nonplumose setae; grasping margin of terminal 
article of palp serrate. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 2 grasping spines; grasping 
margins of dactylus and propodus serrate, dactylus usually with 

Ficure 33.—Luconacia incerta, male lectotype; a, lateral view; b, left mandible; c, abdomen; 
d, right mandible; e, maxilliped; f, maxilla 1; g, terminal article of mandibular palp; 4, 
pereopod 7; 1, gnathopod 1. 


Ficure 34.—Luconacia incerta, female; a, maxilla 1; b, lateral view; c, maxilliped; d, maxilla 
2; ¢, right mandible; f, abdomen; g, pereopod 3; h, gnathopod 1; 7, gnathopod 2; J, left 

distinct teeth on grasping margin. Propodus of gnathopod 2 with 
proximal grasping spine and well-developed tooth at midlength, palm 
setose; dactylus smooth. Smaller individuals show progressively 
less spination (fig. 35), but the anterolateral projection of pereonite 
2 and the pleural projections tend to remain distinct. 


Ficure 35.—Luconacia incerta, small male; a, maxilla 1; b, lateral view; c, gnathopod 2; 
d, maxilliped; ¢, gnathopod 1; f, abdomen, ventral view; g, abdomen, lateral view; h, 
maxilla 2; 1, pereopod 3; 7, left mandible. 


A small male from St. John’s bears the normal pair of cephalic 
spines, but the body is otherwise different in spination. The pair of 
dorsal spines at midlength on pereonite 2 are represented by a single 
long spine. It also bears a single dorsoposterior spine and the antero- 
lateral projections are absent. Pereonites 3 and 4 bear a single large 
dorsal spine at midlength, a single dorsoposterior spine, and pleural 
development is indistinct. Pereopod 4 is uniarticulate. The other 
characters of this specimen agree with those of L. incerta. 

DistrisuTion.—Type-locality: Off Mobile Bay, Ala., Albatross 
sta. 2387, 29°24’ N., 88°04’ W., 59 m, 1 male lectotype, 1 male 
paralectoypte USNM no. 26000. 

Other records: Woods Hole, Mass.; Bermuda; Straits of Florida; 
several localities between the mouth of the Mississippi River and 
Cedar Keys, Fla. 

New records: Many occurrences from Woods Hole to Key Largo, 
Fla.; Port Aransas and Port Isabel, Tex.; off Yucatan; Virgin Islands; 
Barbuda; Barbados; Isla de Margarita; Aruba. 

Terminal article of pereopods 3 and 4 setose, basal article sometimes 
with distal setae. Pereopods 5-7, 6-segmented, propodus without 
palmar surface on pereopod 5; pereopods 6 and 7 more robust than 
pereopod 5, propodus with pair of proximal grasping spines. 

Abdomen of male with pair of uniarticulate appendages and pair 
of setose lobes, appendage with small apical papillae surrounded by 
fringe of small teeth; female abdomen without distinct lobes. 

VARIATION.—This species varies considerably in the degree of body 
spination. Larger individuals bear a pair of dorsal cephalic spines, a 
pair of dorsal spines at midlength, and an anterolateral projection 
on pereonite 2 and an anterolateral pleural projection on pereonites 
3 and 4 of the male and on pereonite 3 of the female. 

Remarxs.—I have designated a lectotype from Albatross sta. 2387. 
The remaining syntypical series of Mayer’s are now designated as 
paralectotypes and their localities are as follows: USNM 26001, 
1 male and 1 female from Albatross sta. 2389, 29°28’ N., 87°56’ W., 
49 m; USNM 9709, 1 female from Albatross sta. 2390, 29°27'30’’ N., 
87°48'30’" W., 55 m; and USNM 26002, 1 juvenile female from 
Vineyard Sound at Woods Hole. 

This species is widely distributed in the temperate and tropical 
areas of the western North Atlantic and has occasionally been taken 
in plankton tows. It has been collected on mangrove roots, Sargassum, 
Thalassia, sponges, hydroids, aleyonarians, and ascidians. 

Mayerella Huntsman, 1915 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 1, 


molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than inner lobe; gills 
on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4, 2-segmented, pereopod 
5, 2- or 3-segmented; abdomen of male with pair of uniarticulate 
appendages and pair of lobes, female with pair of lobes. 

Type-species: Mayerella limicola Huntsman, 1915 (by monotypy). 

RemMarks.—This genus is now composed of 2 species, M. limicola 
and M. redunca n. sp. The number of articles in pereopod 5 of the 
new species varies from 2 to 3 and the generic definition has been 
altered to include this variation. 

Mayerella limicola Huntsman, 1915 
Figures 36, 50 

Mayerella limicola Huntsman, 1915, pp. 39-42, pls. 5-6.—Procter, 1933, p. 256. 

Diaqnosis.—Abdominal appendage of male approximately length 
of penes; propodus of gnathopod 2 with proximal grasping spine and 
notch at midlength. 

Description.—Body smooth. Length of largest male 7 mm, no 
females examined. 

Peduncle of antenna 1 approximately length of pereonite 3. Antenna 
2 somewhat longer than peduncle of antenna 1. 

Mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 1. 
Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 5-toothed lacinia mobilis, setal 
row of 3 serrate setae. Right mandible with 5-toothed incisor, lacinia 
mobilis toothed but not distinctly 5-toothed, setal row of 2 serrate 
setae, molar present. Outer lobe of labium winglike, more robust 
than in most species of Caprella. Palp of maxilla 1 with 4 apical spines, 
1 medial seta; outer lobe with 7 apical spines. Outer lobe of maxilla 
2 with 7 apical setae, inner lobe with 5 apical setae. Outer lobe of 
maxilliped with 1 apical seta, 1 middistal seta set in notch, and 
several setae on anterior surface; inner lobe with 4 apical setae; 
dactylus of palp serrate on grasping margin. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 1 proximal grasping 
spine, grasping margin of propodus and dactylus serrate. Propodus 
of gnathopod 2 with proximal grasping spine and notch at midlength. 

Gills small, elliptical. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 2-segmented, terminal article with 1 or 2 setae. 
Pereopod 5, 3-segmented, terminal article with 3 or 4 short setae. 
Pereopods 6 and 7, 6-segmented, propodus with numerous setae on 
palmar margin and occasionally with 1 grasping spine, dactylus 
slender and tapering. 

Abdomen of male with pair of uniarticulate appendages of ap- 
proximately length of penes and pair of lobes, penes medial. 

VaRIATION.—The males varied in the presence or absence of the 
single grasping spine on pereopods 6 and 7. The number of setae on 



Ficure 36.—Mayerella limicola, male; a, gnathopod 2; b, abdomen; ¢, lateral view; d, pereopod 
6; e, right mandible; f, maxilliped; g, gnathopod 1; h, pereopod 4; 1, maxilla 1; 7, pereopod 
3; k, left mandible; /, maxilla 2; m, labium; , pereopod 5. 


the terminal articles of pereopods 3 and 4 varied from 1-4, of which 1 
was sometimes plumose. The number of setae on the inner lobe of the 
maxilliped varied from 3 to 4. 

Distrisution.—Type-locality: St. Croix River, New Brunswick, 
at a depth of 9-18 m. 

Other records: Several localities in the Bay of Fundy to a depth of 
91m; Mount Desert Region, Maine. 

New records: 44°00’ N., 68°15’ W., 101 m; 39°54’30’’ N., 70°20’00’’ 
We. en. 

Remarxs.—The 3 males available to me were taken from greater 
depths than the material which was examined by Huntsman. I have 
been unable to examine Huntsman’s type material but my specimens 
agree closely with his description and figures. 

Thus far this species has been collected only in the Gulf of Maine to 
Cape Cod region. 

Mayerella redunca, new species 
Figures 37, 38, 50 

Draanosis.—Abdominal appendage of male much longer than penes 
propodus of gnathopod 2 with grasping spine proximal of midlength 
and notch distal. 

Descrietion.—Male holotype: Body smooth. Length 7 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of pereonites 2 and 3, flagellum 
of 9 articles. Antenna 2 little more than one-half length of antenna 1. 

Mandibular palp 3-segmented, terminal article and penultimate 
articles each with single seta. Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 
5-toothed lacinia mobilis, setal row of 3 serrate setae. Right mandible 
with 5-toothed incisor, lacinia mobilis toothed but not distinctly 
5-toothed, setal row of 2 serrate setae. Palp of maxilla 1 with 3 apical 
spines and 2 setae, outer lobe with 7 serrate spines. Outer lobe of 
maxilliped with 2 apical setae and several setae on anterior surface and 
several proximal setae, medial margin serrate; inner lobe with 2 
plumose and 2 nonplumose setae; dactylus of palp wide at base, 
grasping margin serrate with subterminal seta. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 1 proximal grasping spine; 
grasping margins of propodus and dactylus serrate. Propodus of 
gnathopod 2 slender and elongate, grasping spine proximal to mid- 
length, notch distal, basis two-thirds length of pereonite 2. 

Gills oval or elliptical, third pair larger than fourth. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 2-segmented, terminal article with single seta. 
Pereopod 5, 3-segmented, terminal article with 4 setae. Pereopods 6 
and 7 missing. 

Abdomen with pair of long uniarticulate appendages recurving at 
tip; lobes setose, not distinctly separated medially. 




Ficure 37.—Mayerella redunca, male holotype; a, lateral view; b, pereopod 5; c, left man- 
dible; d, pereopod 3; ¢, maxilliped; f, gnathopod 2; g, gnathopod 1; h, abdomen; i, maxilla 
1; 7, right mandible. 

Female allotype: Body smooth. Length 2.25 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of pereonites 2 and 3, flagellum of 
4 articles. Antenna 2 almost length of antenna 1. 

Mouthparts as in male except dactylus of maxillipedal palp without 
subterminal seta. 


Ficure 38.—Mayerella redunca, female; a, lateral view; b, pereopod 5; c, maxilla 1; d, gnath- 
opod 1; e, pereopod 6; f, pereopod 5; g, pereopod 4; h, right mandible; 7, left mandible; 
j, abdomen; k, maxilla 2; /, maxilliped (d and f-/ of allotype; a-b and e of paratype). 


Gnathopod 1 as in male. Propodus of gnathopod 2 with proximal 
grasping spine, palm smooth and slightly convex. 

Gills as in male. 

Pereopods 3-5 as in male except penultimate article of pereopod 5 
with 1 seta and pereopod 5, 2-segmented instead of 3-segmented. 
Propodus of pereopods 6 and 7 without grasping spines but with several 
setae, dactylus wide at base. 

Abdomen with pair of nonsetose lobes. 

Vaniation.—The only additional specimen of this species which 
was available is a 3.5 mm female with a well-developed brood pouch. 
This specimen agrees closely with the female allotype except the 
dactylus of the left side of the maxillipedal palp bears a small sub- 
terminal seta while the side does not and also pereopod 5 is 3- 

Distrisution.—Type-locality: Hancock Atlantic Exped. sta. 
A32-39, 3 mi. N. of Coche Island, Venezuela, 10°50’ N., 63°54’ W., 
35-60 m, Apr. 15, 1939, 1 male holotype USNM 120176, 1 female 
allotype USNM 120177, 1 female paratype USNM 120178. 

Remarxs.—lI have placed this species in the genus Mayerella with 
some hesitation. It agrees with the generic definition of Mayerella in 
all characters which are currently in use; however, the abdomen of 
this species is quite different from M. limicola. The penes are not as 
long and are separated from one another, the appendages are quite 
long and recurved at their tips, and the lobes are not distinctly 

The species name is derived from the Latin term ‘reduncus,” 
meaning curved back, referring to the recurving of the tip of the 
abdominal appendage. 

Metaprctella Mayer, 1890 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 8-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-x-y-1, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than inner lobe; 
gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4, 1-segmented, pereopod 
5, 6-segmented; abdomen of male with pair of appendages and pair of 
lobes, female with pair of lobes; pereonites 6 and 7 fused. 

Type-species: Protella haswelliana Mayer, 1882 (by monotypy). 

Metaprotella hummelincki, new species 
Fiaures 39, 40, 50 
Metaprotella spec. Mayer, 1903, p. 48. 

Draanosts.—Body smooth except for 2 small humps dorsal to inser- 
tion of gnathopod 2, pereopods 3 and 4 approximately one-fourth 
length of gills; male abdominal appendage with papillae at tip. 


Description.—Male holotype: Body smooth except for pair of 
small dorsal humps above insertion of gnathopods 2. Length 7 mm. 

Antenna 1 longer than body length, flagellum broken. Antenna 2 
approximately length of first 2 articles of peduncle of antenna 1. 

Mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-10-1-1. Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 5-toothed lacinia 
mobilis, setal row of 3 serrate setae. Right mandible with 5-toothed 
incisor, lacinia mobilis toothed but not distinctly 5-toothed, setal row 
of 3 serrate setae, molar with large tooth on incisor side. Palp of maxilla 
1 with 6 apical spines and 2 setae, outer lobe with 4 serrate spines and 
3 nonserrate spines. Outer and inner lobes of maxilla 2 with 7 apical 
setae. Outer lobe of maxilliped with 3 apical setae and 2 setae in notch 
at midlength of medial margin, medial and lateral margins with nu- 
merous setules; inner lobe with 4 plumose and 2 nonplumose apical 
setae; palp with distal serrations. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with single grasping spine, 
grasping margins of dactylus and propodus serrate. Propodus of gna- 
thopod 2 with proximal grasping spine and notch at midlength with 
shightly proximal tooth, patm moderately setose; basis approximately 
length of pereonite 2. 

Gills elliptical. 

Pereopods 3 and 4 approximately one-fourth length of gills with 
5 or 6 apical setae. Pereopods 5-7 missing. 

Abdomen with pair of appendages bearing fringe of setae and 
papillae at tip and with distinct pair of lobes bearing single seta. 

Female allotype: Body as in male. Length 4.5 mm. 

Antenna 1 longer than body, flagellum of 12 articles. Antenna 2 
approximately length of peduncle of antenna 1. 

Mouthparts as in male except palp of maxilla 1 with 4 apical spines 
and 4 setae, inner lobe of maxilliped with 4 plumose and 1 nonplumose 
setae, and outer lobe of maxilliped with 2 apical setae. 

Gnathopod 1 similar to male. Propodus of gnathopod 2 with prox- 
imal grasping spine, palm without notch. 

Gills as in male. 

Pereopods as in male. 

Abdomen with pair of lobes, each with 1 seta. 

VaRIATION.—In smaller individuals antenna 1 is much shorter than 
the body length and antenna 2 is as long as the peduncle of antenna 1. 
The setal formula for the terminal article of the mandibular palp 
varies from 1—2—1—1 to 1-12-1-1. The apical setae on the outer lobe 
of the maxilliped varies from 1 to 3 and on the inner lobe the number 
of nonplumose apical setae may be 1 or 2. 

Distripution.—Type-locality: Magueyez Canal, La Parguera, 
Puerto Rico, net haul close to bottom, Feb. 22, 1959, 1 male holotype 


Ficure 39.—Metaprotella hummelincki, male holotype; a, lateral view; b, right mandible; 
c, left mandible; d, maxilla 1; ¢, gnathopod 1; f, maxilliped; g, pereopod 3; h, maxilla 2; 
1, abdomen, ventral view; j, abdomen, lateral view; k, gnathopod 2. 

USNM 120171, 1 female allotype USNM no. 120172, 3 male and 2 
female paratypes USNM no. 120173. 

Other records: St. Croix, Virgin Islands. 

New records: Smithsonian Roebling Exped. sta. 124, Siguanea Bay, 
Isle of Pines, Cuba, 4-7 m, Apr. 12, 1937, 2 male and 5 female para- 



Ficure 40.—Metaprotella hummelincki, female allotype; a, lateral view; b, maxilliped; c, 
pereopod 3; d, gnathopod 2; e, left mandible; f, right mandible; g, maxilla 1. 


types USNM 120174. Hummelinck sta. 1423a, Bahia Fosforescente, 
Puerto Rico, 1 m, Sept. 17, 1963, 1 female paratype USNM 120175. 
St. John, Virgin Islands, 29 m, Mar. 17, 1906, 1 female paratype 
Copenhagen Mus. St. Croix, Virgin Islands, 7 m, Feb. 19, 1906, 5 
male, 5 female, and 2 juvenile paratypes Copenhagen Mus. 

Remarks.—The genus Metaprotella was hitherto composed of 7 
species, MM. africana Mayer, 1903; AZ. danae (Kossmann, 1880); M. 
excentrica Mayer, 1890; M. haswelliana (Mayer, 1882); M. makro- 
dactylos Stebbing, 1910a; AZ. problematica Mayer, 1890; and M. 
sandalensis Mayer, 1898. All of these species have spiny bodies or 
at least a cephalic spine with the exception of MZ. problematica which 
is almost smooth. Af. hummelincki differs from Af. problematica in 
that the latter species does not bear the papillae at the tip of the 
male abdominal appendage and the inner margin of the outer lobe 
of maxilliped is toothed and not covered with setules. 

Mayer (1903) gave a short description of a Metaprotella sp. from 
St. Croix. He stated that perhaps this species belonged to M. prob- 
lematica; it differs, however, in having oval gills instead of rod shaped. 
The gills in M. hummelincki are elliptical or cylindrical. Thus, I 
cannot be certain that Mf. hummelincki is the species to which Mayer’s 
M. sp. should be referred. It is unlikely that another species of Meta- 
protella is present in the Caribbean and since M. hummelincki has 
been collected from St. Croix, Mayer’s M. sp. has provisionally been 
assigned to this species. 

The species name is in honor of P. Wagenaar Hummelinck of the 
Zoblogisch Laboratorium in the Netherlands, who kindly supphed 
me with some of the material upon which this species is based. 

The only habitat record available for this species is from Thalassia. 

Paracaprella Mayer, 1890 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; man- 
dibular palp 0- to 3-segmented, when 3-segmented articles reduced 
as compared to Deutella, setal formula for terminal article 1, molar 
present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than inner lobe; gills on 
pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4, 2-segmented, pereopod 5, 
6-seemented; abdomen of male with pair of appendages and pair of 
lobes, female with pair of lobes. 

Type-species: Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890 (by monotypy). 

Remarks.—See remarks of Deutella on p. 53. 

Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890 
FIGURES 32a-b, 41, 42, 53 

Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890, p. 41, pl. 1, figs. 28-30, pl. 3, figs. 45-47, pl. 5, 
figs. 48-49, pl. 6, fig. 10; 1903, p. 67, pl. 2, figs. 36-37, pl. 7, fig. 52.—Schel- 


lenberg, 1928, pp. 677-678, 1939, pp. 1386-137.—Edmondson and Mansfield, 
1948, pp. 208-209, fig. 4.—Barnard, 1955, p. 99—Day and Morgan, 1956, 
p. 303.—Steinberg and Dougherty, 1957, pp. 283-284, figs. 16, 19, 24, 30.—- 
McCain, 1965, p. 193. 

Caprella nigra Reid, 1951, pp. 283-284, 289, fig. 58. 

DraGnosts.—Males with large triangular projection on antero- 
ventral margin of pereonite 2; basis of gnathopod 2 short and ex- 
panded with proximal knob on posterior margin, propodus with 
shallow rounded notch at midlength. 

Description.—Male lectotype: Body smooth on dorsal surface; 
anteroventral margin of pereonite 2 with large triangular projection; 
pleura developed on pereonites 3 and 4, weaker on pereonite 4. 
Length 3.5 mm. 

Peduncle of antenna 1 setose, usually longer than antenna 2. 
Antenna 2 without swimming setae but densely setose. 

Mandibular palp not present, probably represented by single seta. 
Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 5-toothed lacinia mobilis, setal 
row of 3 serrate setae. Right mandible with 5-toothed incisor, apically 
serrate lacinia mobilis, setal row of 2 serrate setae. Palp of maxilla 1 
with 3 apical spines and 1 lateral seta, outer lobe with 6 apical spines. 
Outer and inner lobes of maxilla 2 with 4 apical setae. Maxilliped 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 1 proximal grasping spine, grasping 
margin of dactylus and propodus serrate. Basis of gnathopod 2 
shorter than propodus, expanded with distal knob on_ posterior 
margin; propodus with proximal grasping spine and notch at mid- 
length with slightly proximal tooth; dactylus with proximal and 
distal knobs bearing numerous setae between knobs. 

Gills missing. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 2-segmented, terminal article small with 2 
setae. Pereopods 5-7 missing. 

Abdomen with pair of appendages and pair of setose lobes, ap- 
pendages with setae at base and on tip. 

Female: Body smooth except for small projection on anteroventral 
margin of pereonite 2 and pleura only slightly developed. Length of 
largest female 5 mm, smallest ovigerous female 4 mm. 

Antennae and mouthparts similar to male, maxilliped as in P. 

Gnathopod 1 similar to male. Basis of gnathopod 2 short but not 
expanded and without proximal knob as in male; propodus similar 
to male except without notch. 

Gills subovate. 

Pereopods 3 and 4 as in male. Propodus of pereopods 5-7 with 
pair of proximal grasping spines, pereopod 5 much smaller than 
pereopods 6 and 7. 


Ficure 41.—Paracaprella pusilla, male lectotype; a, pereopod 4; b, maxilla 1; c, maxilla 2; 

d, labium; e, lateral view; f, left mandible; g, abdomen, ventral view; A, gnathopod 1; 
1, abdomen, lateral view; 7, gnathopod 2. 


Ficure 42.—Paracaprella pusilla, female; a, lateral view; b, right mandible; c, abdomen; 
d, gnathopod 2. 

Abdomen with pair of lobes bearing 1 or 2 setae. 

VARIATION.—The largest male of this species was approximately 
6 mm and it bore a very large projection on the anteroventral margin 
of pereonite 2 (fig. 32a). This projection becomes quite large in the 
larger males and may be almost absent in small males; however, 
even in small males it is sharp pointed and not rounded as in P. tenuis 

The depth of the notch on the propodus of gnathopod 2 varies 
from very slight in small males to very deep in large males. 

Distripution.—Type-locality: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

Other records: Suez Canal; Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; Port Aransas, 
Tex.; Kingston, Jamaica; Martinique; Brazil at 28° S.; tropical West 
Africa; Malembe, Congo; Durban, South Africa; Dar es Salaam, 
Tanzania; Hawail; Amoy, China. 

New records: Lake Worth, Virginia Key, Key Biscayne, Sarasota 
Bay, St. Petersburg, and Panama City, Fla.; Grand Isle, La.; Port 
Isabel, Tex.; St. Thomas, Virgin Islands; Guadeloupe; Margarita; 

Remarxs.—The males of P. pusilla differ markedly from those of 
P. tenuis by the large sharp-pointed projection on the anteroventral 
margin of pereonite 2, the proximal knob on the basis of gnathopod 
2, and the presence of setae on the dactylus of gnathopod 2. Setae 
are occasionally present on the dactylus of large males of P. tenwis 
but this is not generally the case. A projection is present on the 
anterior margin of pereonite 2 in large males of P. tenuis, but its 
position is usually more dorsal, and it is more rounded than in P. 


The females of these two species are difficult to distinguish; however, 
the projection on the anterior margin of pereonite 2, although small 
in P. pusilla, is still smaller in P. tenuis, and the basis of gnathopod 
2 is slightly longer in females of P. tenuis than in females of P. pusilla. 

P. pusilla has been taken from mangrove roots, sea grass, hydroids, 
and ascidians. 

A lectotype has been designated from the syntypical series which 
is deposited in the Copenhagen Museum. 

Paracaprella tenuis Mayer, 1903 
Ficures 43, 44, 53 

Paracaprella tenuis Mayer, 1903, p. 68, pl. 2, figs. 34-35, pl. 7, figs. 51, 58.—M. 
Rathbun, 1905, pp. 7, 77.—Sumner, Osburn, and Cole, 1911 (1913), 
p. 657.—McCain, 1965, pp. 192-193, figs. 1d-e, 2g—K. 

Paracaprella simplex Mayer, 1903, p. 68, pl. 2, figs. 38-39, pl. 7, figs. 53-57.— 
Cowles, 1930, p. 351.—Ferguson and Jones, 1949, p. 442. 

Deutella abracadabra Steinberg and Dougherty, 1957, pp. 277-279, figs. 14, 17, 
18, 20, 27. 

Dracnosts.—Males with small triangular projection on antero- 
lateral margin of pereonite 2; basis of gnathopod 2 not expanded and 
without proximal knob; propodus with large nonrounded notch at 

Description.—Body smooth on dorsal surface, anterolateral margin 
of pereonite 2 with small rounded projection, pleura on pereonite 3 
generally well developed, pleura on pereonite 4 present but usually 
weakly developed. Length of largest male 7 mm, largest female 5 
mm, smallest ovigerous female 3 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately length of pereonites 1-3; flagellum of 
males with 7-10 articles, females with 5-8. Antenna 2 slightly shorter 
than peduncle of antenna 1, both antennae with numerous short setae. 

Mandibular palp 0- to 3-segmented, terminal article of palp usually 
with 1 seta. Mandibles as in P. pusilla. Maxilla 1 as in P. pusilla 
except outer lobe with 5 or 6 spines. Outer lobe of maxilliped with 1 
or 2 apical setae, inner margin with numerous setae; inner lobe 
apically rounded with 4-6 apical setae; penultimate article of palp 
with process, terminal article with several setae at tip. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 with 1 proximal grasping spine, grasping 
margin of dactylus and propodus serrate. Propodus of gnathopod 2 
similar to P. pusilla but notch at midlength more triangular and 
deeper in large males than in P. pusilla, dactylus usually tapered 
but occasionally similar to P. pusilla. 

Gills subovate. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 2-segmented, terminal article small with 2 or 
3 setae, basal article with 1 or 2 setae. Propodus of pereopods 5-7 


Ficure 43.—Paracaprella tenuis, male; a, pereopod 3; b, pereopod 5; ¢, gnathopod 2; d, 
lateral view; ¢, maxilliped; f, maxilla 1; g, pereopod 7 (drawn to same scale as pereopod Ds 
h, gnathopod 1; 7, left mandible; 7, right mandible; k, abdomen. 



Ficure 44.—Paracaprella tenuis, female; a, lateral view; 6, gnathopod 2; ¢, pereopod 4; 
d, abdomen. 

with pair of proximal grasping spines, pereopods 6 and 7 with several 
proximal knobs on palm, each bearing small spine, pereopod 5 smaller 
than 6 and 7 (fig. 43b and g, drawn at same scale). 

Abdomen of male and female similar to P. pusilla. 

VARIATION.—The development of the projection on the antero- 
lateral margin of pereonite 2 and pleura on pereonites 3 and 4 is 
related to size as in P. pusilla, larger males having larger projections 
and well-developed pleura. 

The mandibular palp varies from a small hump bearing a terminal 
seta to a 3-segmented palp with a seta on the terminal article. In 
no specimens were the palps reduced to a single seta as in P. pusilla. 

Distripution.—Type-locality: Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 

Other records: Gulf of St. Lawrence; Penneville, Maine; Great 
Egg Harbor, N.J.; Chesapeake Bay, Va.; Sapelo Island, Ga.; Alligator 
Harbor, Fla.; Ship Island, Miss. 

New records: Numerous localities between the Gulf of St. Lawrence 
and Sapelo Island, Ga.; Cumberland Sound, Fernandina, Tampa Bay, 
and Pensacola Bay, Fla.; Galveston Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, and 
Port Isabel, Tex. 


Remarks.—The characters which separate this species from P. 
pusilla are presented under the remarks of the latter species. 

P. tenuis has been collected from various red and brown algae, 
sea grass, sponges, hydroids, aleyonarians, bryozoans, and from 
hydroids attached to the carapace of the spider crab Libinia. This 
species has the peculiar habit of curling when preserved, which makes 
it relatively easy to sort from the other caprellid species. 

Pariambus typicus f. cumana (Mayer, 1903) 

Podalirius typicus f. cwmana Mayer, 1903, p. 65, pl. 10, figs. 6-7. 

Podalirius typicus f. camana.—Monterosso, 1915, p. 7. 

Pariambus typicus f. Cumana.—Chevreux and Fage, 1925, p. 442. 
Remarks.—Mayer described this form of Paériambus typicus from 

“Strand von Cumae” which Chevreux and Fage took to be Cuma, 

Venezuela. In Mayer’s faunal list at the end of his “Siboga’’ report 

(1903), he does not mention P. typicus in the material from the 

West Indies and South America so it is probable that he was referring 

to Cumae, Italy, instead of Cuma, Venezuela. 

Phtisica Slabber, 1769 

Flagellum of antenna 2, 2- to 5-segmented, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 8-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-x-1 or 1, molar absent; outer lobe of maxilliped equal to inner 
lobe; gills on pereonites 2-4; pereopods 8 and 4, 6-segmented, pereopod 
5, 5-segmented; abdomen of male with 8 pairs of appendages, female 
with 2 pairs of appendages, pair of lobes and raised anterior projection. 

Type-species: Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769 (by monotypy). 

Remarxs.—The generic name was probably derived from the 
Greek word ‘‘phthisikos’” meaning consumptive; however, Slabber 
does not give the derivation and therefore the original orthography 
should be retained. 

Phtisica antillensis (Mayer, 1903) 
Ficures 45, 54 

Proto antillensis Mayer, 1903, p. 21, pl. 1, fig. 4, pl. 6, fig. 21. 

Draenosis.—Carpus of gnathopod 2 longer than merus, propodus 
broad medially with grasping spines at midlength. 

Description.—Male holotype: Body smooth. Length 1.5 mm. 

Antenna 1 approximately one-half body length, flagellum of 38 
articles. Antenna 2, three-fourths length of antenna 1, flagellum of 2 

Terminal article of mandibular palp with 2 setae. Mandibles 
similar to P. marina with incisor, lacinia mobilis, and 2 additional 
plates; setal row less developed than in P. marina. Outer lobe of 


Ficure 45.—Phitisica antillensis, male holotype; a, lateral view; b, maxilliped; c, pereopod 4; 
d, gnathopod 1; ¢, abdomen; f, terminal article of mandibular palp; g, gnathopod 2. 


maxilliped with 2 apical setae, 2 setae distal yet slightly proximal to 
apical setae, and 2 proximal setae; inner lobe almost as large as outer 
with 1 large spine and several indistinct spines, anterodistal corner of 
medial margin with 3 large spines. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular, approximately as wide at base 
as long, with 3 proximal grasping spines. Propodus of gnathopod 2 
broad at midlength with 3 grasping spines at midlength. 

Gills on pereonites 2-4, gill on pereonite 2 smaller than those on 
3 and 4. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 6-segmented, propodus smooth except for pair 
of small spines in distal notch, dactylus short and wide at base. 

Abdomen with 3 pairs of appendages, posterior 2 pairs biarticulate, 
anterior pair uniarticulate with single seta at tip. 

Distrisution.—Type-locality: St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, at a 
depth of 18-27 m. 

Remarks.—The above description is based on the young male 
holotype and only specimen of this species which is deposited in the 
Copenhagen Museum. The mouthparts and abdomen agree with those 
of P. marina, and there can be little doubt that this species belongs 
to the genus Phtisica. For differences between this species and P. 
marina see the discussion of the latter species. 

Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769 
Fiaures 46, 47, 54, 56 

Squilla acaudata pedibus quatuordecim . . .—Gronovius, 1760, p. 39, pl. 5, 
figs. 8-10. 

Phtisica marina Slabber, 1769, pp. 79-83, pl. 10, figs. 1-3.—Stebbing, 1888, p. 32.— 
Chevreux and Bouvier, 1893, p. 142.—G. Sars, 1895, pp. 646-648, pl. 223.— 
Walker, 1895a, p. 319; 1898, p. 170—Walker and Hornell, 1896, p. 54.— 
Scott, 1897, p. 141; 1901, p. 267; 1906, p.174—Gadeau de Kerville, 1898, 
p. 348; 1900 (1901), p. 184.—Chevreux, 1898, p. 483; 1900, pp. 118-119; 1901 
(1902), p. 696.—Beaumont, 1900, p. 795.—Norman, 1902, p. 483; 1907, p. 
370; 1908 (1909) p. 463.— Marine Biol. Assoc., 1904, p. 241; 1931, p. 198.— 
Norman and Scott, 1906, pp. ix, 98—Norman and Brady, 1910, p. 75.— 
Stebbing, 190la, p. 468——Nordgaard, 1911 (1912), p. 24.—Chichkoff, 
1912, p. xxxv.—Barnard, 1916, pp. 283-284.—Chumley, 1918, pp. 34, 165.— 
Schneider, 1924 (1926), pp. 58-59.—Schellenberg, 1926, p. 465; 1927, pp. 
721-722, fig. 104.—Stephensen, 1927a, pp. 145-146; 1927b, p. 13; 1928, pp. 
378-380, fig. 91 (1-10); 1929a, pp. 176-177, fig. 328; 1929b, pp. 19, 34; 1935, 
p. 118; 1942, pp. 428-429, 502, 503; 1944b, p. 159.—Borcea, 1931, p. 677.— 
Schijfsma, 1931, p. 26.—Fage, 1933, pp. 113, 115, 117, 119, 125, 126, 127, 
225.—Oldevig, 1933, p. 261, fig. 1—Pirlot, 1939, p. 78—Fiorencis, 1940, 
pp. 11-12, fig. 1, pl. 1, figs. 1-2—Goodhart and Harrison, 1940, p. 109.— 
Bertrand, 1941, p. 16—A. Carausu, 1941, p. 11—Carausu and Carausu, 
1942, pp. 79-80.—Dahl, 1946, p. 22.—Ruffo, 1946, p. 53.—Enequist, 1949, 
pp. 392, 402.—Rancurel, 1949, p. 168.—Spooner, 1950, p. 253.—Reid, 1951, 
pp. 281-282, 289.—Ruffo and Wieser, 1952, p. 21.—S. Carausu, 1956, p. 
132.—Costa, 1960a, pp. 99, 100; 1960b, p. 104; 1961, p. 271.—Gottlieb, 1960, 



pp. 161, 163, 164—Toulmond and Truchot, 1964, p. 34.—McCain, 1966, 
p. 92. 

Squilla ventricosa Miller, 1776, p. 197.—Abildgaard, 1788, pp. 20-21, pl. 56, 
figs. 1-3. 

Cancer (Gammarellus) ventricosus.—Herbst, 17938, pp. 144-145, pl. 36, fig. lla, b. 

Caprella ventricosa.—Bosc, 1801-02, p. 156.—Latreille, 1802-03, p. 327; 1803, 
p. 333. 

Proto Pedata Leach, 1814, p. 433. 

Cancer Gammarus pedatus—Montagu, 1915, pp. 6-7, pl. 2, fig. 6. 

Leptomera rubra Lamarck, 1818, p. 172. 

Proto .—Latreille, 1818, p. 9, pl. 336, fig. 38. 

Leptomera pedata.—Lamarck, 1818, pp. 172-173.—Guérin, 1829-44, p. 25, pl. 
28, fig. 3. —H. Edwards, 1840, p. 109.—Krgyer, 1842-43, pp. 607-613, pl. 
7, figs. 13-23—Rathke, 1843, pp. 97-98.—Gosse, 1855, p. 131, fig. 224.— 
Liljeborg, 1856, p. 182.— Maitland, 1874, p. 245. 

Proto pedatus.—Fleming, 1823, pp. 296-297.—Johnston, 1835, pp. 672-674, 
fig. 73.—Couch, 1864, p. 99. 

Proton pedatum.—Desmarest, 1823, p. 363, pl. 46, fig. 3; 1825, pp. 276-277, 
pl. 46, fig. 3.—Bouchard-Chantereaur, 1823, p. 18. 

Cancer (Leptomera) rubra.—Latreille, 1836, p. 217. 

Cancer (Leptomera) pedata.—Latreille, 1836, p. 217. 

Leptomera ventricosa.—H. Edwards, 1840, p. 110. 

Proto pedatum.—W. Thompson, 1944, p. 4385.—White, 1847, p. 92.—Cocks, 
1849, p. 83. 

Proto pedata.—White, 1850, p. 61; 1857, p. 218.—Bate, 1856, p. 60; 1857, p. 151; 
1862, p. 382; 1862, pp. 349-350, pl. 55, fig. 1; 1878, p. 508; 1887, p. 175.— 
Boeck, 1861, p. 670.—McAndrew, 1861, p. 28.—Bate and Westwood, 1868, 
pp. 38-41.—Brady and Robertson, 1869, p. 361.—Parfitt, 1873, p. 250.— 
Haller, 1879a, p. 230; 1879b, p. 398.—Hoek, 1879, various pp., pl. 5, fig. 10, 
pl. 7, figs. 15-16, pl. 8, figs. 1-3—Delage, 1881, pp. 132-133, 153, pl. 10, 
fig. 7.—Fowler, 1886, p. 217.—Schneider, 1891, pp. 111, 122.—Walker, 
1895b, p. 474.— Ussing, 1952, pp. 45-47. 

Proto elongatus Dana, 1853, pp. 45-47. 

Proto Goodsirii Bate, 1856, p. 60; 1857, p. 151; 1862, p. 350, pl. 55, fig. 2; 1887, 
p. 175.—White, 1857, p. 218—McAndrew, 1861, p. 28.—Bate and West- 
wood, 1868, pp. 42-43.—Boeck, 187la, p. 268 (188); 1873-76, pp. 671- 
672, pl. 32, fig. 2—Delage, 1881, pp. 182-133, 153, pl. 10, fig. 7—Bonnier, 
1887, p. 349.—Robertson, 1886-87 (1888), p. 70.—Walker, 1895b, p. 475. 

Naupredia tristis van Beneden, 1861, pp. 97-99, 146, pl. 17.—Maitland, 1874, 
p. 246.—Pelseneer, 1886, p. 218. 

Proto elongata.—Bate, 1862, p. 350, pl. 55, fig. 3. 

Proto ventricosa.—Boeck, 187la, pp. 268 (188)—269 (189); 1873-76, pp. 672- 
674, pl. 32, fig. 3.—Metzger, 1875, p. 278.—Meinert, 1880, pp. 494-495.— 
Mayer, 1882, pp. 22-25, pl. 1, fig. 1, pl. 3, figs. 16-29, pl. 4, figs. 12-13, 
pl. 5, figs. 1-5; 1890, pp. 12-13, pl. 3, figs. 4-5, pl. 5, figs. 3-6, pl. 6, fig. 1, 
pl. 7, fig. 1; 1903, pp. 20-21, pl. 6, fig. 23.—Blane, 1884, pp. 85-87, pl. 5, figs. 
115-121.—Collin, 1884, p. 21.—Carus, 1885, p. 387.—Henderson, 1885, 
p. 311.—Guerne, 1886, p. XLIV.—Gadeau de Kerville, 1886 (1887), p. 
82.—Bonnier, 1887, pp. 349-350.—Chevreux, 1887a, pp. 317, 335; 1888, 
p. 34.—Barrois, 1888, pp. 55-56, 76.—Robertson, 1886-87 (1888), pp. 69- 
70.—Scott, 1887 (1888), p. 250.—Hoek, 1889, pp. 232-233.—Meinert, 
1890, p. 183.—Gourret, 1892, pp. 16, 25.—Lameere, 1895, p. 570.—Sovinskii, 


1895, pp. 255-256; 1898, pp. 502, 511, 512, 513, 514.—Sokolwsky, 1900, 
p. 161, pl. 3, fig. 15.—d’A. Thompson, 1901, p. 41.—Graeffe, 1902, p. 19.— 
Loénnberg, 1902 (1903), p. 50.—Tattersall, 1913, pp. 20, 22.—Monterosso, 
1915, pp. 3-6.—Oliveira, 1940, p. 140.—S. Carausu, 1956, p. 133. 

Proto Goodsiri.—Stebbing, 1876, p. 78.—Haller, 1879a, p. 231; 1879b, pp. 398- 
399, pl. 22, figs. 23-25.—Hansson, 1882 (1883), p. 77.—Chevreux, 1887b, 
p. 579; 1888, p. 34. 

Proto Ventricosa.—Meinert, 1877-78, pp. 166-168. 

Leptomera pedata (Gammarus).—M. Sars, 1858 (1859), p. 150. 

Proto goodsiri.—Stebbing, 1879, p. 521.—Chevreux, 1887a, pp. 318, 335. 

Proto brunneovittata Haller, 1879a, p. 231; 1879b, pp. 399-400, pl. 22, figs. 19- 
22.— Mayer, 1882, p. 25; 1890, p. 14.—Carus, 1885, p. 387. 

Gammarus pedatus.—Abildgaard, 1789, pp. 33-34, pl. 101, figs. 1-2. 

Phthisica marina.—Norman, 1886, p. 26; 1905, p. 26.—Allen and Todd, 1900, 
pp. 166, 174, 203.—Bjorcx, 1915, p. 35.—Chevreux and Fage, 1925, pp. 
434-436, fig. 422.—Schellenberg, 1942, pp. 234-235, fig. 192—Marine Biol. 
Assoc., 1957, pp. 232-233. 

Proto spec. Mayer, 1903, p. 21. 

Phthisica acaudata.—Reibisch, 1906, pp. 214-216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 229, 230, 
232, 233.—Zernov, 1913. pp. 68, 127, 233. 

Phtisica acaudata.—Tichy, 1911, pp. 1125-1127, 1133, 1134.—Borcea, 1931, 
p. 702.—Carausu, 1956, p. 132. 

Phytisca marina.—Crawshay, 1912, p. 351. 

Phtysica acaudata.—Borcea, 1934, p. 404. 

Phiisica antillensis [not Mayer].—Pequegnat, 1966, p. 25. 

DraGcnosis.—Carpus of gnathopod 2 shorter than merus, propodus 
with greatest width proximal and with proximal grasping spines. 

Description.—Body smooth. Length of largest male 14 mm, 
largest female 13 mm, smallest ovigerous female 3.7 mm. 

Antenna 1 variable in length from one-half to length of body. 
Antenna 2 approximately equal in length to peduncle of antenna 1, 
flagellum of 3-5 articles. 

Mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
varies from 1-1-1 to 1-6-1. Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 
5-toothed lacinia mobilis, 2 additional plates, setal row of 7 or 8 short 
blunt setae and 3 longer apically serrate setae. Right mandible with 
5-toothed incisor, lacinia mobilis smooth, 2 additional plates, setal 
row of 6 or 7 short setae and 2 longer apically serrate setae. Outer 
lobe of labium winglike, both lobes quite setose. Palp of maxilla 1 
with 3 or 4 apical spines of which 2 sometimes serrate and with 3 
or 4 proximal setae, outer lobe with 6 apical spines which become 
bifid or serrate in larger individuals. Outer lobe of maxilliped with 
1 apical seta, 1 short apical spine, and 2-5 proximal setae along 
medial margin; inner lobe as long as outer lobe and nearly fused 
along medial margins, mediodistal corner with 1 very large serrate 
spine, 1 small spine, and 1 slightly lateral marginally serrate spine, 
lateral margin of lobe sometimes toothed; article 2 of palp robust. 


Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 4 or 5 grasping spines, 
grasping margin without serrations but with numerous short spines; 
dactylus not serrate. Propodus of gnathopod 2 with 1 large and 1 
small proximal grasping spine, palm with numerous short spines and 
few setae. 

Gills elliptical, gill on pereonite 2 smallest. 

Pereopods 3 and 4, 6-segmented, palm of propodus with 3 short 
spines. Pereopod 5, 5-segmented, palm of propodus without spines, 
dactylus approximately one-half propodus length, basis approximately 
twice propodus length. Pereopods 6 and 7, 6-segmented with 2 proximal 
grasping spines, 1 medial spine, and 1 distal spine. 

Abdomen of male with 2 pairs of biarticulate appendages and pair 
of pyriform appendages, each pyriform appendage terminating in 
seta; female with 2 pairs of biarticulate appendages, pair of lobes, 
and anterior raised projection. 

VariaTion.—Included in description. 

DistripuTion.—Type-locality: No locality given. 

Other records: Northern Norway to the Mediterranean Sea; 
British Islands; Azores; Canary Islands; Mediterranean and Black 
Seas; tropical West Africa; South Africa; 25°26’30’’ N., 80°02’ W.; 
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 

New records: Numerous localities from off Cape Hatteras, N.C. to 
the Tortugas and the west coast of Florida to Panama City; St. 
John, Virgin Islands; Cubagua and Margarita Islands, Venezuela; 
Cape la Vela, Colombia. 

ReEmARKS.—Gronovius (1760) described a caprellid which he called 
“Squilla acaudata pedibus quatuordecim . . .’”’ and included several 
figures which appear to be P. marina, Reibisch (1906) believed that 
Gronovius’ paper followed the rules of binomial nomenclature so he 
chose to use the name P. acaudata. It appears that the term acaudata 
was used in a descriptive rather than a nominal sense, so I have chosen 
to use Slabber’s name which meets the requirements for validity. 

The genus Phtisica is presently composed of 3 species, P. antillensis 
(Mayer, 1903), P. marina Slabber, 1769, and P. tuberculata (Guiler, 
1954). In his description of P. tuberculata, then Proto tuberculata, 
Guiler states that his species has gills on pereonites 3 and 4 and that 
the abdomen bears 2 pairs of rudimentary appendages. These char- 
acters are not consistent with the generic characteristics of Phtisica, 
and it would seem that P. twberculata should be placed in a different 
genus, perhaps Paraproto; however, material of this Tasmanian 
species is not available to me and such a change is not possible at 
this time. 

Mayer (1903) gives a description of a Proto spec., stating that 
it differs from P. marina because the first pair of abdominal append- 



Ficure 46.—Phtisica marina, male; a, lateral view; b, abdomen; c, gnathopod 2; 
d, gnathopod 1. 

ages are strikingly small. I have examined the material upon which 
his description was based but I cannot agree that these appendages 
are any smaller than in P. marina, so this species is included in the 
synonymy of P. marina. 

Phtisica marina differs from P. antillensis in that the carpus of 
gnathopod 2 is longer than the merus and the propodus of gnathopod 
2 is expanded at midlength in the latter species. 


Ficure 47.—Phtisica marina, female; a, lateral view; b, gnathopod 2; c, gnathopod 1; d, 
pereopod 3; e, maxilla 2; f, maxilla 1; g, terminal articles of mandibular palp; 4, maxil- 
liped; i, right mandible; 7, left mandible; k, abdomen. 


P. marina is widely distributed in the warmer parts of the Atlantic. 
It has been collected in plankton tows (fig. 56) at the surface and 
Stephensen (1927a) reports this species from a depth of 660 m. The 
habitat does not seem specific because it has been reported on green 
apd brown algae, sea grass, sponges, hydroids, and bryozoans. Boeck 
(1873-76, p. 671) reports this species on the sea turtle Chelonia; 
however, he cites van Beneden, 1861, as the authority. Van Beneden’s 
record was for Caprella andreae and not Phtisica. It has also been 
found among the hydroids and algae which were attached to the 
carapace of the spider crab Maja. Meinert (1880) cites this species 
as occurring on the starfish Asterzas. There are several records of this 
species from the guts of fishes such as the blenny, Blennius, cod 
Gadus dragon net, Callionymus, and the skate, Raja. 

Costa (1960b) reports that P. marina is predatory on Caprella 
acanthifera. Costa states the P. marina grasps the prey with gnathopod 
2 and the prey seems almost incapable of violent movement. It seems, 
therefore, that some venom may be introduced by the poison tooth. 

Proaeginina Stephensen, 1940 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; 
mandibular palp 3-segmented, setal formula for terminal article 
1-x-1, molar present; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than inner 
lobe; gills on pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4 absent, pereopod 
5, 6-segmented ; abdomen of male and female with 2 pairs of appendages. 

Type-species: Parvipalpus norvegicus Stephensen, 1931 (by 

Remarxs.—Stephensen (1931, 1940, 1942) stated that the flagel- 
lum of antenna 2 is uniarticulate; however, both of the Iceland speci- 
mens and the Cape Cod specimen which were available to me bear a 
small article at the tip of the flagellum which is clearly defined by 
a suture. In Stephensen’s (1944a, p. 46) list of the important characters 
of new genera described since Mayer’s (1903) last monograph, he 
stated that the number of setae on the terminal article of the mandib- 
ular palp of Proaeginina is greater than 2. Although true, I have altered 
the generic description to include the 1-x-1 setal formula and have 
also included the biarticulate flagellum on antenna 2. 

Proaeginina norvegica (Stephensen, 1931) 
Fiaures 48, 54 
Parvipalpus norvegicus Stephensen, 1931, pp. 1-7, figs. 1-3. 
Proaeginina norvegica.—Stephensen, 1940, pp. 70-72, fig. 8; 1942, pp. 433, 502, 
503, figs. 68-69; 1944a, pp. 49-50; 1944b, p. 159.—McCain, 1966, p. 92, 
Diaenosis.—Since this genus is monotypic, the characters of the 
genus are diagnostic for the species. 


Description.—Body smooth and quite slender, cephalon separated 
from pereonite 1 by faint suture; however, not articulated. Length 
of largest male 32 mm, largest female 23 mm. 

Articles in flagellum of antenna 1 variable in number, increasing 
with increasing size of individual. Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, 
terminal article very small. 

Mandible with 3-segmented palp, setal formula for terminal article 
varying from 1-5-1 to 1-27-1. Left mandible with 5-toothed incisor, 
5-toothed lacinia mobilis, setal row of 3 serrate setae. Right mandible 
with 5-toothed incisor, lacinia mobilis apically serrate, setal row of 
2 serrate setae. Palp of maxilla 1 with 4-7 short apical spines and 3 
or 4 setae on anterior surface; outer lobe with 7 apical spines, tending 
to bifurcate with increased size of individual. Inner and outer lobes 
of maxilla 2 variably setose. Outer lobe of maxilliped with 2 apical 
setae, 1 long apical spine, and 3-7 small marginal spines; inner lobe 
with 2 small spines, 6-12 apical setae of which 0-10 plumose; dactylus 
of palp serrate at tip. 

Propodus of gnathopod 1 triangular with 2 proximal grasping spines, 
grasping margins of dactylus and propodus serrate. Propodus of 
gnathopod 2 with proximal poison tooth, grasping margin slightly 
serrate proximally; dactylus not serrate. 

Pereopods 5-7, 6-segmented, propodus of male pereopod 5 with 
pair of distal grasping spines, propodus of pereopods 6-7 of male and 
female without grasping spines. 

Abdomen of both male and female with 2 pairs of biarticulate 

VaRIATION.—A comparison of a male and female (32 and 23 mm 
respectively) from Thor sta. 57 near Iceland with the small female 
(7.5 mm) from off Cape Cod showed that no variation exists which 
cannot be accounted for by increased size of the animal. The setal 
formula for the terminal article of the mandibular palp in the Cape 
Cod female was 1-5-1 for the left mandible and 1-6-1 for the right 
mandible. In the Zhor female the setal formula for both mandibles 
was 1-27-1 and for the male it was 1-21-1. Six nonplumose setae 
are present on the inner lobe of the maxilliped of the Cape Cod 
female, 8 or 9 on the Thor male, of which 3 or 4 are plumose, and 12 
on the Thor female with 10 plumose. 

Disrripution.—Type-locality: Rognsund, off NE. corner of the 
Island of Stjerngy (N. Norway, about 70°40’ N.), at a depth of 
200-350 m. 

Other records: Iceland, 63°21’ N., 16°22’ W., 500-560 m; Davis 
Straits, 63°06’ N.,"56°00’ W., 2258 m, and 61°50’ N., 56°21’ W., 
2702 m. 

New record: Off Cape Cod, 42°00’ N., 68°34’ W., 174 m. 


Ficure 48.—Proaeginina norvegica; a, male lateral view; b, pereopod 5; ¢c, female abdomen, 
lateral view; d, female lateral view; ¢, pereopods 6 and 7; f, gnathopod 2; g, terminal 
articles of antenna 2; h, terminal articles of antenna 2 (Thor female); 7, gnathopod 1; 
j, maxilliped; k, abdomen, lateral view; /, maxilla 1; m, left mandible; m, right mandible 
(a-e after Stephensen, 1942; f-g and i-n of small female). 


Pseudaeginella Mayer, 1890 

Flagellum of antenna 2 biarticulate, swimming setae absent; man- 
dible with 3-segmented palp, setal formula for terminal article 1-3-1, 
molar?; outer lobe of maxilliped larger than inner lobe; gills on 
pereonites 3 and 4; pereopods 3 and 4 absent, pereopod 5, 6-segmented; 
abdomen of male and female without appendages. 

Type-species: Aeginella tristanensis Stebbing, 1888 (by monotypy). 

Pseudaeginella antiguae Barnard, 1932 
Fieure 51 

Pseudaeginella tristanensis [not Stebbing].—Stebbing, 1895, p. 402.—Mayer, 
1903, p. 59. 
Pseudaeginella antiguae Barnard, 1932, p. 301. 

Remarxks.—This species was described by Mayer (1908) and Steb- 
bing (1895) as P. tristanensis from specimens collected in Antigua, 
West Indies. Barnard later changed the name of these specimens to 
P. antiguae with the following comment: 

In view of these specimens it becomes very unlikely that the sepcimens (Stebbing 
says one; Mayer says two) from Antigua are conspecific. The female according 
to Mayer (1903, p. 59) has the head spine and single medio-dorsal spines on 
segments 1-3, but also paired rounded tubercles in the middle of segments 3 
and 4. For this species I therefore propose the name antiguae. 

P. tristanensis does not have paired rounded tubercles at the mid- 
length of pereonites 3 and 4 and therefore Barnard is probably correct 
in his separation of these two species. 

Barnard’s figures of P. tristanensis bear a remarkable similarity 
to Fallotritella biscaynensis; however, none of the references mentioned 
appendages in Pseudaeginella on pereonites 3 and 4 and I must 
presume their absence. It may be found that appendages are present 
on pereonites 3 and 4 in the two species of Pseudaeginella; if so, then 
Fallotritella would probably fall as a junior synonym of this genus. 
Material of Pseudaeginella was not available to me, and the location 
of the type material is not known to me. 


Most caprellids seem to be very nonspecific as to the substrate 
upon which they live; however, most need something to which they 
can cling and therefore are not found on bare sandy or muddy bot- 
toms. Species such as Caprella equilibra and Caprella penantis have 
been collected on various algae, sea grasses, sponges, hydroids, sty- 
lasterines, alcyonarians, zoantharians, bryozoans, ascidians, and in 
several unusual habitats. Some caprellids, however, do have a fairly 
specific habitat preference. Caprella unica is associated with the 
starfishes Asterias forbest and A. vulgaris and indeed shows an adapta- 


tion for this habitat by the loss of spination and setation of pereopods 
5-7, which would definitely be a hinderance when moving over the 
highly pedicellate surface of the starfish. For other species associated 
with echinoderms, see p. 52. 

Caprella andreae is found attached to floating objects and plants 
and has even been collected from the fouling on the backs of sea 
turtles. This species seems to be limited to this type of environment 
and to my knowledge has not been collected attached to benthic 

Phtisica marina was found in many of the U.S. Bureau of Commercial 
Fisheries vessel M/V Theodore N. Gill plankton samples and appears 
to be a regular member of the Carolinian coastal water plankton 
from Cape Hatteras to southern Flordia (fig. 56) P. marina lacks a 
molar on the mandible which may reflect an adaptation to feeding in 
its planktonic environment. Several other species have occasionally 
been taken in plankton tows including Hemiaegina minuta and 
Luconacia incerta; however, these species have a molar on the man- 

The feeding habits of several west coast species of Caprella and 
Metacaprella were reviewed by Saunders (1966). She found the bulk 
of their diet consisted of diatoms, but they also consumed some 
crustaceans and perhaps also fed on detritus. Since the mouthparts of 
most of the species of Caprella are very similar, they must have 
similar feeding habits. As noted on p. 30, I have observed Caprella 
equilibra feeding on several gammaridean amphipods and polychaetes. 
Harrison (1939) reviewed the habits of several caprellids. He stated 
that the caprellids close the antennae down over the prey and then 
gnathopod 2 grasps the prey, soon paralyzing it with the poison 
spines. The prey is then shredded by the mouthparts, after which the 
appendages are cleaned for bits of debris. 

Caprellids are not infrequent members of the food chains of many 
bottom feeding fishes and have been found in the guts of the sea bass, 
Centropristis, the blenny, Blennius, the pollock, Pollachius, the rock 
cod, Gadus, the dragon net, Callionymus, and the skate, Raja. Aquar- 
ium observations on several species showed that they were prey for 
grass shrimps, anemones, and even the small gastropod, Astyris. 
Caprellids will probably be found to be prey for many other bottom 
feeding fishes and larger Crustacea. 


The western Atlantic is rather poor in number of caprellid species 
compared to similar areas in the Pacific. Utinomi (1947), Mayer 
(1930), and Arimoto (1934) cite over 60 species which occur in Japa- 


nese waters (approximately 20° of latitude) whereas only 26 species are 
found in the western North Atlantic (approximately 50° of latitude). 
This paucity of species in the North Atlantic was observed by Mills 
(1965) for the gammaridean genus Ampelisca. He stated that inter- 
tidal species may be few because of winter ice scouring and that 
perhaps sharp temperature zonation and a wide range of temperatures 
do not favor the differentiation of stenothermal species. Many of the 
caprellid species in the temperate zone of the western North Atlantic 
are almost cosmopolitan in their distribution and appear to be highly 
elastic eurythermal and euryhaline species. For example, Caprella 
penantis is found in most parts of the Atlantic and Pacific from the 
boreal to the tropical zone and in salinities ranging from full sea water 
to as low as 10 °/oo. 

Table 3 summarizes the known distribution of the caprellids of the 
western North Atlantic (figs. 50-55). In general they correspond to 


e Hemiaegina minuta 
a Hemiproto wigleyr 

*  Mayerella limicola 

Sees 2 
© Mayerella redunca; 

a 40 

® Previous record 
O New record 

pe panslaes 


Ficure 50.—Distribution records of Hemiaegina minuta, Hemiproto wigleyi, Mayerella 
limicola, Mayerella redunca, and Metaprotella hummelincki in the western North Atlantic. 


the faunal provinces of Johnson (1934) as modified by Hedgpeth (1953) 
with the exception that a truly boreal fauna is not evident. Cerame- 
Vivas and Gray (1966) reviewed these zoogeographic provinces and 
divided the continental shelf fauna of North Carolina into three 
assemblages, extending the Caribbean province to just north of Cape 
Hatteras for the outer shelf. These provinces and examples of their 
caprellid composition are summarized as follows: 

1. Arctic province (north of Newfoundland)—Aeginella spinosa 
and Proaeginina norvegica. 

2. Boreal province (Newfoundland to Cape Cod). This province 
has no endemic caprellids with the possible exception of Mayerella 
limicola and receives contributions from the Arctic and Transatlantic 

Caprella linearis 

@ Caprella penantis 


x  Caprella septentrionalis 

© Caprella bermudia 

* ee 

#  Pseudaeginella ant. i 

© Previous record 
O New record 

Figure 51.—Distribution records of Caprella bermudia, Caprella linearis, Caprella penantis, 
Caprella septentrionalis, and Pseudaeginella antiguae in the western North Atlantic. 


ea Lh 
wt! z 


ae Deutella californica 

x Deutella mayeri 

© Luconacia incerta 

® Previous record 
O New record 


Ficure 52.—Distribution records of Deutella californica, Deutella mayeri, and Luconacia 
incerta in the western North Atlantic. 

3. Transatlantic province: (A) Virginian province (Cape Cod to 
Cape Hatteras). No caprellid is restricted to this province, yet Cape 
Hatteras does appear to be a southern barrier for the cold-water 
species Aeginina longicornis and a northern barrier for the warm- 
water species Phtisica marina. (B) Carolinian province (Cape Hatteras 
to Cape Kennedy and Tampa Bay to the southern tip of Texas). 
As in the case of the Virginian province, no caprellid species is re- 
stricted to this area. If considered together the Virginian and Caro- 
linian provinces can be characterized by species such as Paracaprella 
tenuis and Caprella penantis. The transatlantic province seems to 
be an area of mixing of the Caprellidae with only 1 endemic form. 

4. Caribbean province (from Cape Kennedy and Tampa Bay into 
the tropics, outer shelf to just north of Cape Hatteras, and Bermuda). 
Many endemic species such as Fallotritella biscaynensis and Hemiproto 


*  Fullotritella biseaynensis ~~ <4 
e Paracaprella pusilla © we AO 

woe 4 
= § Paracaprella tenuis ®G 

®@ Previous record 
O New record 

Ficure 53.—Distribution records of Fallotritella biscaynensis, Paracaprella pusilla, and 
Paracaprella tenuis in the western North Atlantic. 

The distribution of Paracaprella tenuis is interesting since it shows 
the disjunct distribution pattern which Hedgpeth (1953) cites for 
Inttorina trrorata and several other organisms. Hedgpeth points out 
that this disjunct distribution arose during the interglacial periods 
of the Pleistocene when Florida was submerged and counter currents 
probably arose across the shoals which ‘made possible the dispersal 
of northern species into the Gulf of Mexico... ’’. 

Hedgpeth (1953) states that the conditions are such in the northern 
Gulf of Mexico to allow mixing of temperate and tropical faunas 
with a low number of endemic species. This general statement is 
true for the Caprellidae since no northern Gulf caprellid is endemic 
and that area receives contributions from both the temperate and 
tropical areas. 


©  Phtisica antillensis 

®  Phtisica marina 
e Aeginella spinosa 
a § Acginina longicornis 

*  Proaeginina nor. _/ 

@ Previous record 
O New record 


Ficure 54.—Distribution records of Aeginella spinosa, Aeginina longicornis, Phtisica antil- 
lensis, Phtisica marina, and Proaeginina norvegica in the western North Atlantic. 

Mayer (1903, p. 133) expresses the opinion that Caprellidae are 
quite rare in the shallow water of the West Indies. Contrary to this 
opinion, 14 species of caprellids are reported from the Caribbean in 
this paper. Most of the caprellids of the area are fewer in number of 
individuals and smaller than those of the northern provinces. This 
might explain why so few species have previously been reported 
from the Caribbean. 

The caprellids are remarkably widespread in their distribution. 
Many species are almost cosmopolitan, a fact which seems anomalous 
in view of their limited swimming ability and the absence of a plank- 
tonic larval stage. Mayer (1882, p. 90; 1890, p. 101; 1903, p. 134) 
attributes this wide distribution to transportation on ship bottoms 
and floating objects. Several species are associated with floating 
objects and plants and some, as Caprella andreae, appear to be limited 


to this type of pelagic environment. Some species, particularly 
Phtisica marina, are at least transient members of the plankton. 
In view of these semipelagic habitats, it is not too remarkable that 
these organisms are spread over very large areas. 

TABLE 3.—Known distribution of Caprellidae in the western North Atlantic 

3/38 n| Qh £ 
8i/% | Slesie |ee, 
g/sz)/22|se|e |e8al - 
3/ sO /)/SmH|/ahim |Seel a a 
B|22|/C2|"2) a2 Mig 2 | = 
21'S |85| 25 | 86 B26) = | g 
Z a oO oO & [0 oD oa) 
Aeginella spinosa x x 
Aeginina longicornis x <i x 
Caprella andreae x x x 
C. bermudia x 
C. danilevskit x 2 x 
C. equilibra : aa Ne > ae He ca 
C. linearis = x x 
C. penantis x x x x x x 
C. scaura x 
C. septentrionalis x * 
C. unica x x x 
Deutella mayert x 
D. californica x 
Fallotritella biscaynensis x x x 
Hemiaegina minuta x x ne x x x 
Hemiproto wigleyt De os 
Luconacia incerta x BN x x x x 
Mayerella limicola rx xe 
M. redunca x 
Metaprotella hummelincki x 
Paracaprella pusilla x x Xx 
P. tenuis x x x x 
Phtisica antillensis Xx 
P. marina x x x x 
Proaeginina norvegica x x 
Pseudaeginella antiguae x 

Relationship Between the Amphipod Suborders 
Gammaridea and Caprellidea 

The Caprellidea appear to have arisen from a podocerid type of 
gammaridean. Generally considered primitive caprellids such as 
Cercops share many characters in common with the Podoceridae, and 
a comparison of the figures of the podocerid Neozxendice (fig. 49a) 
and the caprellid Cercops (fig. 49e) shows the overall general similarity 
of body forms. 


68- 8 


Caprella equilibra 

Caprella scaura 

Caprella andreae 

@ Previous record 
O New record 

Figure 55.—Distribution records of Caprella andreae, Caprella danilevskii, Caprella equilibra, 
Caprella scaura, and Caprella unica in the western North Atlantic. 

Recently, Kudrjaschov and Vassilenko (1966) described a new 
family, Caprogammaridea, which they thought formed a link between 
the Gammaridea and Caprellidea. They placed this family within the 
Gammaridea due to the following characters: The cephalon is not 
fused with pereonite 1; small coxal plates are present on all pereonites 
except 3 and 4; the abdomen consists of 5 free somites and bears 3 
pairs of biramous pleopods and 2 pairs of uniramous uropods; and 
the abdomen bears a small telson. In order to place this important link 
between the 2 suborders in the Gammaridea, I believe that it would 
be necessary to alter significantly the definition of the Gammaridea. 
Stebbing (1906) defines this suborder as Amphipoda which have the: 
Head not fused with Ist segment of peraeon. Palp of maxilliped 2- to 4-jointed. 

Peraeon with 7 pairs of legs; 5 or 6 segments of peraeon with branchial vesicles; 
4 segments of female with marsupial plates; 1st joint of gnathopods 1, 2 and of 





“Gill” Cruise 3 

@ Phtisica present |23° 
© Phtisica absent 



Ficure 56.—Distribution of Phtisica marina in plankton samples taken on cruise 3 of the 

M/V Theodore N. Gill. 

peraeopods 1—5 forming or united to well developed side-plates. Pleon consisting 
usually of 7 free segments, carrying 3 pairs of pleopods and usually 3 pairs, at 
least 1 pair, of uropods; uropod 1 always with 2 rami. Eyes varying in size and 
form, 0-4 in number. Hepato-pancreatic tubes 4, rarely 2; rectal glands 2 or 1, 
sometimes rudimentary. Heart with 3 pairs, rarely 1 pair, of ostia. Nerve-chain 
with 4 ganglia in pleon-segments 1-4. 


Ficure 49.—a and b, Neoxenodice caprellinoides, male: a, lateral view; b, maxilla 1; ¢ and 
d, Caprogammarus gurjanovae, male: c, lateral view; d, maxilla 1; e and f, Cercops holbolli, 
male holotype: ¢, lateral view; f, maxilla 1 (a after Schellenberg, 1926; c and d after 
Kudrjaschov and Vassilenko, 1966). 


Stebbing (1906) defines the Caprellidae as Amphipoda which have the: 

Head fused with 1st segment of peraeon. Palp of maxilliped 1- to 4-jointed. 
Peraeon often with fewer than 7 pairs of legs; 2, rarely 3, segments of peraeon 
with branchial vesicles; 2 segments in female with marsupial plates; Ist joint of 
gnathopods and peraeopods wanting. Pleon and its legs rudimentary. Eyes small, 
1 pair. Hepato-pancreatic tubes 2, rectal glands none. Heart with 3 pairs of ostia. 
Posterior ganglia of nerve-chain very small, none situated in pleon. 

The following facts should be considered before placing this im- 
portant link in the Gammaridea: 

1. No gammaridean bears rudimentary appendages on pereonites 
3 and 4; however, in Neoxenodice they are reduced though normally 
segmented. Caprogammarus (fig. 49c) bears 2 [? 1]-segmented ap- 
pendages on the pereonites and the reduction of these appendages is 
in the Caprellidea. 

2. Gammarideans have at least 4 pairs of gills with the exception 
of Neorenodice which has 3 pairs. Caprogammarus bears only 2 pairs 
as Is common in the Caprellidea. 

3. Gammarideans have at least 4 pairs of incubatory plates, al- 
though the number is not known for Neozenodice. Caprogammarus 
bears only 2 pairs as is common in the Caprellidea. 

4. Most caprellids do bear small coxal plates on pereonites 1 and 2 
and 5-7 which, as in Cercops and Aeginella, are as well if not better 
developed than in Caprogammarus (fig. 3f). 

5. Some rather advanced caprellid genera such as Aeginella and 
Proaeginina have only a partial fusion of the cephalon with pereonite 1 
and the suture between them is quite distinct. 

6. The abdomen of Cercops consists of 5 somites and bearing in the 
male what could be considered 2 pairs of very rudimentary pleopods 
and 2 pairs of uropods. 

7. Maxilla 1 of gammarideans always bears an inner lobe (fig. 49b) 
which is absent in the Caprellidea (fig. 49f). Caprogammarus was de- 
scribed as bearing an inner lobe (fig. 49d). The only irreconciliable 
differences between the Caprogammaridae and the Caprellidea are 
the presence of a telson, biramous pleopods, and an inner lobe on 
maxilla 1 in Caprogammarus. The telson of Caprogammarus is very 
small and may represent the dorsal anal lobe which is sometimes 
quite large in the Caprellidea. The inner lobe in the figures of maxilla 1 
of Caprogammarus seems to be of quite unusual shape and is even 
larger than that of Neorenodice. It might be that the figures are not 
of an actual lobe but of some distortion caused during dissection. 
Regrettably, I have not been able to obtain specimens of Caprogam- 
marus so I must rely on Kudrjaschov and Vassilenko’s description 
and figures. The biramous pleopods and the inner lobe of maxilla 1 


are not as important in my opinion as the other characters mentioned 
above, which Caprogammarus shares with the Caprellidea. 

For these reasons, I am placing Caprogammarus in the family 
Caprellidae. It might be argued that since the genera Neozenodice— 
Caprogammarus—Cercops form a fairly even gradation between the 
Gammaridea and the Caprellidea that merging of the suborders 
would be justified. To do this, however, one would have to take into 
consideration splitting the family Caprellidae into several families to 
place it on the same level as gammaridean families. This probably 
could be done be restricting the family Caprellidae to those forms 
which have quite reduced abdomens and by using the family Ca- 
progammaridae for those transitional forms such as Caprogammarus 
and Cercops. In my opinion the Caprellidae are too poorly known to 
make such a revision at this time and consideration should be given 
to details of the mouthparts of members of all the genera involved 
prior to a reorganization of familial taxa. 

Literature Cited 

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Barrois, T. 

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Bates, C. SPENCE 

1856. On the British Edriophthalma. Part 1. The Amphipoda. Rep. 25th 
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1862. Catalogue of the specimens of amphipodous Crustacea in the collection 
of the British Museum. London, pp. iv+399, 58 pls. [Caprellidae, 
pp. 349-365, 382. pls. 54-57]. 

1878. Crustacea. (Revised and added to by C. Spence Bate, F.R.S.) In 
J. Couch, The Cornish Fauna. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, no. 19, 
pp. 451-522 [Caprellidae, pp. 508-510). 

1887. Crustacea, pp. 170-178. In W. Heape, Preliminary report upon the 
fauna and flora of Plymouth Sound. Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc. 
United Kingdom, no. 1, pp. 153-193 [Caprellidae, p. 175]. 

Bate, C. SpencsE, and Wrestwoop, J. O. 

1868. A history of British sessile-eyed Crustacea. London, vol. 2, pp. 

lvi+ 536 [Caprellidae, pp. 35-76]. 
Beaumont, W. I. 

1900. The faunaand flora of Valencia Harbour on the west coast of Ireland. 
Part II. The benthos (dredging and shore-collecting). Proc. Roy. 
Irish Acad. (Dublin), ser. 3, vol. 5, pp. 754-798 [Caprellidae, 
p. 795]. 

Bztt, T. 

1855. Account of the Crustacea, vol. 2, pp. 400-411, pls. 34-35. In The 
last of the Arctic voyages; being a narrative of the expedition in 
H.M.S. Assistance, under the command of Captain Sir Edward 
Belcher, C.B., in search of Sir John Franklin, during the years 
1852-53-54. London [Caprellidae, pp. 407-408, pl. 35). 


Bre.tuevupy, M. 
1958. Croissance relative des segments et des appendices chez l’Amphipoda 
Caprella aequilibra (Say). Compt. Rendus Soc. Biol., Paris, vol. 
152, no. 2, pp. 355-356. 
1859. La tortue franche (Chelonia midas) dans la mer du Nord, ses com- 
mensaux et ses parasites. Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, ser. 2, 
vol. 6, pp. 71-87, 2 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 78-81, pl. 1, figs. 9-11]. 
1861. Recherches sur la faune littorale de Belgique. Crustacés. Mem. Acad. 
Roy. Belgique, vol. 33, 180 pp., 31 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 95-99, 
145-146, pls. 16-17]. 
1941. Les crustacés malacostracés de la région Dinardaise. Bull. Lab. 
Maritime Dinard, vol. 23, pp. 3-23, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, pp. 7, 9, 
12, 13;:14, 15, 16,.17, 18,°20-23, fig. 1]. 
BsdrcxK, W. 
1915. Biologisk-faunistiska undersékningar av Oresund. II. Crustacea 
Malacostraca och Pantopoda. Lunds Univ. Aarsskr., sect. 2, vol. 
11, no. 7, 98 pp., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 35-36] [Also Fysiog. 
Saéllsk. Handl., new ser., vol. 26, no. 7]. 
1916. Bidrag till kinnedomen om Kattegatts fauna. Ark. Zool. Utgifvet 
Svenska Vetenskapsakad, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 9-14, 1 map [Caprel- 
lidae, p. 9]. 
Buanc, H. 
1884. Die Amphipoden der Kieler Bucht nebst einer histologischen Darstel- 
lung der “Calceoli.”” Nova Acta Leopold-Carol. Deutschen Akad. 
Naturf., vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 39-104, pls. 6-10 [Caprellidae, pp. 
50-51, 85-91, pl. 10). 
Boeck, A. 
1861. Bemaerkninger angaaende de ved de norske Kyster forekommende 
Amphipoder. Forhandl. Skaninaviske Naturf., Copenhagen, vol. 8, 
pp. 631-677 [Caprellidae, pp. 669-677]. 
187la. Crustacea Amphipoda borealia et arctica. Forhandl. Vidensk.- 
Selskabet Christiania, pp. 83-280 (1-200), I-VIII [Caprellidae, 
pp. 267-278 (187-—200)]. 
1871b. Bidrag til Californiens Amphipodefauna. Op. cit., pp. 32-51, 1 pl. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 35-39, 48-49, pl. 1]. 
1873-76. De skandinaviske og artiske Amphipoder. Christiania, pp. iv-711, 
32 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 668-703, pl. 32]. 
1887. Catalogue des crustacés malacostracés recueillis dans la baie de 
Concarneau. Bull. Sci. Dept. Nord, no. 10, pp. 199-262, 296-356, 
361-422 [Caprellidae, pp. 349-356]. 
Borcka, T. 
1931. Nouvelles contributions 4 l’étude de la faune benthonique dans la 
Mer Noire, prés du littoral Roumain, Ann. Sci. Univ. Jassy, vol. 16, 
nos. 3-4, pp. 655-750 [Caprellidae, pp. 669, 677, 694, 702]. 
1934. Liste de animaux marins récoltés jusqu’4 présent dans la region de la 
Station d’Agigéa (Mer Noire). Op. cit., vol. 19, pp. 402-407 
[Caprellidae, p. 404]. 


Bosc, L. A. G. 
1801-02. Histoire naturelle des crustacés, contenant leur description et 
leurs mocurs; avec figures dessinées d’aprés nature. Paris, vol. 2, 
296 pp., pls. 9-18 [Caprellidae, pp. 153-156]. 
1830. Ibid, ed. 2, vol. 2, 306 pp., pls. 10-18 [Caprellidae, pp. 123-126, pl. 
1833. Catalogue des crustacés observés jusqu’dé ce jour a l’etat vivant dans 
la Boulonnais. Boulogne, 24 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 18]. 
BousFIELD, E. L. 
1956a. Malacostracan crustaceans from the shores of western Nova Scotia. 
Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci., vol. 24, pt. 1, pp. 25-38, 3 figs., 
3 tabs. [Caprellidae, p. 32]. 
1956b. Studies on the shore Crustacea collected in eastern Nova Scotia and 
Newfoundland, 1954. Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada, no. 142, pp. 127- 
152, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, pp. 144-145]. 
1958. Littoral marine arthropods and mollusks collected in western Nova 
Scotia, 1956. Proc. Nova Scotian Inst. Sci., vol. 24, pt. 3, pp. 
303-325, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, pp. 315, 321, 322]. 
1962. Studies on littoral marine arthropods from the Bay of Fundy region. 
Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada, no. 183, pp. 42-62, 4 figs. [Caprellidae, 
p. 53]. 
BousFIELpD, E. L., and Lum, A. H. 
1958. The fauna of Minas Basin and Minas Channel. Op. cit., no. 166, 
30 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 18]. 
Brapy, G.S., and Rospgertson, D. 
1869. Notes of a week’s dredging in the west of Ireland. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., ser. 4, vol. 3, pp. 353-374, pls. 18-22 [Caprellidae, pp. 360-361]. 
Briaes, E. A. 
1914. Notes on Tasmanian Caprellidae. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 
pp. 75-80. 
BriiaGcEN, E. von DER 
1907. Zoologische Ergebnisse der russischen expeditionen nach Spitzbergen. 
Amphipoda. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, 
vol. 11, pp. 214-245, 9 figs., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 237-238]. 
1909. Beitrige zur Kenntnis der Amphipoden-Fauna der russischen Arctis. 
Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, ser. 8, vol. 18, no. 16, 
56 pp., 4 figs., 3 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 42-43]. 


1961. Liste taxonomique des invertébrés marins des Parages de la Gaspésie 
identifiés au 3 aofit 1959. Cahiers Inform. Sta. Biol. Marine 
Grande-Riviére, no. 7, 9 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 7]. 

BucHuo.z, R. 

1874. Crustaceen. In 2nd Deutschen Nordpolarfahrt Wiss. Ergebn., vol. 2, 

pp. 262-399, 15 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 270, 388]. 
CaLMAN, W. L. 

1927. Guide to the Crustacea exhibited in the Department of Zoology, 
British Museum (Natural History). British Mus., London, 81 pp., 
53 figs. [Caprellidae, p. 43, fig. 27]. 

Ciriusu, A. 

1941. Note sur quelques Caprellides des eaux frangaise et monégasques. 

Bull. Inst. Océanogr., no. 803, 15 pp., 4 figs. 


Ci riust, S. 

1956. Introducere la monografia amfipodelor marii Negre (Litoralul 
rominesc). Analele Stiintifice Univ. ‘Al. I. Cuza’”’ Iasi, new ser., 
sect., 2, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 127-183, 14 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 131, 
132, 133, 134]. 

CxXrivusv, S., and CXrAusu, A. 

1942. Amphipodes provenent des dragages effectués dans eaux roumaines 
de la Mer Noire (28 Aodt-1 Sept. 1935). Ann. Sci. Nat. Univ. 
Jassy, vol. 28, pp. 66-83, 8 figs., 2 tabs. [Caprellidae, pp. 79-83, 
fig. 8]. 

Carus, J. V. 

1885. Coelenterata, Echinodermata, Vermes, Arthropoda. vol. 1, xi + 
525 pp. In Prodromus faune mediterraneae sive descriptio ani- 
malium maris Mediterranei incolarum quam comparata silva 
rerum quatenus innotuit adiectis locis et nominibus vargaribus 
eorunque auctoribus in commodum zoologorum. Stuttgart [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 887-390). 

CrraME-Vivas, M. J., and Gray, I. E. 

1966. The distributional pattern of benthic invertebrates of the Continental 
Shelf off North Carolina. Ecol., vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 260-270, 6 figs. 
[Caprellidae, p. 263]. 


1887a. Catalogue des crustacés amphipodes marins du sud-ouest de la 
Bretagne, suivi d’un apercu de la distribution geégraphique des 
amphipodes sur les cétes de France. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, vol. 
12, pp. 288-340, pl. 5 [Caprellidae, pp. 317-319, 335]. 

1887b. Crustacés amphipodes nouveaux dragtes par l Hirondelle pendant 
sa campagne de 1886. Ibid., pp. 566-580 [Caprellidae, pp. 578, 

1888. Troisieme campagne de I’Hirondelle, 1887. Sur quelques crustacés 
amphipodes du littoral des Agores. Op. cit., vol. 13, pp. 31-35 
[Caprellidae: pp. 33, 34). 

1898. Révision des amphipodes de la céte océanique de France. Compt. 
Rendu 27th Session Assoc. Francaise Avance. Sci., pt. 2, Notes 
Mem., pp. 474-484 [Caprellidae: pp. 483-484]. 

1900. Amphipodes provenant des campagnes de I’ Hirondelle (1885-1888). 
Rés. Capagnes Sci. Hirondelle, no. 16, pp. iv + 195, 18 pls. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 118-121]. 

1901 (1902). Amphipodes recueillis par la Melita sur les cétes occidentale 
et méridionale de Corse. Compt. Rendu 30th Session Assoc. 
Frangaise Avance. Sci., pp. 692-699, pl. 5 [Caprellidae: p. 696]. 

CHEvREUX, FE. and Bouvier, E. L. 

1893. Les amphipodes de Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool., 

ser. 7, zool., vol. 15, pp. 109-144, pl. 2 [Caprellidae, pp. 142-144]. 
CHEvREUX, E., and pE GUERNE, J. 

1893. Crustacés et Cirrhipédes commensaux des tortues marines de la 
Méditerranée. Compt. Rendu 21st Session Assoc. Francaise 
Avance. Sci., 3 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 2-3]. 

CHEVREUX, E., and Faas, L. 

1925. Amphipodes, 9. Faune de France. Paris, 488 pp., 438 figs. [Caprel- 

lidae, pp. 433-461, figs. 422-437]. 



1912. Contribution a l’étude de la faune de la Mer Noire. Animaux récoltés 
sur les cOtes Bulgares. Arch. Zool. Exp., ser. 5, vol. 10, no. 2, 
pp. xxix-xxxix [Caprellidae: p. xxxv]. 


1910 (1911). The Crustacea of the Kermadec Islands. Trans. New Zealand 
Inst., vol. 48, pp. 544-573 [Caprellidae, pp. 546, 567]. 

1921. A small collection of Amphipoda from Juan Fernandez. Jn Skotts- 
berg, C., the natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island, 
vol. 3, no. 14, pp. 81-92, 4 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 90-91, fig. 4). 


i918. The fuana of the Clyde Sea area, being an attempt to record the 
zoological results obtained by the late Sir John Murray and his 
assistants on board the S.Y. Medusa during the years 1884 to 
1892. Glasgow, pp. vi + 200, 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 34, 52, 
85, 99, 165]. 

Cocks, W. P. 

1849. Contributions to the fauna of Falmouth. 17th Ann. Rep. Roy. 

Cornwall Polytech. Soc., pp. 38-102 [Caprellidae, p. 83]. 
Co.tuin, J. 

1884. Om Limfjordens tidligere og nuvaerende Marine Fauna, med saerligt 
hensyn til Bl¢dddynfaunaen. Copenhagen, 168 pp., 1 pl. [Caprellidae, 

Costa, S. 

1960a. Premier apergu sur la repartition des caprelles dans la region de 
Villefranche sur Mer. Trav. Sta. Zool. Villefranche-sur-Mer, 
fasc. 19, no. 19, pp. 99-101. 

1960b. Note préliminaire sur l’ethologie alimentaire de deux caprellides 
de la Rade de Villefranche-sur-Mer. Op. cit., fasc. 19, no. 20, 
pp. 103-105. 

1961. Capagne de la Calypso en mer d’Alboran et dans la baie Ibéro- 
Marocaine (1958). 3. Amphipodes. Ann. Inst. Oceanogr., new 
ser., vol. 39, pp. 269-275 [Caprellidae, p. 271). 

Covucg, R. Q. 

1864. On some of the rarer forms of Cornish Crustacea. Nat. Hist. Trans. 
Antiquarian Soc. Penzance, vol. 2, pp. 95-99 [Caprellidae, pp. 

Cow .gs, R. P. 

1930. <A biological study of the offshore water of Chesapeake Bay. Bull. 
Bur. Fish., vol. 46, no. 1091, pp. 277-381, 16 figs., 13 tabs. [Caprel- 
lidae, p. 351]. 


1912. On the fauna of the outer western area of the English Channel. 
Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom, new ser., vol. 9, 
no. 3, pp. 292-393, pl. 6, 1 map [Caprellidae, p. 351]. 


1868. Materialia ad zoographiam Ponticum comparatam. [in Russian.] 
Sezd Russkykh Iestestovoispitatelei (I Vranchi) 1. St. Petersburg, 
Trudy, pp. 19-138 [Caprellidae, pp. 90-93, pl. 6 figs. 7-34]. 

Daa, E. 

1946. Undersékningar éver Oresund. XXX. The Amphipoda of the Sound. 
Part II. Aquatic Amphipoda, with notes on changes in the hydrog- 
raphy and fauna of the area. Lunds Univ. Aarsskr., new ser., 
sect. 2, vol. 42, no. 16, 49 pp., 5 figs., 8 tabs. [Caprellidae, pp. 22-23]. 


Dana, J. D. 

1853. Crustacea. United States Explor. Exped., vol. 14, pt. 2, pp. 689-1618 
[Caprellidae, pp. 120-134, 153]. 

1855. Op. cit., Atlas. 96 pls. [Caprellidae, pl. 10]. 

Day, J. H., and Morean, J. F. C. 

1956. The ecology of South African estuaries. Part 8. The biology of Durban 
Bay. Ann. Natal Mus., vol. 13, pt. 3, pp. 259-312, 2 figs. [Caprel- 
lidae, p. 303]. 


1881. Contribution a létude de Jl appareil circulatoire des crustacés 
edriophthalmes marins. Arch. Zool. Exp., ser. A, vol. 9, no. 42, 
172 pp., 12 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 120-134, 153, pl. 10]. 

DersAvIn, A. N. 

1925. Materials of the Ponto-Azoph Carcinofauna (Mysidacea, Cumacea, 
Amphipoda) [in Russian, English summary]. Russischen Hydro- 
boil. Zeitschr., vol. 4, nos. 1-2, pp. 1-2, 10-35 [Caprellidae, pp. 27, 29]. 

1927. Hyperiidea and Caprellidea Kamchatka Expedition 1908-1909 
[in Russian, English summary]. Op. cit., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 18-15 
[Caprellidae, pp. 14-15]. 

Dersuain, K. M. 

1915. Fauna des Kola-Fjords und ihre Existentbedgungen [in Russian]. 
Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Petrograd, ser. 8, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. ix+929, 
14 pls., 14 maps, 55 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 453, 456]. 

1928. Amphipods. Die fauna des Weissen Meeres und seine Existenzbeding- 
ugen. Liningrad Gosudarstvennyi Gidrolog. Inst. Isseldovaniia 
Morei, SSSR, fase. 7-8, pp. 278-285 [Caprellidae, p. 282]. 

DesMaAREst, A. G. 

1823. Malacostracés, vol. 28, pp. 138-425, 58 pls. In Dictionnaire des 
sciences naturelles, dans lequel on traite méthodiquement des 
différens étres de la nature, considérés soit en eux-mémes, d’dprés 
Vetat actuel de nos connoissances, soit relativement a l’utilité qu’en 
peuvent retirer la médécine, l’agriculture, le commerce et Ies 
arts. Paris [Caprellidae, pp. 359-364, pl. 46]. 

1825. Considérations générales sur la classe de crustacés, et description 
des espéces de ces animaux, qui vivent dans la mer, sur les cédtes, 
ou dans les eaux douces de la France. Paris, 446 pp., 56 pls., 5 tabs. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 276-278, pl. 46]. 

Dexter, R. W. 

1944. The bottom community of Ipswich Bay, Massachusetts. Ecol., 

vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 352-359 [Caprellidae, p. 356]. 
Dorn, A. 

1866. Zur Naturgeschichte der Caprellen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., vol. 16, 

no. 2, pp. 245-250, pl. 13b. 
Dons, C. 

1935. Norges strandfauna VII. Amphipoder. Norske Vidensk. Selskab. 

Forhandl., vol. 7, no. 30, pp. 107-110 [Caprellidae, p. 110]. 
DovuauHErty, KE. C., and STEINBERG, J. E. 

1953. Notes on the skeleton shrimps (Crustacea, Caprellidae) of California. 
Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, vol. 66, pp. 39-50. 

1954. Key to the Caprellidea of California, pp. 167-171, figs. 81-82. In 
Light, S. F. et al. Intertidal invertebrates of the central California 
Coast. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 446 pp., 138 figs. 


DrariEz, P. A. J. 

1837. Chevrolle, vol. 2, pp. 353-354. In Dictionnaire classique des sciences 
naturelles, présentant la définition, l’analyse et l’histoire de tous 
les entres qui composent les trois régnes, leur application générale 
aux arts, a l’agriculture, a la medicine, a l’economie domestique, 
ete.; résumant tous les faits préséntes par les dictionnaires d’his- 
toire naturelle; augmenté des nombreuses dicouvertes acquises 
depuis la publication des ces ovrages. Bruselles. 


1953. Checx list of marine invertebrates at Beaufort, N.C. Beaufort, 

2nd ed., 36 pp. 
DunBaR, M. J. 

1942. Marine macroplankton from the Canadian Eastern Arctic. I. Amphip- 
oda and Schizopoda. Canadian Journ. Res., vol. 20, sect. D, 
pp. 33-46, 11 figs., 1 tab. [Caprellidae, p. 42]. 

1954. The amphipod Crustacea of Ungava Bay, Canadian Eastern Arctic. 
Journ. Fish. Res. Board Canada, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 709-798, 42 
figs., 1 tab. [Caprellidae, pp. 784, 788]. 

Epmonpson, C. H., and MANSFIELD, G. S. 

1948. Hawaiian Caprellidae. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., vol. 19, no. 10, pp. 

Epwarps, A. MILNE 

1868. Descriptions de quelques crustacés nouveaux provenant des voyages 
de M. Alfred Grandidier a Zanzibar et 4 Madagascar. Nouv. Arch. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, vol. 4, pp. 69-92, pls. 19-21 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 89-91, pl. 20, fig. 12]. 

Epwarps, H. Ming 

1840. Histoire naturelle des crustacés comprenant l’anatomie, la physiol- 
ogie et la classification des ces animaux. Paris, vol. 3, pp. ii + 638, 
Atlas, 42 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 103-110, pl. 33}. 

Evuis, T. K. 

1950. Amphipods. Contr. Bears Bluff Lab., no. 8, 13 pp. [Caprellidae, 

pp. 5, 6, 13). 
Eton, C. 

1937. Marine animals collected by Mr. A. W. Moore at Etah, northwest 
Greenland, during the Oxford University Ellesmere Land Expedi- 
tion, 1934-35. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, vol. 20, pp. 432-434 
[Caprellidae, p. 433]. 

ENEQuist, P. 

1949. Studies on the soft-bottom amphipods of the Skagerak. Zool. Bidrag 
Uppsala, vol. 28, pp. 297-492, 67 figs., 6 maps [Caprellidae, pp. 
392, 402, 403]. 

Fasricius, J. C. 

1793. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, 
ordines, genera, species. Adjectis synonimis, locis. Observationibus, 
descriptionibus. Hafniae, pp. viii +519 [Caprellidae, pp. 517-518]. 

Fasricivus, O. 

1780. Fauna groenlandica, systematice sistens animalia Groenlandiae oc- 
cidentalis hactenus indagata, quoda nomen specificum, triviale, 
vernaculumque; synonyma austorum plurium, descriptionem, lo- 
cum, victum, generalionem, mores, usum, capturamque singuli, 
prout detegendi occasio fuit, maximaque parte secundum proprias 
observationes. Hafniae and Lipsiae, pp. xvi + 452, 1 pl. [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 248-249]. 


Faaeg, L. 
1933. Péches planctoniques 4 la lumiére, effectuées 4 Banyuls-sur-Mer et 
& Concarneau. III. Crustacés. Arch. Zool. Exp. Gén., vol. 76, 
pt. 3, pp. 105-248, 14 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 113, 115, 117, 119, 
125, 126, 127, 225-226]. 
Ferauson, F. F., and Jongss, EH. R. 
1949. A survey of the shore-line fauna of the Norfolk Peninsula. Amer. 
Midland Nat., vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 436-446 [Caprellidae, p. 442]. 
1940. I Caprellidi del Mare Adriatico presso Rovigno. Thalassia, vol. 4, 
no. 6, 34 pp., 12 figs., 4 pls. 
FiscHerti, E. 
1932. La Caprella della Laguna Veneta dal punto di vista del sesso (note 
preliminare). Boll. Mus. Lab. Zool. Anat. Comp. Roy. Univ. 
Genova, vol. 12, no. 57, 28 pp., 5 figs. 
1823. Gleanings of natural history, gathered on the coast of Scotland 
during a voyage in 1821. Edinburgh Phil. Journ., vol. 8, no. 16, 
pp. 294-303 [Caprellidae, pp. 296-297]., G. H. 
1886. List of the Amphipoda of the L.M.B.C. District, pp. 212-218, pl. 4. 
In Herdman, W. A. The first report upon the fauna of Liverpool 
Bay and neighbouring seas. Proc. 75th Session Lit. Phil. Soc. 
Liverpool, no. 40 [Caprelliade, pp. 217-218, pl. 4, fig. 1]. 
Funke, H. C. 
1922. Hydroiden, pp. 185-210, 12 figs. In Boer, C. de. Ed. Flora en fauna 
der Zuiderzee [Caprellidae, p. 197]. 
1886 (1887). Etudes sur la faune de l’estuarie de la Seine. Ann. Assoc. 
Normande, pp. 74-96 [Caprellidae, p. 82]. 
1898. Rescherches sur les faunes marine et maritime de la Normandie. 2° 
Voyage. Région de Grandcamp-les-Bains (Calvados) et Iles Saint- 
Marcouf (Manche) Juillet-Septembre 1894. Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. 
Nat. Rouen, ser. 4, year 33, pp. 309-387, 5 figs. 2 pls. [Caprellidae, 
p. 348]. 
1900 (1901). Op. cit. 3° Voyage. Région d’Omonville-la-Rogue (Manche) 
et Fosse de la Hague. Op. cit., ser. 1, year 36, pp. 143-224, 2 figs., 
1 pl. [Caprellidae, p. 184]. 
1924. Algunos malaostrdceos de Marruecos. Bol. Real Soc. Espafola 
Hist. Nat., vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 391-392 [Caprellidae, p. 392]. 
Gamrota, A. 
1878. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Naturgeschichte der Caprellen. Zeitschr. 
Wiss. Zool., vol. 31, pp. 101-126, pls. 8-10. 
1962. The caprellids. Biol., vol. 45, nos. 1-2, 4 pp., 1 fig. 
GrpBss, L. R. 
1848. Catalogue of the fauna of South Carolina. Appendix, pp. i-xxiv. In 
Tuomey, M. Report on the geology of South Carolina. Columbia, 
293 pp., 7 appendices, pp. i-xlviii, 47 figs. [Caprellidae, p. xvil. 
1849. Crustacea, pp. 21-24. In White, G. Statistics of the State of Georgia; 
including an account of its natural, civil, and ecclesiastical history ; 
together with a particular description of each county, notices of 


the manners and customs of its aboriginal tribes, and a correct 
map of the state. Savannah [Caprellidae, p. 23]. 
Gois, A. 

1866. Crustacea Amphipoda maris Spetsbergiam alluentis, cum speciebus 
aliis arcticis enumerat. Vetensk. Akad. Forhandl., vol. 22, no. 8, 
pp. 517-536, pls. 36-41, [Caprellidae: pp. 534-535]. 

GoopHart, C. B. and Harrison, R. 

1940. Occurrence of some off-shore amphipods in the littoral zone. Nat., 

vol. 145, no. 3664, p. 109 [Caprellidae, p. 109]. 
Goopsir, H. D.S. 

1842. On anew genus, and on six new species of Crustacea, with observa- 
tions on the development of the egg and on the metamorphoses 
of Caligus, Carcinus, and Pagurus. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 
vol. 33, pp. 174-192, pls. 2-3 [Caprellidae, pp. 183-190, pl 3, 
figs. 1-11]. 

GossE, P. H. 

1855. A manual of marine zoology for the British Isles. London, pt. 1, 

pp. xi + 203, 335 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 130-131, figs. 223-224]. 
Gorriies, E. 

1960. The benthonic Amphipoda of the Mediterranean coast of Israel. I. 
Notes on the geographical distribution. Bull. Res. Counce. Israel, 
sect. B, zool., vol. 9b, nos. 2-3, pp. 157-166, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, 
pp. 161, 163, 164]. 

GouLp, A. A. 

1841. Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, comprising the Mol- 
lusca, Crustacea, Annelida, and Radiata. Cambridge, pp.xiii + 373, 
213 figs., 15 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 235-236]. 

Gourret, P. 

1892. Notes zoologiques sur l’Etang des Eaux-Blanches (Cette). Ann. Mus. 

Hist Nat. Marseille, zool., vol. 4, 26 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 16, 25]. 

1902. V. Crustacea. Uebersicht der Fauna des Golfes von Triest nebst 
Notizen iiber Vorkommen, Lebensweise, Erscheinungs— und 
Laichzeit der einzelnen Arten. Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. Wien Zool. 
Sta. Triest, vol. 13, pp. 33-80 (1-48) [Caprellidae, p. 51 (19)]. 

Grika, J. A. 

1925. Evertebrater fra bankerne ved Spitsbergen indsamlet av m.k. 
Blaafjeld og m.k. Tovik somrene 1923-1924, Bergens Mus. Aarbok, 
nat. sect., no. 9, 33 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 22]. 

Grisra, M. J. 

1907. Invertebrés du Fond. pp. 503-567, pl. 79. In d’Orléans, L. P. R. due. 
Croisiére Océanographique accomplie 4 bord de la Belgica dans la 
Mer du Grénland 1905, 567 pp., 79 pls., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 
527, 551-552]. 

Gronovius, L. T. 

1760. Observationes de animalculis aliquot marinae aquae innatantibus 
atque in littoribus Belgicis obviis. Acta Helvetica, Basileae, vol. 4, 
pp. 35-40, pl. 4 [Caprellidae, p. 39, pl. 4, figs. 8-10]. 

Gufrin-MENEVILLE, F, E. 

1829-44. Crustacés, vol. 2, 104 pls., vol. 3, 48 pp. In Iconographie du régne 
animalde M. le Bon Cuvier . . . Paris and London [Caprellidae, 
vol. 2, pl. 23; vol. 3, pp. 24-25]. 


1886. Sur quelques amphipodes marins du nord de la France. Bull. Soc. 

Zool. France, vol. 11, pp. XLII-XLIV [Caprellidae, pp. XLIII, 
GuiLeEr, E. R. 
1952. A list of the Crustacea of Tasmania. Rec. Queen Victoria Mus., vol. 
3, no. 3, pp. 15-44 [Caprellidae, p. 31]. 
1954. Some collections of caprellids from Tasmania. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser. 12, vol. 7, no. 79, pp. 531-553, 20 figs. 
Gursanova, E. F. 
1929a. Towards the fauna Crustacea of the Barents, White, and Kara Seas 
[in Russian, English summary]. Trav. Soc. Nat. Leningrad, vol. 
59, pt. 1, pp. 29-46 [Caprellidae, pp. 40-41, 46]. 
1929b. Contributions to the question of the benthos in Cheshskaya Bay 
[in Russian]. Severnoia Nauch Promys. Eksped. Trudy [Trans. 
Inst. Sci. Explor. North], no. 48, pp. 58-100 [Caprellidae, p. 70]. 
1931. Zur Amphipoda- und Isopoda-Fauna der 6stlichen Murmankuste (im 
Gebiet der Portschnicha-Bucht) [in Russian, German summary]. 
Op. cit., no. 48, pp. 196-204 [Caprellidae, p. 201]. 
1935. Contributions to the fauna of Amphipoda and Isopoda of the southern 
part of the Kara Sea [in Russian, English summary]. Gidrolog. 
Inst. Issledovaniia Morei SSSR [Explor. Seas USSR, no. 21, pp. 
65-87, 8 figs., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 78-79, fig. 8]. 
1936. The zoogeography of the Kara Sea (contribution to the fauna of 
Amphipoda and Isopoda of the northern part of the Kara Sea) [in 
Russian, English summary]. Akad. Nauk. Izvestiia Otd. Math. 
I. Estest., ser. biol., nos. 2-3, pp. 565-598, 6 maps [Caprellidae, pp. 
568, 579, 580, 582, 588, 589, 590, 593). 
1964. Amphipoda and Isopoda fauna of the pre-Atlantic deep of the Arctic 
Basin (Nansen Depression). Trudy Arctic and Antarctic Scientific 
Res. Inst., vol. 259, pp. 255-314, 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 312-313]. 
Haz, H. M. 
1927. The fauna of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc. 
South Australia, vol. 51, pp. 307-321, 7 figs. [Caprellidae, p. 315]. 
1929. The crustaceans of South Australia. Adelaide, 380 pp. [Caprellidae, 
pp. 231-235, figs. 228-230]. 
1879a. Vorlafige Notizen iiber die Sustematik der im Mittelmeer vorkom- 
menden Caprelliden. Zool. Anz., vol. 2, no. 27, pp. 230-233. 
1879b. Beitrige zur Kenntniss der Laemodipodes filiformes. Zeitschr. Wiss. 
Zool., vol. 33, pp. 350-422, pls. 21-23. 
Hansen, H. J. 
1887a. Oversigt over de paa Dijmphna-Togtet indsamlede Krebsdyr. 
Dijmphna-Togetets Zool. Bot. Udbytte, pp. 183-286, pls. 20-24 
[Caprellidae, pp. 283-234, pl. 22 fig. 4]. 
1887b. Oversigt over det vestlige Grgnlands Fauna af malakostrake 
Havkrebsdyr. Vetensk. Meddel. Nat. Foren. Copenhagen, ser. 4, 
vol. 9, 226 pp., pls. 2-7, 1 map [Caprillidae, pp. 171-176, pl. 6]. 
1895. Pycnogonider og Malacostrake Krebsdyr. Meddel. Grgniand, vol. 
19, pp. 121-132 [Caprellidae, p. 130]. 
Hansson, C. A. 
1882 (1883). Bidrag til kannedom om de ligre djurlifvet vid morra Bohusl- 
and kust. Vetensk. Akad. Forhandl., vol. 39, pp. 75-80 [Caprellidae, 

De atl 


Harrison, R. J. 

1939. Some observations on the habits of the skeleton shrimps. Ann. Rep. 
Oundle School Nat. Hist. Soc., pp. 19-21. 

1940. On the biology of the Caprellidae. Growth and moulting of Pseudopro- 
tella phasma Montagu. Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom, 
vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 483-493, 6 figs. 

HasweE tu, W. A. 

1880. On some additional new genera and species of amphipodous crusta- 
ceans. Proce. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, vol. 4, pp. 319-350, pls. 
18-24 [Caprellidae, pp. 346-349, pl. 23, figs. 2-4, pl. 24, fig. 1]. 

1882. Catalogue of the Australian stalk- and sessile-eyed Crustacea. 
Sydney, pp. xxiv + 327, 4 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 310-314]. 

1884 (1885). Revision of the Australian Laemodipoda. Proc. Linn. Soe. 
New South Wales, vol. 9, pp. 993-1000, pls. 48-49. 

Hepaperta, J. W. 

1950. Annotated list of certain marine invertebrates found on Texas jetties. 
Appendix V, pp. 72-85. In Whitten, H. L., Rosene, H. F., and Hedg- 
peth, J. W. The invertebrate fauna of Texas coast jetties; a pre 
liminary survey. Publ. Inst. Mar. Sci. Univ. Texas, vol. 1, no. 2, 
pp. 53-87, 4 figs., 1 pl. [Caprellidae, pp. 77-78]. 

1953. An introduction to the zoogeography of the northwestern Gulf of 
Mexico with reference to the invertebrate fauna. Op. cit., vol. 3, 
no. 1, pp. 107-224, 46 figs. [Caprellidae, p. 203]. 

Harrier, C: 

1866. Beitrage zur naiheren Kenntniss der Amphipoden des adriatischen 
Meeres. Denkschr. Math. Naturwiss. Classe Acad. Wiss., vol. 26, 
62 pp., 4 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 52-57, pl. 4 figs. 15-23]. 

HeEenpeERsoN, J. R. 

1885. Recent additions to the invertebrate fauna of the Firth of Forth. 
Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 307-313. 
{Caprellidae, p. 311]. 

Hersst, J. F. W. 

1793. Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Krabben und Krebse, nebst einer 
Systematischen Bescreibung ihrer verschienden Arten. Berlin and 
Stralsund, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 99-146, pls. 34-36. [Caprellidae, pp. 
142-145, pl. 36 figs. 9-11]. 

Herxtors, J. A. 

1861. Symbolae carcinologicae. I. Catalogue des crustacés qui ont servi de 
base au systéme carcinologique de M. W. de Haan, rédigé d’aprés 
la collection du Musée de Pays-Bas et les crustacés de la Faune du 
Japon. Leyde, 43 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 43]. 

Hewatt, W. G. 

1946. Marine ecological studies on Santa Cruz Island, California. Ecol. 
Monogr., vol. 16, pp. 185-210, 2 figs. [Caprellidac, pp. 194, 196, 
199, 200, 201, 202, 204). 

Hiro, F. [= Ut1nomy1, H.] 

1937. Caprellids from Tanabe Bay. Annot. Zool. Japonenses, vol. 16, no. 

4, pp. 310-317, pl. 22. 
Honk, bo be. C: 

1879. Carcinologisches, grésstentheils gearbeitet in der zoologischen 
Station der niederlindischen zoologischen Gesellschaft. Zur 
Anatomie und Systematik der Caprelliden. Tijdschr. Nederland- 



sche Dier. Vereeninging, pt. 4, pp. 97-161, pls. 5-10. [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 97-115, pls. 5-8]. 
1882. Die Crustaceen, gesammelt wachrend der Fahrten des ‘Willem 
Barents” in der Jahren 1878 und 1879. Niederlindisches Arch. 
Zool. Suppl., vol. 1, 75 pp., 3 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 65]. 
1883-84. Schaaldieren van de Oosterschelde (Crustacés de Il’Escaut de 
l’Est.) Tijdschr. Nederlandsche Dier. Vereeninging, Suppl. pt. 1, 
pp. 516-545 [Caprellidae, pp. 532, 533). 
1889. Crustacea Neerlandica. II. Nieuwe lijst van tot de fauna van Neder- 
land Behoorende Schaaldieren, met bijvoeging van enkele in de 
Noordzee verder van de Kust waargenomen Soorten. Op. cit., ser. 
2, vol. 2 pt. 3, pp. 170-234, pls. 7-10 [Caprellidae, pp. 231-233]. 
Homes, S. J. 
1904 (1905). The Amphipoda of southern New England. Bull. Bur. Fish., 
vol. 24, pp. 457-529, 13 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 525-527]. 
HuntsMAN, A. G. 
1915. A new caprellid from the Bay of Fundy. Contr. Canadian Biol., 
sessional pap. no. 39b, pp. 39-42, pls. 5-6. 

Horton, F. W. 
1904. Index Faunae Novae Zealandiae. London, pp. viii-+372. [Caprellidae, 
p. 261]. 

Iarzynsky, T. 

1870. Praemissus catalogus Crustaceorum amphipodum, inventorum in 
mari albo et in mari glaciali ad litus murmanicum (Mypmahin 
beperb) anno 1869 et 1870 [in Russian]. Liningradoke Obsch- 
chestvo Estestvo-Spytateli, Trudy, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 315-316. 

Ives, J. E. 

1891 (1892). Echinoderms and crustaceans collected by the West Greenland 
Expedition of 1891. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 479-481 
[Caprellidae, p. 481]. 


1925. Fishes and marine invertebrates collected during the cruise of the 
Arctic in 1923. Canadian Field Nat., vol. 39, no. 9, pp. 203-204 
[Caprellidae, p. 204]. 

1930. Marine Crustacae, Malocostraca and Pantopoda (Pycnogonida), 
collected in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Newfoundland, and the Bay 
of Fundy in 1919, 1922, 1923, 1925, and 1926. 


1934. List of marine Mollusca of the Atlantic coast from Labrador to Texas. 

Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 40, 204 pp. 
Jounson, M. E., and Snoog, H. J. 

1927. Seashore animals of the Pacific Coast. New York, pp. xiv+659, 700 

figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 279-282, figs. 235-237]. 

1965. Research on the marine geology and biology of Tomales Bay, Cali- 
fornia. Prog. Rep. Atomic Energy Comm., Contract no. AT (11-1)- 
1019, pp. 1-29, appendix 1, 6 pp., appendix 2, 3 pp., appendix 3, 
7 pp. [Caprellidae, appendix 1, p. 3, appendix 2, pp. 2 and 3, 
appendix 3, p. 4]. 

1966. Ibid, 17 pp., appendix 1, 6 pp., appendix 2, 3 pp., appendix 3, 4 pp., 
appendix 4, 11 pp. [Caprellidae, appendix 1, p. 3, appendix 2, p. 2, 
appendix 3, p. 2, appendix 4, pp. 1 and 2]. 


Jounson, R. G., and JusKEvicg, J. A. 

1965. Check list of marine invertebrates of the Tomales Bay region, Marin 
County, California. Pacific Marine Sta. Res. Rep. no. 5, 78 pp. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 388-39, 40, 41]. 


1835. Illustrations in British zoology. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, pp. 668-674 

[Caprellidae, pp. 668-674]. 
DE Kay, J. E. 

1844. Crustacea, pt. 6, 70 pp., 13 pls. In Zoology of New York, or the New 
York fauna; comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals 
hitherto observed within the state of New York, with brief notices 
of those occasionally found near its borders, and accompanied by 
appropriate illustrations. New York (State) Nat. Hist. Surv. 
{[Caprellidae, p. 41]. 

Kirk, T. W. 

1878. Additions to the crustacean fauna of New Zealand. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., ser. 5, vol. 2, pp. 465-467 [Caprellidae, pp. 465-466]. 

1878 (1879). On additions to the carcinological fauna of New Zealand. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., vol. 11, pp. 392-397 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 392-394]. 


1892. Ofversigt af de zoologiska arbetena under expeditionen till Spetsbergen 
1890, pp. 86-93. In Nordenskiéld, G. Redogérelse for den Svenska 
Expeditionen till Spetsbergen 1890. Svenska Vetensk. Akad. Handl., 
vol. 17, sect. 2, no. 3 [Caprellidae, pp. 90-91]. 

Koruuer, R. 

1884 (1885). Recherches sur la faune marins des Iles Anglo-Normandes. 
Bull. Soc. Sci. Nancy, ser. 2, vol. 7, no. 17, pp. 52-120 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 98-99, 112, 117]. 

1885. Contribution a l’étude de la faune littorale des Iles Anglo-Normandes 
(Jersey, Guernesey, Herm et Sark). Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. France, 
ser. 6, vol. 20, 62 pp., 1 pl. [Caprellidae, pp. 27, 54, 61]. 


1886. Crustaceen, Pycnogoiden und Arachnoideen von Jan Mayen... 
Beobachtungs-Ergebn. Akad. Wiss., vol. 3, pt. 6, pp. 39-58, pls. 
3-4 [Caprellidae, p. 42]. 

KossMann, R. 

1880. Malacostraca. Zool. Ergebn. Auftrage Acad. Wiss. Berlin Reise 
Kiistengebiete Rothen Meeres, 2nd half, no. 1, pp. 67-140, pls. 
4-15 [Caprellidae, pp. 126-128, pl. 12]. 

Krégyer, H. 

1838. Gr6énlands amphipoder beskrevne af Henrik Kroyer. Danske Vidensk. 
Selskabet Nat. Math. Afhandl., pt. 7, pp. 229-326 [Caprellidae, 
p. 318]. 

1842-43. Beskrivelse af nogle Arter og Slaegter, af Caprellina: med indle- 
dende Bemaerkninger om lLaemodipoda og deres Plads_ i 
Systemet. Naturhist. Tidsskr., vol. 4, pp. 490-518, 585-616, 
pls. 6-8. 

1846. Voyages en Scandinavie en Laponie au Spitzberg et aux Férée. 
Publiés par ordre du gouvernment sous la direction de M. Paul 
Gaimard. France, Commission scientifique du Nord. Paris. Atlas 
de Physique [Caprellidae, pl. 19, fig. 3, pls. 24-25]. 


Kupruascuov, V. A., and VASSILENKO, S. V. 

1966. A new family Caprogammaridae (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) found 
in the North-West Pacific. Crustaceana, vol. 10, pt. 2, pp. 192-198, 
4 figs. 

KunkKEL, B. W. 

1910. The Amphipoda of Bermuda. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts Sci., 
vol. 16, 116 pp., 43 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 106-118, figs. 41-43]. 

1918. The Arthrostraca of Connecticut. State Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 
no. 26, pt. 1: Amphipoda, pp. 1-181, figs. 1-55; pt. 2: Isopoda, 
pp. 183-261, figs. 56-84 [Caprellidae, pp. 174-181]. 

LAFouueEtTtsE, R. 

1914. Caprellidae from Laguna Beach. Journ. Entomol. Zool. (Pomona 

College, California), vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 222-232, 5 pls. 
LaMARCE, J. B. P. A. DE 

1801. Systéme des animaux sans vertébres, ou, tableau général des classes, 
des ordres et des genres de ces animaux .. . précédé du discours 
d’ouvrture du cours de zoologie, donné dnas le muséum national 
d@histoire naturelle ’an 8 de la République. Paris, pp. viii 432. 

1818. Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertébres, présentant les carac- 
téres généraux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, 
leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des princi- 
pales espéces qui s’y rapportent. Paris, 612 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 


1895. Manuel de la faune de Belgique. Bruxelles, vol. 1, pp. x1+639, 701 

figs., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 569-570]. 

1802-03. Histoire naturelle, génerale et particuliére des crustacés et des 
insectes. Paris, vol. 6, 391 pp., pls. 44-57 [Caprellidae, pp. 
323-327, pl. 57]. 

1803. Chevrolle, vol. 5, pp. 332-333. In Nouveau dictionnaire d’histoire 
naturelle, appliquée aux arts, principalement 4 l’agriculture et a 
l’economie rurale et domestique: par un sociéte de naturalistes et 
d’agriculteurs: avec des figures tirées trois régnes de la nature. 

1816. Chevrolle, vol. 6, pp. 433-434. Op. cit., new ed. 

1818. Crustacés, arachnides et insectes, vol. 24, 38 pp., pls. 269-397. In 
Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois régnes de la 
nature. Paris [Caprellidae, pp. 6, 9, pls. 328, 336]. 

1836. Crustaceen, Arachniden und die ungeflugelten Insecten, vol. 4, pp. 
xiv+516. In Das Thierreich, geordnet nach seiner Organisation 
[Translated and expanded by F. S. Voigt.]. Leipzig [Caprellidae, 
pp. 216-218]. 

Lracu, W. E. 

1818-14. Crustaceology, vol. 7, pt. 1, pp. 8838-384 [1813]; pt. 2, pp. 385-437 
[1814]. 7x Edinburg encyclopaedia; conducted by David Brew- 
ster . . . with the assistance of gentlemen eminet in science 
and literature. Edinburg [Caprellidae, pp. 403-404, 433]. 

Lrypie, F. 

1860. Ueber Geruchs- und Gehérorgane der Krebse und Insecten. Arch. 

Anat. Phis. Wiss. Med., pp. 265-314, pls. 7-9 [Caprellidae, p. 283]. 


Litsesorc, W. 

1856. Om Hafs-Crustaceer vid Kullaberg i SkAne. Vetensk. Akad. Forhandl., 

vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 117-138 [Caprellidae, p. 132]. 

1767. Systema naturae. Holmiac, 12th ed., vol. 1, pt. 2, pp. 533-1327 
[Caprellidae, p. 1056]. 

1769. Natuurlyke historie, of Ultvoerige beschryving der dieren, planten, 
en mineraalen, volgens het samenstel van der Heer Linnaeus, met 
Naauwkeurige afbeelding. Houttuyn ed. Amsterdam, ser. 1, vol. 
13 [Caprellidae, pp. 445-447]. 

1788. Systema naturae. Lipsiae, 13th ed., vol. 1, pt. 5, pp. 2225-3020 
[Caprellidae, pp. 2992-2993]. 

1793. Systema naturae, par regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, 
genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. 
Conimbricae. Gmelin ed., vol. 7, 538 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 501]. 

1800. <A general system of nature, through the three grand kingdoms of 
animals, vegetables and minerals: systematically divided into their 
several classes, orders, genera, species, and varieties, with their 
habitations, manners, economy, structure and peculiarities [trans- 
lated, emmended and enlarged from Gmelin’s edition by W. Turton]. 
Swansea, vol. 3, 784 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 761]. 

L6nNBorG, E. 

1902 (1903). Undersékningar rérande Skeldervidens och Angrinsande 
Kattegat-Omrades Djurlif. Meddel. Landtbruksstyrelsen, no. 2 
for 1902, no. 80, 81 pp. [Caprellidae, p. 50]. 

Lucas, H. P. 

1849. Histoire naturelle des animaux articles. Pt. 1. Crustacés, arachnides, 
myriapodes, et hexapodes. Explor. Sci. Algerie, zool., vol. 1, 403 
pp; vol. 4, Crustacés, 8 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 59, pl. 5, fig. 6]. 

LirxKeEn, C. 

1875. The Crustacea of Greenland, pp. 146-165. In Jones, T. R., Manual 
of the natural history, geology and physics of Greenland and the 
neighbouring regions; prepared for the use of the Arctic Expedition 
of 1875, under the direction of the Arctic Committee of the Royal 
Society, and edited by Professor T. Rupert Jones, . .. , together 
with instructions suggested by the Arctic Committee of the Royal 
Society for the use of the expedition. London [Caprellidae, p. 159]. 

LuruHer, W., and Frepumr, K. 

1961. Die Unterwasserfauna der Mittelmeerkiisten. Hamburg and Berlin, 

253 pp., 28 figs., 46 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 158, pl. 24]. 
McANpreEw, R. 

1861. List of the British marine invertebrate fauna. London, 71 pp. 

[Caprellidae, p. 28]. 
McCain, J. C. 

1965. The Caprellidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of Virginia. Chesapeake 
Sci., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 190-196, 2 figs. 

1966. Abyssicaprella galatheae, a new genus and species of abyssal caprellid 
(Amphipoda: Caprellidae). Galathea Rep., vol. 8, pp. 91-95, 3 figs. 

MacDona.p, R. 

1939. The marine Crustacea of Ardglass Harbour, C. Down. Ann. Mag. 

Nat. Hist., ser. 11, vol. 3, no. 18, pp. 632-635 [Caprellidae, p. 634]. 


McDoveatt, K. D. 

1943. Sessile marine invertebrates at Beaufort, North Carolina. Ecol. 
Monogr., vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 321-374, 19 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 
363, 370]. 

MacGinitTig, G. E. 

1935. Ecological aspects of a California marine estuary. Amer. Midland 

Nat., vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 629-765 [Caprellidae, p. 701]. 
M’Intosu, W. C. 

1874. On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 14, pp. 258-274 [Caprellidae, pp. 

MacKay, D. C. G. 

1945. Notes on the aggregating marine invertebrates of Hawaii. Ecol., 

vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 205-207 [Caprellidae, p. 205]. 
Macnak, W. 

1953. On a small collection of amphipods from Tristan da Cunha. Proc. 
Zool. Soc. London, vol. 122, pt. 4, pp. 1025-1033, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, 
p. 1032]. 

MairTLanp, R. T. 

1874. Naamlijst van Nederlandsche Schaaldieren. Tijdschr.Nederlandsche 
Dier. Vereeniging, pt. 1, no. 3, pp. 228-269 [Caprellidae, pp. 

Marine Brow. Las. 

1904. Plymouth marine invertebrate fauna, being notes of their local dis- 
tribution of species occurring in the neighbourhood. Journ. Marine 
Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom, new ser., vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 155-298 
{[Caprellidae, pp. 241-242]. 

1931. Plymouth marine fauna. Plymouth, 371 pp., 1 map [Caprellidae, 
p. 198]. 

1957. Plymouth marine fauna. Plymouth. 3rd ed., pp. xliiit457, 4 maps 
[Caprellidae, pp. 232-234]. 

Marion, A. F. 

1883. Esquisse d’une topographie zoologique du Golfe de Marseille. Ann. 
Mag. Hist. Nat. Marseille, zool., vol. 1, mem. 1, 108 pp., 1 map 
[Caprellidae, p. 49]. 

Massey, A. L. 

1911 (1912). Report of a survey of trawling grounds on the coasts of Counties 
Down, Louth, Meath and Dublin. Pt. III. Invertebrate fauna. 
Fish. Ireland Sci. Invest., no. 1, 225 pp., 2 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 
7, 22, 34, 42, 43, 45, 51, 68, 70, 73, 82, 169]. 

Mayer, P. 

1882. Die Caprelliden des Golfes von Neapel und der angrenzenden Meeres- 
Abschnitte. Eine Monographie. Fauna Flora Golfe Neapel, vol. 6, 
pp. x +201, 39 figs., 10 pls. 

1890. Ibid. Nachtrag zur Monographie derselben. Op. cit., vol. 17, pp. 
vii+ 157, 7 pls. 

1898. Metaprotella sandalensis, n. sp. Pt. 1, pp. 53-56, 6 figs. In Willey, 
A., Zoological results based on material from New Britian, New 
Guinea, Loyalty Island and elsewhere, collected during the years 
1895, 1896, and 1897. Cambridge. 

1903. Die Caprellidae der Siboga-Expedition. Siboga Exped., vol. 34, 160 
pp., 10 pls. 


1877-78. Crustacea Isopoda, Amphipoda et Decapoda Daniae: fortegnelse 
over Danmarks isopode, amphipode og decapode Krebsdyr. 
Naturhist. Tidsskr., ser. 3, vol. 11, pp. 57-248 [Caprellidae, pp. 
1880. Ibid., Op. cit., vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 465-512 [Caprellidae, pp. 494-496]. 
1890. Crustacea Malacostraca. Vidensk. Udbytte Kanonbaden ‘‘Hauch’s” 
Togter, pp. 149-232, 2 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 183-185]. 
MENzEL, R. W. 
1956. Annotated check-list of the marine fauna and flora of the St. George’s 
Sound-Apalachee Bay Region, Florida Gulf Coast. Florida State 
Univ. Oceanogr. Contr., no. 61, pp. iv+78 [Caprellidae, p. 41]. 
Merzcer, A. 
1869-70 (1871). Die wirbellosen Meeresthiere der ostfriesischen Kiiste. 
20th Jahresbericht Naturhist. Geseilsch. Hanover, pp. 22-36 
{Caprellidae, p. 32]. 
1875. Crustaceen aus den Ordnungen Edriophthalmata und Podophthal- 
mata. Exped. Untersuch. Nordsee, zool. ergebn., Deutschen 
Meere Jahresbericht, pp. 277-309, figs. 7-10, pl. 6 [Caprellidae, 
p. 278]. 
Miers, E. J. 
1877a. Report on the Crustacea collected by the naturalists of the Arctic 
Expedition in 1875-76. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 20, 
pp. 52-66, 96-110, pls. 3-4 [Caprellidae, pp. 104-105]. 
1877b. List of the species of Crustacea collected by the Rev. A. E. Eaton 
at Spitzbergen in the summer of 1873, with their localities and 
notes. Op. cit., ser. 4, vol. 19, pp. 131-140 [Caprellidae, p. 139]. 
1880. On a small collection of Crustacea made by Edward Whymper, 
Esq., chiefly in the N. Greenland Seas; with an appendix on 
additional species collected by the late British Arctic Expedition. 
Journ. Linn. Soc. London, zool., vol. 15, pp. 59-73 [Caprellidae, 
p. 69]. 
1884. Crustacea (The collections from Melanesia.), pp. 178-322, pls. 18- 
35. In Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo- 
Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. Alert 1881-2. London 
(Caprellidae, pp. 320-321, pl. 34, fig. C]. 
Mitts, E. L. 
1965. The zoogeography of North Atlantic and North Pacifie ampeliscid 
amphipod crustaceans. Syst. Zool., vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 119-130, 
1 fig., 3 tabs. 
Ming, A. 
1940. The ecology of the Tamar Estuary. IV. The distribution of the 
fauna and flora on buoys. Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc. United 
Kingdom, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 69-87, 2 figs., 3 tabs. [Caprellidae, 
p. 72]. 
Miyap1, D., and Masui, T. 
1942. Studies on the benthic communities of the Nanao-wan [in Japanese]. 
Nippon Kaiyogaku Tamatama Shiru [Oce. Pap. Japanese 
Oceanogr.], vol. 2, no. 1, 21 pp., 9 figs. 8 tabs. [Caprellidae, pp. 


Monraay, G. 

1815. Descriptions of several new or rare animals, principally marine, 
discovered on the south coast of Devonshire. Trans. Linn. Soe. 
London, vol. 11, 26 pp., 5 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 6-7, pl. 2, fig. 6]. 

Monterosso, B. 

1915. Caprellidae del Golfo di Catania. Atti Acecad. Gioania Sci. Nat. 

Catania, ser. 5, vol. 8, 16 pp., 3 figs. 
MUuuer, O. F. 

1776. Zoologiae Danicae prodromus, seu animalium Daniae et Norvegiae 
indigenarum characteres, nomia, et synonyma imprimis popularium. 
Hafniae, pp. xxxii + 282 [Caprellidae, p. 197]. 

Nicouet, H. 

1849. Crustaceos, vol. 3, pp. 115-318. In Gay, C. Histoira fisica y politica 
de Chile segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica durante 
doce afios de residencia en ella y publicada bajo los suspicios 
del supremo gobierno. Paris [Caprellidae, pp. 250-253, pl. 4]. 


1905. UHydrographical and biological investigations in Norwegian Fiords, 
Bergens Mus. 254 pp., 10 figs., 21 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 185]. 

1911 (1912). Faunistiske og biologiske iakttagelser ved den _ biologiske 
station i Bergen. Norske Vidensk. Selskabs Skr., no. 6, 58 pp., 
8 figs. [Caprellidae, p. 24]. 

Norman, A. M. 

1876. Crustacea, Tunicata, Polyzoa, Echinodermata, Actinozoa, Foramin- 
ifera, Polycystina, and Spongida, pp. 202-215. In Jeffreys, J. G., 
Preliminary report of the biological results of a cruise in H.M.S. 
Valorus to Davis Strait in 1875. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, vol. 25, 
no. 173, pp. 177-229, pls. 2-4 [Caprellidae, p. 209]. 

1882. Report on the Crustacea, pp. 683-689. In Staff Commander Tizard 
and Murray, J. Exploration of the Faroe Channel, during the 
summer of 1880, in H.M.’s hired ship Knight Errant. Proc. Roy. 
Soe. Edinburg, vol. 11, pp. 638-717, pl. 6, figs. 1-2 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 671, 684]. 

1886. Museum normaniam, or a catalogue of the Invertebrata of Europe, 
and the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans, which are contained 
in the collection of the Rev. Canon A. M. Norman, M.A., D.C.L., 
F.L.S. III. Crustacea. Houghton-le-Spring, 47 pp. [Caprellidae, 
p. 26]. 

1902. Notes on the natural history of East Finmark. Ann. Mag. Nat. 
Hist., ser. 7, vol. 10, pp. 472-486 [Caprellidae, p. 483]. 

1905a, Museum normanium, or a catalogue of the Invertebrata of the 
Arctic and North Atlantic Temperate Ocean and Palaearctic 
region, which are contained in the collection of the Rev. Canon 
A; M. Norman, MsA.,, D.C.L,, Ud. D., PRS. 32.8, ce, FT: 
Crustacea. Durham, 2nd ed., pp. i-vi+5-47 [Caprellidae, pp. 
26, 46]. 

1905b. Revised nomenclature of the species described in Bate and West- 
wood’s “British sessile-eyed Crustacea.’”?’ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser. 7, vol. 16, pp. 77-95 [Caprellidae, pp. 85, 93]. 

1907. Notes on the Crustacea of the Channel Islands. Op. cit., ser. 7, 
vol. 20, pp. 356-371, pls. 16-17 [Caprellidae, p. 370]. 

1908 (1909). The Crustacea of the Channel Islands. Rep. Trans. Soc. 
Nat. Sci. Local Res., pp. 458-465 [Caprellidae, p. 463]. 


Norman, A. M., and Scort, T. 

1906. The Crustacea of Devon and Cornwall. London, pp. xv+282, 

24 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. vii, viii, ix, x, 98-99]. 
Norman, A. M., and Brapy, G. S. 

1910. The Crustacea of Northumberland and Durham. Trans. Nat. Hist. 
Soe. Northumberland, Durham, and Newecastle-upon-Tyne, new 
ser., vol. 3, pt. 2, 168 pp., 3 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 75-76]. 


1895a. Bidrag till Kinnedomen om Malakostrakfaunan i Baffin Bay och 
Smith Sound. Acta Univ. Lundensis, Lunds Univ. Aarskr., vol. 31, 
pp. xxii+70, 1 pl., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. viii, xiii, xviii, xix, 

1895b. Additional notes to my paper: “Bidrag till kinnedomen om malakos- 
trakfaunan i Baffin Bay och Smith Sound.”’ Zool. Anz., year 18, 
no. 492, pp. 485-487 [Caprellidae, p. 486]. 

OupEvIc, H. 

1917. Die Amphipoden, Isopoden und Cumaceen des Eisfjords. Zoologische 
Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1908 
unter Leitung von Prof. G. de Geer. Svenska Vetensk. Handl., 
vol. 54, no. 8, 56 pp., 1 map [Caprellidae, p. 40]. 

1933. Sveriges Amphipoder. Géteborgs Vetensk. Vitterhets-Simhalles 
Handl., ser. B., vol. 3, no. 4, 282 pp., 123 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 259, 

Ouivetra, L. P. H. 

1940. Contribuicao ao conhecimente des Crustaceos do Rio de Janeiro. 
Catalogo dos Crustaceos da Baia Guanabara. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo 
Cruz, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 137-151 [Caprellidae, pp. 189-140]. 


1901. Crustacea and Pyenogonida collected during the Princeton Expedi- 
tion to North Greenland. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 
vol. 53, pp. 144-168, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, pp. 154-156]. 

PackarRD, A. S., JR. 

1867. Observations on the glacial phenomena of Labrador and Maine, 
with a view of the recent invertebrate fauna of Labrador. Mem. 
Boston Soe. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, pp. 210-3038, pls. 7-8 [Caprellidae, 
p. 297]. 

PALuAS, EP. 8. 

1772. Spilicilegia zoologica quibus novae imprimis et obscurae animalium 
species iconibus, descriptionibus, et que commentariis illustrantur. 
Berlin. no. 9, 86 pp., 5 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 80, pl. 4, fig. 15]. 

Parritt, E. 

1873. The fauna of Devon. Pt. IX. Sessile-eyed Crustacea. Rep. Trans. 
Devonshire Assoc. Adv. Sci. Lit. Arts, vol. 6, pt. 1, pp. 236-260 
[Caprellidac, pp. 250-251]. 

PavuULMIER, F. C. 

1905. Higher Crustacea of New York City, Bull. New York State Mus., 
no. 91, zool. 12, pp. 117-189, 59 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 168-169, 
figs. 38-39]. 

Pearse, A. S. 

1908. Descriptions of four new species of amphipodous Crustacea from 
the Gulf of Mexico. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 34, no. 1594, pp. 
27-32, 4 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 30-32, fig. 4]. 


1912. Notes on certain amphipods from the Gulf of Mexico, with descrip- 
tions of new genera and new species. Op. cit., vol. 48, no. 1936, 
pp. 369-379, 8 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 378-379]. 

1936. Estuarine animals at Beaufort, North Carolina. Journ. Elisha Mitchell 
Sci. Soc., vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 174-222, 2 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 193]. 

Prarssz, A. S., Hum, H. J., and Warton, G. W. 

1942. Ecology of sand beaches at Beaufort, North Carolina. Ecol. Monogr., 

vol. 12, pp. 135-190, 24 figs. [Caprellidae, p. 184]. 
Pearse, A. S., and Wiuuiams, L. G. 

1951. The biota of the reefs off the Carolinas. Journ. Elisha Mitchell 

Sci. Soc., vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 183-161 [Caprellidae, p. 143]. 

1883. Etudes sur la faune littorale de la Belgique. Mollusques et autres 
animaux inférieurs recueillis sur la cétes Belge in 1883. Proc. 
Verb. Séane. Soe. Roy. Malacologique Belgique, vol. 12, pp. 
CXXVII-CXXXII [Caprellidae, p. CX X XI]. 

1886. Note sur la présence de Caridina desmaresti dans les eaux de la 
Meuse. Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, vol. 4, pp. 211-222 
[Caprellidae, p. 218]. 


1777. British zoology. London, vol. 4, pp. viii + 154, 93 pls. [Caprellidae, 

p. 21, pl. 12, fig. 32]. 
Prquranat, W. E. 

1966. Biofouling studies off Panama City, Florida. I. Res. Rep. Office 
Naval Res., Texas Agr. Mech. Univ. Dept. Oceanogr. Proj. 286-1, 
pp. iv + 33, 18 figs., 9 tabs. [Caprellidae, p. 25]. 

Pryrort, §., and Trituus, J. P. 

1964. Recherches sur la sexualité et la gland androgene de Caprella aequili- 
bra Say (Amphipode, Caprellidae). Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, 
vol. 63, no. 1815, 28 pp., 19 figs. 


1889 (1890). Die Fauna der Insel Jeretik, Port Wladimir, an der Murman- 
Kiiste. I. Teil. Die Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische, Mollusken, 
Brachiopoden, Krebse, Pantopoden und Echinodermen. Jahrb. 
Hamburgischen Wiss. Anst., year 7, pp. 63-96 [Caprellidae, pp. 
87, 94]. 

Prruot, J. M. 

1939. Résultats scientifiques des Croisiéres du Navire-Ecole Belge Mer- 
cator. III. Amphipoda. Mem. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, ser. 2, 
vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 47-80, 7 figs. [Caprellidae, p. 78]. 


1962. Liste d’invertébrés marins recueillis dans l’estuaire du Saint-Laurent 
de 1929 4 1934. Canadian Nat., vol. 89, nos. 8 and 9, pp. 237-263, 
1 fig. [Caprellidae, p. 256]. 

Procter, W. 

1933. Biological survey of the Mount Desert Region. Philadelphia. Part 5, 
402 pp., 42 figs., 15 pls. (R. C. Osburn did Bryozoa, pp. 291- 
354, 15 pls.) [Caprellidae, p. 256]. 


1949. Notes sur les amphipodes marins de la région de Marseille. Bull. 
Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 165-172, 2 figs. [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 168, 170, 171]. 


RatTuHBun, M. J. 

1905. Fauna of New England. 5. List of the Crustacea. Occ. Pap. Boston 

Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 7, 117 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 7, 76-79]. 

1880 (1881). The littoral marine fauna of Provincetown, Cape Cod, Mas- 
sachusetts. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 3, pp. 116-133 [Caprellidae, 
p. 121). 

RaTuHKE, H. 

1843. Beitrige zur Fauna Norwegens. Nov. Act. Acad. Leop.-Carol. Nat. 

Curiosum, vol. 20, 264 pp., 12 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 94-98]. 
REEp, E. C. 

1897. Catdlogo de los Crustéceos Amfipodos i Lemodipodes de Chile. Rev. 

Chilena Hist. Nat., vol. 1, pp. 9-11 [Caprellidae, p. 11]. 

1906. Faunistisch-biologische Untersuchungen iiber Amphipoden der Nord- 
see. Wiss. Meeressunt., new ser., vol. 9, pp. 185-237, pls. 8-9, 
tabs. 10-15, 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 214-218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 
223, 229, 230, 232, 233, 235]. 

Rerp, D. M. 

1951. Report on the Amphipoda (Gammaridea and Caprellidea) of the 
coast of tropical West Africa. Atlantide Rep., no. 2 pp. 189-291, 
58 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 281-284, 289]. 

Ricwarps, H. G. 

1929. A faunistic survey of the marine invertebrates of New Jersey, with 
especial reference to the Cape May region. M.S. Thesis Univ. 
Pennsylvania, 110 pp., 4 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 84]. 

1938. Animals of the seashore. Boston, 273 pp., 28 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 
213, pl. 24, fig. 7]. 

Ricketts, E. F., and Catvin, J. 

1939. Between Pacific Tides. Stanford, pp. xxii + 320, 112 figs., 46 pls. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 70-71, 194-195, 280]. 

1952. Op. cit., Revised by J. W. Hedgpeth. Stanford. 3rd ed., pp. xiii + 502, 
134 figs., 1 color pl., 46 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 68-69, 248-249, 440, 
fig. 28]. 

Risso, A. 

1816. Histoire naturelle des Crustacés des environs de Nice. Paris, 176 pp., 
3 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 129-131]. 

1826. Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l’ Europe meridionale 
et principalement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes 
maritimes. Paris, pp. viii + 402, 10 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 101-102]. 

RoBertson, D. 

1886-87 (1888). A contribution towards a catalogue of the Amphipoda 
and Isopoda of the Firth of Clyde. Proc. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soe. 
Glasgow, new ser., vol. 2, pt. 1, pp. 9-99 [Caprellidae, pp. 69-73]. 

Rurro, S. 

1938. Studi sui crostacei anfipodi. VIII. Gli anfipodi marini del Museo 
Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. a) Gli anfipodi del Mediter- 
raneo. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, vol. 60, pp. 127-151, 
1 fig. (Caprellidae, p. 150]. 

1941. Studi sui crostacei anfipodi. X. Contributo alla conoscenza degli 
anfipodi marini Italiani. Boll. Ist. Entomol. Roy. Univ. Bologna, 
vol. 11, pp. 112-126 [Caprellidae, pp. 124-125]. 


1946. Studi sui crostacei anfipodi. XI. Gli anfipodi benthonici di Rovigno 
d’Istria (Nota preventiva.). Boll. Soc. Entomol. Italiana, vol. 76, 
nos. 7 and 8, pp. 46-56, 1 map [Caprellidae, p. 53). 

1947. Studi sui crostacei anfipodi. XIV.Su alcune specie di anfipodi dell- 
’Atlantico Orientale (Isole Azorre, Canarie, del Capoverde, Anno- 
bon, Guinea Portoghese, Africa Australe). Mem. Mus. Civ. Storia 
Nat. Verona, vol. 1, pp. 113-130, 5 figs. [Caprellidae, p. 129]. 

RuFro, S., and WiEsErR, W. 

1952. Osservazioni sistematiche ed ecologiche su alcuni anfipodi delle 
Coste Mediterranee Italiane. Op. cit., vol. 3, pp. 11-30, 1 fig. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 21-22]. 

Sars, G. O. 

1885. Crustacea, I. Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, 1876-1878. 
Christiania, 280 pp., 21 pls., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 222-230, 
pl. 18, figs. 3-5]. 

1886. Crustacea, II. Op. cit., Christiana, 96 pp., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 
69-70, 89]. 

1895. Amphipoda. An account of the Crustacea of Norway with short 
descriptions and figures of all the species. Christiania and Copen- 
hagen, vol. 1, pp. viii + 711, v—xiii, pls. 1-240-+-I-VIII [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 644-667, 700-701, pls. 2383-239, VIII, fig. 3]. 

Sars, M. 

1858 (1859). Oversigt over de in den norske arctiske Region forekommende 
Krebsdyr. Forhandl. Vidensk. Selskabet Christiania, pp. 122-163 
[Caprellidae, p. 150]. 

1863. Geologiske og zoologiske Iagttagelser, anstillede paa en Reise i en 
Deel af Trondjhems Stift i Sommeren 1862. Nyt Mag. Natur- 
vidensk., vol. 12, pp. 253-340 [Caprellidae, pp. 290-291]. 


1966. Dietary analysis of caprellids (Amphipoda). Crustaceana, vol. 10, 

pt. 3, pp. 314-316. 
Say, T. 

1817-18. An account of the Crustacea of the United States. Journ. Acad. 
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 1, pp. 57-80, 97-101, 155-169, pl. 4 
[1817]; pp. 235-253, 313-319, 374-401, 423-441 [1818] [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 390-392]. 


1926. Die Caprelliden un Neoxenodice caprellinoidies n.g., n. sp. der Deut- 
schen Siidpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903. Deutschen Sidpolar- 
Exped., vol. 18, zool. 10, pp. 465-478, 3 figs. 

1927. Amphipoda des nordischen Plankton. Nordisches Plankton, vol. 20, 
no. 6, pp. 589-722, 104 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 720-722, fig. 104]. 

1928. Report on the Amphipoda. Zoological results of the Cambridge 
Expedition to the Suez Canal, 1924. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 
vol. 22, pp. 633-692, figs. 198-209 [Caprellidae, pp. 674-678, 
682-683, 689]. 

1931. Gammariden un Caprelliden des Magellangebietes, Stiidgeorgiens un 
der Westantarktis. Further Zool. Results Swedish Antarctic 
Exped., vol. 2, no. 6, 290 pp., 1 pl., 136 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 
262-266, 272]. 

1938. Litorale Amphipoden des Tropischen Pazifiks. Svenska Vetensk. 
Handl., ser. 3, vol. 16, no. 6, 105 pp., 48 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 
94-95, 98, fig. 48]. 


1942, Krebstiere oder Crustacea IV: Flohkrebse oder Amphipoda. Tier- 
welt Deutschlands, pt. 40, 252 pp., 204 figs. [Caprellidae, pp 

ScuiyrsMa, K. 

1931. Amphipoda van de Zuiderzee (1927-1929). Nederlandsche Dier, 

Vereeniging, no. 3, pp. 7-27 [Caprellidae, p. 26]. 
ScuidpTs, J. C. 

1875. Krebsdyrenes Sugemund. Naturhist. Tidsskr., ser. 3, vol. 3, pp. 

211-252, pls. 4-8 [Caprellidae, pp. 223-224, pl., 5 figs. 1-6]. 

1883. Nogle zoologiske iagttagelser fra Vardg i @st-Finmarken. Troms¢ 
Mus. Aarsb., vol. 6, pp. 16-34 [Caprellidae, p. 30]. 

1884, Undersggelser af dyrelivet i de arktiske fjorde. II. Crustacea og 
Pycnogonida indsamlede i Kvaenangsfjorden 1881. Op. cit.. vol. 
7, pp. 47-134, 5 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 130-131]. 

1891. Undersggelser af dyrlivet i de arktiske fjorde. IV. Mollusca og 
Crustacea indsamlede i Malagenfjord 1887. Op. cit., vol. 14, pp. 
75-122 [Caprellidae, pp. 111, 122]. 

1924 (1926). Tromsgsundets Amphipoder, Isopoder og Cumaccer. Op.cit., 
vol. 47, 73 pp., 1 map [Caprellidae, pp. 58-60]. 

Scuurin, A. 

1935. Zur Fauna der Caprelliden der Bucht Peters des Grossen (Japanisches 

Meer). Zool. Anz., vol. 122, nos. 7 and 8, pp. 198-203, 4 figs. 
ScorT, I. 

1887 (1888). A revised list of the Crustacea of the Firth of Forth. 6th 
Ann. Rep. Fish. Board Scotland, pt. 3, pp. 235-262 [Caprellidae, 
p. 250]. 

1897. The marine fishes and invertebrates of Loch Fyne. 15th Ann. Rep. 
Fish. Board Scotland, pt. 3, pp. 107-174, 3 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 

1899. Report on the marine and freshwater Crustacea from Franz-Josef 
Land, collected by Mr. William 8S. Bruce, of the Jackson- 
Harmsworth Expedition. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 22, no. 
174, pp. 60-126, pls. 3-9 [Caprellidae, p. 81]. 

1901. Notes on gatherings of Crustacea, collected for the most part by 
the Fishery Steamer Garland and the Steam Trawler St. Andrew 
of Aberdeen, and examined during the year 1900. 19th Ann. Rep. 
Fish. Board Scotland, pt. 3, pp. 235-281, pls. 17-18 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 267-268]. 

1906. A catalogue of land, fresh-water, and marine Crustacea found in 
the basin of the River Forth and its estuary. Pt. 1. Malacostraca, 
Cladocera, and Branchiura. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburg, 
vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 97-190, pl. 6 [Caprellidae, pp. 174-175]. 


1926. Report on the marine amphipods collected in Hudson and James 
Bays by Frits Johansen in the summer of 1920. Contr. Canadian 
Biol. Fish., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 3-11 [Caprellidae, p. 11]. 

1930. The Amphipoda of the Cheticamp Expedition of 1917. Op. cit., 
vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 221-359, 54 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 352-354]. 


1906 (1907). Contribution to our knowledge of the Crustacea of the Channel 
Islands. Rep. Trans. Guernsey Soc. Nat. Sci. Local Res., pp. 
212-225 [Caprellidae, p. 222]. 



1769. [Title page reads 1778] Natuurkundige Verlustigingen, behelzende 
microscopise waarneemingen van in- en Uitlandse Water- en Land- 
Dieren. Haarlem, 116 pps., 18 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 79-83, pl. 10, 
figs. 1-3]. 

Smirtu, S. T. 

1873. See Verrill, A. E., 1873. 

1883a. List of the Crustacea dredged on the coast of Labrador by the ex- 
pedition under the direction of W. A. Stearns, in 1882. Proc. U.S. 
Nat. Mus., vol. 6, no. 14, pp. 218-222 [Caprellidae, p. 222]. 

1883b. Review of the marine Crustacea of Labrador. Op. cit., vol. 6, no. 
15, pp. 223-232 [Caprellidae, p. 230]. 

Soxotowsky, A. 

1900. Die Amphipoden Helgolands. Wiss. Meeresunt., new ser., vol. 4, 
no. 2, pp. 1438-166, pl. 3 [Caprellidae, pp. 161-162, pl. 3, figs. 

Sovinsku, V. 

1880. On the Amphipoda of Sevastopol Bay [in Russian]. Zapiski 
Kievskago Obshestva Estestvoispytatelei, vol. 6, pt. 1, pp. 87-136, 
pls. 3-5 [Caprellidae, pp. 88, 89, 90, 95-101, pl. 3, fig. 1]. 

1895. Higher Crustacea (Malacostraca), collected by the Second Black 
Sea Deep Sea Expedition of 1890 & 1891 [in Russian]. Op. cit., 
vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 225-283, pls. 4-6 [Caprellidae, pp. 255-261]. 

1898. The higher Crustacea (Malacostraca) of the Bosporus from the 
material collected by A. A. Ostroumoff in 1892 & 1893 [in Russian]. 
Op. cit., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 447-518, pls. 8-13 [Caprellidae, pp. 
502-503, 511, 512, 513, 514]. 

Spooner, G. M. 

1950. Notes on the Plymouth marine fauna. Amphipoda. Journ. Marine 
Biol. Assoc. United Kingdom, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 247-253 [Caprel- 
lidae, p. 253]. 

Srauio, L. 

1877. Catalogo metidico e descrittive dei Crostacei dell’Adriatico. Atti 
Reale Ist. Veneto Sci. Lett. Arti, ser. 5, vol. 3, pp. 355-385, 499- 
539, 629-672, 773-807, 977-1008, 1111-1127, 1345-1390 [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 1124-1127, 1390]. 

STaPPErs, L. 

1911. Crustaces Malacostraces. Campagne Arctique de 1907, Duc d’ Orleans. 
Bruxelles, vol. 7, pp. vi+152, I-XII, I-XII, pls. 1-7, 2 maps 
[Caprellidae, pp. 74-76]. 

SresBina, T. R. R. 

1876. Description of a new species of sessile-eyed crustacean, and other 
notices. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 17, pp. 73-80, pls. 4-5 
[Caprellidae, p. 78]. 

1879. Sessile-eyed Crustacea of Devonshire. Supplementary list. Rep. Trans. 
Devonshire Assoc. Adv. Sci. Lit. Arts, vol. 11, pp. 516-524 [Caprel- 
lidae, p. 521]. 

1888. Report on the Amphipoda collected by H.M.S. Challenger during 
the years 1873-76. Rep. Challenger, zool., vol. 29, pt. 67, pp. 
xxiv-+1737, i-xii, 210 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 1226-1268, pls. 

1895. Two new amphipods from the West Indies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser. 6, vol. 15, pp. 397-403, pls. 14-15. 



Amphipoda I. Gammaridea. Das Tierreich, pt. 21, 806 pp., 127 figs. 

1910a. General catalogue of South African Crustacea (part V. of S. A. 

Crustacea, for the marine investigations of South Africa). Ann. 
South African Mus., vol. 6, pt. 4, pp. 281-593, pls. 41-48 [Caprel- 
lidae, pp. 464-471, pl. 48]. 

1910b. Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H.M.C.S. Thetis. 

Part V: Crustacea Amphipoda. Mem. Australian Mus., vol. 4, 
pt. 12, pp. 567-658, pls. 47-60 [Caprellidae, pp. 629-632, 651-654, 
pl. 60]. 

STEINBERG, J. E., and DoucuErrty, FE. C. 


The skeleton shrimps (Crustacea: Caprellidae) of the Gulf of Mexico. 
Tulane Stud. Zool., vol. 5, no. 11, pp. 267-288, 30 figs. 



Report on the Malacostraca Pyenogonida and some Entomostraca 
collected by the Danmark Expedition to North-East Greenland. 
Meddel. Grgnland, vol. 45, pp. 503-630, pls. 34-43 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 543-544]. 

1913a. Grgnlands Krebsdyr og Pyenogonider (Conspectus Crustaceorum et 












Pycnogonidorum Groenlandiae). Op. cit., vol. 22, 479 pp., 1 map 
{[Caprellidae, pp. 220-227]. 

. Account of the Crustacea and the Pyenogonida collected by Dr. 
V. Nordmann in the summer of 1911 from northern Strémfjord 
and Giesecke Lake in West Greenland. Op. cit., vol. 51, pp. 55-77, 
8 pls., 1 map [Caprellidae, p. 68]. 

Isopoda, Tanaidacea, Cumacea, Amphipoda (excl. Hyperiidea). Rep. 
Danish Oceanogr. Exped. 1908-10, vol. 2, biol. D.1, 53 pp., 33 
figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 4, 53]. 

Zoogeographical investigations of certain fjords in southern Greenland 
with special reference to Crustacea, Pycnogonida and Echinoder- 
mata including a list of Aleyonaria and Pisces. Meddel. Grgnland, 
vol. 53, pp. 231-378, 31 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 295-297]. 

. Revideret Fortegnelse over Danmarks Arter af Amphipoda (3. Del: 
Gammaridea: Fam. Gammaridae til Fam. Podoceridae (Dulichiidae 
aut.) ; Caprellidea). Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk. Naturhist. Foren., 
vol. 84, pp. 107-150 [Caprellidae, pp. 145-150]. 

. The Folden Fiord. Crustacea II. List of the Amphipoda. Troms¢g 

Mus. Skr., vol. 1, pt. 5, pp. 7-13 [Caprellidae, p. 13]. 

Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition 1914-16. XL. 
Crustacea from the Auckland and Campbell Islands. Vidensk. 
Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren., vol. 83, pp. 289-390, 33 figs. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 354-355]. 

Storkrebs II. Ringkrebs. 1. Tangloper (Amfipoder). Danmarks Fauna. 
Dansk Naturhist. Foren., 399 pp., 93 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 375-389, 
figs. 91-93]. 

. Amphipoda. Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee, no. 14, 188 pp., 

43 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 174-182, figs. 42-43]. 

. Marine Crustacea Amphipoda. Zoology of the Faroes, no. 23, 40 pp. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 19-20, 34]. 

A new caprellid from N. Norway Parvipalpus norvegicus n. sp. 
Norske Vidensk. Selskabs Skr., no. 5, 7 pp., 3 figs. 

Amphipoda. The Godthaab Expedition 1928. Meddel. Grgnland, 
vol. 79, no. 7, 88 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 59-60, 77]. 


1935. En del amphipoder fra Vest- og Nord-Norge. Norske Vendensk. 
Selskab. Forhandl., vol. 7, no. 32, pp. 115-118 [Caprellidae, p. 118]. 
1940. Marine Amphipoda. Zoology of Iceland, vol. 3, pt. 26, 111 pp., 13 
figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 69-75]. 
1942. The Amphipoda of N. Norway and Spitsbergen with adjacent waters. 
Troms¢ Mus. Skr., vol. 3, pt. 4, pp. 8363-526, 26 figs. [Caprellidae, 
pp. 427-443, 502-505). 
1944a. Crustacea Malacostraca VIII (Amphipoda IV). Danish Ingolf Exped., 
vol. 3, no. 13, 51 pp., 38 figs., 10 maps [Caprellidae, pp. 45-51, 
figs. 35-38, maps 9-10]. 
1944b. Amphipoda. The Zoology of East Greenland. Meddel. Grgnland, 
vol. 121, no. 14, 165 pp., 18 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 135-138, 145, 
159, 162). 
1949. The Amphipoda of Tristan da Cunha. Res. Norwegian Sci. Exped. 
Tristan da Cunha (Publ. Det. Norske Vidensk. Akad. Oslo), no. 
19, 61 pp., 23 figs. [Caprellidae, pp. 52-54, 56]. 
Stimpson, W. 
1854 (1853). Synopsis of the marine Invertebrata of Grand Manan: or the 
region about the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick. 
Smithsonian Contr. Knowl., vol. 6, pp. iv + 66, 3 pls. [Caprellidae, 
pp. 44-45]. 
1857. On the Crustacea and Echinodermata of the Pacific shores of North 
America. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 444-532, 
pls. 18-23 [Caprellidae, pp. 513-514]. 
Stock, J. H., and BoLKLanpsEr, A. E. M. H. 
1952. Notes on adventive Amphipoda (Crustacea, Malacostraca) on the 
Dutch Coast. Beaufortia, no. 10, 9 pp. [Capreliidae, pp. 3-4]. 
Stossicu, M. 
1881. Prospetto della fauna del mare Adriatico. Boll. Soc. Adriatica Sci. 
Nat. Trieste, vol. 6, pp. 178-271 [Caprellidae, pp. 230-231]. 
Stscuapova, T. F., Moxyrvsky, O. B., and Pasternak, F. A. 
1957. Flora and fauna of the coastal zones of Putjatin Island (Japan Sea). 
Part 1. Qualitative composition [in Russian]. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 
Trudy, vol. 23, pp. 67-101, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, p. 87]. 
1882. Evertebratfaunan i Sibiriens Ishaf, vol. 1, pp. 677-812, pl. 15. In 
Nordenskidld, A. E. Vega-Exped. Vetensk. Iakttagelser [Caprelli- 
dae, pp. 764, 780]. 
1887. Faunan p& och kring Novaja Semlja, vol. 5, 239 pp. In Norden- 
skidld, A. E. Op. cit. [Caprellidae, p. 73]. 
Sumner, F. B., Ospurn, R. C., and Cots, L. J. 
1911 (1913). A biological survey of the water of Woods Hole and vicinity. 
Part 1, sect. 1: Physical and zoological, pp. 11-441, 225 maps; 
Part 2, sect. 3: A catalogue of the marine fauna, pp. 549-794. 
Bull. Bur. Fish., vol. 31 [Caprellidae, pp. 131, 135, 320, 656-657]. 
1927. Suborder Caprellidea (Laemodipoda). The littoral fauna of Krusadai 
Island in the Gulf of Manaar. Bull. Madras Gov. Mus., new ser., 
nat. hist. sect., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 125-128, pls. 15-18. 
1913. Clare Island Survey. Part 42, Amphipoda. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 
vol. 31, 24 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 20-21, 22]. 



1836. Descriptions of some underscribed exotie Crustacea. Trans. Entomol. 
Soc. London, vol. 1, pp. 185-198, pls. 20-21 [Caprellidae, pp. 
191-194, pl. 20, fig. 6, pl. 21, fig. 7]. 

TuHompson, D’Arcy W. 

1901. A catalogue of Crustacea and of Pycnogonida contained in the 
Museum of University College, Dundee. Dundee, pp. v+56 
[Caprellidae, pp. 41-42]. 

THompson, W. 

1844, Additions to the fauna of Ireland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 13, 

pp. 430-440 [Caprellidae, p. 435]. 
THomson, G. M. 

1878 (1879). New Zealand Crustacea, with descriptions of new species. 
Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., vol. 11, pp. 230-248, pl. 10 
[Caprellidae, pp. 246-247, pl. 10, fig. d]. 

1879. Additions to the amphipodous Crustacea of New Zealand. Ann. 
Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 4, pp. 329-333, pl. 16 [Caprellidae, 
p. 330]. 

1913. The natural history of Otago Harbour and the adjacent sea, together 
with a record of the researches carried on at the Portobello Marine 
Fish-Hatchery; Part I. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., new 
issue, vol. 45, pp. 225-251, pl. 10 [Caprellidae, p. 245]. 

TuHomson, G. M., and Cuitton, C. 

1885 (1886). Critical list of the Crustacea Malacostraca of New Zealand. 

Op. cit., vol. 18, pp. 141-159 [Caprellidae, pp. 141-142]. 
TuHomson, G. M., and ANDERTON, T. 

1921. History of the Portobello Marine Fish-Hatchery and Biological 
Station. Bull. Board Sci. Art New Zealand, no. 2, 131 pp. [Caprelli- 
dae, p. 113]. 

Ticuy, M. J. 

1911. Zamietka o Caprellidae Chernago Moria [in Russian]. Bull. Acad. 

Imp. Sci. St. Petersburg, ser. 6, no. 16, pp. 1125-1134. 
Toutmonp, A., and Trucuot, J. P. 

1964. Inventaire de la faune marine de Roscoff. Amphipodes-Cumacés. 
Suppl. Trav. Stat. Biol. Roscoff, vol. 24, 42 pp. [Caprellidae, 
pp. 34-36]. 

Tuzet, O., and SancueEz, 8S. 

1952. Sur lappareil génital male et la spermatogenese de Caprella acutifrons 
Latreille et Caprella aequilibra Say (Crustacés Amphipodes). Arch. 
Zool. Exp. Gén., vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 26-36, 4 figs., P. R. 

1879. List of animals observed at Fort Wool, Va. Chesapeake Zool. Lab. 
Sci. Results Session 1878, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 17-34 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 26-27]. 

Ussina, H. 

1952. Havedderkoppen (Nymphon grossipes) og Caprellen (Proto pedata). 

Flora og Fauna, year 58, nos. 1 and 2, pp. 45-47. 
Utinomi, H. 

1943a. Caprellids obtained in Onagawa Bay, northern Japan. Sci. Rep. 
Tohoku Imp. Univ., biol. ser. 4, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 271-279. 

1943b. Report of the biological survey of Mutu Bay. 37. Caprellids from 
Asamusi. Ibid., pp. 281-287. 



1943c. The fauna of Akkeshi Bay XIII. Caprellidea. Journ. Fac. Sci. 
Hokkaido Imp. Univ., ser. 6, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 283-300. 
1947. Caprellidae of Japan and adjacent waters [in Japanese]. Seibutu 
Suppl., no. 1, pp. 68-82, 8 figs. 
1897. Die Fauna und Flora Grénlands. Grénland Exped. Gesellsch. 
Erdkunde Berlin, vol. 2, no. 1, 383 pp., 30 figs., 8 pls. 1 map 
[Caprellidae, pp. 202, 203, 213]. 
1873. Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound and ad- 
jacent waters, with an account of the physical features of the 
region. Washington, pp. 295-778, 38 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 316-317, 
480, 567, pl. 5 fig. 20] [S. I. Smith did Crustacea, pp. 545-580 
except for Isopoda]. 
1889. Amphipoden und Isopoden von Spitzbergen. Arch. Naturgesch., 
year 55, vol. 1, pp. 151-162, pl. 8 [Caprellidae, pp. 319-320]. 
WaGne_R, N. 
1885. Die wirbellosen Thiere des weissen Meeres .. . Leipzig. vol. 1, 171 
pp., 21 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 47, 48, 169]. 
1895a. Revision of the Amphipoda of the L.M.B.C. District. Proc. Trans. 
Liverpool Biol. Soc., vol. 9, pp. 287-320, pls. 18-19 [Caprellidae, 
pp. 319-320]. 
1895b. The Amphipoda of Bate and Westwood’s “British sessile-eyed 
Crustacea.” Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 15, pp. 464-476 
[Caprellidae, pp. 474-475]. 
1898. Malacostraca from the West coast of Ireland. Proc. Trans. Liverpool 
Biol. Soc., vol. 12, pp. 159-172 [Caprellidae, p. 170]. 
1916. Edriophthalma from South America. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 17, 
no. 100, pp. 843-346, 1 fig. [Caprellidae, p. 346]. 
Wa ker, A. O., and HornE tt, J. 
1896. Report on the Schizopoda, Cumacea, Isopeda, and Amphipoda of 
the Channel Islands. Journ. Mar. Zool. Microscop., vol. 2, no. 7, 
pp. 49-55 [Caprellidae, pp. 54, 55). 
WELL Ls, H. W. 
1961. The fauna of the oyster beds, with special reference to the salinity 
factor. Ecol. Monogr., vol. 31, pp. 289-266 [Caprellidae, pp. 247, 
249, 250, 251). 
1932. Studien iiber die Biologie der Caprelliden. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., vol. 
141, no. 3, pp. 347-398, 18 figs. 
Waite, A. 
1847. List of the specimens of Crustacea in the collection of the British 
Museum. London, pp. viii + 1438 [Caprellidae, pp. 91-92]. 
1850. List of the specimens of British animals in the collection of the Eritish 
Museum. IV. Crustacea. London. 141 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 59-61]. 
1852. Crustacea, vol. 2, pp. cevii—ccxi. Jn Sutherland, P. C. Journal of a 
voyage in Baffin’s Bay and Barrow Straits in the years 1850-1851, 
performed by H.M. Ships Lady Franklin and Sophia, under the 
command of Mr. William Penny, in search of the missing crews of 
H.M. Ships Erebus and Terror; with a narrative of sledge excursions 
on the ice of Wellington Channel; and observations on the natural 


history and physical features of countries and frozen seas visited. 
London [Caprellidae, p. cevii, fig. 1]. 
1857. A popular history of British Crustacea; comprising a familiar account 
of their classification and habits. London, pp. xii + 358, 20 pls. 
[Caprellidae, pp. 210-218, pl. 11, fig. 5). 
1901. Catalogue of the marine Invertebrata of eastern Canada. Geol. Surv. 
Canada, Ottawa, 271 pp. [Caprellidae, pp. 219-220]. 
Wictey, R. L., and Suave, P. 
1966. Caprella grahami, a new species of caprellid (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 
commensal with starfishes. Biol. Bull., vol. 130, no. 2, pp. 289-296, 
5 figs., 1 tab. 
WiuurAms, T. 
1854. On the mechanism of aquatic respiration and on the structure of the 
organs of breathing in invertebrate animals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 
ser. 2, vol. 12, pp. 243-261, pl. 12, pp. 333-348, pl. 13, pp. 393-408, 
pl. 14; vol. 13, pp. 131-1387, 180-200, pls. 9-10, pp. 294-312, pls. 
17-18 [Caprellidae, pp. 301-302, pl. 17, fig. 6). 
Woop, F. D., and Woop H. E., II. 
1932. Autotomy in decapod Crustacea. Journ. Exp. Zool., vol. 62, no. 1, 
55 pp., 3 pls. [Caprellidae, p. 18]. 
1913. Towards the question of the study of the life of the Black Sea [in 
Russian]. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersburg, ser. 8, vol. 32, 
no. 1, 299 pp., 10 pls. [Caprellidae, pp. 67, 68, 79, 114, 127, 233]. 


(Page numbers of principal entries in italies) 

abracadabra, Deutella, 86 
acanthifera, Caprella, 97 
acaudata, Phthisica, 93 
Phtisica, 93, 94 
Phtysica, 93 
acuminifera, Caprella, 31 
acutifrons, Caprella, 1, 2, 19, 21, 23, 
33-34, 37 
Aegina echinata, 13 
laevis, 13 
langicornis, 14 
longicornis, 13 
longicornis nodosa, 13, 14 
longicornis spinifera, 13, 14 
longicornis spinigera, 14 
longicornis spinosissima, 14 
longicornis typica, 13 
spinifera, 13 
spinosissima, 13 
Aeginella, 8, 111 
longicornis, 14 

Astyris, 30, 101 
Atomos, Cancer, 33 
attenuata, Caprella, 40 
bermudia, Caprella, 22, 103, 107 
biscaynensis, Fallotritella, 7, 57, 68-61. 
100, 104, 105, 107 
Blennius, 30, 97, 101 
borealis, Caprella acutifrons, 38 
Brisinga, 13, 52 
brunneovittata, Proto, 93 
Bugula, 25 
californica, Caprella, 44 
Caprella scaura, 44 
Deutella, 7, 53, 54, 104, 107 
Callionymus, 97, 101 
camana, Podalirius typicus, 89 
Cancer Atomos, 33 
linearis, 18, 30 
pedatus, 92 
rubra, 92 
ventricosus, 92 

spinosa, 6, 8-13, 52, 103, 106, 107} Caprella, 3, 4, 14, 18-19, 101 

spinosissima, 13 
tristanensis, 100 
Aeginina, 8, 13 
longicornis, 2, 
106, 107 
aequilibra, Caprella, 25-26 
africana, Metaprotella, 82 
Ampelisca, 102 
Amphithoe, 30 
andreae, Caprella, 2, 7, 19-22, 97, 101, 
106, 107, 108 
Caprella acutifrons, 19, 38 
angusta, Caprella, 35, 38, 39 
Caprella acutifrons, 35, 38 
antiguae, Pseudaeginella, 6, 100, 103, 
antillensis, Phtisica, 7, 65, 89-91, 93, 
94, 95, 106, 107 
Proto, 89 
Arbacia, 40, 52 
Asterias, 33, 52, 97 
forbesi, 52, 100 
vulgaris, 52, 100 

6, 11, 13-18, 104, 

acanthifera, 97 
acuminifera, 31 
acutifrons, 1, 2, 19, 21, 23, 33-34, 

acutifrons andreae, 19, 38 
acutifrons angusta, 35, 38 
acutifrons borealis, 38 
acutifrons carolinensis, 34, 38 
acutifrons cristibrachium, 38 
acutifrons gibbosa, 34, 38 
acutifrons incisa, 38 
acutifrons lusitanica, 34, 38 
acutifrons minor, 38 
acutifrons natalensis, 34, 38, 39 
acutifrons neglecta, 34, 38, 39 
acutifrons porcellio, 34, 38 
acutifrons simulatrix, 38 
acutifrons tabida, 34, 38 
acutifrons testudo, 35, 38 
acutifrons tibada, 35, 38 
acutifrons typica, 38 
acutifrons verrucosa, 38 
acutifrons virginia, 34, 38 


144 U.S. 

aequilibra, 25-26 
andreae, 2, 7, 19-22, 97, 101, 106, 

107, 108 
angusta, 35, 38, 39 
attenuata, 40 
attenuata subtenuis, 40 
bermudia, 22, 103, 107 
californica, 40 
carolinensis, 35 
caudata, 26 
cercopoides, 45 
cornuta, 40 
cornuta obtusirostris, 40 
danilevskii, 7, 22-25, 107, 108 
danilewskii, 22 
dilatata, 38 
equilibra, 8, 22, 25-30, 35, 39, 100, 
101, 107, 108 
Esmarkii, 25 
geometrica, 34, 39 
grahami, 49, 50 
hystrix, 45 
hystryx, 45 
inermis, 22 
Januarii, 25 
laevipes, 44 
laevis, 31 
laticornis, 25 
linearis, 2, 8, 26, 30-33, 47, 48, 49, 
52, 103, 107 
linearis distalis, 31 
linearis gullimarensis, 31 
lobata, 31 
longicornis, 45 
longimana, 33 
longimanus, 33, 40 
lovéni, 45 
megacephala, 26 
mendax, 26 
monacantha, 26 
monocera, 45, 48 
nigra, 83 
nodosa, 40 
novae-zealandiae, 34, 39 
obesa, 26, 34 
obtusa, 26 
obtusifrons, 38 
penantis, 7, 29, 33-40, 52, 100, 102, 
103, 104, 107 
penantis natalensis, 35 
penantis porcellio, 35 
Pennantii, 34 



phasma, 31 
pilimana, 38 
punctata, 31, 45 
robusta, 45 
sanguinea, 40 
scaura, 3, 7, 40-44, 52, 107, 108 
scaura californica, 44 
scaura cornuta, 40, 41 
scaura diceros, 40, 41 
scaura hamata, 40, 41, 44 
scaura scauroides, 44 
scaura spinirostris, 44 
scaura typica, 40, 41, 44 
scolopendroides, 31 
septentrionalis, 8, 33, 40, 44-49, 
103, 107 
septentrionalis longicornis, 45, 48 
septentrionalis lovéni, 45 
septentrionalis monocera, 45 
septentrionalis nodigera, 45 
septentrionalis parva, 45 
septentrionalis polyceros, 45 
septentrionalis punctata, 45 
septentrionalis spinigera, 45 
septentrionalis stimpsoni, 45 
septentrionalis typica, 45 
spinifera, 13 
spinosissima, 13 
stimpsoni, 45 
tabida, 38 
ultima, 26 
unica, 7, 33, 49-52, 100, 107 
ventricosa, 92 
verrucosa, 38 
caprellinoides, Neoxenodice, 110 
Caprogammarus, 111-112 
eurjanovae, 110 
carolinensis, Caprella, 35 
Caprella acutifrons, 34, 38 
caudata, Caprella, 26 
Centropristis, 16, 30, 101 
cercopoides, Caprella, 45 
Cercops, 107, 111-111 
Chelonia, 21, 97 
cornuta, Caprella, 40 
Caprella scaura, 40,41 
cristibrachium, Caprella, acutifrons, 38 
cumana, Pariambus typicus, 89 
Podalirus typicus, 89 
Cystoseira, 25 
danae, Metaprotella, 82 
danilevskii, Caprella, 7, 22-25, 107, 108 


danilewskii, Caprella, 22 
Deutella, 4, 6, 53-54, 68, 82 
abracadabra, 86 
californica, 7, 53, 64, 104, 107 
incerta, 53, 68 
mayeri, 7, 53, 64-57, 104, 107 
venenosa, 53 
diceros, Caprella scaura, 40, 41 
dilatata, Caprella, 38 
distalis, Caprella linearis, 31 
Dodecas, 5 
echinata, Aegina, 13 
elongatus, Proto, 92 
equilibra, Caprella, 8, 22, 25-30, 35, 39 
100, 101, 107, 108 
Esmarkii, Caprella, 25 
Eugastraulax, 4 
excentrica, Metaprotella, 82 
Fallotritella, 57, 100 
biscaynensis, 7, 57, 58-61, 100, 104 
105, 107 
forbesi, Asterias, 52, 100 
Gadus, 48, 97, 101 
Gammarus pedatus, 93 
quadrilobata, 30 
geometrica, Caprella, 34, 39 
gibbosa, Caprella acutifrons, 34, 38 
Goodsirii, Proto, 92, 93 
grahami, Caprella, 49, 50 
gullimarensis, Caprella linearis, 31 
gurjanovae, Caprogammarus, 110 
hamata, Caprella scaura, 40, 41, 44 
haswelliana, Metaprotella, 82 
Protella, 78 
Hemiaegina, 5, 61 
minuta, 7, 61-64, 101, 102, 107 
quadripunctata, 62 
Hemiproto, 3, 66 
wigleyi, 7, 65-68, 102, 104, 107 
hummelincki, Metaprotella, 7, 78-82, 
102, 107 
hystrix, Caprella, 45 
hystryx, Caprella, 45 
incerta, Deutella, 53, 68 
Luconacia, 7, 53, 68-72, 101, 104, 
incisa, Caprella acutifrons, 38 
inermis, Caprella, 22 
frrorata, Littorina, 105 
Jassa, 30 
laevipes, Caprella, 44 


laevis, Aegina, 13 
Caprella, 31 
Tritella, 57 
langicornis, Aegina, 14 
laticornis, Caprella, 25 
Leptogorgia, 29, 35 
Leptomera pedata, 92, 93 
ventricosa, 92 
Libinia, 40, 89 
limicola, Mayerella, 7, 738-75, 78, 102, 
103, 107 
linearis, Cancer, 18, 30 
Caprella, 2, 8, 26, 30-33, 47, 48, 49, 
52, 103, 107 
Littorina irrorata, 105 
lobata, Caprella, 31 
Squilla, 30, 44 
longicornis, Aegina, 13 
Aeginella, 14 
Aeginina, 2, 6, 11, 13-18, 104, 106, 
Caprella, 45 
Caprella septentrionalis, 45, 48 
longimana, Caprella, 33 
longimanus, Caprella, 33, 40 
lovéni, Caprella, 45 
Caprella septentrionalis, 45 
Luconacia, 4, 6, 53, 54, 68 
incerta, 7, 53, 68-72, 101, 104, 107 
lusitanica, Caprella acutifrons, 34, 38 
Maja, 97 
makrodactylos, Metaprotella, 82 
marina, Phthisica, 93 
Phtisica, 7, 52, 89, 91-97, 101, 104, 
106, 107, 109 
Phytisea, 93 
Mayerella, 4, 72-73, 78 
limicola, 7, 73-75, 78, 102, 103, 107 
redunca, 5, 7, 73, 75-78, 102, 107 
mayeri, Deutella, 7, 53, 54-67, 104, 107 
megacephala, Caprella, 26 
mendax, Caprella, 26 
Metacaprella, 101 
Metaprotella, 2, 78, 82 
africana, 82 
danae, 82 
excentrica, 82 
haswelliana, 82 
hummelincki, 7, 78-82, 102, 107 
makrodactylos, 82 
problematica, 82 
sandalensis, 82 
minor, Caprella acutifrons, 38 

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