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California  Fish  and  Game  is  a  journal  devoted  to  the  conservation  and 
understanding  of  fish  and  wildlife.  If  its  contents  are  reproduced  elsewhere,  the 
authors  and  the  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game  would  appreciate 
being  acknowledged. 

Subscriptions  may  be  obtained  at  the  rate  of  $10  peryear  by  placing  an  order 
with  the  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game,  2201  Garden  Road,  Monte- 
rey, CA  93940.  Money  orders  or  checks  should  be  made  out  to  California  Fish 
and  Game.  Inquiries  regarding  paid  subscriptions  should  be  directed  to  the 

Complimentary  subscriptions  are  granted  on  an  exchange  basis. 

Please  direct  correspondence  to: 

Robert  N.  Lea,  Ph.D.,  Editor-in-Chief 
California  Fish  and  Game 
2201  Garden  Road 
Monterey,  CA  93940 



WINTER  1990 



Published  Quarterly  by 




— LDA— 


GORDON  VAN  VLECK,  Secretary  for  Resources 


ROBERT  A.  BRYANT,  President 
Yuba  City 

JOHN  A.  MURDY  III,  Vice  President  E.  M.  McCRACKEN,  JR.,  Member 
Newport  Beach  Carmichael 

Long  Beach  San  Francisco 

Executive  Secretary 



1416  9th  Street 

Sacramento  95814 

Editorial  Staff 

Editorial  staff  for  this  issue: 

Editor-in-Chief Robert  N.  Lea,  Ph.D. 

Editorial  Assistant Lisa  L  Smith 

Anadromous  Fishes Kenneth  A.  Hashagen,  Jr. 

Inland  Fisheries Betsy  C.  Bolster  and  Arthur  C.  Knutson,  Jr. 

Marine  Resources Peter  L.  Haaker  and  Paul  N.  Reilly 

Wildlife  Management Bruce  E.  Deuel 


Laboratory  Culture  of  Jacksmelt,  Atherinopsis  californiensis,  and 
Topsmelt,  Atherinops  affinis  (Pisces:  Atherinidae),  with  a 

Description  of  Larvae Douglas  P.  Middaugh, 

Michael  J.  Hemmer,  Jonathan  M.  Shenker, 

and  Toru  Takita        4 

Harvest  Distribution  and  Survival  of  Mallards  Banded  in  California, 

1948-82 Warren  C.  Rienecker      14 

Homing  by  Chinook  Salmon  Exposed 

to  Morpholine Thomas  J.  Hassler  and  Keith  Kutchins      31 

Movement  and  Survival  of  Tournament-Caught  Black  Bass  at  Shasta 

Lake Terrance  P.  Healey      36 

Comparison  of  Steelhead  Caught  and  Lost  by  Anglers  using  Flies  with 
Barbed  or  Barbless  Hooks  in  the  Klamath  River, 
California Roger  A.  Barnhart      43 

Establishment  of  Red  Shiner,  Notropis  lutrensis,  in  the  San  Joaquin 

Valley,  California Mark  R.  Jennings  and  Michael  K.  Saiki      46 


Preliminary  Examination  of  Low  Salinity  Tolerance  of  Sperm, 

Fertilized  Eggs,  and  Larvae  of  Orangemouth  Corvina,  Cynoscion 
xanthulus Robert  G.  Howells      58 



Calif.  Fish  and  Came  76  ( 1 ) :  4-13  1 990 






U.S.  Environmental  Protection  Agency 

Environmental  Research  Laboratory 

Gulf  Breeze,  Florida     32561 


Bodega  Marine  Laboratory 

Bodega  Bay,  California     94923 


Faculty  of  Fisheries 
Nagasaki  University 
Nagasaki,  852  Japan 

Embryonic  and  larval  jacksmelt,  Atherinopsis  californiensis,  and  topsmelt,  Atheri- 
nops  af finis,  were  cultured  in  the  laboratory.  Larval  A.  californiensis  were  grown  for 
24  days  at  10,  20  and  30  %*>  salinity.  Survival,  80-91%,  was  highest  at  10  %>°  salinity. 
Increases  in  standard  length  (SL)  and  wet  weight  were  greatest  for  larvae  cultured 
at  10  or  20  7°o. 

Survival  of  larval  A.  affinis  cultured  at  10,  20  and  30  %*>  for  24  days  ranged  from 
99-100%.  Increases  in  SL  and  wet  weight  were  greatest  for  larvae  cultured  at  20  or 
30  %x>  salinity. 

Illustrations  of  day  of  hatch,  8-,  and  24-day-old  larvae  are  presented  with 
morphometric  descriptions  for  each  species.  Unique  melanophore  patterns  provide 
a  useful  character  for  identification  of  these  two  closely  related  atherinid  fishes 
which  occur  sympatrically  in  California  bays  and  estuaries. 


The  jacksmelt,  Atherinopsis  californiensis,  occurs  from  Santa  Maria,  Baja 
California,  to  Yaquina  Bay,  Oregon  (Miller  and  Lea  1972).  Jacksmelt  spawn 
during  October-March  with  peak  reproductive  activity  in  January-March 
(Allen  et  al.  1983). 

The  topsmelt,  Atherinops  affinis,  has  a  reported  range  from  the  Gulf  of 
California  to  near  Sooke  Harbor,  Vancouver  Island,  British  Columbia  (Miller 
and  Lea  1972).  In  California,  individuals  spawn  from  May-August. 

The  biomass  and  numerical  abundance  of  these  fishes  has  been  documented 
for  California  bays  and  lagoons  (Allen  and  Horn  1975,  Horn  1980,  Allen  1982, 
Allen  et  al.  1983).  Moreover,  Carpelan  (1955,  1961)  examined  the  salinity 
tolerance  of  A.  affinis  in  hypersaline  lagoons  and  Middaugh  et  al.  (1988) 
oserved  that  juvenile  A.  affinis  were  euryhaline  in  a  laboratory  study. 

Several  reports  have  provided  general  information  on  culturing  A.  affinis  in 
the  laboratory  (McHugh  and  Walker  1948,  Ehrlich  et  al.  1979).  A  description  of 
A.  californiensis  and  A.  affinis  larvae  from  field  collected  material  was 
reportedby  Wang  (1981). 

Accepted  for  publication  September  1989.  Contribution  No.  646  of  the  Gulf  Breeze  Environmental  Research 


However,  no  data  are  available  on  survival  and  growth  of  larval  A. 
californiensis  and  A.  affinis  at  different  salinities,  using  a  defined  culture 
procedure.  Moreover,  descriptions  of  larvae  collected  from  the  field  did  not 
reveal  age  specific  characters. 

The  purposes  of  this  study  was  to  culture  each  species  in  the  laboratory  and 
provide  data  on  survival  and  growth  at  several  salinities.  We  also  provide  a 
description  and  illustration  of  day-of-hatch,  8-  and  24-day  old  larvae  for  use  in 
identification  of  field  collected  young. 

Larval  Culture 

Larval  Atherinopsis  californiensis  were  cultured  from  naturally  spawned  eggs 
collected  on  15  April  1986  from  Tomales  Bay  (lat  38°  12'N,  long  123°  55'W). 
Eggs  were  identified  on  the  basis  of  a  description  provided  by  White  et  al. 
(1984).  Fine-tipped  scissors  were  used  to  cut  —400  viable  stage  20  embryos 
(expansion  of  midbrain,  Lagler  et  al.  1977)  from  the  —90%  nonviable  embryos 
in  the  naturally  spawned  string-like  mass. 

Thereafter,  embryos  were  maintained  in  a  4  L  glass  beaker  containing  3  L  of 
22  ±  1°  C,  30%>o  salinity  seawater.  An  airstone  provided  moderate  agitation  and 
gently  circulated  the  demersal  embryos  into  the  water  column.  Hatching 
occurred  after  9  days  of  laboratory  incubation. 

On  the  day  of  hatching,  groups  of  90  larvae  were  acclimated  to  seawater  at 
10,  20  or  30%o  salinity.  The  acclimation  period  was  4  hrs  for  larvae  transferred 
to  20°/oo  and  8  hrs  for  10%o,  with  salinity  lowered  2  to  2.5%o/hr.  Thereafter, 
90  acclimated  larvae  were  maintained  in  18  L  aquaria  at  the  respective  salinities. 
Salinity  dilutions  were  made  with  deionized  water.  A  4  mm  I.D.  fire-polished 
glass  tube  equipped  with  a  rubber  bulb  was  used  to  transfer  larvae  between 

On  the  day  after  hatching  and  daily  thereafter,  90,000  newly  hatched 
(12-hr-old)  Artemia  nauplii  ( 5,000/ L)  were  added  to  each  aquarium.  Twenty 
percent  of  the  volume  of  each  aquarium  was  replaced  every  other  day  with 
temperature  and  salinity  adjusted  seawater. 

On  the  day  of  hatching  (DOH)  and  days  8  and  16  after  hatching,  6  larvae 
from  each  aquarium  were  fixed  in  4%  buffered  formalin  for  subsequent 
measurement  of  standard  length  (sl)  and  wet  weight.  All  survivors  were  fixed 
on  day  24  posthatch  and  measured.  Daily  mortality  was  monitored  prior  to 
water  changes  or  feeding.  The  photoperiod  for  developing  embryos  and  larval 
growth  was  14L:10D  with  an  intensity  of  —20  jaE/s/m2  from  "cool  white" 
fluorescent  lamps. 

On  three  occasions  (June-August),  we  collected  sexually  mature  Atherinops 
affinis  from  Estero  Americano,  a  tributary  of  Bodega  Bay,  California  (lat  38° 
18'N,  long  123°  00'W),  using  a  70  m  x  2  m  seine  with  5  mm  mesh.  Water 
temperature  ranged  from  18  to  20°  C  and  salinity  was  32  to  34%o.  Hydrated 
eggs  from  two  females  were  stripped  into  a  20  cm  glass  culture  dish  containing 
4  cm  deep  30°/oo  seawater  at  20.5°  C,  and  fertilized  by  stripping  sperm  into  the 
dish.  After  15  minutes,  eggs  were  washed  three  times  with  ambient  seawater. 
The  fertilized  eggs,  which  have  chorionic  filaments  and  bind  together  into  long 
strands,  were  wrapped  diagonally  around  stainless  steel  screens,  each  12  cm  X 
3  cm  X  8  mm  mesh,  to  form  a  helical-like  configuration  of  —700  embryos  that 


was  never  more  than  3  embryos  thick.  Each  screen  was  placed  in  a  separate  500 
ml  light-tight  plastic  vacuum  bottle  filled  with  30%o  seawater  at  20.5°  C,  sealed 
and  returned  to  Bodega  Marine  Laboratory  (BML). 

In  one  instance,  newly  fertilized  embryos  in  plastic  vacuum  bottles  were 
aerated  for  30  seconds  with  pure  oxygen.  The  bottles  were  then  resealed  at  19° 
C  and  34%o  and  shipped  via  air-express  (transit  time  28  hrs)  to  the  Gulf  Breeze 
Laboratory  (GBL)  in  Florida. 

Upon  arrival  at  GBL,  stage  18  embryos  (4  to  14  pairs  of  somites,  Lagler  et  al. 
1977)  attached  to  the  screen  were  suspended  in  a  4  L  glass  beaker  containing 
3  L  of  seawater  at  21  ±  1°  C  and  30%>o.  An  airstone  provided  moderate 
aeration.  Larval  A.  affinis  were  cultured  at  GBL  in  a  manner  identical  to  that 
described  above  for  A.  californiensis. 

Larval  Descriptions 

Drawings  of  day-of-hatch,  8-,  and  24-day-old  A.  californiensis  and  A.  affinis 
were  prepared  and  melanophore  patterns  described.  Measurements  of  repre- 
sentative samples  of  each  species  and  age  were  taken.  All  measurements  were 
made  under  a  dissecting  microscope  (8-32x)  with  digital  calipers  to  nearest  0.1 
mm.  Measurement  of  standard  length  (sl),  preanal  distance,  head  length,  head 
depth,  body  depth,  and  counts  of  fin  rays  followed  the  procedures  of  Hubbs 
and  Lagler  (1958). 

Statistical  Analysis 

A  one  way  analysis  of  variance  (ANOVA)  and  post-hoc  Student  Newman- 
Keuls  test,  if  appropriate,  were  performed  on  arc-sine  transformed  data  for  each 
age  group  (8-,  16-,  and  24-day-old)  of  the  respective  species  to  determine  if 
significant  differences  (a  =  0.05)  in  SL  or  wet  weight  existed  for  larvae  cultured 
at  10,  20,  or  30°/oo  salinity  (SAS  1985). 

Larval  Culture 

Newly  hatched  larval  Atherinopsis  californiensis  possessed  a  yolk  sac  and  did 
not  begin  to  consume  Artemia  nauplii  until  yolk-sac  absorption,  48  h  after 
hatching,  when  they  fed  actively  at  the  air-water  interface.  Most  mortalities 
occurred  during  the  first  week  after  hatching;  thereafter,  a  survival  plateau  at 
each  culture  salinity  occurred  through  day  24.  The  highest  survival  was  91%  at 
10%o,  while  survival  at  20  and  30°/oo  was  81  and  83%,  respectively. 

Growth  of  A.  californiensis  was  rapid  at  the  three  salinities  tested  (Table  1 ). 
Larvae  cultured  at  10  and  20%>o  salinity  were  generally  longer  and  heavier  than 
individuals  cultured  at  30°/oo.  There  was  no  significant  difference  (a  =  0.05)  in 
the  mean  SL  of  8-  and  16-day-old  larvae  reared  at  the  three  salinities  (Table  2). 
However,  there  were  significant  differences  in  mean  wet  weights  of  8-,  and 
24-day-old  larvae  and  SL  in  24-day-old  individuals.  Eight-day  old  larvae  cultured 
at  30%o  weighed  significantly  less  than  individuals  cultured  at  10  or  20°/oo 
salinity  (Table  2).  By  day  24,  individuals  cultured  at  30%>o  weighed  significantly 
less  and  also  were  shorter  in  SL  than  larvae  cultured  at  10%o  or  20%>o  (Table 


TABLE  1.     Summary  Data  for  Larvae  Cultured  at  10,  20  and  30 7°°  Salinity.  Reported  Values  are  Means 
for  Samples  of  6  to  10  Larvae  Taken  on  the  Day-of-hatch  (0)  and  8-,  16-  and  24-days  After 

Age  (days) 

0 8 16 24 

Salinity  %o  10          20       30  10  20  30  10  20  30  10  20  30 

A  californiensis 

SL  (mm) -         7.58  9.95  9.78  9.30  13.00  12.78  12.68  16.25  16.35  15.13 

Wet  wt.  (mg)    ....  -            -         2.99  6.67  6.20  4.47  16.43  15.53  14.68  38.67  40.35  31.69 

A.  affinis 

SL  (mm) -                      5.19  8.68  8.80  8.51  11.60  11.51  12.35  14.65  15.31  14.95 

Wet  wt.  (mg)    ....  1.06  4.90  5.10  4.80  14.37  16.10  17.53  32.07  35.70  38.17 

TABLE  2.  Summary  Data  for  Growth  of  Larvae  Cultured  at  10,  20  and  30%°  Salinity  and  Sampled 
When  8-,  16-  and  24-days  Old.  One-way  Analysis  of  Variance  (ANOVA)  an  SNK  Procedures 
Were  Conducted  for  Each  Age  Group.  SL  and  Wet  Weight  are  Presented  in  Decreasing  Or- 
der by  Salinity,  from  Left  to  Right  for  Each  Age  Group.  Underscored  Means  are  Similar 
(a    =  0.05),  NS — No  Significant  Difference  for  Larvae  Cultured  at  Each  Salinity. 

Age  (days) 
8 16 24 

A.  californiensis 

SL  (mm) NS  NS  X20  X,0  X30 

Wet  wt.  (mg) X,0  X20  X30  NS  X20  X10  X30 

A.  affinis 

SL  (mm) NS  X30X10  X20  X20  X30  X10 

Wet  wt.  (mg) NS  X30  X20  X10  X30  X20  X]0 

Larval  Atherinops  affinis  began  feeding  at  yolk-sac  absorption,  24  to  48  h  after 
hatching.  During  the  24-day  growth  test,  survival  was  100%  at  10  and  20%>o 
salinity  and  99%  at  30%o.  Larval  A.  affinis  demonstrated  no  salinity-related 
trends  in  SL  or  wet  weight  after  8  days  of  growth  (Table  1 ).  At  16  days  of  age, 
larvae  cultured  at  30  %o  were  significantly  longer  and  heavier  (a  =  0.05)  than 
those  maintained  at  10%o  (Table  2).  At  24  days  of  age,  larvae  at  20°/oo  were 
significantly  longer  than  those  maintained  at  10%o  while  larvae  cultured  at 
30°/oo  were  significantly  heavier  than  individuals  cultured  at  10%>o  (Table  2). 

Larval  Identification 

Atherinopsis  californiensis.  Day-of-hatch.  Standard  length  and  total  length 
(tl)  of  individuals  were  7.9  to  8.1  mm  and  8.3  to  8.4  mm,  respectively  (Fig.  1 ). 
Two  medium-sized  melanophores  were  situated  side  by  side  above  the  eyes  on 
top  of  the  head,  and  two  larger  melanophores  were  situated  longitudinally 
behind  the  former  ones  on  the  occiput  and  nape.  Some  individuals  did  not  have 
melanophores  elsewhere,  and  some  had  them  dorsally  on  the  tail.  The  yolk  sac 
had  melanophores  dorsally.  In  the  latter  case,  the  melanophores  were  concen- 
trated posteriorly.  Morphometry  for  larval  A.  californiensis  is  summarized  in 
Table  3. 

Atherinops  affinis.  Day-of-hatch.  The  SL  and  tl  of  described  individuals 
were  5.2  and  5.4  mm,  respectively.  Mouth  was  formed  but  was  not  described 
in  the  figure,  because  of  its  position  (Fig.  2).  Two  melanophores  above  the  eyes 
were  the  same  as  those  in  A.  californiensis,  but  were  not  present  in  some  larvae. 
There  were  three  additional  melanophores  behind  the  pair  over  the  eyes,  but 
there  were  no  melanophores  on  the  tail.  The  yolk  sac  had  melanophores 



dorsally  and  ventrally.  On  the  dorsal  surface  they  were  concentrated;  on  the 
ventral  surface  they  were  dispersed.  Morphometry  for  larvai  A.  affinis  is 
summarized  in  Table  3. 

Discrimination.  Day-of-hatch.  Larger  size  and  early  appearance  of  dorsal 
melanophore  row  in  A.  califomiensis,  and  melanophore  patch  on  ventral 
surface  of  yolk  sac  in  A.  affinis. 

A.  califomiensis.  8-days  old.  The  sl  and  tl  were  9.8  to  10.9  mm  and  10.5 
to  11.7  mm,  respectively  (Fig.  1).  Caudal  fin  rays  were  beginning  to  form. 
Dorsal  and  anal  fin  bases  had  appeared.  In  some  individuals,  dorsal  and  anal  fin 
rays  were  being  formed.  Melanophores  were  lined  dorsally  from  the  head  to  the 
end  of  the  tail.  Two  large  melanophores  were  located  side  by  side  above  the 
eyes.  A  small  melanophore  was  anterior  to  the  former  ones,  just  above  the 
anterior  part  of  the  eyes,  but  some  individuals  had  two  melanophores  of 
medium  size  at  this  position.  Behind  the  pair  of  large  melanophores  located 
above  the  eyes,  a  line  of  melanophores  occurred  dorsally  from  the  occiput  to 
the  tail;  members  of  the  anterior  pair  were  large  and  all  others  small.  They  were 
in  a  row  except  where  the  dorsal  fin  was  forming.  Melanophores  may  be  lined 
on  one  or  both  sides  of  the  dorsal  fin.  There  were  no  melanophores  ventrally. 
The  caudal  fin  had  11  to  14  rays  (Table  3). 



1  mm 


2  mm 

FIGURE  1.    Atherinopsis  califomiensis.  a.  day-of- hatch,  b.  8-days  old,  c.  24-days  old. 


A.  affinis.  8-days  old.  The  SL  and  TL  were  8.4  to  9.7  mm  and  9.2  to  10.1  mm, 
respectively  (Fig.  2).  Caudal  fin  was  beginning  to  form.  Some  individuals  had 
dorsal  and  anal  fin  bases;  others  did  not.  Two  large  melanophores  were  situated 
side  by  side  above  the  eyes.  One  melanophore  was  located  in  front  of  the  two, 
and  behind  the  two,  melanophores  were  in  a  longitudinal  row  extending  close 
to  the  end  of  the  tail.  Several  melanophores  were  on  the  posterior  end  of  the 
notochord.  Most  individuals  had  melanophores  on  the  base  of  the  caudal  fin. 
Three  or  four  melanophores  were  located  ventrally  on  the  abdomen,  forming  a 
longitudinal  row.  A  ventral  row  of  melanophores  was  located  on  the  tail,  a  little 
below  the  surface  and  inside  muscle  tissue.  The  caudal  fin  had  5  to  10 
rays  (Table  3). 

Discrimination.  8-days  old.  Ventral  melanophore  row  on  abdomen  and  tail, 
and  early  appearance  of  melanophores  along  the  posterior  end  of  the 
notochord  in  A.  affinis.  Greater  number  of  caudal  fin  rays  in  A.  calif orniensis. 

A.  californiensis.  24-days  old.  The  SL  and  tl  were  15.1  to  17.6  mm  and  17.6 
to  20.3  mm,  respectively  (Fig.  1 ).  A  small  fin  fold  remained  between  the  pelvic 
and  anal  fins.  Fins,  except  the  first  dorsal  were  completed  or  nearing 
completion.  A  large  melanophore  was  located  above  each  eye  and  two  large 
ones  were  located  longitudinally  on  the  occiput  and  nape.  Tiny  melanophores 



at  * 

1  mm 

1  mm 

FIGURE  2.    Atherinops  affinis.     a.  day-of-hatch,  b.  8-days  old,  c.  24-days  old. 
































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were  scattered  around  the  large  ones  and  on  the  snout.  Melanophores  on  the 
cheek  were  subdermal.  The  row  of  melanophores  on  the  dorsal  edge  of  the 
body  was  separated  to  both  sides  of  the  second  dorsal  fin.  This  separation  was 
not  apparent  at  the  first  dorsal  fin.  The  lined  melanophores  on  the  lateral  side 
were  on  the  surface  but  those  along  the  posterior  end  of  the  notochord  were 
inside  the  muscle.  The  caudal  fin  bears  melanophores  on  the  basal  part.  No 
melanophores  were  on  the  anal  fin  base.  A  large  melanophore,  just  in  front  of 
the  anal  fin,  was  conspicuous.  Large  melanophores  bearing  on  the  abdominal 
cavity  wall  were  seen  through  the  muscle.  Fin  rays  were  present  in  all  but  the 
first  dorsal  (Table  3). 

A.  affinis.  24-days  old.  The  sl  and  tl  were  15.1  to  16.1  and  17.5  to  18.7  mm, 
respectively  (Fig.  2).  All  fins  were  completed.  No  fin  fold  remained.  Many  small 
and  medium  size  melanophores  were  scattered  around  the  top  of  the  head  from 
the  snout  to  the  nape.  The  row  of  melanophores  along  the  dorsal  edge  of  the 
body  was  doubled  or  tripled  from  a  point  slightly  anterior  to  the  first  dorsal  fin 
to  the  rear  end  of  the  second  dorsal  fin  base.  Several  melanophores  occurred 
longitudinally  in  a  row  from  the  chest  to  the  pelvic  fin.  Melanophores  between 
pelvic  and  anal  fins  formed  paired  longitudinal  rows.  Melanophores  at  the  anal 
fin  base  and  along  its  sides  formed  three  longitudinal  rows.  However,  in  some 
individuals,  melanophores  along  both  sides  were  not  obvious.  Melanophores  on 
the  posterior  end  of  the  notochord  were  inside  the  muscle.  Melanophores  on 
the  caudal  fin  were  distributed  similarly  to  A.  californiensis,  that  is  on  the  basal 
part.  Rays  werepresent  in  all  fins  (Table  3). 

Discrimination.  24-days  old.  A  distinct  melanophore  slightly  anterior  to  the 
anal  fin  and  absence  of  fin  rays  in  the  first  dorsal  of  A.  californiensis.  Thicker 
distribution  of  melanophores  on  top  of  the  head  and  back,  with  rows  of 
melanophores  from  the  chest  to  the  rear  end  of  the  anal  fin  base  in  A.  affinis. 


Atherinopsis  californiensis  survival  and  growth  was  optimal  at  10  and  20%o, 
suggesting  that  it  may  prefer  mesohaline  salinities  (~18±  5%o)  when  young. 
Nearly  all  mortality  occurred  during  the  first  7  days  posthatch;  thereafter, 
mortality  was  low  at  each  salinity  for  the  duration  of  the  24-day  tests.  A  similar 
trend  was  observed  for  larval  inland  silversides,  Menidia  beryllina,  cultured  at 
salinities  of  5,  15,  and  30%>o,  with  mortality  occurring  during  the  first  6  days 
after  hatching  (Middaugh  et  al.  1986).  They  observed  no  additional  deaths 
during  the  16-day  grow-out.  The  optimal  salinity  for  survival  was  15  %>o.  This 
salinity  also  produced  growth  in  sl  and  wet  weight  that  was  significantly  greater 
than  at  5  or  30%o. 

Adult  A.  californiensis  in  southern  California  are  reproductively  active  and 
reside  in  shallow  to  mid-depth  (~2  to  4  m)  offshore  areas  during  the  colder 
months,  November-April  (Allen  et  al.  1983).  In  warmer  months,  May-October, 
large  numbers  of  juveniles  were  found  in  the  shore  zone  near  Cabrillo  Beach. 
Salinities  during  this  period  ranged  from  23  to  33%>o  (Allen  et  al.  1983). 

Survival  of  Atherinops  affinis  larvae  was  excellent  at  10,  20  and  30%>o  during 
the  24-day  growth  test.  Growth  showed  a  general  trend  of  significantly  longer 
and  heavier  16-  and  24-day-old  individuals  cultured  at  20  and  30%o. 

Recent  laboratory  studies  of  salinity  tolerance  in  young  A.  affinis  demon- 
strated that  they  are  able  to  tolerate  low  salinities  as  well.  Young  fish,  24-days 


old  were  acclimated  from  10%>o  to  2%>o  in  2%>o/day  increments.  All  fish 
survived  the  period  of  acclimation  to  2%o  and  for  29  days  at  the  low  salinity. 
In  a  second  experiment,  24-day-old  A.  affinis,  initially  held  at  30%>o,  were 
subjected  to  a  2°/oo/day  increase  salinity.  No  mortalities  occurred  until  60%>o 
salinity.  Incremental  mortality  occurred  as  salinity  increased  to  80%o  where  the 
cumulative  mortality  was  48%.  An  increase  to  82°/oo  salinity  caused  cumulative 
mortality  to  rise  to  80%  (Middaugh  and  Shenker  1988). 

Adult  A.  affinis  are  reproductively  active  during  May-August.  This  period 
generally  coincides  with  low  coastal  rainfall  and  high  salinities  in  California 
estuaries  and  coastal  lagoons  (Carpelan  1961).  While  we  observed  optimal 
larval  growth  at  20  and  30%o  and  collected  reproductively  active  adults  from 
Estero  Americano  at  34%>o  salinity,  other  field  observations  indicate  that  A. 
affinis  adults  may  spawn  at  salinities  up  to  72%>o  in  the  Alviso  Salt  Ponds  of  San 
Francisco  Bay  (Carpelan  1957).  Moreover,  Carpelan  (1955)  reported  that 
waters  of  the  Alviso  Salt  Ponds  only  became  intolerable  for  young  A.  affinis 
between  80  and90%o. 

Culture  of  larval  A.  californiensis  and  A.  affinis  in  the  laboratory  enabled  us 
to  obtain  individuals  of  known  age  for  preparation  of  drawings  and  identification 
of  distinguishing  characteristics.  Substantial  differences,  especially  in  melano- 
phore  appearance  and  location,  were  noted  in  individuals  from  each  age  group. 
These  differences  should  be  useful  in  identification  of  field-collected  larvae 
(Figs.  1  and  2). 

Where  comparisons  are  possible,  our  measurements  and  fin  ray  counts  are  in 
general  agreement  with  those  provided  by  Wang  (1981).  One  notable 
exception  is  the  tl  reported  for  A.  affinis  by  Wang  (1981 )  of  4.3-4.9  mm  at 
hatching.  Our  day-of-hatch  larvae  were  substantially  larger,  5.1-5.4  mm,  x  = 
5.2  mm  SL. 


We  wish  to  thank  the  staff  of  the  Bodega  Marine  Laboratory,  Bodega  Bay, 
California,  for  support  and  equipment  provided  during  this  study. 


Allen,  L.C.  and  M.H.  Horn.  1975.  Abundance,  diversity  and  seasonality  of  fishes  in  Colorado  Lagoon,  Alamitos 

Bay,  California.  Estuar.  Coastal  Mar.  Sci.,  3:371-380. 
Allen,  L.C.  1982.  Seasonal  abundance,  composition,  and  productivity  of  the  littoral  fish  assemblage  in  upper 

Newport  Bay,  California.  Fish.  Bull.,  80(4):769-790. 
Allen,  L.C,  M.H.  Horn,  F.A.  Edwards  II  and  C.A.  Usui.  1983.  Structure  and  seasonal  dynamics  of  the  fish 

assemblage  in  the  Cabrillo  Beach  area  of  Los  Angeles  Harbor,  California.  Bull.  So.  Calif.  Acad.  Sci., 

Carpelan,   L.H.   1955.  Tolerance  of  the  San   Francisco  topsmelt,  Atherinops  affinis  affinis,   to  conditions  in 

salt-producing  ponds  bordering  San  Francisco  Bay.  Calif.  Fish  and  Came,  41  (4):279-284. 

.  1957.  Hydrobiology  of  the  Alviso  Salt  Ponds.  Ecology,  38(3):375-390. 

.  1961.  Salinity  tolerances  of  some  fishes  of  a  southern  California  coastal  lagoon.  Copeia,  1961:32-39. 

Ehrlich,  K.F.,  J.M.  Hood,  G.  Muszynski  and  C.E.  McCowen.  1979.  Thermal  behavioral  responses  of  selected 

California  littoral  fishes.  Fish.  Bull.,  76(41:837-849. 
Horn,  M.H.,  1980.  Diel  and  seasonal  variation  in  abundance  and  diversity  of  shallow-water  fish  populations  in 

Morro  Bay,  California.  Fish.  Bull.,  78(3):759-770. 

Hubbs,  C.L.  and  K.F.  Lagler.  1958.  Fishes  of  the  Creat  Lakes  Region.  Univ.  of  Michigan  Press,  Ann  Arbor. 
Lagler,  K.F.,  |.E.  Bardach,  R.R.  Miller  and  DR.  Passino.  1977.  Ichthyology,  2nd  ed.  John  Wiley  and  Sons,  New  York, 
506  p. 


McHugh,  J.L.  and  B.W.  Walker.  1948.  Rearing  marine  fishes  in  the  laboratory.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  34(1  ):37-38. 
Middaugh,  D.P.,  M.J.  Hemmer  and  Y.  Lamadrid-Rose.  1986.  Laboratory  spawning  cues  in  Menidia  beryllina  and 

Menidia  peninsulae  (Pisces:  Atherinidae)  with  notes  on  survival  and  growth  of  larvae  at  different  salinities. 

Environ.  Biol.  Fish.,  15(2):107-117. 

and  J.M.  Shenker.   1988.  Salinity  tolerance  of  young  topsmelt,  Atherinops  affinis,  cultured  in  the 

laboratory.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  74(4):232-235. 

Miller,  D.J.  and  R.N.  Lea.  1972.  Guide  to  the  coastal  marine  fishes  of  California.  Calif.  Dept.  Fish  Game  Bull.  157, 
235  p. 

SAS  Institute  Inc.  1985.  SAS  Users'  Guide:  Statistics,  Version  5  Edition.  Cary,  NC.  956  p. 

Wang,  C.S.  Johnson.  1981.  Taxonomy  of  the  early  life  stages  of  fishes.  Fishes  of  the  Sacramento,  San  Joaquin 
Estuary  and  Moss  Landing  Harbor-Elkhorn  Slough,  California.  Ecological  Analysts  Inc.,  Concord,  CA.  168  p. 

White,  B.N.,  R.J.  Lavenberg  and  G.E.  McGowen.  1984.  Atheriformes:  Development  and  Relationships.  Irr. 
Ontogeny  and  Systematics  of  Fishes.  H.G.  Moser,  W.J.  Richards,  D.M.  Cohen,  M.P.  Fahay,  A.W.  Kendall  Jr., 
S.L.  Richardson  (eds.).  Inter.  Symp.  ded.  mem.  of  E.H.  Ahlstrom.  Aug.  15-18,  1983,  LaJolla.  Am.  Soc.  Ichtyol. 
Herpetol.  Spec.  Publ.  No.  1:355-362. 


Calif.  Fish  and  Came  76  ( 1 ) :  1 4-30     1 990 

BANDED  IN  CALIFORNIA,  194&-82  1 


California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game 

1416  Ninth  Street 

Sacramento,  California     95814 

Over  108,000  mallards,  Anas  platyrhynchos,  were  banded  in  the  Sacramento 
(Gray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area)  and  San  Joaquin  valleys  (Los  Banos  Wildlife  Area),  and 
northeastern  California  (Klamath  Basin,  Honey  Lake,  Mountain  Meadows)  during 
1948-82.  Analysis  of  recoveries  shows  that  adult  males  survived  at  a  higher  annual 
rate  (61%)  than  adult  females  did  (56%),  although  recovery  rates  of  males  (9%) 
exceeded  those  of  females  (6%).  Immature  mallards  survived  at  lower  rates  (male 
47% — female  46%)  and  had  higher  recovery  rates  (male  14% — female  12%)  than 
did  adults.  These  survival  rates  were  nearly  identical  to  those  reported  for  the 
continent  as  a  whole.  Direct  recoveries  of  each  age/sex  class  of  mallards  banded 
preseason  at  Gray  Lodge  and  Los  Banos  were  obtained  most  frequently  in  the  region 
of  banding  (69-84%  of  recoveries).  This  was  true  also  for  all  immatures  banded 
preseason  at  Klamath  Basin  and  Honey  Lake  (68-78%  of  direct  recoveries),  and 
adult  females  at  Honey  Lake  (73%  of  recoveries).  However,  most  adult  males,  and 
many  adult  females  (Klamath  Basin  only),  migrated  prior  to  opening  of  the  hunting 
season  and  were  recovered  in  areas  to  the  south  (58-64%  of  recoveries  in  Central 
Valley-Bay  Delta);  these  birds  were  either  local  or  other  postbreeders.  or  molt 
migrants  returning  to  the  Central  Valley.  Several  lines  of  evidence  suggest  that, 
during  the  past  35  years,  a  progressively  larger  proportion  of  the  California  mallard 
harvest  has  come  from  Klamath  Basin  and  Central  Valley  mallard  populations.  First, 
indirect  recoveries  in  California  of  Klamath  Basin  preseason-banded  mallards 
increased  proportionately  from  the  1950's  to  the  1980's;  and,  most  of  this  increase 
was  in  the  Klamath  Basin  (1950's— 21.3%  vs.  1980's— 41.7%  of  recoveries).  Concur- 
rently, indirect  recoveries  of  Klamath  Basin  banded  birds  declined  proportionately 
from  Canada,  the  Sacramento  Valley,  and  the  San  Joaquin  Valley.  Second,  the 
proportion  of  indirect  recoveries  of  Gray  Lodge  preaseason-banded  mallards 
increased  in  all  California  areas,  but  declined  in  all  non-California  recovery  areas 
including  Canada  (7.8%  in  the  1950's,  1.5%  in  the  1970's).  Also,  recoveries  in 
California  of  mallards  banded  postseason  at  Gray  Lodge  increased  proportionately 
in  the  1980's  (88.4%)  compared  to  the  1950's  (62.2%);  concurrently,  a  proportion- 
ate downward  trend  in  out-of-state  recoveries  occurred,  especially  from  Alberta 
(1950's — 13.4%  to  1980's — 1.9%).  This  increased  proportion  of  resident  mallards, 
concurrent  with  an  apparent  increase  in  the  California  breeding  population, 
coincided  with  a  marked  increase  of  wintering  mallards  in  the  Columbia  Basin  of 
Washington  and  Oregon,  and  a  reduced  breeding  population  in  prairie  Canada. 
Thus,  mallards  could  be  managed  separately  in  California  during  periods  when 
significant  numbers  of  northern  mallards  are  not  present.  Additional  research  is 


Historically,  the  greatest  density  of  breeding  mallards,  Anas  platyrhynchos,  in 
North  America  occurred  in  the  prairie-parklands  of  Alberta,  Saskatchewan,  and 
Manitoba  (Bellrose  1980).  However,  the  estimated  proportion  of  all  North 
American  mallards  which  nest  there  has  declined  from  54%  in  1955-64 
(Crissey  1969),  to  40%  or  less  in  1979-85  (Reynolds  1987).  The  continental 

'  Accepted  for  publication  October  1989. 
2  Deceased 


mallard  breeding  population  (surveyed  areas  only)  declined  from  14.4  million 
in  1958  (Pospahala  et  al.  1974)  to  approximately  5.5  million  in  1985  (U.S.  Fish 
and  Wildlife  Service  and  Canadian  Wildlife  Service  1985),  but  in  California,  the 
mallard  breeding  population  index  increased  from  35,950  (1962-73)  to  47,800 
(1974-85)  over  this  time.  Seventy-five  percent  of  these  breeders  were  recorded 
in  the  Sacramento  Valley  (Pacific  Flyway  Waterfowl  Reports,  U.S.  Fish  and 
Wildlife  Service,  Portland,  Oregon).  Also,  the  mallard  wintering  population  has 
not  shown  a  marked  decline  in  the  Pacific  Flyway,  although  numbers  wintering 
in  California  have  declined  since  the  early  1960's.  The  1985  mid-winter  survey 
in  the  Pacific  Flyway  estimated  1,648,700  mallards  compared  to  the  1955-85 
average  of  1,757,800  (Pacific  Flyway  Waterfowl  Report,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife 
Service,  Portland,  Oregon,  November  1985). 

The  ratio  of  immatures  to  adults  in  the  harvest  of  mallards  in  California 
invariably  exceeds  the  mean  for  the  Pacific  Flyway  (U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife 
Service,  Office  of  Migratory  Bird  Management,  Administrative  Reports  July 
1968-85)  suggesting  high  recruitment  rates.  Thus,  if  survival  rates  of  mallards  in 
California  are  higher  than  those  calculated  on  a  continental  basis  (Anderson 
1975),  coupled  with  high  recruitment,  an  increased  breeding  population  could 
result.  Conversely,  major  changes  in  the  winter  distribution  of  mallards  within 
the  Pacific  Flyway  states  could  explain  the  decrease  in  the  number  of  wintering 
mallards  found  in  California  now,  compared  with  25  years  ago. 

In  the  California  harvest,  mallards  rank  second  or  third  behind  northern 
pintails,  Anas  acuta,  and  green-winged  teal,  A.  crecca,  and  mallards  are  now  the 
number  one  species  in  the  harvest  at  most  California  public  hunting  areas 
(Gilmer  et  al.  1989).  Therefore,  it  is  critical  that  information  be  made  available 
to  better  manage  this  important  species. 

My  objectives  in  this  study  were  to  document  distribution  of  the  harvest  and 
to  calculate  survival  rates  of  mallards  banded  in  northeastern  California  and  in 
the  Central  Valley.  This  information  is  used  to  recommend  research  and 
management  programs  to  benefit  mallards  in  California  and  the  Pacific  Flyway. 


I  was  assisted  in  banding  mallards  by  biologists  assigned  to  the  Waterfowl 
Studies  Project,  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game  (CDFG).  We  banded 
a  total  of  108,165  mallards  (pre-  and  postseason  combined)  in  California  from 
1948  through  1982  (Table  1).  CDFG  and  the  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 
(FWS)  cooperated  in  the  banding  on  Klamath  Basin  National  Wildlife  Refuges 
(NWRs).  Mallards  were  caught  in  baited  swim-in  traps,  banded  with  standard 
FWS  aluminum  leg  bands,  and  then  released. 



TABLE  1.     Mallards  Banded  Pre-  and  Postseason  in  California,  1948-821. 

Males Females 


BANDING  STATION                              BANDED         Adult         Immature  Adult  Immature         TOTAL 

Klamath  Basin  NWRs 1948-80         21,813           11,880  11,073  6,498             51,264 

Honey  Lake  WA 1950-58           1,594             2,888  794  2,314               7,590 

Mountain  Meadows 1954-56              718               859  689  666              2,932 

Gray  Lodge  W A 1948-81            2,474             6,664  2,271  3,798             15,207 

Los  Banos 1948-63            1,126             4,145  950  2,705              8,926 

TOTAL 27,725           26,436  15,777  15,981  85,919 


Cray  Lodge  WA 1950-82                    12,935  8,244  21,179 

Los  Banos  WA 1953-59      646 421 1,067 

TOTAL 13,581 8,665 22,246 

GRAND  TOTAL 108,165 

'  Does  not  include  806  mallards  banded  in  the  Suisun  Marsh  1951-55 

In  the  1950's  and  1960's,  we  banded  mallards  at  many  sites  in  California  but 
in  some  locations  we  worked  for  only  a  few  years  or  few  birds  were  banded. 
For  example,  only  800  mallards  were  banded  during  the  1951-55  bandings  in 
Suisun  Marsh,  so  results  are  not  included  in  this  report.  After  the  1950's  we 
banded  only  at  the  Klamath  Basin  NWRs  (northeast  California)  and  at  Gray 
Lodge  Wildlife  Area  (Sacramento  Valley).  Data  from  the  following  banding 
stations  were  used  in  our  analysis:  (i)  Klamath  Basin  NWRs  in  northeastern 
California — key  production,  migration,  and  wintering  areas;  (ii)  Honey  Lake 
Wildlife  Area  in  northeastern  California  240  km  south  of  the  Klamath  Basin — a 
nesting  and  migration  area;  (iii)  Mountain  Meadows  in  northeastern  California 
48  km  west  of  Honey  Lake — a  minor  migration  and  nesting  area;  (iv)  Gray 
Lodge  Wildlife  Area  in  the  Sacramento  Valley — the  major  mallard  wintering 
area  in  California;  and  (v)  Los  Banos  Wildlife  Area  in  the  Grasslands  of  the  San 
Joaquin  Valley — an  important  wintering  area. 

The  proportion  of  mallards  banded  each  month  Preseason  (Table  2)  and 
postseason  (Table  3)  was  not  constant  through  the  years.  At  Klamath  Basin  in 
the  1940's  and  1950's,  we  banded  the  largest  share  of  birds  in  August.  From  the 
1960's  on,  we  concentrated  preseason  banding  in  September.  At  Gray  Lodge  in 
the  1950's  and  in  1968  (the  only  year  of  banding  in  the  1960's),  we  completed 
the  majority  of  preseason  banding  in  September  and  October,  but  shifted  to 
August  and  September  in  the  1970's  and  1980's.  The  largest  proportion  of 
postseason  banding  at  Gray  Lodge  was  accomplished  in  January  in  the  1950's 
and  1960's,  but  we  shifted  our  work  to  February  in  the  1970's  and  1980's  when 
hunting  seasons  lengthened  requiring  more  time  to  reach  banding  quotas. 

TABLE  2.    The  Proportion  of  Mallards  Banded  Preseason  at  Klamath  Basin  National  Wildlife  Refuges 
and  at  Gray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area  by  Month  and  Decade,  1950-81. 

Location  Decade         N  (years)  July  August         September        October 

Klamath  Basin                                 1950's  10  tr.                    72.4                23.3                   4.3 

1960's  10  17.5                82.5 

1970's  10  100.0 

1980's  1  100.00 

Gray  Lodge  W A                             1950s  10  0.5                    9.5                38.9                 51.1 

1960's  1  88.7                   11.3 

1970's  10  11.1                   34.7                39.7                   14.5 

1980's  2  100.0 


TABLE  3.     Proportion  of  Mallards  Banded  Postseason  at  Gray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area  by  Month  and 
Decade,  1950-42. 

Decade  N  (years)  January  February  March 

1950's 8                          88.3  11.6  0.1 

1960's 10                          74.9  15.5  9.6 

1970's 10                          42.4  50.1  7.5 

1980's 3                           26.3  73.7 

I  divided  California  into  eight  band  recovery  areas  (Figure  1 ),  and  used  both 
direct  and  indirect  band  recoveries  obtained  through  August  1984  for  analysis. 
Direct  recoveries  are  banded  birds  recovered  during  the  first  hunting  season 
after  banding  (Anderson  1975).  indirect  recoveries  are  bands  recovered  one  or 
more  years  following  the  year  of  banding.  Thus,  indirect  band  recoveries 
occurred  at  any  point  between  breeding  and  wintering  grounds.  For  harvest 
distribution,  I  only  used  bands  recovered  from  birds  shot  during  the  hunting 
season.  All  percentages  are  expressed  as  proportions  of  total  recoveries  of  a 
particular  banded  sample.  To  compute  survival  rates,  I  used  only  bands 
recovered  from  birds  shot  or  found  dead  during  the  hunting  season. 

I  chose  the  FORTRAN  computer  programs  ESTIMATE  for  postseason 
bandings  (adults)  and  BROWNIE  for  preseason  bandings  (adult  and  young)  to 
estimate  survival  and  recovery  rates  in  28  mallard  data  sets  from  four  (not 
Mountain  Meadows)  banding  stations  (Brownie  et  al.  1978).  A  general 
Chi-square  test  was  used  to  test  for  differences  in  survival  and  recovery  rates 
between  different  time  periods  and  between  different  banding  sites  (Sauer  and 
Williams  1989).  Survival  rate  is  the  probability  that  a  bird  will  live  for  a  year 
following  the  approximate  midpoint  of  the  banding  period.  Recovery  rate  is  the 
probability  that  a  banded  bird  alive  during  a  particular  banding  period  will  be 
legally  shot  or  found  dead  during  the  subsequent  hunting  season  and  reported 
to  the  FWS  Bird  Banding  Laboratory.  I  assumed  that  band  reporting  rates  did  not 
change  during  the  study  period. 

Distribution  of  the  Harvest 

Northeastern  California 

Klamath  Basin  NWRs.  Few  mallards  banded  preseason  in  the  Klamath  Basin 
moved  northward;  more  than  90%  of  direct  recoveries  were  from  California 
(Table  4).  Harvest  areas  within  California  were  similar  for  each  age/sex  class, 
but  migration  to  these  areas  did  not  occur  at  the  same  time.  For  example,  direct 
band  recoveries  in  northeastern  California  were  comparatively  few  for  adult 
males  (32.1%)  relative  to  recoveries  of  adult  females  (49.7%),  immature  males 
(69.7%),  and  immature  females  (71.3%).  Thus,  most  adult  males,  and  even 
many  adult  females  (compared  to  immatures),  migrated  prior  to  opening  of 
hunting  season,  most  to  the  Sacramento  Valley,  or  were  less  vulnerable  to 
hunting  (Table  4).  The  adults  could  have  been  local  or  other  post-breeders,  but 
more  likely,  these  were  birds  that  returned  to  the  Central  Valley  before  the 
hunting  season  after  migrating  to  the  northeast  to  molt  after  nesting,  or 
attempting  to  nest,  in  the  south  (M.R.  McLandress  and  G.S.  Yarris,  unpubl. 









FIGURE  1.     Mallard  banding  stations  and  recovery  areas. 


TABLE  4.     Distribution  of  Band  Recoveries  (percent  ot  recoveries)  from  Mallards  Banded  Preseason 
at  Klamath  Basin  NWRs,  1948-80. 

Direct Indirect 2 

Adult  Imm.  Adult  Imm. 

Recovery  Area  '                                            male            male          female         female  Males         Females 


Northeast 32.1              69.7            49.7              71.3  20.0             37.3 

Sacramento  Valley 41.8              17.7            30.2              16.3  44.7             33.3 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 12.0                3.9              8.9                3.8  11.7              10.2 

San  Joaquin  Valley 10.5                2.8              7.7                2.8  9.7               7.7 

Washington 0.1  0.1  1.9  1.5 

Oregon 1.6  4.9  1.8  4.1  4.5  6.1 

Idaho 0.2  -  0.1  -  1.4  0.4 

Canada -  -  -  -  3.6  1.0 

AHOther3 1.7  0.9  1.6  1.7 25_  2.5 

Total  Recoveries 1,815  1,474  665  607  3,588  913 

1  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentage  >  1 .0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 

2  Birds  in  their  second  year  or  older. 

3  Recovery  areas  with  <  1 .0. 

Indirect  recoveries  of  males  (87.4%)  and  females  (89.7%)  verify  that 
California  is  the  major  wintering  area  for  Klamath  Basin  preseason  banded 
mallards  (Table  4),  and  suggest  that  many  were  California  residents.  Indirect 
recoveries  in  the  Sacramento  Valley,  San  Joaquin  Valley,  and  San  Francisco 
Bay-Delta  for  males  and  females  banded  preseason  in  the  Klamath  Basin  were 
in  proportions  similar  to  those  of  direct  recoveries  (adults).  The  remaining  9% 
of  mallards  recovered  north  of  California  occurred  over  a  wider  area,  and  may 
indicate  breeding  dispersal  and  northward  molt  migration  (Martin  and  Carney 
1977;  Bellrose  and  Crompton  1970).  Therefore,  I  assume  that  more  males  than 
the  3.6%  recovered  in  Canada  were  there  during  the  breeding  season,  or 
arrived  as  postbreeders  to  molt.  Females  with  young  generally  remain  on  the 
breeding  grounds  until  after  the  start  of  the  hunting  season,  but  some,  especially 
failed  nesters,  may  move  north  with  drakes  following  breeding  (Gilmer  et  al. 
1977);  recent  evidence  indicates  this  northern  movement  of  adults  may  be 
more  extensive  in  California  (G.S.  Yarris,  pers  comm.).  Thus,  the  1.0%  females 
recovered  in  Canada  may  indicate  females  that  are  either  dispersing  to  breed  or 
migrating  north  to  molt  in  Canada. 

During  summer  1957  on  Lower  Klamath  NWR,  we  banded  461  flightless 
young  (locals)  and  then,  several  weeks  later,  486  immature  mallards  (Table  5). 
More  locals  (91.4%)  than  immatures  (79.6%)  were  recovered  in  the  Klamath 
Basin.  This  suggests  that  while  many  immatures  were  produced  in  the  Klamath 
Basin,  some  may  have  come  from  other  nesting  grounds  and  that  locals  were 
more  vulnerable  at  or  near  natal  marshes. 

TABLE  5.     A  Comparison  of  Direct  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  Between  461  Flightless 
Young  and  486  Immature  Mallards  Banded  During  Summer  on  Lower  Klamath  National 
Wildlife  Refuge,  1957. 

Recovery  area  Flightless  young  Immature 


Klamath  Basin 91.4  79.6 

North  Coast -  1.1 

Sacramento  Valley 3.7  10.2 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 1.2  2.3 

San  Joaquin  Valley 1.2  3.4 

Oregon 2j> 3^ 

Total  Recoveries 81  88 

Recovery  Rate 17.6  18.1 



Honey  Lake  Wildlife  Area.  The  distribution  of  direct  recoveries  of  Honey 
Lake  preseason  banded  mallards  was  similar  to  that  from  the  Klamath  Basin 
including  few  recoveries  north  of  California  (Table  6).  Proportions  of  each 
sex/age  class  recovered  in  each  area  were  similar  between  the  two  areas, 
except  that  Nevada  was  more  important  as  a  minor  recovery  area  than  for  birds 
banded  in  the  Klamath  Basin.  Adult  males  were  recovered  in  lower  proportions 
in  the  northeast  than  were  other  sex/age  classes;  the  Sacramento  Valley  was 
most  important  to  adult  males.  But,  recoveries  of  adult  females  were  more 
closely  associated  with  the  northeast  than  were  those  of  Klamath  Basin  banded 
adult  females.  Also,  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  was  more  important  to  Honey  Lake 
adult  males  than  for  Klamath  banded  adult  males. 

For  mallards  banded  preseason  at  Honey  Lake,  the  proportion  of  indirect 
recoveries  in  the  northeast  was  less  than  the  proportion  of  direct  recoveries 
there,  but  direct  and  indirect  recoveries  occurred  in  similar  proportions  in  the 
Sacramento  Valley.  This  suggests  that  molters  in  the  northeast  returned  to  the 
Central  Valley  before  the  hunting  season  or  were  less  vulnerable  than  young 
early  in  the  season.  There  were  proportionately  more  indirect  recoveries  from 
northeastern  California,  Canada,  and  Nevada  from  birds  banded  at  Honey  Lake 
compared  to  those  from  Klamath  Basin  (Tables  4  and  6).  However,  fewer 
Honey  Lake  banded  birds  were  recovered  in  the  Sacramento  Valley,  the  Delta 
and  total  California  compared  to  those  banded  in  the  Klamath  Basin. 

TABLE  6.     Distribution  of  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  From  Mallards  Banded  Preseason 
at  Honey  Lake  Wildlife  Area,  1950-58. 

Direct Indirect 2 

Adult  Imm.  Adult  Imm. 

Recovery  Area '                                           male            male          female         female  Males         Females 


Northeast 34.4              67.9               72.5              77.8  25.6                43.9 

Sacramento  Valley 30.1               19.4                17.4              12.6  34.9                 22.2 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 9.8                5.4                 2.9                2.6  8.0                  6.1 

San  Joaquin  Valley 18.4                2.0                 4.3                3.2  11.2                  6.6 

Washington 1  4  2-5 

Oregon 2.4  2.4  2.0  4.4  4.6 

Idaho 0.6  3.9  0.5 

Nevada 3.1  2.7  2.9  1.8  2.0  9.1 

Alberta &1  30 

All  Others3 1.2  0.2  2.5  1.5 

Total  Recoveries 163  458  69  342  438  198 

1  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentage  >   1.0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 

2  Birds  in  their  second  year  or  older. 

3  Recovery  areas  with  <  1 .0. 

Mountain  Meadows.  Fewer  than  28%  of  direct  recoveries  of  adult  females 
and  immatures,  and  only  11%  of  adult  males  occurred  in  the  northeast  (Table 
7).  The  Sacramento  Valley  was  the  most  important  recovery  area  for  Mountain 
Meadows  mallards.  The  comparatively  low  direct  recovery  rate  in  northeastern 
California  from  mallards  banded  at  Mountain  Meadows  compared  to  those 
banded  in  the  Klamath  Basin  and  Honey  Lake,  reflected  earlier  migration  of  the 
former  because  of  the  additional  1,000  feet  in  elevation.  But  even  here,  adult 
males  (molters  or  local  post  breeders)  departed  earlier  than  the  other  sex/age 
classes.  Direct  recoveries  indicated  some  Mountain  Meadows  mallards  mixed 
with  mallards  east  of  the  Sierra  Mountains  (Nevada,  Imperial  Valley).  No  such 



interchange  was  shown  for  mallards  banded  in  the  Klamath  Basin.  Indirect 
recoveries  show  a  similar  northward  dispersion  for  nesting  or  molt  as  for  other 
northeast  banded  mallards. 

TABLE  7.     Distribution  of  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  from  Mallards  Banded  Preseason 
at  Mountain  Meadows,  1954-56. 

Direct Indirect 2 

Adult  Imm.  Adult  Imm. 

Recovery  Area '                                          male            male         female           female  Males         Females 


Northeast 10.7              17.8                2.7.1             28.4  5.7                24.2 

North  Coast 2.1 

Sacramento  Valley 53.4              42.3              43.8               39.2  45.0                39.4 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 9.3              11.1               14.5                 6.7  12.7                  5.2 

San  Joaquin  Valley 22.7              26.7                8.3                21.6  15.8                 14.2 

Imperial  Valley 1.3  0.7  - 

Washington -  -  -  -  1.8  3.0 

Oregon 1.3  0.7  2.1  1.4  3.9  4.0 

Idaho -  -4.4  40 

Nevada 1.3  0.7  2.1  2.7  1.3  3.0 

Alberta -  -  6.3  2.0 

Central  Flyway -  -  2.5  - 

Mississippi  Flyway _____  1  q 

Total  Recoveries 75  135  48  74  158  99 

1  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentage  >  1.0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 

2  Birds  in  their  second  year  or  older. 

The  Central  Valley 

Gray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area.  The  distribution  of  direct  recoveries  of  mallards 
banded  preseason  at  Gray  Lodge  was  proportionately  similar  for  each  age/sex 
class,  unlike  the  pattern  for  birds  banded  in  northeastern  California  (Table  8). 
Direct  recoveries  occurred  overwhelmingly  in  the  Sacramento  Valley  (77.5% 
for  adult  females  to  83.7%  for  immature  females).  The  San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 
and  San  Joaquin  Valley  were  important  secondary  recovery  areas  for  these 
mallards,  but  the  northeast  was  unimportant. 

TABLE  8.     Distribution  of  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  from  Mallards  Banded  Preseason 
on  Gray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area,  1948-81. 

Direct Indirect 2 

Adult  Imm.  Adult  Imm. 

Recovery  Area '                                           male            male          female         female  Males         Females 

Northeast 0.8                1.2                 2.5                1.5  6.1                   8.5 

Sacramento  Valley 78.8              82.5               77.5              83.7  51.0                64.5 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 12.8              10.6                11.9              10.2  13.0                  7.1 

San  Joaquin  Valley 6.8                5.1                  8.1                4.6  9.4                  5.7 

Washington _  0.1  -                  -  2.9  2.8 

Oregon 4.9  3.9 

Idaho _  0.2  -                 -  3.0  1.2 

Nevada -  -  _                  _  1.4  2.3 

Canada 0.4  0.1  _  6.0  2.8 

AHOther3 0.4  0.2  -  -  2.3  1.2 

Total  Recoveries 236  984  160  411  1,096  353 

1  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentage  >   1 .0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 

2  Birds  in  their  second  year  or  older. 

3  Recovery  areas  with  <  1 .0. 


The  Sacramento  Valley  was  the  most  important  area  for  indirect  recoveries 
(Table  8),  but  those  proportions  (male  51.0% — female  64.5%)  were  markedly 
lower  than  for  direct  recoveries  reflecting  affinities  to  breeding  and/or  molting 
areas  farther  north.  The  proportions  of  indirect  recoveries  in  the  San  Francisco 
Bay-Delta  and  San  Joaquin  Valley  were  similar  to  those  of  direct  recoveries.  As 
was  found  for  Klamath  Basin  indirect  recoveries  of  males,  more  bands  were 
recovered  in  Canada,  especially  Alberta,  than  in  any  other  area  outside  of 

Recoveries  of  mallards  banded  postseason  at  Gray  Lodge  occurred  over  half 
the  time  in  the  Sacramento  Valley;  other  recovery  areas  each  had  fewer  than 
10%  of  recoveries  (Table  9).  There  was  a  markedly  more  northern  distribution 
of  recovery  areas  of  postseason  banded  mallards  relative  to  preseason  banded 
birds,  indicating  that  there  were  migrants  as  well  as  resident  birds  among 
mallards  captured  in  late  winter.  Proportionately  more  females  than  males  were 
recovered  in  the  north.  Also,  relatively  fewer  females  (69.3%)  than  males 
(82.2%)  were  recovered  in  California  from  postseason  bandings,  whereas  in 
preseason  bandings,  relatively  more  females  (86.4%)  than  males  (80.2%)  were 
recovered  there.  This  suggests  that  females  were  more  available  or  vulnerable 
to  harvest  relative  to  males  at  northern  areas,  perhaps  resulting  from  delayed 
migration  of  successful  breeders  and  molters.  The  similarity  between  relative 
recovery  distribution  patterns  of  adult  males  from  preseason  and  postseason 
bandings  suggests  that  molting  males  returned  to  the  Valley  before  the  hunting 
season,  or  that  males  which  had  bred  in  Canada  were  migrating  into  California 
prior  to  or  early  in  the  season,  an  unlikely  event  (Munro  and  Kimball  1982). 

TABLE  9.     Distribution  of  Indirect  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  From  Mallards  Banded 
Postseason  at  Gray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area,  1950-82. 

Recovery  Areas '  Male  Female 

Northeast 8.8  9.5 

Sacramento  Valley 59.3  51.9 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 8.1  3.5 

San  Joaquin  Valley 5.6  4.1 

Washington 2.4  5.3 

Oregon 5.6  10.1 

Idaho 2.2  2.7 

Nevada 1.3  1.6 

Canada 5.2  9.7 

All  Other2 1.5  16 

Total  Recoveries 2,421  823 

'  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentages  >  1 .0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 
2  Recovery  areas  with  <  1 .0. 

Los  Banos  Wildlife  Area.  The  San  Joaquin  Valley  was  the  most  important 
direct  recovery  area  of  each  sex/age  class  for  mallards  banded  preseason  at  Los 
Banos  Wildlife  Area  in  the  Grasslands  (Table  10).  The  Sacramento  Valley  and 
San  Francisco  Bay-Delta  areas  were  important  harvest  areas  of  Los  Banos 
mallards,  but  the  northeast  was  not. 


TABLE  10.     Distribution  of  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  from  Mallards  Banded  Preseason 
at  Los  Banos  Wildlife  Area,  1943-63. 

Direct Indirect 2 

Adult  /mm.  Adult  /mm. 

Recovery  Area '                                            male  male  female  female  Males  Females 

Northeast 0.6  3.4  0.1  5.9  3.6 

Sacramento  Valley 9.66  16.0  13.5  11.1  24.5  13.5 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 11.1  13.4  7.9  14.0  10.3  10.9 

South  Coast 2.2  0.5  1.1  0.7  0.4  1.0 

San  Joaquin  Valley 76.3  69.1  74.1  73.6  43.3  62.3 

Washington -  -  -  1.6  1.3 

Oregon 2.2  3.9  3.6 

Idaho -  -  -  -  2.9  1.0 

Nevada -  -  -  0.3  2.3  1.3 

Alberta -  -  3.3  0.6 

AHOther3 0.8  0.2  0.2  1.6  0.9 

Total  Recoveries 135  643  89  307  521  304 

1  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentage  >  1.0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 

2  Birds  in  their  second  year  or  older. 

3  Recovery  areas  with  <  1 .0. 

The  proportion  of  indirect  recoveries  in  California  from  Los  Banos  preseason 
bandings  was  higher  for  both  males  (84.4%)  and  females  (91.7%)  compared 
to  Gray  Lodge  (male  80.2%,  female  86.4%)  (Tables  8  and  10).  The  San  Joaquin 
Valley  was  the  most  important  area  for  indirect  recoveries;  but,  proportions 
were  markedly  less  than  for  direct  recoveries,  especially  for  males,  reflecting 
northern  (including  Sacramento  Valley)  molting,  breeding,  or  wintering  distri- 

From  postseason  bandings  at  Los  Banos,  recoveries  of  males  exceeded  those 
of  females  in  California  (78.4%  vs.  59.8%);  but,  delayed  migration  resulted  in 
proportionately  more  females  than  males  being  recovered  in  northern  areas 
(Table  11). 

TABLE  11.     Distribution  of  Indirect  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  From  Mallards  Banded 
Postseason  at  Los  Banos  Wildlife  Area,  1953-59. 

Recovery  Areas '  Male  Female 

Northeast 5.6 

Sacramento  Valley 19.8  14.6 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 5.6  3.2 

San  Joaquin  Valley 46.9  42.0 

Washington 0.6  6.4 

Oregon 4.3  6.4 

Idaho 3.7  3.2 

Nevada 3.1  6.4 

Utah 0.6  3.2 

Canada 7.4  1 3.0 

Central  Flyway 1.2  1.6 

All  Other2 1.2 

Total  Recoveries 162  62 

'  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentages  >  1.0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 
2  Recovery  areas  with  <  1 .0. 

Long  Term  Trends  in  Recoveries 

To  determine  if  recovery  distributions  had  changed  over  the  years,  I 
compared:  (i)  indirect  recoveries  from  mallards  banded  preseason  in  the 
Klamath  Basin  during  the  1950's,  1960's,  1970's,  and  1980's  (Table  12); 
(ii)   indirect  recoveries  from  mallards  banded  preseason  at  Gray  Lodge  during 



the  1950's  and  1970's  (Table  13);  and  (iii)  indirect  recoveries  of  mallards 
banded  postseason  at  Gray  Lodge  during  the  1950's,  1960's,  1970's,  and  1980's 
(Table  14).  For  the  Klamath  Basin,  there  was  a  marked  increase  in  recoveries 
from  the  northeast  part  of  California  (100%)  and  a  marked  decline  from  the 
Sacramento  Valley,  the  San  Joaquin  Valley,  and  Canada.  Thus,  a  progressively 
higher  percentage  of  northeast  California's  mallard  harvest  has  come  from 
resident  populations  there.  This  suggests  a  reduced  exchange  of  birds  from 
Canada  and  the  Central  Valley  with  the  northeast. 

TABLE  12.     A  Comparison  of  Indirect  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  Among  4  Decades  of 
Mallards  Banded  Preseason  at  Klamath  Basin  National  Wildlife  Refuges,  1948-80. 

Recovery  Areas '  1950-59             1960-69             1970-79  1980-34 

Northeast 21.3                    19.8                      29.4  41.7 

North  Coast 0.5                    1.2                       0.8  0.2 

Sacramento  Valley 43.2                  44.6                     38.5  32.6 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 9.1                   11.9                     12.1  9.4 

San  Joaquin  Valley 8.4                  10.5                       9.7  5.7 

Washington 3.0                    2.0                       0.7  2.3 

Oregon 4.7                    3.9                      5.2  4.3 

Idaho 1.4                    1.8                       0.8  0.8 

Canada 6.3                    3.3                       1.3  1.0 

AllOther2 2.1                      0.4                        1.5  2.0 

Total  Recoveries 1,360                   967                   1,422  938 

'  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentages  >  1.0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 
2  Recovery  areas  with  <  1.0. 

TABLE  13.     A  Comparison  of  Indirect  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  Between  2  Decades  of 

14,519  Mallards  Banded  Preseason  on  Cray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area,  1948-79. 

Recovery  Areas '  1950-59  1970-79 

Northeast 6.2  6.9 

Sacramento  Valley 51.5  57.1 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 10.3  13.4 

San  Joaquin  Valley 8.5  9.4 

Washington 3.3  2.5 

Oregon 5.4  3.8 

Idaho 2.7  2.3 

Nevada 2.1  1.2 

Canada 7.8  1.5 

Central  Flyway 1.0  0.3 

All  Other2 1.2  1.6 

Total  Recoveries 792  394 

'  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentages  >  1 .0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 
2  Recovery  areas  with  <   1 .0. 

TABLE  14.     A  Comparison  of  Indirect  Band  Recoveries  (percent  of  recoveries)  Among  4  Decades  of 
21,179  Mallards  Banded  Postseason  at  Cray  Lodge  Wildlife  Area,  1950-82. 

Recovery  Areas '                                                  1950-59  1960-69  1970-79  1980-84 

Northeast 8.6  8.5  9.5  10.1 

Sacramento  Valley 47.2  60.5  59.6  62.3 

San  Francisco  Bay-Delta 3.4  6.5  9.3  8.7 

San  Joaquin  Valley 3.1  5.2  6.3  6.3 

Washington 4.0  3.4  2.6  1.9 

Oregon 9.5  6.7  5.8  2.4 

Idaho 3.8  2.3  1.4  3.4 

Nevada 1.9  0.9  1.6  0.5 

Alberta 13.4  3.1  2.0  1.9 

Saskatchewan 2.0  0.4  0.2 

Central  Flyway 1.5  0.8  0.2 

AllOther2 1.6  1.7  1.5  2.5 

Total  Recoveries 712  1,202  1,123  207 

1  Table  includes  data  for  recovery  percentages  >   1 .0  only.  Complete  list  available  from  author. 

2  Recovery  areas  with  <  1 .0. 


For  preseason  bandings  at  Gray  Lodge,  the  proportion  of  indirect  recoveries 
increased  in  California  from  76.6%  in  the  1950's  to  88.1%  in  the  1970s. 
Increases  were  noted  within  all  important  California  recovery  areas.  Recoveries 
in  Canada  decreased  from  7.8%  to  1.5%  in  this  period,  and  most  recovery  areas 
outside  of  California  had  fewer  recoveries  in  the  later  period.  Thus,  Cray  Lodge 
preseason  bandings  probably  contained  progressively  more  resident  mallards. 

Recoveries  of  mallards  banded  postseason  at  Gray  Lodge  increased  propor- 
tionately over  the  years  in  all  recovery  areas  of  California;  the  sharpest  increase 
occurred  between  the  1950's  and  the  1960's.  The  proportion  of  out-of-state 
recoveries  declined  in  all  areas,  but  especially  in  Alberta  (13.4%  in  the  1950s, 
<2%  in  the  1980s).  These  results  suggest  that  postseason  banding  samples 
have  contained  fewer  and  fewer  migrants.  Interestingly,  the  apparent  sharp 
decrease  in  the  presence  of  migratory  mallards  in  California  between  the  1950s 
and  the  1960s  corresponded  to  the  concurrent  increase  in  mallards  overwin- 
tering in  the  Columbia  Basin  of  Washington  and  Oregon  (Pacific  Flyway 
Waterfowl  Reports,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service,  Portland,  Oregon). 

The  data  on  changes  in  recovery  distributions  must  be  interpreted  with 
caution.  The  results  seem  to  show  that  fewer  northern  mallards  migrate  to 
California  compared  with  30  to  40  years  ago.  However,  similar  changes  in 
recovery  distributions  could  have  resulted  from  changes  in  hunting  pressure  or 
in  migration  chronology  (Jim  Nichols,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service,  pers. 
comm.),  though  such  changes  have  not  been  documented.  Importantly,  the 
apparent  trends  in  recovery  could  have  resulted  from  the  changes  in  banding 
dates  over  the  years  (Tables  2  and  3),  although  the  evidence  is  contradictory. 

For  example,  preseason  banding  in  the  Klamath  Basin  occurred  later  in  the 
1960s-1980s  (September)  than  during  the  1950s  (August).  Theoretically,  these 
later  bandings  would  have  included  proportionately  more  migrants  relative  to 
resident  mallards,  although  few  migrants  arrive  in  California  this  early  (Munro 
and  Kimball  1982).  Consequently,  I  would  have  expected  there  to  have  been 
progressively  more  northern  recoveries,  but  the  opposite  occurred,  supporting 
the  notion  that  fewer  northern  mallards  are  migrating  to  California  compared  to 
earlier  years. 

The  Gray  Lodge  bandings  provided  evidence  contrary  to  that  of  Klamath 
bandings.  Preseason  bandings  occurred  earlier  (August  vs.  September)  and 
postseason  bandings  occurred  later  (February  vs.  January)  over  the  years  at 
Gray  Lodge  (Tables  2  and  3).  Both  of  these  changes  would  be  expected  to 
result,  theoretically,  in  a  sample  containing  proportionately  fewer  migrant 
mallards  relative  to  residents,  and  ultimately  would  result  in  a  recovery 
distribution  progressively  concentrated  in  California.  Although  few  if  any 
northern  mallards  would  be  expected  at  Gray  Lodge  even  as  late  as  September 
(Munro  and  Kimball  1982),  the  pattern  of  recoveries  has  changed  as  predicted. 

To  determine  if  the  change  in  recovery  distribution  resulted  simply  from 
changes  in  the  period  of  banding  or  a  real  change  in  mallard  distribution,  I  used 
shorter  intervals:  preseason  =  August,  September,  October;  postseason  = 
January,  1-15  February,  16-29  February,  and  March.  I  analyzed  indirect 
recovery  distributions  by  decade  of  mallards  banded  in  each  of  these  intervals 
for  Gray  Lodge  bandings.  I  also  analyzed  the  proportion  of  California  recoveries 
by  decade  for  preseason  bandings  in  southwest  and  westcentral  Alberta,  the 


province  which  contributes  the  greatest  number  of  mallards  to  California 
(Munro  and  Kimball  1982). 

Recoveries  from  postseason  banded  mallards  at  Gray  Lodge  during  each  of 
the  shorter  intervals  followed  the  same  pattern  as  for  the  entire  postseason 
period  combined.  Specifically,  recoveries  in  California  ranged  from  61-68%  in 
the  1950's,  80-88%  in  the  1960's,  83-85%  in  the  1970's,  and  85-100%  in  the 
1980's;  recoveries  from  Canada  showed  concurrent  declines  through  the 
decades:  8-12.5%in  the  1950's,  3-3.4%  in  the  1960's,  2.3-4.1%  in  the  1970's, 
and  0-5.9%  in  the  1980's  depending  on  specific  time  intervals.  There  was  no 
tendency  for  greater  California  (fewer  Canadian)  recoveries  for  later  bandings 
(e.g.,  March  vs.  January).  Likewise,  distribution  of  preseason  banded  mallards 
for  each  of  the  short  time  intervals  followed  the  pattern  of  more  California 
(85.71-91.52%  vs.  77.19-81.14%)  and  fewer  Canadian  (0.61-1.76%  vs. 
5.93-8.77%)  recoveries  between  the  1970's  and  1950's  respectively,  as  shown 
by  the  combined  preseason  bandings.  For  mallards  banded  in  Alberta,  using  all 
recoveries,  more  occurred  in  California  in  the  1950's  (4.76%)  than  during  the 
other  decades  (2.14-3.21%).  Thus,  these  data  suggest  strongly  that  the 
documented  changes  in  recovery  distributions  reflect  real  changes  in  mallard 
distributions,  and  are  not  artifacts  of  time  of  banding,  and  that  the  greatest 
change  occurred  from  the  1950's  to  the  1960's  coincident  with  the  increase  in 
wintering  mallards  in  the  Columbia  Basin. 

Potential  Migration  Routes 

The  late  migration  of  females  and  the  resulting  recoveries  from  out-of-state 
are  an  asset  in  delineating  breeding  and  migration  staging  areas  that  are 
important  to  mallards  harvested  in  California.  Anderson  and  Henny  (1972) 
reported  that  the  only  out-of-state  mallards  banded  preseason  that  contributed 
significantly  to  the  harvest  in  California  were  those  banded  in  eastern  Oregon. 
Preseason  mallard  bandings  on  Malheur  NWR,  Oregon,  1961-71  indicated  that 
54.3%  of  the  male  and  57.7%  of  the  female  indirect  recoveries  had  come  from 
the  Central  Valley,  especially  the  Sacramento  Valley  (Furniss  1974).  The  most 
important  Pacific  Flyway  migration  corridors  extend  from  Alberta  to  the 
Columbia  Basin  (Washington  and  Oregon),  and  from  Alberta  to  the  Snake  River 
near  Boise,  Idaho  (Bellrose  1980).  Other  corridors  lead  to  the  Snake  River  in 
eastern  Idaho  and  the  Klamath  Basin  in  northeastern  California.  From  these 
wintering  areas,  some  mallards  continue  on  to  the  Central  Valley  of  California, 
and  a  few  to  Mexico.  Data  obtained  from  mallards  banded  in  California  indicate 
that  these  migration  routes  are  represented  by  band  recoveries,  but  that  migrant 
mallard  populations  are  far  less  important  to  California's  harvest  than  are  those 
locally  produced,  especially  since  the  1960's. 

Band  Recovery  And  Survival  Rate  Estimates 

Recovery  rates  based  on  preseason  bandings  are  an  index  to  harvest  rates 
(Anderson  and  Burnham  1976,  Henny  and  Burnham  1976).  The  average 
estimated  recovery  rate  for  California  banded  adult  male  mallards  was  9%.  This 
compares  with  6%  for  adult  females,  14%  for  immature  males,  and  12%  for 
immature  females  (Table  15).  Thus,  both  adult  and  immature  males  faced 
greater  hunting  pressure  than  females  did,  but  females  suffered  greater 
non-hunting  mortality  (Anderson  and  Burnham  1976).  Similar  results  have  been 


reported  for  American  wigeon,  Anas  americana,  (Rienecker  1976),  northern 
pintail  (Rienecker  1987),  and  continental  mallards  (Anderson  1975).  High 
nonhunting  mortality  of  hens  results  from  predation  during  nesting  (Cowardin 
et  al.  1985). 

TABLE  15.    Average  Annual   Recovery   Rate   Estimates  for   Mallards   Banded   in  California,  1948-61. 
Standard  Errors  in  Parentheses. 

Males Females 

Data  set  Model3  Adults  Immatures       Model a  Adults  Immatures 

Klamath  Basin 

1949-64 H1        0.071(0.0022)      0.130(0.0055)  H2        0.033(0.0058)  b   0.086(0.0065) 

1965-80 H1        0.083(0.0023)      0.118(0.0054)         H02        0.054(0.0024)       0.107(0.0084) 

Honey  Lake 

1950-58 H1        0.082(0.0072)      0.153(0.0074)  H1        0.095(0.0106)       0.133(0.0075) 

Gray  Lodge 

1948-58 H02        0.082(0.0091)      0.126(0.0116)  -  -c  -c 

1972-81 H02        0.103(0.0082)      0.144(0.0100)  H2        0.034(0.0089)  a    0.114(0.0101 ) 


1951-59 H02        0.102(0.0079)      0.137(0.0075)         H02        0.081(0.0085)       0.118(0.0097) 

Gray  Lodge 

1954-68 Ml        0.057(0.0021)  -  M3        0.038(0.0022) 

1971-81 M1        0.086(0.0053)  -  M2        0.040(0.0032) 

a  Brownie  et  al.  (1978). 

b  After  first-year  adult  recovery  rates,  f,  of  Brownie  et  al.  (1985),  are  presented. 

c  Insufficient  data  to  calculate  estimates. 

Estimated  average  survival  rates  for  all  California  banded  mallards  were  61% 
for  adult  males,  56%  for  adult  females,  47%  for  immature  males,  and  46%  for 
immature  females  (Table  16).  These  rates  are  nearly  indistinguishable  from 
continental  values  1961-70  (Anderson  1975),  so  survival  alone  cannot  account 
for  an  increasing  breeding  population  in  California.  There  was  evidence  of 
variation  in  average  survival  rates  among  the  four  different  banding  locations 
(Table  17).  Anderson  (1975)  concluded  that  there  were  regional  differences  in 
survival  estimates  of  North  American  mallards. 

TABLE  16.    Average   Annual    Survival    Rate    Estimates   for   Mallards    Banded    in   California,   1948-81. 
Standard  Errors  in  Parentheses. 

Males Females 

Data  set  Model3  Adults  Immatures         Model  Adults  Immatures 

Klamath  Basin 

1949-64 H1  0.62(0.012)  0.41(0.026)  H2  0.53(0.048)  0.49(0.098) 

1965-80 H1  0.63(0.011)  0.54(0.029)  H02  0.55(0.013)  0.49(0.044) 

Honey  Lake 

1950-58 HI  0.57(0.043)  0.42(0.045)  H1  0.62(0.165)  0.43(0.088) 

Gray  Lodge 

1948-58 H02  0.56(0.025)  0.51(0.064)  -b  -b 

1972-81 H02  0.62(0.022)  0.43(0.043)  H2  0.58(0.090)  0.72(0.211) 


1951-59 H02  0.53(0.019)  0.36(0.032)  H02  0.48(0.026)  0.46(0.055) 

Gray  Lodge 

1954-68 Ml  0.65(0.015)  M3  0.57(0.016) 

1971-81 Ml  0.63(0.033)  -  M2  0.60(0.026) 

a  Brownie  et  al.  (1978). 

b  Insufficient  data  to  calculate  estimates. 


rwV<j/  Ra 


Recovery  Rates 




















































































































TABLE  17.     Chi-square  Tests  for  Temporal  and  Geographic  Variation  in  Mallard  Survival  and  Recovery 
Rates  Computed  Using  CONTRAST  (Sauer  and  Williams  1989). 


Klamath  Basin  1949-64  vs.  1965-80 

Cray  Lodge  1948-58  vs.  1972-81 
( Preseason ) 

Cray  Lodge  1954-68  vs.  1971-82 


Klamath  Basin  (1965-80)  vs.  Gray  Lodge 


Klamath  Basin  (1949-64)  vs.  Honey  Lake 
(1950-58)  vs.  Gray  Lodge  (1948-58) 
vs.  Grasslands  (1951-59) 

Survival  estimates  based  on  banding  waterfowl  representing  several  subpop- 
ulations  in  unknown  proportions  is  cause  for  caution  in  interpretation  of  results 
(Pollack  and  Raveling  1982).  Not  only  do  young  waterfowl  disperse  rapidly 
after  fledging,  but  adults  often  migrate  north  to  molt  following  the  breeding 
season  (Gilmer  et  al.  1977,  M.R.  McLandress  and  G.S.  Yarris,  unpubl.  data). 
Because  little  nesting  of  mallards  occurs  south  of  California,  most  mallards 
banded  in  California  are  believed  to  be  resident  birds.  Therefore,  survival 
estimates  of  mallards  banded  in  California  are  heavily  weighted  towards 
resident  birds,  especially  preseason  banded  birds,  but  are  equivalent  to 
continental  rates  in  any  event. 


The  declining  rate  of  return  of  California  banded  mallards  from  Canada  over 
the  past  several  decades  could  have  resulted  from  declining  numbers  of 
mallards  in  Canada  relative  to  California  (Cooch  and  Boyd  1984),  or  from  a 
change  in  timing  of  migration  and  distribution  patterns  and  hunting  pressure. 
The  mallard  breeding  population  in  the  southern  portions  of  Alberta,  Sadkatch- 
ewan  and  Manitoba  has  declined  from  an  average  of  4.4  million  during  the 
1970's  to  3.1  million  during  the  first  four  years  of  the  1980's  (Bartonek  et  al. 
1984,  Cooch  and  Boyd  1984)  compared  to  the  increase  in  mallards  breeding  in 
California.  That  fewer  Canadian  produced  mallards  winter  in  California  also  may 
reflect  "short-stopping"  in  the  Columbia  Basin  of  Washington  State  beginning  in 
the  early  1960's.  This  resulted  from  increased  wetland  habitat  and  corn 
production  associated  with  the  Columbia  Basin  irrigation  project  (Bureau  of 
Reclamation)  (Pacific  Flyway  Waterfowl  Reports,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife 
Service,  Portland,  Oregon).  Only  in  years  of  extreme  cold  and  snow  in  the 
Columbia  Basin,  do  significant  numbers  of  northern  mallards  migrate  to 
California,  for  example  1985-86. 

Recovery  distributions  suggest  that  a  greater  proportion  of  mallards  banded  in 
the  northeast  part  of  the  state  have  become  resident  there,  with  fewer  migrating 
to  the  Sacramento  Valley.  Population  counts  on  Klamath  Basin  refuges  no 
longer  show  a  peak  population  of  mallards  in  spring  (E.  H.  McCollum,  pers. 


comm.).  Apparently,  mallards  which  used  to  migrate  north  from  the  Central 
Valley  to  the  Basin  to  nest  no  longer  do  so.  Thus,  at  least  two  subpopulations 
of  California  mallards  are  evident  from  banding  analysis,  one  associated  with  the 
Central  Valley  and  the  other  with  the  northeastern  part  of  the  state. 

The  California  breeding  population  of  mallards  has  increased,  but  estimates  of 
its  size  may  be  too  low.  The  late  timing  of  the  breeding  pair  survey  in  the  Central 
Valley  (last  week  in  May)  relative  to  the  peak  period  of  nesting  in  late  March, 
only  partial  survey  of  California  breeding  areas  and  the  lack  of  visibility 
corrections,  may  produce  potentially  serious  underestimates  of  the  breeding 
population  (M.R.  McLandress,  unpubl.  data).  The  magnitude  of  such  an 
underestimate  is  not  known. 

Male  mallards  normally  pair  in  winter  and  follow  their  mates  to  the  female's 
natal  home  (Johnsgard  1958).  Thus,  in  general,  co-mingling  of  mallards  from 
many  breeding  areas  during  winter  makes  harvest  management  of  each 
breeding  population  difficult.  Although  the  population  wintering  in  California 
consists  largely  of  resident  mallards,  which  have  not  suffered  marked  declines, 
occasional  but  regular  movement  of  large  numbers  of  northern  mallards  into 
California  caused  by  adverse  weather  conditions  in  the  Columbia  Basin,  as  well 
as  the  small  annual  influx  of  northern  birds,  suggests  management  should,  in 
general,  be  sensitive  to  Pacific  Flyway  objectives.  However,  the  California 
breeding  population,  which  has  steadily  increased,  in  contrast  to  continental 
trends,  could  be  managed  separately  during  the  early  hunting  season  before 
significant  numbers  of  northern  mallards  would  be  expected  to  arrive  in 

My  results  suggest  that  a  strengthened  research  effort  is  needed  to  assess  the 
complete  breeding  distribution  and  nesting  density  of  mallards  in  California, 
identify  the  limiting  factors  to  mallard  production  throughout  this  breeding 
range,  document  the  locations  to  which  fledglings  disperse,  completely  assess 
the  significance  of  mallard  molt  migrations  in  California,  and  examine  in  detail 
the  relationship  between  mallards  in  California  and  the  rest  of  the  Pacific 
Flyway.  The  latter  includes  a  concerted  effort  to  band  representative  samples  of 
mallards  throughout  the  Flyway.  Additionally,  researchers  need  to  determine 
the  proper  timing  of  the  spring  breeding  pair  survey  in  California,  as  well  as 
reasons  for  geographic  variation  in  survival  rates  within  the  state.  Timing  of 
banding  within  pre-  and  post-season  periods  should  remain  consistent  in  the 
future  to  assist  interpretation  of  recovery  distributions. 


I  especially  thank  M.R.  Miller,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service,  Northern  Prairie 
Wildlife  Research  Center,  Wildlife  Research  Field  Station,  Dixon,  California  for 
providing  detailed  assistance  in  the  preparation,  editing,  and  review  of  the 
manuscript.  Thanks  go  as  well  to  J.  D.  Nichols,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service, 
Patuxent  Wildlife  Research  Center,  for  his  statistical  calculations  and  interpre- 
tation of  data  sets  and  to  D.  L.  Orthmeyer,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service, 
Northern  Prairie  Wildlife  Research  Center,  Dixon,  California  for  processing 
many  data  sets.  I  am  grateful  for  the  review  and  advice  provided  by  J.  C. 
Bartonek,  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service,  Portland,  Oregon,  and  M.  R. 
McLandress,  California  Waterfowl  Association,  Sacramento,  California.  I  thank 
the  members  of  the  Waterfowl  Studies  Project  of  the  California  Department  of 


Fish  and  Game  who  trapped  and  banded  mallards,  the  staff  of  the  Klamath  Basin 
NWRs  for  cooperating  in  the  banding  program,  and  Dan  Connelly,  Waterfowl 
Coordinator,  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game,  for  support  and 
manuscript  review. 


Anderson,  D.  R.  1975.  Population  ecology  of  the  mallard:  V.  Temporal  and  geographic  estimates  of  survival, 
recovery  and  harvest  rates.  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildl.  Serv.  Resour.  Publ.  125.  110  p. 

,  and  C.  J.  Henny.  1972.  Population  ecology  of  the  mallard:  I.  A  review  of  previous  studies  and  the 

distribution  and  migration  from  breeding  areas.  U.S.  Bureau  of  Sport  Fish  and  Wildl.,  Resource  Publ.  105.  166 

_  and  K.  P.  Burnham.  1976.  Population  ecology  of  the  mallard:  VI.  The  effect  of  exploitation  on  survival. 

U.S.  Fish  and  Wildl.  Service.  Resour.  Publ.  128.  66  p. 

Bartonek,  J.  C,  R.  J.  Blohm,  R.  K.  Brace,  F.  D.  Caswell,  K.  E.  Gamble,  H.  W.  Miller,  R.  S.  Pospahala,  and  M.  M. 

Smith.  1984.  Status  and  needs  of  the  mallard.  Trans.  N.A.  Wildl.  and  Nat.  Resourc.  Conf.,  49:501-518. 
Bellrose,  F.  C.  1980.  Ducks,  geese  and  swans  of  North  America.  3rd  ed.  Stackpole  Books,  Harrisburg,  PA.  540  p. 

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banding.  Illinois  Nat.  Hist.  Surv.,  Bull.  30:  167-234. 

Brownie,  C,  D.  R.  Anderson,  K.  P.  Burnham,  and  D.  S.  Robson.  1978.  Statistical  inference  from  band  recovery 
data -a  handbook.  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildl.  Serv.  Resour.  Publ.  131.  212  p. 

Cooch,  F.  C,  and  H.  Boyd.  1984.  Changes  in  the  net  export  of  mallards  from  western  Canada  and  the  contiguous 
United  States,  1972-82.  Canadian  Wildl.  Serv.  Prog.  Notes,  No.  142,  27  p. 

Cowardin,  L  M.,  D.  S.  Gilmer,  and  C.  W.  Shaiffer.  1985.  Mallard  recruitment  in  the  agricultural  environment  of 
North  Dakota.  Wildl.  Monog.  92.  37  p. 

Crissey,  W.  F.  1969.  Prairie  potholes  from  a  continental  viewpoint.  P.  161-171  in  Saskatoon  wetlands  seminar. 
Canadian  Wildl.  Serv.  Rep.,  Ser.  6.  262  p. 

Furniss,  S.  B.  1974.  Migration  characteristics  and  survival  rates  of  mallards  banded  at  Malheur  National  Wildlife 
Refuge.  M.S.  thesis,  Oregon  State  Univ.  54  p. 

Gilmer,  D.  S.,  R.  E.  Kirby,  I.  J.  Ball,  and  J.  H.  Riechmann.  1977.  Post-breeding  activities  of  mallards  and  wood  ducks 
in  north-central  Minnesota.  J.  Wildl.  Manage.,  41(3):  345-359. 

,  J.  M.  Hicks,  J.  P.  Fleskes  and  D.  P.  Connelly.  1989.  Duck  harvest  on  public  hunting  areas  in  California. 

Cal.  Fish  and  Game,  75(3):  155-168. 

Henny,  C.  J.,  and  K.  P.  Burnham.  1976.  A  reward  band  study  of  mallards  to  estimate  band  reporting  rates.  J.  Wildl. 
Manage.,  40(1):1-14. 

Johnsgard,  P.  A.  1958-1959.  Comparative  behaviour  of  the  Anatidae  and  its  evaluationary  implications.  Wildfowl 
Trust  Ann.  Rep.,  11:31-445. 

Martin,  E.  M.,  and  S.  M.  Carney.  1977.  Population  ecology  of  the  mallard:  IV.  A  review  of  duck  hunting  regulations, 
activity  and  success,  with  special  reference  to  the  mallard.  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildl.  Serv.  Resour.  Publ.  130.  137 

Munro,  R.  E.,  and  C.  F.  Kimball.  1982.  Population  ecology  of  the  mallard:  VII.  Distribution  and  derivation  of  the 
harvest.  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildl.  Serv.  Resour.  Publ.  147.  128  p. 

Pollack,  K.  H.,  and  D.  G.  Raveling.  1982.  Assumptions  of  modern  band-recovery  models,  with  emphasis  on 
heterogeneous  survival  rates.  J.  Wildl.  Manage,  46(1):  88-98. 

Pospahala,  R.  S.,  D.  R.  Anderson,  and  C.  J.  Henny.  1974.  Population  ecology  of  the  mallard:  II.  Breeding  habitat 
conditions,  size  of  breeding  populations  and  production  indices.  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildl.  Serv.  Resour.  Publ.  115. 
73  p. 

Reynolds,  R.  E.  1987.  Breeding  duck  population,  production,  and  habitat  surveys,  1979-85.  Trans.  N.A.  Wildl.  and 
Nat.  Resourc.  Conf.,  52:186-205. 

Rienecker,  W.  C.  1976.  Distribution,  harvest  and  survival  of  American  wigeon  banded  in  California.  Calif.  Fish  and 
Game,  62(2):141-153. 

1987.  Survival  and  recovery  rate  estimates  of  pintails  banded  in  California,  1948-79.  Calif.  Fish  and 

Game,  73(4):230-237. 

Sauer,  J.  R.,  and  B.  K.  Williams.  1989.  Generalized  procedures  for  testing  hypotheses  about  survival  or  recovery 
rates.  J.  Wildl.  Manage.,  53:137-142. 

U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service  and  Canadian  Wildlife  Service.  1985.  Status  of  waterfowl  and  fall  flight  forecast.  July 
25,  1985.  32  p. 


Calif.  Fish  and  Came  76(1 ):  31-35  1990 




U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 

California  Cooperative  Fishery  Research  Unit 

Humboldt  State  University,  Areata,  California  95521 

Juvenile  chinook  salmon,  Oncorhynchus  tshawytscha,  of  the  1977  and  1979  brood 
years  were  exposed  to  5x10  "5  mg/l  of  morpholine  for  40  d  and  17  d,  respectively,  in 
a  hatchery,  and  then  released  into  Mad  River,  California.  An  unexposed  control 
group  from  each  brood  year  was  also  released.  During  the  1979-84  spawning 
seasons,  when  treated  fish  were  expected  to  return  as  adults,  morpholine  was 
added  continuously  to  the  water  in  the  Mad  River  Hatchery  fish  ladder  to  maintain 
a  concentration  similar  to  5x10  "5  mg/l.  Morpholine  failed  to  increase  the  chinook 
salmon  return  rate  to  the  hatchery,  probably  due  to  incomplete  imprinting. 
Morpholine  did  not  affect  chinook  salmon  survival  after  release,  ocean  catch  rate, 
or  growth. 


The  ability  of  migratory  salmonids  to  accurately  locate  their  natal  streams  has 
been  reviewed  by  various  authors  (Hasler  1966,  Harden-Jones  1968,  Hasler  et 
al.  1978,  Hasler  and  Scholz  1983).  Olfaction  appears  to  be  the  principal  sense 
used  by  the  fish  to  identify  freshwater  home  areas  through  the  detection  of 
distinct  odors  in  the  home  stream  (Hasler  1966,  Harden-Jones  1968,  Kleere- 
kooper  1969,  Cooper  et  al.  1976,  Hasler  and  Scholz  1983).  Coho  salmon, 
Oncorhynchus  kisutch,  smolts,  exposed  to  morpholine  or  phenethyl  alcohol 
before  release  in  Lake  Michigan,  homed,  as  adults,  to  streams  or  an  area  in  the 
lake  scented  with  the  same  odors  (Cooper  et  al.  1976,  Scholz  et  al.  1976, 
Johnsen  and  Hasler  1980).  Hassler  and  Kucas  (1988)  demonstrated  that  coho 
salmon  imprinted  on  morpholine  detected  and  homed  to  morpholine  after 
living  in  the  ocean  for  several  months  to  2  years.  The  chemical  and  physical 
properties  of  morpholine  and  the  criteria  for  its  selection  as  an  imprinting 
chemical  are  described  by  Scholz  et  al.  (1975).  No  information  is  available  for 
the  use  of  morpholine  in  California.  To  the  best  of  our  knowledge,  morpholine 
was  not  used  by  any  other  persons  near  Mad  River  during  the  study. 

The  mean  number  of  female  chinook  salmon  spawned  at  Mad  River 
Hatchery  from  1971-72,  the  first  year  of  operation,  through  1980-81  was  67  fish, 
well  below  the  1,500  females  needed  for  full  production  (Kucas  1981 ).  The  low 
return  of  mature  salmon  may  be  due,  in  part,  to  poor  homing  to  the  hatchery 
fish  ladder.  The  water  in  the  hatchery  raceways  is  recirculated  well  water  with 
about  10%  makeup  from  well  water.  At  the  time  of  this  study,  the  water  in  the 
fish  ladder  was  a  mixture  of  about  90%  single  pass  pumped  river  water  and 
10%  hatchery  raceway  water  (Kutchins  1986),  which  may  not  have  adequately 
attracted  returning  fish,  causing  straying.  Also,  the  mouth  of  the  ladder  is  on  the 
river  bank  parallel  to  river  flow,  providing  poor  fish  access. 

'  Accepted  for  publication  September  1989. 

2  Present  address:  Confederated  Tribes,  Umatilla  Indian  Reservation,  P.O.  Box  638,  Pendleton,  Oregon  97801 


The  study  objective  was  to  determine  if  the  proportion  of  chinook  salmon, 
Oncorhynchus  tshawytscha,  adults  returning  to  Mad  River  Hatchery  could  be 
significantly  increased  by  exposing  smolts  to  morpholine,  and  later  using 
morpholine  to  attract  adults  to  the  hatchery  when  they  returned  to  spawn. 


The  experiments  were  conducted  at  the  California  Department  of  Fish  and 
Game's  Mad  River  Hatchery  about  19  river  km  from  the  Pacific  Ocean  near 
Eureka,  California.  The  1977  and  1979  chinook  salmon  brood  years  (here 
termed  BY77  and  BY79)  were  used  in  the  experiment.  The  fish  were  randomly 
divided  into  two  groups,  treated  and  control,  and  marked  with  fin  clips  or  coded 
wire  tags  (CWT)  (Table  1).  Treated  fish  were  exposed  to  about  5x10  "5  mg/l 
of  morpholine  in  a  flow-through  hatchery  raceway  for  17  d  or  40  d  before  they 
were  released  into  Mad  River.  The  BY77  fish  were  released  in  December  1978 
as  yearlings  and  the  BY79  fish  were  released  in  June  1980  as  fingerlings.  Control 
fish,  held  upstream  in  the  same  raceway,  were  not  exposed  to  the  morpholine. 

TABLE  1.     Description  and  Treatment  of  Chinook  Salmon  Used  in  Experiments  With  Morpholine  at 
Mad  River  Hatchery,  California. 

Size  at  release 

Brood  Days  No.  released  and  mark  *      Date  Fork  length  range 

year  exposed  Treated  Control  released  (cm) 

1977 40  40,180  LV  41,800  LP  Dec1978  13-25 

1979 17  18,164  CWT  18,367  CWT  June1980  8-13 

•*  LV  =  left  ventral,  LP  =  left  pectoral,  CWT  =  coded  wire  tag  and  adipose  fin  clip. 

When  mature  BY77  and  BY79  chinook  salmon  began  to  return  to  the 
hatchery  in  September  of  1979-84,  morpholine  was  added  to  the  water  in  the 
hatchery  fish  ladder  as  described  by  Hassler  and  Kucas  (1988).  The  estimated 
landings  of  CWT  BY79  chinook  salmon  in  the  ocean  fishery  were  obtained  from 
Pacific  Marine  Fisheries  Commission,  Portland,  Oregon.  A  X  2-test  was  used  to 
compare  the  returns  to  the  hatchery  and  ocean  landings  of  treated  and  control 
fish  by  brood  year. 


Of  1 18,51 1  chinook  salmon  released  from  the  hatchery  in  the  two  years,  only 
99  (0.08%)  returned  to  the  hatchery— 58  treated  and  41  control  (Table  2). 
Among  the  fish  that  returned  in  both  experiments,  the  number  of  treated  fish 
was  not  statistically  different  ( P  >  0.05 )  from  that  of  the  controls.  The  return  rate 
of  chinook  salmon  was  significantly  higher  for  BY79  (0.18%)  than  for  BY77 
(0.04%)  (P<0.05).  Mean  fork  lengths  fl  of  treated  and  control  fish  of  BY79 
that  returned  to  the  hatchery  were  similar  (Table  3). 

TABLE  2.     Return  of  Experimental  Chinook  Salmon  to  the  Mad  River  Hatchery,  California 
(T  =  treated,  C  =  control). 

Brood  Number  Number  returned3  










40,180  T 





















18,367  C 








a  Numbers  of  treated  and  control  fish  that  returned  to  the  hatchery  were  not  significantly  different  in  any  year. 
No  experimental  fish  returned  in  1984. 



The  numbers  of  treated  and  control  chinook  salmon  of  BY79  landed  in  the 
ocean  commercial  and  sport  fisheries,  estimated  from  CWT  recoveries,  were 
not  statistically  different  (P>0.05).  The  estimated  landing  was  268  fish — 142 
treated  and  126  control  (Table  3).  In  1982,  when  96%  of  the  fish  were  landed, 
the  length  (mean  and  range)  of  treated  and  control  fish  was  similar  (Table  3). 
The  landing  rate  of  BY79  salmon  was  0.73%  and  the  return  to  the  hatchery  was 
0.18%,  for  a  landing  to  hatchery  escapement  ratio  of  4:1. 

TABLE  3. 


Return  of  1979  Brood  Year  Experimental  Chinook  Salmon  to  Mad  River 
Hatchery  and  Landed  in  the  Ocean  Fishery  (T  =  treated,  C  =  control). 

Fork  length  (cm) 


Mean  (range) 

1981  Returned 

T  21  57  (53-64) 

C  13  58  (47-64) 

T  2  49  (48-50) 

C  1  41 

1982  Returned 

T  18  79  (60-97) 

C  14  78  (71-89) 

T  133  70  (64-75) 

C  123  69  (64-80) 

1983  Returned 
T  0 

C  1  73 


T  7  62 

C  2  78 

Totals  Returned 



a  Numbers  of  treated  and  control  fish  landed  in  the  ocean  fishery  or  at  the  hatchery  were  not  significantly  different 
in  any  year.  No  experimental  fish  were  landed  or  returned  in  1984. 


The  failure  of  morpholine  to  increase  the  proportion  of  chinook  salmon 
returning  to  Mad  River  Hatchery  was  possibly  due  to  incomplete  imprinting. 
The  BY79  salmon  were  exposed  to  morpholine  for  only  17  days  before  they 
were  released  from  the  hatchery  because  of  a  change  in  hatchery  management 
(fish  were  released  in  early  June  at  age  0  instead  of  in  October  at  age  1 )  and 
many  salmon  may  not  have  imprinted  to  the  chemical.  In  salmonids,  high  levels 
of  the  hormone  thyroxine  are  associated  with  imprinting  and  smoltification 
(Dickhoff  et  al.,  1978,  Folmar  and  Dickhoff  1980,  Scholz  1980).  Grau  et  al. 
(1982)  identified  four  thyroxine  peaks  in  BY80  juvenile  chinook  salmon  from 
Iron  Gate  Hatchery,  California,  and  suggested  that  all  of  the  fish  may  not  have 
peaked  simultaneously.  Thus,  the  number  of  chinook  salmon  that  imprint  to 
morpholine  may  be  increased  by  a  longer  exposure  time.  Hassler  and  Kucas 
(1988)  found  that  coho  salmon  smolts  were  imprinted  to  morpholine  after  41 
days  of  exposure  at  Mad  River  Hatchery  and  returns  of  morpholine-exposed 
fish  were  276%  higher  than  those  of  control  fish  (P<0.05).  It  is  also  possible 
that  exposure  to  a  higher  concentration  of  morpholine  may  increase  imprinting. 
The  small  sample  size  of  adult  salmon  hatchery  returns  reduces  the  strength  of 


our  finding  that  morpholine  does  not  improve  homing.  We  believe  that  the  poor 
returns  of  BY77  fish  was  due  to  disease  (Ichthyophthirius  multifilis),  late  release 
of  juveniles  due  to  low  river  flows,  and  below  average  river  flows  for  upstream 
migration  of  spawning  adults.  For  BY79,  ocean  survival  was  probably  reduced 
due  to  a  severe  El  Nino  in  1982-83  (Hayes  and  Henry  1985). 

The  numbers  of  treated  and  control  BY79  chinook  salmon  landed  in  the 
ocean  fisheries  were  not  significantly  different.  These  data  indicate  that 
morpholine  did  not  affect  chinook  salmon  survival  after  they  were  released 
from  the  hatchery  or  their  susceptibility  to  being  caught  in  the  ocean.  Also,  the 
lengths  of  treated  and  control  salmon  landed  in  the  ocean  and  returning  to  the 
hatchery  were  similar,  indicating  that  morpholine  did  not  affect  fish  growth. 

The  imprinting  process  in  salmonids  is  not  completely  understood.  It  is 
believed  that  imprinting  of  migratory  salmon  occurs  just  before  and  during  initial 
downstream  migration  of  smolts  (Ricker  1972;  Hasler  and  Scholz  1983). 
However,  downstream  migratory  behavior  and  saltwater  tolerance  differs 
among  species  and  within  a  species.  Further  study  is  required  to  determine  the 
best  method  and  time  to  imprint  and  release  chinook  salmon  from  a  hatchery. 
The  studies  should  include  an  accurate  evaluation  of  the  smolt  transformation 
period  and  include  coloration,  osmoregulatory  capability,  and  salinity  tolerance 
and  preference,  and  migratory  activity. 


We  thank  the  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game  and  Mad  River 
Hatchery  staff  for  providing  facilities  and  equipment  and  for  helping  us  mark  the 
fish;  the  California  Conservation  Corps,  the  U.S.  Young  Adult  Conservation 
Corps,  and  student  volunteers  who  also  helped  mark  fish;  and  R.  Barnhart,  G. 
Hendrickson,  E.  Loudenslager,  L.  B.  Boydstun  and  C.  Knutson  for  reviewing  the 
manuscript.  This  work  was  a  result  of  research  sponsored  in  part  by  NOAA, 
National  Sea  Grant  College  Program,  Department  of  Commerce,  under  grant 
number  NA  80  AA-D-00120,  project  number  R/F-77  through  the  California  Sea 
Grant  College  Program,  and  in  part  by  the  California  State  Resources  Agency. 


Cooper,  J.  C,  A.  T.  Scholz,  R.  M.  Horrall,  A.  D.  Hasler,  and  D.  M.  Madison.  1976.  Experimental  confirmation  of 

the  olfactory  hypothesis  with  homing,  artificially  imprinted  coho  salmon  (Oncorhynchus  kisutch).  ).  Fish. 

Res.  Board  Canada,  33:703-710. 
Dickhoff,  W.  W.,  L.  C.  Folmar,  and  A.  Corbman.  1978.  Changes  in  plasma  thyroxine  during  smoltification  of  coho 

salmon,  (Oncorhynchus  kisutch).  Gen.  Comp.  Endocrinol.,  36:229-232. 
Folmar,  L.  C,  and  W.  W.  Dickhoff.  1980.  The  parr-smolt  transformation  (smoltification)  and  seawater  adaptation 

in  salmonids;  A  review  of  selected  literature.  Aquaculture,  21:1-37. 
Crau,  E.  C,  J.  L  Specker,  R.  S.  Nishioka,  and  H.  A.  Bern.  1982.  Factors  determining  the  occurrence  of  the  surge 

in  thyroid  activity  in  salmon  during  smoltification.  Aquaculture,  28:49-57. 
Harden-Jones,  F.  R.  1968.  Fish  migration.  St.  Martin's  Press,  New  York. 

Hasler,  A.  D.  1966.  Underwater  Cuideposts-Homing  of  Salmon.  University  of  Wisconsin  Press,  Madison. 
Hasler,  A.  D.,  and  A.  T.  Scholz.  1983.  Olfactory  imprinting  and  homing  in  salmon.  Springer-Verlag,  New  York. 
Hasler,  A.  D.,  A.  T.  Scholz,  and  R.  M.  Horrall.  1978.  Olfactory  imprinting  and  homing  in  salmon.  Am.  Sci., 

Hassler,  T.  ).,  and  S.  T.  Kucas.  1988.  Returns  of  morpholine-imprinted  coho  salmon  to  the  Mad  River,  California. 

North  Am.  J.  Fish.  Manage.,  8:356-358. 
Hayes,  M.  L,  and  K.  A.  Henry.  1985.  Salmon  management  in  response  to  the  1982-83  El  Nino  event,  in  W.S. 

Wooster  and  D.L.  Fluharty  eds.  El  Nino  North:  Nino  effects  in  the  Eastern  Subarctic  Pacific  Ocean.  Washington 

Sea  Grant  Program,  University  of  Washington,  Seattle. 


Johnsen,  P.  B.,  and  A.  D.  Hasler.  1980.  The  use  of  chemical  cues  in  the  upstream  migration  of  coho  salmon, 

Oncorhynchus  kisutch  Walbaum.  J.  Fish  Biol.,  17:67-73. 
Kleerekooper,  H.  1969.  Olfaction  in  fishes.  Indiana  University  Press,  Bloomington. 

Kucas,  S.  T.  Jr.  1981.  Morpholine  imprinting  of  chinook  Oncorhynchus  tshawytscha  and  coho  salmon  O.  kisutch 
in  an  anadromous  fish  hatchery.  M.  S.  Thesis.  Humboldt  State  University,  Areata,  California. 

Kutchins,  K.  1986.  Returns  of  artificially  imprinted  chinook  salmon  Oncorhynchus  tshawytscha  to  the  ocean 
fishery  and  natal  hatchery.  M.  S.  Thesis.  Humboldt  State  University,  Areata,  California. 

Ricker,  W.  E.  1972.  Heredity  and  environmental  factors  affecting  certain  salmonid  populations.  Pages  19-160  in 
R.  C.  Simon  and  P.  A.  Larkin  eds.  The  stock  concept  in  Pacific  salmon.  The  University  of  British  Columbia, 

Scholz,  A.  T.  1980.  Hormonal  regulation  of  smolt  transformation  and  olfactory  imprinting  in  coho  salmon.  Ph.D. 
thesis.  University  of  Wisconsin-Madison. 

Scholz,  A.  T.,  R.  M.  Horrall,  J.  C.  Cooper,  A.  D.  Hasler,  D.  M.  Madison,  R.  J.  Poff,  and  R.  I.  Daly.  1975.  Artificial 
imprinting  of  salmon  and  trout  in  Lake  Michigan.  Fish  Manage.  Rep.  80.  Wisconsin  Department  of  Natural 
Resources,  Madison. 

Scholz,  A.  T.,  R.  M.  Horrall,  J.  C.  Cooper,  and  A.  D.  Hasler.  1976.  Imprinting  to  chemical  cues:  the  basis  for 
homestream  selection  in  salmon.  Science,  196:1247-1249. 


Calif.  Fish  and  Came  76  ( 1 ) :  36-42     1 990 



California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game 

Inland  Fisheries,  Region  1 

601  Locust  Street 
Redding,  California  96001 

Tournament-caught  smallmouth,  Micropterus  dolomieui,  and  iargemouth  bass, 
M.  salmoides,  at  Shasta  Lake  were  tagged  to  evaluate  displaced  bass  movement.  Of 
180  tagged  smallmouth  bass  recaptures,  more  than  87%  moved  from  1.6  km  to  30.6 
km  from  the  release  sites.  Smallmouth  bass  recaptures  during  the  first  20  days 
averaged  5.8  km  from  the  release  sites.  For  the  entire  study  period,  the  distances 
between  release  and  recapture  locations  for  smallmouth  bass  averaged  83  km. 

Of  34  Iargemouth  bass  recaptures,  62%  occurred  from  1.6  to  17.7  km  from  the 
release  sites.  Largemouth  bass  recaptures  averaged  2  km  from  the  release  sites  in 
the  first  40  days  while  recaptures  for  the  entire  study  period  averaged  3.5  km  from 
the  release  sites.  Annual  survival  rates  for  smallmouth  and  largemouth  bass  were 
estimated  at  0.13  and  0.15,  respectively. 


Major  black  bass  tournament  sponsors  in  California  are  required  to  obtain  a 
permit  for  each  event  from  the  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game  and 
release  all  bass  alive  after  weighing.  The  permit  sometimes  requires  sponsors  to 
transport  and  release  bass  away  from  the  tournament  weigh-in  site  to  ensure 
dispersal,  because  earlier  studies  of  bass  released  at  initial  capture  locations 
indicate  that  bass  normally  do  not  move  great  distances  but  tend  to  remain  in 
restricted  home  ranges  for  long  periods  (Latta  1963,  Lewis  and  Flickinger  1967, 
Miller  1975,  Coble  1975).  In  developing  permit  conditions  for  bass  tournaments, 
it  had  been  assumed  that  bass  caught  at  various  locations  on  a  lake  and  released 
at  a  common  weigh-in  site  would  establish  a  new  home  range  at  or  near  the 
release  site.  Repeated  bass  releases  at  weigh-in  sites  were  expected  to  result  in 
abnormally  large  bass  concentrations  there.  To  prevent  bass  accumulation, 
redistribution  seemed  appropriate.  However,  the  additional  handling  and 
confinement  associated  with  redistribution  increases  stress  (Carmichael  et  al. 
1984).  Furthermore,  movements  of  relocated  smallmouth  bass,  Micropterus 
dolomieui,  were  much  greater  than  for  bass  that  were  not  relocated  (Forney 
1961,  Blake  1981,  Pflug  and  Pauley  1983),  suggesting  that  transporting 
tournament-caught  smallmouth  bass  to  disperse  them  may  be  unnecessary.  A 
tagging  study  was  initiated  at  Shasta  Lake  in  1985  to  evaluate  movement  and 
annual  survival  of  tournament-caught  smallmouth  and  largemouth  bass,  Mi- 
cropterus salmodies,  released  at  two  marinas  and  to  determine  if  bass 
redistribution  is  necessary  to  ensure  dispersal. 

Accepted  for  publication  September  1989. 




Shasta  Lake  is  a  5,551  hm  3  impoundment  formed  by  Shasta  Dam  on  the 
Sacramento  River,  11  km  upstream  from  Redding,  California  (Figure  1).  The 
dam  was  constructed  by  the  U.S.  Bureau  of  Reclamation  in  the  early  1940s  to 
provide  water  for  irrigation,  electrical  power,  and  flood  control.  The  reservoir 
has  a  surface  area  of  11,947  ha  and  587  km  of  shoreline  at  full  pool  elevation 
(325  m).  Water  is  stored  during  the  winter  for  agricultural  use  mainly  during  the 
summer,  which  causes  the  water  level  to  fluctuate  greatly,  with  the  highest 
levels  occurring  in  the  spring  and  lowest  in  the  fall. 

10  HT    SHKIk 

FIGURE  1.     Map  of  Shasta  Lake  showing  tagged  bass  release  sites  and  recapture  locations. 


A  total  of  126  tournament-caught  smallmouth  bass  and  41  largemouth  bass, 
from  undetermined  locations  throughout  the  lake,  were  tagged  with  nonreward 
trailer  tags  and  released  at  the  Bridge  Bay  Marina  on  March  2,  1985  (Figure  1 ). 
Likewise,  on  22  and  23  March,  1985,  371  smallmouth  and  42  largemouth  bass 
were  tagged  and  released  at  the  Silverthorn  Marina  (Table  1).  Green  vinyl 
plastic  trailer  tags,  measuring  16  mm  X  mm  X  0.8  mm  and  inscribed  with  the 
letters  "NR"  and  instructions  for  returning  the  tag  by  mail  were  attached  to  the 
fish  by  threading  soft  0.3  mm  stainless  steel  wire  through  21 -gage  X  3.8  cm 
hypodermic  needles  temporarily  inserted  through  the  back  of  the  fish  at  the 
anterior  base  of  the  first  dorsal  fin.  Following  removal  of  the  needles,  the  wires 
of  the  tag  bridles  remained  in  the  fish  and  were  fastened  by  twisting  the  ends 
and  cutting  off  the  excess  wire.  Trailer  tags  attached  in  this  manner  were  found 


to  have  high  retention  (Nicola  and  Cordone,  1969).  Non-reward  tags  were  used 
rather  than  reward  tags  to  eliminate  possible  bias  from  anglers  who  might  exert 
a  disproportionate  amount  of  fishing  effort  at  the  marina  docks,  compared  to 
other  areas  of  the  lake,  for  the  purpose  of  catching  tagged  fish  for  the  rewards. 

TABLE  1.     Numbers  of  Shasta  Lake  Bass  Tagged  and  Released  in  1985  by  Length  Class. 

Smallmouth  bass Largemouth  bass 

Bridge  Bay '       Silverthorn  2  Bridge  Bay '  Silverthorn  2 
Fork  length  (mm) 

280-305 10                         4  1  1 

306-330 80                     224  6  10 

331-356 22                         97  17  14 

357-381 10                       36  10  9 

382^106 2                         6  4  5 

407^31 14  11 

432-456 1  1  1 

457-481 1 


507-531 -                          -  -  1 

Total 126  371  41  42 

Mean  fl  (mm) 323  328  353  356 

'  Bass  tagged  and  released  on  2  March  1985. 
2  Bass  tagged  and  released  on  22-23  March  1985. 

Anglers  who  returned  tags  were  asked  to  describe  capture  locations  and  dates 
and  mark  the  locations  on  a  map.  Only  first  time  recaptures  were  used  in  the 
analysis.  Bass  movement  was  measured  as  the  shortest  distance  from  the  point 
of  release  to  the  reported  capture  location  on  the  lake.  A  few  tags  were  returned 
without  recapture  location  information  and  were  not  used  to  determine 
movement  but  were  used  to  estimate  annual  survival  because  they  were 
returned  in  the  first  year. 

Annual  survival  rates  were  estimated  from  tag  return  ratios  between 
succeeding  years  (both  release  sites  combined)  based  on  Ricker's  formula  4.2 
(Ricker  1958).  Recaptures  from  day  0-365  were  included  as  first  year 
recaptures.  Second  and  third  year  recaptures  were  from  day  366-730  and  day 
731-1,095,  respectively. 

Bass  Recaptures 

Total  returns  of  the  tagged  bass  ranged  from  38.8%  to  45.3%  (Table  2). 
Tagged  bass  recaptures  in  the  first  year  accounted  for  87%  of  the  total  returns 
and  ranged  from  34.1%  to  38.1%  of  numbers  released.  The  last  tagged 
smallmouth  and  largemouth  bass  recaptures  were  made  on  22  August,  1987  and 
12  July,  1987,  respectively. 

TABLE  2.    Shasta  Lake  Tagged  Bass  Recaptures. 

Smallmouth  Bass  Largemouth  Bass  

Recapture                          Bridge  Bay  Silverthorn  Bridge  Bay                 Silverthorn 

Year                           No.           %  No.  %  No.  %  No.  % 

First  Year 43            34.1  128  34.5  15  36.6  16  38.1 

Second  Year 9              7.1  14  3.8  1  2.4              2  4.8 

Third  Year 0              0  2  0.5  1  2.4               1  2.4 

Totals 52  41.2  144  38.8  17  41.4  19  45.3 



Smalimouth  Bass  Movement 

Small  mouth  bass  released  at  both  sites  were  recaptured  at  widespread 
locations.  A  clustering  of  recaptures  occurred  in  areas  where  fishing  effort  is 
known  to  be  relatively  high,  which  included  areas  near  the  release  sites  (Figure 
1 ).  Of  180  tagged  smalimouth  bass  returns  for  which  recapture  information  was 
available,  23  (12.8%)  were  caught  less  than  1.6  km  from  the  release  sites  while 
157  (87.2%)  were  caught  from  1.6  to  30.6  km  from  the  release  sites  (Figure  2). 












80  - 


^  0-1.6  km 
1.6-8.0  km 
8.0-31.0  km 




80  100 





FIGURE  2.     Cumulative  recaptures  of  tagged  smalimouth  bass  showing  distances  traveled  from 
release  sites  and  time  at  liberty. 

The  average  distances  from  the  release  sites  for  smalimouth  bass  recaptures 
were  5.8  km  in  the  first  20  days  and  8.5  km  for  the  entire  study  period.  There 
were  four  smalimouth  bass  that  moved  at  least  17.7  km  each  in  10-18  days. 

Largemouth  Bass  Movement 

Largemouth  bass  recaptures  occurred  mainly  near  the  release  sites  (Figure  1 ) . 
Of  34  tagged  largemouth  returns,  1 3  ( 38.2% )  were  caught  less  than  1 .6  km  from 
the  release  sites  while  21  (61.8%)  were  caught  from  1.6-17.7  km  from  the 
release  sites  (Figure  3).  Average  distances  from  release  sites  were  2  km  in  the 
first  40  days  and  3.5  km  during  the  entire  study  period.  One  largemouth  bass 
moved  6.4  km  in  14  days. 




40   - 

]  0-1.6  km 
1.6-8.0  km 
8.0-31.0  km 






Cumulative  recaptures  of  tagged  largemouth  bass  showing  distances  traveled  from 
release  sites  and  time  at  liberty. 

Estimated  Survival  of  Tagged  Bass 

Annual  survival  rates  were  calculated  at  0.13  (S  =  25/194)  for  smallmouth 
bass  and  0.15  (S  =  5/34)  for  largemouth  bass. 


Since  only  three  smallmouth  and  no  largemouth  bass  were  recaptured  during 
the  first  10  days  after  release,  tagged  bass  apparently  were  not  vulnerable  to 
angling  shortly  after  release. 

First  year  and  total  harvest  rates  were  fairly  uniform  for  all  release  groups  and 
were  considered  to  be  high  for  non-reward  tagged  fish. 

More  than  87%  of  the  smallmouth  bass  dispersed  and  were  recaptured  at 
least  1 .6  km  from  the  release  sites  which  is  consistent  with  the  findings  of  others 
who  have  conducted  similar  studies.  For  example,  Larimore  (1952)  observed 
relocated  stream-dwelling  smallmouth  bass  and  found  that  many  returned  to 
their  home  pools.  Forney  (1961 )  noted  that  smallmouth  bass  released  8  to  24.1 
km  from  an  initial  capture  area  in  Oneida  Lake,  New  York,  traveled  an  average 
of  6.8  km  to  12.4  km  before  recapture,  while  bass  released  within  4.0  km  from 
their  initial  capture  locations  traveled  only  3.9  km.  Blake  (1981)  observed 
greater  movement  of  tournament-caught  smallmouth  bass  that  had  been 
displaced  compared  to  bass  that  were  caught  and  released  at  initial  capture 
locations  on  the  Saint  Lawrence  River.  Pflug  and  Pauley  (1983)  found  that  79% 
of  the  smallmouth  bass  that  had  been  relocated  from  0.8  to  1 1 .3  km  away  from 



initial  capture  locations  in  Lake  Sammamish,  Washington,  moved  away  from 
their  new  release  site  before  recapture.  They  also  reported  that  41%  of  the 
relocated  tagged  bass  were  able  to  travel  up  to  9.7  km  to  return  to  their  initial 
capture  locations,  while  80%  of  the  bass  that  were  released  where  initially 
captured  showed  little  or  no  movement.  In  this  study,  smallmouth  bass  moved 
an  average  distance  of  8.5  km,  which  is  considerably  greater  than  the  averages 
of  3.9  km  and  1.1  km  reported  by  Forney  (1961)  and  Rawstron  (1967), 
respectively,  for  smallmouth  bass  that  were  not  displaced. 

The  results  of  this  and  other  smallmouth  bass  displacement  studies  indicate 
that  tournament-caught  smallmouth  bass  released  at  a  common  weigh-in  site 
can  be  expected  to  disperse  naturally. 

Largemouth  bass  in  this  study  moved  an  average  of  3.5  km  from  the  release 
sites  which  is  greater  than  the  1.9  and  1.1  km  averages  reported  by  Fisher 
(1953)  and  Rawstron  (1967),  respectively,  for  largemouth  bass  that  were 
tagged  and  released  where  initially  captured.  The  Shasta  Lake  average  is 
comparable  to  the  3.7  km  average  observed  by  Kimsey  (1957)  for  some  tagged 
groups  but  less  than  the  overall  average  of  7.2  km.  Kimsey  noted  that  angler 
reporting  errors  may  have  affected  his  migration  data  to  indicate  greater 
movement  than  actually  occurred.  Forty-one  percent  of  the  largemouth  bass 
recaptures  in  this  study  occurred  within  1.6  km  of  the  release  sites,  which  is 
similar  to  the  results  of  Blake  (1981 ),  who  reported  that  44%  and  52%  of  the 
returns  of  displaced  tournament-caught  largemouth  bass  in  the  Saint  Lawrence 
River  occurred  within  1.6  km  of  the  release  sites  during  two  tests  in  successive 

Since  largemouth  bass  did  not  move  as  far  or  disperse  as  quickly  from  the 
release  sites  as  smallmouth  bass,  it  may  be  appropriate  for  tournament  sponsors 
to  transport  largemouth  bass  well  away  from  weigh-in  sites,  especially  where 
repeated  tournaments  are  held,  if  it  can  be  done  without  reducing  survival. 

The  annual  survival  rates  of  0.13  for  smallmouth  bass  and  0.15  for  largemouth 
bass  in  this  study  were  low  compared  to  survival  rates  noted  in  other  studies 
(Table  3).  Low  survival  rates  were  also  reported  at  Shasta  Lake  for  both 
smallmouth  and  largemouth  bass  by  Van  Woert  (1980)  and  were  attributed  to 
high  angler  exploitation  of  both  species. 

TABLE  3.    Comparative  Annual  Survival  Rates  of  Smallmouth  (SMB)  and  Largemouth  Bass  (LMB) 
noted  in  Selected  Waters. 

Name  of  Water  Species  Survival  Reference 

Shasta  Lake SMB  0.13  This  study 

Shasta  Lake "  0.10-0.18'  Van  Woert  (1980) 

Merle  Collins  Res "  0.16  Pelzman  et  ai  (1980) 

Oneida  Lake "  0.40-0.82  Forney  (1961;  1972) 

Lake  Michigan "  0.42  Latta  (1963) 

Shasta  Lake LMB  0.15  This  study 

Shasta  Lake "  0.22  Van  Woert  (1980) 

Don  Pedro  Res "  0.29  Horton  and  Lee  (1982) 

Merle  Collins  Res "  0.08-0.29  Rawstron  et  al  (1972) 

Folsom  Lake "  0.11  Rawstron  (1967) 

Sutherland  Res "  0.30  La  Faunce  et  al  (1964) 

Gladstone  Lake "  0.40  Maloney  et  al  (1962) 

Clear  Lake "  0.44  Kimsey  (1957) 

Sugarloaf  Lake "  0.30  Cooper  and  Latta  (1954) 

1  Annual  survival  rates  for  smallmouth  bass  306-356  mm  fl. 



I  thank  Don  Weidlein  for  assistance  in  developing  the  study  plan  tagging  of 
fish  and  review  of  the  manuscript.  W.  F.  Van  Woert,  M.  Rode,  V.  L.  King,  C. 
Keys,  R.  Calkins,  T.  Nichols  and  J.  Orre  helped  with  the  tagging  of  fish. 


Blake,   L.   M.   1981.   Movement  of  tournament-caught  and  released  bass.   New  York  Fish  and  Game  J.,  28 

(1)11 5—1 17. 
Carmichael,  C.  J.,  J.  R.  Tomasso,  B.  A.  Simco  and  K.  B.  Davis.  1984.  Confinement  and  water  quality-induced  stress 

in  largemouth  bass.  Am.  Fish.  Soc,  Trans.,  113(6):767-777. 
Coble,  D.  W.  1975.  Smallmouth  bass.  Pages  21-33  in  Henrv  Clepper,  ed.  Black  bass  biology  and  management. 

Sport  Fish  Inst. 
Cooper,  G.  P.  and  W.  C.  Latta.  1954.  Further  studies  on  the  fish  population  and  exploitation  by  angling  in  Sugarloaf 

Lake,  Washtenaw  County.  Michigan.  Mich.  Acad.  Sci.,  Arts  and  Let.,  Pap.  (32):209-223. 
Fisher,  Charles  K.  1953.  The  1950  largemouth  black  bass  and  bluegill  tagging  program  in  Millerton  Lake,  California. 

Calif.  Fish  and  Game  39(4):485-487. 
Forney.  J.  L.  1961.  Growth,  movements  and  survival  of  smallmouth  bass  Micropterus  dolomieu  in  Oneida  Lake, 

New  York.  New  York  Fish  and  Game  J.,  8(2):88-105. 
Forney,  J.  L.  1972.  Biology  and  management  of  smallmouth  bass  in  Oneida  Lake,  New  York.  New  York  Fish  and 

Game  J.,  19(2):132-154. 
Horton, ).  L.,  and  D.  P.  Lee.  1982.  Harvest  and  mortality  of  tournament  caught  and  released  largemouth  bass  at 

Don  Pedro  Reservoir,  California.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game  Inland  Fish.  Admin.  Rpt.  No.  82-3,  8  p. 
Kimsey,  J.  B.  1957.  Largemouth  bass  tagging  at  Clear  Lake,  Lake  County,  California.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game, 

LaFaunce,  D.  A.,  J.  B.  Kimsey,  and  H.  K.  Chadwick.  1964.  The  fishery  at  Sutherland  Reservoir,  San  Diego  County, 

California.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  50(4):271-291. 
Larimore,  W.  R.  1952.  Home  pools  and  homing  behavior  of  smallmouth  black  bass  in  Jordan  Creek.  III.  Nat.  Hist. 

Surv.  Biol.  Notes,  No.  28.  12  p. 
Latta,  W.  C.  1963.  The  life  history  of  the  smallmouth  bass  Micropterus  dolomieui,  at  Waugoshance  Point,  Lake 

Michigan.  Mich.  Dept.  Conserv.  Inst.  Fish.  Res.  Bull.  No.  5.  56  p. 
Lewis,  William  M.  and  S.  Flickinger.  1967.  Home  range  tendency  of  the  largemouth  bass  (Micropterus  salmoides) . 

Ecology,  48:1020-1023. 
Maloney,  J.  E.,  D.  R.  Schupp,  and  W.  J.  Scidmore.  1962.  Largemouth  bass  population  and  harvest.  Gladstone  Lake, 

Crow  Wing  County.  Minnesota.  Trans.  Amer.  Fish.  Soc.  91  (1):42-52. 
Miller,  R.  J.  1975.  Comparative  behavior  of  centrarchid  basses.  Pages  85-94  in  Henry  Clepper,  ed.  Black  bass 

biology  and  management.  Sport  Fish.  Inst. 
Nicola,  S.  J.  and  A.  ).  Cordone.  1969.  Comparisons  of  disk-dangler,  trailer  and  plastic  jaw  tags.  Calif.  Fish  and 

Game,  55(4):273-284. 
Pelzman,  R.  J.;  S.  A.  Rapp  and  R.  R.  Rawstron.  1980.  Mortality  and  survival  of  smallmouth  bass,  Micropterus 

dolomieui,  at  Merle  Collins  Reservoir,  California.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  66(1):35-39. 
Pflug,  D.  E.  and  G.  B.  Pauley.  1983.  The  movement  and  homing  of  smallmouth  bass,  Micropterus  dolomieui,  in 

Lake  Sammamish,  Washington.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  69(41:207-216. 
Rawstron,  R.  R.  1967.  Harvest,  mortality  and  movement  of  selected  warmwater  fishes  in  Folsom  Lake,  California. 

Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  53(1):40-48. 
Rawstron,  R.  R.  and  K.  A.  Hashagen,  jr.  1972.  Mortality  and  survival  rates  of  tagged  largemouth  bass  (Micropterus 

salmoides)  at  Merle  Collins  Reservoir.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  58(31:221-230. 
Ricker,  W.  E.  1958.  Handbook  of  computations  for  biological  statistics  of  fish  populations.  Can.  Fish.  Res.  Bd.,  Bull. 

119:300  p. 
Van  Woert,  W.  F.  1980.  Exploitation,  natural  mortality  and  survival  of  smallmouth  bass  and  largemouth  bass  in 

Shasta  Lake,  California.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  66(3):163-171. 


Calif.  Fish  and  Game  76(1):  43-45     1 990 





U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 

California  Cooperative  Fishery  Research  Unit 

Humboldt  State  University 

Areata,  California     95521 

Klamath  River  anglers  lost  fewer  steelhead  Oncorhynchus  mykiss  on  barbed 
hooks  than  on  barbless  hooks,  regardless  of  fish  size.  Losses  from  barbed  hooks  of 
sizes  8  and  6  did  not  differ  with  fish  size.  Significantly  fewer  "half-pounders"  (  <  406 
mm  long)  were  lost  from  barbless  hook  flies  of  size  6  than  size  8.  For  adult  steelhead 
( >406  mm  long)  the  loss  rate  was  the  same  for  flies  with  barbless  hooks  of  size  6 
and  8. 


Trout  fisheries  managed  for  catch-and-release  fishing  are  increasing,  and  are 
popular  with  trout  anglers  (Graff  1987).  The  California  Department  of  Fish  and 
Game,  which  manages  17  streams  and  7  lakes  as  catch-and-release  fisheries 
restricted  to  artificial  lures  has  recently  added  a  "single  barbless  hook  only" 
regulation  for  these  waters — primarily  to  reduce  mortalities  (Deinstadt  1987). 

Many  fly  anglers,  regardless  of  regulations,  fish  with  barbless  hooks  because 
they  feel  that  captured  trout  are  easier  to  release.  Other  anglers  prefer  flies  with 
barbed  hooks  because  they  believe  fish  are  not  hooked  as  deeply  and  are  less 
likely  to  be  injured.  Although  many  investigators  have  compared  the  hooking 
mortality  of  trout  caught  on  barbed  and  barbless  hooks  (Wydowski  1977; 
Dotson  1982;  Mongillo  1984;  Titus  and  Vanicek  1988),  the  catch  efficiencies  of 
barbed  and  barbless  hooks  have  not  been  rigorously  compared — although 
Knutson  (1987)  reported  that  barbless  hooks  were  as  efficient  as  barbed  hooks 
in  catching  all  sizes  of  salmon  taken  by  charter  boat  anglers  fishing  off  the 
California  coast. 

The  objective  of  this  study  was  to  compare  numbers  of  Klamath  River  fall-fun 
steelhead,  Oncorhynchus  mykiss,  caught  and  lost  by  fly  anglers,  by  hook  type 
(barbed  or  barbless,  size  6  or  size  8),  and  fish  size  ("half-pounder"  or  adult). 


The  Klamath  River,  in  northwestern  California,  is  an  important  salmon  and 
steelhead  stream.  Fall-run  steelhead  provide  a  popular  sport  fishery  from  August 
to  October  (Kesner  and  Barnhart  1972).  This  fishery  is  primarily  for  small 
steelhead  called  "half-pounders",  along  with  some  adult  steelhead.  Half- 
pounders  are  unique  in  being  on  their  first  upstream  migration  after  only  a  few 
months  in  the  ocean.  They  are  immature  and  survivors  return  to  the  ocean, 
grow,  and  migrate  upstream  in  the  following  year  as  maturing  adults  (Kesner 
and  Barnhart  1972,  Everest  1973).  Half-pounders  are  popular  with  anglers 
because  of  their  willingness  to  strike  and  their  fighting  qualities.  This  investiga- 

1  Accepted  for  publication  September  1989. 


tion  was  confined  to  the  lower  40  km  of  the  river  above  Klamath,  California, 
where  access  is  primarily  by  boat;  it  is  not  a  catch-and-release  water. 


Local  fishing  guides  agreed  to  encourage  their  clients  to  participate  in  this 
study.  A  form  was  provided  for  each  angler  each  day  to  record  the  number  of 
half-pounders  and  adult  steelhead  caught  or  lost  with  barbed-  or  barbless-hook 
flies  of  size  6  or  8.  Steelhead  less  than  406  mm  (16  inches)  in  total  length  were 
considered  half-pounders.  Anglers  were  asked  to  fish  with  barbed  or  barbless 
hooks  for  half  the  fishing  day  and  then  to  switch  to  the  alternate  choice  for  the 
rest  of  the  day,  in  an  effort  to  eliminate  variability  due  to  differences  in  angler 
skill.  A  "fish  lost"  was  defined  as  one  that  escaped  the  hook  at  any  time  from 
the  initial  hooking  to  the  beginning  of  the  time  when  the  angler  had  the  fish 
under  control  and  was  trying  to  grasp,  net,  or  bank  the  fish  to  release  or  keep 
it.  A  strike  or  bite  did  not  count  as  a  fish  lost. 

I  used  goodness  of  fit  tests  with  log  linear  models  and  chi-square  contingency 
tables  (Sokal  and  Rohlf  1981)  to  test  the  null  hypothesis  that  numbers  of  fish 
caught  or  lost  were  independent  of  hook  type  and  fish  size. 


Angling  data  were  collected  from  August  17  to  November  7,  1988.  During  this 
period  daytime  water  temperatures  ranged  from  14°  to  22°C;  they  were  highest 
in  August  and  lowest  in  November.  The  total  of  48  anglers  who  participated 
hooked  1,914  steelhead,  of  which  1,372  were  caught  and  542  lost  (Table  1). 

TABLE  1.    Steelhad  Caught  or  Lost  on  Flies,  Arranged  by  Hook  Type  (Barbed,  Barbless,  Sizes  8  and  6) 
and  Fish  Size  (Half-Pounder,  Adult),  Klamath  River  1988. 

Hook  type  and  fish  Caught  Lost 

fish  size  hooked  (No.)  No.  Percent 

Barbed  8 

Half-pounder 244  184  60  25 

Adult 42  35  7  17 

Total 286  219  67  23 

Barbed  6 

Half-pounder 402  311  91  23 

Adult 84  72  12  14 

Total 486  383  103  21 

Barbless  8 

Half-pounder 365  225  140  38 

Adult 31  21  10  32 

Total 396  246  150  38 

Barbless  6 

Half-pounder 667  470  197  30 

Adult 79  54  25  32 

Total 746  524  222  30 

Totals 1914  1372  542  28 

Analyses  of  the  data  showed  that  the  numbers  of  steelhead  caught  and  lost 
were  not  independent  of  hook  type  (G  value  34.99,  p< 0.005,  6  df)  and  that 
fewer  fish,  regardless  of  size,  were  lost  from  barbed  hooks  than  from  barbless 
hooks  (G  value  26.3,  p< 0.005,  2  df).  For  half-pounders,  hook  sizes  combined, 
23%  of  the  fish  hooked  on  barbed  hooks  were  lost  and  33%  of  those  hooked 


on  barbless  hooks  were  lost  (p< 0.005).  For  adult  steelhead,  hook  sizes 
combined,  15%  of  the  fish  hooked  on  barbed  flies  and  32%  of  those  hooked 
on  barbless  flies  were  lost  (p< 0.005). 

Analyses  of  the  catch-loss  rate  by  hook  size  showed  no  significant  difference 
for  barbed  hooks  for  either  half-pounders  or  adults  (Table  1,  G  value  0.46,  2df). 
However,  for  barbless  flies,  significantly  fewer  half-pounders  were  lost  from  size 
6  hooks  (30%)  than  from  size  8  hooks  (38%);  G  value  28.53,  p<  0.005,  2  df. 
For  adult  steelhead  the  catch-loss  rate  was  the  same  for  barbless  hooks, 
regardless  of  hook  size  (32%  lost). 

The  actual  differences  in  numbers  of  fish  lost  per  fishing  day  may  not  be 
important  to  many  Klamath  River  fly  anglers,  because  many  release  most  or  all 
of  the  fish  caught.  The  creel  limit  for  steelhead  is  three  fish.  If  a  fly  angler 
hooked  10  half-pounders  and  5  adult  steelhead  during  a  day's  fishing,  an 
average  of  2  half-pounders  and  1  adult  would  be  lost  from  barbed  hooks  and 
3  half-pounders  and  2  adults  lost  from  barbless  hooks. 

The  use  of  barbless  hook  regulations  to  reduce  fish  mortality  in  catch-and- 
release  waters  appears  to  be  valid.  In  addition  to  possibly  reducing  the  mortality 
of  landed  fish  through  easier  hook  removal  and  reduced  handling,  the  regulation 
may  provide  additional  protection  for  fish  because  fewer  trout  are  landed.  The 
regulation  should  also  help  to  distribute  the  catch  among  more  anglers. 


I  thank  T.J.  Hassler  and  T.D.  Roelofs  for  reviewing  the  manuscript,  and  guides 
Mike  Kuczynski,  Dave  Schachter  and  Mac  Stuart  of  Time  Flies  and  fellow  angler 
Gary  Tucker  for  helping  to  collect  angling  data. 


Deinstadt,  J.M.  1987.  California's  use  of  catch-and-release  angling  regulations  on  trout  waters.  Pages  49-67  in  R.A. 
Barnhart  and  T.D.  Roelofs,  eds.  Catch-and-release  fishing,  a  decade  of  experience,  a  national  sport  fishing 
symposium.  Humboldt  State  Univ.,  Calif.  Coop.  Fish.  Res.  Unit,  Areata,  CA. 

Dotson,  T.  1982.  Mortalities  in  trout  caused  by  gear  type  and  angler-induced  stress.  North  Am.  J.  Fish.  Manage., 

Everest,  F.H.  1973.  Ecology  and  management  of  summer  steelhead  in  the  Rogue  River.  Oregon  State  Game 
Commission,  Fishery  Res.  Rep.  No.  7,  Corvallis,  OR.  48  p. 

Graff,  D.R.  1987.  Catch-and-release,  where  it's  hot  and  where  it's  not.  Pages  5-15  in  R.A.  Barnhart  and  T.D. 
Roelofs,  eds.  Catch-and-release  fishing,  a  decade  of  experience,  a  national  sport  fishing  symposium. 
Humboldt  State  University,  Calif.  Coop.  Fish.  Res.  Unit,  Areata,  CA. 

Kesner,  W.D.,  and  R.A.  Barnhart.  1972.  Characteristics  of  the  fall-run  steelhead  trout  Sa/mo  gairdneri  gairdneri  oi 
the  Klamath  River  system  with  emphasis  on  the  half-pounder.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  58(3):204-220. 

Knutson,  A.C.  Jr.  1987.  Comparative  catches  of  ocean  sport-caught  salmon  using  barbed  and  barbless  hooks  and 
estimated  1984  San  Francisco  Bay  area  charterboat  shaker  catch.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  73(2):106-116. 

Mongillo,  P.E.  1984.  A  summary  of  salmonid  hooking  mortality.  Wash.  Dept.  of  Wildlife,  Fish  Manage.  Div., 
Olympia,  WA.  Unpublished  document.  46  p. 

Sokal,  R.R.,  and  F.J.  Rohlf.  1981.  Biometry.  W.H.  Freeman  and  Co.,  San  Francisco,  CA.  859  p. 

Titus,  R.G.,  and  CD.  Vanicek.  1988.  Comparative  hooking  mortality  of  lure-caught  Lahonton  cutthroat  trout  at 
Heenan  Lake,  California.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  74(4):218-225. 

Wydowski,  R.S.  1977.  Relation  of  hooking  mortality  and  sublethal  stress  to  quality  fishery  management.  Pages 
43-87  in  R.A.  Barnhart  and  T.D.  Roelofs,  eds.  Catch-and-release  fishing  as  a  management  tool,  a  national 
sport  fishing  symposium.  Humboldt  State  Univ.,  Calif.  Coop.  Fish.  Res.  Unit,  Areata,  CA. 


Calif.  Fish  and  Came  76  ( 1 ) :  46-57     1 990 



U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 

National  Fisheries  Contaminant  Research  Center 

Field  Research  Station 

6924  Tremont  Road 

Dixon,  CA     95620 

Red  shiner,  Notropis  lutrensis,  recently  introduced  into  the  San  Joaquin  Valley, 
California  are  spreading  throughout  the  Valley  floor.  Densities  of  shiner  were 
highest  in  irrigation  canals  and  drains,  and  other  small,  shallow,  unstable  aquatic 
habitats  that  were  strongly  influenced  by  agricultural  and  other  human-related 
activities.  These  habitats  were  characterized  by  elevated  turbidity,  conductivity, 
total  dissolved  solids,  total  alkalinity,  and  total  hardness.  Fish  species  closely 
associated  with  red  shiner  were  common  carp,  Cyprinus  carpio,  threadfin  shad, 
Dorosoma  petenense,  mosquitofish,  Cambusia  affinis,  inland  silverside,  Menidia 
beryllina,  striped  bass,  Morone  saxatilis,  fathead  minnow,  Pimephales  promelas,  and 
Sacramento  blackfish,  Orthodon  microlepidotus.  All  of  these  species  are  generally 
able  to  tolerate  the  harsh  conditions  present  in  many  streams  and  rivers  on  the 
Valley  floor.  Limited  observations  on  the  life  history  of  red  shiner  in  the  Valley 
showed  them  to  be  similar  to  endemic  populations  in  the  Mississippi  River  basin. 
Adults  (mostly  fish  in  their  second  growing  season)  were  reproductively  active 
from  April  to  October.  Major  foods  of  these  fish  included  filamentous  algae  and 
aquatic  insect  larvae.  However,  red  shiner  in  irrigation  drains  and  canals  on  the 
Valley  floor  also  consumed  terrestrial  ants  (Formicidae).  The  species  is  expected  to 
eventually  spread  through  the  entire  lower  San  Joaquin  River  system. 


Red  shiner,  Notropis  lutrensis,  are  native  to  midwestern  streams  in  the 
Mississippi  River  and  Rio  Grande  drainages  (Movie  1976).  In  California,  this  fish 
has  occurred  in  the  Colorado  River  since  at  least  1953,  presumably  through  bait 
minnow  releases  (Hubbs  1954).  From  the  Colorado  River,  red  shiner  have 
moved  into  freshwater  irrigation  drains  around  the  edge  of  the  Salton  Sea.  In 
1985,  red  shiner  were  also  discovered  in  Big  Tujunga  Creek  and  in  Coyote  Creek 
at  the  upper  end  of  Newport  Bay  within  the  Los  Angeles  basin  of  southern 
California  (Los  Angeles  County  Museum  of  Natural  History;  LACM  44507-2, 
44508-1,  44509-1,  44510-1,  44522-2).  However,  attempts  to  establish  the 
species  elsewhere  in  the  State  as  a  source  of  live  bait  have  generally  been 
unsuccessful  (Kimsey  and  Fisk  1964,  Moyle  1976,  McGinnis  1984). 

Red  shiner  were  first  observed  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  when  Wang  (1986) 
collected  an  unspecified  number  of  juvenile  and  adult  fish  in  Millerton  Lake, 
Fresno  County,  from  1980  to  1982.  During  July  1981,  a  single  fish  was  collected 
from  the  San  Joaquin  River  near  Firebaugh,  Fresno  County  (Saiki  1984).  From 
May  to  July  1984,  Ohlendorf  et  al.  (1987)  obtained  three  composite  samples  of 
red  shiner  from  unspecified  locations  in  the  Grassland  Water  District  (Grass- 
lands), Merced  County,  about  30  km  northwest  of  Firebaugh,  for  analysis  of 
trace   elements   and   pesticide   residues.    In   September   1984   and   again   in 

'  Accepted  for  publication  October  1989. 


September  1985,  red  shiner  were  collected  in  the  Grasslands  from  Agatha 
Canal,  Camp  13  Ditch,  and  Mud  Slough  at  Gun  Club  Road  (M.K.  Saiki,  unpubl. 
data).  Additionally,  unpublished  field  notes  from  the  California  Department  of 
Fish  and  Game  (CDFG)  indicated  that  three  adult  red  shiner  were  collected  on 
29  July  1985  from  Los  Banos  Creek,  about  2  km  upstream  from  the  Los  Banos 
Detention  Reservoir,  Merced  County  (C.  J.  Brown,  Jr.,  Associate  Fishery 
Biologist,  CDFG,  pers.  comm.).  This  locality  is  about  20  km  west  of  the 

Here  we  report  the  results  of  an  extensive  field  survey  conducted  in  1986, 
with  supplemental  collections  made  in  1987,  that  document  the  distribution  of 
red  shiner  in  the  San  Joaquin  River  and  selected  tributaries  on  the  Valley  floor. 
We  also  present  data  on  the  morphometries  and  ecology  of  this  recently 
established  population,  including  observations  on  reproductive  characteristics, 
age,  growth,  and  food. 


A  total  of  2?  sites  were  intensively  sampled  for  red  shiner  in  September-No- 
vember 1986,  and  additional  collections  were  made  for  morphometric  analyses 
of  specimens  from  eight  of  the  sites  in  February-May  1987  (Figure  1 ).  All  fish 
were  collected  with  bag  seines  (6.4-mm  mesh  wing  and  3.2-mm  mesh  bag,  bar 
measure)  and  backpack  electrofishing  gear.  To  compute  catch-per-effort 
statistics  for  the  1986  collections,  we  made  all  seine  hauls  parallel  to  shore  over 
a  standard  distance  of  about  15  m,  and  electrofishing  was  conducted  for  at  least 
10  min  (the  actual  time  spent  in  electrofishing  was  recorded). 

During  the  1986  collections,  we  measured  the  following  environmental 
variables  at  each  site:  current,  water  temperature,  pH,  turbidity,  dissolved 
oxygen,  total  alkalinity,  conductivity,  total  dissolved  solids,  stream  width,  stream 
depth,  and  the  particle  size  distribution  of  bottom  sediments.  Schoklitsch's 
sediment  factor,  s,  was  computed  from  the  sediment  data  with  a  standard 
formula  described  by  Bogardi  (1974).  We  estimated  the  percentages  of  pools, 
riffles,  and  runs  at  each  site  by  using  the  "ocular"  method  described  by 
Pfankuch  ( 1 975 ) .  We  also  used  this  method  to  estimate  the  percentage  of  cover 
provided  by  emergent  and  submerged  vegetation.  Finally,  we  assigned  each  site 
a  subjective  rating  of  1-5  (with  1  being  the  lowest)  that  characterized  the 
extent  of  "human  impact"  (e.g.,  channelization,  removal  of  riparian  cover,  and 
water  flow  diversions)  as  perceived  by  one  of  us  (M.R.J.),  an  experienced  field 

All  captured  fish  were  identified,  counted,  and  except  for  representative 
samples  preserved  in  10%  formalin,  returned  to  the  water.  Preserved  samples 
were  kept  for  counts  of  fin  rays  and  scales  (Hubbs  and  Lagler  1958);  and 
determinations  of  fecundity  (Bagenal  and  Braum  1978),  age  and  growth 
(Bagenal  and  Tesch  1978),  and  stomach  contents  (Windell  and  Bowen  1978). 

Before  conducting  analysis-of-variance  (ANOVA)  tests,  we  logarithmically 
transformed  all  catch-per-effort  values  to  best  meet  the  assumptions  (i.e., 
symmetry,  equal  variances  among  groups,  linearity,  and  additive  structure)  of 
the  statistical  procedure.  We  accepted  the  level  of  significance  as  being  P  <0.05 
unless  otherwise  indicated.  When  F-statistics  were  significant,  we  conducted 
Tukey-Kramer  "honestly  significant  difference"  (hsd)  tests  to  compare  geo- 



metric  means  for  statistical  differences.  We  calculated  Spearman's  rank  corre- 
lations (rs  )  to  identify  significant  statistical  associations  between  the  abundance 
of  red  shiner  and  various  ecological  characteristics  (i.e.,  water  quality  and 
hydrological  measurements,  and  the  abundance  of  other  fish  species). 



FIGURE  1.  Locations  of  sampling  sites  in  the  study  area,  and  abbreviations  used  in  Table  1:  (1 ) 
San  Joaquin  River  near  Fort  Washington  Road,  (2)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Hwy  145,  (3) 
San  Joaquin  River  at  Mendota  Pool,  (4)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Firebaugh,  (5)  San 
Joaquin  River  at  Hwy  152,  (6)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Lander  Avenue,  (7)  San  Joaquin 
River  at  Fremont  Ford  State  Recreational  Area,  (8)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Hills  Ferry 



Road,  (9)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Crows  Landing  Road,  (10)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Laird 
County  Park,  (11)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Maze  Road,  (12)  San  Joaquin  River  at  Durham 
Ferry  State  Recreation  Area,  (13)  Helm  Canal,  (14)  Main  Canal,  (15)  Agatha  Canal, 
(16)  Camp  13  Ditch,  (17)  Mud  Slough  at  the  Los  Banos  Wildlife  Area,  (18)  Salt 
Slough  at  Hereford  Road,  (19)  Salt  Slough  at  the  San  Luis  National  Wildlife  Refuge, 
(20)  Mud  Slough  at  Gun  Club  Road,  (21)  Los  Banos  Creek  at  Gun  Club  Road,  (22) 
Merced  River  at  George  J.  Hatfield  State  Recreational  Area,  (23)  Tuolumne  River  at 
Shiloh  Road,  (24)  Stanislaus  River  at  Caswell  Memorial  State  Park,  (25)  Fresno 
Slough,  (26)  Delta-Mendota  Canal  at  O'Neill  Forebay,  and  (27)  Crow  Creek  at  Hwy 
33.  Localities  where  red  shiner  were  collected  in  September-November  1986  are 
denoted  by  filled  circles;  in  February-May  1987,  by  left-hand  filled  circles;  in  both 
1986  and  1987,  by  right-half  filled  circles;  and,  where  never  collected,  by  unfilled 


We  collected  1,341  red  shiner  at  17  of  27  sites  on  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  floor 
in  September-November  1986  (Figure  1).  An  additional  800  specimens  were 
collected  at  6  of  8  sites  in  February-May  1987,  with  one  of  these  sites 
representing  a  new  occurrence  of  the  species  (Figure  1 ),  thus  bringing  the  total 
number  of  sites  containing  red  shiner  to  18. 

Morphological  examination  of  125  specimens  from  17  sites  indicated  that 
they  most  resembled  Notropis  lutrensis  lutrensis.  Adults  >  25  mm  total  length 
(tl)  were  relatively  deep  bodied  and  closely  matched  the  descriptions  by 
Hubbs  and  Ortenburger  (1929).  Average  lateral  line  scale  counts  were  34.5 
(range,  33-36),  and  anal  fin  rays  9  (range,  8-10)  in  over  80%  of  the  fish 
examined.  Our  specimens  differed  from  the  Colorado  River  populations  of  N. 
I.  lutrensis  X  N.  I.  suavis  intergrades  (described  by  Hubbs  1954)  in  having  a 
"chunkier"  body  shape  and  higher  lateral  line  scale  counts.  However,  the 
possibility  of  hybrid  populations  of  N.  lutrensis  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  cannot 
be  ruled  out.  Additional  studies  (e.g.,  Matthews  1987)  on  the  geographical 
variation  of  native  populations  of  N.  lutrensis  in  the  Midwest  might  assist  in 
identifying  the  probable  origin  of  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  population.  Voucher 
specimens  from  all  sites  were  deposited  in  collections  at  the  Museum  of 
Zoology,  University  of  Michigan  (UMMZ  213990-214006). 

Abundance  and  Distribution 

Red  shiner  were  most  abundant  in  irrigation  canals  and  drains  of  the 
Grasslands  (e.g.,  Agatha  and  Main  canals,  Camp  13  Ditch,  and  Mud  and  Salt 
sloughs),  followed  by  sites  on  the  San  Joaquin  River  that  were  adjacent  to  the 
Grasslands  or  downstream  from  tributaries  that  drain  the  Grasslands  (e.g.,  from 
Firebaugh  to  Durham  Ferry  State  Recreation  Area;  see  Table  1).  We  also 
collected  about  20  specimens  in  September  1987  from  Crow  Creek,  an 
intermittent  stream  that  flows  into  the  San  Joaquin  River  about  15  km 
downstream  from  the  Grasslands.  Although  we  collected  a  single  fish  in  March 
1987  from  the  Stanislaus  River,  red  shiner  were  seemingly  lacking  in  tributaries 
that  drain  the  east  side  of  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  and  from  the  southern  end  of 
the  Valley  floor  (Table  1). 


TABLE  1.     Abundance  of  Red  Shiner  from  26  Sites  on  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  Floor  as 
Determined  by  Electrofishing  (Numbers  of  Fish  per  10  Min  of  Fishing)  and 
Bag  Seining  (Numbers  of  Fish  per  15-m  Haul)  in  Sept.-Nov.  1986.  Within 
Regions,  Sampling  Sites  are  Tabulated  in  Approximate  Longitudinal  (Up- 
stream-Downstream)  Sequence;  Refer  to  Figure  1  for  Names  and  Locations 
of  Sites.  Values  are  expressed  as  Unweighted  Geometric  Means  for  Each 
Region  and  Site.  Means  in  Each  Column  Followed  by  the  Same  Capital  Let- 
ter are  not  Significantly  Different  (P  >0.05,  Tukey-Kramer  hsd  Test).  Values 
in  Parentheses  Indicate  Number  of  Observations. 

Region  and  site 


San  Joaquin  River: 


























B   (n  =  33) 

Grassland  Water 





















A   (n  =  23) 

Eastern  tributaries: 








B   (n=7) 

Other  tributaries ' : 






B   (n  =  6) 

F   (df1,df2)  d 


■  * 

Bag  seining 


0.3        B    (n  =  62) 


0.8       A   (n  =  53) 


0.0  b 

0.0       B    (n=15) 


0.0       B   (n  =  10) 

-1  No  data. 

b  One  red  shiner  was  collected  from  this  site  in  February-May  1987. 

c  One  site  (14)  was  omitted  because  fishing  effort  was  not  quantified. 

d  For  electrofishing,  dfl  =4,  df2  =  64;  for  bag  seining,  df1  =4,  df2=135.  "P  <  0.01. 

Relation  to  Water  Quality  and  Hydrology 

The  ranges  of  geometric  means  of  selected  hydrological  variables  at  16  of  the 
18  sites  where  red  shiner  were  collected  are  presented  in  Table  2.  These 
measurements  reveal  the  variable  influence  that  irrigation  return  flows,  which 
typically  contain  high  concentrations  of  suspended  sediments,  agricultural 
fertilizers,  other  dissolved  salts,  and  animal  wastes  (Sylvester  and  Seabloom 
1963,  Miller  et  al.  1978),  had  on  the  aquatic  habitats  that  we  sampled. 


TABLE  2     Ranges  of  Geometric  Means  of  Selected  Hydrological  Variables  at  16  of 
the  18  Sites  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  Where  Red  Shiner  were  Collected. 

Hydrological  variable  Range 

Stream  width  4-80  m 

Average  water  depth  0.3-4.3  m 

Maximum  water  depth  0.3-5.7  m 

Current  velocity  <  0.01-0.52  m/sec 

Water  temperature  12-22°C 

Turbidity  2.3-26  NTU's 

Conductivity  141-2,453  u,mhos/cm  @  25°C 

Total  dissolved  solids  80-1,600  mg/L 

pH  6.9-8.0 

Dissolved  oxygen  7.5-9.6  mg/L 

Total  hardness  44-527  mg/L  as  CaCO  3 

Total  alkalinity  49-200  mg/L  as  CaC03 

The  abundance  of  red  shiner  was  positively  correlated  with  turbidity,  pH, 
conductivity,  total  alkalinity,  total  hardness,  total  dissolved  solids,  percentage  of 
runs,  and  degree  of  human  impact,  and  negatively  correlated  with  maximum 
stream  depth  and  stream  width  (Table  3).  Several  investigators  (e.g.,  Matthews 
and  Hill  1977,  1979;  Becker  1983;  Matthews  1986)  reported  that  many  red 
shiner  populations  in  the  plains  states  of  the  Midwest  seem  to  thrive  under 
conditions  of  intermittent  flow,  high  temperatures,  high  turbidity,  and  other 
harsh  environmental  conditions  similar  to  those  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley. 

TABLE  3.    Spearman's  Rank  Correlations  (rs)  Between  Various  Ecological  Variables  and  the  Abun- 
dance of  Red  Shiner  as  Determined  by  Electrofisihing  (Numbers  of  Fish  per  10  Min  of  Fish- 
ing) and  Bag  Seining  (Numbers  of  Fish  per  15-m  Haul)  *. 

Ecological  parameter  Electrofishing  Bag  seining 

Water  quality 

Dissolved  oxygen —0.07  —0.10 

pH 0.39*  0.29 

Total  alkalinity 0.62"  0.56** 

Total  hardness 0.74**  0.60** 

Total  dissolved  solids 0.72**  0.60** 

Conductivity 0.75**  0.59* 

Temperature 0.13  —0.06 

Turbidity 0.58**  0.23 


Current  velocity 0.15  -0.07 

Stream  depth -0.19  0.36 

Maximum  stream  depth —0.32  —0.48** 

Stream  width -0.47*  -0.15 

Sediment  factor,  5 -0.17  0.08 

Pool  (%) -0.05  -0.14 

Riffle  (%) -0.22  -0.03 

Run  (%) 0.50**  0.16 


Emergent  vegetation  (%) -0.04  -0.03 

Submerged  vegetation  (%) -0.03  -0.01 

Human  Impact 0.40**  0.02 

a  Codes:  *  P  <  0.05;  **  P  <  0.01. 

Relation  to  Other  Fishes 

The  abundance  of  red  shiner  was  correlated  positively  with  the  abundance  of 
common  carp,  Cyprinus  carpio,  threadfin  shad,  Dorosoma  petenense,  mosqui- 
tofish,  Gambusia  affinis,  inland  silverside,  Menidia  beryllina,  striped  bass, 
Morone  saxatilis,  fathead  minnow,  Pimephales  promelas,  and  Sacramento 
blackfish,  Orthodon  microlepidotus,  and  negatively  with  the  abundance  of 



redear  sunfish,  Lepomis  microlophus,  as  shown  in  Table  4.  However,  we  did 
not  determine  if  these  patterns  were  due  to  the  environmental  requirements  and 
tolerances  of  the  different  species,  dynamic  ecological  interactions  (e.g., 
predator-prey  relations,  competition),  or  other  factors.  Red  shiner  are  the  fourth 
most  abundant  fish  on  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  floor  after  introduced  threadfin 
shad,  mosquitofish,  and  inland  silverside  (Jennings  and  Saiki,  in  prep.),  and 
they  are  undoubtedly  important  prey  for  piscivorous  fishes  (Becker  1983).  In 
some  areas,  red  shiner  have  increased  their  range  and,  in  the  process,  displaced 
other  fishes  with  similar  ecological  requirements  (Page  and  Smith  1970;  Echelle 
et  al.  1972;  Minckley  1973;  Cross  1978,  1985;  Deacon  1988;  Greger  and  Deacon 

TABLE  4.     Spearman's  Rank  Correlations  (/-,)  Between  the  Abundance  of  Various  Fish  Species  and 
Red  Shiner  as  Determined  by  Electrofishing  (Numbers  of  Fish  per  10  Min  of  Fishing)  and 
Bag  Seining  (Numbers  of  Fish  per  15-m  Haul)'. 

Electro-  Bag 

Fish  species  Origin b  fishing  seining 

Yellowfin  goby,  Acanthogobius  flavimanus I                                0.28  — 0.15 

White  sturgeon,  Acipenser  transmontanus N                                0.28                             — c 

American  shad,  Alosa  sapidissima I                                0.34  — 0.15 

Goldfish,  Carassius  auratus I  —0.02                             0.37 

Sacramento  sucker,  Catostomus  occidentalis N                                0.36  — 0.15 

Prickly  sculpin,  Coitus  asper N                                0.16                             0.04 

Common  carp,  Cyprinus  carpio I                                0.39*                          0.17 

Threadfin  shad,  Dorosoma  petenense I                                0.63**                        0.09 

Mosquitofish,  Cambusia  affinis I                                0.32                             0.41  * 

Tule  perch,  Hysterocarpus  traski N                                0.34 

White  catfish,  Ictalurus  catus I  — 0.23                             0.32 

Black  bullhead,  /.  me/as I                                0.07  —0.16 

Brown  bullhead,  /.  nebulosus I                                0.23                             — c 

Channel  catfish,  /.  punctatus I                                0.09                             0.24 

Hitch,  Lavinia  exilicauda N                                0.32                             0.18 

Green  sunfish,  Lepomis  cyanellus I                                0.14                             0.24 

Warmouth,  L.  gulosus I                                0.29                             0.24 

Bluegill,  L.  macrochirus I  — 0.37  — 0.04 

Redear  sunfish,  L.  microlophus I  — 0.54**  — 0.06 

Inland  silverside,  Menidia  beryllina I                                0.40  *                          0.23 

Smallmouth  bass,  Micropterus  dolomieui I  — 0.05  — 0.22 

Largemouth  bass,  M.  salmoides I  — 0.16  — 0.09 

Striped  bass,  Morone  saxatilis I                                0.50**                        0.25 

Golden  shiner,  Notemigonus  crysoleucas I                                0.07                             0.06 

Sacramento  blackfish,  Orthodon  microlepidotus .  N                                0.34                             0.46  * 

Bigscale  logperch,  Percina  macrolepida I  — 0.13                             0.20 

Fathead  minnow,  Pimephales  promelas I                                0.63**                        0.47* 

Sacramento  splittail,  Pogonichthys 

macrolepidotus N                                0.28 

White  crappie,  Pomoxis  annularis I                                0.26  — 0.04 

Black  crappie,  P.  nigromaculatus I                                0.38  — 0.11 

••Codes:  "P  <  0.05;  **  P  <  0.01. 
b  Codes:  I,  introduced;  N,  native. 
c  No  data 

There  were  no  significant  negative  correlations  between  the  abundance  of 
red  shiner  and  native  fishes  such  as  Sacramento  sucker,  Catostomus  occiden- 
talis, prickly  sculpin,  Cottus  asper,  tule  perch,  Hysterocarpus  traski,  hitch, 
Lavinia  exilicauda,  Sacramento  splittail,  Pogonichthys  macrolepidotus,  and 
Sacramento  blackfish  (Table  4).  These  data  suggest  that  red  shiner  have  not 
yet  strongly  influenced  the  distribution  and  abundance  of  native  fishes  on  the 
Valley  floor.  However,  the  relative  scarcity  of  the  natives  (  <25%  of  the  total 
species;  see  Table  4)   might  be  partly  responsible  for  our  failure  to  detect 


significant  correlations.  Nonetheless,  because  red  shiner  are  newly  established 
in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley,  the  magnitude  of  their  effects  on  native  fishes  might 
still  be  forthcoming. 

According  to  McGinnis  (1984),  the  native  California  roach,  Hesperoleucus 
symmetricus,  shares  many  ecological  requirements  with  red  shiner,  and  may  be 
vulnerable  to  displacement  by  this  newcomer.  Despite  considerable  sampling, 
we  collected  no  California  roach  on  the  Valley  floor  (also  see  Saiki  1984), 
suggesting  that  it  is  either  absent  or  rare  in  Valley  floor  watercourses.  However, 
California  roach  are  present  upstream  at  higher  elevation  sites  in  east  side 
(Sierra  Nevada  foothill)  tributaries  such  as  the  Merced  and  Tuolumne  rivers 
(Moyle  and  Nichols  1974;  M.  K.  Saiki,  unpubl.  data).  Red  shiner  are  expected 
to  move  into  these  eastside  habitats  but,  as  of  May  1987,  they  were  not  found 
in  the  Merced  and  Tuolumne  rivers,  and  only  one  specimen  was  collected  from 
the  Stanislaus  River.  Therefore,  any  effects  of  red  shiner  on  California  roach 
remain  unknown. 

Life  History  Observations 


Adult  males  in  breeding  coloration  (orange-red  caudal,  pelvic,  anal,  and 
pectoral  fins)  were  observed  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  during  September-Oc- 
tober 1986  and  April-May  1987.  Cross  (1967)  and  Farringer  eta/.  (1979)  wrote 
that  red  shiner  in  Kansas,  Texas,  and  Oklahoma  spawn  at  water  temperatures  of 
15.6-29.4°C  from  May  to  October,  with  most  spawning  probably  occurring  in 
June  and  July.  Wang  (1986)  estimated  that  spawning  occurred  during  June  and 
July  in  Millerton  Lake  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley. 

We  examined  1 1  gravid  females  ranging  in  total  length  from  42  to  55  mm,  and 
counted  1,177  to  5,411  eggs  per  fish  (geometric  mean,  2,205  eggs).  These 
counts  were  nearly  fourfold  higher  than  those  reported  for  red  shiner  in  central 
Iowa  (Laser  and  Carlander  1971 ).  We  found  no  significant  correlation  between 
the  number  of  eggs  and  female  length  (rs  =  —0.27,  df  =  9),  a  result  also 
reported  by  Laser  and  Carlander  (1971).  Because  red  shiner  are  "fractional" 
spawners  (Gale  1986),  females  may  release  their  eggs  on  several  occasions 
between  April  and  October  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley;  this  spawning  pattern 
might  obscure  associations  between  the  number  of  eggs  and  size  of  females. 

Age  and  Growth 

As  judged  from  cursory  scale  examinations  of  25  fish,  the  oldest  red  shiner  in 
our  collections  had  two  complete  annuli  (i.e.,  the  specimen  was  in  its  third 
growing  season).  We  found  three  gravid  young-of-the-year  females,  but  the 
remaining  gravid  females  were  in  their  second  growing  season.  Similar  findings 
were  reported  by  Carlander  (1969),  Laser  and  Carlander  (1971),  and  Wang 

The  length-weight  relation  of  2,008  red  shiner  (tl  10-66  mm)  from  our  study 
was  best  described  (r2  =  0.97)  by  the  equation 

log  10  W  =  0.0000032  +  3.284678  log  10  L 

where  W  is  the  mass  of  the  fish  (g)  and  L  is  the  tl  (mm). 



We  examined  the  stomach  contents  of  100  red  shiner  from  17  sites  and  noted 
mostly  filamentous  algae  and  aquatic  insect  larvae  (Table  5).  Other  researchers 
(e.g.,  Cross  1967,  Hardwood  1972,  Minckley  1973,  Becker  1983,  Wang  1986, 
Greger  and  Deacon  1988)  have  reported  similar  omnivorous  diets  for  this  fish. 
Although  red  shiner  consume  filamentous  algae,  the  food  value  of  algae  is 
doubtful  because  of  its  apparently  low  digestibility  (Becker  1983). 

TABLE  5.     Food  Organisms  in  79  of  100  Red  Shiner  Collected  from  17  Localities  in  the  San  Joaquin 
Valley,  California. 

Occurrence  Volume 

Taxa  (%)  (%) 

Zygnemataceae  50.0  10.1 

Mesotaeniaceae  15.0  3.0 

Desmidiaceae  35.0  6.3 


Unknown  1.2  0.1 



Pennales  36.0  7.8 


Angiospermae  5.8  1 .7 

Floscularicea  2.3  0.2 


Plesiopora  7.0  5.1 

Cladocera  2.3  1  8 

Copepoda  2.3  0.8 


Araneae  2.3  1 .4 


Hydropsychidae  3.5  1.8 


Formicidae  15.1  10.4 

Unknown  1.2  0.3 

Coleoptera  1-2  1-3 

Chironomidae  10.5  4.8 

Unknown  14.0  10.1 

Unknown  44.2  31.8 

Cypriniformes  1.2  1.2 

Additionally,  we  observed  that  terrestrial  ants  (Formicidae)  contributed 
>50%  (by  volume)  of  the  total  diet  of  red  shiner  collected  from  irrigation 
canals  and  drains  in  the  Grasslands  (for  fish  from  all  sites  combined,  however, 
ants  contributed  only  10.4%  of  the  total  diet;  see  Table  5).  The  importance  of 
ants  as  forage  for  fish  in  the  Grasslands  was  probably  due  to  the  profusion  of 
overhanging  grasses  and  other  locally  abundant  ditchbank  vegetation  fre- 
quented by  ants. 



The  rapid  spread  of  red  shiner  in  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  parallels  the 
explosive  population  growth  of  this  baitfish  in  other  areas  of  California,  Arizona, 
and  Nevada  where  it  has  been  introduced  (Minckley  1973,  Moyle  1976,  Cross 
1985,  Greger  and  Deacon  1988).  The  previous  omission  of  this  species  as  a 
major  component  of  the  ichthyofauna  from  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  floor  is 
probably  due  to  its  recent  establishment  in  the  Valley,  and  its  superficial 
resemblance  to  juvenile  golden  shiner,  Notemigonus  crysoleucas,  and  fathead 
minnow.  We  suspect  that  red  shiner  were  first  stocked  into  Millerton  Lake  and 
Grasslands  waters  in  the  late  1970's  to  early  1980's  from  the  bait  buckets  of 
fishermen.  From  the  latter  locality,  this  species  is  now  rapidly  invading  the  lower 
San  Joaquin  River  system,  a  process  that  may  be  aided  by  the  extensive  network 
of  irrigation  canals  (especially  the  Delta-Mendota  Canal)  and  drains  in  the 
Valley,  and  the  indiscriminant  use  of  live  "minnows"  by  some  bait  fishermen. 

In  1979,  the  California  Citizen's  Nongame  Advisory  Committee  recom- 
mended to  the  CDFG  that  red  shiner  be  removed  from  the  list  of  allowable 
freshwater  live  bait  species.  In  1982,  a  report  prepared  by  the  CDFG  (Gleason 
1982)  recommended  that  the  use  of  this  species  as  live  bait  in  inland  waters  be 
limited  to  the  Colorado  River  and  Salton  Sea.  However,  red  shiner  can  still  be 
legally  used  as  live  bait  in  many  areas  of  California,  including  the  northern  San 
Joaquin  Valley  (i.e.,  north  of  Interstate  580  and  State  Highway  132,  California 
Department  of  Fish  and  Game  1989).  Furthermore,  at  least  five  aquacultural 
facilities  are  registered  by  the  State  of  California  for  rearing  this  species  in 
counties  lying  beyond  the  Colorado  River-Salton  Sea  drainage,  including  one  in 
Merced  County  (California  Department  of  Fish  and  Game  1986).  The  docu- 
mented establishment  of  this  highly  fecund  species  on  the  San  Joaquin  Valley 
floor,  and  recent  reports  of  new  populations  in  other  portions  of  central  and 
southern  California,  suggest  that  this  baitfish  should  be  prohibited  from  all 
waters  in  California  where  it  is  not  yet  established.  We  also  suggest  that  red 
shiner  not  be  cultured  in  drainages  where  its  use  as  a  live  bait  species  is 


We  thank  K.  Dray,  G.  Gerstenberg,  G.  Goldsmith,  and  T.  Heyne  for  assistance 
in  the  field;  S.  Burnett  and  G.  Goldsmith  for  counting  eggs  and  measuring  the 
stomach  contents  of  red  shiner;  and  C  Finch,  N.  Crow,  B.  Ross,  and  personnel 
at  O'Neill  Forebay,  George  J.  Hatfield  State  Recreation  Area,  Durham  Ferry 
State  Recreation  Area,  and  Caswell  Memorial  State  Park  for  kindly  providing 
access  to  sampling  sites.  Information  on  red  shiner  from  the  Los  Angeles  basin 
was  provided  by  C.  Swift  and  J.  Seigel.  This  work  resulted  from  data  collected 
incidentally  to  an  extensive  contaminant  survey  of  fishes  in  the  San  Joaquin 
Valley,  a  project  supported  by  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  Drainage  Program,  a 
cooperative  effort  between  the  State  of  California  and  the  U.S.  Department  of 
the  Interior. 


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Minckley,  W.L.  1973.  Fishes  of  Arizona.  Ariz.  Game  and  Fish  Dept.,  Phoenix,  Arizona,  xv  +  293  p. 
Moyle,  P.B.  1976.  Inland  fishes  of  California.  Univ.  Calif.  Press,  Berkeley,  California,  viii  +  405  p. 
Moyle,  P.B.,  and  R.B.  Nichols.  1974    Decline  of  the  native  fish  fauna  of  the  Sierra  Nevada  foothills,  central 

California.  Am.  Midi.  Nat,  92(1):72-83. 
Ohlendorf,  H.M.,  R.L.  Hothem,  T.W.  Aldrich,  and  A.J.  Krynitsky.  1987.  Selenium  contamination  of  the  Grasslands, 

a  major  California  waterfowl  area.  Sci.  Total  Environ.,  66:169-183. 


Page,  L.M.,  and  R.L.  Smith.  1970.  Recent  range  adjustments  and  hybridization  of  Notropis  lutrensis  and  Noiropis 

spilopterus  in  Illinois.  Illinois  St.  Acad.  Sci.,  Trans.,  63(3):264-272. 
Pfankuch,    D.J.    1975.   Stream   reach   inventory  and   channel   stability   evaluation;   a   watershed   management 

procedure.  U.S.  Dept.  Agric,  Forest  Service/ Northern  Region.  26  p. 
Saiki,  M.K.  1984.  Environmental  conditions  and  fish  faunas  in  low  elevation  rivers  on  the  irrigated  San  Joaquin 

Valley  floor,  California.  Calif.  Fish  and  Game,  70(3):145-157. 
Sylvester,  R.O.,  and  R.W.  Seabloom.  1963.  Quality  and  significance  of  irrigation  return  flow.  |.  Irrig.  Drain.  Div., 

Am.  Engin.,  Proc,  89(IR3):1-27. 
Wang,  J.C.S.  1986.  Fishes  of  the  Sacramento-San  Joaquin  estuary  and  adjacent  waters.  California:  a  guide  to  the 

early  life  histories.  Interagency  Ecological  Study  Program  for  the  Sacramento-San  Joaquin  Estuary,  Tech. 

Rept.  (9):ix+47  +  various    paginations.    A    cooperative   study    by    the    California    Department    of   Water 

Resources,  California  Department  of  Fish  and  Came,  U.S.  Bureau  of  Reclamation,  and  U.S.  Fish  and  Wildlife 

Service,  Sacramento,  California. 
Windell,  J.T.,  and  S.H.  Bowen.  1978.  Methods  for  study  of  fish  diets  based  on  analysis  of  stomach  contents.  Pages 

219-226  in  T.  Bagenal  (ed.)  Methods  for  assessment  of  fish  production  in  fresh  waters,  third  edition   IBP 

Handbook  No.  3.  Blackwell  Sci.  Publ.,  Oxford,  xv  +  365  p. 


Calif.  Fish  and  Came  76  ( 1 ) :  58-62     1 990 






Orangemouth  corvina,  Cynoscion  xanthulus,  native  to  the  Gulf  of  California, 
were  established  through  introductions  from  1950  through  1955  into  the  Salton 
Sea,  an  inland  saline  lake  in  the  southern  California  desert  (Walker  et  al.  1961, 
Whitney  1961 ),  where  a  successful  sport  fishery  subsequently  developed.  Texas 
Parks  and  Wildlife  Department  (TPWD)  obtained  subadults  from  the  Salton  Sea 
in  1981  (Prentice  and  Colura  1984,  Prentice  1985),  1984,  and  1985  to  develop 
spawning  methodology  and  evaluate  corvina  as  a  predator  in  reservoirs 
containing  large  populations  of  Tilapia  spp.  and  Dorosoma  spp. 

Progeny  from  tank-spawned  corvina  were  successfully  reared  in  saltwater 
hatchery  ponds.  After  Prentice  (1985)  indicated  subadult  orangemouth  corvina 
could  be  acclimated  to  fresh  water  (0.02  %>o  salinity),  hatchery-produced 
juveniles  were  acclimated  to  fresh  water  and  stocked  in  Calaveras  Reservoir 
near  San  Antonio,  Texas,  where  a  substantial  sport  fishery  developed. 

Low  salinity  tolerance  of  sex  products  and  very  early  life  stages  remained 
undefined,  as  did  the  possibility  of  natural  reproduction  in  freshwater  systems. 
Therefore,  experiments  were  performed  to  examine  the  low  salinity  tolerance  of 
orangemouth  corvina  spermatozoa,  fertilized  eggs,  and  yolk-sac  larvae  to 
provide  insight  into  whether  reproduction  among  reservoir-stocked  fish  could 
be  expected,  and  if  high  salinity  marine  hatchery  facilities  were  necessary  for 
spawning  and  rearing  of  cultured  orangemouth  corvina. 

Tests  were  conducted  to  evaluate  the  effects  of  low  salinity  on  (i)  sperm 
activity,  (ii)  fertilized  egg  incubation  and  hatching,  and  (iii)  survival  of  larvae 
through  the  yolk-sac  stage.  Photoperiod-temperature  manipulated  orangemouth 
corvina  (hormone-injected  females)  (Prentice  and  Thomas  1987,  Prentice  et  al. 
1989)  and  tank-spawned  eggs  were  used  as  the  source  of  study  material.  Salinity 
of  28.9  °/oo  was  considered  the  control  value  because  it  represented  brood  tank 
salinity  where  successful  spawning,  fertilization,  and  hatching  had  occurred. 
Test  solutions  were  prepared  with  synthetic  sea  salt. 

In  sperm  activation  tests  (Table  1,  A-D),  sperm  was  obtained  from 
quinaldine-anesthetized  males  in  a  clean,  dry  pipette  and  held  at  24°C  for  5-56 
min  or  3°C  for  30-50  min.  Activation  was  attempted  when  a  drop  of  one  of  nine 
test  salinity  solutions  was  mixed  with  a  drop  of  milt  on  a  clean,  dry  slide.  Sperm 
activity  duration  was  monitored  in  three  of  four  tests.  Activity  in  samples  where 
sperm  swam  vigorously  and  where  virtually  all  cells  activated  (as  seen  in  the 
28.9  %o  salinity  control)  was  considered  good;  activity  was  considered 
minimal  in  samples  where  sperm  swam  slowly  or  where  only  a  few  cells 



TABLE  1.  Effect  of  Salinity  on  Activation  and  Activity  Duration  of  Cynoscion  xanthulus  Spermatozoa 
in  Four  Tests,  Heart  of  the  Hills  Research  Station,  Ingram,  Texas,  1986.  One  Drop  of  Milt 
and  a  Drop  of  Test  Solution  was  Mixed  on  a  Glass  Slide  to  Activate  the  Cells.  Activity  was 
Rated  as  Good  When  Most  Cells  Activated  and  Swam  Vigorously,  and  as  Minimal  When 
Few  Cells  Activated  or  When  They  Swam  Slowly  (as  Compared  to  Activity  at  28.9  V 

Salinity  %o 
Parameter  28.9        18.9  13.3  7.2  2.2  1.7  1.2  0.6  0.0 

Test    A 

Time  from  removal a 



Activity  duration 




Activity  rating 


Time  from  removal 





Activity  Duration 








abort b 

Activity  rating 




Time  from  removal 





Activity  duration 










Activity  rating 




Time  from  removal 





Activity  duration 










Activity  rating 






Test    B 




None        None 




Test    Cc 










None        None 

None       None      None 


Test    D 






None        None 

None       None      None 


a  Time  from  removal  from  male  donor  until  addition  of  test  solution. 

b  Test  was  aborted  because  milt  and  test  solution  may  not  have  been  fully  mixed  at  the  start. 
'  Milt  from  males  in  tests  C  and  D  was  refrigerated  (3°C)  between  collection  from  the  male  and  exposure  to  test 
solution  (25°C). 

In  egg  incubation  tests,  naturally  fertilized  eggs  were  taken  from  an  external 
egg  collector  (Prentice  and  Colura  1984)  attached  to  the  brood  tank.  Viable 
eggs  with  developing  embryos  were  selected  and  distributed  by  pipette  at  a  rate 
of  36  per  90-x  20-mm  Petri  dish  in  40  ml  of  one  of  10  test  solutions  (Table  2) 
and  maintained  at  24-25°C.  Water  in  test  dishes  was  not  aerated  or  exchanged 
during  the  20.5-to  24.0-h  observation  period. 


TABLE  2.  Effect  of  Salinity  on  Hatching  Success  of  Cynoscion  xanthulus  Eggs  Incubated 
at  24-25°C,  Heart  of  the  Hills  Research  Station,  Ingram,  Texas,  1986.  Test 
Salinity,  Embryonic  Stage  at  Start  of  Test,  and  Hours  from  Start  of  Test  to 
Termination  Are  Given;  All  Croups  Contained  36  Eggs.  Eggs  Were  Obtained 
fromAdults  Spawned  in  a  Culture  Tank  at  24-24*C  and  28.9  %*>  Salinity,  and 
Were  Abruptly  Transfered  from  Culture  Tank  Salinity  to  Test  Salinities. 

Salinity  Embryonic  Hours 

(°/oo)  stage  from  start  Results 

30.0  1 5-1 6  somites  20.5  all  hatch  normally 

28.9  tail-free  24.0  all  hatch  normally 

one  dies  after  hatch 
17.7  15-16  somites  20.5  all  hatch  normally 

5.5  15-16  somites  20.5  all  hatch  normally 

4.6  tail-free  24.0  23  hatch  normally 

but  do  not  move 
3.9  tail-free  24.0  26  hatch  normally 

but  do  not  move 
3.3  15-16  somites  20.5  hatch  1-2  h  prematurely, 

all  die 
2.2  15-16  somites  20.5  hatch  1-2  h  prematurely, 

all  die 

1.7  15-16  somites  20.5  hatch  1-2  h  prematurely, 

all  die 
0.0  tail-free  24.0  hatch  3-4  h  prematurely, 

all  die 
0.0  15-16  somites  20.5  hatch  3-4  h  prematurely, 

all  die 

Larval  survival  tests  employed  recently  hatched  yolk-sac  larvae  (1-3  h  old) 
which  were  removed  from  the  brood  tank  and  distributed  by  pipette  at  a  rate 
of  10  per  90-  x  20-mm  Petri  dish  in  40  ml  of  one  of  eight  test  solutions  (Table 
3),  and  maintained  at  24-25°C  for  48  h.  Larvae  were  transferred  directly  from 
incubation  and  hatching  salinity  of  28.9  %>o  to  test  salinities  abruptly  with  no 
acclimation  and  as  little  transfer  of  brood  tank  water  with  each  larvae  as 
possible.  Subsequent  survival  was  monitored.  No  food  was  provided  during  the 
observation  period  and  Petri  dish  water  was  not  aerated  or  exchanged. 

TABLE  3.    Survival  (Percent)  of  Yolk-Sac  Cynoscion  xanthulus  Following  Abrupt  Transfer  from  28.9 
°/<x>  Hatching  Salinity,  Heart  of  the  Hills  Research  Station,  Ingram,  Texas,  1986.  Each  Group 
Contained  10  Unfed  Larvae  Maintained  at  24-25°C 
Salinity  Hours  past  transfer 

(°/oo)  0.0  2.7  3.7  19.2  24.6  27.5  43.4  48.0 

28.9 100  100  100  100  90  80  70  30 

18.9 100  100  100  90a  80  70  60 a  30 

13.3 100  90a  90  80  80  80  80  60 

7.2 100  100  100  90  80a  80  70  50 

2.2 100  100  100  100  80a  80  70  70 

1.7 100  100  100  80  70 a  70  60  60 

1.2 100  100  100  80  80 a  80  80  80 

0.0 100  100  100  20  20  20  20  20 

0.0 100  100  100  20  20  20  10  10 

a  Dead  larvae  were  found  trapped  in  the  surface  film,  a  factor  that  may  have  reflected  more  upon  mortality  than 

Sperm  activation  test  results  indicated  good  activity  on  contact  with  18.9  and 
28.9  °/oo  salinity  water  when  tested  within  5  to  34  min  for  milt  held  at  24°C,  or 
30  to  50  min  for  milt  held  at  5°C  after  removal  from  the  male  (Table  1 ).  Activity 
continued  in  Test  B  for  5  to  7  min  but  lasted  up  to  30  min  during  other 
observations  (Tests  C-D).  Minimal  activation  was  obtained  in  both  refrigerated 
and  unrefrigerated  milt  samples  at  13.3  %>o  salinity.  While  sperm  activity  was 
minimal  at  13.3  %>o  salinity,  activity  lasted  24.7  to  28.7  min,  longer  than  at  higher 
salinities.  Tests  C  and  D,  conducted  when  brood  fish  were  near  the  end  of  their 

NOTES  61 

reproductive  cycle,  produced  no  activation  at  any  of  the  low  salinities  tested. 
However,  Tests  A  and  B,  conducted  when  fish  were  just  past  their  reproductive 
cycle  peak,  resulted  in  minimal  to  good  activation  at  1.2  and  1.7  %>o  salinities. 

Eggs  incubated  at  5.5  %o  salinity  or  above  developed  normally,  hatched,  and 
larvae  progressed  through  the  yolk-sac  stage  (Table  2).  Eggs  incubated  at  3.9 
and  4.6  %o  salinity  appeared  to  develop  normally  with  64  to  72%  hatching. 
However,  after  hatching,  these  larvae  remained  motionless  on  the  bottom  of  the 
culture  dish.  Although  eight  at  3.9  %o  salinity  and  eight  at  4.6  °/oo  survived  over 
96  h,  they  were  severely  deformed  with  contorted  notochords,  malformed 
jaws,  and  yolk-sacs  still  present  at  death.  In  specimens  incubated  at  1.7,  2.2,  and 
3.3  %o  salinities,  all  embryos  were  ejected  from  the  chorion  about  1-12  h  prior 
to  normal  hatching.  All  were  dead  when  observed.  Eggs  incubated  at  0.0  %>o 
ejected  embroyos  3-4  h  early  and  were  also  dead  when  observed. 

Early  yolk-sac  larvae  survived  abrupt  transfer  from  28.9  %>o  incubation 
salinity  to  all  test  solutions  with  no  immediate  mortality  (Table  3).  The  first 
mortalities  were  observed  19.2  h  after  transfer,  excluding  the  loss  of  a  single 
larvae  at  13.3  %o  salinity  found  trapped  in  the  surface  film  after  2.7  h.  Test 
salinities  of  1.2  %o  or  greater  had  30  to  80%  survival  after  48.0  h. 

Results  of  these  tests  suggested  successful  orangemouth  corvina  reproduction 
can  occur  above  about  13  %o  salinity,  and  may  occur  at  substantially  lower 
salinities.  Inconsistent  sperm  activity  at  1.2  and  1.7  %>o  salinities  may  have 
reflected  time  between  removal  from  the  male  and  activation,  or  storage 
temperature  during  that  time,  or  stage  in  the  reproductive  cycle  when  milt  was 
obtained.  Loss  of  access  to  brood  fish  prevented  replication  of  this  work. 
Duration  of  sperm  activity  suggests  that  in  culture  situations  where  adults  are 
stripped,  and  milt  and  roe  mixed,  sufficient  time  should  be  allowed  to  obtain 
maximum  fertilization.  Short  sperm  motility  periods  of  35  sec  to  2  min,  often 
associated  with  artificial  culture  techniques  (Bonn  et  al.  1976,  Piper  et  al.  1982), 
could  be  extended  in  orangemouth  corvina.  Clearly  though,  additional  infor- 
mation is  needed  on  the  effects  of  time,  temperature  and  reproductive  state  on 
sperm  activation  and  activity  duration. 

Eggs  incubated  from  the  15-  to  16-somite  stage  and  older,  developed  and 
hatched  at  or  above  5.5  %o  salinity,  with  salinities  below  5.5  %o  causing 
premature  hatching  or  deformed  larvae.  The  impact,  if  any,  of  low  salinity 
incubation  from  the  moment  of  fertilization  through  hatching  still  needs  to  be 

Similarly,  larval  development,  at  least  through  the  yolk-sac  stage,  proceeded 
well  at  or  above  1.2  %>o  salinity.  Whether  these  larvae  would  feed  and  continue 
to  develop  through  the  larval  period  and  transform  normally  to  the  juvenile 
stage  also  remains  to  be  examined. 

Brocksen  and  Cole  (1972)  suggested  metabolic  problems  limit  growth  rate  in 
young-of-the-year  below  32  %>o  salinity;  however,  experimental  work  with 
orangemouth  corvina  in  the  laboratory  (Prentice  1985)  and  with  orangemouth 
corvina  and  their  hybrids  with  spotted  seatrout,  C.  nebulosus,  in  a  freshwater 
reservoir  (TPWD,  Austin,  unpubl.  data)  have  shown  good  survival  and  growth 
in  fresh  water. 

Mortalities  recorded  for  larvae  after  20-30  h,  when  yolk-sac  absorption 
normally  occurs  and  exogenous  feeding  should  begin,  may  be  more  a  function 


of  starvation  than  of  salinity.  Higher  survival  rates  after  yolk-sac  absorption 
might  have  occurred  had  test  specimens  been  fed. 

Even  if  moderate  to  high  salinity  water  was  required  for  orangemouth  corvina 
reproduction,  eggs  can  be  transferred  to  lower  salinities,  and  recently  hatched 
larvae  to  still  lower  salinities.  This  suggests  implications  in  fish  culture  facilities 
where  brood  fish  may  be  spawned  in  saltwater  tanks,  but  where  larvae  can  be 
transferred  to  very  low  salinity  rearing  ponds  like  those  that  exist  at  some 
hatcheries  both  in  Texas  and  California.  Lastly,  it  should  be  noted  that  salinity 
changes  described  for  eggs  and  larvae  here  were  abrupt;  slow  acclimation  to 
low  salinity  could  possibly  provide  decreased  stress  with  subsequent  increased 
long-term  survival. 


Efforts  and  advice  from  numerous  personnel  with  the  California  Department 
of  Fish  and  Game — Inland  Fisheries,  Salton  Sea  Fish  and  Wildlife  Club,  and 
Occidental  College — Biology  Department  made  research  on  orangemouth 
corvina  in  Texas  possible. 


Bonn,  B.W.,  W.M.  Bailey,  ).D.  Bayless,  K.E.  Erickson,  and  R.E.  Stevens  (eds.).  1976.  Guidelines  for  striped  bass 
culture.  Am.  Fish.  Soc,  Bethesda,  MD. 

Brocksen,  R.W.,  and  R.E.  Cole.  1972.  Physiological  responses  of  three  species  of  fishes  to  various  salinities.  Fish. 

Res.  Board  Canada,  J.  29(4):399-405. 
Piper,   R.C.,   IB.   McElwain,   L.E.  Orme,  J. P.   McCraren,   L.C.   Fowler,  and  ).R.   Leonard.   1982.   Fish  hatchery 

management.  U.S.  Fish  and  Wild.  Serv.,  Washington,  D.C 
Prentice,  J. A.  1985.  Orangemouth  corvina  survival  in  fresh  water.  Prog.  Fish-Cult.,  47(1):61-63. 
,  and  R.L.  Colura.  1984.  Preliminary  observations  of  orangemouth  corvina  spawn  inducement  using 

photoperiod,  temperature  and  salinity.  World  Maricul.  Soc,  J.,  15:162-171. 
,  and  P.  Thomas.  1987.  Successful  spawning  of  orangemouth  corvina  following  injection  with  des-Cly  ,0 

[D-Ala  b]-lutenizing    hormone-releasing    hormone    (1-9)     ethylamide    and    pimozide.    Prog.    Fish-Cult., 

_,  R.L.  Colura,  and  B.W.  Bumguardner.  1989.  Induced  maturation  and  spawning  of  orangemouth  corvina. 

Calif.  Fish  and  Came,  75:27-32. 

Walker,  B.W.,  R.R.  Whitney  and  G.W.  Barlow.  1961.  The  fishes  of  the  Salton  Sea.  Pages  77-164  in  B.W.  Walker, 
ed.  The  ecology  of  the  Salton  Sea,  California,  in  relation  to  the  sport  fishery.  Calif.  Dept.  Fish  and  Game,  Fish 
Bull.  113:1-204. 

Whitney,  R.R.  1961.  The  orangemouth  corvina,  Cynoscion  xanthulus  Jordan  and  Gilbert.  Pages  165-183  in  B.  W. 
Walker,  ed.  The  ecology  of  the  Salton  Sea,  California,  in  relation  to  the  sport  fishery.  Calif.  Dept.  Fish  and 
Game,  Fish  Bull.  113:1-204. 

— Robert  C.  Ho  wells.  Texas  Parks  and  Wildlife  Department,  Heart  of  the  Hills 
Research  Station,  Junction  Star  Route,  Box  62,  Ingram,  Texas.  Accepted  for 
publication  October  1989. 





By  Ered  Schaaf.  John  Wiley  &  Sons,  Inc.,  New  York,  NY,  1988.  vi  +  264  p.  cloth  $19.95. 

The  title  of  this  book  only  subtly  alludes  to  some  of  the  topics  discussed.  That  is,  many  are 
daytime  phenomena.  Being  introduced  to  sun  pillars,  sun  dogs,  double  suns,  the  counter  sun,  and 
halo  phenomena  made  me  wonder  if  I  have  had  blinders  on  all  my  life.  And,  although  100  rainbows 
(title  of  chapter  4)  is  a  bit  of  an  exaggeration  in  reference  to  the  number  of  different  bows  that  may 
actually  be  seen,  the  true  number  is  indeed  astonishing. 

The  excitement  related  by  Fred  Schaaf  of  looking  out  his  window  and  seeing  virtually  all  of  the 
worlds  in  the  solar  system  at  once,  as  was  possible  near  12  February  1982  and  near  13  January  1984 
(and  won't  be  again  for  a  long  long  time),  made  me  sad  that  I  hadn't  been  more  attentive  to  the 

The  author's  campaign  against  light  pollution  is  a  worthy  one,  and  results  are  indeed  possible 
largely  because  there  are  cost  benefits  that  can  be  advertised  to  developers,  city  planners,  et  cetera. 

This  book  is  largely  a  pep  talk  for  skv  watchers.  If  you  have  a  casual  (or  greater) 
knowledge/ interest  in  naked  eye  sky  watching  and  want  to  get  pumped  up,  then  The  Starry  Room 
is  for  you. 

—Jack  Ames 

BATTLING  THE  INLAND  SEA:  American  Culture, 

Public  Policy,  &  the  Sacramento  Valley,  1850-1986 

By  Robert  Kelley.  1989.  University  of  California  Press,  Berkeley,  CA,  416  p.,  $35.00 

This  book  presents  an  excellent  history  of  flood  control  efforts  in  the  Sacramento  valley  primarily 
from  the  1850's  through  1920,  when  the  present  flood  control  system  had  been  adopted  and  its 
implementation  was  well  underway.  Events  from  1920  through  the  flood  of  1986  are  described 
briefly.  The  author  describes  the  interrelationships  between  flood  control,  swampland  reclamation 
and  hydraulic  mining.  It  is  a  story  of  repeated  failures  but  eventually  largely  successful  conclusion, 
as  the  largest  flood  of  record  was  contained  with  minimal  harm. 

The  author  is  a  historian,  and  an  important  feature  of  the  book  is  how  he  has  interwoven  flood 
control  activities  with  the  underlying  social  and  political  events.  Among  the  latter  is  the  evolution 
from  a  constitutional  requirement  that  governmental  actions  be  prescribed  in  detail  in  law  to  the 
acceptance  of  iaws  delegating  considerable  discretion  to  the  executive  branch  to  act  within  broad 
policy.  Also  of  interest,  is  the  shifts  back  and  forth  between  populist  driven  local  control  and 
centralized  professional  management,  depending  primarily  on  whether  the  Democrats  or  Repub- 
licans controlled  government. 

In  the  Preface  the  author  acknowledged  that  reclamation  of  the  valley  "ended  in  the  destroying 
of  a  large  natural  environment".  He,  however,  makes  no  attempt  to  describe  the  resources  which 
were  lost.  Nevertheless,  those  interested  in  the  evolution  of  our  present  society  in  the  Sacramento 
valley  will  find  the  book  worth  reading. 

— Harold  K.  Chadwick 


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